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= = = -= I MERCANTILE BANK OF THE AMERICAS An· American Bank for Foreign Trade 44 PINE STREET NEW ORLEANS OFFICE 732 Grav.ier St. PARIS OFFICE 11 bis, Boulevard Haussmann NEW YORK MADRID OFFICE Gran Via 14 HAMBURG OFFICE Alsterdamm 24 BARCELONA OFFICE Rambla de los Estudios-Canuda 2 AFFILIATED BANKS BANCO MERCANTIL Y AGRICOLA de BUENOS AIRES, Buenos >\ires, Bartolome Mitre 363 AMERICAN MERCANTILE BANK OF BRAZIL, Para, Pernambuco BANCO MERCANTIL AMERICANO de COLOMBIA Bogota, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Medellin, Cali, Girardot, Manizales Honda, Armenia, Bucaramanga, Cucuta BANCO MERCANTIL AMERICANO de CUBA. Havana, Ciego de Avila BANCO ATLANTIDA, (Honduras) La Ceiba, Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Puerto Cortez, Tela. NATIONAL BANK OF NICARAGUA, Managua, Bluehelds, Leon, Granada BANCO MERCANTIL AMERICANO del PERU, Lima, Arequipa, Chiclayo, Callao, Trujillo, Piura BANCO MERCANTIL AMERICANO de CARACAS, (Venezuela). Caracas, La Guayra, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello. BANCO MERCANTIL de COSTA RICA. San Jose Valencia DIRECTORS WILLIAM A. GASTON ALBERT BRETON JAMES BROWN Vice-Pres., Guaranty Trust Chairman of the Board, Brown Brothers & Co. National Shawmut Bank of Company of New York THATCHER M. BROWN Boston Brown Brothers & Co. HERBERT FLEISHHACKER WI~LIAM P. CONWAY FREDERICK STRAUSS Vice-Pres., Guaranty Trust Pres., Anglo and London• J. & W. Seligman & Co. Paris National Bank of San Comi:any of New York WILLIAM P. PHILIPS Francisco Co. J. & W. Seligman & R. S HECHT GEORGE W DAVISON CHARLES H. SABIN Pre$ident, Guaranty Trust Pres .. Central Union Trust Pres., Hibernia Bank and Trust Co., New Orleans Company of New York Company of New York ARTHUR REYNOLDS President, Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago WILLARL> KING, Pres., Columbia Trust Co., New York ADOLFO STAHL. New York ALFRED MEYER, Vice-Pres. and General Manager JASON A. NEILSON Vice-President Paid up Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profi.ts $10,802,062 THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK (ESTABLISHED 1838) 128 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY is equipped to care for your deposit accounts banking and trust business For~ign Exchange Travellers Letters of Credit Corporate Trusts Transfer Agent Individual Trusts Certificates of Deposit Safekeeping of Securities Total Resources over Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Acceptance Credits Commercial Credits Registrar $175,000,000 H, Y, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis New Yori!:. INDEX TO COUNTIES. Albany., .. Hu:. Allegany ... I 5 'Bronx ..... C 4 Broome .... I 12 Cattaraugus I Cayuga .... G Chautauqua! Chemung ... I Chenango .H Clinton .... A Columbia .. I Cortland .. H 3 10 1 9 13 19 19 11 B Delaware .. I 15 Dutchess ... J 18 Erle ....... G 3 E ex ...... C 18 Fro.nklln .. . B 17 Fulton ..... F 16 C Genesee .... F 5 Greene ..•. I 17 Hamllton .. E 16 Herkimer .. F 15 Jefferson ... C 12 D Kings ...... D 4 Lewis ..... D 13 Livingston. G 6 Madison ... G 13 Monroe .... F 6 Monu:omery ...... G 16 E Nassau ....• C 5 .·cwYork ... C 4 l\lagara. ..... F 4 Oncldc .... F 13 Onondaga .. G 11 Ontario •..• G S Orange .... A ? Or)PSOS .••• F fi Oswego .... i-: 11 Ots go .•.. H 15 Putnam .... . A 4 Queens ..... D 4 G RenssNaer.G 19 Richmond . D 3 Rockland .. B 3 Saratoga ... F Bchcnectady ..... G Schobarle .. H Rchny!Pr ... II Reneca ..• G Rtenhcn .. , .I St. f.awrrnce .... B SufYolk .... . c Sullivan ... . J 18 17 16 9 9 7 .H 14 7 15 I Tioga ...... l 10 Tompkins .u 10 I Ulster ...... J 17 Warren .... E Washington F Wayne ..... F \Ve:-<tchrH\erB 18 19 8 4 Yates ...... G 8 \Vyomlng .. G I' 5 10 K r.o 2::, ll&aJ.)••~•wlls14M apol"Sr•lor .. , CoJ,7rl1hl ~7 &&Gd ll cN•llr • Co, 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 The Marine Trust Company of Buffalo CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $17,000,000 DEPOSITS Over $100,000,000 AUDITS INVESTIGATIONS CERTIFIED BALANCE SHEETS S. J. SAYERS & COMPANY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 809·810 Keith Theatre Bldg. SYRACUSE, N. Y, COST ACCOUNTING INOUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R . A. DOWNEY, President N. L . BATES. Vice-Pres, F . B . TREADWELL. Asst . Caall. F . B. SHEPHERD, Vice-Pres. aroa Cashier J. D. COGSWELL. JR . • Asst. Cash . THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OSWEGO, N. Y. Capital, $100,000 DIRECTORS ~: :: ~:l~J:5~ Deposits, $2,556,000 II SURPLUS PR~~g.S $165,000 Organized 1864. Charter No. 298 JA~e::A:.~soYLE F. B. SHEPHERD M. PROUSE NEAL NIEL GRAY GEO. H. CAMPBELL JAMES M. LONGI We Solicit Your Collection• UNITED STATES, STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITARY. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL BANKING MATTERS. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE IYITEM ANNOUNCEMENT OF MERGER E take pleasure in announcing the absorption of the Bankers Register (Blue Book) (for many year• published by The Credit Company of Chicago) by the Rand McNally Bankers Directory, and the comW bining of these two well-known publications, beginning with the January 1919 Edition, which is the eighty. sixth of the Rand McNally Bankers Directory. Some years ago, the Bankers Register absorbed the Bankers Directory, Homan'• and Sharp & Alleman's Edition, so that the present Directory is a consolidation of the three best known Bankers Directories published in this country. We believe that this consolidation is for the best interests of all concerned and we feel sure that the banks throughout the country will welcome this move on the part of the publishers of the Rand McNally Bankers Directory. We assure our patrons that, as in the past, nothing will be left undone by us in our effort to give them a Directory as nearly perfect as experience, continued vigilance, time and money will make it and we welcome suggestions for the betterment of this service. We wish to impress our constantly increasing number of friends and patrons that the claims of this publication for your patronage are: 1.-lt is honestly revised twice a year. 2.-lt is complete, up-to-date and is published nearer to the date of ~he information it contains than is any other similar publication. 3.-1 t is printed in tabulated form, all similar items being placed in the same column for the purpose of comparison-more expensive for us, more satisfactory for your purpose. 4.-1 t is beautifully printed in clear readable type. 5.-lt gives to advertisers a country-wide circulation three times that of any other publication in the same field and larger than that of any other bank or financial publication in America. We hope that the results of our efforts may meet with your continued approval and we thank you for your patronage. RAND McNALLY & COMPANY, Publshers CHICAGO (Head Office) RAND McNALLY BUILDING NEW YORK 05 ~ _, .J Number uader Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. B. excJuslvely by The &and-.McNally Ban.leers' Directory, under the authority of The American Banll:en'n. Tows AND Cou.-TY. ~ Al\IE OF BA.SK. •County eat:·. •)!Pm. Am. Bks. As~n. § tate In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. i:'ilem. tate Ilks. Assn. tPriv. 8 is Bulfalo Br. ♦)lem. Fed, He.. [E~tab. • PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT, Mams ____ Jefferson D 11 CIT(ZENS TRUST COMPANY H. H. Waite ____ H. E. Machold _____ Pop.1557 ♦ 50-i>lSti •Z\§lSI! W.H.Osborn " " Farmers National Bank-•!'89 G. W. Hannahs ___ C. J. Severance ____ 50-587 \ A.ddison ______ Stenben I 8 First National Bank ______ t'90 R. S. Brown _____ E. M.. Welles _______ Pop. 1699 50 641 .A.lton _____ Qhena~o I US Church & Hill, Bankers•!t'76 M. G. Hill -------- --------- -- --- - - --Pop. 782 First National Bank ____ t'20 M. J. Mu~e ------Wm.Phelps _______ .. Reserve Cit11 .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CASHIER. Ass'T CASHIER. ; ilron __________ Erie 11' 4 Bank of Akron _______ .!§1900 F. E. Bard--------8 Pop, 1960 50-577 " " Tabor & Wiltse· --------!t'87 S. J. Wiltse ________ 5H76 • Albany __ Albany H 18 Albany City Savin2s Inst. W.8. Hackett ______ Pop. 113.344 2H •!1'50 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Inte~~Holldays, etc., s~~~ ~ ---R-1<:SOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. ~ NEW YORK LIA BlLITlES. PAID-UP I SURPLUS ! C AND APITAL PROFITS l D~os- 1 ~ 1O,.N. &: Dro- OASB ,I; Erno~o•. C1LU<Gn,DU1< 8sou1t1n1• no» BilQI I c•, .. ITS -- - -i- , 127,800 $1,393,810 1.417.u30 I$ 242,130 Mech. & Metals N., R. W. Ripley, -------------------- $150,000 Sec.andTr. H. W. Hannahs ____ -------------------100,000 1 '.:-c: - N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.: ID lstN.andN.Y.StateN.,Alb. N 65,000 1.300,000 985,000 j 150,000 Ilan. '. and Irvin~ N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & I Tr. Co., Alb. W. A. Cronk _______ - - - - - - - - - 50,000 122,930 806,30U 8C0,990 133.18(l U.S. Mtge. c· Tr. Co., N. Y.; .Market St. N., Phil. 1 -- -- ... --- . --------- --------- -· ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Cha, e ~ -,, N. Y.; ~ •. Com 'I Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. $ 1 W. H. Southworth------------------- 25,000 5,0GO 221,290 212,900 J, E. Paxon _______ A. P. Anderson ____ A.H. Burg-----··-Ethel M. Paxon -----------------,--- N. E. Brown _______ - - - - - - - - - 25.000 38,920 766.180 660,230 31,3-50 Chem.~ ·., N. Y. 163,860 N. Park, N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. ·-------- - - - Han, N., N. Y.; Marine Trust Co., Buffalo. z G. H. Thacher _____ B'. H. Williams, L. F. Hartmann. .A. Tr. J. W. Cox Sec. and Tr. 1,152,060 115 386 740 13 841 230 538,040 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N, Oom'l Bk. & Tr. t?j Co., Alb. ~ Albany Oounty Savin2s Bank W. N. S. Sanders __ B'. O. Ourtis ________ C. K. Byron. Tr. ___ H. H. Kohn, Sec. -29-12 •§"74 W. P. Rudd G. C. McCulloueh, 1,184,170 1012K UC ll 186-170 222,900 Bk. or America, N. Y.: N. Y. State N., Alb. ~ A. Tr, 0 Albany KxchaneeSav. Bk. 307,130 3,390.09( 3.5 6 420 145,950 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N ., Alb. M. T. Nachtmann _ A.Iden L.B. Wilmarth, Tr. Carl M. Cronk, 2H •1'56 J, H. M<'ad A. Tr. :.tJ A.Ibany Savin2s Bank.•iU820 Frederick Town- Ledyard O~swelL H. D. Rodeers, Tr. \V. Y. R. Erving, __ - - - 2,653,130 3 m 57v 39 C'61410 1,369,350 lik. or the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State ~ 29-1 send T. I. Van Antwerp :e:. J. Toole, .A. Tr. Sec. N .. Alb. *ALBANY TRUST COMPANY 2fH& •*511100 0.B.Bissiknmmer G. o. Van Tuyl, Jr. A.. P. A.dams, Jr., J.H.Wallace,.A.See. J. 8. Friedman Sec. (One Branch) A. P. A.dams, Jr. Philip :rttz Simons, S. C. Harcourt, . Jr., Tr. A. T,. 1 400 ,0CO 29-2 •*11811 Mechanics & Farmers sav. Robert Olcott _____ Bank ______ 29-6 ------•!5'55 *" Tational Commercial Bk. & R. C. Pruyn _______ Tr.Co. ______ 29-7-_____ •!'24 ~lac.1.T. Miller, (I Branch) Asst, V. P. II. A. Arnold _____ H. A. Arnold ______ S. L. Munson ______ A. H. Geer. Tr, ____ H ..... Fuller, Sec. __ H.N.Fuller F.W.White,A.Tr. Donald McCredie __ ClarenceW.Stevens _____________ James Mccredie._ C. W. Stevens. 5,000 c. J. Beckett______ t; I. F. Jageer, .A. Tr. 32.430 ~ATIONAL BANK 42,210 743.030 , .012,391J 71. 730 Ilk. of Naples. Italy. 7,410 I ,8 5, ·oo > ~ 2,338.180 Am. Ex. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Sil ' & Com'! T., Chi. _________ 1,331.540 14 HI 451.ij 15 025600 49i.880 lrvinl? • T. and Met. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Mech. & 1 Far ..'IBk.&Tr.Co.,andl t1· .. Alb. rn 2f.J.000 l.Oiil,540 2,060,170 2.816,370 551,890 Cent. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos,; Phil. 1 N ., Phil. 3i0,2i0 2.256.8,0 2,494.-1,0 121.350 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mech. & Far., Alb. :3 0 > See. and Tr. G. Y. Lansing ______ W. L. Gillespie ____ T. I. Yan Antwerp W.W. Batchelder J. H. Herzoi National Savin~s Bank_•!f'68 J. H. Mannine----- Charles Gibsou ____ II'. B. Stevens, Tr, __ 21HI B. J. Hussey *NEW YORK STATE !; t:nI 1 Germano P. Barelli _____ t 98 -------------------- -------------------- ----------- _________ --------- -- --------- ~M y..: ft'ianr~,stmg busine ss. Accounts of Ba nks, Bankers rt ot ~crs soli cit3d. / matter s entrusted to us. Incorporate 9 0. om men ce busi ness Ma y 1, 190 0. po a general Banki ng rompt attention t o a *Fir ·t .i. Tationa1 Bank---•!"64 J. A. Becker ______ 29-1 Home Savings Banlt _____ tf'7I Thomas Austin ____ 29-10 *Mechanics & Farmers Bank Robt. Olcott _______ ,:m.9:{0 1, 60 ,410 N. City, Bk. of the :\fanhattan Co .. and let. ~ Tr. Co .. N. Mer~h. Ln. & Tr. Co .. nntl .,_, Cont. & Com 1 .1. ., Chi. " ';,;; -116.190 U.til8 ,82l 1 tr R. C. B. Adams ____ 1.250,0C'O 3.0lt.600 20 753 660 26,886.360 9.042.8GO Mech. & Metals N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. H.J. Kneip I Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.: •. Bk. Com .. ~ L. K. Fox St. L. u0 " E. M. Haines ______ --------- 1,416,040 17 237 650 16 484 980 1,162.280 l'itle Guarantee & Tr. Co., N. Y ,; N. Oom'l Ek. & Tr. Co., Alb. LEDYARD COGSWELL m~l~Dciitu,_G--- GEORGE A.WHITE---- J. tit.RUSSUM-------- 1,000.0CO 1.-132,130 24298 200 20 593 3:0 7,895.290 c1k~.e ~~~:ur.o:~!.N .. Chi.: Girard WE!L, JR. I ~l·J:: . 29-1 •*1803 Y. chirrip~:si·--------t'H (Y. Schirripa) ________________________ ------------------: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,000 8.9fi0 J,l,?30 _________________ _ J. 8. Bache & Co. --------*'80 _____________________________________________________________ (Branch of lYeu• York Git y, N. Y.) . ------ J. S. Bache & Co., N. Y. OF (Invutment Sec-uriti es) _________________ c. w. Beardsley, -------------------· _________ _ _ _ ----------- 20 ,llgr. 000 ate 'treet) , A. B. foia~tafe i~~e~~~· ----- (Inuestment Securiti e.s)_ _______________________________________________________ - - -!--------- QUNAERWANYTOYRKCOMPANY NATIONAL CITY COMPANY <Investment Bonds) __________________________________________________ ------··--- -------· (Ten Eyck Bldg.) 1'16 Albany Clearinl? Hou~e ______ R.O. Pruyn ________ T. I. Van Antwerp. A. P. Adams, Jr., <.Members indicatw O'IJ a*) "ee. and Tr. M:acNau1?hton :Miller. Mar. M . & T . NATIONA L-- BUFFALO ______________ Guaranty Co. of . Y., ..•. Y. _________ A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y. and Clli. and principal cities. See Adv. Page 5. ~. City Co .. N. Y. and correspondent offices. See Adv. Page 3. IO VI Ul FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. eselush'ely by The Rand-MeNally Banker11' Directory, under the authority of The_ American Bankers Ass'n. TOWN ilD O0UNTY. l NAME OF BA.SK. •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te •County Seats. o. 2 Fed. Ue . Di ·t. !M.em. StateBks. Assn. tPr1v. [Estab. •~Iem. Feu. Hes. Ur._ ~ ButTalo (Savings Banks do not h~l~leetlons) I Jn i PKBSIDBNT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (rn• doxed Ace s.J, Lawyers, Laws (lndoxed) m back or thi. \0 volume. For~r~_!!ates, Holidays, tc., smi !,a~,-s. ~ NEW YORK-Continued VICE-PlUCSIDENT. ASS'T O.A.SHlltR. OASHllt1l, CAPITAL PB~~TB _ _ _ __ I LIABILITIES. PAID·UP 'SURPLUS - -- Cua 6 Bx- D11- c;:;,u-:::::• : ;:!'Z 0 - - - -, - -·- - - - -1 PRINCIPAL OORRESPO.'DENTS. RESOURCES. I.on■ 6 DEPOS· ITS . - · · -- - •Alblon .•.•.. Orleans F5 Citizen1Nationa1Bank.•!"95 J.O.Curtis .•••••.• R.TitnsOoan •••••. a.Royce Sawyer.. J.H.1tcG!"egor ...• S 50,000 S li5 ,000 $2.~82,-120 $2,106,340 ,S 451,560 OhaseN., N. Y.; Mnfrs.&Tra ... T.,Buff'alo. H. E. Colburn . SHU 8 Pop. 46 3 G. L. Houghton 673,000 1 2C0,000 Han.N .• N. Y.;N. Y.StateN.,Alb.;ButraloTr. 575,000 80,000 100,000 Orleans Oonnty Tr. C0.•t§'l!8 , T.Church •....•. H. D. B:1rtle~t. ••.. L. E. ~and . , Tr ... . H. D. Bar lett,Sec. 1 Co., Buffalo . II. L. Keown, C. II. Dean 50440 •1. Sec. ................•..••••... Bensley L. B. ....... Frantz E. A. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra ... • .. Mech. Dold..... H. 85,000 Chas. :t:§'16 ••••... Bank State Alden 25,000 3 G Alden ••.• ·····-_ Erie 22,900 500,0001 467,000 1 50-961 Buffalo. B Pop. 7:;5 1 j 200,830 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 63.910 92-1,020, 8-15,820 I 25,000 11,210 223,890 222,680 38,110 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Liberty, Bufralo. Alleeany _.. Oattaraue. I 4 First National Bank ••••• i•os ,Clare Willard •••••• J. Ray McAuliffe .. H. lil. Kram pf.·-·· ..••...•.. ······-··· 50~45 B Pop. 1330 23,000 45,000 512,000 480,000 75,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co., Buffalo: AltamonL •. Albany G 17 First National Bank •••.• •i•10 1Newton Ketcham •• E.G. OrannelL ..__ John P. Og ·bury •• - - - · - - - · - · · 1. H.J. G. Fox 5H46 Pop. 7!l7 25,000 13,720 465,210 · 492,710 31.040 Irvine N., N. Y.; N. Oom'I Bk, & Tr. Co .. Alb. c. :\Iorris011..-. 100,000 58,000 253,3W 4::i2,680 72,100 Chas. U. Putnam •• A. Bickelh:inpL ••. Dads Com tock··- - - - · · - - - - AJexandria Bay .J efrerson First National Bank of the F. F. Cornwall C 12 Thousand Is1anas .•• •U900· Pop. 16-19 I 5<HiU Alfrt"d ....•.. Alleeany I 6 University Bank •••••. -•:1'81 D. S. Burdick ••••. C. C. Champlin •.•. E. E. Fenner •.••.. W. F. Burdick • .... 5H'4 8 Pop. 59 50,000 Amenia ...• Dutchess J 19 First National Bank ••••• •:t:'64 Geo. G. Stephenson J. 5H47 Pop. 1200 s. Chaffee ..•.•• F. P. Hoo e ... ..... A. I I 25,000 Percy L. Hall ..... G. H. A hdown •••• 40,000 First N&ttonal Bank .••• •t'07 0. A. Luce ...••.•.• John F. Louden.-.. W. G. Albertson 60--541 Henry Ploch Amsterdam •• Monte. G 17 .\.msterdam City Nat'l Bank L. E. Harrower .•• Willis Wendell •••• '89 John Sanford, 50-137 Pop. 33,52-1 Ch. of Rll. Amsterdam Savines Bk.U'86 Chas.E. French .... J. T. Sneden ....... Seely Conover 50-13G First National Bank .... •t·60 C. S. Nisbet····-·· 60-186 O.H. Lichtman. Ilanker •• t"04 (Benjamin H. Licht 50-1-10 Ionteomery County Tr. Oo. John Barnes .....•.• •tl'l2 50-138 • n. T. J. WeyL ..•....• L. H. Follett •••••. M. E. Jone~. Tr, .•• rhomas Morphy, Su. R. A. Hallenbeck, A. Tr. 50-930 · 610,5 0, 626,490 37,4!)0 1,217,100; 869,990 ' 1,646,i30 1,622,590 655,890 8,568,360 8,197,i90 66,300 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y. 396,210 N. Bk. Com. &nd Bk. of America, N. Y. 850,560 1st N., N. City, and Chem, N., N. Y,; Shawmut, Bos. 7-11,550 Bkrs. Tr. and Guaranty Tr. Oos., N. Y. --- -·--· -·--·-·· ·----··· --- Jame T. Sugden .. GeorgeB.Wilkinson JamesA.:McGibbon 1 man) .... · - - - - - - - - - - · - - · - - - - · · - - - · ' 200,000 318,030 2,635,180 2,810,8i0 150,000 1 199.l 0 2,4i6,670 2,613,700 7,500 5.000 I 200,000 --- 12,000 221,800 2.483,200 3,262,i00 472,180 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., .Alb. > £ 20:5.180 N. Oih. N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil.: N. Y. State N., Alb. 7,570 201.720 213 ,480 55,710 Chase N., N. Y. 25,000 , 32,000 311,600 321,000 45,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Marino Tr. Co., Bnfralo. E. J. Atwood •••... J.E. Cannon .•••.. R. E. Temple .....• 25,000 37,770 409,740 389,630 83,170 N. Park, N. Y.; N_- Oom'l Bk. & Tr, Co., Alb. D. D. Dickson .•... J. H. Rook.. •••••••• W. F. Lilly ......•• 25,000 30,090 270,5301 233.olO 92,110 N. Park, N. Y.; L1berty, Bufralo. A. J. Bundy ..••••• 'l'. C. Williams .•••• - - - · · · · · · · · · · · 50,000 57,820 507,8401 5-12.980 Fuller __ • .........•..•....•...•.. W. G. Schack_ ..•.• Geo. L. P ck ....•• - - · - - · - - A. F. hultz F. J. Baumert. •.•• H. W. Oak, ........•. . . . ... .• •...•.•• J. ll. Ji'rancis ····-· J. H. Smith ........ D. 0. Til'ntlPJ •.... _ ]). I£. Jiiek~ Geo. P. Tisdale •••. ll. G. McCutdu·on. \\' . F. Le" i: ······- I 1 50,000 316.0-10 306,820 72,160 Irving N .. N, Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. 25,000 40.000 500.000 4::i0,000 20.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Jefferson Co. N., Watertown. 60,000 6'.i,7150 1,291,790 11,26;,9!0 7,8~0 36!l,400 378,J60 NEW ., Buffalo. $l) ::, C .., $l) '.:< J.l!l,610 1st N .. N. Y.; . lai-ine 'l'r. Co. and . lnfrs. · 1.0 Tra. N., natra:o. ~ 58,300 Cit1z. Com'I Tr. Co., Buffalo. THE MA·RINE - TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excJusJveJy by The Band-:HcNaJJy Bankers• 957 ~~d~~e autl!_~rJty of The AmerJcau Bankers A ·s'u. ~I!._ectory, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n ~ 72.460 1ohase N., N. Y,; . Iarine Tr. Co., Bufralo. U,440 25,000 o 2 4,970 Equitable Tr. Co .. N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Com'l .., Bk. & Tr. Co .. Alb.: Mnfrs. N., Troy, 0. 600 Far. N .. Amsterdam. 25,000 - !A. D. Ch . of 13d. An \\!'flL.Je1f('rson O 13 Pop. 1020 ,\rca11 ' •.•• Wyoming II 4 8 Pop. 1372 " ..•• .••• " il,230 200,000 Conover .•••• II'. 8. Van Deneer J. B. Williams .. _.. Audc-. ....• Delaware l 15 .·ational Bank of Andec;_•'l8 c. 60-648 Po1>. 3!1-1 Anct overP·o·p··.. A u:ffan:, 16 Andover State Bank •.• U'D4 .J. ~I. Drund~gc •. .• F. S. Clarlr.••- •• A. 0. Frisbey, 50-619 113 • 8 Aniwlica •••• Alle~an1 I 6 S Pop. !172 Angola ..•.•..•.. Erie H 2 B Pop. lli67 " 1:::0 I \V. J. Kline ..•...•• T. W. Swan. Tr .•.. E. :\I. Crowe, Set, •• a. F. Rothmeyer. D. B. Van Aken A. 1'r. R. Hulbert. ••••• E. J. Turnbull. ••• _ LeRoy Mmer...• _. D. L. Bruce .......• Burows National Bank•:'06 J. S. Phillips .. -··-5<Hl20 Bank or .!neellca .•.• _.•u•sg A.H. Hooker..•••. 5<Hl41l Bank of J.ngola ........ :S'06 J.M. Schwert ._._ 5<Hl50 Evans yational Bank .•.• •'20 G. L. tryker. •.••. 50- 1012 Bank of Antwerp •••••• •tl'72 W. S. Au1?sbnr1 ... 50-651 Citizens Bank._ ••.•.•.• •!I' 21J. D.Oase •••••••••. 50-652 First National Bank •••• •!'13 W. K. Frank •••••• lo I - - - - - - · · - - - - - - · · -·-·--·-·· Farmers National Bant.•i•sg James Voorhees ... A. SG-13' ~ ~ ;~ Amityvllle ..•. SnffolkD 5 Ilank of Amit,ville •••• •U'lll Solomon Ketcham. is. P. Hildreth •.... E. J. IleartL • •.... ···············-··· O. O. Ireland + 50-540 Pop. 3263 Pasquale Di Mezza ....... t'l5 - - - - - - · · 50-189 . Bk, Com., N. Y., N. Y. State N., ztrl ·. Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given 957 to each bank in U. S. e:rcJusfvely by The Rand-1\.fcNaJJy Bankers• = - - -- DJrect~ry, under the authorJty__E!_The Am~rJ~~~an_kers _Ass'u. NEW YORK - C Oil t•lllUe d (SavingsBanksdono~~c~~lec!lons) __ ___ __ _ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest _Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.~ _ I I TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME OF B..L'K. ' I LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPOND.E!'lTS. •County Seats . . •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §S t~te / PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SURPLU<! I DEPos- Lou,1t»10• o.ua1ti:xIn No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPnv. CAPITAL AND ITS C'TI. Bo,me, ou.u,ou,Du• Bis Butf~lo 1.!!::__ ·_~rem . F~_:_!{~'-- __ J~~~b. \--- - - - - - - - - - , -- - -- - · - -- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - : !IIIOUILlTUa no• B...,.,.. , - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - ----------------1 I ti) ~ ....,. ::. '° Argyle __ Washington F 10 First Nai1onal Bank _____ i 06 John B. Conway __ \C. K. Owen ______ , Howard Snyder _______ $ 30,000 S 47,470 $ 424,260 $ 464,670 $ 38,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. Pop, 1631 5Q-653 Arkport_ ___ Steuben H 6\ Arkport State Bank ____ :t§'l6 John D. Taylor ____ E. E. Ferry _______ M. D. Gates _______ L. J. Taylor _______ 25,000 10,440 210,620 188,210 55,850 Irving N.,N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. Pop. 463 50-056 W.M.Hurlbut, V.-P. IC. E. Hunt Astoria _______ Queens D 4 (Su Ne:w York Cit11, Bonru gh of Queens) Athens ______ Greene I 18 Athens·i. yational Bank __ •:n6 Elmore ~ackey ____ 0. Gates Porter--- , s. Applebaum ________________________ _ 1 Pop. 1844 I 50- 9~9 J. II. Dl'cker /R. Attica ______ Wyominl? G 5 BANK OF ATTICA. -----•l§'56 C. B. Benedict__ ___ 8 Pop. 2015 60-!in " ________ " Citizens Bank _________ •t§'ll Elon P.Spink ______ 50-573Bank_•tS'40 David M. Dunninl?..Auburn _____ Qayui?a C lO IAuburn Savings Pop. 36,192 50-117 C. J. Danley-----E. Slack ________ H. T. Bra.mer ______ B. T. Sands ________ N. B. Eldred ______ ' W. S. Downer, G. Underwood Sec. and Tr. 50,000 20,930 J. B. Ulmer ------40,000 F. J. Schreiber H. S. Austin _____ _ 30,000 F. J. Rogers Adolph KeLJ,A. Tr. ______ _ 40.290 750.720 27,650 572,200 AUBURN TRUST CO. ---•*1'06 Ralph R. Keeler ___ G. W. Benham _____ G. W. Benham. Tr. J. A. Jones, Sec. __ 50-121 D. E. French G. W. Bowen CAYUGA COUNTY NAT. BK. 50-116 • •:l:'33 C. P. BURR l E. C. Donovan, A. S ec. I ------IWM. K. PAYNE---- G. E. SIIYDER ----- C. A. NEUMEISTER COilecflons for A.ubum and Viel nlt7 given special attention. keasonable rates. Prompt Service o n all Banking ma tters entrusted to us. The Stron Ke&t bank In Cay ,up County. 458,380 I 510,570 46,390 Irving N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State N,, Alb. 764. 730 43,920 N. Park, N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 547,410 589,700 7,201,270 7,000,420 150,000 26U20 4,869,700\ 4,785,810 200,000 326,210 2,320,140 2,222,200 488.790 Met. Tr. Co. and Irving N., N. Y.: Liberty,!~ Buffalo: 1st N ., Phil. ~ ~ 62-1.150 1st N., N. Y., 4th St. N., Phil, tn > 313.140 5,582,030 5,863,040 230,210 1st N., N. Y. z~ NATIONAL BK. OF AUBURN {F. E. SWIFT----- t~f~~i'flAffLEL W. C. DENMAN------ GEO. W. SCOTT------ 125,720 2,275,200 2,5'.54,710 360,600 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. ~ •t'l817 Prompt and car eful attention giv A thoroughly o rganlzed collectio 1 Edwin R. Fa Y_& sons __ •tt'92 (Ell win R., Fred H ., and Chas. H.. Fay) 50 120 Wm. H. Se1~.:fl Oo .• •tt'60 (Bankers) _________ , ---------- ---------- " Ir,~"I Kf[.~EN.:ni:-Bicie. I Investment Jb!:n 200,000 en c, 1 ci: Edmund Doughty __ Marcus Webb______ 50,000 83,050 136,230 286,270 V. K. Moore _______ R.R. Torrance---- 50,000 55,000 735,000 715,000 Bk, & T,. i co .. Alb. 5· 26,880 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y. 135,000 N. City, N. Y.; Mnrrs. N., Troy. 25,000 58,650 560,700 566,140 w. w. Wood_ _____ ____________________ 50,000 50,880 618,460 569,840 G. C. Abbott ______ C.H. Bedell__ _____ Bainbridl?e-_Chen 'l?O 113 First National Bank ----•t'81 R. W. Kirby _______ D. H. Copley ______ S. B. Hollenbeck__ ____________________ Pop. 1259 50-658 50,000 17,340 340,500 355,940 40,990 Chase N. and Irving N,, N. Y. 50,000 68,300 608,680 748,210 95,150 Chase N., N. Y. 50,000 16,560 470,000 512,460 67,140 N, Park, N. Y, 'L B {W. J. STEELE---- - OSCAR JACOBS------ C. W. KORELL------ ·------------------ANK •t'lO Special attentio n to B-L drafts. 50-1006 rJl :::. I :::: .~ J.B. Sturdevant_ __ K. B. Sturdevant ____________________________ -------- _________ Chase N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buff'alo;· N. Bk. Com., Rochester. W. J. Weed ________ J. F.Kello1?e----··· 50,000 78,400 1,272,720 1,279,050 121.170 Seab. N., N. Y. F. L. Arnold _______ C. B. Arnold. ______ BALDWIN NAT I > en all Items entr usted to us. '<: n department. W e want your Aub urn bus iness. I ~ ____________________ ____________________ 100,000 _____________ 1 ______________ N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co. and' ~Iarine Tr. Co., Buffalo. ____________________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 100,000 ___________________________________ Imp. & Tra. N ., N. Y .; Phil. N., Phil.; N. Com'! tD Securit' ies. -- . .... ...... ·········-. ········- ········· .. ······- ·-· -.... ········· .... ····· ...... ... -······ Aurora_Pop:~tluga G 10 First Natio~~frk-----t"64 N. L. Zabriskie ____ :: L~~her__ -Au Sable Forks.EssexB19 Bank of Au Sable Forks E.W. Featherston_ s. G. Prime _______ Pop. 2500 50-655 •;§'10 L. F. Robert Avoca _______ Steuben H 71Bank of Avoca ____ ----•U'Ol W, H. Lee __________ H. W. Smith _______ Pop. 1010 50-625 " " J. B. Sturdevant, Banker J.B. Sturdevant_ __ M. E. Sturdevant__ 50-626 •t'06 Ai:on ____ Living-ston G 6 State Bank of Avon _____ *5'92 Aaron Barber ______ W. G. Markham ___ B Pop. 2585 5~-656 Babylon ______ Suffolk D 6 Babylon National .Bank-•*'13 W. F. Norton _____ I o. II. Rogers ______ Pop. 2523 50-657 Bank of Bai~~i~o--·---•t§'l3 J. Clinton Robbins_ A. D. Haff _________ I 80,300 Seab. N., N, Y, J 149,360 Han. N. and Chase N .. N. Y. Collections and Requests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied b y FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 50c, J. lJ. B:lldwinsville __ Onondaga Baldwinsville State Bk.•*5'75 Pop. 368;i F 10 N 50-517 0. :M. Bigelow ___ E, ConnelL ____ E. H. Marvin ______ L. Foster_______ 60,000 11 ____ ____ " First ational Bank ____ e:j:'64 I , , j 50-516 Windsor Morris __ F. D. Robinson ____ ,R. S. Mercer ______ R. B. Orvis________ 100,000I 1 66,000 800,000! 914.000 85,310 599,920 6-50,500 1 MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL 'BANK-BU.Ff ALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ Cayui?a County Sav. Bk.•*5'65 , Chas. W. Brister __ Chas. A. McCarthy W. H. Meaker, Tr. G.V.Loughboroui?h, -------50-110 C. F. Baldwin A.L.IIemingway, A. 'l'r. 50-115 Baldwin ___ ___Nassau C 5 Pop. 4000 I 73,320 N. City, N. Y.: Marine Tr. Co. and Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. j~ 348,720 lstN. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. . <; 'cc. .. iv ,_. 1 114,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. &Tr. Co., Alb. 76,040 1st N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., 1 ~:R~~~~fRAJ•i~t ~~~~- \0 ~ NEW YORK - C On t·lnUe d Number under Name of Bank ia the New Tran1dt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Backers' ____D!r~•~nder the aut!~rlty of The American Bankers A 'n. 958 Tuw.· AND COUNTY, NAME OP' B.A..'K. .. county , P.ats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState .·o. 2 Fed. Hes. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. _J_is Butlalo Br. ~M~f!::.FP<l, He·. [l<Aah. I I PRJCSIDE 'T lo • · -- -- Lr.A BtLJTIEs. _RElSOURcxs. VICE PRE.Sr A C ~RPLus-1.0,..,, • D1.1- o..,,. • 11::i:OARHIY.R. · DE.'iT. ss'T ASRIER. PA.ID-UP AND DEPOs- • 1Jowt>1 ""..,, 0 -,D.,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ~ _ _ _ _ _ CJ.PITA.L PaoJP1Ts ~ 11"" 0 " ' " " " ~ THOMASKERLfiY IT. s. HAIGHT------ E. F. CLUTE ------- ------------- S "°' •Ballston Spa __ ;.Sarat ol! a 0 18 Poo. BALLSTON SPA ~AT. BK.•t'38 014'• i Non-Bank 'l'owns 111th ~ean•st n~mklng Point tlndexet.l Acee•.), Lawyers, Laws (iutle:i..ecJ.) in back of this \0 Yolu~1e~ Interest Uates, Holidays, etc., ee Law . ~ (Savings 1:ank. do not handle colJectlon,., ~~f~5~ ~Jt~,~ .?i~:gri~ ~~ ~}ff ~~~!!;,~~fi~ ~~~l~5:j~~.e~~d I ife~~~:1.;~ Send u, 0 1 0 First National Bank _____ !'65 D. W. Mabee ______ F. H. fit>ac-h ____ 1 100.000 $ 271.!i20 $16Z3860 f2128850 $ 101,930 IIau. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. t . ii Rerior 1 your B all,ton Spa Items • . S. 0. Medbery_____ ___________ 100,000 32,000 4i2,660 498,270 9, ,700 1st N., N. Y.; N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co.,, 25,000 3:5,;{b0 323,8'.501 W7,760 43.360 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo: ~ Nial!ara Co. N., Lockport. ~ 50-468 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I Barker_ ______ Ni.aeara F 3 Somerset National llink_:t'12 John O'Malley _____ Walla<:(• Coates ____ Jay L. Dickinson 8 Pop. 431 50-912 •Batavia _____ Qenesre G 5 nank of Batavia _______ .;::§"7fi H. B Pop. 13,541 50-308 Bank of Genesee ________ ♦ 50-306 u·w 'r . .Mill •r _______ I a. T. Booili Arthur G_ Hough __ I _______ G. W. Wynn ______ _ E. lL Tomlin:-on W. G. l'ollard ______ G. E. Perrin ______ G. E. Perrin _______ J. A. Kane ________ l<~. A. l· r[1!Jley First National Bank ____ •f6.J Samuc·! l'arker _____ Georee eowen _____ G orl!C W. Peck ___ .T. s .• ·ugent _____ _ 50-307 o. Tum buff. ____ n. D. Jones _______ 2-n.rn:; 2,938,-1:!0l '.!,953,210 37J.400 Am. Ex. N. and Irving • .. N. Y.: N, Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.: Liberty,Butl'alo. 12ii,00O 111.220 1.247,480 1.325,550 1S6,150 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N .. Buffalo; Cent,. Rochester. "" 100,000 2C-1 350 I,li0-1 5:30 1.796,950 :02.030 N. Park and Irvine N., N. Y.; .Marine Tr. Co., Bu alo: N. £". State N .. Alb. D. B. Ilryan _______ ,\. ,J. Tlamilton ___ _ li. 'I'. Hopkin 100,000 Farmers & ~"esh . B:.rnk.•5'80 Frank Campbell. __ 1W.R. Campbrll ____ II'. R. Webster _____ H. S. Holcomb ____ _ u ~ 88 0 ..J. lleinaman 50,000 1 Bay ShQre ____ Suffolk D 6 First National Bank -----•·11 W. H. Ruhbins ____ G. S. King ________ O. S. Brewster ____ H. E. Thurber ____ _ 5(H)03 South Side Rank ____ ---•i '81i P. . Wicks ________ W. A. I1 ul:,e _______ L. K. Redinf'tOn --- F. B. \Yekhcr. ---- W~ z 1:io,000 I •B1•h ________ steuben H 8 Bath National Bank ____ .i·1~ IL Pop. 479:5 50-922 Pop, 3000 1 PKINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS • • I 131,830 1,755,230 I.565.510 :i0,000 39,r,so 25,000 !ll,140 I 6W,51i0 6-13,100 82-t.G~OI 80:5, 40 ~ X to z► -19,:m 1.24:5,660 1,306.150 1 138.1:50 N. City, N. Y, I e 320.490 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. &Tr. Co., Alb; Phil. ~T,, Phil. @ I tu 70,900 Cha_e N .. N. Y. e en 131 .680 Chase N., N. Y. rl 0 ::i nay Side _____ Queens D 4 <See New York CittJ, BoromJ h of Quum) (/') Bea on ____ notchess J I!l FISHKILL NATIONAL BANK Pop. 10,906 5(}-485 •*'63 n. L. I Smith _______ neuj. namm,md __ . Thomas Aldridee-- B••nj. Ilammoml. Sec ~htteawan National Bank S. K. Phillips ______ R. S. Tompkins ____ Geo. M. Callahan_ 50-374 •!"93 1 n nereen ______ o •u 8 Pop. ~7h 111.290 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 100,000 :!6,C00 700.000 9:50,000 107,000 N. Park and Irving N., N. Y.: Tr. Co., Alb. T. C. Sauuders ____ A. E. Perry ________ W. B. Manley _____ - - - - - - - OJ . Com'! Bk. & 4:!4.7 0 4:J0,JJ0 8'.;,290 Seab. N., N. Y ,; .Mnfrs. 11 Tra. N .. Buffalo. iner -------· R. 0. Howden ----- ---------------- ---- 25,000 6,730 HJ.300 16-1,240 32,030 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'I Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. kou ________ C, • I. Yamlcrocf __ vo~aclro 25,000 9.240 2ii,9!.J0 105,810 ;;o,ooo T. Y.; Bk. of Long Island, .Tamaica. 1...... 25,000 NEW YORK-Continued <!--avln~s fi'.;,CCO J3;:i,000 ll.) ::i J!J0,000 :<: t\E tt Nun1ber u~dcr Na1ue of Hauk is the New Transit i\'umber i:riven each bank JO U. S. exclu1,h:eJy by The Rand-.Jic 'ally Bankers' 959 rect-Ory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 180,3C0 Irvin!! N., ~·. Y. (i0,U00 Seab. N .. N. Y.; .Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; Union C .·., Pitt. ; Ill '"1 E. Bouse!_ ____________________________________________________ Chase N .• N. Y.; ~Iarine •rr. Co., Butfalo; Alliance. Roche ter. I >-A tate Bank of D !moot •11' 8 Elmore A. Willet.! _ Wm. K. PauL _____ H. R. ortore _____ _ ♦ S!Hi6J o. ~ 170,970 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y,; Far. & Mnfrs. N., Pou1?hkeep ie. 47,250 e F 5 \\' ••. & C. E. Housel, I.lank r W. 8, floo.·(11 _____ _ ' 50 62 :tt'!i6 o:J 63,080 Colonial Tr. Co., N. Y.; Matteawan N .. Beacon. :; 30,000 Berliop __ H.en •laer G 19 Taconic Vall y Bank __ •~§'07 \\'m, U. l''cath r __ • C .• Ia ·on _______ F. B. Wells---- ---- -----------------1 Pop. 11177 5H63 A. S. Frary in "d 0 403,310 2.770,930 2,958.100 5 l<'ir t .·atio1ial It nk ---- •:t'17 !.John J. Bedefl . __ _ 50-0 2 •Belmont. ___ Alleeany I 5 8 Pop. 1021 892.300 Mechanics :winl?s Bank !§'66 Benj, llammomL •• R. F. . Kiel) ______ B. L. Smith. Tr. ___ C. II. Bond, Sec, __ 50-486 li erd. Lougluau 5H32 u 319,370 73,210 1,156,510 1.Vi2.190 First National Bank _____ ;t'lO W. W. Dort _______ O .• I. Pop, l 00 125,1'-10 ~fatteawan ~avinl? Bank S. K. Phillips ______ F. H. Brett-------- Ifrnrr S. Corney. P. H. Yosbureh, SC{·. 50-373 i'il B. F. Greene 'J.'r Jfa t_ ____ AIIPgauy I 5 Bank of Belfast ________ .!§"82 8 op. l 000 50~31 B llmor ____ , ·a I 100,000 nank11 do not handle <'ollectlons) ~!.J,110 6 'U,640' 721,250 1 22,490 .Mnfrs. N., Troy. y Of BUFFALO I§ y Of Pop. 1677 959 .Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Xumber J?iven to each bank in U. S. exclusfvely by The Rand-.Uc. ·any Bankers' Directory, under the authority of Tbe American Banker- Ass'n. ~·a!rn OF B .·K. To\\·.· A."D oou TY. •Mem. 1\m, Bks. \s n. '~tate •CoJnty ,."eat . In • ·o. 2 l ed. Res. Dist. tMem. tate Bks. A~ n.t Priv. [E::tab. +Mem. Fer!. Re~. 8 i-. B:itlalo Br. (, vtne:s Bank<1 do not hanrlle collections) I - LIABILJTIF.,. 1 Ass'T CA.SHIER. CASHIER. VICE-PRE "JDE.-T, p AID-UP SURPLUS CAPITAL PR~TS - •Bine-hamton ____ Broome Bin~hamton Savings Bk.:tl'67 0. W. GenoeL _____ 50-101 I 12 Pov. 66. 00 Ohenanio Valley Sav. Bk. 1"95 v.-. F. herwood ___ " " 5(Hll) Non-Ran1' Towns vnth Nearest Banking Point (Indext:d Acco .), Lawyers, Laws (indewdl in back of thl ._ ,ohuno. For lntere t Rates, -~~lid~·-, etc., see Laws. ~ NEW YORK-Continued -, - - - J. G. Orton ________ Ia. C. Deyo, Tr. ____ s. J. Hirschmann, &c. . C. M. Stone ________________ ·--W.W. Sis. on ______ l W.R. Ely. See. and Tr. L. )1. \\"il ·t n *CITIZENS BANK------•ts'l-1 Geo. A. Kent__ ____ Walter A. Lestf'L Geo. 50-105 DEPO - RESOURCES. Lo.u.1 & D,a, 1_ - -- 3,870 2.402,2101 2,320,420 c:: ~ Rl''ClP'L CORRESPO"DE'.TS ., Ic::;;11:,,;:• ":':,;'';,°;;:: ITS -- 942,i0C ,!)183850 -~0289680 I 113,060 2,6 7.180 2,658.290 1 A. Thomp.on _________ _ $ 100,000 11 r Cilll & E%• ,._ ., ., . '.:< _______ - ---- - - - - - $ 380,0~0 Hk. nf Aronica, Guaranty Tr. Co., and Ec1uif- ~ able Tr. Co., .N. Y. lH.950 Bk. of the .Manhattan Co., N. Y.: 1st K .. lliu~hamton. 254.560 N. City and Equitable Tr. Co .. N. Y. I *CITY NATIONAL BANK !'52 Hartwell Morse ____ c. M. Stone _______ W. II. Morse ______ G. H. Half' ________ _ I I 504i8 *FIRST c. W. G. PHELPS-----S.J. HIRSCHMANH--A. J. PARSONS----R. M. GAFFNEY---J.D.BRUNNER,JR. T. B. CRARY NATIONAL BANK 401,900 3,291.890 3 172,68() 200,C00 R. Davis 400,000 Unequaled facilities for making collections. Prompt attention to all Banking matters entrusted to us. I 680.170 Cbf'm, N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; .,.'. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. I I 304,120 5,039,870 5,016.910 1.278,700.A.m. EI. N., N. Y.; Com Ex, N,, Phil. - - - - ------ ~ - - - ~ • t to ~PEOPLES TRUST CO. •!§'IO F. ll.."rweJl _______ W. ~- Kilmer ______ M. H. awt Ile, Tr. T. J. Keenan, Sec,_ + Alonzo Robl!r ·on 50-103 .: :~;:\~:~~\~A~!tt,-Bau~·: --1------__________ 5 L. H. Davis, A, Tr. C. 11'. Hemenway. ~1. 1'1'. I. 11. Ueorl!ia, A. Sec. 500,000 165,480 5.342,::iti0 4,894.720 801,110 • I ::=:=~~::~~:::=: ride-ehampton __ Suffolk 0 9 Pop. 1800 Broarlalbin ___ Fulton F 17 Pop. 1200 Droto°P~P-- ~gnroe i' 6 Putnam County8av.Bk.•U'71 50-S95 Bride-ehampton Nat. Bank •'IO 5H66 Broadalbin Bank _______ f§'19 50-1001 First Natioii~~nk -~-•t'64 .. 2 " Brocton __ ChantauQua H 1 B Pop. 13, 3 Bronxville __ Westchester C4 Pop. 3r,5:; • Brooklyn _. __ Kin~ D 4 Brushton __ Frank.Jin A HI Pon. 7:'iO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - V -------------------- I A.G. Strang, S. P. Field _________ G. B. Reynolds, 'ec. CJl1ld Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. David P. Vail Yerto.n TyndalL __ E. J. Hildreth _____ G.ClarenceToppino- E. J. Thomson .A. F. Lobdell_____ Henrr c. Finch ____ p J.P. Ro,·a _________ A. 51H171 ■ coo 14.300 241.930 ~{i1,i60 298,720 _____________________ _ 220.S:0 40.000 li,760 ::i0,000 ii,i90 1,113.7 hafer _____ Henry E. Hiler _____________________ _ ;;o,cco 44.?W 1.o.u.-12ot l,Or:5,640 w. N. Clark ______ _ .fj,000 il.0£0 1,0fi ,360 J, R. Droney ______ L. D, Sullivan _____ L. D. Sullivan _____ c. Shull _ __ H. IL ullivan B. E. Smythe ______ Jackson Chambers Geo. c. Richards Geo. J. chelz, Jr._ -M. E. Genune h nf Brooklyn) Irvine l'erk ________ C. E. Bru h ________ A.O. Barnhart ____ E. Y. Gil(('spie ____ _ M & T NATIONAL ■ 125 -UO 1 893 640 l,814 .i70 2:i - to Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz., Binghamton. s· Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. (7Q ::,~ Han.~· .. T. 3 Y. Irvin,: N., N. Y.; Gainesville N r+ 0 Gainesville ::S r!' Seab. N .• N. Y. 0 N. Park and Irving N., N. Y. ~ Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com'! ,,Bk. & 'fr. Co., Alb. ~ a" N. Bk, of Ogdensburg, Oi?"densburg, 0 ::, Chase N .. N. Y. 178,i20 N. Y. Li!e Ins. & Tr. and Columbia Tr. Cos .. N.Y. 35.DlO N. Park, N. Y.; Bk.of Lone-Isl.. Jamaica, N. Y. - ---· Luther Gordon ____ Thos. C. Gordon ___ G. E. Benedict_ ____ R. State Bank f[~~mmer~l§·og Dean G. Crivpen ___ M. A. State Banko! Broctoa_•U,92 50-:667 Gramatan Nallonal Bk.-•i·oo 5~8 (Su New York Oit11, Boroua First Natio1Jal Bank ----•!'10 w. Haneman > Z ~ Brasher Falls ____ t. Lawrence __ Pop. !'i70 ___ B 14 Brew tei>op.- srtrtnam.A 5 p City and Irving N., N. Y.; Franklin.·., Phil. en 62,620 --10-.-00-0 --~.!iO -31i;~~.~ -31;~3rn 0.-D. Towner ______ (Audr 11-.J. IIorvatt) •t':!0 50-!0i *B. H. Nelson & Sou ___ ;tf'liO -------------------- -------------------- ---------------- __________________________________________ 50-102 Bin&'hamtoo Oleario,: House_ --------------~----- -------------------- Hartwell llorse, Mr1r. ~ (MemberM indicated 1111 a *l Bank of Bia dell. ____ •1. '20 II. H. tratemeicr J.P .•Je1rnrt_ ______ \\', E. Taylor _____________ __________ _ 29,980 11,120 132,010 139,660 J0,000 50 1018 ♦ Bliss ational Bank _______ ·o·, G. F. f Ptc IL _____ J. L. Beaumont ____ C. M. McGurren __ 96,040 12,940 /Ul9,i90 36L160 25.000 5G-664 State Bank of B~livar _ •!§'82 W. J. Hoe-an _______ Geo. II. Bradley ___ Frank Dougherty-· ___________________ _ 800.000 1;01.000 85.000 30,C00 5G-66i> First National Bank ----•i·16 B. C. Tharratt_ ____ James P. Pitcher __ James P. Pitcher __ C. N. Jenks _______ _ 32,000 1.363.170 1.212.110 258,060 i5,000 50~74 National Exchange Bank•i·oo E. N. Hayes _______ ;J.P. Babcock..: _____ J, H. Hayes _______ G. S. Traft'arn ____ _ 262,5i0 74.870 1,340.30 1.165 000 25,000 I 5o-s15 1 Brasher Falls National Bank C. C. Lantry ______ J.M. McCarthy ____ J.B. McNulty _________________ .,__ 50,900 25.00(. 191,38'1 201.080 11.-110 1 •i•17 50-971 1 First Natioi~fgink ----•:•74 H. II. WeUs _______ IJ. D. Mead ________ E. D. Stannard ____ ___________________ _ llfl,H0 733 060 67,4 0 635.2::i0 100 000 , . , HJa-d lL ______ .. I-,no C, 3 B Pop. HOI Bli. _______ Wyomine- H 5 B Pop. 400 ll Jli vaf' _P____ A egany l 5 op. 1 1" 6 8 Il'.>Onvllle __ -:_Onejda E 1-1 Pop. 19H · " " T. 100,C00 2;;,000 / . r r BU C-C-ALO o, 1.009,760j 946.410 i l.ii0 1. ·:-.t,i.J0 2,103,230 30.00C ;m,ORO 364,230 0,530 N. City, N. Y.: Fulton Co. N., Gloversville. :?31.820 r.hase N., N.Y. 143,420 nuaranty Tr. Co., N.Y. 23.'!.9-!0 'eab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 326,'i80 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com'! Bk.·& Tr. Co., Alb 1st T·• Phil, 61,160 1Irving . and N. City, N. Y.; K. 'hawm t. ~ Hn" FOR NEW YORK STA.TE ANc;> CANADA COLLECTIONS I.O , 1 Y (Branc~-~ederal Reserve City No. 2) (Saving Banks do not handle c o l ~ ~ ~ i e County, G_ 12) County S~t. 1 NJ.Kl: OP BANK:-- - - - :!•·sAtamte.BBksk • .AAsssno. s. s , -em. 1tsl,tar1·vte , CASHIER. V1C1'-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. c·t BUFFALO-Reserve . . . . . . under Name or Bank UI the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlrect.ory, under the authority of The Amerl!all _!!_ankers Ass'n. Ass'T CASHlt:R. IPuo-u"P I LIABILITIES. - l :;1JBPLos A.ND II lN01v11>- lJs.pos1TS or UAL ~ O.u5::o LOA.NII• D1&- Bo Noa. SEcum- I I - H FSOURC1F,S, M1scELLA.:<1:ous R Pop. 506 77 5 ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE.VTS. O CAsH y. • Bk. Com., N. - cou~Tl5 - TUl:8, llTC 'Ri:sotrncEsl- EsouRc11:s PROl'ITII D!~l1.:8 :::~:~:r·u:1e~.Andc1'. ::~:: ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- - -----. - --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---t•1:, 10-511 49,460 S 234,360 Bkrs. Tr. Oo., N. Y. 35,570 S 3,590,180 $ American Savrngs Bank __ •f'07 J. ll. Saiterfleld ___ O. J, Fix __________ W. P. Luedelre, See. _______________ - - - ---- $ 153,310 S 3,756.460 __________ $ 1 Charle ·\Y.Toynbee H. A. :Meldrum, 11Hi7 ~:•:,:,:•:i:'!'_n, nk_ -: ; :::1 (60 "iagara) )1. M. NoC::a,'!.~':'.~: , '. A. J .. urbanskL 1••red_ !ant hey _____ L. L. __ 'owa k. s«. _ '::::: 1 BROADWAY NATIONAL BANK M. M. Nowak ___ A. Cwiklinski__ ____ J. •:no 10-66 · (1067 Broadway) Buffalo Savings .Hank ____ et§"46 B. 0, Townsend ____ 10-51 (Main aucl Genesee) *Buff'alo Trust Co, _______ e:l:§'81 Myron . UalL ___ 10-11 • (t::i::i Maiu ) A. Stachowiak .. J. F. Walkowiak__ 300,000 ,~_::: ____________________ \ _______________________________________ _ 4,366,470$ 80,400 252,890 3,1 8,070 137,880 1.102,310 A.J. Walkowiak 572,510 N. Bk. Com., Irving N .. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; MnfL & TrJ. N.. Buffalo. 3,095,040 Guaranty Tr. Co.,N. Y, · C. L. Gurney _____ F.X.Wanenmacher, Geo. D. Sears, Sec. ---------- 5,220,580 51,178,530 ________ 2-1.206,950 27,900,080 1,197,040 Do not handle co llectio11s. Tr. P. White o. J. J{odenbach, A.. Tr. 600,000 2,000,000 Chase N, and Guaranty Tr. Co .• '. 07 200,000 9,000,M0 6,800,000 500,000 15,000,000 500,000 L. F. 2\-les:er _______ F. R. Collins, Sec .. _ T. R. Wolfe, Tr,___ Y.: Corn Ex, N .. Phil.; Guardian '4 Frank R. Collins O. C. Miller.A.Sec, (·LP.Doherty,ASec. t:i:::I Sav. and Tr. Co., Clev. Hichard Drechsler E. D. Leiser.A.Sec. W.T.Ilayne,,,A Sec. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. ~ N. 3,516,150 1,630,890 7,007,860 14,907,000 1,948.220 N. P. CLEMENT----I W. H. ANDREWS----- H. G. HOFFMAN, Tr._ O.A.WEPPNER,A.Sec. 1,250,000 1,SZB,570 21.291.650 Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Standard Tr. <: 1- - - 1 - M.E.FREEMAN,ASec. B. M. NORCROSS, R.H. GRIFFIN W. H. CROSBY, • & S~v., and Cont. & Com'!N., Sec. C. W. COVELL,A..Sec, Ch. of Bd. JESSE C. DANH ~ ~:!~~f,nBo~~; We aolic It your Buffalo Busl naea. G. B. CLEVERSLEY, A. J. RAU, A. Sec, , W. F. CHASE 0 1 1 ~ A., Pitt. A. Sec. G. F. BATES, 1 Sec W. H. HURLEY "" S,c A DOYLE, f. V. 'cc. WALTER,,!. A. H. SEITZ L.B. •H'9O / 10-15 ♦ ~ I 5 Branches; Wi' • am Street Branch, Black Rock Branch, West Side Branch,G eneseeand Jefferson St Branr h andf~qut hPark Branch. (291 :\lain) 100,000 ·100.000 --~------- _________________________________________________ Guaranty Tr. co. and Irving K,, ~·. t:C Clinton Ban\r ---------t.''21 ;\L r. ~~owak ______ J.M. Frost. _______ IL A. Brenner _____ -------------------72 1 .; Broadway N., Buffalo. (Clinton anu Weimar) 275,000 Guaranty Tr. co., N. Y.; Peo., 400,000 __________ 850.000 57,500 1,250,000 __________ 200,000 Community 'ational Bank•t'20 Edward A. Duerr __ W. G. Bbbop ______ H. \V, 11, Campbc:IL Otto P. Bremer____ ,~ Buffalo. G. A. Kayser (1308 }~if:r on) C/J 3 861 030 I · N N y 432140 66 229100 7 513 ?30 63 009 040 S. B . .u,e, lrfeOo1lll\J Sntoirs Bank•t5'54 R. S. Donaldson ___ G. B. Rich _________ R. D. Younr, rvini? ·• · · ' ' ---------' ' ' --------' ' ' ',w, Sw. and Tr. A.. See. and A. Tr. G. R. Howard 10-55 I-Pl (Main, iagara, hurr.h, Pearl) w *Federal Reserve Bank of New (Buffalo branch of Federal Rcsc,vc Ba nkof New York City, N. Y.) ____________ (For complete information ~ ee Paoe 2 2) S:: ---------- --------- --------York Dist. •2-.10 -26 . I *CITIZENS COM MER CIAL TR CO l Br:::' f'~lit. :: > z I *f IDE LIT y TRUST COMPANY ♦ 10-21 (28-1.fain) CLIFFORD HUBBELL. H. T. RAMSDELL _____ l, P. WILLIAMS, Tr._ M. H. DENISON,'·, c•. ~ F.J.HDERLEINA.Tr. WALTER L. CURTISS, A. Ste. FRANKLIN 0. LOCKE T. B. LOCKWOOD S G EASTERBROOK G B MACPHAIL A Si;c . ('Ii. uJ Hli L. G. HARRIMAN Tr UJficer' A. E. J KRAUSS Au ditor • • T. M. WILDER, ,Uor. 111v. Dept. H. F. DROLLINGER, ur. Nctr.Blis.De-pt. THOMAS CANTWELL; .,;. 1:r ·o.Diecr. ' •U'93 A. E. RANKIN, .llor. I ub. Dept. •'! lW. L. f<?e. ter----,- 1HJ1rry _G. truif ___ I,. Koester _____ Lafayette .·ational Ilank.•t'l9 G. M. Zimmerman_ ILG. l lull1P', .1. . \\ m. h .. Lyon I• rank .;\1. Beck F. D. Corey, 10 67 1 lt. G.Kcllner, A.G. F. R. ~lcRolJ1•rt Ch. of Bd. Joseph Coplon (fofayett<.' quare) 10-lZ ;::~:;l;::::___ tlOOO -- --- , , Lunehinoand 10-63 on ________ f 'li ,.'cl1m1.t·a11, .I itho 11y • . , crnd JJ01wt11 ,.; L. L1111yhi11n)___ <121 Dante Plac 1 ) 1 lC-6-1 (For ua«m(:() of Buffalo Ban I.· . ec, /111io11 i1111 Jl<l!/ ) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 382,6-10, 6,6i4,290 __________ ~~~ ~ ---~~~-~~ ,-~~~-~ ~~-~~- ~~-?~~~-: _____ ~~-~~~~~~~:-~~~---- '~ I _______ _ I 20.000 •• _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ __ 5,880,300 1,348,590 570,560 ,----1 ---- M~~Sl/1 c:.! ~~~ e.O alll 1,350,400 Seab. T., Chatham & Phenix N .. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; C'lrn Ex, N,, Phil, eab. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com') N., Chi.; l\.larket Street N., PhU.; Union ._ ~ Tr. Co., CJev. 19,520,800 13,560,610 5 42 Michael : • (174 1'errace) c: 8: I ~ N.G1:i!;a~~':1·rr:kc~ T~ Jumbia N., Pitt. ·• • Thoroughly Equipped to Handle Banking M atters Entrusted to us. --==- JOHN A. KLOEPFER -- H. C. ZELLER~----- JOHN M. KINNEY---- F. C. SUESS E. D. REED.A. Cash. A. L. SCHhlTTER OLIVER CABANA,JR., ~- G. LANG JR. F. A. HERO~. Caah, ,~~~ fhfb"BDJrJT Ch. of JJ '· I JAMES H. IVES G. J. KLOEPFER l (4 Brauch ) H. C. HALLIDAY •U'82 *LIBERTY BANK ♦ 750,000 ------- I _ ---~- _ \Y. ------ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~·~ ~ ::, 2:,,2iO 154,120 ---------- 1,740 71.050 -136,500 . --- _. _--- 109,020 150,330 s:: 3,000 3:.ii,430 ····------ tttE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO · SI,) "1 uaranty Tr. Co.. Co., Buffalo. '< T, Y. ~Iarinc Tr. • ~ l'v Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE LARGEST· NATIONAL· BANK AT·THE·EASTERN·TERMINUS OF · THE · GREAT · LAKES OFFERS · ITS · CO--OPERATION TO · BANKING · INSTITUTIONS EVERYWHERE 'i; THE MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SCALE ½ I ¼ ll E 3, ,4 of B.tJ,lo (Yoi• Po,lloo), F G Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN CLOSE CONTACT WITH ENTIRE BUFFALO • Eighteen Branches Throughout the City The Marine]I'ust@mpany orBuffafo ONE OF THE REALLY LARGE BANKS OF AMERICA Capital and Surplus, $17,000,000 @) OFFICERS I ELLIOTT C. McDOUGAL, President JOHN H. LASCELLES WALTER P. COOKE Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Advisory Board EDWARD H. LETCHWORTH Vice Prt.sdent and G nernl Counsel HENRY J. AUER EMIL DIFFINE ALVA L. DUTTON JOSEPH G. FISCHER PERCY W. DARBY Vice- President<: at Ht•ad Offiee GEORGE F. RAND, JR RALPH CROY Vice,President and Manager of Brunches Vice ,President in charge of B,rnk of Buffalo FRANK M. HICKOK Vice-President in charge of City Trust Company Brunch SAMUEL M. JOHNSON EUGENE L. REED GEORGE E. BECKER Secretary Trt'asurt'r Auditor 961 c·ty -Conti"DUed BUFFALO- R Namber under Name of .ll&D.k is the New Tnm•H Number given eserve 1 to each bank in U. S. exelusl~ely by The &and-.MeNally Bankers' Dlredory, under the authority of The American'n. (Branch Federal Reserve D14Jtrlct No.:! ) ==.•=~=~ft":n~· ISta: = .: •=)(=em g Wem. State Bks.bsn. tPriv. ♦Y em. Fed. Res. PllsIDJCNT. - & TRADERS · .&.m-l11' ~::.i~~~ .um PBonTl!I O.&.PIT.A.L u~ DJDPOBifl SEND US YOUR BUFFALO ITEMS DnosiTs !Lo.&u • DisOJ' 8.&1ut11 •:t§·5o (237 Mam) *PEOPLES BANK lCHI :_t • ss·u SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY . 1900 (Ellicott Sciuare) ,• • N Y I and Bos.; Frankllll N., Phil. I I 1 70,885.000 4%.728.lZ0 ________ 19,257,810 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., St. L. ount In Buffalo ,and the side or New Yor 'k City. <; --< 597 ,630 - -------- -------- --------- ---------- . I 250,320 I 9 320,030 N. City, Chase N., and Guaranty Tr. rv Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. ~ _______ - - - - -,- - Sh.; Keepth1smmmd: WeendeavortogivePerfectServiceon C.H.FITCH 1 awm Buffalo Collections. Try Us. Our Quick Returns, Intelligent Attention and Low Rates will lplease yo 'u. l~ ifi3"u ' Z Cen Ex. N., 1 n N •• PhU.1 N.,~ VJ ... 1 ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- 339.380 Guaranty Tr. Co., 20,990 662,210 55,200 1,017,160 39,770 1 1,833,760 100,000 Ilerman_J. Manzel Howard Sullivan •. -------------------Buffalo. John Wmeiar 717,780 1st N., N. Y. 266,700 II. E. l3c?ller _______ F. W. B. Becker, F. C.'Sprickman, __________ 1,379,390 12,985,660 _________________ 13,380,570 Su. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Chas. Diebold, Jr. 17,870 ------ --- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------150,000 {R. ff. GRIFFIN - --- N. P. CLEMENT------,GASTON ROSENSTIEL, F. ~HASE, Tr --- w. E.W. Dann, Mgr. N. P. Clement, Sec.j---------- M. S. Hall. Tr. Selected List ~Mero. Inv. Bks. As~n. N. Y.; I, I o ::?. s· ;0. --------· ------- ----------,- --------- ----------1---------- ·------1---- ---- ---- ---------- ------ ----1 INVESTMENT DEALERS ! . G'tft//t~.!-~~-~!~-~!-~_!_•.~1 (Ellicott ~quare Bldg.) 1 Gfi,•t:t~~-~tfNJk~-Bldg}3 <Investment Bankers>---------------- -------------------- _________________ Branch of Elmira, N, Y.) (407 Peoples Bk. Bldg.) -Jt'Oll EVE~fi4Rli_fi~~t \q~~re Jn!~ 95 ______________________________________ Gebbie & Co., Elmira. -- - --------- _____________________________________________ -----~-- ---------· _________________ A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y. and. Chi. and principal cities. (See Adv. , Page 6.) NATl~2~f ~1fi~~lt i~~i:~'"'·16 (InvutmentBmuu ) __________ Fr~~i: {~1for. ---------------- --------- ---------ll ~--------- -------- -------- ----- ---------- -------1N~!1iii'm~;s: ~J1ct:~:~;~e;~fnd l1~1;,1°ist~e~- 8ee'"ur itlc~y---------- ---- Wm. H. Reber. Tr . G. E. Mundt, A, Tr.1-------- _________________ ----------,---------- ________________ ., ___________ Kissell, Kmnecutt & Co., N. 1:. ____________ -;_ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Ritter Com'I Tr .. Clev. RITTER COMMERCIAL TRUSTJ{ ~a~dn~:,c:~t~lf :~:ad Stocks and Mortgages 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ ................ ~ ~ oP> () Bl~~s~B~i:.1::a·s~nk Chi., Phil., Blaihta~?iiel¥,~·. oii~-Bici~~)---- l<Inveetment Securities) ____________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BLODGETT, HART & CO., INC. Investment ecur ltles __ ______ _• _____ ------------- ______________________________________________________ ______________ Blodgett, Hart & co .• N. Y., Chi., and Bos. 1 (974 .Ji:Ilicott qua re) • '19 1 (Int,estment Securities) _______________ E ... •. Wilkes, Mor. _______________ _______ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---------- ,------Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. A. B. LEACH & COMPANY, Inc. (Investment Seeuri ties) ~ Peo .. !C: ::A ec. When one of your customers moves to Buffalo, ship his valuables to us.j They will/be safe until 1 calleld for Buffalo Olearine- Bouse ________ John H. Lascelles - Howard Bis;;etJ.. __ (Members ind:i-cated b11 a*) ~ I 1,432 ,150 I ztz:l MENT OPPOSITE . - -- - - ,--- HOWARD BISSELL--C. I. HBITLEY----C. L FEIL----------•· J. ALLARI a. H. BAHE i--E.H. HurcH11s01 A. I. 1ssELL, 424,080 3,191.400 8~t NF N°.Ji•I 2.243,600 13,377,800 $1,925,020 14,953,170 968.660 1,000,000 GEORGE ULRICH . ~h: of J}d. E• .I. NEWELL . Sec-jl- M. SMITH,A. ~ • •- ·• ---.- - -,--- --- 114 ,110 l,353, 240 400 ,000 E. F. A.lfonso Peve1 1ons -----t'l5 South Side Bank ________ .•:t§'l9 Edward A. Duerr-10-65 (2213 eneca) Weateru 8avincs Baolt ____ ef'fil i.lbert J. Wheeler_ I«Hi2 Oiain and Court) CITIZENS COM 'L 1 N Cltv Chase N ·• 1 ~ !~i~~~~~: ~~-f.~·i:tn:.?i'::i: I I --------·------- 1st N l ___ _____ , ,c.C. Miller________lM. L, Baxter ------,L, E. Chandler Lawler CASH $32 561450 ~ ~ I --- -----E. C. McDOUGAL----- E. H. LETCHWORTH,· S. M. JOHNSON, Sec. E. L, REED, Tr._____ GE BECKER Auditor V. P. and Gen. W. P. CO KE, ' • • Counsel Ch:of Bd. 10,000,000 7,000,000102917510 --------H.J. AUER J. H. LASCELLES," Ch. of Advisory Bd. EMIL DIFFINE The old est Bank or Disc ~- G. FISCHER 08 Branchu) largest, In the s tate, out A° V- 8bf/lN SEE1ADVE RTISE RALPH CROY 1 : F. M. HIC~OCK I G. F. RAND, JR. Merchants .i:'ation~l Bank __ '20 R E Winfield ____ 10- 70 (624 :Mam) Enrico OrtolanL----t"15 lHO COUNTS PRINCIPAL CORR.B:SPONDENTS. Bo1;!:.~UR~;:~1.- LANEous RmaouRCBa SJilcUB1TIM, mTC. R_:11_a_o1JR_c111_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I 1 I ~ 11 *MAR IN E TRUST COMPANY • Ip •:t'56 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (270 Main) 10--~ .us'T Oilnu 0 mRlLlkR/HHl~--IAlufflLk------WEALWTEKRUAHSNPl!W~~L- ~~l~H~fACDRONALDI G A DRUMME ' · v. · · Ch 0 f .ud J M CARTER $ 2.000,000 $ 2.645,120 1~ • GEORGE R. RODGERS C. M. RAMSDELL, A. o. ( H.° STEPHAN • NATIONAL BANK • I OASHIKR. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *MANUFACTURERS lH V1ci:-Plls1DDT. 1 (Savings Banks do not handle collections) ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. . . . . . .9l ·-·~ .. ..,:·--------~- ._,;,.. •IoIE3;$•I0 It:tI::•r0 IE3;$•IoI~ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lnto each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-1'fcNally Bankers' dlxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this I.O (Savings Banks do not handle collections} Dlreetory under tht> authority of The American Bankers As 'n. For Interest Rates, _H_oli~ay~ etc.:! seo Laws. ~ volume. ===--=- - - RESOURCES. LIABILITIES NAME OF BA K. TOWN AND COUNTY. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, •County Seats. •Yem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State VIOB-PlllsIDJDiT. OA.SHill. .&88'T 0A.8HIER, p A.ID-UP su:;~us Dll:PO&- ~•••" D11- O•n" Sx- 1 PRKSIDDT, c n. Bon■, • ..._.••,Dn IT& In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. StateBks. Assn. tPriv. CA.PITAL PBOJ'ITS no11B.ura _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦ Mero. Fed. Res. --- . 962 NEW YORK-Continued -- -- - - ~~- ---i~ 1 Caledonia.Livingston G 6 1!'1.rst National Bank •.• •i'l900 W. V. Hamilton ___ John MacNaufhton Geo. T. Ball ------- A. M. :McPherson __ S 50,000 S 18,500 S 470,000 1S 440.000 S 90.000 Ohase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Rochester; 5~598 B Pop.1170 • Liberty. Butfal~. 25,000 Callicoon ___ Sulliva.n J 15 Oallicoon National Bank•i'OO O. A. Thonrelle __ Fred Hessinrer ___ w. L. Dodee-----73,000 1,095,000 1,126,000 77.000 Seab. N. and Irvme N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. Pop. 800 5o-672 50,000 48,000 719,000 69:),000 Cambridee __ Washinrton C&mbridee Valley Nat. Bank A.G. Tulor ____ A. B. llcNish _____ H. H. Parrish______ 75.000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., F 19 Pop, 1559 •i'55 fio-67! 69,000 770,000 792,000 Camden ______ oneida Jr 11 B'irst National Bank ----•i'80 D. J. Dorrance ____ Harold T. Conant __ V. J. Younf _______ 50,000 97,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. N. H. Dorrance Pop.1941 51Hi7' I ------- --------- -- ---- R. O. Turnbull _____ E. M. McOabe _____ CampbelL ___ steubeD I 8 Sutherland, Turnbull & Oo. R. C. Turnbull . ____ -------- --Pop. 1350 •it'80 fio-675 CanaJoharie __ }[ontc'm'y Qanajobarie National Bk.•i'55 J. 8. Ellithorp _____ F. M.Smith ________ Stafford Kosher ___ J. H. Oook ________ G 16 Pop. 2415 5~7 National Spraker Bank-•'53 B. F. Spraker _____ J. A. Spraker ______ E. A. Shineman ____ 40,000 --- _ z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Irvine N., N, Y.; Am. Secur. & Tr. Co., Wash., t:z:l D.O. 50,000 66,350 1,063,510 1.046,720 173,200 N.Bk.Com.,N.Y.;N.Oom'lBk.&Tr.Co.,Alb. ~ ---------------- 100,000 78,000 1.150,000 '1,336,000 90,000 Im1>. & Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. ~ Q Co., Alb. Cananda.Ieua ____ ontario Oanand.alrua Nat. Bank-•i'87 II'. H. Hamlin ____ w. A. Hirinbotham H. A. Beeman _____ A. W. Sutherland_ G. W. Hamlin H. S. McGlashan G7 5~365 Pop. 7356 100.000 181,600 2,536,110 2,615,430 286,300 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N .• Alb. Ontario County Trust Co . Edward G. Hayes __ Heber E. Wheeler_ Peter P. Turner __ Walter S. Sleght_ __ J. Edward Dayton Heber E. Wheeler. J. Edward Dayton, •:l:§'99 50-3611 Tr. Sec. ____ Windsor O. W. O. Wentworth __ G. N. Manley ______ H. A. Chisholm ____ G. t'94 __ Oo. Bankinr Canaseraga_A1Jecan1 H 8 Oanaaer'aca 5o-676 8 Pop. 651 Canastota __ lfadison JI' 12 B'lrst National Bank ---•i'00 Le Grand Colton __ Wm. H. Ludlow _ J. o. Rasbach ---- F. W. Dew------50-608 Pop. 3995 State Bk. of Canastota -•U'87 Milton De ____ 8. K. Bemiss ______ K. B. De ____ 50-607 Cand or ____ ---- Tlora I 11 :B'irst National Bank -----i'll4 F. W. Smith _______ G. H. Hart ____ F. M. Humiston ___ M. W. Manus ______ 51H77 Pop. 699 loas _______ c. II. Craig ________ Canisteo ----- Steuben 16 Jl'lrst State Bank ------•H'07 D. O. Hunter ____ L. J. Slmpeon _ _ II. W. 50-t78 Pop. 2201 100,000 130,770 2,409,920 2,289,210 320,060 1st N. and Chase N,, N, Y.; N. Com'l Bk. &Tr. : llJ Co., Alb. 1 . ------ . 5o-55& . --- . . ------- . ------- • Canton ____ st. IAwrence FIRST NATIONAL BANK •i'87 BH iO-OH Pop, 2631 " --- . Cape Vincent-- Jefferson 011 Pop. 913 OarmeL ____ Putnam A, Pop.1100 Carthage __ Jetrerson D lS Pop. 4320 . ---- ---- . r· i: t !J,NJlfE[f___ A. Cash. ,. PIKE--------N. BEARD ----· HENRY BULLIS- ---- R. E. • BUTTERFIELD, I ,> 3 25,000 14,420 312,170 260,070 78,220 S~b. N., N. Y.; T, Y'. State_N .. Alb.; Mnfrs. &' Ira. N., Buffalo; Lm. Alhance, Rochester. n 50,000 50,390 346,010 367,260 89,230 N. Bk. ~om .. N. Y.; N •. Y. State_ N .. Alb.: 1st (') N •• Utica; Tradesmen s N., Phil. 110,000 49,420 535,s4o 502.040 92,560 N. Olty, N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. ~ 43,520 Ohase N., N. Y. 0.. 0 50,000 50,000 23,370 31,790 I lcn I Cl> 173,560 163,090 365,430 375,640 ::, ;· 94,330 Eqaftable Tr. Oo., N. Y. r+ 0 100.000 211,260 1,502,400 1,726,140 163,640 Ohase N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. () Ill r+ 0 Your collection s wlll receive care ful attention and Prompt returns at reasonable rat es. Try us. St. lAwrence Oonnt7 Nat.Bk. O. S. Cook _________ i66 60-oU Citizens Bank-·-·-- ----t 1'19 c. c. Cooke _______ ♦ 60-999 Putnam County Nat. Bk.•i'65 Clayton Ryder ____ 5o-680 Oarthaie National Bank •i'87 F. W. Coburn _____ 50-408 A. Bion Carter _____ National E change Bank •i·o2 60-490 Bank of Castile --------•t§'69 C. A.Van ArsdaJe __ 5H81 F. A. Augsburr ____ W. J. Hamilton ____ ------- ----- 100,000 71.040 773,810 -------- 60,000 20,880 255,580 293,050 50,000 27,000 280,000 350,000 F. L. Burdick . _: __ T. C. Killeen, Sec. and Tr. C. R. Barret\ ______ S. Ryder ___________ 0. J. Hazen________ ,T. R. Kilborn M. S. Wilder _______ L. G. Johnson ____ 126,680 Ohase N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Alb, 917,080 29,780 Cha e N., N. Y.; Northern N. Y. Tr. Co .. Watertown. 80,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. ------------------ 100,000 209,210 3,027,280 2,802,540 S. B. Richardson __ 0.1. Reeder _______ L. F. Marilley _____ 100,000 76,120 1,325,850 1,391,410 ---------- 35,000 ---- ·-------------- J. H.Van Arsdale __ Clara A. R. Van -------Ar dale Robert Holmes Cutleton _____ RAnsselaer National Exchange Bank •i'0l H. H. G. lnfalls --- Arthur C. Cheney_ G. S. Schermerhorn 61H82 H 10 Pop. 1595 Cato ____ Qayura JI' 10 First National Bank ____ • t·10 J. W. Hapeman ____ G. A. Cooper _______ II. n. Hopkins _____ :\L J. Sanderson ___ 5o-683 Pov. 404 Cutile _____ Wyomlnr H 5 Pop.1013 ~ j~ 517,410 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Com 'l Bk. & Tr. Co .• Alb. 16,150 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co .• Buffalo; N. S: ~ Bk. Com., Rochester. 11.150 601,590 628,070 25,000 32,580 409,320 444,060 42,910 1st N., Alb. 25,000 19,i40 552.250 56,190 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.: Auburn Tr. Co., Auburn; yracuse Tr. Co., 1-.:> """ Syracuse. 593. 100 I ~ :0 ·1 ttE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. e.1:cluslvely by The Band-McNalJ;y Bankers' 963 Dll'ectory, of The American Bankers Ass'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - - ---- -- -authority - -the -under '~ 143,330 Irvlnf N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. NEW YORK-Continued (Savings Banks do not handle collections) 11 :, I :. I. •! I I, • u; I . I t I t1Al{IN L (-1 l{U~ 1 963 Number under Name of Banlc is the New TransJt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers• DJrectory, under the authority of The American Banlcers Ass'n. TOWN AND COUNTY, NA.ME OF BANK, •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. 8 is Buffalo Br. +Mero. Fed. Res. [Esta.b. ------------- . . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK-Continued (Savings Banks do not handle collections) LIABILITIES. PRJ:SlDENT, CA.SHIER, VICE-PRE8IDENT. A.SS'T CA.SHIER. Catskill Savings Bank----1'68 W. I. Jennings ____ 50-428 RESOURCES. P ..UD-UP SURPLUS DEPOSAND CAPITAL •OatskilL ____ Greene I 18 Catskill National Bank •U813 James P. Philip ___ Pop. 4728 50-426 . .. DUI 1 f-\LV PROl!'ITS ITS Lo-&1<14' DlS- PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, c ..... Ix- c'Te • ..Bozima,•,Dn !Jso'CJUTI.H n.o111Lm - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Samuel C. Hopkins_ P, Gardner Coffin __ John H. Stor:, __ __ _ $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $ 675, 000 $ 867, 000 $ 100,000 1st N. and Atlantic N,, N. Y.: N. Y . State N., Alb. E. A.. Chase _______ Orrin Day, Tr, _____ Jeremiah Day, Sw. 479,740 4,242,500 4,193,630 194,420 Far. Ln. & Tr. Oo. and Cent. Union Tr. Co., Addison P. Jon es, N.Y. A. S ec . Wm. Palmatier ____ Wendell S.Sherman 150,000 194,950 1,258,530 1,317,880 291.320 Imp. & Tra. N., Irving N., and N. Oity, N. Y.· N. Com'l Bk. & Tr . Co .. Alb,; 18t N .. Phil. F. E. Johnson _____ J. J. McCarthy ____ 33,000 183,000 1,179,000 1.264,000 174,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Mar ine Tr. Co., Buffalo. ------ Tanners National Bank_ •t·n Orrin Day _____ ---50-427 Cattaraugus _oattaraugus Bank of Cattaraugus---•U'82 H. 0. Rich _________ 8 Pop. 1347 IS 5!Hi84 Oazenovia __ Madlson G 12 Cazenovia National Bank•t'Ol Henry Burden _____ H. G. Phelps ----- H~G. Phelps _______ H. M. Munger----C. A. Buckingham R . J, Goff Pop.1683 56-685 -------------------------------------- Ceda rhurst. __ Nassau C 5 (See New York City , Bo. ough Pop.1200 Center Moriches __ sutrolk Center Moriches Bank --•1'02 Pop. 1000 0 7 56-686 Central SQuare __ Oswego First National Bank ---•:l:'11 Pop. 448 ll' 12 50-910 Central Valley, OrangeB3 Central Valley National Bank Pop.1000 5!Hi87 •'ll Oh.amplain __ Olinton .A. lD First National Bank ----•t'64 5!Hi88 Pop.1140 Ohateaupy _____ Franklin First National Bank ____ .;1:·07 Pop.1291 AU 5!Hi89 Ohatham ___ Oolambla I 19 State Bank _____________ •t§"75 ♦ 5o-tl90 Pop. 2710 Cherry Oreek __ Ohaut'Qna Oherry Creek Nat'l Bk. •t'90 50~91 B Pop. 527 I2 Oherry Valley_Ot'e-o G 15 National Central Bank __ •t'l8 51Hi92 Pop. 728 Ohester _______ Qranre B 2 Chester National Bank--•i'46 5!Hi93 Pop. 1049 Ohurchville __ Monroe F 6 State Bank of Ohurchville 50-984 •i§'l1 B Pop. 513 Cincinnatus _____ Cortland Bank of Cincinnatus ___ •i§'99 51Hill:i Pop. GOO H12 Ciarence __ __ ___ _Erie G 4 BANK OF CLARENCE. -•i§'20 50-1021 8 Pop. 700 Ola:,ton __ Jefferson O 11 First National Bank _____ et'87 56-570 Pop.1849 .. Natioaal Rxchange Bank•i'84 50-571 . ------ Cla yville ---- Oneida F 18 Pop. 999 Ollfton Springs _Ontario Pop. 1628 G8 OllntGD ______ Oneida G 14 Pop. 1270 017-de _______ Wayne 11' 9 Pop. 2528 .. .. National Bank ofClayviI1e•'l9 56-990 Ontario National Bank--•i'07 5!Hi96 Ha:,es National Ba.nk: ___ .i·1s 5H97 Bri.Rs National Bant: __ ei'80 5!Hill8 Citizens Bank___________ ;j:§ '20 50-1016 41,610 742.(60 854,160 120,410 N. City and I rving N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk, & 2! t:z:J Tr. Co., Alb. I ~ of Queens) I John L. Havens ___ A. J. Hallock ______ C. E. Liscum ______ J. W.Taft_ _______ E. 0. Howell U . W. Johnson H. D. Coville ______ W. H. Conterman _ B. L. Knapp __ ____ _ o. J. Cook___ ___ __ _ W. H. Woodworth Ida Cornell _______ H. D. Ford ___ ---- J. ll. Barnes _______ George Cornell ____ 25,000 49,510 25,000 25,000 Frank Whiteside _ W. H. Dunn--~---- John H. Crook ___ A. R. Atwood ----J. H. Duffy _______ J. s. Van Vechten_ F. P. Kenned:, _____ E .W. P owers __ ____ 100,000 112,460 75,000 94,010 -------------- 50,000 93,790 1,628,970 1,639,650 E. 0. White ________ H. 0. Pierson ______ W. F. Salmon _____ Harold E. Crissey __ c. L. Edwards _____ 699,110 625, 010 17,000 750,000 700,000 24,440 245,750 278,770 934,800 1,131,880 540,110 644,900 Nora B. Lake ______ S. N. Smith ________ 25,000 21,360 833,900 361,640 s. Pearson ____ _ ll. L . Daki n ____ ____ 50,000 47,380 760.440 841,750 - -- ----- 100,400 122,380 388,880 575, 140 A. Leonard Dakin ____ B. C. Durland ___ ___ T. F. Lawrence ___ A. R. Conklin __ ____ s. Murray ___ 142,660 Chatham & Phenix N. and Harrima n N, , N. Y.; ~ Bk. of Manhat tan Co., Jamaica. 0 75,000 N. City, N.Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. ~ X 33. 980 Mech. & Metals N.,N, Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 123,140 1st N., Mech. & Metals N .. and Irving N., N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N,, Phil. 61,010 Ran . N. , N. Y.: Tra. N .. Roch ester , 14,000 283,820 261,010 25,000 64,010 544,600 605,400 H.J. Auer. ________ Edwin Weinauge __ H. J. Emerson ____ A. D . Gibson __ ____ _ 50,000 22,100 189,370 243,120 W. H. Oonsaul _____ H. S. Johnston ____ W. C. Boult on _____ F . M . Yandewalke r F. H. Le Fairve W. D. Clark ____ A. L. Williams- ____ Robt. D. Grant - - J. W. Fitz Gerald_ 50,000 13,000 556,000 50,000 100,660 E. M. Willis _____ J, A. Jordan _______ Ross L. Debbold ___ ---- ---------------- 25,000 5,000 D. M. Warner _____ T. V. Fox _______ G . .A. Lindner ____ -------- 25,000 16.160 449,510 412,410 80;800 1st N., Alb. 25,000 54,800_ 322,000 386,000 65,000 Han. N., N. Y. 50,000 35,720 1.075,230 948,420 50,000 10,390 131,310 124,870 416,680 N. L. Hayes - ---- _ 0. H. Stanton ______ R. U. Ha:,es _______ W, .l. HunL _____ E. B. Palmer _______ J. W. Hinmaa _____ H. C. Hinman _____ z 82,490 Irving N., N. Y. 25,000 -------------------- > 134,110 N. City and Irvin.: N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Oo. , Alb, 41,160 Han. N., N. Y.; City Oom 'l T r. Co .. Buffalo; Far. & Mech., Jamestown. 57.100 N. Park, N. Y. --------- B. R. Corning ____ tn 115,060 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. George A. Haskins_ B. R . Baldwin ______ George A. Johnson M. J. Bruton ______ Geo. F. L. Waldorf _____ A. D. Collier _______ H. C. Herley ______ I. L. F oist ________ D. P. Maloy H. L. Smith Oiymer ___ ChautauQua I 1 O1:,mer State Bank-----•tl'IO AlbertNeckers, Jr. E. L. Caflisch ______ H, F. Yonng ______ Ruth M. Neckers_ 5!Hi99 C. L. Kooman B Po-p. 454 OoblesJdlLSehoharie H l& Farmers Ii Merch.Bank•U'93 W. D. Becker ______ J. Burhans ________ J. :&. Becker. ______ 5H67 Pop, 2410 -------- 25,000 94,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. ; Jeffe rson Co. N., Wate r t own. 961,300 1,039,860 113,400 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Y. State N., Alb.: Water- l t own N .. Watertown ; Syr acuse Tr. Co.; Syracuse. 300,000 245,000 --------- Utica Tr. & Dep. Co. and City N,, Utica. 530,000 20,380 386,340 80,220 Seab. N., N .Y. ; Bk. of Jamestown, Jamestown. -- 100,000 91.210 2,361.970 2,389,880 194,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; N. Y. State N. and N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, 251,680 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. oohocton - ---Steuben H7 Cohocton State Bank ___ :l:§'15 Chas. Larrowe _____ W. J. Faulkner ____ G. A. Wentworth __ Chas. Rocker ______ Pop. 843 50-700 25,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIRST IATIOIAL BAIIK.•i'H 51Hi66 { LESTER A. HODGE-- WATSON LAMONT---- A. C. KILMER-- ------ Prompt remJtta nee at lowest rat es for all Coblesk Ill Items • Bill of LadJng D rafts a specialty. 23,550 ti) - [ O"' 0 (') rf' 0 ::l 194, 280 Han. N. and Irving N ., N. Y.; N . Y. State N., Alb. 35,150 N. Bk, Com .. N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse . 63,350 1.361,430 1,263,410 .. ,..,. . 25,000 -------- I nI)) 21.830 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cortland, Cortland; 0""' 1st Tr. & Dep. Co. , Syracuse. (j 13,780 Sea b. N.; N, Y.; Ma rin e Tr. Co .• Butl'alo. 0 50,000 .. X en 463,250 424,420 80,750 Irving N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo: I~ w N. Y. Stat e N., Alb. d • NEW YORK - C 0ntlnUC lflllllber under Name or Bank is the New Tranalt Number given to each bank in U. B. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• --~lree~ry, und!'r the aut!!_o,!ltY of The American B~kers Ass•n. 964 I NAME OJI' BANK. AND OOUNTT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §St.ate •County Seats. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. ln No.2 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [Esta\------♦ .Mem. Fed. Re', 8 is Buffalo Br. ToWN Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law (Indexed) lu back of ttis volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Lawis. - =-:--::======:....::::__, -~- -- - - - - _ _ _ __ (Savings Ba~ks do~ handle c o l l e c ~ RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. CAsmn. ASS'T OASHIJCR, su PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, ~~·:,;>.:: ~-.:..~ :~us, Dl!lPOSP.A.ID-UP _ no_,._B_.._... _ _• _ _ CAPITAL _P_n_o_l'I_T_s _IT_s_ _s_llOVUTI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 1 Cohoes •.•••• A.lban:, G 18 1Cohoes Sav. Institntioa•;§'51 G. H. McDowell __ IJ. W. AbletL _____ OharlesR.ll'ord,Tr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 478,800 $4,303,810 $4,421,340 $ 208,430 1st N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cohoes, Oohoes. G. R. Wilsdon 1 50-201 Pop. 22,987 231,330 Han. N. and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 97,000 1.405,380 1,537,450 Manufacturf~\~tnk ___ •il'72 ' Harvey S. Greene __ J. W. Ford------- J. S. Olute _________ J.E. Mussey ______ $ 100,000 " -------" I.Mechaiaics SavingsBk .. •U'73 George Oliver ______ 50-204 NATIOIIAL BANK OF COHOES G. H. McDowell ___ •i'59 50-202 Cold Sprine.-Putnam A 4 National Bk. of Oold Sprine- Coryell Olark _____ on-Hudson 50-701-______ •;t•go Pop. 1422 College PoinLQueens D 4 (Su N. Y. Citll, Borouoh of Queens) Pop. 6127 Conewango Valley ational E. A. Bagg ________ Conewango Valley Chautauqua I 3 13ank _____ 50-970 ________ '17 8 Pop, 250 Coney Island __ Kines D 4 (Su N. Y. Cit11, Borouoh of 1Brookhm) •Cooperstown,0tse&"offi4 COOPERSTOWN NAT'L BANK w. Scott Root _____ 50-549 Pop. 2725 " " I Edward Foley _____ J. S. Olute, Tr. --- G. W. Humphreys, ____ Sec. J. S. Clute 250,800 Wm. P. Adams---- George R. Wilsdon_ Ernest c. Game___ Geo. R. Wilsdon 50,000 G. Y. Grace _______ F. R. Amerman__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 145,!l00'Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; .Mnfrs., Cohoes. 280,6-l0 1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. L. H. Myers _______ C. M. Waite _______ V. A. Kirkland____ ' Albert Kellogg 25,000 1,170 86,040 F. M. Smith _______ E. D. Lindsay______ _________________ 50,000 16,'li60 392,830 W. P. K. FULLER FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•i'30 Send us your o tseito County Ite ms. 5o-547 { Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft I or preaentation and 15c /or Credit Repor ta, -------- Second Na\ional Bank --•:i•52 O. T. Brewer ______ F. L. Quaif ________ F. W. S1>raker _____ L. T. Pier__________ H. H. Wi1lsey 50-548 I 86,520 11 ,F. A. Green _______ A. L. Clark ________ D. A. Timerman___ _____________ Copenlla~~~~- ~Jwis DU Copenhagen ~b~onal Ban~ 5 Corfu ________ Qenesee G 4 Bank of Oorfu ---------•i1'08 O. W. Oarrier _____ E. T. Swnner ____ A. F. Bangert ______ c. H. Bordwell __ , I ~0-102 . Pop 45 _B Cormth ____ saratoga I!' 18 Oorinth National Bank.-•i 02 W. J. Burnham ________________ I!'. E. Prnyn_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50-703 Pop. 2576 . ! 1 499,240 150,000 134,810 1.979,620 2,313,390 150,000 194,300 2,382,710 2,676,820 I 5 I 120 1 232,980 25,000 47,000 700,000 670,000 100.000 Irving- N., N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo. 35,000 -18,190 1,003,690 988,480 111.880 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 100,000 146,060 2,100,000, 2,550,090 ox ack:le ____ Qreene 118 Pop. :m1 Oroellan ______ Lewi D 1-l Pop. 646 Croton-on-Hudson _Westchester_:Pop. 2286 •• B 4 130,600 2, 709,0001 2,474,000 Jacob Weirich _____ w. B. Bishop ______ - - - - - - - · H. . Lewis J oho harp ________ F. L. Fox ___________________________ _ . rown PmnL.Essex D19 J. W. Wyman, Banker ___ f 8l lllary R. Wyman ___ E. Louise Wyman_ A. E. Phelps ______ W. B. Wyman ___ _ 50-707 Pop. 1500 I 100,000 .Park, EquitableTr.Co.,andHan ... 1 .,N.Y.: . Y. State N,, Alb. 521,150 411,000 1st N., N Y. > Z ~ I (') o ::r ~ 0 ....0 (') 600,0001 440,160 57,000 N. City, N. Y. ,; 42,290 495.4001 501,900 27,930 Corn Ex .. N. Y. ~ 1 566.490 4,866,3201 4,892,960 307,130 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 0 :;l 1:1 0 57,000 1,280,000 1,431,000 1,572,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; 1st Tr. & I Dep. Co., Syracuse. au~· T. II. Wickwire ____ B. J. Bostwick---- A. R. Learn------P.A. Goodwin _____ H. A. Jordan __________________ _ ! 28,000 ~l~fe~l~~ns a specialty. BUis of Lading ii 75 { Completely equ lpped to handle a 11 buslnes • "end us your " CORTLAND" bu slness. E. Alley-------- - -•'82 50-314 . C. Richtmyer _ National Bank of Coxsackie •i'65 50-705 Cro(!han National Bank.•:t"l7 Fredlin Nortz _____ 50-972 First National Bank: ____ •;t"08 James A. Hart, Jr,_ . j 50-706 75,750 Carthage N., Car~e. 2 143,280 2,836,030 2,9-l7.l10 SECOND NATIONAL BANK 138,770 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 29,870 125,000 F. J. PECK-------- ~- H. GARRISON ----- R. ELL. !OTT OWENS .. C. E. MUDGE------- 35.440 N, Oit7 and Equitable Tr. Co., N, Y. 142,360 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Market 0 ~ St. N., Phil. ~ 25,000 120,910 2,315,350 1,988,480 50-313 z 25,690 Seab. N .. N. Y.; N. Co., James- 1-.-4 1l•J town. tD Corning-______ steubenI8 CorningTrustCo. _____ •t§'61 W.J.Heermans ___ W.S.Heynifer_ ___ Wm.B.Ilunt, Tr .• G.A.Heermans, : 100,000 Sec. C. E. Pier, A. Tr. 50-272 Pop,15,820 D. A. Ro·e, A. Sec. I Jr.. 100,000 Cole, T. Harvey ____ llyde M. Ohas. --Williams F. A. ___ Willard S. Reed FIRST NATIONAL BANK I R. D. Granger & TRUST COMPANY •i"81 50-273 50,000 Cornwall.. ___ Oranre A 2 Oornwall National Bank •t'll O. E. Mailler ______ I. M. Oocks _______ J. 8. Holloran ______ Thos. Cocks, S ec •.. ' 1 M. F. Davis 60-908 Pop. 1755 Cornwall on-the-Hudson Oornwall Savings'71 Townsend D. Wood L. G. Goodnough .. Gilbert T. Cocks ___ T. D. Wood----- _ __ Patrick Bevans 50-704 Oranre __ Pop. 2658 __ A 3 •Cortland __ Qortland H 11 Cortland Savings Bank •il'66 B. L. Webb _______ Hubert T. Bushnell Wm. R. Cole, Tr, __ W. A. Stockwell, ce. Lester P. Bennett Earl W. Bentley, · 50-312 Pop, 13,294 A.1'r. 200,000 Cortland Trust Co. ----•U'6S E. Keator __________ R.. L. Davis ________ Geo. V. Clark, Tr,_ __________________ F. H. Wickwire 50-311 IIATIONAL BK. OF CORTL.A~D 97,580 1st N,, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 1 -------- " 210,010 279,850 1 I •i'041 GEORGE H. WHITE . 'C. A. SCOTT------ FRANK HALE-------· J. F. MOAKLER------ " 207,810 2,087,090 2,149,590 380.440 2,999.630 U39,940 19,380 i.o °' ~ I 46,540 587,090 462,390 479,350 1 520,720 :i' r1' 352,460 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.: yracuse Tr. Co .. Syracuse. 550,000 1st N .. N. Y.: Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 119,160 Chase N .. N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy, 12,720 I» ::, C I» ,; 25.000 18.630 25,000 19,580 I 362.2901 378,220 49,450 Ohatham & Phenix N ., N. Y. ::< 20,000 14,000 190,0001 100,000 &0,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; 1s1 N., '°.... t..;i THE · MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Number unde.r Name of BanJc is the New Tranalt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banke[s' Federal Reserve Bank 965 of St. Louis NEW YORK-Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws indexed) in back of this._ THC -MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of' BUFFALO 965 Number under Name or Bank is the New 'l'l'ansJt Number given to each bank in U. S. excJuslvely by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. TOWN AND COUNTY. •County Seats. 8 i:. Buffalo Br. B Pop. 1611 . . CASHIER. ASS'T CA.SHIER. $ 100,000 $ ITS ------- . Delevan __ cattaraueus I 3 Bank of Delevan _______ •:l:5'13 R. 0. Pinerey _____ C. S. Persons ______ C. A. Metcall ----50-931 8 Pop. 547 Delaware National Bank'et'39 J. R. Honeywell ___ 0. L. A.ndru _____ H. S.1larviJl ______ •DelhL---- Delaware I 15 50-709 Pop, 1669 Depew __________ Erie G 4 Bank of Depew--------•!§'19 E. J. Nash _________ E. B. Rowley ______ Peter C. Jansen ___ 50-993 Wm. F. O'Connor B Pop. 5850 Deposit ____ • Broome I 13 Farmers National Bank_•:•09 E. F. Smith ________ R. Brown _________ M. B. Smit.h _______ 60-710 Pop. 1943 De Ruyter __ Madison G 12 De Ruyter State Bank.-•U'89 B. S. Bryant _______ M. E. Tallett ______ 11'. L. Mitchell _____ Pop. 519 60-711 Dexter ____ J eff'erson D 11 First National Bank ______ t'06 A. A. Phelps _______ C. w. Campbell ____ Oscar E. Schultz __ 50-712 Pop. ll64 Dobbs Ferry_ Westches'r Dobbs Ferry Bank-----•t§'90 F. Q, Brown _______ W.W. Tompkins-- B. L. Wallace______ 50-503 .. Pop. 4401 .. 0 4 W. W. Tompkins __ Thomas Losee ____ W. H. Losee, Sec. Greenbureh Savings Bank 50-502 tl'69 Sylvester Buckhout and Tr. Doleeville-Herkimer F 16 First National Bank ____ .i·o2 Julius Breck:woldt_ E. B. White _______ John J. Griffl th ____ 50-713 Pop. 3-148 Dover Plains---Dutchess Dover Plains Nat. Bank_•t"56 E.G. Reynolds ____ 0. W. Vincent _____ T. J. Boyct) _______ Pop. 797 J 19 50-714 Downsville-Delaware I 14 First National Bank ____ •t·os C. E. Hulbert ______ G. W. Holmes _____ A. H. Griffl th ______ 50-715 Pop. 650 Dryden ___ Tompkins H 11 First National Bank ____ •t·o2 S. G. Lupton _______ E. H. Fulkerson ___ Webb Corbin ______ 50-716 Pop. 707 Dundee ________ Yates B 9 Dundee National Bank ____ '80 G. S. Shattuck_. ___ T. D. Beekman ____ C. M. Clark -----~-50-607 Pop.1143 u Dundee State Bank ______ §'82 W. 0. Sworts ______ H. 0. HarpeLdinir_ R. B. Sworts _______ 50-608 §'20 Elton D. Warner __ W. T. McCatirey __ Rob. R. Dew, Sec,_ H 1 DUNKIRK TRUST 50-230 + T. J. Cummings B Pop. 19,336 ., ... Lake Shore Nat'! Bank -•t'83 A. J. Lunt ________ Clark Bloss ________ Edward Madiean __ 50-229 H. H'. Droege ______ A.H. Hunter _____ J. M. Madiean _____ MERCHANTS NAT'L BK. •t·s2 50-228 c. E. Frantzen, A. Cash. First National Bank _____ t'91 N. L. Donirlass ____ arlville ____ }Iadison H 13 H. H. White _______ H. W. Clarke ______ E 50-717 Pop. 792 .. .. -------- ----------- ---- co ______ . East Aurora _____ Erie G 4 B Pop. 3708 100,000 70,000 $ 750,000 $ 933,000 $ 75,000 Market St. N .. Phil. 85,000 700,000 800,000 90,000 lrving N., N. Y.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co., Buffalo, ---- ---- .. ---- • 50-533 60,000 550,000 180,000 Imp. & Tra, N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 50,000 50,710 1,190,580 1,136,430 158,200 N. Park, N. Y.; Mofrs. & Tra. N,, Buffalo: 1st N., Phil.: N. Y. State N., Alb. 25,000 17,640 850,000 360,010 349,880 52,760 Chase N., N. Y.: Marine Tr, Co., Bn.ffalo. 100,000 E. C. Kupczynski __ 50,000 21,150 679,340 578,390 U0,190 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co .. Buffalo. -·-------- ---------- 50,000 56,100 678,520 645,610 147,480 Irvine N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 56,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co. and 1st Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse. 33,950 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.: Northern N. Y. Tr. Co., Watertown. · 83,580 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; N, Y, State N,, Alb. 135.230 1,174,180 1,470,110 102,290 Ban. N., N. Y. R. L. Baldwin _____ 25,000 13,400 367,390 348,110 Lisle A. Wiley---- - 30,000 20,000 343,800 348,200 B. DeWitt Wilde __ 100,000 26,510 477,430 521,110 _________ ..,_,., -----·- ---- 75,970 797,540 769,200 Carl G. Ward _____ 50,000 -------------------- 100,000 66,800 256,010 362,270 G. J. Merritt _____ 25,000 32,000 380,000 370,000 65,000 Chase N., N. Y,i Corn Ex. N., Phil. D. S. Fellows ______ 25,000 41,990 591,850 659,940 41,750 Hao. N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., ---------- ---------- 50,000 17,030 224,100 224,390 55,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 80,260 Imp. & Tra. N. and N .. N. Y. ... 150,000 1,300,000 1,200,000 88,280 240,000 Irvine N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N. and 1st N., Alb, 56,170 Chase N., N. Y. W. M. Boyce _______ 50,000 18,740 421,610 410,090 Chester Cooley, A. Sec. T. D.Lunt ____ Shirley T. Colman William A. Draves J. G. Flahaven !1. L. Rogers ______ 250,000 125,090 215,300 469,720 105,000 236,150 2,362,220 2,296,930 250,000 442,240 4,120,910 3,980,670 50,000 54,240 1,071,230 1,101,060 121,320 Chase N. and Irvine N., N. Y. 100,000 69,100 1,365,000 1,302,760 207,860 Seab. N, and Guaranty Tr•• Co •• N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N ., Buffalo. 100,000 66,300 1,609,100 1,655,440 143,960 Marine Tr, Co., Buffalo. 80,160 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co., Buffalo. 599,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co, and Mnfrs. & Tra. N .. Buffalo; 1st N., Clev. 901,040 Liberty N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; Marine Tr. Co., Rnffalo; 1st N., Clev. em •i§'82 H. II. Persons, A. L, Mii;chell I Ch. of Bd. ------------ ------- N. F. Barnum MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK-BUFEALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Infrs. & Tra. N,, Buffalo, w. Honeywell_ W. A. Sec. ERIE COUNTY rO. E.MERRILL rA"J· l~i\ftRY --- C. H. NORTON, Sec. VINCENT RAGAN, to clentJy handle all , large or small. financial matters TRUST COMPANY ma de prom!Jtly and charge!il reasona bJe. • 50-535 •t§'ll R.Collections S. Persons _____ J, J. Sly ___________ H. Z. Persons ______ BANK OF EAST AURORA Han, N., N.Y.; 50,000 - Equipped .. CORRESPONDENTS, --- --- ---------- ---------- --- --- --- --- --- .. PRINCIPAL ' First National Bank ____ •t'80 H. 0. Morpn ______ F. L. Sibley _______ B. P. Mor1™1 ______ G. W. Folwell ___ H. E. Keller 50-583 Da.lton ____ Livineston B 6 Dalton Bankine House __ tl900 G. E. Moses ______ E. W. Moses _______ Guy W. Hill _______ 50-708 B Pop. 600 Dansville __ Lfvineston B 7 Citizens Bank __________e:W87 Frank Fielder ___ J. W. Wadsworth __ F, H. Joha.ntgen ___ :r. P. Kaeee. _______ F. H. Johantgen 60-475 8 Pop. 4681 Merchants & Farmers Nat'l William Kramer __ W. A. SpinninE---- J, H. Edwards _____ G. M, Young _______ Bank---- _60-476 _______ .:•go ------ RESOURCES. Lo.u<e & Dta- IJ••"& ExC'TB. BoMDs, CIU.NGU,DUI 8.soua.rrna l"&OMB.t.!ma --- CUBA NATIONAL BANK- •t"65 J. o. Lerrett.. ______ C. A. Wheeler _____ O. A. Ackerly ______ C. O. Brown ------60-582 LIABILITIES, P.UD-UP Su~us DEPOSCAPITAL PROFITS [Estab. +Mem. Fed. Res. Ouba ______ AlleEany I 5 {Savings Banks do not handle collections) VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK-Continued NAME OF BANK: •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. · ~r:R~~~;-fRAJli~t :~~~ 966 NEW YORK- COnt·lOUed umber under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclu lvelJ by The Rand-McNallJ Bankers• Directory, un~e~ the_~l_!_!horlty . of_ The_ A~_r!c~l! _Ban~ers Ass'n. . NAME OF BA!liK. Tow.s A.'D Co~T-;: •.11em.Am.Bks.Assn. §'t~te •County eats.. ln "o. 2 Fed. He •. Dist. t.Mem. tateBks.Assn. t Pnv. (Estab. ♦ )fem. Fed. Res. Bis Buffalo Br. - I -- - - - -· ' PRESIDE.ST, ____ _ _L avln~s Ban~s I_ I do no_!_ h_andle Colleetlo_n~_)_ _ _ _ _ ~,---- - -- - - LIABILIT1E-: CASHIER, Ass'T CAi-;HIER. 1 Bas1 Hampton_Suffolk C 9 East Hampton Nat.Bk .• _•'05 Hiram SherrilL. ___ C. W. Rackett, Jr,_ G. A. Miller------- K. E. Davis_______ H. G. Stephens 50-719 Pop. 4500 East Islip _____ sutrolk D 6 First National Bank ____ •'09 1C. L. Wolpert. _____ Maitland Hanford_ Harry L. Wolpert_ -------------------50-720 Pop. 1200 " East Randolph_Cattr's I 3 Peoples State Bank _____ u•go 50-721 B Pop. 544 w. E. Searle _______ East Rochester -- Monroe 1 First Nationa!BanJc _____ •t·12 A.H. Bown _______ So-915 F7 B Poo. 3901 East Setauket ___ suffolk Tinker National Bank __ .•'20 Edward L. Tinker_ 60-1008 C7 Pop. 2200 East yracuse .O nondaga Bank of ]l;ast yracuse _t§'J9 A. w. Loasby ____ 50-1005 F 12 Pop. 4106 Edmeston ____ Otsego H 14 ,First National Bank: ____ et'87 U. G. Welch _______ , 50;-724 Poo. 800 Edwards ___ st. Lawrence 1Edwards National Bank •t 14 D. M. Taylor ______ 50-939 C 14 Poo. 577 Elba ________ Genesee F 5 Bank of Elba __________ •t§'l6 1 amuel Parker ____ 50-957 B Poo. 386 Ellenburg Depo t.Clinton tate Bank of Ellenburg •§•20 10. D. MtmsiL _____ 50-1031 A 19 Pop. 450 1 Bllenville _____ UJster 117 Ellenville Savings Bank_tl'69 Dwight Divine _____ , 5()-614 Pop. 3116 First National Bank ____ et'63 11. E. Clark ________ 5 Bank __ •t·7a George F. Andrews Home National o-6l8 5()-616 lllicottvme __ oattaraugus Bank of EllicoUville ---•U'78 1J. O. Clark _______ 50-726 I4 B Pop. 850 Elmhurst ____ Queens D4 (Su N. Y. Cit11, Borouoh of Quuns) •11:lmira _____ Qhf>mung I 9 Chemung Oanal Trust Oo. E. J. Dunn ________ •t§'33 + 60-111 Pop. 45.393 R. T. Searle _______ W. E. Searle _______ Florence Hovey___ 224,000 25,000 Ohase N. and Irving N., N. Y. 25,000 36,000 298,590 271,270 89,750 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. co .• Butralo. 25,000 1 13,120 119,010 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. and Tra. N .• Rochester.I~ 26,170 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Dep. co., ,-.J Syracuse. 120,450 Irvmg N .. N. Y.; N. Y. State N ., Alb.; Com'! ~ '""'4 N., Wash .. D. c. 58,580 Chase N., N. Y.; Watertown N,, Watertown. w 38,590 477.360, 502,370 537,730 532,430 25,000 15,000 250, 000 25,000 12,430 236,480 50,000 50,000 ---- I 50,000 W. H. Deyo _______ H.F. Hoornbeek, John A.. Tice, See,_ ____ Tr. C. D. Divine 50,000 C.H. Sheley _______ 11'. B. Hoombeek ___ AnnaB.Hoornbeek • 1 206,510 ~ ..., 34,480 N. Park, N. Y. 238,930 Lt ~ . UJ 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Mnfrs. N .• Troy. 179,920 N. Park, Guaranty Tr., and Equitable Tr. Cos.. N Y 100.000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 168,810 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y. 115,000 G. F. Smith _______ J.M. Junker ____ -------------------- li0,000 66,190 383,7101 369,040 I t? I~ 125,550 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co. and Liberty, ::t: I lU Buffalo. 748,590 757,860 ~ 8 2.000 75,000 10,000 1 155,590 2,451,010 2,426,680 11 52,0001 340,000I 300,000 50,000 600,000 I <; 48,870 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., ?. Y. 1 1. B. Smith _______ Floyd B. Garrison. ___________________ ..., .c.. 380,950 1 150,020' 139,260 486,270 85,890 J. U. Maurer______ ______________ T. Bootman ________ John L. Shaw _____ Clara A. Welch____ C. W. Horton John Doolittle E. c. Gregory _____ E. C. Gregory _____ -------------------- F. W. Swan ______ P. G. King-ston,Tr. J.ErnestWebb,Sec. C. A. Bowman, A. D. Falck 60,470 Met. Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Peconic, Sag Harbor. 240,000II 1 1 y; 10,600 W. J. Fallon ______ .M. W. Osborn_____ ________________ G. W. Gilbert__ ____ D. :M. Spencer ___________________ . _____ 505,500 $ 60.000 N. Park and Irvini N., N. $ 25,000 14,580 W. H. Cole _______ W. E. Smith_______ ·po.-nE."Ts. 574.710 I 672,840 1 25,000 s. Brady ______ PRI.'CIPAL CORRE Cuu&Ex- ciu.·ou,Du• 46,790 1 B. R. Erwin _______ V. D. Archer ______ -------------------- L. no~, .•. ~ :~ _________________ 25,000 $ 38,400 $ 650,000 100,000 -------- REsOURCES. l.o.ui1A:D 1•C'To. 1 Osborne Trust Co. ---•ii'l7 C. W. Osborne _____ N. c. Osborne _____ N. N. Tiffany ______ Walter Dippel..___ S. A. Gregory 50-974 •· I - PAID-UP SURPLU 8 DEPOSj ITS AND CAPITAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PRoFrrs _ _ _ 1 VICE-PRESIDENT, Non-Bank Towns with Neare t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back O th! 1.0 volume. _For Interest ~ates, H!llld~·s, ~t<''..'._soo Law•. ~ 3 I 1 596,600 8,400,700 8,169,120 1,550,940 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.:_ ~ IO A.. 'l.'r. ::l Michael De1i~r-------- t'19 __________________ - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- - - ---- ---- ---- -------- --------- --------- --------- -------Elmira Savings Ban1t----t1'119 W. H. Ferguson ___ J. W. Huston ______ H. 0. Mandeville. M:. A.. Leahy, Su._ _ _ _ 141,950 1,409,830 , 1,405,420! 138,670 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ohemunf Canal Tr. I Oo., Elmira. Tr. Henry Simpson 50-109 1 ~250,000 138,840 1,530,270 1.845,310 257,890 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. Merchants Nat'l Bank __ et'92 O. c. Swan _______ Arthur Olin1on _____ Geo. W. Brooks.-- Wm. O'Neil _____ ,., A. W. Booth 60-110 1 SECOND -------- S. G. H. TURNER- J.. S.. FASSEKTTR_____ M. Y. SMITH------E B CROC ;E Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash NATIONAL BANK Plea e send 15c u ith each sioht drat t for prn·entation •t'63 Send us your E lmlra It.ems. 50-108 GEBBIE & COMPANY -----'13 GEORGE GEBBIE---- - - - - - - - - - H. M. SWARTZ ______ (Investment Banker s) (Realty Bide-.) l Endicott. ____ nroome I 12 Endicott Co., Bankers __ •t'l71E. Jenney ________________ 50 969 95 iO. C. WARNER ____ GEO. W JOHNSON- -Pop. 00 Bill 01 Lading and CoUection STATE BANK OF ENDICOTT " ________ " t '19 Prompt crvlee • Rate Rea on + 50-1003 ' A New, Progre Ive Bank. E\'ans ~Iills ____ Jolfer on Peoples l3ank __________ t§'l91· O. S. Pickard ______ 50-1000 C 12 Pon. 584 P'alroort -----Monroe F 7 Fairport ational Bank __ t'16 F. E. Shepard _____ 50-960 B Pop. 4626 Fa Ironer _Chautauqua I I First National Bauk ---•t1900 M. W. Neate _______ , 50-727 I 8 Pop. 2742 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. A. Balden ______ R_. NB._ DELYOOLD-S O 8 E 'N 1 400,000 and Time Items. and 25c fnr Credit Report . g 1 653,460 7,688,750 17,540.170 1,320,120 Chem. ., l~t N. and Ir:ving- N., N.Y.; Market ~ St. N., Phil.; N, Com l Bk. &Tr. Co., Alb. (D '"1 N. H. KELLER, Sec, __ -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- Gebbie & Co., Buffalo. / c. B. Jenney ______ - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - Irving N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 1 E. L. BROWN-------- _______________ 50,000 32,940 1,645,200 1,330,530 o. W. Orysler, 60,000 15,460 145,700 169,290 50,000 16,600 446,680 456,000 25,000 20,540 609,100 490,230 396,610 N. Bk, Com., N. Y.; 3d N., Scranton. a Specialty. able. ----------· -----Sec. a~ Tr, J. I. George------- Geo. G. Mulliner -- ------------------A. C. Pa age A. D. Bush -------- E. H. Sample ______ K. E. Sample _____ _ H. M. Cleland O. A. Carlson E.G. Rogers _______ 0 1 r M. & T . NATIONAL-BUrC-C-ALO 33,800 Chase N •• N. Y.: Northern N, Y. Tr. Watertown. 93,000ran. N., N, Y.; T<a. N., Rochester, 176.330 Seab. N., N.Y.: Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA coLLEcT1ONs 967 Number under Name of Danie is the New TransJt Number civen to each bank in U. S. eICJusfveJy by The Rand-McNally Banlcers• Dll'ectory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. TOWN A.ND OOUNTY. (Savings Banks do not handle ~olledlons) Nil1E OF BA.NJ:. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ln 1 0. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. B i:;, Buffalo "Br. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. PKKSIDENT, Non-Bank 'fowns with Nearest Banking Potnt (In· dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this1~ volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc, see Laws. ~ NEW YORK-Continued VICE-PRJ:SIDDT. OASIJill,'T OA.SHill. _ ____;;;:LIA..;:.:.;..B.:....I:.aL:.=I-=-T=-=IE:;;:S:...:.._ _ _ ll----'R=ES:=..-0--'U'--R_C_ll:S__c_;_._ SURPLUS Lo.uoa• Dia P AID-UP 0 Al(l)•-. ...... Bo.,,.;--.~ D:sPo&1 ,~ 1 PRINCIPAL 00RRJCSPONDENT8. '"1 1<:<: .u>ITAL FBortTe 1" 11arnnan1ao ............ _ ____=c----'------l-----''---'-':.:.;_-=-:=..__ -=..=-=~1-------l--------l--------l--------l-------------------l----------------1- Fanninedale __ Nassau D 5 Bank of Farminedale --•U'07 Pop. 201H . 5o--581 •• _______ " First National Bank ----•'07 5()-580 Jl'ar Rockaway ___ Queens (Su N. Y. Ottil, Borouah of Di I Fayetteville ___ Onondal!a Pop.1584 G12 Fillmore ___ Allepny H5 B Pop. 500 Fishkill----Dutchess A 4 Pop. 479 .ll'ishklll OD the Hudson Dutchess-Pop. 3902_JIQ Fleischmanns __ Delaware Pop. 525 115 " ___ " Martin Meyer ______ A. P. Whit< on _____ J. 8. Baylis _______ L. G. Fehleisen __ _ H.H.Frost,Jr. V.P. P. V. Ketchan J. F. Michel. ______ C. L. Watkins _____ W. H, Trou _____ E. Hackwitz ______ _ Chas. Keller 25,000 1$ 28,000 $ 492,000 $ 473,000 $ 54,000 Chase N., N. Y. 25,000 35,000 697,000 638,000 91,000 Irvine N., N, Y.: Market St. N., Phil. Qu,um) Fayetteville Commercial Bk. W. M. Jones-----50-995 t§'l9 State Bank or LHmore-•i1'89 0. E. Haines _______ 50-728 Fishkill Sav. Institute ____ 5•57 J. 8. Lunter ______ 50-7211 (Su Beawn) Citizens Bk. of Griffin Corners J. L. Keator _ _ _ 50-634 •t§'lO First National Bk. of Griffin Geo. A. Speen• Corners __ 50-633 ------•t"07 burgh noral Park ___ Nassau D 4 Floral Park Bank _____ •tl'08 E. L. B'rost -------Pop. 2500 + 50-730 JJ'lorida....------ Oranre B 2 Florida National Bank --•t·n J. K. Roe.-----Pop. 1000 50-731 ll'lushlnr ____ Quee.a O t (Su N. Y. Oitv, Borouoh of Quum) •i'onda • .Montromery G 17 Nat. Mohawk River .Bank•:•53 J. Ledlie Bees----Po-p. 747 50-732 Forestville •• Ohautaaqua First National Bauk ____ •t'l3 W. H. Marvin----8 Pop. 620: H2 50-733 J'ort Covinriton.Frank:lin Fort Oovineton Bk:e. Co,_t"06 Wm.N.MacArtney Pop. 836 .A.17 50-734 Fort Edward_ Wash. F 19 Fort Edward Nat'! Bank:_t'85 A. P. Hill--------Pop, 3871 50-735 W. M. Peckham. __ R. L. Jones ________ - - - - - · - - - - 25,000 5,000 198,000 158,000 30,0 O Irvine N,, N. Y.: Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. s. Gleason______ 25,000 1,260 454,890 484,710 60,570 Ohase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Buffalo, Buff'alo. 45,350 608,320 625,620 42,760 Chase N., N. Y.; Fishkill N,, Beacon: lstN.,; Z Pouehkeepsie. i t11 12,060 252,620 232,570 54,000 Irving N. and Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y. 143,520 195,540 H. A. Gelser. _____ C.H. Ward _______ L. O. D. Sherwood ___ Ralph Brinckerhoff', C. C. Robinson.Sec. John Rapeleje Tr. H, S. Vermilyea_ R. W. Paw line.____ ________________ ---- 25,000 Herbert Lasher ___ John F. Kelly __________ _ 25,000 12,730 J. F. Klein _____ C.H. Van Nostrand G. B. Remsen _____ _ G. A. Wii.!2'ins Georee F. Jayne -- o. P. DeKay ____________ _ 25,000 54,120 1,188,160, 1,082,280 25,000 50,000 B. F. Spraker _____ J. J. Veeder ______ Ed2'ar Leonhardt._ 100,000 W. F. Miller------ ALP. Wilson ______ R. B. Martin. _____ _ C. A. Reynolds . JamesMacArtneY- T.A.Ohisho\m ____ James MacArtney. 25,000 6,000 628,000 600,000 10,000 9,950 213,380 167,040 W. L, R. Durkee .• A.. R. Wini _________________________ _ 75,000 49,000 685,000 692,000 J'ort Plain __ Montr'Y G 111 Farmers & Mechanics Bk. F. W. Bauder ______ F. Waener -------- Charles G. Zielley _ A.. L. Gros _______ _ Pop. 2747 5o-637 U'87 100,000 60,800 1,16U50 1,141,340 Fort Plain National Bank:•t'39 CharlesFailinr----- F. F. Wendell ______ Albert Sitterly _____ L. E. Birk ________ _ 50-536 T. J. Zoller 200,000 149,260 1,813,320 1,981.070 .rrankfort-Herkimer F H Citizens National Bank __ :•13 S.S. Richards ____ F. J. Tine _________ H. L. Bostwick _________________ _ Pop. 4~98 50-927 Sherwood Bridenb ecker 560,0001 600,000 53,690 1,139,950 1,091,000 12,190 Han. N .. N. Y. 165,120 Nassau N .. N. Y. l::tl tl1 251.llO Mech. & lieu.Is N,, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., 1 ~ .Alb. 'i 90,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; Buffalo Tr. Co., Buff'alo. ~ 66,290 N, Park, N. Y.; Peo. N., Malone: 1st N., 127,000 N. Park:, N. Y.; 1st N .. Alb. 170,640 N, Bk. Oom., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., 45,840 Irving N., N. Y. FIRST NATl1lta\ BANK-•t"86 H. G. lluneer ______ J. H. Hoard ________ F. B. Watson ____ W. c. Rich_ _____ _ 50,000 60,000 560,000 650,000 25,000 N. Park:, N. Y.; N. Y, State N., .Alb. J'ranklin ___ Delaware I 15 First National Bank ----•t'65 E. 0. Stewart ______ L. F. Raymond ____ E. L. RoweJL ______________________ _ Pop. 476 60-737 .FranklinviJle_Oa~raur's Union National Bank ---•*'82 F. C. Fay _________ G. W. G. FerriJI ___ A. R. Haeberle ____ C. J. Sweeney ____ _ B Pop. 201a I' 50-738 50,000 45,000 350,000 475,000 75,000 115,560 698,610 799,110 ____ " Freeport----- Nassau D 5 Pop. 8,599 109,810 1,686,030 1,718,040 Nat. Bank: of F_r,,edonia __ .i·os 11 5.,.....,2 100,000 52,180 1,120,440 1,203,280 100,000 30,880 50-1010 •'19 A new progressi { Thoroughly eq Prompt Service EOW. S. kEOGH Freeport Baf~ ------•U'92 J. J. Randall _______ D. W. Pine ________ William 526,900 573,890 66,500 1,146,680 976,950 s. Hall ____ H. B. Smith ______ _ 100,000 I 71,760 1,588,100111,634,320 "-'MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK-BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '~ 'ri 97,000 Chase N,, N. Y.: N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co.,, ,B 'tj 139,660 N. City, N. Y.; Mnfrs. & ra. N ., Buffalo. 0 184,310 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; llarine Tr. Co., Buffalo. >; r+ 168,240 Chase N., N. Y. 77,590 N. Park, N. Y. ve bank. uipped to handle all banking matt ers entrusted to us. • Reasonable ch arges. Send us your Freeport ite ms. First Nation l}_l !J~nk: _____ •t"05 Roswell Davis _____ J. K. Eldridre _____ Wm. F. Kraft, Jr .. __________________ _ 5.,,5., 0. ltl. Foreman 52 0 1 100,000 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK ,('!) r+ •• iE. L COLVIN----- F. W.CASE--- H. L CUMMING----- H. A. FRANCIS-----CITIZENS TRUST Co• -••• 06 E. N. BUTTON R. P. ROSS S. P. PETTIT. ----- S. BAUMAN . ---- ---- W. I. SHERMAN_____ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ,~· ,3 ,e 657,690 •· ,~ 213,900 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., 0. Alb. 600,000 Collections will receive prompt a ttentlon. Prompt attentt on to all matters entrusted to us. A. P. Chessman ____ A. F. French ______ G. s. Nichols ______ R.R. Newton_____ F. c. l<'. ievert ii J t:r,J 32,000 50--4al :~ !~ ·o I~ 40,000 Mech. & Met&Is N,, N, Y. 50.000 Fredonia_oha u ta uqua B 2 B Pop. 6051 1~ 146,010 Chase N. and Irvinr N., N. Y.; Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica; Bk. of Rockville Center, Rockville. 110,420 ChaseN. and Irvin!! N .. N. Y.: Kings Co. Tr, Co., Brooklyn; Bk. of the .Manhattan Co., Jamaica. ~:R~~~~t:J•i~t ~~~~ - - \0 0\ ~ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers• Directory, under t~~uthorlty~f The Ame~n_!l~nkera AH'n. _ (S~lngs Banks do not handle collections)_ _ - Tow. AND COUNTY. NAME OF BANK. I LIABILITIES, •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS1ate PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDJ:NT. OASHill, ASS'T CA.SHIU. PAID-UP SURPLUS DJCPOSIn No. 2 Fed. Res. Di t. tMem.StateBks . .Assn. +Priv. CAPITAL PB~TB 1TB Bis Butfalo Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [E tab. J-riendship _AJt~any 15 Union National Bank ---•t'l7 F. R. Utter _______ M. \V. Potter---- C. J, Rice_________ W. C. Kingsbury_ $ 100,000 $ 47,800 S 484,230 B Pop. 1026 5o-M9 H. L. Blossom J'ulton _____ Qsweeo B' 11 Citizens National Bank_•i·65 C.R. Lee __________ F. B. Dilts _________ H. A. Wil ·on ______ M. D. Goodfellow_ 125,000 ' 145,000 1,610,000 Pop.13,043 50-335 M. F. W. Hanson " Fulton Savin2s Bank ---•1'71 W.J. Lovejoy----- G. G. Chauncey ____ Ramon F. Lewis, ------------··------ - - 216,230 3,371,690 50-336 Watson A. Butts Tr. 0 weeo County Trust Co. , Edward Quirk _____ L. W. Emerick ____ Clayton E. Bixby, -----------------100,000 82,350 1,946,180 50-334 •t§'l7 F. C. Ash,l'.Pres . .N. L. Whitaker Sec. and Tr. ruuonvllle_1lonteomery , Fultonville National Bk.•i•s3 Alfred DeGraff ____ H . .A. DeGraff _____ 0. F. Oonable ______ -------------------50,000 19,800 409,400 Pop, 869 G 17 50-730 Gaineavllle.Wyomine H5 Gainesville National Bk:.•t'Ol F. ll. Bristol. _____ G. S. Skiff _________ I. G. Botsford _____ ------------25,000 30,880 437,030 8 Pop. 341 50-740 Gasport. ____ Niaeara F 4 First National Bank ____ •t'l4 C. J. Mack ________ F. A. Rinn _______ A. F. Keough _____ - - - - - - 25,000 10,UO 200,980 8 POJ>, 800 50-043 •Geneseo. Livineslon G 6 Genesee Valley Nat. Bk.•t'51 Theo. If. Olmsted __ IJ. W. Wadsworth, Wm. Shirley_______ __________ 150,000 81.420 938,260 B Pop, 2157 50-741 Jr. " " Livin11 ton County Trust Co. J. W. Wadsworth __ B. E. BropheL ____ P. C. Euchner, Sec. H. C.Milks, A. Sec. 100,000 50,000 1,250,000 50-947 •t '15 F. G. Olp I 8 GenevL_P_o--p-. Oln4,ta64r8io G WILLIAM O'HANLON 0. J.C. ROSE------- I•M. H. SANDFORD---- F. L. NARES-------- 300.000 430.400 3,3%5,710 NEW YORK-Continued 968 I GENEVA NATIONAL BANK iiol~\D~01Mi \~\f:&avA. Genoa _______ QayuiaH 10 Glen ■ .Falls __ Warren F 18 Pop. 16,638 A. P. Rose __ _______ H. A.. Wheat F. W. Whitwell__ __ T. J. Smith John Parmenter First National Bank ____ •t·n J. D . .Atwater ______ Eugene .A. Bradley 2 E. 0. Brewe~o-J:. _________ t'68 ------·----------- ---------------50-743 Glen Cove Bank ________ etf'll2 FD.ENW.~ a r---C-h---; BEd. T. Payne------50-360 . . 111its, ,o, . Nassau Union Bank----•H'OS Richard Downing __ James H. Cocks ___ 50-370 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Byron Lapham ____ B. B. Fowler ______ 50-251 •t"54 A. B. Colvin _____ A. E. Mason ------W. A. Huppuch, James McPhillips GLEIS FALLS TRUST CO, 50-25& " -----· " Glonravlllt __ Jl'nJton 11' 111 Pop, 22,075 .aoshen ______ oranre .A 2 Pop. 28-13 Gouerneur.St.Lawrence Pop. 4143 0 14 " Gowanaa •••• Oattaraugus 8 Pop. 2673 HS Grand Gorge ___ Delaware Pop. SSO 116 - - - Loi.•••»••· c~":· $ 589,430 l,963,000 3,209,840 2,182,700 409,900 483,690 172,550 1.148,720 1,400,000 •!1°98 l i:x- S 129,830 N. Park anct Seab. N., N. Y.; ~farina Tr. Co., Buffalo. 144,920 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: Mnfrs. N •• Troy. Istl 282,920 Bkrs. Tr. Oo .. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co .. Alb,; Tr. & Dep. Co .. Syracuse. 243,210 N. Park and Met. Tr. Co .. N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Dep .. Syracuse. 70,070 Liberty N. and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Oom'll1 Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, 31,140 Irving N., N. Y, .-; 1 f:ll ~ 158,970 Imp. & Tra. N. and Chem. N .• N. Y.: N. Shaw-1<:: mut, Bos.: Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 175,000 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. ~ 0 - N. Y. N., G.D. Whedon, Su. and Tr. E. S. Sfzlar, Tr, ____ Wm. A. Kane, A. Tr. .A.H. K:napp ______ _________________ -------H.D.Marshall,Sec. A.G. Rogers, A. Sec. A. P, Knapp_______ 2:i0,000 25,000 74,600 1,585,000 1,560,700 270,100 3.~48,720 3,706,660 24,000 249,000 343,260 ~ 80,640 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Geneva Tr. Co. and Geneva ~ N .. Genna. n 592,780 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Marine Tr.Co .. Buffalo. C/ll I":rJ 38,500 Irving N., N. Y. ------------------- ------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oh&se N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. ~- J.C. Small ________ TF. JE. Vf_,,&tk:ltnfs __t____ . • .ru.on or H. G. Huward ____ H.Gordon Hayward 100,000 g- 100,000 93,890 1.178,920 1.155,580 ~. W. Sherman ____ G. E. Safford______ 136,400 819,190 6,839,670 7,412,690 A. L. Sitterley, Tr. C. K. Owen, A.Tr,_ 100,000 167,500 1.016,900 1,198,110 >.J 118,050 2,860,040 2,810,710 225,060 BkNrs,NTry. Co .. 1st N .. Irving N., and Ohase .• • • :,207,S70 N. Oitr, N. Y.: Kiars Oo. Tr. Oo., Brooklyn. ,..., 'O 810.810 N. Oity and N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. ,... Chi. 0 94,950 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., \ C) >-1 - ~ 0.. W. T. Cowles ______ - - - - - - - - 100,000 200,000 1,280,000 1,450,000 197,llO Oh&se N., N. Y.; 1st N .. J.E. Parry------ G. B'. Wetmore --- 100,000 344,210 2,332,620 2,477,770 341,470 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co .. Alb. o. L. Smith _____ 500,000 459,610 4,767,570 7,235 ,!l90 300,000 546,140 4,357,310 6,346,350 637,270 A.m. Ex. N .. N. Y.: N. Y. State N. and 1 t ~ N.,; Phil. N., Phil. ti 651.220 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Ooa'l Bk. & Tr. Co,, Alb. 250,000 186.190 110,450 N. City, N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. 65,000 29,170 F. H. Harris ___ ---W. B. McLaren J. R. Robertson ___ H. W. Brown______ . F.P.R12htmyer,Tr. 0. L. Everest, Sec. H.L.Bowers,A.Su. W . .A. Wells------- -------------------H, B. mith, Tr, ___ - -------- - - - 801.430 1,367,700 237,800 376,290 100,000 2,000,000 1,953,450 C. S. Young _______ --------------- ll0,000 356,980 J. 0, Sheldon ______ L. B.1lurray ------ 100,000 134,640 1,723.110 1,770,860 B. W. Aldrich ______ Wallace A. treater Arthur P. Mason S. A. Neilson------ --------------- 200,000 105,410 1,948,270, 2,100.410 100,000 57,380 835,4601 758.880 J. Il. Bou! on------ m•rbcrt Kipp - ---- 25,000 52,000 525,000, 729,530 1,236,000 545.000 0 0 74,690 j.Mech. A 1letals N. ud Harriman N., N. Y. 85,090 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Oran~e Co. and Goshen N .• Goshen. ._ 92,190 Ir~int N. and Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y. § 193,700 Han, N. and N, Park, N. T.: N. Y. State N •• C Alb. I» 259,670 ITTiDe' N., Oh.ase N., and N. Oity, N. T.; N., Phil. 233,960 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co. and Liberty, _ Buffalo. 40,000 IN. Bk. Com., N. Y. ,~ THE MARINE ,TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO l'fo~bel u~der Name of Bank is the New Trall8ft Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ 38,680 Chase N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Bufl'alo. tJ:I Y.Prcs. Bills of 'Ladlng drafts a specfalt y. Send us your G I lens Falls Items. llerchants NationalBk .. •t"ll3 D. L. Robertson __ •Geo. H. Lei:i:ett __ 50-257 · Geo. . Raley NATIONAL BANK OF GLENS L. Iii. Brown ____ D. J. Finch _______ FALLS __ 50-i55 _______ •i•51 CITY NATIONAL BANK .. •t'i7 Charles N. Harri,_ E. S. Parkhurst__ . S0-2H Jl'nlton Oonnty Nat. Bk,-•t'52 1.A. D. L. Baker _____ S. W. Hallenbeck. 50-21!1 I • T 11'. S. Bextoa Trust Comp, ny or Fulton Co. Edwm C. aylor __ W. D. Hyde------• 50-215 •t§'l7 .A.H. Ro1rnrs Goshen National Bank ___ •'65 ' Joseph Merritt ____ A. V. D. Wallace -50-521 Goshen Saviors Bank ___ e§'71 A. V. D. Wallace ___ Wm. Kuimn ______ 5o-522 Tho.• Mould Nat. Bank of Oran:e County F. W. Kurray, Jr._ 0, S. Edsall. _______ 5o-520 •:1812 Bank or Gouverneur __ •tl'60 B. G. Aldrich ______ J. O. Sheldon ______ 50-460 First National Bank.----•t"ll 'elson R. Ca well- Arthur T. Johnson 50-470 Bank of Gowanda ______ •if'81 W. H. Bard ______ Richard Wilhelm •• 50-744 B'. E. Bard Irirst National Bank _____ •i•os E. B. Deyoe _______ Charles Harley --50-745 o.... • :·::= ~-;;;:--=·i-=-=--=----=---=---:--~--=-==--==--~--:---=---I ~ 379,840 1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; !th-Atlantic N., ~ -Bos.; State Alb. 4.480,010 ~E T ABLISHED 1817. 50-203 •t1817 Geneva Bninl?s Bank--.•1'10 T. J. Smith ________ 50-204 I GENEVA TRUST CO.----•t§'63 Thomas H. Chew_ • 50-291 QilbertsvtY:~Jr:~o 1114 Pop. 419 Glen Cove ____ Nassau O 5 Pop. 866-1 H.F. NESTER <\t de~°ctnA~~, Ti':wn:e:si;~we:r~~~e~~gb~tlnotf \0 volume. For Interest ates, Holldays, etc., see La~ ~ RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS lstl~ inc. 969 JfumbeJ under Name of Baak ia the New 'l'ramH .PfamNr cinn to each bank in U. 8. e:s:claalvely by The &and-HcNaDy Ban.ken• DIJ'eetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Aas'n. NA.JU: OP TOWN A.ND COUNTY. NEW YORK- COll ti•nue d Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), LaW}'ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c...t volume For lnt~rest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ (Saving■ Banks do not handle collections) 1 ___ PA.ID-UP~su:;~us· ICAPIT~: R_ES_OU_R_C_E_S_._ ES_._ _ _ 11 _ _ L_IA_B_I_L_IT_I_ BANK. •¥em. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. i¥em.State Bk:s.A.ssn. tPriv. [Estab. +Mem. Fed. Res. B is Buffalo Br. PRESIDENT. OilJllll, VICE-PRESIDENT. ASS'TOA.SHJER, PBOWIT& DEPOS- Loui•Da- 1 c..... 111,. c-;~• •:::.o;~ IT8 $ 50,000 $ 54,400 S1.118,250 $1,023,820 S 126,080 Chase N., N. Y,; N. Y, State N., .Alb. Granvllle National Bank -*'75 D. D. Woodard •••• R. O. Owens ••••••• D. J. Evans ...... _ L. B. Williams ·--· 0. P. M:unson 5t-482 50,000 33,000 559,800 810,820 33,530 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Y. Smte N,, Alb. Washincton Oounty Nat • .Bk. F. W. Hewitt ____ K. F. Roberts··--· D. D. Nelson·-··· ·······-·--··----••M 50-484 50,000 24,280 583,530 632,370 71,5!10 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, Great Nect; __ Nuaau O 5 Bank of Great Neck .. -.. 1'0~ Roswell Eldrid£e.- Louis Schaefer __ Autin Hicks·---·· Wm. G. Genner ·-· 50-1,1 Pop.339 50.000 77,290 1,012,870 1,054,690 67,010 Oorn Ex., N. Y. Bank of Nassau Co ....•• U'16 J. L. Schaefer ••••• Roswell Eldridge_ Ernest D. Willets. James K. Ryan __ _ Great Neck Station 50-955 Pop. 5000 Nassau O 5 50,000 29,430 589,600 567,690 38,520 Oorn Ex., N. Y. Greeue __ Ohenanro 112 Julland Bank --···----•*1'59 Wm. J. Russell-.. Jos. 11:. JoliancL_._ Charles W. Gray._ C. J. Gray ______ _ 50-747 Pop.1297 35,000 77,880 410,330 410,920 102,290 Imp, ll Tra. N., N. Y.; N.Y. State N., Greenport-Suffolk BI ll'irstNational Bank ••••• •i•12 G. C. A.dams ______ E. B. Harris--·---· B'. B. Corey_·-··--- P.H. Adams-··---50--618 Pop, 3122 50,000 60,000 650,000 650,000 200,000 lstN., N. Y. Peoples Nat!::llank_•i·u S. P. Bede-es __ •• _ Wm. W. GritTin ___ Irving L. Price .••• E. B. Waterhouse •. 50,000 39,290 401,780 388,070 11U30 N. Park. N, Y. Greenwich_ Washington B'irstNattonalBank ••••• •i·s1 Judson Edie ______ • T. J. Eldredge _____ E. J. Pratt, Acting ··----··-·-·-··---·· 50-748 ll' 10 Pop. 2384 50,000 56,850 932,150 982,210 99,730 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. Greenwood ___ steoben I 7 ll'irs\ National Bank ---··•'IHI W. O. Slocum --·- J, K. Miller-··---- R. P. Holly --·-··· ·-··--·-·--···--··· 60-749 Pop, 1082 25,000 11,650 294,070 311,800 42,250 N. Park, N, Y.; N. Com'l Bk, & Tr, Co., Alb. o. RHODES..._._ 100,000 57,440 922,470 96U70 Groveland Station .. Liv- Groveland Bankinl? Co·17 M. L. Gamble •• - - Gamble Wilson-··- Chas. A. Brown_ ·--·--·--·--··-····· 5G-983 ing ·ton.I.Pop. 350 .• G 6 Hambur2-------·Krie GS Bank of Hamburch •• --•*1'83 D. o. Pierce--·-·-· Jacob Peffer·-·-··· Otho Ohorchill --·· W. M. Se81iter_. __ • J. J. Sullivan 50-582 B Pop. 3185 4.700 113,000 116,000 100,000 124,840 1,851,740 1,854,560 208,970 Liberty N.,N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., and Mnfrs. & Tra. N ., Buffalo. H. R, STRATEMEIER- qo~_ogsMlNri,"R --· WALTER WIGHTMAN 60,000 120,000 1,500,000 1,350,000 200,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo.; N. Y. State N., Alb. Hamilton •• Kadison G 11 National Hamilton Bank•t'85 Adon N. Smith-··· John Harmon ____ Ohas. J. Griswold. J, J. Feeley_. __ _ 50-750 Pop. 1505 110,000 77,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 160,000 .Am. Ex, N .. N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. Hammond •• St. Lawrence Oitizens National Bank ••• t'l2 W. D. Evans. ______ Robert Smith ___ R.R. Conroy---· ---------·---------5G-920 B 13 Pop. 409 25,000 37,490 .. Griffin Corners_Delaware (Su Fle1.8hmanm) I 11 Pop. 950 Groton __ Tompklns B 10 Pop. 2235 a_ FIRST IATIOIAL BAH.•l'85 50--illG ♦ 6G-5Q uwpoD ..... W. I. IALE .......• C. M. STODDARD F. C. Cfoifoctfons glv en specfa attent fon. Prompt remltt ances. Reasonab le cbarses. l w. SALISBURY--.- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15.000 16,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo, { Banking In all I ts branches recel ves prompt and c areful attention. Send 118 your co llectlons. Hammondsport. _Bteuben Bankof HammondsJ>Ort•U'76 L. J. Kasson ....... J. W. Davis. ______ w. E. Hunter·--·♦ 50-751 BS Pop. 417 Hancock __ .De1aware Jl3 First National Bank ••••. •'07 W. J. Kerwin ... ___ C. 11:. Hulbert ___ O. A. Rogers •• _____ 50-752 Pop. 1326 Harpursville _... -Broome Farmer Commncial Bank R. G. Simons-····· J. \V. Bristol ______ H. A. Clark _______ C. C. Butler §'21 50-1036 J 12 Pop, 430 F. M. Philley Harrisville •••• Lewis O 14 First National Bank-•t'l5 J. L. Humes ___ • __ Wm. H. Miller --·· F. E. Whipple .•• -. 50-:!)51 . Pop. 900 Barhrick:-.. otseeo H 14 Ilartw1ck National Bank ____ 0. s. Burch·····-· E. L. Sergent•.•• -. o. W. Murdock •• __ •t'08 ~753 Pop. 600 Hastings-upon-Hu_!lsoo - i'irst National Bank ·---•i•o7 John J. Walsh- .... F. E. Curry-·----- s. T. Kellogg·-·-· 5CH5' Westch'r Pop.5.>26.C ' ■ 457,710 367,690 28,160 Han. N., N. Y.; St. Lawrence Tr. Co., Ogden burg, 50,000 95,950 1,307,270 1,080,860 161,900 N. City, N. Y. w. B'. Stimpson •• -. 50,000 57,420 100,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. ·-------·--·-·---·-· 25,000 Orson Brundage, Sec, 725,970 682,310 -------- --------- 5,000 ·-----·-· W.R. O'Hara-···- 25,000 18,500 267,000 277,000 ··--·-········-·-·-· 25,000 5.000 362,390 344,580 ·····---·-·······-·· 25.000 5,590 890,350 841,840 M & T NATIONAL - -suFFALO ■ 118,220 1st N .. N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. SEND OS YOU R GROTON ITE MS. 6. A. DRUMMER--- J. PEOPLES BANK-·---- •U'91 1>; -------1-------1-------·1--- - - - - - - - - - Granville ••• Washlncton Farmers National Bank_•t'84 J', T. Pember ____ H.J. Stevens .•.. _ J. H. Pember ••••• J. R. Stevens -··-· 5H8S B 111 PO\l. 3024 .. :: PRINCIP.lL CORRESPONDENTS. 38,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Oarthage N., Carthage. 34.160 N. Oity, N. Y.; 123,930 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st. N .. Yonker5 I FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS ~ ander Kame or Bank la the Kew 'l'nmlt Kamber dvea Nola bank in U 8 exeluslYelJ' by Tht &and lrleNallJ Bauers• Dlreetor,, under the authority of The American Bankers .&as•n. to 0 NEW YORK-Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- (Savtngs Bank• do not handle eollectlons) ~~f~!;t}·1~::r~:~sil~te':: I ~ N.uui: op BANK. Towx A.ND OoUNTY. v ICK-Plt.DIDENT. •¥em • .Am. Bka . .Assa. IState •Count, Seats. "-8a'T O.UHIIZ. O.UBID. PBJC81DDT. In No. 2 Fed. Ues. Di t. t¥em.8tateBks • .Assn. tPriv. -~B:....:i=-s-=B-=u=-ffa::.:l:..:.o_B_r_.__ 1•--=-~::...;Ie=m=-·-=F'---' . :. R.:. .:e;.: _;:_s._....::[.:..:E..:..sta=..:.b.:.. 1- - - - - - - i - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - I LIABILITIES. Pill>-UP OuIT•L SUBPLus R.ll:soo&cxs. Dnos- i~tc~.a~~o 0 Lt!~~ ~ o PRINCIPAL i.. c.::•t,,~. ~.~ __ P•o:rITB ~ ~ ___Lau AND 3~a::ti. _________________; 1 ' Haverstraw ____ RockJand National Bank of Haverstraw H. N. Wood--~---- W. G. Hamilton ____ H. A.. Dixon _______ John R. Schraeder $ 50,000 S 50,360 $1075 060 $1020 9-10 $ 181,440 Libert.y N. and Irvinr N., N. Y.; N. Y. State , N., Alb. •t·n SHH BI Pop. 5226 1, Peoples Bank __________ •U'87 Everett Fowler ____ 6D-416 Hempstead ___ Nassau D 6 Firs1. National Bank ----•t'93 Fred lnli?r&ham ____ So--447 Pop. 6382 Hempstead Bank _______ e:1'87 ----------------" ________ " 5()-446 Geo. H. Baukney __ SECOND NATIONAL BANK " -------- " L. J. Smith, v. P. 50- 900 •Herkimer_____ Herkimer First National Bank ----•t'84 H. G. M.unli?er ______ 50-358 Pop. 10,453 F 15 1 •, Herkimer National Bk._ •:t:'69 Robert EarL._____ " -------- " 50-357 Bermon ____ 8t. Lawrence First National Bank ____ •;f:'01 E. A. Conant ______ 50-755 B 14 Pop. 622 Heavelton __ st. Lawrence First National Bank ____ •:f:'13 W. H. McCadam __ 50-933 B 14 Pop, 459 Hicksville ____ Nassau O 5 Bank of Hicksville _____ .u,03 II. W. UnderhilL_ ♦ 50-756 Pop. 3000 1 •no 1 u .:·n Homer---- Cortland H 11 Homer National Bank •••• '86 R.H. Miller------, 50-763 Pop. 2356 Honeoye Falls ___ }[onroe Bank of Honeoye .Falls •:t:t'70 A.. K. Holden-----50-764 G 71 B Pop.1107 Hoosick Falls __ Renssel'r First National Bank ____ •t'80 l E. P. Markham---6D-42Z G 19 Pop. 4896 l -------- .. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK fio-425 Hornell Pop:- I •t'Ol { 901,770 144,650 Irvine N. and Am. Ex. N,, N.Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., .Alb. 410,170 N. Park and Chase N .. N. Y. Wm. S. Hall _______ Chas. E. Patterson_ F. H. Mollineaux __ 30,000 206,800 1,8.10,000 1,451,000 E. J. Pray _________ c. W. Ludlum _____ ----------------Louis Cohen c. S. Brewer------ 0. A.. ¥c0reery ____ G. J. Sluyter _____ _ 100,000 100,000 213,760 1,793,010 1,951.060 318,430 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N .. Charles BelL ______ Geo. C. Steele _____ A. E. Brayton ___ _ 200,000 180,880 1,503,050 1,897,840 218,890 1st N .. N. Y. and Alb. 1 1H. L. Wallace ______ G. N. Risley _______ ------------------- 25,000 34,560 577,390 227,630 Ohase N. and Irving N .. N. Y.; Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica. 145,570 N. Park, N. Y. 602,230 29,370 456,630 481,120 E. H. Fletcher _____ F. B. Wood ________ : W. H. McFadden __ 25,000 Henry C. Stolz---- Joseph J. Ulmer __ C. E. Colthurst_ __ _ Henry Sengstacken 25,000 42,019 471,570 400,240 A. D. Lent_ ________ Charles L. Du Bois -------------------- 108,680 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ogdensburg, Oe- ~ ~ dens burg. 150,000 Cent. Tr. Co. and U.S. M~e. & Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Bk. of Lonr Isl •• Jamaica. tD 65,000 Mech. & Metals N, N. Y. 125,000 1,600,000 1,625,000 25,000 42,500 640,000 642,000 25,000 85,000 352,440 377,140 Ii !STEUBEN TRUST CO. --. u·o2 jc. I i< 0 48.170 Chase N., N. Y.; ls1. N., Canton. 1 z>~ 22,670 Chase N., N. Y,; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. W. J. Du try-------· T. J. Hicks ________ -------------------- 25,"ooo 32,000 700,000 550,000 F. W. Zoller _______ M. G. Newcomb ___ B. C. Lee---------- 50,000 45,000 707,120 674,120 J. Lawrence ___ JI. K. Lyon ______ H. E. Cowan ______ _ 50,000 111,440 376,250 594,900 42,690 Ohase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. J. S, Hamlin _______ F. H. Hamlin ______________________ _ 25,000 43,000 700,000 700,000 70,000 Chase N., N. Y. < ~ P. J. Wurst_ ______ ------------------- -------------------- 50,000 17,500 560,000 540,000 70,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo. en r+ E. Willard Jones - H. W. Dunlap _____ C. ll'. Hoffmeister __ 30,000 33,300 506,510 524,920 73,320 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y. I» W. A.. Downs _____ O. W. Clough______ J. A. Peio --------- 60,000 59,030 1,244,740 1,156,160 85,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., .Alb, C'/l I 200,770 N. City, N.Y. ~ i» .., "1 ~ 189,510 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.; }[nfrs. & Tra. ~oc~~1!i~; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Lin. N .. 130,050 ,lst N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. O ::t: 68,530 1,245,620 1,302,000 50,000 E.G. Ranney ______ J.E. Ogden ______ H. S. All.en________ 1 C. A. Chipman G. A.. Brockway .., _______ ChaseN. and Irving N.,N.Y.; N. Shawmut,Bos .. , 0 -------------------- A.H. Lord ________ R. E. Fiske ------- --------- ------- ---------' en Alliance. Roche ter. 60,000 172,530 1,323,190 1,522,040 127,910 N. Park, N. Y,; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co. and ~ Ira J. Wood _______ ---------------·---Joseph Buckley ~ N. Y. State N., Alb. G. W. Clark 1 " ------- U!2s1~ic Special attentlo n given Blll of La ding drafts, Cash W. Etz _____ . E. Brown, 50-278 Ch. of Bd. Horseh~~~~8osmunr I 9 First Natioi~~in.k ----•t'06 John Bennett______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 836,700 140,000 2,412,390 2,2il5,410 DELMER RUNKLE-- L~VI E. WORDEN·--- I. B. SURDAM, JR,--8VaUAte ms. We want your Please send 15c 183,490 100,000 100,000 192,170 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co.,;I N. state, Troy. 85,690 1,215,150 1,372,630 ~ and Time Items. with each sight draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Repo rte. 324,240 Han. N .. N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 82,210 1,680,320 1,633,190 M. F. WOODBURY .. F. E. STORMS ------- F. E. STORMS------- S. ff. NORTON ------- 100,000 1SJ;Hectio n depar tment. Blllr. of Lading ~r!iP~CHpe<'ialt y. Thoroughly or . Prompt service. Rea onable char ge . end us your Hornell items. 1 I 100,000 192,650 2,332,570 1,909,070 First National Bank ____ •;f:'49 Charles A.dsit ______ F. P. Merrill _______ JI'. E. Bronson _____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ H. A. Bull 50-276 ~1i~ren I 71CITIZENS Nfl.'2~~AL BA~f•s1 ' 50,000 1 Lon1: Island National Bank __ Beverly Du Bose-- S. G. Burke _______ H. A. Turnure _____ W, A. Kielman,. __ _ R. C. Colyer •:f:'18 50-985 Bilhland -----Ulster J 18 .First National Bank ____ *1900 G. W. Pratt ________ 50-757 Pop. 2000 Bili?hland .Falls ___ Oranli?e First National Bank ____ -•'07 1.11'. R. Fit.chett. . ---56-550 B3 Pop. 2588 Hllton ________ Monroe F 6 State Bank of Hilton ___ •;f:1'141.A. B. Fraser------50-758 B Pop. 827 Hobart ____ Delaware 115 Na1.ional Bank of Ho rt ;f:'91 J. R. Stevenson ___ 50-759 Pop. 587 H. ll. Parmele _____ Bolcomb _____ ontario G 7 Hamlin National Bank __ 51Hl06 Pop. 488 Holland _________ Brie H C Bank of Holland _______ •H'H R. J. Watson ______ 50-760 1 Pop. 854 Holland Patent ___ Oneida First National Bank -----•'115 L. G. Wauful ______ 50-761 11' H Pop. 328 Rolley _______ Orleans ll' 5 State Exchanre Bank--•U-99 ¥ichael Kennedy __ 60-762 B Pop. 1625 .. o. Rose _________ o. E. Reynolds ____ :D.11'. Lake ________ _ , c. F. Freyfo~le Wm. Plyer ________ Carroll F. Norton __ J.E. Davidson, Jr. E. 1 :a~i!il L. W. Rockwell ___ , LeRoy mith. Tr, __ O. M. Whiting, Sec. J.E. chwarzenbach I J.11. Stev ns F. 8. Bentley _______ I Clair Scott_________ ________________ 100,000 50,000 '--4 Ill 1 716,140 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.: Peo.; C ~ Buffalo. I 134.560 1,533.020 1,511,940 5'.i,250 639,410 618,870 I 199,180 1N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N .. Phll.; Marine:< , Tr. Co., Buffalo; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co .. Alb. _ 140,9101N. Bk.Oom .. N.Y.;N. Oom'l B6'..& Tr. Co.,,'.; THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO -Continu ::s Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• rlP.YPrl In hl\~lr nf th' THI: MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of Number under Name of Uanlc is the New Transit Number given to cnch b:rn - in U. S. excluslvcJy by The Rand-McNally Bankers• _ _ _ _D_l_rc_ctory.__1~thc authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 9 71 TOWN AND COUNTY, (Savings Banks do not handle collections) NAME OF BA~K. •Hudson Jralls-Washing'n Hudson Falls Nat'l Bank•t'06 Pop. 5761 I 10 5o-4S7 " " Peo-ples National Bank-•t'84 5o-435 " ·-····" \Sandy Hill Nat'l Bank_ •t"63 56-436 Huntin~on._.Sufl'olk C 5 Bank of Huntington ·-·•*1'88 Pop. 7500 50-308 I LIABILITIES. CilHIER. A.8S'T CASHIER. _______ _______ CAPITAL IF. 50,000 0. W. Kellorg -···-, W. A. Hnppuch_._ ,W. H. Neilson·-·· · - - - · · - - - Preston Paris J. H. Derby -··-·· 1Geo. TaiL ....• ____ H. L. Broughton.- ······-········--· C. W. Higley Do112lass Oonklin _ Henry F. Sammis_. Ross W. Downs ·- A. W. Sammis····Clifton F. Gardner G. F. Klaffky First National Bank ... -•i•o3 John F. Wood ..... E. B. Hawkins ..... W. S. Funnell_••• _ E. M. Wicks...... 50-3gg G. C. Hendrickson Huntington Station __ c 7 Huntington Station Bank F. H. Koster .•..•• T. . Ha!L. ____ ._._ s. T. Cheshire--··- --··-··----·····- 1, Suffolk ._Pop. 5000 o0-1026 •§'20 . E. Pettit Ilion •••••• Herkimer G 1' ILION NATIONAL BANK •;"67 Charles Harter-·- A. D. Richard on._ Ralph D. LeRoy __ F. M. Bellinger-· Pop. 10,169 5H81 " Manufacturers Nat'l Ba-pk S. T. Russell-···-·· J. A. Giblin-·-···· Geo. F. Wallace ••• Burley Smith•••••50-382 •:·os A. w. McGowan Interlaken •••• Seneca GD B&nkin2 House of 0. G. & J, K. Wheeler- •••• O. G. Wheeler •••• M. W. Basset18--·- , _ _ _ _ Pop. 633 D. 0. Wheeler ••••••• •tt'73 50-767 lrvin 2 ton.WestcheaterB, Irvl112tonNational Bank•t'02 R. G. Abercrombie R. V. Lewis----··- John Hunter-••••• E. J. Lewis __ ...... _ Pop. 2701 50-7a8 T lip •• ·-·····-Suffolk C 6 First National Bank ···-•t'07 E. R. Smith ________ J. F. Richardson_._ Roscoe c. Clock_._ Pop. 2200 50-769 · John Vos R. B. Williams __ 1E.T. Turner---·\V, A. Boyd RoEer B. Williams. E. L. Williams_ ••• H. Treman O. E. Treman._•• E. L. Williams- •••• M. Van Cleef. F. C. Cornell Ch. of Bd. W. H. torm Tompkins County Nat. Bank R.H. Treman ••••• E. C. Stewart-••••• 50-261 •*'36 •Jamaica_ •••• Queens O 4 (See N. Y. Cit11, Borouoh of Quu-M) Jamestown •• Uhautauqua American Nat'l Bank ___ •flO 0. A. Okerlind- •• 8 Pop. 38,917 I2 50-130 " Bank of Jamestown •• _•t§'03 B. D. PhllliP1 .•••• _ 50-12!1 FARMERS & MECH. BANK O. N. Rushworth •• 50-1.!7 •;1'111 Fir t National Bank-•• -•1'51 F. E. Gifford---·-50-126 {Elmer E. Wellman 1 A new progre s 50-131 •'19 matters entrust 'L BK LIBERTY NAT C. W. l{ajor •...••. B. L. Johnson_____ AND PROFITS J.P. Mesick ••••••• 8. Hallenbeck ••• ··········-········ $ 200,000 $ M A J L OO 200 , 0 . . ones._ ••.. - E. . Tanner_ ••••. ····--·--··-··· J. H. Wardle R. W. Evans·-··· S. M. Raine:,, Tr. _····------·- _ _ _ John W. Gillette R. W. Evans · - - ,0, W. Olapper, 125,00!J 1F. S. Clapper, 0. W. Bostwick Sec. and Tr., A. ec. and A. Tr. 1____ RESOURCES ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS -P-A-lD_·_U_P_S _'U_R_P_L_U_S.;.__D_E_P_O_S_· lll-,o-.,.""'.C...:.a:-D<S--;;_C_A....:;lil;....;&c;_•E-x-- B. G. H!2ley -··-- Geo.S. Witham, Sr. John B. Davis·-- M.A. Norton.. ..•• _ •Ithaca ••• Tompklns H 10 FIRST lllTIOIIAL BAIIK-•i•u Pop. 17,004 60-262 " •••••••• " Ithaca Savings Bank.-•*1'68 50-263 Ithaca Trust Co .••••••• •U'lll + 50-264 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In· dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. § NEW YORK-Continued T•Oounty Seats. . •~lem. Am. Bks. Assn. ssia:te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. In No. 2 Fed. Res. D1st. l:tMem. State flks. Assn.tPriv. Bis Buffalo Br. •~em. Fed. Res. [Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •Hudson •• -Oolumbla I 18 Farmel'S National Bank_•i•sg E. Ten Broeck -·· Po-p. 11,7-11>,, 50-323 +,. J d Phil' •• -···-· First National Bank ···-•♦ 'u4 or an 1p...... 60-325 Hudson City Sav. Inst''50 C. A. Van Deusen._ 50-324 " ·-·-- " HUDSON RIVER TRUST CO. Der::iert DineharL 50-322 •ll'S0 L. A. Bristol, V. P. UFFA 0 c'8T::.....Bom""u"· ~-"•"B....~..n ITS --- 23,500 385,000 127,080 Guaranty Tr. and Bkrs. Tr, Cos., N. Y.; SyracuseTr.Co.,Syracusc; MarineTr.Co .. Buffalo. 295,9i0 Mech. & .Metals N. and Irving N.. ', Y.; 1st N. and Alb. Tr. Co., Alb. 370,000 75,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Seab. N., N Y.: N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 233,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 100,000 80,000 1,400,000: 1,270,000 100,000 153,430 2,186,3601 2,254,460 100,000 201,000 2,514,930, 2,516,850 I 1 50,000 26,000 920,000 12,500 130,000 -·-·--- -·-·····- Irving N., N. Y. 690,000 100,000 104,000 1,500;000 1,300,000 150,000 90,570 1,375,590 1,000,990 ~ 283,530 Am. Ex. N. and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Y. "'4 State N. and N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. l'Ij 295,080 Rk._of the Manhattan Co .• Fidelity Tr. Co .. N. ~ City, and Corn Ex .. N. Y.; Bk. of the Man- <; hattan Co., Jamaica. 92,900 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y. i-< 25,000 130,730 1st N., N. Y.; N, Y. State N., 196,080 Ohase N., N. Y. 0 ~ ~ j tJj> 50,000 5,000 575,000 608,000 70,000 Oh.ase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. Z 25,000 32,500 385,000 403,500 79,500 Bk, of the Manhattan Co., N, Y.; lat N,, Y" C/JI 25,000 31,600 460,790 459,970 64,540 Chase N. and N. Park, N. Y. :I: l'P4 C 250,000 180,270 1,642,170 1,824.100 ···--···· 548,000 4,307,000 4,409,000 A. B. Wellar---···· W. H. Storms, Sec. Sherman Peer, Tr. 200,000 197,510 3,051,910 3,195,640 239,100 Met. Tr. Co. and N, Bk. Com., N, Y. A.G. Stone·-···· D. N. Van Hoe en_ R. S. Polk 100,000 249,860 1,295,260 1,479,660 L. D. Bowman ••••• H.F. Johnson---· J. A. Erickson •••• M.A. Okerlind O. W. Herrick_ •• __ ,. L. J. Warren-····· A.G. Johnson_ •.. W. R. Botsford B. H. Ruland 1 H. E. Crissey-····· A. E. J.ppleyard . - R. E. Miller-······ 200,000 148,030 2,424,880 2,497,470 250,000 374,900 3,760,700 3,942,900 600,000 286,140 4,417,390 5,002,330 F. E. Felt ····-··- G. E. Britton ...•. _ 153,300 534,680 2,059,910 2,157,1,10 v. Anderson. 200,000 IR. H. P. Sheldon-··-A. N. Broadhead Wm. R. Reynolds_ Arthur B. Ottaway Ive Bank complet ed to us. Send G. L. Cook, Tr, ••• _ E. H. Bostwick, James M. Dunbar_ Fred ec. 38,750 Chase N., N. Y. ....0,., ~ n I~ 56,990 364,700 Irving N., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.: 1st @ N,, Clev.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 569,940 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. • :l 10 609,960 Han. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mar. ~ ine Tr. Co., Buffalo. ;636,620 1st N,, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 888,690 1,192,130 213,340 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co., Buffalo. 500,000 299,630 4,850,930 5,266,220 577,980 Seab. N. and Chase N,,N. Y.; Columbia ... r., Pitt.; Liberty, Buffalo. 300,000 313,610 2,283,350 2,585,700 ely equipped to b andle all banking us your Jamesto wn business. ~ 279,760 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N, Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. CharlP<: ~t>hmint -MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK-BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ !:: I 860,000 6,280,020! 7,012,940 . 118,700 2,067,2601 2,199,430 I (Investment Sec-u.ri- F. Y. Toy, Represen tatii:e -----······-·· ·-----·-·-··-····- ---~··- -·---··- ~-··-·· ······-- -·-·-··· Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. ties) (\teltman Bldg.) 41,080 Irving N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N .. Phil. 15,860 360,850 I 324,360 25,000 efl'erson ville _._Sullivan I First .National Bank-•• -•t-14 V. Scheidell ······- W. B. Voorhees-·· Fred Schmidt. ..... l ···--·········-·!\0-9R4 • 339,820 $2344 530 $2 530 820 $ 406,640 N. Park, Ran. N., and Imp, & Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 26 0,090 2,808,530 2,773 ,210 314,690 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK--·---··----f20 J l:i ~ ~ ••• 386,890 Mech. & Metals N .. N, Y.: Cont. & Com'! .... , 0. Chi. ~ 334.000 Bkrs. Tr. Co .. N. Y. '"1 Nat. Chautauqua Co. Bank ·--····--········- S. B. Broadhead ___ A. W. Swan- ...... c. L. RowleY-·-· 50-125 •'31 Fletcher Goodwill H. E. Williams Howard Dow Union Trust Co. -·---····''04 Frank Merz ••••••• F. P. HalL •• - - Harry L. Bri2Es ••• G. R. Butts, Tr._._ 50-128 A, K. BriEfS Pot>- 400 ~ • LARGEST •:NATIONAL ·BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK.-_ :::z: ~ c» :;::-" ;::.e -c c-:a = --== 912 T OW.!'/ NEW YORK d C t· Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Numbt'r given 00 lOUe to each bank in U. :'. exch1·ivl'ly by The Raod-McNaUy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The Amerlc~Banker. ~s:__n.: __________ (Sayings Banks Jo not handle collections) A."D ou.·TY. I N A~E f OF B A."K, RE LIABILI;l~ll,;b, Ass'T CASHIER, CASHIER. YrcE-PRE8IDENT, PRESIDENT, :~em. m, \ks. Assn.§, tate •County ~ats.D. 2 Fed. es. 1st. + em. tate ks, Assn. t Priv [Estab_ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'i •Mem.Fed.Res. Bi BuffaloBr. 11 1 In .:o. Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of his'° a ys, ~~~Laws. ~ volume. For_ Intere·t Rates, ~o_ll_d_ I ~CES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPO~DE:,fT • 1.o..... • Da- 1 • Ex- ; AID-UP SuRPLU::1 1 DEPOSITS CAPITAL PRAONFDITS cJ:;,trRn::· ~~.°B"" ·~ ..•""'nuw ________________ , 0 I FrankWindus,A..T. ~ --0~0 $ 144,200 $3 746;60 $3 367 650 I$ 630,870 Chase N., N. Y.: Market st. N .. Phil. John on City ____ Broome Workers Trust Co. _____ •;§'16 A.H. Bixby _______ C. F. Johnson ___ W. H. Windus, See. and Tr. A. M. Coddington, A.Tr. ♦ 50-778 J 12 Pop 8587 261.560 2,203,950 1,783,840 526,540 N, City, N. Y.; 1st N .. Alb. 100,000 •Johnstown.-Fulton If 17 Johnstown Bank _______ •U'70 John G. Ferres._ W. C. Hackney __ William McKie___ ___________________ 50-340 Pop. 10,908 1 PEOPLES BAIK--------•tl':H IEdward Wells ____ Edward C. Decker Donald ll'raaer ____ W. H. YOUDi? ______ 200,000 I 348,250 ! 3,377,880 3,542,480 583,650 ,lst N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. A.G. Doubleday 50-339 I Katonah Westchester B5 Northern Westche ter Bank •t§'l8 ♦ 50-986 Pop.1500 Keesev111e •••• Essex B 10 Keeseville National Bk. •i·10 50-770 Pop. 1524 Kenmore ________ Erie G 3 State Bank of Kenmore1:§'14 50-944 (Bujfalu P.U.) BPop.3160 Mayne ______ E. M. Fielder ______ G. H. Cornell.. ____ ' IEdwin Tatham ___ F.H. B.Z. Studwell E. K. Romeyn ____ M. J. Callanan __ F. B. McKenzie _______________________ Freelon Hunter ___ R. E. Winfield, Ch. ofBd. ·ational Bank Kerhonkson •t'l6 E . A . S m1·1 ey _______ Pop.__600lsterJ 17 Kerhonkson50 -958 50,000 1 100,000 1 •i·ss 122,620 Irving N., N. Y. 916,370 123,170 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. ao., trl ~ Fidelity Tr. Co., and Merch . .:N"., Buffalo. 1 79,900 1 908,130 I . E . Co Iv1·11 8------ D avi·d R . J ohn son_ de o H '' A O~D:ck~r-Jasin 2"',000 u 11,000 210,800 I 367,350 123,000 1 I 211,120 1 · N ., N . y . I rvmg 10 ' 5,n -v 810,000 41,500 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; N. Y. state N., Alb. I 1,162,130 1,589,900 1 185,310 N. Park, N. Y.; tat !f•• Alb. and Surplus $552,480, Collections at Rond- Z00,000 351,710 1 out and Kingston made on favorable terms. _________ I____ Correspondence solicited and promptly attended to. Z O~ rv ~ 1 to ~ 1 Jtlngston Savings Bank •U·1, 50-1117 KINGSTON TRUST CO. •:§'36 ♦ 50-195 ational Ulster Co. Bank •l'31 50-lQO Rondout National Bank_•i'48 50-191 Rondout Saviors Bank.•U'M 50-191 STATE OF II. Y. NAT'L BANK •i•53 50-193 Ulster County Savings Inst. •tl'51 50-192 Lackawanna ----Erie G 3 American Bank _________ t '20 • • 50 -1011' B Pop.17,918 Lackawanna Nat. Bank •. •i•o3 " " 50-772 David Terry _______ A. S. Staples ______ C. R. O'Connor ___ M. Burger _______ _ 150,000 386,780 Kings Co. Tr. Co •. Brooklya. 250,000 123,240 1,582,180 11,697,910 239,540 Irving N. and Guaranty Tr. Co. N. Y. 150,000 103,370 1,859,940 2,031,700 I• 100,000 1,048,700 · 1282,070 187,200 ! Atlantic N. and N. City, N. Y. 149,210 1Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Mnfrs. N .. Troy. ~ 578,340 5,139,220 5,335,200 377,400 llst N. Bk. of Rondout. Kingston. § 402,370 1st N., N. Y. Q 500,000 1 6,800,000 6,800,000 Sec. 1 C. S. Wood Adolph Rosinski __ J.E. Balbierz _____ F. C. Manthey ____ _ 100,000 635,950 694,260 42,560 , J.J. ullivan Chas. Trow ________ H.J. Moll ________ F. J. Twist _ _ _ 1 200,000 118,100 3,688,000 3,636,490 E. E. Coatsworth 1 J.E. Donnelly 1 1 O. M. Salisbury ____ S. J, Sturde. vant__ L. C. Ilamer ______ _ 50,000 I 30,000 569,000 600,000 500,000 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y. '-< R. Ziebach _____ R. E. A..rch1bald __ J. H. Bow:m ______ _ F. Selleck C. B. Watson _____ S. R. O'Haire _____ _ B. Hurley C. Day G.Miller ••• _____ -------------------- Louisell.Huber __ ~I. J. nyder E.W. EwelL _____ H.J. Woodward. __ S. F. Fron ________ _ 209.010 , Liberty N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., ~b. Wm. c. ha.fer ____ B. R. Brigham _____ J.B. A.llieer, Tr, __ J.M. Schaeffer, l ~:}g 35 412.750 5,032,1901 4.083,030 _ _ _ _ _ __ J.B.Derreabachec. J. G. Roe ________ Dayton Murray, Su. F. H. Griffiths D. N. Mathews __ o. H. Schoonmaker J. ll. Schaeffer ____ - - - - - - - - - M. M, Nowak _____ @ I g. 1 Myron Teller ______ Geo. Burgevin _____ Charles Tappen.Tr. 0. B. De La Vergne, .A. Tr. V. B. Van Wagonen G. A. Craig,A. Tr,_ W. J. Turck _______ Phillip Elting - - A. A. Davis, Sec. and Tr. E. LeFevre, A. Tr. 11'. J. R. Clarke ____ James A. Betts ____ Charles Snyder ____________________ _ C. G. Boland ______ I. P. Trevett, V. P. H. J. Kelley, V. P, Lacona -----Osweeo E 11 First National Bank ----•t'l2 G. R. Blount ____ 50-018 , Pop. 461 •Lake Geor,e __ _Warren / First National Bank ---·•t'07 J. N. Hubbell _____ 50-773 JI: 10 Pop. 630 Lake Placid __ Essex B 18 Bank of Lake Placid ___ •tf•og F.B. Guild _________ 50-77, Pop. 2099 Lancaster.. ____ Er1eG4 Bank of Lancaster••••• •U'89 J. O.Ganetsee ___ , r 5~775 I • • Pop.6059 .. ~ l Bank._ 21 J. F. Schaefer _____ c1tuen • -------5 1 L.1.rchmont •• Westchester Larchmont Nat. Bank --•t'Ol Samuel R. Bell ___ 50-776 O, Pot>, 2468 Lawn,nce_ Nassau D 6 Bank of Lawrence _____ .u·oa J. Carl Sch.muck._ 50-777 POD, 2851 51>-4g2 603,020 j 50,000 flRSJ NAJ'L BANK Capital so-io, 430,000 416,110 1 E. COYKENIALL--- F. COYKENDALL--- L. BEEIES------------·---------------· OF RONDOUT 42,000 Mech. & Metals N. and N. Y. Tr. co., N. Y. 420,000 Charles A.Scheeler H. A. In kip _______ M. J. Quii!Iey _____ ' F. ~-. Reuter - , __2_0_0._oo_o __ -_ __ -_-_-_-___ Kinderhook,Columb1aH18 National Union Bank ___ .:•53 ,_G_e_r_ri_t_s_._eo_i_n_e_r_--__;__c_h_as_._F_r_is_b_ee_-_-_-_-_-'--J_._A_._R_e_y_n_o_1<1s_._-,50-771 Pop. 722 Kingsti~;,-26 ~iiter J 17 37,000 1 110,530 150,000 E. G. J. F. J. 836,260 1 25,000 25,000 li'rank .• loore __ J. 8. Dowlinr------ ___________________ _ A. C. Rollinson, Jr. Divine Hewlett. ___ John A. Ruth _______________________ _ 973,910 1 139,840 ' 25,240 1 556,990 340,S5!i 49,160 1 938,050 1,029,190 1 25,000 160,000 - - - , --------- ,Han. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 100,000! 5o-493 0 '-< : 1 36,000 1,019,000 1,032,600 U7,300 1st N, and Harriman N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., 1 66,630 1,698,280 1,663,830 183,930 Oorn Ex. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Ill :3 the Manhatt an Co., Jamiaca. 36,820 700,370 686,090 I Le Roy National Bank--•t'02 B. B. Ward ________ 0. N. Keeney------ J. H. Walker----- R.H. Comfort_ ___ _ 75,360 Mnfrs. N., Troy. 100,000 D. C.H. PRENTICE F. E. CHADDOCK---- W. H. BISHOP ------ H. G. BISHOP------- , 100,000 Collections baT e the personal at tentton of an offl cer or bank. { we remit on da y or payment. S end 01 four budn eu. •i1'38 0 59,130 1,757,930 1.782,950 j 123,990 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.: Peo., Buffalo, 100,0001 rt- 63,840 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Irving N., N, Y.; Broadway N.. Buffalo. 438,800 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: t'4 Mnfrs. & Tra. N,, Buffalo; 3d N., cran- c, ..,... ton. Pa. 65,350 Irving J., N. Y.;Jefferson Oo. N., Watertown. 100,000 50,000 ~ 48,030 , 1,134,580 1,140,870 Alb. : ~ 136,540 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. r. and Peo., Buffalo. r:: ~ '.:< 191,230 0hase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., A N - '° ...... THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO Number under Name of Bank is the New Translt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand 11-IcNaUy Banke!st Federal Reserve Bank973 of St. Louis NEW YORK-Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws indexed) in back of this'- 973 Number under Name of Bank is the New TnnsU Number given to each bank in U. S. ei:cJusJveJy by The Kand McNaJJy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. (Savlng-i Banks do not handle collections) . I s» Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see La~. ::J NEW YORK-Continued NA.ME OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. VICE-PRESIDENT, PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •Oonnty Seats. In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. (Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ♦Mem. Fed. Res. I is Buffalo Br. ASS'T CASHIER. CASHIER, I UP SURPLUS ,_______ AND PROFITS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. P I c~~;AL DE os- Lou■ & n,.. C••e a. Ex; 1 8 SllOUarrtl<II ; '"1 c'n. Bo,me, oJLU<o..,D"" '<,. FllOllBuru Liberty ___ Sullivan J 16 National Bk. of Liberty -•1'11 F. E. Bridaes ------ Sherman Ernhout. Albert Van Dyke __ H. N. Krum _______ $ 50,000 S 44,200 $1803 730 S1583 480 $ 334,840 Ohase N ., N. Y .; N. Y. State N ., Alb, . . \ 5IHIM . .. Pop. 2459 " Sulhvan County National Bk. R. A. Monroe _____ A. S. Pierson ______ H. 0. Baldwm ____ Isham Younc ____ _ 50,000 127,670 1,506,8()0 1,412,000 241,600 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb,; 4th St. N,, Phil, •1"93 1 50-779 1 Llma ____ Livingston G 7 Bank of Lima __________ •i§'05 C. R. Pierce ____ ' E. F. Dibble------ Alexander Martin. Elizabeth McSwee51,380 N. Bk, Com., N. Y.: Merch, and N. Bk, Com., 25,000 286,530 18,840 221,980 Rochester. ney / 50-780 B Pop. 843 1 LiDdenhurst._Suffollc D 5 First National Bank ---- •1"97 W, 0. Abbott------ Frederick Sheide _ Geo~e Pe bier_____ ________________ _ 62,910 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk:. of the Manhattan Co., 25,000 281,800 22,470 362,040 Cha ,. Weierter Jamaica, 50-781 Pop. 2200 Lisle ________ Broome I 12 First National Bank ______ 'l6 Edward L. Teed __ T. R. Hitt--------· Harry D. French __ Mrs. Fanny French 50-954 Pop. 294 25,000 350,000 J. \V. Sherman, J, J. Gilbert----- H. C. Miller_ _______ C. D. Jarvis, A. Sec, ~ec. a nd Tr. M. G. Bronner Llttlelfalls-HerkimerF15 HERKIMER COUNTY TRUST ! COMPllY .50-297 ___ •1§'33 1 Special attentlo ~ given ~IU or La ding drafts, Cash and '!'lme Item~. Pop. 13,029 I Please send 15c w 1th e<t<'h. ight drat t for presentation and 2oc for Cred1t Re1>orts. ♦ I We want :,our L lttJe Falls Items. .. l 11,300 227,670 239,480 42,950 Seab. N., N. Y. zt%J 495,180 3,779,170 4,507,760 645,730 Liberty N. and Equitable Tr. Co. N .. N. Y.; ,c::! N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., 1 ·t N., and ~. Y. <; State N., Alb. 340,000 2,402,550 3,166,180 188,070 Liberty N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; lit N .. Alb, ' to Little J.l'alls National Bk,_i•79 L. 0. Bucklin ______ H.P. Snyder ______ 11'. G, Teall _______ F. L. Teall__ _____ _ 50-298 100,000 _ E. McQarth7 ______ _ 25,000 63,000 610,000 567,000 90,000 Seab, N,, N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo. > Livinr1ton Manor __ sun- Llvlnrston Manor Nat·I Bank Charles B. Ward ___ Louis Du Bois _____ William Smith _____ Geo, M. Le Roy____ •1'11 1 5G-905 tna __ Pop. 1600 ____ J 15 N. Stewart_ _____ ------------------- A. N. StewarL ____ G, A. Lawrence____ Livo;iaPo~t~rton G 1 Bank of 25,000 13,090 255,210 267,150 44,310 Irving N ., N. Y. (/l - - - Chase N., N, Y. r4 Livonia tate Bank ____ et§'l9 J. W. Wadsworth __ E. A. Bron.on ___ Arthur J, Straub__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P. C. Euchner 5(H)88 Locke _______ Cayun H 10 Oitizens Bank __________ tf'95 !c. J. Hewitt _______ ------------------- N. Lowe_________ ____________________ 25,000 8,240 356,660 327,340 25,000 20.010 167,100 185,580 •LiUle Talley _Oat'rus 13 Oattaraurus Oounty Bk.•;1·02 E. E, Kelley _______ W. 0. Parker______ II'. J, Davis__ 8 50-782 Pop. 1253 ---- LiI~i--------t'711A. " -------- " ~ru ~u •LockporL.--Niacara F 4 B Pop, 21,308 NATIONAL z~ I ~ I 4-1,650 1Gnarau ty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Living ton Co. Tr. n '"1 Co., Gene eo. 21,5B0 Chase N., N, Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. ~ ~ 0 w. E. McCOMB-- w. A. WILLIAMS-- EXCHANGE BANK ~ 50-223 I A. C. TOVELL------ -------------------- 150,000 570,000 5,200,000 4,032,410 1,109,840 1st N, and Lincoln N., N. Y. Collectlona a S pectalt,-. We re ml& on day of pa yment. SEND US YOU B. LOCKPORT I TEMS. •t"44 J. T. SYMES------ C. G. SUTLIFF------- H. E. MORRILL----- K. W. STRAUSS----Nllf lRl COUNTY NATIONAL 224 9 B, IK----~ ------ -•t'3 { AU collections presented promp Uy and remitted Immediately wh l 300,000 en paid. ____ _ O. B. Wendell, Farmers & Mech. Sav. Bank_ Wm . .l. Williams __ Charles A. Hou ___ J. K. Emerson, Sec. V, Pres. and Tr. J. T. Darrison •1'70 50-225 C. B. Erner on, A. Sec. 25,000 Long Beach __ ~ac; au C 5 National Bank of Long Beach H. G. Heyson ______ H. M. Susswein ___ c. B, Monro_______ ____ ________________ •no 50-1024 Pop. 300 510,070 6,510,740 7,122,760 952,440 N. Park, N. Y,; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. . 750,530 7,707,670 7,477,410 26,050 233,500 235,030 700,670 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Oo., Buf 1 falo. 55,110 Seab. N ., N, Y. ; Am. Tr. Co,. Jamaica. Long Island Oity - Quee;: (Su NMO Yor1' Cit11, Borou oh of Qtum&) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ ~ Reasonable cha rge. Newly organ lzed department. .t.Lowville _____ Lewis D 13 Black River National Bank '79 Frederick S. Easton E. S. K. Herrell ___ Georre Sherwood__ ___________ ____ ____ J. s. Bowen 50-028 Pop. 3127 B. B. Johnson, Lewis County Trust Co.•§'20 0.11'. Boshart ______ H. I. LeFevre ______ W. J. M.illipn, " ________ .. A.Sec.&A.Tr. Ser.,&Tr. L,S.Miller io-527 ♦ H, P. Gould 1 r4 0 100;000 lil0,000 140,000 1,050,000 1,140,000 57,630 790,850 I i 706,170 222,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N, Y. State N. and N Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 24,720 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb, n 974 :Number uader Name or Bank ia the New Tramlt Number given to each bank in U. 8. ei:closlvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. NAME ~F BANK. •Yem. Am. Bks. Assn. IBtate •Count, Seats. In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. :Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. •~Iem. Fed. Res. Bis Buffalo Br. TOWN .lND -Oo~;·TY. 0;~4f~sau Lynbroo/ PRESIDENT, s. J, Bradbury .•••• r,IA.~ILITIEs. RESOURCES, SuRPLus DEPOB· ',:,...,• • D1a- 0c.... • i:". Ass'T OASHIER, PA.ID-UP OASHIER, c;-_~_no_•:_· _~_~•_:....u_'»_" ,_______________ _iT_..._L _Pa_"'o_~_IT_s _ 1_T•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_c..... VICE-PRESIDENT, 50,000 Mech. & Metals N,, N. Y. 13,500 350,000 325,000 Bank ·-··•il'05 F. B. Housel... __ •• John Ward---···- J.B. Oakes ••••• --- H. N. Welch...... :r' Citizens State50-785 50,000 25,000 600,000 600,000 60,000 66,470 021,550 937,130 170,480 Am. Ex.N. and Oitiz. N., N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Alb. 60,000 17,240 570,730 521,820 169,250 N. Cit:, and Irving- N .• N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk, & Tr, Co. and N. Y. State N., Alb. --·-·-··· - - - ·····-··-······--·· 25,000 46,740 308,640 316,880 M. F. McGarrahan M. M. Miller-···-· -········-·········· 70,000 6,370 30,480 80,280 Ransom •.••• G. H. Hale-···-·- F, l!'. Fisk .. ·-····· F.1. Taylor ...... - 150,000 266,000 1,090,000 1,191,120 H. H.Seaver, Tr,.. C. W.Russell,A,Tr, ------·······---· 300,000 284,540 2,567,520 2,748,200 If II Gavitt National Bank_.•:'66 W. S. Gavitt ••••••• G. J, Gavitt •••• _ •• S. B. Gavitt .••·--·- G. H. Milem. __ • I. G. Mirick 51>-482 F. W. Chamberlain John David .. - ••.. W. H. Akenhead._ E. A. Hahn···-L. E. Yury Madrid.,~-lAii6tence.l1' Madrid Ban:o-=1ss··--·-·U'96 A. D. Whitney ••• -. Malone .... Franklin .A 17 Citizens National Bank •• '21 J.M. 50-1032 Farmers N~tfo~ Bank .. t'64 M. Pop. 7556 " Mamaroneck Westchester Ori Pop. 6571 o. o. ntwelL ••• Marion ••••••• Wayne F 8 Pop.1000 Marlboro ••••• Ulster K17 Pop. 1000 Musena._.8t. Lawrence A 16 Pop. 5003 " " B. R. Clark •• ·-·-· T. J. McKee, Sec,. F. U.. Kirk T. J. Meighan •.••• R. P. Brewer •••••• John H . .McArdle • W. A.. Boyd.·-···· 1G L.Lyon, Sec. a.nd Tr. B. C. ~Ieighan L.A. Yan Kleeck .• s. M. Powell.. ...... C. w. Smith F. B. Whitmore.- 1O. o. Davis •••••••• First National Bank ....• •'14 o. N. Jagger.·-·-·· 50-942 First National Bank •.••• •:•07 J. F. WnanL._ •• 50-7110 First National Bank •••. •i'03 W. F. Willson.-•• 5CHi26 Massena Bkg. Co ••••••• •t'84 M. H. Flahert.:, •• _. 60-525 o. R. Pratt •••••••. A, (Su Beacon) Matteawan.Dutchess Pop, t727 Mattituck ••••• Sutrolk B 8 Pop. 1200 Maybrook •••• Orange A 2 Pop.1200 •.Mayville.Ohautauaua 11 8 Pop. 442 Mechanlcsvllle •• Sarat.oga G 18 Pop. 8166 35,650 Irvine: N,, N. Y. ~ 133,990 Bk, of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, . 416,870 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st. N., Alb. 50,000 12,500 ·--·· - · · - · · - 50,000 30,380 F. W. Knapp ••• --. j W. s. Spauldinr .- v. S. Kenyon_.. · , O. R. Sanford •••••• Frank Kittle •••••• - - - · · - - - 50,000 25,000 740,000 730,000 85,000 IrvingN.,N. Y. 25,000 75,000 500,000 600,000 50,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. R. s. Bush·-··-·-·- - - - · · - - B. E. Luce A.H. Palmer·-··-· E. W. Carpenter •• E, H, Faust........ 25,000 18,140 507,260 520,210 25,000 64,900 064,320 688,600 J.C. OraPSer.-·-·- G. P, Matthews. __ • c. H. Elliott. •••• _ 25,000 82,430 1,081,210 1,016,110 ···-···----·-··- 1. K. Phillips •••• - ---······-···- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohase N., N. Y,: N. Y. State N., .Alb. I 030,000 977,000 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ w )> z ""4 n rJl I 1-1 l ~ .., Sf g 03,680 Irving N:·• N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., ;;i;Alb.; Lm. N., Rochester; 1st N .. Newark. 200,940 N. Park, N. Y,; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., .lib. ,.... 185,330 Ooal & Iron N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. O Es: Cb ~ · ,.. I?. w. Murray, Jr .• o. A. Crist. ••• ·-··· -·-·-····-··--······ C. S. Young E. D. Reagan •••••• H.J. Lockwood ••• M. D. Fox......... F. C. Whitney 25,000 25,000 49,600 F.W.KAVANAUGH H.B. DUGAN.·---·· R. G. MOORE ...... J. W. BURKE-···· Collectlona hH e the peraonal att entlon of an offlc er of &hll bank. , We remit on d ay of payment. Send ua ,-om bu 1lne11. 50,000 59,000 1.064,350 1,076,450 MHUFACTUHRS HT. Bl(. Wm. L. Howland •• b1 ohn O. Duncan ... Newton T. Bryan_ - - - - · - - - 100,000 50-377 txl F. J. Kiolighn -·-·· 67,800 z 59,170 N. City, N. Y.: N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, 115,240 1,219,500 1,166,940 25,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•:•34 65,000 Ohase N,, N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 144,800 Ohase N., Equitable Tr. Co .. and Lin. N., N.Y.: 4th St. N., Phil. 147,980 Irving N. and Gual'anty Tr. Co .. N. Y.: lat N., Mamaroneck. 50,000 -·-·--· -·-···-· N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica. 40,820 1Irvin~ N., N. Y. 888,830 562,020 100,000 E.H.Gedne:,,..4.,Tr. _ _ _ N. s. Tuthill._ ••••• E. D. Corwin •• - - T. W. TuUillJ._.. llattituck Bank.·-······:S'05 J. M. Lupton •••••• 60-7111 Maybrook National Bank. '21 J. J;'. chields ••••• 50 ·1034 State Bank of Ma:,ville.•:S'0-i Jr. W. Crandall •• _. 50-7112 60-878 II', w. E. Griffith.--·· Peoples Trust Co .••.•• •:§'85 N. M. Marshall •••• • ♦ 50-391 First National Bank .••• •~'89 R. G. Brewer •• _•• _ 50-407 UnionSav.Bk.ofWestchester R. G. Brewer•••••• County •• 50-408 •••••• •if '87 , First National Bank.•.•.. '21 F. D. Jackson ••••. 50-1033 First National Bank •••.• •;'84 U. H. Boyden •••••• 50-787 First National Bank ••••• •:·10 J.C. Parsons--·--· 50-788 Peoples National Bank •• •t'0l N. D. Olmstead •••• 50-789 ManhasspeL. Na sau C 6 op. 500 Marathon •• Oortland II 12 Pop. 565 Marcellus.Onondaga G 11 Pop. 989 Marraretville ... Delaware I 15 Pop. 650 Marin era Harbor Rich.D a (Su New York Oit11, Borouo h of Richmond) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ____ -- I.O '-l ------==--=-= ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, 50,000 50-=461 •••• ·-·· Medina ...... Orleans B Pop. 6011 " •· I = ·- ~ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., re I,aw ·. T. F. O'Connor.-•• Wm, F. Ploch ••••• · - · - - - · · · - - - LYONS NATIONAL BANK•:"65 .. (Savings Banks do not handle collectlons) D 5 L7nbrookN ~~fllBank.•'07 J. II'. Felton •••_____ A. D. Kelsey-···- J. L. tanley --·-- ·--··-·····---· $ 50,000 $ 92,020 1800000 $1677030 $ 104,460 Irvine; N., N. Y.; N. com'l Bk. & Tr. co., Alb. 5 Peoples National Bank .•:!:'20 50-1015 Lyndonvllle •• Orle&Ds B Pop. 738 •Lyons ••.••• .ia:rne Pop, 42 NEW YORK-Continued l 47,000 530,000 535,000 I).) 6,250 - - - · - - - _ _ _ 1Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y. 583,060 579,470 73,190 Han. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co. and Liberty, Buffalo; N. Bk. of Westfield, Westfield. 138,670 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., .Alb. ~ Ill 105,000 2,400,0001 2,500,000 •t'll6 Joseph Vet·------···· t'I0 •• ······-·---···-- ·······-·-··--·---· ···-·-·-·-·-- - - - --·--···-·-·-· I I 60- 379 Central Bank ••••.•••••• U'09 Watson F. Barry •. I Erwin Rands··-··· E. R. Clark .. •••••. Raymond Feller ••. , 1 50-411 Union Bank ..•. -···-···•U'lll lGeore;e A. Newe11._I Bomer J. Luther •• Harry .F. Welton .•• ·----···· · ·········· I 50-410 68,000 Irving N., and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y. 6,000 15,000 50,000 42,000 100,000 94.080 60,150 ~05,00011 708,800 110,410 1.584.1601 1,506,370 g 310,000 · trving N., N. T.; N. Shawmut, Boli,; lfr ·. ~ •.. 11).) Troy. 53,610 I~ 135.000 Beab. N., N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo: Lin. ~·., :_. 11.0 . Rochester. 288,200 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .• Bos.: Manno Tr. Co .. 1'.) Alb. N., tate Y. . r Buffalo; 1 · THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO . . NEW YORK-Continued -- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law (ind~:eJ-) ~1!.,. ba~~ ~f.. t~is ~ -----,-.--------.-----.~---.-----~------ --...-------.-----,---...-1:rrr ;rcr, THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO 975 _ _ Numbel' under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' _ Dll'ectory, un'!.er the ~utborlty of The American Bankers Ass'n. I I NEW YORK- C00 t·lilUe d I ( Banks do not handle collections) NA)1E OF BA.NK. TOWN AND COUNTY. p y p •Mem. Am. Bks. A n. § tate •County Seats. ICE· RESIDENT. RESIDE...~T. In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. :t::Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. 1- - - - - - - - - - •~em. F~. Res. ~ is Buffalo Br. C ASHIER. . A ss ,T CASHIER. ------- _ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.... ..!._Olume._ ~Intere ~Ra~s_, H~llda_!s, etc., see Laws~ ~ __ AID-UP Bacoarrua CAPITAL P R O F I T S ~ .llexico••••.. Oswego E n \ First National Bank .• •U900 •••••••......••.•••. F. E. weetland_ .. ,W. J. Collms .•.... ···········--·-··· ,$ , c. A. Peck 50-7113 Pop. 1336 ':"1c: c'TS. llo1m, 011.u,ou,Du. EPOS· AND ~ PRlNClPAL CORRESPONDENTS. -- RC---'E"-S_,_I . _ _H_=R=E---"S--'0..:..U..c. l--------'L=l::.::A::::B:..::l=LI:;_;;T:..::l=E..:. S_ r.,,,.,., a: o,.. 1 & ExSURPLUS D P 1-no-•_B_. ._--_ ,________________- t ___ ~_ 50,000 $ 30,990 $ 500,770!$ 568,940 $ 62,540 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; N.Y. State N., s.c. CornelL .••.- 50,000 55,000 .lliddleport._NiaEara F 4 First National Bank •.•• •:t·os G. R. Sheldon •••.. Edgar Knapp •••••• !John J, Mack-···- ••••••••.•••..•••.•. , 50-~35 8 Pop. 1416 25,000 32,860 .lliddletown .. Oranre A 2 First National Bank ·-·-·•:t'64 W. L. Benedict. ••• Lehman Stern-~ ••. , C. .A. Owen ........ - - - · · · · · · · · · · · 50-244 Pop, 18,420 100,000 01,11011,860,510 1,046,530 c. L. Boyd......... 200,000 144,170 2,902,980 3,003,140 218,150 N. Park, Irvine N., and Mech. & Metals N., ~ N.Y. MiddlelownSav. Bank.•:t§'69 G. A. Swayze ..•••• Edmund Millen .••. lH. B. Woodward, 1G. R. Wengenroth, - · A. ec. ,_ec. and Tr. Jas. A. Clark 50-245 1J. F. Dolson, 0, B. Buckley, A.Sec. A. Tr. 593,950 6,885,330 7,040,380 371,560 Empire Tr. Co. and Liberty N., N. Y. 100,000 254,270 4.592,3601 4,374,190 lliddleturr_ .. Schoharie ', First National Bank .••• •:t'80 Duryea Beekman_ D. C.Dow, Jr .•..•. W. G. Beekman_ .. 50-794 H 15 Pop, 986J MERCHANTS NAT'L BANK 50-246 G. T. Townsend •.• John W. Slauson •• E.T. Hanford ..••• •:t"85 FRANK HARDING ... _ J. H. SMITH·-····-··· 6. SPENCER COWLEY, ORANGE COUNTY Sec. and Ga h. TRUST COMPANY 60-247 C. A. Lyman W.W. WOODWARD, I PROMPT "SERVICE" I w. Parmelee •••..•...••••. - - · · - filJ~¥~l .....•:t:1'91 ,James Reardonr••· Eurene Ham ...•••• Walter F. HaichL ---··········- )lillbroo~of1tmess J 19 Bank of H~nry D. Clark .•.• G. R. Andrews ···- ····-········-····-· ~hies L. Jenks J. J. Kaley ••.••... A. B. :M, ·rritL •••.••••••.••.••••••..•. lA. p w. Irvine Jones .•. w. Chas. M. Weed-·· D. Belle Parks J, H. Parker-·- -··- ····-·····-··-·· 5,370 166,350 218,360 25,190 Chase N .• N. Y. I ' I>< 691,990 729,140 95,630 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 50,000 74,340 500,440 478,700 149,760 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 209.110 24,610 Mech, & Metals N., N, Y.; N. Y. State N,, Alb, 138,890 Bk. of .Manhattan Co., N. Park. and Irving_._,., 5,520 25,000 100,000 205,750 995,490 32,050 , l,033,990 159,640 2,349,250 2,092,000 21,620 600,000 25,000 41,000 680,300i 679,000 50,000 16,000 325,ooo: 483,000 18,770 141,830 181,110 600,950 . 50.000 98,780 1.499,550 1,333,500 25,000 11,680 130,000 132,130 50,000 19,330 356,400 16,460 182,360 1 332,620 394,990 1 926,590 1,031,100 , 0 r+ 0 == N.L I 111 , 111 I :llfl ~ ::!, en ···1: . i,; - I I,. ~ : ·~: tD 408,340 N. Bk. Com. , N. Y. 70,800 Harriman N., N. Y. 94,420 ,Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 155,890 1st N., N. Y.: N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. I I:., ,llfl .. . .. ... , ,II oll I . LARGEST NATIONAL IN WESTERN NEW I , ( .: ' 25,000 Mech. & Metals N. N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb .. . Corn Ex. N., Phil. 29,550 :Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N .. 1, Phil. . 138,480 N.Park and N. City, N. Y.;4th8t. N., Phil. ' . ,, Ill ' .. • ! I I ,; 114,350 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 38,420 1st N,, N. Y. I l tD 66,810 ( i c=;· 1 Korris •• ---··Otsero H 14 First Nat1on ~1 a nk •••• •:t'93 ,A. E. Potter .•.•..• Merritt Bridges •. c. J. mith._ •••••• ···-······-··---···· 5u-o03 Pop. 420 )lorristown.St. Lawrence Frontier National Bank-•:t'06 IJ. V. Crawford ...• J. L. mithers •.• __ M. N. Donald ..•... ·-·--···-··········· 1 50-804 B IS Pop. 489 Morrisville.. .Madi'n G l3 jFirstNational Bank .•.• •:t"64 H. C. Wood----··· F. II. outhworth_ B. Tompkins •••••• 50-805 Pop. 497 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I ~ 25,000 1 25,000 )lontour Falls •• Schuyler Montour National Bank-•:t'l4 JJ. T. McKeg •••• _. c. M. Weed •.•.... 5Hl4 I 9 Pop.1560 KoraviaPop~~:ltga H 11 ~rst Nat~oii~itnk •••. •:t'65 S. E. Day .••••••••. ~: Jitteenfleld... I z~ 50,000 Montgomery. o ranie A. 2 National Bk •"ot Mon tiom:ir y J oho A. Crabtree.. William Eager.-·-· , --·· ·-· •.•••••• -··- ••.••.....••..•••••• 5u-o01 •+' 05 Pop. 906 A. Calkin •.•..•• ·----·····-········•Kontic~~~-SrJ!tanK15 National UnJ~~ank •.• •:'50 ,E. H. Strong •••••• Geo. H, Smith •••.. Monroe Natt~;Jlank .. •:t:'05 Alex. Thompson •• _ J. H. Carpenter··- :;t, 561,550 Liberty N .. Empire Tr., and Met. Tr. Co .. ~ N, Y.; Corn lb:. N., Pbil.;ltN, Com'l Bk, & 0:, )> Tr. Co. , Alb. 28,560 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.,, ----········· " ..,< 209,280 z. E. Van Fleet ••• M. w. g~7nie A 2 CITIZENS BtJ!f-1r····-•:t:§'l5 1Clarence S. Knicht W. A. McClellan ••• c. Arthur Brooks •• H. E. Coleman ••••• •• ~.... ~ I 183,640 100,000 " 298,890 Irving N,, and Liberty N., N. Y,; 1st N,, Chi . 23,000 Charles L. Conklin, E. L. Frost ..•.••.. John O. Berren, A. Sec, Su. J. A. Albertson Roberts ••••• lJ. R. Terpening. __ Cristman- •• 1A. F. Konroe.Po·: 151,910 Chase N .. N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo, N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 0 50,000 1 50,000 1 417,880 presentation P. J. ChrisL ••. ···- G.D. Smith ····- __ Elbert Hegeman • _ F. L. Oakley Mi~;~ 491,060 1 87,000 Chase N., N.Y.; N,Y. State N.,, rJJ )lilford.Pop:ro~ero H 14 Milford Natt~tJlank .. •:t'991 0has. J. Armstronr H. E. Kinne •..••.• F. L. PlatL ..••••• ············-······· Pop~- 471,000 OUR MOTTO. Middleville.Iler kimer F5 Middleville J. _at io nal Banic. J. T, ::Uolinenx •••• G..r. Casler ••••••• E. 5.0 1014 .,.2 0 1 . Pop.79 0 Millerton •• D1¼,t,s.hess J 19 Millerton Na tio ~al Bank.•:t:82 F. A. Hotchkiss ..•• .... • 50- 711 8 :r • Pop. :,c.11 ~ter J 17 F~rst Nat.10 ntii~nk ••.-•.,. 20 R. M. Rownd ..•... :Milton•. 5 200 1 •Mineola •.••• Nassau D 4 First National Bank •.••• •:t·os H. W. .Andrews ••.• Edw. Schmidt. 50-568 Pop. 3016 V. Pres, 1 Nassau Cou n0-ty T rust Cot. , ' George S. Emory •• " •••• -··· " 9 5 56 • § 10 • . . Valley.f!ot· c. Schaufler ••• Mohawkp~~~1wer G 14 National I 485,000 A. ec. Proper fee should accom pany each slg ht draft for and also ea ch request f I or special ere dit report. •:t:l'IIZ ! : ~ .. I' ;Ii ,,II,, ;,i Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banklng Point (In- ,,... dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this _, volume. li'or Intei:est Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL O0RRESP0NDJCNTS, NEW YORK-Continued 976 ( av1n,s Banks do not handle collections) LIABILITIES, Nill:&: 011' BANK, TOWN A.ND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 18tate •Oonnty Seats. In. No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBk:s.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. •~em. Fell. Res. Bis Buffalo Br. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. OA.SRIJCR. Ass'T OASRIER. SUBPLUl9 p AXD A.II>-UP 0 APITA.L Pao:rITB D •Pos- ITB o..u •s. c'Ta. Bo1n>1, Lom 6: Da- ~ t1..,,,_ .u•Buu 6: -----=-=--------1-----------"---1--------1--------1--------1------'---I--- - - - - - - - - - ----1-----------------I Mt. Kisco. Westch'ter B 5 Mt. Kisco National Bk:. __ •t'95 W. H. Moore -··· •• 50-806 Pop. 3901 Mt. Jlorris.Living't'n B II Binrham State Bank_.•f§'ll9 C. W. Bingham···5!r-5S2 B Pop. 3312 J. W. Wadsworth GENESEE RIVER NAT. BANK Special attentlo " -···-· " •:l:'65 Please send 15c 50-531 ~ Prompt Service. A. W. Young•••• _. Oharles Brown .... ·-·- ···-·--- ···- ···- $ 50,000 $ 143,000 $1506 000 SI 590 000 $ 167,000 Atlantic N. and N. Oity, N. Y. B. E. BropheL._._ F. E. Van Dorn •••. W. E. Morrow..... 50,000 21,000 525,000 510,000 J. F. Connor·-···· H. R. Porter...... 50,000 48,020 764,690 791,600 n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. with each sight dr a.ft for presentatio n and 25c for Crea it Repo1 ts. 0 4 " 50-1025 Eastchester Savinirs Bk, .1'71 Geo. H. Brown ···50-141 First NaLional Bank •••• •t•sg C. S. McUlellan._ •. 50-142 MT.VERNONTRUSTCO.•tl'03 A. M. OampbelL._ 50-143 117,300 N. Park, N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Butralo; N'. Bk. Com., Rochester. We get Results. 100,000 C. T. Taylor S. W. Bertine.••. - .. 0. A.Westfall, See. ············--······ _ __ Franklin T. Davis 200,000 William Archer._ .. G. G. Winship ••••• J. J. Hagmann_.... Francis S. \Vandall 200,000 J.M. Bromley_ M. D. Stiles •••.•.•. M. H. Hall, See. and Tr. A. Su. and A. Tr. E. H. Peck S, Van Tassel, Mt, Vernon. Westchester American National Bank•'20 C.R. Gibson···-·· C. M. Biddle_ •..... W. C. Thompson __ C.H. Barnet__···- Pop. 42,726 -······ " 82,500 Han. N., N. Y,; Cent .. Rochester. 25,000 377,110 4!2,220 52,830 Chase N ., N. Y. ············-·····-· J. W. Granby __ ••. ·-···-·-·······-·-·· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - · _ _ _ Seab. N., N. Y.;MarineTr.Co.• Bntralo, ····-··••r••·-·--·-- D. H. Maxfield ••••• W. H. HonseL-·-· · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Butralo. Jane S. Maxfield G. O. Perkins·--·-· W. T. Peirson····- H.F. Clark·-···-·· Geo. A. leie-ht Gordon G. Harris s, R. Peirson-····· l{, W. :Marble •••••• --···-·-··-··-····-T. D. Prescott H.B. Rawley. __ • __ Chas. L. Raymond_ -·-········-····--- 150,000 140,560 2,408,330 2,567,780 150,000 50,000 1,5d3,000 1,760,000 ........ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis " NATIONAL CITY BANK- .. •t'D9 60-166 New Rochelle Trust Oo.•U'88 50-157 North .A.venue Bank ••• •tl'l0 50-159 Peoples Bk. for Savinirs.•1'06 60-158 z~ I ~ 25,000 ll,290 401.470 374,260 ·--··· 50,000 57,310 841,110 786,320 172,170 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. ~ .E.W. Barnes-··-·· Jas. J. Flanagan. Barclay Van Cleft, See. Tr. Wm. D. Baeshaw A. F. Holden···-·- H. N. Jamison_···- c. H. Wells-····-· J. S. White W. 0. Scott-_.• _. __ J. Calvin Brown. __ ·····-··-····--·--- 100,000 147,200 4,365,530 4,325,230 263,070 Chase N .. Empire Tr., and Eauitable Tr. Oos., N. Y.: Alb. Tr. Co. and N. Y. State N., Alb. ,... 947,800 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.; O Z N. Com'J Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 262,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. F. A. Ballard .. -.. - H. L. White •••..• _ ······--·· G. F. FLANDREAUX JOHN F. LAMBDEL_ HOWARO R. WARE pedal attentlo 11 a ured to Cas { Please send 15r wi th each sight draft / end u your New Rochelle Items W.W. BisselL •••• II. J. nn Zelm •. _. J .• I. Perley H. E. Colw IL_ ••• Theo. Wulp -··---J. W. pal ding George Watson •••. IS. F. wiuburne. __ John F. Lambden I to > 303,780 Irvine N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk, & Tr. Co., Alb. VJ 152,000 1st N., N. Y.; N, Y. State N., Alb. 200,000 400,000 4,850,000 4,911,000 400,000 199,420 2,201.490 2,904,870 4,960 Han. N., N, Y.; N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, :-'" ;· 8 (D ____ 2,144,360 12550750 13855980 902,530 Title Guaranty & Tr. Oo., Guaranty Tr. Co., F. W. Senff' .•·--·- F. O. Balfe, Tr ••••• John T. Howell, See. Harry 11'. Smith. W. F. Cassedy and Han. N., N. Y. A, Tr. QUASSA~CK NATIONAL BANK C. D. Robin on .•.• o. c. Bourne--····- W. E. Todd.····-· ·······-··-··---··-- 300,000 127,030 1,042,170 1,558,090 i. 203,830 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. " •:l:'53 50-176 25,000 38,440 Irving N., N. Y.: Bk. of Buff'alo, Buff'alo, 245,730 12,340 254.530 ·ewfane ••••. iagara E slstate Bank of ·ewfane•t§'17 F. H. Ferguson •••• Bert S. Pettit---··· Lee I. Wells .•.••.. G. E. Goodridge_ •. 50-966 B Pop. 1000 50,000 85,000 Utica Tr. & Dep. Co., Utica. 30,000 75,000 10,000 ·ew Hartford ___ Qneida Fir::;t National 11ank _____ •'21 S. F. Sherman_···- H. R. Jone..;_·····-- C. K. Clark __ .••••. George Healy_ •••• J, P. Mulhall 50-1029 G 14 Pop, 1621 100,000 135,000 400,000 C03,110 168,770 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, New Paltz •••• Ulster J 17 Huguenot National Bk. -•*'65 Frank: J, Le Fevre. A. P. Le Fevre •••• E. Van W~enen .. ··-·--···---········ 5~05 Pop. 1056 1 - - - · · - - - ___ 191,140 2,226,430 2,292,320 ' 88,460 Chase N. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y. New Paltz Savings Bk._•W71 C. L. Van Orden •• Jesse Eltine-e.·-·-· H. H. Grimm, " •••••••• " See. and rr. c. I. Le Fever 5H06 63,380 1st N., N. Y. 50,000 236,370 310,850 49,710 Newport_.Herkimer F 15 NationalBk.ofNewport_•t-86 J. T. Wooster••.••. Jackson Smith·-·· J. T. Wooster, Jr._ o. S. Wooster-···· 50-808 Pop. 703 150,000 125,000 2,631.000 2,735,000 215,000 Am. Ex. N .. Harriman N .• Equitable Tr .. and ·ew Rochelle •••••• West- Huguenot Trust Oo ...•. •tl'lO R. J. Walters •. ··- M. J. Martin-..•.•• G. W. Sutton, Tr._ E. A. Culp, Sec..... Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. G. E. Galeano 50-160 chester_Pop, 36,213.05 " t:t1 ~ ~ 480,140 5,494,460 5,598,770 301.150 Lin. Tr. and Empire Tr. Cos.,N. Y.; Mt. Vernon Tr. Oo .. Mt. Vernon. 190,320 6,521,100 5,988,000 1.123,420 N. Park and Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.; 4th St. 0 :;ti N., Phil. 362,400 7,083,170 6,852,360 537,230 Han. N. and Harriman N., N. Y.; ll'rank:lin N., ~ Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. A.Tr. Naple, ••••••• Ont&rioB7 GeorreR.Granby&Son,Bkrs. - - - - - - - · · t'07 51H24 Pop. 1148 Hiram Maxfield Bank .•• tt'82 · · · · · · · · · · · - - " " ···---·· 5~23 Newark. ••••• Wayne F 8 Arcadia National Bank: •••• '87 P.R. Sleight_·-···· 50-395 Pop. 6964 First National Bank •••• -•t'll3 E. V. Peirson .•••.. " ··-···· " 50-394 Newark:Valley. Tioira I 11 Flrst National Bank: ••.•• •t·12 M. L. Benham •. _.. 50-011 Pop. 821 NewBerlin.OhenangoH13 National Bk. or New Berlin F. R. Holmes .. _.•. •t'l2 50-921 Pop. 1070 NewBrirhton,Richm'dD3 (Su New York Ci.t11,Borough of Richmond) Newburi:h •. ~Oranre AS Columbus Trust Co .•••••• 1'93 Henry M. Leonard_ 50-177 Pop. 30,366 Highland National Bank •t"34 D. E. McKinstry •• " " 50-174 National Bank: of Newburirh F. W. Mapes .•••••• " ...• ···" U811 50-173 Newburirh Savinirs Bk:. •tl"52 T. F. Balfe···-···50-175 Z 200,000 160,500 6,105,060 5,786,680 Sec.-·······-···-- 200,000 . 202,500 4.658,640 4,323,610 J.P. Brown _____ ._ 50,000 49,590 1,084,450 1,060,200 A. L. Hammett,Sec, ·····-·--····-···· - - - · 50,330 1,301,680 1,258,180 R.R. RENNIE-·---·· GEO. F. MUELLER--hand Time Item or presentation and on this ba I • J. A. Huntineton. Irvine H. Todd, A . J. W. Spalding-·-· c-- n> ::, s. 50c for Credit Repor ts. .'re. 584,050 seab. N., N. Y. ~ ~ ~ 553,800 Irving N. and Bk:rs. Tr. Oo., N. Y.: N. Y. State ~ _ .lr,, Alb. ll0,520 Mech. & MetalsN. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. ~ 93,820 N. Oity and New Rochelle Tr. Op .. New Ro- rv ..... I chelle, N. Y. THE MARINE , TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO • u... 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~WAYS use he above coupon in forwarding collections or claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1□1 ,..____.... Ji..___ E □ _.qg] TABLISHl!D 1851 THE D HANOV ER NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AT NASSAU AND PINE STREETS nd Undivid d Profit Capit I Surplu $ ,000,000 $20,000,000 OFFICERS WILLIAM WOODWARD President E. HAYWARD FERRY, Vice-President. WILLIAM DONALD, Asst. Cashier. SAMUEL WOOLVERTON, Vice-President. GEORGE E. LEWIS, Asst. Cashier. JOSEPH BYRNE, Vice-President. JAMES P. GARDNER, Asst. Cashier, CHAS. H. HAMPTON, Vice-President. FREDERICK A. THOMAS, Asst. Cashier. HENRY P. TURNBULL, Vice-President. WALTER G. NELSON, Asst. Cashier. WILLIAM E. CABLE, JR., Cashier. CHARLES B. CAMPBELL, Asst. Cashier. J. NIEMANN, Asst. Cashier. WILLIAM B. SMITH, Asst. Cashier. FOREIGN 'DE'PART/tlENT WILLIAM H. SUYDAM, Vice-President and Manager. ROBERT NEILLEY, Asst. Manager. FREDERIC A. BUCK, Asst. Manager. 'DIRECTORS WILLIAM WOODWARD, President. W. WARREN BARBOUR, President The Linen Thread Company, 96 Franklin Street. HBNRY R. CARSE, President Submarine Boat Cor. _ J>Oration. JAllllES F FARGO, Treasurer American Ex. Co. E. HAYWARD FERRY, Vice-President. WILLIAM HALLS, Jr., Summit, New Jersey. HENRY W. HOWE, of Lawrence & Co,, Dry Goods Commission, 24 Thomas Street. FRANCIS T . MAXWELL, President The Hockanum Mills Company, Woolens, Rockville, Conn. D EDWIN G. MERRILL, President, New York Life Insurance & Trust Co. SAMUEL T. PETERS, of Williams & Peters, Coal Merchants, x Broadway• JOHN S. PHIPPS, 787 Fifth Avenue. ELIJAH P. SMITH, of Woodward, Baldwin & Co., Dry Goods Commission (Cottons) <Retired). JOHN P. STEVENS--J. P. STEVENS & CO., Commie• sion Merchants, 23 Thomas Street. SAMUEL WOOLVERTON, Vice-President. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD D Can arrange with Banks desiring to draw their own Drafts on Foreign Points Tr veler ' Checks and Lett rs of Credit is ued av ilabl in all part of the world 1□ 1 ,______., ....-=====================-=-=-.... 1.____...q□ 1 Original Charter I 81 2 The N ational City Bank OF NEW YORK Capital, Surplus and Undi-vided 'Profits more than $ I 00,000,000 J AM ES D I'RJ., CTO'R..§ J. D. BABST F. NICHOLAS BRADY GuY CARY Cu:vELANn H. DonGY A. s. FRANKLIN foHN A . GARVER 0!iJo:PH p . GRACE R ollE tf f S. LovETT C, Rus H. McCoRMJCK GERRJSH H. MILLIKEN PHIi.JP J EDGAR P ALMER JAMES H. R ocKU" ELLER W1LL1AM R ocKEFELU.R JAMES A. A. HoRA("E S. 'Branches ~f ARC;E Tl ' A THE • C. TAYLOR COLOMBIA BARRA S<illl I.L\ ANT\\'ERI' B tH ISSFLS Boc;,,rA .\fl• lll1 f. 1. IN HR ,\ZI L CUBA V.'JLKINSON I'\ I SOUTH AFRICA l'ERU 'I RI ' IDAD CAPJ T enn.; PoR I' <>I' SPAl:S LB!A PO R TO RICO Posen l Rl' f;UAY :\! en,·, F\' l l)E<l SAN jt "AS T<nAJ.<ll· :z.sC1 B .\ r. \~ ·1 c, ~ S .\ O r EW YoRK ITALY A . "TJAc ; n \ •.\I l'ARAISO HELGIU\.I ~ ..\TION.-\L CITY B ANK OF .. lHILE BAIIIA l'ER>.;A:>IBI -C <> l'nR re , Au•:<;10• Rtn llF jA '1'11 ' 0 STILLMAN ERIC P. SwF.NS<>N Ht: NRY international <:_Banking Corporation, are located in the centers of the 'iuorld; tach is equzpperl with full hankingfunctio71s. RosARJq M. TAYLOR PYNE A. ·President placrs it in a position to handle all thf important phaus of either domestic or international jinani:ial transactions. Our branches, and those of the B l' F •o,-, A!TU· S PosT WM. CooPER PROCTOR PERCY STJ LLMAN, 7'HE 1..vorld-1.vide scope of The J\(s1tional City <:_Ban!( s organization OGDEN ARMOUR EARL A. BHA:--1 IIFS GLA . ·D J,q:--;l)()S Lt > RUSSIA *\10:,to,,· * PFTHO(;HAn I 1r I E stablished 1902 i INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Owned by The National City Bank of New Y ork CAPIT AL, SU RPLU S AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS Head Office: 1·, D Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LONDON $13,200,000 60 Wall St., New York SAN FRANCISCO LYONS Branches in the Commercial Centers of Philippines Japan China Straits Settlements India Java Dominican Republic Panama Complete Foreign Banking Facilities. Correspondence with us regarding your requirements will orove of value to your Foreign Dept. If s 2 5 4 6 7 a g 10 Southern Portion OF NEvV YORK CITY SCALE ¼ % A I Im. EXPLANATIO:N Steam R, R. Elevated R. R. ....... ... ;~~~;;~~~~ E E Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,. nP,. .a:~ z a~ Ql::UJlla,O ~ ,. i 0 0 0 .. z :a - O Z -t () g m " :0 :,:a 0 0 ?- z F ' l'1 ; i"ll(/)t : ! g~ 2 z:- '0 •2 0 ::D lC z :< •z "r oz""' l.... 0 ; ~ ~ 0 ::c P1 "' '"'I ....-· r+ -·CD -• CL ::s c,CC ~ I Cr+ DJ tn :r r+ 0 3 r+ C'D 3 CD ~g CD :::s r+ '"'I m "' :::s tn a. n ('D fl) -· i::, '"'I !. i::, -·cc:::s-· 0 '"'I 0 :::s CD !!C'D a. a. 0 '"'I r+ 0 C, '"'I -· .... -· 0 a. :s r+ -· o m m .... 0 ~ tn u, ::r 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 g See the following page for Advertisement of SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK, New. York City 10 0 ~II Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Januar Dependability in Banking Service D OFFICERS . G. BAY \\'. J.i:. t: - 0. :\J. JEFFt:RI>,-; C. FISHER - .J. D. ha: ahrn.y }wen the onr re<'oc;nized important fador that i demanded by the d{·po:itor of a bank in handling hi, fund· and hu:i1wi-- · probl •rn.: of a financial 11aturP. \"irc-PrPs;clc11t H. L. Gn,L L. N. DE\'A1 ,-,•o;v C. II. :\l\RFIELD . l'n·sid••nt - \ ic1•-Prf'~id(•11t f'LEYt:Hl,f;Y - EPE...·nABILITY in banking s n·ice - \'i,·P-Pr,'Aidrnt - ('ashirr .\ :-t. ('ashi ·r - .\sst. Ca~hi, r ,\!<SL C:t hi,·r 8~UTIJ - ,\>1st. Cashi,•r B. I. DADSO~ J. E. ORR \V. A. B. D1rro E. Y.. ·F.v-10, ,\s,..,. C'ashi,•r - .-\set. Cu~hin Tru,..t Offirr•r In making your banking rnnncction it . hould he done with the great('st car•, and with conjdpration of the reconl and standing; of ihc in:titution whi<'h invite: your husincs,, as w<•ll a. tlw :-;rrvi<'e it is ahlP to r<'ndrr you. Tlw ,'Pahoard . . Tational Rank, with a DIRECTORS thirty- 'PY<'n ypar of pra<'tical hanking, with rP~oun·l>. of 111or<' than :cY<•nty million dollars,-offprs ~·ou a hanking srrvil'<' that i.' <lPp<•ndahl<>, broad and comprPhen. iw m its :--<·op<' and P:--pc>cially adapted to mrrt your <'\'<'r_Y partienlar rceord of J. Host.RT w. K. HY B. I.. J. . ·,ational Lead Co. l Pr,,,.idcnt ('oR'iI. R I Pn·sid1•nt ,"tnndanl Oil I C'n of Nf'w York C:. I· or.nt;n \'ic-P-Prrside11t C:1!.1, hl>W. IJ. H \ Pn•sid<'nt Texas :\Iirl1 land H11ilroad CHEt;. I Gcnc-ral .\11:ent, Trnn~:\!<'Do. 'ELL.) atlant.ic-a ItnliaunS.~.Co. >. I 111 .u.1>,n.1,1. l R . .J. Caldw<'ll Co., Inc. CLEVERJ,EY EDWARD 11 t:. I Pr<•sid t,TtR I Direr-tor Equitahh· Life I Al!suranN• SociMy j Chairman Roar<l . outh JO,<f:PH St;EP . C. I P1•nn Oil Co. WHITO • <)ur otnr.Prs will WP1come the opportunity to rxplain the benefit. your hu. ine._ · can ,kriw from using t hi._ <·ompl<>tr finanC'ial • rrVll'C . TH<HIP>'O .• HurnY finanrial n•qnirE>ment. I PrP;iidl•nt Union 'ulphur ) Company THE SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER FIVE MILLIONS NEW YORK CITY ro Q:) Cent Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excJusfvely by The Rand-.H cNaily Bankers• ra J ===~D:::::Jr=e=cto=r::..:y•=u.;;;;:n:c.:d:...:er=th:.:,_e= a= u= t h=o=r= I t=y=o=f=T =h=e= A.=m --=e=r=fc=a=n=B ==a=n=k=e=-rs- =A.=s= s•=n=. ===========(F =ederal Reserve City No. 2) N .uni: OF BANK. LIABILITIES•Kem . ..i.m. Bks. Assn. IState p v p O!. A , IE SURPLUS INDIVIDUlem.StateBks . .A.ssn. tPriv RESIDJCNT. IC:&- RESIDENT. SlllER. ss T 0 A.SH R. PAID-UP AND UAL 977 I +Mem. Fed. Res. * [E tab ·MERICAN EXCH. L. L. CLARKE ----- A HAfJEft. \AI\\NETT--A, p' LEE------GEO.C.IIAIGH H.P. S~lBEHIT, S. TIEMHN W. G. CL NK NMOSELEY' LUKE D RO MER, "MALBUR . DOYLE, Tli .-,.L ROBIN ONJH.OPW.G.MORAN, G. W. G1DOINGS, ARD MARA. Tr. Officer SHA~l, ~.i· NATIONAL 8AN•••as K 1_11 (I 2SBroadwaw) 1 CAPITAL r • R eserVC C1·t Y (Borough of Manhattan, C 4) '- b Pop. Greater New York 5,620,040 l DEPOSITS oF PROFITS DEPOSITS BANKS RESOURCES. ftulit di. 'JJJ!fftll S5,000,000 S8,021,010 153 6:9 620 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. C LoANs & BoNns, M1scELe:_ DisSEcuruLAmious R CAsH '<: COUNTS TIES,ETC. IussotracI!ls HouRcEs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,• 1 -123_ 9_!1_1_70 -$18 9-62_3_110 -$8-,559-,3-50 $-5-88-53- 1-50 CorreWtondents In all the Prlncl- W.B.TALLMAN - - - - - - - - pal ltlesoftheWorld. A.G. Al MSTRONG We pay interest on bank balances. ROY M RCHIE Corresp ondence ls invite d from Banks, Bankers , and Me rchanta CHAS . . MEEK who may contemplate opening new or addition al A.D.BRIGHT accountsinNew 1York c tty. f. M. LANGDON SEE AD VERTISE MENTON ·INDEX NEW YORK STATE. § ....,. I Aut. Caahiera A.. Kabler -- IC- H. Burdett------1Gerhard Kuehne, J. L. Obermayer-:- 1,500,000 559,320 11269 550 $ 746,4611 8,331,080 2,685,020 133,-190 2,942,740 Phil. N., Ph!!.; N. Y. State N., Alb. --H. S. Acken ec. Tr. (Branches at R. Westen·elt . R K Harry V. Hoyt, Orie • .e11 f 203 P.1ontague St., H. H. Fiedler A. Tr. Brookl11n; C. Varick Bre1_tw 1e er Edward ~1ullowLo-ng Island Cit11 ; IE. J. ney, A. T, . Jamaica.) F. L. Stile· W. E. Steche1, A&iSl. ccretaries , _ _ _ - - ~ ___ _ _ _•_________________ AMERICAN TRUST CO.--•t§'l9 Harry 1-307 035 Broadway) IA. U. 1H. F. I I~ H. D. KOUNTZE---- -E. K. CHERRILL --- F. E. ANDRUSS----- JOHN P. LAIRD--P. C. LOUNSBURY, K. C. ATWOOD JOHN H. BRENNEN Ch. of Bd. 8r,HhJOHNSON J. H. TROWBRIDGE CnAitLES F. JUNOD ff. M. GARRETSON *ATLANTIC NAT IO NAL BANK N.0 rBokv•. RNe.p•. ,CUbntl.?. nNT. rs. bcaow..manudt '°Ti ~ 1,000,000 I.Z66,9Z0 13,593.510 4.414.420 16,132.090 3.042,740 956,790 4.711,100 a_nd N. Secur•• Bos.; Market St.,~ ORGANIZED 1829. 1----1- - - - - - - NN.andFrankllnN •• PbU.;Colo. •• Den.; Stock Yds. N. and 1st to A Commercial Bank In a Commercial Center. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com. and 1st:> Superior facilities for handling your Collection Items, N •• St. L.; French-Am. Bk. of' SaY. and 1st. N., San F.; N. Bill o f L a di ng an d D ocumen t ary D ra ft s. 1-13 (257 Broadway) •i·29 St t N ..... YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED. a e ·• • n Baltic States Bank ________ §'20 .J. S. Lopatto ______ ,M. \\'. Bush ________ ,A, I. Cole __________ ,__________________ .,., ~8.220 Ir·v1·11g N., . Y. 123,870 __________ 700 353,850 3,""0 Vlz' 200,00-0 _ 52,230 1- 820 (294 Eiihtll); Y.I z SEWARD PROSSER--- THOMAS HILDf ______ BARKLEY WYCKOFF --CLIFFORD WILMURT H.F. WILSON, JR. R. G. PAGE, Sec. R.H. GILES, Tr. D• E• POMEROY • W P BELKNAP --F. I. KENT, B·w· JONES H. H. MARTIN, H. N. DUNHAM, F.N.B.CLOSE, s·M.GREER H.B.wm, BEACHPOLK, A. A. TILNEY, R. L.MORRIS L. S. STILLMAN, W. A. HENDERSON, H.J. C~&HRAN,_ R.H. GILES J. H. LEWIS, G. F. TREFCER, Vice Presidents J• F° SCHMID C. W. CAMPBELL, L. C. OUTCAULT, B. A° THOMPKINS L. H. PLUMB, H. C. BOCK, E. E. BEACH, H. E. WHITNEY, 20 000 000 18 348 770 230 648 750 47155 080 229749120 59 640 2S0 7 5.i5 260 96 292590 (A ator T ,:ust OJfice B.ENJ. AMIN JOY Asst. ecretariesF, A. KLINGSMITH, at 50~ Fifth. Ave.; F. W. SHIBLEY R h MACDONALD Madison Ave. Offi~e H. H. McGEE o· w· ROOSEVELT'1 •*1'03 25 E. 57th St.; PanB w·• w·• AYl,ES Office, 16 Place Venn , dome, Paris' France.) Tr. Officer: I. M icham~s t. Treasurers *BANKERS TRUST COMPANY + 1-103 (16 Wall) ----- ---- ---- - • E. S. CHAPPELEAR,. Auditor ~ ~ ----- --- ---- - A. Tr. Officera: P. E. Godridge, W. D. Lithgow, and a. C. Price. This Company welcomes deposits of National, State, and Savings Banks, and Trust Companies. Maintains a special service of Acceptances for banking institutions. Is the accredited agent for the issuance and protection of the AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATIOI TRAVELERS CHEQUES. *BANK OF AMERICA- --•m812 1-;E;;-.,::c;-.;:;:D-:;el~afl;;-:e~ld:;--__-__-;-;:;-c.-:;M;-;:-.-:;F;;o-i-nc:-;-k-e___-__-_-:_-=c-:.E=.--=cu.:.:.r::..:,ti::..::s_:.:_:..:__..:.::__::..._..,..:J:..:..=n~.v-=-a=-n=-D-ie_n___-__- 1- - - - - - - - - - a. A. w. West 1-4 • Wm. H. Perkins. A.G. Ilavens E. s. Blagden, A. (Cor. Wall and William Sts.) Ch, of Bd. Thornton Gerrish C. B. Davis.A.Cash. Walter ll. Bennet, W. J, Montgomery! (5 Branches) V, P. BANK Of CUBA IN NEW YORK Merchant. J. T. Monahan ___ c. Plarre _______ 1-268 (3-1 Wall) •t§'l6 "Associate Bank; National Bank of Cuba, Havana {W. A. ~-~c 8 RICHARD & co • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • F. •, N v c,1v • • 5,500,000 H. J, Schuler A. C. T. Beers E.W. Russell L. G. Jones-------~c~·a~}!>augh • 100,000 ESTABLISHED 1847. 6,168,530 106 274 990 __________ 46,774.260 9,809,740 737,600 90,800 119,740 1,092,370 ---- -- ---- 9,380,550 63,123,300 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.; Merch. N., Bos.; Bk. of No. America, Phil. 70,940 453,920 1st N., Chi.; N. BK, of Cuba, Havana; :Morgan, Harjes & Co .. Paris. 1.0 -....:i ....,i THE OLDEST FOREIGN EXCHA~GE HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES. FOREIGN· EXCHANGE. FOREIGN CURRENCY. FOREIGN BONDS. NEW • YORK CITY - C en t ra 1 R eserve C1· t y - C Ont 'd Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given DlrectorT, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•o. to eaob bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banker11• 978 --N-A.ME<lFBANK, - -~ -I ~~ - I Bank of Europe ---------•§'10 Thomas Capek ----!Micha.el Pilnacek .. lA . B. Achee _______ (142!l First Ave.) Of THE MANHATTAN * BANK COMPANY 1-2 ♦ AT'L BANKING ASSOCIATION (C8 Wall) IE. J. Appel________ .um u.1.L D11Poe1 PRoTITB D111Po81T8 302,360 6,175,660$ 0 ,. •tl7H TB! LOA.NB & B.uu II DIS- COUMT8 RESOURCES, i', IWlh PRINCIPAL 0 ORRESPONDENTS. I BONDS, CASH SlllCUJlITlll:8, lllTC. R.llSOUBC.11:8 RBBOURCEB ~!:~~; ------- 492.420 $ 663,830 Empire Tr. Co., & Irving N., N. Y.; Bohemia, Cz echoslovak Foreign Bkg. Corp. and Zevnostenska, - - - - - - Prague, Cz. MOORE ••..:.=. - - - - - w.I. S.f. GREGORY W. A. RUSH E. S. MACDONALD H. M. BUCKLIN GEO. S. DOWNING 0. G. ALEXANDER CX) - 482,0 90 I$ 2,752,330 $ 2,248,590 $ Corn EI. N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N., Phil. N., and Cent. N., Phl1.; Merch. N ., Bait.; State N., St. L.; Impec orporat ions, Fir ms and Indivldu als B k f In lrl rial Bk. of Can., Toronto, Can.; qu es rom an s, lly Invited. Lon. Joint City & 1'11dland Bk., trl Cordia Ltd., Lon.; Comptolr, N, D. ~ <; _ _ _ __ SEE ADVERTI SEMENT ,~N OPPO SITE PA ~ - - - 'Escompte d e Paris, Paris. 5,000,000 17,160,710 220682290 -·····-· HERBERT L. GRIGGU. F. KIESEWETTEI.F.C.METZ,JR . .... ARTHUR F. ALBRO G. W. GARRETSON JOSEPH AIDREWS WM. J. KENMORE R. E. MILLER Z,000,000 7,179,230 65,186,580 ••••••• F. WM. ZIEGLER Oldest Bank In State. Establlahed 1784. G. S. BUTLER *BANK OF NEW YORK 1-1 1 STEPHEN BAKER •••• JAMES McNEIL-···- O. E. PAYNTER.--R. E. JONES, V. P. B. D. FORSTER (Uptown Officr, H. T. HALL 31 Union q > D. H. PIERSON F. L. HILTON <l 3 Offices -~ of Q~eem) E. S. LAFFEY BorQUgh ~: (2 Offices in Brooklyn,)___J..:.. W. SMITH (40 Wall) 1SURPLos I lNDIVlD- j ' -~-- -LIABILITIES. - Ass'T CASHIER. CASBill:R. VICE-PRESIDE!iT. ' PRESIDENT. •Kem. Am Bks. Assn. IS~te P.1.m-UP I tlilem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. (Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___c.__ _ _ _ _ _ 1 CAPITAL ♦Mero. Fed. Res. 1-245 'I.O Federal Reserve City No. 21.....:i tBor~ugb of 1'fanhatta~ -- - - 111731030 14671580 14,547,400 123553080 -· z Ii,( ,o I~ --- Long eatabllshed connections in all parts of the World enable us to offer SPECIAL FACILITIES to EXPORTERS and IMPORTERS - - - - ~ 36,610,450 4,582,430 6,501,320 37,3"n,570 Cont.& Com'l N .• Chi.; N. Union and 1st N., Bos.; Bk. of No. America. tJj Phil. > z ~ f/l 1------~-, .....,r:-------,-----------------·-- --- - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - BANK OF UNITED STATES J. S. Marcus ....•.• ,B. K. Marcus ...... Looi K. Hyde .•••• H. J. Rasener ••••. A.H. Planteroth •:tl'13 (Branche al 77-79 Cha,. A. Horne Delance11 "'t. ancl II. Meckauer 1761.Jladi onAve.•) ---·······---·--· l,600,000 Bank of Washin~on He~hts John Wbalen •••••• J. D. Beals ••••••••• L. S. Rough ....... W. H. C. Pletz •••. J.J. 0 Snaughnessy •fl'Ol 1-215 (1915 Amsterdam Ave.) l00,000 1-277♦ (320 5th Ave.) 683,820 32,386,850 51. 720 25,682,840 273,290 J 342,180 8,86 ,090 Chase N., N. Y. ; Girard N., Phil.; •.'. Shawmut, Bos • (1) ~ 406,000 4,005,000 5, 000 1,032,000 2,400,000 550,750 533,00() Mech. & Metal s N., Equitable Tr. i< Co .. Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne. and O Emil Kiss, N. Y.: Corn Ex.N.,Phn. * ---------------------------- --- ------ --- --- --- --- --- BATTERY PARK E. A. Del!MA ..•..•• R. C. CORNER------ A. H. MERRY ··--··-A· S. BAIZ.·---·-· WM. FUELLING, JR. E. A. DE LIMA, E, R. CARHART 1.500,000 1,696.380 14.159.150 ·-------· 12,357,230 Mgr. Furei(Jn Dept. GEO, s· TALBOT J.C. DE SOLA C. C. PROBST SERVICE EFl<'ICIENT GIVl:S THAT BANK A BANK NATIONAL A. E. ZELLERS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. •'04 (8 Broadway) 1-212 I -····1G, -- - - - -- - - - 684,980 1 ==== ===- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------~ --- ... B. CaldwclL ••. H. T, Campbel, ••.• G. W. Walsh •••••• - 100,000 ~ Bigelow State Bank--·-·-· '21 R. L. Bige1ow (25 Pine) 305,340 225, 030 2,640,940 2,770,850 851,980 5,941,270 250,000 *Bowery Bank of New York J.Btanley Foster •• MartinS.Paine .••• Charles Kss~····-· Wm. F. Kammerer 1-70 (lZC-26 Bowery) •t"65 1 100,000 19,980 659,950 950, 000 1,760,000 66,500 3,500,000 BROADWAY CENTRAL BANK Frank Williams •••• Francis Crave ·-1Anthony Ziesat •.• 11Iarry Rebholz ••.• Loui O. Holl 1-2711 (2574 Broadway) •1'14 Ct t11) ---·*Bl~~i~yn(t~~t~~·and~l~,~~ - - - · - · · · · · · · - - - - _ · · - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - · · - - - (Su Bor ough of BrookLJln. N. Y. 15,120 502,590 2,214,280 166,500 2,927,040 --···-200,000 Bryant Puk Bank ....... •ii 07 W.W. Warner ..... E. F. Giese -··-···· &.11'. Giese ....... _. Geo. A. DeMonde _ 1-2,0 (220 West 42d) 24.000 1,804.090 200,000 98,530 2,650,000 - - - . L. Fish r -·-···· llichael G. Kletz.. Central Mercantile Bank •:t§"l7 George W. Cr, ft -- H. M. \Yolfe .••• I (1 Ea t 14th) 1-292 ( G. W. Da\'i ·on .•. J. Y. G. Walker ••. M. Fereuson • ._~ c ..• II. ll. :Myrick, Tr.. 12,500,000 18,460,960 209189 380 · - - -·-· 145 736030 47,357,350 16,064,270 ----J. V. B. Thayer --c. P. tallku cht W. H. Ludlum ~- ,\.. :\Jorton T. G. mith . II. Tallman T. W. Hart.home J. Leary M. fopha.m D. _\, Howe C. E. igler L Fereu <?° F · J · I! CENTRAL UNION TRUST CO. R. r. )lcEnany 0. L. Cole · 1 Berrien 1-lQI ♦ ( O Broadway) •1'75 F;_B. ,mt~t. lc, w. Parson E. P. Rogers II. 0. Holt 11cc I rr.~/llf'lti L. )of. Goodeve Brown <2 Branche&) ]Roger Whittlesey r. llazard R. C. Roetger, C. J. Ii'arrell, J t.~st. Srcnt<trir~ A.~ t. Trcm,urcr,. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n q·I 761.220 5,081.250 Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; 1st N., Phll.; N. Shawmut, Bos. ,gn - 1,551,380 Ohase N., N. Y. ; N. Sh&wmu\, Bos.;•=-· ::, 4th St. N., P hil. 1,29U0O Mech. & Metals ftb.N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co .. 1st N., N. Y.: N assau N ., Brooklyn. ~ 8_ ---· --------- -------- -··l· I!. ,F. I t ..\. --- -------- 566,100 Am.Rx.N., N. Y. 3,0IJ0,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N.Y. ,I~~ 42,384,700 Branches at 42d t.& ..\fadisonAve., "P> and 5th Ave. & 60th St. ::, ~ P> Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis early indeed in its career, the V ERY Bank of the Manhattan Company 1799-1921 Capital, $5,000,000 Surplu , $12,500,000 Undivided Profits, was chosen as ew York representative for prominent Banks in other cities; and this service has progressed for 1 2 r years, extending today to Banks in every part of the United States. The Bank of the Manhattan Company invites your inquiries-acting as your personally selected representative over and aboYe the services rendered by the Federal Reserve System. It offers not only the experience gained by sound, constructi \'e banking; but also the great! increa ed facilities in every department re ulting from the recent merger of the Bank of the Metropolis, th Bank of Long Island and ational Bank into the .Merchant's this Institution. 7 $3,974,460.45 Total Re ource Exceeding $200,000,000 Bank of the Manhattan Company 40 Wall Street, New York UPTOW OFFICE: 31 nion Square, New York Queens Borough Office5 in Jamaica, Long /5fand City and all other important center, STEPHEN BAKER, President. RAYMOND E. JONES, First Vice-President P. A. ROWLEY - • - • • - Vice-Pres. JAMES McNEIL • • • - - Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres . D. H. PIERSON • - - - • B. D. FORSTER - - - • • - Vice-Pres. FRANK L. HILTON - - • - Vice-Pres. HARRY T. HALL - - • • • Vice-Pres. V. W. SMITH - • • • • • Vice-Pres. EDWIN S. LAFFEY - • • - Vice-Pres. JOHN STEWART BAKER, Vice-Pres. W. F. i\IOORE I. S. GREGORY H. M. BUCKLL - T J.E. ALDRED STEPHE, BAKER B. H. BORDEN MICHAEL FRIEDSAi\1 WALTER JE. •.. ·1:--;Gs RAYMO."D E. JO."ES - : - - 0. ; 0. E. PAY .. 'TER, Cashier W. A. RUSH / Ass't. Cashier GEO. S. DOWNING • Ass't. Cashier E. S.• IACDONALD Ass't. Cashier G. ALEXA. 'DER, Ass't. Cashier BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. HOWLA D LEA VITT HENRY K. McHARG GEORGE McNEIR ARTHUR G. MEYER JOH . • C. l\IOORE CH.-\RLES E. POTTS • • Ass't. Cashier Ass't. Cashier Ass't. Cashier SAMUEL SLOAN WILLIAM SLOANE JAMES "SPEYER CARL F. STURHAHN GEORGE ZABRISKIE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ '9 . .,: Ill ► ..I ::) ... aIll II. iC i= I: 0111 ai: I- II. 0 0 z ... z e "" <t>o ~ zz oo (,) 0~ -1- (,) ,,-i. ',ti 111 w.J~n t, ~ Rlll ti) II. .JD.z.J C ai: O C z ti) 0 .2 Ill c.> I:c 0 Ill( I A· t1 <:>., (,) •Z Z 111 0 I: ii; Ill 1-0-111 - ::E I: LI. I- :E 0 CO • ► I: woc.>..1 t'il 1'1.(>W6J' tn :c z Ul ti) Ill 1-:z .,,c z Ill fl> I- ~ z C, .::C ~z I- C om ';) I: Ill C, A. 0 Ill z ~ LI.I ~ () 0:: ..: ~ ti) Cl ~ 0 0:: m....... m ,, QQ ,:g ~~ ~": ~:i ~ bi ~ 0 iii () M.A.P OF GREATER NEW .A.ND VICINITY. '>d YORK Copyright, 1901, by Rand, McNally & Co. , :, - l .., I '4-4 ~ Cl ~ C ca al ~ bt) C II .cc., )C Ill Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~be ~base Jlational •ank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 57 BROADWAY Capital Surplus and Profits Deposits (Dec. 29, 1920) $ 15,000,000 24,990,377 351,226,945 OFFICERS A. BARTON HEPBURN, Chairman of the Advisory Board ALBERT H . WIGGIN , Chairman of the Board of Directors EUGENE V. R. THAYER, Presiden~ Cashier WILLIAM P. HOLLY SAMUEL H. MILLER CARL J. SCHMIDLAPP Assistant Cashiers GERHARD M. DAHL REEVE SCHLEY CHARLES C. SLADE ALFRED C. ANDREWS CHARLES D. SM ITH ROBERT I. BARR S. FREDERICK TELLEEN ALL S. SHAW SEW Comptroller LEON H. JOHNSTON THOMAS RITCHIE OTIS EVERETT GEORGE E . SCHOEPPS Assistant Vice-Presidents ANDREW G. CAMPBELL EDWIN A. LEE WILLI AM H . MOORHEAD WILLIAM E. PURDY CHARLES A. SHEPARDSON GEORGE H . SAYLOR ERNEST T . LOVE M. HADDEN HOWELL Vice-Presidents . .. Trust Officer GEORGE A. KINNEY ...... . . MARTIN L. L. HENRY ................ Auditor HERMAN KRECH, Manager Foreign Department DIRECTORS HENRY W. CANNON A. BARTON HEPBUR ALBERT H. WIGGIN JOHN J. MITCH ELL GUYE. TRIPP JAMES N. HILL DANIEL C. JACKLING CHARLES M. SCHWAB SAMUEL H . MILLER EDWARD R . TINKER EDWARD T . NICHOLS NEWCOMB CARLTON FREDERICK H. ECKER EUGENE V. R. THAYER CARL J. SCHMIDLAPP GERHARD M. DAHL ANDREW FLETCHER WILLIAM B. THOMPSO REEVE SCHLEY KENNETH F. WOOD H. WENDELL ENDICOTT WILLIAM M. WOOD WE RECEIVE ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, Bankers, Corporations. Firms or Individuals on favorable terms, and shall be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. Through its Trust Department, the Bank offers facilities as: Trustee under Corporate Mortgages and Indentures of Trust; Depositary under re-organization and other agreements; Custodian of securities and Fiscal Agent for Corporations and Individuals; Executor under Wills and Trustee under Testamentary Trusts; Trustee under Life Trust. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT g79 Number uader Name or Bank ia New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. B. exclu•lvely by The &and-MeNally Bankers' Dfreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n I ~ i l l Z OF BA.NJ[, •Mem. A.m. Bks. Assn. IState PRESIDENT. iMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Kem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-1, (57 Broadway) VICE-PRESIDENT. E. V. R. THAYER-- S. H. MILLER -----A. B. HEPBURN, C. J. SCHMIDLAPP Oh.of AdvisoruBd. 8. M. DAHL A. H. WIGGIN, REEVE SCHLEY Ch. of Bd. A. C. ANDREWS R. J. BARR I l .,., -♦ 77 I I (Federal Resene City No. 3) ......!....___________________ 1 *CHASE NATIONAL BANK I ·- NEW YORK CITY Accounts of Banks and Banker received on I OASHIER. Ass'T OASBIER, P .A.ID-UJ' 0.A.7IT.A.L (Borough ol Manhattan)-Cont'd Central Reserve City LIABILITIES. Stnu>Lua INDIVID- Daro111n .A.Kl> tU.L Paon-ra D■P081T8 OI' B~N:1:11 Lo.AX■ .. DI.&- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ITJ defed thi- 1'p::,;4 vo umeAcc;s->.,I;'wyefsk or n eres a¾3WS es, Jina:xed) o a!s, in etc.back , sea of Laws RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. M1scaLc LANmous R ma:: :cEa cotnn'8 TlllB,IITC. R:asoUBClla _ ___ i::: ~ BOND&, Sacua1- 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ , S. F. TELLEEII S.S. SHAW H. L. JOHNSTON A. Vice-Presidents OTIS EVERETT C. A. SHEPARDSON 8. E. SCHOEPPS E.T. LOVE t-:> $ I $ ---------------- ---- SEE AD VERTISE MENT OJI OPPOSITE PAGE AND OUT SIDE FR ONT COV ER • _f_•__v_o_ra_b_••_t_e_r_m _ • _· - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - · ________ ________ *Chatham & Phenix Nat'l Bk Louis G. Kaufman. H. A. Clinkunl B. L. Haskins ______ 1-10 (149 Broadway) •1812 G. M. Hard, broomer 1 (Twel11, Branche,) Ch, of Bd. Max Markel F. J. Heaney, G. R. Baker R. H. Higgins, Wallace T. Perkins W. H. Strawn, John B. For yth .B. L. Ha kins, IWilliam Milne N. P. Gatling, R. E. Bolling ·o. s. Mitchell, Joseph Brown V ics Pr uidenta I V. M. Norris W.B. Boice W. M. Haines , A. T, Strong s $ $15 ooo ooo S24 990 380 227 656 010 123 570 930 a20 sos 570 U4 844 370 $25 829 370 1oz 278190 A.G. CAMPBELL w. H. MOORHEAD A. Ca8hier8 H. L. Cadmus_____ H. C. Hooley H. H. Robertson Welling Seely Robert Roy W. S. Wallace 7,000,000 - - - - i i -- - - -- - 1 ~ - - - _ _ _ 8,868,080136988540 - - - - 117 581560 13,400,200 1,710,470 33,202,080 ~ z> ~ en I I z Chelsea Exch(an11:eWBan~;•h:tl)'0S W. c. Hanton ______ w . .A. Lobb ________ -·---------------- G. Jl'. Ewald_______ 1- 227 26& est .,.t C. M. De Puy , II. A. Golding H. S. Groh Ch. of Bd. C. G. Rapp Branch at 135th a nd 7th .Ave.• I *CHEMICAL NAT'L BANK 1-12 (270 Broadway) SAMUEL SHAW, JR. J. L. PARSON JAMES Mc ALLISTER S. T. JONES R. 0. SCOTT N. B. JACKSON 1,000,000 . I 1A. C. Walker G. S. Carr 6,523,240 11,010 4,850,820 2,562,220 " 180,600 1,891,440 Mech. & Metals N,, N. Y.; 1st N., ~ Alb.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N.Shaw- ~ mut, Bos. 0 ""'p;" 0. 1------•'------1- ---- ---------- Mor. Foreion D,pt, 1-- - - ---1- - - - - - - - - - 1 .. U00,000 , 15,M0,110 I03651Z40124.150.SZII IZ180f4IO 12,365.4111 16,Z4-0.IZO 30,907,390 UnJon Tr, Co., Chi,; N,Shawmut, Bos.; Glrara Bank,St.L. N., Phil.; Liberty 0~ er - -·1 ------l-l- -- - - - - - 1,500,000 1,631,560 15,818,300 ____ 13,732,480 3,689,600 COLONIAL BANK --------•tl'92 A( lexander Walker • .Edwin W. Orvis ••• G. S. Carr _______ J. D. Hackett__ ___ _ 8 BrancheiJ) 458,270 J. G. SCHMELZEL J. B. DODD C. R. DUNHAM H. L. BARTON F. J. YATES ALBERT QUACKENA Vice P residents BUSH R. B. RAYMOND, C!tESTER MORRISON *Ooal &Iron National Bank•t'04 John T. Sproull ___ Da~id Taylor ______ Addison H. Day __ W. H. Jaquith____ 1-91> (Liberty and West) Alhson Dodd W. A. Gray 1-201> (441 Columbus ~ 0 :::0 n, 1 P. ff. JOH~STON. ---- E. S. SCHENCK-----H. K. TWITCHELL, F. K. HOUSTON Ch. of Bd. FRANCIS HALPIN C. P. HUNT I. B. HOPPER J.M. SMITH E. H. SMITH A. K. CHAPMAN - - - - - - - - 'W =•c..:F.:.. . .CROOK : -- '° W. P. HOLLY--------C. C. SLADE-----E. A. LEE C. D. SMITH W. E. PURDY 8. H. SAYLOR M. H. HOWELL, ~ 600,000 H. c. Thompson A. CO$h, William Boyce, Jr. O. H. Gardner, Theodore Neilson A, Ca,h, G. F. Steers J. V, Price, R. P. Blake C. J. Wallace, 1,647,310 18,481,590 159,980 15,415,640 830,040 C: B 0. 856,200 5,663,520 Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; Girard N. and Corn F.x. N., Phil.; Merch. N., San F .; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 11,500 4,713,580 Han. N. and Greenwich, N. Y. A. CO$h, *Columbia Bank---------•H'83 E. H. Bernheim ••• M. J. Fox------··· ♦ 1-198 Jas. Macdonough W. S. Griffith ______ W. A. Wales ______ _ 1 (607 J'lfth .4.n.) (2 Branches) ouo Markuske 1C.L. Doty C B RICHARD & Co N Y CITY ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ • , • ■ • 2,000,000 1,741,740 28,063,410 ESTABLISHED 1847. ?18,200 21,438,380 2,435,680 1,369,860 0,412,330 N, City, N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Ohi.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 1.0 --.J \0 BANKS ENABLED TO TRANSMIT FUNDS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE OUTFIT. NumDer under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number gh-en to each bunk in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers; Directory; under the authorlt of Tile American Bankers ss'n. =-==-.,.::;----NAMF, OF Jh:K p ♦ y RE ID ENT. p ICE- RESIDENT. ec~ __l GeorieKeni _______ Harry EngeL_____ I EXECUTES commercial Trust ompany R.R. Moore------- F. Finsthwait_ ____ _ J.G.Hemericb, Sec. F. Finsthwait, Tr. 1-23' (1451 Broadway) •tl'IMI A. J. Norton J.B. Rieger, A.Sec. G. J. Baumann 1,000,000 •commonwealth Bank __ •i§"69 Oharles A. Kine- --- Bernhard Beinecke G. F. A. O]t_ _______ J.R.Von Sternberg ♦ 1-78 E. O. Schaefer. W. H. Schmidt (190 Bowery) Ch. of Bd. (Branches at First -Ave. and 11th St.,• and Third Ave. amd 155th St.•) 400,000 TRUSTS. - -- 9,413,680 ---------- 6,189,540 2,306,620 1,698,380 4 1,230 7,787,260 5,252,520 2,451,120 78,660 796,510 9,213,100 - --982,790 1st N., Chi. and Bos. 1 118,820 1,168,000 5,752,780 2,858,220 to 1,941,760 Irving N., ~. Y.; ,N. Cit!, Ch~.; Pitt. ),, Tr.Co.,P1tt.;Girard .,Ph1l.;Balt. Oom'l, Bait. ~ _z 1,176,250 uorn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Y. State, Alb.; 4th St. N., Phil. 1.790,360 I 793,210 400,000 7,026,780 5,591,480 1.889,550 C/l I ,.z 'B ~ • j l,484,220 1lst N., Ohi.; Uh St. N., Phil.; 2d N .. ~ • Bos. :,.-- 63,010 g (') Fred'k T. Martin __ E. S. Mal mar-----· Wm. E. Williams__ D. B. Sherer J . . Wheelan II. A. Patten F. K. Li ter R. D. Brown 7,500,000 7,224,480 94,507,420 59,754,450 3,683,560 54,569,650 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Ill. Tr. & ::+· Sav .• Chi.; Union Tr. Co., San. F.''< 9,286,610 188 503 990 I ~ r----1------1 · - - - - - - -I -1 - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - -- - -- - - - - K. K. !cLAREN------ RAYMOhD NEWMAN-- H. S. GOULD. ec, ___ B. STAFFORD MANTZ, Tr. H. S. GOULD J. J. JANSEN, JR.. N. H. McLAREN, A.. " cc. H S PERRIGO~ 1:~· 600,000 312,950 - - - - - - - - ---------w'p'poWELL'A. Thi s C ompany •s . , , • c. WAR, INCOME TAX AND FEDERAL RESERVE ACT SERVICES t§'l by bankers everywhere 1~-- - - - -Are - -recognized - - -- - -. :::;________ __:::.______ 1____ ____ ____ I CORPORATION TRUST Co 1 LEGAL - - -1- - - - - - E. P. Hoffmann *ContinentalBank-------•il'70 J. ll'. Frederichs __ D. Schnakenberi _ F. H. Hornby ______ -------------------- 1,000,000 ♦ 1-72 Henry Block (ZS Broad) (37 Wall) ALL Uptou:n offl,ce, 358 Fif th A.1,e.• Bnmches;-at 100 lr. 125th St.•, and 3d Ave. c:t 148th St.• I 1.010,280 1-296 I - - nts of Banks, and Tr ust Companies invited. 700,000 *Corn Exchange Bank ___ •W53 Walter E. Frew ____ ♦ 1-40 W. A. Nash, (13 William) Ch. of Bd. (43 Branches) I N. Bk. Com., Chase N., Seab. N., lstN., and Liberty N., N. Y.; $ $ $ Marine Tr. Co.,Buffalo; Am.Tr. $ $ 61,485,000 Co. N., andPhll., Me~ch. Com 7,608,280 86,396,160 5,278.830 _ _19,143,980 _17,948,130 _20,702.180 Ex. Alb.N., Tr.Bos.; Co.,Alb. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - -*Commercial Exchange Bank L.A. Fahs---------lG. M. Adrian ____ ♦ 1-77 •i§'72 L.J. Adrian (UO Bowery) (Branch at Broad u·a11 and 26th) PRL CIPAL CORRt 'PONDE-' TS. SURPLUS INn1v1n- 1DEPos1Ts LoANs & BoNns, MmcmLCAs AND u AL ov DrsSECURILANJ:ous RzsoU: l!ls - - - - - - - ~ ~ D E P O S I T S BANKS couNTB TIES, ETC. R•souRoms c C A. W. HUTCHINS.Sec. WALTER G. KIMBALL Tr. G. S. MILLS, A.. H. E. RIDER,1. A. Tr. ' O.C. WAGSTAFF,A.S. JOHN MAT1 HEWS,JR, A. Tr. F.C.KELLY,A.Sec.W.E.DOBBIN,A.Tr. $ VIRGIKIA 0. H. FURMAN, A.. ~ec. 5,000,000 ARTHURDALYe. ec. O. R. JUDD, '1.rust Officer Accou A. N. HAZELTIN~, A. Tr. Officer W. C. MASON, A. Tr. Officer S. M. SPEDON,A.. Tr. Officer H. M. ATKINS,A. Tr. Officer W. M. MORGAN ,A. Tr. Officer M. W. TERRY, A. Tr. Officer (60 Broadway) •U-05 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this· \0 YOlume. For Interest Rates.!. Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ LIABILITIES. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ __ _ ., _ _ _ __ __ W. Y. KING----------- HOWARD BAYNE-----C.H. KEEP,Oh. of Bd. 8. L. ALLEk G. E. WARREN H.A.DUNN FRSEDKCA.NMEARSTON J. . R. I. CURRAN S. STERN (Borough of Manhattan)-Con'd. PAI~-tTP Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIER. 1 *COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 1-111 I \ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State !Mem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. lEstab. NEW YORK CITY 650,480 81,1301 81,330 Mech. & Metals ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 7 g :, s·,. . .• Guaranty Tr. Co., Bkrs.Tr.Co.,Cha:eN.,.'.CityC: and Equitable Tr. Co.. . Y.: 1st ~ Tr. & av., Chi. ; We tfield Tr. 0. Co., West field, T . J.;Bk.of Toronto, Toront o. 1 *EAST RIVER NATIONAL BANK A. II. Giannini__ ___ J. F. Cavagnaro ___ _ A.H. Gi !-on------ R. M. Co<'ker ______ 1,000,000 1-59 (111!0 Broadway) •t'56 G. E. Hoyer L. Costa 844,280 16,250,560 ---------- 11,W,9 0 1,009,500 3,49-1.470 A. De Pra<lo. E. G. B. Hu<l. on A.Mor. ForeionDept T. L. Walker G. Piperno, ,1. Ator. Foreion D e pt. I EMPIRE TRUST COMPANY Le Roy W. Baldwin W. H. English _____ I-220 (120 .Broadway) •i1'02 Coleman Du Pont, H.P. Talmadge Ch. of Bd. Franri Hender on F. L. Eldridge M. J. Brown, 81'c. _ W. B. Baldwin, Tr. E. tiller, A. "ec. E. C.Wilson, A.Tr. P.11.Hudson,A. ' cc. II. F. Whitney, K A. Lyon, ...1. k' ec. ..1. Tr. <Jffica 2,000,000 2,008,000 50,919,5,'!0i.____ 28,9'6,30011.461,480 6.369,270 Bk. of Italy. San F. and branches in Calif.; Banca dell· Italia Meridionale, Naples, Genoa. and other parts I1 j of Italy. Barclays Bk., London, and ot her Leading Banks and Bankers in Commercial renters of the World. 2,063,230 10.511,180 N. City, Chi.: Girard N .. Phil.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.; Ang-lo & Lon. Paris N ., San F. \\'. ,J. Hanrr .• 1..._', c. W. II. Parkt>r. Loncl1111 , 're. l c_ g i:: ~ '< ~ Branchu at 580 Fifth Ave.,• N. Y., and 41 Threadneedle St., London,'~ E. C., Enoland. Irv .... lMER\CI\M SURE1't COMP~MY OF NEW YORK-Fidelit &Suret Bonds-Bur lar lns·urance Number under Name or Bank fa the New Transit Number ,riven to each bank in U. S. exclu.·J~·eJy by The Banke,rs' '. Band-McNaJJy : '' ' :. ~' ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis l ;; f, t• • • ,, 'I • U I I • f' I " I I - _, • _ f ' (Borough of Manhattan)-Cont'd - ' ' Central Reserve Ci Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this.._ volume. For Interest Rates Holida s etc. see Laws. S:U NEW YORK CITY Number under Name ol Bau is the New Tran U Number given to each bank in U. S. exclu ll'ely by The &and-McNalJy Bankers• __ tory, under the authority of The A.~~~~a~~~•!:1· ~--D_frec 981 ---~'AME OF -- 13A~K. rn::: s~i/lirs.115ssi:;. ,p~~~ ♦Me1!1.:, Fed. Res. [Est.ab. • I CASHIER. -1- (S7Wall) *FARMERS LOAN & TRUST su:;~us APITAL PROFITS r·r 0 a: J- !: f- M h an attan )-C ,ont 'd Non-Bau Towns wJth Nearest Banldng Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ PRI.'CIPAL COHRESPO!-iDE."TS. RE OURCE • IN~~~ID-IDEPO~SITS Lori~-,~"' :E~~~~: couNTs T1Es, ETc. DEPos1Ts BANKS t:~a_;:~ ~ '<~ RE~OA=CE~ ,_____________, . R11:soUBc111s - --- --- --- --- ------ --- ~ $ $ $ $ $ 45ut~ 12,eoo,eoo 15,227.770 2163946701--------- 141621620 50190'1'10 54961700 70734800 B~~~c.~ °'iJ:1"o~wis~~•.1v~g;gu1,w 1-.) i" s:~· A: li: ~=~: I: I: EDWIN S. MARSTO~--- A. V. HEELY---------SAMUEL SLOAN, l .-P. W. B. CARDOZO C. R. AGNEW W. A. DUNCAN H.F. HOWLAND H. K. SMITH R.1. LEE A. Se.;. ----J.B. LITTL~\ A. ~ee-. - - - A. V. HEELY\ r.e. H. 0. SAMM S, A. Sec. W. A. WILSOn ••1. ec. J. C. TALLEY, A. ec. S. S. COLT. A. Sec. E. J. BOYD. A. ec. F. W. MYERS, A. Sec. I. H. MEEHAN,A.Sec. 0. J. PALMER, Mor. Foreign Dept. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *Federal Reserve Bk .• Dist. 2• 1-120 (Equitable Bide.) Z I I A. L. ~foKeona, .\. W. Mellen A. u. E.T.Mattox Branchu: 17 Battery Placeandll0 William St. *Fifth Avenue Bank ___ •t§'75 Theo. Hetzler---- B. H. Fancher -----IErne t Foley ______ ,Geore-e Acheson, W. G. Gaston A. 8. J'rlssell, 1-7& • M(IT. Foreign Dept. Ch. of Bd. Wm. C. Murphy (510 Fifth Ave.) 1-108 • (lllud on) *FIFTH NATIONAL BAIK .. •t'M E. E. Watts ________ (131 E. 23d St.) Cha·. Kaye, Ch. of Bd. *First National Bank -----•t•&a Francis L. Hine --G. F. Baker. 1~ Ch. of Bd. . (Z Wall) :::::ss~V~{; :.~~~t: ;~ E. A. Dannenberg, A. 'ec. C. B. Butler, A. 1,500,000 1,729,140 22,380,900 _______ 14,380,130 4,636,370 ;~~:~ ~ 7,683,960 o' ""1 :ii;"' I Ernest Miller, A. S cc, 500,000 2,286,150 21,150,30U $ 137,540 16.289,620 2,526,170 F. P. DeWitt_____ _ Obas. H. Dahmer G. A. Way R. A. Meixell 788,280 196,640 1 11,297,320 912,280 14,381,230 Stephen Kelly----- L. P. Hosmer ______ G. J. S. Taylor____ 1,000,000 C. D. Ritch W. S. Beckley Helm L. Wm. F. L. Rossmann G. F. Baker. Jr. --- S. A. Welldon ______ F. G. Walton ______ 10,000,000 38,097,400 l!l9518770 53,150,330 105570340178889320 ~- L. Searles S. Hagerman, F. D. Bartow A. Cash. D. T. Waters J.E. Reynolds W. F. Kearns E. B. Sweezy t:. ~:;::~-::~ 325,740 zI " ..A Q ec. ~:.~~~ 0 ~ ~ a, <See page 22 for co mpleteili.tormatio n) *FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL S.S. Conover ______ John W. Nix _______ .t. W. Mellen,, ec. IS. L. Viele, A. Su. A.H. Mars TRUST COMPANY -- -- .•:tt'07 0 Branchu at 475 F'l,fth .Ave., N. Y. ), 1 City•; 15 Cock8pur St.,S. W. and 5,000,000 11,056.930 144701 0Z0 ---------- 6Z,727,4Z0 51.936,080 10,779,500 46,522,890 26 Old Broad c.t., E. C., London; ~ u Blvd. Hamsmann and 12 Rue en des Mathurins, Paris. Depository for Legal Reserves of Stale Banks. ... Receives deposits sutijecl to check and allows interest on daily balances. leis as 22 Trustee under Mortgages made by Railroad and other Corporations, and as Transfer Agent and legistrar of Stock and Bonds, Foreign Exchange, (16-18-20-22 William) _ _ _ _ _ ~ - - ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Cable Transfers. Letters of Credit payable throughout the world. COMPANY 1-82 Of ,,_ A. M. OSTROM, LYMH RHOAIES D. P. SQUIRE ....,. ~., A.'l'r.-----1---1-G.V.DREW MK PARKER llam St., E. c., 4c LONDON, and J. P. BURNS, JR., A. Tr. OUCK H. M WALKER G. W. FISKE, A. Tr. Solicit s accc unts of Bank s, Bankers. Financ ia I In• 23 Rue De La Palx, PARIS. • BATN\ 1:HUNTER ARM,fi~RONG, A. Tr, sti tutions and Co .rporati ons up on favorable terms. A. •s\CV!JER A. W. L0ASBY Co I lectio ns ma de. T rustee ship of every dej· BL'ffifCfc J" • R0BIINS ff. P·IAlHMJ/• FOREICN scrlpti on. R 1egistr y and tr ans fer of J:J.GRAEBER, JR. MM. BOURKE., s,c." ARMSTRfNG EXCHANCE. atoc ks. Interest upon deposits. MYLESM.BOURKEJ.~.SMITH,A.'~ec. • BUIC~ Letters of Cre dit. V. W. MILLER, A. ec. ,-J·lll~lfR .J. BUS J° t° DeR0SSET R. BRITTIN~HAM, A. Sec. E. L. JUDfON O. P. FAR.ftJ LL. Jr. A. Sec. WM" A MANN l. S. POS , 11\\bso~N, ~ ARTH8eanch Mgrs. A si. Secretaries Dj!~B.IJ»0~~ 1-171 • h Central Reserve City 1~AID-UP I •+ oz oroug LIABILITIES. Ass'T CAiHIER. l. W. IRECH ------ H. E. COOPER----- W. J. ECK. Sec .... -A.A.MILLER, Tr... ----W. F.CASSIN,A.Tr. R. P. JACKSON HEllll DOWD *EQUITABLE TRUST C0MpANY +s• l-n? YICE-PHESIDE:'iT. PRESIDENT. (B (Federal Resene City No. 2) I --;.~~~~~~ r+ 3,263,490 4,003,210 1st N., Chi.; Phil. N .. Phil.; N. Shaw-'< mut, Bos.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. I 0 107,390 4,542,960 1st N., Phil. o ::S r+ Ei" 6,014,740 60,483,260 1st N. and Cont.& Com'l N., Chi.; N. ~ S~awmut and 1st N., Bos.: 1st N .. " Cm., St. L., and St. P.; 1st ~ Old 0. Det. N., Det.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. ---;~~~;;~ --;,~~~;;~ Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and N. Bk. -- 633,530 - 8,135,040 __________ --;.~~~~;;~ ~ :.s::;::r~:--· :~;~~::;:r Com., N. Y. A. Sec. C. M. Van Kleeck R. W. Poor _______ H. It'. Poor _________ A. W.Sno,r ________ R. T. Thorn_______ 1,000,000 1,689,340 16,316,400 1,440,340 13,112,450 2,824.160 3,017,040 1,926,550 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N., Phil. W. C. Husk A. W. Snow •'81 1-81 G. W. MacDonald GeorgeG.Milne.Jr. (Fifth Ave. and 23d St.) 366,780 8,293,990 3,038,010 2,315.ll00 2,163,950 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Gotham National Bank: ---•t"l0 H. H. Biz!',llion ---- Thomas O. Fry---- Horace Howe _____ F. A. HubeL------ 1,500,000 1,618,5i0 9,281,100 E. M. Koelbel Bos.: 1st N., Phil. G.L.Ham11ton, V.P. Clarence S. Weller 1-244 W. B. Palmer J.C. Scattere-ood C.H. Banning, (1819 Broadway) Aut. V.-P. J. L. Schaefer --- M. Bouvier _____ R.F. C. Benkiser _ E. L. Holtermaun _ 56,940 1,998,490 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Lon. Joint 34,510 2,140,390 1,859,050 500,000 1,278,500 4,127,8901 City & Midland, Lon.; Credit LyonL. E. Ziezener, F. G. Fischer nais, Paris. Tr. Officer. D. S.Ie-lehart W R GRACE & CO'S. BANK 1 •tl'l5 1-280 . . + ~ This Bank has tao ilities for handling Foreign business, es pecially collections, (7 Hanover SQ uare> 00 THROUGHOUT CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERIC A.. :~:~:~o::r_:~~:~ (149 Broadway) 1-205 + *GARFIELD NATIONAL BANI I C B RICHARD & Co NY CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ ■ •, ■ • • ESTABLISHED BANKS ENABLED TO TRANSMIT FUNDS· TO A~L PARTS OF THE WORLD. 1847. WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE OUTFIT. - Number nndn !liame or Bank is the New Transit Number idven to Pach bank in U. S. eselualvely by The lland-McNally Bankers' __Dl!!ctoey, under tf!e authority of '!'he American B~n!'ers _As~•n. 982 N.u111: oP I I BANK. NEW YORK CITY (Federal Reserve City No. I o. . ii~~~ ;:::: t:ien~s.A1::~. [Estab: I___________________________ _♦ Yem. Fed. Res. PRESIDENT. OASHIU. VICE-PRESIDENT. ASS'T sBIH. Z) (Borough of Manhattan)-Cont'd Central Reserve City m:r~ su:~;us CAPITAL PnoFrTs D•P081TB 1 H.EsouRcEs. _ LIABILITIES. PAID-UP Dm~O..SJTB B.&.N1t11 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., seo Laws. ,F. D. Ives iT· C. :Meeks adwa11 •; 402 Huds on: 97 Warren and 596 Bro 1531 Broadwaiv•; 874 B roadwa11• C. E. Whyard , (Offices at 280 W. . ixth Ave.) PRINCIP.4.L CORRESPONDENTS. 1:.°tf'.!- :,<:,~~: n~~i~; IRE~OA;;Cll!:8 cotnn'l!I Tllll11,11Tc.~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 *Gree11wiell Bank ::-_ ______ etl'SOII H. Ward Ford ---- ,· Frank Hammond- IA- E. Peterson ____ jaerbert Renville __ $1,000,000 S 2,022,880 $10 926 290 $1,737,760 $17 595 940 S 784,890 S 1-17 (135 William) 15,000 $6,230,980 Han. N., N. Y.; N, Shawmut, Bos. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C.H. SABIN, Pres. ________________________ H, R. JOHNSTON, Tr. M. T. MURRAY, JR., Sec. WILLI AM C. POTTER, Oh. of Ha. *GUARANTY 1.l=G TRUST COMMITTEE COMPANY Leading banking Institutions In the principal c I t I es of the Z United States and in Important t%J foreign trade centers through- C <; out the world. VICE-PRESIDENT C. M. BILLINGS ~:~: ml~wAY WM. C. COX !ALBERT BRETON (140 Broadway) •t§'641W, PALEN CONWAY RALPH DAW~~l NffB\RD FRANCIS H. s,ssoN ~~~2~~ VAlflr~oN w·. c·. LANE Vice Presidents JOHN J. LEWIS 1-107♦ r, 8- Fifth Avenue Office, Fifth Ave. a11d ~ 43d St.; Maduion Avenue Office. O - - - - - - - - Madison.Ave.and60thSt.:Grand ~ St, Office, 268 Grand St.; London C: Office, 32 Lombard, St .. E. <J; ro a net 5 Lower Gr<>sl'cnor Pl.,.._,'. rr.; Paris Office, Rue des Italiens l & 3. JJ LiTJer1>ool Office, 27 Cotton Exchange ► Bldg.: Brmselll Office, 158 Rue ' i• Royale.; Havre Office, 122 Blvd. De Z ~ Straabourg, 26000000 37075070 537187900 100165790 5015824£0 121217030 83083600 217780210 l· L. O'NEILL Piurt 1i\ER X: E. A. POTTER, JR. J.M. PRATT ft. D. PUTNAM F. R. A. SHORTIS f. J. If. SUTTON J. R. SWAN fJJ zI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---WM. WOODWARD - -- E. H. FERRY-------- W. f. CABLE, JR. SAM'L. WOOLVERTON JOSEPH BYRME CHAS. H. HAMPTON H.P. TURNBULL WM. H. SUYDAM, V.- P. and llfgr. ROBERT REILLEY, *HANOVER NATIONAL BANK A. Mor. FREDERIC A. BUCK, A. Mgr. RIEMANN ----------t, ILLIAM DONALD • E. LEWIS J.P. GARDNER f. A.THOMAS W. G. NELSON C. B. CAMPBELL W. B. SMITH ~ 0 1,000,000 Zl,021,470 80,840,280 72,945,000 99,816,240 15,797,140 5,955,820 68,432.780 Cont• .t Com'I N., Com Ex. N., :;!. - - - andNorthern Tr.Co., Cbl.1 If."' Shawmut, Mereb. N. and 1st 0 SEE ADV. OPPOSITE N. Y. CI TY IND EX. N., B011.1 Cent. N., Corn Ex. N., ::;: Franklin N ., an• PhD. N ., '< ~ Phll.; Merch.- c. N ., St. L. part• of the world. 0 ...::ls· ,_____________,_________________ ------------ --- --------1N~-n~ ; ~!;k!~~l:1 si;::.,Btit. J. w. HARRIMAN---- MkKlNNNlNl ---- llolrJ~i~tifii: ___ tMO~Ti~miRnLL-N., o. Merch. Phil,; N., Ex. Corn 7,527.210 359,940 23,784,030 5,460,010 1,000,000 Z,00',340 24.120,730 .'S.'BOWEN , FRED~'PHILLIPS FOREIGN EXCHANQE BOUGHT AIID SOLD. CAJI ARRUGE WITH BANKS DESIRING TO DRAW THEIR O WI DRAF TS OIi FO REIGII PO IITS. HARRIMAN NATIONAL BANK Henry J. . i. Tr.Officer • • S.BILLMIRE T.B. ARKE,JR. O H ARRI MAN A' BURKE OBERT F. THOMAS F. KOTH. V.P.and Mgr.Foreign Dept. Charmatz ____ ------------- Alexand r Si.un ___ Edward 1iller_____ F.,\.Pater . . , . TRUSJ CO. ----•t1'0e F. V. Baldwm ----- R. A. Purdy:------ - R: A.. Purdy, , cc._ J. J. Broderick, '1 r. \' m. J. Terry, J. J. Broderick (14 1 Broadwu) chnitz r tate Bank Jul •t·•95 1-295 (141-H3 \\'a. hington) HUDIOII 1-286 I *IMPORTERS TRADERS NATIONAL ANK . I-5L•t'55 (247 Broadway) - - - ~ - - - - SanF.andLosA.;N.Sbawmut and 1st N., Bos.; Night & Day, St. L.; Walker Bros., Bkrs •• Salt Transacts a General Commerc ial Bankin g Busines s. Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Lake C.; Northw. N., Port.; Reserve Accounts Invited. C lose to the N. Y. Central and •t·u Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Peo. Pennsylvania Stations. State, Det. 1- - - - - - - - I ____ ill.Eel wardPowell 1 ownsen d, II. E. P. Town~encl --- O. A. 8cc. and. A, Tr. F. Hegan ------- 1G. II. B!ish________ C'll. of llil. Thi bank wm be plea ed to rccc Ive account • iJ. A; ~l1tch~ll J. \\. Downing C. F. Puckhafer 1w. v. meek 2,000 100,000 58,7GO 56,820 154,960 Bkr~. Tr. Co., Am. Tr. Co., ~a~t ._ R1verN.,andCoal&lronN., .Y. p, 7,442,100 ---------- 4,199,010 2,460,450 28,290 2,028,160 Unio~ Tr. Co., Bait.; Southwark N .. S:: Phil.~ Interstate Tr. & Bkl?, Co .. p, 9,155,150 32,038,830 ______ 40,370,500 1,178,400 1,584,420 9,945,360 1st N., Bos,; Penn. N., Phil.; Wells::: 100,000 158,290 500,000 773,810 1,500,000 71,300 ::S N. O. ,; Farfo-Nev. N., San F. '°_ I "'MER\CI\N SURE.lY COMPANY OF NEW YORK-Fidelit &Suret Bonds-Bur lar Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ i '1 C't I i ~ •t'51 1-U nd Travelers' Checks and Letters of Credit issued, avalla ble all Pine) (Nassau • 1-235 (527 Fifth A.Te.) I.O ~ l'..:> : ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTINENTAL GUARANTY CORPORATION 248 Madison Avenue, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Sept. 30, 1920 ew York $3 311 065 53 , , • The oldest house In America specializing exclusively In Government Bonds GOVERNMENT BONDS Any Issue Bought and Sold Without Commission DIRECTORS Duane R. Dill . J. D. Dort York 1ichigan ew York ew York ew York ew York . Chicago . New York . New York Toledo, Ohio . i ew York 1' \ Flint, . . Charles P. Howland Edward S. Maddock Wm. M. Ramsay . Henry A. Rudkin William A. Tilden . George C. Van Tuyl, Jr. H. Mercer Walker John N. Willys . Howard L. Wynegar Sell-Liquidating Securities an Francisco TE\\' 'ORK Toronto London, England C. F.CHILDS AND COMPANY 208 S. LA SALLE ST. 120 BROADWAY CHICAGO NEW YORK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RAND MCNALLY & COMPANY'S BUILDING CLARK, HARRISON, AND LA SALLE STREETS CHICAGO DESCRIPTION Three hundred feet front on Clark and on La Salle streets, and extending on Harrison Street the entire block between these two thoroughfares. Covers sixty-four thousand square feet of ground- more than any other building in down-town Chicago. Steel fire proof construction with reinforced concrete floors, necessary to carry the enormous weight of the machinery used in the business. Has 1,595 windows, a mammoth power plant, nine passenger and freight elevators, filtered and refrigerated water, automatic sprinkling system. Number under Name or Blllnlt is the New Transit Number sn·en to each bank in U. S. eicluslvely by The Jlaud-McNaJly Bl/Inkers• · - - - - _ f!!rect~ry, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n 983 NAME OF BANK. PR ESIDENT, Am. Bks. Assn. §State ~em! • SFtatde Bl:{ks. Assn.[EtPriv. •_.,_e_m_._e;.__;..---'---"e_s.'-----==-=s:...:ta=b=.:., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 t•.Mem. 1 of Manhattan)-Cont'd NEW YORK CITY (Borouo-h • cASHIER, V ICE- p RESIDENT, Central Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No 2) A SS'T OA~HIER. i Lu.a1L1T1Es. - · LOANS a, - D 11:POSITS INDIVID- a.-. PAID-UP ou"!!!'DU8 C _ _ AL _ lT .,,,, ,-- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - i- - UAL ......., PROl'IT8 DEPOSITl!I DIS- OI' B.uuc.s cotrNTS Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banldng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 5 PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDENTs RESOURCES. CASH l\Irsaa,.. S:mcURI• LANEous REsoURcEs TI1Ds, ETC. R:m~ouucEs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 BONDS, Industrial Ba~ksu··------•§'19 Staughton B. Lynd R. A. Stephenson_ Junius B. Close •••. D. V. Austin _______ $1,000,000 $ 626,960$ 5,324,090 $ 360,540 $6,031,430 $ 201,180$ Logan C. Murray ca!3 Fo~rth Ave.) 12,120 $1,390,940 Chem. N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. e .., ,; ':<= -- - \0 t,.;) (Bee American Fina ncial Corporations) INCTERRPNATIONAL BANKING 0 ORATION---•:!:§'02 --1 - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - 1 - -1-263 HARRY E. WARD---- J. F. BOCKER----- P. F. GRAY--------- N. D. ALLING. ----CAHILL ff. M. G. N. JACOBS, LEWIS E. PIERSON, F. H. CL RKSON Fnreign Manager, C. ~- CtRWIN Ch. of Bd. WM. Y ONRAD ALFRED BENJAMIN C. . D FRESNE WM. N. ENSTROM -WI LI~ G'AFE J.C. BRADSHAW R. J. FAUST, JR. A. GILBERT 1 ,a~·riR,IEp8H~rBROO K bE~~~!rtfRICH iEhrni*HAM GRANT ~J?h~ PERCY • HULSE R. W. KUEBL, GEO. 0. GR YES • H. LOVE, i,,< Asst For Mgrs. H. S. Kl BY Vice Chairmen JAMES HEC SCHER H. A. MARSLAND DANIEL 'y CASEY of Bd, C. C. HOWARD 10 Advtg Jflfgr WM. H. PANGBURN EUGENE D. JUNIOR -12,500,000 12,102,530 230842540 __________ 184714990 13,240,290 18,662,160 80.'189,310 Important connections In the ~ R M FALKENAU • SAMUEL REDFERN EMIL KLEIK G. W. BERRY Commercial centers of the'n •- • :- - - ••• • For Tr Rep ROBERT L. SMITH ~-A.LEWIS W. P. HARRIMAN, 1 world. JOHN H. NEEDHAM, · W"'· R. WILSON ~s!t.Ji~~;e~~dents. HO~AWH~EM~STT j to L 0nd0!1-• C. V. ALLHUT,Audito r. WILLS G. NASH JEAN VELAY, Pam, G. A. BRYSON, G. A. O'REILLY A. Auditor. A. E. LINOHJEM, A. E. VAN DOREN ~ •i'51 Copenhagen, H W WILLIS 1~7 BENJ. F. WERNER en (Woolworth Bldg.) Tr.'Officer. 'A. ' ROWE, W. JOS. WILLIAMS JOHN (233 Broadway) Mexico City, WM. ROBT. WILSON c. w. FOWLER I M· *IRVIN 6 NATIONAL > ,z BANK I~ San Juan, Foreign Reps. NEW YORK OFFICES: Market& Fulton Office, 81-83 Fulton St., W. M. Rosenda le, V. P., Cash.: herman Office, 5th Ave. & 32nd St., llax Radt, V. P., G. F. Ge nte , v. P. 1 Chas. Eighth St. Office. Broadway&Stb t.,Louls S.Qulmby, V. P., L. L.Ho pklns, A ;sst.Ca·h Aetna Office, 92 W. Broadway, WIUlam Gamble, V. P., Arthur P. mlt b, A t. Cash.; D. C. Grant, A. V. P., J. S. ammls, A. V. P., H. E. Stublng, As t. Ca sh., E. L. Bishop, <'ock, : t. Tr. Officer. BROOKLYN OFFICE : 360 Fulton St., Henry II. Wells, V. P., R.R. War dell, Ass t. Cash., Utrecht Ave. & 53rd St., J.W. Waller, Mgr., Arnold Relncken, Asst. Mgr.; Flath ush Offlc Schenck, Asst. Cash., Leonard F. Ma)'l', Asst. Cash. Albert D. Berry, w. Hods on, Asst. ., Wlllla m Feick, Lincoln Offlce,60 Asst. Ca sh., T. L. ~ Asst.Cash., W. H. Mllllke n, Asst. Cash., W Imam L. Clow, As st.Cash.; Asst. Ca lsh., John Egolf, A.Cash.; -70 E • .ad. St., C. E. Warren, V. P., Kennwo rthy, A s t. Cash., F.L.Bab- i,,< 0 I "1 ~ 0. .... John Ste wart, As st. Cash. ; New Utrecht Off Ice, New e, 839Fla tbush Av e., Alex. C. Snyder, V. P., Franklin '< I () H. F, Donnelly, Italian Discount & Trust Co. George P. Kennedy IGiovanni Giradon. ,H. J. Connolly, A.. Sec. Sec. and Tr. J. W. Potter •t§"l8 1- 308 F. M. Rohn, A. Sec, Piet o Rocco, (399 Broadway) A.Sec. l { Louis V. BriihL 11'. E. Gunnison ____ Wall r N. Vail, ec. Archibald Forbes, Tr. I E.W.Ooneshall, Thor. Stallknecht R. I. Smyth, A. Tr. G. F. Parmelee, Ch. of Bd.,H. E. Jackson *LAWYERS TITLE & TIUS~ A. Seo. W. F. Baeck, L. H. Losee CfOMPAIY ____ r-1fi ____ •fl 17 Asst. Gen. Mor. H. E. Jackson, · (160 Broadway) I I V. P. and Gen. Mro. Brooklyn Bran(h: 44 Court St. W. Wm. K. Swartz, M or, 1,000,000 750,000 10,160,560 3,265,700 1,162,320 3,410,700 9,528,040 11,827,190 3,379,990 4,931,410 7,960,360 Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. Y .; Anglo & Lon. 0 Paris N .• San F.; Banca Italian di ::, ,... Sconto. Rome and Paris. s· 4,000,000 6,012,140 17,723.860 ---------- . 4,C62,820 OhaseN .. N.Bk.Colll,,N. Oity, Equi- ~ table Tr. Co., Em.vire Tr. Co., and C. A.m. Ex.N., N. Y.: .Mech .. Brooklyn; Bk. of Long Isl., Jamaica; Cent. Bk. of Westchester Co., White Plains. N. Y. 1 *LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK 1-91 (120 Broadway) H. D.GIBSON------- D. G. REID--------- F. W. WALZ..-----D. D. DAVIS, J. S. MAXWELL, A. V. OSTROM Tr. Officer. Y. P. C. W. RIECK$ GEO. MURNA~~'P. ERNEST STAUFFEN, JR. S. W. NOYES, r. P. J. A. BOWER rElt°CUll· Y.P. J. G. BLAINE, JR. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • EDW. J. WHALEN Mereb.-Lac. N., St. L. 1 rc_s_.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-- - - 1 -- - 1 - __ •t'91 _ _._ts.s~ 1,_1 .P C B RICHARD &Co N Y CITY. • FRED'KP.McGL YNN T. C. HOVEY L. W. KNOWLES 5,000,000 8,053,980 _59,125,540 41,348,400 84.4'15,'140 18,'126.910 3,903,830 33,484,540 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Uh St. N., R. G. FORBES N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil.: D. CARDOZO • ' I • FOREIGN BONDS AND CURRENCY. I - --- --- --- --- - u. s. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR FOR EXCHANGE OF FOREIGN MONEYS u. s. IMMIGRANT LANDING STAT~ON, ELLIS ISLAND, NEW YORK HARBOR. SOLE AT THE ~ NEW YORK CITY amber under Name or Bank is the New Tran It Number given (Bo h f ._._ )--C Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Into each bank in U. s. exclu lvely by The Rand-Mc ally Bankers• rouc O -nhattan oat'd dexed Acces.), Lawyers!.. Laws (indexed) in back of this Dlreetor , under the authority of The American Banker A •n. <Federal aesene City No. I) Central Reserve City volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 00 AIIE OF BA K. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. I ----~---=:-::--= ~ •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te PRESIDK!'T. VICE-PRESID&.~T. CASHIER.'T CASHIER StraPLUlil INDIVID- DJ:P081T8 LoANB & BONDS, ~hsc1:1.C PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, Sllem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. · 1 bAn:,;UP ilfD UAL OJ' DISSEcuru- LANE1ous REBoA;:cms ♦Kem. Fed. Res, [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AL P•~~ DEPOSITS BAN:ita ~UNTS TIES,ETC. IasouaOIB _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , '° l i ,-------1~- *LIICOLI TRUST CO. --•:1·02 A. S. WEBB ----- ---- A. M. HYATT-------- C. E. CALHOUN. Sec. N. F. GRIFFIN,\,'l'r. ___ I$ 2,000,000 U.070,350 26 287 060 ---------- 17 809 960 3,705,040 1,998,250 $7,065,110 1st N. and Atlantic ♦ 1-lll F. J.EGAN, 'WEN WARD R. L. JONES. A. Sec. N. W. ANDREnS, N., Phil. Offices: Ch o/Bd . P. DAVIS H.11. FORD. A. Sec. A. Tr. 7 Wall• ' ' M.c F. FITZSIMMONS R. W. GOULD, A.Sec. J. W, HANSON. A. Tr. O~ES S. LOTT 346 Broadway 2077 Broauway• 204 Fifth Ave. E. J. SCHILLING.1. Mgr. For. vept. T,, N. Y.: 4th st. J. H. ADAMS, JR., A. Tr. P. H. SELCHOW, Tr. Officer. Transact a 11en erai bankin11 and trust baaine•• an der the [aw• of t he state of N eu, York. Solicits correspo ndence - collectio na. :Manufacturers Trust C0.-•§'18 _________________ ________________ ____________ ____________________ (Branch of Brookl 11n, N. Y. ) ______ --------- - - - - ---------- _______ N. Park and 1st N., N. Y. 1-157 (481 Eighth Ave.) II. Berardini State Bank --1'86 Michael Berardini, P, P. Berardini ____ P. P. BerardinL ___ Lorenzo Mastro1-283 Sr. V. E. Tozzi Michael Berardini, lonardo (34 :Mulberry) Jr., Sec, 150,000 799,280 273,210 S 1,612.460 39,910 850,000 9,020 1,938,230 M. Berardini, Bkr .. Phil:, _Pit~ .• and 9< Bos,; Banca M. .Berarduu, Naple , O Italy. . :::0 ,__ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ *MECHANICS & METALS GATES W.MclAHAH-JOHN McHUGH--J. S. NOHE------- E. W. DAVENPORT FIAH 0. IOE A. M. AIKEN W. f. ALBERTSEI W. E. LAKE 10,000,000 17,491,510 224631720 __________ 194142660 17,682,800 10,480,640 98.018.120 t·l-l,0,JeELL NATIONAL BANK c20 i~ssau> 8Lffo~Ks\\NTON -------- ORTH McLEAN 1oiT\RM:rtt,t· (g Branches) - tn z> - -- ~ C/J SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE. I z Mgr. Fore,·gn Dept. •UBlO We Invite the business of Bank•, Ban·kers, and Mer chant • deal ring prompt, C'D efflcle nt, ~ and satisfactory service. < 0 ----------------------------'--------- --- --- ------ --IIEICANTILE TRUST CO.•:W17 c. A. Au tin ____ c. D. Makepeace __ H.D. Campbell.Sec. J.C.Traphaeen ,Tr. 1.000.000 1,089,620 14,446,040 (115 Broadway) 1-293 • Henry R. Johnston H. D. Campbell A88t. to Pre . Peter . Duryee John J. Teal, C.J. Murray.A.Tr. A.Sec. J.M. Wade, A. 1.'1·. 759,660 11,961.330 3,437,760 140,600 "'1 ~ 4,339,950 Chase N., N. Y. 0. r+ '< I 11ETIOP0LITll BIH-•it·o5 1-44 • (Ud and 4tla Ave.) Henry Olleshei - A. C. Corby ________ F. W. Frazee-----mer George Hadden G. B. Sayre·. James L. lliller l'. P.lw. P. Larbir Jo . Pulvermacher Frank C. :Meyer Branchu at 271 B1·oadwa11,• 100 William St .. • 565 Account of Bank and Bankers ollclted. Prom *M tropolitan Trust Company Harold I. Pratt_ ___ H.B. Thorne ______ 1-117 • (60 Wall) •:§"81 (1 Branch) Chas. W. We ton J. Ji'. :McNamara J. C. Klinck, Tr. Officer Ilarry Roberts, Auditor W. A. Johnson ---J. A. Greig J. H. Holme J. c. Hecker, Jr. R. S. Girling 2,500,000 1,500,000 37,000,000 4,800,000 i . N (') .r .. o 700,000 15,000,000 Cont: & Com'l N., Chi.; uard Phil.; Alb. Tr. Co., Alb. = tr. = c= n Broadwa11•and191 l\fontaou e, Brooklyn. pt attention . Hartmann, Bertram Cruger, - - - 'cc. 'l'r. F. E. Fried, U.W.K. Andnson, W. E. i\1cHarg, A. Tr. E.W. Berry, ClarencP Klinck, ~l'crctarics 0, to all Bank log matters entrusted to us. G. A,'l!t. 4.500,000 49,500,000 2,000,000 3,532,260 32,944,620 ---------- 21,597,880 10,571,160 702,960 9,710,200 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Girard N .. Phil.; Alb, Tr. Co., Alb, A. 'l'r. I Mutual Bank--------•!§"90 Charles A.. SaclretL Hnrh N. Kirkland Hnirh N. KirkJ&nd_ Knrene Gahfo _____ j 1-20& ♦ (49 W. S3d) ; I" I . • : I • I •I I te\·ens ______ 200,000 813,060 13,104,750 308,120 9,963,270 590,680 II 111 3,389,970 482,000 N. Parlr, N. Y, I I◄'. W. Goll um ___ ·--jI I Ill 11111 ; II I :11 ; , .. I AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK-Fidelit &Suret Bonds-Bur lar Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE Meehanies & Metals National Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK J ~! (I i.1 \ OFFICERS: CATES W. McGARRAH, President JOHN ROBINSON ....... . .... . ...... Assistant Cashier JOHN McHUGH .......... . . .. ... . ...... Vice-President ERNEST W. D.i\VENPORT ........... Assistant Cashier FRANK 0. ROE. . .... ... .... .. . . ...... Vice-President ARTHUR M. AIKEN ................ Assistant Cashier WALTER F. ALBERTSEN .. . ..... ...... Vice-President WILLIAM E: LAKE ......... . ........ Assistant Cashier HARRY H. POND ......... . . . .. .... .... Vice-President ARTHUR W. McKAY ................ Assistant Cashier SAMUEL S. CAMPBELL ... . . .. . .... .... Vice-President CLIFTON STANTON ........... .. .... Assistant Cashier NORTH McLEAN .... . . . .. . . ..... . . .... Vice-President ALEXANDER F. BRYAN ...... . ............. Auditor JOSEPH S. HOUSE . . . .. .. . ..... . ........ . ... . Cashier Capital, Surplus and Undivided ProlilsT $25,000,000 STATE BANK OF THE PORTUGUESE COLONIES Banco Nacional Ultramarino ESTABLISHED 1864 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL Escudos 48,000,000 $ 51,788,160.00 PAID UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS Escudos 24,000,000 Escudos 24,000,000 $ 25,894,080.00 $ 25,894 080.00 (AT PAR OF EXCHANGE) HEAD OFFICE: LISBON PARIS OFFICE 8 Rue du Helder IXE ONDON OFFICE 27 B Throgmorton St. E. C. OFFICES IN: CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION PORTUGAL ENGLAND,FRANCE CHINA, INDIA EAST AFRICA WEST AFRICA TIMOR AZORES MADEIRA BELGIAN CONGO BRAZIL Governor JO.AO HENRIQUE Vice-Governors CONDE DE CARIA HENRIQUE JOSE MONTEIRO DE MENDONCA ' CONDE DE MONTE REAL JOSE DA CUNHA ROLA PEREIRA Our Foreign Service is unsurpassed. Foreign Exchange bought and sold for immediate or future delivery. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ULRICH JULIO SCHMIDT Managing Director E. F. DAVIES, O.B.E. Liberty St. J. McCURRACH, Agent NEW YORK CITY {Borough of Manhattan):-Cont'd (FederalResene City No. 2) Central Reserve City Non-Bank Towns with Nearest .Banldng Point (In• dexed Acces. ), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc. , see Laws. pi" ~ NIUll"!!!!•der Name oJ' Bank is the New T.ran•H Number Jdven to eaoh baua in U. B. uelusl'rely by The .Band-MeNally .Bankers' Dfreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. I I NA.1111: OJI' BANK. NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)-Cont'd I •Kem. A.m. Bks, Assn. IS~te PRESIDENT. . VICE-PRESIDENT OASHIBR, .Ass'T OASBID, P Ulem.StateBks . .Assn. tPnv. • AD>-UP ♦M:em. Fed. Res. [E:,tab. - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - ~ - ' - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - 0 APITAL J. S. lLEXHDER. J. H. ARDREY ----J. A. BRODERICK GUY EMERSON H.P. HOWELL L. A. KEIDEL D. H. G. PENIIY J.E. ROVENSKY F.R.RUSSELL S. E. WHD R. H. WILLIAMS OF COMMERCE Non-Bank Towns wfth Nearest .Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::l LIABILITIES, fi RESOURCES. INDIVU>- DEPOSITS ' LOANS & I BoNDs, l\lIScEL- SURPLUS AND UAL PROFITS DEPosrrs oF BANKS I Dis- ~ 'i» I PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE..'.TS CAsH LA..~:&:ous REsouacEs TIES,ETc. IuisoORczs SEcuru- • •i·aa 1-21 (11 Nunu) - '° i Kf:::ru - - - -11- --1- - - ~ ~ FRANZ MEYER E. E. RISLEY H. C. STEVENS "1liatfonal Butchera&Drov.Bk . .M. M. Valentine---jW· J, Duane _______ 1-15 (683Broadway) •i·ao· tl2 > ,W, J. Duane.------lG,W.J.Lar!!e E. Halsey-----300,000 ~4.000 5,500,000 _ _ _ 3,750,000 140,000 2,000,000 N.'City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; z _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GirardN.,Phil. ~ _ JAMES A. STILLMAN •. WM. 61 BRADY, JR.-- N. C. LENFfSTEY --- W. E. LUSBY--------J. H. C11RTER -w. F. C. MERKEL J. T. COSBY C. T. AYLES L. H. MILLER 1-1 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ;ii;-- Q ~ '1 f \.\lf~l • WiArlls"jfflf/ • 1 1 1 ~ ::S "' 6' ; o. ---;EEWEmsEMEiioiii iiiinoNTCOVEa:--- 1o C B RICHARD &Co N Y CITY • i< g w: i·.,. Jl~lum,m • ~ ~ 0 , ·NATIONAL PARK BANK 1-M I rr 1· i· .l fc loleR\DfNIAN (214 Broadway) C/l JO~~~:tl~~~·-lfar. R: t·FiHaAM \~WtlfiGHAM =~:J!MER ~~Q_ERrc\OWN, i: G~~JJjyR E c·. BOGERT FRANK O'MALLEY 1 BD HARRfs H. D. R. BURGESS E F. REGAN W· A. SIM0 NSON ' ARTHUR KAVANAGH FARRIS CAMPBELL w·. L. SCHNARING E:c ,. E. LING C. H. CLARK W. J. SIEMON f, llES,gRVE RODNEY DEAN w G SPEER 40,000,000 67.567,590 698592590 ---------- 644593450 40,038,040 SZ,5%9,690 276377530 6' RE~R'iis JEAN oeSHON F.'swtTZLER i- - -1F: C. ~HWEDTllAN P. J. FLfMING F. A. TURCOTTE The Fore tgn Depa rtmento f THEN A.TIONA L CITY BANK b u7s and S. H. VOORHEES D. A. FORWARD H. W. VANDERPOEL sells Drafts and Cable Transfer s. JJCOBWOHNSIEDLER G.H..FOUNTAIN W M.VERMILYE llsues CommerclalCredttsandT ranlers' Letters ofCredtt,avall•*1812 -----ii-.i-iiiAf"'"'T•NE H U HALL w·1L ERT WARD able to all parts of thew orld. hi·E! lAiTHEWS A: L: HOFFMAN JAMES ADDISON, - Makes Collectto ns and does a ge neral Foreign Ba nklng B uslness. L. J•• CBUURRNE_ESYERY JAMES Bl PIKE J. A. JACKSON Comptroller SEE All EITISEM Ell 01 NEW YO RK CITY INDEX. -A H. E. POL ARD, F. S. KOONS OSCAR P. AUSTIN, 8 As11't Yice Pres's G. KOUWENHOYEN, Statutician I. (lHN L. CROS~ s. p. ALLEN Ass't Cashwrs H. T. JOHANSEN 6.A.KURZ N w. s. LAMBIE • A, PATTERSO I H. W. LUCKE i!!tAaat. Tr.Officers, ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1----1---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RICHARD DELAFIELD G. G. THORNE---- E. V. CONNOLLY-- W. E. DOUGLAS W. O. JONES H. L. SPARKS M. H. EWER B. P. ROBBINS G, ff, KRETZ J.B. HEINRICHS Aaa't Vice Pres', L. H. OHLROGGE 10,000,000 24.702,310 102284 9%0 113.196,070 156721270 39,081,990 13,078,850 42,61S.140 F O FOXCROFT W. C. MACAVOY -i•5e' w.·. A••• PMRAililNE W. S. JELLIFFE E. J. E. SILLIMAN we in vJte c orres ponde nee and con fer en ce • 0L. ffE S. F. KETCHAM with Manufacturers, Merchants, •• KENLY SAVILLE ' Expo 1rters and I mport ers. P•• EBBOTT f (55 Wall) c:: ~ '< • E. H. RAWLS *NAT I ON AL CITY 8AN K ' R. H. PASSMORE .. I. W. ALDOM -----W. T. SHEEHAN, E. C. GERSTEN N Mgr. Fureilfn Dept. G. L. GHEGAI ..... W. C. HENCHY, W. S. GRAVES Mgr, Cndit Dept. E. F. HIGGINS R. R. McEL?ARE, JE Mgr. Sennce Dept. DON i Moor A.J.OXEIHA'i. JULIUS PAUL s $ s s LEADIH BANKS AND BANKERS IN E. M•.PREITICE I S25 ooo 000 $33 519 840 2%9 297 540 133 547430: 363 039 320 S23 Z'll 030$40140 510 128 801150 ALL IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL 2 CENTERS THIOUSHOUT THE~ Second Vice-Pres'a H. W. SCHRADER WORLD. <: HARRY P.BARRAND E. A. SCHROEDER L.P.CHRISTENSOI H.G.STENERSEN J. I. CLARKE J. T. WALKER, JR. < 0 A. F. MAXWELL 1 .NATIONAL BANK Central Reserve City (Federal Reaene City No. %) • • • FOREIGN BONDS AND CURRENCY. I SOLE u. s. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR FOR EXCHANGE OF FOREIGN MONEYS AT THE U.S. IMMIGRANT LANDING STATION, ELLIS ISLAND, NEW YORK HARBOR. '° 00 UI Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. e elusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' NEW YORK CITY 986 lty = es=e=r=ve= C:::;: r a=l=R rs=·=A=s:..:s'=n=·===(=F=e=d=e= = n=k=e=.:=c=-a=n=Ba . . :. . =~:.rl =_:m == A . . : ~b.:::~...:. .::: .:.9=-=!._=-T th e= a=u=t=b=o=rl=t:.y: ==-=-=-:::-=D=!!_::.e_c..::~o~rc:-y=,=u=-n.:::d...:e...:r~~_ 7 NAME OF BANK. •M.em. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te iYem. State Bks . .!ssn. t Pr1v. [Estab. ♦ :Mem Fed. Re • PRESIDENT. I VICE-PRESIDENT. II Ass'T 0.A.SHili, I O.A.SHIER. ______________ 1 1 Non-Bank Towns '\\-1th Neare t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tills,~ volume. For Interest Rates.! Holldays, etc., seo Laws.I O'I KESOURCES. - PRINCIPAL~CORRESPONDENTS. (Borouch of Manhattan)-Cont'd Central Reserve City No. 2) LIABILITIES. SUBPLU8 lMDIVU>- DIIP08IT8 U.6.L A.ND OJ''IT.A.I. PROJ'ITl!I DIIP08IT8 BAN.I.II Pill>-UP --- Nemeth State Bank ______ •;j:§'17 John Nemeth ______ Karl Schenk ______ Nathaniel Lederer J. B, Lederer, Sec, Emil Lederer (One Branch) 1-269 (10 E. 22<1 St.) (Name of Bank now AMERICAN UNION BANK,) Rudolph Stein ____ _ Henry Schenk Albert Greenbaum C. . Katz s 200,000 $ 301,930 S 1,911,750 $ New Netherland Bank.--•*1'02 W. F. H. Koelsch __ J. P. Munn ______ Curtis J. Beard ____ Leon A. Norcross __ Henry H. Martin U. M. Fleischmann G. W. Gale, 1-224 • Asst. to Pres. (41 W. 34lh) 600,000 *New York County Nat'l Bank O car Cooper ______ James O. Brower __ J. C. Brower ______ Philip A. Hutchins Robert McKennan L. J. Grinnon •i•55 1-71 (14th t. and Ei2hth Ave.) A. J. Purdy, .A.Seo. N. Y. Life Ins. & Trust Co. _§'30 E.G. Merrill.. _____ Henry Pariah ______ John C. Yedder, ec. W. B. Austin, z. W. vu ZeJm (52 Wall) 1-173 .A. Sec. J. L. van Zelm Charles Eldredge, _ _ _ _ _A. 'ec. DIB- BONDS, ' MIBCl!lLLANJCOUS SJDCURI- COUNTS Tl118. ■TO. RIISOURCIIB 35,300 $1,503,300 S 131,160 8,118,280 --------- 6,387,500 1,000,000 400,260 14,945,550 ---------- 11,880,820 1,000,000 2,266,570 21,823,770 1,427,980 682,190 CASH RBBOURCIIB ---------- s 612,880 $ 2,790 1,533,750 527,530 7,534,UO 15,906,450 2,357,790 652,610 Chem. N. and Han. N .. N. Y.; Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Passaic; Peo. Tr. & Guaranty Co .. Hackensack. 2,397,300 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y. Z 4,601,630 Guaranty Tr, Co., N. Y.; N. City, t:z:l Obi. ~ 3,057,540 i< 0 ~ ------------ --- --- --- --- M. N. BUCKNER---- F. J. HORNE---- BOYD G.CURTS, ec. HARRY FORSYTH, Tr. OTTO T. IANNARD, JAMES DOH E. B. LEWIS, .A. Tr. ff. W.SHAW, Ch. of Bd. H. W. MORSE W. J. BIRDSALL, C. E. HAYDOCI, J. A. Fl YII, A. T'r. 3,000,000 11,436,540 80,305,870 V. P. a nd Mgr. A.C.DOWNING,JR., W. MacNAUGHTEN' Mrs. KEY MCAACMK(Office at 5th Ave. and 51th t.) A. Sec, LINDSAY BRAD1-114 ♦ (26 Broad) •1:§'89 S. B. SILLEcl,ORD, R.V. WORSTELL, A. Sec. I. L. BENNETT, W. H. TAFT, !d *NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY LO.AN■ • - - - X tXl Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Chase )> N., Mech. & Metals N., Lib- Z - - - - ---------- 69,049,680 13,680,360 13,746,980 21.481,890 J::' 1 sa~:. cr:i.rMJe: nd X ~~>' Tr. & Dep. Co., Bait.; Mercb. Cll N., Bos.; Corn Ex. N., PhU.: N. Com'I Bk. & Tr. Co.,; Los i-, A. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Com'I Tr. ~ ~ & Sav.,N.O. I .d.88t. Secretaries to<: ' 0 Legal Depository for Reserve of State Banks. Interest allowed. Designated De pository o f Funds in Bankrupt cy and of Court and Trust Fu nds. Member lew York Clearing House. Acts as Registrar and Transfer Agent for the Bonds and Stocks of Corporations. --- ------ --- --- ------ --• A. Glushanok ___ Morri Meyer ____ _ L. J. :Murphy 200,000 F. E. Goldmann ___ J. 0. Lawrence ___ _ E. R. Lawrence IL Yan Brunt M. Becannon .Madi on Ave.• M. F. Bauer A. G, Irvine dlvlduals, E. o. Kern J. W. Konvalinka . W. Bara ch _____ M. Bara ch ________ [!. B. Silsbe _______ L. BickeL ________ _ 1,000,000 ~'Orth American Bank _____ §'20 Arnold Kohn ______ !ax traus ________ 1 321 (5-l Canal t. and 7 Ocbard t.) 0. H. Oheney ____ William Skinner ___ J. . Hamilton Office at 28th 't. &- .Jladison Aue., *PACIFIC BANK---------•U'70 49th t. &- mmt h Ave., 51th kt. & Hudson St. & No. Moore St. ♦ 1-28 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, In (470 Broadwu) Firms and Cor porattons invited. ll Peoples Commercial Bank_§·20 1-647 (150 Delancey) 100,000 ---------- ---------- 1,710,400 29,3 7,300 ------ ---- 750,000 I 20,589,4201 ---------- ------ ---- ---------1,446,540 lo. '"'I ~ Q .... '< I 60,000 11.050,840 Am. ;Ex. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. qo., ~ Cb1.; N. Shawmut.. Bos.; Umon ::, Tr. Co., Clev.; Phil. N., Phil.; r+ Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 5· ~ ~ 0. 100,000 25,000 400,000 250,000 175,000 225,000 250,000 100,000 Han. N,, N, Y. I ------ 114,450 Mech. & Metal· N. and Empire Tr. 69,950 -------404,250 343,090 200,000 28,680 Proere s .,.'ational Bank ___ :f:'19 H. H. Revman ____ Julius ilberzweii:- Harry llenemier __ Albert Silberzweie Co., • Y. 1-310 ~ 1 t.) 28111 aucl Ave. (7th E. S. Rothchild •• J. J, Bach _ _ _ 0. H. Baldwin _____ samuel Berg~on __ _ 2,000,000 3,203,700 71,662,870 2,133,450 40,892,210 28,871,450 1,279,010 10,867,040 Chase. N, and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: P> . City, Chi.; Phil. ·., Phil.: • ::l W. G. Ferens W. J. Drown, I ~ I Shawmut, Bos. A. Ca, h. 1Irving Levy Ira ', Atkin L, B. Pullman. I Pi A. Ca lt. E. outhall PUBLIC NATIONAL BANK -•t·os A. S. Bern tem I 1-238 G. J. Klein ( 0-111 Delancey) E. L. Lichtman (Manhattan Bra nchea, at Broaclw a11 &- 25th .. t.•; and .Madi. on Ave., co r-. 116th S t.•; Broo kl11n Bra nchcs; Pit lcin .Ave., a,id Wat kins St .. • t., • Bronx Branch, 3 17 Third Ave.) and Ora.ham Av . and ,_ cigel :-: . AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK-Fidelit &Surety Bonds-Bur lar Insurance ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ .. . . ~, _._ _._ NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)~Cont'd Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed A.cci .), L~wye~s, L!lws (in~exed) in back oJ this';;-" 987 NEW YORK CIT\r Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number gin,n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-l\-fcNaJJy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The Amcriean Bankers A ·•n. I - • un: OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. As n. : tate :l:Mem. tate Bks. Assn. t Priv +Mem. Fed~ Rl~ _ (E~-~ P --- C I (Borough of Manhattan)-Cont'd Central Reserve City LIABILITrns. Ass'T CASHIF~R. RESIDE.'T. ASHIER. _:__ _;_ C. H. MARFIELD E. V. NELSON, . I. DADSON J. E.ORR O W.A.B.DITT Tr. Officer •:t·s3 - - I - I - Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acctis.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest~ates, Holidays, etc ., sec Laws. ::l l f EsO-URCES. 1 PAID-UP · suARNPLu,; INDIVII)- 0EPOSITs LOANS & 0 C UAL oF OrsAPITAL ,_ PROFITS DEPOSITS BANKS couNTs _____________ I _______,____ ___ ,____ s. 8. BAYNE------- w. K. CLEVERLEY-- C.H. MARFIELD--- 0. M. JEFFERDS-B. L. GILL J. M. POTTS g· C. FISHER $1,000,0001$2,1.,91,020 1!39168840 $19486510 L. N. OEVllUSNEY A Cash. • D. SMITH ,_______ *SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK 1-85 (18 Broad way) - \'ICE-l:>RESIDE~' T. \ ., (Federal Reserve City No. 2) - PRL'CIPAL CORHESPO."DE.NTs. - - BoNos, M1sczLCAsa SEcURI- LANEous RJCsoURcEs TIEs , ETc . REsouncEs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 1 _ ; - ,; '< _ _ .. ~ - 38419240 $8,725,600 $3,359,710 $20730190 Cont. & Com'l N. and N. City, t;hl.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Corn SEE ADVERT ISEMEIIT OPPOSITE PAGE =~i::~ ,:~1:i ~ ~o:, 8N~o~·; 977. We Invite you to transact your business with thia bank. lE. *Second National Bank __ .;t'63 W. A. Simonson ___ H. Peaslee ____ O. W. Oase -------- Edward H. Wobb__ 1,000,000 4,805,590 l~S William Pabst J. H. Hoverman (Fifth and 28th) A. L. Burns 'Robert E. Shotwell lavonic Immigrant funk.•§'20 ).1. I. Pupin __ ______ ,H. II. Jenkin _______ H. Pavlovitch ___ D. B. Tripcevich___ 100,000 40,310 1- 312 Bozo Rankovich A. Despitch, Sec. 1C. E. Fox, A. Sec. (436 w. 23d) lP. 19,540,250 2,502,200 1,206,940 '~ 6,156,940 '4 t:i:J < 8,700 Columbia Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. <: Co., N. Y.; Promet na Banca and Serbo-America, Belgrade, Serbia.; .-< 1 Srpska Banka. Zagrep. O Standard Bank ___________ e§'82 R. M. Lederer _____ ' Arthur Lederer ____ Max Lederer ______ A. A. Seidner _____ . 100,000I 136,300 1,481,880 ________ 1,269,470 58,560 18,400 423,750 Irvmv Tr. Co., and lrvmg N •• N · -Y .; .,.... 1-642 IMax Lederer Henry I. Marmor Union, Prague; Equitable Tr. Co., ~ (Ave. B, corner 4th) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - I- - - - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Paris; Dresdner, Berlin. n 41,150 __________ 33,850 115,470 25,090 T I H. C. RICHARD-----C. A. SMITH, V.-P. H. W. VOGEL, V.-P. *STATE BANK •t§'90 1- 96 (874-78 Grand) A. I. VOORHIS------ J. KNEISEL------ F. A. PA~PI --------'0:, W. L. BURCKETT C. C. SCHNECKO J. KNEISEL P. L. TUCHMAN, P. MULLER 2.500,000 2,695,760 79,959,630 135,140 55,326,320 18,221.250 U00,410 11,009,010 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Bk. or' .., W.B.ROTH A.JVANPELT C.E.JAMES ,____ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ No.Amerlca,Phll.; N.Shaw-"4 W.J.G1LPIN, E. W.RASP mut,Bos.;tstN.,St.L. X J. V. D. GARRETSON, A. Cashier, 1 CJl > (Brnmchts at 5th and l15thSt.,• 5th .At•e. mul 30th Broold1m: Union and Westchester .d.ve11., • Bronx> :-,t., 100 Essex Ra~da.1lf3l1ls~;;.~· .A. See. *UNIOI EXCHANGE NATIONAL S. H. Herman _____ Louis J. WeiL ____ Geo. B. Connley ___ E. J. Donahue_____ ( Fifth Ave. and 21st) y~~rlibemr~~\et ~f~•t§'20 *U. S. MORTGAGE & TR. CO .. 1-104 ♦ (55Cedar)•Z§'73 . United States Trust Co. __ •:t§'53 1- 18.t • (45 Wall) Yorkville Bank ----------•:tl'93 ♦ 1-210 (1511 Third Ave.) New York Clearini House _____ (77 Ce.dar) William Minton --:--------------G. o. Ho1fma■, Tr. B.W.Hadley,...t.Tr. E.W. Dutton,.A.Tr. Chas. s. Andraws, Jr., A. Tr. Thos. F. Bennett, A. '1.'r, w. c. Lee, ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • C.H. EJxam inrr •, • ■ 1,000,000 1,674,900 22,051,330 ____ 16,167,730 1,562,370 125,000 25,810 81,390 33,860 140,110 73,400 2,000,000 4,750,510 73,690,060 . _________ 46,092,900 15,564,620 42,020 Brooklyn Branche•: 175 Remsen :,;St., connecting with 196 Montague'(") St.; Jamaica Branch: 350 Fulton·~ St.; Lon11 City Branch: 67 '< Jack8o-n Aoe. 7,502,2501N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil,; N. Shawmut, Bos. 0. I·Branches at BroadwCJ11 at 73d St .• ~Iadison .Ave. at 75th St. • and I 200,000 14,717,000 47,452,000 _________ 43,458,000 10,489,000 _________ 125th St. at 8th .Ave. 9,557,000 I i ESTABLISHED 1847. 0 g • Louis Koop________ 200,000 732,950 16,588,81(! 302,750 12,278,590 2,073,230 250,000 3,222,690 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N .. Phil. F. J. Goldmann Nicholas Pfaff l c. E. Bacon. ______________________________________ , ---------- ---------· ---------- ---------.A. Mor. ■ I n 11,430 41.570,5th ~-· N. Y. . T . 7,884,380 16,734,030 Hamt. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Phil. N. and ::, Franklin N., Phil.; N. Shawmut. C Bos.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., ~ T.H.Wilson,A.Sec. W.G. Green.A.Sec. A. s. Keeler, A.Sec. C B RICHARD & Co -:. N y c11·v {Members indicated b11 a*) l A. Ssc. n 6,000,000 ll,822,860 29,919,450 1,022,990 -23-,-47-3,-33-0 -20- ,8- 4-5,-93-0 - 3-,1-2-9,-74~ - 7,-46-1-,0-70 Girard N., Phil., N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; N. Shawmut, Bos. ; Cont.1 0 I Tr. Co .. Balt. ,; L. H. Rockw1\zr. ...4.. Sec. S. T. Kelsey.A.Tr. F. P. Condit, A.Sec. F. H. Freeman, Frank E. Wheeler Arthur D. Wolf R. L. Modra _______ ra1~it~:ir------ .J, J. Bonk _________ John W. Platten __ C.H. Murphey _____ J .A.Hopper, Sec. __ OaJver\.Hrewer T.W.B.lliddleton, Y. J. Parsons ..4.. Su. Joseph Adams Arthur W. Keevil, Henry L. Servoss 1 .A. Su. R.F.Brown,A.Sec. '.i.'athalie Laimbeer, A. Sec. B. W. Skeldon _____ W: ~. Ki112sl07 ____ 1W.J.Worcester, W1lhamsonPell I ec. F. W. Robbert, A. Sec, 0 • .i.F.dwards, A. See. R. s. Osborne, A. Sec, Auiust Zinsser ---- H. 0. Hart__ _______ Frederick Rath ____ C. S. Guggenheimer . . Ern~st W~lkwitz Albert H. W11mn. H. K. Twitchell. W. J, Giloin, Mor. See. Chas. A. Hanna, Z St., N.,,w York Oit11; Graham .Ave. and Varet,•a ndPitkvn andSton e Aves .. • 1 *Title Guarantee & Tr.Co. •§'03 O. H. Kels97 _______ B'rank: Bailey ----- /J.W. Oleveland, cc. o. O. Harmstad,Tr. 1- 106 (176 Broadway) O. D. Burdick N. B. Bimon,.A.Sec. J. W. Shepard, B. 0. Btuley DavidBlank,..4..Sec. .A. Tr. BANK ------1-100 ________ •t·oa I Unlt•d States Depository for Postal Savings Fund. D•poaltory of th• Stat• and City of New Yo 11 rk and of the Cl ty paym ••t•r. un ...:cell•d faollltles for handling your New York City and Brooklyn lt•m s and C ollectlo ns. TR Y US. THE OLDEST FOREIGN EXCHANGE HOUSE ,N THE UNITED STATES. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. FOREIGN CURRENCY. FOREIGN BONDS. SAVJNGS BANKS-Do not handle collections. =============--__ NEW YORK CITY NillE OF BANK. •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. ' IState i)lem.Siat.eBks.Aasn. tPriv. ♦:Mem. Fed. Res. [Es~b. LocATIO.N. PRESIDENT. VICB-PRJCSID:ENT. I 'd Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inorou.c h O f M an h attan ) ---:C ont dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 1,0 Central Reserv~~!~-- _ vo_Iu_m_e._F_o_r_l_!lt_!!est_ R _ at!_s_, _H_o_ll_d_a!'.s, ~tc., see Laws. ~ LIABILITIES. 1 SJCCRKTARY. . merteu 8at~Jf Bank-•U 82 115 West 42d _______ Wm. M. CampbelL (B TREASURER. SURPLUS AND PnoPITs f.: t·. ~re;------- J. V. Irwm _______-:. J. L. Haste________ S DEPosITs I -RESOURCES-:-- LoA.Ns a: Dis- I coUNTS -PRINCIPAL CORlt.ltSPONDKNT-8.--BoNDs c &h SEcum: on~uo,;. TIES,ETc. no><BI:na _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 435.580 $6,369,080 $ 190,910 $5,681,170 $ 422,130 Bk, tor Su. in Oity of N. Y. 280 Fourth ___ Walter Trimble ____ L. B. Gaw\ry ------ Geo. E. Roosevelt._ -------------- 16,409,690 108 737 940 1-170 i1•1g 0. 8. Brown Adrian Iselin Bowery Saviors Bant ____ etf'34 128 Bowery ________ H. A. Schenck _____ William A. Nash ___ J. G. Liddle _______ P. G. Delamater, 18,194,500 154 790 650 1-175 (1 Branch) W. M. Spackman E, S. Innet, A. Sec, .A. Su. W.E.Knox G. W. Wright, A. Sec. Broadway8av. lnstitutlon_if'51 5-7 Park Place _____ -------------------- R. B. Kelly------ L. F. Ferris _______ C. P. Dixon________ 929,780 12,856,410 1-182 Eucene Britton Central Savings Bank---•H'59 Fourth Av. and Hth llubert Cillis------ A. Kovpel, Arthur Greningen, Adolph Repvert, 8,896,070 114 210 640 1-186 Carl Goepel, V. P.. V. P. :1,11.d Tr. A. Sec. Theo. Schorske, c. H. Regnault OltlleDI Savlnr1 Bant ____ eif'IO Bowery and CanaL Sec. and A. Tr. A. Cash. 1-189 Henry Sayler _____ 0. H. Smith _____ - :e:. A.. Lahm-------- Carl A. Richter, 2,487,360 25,733,780 James Rowland A, Su. 0ommonwealth8avine1Bk. 2007 Amsterdam.Av. J. A. llurray ______ D. G. Sinclair _____ Ohatles 8. Gaubert Gustav Scholer____ 99,200 3,472.900 1-241 •tl'l0 B. J. Wilke, V. P. Fred Burkhardt, . A, Sec. Dr, DoeJc 8av. ln11titut1on•U'48 Ml-343 Bowery ____ Andrew Mills ______ Andrew Mills, Jr., Samuel Webster ___ Frederick Sher6,769,310 78,615,510 1-171 B. De F, Ourtiss F. J. Newkirk, wood A. Sec. But Rlnr Saviors Institution 291-Zllfi Broadway _ H. T. Tichols ______ D.R. Jame , Jr .••. Lester Van BrunL W. G. Terlinde, 6,001,100 33,687,040 1-177 U'48 D. W. Wbitmore A. Sec. lmicrant Industrial Sav. Bank 51 Chambers _______ J. J, Pulleyn ------ 11.yles Tierney _____ L. V, O'Donohue __________ 18,249,360 197964910 1-179 •tl'50 Jas. Clarke lmplre Oity Savings Bank•:W89 231 West 125th _____ A.. S. Van Winkle_ J. li. Loos _________ H. O. Murphy _____ George E. Brown, 909,780 13,379,420 1-207 Jo:-eph Walker, Jr. A. Su. bcel1ior Savinrs Bank--•*1'119 2Sd and 6th Ave, ___ William J. Roome. Wm. H.Barron ___ John 0. Griswold __ Arthur Plage, ,740,140 23,379,290 1-19,& H, D. Brewster A. See, Jranklin Savinirs Bank ___ •tl'59 656-58 Eil?-hth Ave .. E. K. Satterlee---- ,J. I. Downey ______ H.P. Aichele, Sec. T. Frank Manville, 4,850,460 42,006,610 1-188 Bernard Karsch E. J. Reynolds, Tr. A. Sec. Greenwich 8avingsBank __ if'8S 2411-248 Sixth Ave._ c. M. Dutcher _____ D. M. Morrison ____ L. De G. Quacken- H. E.Brower •.A.Tr. 10,293,140 80,099,960 1-174 F. M. Bacon, Jr. bush, Tr. H. :M. Einhau , 2,000,000 114475100 6,248,940 89,255,600 69,020,800 7,575,040 363,600 12,889,840 391,950 1,029,350 110 259 550 6,368,370 15,650 25,442,960 1,644,800 3,297,580 274,530 ____ 77,504,350 5,622,180 306,100 37,419,730 284,940 _________ 201349450 8,075,560 1.976,570 ll,512,880 699,010 ---------- 23,363,960 1.423,220 1,871,890 42,085,870 2,899,300 32,771,450 52,763,770 3,763,500 3,089,660 A. Tr, 42,727,620 753,930 20,624.090 11,450,180 2,504,150 2,544,900 213,870 5,848,810 664,210 17,514,590 794,760 50,948,760 2,103,300 14,618,860 733,440 41,473,630 3,976,350 63,794,840 5,187,220 19,863,280 1,520,180 4,745,590 5!3,100 I !" : I I I -~-~~RICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK-Fidelity &Surety Bonds----Bur lar Insurance , • . • • • • ·#.: . \ . .•I, .., . : .·! . llarlem Saviors Bank----•H'U 125th Street and W. E. Trotter ______ G. F. Dailey _______ Thomas R. Eber1. __ R. C. Hart, A. cc.. 4,152,530 42,608,770 ____ 1-llMl Lexington Ave. J. J. Bell Wm. R. Hawkin , A. Sec. lmnl Saviors Bank _____ •*1"51115 Chambers ______ H. E. Tener ______ Henry Kroger _____ G. B. Dunninr----- J.B. Anderson, 2,221,400 19,460,840 100,000 1-180 J. 0. Williams .A. Sec. Uallan 8avlnrs Bank----•H'D«I 11-1-66 Sprlnr----- P. I. Simonelli__ ___ Antonio tella ____ F. J?. Bosco ________ Bernard J. Mccann 978,450 13,049,270 - - - 1-211 J. E. Wayland Gaetano Zamparicllo, A. Sec. llalden Lane 8avlnrs Bank 170 Broadway ______ F. A. Rinrler ______ Ohas. R. Jung _____ J. He:rnen, -------- - - - - - - 162,680 3,293,870 664,710 1-228 •il'0S H. H. Ritterbusch Su. and Tr. llanhattan 8av. Institution 6H Broadway ______ C.• I. Bird _________ Benjamin Griffen __ Arthur Stiles------ David Sands, 1,464,250 12,020,030 7,003,650 1-181 •t§'51 Arthur tile .A. Sec. lletroPolltan Sav. Bank •• •:1'52 1-3 Third Ave, _____ R. D, Andren---· A. K. loan ________ F. H. Moffet__ _____ - - - - - - - - 1,608,720 16,964,470 4.500 1-188 E. H. Swan New York Savlnrs Banlr::.-U'54 EiehthAv.and 14th Williamll'elsinrer __ A. M. Welch _______ W.R. Brinckerhoff C. L. Blakelock___ 5,888.000 48,879,470 1,300 1-185 Wm. W. Hall North River 8avinn Bank.l'H 81 West 34th _______ Chas. Rohe _______ R.H. lacDonald •• G, T. Connett, H. Jf'. Dietman, 828,840 15,239,620 - - - 1-1112 Alb•rt B. Ashforth Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. W.W.Miller,A.Sec. Seamen• Bank tor 8avtn11-1'29 76 Wall ______ Daniel Barnes _____ Geo. Ii'. Crane _____ W. II. Benedict_ ___ F. A. Cummings ___ 10,927,200 76,639,840 40,059,250 1-172 G. M. Habey H. H. tever, A. Tr. G. M. Halsey, Cash. Union Dime Sn. Bank--•*1"59 11th Ave. and 40th_ A. P. W. Kinnan ___ II'. H. Reker _____ F. II'. Hazard ______ J'.11. Leake_____ 7,185,720 65,748,740 2,U8,640 1-187 B. P. Living ton, 0. 11. Wilcox .tls t. to Pres. Ualon 8quare8avin111 Dk. •1'48 20 Union Square ___ Wm.H. Rockwood- W. E. Roosevelt ___ B. R. Brinckerhoff F. 0, Mills--- 1,941,720 19,749,230 ____ 1-178 E. M. Townsend H.B.Gardner,Cash. I. Van Zandt. A.Ca sh. Ualted8tatea8avrn1sBank•l'89 &IHI :Madison Ave, __ W. O. Adams ______ W.W. Reese ______ E. C. LeaycrafL.. A. F. LeGost______ 442,200 10,832,140 5,757,820 1-204 A. F. Le Gost W.H.Porter,A.Sec. J.E. Haines.A. Tr. W11t8lde SavlnrsBant __ etl'IS8 &th Ave. and 9th __ O. O. Birelow ______ N. S. Westcott. ____ Wm. V. Hndsoa, S u. and Tr.________ 483,130 I II 1-191 G. R. Marks J.J. V. Barke, ..t.S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ?'. ..~:.···.·,, __________ I ~ . \; :' ' ';-: :' -~ ,I,,> .• 989 NEW YORK CITY-Continued AMERICAN 1-INANClAJ..: <.:OktVRA1IUNS Specfallzing 1n Foreign Banking. Financing Foreign Trade. Acceptances. DL"counts, Textile Factors. NillE OF BANK. •Member A.mericai;a Bankers J..ssociation. Wember State Bankers Association. IState tPriv. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. lEstab. AMERICAN FOREIGN BANKING CORPORATION 1-297 CAPITAL A..~D SURPLUS. OFFICERS. (53 Broadway) ----------------------------J. H. ALLEN, Pres. _________ K. B. HARRIS, Y. P. ______ C. A. MACKENZIE, Sec.&Tr. Capital $5,000,000 ________ . _______________________ Surplus and Profits. $1,504,630 A.It. WIGGIN,Ch.o/Exe.Com. EMIL FLEISCHMANN, Y.P. C. B. HOLT, A. Tr. BRANCHES: Brussels,BeJglum;BuenosAires, W. E. SULLIVAN, A. Tr. E. P. SINE, A. ec. V. C. KAINS, Ch. of Bd. Chrlstobal. Canal Zone: Harbin. Manchuria; Every description of international banking business transacted. Sanchez, San Francisco De Macoris, San Correspondents 1n all parts of the Allied and Neutral World. leros and Santo Domingo, Dominican Repu Acceptances given against shipments of merchandise. City, Republic of Panama; Port au Prince, Bllls of exchange negotiated and collected. •§'17 Republic of Hondmas. Sula, Drafts and letters of credit Issued. Imports and exports financed. Interest allowed on balances. Corresponde~ts in all the principal cities of the world. Argentine Republic; Call. Colombia; Havana. Cuba; La Vega, Puerto Plata, Pedro De Macoris, Santiago De Los Cabalbile; Manila, Phillppine Islands; Panama Haiti; Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; San Pedro Asia Banking Corporation ____________________ t.'18 c. H. Sabin, Pres. _ _ _ Ralph Dawson, v. Pres. R. F. Sandford. Jr.• Tr .. Paid-up Capital. $4,000,000.--------------- Bkrs. Tr. Co .. Guaranty Tr., and 1Itle. B~. of th~Americas, Inc., N. y.; Cont. & Com IN .. Surplus and ProfitsU,489,360 J. w. Wheeler, Audito1 R. E. Ellis. Mor. W. c. Lane,V. Pres. (35 Broadway) 1-317 Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N •• San F.: 1st N., R. A. Shaw, Sec. A. Breton, V. Pres. Port.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; N. Shawmut, F. W. Schmid, A. Sec. Bos,; Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. CONTINENTAL GUARANTY CORPORATION GEORGE C. VANTUYL Jr., Ch of Bd EDWARD S. MADDOCK. Pres: • '16 HOWARD L. WYNEGAR. V.P. BURT A. McDONALD. V. P. (2!8 Madison Avenue) ~ ~ L•; < <: i< 0 c! Bkrs Tr Co and Met Tr Co N Y · ir3 ooo ooo Cap·ta1 J. GIBSON JARVIE. V. P. C. C. KEELE. A. Sec. 1 •• n • ., • • • • ' ·---------------------------' '~ ' HAROLD M BENSON V P DAVID P DINWOODIE A T· Mt "b~\!v~lss~!1.=ii;s.;: ihl~;~ej}t: urplus and Profits, $244.360. FRED A. FRANKLIN, Tr.. . ANGUS FRASER, A. Tr.' '. t)j Que! Montr~al Canada of Bk M;rch SEE ADVERTISEMENT DUANE R. DILLS. Sec, bee; L~ndon Jt.; City'& Midland OPPOSITE PAGE 982. WILLIAM J. BOLD. A. Tr. G Member of American Bankers Association. 0 Bk.,I >Z Ltd., London. Eng. Soclete Generate, Paris, France. ~ en DISCOUNT CORPORATION OF NEW YORK---------•t"IO John McHugh, Pres. ____ ___ Jerome Thralls, (52 Wall) 1-304 E. C. Wagner. Y. Pres. Sec. and Tr. A T Ste han A T n: a·. Mifis, A'. S~c. r,____ 'tal $5 000 000 caJ~rpius.'$1,000,000~----------------------·------- 'l I~ Le '""" d R . H un te r, S ec. and T r.________ CaPI·t a I $2 ' 000 .000 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- E qui·t a bl e T r. Co. of N . Y.. N . Y ·• L on., a n d i ....., Krech, Ch. of Bd._________ R'cha Alvin W. Corporation__________ §'20 George Equitable Eastern Banking r I L, Le Blanc, Pres.---------l37 Wall) Paris; Mtle. Tr. Co., San. F. Surplus and Profits $507,450 Herman Dowd, v. P. _________ !i~~ee~fn~1f~~t~~f.' g f~~~:::::=:::::: First Federal Foreign Banking Association -------•'20 A. H. TJtus, Pres, _______ P. B. Kennedy, V. P. and Cash. W. S. Kies. Ch. of Bd, (40 Wall) 1-319 Frederick Todd, Sec. M. B. Starrinl!, A. Sec. First National Corporag~1watff _______________ '18 D. G. Wing, Pres, _________ A. B. Kenney, Sec,_____ E. T. Gregory, V. P. J. D. Brennan, V. P. D. A. DeMenocal, V.P. E.W. Davenport, V. P. F. A. Goodhue, V. P. A. J. Moutrie, A. CMh, __ Capital. $2,100,000____________________________ E.G. Blackford, A. Cash. Surplus, $105,000. IQ I'< ii;r+ F. L. Gill. Tr. __________ Capital. $2,100,000._. ___________________________ Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. Surplus, $105,000. A. Henderson, A. Tr. A. K. Hunt, Mur. ~ 0:l ::r. :::l - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1 FOREIGN CREDIT CORPORATION E. V. R. Thayer, Chairman Bd. of Directors Albert Breton, President G. M. Dahl, Established September 19, 1919 Vice-President Under Supervision of the Federal Reserve Board (30 Pine Street , New York City) D. Raymond Noyes, V.-P. and General Manager R. A. Philpot, Secretary-Treasurer E. L. Sylvester, Assistant Treasurer ACCEPTORS AND INTERNATIONAL BANKERS Capital <Fully paid) ____________________ .$5,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits __________ 1,500,000 Stockholding banks and their correspond• ents, including the offices of the Guar. STOCKHOLDING BANKS anty Trust Company of New York, In Guaranty Trust Company of .l'liew York. London, Liverpool,. Paris, Havre, Brus• Central Union Trust Company, New York. ~els and _Constanfmople. Other leadShawmut Corporation of Boston. mg banking institutions 1n principal Philadeiphia National Bank. cities of the United States and ImportChase National Bank, New York. trade centers throughout the world. ant York. Liberty Securities Corporation, New Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh. ~ g_ Foreign Trade Banking Corporation -------------•t'18 C. M. Sherwood, Pres. __________ Max May, V. P. and lllgr, ________________ Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 ___________________ Bk. of -the Manhattan Oo., N. Y.; Lon. Joint City and Midland Bk., Ltd., Lon.; Comptoir 1.0 Surplus & Profits $206,420. D. Washington, A. Sec. and A. Tr. (35 Wall) 1-305 oo N. d'Escompte de Paris, Paris. I.O - C B RICHARD & Co N Y CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ ■ ■, ■ ■ • ESTABLISHED ,. 1847. BANKS ENABLED TO TRANSMIT FUNDS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. WRITE FOR INFQ_R'!"ATION A~D FOREIGN EXCHANGE OUTFIT. 990 AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS NEW YORK CITY-Continued Speelallslng In Foreign Banking, Financing Foreign Trade, Acceptances, Discounts, Textile Factors. NAME OF BANK. •:Member American Bankers Association. Ulember State Bankers Association. §State tPriv. [Est.ab, OFFICERS, CAPITAL AND 8URPLU8, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, French American Bankin~ Co,rp<?ration ____________ 'l9 Maurice Silvester,Pres, __ F. A. Goodhue, V. P._ ____ J.E. Rovensky, V. P, ____ Capital 2,000,000 _______________________ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Comptoir N. 1-309 (Cedar and\' ilham) R. P. Kavanagh, V. P. Arthur Terry, Tr, T. E. Green, Sec. Surplus and Profits $648,970 d'Escompte de Paris, Paris. E, C. P1~natel, A. Sec, H. T. S. GREEI, Pres. and Gen. Mur. L. M. JACOBS, V.-Pres. and Tr. Capita~ ~nd Surplus $10.000,000 ________________ ---- National City Bank, N. Y., and Branches W. M. ANDERSON, r. -Pres. and I11s1Jector. L. I. SHARP, 1r.-Pres. Und mded Profits $3.ZOO,OOO. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON M. D. CURRIE, Cash. P. W. JONES, A. ca 11. and Sec. N. G. EVANS, NEW YORK CITY INDEX t1J A. C. SHOREY, R. F. CRARY, J. L. HOGEBOOM, f. F. RAMSEY . .,1, Cashiers. <=! z INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Wall) 1-263 (60 <:: Branches In San Francisco, London, Lyons, and the principal commerclal centers or China. lapan, Philippines, Java, traU , Settlements, India, Republic or Panama, Dominican Republic and Spain. GENERAL FOREIGN BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Commerclal Letters of Credit t ■ sued. SPECIAL FACILITIES PERTAINING TO EXPORTS A.ND IMPORTS. --< 0 ~ X tx1 . MERCANTILE BANK OF THE AMERICAS, INC. (44 Pine) > JAMES BROWN, Pr~.; PHANOR J. EDER, ALBERT BRETON, JASON A. NEILSON, L. S. Paid-up Capital and Surplus $10,00o,ooo. _____ Cont.& Com'IN., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Z WYLER, W. M. VAN DEUSEN, W. B. MITCHELL, nee Prc,'ident : ALFRED MEYER, ~-. An,rlo & Lon. Parts N .• San F.; Biber- ~ 0 P.and Gcn'LVgr.: PHILIP TILLINGHAST,JOHN A. HEAP, EDWARD C. CUILTY, JOHN F. ila~is?~~J:fti~~:rJ!'r~ C/ll 1 ::::~~t 1~·c~ MEYER, F. J. R. MITCHELL, B. E. MACREYNOLDS, PHILIP R. RODRIGUEZ, G. M. celona; Brown Shipley & Co., Guaranty JONES, ARTHUR JONES, Ad. ~1-Igr,-;. ; JACOB BLOOM, Tr.; J. F. W. LANG, C. A. HER- A.II Branches of Banking Business with the Tr. Co., and Seligman Bros., London. GRUETER, JR., As t. Treasurers; W.R. GALBRAITH, W. H. SCHUBART, WILLIAM TODD, Countries where we are represented promptly attended to. •:t'l5 1As t. cactarie . 1-282 SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON NEW YORK STATE INDEX. ~ ~ Branches in Nt>w Orleans, La., Paris, France, l\ladrld and Barcelona, Spain. <. Affiliated Banks-Colombia, Peru, Venezue la, Brazil, Nicaragua, Cuba, Costa Rica, ~ Honduras. Agencies - Ecuador, Salvador, Guatemala, China, lapan, and the Phillpplnes. ~ ~ n Park-Union Foreign Banking Corporation --------•'19 C. A. Holder, Pru, ___ T, Fred Aspden, V. P, __ E. B. ~Iackenzie, Sec. and Tr, __ Capital $2,000.000--.------------------1-808 (66 Wall) 1. V. cott, A. Tr. Surplus and Profits $504,200. 1·n 0 ::, ,+ s· ~ (D Po Shawmut Corporation of Bo. ton ___________ ________ 'll) Alfred A. Aiken, Pres. ___ 1{, S. Potter, V.-Pres. __ John Bolli_nger V. P. ______ (Branch of Bo ton, ..Ma. ,) _______________________ Barclays Bk., Ltd. and Kleinworth Sons & 1 (65 Broadway) c. ,\, Lehmann, V. Pres. }!"'. Houghton.Tr. E,- Ber~he1m, A. Tr. Co., London; Guaranty Tr, Co. and Far. LP. J. Cantteld, A. Tr. H. C. yke_, A. Sec. 'I. Ochiltree, A. Tr. & Tr. Co., Paris. T. Chandler, A. Sec. TEXTILE BANKING COMPANY Inc. --------•t'l0 (60 lfiiion (luare; II. D. Gibs~n. Pres. ______ ,J. n. II9nkin~. V; Pres,_s, Chesney, V. Pres. ______ Capital, $2,000,000. ------------· ------------------ Guaranty Tr. Co. and Liberty N., N. Y. ,J.P. Maqu1re, V. Pres. F. n. \\ andelt, l . / res . .T. TI. Jeph. on, Sec. Survlus, $500,000. IJ •.l ..... til'b. Tr. \V. A. Cunningham, . Sec. \ M. C. Hhciuboldt, .1.'.Z'r, C. . llast.Jrouck, A. Tr. . ~MER\C~N SURElY COMPANY OF NEW YORK-Fidelit &Suret Bunds-Bur lar Insurance 991of St. Louis FOREIGN Federal Reserve Bank BANKING AGENCIES (H:!!&~~J=,~•n NEW YORK CITY-Continued FOREIGN BANKING AGENCIES <u;:~&~~u':::.~'n NEW YORK CITY-Continued ______- - -=- - - 991 NAME OF BANK, •Member American Bankers Association. :iMember State Bankers Association. - - - -- - -PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, §State tPriv. (E tab. HOME OFFICE, . MA.NAGER OR AGL"iT, LoCA.TION. ~ ' AnglO-South American Bank, Limited ________ .;t'88 49 Broadway --------------\F. c. Harding, Agent...A. Winstanley, Sub. Agent (Agency of London, Enaland) -·--------···--··· Branches and Correspondents in ali the Prin1-248 Capital and Surplus oier $13,500,000 cipal Commercial Centers of the World. Banca Commerciale Italiana _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .•94 62-64 William St. _________ IG. Pedrazzini. J. S. Durland, S. Fusi. F. Saroli, (Head Office, Milan, Ital11>.------··-·····-·····- Over 80 branches in Italy, London, Constan1-298 E. Gamper. F. Pertusio, F. Ripandelli, and E. tinople. Marseille, Banque Francaise et Roffi, Agents. Italienne pour l'Amerique du Sud, Paris, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, an<l branches. Correspondents in all countries. Banco di NapalL----··~---1-272 •1539 Broadway. Spring & Crosby C. L. Lerro, Agent. -·-- ____ -··- R. Cossa. Ca8h,_ .• (Head Office, Naplu, ItaL11) -··· ------··-·· . Branches and Correspondents all over Italy (Aoency allo at 353 E. 149th E. :Maglione, Sec,_ and in all the principal commercial centers St,) of the World, z tr.I~ ~ 0 BANCO NACIONAL ULTRAMARINO 1-315 93 LIBERTY ST. ·-····--·--···--------J. McCURRACH -----······-············· (Agency of Lisbon, Portugal) .•.•••..•..•••••••.•••• Banco Naclonal Ultramarlno, London, ~ Capital $25,894,080 England, Paris, France, and offices ln 1 n CAPITAL AND RESERVES EXCEED Reserve Funds $25,894,080 Portuguese East and West Africa, "" Brazil, China, India, Tlmor Belgian w $ 51 , 788 , 000 •00 • Congo, etc. etc. '64 See Advertisement opposite Page 985. > z~ . 0 BANK OF BRITISH WEST AFRICA, LIMITED ..... -··- 100 Beaver St•••• ____ R.R. Appleby and Rowland Smith, Agents --· ··-1-274 Bank of Chosen •••••.·--····-····-··-··-···----·-•og (Branch of London, Enolana) •••••• -······--··- Branches and Correspondents throughout Eng., l El!'YPt, .Morocco, West Africa, Canary Isl., ~ etc. B 165 Broadway •.•. _____ T, Fujimaki and T. Takahashi, Agents ••.•..•••••. (Agency of Bank of Chosen, Seoul, Chosen, Japan) Correspondents in all the principal rom. ~ mercial centers of the world. BANK OF MOIITREAL·-··----···--·-·-·-·--·--····--··• 114 Wall .•..••••••••••••.••• A.cents: R. Y. Hebden. W. A. Bog, W. T. Oliver, Paid-up Capital S22,000,000. 1-251 and E. P. Hungerford. BANK OF .Ew SOUTH WALE. --···---·--··--··-··-- { 68 Wall···---··-········- W. H. Macintyre.-····-···--····-·····-·····--·-·1-252 See Advertisement op poslte page 12. ~ (Branch of Montrwl, N. City, N. Bk. Com., Han. N .• Liberty N .. Quebec) Chem. N .. and Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y,; all ;:.. Surplus and Profits, $23,251,850 · branches in Canada, etc. (Branch of S11dne11, Auatralia) ••• -··-·--··--·--·· Bk. of New So. Wal~s. Sydney, and Branches! throughout Austraha and Lon., Eng. 0. j,... 0 BANI OF IOVA SCOTIA ····-····-·----·-·----··•'32 52 WalL--··--······ H. F. Pattarson and F. W. Murray, Agents; C. E. Paid-up Capital $9,700,000. l'airweatller, Asst. Agent. 1-253 Reserue Fund $18,000,000. g ( of Halifax, Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Nova Scotia) Lt N .. Chi.; Yerch. N., Bos.; 4th St. N .. ,... :r I'hil.; Citiz. N., Balt.;Am. N .. San F.; 1st N,,I . . . •· . . . . . Mi~pls. and Seattle. . C:: Bank of Taiwan. Llm1ted •. - - - - - · - - - · - - · 99 165 Broadway ••••.•••...... K. J. Imamsh1 and S. Mutoh, .Agents····----·-·-· (Branch of Taipeh, Taiwan>-···--····-·-······ N. City, Chase N .. Han. N., Irvmg N .. N. Bk. n 1-299 Com .. Bkrs. Tr. Co .• Equitable Tr. Co., and Q. Guaranty Tr. Co., T . Y. BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE ~ftfHIIIE................t'20 27 Pine·-···-······--·····- 0. J. Thomen, Agent; •••• T. L. Masson, Sub, Agent (Home Office, Paris, France)·----·-- ____ Branche in China, Cochin-China, France, etc. 1 Banque Nationale De La Republique D'HaitL .•.•••••• 60 Wall .• ·---·-·----··-··---···-·-········---·--··-···-·-············---··---·- (Home Office, Pari • France)········--·-····-···- Banque Nat. de La Republique D'Haiti. Paris, 1-306 and branches throughout Haiti, West Indies. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ----···-·--··-·-•·67 UI Exchanre Place••••••••. F. B. Francis, C. L. Foster, and 1-255 Agents. c. J. Stephenson, Paid-up Capital $15,000,000. (Branch of Toronto) Am. Ex. N., Corn Ex., Irving N,, Liberty N. and Chase N., N. Y. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA f II WALL···--·····-····-- WILLIAM BAXTER-·······-··-····--··-······-···· AUSTRALIA & CHINA •t· Branches throughout the Orient. (B,:anch of ~ondnn. Enaland) ..••.•.•••••••••••• Branches throughout the Orient. Patd•up Capital $15.000,000 Reserve Fund $17,500,000 53 1-~ SEE ADVERTISEMENT OI FOREIGN INDEX. _ESTABLISHED • ■ • 1847. C B RICHARD & Co N Y CITY ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ ■, BANKS ENABLED TO TRANSMIT FUNDS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE OUTFIT. 992 FOREIGN BANKING AGENCIES-Continued AME OF' BA, K •Member American Bankers Association. lMember tate Bankers Association. §State tPriv. [Estab: COLONIAL BANK (of Lond0n) ________ 36 1-257 NEW YORK CITY-Continued (Bead Offices Located In Foreign Countries.) LoCATION. MANAGER OR AGENT. HOME OFFICE. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE. 'TS, 22 WILLIAM---------- G. I. MACINTYRE---------------------- (Home Office, London, Enola!nd) ________________ Branches In London, Liverpool, Manchester, British West Indies, British Guiana Letters of Credit. Drafts. Cable Transfers. Bills of Exchange. a nd WeS t Africa. Offers special facilities for financing Imports and Exports through our LIST. IGN FORE IN INl>IE.S WEST OPPOSITE SEMENT ADVERTI SEE Africa. West and @uiana, bran_ches in We_st Indies, British 49 Broadway ____________ Frederick Goodchild. Aoent ------------------ Paid-up Capital $2,500,000. (Home Offl,ce, London, Com'l Bk. of Spanish Am .. Ltd .• San F., Lon, and Manchester, Eng., and Branches: ColomEnola;nd) bia, Venezuela. Ecuador, Peru, Nicarae-ua, 2! The .M1olo -South American Bank, Ltct. ! t:z:l Salvador, Guatemala. COMMERCIAL BAH OF SPIIISH AMERICA, Ltd.--- { Affiliated to: 1-285 .~ Credit LJonnafs __ ---- --- ------------------------- ---- 52 William_______________ M. Felsen berg. Re-presentat ive__________ ____ (Branch of PGris, F'ranu, and London, Enolana) 1-2511 D0MIIIOI BANK----------------------------'19 IOIH018 & SHAHHAI BANKING C0RP0RATI0I----• 1-262 51 Broadway _________ O. S. Howard, .Aoent _______________ ________________ (Home Office, Toronto, Canada) ___________________ Dominion Bank, Toronto. and Branches ~ throughout Canada: N. City, N. Park, Han. ~ Robt. Rae, Ass't Aoent nd 1~ Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y. 18 Wall------------------- James A. Jeffrey, Agent -------------------------- (Branch of Bono Kono, Ohtna) _______________ N., a J. R. Gillingham, Sub, Anent. (Aoenc11 of London, Enoland) ___________________ Lon. & Brazilian Bk. Ltd., London, Paris, and ~ Albert L. Mason, Sub. Aoent. branches in South America and Portugal, 1-zei London Is River Plate Bank, Limited ______________ ,52 51 Wall ___________________ W.R. Robbins ________ Wm. Cuff, Sub. Aoent_ __ _ (Aoenc11 of London, Enoland) ___________________ Lon. & River Plate Bk. Ltd,, Paris, Lisbon, ~ Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile CJl 1-286 and Colombia. Z ■EICHAOS BAIK OF CllADA--------------------• 83 Wall _________________ W. M. Ramsay and o. J. 0rookall, Aot,s, __________ _ (Branch of Montreal, Quebec) ________________ Am. Ex. N., N. Y-; Ft. Dear, N,, Chi. L0IDON & BRAZILIAN BAIi, LIMITED-----------'62 56 Wall _______________ Daniel P, Kingsford, Agent.----------------------- z I 1-267 n Mit ubishi Bank, Limited __________________________ '20 120 Broadway ____ . ________ S. Yamamuro. Aoent. ______ .• ____________________ _ (Head Office, Tokio, Japan) ________________________ N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y, K.Shundo,Sub.Auent. NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA' LIMITED 1-28-1 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL 10 Wall-------------~-~- R. Paid-up Capital and Reserves Over $21,000,000--- N. Bk. of So. Africa, Lon. E. SAUNDERS-----~-~~-- =--------------------Bankers s •• E., ands. W. Africa. Offers t~ American Banks and superior facllltles for the Extension of Trade and Commerce between UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND AFRICA. G_N_L_IS_T_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I O_R_EI_ _ R_I_C_A_IN_F~ v_._o_N MAP OF AF __ s_E_E_AD i•15 - - - - - - - - - : - -_ _ BANK {37 Broadway _ _ l. JOfli· ---•l'l 7 1-300 SEE ADVERTISEMENT 0 ~ lo,( g and Branches, ll'i'" 0 ~I Mor. __________________ ________________ _ (Home Office, Manila, P. [.) _____________________ Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep •• Chi.; ht N., Bos.; Anslo & Lon. Parll N •• San F. 0 0 INDEX. j· ,it1u~JT1i ·,slfios ::s f-t 5· (Branch of Montreal, 0haseN., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. C: Qiubec) Reserve Funds $20,000,000 J. D. L. Leavitt, Aots. n 68 Wall __________________ W. H. Macintyre ______________________ (Home Office, Landen, Enoland) ________________ Standard of So. Africa, Ltd., Lon. and So. C. Africa.; Bk. of New So. Wales, Australia and New Zealand. Subscribed Capital $44,583,300 THE NEW YOKK AGE NCY 11.145,820 offer to Bankers and Merchants throughout the United States Paid-up Capital 12,800,000 Capital Reserve trade and Canada Its unsu rpas ed service for facllltatlns with the markets of Africa, Australia and New Zealand. I0YIL 1111 OF Cl11Hl---------------------•:t'69 William & Cedar---------- F. T. Walker, J. A. Beatson, E. B. Mcfnerney, and Paid-up 0apital $20,000,000 1-2611 STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA, LIMITED 1-270 (With whichi, inco_,-_:eo_!ate d the African Ban.kin{] Corp.) 1'62 t SEE ADVERTI EMEN T OPPO ITE BEGINNING OF FOREIGN LIS T. ~ Pl ::s Sumitomo Bank, Limited _________________________ I'll U9 Broadway _____________ S. Imamura, Aoent__ ______________________________ (Home Office, Osaka, Japan) _____________________ In an important places in Japan and abroad. C: 1-302 ~ Chi: Park-'< T •• Union Foreign Bkg. CorD,, Seattle San F., ~ Paris, Yokohama, Japan,audHankow, China. Yokohama Specie Bank, Limited-----------------•'80 120 Broadway _____ .:________ _ R. Ichinomiya, H. Ka~hiwal!i and I. Kudo, Aoenl4 (Home Office, Yokohama, Japan) ________________ Yokohama Specie Bk .. Ltd., San F. Seattle, ~ _ anct Los A. 1-271 ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- •ll'65 49 Wall ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -11101 BAH OF CANADA1-294 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. J. Dawson, F. L. Appleby a;:d Wm. Forrest, Aoents (llracl Office, Wirmipeo, .Manitoba) ____________ N. Park. N. Y.; Corn Ex. 1 SURETY COMPANY OF NEW VORIS-Fidelity &SuretyBonds-Bllr~i:y Insurance . EW YORK CITY-BROOKLYN-Reserve City Number under Name of Bank ia the Ne Transit.Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslYely by The Band-McNaily Bankera• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. ~ I . NAME OF BA.NK. •llem. Am. Bks . .Assn. SS~te l.M.em. Sta1.e Rks. Assn. tPriv. ♦ :'.\-lem. Feel. Res. [E tab. PRJl:SIDJCNT. LocATION. NEW YORK CITY- BROOKLYN- R eserve c·t 1 Y (Federal Reserve LIABILITIES. I VICE-PRESIDE...~T. OASRIJCR. \ - -- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_______ AMERICAN TRUST CO.---•t '19 203 Montague------ 1Harry A. Kahler ___ \Henry S. Acken ___ EI. F. Breitwieser, I 1-307 BANK OF AMERICA--------§:12-166 Montague ______ Kings County D 4 District No. 2) P RESOURCES, 1 I PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. SURPLUS INDIVID- 1D•PosITs LOANS & BoNDs. M1sc111,c AND UAL OJ' DISSEcURI- LANEous Rmst::cms PROFITS DEPOSITS BANxs coUNTB TIES, ETC. R11soURc11s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ AID-UP CAPITAL ' A.. Sec. __ (See New York Citu Condit Varick I ,____.________________ IE.U.-· ---------------------------~----------Branch Mullowney, A.T ,r. of N.Y. City. Borough >--------- ______________________________________ '- g ~ ~ ~ Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Mech., Brooklyn. I of Manhattan _____ ---~-----· ___________________ _ Bank of Ooney Island--•tl og Surf .be. _________ W. J. Wa~.-------- Chas. L. Feltman __ ,G, H. Mailey _______ S 200,000 S 150,060 $ 2,844,850 i 16,700 $1,013,280 S l,o9U80 91,320 $ 641,890 Chase N., N. Y. 1\ • 1-387 (1 Branch) G. H. ~ailey •F. A. Preston, A. C. Lmker, A. Ca sh. A., Ca h, . Thurlow Burgmere r, A. Cash. •BROOKLYN TRUST CO.- •t§ '66p7 .Montague ______ P . .Maynard _____ D. H. Lan~an ___ H.U.Sill~ck:A..Sec. 1,500,000 2,669,100 35,201,850 __________ 15,156,420 21,560,080 1,806,190 6,406,880 ,lst N., N. Y. • 1-102 F. J. W. Diller G. H. Th1rkield, A.. Sec. (BrwnehuatBedfo rd Ave. ct Fult.o-n W. McDonald, Jr. F. B. Lindsay, A,S ec. t. and Broad wa11andWaUSt.•) F. T. Aldridge E. N. Schmidt, A. Sec. W. P.Schenck,Sec. C.B.Royce,A.. ec. H. W. Farrell, B. G. Westcott, A. Sec, A.. Sec. C. A. Cole, A. Sec. , Corn Exchange Rank _____ •§"53 Myrtle Ave. and -------------------- ---------------- _________ (Su N. Y. OU11. Borouoh of Mamh atta..n) 1~ Broadway 1 I FIRST NAT l-15t Globe 'L BANK lE. JOSEPH HUBER --- 'It.,·. r.~,,R ------r: rmnta;-:ct: C<Uh. . Ausr\~1ftte1v~JR~; ~~~~~~~~Chase N. and Liberty N •• N. Y. I . w. · AHT~NOfficer ganlzed, Equipped and Conducted Service. The kind that gets results. •t'52 1 change Bank ____ t ·20 36 Graham~ \ve. __ _ Laac Levin _______ (Morris Walzer 1 1- 395 Wegman l:Y. 1 A. Cash. J. W. BARGFREDE, A. Cash. ----IA, :\I. )[aueam ____ Greenpoint National Bank_•t'121U0 142 Greenvoin& D. E. Freudenbere- E. E. Huber _______ Walter Wllmurt 1-38U Ave, er 1.Morris Salzman E. J, A.sher, ---1 ~ 799,830 ~ 722,740 Z00,000 326,460 3,345,690 155,540 2,571,450 200,000 ) 142,730 3,460,0to ------ j_ ., •• \'". 1 20,000 892,670 'Chase N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N.,Alb. 100,280, 680,800 Han. N. and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 44 Court ---------- ------------ ________ W. K. Swartz, •i5'87 1 500,0001 2,855,010 24,685,790 _________ , 13,576,980 (Branch of N. Y. Git11, Bm- ouuh of Monhatt an) I rl I CITY. ESTABLISHED 1847. 4,707,340 11st N. and Harriman N.. N. Y. I Q 4.1)62 .820 Corn Ex .. N.Bk. Oom., Bk. of Arner- ::l I ica, Am. Ex. N., Chase N., and N. !'.!. City, N. Y. ::l l,2]8.0001 8,442,000 N. Park and 1st N., N. Y. i:: 2,061,000 31.946,000 _______ ___ 16, 71H,000 9,662,000 (l a. j 3.948.800 2,973,200 1 10,930,400 N. Park, Equitable Tr. Co., and_ let. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Int'! Tr. Co., Bo • IH. I .C. e·. RICHARD & CO. N. Y. 651,160 Mor. 1____________________ 1 4,000,000 6,012,140 17,723,860 _________ ·1 9,528,040 ll,827,19CI 3,379,990 /w. L. Schneider, Se c.2,000,000 N. B. Tyler,..d... Sec. ~ ~ 1 T. )I. Bertine, A.. Sec. N. Mills, Jr.,A.. Sec. J. H. :Meyerhol1, Jr .. .L4. Sec. I • ,- I IP. J. Keenan, A.. Se c. MECHANICS BANK-------•t§ ;,2 215 Montague - ---- IT. ~r. De ~fott.. ___ A. T. Sullivan _____ W. c. Donn________ 1.600,000 . 1,377,000 37.iil.i00II 3C0,ooo 23.196.300 ♦ 1--166 (7 Branches) 1 J . .A. Stewart A. S. Ingram A. C. , H.F. Burns E. Q. Baker, A. C. Francis Weekes F. I.Ketcham,A.C. I 1 J. Schaefer, Jr.• A. c. Jos. Stewart, Jr., A. C. v. Kelly, A. c. , I J. H. Laeger, A. c. :Metror,olitan Bank_ ----•+§"91101 .Mon~ue ______ --------------------Geo.Hadden, Mgr. ____________________ 1 (Sec N. Y. City, Borough of Jlanh rittan) 1-293 Miclwood Trust Co. ________ §'20 Fla tbu. h A,·e. and George Ram ey ___ H.J. Davenport--- C. O. Ireland, Sec .. 500,000 258.940 536,0lC __________ 5i9,750 1-394 Dorche ter Road E. E. Terry }lontaok Bank------------•1'07 207 Fifth Ave. _____ ,J. Webb Nash _____ John Ji'. McClunn __ J. R. Valentine___ 100,000 76,810 1,517,930: 71,850 2,098,130 1-382 T. C. Hughes j ,* !ember New York Olearino1House) _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 9,184.5901 ~ 0 0. Borouoh of Manhattan) I Manufacturers Trust Oompany J774 Broadway -- ---- Nathan S. Jonas ___ Julius Liebman ____ ♦ 1-357 •tl'05 (2 Bramches•) A. D. Seymour. J. H. Conroy Ch. of Bd. H. C. Von Elm S. B. Kraus, r.-P. R. w. Shelter Chas. Froeb, Y.-P. 1F. W. Bruchhauser Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 598,290 217,990 Irvlng r-. and lc,t I 839•, 35 0 Fulto11 . _ t. and ,NflW Utr«:ht.Ave.• and5'th St.) ______ (Su N, Y. Oit11, *LA WYERSTITLE & TR. CO. I ~~ 1.723,090 1.311,1501 I !Ones County Trust Oo. __ et§'8UIM2-346 Fulton _____ J. D. Fairchild ____ J.P. Fairchild _____ Thomas Blake, Sec. 1-371 • W.J.Wason,Jr. H.D.Joost..A.Sec. 1-110 I 150,000 Homestead Bank _________ etf'07 Cor. Penn. and E. L. Rockefeller __ RudolphReimer,Jr. G. L. Porttr~~~~~ 1-ass Liberty Aves. I J. c. Oreveline L. s. Clapp,A.,Cash. *Irvini;: ~ational Bank ---•+"51 (Brcmchu ~ITT I I I 260 n,oadway ______ I I I 527,510 43,870 196,000 - - - - I 158,820 , 113,990 1Irving N., N. Y. /J,. -- THE OLDEST FOREIGN EXCHANGE:" HOUSE -" IN, THE UNITED STAT~S• . FOREIGN EXCHANGE. FOREIGN . CURRENCY. - FOREIGN BONDS. - . ·( 994- -r:-r,.1\~~c,~::~ t'/¥..!·:.=11~!:fNrnt::., Dlnet.olT, under the authority of The American Bankers Aas•n. N.lD OJ' HANK. jm, Bks. Assn. IState NEW YORK CITY-BROOKLYN-Cont'd (Federal Besene Dlstrle& No. Z) de~;:rA=.Ti:::e~!tl~~:rn~~e !!tt~gb~i• 0\ this voluPJe. li'o r lntere,st Rates, Hollda;rs, etc., see Laws. 0 LIABILITIES. I · ltESOU}U E~. PHUWIPAL O0.liKESPOs DE:-ITS: suarLue 11No1no- 1D1troa1Te 1, LoANB a: , BoNDB ' M1sc-11: 1.- I " .lND UAL o• Bscua 1: ' LAN11ous CA~H 1 Die.CAPITAL PaortTB D&POBtT• r~ l:TC : aasOUBCIIS -::R-•:_s-::,07:UB:-C::-::E-::S 1 -- -- - - - - - - - - -1 1 Municipal Bank __________ .!§"19 1783 Pitkin _________ s. J. Goldberg _____ J uJius Jo~eph.son __ F. A. Gallagher ____ S 200,000 ,S 100,000 S l,79i,ooo 5,000 $1,338,000 S 151,000 S 3119,000;$ 221.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 1 1-393 M. M. Diamond, , N. Shawmut , Bos. l -----~-...:..__ _ _ _ _ __:__~_ _ _ __;__ _ ___,:A:.:·:...:C:..:a=.:sh. ,__ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ . •Kem. Lo Ulem State Bks. Assn. tPriv. CATION. ♦Kem. Fed. Res. [Estab. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I *NASSAU NAJ'L BK • 1-118 PRESIDENT, OASHill. VICit-PRKSIDltNT, 46 Oouri__ ______ Q.FOSTER SMITH--CROWELL HADDEN--H.P.SCHOENBERNER \ B. P. VAIi BENTHUYltl; ~~'1,~EI A.J. RYDEl,A.Cash. 1,000,000 ~ Only Brooklyn Bank a member of New York Clearing House. YOUR BUSINESS INVITED. •i•59 1ITJICS, 1~ P.uo-ur ~ li---------- 1 ~ ~:~..!!!!:!!!Ban. N. and 1st N., N. Y. Horth Side BanJc ________ •:f'89 225 Havemeyer _____ Paul E. Bonner __ - 1, Henry Doscher ____ ,Henry BiJlman ___ _ 200,000 • 364,440 6,977.770 562,190 5,887,200 673,180 115,500 1,428,530 N. Park, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; ♦ 1-172 (Branchu at 710 • Henrv Billman A.H. Walkley. Jr., N. Shawmut, Bos. and 33-35 Grand St.•) William Bode, i A. 1 A. Cash. J . J. Conwav, ,N. K. Beams, A. Cash, 1 A. Cash. C. J. McGowan. A. Cash. Peopla National BanJc ____ •t'08 880 Quincy _______ _ G. W. Spence ______ Charles Wis man-- W'. F. Cawthorne-200,000 lil,420 5,087,770 548.990 2,620,870' 2,028.400 319.101 1,234,760 lrvini N., Mech. & Me tals N., and t-8R5 . ,A. w. Spolander. A. CaR11. 1 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N .• Phil. *PEOPLES TRUST CO.--•is•gg 181-183 Monta6?ue -- o. A. Bood:, _______ J. G. Dettmer ---- 1W. A. Fischer. ec. , 1,500,000 2,051,400 35,040,960 2,971,860 ' 19,874,350 13,419,060 1.177,720 9,485,300 Cha e N .• Guaranty Tr. Co., and ♦ 1-111 (6 Branches) H.J. Morse H.M. Heath.A.. ~ec. 1 , Cent. Union Tr. Co., N . Y. C. L. Schenck J. F. Birdsell. A. ee. \V. F. Aylin:.i. Sec. A. V. Benne~'. Sec. I (Su N. Y. Cit11, Borouoh of Man 11 nattan) Public National Bank -----•'07 (Branches at Pitkin Ave. and Watki ns St. antl Graham At1e, and Seigel St.) 1-238 STATE BAIK----- --------1'03 (Branches at St-One&: PitkinA-ves.and Graham Ave.&: Varet St.>----------- (Su N. Y. Oitv. i' Borouoh of Man hattan) 1-N The Thrift_ ______________ •§ ' 89 255 Ryerson ________ Chas. M. Pratt_ ____ Francis L. Noble __ John c. Maddock__ 500,000, 474,350 5.407,320 ---------- 5,282,850 1,041,330 _ _ _ _ 128,900 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Peo. Tr. Co., Brooklyn. 1-392 I Philip • Clarke. ec. Harold I. Pratt, Tr. j *Tl111Gaaran\ee • Trut Oo. 175 Remsen and HMIIMon~ue _________ F. L. Sniffen, Mor. J.E. Keeler, (Su N. Y. c«11, Borough of Manh attan) 1-lOI •l'U I A . .,_lJor. I 100,0001I 620,590 West End Bank __________ §"20 Cor. 20 1 hAve.,'·86thj oJomon Fromm __ Jamrs P. Kelly ____ Wm. S. Ge rmain ___ 200,000 483,670j 226,060 51,880 38,59fJ IGreenwich. N. Y. 1- 396 . I. Rainforth , J 1 *MemberN.Y.ClM,rin11Home. l ' --------------------1 i I " I I I I I SAVINGS BANKS (BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, D 4) (Sulo,ts Banks do not handle collectlons) I NA.JO OJ' Bil][, i::::t:ie\k:a.iS:.~. ff,;1~ LoCATIOK, .W.lBILTTTY..q, su:;;ua _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,[c.::Ks=.:cta::.:b::.:' i- - - - - - -- t - - -- - - -- l - - - -- - - - l- - - - - - - l - - - - -- - ' PaonTa BQ Rldce Savlnrs Bank. •U-09 1-W Brffoorl Savinn Bank --•1'92 1-11, Brooklyn 8aV"lnrs Bank--•U'27 1-150 Bulnrick Savlmrs Bank -•U'73 1-181 PRESIDENT. VICS-PR.J:SIDENT, ll'lf1h Ave. ancl 54th Vaurice T. Lew-is __ Michael Murphy __ t. Wm. A. Fischer Nostrand Ave. and Howard M.Smith __ Edward Lyon ·- ---llacon. , G. W. Harman Pferrel'.)OntandOlin- Orowrll Hadden ___ D. J. Oref'ID _______ ton. R. L. Edwards Grand and Graham J. K. Brown ------- G. W. Schaed!e ____ Ave. Henry chade 8J:CRETARY, Louis G. Rur2er ___ 11. J. lff'rked, Oash. L. C. Hub, A . Cash. J. L Hider ette Avea. I HY<ll'fTR('lt~ . lAlr,1;;,. & D:noe- ~ OOtTK'l'II, ~~u~~: =:..~ tephen Valentine Dime BIT. Bank of Brooklll! De Kalb Ave. and ---------------- - - -- Geo. W. Chauncey_ Philip A. Benson __ i'. W. Jackson ___ _ 0 TIIIB,ETC. _,. __ •_•illD __ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 729.690 10,570,440 50,270 10,160,430 847.120 401,790 14,520 8,214.920 481,7-10 9,323,0iO 7.61Vl60 74,352.370 3,982,800 72,674,730 2,755,480 0.11'. Strei2htoff'. A. 'cc. D11111 BIT, Bank of W'llllams- Bavemeyerand So. Wm."P. 8tur2is ____ H.F. Mollenhauer_ Charle R. Craig, 0. M:. Lowes ______ _ bush ____ l-lCll _____ eU'M J!it1h. H. H. ~'ereuson A. Tr. 954,170 15,086,010 12,650 U ,582,950 1.066,860 a&at Brooklyn 8aT. Bank •U'&O MS l(yrUe Ave, ____ E. B'. Barnes _______ W. A. Graham---- - llerbertR. SPaman, David llorehouse __ 1,829,880 13,7-12,200 1-168 •H'6» JruJton. G. T. Moon 1-MO James ·• Da\'i · A. Tr. Eu\NewYork8aT. Bant_i1•es Atlantic and Penn. E. A. Richards ____ Adolph KiendL--. A. J, BrisJln _______ J. K. Alexa 1-IM C. F. Colvn lllr01\~~'1 t'IIOrTV f\n11n1 ~X1\t.t\ \JI\" ~Ut\t.. \ ' \.JU\,\t"" I-\ 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • , 11 I. • II. II• : ~ er __ _ F. M. Linz. A . Tr. NY orf Nrw YORK I [. Avf's. I , I • I PRINCIPAL C0RRl!:SPONDltNTS, 1 Pierr.e Keefe ___ ___ ---------------- ____ S 295.640 $ 6.853,38C ---------- S 5,985,660 $ 376,480 R. . Darbe e. Ca 11. • Haymond Louns- W. C. Humstone __ 606.670 10,353,390 $ 995,000 8,971.080 818,890 · bery A.. 0. Hare, Cash, __ ------------------- 9.609.440 66. 959,010 2,300,000 71.010,480 2,288.940 Oh7 8ntnr1 Bank ------•U'BG Flatbush & Lafay- Remsen Rushmore F. R. Wf'bster ____ H. V. Raymond__ 1-IU TllA.SUllR, 732,340 ---------- 13,460,250 833,600 152,010 9,416,650 352,470 9,803.560 SURETY BONDS BURGLARY INSURANCE ·1 '-4 s» ::s t:: ..,s» :< CONTINENTAL&COMMERCIALBANKBLDG.,CHICAGO THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO. NEW YORK CITY-Reserve City-BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANKS-Continued. NEW YORK CITY R eserve C BROOKLYN Number under Name of Ban.k iB the New Transit Number given •t to eaoh bank in U. 8. e.1cluslvel7 by The Band-McNall7 Bankers• SA VINGS BA.NKS-Conttnned. 1 yDll'ector7, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. (Savings Banks do not handle co1Ject1ons NAME OF BANi.:-LIABILITIES, RESOPRIFS, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, •Mem. Am. Rks. Assn. IS tate' LOCATION. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, TREASURER, SuRPLUB DEPosLO•NS" BONDB, c ... • ExiMem. State Bks. Assn. tPnv. , AND ITS D18SEcuruQll~wou,Dn 8 1 +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - , - - - - - i - - - - - - - - PROFITS couNTS Til!lB, zTc n.u» •'"' 1 1 1 Flatbush Savings Bank ___ t§'16 910 Flatbush Ave._ H. B. Hawkins ____ F. A. Koch ---- ---- D. A. Bentien _____ -------------- $89A50 I$ 3.694,510 $4.737,050 $ 354,100 _P_e_o_._T_r_.-=c=-o-.,-B-r_o_o=-kl_y_n_T_r.-C-o-.,and Nassau 1-391 i s. W. Salt ' N ., Brooklyn. , E. E. Terry Fulton Sav. Bk., Kinrs Oo._ ___ ,375 Fulton _________ Adolph GoepeL ____ P.H. Reppenha2:en J. W. Hass ________ J.C. M. Lorenz --- 1.4-15,970 15,526,070 $ 24,890 15,379,310 1,064,620 1 1-S63 il'67 ,Otto Wissner GcrardBaetz,C'a h. Greater New York Sav. Bk.14411-453 Fifth Ave __ C. J. Obermayer ___ A.G. Calder _______ Tho . L.Grace _____ A. J. Lund ·trom. 515,340 13.847,330' 573,690 12,17Ui0 1,037,560 1 1-376 •U'97 W. K. Cleverley A. See. Green Point Savinrs Bk,-•il'69 Manhattan Ave. and\Georre W. Felter __ C. H. Reynolds---- ll'. S. Harlow------ W. J. Flemming, 1,549,150 18,314.940! - - - - 18,024,500 92i,110 1-365 Ca\y.,r t. D. A. Manson .A. See . .Hamburr Savinrs Bank--•U'05ll451 Myrtle Ave ___ David Engel ______ R. E. Moffett _____ G.O. Unbescheiden H. C. Seifering, 184.120 5,683.980 1 ---------- 5,504,080 364,010 1-881 N. A.Stemmermann A. Sec. 1 Home Savines Bank ------•1'07 804 llanhattan Ave.lM. W. Gleason _____ J. W. Burr _________ V. M. Powell,Gaah. _________________ 46,930 1.143,000I 1.107,160 il,760 l-384 Louis Stern Kings Oounty Sav. Inditntlon Broadwuand Hubert G. Taylor __ Alfred Hodges ____ ,Martin Muller, Godfrey Bauer, 1,659,210 15,056,830 1 15,679,820 898,400 1-359 U'60 Bedford J. C. Loudon Cash. A. Cash, I Lincoln Savings Bank ---•U'66 Broadway and Ohas.Froeb ________ Joseph Huber _____ Henry Stumpf, G. H. Doscher, 2,876,820 38,602,360 19,13-1,380 18,561,820 2,810,020 1-362 Boerum1 John \lartin Otto ec. and Ga8h. A. Cash, ' I Navy Savings Blilk ________ §·20 83 Sand St. _______ Ray C. Shepherd __ J. F. Bird.;;ell ______ Leo A. Ketterer.- II. L. Miller, ------------------- ---------- Peo. Tr. Co., Brooklyn, 1-397 Cha . . William· Sec, 1 A. Sec. Prudential Savin2:s Bank-•U'08,Broadway, Stuyves- D. W. Kaatze______ J oho Auer, tsr. ____ L. c. Gehring, Tr,_ 1L. P. Ruck. Cash._ 292,380 7,016,710 11,470 6,0-11,450 518,690 Corn Ex., N. Y,; N. City, Brooklyn Tr. Co., 1-386 ant and Vernon A,ve. J. H. Scannell .H. J, Holling, and Franklin Tr. Co .. Brooklyn. 1 • A. Cash. Roosevelt a vines Bank•:l:§"951024-1026 John W. Fraser ___ Parker Joane ____ C. L. Sicard _______ ~ A. :M. hevill, Cash, 739,360 19.621.770 1,230,660 17,IOii,130 1,816,190 1-575 I Gates Av~. I]. L. Bartlett H. L. GPnninger, •A, chneider, Jr., A. Cash. A. Cash., SouthBrooklynSav.Insti1.ution cor. AtJan1ic Ave. Wm. J. Coombs ___ W. M. Aikman ____ B. A, Burger _______ 0, S, Dunning----- 3.4a9,720 30,789.320 33,520 31,161.550 1,027,890, 1-851 •:1'50 1 and Clinton St. J, 0. Low ! J. J. Pierrepont Sumner Savings Bank ____ i5•00 ,12 Graham Ave·---1A. 8. Somers ______ .Nathan S. Jonas ___ W. L. Conner _________________________ _ 217,2801~1erh. and North Side, N. Y.: Mnfrs. Tr., Title 187,680 2,485,500 ---------- 2,060,800 1 1-858 Guaran tv & Tr .. and Peo. Trus\Cos., Brooklyn. . r,. c. Wills Williams burgh Sav. Bank •U'51,175 Broad way ______ A. D. Baird ________ M. Meeker ______ E. T. Horwi!L ____ O. J. Pa.sfl.eld, C<Uh. 15,965,790 102 402 270, 1.565,580 111 021590 4,959,880 N. City, Bk. of Am. and 1st N ., N. Y. 1-854 J. V. Jewell 995 j I 1 I ==:= ~ N ...,. I ,S. I NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Bronx) i,,< Q ~ ;.,:; ~ ~ C/l I z" ==-========::::;:===-===;:-=== ===~~=============;:::====~ ====:::::=============I~ ~ I I LIA~ILITJES. RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENT.S, PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER, Ass'T CASHIER, I LoANB • c.-.. • .... • • · D18Sscoa1u...... . - - - 1 - - 1 - - --- - -,•- - - - - ~ ! NAME OF BANK, •Mem. Am. BBkks. AAssn. ltSP~te :iMem. State s. ssn. riv. +.Mem. Fed. Re·. (Estab. LoCA.TI 1' PAID-UP I CAPITAL lo, Sun.PLUS Bronx Boroueh Bank ____ •:!;§"93 440 E. Tremont Ave. C. A.. Becker _______ A. Berrian ______ T. B. Hanson ______ lJ. H. Witherell ___ $ 150,000 $ 1 1-412 , c. P. Hallock Bronx National Bank _____ •t'07 369 E. 149th St. ____ T. J, Q11inn _______ 1oarl Wurm ______ H.J. B. Willis _____ w. N. :Maeder_____ 200.000 1-416 Geo. W. Fennell I 1 Bronx Savings Bank _____ e:1:§'06 429 Tremont _______ T. T. Fischer ______ 1-414 t 1 Columbia Trus Company • 3dAve. & 148th ____ -----------------1-111 ••10 ' 8 I ,Ji'. 96 Twenty-Third Ward Bank•~§'88 270 E. 137th ________ Charles P. Bo2:arL John M. Haff Pn ___ Hy. J. Yan Cook __ Chas. TI. Meyer____ 1-410 ,Branches at 960 Boston Road• and 2808 Third At•e.• ' c. E. Merrifield C B RICHARD & Co N Y CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • •, BONDS, ITB coUNTB Tll!l&, 11Tc. (!11£,.uu,Duo 00• I 76,750 $4,131,590 S 1,956,120 $1,392,420 S 137,830 Chase N .. Irving .,. ., and Equitable Tr. Co .. N. Y. 3,599,090 3,337,260 155,610 716,540 Guaranty Tr. Co., Harriman N .. Irving N, and Equitable '1.'r. Co., I N. Y. • 173,750 6,637,560 3,706,600 2,046,770 489,440 1 273,170 C.H. Schumann ___ 'F. B. Allin, See. ___ W'.J. Cunnineham, Tr.______ J. F. Holmes Frank Vogler, A. T r. Livineston Wetmore ____________________ Fred Berry, ~for._ Harry Weiss, (Su New York Ctt111, Borou ghof Manhattan) A. B. Atkin ·on, A. 'Jlgr. A. Mor. I commonweal1~ yank ____ .;§'07 155th St. & 3d. Ave,_ -------------------- -----------~-------- Cl, 11'. A. Olt, Mr,r, _ ____________________ 7 corn Exchange Bank -----•1'05 375 E.149th St. ____ -------------------- --------------------,G. F. Frost, Mor,-- L. Auperin, 1-45 A. Mgr. cosmoPolitan Bank ______ •t§'06 803 Prosvect Ave,_ L. G. Robinson ____ P. Cedar ___________ Harold Stiner _____ D. J. Sullivan_____ 1-415 Harold , tiner W. E. Chamberlain Dollar Savin2'S Bank _____ .:§•go 147th and Third B. G. Hughes ______ Geo. M. Mackellar_ H. T ..Manson, Tr. H. F. H.t>~at, Sec.__ 1-411 j • Ave. J.M. Laco~te A. J. Dippel.A.Sec. North Side S vmgs Bank•:§'05!3230 Third Ave, ____ J.G. Bor~tede ____ H. Wefer _______ A. A. Ekirch, Sec,_ G. N. Reinhardt, 1-413 John Riegelman I Tr. Public National Bank-------'13!381? Third Ave,' ___ - - - - - - - _____________ ;J. J. Schwaid, ____________________ 1-238 _ Umon and ' ~1Jgr. STATE BANK-1- _________ §•fai Westchester Aves.---------------------------------:-------------- __________________ • DEPOS- ' AND PROFITS ■ ■ • ESTABLISHED 1847. (Su New York Cit 111, Bornul oh of Ma (See New York Git 11, Borou gh of Manhattan) 200.000 1 __________ __________ 60,590 3,032,000, . 1,763,590 32,764,560 213,610 2,443,000 298,860 1---------- 31,910,340 6,028,830 30,820 5,565,910 j (See New Yor1r City, Borou gh of Ma.nhatt,an) 533,300 Empire 'T'r. Co., Rk. of Ame·i< a and U. s. Mortgage Tr. Co., N. Y • 1,594,530 581,200 Equitable Tr. Co .. Columbia Tr. Co., Westchester Ave., and 23d Ward, N. Y, (Su New York Cit 11, Borou oh of Mal 200,000 241,600 7,087,!!00 5,382,100 346,800 1,595,600 Irving N. and Equitable 'fr. Co., ~ N. Y.; Park Tr. Co., \\'orcester. tn THE OLDEST FOREIGN EXCHANGE HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. FOREIGN CURRENCY. FOREIGN BONDS. NIIIDMt ander Name of Bank ie \ii& ew Traml& Nambet mven to each bank in U. B. eseluelvely by The Kand-MeNan, Banl'.en• Dlreetory. under the authority of The American Banken Ass•n. NAME TOWJH, 01!' BANK. IS ta te •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. t:Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. ♦Mero, Fed. Res. PRB8IDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. NEW YORK CITY-Central Reserve City (Savings Banks do not handle eolleetlons) LU.BILITIES, I Ass'T CA.SHIER. Pill>-t77 SollPLua D.:Po&OA.SHIJtR. CAPITAL _ Alfi> ..... Pao:r1Ta (Borough of Queens D 4) ~ ----- I no•L""'r,;. RBSOURCES. LoANa • Dm- • COl1ln9 BOlfDa, SaotnuTIU,M'O. 1 ==i---------O .. • •• ...: ... ~r3nk _____ •l'53 (Branch) __________ -------------------- J. F, Ellswort~or. __________________ l(SeeNe;w Ye>rk Cit 11, B<>roo: ohof Manhattan) 4 1 Bayside ____________ Bayside National Bank ____ .;t"05 E.G. Story ________ J. A. Millan~------ M, Vaughan ___________________________ $ 50,000 S 47,000 S 1,189,180 S 469,440 $ 801,300 s __-_-_-_- Corn Exchan ______, A--st<>_r_ia - - O'\ PRI.NOIPAL OORRESPONDENTS.- • 122,900 Irvin~ N., N. y, 1-430 Cedarhurst__ ______ Peninsula l~ninal Bank __ '20 C. C. Adams _______ C. G. Galston ______ A. I. Davidson ____ S. R. Craft________ Colle~e Point _____ Bank of the ~i~tattan ~fit 109,390,Chase N., N. Y. 58,530 425,160 j 402,950 54,070 100,000 1 (Bratnch) __________ -------------------· ____________________ ' ___________________ (See New York City , Borough of Manha ttan) ____________ 799 .. ____________ Coll~e Point SavinisBank•l'72lW. W. Weitlinf ____ 1-425 (Branch) __________ Corona '••··-···-·· Bank of the Manhattan Co. ~~ (Branch) __________ H Co. Elmh11rst _________ Bauk of the :Manhattan •11799 1 .L-2 1(Branch) __________ Far Rockaway _____ Bank of the Ianhattan Co. •11799 1-2 " __________ Nat. Bk. of Far Rockaway .•i'08 H. G. Heyson ______ I 1-436 (Branch) __________ Plu hine--------- Bank of the Manhattan Co, •:11799 1-2 .. ------------ Corn ~~xchani~rnk.----•1'531(Braneh). _________ 1 258,720 Oitiz. N. and Union Tr. co., N. Y. 3,067,570 299,660 3,066,740 A.H. Schlesinrer .. G, W. Gillette, Sec. E. A. Plitt, A. Sec. ---------E. P. Roe 1(See New York City , Borough of Manha ttan) ___ _ ___________________ W. T. Hanrahan, ~ ____________________ (See New York City , Borough of :Manha ttan) _____________ _ -------------------- ---------------- 1-------------------- I -------------------- J. W.Fulcher,Mur. ___________________ (See New York City , Borough of Manhattan) ____ ·--------I W. . Pettit------- s. R. Weston ______ S. A. Saunderson_ 50,000 880,130 304,880 Seab. N. and Am. Tr. co .. N. Y. "1 VJ > I -------------------- M. I. Boiue, Mor.-------------------- (Su New York Oit 11, Be>roul ohof Ma nhatta.n) ---------- 53,170 100,000 " ___________ ll'lnshinr NationalBank ___ •t'l0lC. M. Lowes _______ Chas. H. Roberts •• c. E. Meyer _______ ---------------H. B. Peace 1-438 582,010 " ________ QneensOountySavinisBk•H'59 W. T. James _______ F. A. Oollfns ___ A.O. Haeeman,Sec. H. L. Bogert, Tr, __ ,__________ John Hepburn 1-42S (Branch) __________ ----------------- ________________________________________ (See New York City , Fresh Pond-------- Bank of the :Manhattan Co. • 1799 1-2 . (See New York City , (Branch) Jamaica ___________ AMERICAN TRUST CO••• •t§'04 Special attentlo n given Bill or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Pleasr send 15c w ith each siyht draft for presentation. I 1-307 Send us your LONG ISLAND ITEMS. • <Branch) _ _ _ ------------------- ___________________ IG. . Downin~---- rsee New York City, " ____________ Bank ot the Manhattan Co. . •t§1799 1-a 100,000 35,530 StarrBrinckerhoff Richard Van Siclen Wm. Peterson _____ Leland LaBar _____ w. B. A hmead • J. M. Kissam _____________ FIRST NATIONAL 8ANl ... •t'06 A thoroughly or ganlzed coUectio n department. Prompt service and remittance. Reasonable rates. 1-(31 Let us handle y our "IAMAICA" Items. I I 'i l __________ Jamaica Savinrs Bank _____ f '66 M. . Rapelye _____ \V. C. Durland ____ J. T. Watts, Tr. -- C. R, Doughty, Sec. ---------G.W. Smith,.A.Sec. Stephen Ryder 1-424 644,540 W. H. Goodenough, (Su New __________ Title, Guarantee & Tr. Co.•1'83 (Branch) __________ R. P. Woodin, Mor. Howard Cline, A. Mor. Mor.,Bank'oDept. P. o. Robert on, 1-lOG Dou2las 1cf.eMur. A. [~r. Lon2 Island Oity __ AMERICAN TRUST CO. ____ •§'04 (Branch) ______________________________ -------------------- ____________________ (See New , . 1-307 (Branch) __________ -------------·-·--- ________ W. . Milan _______ 1(Bu New " _____________ Bank of the Manhattan Co. •11799 1-2 u New " ____________ orn Exchani?e Bank-.-•1'53,l (Branch) __________________ B. o. Vandewater, IN. D. Smedley, A. Mor. Mor. 1-45 .Arthur Woodbury, ---------D. G. Morrison ____ Jarvis S. Hicks, " _____________ Lonr Island Oity Sav. Blc .• •1'76,Bcnjamin Moore A. 'u. See. H, F. Jones 1-426 C. L. Paetzold, York Cit " 1,073,740 2,229,960 66,180 1 -------------------- A. Bjornson, Mgr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (See New Y&rk City , Borough of Manha ttan) ____ ---------- , " I( 533,800 644,081) 7,214,760 ---------- 7,516,500 1,227,200l BoroU(Jh of .Manhattan)____ 3 195,360 Irvin~ N., N. Y. n 347,470 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. '\'..; Bk. of the Cll Manhattan Co. and Corn Ex., j Z ' ' Flushin~. N. Y. ~ ~ Borough of Manha ttan) ______________ Am. Ex. N .. N. Y. lo( o ~ BorOU(Jh of Manhattan)____ 1,637,900 4,139,800 11 9.92:5.250 ------- v, 1,797,000 665,570 N. Park, Harriman N., and Ilk. or the Manhattan Co. N.Y.: Nassau N ., Brooklyn, (') 0 9.861,2S0 ....::, 5· 612,!190 I Borou oh of Ma nhattan) ---------- Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.: Corn I York Cit11 , Borough! of Manha ttan) ---h . of Man hattan) __ York C,t Y, Boroug Ex. • ., Chi. _ _c ________ Yorlc Cit 11, Borou:l oh of 1.\Ia nhattan) 1,566,020 17,665,150 -------- 17,983,240 · 1.125.060 Corn Ex. N., N. Y. ~ $l) ::, W. JI. Guardenier, (Su New Ye>rk Ci t11, Borou oh of Ma nhattan) " _____________ Title, Guarantee & Tr. Oo._1'83 1(Branch) ______________________________ J.B. Penchoen, A. J,Jgr. Mor. 1-106 111.530 2,313,4701 1,IM,230 1.04:1,430 50,000 Ozon Park ________ l.l'ir. t ... ~ational Bank -----•:t:'07 John B. Heimer ___ G. F. Livett _______ W. L. Hopkins ____ -----------------1 II. E. Winne 1-434 (Wooclhayen P.O.) See New York City , Borough of .11.fanha ttan) ___ _ (Branch) __________ ____________________ D. CJ. Ketcham) •• _. Richmond RilL •••• Bank of the .\lanhattan Co. 1 I •§1799 1-2 5:56,6001 5i3,630 ---------~ ,260 200,000 ___________ . Hirhmond Hill , •at ional Bank u eorge olms. ____ ' E. G. Haeder ______ C. B. Mahler ______ " 1 1 c.n . .\lahler '20 1- -Wl --------------------1 I s:: $l) 322,700 Irving N .. N. Y.: 1st ~'., Jamaica;~ :Mech .• Brooklyn. !I • 11 AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK-Fidelit &Suret Bonds-Bur lar Insurance Numbel' u~du Name of Bank is the New TransJ& .Numbel' given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis gQ. Am. Ex. N .. N. Y. .A. Sec. 1---------- ( '<D.I . -\0 ., ~ 997 Number under Name of Bank is the New TransJt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers•n. NEW YORK CITY-Central Reserve City f v. LIABILITIES. .ASS'T O.A.SRiltR. -------- .. .. . H. Hollweg ____ ---------------- I LO.uf■ Al BONJ>B, PRINCIPAL OORRJ:SPONDENTS. o.... .,,_ ~ 7 Angelinofl'. Alexander, 231 W. 14th St. Bajardi, Vincenzo, 5 Monroe. (1-646) Bloomingdale Bros .. 137 E. 59th~ (1-649) Boffa. D. & Di-Sesa.114-116 Mu_lberry. (1-650) Brecher & Heilpern. 1587 :Madison Ave. Calvosa, Carlo, 89 Park St. ·o, GIT. ardi· & Co., 106 Bayard. (1--6 51) Cesarl Deffaa, Otto A., 3013-3rd Ave. Del Papa, Michael , 147.Mott. (1-652) De Luca. G. & co .. 75 Thompson. (1--653) De Luca v. & co., 186 Grand. (1-654) De Vita, Salvatore. 2105 ]'.irst Ave. (1--655) • Dinnella, Pietro, 2270 Pacific (Brooklyn). (1-6i>6) Engel, Morris, 129 Greenwich. (1-6 57 ) Faour, D. ,r. & Bros .. 85 :Washington. (l--6 58 > Ferrari. Francesco Man~. ~112-14 Secopd Ave. Frazier Chas. & co.,•:!: 93 Nassau. (l--009) Fugazy: Louis V., 153 Bleecker. (Hi59) $ 901,6201l ,vine N" N. y.' Ma,ke_t st. N .. Phil. 262.1001 90,000 Chase N .. N. Y .; N. Y. State N .. Alb. York Ci.t y, Borou oh of Ma nhattan) 50,000 60,000 500,000 \ 250,000 (See New York City, Borou \ ghof Ma nhattan) (Borough of Richmond, D 3) S. Bedell ______________________________ S T. H. Spratt, Mur. - Philip Licht, A.Mgr. E. R. Moody _______ 50,000 $ 20,650 S 673,5Wj!S 499,530 S 101,940: $ 162,050 Mech. & M.t::tals .N., N. Y . (See New York Cit 11, Borou uh of Ma ---------- ------------------- ---------- 100,000 160,000 40,000 ---------- ---------- 100,000 73,610 H, 8cot1--···· H. H. 8e2"uine _____ 100,000 Paul T. Wood ______ G. S. Holbert·--·-- I 155,370 855,840 1,251,880 2,225.570 ·---------11 ---------1,083,2901 945,710 528,220 Irvin 2: N ., N. Y .; Girard N., Phil. ------- ---- __ ., _______ Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. lll,430 151.510 1.344,710 659.650 747.560 655,800 8,550,000 --------- 8,285,000 25,000 73,510 1.062,960 936,560 57,700 92,880 1,531,410; 9,920 1,460,540 100,000_ 25,000 430,000 1 425,000 1,000 238,770 Mech.& MetalsN., N. Y.; N. Coru'l, Alb. 293,710 N. Park, N. Y. 497,420 Cent. Union Tr .. Far. Ln.&Tr.. and Equitable Tr. Co .. N. Y, 162,910 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 170,080 26,000 Mech. & MetalsN., N. Y. --- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • I,< !g =G=a=rf=u=n=k=el=& = T=a=u= st=e=r,=6=7=C=l=m=t=on=. = = = =====:;==Ll=.c=c=io=n=e=,=J=o=se=p=h=,= 12=5=.M=m=b=e=rr=y=.=(l=-6 =7=5=}=====::=;==R=u=tt=k=a=y,=E=u=g=e=n=e=.1=U=6=A=v=e=n=u=e=B=.=(1=-=71=2=)=====1 g Gimbel Bros •• Bkrs .. Cor. 1275 Broadway (1--660) Goldberg, Shepard J., • 171 E. Broadway. (1-718) Goldberger & Goodman, 136 E. 42d St. Greenhut, J.B. & Co .• 251 Four th Ave. (l- 708) Guarini & Ca nd ela, 23-25 New Bowery. (1-6 61) Hannevig & Company, 139 Broadway. 'If (1-715) Hedman, Hornhorg & Co., 5 State St. Helander & Nekton, 233 Broadway. Herz, Isidor, 224 W. 34th. (l--662) Hurwitz, A. & J., 36 Graham Ave., Brooklyn. (1--663) Imbrie & co., • 61 Broadway! (1-717) Jagocki, Frank X., 707 Third Ave., Brooklyn. (l--664) ,Tosephsohn, Michael. 105 Stanton. (1--667) Josephson, Julius, 1783 Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn. Karaglluesian, Miran. 354 Fourth Ave. (1-669) Kiss, Emil, 133 Second Ave. (1-670) Krimmert, Albert, • 9 Greenwich. (1--551) Lago, James V., 154 W. 14th. Landisi, Laurence, 101 Vernon Ave., Long Island Oitv Legniti, Angelo, 64 Mulberry. (1-673) C B. RICHARD & CO N y CITY • C 'Ill ~ .........,:nv. _.,.... NEW YORK CITY-PRIVATE BANKERS-Under Supervision of the State of New York Banking Department A=lv=i=n=o=.P=ie=t=ro=.=3=87=B=r=oo=m =J=t.=a=n=d=2=24=2=F=ir=s=t=A=ve=.=(=1--6=45=) g \ Tottenville ------- Tottenvllle Nation•! &nk•t•Or. B, Pol,...ton .... J, W, Place ....•.- ha J, Ho,ton .. _ .. Harry H. Robinson 1-45" (179 Main) Oou.ntySavine-s Bk. J. F. Smith. _______ A. F. Merrel] ______ F. W. Tompkins, G.H. Tredwell.Su. \Vest New Brighton Richmond 1-451 •U'86 Benedict Parker Tr. ., ,. West New Brighton Bank. §'20 v. A. Verdon _____ J. W. Place ________ Edgar N. Stuart. __ Wm. 0. Jube ______ 1-457 <Broadway &Castleton) Jos. Johnson, V. P. Geo. McWilJiams .. 0JIIP08- .uro SIIClTIU• DISIT8 PBOl'ITB COl1NTa ~ --- --(Su New York Cit y, Borou ghof Ma nha ttan) --- --------- ---- ---------- (Su New National Bank ..•i'03 C, A. Brnns ........ A, B. Pouch ···-··r· ---------- Stapleton 1-453 (Bay & Canal) R. D. Kent Island Savin2:s Bk.•U'67 E. C. Bride-man ____ Wm. J. Welsh _____ H. O. Haredorn ____ G. O. Hall__________ ------------ Slaten 1-450 G. S. Humphrey 1 SUB.PLUS H. A. Bohlen ______ $ 200,000 $ 214,840 S 7,813,170 $ 6,745,760 $ 647,130 Philip Esper (Su New York Cit y, Borou uh of Ma nhattan) NEW YORK CITY A. B. Potterion ____ A. H~aman ------ ---- --------J. F. Smith ________ E. R. Moody J. w. Place ________ Frank Foggin F. A. Verdon-----· P.u»-UP RESOURCES. O.4.PITAL I Mariners Harbor _'Mariner Harbor Nat. Bank•:t'06 jG. T. E2'.bert_ ______ 1-455 Sew Brighton ____ Corn Ex. Bank of Staten Island (Branch) __________ 1-45 (24 Bay) •i'53 Port Richmond ___ Port Richmond Nat. Bk .•. •:t·o2 W. J. Davidson ____ 1-458 " ________ State Bk. of Richmond Co. §'20 Andrew Hagaman._ 1- 458 (Richmond Ave. and Ben nett St.) Stapleton _________ Richmond Borou2'.h Nat. Bank J • W. Place ________ 1-454 •t'04 (Borough of Queens)-Continued (Savings Banks do not handle collections) I I NAME OF BANK. •Mem . .Am. Bks. Assn. 5State CASHIER, VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT, TOWNS, :tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Ridgewood _______ Bank of the Manhattan Co. (Branch) _________ -- G. A. Goetz, Mgr .• 1-2 •§1799 " _________ Ridgewood National Bank •t.'09 Louis Berger ______ E.G. Raeder------ C. Gunther. ____ 1-437 Fred'k Sprower Rockaway Beach __ Bank of the Manhattan Co. (Branch) ________ ------------------- W. H. Reynolds, 1-2 •11799 · Mgr, Seaside ________ Bank of the Manhattan Cc (Branch) _______ ---------------- --------------1-2 •§1799 Whitestone ____ First National Bank ______ •:t'07 E. P. Roe ________ S. G. Beals _________ J. W. Stanley ___ 1-435 H. C. Buncke Woodhaven ----- ]Bank of the Manhattan Co. (Bra,ne,h) ----,--- - - - - - - - - F. H. Corwm, Jr., 1-2 •§1799 Mgr, •, • • Lordi, Giovanni. 62 Mulberry. (1-676) LLundhbeck&, .MG. Hilmepr, od24 StatEe 8th. Bid (1-""7) un am oore, • r uce xc ange g. "' .Macy, R.H. & Oo., Broadway and 34th. (1--678) Markel Brothers,• 92 Canal. (1--679) Molea, Giuseppe, 175 Hester. (1--681) Nemeth, John, 1597 Second Ave. (1-683) Neubauer, Andrew J., 972 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. (1--684) '< Schoppa G. H., 931 Broadway (Brooklyn). Schreiber, Chas. W., 2429 Myrtle Ave., Ridgewood. (1-714) Sigmund Geza. 1347 First AvP. (1-709) Scotto L. :M. P. and Bro., 212 Columbia; Brooklyn. Scotto, Raphael. 238 Columbia, Brooklyn. (1-694) Sessa, Joseph. 131 Union St., 467 Carroll St .. and 6323 Fo tee th A e B ooklyn (1--695) Sil . t ur n v .. Ar · · ht i. I. and Son, 217 Ave. a. Stabile, Jerome G. and Americus c.,189 Grand.Cl--696) Straus, Max, 55 Broadway. (1-705) Oppenheim, Harry . 392 Grand . (1-686) Orbach, Faybik & Molitoris, 166 Avenue A. Packard & Co., 1 Wall. (1--6 87 ) Palumbo and Granozzi, 185 Montrose Ave.(Brooklyn) Pasca, Michele G., 2072 First Ave. (1-688) Perera. Lionello & Co.,• 63 Wall and 2261 First Ave. (1-581) Prisco, Raffaele, 73 Mulberry. (1--690) Verrilli Bros., 129 Mulberry. (1-i00) Viggiani, Enrico, 2167 First Ave. (1-701) Richard, C. B. & Co .• •t 29 Broadway. (1-591) Royal Co. of New York, The, 95 Nassau. (1-691) Zaro, Henry C., 39 Cooper Square. Tarabella, C. & Co., 85 Park St. and 171 Worth. (1-697) Tansig & Son, Paul. 104 E. 14th. (1-706) Termini, Giuseppe,28 Mulberry. (1--698) (1-702) ESTABLISHED BANKS ENABLED To TRANSMIT FUNDS To ALL PARTS oF THE \VOR~o.:--__.-. •-··: • --~- 184?. _ ____ WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND FOREIGN E~CHANGE OUTFIT. · ' · _: ~ 0 ::, r-1" ::;· ~ ...~ 0.. ~l~R:,.;e;;,s::..;;e;;r~v~e~C~it;;y~~~= o=f=M=a=n=h=;a~t=ta=n~)-=-=C==;:o:==n=t=in=u=e=d==C=e=n=t;;r~a see page 957 =====I~ ~~~~~===;=N=E=W=::;:=Y=O=R=K=C=I=T=;=Y=(=B=o=r=o=u=g=h= DEALERS-For Members N. Y. Stock Exchang-e SELECTED LIST-INVESTMENT 998 = I I NA.llE OJ.I HA~KEH. NA.IIE OP HA. KICK. YEAR •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. OORRESPONDENTS, OPPICERS, YEAR CORRESPONDENTS, OFFICERS. EST AB· tMem. State Bks. Assn. ESTAB· _ _:_,;:;;)(;.;.e.;;;;m~._ln_Y_._Bk_s_._A_ss_n_.__L_I_S_H_E_D_. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11 ---=-=M:..:e.=m::..:."..;:;.I.:::.nv::..:..::..:.B.:::.k=s:.:.··-=-A=s=sn::.:·:..___:L::.:I:.::S~H~E~D:..· 1- - - - - - -- - - - - 1_ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ •llem. Am. Bka . .usn. U(em. State Bk1. Asan. Aldred & Co, __________ '13 (Corporation Fina n cing) ___ _______ Chase & Co., Bos.; J. W. Gro s, Phil.: IBOND & CO., S. N,----------------- ~•17 (Con1me1•cial Paper and Bond ) Chase . and N. Park. . Y. 111 Broadway Aldrrd . • Co, Ltd., Montreal, London, 42 Wall F Bond & Goodwin Chi Phil Bos SanJ.nd or { "Commercial Paper " & GOODWIN BOND a nd Pans. Sea'tt1e ·• Port' All I os \ Investment Securities -------------- ---- • Canadian Government, Munl- A. K Ames & Co .. Ohi., Toronto! Mont 6i>• Broadway ·• .. • · real and V1ctol"ia, 1 AMES A. E. & CO. _________________ ~'89 clpal and Corporation Bonds and Stocks. 1 Minnl~.'' . ____ . _ _ -O C. B, ge. Exchrm Stock Mont,eal Members 74 Broadway ' P. \Y, Brooks & Co., Inc., Bos. and BRO KS, P. W. & CO. INC.-----•t'06 j(InvestmentBo,,ds) { },!embers Investment Bankers Association of America, Phil. l 115 Broadway MPmbers Bond DealP•s Association of Canada. AMES, EMERICH & COMPANY INVESTMENT 111 BROADWAY, NEW YORK MILWAUKEE CHICAGO Safety of Principal is our First Consideration SEC UR ITl ES BABCOCK, RUSHTON & CO.--------- '05 co Pltt.,I Rich., ~~f1:-S: -----------. I ~----------------------------H M BYLLESBY & co BURR J GEORGE H & 1 120 Broadway tlnve tment Sewrities) ----· ----- Babcock, Rushton & Co., Chi.; Hayden "'embe' .m 1 , <; Geo. H. Burr & Co., Chi., Bos., Phil., Seattle, Hart., St. L., Clev., Port., ~ ~ .A.ti., cranton, Commercial Paper. Inve trnent Securitie • 1 • '05 • 1 1 ter, Syracu~e.Alb.,Troy, Schenectady, and Atlantic C. F. liac.llman & Co., Phil. ll. --------------------------(Commercial Papt;r) ________ Rickards, Roloson & Co., Chi.; McCluney & Co .• St. L.; Lane, Piper & Jattray. _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ll_Ii_npls. - - - - - - - -- 11 Bachman, H.F. & Co, _ _____________ i 61 Broadway Bayne, Hine & Co._ -----------•n 61 Broadway ~ Brown Brotllerll~~-------•t '25 (Inve~tm ent Sccurities>----------- /Brown Bros. & Co., Bos. and Phil. tone &Co., Bo .;Morris Brown & Co.. 7 Wall 'BACHE, J. I. & CO.---------------•~·02 Pitt. (Investment Securities) _______ J. S. Bache & Co .• Chi .. Bufl'alo, Roches42 J:koadway Z er 111 Broadway Founded 1902• 208 s. LaSalle Street, Chicago. 10 Weybosset Street, Providence. 30MSltcaht.e Street, Boston. D,me Bank Bldg., Detroit, 1 ~ t:O , ._ .- u Bank of Wis<'onsln Bldg., Madi on, Wis. 324' Citizen Bank Bldg., Evans,,me. Ind. 15 South Fifth Street, Minneapoli , 1'Unn. S<'<'Ond National Bank Bid~ .. New Haven, Conn. nlinois Bnkrx. Ass'n Wiscon~in B11k1·11. As8'n GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. UTILITY AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES. <SEE CARD ON BACKBONE OF COVER> I 2! -... ,,.... VJ I :z (D BECKER, A. G. &, CO. 111 Broadway COMMERCIAL PAPER t'll'9,1 A. G. Becker & Co., Chi., St. L., SeCampbell, Heath & Co.--------• attle, and San F. 5 l\a~rnn ~ (Commercial Paper) _____________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ "1 :ii;- Belmont & Oo.,~Augnst ________ .i -------------------------- N. M. Rothschild & Sons, Lo_ndon, Eng.; Cassatt & Co ... ____________________ '72 (Investment Bankers) ______________ Cassatt & Co., PhiL, Balt., Pitt., and Scranton. 5 ·assau st. de Rothschild Freres, Paris, France. 41 Exchani?e Pl. r+ '< BERTROII, GRISCOM & CO., Inc ____ ., (Bonds) _______________ Bertran, Griscom & Co. Inc., Phil. -----------------------------------· Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. Chamberiain & Co .. Lawrence, Inc. 40 Wall · 'Ils 115 Broadway 0. I BLAIR & CO I Inc, _____ • '90 2C Broad. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. (SEE CARD ON BACK OF DIRECTORY COVER) I Q ilcH1LDs, c. F. & co. 120 Broadway ·11 The oldest house in America specializing exclusively in Government Bonds. Members of the American ::s lrllng N •• Liberty N., Chatham & ::!'. Phenl'l N., Bk. of Ameri<'a, and ::s Me<'h. & Metals N., N. Y.; C. F. c: (D Chllds &Co., Chi. hrs. Ass'n See Adv. oppoaite pa11e 982 0. 11 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- -: Olarlt, Dodre & Oo, ______________ .i,•47 (Investment ._ ccurilies) _____ ___ ___ Clark, Dodge & Co., Newark. . 51 Wall ____________ N. Park, Met., Met. and Irving N,, N. Y . ._ Blake Brother • · Co .• ····- ____ ---·_ •ssl(CommerciaL Paper) ___________ __J Rickards,Roloson&Co.,Chi.;Blake Bros.& Clarke Brothers ______________ ----•t"40 154 Na au Co., Ho .; McCiu.ney & Co., St. L.; Lane. 44 Wall P> Piper & Jaffrey, Minnis.: Collman & :::, Co., au F.: Elkins, Morris & Co., Phil. Coffin & Burr. lnc. __________ 'IO (I nvestment Bonds) _ _________ Coffin & Burr, Inc., Bos. J::: 61 Broadway BLODGET & CO.---------------------t (lrwe tment Botul..-<) _____________ Blod1:et .,. Co., Chi .. Bo. . ,Hart., and Phil. P> "1 !f4 Pine Coffin & Co, ______________________ _ '02 (Inve. tmerit . ecuritie,~>---- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ BLODGETT, HART & CO., Inc.·--------- Inv stment ecurltle _________ _ 34PinP ll;i Broa,Tway BLYTH, WITTER & CO.------------ '10 (IntJeatment Securities) ______ Blyth, Witter . eo.. San F .. Los A., and! COGGESHALf:,.&8~J~~ay··-----•1 '06 { !{Ji,';:J,"!'.!'Jj~\;_''{','~;,,-;;;-iii:·- ·----------·-----------------·----- -----Seattle. , Ill Hroallway ~MER\C~N SURElY COMPANY OF NEW YORK-Fidelity &Surety Bonds-Bur lar Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ;e ; - ;._:~/ , .r ., . ~~ ' :~':J ~:,\\ . ' '.; l:. tilt,,. ~ r NEW YORK CITY (Borough of ~anhattan)-Continued-Central Reserve City.., .. ~ .,,,,., NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)-Continued-Central Reserve City I..... SELECTED LIST-INVESTMENT DEALERS-For Members N. Y. Stock Exchange, see Page 957 ======:=========-..:..=.:-! ================:=:========== =::::_:::;:::::--:-::-::--:=,=-:-======== cg N.uui: OF .liA.NK.r.!4. ~ l l E - O F J:lA.NKER. 999 •Mem. Am. Bies. Assn. Ulem. State Bies. Assn. Mem. lnv. Bks. Assn. YEAR ESTAB· : LISHED. · : - - - - - - - - - - - - COLES & co., w. C.---------•'89 61 Broadway 1 1)l --------------,1~1111!!,!ll!M~em~. ~t:· f Since 1 •llem. Am. Bies. Assn. Ulem. Sta\e Bies. Assn. POND...... TS D'D O0 -:ss _, . OF'PICJ:KS. ,ii I OF NEW YORK~ GUARANTY140COMPANY Broadway, ... Tew York City Cbal'le H. Sabin, President "'ICE-PRESIDENTS • Harold F. Greene J. R. Swan Harold Stanley Alden s. Blodget Gilbert E. Jones George L. Burr John R. Kimball Hamilton Candee Burnett Walker Cla,ton F. Banks Frank Ut'nned) Henry C. Ward IN· City and 1st N., N. Y. Col~te, Par~er & Co·-------1'13 <Investment Securities) ______ N, City and 1st N., N. Y. 1 \ 40 Wall OFl!'ICERS. OR.RESPONDENTS, P' ~ ~lnll!v~.!!B!!lks~-·A~s;;s~nii!i.ll!lll.;L;.;lS~H~E;;D••_ _ _!!!l!lll!l!ll...... Nslandard Oil and 1899, Speciali Independent Oil Securities. Colgate &Co .. J. B. _____________ ·52 (lnl!utment Securitiu) ___________ 36 Wall C ~~-------------------1 YEAR EST AB• R~=~:!~!se!ICJ<;;!!~!~~~!! Boudinot Atterbury John Grimm, Jr. Alfred Shrirnr § ,_. W.R. Nel on, Secretary Kenneth Ward-Smith, Tr,.a&urer Harry V. Babcock, Ass'/ Secretary Wm. M. Falion, Jr., Ass't Treasurer Charle H. WWte, Ass't T,easurer \\'m. B. Coulson, Asst Treasurer z .-.-4 W.R. Compton,Prea, _____ .WilliamR.ComptonCo.,Chi.,Cin.,N.O., ,•J OFFICES IN TWENTY-SEVEN CITIES THROUGhOUT THE UNITED STATES and St. L. Clark on Potter, V. P. ~ l!l!~------: 11•----iiliillllllllliiilii...liiiliiiiiiliilliliiiillli!!iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiii----~~~lllll! , ,•811 R. P. Compton. Tr. COMPTON, WILLIAM R. twu~,uwuai.\Ju, ----------------•• 5U1------------------------ 111a11l!..trteu & vu,, Uhl. au-1 Lun_.011. \ R. C. Noel, Sec. 14 Wall .{J. W. Garreit, A. Sec. 1._... 6 Nassau tlNVESTMENT BONDS 1Halsey, Stuart~ Co .. Chi., ~hil.. Bos.,1 ~ Dealer• In llunlclpal andoth er Conaenathe lnye1tment bond1. 0 1 Det., t. L .. Mmpls., and Mil. 'Successors to N W I J See Adv. on back of Chica~o Map. ~ • •• J ) • • ~ Chicago. Co., & Halsey INC. Bos. Curtis & Sanier---------- '&. (Commercial Paper, Stocki, Bonds) Curtis & Sanrer, Chi. and '1!'01 49 Wall 40 Wall Hambleton & Co,____________ '65 (Inm:11tment Bond.-) ____________ Hambleton & Co., Bait., Phil .. and Wa: h. Ct! · ...._ 4a Exi-hanei> Place DILLON, READ & CO.------------• '05 (Inl!estment Bonds) ______________ IDillon, Read & Co., Chi., Bos., and Phil. HANNAHS, BALLIN & LEE __________ (Investment Bonds) ______________ - --·-·---·-------····----···--------- ,,28_ Tassau Z • r 115 Broadway Henry L. Doherty & Co .. Chi., Bos.. • A. Harrunan & Co., Inc., Bo~. and ~ {W. verell Harriman, Ch. of 1nvestment Securities___ C1ev., Atl., Phil., and San F. C/l Syracuse. ~ 1 H; H. Walk~r. Pres. Fiscal Agents and Managers , 04 P. V. , turg1 J. \\. ·20 • ___ INC. A., W. CO., & HARRIMAN for Public utllity DOHERTY, HENRY L. & CO. ----• J. D. Sawyer, V. P. 25 Broad Corporations. 60 Wall Wilbnr F. llolt, Sec. and Tr. co ________ HALSEY STUART & co I Bd.lVi. 1 (Inv estment Securities) I . . z ~ <! . ELDREDGE and COMPANY-------- 4lf'l8 (Investment Securit£e8L ________ Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Eldredie & Co., Bos. Rarrfs, Forbes & Oo, ________________ .41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Harns Tr. & Sav .. Oh1.; Ilarns, Forbes & Co., Inc., Hos.: Harris, Forbes & Co., <i Pnil, and London. ~ HARRIS, WINTHROP & CO.--------• (Investment "'ecuritie.~) ---------· Harri , Winthrop & Co., Chi. , . . . , 52 Uroad":ay Hatch, Fredenc H. & uo. ________ , 88 <Investment~ ecunt1es) _______ Walters. Place, Bos.: Balfour, Vi h1te & ~ Co., Montreal; James Carothers & 74 Broadway Co., Pitt. -· HATHAWAY & CO., R. B~-----'10 (lnve.~tment Securitic ) - - - - HelllleLon & Co., N. Y. · Specialists in Jlotor "t-ocks 20 Na ·sau tha !~~~ile~Pfit & co,-------• ,(Gomn~rciaL Paper)------------Ha "'ay, Smi~i· :Mmpls .. Clev .. Den.. Port.. Bart .. () o Scranton, Atl .. Dallas, and San F. ::, HAYDEN, STONE & CO.------------ 41'02 (Brokers)------------- Ilayden, Stone & oo., Bos. iPine & William • 7 Wall FARLEE & CO., J. S.------------ •'82 66 Broadway ------------------- ,Mech. & Metals N. and Fidelity Tr. Co.. N. Y. Dealers In Investment Bonds. Railroad, Municipal and other { approved Bonds on hand r or lmmedla(e delivery suitable for Savings Banks, Trust Funds, and other Conservative Investors. g n Ir+ I Investment Securitie 1s ________________ B d ·t d St t a es on s : Unt e J • 32 Nassau r-f> ____ · i!5 Hroad i -----------. 5• Frazier & Company _______________ '131· (See Redmond &: Company) _______ ----------------------------------------- Heidelbach, Ickelheimer & Co, ___ •!"76 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ i:: . . . , , 49 Wall 65 Broadway ~ HERRICK & BENNETT----- ----1 05 (Investment Secunt1es) _____ L1herty .. Guaranty Tr. Co., Mtle Tr. 1Q. . Co., Coal & Iron N., and U. s. Mtge. & 66 llroadway Freeman & Company _______________ '06 (Tr~t Eqinpment Bonda) __________ Am. Ex. N .• N. Bk. Com .. Bk, of N. Y., Hit~~~i1i·u.~mtL fv~fls FISK & SONS HARVEY { RY:~:/1 1 Tr. Co .. N. Y. HODENPYL, HARDY & CO., Inc. --•-;!'03 (Investment Securities) __ - - - Hodenpyl, Hardy & Co .. Inc .. Chi.; E. W. Clark & Co .. Phil,; Richardson &Clark, 14 Wall Gay W O. & Co. -----------'93 (CommeteiaL Paper)------------ W. 0. Gay & Co., Chi., San F., Phil.,and Providenre; Chas. W. Scranton & Co .. Bos. 27 William ' · .i:·ew Haven. I Holbrook, Corey & Co. _____________ • (Commercial Paper) _____________ Holbrook. C~rey & Co., Chi., Dos.. an Gllber1., Clinton -------------, ---- '85 (Bank & TrtLSt Co. Stocks)------ Bk. of America and 1st N .. N. Y. F., rnd Phil. a ~u 31 1 2 Wall HOLLISTER, WHITE & CO., Inc,--- '12 (Investment Sec1,rities)_ ________ Hollister, White & Co., Inc .. Ho'-.. Phil., Syra,.u-e, Prov .. and Springfield, l15 Boadway . GOLDMAN SACHS & CO.----•* (Commerciai Paper) ------------ .Goldman. Sachs& Co .• Cbi .. SanF.,Phil .. Holmes & Co .. J. H. _______________ ~•23 ----------------------- ____ w. H. 'ewbold, Sons & Co .. Phil,; Mc· St. L., All., Los A., and Bos. (Im,eatment Securitiea) 60 Wall ' Clure, Smith & Co .. \Yarren. 61 Broadway GRAHAM PARSONS & COMPANY. 'll7 (Inveatment SecuritieaJ ______ Graham, Parsons & Co .• Phil. and Pitt. HORNILOWER & WEEKS--------• '88/ (lnve::;tm ent ecurities) --------·- llornlllower & Weeks, Chi., Bos., Det .. Pro, i<lenre, and Port. ~~ l:$roa11way . 30 Pine St. ' HUDSON & CO., C. 1.-------------- '74 (Brokers)--------------- C. I. Hudson & Co .. Atlantic City, New. \Vil .. Binghamton. N. Y.• Scranark, Broadway 66 Bos and L., St. Chi., Grant&Co., M. R. _______ (Investm~ntBondsL •1'04 GRANT, • M. & CO.----------\0 ton, Wilkes.Barre, Pa .. and Cin. 81 Nasl'!au HUHN & SONS ,CEO. A.------- '05 (Brokers) _______________ Geo. A. Huhn & Sons, Phil. 1 111 Broad way . and Irving N., N. Y. 34 Pine l . -C B RICHARD & co N y CITY • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • •, ■ ■ • ESTABLISHED 1847. 'THE OLDEST FOREIGN EXCHANGE HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. FOREIGN CURRENCY. FOREIGN BONDS. '° '° - NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)-Contlnued-Central Reserve City 0 SELECTED ~!ST-INVESTMENT DEALERS For Members N. Y. Stock Exchange see page 957 g 1000 NAME OF BANKER. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. 1:Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. NAME OF BANKER. YEAR ESTAB· LISHEU. HUTH & CO•-·····-··-·-•1809 30 Pine OFFICERS. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. 1Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. CORRESPONDENTS, I Branch of Fred'k Huth & Co., 12 Tokenhouse Yard, London. E. C. 2. Correspondents of Huth & Co., Valparaiso, Chile. YEAR ESTAB· CORRESPONDENTS, OFFICERS. KOUNTZE BROTHERS-:, Foreign Exchange and Letters of Credit Ht BROADWAY INVESTMENT SECURITIES. --------------1111 !SELIN, A. & CO ..- - - · - - - - - · · - - · · · - i l - - - - - - - - - - - 36 Wall Jackson & Curtis _______ - - · - - -41['79 (Investment Securities) ___________ Jackson & Curtis, Bos., Worcester. Provi43 Exchanee Pl. I LISHED. FoPeign Exchange and Letters of Credit. ~ dence and Sorine:fleld. A SERVICE IN NEW YORK FOR BANKS EXAMINli lists of Investment holdings and suggest profitable exchanges FURNISH statistical information and advice relative to Intrinsic values SUBMIT Usts of bonds, notes or stocks selected from current offerings NOTIFY Correspondents promptly of the facts regarding new Issues EXI.CUTl. orders for the purchase or sale of securities and foreign exchange Jelke, Hood & Bolles MEMBERS OF The New York Stock Exchange American Bankers Association Investment Bankers Association NEW YORK 40 WALL ST. JESTER & Pine COr----- -·---·-'06 Investment Securities ________ 41 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. JOLESCH, ALBERTSEN & CO .. _____ '20 <Investment Secmities>---·------- Mech. &. Metals N ., N. Y. 1 JONES & co~. -,r•o4 {Munlclpal, Railroad, and EquitableTr.Co .. Guaranty Tr. Co., Am. ~1As~1t:~:_. _____ 20 Broad . ··---····'09 (Commercial Credits)-··----····- Koni~ Brothers, London, En~. I~ 160 Pearl ~ Kuhn. Loeb & CO---··----···· . , 52-54 William 0:, LADD & CO., W. F.-·-···-------·'16 (Railroad Bonds>---------------··_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....._ 43 Exchange Place r>"" I.ed.enburc-, Thalmann &Co .••• _. •i"J - - - - - - - - - '---·-·-·······-·---- · ·----·------- Z ------1 ~~ LAIDLAW & COMPANY-----·-·-·-•t'42 26 Broadway ···------ - - - - - -1Bk. of Cal. N. A.• San F.; Lon. Joint City and Midland Bk., Ltd .. Lon.; Australian Bk. of Com .. Ltd., Sydney: Bk. of Bishop & Co. Ltd., Honolulu. · Le.nrley, W. O. & Oo .•• -·-·------·-·, (Investment Securities) ___ ·-------~115 Broadway LAZARD FRERES--.---·------ 1 ______ ~ en I z ··--·- n:, ~ Lazard Bros. & Co .• Lon.Eng., Lon., Ant- , 19 Nassau · 1 werp, and Espana, Madrid; Lazard Fre- ..,< res & Cie, Paris and Mayence. Germany. 0 A. n. Leach, Pres. F. B. Lasher, A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., Chicago and "'1 IJ W. E. Fulcher, V.-P. Sec. and Tr. Principal Cities. See adv. Page 5, :,;-I 1 1 P. G. Gassler, V.-P. D. H. Lake, V.-P . •i-l C. B. Campbell, V.-P. C. T, Smith, Cash, ~~ 62 "'edar ' Dealers In Munlclpal and Co,-po,-ation Bonds. 1 CO ,,. 48 43 E:xchanc-e Pl. 1 New York, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland (Me.), Worcester, St. Louis, ,... Milwaukee, Minneapolis, lndlanapoUs, Hartford (Conn.), Providence (R. I.), Grand Rapids, Kansas City, St. Paul, and Higginson & Company, London, England. ~ ------ LEACH AB & Co INC '< A g LEE, H16 61 NS ON & 5· Ex. N., u. s. Mortgage Tr. co. , and Columbia Tr. Co., N, Y.; Fo ter & \l'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,,,,.,_ _- i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,_,...,.,._,_""!""_...,,....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._B,..r..,a.,it..,,h""'w""a"" i1 e.., . L,..o...,n,,.._E_,.n1?..,·_,,_ _ _ s. B. Lewis & Co,-------'07 (Commercial Paper) __________ S. B. Lewis & Co., Phil .. Bos .. Pit .. 511 111 1 11 111 Broadway At!., and Scranton. Investment securities Correspondents of Mackay & Company ·------·---•i•o5 (Investmemt Securities) - - - · 14 Foreign Exchange BARING BROTHERS & CO., Ltd. CO. Maitland, Coppell Wall & Co .. __________ 1796 - - - - - - - - · - - - - N. Prov. & Union Bk. of Eng., Ltd. 18 Broad ~1 '65 Letter of Credit London 52 V(lilliam Lon.; Mallet Freres, Paris,fFrance. fl''!"l!!'l"fl"""ll~~'!!'P.!'!!"P."!!,,-.------1 -.------------:_._..__ _,___o:rz:=="""_.._ _ _ _ , 1.M:cKinley & Morris _________________ '17 (Investment Bonds). ___ .·--· ______ ---······---------·--·----·········------· 1 KIELY & COMPANY----·-----'14 llnve8tment Securities) ___ ·--------- , Irving N., Harriman T., Bk. of the .Man60 Broadway j 40 Wall ha.ttan Co., Empire Tr. Co., and Guar- McMillln & Co .• Emerson----·--------•----------------------------------------------·------------- - ----·----------1 •.. . . , . . !1ll Y Tr: CQ,, N. Y. . 120 Broadway , . . I h.1~:,-el, E:mmcutt & Oo. ____ ____ ___ , 04 (Investment Securitic8) _____________ Kissell, Klnn,cutt & Co .. Ch1. Meeker, Claude ____________________ 95 (Investment Securities)·--------- Claude Meeker. Columbus, O. 14 Wall 71 Broadway Merrill. Lynch & Co, ____________ _:j:'1['13 ······------------Merrill.Lynch& Go .• Chi .. Grand Rapids,~ nd 2 Member New York Stoc~ ~xchange M:orpn, J. i~~~~~-~~=----····-•i•1 ------------- Los A., a Det_.- - - - - - - - - · ' (Investment Secuntie8) 23 Wall . . . . t::: 120 Broadway Moseley, F. s. & Co·---------·---t1900 (Commercial Patper) ________ F. S. Moseley & Co .. Chi .. Phil., San F .. pi 1-548 26 Exchange Pl. Los A., and Bos. I "'1 1IPUe Traveler•' Letten or .John Munroe & Co., Bos.; M nroe ~ Through our mediation Bank1 and Bankers In the United States, may draw their own drafts Credit for use In all parta of & Co., Paris and Pau, France 1 on Europe. Iuue Travelers Checks and Circular Letters or Credit. MUIIROE, JOHN & CO. -- .. ---the world. Commeretal Let~ 30 Pine tera of Credit. Forelcn Ex• ~ chan1te. Collectlon1. Cable Corporation Bonds. -----·------- KIDDER, PEABODY & KNAUTH NACHOD & KUHNE.:, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis · i g l ----•'541 '1'r11n11ff'r11. NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)--Continued- Central Reserve NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)-Continued- Central Reserve City For Members N. Y. Stock Exchan2"e see Page SELECTED LIST-INVESTMENT DEALERS 1001 NA.ME OF HANKER, •Mem. m. Bks. Assn. t::Mem. State Bks. Assn. ,Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. YEAR I OFFICERS, ESTABLISHED, NAME OF BA~KER. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. CORRESPONDENT& O0RRE8POND:ENTS. OFFICERS.. YEAR Ulem. State Bks. Assn ESTAB· I Bks, Inv. 1¥em. ~~-~--1-------------1---------------110 ~4~, l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - ~ -~ ~:i,1sHED. ----------------------------- -----------1 --------------- Remick, Hodges & Co. _______________ 9ii (lnvc, tmcrit Securities)_ __________ 14 Wall COMPANY THE NATIONAL CITY Building, -ew York_ R.L. - N Day & Co., Bos. Rhoades & Company ______________ .i-_ (TnvPstment Bond$) _________ Rhoades & Company, Albany. James A. Stillman. Chairman o_f the Board. SO Pine Charles E. Mitchell, Pres. SEE ADV. ON PAGE _ National City ~nk 3 \{EBtablished 18-17 Uptown Office, 514 Fifth ,\senuc at Forty-th rd . __ treet R CHAI & CO., C. 8. -------t'47 The Oldest Foreign Exchange House In the United CORRESPONDE:ST OFFICES: Dealers In Domestic and Fore Igo Exchange. 29 Broadway Phlla Jpbla, Pa. San Francisco, Cal. Lo Angele , Cal. Cincinnati, Ohio Albany, N. Y. eattle, Wash. Pitt burgh, Pa. 1'H'"'aukee, Wis. Cleveland, Ohio Atlanta, Ga. s. !\la Springfield, Me. Portland, l\llnn. ,eapolls, · Colo. Denver, AtlantlcClty,N.J. D. Robbins, Pres. and Tr. __ Coal & Iron N. and Met.TrustCo .. ~•. Y. !:El St. Louis, Mo. Portland, Ore. .rk, N. J. l Detroit, Hieb. Baltimore, Md. <: IOBBINS, H. D. & CO., INC. _________ '15 E. H. T1tum, V. Pres. St. Paul, Minn. Providence, R.I. New Orleans, La. Hartford, Conn. Bo ton, Mass. <i J. T. Herne, Sec. 61 Broadway Washington, D.C. Rochester, N. Y. IndlanapoUs, Ind. Omaha, Neb. Buffalo, N. Y. ( Inve 8 tmcnt Bonds and Stocks) Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Kansas City, l\lo. Chicago, Ill. Il - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i i,< Toronto, Canada. 1.\-fontreal, Canada. London, E. C., 2, England. Ill z :{n. I T_A_N_C_E_s_.11 __ N_o_s_._ _ _ _ _ _ _~s_H_O_R_T_T_E_R_M_N_o_T_E_s_._ _ _ _ _A_c_c_E_P ..... B-=---=O - · - PRESSPR ICH &4~~\~aH· w. ------· __ '09 (lllvestmc11t ~ tD - > - ~o'1J~~a.d----·-------- - '03 tu 5 "" - 3 '0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z Rubinson, R. ~ Rollins, E. H. & Sons ____________ 11876 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. H. Rollins & Sons, Bos. v~ E.U Exrhangp Pt. 1 ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION '20 Dealer In Canadian Govern- Royal Secur. Corp., Ltd .. ~fontreal. Tomcm, 1'funiclpal and Indus- ronto, Halifax, St. John, Winnipeg, ~ Limited 'c and London. trial Securities. ( Canada ) B I 165 Broadway _ RUTTER & COMPANY--------'19 (Imestment Securities) _______ , I I INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Speclallze In STANDARD OD., Securities. Place, J. W. & CO,--------------------• --Liberty COMPANY '19 (Inllestment Securilies) _____________ HE,~S POTTER BROT37 g United States Government Bonds and other Investment Securities . Members N. V. Stock Exchange. •! , [i;, Nickerson, Jr., John ------·------•~ '05 Unrr,.·tmcnt ,"rruritic~>------ ,John Nickerson, Jr., St. L. 61 Broadway 25 Broad 1 26 Exchange Place Naumhurg-.,· Co., Chi., Bos .. Ilart.,Phil., fb\t·A.San F., Det., Port.. t. L., and 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - Xaumbnrl?, E. & Co. --------•'9.J (Commacinl PaJJcr>--------~--1-l Wall PFORZHEIMER, CARL H. &CO., ROBINSON & CO ~ (See Mnntreat) SALOMON BROS & HUTZLER I __________________________________________ ...,,. ~ _ 14 Wall 1 *n 0 r::::t'!i8::; t~':{:~~~a:r~r'f:t!J i::ts. Dealers in Bank and Bankers' Acceptances. _ o _a t_o_n-J. ~_ l_e_r._ B 11-:_s _a_lo_m_ o_ n_ B_r_o_•._&_H_u_tz. _n_d_e~n_t-;Buncl~) ________ 1- --- ---------------------------- ---------11---------27_P_i_n_e_ _ _--;-_ _ _ _ _,__c_ o,_r_e_•po I I Pynchon & Company---------------· ·1(I11l'cstmcnt Sccuritic •) ----------1P.rnchon & Co., Chi., Lon., Liverpool. Schall, William & CO,-------•t'53 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Swiss Bk. Corp. and Erlangers, Lon.: and Paris. 111 Broadway Deutsche, Berlin; de Neuflize & Co .. 45 William Pyne, Kendall & Hollister ___________ _l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w. H. Newbolds, , on & co. and Geo. Paris; Bk. of Am. and N. Park. N. Y. O w. Kendrick 3d &Co., Phil. · 20 Exchange Place Goschens & Cunliffe. Lo~on: .Marcuar<.l, . { Commercial Credits. - SCHULZ & RUCKGABER - ----- - --------- Meyer-Borel & Co., Paris l'ine · --- ---- ---- 82 Foreign Exchange. 27 Ei" n a j ,, - c:: ESTABLISHED 1866 QUINCEY & CO., CHAS. E. 29 Broadway SEASONGOOD & MAYER.,. l\lE..."\IBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS AND OTHER INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Direct Private Wire to Boston. l - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----11 . REDMOND& CO. ----•i 33 Pine Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Hayden. Stone & Co., N. Y. -0 -{r:C. g-\~~~i~f;,tf·P. TIE-S-S-ALES C - EC-UR_I_ D. Orme, Sec. arid Tr. S SEE ADVERTISEM ENT OUTSIDE BACK ~ 1 • . COVER. CAP ITAL $500,000 --------_-------! Investment Bonds ______________ Redmond & Co., Pitt. and corres- Selieman,J.&'! ~~ji------------•:t-.; --------.-.- - - - ------. pondents In all domestic and for4 Smith & Co .. Edward B-----------•t'92 (Inl'estment ecuritws) __________ Edward B. Smith A: (;n., Phil.; J. H. ~ eign ban.king points. o Brooks & Co., Scranton. 165 Broadway C B RICHARD &Co N Y CITY • Correspondent: Sea11on11ood & Mayer. Cincinnati. 149 Broadway Suite 2ill, mger Bldg. - - - - - - - - - - - - - --I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -■ 87 o. Government, Muni~pJ'~ ~~road, Corporation ■ t ■ ■ • FOREIGN BONDS AND CURRENCY. I I- - u. s. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR FOR EXCHANGE OF FOREIGN MONEYS SOLE AT THE U.S. IMMIGRANT LANDING STATION, ELLIS ISLAND, NEW YORK HARBOR. Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS NEW YORK CITY-(Borough of Manhattan)-Cont'd CENTRAL RESERVE CITY U(pm, State Bks. Assn. ,)(pm, Inv. Rks. Assn. --- --- NAME OF HANKER: NAKI: OP .BANK&R. •)(em. Am. Bks. Assn. YEAR ESTABLISHED. •Mem. Am. Hks . .Assn. U1em. State Bks. Assn. MPm. Inv. Ilks. A<:sn. 00RR&SPOMDENT8, OFFICERS, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ,_ volumu. For lntere~ Rates, _!lolldays, etc., seo La\\s. o YEAR ESTA.B- - --- OFFICERS. --~ - 0 1-.:> CORRESPONDENTS. LJ~HED, C. D. SMITHERS..CHARLES SMITHERS. L. FARRELL--SILWYN BYWATER Swenson, S. M.. & Sons _______________ CULVc.R B. McW MAUR'CE LL1AM, f'11•1rters. _ INVESTMENT SECURITIES. SMITHERS, F. S. & CO. Bank Acceptances. Foreign Exchange. -S_O _U_D _E_R _S __& __C_O __W ___G_,____H_I_G_H__G_ R_A_ D_E_~ _ 61 llroadway Talmadfe &Co. Henry ___________ •·n __________ 52 William - - - -----------------Bkrs.-T-r.- Co., N. Y.; Co-n -t .- & Com'l llTrask&Co., s~ini~~ad ____________ ., - - - - - - - - - - - - - SP~~~~r Trask & Co., Chi., Alb., and INVESTMENT N., Cbi.! Peo. State, Det.; 1st ~ts. T11rnure, Lawrence & Co. ________ ,-•32 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lon. Joint City and Midland Bk., Ltd., ,, • • SECURITIES N.,Mtl.,G.Rap.Sav.,G.Rap.,W. MWall Lon.;Heine&Co.,Paris. 31 Nassau '14 G. Souders & Co., Cbl., Det., Mil .• nd G. Rap. a WEIL FARRELL & CO {(Commerciq,L Paper). __ _~------- Weil, Farrell & Co., Chi., Phil., and Ilo!;. 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 , ,---------------- SumnerWe1I.Charles\"\e1I.John Speyer & 00,---------:------•,. 37 _________________ -------------------------------------111 Broadway McKey, Partners. ~ 24- 26 Pine , { (Municipal and Spitzer, Rorick & Co. Chi.; and Soitze; Weil, Ro th & Co. _____ ---------- (.Municipal Bo1td s) _____________ Weil. Ro th & Co., Cin. <; 115 SPITZER, RORICK & CO.----------• 71 Corporation Bonds) Rorick, Soitzer,Rorick & Co.Tr. & Sav., Ilroau.way ~ 120 Broadway Toi. Braun, Chi., Cin. and Toi. WHITE, J. G. & Co.,\'.a.II lnC.--------- -1 '03 (Inve tment Securities) ____________ ------------------------------------------ 0 tacy & Braun_________________ (Investment Runels) __________ tacy" 1-r1 37 ,, 5 ~·a ·sau ~ Stone & Webster, Inc, _____________ , ______ ____________________ WHITNEY & C~~~tN RICHARD .. '15 (Bond Brokers) ______________ M:erh. & MetaL N., and. Bkr -. Tr. Co. X 120 Broadway S.W. Straus, Pres. a1 . N. Y, to S. J. T. Straus, V. Pres. N.Park, Guaranty Tr., and Bkra. Tr. ,wmslo,r, uuaie~&o~--------•t1'49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )> Nicholas Roberts, V. Pru. Cos.. N. Y.: 8. w . Stran• A co., , Z 1 1 1 , Walter S. Klee, Tr. and Cont. & Com'J N., Chi. WIITHIOP & CO., ROBERT----- ,(Investment Securities) ______________________ X 150 Broadway •1'82 Nicholas Jones, Sec. ,o Wall WI FoundMI 1882 First Mortgage Serial Bonda \V 0 !ff & St' 1 , After Jfay 1, 1921, Fiftll Ave. at 46th St. l safe guarded under the Straus Plan. an William ______ ~ ,(Bo nds) ------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Z I 1 z I Y, SJ RAUS S W & CO I~ ~f stronr, sturris & o0 ,___________ •59 (Brokera) _____________ IDrexel & Co., Robt. Glendin~inl.!' & Oo .. ' WOOD GUNDY & CO I , I ' a nd ~eo. S. Fo~ & Sons. Phil.; Chas. E. Dealers In Canadian Government and Municipal Bonds ..A · Lewis & Co .. Mmols. 1 1 SUTIO BROTHERS & CO,--------- '96 (Investment Banhers>------------ \Lon. _Co. \Vestmin~tl'rs & Parr' Ltd., J ·Wood Gundv & Co Toronto M t S kat d L d 0 120 Broadway Union Uk. of ... cotlantl, Ltd., N. Pro(Incorporated) • ' ·• • on rea1• a■ oon, an on on, "'1 vinr1al & l: nion Bk. of Eng., Lt!l., and 14 wall England. :,;" R Ranhael, • on~. Lon.; Sutro Bros. &,1 1 1■-------------- 1 ------------(j Co., Montreal. j ::;.· Swartwout & Appenz1-llar __________ •: (Inve, tment Sr.curitles) _____ \Yro. Prince mith and Leo H. Graham. Zlmaermann le Forshay _______ .:i:,•72 ---------------------------------- Lon. Co. Westminster & Parr's Ilk. Ltd.,'< 141 Broadway Pi 1 t•eld. ~as .; Wm. J. McLaui?hliu. 170 Broadway Lon. and Paris. , 1 Poughkeepsie. (") IO Broad · ... ,.______________ I 0 ::l NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE nR.MS Abbott. Hoppin &Co .. 120 Broadway. Allen & Cnr ten~. 42 Broad way. AmorJ, J.M. & Sou. 52 Hroadway. Anderson, JJecht & Co., 61 Broadway. Armstronir, H.P. & Co .. 15 William. _..iel le Oo., 52 Broadway. Auchincloss, J oost & Patrick, 61 Broadway. .Auerbach. Poll k · Rkhardson, 60 Broadway. Babcock, Rushton & Oo., 7 Wall. Bache. J. 8. & Oo .. '2 Broadway. Bachman, B. F. & Oo., 61 Broadway. Bamhen?Pr Rros .. 66 Broadway, Barbour, Co .. 25 Broad. Barnes Bro .. 116 Broadway. Barnt-J, Obas. D. & Oo .• 15 Broad. B:irr &: Srhmrl1zrr. U Wall. Bar tow · Co., 18 Exchanire Pl. Batcheller & Adt> , 62 Hroadway, Baylis & Oo., 52 Broadway. Bearns. J. S. & Co., 60 Broadway. Beekman, Wm. B. & Co .. 20 Broad. Belmont & Co., Aurust, 43 Exchanee Pl. Benedict, Drysdale & Co.,• 7 Wall. Benl'dict, E. 0. & Co., 80 Broadway. I Benjamin & Ferguson, 61 Broadway. Benkard, J. P. & Co .. fit Rro1tdway. Berl?, Roesln & Kerr. 23 Beaver. RPrnban1. Rrhollr ~ Oo .. 14 Wall. Bern 'ein .,. Co., 66 Broodway. Billing , Okott & Win mure, 52 Broadway. Bis fill. R.R. & Oo .. 52 Bro111h,ay. Blaikic. meron Co., 60 Broadway Blake J3ro . A Co .. 44 Wall. Blork. falonpy & Co .. 74 Rroadwa,-. I I Butler. Herrick & Marshall, 7 Wall. Blyth & Bon~er, 4~ "Exclutnl?e Pl. Byrne J.M. & Co .. 60 ttroadway. Boissevain & Co., 52 Broad. Cahill, J.P. & Co., 52 Broa<lway. Bond,· noo twin 65 Broadway. Hoody. McLellan & Oo .. 111 Broadway. Callaway, Fish & Oo .. • 37 Wall. Oammann & Co .. 29 Broadway. Borl? & Co .. Simon.• 46 Cedar. Campbell, H. G. & Oo., 149 Broadway. Bouvirr. M. C. & Co., 20 Broad. Carey, H. T. & Co .. 66 Broadway. Boyd, Hal ·tpcJ. & o .. 128 Broadway. QarletQ11 & Mott 100 Broadway. RramlPY & Smith. :i2 Bro:irlwav. Brickley ha . E. <' Co., 61 Broadway Carlisle, Mellick & Co.,• 43 Exehanfe Pl. Bron ·on, Theodore L. c· Co., 10 Wall. Carnenter, Caffry L • Co., I \\Tall. Brown Bros. & Cl.I .. 59 Wall. Brown.Vernon C. & Co .. 74 Broadway. Carreau & 'ned •ker, 69 Wall. Gar •tairs & Co., 71 Bruad way. Brown & Ooombe, 100 Rroadway. Carter & Co .• 61 Rroadway. Brumlry, Chamberlin & Co., 15 Ca -~att < • o .. 5 ·as au. Broad. Chandler Bros. & Co .. 34 Pine. Bull , · Eldridge, 20 Hroa<l. Chapin, S. B. & Co .. 111 Broadway. lllndett. Gregory .,. Laidlaw. 52 Chapman. Carman & Co .• 5 assau. Broadway. Chauncey & Oo .. 61 Broadway. Burr, .M. .. Jr .. & Oo., 20 Broad. Ohishol & Chapman, 71 Broadway. Borra!;. R. K. & Co .. 66 Broadway. I r+ Clark, Henry I. & Co .• 66 Broadway. Clark, Oh.ilds & Oo., 166 Hroadway. Clark, Dodl?e & Co., 51 Wall. Clement & Whitney, 120 Broadway. Clews & Co., Henry,• .Mills Buildinl?, Coe-1rnshall & Hicks, 128 Broadway. Cohen Wm. Y. & Co., 67 Kxcilani:e Pl. Ooleate, Ja s, B. & Co .. 36 Wall. Content. H. & Co .. 111 Broadway. Oox & Sharp, 52 Broadway . Crawford. Patton & Gannon, 111 Broadway. Cortis & anger, 49 Wall. Danzte, Jerome J. & Oo., 100 Broadway. Davies, Thomas & Co .. 5 Nassau. I 00:iif2s~~~~~~:;:::~1?%r.F.:1b Davis. Morgan & Co.. 66 Broadwa ·• Day & Heaton. 7 Wall. ~ P. De Ooppet & Doremus, 42 Broadway. de Cordova, Oyril, & Bro .. 25 Broad. · De1?ener & Burke. 20 Broa<1. De Haven & Townsend. 52 Broadway. Denny, Pomroy & Oo., 30 Pine. 'Dominick & Dominick, 115 Broadway. g Drake Bros., 66 Broadway. C Drayton, Penini:ton & Colket, 115 ~ Broadway. '< I Du Val, H. c. & Co., 74 Bro way. - ' . . ~. . .l - ! ,..,';•·:~_ ,,,/ ' ~MER\C~N SURElY COMPANY OF NEW YORK~Fidelit &Surety B-unds-Bur lar Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis s· ~t~~'J \'{•~ .~ l . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- I :.: ·,- ·1• ~ ~\-- . . . 1003 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE FIRMS Eastman, Dillon & Co., 71 Broadway.I Heidelbaeh, lckelheimer & Co .. Edey, Fred &Co.,61 Broadway. 37 William. Ehrich & Co .. 117 Ex. Place. Hellwig & Reutter, 25 Broad. Eins ein, Ward & Co •. 25 Broad. Hemphill. Noyes & Co .. 37 Wall., Albert J. &. Co .• 20 Broad. Henderson & Co .. 24 .Tassau. Emanuel, Parker & Co., 120 Broad- Hendrickson& Co .. 61 Hruadway. way. Hentz. H. & Co., Z2 \\'illiam. Eric & Dreyfus, 25 Broad. Herrick & Bennett, 66 Broadway. Ervin & Co .. 111 Broadway. Herrick, Bert & Co., 14 Wall. Estabrook & Co .. 24 Broad. Berts, C • .A.. & Co., 74 Broadway. Evans, Stillman & Co., 110 Broadway. Herzfeld & Stern, 40 Exchan2e Pl. Herz02 & Glazier. 24 Broad. Hill, Charle· w. & Co .• 2 Wall. Fahnestock A Co .• Z Wall. Hirsch.Lilienthal&Uo .. 165 Broadway. Farnum, Winter & Co., 5 ·assau. Hoey. M. J. & Co .. 74 Broadway. Farson, Son & Co., lH1 Broadway. Hoey, William J., 39 Broadway. Feuchtwan2er, Cahn & Co .. i1 Ex- Hoge, tJnderhill & Co .. 71 Broadway, chan2e Pl. BarnPs &. Co .. 27 Pine. Fil or, Bullard & Smyth, 61 Broadway. Hollister, Holmes, J.H. & Co .. 61 Broadway. Finc-h & Tarbell. 120 Rroadway. Homans & Co .. 2 Wall. Fi kin, A. E., & Co .. 141 Broadway. & Weeks, 42 Broadway, Floyd-Jones & Vh•ian & Co., 15 Will- Hornblower Horton. Ii. L. & Co .. 60 Broadway. iam. L. Jr.,&Co., 3L'as~au. H. .. Hotc-hkis Forrest, Davis & KacDonald, 60 Housman. A. A. & Co .. 20 Broad. Broadway. & Co .. 14 Wall. (Col2ate) Hoyt Foster & Adams, 71 Broadway, 66 Broadway. Co & I. C. Hudson. Fox, Carlebach & Co., 40 Exchange Huhn. Geo. A. & ..Sons, 111 BroadPl. way. Frank, .Arthur E. & Co., 100 Broad- Hume. H. M. & Co .. 60 Broadway. way. Hutton. E. F. & Co., 61 Broadway, Freeman & Co., S4 Pine. Hutton, W. E. & Co .• 60 Broadway. Frost, B. Y, & Co .. 80 Broadway, Gengler & Fransioli, 25 Broad. Gilchri ·t, Bhss & Oo., 120 Broadway, Glllespie,Mee<ls & Co .• 120 Broadway. Gilmor & Miller, 7 Pme. Glidden. David1rn & l'o., 20 Bl'oad. Goactl'y, W. H.&Co .. 74 llroadway. Goepel ,;• Co .• 20 Broad. Go1ctmac. Sachs & Co., 60 Wall. Goldschmidt, H.P. & Co., 37 Wall. Gonzalez & Whitehead, 52 BroadGood~~dy & Co., 115 Broadway. Goodhart, P. J. & Co., 74 Broadway. Gould Bros., 5 ·as au. Graham & Miller, 66 Broadway. Gray & Wilmerdin2, 5 Nassau. Greer, Crane & Webb, 74 Broadway. Griese! & Ro2ers, 42 Broadway. Groesbeck & Co .. BO Broadway. Gruntal,Lilienthal & Co .. 50 Broad. Hude. Winmill & Co .. 20 Broad. Gurynne Bros .. 25 Broad. Guthrie, H. B. & Co .• 71 Broadway Gwathmey & Co .. 20 Exchan2e Pl. Halle & Stie~litz.• 80 Broad. HaJlgarten & Co., 5 Nassau. Halsey, C. D. & Co .. Mjlls BuUdin2. Ha1sey & Hudnut, 5 Nassau. Halsted & Harrison, 71 Broadway. Harriman & Co., 111 Broadway. Harris & Fuller. 120 Broadway. Harris. Winthron &Co .. •52 Broadway. Hart & Haupt, 61 Ero<1dway. Hartshorne & Battelle. ~S Broad. Hartshorne. FaJe-. & Co., 71 Broadway. Hayden, Stone & Co .• 25 Broad. Hearns. Jos. J. & Co .. 115 Hroadway Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Imbrie & Co .. 61 Broadway. lselin, A. & Co., a6 Wall. NEW YORK CITY I Koch.way.oencer B. & Co .. 52 Broad- Kountze Brothen, 141 Broadway, Kraus Bros. & Co .. 149 Broadway. Kuhn. Loeb & Co., 52-54 Willit:m. Ladd & Wood. 7 Wall. Ladenburg. Thalmanu&Co.. 25Broad. Laidlaw & Co .. 26 Broadway. Lamborn & Co .. 7 Wall. Lan2Jey. W. O. & Oo .. 115 Broadwav. Lansbur2h Bros .. 30 Broad. Lauer. Wm. E. & Co .. 74 Broadway. Lawrence,Oyros J .& Sons. 111 Broad- "~ I (Borouch of Manhattan)-Cont'd Montgomery & Co., 14 Wall. Moore, D. T. & Co., 52 William. Moore, F. P. & Co., 71 Broadway. Moore, W. D. & Co., 71 Broadway. Moore & Schley, 100 Broadway. Moore. Leonard & Lynch, 111 Broadway, Mor2an, A. C. & Co .. 25 Broad. Morgan, J. P. & Co .. 23 Wall. :Morgan, Livermore & Co., 71 Broadway. Morris & Smith. 66 Broadway. Morrison & Townsend, 53 Ex. Pl. Moseley, F. S. & Co., 26 Exchan2e Pl. Moyse & Holme , 67 Exchange Pl. Muir. John & Co .. 61 Broadway. Munds, Rogers & Stackpole, 25 Broad. Lazard Freres, 19 Nassau. Lee. Higginson & Co .• 43 Exchange Pl. I Lehman Bros .. 1G William. Leopold, James M. & Co., 3 Wall. Levinson, E. D. & Co., 32 Broadway. Levy, L. & Co •. 61 Broadway. Naphen & Co., 61 Broadway. Lewisohn. Adolph & Sons, 61 Broad- N·1sh & Co .. 25 Uroad. way. Newbori & Co., 60 Broadway. Lewisohu Bros., 11 Broadway. Newbor2. J. L. & Bro., 25 Broad. Llbaire & Cooke. 25 Broad. Newburger, Henderson & Loeb, 100 Liberman & Stone. 27 Pine. Rroa<1way. Lindley & Co .. 52 Broaaway. 'iC'hols. Hine & Co .. 63 Elst 46th. Lipper & Co•. Arthur. 20 New. Nicho1s & tone, tiO Broadwav. Lisman, II'. J. & Co., 61 Broadway. !'oel, Berman & Langley, 60 BroadLlvin2 ton & Oo., 51 Exchange Pl. wav. Lloyd & Co .. 135 Broadway. Noyes & Jackson, 42 Broadway. Lockwood, F. M. & Co., 52 Broad- Noyes, J, .M. & Co.,66 .Hroadway. way, L1ew & Co., 2 Wall. Lu2an & Bryan.• 42 Broadway. Lourhheim, Minton & Co., 71 Broadway, O'Dell & Oo., Daniel, 71 Broadway. Low, Dixon & Co., S7 Wall. Oliphant, Jas. H. & Co., 61 Proadway. Luk6. Banks & Weeks, U Wall. Orvis Bros. & Co., 60 Broadway. I Jackson & Curtis, O Exchan~e Pl. Jarquelin&De Coppet, 65 Broadway, J elke, Hood & Bolles. 40 Wall. Jenks, Gwynne &. Co .. 15 Hroad. Jesup cl. Lamont, 26 Broadway. Johnson, A. J. & Co., 60 Broadway. Johnson & Wood, US Broadway. Jonf's & Lanman 111 Broadway. Jone • Mon•gomery & .Aachincloss, 7-1 Broatl" ay. Joseph Morris & Co., 25 Broad. Josephthal & Co •. 120 Broadway. Kean, Taylor & Co.. • 5 Nassau. Keech, F. B. & Co•. 7 Wall. Keen & Ward. 20 Broad. Kelley, Drayton & Co., 40 Exchange Pl. Kelley, Jewett & Co., 35 Wall. Kerr & Company, 71 Broadway. Kidder, A, M. a Co .. • 6 Nassau. Kidder, Peabody & Co .. 18 Broad. Kimball. R. J. & Co .. • 7 Nassau. Kissel, Kinnicott & Co., U Wall. Knauth.Nachod&Kfihne.120 Broadway. Knirkerbarker. H. & Co •• 25 Rroad. Mabon & Co .• 45 Wall, MacArthur & Co., 29 Broadway. Mackay & Co.,• 14 Wall. ~IacQuoid & Coady, 14 Wall. MaiUand. Coppe1; & Co .. • 52 WiUiam. Manice. E. A. & Co., 15 Broad. , Mann, Pell & Peake, 7 Wall. Manson, Thomas L. & Co, 100 Broad- Paine, Webber & Co., 25 Broad. Palmer & Oo .• 40 Wall. Parkinson & Burr, 7 Wall. Parri h & Co., 115 Broadway. Pearl & Co., 71 Broadway. PP.Ck & Co .. 45 Wall. way. Pelzer. B. B. & F. W., 12 Broadway. Markoe, :Mor2an & Co., 120 Broad- Phelp & Neeser, 36 Wall. way. Posner & Co .. 111 Broadway. Marks & Graham. 32 Broad way. Post Bros. & Co .. 52 Broadway. Marshall, Robel't P. & Co., 71 Broad- Post & Fla1?1?, 49 Broad. way. Potter Bl'Others & Co., • 5Nassau St. Martin & Co., 111 Broadway. Pouch & Co .. 14 Wall. Martin & Floya. 52 Broadway. Prentice & Slepack, 54 Wall. Maxwell& Co .. 15 Broad. Prentiss. George H. & Co .. 52 Wall. I Prichitt & Co .• 60 Broadway. Mcclave & Co .• 6i Exehange Pl. McClure.Jones & Reed.115 Broad way. Prince. L. M. & Co .. 20 Broad. McConnell, H.F. & Co .. 65 Broadway, Prince & Whitely, 52 Broadway, I Provost Bros. & Co .. 20 Broad. MrCornick & Fagan, 60 Beaver. McDonnell & Co .. 120 Broadway, Pynchon & Co., 111 Broadway. MrKPf', 'l'llomas M. & Co .. 86 Wall. Pyne. Kendall & Hollister, 20 McKinley & Morris. 1 Wall. change Pl. Meehan. ll.J. & Co. 25 Broad. M.err1ll, Lynch & Co., 120 Broadway. Miller & Co., 120 Broadway. Millt>tt. RoP & Hae-Pn. 52 William. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this si, volume. For Interest Rahis, Holidays, etc., see L ~ ::s Randolph (Edmund I. Chas.), Ill Broadway. Rarmond, Shaw & Co., 111 Broadway. Read, Wm. A. & Co., 28 Nassau. Redmond & Co .. B3 Pine. Reinhart & Bennet, 52 Broadway. Remick. Hod2es & Co .. 14 Wall. Reynolds FLh & Co.15 Broad. tt.noades & Co., 30 Pine. Rich, Everett & Co .. 15 William. Righter & Somers, 25 Broad. Ristine. F. P. & Co .. 61 Broadway. Robinson & Co., 26 Exchange Pl. Ro2erson & Donnell, 15 Broad. Rollins & Co .. 52 Broadway. Rollim, Kalbfleisch & Co., 66 Broadway. Roselle & Co., 71 Broadway. l<.otnschiJd.L. F. & Oo., 120 Hroadway. Rothschild. V.Sydney&Co.,25 Broad. Ronmage. C. 0. & Co .• 1 Wall. Russell, .Miller&Carey. 62 Broadway Nutter & Gross, 52 Broadway. I Sali bury Worth&, loan.74Broadway Salomon Bros. & Hutzlf'r.•27 Pine. Salomon, F. L. & Co., 61 Br ndwa y. ' artoriu ·, Smith & Loewi. 20 Broad. Savin, F.W. & Oo .. 66 Broadway, Schafer Bros .. • 120 Broadway. Schou. Chas. M., Jr .• & Co., 25 Broad. Schuyler. Chadwick & Burnham, 100 I Broadway, Schwartz, B. F. & Co., 2 Broadway. easongood, Hass & Macdonald, 60 Broadway. Secor Bell & Beckw;th, 111 Broadway Secor, Weil & Co .. 111 Broadway. eligman A. J. & Co., 61 Broadway. \ Sehgman, J. & W. & Co .. 54 Wall Selu:sberg & Co .. 71 Broadway. Sharp & M.cVickar, 25 Hroad. Shearson, Hammill & Co .. 71 Broadway. Shippee & Rawson, Ill Broadway. Shonnard, Mills & Co., 120 Broadway. Shuman & Seligmann, 30 Broad. Sichel & .Frank, 50 Broad. I Simmons & Slade, 7 Nassau. Simpson,R. ll.&Co.,61 Broadway. , Slayback, H.B. & Co., 61 Broarlway. Smith. Edward B. & Co.,• 165 Broact- 1 . way. Smith & Gallatin, 111 Broadway. Smith & Lewis. 61 Broadway, Smith. Lyman D. & Co., 34 Pine. Smith, W. E. R. & Co .. 20 Broad. Smithers. F. S. & Co .• 111 Nassau. necker & Heath, 20 Broad. Spauldin2, McLellan & Co., 74 Broad- I way. Speyer & Co •. • 24-26 Pine. Sprin~s & Co .. Cotton Ex. Bldg. Stafford & Co., 120 Broadway, Stern, E. H. & Co .. 56 Pin.e. , tewart & Co .. 61 Broadway. StoKes. Walter C. & Co .. 66 Broad- Stout & Co .. 25 Broad. Straus & Co., 55 Broadway. Strong. Sturgis & Co .. 30 Hroad. Struthers & Biscoe. 74 Broadway. Sulzbacher. J. H. & Co .. 111 Broadway. Sutro Bros. & Co., 120 Broadway. Sutro & Kimbley, 66 Broadway. Swartwout & Appenzellar, 141 Broadway. Tailer & Co .. 10 Pine. Tailer & Robinson, 60 Broadway. Tate & Hays. 71 Broadway. Tauchert & Thiele, 52 Broadway, Taylor, Bates & Co., 100 Broadway. Taylor. Smith & Hard, 411 Wall. Tefft & Co., 5 Nassau. Thomas, R.H. & Son., 25 Broad. Thom~on &McKinnon, 42 Broadway. Tobey & Kil'k, 25 Broad. Trask & Co .. Spencer, 25 Broad. Trippe & Co .• 15 Broad. Tucker, Anthony & Co.,• 60 BroadTur:eai.'c. J. & Son. ~II Broadway, Turner, Chas. W.&Oo .. 42 Broadway. Van F.mburgh &Atterbury, 5 Nas au. Yan Wyck & Sterling, 71 Broadway. ~ '< • - \0 ~ - i< O ~ ;:ii.:: tJ2 ~;:ii.:: Wade, Templeton & Co., 42 Broad- Cll I way, Wadsworth & Wrii?ht. 2 Wall. 2! Wagner, E.W. & Co •. 33 New. C'I Walker Bros .• 71 Broadway. WalkPr, Joseph & 8ons. 61 Broadway, ~ Waller & Co., 24 Broad St. Warowell & A<1ams. 71 Broadway. Ware & Tran· er. 61 Broadway. Warner & Co .. 52 Broadway. Wassermann Bros .. 42 Rroa<lway. Wat on, Arm trong & Co., 7Wal! s•. 0 Watson.Geo H. Jr.& Co.115Broa<1way ::;Watson, 'f. L. & Co.,• 55 Broadway. '< WC'bb & Prall ,100 Broadway. I Weis!, Edwin & Co., 25 Broad. 0 Welles, C. E. & Co., 71 tlrrn:,dway. 0 White & Blackwell, 60..Uroaaway, ::S White, Weld & Co., l.f'Wall. ::t. Whitehouse & Co., 111 Broadway. Whitney, H. N. & Sons, M.ills Bid~. ::, C Whitney (Richard) & Co .• 14 Wall. Wigh-man, Breining & Co., 17 Bat- B 0. tery Place. Wilcox & Co., 52 BroadwaJ. Williams, Nicholas & Moran, 25 Broad. Williamson & Squire, 25 Broad. Williston. J. R. & Co., 7 Nassau. Wil on, Crnnmer & Co., 61 Broadway. Wilson, R. T. & Co .. • 120 Broadway. Winslow, Lanier & Co .. • 511 Cedar. Winthrop & Co., Robert, 40 Wall. Wollman, W. J. & Co., 120 Broadway, Wood, Struthers & Co., 5 Nassau. Wrenn Bros. & Co., 39 Broadway. Wri1?ht. ladP & Co., 71 Broachray. Zimmermann & .Forshay,• 170 Broado way. ZackPrman & Co., Henry, 52 Broad- o I wu. SOLE U.S. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR FOR EXCHANGE OF FOREIGN MONEYS AT THE U.S. IMMIGRANT LANDING STATION, ELLIS ISLAND, NEW YORK HARBOR. lw , ' f Number under Name or Bank ie the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. H. euluslvely by The Rand-McNa!ly Bankers' ___ D_lr_e ctory, und_c r t~aut~or~t!_of The American Bankers As. •u. 1004 j NAMF. 01" BANK. •County Seats. •Mem . ..lm. Bks. Assn. 5S tate In No. 2 Fed. Re . Dist. !Mt>m. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. • __B _ i~~1falo Br. __ ~_Me_!!!;_Fed. He . [Esta~. _ TOWN AND OOUNTY, Pl<ESID-E.\-·T_. -'~ICK (.__,a~lngs Banks do n_ot han_!!l!_~O_llectlons) I P8".SID ..'<T, I- - 50-148 •t§' 8i! 1 OASHIKR. Ass'TCA_S_H_Il_ m ._ -I Thoroughly equipped to handle all banking matters entrusted to u s. Prompt service. I EAST SIDE BANK ------•! ."19 (Ce Lancey H.ankine Geo . .&'. Diemer. ___ - G. Edward Sims-=-=-=--==·----~= 50 153 G. J. Howard, Ch. of Bd. FALLS NATION~L BANK .• '19 Alexander fale ki Leo J. Rozan ______ W. B. Allman-··-- ----·-·------· su:;~us -PA-ID_·_U_P CAPITAL PROFITS I - 50-152 •!t'O-l S 239,250 $4559030 S4. 159960 S 768,800 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Marine 1 Tr. Co., Buffalo; N. Com'I Bk. & Tr. 100,000 I Co., Alb. 26,350 397,580 43.660 846,8601 848.160 413,190 227,930 3,738.410!' 3,639,740 256,750 2,843,780, 2,651,510 i< O Send your Colle ' ctions direct. Th ey \\Ill receive pro mpt personal att entlon. '½ • 50-151 end us your N iagara Falls bust G. H. Horton .. ____ W. II. Clark_ ______ 50-809 j First Kational Rank ___ • ___ '16 F ..T. Flanagan _____ C. 0. I ·ng __ ·-·--·50-963 Bank of North Collins ___ §'95 W. S. Lawton _____ . ,Geo. Lchley ---···50-810 · ~orthCreekNational Rk.•t·IO IJ. L. Fuller ____ --·- I H. V. Kenyon---·50-811 NorthJavaComoanylhnkn , F. J. Humphrey··- W.J. Humphrey._. 50-812 t·06 I First National Bank ----•:!:'01 Rowland Miles. ____ Edward Pidgeon ___ 50-665 uess. Ke get tbe ruoney, or give J. R. Edsall_. __ ···- I. G. Wheeler_____ . C. Jamieson_. ___ ·-----·-·-------C. A. Twichell __ .• _ L.B. Ward···---- 114,500 2,822,140 2,510,040 682,110 N. City\..~ N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo; Can. Bk, of ~ Coru., J..·-oagara Falls_. Ont. ~ 568,570 8,456,620 8,583,190 1.697,040 N. Bk. Com. ~nd Irvu,g- N •. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 0:, the reas on. 25,000 1:i,710 390,010 1 379,410 40,040 Irvin~ N., N. Y. .c.. 25.000 21,200 330.000 330,520 42.420 Chase N .. N. Y.; St. Lawrence Tr. Co., Ogdens-1 ~ burg. . C/l 25,000 109.080 868,870 821.190 181,760 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marme Tr. Co., Buffalo. 2lJO,OOO 500,000 :!; I 79,100 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. .Alb. 1~ E. A. Birkland·--·· ---------·--·····--- _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb, ,~· R. J. Martin·--···- II. W. Liddle______ H.K. Soper _______ A. F. Laughlin_____ 40,000 51,500 800,560 845,110 50,000 40.490 734,210 715,890 HENRY S. MOTT ••• J. B MORRELL------ CHARLES S. MOTT, C. S. C. SMITH, Sec. 100,000 NORTHPORT TRUST CO•' •91 I ft. W. HANKINS 'l'r. ·-·----· 50--flM • ' "\ Coll <•tfon. and lteqm·sts ior Cre dit Report. l\lU~ T be accompauie d by I FEE IN .\DVAN CE: J>:atn sight dr aft.,, 15c; Credit Relports, 25c. orth Rose ___ Wayne F 9 First National Bank. ____ •!'11 C. W. Oaks ______ .. John IliJJ.. __ • _____ H. A. Tellier .. _____ )1. A. Peck-··----25,000 72,4lJO 873,200 9lJ2,320 , PQp. 500 .... Tonawanda_._ iafara 8 Poo.15.482 F 3 50-902 I. L. Wil~on tate. Tatioual Bmk .••. •t"83 L. s. De Graff·--·-- c;. A . .\IitchelL ____ 50-301 Charle. We. ton. . D. Fish w ..M. • " --··-··" ~Nunda Ban\o-=-iii··-·-·•!t'73 F. G. Olp-·-------· ·-··--·------------• yack ._. __ Rockland B 4 NYACK NATIONAL BK .. •!'78 A . .\I. Voorhis·---· W. B. Conrad_···Pop. 444J 50 '!-. 7 G. I•. (frpgm-y, <'It. of Hd. ROCKLAND COUNTY TR. CO. F. R. Crumbi"-···· K F. PerrY-----·-• fl0-'15is •t Ufi W. P. Foss Oaklll'ld _____ Qene cF4 Kxrbane-e nank ..•.••.• -•. ·s.~ F'. E. Wright···-·- Ci • • lla.·ton _____ . _ B Pop. 142~ 50- 15 O lcs a_ ·---• chuylcr l 9 Chai:. Il. COil ch , · :011. Bkrs. ·--· ··-----· -·-- ···- ·--·---------·-··Pop. :1nf\ r>o tu !t 1~00 Sutton ______ L. D. Simson______ c. c. Fritz 19,000 416.000 85,680 Irving N., N. Y.: Bk. of The Manhattan Co.,,~ Jamaica; Market St. N., Phil. ~ 83,330 Corn Ex. and N. Park, N. Y. _ en 300,COO 90,000 Irvin!? N .. N. Y. "' 347.000 Bk. of America, N. Citr, and Ohase N .. N. Y.: O 1st N., Clev.; Marine Tr. Co,, Buffalo; Far. 0 I Dep. N., • o. 50,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bk. of America and Irvmg N .• N. Y.; Mnfrs. C\l & Tra. T. and Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 0 30,000 96,470 762,7,10 706,7,10 176,930 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. C/l William Mason ____ Cyru M. Higley___ 100,000 285,200 2,049,610 11 2,301,490 o. B. E1?lin ·-····---·- -----·-···---------- .c.. v-. •J 670,000 4,::i00,000 lJ,600,000 W. I. Robertson··- E.W. Messine.·--- 1 e 300,000 Ch. of B,l. Fredrrirk Rob rtson & Co .. ---·····-----··-·--- -----·----------·-Banker~ _50-302 ___ ._.•tt'97 'orthville.-. Fulton F 17 orthville Bank: ·-·----•U'95 George N. Brown •• Geo. E. VanArnam Pop. 1190 50-813 •Norwich_Cheuango H 13 Chenan~oNational Bk. -•t'83 Albert F. Gladding Homer H. Hi1?'1ey .. Pop. 8260 60-31i2 NAT. BK. OF NORWICH.•t'56 J.B. Turner _____ .• IL D. Eaton .. _•.! ._ 50-361 .John 0. H. Heed • ' orwood ___ st. Lawrence ~ tale Bank or Norwooo•t§'87 F. L. mith_. __ •••• W. J. Fletcher ---· Po_p. 1808 A 14 50-814 unda •••. Liviru?ston H 6 , Peter De Puy's Bkir. Ilousfl I. J. De Puy ---·--- --··---- ____ --·- ·--8 Pop. 1152 SQ-628 •t'95 354,230 Han. N., N.Y.; Market St. N., Phil. ~ A. Thompson ___ --·-···-····---·---- 300,000 137,730 Ul47,94il1 2,421.970 381.270 Chase N., N. City.and IrvineN.,N. Y. J.B. Prinele·-----· -··--·-------------- 50,000 14t570 P. J. De Puy ··-- •• J. H. Baker·---·-·E. E. De Puy 1.800 13,560 188,130 132,410 24,690 703,180 699,800 126,290 Seab. N., N. Y.; Torthern T. Y. Tr. Co .• Wat• ertown. 71,0 0 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.: Tra. .. Rochester. '; 53,060 Am. Ex. N .• N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Rochester: :, N. Y. tate .. Alb.;Mnfrs. & Tra.N.,Bu!falo. C: 406,330 N. City, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk, & Tr. Co., Alb. ~ ::i02,3901 568,290 B. E. Jones-··--·-- S. C. Cooper •• ____ _ 25,000 Robert Walm ley __ D. W. Cranston __ •. 100,000 137.000 3,186,000 2. 81.670 Wm. II. RaclclifT, II. W. Beasley, , 'ec.. and Ti-. A. Sec. F.11. Danirls. ____ • C. F. afford _____ _ 100,000 56,760 1,915,770 2,335,410 30,000 Harvey J. Couch. --------------·----· -------.J tor. • . M . & T • NAT .I ONA L~ BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 99,450 Irving N., N. Y,; Buffalo Tr. Co., Butralo: Bk. of Niagara, Niagara Falls. 122,360 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Irving N,, N, Y.; Broad. · way N .. Buffalo. 308,840 N. lik. Com., N. Y.: Power City and Bk. of Z Niagara, Niagara Falls. til 549,020 Chase N., N. Y.; .Mntrs. & Tra. N. and Liberty, ~ Bufl'alo. { Do a general Ila nking and Trust busines . 11 1 ·ichols National Bank __ e!'09 ·ichols ... -··-· Tioga J Pop. 554 Norfolk ____ t. Lawrenct' Pop. 1500 AU .Torth Collins ___ Erie H 3 8 Pop. 115 • 'orth Greek. Warren D 17 Pop. 600 .·orthJava. Wyoming II5 B Pop. 400 . _ ·orthport. .. _ ufTolk c 5 Pop. 1977 ------ F. M. WOOLWORTH ; PEOPLES B'O-N K, --··-·--t§·gs G. W. Whitehead._ IL. S. Silberberg·--- B. J. Biller ____ ··-- J. E. Rutledire.____ 1 9 P.A. SCHOELLKOPF- FRED J. COE .. ______ F. A. SCHUMACHER- - A. J. GOW----------POWER Cl TYB ANl{ •.• •:W!l3 { FRANCIS H. SALT E. P. PFOHL,iLCash. F. J. HALL " ~ \-:'8aovvnn ~~·:..!'»':: .:!'..:"o!,~ no" B.u,u DEPOSITS - • NIAGARA FALLS TRUST CO. 0 PRINCIPAL 00RRESPOND&NT8. ~ESOURCES. --- --- --- --- ----------------1 100,000 61J-fo4 Niagara County Sa,·. Bk. !§'91 C. M. Young _______ J.E. :Montague ••.. J.P. Dolan, Tr •. _. J. T. Low, Sec._ •.. · - - 50-150 A. J. Porter GEO. G. SHEPARD_ A. W. GRAY-···----- F. M. WOOLWORTH, H. M. CLARK, A. Sec. 100,000 C. M. YOUNG Sec. 1 ----- LIABILlTIES. BANK Of NIAGARA GEO. J. HOWARD---- de LANGY RANKINE. JAMES C. MOAKLER - JOHN W. BROPHY--·· Oldest bank at Niagara Falls. S 200.000 .·iuaraFalls.NiagaraF 3 75 B Pop. 5o. o Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' volume. For Intere t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. O NEW YORK-Continued 226,560 Liberty ., N. Y.; Liberty, Buffalo. -1:;o.coo 9:5,000 Chase N., N. Y.; ~fnfr . & Tra. ., Buffalo. 20.000 500,000 ______________________________ Irving •.' .. N. Y.; T. Y. StateN., Alb. FOR NEW YORK STATE AND COLLECTIONS CAN.ADA '"1 ~ Number under Name of Bank is the New TransU Number given exclusively by The Band-HcNaUy Bankers' authority of The American Bankers'n. to each bank in U S 1005 Directory, under the -===::--- (Savtnes BaDks do not handle collections) I NAME OF BANK. •County Seats. . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §St~te ln No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. \:tME>m. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. Bis Buffalo Br. ♦ MPm. Fed. Res. [Estab. TOWN AND COUNTY. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point iin- NEW YORK-Continued I LIABILITIES. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, CASHIER, ASS'T CASHIER, PAID-UP SURPLUS cuiT.u. AND 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - PROYITS DEPOSITS ~~f~~/~/'1~~!fsk~~s RESOURCES. Loua. Dia- Cue. Exc'Ta. ao.,,., OIU.Jlou,D-n SaovJLffla I I J~8~~1J, ~c~a;!e °la~ ~::, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 50-239 i F, L. BARTLETT ••• _ " S. W. LEONARD Thos. Spratt _______ J. F. Jill on, Tr. __ J. W. Fleming.Sec. - - - - G. C. Madill R, E. Waterman ___ R. C. Kirkpatrirk, T. H. Lawrance, 100,000 Tr. Sec. W. D. Marks ______ Carl 0. Pfaff, ______ MarearetL.Helmer r· V. V.FRAHCHOT.. M. M. HOLMES------ E.G. SISSON------H·. t ,~~~EN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 434,090 513,970 1 500,000 1.050,320 5:418,860 6,588,360 ' 100,000 32,660 1,328.100 1,264,650 200,000 214,190 3,242,910 3,134,370 50-347 •l'74 l Largest and Old est Bank. Establ Ever:, modern facility for mak personal atte ntlon of an offle When payment ls refused reaso lshed 187'. Ing colJectlons, er of the bank. ns are given. I 785,610 Mech. & Metals N. and Seab. N., N. Y. I 1 I Olean Trust Co .• _______ •U'l4 T. H. Quinn ______ W.J.Braunschwei- C. E. Dittrich. Tr .. C.L.Bockmier, cc. ♦ :i0-269 ger J. ff, BROWN----- JOHN MAXWlL~----- C. L. PAGE, A. Sec .• ------------------- NATIONAL BANK 28,180 A.m. Ex. N. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y. 129,61'.l Chase N •. N. Y.: Northern N. Y. Tr. Co,, Watertown, N. Y. 59,970 N. City and Chase N., N. Y,: 1st N., Utica, N.Y. I 200,000 356,000 -1.357,080, 4,354,900 383,600 1Ba~. N., N. Y_.: Market St. N., Phil.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A .. Pitt.: Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo, ___________ ________ -------• ____________ 125,000 A. E. Hewell______ H. w. Stanton I 687,550 4,581.480 4,834.530 288,600 Empire Tr .. Lin. Tr., and Biers. Tr. Cos., N. Y. ~ 90,390 1.855,590 ,. 1.907,130 386,050 Irving N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Com'l ~ Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. :, 421,930 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co. and C/1 1st N ,, Alb. er 100,000 50,630 1,588,420 I 1.413,300 100,000 491,020 3,395,480 3,482,850 I ~ LEWIS F. ROSE "'1 561,620 Chase N., N. City, and 1st N .. N. Y.; 1st N. and OQ Cont. & Com'l N., lJhi.: 1st N. and 4th St. N., ,... Phil.; N, Y. State N, and 1st N .. 0 0 (/) en 11,730 316,790 30,000 29,200 760,480 747.720 58,340 Irvine N,, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Rochester. 30,000 20.000 620,00:J 580,000 90,000 , Irving N .. N. Y.; Peo,, Buffalo. w. Davison ____ w. T. Terry------- 25,000 102,050 ' I OSSINING NATIONAL BANK 50-31g •:t·os A. A. Miller ________ M. 0 ~ C/l 25,000 First National Bank _____ •i'03 H. H. Hatheway ___ 50-817 Bank !or Savings _______ .5•54 C.T. Youne-------50-317 FirstNationaJBank _____ •i'64 O. T. Youne------50-318 ~ ~ z> Bank of Onondaga ______ tf'l2 J.B. Hine _________ W. H. ScammelL. H. R. Weeks _____ M.A. VanAuken._ 50-913 State Bank of Ontario.•:l:§'14 ,J. S. Albright__ ___ A. S. Pratt ________ J. \V. Hickey ______ Carl B. Mepham __ _ 50-936 1 Bank ofin Park_•i§'17 L. E. Willet _______ R . A. Streeter _____ G. L. Colby ___________________________ _ 5~~i.i zt:tl 145,130 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buf. 0:, falo. 410,000 Syracuse Tr. Co .. Syracuse; 4th St, N., Phil.; N. Y, State N., Alb.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Utica. ~ llectlons sent us will rec elve pro mpt att entlon. ed to us. GEO. 1. WILBER- A. a. TOBEY------- SAM."· POTTER-- HrtRI\PHitrPEN . 43,660 Send us your O lean Items. ;r· i~~~-i 837,930 1,157,730 { Special attentfo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Ca b and Time If.ems. Oneida _____ Madison F 13 I MADISON COUNTY TR. & ~· h~l~~ A Pop, 10,Ml DEPOSIT COMPANY .. •U'13 { Do a general Ba nklng and Excha nge business. Co • 50-353 Prompt attentl on to all banking matters entrust _ " Oneida Savi.,;lgs Bank __ e!S'66 E. E. Coon ________ I. L. Snell _________ H. L. Baldwin, .. '?10-352 H. W. Coley Sec. and Tr. Oneida Yall[lBk,-•:t"51 H. H. Douelass ____ W. S. Leete ________ H, D. Fearon_____ 3 Oneonta _____ Otse-go H 14 Citizen National Bank •• •:t'07 Chas. Smith _______ Geo. B. Baird ______ M. c. Hemstreet_ __ Pop. 11,582 50-3"8 • Ooonda~ Valley __ Ononde.ea_ Pop. 3000 __ G 11 Ont riO------- Wayne F 8 Pop. 742 Orc,rrd ~rie G 3 20 Oriskany Falls ____ Oneida Pop. 1014 G 13 o iinini-Westr hesterB4 Pop. 10,739 " " 50,000 75,570 1,259,790 1.261,140 36,840 Fir l 'ationalBank ____ •:nl E.G. Dusenbury __ W . .A, Dusenbury __ C. B. Nelson _______ F. P. Heberle----50-267 1WILBER 10 !:: Collections a sp eclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment. Prompt attentl on to all Banking matters entrust ed to us. st. Lawrence CountySav.Bk. J, E. Kelly _ _ _ 50-241 1"09 St. Lawrence Trust Company W. M.Stephens ___ ♦ 50-243 •t~•15 . Old Foree-Herkjmer E 15 :B'irst Tational Bank _____ .::;•17 Maurice Callahan __ Pop. 565 50-975 Olean ____ Cattaraugus I 4 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK B Poo. 20,506 50-268 •l'78 ~ no•Buu l----------------1-:.... O~denaburr-Bt.Lawrence lNathan Frank's Sons ----+•07 (Julius Frank and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 25,000 $ 3.790 $ 51,140 $ 63,980 $ 6,460 N. Bk. of Oedensb~. Oedensbure. Poo. 14,609 A 14 50-2~2 Leo Frank) , " Nat. Bk. of Oedensbure-•:t'80 R. J. Donahue _____ J.C. Howard ____ W. H. Green ______ E. J. Boyer ------100,000 290,930 1.877.410 1.926,790 426,330 Am. Ex. N., N. Y. 50-240 Geo. L. Ryon M. H. Burke THOMAS SPRATT. E. L. STRONG------- S, W. LEONARD---- A. K. STRONG------- 200,000 189,870 1,467,090 1,583,190 270,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Y. State N .• .Alb. OGDENSBURG BANK---•W70 C: ':<= 312,910 979,1701 8 0,050 Georee Hyatt. ____ S.G.Elleeood, cc. ____________________ _____ 619,090 4,058.060 3,757,450 W. F. Foshay FranklinBrandreth D.D.Tompkins ••• J.H.Purdy ________ 100,000 94,900 l,016,960 1.138,440 George Hyatt _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14,430 Irvine N., N. Y.: City Bk. Tr. Co., Syracuse. 5· 5· OQ 173,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. ---1 421,640 Empire Tr. and Equitable Tr. Cos .. N. Y. 1 171,640 IrvineN.,N.Cily,andN.Park,N. Y.; lstN., Alb. 1 GEORGE F. $ECOR ... H. M. CARPENTER---GEORGE F. HOAG---P. H. DOWDEN---C II • 100,000 50,800 1,404.910, 1.326 210 292,930 Bk. of The Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N. Y. o ect1ons a speciafty on all near-by po1nts. State N., Alb.; la& N., Phil.; N. Shaw0 Prompt attention to all banking business sent us. . ______ ,___ ,-- - ___ mut, B •• o~ I I c.n .. THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of · BUFFALO 1006 nd• Kame of Jiau la the Kew 'l'laluR NIIIDNr DffD te eaob bank ill U. 8. esellAIYelJ by Tbe Rand-MeNall1 Banlien• Dlnetol'J', under tbe authority of Tbe American Bankers A11'n. N ..un: oF BANK. •Ooun1.J Seats. I •M.em. Am. Bits. Assn. ISta1.e In No. z Fed- Res. Dist. tM.em. State Bits. Assn. tPriv. I i Buffalo Br. l ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. [E tab. PRuIDENT. I •Oswe~o •••• Osweeo E Pop. 23,626 (Savings Bank■ l0 IFIRST NATIONAL BANK 50-20g VIOE-PRJ:SIDJCNT. r r,i1\toilo···· iJOHN T. MOTT ••.• ~: •• M E B MOTT +• United States, Staie, g do not handle collections) l TOWN AND couNTT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc.. 1 Laws. NEW YORK-Continued CA.SHIER, Ass'T CASRIXR I LJA.HILIT11<.s. " •••• •••• " Oxford ••• Ohf'nanco H 13 Pop. 1590 Oy1ter Bay •• _Nassau O 5 Pop. 4500 1- - - - - - - - - - j L. w. MOTT-·-- ~: t ~iov°E1ELL .... 1 $ 150,000 106,000 $2 300 000 Country a nd City Deposlto ry. Special atten tlon glv en colle ctlons. 790 000 $ 845,0001A~or!x.Ex~N~nghr,:;eitu~N~i~t mut, Bos. 365,090 4,328,630 4,473,560 231,430 ' Met. Tr. Co., N. Y. 305,800 Bkrs.Tr.Co .. N.Y. R.Collections A. DOWNEY ... ~: ft: lffl!Ufln·-· are not side line I:1.-loRls\Ult.i~~r~ a I I 1:i: ~a;;: I I ~~ Pari h •.•••• o . ·weiw F 11 tate Bank~ of ParLh •• • t§·19 James Gray._ ••.•.• B. J. Morgan .••••. H. c. Fuller .•••••• -······-··········· Pop. 476 50-997 , Patchoroe __ . 'ufl'olk O 7 Citizens Trn t Co .•.•••. •U'16 S. N. Gerard, ••••• _ E. E. Hawkins. Jr._ H. L. Rieth, Tr, __ . J. S. Nohowec. Pop. 4031 50-491 , W. 8 • .Hen~ett Tr. I Patcho2ue Banll:. __ ••.. •U 84 5o-48D Union Savini:s Banlr •. _•• t§'98 50-490 Pavilion_ ...• Genesee G 5 Pavilion Banking Co ..•• it·o2 I Pop. 500 50-968 Pawlin2 __ .Dutcbess K 19 National Banlr of Pawlind'49 Pop. 1032 ~35 " " Pawlin2 Savines Bank •• U'71 50~36 Pearl River.Rockland B3 First National Bank •••• •l 'l4 Pop. 3000 50-9-tO . . 2,601,540 2.972,070 385,070 Chase~- and I~rlng N., N. Y.: Girard N •• Phll., N. Com I Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. Z tlJ OS IT E IBEGINNI NG N. Y. BANKS. ~ ___ ___ ___ 370,000 370.000 50.000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Geneva N .• Geneva, 1,130.000 1,086,000 800,000 710,000 320,000 399,000 917,460 1,179,140 ...,,,,. ~ 103,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.: N. Y. St.ate Q N .. Alb. :;:o 130,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.::,;: lw~ 43.300 N. Park, N. Y. > I 1,200,000 900,000 106,410 1st N. and N. Oity, N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. . !Z 120,390 Chase N. and Liberty N., N. Y. ,~ 1n 130,000 Irvin~ N., N. Y. 100,000 33,850 303,540 390,690 115,000 ls1.N.,N. Y. 25,000 9.000 360,000 377,000 15,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. ~ 102,890 1,227,890 1,343,890 69,370 N. ParlrMech.&MetalsN .• N. City, Guaranty tt Tr. Co., and lrvmf N •• N. Y. ~ ?Y Palmyra ••••.• Wayne F8 IFirstNationalBanll: .•••• •i·u P.T. Sexton .•••••• H. H. Sexton •.•••• R. M. Smith·-··-·.................... 1 100,000 945,320 888,940 ij O <: John A. PoUer •••• Jesse C. Mills .••••. F. A. Potter·-··-·· A. L. Wicks-······ 75,000 90,000 1.000.000 1.000.000 110.0C0 Irving N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Bk of The r+ Manhattan Uo .. Jamaica: Corn Ex. N., Phil. 0 E.G. Terrell •••••. W. A. Hl11se.-•.••. Walters. Rose, Su. E.Johanknecht,Jr., _ _ _ 451,980 4,129,110 4,272,120 310,220 Far. 1.11. & l'r. Go.and Bkrs. Tr. Co .. N. Y.; Bk. l>,:j W. . Rose A. Sec. of The Manhattan Co .. Jamaica. " F. J. Humphrey ••. W. J. Humphrey .• C. A. Graham .••••• · - - - · - - - - · · - · · · - -····- --··-- _ _ _ - - - - Chase N., .N. Y.; Marine Tr. <.;o., Bufl'alo. '"1 J. G. Dutcher ••••• F. 0. Taber····-··· S. T. Green M. D. Green .•..•.• W. H. Ost>orn .•••• H. D. Warner Wm. A. Serven ••. Ohri topher Barg. frede Robert R. Felter Peekskill,WestchesterB4 PeekskillNationalBank.•i·oo James W. Hu ted_ tanton Curry_···· Pop. 15,868 50-252 Peekskill Savings Banlc•U'51l Ir. M. Dain-•••••• Frederick Lent •••• 50-251 E.G. Halsey I G. W. Chase-·-·· J. Ir. Hai&thL..... • 100,000 G. A. Daniels, Tr ..• H. N. Allen, Su .•• _ __ Frederick H. HaiL - - - - - - - 25,000 415,030 732.830 71.450 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 89.460 873,810 922,630 20,000 650,000 603,000 76,470 Bkrs. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: N. Bir. of Pawllnr, ' Pawling. 60,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. John Towart, Jr ... Frank Southard... 100,000 87,520 1,312,080 1,365,490 R. S. Allen ·······- H. L. Frost •.•••••• _ _ _ anford R. Knapp. Edward E. Youne, 744,630 4,982,140 5.274,570 ec. Tr. 100,000 -~ ,f .. ,t I? &I 522,020 N. City 11nd Irving N., N. Y.: N. Oom'l Bk. Tr. Co., Alb. 312,290 N. Park. N. Y.: 4th St. N .. Phil.: N. Com'I Bk. S:: C Tr. Co .• Alb.: Mnfrs. & Tra. .. llufl'alo. Ill 251.320 Chase N~and Eq1;1itahle Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Frank.lin N .• Ph1l.: Marmo Tr. Co., Buffalo. . 140.350 N. City, N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Butralo '_ 50,000 245.000 2,140,290 2,100.930 50.000 105.040 1,550,880 1.416.460 50.000 58.620 1.088,000 1,055,410 50,000 54,630 1,035,800 1.074,620 NEW YORK-Continued 233.560 MPrch. N. and Liberty N., N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co .. Alb. 390,310 Cent. Union Tr. Oo., N. Y. ~ 1 .103,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil .. Mnfrs. & Tra.l ~ .. Buffalo. •- LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed in back of this ..._. ! ' :r..'l ,~ • 364,900 4,747,340 4.893,840 M~NUf ~C1URERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK-BUFFALO Number under Name of Bank i..s the New TransU Number giveo 1007 each banJi: in U. S. excJuslt>eJ7 by The Band-McNally Bankers' Federal Reserve Bank of St.toLouis ~ 111,580 p•:. ~ Westche~ter County Nat. Rk. C. A.. P112sley •••••• F. M:. Dain ••.•••••• 11'. I. P112sle1 ••••••• II. Alban Anderson 50-250 et·33 G. A. FAreuson Bartow B. Seymour I E. E. Young 1 C. n. Pugsley •Penn Yan ••••• Yates HS Baldwin's Bank ..•••••. •U'69 A. Ir. Robson •••••• W. •. W1se ..•.•••• L. P. Nielson_ ••••• C. E. Willis ••.••••• Pop. 4517 I 50--45g " ........ " CITIZENS BANK ........ •is•gg John H. Johnson •• H. M. Parmele .•••• 1J. A. Underwood._ F'. H. Lynn .••...•. 1 5D--460 II. M. Putnam Perry._ •••• Wyomini: G 5 Oitizens Banlr ••.••••••• •U·88 G. M. Traber. •••.. W. T. Olin_. _ _ 0. M. Smith •••••• - L. P. Benedict.. __ • B Pop. '1717 60--464 1 " First National Ilanlr ••••• ••55 Wm. D. Pai:e-···- G. K. Paee •.••••••• G. K. Pafe-·······- • - - - · · - - · 50-463 ' I l In 387,550 4.152,680 4,234,430 F. B. SHEPHERD--. 100.000 170.480 with us. We make a specialty or them. Prompt presentation. Quick returns. SEE A DV. OPP 50-208 •i•M Send us your Items for Oswego and vicinity. ___ _ _ First National Bank . ...• •i·os M. S. Sandford .•... Seymour Horton ..• Patrick Savaie ••••. W. J. Potter·-····· 25,oo0 25,000 50-818 First National Bank •.•• •i'65 W. S. Truman·-··· F. S. Truman •••.• _ C. G. Woodford •••• W. C. Truman..... 100,000 58.000 56-454 . Oweio Natiig~ rank •.• •i•s3 G. W. Clark •••••••• F. W. AbeL.- ••••. T. H. Reddish.•••• E. B. Cornell...... 50.000 80,000 5 Tiofa National Bank •••• i"65 Geo. Truman, Jr .•• Geo. M. Decker-·-· C. D. Yothers•••••• H. G. Foster •••••. 50,000 30,0C0 5o--455 FirstNational Bank ••••• •i•63 J. O. Estelow •••••• W.L. Van Waeenen F. A. KcNeiL..-. ·-·-·····--·--· 100,000 96,160 50-810 North Shore Banll: •..•• •i '08 W. F. Johnson ••••• Andrew Snouder _ C. A. Olewer ••••• _ ········-···-···-· 25,000 32,590 ~01 Herbert G. Vail Oyster ~ ······-tl'IIO E. M.orpn Griffin_, S. Y. Bayles-·-··· E. F. Oheshire •••.• E. F. Griffin....... 50.000 69,000 " -·····- " I °' P.1U1w1PAL OoJUaSPONDJ:.NTB. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NATIONAL BANK •Ovfd ••••••••• Seneca B 9 Pop. 438 •OwefO-·-····· Tiora I 11 Pop. 4147 I 1 . PAII>-UP ~'UB.Pi.oa DaPoa- ,........ i,.... c.... • i:,.. • 1 curru. PaANDo-ITS c ~ , -=,•~ ..... _________________1 Osweeo City Sav. Bk .•• •U•59 E. B. Mott _ _ _ T. 11'. Gleason-- W. P. Burr, Tr .••. o.s. Wrieht. Ste .•. _ _ _ 50-207 . c. H. Bond J. J. Handley. A. S ec. OsweioOour~ltv.Bk.•U70 W.B.Couch ••••••• HubertJ.Peebles_ James Dunlap, •·••••••••••••·••••· - - Sec. and Tr. SECOND REMoUKWs:S. I ' 1007 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number give.a to each bank in u. B. e:s:cJUBIYeJy by The &and-McNaU7 Bankers• Dll'ee&ol'1', under the authority of The Amel'l~n Banker~_Ass'n. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. I NAME OP BA."K, NEW YORK- Con t•1nued (Savings Banks do I •County Seals. 1•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lS ta te ln No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. :!MPm. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Bis Buffalo Br. .+Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab. PRESIDENT, \ V1c...PRESIBKNT. I Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For lnt~rest Rates, Holidays, etr , see Laws. not handle collections) I Ass'T CASRIER. C.6.8IIID, LIABILITIES. ---- ------- ------- su~!!::us ltESOURCES. a,,., I» DxPo&- '"1 ~ Phelps _______ QntarioGg \phelpsNational Bank~--•nO\C.H.Garlock.. _____ A.T.VanNostrand lJ.B'.Belmer------- MaeVanB.Hibbard $ 50,000$ Pop. 1200 : 50-821 I Philadelphia ____ Jefferson 1Bank of Philadelphia ___ A. o. Ooms1.0ct ____ A. KarkwicJt ___ D. Reed_____ ____________________ 25,000 Pop. 794 o 13 50-822 1 1 Philmont ___ Colnmbia I 1g First National Bank-----~•04 ·1 Josiah W. Place--- \James Hayes _______ /oharles Tr&eJ'----- H. L. De Wald - 50,000 Pop.1919 50-823 Geo. W. Vedder , 25,960$ 511,740$ 525,830$ 94,1180 N.Oity,N.Y.;N. Y.StateN .. Alb. PhamiJ: _____ C,sweeo F 11 Phreni.J: Bank ___________ if'67 IJ. A. Ba,ru _______ O. B. Hutchin80D- 1' K. G. B111.chiDIOD- C. E. Hutchinson, Pop.1747 50-824 2d 1 Pine Bush-Oran11:e A Pine Bush National Bank•t·u Vernoo7 ____ ---- L. J. Dam _______ James N. Mapes-- ______________ \w. .u•ssl al c:: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 1 "'"'1 • 0a. cue• i:.xc'Ta. BotrlHI, C11•1toa,Do• APITA: P R O F I T S ~ a.,,,.,., .. no•Buu PAID-UP c l"-§ jc. s. 27.530 308,000 I I ~ ~ 330.000 34,940 Irving N., N. Y.; Northern N.Y. Tr. Co .. Watermwn. 40,920 479,730 1 505,610 84,670 . Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. 1 Co., Alb. 35,000 26,080 441,420 386.690 105,150 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y .; Far. I. llnfrs. N., Po~hkeepsie. 25,000 19,370 430,3701 439,370 1 56,750 Han. N., N. Y. z 44,960 Imp. & Tra,.N._, N. Yr: N. Y. State N .. Alb. t:tj ~ 76,000 N, Y. State N., Alb. .,< 0 Pop. 600 50-826 -----Pine Plains_Dutchess ug Stissing National Bank --•'65 J. H. Bostwick ____ .Edward Bryan _____ Wm. B. Jordan, Jr. ____ • Pop. 1600 56--827 1 45,000 •Plattsburg _Clinton A Jg First National Bank ----•i·63 F. G. Tuttle ________ , 0. S. Johnson ______ H. N. Johnson ___ N. F. Johnson_____ Pop. 10,909 50-328 100,000 100,000 1,380,000 1,493,000 Merchants National Bk._ •'84 R.H. Guibord _________________________ J. W. Guibord _____ F. S. Warren______ 50-3211 P. A. Guibord 100,ilOO 111,690 3,767,370 3,853,0~0 253,160 Harriman N., N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., PLATTSBURG HT. BANK & J. H. Moffitt__ _____ I. H. Chahoon ---- B'. H. Justin _______ E. L. Saxe_________ TRUST C0, __ 50-33o ____ •i•o1 o. E. Inman 250,000 2:;o,000 3,139,740 3,266,610 300,480 N. Parkf lstN.and Chase N., N. Y.: N. Y. State! ~ N., ..6.. b. 36,190 211,140 , 289,320 < : iZ I Plea antvilleWestchester Mount Pleasant Bank_ •U'04 Alfred Romer----- B. H. Carmer ______ B. H. Carmer _____ A.H. Sutton _____ _ Pop. 3590 B 4' 50-828 . W.Cornell, Robert Haviland , Ch. of Bd ' Poland ___ Herkimer F 15 Citizens National Bank -•t·10 ,s. R. Brayton ______ POI>, 349 50-829 Port Ohester __ Westch'er First National Bank _____ .i•M,Ellwood Burdsall __ Pop. 16,573 C5 50-281 ., " Mutual Trust Co. of West- E.W. Simons ______ ------chester County _______ •U'Ol ♦ 50-283 Port Chester Sav. Bk.--•U'65 Wm. Ryan _________ 50-282 I 100,000 ________ IFirst Natioi~nk ----•i•10 IR. A. Murdock ____ 50,000 J. W. KcCarty _____ J. N. Wilcox _____ J. W. lngman _____ _ 100,000 J. A. Peck--- T. F.Flandreau, Dean Smith, Su, __ Dean Smith Jr., Tr. 300,000 · 126,390 2,758,740 2,920,590 52,000 326,0001 327,000 134,920 1,501,760 1,520,970 50,000 508,660 5,604,980 5,527,490 69,010 764,030 698,450 lll,C00 308,000 415,000 Port Jefferson Suffolk O 71Bank of Port Jefferson •U'89\H. K. Rand&II _____ J. l!:. Bayles ______ R. B. Dayton ______ H. l!:. Davis _______ _ POI> 2800 50-554 " ___ :____ " , First Natiol~tnk ----•i•g7 o. T. Fanninr----- ____________________ F. A. Kline ________________________ _ 25,000 93,880 891,940 920,530 50,000 66,450 791,950 865,140 l 50-843 ______ -•i•53 ----- · ------------------- 100,000 W. L. Cuddeback- W. N. Tuscano ____ K. F. Mapes_______ ___________________ 130,000 Port Jervfs ___ Qran2"e B 1 First National Bank ----•*'70 . C. B'. Van Inw911:en Charles Brox Pop. 10,171 50-344 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 228,690 1,336,850 1.380.960 I G. W. Niece_______ 25,IJ00 E. P. Simon------- 25,000 110,470 1,285,000 1,290,000 2,970 95,51) 78,700 46,950 1.050,500 962,000 1 -•i•gg1· J. A. Daly_________ C. M. Collins_____ J. E. Lenney ______ -" 295,380 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 8' 217,180 Chase N. and Irving N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 2, ~ ·1 0. 120,000 llst N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., i I» 3 83,240 Chase N. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. 0 Y.: N. Y. State N., Alb. 84 ,73 Liberty N .. N. Y. ~ ,', r; I II II I Frederick B Post portleyden __ Lewis E 13 Port Leyden National Bank s. J. ~Teff. ______ A. J. Schroeder ___ , E. B. Mayhew _____ Pop. 735 50-1027 •'20 , Pt. R ichm 'd_Richm'd D 3 (See New York OU11, Boro uoh of Richmond) l Port W ashiogton_Nassau Bank of North Hempstead H. R. Smith------- c. L. Thompson ___ n. B. llonfort _____ Pop. 6000 o5 51>-830 •1'02 . ,A.O. Bayles Port Washington 'at. Bk. H. R. Tibbits ______ A. V. Fraser _______ D. M. Croucher ____ 50-992 •i-191 ! J. J. Gallagher P ot dam--- St. Lawrence Citizens National Bank Fred L. Dewey---- · F. L. Cubley _______ R.H. Byrns _______ Pop. 4039 B 15 50-472 j .. -------" Peoples Ban/Hn____ •il'89 H.J. Sanford ______ Royal Newton _____ F. R. Woodruff---1 I 78,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. ~ 298,410 Mech. & Metals N. and Ban. N., N. Y.; N. Y. ::r' State N., Alb. 340.830 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y. 'C fl) 100,000 " INATIONAL BANK OF POIIT JERVIS-- ~ C/J fl) Ellwood Burdsall __ John W. Diehl _____ George A. Studwell - - John W. McCarty R. B. M. Cook, Sec. G. C. Foote ________• D. A.. Rich_________ G. T. :Murdock ___ _ j 131.600 Irvinir N. and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 1 W.W. Koon _______ J. W. Brayton _____ R. W. Read _______ _ Port Henry ___ Essex C 19 Citizens National Bank __ •i·oa W. O. Witherbee ___ N. Berman -------- Lee II'. Phelps ______ 1 R. A. Hall_________ Pop. 2183 56-559 ! " 75,200 l,518,G60i 1,560,770 ~ ~ I 25,000 100.000 100,000 6,680 398,120 365.020 110,000 1,200.000 900,000 95,000 1,200.0001: 1,265,000 378,080 lstN .. Irving N., N.City, and Chase N.,N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N.Y. State N .. Alb.; 366 000 Phil. N., Phil. , N. Park, N. Y.; N, Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., 35,110 N. Park, 1 T. Y.; Watertown N., Watertown. I f I: i I i I y) 141.000 Chase N., lrving N., and Corn Ex. N .. N. Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Am. Tr. Co., Jamaira. 59,100 Am. Ex. N., Mech. &Metals N,, and Eqaitable l Tr. Co., N. Y. 75,000 Han. N. and Chase N., N. Y. - g 220,000 N. Park. and Mtle. Tr. Co .. N.Y.: 1st N., Phil.; Northern .N. Y. Tr. Co., Watertown. ; ---r THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO I ' I ! ' ••, ·,1 i 'I ~ l Numb• under Name 1008 or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. ei:clushely by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the au~~orlty of The A~er~~~-~•~ Ass'n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, La\\s (indexed) in back <if this ....., volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., seti Laws. NEW YORK - C On ti nue d (Savings B~~ g do not handle colledlons) 00 PRINCIPAL CultRE::.PONDUTS. R_E_SO-'--U:....R;....t...c.E...cS_._ 1 T_lF_S_._ _ _ 11 •_ _ _ _;._----"-L_JA.;.,.B.;.,.I...;;;L~I... NAME OF BANK. I s •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State· •County Seats. U~Ub D:B:Po&- ~~-:,~;:: PA.ID-UP ASS'T CASHIER. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. In o. 2 il'eli. Res. Dist. iMPm.StateBks.Assn. tPriv.· llaova1T1a 'ROM D.uru ITS CAPITAL PBOP1T8 [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _~__ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ ♦ Mem. Fed. Hes. 8 is Buffalo Br. _ _ - - - - - - - - -1 - -- 1 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 1 --=--=--------l·--=------'::.....:...:::.....c.c....c.::.;, TOWN .A.ND COUNTY, ~:~:..i~ 1 f ALLKI LL •Poaihlreepsie .Dutchess Pop. 35,000 J 18 $ 200,000$ 434,080 $1854400 $2677480 1$ 400,220 N. Park, 1st N. anu Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. GUILFORD DUDLEY ••• HENRY E. LOSEY ....• WILLIAM SCHICKLE •. G. W. SWEET ....._.. JAMES D. KEITH NATIONAL BANK State N., Alb. •:t'52 50-166 Farmers & ro~rsi·N.Bk:. •:t'34 1E. S. Atwater •••• _. t ~: 1~~iance····- G. H. Sherman·--- Otis W. Sherman.. 200,000 214,660 2,170,340 2,307,080 First National Bank ·-··-•'64 1:Edward E. Perkins 50-167 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK. I. R. Adriance ..• _. •i·-ti> 50-lli8 Poui:hkeepsie Sav. Bk .• •t§'31 F M. Johnston ••• _ 50-16-t ~Iitchell Downing_ F. N. More-an ______ Robert R. Becker. H. W. Barratt II. R. Gurney-····· Pelton Cannon ____ Wm. B. Carle.·-··· 250,000 234,740 5,156,000 5,107,850 POUGHKEEPSIE TRUST COMPANY 1 iI 160,520 2,232,270 2,333,540 175,000 E. S. Atwater ______ J. F. Lovejoy, Tr .. H. E.Meeks, A. Tr. _ __ II. V. PPlton 631.020 Chatham & Phenix N. and Han. N., N. Y.: CornEx.N .• Chi.: N. Y.StateN .. Alb. 631.340 Mech. & Mrtals N. and Irving N .• ::N. Y.; Z Girard N .. Phil.: 1st N ., Alb. 235,760 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: t-.!· Shawmut, Bos.; I ·t N., t?J ~ Alb ; 4th St. N .. Phil. <:; 771.440 Chase N .. N. Y. 1. 786,000 15 686 030 16 401170 lo( S. G. GUERNSEY--- C. W. PILGRIM.--- T.W.BARRETT, Tr._ C. W. H. ARNOLD, - - - - - - - - - See. 200,000 251,360 5,148,728 5.182.050 253,850 Guaranty Tr. Co. and lntng N., N. Y.; ~ W. J. WESLEY, A. '1.'r. A. F. HEATON •1 Bk & T ,.0 N C E. P. CORLISS A. Tr. -1 · - - - - Send you.- Poughkeepsie collections to ua; ou.- .-ate of om • r. ·• • ~ one-twentieth of one pe.- cent is the lowest. •• 01 ~ ---------------------~----~-~----------··~· I 60,200! Chase N., N. Y.: N. Y. State N , Alb.; Alliance, > 56,000 500,000 456,570 25,000 Prattsbur~ ••• Steuben H 8 Prattsburi:h State Bank_:tf'0i Ir. E. Blood·--·--·- \Ym. B. Pratt·--· W. C, McConnell .• M. G. McConnell ·, z , , R(!chester. . . , 5o-640 . Pop. 654 P. Smith ••••••• _-·····-··--·-····--· A. W. Wood··-···- A. A. Smith---··· _ _ _ -··--··- _ _ _ _ _ _ ---··- E\u~:a~~ Tr. Co., N. Y.; ~Infrs. & 'Ira. ~ ., ~ 50-169 Smith & Wo ~:ukers _t 60 C. 5 . •Pulaski __ •• 0. we"o E 11 Pop. 1788 T PEOPLES NA IONAL BANK {"·A.MOODY ..... _ f . J. WALTON·-·---- F. L. BURDICK·---·· CLARA MAHAFFY·-·- 551,000 130.000 N. City, 405,000 50,000 24,000 25,000 48,280 1,160,500 1,007,100 . Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co .. Alb. n given to collect antzcd collection , rea onable rate E. M. ClarL_···-·- ion • department. end us your Pulaski Items. • F. A. Clark_.__ ••• • -···-·-·---·-·- ...•• tate Bank of Randolph•:W74 J. N. Cowen __ ····- G. W. Fenton •••.•• 50-832 c. II. Tugwell-··-· ····------- ·-·- ····-State Bk. of Ransomville •:t§'ll 50-907 • T . First National Bank -··-•.t·011 O. F. Suderley ..• _. a. D. Hawn .. ·-···50-833 l{ed Creek ITational Bk. •i"l5 Wm. Hawley·-··-· F. R. Maloney_. ___ 50-948 First National Bank •.•• •l"65 0. B. Hoffman_ .. __ F. S. Ormsbee . ·-·. 50-835 Redwood ~·ational Bank•!"l3 A. Bickelhaupt-· W.W. Holmes •• _._ I • 50·928 T . First National Bank ·--··•'02 G. E. Pritchard •••• O. R. Griffith_···-· 50-836 Rensselaer County Bk. •tl'06 John F. Munier ••• 1J. K. Spencer--·-·· I 50-837 First National Bank .••• •l"53 Philip F. Radcliffe M. V. B. Schryver. 50-584 Rhinebeck Savini?· Bk.•tl'60 .M. V. B. Scllryyer • .Jacob II. ·trong ___ Chas. Ferris 50-585 Richfield prings_Ot.·eeo First National Bank ···-•:t'82 G. T. Brockway •.• w. A. Swith.--·-·1 50-838 G 14 Pop. 13 Richmond llill -· Qup Dn (Su New York Clt11, Boroua h of Qt.tuns) 4 HlchmondvillP.8choharie Bank of Richmondville •U'81 A. D. Frasier----·- o. R. Mann ___ ···50 839 H 16 Pop. ::i81 RldeewoocL.. Queens D 4 ( u Neiw Yurlc Git 11, Borrn,o h of Quumt1) Pop. 509 Ripley ••• ChautauQua 11 First National Aank ••••• •l'0l F. W. Crandall --·. E. D. Heagan._ .... 50-840 8 Pop. 1000 •Hiverh'1 d ••• utrolk C 7 Riverhead aviue' Dank.1'72 U. B. Howell·--·-- G. M. Vail-·--··-·· Erastu J,'. Po t 50-54-t Pop. 2500 Suffolk County ·at. Bk. •:t·oo Timothy M. Griffin!? W. lt. IJuvall _. ___ . " " G. IL Perkin 50-546 Suffolk County Trust Co._f'78 Georee M. Vail··-· John H. Benjamin. I 0. E. Griswold I 50-545 J. A. Crowley ··--- Frank L. Sea1?er -·R. II. Taylor H. E. Rupp···--··· -····-····-···--·· 30,000 140,000 750,000 25,000 13,000 402,320 w. Winne \Volfe -· J. H. SuderleY·-··· 25,000 18,460 244,130 133,880 Irvini: Alb. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N .. 800,000 150,000 Seab. N. and Irving N., N. Y.: ~arine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 40,000 lrvinl? N ., N. Y .; Peo., Niagara Falls: Buffalo 388,610 1 Tr. Co .. Buffalo. 41,450 1st N., Alb. 242,S40 Chas. Hawley, Jr .. Mildred H. Bullock " " Handolph_Cattarau1?us I 3 8 P~p. l~~0 Ran,omv1 11e.N 1a2ara F 3 8 Pop. 600 Ravena·-··--Alhany ll 18 Pop. 2093 Red Creek .••. Wayn F 9 Pop. 499 Red Hook .Dutchess J 18 Pop. 2i RedwoocL_JetTe rson C 12 ~ Pop. 50 0 . Rem enp·--- qnetda .F 14 OP, 4-t Rens elaer._._aensselaer Pop. 10.b~3 H 10 Hhinebeck.Dutc-hess J 18 Pop. 1397 " " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~pcelal attentlo Thoroui;hly org Pro111pC Service atioual 50-831 Bank •. •t'65 L. J. Clark·--·---· 50-952 Pulaski •:::·15 I 1.1 1 50,000 18,5CO 303,000 385,600 A. F. Kerley 75,000 03,330 413,410 582,730 L. M. 25,000 36,300 540,000 530,000 23,500 504,000 500,000 ---·-·······-··--···· . 1 totter···--· ' -····----··-····-··- 25,000 H. W. Dunlap_,···- R. W. Parle. .••. ·-· E. J. Guilfoil--··· ---··--•····-··-··- , 100,000 Wm. H. Judson_ •.. C. B. Lansin~--···· fJl _ I 125,000 64,060 1,857,370 1,875,860 345,450 50,850 431.670 ··············--·-·- _ _ _ tickle, Sec. and Tr. 50,000 James McKee-·-··· - - - · - - - - 80,010 1,118,360 1,170,210 J. D. Holmes •••••. C.H. Winters .•.• _ 25,000 85,990 067,870 070,160 J. W. Burrows.---· C. L. Barden •••••• M. E. Miller 0, G. Pike. Sec .••. ' Fred I ie dorpb, .A. ec. B. F. HowPlL._ .••. E. s. Duvall.·····J. 0. tark John S. Howe. 25,000 4~.sso 1,060,110 846,690 A. L. 78,400 1,431,080 1,472,740 1 I 38,800 Han. N .. N. Y.: City Bk. 'l'r. Co .. Syl'acuse, Cent.• Rochester 70,830 Irvine N. and EQuitable Tr. Co., N. Y. g .,. '!! ..,, ~ Cl) '0 rJJ 0• 0 53,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Jefferson Co. N .. Water- ~ ~ . • town. < 55,300 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st. N •• Utica. C-, . I • 136,600 Chase N. and Irvmg N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., ;. 02,180 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. I g 28,150 !Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Rhinebeck. Clo 108,480 Irvine N., N. Y. 1 I 82,540 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N .• Alb. ..... I)) Sec,1---··--- 50,000 100,000 1.300,000 11,340,000 304,080 Liberty N., N. Y.: Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo: Far. Dep. .. Pitt. 624,360 Chase N., Guaranty T~. Co .. Title Guar, uty & Tr. Co .. and Imlu trial, N. Y. 160,000 N. City and Irving N .. N. Y. 100,000 161,600 2,581.490 2,488,560 335,120 Chase N. and Corn Ex .. N. Y. 1 1,508,850 7,364,640 8,140,400 FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS •nlrlnO' Pnfnt (Jn. ::J S:: P> ~ • - "' 1:--:) 1009 Number under Name of Bank is the New Tramlt Number pveo to each bank in u. 8. e:rcluslvely by The .Kand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. I 0) 'l'OWN AND COUNTY. 01 •Oounty Seats. In No. 2 Fed. Re·. Di t. Bis Butralo Br. •Roche cer__MonroeF6 D Pop. 295,750 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I 1------- C V •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State .6.SH-IJCR. ICB-PRESIDENT, - ENT. PRE-SID tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. \ [Estah. •~Iem. Fed. Res. C. & S. Cappellino, Banker~ (C.and s:-Cappelli no)--·-·-----------'----~-~-=-==I 50-23 t·o2\ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ranking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indCXPd) tn back of volume For Interest Rates, Bollda1·s, etc, see Laws. ::, thi:<ltii" (Savings Banks I I N.UlE OF BANK. d • NEW YORK - C ont1nue do not handle collet'tlons) o•••• v ... c..... ••· \Su&Pi.os O IIPO&- ,.................-.:on AND _______ ======$ , SST 0 ASRIIER, _____________ p AID-UP CAPITAL PaortTB JOHN H. GRE.GORY -- H. H. CLAPP - - - - P. B. AEX---------- R. C. f!IEISENZAHL-H. V. CONSLER, A.C. J. H. RAUSCH • L. F. STUPP \ A Thoroughly Organized Collection Department. i ~ PROMPT SERVICE. QUICK RETURNS. •ts'~8 1 l lA. 1-------------- -=::= c. Jackson, *East Side Sa vin gs Bk. •:!:5'69 ' W. l:i. Mathews ____ Wm. Bau ch _______ 50-l,5 ec. and. Tr. Wm. II. Dunn *GENESEE YALLEY TR. CO. D. D. Sully ________ •c. l:i. Palmer _____ H. C. Bowlen, Sec. A. T. Simpson, A. Sec, , •t§'Ol ;:i0-20 I LINCOLN- ITtl -• 400,000 Ig l:J-.... 1· - - - - - - - ------,----:::----:::--~;-;-;22,400 ltalianDisc.&Tr.andGuarantyTr. Cos.,N.Y.1 _ _ ... _._. . .. 5i.9:rn $ 63,350$ 1.0 1N ___ ___ ___ ___ *CENTRAL BANK 50-l PRU.CIPAL CORRKSPll.:'<lJ~TS. RESOURCES, LJ-\BJLITJl:8. A 1 i ~ ~ .!::!!.!!! ~ d Chem N N y • Ft Dear 1: S b N ~.:cht~nN.Com•1·nk:·&Tr.Co.,Alb.;N: Shawmut, Bos.; Pbll. N., Phil. 1,066,990 19990320 20 840570 447,900 6,960,310 6,927,280 ------ 662,400 Ban. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y. j 1 870.02:l Chase N., Guaranty Tr., and Dkrs. Tr. Cos .. N. Y. J. G. CUTLER -------l, E. LANNIN ------ A.J. MEfSENZAHLJ. W. JARDINE ---N. Bk. Com •• N.Clty, Guaranty Tr. Co.,:md B. J. SHA# W. J. SIMPSON 2 000.000 2,406.220 34717690 31002370 9 071550 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., ~ R. J. WhHE f. S. THOMAS (2 Branches) Chi.: Girard N. and Phil., N., Phil.: 1. ti'· • LEJNEN f. R. VAY A. PETER N.,Bos.; Far.&Merch. N.,Ualt., 1<.tN.,ltij WM.G. WATSON WM.&. FARNHAM ~ CJev. BAKER R. T. E. F. PILLOW <: •:t'06 Send your Sight Dr■ ftsand Drafts with BIiia of Lading attaohed on AllltNCE BANK ♦ 50-17 O~ Roohester. New York, and vlolnlti, to the Llncoln-Alllanoe Bank. where they will have pron,pt returns. t '88 ('c1 1astia11, Antlto ' 1111 S., a/l(LDmw.tu:s !i0 -26 *Mechanics Sav. Bank-•!S'67 jW. B. Hale-------- W.R. Sew&rd _____ J. H. B:.,u,·her 50-14 *Merchants Rank ------•!§'84 ·P.R. McPhail _____ J. <J. ttocteubeck ___ V. F. Whitmore . F. A. Ward, V. P. 50-5 *Monroe County Sav. Bank 1 .1:L K. Dryer_ ______ Edward llau~rh ____ P. \'. Oriti enden •tf50 50-13 *National Bank of Connnerc<' 'I'. J. Swanton _____ W.11. Dunn _______ William Deininger •t'06 t.eo . .E. Wetzel. 50-22 V.P. *Rochester Savin2s Bk.•t§'31 H.P. Brewster---- G. A. Hollister _____ II . . Hanford, V.P. J. '. Wat5on 50-12 IS. Lunghlno & Son . _____ *ROCHESTER 467,320 5,127,830 L. Lunghi110, Par tners) _____________ 20,000 69,030 ~ 1-t1 9,2i2,380 1,251,750 Chem. N .. Guaranty Tr. Co .• and Bkr~. Tr. Co .. N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk, & Tr, Co., Alb. 778, 20 1st N., N. Y. 26 792 880 w > ~ ~ n 13857950 1,961,270 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: ml 1st N., Phil. N., and Corn Ex. N .• Phil. H.S. Hanford, Tr,_ C. F. Turton, Sec. _ _ _ _ 2,582,230 38689400 38766460 1,875,890 Bank of the Manhattan Co. and 1st N .. N. Y. J.C. itc. :::0 83,530 181,360 .Equitable Tr. Oo., N. Y. :::0 0 g. Tr: ~:•:.y~st!:! ::•' ~g.~?N.a::a::.-.tE~ Alb.; Corn E:r. l\.,'PhU.' - - - - - - - - - - - - Bkrs Tr Co Chase N 1st N Columbia POWERS--------T, D. BIDWELL. S ec. -- A. J. LEGGETT, WATSQff ______ co:, G;iaranty T1. Co., Lfbc>rty N., ~ A. Sec. ED. L. WILLIUS, LUCIUSW. R.9a1NSON, FRANK A.1ARD ff L EDGERTON Tr. W. I. LUESCh1~'Sec. 1.000,000 1.200.000 80784630 29471830 3,58%.970 Brown Bros. Co., Knauth Na.chod & ~ e, i.oJ 11d. ·fDdAl1iie~fCH "1 A.' Sec. . • L: L: BEN.HAM 0 TRUST & SAFE DEPOSIT CO. •U'88 50-7 0. Sconfiett~t ~o, _______ t'lti 2 *Security Trust Co. ____ •i§'02 50-16 *Traders National Bank •:t'52 50-8 *UNION TRUST co 5o-18 · 320,830 336,140 5,213,580 ___ W. J. Ourtis, Sec. Fedor Willimek, A, Sec. Geo. Wendt, A.Sec 580,031.l 9,406,810 500,000 A. 8, Newell _______ R. G. Dann________ F. B. Punch _ _ _ 2,276,4i0 26 586750 F. C. Fenn ________ William Carson, "ec. a,nd Tr. 750,00.0 1,039,150 11508650 G. C. Lennox ______ E. w. Burton______ Freder kMutschler 0 OUT OF TOWN COLL.tCTIONS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. (C.:esare ::iconJiettiJ ___________:_::~- ____________ _____________ James S. Watson -J. ~I. Wile, r.-P. llenr F. Marks --H. C. Brewster, Ch. G. A. Hollister ____ F. :M. Ellery, Sec, __ Edward Harris 0. J, 1:lrown _______ Chester J. Smith __ W.J. Trunble :M. E. Wile, A. Sec. C. S. Potter.A.Sec. Jno. T. Ilanefy ____ Chas. F. Marks f>,000 ~ --- -- ---D. M. ROSE:1,,.A.Sw. FREDERICK W. ZOLLER. J.C. FRANKLAND----BLAKE S.RAPLEE, V.P.andSec. M.G.PALMA1EER,A.Sec. 1.250.000 772.420 19152010 J. L.HOTCHKISS. V.P. A. 8. FRASER E. P. VOLLERTSEN, V.P.W. J. HAUSER,A. Sec.C. R. SNIDER,A. Sec. E. J. MEYER, A. Sec, TRY OUR FACI Send US your Rochester Business. •t§•g 7 ' t2Branches) WE GIVE PERSOIIAL SERVICE AND QUICK RETURNS AT LOW RATES. 1 -:== === 300,000 1,363,530 16462 670 36 473 780 3,987,770 Chem. N .. Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y.;Union Tr. Co .. Chi.; Mar. Tr. Co., Buff. 375,490 9,570,580 9,066,700 1,879,780 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi .. 500,000 Bos., and Phil, ---- !0683990 2.425.560 Liberty N. and Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. Y.; 1st N .• PhU.: Marine Tr. Co.. Buffalo: I N. Y. State N .• Alb.: Int'I Tr. Co .. Bos. LITI E S • Blair & Co., Inc .. ___________ (Investment Securit :ies) _____________________________________ ·--------------- _______________________________ Blair & Co., Tnc., N. Y., Ohi .. Phtl., Bos .. San F .. and St. L. nn~uranre Bide.) Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. GUARANTY CO. OF N. Y. (Iniestment Securit ies) ·--------------- c. A. Simpson.Mgr, _______________ (l!41l Powers Bldg.) • '20 A. B, Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y .. Chi .. and prinA. B. Leach & Co .. Inc. ______ (Investment Securiti cipa! citief:. , , (803 Wilder Bldg.) T. M:. Wilder, Rep. _____________________________ -------,-------- _______ N. City Co., N. Y. and correspondent offices. NATIONAL CITY CO.----- '16 (Investment Securiti' es) __ Io · I ' i (Wilder ~Id~.) MQr. - - - - - 1~ --~------1H. F. )larks_ ------1 W.J.S~~;:;i Tr. I I~~~~~:~cl:r~!:jiU:!-•) ----- es)______________ ________________ ________________ ·--------------1 r.-.?.-f2k~~:~~\~. ----j--- THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Ton .&lfD oou11TY, NAXs op B•NK. •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Non-Bank Tewns wlth Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), L wvt•ri'i. La .. , exed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK- COntinu ed (SaYln11 Banka do not handle eolleetlons) I 8 LuarLJTIES. PilD-UP ::,'tlBPLU• DaPoac~ITAL P~Ts rra 1 1 RESoo&cES. 1.0.... • n.. CAI•• h- PRINCIPAL CoRRJCSPONDKNTs, 0 A(Joaoty Seats. PKDIDDT, VIcE-PRBsIDJENT. 0ASBID, Ass'T CASHIO. ln No. ZFed. Res. Dist. Ulem.StateBks . ..lsso.tPriv. c~":· ~ Ifs Buffalo Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - l • - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - 1 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 BA,cawa, BeacJl.~u8to: (Su N. Y. Oit11, Borough of Quuna) -------· ·-------·--·----- ----·-·-·-··--·- _ _ _ _ ----·- ____ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RockvilleOeoter_Nassau Pop.6262 D5 . BK.OF ROCKVILLE CEITEI F. T.DeLano _____ T.D.Carpenter •.• J.F. Simonson .••• ,W.H.Kniffln.Jr. NormaE.Light, V.P.i A. Cash. First National Bank ••••• •i•o7 1. H. ClarL•••.•••• 1. E. Hutcheson ••. 0.1. Dooley··----· 50-4116 Nassau Couii~:tional ~!1 ~ D. N. Bulson ••••••• B. T. Raynor ••.•.. 1 Rome •••••••• Oneida F 18 .Michael Duly ••• --·-·-·t'l8 Michael Duly ..••.. ·-·--··-·····----· ·····-·-·····---· Pop. 26,341 50-222 56-484 •i1·111 "EarlJ. Bennett, i~J\fii.I::d!~n··· FARM ER S AndrewEdwarJs, A.P. Steiner, Jr. S 100,000 S 116,000 $2100000 $2225000 S 80,000 IrviniN.,N.Y.; lstN,,Phil, N.Com'l Bk.& \ Tr.Co .. Alb. -----··--···-·--·-·· 25,000 49.600 1,717,000 1,107,000 -----······· 50,000 20,890 819,260 791,310 ---···-····--·-··· 6.000 750 1.020 6.000 EDWARD COMSTOCK. W. L. KINGSLEY .... C.H. SIMON ........ C. W. WILLIAMSON, G. G. CLARAalJT, Ac t1ve JR. Personal pre enta tlon amt prompt remittances on a II collections. j o-z20 •:t• 7g atlsfact.ory Serv lee Guaranteed. 5 Rocco Gualtieri. _ _ _ t'l9 (Rocco Gualtieri) . ---·······-··-···· -···---·······-··· ---··-·····--···· %50,000 - NATIONAL BANK ~~ Oneida Oounty !Savinrs Bank C. W. Lee ......•.. . 50-219 •:tl'69 Rome Savinis Bank ••• -•:tl'51 S. H. Beach ••••.•.. 50-217 600,000 N. Park, Chase N .• and Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Jamaica. 99,240 Corn Ex .. N. Y. 1,790 154.910 3.206.180 3,189.955 - - - 560.690 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. I . 5,000 3,490 20,120 Jl,410 Z t:El ~ -<0 ~ ~ 15,380 1:J3 > Jas. P. Olney••••-. J... E. Wetherbee, G. L. Prescott, Su. - - - · 290,540 2,461,880 2,592,210 134,420~Equitable Tr. Oo., N, Y,; Alb. Tr. Co., Alb. ..; F. M. Orton Tr. A. W. Hooke.A.Tr. ~ Henry Barnard. Sr. James T. Stone.Tr. Carl Simon, Sec .... _ _ _ 357,000 3,626,540 3,741,940 241,600 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. ~ J. A. RailPY F. M. Mt>rtz. A.. Tr. (JJ ROME TRUST COMPANY {L D. WHITE··-·· ~: t~tt•c'1~~\\D .. E. SASENBE,!: J. LINK, Sec. 300,000 U7.090 3.808,020 3,478,350 853,800 N. City, N, Y. • 50-221 •:tl'l5 Special attentl on elven to colle etlons, A thoro ogbl:, orcanlzed collectl on dep artmen t. ,.., Prompt service. reaRnnable rate s. SEND 08 YO UK. ROME ITEM 1s. 0 Romutus .•.•• Seneca G 9 Romulus National Bank.t'20 \V, 0, Hanlon ..••.. D. W. Brown .••••• W. J. Potter •••••. ·····-·······--····· 25,000 5,000 61.400 55,590 27,140 1N. City, N. Y.: Geneva N .. Geneva. !l Pop. 500 li0-1028 D. 0. O'Connor " Rondout. . .... Ulster 117 (Su KingstunJ D> Roscoe •••• _.Sullivan J 15 First National Bank •••• •i·O& G. I. Treyz ·-·--·-· J. W. Albee.··--·· W. H. Peters····- W.R. Chrisler.... 50,000 61.830 753,150 · 916,430 64,400 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil, ~ 1 Pop. 800 50-841 D> RoslJn .••·-···Nassau 05 Bank of Hempstead Harbor 1. H. BonrL ••••• Ralph Tubb:, .•.••• H. O. Hereman •••• H. A. Wood···-·· S0,000 92,740 989,470 863,490 236,950 Guarant:v Tr. Co. and Irvin~ N .. N. Y. '< Pop. 3500 5H02 •*1'06 J.C. Baker " " Roslyn Bank ••• •U-75 Thomas Mott ... - .. H. M. W . .Eastman. F. E. Willits, Tr,._. F. C. Davis, Sec .•• - - - · 390,000 3,325,000 3,500,000 186,000 Cent. TTnion Tr. Co. and Title Guarantee & Tr. ~ 5H01 J. O. Baker Co.,N.Y.: Bk. of Hempstead Harbor, Roslyn. o, Roxbur,• •• Delaware I 16 National Bk. or Roxbury•i·os A. F. Bouton •••••• Frank Enderlin •••• W. L. Gerowe ••••• ····--··-·····--· 25,000 41,920 434,220 439.260 61.890 Seab. N., N. Y. o Pop. 1000 50-842 ~ Ru1Jn1lle •.••• _ Yates G 8 Rushville State Bank •.• •t§'12 D. L. Paddock •• - R. G, Perry ·-···· C. A. Lazarus ••• - •• ·-·---···-···-----· 25,000 30,490 579,360 519,870 105,270 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. ..,. Pop. 786 SG-924 o Rye •.•.• We&t<'hesier C 4 Rye National Hank·-····•*'01 M. C, Parsona••••• _ E. H. Peck ••·-···· H.P. Parker··--·· Thos. A. Bray·-·· 50,000 107,940 1,217,690 1,237,280 184,440 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. r,. Pop, 5S08 50-845 W. F. Hendrix v~ Sae Harbor._. uffolk OD Peconic Bank •••••••• -.•:tl'OO W. E. Denison ••••• H.F. Oook·-··-·-· F. Corwin __ •• Thos. F. Bisl?ood •• 25,000 29,390 296,-180 279,9-t0 70,350 Atlantic N. and Harriman N., N. Y. e? Pop.2993 ~ ·• Sar Harbor Savinrs Bk. :tl'80 Wm. D. Hal ey •••. W.R. Reimann~••. R. L. Tindall, J. T. Corwio,.A. Tr. _ _ _ 308,900 2,410,240 2,449,710 149,410 U.S. Tr., Bkrs. Tr., and Equitable Tr. Cos., 50-504 Clifford J. Foster Su. and Tr. N. Y. 0 Banklnr House of Geonre GeorreKiernan •• _ ·········---·-·--· G • .Aurustine ··········-··-···· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oorn Ex .. N. Y. GQ Kiernan •• 50-505 ••••••• t'80 Kiernan I» SaJamanca ••• Oattaraurus First National Bank ••••• •:t·so E. 11". Ho:, ••••• - •• Hudson Ansley •••• W, J. Hoy ••••••.•• F. R. Adams....... 50,000 148.000 1,236,000 1,250,000 199,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A .. Pitt. (JJ 8 Pop. 9276 I4 SD-402 ec, " ····-··· " Salamanca Trust Co .••. •tl'02 E. B. Vreeland ••••• C.R. Gibson •••.•. W. A. Hevenor •••• c. E. White....... 100,000 289,900 2,219,840 2,193,820 433,850 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. .., 5o-40S W. H. Hazard H. W. Davis.Su. J. H. Rhode Salem ••••- . Washin1?ton Peoples National Bank ._:•14 H. A. Spa)lholz --· D. J. AbboU .•_ ••• R, L. Palmer •••••• Ralph E. Barkley. 35,000 9,650 527,100 582,600 47,800 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Oo., Alb. IQ Pop. 1083 F 19 5H0S G. A. Armstronl? en " S&lem National Hank-••••• '05 )(. L. Sheldon.-·--· Charles A . .Beattie •• Charles B. McKee. ····---············ 40,000 58,570 598,700 65-1.660 77,500 Ohase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N .. Alb. 50--604 Saranac Lake ••. Fraoklin Adirondack National Bk:.•i•in William llinshutL W. c. Leonard ••.•• John R. Freer ••••- 8. J . .Appleyard •••• 50,000 125,000 1,000,000 800,000 213,570 Chase N. and Irvini N .. N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Pop. 6174 0 18 50-444 Tr. Oo .. Alb, G, H. La Pan " Saranac Lake Nat. Bk .• •t'07 F. E. Kendall__. __ i'. H. llcKee .. _ . H, R. Legiett . - ·--··-············33.630 510,200 498.190 104.080 Han. N ., N. Y.; 1st N .. Alb. 50,000 j;4 w. l a. w. !!:. 5• 50--445 Saratora 8prinn •• 8ar·ra Pop. 13,181 g 18 IDIROIDACI Tl. CO.-•:t1·02 { GO-HI Sl.lToal NATIONAL BAH 50--ZII •*'IS EDGAR T, C. C. BULLiCK·-···· F. G. HO\flAND, Tr. WM. W. BOYD, Sec.. 100.000 227.000 5.03t 000 5.126.000 204.080 N. Bk. Oom .. Chase N., and Mr.t. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: :J 1st N.,; Mnfrs. N., Troy. C: BRACKETT D. W. MAB E Wll. 8. WHITE, Collt--cllous II sp eclalty. Promp t per!IO ual att entlon. C. C. VAIi EUSEN D> .A. Tr. Reasonable char ges. We wantyo •urSant oga bus luess. H. B. BULLA D 100.000 117,600 3,926,640 3,408,920 725,260 1st N. and J..m. Ex. N., N. Y. BUia of lading di rafts a specialty. Send us your S aratoga :svrlugs ltewlj, Uc must be sen t with each sigh& draft fo r prcsen tatlon. MANUFAClURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK-BUFFALO ~r:R~~~~EN:J"~~v7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ {w. P. BUTLER.·-·-· W,E. D.W.STARBMK •••••• w. H. WATERBURY-.- w. J. BRENNAN..... BLACK ER -- '° t-.) ~g~~ Non-Bank Towos with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'- 1011 .Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Raod-1\lcNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. Non-Bank 'J'owos with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Law;yers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 'ii;" volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see La~ ::i NEW YORK-Continued (Sal'lngs Banks do not handle collections) I l'OWN AND COUNTY. Ni.ME OF' BANK, I LIABILITIES. "'County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State SUB.PLUS In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDE~T. CASHIER. .Ass'TCASHIER. PA.ID-UP AND DEPos8 is Buffalo Br. +Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab. ITS -----C'----------1-------'-----=: . . . _ - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ) - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 CuITu PBOPITB Saugerties ____ Ulster I 18 p 0 n 4013 .,. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:t'48 5o-479 JOHN A. SNYDER-- JAMES T. MAXWELL JOHN HALLENBECK-- -------------------hiHs of Laotng dra1 ts a spe~iatty • { Largest and 01 dest Bank m Sa ugerties. $ 200.000 $ w. I Schohar:e_Schoharle H 17 Schoharie County Bk._•:5'88 Charles M. Throop_ Issac Van Vechten R • .A. Dewey _______________________ ---Pop. 851 50-848 Schuyler Lake_Ots~oG14 Taylor, Kinne & Co.,B:inkers M. J. Clarke. ______ Lee Kinne ________ Lee J. Chase. Cash. ___________________ _ Pop. 300 50-849 •t"l0 and :J-.fgr. Schuylerville ___ Sarato~a National Bk. of Schuylerville O. E. Brisbin ______ Wm. S. Ostrander_ J.B. Deyoe ________ -------------------Pop. 1625 II' 19 50-850 •:t"65 Seaside _______ \;}ueens D 3 (Su New York Cit11, Borou ghof Quum) 50-387 Sharon Spr'gs __ Bchoharie Pop. 400 G 15 Sherburne.OhenanroHl3 Pop. 1104<1ua I I I Pop. 847 ShortsviJle ___ Ontario G 8 Pop. 1300 Sidney _____ Delaware 118 Pop. 2670 •:tl'02 First National Bank ______ e'05 50-853 Sherburne National Bk,-•:t'65 50-854 State Bank of Sherman•:tl'90 50-855 StateBankofSh0 rtsville•:t:§'20 25,000 10,000 I 307,0901 417.980 260,260 2,713,840 2,787 ,830 168,480 200,970 500,160 542.620 23,460 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Com'l~k. &Tr.Co.,Alb.; Lafayette N .• Buffalo. 137,120 Chase .N., N. Y.; 4th t:it. N .. Phil. 17,030 618,3101 597,820 101,620 Pacific and Liberty N., N. Y. 35,910 62,190 41,000 1,860 3,640 1 8,630 280,300 5,083,400 4,9-14,470 2,760 7,050 8,MO: 50,000 z l:Ij ~ 62.100 Passadore & Co .. Genoa. ItalY. ~ 1,830 Passadore & Co .. Genoa, Italy. 0 595,400 Guaranty Tr. Co., Mech. & Metals N., and ~ Chase N .. N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. ~ t1l 10,460 > z I 25.3,520 2,037,210 2,179,590 299,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co .. Alb. 326,550 Bk:rs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Schenectady Tr. Co., ~ Schenectady, CJ'J 569,000 8,462,700 9,591,700 1.148,000 Am. Ex. N., Chase N., and Irving N., N. Y. 899,040 13 040 590 13 509 630 I , CJ'J 234,910 4,405.040 4,311,M!O 21,420 346,910; 43,080 875,3001 887,000 1,000 335,820 154.000 4",000 700,0001 826.390 [mp. & Tra. N .• N. City, and Chase N., N. Y.; ~ N. Y. State N., 65,650 Han. N., N, Y. ~ "1 I r+ 111,700 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. (ii' rn 14,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; Coo1>erstown N., Cooperstown. ,.. 0 750,000 78,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. CJ'J 5; ::i 50,ooo 130,000 1,300.000: 1,248.000 118,370 1,236.130 1,190,880 52,620 593,3301 604,740 Bl Us of lading d rafts a speciaity. 320.000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse;~ Auburn Tr. Co., Auburn; Liberty, Buffalo . 134,520 U.S . .Mt~e. & Tr. co., N. Y.; 1£x.N .,Seneca Falls. 92,300 1st N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., 1 toe most be sen t with each Sight Draft for presenta tton ~ and %Ge with ea ch request for ere dlt report. SEND US YOUR SENEC A FALL S ITEM S. Geo. U. Clausen ____ J. L. Em1>ie ________ H. E. Wilber _______ --------·. __ ____ ____ 25,000 G. M. Bryan _______ 0. A. Gorton ____ W. S. Sanford _____ F. M. Bullis _______ _ 100,000 15,900 520.000; 523.000 150,060 1,153,620 1,218,590 25,000 36,770 655,360 30,000 11,270 Peoples National Bank: ___ :j:'07 L. M. Day _ _ _ H. 0. Rockwell ____ B. o. Broadfoot_ ___ G. C. Doty ________ _ 5()-{iU c. H. Broadfoot Sidney National Bank __ •t'i7 J. H. Curtis _______ Harris Gillett ______ H.J. Godfrey _____ -----------·--50-'l42 50,000 50,000 324,890 321,380 1 450.000 46j,000 50,000 635,100 61,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; N. Com '! Bk.&Tr.Oo.,Alb.'I 118,860 Ohase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., 119,170 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. I 166,530 1,168,7801 1,404.200 ;1:rtMANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK-BUFFALO- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I,.,) 55,160 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 8,000 W. H. Preston ____ G. W. Hamlin _____ T. F. Gilligan ______ ------------------- 50-621 - '° 153,180 JMet. Tr. and Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y. 107,040 1 H. D. Knight ______ M. W. Jacoby _____ E.W. Freeland____ 100.000 A. R. Palmer N. W. Becker R. D. Knight_-, ____ S. R. Somers. -------------------- --------HamWon Garnsey Sec. and 'l.'r. Wi:. P. ELWELL __ W. G. MORSL---- T. W. POLLARD--- ____________________ 42,550 I. O. Ottaway ______ L. D. Gale _________ Wm. H. Phear, Jr. JennieD. Ottaway_ ♦ "1 c~-:, c:,~:=,-----------------I~ I Saugerties Bank ________ e:t§'59 E. Clark Reed _____ J. C. Suderley _____ Henry T. Keeney__ ____ _ ______________ 125,000 5Q--480 Saugerties Savings Bk.. -•:l:§'71 J. T. Maxwell ______ C. H. Lamb ____ ---- J. A. Freligh, Sec .. ____________________ --------5o-481 T. B. Cornwell Savona ______ steuben_ I 8 Savona National Bank--•:l:'19 John R. Hedges ___ Jesse H. Niles---- James F. Stinson . Geo. Stinson______ 25,000 1 Pop. 554 50-994 Sayville _______ Suff'olk C 6 OystermensNat1ona!Bk .•:t:'99 I. H. Green ________ S. P. Greene ------ Dow Clock_________ ____ ________________ J 50,000 Pop, 3000 50-846 Scarsdale_. Westchester Scarsdale Ka· ional Bank•'20 Rush Wilson ______ O. H. Cheney ______ G. Both________ ___________ _________ 50,000 Pop. 3;i06 B4 50-1019 "'Schenec ady.Schen'ct·y Pa Quale De:llarco Bank t'96 -------------------- ------------------- ____________________ ____________________ 5,000 Po1>, 88,723 G 18 50-93 Orazio Ciaccia • ____ . ____ 'tl9 ___________ -· __ .. _______ -· ____ . _______________________________·_______ _________ _ 5,000 50-94 CitizensTrustCo. ______ •U'06 W.G.Schermerhorn J. W. Yelverton ___ A. S. Thlrber. Tr. __ Allan P. McKain. 200,000 5G-92 N.I.Schermerhorn. G. W. Featherston- \Y. S. Toa•er. Sec. and A Tr. V. P. hau~h A. Sec. and A. T, . 5,000 Wm. V, GapczynskL_. ·-'tl9 -----------------·-- --·----------------- ----------------·--- 1 ___________________ _ 50-95 Mohawk National Bank:•:1807 C. S. Washburn ____ E. L. Milmine _____ E. L. Milmine _____ George Gifford ___ _ 100.000 50-88 E. F. Cohen SchenectadySavingsBk.•U'34 Everett Smith _____ W. L. Pearson _____ .A.W.Johnston,Tr. Mills Ten Eyck, 50-89 . Lewis A. Skinner A. Tr. SCHENECTADY TRUST CO. H.B. Boardman ___ J. W. Smitley ______ J. J. Barringer, W. D. Wemple, 300.000 + 5Q-9l _____ •:tt'02 E.T. Rice, Tr. A. Tr. Asst. to Pres. " ________ " UNION NATIONAL BANK•:t'92 Willis T. Hanson __ Clark Witbeck _____ E. V. Ketchum ____ -------------------- 150,000 50-!IO WillisT.Hanson,Jr. Schenevus ___ otse1w H 15 Schenevus National Bk,-•t'94 0. F. Lane ________ H. Bernard ________ George Lovell ______ J. R. Macduff _____ _ 50,000 Pop. 499 50-847 STATE BK.OF SENECA FALLS ~ .PRINCIPAL, 80,000 $ 550.000 $ 500,000 $ 151,300 N. Park, N. Y. Send us your b usiness for prom pt attention and service. Seneca Falls __ seneca G II Exchange National Bk._•t"65 C.H. Williams _____ .Pop. 6389 50-886 " Seneca Falls Savings'70 T. J. Yawger ______ 50-385 RESOURCES. »... Cua " :ax- Le•NI " i 42,630 Irving N., N. Y. f 90,000 N. Park, N. Y. I:; 256.lOO !Chase N. and Irvin2 N., N. Y.; N. Com '! Bk.I:: & Tr. Co. ·• n<l N. Y . Qtafl" N .. Alh . LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK 1012 Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. etclush·eJy lJy The Rand-llcNally Bankers• Directory, under the ltou_thorlt~_!b!, A.merlca~~kers ~ss•n. TOWN .urn (JuUNTY. In Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banklns Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of this volume. For Interest Rates, HolJdays, etc., see Laws. o NEW YORK-Continued (Savings Banks do not handle collections) NA.ME OF BANK. RESUUKCES. LIABJLITJES. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. o. 2 Fed. Hes. Dist. :tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. +Mem. Fed. Re'. B is ButTalo Br. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT, CASHIER,. Ass 'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SURPLUS D:mPOS- CAPITA.L P:o~~T8 IT8 c~==· =·~ Lo..••• Du- Oil■• I t-.:> PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. &1:- , _______ ,_ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Silver Creek_Chauta.ugua First National Bank ____ •t'99 H.P. Burgard----- C. W. Gra ho ______ L. G. Horton ______ H. S. Pratt ________ S 50,000 S 54,490 S 852,060 S 674,990 S 300,980 Irving N., N. Y.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. co .. Buffalo. 50-856 H 2 B Pop. 3260 1 c. F. Grievish_____ 50,000 34,840 1,313,550 1,203,850 Silver Sprinars __ Wyoming Silver Springs Nat. Bk,-•t'02 J, G. Kershaw _____ J. E. ~ 'a ·h _________ L. M. Clark________ ___ ____ _______ ____ 50-857 B6 B Pop. 1155 Sinclairville __ Chaotauqua Sinclairville State Bank•t§'19 F. B. Putnam______ J. H. Cummings ___ E. F. Irvin____ ________________ 25,000 23,010 " ________ " Silver Creek Nat. Bk. ___ •;t'l2 J. D. Denny------- C. C. Horton ______ A. J. Diefendorf__ A. W. Guest 50-923 50-!!58 I 2 B Pop. 514 kaneateles ____ Onondaea National Bk. or SkaneatelPs •:t'69 50-579 G 10 Pop. 1635 Skaneateles Savings Bk, __ §'66 " ________ 50-578 Smithtown Branch-Suf'k National Bank or Smithtown C 6 Branch __ 50-859 _______ •t'lO Pop. 850 odus ______ Wayne F 8 Bank of Sodus _________ ;tt'53 50-590 Pop.1329 First National Bank _____ .;t'09 50-592 0. D. Gaylord, Banker __ ;tt'81 . 50-591 Bolvay ____ OnondagaG 11 Solvay Bank ________ •:t§'l7 50-973 Pop. 7352 outhampton_Suffolk C 9 First National Bank ______ •'l2 50-919 Pop. 2635 Southampton Bank ____ e:tf'88 " " + , 50-860 . outh Dayton __ gattarau- Bank of South Dayton __ .,.§ 14 50-937 rus-B _Pop. 66.l ____ H 2 E. B. Crissey & Co., Banker .. _______ " 50-861, . ttlllOO • n oath Fall llnrl?. ul11van outh Fallshurg National Bk. •t:20 . 50-10:!3 J, 1i> • Pop. 550 outh Glens Falls.Sar ga FrrstNational Hank-----•t 01 50-862 (Glett" Pa//1, P. 0.) F 18 Pop. 2158 outhold ______ Sufl'olk B 8 Bank of Southold.------•1'08 50-616 Pop. 500.J Southold Savings Bk,---•1'58 50-615 ou&h Otselic __ Ohenanro Otselic Valley Nat. Bant.'05 50-863 H 12 Pop. 300 parkilL---Rockland OS First National Bank-----•t"l4 50-938 Pop. 500 pencer _______ Tiora I 10 Farmers &Merch. Bank-•1'85 50-864 Pop. 661 pencerpart .. Monroe 11' II Bank of Spencerp0rt ___ •H'07 50-865 B Pop. 926 prinr Valley __ Rockland First National Bank __ .ugoo 50-866 BI Pop. 3818 prinrville ______ Erie H 3 Citizens National Bank .•t'02 50-561 B Pop. 2331 Farmers Bar:560------•t1'83 •• . -------.. W. G. Prentice B. F. Petheram ____ Philip Allen ________ W. L. Gavell _______ Jerome J.Murphy Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis printrwater tatc Bank _§'17 50-9!!0 National Bk.or tamrord•:t'82 50-867 (Su New York Cit11, Borou First ational Bank ____ .;t·54 50-868 Lavern W. Lazell & Co. -•t'97 50-869 Bank or Suffolk Count:r-H'07 + 50-870 St. Reris Falls National Bk. •t'05 50-871 Suffern National Bank --•i·o1 50-R72 407,620 25,000 6,780 214,300 179,830 60,000 147,130 818,250 912,260 ________ ___ J. H. Earll ________ J.C. Stephenson ___ H. W. Thurlow, Sec. ancl Tr. W. F. Cuddeback 25,000 J, S. Hunttinf _____ F. G. Booth ________ J. A. Overton ______ Clara W. Overton-- 239,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo. 1 66,980 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Marine Tr, Co., Buffalo. 64,450 Han. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 154,770 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., -'.lb. 236,330 Ilk. of .America and Met. Tr. Co., N. T. 169,530 1.647,660 1,571,340 29,840 i,; ~ t%J 101,730 N. City and Irvinr N., N. Y. 505,160 531,620 ~ C. K. Knapp _______ ------------- D. J. Knapp ___________________________ - - - - ------ -------- - - - - Eauitablf! Tr. Oo .. N. Y.: Merch., Rochester; <; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 75,200 lrvrne N .. ~, Y.: N. Com'! Bk. & Tr, Co., .Alh.; i< 651,770 648,000 36,360 30,000 H. L. Kelly ________ S.S. Granger ______ W . .A. Northup_____ ________________ O Tra. N., Rochester. II. H. Williams ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------------ c. W. Gaylord _____ Jennie Whaling ____ --------- - - - - - ------- -------- ------ Chase N., N. Y.; N. B • Com., Rochester. ~ · 70,160 Met. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Alb. Tr. Co., Alb.; Syra66,100 1,387,330 1,459,770 75,000 J. D. Pennock _____ E. D. \Vinkworth __ G. 0. Gifford ______ R. L.Stilwell ______ txl cuse Tr. Co .. Syracuse. \\'. P. Kauar 100,000 100,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 100,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. John Nugent ______ John D. Corrigan __ W. K. Dunwell ____ ____________________ E. A. Hildreth----- E, H. Foster _______ L. E. Terry________ ________ __ . F. S. Peek _________ E. A. Hale _________ C. B. Whipple ______ R. E. Hale___ 100,000 30,000 H. E. Crissey _______________________ A.G. Drummer ____ J. S. Peuy ____ ------, 75,000 H. Bury________ J, M. Beck ________ o. E. LeHoy _______ • B. Ro ·en trans. . 25,000 8. J, Varney ______ • McLaughlm _____ II'. A. Comstock____ __________ w. 91,100 840,880 32,580 440,520 > z 159,290 M.ech. & .Metals N ,, N. Y. 872,760 ~ 32,940 Irvme- N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marme rJl Tr. Co., Buffalo. 25,000 - - - - - - - - - - Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech., Jamestown. en :r . -· 21,370 Irvmg N,, N, Y. 222,560 19,500 173,470 I 49U90 • • I 34,130 303,700 345,040 16,910 340,320 300,790 < 26,070 IrvinrN .. N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy, tD '"1 A. A. ll'olk _________ H. G. TuthilL _____ A. T. Dickerson___ _____________ 25,000 n ri 78,580 Irvine N., Imp, &Tra. N .. and Empire Tr. Oo., N. Y. 476,110 Bk. of America, Corn Ex., EQuitable Tr., tD ~ Empire Tr., and Bkrs. Tr. Oos., N. Y. 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 0 21,780 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N ., Phil. • L. Albertson F. K. Terry, .A. Tr. ____ 1,069,410 a,076,070 6,628,570 H. W. Prince ______ 11. H. Huntting ____ H. H. Hunttine-, Sec. and Tr. R. G. Terry, .A. Tr. C. C. Miles 175,000 200,000 11,000 40,000 M. K. Perkins _____ R. R. Brown ______ .B'rank E. Cox____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. A. M . .Austin _______ ~. A. Brown _______ H. E. F. Tanner____ _______________ 30,000 20,910 372,760 377,800 A. Ku J'lsher ___ B. R. McDowell ___ M. B. Ferris _______ F. B. Cooper....... B. F. Cooper G. ll. Cole ______ F. N. Webster _____ H. A. Freeman __ Joseph Chadwick_ J. A. Talhott G. 11. Dunlop _____ Elbert Talman _____ Charles H. Mapes_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25,000 15,000 220,000 139,000 25,000 29,140 579,880 524,550 25,000 74,540 1,532,580 1,363,000 110.190 N. Park and Irvine N., N. Y.; Cent., Roche ter; Liberty, Buffalo. 264,720 Ohast1 N., .N. Y. 675,930 164,790 Seab. N., N. Y.; Citiz. Com'I Tr. Co., Buffalo. 148,990 1,433,350 1,373,500 755,480 1.038,570 261,540 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marino Tr. Co .. Buffalo. 21,080 N. Oity, N, Y.; Cent., Rochester; Livingston Co. 'l'r. Co .. Geneseo. 142,170 Chase ., N. Y. 99,180 1,417,920 1,391,210 224,670 Irving N., N. Y.: N, Com'l Bk. & Tr, Co.,Alb. Ira H. Vail ________ Geor(!c Engel ______ A. L. Neubach_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P. J. Gady F. 0. Smith ________ A. D. Jones ________ w . .A. Davis------- c. w. Ellis-------- 35,000 E. E. Doty ________ .T. W. Wad worth __ E. Robinson _______ A. W. Howe ______ _ P. C. Euchner C. L. Andrus ______ E. \ r, Gallup _____ S. C. Robinson ____ A. s. Chambers____ 25,000 7,440 100,000 174,300 oh of Richmond) J. H. Reaney ______ T. J. Zoller ________ John K. ttler ______ Ogden Butler ____ _ 50,000 ____________________ E. L. Denison ______ C. E. Olson------- ~- J. Olson ______ _ 10,000 W. P. Younes. ____ C. L. Rossiter ______ Geo. Hellen ________ H. L. Brown ____ _ . Youne _______ -------------------- l prini:water __ Livini:. ton H7 B Pop. 500 tamrord _Delaware H 15 Pop. 947 tapleton __ Richmond D 3 t. John. ·ilJe ___ M.onte'Y G 16 Pop. 2538 \ockton .ChautauQua I 1 B Pop. 600 \ony Brook __ uffolk C 6 Pop. 750 t. Reels Falls __ !/'ranklin .i.. 16 Pop. 1500 ull'ern ____ Rork land D 3 Pop. 3154 411,390 A. S. O' TeiL _____ \\'. A. Wardner ____ F. J.B. Campbell _____ D. H. McConnell __ J. F. Duryee ______ F. A. Casey-------• J. J. Sheehan 60,000 36,700 729,260 139,390 en 54,000 Ohue N. and Empire Tr. Oo .. N. Y. 150,140 S:: ti. !! :i 'ii,- g 5,300 129,200 80,450 25,000 23,880 403,910 387,020 63,340 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Jamestown, James- ~ ~ town, .. 47,210 Mech. & Metals N. and Ohem. N., N. 25,000 19,700 280,000 296,000 46.000 ~1nfrs. N., Troy, 20C,OOO ~. ._ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW YORK-Continued 113,000 1,283,000 1,389,840 FOR NEW CANADA 366,290 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. .,.~~,..Co.,Alb. ATE AND COLLECTIONS TUN"- ::, I ; 11 I ;. • t • t 1: I' •• •: I : I ;. ~ ;. I • ' ' ' ,, t If I'. t I : . t , " 1013 I - ,------, l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ta• *CITY BANK .Syracuse _____ nnond~a Pop. 171.717 G 11 TRUST COMPANY o. P. • Non-Bank Towns wJth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed .Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ';4 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::, not handle eolleetlons) I NA.ME OF' BANK. I •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State No. 2 Fet1. Res. Dist. :tMem. StateBks .. Assn. t Priv. \ PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. OA.SBID. 1 Ass'T CASHIER BisBuffalo_B_r._ _ •~lem. Feo.:....!_{es._ [~ tab: __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ : · ToWN AND OOUNTY. In NEW YORK- COntinue • d (S:nlngs Banks do NumNI' mader Name of Jiau ia the New 'l'ramfC Number siYeD Co each bank in U. S. exelusJyeJy by The Band-MeNaUy Banken' Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. • rr, - l LIA-BILITIES. JI RESOURClllS. PRINCIPAL CORR:ESPONDENT8. E I PAID-UP lSU llPLUsl DEPOl!I- Lo.-"»... ,• .a.x""' CAPITAL p:C,~Ts 1TS , c~, =~·-----------------~ -- 1- - - , - - - • - - A. N. Elhs ________ D. c. \\eJ?ster _____ C. H: ~ndford, .T<:hn F.~loran. re. ~2000000 n 153860 17217830 22S8540olna38030 NEW YORK: National Oity Bank W. C. nrayton_. A.!.\.\\ h1te AustmKelley.A.Tr. \\. B. lnbehen!,l, _ , . _ _ _ _ Guaranty Tr. Co. r:11. ot IM . .I.::;. Gray .L .Ser. 1st Ncltional Bank C. 1'.. c happell S. F. Hanco"k DEPOSIT ARY for State an d City F,unds. Official Attention. : N I B x No. 1. COLLECTION DEPT. •!§'Oil ;;o-4 3 *f IRST TRUST & 1 DEPOSIT Co. +:;o-::s '° Returns. RESER¥ E AGENT for New York State Bks. Bank Rate 1-20 of one par cent. 1{ Quick \I Special Rates on Regular Business. I Tr.:~ - - - -- C. A. CHASE--- --- •.. L. S.BRADY,.--------T E. MAURER, Sec._ G. A. CHO LET, - - - - 1- - E.T. ESHELMAN,_ t, W. SARK.:R R. W. BELL, .,.1 , 'cc. E. A. THO LENS, l · P. I:. S. TE'FT T J WALDORF A Sec 1st N ., Guaranty Tr. Co., Met. Tr. Co .• ~JjlH,~~ ·· .ti'., ec. H. W. PARRE~tSPc. Chase N., Lin. N., and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Franklin N., and A. B. MERRILL A. L. BRECKHE1~1ER; 2,:00,000 1.m.m 35886500, R6494780 4,014,820 The A.Sec _ _ _ _ _ Phil. N., Phil.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; N. Shawmut, Bos. Largest Bank Prompt Attention to Collec-1:ions. Between New York and Buffalo . 2: tzJ ~ • 'icholas ~1arnrll ________ t" Hi -------------- ---filH:i ~r.iERC, /HftS f.ATIO. AL tsANK---- ,J1H1: __ __ _ _ -•'50 n. Tracy------· !'. Frazer c. A. tlJ J.17,420 Imp. & Tra. N. and Seab. N., N. Y.; Market St.N.,Phil. > *Onondaca County .Sav. P.k. II. ~I. Howling> ____ E. A. Powell _____ _ D. E. Petit, Tr. ___ O. A. Hudson, Sec. ______ 3,742,790 32 660 980 34 303:;40 rio-3;; •!§'55 ... alem Hyde II. J. Engelhardt, 947,930 Bkrs. Tr. and Guaranty Tr. Cos., N. Y. 2: J. w. GATES------ I. H. MUNRO---·---- w. J. BOURKE------- J. E. GERE--------0 *SALT SPRl~GS NAT'L BANK Largest Na !~k in Syracuse. · ;:,0-34 •'52 { We are equipped to handle all matte rs entrusted to us. We solicit your Syracuse business. 598 .000 1st N_.and Irving N .• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N,, Chi.: N. Y. State N .• Alb. Ul L. A. Eddy ____ ---· W. ilriclcmao ____ R. F.. Ashpole_ ___ __ 300,000 357,220 2,5'.i7,620 3,121.330 I i·i~J~fhi 800,000 X j A, 1'r, 356,000 4,568,ooo, 5,782,000 '< .., I» n ~ u, :-.syracuseSavingsBank_:tf'49•.George Doheny ____ Frecl'kW.Barker __ W. J. Reidel, A.G. Hageman, ,- - - - - 3,202,120 1753000) 20168880 50-32 , Edward Joy Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. *SYRACUSE TRUST COMPANY ♦ 66-42 •§'03 - -----C.H. SANFORD---- G. L. TICKNER----- F. L. BARNES, Rec. J. H. WILSON. Tr._ Chase N Am Ex N Guaranty Tr Co J.M. GILBERT. J. H. WILSON J.f.HOUCK,A. Sec. T. J.,BRITCHER . . 1,500.000 945,290 2S846810 26149130 4.186.310 Cltlz. N., Ch.em:N •.-~ndlrvlngN.,N. 0 1, O C/· f/3.d , N z· St ) K. C. WICKS, A. Sec. AM. ~Lcc .AnSnH<lO.AR.ET Cont. k Com'I N., Chi.; N. Y. State N., ( ne ranc '· 509 ·8 a 1n 11 •• • • 8 , Alb.· Girard N. Phil.; 1st N. Bos. SEND US YOUR SYRACUSE BUSINESS. REASONABLE RATES. PROMPT SERVICE. A . Tr. --1 J acnb Amos -------1L. G, Lac, - ---- ---- : ---- ----------:----- i: i:~-•c:~:.: 1 :_~::::::'::: ;:::::~,:: ::,-::; :::=:=::::::::=t==:_:::::::::::: =:=:=::::=::=:: (Seitz Bldg,) 1 Syracuse Olearin2" House ____ L. S. Brady-------- A.~'. Ellis _________ F. L. Barnes. (Memben indicated bu a*> 1':; I ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Thiro Nati~ BanL_-t'64 Hen,-, Lac, ----37 l (I 413,510 Met. Tr. Co. and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. Sec. a11d Tr. ------- 300,000 233, 90 2,592,510 4,(188,650 ~~: 5 ~o,o~ __ : ---------1• ----- '--1 408,340 N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. I ;.s~1_::•: : ,~& ---1----- 0 __ ;:~::::: ~ ::::•::.:::,;., Bns., L .. ancl San F. THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO 1 t. ~ w 1014 . . _ . . 1111d• Kame er BaDk la the New Tnnllt NumlMII' SiTeD to eaeb bank in U. 8. eselualTelJ by Tbe &aod-MeNallr Baoken' INl'ff&orJ, uodf'I' the authorltJ of The AmerlQD Raoke-r1 As •n. I NEW YORK- C Oil t•tnue d Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Accos.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) tu back of th! ! _ !_oh1m~. Int~!e~t RaJes, Holldays, etc., ~ee Laws. 8 I (Savings Banks do not handle collectlons) I ~ LIABILITll!:s. NAME oF BANK. TOWN ,urn COUNTY, l:suRPLus •Mem. Am. Bks . .Assn. IState .COUntJ S1"3\s, I ~-:,!~: OJCP08- ~ AND PAID-UP Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIJl:R, VICE-PRESIDltNT. PRESIDENT. ID No. 2 Fed. RA • Dis. iMem. St.ate Bks. Assn. tPriv. 8 _ _a_aov __________________ . _ •__...,,_.,_B_._""' _arn c_u_i_T_A_L _P_R_o_r1_T_s _ 1_T_ [Estab. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ ________ ♦ ltem. Fed. Re·. I Is Buff'alo Br. 1 1 1 Y.; Kingston Tr. co., Tannersville.Greene I 17 Mountains National Bankt'l7 1Edward W. Lackey Jacob Fromer •.••. . D. Scudder- •... ······-·-·········-· S 25,000 S 15,000 S 400,000 $ 370,000 S 50,000 Mech. & Metals N., Kingston. Amos H. Alden 50-979 Pop. 597 368,230 1st .N ., .N. Y.; Uh St. N .. Phil. 151.030 1,569,000 1.419,000 100,000 John B. Fisher. ... H. c. Timberman__ Tarrytown •. Westchester Tarrytown Nat. Bank •. •i·s1 R. A. Patteson ....•.•...•.•....•..• 5G-41D B' Pop. 5,807 789,980 Mech. & Metals N., Empire Tr., and Columbia Z 876,970 4,622,160 4,600,810 Westchester Co. Sav. Bk. I'S! Isaac Requa •....•• R. ll. Coutant ••• - •• 1E.T. Willsea, Tr, .. 1C. A. Wood, Su .•• _ " ···--·· t'tl Tr. Cos., .N. Y. SG-41& WaterOo., Tr. N.Y. Northern Y.; N. .. N Irvine 37,940 145,270 152,910 12,500 25,000 ··········-··-······ -······ Esler E. E. •.••• argent S. W. _. •.• Boga.rt.. H. J. •t§'lS There a _.Jefferson O 12 Bank of Theresa ..••... town: N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 50-926 Pop. 857 1 PIUNCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, ltEsuuRcEs. ~:-..:..t~ T . ···-1 I :6 Farmers National Bank_t·~ J.B. Vock ••••.•••• ll'. L. Santwu ..... G. P. Schwarz ••••• Gertrude M. Rowe. S0-87S 50,000 19,0-10 50.000 73.450 1,200,000 1,100,000 500,000 650,000 5,500,000 6,800,000 469,8801 60,850 N. City, N. Y.; Watertown N., Watertown. 532,020 0 Ticonderoga .• Kssex D lD ITiconderora Nat'l Bk. •*1910 C. E. Benne1.L ••••• jM. Y. Ferris····-·· W.W. Richards._ o. E. Beers····-··· F. T. McDonald SG-87' l'op. 2,102 1 Tonawanda •••.. Rrie F 3 FIRST , 8 .Pop. 10,068 TRUST COMPANY Henry P. Smith·- T. J. Wilson •.•..•• W.R. Martin, Tr .• E. H. Smith, cc .•• M. L. Snyder, .A. Sec.and.A. Tr. ; Tottenvillo.Richmond DS (Su, New York Cit11, Borauo h of Richmond) Treu' on._ ... Oneida ~' 13 First National Rank ••••• t'l8 John J. Lewi ..... W. C. J. Doolittle. Glenn P. Dodire .•. ·-··········-·-··· 50-987 (Bar11.evel<l P.O.)Pop. 269 51H175 •il'H I 200,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr . .Co .. Alb. 560,000 N.Bk.Com. and Guaranty Tr.Co., N.Y.; Marine10, )> Tr. Co .. Buffalo: Bk. of Pitt. N. A .. Pitt. I 25,000 5,860 168,020 170,700 54 ,050 Utica Tr. & Dep. Co •• Utica. rJl 1 •Troy ••. Rensselaer G 19 Pop, 72.013 MANUFACTURERS IAT'L F. E. Bowe ..•••••• Alba M. Ide •..••.• ' Edward Murphy BAllll .... 51Hit ••.••.• •t·65 NATIONAL CITY BANK .• •t'05 1Thomas Vail ...•... Howard .Kennedy aO·till National State Bank •.. -•t'52 Julius S. Hawley •. 5H3 Peoples liank ...••••••• •U'88 F. D. Twinine ••••. 5CHl6 SecuritJ' Trust co,_ ...• -1'02 Frank E. Nortou ••. 5G-68 W. C. Feathers •••• W. F. Seber--····· F. E. Sbeary 300,000 T. H. Jackson W. F. Polk·-·····- J. Frank Beebe.... 300,000 B. K. Woodward R. E. Starks ••.•.•• Henry Colvin •..... ··-········-········ A. P. ·M cKean ..•.•• A. B. Cobden ••..•• Wm. V. Mors...... zX 250,000 100,000 1 200,000 Wm. H. Jarvi , J. J. Child ••• ···-- G. L. Bare, .A. Tr. Sw. and Tr. II. S. Ide 791,550 15.59!,59) 16,101,450 1,719,940 N. Bk. Com., Chase N., IrvineN., N.City and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. hawmut. Bos. 266,3G0 ,1,77;;,,150 5,632,880 1.111,820 . N. City and Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.: 1st T •• Phil. 471.600 3.988,690 3,867,450 1.079,560 1st N .. N. T.; FranklinN.,Phil.:N.Com'l Bk, & 'l'r. Co., _Alb. 158,870 1,130,930 1,174,400 270,800 Bk. or America, N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy, 19U30 3,490,1501 3,280,020 1 Troy Savines Bank ..••• •U'23 Wm. B. Shields ..•• Thomas VaiL ....• J. Erwin Anthony, ···········-········ - · · - · · 1.571, 7C0 12,691,950 13,389,000 w. and Tr. James H. Caldwell !\{µ11 TROY TRUST COMPAN' •U'Cl2 Harold K. Downine A. T. Smith ...•...• L. T. Lane, Sec ...• Fred. Bunce, Tr... 200,000 88,890 2,635,780 2,731,180 Henry . Darby H. S. Ludlow, 5H7 Ch. of Bd. E. Q. Lasell I lb8,040 4,046,010 4,970 ,440 300,000 Union National Bank .•• •i·s1 Henry Wheeler •••. Paul ,iok •.•••••.. Edward Strecker .. Jo eph E. Kober.. C. G. Eddy 5H2 591.450 N. Y. Tr, Co. and Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y. 56M20 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y. 258,510 1st N. & Libe,rty N .. N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. ~ .. Buff'alo:ln t 1Tr.Oo .. Bo<i.: Corn Ex. N .• Phil. N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 404.430 N.Parlcand.N.Bk.Com.,N.Y.; N.Y.StateN .. Alb.; 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: Cent. N., Clev. 234,240 Mech. &Metals N. and Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. 452 ,710 1,036,330 1,749,710 State N ., Alb. 470,280 • 61,800 lrvine N. and Coal & Iron N .• N. Y.; N. Com'! 21,680 46-1,910 Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 20,180 400,000 400,000 44,710 Chase N .. N. Y.; N.Y. State N., Alb. · 2-10,000 United National Bank-•*'65 . S. Bullions ...••• H . . DarbY·--····ID· B. Thompson .•. ···········-········ 50--65 25,000 Truman burg.Tompkins First National Hank ••••• •'04 L.J. Wheeler. .. _.• E. R. Stilwell. ••••• P. F. Sears ••.•...•..••••.••....•..••.. l!'. C. Updike 5CHl17 B 9 Pop. 1,011 2::i,000 ·········--········ -·.. ewell. M. G. State Bank of Trumansbun~ 0. W. Bower . ....•• J. K. Wheeler···· •U'OS ♦ 5H18 Truxton .•. Cortland H 12 Muller & Son ••... ·--···•tt·88 (A. R. )Iuller) -·-- •..•••.••.•.••.•.•.. -······-··········-· ·-·····-·····-······ - - - · ··-·-··· - - - · - - - · - - 50-876 Pop. 300 267,000 928 ,000 3:5,000 1.160,000 25,000 Tuckahoe ... WP,;tchester First National Bank .••. •i•14 W. H. Dempsey_ •. _ H.F. Fulling .• _... J. F. Boland .•..•... Grover Peyton.... I 50-941 0 4 Pop. 3,509 1 F. M. Brown •••.• _. 62,C00 752,380 770,000 38,000 25,000 ..•.. Hurlbut H. H. Faucher·-·· C. H. •..•.. F.a-rle L. W. Tully •••• -Ouondan G ll , Firs1. National Bank •••. •t'0l I . ! 50- 877 Pop. 477 128,640 0 819,2 800,2:50 47,630 50,000 C.S.Potvm-···-. _ ••• Knox. E. C. Tupper Lake ..• Franklin Tupper Lake 'at. Bank •!'06 J. L. Jacobs ••...•. A. S. Hosley .•..... I 50-878 C 17 Pop. 2,508 416,650 1 39,870 35'.5,000 32,6::i0 2:5,000 Tu edo •.•••• Orani:e B 3 Tuxedo National Bank-.•t'l!l c. S. Patterson .•.• F. W forray, Jr .. Otis Vail ·-·-··-·· - - - - - - - - ,c. S. Youne I 5(Hli18 (Tuzedn Park P. 0.) 1 I Pop. 2500 78,000 607,000 53,000 600,000 50,000 nadilla •.•.• ( 1t-.e£0 H 15 Unadilla National Bank_•t•oo F. B. Meeker. •.••• , W. H. 'isson ··-·-· Carl Pomeroy .•••• ·····-····-···-- ··-· 5H30 Pop. 1,157 62,1110 _1 ,3~~~~~ -~~~~~:~ - 200~~~~ 2:i,000 _A._ V,f~~~ry •••• J, )(. Pa.:,ne -···-·· - - - · · - - · Union _Pop:·t.30rme 111 Farmers N\t&~sfJ Bank.•t'08 E. M. Andrews ..•. 1 Union Springs ••• Cayuga G. B. Ilack'l. ·······-····it·97 .....••..•.••.•.••.. , .•••••..••..•.•••••. James ll. Peckham ·······-········ •••. •-··-····· - - - · · 1 50·~0 G 10 Pop. 6-12 18.110 1:l0,lCO 156.150 5,60 Un!onvillo __ ._Orange B 1 Fir t • ~ational !lank ... • t' I9 G. II. Elston .-·--·- G. V. , ehooley .••• Hoy T. Elston ...•• -·-···-······-···- i 30,000 I ~ s» ::, :::t B ~ < ~ .... 0 C: ::, -· 0 :::t <• =: (i" N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cortland, Cortland. N. Park, N. Y. 1 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y. Sta1.e N., Alb. Ban. N .. N. Y. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. N. City, N. Y., I ·t t l'on. 40~ 50-JOl)l ~ l"W'~............. I M~~\lf ~C1\lR£RS &. lR~OERS NATIONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I : f It I ~ :<f ' • , -.,r:,niTl'l■lli1il11iilii[inr., Dt\111\-DUffKLU I ., Alb. ::n~ ~.;,:.Y, ~ech. e Metals N., N. Y LANuc.~r NATIONAL BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK I ' ', I Nearest ' I ' 1: with : , f. f I Banking Point (In• Towns Non-Bank ;•a O ;., • • • , • exed) in back of this ._ 1015 Nambe, aader Name of aau iB the New Transit. Number given to each bank Jn 0. 8. eRluslvelJ' by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlreeto17, under the autborltJ' of The American Bankers As ·•n. N.uu: ol" HANK. TowN AND COUNTY. I 1•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. ISt&te •County Seats. In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. ♦M.em. Fed. Res. B ls Buffalo Br. •Utica _______ Oneida l!' 14 Pop. 94,136 CITIZENS (Savings Banks do not handle collectlons) VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. I I ASS 'T CASHIER CA.SHIU. · •1 •tl'OZI I 1 b' H6~Sii~TTLE EDWARD FUE~S, 8 JAMES H. • ec. s: a.FRENCH Send us your business. In &bis rlclnlty Aaat. to Pru. U will be bandied to your complete satlsf11ctlon. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), LawyPrs, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ ~_!!~ ~ volume. For Interest Rates, Bolld~ ~ i' j J:t.l!:l:)oLKlEl:>. L1ARJLJT1E::>. 1 PAID-UP l DEPOS- LOu• • o... caa • &x. ITB CAPITAL P;o~Ts I Ii PRINCIPA.L ~ CORRESPONDENTS ' ;";;",:;.,::.«:• ":a:,":i8~ . . _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SD • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: ROLLING, $ 500.000 i $ 705,SOO 12889750 )5317670 ,$1404790 Union Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; rr~r~s. & Tra. N., Buffalo; Mnfrs. N., A. Tr. Y I : $ $ :1 •..., '< 1 - 1- 1-·,-:- - ·- G. LYNN MARRIOTT, \ I. TABER---------W. T. DUNMORE---- F. C. THURWOOD, Tr. See. E. B. ODELL IC. T. WIENKE, I W. TRUST COMPANY ♦ 50-82 I d · NEW YORK - C0Il t lflUe , ~ !:: I 1 N N. Y.; 1st. N., Ch1.,.·.; N .• Phil. C. Jessup _______ l,250,000 : 1.874-.150 11066 55al14 529490 2,076,170 llst ..• F. A. Nicllols H. R. Williams F. A. Roi-worth 9,330 1Irvmg_ N .. N. Y.; 1st N._. C1tiz. Tr. Co., and 20M80 1 lll,030 2o,000 100,000 Merchants Bank ________ §'20 \Y. D. Jones _______ C. B. Williams ____ W. C. Bovee, Jr.__ ___________________ ..,.. Oneida Co. Tr. Co., Utica. I ' J.B. Wi te 50-1022 l•J \ K. J. S7ypnlski ~ Y. N. .• Co Tr. Bkrs. 601,840 j 2.846.580 2,701.620, 426,870 250,000 Reusswig, G. Fred Tr. JamesW.Lamb. _______ Meyer A. ONEIDA COUNTY TRUST Chas. B. Roeers __ o. 1 <; Sec. Fred G. Keusswig COMPANY+S0-7D ____ e:§'16 FIRST llTIOIIAL Blll•it812 Charles B. Rorers _ B. M. Crouse ______ Wm. c. WriehL __ P. 1 S0-76 t z 1 OIEIDA IIATIOIIAL BK.-•:•35 ' {GEO. L. BRADFORD J.E. McLOUGHLIL I. C. FLINT--------- F. A. CLARK___ ____ H. R. GOSLING , E. J. MILLSPAUGH, G. A. NILES V. P. nd Cash Items di rect Correspondence I nvlted. O. F. Brophy______ ______________ Send us four U tlca Collections a for prompt per sooal attention. Peoples Bank __________ et§'20 Vincenzo Marrone IL H. Auld ________ J. lr. Marrone 50-87 . ROCCO PERRETTA & CO. Rocco Perretta ____ Giovanni l'erretta. t'l6 ~IH<4 SAVINGS BANK OF UTICA Chas. A. Miller ____ . E. Drvrrrux ___ R.C.,\'anDenbcrgb •it'39 50 711 . Tomamo Brothers _______ t'16 Joseph Tomaino ___ Antonio Tomaino __ 60-85 50-77 UTICA ClTYIATl ONAL 50-l!O 961.560 3,943,930 4,406,060 100,000 '."' , ,; 2_1 9u 0 & DEPOSIT CO. I I s. H. A. Hilsin2cr. Su. an,l 'l.'r. Joseph Tomaino. Antonio Tomaino, ... ec. Tr. J~FRANCIS DAY--~ GEO. E DUNHAM ~c~~AMB:-Tr. --- -GR w. WILLl!~k 6. llill,Plo1v\itilf. I AM rirnl' A. z ~ en 376,530 3.777.590 5,727,160 ~ I I 561,560 N.City,LibertyN.,andA.m. Ex. N.,N. Y.;4th St.N.,P.hil. ~:~ ~ ~ ~ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Alb. Tr. Co., Alb. = I= ~ . ... · 150,000 ____ : ___ --------- 0 SD , --1-- --,- - - - Sec. ec. > 20,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 1st N. a nd Kidder• Peabody & Co .. N. Y. I _ _ _ I_ _ J. FRANCIS DAY-----G RAHAM COVENTRY,------WALTER JEROU ~ ~ --------~ ~ ec. and Tr. GREEN W. C. J. DOOLITTLE . ~ rrving ·• N. Y Organized under the New York Stat.e Banking Law. Valley Stream.-- Nas au Valley Stream, yational Bk. F. W. Muller ______ J. . ·21 5o-I030 C5 Pop. 1100 )I. Foster_ ______ IF. P. Bac;hell ______ 1 vernon _____ oneida FIS National Bk. of Vernon --*'SD D. B. Case _________ J. J. Bartholomew. J. 60-881 Pop. 541 c. Ward -- --- - - - --1--- - - - 20.120 6,250 116.il0, 125.790 25,000 _________ ___________ ____ ____ A. O. Pepper______ 100,000 36,540 Yictor ____ ___ Ontario G 7 W.A.Hleinbotham& Co.•t'8S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ______________________________ 51>-882 Pop. !l-15 6,020 ; 25,000 Waddington t.Lr'nceA.14 1Waddfngton Bank _____ •U'l9 F. A. Sweet_ _____ W, A.. Daniels ____ F. Hugh Burns ___ _ ----------------, 50-1004 Pop. 702 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Y. tJj 55,920 84,9 0 5,000 _________ \=-~=-= 1 COMPANY 34,710 N. City and Italian Discount & Tr. Co., 33.450 Equitable Tr. Co. and East River N., N. Y.; Utica 'rr. & Dep. co. Utica. G. .Sec. I ____ 2,531.010 17 616 370 17 988 64u 1.152,640 llkrs. Tr. and O. S. Tr. Cos., N. Y. Rocco Perretta ____ Giovanni Perretta_ Mohawk Valley Investmt1nt { {lnvea~m-:::;:;____ [' T. Harvey Ferris __ :. A. Jam rs Eckert, Sec. and Tr• I Corporation -----· ------'18 l INVESTMENT < ~ ~ Ui4.040 26.-170 •*1'99 Allcolleetlons have our prompt att.entlon. Charges reasoo21ble. A carefully 011tanlzed collection department. Send us your Utica Items. UTICA O N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. rv C. S, Symonds ___ C. W. Cu hman ___ F. P. McGinty _____ A. J. Nelbach . ____ , 1,000,000 BANK ll.N.Burrill. V.P w. .r. Grrrn •i•4 { Commerelal Ba nklng. Collection s given prompt at teution. We sollelt bu In ess t'or our Trust Department. UTICA TRUST I 998,620 Imp. & Tra. 600,000 1 ! 582,470: 715,040 : , -----1-_:____ 70,5.50 •Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Utica. 1 1• _ _ _ _ , Chase N .. N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 1 178.7301. 166.870 38.850!Cha,-e N .• N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co .. Syracu~e. , THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO I - 8 c.n 1016 Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banker • Directory, under the authority of The American llauker:i A ·s•n. TOW.' A:-iD COU •. TY. •County Seats. In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dis Bis Buffalo Br. --~ I•Mem. Arn. Bk..:. A· -n . .'Statp NA lE 01'' ll.-L'K. Bk.s. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. +.Mem. Fell. Hes. VICE-PRESIDE~T. - - CASHIER. HF.SOURCES. LIABILITIES. - --- ' 1 • 1:l:.Iem . ...,tate Walden _____ Qran~e K 17 Third Pop. 5493 Nou-ltank 1'onu. with Nearest Banking Point (In. uoxed Acces.), Lawyers?. Laws (indexed) lo back of this' volume. For lnter<•st «ates, Holidays, etc .. see Laws- NEW YORK-Continued (~!!__~g__!_!lanks do ~ot ha~le collections) Ass'T CASHIER. := I °' l'1t1:-.t.:IPAL CURRl£SPU~Dl!:NT8. PAID-UP'SURPLUSI DEPOS- ~-:iua&DIS- C•oe&::ExTl, Do,ro • CIL. .oa,Dual ITS .A.ND CAPITAL BOIi B.tJ<U Baal!KITIU PROFITS ----------------1----------- - I ational Bank----•:l:'16 Elmer Dell _______ _ C.F.Fowler ------ C. W.E:ay _________ -------------- $100,000$ 1 50-967 L. H. Clum.A.. Sec. ____ _ Walden Savin~s Bank ___ :t§'i2 !H. B. Wooster ____ _ T. L. Millspaugh ___ C. W. Sadlier, 5<H73 Edward Whitehead Adino Sec. and Tr. WallkiJL ____ UJster K 17 Wallkill National Bank __ e:j: '121\Ym. E. Brn~n ___ _ .·rl,on U. Evans__ F. 50-914 l:t'rank J. Wilkin Pon. 700 1 T. Boyd ________ Chas.E.Terwillie-er 25,000 Wahon _____ Delaware I 14 First , ·atioual Bank. ____ •! '90 C. E. UulberL _____ John Olmstead ____ E. H. Guild _________ \Ym. G. ~1oorc ___ _ 50-1183 Pop. 3:;9 150,000 31,370$ 708,610$ 758,190$ 167,870 ChaseN.,N. Y. 131.100 1,434,590 1,385,010 I 407.000 14.000 467.000 135,930 1,642,660 1,801,590 50,990 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 3d Walden. 46.0vOI Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y. 232,880 Chase N .. N. Y. I '.Yappin~cr. Fall. .D'tch's Tat. Bk. of Wappjnger. Falls G. . . Phillips ______ RobPrt Hutchi:on .•T. l'. nulloi ______ J. IL Gilmer ______ _ •'09 50-512 A4 Pop. 323;; 25,000 327,630 I 281.590 12,680 89,320 N. Park and Irvine- N .. N. Y.; lstN .. Alb. 1 I Wappinger Sa\·ings Bk. __ §'69 I. 1'.. •. llareourL_ Charle: T. Jones __ W. A. Brewster, Tr. J. W. Cornell, Ser.. and A. Tr. \\'m .• I. Workman 50 511 51,870 I 907,090 880,270 W. Emerson ____ J. A. Emerson _____ J. A. Erner on ______________________ _ 50.000 •,Yar aw __ Wyoming G 5 Tr. Co. of Wyoming Oonnty .J.C. Buxton------ F. 'I'. ~Iont,!omcry_ G. I,. Hickey, Sec .. \Y. R. Crawford, A. Sec. C. A. Van Arsdate •!§ "13 ♦ 50-935 B Pop. i>622 100,000 Wyomine- County Tat. Bank W. J, Humphrey __ H. A. Humphrey __ E. R. Gott ____ C. C. Heselton ____ _ F. J. Humphrey •:t"51 50-fiOO Warwick _____ Qrane-e B 2 First National Bank _____ •:t"64 F. C. Cary _________ ~1orri · Rutherford E. J, Morehous _______________________ _ 50-552 Pop. 2420 100,000 140.380 2,429,670 2,643,640 100,000 110,600 Warren,Jmri?"---- Warren Emer:on 1\"ational Bank_;·O 50- 4 E 18 Pop. 2100 Warwick S1vings Bank •:tl'75 50-553 Washinetonville •. Orane-e First Tational llank -----t"07 50-885 Aa Poo. 631 Waterford- ·aratoga G 19 Bank of WaterrcmL---•t "19 50-1007 Pop. 2637 •Waterloo ____ eneca G g First National Bank ----•:t'33 50-477 Pop. 3809 Georie E. Zartman · Co., t'88 50-478 •Watertown ____ Jefferson City National Bank -----•t·oo 50-184 Pop. 31,285 D 12 I,, I •tl816 33,000 TRUST COMPANY + 50-1 6 78,670 Irvine N. and Met. Tr. Co .. N. Y. lll ► ~ 175,210,Cbase N., N. Y. 240,110,N. Park and Irvine- N .. N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 6S,770 1Bkrs.Tr.Co.,N. Y.; lstN .. Warwick. . i ~ 36,050 478,420 4:52.100 C. Il. K:i.,·anaugh -- Wm. A. Tierney ___ W. D. Lowther---- __________________ _ 50.000 21.080 409,l90i 398,360 90.080 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.; Oorn Ex. N., Phil.: ~ ~ State N .. Alb. . N. . ::, 71,140 :Met. rr. Co., N. Y.; Umon N., Troy. Chas. D. Becker ___ 0. 0. Bachman ____ John E. Becker ____________ _ 50,000 36,880 957,810 l.027,7i0 77,860 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N. and 1st N., Alb. ,... L. S. Zartman _______________ G. E. Zartman ____ V. N. Boisvert ___ _ 25,000 - - - - C. M. Rexford----- Robert Lansine- ___ J. 0. Hathway _____ W.W. Waddineham 100,000 R. J. Buck _______ • . D. Lansinf! ______ D. B. Schuyler _____ C. A. Dunham_---- 250.000 ~ ~r~e:1:J!1ve Collectlons or ~i.R;r ~~~r~:~s f'n trusted to this I prompt and c arefuJ attention. Send us your Wa ,tertown Items. Y.· 350,000 ------ - - - Irvine-N .• N.Y.;N.Com'lBk,&Tr,Co,andN.Y O .~ State N •• Alb. 149,850 1,624,501J 1,888.790 142,330 N. Rk.Com. and Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com'I Bk. ~ ,... & Tr. Co., Alb. ~ 600,510 ' . City N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi. and Phil,; T. Shaw- ~ 422,540 4,20o,800 i 4,935,910 "1 mut, Bos. I :a!1k : ·~ 1 890,080 10110 270 •10 281750 R. K. FERGUSON, 400.000 F. L. CARLISLE-~ll. . C. MIDDI ETON-- ff. A. HICKOK, .1. 'er. Ser mid '1.'r. H E. MACHJLD W.J.G.POTTER,A .Tr. F. X. LINEHAN, A. ~i:c. tf. A. HICkuK l - 496,070 1st N .. Bk:. of America and Bkrs. Tr. Oo .. N. Y. . F. WardwelL __ R. G. llannahs _____ R. A. \'anDeu~t•n __ , I 200.000 1 .._ ll> ::, 33MIO 2,903.0 O 2. 32,260 312,070 4,001,2-10 .J,016,570 -------------------- -------.J. F. mos_ _______ J. R. Pawling, ~ec. and Tr. '. L. Ocorge 822,570 326,470 il,860 75,000 Geo. l. Hovey _____ W. L. Race ________ .F. Il. Jone ---W. L. Hace 62.130 1,621,05() 1.630, !10 100.000 I John H. ,Jones _____ L. . Bibhin ------ -----------Wm. Ii'. eber 1 ----1 129,220 N. Park and 1st N., N. Y.; Giraru N .. Phil.;.'. i:: ~ hawmut, Bos. ~ 268,630 ChaseN., .N. Y. 129.070 Imp. & Tra. N. and Irving N., N. Y.: N. Y. _ ,c St.ate N .. Alb. 23-1,950 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Com'! Bk, & Tr, o .. Alb.; t..; .... .Mnfrs. N •• Troy. E TRUST COMPANY Of BUFFALO Number u~der Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~- 758,100 1st N .• N. Y.: N. Y. State N .• Alb .; i\lnfrs. 726.000 7,500,008 8.714.000 & Tra. N., Buffalo; 1st N., Uti<'a. - pedal attentlo n gheu BIii of La ding dratt , Cash and 'l'lme Items. 1'1,~n .·e11d 15c w itll 1x1c11 ,·ioT,t elmft for 111·e, ntati<m a nd 25c for Credit Ho,ort:. 1 _, _ __ _ We get re ult . 1 Prom1)t 8ervlre. ATERTOWN NAT. BK. •!"82 G. W. Knowlton___ 50-1!!3 I. L. Hunt_ ________ Wat rtown .'aYin~ · llauk t.''113 50-1 5 \\'atervillc ___ Oneida G 13 • at. Bank of Watt-rville •t'6.J urtis Mill1•r ______ 50-58 Pop. 12;;;; \Yatervliet_ __ ,\lhany G 18 'at. Bk. of Watnvli L_•i'65 John G. Clute _____ 50-887 Pop. 16,073 lt\E 388,4301N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. 25,000 I I 923,130 909,170 105,700 1,339.liiO' 1,261,9!0 Jeff'erson County av. Bank Henry Purce!L ___ F. \Y. Coburn _____ A. T. E. Lansing. !George W. Hu e, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. ', A. pham •§'59 50-182 NORTHERN N. Y. 663,810 650,000 . Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. John Sayer ________ W. O. Lazear ______ John W. Sanford, Jessie Benedict. A. Tr. Tr. F. F. Holme E. R. Emerson ____ J. Y. Gerow _______ Adam c. Douelas _________ _ JEFFERSON CO. NAT'L BK. 50-181 142,460 1,313,2::iO 1.117,1501 66,700 lnt. NEW -{ORK- C00t·lOUed Number under Name of Bank is the New Trau it Number given to each bank in U. , . exclusively by The Raod-lUcNaJJy Banker ' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In-._ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi · ==aws. ~ ay=s='=e=t=c=·•=:s=·c=e=L =d= ti=o=n=s=)==~========:::=v=o=lu=m=e=.=F=o=r=In=t=er=e=s=t=R=a=te=s=•=H=o= li (. aving Banks_d_o_n_o_t_h_a_n_d l~e~l~c--:: PJ PRINCIPAL CoRRESPOXDENT::;, REsoURcEs. Lu.BILITIE _ AME OF BANK. TOWN .A:N"D COCNTY «.>-1 Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SUARNDPLus DEPOS- Lo.ur■ ,,-,mi::a. Y1JE-PnE."IDEx1·. PPE rnE:-.T. •:Mem.Am.Bks.A,sn. § tate ... county eats. c"r• Do1<1>1 CB.L'CGU Dos In No. 2 Fed. Re . Di t. nrem. t~te Bks.Assn. tPriv. ,.... I ! ~ .. • no,. nl,..,,. ITS , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL PROFITS · _________ , ---=8-=i..::.s-=B'-'u-=tJ-=a..::.lo=-=B..::.r.:....__ ,•~~:..:.le:.:m=..:...:.F:....:...:Pd::.:·:....:R:::.e::::.:s:.:·_~[~E~s~ta:::..:h~. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1017 § I I I c. i W. E. LEFFINGWELL IW. W. CLUTE---- _____ E. ff. BISSELL------~ H.J. BROWN----- ____ $ 56,000 Schu l r H 9 GLEN NATIONAL BANK .... 11 Special attentlo n given Bill or La ding di-alls, Cash and Tlrue Items. -•• p--- 2785Y e { Plea.c.end 15cic ithcoch . ightdraft forJJrt.wtatiuna nd 25c for Credit Report~. 29 5 Send us your WIatkins Items. G-5 op. .. Watkins I WATKINS STATE BANK•:t§'ll 5G-530 Waverly _______ TioeaJl0 CitizensBank __________ •i§'74 50-451 Pop. 5270 First National Bank ----•i"63 " ·• 50-450 \Vayland ____ StPuben H 7 First National Bank ----•i'99 50-888 Pop. 1790 W e\stef'op~lZ~onroe F 7 · Jayne & Ma/t~sfkrs.•it1900 w. N. WISE-------- M. DURLAND-- W. s. GEORGE----- RALPH CALHOUN 50,000 8i0,000 II F. E. Austin_______ 25,000 20,000 A. B. Robertson___ 100,(100 125,550 Jas. P. Co_yle ______ 300,000 515,000 1 476,000 ______________ 25,000 30,600 540,590 524.000 79,000 Han. N., N. Y. )LP. Ei enhauer__ 50.000 12,150 204,000 231,040 3.J.490 ,\m. l•.x .• • .. -X. Y. F. W. Crandall ____ A. E. Skinner ______ E. lJ. Reagan _____ _ F. P. Wolfe ______ _ G. P. Crandall 50,000 76,360 1,998,330 1,727,310 25,000 30.140 B. J. Worman----- F. E. Smith ________ IL J. Vaughan _____ --·-------------A. C. Hackley ______ C.H. Chesebro ____ H. H. Wheeler _____ L.B. Wheeler----- 25,000 33,780 459,080 440,600 429.420 380,9i0' 17,950 995,690 1.110,71il • WhitePl'os Westchester CentralBk.ofWestchesterOo. Howard E. FosterJWiison Brown, Jr._ John A. Snedeker _____________ _ •U-68 50-232 B5 Pop. 21.031 Citizens Bank------•*1'07 Geor2e T. Bnrline _ Frank L. Park ____ Philip Osborn _____ Chas. W. Hallock __ John Burlin2 60-236 I 100,000 66,860 891,360 150,000 59,470 3,139,190 2,939,490 150,000 156,88014,618,770 4,466,930 hinners ____ N. T. Drake _______ Fred Brett_ _______ _ D. D. Woodard ________________________ .a. G. COUNTY TRUST CO. ---•U-03 David Cromwell ___ C.R. Aenew _______ , LeRoy\ ood. C. A. Haviland, A. Sec. Sec. Home Savings Bank __ .u,93 David Cromwell ___ H. 8. Hamilton _____ J. F. Krepps, Sec._ A. T. Shaw . .A. Sec. -----60-235 H. B. Vincent. 50-233 J. T. wckwood W.hitesboro_Oneida F 13 Whitestown National Bank H.B. Kenyon _____ W. J. Hepworth___ Ira M. Comstock •t'19 50-991 Pop. 3038 ...:,. ]~:·> =-~~: : ··.-.. ;=: / p ~ ~* • ... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . • ■ _______ _ 25,000 H. V. Pearsall _____ W. P. Roeers ______ L. L. Fuller ________ R. D. Fuller I 879.420 245,390 rJl ,...,. ~ 46,770 N. City and Irvine N .. N. Y.: N. \'". 1-tate. • .. ......• ~ Alh. 161,550 Irviug N., N. Y.; N. Com'I Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. p;· 8 42,920 N. City and Irvine N .. N. Y.: 1st T., Alb. rn 169,160 N.Clty,.N".Y.; lstN.and N. Y.StateN .. Alb. 0 :l eo6,010 Han. N. an<! Am. Tr. Co .• N. Y.: Phil. N .. Phil. 380,500 Far. Lu. & •rr. Co., N. Y.; 1st X., Alli. I 5,000 5· 364.800 Far. Ln. & Tr. and Empire Tr. Co~ .. ~- Y .: Alb. Tr. Co .. Alb. 233,920 37,950 Utica Tr. & Dep. Co., Utira. 59.720 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Mnfr . & Tra. I A. D. Howe_______ L. G. Probasco ___ L. J. Fortner ______ H. L. Bloss _______ _ . . . . W1lltam Dennmg _ F. C. Branday _____ H.J. Walter _______ :Mary L. Wilcox __ I 1 ~ 0 85,52o;chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 500,5t015,985,400 6,007,260 I h of Que,e,m) M & T NA' TIONAL ■- w. Richards ____ ~ 399,180 1st N., N. Y. and Clev.: Mnfrs. & Tra. ~· .. 1 Buffalo. 46.460 Atlantic N. and Irvine N., N. Y.; Bk, of the ~1:lnhattan Co .. Jamaica. 1 E. I I 358,SlO 352,710 50,000 ,J. rJ) 1 Hays ________ 1J.E. Guay---- F. C. Doren _______ z►~ I 110,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 26,000 1,400,000 1,705.000 61,760 1.067,160 1.049,410 !. 185,000 1Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.; X. Y. S'ate ~ ·., i-<: 0 Alb. ?j Chase N ., N. Y. ; Lin. Alliance, Rochester. 48.000IIrvine ' .. N. Y.: N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; ~ 1st Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse. to 230,610 Se1b. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. ------ 904,860 1.144.160 17,050 Whitestone __ Queens D 4 (Su New York Git11, Borouo Pop. 5500 Whitesville __ AJJegany J 6 First National Bank: _____ •!'05 , _ 50-895 8 Pop_. 500 Whitney Pomt_ __ Broome First National Bank _____ •i 0o . _ 50;:8~ I 12 Pop. 665 Williamson ___ Wayne F 8 State Bk. of W11Jiamson •U 0o 50-897 • Pop. 1000 112.000 \Equitable Tr. Co.,N.Bk.Com.,andlrvineN., ~ <; N. Y. 141.000 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. I 25,000 • I Z 50,000 I 125,000 N. City. N. Y.: T. Y. tate •. and ~·.Com') Bk. & Tr, Co .. Alb.: Mnfrs. l'. Tra . .:.'., Buffalo; 2d .... , Elmira. 850.000 960,000 1,010,000 50,000 112,000 F.A.Sawyer ______ J.H.Owen ________ L,J.Buley ________ ---·---------------H. C. Watrous 62,500 1,080,000 1,485,000 100,000 F. E. Lyford ______ P. L. Lang _________ H. A. Ellis_________ ________ F. T,. lloward 90,000 845,000 818,000 50,000 _______ ·----- _______ II. E. Rogers_ _____ W.W. Clark _______ A. L. MorlPY H. V. Pratt _ _ _ -------------------_________________________ -------------, ---------- Erastus E. Post_ ___ Alanson P. Hoeers_ Hermon D. Bishop. J. T. Stevens _____ _ ~ 1 55.000 Special attentlo n given BIJI or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please end 15c w ilh eac11 sight draft for JJre. c11tation a nd 25c for Credit Rcpom. We get results. Prompt service. \YeedsporL-Cavuga F 10 First National Bank ----•i'l7 N. E. Dnrston _____ lT, :M. Harring 1 011__ 1J. H . Dumary _____ I O. F. Sloan 50-977 Pop. 1379 Wellsville ___ AIJeeany I 6 Citizens National Bank __ f'95 W. J. Richardson __ 1C. A. Farnum _____ F. M. Wall _________ Harry Bradley 50-466 8 POD, 5046 First Trust Co-------- •i§'82 E. C. Brown_______ . F. Booth ________ G. B. Rnoth. Jr.. -------.. 1 8rc. and Tr. F. W. Higgins 56-465 Westbury ____ NassauC5 BankofWe tbury _____ et§'lO Frank Powers _____ , amuelVel or _____ R.W.McCord_____ .John H. Hill ♦ 50-891 \ Poo. i000 Wheatley Hill. ~·ational Bk ... A. W. B1ltazzi-. Edmond O'Connor_ .J. J. !'uethen _____ " -------" A. Z. Gray :t·20 50-102:J Westchester. Westch'rC4 ( 'u, New York Git"I/) Westfield -OhautauauaHl Nat. Bank of Westfleld_•i•4s 50-523 8 Pop. 3413 Seaside Bank _______ •ts'04 Yest Hampton lleach, 50-892 Pop. 1500 Su11'olk __ c 8 WestNewBriehton.Rich. (Su Borouoh of Richmond) D 3 Westvort _____ Essex O 10 1LakeOhamplainNat.Bk.•t·o9 50-893 Pop. 669 \Y~st WinfleJd_Herkimer West Winfield Nat. Bk._•i'04 50-894 F 15 Pop. 725 Whiteha!L __ Washington Merchants National Bk,-•!'73 56-448 E 19 Pop. 5258 National B\8:«?tehal'•t·~ " ____ ____ •· w. H. WIXSON----- 764,000 $ 150,000 ', Han. N ., N. Y.;-; Com'I ~~.-& Tr, Co., Alb. 45,000 $ 789,000 • - -------1 25.000 18.860 204,150 181.630 25,000 33,000 350,000 325 100,0001 BUFC-ALO r 65,000 l.466.8P0 1.-196,900 1· .. Buffalo. ...... 30,000 N. City,N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil. 0 ...... 115,820 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; Alliance, Rochester. FOR NEW YORI'.( STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS··: ~ -...J '-: ,, _,_,,,.,. ••-d.n.• 1018 ,...,._,a ,.., 'Dn..-,1 ;.,. ♦l N■mber under Name or Bank is t.he New Tran1H Namber Jiven to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by Tbe &and-MeNally Bankers• Dlredor,, under &be autbort&y of Tbe American Bankers AH'n. TOWN AND COUNTY. I (Savtns1 Banks do not handle eoUedlon1) . NAME OP' BANK. ..County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState In No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Bis Buffalo Br. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. [Est.ab. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces ), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volumf. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 8 00 HESOURCES. I PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, NEW YORK-Continued PRESIDENT, LIABILITIES. 0.UJllll, ASS'T 0-'-SHID, PAJD-UP SuBPLUS CillTAL p:l~s .0••• lo.. 1 DlDPOS- , Cu•• 11,.., c~:· ::.":f>..= ITS Z -------1----,----·1--------1------ -------------------------------.~ 1 Williamsvi!le •.•. Erie G 3 Bank of Williamsville.•is•17 1L, L. Grove-------· Jas. Chalmers, Jr .• H. G. Brittin~.---· · - - - - - - - $ 50,000 $ 73,850 $1220390 $1237 730 $ 91.3401lrving N., N. Y.: Peo .. Buffalo. B Pop. 1753 50--953 J. H. Baker Wilson •••• -Nianra F 3 B Pop. 631 WiDd1or ••••• Broome I 13 PoD. 598 Winthrop _st. Lawrence PoD. 500 B 14 Wolcott ••• -•• Wayne F II POD, 1186 Woodhaven •• <Jueens D 4 Woodridl?e-SullivanJ 15 Pop. oa Worrester ••• Ots~o B 15 l'op. 1200 Wyominit .• Wyoming G 5 8 Pop. 368 Yonkers.WestrhP.sterO 4 Pop.100,176 " -·-····· " Wilson State Bank---··•1'13 0. H. T~we!L •• ~. 50-932 Windsor National Bank •• i•o9 Albert :Manwarren. 50--898 First National Bank -----i•15 Neil Murphy _____ 50--946 First National Bank •••• -~'01 G. W. Roe _ _ _ 5o-612 ( u New York Oit11. Borouo h of QtuM3) First National Bank •• -•t'l7 J.S.Kile.---·---· 50-981 Bank or Worcester ••••• •U'84 George B. Crippen. 60-Sllll Wyoming Banking Oo,_.jt'02,F. J. Humphrey ••• . 6o-900 , I First National Bank •••• •: 54 W.W. Scru1?ham50-51 Peoples Savings Bank.-•U'~6 Charles E. Gorton. 50--52 Westchester Trust Co,-•:1'118 0. R. Dusenberry __ lio-53 S. D. Brown •• _____ L. C. Coe·-------· _ _ _ _ _ 25,000 15,000 420,710 249,540 L. H. English .• ___ . Harvey Sims.·--·-· H. R. Woodruff... W. C. Armstrong R. II. McEwen .•••• W. C. Smith .•••• __ W. . Clifford..... 25,000 6.000 300,000 200,000 25,000 23,6201 414,ti50 406,220 E.T. Brown ••••• -- L. M. Mead···-···· G. C. Stevens...... 25,000 80,!!50 965.150 876,650 P.H. Troglnsky ___ ·-----------·····--- J. R. O' Tcill_ •• _.. 50,000 33,!l00 443,480 621,790 Ella W. Wieting •• John D. Bulson •••• - - - - · - - - - · 30,000 117,030 519,IO0I 608,080 196,920 Irvin~ N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 25,000 Irvin!? N. and Harriman N., N. Y. . . . J. H. Keeler •..·--· Barry A. .Merritt A. B. Losel. A. Tr. 300,000 Chase N .• N, 1 168.650 5,112.690 1 4,880.810 ~ ~ x. ~ ""'4 () 703,830 Han. N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Lin. Tr. Co., and Irving )> ~ N.,N.Y. 585,320 Mech. & Metals N., Equitable Tr. Co .. Han. N .. and lrvmg N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & 'fr. Yonkers National Bank_ •t•IO Leslie Sutherland. W. L. Chase ...•••• John Howard, Jr .. Wal er Grieve, Jr. 50--SS Yonkers Savings Bank.•U'54 A.. L. Skinner ____ 50--50 Yonkers Tru t Co .••••. •U'l6 John J. Walsh ••• -50-56 York •••••• Livin~ston G 6 Charles N. Stewart, Banker B Pop. 600 50--901 tt'06 O 972,69C Chase N. and N. City, N. Y. 353,590 5,759,980 [ 6,338,560 40,000 2,261.000 I 1,613,500 200,000 Thomas Larkin John 0. Campbell. John Bellows. See .• Jame E.Howes,Tr. _ __ 1,400,000 12 767 530 12 600 000 Benj. W. tilwell Robert Boettger •• John J. Walsh, Tr. Joseph Hackett, 250.000 106,730 1,877,090 11,918,210 A. D. Mills, Jr.. Sec. A, Sec. Fred Hallberg, A, Sec, - - - - · · - - - - - - - - - - - Chas. N. Stewart.. - - - · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · Z 4,970 Irving N., . Y.: Home N., Ellenville; SulliYan Co. N., Liberty. 54.360 Chase N., N. Y. 1.033.580 12 929 840 13 23::i 510 300,000 'O 1~ ~ z I Horace P. Allen, See. ~ ~ n 48.070 Chase N .. N. Y.; St. Lawrence Tr. Co., )> Ogdensburl?, 132,320 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk & Tr. Co. and 1-1 N, Y. tate N .. v W. J. Humphrey •• C. A.. Graham·-· -------··------·-·- · - - ____ - - - · ____ Walhs Smith··-·-· C. A.. Valentme ••. R. H. Neville R.H. Neville. _____ F. E. Wheeler. A.. B. Barr Sec. and Tr. Richard Edie, Jr ___ J. W. Shau~hnessy. G. S. Edie Tr. i 0 r-4 Co., Alb. 350,970 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. z_ 800.000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. ), 261.3:50 Chatham & Phenix N. and Columbia, N. Y.: 0j I Corn Ex. N., Phil. I )> ----·I Han. N,, N, Y. ,z '~ IC/) I ~-~ NORTH CAROLINA Eo•tre State in ,.o, 5 Fedor,u Reserve District 7 A_be_rd_e_e_o__V_oo_r_e_____D_ll-o-M-e-rc_ha_n-ts_&_F_a-rm -er_s_B_a_n_k_W_.-A.-.-B-ln_e_.___-.• •-.-.-,-J-_-w-.-G-r-ah_a_m••-___-:--W-.-T-.-o-,,-e-rm - a-n -. .-.°F_r_a_n-ci_s_P_l_e_a~--a-n-ts-_T$--25-,00-0 $--3-,5-0-0°$-21-5-,0-0,0ll;-;--$-l-67-,0-0-0;-$·.-7-9-.0-00-H-a-n-.-N-.-.-N-.-Y-.;-P_l_a_n_.-N-.•-R-ic_h___ ; -M-e-rc_h_.-N-.J. Pop. 858 66-645 •:l:§'19 A.H. McLeod Haleigh; Am. Tr., Char,otte. I< Pare Trust Co. -·-·--·-•U'l4 J. R. Page·------· H. A. Page·······- . J. Hin~dale .•_._ 116-300 Frank Page R.N.Page R. w. Page Aho.kie ••• Hertrord B 12 Bank of Ahoskie••• _••• •i1'05 o. C. Hog~ard .•••• II. . BosingcrL ••• J. 0. Carter ····--· Pop. 1429 66-301 J. H. Hufli11 " Fa.rmers-Atlantie Bank•U'l4 C. G. Powell··-··- L. T. Sumner·--··· D. P. Boyette_ •••• 66-555 w. D. White, V.-P. ~- D. Gatlin~ .. Albemarle •• Stanly D 5 CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Pop. 26!11 66-io; •:U'!Hl .. " Fir •t ational Bank •••. •t' 17 66-616 Stanly Bank & Tr.Co •. •U'04 66-208 Andrews •• OhProkee B 2 1ferchants & Manfrs. Bank Pop. 1634 66-264 •t§'05 Angi 'r···--·Harnett n 8 Anirier Bk. & Trust co. •tl'l7 375 Pop. Farmer Ba~~k~~~·-·····-§'20 66-697 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ·---·--- -------. D. B. Mccurdy •••• W. c. F1tzgprald ••• D. D. Parker A.O. Heath.·---·-· E. E. nuegs.·--·· J. w. Walker. _____ G. B. Wa.111:er ··--· P. S. Cooper·····-· J. A. Hocko<lay ···J. L. Johnson..... H. A. Page, Jr., Tr, 200,000 75,000 1,722,000 1,949,000 223,000 N. Park, N. Y. I I 1:::: ,o~ 1 r+ )> 1 J. J. Craw ford ..•. 42,000J 56,000 390,000 520,000 50,000 Ban. N ., ~J ••Y .; Norf<?lk N., Norfolk; MurchiP. E. Duke I ,on ., Wll.: Am. 'Ir., Charlotte. ::J O. W. Hale __ ··---· 68,600 20,090 388,790 598,7:i0 111,020 . Park, N. Y.; Scab. N., Norfolk; Branch 1U"Q 1 Mi Thel:na Hkg. ancl Tr. Co .. Wilson; Wachovia Bk. & Boyette Tr. Co .. Winston-, alem. ~ - - - - .M. J. Harris.---·-- (Branch of Con cord, N. G.) ····- ·-----· Han. N .. N. Y.; Me1ch. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.,\\ inston-Salem. ._ J. Il. Copple ..---·· II. P. Morrow-··-50,000 8,140 392,850 I 421.150 62,430 Han. N.. . Y.: .. State & City Rk .. Rich.; Ill Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Win ton-Salem. ::J A. P. Harris.·-···· W. B. Whitley..... 50,000 63,770 629.100 594,950 147,920 llan. N., N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co. Wms- C: . , ton-Salem. m J. H. Abernathy .•. h s U. \yalKer... 10,000 16,790 348,930! 238,960 138,970 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Ex., Bait.; Am. N. and "°' . . J. H. Chr ·ty Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co. Asheville. '< J.E. Williams ••••. - - - - - · - - - - 25,000 15,000 150,0001 290,000 17,000 :Mnrh. ,, Raleigh: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co •• • t 10,000 - - WinS on-Salem. I I --- 1·--·--- ----·-· ro' ~ AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY MEMBER FEDl!:RAL RESERVE SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1,800, 00.00 D po 1t 8,072,328.30 ource -1 ov r ,000,000.00 We invite the w-ccounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations and Firms on favorable terms. "COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY" All items receive p6rsonal and prompt attention. OFFICERS W . H . WOOD, Preside,1t T. E - HEMBY • • GEORGE STEPHENS W. S. LEE • • , JOHN G. NICHOLS. 0 f , j • Vice Vice Vice Vi::e President President President President J. E. DAVIS • • • Sec'y & Treasurer H. L. DAVENPORT Asst. Sec'y, & Treas. P. C. WHITLOCK Trust Officer JO!-tN FOX , • • Asst. Trust Officer U n e q u a I e d Fa c i-1 it i e for H and I in g Yo r N or th and th Ca olina t m • 1 , t • I • \ • , • • ', l 1• 4 • ~ I Raleigh Banking ~ Trust Company RALE,IGH, NORTH CA OLINA Raleigh Banking ~ Trua t Co., 19 0 5 . National Bank of Raleigh, 1885-1905. Raleigh National B-.nk, 1865-1885. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Special Attention Given to Collections in North Carolina. Promptness ssured. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'North Carolina, INDEX 'IO COUNTIES. 2 Aiamanee •. B 7 Alexander .. C s .A.lleghany .. B s Anson •••.•• E s .Ashe .•...... B 2 Avery •.•••• B 2 Beaufort ••. C 12 Bertie ....•. B l1 Bladen ....•E 8 Brunswick F 9 Buncombe. G 5 Burke ...... c 2 3 4 6 6 7 9 8 11 10 78° 12 13 A A 4 2 Cabarrus ••• D Caldwell •.•. C Camden ..•.. B Carteret .... E Caswell .•.•. B Catawba •••• 0 1S 12 'l I '1 Cha1bam •••• O Cherokee .. H I Chowan .... B 12 B B ~ g:teiaii(r.-.~ Columbus .. F 8 Craven. ____ D 11 CumberlandD 8 Currituck. •• B lS Dare ........ C 14 Davldson ... C 6 Davie ...... C 4 1 B~¥~~m·:.-.:I 3 Edgecombe C 10 36° 86° C C D D 35° 35° E E Forsyth •••• B 5 Franklin ... B 9 Gaston .• , . .. D Gates ....... B Graham .. .• . G Granville ... B Gre.. ne ...... D Guilford .... B Halifax ..... B Harnctt ..... D Haywood ... G Henderson .B Bertford.... B Hoke ........ E Byde ........ c 8 12 2 8 10 6 10 8 4 5 12 7 JS Iredell ...... C J11ckso11 .... H Johnston ... C 9 Jones ....... E 11 Lee .......... O 7 Leno!r ...... D 10 Lincoln .... D s ~ McDowell..G 6 Macon ...... H s Madison .... G 5 Martin ...... c 11 Mecklen- Mft~tfeti"·--~ 46 ~g~;f~~~-n1p ~ Nash ....... C 10 New Hanover ...... F 10 Northamp• ton ......• B 11 t> 12 13 10 18 7 ; 34° 34° .. 11 6 ~r:~!fn1~C~ 1 1, G Ig~~:liaml I ~~l"::'rrorii:~ i :~~W:~L::i 1 ttmL::::·.i ~ ~~~-::::::: t Transylva.nla .....•• H 5 Tyrrell ••... (; 18 Union ••••.. E ► G RAND M9NALLY f },, H v 1 POPULAR MAP OF ~ NORTH CAROLINA SCALE ~ 10 Yadk:tn . •.•. B 4 Yancey ••.•. G s 20 40 80 ea 70 80 Red lt.c:~aUy•• !iew 11 x 14' Map of Yorlb Caro1lnL 0oJ>1<lgbl b7 Rand llloNall.7 ,I; Co. Va.nce •••••• B ~:;i;~g~:::N : Wilkes .•... B S Wilson ....• C 10 H tatute Miles, 32=1 Inch. 4, Wake ...•••• C 8 Warren ....• B 9 WashlngtonC 12 F 0 Onslow •.... E 11 ~range ••... B 7 Pamllco .... O Pasquotank B Pender ..... E PerquimansB Person •.... B Pltt .....•.•. C Polk •• ••••.. H C F 88° 33 ° 8201 2 3 4 ., 8 6 6 9 78° 10 11 770 12 13 760 14 289D INDEPENDENCE TRU.ST COMPANY M MB R FEDE L RES RVE SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C• A r .rRRS IV 0 IN TIT J ION ~ UIPPE J Officers J. J. II. l.ITTLE - h. 0. • DEH.S01 W. . W J- TSO • - W. ~L LO 'C - - - Capital, Surplus and Profits over Cashier s,t Cushier . - st. Cushier !-.t. C.ishier E HANDLE ALL NORTH CAROLI A ITEMS $1,600,000.00 AND SPECIALIZE IN Total Resources over $5,000,000.00 H1 , Chuirmun of the Hoard - President E. E. JONES Vice-Pre,ident H.. S. !'-.1ITII • \'ice-Pre ident THOS. P. , IOOH.E \'ice-l'rtddent A. H.. S HR TT 11. \VE - C LLECTI G OF Bl Number and• Name of Bau u &he New 'l'r111..H N■m~f"• IQ 19 eaoh bank in U. 8. es:elastYely by The &aad-HeNaDy ert• Federal Reserve Bank of St.toLouis OF LADING D AFT 1019 Number and• Name of Bank u the New TnnaH Namlter pn■ each bank in U. 8. eulaslvely by The &and-MeNaU7 Bankers• Dlrtttory, under the- authority of The American Banke-rs Ass'n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- c.<lcxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this "' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NOR~H CAROLINA &o - 5 ---"'-----'-",___::_--=-c...;____ f 1 TowN A.ND couNTY. N.uuc OF BANK. \ LIABILITIES. 11 RxsouacEs. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. •CouotySeats. •Kem.Am.Bks.Assn.lState 'D-n-o V 1 'D-n0 .n. 0 p .ou••»... 11... Entire State in o.5 Uilem.State Rks.A.ssn.tPriv. ~.....,,rnJmT. cs-~ .......mDT. ilBID. ...,.sT A..SJI.ID. AII>-UP A1fD , J:Pos- · 'TL eo.,,., Cll& . . . .,»... '.'"1:< Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. \- - - - - - - • - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - CAPITAL P1toF1Ts ITS s.,.....,. _""'_"_s_.. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ -=__ 11_ _ _ __ Ansonville ____ Anson D 5 Bank of Anion _________ el:5'10 Adam Lockhart·-· J. F. Ross.--·-·- M. P. Hill _ _ _ ·--········-······· $ 10,GUO $ 4,840 $ 100,i20 $ 72,930 $ 43,230 lstt N. , R ich.;BWkachf~Y,iadBkb. & TWr. Cdo.,bWiD!>• Pop. 800 66-302 I on.8 a1em; . 9 "a es oro, a es oro. Anex---····-··· Wake C 8 llerchants & Farmers Bank A. B. Hunter-·-··· J. R. Ounnincham. B. P. Pearson ·--- J.M. Herndon •... 25,000 10,0iO 371,280, 374,450 61,910 N .State & City , Rich.; Com'! N •• Raleigh. !:: .. Pop. 926 .. 66-282 il'05 . I,. S. Olive _ 1 M h N R I . h· M h N B It. Pl ·----·-· Peoples 'Hank .• ·-··--·-:U'lO C. B. Wilkerson ••• w. F. Dile:,-·-- J, L. Crowder·- --··--·····---··· 10,000 12,000 2,)0,000 j 175,000 80,000 eNrc R. . h., a eig , ere • •· a ·• an. 66-283 •• l C • Arapahoe ••• Pamlico D12 Bank of Pamlico .••• __ t§·19 -····--····--·-···· iD. C. McCattis •••• ··-··-··-·-···-··· ···-···-· ·- •• ••.•• (Branch of Baybo ro, N. C. 1 · · · · - - - · · · · - - N. Dk. Com •• Norfolk: Peo., New Bern. Pop. 75 66-638 I . R' h C l N H" h p · t ,A hboro •• Ranctolph C 6 Ashboro Bank & Trust Co. H. T. Caviness •••• Hugh Parks-··---· E. B. Morris ··-··· F. C. Coviness . . • -. 50,000 -·····- --···-· ·-···- -····-··· N. State&. Cit y, ic ,; om' ·• ig om · 255 21 6 728 Pop. 9 6§' 200 000 Seab. N., N. Y.: N. State & City., Ri ch.; Wa- Z .. ---··• Bank of Randolph ••••••tl'V7 D. B. llcOrao-..... J. D. Roa.·-···- W. J . .A.rmlleld, Jr. - - - · - · · · - · · 21,400 80.000 625,000 530,000 , chovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem. O .. .. 66-218 •••••••• First National Bank._ ••• •t'07 J. 8. Lewis ••••••••. c. J. Cox ____ J.11. Neel:,._ ••• - ·-···--···--····· 50,000 47,180 666,700 624.180 18!.490 H an. ;.: ' .• 1.:~ • Y .: 1st N ·• R 1' c h • ~ 66-21g I --i ,c..... ISUBPLU81· D _10[ll _ :c; I •Asheville, •.• Buncombe 28 50 5 Pop. · ' G lJ. E. RANKII. --- l~l~lall1\WOOD l. E. IAHII .... _ f I: M.1'11\to-··.~ *AMERICAN ~ ~ ~ ~ N.N:. .aiP~h;ll~.a:i.~' ~:!i~N~· th~ftot!a,, ::c :~ I~ NATIONAL BANK For prompt and efflelent bandl Inc : &&-37 •t'07 send your Item a to the onlJ Na tlonal bank ln A.a berllle. Bankers Tr. &Title Ins. Co. CanieN. Brown. __ Hugh LaBarbe •• -. s. M. Hane. -·------- ! 80,000 66-613 §'17 Sec. and Tr. , {T. C. COXE·-·-··· RANK 1N ·······-· A. HUBBARD·--·· GRAHAM BROWN···- 100.000 *BATTERY PARK • 86-34 BANK CENTRAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY 68-as A Bank Tha t Gives Effici ent Service in Every Department. WE •U•g1 •U•i 2 -...... •U'OG 36 *Citizens Ba:_ 4,830 325,730 1- - - - - C. s. D. C. WADDELL, JR 188,74.0 3,017.160 2.467,270 11,850 1N. City, N, Y.; Old Dominion Tr. Co .. Rich. 10 Park, 1st N., l\fercb. N., r4 Rieb. 900,660 N. N. Y.; Phil.; z > SOLICl ,T YO UR BUSINESS. ~ W. B. DAVIS·-···· J. R. OATES·-·--·· R. C. DAVIS-·----·· G. G. CONNELLY.. .. 100,000 89,740 3,921.54.0 3.246,84.0 87S.550 Han. N., N. Y.; Com'I N., High Point; C. W. BROWN, Ch. of Bd, and Tr.Officer J.P. UNOERHILL, jPhil. N., Pbll.; N.Sbawmut, Bos.: Plan. N., Rich.; 4th N., Ail.; Am. Tr. Co., Z Charlotte. ~ VJ Auditor. j SEND US Y OUR ASHEV ILLE ITEMS DIRECT. Special Att ention Given Bill of Ladi ng Drafts, Cash and T ime Items. K. L. &J-·-·--··- J, O.Martin •.• __ •• John A. Campbell. Wm. F. Duncan... H•• S. Jones, Active. *Southern sii~igBank .•tl'13 R . .K. Currence-·- s. Sternber~.·-··· J.E. Reister •••••• -······-·······-··- 100,000 17,120 1,007,180 901.130 I ► 214.580 Han. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich. ::l ~ 25,000 _ _6_.29_0 _21_3_,94_0 _20_6_,ss_o _ 3_6_.9G_o Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N .• Asheville. *WACHOVIA F. H. FRIEL-··--·· R.11. HANES.·-··--· OWEN NORVELL., -·--·---··········<_::l_. HF.SHAFFNE'R v ..P. C. T. LEINBACH A11st. V. Pres. and Cash. JAS. A. GRAY.'V..P. M. H. WILLIS =" MO::IRISON V.-P. A. H. ELLER . .., BANK & TRUST T.Sy'ransacts ' 1 1.250,000 •••••••.- ··--····- ·-· ·· · ··· ·-· ·- ·-·· N. City, N. Y.; Plan. N.,Rlch.; Wachotla r-ta general banking business. We solicit Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 0 COMPANY your collections. You will be pleased with (Branc h of Winston-S I alem,N. ,. C.) > 66-35 •U'OS 1 "WACHOVIA" service. '< ·• -······ " . At kmson ••••• tf nder F 9 Pop.,., 6 Aubnrn ••.•.•. _Wake O 8 Pop. 80 uland e'¥oi>~· ro~tie B 12 .. •··•···• .. A(..s}teV1b·11e Clearing House ___ ,.,.Lem ers indicated. b11 a*) Bank of At~1n_~on __ ·-· •U-12 ""'98 Auburn Banking Co. ___ .§'19 61H85 Bank of Farmers Bank_·-···-····§'20 66-701 Aurora .•Po:124fort D 12 Bank of A.urg6~ior····•:S'03 ·• .•.•.••. S. A. Hubbard_ .... Owen Norvell ••••• --·-··········· - - - · - ____ 0. 4,980 180,69C , 139,()40 ' · - - -····-··· 8,000 1.820 54,520 48,300 K. C. Harrell.·--·· J. K. Cooke •••••••• A. A. Burden .• _... T. J. WhitL ••.... B. H. Hogl{ard_ ..• _ N. A. DavenvorL · · - · - - - · · · G. c. Mi.chell R. L. }I, Bonner ••• }I,"· WilkIDsOn __ o. }I. Hooker._... 70,000 20,350 7,100 142,600 10,000 8,500 230,000 B. B. Thompson_•• J.E. Porter·---·-- W.T. Stillman_ •••• -·--·-···--···- 25,000 470 92,930 107,6i0 Chas. B. Haynes .. G. C. Raynes ••• _.. J.B. Watkins ..•.. W. w. Nanny_... 50,000 J. c. Hames I 0. Y. Cannon __ ·-·· Jesse Cannon •.•.. - J. H. s. Hodeea __ J. D. JltG!ohon ... 1 100,000 J. R. Smith J. R. Turn&£e ___ • G. W. Prt• cotL._. Evan E. Settle--··· -····---······i5,000 •:t'l!i .J. J. E<lwarrt~ I 7,520 391,080 384.610 63.810 Chase N., N. Y.; Charlotte N., Charlot te. 60,000 I 525,000 650,000 27,500 • 400,0001 m COO 40,000 llan. N .. N. Y.: Greenville Bk. &Tr. Co. , Green-' ~ 1 dlle; N. Ilk. Cum .. .Norfolk. 40,000 N.Bk.ofClrePnvillf> Grf>f'nville·Nnrfo'k ·or- r ,n.. \\'arhm·ia Bk .,· 'T'r.C'o. Winc:'on ,alem. 10 J. J, Lane • -······ J. R • .Allen -··-·-- s. Leslie Watts •••• A1tt.~8[········''06 C. W. Kitchell .. _._ " 66-!i73 === ===- === 9,100 Richland Farmers Bank 66-619 •tf'l7 Avondale •.•• Rutherford Haynes Bank--•••••••. •t§'Oi Pop. 500 D 2 66·371 Avden •••••••• • - Pitt D 11 Bank of A:,den .. ·-·-····•1'03 . P op. 1673 66-305 " ····-·· " Farmers & ierch. Nat'l Bk. ,-·:,.• _ ~ WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis w. F. Duncan, Sec. and Tr. E. A. Hawes_·····- J. T. Bo!!eard._._ E. H. I-age .••••- - Liza Mae Pope..... W. H. Lewis • co ■ WINSToN- SAL EM, N■ C , (1) 42,160 Murchison N., Wil. j ::l 26,040 N. State & City, Rich.; Com'l N •• Raleigh. 248,130 21 ,610 Chase N.,N.Y.;N.Bk.Oom •. Norfolk:Murchison T.,W1l.;WachoviaBk.& Tr.Co.,Winston-Sal. 73,000 167,000 Norfolk N., Norfolk; Merch. N .• Rich.; Wacho• I via Bk. & Tr. Co .• Winston.Salem. 6.470 1 eab. ., :Norfolk: lstN .• Wash.; Am. N., Rich. ' 1 1 LARGEST BANK IN THE CARO LIN AS T •• • WE COLLECT DIRECT AND - SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 1020 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng Point (In· dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., soe Laws. O ~ _ T_S_. ---~=_-:::L~.c.:J=A:B:1:1:..:_,=T-=-T=.:..:I=E~:s:.::::::::::1=R=Es=o=u=R=C=E=S=.===:.__:-- PRINCIPAL O_O_R_R_ES-;.~N-D_EN PAID-UP SURPLUS' DEPOS- juw'8.l:D1s- c..... .E1- Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• ~ectory, U_!l~!r the authority of The Amerlc~n_]!anker~ _A_ss_•_n_. _ ___ __ NORTH CAROLINA- C On t·tnue d TOWN AND COUNTY. NA.ME OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. •~lem. Fed. Hes. Bank-of Badin ••••.•••• •n·17 66-620 Bailey Banking Co ....•. t§'l2 6 15 r mers Bank Merchants •t§'l3 66-306 Banners Elk Bank ....••. §'20 66- 669 Planters Bank ... ·-······ts·U 66-522 Bank of Pamlico ...••.• •U'07 66-307 ASS'T OASHIER. ~ " : • "::o:'-:;~ ITS CAPITA.LI P:O~~Ts 0 _______ 1 John S. Cox .. ·--· D. L. Rogers···-·-$ 25,000 $ 8,5001$ 200,000 $ 15G,OOO $ 33,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .• Rich.; Wachovia Bk. H. L. mith ••... Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem. 15,000 Plan. N., Rich. 225,000 15,000 425,030 15,000 G. \V. Stanton ..••• V. J. Perry ••.•••.. L. H. Harrison .•.• Miss Beulah Hi£rh. 1 59,000 Merch. N .• Balt.; Citiz., Burnsville. 206,000 250,000 14,000 10,000 J. G. Wilson_ .. _.. _ R.H. Griffith ...... D. A. Greene .•..•• Ernest Poteat..... •Bak:ersvtft~Wchell F 6 VI. C. Bnry Pop. 500 1 71,000 ··---···· 25,000 . Shamaker.. L. F. •.•• Norman L. W. ..••.. 76,200 Stinson H. F. Tate-······ C. W. 16.4~0 Han. N .. N. Y.; Unaka & City N •• Johnson Banners Elk •. Avlj1'Y B 2 City, Tenn. Pop. 162 1 25,000 12,670 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: ht N., Rich.: J.C. Braswell ••••• M. c. Braswell .••. M. li'. Jones ....••• J. A. Dau£rhtridge. 266,240 23a,200 21,000 Battleboro .•... ash C 10 Pop. 300 Seab. N., Norfolk; Plan. N .. Rocky Mt. 30,000 W. J. Swan.-...••• D. C. licCotter .••• J. S. Weske«·--··· M.A. matthews ... 774,680 111,530 Han. K .. N.Y.:N. Bk. Com., Norfolk: Peo., New 18,610 74U20 •Bayboro •.• Pamlico D 12 C. G. Carawan j Pop. 349 Bern;WachoviaBk.&Tr.Co.. Winston. alem. Z Harris 6,000 362.860 20.000 · 309,610 75,150 , Han. ~ .• N. Y.: Pe~.• New Bern; Com'! ~ .. 0 •Beaufort.. CartE>ret E 12 BANK OF BEAUFORT .... U'Ol 1 T. A. Uzzell.··-··· John Forlaw ··-··· J. A. Hornaday, Jr. E. D. Davis.•.·--·· ~ Raleigh; Am .•. ; Rich. 66-183 Pop. 2u6 16,220 612,210 50,000 603,280 75,150 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; 1st .1. ., BEAUFORT BKG. & TR. CO. N. W. Taylor __ ·-·· o. L. Duncan ....•. U. K. Swann·--···· Julian Hamilton ... .. ••••••.• " ~ •!1 '07 66-184 R~h. 34,210 401,690 503,890 i>6,230 Chase N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; City1 C. P. AYCOCK .•••• C. C. JACKSON •••••• W. E. STUBBS .•.•••• H. M. STEARN... .... 100,000 receive prompt attention. N.,Ealt. Belhaven~. Beaufort O 12 BANK OF BELHAVEN .. •U-03 { end us your co Oectlons which All collections r emitted for on da y of payment. 66-308 Pop. 1816 5,890 178,840 164,550 25,000 Farmer Bank .•...•... •i§ '17 N. B. Mariner ..••• D. O. ewberry ••• W. J. Justus •••.••• --··-········--·· " ...••... 41,490 1Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st & Citz. N .. Elizab_eth City; " ~ Bk. of Wash .. Wash.; Merch. N., Rich. 0 O 47.300 66,920 1,825,960 1,359,940 578,460 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Gastonia. •U'08 IR. L. Stowe·-···-·· J. L. Robinson •••. W. B. Puett. ••••••• ·····-·············· Belmont. ••••-Gaston D 3 Bank of Bel:~ 66-309 Pop. 2941 15,000 19,000 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.; Citiz. ~ .• Gastonia;A.m. 'rr. r4 1,700 105,000 114,000 Peoples E:rnhange Banlr•t§'l9 R. B. Suggs ...• ··- , D. P. Stowe ....••. W. D. Crawford ••. C. P. Lineberi:er •• G. W. Stowe J. n. Hall, i-. P. 66-664 Co., Charlotte; 1st N .• Rich. 13kg. Ln. & Tr, Co. ~nd Bk., of. Sanf9rd, Z Bennett.. .. Chatham C 7 Bank of Bennett-·---••+ '19 ··-·-·····--··- ·········-··-·······1---·---··- J. A. Purvis .• ---· (Branch of Bonlee Bk.&: T r, Co .. B onlee, )> Hale1eh. .• I Com Phillips M. Rich.; D. N., Plan, Sanford; C.) N. 66- 661 Pop. 190 Ilk. 25,000 Han.N .. N.Y.:Murchison N .. Wil.:Wa<'hovia 350,000 525.000 30,000 50,000 Preston Woodall •• J. II. Godwin •••••• H. A. Parker··-·-· W.R. Strickland •• B •u:ou ••••• J ohn,ton D 9 Citizens Bk. & Trust Co. E. . Turlington &Tr.Co .. Winston.Salem; Merch . .1. 1 .. Rall•if!h. •t§'l4 66-546 Poµ. l12R 10/J,000 700,000 125,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y .: 1st N . ancl • •. 0:, 700,000 25,000 Farmers Commercial Bank M. T. Britt •••••••• W. D. Boon ••••• _.• W. H. Slocumb···- .••....•.•...••..... " --·· •••• " State & City. Rich.; N, Bk, Com., ~ 'orfolk; )> B. Johnson •U'08 66-310 Murchison N .. \Vil. 14i,690 6,370 10,000 158,930 14,280 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Gastonia. B~ssewt>r City .na ton D 3 Ues ·croer City Bank .••• :W06 R. 0. Kennedy •••• J. J. Ormand .••.•. 0. M. Vernon •••• -. ···-···-···-·---· X 66-311 Poµ. 2176 19,470 376,620 22,000 230,870 190,150 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Norfolk N., Norfolk: C/J lk'heL ......... Pitt C 11 Bethel Blee. & Tru t Oo.•U'04 M. 0. Blount··-··· J. A. ta ton ....... S. C. Ives •••.•••••. R. L. Whitley .•••• I . C. Whitehurst Greenville Bk!?, & Tr. Co .. Grrenvillc>. 61Hn2 l'OIJ, 00 140,000 135,000 4,500 15,000 20,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Win 'ton- alem; ~'. to Farmers~·- :.\Ier!'liant · Bank Henry V. Staton •• E. L. Mayo ..•••.•• W. M. Pruett ...... Addie L. Grimes_ Bk. Com .. Norfolk; Merch . .i: 1 •• Raleigh: ~ ·. SlJ !§'19 66 656 a.. . • StatE? & CiJY. ~}ch. 80,000 1,000 ..... 17,000 13,000 Murchison N .. \\ 1I.; Merch .... R1<'h. 86,000 Be:ilaville ... Dnnlin E 10 Bank of Beulasill · ...• •! '16 0, W. Quinn·-·-·- I. J. Sandlin .••• - •• A. L. Cavcnaugh ·- - - - · · - - :J 00 5~ Pop. 3~ rl 11, coe .••.• ).!~!i•gomer}'. Bank of Bi ~~~-:;F.-··· ..• !\'20 E. LL llur ' ·····•·• w. P. Wingate ..•• II. N. Lawdermilk ·······-········-··· 10,000 -········ ·--······ - - · - - - - - · li6 ,~,> D ti Po:>., ••, 34.550 ,N, State & City, Hich.; Branch Bk!!, ,•:,;, Tr. O 4,540 165,270 131,11:J 10.000 Hl.u.• k Un•t•k. \"il:on ' lU llank of Bl:irk Urt•t•k •••. !§'lo J. IL 'l'homps1•n •.. J. . Tomlinson .•• J. A. Barnes .••• -- - - - · · - - ttl Co .. Wilson. lili · 623 PoJJ. 27-1 223,000 148,000 IHan. N., N. Y.; Com'! N .. High Poin t; Cent. O 344,000 20,600 25,000 Black:\loun t' u_ Huncom be Commouwe.alth Bank •• •iS '07 I<'. A. Perley ....... U. E. Cotton ....... A. A. Hei?eman •••• ·········-·· ····-··· ~ Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. .\. A. lle!!eman 66-313 G 5 Pop. 531 23.000 Am. Bk. & 'l'r. Co., WiJ.: :llerch. N .. Bait. 215,000 140,000 32,500 10,000 Bla<lcnuoro .•. Bladen li' I! Bank of Bla1fo11boro ••... i§'08 ll. C. Bridcer •...•. · ·---·-·-- .......... H. C. Bridi?er, Jr .•• ··--··-····-······ 0. 66-314 Poo. Jri!l Wins.. Co Tr. & Bk. Wachovia Y.; N. .. N Han. 27,630 91,000 86,130 3,820 16,000 •.••.•••• Blair B. B. •••• Ulowing l{oct.: .•. Watauga Bank of Blowmf! Rock •• !§'05 .J. A. L'ut:t ..•.•.. B. B. D 1ui:ht•rty .• _ G. M. Sudderth ton-Salem: Bk. of Lenoir, Lenoir. 66·315 U2 Pop. 338 Huiliu:: prin!!s ... Ull'\'l'· Boilin!! ~·priugs llauk •.•. §'16 -··-····-····-··-·- ·--······---··-·- ·-···-···-····-··- ········-·········· (Bm,mh of Ban k of Mo oresboro ,Moores- jMech. & Metals .. Jli. Y. I --baro. N. C.) I (iii :5 '5 an L.l',)I) ..uo ··-- n l 74,500 IBk. of Sanford, anfortl: Plan .• · ., l{il'!t.: 1 215,000 275,000 2,500 25,000 Boni ,'·-··· Chatham 7 Boull'l'Bank,·'l ru.·tCo.•t§'l7 I. LL Dunlap •..... \\'.J. '!'ally .•..••... C. :\I. .\ndn:ws •••. J. A. Purvis .•....• Com'l N., Haleigh. D. "M. Phillips \\'. . (;arduer tifi· lilO Pup, li8 5,000 Merch. N .• Rich.: 1st ·., AJ:iing on. \'a.: Far. 25,000 20,000 •Bnoue ••.••. Watauga B 2 Bank or Boone •..•..••.• .''l!:II B. K. Barrs ... _.... , . C. :\liller ............................ Y. E. B.itter •..•••• 10,000 · - - "'Bk. & Tr. Co., W. Jcfl'er~on. A.\\'. Thrrs U6 li51 Pop, :m •County Seats. Entire tate in No. 5 Federal HeserveDHril'I. Badin __ :::_ ____ Stanly D5 Pop, 5000 Bailey .•.•..••.. Nash C 9 OA.SHIJCR. VICE-PRESIDE..."'iT. PRESIDENT, c;:; ~.= ··-·····-·-·-----·-· 1F~ I I IL. :r: Willi i8....... ~ I z I 90,000 uctdertl.t ... E.l.e\\i ·-··-·-·-·· 20,000 2,100 115.000 Wataue-a Oounty Bauk.•t§'03 N. L. Mast. .••.••.• L. JL Ureenc _..... G. P. llae-aman .... \V. D. Farthin:! •••• 66-316 1 l!'. W. Uay · - - · · - 1M. M. Crume! ...•• J. W. Shore ....... Miss. 'ellie peer. Boonvill ..•.• Yatlhn B .i Commercial &Swings Ok. t."11 !it:-317 Pop. ](l~ E., . \\':ts!JI.Jnrn ••• J. n. 'L'hompsun -·· .'. C. Udtys .•••... mss ~Iaullc Ilowell Bostic .•• ltutllf'rf,inl U 2 49.100 24,220 578,llO 461,430 10,000 7,200 122,790 106,380 6.000 ::;,cco T.11. Cotl 'Y- ··-·-· T. L. Ma.:L .•. _••• G. 1. l' opl> · Bank, · 'L'1u tCo. !1'1!1 U6 683 I -·-····· Pnp. •· 1 Number under Name of Bank 11J the New TraD11lt Number given t-0 each bank in U. S. exclusfvely by The Band-MeNalJy Bankers' 1021 Directory, under the auth_orlt1'.....E_f The American Bankers .Ass'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORTH CAROLINA-Continued 120,000 - 52,000 IBk. of Lenoir and ~st • '., Lenoir; \\'achov_ia ~ Bk. · Tr. Co., Wmstou-Salem: ~lercll. ~ .. c ~ . " . • . Raleigh. . 189,990 1st N .• Lenoir and Rich.; \\ achov1a Ilk.< ' lr. ~ '-<: Co .. Winston._alem. 27,470 Merch. N .• Bait.; Far. Bk. & 'l'r. Co .• Wins-· .... ton.Salem. 10,000 Mech.~- Metals N., ,.'. Y.; Corn'!. ton. 1 1021 Number under Name of Bank iB the New 'l'ranslt Number given t-0 each bank in U. S. e:a:Cluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. TOWN AND COUNTY, NAME OF BANK, .o.Coanty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 5 tMem.StateBks.Assn. +Priv. [lUab. Federal Reserve District. +-::-.rem. Fed. Res. LIABILITIES. PRESIDENT. ---- ---- ------- . ALAMANCE BANK .. & TR. co. CASHIER, Ass'T CASHIER. r· J. S. Silversteen ___ T. H. Shipman _____ T. H. Shipman c. A. Ryman _______ J. A. Nunn ________ J. F. Jones ________ D. E. Shaw _______ s. w. Black ------ J, R. U>n2-----0. P. Williams. ____ ------------------- ------------ ----------·---------------- ----------------- --- ------- -------- ---- --------------- --- -------------- ---------- ---- ---- DEPOSITS J.JO,.NS&Dl8- C~•e & Ex• c'T8. Ilo?!r!'"D&, Cll..UlG:&s,DITB "F.ROK BANS& 8somuTIX11 7,000 135,000 115,000 30,000 Plan. N., Rich.; Bkg. Ln. & Tr. Co., Sanford. 20,850 449,730 258,940 90,510 148,800 Chase N., N. Y.; lstN., Rich.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Battery Park, Asheville. 53,930 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co.• Asheville; N. State & City, Rich. 10,210 Merch. N., Raleigh; Am. N., Rich. 4,330 125,590 1,000 44,860 38,690 C. P. Harris .. _____ M. C. Shamcurger, Jr. W. I. Reed J. R. Bannerman __ --- Maude Paddison ___ 10,000 4,160 69,630 109.240 25,000 --------- 490,470 499,250 W. D. Croom _____ J.E. Crutchfield __ Fannie Sidbury ____ C. C. Bryan 14.585 940 47.470 38,510 22,750 1st N., Rich.; Merch. N., Raleigh; Murchison, N .. Wil. J. N. WILLIAMSON,Jr. J.M. FIX, Tr.-·---- J.C. STALEY, Sec ___ 295,575 32,240 1,155,850 1,310,510 304.!,40 N. Bk. 0om., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Am. N .. 320,000 N, Park, N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich.; Phil. N., Phil.; Merch. N,, Balt. 16,190 Merch. N ., Balt.; 1st N .. Burlington. ------------ - 955,000 719,550 158,380 183,680 25,000 27,250 433,350 373,840 -------- 17,300 32,500 360,000 350,000 -------- --------- ---------- ------------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------------------- ---------- ------ ---- --------------- ------- ---------- ------------------ --------- .. ------- ---------------·-- -------- ------------ (Branch of Mou nt Olive, N. O.). 120,320 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.,Marion: Wachovia Bk, & T.n. Oo. and Am. N •• Asheville. 54,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. Murchison N., Wil.; .Merch. N., Raleigh. --- (Branc h of Ba n1c of Sa ·n ford. Han. N., N, Y.; Com'l N., Raleigh; Bk. of Santor d,N.O.) Sanford, Sanford. 10.000 5,000 110,000 118,000 10,400 2,500 100.000 70,000 30,000 5,000 637,000 (Branch of Fores t City, 500,000 N.O.)_ (Branch of Bank of Chape l Hill, 15,000 N,C,) 6,000 340,000 20,420 Com'l N .. High Pojnt, N. C. 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville; Bk. of Waynesville. Waynesville. 230,000 Battery Park, Asheville; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Jderch. N., Raleigh, mu,.c 130,000 (Branch of Aber deen, N. 0.) ----- --hapel N. City, N. Y.; 1st N .. Durham; Am. N., Rich. 100.000 Merch. N., Raleirh: Plan. N., Rich. N., Raleirh: Merch. N., Rich.; Wachovia --- Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. -------------- 5,050 1,800 55,790 53,980 6,550 2,500 40,000 380,000 16,000 N. State & Oity, Rich.: 1st N ., Rocky Mt. 20.000 7,060 238.700 280,370 --------------- ---- 10,000 10,310 122,340 142,530 20,380 Am. Tr. Co .. Charlotte; Merch. N., Raleii:h:, 1st N., Rich. 13,810 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Girard N., Phil. 20.000 13,000 260,000 325,000 15,000 N. City, N. Y.; Murchison N., WiJ. ---------- 12,000 1,000 50,000 38,000 16,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 25,000 40,850 470,330 468,840 15.000 9,000 225,000 190,000 -~ WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST Co . WINSTON- SALEM, N. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rich.; 1st N .. Durham. on day of P ayment. 4,830 ---- ---- 11,690 N. State & City, Rich.: N. Bk. of Rocky Mount, Rocky Mount. 24,430 :Merch. N., Rich.; Murchison N .. Wil. Burlington Items Direct." of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems Remitted for 25,000 .. t.Bk. 5,000 40,000 .. I:< 30,000 110,000 .. "'1 --- --- --$ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ 570,000 $ 634,000 $ 78,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Ri & Tr. Co., Asheville. 10,000 7,660 6,950 18,070 New Bern Bkg. & Tr .. New Bern. 390 ---- ---- --- ---- p.) 5,800 -------------------- --------------- .. SURPLUS PAID-UP AND CAPITAL PROFITS 10,000 B. P. Marshbanks_ B. F. McLeod----- t§'92 " FIRST NATIONAL BANK •l'09 W.W. Lasley _____ J.M. Brownine -·- R. W. Malone _____ C. V. Long ________ 66-136 J. E. Garrison ., First Savings Bank ____ t§'19 c. V. Sellers ______ J. L. Scott ______ M. W. McPherson. R. A. Maynard ---66-637 Burnsville ___ Yancey F II Bank of YanceY--------•U'05 J. W. Hin'ins ______ W. B. Banks ______ J. M. Lyon _______ J.E. Lyon ________ .. Pop. 1000 ., 66-290 J.P. Lyon Citizens Bank __________ u·os S. G. Byrd _________ J. A. Peterson. ____ T. R. Byrd _________ R. w. Ramsey _____ 66-291 B. B. Byrd A. G, Small ______ .Miss Alice Dickson CalypSO-----Duplin D 10 Citizens Bank of Mount Olive Pop.405 66-530 :l:l'l3 J. D. McLean _____ C ameron . ____ Moore D 7 Bank of Cameron _______ §'18 Pop. 241 66-627 Candor __ .Montgomery D 6 Bank of 0andor _________ t§'l2 D. c. Kwinr --· ____ C. C. Bennett_ _____ A. A. Uaness----·- -------Pop. 267 66-501 Canton _____ HayWOod G 4 Bank of Canton _________ if'08 Alden Howell.. ____ T. A. Clark ______ G. N. Henson ____ 66-235 .. Pop. 2584 .. Ohampion Bank & Tr. Co.U'06 W. J. Hampton ____ C. S. Bryant_ ______ J. H. Kirkpatrick_ .r. H. Rhodarmer_ 66-234 W. V. Smith ______ Caroleen.Rntherford D 2 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. Pop. 1892 66-323 •U'IO A. P. Lloyd ________ Carrbora _____ Orange B 7 Bank of Carrboro ________ §'19 Pop. ll29 66-658 Oarthaee _____ Moore D 7 Bank of Moore ________ e:tf '07 U. L. Spence _______ H. B. Shields ______ M. G. Dalrymple __ R. C. Dalrymple._ Pop. 962 66-271 ~ e Trust co. _________ •:tf'98 P. K. Kennedy ___ J. M. McCaskill ___ 66-270 M. B. Dry __________ J.M.Templeton,Jr. E. P. Bashaw ______ CarY----------- Wake CS Bank of Cary ----------•U'04 IIH24 Pop. 645 Castalia_ _______ Nash B 10 Bank of Castalia ________ t§'l3 S. J. Bartholomew_ T. o. Coppedge ___ W. J. Lancaster ___ 66-531 Pop. 263 J. U. Long _________ F. Y. Long _________ W. B. Walker---- Mabel Gilleland ___ Catawba _____ catawba C 3 Peoples Bank _________ .:U'l2 66-486 Pop. 250 Annie Smyre F. E. Booth P. S. Cooper _______ J.B. Williamson __ R. B. Stephens_ ___ Bank of Cerro Gordo ---U'l2 erro Gordo -Columbus C 66-521 P<'P• 263 F 8 D. C. Clark ________ c. L. Tate. ________ A. C. Blake ________ C hadboarn.Columbus F8 Bank: of Ohadboarn ----•U '03 J. H. Williamson __ 66-325 Pop. 1104 J. R. Blake Farmers Savings Bank ___ §'20 J. F. Blake _ _ _ D.R. Cannor ______ J. C. Rabon _______ - --------66-671 C hapel Hill-- O 7 Bank of Chapel HilL •• •U'99 M. C. S. Noble _____ R. L. Strowd ______ M. E. Hogan __________________________ Pop. 1483 66-246 " Peo1des Bank___________ e:f'07 E. V. Howell ______ R. H. Ward ______ 0. B. Griflln ________ R. P. Andrews ____ 1515-247 Lueco Lloyd . 66-135 VICE-PRESIDENT, --- &Brevard __ Transylvania Brevard Bankine Co, ___ .;t§'99 R. R. Deaver _____ 66-318 Pop.1658 H4 Bridgeton ___ craven D 11 Bank of Bridgeton _____ • t§'20 A. F. Bunting.--Pop. 548 66-700 Broadway ________ Lee D 8 Banlc of Broadway ______ U,09 J. L. Thomas ______ Pop. 250 66-319 ..Brnon City __ Swain G 3 Bryson City Ban··------•U'04 D. K. Collins ______ Pop 882 66-320 Citizens Bank _________ •:W13 A. M. Frye _________ " " 66-526 Buies Creek. Harnett D 8 Bank of Buies Creek ••. t§'l9 J. A. Campbell ____ . 66-670 Pop. 291 Bunn_---- •• Franklin C 9 Bunn Banking Co .•••• -•t§'l4 R. L. Huffines _____ Pop. 600 66-545 &Bur~aw ..... Pender F 10 Bank of Pender ___ ----•:WOO C. C. Branch _______ 66-321 Pop. 1040 W. A. Brown____ Planters Bank & Trust Co. 6&-695 §'20 Burlington.Alamance 13 7 Pop. 5952 H. HOLT-------· "Send Us Your Collections, Bill . Non-Bank 'l'owus wHn 1"¥earest Banking Polnt (ludexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thls1"v0Jume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc, see Laws.1 ~ RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. IC NORTH CAROLINA-Continued 'C . LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS 970 Merch. N., Raleieh. 67,350 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Durham; Am. N., Rich. 45,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Durham • N0 WE COLLECT DIRECT AND ·-SOLICIT YOlJR BUSINESS - - 1'111 104'4 Ton ......_ and• Name of Bank la the New Tnmlt Number dvea to each bank in U. 8. eselasl ely by The Band-MeNally Banken• DlreetorJ'. under the authority of The Amerlean Bankers Ass•n. A.ND COUNTY, NAME OF BANK. &County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Entire State in No. 5 iMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. Federal Reserve District. • Mem. Fed. Res. [ F.stab. •0harlotte •• 11eckleoburr Pop. 46,338 D 4 I VICE-PRESIDENT. I TRUST COMPANY l LJ A RI LlTlES. CASHIER, AsS'T CASHIER, I P AID·uP SURPLUS DEPOS-1 CAPITAL Pxto~TB _ _ _ _ _ ____:__ _ _ _ _ __!..._ _ _ _ _ __!__ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. IT8 1---- W. H. WOOD----- T. E. HEMBY-------- J.E. DAVIS, H. L. DAVENPORT, lIBranch) GEORGE STEPHENS "'ec. and Tr. A.Sec.andA. Tr. W. S. LEE R. D. HAWKINS, P. C. WHITLOCK, JOHN 6. NICHOLS A.Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. Officer $12%0000 $ M.A. TURNER JOHii FOX - AMERICAN ♦ PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/...,. volume For Interest Rates, _!loll_~~_:sLeJ<::,~e~~'!_•_• ~ NORTH CAROLINA- CODtiDUe • d Tr. Officer llESOURl'ES. PRINCIPAL C0RRESP0N1'.ICNTS. "i':.;..::.":• ( c:_;,:o:~:: - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- I I 627.6'70 $8072330 $9665970 $1872030 N. Bk. Com., Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y.; Phll. N., Phil.; Am. N., 1st N., and Merch. N., Rich. Doea a general banking business. 66-19 Collectlona a specialty. Co.-reapondence solicited. z ~ "i SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON NORTH CAROLINA INDEX. •• u *CHARLOTTE ao.M.scoTT-----w.J.cHaMaERs---•·"· rw'"'------Eil•eun------J. F. ROAElfTSOI W.H.NEAL,A.Casli. 11 • • McfKilNTRc« - - - - - - --,.-- Designated Depo'!it~rl•Jrrinlted States, State ~flo1lg~ ~ and City of Charlotte. Unsurpassed Facllltles for handling Collee•i- 97 tloos. Remittances sent direct to yolll' correspondent In any reserve l city if desired. ofMJor~LR NATIONAL BANK M-18 1...:) ,.o...,.,"' Dia- 1c~.,. A: .Bs:- ~ 1- 3,920.180 ~ I 1.096,040 Han. N., N. T.; Cont. & Com'l N •• Chi.; - 1st N.,Rlch. :I: 0 > *COMMERCIAL R. A. DUNN--------- uB· ~-YOUR ~ttm~sa-----A. T. SUMMEY----- IT,. ~T~:~~foir ---~ CHARLOTTE ITEMS DIRECT c Ex. N., Merch. N., Rich.; !Ith I:'"' - - - - t. Phil.; Com'l Wash. -Z .• of Ladlni,: Drafts, Cash and Time Items·Given NAT •,oNAL HANK Collection Prompt Attention and Remitted for on Day of Payment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ > *flRST NATIONAL {~:;:::;; ~ \:~~:------- R. C. JOHNSON------------------------Nif:t,~·l:l~'..~,t• SEND 500.000 515,000 2.71i0,000 3.676.000 661.000 Am. N. Y.; N., Bill N., 66-17 BANK 1'1-l' . " *INDEPENDENCE TRUST COMPANY • 116-23 Special Se rvice· given Bill of Lad ing Drafts. t'OS • on Cotton 570.000 1.085.000 and Grain IJ.IE. H.O. ANDERSON, LITTLE-------- w. A. WATSON------ E. E. JONES-------- THOS. P. MOORE--- 1,000,000 W. M. LONG R. S. SMITH,A,Cash. A. R. SARRATT !1 j - 1- - 639,910 3,021 ,540 4.982,900 w. c. WILKINSON--- Ii. H. f.c/D\N ----- J. A. STOKES------J c._ ,gt!ER------ - - - - - - - - vr.t. oolll J. rMc.ABEN Z00.000 714.900 N. Bk. Com., N. T.; Girard N., Phil.; Merch. N., Rich. 400,000 2.275.000 2,400,000 --1 694.740 S•ab. !If., N. Y.; cm •• N.,Bal&. . .. ------- .. ---- ---- ------------- . . Progressive Rank & Tr. Co . T. T. Cole _________ 1'~. R. mith _______ 66-734 1$'20 *Security ~avin~ Bank t§'l8 J. B. I \'eY --------- \V. L. Jenkins _____ P.H. Allen 66-22 *Union National Bank ___ .·os H. M. Victor _______ F. D. Alexander ___ 6tH!l _________ \ Charlott Clearing House.. II. M. Victor -----(Mem1,erx indi<'ated 1111 a*) Nam..,. -•.,. Name of .Bank fa the New 'l'randt Number oven &o each bank in U. B. exel1u1Yely by The &and-MeNaDy Bankers• .1023 Dlreetory, nuder the authority of The Amerlean Banker Au'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M. D. Branon ______ J.C. :McDonald ___ _ 125.000 -------- ------- ________ , ______ _ W. L. Jenkins ____ ------------------- 100.000 5,000 325,000 390,000 oJ ~ 1■& N •• Phil. and Blch.; - 52.000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtl. Tr. Co., Bait. D. P. Tillett ------ A.G. Trotter_____ _ 200,000 •' 237,380 2.049.420 2,546,950 449.850 Irvine N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. E.O.Anderson,Sec. _________________________________ NORTH CAROLINA-Continued Q ~ 1 We wlll remit for Chal"lotte Item• dl.-ect to you.New York corre pondent at 1-10th of 1 pel" cent. IATI0,6~~6BANK •t'7l _ _ C_a_r_•_f_u_l _a_t_t _ e _n_ t l_o_n_ la _ g;:_l_v_e_n_t_o_ a_l_ l _c _o_ll_e_c_t_lo-,n_•_ •_•_ nt_ u_•_· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ __ . .. .. ! ~ commerci:j ~anklng. Special attention given collection of . Chari otte it ems a nd •t1·12 remitta~~ ';~~i::o~~ii';rl~~c;;~~-r~Ai,~';."t:::.ndent • less 1-10th of 1 pe r cent. *MERCHANTS & FARMERS Phil.; N. state & City. I • 1 . l'famler and•r Name of Bank ill the New Trand& Number oven &o each bank in U. 8. eseJUBl~eJy by The &and-MeNally Bauers' Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Banker Ass'n. 10">3 ~ TOWN ANJ., COUNTY. I NAME OP BANK. •_Conaty S_eata. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SS~te EntireStatem o.5 :Uitem.StateBks.Assn.tPr1v. Federal Re erve Di trict. ♦:Yem. Fed. Res. [Estab. I I - PRJl'.SIDKNT. l VI CB-PRESIDENT, ------1 - - - t CASHIER. Ip j A.sS'T No Items return ed without reason , of non-payment , being given. Patronize a pro gresslve bank. Se rvlcels our motto . TRY US. . 5,300 S 175,000 'I $ 148,000 S 40,000 Merch N .. Ralei2h and Rich. I 115,000 1,250,0001 1.550,000 10 of 1 %. 10,000 13,850 Clarkton .•.••• Bladen F 8 Bank of Bladen .•• ----•U'07 E. J. Cox. _ _ _ C. S. Clark-·--· :e:. O. Olark.·-··-· ···--··-·-···-··---· ~ 15,000 Pop . 368 ~328 . j Clayton •• -•• Johnston C 9 Clayton Bankmr Co._.•if 99 c. W. Horne···--· D. H. lleCullers._. J. T. Talton ...-·-· W. F. Weathers··- , 100.000 Pop. 1423 GG-329 ' " Oleveland •••. Rowan Pop. 366 c4 59,100 Peo. N., Salisbury: Com'l N., Washin2ton, D. C. >···-·-·· ···--·-·Mech .. & Metals _N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Raleigh; 1st N .. Rich. 16,130 Han. N ., N. Y.: Plan, N .• Rich.~ Merch. Haleigh. 10,000 2,800 53,000 58.000 CA8ARRus •U'D7 l ...., I Edwin Fincher ____ T. H. Haynes ..•••. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. A. Wood !w. H. s. Basnifht .... M. Sitterson •••• ··---··-·--.. ·--····· D. R. Rritton , E. T. Forehand ___ , W. ~f. Sitterson .•. ·-----·-·--··· -··-·· G. M. Holl Py A. S. Hin haw •• _ F. C. Caveness •... ·-··--·····-········ ~ 10,000 Peo. N., Salisbury; Com'l N., Wash., D. C. 9 " 293.720 10,uOO 7,590 203,720 155,790 51,890 Chase N .. N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 57,410 Han. N .• N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ashe- 2: ville. " 15,000 39,800 401.020 308.000 37,220 N. Park, N. Y. 125,400 5,890 1 10,000 2,5DC 100,980 l, 1 400 61.500 25,000 8,000 200,000 160,000 2,400 127,000 110,000 Frank Jackson ••.. F. W. Blanton .... - · ~LL. Arledge--· W. E. Walker 13,000 1,330 55,630 48,600 H. I. WOODHOUSE J. l ; w. CAINOl ..._. ,c. w. SWINK·----- w. G. CASWELL-·I Special attentlo n stven to eollee , tlons. Prompt. person al servlee. Qulek : returns. Prompt attentl on to all bankln :c matters entrus ted to I 01. - I-•I 3911.575 . ·---·i' A. F. Goodman •••• C. L. Propst_...• •. ' 1 100,GOO Concord National Bant •• i•ss D. B. Oo1'raae ••--. J.P. Allison •• ___ •• L. D. Coltrane.--. J.M. Cook.•--····· , 100,000 66-73 I co ., wINSTON- sALEM, N. C. j n :r State & City, Rich. o 16,500 N. State & City. Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr • .., Co., Win~1 on-Salem. ~ 35,730 Warho,·ia Bk. & 'fr. Co .• Winston.Salem.; N. < Hie Com .. N orfnlk . .... 23,230 IrvingN .. N. Y.: Ya. N .• Norfolk.; 1st & Citiz. ::::: N .. Elizahe ' h C., N. C.: Merch N .• Raleigh. o 29.500 Chase N.. . Y.; Ct>nt. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ashe• rtI ville· Am Tr Co Charlotte O I i-· · • . . .. . 38,980 8,345.790 5,758.450 1.017,100 Han. N .• N. Y.: Merch. N., Raleiih and Bait •. Am.N.,Rich. 58,000 I T, , 52,000 10,060 1 > tJ:1 > 314.900 _______ w. Sawyer·--· s. s. Woodley ..••• -z 15,710 31.550 A. L. Walker-·---- D. M . Darden •••••.•••• ·-·----·-·-··-·· ~ 15,000 _ W. :i:: ., ·-··-··----·-···-·W.W. Nanney-·· ·------- -··--·-···- (Branch of .d.vo ndale, N . 0.) •••• _ _ _ Chase N., N. Y.; Charlotte N .. Charlotte. : 50,0001' 55,000 1,229,330 1,110.000 200,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: Murchison N., Wil. G. E. Butler ..••••• H. McKinnon •. _••• B. P. Smith •.. _.... J. A. Stewart G. A. Clute·-······ A.G. Robinson_. - - - - · - - - WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 94,810 Han. N., N. Y.; lslN.,Rich.; Com'IN., Raleirh. Citizens Bank ••••••.••• U'l5 W. F. Thompson-· C. A. Brown.·-··- W.W. Roseman __• - - - - - - - · 1 66-572 Citizens Bank & Tr. Co. Chu. B. Waeoner. M:. L. Karsh .. 116-75 •U'05 • 697,260 235,610 ll&-7, ' 24,000 N. Park, N. Y.; llurchison N., Wil. 200,840 SAVINGS BANK I 29,840 1 529,720 z Q ~ 340,000 7,930 1 1 300,000 25,000 Cole r a in .--•··Bertie B12 Bank of Coleraine •• -•. •U'08 L.A. Nowell ••• ____ Pop. 215 66-331 •• - ··· ·--· " Peoples Bank & Tr. Co .. t§'20 IL. D. Perry __ ···-·· 66-706 Coleridge •• Randolph O 6 Bank of Coleridge_ •••••t§'lD C. A. HaYWorth ·-· Pop. 300 66-652 i •Columbia • . • Tyrrell O 13 Merchants & Far. Bank•t§'03 D. 0. Newberry ..• Pop. 738 M-332 i Tyrrell County Bank ••• t§'l9 L.A. Armstroni •• 66-633 •Columbns . . -.Polk H 6 Polk County Bank & Tr. Co. E. W. S. Cobb ••••• P op, 168 66-663 §'19 •Concord_. _Cabarrus D 4 Pop. Q9C3 34,500 Farmers Bank •• _ _ _ §'18 J. A. Vinson. _____ J. A. Griffin ••.•••• J. M. Turley---·-- --·--· -·--···-66-6211 C. w. Pender Cliffside.Rutherford D 2 Haynes Bank ··------t1'16 . - · · · · · - · · · · · · · · - - · Pop, 2400 66-589 •Clint on .••• ' nmpson E !l Bank of Clinton ••••••• •U'Ol L. A. Bethune..... Pop. 2110 66-252 1 .. ·-···-·· " Bank of Sampson •..... •U-06 W. F. Peterson •••. 66-25& \ Clyde - ···-·Haywood G 4 Bank of Clyde ····-····:tl'l2 John D. Wood·--· Pop. ::63 66-514 150,0ilO Merh. & Metals N .. N. Y.: 1st i T •• 8helh:v: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. 349,5301 309,850 Claremont __Catawba C 6 Peoples Bank ·--·····-···§'19 ·-·-··--··---·---· -·----··-·-··--- -··--··--·--·- --···--·· -··-···-·- (Branch of Cataw lba, N. C. Pop. 435 66-687 I ---· ____ I» '"' ~ I ChinaGrove •• RowanC4 Bank ofChinaGrove--H'03 ·A.ll.Banu .. _...- J.D.Norwood.- •C.C.Graham.-•••. ·--· ··---·-·--···- , Pop. 1027 66-S27 • .. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENT-; :-~ - i:: Rt<:SOURC 'ES. "°" \ {M. L. MAUNEY--·-· S.S. MAUNEY.. .•.• _ M. C. MAUNEY ··-·--- A. J. MAUNEY....... 100,000 · D. E. RHYNE FIRST HTIOHL BANK.•t'04 \ Collections and cash letters have the p~rsonal atte ntlon ofan officer. Rate 1- I I LJAHILITI~. A.ID-UP . Di:i>OS- Lou,• Dll• Ca.• &xCAPITAL : AND ITB c'To.Bo...... cm.u••,»... j - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - !_ _ _ · PROFITS - -- 1 ·, ll4JrU - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - 0.lBBIJCL Cherryville ••. Ga.ston D S I Farmers Bank & Tr. Co. M. L. Craft__ ______ W. J. T. Styers ____ C. L. Beam ________ ----------·-------·· S 10,000 S Pop. 1884 66-541 •!§'13 66-326 Non-Bank Towns wfth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), LaW)'ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., ee_~w~ ~ NORTH CAROLINA--C On ti IlUCd ; ~g o"'1 i:la 1 I 817,000 ! 751,610 I 70,000 1,200,000 I 1.300,000 217.260 N. Park. N, Y.: Verch. N .. Rlr.h.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston• Salem. o 250,000 : ChasP N .• N. Y.: Plan. N., and 1st N., Rich.; N I Phil. N., Phil. ~ LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND . SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 1024 amber under Name or Bank ia Uie New Transl& Number given k> each bank in U. S. e:r.-'loalvelJ by 'l'he B.and-MeNally Bankers• NORTH CAROLINA-Continued Direct.or,, under the authority of The American Bankers Aaa•o. ~-- Ton A.MD COUNTY. NA.ME oF BANK. •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. IBtate •Ooontr Seats. I Entire State in o. 5 tM.em.StateBks.A.ssn. tPriv. [E~tab. Federal Re erve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. I il8'T 0.lSBID, CASBID, TICK-PU:8IDDT. PRESIDDT. LIABILITIES. --Ill PAID-UP ISURPLUR DEPOS- CAPITAL P.:o~~TS ITS ·oil-Hank 'l'O\\ill!o \lith Nearcs{ lfanklng Polut tlll• dexotl Act'l'S ), L."\w)·ers, Lawis i11dexeLl) 111 haek uf this - ~l~__: __J:urh~t~~~t lt~_t_e_!i, I ~U_day' P[t', :t•t• l,:l~lS.;: -kEsouJ<r~:s. 1"'••• 4" 0 ~ D•• 0 ~:· Pt<l, ~!PAI, u:,~l{J:\:-,l'v.·1,11;'1:, ..P,. Cue~ !.x- ":.::..°:::: -----1-------1--------1------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --o. Bridrers_ 1R. O. Warren ______ J.B. Warren _____________ ____________ $ 15,000 ·$ 7,780 $ 73,000, 89,050 20,370 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Norfolk .. Norfolk: l't N., Tarboro; Plan. N., Rich. • r • + • 66-333 _ l Pop. 1~0 a Connellys Sprm.. s-Burke Peoples Bank ___________ +§ 19 W. T. McGalhard._ ID. \\. Alexander_ J. G. Aiken ___________________________ _ 31,310 10,000 380 Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston- . alem. \Yachovia 2-l,870 41.300 66-654 C 3· Pop. 450 1 Conetoe_ Bdrecombe O 11 Bank: of Oonetoe ________ :§'10 Henry I I Conover _____ Catawba C 3 Citizens Bank ___________ if'l2 J. A. Isenhower ___ J. Honsocker ______ A. L. Shnford _____ R. :M. Hunsucker __ F. L. Herman 66-48D Pop. 681 10,000 10,000 150,000 140,000 25,000IN. Park, N. Y.: 1st~-• Rich. am.I Hickory. 5,000 25,000 141,780 131,030 1 27,840 N. Bk. or Suffolk, Su1Jolk. Ya. ~ Cooleemee _____ navie O 4 Bank of Cooleemee ______ §'05 J.B. Mason ________ ,T. W. Zachary _____ J. H. L. Rice _____ L. P. Zachary _____ _ 66-335 Pop. 2000 Cornelius ___ Mecklenburg Bank of Cornrlius ________ 1·03 F. O. Sherrill_ _____ J. A.. Dove _________ J. T. Beard ______ M. L. Beard _____ _ 66-386 D4 Pop, 1141 Council _______ Blauen F 9 Bank or Councils ________ .''20 IL M.. lcAlli ter __ ,\. E. Holmes ______ J. A. Pickett ________________ _________ _ 66-710 Pop. 92 J0,000 9,610 223,4501 207,310 35,720 lsL N .. :;ll Creedmoor-Granville B 8 First Xational Bank_ ---•t'07 L. V. Peace-------- H. D. Mangum _____ 'N" • .J. B0<luir _______ 0. L. Mangum.____ G.'r.Sikes 66-296 Pop.392 50,000 J. ~I. Ambrose ---- W. H. Ilardi on ____ D. E. Woodley __ __ !____________________ 5,000 I I Conway ____ Northampton 1Bank or Conway _________ §'I0 W. T. Bridgers ____ J. O. l!'l:,the _______ L. W. Flythe ______ Mi Pop. 294 B 11 ! ' 66- 334 CreswelL •••• Wash.O13 Bank of Creswell _______ :!'§'07 66-337 Pop. 393 People· BanL __________ t§·17 -------66-60:3 Dallas ________ Gaston D 3 Bank or Dallas __________ t§'05 66-31$8 Pop, !397 &Danbury _____ stokes B 5 Bank or Stokes County --t1'05 66-3311 Pop. 500 Citizen Bank ____________ §'lD ·• -------" 66-667 Davi<lson ___ Mecklenbur~ Bank of Davidson ______ t§'l6 66-340 D4 Pop. 1156 Denton _____ Davidson O 5 Bank of Denton ________ .:5•10 66-341 Pop. 559 Denver ______ Lincoln C 3 Farmers&:Merch. Bank __ §'l4 66-651 Pop. 243 &Dobson _______ Surry B 4 Surry County Loan & Tr. Co. §'02 66-342 , Pop. 368 nover _______ Craven D 11 Bank of Dover __________ :§'12 66-343 ' Pop. 670 Draper _____ Hoekingham Bank of Draper·--------- '20 66-696 B6 Pop. 4000 av. Bank Imperial Trust ________ '19 66-650 Duke ________ Harnet1. D 8 Bank of Barnett_ ______ eif'04 66-344 Pop. 2000 1 Dunn ________ Harnett D 8 ommercial Bank _______ wrn 66-672 Pop. 2805 Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisNambel' I Claudia Bristow 222,000 Iott(>. ln<lerwmleure Tr. Co .. char- 10,000 _________ --------- --------- --------- 1st , · .. Lum her on. 7,300 1 6,300 410,0 430,000. 85,000 80,000 330,570 ~ ~ 90.000 N. Bk. Corn .. ~. Y .: X. State & City. 1t1ch.; Citiz. 0 ~ .1.'.andlst .,Durham. z> 15,000 N. Pa~k. N. Y.: Va. N .• Norfolk; ¥.erch. N., Raleigh; Branch Bkg. & Tr. Co.," 1lson. 26,080 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Washington County, tJl Plymouth. )> 18,000 N. Park, N, Y,; 1st N .. Gastonia. 5,150 311,500 24,600 195,000 J. W. NeaL _______ .T. H. Fulton ____ ___ N. E. Pepper _______ C. E. Davis --------1 165,000 N, Park, N.Y.; Wachovia Bk, & Tr. Co., Win ~ ton-Salem; }\m, N ., Rich.. 32,840 Merch. N .. Rich.; Far. Umon Bk. & Tr. Co .. VJ ~~:e; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Win1 43,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Independence Tr. Ca., Obar- (j 215,000 14,700 235,000 10,000 o::s JoHe. 7,500 ______________________ M. M. lst N,, Balt. ,J. II. Ellington ____ J. \Y. late ________ C. t. Jones ________ :\I. O. Jones------· Joo. L. Douglas --- J. Lee Sloan ______ W. H. Thompson __ H.B. Elliott_______ B. S. Harrison _____ - - - - - - - - - - - W. E. Boone_______ _________ 1 30,000 220. 750 32,000 1,080,000 945.000 121,180 88,810 8,000 _________ Z ~;~~n,; 1 I -------------------- -------------------- --------·----------- 1Mary McCorhee. __ (Branch of Stan le11, I ~ N. C.) ________ Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y. Folger- ____ (Branch of Mt. Ai1'1/, N. C.) ________ N. State & City, Rich.: 1st N .• Mt. Airy. - - - - - - - - ------------------- R. T. Lewellyn, Tr. 1Fannie 1 . 10,000 N. Bk, Com., Norfolk. 3:.i,000 45,000 2,700 5,0001 G. \Y. Harclw1cke __ J. K. Biddle _______ Ary Freeman ______ ,b__________________ 0 n, ~ o 0 55,730 Com'l N .• High Point; N, State & City, Hich. c: 680 134,000. 103,li:.i0 25,000 T. R. Ilunclley ----- A. L. French ______ B. E. [vie ___________ --------- - - ::S ' I I [mp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.; GreensbO!O Ln. & 'l'r. ::, ------________ C.) N. • Sprau of (Branch ------------------------------------------------ - Co., Greensboro: Merch. N., H.1ch. • 44,380 400,000 522,890 124,430 4th St. N •• Phil.; Fidelity, Durham. 20,000 B. N. Duke-------- E. P. Davis-------- S.J. Olark, Jr. __ • ------------------W. A. Erwin, V. P. C. . Hick E. P. Davis ________ E.W. mith ______ E. P. Davis, Acting ------------------40,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; :M:erch. N .. Raleigh; Fidt:111,000 110.000 120,000 30,000 ity, Durham; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co. 1 ~'in·ton- 'alem. 50,000 40 ,000 785,000 951,440 583,990 Chatham & Phoenix N., r, Y.; Wachoyia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. if.nd Us Your Coll e.1)tions, Bill of ~adi roew\\et'.r!Wl ng Drafts and Cash Items. ~nr+cr.,~d Quick Returns. •il'14 ■nder Name ot Bank ia the New TraD8H Number i •en ~ I)) ::s •t·04 & TRUST COMPANY j l>"4 20,000 STATE BANK {T. v. SMITH. SR. -- 1._t mm"------ G. M. HOOKS _______ H. o. SMITH _______ _ 66-557 208,000 10,000. -----1 Send u your D unn Items direct. Special attentlo n given BIii of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. I 19,000 II. G. Walkn ______ J. \\·. , tarr ________ J.C. Gatlin ________ A. L. f.:atlin ------I Jack pruill 1 L. :M. Hotrman, Jr. ____________________ . . Boyce ____ ---- C. C. Cornwell C. L. FOY ----------GRAHAM FIRST NAT 'L BANK {' P, S. COOPER----- G. M. TILGHMAN---- H.B. TAYLOR------- J.C. 66-221 20,000 Ph;J,, Citi,. N .. Dud,am. I 26,000 iHan. N .. N. Y.: C ZS,000 uoo I» 190,000 193,000 !3,008 Merch. N., Raleigh; Am. N .. Rich.: WacJ1oda '< Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston- alem; Atlantic Bk .• & Tr. Co., Greensboro. 66 557 ~ 1025 ~C\\\\\J\~ COMnr 1-\ANY WINS TON· SALEM, N. C.- •il'14 nDI\""~ '-'" o Tn1\\~T ~ , t\ ~, Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transl& Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Ban"ers• Directory, under the aut~rl~£!_!!1~~merlean Bank!rs~ss'n. To:Jo::t~ ~:l!:T· •Mem.~B~!.i!:O~·ss~te \ F:i~~fl\~\~;vtDt~ri~t. !:1J:~~w-~~~lf:/ssnd:!~t •Durhalop~·R~fioam C 8 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 8&--4a PRESIDENT. OASBID. _______ " Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Law;y~rs; Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ ~.~:_o:::!·.11:1- I I Ass'T CASllIER. PAm-;1~~~~:s~11Pos- r.o... - - - c~"::· - ~':.a~= -1- - --- -----------\~PB~T8 IT8 R.H. RIGSBEE .... R. P. READE----- J. B. MASON ...-.. T. E. CHEEK.-----Collections sent us will receive prompt attention lOO,OOO • I $ 575,000 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.; 1st N.,Phll.; N. State &Clty,Rlch.;Com'IN.,Wash. , I Accounts of Banks, Bankers and others solicited. - --....-Ji~...,.,_ Iz ~--, n.w. Rogers •• ---- 100,000 Fidelity Ba~f"-------•1'88 B. N. Duke _______ John II'. WilY-·---· L. D. Kirkland--· H. 0. Olark·--····- 100,000 653,140 5,307,140 5,145,310 1,556,040 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Fir:,t National Bank_ •.• •!'87 J. S. Garr·------·-· I W. J. Holloway._ .. Southgate Jones· - B. G. Proctor •• _... 66-40 C. )I. Carr, V. P. J. 0. Cobb Fraternal Bank & Tru t Co. \Y. G. Pearson .• _._ C. II. DonncJL._ •. T. D. Parham, ---·-··-··· ·-------66-47 §'20 J. L. Pearson Sec, and Tr. J.A.Dyer 600,000 480,000 4,509,300 4,569,470 Home Savines Bank .. -.u·oa G. w. Watts··---· J. s. Hill_ ________ T. B. Peirce·----- --------· -----·-· 66-42 .MechanicsandFarmersBank S. L. \Yarren.·-··- E, H. Ierrick . • -•. C. C. Spaulding ___• W. H. Wilson.--·· 66-45 §'20 50,000 45,987 ·----------------···1w. P. Clement., __ •• c. •r. Cox---··----- ____________ _ 100,000 62,000 415,000 I 630 91,380 85,040 59,590 1,104.4901 1,0 6,420 3,640 260,5301 216,180 716,380 61.530 1,057,840 0 I (') j> Com '! N., ::ti 0 112,550 Fidelity, Durham. ....r4 z 91,070 Citiz. N,, Durham. l t:JJ > > z 259,110 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Durham. ~ 23,370 21,460 East Durham-Durham B8 Peoples Bank .----··----t1'06 Y. K. Smith_. ______ 0. K. Proctor ______ H. C. Barbee·-·-·· H. I. Parrish _____ _ Pop. 5000 &6--M6 East pencor Howan 04 Peoples Bank . • ________ .§'21 \Y, J. Hatley •. _. __ L. . Cotter--- -··· • E. McA·ceJy __••• - ·-· ·---·· ---·--·-· P op. 23,000 66-739 •Edenton ___ Qhowan B 12 Bank of Kdenton .• ____ • ■if'95 Julien Wood. _____ W. 0. Elliott-----· D. M. Warren .•••• _ _ _ _ _ __ Pop. 5000 66-177 10,000 5,000 210,000 202,000 15,000 --------· 35,000 7,940 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. j •Elizabelh Oity .Pa QUO'k Albemarle Bank ..• ·--·-•§'20 E. L. Hoffler···---- ,· F. ',Y, M. Butler•. Pop. 8925 B 18 66-82 P. W. Moore C. F. Graves w. H. Case w: H. Holland·- ·· J. R. Fleming .••.• 67,700 84,670 25,000 520,000 15,000 _______ 31,060 SAVINGS BANK &, TRUST GIHIO COMPANY •:1•03 1 Colleetlom rem 1ttec1 fer dally aU-10 oft per eent. ! I 1 p H WILLl•MS E f AYDLETT H G KRAMER W H JENNINGS {' ' j " --·· H: G'. KRAMER ______ ' • ------- C.' H.'TWIODY ··-·· - We do a general commercial bust ness. Collections rem ltted for dally atlt-10 of one per cent. I •Elizabethtown •.• Bladen Bank of Rli~~~'07 J.B. Clark---·--· J. II. Clark •••• ·--· Ralph BoriDe;. _____ --·-----·-------·· P op. <t00 E9 ....-...7 3a 3 88,110 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Wach• ovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston.Salem. ,... 0 I 100,000 - 1 111 - 1 WIN STON. SALEM, N.• ', C.- : - 11 tr 10,380 Tidewater Bk. & Tr. Co., ... Torfolk; Tr, Co .. Elizabeth City. N~w:. :iii:; av. Bk. & l\tercb. :N., Bait.; Corn 1 I 1111 ·------1 ~ ~ U,0,000 1,050,000 1,200,000 - 52,000 iChase ~ .• N. Y.: N. ~k. com., Norfolk: ¥erch. t1J I N .. Rieb.; Wachovia Bk. &Tr., Co., Wrnston. Salem. 26,ll60 I •:•91 1 590,2801 773,770 FIRST &CITIZENS jc. H. • 011110•·1~.W. \.G.8GAITHER 0~•11111----- w. 0-GAITHE~·--· a:,. 0Ji•n1" ··-· ~ ~ ~ NATIONAL BANK I ~ 23,ooo 1st N., Phil.: Oitiz. N., Durham. 38,000 -------· N. State & City, Rich.; Peo. N., Salisbury. 606,000 j 10,000 ·--·---- --------- ····---· 1---------·------···· 1 (/) P> 100,000 Citizens Bank·--·------•U'05 H. 0. Privott. _____ • Thos. W. Elliott.-. Charles H. Wood_ W. H. Ward .•• - . 66-178 L. W. Norman Etland.- ---·· Orange B 7 Bank of Efland.·--····-·§'20 J. L. Efland ...•.•. S. O. Forrest.. ___ . Robert Riley .. ____ Pop. 500 6&·735 ' 86-78 092,200 1st N .. N. Y.: Girard N., Phil.; Wash., D. C.: Am. N .. Rich. 34,59li Citiz. '. , Durham. ' 27,997 I~ : 1,030 ~ 45,ooo 1N. Bk. OOm., N. Y.:lstN .. Durham. 380,000 5,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 134,860 1700000 .$1300000 1- - -1.- - , East Bend ___ • Yadkin B 4 Yadkin Valley Bank: -·-··1'09 W. H. Speas. ______ J, T. Benbow ______ J, M. Whittington. J. T. Smitherman. ~~ ~ 1 •:t'05 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - MERCHHll~JIIK-.. -•U'05 & PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --1 CAPITA.L DurhamLoan&TrustCo. J.S.Hill ______ • ____ 'T.C.Worth,A.ctivel.F.HIIJ ________ . 66-46 U'l5 " '; •• THE LARGEST BANK 1N THc cARouNAs LET us coLLEcT vouR 1TEMs DIRECT NORTH CAROLINA - COn t"In ue d \ V1c1t-PRESIDENT. 1 ,(:, I • - 100,000 1N. Bk. Com •• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; N. Bk, Com., Norfolk: Phll. N., ' Pbll. 11 THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET us COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT g" Er ....0 ~ ::s AU 0~ 1IDller Name of Bank ia the New Tran1H Number pven • to each bank in u. 8. ewa1lvelJ by The 8and-McNallJ Bankers' Dlreetol'J' under the authority of The American Bankers A11'n. . Ton illD OOUNTY. .a.Count, Seats. Entire State in No. 6 Il'llderal Reorye ,D,ia,.tm\. NAME OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks.A sn. tPriv. [Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Rf!. PRESIDENT. ----• CAROLINA-Continued NORTH ----- VlcE-PRESIDD'T, CASHIER. ·- Ass'T OASBIER. -~ __ =- LIABILITIES. HF.SOURCES. A..1(0 PBOJ'ITS !: 11. \UI ·--- Lo .... ol: DllPO S- Bt. & Elk Part _____ A.very 61Hl48 Pop. 462 Ellenboro. R11ther1\lrdD z Bank of Ellenboro ------H'06 66-3411 Pop.383 :tf'l2 Ellerbe ... -Richmond D 6 Bank of Ellerbe _________ 66-510 Pop. 473 Bennett Bank & Trust Co . §'20 66-712 Elm ou, _____ wnson o 10 Elm Olt7 Bank·---------*1'98 66-284 Pop. 725 Toisnot Bankinr Co. ---H'Ol GG-285 Blon Oolle,ce ___ A.Jamance Klon Bankinr & Tr. Oo.•U'09 66-350 B7 Pop. 653 J!ldeJcL ____ HaJifu B 10 Bank of Enfleld ________ •H'll8 66-242 Pop.1648 Commercial & Farmers Bank 66-243 •H'05 . ---- ----- . . ------- . . ------ . Engelhard---- _ff)"de c 14 Pop. 600 Eufe ________ Gates B 12 Pop. 200 Everetts. ____ Martin C 11 Pop. 230 Bluff_Oolumbus 11' 7 .. .. Pop. 397 1fair -------- ------ 309,9 20 264,150 --------- 11,950 2,030 31,3 90 49,150 D. B. Barrtll ______ J. A.. llartin. ---- E. E. Harrill._ ____ Bettie Green _____ J. R. Wall ________ B. B. Farlow _______ Prince O'Brien ____ 10,000 6,230 135, 860 134,730 10,000 16,000 225. 000 215,000 R. H. Bennett. ____ J. R. Bennett. __ ._ J. J. Bennett J oho L. Bailey ____ R. M, Bailey----·R. 8. Wells ------ Jno. G. Owens _____ J. T. Sharp W. P. Lawrence __ T. 0. Ainich _______ 49,620 ----- 37, 570 73,290 K. B. Bailey---- A. C. Hed!!Deth---Ban _____ J. 20,000 80,000 160, 000 190,000 20,000 20,000 520,0 00 370,000 M. C. Jackson _____ Marie Riddick ____ 8,350 830 68, 580 74,630 Ivey Watson _______ S. Peirson _________ W. R, Garnett ____ H. C. Durham _____ 10,000 109,080 568, 520 613,940 10,000 54,000 335, 0001 400,000 P. o. Petwu _ _ J. w. R.H. Covington __ -------------------------------- w. Whitaker ___ F. C. Patterson •••. Enielhard Bankinr & Trust J. H. Jarvis ______ 1s. J. Gibbs ______ Company _66--679. ____ •!§'20 Farmers Bank __________ t '12 R. B. Hill _ _ _ _ B. L. Banks, Jr. __ w. J. Askew 66-567 Planters & Merchants Bank V. R. Taylor _______ J. T. Barnhill._ ____ J, H. D.Peel •U-16 66-576 G. Floyd _______ A.. Bank of ll'air Bluff ------*l'Of> J. JI:, Dick - ----66-351 Enzor _______ Z. C. _______ Tucker B. I. Farmers & Merchants Bank 66-547 BAH OF FAIIMOn --•H'04 F. L. Bina _________ J.P. Brown _______ A.. 8. ThomPIOll 66-352 Bank of ll'aison ________ i1·oa O. 8. Bines _______ C. T. Southerland. u·u ------- 11,000 --- 56,0 40i 10,000 8,000 65, 0001 108,000 V. G. Taylor _____ R. N. Grimes _____ 14,200 7,000 130, 000 170,000 ------- 15,000 5,680 117. W. M. Hooker, Jr. M. D. HarrelL. ____ J. J'. Roeera ------R. 0. Tucker ______ ------------------ 7,000 1' CUMBERLAND SAYS.& TRUST CO. ---- ... . ------- .. .. -------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . &6-117 •H'OII F. It. STEDMAN. ___ 66-116 89,020 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y. and Norfolk; Plan. N., ~ I0 Rich.: Murchison N., Wil. ~ 8;:,,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Oom., Norfolk; Wach- ~ ovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Merch. 1 ~ ..,_ N.,Rich. 32,450 Norfolk N., Norfolk; Bk, of Hyde, Swanquar. ~ ti" ter. 5,000 Seab. N .. Norfolk: Bk. of Ahoskie, Ahoskie; ""1 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Suffolk. 20,000 Peo., Williamston; Seab. N., Norfolk; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Suffolk; Atlantic Bk, & Tr. Co .. ;;: ..... Green boro. 14.380 Ban. N., N. Y.; llurchtson N., Wit.; Plan. N., ::, r+ Rich. 0 18,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; Murchison N .. Wil. 1-Ij ~ 225,000 llnrchlson N., Wil. : Meroh, N., Rieb. 31,800 I ! 1 sJ L·, 126,010 4,200 15, 200 19,100 350, 000 370,000 -------- -- ---- -- 10,000 21,000 115, 000 170,000 17,000 Murchison N., Wil. 130,000 45,000 680, 0001 675,000 78,000 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk: ::: Merch. N., Rich. 100,000 10,000 860, 000 694,000 ALBERT STEWART--- f i· illKEY ·····--· i·Ef'VYSCHrCK------• A L STEWART HI HSMITH peclal attention given Blll of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. 1 1-··· ................ ~ tt --- - 100,000 !:: s_ (II 262,000 Guaranty Tr. Co.,N.Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Tr. Co. of Norfolk, Norfolk; 1st N., Rich.; Wa- - - - - - - - - chovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 55,000 1.100,0001 980,000 lZS,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Mmchlson N., Wll.; Merch. N., Rich. - --- 30,000 ----- 50,000 16,560 f J:lcc~f~LCfJ-IN A. B. McMILLAI - l. f:H\UfN-DJi[ - - - - - - - - 100,000 La.-giltat volume of bualneaa of any Bank In C ■ rollna with Capital only $100,000. mllllon dollara. Send us your oollec tlons. •*1900 Reaourcea over three OF FAYETTEVILLE > 6,000 Farmer & Merchants Bank T, E. Owen ••.. ••·• \ D, K, Tay Io, ...... M. D, Kemp_ ...... §'20 66-100 LaFayette Bank & Trust Co . J. IL Tolar, Jr. ____ J. V. McGougan ••• Panl tewart_ _____ ---------------J. Stein •!§'19 66-99 NATIONAL BANK 35,000 Mech & Me<al~ N .. N. Y.; Am. N .. Charlotte; Z Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem.' O 11,380 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. ,~ Winston-Salem. 42,000 Chem. N .. N. Y.: Norfolk N .. Norfolk: 1st N., ""1 Rich.; N. Bk. of Rocky Mount, Rocky Mount.' i-,,4 160,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., Norfolk.; llerch. ,.... ,_ N., Rich. , 10.430 Merch. N .. Raleil?h nd Rich. 40,000 SEND US YOUR FAYETTEVILLE ITEMS DIRECT. J. H.CULBRETH--- ' 76,400 Merch. N .. Rich.: Com'l N., High Point; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 8,980 N. Bk. of Batt., Bait.: Unaka N., Johnson City,· ! Tenn. I 27,120 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. I'. L. Blue ________ H. L. Blne _________ . Fayetteville-Onm'l'd D 8 Pop, 8877 l 6,100 A.. P. Brinkl~----- I 765,520 $ 241.810 N. City, N. Y.; Com'l N .. High Point; Wachovia : Bk, & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem, 18,100 onL.Robeson F 7 Pop.1000 a _______ Duplin D II M. llcD. Williama.GG-351 Pop. 477 rmvllle_______ Pm o 10 Bank of ll'armville ____ •*l'04 R. L. Davis ------- J. R. Davis ________ n. E. O!!lesby ____ E, H. Spruill -----M-272 Pop.1780 CITIZEIS BAH --------*1'09 J. T. Thorne ____ T. O. Tu.rnaae • ---- W. R. Willis ______ L. W. Godwin _____ 66-273 . D1a- o1: E:,;- ITII C. 8. IRIIFIELD--- ------------- $ 25,000 $ 32,230 $ 925. 710 BJkin-_____ 8url'7 B 4 ELllll llTIOHL Blt-•!1900 ~ A. CHATHAM~R. G6-2G8 Pop.1195 t All Collections large or nnall gh en careful attent Ion. 0\ PR1,•c1PAL CORRESPONDENTS. Ici!v-8:• =•= --- - 1 --,------ PAID-UP St1RPLU8 CAPITAL A. W. George ______ J.M. Eldrid!!8----- A. W. Georre. _____ C. N. Bodenheimer . ------- . Farmers Merchants H'08 &&-2GII '08 f ___________ Bant Citizens J. N. Pritchard ____ P.A. Vance ___ B2 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bainklnc Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers!.. Laws (indexed) ln back of this/ __ vollJ.!D~·-Yor _Inte~st ~te_!!_ _!{_o~!!!._etc._!__ _see-~~ ~ ~ 526, 990 390,180 179,820 Ohern. N., N. Y., Murchison N., Wil.: 1st N., ~ : r:: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rich. %.Z44, 8Z,Z00 ___!!! ~ : ~ N. Park and Bk. of America, N. Y. j ------!--- t~ ,:< l~ t-J 1- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bank?ng Point (In- 1!::f:~a~efr~:~~:,~!f:= t/h~1:e;.~1;~~~i;1t:nf;r~'! NO TH C O de:~ A~~. Ti?a~er':1ti.~e:(t!~e!':flkli:sb~t~} H:J.; C..... R AR LINA-Continued volume. For Interest btes, Holidays, etc., see Laws. -============================::::::::::::==::::::::::::: :=====================================::::::::::====:::::::::::======================--==l;:i r:: TowN BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks, Assn. § tate VICE-PBEBIDENT. Entire State in o. 5 tl,fem.'3tateBks.Assn. tPriv. c:~-:• ~~o:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~ Feder&lReserveDistrict. Fed. Res. [Estab. ------ ------ --- --10:c,,,,7 8 to Dlrectol'f, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. AND CouNTY. £1> LIABILITIES, NAME OF PRESIDENT, Ass'T CASHIER, CA..SBllllR, ♦.Mem. PAID-UP ISUBPLUS CAPITAL PR~TS RESOURCES. DEPOSITS Lolll•&Dui- PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. - 0.ol8H&Ex- Fletcher __ Henderson H 5 Bank of Fletcher _____:WH P.R. Moale _______ W. A. Sumner-- R. W. Fletcher ________________________ $ 10,000 $ 1.890 $ 51,380 $ 50,130 $ 8.190 Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co,, ~ Pop. 500 66-556 Asheville. Forest Oity_Rutherford Farmers Bank & Trust Co. J. F. AlexaBder ____ B. B. OQEgett______ J. H. Thomas ______ R. E. Biggerstaff__ 100,000 82,090 880,090 1,226,660 125,520 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Plan. N .. Rich., Va.: Pop. 2312 D1 66-588 •il'15 G. P. Reid, V.-Prea, K. S. Tanner B. H. Long Merch. N., Rale~h: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. L. V. Lee .Vinston-Salem. :B'ountaiJ«>P._ Pitt O 10 Bank of l!'o~~-----•tl'l0 H. O. Brideers . _ G, W. Jefferson __ W.R. Graham _____ J.M. Horton______ 50,000 30,000 350,000 375,000 75,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Norfolk. 243 Taft________ ____________________ 25,000 15,000 100,000 150,000 20,000 Branch Bkg, & Tr. Co. Wilson; N. State & City, Rich.; Merch. N., Raleigh. w. Gabe _____ _ 50,000 27,470 373,420 333,300 114,930 Han. N., N. Y,; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am.N .. Asheville. Oitizens Bat-5«------•*1'13 D. W. Blaine ___ - - - - - - - - - - J. 0. Wr~ht ____________________ _ 14,000 1,700 74,000 47,000 33,260 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk, & Tr. Co., Asheville. FranklinJg;_-~1i,;klln B 8 Oitizens Banl:iie------•*1'01 B. J. Cheatham-- 0,8. Willfama ____ Wm. I'. Joyner __ Geo. L. Cooke ____ _ 29,000 22,310 367,350 389,720 38,940 Han. N,, N, Y. Commercial Bank & Tr. Co. A, H. Vann ________ Georfe Gilliam ____ George Carmichael J. R. Mitchiner, Jr. 66-694 •t§'20 50,000 13,000 122,700, 205,120 23,840 N, Park, N, Y.; Am. N,, Rich, 15,000 _______ 62,270: Four Oats._J ohnston DO Bank of l!'o1!~~ aki. -----*1'12 J. W. Sanders_ _ J. H, Austin ____ B. I. Pop. 583 ...,-.,05 •ll'rankli;oi,:-ilacon HI .Bank of :rr;:_~-------*1'03 J. s. Sloan _______ T. B. B~don - - - Lee Crawford ____ H. Franklinpvi'llp.e;;;; Randolph Bank of Frankl66-j!1ville __ a§'20 Hugh Parks----- T. I. Fox __________ ....1 o6 7.,.. 0 Fremoniop~i~:yne D 10 Bank of J!'r~~u-----•HlOOO J. 'l'. Hoots _______ G, D. Best _______ .. " Planters Bank & Trust CO. L. L. Newsome ____ J. A. Hooks ______ 66-681 •U'l8 P. M. nest Fu<1uaySprinr~-WakeO8 Bank or :B'uqua1.,.,------•il'OII K. B. Johnson _____ J.B. Johnson ____ Pop, 555 11&-ouo Garland ___ Sampson E 9 Bank of G~~a!_!d ---------1'17 ------------- -------------------Pop. 301 uv-., 15 Garner _________ Wake O 8 Garner Ban~11,rn& Trus1 oo. B. D. Rand ___ J. S. Buffaloe ______ Pop. 376 vv-uv9 • 1'10 J. J. Bagwell Garysburg_Nortbampton Kercbants •.Farmers Bank J, B. Oollier _______ J.E. Suiter ________ Pop. 263 B 11 Sv-8511 H'Otl GastoniaPop.-li~r)D D 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CITIZENS NAT'L c. 8. ARMSTRONG. M. H. Birkhead ___ J, T. Buie____ OuUar Lee-------- F. M. Watson_____ B. o. Scott________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R. E. Kerr_________ _______________ A. C, Kilpatrick ____________________ C. L. Tate_________ ____________________ R. E. Brown------- 1-------- ______ :~t,;{«Kirr--·- J.M. MILLER, 50,000 I 56,890 816,070 n > ~ 51,890 ______ Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; Va. Tr. Co., Rich,; ~ Am. Ex, N., Greensboro. _ 719,300 203,710 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; :Murchison N., Wil, z > > 21,780 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Am. Bk. & Tr, Co., \Vil.; Plan. N .. Rich. 10,000 15,610 471,850 313,760 179,950 1N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com'l N., Raleigh; Wach- tD ovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem. (Branch of Bank of Clint on, Olin ton) ____ Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Murchison N .. Wil. i,; 'i 8,000 2,570 187,600 99,&>0 99,950 Chase~., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; Com'! ~ N. and Merch. N .. Raleigh. en 7,iOO 10,000 . 115,000 85,000 34,000 ,Chase N., N. Y.; Greensville, EmJIOria, Va.; Weldon Bk. & Tr. Co .. Weldon. ..., 3d----J ,~~{{~:·Jr,--- 25,000 7,120 251,630 248,320 l ~ I 1 300,000 450.000 4.000,000 4,000,000 800,008 M~~\ rsr;~1Ai~: N, Y,; lstN.,Phil.;Merch. ~ 1 BANK S&-121 FIRST NAT SEND US Y OUR"GASTO ,NIA" BUSIN ESS DIRECT• Prompt personal a ttention given to dl'll 1tts drawn on the Co tton Mills of this section and remit ted for promptly dir ect to your northern or eastern correspondent on date of payment, at lowest rates. ,... 0 0 ID 'L BANK lL.L..IEHIIS---- ,-.~_\\'J'8f1---- S.I.HYCE------'!~~fltEi- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ll&-127 Gaston •i•o5 •i·IIO THIRD NAT. Ul 1 NN.~B~b.N. Y.; Am. N. and Mereh. Send us you r Collections ,Bill of Ladin g Drafts and all Business direct and receiveprom pt attention. r.oa:tifl'lSt o~i1•03 T. L. Oraie - - - - B. G. KcLurd _____ M.A. Carpenter, Peoples BaA'l.Thr·-------§'20 s. N. Boyce ________ ----------Lee Johnson _____ T. J. Brawley __~~~ ____________ _ g. g ;· 14,ll0 328,ll0 328,150 20,280 - - - - 24,660 34,680 81,800 780,NG 830.090 25,000 34,ll0 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Gastonia. 6,430 N. Park, N. Y,, 1st N., Gastonia. 108,880 Ban. N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Am. N,,Rlcb. !lam'bet under name of Bank ls the New Transit Number Jiven Non-Bank Towns '\\1th Nearest Banking Point (lneach bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNallJ Bankers• NORTH CAROLINA C d dexed Acee·.), Lawyers, Law. (indexed) in hark of this ,., Dlnetol'J, under the authority of The Ame!_lcan ~nkers __A~~•n. ----::_-_::__--:=c=-- - - _ _ _ --~O!ume. For lnt!'rest Rates, Holl~ays, NC., s~w~ ~ TOWN AND O0U TY. NAME OF .BANK. ' LIABILITIE~_.~~ 1 UESOUR~ES. _ PRI.'CIPAL C0RRESPONDE.'TS. 00 •Oount,Seats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn.§Si~te PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER.'TCASHIER, PAID-UP SURPLus, DmPos- Lom&cn,.. lc ..ll"'E"0 Entire State in ro, 5 :Mero. State Ilks. Assn.tPnv. Cil'ITAL PR~T l ITS ~~ ~= 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Federal Reserve District. ♦,\lem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - l - - - _ _ _8_ tiQ2S _:-_on_f1nue to -~ c;;,:.;v~:· I Gates ••••• ____ Gates B 12 Citizens Bank---·-· .... •t§'l6 R. W. Gatlin!!-···- \V. D. Lang tun ••• E. L. Rawls ..•.·--· ------·-· ·--·---··· Pop. 150 66-592 10,000 $ 2,930 70,300 &Ga1effille .... Gates B 12 Bank of Gates·--····-·· tl'04 W. T. Cross ••••• -. Lycurgus Hofler-· R. M. Riddick, Jr •• E. L. Riddick_ •••• 49,900 9,100 235,5501 Pop. 350 66-360 Planters Savings Bank .. '21 R. M. Riddick, Jr .. B. L. Banks, Jr.·-66-737 A, G. lludeins o. :M. Earley·-·-··· Gennanton ... Stokes B 5 Bank of Stokes County_.§'19 ·--·--·-····-------· ·-------···------·,'J. Pop. 132 66-668 Glbaoo •••••• Scotland E 6 Bank of Gibson .• -·--··•U'0-1 N. T. Fletcher···-· Jas. G. Pate •.• _ ...• Pop, 600 66-361 ~ c. 85,300 15,710 Am. Ilk. & Tr. Co., Suffolk; folk, Va. r. Bk. Com., Kor. 244,030 58,620 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Suffolk and Far. Bk. of Nansemond, Suffolk. 2,680 22,010 N. Bk. of Suffoik, Suffolk; Seah ... ',, ..:orfolk. I ·-·---·-····-----·-· 14,161 7,110 Carson.·-··-- C. O. ~1cGee_. ____ (Branch of Danb . T. Fletcher ..•• Miss .Allie Joyre... L. T. Gibson 15,000 20,740 22,360i ; Z 0 ~ 1 ury, N. C.) ••••• ·-----·-· Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., \\'inston-Salem; Am. N., Rich. I 501,850 310,490 to-! n::X: 220,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 18.i,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Rich.: Merch. ~·., ~ Raleigh; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston•, rv Salem. 0 1 Carolina tat Bank ••. •!§'16 )I.\\', Adam·.·-··· B. K ~loore. ·---· F. D. Gib.·on ···-·· B. P. Smith •.••• -.. 66-597 10,000 10,000 450,000 275,000 Ulbaonville. Guilford B 7 Bank of Gibsonville .••. a•o7 J, L. Kernodle·-··· A. B. Owen •.•• - •.. J. W. Borini-·--·· Lessie Wagoner •.•. 10,000 3,990 169,330 168,870 • 32,120,Greensboro Ln. & Tr. Co., Greensboro; M. M, 1st N•• Bait. ,Z 70,500 ··--·-·-· 57,ti80 55,690 Chem. N .. N. Y.; N. tate .,- City Rich.; Merell. T., Raleigh; Am. Bk. & Tr., Wil. ~ 16,000 220,000 Pop. 1385 66-362 &Goldsi~;·if2gine D 10 Farmer r,i\~if?rust C~§. 20 R.H. E1lwards ••.• ~: f:si:it~om •... R. u. Scott •••.••••• ·-----·-··------··· Goldsboro Sav. & Tr. Co .. 1'04 G. A. Norwood ... _. T. II. yorwoo<l ••. T. II ..,:orwood .••• ·----·--··-·--66-12-1 40,000 National Bank ot Goldsboro G. A. Norwood .... M. J. Best.._ •••••• T. II. 'orwood •.•• ··---·-···-··-----·- 100,000 ¥ 1 I z 20,000 N. Bk. of Goldsboro.Goldsboro, • 66-123 ,, . . :•05 , T I . 150,000 1,300,000 1 1,400,000 150,000 32,830 73-l.0201 ~ C/l I 300.000 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Branrh Bkg. & Tr. Co., Wilson. O 90,350 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Plan. ~ 1 90. Peoples Bank & I1u. t Geo. C. h.ornegay. John R. Crawford. James Kyle------· O. S. BritL·-···-·· 66-125 •ii 13 James Kyle £:: > 868,920 N., Rkh. rn I WAYNE NATIONAL BANK 116-122 I F. K. BORDEN ••••••• w. E. srnouo •••••.•. w. e. srnouD ••••••• MURRAY BORDEN... "• END U YOUR "GOLD BORO" ITE:1\1 DIRECT." Collections, BUI of Lading Drafts, Ca h and Time Item Remitted for on Day or Payment. Goldston ... Chatham O 7 Bank of Goldston •••••• •t§'l3 Hugh Womble •••• W. L. Goldston ••_. Pop. 230 66-527 •r. 325,000 246.850 2,317,960 3,209,050 W. Goldston •••• --·-·--···-----···· 5,000 5,710 246,000 •Graham ... A.lamance O 7 Citizen· Bank .• ·•-··-···tl'06 W. J. Nicks·--·-· W. B. Green.---·-· - - - - - - · · J. . Cook, "re .••• 10,000 4,010 65.600 National Bank ot Alamance J. L. Scott, Jr, ••- •• J. H. White·--·--·· Charles A.. Scott ••• W. E. Bason....... 116-182 •!'07 125,000 30,600 837,600 882,060 180,000 163,000 Pop, 2366 521,970 1Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Merch. - - - - - 66-181 106,300 I Rieb. 150,410 Merch. N .. Raleie-h: Plan. N., Rich. 5,630 Han. N.. N. Y.; 80,100 forrh. N., Rieb. and Raleigh, ~ I GranlteFalls-Oatdwell OS Bank or Granite·-·---·-·is•Oft J. W. Hoke-·---· O. J. Corpening··- R. R. Bouck---···· ------··---·Pop. 1101 66-363 I ; I ;, • I " • • ,, ' ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I : • II • ~· II ,i • • ,. f t I•. 8,000 It : II m.600 233,740 N. Park, '. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; 1st.· .. s» Durham. ::S C 48,000 Am.N .. Rich.; lstN., llickory, Lenoir and 1st N., Leuoir. r, C · Bk. 30,U0teo. N., Salisbury; Com'l N., Wash., D. C. I LARGEST BANK IN WE COLLECT DIRECT AND THE CAROLINAS SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS It • f- : ~ • " ; : , - ', • • , .... •· . : t , t ~ ' I J s» of,?:-, 1029 Number under Nawe of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. euluslvely by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. I Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), LawJ·er, Laws (indexed) in back of this c...i vol:1me. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ d . NORTH_ CAROLINA - C00 t 10 Ue ___ I I I- REsouR_cEs.L_IABILITIES. .· Alrn 01:· BA:K. Tow:-. A.·n Cou:TY. Ass'TCA.SHIER. PAID-UP 1suARNDPLUS DEPOS- Loil■ lkDl.8- c ...B.tExCASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDE.'IT. •~lem ..\.m.Bk-;.A ~n. • .. tate •County Seats. 0: ~ c~, : ITS CAPITAL PROFITS :n,lem. State Bk.. Assn. tPriv Entire ~tate in • . o. 5 ~~der<1l Reserve Di trict. ♦Me~. F~~e~___l!;~~ ,- - - ~ = - - - - - - - - -·----,=--::=--=-==-:-==----=--=--===-==-==-=-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •Greens~~~~i~~~{ord B6 * AMERICAN EXCH, R. 6. VAIQHII------ -------------··-···· F. C. BOYLES ...... ~~~·~:~,i~tfN~~;~ w. P. Hutton. CashUr) Special .-ates and Special attention BIii of Lading d.-afts. •t'07 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8&-55 •~§'20 1 Farmers & :u echanics B1nk J.P. Sanders ••••.. S. A. Caveness •••• 1J. B. Pleasants, Temp. Sec, and Tr. 1 *GREENSBORO -- ----- ...._. - --- --- --- ,M. C. Jackson .••.. Phil. N., Plill.; 1st N., St. L. l /z - -i- - 0 414,310 N. Park, N. City, and Blas. Tr. Co., N. Y. ~ 250,000 2,18'l,5ZO 3,800,480 1,000,000 SEND US YOUR "GREENSBORO" ITEM DIRECT. Collections, Bill or Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Given Prompt Attention. & Tr. Co ••• 66-741-••••..• §'21 :§ - - - - to s1MPSON .••••• JOHN w. SIMPSON, •••••••. r. P. and Cash . J.E. LATHAM &. TRUST CO. 66-60 given ·1uuus w. coNE •••• WM. ATLANTIC BANK ::: $ 400,000 $ 202,410 5,400,050 5.879,440 1,122,642 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; (Branch at So. Grunsboro. NATIONAL BANK --- t-i, --- --- :I: ~ (") 100,000 -----·-· ----··-· > 0~ - -, -- - - -- W. M. RIDENHOUR, J. W. FRY .......... W. E. ALLEN ....... W. E. ALLEI, Sec. and A. Tr. V. P. and Tr. R. 0. DOUGLAS 81.740 3,160,140 3,438.310 578,870 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Merch. r4 200 000 - • N., Bait.; ~m. N., Plan. N., and Merch. Special attention given to draft• with bills of I ad Ing_.:.,_ Z N., Rich.; -Uh t. N., PhiJ. Nol"th Carolina Item• handled dl.-ect and attached. .-emittance• made on day they are collected. LOAN &. TR. CO. > 88-54 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *GREENSBORO txJ E.P. WHARTON ..... IEIL ELLIIGTOI, A.H. ALDERMAI ... WALDO PORTER .. NATIONAL BANK •:, 78 Ch. of Bel. aml V.-P. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. QUICK RETURNS. WW RATES. 412,000;Atlantlc N. and N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.;'I 150,000 2,236,000 2,301,130 100,000 - ~- -- ·------------ - - -~- ii-Textile Bank •.•• ·--··· U-12 J. W. Cone•••••• -- J. J. Phoenix •.••.. ,J. H. Oole ·-···-- · · · · - - · - - - -· 8&-68 85,640 25,000 493,700 442,040 , I . d Chem.N.,N .Y. ; M erch.N.,R1ch. .. 162, I Grcen:,boro Clearini? Hou e. Neil Elling-ton ••••• (Member indicated 1Jy a *) FARMERS BANK .... _... tl'13 66-536 GREENVILLE 8KG &. TRUST CO. 1 ---··········· ;A.H. Alderman, ec. 25,000 10,330 631,290 J. H. WALDROP..... E.G. FLANAGAN •• W. E. PROCTOR··--- W. ff. WOOLARD, V. P. and Cashier A. J. MOORE E. 8. HIGGS 100,000 50,000 850,000 1,150,000 231,420 N. City, N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; N. Bk. Oom., Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. and Tr. Co., Wins- 0 ,... ton.Salem. 200,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Norfolk; Branch o Bkg. & Tr. Co., Wilson. g: {SEND US Y OUR GREEN VILLE ITEM S DIRECT. I Grifton •. -· -· •••• Pitt DU BanJt of Grifton .•••..•• it·o7 L. J. Chapman.·-·· W.W. Dawson .... G. T. Gardner •••••• R. Coward .•••••.•• 6&-365 Pop. 375 Grimesland ••••. Pitt D 11 Bank of Grimesland •.•. t5'15 J.C. Galloway •••• W. E. Proctor .•••. J. H. Brooks •••••• F. W. Jones .•.•••• 66-570 P op. 463 n. 8 _.. 340,860 N. City, N. Y.: Norfolk N., Norfolk. 4,770 244.460 272,920 35,210 Greenville Bkg. & Tr. Oo., Greenville; 1st N.. Rich.; N. Bk. of Kinston, Kinston. I 24.600 1 2,500 200,000 165,710 50,000 1st N., Rich. and Wash. ; Greenville Bkg. e Tr. Co. , Greenville. I 1 10,000 , 11,200 115,000 142,000 22,500 Han. N., N. Y. ; Citiz. N .. Gastonia. 15,000 16,000 150,000 175,000 33,500 Mech. & Metals ., N. Y. : Citiz. N., Raleie-h: Oitiz .. Norfolk. Citizens Bank .•.. · -··· t5'18 J. H. Norman, Jr .. C.R. Emry .....•.• C.H. Hale _ _ _ ••••••..••.••••••••. J. S. Hedg-epath 66-62-l 7,900 IJamiltOD----·Martin 011 Bank of Hamilton ••••.• tf'07 R. W.Salsbury •••• B. L.Lonr .·-··-·· F. L. Haislip ...•.•• - - - - - - · · i 66-368 Pop. 474 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 10,000 WINSTON .SALEM, 7,000] I 18,000 16,350 1 70.000 !Ol,5001 N C■ ■ -'° 7,200 lierch. N. and Com'! N., Raleigh; Wachovia I Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Petersburi? I Sav. &Tr. Co .. Petershurg. 0 20,:jOO,Am. N., Rich.: Far. & Me rch .. Williamston. ~ I THE LARGEST BANK IN TH[ CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT . - .0... ::s ! 43,900 1 Elli ·-···-··· ···-··--·-···· Grover-- -·- Cleveland D 2 Bank of Grover-....... U'07 D. J. Keeter ••••••• C. A. Mullinax .••.. J. 66-368 P op. 296 F. Coppedl?e --· •Hali!ax.-• • Halifax B 10 Bank of Halifax .•••...... l'OG N. L. Stedman ••••• S. M. Gary····- F. H. Grerory ••.•• 66-367 Pop. 299 w. g C" ~ 405,290 R.R. Fleming- •••. B. T. Cox ••••...••• ,P. L. Clodfelte1 ·- R. B. Starr··-- 8&--153 Q ri rn I · · · - - · - - - · - · · - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - •mu Special att ention given Bill of Ladin g drafts, Cash and Time Items • 63,010 1,153,690 1.160,920 Nat. Bank of Greenville •i•oe J. L. Little .•...••• F. G. James ...... F. J. Jl'orbes ··----· · - - - - · - - - 100,000 8&-152 z>X N., Wash., D. C.; Merch. N., Bait.; C1J Am. N., Rich.; 1st N., Portsmouth, Va. - - - ---- - . •Greenville ••••• Pitt C 11 Pop. 5772 i:: ~ _ _____________ _ $ $ ' $ PRIXCIPAL CORRESPONDE::-.Ts. ~----~· ----• - 1030 Kamber under Name or Bank ia the New TramH Number ,iven lo each bank-in U. 8. es:clualYelf by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlree&ory, under the authority of The Am~.!•~~Ba~ers_!ss'n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this _ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ NORTH CAROLINA-Continued I TOWN AND COUNTY. i NA.ME OF BANK, LIABILITIES, ' RESOURCES, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, O •OOllnb' Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ISuRPLUs Entire State in o. 5 iMem. State Bks. Assn. iPriv. PRF8IDENT, VICJt.-PR.FsIDENT. CASHIER. Ass'T CA.SHIER. I PilD-uP. AND DEPOS- 1 ll'ederalReserveDistrict. ♦M~m_._Fed_ ._R~~·-· [Es~b. _ _ _ _ _- - : : - l · - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - i -·------l-CAP_IT_.A._L _PB_o_J.P_IT_s _IT_8_ _ _~ __ rao_•_&m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 I'""c~~-i:.~~; .::.~·a:..~ 1 BAH OF HAMLET ----•il'02 Hamlet ___ Rfchmond E 8 Pop. 3659 sg.:.:369 T.11. ROSE------- S. 0. BAUERSFELD--- DAVID EASTERLING-- W. K. McNEILL------DAVID EASTERLING J.C. McDONALD ColleeUons a sp eelalty-prompt s enlee-low rates. i 11 $ 35,000 $ 20,000 $ 500,000 $ 450,000 $ 100,000 Mech, & Met:als N .. N. Y.: Merc7:t. N., Bait.: ' Am. N., Rich.; Merch. N., Raleigh. 200,000 240,000 E. N. RHODES----- - - - - - - NOAH H. JENERETTE MISS S. L. KOONS--FIRST NAT• BANK SEND US Y OUR HAMLE T ITEMS DI RECT. { •!'16 Special att ention given Bill of Ladin g drafts, Ca sh an d Tim e lte ms. 25,000 8,000 75,000 45,000 625,000 630,000 8,255 -------- 8,580 10,840 50,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Am, Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Com'l N., \Vash., D, C. Z 66-584 Page Trust ~ 6 i0 580 ------•il'l6 J, R, Page ____ H, .A. ~8--------- c. H. Morrow ______ E. H. Mahone ____ _ HarmonJ.---- edell C 4 Harmony Banking & Tr. Co. F. B. Gaither______ P. C. Jurney _______ L. R. Harkey______ ___________________ op. 5 66-721 §'20 65,000 N. Park. N. Y.; March. N .. Rich,; Com'l N., Raleigh. 2,950 Merch. & Far., Statesville. ~ "i :J: 0 > Harrellsvpille __ ., HertBford Bank of Harrellsville ___ u·12 J. A. Powell ___ H. o. Sharp ________ E. D. Callis________ ________________ op. 1o 1 86-525 W. A. Perry 12 10,450 10,450 94 330 112,800 Haw Ri;~P~~rce O 7 Bank of 10,000 4,220 46,480 53,720 10,990 Merch. N., Bait.: 1st N., Durham. 5,000 4,000 110,500 72,840 41,600 N. Park:, N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr, Co .. Asheville; 1st N., Rich. :z! > Bemp ___p_____ -Moore D 6 Bank of Hemp ________ t§'l9 ------------- _________________ _____ (Branch of Bank of Pineh urst, Pin ehurst, N • C.) - - N. Park, N. Y.; Old Dominion Tr. Co., Rich,; 2 op. 50 86--680 -------,---------------------I Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. nd •He erp~~:-sJtnce B 9 H. BRODIE----- ~-!-'\QRBIJJ------- R. C. GARY-------- N. WESTER------ - - - - - - - - - - > Ha:&!lt4er _____ il'll S. A. Vest _ _ _ J. W. Johnston ____ J, A. Lon2'--------- ___________________ Hayesville _____ QI~ HS IClay OountyBank _______ U'lO J. A. Chaml>ers Pop. 257 66-370 ---- I s• E . Hoased G H Hai·a1er p c Scr"aas "' ----- . . • ------ . ' "'•• ------ CAROLINA BANK {J. & TRUST COMPANY 66--653 •!§'10 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY GH4l •U•sg w. SEND US y c:U.iRA\,\E~DE RSON ITEM S DIRECT. 16,250 N. Bk. Com .. Norfolk: Bk. of .Ahoskie, Ahoskie: Am. Bk. & Tr. C'l,, Suffolk. ~ . ~~~~~ Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. _ _ _ ___ 500,080 ___ ___ ___ We l"emlt dll"eot fol" Hendel"aon item• at l"eaaonabl• l"atea. - THE LEADING BANK OF THIS SECTION. FARMERS & MERCHANTS Jno. D. Cooper ____ W. B. Daniel------ R. B.Orowder _____ R Y. Mc.Aden. __ _ BANK----156-508 ------•:1•12 B. Crowder Firs\ National Bank _____ e:•05 S. T. Peace ________ H. Henry Perry _____ F. B. Robards_____ __________________ _ 86-1'2 100.000 1,500,000 1,100,000 - - - - l:O ~ <\~!t~m & Phenix N,, N. Y.; Merch. N., C/J ---------------------------1--- --- --- --- --J.B. OWEll---------1. C. ZOLLICOFFER-W. A. HUIIT---------A. H. CHEEK------- ~ ~ I» 9 600,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., PhD.; City N., [ Bait. 0 .... --- --- --- --- --250,000 57,650 934,210 1,565,750 158,340 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N. and Am. N., Rich. 100,000 50,000 1,500,000 1,050,000 625,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; lstN., Rich. ti= g ~ ... Cl) 0 •Hendersonville __ Bend. Pop. 3720 H 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 88--17' E.W. EWBANK ----- C. E. BROOKS-------- W. A. YOUNG--------- E. H. DAVIS---------50,000 35,000 970,000 8ZO,OOO 315,000 N. Bk. Com •• N. Y .; N. Stat-, & Clt,,Bleh. ~ B.JACKS0lt - - - - .... n special attentl on := JCollections give I and remitted for on day or p &Jlllent. l We answer all Inquiries. TBY US. B 1031 llf..._ and• Name or Bank ia the New TralUI& Number dven &o each but in U.S. excluatfeq by The Band-McNally Banken' Dlreeto"._J', an~er the authority of The American Bankers'n. -- ----- TOWN AND OOUNTY. NAME 011' BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in To. 5 iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv l.l'ederal Reserve District. • Mem. Fed. Res. l Estab PRESIDENT, - ;.,. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldq Point (Indexed Acces.), LaW)'ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._. vo!~e. For Inter~st_ Rates,_ Holidays, e~c., see Laws. ~ • d NORTH CAROLINA- COll t 1~'-!_~ __ ----- ~ I CASHIJCR, VICE-PRESIDENT. PRIN~PAi CoRRisPoNDENTs, _ _ _L _ 1_A ·_B_I_LI_T_JE..c...s_._-_ :,:-~~R_E_s_o_u_R_CE_s_._ , AsST. CASHIER, PAID-UP l::»°URPLUB AND C APITA.L PROJ'ITB DEPOS- ; Lou,"' D18· c...B & El<BoNt>l!I, CB.AMGH,DU. .., C'T8. ~ 8110oarna : nox B.u,u .... I ;;- Henrietta ___ Rutherford <See Ai,ondale) Pop.1856 D2 •'Hertford __ Perquimans Pop, 1704 B 11 FARMERS lllll &TRUST CO• •:tl'l6 116-581 i" . ------ ----- ---- $ ---g uslnes eCdoSTOKES--a General Cub Hems and collections recel't' e Immediate a&te ntlon. We remH prom ptly and at low ratea. TaY 08. ~MILH----- H. C. SILLIHN-- ! Hertford Bankini 00---•*1'01 T. S. White ___ ---- Geo. E. Major __ L. W. Norman _____ J. L. Tucker _______ j 1111-372 L. F. Abernethy ___ w. R. Weaver _____ ' J. F. Abernethy J'irst National BanJt ----•-t·e2 J. D. Blliou ________ K. C. Menzies ____ K. O. Menzies _____ J. L. Oille1 --- ---1111-111! First Security Trust Co.t§'l9 J. D. Elliott------ K. o. Menzies • ____ E. N. Carr, Tr._ J. L. Cilley, Sec. __ c. H. Geitner 66--Ml Hiddenite_Alexander OS Bank of Hiddenite-----•1'13 R, A. Thompson __ T. JI'. Murdock ___ J. R. Thomas ______ --------------Pop. aoo 66-5&3 Hickory _____ Oatawbl OS Pop. 5076 0rd 8 . Hiflh Pofo~--~~\ O COISOLIDATED TRUST CO in 7 66-163 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK ~· •i·e1 66-tG W. B. Councill ___ l J. ELWOOD COX ~• is·os !: I: 1111,1s---- V. A. J. IDOL------ &-• I·• r,111111ER-T ED ------------- B. L. Rlean---- ---- ------------- T. F. Wrenn ______ II. s. R~an _______ WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY H-t7 2,500 $ 200,000 $ 140,000 $ 60,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Norfolk . 25,000 i 50,000 429,910 446,7,J 60,000 20,150 350,000 385,970 200,000 :I: 50,000 6,420 123,800 146,300 . 5,500 1,900 146,300 ll3,200 1 500,000 - 94,640 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; 2 0 I Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. ~ 42,940 l' Han. N:•• N. Y.: N. State ~ City, Rich.: W~ ~ chov1a Bk. & Tr. Co., Wmston-Salem; Am. Tr., Charlotte. 278,980 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N,, Rich.; Merch, N., Bait. ~ 95,100 1,917,930 2,085,044 - Seab. N., . ~ 33,P20 •1 t N ., Rich. and Hickory. I . . 39,450 Hamman N., N. Y.: Cent. N., Rich.: Merch. & Far .. Statesville. B. H. Hed£ecock ___ ---------- ---------- 25,000 26,000 480,130 354,630 30,000 10,000 550.000 446,000 161,780 65,700 Han. N .. N. Y.; Raleigh, I • 1,, u ;, I . ... .,., . ' {Penonal attent Ion stven to all C olleetlons on Big h Point. •tl'ot 25,000 10,000 325,000 280,000 86,000 Fidelity, Durham. 15,000 300,000 260.000 40,000 N. Ex., Bait.: 1st N., Durham. 6,150 161,700 190,430 iflm'; Farmers & Merchants BanIf J. R. Kenion ___ W.R. Roberts _____ 116-554 l'l ;) W.H. Walker s. A. Johnson _____ Hobbsville---- Gates B 12 Bank of Hobbsville_ 9*1'1l C. B. HathaWV- E. A. Rountree ____ w. M. Hollowell._ E. A. Rountree --- 21,100 Hobgood ----Balifu B 10 Bank of Hebrood----*1'10 B. F. Shelton _ _ L. J. Baker ______ A.G. Bowden _____ Pop. 166 H-175 6 A. B. Schlichter __ W, T. Davis ______ o. M. Schlichter __ Hollister ____ HalifaxB 10 Bank of Hollister Pop, 400 66-59' ---------------·---- --- --- 5,000 5,000 48,960 45,620 12,500 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 10,000 2,500 105,500 66,900 44,200 N, Park. N, Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; 1st N., Rocky Mount. 5,000 2,500 140,000 ll0,000 40,000 Merch. N., Rale~h; Plan. N., Rich. 15,000 18,000 185,000 194,000 20,000 IHan. N., N. Y.: Norfolk N .. Norfolk; N. Bk. •s1, -----•*l'l Luna Compton ---- Holly Springs_ Wake O I Bank of Ho)J7 81>riDP-•il'l0 H. W. Norris ___ B. W. But ____ W. A. Secravea __ Miss Lillie M. WeiPop. 333 •&1& Ions Hook9rton •••Greene D 10 Bank of Hookerton -----tl'l0 H. 0. Bridcen-- W. F. Taylor ____ R. A. Mccauley ____ Mrs. R. A. McCaupop. 294 l&-377 Iey A. H. Johnson ...... Hot Springs_ltfadison G, 01Uzen1 BanJt ______ if'05 pop. 495 11-178 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ 551,030 3,703,300 4,943,000 1.082,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Mercb. N., Bait.; 1st N., ► Rieb.; Cltlz. & Soutbem, Atl • W. C. IDOL------- G. A. POLLOCK------ (BrOAICh :aitl-sboro ____ oranre B 7 Bank of Orange-------•*1'04 J. 8. SplllffOD-- J. C, Webb ______ P.O. Collins _____ Pop. 1180 M-178 Pop. 200 ~ !:::I Send us you r collections on North Ca rolina. Direct Rout ing of Items a Specialty. Hiih Point Sav. & Tr. Oo. 1'06 J. Elwood Oo:a: ___ Home Banking Company o. L. Mosteller_ 25,000 $ ~ 10,000 1 --- -------- (Bronch. l I t 111.,11 II of Kffiston, Kinston; 1st N., Rich. t :, 5: C.) _______ Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., A heville. ,.. ,._ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indeed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ . . . Name of •Dk la the •• Tnllllt Nam• dven eaoh bank In U. 8. exclml ely by The Rand-MeNallJ Dlreet.or,, under the authority ..?L.!!1e American TOW'lf A.ND O0UNTY, Bau..• NORTH CAROLINA- C on t•tnue d Bankers Au'n. NA.llll1C OP BANK. D VICE-P PU:SI O •.Mem . .Am. Bks. Assn.18ta1e •Ooaa17 Seats. O.A.BRIO. .B.UID T, T. D Entire State in No.5 Urlem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ~.Mero. Fed,..:..·•;__~[E;::.,s:::..:·ta=b.;, ________ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hunter ville,Keckl'nb're Bank of Huntersville ---H'08 66-379 D 41 Pop. 833 Farmer Bank & Tru t Co. " " §'20 66-738 •Jackson_.Northampton Bank of Northampton -•it•04 66-380 B 11 Pop. 5i9 Jack on Springs-- Moore Bank of Jackson Springs §'20 , _ 66-705 D 6t P(?P, 200 •Jack1onville_OnslowEll BankofOnslow __ ·····-•:10.J 66-286 Pop. 6,6 Jame vi11e_.lhrtiD O 12 Bank of Jamesville •• _. •U'll 66-481 Pop. 389 A , SST J RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. ..:::.,::;;n::.::u;..;:;-:.=0:..:._...=.,'-.,.-. 1 i-P---=c.csu=-s=P"'-'Lu=e=:...---ii-1.o-.-= D ■POS- c'n. Bono, cnuna,Dn' AND AID-UP 0 A.BJIIJ:.B., o_u_IT_"-_L , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ M. C. Hunter ______ W. J. Ranson----- H.J. _fcCorkJe ____ ---------------····- $ J. W. Monteith J. W. Auten, Jr, ___ . Troy Peter ---··-- Troy Peters, Tr. __ ·-·----·---··-----w. c. McAuley II. W. Lewis_. _____ E. S. Bowers-•• ·-·· W. B. Pugh ________ W. C. Lassiter..... __ _____&JrU ___lboolf_...,,. _n _P_s_o_:ri_T_e _ 1 ~ PRINCIPAL O0.B.RJ:SPONDENTS, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 10,00!' $ 10,000 $ 85,300 $ 02,480 $ 10.740 Han. N., N. Y.; Com'l N., Oharloite. 15,000 150 32,580 17.060 5,000 25,400 200,000 240,000 29,3 0 Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 1 22,540 750 -------·· 15,000 E. J. WoodleY-·-·- A. A. McDonald ___ J. T. Ellis------··-- --··-·--·-·-----···. J.E. Jordan J. W.Burt.on. _____ F. W. Har1arett,Sr._ G.H. Bender·-··-· R.C. Warlick_._.. \Y. D. abiston J.E. Smithwick __ L. W. Mizelle ••••• J. D. Lllley.-····-· F. M. Senton_.____ R. O. Martin 30,000 Seab. N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Oom., Norfolk, Va.; Va. 1 N .. Petersburg, Va.;N,Bk. of Sutfolk, Suffolk. ., 5,320,Com'l N., High Point; Plan. N., Hich. ~ 0 110,000 1 llan. N .. N. Y.; MarchisonN.and Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Peo., ewbern. 5,690 Meech. N .. Raleigh: Branch Bkg. & Tr. Co., 5,010 156,420 177,380 10,000 Wibon; Wachovia Bk. & Tr., Co.,Winston1 Salem. . _ _ , • , N., Rich.; Bk. of No. Wilkesboro, North1st. fa0,000 34a,000 420,000 33,000 25,000 •Jeffer on •••••• Ashe BS Bank of Ashe •••·-----·•:S 03 W. H. Worth---··· T. K. Miller_ ••••• \V. E. Johnson--· Jos. Worth···-·-wilkesboro. 66-298 Pop. 106 Jone boro ___ • ___ Lee D 7 Banking Loan&TrustOo.•1'12 ---·-··-·-··------· - - - - · - - - I. P. Lasater.·--·- ·----------·---·--- (Brameh of Santo rd,N.O.) _ _ _ , _ _ _ N. Park, N. T.; Plan. N., Rich.; Verch. N .. Raleigh, ' 68-{i07 Pop, 886 45,000 10,000 500,000 400,000 :;o J ., tJ:: I Kannapolis.Oabarros D 4 Pop. 5000 Kclford _____ .Bertie B 11 Pop. :m •Kenansville_Duplin E 10 Pop. 30~ Kenly •••••• Johnston 09 Pop. 27 CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK 1-···------·--·-··-- -·--·----------·--- -·---·---·-·-· H. .A., ScotL--·-·· (Branch ofConco rd,N.o.) _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1'97 66-882 20.000 4,500 100,000 1 73,000 7,000 Bank of Kelford-----1'12 IW. P. HarrelL. ___ lJ . E. Lyhr_ ____ • ___ J, U. Norfleet. •••• ·--··-----------· , 66-518 10,000 ------·- ·-------- _________ ··------Bank of Kenansville •• __ §·19 ,John A. Gavin, Jr. G. O. Baisseau--·-· R.H. Cuddington •• - - - - · - - · 66 643 18,540 4,880 176,090 186,700 10,000 Dank of Kenly --··-·---*1'06 G. W. Watson _____ J. H. KirbY-·-·---· J, B. KirbY-·--· W. H. Pittman·-·· J. T. Revell 66-383 Farmers Bank---•W17 66-617 Kerner~vflle.Forsyth B 5 Bank of Kernersville.--.H'03 66-248 Pop. 1210 King ____ ··-·-·Stokes B 5 Bank of King·---··--·-•Wl4 66-549 Pop, 300 Ii'..mncr' •·. )lerchaut llank '20 66 720 H. F. Edgerton •••• P. Godwin._ •• ---·- J. :M. Woolard. Jr. W. L. Ethridge .•• _ 15,000 4,330 W. B. MendenhalL Geo. V. B'alP-·--··· Geor~e V. Fulp •••• --·------·-- ---- •••• 7,500 20,500 ~ . W. Pulliam_ •••• T . . Petree-----·- Ola Slate··--····-J. W. Neal ·····---···-·····-·· J. T. mith. _______ J. L. Chri!-tian ___ . W. E. llartman, Sec, and Tr. J. R. Bowen ll.400 5,000 V. T. Grabs---···· 550,000 l 460.000 130,000 180,000 10,000 ·-------- ·--·--·-- --------· 100,000 30,000 400,000 460,000 People· Loan Tru t Co. •t§"08 J. O. Plonk ----· O. G. Falls----·-, M. E. Herndon ·--- P. D. Herndon __ •• I 66-202 50,000 12,500 350,000 395,000: •Kin to1P1 ._p__ .l/Le ooir D 11 0 771 CASWELL BANK'G {W. 0. LA ROQUE -- E. V. WEBB-·--·---- T. W. HEATH--·····- ·-···--····-·-·····-, & TRUST co. 35,350 50,000 1 Collections, Bil I of Lading draft , and all bu ·lne s receive careful attentlo n. I 'end them dlr ct for prompt 'ervlce." FIRST NATIONAL {D. F. WOOTEN··-- HENRY TULL····--·· w. B. HARVEY-·-·-- J. J. BIZZELL.---··BANK 100,000 44,100 H. H. TAYLOR·-·-- J.E. HOOD---·-···· J. A. BIZZELL--·-·- NATIONAL BANK { OF Kl NSTON •i•97 I Holloway, Murphy & Co,.t'07 T. B. Holloway ___ ,J. H. Jones-····--- J, G. Banton. ___ • __ -----------·-------O. H. Bynam I 66-lOG 1 AC\\O'l\At\ BANK t\ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O ~ TRUST . ~ C: ::, & 850.780 1.017,970 1 91.140 Mech. & Metal _N .. N; Y.; N. Sta~e & City and Plan. N., Rich.; Norfolk N,, Norfolk. 0 2,580 N. Park, N. Y.; N. State & OitJ'. , Rich. . 826,330 592,680 1 250,000 s· ~ • en Ig .,. H~:. Iaie~gh~-: N. State & 01ty, Rich.; Com 1 °;4 100.000 140.040 2.505.790 / 1.779.040 1,000.180 Nlo~ra~~-· N. Y.; 1st N .• Rich.; Torfolk ... · .• g SI> . I ~ 1 - I co wINSTON- sALEM I ~ I w. 8. DEBNAM --··--l 1 n (J'J ~ CD 150,000 1,400,080, 1,300,000 The Otd . t and Large.• ·t ational Bank In tbl · ·ect Ion. end all your I 1 buslnes~ dired. Colleetlon.·, nm or Lading drafts and all matter· g hen prompt atte , ntlon. 66-105 z...,. 75,000 Am. Tr .. Co .. Charlotte; pitiz. N. and 1st ;. ., Gastoma; Merch. N .. Rich. I •tlll0O > ti, > i I • 44.900 SEND U YOU R "KIN 'TON" I TEMS DffiECT. Collection·, Blll of Lading drafts, Ca ·b and Time I terns remitted for on day of p ayment. \II " I\ - ,-, ~ .. 1 •t§'l7 66-110 Farmers & Mi rchan\s Bank 0. II'. Harvey··---· Geo. West _ _ _ L. J. Mewborne -· ·---·-··-··-·····--•tl'09 66-108 66-1117 ~ Han. N., N. Y.; M rcb. N., Bait. Han. N .. N. Y.; Seab. N., Norfolk. 60,000 N. Park, N. T.; Merch. & Far. N .• Charlotte:! I en Citiz. N ., Ga. tonia. W. A. Mauney •• _._ J. S. Mauney. _____ R. L. Maun6J'.--·- W. H • .Mclnnis--·KingsMoontain,Oleveland FIRST NATIONAL BANK •U900 66-201 D2 Pop, 2 00 . rv Chatham.,. Phenix N., N. Y.: Am .. Bk. & Tr. Co., \Vil. Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Merch. 1r., Raleieh: ·.Bk.Com .. Norfolk: Branch Rkg. , • & Tr. Co.,_ WiL(?n. 19,410 1,Plan. .. Rich.; , Bk. Com.. orfolk, com I N .. Raleigh. 100,000 ... •. City, K. Y.; Mcrch. N., Bait.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 57,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Oo .. Winston-Salem; Am. N., Rich. ·-----· , 160,370 102,100 0 ~ I \0 8,460 N. C. 950 62,000 , 1 32,500 27,500 Far. & Merch. anti Caswt•ll Bkf!. & Tr. Co., t-.:i ' Kinston. LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND - SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS • on-Bank 'I'owns with . umb<'r under amt• of nank ii, the ~e"· 1ran ·it Nunth<'r ginicl to ca<'h hank In l'. ::-. exelush·efy b.\ The Rand-Uc. ·any Hankers' ~lreetory, under the authorit}· of T e Ameriean Bankers Ass'n. 1033 NAME OF 'l<J\L' A~·u COC.:\TY. 1 Fc~ll{~se_!YCDistrict ♦ llem. Fe~Hes. •~ ··I FARMERS BANK I Gcan~op:-,l,",:•i• D & THUS 66-260 CO. SU - LI-1.Brr.1T1E:,. su:;;usl APTTALI~ ~ I i 12,000 t!acoamu 1 900 $ 71,380 I ~~~:..i~-. ~ ~ Pm .· crp,r. CoHRE:,;P<J · or.:. 1,- RE:,OURCE::;. DEPOS- ~~~-:,~;:: ~?ID-UP !--···------------- J. H. Hester ______ G. C. Purkerson ___ GUY DAWSON ---- ,: I U-14 .\_,,,-·T C.u;HIER. ------I --~-~ _ _ __ -~ §•rnlD. B. Harrison ____ ( l 1m:n VwE-PHL. IIH. T. l'm;,-mL ·r . lE~tab, Knightdale---- Wake C 11\ Bank of Knightdale ______ La ----1 B.-L 'K. Rn:i\~ ~~~t c..:~~~;()_ ::i. isI~~:¢~i~:&k/t~~.\iI:i~~ • on-Bank 'J•o,n1s with ,. earest Ban.king J>otnt (Indexed ,,\('f'f',;), Lawyer·, Laws (indexed2 in baek of thi. ~ - - - volume. _F,~ Intere. t Rates, lt~li~Js, _etc., ::;<-e Laws. ::, NORTH CAROLINA-Continued __ ~~~ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ '< _ ~ 76,270 1$ 11,430 Com'l N., Raleigh; N. State & City, Rich. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H~••~•. ~:. ii,t:t'i':;,:"N~'ii~~~ wu., · - ~.'Vld'd"------ SAMUEL ABBOTT-- E. R. BURKE------- ~ - We handle y l our collection s promptly and at reas onable rates. 1 Rouse Banking Co, ____ t§lOOO IN. J. Rouse ________ C. P. Barrow ______ T. R. Rouse _______ J.P. Joyner ______ _ 11,460 572,000 1 300,000 I 315,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Wayne N., Go~dsbor_o; N. Bk. 23,000 Com .. Norfolk; N. State & 01ty, Rich. 66-260 Laudis _______ Rowan O 4 M.erch. & Farmers BankU'll B. 0. Edwards _____ J.P. Linn--------- D. C. Linn ____________________________ _ 110,000IConcord N .. Concord; Girard ... Phil. 215.000 118,000 5,000 10,000 116-484 Pop. 972 Lansing ________ Ashe A 3 Bank of Lansing ________ •§'16 Ambrose Clark ---- J. W. Graybeal---- E. H. Higginbotham __________ _ 10,000 ·- - - - - - - - - - - - 66-582 Pop. 175 3,040 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co .. ·u:trolk. Lasker Northampton BU Bank of La ker _________ ~§'18 J. W. Wheeler---- J. J. ParkPr ------- G. H. Joyner _________________________ _ 3U,860 27,840 300 8.080 66-630 Pop. 196 N. Bk. Com., .T. Y. _____ C.) S. Cit11 st Fore of (Branch _______ Wilson B. 0. --------------------------------------------------------Co. Trust Bank& Farmers 2 Lattimore_Cleveland D ' !§'15 66-575 Pop. 262 _________________________ ~[urchi .. on .·., \Yil.; .Merch .• T.. Rich. 30,000 La urel Hill Seo• land E Ii Bank of Laurel Hill _____ §'20 Z. Y. Pate _ _ _ .T. D. :\fcDonald ___ R. M. Calhoun_____ ____________________ --A. ?ilc.·eill, Jr. 66-742 Pop. 300 Anl!US Blue L aurinburg _8cotland E 7 First National Bank ----•*'113 A. L. James _______ W . .l:i. Neal _______ T. J. Gill __________ ·--- ____ __ __ _______ _ 270,000 130,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; .,.'. tate & City, Hich. 25,000 325,000 32,000 66-190Sav .Bk.U'04 A. L. James _____ 'l'. J. Gill __________ Hinton JamM _____ L. S. Everett.. ___ _ 2643 Pop 24-1,500 1st N., Laurinburg. Scotland County " ____, ____ " 474,000 689,000 10,000 20,000 . 66-191 " ________ " I I f HE {JAMES A. JONES •• J. L. McNAIR------- W. H. COOPER------ J T. MYERS-------- STATE BANK 611-1112 •tl'07 "Send l!.· Your Laurinburg Items dlre<'t." Colleetlons, Bil I of Lading draft s, Cash and Tim e Items r('mitted for on day of p layment. " Pop. 1606 ________ " ________ " B6 118-250 19,000 300,000 150,100 53,000 3,3-10 238,980 237,440 I ____________________ 10,000 ' 8,340 A G FOARD------- 75,000 Boulevard Bank & Trust Co. P.H. Gwynn ______ M. L. Heiner _______ H. C. Pace_________ ____________________ , •t§'14 66-561 Peoples Banf.. ___ ________ if'08 S. L. Martin _______ R. L. Moir _______ A. E. Millner ______ --------------- , 251 uv________ e§'20 Theo. Fountain ___ LeggetLE<.lgecombe C 10 Bank of Leggett 66-:720 l ' op. 500 (Tarboro P. 0.) , Farmers Baitf~ & Trustr " ____ ____ " c. fo -----------------· _______________________________________ I . Leiceste r __ BuncombeGS Bank of Le1cester ______ •t§'l7 J. T. Davis _________ B. ,\ Patton _______ L. E. Allman______ 66-614 P o p. 158 ,. i}!!!4:d~~~ 80 3 BANK OF L~!~ 1R ------•*l'H O!'ldwell O L•noir _____ 166 Pop. 3118 uv- J H. BEALL W F HARPER J C SEAGLE • • • • ----- ~n~~:l~~:f~ • • ------- ~;!Oc~~ectlon s • .l . Ilk. Com., i · , Y. ; )ferch. ir., Rich. 6tk; 159,730 WaclJ,oviaBk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem .. 4-1,800 Han ~ .. N, Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. 95.300 ' 1,136,080 1,060,640 243,240. Seab. N .• N. Y.: 1st N .. Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Girard. · ., Phil. 188,400 - • - - - - • .t._- - - - -- -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W.J. LENOIR------=--c:ii.110PKINS-----E. F. ALLEN~------- L. F. STINE-------,~ L. A. DYSART On collections we give personal service. Prompt returns at low rates. FIRST NAT'L BANK ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THE COUNTY. •i'06 66-167 L<' , i ~on _____ Bertie B 11 Bank of Lewiston ________ f'O!I W. MitcbelL ____ __jJesse Parker--~--1II. IL Pa cha! _____ 118-384 Pop. 2-14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 148,870 100,020 Han.N.,N.Y.:WachoviaBk.&Tr.Oo .. WinstonSalem; Merch. N., Raleigh; 1st · .. rnch. 56,240 Merch. N., Raleigh: .N. State & City, Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 54,940 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Danville, Va.; 4th St. 1-16,830, 111,530 5,250 15,000 Phil. N., N., 13,0lOI N. Y.; .Torfolk X., Norfolk; Ilranch 12,310 Han, 8,-1-10 15,000 _________ L. Fountain ___ Mabel Straughan__ ______________ Bkg. & Tr. Co., Wilson; 1st · r,, 'rarboro .. 1 1 C. D. Dobson ______ (Branch of Tarbor o, N. C.) --------- --------- Iltflch~:°'N~{-rJii/s\~d ~\tc~i!~.cN~r? 30,000 L aksville--Rockingham BankotLeaksville ______ tf'85 D.F.Kine _________ B.F.Ivie _____ G.G.Ivie __________ R.H.Stocks_______ " 211,980 2,105.890 2.209,670 40.000 I t l1 ·· _ij. Modlin______ ~ ~~~ I Ht~m1!i•J.; Ji1h ~ 0 ~ti:te & City, Rich.; _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ l 30,000 15,000 160,000 188,000 35,270 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Windsor, Windsor. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS: - - ~ -s:iRESOURCES, NORTH CAROLINA-Continued g I LIABILITIES. 'U •-em. Am. Bts. Assn. IState Bntire tatein o.5 Ulem.StateBks.Assn.tPrtv. [ Es tab. Bederal Reserve District. • Me m. Fed. Res. PB.DIDDT, VICS-PB.DIDDT. 0.UBID, ASB'TO.UBlll, Pill>-UP !SU ~UB ~--:,,nra- 0• a.rnnu.::· ~!•~ 0 DllPOB- ITS OJ.PIT.AL PBoPxTa •~ c 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - -1- - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -! 6.W IIOUNTCASTLE W. ff. IIEIIDENHALL- C. 0. HUNT----- C. A.:MOUNTCASTLE. t 100,ooo ' s 88,388 S1646330 $1481970 s 347.740 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N .. Rich. .al'.Axlll2t~j~dson05 BK, OF LEXINGTON { Collections, 66-10 lz 50,000 60,520 656,930 636,850 rt.tff.& Tru!\f.8i C. C. Shaw···----- ~:,J~mps. __ J.E. Williams. ____ - - - · - - - - 75,000 21. 780 460,000 444,520 75,140 Mech. & Metals N .. N, Y,; Plan. N., Rich.; Am. 1 Tr. Co., Cbrlotte. 37,500 ,000 275,000 241,500 68,500 iWachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. o G Bank of L1~.r~ ;•-···•it·oa 0 vv-- G. A. Foster ····- J. H, Johnson_ •• __ B. ll. Brower·-··· -----·-·----· Lilesrule._ ...Aaaon E 5 Bank ot Lll~vi~-·-··i1•01 J. J'. Alexander-· B. J. Wall·-···- B. R. Wall .... ___ B. B. Massaeee--·vu-oou Pop. 440 Harnett _o~2 Trust 25,000 225,000 100,000 1 150,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Bk. of Wadec;boro, Wadesboro. B. T. Spear1 .... _. E. A. Davis·--·--- 10,000 11,810 142,970 150,550 21,760 Com'l N., Raleieh;N, State & City, Rich. ~fg -·----··---·-· B. P. Gentry •• ---- W.L. Sutton.~Tr••• ·---·-·--·--·-··-- 21,700 ---·---- 110,960 126,200 12,210 Girard N., Phil.; Merch. N., Rich. and leigh. l CO UN Jy W. E. GIIQG ... _. R. S. IEIIHARDT- HAROLD E. GRIGG- - - - · - - - NATIONAL BANK 18-185 10,000 113,710 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N,, Rich,: 1st N,, Dur~ bm. w. Balford•••-. •LflliDitOn- BarneU D 8 Bank of Lllj~n~OZD-·-··•:l:1'03 D. B. Senter_. ____ • J. vv-,.i, Pop. 693 •Lincolnton_ Lincoln D s Pop. 8!90 ~ CommerciaIS:. tv· Bt•o7 1.W. JlcOral'J' ___ B.1. Bochanan_ James Adderton ••• T. E. Mccrary ••••• 1 Lexi0£ton Liberty_ Bandolph Pop. 030 •*1'98 •t'91 Buslnesa Is sena Hive. U pea' usuaUJ where It Is Invited. 1111d ,ta,a wher e H la wen tr.ate d. TRY 60.000 80,000 - - - 1- · us. 700,000 800,000 G&-186 •:t'03 Planters Ba:l-zii··---·•tl'07 T, J. l(lles ••••• __ w. B. Bowen ..... - K.1. Grant·-·--··· · · - - - · - - - s. Clifton -·-··- 300,0001 360,000 15,000 33,000 20,000 6,100 351,600' 563,390 I 309,J:0 James B. Kine--·· 50,000 25,730 Farmers Tatlonal Bank •i•12 J. JI. A.lien-··---· T. H. Dickens •• -•• H. M. Stovall--··-- ---···------- -----· . 16-511 50,000 14,360 105,530 184,(120 FIRST IATIOlll 8111--•'05 F. 50,000 25,000 900,000 600,000 C. M. Robinson. ___ T. P. Rankin------ ---··-------·-----· Frank Robin on E. Iligh. --·· ·-·- -------- -------J, H. ewsom. ____ 10,000 3,500 10,000 17,500 .J. s. Hodges •• _____ L. E. Covin~on -·· G. \Y. Covington -N. S. Tolar 10,000 2,000 •H'95 r4 i-4 z > 1 · I 436,890 · «1&·222 0 N., N. Y.; 1st N•• Phll. Send us your co Ueetlons, both d rafts and cheeks. Remlttances m adepromptl7onN ew York less 1•10 oft% Charges. Lfttleton ••• _Halllax B 10 Bank of Li\~~n -··-•!1'119 H.F. Bonney ___ • __ M.,. Olson _ _ _ H.F. Bonney··-·- J.M. Jlohorn--·--Pop, 760 FARMERS & MERCH. Bl. s tJ:: 130,000 Seab. N., N. Y. FIRST NAT'L BANK ~o. E. RHYNE--.--·· ~: t c~~!lRsoir·-- M. ff. CLIME--·---·-- M. H. KUHL---·-·-- ~ ~ .!:!!:!! ~ ...!!!.:!!! Han. •Lonisbnrg_ll'ranklio B II Pop, 1954 I - - - - - C. II. THOMPSON . Bl II of Lading Dra fts, Cash and Tl me Items . given prompt attentl on and remitted for on day of pay ment. TRY US. C. P. Harri-<·----·· J. P. Timberlake._ K. w. D. Jackson t"4" 20,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom .. Nor- i= folk, ~ 129,400 N. Park, N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk: Merch, N., ti Raleieh and Rich. ... 65,410 N. Park, N. Y.: Com'l N., Raleieh; Merch. N., ~ 1. 0: Rich. l1Q 8G-223 B. McKinne ·--- W. H. Ruffin •••••• _ F. J. BeasleY--··-· - - - · · - - - T.owel ___ ••. Ga ton D 3 Bank or Lowcll ________ •i '18 . I. Robinson ____ 66,628 Pop. 1151 Lucama __ ·--· Wilson c 9 Lucama Bank _____ :j:§' 16 athan Bass ______ 66-593 Pop. 516 L1lmber Bridl!e-Robeson Bank of Lumber Bridge.t§'19 L. E. Covineton . __ 66- 639 E 7 Pop. 202 I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IS. ----1 I 160,8401 110.820 200.000 195,000 I 192,0001 102,000 53,120 N. Park, N. Y.; Com'l N., Raleieh; Am. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Cc., Win 'tonSalem. t, '-4 SI) 400,000 N. Park, N, Y,; Plan. N., Rich, ::s c:: _61,410 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N,, Gastonia. A> "1 . Bk. Com .. Norfolk; Plan., Wilson; Murrhi- ~ , sonN., Wil. 97,260 Chase N., N. Y.; N. State & C1 , Rich.; N. ' Bk. of Fayetteville, Fayetteville; _turchison N .,.. l N.,Wil. 10,000 Non-Bank dexed Acces. ·tJ . Nearest .Banldns Point <In· Lawyers Laws (Indexed) In back of this ToWDB with '°_ 10,,,5 .;;, f!ve11 N111111Ntr 1111der Name or Bank ia the New 'l'nmH Nam:: 0 ers' &o each bank in u. 8. exeluslvely by Tbe &and-lleNally Dlreetory, under tbe autborlty of The Amerlean Bankers Ass'n. ToWli AND CoUNTT, & County Beau. Kn tire State in No. 5 l!';__;;..er_v_;;.e_D_is_t_ri_ct_. 1 NilllC OP BANK, PR"'alD~T. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState _, ...... :t:Mem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. _♦_M=e-=m:..:...=-F~e.d.:::·-=Rc:..:e:.::.s:......--=--[E:..:..s:.....ta.::..b:.....".i - - - - - - - - i.Lumbert.on.Robeson K 7 Pop. 2691 PR•'"ID""'T vi-....., - · • v ... - o•ann & .a.a, • • PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE..'iTS, L_IA_B_I_LI_T_IES--,--._ _ _ 11 __ R_E_S_O....,.U_R_CES_,_ : ___ Lo••· A D11 c .... A 11:x (SURPLUS D p -s'T C•sm.... EPOSITS AND ..UO-UP _ IT_A_L PROFITS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c_.u1 1 1 1 ag -· C. 8. TOWMSEND •• J. H. POWERS ••••••• R.H. COVIIIGTON-. ··----·-·-- S 17,300 S SEND US y OUR LUMBE RYON ITEM S DIRECT. Prompt personal a ttention given Bill of lading Drafts, Ca sh and Time Items. TRY US. FARMERS Non-Bank ToWDB with Nearest Banld.ns Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (Indexed) fn back of this A> volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::, NORT . CAROLINA-Cont1"nued SAVINGS BANK i n·rn c'fl. Bo.,,.: BIOCV&lTlu <JJU■eu,D.;. , no 11 - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ :~ 1 3,670 :Sea~. N .• N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. c_o., ~ 1,340 S 36,000 S 42,720 S - n...u 1 - ~mston-Sale!Il; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co •. Wil.; Girard N., Phil. CMH,1 First National Ban -·-•:t'04 B. ll. llcAllister H-198 C. T. Pate.•••.••••• R. lid.. Nixon·-·· C. A, McArthur ••• _ T. L. Johnson 50,000 WHITE •••.•• _ M. F. COBB ..•.. ___ W. A. ROACH·-···· 100,000 NATIONAL BANK iA. W. McLEAN •• S.I.E.McllTYRE - OF LUMBERTON &6-197 et'l4 PLANTERS BAH & TRUST COMPAlf ___ 66-579 ___ :§'16 A. THOMPSON f: f-1:&,(fCfi: K. M. BARNES, Tr. G. E. RAICKE, Sec, a nd Asst . Tr. Colleetlons asp eelai"leature 'of o m business. This departmen t under penonal 1upenlslon of an officer of the Ban k. Macclesfield_ F.dgecombe Merchants & .l:l'armers Bank J. S. Boward. ____ W.W. Eagles •••••• L. E. Walston ___ •••••••••• · · · · - - · *1'16 66-578 C 10 Pop. 294 :Macon •.••••• Warren B 9 Bank of lfacon .....---·tl'lll J. ll. Coleman ..... W. G. Kcerton. __ J. S. Nowell ....... _ _ _ _ _ __ tll-187 Pop, 149 lladison_Rockin~ham BG Pop.1247 " -·····-· " Ma2"Dolia ••••• Dopllo K 10 Pop.694 Maiden • ••••• Catawba O a Pop. 1266 • Manteo ·-·-··-Dare O 14 Pop. 394 • Marion •• -McDowell O 1 Pop. 1784 .. ···--··· " 52.000 1.068.070 - All collections handled promptly and efficiently. ii. 184,100 N. Park, N, Y.; Merch. N., Rich. 34,010 1,044,800 1,086,350 - 988,6'11 - ZZUOO Han. N., N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; MurchJson N., Wll. 465,000 110,000 •N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. Rich.; Murchison N .. ., Wil. 119,870 140,750 140,810 102,450 19,520 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Branch Bk!?. & Tr. Co .• Wilson. 52,290 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: N. State & City. Rich.; Com'l N .. Raleiirh. 75,ooo 27,950 475,000 10,000 11,190 10,C00 6,290 J.B. Moore-····-- W. 0. Rumn ·-···· J. O. Rarsdale ••• _. V. B. ldoL __ ·-···· W. • Chambers 20,000 90,000 600,000 600,000 116-388 110,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N .. Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .• Winston-Salem. ,~it Trus!tffi J.M. Vaughn •••••• T. D. Meador ••• __ J. c. Thompson·-· ·---·---··-··· 25,000 10,500 281,000 224,270 Bank of Kanolia •.••·11 J. F. Croom··-··· Thos. J. Kelly_ •••• L. D. Dail ••••••••• Jessie Croom._.___ 10,000 10,150 233,480 160,200 81,500 M. M. lst N .• Balt. : Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem: Am. Ex. N .. Greensboro. 93,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. Malden Bank·-·····-·•tl'OO B.11. SpraU, Jr ••• W. B. Murray •••••• G. E. Mauney·--··· E.G. .MauneY--··-- 10,000 4,000 130,000 129,000 BAIi OF MADISOl .-.•tl'W Farmers ~ G6-S89 Bank of lfan1eo......·07 R. 0. Evans-···--· L. N. Mid~tt- •••• R. B. Etheridge •••• D. E. Evans --·-··· 25,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .• Winston-Salem; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Am. Tr .. Charlotte. · 30,000 Am. N .. Rich.: 1st N .• Durham. 10,000 2,000 80,000 60,000 First National Bank ••••• •:t'02 J. L. Morgan-···· B. F. Little •••••••• J. E. Neal ·-····-· P. A.. Reid.--·····.,__ GG-228 100,000 55,000 950,000 825,450 287,510 Chase N.andHan.N., N. Y.;Oom'I N.,Bigb Point, N. C.; Battery Park, Asheville. CRAWFORDi: w,._ \\U~?WAN· R. F. BURTON.·--· D. w.Time Items. 45,000 14,860 258,910 270,450 75,720 Chase N .. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co .• Charlotte: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 67,610 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co. and Battery Park, Asheville: Merch. N.. Balt.; 'I'enn. N .. Johnson City. 126,000 Am. N. and Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ashevil1e;N. Bk. of Balt., Bait. 23,510 Am. N., Rich.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. 116-390 l J. D. BLIITOI ... MEICHAITS & FARMERS B IK .... tll-229•••••• •it·oa Speelalattentlo ng'fven'l\fi of La ding drafts, Cash and 1 Pl.Mse send lie w ith each sioht draft for presentation a, nd 25c for Credit R evorts. •Marshall •••• Madison G 5 Bank of French Broa<L•tt·oa J. J. Redmon_····- Frank Roberts •••• W. B. Ramsey··-·- L. Z. Eller. ____ ·--· 66-276 Pop. 748 25,0G0 44.190 415.820 405,080 J.B. White-··-·· C. J. Ebb._ •••••••• A. W. Whttehurst _ W. T. Davis---·--- 25,000 35,000 450,000 375,0'J0 10,000 7,570 132,960 120.100 40,000 15,000 210,000 275,000 36,000 N. City, N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 10,000 1,030 13,110 19,560 5,050 Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; N. State & Oity, Rich. 10,000 7,000 200,000 190,00C 50,000 1,000,000 950,000 20,000 1st N •• Rich.: Merch. & Far. N.and Am.Tr.Co .. Charlotte. 335,000 Met. Tr. Co .. N. Y. : Girard N., Phil.; Am. N., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil. 250,000 280,000 00,160 Se~b. ~-• N. Y.; .Murchison N .. Wil.; Merch. N .• Rich., Am. Tr. Co. Charlotte • •• · - --·-·· "'l0 Citizens Ba~ Mars HilL •• -Madison G 5 Bank of Mars Hill •••••• U'l7 N. W. Anderson __ J.P. sanns--······ o. M. Jarvis-- -·-·- ·-···-·····-··-····. , 66-5~9 P op. 364 . Marshville __ • •• Umon E 5 Bank of Karshville ••••••it 05 J.B. Lee.••....•.. F.L. Barrell-•• B. o. Parker··--·· G. J. Whitener._ •• M-301 P o p. 828 Mutual Ban~,Jrust Oo.§'20 R. C. Newsom ••••• W. M. Gordon_ •••• E. B. Moore .•••• __ ·····---······-----" ·--····· .. Mat thews •• Mecklenburi Bank of llaUhews..... .:i1•09 N. 8. Cochran ••••• T. N. Reid ••• --···· E. A. Funderburk_ ···-·····--·······-B. D. Funderbnrk tll-302 D4 Pop. 310 .. raxton ...•. Robeson E 7 Bank of Kaxton--·-·•:tl1900 T. 0. Evans ···--·· ·--····-···········- Lacy Williams_ •••• T. W. Williams •••• GG-W Pop. 1397 Bank of Ro~fA·--··•*1'09 J.P. Wiulns·---· F. W. Carter _ _ J. L. McLean .... -· Katie B. McQueen : WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST .:.,,. .-.·<' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75,000 50,000 1 co ., wINSTON- sALEM, N C I I 9,000 g .., 1 LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 1036 1IDllter under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank in U. S. e elusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers' w each Directory, under the authority of The American_lla~ers As 'o. TOW'N .t.lfD OOUNTT. NAMJ: OF- BANJL- - - •OouotJ eat"i. •Kem. Am. Bks.Assn. ·stat. Entire tate in 'o. 5 iMem.State Bks.Assn. t Priv. Federal Reser_ve Distric_!. +)le_m:.. Fei. He~_ [E~~b. - I . _u_ e_d NORTH CAROLINA- COn t ln --- -- --- --- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in I.Jack of th!~ volume. For lntere ·t Rates, H~ays, etc., ~Laws_. I LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. PAID-UP SURPLUSI-DEPO"'- l.o, .~.~ n, •. C,sn&Ex-. I I 8 PRINCIP.A.L O0.KJU:SP0NDJ:NTS. 0\ ~~=· jt;.,:; · • • , ~--, ----- ----- -----:--1--1-Mayodan.-Rockrn1?ham Bank of Mayodan _______ 16 J. 0. Raesdale _____ E. F. Tulloch. _____ M. P. Black ••_. _____________ s 10 000 S 9,000 S 137,000 S 121,0001$ 31 000 Merch ..... , Rich.· Bk. of Madison, :Madison. PR ... ID"' ... T . _, "'" VICE PRESID-T - O•sHIER ... · • A.SS'T O •sa1 ..... .. ...... no c- CAPITAL Px~~~Ts ITS c 1 0 n ~'::,,~ T • • • § Pop.1886 B5 66-583 Ma,sville •• _.•Jones E 11 Maysville Bkg. & Tr. Oo. T. A.. Green._____ ._ A. J. Collins __··--· G. E. Weeks ______ • R. L. Jenkins·-·-·· Pop. 536 66-393 •is·os McDonalds_.Robeson E 7 Bank of McDonald.--.--1'17 E. L. Bowman-··-· H. M. McAllister __• J, F. Johnson·-- ····-······-··--··-Pop. 100 66-52S llcFarlan_ ••.. Anson E 5 Bank of t:cFarlan ______ .~·20 W. J. ~icLendon. B. J. ~k Googan ... J. Y. Webb·-···--- ·--------------··-·· 1 Pop. 219 66- 718 llebane•••• A.lamanee B 7 Pop. 1351 COMMERCIAL & FARME~S BANK .-.&6-396-..---·U 05 W. A. llurrar.--·- .J. H. Lasley··--·-- s. G. :Morgan ••• _._ W. s. Harris·-····- First National Bank.-•• •t·u R. F. Warren .•• _•. H. E. Wilkinson--· F. F. Smith __ •••••. G, E. Holt, Jr, .• -.. 66-564 Micro ••• _•• Jolmston C 9 Citizens Bank_···-- •••• U'l5 Pop. 183 66-577 Middlesex. __ ._Nash O 9 Middlesex Banking Co .• U'09 Pop. 697 66-397 •Mocksville __ ._navie c 4 Bank of Davie--··--·--•:tl'0l Pop. ll46 66-399 · Merchants & Farmers Bank 1 66-553 •t§'14 Moncure •••• Chatham C 7 Bankinl? Loan & Trust Co. Pop. 136 66·632 §'19 •Monroe••••••• Union E4 BANK OF UNION.----·--•t1'02 Pop. 4084 66-154 Farmers & Merchants Bank 66-482 •tl'll First National .Bank ___ .•:t'07 116-156 ' 10,000 16 000 205,000 10,000 2,250 75,320 15,000 ----·---- 9,500 23,000 50,000 · 21.6001 382,000 277,650 I 15,000 89,9201 , 11,500 342,800 5,000 2,620 77,420 53,300 25.000 7,000 160,000 208,000 61,930 611,750 594,700 J. L. Armfield ••••• 0. L. Williams. ___ • B. 0. Morris--·-·-- ·-···-·····--······--···---·-·-·---·-· ·····--··-····-·---- J. K. Barnes·----- ·--···-···-·-····· W. S. Blakeney ____ J. R. Shute--··--·- R. G. LaneY-·---·· W. B. Cole----···· Har1?rove Bowles M. K. Lee-·--··--- O. B. Adams _______ H. E. Lee---··--·-- .. ---------------W. B. Lo,·e J. II. Lee. - - - J.E. Ashcroft_ •• __ J. \Y, LaneY-·-···- c. W. Baucom .•.•. MONROE B•NK & TRUST CO. R. B. Redwine •••• - S. o. Blair·---·--6li-155 loortisboro ••• _OJeveJand l Bank ot .Mooresboro ••• •U'l0 O. O. Champion •••• E. B. IIamrick_. __ . Pop. 228 D2 , 66-400 t looresville ••• IredeU 04 FIRST NATIONAL BANK G. O. Goodman_ •• _ W.O.Johnston_ •• _ Pop. 4315 66-164 •i1900 ' 3,690 lstN., Lumberton. 5,000 Ilan . .1-·.. N., Wil. . Y.; 1st N., Wadesboro; lurchison ~ n . 69,U00 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Atlantic Bk. & Tr. )> · Co., nrecnshoro.; Wachoda Bk. & Tr. Co. l'T1 Winston.Salem. ,v 21,450 Plan., Wilson; ~Ierch. N •• Rich. O t: 14,000 Merch. N., Raleiirh. 97,540 N.Bk. Com .. N.Y.: Merch. & Far ...... Charlotte; ~ Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston.Salem. ....20,700 N. State & City, Rich.: Bk. of Thomasville,• tp Thomasville. 37,190 61.170 2,000 10,600 . , ( hofSan ford, N. C.) ••• _. --------100,000 90,000 100,000 105,000 1,000,000 36,000I 600,000 40,000, 1,000,030 z S ,v 69,000 11st N., Rich.; 1st N., Durham. I 354,350 C. A. Fitzgerald_ •• I. V. Pittman_. ____ H. M. Fitzgerald •• ·--·----···---····-· Zl,350 1 1 I .A. F. Mannini,:-•• _•• J. R. J. Finch·---·· W. K. Ballentine ••• ---··----·-·' E. L. Gaither••• ___ Herbert Clement __ J. F. Moore·--····· -·--·-··-·---·---·-- ' 20,000 1st N., Rich. 280,000 z> 909,800 1 230.000 Mech. & Metals N., .N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co .• Char• ~ lotte: Plan. N .. Rich. . . 00 550,000 70,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Murchison N., Wil. I 738,000 3,410,000 Han: N .. ~- Y.: ', State & C~ty, Rich.: :Murch1son .• W1l.; Charlotte •• Charlotte. S: ll) 15,140 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: Murchison N. ~ Wil. ; Indel)cndence Tr. Co., Charlotte. o. 73,040 Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. Ill 50,000 20,000 30,680 238,170 291,170 6,410 352,720 336,220 50.000 50.000 500,000 450,210 Miller __ ._ •• !MorD1cKnight ___ • C. B. Gilbert 30,000 10,770 312,610 340,480 47,910 N. Park, N. T.: Com'l N., Hil?h Point and OS: Charlotte. i;:: Morehead City _.Oarteret Bank of Morehead City •:tl'09 J. B. Morton_·-·-·-, E. II. Gorham ••••• T. C. Wade---·-·-· II. 0. Phillips •••• -Pop. 2\15 E 12 ♦ 66-401 " Marine Bank----········:tl'l3 C. S. Wallace •••••• G. D. Canfleld._. __ E . .A. OonnciL •••• L. W. Arencl.,ll. __ . &6-5111 50,000 2,500 390,0001 400,000 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; lsL'., Rich. 15,000 I 3 000 100.000, 109,000 22,100 4th St. N., Phil.: N. Bk. ot New Bern, New ::X:: Bern. O 25,000 18,470 234,780 138,260 120,850 Obase N .• N. Y,; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.,~ Winston-Salem. 5.5,000 85,000 1,180,000 1,100,000 40,000 24,050 205,000 Seab. N .. .K. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Am. '1'1·. On., Charlotte. 42,730 Ban. N .. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.: Bk. of Char., Cha.r.: Wachovia Bk. & 'l'r. Oo., Win ton. 'alem. 132,000 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.: Plan. N .• Rich.: Far. Ilk. · 'l'r. Co., Win ton.-aJcm, ~ 217,370 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. ::3 C 30,000 1st N., Mt. Airy. u·oa MERCH. & FARMERS BANKE. W. BrawleJ---·· W. c. Johnston._ •• 66-165 •Mor2anton ••• Burke Pop. 2 117 •U'07 o 2 BANK OF MORGANTON.•U-04 66-180 H.B . Clark_·--··-- ·--------···-·-··-- Y. L. McCardweIL Met tie Parker_··-· B, C. McGraw, Willie Greene , A. Cash, 0. P. McNeeJy _____ ,c, F.:Mclchor ••.•• 1 I R. o. C. IL Spencer···-· F. P. Tate ________ . W. E. Walton--·-·- R. c. Hoffman •••• - FIRST HTIOHL BANK.•:•97 { A. M. KISTLER .. I. I. DAVIS····---- A. M. INIOLD.-... J. A. CLAYWELL ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. )L . E. O. L. , I~. II. Lim·ille .•••• F. P. Sparger·--·-- W.W. Chri tian ••• mith Hanks·-··--- ·········-······-··- ~f. L. F. Armfield •• • , , I \\ rcnn .••..• \\. G. yclnor, i·--·-·-----··-····'tc. and Tr. L. P. Byrd ••• - ••••• W. B. Cochran •• H. E. An<lrews J. W. llollanu _•• _. S. Q. JcGraw ___ • R. C. Herman_ •••• ---1······--·--·--•· ---- ..........,......... I co .. 0 l 66-179 We make a spe clalty of handlln g collecflons. )lorven·---···Anson E 5 Bank of Morven--··-·-·:t§'03 T. V. Hardison·-·· G. A. .Martin ____ ·-· M. L. Ham_. ___ •••• J, F. L'lurauce ---· Pop. 6:ll 66-402 W. L .• farshall Mount Airy •••• Surry B 4 Bank of Mount Airy -·•*1'05 W. J. Byerly ••• --·· Pop. 4752 66-161 First National Bank.--•• •!'92 l?. '--' • Fawcett ••••• 66-}59 Surry County Ln. & Tr. Oo. W. F. Carter-·--··· 66- l60 tl'Ol 1 MonntGUead_Montfom'y Bank of .Mt. Gilead .••• •H'0li J. A.. Mc.A.ulay ..... Pop. um D6 66-403 Mount Holly •• Oaston D 3 cntral Bank.· 'l'r. Co . .''20 .... B. r·cnrtrick ___ . Pop. llli0 !iii i08 . " •••••••• " Mount Holly Bauk ••••• •tS'03 H. A. Rhyne_··-·-· 66-404 ::3 12-1,310 Htnha:toht Y.; 1st N., Rich,; Am. Tr. .T. t. ~orine-c; __ ···- J. A. Costner-··--- W . .\I. Cavin ··-··.: . A Co .. t ut>r 1 50,000 190.880 283,17:l, 150,000 1,120,560 J .000.020! 7:i,000 65,030 ~i6,220 842,680 25,000 5,500 225,000 220,000 100,0001 1,000 275,0GO 350,000 25,000 ·-·-----· a,1.150 75,000 75.000 2'.!3.i20 261.460 '~ ll) 45,000 Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte; om'l • ' .. ~ Wash .. D. 0. ~ 25,000 \larch. 1 .. Rich.; Am. Tr. Co .. Charlotte. - IO \lt>rch. I'-' 1037 .PfllJllbew ander Name or Bank ia the New TraJuH 1'11JDl,er siven to each bank in U. 8. exduslYelJ' by The llaDd-HcNa!:t Bauers' Dlreeto17, under the authority .!)f '!'!l~can Ban _!__rs~~~_.__ _ ToWN AND COUNTY. I l NA.ME OF BA~K. \ I ____ LIABILITI~s_.~ HE::;ut:Kt;J-:s. •County Seats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. State p V p . As. C p u SURPLUS ! D 0 A.SBil:K. Entire 8tatein .To.5 :l:M.em.Sta.teBks.Assn.tPriv. .li&SlDltNT. ICE- RESIDENT. ST A.SHIER. !!,~~ 1 AND EPOSFederal Reserve District. •~lem. Fed. Res. lEstab. 1_______ - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - , ~ _ PROJ'ITB I ~ Mt. Olive •••• Wayne D 10 Pop. 221!7 " ··-·-··· " --····- " !lo""•· !lsoo~u 1 Farmer 1 1-------·· & Merchants Bank S. L. Warren-•••.. W. H. Kornegay •• J, J. Whitehur·t •• 66-686 1'20 J. L. Outlaw . 1 I First Natio f~~nk •• _.•:t'0l M. T. Breazeale .-. R. Kornegay ...•.. E. C. Casey ... .•••• 6 Pleasant ••• Cabarrus CABARRUS SAVINGS 1 ---··---! C PRl:"IClPAL Co1ua:!:>!'u. JJ!<;~T!:>. c.. wa.Ex- <>•N•av... C'TI. CITIZEIS BAIK OF MOUNT \H. M. Cox····-···- J.E. Kelly··-·-···· E. C. Bethea .•••• A.G. SmalL--·· $ 100,000 $ 69,810 $ 616,12011$ 807,,00 OLIVE .... 66-259 ..... •U'08 J.M. McGee A. M. Cox , 1 .. Non-Bank Towns \\1th Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer, Laws (indexed) in back of thls volm11e. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc.~ec -~~'!_. ~ NORTH CAROLINA - C 0 nt•lil ue_d__ ___ ___ _ .Ill ca.uou,Dua ~ .., 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r : $ 107,640 .Han . ~N .. _N. Y.: Am. Bk. _& Tr. Go .. \\ 1I.; 10 Wachona Bk. & Tr. Co., Wm ton-Salem. ~ 50,0001------- ··-·----· ·------ ·------·· 1N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Plan. N .• Rich.; Wayne 1 N. and Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Goldsboro; :\lur·I 1 chi on r., Wil. 50,000 50,0001 400,000II 450,000 50,000IN. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Wayne '., Goldsboro. 1 1 BANK ·--------·-·-··-·· ·-··-···-·········- ·----·-·········---· ' L. E. Foil·-··-··· (Branch of Cone ord, N. C.) ••••• ____ Corn Ex. N .. Phil. PQp. 77_0 D4 66:-405 1:01 r • r . , Z 1 MoyockPo~~~~btuck A 13 Bank Of cuw:f3cr·--···§ 20,\\. w. Jarvi<; ..•... R. o. Bagley •.••.. w. ". m1 ·h •.•.•. -----·-·---···--·· 19,000 -·-··-·· ·--····-· 0 Murfreesboro •• Her\ford First National Bank ••••• :l:'11 L. J. ~wrence. __ • Stanley Winborne. J. A. Campbell---· \Iiss J.M. Parker. 25,000 ·------79,970 61,930 44.010 . eab. N. ancl N .. Bk. Co~ .. No~folk: ~lcrcp.. ~ Pop. 602 B 11 66-496 D. L. Mmton, V •. P. T. E. Vann & Far., Frankhn, Va.;\\ achov1a Bk. & 'Ir. ~ ,,Co., Wio~ton.Salem. , . ::C Peoples Bank, Inc ...... :tl'04 D. C. Barnes-··--·· U. Van~han •• _...... W. A. M:cGJohon .•• R. J. Britton...... .,;),000 19,970 283,190 337,260 53,230 Norfolk N .. Norfolk; ~lerch ..... , H1rh.; 66--406 P. E. Jenkins W. G. Parker . ; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. C~ .• \Yim-ton.Salem,Murphy.-•• Cherokee B 2 Bank of M.urphy.·--··-•:tl'99 A. B. Dickey •• _. ___ A.. McD. Harshaw. L. E. Bayless·-··-· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 30,000 18,100 1 386,540 338,480 96,160 Han. N .. N. Y.; Wachovia Bk.. & Trust Co .. Pop. 1314 66-2G2 J. E. Fain Asheville. " " The Cherokee Bank ___ .•§'20 E. A. Davidson_ ... T. J. HilL.---···-· R.R. Rogers ...... J. Y. Brittain-·-··· 17,000 ··--·---' 58,430 45,790 2;;,61 1Mcrch. N., Bal.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Cn., ~ 66-719 , Asheville; ,\m. 'fr . Co., Charlotte. 0 •Nashville ••••.• Nash O 9 Bank of Nashville ••... •it·o2 S. II'. A.nslin ••.• --. s. G.Griffln._•• _ •• N. B. Dozier •• _•.•. ·····-··-··-······ 49,400 5,000 275,000 380,000 60,000 Cha-e • 1 .. N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; Citiz .. t"4 Pop. 939 8H07 Norfolk. Farmers & :Merch. Bank!§'l9 B. J. Downey .. •••. N. L. trickland ..• J. W. Renshaw .... - - - · · - - - - · 40,000'.------ 100,000 150,000 22,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. tate & City, Rich.; 1 t ?., 66-H9 Hocky It.; .Mer<'h .... Haleigh. •New Bern .• Graven D 11 Citizens Sav. Bk. & Trust Co. T. A. UzzelL ••••• Clyde Kby ······-·· W. B. Henderson •• R. N. Scott..·-··-· 25,000 16.000 320,000, 285,000 50,000 Peo., New Htlrn; ra. Tr. Co., Rich. Pov. 12,108 6H4 •1'13 i tt, Mt. 1···-·-·--1··--·--·· 1 n > Z > JAMES A. BRYAN .. JOHN DUNN- .....•.. W.W. GRIFFIL ..• _:o. S. WILLIS •.. ___ •• G. H. ROBERTS 1w. J. CAROON SEND us y OUR NEW BERN ITEMS IDIRECT. NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE ~l •:· { DEOPLES BANK . I • 66-6/! •U 07 ... ewland. ____ .Avery B:,,: Avery County Ilank .... •1'13 Pop. 289 66-538 'ewport .. _ <..arteret E 1~ Bank of NewporL.•••• _t§'lll Pop. 404 66-636 . ... ?ewton •... Uatawba Cf Farmers &llerch.Bank•U'07 Pop, 3021 61H94 " ." Shuford National Bank •:·1111 66-193 orlina ·--·- - Warren B !l Bank of Warren ··---·-•H'13 Pup. ;;67 66--504 rorth Charlc,tte .::-.reek. Bank of North Charlotte §'20 66-714 Jen burg.Pop. 2UD0 .• D 4 rthwilkesboro. Wilke~ BankofNo. Wilkesboro•tl'Dl 66-215 .. Pop. 2369 .. B 3 Deposit & avings Bank .•••• 6fr216 •:tf '02 'orw oo<L.-- .. Stanly D 6 Bank of Nor.r~ ·-····:1•05 8 Pov.1221 , .,..--, Oakboro.--•~, ~tanly D 5 flank of Oa~~lP ·-·····tl'H Pop .• 8w VV"VI 8 Oak Oity ___ .. .Martin O 11 :Jank of Oak OitY--··--•:tl'lO Pop. 307 ll&-409 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 108,000 1,800,000 1,900,000 ~ 1 325,000 N . City, N. Y.; Uh St. N., Phll.; Plan. N., Rich. ' ~ rJJ 1 I Special attentlo n given BIii of La ding drafts, Cash . and Time Items. 65 ~L•wbernBk2. &Tr.Oo.•U-06 W.B,Bladea ··-·-· T. A.Green .•.__ ♦ 6H2 . 0. \V. Lane II , 100,000 ' 1 lo. W. Lane·-···· W.R. Ross........ 100,000 j I T. A. UZZELL--- !C. D.BRADHAM ... E.C.REA.·--···-·· W.C.CHADWICK .. :~ 1 Colledlon1 a 1p eclal feature or our bualneaa. Thia departmen &under personall upemslonofan o fflcer ofthe bank. ~ ... , ' : J. H. Yount_··---· J. W. Yount.. __ .•• G. O. Little-··---· J. B. Leonard·-·--· I 505,310 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Phil.; Xorfolk r'., .i:'orfolk. _ ! ! ; ! ! ! ~ ~ :~ B a n . N .• N. Y.; N.Bk. Com.,Norfolk. i C. B. Von Canon ••• M. B. Huehes·-·-· IE. O. Guy · - - - I. M. Agus.--•····· S. II. Odom C. R. Wheatly ••••. L. c. CarrolL ..... · G. W. Rhodes·--- L.A. Garner.·-·--·, 48,700 1,547,300 1,286,550 0 10,000 5,000 I 15,000 250,000'. 225,000 1,000 100,000' 93,000 25,040 396,600 414.030 I 50,0001 50,000 Merch .• ' ., Bait.; City N ., Johnson City. 0 34,000 1st N., Hich.; Beaufort Bkg. & Tr. Co., Beau- ~ 67,610 )f~~~f;, ~ 0 N., Balt.; ·wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem. ~ 172,810 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Hich. A.H. Crowell •.•--. G. A.. Warlick __ .. _ T. C. Clifton .•••••• ·-·-------·---··-60,000 26,680 765,910 692,280 . i j --·-----····- ·········-···-·-··-· D. L. Gallaeher ... K. )L Williamson .!(Branch of Warr enton, N. C.) •• _ _ _ Mech. & Metals N., N. Y,; Am. N., Rich. J. o. Simmons ••.. E. E. Jones ........ J. W. Hawthorne _ ••. ··---···-----i l!i,000 ·-----·-· -----· ·- -··-··· ·-----··· • ', Bk. Com., . :. Y.; Independence Tr. Co .. J. L. Spencer J.B. ll'inley ... --·· A. A.Finley •••• __ R.W.Gwyn •••• _._,n. G. Finley-·-·· ! 100.000 I 66,000 678,000 R. L. Doueh~n •• _. F. D. Forester .•_.. Q. Wrenn. _ _ _ A. W. Horton ••••• · 40,000 18,440 T.A.. Hathcock·-·· H. S. Freeman .••.. C. P. Craw1ey ···-· ···-·--·-·-··--· · 6,0001 A.O. Heath.·-··-· J. A. Parker-·-··· F. w. Biggers·- I- - - - - - · · 12,500 10,000 H. S. Bvere« •• ____ W. J. Johnson .•___ B. K. Worsley··--- ··-·--··--·--Jos. Early 10,000 5,6001 8.000 i 1 810,000 Charlotte. 113,000 N. City, 1'. Y.; N. State& City, Rich .. 433,960 ::;19 900 65,500 Mech. & Metals N .. N.Y.: N. State & City, Rich. 180.000 130,000 50,0C0 Jiiech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Indepemlence , Tr. co .. Charlotte. 5,890 Han. N., N. Y.; .\.m. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 85,000 102,380 145,000 108.800' 18,000' Far. & Merch., Williamston;Merch .• • .. Raleieh: ~ Greenville Bke.& Tr. Co .. Greenville: N. Bk. w Com., ... ·orfolk. ~ Kame el llanl: ii the Kew 'l'nlnllt N11m1:n~ven era• bank in u. 8. esellUl't'* by The ltand-llleNaDy under the authorlt,' of The Amerlean Banken Ass•n. 1Mredo17. - f.ion-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc ., see Laws. ~ NORTH CAROLINA-Cont1·nued LIABILITIES. NillB OJ' BARK. •Mem. Am. Bks. A..ssu. IState Baiire tatein No.5 iMem. State Bks.A..ssn.tPriv. l'ederal Reserve District. ♦ :Mem. Fed. Res. [Kstab. ftp AJID OOUlliTT, A(Jo1111'78e&ts. PltaIDJCNT. OilJDD. VICS-i>aalDDT. Ass 'T OA.SBIER, PAID-UP SURPLUS CAPITAL PB~TS RESOURCES, DEPOSITS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, Lo• • a, D18- CUB a, Ex- thtslI Bo!ft>8, CB..t..1'0.,DU'II 8ll0Vamn RO><Bli<u C'T8. --- --- --- $ 24,400 s 2,750 $ 130,210 $ 135,600 $ 21,760 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Marion. Old l9orLKcDowell G 6 Bank of Old 1.l'ort ______ ei5•04 J. 8. BradleJ _____ P. H. Kashburn __ F. 11. Bradle1 ---- __ 6Hl0 Pop. 931 C. G. Caravan _____ (Branch of Bayb OTO, N. 0rien1aJ ____ Pamlico D 12 Bank of Pamlico ________ :t§'l6 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Peo., Newbern. O.> ----66-595 Pop. 607 100,000 1,310,830 83,210 1,284,840 N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Han. 237,400 HUIT------H. W. ---~•· H. HUNT _____ A. !·loFiE~L T. . I RI •Ozford----Granville B 8 FIRST Hllfl_Al BAIK- •i·o1 Send us your Oxford Items; B- L drafts given sp ecla\ attention. 172 Pop. 3606 CollectlonDep•t a special feature, i1~rsonally looked after by cashier. -------- ---- ---------------- ---------------- ---- --------- ---------- . ------- .. NATIONAL BANK Parkton ___ RobesonK 8 Pop. 382 Parmele _____ Martin C 11 Pop. 355 Peachland ____ An on E 5 Pop. 232 Pembrok:e ___ Robeson E 7 Pop. 329 60,000 126,000 2,500,000 1,600,000 650,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Phil. 16,300 28,000 325,000 320.000 33,000 N. 0lt1, N. Y.: Merch. N., Rich.; 1st ... \, Phil.; Murchison N .. Wil. 20,000 13,000 250,000 200,000 68,000 Merch. N., .Raleigh; Am. N., Rich. Bank or Parkton _______ 1•07 66-412 Parmele Bank'!? & Tr Co. !$'20 66-707 Bank of Pea,·hland ------~'2/J 66-733 Bank of Pembroke-----•1'12 66-520 J. G. Hughes _____ J.B. McCormick __ E. B. Daniel ______ .J. D. McCormick•• 10.000 7,170 246,270 157,780 127,580 Am. N., Rich.; Murchison N .. Wil. s. Powell _______ ------------- ------- 50,000 500 9,810 15,000 -------- ---- 10,050 -------- 7,470 2,140 10,000 5,000 120,000 116,000 N. O. Vanr ortwick J. T. Stokes _______ F. 1 L. C. Broome ______ James Crowder ___ W. B. Phifer---------P. S. Cooper _______ A.. M. Breece ______ R. H. Livermore._ E. M. PauJ _ _ _ I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - - - - - ------------------------ Oxford Sav. Bank & Tr. Oo. H. G. Oooper _____ B. 8. Ro181er -- --- W. T. Yancey, ec. H'80 86--171 ancl Tr. Union Bank & Trust Co .. *1'05 J. W, Horner ______ .1. F. Meadows ____ J.P. Harris··--66-5Jg . ---· ---- . ------- &: I·. \\Vlln _____ •'88 ( Collections, BU I or Ladlng Draft s, Cash and Time Items remitted for on d ay ofpa yment. Pikeville ____ Wayne D 10 Bank of Pikeville -----•t1'16 N. B. Benrnr ______ 66-563 Pop. 333 Pilot Mountain_Surry B 4 Bank of Pilot Mountain--1'14 0. N. Swanson _____ 66-552 Pop. 707 Farmers Bank ___________ '20 \Y. J. Byerly ______ 66-7171 Pinehurst ____ .Moore D 6 Bank of Pinehur t_ ____ ■t§'l4 J. R . .McQueen ____ 66-566 Pop. 500 Pine Level _J ohnsion D g Bank of Pine LeveL ____ i5•07 D. B. Oliver -----66-415 P~373 Pinetops_ recombe O 10 Pinetops Bankinr Oo. __ i5•15 H. O. Brid&'ers _____ 66-416 .. .. Pop. 465 Planter· Bank _________ ■ t§'20 W. L, Dunn _______ 66-681 Pinetown._Beanfort C 12 Bank of Pinetown _______ §'21 A. ll. Dumay ______ ! 66-740 Pop. 412 Pinevtlle ___ Mecklenburr PinevilleLoan & Savines Bank W. M. Morrow ____ tl'OO 66-417 D, Pop. 689 Pink Hlll---~noir D 10 Bank of Pink Hi!L ___ .i5·1s!Lonnie Smith ___ 66--539 Pop. 166 Pinnacle ______ toke· ll 5 Bank of Pinnacle •• ______ §'19 J, W. Slate ________ 66 646 Pop. 400 •Pittsboro __ Chatham O 7 Bank or Pittsboro ______ .i5·01 A, II. London ______ 66-418 Pop. 584 Farmers Bank _________ t§"l8 T. r. Bland ________ " " 66 635 Pl1mo11th ___ washinrton Bank or Plymouth ____ ■iflg()() A. L. Owens ______ 66-419 .. Pop. 1847 .,c 12 Washlnrton CountyBk.•*1'11 D. 0. Brinkley ---66-483 p oltion _______ .Anson ES Bank or Polkton ________ :1:5·00 L. 8. Oovina-ton. ___ 66-420 Pop. 575 p ollobvUJe ___ Jones K 11 PolloksvilleBke.&Tr.Co.U'07 J. T. Hood ________ 66-421 Pop. 339 PotecasL __ orthampton Bank of Potecasi _______ !§'20 .James E. Draper __ 66-677 Bu Po • aoo ---- -- -- W. T. YAIICEY-- '"Send us your Oxford Items dll' ect." OF GRANVILLE 66-170 . ----- . . ---- ---- " ~ E. T. WHITE ---- H. G. COOPER----- --- f \ 'c\f~L---- ---- .M. Aycock ________ A. Hosea ___________ Jeanette Smith ___ 20,000 5.240 176.700 156,800 -------- 15,000 30,000 450,040 S99,290 McK. R. Smith ---- I. .M. Gordon ______ s. Walters_. ____ 25,000 99,400 9,250 407,000 S76,000 5,000 9.820 248,840 209,440 W. L. ReMon _____ W. L. Lane ______ ---------------- ---- 50,000 81,520 322,710 404,060 25,000 -------- 75,000 55,000 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 20,000 W. M. Matthews __ W.R. Oobb J. D. Lancaster ••. Harry Fagan ___ C. Roy Griffin _____ D. T. Windley _____ B. L. Rives ________ J. B. Bassett_ ______ C. S. Oakley _______ ------- ----- ----- 15,000 7,500 ll2,000 68,000 10,000 4,000 172,190 145,000 E. F. Stone _______ H. H. Brown ______ B. Nooe ________ Jas. L. Griffin ______ ---------·------ ---- ---- ---- 10,000 20,000 10,960 239,100 228,91(, A. :M. Riddle _______ W. E. Alley-------- E. E. Harris ______ J. C. Spruill _______ T. R. Getsinger ____ R. G. Hardison ____ 10,000 l,18() 72,840 78,480 20,000 3,000 180,000 160,000 W. B. Watts _______ W. B. Watts _______ D. V. Clayton ___ P. W. Brinkley R. G. J.~UD------- T. R. Troutmao ___ 50,000 37,600 415,490 641,000 -------- 10,000 8,830 55,000 71,500 Jno. Whitty _____ H. A. Creagh _____________ 15,000 8,000 180,000 280,000 9,070 ----- 18,760 4,750 D. Cale ____________ Grady E. Parker __ ------··------------- 41,050 Wayne N., Goldsboro. 89,600 N. Park, N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem, Plan. N., Rich,; Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., WinstonSalem. 175,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Old Dominion Tr. Co., Rich.: Am. 'rr. Co .. Charlotte. 54,230 Com'l N., Raleieh; 1st N .. Phil.; Am. N., Rich. 25,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk:; Plan. r ., Rich. 40,000 Irving N .. N. Y.; N, State & City, Rich,; N, Bk. Com .. Norfolk • 1st N. Washington. .------- T. A. Turner ______ G. S. Willard ______ Lula Tyndall----- --•·• 20,000 Plan. N .. Rich.: Murchison N., Wil.; Merch. N .. Raleigh. ----- --------- -·----- --------- ---- --·- ---- -------- Chas. B. Hudson ___ F. W. Von Oanon. B. U. Richardson __ M. C . .McDonald G. Fitzgerald ______ E. S.Jones________ W. V. Jones _______ C. 4.030 Merch. N., Rich.; Martin Co. Sav. & Tr. Co., Williamston. 15,610 1st N .. Rich. 66,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Tr, Co., Oharlotte; N. State & City, Rich. 42,700 N. State & City, Rich.; Far. &Merch.,Kinston. ---- --- ------ ------41,150 Han.N., N.Y.; Oitiz. N., Ralei£h. 12,940 Merch. N., RaleiI?h; Wacho,·ia Bk.(' Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 45,000 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.; Seab. N .. Norfolk; Merch. N., RaleiI?h, 64.440 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. Tr. and N. Bk. Com., orfolk': 1st & Citiz. N •• Elizabeth City. 53,600 Am. N., Rich.; Far., Rockin~ham. 10,000 New Bern Bk. & Tr. Oo., New Berl: 1st N .. Rich. 18,6501Han. N., N. Y,; Am. Bk. & Tr, Co., utfolk; Norfolk N .. Norfolk. 00 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this '--4 c--= re__s! !'~-~~ Hol_!~ay~ e~.~~~~ ~:• ~ =c:te lu=m=e=. = F~or= In ~ e======::;;::=c==v=o= ll=U ::;=-::::l=: •n:.::.=--=--====;:=== = = = ~ = = = ===O=ll s s::.; Dlreeto17. un~~_!_~-: _au_t_h~r!_ty ~ - ~_!14! !-merl~_Bank_::ec-_r_s 0 ,_A_:____ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDEiiTS, .:::E.=.S:.. _,_ AME OF BANK. TOWN A D COUNTY. 1_ _--=:L::..:.I=AB=I=L=IT=-=I=E...;;.S-'-.___ 11 _ _;:;.;R=E.c:..SO:.._;U=R-=-=C. "'1 Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPos-,•. 1 CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem.Am.Bks.As n. §Stste •County Seats. ~ CB.uou,D"" Bo""•· c'TI. ITS AND CAPITAL Entire State in No. 5 tMem.StateBks.A sn.tPriv. 1 ________________, !boavnu -"°-".,...1_"""""_ PROPITB _____________ _______ (Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. 1 1 ~ --" Powellsville _Bertie B 12 Powellsville Bank ______ §'18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S. B. Carter------- L. F, Evans ________ (Branch of Bk. o f Ahosk ie, A.hos kie) ____ Bk. of Ahoskie, Ahoskie; NorfoJkN ., Norfolk; N Branch Bkg. & Tr. Co., Wilson. 66-625 Pop.157 ________ $ 10,000 $ 5,520 $ 65,660 $ 84,140 $ 3,040 Com'l N. and Merch. N .. Ralei£h. Princeton __ Johnston DD Merch. &Farmers Bk .• •il'll A. F'. Holt--------- J, W. Baker ______ G. F. Woodard _ 66-485 Pop.403 13,800 Am. Bk. & Tr. co., Wil. 70,520 75,340 2,920 10,000 Proctorville_Robesonl!' 8 Bank of Proctorville_ •• t§'l3 W.R. Surles------ J.P. Price _ _ I. P. Graham______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 66-534 Pop. 350 Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given 1039 to each bank in U. B. exclusively by The Kand-MeNally Bankers• NORTH CARQLINA-C d t" ;i .~ •Raeford _______ Hoke E 7 Pop. 1235 --------- J. C.THOMAS---- ------------- W. P. COVIIITOI. C. I. FREEMAN---- BAIi OF HOKE-------- it'll { Send m 86-480 *CITIZENS --i JOSEPH 6. BROWN---·\. -ft. YLWii ·---------G. H. ANDREWS------R. A. BROWN-------AII business ent •uated to us ■Is handled with utmost ca ..e. NATIONAL BANK 25,000 35,000 166,HO Ul'l.530 3,858,1190 300,000 =1tt~~s::::: NATIONAL BANK 66 27 •t"Dl J.M. DRAFTS sent us DIRECT are presented in person, where possible, AND WE GET THE MOIIEY or a better reason than u No attention paid to notice." *Mechanics~ia' Bank-•tl'96 Ohu. E. Johnson __ .. ---- ---- .. *MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 66-81 .. ---- ---- " - •i·oo *RALEIGH jo. B. Bdwarda----lWalters Durham__ 1------- / CHAS. E. JOHNSON I H. BRIGGS------- ~: i: H!URLAKE-w. "· JONES-------A. 596.180 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of No. America (N. Bk.), PhD.; N. State & City, Rich. - - -1-8-,0-00 Chase N., N.Y.: N, State & City, Rich.; Oom'l 5-0-,00-0 --4-,00-0 -14-0-,00-0 - 10-8-,000 N., Wash. 300,000 _ 300,000 - 100,000 --- - - - 200.000 4,000,000 4,500,000 1.000.000 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., PhD. and Rich. _ _ _ 23,000 15,000 W. B. HAKE, JI.--W. F. UTLEY ---J. I. HIIHTOWEI. T. F. MAGUIRE --We make a apeclalty of handling collectlona. La .. geat Bank In thla section. - - - - - R. G~::l:::~:~:a,:~:. : : e : Geo. L. H. White 66-32 221,260 N. Ex., Bait.: Merch, N., Raleigh: Tr. Co,, \Vil,; Plan, N., Rich, 415,000 540,000 400,000 800,000 150.000 5,000,000 4.500,000 1,800,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rleb.;I N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Riggs N., Wash. - 45,290 1,914,940 1,526,240 676,210 1st~- and Chatham & Phenix N., ~- Y.: 1st~., Rich.: Norfolk N., Norfolk.; Phil. N,, Phil. I BANKING TR.CO. ~24 Pop. l 967 Ued Sp ·ini:s-Robeson B 7 Bank of Red Sprinrs -•tll900 A. B. Pearsall ______ 66-254 Po p. 1018 .. 1 J. A. McPhaul ___ Bank & Trust Oo. jOarolina " ________ •il'lO 11-255 A. T. M:cOalhun ____ J. 8. Jones ______ Altie Marsh ___ _ J. A. Sini:leton J. D. KeLean _____ J, H. McKay ______________ H. M. Dixon ! 1 24,180 } Special atte ntion given to /Collections in No Carolin a. Promptness assu .. ed. Cor ..espondence solicited. & ( SEE ADV. ON NORTH 'CAIOLlll IIIDEX. •ti'65 66-29 *RALEIGH SAi.BK.& TRUST J,Q,Brown _____ G.H.Andrews ___ W.R. Martin _____ F. B. Brown _____ _ 15,000 108,390 1,280,060 1,255,340 139,160 COMPAIY-66-26-.•tl'87 *Wake Oo. Savines Bank Thos. H.Brig11;s ____ W. B. Grimes ______ W.W. V~------- W. P. Little _____ _ 52,360 543,370 562,390 ll,100 15,000 •H'05 66-10 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _________ Raleirh Clearinr Bouse _____ E. B. Crow _______ G. H. Andrews ____ J. H, Hi11:htower. Sec. and Tr. (MM\hera indicated btl a *) Ramseur.-- Randolph O 6 Bank ot Ramseur _____ •tl'07 W. H. Watkins ___ Burh Parka _______ I. JI'. Craven ______ E. B. Leonard ____ _ 18,110 368,100 356,590 25,000 52,380 ~21 Pop. 1014 Randleman- Randolph O 6 Peoples Bank _________ _.:1•07 T. ll'. Wrenn _______ O. 0. Karsh------ A. B. Beasley _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8,000 250,000 200,000 10,000 35.000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :I: Am. Bk. &. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - : _ul~t:~:;: ~:~-----~~-------•;;:;! - - - - - - - -CROW ----- A. P. BAUMAN ______ a. H. LITTLE ---- ·-- · *COMMERCIAL e. s. JERMAN ----- C.E. J.a. HUNTER SHERWOOD City Bank ~ your eo lleetlons direct. l We remit dally. Bank of Raeford ------•:1'03 J. W. llcLaachlin_ D, M. Parker ______ R, B, Lewis, Jr •... ___________________ _ John W• .lloore 66-422 •Raleigh _______ Wake O 9 Pop. 24,418 z0 197,880 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N .. Wil. 895,050 571,660 13,830 12,000 - 30,000 14,540 220,780 269,530 35.000 7,390 223,0.,0 221,000 Cent, Union Tr. and Irving N.. N. Y.; Old Dominion Tr. Co. and Federal Tr. Co., Rich. Btrs.Tr.Oo., N. Y.; Alex Brown &Sons, Bait,: Va. Tr. and Old Dominion Tr. Cos., Rich. Han. N., N. Y.; Am.Ex. N.,Greensboro;Merch, N.,Rich. N. Park, N. Y. : Am, Ex. N., Greensboro. 22,060 Mech.& Metals N., N, Y. : Murchison N., Wil.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; 1st N., Rich, 17,000 N. City, N. Y.; Mflrch. N .• Ralei~h; Murchison N, and Am, Bk. & Tr, Co .. Wil.: \Yachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., \Yinston-Salem, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl volumt>. For _Interest Rates. Holld_a!S, otc., see Laws. 0 HEsOURt:Es. I PIUNCIPAL CORRESPO."DE.'TS. CAROLINA-Continued • AME OF llANK. •Mem. Am. Ilks. As n. § tate Entire State in No. 5 tMem. tate Bks. Assn. t Priv. ral R~serve Di trict. ♦Mem. Fed. Hes. lK. w.J2. Reidsville__ Rocklnrham Pop. 5333 BG PRESIDENT. 2 :,..;:...~;;:.....;.c;;......=L-IA~i~ITl~S~ I VICE-PRESIDENT. , CASHUrn. I ASS'T CASHIER, PAID=;; ·soliPLUS DEPOS- CAPITAL p:C,~TS ITS --- --- J. F. WATllNGTON-- J. W. McGEHEE------ W. A. TROTTER----- ------------------ORGANIZED 1882. This bank makes a specialty of collections. Every Item sent us receives personal attention. We shall be pleased to serve you. tlG-112 Ex--1 - - - - - - --Lo.lW& I, D-;.---;;:D & c~L Bona, <Dl4.•ea,Dn lj"'1&1TtU -..011 B.uru ~~ I ~$ 699 •378 ~ limp. & Tra. N., N. Y. ' -1- R. L WATT------- W• .I. IRYIN------- EUGENE IRVIN------ B. M. BALSLEY------ 75.000 CITIZENS BANK•H'85 { The largest and St rongest Bank in Cou nty. Save time and ev ade liability by send ing your collections to us direct. 82.200 55,270 182.090 N. Park, N. Y. 730,380 &G-1!8 We make persona I presentation, give reasons for non-pay ment and remit pro mptly. S end us y our colle ctions. i-. ,: t11ir------- R. s. MONTGOMERY SCOTT FILLMAN ---- Y.- rJ~L\WIELD-ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THE COUNTY. end us your R eldsvllle Items D lrect. NAT BANK { FIRST M-lM 1 •t'lO ::i> 6&8,000 12,500 1 83S,920 100,000 (") ~ 100,220 1N. City, N. Y.; Cltlz, N., Raleigh. I 10 lt""4 'z ! Special Attentl on Given BUI of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Ite ms. liichfleld _____ tanly D 5 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. J.M. Stafford _____ Geo. W, Miller ____ \V, S. Bogle ______________ Pop. 177 66-676 §'Ill Rlchlands ___ Qoslow Ell Citizens Bank ___________ i1•12 W. B. Venters _____ J.E. Steed _______ G. B. Whitted ______________________ _ Pop. 548 H-288 . 1::i> I tt1 10,000 1,570, 64,210 50,980 ~ 18,0001 10,000 40,ooo , 250,000 240,000 55,000 . Ierch. N., Rich. @ 10,000 35,950 ' 187,070 241,600 1 10,720 ~ Roanoke Rapids __ HaJifax First National Bank _____ •i•os C. A. Wyche _______ S. F. Patterson ____ J. T. Stainback ____ H. H. King _______ _ Pop. 3369 B 10 116-212 T. W. lL Long 100,000 23,250 500,620 737.140 103,540 ~Han. N., N. Y.: N. State & City and Merch ..., .. I Ric-h.: Wachovia Bk. · Tr. Oo., Win ton- < Salem. ::::; Rober onvillc ____ Martin BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE J. H. Roberson, Jr, A. s. Roberson---- J. A. Mizell ------ D.R. Everett _____ _ Pop. 1100 011 66-427 •:1'06 R. A. Bailey 42,400 21,200 675,000 375,000 230,000 °N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Plan. ti° N., Rich.; Am. Bk. & Tr., Suffolk, () RlcbS<1uare,Northampton Bank of Rich Sqnare--•H'02 J. T. Bolton _______ J. W. Weaver _____ R.K. Grant_ _______________ Pop. 475 B 11 Ge-.t26 FARMERS BNKG. s. l. EVEREH--------nARvf~li~e-mcnr--T, T. GRIMES------- J. -- BANK OF PEE DEE {W. L. PARSONS- WM. ENTWISTLE -- H. C. PAISONS---- E. H. AYCOCK----- Rockwell _____ Rowan Pou. ,i;;:{ •i1•1n g= ~ g Remittance made at low rates on day of payment. 116-203 • City, •. Y.: Norfolk N., Norfolk; Am. 13k. & Tr. Co .. Suffolk. t, N. COBURN------- CO. Special attention to Bill of Lading Drafts and all °'0 • TRUST 66-600 t§'17 - - - - -~ _o_llectlon Items. Send us your business. •Rockin~ham ___ Richm'd Pop. 2500 E6 1 1 35,000 - 14,700 - -- 100 ,000 ZH,990 156,6'70 - - ,- - 130,830 I 907,180 811,360 Send u your C ollcctlons, BUI of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Item Direct. Remit tcd for on Day of Payment. 161,160 l.\leeh. &. l\letals N .• :s. Y.; ll"ael10,1a Ilk. ::,,;" & Tr. Co .• WinS(on_-Salem; Norfolk N .• ~ Norfolk; Am. N., Rieb.; Atlantic Bk.&.. tD Tr. Co •• Green boro. - I - 327,270 ,Han. N., N. Y.; .fcrch. N., nalt.; 1st N., Rich.; Murchison N ., Wil. I Bank or Rockingham --•il'lo M. W. McRae ______ A. C. Everett ______ B. F. Reynold ---- W. O. Nichols ____ _ 66-206 so,ooo! 21,060 530,9801 513,280 Farmers Bank ---------•U'Ol R. L. Steele ________ M.. H. Fowlkes _____ L. S. Covin2ton ____ R. L. Phillips _____ _ 66-204 L. S. Covington J. W. Covington 15,000 47,140 464,010 Richmond County Bavinfs Bk. W. L. Parsons _____ William Entwistle_ : W. L. Scales------- Octavia S. Scales __ 15,000 25,630 335,290 46,020 Bk. of Pee Dee. Rockmgham. 7.000 5,570 U0,9Q0 •a,100 Peo. '.. aHsb,,y, Me,·ch. N .• Haleieh, \\' nchovia Bk. & 'l'r. Co., Win. ton-Salem. - 5 llank of Ro::~::~]__ ____ ::::;~ J. W. Peeler_______ 1 66-611 & TRUST n t\ BANK t\ Wt\Acuov,A . Holshot1c·er ____ jT. R. Garner------ -------------------- co wINSTON-sALEM, N• C• Number UDder Name of BaD.k is the New TransH Number' Biven to each bank in U. S. exchuJvely by The .Band-McNail7 Banke!•' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • AR OLINA-Continued 4 3,5()0 72,taJCha,,e N, &nd N_. Dk •• Com., N, Y., Plan. N.. 'j;;' Rich.; Murchison N., WI!.; Am. Tr. Oo .. ::, .~ ? Charlotte. • . , . c 16..>,9-0 Han. N.,N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & 'Ir. Co .. Wm- tll ston- ·aJem. ..., LARGEST BANK IN THE cAROLINAs I . ~ ~ ~ I WE COLLECT DIRECT ANDI souc1T vouR sus1NEss ' _. _ Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest .Bankfng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th.13 ~ 1041 Number under Name of Bank is the New TransH NumbM ~ven to each bank in u. s. exclusJvely by The .Band-McNally Banker•' DJJ'ectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.___ _____ NORTH CAROLINA-Continued _ TOWN A.ND COUNTY. PRESIDENT. ' --- .l NAME OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. EntireStatein o.5 :tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. [Est&b Federal R serve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIO. ASS'T CA.SHIER. I 1-------1-------1-------1--- LIABILITIES. ISUB.PLU81DJ:l'OSITS • - 87 •i·o 125,000 I ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. ""1 &; Exc ~ , ~ ~0 : ; " : ; ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- --- J.B. RAMSEY----- G. L. WIMBERLY, JR. FRANK F. FAGAN---- W. F. PARKERSON--JAMES R. WORSLEY RESOURCES. 11.o..... Du- PAID-UP CAPITAL . pBA.NDO-IT8 Rocky Mount.Edgecombe\Farmers & Merchants Bank T. T. Thone _______ M. 0. Blount------ W.W. Avera ______ ---------- __________ ,$ 100,000 $ T. A. Avera •§'16 66-88 Pop. 12,742 C 10 FRANK F. FAGAN FIRST 116NATI BANK4 {SEND US YOUR ROCKY I Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ban.ldng Pofnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back oft~ '-4 ~lume. For~Interest}tates, _l!olfdays, etc., see Laws. ~ '_< - 733,000: $ 450,000 $ 290,000 Mech. & Me,tals N ., Ni- Y.; M_erch. N., Hich.; ~ Seab. N., orfolk; \\achov1a Bk. & Tr. Co., t,.,;) . ...,. Winston-Salem. · 158,700 11,183,2801-.l.925,280 170,440 N. Park, N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Am. N., Rich. . 26,000 !$ 1 1 zO MOUNT IT EMS DIRECT. Special attentl on given Bill or Lading drafts, C ash and TJme Ite ms. ~ ~ NATIONAL BANK ~ THOMAS H. BATTLE--- A. P. THORPE----- J. L. SUITER------- M. N. MAC. RAE----S. R. KNOX Special attention to Bill of Lading Drafts and all collection items. Remittanoes made at low rates on day of payment. OF ROCKY MOUNT 66-84 - 1--------:---------------------1 Planters National Banlc•i•98 J. 0, Braswell---- M:. O. Braswell ____ Millard F. Jones ___ R, D. Gorham _____ I I 8&-85 Roclcy Mount Sav. & Tr. Oo. Thomas H. Battle_ J.C. Braswell ____ F. P. Spruill ______ J.A. Reaian_______ J, W. Hines •:tl'03 H-811 Ronda _______ Wilkes B4 Deposit&Saving Bank_t§'l9 J6-660 Pop. 250 Roper __ Washiniton O 12 Banlc of Boper________ •U'06 1111-428 PoJ>. 1043 Rosoboro ___ sam1>sonE lf,Bank of Roseboro ------•l'OU 86-429 Pop. 749 Coharie Bank __________ U'l6 " ________ " 66-596 ! Uosehill _____ Duplin E 10 Banlt of Rose Hill -----•U'06 66-430 Pop. 516 Rosemary __ Halifax B 10 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. •t§'l9 66-644 Pop. 3500 RosemarJ Bankini & Tr. Co. •:t1·u 116-524 Rowland ____ Robeson F 7 Bank of Rowland ------•:tl'04 66-278 Pop. 746 " J. W. Yates ______ C. D. Du Bose _____ 0. D. Du Bose_____ __________________ J. A. Turlington T. I. Herring ______ J. A, Barker _______ C. B. Tyson _______ _________________ 20,000 7,600 330,000 300,000 10,000 9,500 225,000, 232,000 10,100 N. Park, N, Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I en I I~ J. O. Williams _____ Maury Ward _______ W. B. Southerland_ T. G. Jerome______ 10,000 4,700 139,100 J. L. Patterson ____ J. A. Moore ________ F. L. Nash. ________ ----·-------------- 25,000 2,580 136,600 1 • 40.820 N. Park, 45,340 Chem. N •• N. Y.; Oitiz .. Raleieh; March. N., ~ Hich.;\\"achovia Bk.&Tr.Co.,Winston-Salem. '< !::II 38,350 Hanover N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 1 6,710 208,920 232,200 523,190 532,680 MERCHANTS& FAIMEIS BK. W. L. Buck: ______ W. llcG. Buck---- W. L. Buck_______ J.E. Mccallun____ 22,500 11,000 338,000 280,000 25,000 30,000 700,000 525,000 70,000 25,000 600,000 615,000 W.R. WILKERSON. R. A. BURCH-------- B. G. CLAYTON------ T. B. WOODY-------. . • W. T. PASS I Y.: Am. Bk. & Tr. co .• Wil. 113,030 144.570· ---------1 1• ;:::::a. 61,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Plan. N .• Rich. { 117.780 701.430 932.840 10,000 9,600 116,000 132,000 C, L. Miller ________ H. L. Carpenter ____ M. H. Jones _______ F. F. Cobb------C. F. Cline 58,000 20,000 573.300 395,400 coMMERCIA~!f1K----t1'01 W. A. Thompson __ M. O. Dickerson ___ T. F. Oates ________ ----·--------------- 50,000 21,090 625,660 330,060 9,800i---------1 40,600; J.E.Peele _______ CarlR.Livermon_ S.J . .Fore _________ -------------------B. S. ll'lynL ______ A. L. Payne _______ E. E. Shore _______ J. F. Miller_______ E. L. Kiser ________ W, E. Stauber _____ H. A. Carroll ______ J. G. Morefield____ BANK & TRUST N. N. Y.; Am. N •• Rich.; \Vachosia Bk. 161.390 Han. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 15.000 Han .• r., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Warhovia Bk, & Tr. Co., Winston- alem. 41,430 Seab.N.,N.Y.;Com'IN.,Raleiin.;NorfolkN., 07,630 1 64,930, 5,950 10,000 r· , Norfolk. . , _ I: 33,500 :Merch. N .• Rich.; Far. Bk. & Tr. Co.,\\ mston2,100 141.000 10.>,000 7,200 Salem. . 10,000 --------- -------- --------- --------- Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 100.000 , E.G. Loni A. Capehart _______ T. S. Norfleet _____ W. J. Capehart. ___ ----------------- co ., wINSTON- sALEM, N. c. o0 86,040 Merrh. N .. Bait.: Murchison N ., WiJ.; Plan, o s= N. and Merch. ~T·• Rich. 54,000 Murchison N .. Wit.: Am. T., Rich.; Am, Tr. ::, r+ Co., Charlotte. r+O 225,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N .. Rich. We make a specialty of collections on this poin :t. 1 Salembnrg .• Sam1>son E9 Bank of Salem~ir2 _____ :t§'ID C. S. Roya} •••••••• S. A. Howard ______ \Y. L. Gore ________ --------------·----, 1 ,i ~ ~ 47,290 va. N .• Norfolk; 1st & Citiz. N .• Elizabeth Z ~ . . City. 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 453,790 457,080 20,000 25,0UO ~. , :.-· w· AC HO VIA f(~~-· ~t-,:~;: ~ > 20,000 : 100,000 ~~f 340,890 Cha~e N. ,and Liberty N .. N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 62,760 '. Bk. of Rocky Mt. and Planters N., Rocky ~t.; Va. Tr. Co. and N. S!ateand City, Rich. 827,900 756,240. 54.830 -------------·---- -----·------------ C.B.Schulenberier __________________ (Branch, of North wilkubor o,N. C,) _________ ~Ierch. N., Rich. :!~:~~!---~-~;:~ A:~:...~~~- :.:~~=:-~-~--= :.:.e~::~~~: n~~-~~-- - - - -I - ... "--1!' 100.000 B. A. Edens _______ A. L. Bullock ______ E. B. Ward _______ C. D. Smith_______ 6&-232 Roxobel ____ __ Bertie B 11 Bank of Ro:r.obeL-----•U'08 86-431 Pop. 2207 RoanokeChowanBank:.U'U " " 116-535 Rural HalL.-Forsyth B 5 Commercial & Farmers Bank tl'06 86-432 Pop, 700 & Tr. qfci Rural Hall " ________ " 6 •Ru t herfordton_ Ruther- CITIZEISBAIK& TRUST~O. •U'l5 66-257 ford ___ Pop.1693.---D 2 .. ~, Geo. L. Haye • Jr•• F. G. Jarman ______ W. T. Councill____ ________________ FIRST _______ - 268,250 1,314,910 2,5-U,770 ~ 0 r4 t; ---------------- ---- L. L. Lewis ________ B. S. Olark: ___________--------------- W. F. Bullock •il'l2 6&-270 .i.Roxboro _____ Person B 8 Bank of Roxboro _____ e:tf'04 T. E. Austin _______ S. G. Win tead ____ W. F. Loni ________ B. W. Gardner____ _ Hugh Wood 66-233 Pop. 3214 " 300,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Norfolk N., Norfolk. - - - - n > 350,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; 215,000 1.500,000 1,800,000 300,000 - 200,000 1N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com'! N .. Hie-h Point: Merch. N., Rirh.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem. 266,600 Chase N .. N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 58,550;-- .•• ___ Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., \Yil. LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 'g1 n 3 i l1Q Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln• Jfaml,er under Name of Bank ia the New Tranalt Nwnbel' pven dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this .... lo eaob bank in U. B. es:eluahelJ by The Band-MeNallJ Bankers' DlnetorJ, under the authority of The Amerlean _Ba::::n::..:k=e=r=s=As=s=-=•n=·==================:..::--==:..::.:::: =========;===vo=l=um=e=.=F=-=o=r=I=n=t=er=e=s.._...:.tRates, H?ll'!_ay~c ..'. . see Laws. 1-.:) PRINCIPAL CoRRESPONDE.~Ts. ' REsouRCES. LIABILITIES. NAME oF BL~K. To,nr AND COUNTY. Ass'T OASHllm. P.ilD-uP SURPLUS DEPOS- LoAJ<a• o... c..... hCA.SHIU. VICE-PRESIDJCNT. PRESIDJCNT. •Mem. Am. Bks • .Assn. 1state •Oounty Seats. c~, 1TB 0.A.PITAL PB.A.NDOl'ITB Batire State in No. 5 :t:Mem. StateBks.Assn. tPriv. _-=-p0• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~'~ed~e:! 1_+.:...-=M:..:e:..::m:..:.-=F--'ed:..::..:..-=R..:..:e:..:s_._..:.[E..:.:..:sta 3 1 1 1 NORTH CAROLINA-Continued 2, l ~= •Bali bnry •••• Rowan C 4 *Davis & Wiley Bank.•:11815 0. D. Davis .••••. - P. B. Beard_··-·- J.M. Mccorkle._. 1----··-··- $ 60,000 $ 77,000 $ 463,270 $ 355,700 $ 235,270 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., R ich. 66-91 Pop.13,884 52,650 897,840 862t670 199,340 N. Park, N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich.; Merch. 100,000 *First Natio n a~nBa nk ---•1'83 H. N. \Voodso:c. ____ R. V. Brawley _____ H.P. Brandis ______ G. A. Fisher-----·• -------.. 66 .,0 N. and Am. Tr. Co .. Raleigh. 95,000 1,350,000 1.200,000 277.420 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Independence Tr. 100,000 Busby···-··· T. W. ..•••• SmooL L A. ..... Norwood *Peoples National Bank.•t'05 J. D. " --···" Co., Charlotte; Plan. N •• Rich. W. T. Busby 66-93 0 *SALISBURY BANK {w. E. MCWHIRTER. E. w. TATUM ........ w. C. SIFFERD...... M·R\Lij~tu"iiiAiSEND US Y OUR & TRUST CO. 66-94 100,000 20.000 800,008 8'78,000 z 100,000 ci;:':1~b~~~-- ~: ~~C~rroit!~eroh. 0 SALIS BURY ITEM S DIRECT. ~ :J: Speclalattentlo n given Btu of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. •tl'12 W. F. SNIDER-···--· *WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY .66-92 •.•••• •1'03 Personal attentlo n given to all Col lecttons on Salls bury. > (BroAlCh of Wim ton-Sau m,N.C.) - - - Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.; l!erch. N. and _ Plan. N •. Rich. :::O _ ___ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Salisbury Olearing Ilou e •••. - - - · · - - - · - - - - - - - · 0. D. Davis, 11-Igr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O --(Mcm11er.~ i11dicatcdb11a*) 20,360 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Spartanburg, Spartan- ~ 58,030 74.600 760 10 000 Salnda--······· Polk H 6 Bank of aluda -·······~t§'l7 J.B. Cannon ••••.. D• .M. Fraser .••••• P.H. Bailey ••••••. ·····-·········--·-burg: Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co .. Asheville; Am. ~ ' 66·598 Pop. 549 Tr. Co., Charlotte. 93,470 86,010 6,260 18,720 Merch. N., Bait.; Murchison N., Wil.: WaCarolina State Bank ... •tl'06 D. C. Barrow -··- Q. C. Sonner•••••. H. B. Lane·-···- Louise Lane .•.•..• 5,000 W. c. Robertson chovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem.: Am. 66-433 N .• Asheville; Com'! N., High Point. 35,000 750,000 700,000 100,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Plan. N .. Rich.; Merch. N .. t:Jj •Sanford ••••• _•• Lee D 7 Banking 1-n. & Tr. Oo .• _:t:S'04jR, E. Carrington._ W.W. Robard .•••. J. W. Cunniniham I. P. Lasater._._ 25,000 J. K. Barnes 66-196 Pop. 2977 Raleil?h; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., \Vinston-, Salem. ~ 50,000 900,000 900,000 11'1,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. . J. JONES, Jr.··-· 100,000 HATCH ...... E. BUCHAN ....... J.M. z > BANK OF SANFORD; ~s. P. 66·195 •U'98 1 end u R. Ross-·······- > z R. I oo Your C ollectlons, Bill of!Lading Draft·, C ash and Time Remitted for on Day of Payme nt. Item Dlrec t. II I 25,000 --- 123,000 147,000 Claude Kitchin •••• - - - - - - - · O. J. Moore .... _ .. ··--····-···--- 15,000 10.000 430,000 306,000 G. Hoffman _____ T. B. \Vheeler _____ J. H. Alennder,Jr. Ennis Bryan-•• Hueh Johnson H. R. Harris ··-··· R. W. Mwords •... Elmo Crocker._ •• W. H. Pruden .•••• B. S. taucell 25,000 27,000 560,000 387,600 6,000 36,060 344.410 309,520 J. D. Welch .•..•.• Frank Auman .•••• A. C. Harri· ..••... L. W. Harris ...•.. 10,000 780 23,940 16,810 G. W. Evans ... -..- P. O. Worley ...... J. W. Peedin •..•.. Ruby Griflll::._ ..••• 30,000 15,000 400,000 320,000 L. D. Debnam-·-·· T. M. Benay ·····-· M. R. Wall •.••••••• H. A. Brown···-·- 15,000 9,000 300,000 176,000 J.B. Stephenson •. A. M. Fleetwood ••• M. L. Martin .••••_. - - - · · - - - 10,000 3,100 160,000 148,000 W, R. Goley .•• ·--· G. W. Kirby ••••••• E. F. Mallard-···- ---·-·-··-··- 10,000 5,000 100,000 115,000 G. T. Dawe: •.•-·-· M.A. Batchelor ••• J. S. Harper .•••••• ---·------··· 7,000 3,970 67,210 76,430 ······--·-·--··-··· Wm. Linolierger •• }{. E. Campbell .• __ J. J. Lattimore, Sec. and Tr. Chas. C. Blanton_. Jno. F. Schenck .. _ Georie Blanton •••• Forrest Kskrldre .. 125,000 1,710 203.030 287,780 J. T. Bowman .•••• E. B. Hamrick ••••. ········-···-······· N. R. Bowman--·· 50,000 10,850 381,910 422,470 Siler City •.• Chatham C 7 Ohatham Bank •••••• -•. •:t:1·02 J.C. Gregson .•••• W. A. Teairue·--·· J. J. Jenkins·-·-· _ _ _ _ _ __ 66-266 Pop. 12.53 M. M. Dorsett, Siler City Loan & Trust Co. ll. II. •. --··· C. n. Fitts-·-······ J. Q. Seawell, " •••••••• " A, Sec. and Tr, Sec. and 'l'r. .T. D. Edwards •*1'07 M-267 31,700 ~.200 265,000 246,000 60,000 14,700 417,420 874,3i0 Scotland Neck .•• Halifax B 11 Pop. 2061 •• ________ .. eaboard •• Northampton B 11 Pop. 500 eagrovc •. Hanclolph C 6 Bank of eagro\'e ___ ···- '20 66·702 Pop. l!SO elma •••••• Johnston D g First ation:1I .Hank ····-*'02 66-435 Pop. lo0l Peoples Bank and 'l'rust Co. " •••••.•. " il'l2 66-502 overn.- •• ! ·orthampton Bank of evern-····-··•t§'l7 66·602 B 11 Pop. 284 hallotte. Brunswick G QI Citizens Bank ____ ._in1 66-492 Poo. 174 harpsourir •• WiLon O 10 SharpsburgDanking Co.•:t:1'07 66-436 Pop. 334 helby •..• Cl , eland D 2 Oleveland Bank :· Trust Co. ."'20 66-698 Pop. 3609 First National Hank •.••. •i·os " ·······" 66-168 SHELBY NATIONAL BANK 66-169 •l'05 F. R. Snipe'····-·· E. L. Gavin ••••.••• H. 0. - C'/l ewbold -·· · · · - · · - - - - - - Peoples Bank----·•"19 66-666 Planters & Com'l Bank •• U-07 66-225 Scotland Neck Bank ___ •tl'92 66-224 Farmers Bank •..••..•• •:1'06 66-434 13,500 N. State & Chy, Rich.; Merch. N .. Raleigh, Pl 1;;· 150,000 Han. N.,N.Y.;Norfolk N .• Norfolk; Wachovia, O" i:: Bk. & Tr. Co•• Winston-Salem. 169,000 Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Norfolk;! -1 I'< MPrch. N., Rich. 76,950 Norfolk N .• Norfolk: Va. N., Petersburg, Va.; l:tw.?1irc:k- & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem;! •~ 19,830 Plan. N., Rich.; Com'l N., High Point. 1 25,000 250,000 2,650,V00 2,800,000 0 ro 110,000 Chath~m & Phenix N., N. Y.; Com'l N .. 1 1-1 Raleigh: Va. N., Petersburg, Va. 122,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.; Merch. N., ~~ Raleigh. 27,000 Norfolk N .. Norfolk: Far. Bk. of Nansemond, rt'< Suft'olk. 10,000 Am. Bk. &Tr. Co., Wil.; 1st N,, Rich. 19.170 Merch. N., Rich,; Murchison N .• Wil.; Plan. N .. Rocky Mt. 55,900 Irring N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Merch. N., Rich. 875. 000 Ohase N .. N. Y.: 1st N ., Phil. and Rich. '-4 ll) ;:l Number un~er Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,290 Chase N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich. C Pl "1 37,000 Bk. of the Manhattan Co .. N. Y.; Greensboro~ Ln. & 1'r, Co., Greensboro. 107,790 Plan. N .. Rich.; Am. Ex. N., Greensboro. I 1043 NIIDllter uader Name of Bank ia the New Transl& Nom~ ~ven 0 ers' to each bank in u. s. uelmlvely by The Rand-McNaDy Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. I NAME OF BA.NK. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bk . Assn. §State •County Seats. Entire State in o. 5 tMem.State Ilks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. +)lem. Fed. Res. ~~f:J LIABILITIES. p RESIDE.~T. VICE-PRESIDENT. ,.o CA.SB:IJ:R. ASS'T CASHIER. ITS ........ Lo.LIii"' n ... •~~-o•. g-•am ~ ':<"' Ei- Cll.Uf,.ft.,eBu:~": - ~~ $ R. l', Holding_____ ____________ 12,000 - - - - - ------- ------- -·-----1st N., Smithfield. 25,000 38,550 689,340 603,540 0. L. Blount _______ J. F. Broughton___ 20,000 17,310 117,080 142,750 25,000 13,000 220,000 160,000 c. w. Edwards____ 6J'_ifli) & Trusu::io ___________________________________________ Robert P. Cherry __ Spencer Pop:-2af8"an O 5 Bank of sif:m·-------H:Oa J. K. Dorsett. ____ J. W. Oarlton ___ A. M. SU£gs _______ ,_ _ _ _ ll'irstNation:A.-tfk------i•o3 R. c. Jones ______ J. G. Busby _ _ _ T. B. Johnston__ __________________ .. ·• 181,640 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Plan. N .. Rich. 11,680 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Goldsboro, Goldsboro; Merch. N., Raleigh: Plan. N., Rich. 85,000 Ohase N., N. Y.: Am. N., Rich. 10,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - ~o:, \J·: Merch. N., Bait.; Am. Bk. & ~ 15,000 11,260 234,830 221,900 22,650 H;,~·. 25,000 15,490 148,060; 176,670 20,430NR~i!~ire~· Y.; Elkin N., Elkin; N. Ex.,~ (Branch of Tarb ora, N.C ,.) __________ F¥~.Bc~: t.rfi~o~.o., Tarboro; Branch BKg. & 25.000 17,000 380.000 295,000 127,000 M~f:st!i'-"s~~_: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., 25,000 11,450 394,MO·1 307,270 120,430 Com'! N .. Wash., D. C.: Peo. N,, Salisbury, f CO,--!S'li ________________________________________ 1________ F. F. Cobb ________ (Branch of Ruth erfordto n, N. C.) _________ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; March. N., Rich. Spindalep~t~8oford D 2 Citizens Bk~ 61 Soray __ lo~~kJ~ham B 6 Bank of Sp~ioi-------t1'04, ________ ---------- G. G. Ivie--------- ________ (Branch of Ban k of Lea knJille, Lt-ak8viL ~. N. O.) H~~ifBir~l,ji/~o~w~·s~~~~f~~o1/~~f; & City and Amer. N., Rich.; Branch Bkg. & . Tr. Co., Wilson. 86,680 Imp. &Tra-N., N.Y.:Merch. N., Rich.; Wacho266,090 203,570 11,940 20,000 Oo._it'07 R. E. Wall ________ A. F. Tuttle _______ S. B. Marshall, Sec. Jas. T. Smith, Tr.. Imperial via Bk. & '!'r. Co.. Winston-Salem. P. 0. Hanlon, Tr. ll •t k Ba N h On C"tize B . sDrmg P°tJ>~-i as 70,000 Pl!!ie~h. Rich. and Rocky Mt.; Merch. N.• 23,000 375,000I 400,000 C0,000 " 1 ns n66-~-•• ' N. B. ll'inch _____ J. J. Pitts ________ J. J, Pitt~-------- R. c. Coopedge____ 221 8,190 268,920 178,180 131,250 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Murchison N., 50,CiilO First Nation66-6alBa nk-----•'19 P.A. Morgan ______ H. L. Griffin. ______ w. E. Johnson ____ G. F. Walker______ " " 48 . .. Wil. 79,000 Ban. N., N. Y.; C1t.iz., Burnsville. 13,000 260,0001 188,000 10,000 Svruce Pine.Mitchell C 1 Bank of Spruce Pine __ •*1'16 c. A. Peterson _____ John v. cox ___ R. E. Burton _____ J. L. Hollifield____ Tate Wilson B. B. Royall , ~86 Pop. 717 12,500 - - - - - - - ------- - - - tanfield __ -- Stanley D 5 Bank of Sta nl~\~d _______ t 20 A. P. Harris _______ T. M. Hartsell. ____ M. E. Herrin______ ____________________ 6 11,950 N. Park. N. Y.; Charlotte N., Charlotte. 112,760 54,270 U70 10,000 Stanley __p____ Gaaton D 3 B'armers & ~z· Bank-l'OG M.A. Carpenter ___ H. N. Abernathy.:.._ Fred Rhyne _______ Mary Mccorkle____ J. II. Reinhardt, .,.,-,... OJ), 584 Actinll. • 26,070 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Pl n. N., Rich.; 15,990 171,630 166,770 10,000 L c Darden B J Thompson Stantonsbtu"£ ----- WIison Planters Bank ----------•!110 G 8 Williams Brancb B;kg, & Tr. Co., Wilso~. ------ - - - - - - - - - --- • • ----- ' . ' . 116--441 0 9 Pop. 424 33,320 Plan. N .• Rich.: Merch. N., Rale1ih. 6,720 193,610 180,040 10.000 Star---p~~~~~mery D 6 Bank of Star&i-=«i------•tl'll J.B. 8hamburrer_ J. A. Maness ______ w. J'orlow ______ J. L. Cochran_____ Tr~1,:v. 0~7/{sooell C 4 •Statesvj~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COMMERCIAL {W. O. TURNER----- E. M'ORRISON _______ o. M. AUSLEY ______ G. E. HUGHEY------- NATIONAL BANK - _ 174,760 $ 235,390 S 38,410 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: Merch. N.,Ra- \0 ~ lei~h; Merch. N., Bait. and Ric~. 690,470 1,224,220 144,150 N. Bk. Com .. N, Y.; Merch. N., Rich. Moyer Mendenhall W. E.Debnam_____ .0Sparta_Po:.11lhany BS Banr:of8pal~i-----•U'03 R.A.Dourhton __ D.C. Duncan _____ T. J. Carson _____ Sveed __ p~ff.ei~Ombe C 11 Farmers Ba DEPOS- CAPITAL PBOl'ITS R. C. Cooper ______ F. c. Sweeney ____ _ S 50,000 S 20,360 R. P. Holding ______ J. L. Hubbard ____ _ 100,000 53,410 SouthernPPine.~ .» ooreD7 Oitizens Bal!t,,.:f'r. Oo,-*1'05 C. B. Grout _______ W. 11'. Junre _____ B. o. Rirran _____ Ethel s. Jones____ C. T. Patch vu-.. op. 7-. 3 SouthMµ~p~/ Tden B 13 Farmers & f~iihants ,~~ W. I. Halstead _____ c. G. Ferebee ___ Alton L. Jordan___ _____________ 7 6 .oSouthvfdi>~itunswlf\ Bank of So~~ L---•U'05 T. E. Cooper _______ J. w. Brooks ______ G. B. Ruark _______ A. M, Woodside___ 6 PAID-UP SU~us 1-------1-------1-------1-------1--- --- --- --- ---1----------------1 Bank.•*'19 N. B. Grantham ___ F. R. Parrish ______ •Smithfi;~~~f\!ston D 9 Citizens Na 6 8 First Natio~~nk ____ •*'08 T. R. Hood _______ F. K. Broadhurst._ '' " N. B. Grantham National Tr i~~o. ______ §'20 T. R. Hood ________ W. B. Austin _____ 6 B. B. Adams ,... . . p -- G ~iene D 1O F irst ~,atio~t k----•i·l6 J.C. Exum ________ J.P. Frizzelle _____ • 8 now Bill 7 Moyer :Uendenhall Hill Bk &T O .. Is OJ), &6~3B r. o.•+ 3 G. A. Norwood ____ J. T. Sur£ _____ ! now T Non-Bank Towns wfth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this"'-' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., se~ _!,aw~_. ~ i:: PRlNCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES. NORTH CAROLINA-Cont1"nued 100.000 36,990 1,116,200 1,212,460 214,730 Ban. N., N. Y.; Girard N., PhD. Special Att entiontoBill of Lading Dr afts,Cashan d Time lte ms. REMITTANCES MADE ON DAY OF PAYMENT. •i·o _ 66 140 8 40,000 1,000,000 800,000 250,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Plan. N., Rich. Jl'irstNation~~nk _____ ei•oa R. A. Cooper _____ T.D. Miller _____ J. W. Q 07 _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100,000 32,000 700,000 670,000 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y; Plan. N., Rich. 25,000 0. S. Tomlin _______ L. K. Lazenby ____ J. A. Knox _ _ _ W.R. Holland----Merchants& Farmers Bk. •it·oa, _ _ _ _ _ ___:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - 66-tsa i O > ~ C Z > tt, > Z ~ Ul j 0 3 ::;.· ~ _ tf ~ me of Balik la the Kew Tranllt Numltu ldven ... to eaoh bank In U. S. exeluslvelf by The Rand-MeNall' Banli:ers• America~ Ban ~!_S !!Js'n. authority of the under Dlreetorf. '!"_• NAME OP BANK. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. ISt&te :Mem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. BntireSt.atem o.5 [Estab. J!'ederalReserveDlstrict. ♦Kem.Fed.Res. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of this volume. For Intere t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law • NORTH CAROLINA-Continued I ~--- -- - 2 PRINCIPAL CORRESPO,TDENTS, RESOURCES. - LIABILITIES. Stokesdale•• Gulltord Bl StokesdaleOom'l Bank.•:1'08 P. B, Simpson .•• _. D. P. Lemmon.·--, 66-'46 Pop. 17D Stonoville •• Rockinitham Bank of Stoneville •••••• U'03 R. T. Stone •••• _••• ' J. A. Glenn •• _. ___ · Gl-447 BG Pop. 472 L. W. Matthews .•• A. S. Bauehn •. ____ Farmers•Merch. Bk. & Tr. " ·····-·· " Co..• ____ .. 66-640 •• -•. •:WlO I Stony Polnt••• Ale:s:ander Bank of Stony PoinL .... 1'08 A. L. Watts.·-··--· W. D. McLelland_ 66-448 0 3 Pop. 148 Stovall..•••Granville B 8 1. Bank of StovalL •••• _•. :1:1'06 W. T. Yancey _____ R. C. Puckett. ___ . , 1 66-449 1 Pop. m St. Pauls-•• Robeson E 8l Bank of St. Pauls ••• ,-•ii 10 L. Mclnms --··--- A. R. Mt'Eachern_ J.M. Butler ! G6-460 Pop.1180 ! +§'20 l G d 0. Donnell. •.•• W. .•.•. Simpson H. P. •+ .. Summerfield of Bank ford, Summerflel •• - ni 66-716 B6 Pop. 160 Pierce-·----· L. F. _. ••••• Barrell I. S. Bank_·-····--·*''l2 Sunbury••_ ••Gates B 12 Farmers E. F. Corbell ~08 Pop. ZOO Litchfield •• __ B. A. ·-··-·•• Mann S.S. tl'll .•.•••• _ ••• Hyde of Bank ' 13 D .Hyde '8wanquarter 88-451 I Pop.185 ____ • L.McKee_. E. Barris.--···O.J. •1'06 .• •SyJvia. _____J ackson B 4 Jack on County Bank . , / 88-452 Pop. 863 TUCKASEIIEE BAlll-•H 09 D. G. Bryson ______ J. N. Wilson-----· 66-467 196,850 O. K. Nolen ••••••• 1······------··--· I 12,500 20,180 203,460 1 , 208 3001 J. R. Martin.------ D. K. Helsabeck... 15,000 1,830 104,130 A. W, White •••• ·-- \·-·······---·-···-·· USO 2,160 85,670 I A. B. Bray···-··-·· /L. L. Richardson __ $ 10,000 1 205,3i0 I 128,960 1 O. L. Lewis.·-···-· A.G. Lewis·--·-·. J. O. Lentt•. ·----· L.A. Krne·----···- 12,000 3,910 62.000 60,000 40,000 425,000 Howard Simpson __ ---·--····--··-- ···- 10,000 3?0 w 20,540 W. O. Crump _ _ - - - · · · - ·---- 10,000 20,000 J.C. William •• _ W. F. Oredle______ 25,000 8,400 1 I 1 21,700 N. Oit:v. N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Win ton-Salem. 34,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Plan. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .• Winston-Salem. 8,630 Am. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk, & Tr. Co., Win_ ton-Salem. 79.710 , . ~ 210,000 1 20,000 Han. N., ·. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. 350,770 53,600 Ban. N .. N. Y.; Seab. N., Norfolk. 1 •Tarboro.EdrecombeOI0 Pop. 4568 1 , 300,720 6,120 83,900 M. D. Oowan ____ ······-···········-· . . _ B. Dav1s·-·-···-·-· Blame Nicholson__ · _ _ _ _ _ _ • • • ----·-·-- E. H. MARROW •• - - RAWLS HOWARD·-·f"'RMERS BKNG ·{C. A. JOHNSON •••• G.R. P.8. HOOD PETERS 57,670 1,000,380 l.483,760• 100,000 ♦ 68-150 FIRST NAT •H'lO SEND US YOUR TARBORO IT EMS »mECT. peclal attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. •*"°' Pamlico Savings & Trust Co. H. 0. Bridgers .•• *1'75 68-147 •Taylorsville •• Alexander Bank of jJe:s:ander - · .•U'02 J. C. Connolly··--86-454 Oa Pop. 1122 Merchants & Farmers Dank Jas. Watts.---··--· " t§'20 66-655 BANK OF Thoma villo •• _.Davidson 0 5 Pop, 5676 THOMASVILLE 66-157 L. ARMFIELD ..• - - 1 SEND us y ~~ 00.000 114,680 20,000 23,600 394,980 358,160 82,750 500 72,000 97,000 50,000 20,000 625,000 621.000 100,000 57,420 485,810 621,250 3,000 10,000 O.T. LEONARD .••• ---·---·--·--···-- day re celved. Collections pre sented tbe same 94,000 112,000 OUR THOMA SVILLE 25,000 1 g 30,610 Mech. c :Metals N., N. Y.: Plan. N .. Rich.; ~ ::::,: Norfolk N., Norfolk. 77,010 Imp. & Tra. N ., N. Y .: Independence Tr. Co., 0 Charlotte. . Y.; 'Merch. & Far., States18,500 N. Bk. Com., ville: Plan. N .• Hich. 70,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; ;\fcrch. N., Balt.; Com'! N., High Point. ITE MS DIRECT. i Penonal at tent Ion bf an officer R. L. Pope _ _ _ W.W. Rapp ...... . New Bank for q ulck returns. ven all bu lness. ~ 129,540 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Plan . ..; :::rN., Am. N., and Merch. N., Rich. peclal attentlo n given Blll of La ding draft , Ca h and Time Items. •tl'90 ~ (fl ~ 6,140 z. GRIFFITH······-· z. GRIFFITH ·······- W, C. HARRISON ••••• FIRST NATIONAL BANK. •i•o7 T. J. Finch ••••.• _. J,Walter Lambeth, Jr. 116-il>S R T. LAMBETH . - - · · - and Items, Cash on'.;acflng, PEOPLES BANK ··--···•tl'IO Bills Send your bu I nes!I direct to the 66-591 II.a~---~..l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis {J. 07 ~ 0 73,890 1,233,180 1,710,140 100.000 ,_- T. II. antler ·-·- - - - - - - - · O. A. Johnson, Actit•e W. J. Byerly •• ·-·· B. T. Kelly •••• ·-- W. D. Deal •••• --· R. A. Adams J. O. Bell.--- A. E. Watts ••••••.. T, 0. Barnes·-··-· w ~ -------····--· i-.-4 )> s» ti" -----~ V. P. We give pers9nal service a nd quick returns on Bill of Lading Drafts and all Items at lowest rate. TRY OUR FACILITIES. )> (D HART---- M. G. MANN- H. H. PALMER-·--a,,M. 'L BANK !1M,H. c.G. BRIDGERS.··-E. F. ANDREWS TnEO. FOUNTAIN MANN, 66-149 ~ z 226,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. State & City, Rieb.; Norfolk N. and N. Bk. Com., ,... Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Wins- o ::,;ton-Salem. 1 &.TRUS T COMPANY ~ 0 '- 164,340 Harriman N., N. Y.• Am. N., Asheville;Merch. . N., Rich. 51,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Battery Park, Ashevillf': 1 t 142,250 6,000 10,000 N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Win~1 • ,. • T . ton- ale°:1· . .. )Iurchison .. "11,, Am. Ti. Plan.N.,l{1ch ______ .C.). evtlle,N Whit of (Branch • •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H.J.Jones-·-··-· -----·----·· Tabor. ____ oolnmbus11'8 BankofWh1teville ••-.•:tl13j. Co., ·Charlotte. , 66-574 Pop. 782 21,000 N. Park, T. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. 3,000 125,000 150,000 25,000 1 Farmers&Merchants Bank R,M.Garrell ____ D.F.McGougan __ D.H. Bell .••.•..•. ····----··---· ·• -·--.. Winston-Salem; Murchison T., Wil. t§'19 66--678 • zQ 25,420 N. Oity, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Granville, Oxford. ~ ..; 75.000 Murchison N., Wil.: Plan. N .. Rich.;:Merch. 1 '., ~ Raleieh; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Oo., Win'ton- t-1-4 (") , • T 11130 ~ TSa~em. ...._ , Greensboro. \ • .; Am. Ex .•. City, N. 1 I ~ DEPOS· ,..,.";;~-- c~,u&;;.Ass'T CASHIER, PAID-uP'SUBPLUs OASHIER, VICE-PRESIDENT, c'T■• no,..oe, CJU_a..,n... . AND _ _ _ _ _......,.,,_ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1°>-PITAL ~ ~ ~ n° 11 B•""',i---,,.~-...----.,---~------ PRESIDENT. U0,430 Ban. N., N. Y.: Oom'l N., High Point, 18,000 Seab, .. ". Y.; Am. Tr. Co., ChaJo to. 1045 Namber andu Name of Bank ill the New Tnnal& Number pven to each bank in U.S. exchuhel7 by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlreetor7, under the authority of The American Banke!!__!s&'~• TOWN A.ND COUNTY. NORTH CARQLINA-C? _ll t•lllUC d NA.ME OP' BA.NK. , 1VIClt-PrutSIDICNT, ~Oou?ty S~ts, i•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te 1 PllsIDENT, Entire State rn • o. 5 il,{em. S1ate Bks. Assn. tPnv. \ \ Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Feel. Res. lE-stab. _ _ _ _ _ __ ________ Tillery _____ Halifax B 10 \Bank of Tillery __________ §'20 \J. Pop. 269 66-715 • _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 o. Applewhite __ lJ. c. Gold ____________________________ 1 D. H. Marten ______ -1 - - -- .. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. p AID-UP 11:>'uRPLUS DEPOS- , o"'•"' »••· c~■ .i. Ex• CAPITAL A.ND I ITS c•,... Bo•na, CJUH■1,1>n 00 8 8 Ass 'T CASHJli. O.A.SHiltR. 1 Non-Bank Towns '1\-ith Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tb.Js '-" volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, otc., see Laws. Jll Paol.l'1Ts - 5,400 1--------- 1 10,000 \s 10,000 2,610 40,470 49,970 14,130 122,2701 147,350 1 30,000 17,780 Troutmans ___ Jredell C 4 Trontmans Banking & Trust C.H. Brown _______ J.C. Brookshire ___ H. Brown _________ ------------------- , Pop 342 Co. _______ 66-662--------fl9; A. S. Alley 12.500 -------- •Troy ___PMonte o~ery D 6 Bank: of Monteomer:, __ •U'0l ' A. W. K. OapeJ.. __ D. D. Bruton _____ J.G. Tomlinson ____ B. T, Wade _______ op. 11 06~6 " " Troy Bank & Trust Co ... no J.C. Hurley ______ D . • Hurley ______ Edgar Haywood ___ , __________ __________ 66-711 R, T. Poole , 10,000 Tryon ________ Polk:H6 BankorTrYOll---------•U'04 W.T.Lindsey ____ T.T.Ballenrer ____ J.B.Hester _____ B.L.Balle~er_____ Poo.1,067 6&--4S7 D. E. Conner 10,000 2,2401 108,410 108,680 G. H. Holmes ______ J. 'r. Waldrop _____ W. F. Little _______ V. A. Bland_ ____ Walter Jones 10,000 1,900 116,910 185,780 10,000 --------- 31,480 ~11son E 0 Bank of Tu 6l~ls4________ §'20 H.F. Peirce _______ W. II. Carroll _____ J. R. ~ ____ §'20 66 674 Ty n er--POP~}~ van B 12 Citizens Ba 5 ------------------ ( ------------- tone __ _____ E. o. E. Lane n. Stone_ __ _____ 76,950 52,000 1 3i5,000 --------- w. F. Winkler __ L. M.. Farthinr ___ James Farthin~ ___ POI>, 650 B2 66-542 rancebo~oo~rltven D 11 Bank of Cra~~~9i" _______ §'20 T. M. Howard ______ N. M. Lancaster --- w. C. Wmslow ---- - - - - - - - - " " Bank or Vanceboro _____ U'06 J.B. Harvey _____ T. M. Howard _____ J.B. Harvey_______ ____________ ____ 66-459 \ ' arina--P- -o-p-,-- - w ake C 8 Bank of Var in-5a --------•!l'l4 J . .M. Judd _________ R. T. Johnson _____ F, w. Kurfees ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 00 66 65 i Ya::s ___________ Jloore D7 Bank of Vass __________ eU'll J. A. Keith _______ H. C. Cameron ____ D. A. :McLauchlin _ 8. R. mith________ POD, 46i 66~60 Vilwland ___ Oolumbns J'S (Su Wh~ilU} Poo.210 Waco ______ Cleveland D 2 Peoples Bank ----------•il'll A. W. Black ______ P. J. Kendrick ____ .A. c. Beam ___________________________ _ Poo. 189 66-487 ~,Yadesboro ___ .Anson E5 Bank of Wadesboro ____ eif'02 L. D. Robinson ____ F. C. Allen _______ Adam Lockhart-___ T. P. Caraway ____ _ Pop. 26-18 66-188 1 J. s. Liles 21,000 -•*'94 J. D. LEAK-------- IW. P. PARSONS----- W. L. MARSHALL- · - GEO. K. CRAIG------ ~v.fa}!t1\~ 1. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • . T •- - - - - ::s ---::; C ll,) '"1 - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- ~ '~ 1 ~ - z 16,390 Plan. N .• Rich. O :;:t, 93,000 \ Merch. N .. Rich. and Raleigh; Indeoendence ~ Tr. Co .. Charlotte. ::i= 22,320 Am. Tr. o., Charlotte.; 1st. N., Rich, (') 18,270 /Drov. & _. Mech. N.. ~It.; N. ,Ln. &: Ex.,::: I Columbia, s. C.:_Am. 1'. and \,achovia Bk. o"" & Tr. Co., Ashenlle. 21,890 N. Park, N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co .. r'4 Asheville; Merch. N., Rich. - I 30,100 , ---~-·3_8_0_ Bk. of Wa,saw, Wa,saw; Mucchison N .. \Vil. : : c. ._______ 1 105,000 30,C00 -- ---- 43,960 39,910 > 1 9,500 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Lenoir; Wachovia Bk.&,~ Tr. Co .. Winst,on-Salem.. • C/'J Il~~rg_.. ,. orfolk; N. B, of ew Berne. lU,500 34,480 N N~t· 183,750 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk, Ya.; Peo., New Bern. 15.000 9.210 561.380 37i.160 25,000 10,540 311,840 279,ll0 I 10,000 13,000 190,000 168.000 I .J -, S 58,270 Merch. N., Raleigh; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem tD 53,000 Merch. N., Rich. anct Raleie'ti.; Wachovia Bk. C:: & Tr, Co., Winston-Salem. " r+ 0 5,000 2,820 200,ouu 135,000 100,000 i5,0'J0 DO.OJ 6,800 Plan. N., Rich.: Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., Foret ~ 95,900 City, <:; 900,000 1,130,000 1 13'.5,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am. Tr. Co., iii" Charlotte. 0 e_ 125,000 Han. N,, N. Y.: :.\Iurchison _·., Wil, 825.000 750,000 tD 1 "Send Us Your Items Direct." 1 Collection. Bil,I of Lading Draft, Cash and Time I 1tems Remitted For on Dar of Paymen t. 1 Wagram ____ scotland E 6 Bank of W~ram ______ .a,10 J. A. :McKaY------- 1W, G. Shaw _______ Pop. 174 66-481 . 1 :'-.7 ke Forest·-- Wake O 8 Bank of Wake ----------*1'04 R. E. Royall__ _____ R. M. Squires ______ Po11. 1425 . . . 66-230 ' " __ _ __ __ ·• Citizens Bank ---- ----- •U'l0 I I. 0. Jones ____ W. L. Ray _________ I 66-231 Wal u (O ____ _ Duplin E l0 IBank or Duplin _________ !§'03 1H. C. )IcQuinn ____ , w. F. Murphy ____ Pop. 648 M-4~2 I., Cannaugh Farmers Bank .x Trust Co. u, B. D. Parker ___ .L,.,\. \\. T. Crump ______ 66-6111.1 t '201 l\Y. B. Drake, Jr. ~;:w-·-ACHOVIA "" -.,;··:;_ • 20,050 .1. ·ew Born Bkg. c · Tr., Co. ,~ ·ew Bern.; .1. · . State & City, Rich. 4-l,060 3,500 I 66-187 • ll,840 Ohase N., N. Y.: N. State & Oity, Rich. 211-1,000 1 27,2101 ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Branch o I Edento n, N. y lie Cruces ____ Watauga Valle Cruces Bank _____ etf'l4 L. D. Lowe _______ FIRST NAJ'L BANK { • 5,000 1st N., Abin~don. Va. 12,0001S 14,000 S 1 14 • t>J 'Townsville ____ Vance B 9 Bank or Townsv· ·e ____ -t1·12 J. J. White _______ C. W. Hanrrove ____ W. P. Hamilton____ _______________ Poo. 206 I GH97 A. R. Tarry •Trenton _____Jones D 10 Bank or Jones _________ •U'05 IJ. R. Lowery ______ , F, Brock __________ "Jr. W. Foscue _____ s. H. Haywood____ Po11.488 6~ Tu rkey Pop~ - PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. !$ 14.400 \= = = = = = = = Todd ___________ Ashe B 2\Bankof TO<ld. ___________ §'19 \B. K. Barrs _______ J.B. Hagaman ____ \Y. L. Davis_______ ___________________ Pop. 92 66-634 1PeoplesBank&TrustCo.•U'17 66-607 .uo • - BANK & TRUST co ., I 1 J. N. Steele------- 10.000 12,500 170,000 T. E. Holdinf ______ J. D. Bobbitt__ ___ _ 20,000 14,530 221,140 25.000 13,320 12.500 68,18(; 353.680' 417,780 1 75-1.370 684.-130 50,000 --- __ ---- 87,9!J0 _________ I J. M. Brewer ______ · T. E. Bobbitt _____ _ \Y, •r. Wallace _____________________ 1 O. P. Banks ________________ __ ________ _ wINSTON- sALEM, N. c. 1 27,500 Am. N .• I{ich.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. ' 4!1,040 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N., Raleigh: :.\1erch .... '., ' Rich. 27,230 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich. 167,000 206,480 145,930 N. City. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; ~[('rch. X., Rich. _ Merch. • .• Raleigh; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte, 0 :Murchison .1. ' ., \Vil. ~ _________ c.n 1 LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this voluE_l~_J'or Interest Rates, HolldafJ, etc., se~ La~ NORTH CAROLINA-Continued NA.ME OF BANK. •Mam. Am. Bks. Assn. §State p v ICE·p RESIDENT. Entire State in o. fi :tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv, RESIDENT. CASHIER. ASS'T OASHlER. leclegJReserveDistrict. ♦Mam.Fed.Res. [E tab., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 - - - - - - ' WalDut ~-i_r>kes B 5 Bank of Sto~~oun\y .. · " .,.__ PAID-UP AN~us CAPITAL PROFITS u mon · Bk . & T r. c,o. 275 . M1ssM. B. Wheeler $ H. R. McPherson ------------- D.K.Gallagher____ J.C. Gardner R. J. Jones________ 1: •W&shfnJ:>:.-6iJea t°G 1 {::: : : ~ : : WABSAHNIKNGOTFON fl&-l1 7 •it•gg _ 86 1111 •i•g W!'i~;;; ~'~:=~--------WM. B.. HARDIKG---- 5 66- 731 W89 Firs\ National Bank ---•i•o2 J. R. Boyd ________ M-210 J.H.Way,Ch.o/ Bd. Weavervfile ___ Buncombe Farmers & Traders'lO I. A. Harris _______ Pop. 606 G5 66-,&86 Weldon _____ BaUfa:a: B 10 Bank of Weldon _______ •U'9! W. K. Daniel ____ Pop. 1861 l&-211 " ·• Weldon Bk. A Tr. Oo, __ eif'lZ R. S. Travis ______ e&-512 WendellPop~l:oake O 9 Bank ot We~-----•if'07 R. B. Whitley----Farmers & :Merchants Bank 66~00 •tl'l6 Bank of WestAsheville•:1'14 66-569 Bank of West Durham __ §'20 66-736 Farmers Bk. & Tr. Co ..• §'20 66-1193 First Tational Bank----•'07 66-299 Whllakers ___ Rd1?ecombe Bank of Whitakera ____ .if•Os Pop. 723 B 10 8&-4811 •Whttevlllf'_Cnlnmhns F!I l'l•\I· 1661 I 1 I 150,000 11,470 983,3211, 1,295,780 ~ 197,970 Han. N,, N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk. r4 Z 99 500 ' lOO,OOO uouoo' I.8Z8.&70 323 750 • NN~:\l'.~feilh;a1:ir~t~··Norfolk;1Uerch. > t:1:1 4,350 536,120 679,830 I I 50.000 3,500 395,230I 400,710 J. H. Woody D.R. Noland ____ J. H. Way, Jr. __ - - - - - - - - - - T. L. Gwyn N. W. Anderson ___ D. J. Weaver ______ 1 _ _ _ _ 50,000 &1.000 550,000 488,000 10,000 13,940 S88,860 263,730 W.R. Smi\h_______ L. O. Draper ____ - - - - - - - 25,000 46,000 356,690 389,730 612,500 425,000 I W. A. Pierce _ _ \Y. B. Lawson_____ _______________ 25,000 45,000 465,000I1 0. Z. Todd ________ M. O. Todd ______ J. T. Allen______ 100,000 1 25,000 360,000 M.A. Griffin ______ W. T. Overman ____ o. o. Soauldini-- __________ 25,000 G.D. Carter _______ J. G. Anderson ____ H.B. Posey _____ ------------------- 10,000 J. O. Cobb-----~--- T. M. Davis _______ G. C. Johnson ________ -------------F. S. Thomas B. K. Barrs ________ -------- ____ G. W. Sawyer _____ P. T. Mc eill --Rus~,all Perkins J. J. Thomas ______ ll. M. Brown ____ G. P. Cox ________ J.A. Roland_______ 25,0C0, 10,000 - - - - 10,000 15,0l'0 25,000 3,880 20:5.liOI 144,690 W. T, Braswell---- D. B. Gaskill------ D. B. GaskilL_____ F. W. Babcock, Jr. W. H. Bond M. S. Bryant 50,000 7.100 375,000, 325,000 20,530 602,490 464,010 19.800 646,510, 691,740 , &rnk o!Whnt•ville-----•1~'031.J. I>. Mault. by ____ Os ar llli:h ________ .J. A. ~Jnuttslly, Jr. ------------ I .Nam._ ..._ •ame of JlaDk ii &he New Tra...t Nam._ dYen to NOb bulk in u. 8. exehulYely b The Band-lfeNaily Jlanf(en• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ------, == 71,180 N. Park. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Com'l N R J · h '·• a eig · ~ Cll 100,000 __________ I _______________ 1 ·t N .. Wash. , ~ 25,000 36,000 224,000 297,000 52,000 N, Park, N.Y.; Murchison N .. \Vil.; Charlotte <; N ., Charlotte. D» I 5,790 239,000 179,000 7,700 196,000I1 181,000 1,150 91,370• 04,590 1 1 1 P. S. COOPER---- R~ H. POWELL----- E. F. POWELL---- M. T. MOYERS---20,000 BANK OF COLUMBUS --•t1'05 { Coileetlons car eniily made and promptly remltte d for at reasonab le rates. , lifi-23i \\ e answer 1111 lnqulrh•!i.. 66 -286 .M~~: 1 i G 4 " ~~! i~ I 170,500 B s of Jading, cash Items and c ollectlons presen ted same day rec elved. Send your bust ness direct to tbl s bank for quick returns. Personal attent Ion by an officer given all bustnes s. •Wa,uenllle ___ Bay,rood Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Thos. Stringfield __ J. H. Howell _____ G. N. llenson______ _____________ W.Ashev1lleBuncombeG5 Ut11&eua.u P.O.) Pop. 2800 West Durham __ Durham Pop. 6000 0 8 WestJetferson_Ashell2 Pop. 462 " " I lh1011amu' 1no>1&1rs1 of Dan buru, N. C.) _____ , _________ N. Park. N. Y; Am. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. I & Tr. Co .. Winston-Salem . 25,000 $ 12,680 $ 394,780 $ 404,800 $ 12,100 Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem;Merch. I . :r Rich 25 000 2 670 40 &10 48 860 4 490 1st N'j Sno'w 111·11· Merch N Ri·ch • Com'l N ' ' ' ' . ' - "·1 ' ' ., ., ~ ., 1 48,950 34,030 567,610! 603,200 67,000 ih·Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; .,i Merch. r., Raleigh; Wachovia Bk. &Tr.Co .. '4 Winston- alem. 0 20,000 48,500 540,0CJ0 475,000 1 116,000 Hal!. N., ~. Y.; Com'J N., Raleigh: N. State & ~ 1 1 10.000 31,300 606,610 421,330 286,630 Pl~~?'N~ il~ch.; Murchison N .. Wil.; Wacho\"ia ~ Bk. & Tr. Co., Win ,ton-Salem. :I: 50,000 27,500 211,000: 292,000, 68,000 Han. T., N. Y.; Murchison N .. Wil. () B.WG. MOSS-------- J. F. BUCKMAN------- JOHN B. SPARROW --- -------------------- Trust Co. of Washinl!tOn A. M. Dumay ____ . s. O. Bragaw ______ J. H. Greenlee, Tr. -------------------66-727 §'20 G. T. Leach axhaw _____ Union E 4 Waxhaw Bk(. &_Tr.'06 O. S. Massey ______ B. F. Price _____ J. A.. Williams_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Po1>, 750 66-466 " ~-:,::· Speelal attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. TR UST CO. SA'lllas &M-119 •H'OS Pop. 1942 -------- DEPOSITS 0\ Prompt Person al Attention Give n Colleettons and BW of Lad Ing Drafts. TRY US. FIRST NAT. BANK {~l,.U1 Us~ bb~w\\iASHI ~&/A~NLEf-ri lw0sWf1flficT: " PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDE ·Ts. R~:suUIWES. --------,----------~---\ ~arsaw---Dnplin K 10 Bank of Warsaw _______ •:W03 H.F. Peirce _______ L. Middleton------ J. K. PowelL _____ E. B. Loftin_______ .. Pop.1108 ., . . 86-464 ,. . M. R. Ch.ambers First Natio~:~ronk ____ -i-13 J.E. W1lhams _____ R. W. Blackmore_. L. D. Grady ____ . __ ~: m~~~ers ---0 i LIABILITlES. SUm> -*' 05 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- M. Cates---------- (Branch J 8 T 1 B J . . . ay or------- . . 8 aV3,£e_ ----- M. T. Chilton----66-517 •f 12 J. W. Slate Walstonb~-----Greene Farmers & Merchants Bank Moyer Mendenhall W. E. Lang ________ C, T. Hicks ________ Pop.158 66-713 •§'20 •Warrenwn __ warren B 9 Bank of Warren -------•*1'05 C. N. Williams, Jr. W. S. Te~rell ______ J.G. Ellis __________ Pop. 927 66-274 J. G. Elhs . , Citizens Ba~ ----•t106 W. B. Boyd ________ Tar;ker Polk _______ R. T. Watson ______ .11cumen • 2!j,000 I 56,470 N. Park, N. Y.; Central Bk, & Tr. Co., .tsheville. 98,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Battery Park, Asheville. 133,950 Han. N .• N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville, 68 990 Ohase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; 1st N., ' l Rich. 72,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; :Merch. N .. Rich. 118,700 Fidelity, Durham.; 1st N,, Rich. [ :;_ () 0 < A ,.. 0 ~ ~ 67,000 Merch. N., Raleigh: Plan. N .. Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., ~Vinston-Salem. 36,000 Chatham & ~hemx N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Oo .. Asheville. 20,610 1st. N., Durham. .... ~ < :::: ;- 3,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mer~h. N,, Rich.; Bk. of Boone, Boone; 1st N,, Abmgdon, va. 92,950 N. City, ', Y.; 1st N., Abingdon, Va. ~ 75 860 N. Bk, Oom., Norfolk: Plan. N., Rirh. and I» • Rorkv Monot; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., ::l Win,ion-Salem. C: 171,610 Merc-h. N., Balt.: Murchi.on N., \Vil.; Wach- I» ovia ~k. <' Tr. Co., Winston-Salem: Am.~ N., Rich.: Am. Tr, Co., Charlotte. • 58 600 Ban. N., N. Y.: Murchison N., Wtl.; )Ierch. N., ~ ' Raleigh; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. ~ Non-Bank Towns wJth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), LaW7ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this - 1047 1'amNr ...._ •ame of JlaDk la the NeW' Tnn•H Namller dYea &o NOh bank in U. 8. e:relaabelT b)'_The Band-.HcNall7 Banbn' Dlrectol'J', under ihe authority of The American Bankers A.u'n. TOWll .ilfD COUNTY. NillE OP BA.NJL ~Oount:, ~eats. •Kem. Am. Bks . .Assn. lState --1DDT. VICB-PK.J:8IDKNT, Entire State m ~ o. ~ U{em. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. c a.aa FederalReserveD1Str1ct. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab.,_~-----•------- - ,- OilllID. Aaa'T 0A.8BIE. FAIIIEIS &. MERIH. 11111 1. D. Bini - - 0. D. 0an1&rpha. ·..,:2rr et '06 R. G. Harrison. Att,ee $ 17,500$ 1. D. Woolard.~-- Gilbert PeeL----C. D. Car tarphen. Jr. 100,000 10,000 Peoples Bank------•ts'17 J. G. Staton ____ J. L. Hassell. ___ C.H. Godwi:c. ___ John L. Rodizerson 66--604 V. R. Taylor Luther Peel 100,000 *AMERICAN BANK &. TRUST Co • 111-4 •il'08 A.ND I RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. I !1..o...... Du. o.... • h ,.,.. Bo.,,. .......,»n i ,..;._· .... ..._. /§ · • '< , ~ - - , - - - 1 -- - - - - - 1 - w. J. Hunter _____ _ Martin County Savinizs & J. G. Godard •• Trust Co,_..,.06_•t§'l7 ... wnmtnetc,n_NewBano'r Pop.33.372 "1'10 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS DmPo&- PA.ID-UP in CAPITAL Paor1Ta ..,Wilkelboro_WllkeaBS B&llkotWllkes ______ u•os O.ll.Shee\a. ___ O.B'.llorriaon.- L.B.Dula......... Pop. 814 ._.70 ..,Williamston-11aninO11 PIID, 1800 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Polni (In-._ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thilt volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ NORTH CAROLINA - C On t"tnue d II'. K. Hodges ____ J.E. Pope _________ • - 6,080$ 198,570$ 184,590$ 35,940 N.City, N. Y.; March. N., Rich.; Far.Bk,&~ Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 80,000 1,500,000 4,270 157,450 900,000 84,25~ 50.000 1,379,870 1,076,420 500,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; Am. N.. Rich.: Norfolk. Seab. N., 76,610 N. State & City, Rich.; Seab. N., Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., \Vinston- alem. ~ 392,830 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Seab. N. ·and N. Bk. Com .. ~ Norfolk; N. State lo City, Rich . 0: !THOS.E.COOPEI MILTOI CALDER- C.E.BETNEL--- LF.BAICI------- ZOO.ODO i0,000 3,500,000i J,000,000 1,000,000 Hudson Tr. Co. and Chatham & .Phenix IOBERTL.HEJIILEY - - - - - N.,N.Y.; Cont.&Com'IN.,Chl.; Corn State, Ce-*7, CllJ' Uepoat&ory. Bemlta ••DTf• r all 8oaUaen tt ema. Collections solicited. Celleeta •treet baakbas polata la Kenia aa• 8o•Ul Carolina. 16-8 Liberty Savings Bank __ t§'l9 Thos. E. Oooper ___ Chas. E. Hooper ••• J. o. Rourk __________________ _ 66-10 U• .A. Underwood Ex. N., Phil. --' ••••all Oltizen1 Bank & Trust Co. J. H. James _______ T. E. Sprunt ------ C. J. LeGrand _____ K. D. Scott_ _____ _ 11-11 •:1'13 *Home SaYinp But .. •tl'll 1. W. Ya&ea-_ J. W. Uttle ____ 1, •• Boache_____ J. Stewart__ ______ _ 50,000 56,600 605,120 622,400 87,430 Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y.; Murchison N.. \Vil.; .Merch. N,, Raleigh. 50,000 9,200 550,000 538,000 71,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Irving N., N. Y.: :Murchison N., Wil. 25,000 4,020 194,240 163,460 75,610 Irviniz N .. N. Y.; .Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. J. V. Graincer ____ J. W. Yate&.------- o. s. Graincer ___ M. F. Allen ____ I.000,ll00 1,215,740 8,963,190 12092 520 3,546,270 N. City and Han, N .• N. Y.; Phil. N .. Phil.: t•'III B. O. KcQaeen. I. B. Grainger, w. S. Johnson Merch. N., Rich. and Balt. Ch.of Bd. A. Cash. A. M. McKoy MUICHIIOI IAT'l BAH 11-2 *Peoplea8amar1Bant-tlUOO -.. W.Diet _ _ 11.J, OOrbett _ _ J. Holmes Da..-is ___ J. H. Gerdes. ____ _ 65,000 160,000 2,050,000 1,725,000 385,000 Han. N., .Am. Ex. N., and Bk. of tho Manhat. tan Co., N. Y.; llurchison N., Wil . ~Ominrton Sa..-. A Tr. Oo. O. S. Tulor ____ B. Walten - - W. B.11oore _ _ J. G. Thornton_ M-1 •H'88 J. W. Norwood c. s. Grainger, Jr. 100,000 411,560 3,960,630 3,947,970 340,630 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y .. ; N, Bk. Com., Balt.; 1st N., Ric •• Wllminrton Olearinr House B. O, 1lcQaee11_ T. Ii:. Cooper ______ T. B. Oooper, Sec,_ (Mmnben ffldic.ated bv a *) ------------------ -··---- ----- ------ ------ ------ ;\7ilson _____ Wilson O 10 Branch Bankinr & Trust Oo. S. G . .Mewborn_ H. D. Bateman ____ E.W. Staples _ _ __________________ Pop. 10,612 M-112 •tl'89 •• ____ " OfUzem ~ . - - - U ' O I R. G, Briggs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. 11. JJ'&rm8l'----- M. B. Farmer __ _ 1f6&Trustffo W.S. Harriss _____ R.H. Watson ______ E. H. Anderson ____ FarmersBa~ ------------------- J'irst National Bank--•t'74 John F. Brat.GD- W. E. Warren ______ W. K. Warren ___ Edward Warren __ _ M-111 Jonas OeUtnrer 50,000 100,000 100,000 jwilson Tr. ~~~~-Bank __ 1·02 John 11'. Bruton ___ Jona Oettinrer ___ E.T. Barnes _________________ _ 25,000 ~:• ",~~\WACHOVIA :'·?i{~?:·-. BANK & TRUST 120,900 6 688 060 3 731770 2 077 200 N. Bk .Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Norfolk N .. Norfolk. 43,000 800,000 205,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Oom., Norfolk; Com'! N .. Raleigh: N. State & City, Rich.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 100,000 -------- -------- --------- ------- ~ ______ et§'l7 W. E. Smith _______________ Geo. E. Walston ___ W, C. Grant ______ _ 6 15 , Plant~s Ba Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 co .' wINSTON- sALEM, N. C. 688,000 184,000 1,288,340 1,396,510 545,610 N. Park. . Y.; 1st N .. Phil.; Plan. N., Rich.: Norfolk N., Norfolk. 779,270 700,220 201.620 Chatham& PhenixN.,N.Y.; N.State&City, Rich.; Com'! N., Ral€igh, 59,900 1 479.4901 495,800 30,180 I z 0 1 LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS 44,640 WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Numb r under Name of Bank 1B th .. New Tran.!>lt Number g1veo on-Bank Towns with Nearest Hanking Point (In doxod Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of tbl: ..... to each bank in U. S exclui>hely by The B.aud-McNally Bankers' NORTH CAROLIN A - Continued 1048 _ _ _ l!lr.-!_tory, nuder the au!horlty of The A1~rh_:_an Bankers Ass'n. _ I TOWN A.ND COUNTY. NA IE OF BANK. VICIC-PRESIDENT. •\\'lndsor _____ Bertie C 12 Bank of W~n ~~ o r_ _____ •:tS'89 T. Gillam __________ __________________ Pop. 1210 u 6 ,. 80 .AsS'T CASHIER. 0ASBU:Ji. w. L. c. F. Lyon Lyon _______ _______ _ \Yingat¥oi>~-·r1~nion E 5 State Bank i~1neate __ i5•09 R. A.. Morrow ____ Iw. M, Perry ______ Iw' A. ~\Yin-.ton- alen1..Por ... yth t it11.en._ Bank t " Trn,t Co. .I. \Y . .Tone, Pop. 4 ,->93 H5 6ti 743 ''20 . ----- Chaney ____ .Miss Blanch~haney U. W. Hawkin, ____ .T •• Hugh. on .. ____ B. F. Hamlin _____ _ Fa r mer S Bank .,& T rus t+§'I" co· \V • J • nYerJY ------ T , J • nyorJY------- T. J. Byerly _______ I --------- ----------66 - 5" + " • E. Hall I MERCHANTS BANK & TRUST ~rHOMAS MASLIN-- C, A. KENL ________ J. H. DYER, A. Tr ... J. A. MADDREY, Sec. ' s!nd u• your W s. F. VANCE inaton-Salem Col lection• and Ca• Ih Item• COMP ANy __ 66-60. ___ •i!fl0 I direct for prom pt attention PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 86--48 i~ESOURci,;s-;- PAID-UP SURPLU~ DEPOS- CAPITAL PR~TS ITS I •""•• Dia• Cu"-• 20,000 $ 26,000 • 280,970! 378,880 20,000 I 11,550 97,030 117.170 800 60.000 17,00!l --------- 2:;,810 ~- 80 750.000 630,000 10,000 PiUNUJPAL Co1<RESPON1J.C::-Ts. oc .£i. c;;:;,,:.":• ~~Q:;!:' 1 Citiz_ens Ba~f.:is°C-----•U'04 E. 8. Asken ________ E. 8. Wail _________ M. B. Gillam ______ J.B. Cluny _______ _ 250,000 20,000 200,000 22,260 1.384,700 l.7J.l,!l70 $ ~ 55.2;: Ch;is~ N ., N. Y.; 'orf~;k-;.~ 'orfo:: Citiz. N .. Haleigh, 21,420 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz., Norfork, 15.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Murchison N .. Wil.; 1st N .. .Mouroe, 1-1-4 104.860, N. City. N. Y.; Merch. N .• Rich.: ~T. • 0 48,100 2,328.000 2,120,000 623,990 N. City and llan. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phll.; _ ,Com'I N., Wash., D. C.; Am. N., Rl<'h, I~ A.Tr, - - - .- - H. A. VOGLER. A,T,. V. R. PATTERS?trr. W. P. RAINEY. A, Tr, C. C. ARMFIELD. I I; r-t- 23,000 N. City,N. Y.; lc;L•.,mch. vkes _______ :Miss Kate \'illiams 9,000 7.8110 155.600I 133,130 34,670 Am. Ilk . .!· Tr. Co., Suffolk, Ya.;. eab. J.T., Nor-I folk; .Mcrch. N .. Rich. ::J Merchants & Farmers Bank J. It \'auu _________ W. P. Shaw, Jr. ___ J.P. Mitchell. _____ P. ,,. Jordan .. _____ _ 66 473 •1'03 21,liOO 50,410 420,32() 260,090 67.100 6,800 280,000 265,000 W. J. Byer}J' ____ S. o. \Villiams _____ W. A.. Hall ________ A. K. Holton, Jr._ Isaac Shore I·. G. Il avu!,on____ ..\L Bason ______ ----------------- 10,000 13,000 188.llSO 161,510 5,000 11,120 i:17,r,90 92,760 J.B. Perry-------- G. T. Sikes-------- J. A. Willi~ms _____ ------------------ 23,000 14,25G 1Ul,780j 274,-!30 ::J 26,620 Cha.e N., N. Y.; Raleie'h Bkg. & 'I'r. Co .. C Haleigh.; Plan.~•., l{ich. Ill 1:;,000 25,000 330,0GOi 540,000 50,000 Com'! .• Raleigh; I ·t r., Phil.; )Ierch . Plan. J. •• Hich. w. B. Pollard ______ W. ,\. . 8. N. Parker ______ E. G. Griffin _________________ ·--· __ IL :'II. Urillin -----j R. L. Kitchelle____ .r. ... ~~j'{ACHO'l!A QANK_!_TRUST j o.. Ig 119,000 1 I ~ v 5' 160,550 Cha·e N., N. Y.; N. Bk.Com.,.·orfolk;Brancll Bkg. & 'fr. Co., Wilson.; Am. Bk. & 'l'r, Uo., Sutl'olk, Va. 22,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Norfolk N., Norfolk: .. '.Bk. of Suffolk, Suffolk. .. ity, ~T. Y.; Wachovia. Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston- alPm. 59,660 Plan . .,·., Hich.; Am. N., Danville. 54,980 ~ Sl) "1 D. Finch ________ F. K Bunn ________ J. D. Murray _____ _ 1 L. ~l. Gould J ::, 90,000 Z bulon _____Wake O 9 BANK OF ZEBULON -----U'07 R. J. Whitler-----Po1>. U;j:J 116-478 •' iUetalsN.,N.Y.;l\ler<•h. N., Bait. Trans acts age neral ba nking bu siness Send us your col lections 13,000 a·oo ' l@ 33,400 Woodland_ Nor1hampton 'hrmers Bank ----------.U'OI) Pop. 400 B 11 1 86-474 •Yadkinville _Yadkln B , 1Bank of Yatlkin _________ t5'05 Pop. 4;; &H75 •Y,mc1') villo_Ca well B 7 Bank of Yanceyvilli, ___ Pop. W 116-476 Young ,·i11 •_J,'rn11kli11 'U B.1.nk of Youni~ville ____ :1·01 Pop. 370 66-477 I ),, G. B. WHITAKER. Tr. G. T. STEPHENSON. j C. S. STARBUCK. 'cc. ~ A. Tr. T. P. PATTERSON. , <; JAS. P. ASHBY. A. Su. 1,333,100 1,558,300 Z0457470 22050070 6,309,980 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Park, and JUech. &· -· 1 I 1 to A. 1'r, •Wintou ___ Hertford B 11 Bank of Winton -------•U'l3 D. R. McGlohon ___ Po1>. 4 U 66-532 ' 2 , Only U. S. Depository. 150,000 State and City Depository. Special Collection Department. Prompt, accurate, quick and up-to-date. TRY US. Wint rvill• _____ PtUDll BankofWinterville ____ ts·06 J.B.Greene ______ lA~V~\.nge _____ J.L.Rollins------- 1- - - Pop. 650 6&-500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ ::::C, ' J. w. FRIES-----------W. A. BLAIR ----------N, MITCHELL---------J, M. DEAN---------- 66-49 Q Ex., Balt. --)---- WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY z 32,560 Tidewa.t1·r Bk. & 'rr. Co., ~-orfolk; Wachovia 0 Bl·. <'· 'l'r. Co. anll Pea ... r., Winston-Sal •m; ~ °" Far .. Durltam. . ., 350.000 1,~l~ch. . City. N. Y.; Plan, N .. Rich. ~ Co rrespondence invi Ited. F. H. FRIES-------- H.F. ~HAFFNER---J. 4. GRAY T, S•• MORRISON C. T. LEINBACH R.M.HAHES M. H. WILLIS A.H. ELLER ~ rolun~. -~r Interest natl's, Holida~ ·, otc, se • La,· ·. _ _ LI~ BILITJF.s. •County Seats. •Mem. Am, Bks. Assn. §State Entire tate in 1'0. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. PR:&8IDL"lT, Fetleral He·erve Distri~ +Mem . .Eed. Hes. _ [Est.all. _ __ -------1--------- co .eAM.v___· --~~ I 111 , I I 111 T. and 200,000 Chase ·., N. Y.; :.\lerch, N .• Raleigh; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. C__:_---- ---------------0-~•--=--~ • T~E lA~GEST B~NK l~f JHt·_t~RO,l::IN~S LET US COLLECT··YOUR ITEMS DIRECT · -- _ . . . . . .,. ,r - :-:: \0 !...:> - - rp u ~ r i I . This bank wishes to draw special attention to the fact that on account of its central l.ocation and facilities for handling large and small business it is in a position to render a satisfactory service to banks and bankers in the Northwest. OFFICERS S. S. TITUS, Chairman of Board A. I. HUNTER .. .. - .. Pre.3iJenl I. A. BERG - Asal. Cashier W. H. SHUI.ZE . . . . . Vice-PmiJent W. S. DICKINSON - Aut. Cashier D. C. HAIR - - ........ Cashier W. M. EDMUNDS - - As&t. Cashltir Send us your Collections-They · will receive a.nd Businesslike Attention 'Prompt Careful J'ertJice I 1 • ' : r 5 l ' f a ' ~ J THE NORTHERN STATE BANK Grand Forks, N. D. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Grand Fork 0 TH DAKOTA Y OUR collections in this section will be given prompt and careful attention if sent to us. :: :: :: Correspondence .Solicited Northern State Bank Grand Forks, • North Da.kota. Capital $100,000.00 J'urplus $ 20,000.00 E. J. LANDER, PresidenJ: W. E. FULLER. Vice-President PETER L. KL YVER, Vice-President I S. C. HENDRICKSON. Cashier ARNOLD T. BERG, Asst. Cashier . H. 0. M LBY, Asst. Ca hi r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Caaad• owaers ,:a North Dakota. 1 TO COUNTIES. 103 ° 4 -en ::z o gu a- C • • ..I E POPULAR MA? (YF NORTH DAKOTA 11 4 Barnes . ... F 13 B enson .. . . c 11 B illings ... F 2 B ottineau. B 8 B owman .. G 2 Burke .... . B 4 Burleigh . . .F 9 3 2 RAND M<;NALLY W \I INDEX Adaros ... . G 104' - :I .. 1111 0 50 0 • Cl z B Foster .. .. . E 12 • ... - P 15 G rant ..... G 6 <}r!ggs ......E 13 Q ..J 4 "Kidder ... . F 10 u, La"Y!oure.. G 13 Logan .... G 11 Ill 1\IcHenry . . C 8 :Mclntosh . G 11 McKenzlc. D 2 :J\lcLcan ... D 7 Jvl ercer .... E 6 Morton ... G 7 J.IountraU. C 4 ... Ii C Nelson .. .. D 13 7 P embina .. B 14 Pierce .. . . C 9 Ramsey .. C Ransom ... G R enville . . B Richland .G Rolette . . . B ■ Ill 1 Grand Forks -OUver .... E ;; :.- ::I i~oiis·.·.8 1~ H ettlnger .. G 1111 I: • D ickey.... G 13 Divide ... , B 2 Dunn -- . . . E 4 F I.,= "Cl - .. . . F· 16 Cavruier . . B 12 Golden Valley .: cCl -::I • ,;;;; ·;;•• St11tute l\Illee, 31 - 1 Inch, 40 CD C- en "Cl SCALE A «I u be 9 8 7 6 CD 17 16 6 -.. o1 12 16 D 6 16 10 Sargent .. . G 16 Sberldan . . D 9 S ioux ..... G 7 Slol)e ..... U 2 Stark ... . . F 4 Stei>IC .••. E 14 Stutsma.n .. F 12 Towner- •. B 11 Traill . .. . E 16 W&lsb . • . . C 14 Ward . . .. . C 6 W ells, . . .. D 10 Williams . . C 2 11 D 704 ° 1 2 N R G 3 IOS' 4 6 6 7 ,o,, 8 99' 12 16 97 ' >- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -------THE------UNJQN NATIONAL BANK OF MINOT - - - Minot, N. D. Capital Surplu and Profit 1 0,000 · 2 , 00 00 of this institution has been marked by THEtheconduct principles of Sound Banking. Welcomes the Accounts of. Banks, Corporations and Individuals. We can save you two or more days in clearing North Dakota and W estem i terns. ARM MORTGAGES FURNISHED OFFICERS E. S. Person - - - • - - • - President 0. R. Powell C. H. Zehringer - - - - - Vice-President B. A. Balerud - INVESTORS - - - Cashier Auistant Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bismarck, North Dakota E SC A 0 Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 ne el n ' YOUR BUSI ESS SOLICITED Number under Name of Bank ia the New TransH Number given to each bank in U. l:l. exclushely by The &and-McNaily Bankers' under the ~uthorl_ty of Th! ~~~_!1~_!1-nk~rs Ass'n. Directory, ____ 1049 TOWN AND COUNTY, Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyel'S, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Jlates, ~olldays, _et<:_., see Laws. ::, NORTH DAKOTA - . - - - - -- - - - - ·_,e__--_- NAME OF BANK, I LIABILITIES. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 iMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [ Estab. Federal Re erve Di trict. • 11em. J<'ed. b es. CASHIER, VICK-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT, p AID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- ASS'T CASHIER. CAPITAL PB~T8 =o~•. RESOURCES. Lou11, n... . I II ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE."'ITS, . Cua 1, Bx- 1 ~ c~":'• 1 ITS - - - ---- ---- - - Abercrombie •.• Richland First National Bank .••. •!;"06 I. E. Hoel _ _ _ C. 0. Sandvie.•...• F. D, Tonne ....... Alma C. Tweto ---· S 25,000 S 21,370 S 283,620 S 373,040 S 32,420 Merch. & Mnfrs., State, and Midland N., ~ P. S. Larson 77-372 G 16 Minpls.; Citiz. N ., Wahpeton; 1st N,, Fargo. l-.:l l'op. 266 1-6 State Bank of Abercrombie William Roberts •.• :Y:. :M. Borman.-.. C. T. Paulson •••• _ John Wicklein •••• U'92 77-371 15,000 12,000 225,000 210,000 : Adams ••••••.. WalshC Ia Scandia-American Bk. -•*1'07 C. A. Jerlum --·-- A. J. Felt-·-··-· ClarenceJeglum._ - - - -·----77-317 Pop. 404 10,000 4,000 242,030 2lll,560 I 20,000 1st N. and Northw. N .. Minpls.: 1st N,, St. P.; N. Bk. of Wahpeton , Wahpeton. 18,180 .lst N., Minpls. , Duluth, and Grand Forks. I I SECURITY STATE BANUl'05 P. S. Peterson--·- F. L. Goodman-·- 0. B. LllDdquist._ Paul Ska rstad ••••• 20,000 5,850 328,790 297,880 A lamo •••••• Williams B 2 Farmers State Bank •••. !§'10 0. T. Foss_······- H. W, Stockman __ N, N. Sandio •.•.. • Erling Manger •• _•• 77-943 Pop. 200 State Bank of Alamo ••. t§'l6 \V, F. Hanks-----· Chas. Amundson •• S. G. Hedahl ···-·· E. R. Hultquist •• _. 77-933 20,000 8,000 113,400 143,000 9,200 Midland N. and 1st N,, ~Iinpls. 20,000 5,580 93,520 143,490 6,790 : 1st N., Minpls., St. P., and Grand Forks, J. H. SHAW ...... ROBT. NORHEIM _ W. J. ROBINSON-· PAUL 0. WOLD.... 25,000 6,000 185,000 250,000 28,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Mint>ls. and Williston; Stock Yds, ' .. So.St. P. 25,000 300,000 300,000 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; 1st N .• St. P.; Liberty State, Minpls, 10,000 6,000 141.220 133,350 23,300 1Northw. N,, Minpls.; 1st N., Fariro. E. E. More .. ·-·-··· A. L. Bayley···-··- ... ·- ·-- · - -·-······- 15,000 3,000 126,000 135,650 19,300 :lst N,, Farfo; Northw. N,, Minpls. A. J, Johnson ••••• R. A. Johnson ••••• Ole Grytnes ·····- - - - · - · · - ·-··· 10,000 2,000 60,000 52,000 E.W. Olson ••..... N. E. Becklund •••• G. H. Anderson ••-. _ _ _ _ _ __ 10,000 12,000 140,000 111.000 J, W, Wipf. ....... Martin Rimestad __ J.J.Graber ........ C.J.Graber. •.•• -. 10,000 13,100 120,ooof 147,000 41,510 llstN., Mandan and Winthrop, )lino.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 15,000 Northw. N., Grand Forks; 1st N., Minvls. A. J. Johnson ••••• P. G. Anderson •... C. P. Grytness ••••. J, P. Johnson ..••.• 1 15,000 5,100 170,170 187,130 11,870 Northw, N., lrlinpls.; 2d N., Minot. 4-5,000 76,000 56,760 Northw. N. and Bkrs. N.. :Minpls.; Northw. N., Grand Forks. Lars Erickson 77-Sl6 z 0 :::U ~ A lexander.McKenzie D 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'05 77-473 Pop. 400 l Save time and get service on Col Jectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain •igh t draft., 1 Sc; Cre dit Report., SOc. l { 111gb Grade Nor th Dakota Farm Mortgages for Sa le. WRITE US. GUIDER OLSON. FIRST STATE BANK .•. •t§'lO 77-474 J I Special R!I? fiHIp ···- J. E. GUNDERSON .. G. C. GUNDERSON. C. A. JACOBSON attentl on given Bili of Lading drafts, Ca sh Please send 15c with each ight dr aft for prc.~enta.tio and Time Ite ms. n and 50c for Cred it Repor ts. lfl"cd_ •. _La Ioure F 11 First State Bank ..... .. •U'09 R. A. Werner.·-··· T. Dewitt·--······ 11:, G. Bloedow .. _. - - - · · - - - - · · David Dufloth 77-499 Pop. 100 ~ Uce • •• ·--····· cass F 15 State Bank of Alice •••• P op. 200 .Alkabo• • • _•••. Divide B 2 P op. 75 lmont.·--···Morton F 6 P op. 150 Alsen ••••.. . CavalierB12 Pop. 250 mbrose._ •.•. Divide B 2 P op, 389 •is·oa s. G. More .••••••_. 77-500 First State Bank ....•• -•U-14 77-790 Farmers State Bank .•. •tl'07 77-438 FarmersStateBank.••.• U'09 77-501 Citizens sta t e_~ nk •••• •U'06 77 .,.,0 Farmer's State Bank ••. t§'l9 77-1039 R. Anderson ..••.•• Fred Dahl •• ·-···· C. L. Torgerson .••• ··----·-·---····- FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•!'09 J. L. Mathews ••••. D. s. I 15,000 -·---· I Hair.-•••••• 25,000 5,000 250,660 220,000 J. R. Carley __ ··-·· W.R. Reed-··-··- E.T. Carley .•••••. ·-··-·····---· 15,0CO 2,250 31,830 49,520 77-332 xuenia •••• - •• - Cas E 15 Amenia State Bank ... .. t §'20 77-1050 Pop. 300 .,.A midon •.•. - • - Slope G 3 First State Bank ........ U-12 77-794 Pop. H:i 0 Slope County State Bank .. il'l6 77-870 0 moose .. McB enry D 9 AnamooseNationalBank•i•o9 77-155 Pop. 669 Farmers S~~~-lr;nk--•*1'09 u " c. Hair.- •••••• 25,000 ::r: W.L. Hanson •.••.• R. I 1 ll,000 Merch. N., St. P.: 2d N., Minot. . 4,500 Midland N. and ~Itle. State. Minpls. 33,190 N. Produce, Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 5,400 Midland N., Minpls.; Cass Co. N,, Casselton. I G. W. Conn, Jr.··- M. Conn __ ----·-··- Otto E. Back ••••.• G.D. Eaton-······ C. L. Merrick ______________ __ _________ D. D. Delaney _____ Carl Knudson . . ___ _ 10,0-00 2,000 197,770 172.730 28,400 N. Ex., St.P.: Drov. State of So. St. P., St. P. 10,000 3,600 320,670 235,810 274,860 18,040 Capital N., St. P.; Northw. N. and Midland N., ::\Iinpls. 40,860 1st N .. .Minpls.; James River .r' ., Jamestown; 1st N., St. P. 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls,; 1st N,, Carrington. J, J, Schmidt.. _... W. E. Glotzbach ... M. E. Thurow ...... W. E. Schmidt. •.•. 25,000 10,240 312,750 G. W. C. Ross _____ F. E. Tucker ______ P. F. Bibow ________ H. A. \Vaydeman __ ] 10,000 5,500 95,000 85,000 ne a._ ••••• -Nelson D 14 Farmers & Merch.Bank.U'98 C. A. Lowen·····- H.P. Beckwith •• _ E. H. Lowen ····-· J. T. Brakke·-···- : ' 0. T. Lowen 77-162 Pop, 662 First National Bank----•t'96 J. G. Gunderson .. . Bertha M. Gunder- )I. A. Gunderson __ 0. B. Kittleson .. ·· son 77-161 Peoples St~\~fli\t·····Wl8 A. T. Retzloff'---·-- C. C. ' imonson_ ... E.G. Larson·-···· . ~I. J. Lee-----····· 15,000 5,000 155,080j 182,190 , 201.0-10 1 286,520 I ---- 1 l 0 .Hanc:oro Ji 15 Farmers State Bank ••.• !§'15 Fred C. Wall ...... Alfr('d Olson·----Jakob Wolters 77-914 Pop. 40 , 01 ··- · ~f: ~·. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INVESTMENTS FOR BANKS MA TUR, NG AT co N v rn IE NT o ATE s c. E. Elfstrom ••.. 1--·-----·-- I 25,000 13,620 25.000 6,250 1ss.150 I 15,000 4,000 I 202,830 1 m ,ooo 15,520 Liberty N .. N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Northern Sav .. Far1?0: Midland J: ., Minpls, 30,630 Han. N., N. Y,; Cont.& Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Farec,, ~Iinpls. and St. P. 13,210 INorth w. N ., • fin pis. 18,000 Am . ' .. St. P. ; 1st N., :Minpls. C O NT I N E NT A L A N D COM ME R Cl A L B ANKS -- , CHICAGO .. 0 > :, fl) tt 3 1050 . . . . . _ llad• Kame of llallk ii the New 'l'nmU Numbet' dnn to - - bank in u. 8. es:ela1ITel1 by The &and-MeNan, Bankera• ~ . 11.Dder the authority of The American Bankers AH'n. - .Nua: ol' BANX. Ton AD oomrrr. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •OoantJ Seats. BntireStatein No.9 U(em.StateBks . .Assn.tPriv. [Estab. .retteral Reserve District. +:Mem. Fed. Res. P:U:SI.DDT, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Accos.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back or thl volume. _For Interest Rate , Bolldays, etc., see Laws. ~ ""ont1·nued NORTH DAKOTA~ VICK-PRJ:sIDDT. 0.A.SHID, .4..SS'TOASHID. REsouRcxs. 1 D:mPos- Lo.ura•nu- C£8ll••x- LIABILITIES. SuRPLus PA.ID-UP CAPITAL P ~ T S =-=.:~=-~--- - · 1 - - . . : . . _ _ . . : . . _ _ ' - ' - - - = - - - ~ 1 - - - - - - - l · - - - - - - - l · - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - I - - - - - Antler •••••• Bot1.ineauB 7 S1a1.e Bank of Antler_.•:W05 D. N. Tallman.--•• W. F. Hanks·---·-· F. A. RinkeL ____ • E.G. Olson •.••. -.. $ 25,000 77-311 Pop. 2~ . 15,000 Appam ___ • W1lhams O 2 Appam State Bank.- ••.. §'17 P. M. Johnson···-· M. D. Johnson._. B. L. Christopher- ·-······-------·· son 77-968 Pop. 100 15,000 Ardoch---·---Walsh O 15 State Bank of .Ardoch ••-U'86 C. J. Lofgren-·-·-- N. J. Nelson •. -.•.. E. A. Buckley-·-- O. H. PeischeL ••• 77-502 Pop. 153 10,000 Arena---·--·Burlei2h E 9 Arena State Bank .• _____ f'l3 Andrew Halver--. A. M. Isaminirer_ • .A. C. Isaminger ·- _ _ _ _ _ __ 77-812 Pop. 200 10,000 Ar&usville-.-Oass El6 Argusville State Bank.•t§'l3 A. F. Erickson---· H. W. Gearey _____ . G. H. Johnston •• _. _ _ _ _ _ __ 77-806 Pop. 100 Arnerard .. M:cKenzie D 2 Citizens State Bank.--.-U-13 W. H. Putnam ---· H. L. Moe _ _ _ W. E. Robb - - - · ________ G. 0. Haugan 77-798 Pop. 300 Farmers State Bank .• _tl'lO G • .A. Stenehjem ... E. iL Stenehjem .. _ O. N. Stenehjem.- Arthur Hagen-···· " " L. M. Stenehjem 77-50S $ I -- ITS ·~":· 1 62,100 57,750 3,000 160,000 140,000 1,000 40,000 36,000 7,700 120,0001 123,000 15,000 3,610 85,000 89,340 15,000 3,000 148,840 159,000 Arthur ......... Oass E 16 Farmers tateBank __ •. •t§'20 lngval Johnson- ••• o. N. Hatlie ______ • F. J. Sinner···-··· A. C. Burgum·-·-·· 77-1049 Pop. 200 First 81.ate BanK: .. ---··•U'05 Fred Williams.-- J.E. Sommerfeld_ B. A. Helland_._. Ella Boettcher __ _ " " 77-504 20,000 9,790 84,740 90,350 20,000 5,000 127,000 164,200 Arvilla.Grand Forts D 15 .&rY'llla State Bank ___:f'07 J. O. Fadden._._ A.. I. Hunter ••• ---- 0.1. Knutson __ Earl Bradshaw·-·- 20,000 4.100 189,570 205,560 •Ashley __ )(e1D'°811 B 11 ASHLEY STATE Hll---1'01 1. H. Wishek- Theo. Heinrich- W. L. Johnson.- Henry Joerke-··-J. w. Meidinger 17-152 Pop. 1009 25,000 13,000 450,000 460,000 T. S. JOHIISTOIIE A. WEBER····-··· C. A. JOHNSTONE. E. E. GLOEGE -···- 25,000 5,600 203,000 176,800 77~5 Pop. 200 ifIRSJ NAJ'L BANK 77-161 •t·06 l PRINCIP.A.L OoR.RDPOMDDTs. o '::,":;!:" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 --- --- 5,000 $ 2U,200 S 231.920 1,590 I $ 16,120 Chase N .. N. Y.: Merch, N. and 1st N., St. P.; . 1st N ., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 19.040 Union State, Min pis.; 1st Int'l, Minot; Williams Co. State and Bk. of Williston, Williston. 20,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Capital N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls.: 1st State, E. Grand Forks. 7,500 1st N., M:inpls. and Bismarck. 15,000 Merch. N., Fargo; 1st N., Minpls. 14,040 1st N .• Williston and St. P.: 1st Secur. State Bk., Red Wing-, Minn. 20,000 1st N., M.inpls.; Capital N., St. P.; Williams Co. State and 1st N., Williston. z ~ rv ..; :X:: 20,000 March. & Mnfrs. State, Minpls.; Met., St. P.; ,... v Northern N., Fargo. 15,000 Hau. N., N. Y.: Northw. N., llbtpls.; 1st N •. ► ~ Farg-o a d St. P. 21.570 M.erch. N. and 1st N .. St, P.; ltt N., Grand ~ ~~ 50,000 City N .. Bismarck; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., ~ M~~L > 30,000 Lin.N .. Minpls.; Merch. N., St.P. z>~ (,/'J Send your cash letters and coUec tlons direct. FEE IN ADVA NCE: ioht Drafts 15c mlnirnum; 25c minimum if paid.. North Dakota F arm Mortgage Lo ans netttns 6% ne gotlated. I > ::, P., Fargo, Bis- n .., r+ First State Bank _••• -.•tl'Ol John BischoL--··· I.E. Giedt --······ M. J. Ruemmele_. F. J. Rnemmele ·Adolf Moench J. H. Jenner 77-151 10,000 10,000 285,0001 247,000 28,000 Ohase N .. N. Y.: ls\ N., St. marck, and M.inols. Aurelia--·--··· Ward O 5 State Bank or .Aurelia •• •U'lO H. J. Bergeth.. ___ •. s. J. Hillis -· ...... A. C. Simons·····- Martha Sanden .••• 77-506 Pop. 150 .Ayr--·--·····Oass E 15 Ayr State Bank-····-··•U'IMI James Beattie--. N. K. Nelson····-· H • .&. )(alehoae_. R. J. Martyn ___ .. _ Arthur Mitchell 77-507 Pop. 200 10,000 5,000! 100,000 10,000 5,000 103,000 104,400 20,000 1st N .. Kinpls.; 2d N., Klnot: 1st N., St. P.; 0 Northern State. Grand Forks. 10,600 Merch. N., Farg-o; 1st N .. M1npla. and St. P. t:c 10'000 4.100 80,000 15,000 3,200 87,000 78,000 E. Beissbarth A. II:. Johnson.--· H. G. Hlutns ___ Chas. Nelson •••• -. 10,000 8,000 171,040 166,000 12,000 1st N ., Bismarck, Wa hburn, and Minpls.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co., Bu:lfalo. FARMERS STATE BAIK-t§'l5 F . .A. Lahr--- Hans Christiansen- II. G. Renfrow_ Elmer Myhre _____ _ 15,000 2,500 125,000 132,000 14,160 1st Guaranty, Bismarck; 1st N., Minpls. 1~.000 14,230 200,650 191,640 24,000 1st N .• Farg-o and Minpls.; 1st State, Roch- ';ester, Minn. ::, Buckoo .•••• Pembina :B 1' First 81.ate Bank.- •• ---U'O& E.T. Mccanna •••• 77-508 Po,.100 Baker. ______ Benson C 10 Farmers State Bank .. --tl'l2 A.. W. Rnfel ----·-77-785 Pop. 160 Baldwin ••-_Barle~h F 8 Bald,rin State Ba.nk._. __ t1·10 K&rl Klein--·---· 77-5011 Pop. 126 P. P. Engh--·--- W.R. Weaver •• _•• · - - · - - - - - · G. M. Mccanna E. O. Ora~-······· .&. J. Bcobba--··- Lillian Scobba ·-·- r+ Ill ::, 70,000 26,000 Callital N., St. P.; Northw. N., Grand Forks; Midland .• Minpls. 17,000 Midland N .. .Minpl1. £ 77-859 u~1r u.1 our. ___ K cB enrJ n 8 AMERICAN STATE 77-282 Pop. 400 ·---·--· W. F. LEHMAN·-·· ·-------·-···-······ G. B_., DOTY .. NCI';: l LOMBARD {AFEE eari., Sioht draft !;. 15c mi1ti.m1.m; 25c minimum chm· IN- ADVA • '.' 1 02 Rellable Credit Report , Goe. TR .a: US. gc. if 11ai d, r::: SI> I Firs\ State Bank •• -•••.Ul900 G. W. c. Ross~·-·· I•'. E. 'rocker-----· A.H. cotleld -·-·· 77-281 Balta ··-·······Pierce 09 \Pierce oo. State Bank __ u·12 J. LeRoy Elwell ___ H. G. Woutat · - ··------·--------· 77-756 Pop. 200 Banks.-•••llcKenzie D s Secnrity State Bank ---·t1'13\J. A. LaBranL_ •.. G. 1. La Brant--·· A.. M.. La Brant·" --···-· " 'Pot,. 51> o ~R D..,¥.a"'t.., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17-&U M.-.,, oa , ..~.... N. M. Buslee ••• ___ 10,000! 3,500 Clarence Tollefson Beatrice Harker ---··--·-······-···· 15,000I 2,500 10,000 1 2,000 95,000I I 100,000 98,0001 80,830 52,900 45,000 15,000 :Midland .• Minpls.; lstN., Carrington. "'1 ~ 8,280 C'apital N., St. P.: 1st N., Grand F rks; Miu- \0 land N .• Minpls. 17,800 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Williston. !:: Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence -Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence NIIDIINtr ander Name of Bau Ja the New Tranat& llfamber pnn to each bank in U. 8. e:ielualvel7 by The &and-McNaD7 Ban.ken' DlreetorJ", ander the authority of The American Bankers Asa•n. 1051 To~~~~- l•)(em~~-..B~. !!::.·sstate Entire State in o. 9 tKem.StateBks.A.ssD. tPriY. (Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. - - - - - - - - - 1.-...::.::c..::..:::::..:..=...::..::.:--=-::..::..::.:...._=:...::.:::c..:....:.1.-- - - -- L-o OilED. VIc&-Pmm:arr. PKDIDDT. - l-- - Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed AcC&I.) , Lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ NORTH DAKOT A--COntinued - -- A-s'TOAs•n............ ...., PI.ID-..:l=L~:sl D. IIP'""- ....r Al'(1) ..,.... i.-~i:_u:::·... n..... ....-.... C'Ta. rra CAPIT.u. PBonsra - - l - - - - - -- · I - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - -- Bantry ____ )(cHenry O 8 Union Bank __________ tl'l5 L.O. Keller ____ A. A. Chadderdon. J.E. W12&r---- H. C. Halley ____ ___ $ 10,000$ John McE arland 77-871 Pop. 250 Barlow ______ lPoster B 11 Farmers State Bank _____ w10 T. E. Riley ________ J. S. Ulland _______ Thos. Kjos ____ Alvin Aas _________ 77-510 Pop. 150 BarD87----Richluad G 1G Bank of Barney ____:1•07 D. G. Hoxie _______ H. L. Cole _________ N. B. Berc----- J.E. Litt le __ ______ . A. Friskap 77-511 Pop, 300 . . . _. 10,000 2,000 120,000 130,000 10,230 98,000 ll4,000 RartleU.p___ Bam,S 87 D 11 BarUett State Bank .... •H'09 M. T. Scarff _____ N, scanr ________ John 8. Bove____ T. G. Fossum______ 77-512 op,9 _____ _Pferce O II Farmers & Merchan\a Bank J. A.. Tyvand_ _____ G. E. Gillmore ____ OttoB'erinr--- A. M. West______ __ Barton_p •:1'04 77-416 op. 158 -------*1'09 J. R. Carley------- J. S, Ulland ________ W. A. Lilyquist ____ E. B. Spillum______ Firs\ State " ----" 10,000 2,000 127,100 94,240 10,000 12,500 140,000 125,000 10,000 2,500 120,000 113,000 B. L. Holmes ____ F. P. Holmes ___ K. 0. Paulson ___ Wm. A. See ______ _ Gordon Beaton BAIK FEE IN ADV AN CE: Sight draft 15c. minimum; 25c. min.; m um charge if paid. •i•17 { Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. Farm Mor tgage Loans Negotiated. 25,000 25,000 275,000 225,000 12,500 3,500 200,000; 160.000 rf~1 Bathrate ___ Pembina B 1' Pop, 352 .. .. BATHGATE NATIONAL 77-324 CITIZENS STATE BANK •1.07 Watson ____ {L.A. Save time and W. W. Fitzsimonds F. Eldridge ____ ~I. C. Stagerman ______ get service on Col leetlons and Cred It Reports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Pia In sight drafts, 16 c; Credit Report, 50e. TRY US. . M A Sette rlund __ K B Toreeraon BattleVIew _____ Burke BC Farmers State Bank - - .*1'15 .Andrew Johnson R Blomquist ' · ------·- · · -- • 77-87' Pop. 100 _____ Bal•or101t o o A R Thomn"on Be ach ___ Qolden Valley Farmers & Merchants Bank T. B. Hudson -- - - • .,., -- ' . -- ' . :1'07 77-ll7 :B'l Pop. ll06 77-325 -•• FIRST NAJ'L BANK 77-111 ei•og 15,000 2,000 85,000 15,000 25,000 5,000 289,050 290,000 Ml.080 11 ,650 o. :ruuw - - - - -- 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 and 8,500 Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N .. St. Paul and B'argo: F ergus Falls N., Fergus Falls. 12,000 Fer2us Falls N., Ferrua F&llt, Minn.:lstN.,St. P.: N. :Bk. of Wahpeton, Wahpeton. 38,970 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Minpl1. : Capital N., St. P.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 18,000 Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P.; 1st N., Mmpls.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 8,000 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks, 75,000 Mech. & Metals N,, N. Y.: 1st N,, Duluth, Grand Forks and Minpls. I 40,0IIO Chase N., N. Y.; Merch, N .. St. P.: 1st State, E. Grand Forks; Peo. State, Grand Forks, 85,000 Cont.&. Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.: Union N .• Mmot. 14,250 1st N., lltn'Pls,: .llerch. N., Dickinson, , 1 1 0. C. ATTLETWEED ---- E, J. CURTIN. ___ ____ 0. A. HELLER------- -----· - ---------FlaErg~~A~a~":f!\olden Walley County. Unexcelled facilities f!)r promp_t collection of Southwestern North Dakota items. We ma1nta1n I farm Mortgage Loan Department. ~ 3,500 $ 100,000 1$ 100,000 $ 15,000 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Midland N. orthw. N ., Minpls. 10,000 ~ PmfCIPil OOUDPOQDTa. ,-Lm - szuool 436.4611 Z9.400 Coifi'-kf Com'ld~i ~ ; tat 1'•• IIIDp., c nson an - - - - - - - - -- - -- • • --- R. R. Halstead ---- 50,000 -------- 417,500 417,940 c. Inde rgard _____ _ 15,000 15,000 130,760 159,430 First NatiojfJ:'nk ----•:•ff R, C. Davis ________ Anton AndersoP ___ J. O. Mil st en______ ____________ _______ _ 25,000 35,240 331,580 368,910 46,410 OhaseN., I.T.:llt N.and MidlandN.,Jlinpla,; 1st N., ,¥andan. Benediciiop~j~cLeao D 7 First State ~f.----•:1'08 J, W, G. A.nderson_ J', O. Jllller _ _ 8. N. )Iffier _ _ G. J. Sherry _____ _ 10,000 5,000 ll3,000 118.000 12,430 Northw . .N. and 1st N., 11.inpb, Nelson _____ _ 10,000 2,000 117,500 101.500 22,250 Century Tr, & Sav., Chi.; Midland N .. 1linpls,; 1st N ., Bismarck; 2d N ., Minot. Bentley ___ Hetti·neer G 5 J'armers State .Bank __ :f'lO J. 8, Tucker ____ B'. G. Orr ____ B. A.. Gallowu- ______________ _ 77-471 P op. 25 0 10,000 3,760 63,950 71,370 15,940 1st N., llinpls.; Northern N., ll'areo. Berr:en •••• • McHenry D 8 Farmers Bank ____ tf'l6 C. J. Sawby ___ T. G.Glesne _____ N, J, Larson _____ E. J. Larson ______ _ 77-950 Pop . 200 15,000 2,400 108,130 138,740 18,680 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N,, Minpls. c. Tangen __________ _ 10,000 3,000 85,000 65,000 Berlill-----La ~fonre GU Farmers & Merchants State A. E. ShockmanJ •• N.Schockman _____ J. M:. Moes ____ J, A. Knobel _____ _ J.M. Leppert Bank --71-771_. -t1'12 Pop. 130 20,000 13,760 121,000 163,080 Golden Valley State Bk.•*1'05 Bll Oole, Jr. - - - - Aylmer Ool•----- R. 77-1111 Eelflel<\oi,:- ltark B'S Citizens Staii-tnk-----*1'09 A. A. Lefor _______ . Lizzie Lefor _______ J.P. Schafer _____ _ 52 •· " -- --- ---- ---- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis " " Securib' S~~tnk---• l'lZ J, B. Tofflemire __ B'. s. Tofflemire ___ H. o. Sethre ______ Birst State t,J,------:1'05 Martin Apland ____ B. J. Sorlien. _____ Peter c. c. 44.060 Northw. N., .llin11ls.; 1st N., Dickinson; :Merch. N., St. P.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co., Buffalo. ll,090 Am. N., St. P.; Far. State, Dickinson, 15,000 Merch. & Mnfrs. State. MiJlpls.; Am. N., St. P .; Union T., Minot, 13,300 1st N., Kinpls.: Secur. N., Fargo, 1052 IUDlter under Name ur Bank 18 Ute New Tran•H Number givan to each bank in U. S. exclu111Ye)j' by The Baod-MeNally Banller111• _ uud the -~th~!l-'-~! !h..e Amerlcan Bankers Ass•n. Dt.rt,e TOWN A.ND OOUNTY, •County Seats. Entire State in To.9 Federal Re erve Di trict. Berthold _______ Ward Off Pop. 49 " ________ .. Berwick ____ McHenr:r O 9 Pop. 250 Belllah _______ Mercer E 6 Pop. 552 N.Ulll: OP BANK, •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState PRESIDENT. Ulem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. [ Kstab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ +Yem. Feel. Hes. Ba-nk of Berthold _______ :;5•05 A. C. Torgerson ___ I 77-24' State Bank of Berthold_:tf'02 0. L. Stevenson ___ 77-2-13 . Berwick State Bank ----:tl'02 0. A. Reiling ______ 77--51ff First tate Bank _____ __ t§'13 N. P. McGreror ___ 77-824 ' I [ VICE-PRESIDENT. AsS'TOASBill. OASBill. =--=-------,..,.---=----- 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL -------- L. H. Stevenson ___ W. J. Hnirhfl! ______ , Arthur Olson _____ _ G. \Y. Gronberg H. lnl!"Vald on. ____ A. B. Rieder ______ G. H. Gorder _____ _ H. H. Kenyon _____ J. N. Fast_ ________ i ~JaC.::t"i~!"tts. ~~t ~~ ~;: Credle reports, 50e. T&Y US. c. N. McGregor __ _ NATl~~i\ ----- -- E. M. THOMPSON-- A. C. WILKINSON-T. C. POWER ---- 8I.,,n.BAKER F. L. PAGE RUSS, JI. l 77-30 I 15,000 270,000 7,000 112,000 20,000 5.990 300,000 10,000 - - - 100,000 35,000 Northw. N., Mtnpls.; 1st N., Bismarck. 25,000 18,000 230,780 23,520 1st N., St. P.; lstN. Minpls. 15,0001 10,000 150,880 26,820 N. Park, N. Y.; Northw. N. and 1st • .. :::C Minpls.: Northern N .. .h'argo. 30,000 Peo. Tr. & av .• Chi.; 1st N., llin1>ls.: M.erch. t:, N., St. P.; 1st N .. Grand Forks. ~ 29,450 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. P. c. w. 4.000 250.000 207,000 8,000 390,000 360,000 r.f"'N'lmf ON- g netrail\ __ William Pop. 50 1,000 332,780 324,120 75,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 c2 50,000 288,000 t. P. I 425,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N .• ~ '"1 Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 274,000 44,800 Ft. Dear. N .. ChL; Capital N., St. P.; 1st N. Minpls. 0 0: "' 0 5% Interest pal d on time deposl ts. a, -1- 0 ::, n c. B. LITTLE---- -- J. L. BELL--------- F. E. SHEPARD------1 s. gouTtR---- 100,000 228,810 1,986,490 2,068,660: {32,800 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., ::f St. P.; Northw. N., Mlnpls. GRfD . P. LIT L Prompt attention given colleetlons. ~ SEE AD V. ON B ACK NO. DAKOT A MAP FEE IN ADVANCE: iohtdrafts, 15cmimmu.m: 25e minimum if paid. Second oldest Bank In North Dakota. u.s.Deposltory._ • J. •i•19 . Credit &«-ports, 50e. ------ ----- I 20,000 10.000 OLSON J. H. WERNER----- E. 0. LUKKASSON _ --·---------------Save time and get servlc.e o~ Col fectlons and Cred ~t BeP,Orts bJ' sen ding . TBY t; FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plarn •r~ht draft•. 1 Sc: Cred rt Reports, SOc. Farm Loans an d other short tlm e paper negotiate d. WRITE US. 1 ~JOURGEN ' ecurity State nank ____ i§'l5 11. \ 77-620 011 \114ex 45,860 1st ~' .. Min pis. and en "' ::r 5,000 10,000 150,000 140,000 30,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N. and Midland N .. Minpls,; 1st N .. Hope. 11,210 102,850 108.120 14,160 Union N.,Minot: 1st N., St. P. o. Ra k ________ John Ha~bo _______ .M. J. elson ______ D. 0. Polin~------- - ..... ~ ,... S s. 10,000 5,390 28,380 10,000 5,000 111,210 38,350 77-519 1 MOR.TH DAKOTA Ma11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis z ight draft~. 15e minimum: 25c minimt1m charoe if paid. man •hanL ••• - Traill E 16 First State Bank _______ •:tf"07 1E. Y. Sarles ________ E. R. Sarle ________ W. T. Cummins ___ ---------------- ---- n > > DEPOSITS GUAR ANTEED BY THE B AIIKERS GUARANT EE FUND. Ulahon ________ steele E 14 Blabon State Bank _____ •:tf'06IJ. D. Brown _______ ll. B. Cassell ______ L. JI:. SelL _________ A. O.Sund ________ _ 77-617 Pop. 150 Pop. 80 > ~ 50,000 fo z 0 :::0 195,800 13111000 8,455,400 7,851,490 N.City N, 1',: Merch. Ln: & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N .. '1mpls.; 1 t N., St. P. , and Duluth. 38, 10 664,670 816,910 61.570 Mee~. &.Metals N., N: Y.; Oont. ,& Oom'l N., tJ:J Ohl.; orthw. N .. 1llDJ)ls.; 1st N., St. P. 100.000 P. C. REMINGTON- J. ~- GRAHAM--- J. 8. RHUD--------- ~- ~- OW,fl--------- ' FEE IN ADV AN CE: •!§'17 mai. uf'll-. louutrail , 5 BLAISDELL STATE BANK u·o 77-618 Pop. 100 22,000 1st N .• Grand Forks and Minpls.; Union N., )Iinot. 19,600 Am. N., St. P.; 2d N., Minot; Merch, tate, Drake. 45,000 Northw. N .. Minpls.: Kandiyohi Co •. Willmar, Minn.; Capital Secur., Bismarck. ..,; 25,000 50,000 McGray_____ / F. A. LAHR ------ C. S. MEAD, SR.--· E. V. LAHR ----· --- FIRST NATIONAL BANK 77-28 I us"'ARfJ each st ght draft for pres entalPon~ and 15 CENTS sent 25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention • GUARANTY BANK 77-33 143,360 25,000 . G. Severtson ____ H. A. Fosse______ i *f I RST ~ - -- I Capital Security Bank _•i§',17 ,Krist Kjclstrup ____ 77-3~ 5 CITY NATION~L 77 31 BANK- •t·o 26,600 1-Am:--.-=N=-.S-t-.-P-.;-2_d_N-.-.-M-in-o-t.- I~ 15,000 1 We aollclt cone I cdons. FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sioht draft,, 15c minimum: 25e minimum if paid. Credit Reports, 60c. BISMAR CK BA11K------•:tl"91 =•~ ~·(Jl 10,000 ----------------- 2,000,000 ,\. Johannsen, F.W.Cathro,.Mor. L. P. McAnoney, Aud, Dept, Dir. Cred. Dept, Dir. and Dir. Gen'l •BLmarck __ Burleie-h F 8 Bank of North Dakota-•i§'l9 { of North D akota. State the by controlled and mana11ed d, operate Owned, 77-28 Pop. 7122 l '~· PRINCIPAL OORRESP0NDENTS, 15c minimum: 25c minimum f.f paid. " • ITS : 1.FIRST STAT~_fANK- --•:tl'02 L. P. Lar on _______ C. F. Ringlee ______ Olof Bursetb._ _________________ ! 7 Hi bee _____ Towner B 11 Citizens State Bank _____ :tf'07 o. "'· Nelson _______ .A. P. Larson ________________ A. J. Edelbrock___ G. L. Eastlinir 77-250 Pop. 500 BAIIK •:•03 A. Ji«eland ________ O. H. Olson ______ c. J. Ness _____ C. W. Gerrard_____ FIRST " " P; Ben Baer __________ Arnold Torgerson _j ____________________ S 10,000 S 10,800 S 152,80() S 141.100 $ JOSEPH BUCHHEIT-- OTTO PRITZ-------- OSCAR GREENLAND--- EMIL OLSON--------- BANK •i·o6 FIRST NATIO!Al 77 384 - RESOURCES. II LIABILITIES. SURP u 8 DmPo&- 1.e..... »,.. 0 .ua•h• L PAn>-VP German S~\~ tnk ____ H'l5 John Youn&?------- W. F. Halliday ____ P. S. Chaffee ____ F. 0. Gentz _______ _ 8 Binford------~riires D 13 Pop. 393 Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws tlndexed) in back of this_ volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Laws. I 0 NORTH DAKQT A - -C on f lll ue d 111,8401 ~ 7,220 Cont. & Oom'l N .• Chi.; 1st N., Fare-o:. larch. • N ·• t. P. ~ 6,700 1st N •• Minpls. anu Grand FoA:s: Citiz. Com'l ~ Tr. Co., lluffalo. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence rompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excfusJveJy of The Rand-McNally Bankers' - - - Dlrec!_ory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. 1053 TOWN A~~ COUNTY. - - - NAME OF' BAXK. •9ounty S_eat5~ •Mem. Am. Bks. Asc;n. §S t~te Entire State m o. 9 tMem. tate Bk . .As ·u. tPriv . FederalReserveD!stric_t: ♦)lem. Fed. Res. [E tab. I PRESIDE...".T. . VICE-PRESIDENT -------1 I I Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In· dexed A.cces.), Lawyers Laws •(indexed) in back of thlB VO!um_e. _ For Interest Rates, H~!f~ays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKQT A - Cont•1nued I - -- - · I___L_ I~ILITIES_. - - -I CA.SHIER. Ass 'T CASHIER, _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ __ _ PAID-UP SURPLUS CAPITAL AND - - - - - - - - - - PROFITS . Bordulac _____ Foster E 11 Bordulac State Bank ___ •t§'06 1N. R. Landeene ____ Angus Ferguson ___ A.H. Wentland ___ C. 0. Johnson _____ $ Pop. 150 77-520 l M.L. HELGERSON M. C. DALE ________ ' A. D. ERTRESVAAG f.· W. FEATHERS -- RESOURCES. l.oJ.NI a: DIA- c... e a: Ex- DEPOS- -- PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS • • c'T•. DoND•, c,u.,.oa,Du. Baouamn_ J'ROKB.<h'II ~ - ~ ~ ~ ..~ .... ~ 10,000 $ 14,190 $ 222,0001$ 224,870 $ 10,460 1st N .. Fariro and Minpls. \ 25,000 c.-, I .,... 50,000 776,710 793,930 56,990 Liberty N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Minpls. and St. P.: Northern State. Grand Forks: Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co., Buffalo. 25,000 11,550 1 350,890 360,140 50,000 27,480 356,900 389,760 36,360 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; Northw. N ., Miupls. and Grand I!'orks; Merch. 1o11 ~ •• St. P. rv 67,030 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.,St. P., Minpls. and ~ Fargo ::C: 10,000 2,000 105,020 121,390 13,130 Cont. &.Com'! N .. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls., Grand Forks, and St. P. t:, > First National Bank ----•i'03 A. C. Wiper _______ Tlieo. Albrecht ____ W. N. Sanford ____ ------- - --- --- --77-166 , 25,000 9,910 159,8501 157,700 27,600 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Minpls.; 2d N., Minot. X O M. H. Powers _____ J. G. Johnson __ ___ S. E. Rogers_______ 25,000 5,000 225,000 190,000 20,000 Am. N., St.P,; .Iidland N., Minpls. ~> Bo wdon _______ Wells E 11 Bowdon State Bank __ W19oo H. F. Konichek ____ G. W. C. Ross · ··-- B. R. Bartz__ _____ _ _______ ___ ____ ____ Pop. 306 77-339 1 " ________ " Farmers & Merchants S~te l Yerne WelJ:; _______ E. C. Brundige ____ Tillman Fortney Bank: ____ 77-340 05 10,000 12,000 310,000 240,000 90,000 Northw. N., Minpls,; 1st N., Duluth: Am. N., St. P. > --1-------------------- 25.000 8,120 319,350 288,550 54,480 1st N. and Mtle. ~tate, Minpls.: Bk. of Glen-~ coe, Glencoe, Mmn.; Met., St. P. n Boweamont.Pembina B 15 First State Bank ________ t§'lO N. J. Nelson _______ 0. W. Clow ________ A. T. Everson _____ ____________ ____ ____ Pop. 176 77-{;21 , 10,000 5,000 114,000 128,400 12,000 Capital N ., St. P .: 1st N ., Crookston, Minn.; 1st State, E. Grand Forks. tXJ •Bowman ... Bowman G 2 Farmers & Mechanics State 15,000 6,000 200,000 li0,000 30,000 Capital N., St. P.: Liberty Sta e, Minpls. g 410,000! 400,000 •Bottineau_Bottineau B 8 Pop. l1?2 BOTTINEAU COUNTY BAN~ 77 - 9o •t ' 87 Save time and E'J. \\\lttr.&i get service onCol ' lectlons and Cred llt Reports by sen ding Plain aight draft•. 15c; Cred jit Report•. SOc. TRY U S. { FEE IN ADVAN CE: Oldest and Largest Bank In Bot tfneau County. 1 Bottineau National Bank_t'05 G. K. Vikan _______ J. A. Johnson _____ P. B. Fergur:on __ M. M. Campbell ___ 77-92 First National Bank ----•i"93 W. H. McIntosh ___ W.R. McIntosh ___ J. T. Neville ______ P. J. Scully _______ 77-91 E. D. Bowar •Bowbells _____ Burke B 5 Burke County State Bk. _:W12 T, L, Beiseker _____ W. A. Volkmann __ A. U. Ander ·on ____ E. Larson Pop. 643 77-746 f --------- 1 " ________ " First State .Hank _______ et§'99 !J. B. Atkinson ____ 77-165 ------•U Pop. 787 Bank ____ 77-949 ______ ei§'l6 ! W. H. Westerl?'aard 0. M. Young _______ I. .ll. Stutlien ______ S. T. Dolvin -- ----·· flRST NAT'L BANK l1 77-22Q n-2fo BOW~A~o8 J.P.'fembreulJ._ H. \Y. Clarkson ___ H. H. Home ______ _ Ed. Kelner ________ 40,000 R. M. Arthur FEE IN ADV AN CE: Sight dra.fti. 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge i 1J paid, Reliable Credit Reports, liOc. TR Y US. i i I EMMONS COUNTY STATE BAIIK----77-522-_ ____ •U-98 31,000 60,000 Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Lioerty N .. Minpls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis j l. M. DOERSCHUG_ WILLIAM BAXTER ____ H. W. ALLEN- ____ ---- J. A. ALLENSWORTH-- iii" o r+ 0 i tn "1 tD (74,590 15,000 55,500 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.: 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co., Buffalo. g8 I I ~I i I · 1 I ., II 83 ,300 10,000 5,000 20,000 1.400 20,000 800 56,0001 57,000 10,000 2,500 118,9401 130,3110 108,000 107,000 20.000 7,000 125,0001 125,000 10,000 3,560 173,3301 1U6,340 22,500 Merch. N .• St. P.: 1st N., Bismarck: Northw. N., Minpls. 15,000 City N., Bismarck: 1st N., :Minpls. 9,700 1st N •• Minpls.; Cogswell State, Cogswell. 7,6:,0 1st N., Minpls., Fargo, and St. P. 15,000rTorthw. N .. Minpls.; .llerch .... T •• Far(!O. 30,640 Northern .• Fargo: Am. N. and 1st · St. P.; 1st ·., Minpls. CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS ... ~ . tatc and 1st I Ol~est Bank In Emmons County. Collectlons app reclated. FEEL~ ADVAN CE on Sl&'ht Draf ts, toe minimum; iic minimum If paid. Credit Reports, iOc. I Farmers St~}~ ~nk ___ •!§'l6 O. R. Martini__ ____ H. A. Reamann ___ _ R. E. McCain ______ T. II. Magee ______ _ 9 Brampton __ s argent HM Farmers State Bank ___ •:t§'l9 John Stout ________ E.G. Stephens ____ F. s. Battey _____________________ _ Pop. 200 77-1021 Brantford __ ___ F,ddy D 12 Farmers State Bank ____ if'l2 O. B. Rusten ______ W. L. Daniels _____ C. E. Warner _______________________ _ Pop. 100 77-758 R. Indergaard ________ Security State Bank ____ •.U-12 N. E. Ostrem.. _____ A. o. Snyder ______ D. B. Miller _____________________ _ 77-747 0. A. Dahl Bremen ______ Wells D 11 State Bank of Bremen_, u·oo G. L. Hope _____ II. lngvalclson _____ Albert Hope _______ R. O. Knudsen ___ _ 1 Pop. 250 77-523 - tXJ r:: 8: J.Tltff:t\1------ E. J. BUELL _______ g: I: ~!~EJ-/o\k- FEE IN ADVANCE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge if paid. Reliable Credit Reports, liOc. TR Y lJS. Farm Mortga1e Loans ecotfate d. •t"07 STATE BANK O 1 ~ 0. J.E. PHELAN---- nraddock __ Emmons F 10 P op. 216 I O. Bakkom I I 1054 • - - - and• Name of Balllr la Ute New 'l'ramH !lamber liven to eeoh bank in U. 8. es:elua1Yel7 by The Band-MeNall7 Bao.lien• NORTH DAKOTA-Continued - --=- --==-=====-- Dll'Ntol'J', under the ·authorlt, of The American Bankers Aaa'n. NAME OF BANK, ToWN AND OOUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •Oount:, Seats. Kn tire State in No. 9 :tMem. State Bks. Assn. t Pri v. [Estab. Federal Reserve District ♦Mem. Fed. Res. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, OASHIER, ASS'T OASHIER, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this -----=-====== volume.:.._ E.:or Int_erest Rates, llolldays, etc., see Laws. ~ - LIABILITIES. PAID-UP Su~ue DEPOSCAPITAL PB011'ITB II RESOURCES. - - - PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. ~·it.!':: ~~:..~~ no• llwanmaa ITS ~ lUn.l - - - - - -1 - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Thomas Ose ••••••• W. l!'. Harney •••• - H. S. Herman ••••• C. F. Schultz •••••• S 10,000 S 34,000 S 320,000 S 330,500 S 24,000 1st N .• Minpls.; 1st N. and Northern N., Brfumlde_.Benson O 11 CITIZENS STATE BANK l!'arro. :1·01 77-4SJ Pop. 191 N., St. P.: Midland N., Minpls.: 1st Merch. 35,000 219,000 215,000 8,100 25,000 AarestadC, R. ••••.. l!'irst National Bank.-•• •:•07 E. BeissbarUt •••••• F. W. Bowman •••• H.J. Hauran " ··-··" N,, Far~o. 77--432 St. P, N., Merch, 17,700 130,000 144,700 3,000 10,000 Hayden...... P. H, .••••• Hayden D. C. Brisbane. ___.Grant G 6 l!'irst State Bank•••••• _.1'13 F. J. McOullourh- M. M. Hayden.-•• 77-830 Pop. 100 I Brocket .• _ Ramsey O IS Farmers & Merchants Bank P.H. Kelly ••--·· E. 0. Enresather - E. G. Cervenka tl'l6 77-937 Pop. 240 . . c. Anderson_ F. T. Karnik-···- 25,000 S.000 155,000 150,000 28,520 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., St. P. and Grand Forks. Z 0 State Bank of Brocket .•U-02 A. J. Gronna. •• _. J. D. Gronna.-·-· D. W. McKenzie •• G. W. Toppila. •••• 77-524 35,000 28,000 255,000 250,000 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kinpls. and Grand ~ ~ Forks. Bo.ehanan, Stutsman .B' 12 Buchanan State Bank •• •U'05 H. T, Graves •••••• A. B. De ault- ••• _ Andrew McKay·- L. R. Hatten....... 77-525 Pop. 100 10,000 10,000 140,000 120,000 10,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; James River N., James- 0:: t:, town. Bucyrus •••••• Adams G 4 Bucyrus State Bant ••••.U'08 Alfred 0. Brown •• E. A. Knutson. __ E. J. Knutson·-·-- ··---·····--······77-526 Pop, ll3 15,000 8,000 190,000 175,000 25,000 1st N., St. P. and Joliet; Stock Yds, N,, So. St.P. W. H. O'Neil··-·· S. G. More _ _ _ J. W. Chapman.... A. L. Peterson Pauline Pavlik Bu1falo 8_pr1nrs.Bowman Farmers State Ban1t __ .w10 C. J. Phelan .• ·-··- Emil Scow-·-····· L. SkjelseL ••••••• _ Bertha Hestekin •• 77--{;28 G3 Pop. 268 25,000 83,610 320,780 400,590 53,800 Han, N,, N. Y:: Oont. & Com'l N., Obi.; Northw. N .. Mmpls.: 1st N., Fargo. 10,000 6,250 77,180 98,200 10,270 Northw. N. and 1st N .. Minpls.; 1st N .. Bow• ...,. w man. 10,000 11,000 100,000 80,000 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; lferch. N., St. P. 15,ooo JOUIGEN OLSON C. L. SM,TH -··-·- J. HI WERNER-·--- H. SPIRES.·-··-·· Save time and get serv ce on Col feet ons and Cred It Reports by sen ding 41,070 270,U0 310,170 41,080 .Bkrs. N., Minpls.: Union N., Minot. 10,000 lC,990 113,94 122,710 19,850 1st N., Minols.; 2d N., Minot. 10,000 10,000 150,00o' 1~5.000 36,000 1st N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N •• So. St. P. 1 " Buff'alO---Oass l!' 15 Jl'irst National Bank--••• •t"85 E. E. Kore 77-527 Pop. 500 Baford.•••-WWiama D 1 Birst State Bank_·····- •U'OO A, 'J/', Noble_ •••••• ···-·-·- -·-···-···- 0. J, Korken ._... ················~··77--{;211 Pop. 100 Burkey •••• Golden Valley (See Golva) F1 Pop. 60 Burllnrton ••••• Ward O 7 Pop. 300 " -··-·· " AMERICAN STATE BANK 77-401 :1'09 i FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain •i6ht draft.. 1 Sc; Cred it Report., 50c. Farm Loans an d other short ti me paper negotl ated. l!'irst State Bank ······-U'09 James Johnson •••• 0. A. Bune--····· H. A. Kluver·-··- W. E. Gross.·-··77-402 Burnswt ••••• Lonn G 10 FIRST STATE BAIK .•.. U'09 77--610 Pop, 200 E. E. PECK .•••••• _ J. H. WISHEK ••••••.•• CHARLES HERNITT.•• A. Y. NORDQUIST-···· G. A. NORDQUIST i > ~ Q > z>~ C/J TRY U S. I tn "'1 .I s·en a D> 0. tD ~ Colleetlons soll cited. Safe Fann Mortgage Loans negotiated. FEE IN ADVAN CE on sight draft s, Uc minimum; 26c minimum H paid. 0 85,60 o: n ci- D> J. C. Schleicher-•• E.G. Heinrich ••••• E. F. Roth •••••••• 10,000 5,000 Jakob Wolters ••••• David Keyes·-- · - · · · - - · - · - J. M. Thorson C. J. Lofgren ••• _._ P. L. Solberg ••..•. M. G. Jacobson •••. 10,000 9,000 100,00 95,000 10,000 4.610 205,00 205,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t"84 o. 8. lhmoll _ _ A. L. Hans01t ··-·· Leonard Hanson __ Joseph A.. Olson __ 25,000 10,000 350,000 300,000 10,000 ' 13,000 242,70 ol 276,000 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls. 15.000 14,230 230,610 ' 241,450 25,000 3,000 195,440) 248,600 41.090 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; Northw. N., Minpls.: ._ orthern State, Grand Forks: 1st N., St. P. D> ::l 3,850 Capital N., t. P.; 1st N., Minpls. C: 25,000 38,000 525,000 1 530,000 25,000 40,890 644,460 10,000 5,000 75,000 Burt ••••••• HeUinrer G 5 Burt State Bank.·-····-U'l2 W. B. Tscharner _ 77-779 Pop. 85 Buttzville __ Ransom G 15 Farmer■ State Bank •• -.U'I0 Harold Thorson-·77--{iU Pop. 80 Buxton •••••••• Traill D 18 Farmers State Bank •••• U-13 J. I. Lerom _ _ 77-813 l>op. 600 77-632 OaJio_ •••.•• Cavalier B 12 Farmers & Merch. State Rk. J. A. Peterson_·-·- M. M. Peterson··-- A.. U. Peterson __ •• M. J. Pung •••••••• U' 10 77-SSJ Pop. 132 Calvln •••••• Oavalier B 12 First State Bank_··-···•U'05 D. J. Porter .•.•••• 0. B. llcMillan .... Archie Sillers .••••• Peter Thoreson-·77-534 .. •• Pop, 300 Peoples Bank •••••••• --•t§'l9 Neil icolson .• _•• _ J. w. David-···-·· o. J. Eide _ _ _ P. E, Vinje·-······ --··77·1014 •Oaado ......Towner o 11 Cando National Bank __ .:•04 D. I'. KclAushJID. J. J. Mccanna •••• B, D. Glliles · - · · W. I. Troutman __ _ W. T. Schubert C. J. Lotrren 77-811 Pop. 1111 First Na\tonal Bant _____ •t'88 0. J, U>rd _ _ _ Harr:, Lord ________ Frank Shanley ____ V. D. Lord------·.. ________ .. O. L. Harris JI'. L. Thompson 77-88 QarburJ -· Bottineau B 8 Bank or Carbury ····--•:tl'l5 J. S. Odland •• - •••. T. R, Dwyer····-·- N. L. Johnson .•••• o. M. S<>ter -·---· 77·892 Pop. 100 :j I 74,000 5,600 1st N., Bismarck; Mtle. State, Minpls.; Stock p . Yds. N .. So. St. P. "'1 24,000 Am. N .• St. P.; 1st N., Mmpls, 6,000 1st N., St. P. and Fargo; Northw. N. and 1st'< N., Minols, 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Jlin1>t1.: Northw. N. and Northw. Tr. Co., Grand Forks. D> 641.860 70,000 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.;_ Cont. & Com'I N .. Chi.;~ •. Northw. N., Mmpls.: Merch. N., St. P. 61,790 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. ., Duluth, and ..,. . !Jinpl . · ., Mmpls.; Northw. N .• Grand h:) 15,000 Midland ..,. Forks. '° Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ......._ aad• Jlfame ol Bank fa tha lfnt 'l'ramH Nam._ dffD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis&o Moh bank In U. 8. es:cJIUJyeJ:, by The &aad•MeNaD:, Bauen• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bankhlg Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ...,. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 'MOR."tl\ O~KO't Ii... M.a\l on \ndex 1055 1'11.mber and• }fame ol Banlc f• the New TramfC Number s:inn to each bank 1n u. s. exclusJvely by The .Band-McNally .Banlcen• mreet.orr, under the authority of The American .Bankers•n. TOWN .lND COUNTY, NAl!.EOF BANK. ..connt:,- Seats. EntireStateinNo.9 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State nt:em.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. PRESIDENT, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ban.king Point (Index-ed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA-Continued g 1_ _-....:::Ll=A:::::B:::::I:..::Ll:=.:T::.::I=ES:;;;_.:__ _ 11 .--'R=ES..;..;Oc.::Uc.c.Rc..c.CES_.:...:._ 1 v ICE-PRBsIDKNT. OA.SRlll. ASS'TCASHIJCR. PUI>-UP StrnP1,oa .um Dl!lPO~ PRINCIPAL O0UESP0N1>ENTS, 1.o.... ,. DD- o.... • ii:., c'TL1lo111>t, . - .~ C::: Ill "'1 Federal ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. CAPITAL PBonT& 8a<rnnDla BillD - -Reserve - - - District. - - -1--------::...._--1----- - -1--- - - - --1---- - - - 1--------1- - - - - - ITB -- - - ___ ,________________ ,~ Carpio----··-··· Ward O 6 First National Bank-----•*'°" 8. J. Rasmussen __ W. C. Cobb·--··- Oscar HerllJD ___ E. F. McGovern·- S 25,000 $ 5,ll60 S 222,520 S 250,190 S 28,290 Cori\. & Com'l N .. Ohi.: 1st N. and Northw. N .. ~ Po1>. 244 77-3115 First Security Bank ---•t§'18 S. O. Ridgeway •• __ Anthony Walton __ H.B. Thoreson ____ ··-··---·. ·---·-··77-1005 .. carrington __ Foster E 12 Commercial State Bank •U'02 W. E. Landeene ___ N. E. Landeene-•• Dwight Jones ___ Sidney Landeene •• Pop. 1420 77~11 FIRST NATIO~AL BANK 77 98 •UllOO FOSTEI COIIITY STATE Bl. 77-117 U'97 ACarson._ •• _. __ Grant G 6 Carson State Bank_•• _. U-17 Pop. 277 • 77-964 •• " Firs1 State Bank .·--··-*''10 77-63' Cartwright__._ McKenzie First State Bank _______ i§'l5 Pop. 200 D2 77-898 Casselton-·--·- F 15 Oass Ooun1y Nat. BanJc•:·113 Pop. 1538 77-68 First National Bank----•t'82 77-67 Peoples State Bank -·--·-§'19 77· 1016 Cathay --·---·Wells K 11 Cathay State Bank _____ t§'20 Pop. 225 77-1059 Farmers State Bank_•• t§'l5 " " 77-1101 .. oavalier.--Pembina B 14 Pop. 819 FIRST NATIO~AL BANK •t'll 77 lBa G. W. C. ROSS-·- W. H. SWINTON -···- G. S. NEWBERRY--·- R. W. HARGRAVE--{ Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred Ae:g:fsH sen FEE IN ADVAN CE: {J. c. Plain sight drafts, ISc; ani111rf R---- GUY COOi--- GUY REED---··--- 77-164 Ohasele,- State Bank -·--il'09 77-541 Farmers State Bank •. _.t§'l9 77-1015 Farmers State Bank ____ i1•04 77-236 First Natiofl: :ank ---•:t:'02 2 CJcmentsville-.Stutsman Farmers & Merchants Bank Pop. 100 F 12 77-829 •:t:§'13 Clcveland.-Stntsman F 11 Cleveland State Bank-•U'OS P op, 341 . 77-543 First State Bank _____ §'16 77-915 Chas e ley-·---· Wells F 10 Pop. 100 Chrlstin e •• Richland F 18 Pop. 200 Churchs Ferry .. Ramsey Pop. 353 C 11 " 13.000 300,000 290,000 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls., Fargo and St. P. 25,000 52,000 490,000 550,000 60,000 N. City, Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. N ,- z US. 0 318,000 317,000 35,000 N.City,N. Y.;Oont. & Oom'lN.,Ohi.;Merch. ~ N, and Am. N., St. P. -, L.A. Tavis-···- Jos. P. Hess--··--- W. A. Hart··---- P. E. Dillenburg __ _ 15,000 1,500 150,000 140,000 20,000 Midland N .. Minpls.; 1st N., Mandan. H. Hallenberr -·--- A. H. Botten _______ Peter Botten -·---- Oliver Tollefson __ _ 10,000 2,000 ll2,530 ll8,200 14,260 1st N., Fargo and St. P. ; Northw. N .. Minpls. C. G. Kapelovitz._ A. N. Beiseker __ S. R. otesa -------· J. A. Campbell--·- 10,000 ------ 58,000 47,000 J. L. Gunkel-·-·- J. A. McKinnon __ B. L. Leonard J. A. Krick-····-- W. F. Strehlow __ _ 25,000 42,860 939,970 611,290 50,000 2,560 500,000 603,390 H. D. Ellis _ _ _ P. C. Jahnke··-·-- 50,000 5,060 85,410 146,950 10,000 1st N. and Midland N .• Minpls.; 1st N., Mandan and Williston. 414,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Mtnpls.: 1st N., St.P. 73,180 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N .• Fare-o; Merch. N., St, P. 26,050 Cha~e N., N.Y.; Stat~ Bk. ?f Chi .. Chi.; Met., St. P .. Mtle. State, M1npls., Scan.-Am., Fargo. 4,000 1st N., St. P. 15,000 ::c 60 CENTS for each credit repor t lnsmes promp t, personal atten tlon. John Martin __ • __ Joseph Langer __ L. C. Hormell Math. Runck--·-·- ~1. G. Straus ______ M. J. Ford Adolph Lebus ----- Ernest A. Stolzman A. W. Schulze Chris Bahr---·--- R. M. Stangler -·-- 0 > X ~ ), '"" w zX), John J. Held---·-- - - - - - - · - - - - - 15,000 3,000 10,000 18,000 H. Inevaldson ---· _ L. J. Kuske ______ H. C. Duntley _____ G. H. Long-----·-- 15,000 6,71)0 209,510 290,330 12,050 Am. N .. St. P.;lst N., Minpls. JAMES McEWEN. __ J. H. WELL-------- A. 0. PORTER-----··- H.F. SJOSJROM -- 25,000 22.500 525,000 505.000 35,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N .• Minpls. and Grand Forks. ,; 'C 25,000 22,000 580,000 550,000 65,000 N. Park, N. Y.; ls1 N., 1lln11ls. and Grand ,.. Forks; Capital N .. St. P. 0 FEE IN ADVAN CE: SiohtDrafts, 15r minimum; 25c ~ Reliable Credit Reports Mc. T RY us. Sm~,tf!_~SftNpaid, (fl I &l s· 10,000 10,000 170,000 160,000 Ernest Wick·----- 10,000 5,000 295,000 250,000 John llartin -·····- John Wat'---·-·-- G. J. Paeel -·---- S. B. Barron·--···John Jackson Adam Hannah _____ J. L. McRae ••• ____ Oswald J. Olsen ••• Lee R. McFarlin __ 20,000 20,000 233,000 247,730 10,000 2,980 106,900 1)6,300 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Min1>ls.: St. P. State, Q St.P. tt 60,000 1st N., Mandan: Northw. N., lst N .. and Mid- < land N .. Minpls. . !!,. 23,710 Chase N., N. Y.: North;v. N., Mmpls.; 1st N .. ll> Fargo: Cass Co. N ., Casselton. ::, 6,100 1st N. and State Dep .. Minpls.; 1st N .• Williston. , o. Adam Hannah ___ E. B. Olson•••••• _ M. J. Olson ______ J.E. LaceY----··-- 10,000 6,900 87,520 82,700 10,930 1st N., :M.inpls. and Williston. E. F. Volkmann __ A. I. Volkmann ___ B. A. Benson ••_. __ A. U. Anderson __ ._ 10,000 2,000 71,500 89,080 J. L. Hart___ F. J ansonius ___ ···- A. E. Anderson.-- · · - - - - - - , 10,000 7,000 96,000 95,000 13,900 1st N., Minpls.; Williams Oo. State, Williston; 1st N., Grand Forks. 6,000 Am. N., St. P. ------···------- --·- Edwin Pederson ___ Erwin A. Curtin __ _ A. N. Beiseker _____ C. G. Kapelovitz ••• F. o. Wick _ _ _ N. M. Berseth _____ I. J. Skjonsby _____ E. O. Johnson __ • __ G. F. Johnson ____ _ 25,000 13,000 255,000 250,000 J. L. Mathews---- J.M. Hynes-·---·- G. F. Lineburg ·--- ----·-·--··-··--··- 10,000 10,000 175,000 160,000 H. O. Hansen_. __ ·-··----·--····- M. En~elhorn ••- •• 25,000 22,000 375.000 300,000 Fred Carr _ _ _ Myron Ackerman, G. B. Arveson---·- Josephine B. ArveSr. sou !. B. De NanJt._. __ H. T. Graves ______ Daniel Sachow ••-- E. A. MicheL·-··. . J. J. Nierhne ----· C.R. Hodge--··--- Will Sinclair ______ James Cusator __ _ 16,000 7,000 90,000 1)3,000 10,000 5,130 171,050 164,390 15,000 620 58,080 87,270 ~ ~ ! OUR CRE-DIT -,NF6RMATION ON CONCERNS "-~.~~-.Y,WHERE IS OPEN _TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Minpls.: 2d N., Minot; 1st N., St. P. 14,000 1st Far., Minot; Cent. Met., St. P. 43,500 HOFFERT-· .u·o2 G. M. HOPP---···- ft1¼f9 40,000 15 CENTS sent to us with each s lght draft for pre sentatlon, and C.R. Green_·-·-·- K. G. Adams _______ C. W. Clow _ _ _ E. S. Simons ______ _ •U'05 E. H. Restemayer Oa,uea State Bank _____ 77-637 Bank of Oliver Oounty _if'08 77-538 Jl'armecs Security Bank •i1•07 77-5311 Farmers State Bank_. __ t§'l3 77-822 Far. Bk. of McKenzie County 77-640 •U'09 First State ---·-·-*''13 39,000 20,000 Pt by ding Cre dit Reports. SOc. TRY MERCHANTS & FAR. BANK Cayuga_·--· 8arirent G 15 Po1>, 182 ... cent er-----· Oliver E 7 Pop. 150 Cha:tiee •• _. _____ Oass F 15 Pop. 100 Charbonnean._McKenzie Pop. 100 . D 2 liarlson- McKenzie O 4 Pop. 100 " 15,000 ________ c ONTINENTAL - ANO 30,000 Merch. & Mnfrs. State •. Minpls.; Met., St. P.: Northern N. and Scan.-.Am., Fargo. 25,000 N. Produce, Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Far~o. 90,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N .. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 14,000 1st N .. Minpls. and Fargo. 21.790 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls_.; James River .N., Jamestown. o 1,180 Capital N., St. P.; Citiz. N., Jamestown. ~ c OMMERCIAL- -8 ANKS, c HICAGO 1'111Dber under Name of Bank ia the New TramH Number siven to each bank in U. S. e:icluslvely by The Rand-MeNally Bankers' Dlrect.ory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. ---·==== OWN AND COUNTY - - •County Seats Entire tate in 'o. 9 Federal Reserve Di!ltrict .1. - ,.A~IE OF IJA."K. • n.§S ta te •Mem.Am.Bk·.A HI Pm. State Bk.;, .1L ·11. t Priv. [I~ tab. •~Iem. Fed. Res. VICE-PRESIDENT. _______ OA.SHID. .A.8s'TCA.SHIJCR. litrord tate Bank •... •t§'9 Geor£e0.8M>mner. 1A.T.KraabeL •••• H.N.Klev.-·-· ·-·--·-····-·· 77·544 Clifford •••••.. TraillF 15 Pop. 175 D:mPos- r.o..-■ .tn ... c...a.t:i1:1,. PAID·UP SURPLUS A.ND CAPITAL 1PROFITB s zo,ooo ls O'\ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, ___ _!!.~OUR£ES:... LIABILITIES: - - -- PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., seo Laws. ~ NORTH DAKOTA-Continued c'n. 1TB oauna,Dllw no■ n...u BoNDI, 8ac 11am• 1 10,000 , 167.510,S 200,590 $ 27,000 0base N., N. T.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N .. Minpls. and Mayville. 15,000 7,200 ! 97,000 146,000 14,360 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st N .. MinDls.; Torth• ern State. Grand Forks. 20,000 3,000 230,000 230,000 20,000 1st N., Minpls. ~ •. E. Rulien.-•.••• K. Kjel trup ••••.. ' C. A. Fuglie •. - ... H. W. Lundin ••••• North we tern State Bank :l:§'06 77-546 10,000 12,000 175,000 180.000 28,000 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. N. E. BJERKE •.•• W.W. LEWIS .••••••• A. ROSSBERG .••.. -- W. P. GRAHAM...... 15,ooo 35.5,000 23,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N .• Minpls. and St. P. Clyde ••••. Cavalier B 12 Clyde tate Bank ..•... •t§'05 C. B. McMillan-... Archie Sillers ..... lohas. Sillers.--·· D, M, Burkholder. : 77-545 POD, 200 Coal Harbor.McLean E 7 Farmer State Bank ..•. t§'16 C. W. Carlson •... Fred Riebhoff .•..• :F. A. Vo1?el ._ •••.• J. W. Vogel. .••..• ; 77-889 I Pop. 125 z 0 I ~ I Cor welL.Sargcnt G 14 COGSWELL STATE BANK... •t!l'02 ii-262 Pop. 445 }'lrst and ofdest established Bank • Farm mortgag e loans negotiate d. lo CENTS sent to us with each sl ght draft for pre entatlon and 15,000 265,000 1 ~ 25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. ,_··--··----·••I' 15,000 Oliver A. Qauslow. John s. Flaa 10,000 . Lee. _ _ _ WalterJor1?ensen., •••• _···-··--· 10,000 4,000 100,000 90,000 Colgate •••••• Steele E 15 Colgate State Ban1-" •••• •t ··05 J. D. Brown •.....•. .M. B. OasselL_ .... 1Arnold Bornhoft -· - - - · · - - I 7i·548 Pop. 100 10,000 5,000 55,000 60,000 Columbu .••..• liurko B 4 Farmers State Bank •.. •t§'06 J. A. Walter •• _. __ G. G. KeuD ·-··-·- C. B. V02en ·-···· LeRoy Melling •••• F. -'· Keup i7-418 Pop. 332 20,000 5,000 306,000 31::!,000 33,000 1st N., St. P., Fargo, and Minpls. Concrete .. Pembina B 14 First tate Bank •.••••. :l:§'08 E. J. Lander. __ .. J.'H. 0reiman ...... D. J. Larson .. __ . i7·549 . Pop. 75 1 Z0,000 5,470 61.050 83,600 4.880 Northw. N., Mlnpls.: Northern Forks. 15.000 4,000 128,000! 164,000 20,001) 1,510 44,800; 58,750 Col!ax •••• Richlaod G 16 Fie t State I<mk .•..••• •!1'05 Wm. Roberls •. _ .. Ohas. A. Tuttle.. _ 77·54i Pop. 100 Colgan •..•••• Divide B 2'Farmer· tatc Bank .•. •:::§'14 A. J. Johnson •••.• K i7- 51 Pop. 100 1 1 Conway ••.•• Wabh (C H i Bank of Conway •. _••. _.t§"98 0. E. Van.!rsdale_ 8. 8. Titus .. ·-···· L. F. CawleY------···-·-, 77-550 Pop. 148 " ······-- " I Farmers Security Bank t 77-1052 '20 John Foerster ••••• J. L. Bina: •. ·-···· F. L. Shumaker ..• -··················· 40,000 STATE BANJ OF COO.PERS· John Syver ·on-··· John ner2 •.•.••••• E.W. Black.well._ Melvin Hanson.... TOWN ... 7,-108 ···- iU900 30,000 ~I.E. \Vil ·on •••... Andrew Urseth_ •• P.H. Peterson-··· H. Fingarson •• _. 15,000 ____ 10,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O.E. Hovland-••• Otto Bremer. .• - - Anna orlio ····-·· ··- Ma" aa , a1t •:tl'OZ I 50,000 3,590 I 72.500 tJj ., tate, Grand I Q - =i 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. St.P.,Grand Forks, and 0 Minpls. ti. 6,850 Northw. N.. Grand Forks. and Minpls. ... 0 570,000 I 165,400 N.0ity,N. Y.;Merch.N.,StP.;lstN.,Minpls. ::l, 27,830 Cha e N., N. Y.; 1st N., Fargo. t. P.; Nortliern 1. () g t, I 305,000 85,000 l 80.000 30,000 I 800,000 1,500 1 15,000 I 100,000 10,000 2-<>, 000 ,;;u, 000 J. II. ,\lhrecht ..... L. II. Larson·····- .F. \\". Ehrcd ••••.• - - - · · · · · · · - · 25,000 1,500 25,000! 15,000 1 g 36,500 N. Park. N.Y.; Cent., St. P.; 1st N., Far1?0 and'< Minpls. 15,000 Century Tr. & av .• Chi.: 1st N. and State Bk. .. Com .• Minpls. 10,000 Northw. N., Mtnpls.; Am. ' .. St. P.; 1st :N'., Bowbells. 114.00 14.000 2d 04,500 .. Minot; Itle. State. Mlnpls. ._ ~ ~ .., .. '< 100,000 I 98 , 000 · t on. 8, 000 ""d] .llllDD1s.; 1s t N ., Carrml? Ll anr l N ., ,.. I lw,OCO 16,000 1st '., Minpls.; Am. Ex., Vaijcy City. 271.000 !:::! 39,140 Citi~. Com'l Tr. Co., Butl'alo; 1st N .• Fargo and '° 130,000 250,130 I MlDDlS, Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ven ~ {ll 658,000 G. "i • C. Ro· ••••• F. E. Tucker •••••• I H. \\r . \\' oo d ard ·-· IL B . 01 son........ '. M. Po ey > z 206,360 K. J. Thompson_ .. J. A. Morrow •••••• J. II. Haubrick •.•• A. L. llaubrick- I ~ > 25,000 Mtle. State and Northw. N .. Minpls. 5,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Midland N. and 1st MinDlS.; 1st N .. Hope. s~ 201,9601 2,000 j IOO,OOO I t\llSMll COUlll BAIK L. 0. Larson •••••.. 0. T. FosholdL••. H. S. Posey-·-··· C. W. Fosholdt 1i-11)1 9,000 lstN., Minpls.:N. Bk. of Wahpeton, Wahpeton. 265,000 I •Cooper·town.Grig2·E13 Farmcrs & Merchants Bank N.~I. Lunde •.••••• J. H. Detwiller .... ~lartinGarlict ...... 'T.A.Mal(}uardL •• t§'l8 77-1002 Pop. 1112 1 First 'ational Bank ••. •tlOOO II. P. Hammer •••• G.B.Oond7 .. - ..- Seval.rrtnroJd. __ A.G. Hoel---· Carroll Friswold 77-100 Corinth .••. William C 2 Fir ·t tate Bank ••••••• •!1'16 77-958 Pop. 65 Coteau •••••••. Burke B 5 Fir t State Bank •••••••• W06 77-551 Pop. 160 Cottonwood Lake. wu·m~ (..;e Alamo) 2 Pop. 200 O 5 Coulee 'tate Bank •••••• i§'09 Mouutrail B Coul"e •••• 2 77 552 Pop. 00 E rn Fir~t ..?atioual- llank •••• •t'95 Courtenay.Stut~man 77-19 Pop. 490 • curity late Bank •• -•i§'li " ·---··· " 7~9~ 270,000 ~ I I : ! I • I " I ~ " I : : I 11_: - · Banks Advertising: give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1057 Q (X) .Number Wlder .Name ot Bank is the .New Transit .Number oven to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Ban1':ers' Dlrect.ory, IIJ!der the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. TOWN AND OOUNTY, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this _!Olum~ F~r !_nterest Rates,~lldays, etc., see Laws. ::, I» NORTH DAKOTA-Continued ___u'--:-~-.r:-&-·E-x--1 _ __;L;::.:I:.::A:.::B:.::I~Ll::..:T:..c;I.c:.ES_;;_._ _ _ 11·-LO-.N...c..;1::c...D-sro NAMB OP BANK. •Kem. Am. Bks. As!ln. lS~te\ •Oomty Beats. Entire State in No. 9 Ulem.Sta1eBks. Assn. tPriv. [E·tab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Re-. VICK-PRB8IDKNT. PU:SIDDT. 0ASB'.Ill. Pill>-trP !Su~us, DJU>OS- A.SS'T OASHIBR. "'1 c::~u:::=• c,"::,.•;~ ITS Cil'IUL PBOlPITB ~ PIUNCIP AL 0oRRBSPONDKNT8. ~ - -------1 --- --- --- --- ---1-----------------1 Crary ______ Ramsey C 12 Farmers Bank __________ ;t§'92\Edgar Anderson ___ F. T. Luro. ________ E. E. Anderson ________ .. ______________ $ 28,000 S 12.000 140.000 144.500 $ 20,000 Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co .. Buffalo; 1st N. and Mid- ~ 7i-3i9 Pov. 307 land N., .Minpls.; Northw. N., Grand Forks. _ Is s First National Bank ____ .;t'02 J. H. Smith ________ -------------------- H. S. Pond ______ i7-380 " " Crete ______ argent G 14 Crete State ~m Bank _______ ;t§'09 1J. :McCormick _____ c. L. Swenson ___ _ Chas. Hunkins ____ J.E. Palensky _____________________ _ I ~ Crocus ____ Towner B 12 Crocus State Bank _____ •:l:§'09 1Dorr II. Carroll ___ C. A. Edblom ______ A. C. Tompkins ______________________ _ 7i-554 Pov. 37 •Orosby _______ Divide B 3 Pop. 1500 BUE ------1C. b ECKMANN --,:A• · OLSTAD CIT lZEN s 1~ A. M. ECKMANN. E. EVANS---------- SIGURD ty. The Oldest Ban k In Divide Conn m 153,460 14,680 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.: Northw. N., .M.inl)ls: 1st N., Grand Forks. 130.000\'I. 150.000 21,000 ht N., .Minvls.; FerfUS Falls N., Ferfus Falls, Minn.; Oakes N .• Oakes. 6,000 1st N., St. P.: Midland N .. :Minvls. 133,240 25,000 13,690 10,000 6.000 10,0001 1,500 50,000 50,000 25,000 6,640 229,790 220,620 41,500 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chl.; 1st N. and Midland N., Minvls.; 1st N,, Grand Forks. 77-429 12,470 219,3201[ 217,880 42,930 1st N .. Minpls.; Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P.; 2d N., Minot. 10,000 • {C. J. CLARK----- L. S. CLARK------- W. E. VADNAIS---- ____________________ FIRST STATE BAIK---•!§'06 Save time and getservlce on Col lectlons and Cre dltReports by se ndlng 8,800 160,000: 130,000 25,000 Gapital N., St. P.; 1st N., Farii?o; 2d N., Minot: Winneshiek Co. State, Decorah, Ia. FEE IN ADV.AN CE: Plain ai11ht draft., JSc; Cred it Report., 50c. • TRY U S. 30,000 J. S. Ulland ________ Enoch Kirkeberl? ---------------~----Deth!M Larson Frank Crane J. J. Quam ________ J. H. Johnson____ ·evert A.aseng ____ _ J. s. Hand J. H. Wishek ______ W. B. Maercklein_ R. G. Men~ing ____ _ F. M. 1Iaercklein .J. G. Gunderson ___ I. s. Walhood _____ H.J. Rohde------A. F. Schwarz D. Putman ____ _ ~a~t~~------ ,\.Ilea R. Baertsch_ 20,000 Cumings ______ Traill D 16 Oumminii?sStateBank __ i§'ll2 J. IL Carley _______ 77-556 Pop. 150 . Dahlcn ______ Nelson D lll First State Bank ________ tf'l2 J. R. Carley _______ 77-758 Pop. 100 Danzig ____ Mclntosh G 11 Farmers State Bank ___ •U'll Geo. Gackle _______ 77-727 Pop. 100 D avcnport. _____ Cass F HI State Bk. of Dayenl)Ort•U-08 C. 0. Tuskind _____ 77-5l>7 l'op. 1~2 DawsonPoi>:-~ ider F 10 Farmers St~~~of:Uk ____ :t§'l6 W. E. Barringer ___ D a zey __ First State f;~~------•U'06 i: ~- Poo:-,:3nes EIS Dazey State7~if -----•U'99 J. E. Jacobson ____ ___________________ B. L. Jacobson ___ _________________ _ 1 " 1 270,000 66,000 62,000 10,000 360,000 3i7,000 11,140 139,170 150,600 ~ 10,520 Chase N., N, Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Midland N .• C/l Minvls. 10,000: 3,500 138,000 132,000 16,000 1st N .• Minvls. and Grand Forks. 10,0001 3,000 160,000 160,000 13,000 Merch. N., St. P.; City N., Bismarck. ~ 15,000 3,150 216,470 173,300 55,280 1st N., Minpls., St. P., and Fareo. r+ i 234,000 15,000 -------- 84,850 89,210 16,160 25,000 2,500 185,310 192,450 18,300 15,000 22,040 273,850 330,930! 34.150 10,000 16,680 25,0IJ0 8,600 212,301 · 238,550 ! 215,9901 235,000 15,000 4,000 210,000 205,000 I 20,000 5,000 250,0001 245,000 Denbigli>ov~118Jlenry O 8 Denbi&h 8~1-~nk ____ e:S'04 John Kolve ------- :Y. E. Lewis ______ E. L. Cross _______ O. A. Eitlsnes ___ _ 10.000 2,500 55,000 45,000 10,000 7,500 110,000 15,000 250 25,710 1,000 75,000 60.000 300 40,000 40,000 13,500 171,.510 171,800 -·---- " Security S~V:~nk ---•U'13 F. B. Wood _______ H. R. Wood _______ O. D. La Granli?e __ L. W. Lee--------· Den~offPop.~~/ridan E 9 First State f~~9Bank:.•U'99 A. A. Friskop _____ t;s~------•U:09 I 1 1 J.E. Davis ________ 1F. M. Davi· ________ &. H. Wahl _______ ________ Ivar Ruud _____________ D rr ck • • -Ramsey C 13 Farmers Bank. ________ •t§ 19 Adam Hannah _____ P. J. Antony · -A.. B. Brandt -----ii-1020 Pop. 50 De SarL- __ ---- Slope G 8 First State Bank _________ if'll C. H. Jones ________ . Geo. E. Towle _________________________________ _ ' 77-719 . Pop. 50 J. Schmidt _____ J. c. Blaisdell, Jr, ____________________ _ DcsJacs ________ Ward O 61Farmers State Bank ----*1'09,J. 0. Blaisdell • 77-441 Pop. aoo SI.ate Bank ~i~«:,9lacs --H'OCl A. C. Torrerson __ B. Baer _ _ _ _ 1G. J. Johnson ____ -----------------" ________ " 1 -----,A. :- CHICAGO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i INTER~f;,~~EA~ ~~~KING' toi 42,400 E. H. Intlehouse __ Geo. Carlson __________________ _ " De Lami~e;:~8J'1?ent G 15 De Lamere s > 57,700 Merch .• Winona: Northw. N., Minpls,; Union to N .• Minot. 5,500 N orthw. N .. Grand Forks; 1st N., Minpls. > z 22,500 Northw. N., Minvls. i w. t, > 15,000 - - 25,000 T. S. Prne ________ H.F. Ro:.. ________ J. A. Kooker ____________________ _ Security Bank __________ eit'06 Nels Larson _____ A. o. Tolstad _____ Leonard I.Arson ___ Fred I.arson -----Geo. N. Rasmusson 77-392 . Deer£ngPoo:1ffoHenry B 81 Deermf Sta~1--4'7nk ___ :5•05 II. Ingvaldson _____ -------------------- A. I. En1?ebretson_ H.J. Helgeson ____ .. ::I: 25,000 Security State Bank: ____ :t§'07L. C. Hou seau ____ R. W. Rousseau ___ R.L.Rousseau ____ L. n. I~rray______ " -----" R. II. Points 77-431 CrystaLP-ciii~tlsbina B 14 Crystal Stai1-mt-----:tS'l9i°" G. Schulz _______ w. . Johnson---- Gilbert Peterson .. -------------------First Natio~~~mnk ______ i•sg Thos. Ryan ________ Guy M. Jamieson __ Clara O'Sullivan ___ J. J. Kline---- 9 toi •:t'05 77~0 i,; ~ We were here b efore the railroad s. CEN TS sent to us wit beach sight dra ft for presentatlo n, and NATIONAL BANK , ( FIFTEEN FIFTY CENTS for each credit r eport Insures pro mpt, personal att entton. Fir-t .,.'ational Bank ---•i•14 E.11'. Volkmann ____ T. L. Bei<-eker _____ H. H. Kartin ____ o. Woolfrey ______ _ L. F. Anderson 77-766 O 10.000 I 10,0001 10,000 1 120,000 43,750 I n"'1 D> 0 Northw. N., Minols.; Northern N., Fargo; t, Cavital-Secur., Bismarck. Stock Yds. N ., So. S P.; 1st N .. Minpls., Fargo, and St. P. N. Park, N. Y.; Midland N. and 1st N., .M.inpls.: D0> 1st N .. Fargo. en 1st N .. llinvls., Valley City and St. P. -fl 20,430 30,140 Am. N. and Capital N., St. P.: 2d N .. Minot; Northw. N., Minvls. 20,000 1st N., Minvls. 31,000 Xorthw. N., Kinpls.; 1st N .. St. P.; Citiz. N., Wahveton; Fergu · Falls N,, Fergus :Falls. 14,000 Mtle. State and Northw. N., llinvls.; 2d N., Minot. 10,000 1s1. N., St. P. and Fargo; Northw. N. and 1st N .• Minvls. 3,990 State Dep. and 1st N ., Minpls.; Northern State. Grand Forks. 20,000 1st N ., Minvls.; 1st N .. St. P. 1 - 5,ooo tst Int'!, :Minot: Northw. N., Minvls.; Ilk. of _ I N. Dak.... r. Dak. 0 18.400 Am. N., St, P.: 2d N .. .M.mot. (,11 CONTINENTAL 'AND COMMERCIAL BANKS ~ Kamber under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers' Dlreetor,. under the authority of The ~'!lerlca_n Ban_kers Ass•n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Law1·ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ____-C".:====,,,-==-:-=========v=ol=u=m=e=.=F=o=-r.:...I.:...n_terest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ~ NORTH DAKOTA-Continued I LlABILJTIES. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER, Ass 'T CASHIER. PAID-UP :SURPLUS DEPOS- CAPITAL PR~TS ITS - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -- - - - - -11--- - - - - - - RESOUKC'F:S. ,o_..,, .i, c-:::, Do• 0 : : : : : :• PRINCIPAL CORRl!:tsPONUENTS. - - 00 0.:.lle .t Ell- °,",_~~a:~:: ----!----------------- •Derill Late .... . RamsPy Devils Lake tate Bank•H'06 J.M. Thomp on ___ Archie Miller • ---- H. L. Schutte _____ J. A. Cowan·_ S 50,000 $ 7,000 ~ 400,000 1$ $ 100,000 1st N .. Minpls.: Citiz. Com 'I Tr. co .. Bu1falo; Pop. 5140 0 12 77-36 Northern N., Fargo, FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK•t"So B. E. Baird------- ---------------- : N. J. Baley ______ R. c. Collinson___ 85,130 1.134,300 1.050,500 75,000 265.170 Chase N., N. Y,; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 77-34 I Ramsey County Nat. Bk.•t'92 Blanding Fisher ___ E. J. Chamberlin - F. B. Routier _____ c. L. Hodgson_____ 77-85 W. G. Elm lie Dickey ____ La Moure G 13 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. J. A. May---------- C. E. Larson _______ E. A. Scea _________ Erwin E, Larson__ Pop. 190 77-458 it·oo 1L. R. BAIRD------- W. A. McCLURE------ H. E. SKAUGE------- N. J. STECKLER----- •Dlctfnson . ____ slark F 4 Pop 4122 *DAKOTA IATL. BANK- •t·os 77-411 1Prompt service liven on Collecti oos. "\FEE IN ADl AN CE: ~ight Drafts. 1 15c minimum; 25c minimum if paid. 1 !Credit Reports, 60c. I A. HILLIARD------ R.H. JOHNSON------ T A lOLLEFSON .••• L. R. BAIRD------·-- rn~ *FIRSTIIATIOIIAL BAIIK•:t'90 77--48 59,250 873,690 927,230 25,000 8,390 153,410 191,110 15,690 1st N., Minpls., St. P., and ll'are-o: Far. & Mer ch. N .• Jamestown. 50,ooo 20,000 285,000 370,000 30,000 Liberty N .. N. Y.: Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N,, Farfo; Northw. N., Minpls, I Farmer· State B1nk ____ ;t§'lO A. A. Lefor ________ L. A. Simp. on ____ IValentine Koch --- P, F. SplichaL •••. { :e ilJ~t~EY Northw. N .• Minpls.: 1st N .. St. P. 77.280 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., .llinpls. and St. P. 50,000 zQ ~ ~ :x: 40,000 12 ,5 00 100,000 181,790 51,500 1,120,000 1,425,000 0, F. HENNINGS Oldest and Lar Ht j • , I ave time and get service on Col Jecttons and Cred It Report11 by sen ding FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain ai11h t draft•. 15c; Cr edit Report•. 50c. TRY U 179,590 35,520 Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; Am. N .. St, P, 0 > 108,000 ~Iarkct & Fulto, N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Obi.; ~ 1st N. and Nort hw. N., Min pis.; I ·t K., St. P. 0 "'i > s. tD W. A. Brown ______ 50,000 6,000 200,000 225,000 ( W. L. RICHARDS---- J. F. DAVIS---------- WILSON EYER-------- \ ANDREW ERDAHL---- 50,000 84.150 776,560 791. 280 *Liberty Bank. __ .• ----•:t5'16 Frank Lish ________ J. P. Berringer---- Anthony Kostele77-902 Dominik V ranna cky 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P. > z~ VJ 1 WELTON McDONALD *MERCHANTS IATL. BANK < Co1Jectlon11 soil cited and apprec lated. 77-60 -------- ELLIOT FREEMAN t Credit Reports, /iOe. Dickinc:on Clearing Bou ·e •. \Y. L. Richard-:; ____ L. R. BairJ ________ A, Kostelecky, 77-866 Farmers State Bank ___ •:t§'l5 I tate Rank ____ ___ eU,06 J. A. Ross-------- P. G. Heintz _______ G. D. Thayer _____ -----------------··· 77-333 Done-la ________ Ward D ~ Citizens Slate Bank _____ if'06 N. E. Rulien ______ Krist Kjelstrup ____ s. E. Dahl _______ E. M. Ander on___ Pop. 284 77--470 I " Dourlas State Bank •••• •it·oo Charles Bllinrson __ L. H. Odegard---- , L. B. Oderard _____ 0. L. Odecard _____ Fir ·t 77-469 o :ttt n~ o"t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis " o• l••s 10,000 15 000 145,0001 145,000 15,000 Northw, N., llinpls.; 1st N., Bismarck. 10,000 12,000 142,200 190,000 10,000 2,000 164,000 159,000 13,000 1st T.• Mandan: ).fidland N., Minpls.; 1 t ·N .. Montevideo, Minn. 9,000 _Tor thw. N .. Mrnpls.; Merch. N., Fare-o; 1st .. Bi marck. 25,GOO 8,000 138,600 115.000 41,000 1st N .. llinpls. and Fare-o. 10,000 6,000 155,000 136,000 10,000 12,000 246,000 260,000 .. 0 20,000 2,0CO 81,500 00,000 22,000 1st~- and Midland N., llinpls,; Capital Secur., Bismarck. 22,500 Northw. N,, Minpls. and Grand Forks; 2d N .. Minot. 7,600 1st N., Minols.; Northern State, Grand Forks, L. Mauritson _____ 15,000 8,000 190,000 162,000 31.000 1st N. and Northw, N .. llinpls.; 1st N .. St. P. II. 1ngvald3on • ____ 1J. E. John ·on _____ E. J. Mayer______ __ 20,000 15,000 250,000 240,000 Jo eph Morrison __ 0. J. So.libakke ____ Et!. G. Johnson____ A. C, Bequist W . . ])ryden ______ B. A. Thom ______ A, H. W~ndelbo __ 1 C. B. Mills, Jr. c. H. Terhaar _____ M. E. Wentworth •. __________________ 15,000 12,7;\0 445.850 388,560 50,000 10,000 500,000 400,000 10,000 5,000 159,500 H5,750 30,000 N, Park, . Y.; · o~t hw. N .. Min pis.; Am. N .. i::: St. !:'. : 2d ,, !hnot. T h s•at d ~ 72,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Ohi.: ort era ... e an '< lstN •. Grand Forks; 1st N.,M· nls. ~ 75,000 1st N.andMidlandN., Mlnpls.; st 1 ·,, Grand , Forks. 18,770 1st N .. Minllls., St. Cloud, Minn .. and Granct N 1Forks. Doyon ______ lhmsey D 12 Bank of D01on __________ t§'05 I. . I. Ra_mu . cu __ J. Drake __~~~~~':.°Henry D g Farmer ·. tXl;5,~!nk ••• •tl'lO J. W. G. An<ler:on Pop. 517 77-305 .. ____ ____ " Merchants State Bank •• !1'06 0. A.. Refline- _____ 77-304 Drayton. ___ Pembina B 15 \Citizens Bank __________ etf'98 R. I. 01. on. _______ Poi:. 637 77-1111 " ______ " FIRST llTIOIIAL BlllK-•t'87 J, IL Ye ' tre _______ 77-100 Dre den ••••Oav1.Uer B 12 ta.\e Bank of Dresden •• tl'01 J. A. Terhaar ______ Pol). 1.50 11-f>6l rn" H. E. Skauge, Tr ... . Barrows _________ David Juzeler ----· C. S. Barrows _____ _ A. 0. Smith ________ A. Eis . i ger ~~ I DOEden ______ VcLean D 8 Doe-den State Bank _____ if'06 R. A. Pence------- G. M. Pence _______ R. A. Pence------ Mary Gorman. ____ Pop. 302 77-W ' -------- ::. •+'06 I t·t:t: IN ADVANCE: Sight Drafts, 15c minimum: 25c minimum if paid. (Membera indicated by a ") Sec. & Mgr. l)od2e __________ Dunn E 5 Dode-e State Bank ______'l5 Georfe W. Dode-e __ C. N. Lee __________ H. M. Weydah.'---· F. J. Ruff _ _ _ fop. 172 ---- ---- I 137,330 Chase N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Oom 'l N., Ohl. : t:, Merch. N .. St. P. ~ n. Le Due __ _____ .M. L. Miller _______ L. J. Tichol ·ou ___ B, E, imons ______ lJ. B. Kuter _______ 1 I I ank.s Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ~ ... '° Dre d n ____ cava\\er B 12 1\Sta.\e Bank ~r~resden __ u-01 \J, A. Terhaar_ _____ C. II. Terhaar _____ M. E. Went worth-- 1---------------··-- 1059 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• DlrectorJ, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. I 5,000 NUlE OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. SState v p 5 , _ ____;cL;..c,I.;. ;.A. ;;;.B;;.:IL;;.:l..:.T.::..:IES":-'-'-.___ ll ____;R:.::Jt:=:S::.:O:..::Uc:.R:..::C.=ES=.:..._1 PRU CA.SHIU. ·• p~~~::~ " 7i-467 ______ _·=.·:.:::: 5,000 $ 130,00') $ 115,000 10,250 Merch. & Mnfrs, State and Norlhw. N .• ...., .M.inpls.: 1st N ., Bismarck:. M.A. Ahern _______ T. G. Ahem _______ F. W. Brendemuhl 10,000 2,000 100,000 130,000 10,000 1st N., Mlnpls, 20,000 6,190 162,000 210,000 F. G. Leigh _______ P. M. Conoboy ____ G. R. Conoboy ___ _ Peter Daniel on 10,000 2,000 60,000 75,000 o. S. Orwoll _______ 10,000 7,500 200,000 190,000 25,000 1st N., Minvls, and St. P.: Northw. N., Grand O ::::C Forks. 22,810 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., llilapls.; Citiz. N., ~ o. Fir ·t ·anonal Bank _____ :·1n O. H. Sheils _______ A. J. Brndt korb ___ A. J, Kesler _____ Geor~e Bulmer __ _ Pearl Spitzer 77-140 Edinburg _____ Walsh O 14 State Bank of Edinbur~-•U'99 M. 0. Florence ____ 0, Fauskee ________ N. Ordahl _________ L. H. Ness--H. H. Troftgruben 77-568 Pop, 278 C - Edmore _____ Ramsey O 13 First National Bank: _____ .:•02 Geori?e E. Towle __ HelleckHelleckson J. R. Anderson ___ W, B. Merriam ___ _ 77-307 Pop. 601 Security State Bank: _____ u·o1 J. Rosholt_ ________ H.J. Nyhus _______ J. L. Rosholt ______ L. H. Nyhus -- - 77-306 Edmun d s •• Stutsman E 12 First Su.te Bank: --------U'07 H, T. Graves ______ A. B. DeNault _____ Charles Bennett ___________________ _ 77-569 Pop. 100 68.380 54,880 140.000 120,000 19,000 2,0()0 184,000 206,000 25,000 5,000 105,000 90,000 10,000 7,000 125,000 105,000 10,000 - - - 95,000 80,000 85,000 46,120 518,690 559,210 10,000 3,780 201.560 194,350 87,460 Oha~e N., N. Y.: Northw. N. and ...,. Mmols.: ,1errh. N. and 1st N .. 8t. P. 17,080 Chase N., N, Y.; Northw. N .. Grand Forks· n ' C/l Capital N., t. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 25 ,000 13,200 376.460 341,240 39,650 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minvls. and Grand ~ ;· Forks. 30,000 1st N .. Minpls. and St. P.; Northw. N., Grand Forks. 6,500 1st N., Minpls.; James River N., Jamestown. W~oo~. 30,tOO Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., .llinpls.; Northern ~ t:, State, Grand Forks. 20,000 Citiz. Com'! Tr., Butralo; 1st N., Minpls. ~ and Williston; Stock Yds. N .. So. St, P. O 20,000 1st N., St. P. and Williston. 33,000 1st N., Minpls., Sanborn, and St. P. 15,000 Northw.N .. Minpls. and Grand Forks. ~ > tJj > 1st N.. Z I n 300,000 250,000 80,000 90,000 P. Thornton ______ _ 10,000 10,280 156,010 169,210 FirstNatio~~~flonk _______ ,05 D. F.McLaue-hlin __ C. J. Lofi?ren ______ G, F. Elsberry _____ G. J. McCarthy ___ _ 25,000 10,000 120.000 130,000 10,0CO 5,000 96,900 94,150 10,000 10,000 160.000 173,000 10,000 10.~0 130,000 115,000 25,000 27,000 240,000 240,000 25,000 L. BRILEY-----PETER McGREGOR JAS. fUSON ------- A. C. STRAND------Save time and get service on Coll ectlons and Cred nA~et~ftVty sen ding 25,000 270,000 265,000 25,760 1st N., Minvls. and St. P, 69,610 386,300 420,590 206,260 215,000 40,590 1st N .. Ohl.; ~or'hw. N .. Minpls.; 1st N., St. _ P. and Aberdeen. 41,280 Ooru 1£x. N., Chi.: 1st N .. Minols.: Fp,rgus Falls o N .. Fer~us Falls, :Minn.; Northern N., u, Fargo. "tl~~flAL BA~fog c. D. Pancratz _____ o. Peek _________ w. S, Boom _____ _ w. i FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain •ight draft.. I Sc; Cred it Report., SOc. Fir t Nation '¥j;1nk ____ .i·o2 Ii'. B. Gannon ______ G. E. lane _________ B. R. Crabtree _____ L. E. Dewey ______ _ 7 Jensen _______ J. I. Lar on ______ F. Hanneman ____ _ 77-570 Elliott ______ Ransom G 14 State Bank or Elliott ___ •n·oo II. P. Holen _______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,360 4,000 5,000 FARMERS Pop . llO 10,000 10,000 10,000 •Ellendale ••• Dickey H 13 EllendaleNationalBank __ :•04 A. J. Graham ______ M, E. Randall ____ H. 77-86 P op. 1334 " z 25,000 Eldridge _Stutsman F 12 Eldridge State Bank ---U'l5 H. T. Graves _____ A. B. DeNaulL ___ L. L. Wahl ________________________ _ 77-891 Pop. 75 Elgin ___ _______ Grant G 6 EI2in State Bank -------1'10 L.A. Tavis _______ M. Tschida ________ A. B. Haceman ____ J. O. Kranick __ 77-47g .. Pop. 429 .. First State ~fo _______ u,10 A. Frasch __________ Alex. Eberhardt ___ .M. c. Rausch ______ W. D. Yaeger-----____ ____ ________ i': 10,000 Egoland _____ Towner B 11 Bank: of E2eland ________ :f'05 F. Ii'. Walz _______ A.G. Wa!:: _________ 77-390 Pop. 306 " 7,000 Northw. N., lrfinpls.; 1st N .. Dickinson and Mandan. 10,000 N. Ex., St. P.: Midland N., Minpls. v. c. ...~ =: 0 17,950 Northw,N .. GrandForks; 1st N., Minpls. and,.,,. Devils Lake. o' 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Mlnpls. and Grand ~ Forks. 14.120 James River N., Jamestown; Midland N.,. l Minpls. 20,000 Midland N., Min1>ls.: 1st N.. Mandan; Capital N., St. P. 25,000 Merch. N., St. P.: 1st N., Bismarck: Far. Equity State, Mandan; Secur. N .. Rioux F. 36,000 Merch. N .. St. P.: 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo; Aberdeen N .. Aberde1m, TRY US. 25,000 25,000 8,000 CONTIN·ENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS . , . • I I • V. A. Baker ______ C.J.Heen _ _ _ R. C. Hintz __ _____ _ K. B. Yan Meter. __ A. W. L~a -- · ------ I \0 tv 161,620 First Sta~ Bank _______ -1'06 0. H. Friswold ---- Thorwaltl Ru tad __ 0. H. Fischer _____ ---------------77-563 First State Bank _______ eif'05 W. F. Winter ______ John B. Mooney ___ A. J. Backes _______ Elizabeth Backes __ 77-564 Farmers State Bank ---•U'l3 Adam Hannah _____ H. B. Quackenbush Van Quackenbush_ 0, H. Halverson. __ C. E. Benson 77-823 First National Bank----•*'13 A. I!'. Nohle______ Clayton Worst_ ____ G. R. Hougen ______ G. W. Clark ______ _ 77-565 Eckelson ___ Barnes F 13 Eckelson State Bank ___ .:1•07 Louis Malm _______ E. C. Thompson ___ E. A. Nordquist ___ ------------------7Hi66 Pop. 100 Eckman ____ Bottineau B 7 First State Bank ________ :f'OS P. S. Peterson _____ F. L. Goodman ____ P.A. Paulson ________________________ _ 77-567 Por,. 64 " - 25,000 1st N ,, Minpls. and Bismarck, 150,300 DwighL--Richland G 16 Pop. 352 Easb:, ______ cavalier B 13 Pop. 76 E.Fairview ____ McKenzie > (Fairoi.ew, .\Cont., P. D 25 Pop. 175 " ___ " ________ $ 5,000 •n·oo 77-234 " ~ ... -·~_Bo_ 10,000 SECURITY STATE BANUl'05 D. A. McLarty _____ " fl _ _ l_ Sll State Bk. J. 0. Hallum ______ M. B. Finseth ___ H. A. Knudson ____ A.M. Bruschwien._ Dunn Center ___ Dunn E 4 Farmers Bank of Dunn Co. Adam Hannah _____ •W12 77-783 Pov. 247 .. .. First State Bank _______ .u,Ja W. A. McClure ____ 77-844 Dunseith ____ .Rolette B 9 Dunseith State Bank.---U'03 Charles Berg ______ 77-233 Pot>, 37' .. ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. P.u:o-tl'J' SUBPLU■ DmPo■- Lo.u,,D ... o.... , •~ Ass'T 0.A.SBID, Driscon _____ Burleii?h I!' 9 Driscoll State Bank: ••• -U'08 W, H. Barnes ______ Augusta Billington 0. R. Billington ___ P. M. Lathrop _____ $ 15,000 $ l/~:. 18,770 1st N .. lilin1>ls., St. Clou • Forks. 145,750 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc.. see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA-Continued _ _ _1_D_EN_T_. 1-------1-------1·o_u_IT_•_L _PB_~_n_T_II 1CE_ _•__ , __ F!i~~rl:::/:ms~~fct. ~~~~;~~::/ssn[~r~b: --RU--ID-DT Farmers & 159,500 • Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence t.o To1n1 AND COUNTY, •County Seats. 10,000 1 11-f>(',2 PO\l, 25() ()lt'"['t\ D"K()'"[ A M.a\\ on \ndex ''° ·1 I ::,1.·I ,, ' I ! ~ i ---~---------~------- 1060 - - Kamber under Name of Vank 1a the New Transit Plwabet sinn to eaoh bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers• Dlredoryt under the authority of The Am~rlcan B a ~ Ass'n.____ Non-Bank Town wlt.h Nearest Banklni Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volum~- F__£r~t~est Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA- COll t•lll UC d Ton .um OoUNTY. · NA.ME OF BANK. •M.em. Am. Ilks. Assn. SState •Ooan'7 Seats. EntireStateinNo.9 Ulem.StateBk:s.Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ~Mem. Fed. _[lqab. Ass'TC.!SBill. O-'.SKID. Vum-P&aIDDT. PRDJIDDT. -- - - I PAID-UP su BPLus DEPos- ITS 0.&..PITAL PB~TB ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ - - - - - - - Embde•--------Cass F 15 Embden late Bank ---•U'07 A. F. Luther------ N. 1'1. Buck _______ , C. J. Buck _________ A. A. Penick. _____ $ 10,000 $ 77-571 Pop. S5 g I- -RESOURCES. ~LITIEs. 1.o.... .,1> ... =~ PRINCIPAL CoRREsPoN~T;, - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - ------1 c~ 1 6,000 $ 136,000I $ 130,000 $ 25,000 1st N., Fari:o.; Merch. N., St. P. ~~d Fi~, Farme,s ~".ii........I "92 'John Bfrkhol, . .... iS. S. Titos......... E. Franklyn....... G. F,anklyn.._ ... ___ Guaranty Sf¾!iofank --+1'18 J. F. T, O'Connor .. ,A. J. UlvedaL___ H. L. Hanson______ " ___ 20,000 6,000 215,000 125,000 75,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N,, St. P. and Grand Forks. 15,000 1,.500 35,000 45,000 6,000 1st N •• Chi,; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st Sav .. Grand Forks. Enderlin ___ Ransom F 15 Oitizens State Bank __ .U'07 ------------------- Rob't Lindeman•-- J. M.. Thorsoa ___ Roy Rasmusson __ _ 27,000 11,500 500,000 422,000 80,000 .A.m.N.,St.P.; 1st N.,Min1>ls. 50,000 25,550 478,560 I 465,910 79,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Midland. N. and Northw. N •• Min1>ls.; Northern N. Fari:o. 10,000 8,C00 135,000 120,000 20,000 1st N., Minpls.; Feri:us Falls N ., Fergus Falls, Minn, E • - ~•. " Pop.1919 I . W.W. Sh~w . , 77-71 . Enderhn State Bank. - • U 92 Ed. Pierce_---- --- E. T. Danir.lson ____ Thomas Pierce. ____ G. J. Ir. llauk + 77-70 Enclevale ... Ransom G 14 First State Bank _______ •tf'07 V, I Jensen ______ J. S. Ulland _______ H. n. Koch ________ v. A. Bjorklund .... 77-574 Pop. 200 Eppinr---- Williams O 3 Pop. 116 c. s. Matteson. ___ _ CITIZE NS STATE BANK •t§'l5 77- 877 FIRST STATE 8ANK-----U'06 77-6'?..5 15,000 M. E.1 UGGEN----- M. IVEISOI------- A. 0. WANG----- __ ---------~nu your ·cash Letters and Colle ctlons cffi-eei ror ealcleatae rvlee and qolek re turns. l'arm Mortsase Leana aesotlat.e ·d. Choice Willia m1 County Land for Sale. l N. T. Rosenquist __ S. A. Wallace ______ A.. J. Ros6D.Quisi •• L, Ellin~son ______ _ (Farm Loans and F arm Lands for Sale) • I Eric ____________ oass E 15 Farmers State Bank----•H'07 H. L. Schroeder ___ James Jenkins ____ H. L. Hill _________ A. A. Mosher _____ _ 77-577 Pop. 200 E mond _____ Benson D 10 Esmond State Bank ____ i§'0l ~I. A.. Borchard. ___ H. H. Ekelancl _____ II. G, Dokken ____________________ _ ; 77-292 Pop. 343 Firstinternational BankU'0l E. 0. Craie ________ K. H. BlufeL _____ A. W. En£'eJ ______________________ _ 77-291 ! 20.000 3,800 10,000 I 122,100 125,000 165.000 155,000 • z 10,000 1st N .. .Minpls.: Williams Co. State, Williston; 1st N., St. P. 25,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st N., _ orthw. N., Minpls . > tn Williston; > z~ 15,000 7,370 118,260 122,210 I · 10,730 1st N., Minpls. and Farl!O, t!'.I 10,000 10,000 3,0001 5,600 110,000 80,000 185,000 168,000 3 25,000 1st N., Fari:o; Northw. N., Min1>ls. er 0. ·25,000 Cont.& Oom'l N., Obi.; 1st N .. Minpls. and tt ::, St. P. ~ $1) 6,000 205,000 180,000 24,000 1st N., Grand .Forks; Northw. N., Min1>ls. _____ 0. J. Nordlie ______ !E. C. SolberE' ______ Peter cterdahL_ 10,000 2,000 214,000 193,000 35,180 Torthw. N., Grand Forks: 1st N., Minpls. Lynne _______ J. A. Lynne ______ _ ;Y· 0. Lindquist 25,000 5,000 273,000 240,000 27,000 1st N. and Northw. N .. Min1>ls.; Am. N., St. P.: Citiz. ., Wahpeton. 30,000 16,G00 230,670 236,570 40,760 15,000 _________ u;;,ooo 121,000 11,000 Midland •. and 1st N ., Minpl .· Capital Secor., ~ • Bismarck. S,000 91,000 rii' () c. Hanson ~L Buscher _____ A. 1·. G. E. BALLARD .. ---- B. W. SCHOUWEILER-- W. H. COX ----------- A. W. BLAKE- -------NATl,.NAL BANK OF FAIR t'EE IN ADVAN CE: ._'iyht draft:, 15c 111i11imtt111; 25c minimum charge • .MOU T--- 77-285 ------- t g:; { Rellable Credit Reports, oOc. TR Y US. 1 Falkirk----- .McLean D 7 li'alkirk tatc Bank _____ t§'l7 ... E. Rulien _______ Krist Kjelstrup ____ Geo. E.Swanson ___ -----------·-----77-95.J Pop. 17 li'armers tate Bank •••• t§"lti John W. Colby ____ Frank Shaw _______ '/7-922 \aclex. "'i 10,000 I Oil a C/l 77-57fl N01it.'tt\ D~OT A M.av t, r+ Fairmount.Richland G 17 First National Bank ____ •t'02 E. R. Collins ______ G. 77-286 POI). 706 Falsen ____ • 1cllenrv C Poll, 75 "'i :Z: 0 1 Fairdale ______ Walsh C 13 Farmers State Bank ----*1'06 F. H. Wellcome ___ B. Lander _ _ _ J. H. Lyford _______ A. C. 't 1omp, on __ _ ecurity State Bank •• _.. 1§'15 A. 77-896 ~ > E&pansion ____ Mercer E 6 (See Krem.) Pop. 50 Pop. 102 o c.......,.. ,H, F. Kremer _____ ~ • C. Larson_ _____ if paid. T. City. N. Y.; :Merch. N., St. P.; Iitllaud finpls. ::, .1:T,, ::, ~ $1) I 15,000 130,000j 6,000 1st N., Grand Forks and Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number unde.r Name of BaoJc is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis slvel b The Band-McNall Bankers' · ~ -IO N Non-BaoJc Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Jnqexed) in back of this~ Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence NO\l.'ttt DAKO't A Mat, 011 \11dex 1061 Number under Name of .BanJc is the New Transit Number given to each bank in u. s. exclusively by The .Band-McNally BanJcers• D~to_!Y, under the authority_ of _The A.~erlcan Bankers !:_ss'n._ TOWN AND COUNTY• NORTH DAKQT A COnflilUe d __ _ _ _ _ ___ - ____ • AME OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks . .Assn. §State Entire State in No. 9 t:Mem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. FederalReserveDistrict. +Mero. Fed. Res. lE:.,tab. 1_ VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDE.-..T. CASHIER. Non-.BanJc Towns with Nearest Bankfng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) fn back of this~ volum~ For Interest ~ates, Holidays, etc., see Laws: ~ _ LIABILITIES. 11=---RESOURCES. PAID-UP !Su:!~us : Dll'P08-'T CASHIER. CAPITA.L PROFITS , ______ _______ _______ ________ ___ \ 1 1 1 1 ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, ~:L •:,;>,,~: .:;.~ ..':.!..~~ ....,,.B...... rra .j sacolllT,a 1- - - , - -- _ - _ __ ;-, _ ---------- _ I •Fargo--····-·· Oass F 16 DAKOTA SAVINGS BANK •1'17 Alex. Stern _______ Maurice Kaufman_ A.. A.. Lorshbonch- M. Corrigan ------ $ 100,000 $ 45,000 $ 800,000' $ 794,130 $ ll0,000 Mech. & Metals N .• _N. Y.; Greencbaum Sons ~ Pop. 21,ll61 77-12 \Otto Bremer Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N ., St. P.; 1st N. and Merch. N., Fargo. Dakota Trust Co. ------•t1'09 William Stern-··- J.M. Bathrick _____ M. E. Kennedy, A. A. Lorshbough, 100,000 49,700 282,000 303,510 25,64r0 Dakota Sav .• Fargo: 1st N .. M_inols. 77-7 Otto Bremer Su. d: Tr. A. Sec. and Tr *Far~o National Bank --•t'97 M. Hector--·---·- T. D. Hughes. __ • __ G. E. Tichols ___ A. B. Taylor----·-50,000 21,620 566,010: 468,180 11 ,9,0 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohl.: Merch. N .. St. 1F. M. Hector 77-1 A. B. Hauser _ __ P.: Lin. N., Minpls. 1 * f lRST NAT I BANK 77-1 • ---1---___ E. J. WEISER-----· F. A. IRISH-----·--· G. W. JENSON------· B. P. SCHMALLEN--G. H. NESBIT I I Oldest and Largest Bank in North Dakota. 300,000 292,520 5,884.000 4,975,760 l,539,890 ' Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chl.; 1 Thoroughly equipped to handle your business over the entire Northwest. ,_ Northw. N. and 1st N., Mlnpls.; 1st N. ~ •t'78 ~ maintain a Farm Mortgage Loan Department. aud Merch. N., st. P. ~ - - - - - -- *MERCHANTS N. A. LEWIS, Ch.of Ed, NATIONAL BANK ♦ - - - ~ - - - -- - -- - -- - - - ! - -- :;o 100,000 - 172,590 2,134,170 2,218,790 444,110 - N , an d -, .....:r N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; c orn ...,_ .ra. Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N. and ::X: Northw.N.,Mlnpls.; A.m.N.and Merch. N,,St.P. t:, > H P. BECKWITH--~-- B. I. KEATING-····- J. L. CLINE-------·- W. H. CLEMENS-·--H. J. RUSCH C. I. REITAN A LIVE COMMERCIAL IN TITUTION. WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS. 77-10 0 - -- - - - - - - - - - A. T. HMSTOCK-.. on a pollcy of SERVICE and SAFETY. Equipped to give personal attention to any business In the northwest. •%'90 *NORTHERN - We have built up and maintain our business NATIONAL BANK 77-2 - s. s. LYOI--------- FRANK R. SCOTT-- H.'W. GEAREY----- 100,000 - - 43,110 U7'1,890 1,407,300 313,690 - - - - - - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,---- - - - > --- - - - - - - Northern Trust O0,----•U'02 G. H. Hollister._. __ P. W. Clemens ____ F. L. Whitney, Tr,_ G. A. Clemens. Sec. 11-. L. E. van Horn, Ass't. Sec. 100,000 82,000 632,81 770,000 Security National Bank._t'l6 James Grady···-·- H. C. Aamoth ___ • __ F. P. Aamoth ____ P. G. Vik--·- -- ··-- 100,000 20,000 300,00 300,000 77-11 ~ Libert3-· N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 1 t N. Q and Capital N., St. P.; 1st N., Dufuth .....:r andl\-linpls. to > z 72,200 LibertyN .. N.Y.; MidlandN., Minpls. 100,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cent .. St. P.; lstN., Minpls. C Fargo Olearinr House ••••• -- Martin Hector_···- -----·---------- H. W. Gearey, - · · · - · - - - · - _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ __ (Members indwat&d b11 a*) Sec. and M(IT. ~ C/l ~ Ill '"' (JQ 10,000 9,240 235,02{) 197,830 Kanikkeberg 25,000 25,000 600,00 575,000 Wells CounYi-ltte Bk.•tl'll3 T. L. Beiseker --··- Arthur L. Netcher_ O. M. Thompson •• _ ·-····--------··Fillmore •••• Benson C 10 First State Bank _____ etf'l2 E. R. Reitseh ___ •. _ J. G. :Mcclintock __ R. A.. Warren ___ ._ H. R. RendahL_ P op. 100 77-755 15,000 40,000 386,26 339,350 10,000 1,500 90,00 70,000 ~i%\f~~rt~ ··---- FINN OYEN--·------ G. L. HOLLANITSCH-- 25,000 6,200 110,00 120,000 21,000 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. •Fessend e n_._ Wells D 10 Farmers Bank ----------tl'0ll E. F. Volkmann ___ W. A. Volkmann ___ M. W. Bauer--···-· -·-·------··--··--Pop. 731 77-144 First National Bank 77-143 --•t·noo H. Ine:valdson _____ Paul Bremer ••••• _. c. W . .Allanson_._ A. o. . N. P. LANGEMQ ____ .B'ingaL--·- · Barnes F 14 Pop. 400 FIRST NATIONAL BAIK •t'9ll 77-211 ~t~f --·····-- i 1 STATE BANK OFFINlEY•tl'06 B. J. Long __ • ______ P. o. Sathre ______ • A. P. Boe __________ L. E. Long _ _ _ _ . n-200 la •her ______ l(orton G 7 Flasher Sta!e Bank--··-tl'OII L.A. Tavis------ J. J. Tavis-----··- R. A. Mahrer ____ •• --·----------Pop. 287 ,7-442 " Security •tf'12 . A. P. Lenhart _____ H.J. Duemeland ·-IN.I. ROOP-·-·---· )LA. Zeltinger ___ _ St~w_mnk ____ ... ~·· ~--~- BANKS DEPOSIT SECURITIES WITH us FOR SAFE KEEPING AND COLLEC_TING INCOME; - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill 81,900 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & qom 'l N., Chi.; 1st N., ~ Fargo; Northw. N., Mrnols. ~ 20,000 lstN., Minl)ls. and Fargo. '"' FEE IN ADV AN CE: Sioht dratts. 15c minimun; 25c minimum charoe if paid.. { .Bellable Credit Reportss liOc. T .BY US. Farm Mortgage Loans Negotiate d. Merchants Bank_•t§'06 I. N. Paulson--·--- ;K. . Ramsett._ •• _ D. o. Bye - ·----·-- ----··--·----------2 ... Finley. ______ Steele E 14 First National Bank ••••• •t'll8 E. Taisey Samuel Oxton ·--- E. H. Gilbertson_ ··--··--- -- ---···--Pop. 599 77-205 . 56,430 Merch. Im. & Tr. Co .. Chi.: 1st N., Kinols.; 0 .Merch. N .• St. P .: Northern i: ., Fargo. r+ 0 100,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; A.m. N .. St. P.; Midland N. "IJ and 1st N .. Minpls. _ co NTI NENTAL 15,000 7,960 249,5ll0 247,220 50,000 18,000 345,000 860,000 30,350 N. Oity, N. Y.: Oont. & Com'l N .. Ohl.; 1st N .. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P • 30,000 Northw. N .. Rep. State, and 1st N., llint>ls.; 1st N ., Fargo. 241,33 0 242,940 31.150 Cent. and N. Ex. , St. P.; Northern N., Fargo. 25,000 21,930 15,000 7,000 178,00 178,000 12,000 4,500 134,35Oj 101,810 I c OMMERCIAL j AND 1 22,000 1st .. N. Y.: Midland N .. M'inpls.: lat .Mandan. 13,920 1st N., Minpls.; City N,, Bismarck. 8 ANKS, c HICAGO N.,,g - ~·~···· .. 1062 '. . . ·~-· ·•. - - .. __ . - -- Number under Name of Bank ia the New Tranalt Number gtven to each bank in U. 8. esclushelJ by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlrec:tory, under the authority of The Amerleao Baukt-rs Ass•u. = T=o=w=.& =N =l.l= C= o uNTY. NAl\tE Ol" HANK. - •CollDU' Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 9 t.Mem.State Bk ·.Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve DistriC't. ♦ Mem. Fed. Re<;. [E~tab. PRESIDE.."JT. Non-Bank Towns with Nl'arest Banking Point (lnNORTH DAKOTA - C0 ~tt" nu~d ----dexcd Acces.), Lawyl'rs. Laws tindoxed) in back of thlslvolum~ _£_or~~e!_est Ratt-s, Holiday , etc., see Laws. 0 --=- --=-=- - - - -LilBILITI~ - - -R~s. l'1tlNt;lPAL CoKRESPONDENTS. -=--- ~ VICE·PKESIDENT. I Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIER. P ..UD-UP SURPLUS I Flaxton ________ Borke B 4 Citizens State Bank _____ U,04 W. E. Burgett ____ _ Bertie Nelson _____ .Le\·iFo sum _______ E. M. Bronson _____ $ Pop. 374 77-3-12 First Bank of Flaxton -•t1'02 77-341 Flora ..______ Benson D ll Flora State Bank _______ •.tf'05 Pop. 60 77--580 Fo~bes------ DiC'key H 12 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'l6 Pop. 293 77-1134 " ----" Forbes St.ate Bank _____ .u·o5 77-581 UEPOS- 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_c_AP_1_T_~_L,_p_.;1'_o_~_T_s _I_Te_ ·,:'•HokD,a-1 C.aaok Bz_c~--~-u:.._~_· QJU_~_!_0~_-_:._· 1 25,000 $ 5,000 $ 280,000 $ 275,000 $ R.H. Farmer ______ F. M. Webb--------!----------· _________ M. R Farmer _____ _ I B. II. Linn c. Ross I. J. Grandsen ----- -------------------- 10.000 1 8.0vO 200,000 18!1.000 10,000 1 4.000 100,000 90,000 A. S. Marshall ........ _ Charles llack ______ G. J. Bohle .. ______ A. lL Bohle ______ _ :M, Whelan F. M. Weber _______ Henry Wachter ____ Martin Erbele _____ c. H. Erbele _____ _ 15.000 4,500 210,000 l 64.000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 10,000 13,020 219,000 219,000 1 18,000 Xorthw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Ellendale. -----1 J. I. Heue _______ G. W. I FARMERS & M~RCH. ST AYE BlllK----17-no ______ •U 11 { OAVID REA------ C.C. JAC,BSON ---; P. B. PETERSON --- -------------------10,000 Special attentlo Dra : rts. Notes and Es erow Matters. llic sent us with each sight draft ~for presentation a nd 26c ror credit report ----- .. 10,000 2· :iv~-~.•u~l. Insures prompt , personal attentl ,on. " s. 40,000 2d .. Minot; Midland N. ancl Lin . N .. Minols.: 1st N •. Ji'argo. 13,000 Northw. N.,Minpls.: lstN., Fa.r1?0. z '0 ~ I I FordvUle _____ ~alsh O 14 Pov. 3 .. 0 I 1 - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -I 35,000 Cont. & Com·l N .• Chi.: Merch. N., St. P.: · .Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. \o. A. 180,000 11:;,000 1 '"i 15.000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: 1st N., }linpls.;; :I: .i:·orthw .• ' .. Grand Forks. t::, 1 > X , I 5.000 175,000 118.000 56,000 N. Park., N. 3,000 260,000 253,000 15,000 3,000 150,000 140,000 3 ,500 1Northern N., Fare:o: 1st N .. St. P.; Scan.-Am .• :.\1inot. 24,000 ( st N., Minols.; Merch. N., St. P. ,~ J. L. MITCHELL--- R. L. HIMEBAUGH--- J.P. GUNDERSON --- J. F. BANISH ------25,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•!'02 { lo CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentatlou and 77-f>!S4 60 CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attl'ntl on. 10,000 7 /-5!S2 Ulland _______ Olson ________ Eleanore E. Millar Pop. 2-6 77-583 •Jorman ____ sareentG15 1Farmers State Bauk ____ t§'l5 \V.E. Dada ________ A.O. Dewey ______ Anton NeLon _____ C.R.Arl?ersinger__ 1 Pop. 402 77-895 I 223,0001 302,000 dn<l 8t. P. .; 1st N., Minols., Grand Forks.f > ,~ 20,000 1st~·., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. en ! ll'ort Clark ____ Oliver E 7 First State Bank ________ ;n·13 A. N. Beiseker _____ c. G. Kapelovitz ___ D. Fay Case _______ Wm. Boardman __ _ Pop. 86 77-801 Fort Ransom ... --Ransom Fort Ransom State Bank I rsrael Henriksen __ Gu tav Peterson ___ Henry Johnson ____ Carrie J. Lovelace_ Pop, 150 G 14 77-585 •U'07 A. C. Carlblom Fort Rice ____ Morton G is Citizens State Rank _____ t§·U D. N. Jones ________ Robert Gwyther __ • i 0. 0. Quist _____ I L F. Hop pen ted t_ Pop. 100 77-734 ll'ortuna ______ Divide B 2 Fir t International Bank A. J. Johnson _____ Pop. 1Y8 77-331 •!§ '06 •Fort Yate ---- ioux G 8 1First State Bank ________ :t5'15 C. B. Little ________ Pop, 300 i7-717 Foxholm _______ Ward 06 Foxholm State rlank ___ •U'08 J. J. Kann _________ Pop. 200 77-586 Freda---- ---- Grant G 7 ( 'cc. clfridg1,} Pop. 100 Fredonia _____ Lonn G 11 First State Bank ________ :1'07 1 Wm. Pruetz _______ Pop. 296 77-587 77-839 ""§'14 _.. Fryburg ______ Billing F3 First State Bank------- -- 1'13 Pop. 100 77-813 I ullerton .. __ l)ickcy G 13 Farmer:,; tatP Uank .. ____ ;19 Pop. 2U2 77- 1021! " " 1ri1 ·t Xational Hank _____ •t·~ 5 o ac kl e_______ .l.,Ul;an T~ F 12 .uvs&n T~ Oounty n-n88 an k -- ·. I' 05~ Pop. 42.t 77-487 " " State Bank or <lackle __ U-09 10,000 1,500 125,610 10,000 5,800 ao3,rioo , 110,400 294,000 1 5,000 105,000 90,000 10,000 5,000 132,500 lll,500 10,000 3,500 102,000 97,000 F. J. Uriell ________ J.P. O'Leary _____ J R. W. Kann _____ _ 15,000 13,200 150,000 156,000 -------------------- 'I 10,000 5,340 107,770 81,z.tO 41,8701!st N., Ohi., Bismmk, 5,6CO 100,200 92 ,100 19,5CO Northw. N., Minpls.; Oity N., Bismarck:. 10,000 5,220 1 45,120 48,550 25,000 ~.000 I 2u ~.500 40.000 45,000 5,890 rorthw. N., Minols.: 1st N .. Bismarck and Di1·ki n<;on; Stoc·k Yards N., So. St. P. 20,000 1st N., t. l'. and Minpls. 3.100 170.5'.JO 226.000 I P. G. Anderson ____ S. B, Brevil! _______ IH. G. Meuwis.5en __ A. o. Schimansky _ P. J. Jacobson _ _! _ _ _ _____ _ I B. B. Prnetz _______ 11. C. Buechler ____ I C. HIEB--- P. BILLIGMEIER -- WM. JANS _________ SAM MILLER ---10,000 Thh, progressive bank 1m1lc1u, 1md. 1appreclate-s collel' tlous. FEE IN ADVA NCE: ig_ht Draft~ 15e minimum; 25c minimum if paid, I I ~ 15,600 ' lst N., Mandan; Northw. N. and 1st N., Min pis. 12,400 can. J\m •• Fargo· Midland N. and Merch. & Mnfr ·. State, Minpls.: State Dakota aY., Fargo. 30,000 1st N., Mandan and Minols. 10,000 I GERMAN STATE BANK ju :< ..+ 0 ::3 o I 17,500 ist N .. Minols.: Bk. of .Montreal, Winnipeg;! 2d ~ T ., Minot. 16,000 1st N .. B:smarck and Minpls.; tock Yds. N., Q So. St. P. $1> 35,000 1st N .. Minpls.; 2d N., Minot. n g and Minnis. ~ Credit Reports. 60c. TRY US. A. L. Martin __ _____ 0. . Dunham _____ M. P. Olson ________ - - - - - --------- C. E. Persinger __ G. G. Imer _______ II. E. Buttweiler __ Theo. Ulmer____ T. 11'. :Marshall _____ H. O. frOartney __ W. E. Dickinson ___ M. R. McCartney_ 1 {i'. H D.. .Meyers______ McCartney J • M• II umme 1-----.'o·W A. Ji'. Lehr .. ________ J. ' · Fod e________ 1 II. II. 1Inl11•11c.f('in .... Andres Zimmerman George Elhard _____ !John Neuman_____ O&lchut.t .. _.. Richland G 16 Galchuttst1!e~:nk _____ a-os F. D. Tonne ______ Po1>, 100 77-089 NO'R..Ttt 1>1t1..K<n1i1.. Mao on \ndex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ 10,000 I 15,000 !FIRST STATE BANK----•t1'05 J. R. Carley------- J. .lf'orest River __ falsh 015 Forest River State Bk._•if'92 W. R. Johnston ___ H.P. Beckwith ____ 1 J. H~er ___________ A. E. Halverson___ c. o. Sandvig ______ c. M. Johnson ____ .. j H. E. Syvertsen___ I 380 000 · 3i5. 50 20,000 13;;,000 160,000 15,000 245,000 222,000 2-,), 000 21500 ' 25.000 10,000 .._ ' ·· · ·• · ·• $ll ::3 13.500 North, . N., Minpls.; 1st N .. Oakes. ·• i:: $ll 3.t 680 Irving N Y · Northw N Minols · 1st N .• ~ Far~o. 12,500 1st N .• Minpls. _ 15,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Abercr~mhie and St. ~ l'.; .Merl'h. &. Mnfr • Statp, Mrnols. - Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Non-Bank Towns with Nearest . . Banking Point (In- ..... . '1 ,_ .,:: •. ' '-e.~ •·.,, . Number under Name of BanJc ill the New Transit Number givetl eicJuslveJy by The Rand-McNally Bankers' authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. to each bank in U. S. 1063 _ lrectory, _under the _ _ _ _D Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this,_ volume. F o ~ ~ Rates__, H o ~ , etc., sec !_,~wt ~ NORTH DAKOTA-Continued I . ~:u:~::•.lz- LIA BI LIT IES, NillK OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. Entire State in .'o. 9 !!Mem.StatE>Bks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve Di trirt. •~lem. Fed. Re . TOWN AND COUNTY, ttention to Collections and Correspondence Banks Advertising give Prompt ~OR'Ttt DAK.O'T A M.a.i, on lndex PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. AsS'T CA.SHIER, CASHIJ:R, Pil~UP 1·•:"..:;°' OSPO&- '\ Ifl CA..PITA.L PBOl'IT8 I g ~· =·:.:=,----------------1~ PRJNCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS. - Galesbury _____ Traill E 15 Galesbun: State Bank ___ u ·o1 o. P. Satrom ______ _ Andrew Knudson __ E. 0. Moe ________ O. H. John on. __ __ $ 20,000 $ 35.000 $ 248.000 $ 215,000 $ 49.000 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. St. P. and Fargo; 77--5IIO Pop. 314 Gardar _____ Pembina B 14 1Gardar State Bank _____ if'08 C. D. Lord ________ _ C. A. J eel um -----77-591 Pop. 6!1 Gardena ___ Bottineau B 8 · Gardena 81ate Bank: ____ .if'05 Chas. s. Fairfield __ L. K. Fairlield _____ 7Hi92 I Pop, 99 Gardner ________ Cass E 16 :State Bank or Gardner •U'08 A. E. Cook _______ _ A. J. Hodge ------77--593 I Pop. 125 Garrison _____ MrLean D 7 Farmers Bank ________ •*1'15 Adam Hannah ____ _ M. R. Behles _____ 77-274 Pop. 71-1 A, Johnson ________ IS. B. E. G. Howe ______ nydai. ___ ------------------- 114,920 ·-~1 I 109,390 110,000 88.000 10,000 12,500 146,0CO 143,GOO J. J. Behles _______ E.G. Walsh ______ 10,000 4.COO 273.03ol 269,670 onal Hauk. FEE IN ADVA NCE: Sight Drat ts, 15c minimum; Credit Reports, liOc. TRY US. 77-272 10,000 1 B. D. Mitchell__ ___ J. H. Mitchell__ ___ C. E. Hauer E. E. \Yacker fA. TYMESON, JR. ~i &: l'o\Tlsori ___ D. P. ROIINSOII--- C. J. EHLERS------ FIRST IIATIOIAL BAIIK-•i•o3 lPatronlze a Na 3,930 10.000 25,000 I 6,000 lllO.OOOj 25,000 I ! 26,100 1 t N. and Midland N., Minnis.; Northw .• '.,1..; • I _Grall(! Forks.: 1st N., t. ~25.0GO ~1dland N., M1npls.; tock Yds .... o. St. P .. 10.000, 11,000 130,000 100.000 Geneseo ____ Sar~ent G 15 Geneseo State Bank----•il'08 J. L. Mathews ____ _ W. D. Trtlll _____ A. C. Bonzer ______ 7Hi95 Pop. 300 - ------ --- --------- 10,000, Adam A. Lefor ___ _ A. F. Reilly ____ . __ F. H. Schroeder. __ --------- -- ----------------- -- --- ------ 4,530 178,POO 195,lllO 10,000 18,000 W. L. FORBES--- E. M. FORBES------ - F. L. McLEAN------ H. A. MFCKLE~BURG HESKETH Gilb:, __ Grand Forks O 15 BANK OF GILBY -------•U'87 'i FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wl th each slir;ht dra JOHN ll tor ~rc:,cutatlo n and · l TWENTY-nn: CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. 77--596 Pop. aoo 332,700 301.300 Ti-784 First State Bank ------.•U'l2 77-778 ♦ Golva_ Golden Valley F 1 First ~atio'!al ~ank _____ t'H 17-853 Pop. 300 First State Bank ________ :t§'I4 " " 77-848 Goodrich ___ Shnidan E 9 Citizens State l:Sank _____ !5'06 77-267 Pop. 476 1First Natio~~~ rtllk ___ .ef'06 " ________ " 2 Grace Oity ____ Foster E 12 Farmers & Merchants Bank 7Hi00 Pop. 300 :l:§'12 _______•U'lO First State ~~ •• _______ .. II § ' .. ,.. ~::,--,::-:·:_.~-- 1 75 > 47,030 10.000 12,000 130,0001 150.000 li.290 115,890 14t310 10,000 9,000 150,000 150,000 H.P. Hammer ____ _ J. H. Berl?--------- Frank J. Heaney __ \Y. II. Fallen ______ H. S. Halvorson Ed. Schulenberg __ Jo. Ge· ---------- J. c. Fischer _____ B. M. Schulenberg_ 10,000 13.600 110,000 147,000 10,000 7,000 2 5,000 2-15,000 L. A. Tavis-------· Michael Tschida ___ G. A. Wentland---- J. A. Ta\'is ________ 15.000 13.000 325,000 225,000 110,000 107,000 80,000 107,000 I > I2: 5,990 • . Produce. Chi.; 1st N, and Northw. N .. Miupls.; 1 t N .. St. P. 20,350 1st N .. Grand Forks; Northw. N. and llkr", ~ Cl> •· •• ~inpls. 6,160 Am. N .. St. P.; Far. State, Dickinson. 6,000 1st N .• Minpls. and Fareo. 55,000 1st N .. Minpls. and St. P.; 'orthern N., Fargo. 80,000 1st N., Mandan; Midland N., Minpls. L. J. Ranson·----· W, L. Hanson. ____ R. L. Ilanson ______ A. O. Thomp•on __ . 15,000 ----· ---15,000 1,500 Adam Hannah ____ _ L. G. Rostomily ____ H. G. Rostomily ___ c. J. Schwalier ____ 10.000 Z.000 1 94,0CO 127,000 11,000 1st N,. Minpls. and Bismarck. David Juzeler __ \Y. F. Plassman .• _ Charles Scharf _____ \r. A. 1furalt. _____ 25,000 3.500 150,COOI 150,000 Hugh Egan ______ _ J. F. Zeidler_ ____ M. L. Callahan ____ M. F. Egan-------· F. W. Stevens ____ . L. H. Kremers _____ T. A. Davis ________ L. M. Kremer ____ 25.000 1.500 125,000 120,000 10,0001 3.500 100,000 110.000 10,000 20,100 220,840 212,540 22,000 2-10,000 235,000 28.500 .\lidland N., Minpls.; 1st N., Mandan; Stock Ycls.1T .• o.,'t.P. nion 20,000 Midland 1 • an~ .·orthw. N., Minpls.; a,· .• Eau Claire. 15 000 1st ~ ., Mmpl ·.: Golrten Valley State. Beach: ~Jerch. N.. t. P. ' 30 690 1st N., Minnis. and Fargo; Merch. N .. St. P.: Stork Yds. N .• So. St. P. ' 44,000 N. Bk, Com.,N.Y.:MidlandN .. llinpls. -------- co NTINENTAL AND I 25,0001 10,000 1,200 96,000 10,000 6,220, li8,3701 90.9001 157,640 c OMMERCIAL ~ 11,000 Cont. & Oom'l N .. Ohi.; 1st N., Minpls.;I CD fl.I .:Merch .• •., Dirkinson. 14.280 1st N. and Midland N .. Minpls.; 1st N., Grand g" ... Forks. ~ JQ,000 1st N .. Minpls.;Ur,ionN., Minot. T. P. Ewald ______ _ Gottlieb Lang _____ E. C. Isaak .. ______ George Ratlke ___ Gottlieb Isaak R. W. Akin ____ _ H. G. Persk:e _______ P. J. Reimer______ R. E. Martin ______ C. Doering H. S. Halvorson __ _ 0. P. PPtPrson _____ S. F. Baron ________ -------0. J. Melgard H. G. Wa11ace ______ John Topp _ _ _ 0. Ramsland _______ Geo. c. GU'"Y -----1 0, I 35,370 1 10,000 BONDS AND SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS MAY BE BOUGHT FROM us BY BANKS; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,500 Jas. McCabe ______ _ Geo. H. McCabe ___ H. G. Lindeman __ Anna ,\lcPhaiJ _---O. W. Healy ____ _ Effie C. Healy ______ E. S. Heal:, ________ B. Ilerm, nsJn ----- J.E. Davis _____ _ F. M.. Davis ________ Edw. Mauch. _____ R. S. Troycr ......• ; I 15,000 S 15,780 Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. ---------- ---- - ---- FARMERS BANK-------•!§'12 1> 212,6201 I 200,820 John Dolwh? _____ _ W ii son Eyer ______ Regina Duckhorn_ ~ --i 10 l 199,080 4,320 212,0901 Gladstone ______ stark F 4 Farmers State Bauk ____ .§'19 77-1043 Pop. 350 Gladstone State .Hank __ .U'05 " 77-597 Glasstcm ___ Pembina B 15 Security State Bank ____ i5•09 77-599 Pop. 100 Glenburn ___ Renville C 7 Lincoln State Bank -----U'll3 77-385 Pop. 228 Glenfield _____ Foster E 12 First State Bank -------U'l2 77-767 Pop, 100 Glen UlJin ____ Morton F 5 Farmers State Bank ____ tf'l-t 77-126 Pop, 875 Merchants State Bank --U'09 " •• 77-127 Glover ______ Dickey G 13 Glover State Bank-•.•. •t§'li 77-986 125 Pop. Golden valley __ Mercer E 5 A.merican tate Bank - •W18 77-1003 Pop. 369 0 25,000 1st N. lilinpls,; City N., Bismarck. 225.000 3,650 f 2: 5,210 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls, and Bismarck:. 15,000 ------ ----- --- 19.500 1st N ., Fargo, :i: 25c minimum if p aid. First State Bank _____ .. •U'05 P. S. Peterson----· W. A. Bartz _______ W. A. Priess ______ E. L. Vorachek ____ 77-273 B. E. Dubay Garske----·-Ram ey C 12 Bank of Garske _______ .!§'16 E.T. Mccanna ___ _ P. P. Eneh ________ C. N. Nilson _______ Agnes Anderson ___ 77-938 Pop. 50 Gascoyne ___ Bowman G 3 First State Bank ______ •U'09 L. E. Olson _____ _ L. V. Sk~lund ____ .. 77-594 Pop. 160 10 1~ Midland N. and Bkrs. N., Minpls. 16,470 Chase N., N. 1.; 1st N., MrnpJs, and Grand Forks. 22.000 1st N •• Minpls.: Northern State, Grand Forks. 26,000 1st N .• Minpls. and Fargo; Fergus Falls N., Fer!!U" Falb. 5,oco Cappi:al N.. t. P.; Far. Equity State, Mandan. 1 10,880 1st N., Fareo and St. P. .... 0 ,.... i...1 ; ~ Q '< _ g 36,940 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.: Stock Yds, W • '.,So.St. P. 8 ANKS c HICAGO Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• IIIDNI' ander Name or llank ill the .New TnuH Namber ldven dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tht ,_ to each bank in U.S. excluslvely by The Rand-HcNall7 Banllers• For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. o =-•====:..:vo=-lum~e::-. ~ ___ Dlreetory, u~der the authority of The American ~1!!'~ _!ss•n. PRINCIPAL ~~UJ:SPO~;~TS. RE;o~&~s. BANK. OP' Nu:& Ton .lND OouNTT. c.... 11: sz11: A.sS'T 0.lSHIJ:a. PAID-Ul' SURPLUS Dmros-. •l.ou■ 0.lSIII:&L VICK-PRJ:SIDJCNT. PllSIDJCNT. •.Mem. A.m. Bks. A.ssn. l81.ate .Qoonty Seats. 9 :tM.em.StateBks.A.ssn.tPriv. ..,.. Bo""", 01U.•••,Im .A.lfD tate in ·o. Entire 0 ! Pao-,1Ts _______ _______ ~ (E~tab. Pderal Reserve Di trict ♦ jlem. ted..:.Be. 1 NORTH DAKOTA-Continued 1064 i lhl•J ~:i~.~ _______________ uratton __ •• Walsh OU, Pop. 2512 BANK •f82 FIRST NATIONAL 77-59 l!'. H. Spruue --- I. L. New1?ard ·---· .M. H. Spraeue ___ • A. E. Oobb •. ___ S 50,000 S 75,000 $1150 000 , $1100 000 S 190,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.., N. -y .; 1st N., Kinpls. GRAFTON NATIONAL BANK D. C•. Ioore ..••..• John Donelly .•.... D. :M. Upham ____ 11'. A. Moore----· •:i'83 77-60 100,000 50,000 1A. Mcconville .•. W.W. Reyleck •••. A.G. Tverberg •••. R. C. Strander··-G. N. Mid~arden _, "' •:W13 i end your colle etlon to us. !Please send 15c with each ight dra/tfo r presentation and 5 Oc/or Credit Reports, ·11111 Forks. G. Fork 1 Pop.14 010 D 15 *f lRST NAT BANK 1 77-15 1 •t'79 60,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Midland r. Minpls.: .. orthw. N .• Grand Forks: Capital N .. St. P. z 0 A. I. HUNTER JS.S. TITUS, l l ........ . W. ff. SHULZE ·---· D. C. HAIR ......... I.W.A.S.BERG DIC IUNSOI W M. EDIIUIPS Ch. of Bd. ' SEE ADVERTISE MEIIT OJI INDEX TO NORTH DAKl>TA. 200,000 C.H. NELSON ....• GEO. A. VEITCH---· E. E. PETERSON •••• H. E. METCALF, Sec. !W. V. O'CONNOR. Tr. R. E. PAYNE 50,000 68,100 2,809,580 2,529,940 547,740 Chase N .• N. T.; Corn EI. N. and lit N., Chi.; 1st N, and Mereh. N., St, P,; lsi N. and Northw.N., Mlnpla. STATE BANK 50,830 Union Tr. Co .• Ohi.; Northw. N .• Grand Forks. 450,450 456,150 7,590 •:t'O-i State Depository. Accounts of Banks solicited. surierior service on North Dakota Items. - ~ff II ated with Northwestern Trust Co. t:, g > ------1--.-- . ta > ---------- ;l •H'0l Vou wlll receive complete service In every respect. NATIONAL BANK ~ '# Send us your G rand F·orks ca h i Items direct for p rompt attention. We negotiate F trst Mortgage Far m Loans. Corres pondence sollclte d. 1 *NORTHWESTERN o. s. HAisot1 -....-,. s. PETERS0N..SAMUEL T0RGERso11 A~M--:Lo-c-oMc=M=-ENFRED HANSEN F. L. GOODMAN CARL BAETZER ff. P. RICE :::! > ~ E. J. LlNDER ...... W. E. FULLER--··· -S, C. HENDRICKS0N--ARN0LD T. BERG.. 100,000 37,000 985,000 1,095.080 ff. 0. MELBY PETER L. KL YVER SEE AD V. ON NO. DAK0T A INDEX • Send your oollectlone to ua. *NORTHERN 77 _11 550,000 600,000 ~ *FIRST SAVINGS BANK 77 - 2o •:t§'l 2 77 _17 150,600 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., St. P,; ...'orthw. r .. Minpls. 20,000 SCANDiNAVIAN AM. BANK 77-1!31 35,000 I.140,00011,213,200 j 92,300 1.482.270 2.207,540 ZG0,000 - - - - 202.110 National City, New York; Continental & Z Commerlcal National, Chicago; First ~ National, l\flnneapolls: First National. Cll f St. Paul. ll> 349,920 Baa. N,, N. Y.; Merch. Ln.& Tr. Co., :::;Chi.; tat N., Midland N •• and Northw. 0 ::, N.,Mmpu.;tstN.,DuiuthsndSt.P . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 0 .., Norlh,resteni TrustOo .. •§ '09 F. L. Goodm&n ___ O. 8. H~on ----- P. S. Peterson, Tr. K.O.Bacheller,Sec. L. K. Lohn, A. Sec. .J. Gra.,s1ck 77-111 and ..t. Tr. 100,000 ~ 87,000 100,000 265,000 20,000 Liberty N., N. Y .. .Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. ::, 0. N .• Grand Forks. ~ .., 0 ~ E• J• LANDER & Co• -· -·, . 83 E.J. Lander ___ .. C. S. Dow ...... -.. JI. C.Lander,Tr .•. P.J.Holmberg.Sec. (Esta1ili:;hcd 1 3) Dealers In First H rtgage Loans and Real Estate Bonds. ~ OFFICES: Grand Forks, N. D. and Mlnneapolls, Minn. 250,000 400,000 ---·-- ----·-·--------·Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: First N., :Minpls.; tate. 'orthw. N., :Yinpls.; Northern Grand Forks. m ._. ll) THE Fl SI SARGENT COMPANY, INC.,97 ::s & Com'I N., Chi.; 1st N ., Grand i::: W H. SHULZE .-- A. I\HUNTER --- C. W. I0SS, Tr .••. ·--·-----· -----·---· - - - ------· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cont. Forks. Tblii ompany ma~ea ·rarm Mortgage Loans Ill In No•tb Dako ta, Northern Hin nesota and portl ons or Montana. '"1 .Appllcatlona sent rer lnspeetlon upon nquest. '.:< l • J. Telson. Tr .•• ___________________ __ Grand Forks Olearinr House G. R, Jacobi.---·-· O. S. Hanson-···-· W. S. Dickinson, Mt1r. W. E. Fuller, Sec. (Mfl'fflbtrs indtM.tro 01/ 'l ORTH Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis o *> KOTA Mai, oa ladex • Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1065 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number give• to each bank in U. S. excluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. ToWN AND OOUNTY. I I NAllE OF Bil'lL Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ NORTH DAKQT A - C 00 ti•nue d LIABILITIES. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Pa&sIDDT, VICJ:-PJUr.SIDDT. Entire State in 'o. 9 \tMPm. State Bk.s. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. •~em. Fed. Res. [Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ass'T C.A.sHin. O.l.BllID, PAID-UP SURPLUS OAPITA.L ________ 1 A.ND O '\ 1 s: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, $:I> ~ c'n. Bo,ma, aaur••,Dn PB0J'1Ts ________ , RESOURCES. c..... • JI\J:- 1,0.u, •na~s1 I S.OllVn• ...,.B....,.. § Grandln ________ Cass R 16 \Guaranty State Bank __ •U'll0 A. L. Hanson ----- , 0, S. Hanson _____ C. O. Simensen ____ S. N. Lommen ___ S 25,000 S 10,000 S 220,000 S 240,000 S 15,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N •. Minvls.: 1st N., St. P.: Pop. 250 i?-601 - - - -_ ~Torthw. ~· .. Grand Forks. _ Grand Rapids--La Moure State Bank of Grand Rapids Thos. Waldie _____ L. E. Johnson _____ G. E. Pooley _______ ·-,_ 10,000 5,500 73,000\ 75,000 7,000 .1st N .. La Moure and Min pis.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Pop. 100 G 13 77-602 u•og co., Bntralo. Grano _______ Renville B 6 Citizens State Bank _____U,05 1P. S. Peterson.--- 1Fred L. Goodman_ R. S. See _______ 0. F. Peterson____ 10,000 4,820 146,360 137,900 lf,,000\1st N., Minpls.; Northw. N .. Grand Forks. Pop. ll2 77-603 \ , GranvilJe ___ llcHenry Pop. 394 I I E {R. C. WEDGE-- 1C_ J. KROGFOSS--- M. J. GORDER ---- M. N. FLOBERG-- o 8 FARMERS & MERCH. STAT . I , BANK----77-242 _______ U'04 .. _______ " Granville State Bank---•U'Ol 77-241 Grassy Butte--McKenzie First State Bank ________ U,16 Pop. 36 D2 77-929 GreatBend_RichlandG17 Farmers StateBank _____!f'05 Pop. 142 77-604 Grenora ____ Williams C 2 Citizens State Bank _____ U'l5 Pop. 358 77-936 ________ G. E. Stubbins _____ ----------------1 25,000 2,500 148,080\l 170,010 15,000 3,360 93,610 95,360 J. H. Movius _______ A. C. LubenOW---- , R. W. Weiss _____ Georp Worner_ 1 ~I.E. Wilson _____ H. O. Rask ________ J.E. Haskett------ Vera Vohs----- 12,000 4,000 160,000: 15,000 3,000 160,000 L. R. Hauge_______ 15,000 3,500 A. O. Aune________ J.M. Stoskoff _______ 20,000 _________________ " Richland G 16 Pop. 1477 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 35,000 Oont. & Com'l N., Ohl.: Midland N., Minpls.; 2d N., Minot. z Q C. A. Stubbins _____ G. R. __ 1 165,000 ~ 20,020 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 12,420 Merch. N ., St. P. and Dickinson; 1st ... T., Kill- :J:: <leer. 1-1 10,000 1st N., Minpls. and Lidierwood. v > 170,000 30,000 1st N. and State Bk. of Com .. Minpls.; Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co .• Buffalo. X 0 150,0001 160,000 13,500 Capital.:., t. P. 5,000 164,000I 150,000 10,000 6,000 133,000 1 128,000 25.000 1st N .• St. P. and Grand Forks: 1st N .. :Minpls; Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co., Buffalo. CX, 35,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; lstl-:., Oakes. > > 10,000 4,000 56,000. Esther E. Edman__ 15,000 3,500 128,000 130,000 P. M. Gunder ·on_ 20,000 5,000 170,000 190,000 A. J. Schweizter__ 15.0CO 1,000 153.000 145,000 V. H. lU,0001 10,000 349,820 345,630 O. T. Evenson_____ 10,000 2,700 100,830 _________ 10,000 5,010 142,130: 148,060 ___________ ___ 10,000 5,000 Arthur L. Myhro__ 13,000 3,000 70,000 , 225,000• 200.000 ______________ 15,000 ________ 23,640 !1 D.R. Green_______ A. M. See ____________________ 10,000 16,000 10,000 9,000 eifert______ I I, I l 1 53,000 124,310 70,000 36,670 ~ Z 10,500 Am. N ., St. P.; 2d N .. Minot. I 18,500 .i:rorthw. N., Minpls.: Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls, Minn. 23,0C0 1st N., .Mmpls. ancl Fargo; Ferrus Falls N., FPrl?US Falls. 30,000 •Korthw. N ., Minpls.: Aberdeen ....... , Aberdeen, S. D. 22,730 1st N .. Mini:,ls .. St. P .. and Bismarck; Aber<leen ... T., Aberdeen. 12,720 1st N., St. P .. Duluth, and Fargo. I 18,030 1st N .. Minpls. and lilaxidan; Stock Yds. N., so. St. P. 7,000 Xorthw. N ., Minpls., Northern N ., Fario. X CJl I 0 '"I Pl ::S Po s• g :J:: 25,00;Jj 1st N., Minpls.; Am. , and 1st N., St. P.; ~ ·orthern N:., Far~o. :-;.o 6,600 Midland r., 1-linpls.; )Ierch. N., Fargo. :::· iJ 10,000 5,000 295,000 25,C00 7,300 170,000 58,300 ~Ied1. & Metal'. ~r .. N. Y.; 1 t ~~., M.inpls .. ~ ? Grand fork , and Albert L~ •. Minn. ::, 140,860 6,6-0 1st N., Mmpls. and t. P.; Williams Co. State, Williston;Waterloo Bk. & Tr. Co., Waterloo, Ia. 260,000 ' 40,000 Northw. N. an<l State Dep., Minpls.:Northern State. Grand Forks. 200,000 13,000 1st N., Minpls., St. P., and Grand Forks. H. A. STENSON----R. ENGLEHART 30,000 10,000 282,060 306,880 15,790 N. Produce, Minpls. Farmers & Merch. Bank J. R. Jones _______ Chas. Hein ________ E. J. Kapsner _____ C. R. Dennig _____ _ i7-73 •Ul900 1 ,. First National Bank ----•i•92 Joseph Patterson __ 1w, E. Purcell _____ H. A. Merrifield ___ L. 0. Kretchman __ 1 77-72 Wm. Kre chman 10,000 15,000 275,000 215,000 30,000 20,820 357,3-10 440,830 60,000 1st N., St. P., Minpls., and Fargo; Citiz. 1·., Wahpeton. o 26,730 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.: N. Bk. ofi 1 Wahpeton. Wahpeton. Ul H mpden ___ Ramsey C 12 Farmers Bank ---------•U'03 Adam Hannah _____ :M.A. BranclL ____ A. B. Brandl _____ L. P. Ulrich ____ _ Pop. 199 .. . . 77-346 . R1mestad . .. First National Bank _____ •t ,0-1 Martm __ Iver Iverson _______ Y. A. N6lson _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 77-347 ,.· 260,000 \ 236,000 J. F. Davis _______ Sam Glerup ______ IM. L. Ayers ______ L. C. Hulett_______ wn an .. mson_ 5,000 Save time and gPt service on Co Dectlons and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain •i6ht drafta, I Sc; Cred it Report•. 50c. Tat.Y U S. Farmers State Bank ___ •t§'L6 Arthur Ovrom ____ 1G.D. Lun<lgren ___ c. D. Funk ______ 77-941 State Bank of Grenora _t§'l6 W. F. Hanks _______ J.C. Hansen ______ c. O. Hi~hum ______ 77-930 Guelph------ DickeyG 13 Guelllh State Bank _____ t§'l5 T. F. Marshall_ __ F. D. McCartney __ W. L. Scott_______ Pop. 2(11} 77-885 Guthrie ____ McHenry D 9 State Bank of Guthrie --t1'10 B. Bear ____________ O. A. Refling ______ E. X. Kitt cl on___ 1 125 77-fi06 - _________ GwinnerPop. ____ Sargent G 14 Farmers State BanJc ____ t§'l5 '. Curtic Cooper _____ J.E. Miller ________ P. E. Lere Pop. 300 77-903 ~Iagnus Anderson Gwinner State Dank ____ t§'04 A. N. Carlblom ____ H. H. Berl!'--------- S. E. Lee __________ 77-607 Ha~ue _____ Emmons H 10 First State Bank _______ t§'l5 S. A. Fischer _____ Joseph Dillman ___ · J. J. Jaeger _______ 1 Pop. 315 77-876 " Ha£ue State Bank _______ if'02 R. M. Volk ____ H.B. Zenk _______ lJ. J. Volk _________ 77-608 Halliday _______ Dunn E 5 IFarmers State Bank --•U'13 Adam Hannah _____ E. M. Rempel_ __ , J. D. Rempe!_ ____ Pop. 289 77-826 . " ______ " Security State Bank ____ Ort Lingenfelter_ John Nordahl __ Hans msness___ • 77-737 Hamar ________ Eddy D 13 First State Bank ________ t5'08 Ole Arnetard------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. A. Lindstrom__ Pop. 50 I 77-609 , Hamberg ______ Wells D 11 1Farmers State Bank ____ i5•15 G. L. Hope ______ H. c. Scheer _______ s. G. SteneroddenPop. 300 77-861 Security Bank __________ t§'20 J.E. Johnson _____ Thomas Tueten ___ K. n. Buechler____ 77-1056 Hamilton __ Pembina B 15 Bank of Hamilton ______ •U'86 C.R. Green - - - D. D. Warner _____ Daniel Kippen ___ Pop. 200 77-610 Hamlet----- Williams B 3 First State Bank-----+1'13 A. L. Outt~ ----- N. P. Nelson ____ F. E. McCoy____ Pop. 59 77-821 " 15,000 I CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK _ •i·oo 77 74 {J. L. MATHEWS---c J.M. HYNES------- H. KRAUTKREMER-Send us your ollecttons direct. They will have prompt and ener getlc attention. 240,000 j 130,760 189,000 Cbi.; 1st N., St. P. an<l °' antler Name of Bank ia the New Tnn■H Number dven 1066 to each bank in U. 8. eselu IYelJ by The Rand-MeNally Banlier■• Dlreet.olT, under the authority of The Amerll'an Bankers A1111'n. N .on: OP BANK. Tow A D O00NTY. •llem. Am. Rks. Assn. IStatP A()ounty SMts. Entire State in o. D :tMPm. StJltp Rks. Assn.+Priv. [Eshh. .ll'ederal Reserve Distrirt. ♦)f Pm. FPt1. Rrs. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of thisr volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.' o NORTH DAKOTA-Continued Lu RTLJTJES. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRBSIDINT, 0ASBIU, ilS'T 0.&.SJIIER, I RE~OUR< E~. DIIPOSITS P.u»-UP ~ ~ U S CAPITAL PROFITS Lou••»11 • i State Bank of Hanks ____ i§'l6 W. F. Hanks------ A. J. Robin on ___ Axel H. Vik _______ H. S. Robin on____ • 77-931 BannafonL.Grieli?S E 14 Farmers St/ltP. Rank ___ eif'09 W. A. Benzie ______ :M. )I. Angus ______ William A.neus ____ -------------------77-315 Pop. 431 • First Natio~~~~~nk ____ e:t"05 C. Reite ___________ Claus Jackson ____ R. L. Jones _______ -------------------- 0 11 $ 350 S 10'.5,000 S 122,800 S 10,000:.\Iidland _..T,, 15,000 3,000 161.000 172,000 15,000 21.400 338,870 265,850 25.000 10,000 215,510 290,850 12,000 7,460 126.610 115,500 StaleBankofHt1nna ___ eif'97 E.I.Donovan ______ W.J. Laidlaw _____ C. B. McMillan ____ M:.J.Dixon _______ _ s. J. Toman 77-213 Hansboro ... Towner B 11 Bank of Han<ihoro ________ f'06 J. J. Mccanna _____ D. 11'. McLauehlin __ B. L. Thomas ______ G. E. Geyer ______ _ 77-!t tQ Pop. 218 HansboroStatf' Rank ____ :tf'05 C. E. Blackorby ___ A. B. Converse ____ Melvin A. Olson ___ -----------------" " 77-348 25,000 28,610 265,000 310.000 10.000 7-ri4nk ____ •:tf'03 T. H. Prior _______ J. A. Myers _______ Roy A. Tiarold _____ E. ~I. Trelearen __ _ Barlow _____ Bf>nson C 11 Harlow StatP R::ink ----•ts·12 J. I. liei?l?e ________ G. W. c. Ross _____ c. n. 77-7111 Pop. 15\1 RarUand ______ Ward C 6 Hartland Sta1P Rank •• _•:tl'08 George Ile1?er _____ J. Ile1?er _________ Iver A. Canton ____ -----------77-611 Pop. 100 Arne,on _____ T. C. Golberg _____ _ 10.000 108,300 104,880 25,000 5,000 167,590 190.000 10,000 1.620 130,000 115,000 10,000 2,000 111,000 58,000 Minpls.: 1st N., Grand ]forks. N .. Minnis.: lferrh. N .. St. P.: J<:t N., Grand Fork ; Citiz. Com'! 'l'r. Co., Buffalo. 103,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & ('nm'I N .. Chi.: 1st N .. St. P.; 1st N. and Northern Sa,·., Far1?0: lst N. and Midland N .. Minpls. 15,000 ]gt r-: oz ~~Prrh. N .• St. P.: ·orthw. 19,940 Ch~~e l . , N. N. and l,t N •. Mrnnls.; 1st N., Fargo. ~ 34.670 N. Park, N. Y.: ·orthw. N .. Minpls. 36,840 Bk. of, tlw :.\fa~h1t!an c~_., ~ ... Y.; C~nt. & ~ Com I ~ .. Chi.; 1~ N .. S . Pan! and 11rnpls.; ..._. .. ·orthrrn · a•e. Grand Forks. 21.280 1st N .. Minpls.; llerch. N .• S!. P.; Cando.• .. t, ), Cando. 14,190 ~fi~lanrt N.. Minpls.~ 1st~-- ~rt1nd F";_k": 1st ~ ~Ii~r?esco, Ia.; hand1yoh1 Co., "11lmar, O ..., 40,000 1st N .• Minpls. and Fare-o. > 57,00() lstN., Minpls.; Scan.-Am., .. Iinot. tn Baney-------- Wells D 9 FARMERS STATE BK • . •t§'OS L. W. Miller ______ Hueh M:ont£omery F'. J. Seeba _________ J. A. Bakken _____ _ 25,000 7,000 225,000 180,000 30,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Capital N., St, P.; 1st N., Far1?0. Aueust Peterson ___ R. W. Akin ________ J. J. Reimer _______ M. H. Gores ______ _ . S. Renfrew J. Benfield ____ _ T. L. Beisek:er _____ J. W. Shelby ______ N. M. Runyan _____ 25,000 32,920 663,090 627,150 5,000 11!,000 140.000 130,000 122,120 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; ~[idland •. and 1 t :N., Minnis. 30,000 i.::i-orthw. N., Minpls.; U. . N., Superior, Wi . 'l'heo. S. Nelson ___ C. Brandvik _______ J.C. Stenne!, ______ ------------------- 18,000 490 94. 760 90,810 A. Eeren __________ H. Stonehere ______ O. T. Olson _______ - - - - - - - - - - 15,000 6,000 260,000 O. EIELSON ------ C. S. ANDERSON ____ G. H. 80LKEff _____ -------------------- 25,000 lS,390 221,440 Pop, 1590 77-80 First Nation11l Rank ___ •ttD00 77-i8 State Guaranty Bank ___ :tf'97 77-77 Harwoo<L------Cass E 16 Harwood StatP Rank--•t§'l9 77- 1038 Pop. 75 Hutinrs _____ R11rnes F 14 First State n~nk ________ :tf'07 77-612 Pop. 165 0\ 0\ -PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. c;: :.r-:• °!~~ ;8;~ Bannah Poi>~oo1'lier B 12 Citizens Stai " I -------1--------1-------1--- - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Banks- __ Williams B 1 Farmers Statr Rank _____ U'l6 A. M. Eckmann --- ~·· N. Landro _____ Jos. H. P~ _______ C. A. Ander~on .... S 15,000 1 77-944 Pop. 200 " c,...• J:z. w. > Z ~ rn I ::z: 22,460 Midland N., Minpls., .M"erch. N., Fargo. l» 240,000 30,000 Midland N., Minpls.: 1st N., Fargo and St. P. r;; 306,430 20,310 Chase N .. N. Y.: Northw. N. and Midland N .• 0 Min pis.: 1st • .. Far1?0, ::, rl' Hatton ________ Traill D 15 Pop. 2 FARMERS & MER CH. N. BK. { ~ave tlme and~ Pt ·ervl~e ~n Coll e<'tlons and Credit Keport · by send Ing •:t'05 FEE IN ADVAN CE:Plamsrghtdr atfs, 15c; Credit Reports, Soc. T RYU • 77-151:! ::i:: l» IN 45,000 Ban. N .• N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: 1st N.,I !!. St. P. andMinpL.; Nor:hw. N., Grand Forks, I FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'87 M. II'. Heeee. ------ II'. W. Ames------- Abraham Hanson __ H. E. Tufte _______ _ 25,000 Hanna______ sar1i?entH15 Farmer.· tatc Bank ____ t§'l9 J. JI. Ander.. on ____ W. E. Krie·el - ----J.E. John ·on _____ Wm . . Bangen __ _ 25,000 1,000 88.150 108,280 25,000 9,000 321,000 280,000 2,500 , 110,000 100,000 25,000 Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; Capital N., St. P. 10.000 1 330,800 365,000 11.000 1st N., Chi.; rorthw. N .• Minpls.: Stock Yds . ._ ~ N., So. St. P.: 1st N,, Bi marck. G. M. 01 on 77-157 500,000 30,000 490,000 0 ::s Pop. 319 77- 1022 Havana State Bank: ____ ;tllOOO C. E. Castle ________ John Powers ______ H.J. Pfeiffer ______ · - - - - - - - 77-613 tennes ______ CharlesBieham ____ - - - - - - - - - 10,000 H. 0. BATZER --- A:. F. KURTZ----- 8. B. SCHNEIDER-- J. G. DE FRANCE -OLIVE McMANUS JuHN McCRORY 25.000 HaJDes _______ Adams H4 First State Bank ________ :tf'09 S. L. Allen _________ J. c. 77-6U Pop. 113 Hazelton ____ Ell!mons G 9 Pop. 3 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK OF H'ZE~TON •.. •!1'02 7-4 3 FARMERS STATE BAIK 71-4Cl4 •U-09 "Hasefton•s 01 d Rell hie Bank." Collections sollcl ted. 26 cmlnlmum If pa Id. NEGOTIATED. SAFE FARM M ORTGA.GE WA.N { FEE IN ADlAN CE: Sight draf_t!t toe minimum; Gilt Edge farm mortgases to net Investor 6%. ill the New Transit Number c:: Cre dlt Rep :orts 60c . ll) 1"'1 i 1:5,ooo : 2;;0,000 2;;0,000 10.000 i. P. LEIHART _ A. E. KLABUNDE --- G. I. LENHART---- T. P. McCARTHY -A. Localllank m anaged by Local S fockbolders. CoJJ tttloos solicited a nd appr eclated. FEE IN ADV AN CE: Sight draft , toe minimum; 26 c minimum If pa Id. CR EDIT R i EPORT S, 60c. i 23,330 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Midland N., Minpl ·.; 1 t N., Fargo; Far. T,, Lidgerwood. 68.000 Han. N .• N. Y.: Lt N .. .Mmpts.; Aberdeen Aberdeen: 1st .• St. P. 30,000 1st N ., Min pis.: City N .• Bismar . 110 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ·ven ''< lw! !:: Non-Bank Towns with Near!'st Banking Point (In-. ~WB-ank;-Advertfsing give Prompt Attention to Co1'1ecti~ns and Correspondence ~O~T\\ OM<OT A. Mal) on lndcx 1067 Number under Name of Bank ui the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand McNaJly Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NOR"fH DAKOTA- COll t'lllUe d 5 ~~f2'Y, To'!~o~ •Mem.NlmM_EB~!. ~ii~'sstate l i___ L_IA_So_tt:U,_L_~-:-1:-.s_.___u_ _R...:..E_s_o...;;o_R__cES---'-.-1 Entire State in No. g tMem. Statf' Bks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, CASHIER. ASS'T CASHIER. P..uo-uP .um DllPOS- ~~...:.~: Federal ReserveDistrict.(Mem. Fed. Rrs. [Estab. - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - --1-- - - - - - _c_u_IT_•_L P_R_O_ll'_IT_S _ITS _ _ _s _ __ -· no•Buru ::.~Q:.,t~ Hazen ________ Mercer E6 CitizensState Bank _____ :l:$'09 1 Pop. 520 77-490 " ________ " Farmers Bank of Mercer Go. 77-489 • :l:§'09 First State Bank-_______ :l;§"l2 77-728 Heaton ________ Wells EIO !Farmers S ..i.te BanlL---•t§'07 Pop. 150 77-459 Hebron ______ Morton F 5 1374 Pop. Adam Hannah _____ J. J.Behles ----- H.J. Huelskamp __ Amos Freed_______ 10,000 2,180 100,000 90.000 Beuj. Stoelting ____ David Juzeler _____ R. N. Harmsen ____ Iver 0. Lee________ Levi Flint G. R. Turner ______ L. C. Turner _______ C. I. Turner _______ H. l. Turner.______ 25,000 5,000 175,000 200.000 10,000 2,'500 150.000 125,000 {T. P. EWALD------ ROBERT H. ARN ISCH-- FRANK KUEHN ______ A. J. HEINLE ------- BANK "Send Us Your Items D Collections, Bil I of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items Remitted for Promptly on Day of Payme nt. FIRST NAT •Hettinger ___ Adams H 4 pop. 817 25,000$ FARMERS STATE "Jellrt'!. irect. 'L BANK iL. A. TAVIS------ E.UGENE WEIGEL - J. H. WATTS------- A. E. FUNK-------- 77-993 HeiL __________ Grant G 6 Pop. 90 HeimdaL _____ Wells D 10 Pop. 100 HenseL ____ Pembina B 14 Pop. 100 Hesper ______ Ilenson D 10 Pop. 35 J.E. Stephens _____ L.G. Eastman _____ C. N.Janzen _______ A. B. Larson _______ $ •t"0l 77 _184 Merchants St.ate Bank_•:l:§'06 774~ Farmers State Bank ____ :t§'l5 77-864 State Bank of Heimda.L§'l0 77-{)15 State Bank of HenseL•U'04 i7-611\ Farmers State Bank ____ ;§'HI 77-1035 COLLECTIONS , BILL OF LADI NG DRAFTS, CA SH AND TIME ITEMS "SENT US" RI.CEIVE P ROMPT, PERSO NAL ATTENTIO N. - 136.000 - 132.000 - 77-137 15.,000 Far. E;quity St.ate, Mandan; 1st N., Minpls.: Caintal N., st· P. · Z 0 ~ .-, !5 000 - 10,000 - 365,000 - 340,000 - 60.000 Con~. & Oom'l _N., Chi.; 1st N ., Mandan; 1-r1 Midland N .. Mmpls,• Merch N St P ►-'-4 ' . ., . ' ~ 39,000 1st N .. Ohi. and Bismarck; Merch. N., St P.: ::,i:; Northw. N., Minpls. 0 J 16,000 1st N .. Min pls,; l~l Guaranty, Bismarck. 20,000 F. A. Lahr _________ J, P. Wagner ______ G. C. Weidenbach_ A. H. Schauer ----- 10,000 2,500 85,000 80,000 R. Thorson ________ H. Inevaldson _____ J. C. Johnson _____ __________ __________ 10.000 10,000 150.000 148,000 25,000 Am. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 Chase N .• N. Y.: Northw. :S. and Midland N., Mmpls.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 3,000 1st N .. Fargo and Min pis. 5,000 260,000 240,000 ~ Thos. Ryan ________ G, M. Jamieson ____ W. L. _____ L. W. Ross________ 21.000 2,300 145,0U0 160,000 L. J. Hanson ------ W. L. Hanson ______ I. O. Graff________ ___________________ 15,000 1.500 40,000 40,000 JOHN G. JOHNS--- ~fffRG~ArnnlGL-- J. \'/IGEN-------- "· ANDERSON---20.000 Strongest bank lo Adams County . Farm Mortga ll:4.'! Loans negotln ted. •:W0!S { FEE IN ADVAN CE. Sight drafts, l5c minimiim; 25c minimum charge if paid. Kelfable Credit Reports oOc. TR Y US. 12.000 300,000 285.000 45,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Stock Yds. N., So. St. l'.: 1st N., Minpls. and Aberdeen, S. D. 35,000 400,000 300.000 120.000 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.: Northw.N.and Midland N. Minpls; 1st N. and March. N .. St. P.; Com'l N., Wash., D.C. o. Largest Adams •i·os Prompt attentt on to ColJectlons . l Personal presen t.atlon and quick returns. WE Live Stock National Bank Pov. 150 77-617 •Hillsboro _____ 'rraill Elli First National Bank:. ___ •i•s1 .. Pop. 1183 .. 77-94 Hillsboro National Bk, __ •i•s5 77-93 Peoples Staie Bank ______ §'l8 77-992 Honeyford __ Grand Forks Honeyford State Rank __ §'l7 Pop. 68 C 15 77-979 Hoople ___ ___ Walsh B 14 Farmers State Bank _____ §'19 Pop. 250 77-10J8 " _____ " State Bank ~9--.i;~~ople._•t§'02 w. 25.000 Paul M. Brown ____ F. A. Bl'{'wn. Jr, ___ G. N. Burnson ________________________ _ 330.000 40.000 400.000 10,000 16,360 227 730 229,000 50,000 lll.000 636,490 674,580 Ole Arneeard ____ J. H. Hanson ______ J. T. Kiland ______ E. A. Iverson _____ _ 50,000 23,720 518,000 496,090 0. 0. Hovde, Jr. __ D. Engel __________ Oscar Moen _______ A. W. Anderson___ 50,000 7,5ro 326.150 291,730 Wm. W. Erb ______ J. 0. Fadden_. ___ Oscar 0. Olson·- T. S. Lund ________ _ E. Y. Sarles ________ E. R. Sarles ______ O. E. Rudrud _____ , Duane Y. Sarles __ _ ::c 65.000 N. City, Chi.; Oitiz. Com'I Tr. Co,. Buffalo: 1st o 1'i., 8t. P.; Stock Yds. N .. So. St. P 25,080 Mefch. & Mfrs. Mat~. Minpls.; Northern N .. ~ liargo; 1st N., Joliet. (1) 71,120 N. City, N. Y.; .Merch. N., St.P.;lst N.,Fargo, I'"" 46,190 1st N .. N. Y.: Northw. N. and 1st N .• M:inpls.;I 1st N., Fargo. 91.920 ~fidland N., Minpls.; Peo. State, Grand Forks. 19,000 1st N., Grand Forks and St. P. 15,000 3,490 100,000 95,000 __________________ _ . N, C. Olson ________ O. A. Fedje ------- ,G, T. Sonsterud ___ R.H. Rmde ______ _ 25,000 2,500 60,000 40,000 25,000 2,000 405.000 381,/J00 J, D. Brown------- M. B. CasseJL ____ IK. W. Haviland ____ F. R. Philip ____ ---- 50,000 20,400 268,670 392,830 20.000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P.: 1st N .. Grancl Forks. 10.520 lst N. and Mldland N ., Minpls. 50,000 Ole Arnei?ard ____ C. S. Moores ______ C. W. ~roores _____ J. M:. Curtis_______ NATIONAL BANK-•t'06 { Save time and ~et service on Co llections and Cre dit Reports by se nding 77-129 I FEJr.. IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, SOc. TRY US. 13,790 184,920 213.350 28,120 Northw. N., Minpls.; tst N .. Far11:o and St. P. FIRST NATJOMAL, BANK-•f86 r+ 0 25,000 Rob't Baird ________ Henry Kittelson ___ > NEGOTIATE FAR M MORTGAGE LOA NS. o. B. Treumann N. City, N. Y.; 1st N .. st. P. and Grafton. 77-1a , HOPE Hcrace _____ cass F 16 Horace State B,,a nk ------*1'06I 0. N. Hatlie _____ Oscar Tweto ______ Jos.Dubord ______ L. H. Overby-----1 1 77" 19 POP, 150 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1.000 Emil Krauth _______ L. Rrhm ___________ Paul Mann _________ C.H. Oellerman __ + 77-139 :i:·o~ Ira T. Hall I Hickson ________ Cass F 17 Hickson State Bank ____ •U,05 T. T. Kinnerberg __ lneval Johnson ____ 0. E. Zackerson __ Theo. Montplaisir - " - ADAMS COUNTY STATE Bit 77-136 ________ 20,000 :. 25,000 Merch. N .. St. P.; Midland N., Minpls.; 1st~ N .. Mandan; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 12,310 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck and Fargo. 21,5001st N., Minpls. and Bismarck; Capital N., St. P. 30,000 1st N., Fargo; Am. N., St.. P. •;§"18 "· E. aoNZER----- ,J. A. DODDS------- w. "·NELSON ____ _ FIRST NAT 'L BANK <r! A. a. NEWMAN-bank In County. Hope _ ___ Steele E 14 Pop. 699 - 6,000$ 275,000$ 270,000$ g ,; PRINCIPAL CoRRESPONIJENTs. 10,000 1 I 1 16,430 1 267,670 270,830 11 ..... 18,240 Northt>rn N. and Scan. Am., Farl?O: Mercl1. & Mfrs. State. Minpls.; ~let .• St. P, 0 °' -...:i ----·~ __-. ~- - - - amber under Name or Bank la the New Transit Number pnn 1068 to •ch bank in U.S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNaOy Bankers• ==;.:___D---'lree_to _ rf, under the authority of The Ame!_lcan Bankers Ass•n. I ~ ·•-- - NAME OF BANK. I 0 RESID"''TT •Mem. Am. Bks. A~sn. 5 tate VICE PRESI CASHIER. iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ._ -""'' · • DE..."iT • M [ ♦ em. Fed. Res. Es~b- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ----.--Farmers & Merch. Bk. •U 03 ll. Moen ..•......•.. c. S. Collins .....•. L. C. Colhns .•••••• 77-288 1 First National Bank .•••• •:t'03 J. H. Gale _ _ _ H. H. Carr •.....•• O. W. Parkhurst .. 1 77-287 W. N. Parkhurst • Bardsfleld ..... Wells E 9 Farmers & Merch.Bank•U'll IO. E. Hasle ····-··· Frc<l Dietrich .•••. J.C. Reinertson ..• Pop. SOO 77-730 Hurdsfleld State Bank •.• i1'05 . F. Miller ..••••.. T. L. Beiseker ....• W. L. Tupper .••.• 77--622 Inkster ..... Grand Forks Bank of Inkster •.•••••• •U-86 V. E. Bemis .•.•••.. R.E. Walker ..•.•. C.H. Cruttenden •• Pop. 368 C 14 77-293 " •••• •••• " Farmers & Merch. State Bank J. H. 1fcLain ..•... John McDonald •.•. W. J. Glass •••••... 77-294 :l:§ '10 W. A. R<'outon TOWN AND COUNTY. •county Seats. Entire State in 'o. 9 D" . Federal Re erve 1slr1ct. HDDter _ _ _ cass El5 Pop. 124 " -······ " ~- Ass'T CASHIER. ' P NOR.'l'H Di\.KO'I' Ma\l on lndex - 10,000 10,000 lil2,000 121,000 10.000 2,000 80,000 65,000 H. G. Bemis....... 30,000 6,750 I 231.42/J 263,190 E. E. Jenson •••••. 10,000 14.820 ' 155,730 142.280 \ J. J. IUERLING .. MORRIS BECK ..... C.R. HODGE ....... J. J. NI ERLING, Jr. 50,000 32,740 439,000 488, 90 15.58(1 612,010 485,250 1 Iif paid. 28.000 Northw. N .. Minpls. 10,000 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fareo. 33,030 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St P. and Minpls.: Northern State, Grand Forks. 15,260 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; J.Torthw. N., Minpls.; 1st N ., Grand Forks. 49 ,300 llst N .. Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.: Northw. N., Minpls. ; 192,350 1Ilan_. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Mmpls.; 1st N., St. P. Northw. N .. > ~ --- F. CORWIN··-·· A. B. DE HULL. J.E. MATTISON ... Oldeat and Largest Bank In Stutaman County. if~~i~~?.,{:;s,;~fTRY ;~i?P~~fd. US. FEE IN ADVANCE: { 25 1 Rellable Credit Reports, 60c. ~ c. E. Shrawder. .•• A. T. Everson .•••• J. F. McKay ...•.•. P. J. IlugilL ••• - •••••••••...••..••.. '"i ::I: C, 1 s. Z O ~ 1 1 - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - :- - - - - - - - - - -H. T. BRAVES ••••• v:J ---------------1 a[. E. Walsh....... Juanita....... Foster E 12 First State Bank ......... 1'12 P. H. Kirwan·-·· Poo. 150 77·760 Jad ••••.• La loure G 12 Far. & .Mer,·h. Ec1uity Bauk J.E. Brady .....•.. Pop. 200 1 77-10-10 ii 'l9 Jadsou ... - ... Morton F7 t FirstStateBank .••••.•• s•og F. A. Lahr····-Pop. 200 17--625 Karlsrllhe •• McHenry D 8 Security State Bank .•••:tS'H A. J. FL her .•••••• Pop. 300 i7· 55 Karnak •.•••• Grtl!l!S E 13 Karnak Stale Ilank ••••• :t§'l7 0. II. Carlson .••.. Pop. 3:; 77-983 Kathryn .....Barnes :r 14 Farmers ta.te Bank •.. •t§'l6 J. 0. Jensen ••••••• Pop. 2 9 77·908 ..•••••• Sheyenne Valley Bank .•:tl'0l A. Mickelsen •••...• 77--627 Kempton ... Grand Forks First State Bank •..••.• •:tl'06 W. . Parkhurst_ Pop. 150 D 15 77--628 Kenmare ••••..• Ward B 5 First National Bank •.... •:•gg David Clark, Jr .... Pop. 1446 77-81 1KenmareNational Bank•:·02 J.N.Fox •.••.•••.• " I 77-82 KensaL ..• Siutsman E 12 Farmers • . l(•rchauts Tu nk R. Clendennine ••• Pop. 41:; 77- 239 •:tl'04 ecurity State Bank ..•• il'12 G. w. c. Uoss . 77-240 Kermit. .....• Divide B 3 (. te l\.'oo,wn) , Ktef •••• D g \ ll'irst State Bank •••.•••• i1'08 c. B. tringer ••.•• . Pop. 307 , . • . 77-630 .... _ Kl\\deer •...•••• Dunn F, 4 First ahonal Bank····•• 16 M. • Cuskclly ..•• 1 Po\) . ... 12 77·650 :~~J;Henry ~i:.-~!:' i- -- PRINCI.PA.L CORRESPONDE! TS. W. H. Rogers..... R. G. ~fcFarland •. R. M. Stangler ••.•• John Bennett·-·· o. n. Bennett I E. J. Stangler Jessie ........ Griggs D 13 State Bank or Jessie .•• •U-06 0. E. Thorn·-- A. Bur eth .••.••.. J. Egerman •••..•.• E. A. Retzlatl'•.•..• Pop. 100 77-621 t ·•19 1.:£■~ (Btgh Grade No. Dakota Farm M ortgage Loans for Sale. •i '!l!I NAT'L BANK•:t'Sl, Joliette •••• Pembina B 15 First Stale Bank····--· Pop. 300 77- 1025 OUl{C'F.~. DEPos- 1~ ...._ - . , ITS C~ . A. T. Giltner...... _______ FARMERS & MERCHANTS ,c. A. KLAUS·-·· L.B. NIEMEYER ... R.R. WOLFER ....• E. W. MUELLER... 50,0001• JSarn -time and gef service on Col lections aud Cred It kepor~ bf sen ding NATIONAL BANK '\FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain ai1tht d i rafts, JSc; Credit,Report•, Soc. TRY US. 77-42 Security aring-. Bank •:!:§'19 + 77- 1031 RE" LlABJLJTIES. =•1n•UP SURPLUS CAPITAL Pa"o~~TS •Jamestown .••• Stutsman CITIZENS NATIONAL B~~ 1i)~ ~ FEE IN ADV AN CE: .. iaht drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum charoe Pop. 6627 F 12 1 7-44 + 0 l Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. T RY US. JAMES RIVER _ _ _ voln~~e. For Int_e~rc_~s~t _R_a_ t_e.:..; s,'---B=-=-o=Il.::.: d~·s, !ltc., see Law!: ~ 12,000 ~ $ lh.000 $ 153.000 $ 20,5u0 Drexel State, Chi.; Northw. N., .MinpJ.s.; 1st N ., Fareo. 30,000 3,000 196.600 170,000 63,500 1st N .• Fargo and St. P.: 1st N., Minpls. i 77-43 Non-Bank Town· with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this - NORTH DAKOTA - C On t·ln UC d 120,310 1.197,0501 1.233,220 1 284,040 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Northw. N. and 1st~ SEE ADV. ON NO. DA 1KOTA N., Mtnpls. 100.0001 1 MIAP. I 1 50,000 11,500 110,000 12,000 8,500 140,000 152,000 15,000 2,690 21 ,240 47,710 116,000 1 > a, 30,000 Lt N., St. P. and Minpls.; Fargo. Torthern :N'., > z ~ 14,500 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., llinpls. and Fargo. r.tJ 1,740 Capital N., St. P.; 1st N., Crookston. I ::I: :s,.,. c:: Frank J. Heaney •• J. H. Kirwan···-· •···---······· • · A. J. Wanke •... •• Bert. Wanaka ..•.. IL u. Lucke ..•• •.. G. J. perling J.P. Wagner .•.••. H.C.Dettmann ...• - - - · · - - · - 10,000 , 7,500 100,580 89.800 15,000 8,910 lll,490 142,580 30,600 11,t N., Fareo and St. P. 10,000 1,500 85,000 80,000 10,000 7,000 120,000 110,000 ' 15,000 1,000 36,500 45,500 Rasmus Olsbere ••. II. W. Jensen •••••. .Melvin Lar, on ••• • . . , . A. A. Mickelsen ..•. E. A. Mickelsen •.•• '\!. E. Mikkelson .•• 2:;,000 7,000 203,800 256,000 25,000 I 5,000 350,000 300,000 0. W. Parkhurst .. E.W. Denne on .•• H. C. Lee . . •• .• •• . 10.000 4.000 130.000,, 125,000 .................... G. A. Trzcinsk:i __ • P. W. Dahl-······· , P.M.Cole •••.••..• G.G.Shepherd •••• E.W. wan on •••• 25.000 16,250 ro ·-oiI '> 25.790 29.090 222,230 ' 221.140 O.B.Christopheron F. L. Nichols-···· - - · · - - - · Gu ·t.av Guenth •r , F. E. Tucker. ..••. H.E. Swenson .•••• : ••·-············-- 20,000 8,210 225,260' 203,330 10,000 4,500 1• 100,000 100,000 Jakob Fi chcr .•..• II. J. Vonder Haar • · · · - - - · · · · - · . J. A. Carl on-···· Hilmer Carlson.-. •---··········-~ ••, ,;)'J ~ J:5,000 1st N ., ~hnpls. and t. P.; Capital Secur., '"1 Bismarck. ,.,. 10,500 1st Guaranty, Bismarck; 1st T., Minpls. 0 15,000 University t~te, Minpls.; 1st N., Grand E'5 Forks. ..9,000 . Ex., St. P.; Secur. N .. Fargo. 0: 25,000 Midland N., 1.linpls.; 1st N., St. P., Fareo and Valley City. 37,050 Cont. & Com'! N .. Ohi.: 1st N., Minpls.: Fargo N. and ort hern a,-.. Fargo. 20,000 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks; N. Far., Kasson, Minn. 39.120 N. Park, N. Y.; Northw. N .. Minpls.: 1st N., Fargo. 38,240 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., lfinpls. ~ ~ '"1 '-4 I , i Wm. Connolly ••••• A. B. Curry··-····· 1 . E. Lubke .•..•.. , • R. H. Poff I Ill I I E. Simbalenko ••••• A. C. Stringer .•••• , Andrew Rawuka •• I 48,140 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.: ... lorthw. N., Minpls.; n> Merch. N., St. P. :S 20,000 1st N .. lfinpls. and Carrineton. i:: 10.000 • 3,000 1 100,000 109,000 50,000 1 12,000 1 300,000 280,000 1 . • '"1 '< 12,000 1st N., llin~ls.and Bismarck. pital N,, St.P • .._ 50,000 Cont. e Com'l N., Chi.: Northw. ~J,, :\Iinpls. • • Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Ban.k is the New TramH Numbff given Q to each t-anlc in U. S. exclusfvel by The Band-McNall Bankers' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - '° tSJ 1069 . '. .- NO~Tt\ Di'.KOT 1' Map on \ndex Nun ber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. ei:clusJveJy by The Rand-~IcNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. I I NORTH DAKOTA- COU t"lUUe d_ _ __ _ __ I Kloten •••• _._Nelson D 14 \First Staie Bank ···-···-tS'07 H. o. Rask-······- L. J. Hanson.·--··Pop. 150 77-633 • , r· Knox-···---·Benson 010 \Farmers St.ate Bank ___ t§ 19 c. H. Wirtz ....••• _ B. Lander·--Pop. 173 77-1011 " •.•••.•• " Peoples State Bank ··--•:l:§'18 J. F. Randall •... -. R. A. Ber2'--77-1004 Kongsberg .. :Mclienry C 8 Kongsberg State Ba.nk ..:l:§'17 N. E. Rulien __ ···- c. W. McGray -···· Pop. 50 77-969 Kramer ...• Bottineau Bi First National Bank •••..• l'05 H. Ingvaldson -···· 1F. G. Bartz ..•.•.•• Pop. 172 77-(63 State Bank of Kramer •• •U'05 C. M.. Sprarue -···- O. J. Lofgren._···77-464 Krem •...••••• Mercer E6 ecurity tate Bank_. __ t§'07 ~. P. )lcGregor -·- H. H. Kenyon_·-·Pov. 150 77-578 P.A.Barstad .••.•. $ 20,000$ S. E. Trueblood... 20,000 ··---·--·--·--······ ' 7,500 175,000 320 85,000 G• .A. Colson __ ·••·• C. P. Kjeseth....... 10,000 10,000 .A. F. Ohs---·---··- F. R. Ohs.-·---· 15,000 780 8. C. Host .••·-···· R. G. Berg......... 25,000 N. J. Krebsbach_ •• R, P. Krebsbach___ 15,000 W. H. Gjerdingen. -······-····-·-···- 116,000 58,180 56,650 14,300 11 t N .. Minpls. and St. P.; Northw. N., Grand Forks. 16,130 1st N .. Minpls.; Capital Secur .. Bismarck. O , H. N. Hanson _···- C. V. Hedeen-···· ' 25,000 5,000 115,000 110,000 10,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., St. P. ..:J 10,000 11,000 95,000 100,000 10,000 llst N ., lilinpls.; M.erch. N ., St. P. ..i-c E . .A. Kees_ ....•-- G. C. \Veyer_··-··· 10,000 1 3,500 150,000 150,000 25,000 Torthw.N.andl tN.,Minpls.;lstN., Mandan.~ 17,000 309,000 310,000 I 27,000 1st N .. Ohl .. St. P .. Minpls., and Bismarck; .., tock Yds . .1. "St. P. I 15,000 25,000 l ~tlD ~LOYD-·· J. A. T. BJORNSON PAUL ADAMS-···- R. A. LOWE ....... _ 50,000 ° ec ons rec elve pro~pt atte ntlon. . . . I . FEE IN A.DVA NCE: Sioht drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum i,f paid. Credit Reports, GOc. , 415,0001 10,000 750 ; 12,500 I 5,000 1 391,000 27,590 23,370 412.4001 352,330 228,0G0 1 200,000 (C.H. PORTER-·· H. G. ROB£RTSOII _If. P. BENNETT .... ,A. ff. LERE·-·-··· · 1 l Credit FEE IN A.DVA NCE: Sight drafts, 15c Reports, GOc. •U'08 LL OyD l 1 P. B. Peterson 1 ~ s. ,. ..:J '► ttJ 76,000 Cha eN .. N, Y.; Merch. N .. St. P.; Northw. ► N and ls• N., Minni~.; 1st N., Fargo; Fergus FalL N ., Fergus Fall . . 15,490 'orthw.N.,Minpls. >Tl n 34,5.50 Lir~i:d~oiks~.; 1st N .• Min~ls. ; orthw. N., z i 68,300 lsi ~"N .: clra:tF~;k~:; Northw. N., M:inpls.; ~ 0. ]3,700 380,190 264.060 0. 33,190 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st N., lilinpls. and ,... Fargo. o r4 Ill ::, 31,660 360,000 375,000 0. 28,000 N. Bk. Oom.,N. Y.; Northw. N., M.i.npls.; 1st Ill N.. Far~o. I I 30,ooo 15,150 130,940 161,160 41,280 ChaseN.,N. Y.; lstN.,Fariro: OityN,,Duluth. I 25,000 18,000 15.000 7,500 First Mortgage Farm Loans Neg Jotlated. Improved Farm Lands for Sale. Refer your cost omers to us. Co 1rrespondence Inv lted. fA da ______ Bo t tineau B 8 First InternJ ti~ n;tI Bk .. •i§'05 Georfe Sunberf -·· P. L. Klyyer_. ·---- ~ ~ @ minimum; 2oe minimum If paid. 1 DAVID LLOYD··· J. A. T. BJORNSON !PAUL ADAMS, Sec. R. A. LOWE, Tr •••• MORTGAGE CO • '131 Z l ~ Collecflons sou cited and apprec lated. LA MOURE STATE BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 ! 77-123 ' 7., 3~ I I , 40,000 ' H. HODEM-·----- W. H. HUTCHINSON T. S. HUH-········ IDA A. NEVERMAN •!'05 I 110,000 1 Prompt attentl Ion given to all collections. FEE IN A.DVA NCE: Sioht drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum if paid. Accurate Credit Reports, 60c. First Mortgage Farm Loans on band for sale to Investors. Write for rat es. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i 03 Pop. 15 0 101,140 200 Jf1r,£ ~~Rt~fo ttR~bH?tJlZuari f: C. NELSON ..... _ s. c. HILLEBOE ---! 25,000 •U900 ' save time and g et service on Coll ectJons and Cred It Reports by sen ding 1FEE IN A.DVA.N CE: Plain •i~ht draft.. I Sc; Credit Report•. SOc, TRY US. NATIONAL BANK .. 1 46,000 Northw. N .. Minpls.: Merch. N., St. p_l§ Northern ~-• Fargo. . 80,450 Cont. & Com l N., Chl.; 1st N., M.mpls., Fargo, Duluth, and St. P. 30,000 Midland N .. Minpls.; Merch. N., Ced, R,; City N., Bismarek. 10,260 ).ftle. State, Minpls.; 1st N ., Fargo. 2,200 HTIONAL BANK OF LAKOTA .. 207,000 140,000 • 28,000 1st N. and Ncrthw N., Minpls.; 1st N .. Fargo. ~~1i~· 77-125 I 402,180 1 ~ ':<= 16,0C0 1st N., Grand Forks, Fargo, and St. P. I • 77-124 ~ i:: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, Cua A: Je:xCJU!<ou,Dn 11 rao Bu,u A: Di. no"""· 139,000 .Kitlder Farmers State Bank-•• -t§'19 Jos. M. Williams-- 'Loui Falk ...• _____ H.B. Han on J.E. \\' illiams ••.. L ako Williams-Pop. 50 F 10 77-1032 --···o.Lakota.i•ov:r5~son C 13 Farmers & State R~io A. J. Gronna •••••• J. D. Gronna_··-··· R. o. Chisholm •••• c. F . Ferris_...... FARMERS ·TB. 228,000 La _Ioure qoun}yFirst ~:a,t'l Christopher Hieb _ John llisrhoL . _. __ W.1!.Wilken ...... T.ll: Gi~dt •• ·- -··1Edwm Hieb Bank •... ,7-110. -•••••• i 97 · J, H. Jenner •La Moure.La Moure G 13 Pop.1014 . 140,000 Credit Reports, GOc. 77-106 ~"" 5,000$ 45!i,000 \ 429,200 20,000 { FEE IN A.DVA NCE: 15c minimv. m; 25c minimum if l paid, · RESOURCE . 0 10,130 1 402,31' F. G. HILDEBRAND A. R. RIESE ••••..__ OTTO ISAAK······-· P. N. ANDERSON···30.000 Jt'irst State Ban k, "The Farn1ers Bank" appreciate ~·a':iJ 5!!f.c1ts coll ectlons. Kulm •.•Po~«\i!oure G 12 FIRST STA~f-Jt~NK-.-*1' 92 I I 10,000 J. A. Beal -·· ·· . -· 11·,•- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), La-n-")'ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'_:yolEme. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ _ TOWN A..~D COUXTY. N.utE OF BANK. I - ---LIABILITIES. •_County S_eat; :"Mem . .Am. Bk . Assn. §St3:tel PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDE.~T. CASHIER, AsS'T CASHIER, p AID·UP SURPLUS DEPOSEntire State rn.: o. 9 ...:Mem.StateBk . .Assn.tPnv. CAPITAL AND ITS Fe eralRe_erveDistrict. \+Mem .Fed. Re. [E tab. ____ _ _ _ - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROFITS \ - - Kindred_ •.•.... CassF16 \Farmers & Merchants Bank \LarsOlsgard•.• - ••• R.Evingson--• .AdolphDokken •••• .. Pop. -150 .. . 77-1009 •W,18 O. M. Husebye • ···-···· \Kindred State Bank ... -•U IIIS M. . H. Strehlow-•. - J. H. Gale _ _ _ 1John Ottis ••••• _ •• 77-631 \ Kintyre •..• _Emmons G 9 KintyreState Bank _.••. t§'l0 Frank Simon··-··- L. M. Hoag···----- s. R. DaY----····· Pop. 200 77-632 Security S~\~J%nk ·-··:l:§'16 J.E. Hol ti ______ _I Gustav Kleppe_ .... J.M. Erbele ·--·-· • o. J. Elefson ••.... A. C. Kloven ·--··· ---1----- ____ 180,000 170,000 I 1st N., La Moure. 30,00C lst ~... Minp~.: Northern -.: tate. Grang Forks; C1t1z, Com I Tr. Co., Butralo: Am. N., St. P. CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO .... g\0 1070 Kamber under Name or Bank la the New Transit Number fl\'en to each bank in U. 8. exelushely by The B.and-McNally Bankers• Dlredory, under the authority of The American Bankers A. s•n. I TOlfN .u» oouNTT. N.uu: OF BA.NK. .ooautJ' S~ts. •Kem. A.m. Bk:s. A.ssn. lS~te Entire State m No. 9 tKem. State Bk:s. Assn.+ Priv. FederalReserveDistrict. ♦ Mem.Fed.Res. [Estab. •I.&nidon •• Cavalier B 13 Pop. 1228 PRESIDENT, Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi' volume. For Intere t Rates, Bolldafs, etc., sco Laws. ~ NORTH DAKOT A--Continued l LIAAIL1TIEs. VICE-PRJtSIDJ:NT. CASHIER. · A.SS'T CA.SHIU. RxsouRcxs. ........ J>ta. u...... axc"N. eon.. ca.uraa,J>n PAD>-11P ISuB.PLu• 1 DaroaOil'lTA.L .u.o rn PRINCIPAL Co&RJ:SPONDJ:NTS, o - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PaoPITB _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ 1 1 1 1 1 W. F. WINTER---- J.B. MOONEY---- JOHN SHEEHAN----- M. J. BACKES ------- S 25.000IS 15.000 S 654,770 S 702,390 S 69.430 Atlan1ic ~ CAVALIER COUNTY NA~'L H. D. ALLERT MORRIS WINTER BANK •••• 77-ioa_ ______ •i 08 { General Hankin g. Vigorous atten tlon given collect Ions. Prompt ret urns.· T . . .r·. Y.: corn Rx N .. r.hi.; 1st N., St.P. and c-.rand Forks: .\Iicllaml N .. Minpls. l I Farm Lands an d first mortgage loans a specialty. 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'92 c. B. McMILLAN J. H. BAIN---- L. l. GARDNER---- J. L. SCHWARTZ-- 50,000 25,000 I Olde1,t bank In Cavalier County. Largest Capital a nd surplu1,. SuperlorServlc..- on Collections. 1\IORTGA GE LOANS NEG OTIA.T ED. ~ 25c ,n1,ustbe1rnnt 1us with eaehrcques tFA.RM tor rating. 307,860 F. L. Goodman ____ Samuel Torirerson. J. H. Vorachek ____ 0 • .A. Byirland ----- 10.000 10,000 ,00,00011 300,000 37,800 N. City, Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; 1st N., St. P. P. S. PETERSON- E. A. WAMREM ____ K. P. NAPP~N ----- JOSE,H MACHART 10,000 14,720 236,450 223.440 37,730 1st N., llinpls.: Northw. N .. Grand Forks. 185,000 24,000 Union N .. Minot; 1st N .• MinpJs. 77 -lOl n-l00 Lankin _______ Walsh Pop. 334 E. I. DONOVAN--- WM. STEVENSON---- R. B. POLLOCK------ F. L. HESSE-----so,ooo 16,000 450,000, Negotiate Farm and Mortgage Loans Collections sent us will receive pr ompt ~ttentlon a nd remitted on d ay of p ayment • CITIZENS STATE BANK •U'll3 • o 14 CITIZENS STATE BANK•U'OS I 77-318 FIRST STATE BANK----•i1'05 · 77-312 i Special atlentl on given 1r.:r.; Dr f{s ani:l ~<icrow matter-.. toe must be se nt us with each s lght draft for pre sentation and 26c for each ere dlt report. TRY US. Lan ford ___ Bottineau B 7 .First NaUonal Bank _____ •t'OS F. E. Tucker ______ Pop. 837 77-238 1 .First State Bank_ -----•t1'02 A. M. Hovland. ____ 77-237 P. L. Arms _______ Larimore ___ Grand Forks Pop. 1089 D 14 ELK VALLEY BANK----•U'82 77-Yb NATIONAL BK. OF LARIMORE 77-416 •t·o2 Lar on ________ BurkeB 4 First State Banlc ______ .u•og Pop. lH 77....,35 Lawton _____ Ramsey o IS Farmers State Banlc _____ tf'03 Pop. 227 77_.,311 ecur!ty •are Brnk ___ :t§'20 77-105h Leat_ ______ Barnes Eu Bank or Leal-----------•U'0S Pop 88 77~37 . Leeds. _______ Benson O 11 Pop. 70-l FARMERS & MER CH. BA~~ 77-lSO •if OO 1 "NOR.Tl\ OAK.OT A Mal> on \ndex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number o~der Name or Bank Ia 449,820 50,630 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Mnrh. N .. Rt. P.· 1st N .• Minpls.; ~'orthern State, Grantl :orks. I i 25,000 8,000 1-10,000 110,000 I A. StonP-house _____ Paul E. Glass ______ T. J. Jermeland __ _ 20,000 10,000 300,000 280,0U0 IIazen _______ c. J. McKean ______ G. County. c. :Maeoris ----- 25,000 195,000 9,000 • ~ Chi.:I --i ::i:: t, > ~ 0 --i > a, 22,000 Am. N .. St. P.: llerch. & Mn!rs. State. Min pis,: > Union N .. Minot. z 25.000 Han. ., N. Y.: 1st N., St. P.,Fargo, Grand Forks and Min pis. X en I I J. c. Lyc:ue ____ ---- Gust. FlnllfC ------ An 1 on Wil on _____ K. X. Wylie _______ K. C. WyliP ______ _ 25,000 11,890 197,520 192,370 7,520 Ohase N .. N. Y.: N. Produce. Chi.: Northw. ::, aq N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 10,000 1st N. and Midland N., .Minpls.; 1st N., Grand 0 Fork. ::l 29,000 lstN .. St. P. and MiBpls.: Northw. N. and 1st ,.,. N .. Gran~ Fn_rk!':. o ;i,000 ~ ot··hw . .1. ., :\Impb. and Grand Forks. I Q. 10,000 5,000 90,000 125,000 171.000 Oluf HB.£en ________ Georee R. Towle._ T. 0. Kraabel _____ -------------------- 15,000 5,000 169.000 15,000 1,500 25,000 27.500• Howard Willson ___ o. Ohrfst_ -------- P.A.. Pickett------ L. J. Sande _______ _ 20,000 10,000 195.660 194.460 325,000 360,000 ~E. R. REITSCH------ H. W. MARTIN ------ T. 0. CHANTLAND----- E. O. MARRIOTT-----Special attentlo n given B-L Draf ts, Notes, and Co llectlon11. toe mu, t be se nt us with each s lgbt draft for pre sentatlon and 2oc 25,000 15,ooo I ~ 1 for ea ch crcd It repor t. 25,000 t"" ll> I .T. A. Aird _________ C. G. Kop __________ L. C. Vobayda ___ __ F. E. Hender.on __ First National Banlc _____ ef'02 J. I. He£!l8 ________ G. W. 0. Ross----- J. H. Dooley ______ L. I. Wal<lt>n ______ _ 77-149 Security Bank __________ t§"15 77-89-1 Le!or _________ tark F 4 Lefor tate Ba.nk _______ t§'l5 Po1l. 100 7i- 69 Lehr _____ McIntosh G 11 Farmers & Merch. Blc .• •tl'02 Pop. 362 77- 638 , tate Bank of Lehr ----•t§ 17 77-080 Lilith __________ Grant G 6 Farmers State Raulc ____ U-10 Pov. 158 77~39 Leonard ________ cass 11' 16 Farmers Bank ---------•!1'03 Poo. 22 77-340 112,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Northw. N •• M.inpls.: Am Ex. N .. Duluth; Northern State, Grand Forks. G. W. C. Ross ______ C. S. DugstacJ ________________________ _ A. 6 • .Adams J. G. Walstad ______ .B'. A. lamp ________ -------------------- we Invite Your Dii~~t}Jgz~ler The Olde t Ba nk in Grand For k o. ,\. 400,000 TR gt"" 17,070 Northw. N .• Minpls.; 1st N., Valley City and Jl"anrn. . ::, 30,000 N,.f'ark, N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N .• Ch1.: 1st ll> N .• St. P. and Fargo; Northw. N., Grand ..., Forks. o. y us. I 5,000 325.000 305,000 2::i,000 lstN., Minpls. and Far20. 35,0U0 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. E. B. Paire--------- Georlle Wallace --- A. J. Enge}__ ______ ------------------ 20,000 1,500 125,000 120.000 Adam A. Lefor --- L.A. Simpson _____ N. A. Lefor ____ •••• ------------------- 10,000 8,000 30,000 40.000 J obn Bischof ------ .T. II. ,Tenner------ I. E. GiectL ________ Fred Ferr ho _____ _ . l'f J. Huemm •lo H, aeel F. Z1egenbagcJ. ___ !ired ltott ________ C. F. Kaz __________ R. G. :Nagel ------- 10,000 5,000 203,670 223,9:S0 l::i,040 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st N., M:invls. and Fargo. 15.000 3,0C0 105.00U l0'l,000 13,000 Union State. Minpls.; 1st N., t. P. Geo. W. Herron ___ James Glavkee ____ Clair CorneJL ______ E. F. Borchert---- 10,000 2.000 JC0,000 96.000 20,000 Northw. N., Minvls.; Aberdeeu N., Aber-~ deen. S. D. J. A. Power ________ A. A. Plath _______ John W. Goodman L J. Ander on •• _ 40,000 14.460 256,900 334,560 20,580 Han. N ... T.Y.; 1st N., St. P. and Farfo; Stock ~ Yds. N. So. St. P. , .... \Y . . 6,000 N. Ex .. St. P.; Merch. N., Dickinson. ...... ll> ::, i:: ll> '"1 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence the New Transit Number gjven Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bankf Point In- Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence NO\lTtt 'O ~KOT 1'. Mall on \ndex 1071 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. excluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. TOWN A.Nll O0UNT1 • -'.~-'-,.-Ds_..o_;.U_Ku_~__ -E_~·-.ll--1 NA.ME OF BANK, •OountJ Seats. •Kem. A.m. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 9 Uilem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mem Fed. Res. [Estab. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this/~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. r ~ NORTH DAKOTA-Continued I _ ____;L_I_A_B..;.IL_I..;.T_IE_S_._ _--ll-"°-. . PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT, O.A.SHIER. Ass'T OASHIKR, PA.ID-UP So'~UB DEPOSCAPITAL PBOPITB ITS g PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. - • •;:;.,:::• '"1 :":.:= !::: ---------l--=::c:..:..;_cc...:::c...::..::.....::.:.-=-c....--=-___c."--'-l-------l-------1-------·l - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - -- - -- --------- .,_. Lid2erwood ____ Richland Farmers National Bank.•t'06 M. Lynch ________ Anton Wohlwend_ F. W. Mashek _____ ----------------- $ 50,000 S 11,000 S 449,000 S 435,000 S 43,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Produce, Chi.; 1st N., ~ 77-110 First National Bank-----•*'01 M.. O. Movius_---- J. H. Movius ____ R. H. Rue ________ E. C. Parizek __ ---77-lll M. E- Voyek Li~ite ________ Burke B 4 First State Bank ________ t§'07 P. N . Johnson ____ C. P. Olson ------- Sophie Jessen ___________________ --Pop. 214 77-641 Lincoln Valley __ Sheridan Lincoln Valley State Bk.:t§'l2 O. I. KindschL ____ A. J. Goetz ____ ---- B. G. KindschL ---- -------- ---- ---- ---Pop. 60 D8 77-775 .. Pop. 1065 ____ ____ " G 16 .,Lin1.on _____ Emmons G II Pov.1011 CITY NATIONAL BANK 77-173 FIRST NATIONAL 77-172 ~ FRANK CHESROWN mi.11J6\~~~Ry--- OTTO T. BECKER---- A. E. BECKER ------ 15 BANK-•t'07 FIRST NAT'L BANK 77-62 .. ____ ____ .. Loma _______ cavalier B 12 Pop 100 Lonetree------- Ward C 6 Pop. 43 Lostwood--Mountrail C 5 Pop. 100 Lucca _____ ___ Barnes F 14 Pop. 200 Ludden ______ Dickey H 14 Pop. 132 M. T. BARGER ---- THOS. McCRORY----- J. D. MEIER--- THOS. JONES -- ---L. D. SEEMAN E.M.GRAF l :~-ift~ tilli\'II rt:Jt,: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 5,000 200,000 2l5,000 18,000 ls\ N. and Mtle. State, Minpls.; 2d N .. Minot. 10,000 6,300 110,560 105,000 19,180 1st N. and Northw. N .. :Minpls.; James River N ., Jamestown. 25,000 12,500 425,000 360,000 50,500 Lin. N .. Minnis.: 1st N .. Bismarck: Merch. N.,St. P. 500,000 75,000 N. Bk. Rep .. Chi.; 1st N .. Minpls. and Bismarck. 25,000 20.000 N .. Si.P. 600,000 25,000 --------- --------- _________ --------- 1st N,, Minpls and Eureka. 50 ,000 32,480 :u;- - t iiiiimi-- E.T. SWANSON----- ------·------------ 5 o,ooo 860.000 192,160 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P . 791.820 - - - 12,500 320,000 15,000 500,000 475,000 25,000 425,000' 325,000 350,000 34,500 Northw. N .. Minpls. 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Min pis.; Merch. N., Fargo. 58,0liO Nor hw. N. and 1st N .. Minpls.; 1st N., Far~ and St. P. 45.000 1st N .. Minpls. and Farf;!o; Citiz. Com'! Tr.Co .. Buffalo. 25,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; North ern State, Grand Forks. 5,440 Midland N .. Minpls.; 2d N .. Minot: 1st N .. Grand Forks. 17,780 Cent., St. P.; 1st N., Grand Forks. 20,000 330,000 330,000 10,000 150,000 125,000 1,000 80,280 79,310 3,000 80,870 65,500 4,000 80,000 76,000 12,000 Am. N., 7,460 91,670 83,980 21,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Live Stock N .. Sioux 0.: Bk. of Brookings, Brookings, S. D.: Live Stoc N .. Oma.; 1st N., Aberdet>n. 8,000 Mtle. St.ate, Minpls.; 2d N .. Minot. St. P. Edwards. Lee ____ J. K. Borg ________ Harold Borg _______ George Ege ______ _ 15.000 700 75,000 82,000 J. D. Brown------- M.. B. Cassell _______ W. B. Cheshire ___ R. W. Smithberger 25,000 5,760 235,800 286,620 13,290 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls. Ole Arnegard ______ B. I. Keating ______ J. J. Webber ______ E.T. Johnson ___ _ 10,000 8,000 90,000 105,000 T. D. Thorson _____ H. Tngvaldson ____ S. B. Bagne ________ H. E. Skognio ----A. Hesla J. I. Hegge _______ G. W. C. Ross _____ Arthur Idsvoog ____ H.B. Ba.everstad __ 25,000 5,000 200,000 186.000 10,000 Northw. N .. Minpts.: 1st N., St. Paul.; North ern N .. Fargo. 18,500 Am. N., St • .P.: 1st N .. Minpls. 20,000 6,000 400,000 400.000 15,000 1,200 48,750 81,260 M~ficiof _______§'lg W. F. Winter -- ---- S. G. Erickson ---- M. O. Strom _______ HakotL:~~~::ward D 6 First Natio~;2 i:nk ____ •t'l2 A~ustPeterson ___ E. V. Nelson ______ E. " Minpls. and St. P. I .... 95.000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Uont.& Com'l N .. Chi.; Merr,h,I Siuhtdrafts,I 5c Minimum;25cm inimum cha1ge if paid, Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. State Bank of Lisbon ••• •U'82 E. O. Lucas_______ W. R. Sandager ___ Hartey 8. Grover_ W. ll'. Granie --~ ·50,000 77-61 First National Bank _____ •t'06 A. P. Hanson ______ J. R. Gamin _______ B. F. Boehm _______ -----------------25,000 77-227 First State Bank: ______ •tllD00 John M. Olson ____ L. M. Olson ________ E. H. He.adland ____ Grant ___ _ 25,000 77-226 T. J. Kinneberg First State Bank _______ •:t§'05 James Balfour _____ C. B. McMillan _____ H. F. Baker _________________________ _ 10,000 77-642 First State Bank ________ t§'l2 F. S. Tofflemire ____ J.E. Tofflemire __ W. C. Edwards ____ Mable Arthur --- 10,000 77-777 :Mountrail Oo. StateBankU'lO B. W. Taylor ______ O. S. Haugen ______ E.W. Cornford ___ _ 10,000 77-644 First State Bank ________ t§'05 H. lngvaldson _____ J.M. Thorson _____ E. D. Knadle _____ B. H. Knadle _____ _ 10,000 77-645 Fred Utke First State Bank ________ if'07 W. M.. Scott__ ______ L.A. Samson ______ Earl Stearns _______ ------------10,000 77-646 Ma ida - -----Cavalier B 13 Bank of 306 Pop. ---- ---- 725,000 { Save tim(• anlf J(et service on Co Uectlous and Cre dlt Reports by se FEE IN ADVAN CE:P/ainsightdr afts, 1Sc; Credit Reports,SOc. TRY US. •t'83 Lundsva.lley ___ Farmers State Bank. ___ t§-16 Pop. 60 C 4 77-978 Luverne _____ steele E 14 Luverne State Bank----•U'll Pop 225 .. 77-724 •• ___:____ Pioneer State Bank _____ u·12 77-743 liladdock ____ Benson D 10 Citizens State Bank ____ tf'll l'OP, 557 77-731 ____ " Farmers S~i~~nk---•U'Ol .. 750,000 Patronize a Na ttonal uiui.k. Collections solf cited. FEE IN A DVA.NCE: Sight Drafts, toe mini mum; 25c min lmum I f paid. Credit Reports, oOc. High grade Farm 1'1ortgage L oans negotiated. RANSOM COUNTY FARMERS iP. A. BERG------- , •• 8ANK----11-63 _______ eif17 FEE IN ADVANCE: LitchviJle ____ Barnes F 13 Pop. 528 45,000 Collections soll cited and apprecl ated. IN ADVA. NCE: Sioht Drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum if p aid. Or edit Rep arts, 50c. ( FEE Absolutely Safe Farm Mortgage L oans negotiated, netting 6%. •'08 Peoples State Bank. ____ §'20 R. M. Volk. _______ E. T. Atha _________ J. R. Volle ________ ------------------77-1055 R. 8. Adams _____ H.K. Adams _______ W. S. A.dams ______ H. E. Schaaf_______ .. LisbonPop~w55som G 50.000 v. L. B. Lindquist__ __ Nelson ______ E. O. Lerberg ____ _ 7 Reservation State Bank•:Wll J. S. Johnson ______ 0. C. Dosseth ______ H. G • .Anderson ___ R. W. Serkland __ _ 77-721 INFORMATION ON MANY SUBJECTS. ASK OUR SERV~CE DEPARTMENT : 25,000 5,5:JO 220,000 245,350 10,000 10.000 200.000 I 180.000 80,420 Liberty N .. N. Y.: Northw. N .. Minpls.; ls N.. Fargo. 16,110 Midland N., Minpls.: Northw. N .. Grand Forks. 54,450 1st N .. 1finpls.: Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co., Buffalo 1st N., HarYey. 25.000 1st N. and .Midland N ., Minpls. CONTINENTAL AND · CoMMERc1·AL B ·ANKS, CHICAGo ··· o _ . _ - d • Name or Bank ia Uie New Transit Number dven 1072 to 8Mb bank in u. 8. eseluslvelJ by The Rand-Mc.Nally Bankers' DINe&orJ, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. ==========~================ ======= TOD ilD OotnlTY, LIABILfrIE NAME OP BANK. •OouutJ Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState Entire- State in ·o. 9 tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. •~lem. Fed. Hes. [ Estab. PU:SIDENT, l\on-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this) volume. For Interest Rates. Bollday11. etc .. see Laws. ~ NORTH DAKOTA-Cont1·nued VICE-PRESIDENT. OASHIER, ASS'T CASHIER. PAID-UP 'SURPLUS , CAPITAL p:o~~TB I RESOURCES. DEPOs- 1i.:i~lllBk Dl8ITS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, tSJ Oun&: EI- c:Cu!?,.,":• c::.,: -;:;"2:; 0 1--------1- - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Mandan _____ llorton Jr 7 Farmers Equity State Bank Wm. Maas _ _ _ S. L. Nuchols ______ A.H. Peter»on ____ J. A. Timmerman_ S 50,000 S 10,000 S 610,000 S 600,0QO S 80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l .i:T., Chi.;lst 1\. 77 966 •t.§'17 and Norlhw. r., Minpls,; Capital~· ., t. P. First National Bank _____ •t'81 H. R. Lyon ________ Joseph P. Hess ____ J, B. Racek ________ J. F. Tavis_________ 100,000 54,990 1,847,710 1,5.!9, 740 497,960 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; MidlaodN., Minpls, 77-45 W. J. Watson Pop. 4336 MERCHANTS !T. s. JOHNSTONE NATIONAL BANK 77-47 •i'l4 MANDAN LOAN & l.sH~2,:11a11-- GEO. F. WILSON--- E. C.JOHNSTONE-- 50,000 \V. A. Lanterman E. A. Ripley _______ E. A. Ripley, See._ A. Iverson, 7'r, ___ _ A. Lanterman l 20,000 I Marmarth ______ slope G 1 Pop, 131 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i'08 77-651 I tockgrowers Bank _____ !§'19 77-10-l:l )lartin ______ Sheridan D 9 Martin State Bank _____ •it•og Pop, 200 77-354 • (ax _________ McLean D 7 Fir, t ~ 'ational Ba.nk ____ •i'06 Pop. 473 77-378 First State Bank ________ U'06 77-377 Maxbass ___ Bottineau B 7 M'axba s Security Bank_tf'05 Pop. 147 77-412 State Bank or Maxbass--i1'05 77-411 layville ______ 'l'raill E 15 First Natiooal Bank ____ •t'81 Pop. 121X 77-105 Goose River Bank ______ atf'81 77-104 Maza _______ Towner O 11 Maza State Bank ________ §"l Pop. 125 77 -094 o. . Haugen . .Number under .Name ohbnkin or Bank is > 5,940 196,160 153,9ti0 z. H. Taylor ___ ______________________ __ 10,000 2,160 37,500 36,360 10,000 4,000 50,670 60,570 C. G. Kapelovitz ___ A. N. Beiseker_____ 10,000 . -------- 71,000 70,000 ____ . C. Kapelovitz __________ _ J. L. Mathews _____ J.M. Hynes _______ J. R. Dvorak _______________________ _ 10,000 J. F. Hoel'k _______ A. C. Kapsner_ ____ E. J. Kausnor_ ______________________ _ 15,000 N. J, Nelson ______ J. W. Wheeler _____ D. A. Nelson ______ .:. .8. Phillip~ ____ _ Jacob Franzen ____ John Swen on ____ H. W. Derrig ______ -------------------- ~ 4,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Far. Equity State,~ Mandan.· t, A. J. Sailer-------- T. A. Bohrer ______ Walter Bohrer ______________________ _ B. \Y. Taylor __ ____ 51,440 Norfhw, N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., O~ Farl!O, 4,570 ~Torthw. r ., :\Iinpb.; 1st Fargo. ~ ,T., 4,540 .. -orthw. N., M.inpls.; 1st N.,; City N., Bismarck. . . . or,hw. N., Mmpls.; Merch. N., D1ckmson. > tD > Z 1-19,000 15,000 N. Produce, Chi.: Northw. N., liinpls.; Far. U:i,000 , N .i Liqgerwood. ~ VJ 1,500 --------- ---------;--------- 1st N., !hnI>ls. 10,000 uoo 127,0(]0 121,100 18.000 Capital N., St. P.; 1st N .. MinI>ls.; 1st State, Ea. t Grand Forks. 25,000 6,000 1st N., Minpls., St. P., and Grand Forks. 25,000 II> 15,000 ---- ----3,500 I S:: ::s C.H. Thompson ___ W. F. McIntyre. ___ Arnold PreckeL __________ S. S. Lyon W. C. McDowell ___ Chri ·tian Baertsch John J. Webber_ __ H. A. Oros man .. - 10,000 5,750 131),000 125,000 2;;,000 22,500 325,000 300,000 J. J, Earley ________ P. G. Sitz _ _ _ _ Frank Kramer _____ Lewis Baertsch ____ 15,000 20,000 230,000 , 235,000 3 ,500 Merch. N., St. P.: Bk. of Valley City, Valley ..., City; 1st ., Minpls. 0 35,720 250,000 53,000 N. City, N. Y.; Capital N., St. P.; 1st ... "., Lemmon,. s. D. I» 1 C. P. ALLISON----- f. 0. BARBER----- - A. J. BEHRMANk---- -------------------25,000 FEE IN ADVAN CE: o.:ioht Drafts, t5c minimum; 25c minimumcharoeif p(tid. Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TB Y US. l 1 2-16,000 15,000 --------- 109,650 103,510 15,000 3,150 150,600 167,000 Aurust Peterson ___ 0. A. Olson ________ P. L. OfsdahL _____ E. K. Beri.te-------- 25,000 5,000 246,000 216,000 tohr ____ C. W. Iorton _____ Jno. 0. Nelson ___ _ 12,000 8,000 220,0001 178,000 0. L. Newhouse ____ __ ___ . ______________ M. 0. Tillotson _____ K. Tillotson _______ _ 15,000 5,000 90,0001 8'.i,000 w. ,\rndt ------ 15,000 5,000 120,000: 120,000 K. G. Sprinren _____ F. W. Ames _______ Georre 0. Stomner 0. J. Petterson ___ _ 50,000 10,000 351,!120 408,360 M.. L. Eiken ________ K. S. Groth _______ 11. M. oliah _______ A. M. Soliah _____ _ J. T. Alm 0. T Gref ·hdm __ 0. II. OJ on ________ II. . tin on ______ -------------------- 50,000 15,700 716,600 646,800 15,000 1,200 10.000 2,500 F. A. HinkeL _____ P. J. ·ordberg ____ D. B. IcDonald ___ M. I the .New TransU .Number 60,000 Northw. ·., Minpls.; 1st .i:r,, Farro, 0. II> ::, S:: t-1 J. J. Breher _______ J. J. Schmidt ____ R. B. Daly _________ \Y. E. Daly-------- Olio Bremer __ ____ Theodor 20,000 Merch. N., I» W. J. Johnson ____ Emil cow _________ II. II. Bond . _____________ -------------- NOR.'tH DAKOTA. Ma1> on \n4ex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40,000 23,000 --- ----- ~ 6,000 1 44,690 N City, N. Y.: 1st N., Minpls,; 1st N .. St. P.; Citiz. Oom'l Tr. Co., Buffalo. z Pop, 160 Mani ou )Joun raiL_O 4 Pop. 50 Yannhaven __ Mercer E 7 Pop. 25 •Manninl?------ Dunn E4 Pop. 75 Mantador --Richland G 16 Pop. 100 IanveLGrandForksC15 Pop. 205 Mapes _______ Tel!--On C 13 Pop. IOJ :\fapleton ______ cass F 16 Poo. 198 larion ____ La Moure F 13 Pop. 20:l 414,370 0 ge Loans on ota and Eastern Montana Land, US. R. o. A.dams _______ ___________________ _ • 77-648 Farmer· & :Merchants Bank 77- 39-l t\i'06 Mercer County SI.ate Bk.i1'04 77-649 First State Bank ________ i1'12 77-762 Fc1.rmers State Bank ____ tf '13 77-810 Guaranty ~ 1 at e Bank __ .. ."20 77-105:l First StateBauk _______ •i§"l2 77-788 Farmers State llank ____ e§ ' l9 77 1027 Mapleton State Bank __ •if'l3 77-807 First National Bank ____ •f'02 77-350 Marion Statil~ k _____ •!l'08 3 370,320 Prompt serv\ce given on collectlo ns. FEE IN ADVANCE: Sight drafts, 15cmlnlmum; 2 5c mlnJmum If paid. Credit Reports, 50c. TRY US. We Negotiate F lrst Farm Mortga Improved We stern North Dak '06 netting lnves tors 1%. WRITE Manfred ______ Wells D 10 First State Bank ________ tf'02 T. L. Beiseker _________________________ INVESTMENT CO. 13,490 19,020 1 t N., St. P.: Drov. State, o. St. P.; Liberty S ,ate, ,\Iinpls. 16,500 1st N. and Citiz. State, .Minpls.; 1 t N., 3t. P. 60,000 Midland N., :Minpls.; :Merch. N .. St. P.; 1st N., Fargo. 72,000 1st N., MinI>lS,; Am. •. and 1 t ... · ., St . P.; City .. Bismarck. 18,000 1st N., M.inpls.: 2d N., Minot. 25,000 1st N .. Minpls,; Merch. N. andlstN., St.P.; 1st N,, Grand Forks. 51,880 Cha ·e r .• • Y.; 1st N., St. P. and Fargo; 1st N .. Miu pis. 82,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Midland N., inpls.; Merell. N .• St. P.: 1st .,Fargo. 21.000 1st N., Minpls.: Northw. N., Grand l!'orks: 1st N .• haron. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ~ § C: I» Q ~ '°- tSJ .....,. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InLa ers Laws indexed in back of this ._ xed Acces. POP, 12.> 77-IJ94 1 1073 0) ·o 11 I N., Sharon. 1 ',..,. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence NOR.TH DA.KOT A. Mal) on \ndcx Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlrectory, under the authority of The American Bankers•n Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this."volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws SU NQ_DTH DAKOTA-Conti•nued ~ ==========================================================================1::, ToWN AND C01JNTY. \ NAME OF BANK. I PRINCIP"-L OoRRESPO.NDBNTS. c 1_ _____;;;:Ll=A.;c:.BI_L_r_T_IE_s_._ _ _,:1----'R=E=s::c..o:....:u;..;;;R_CES=·---- i •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No.9 t:Mem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mero. Fed. Res. [Est.ab. PRJ:SIDDT, VICE--PRESIDJCNT. CASHIER, Ass'T O-'.SHIE&, PAII>-UP SUBP1,u1:1 DBP<>&- ,,.u ... • ou- 1.:..... & .&x~ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c_A.P_rr_.u._ p.fN'Do-ITs IT8 °~ · ·--........ ,1>n __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , :-" ,_ _ .._,,_______....,.._...... _ :,i 1 1 -_-_n__ 18,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.and Midland N., :Minpls.; ~ Northw. N .. Grand Forks. r:v McOanna ___ Grand Forks Bank of McCanna _______ t§'ll E.T. McOanna, _____ C, D. McCanna ____ P. P. Bnrh________ ------------ $ 10,000 $ Pop.100 D 14 77-732 4,460 $ 96,480 •McOlusky __ Sheridan E8 First National Bank ____ •;'07 E. B. Robertson ___ J, A, Beck _________ O. B. Carlson ______ Frank Haller-Leuz Pop. 6-!6 77-203 25,000 6,000 170,000 147,000 20,0C0 Herch. N., St. P .; 1st N., Minpls. FredM.Maas ____________ _ 10,000 10,000 150,000 137,000 McGreior __ Williams B 3 McGre£orState Bank_•is•10 W. C. McOlintock _ Ernest Bylin ______ V. A. Helbere ____ Emma Berend ___ _ Pop. 200 77-497 McHenry ____ Foster D 13 Farmers & Merchants Bank E. J. Horn _______ N. 0. Haugen ____ F. H. Sta1ford _____ H. S. Strand ______ _ Pop. 299 77-939 :W16 R. G. Nicoll 15,000 2,500 160,000 160,000 26,000 1st N. and Northw. N .. llinpls.: 1st N .. St. P.; James River N., Jamestown; Stock Yds, N., So. St. P. 10,000 1~tN., M.inpls., GrandForks,and St.P. 15,000 3,500 130,C00 140,000 11,000 1st N ., St. P. and Fargo; Midland N., Minpls. H. S. HALVORSON H.P. HAMMER---- E. M. METZ-------- S. HALVORSON---- 25,000 8,000 185,000 196,450 27,120 1st N., Farro; 1st N., lliDpJa. McKenzie ___ Burleirh F 9 McKenzie State Bank ___ :t§'06 0. B. LiUle ________ H.P. Goddard _____ P. P, Bliss _________ ____________________ _ Pop, 150 77-652 10,000 6,000 93,080 98,270 McLeocL ___ • Ransom G 15 McLeod State Bank ----i§'l5 L. J. Hanson ______ H. L. Hanson ______ F. N. Evenson __ Wm. H. Dickson __ Pop 75 77-888 10,000 2.730 97,545 97,750 G. E. Nelson _____ _ Cora L. Bere; 25,000 10,200 309,000 321,470 30,000 lstN.,St. P.and Fargo; Midland N., Minpls. A. 0. ARNESON-- E. C. OLSGARD ---- E. H. NORBY ______ H. TAQUA\BECK--O. H. LARSON Ell M. OFF 25,000 7,000 215,000 225,000 20,000 1st N., Minpls, and St. P.; Northern N., Fargo. 150,000 135,000 20,000 NorthP.rn N .. Fargo; lstN.,St.P., Secur. Sa,., Jamestown. 51,950 Livestock Ex.N .. Ohi.: Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.: 1st N., Dickinson; Merch. N., St. P. 50,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Northw. N .• Grand Forks; Midland N .. Minpls. 31,500 Northw. N,, .M.inpls.; James River N., Jamestown. 9,001\ Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; 1st Guaranty, Bismarck. 10.000 Northw. N., .M.inp1s. Sheridan 0~~.:1?/tate '\?-~J.E. Davis ________ F. M. Davis ________ 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:t:•o 6 77-284 i 77-335 •i§'06 o. Moen ________ Siockmen's State Bank_•t§'09 7Hi53 Mekinock State Bank __ •;§'07 77~54 Bank of Melville ________ *1'07 77~65 Menoken Farmer State Bk. 77-1033 t§·19 First State Bank ________ l§'07 77-444 Mercer Stat~ ~~ik ______ t§'09 7 :Merricourt ___ Dickey G 12 First State Bank --··----•iS'06 Pop. 70 77--056 Mesa _______ Williams B 1 (See Hanks) Pop. 50 Michiean---- Nelson C 14 Pop. 491 " _______ " FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain aight drafta, 15c; Credit Report•. SOc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - 9,220 No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck. 17,520 N. Park, N. Y.; Northw. N .. Grand Forks;lst N., MinDls. s. J TRY US. Kaisler ______ _ 15,000 8,000 Harve Robinson __ C. Pederson _______ G. E. Burgess ______ M. V. Follis ______ _ 15,000 15,210 211,160 189,430 10,000 5,000 140,000 100,000 102.170 Samuel Torl!'erson_ T. J. Smith ________ H. L. Hanson ______ o. H. Overland __ _ 0. W. Wiseman ___ E. Lett!'er ________ P. P. Wiseman ____ E. F. Morey _____ 10,000 15,500 110,000 E. V. Lahr ________ Louis Olson _______ J.M. Meier ___________________________ _ 15,000 700 40,000 41,000 c. Hjelle _______ _ 10,000 5,000 105,000 ll5.000 Wm. Lierboe ______ R. T. Lierboe ______ O. S. Hjelle ________ B. c. Freeberg ____ Geo. McFadden ___ F. O. Freeberf ____ H . .A. Freeberg ___ _ 10.000 4,000 100,000 80,000 E. Magoffin -------- J. H. Wishek ______ Lee Northrop ________________________ _ 10,000 5,800 115,000 100,000 25,190 1st N., Minpls.: 1st N., St. P.; Aberdeen N .. Aberdeen. N. H. Elvick ______ Oliver Knudson ___ N, M. Orvik _______ E. R. Hegg ______ _ Gilman Maltrud 10,000 12,000 222.000 212,000 11,000 Chase N., N. Y.; and Grand Forks. Nelson Co. ~~~:lank•i§1900 J. M, Lamb ________ Wm. G. Lamb _____ G. F. Lamb ________ Stephen Hofer ___ _ 10.000 26,350 265,000 249,800 A. B. De Nault_ ____ H. C. Polson _______ R . .A. B1rteL _____ _ 10,000 2,000 60,000 65,000 45,700 Han. N., N. Y.; :Merch.N., St. P.; lstN., Grand Forks and Duluth. 10,000 Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 10,130 271,530 257,030 30,000 20,000 280.0001 375,820 MICHIGAN CITY BANK-U'93 77-247 M. )Iillarton- Stutsman Ell Millarton State Bank _____ §"l3 H. T. Graves ______ Pop. 50 . _ 77-786 11uor ______ sare:ent G 15 First National Bank _____ •t"06 E. B. Johnson _____ Pop. 680 77-175 .. ________ " Milnor National Bank ___ •t'06 A. E. Austin _______ 77-174 n $ { Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred It Reports by send log Medina ____ Stutsman F 11 Security State Bank ___ •t§'l6 Joseph Kaisler ___ E. M. Reardon _____ Chas. E. Shrawder Pop. 415 77-924 R. M. Stangler •Medora ______ BiJlinis F 2 Pop. 100 Mekinock ____ G, Fks. D 15 Pop. 200 !Jelville ______ Foster E 11 Pop. 150 Menoken ___ Burleigh F 9 Pop. 50 Mercer ______ McLean E 8 .. Pop. 200 .. ________ 86,240 CoUectton!l app recia~_a and give n pro_m_pt attentl o~. _ _ _ FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight Drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum it paid. Credit Reports 60c. TRY US. McVille ______ Nelson D 14 First National Bank----•i'06 C.H. Simpson _____ O. G. Olsen _______ A. Pop. 546 77-805 STATE BANK OF McVILLE $ Petn Christiansen A. W. Eastman ____ Otto Miller _______ _ E. C. Enge Alfred H. Botten __ Regino Id Thorne __ J.M. Kane _______ _ Anton Berger 25,000 1st N., Minpls. Northw. N., Minpls. 19,580 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; N. Bk. of Wahpeton, Wahpeton. 26.420 1st N .. St. P.; Northern N., Fargo; Citiz. N., Wahpeton. 1074 !lumber under Name or Bank i1 the New Traoalt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•o. I NAllE OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acccs.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this .... volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday , etc., see Laws ~ NORTH DAKOTA-Continued ___ L...,.1A_B_I_L_IT_1_ES-,--•_ _ _ 1 _ _R_Es_o_u,....R_c_E_s_._ PRINCIPAL Co&usPo"°N;ENTS. 11 1 •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State p V p As C SURPLU» .o.... • 0 ,.. 0 ... • 11:aEntire State in No. 9 iMPm. StatP. Bks. Assn.+Priv. RESIDENT. ICE- RESIDENT. CASHilCR. S'T ASHIER. PAID-UP A.ND DIIPOS- c-... Bol<M, ~au,l>n Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o_u_IT_•_L _P_R_o_,.1_T_s _ 1_T_a_ _•_"""_""'_•__"°_._s_..... _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 1 1 1 1 1 M11ton •••.•• Cavalier BIS FIRST Pop. 393 JOHN WILD-·-·-- W.W. McQUEEN--- H. G. HALVERSON. C. S. ROBERTSON .• S 25,000 S loe sent us wUh each Sight Draft for presentatfon and 26c for ea ch Credit Report ~ lnsmes prom pt personal atten tlon. NATIONAL BlNK.•i'02 77-269 •Minncwaukan ••• Benson First National Bank .••. •i'94 J. I. Hee-l?"e -··--··· G. Pop. 564 0 11 77-209 25,C00 6,500 300,000 350,000 30,000 1st N., Farizo: Northw. N. and 1st N .• Minpl . Minnewaukan State Bk.•il'Ol E. Beissbarth·--··· B. Christianson-••• O. J. Wil?"dahl ___ Geore-e Wirdahl -· 77-210 25,000 8,500 150,000 115.000 84.000 .Merch. N .. St. P.; 1st N., .Farl?"o: Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co., Buffalo. PETER EHR ..... E. P. EHR--. A.H. KURTH····-·- HUGH VALLELY .... 50,000 6,190 258,990 312,520 45,460 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,: Midland N., :Minpls.; Am. ,-. 1-1 1v N .. St. P,: ~ orthw. N., Grand Forks. *CITIZENS BANK ...... •il'l0 77-26 : l Collections hav le the personal at tentlon of an om cer and remitted for on daJ of paJment. We negotiate Farm Mortgage L oans on lmproyed No. Dakota land. 35,000 15.000 450,000 385.000 *Scandinavian-American Bk. K. R. Ramstad ••.•. l:M. R. Porter_ •••••• Georl?"e Hel?"er · - · A. E. Elef•on •.•. _. 77-24 •U·os Hiltla Baleru<l 25,000 32,550 4:i0,820 428,290 R. E. BARRON ..... F. W. ROACH ...... H. E. BY ORUM ... -. W. E. TOOLEY .... - u. S. Deposttorf, Oldest and Largest Bank In Northwestern North Dakota. 1%s;~il1r H~Msili;t;b°lt~ rnt:f~:~~n.~~- NATIONAL BANK 77-22 0 77-23 JOURGEN OLSON & COMPANY 0 --- --- --- --100.000 - - 75,220 1st N., Minpls.: Northern N., Pargo. 1 t'.: 162.530 1,953,000 1,625.000 415,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Coot. & Com'I N., Cbl.! Northw. N., l\llnpls.; l\lerch. N .• St.P,,, 1st N ., Fargo. ,.... ,g st. P., Duluth and: o JOURGEN OLSON .- JOHI H. WERNER .. C. L. SMITH--··- ---·-"---··--·-····· - -- -- -- High Grade Bonds Farm and ctt, Mortgages. 500 000 Union N Minot. Securities suitable for bank Investments, eonslstlng or ___;_ ,;;;;;,;;;; ~ ~ ~ ·• short time paper given by responsible firms banks and farmers. List or banks handling our seeurltles rurn1si1ed on request. SEE AD VE RT IS EMENT ON NORY H DAKO TA MAP. '03 (.J.lember irn.licatro b11 a *) R. Porter-•••••• _______ H. E. Byorum, See. and ~for. ·--················· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s. 6,J00 25,000 M. TITUS ··-- G. V. TITUS.--.-··- A,. E. McKAY ··----· • • Specla a1tentl OD given B-L Dr a.ts, Note and C ollectloos. 15c m1,.~t lie xn1t ll, u•it11 mc11 i(111 t Draft for pre.1$cnl ation and 25e for Credit Report·. OLDE T AND LARGE T BANK i _ BAIK OF MINTO. •-·-··il'8i> 77-6511 316,190 308,560 39.140 Cha eN.,N.Y.;lstN.,St.P.,GrandForks,anc Minpls. 50.000 ~Jech. & Metals N .. N. .. Northw. N. Minpls.: ~lerch. N., St. P. 23,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N .• Bismarck. 1 " •.•• •••• " First State nank·-···-·•t§'16 c. J. Lofgren •••••• IN. J. • elson -· •••• H. Gav ere ••••••••• L. E. Callahan ••••. 77-1128 • loffiL.-·--· Bur\ci~h F g Momt State Bank ······-tl'14 O. B. Little •••••••• V. Benz •••• ·-·····- H.P. Goddard-·-·· IL. L. Rockwood ••. I l'O\l, 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 2,500 230.000 200,000 10,000 2,500 85,000 70,000 77·854 NOR.TH DA.KOT A. Mai, on \ndex > z X rn --- U. S. Depository. Accounts of Banks and Bankers solicit- 100,000 33,670 804.130 951,370 184.070 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N •• ed. Unexcelled facllltlea for- the prompt collection of Mlnpla. North Dakota Items. Send US your business. IEE AD VERTIS EMENT ON BAC I( OF 10 RTH DA KOTA MAP. Minot Clearini? House ••••••• \M. :£ 120,000 llan. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Minpls. and Grand ► Fork:. to •t·oo E. I. PERSOII ------ C.H. ZEHRIJIGER-- 0. R. POWELL -- ---- 8. A. BALERUD ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *UNION NAT'L BK. :;o t-i *First International Bk.•i§'l5 H. E. Shearn·--··- G. W. Mc Williams. W. J. Gerding ••••• L. M. Ellithorpe.77-25 c. J. Fuglaar *SECOND z0 1> ·~ 0 I ) in to ••••••••• Wal!h O 15 Pop. 602 6,500 $ 190,920 $ 209,540 $ 28,930 ::N", City, N. Y.; Northw. N., :Minpls.; Northw. N .• Hrand Forh; Merch. N., Ced. R.: bt ' .. Fargo. M. L. Haley ••••.•• C. Q. Erstacl_ ....•. l •Minot ••••••••• Ward O 7 Pop. 10,4i6 w. C. Ross.·-·· .P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collection_s and Corresp_o ndence Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collecti~n_s a_nd Correspondence - MOil.TH DAK.O'l' A Mai, on \ndex. 1075 Number under Name of Bank is the New TransH Number given to each bank in U. B. e:rcluslvel7 by The Raod-MeNaU7 Bankers' Dlnetol')', under tb_e autbor!_fy o! ~e -~me!!_ean_ Bank_!~ ~_ss•~ __ ~ _ I I NAME OF BANK. ToWN AND COUNTY, ;\' VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDE.'{T. •Mam.Am. Bks.Assn. §S ta te •County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 \iMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. (Estab. ,- - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Federal Reserve District. ♦ Yem. Fed. Re . 1 _______ 1 1 :Monanro ____ Dickey G 12 Pop, 281 :~·02 ., _ _____________ ~ iN. IVERSON ----- IM. C. IALE-------- P.H. LAMBERT---- CONRAD IVERSON. I , 77-41.B 25.000,$ l Caldwell----- W. L. Caldwell ___ W. 0. Oaldwell _____ J.C. Cooke________ .B:. Jlaromn _____ H. R. Fox _ __ Farmers & Merch. State Bk. lohn Thorn ______ A. A. Suszycki ____ Chris. Bollinger :1•07 77-414 llontpelier.StutsmanF 12 First National Bank·---•'19 F. E. Stott-------- H. T. Marken _____ C. A. Ardusen 77-1045 Pop. 186 Montpelier State Hank .•U'05 H. T. Graves _____ A. B. De .Nault ____ 77~9 .Mooreton __ Richland G 16 Farmers State .Hank ____ :::1·10 Thos. Manikowske_ ~1. Chernich .. _____ 77-301 Pop. 128 First National Bank -----t'05 W. D. Henry------ M. Braun __________ " •• 77-300 •MotL _____ ffetUneer G 5 First National Bank _____ e:•07 R. E. Trousdale -- H.P. Jacobsen ____ ! 77-181 Pop. 416 State Guaranty Bank ____ :1'10 J. L. Opfer ________ lF. G. Orr __________ " " 77-182 ________ 7.000 !$ F'-1· PRINCIPAL CORRF.SPO.NDENTS. '~ ~ '< o... • ua • t.i• ",!~"11°•B_.~ __________________ • _·-_-_-- 290.000 $ 25:>.000 $ 47,000 Han. N,, N. Y.: 1st N .. Minpls. i 5.0001 25,000 Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports lUUS T be accompanle d bJ FU IN ADVAN CE, Pla<n Sight d raft,, 15c; Credit RePorts, 50c. BANI OF MONANGO---•U'D2 :I. 11. 00 • • ""• .....- ~.. s ITS 1 CAPITAL PaAo~ITB_ _ _ _-_--_.. I 77-222 HEsorR• · LIABILITIES. PAID-UP SuRPLUf>I DEPOs- Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIER, •MohalJ _____ Renvfile BI First Kational Bank __ --•i·oslH. H. teele ----- .\F . .A. Schroeder ___ Fred F. Page ______ ,L F. Page _________ C. G. S, rommen 77-221 Pop. 651 MOHALL SECURITY BANK \ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ban.ldng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see ~La_w_~:. ~ Con t·10 ue d DAKOTA NORTH __ __ ____ i 215.0001·1 205,00(! i 25.000 111idland N. and Bkrs r .. Minpls.: 1st N., St P. and Grand Forks; Union N ., Minot. z0 10,000 16,0001 200,flOO; 150.000 20,oooj 4,000 135.0110 160,000 Paul B. Herstad _______________ _ 25,000 5,000 60.000 60,000 I. Ytreeide _______ Geo. Rulon _______ _ 10.0001 14,000 108.000 112.000 John Kirkhus ________________________ _ 15,000 4.000 95,000 85,000 J. J. Lawrence _______________________ _ 25.000 2,000 74.970 10:5,270 K. H. Trousdale ___ Frank Lauterbach 25,000 20.000 53:!,0CO 462,000 Geo. J. Helming ___ F.. C. Helming ____ _ Grant Helmin~ 40,000 1.000 264.100 26:!,370 M:oant.aln __ Pembina B 14 Mountain State Bank --•U'08 K. ThonraJdson ___ G. E, Towle _______ E. A. Brandson ____ E. Thorwaldson __ _ 10,000 2,000 150.000 135,000 10,000 3,200 54.060 59.680 ~ 23.000 Chi. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. ~ 12,000.lst N .. St. P. and Minpls.: Stock Yds. N., :X: C, So. St. P.: 1 "t N. Ellendale. 6,200 Chase N .. N, Y.; 1st N .. St. P .; Far. & Merch. N .. Jamestown. 26,900 Am. l!:x. N .. N. Y.: Northw. N., !ifinpls.: ~ 0 • James ~iver N.!~amestown, ~ 30,890 lstN., Mmpls.; C1tiz. N .• Wahpeton. > \ I it ·i > 17,670 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.; Nor'hw. N., Minpls.; 1-1o1 Citiz. N .• Wahpeton.: 1st L?•· t. P. 112,000 Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; .Northw. N., .Minpls.: w 1st N .. Mandan. 26.690 1st N .. .Min pis.: Northern N .. FarfO: Citiz. ~ Com'l Tr. Co .. Buffalo.; .Merch . .N .. St.P. I> z I I t ii 1 77~60 Pop. 200 lfowbray ___ cavalier B 12 Bank of Mowbray -------U'OSI 77~61 Pop. 100 :Munich _____ oavalier B 12 Farmers Bank _________ .i5•05 77-277 Pop. 248 First National Bank _____ 77-276 Mylo ________ Rolette B 10 First State Bank _______ •U'05 77-'>62 Pop. 140 Nansoo ______ Rolette C IO State Bank of Nanson ___ i5•07 77~63 Pop. 100 E. I. Donovan _____ J.B. Halloran ____ J. L . Tschida _____ E. J. Donovan ____ _ 10.~i Adam Hannah _____ M. G. Antony _____ P. J. Antony ______ R. A. Thompson __ 11ae Ginley A. I. Hunter------- J. A. Dinnie _______ C. M. Tjosvold ___ H. A. Janzen-----J. 0. Fadden A. Egeland------ R. J. Honey ford __ 0. M. Ness ________ Isabelle Ness------ .:•os S. B. Qvale ------- •Napoleon ____ Loiran G 10 First National Bank. ____ :•10 0. L. Merrick _____ 77-102 Pop. 554 ,s. A. 10,000 324,000 283,000 25,000 8.000 140.000 130,000 10,000 2,000 150.000 140,000 2,000 80,000 70,000 8,000' 800,000 258,000 4,000 71,000 104,000 Retrum ____ 11. Retrum ___________________________ _ 10,000 ' IN. 0. Y" _______ •,' Jr. B. Heath ________ M. E. Giefer ______ _ j 25,0001 I I MERCHANTS BAIK-----H'08 77-aGS Colleetlons 1011 I i: 45,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Ch1.: 1st N., Mmpls.: O ::J6 Northern State. Grand Forks. Park. N. Y.: Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N., SD 30.000 Forks. Grand 1 18,000 1st N .. Grand Forks, St. P .. and ~Iinpls. L • 10,000 I cited and appreet 1ated. 11,000 Merch. N .. St. P.: 1st N .. Grand .Forks. 51,800 Northw. N., Midland N., and 1st N., :lrlinpls.: 1st N ., Fargo. 8,700 Capital N .. St. P.: tc:t N .• llinpls.: City N. and Bk. of N. D., Bismarck. I I Neche _____ Pembina B 14 Farmers State Bank ____ tl'19 J. N. Horiran ------ Daniel Kippen ____ ,N. L. DeMar<; ______ R. J. Welch ______ _ 77-1023 Pop. 628 l : 15,000 1,500 111.590 110,970 1 First Natio~~~nk ----•:·87: 11'. P. Holmes __ -- O. N. Murphy ____ : B'red. L. Lewis ____ ------------------- , 25,000 29,000 1 405,000 396,QQQ I 4.060 Minn. Transfer State, St. P.; _-orthern State, Grand Forks. 103,23~1tst N., Chi., St. P., and Minpls. I . _ 'ekoma ____ Cavalier B 13 State Bank of Nekoma __ 77-665 Pop. 1891 u·os 1P. S. Peterson _____ Fred L. Goodman_ G. A. Hartman. Jr. E. 0. Nestoss _____ : •• --- _ ---~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '' ------------1 I Newbure ___ IJottineau B 8 Farmers Bank ________ --*1'12 J. L. Pare--------- M. Teiren ________ John T. Page _____ I 77-77' Pop. 110 State Bank of NPwbun? •:1'06 D. N. Tallmon _____ , F. A. Rinkel _____ P. J. Nordberr ___ Bertha Cualheim __ 77-fff6 I rl I t I l , Il FEE IN ADV AN CE: Sight drafts 1 15c minimum; 25c minimum if paid. : CredltReportsl Oe. TRY us: = I :. {FRANK SIMON--- N. C. KREBSBACH. !J. L. GREITL--- ---- ----· -------------- 1 ADAM KROEBER , 'I 18,000 N. City, N. Y,; 1st N., M.inpls. and Grand C/l Forks. . . 3,300 Northw. :N"., Minpls. 15.000 6,700 152,0001 151.000 10.000 1 1,500 3:i,000 39.000 l ;;,ooo 125,000 130,000 ! I . l I 17.300 Xorthw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 5,000 1st N., Minpls.; Northw. N., Grand Forks. 17.500 Cha<=e ."., ~•. Y.;lst t.P. CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS CHICAGO : 1 , :. .,. 1076 _- --- - ~- - ----- ~ _-_ amber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number pven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlrectol'J, under the 1:1ut~!!t>' ~f The American Bankers:ss•n. TOWN AND COUNTY, NAME OF BA!'l'K. . - - - ! •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bk . A sn. §State p V p Entire . tate iri ~ ·o. 9 :!:Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. RESIDENT, ICE· RESIDENT. Federal Reserrn Dis_t!:_ict'. +)lem. Fed. Res. __[_E_s_t_a_b._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• doxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this...., volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ NORTH DAKOTA-Continued 1 ,_ _ _ L!_ A__BILITIES. C ASHIER, PA.U>·UP CAPITAL ASS'T CA.SHIER, SURPLUS P:o~~TS DEPO~ ITS RESOURl ES. 1.0.,.,..,n,•. ci:;;u~":· PRINCIPAL uORRESPOND&"iTS, 0\ zx"~~::.a:~= 0 .,,.. ________ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________, 1 1 1 New England •. Hetting-er Farmers & Merchants State W. L. Whitmire ••• R. J. Lauterbach •• H.F. Littig ..•• __ • E.W. Winter _____ $ 15,000 Pop. 613 F 4' Bank •••• 77-9_77 ••..•.. :t:§·17 H. A. Borcherding $ 1,500 $ 300,000 $ 275,000 $ 40,000 Capital N .• St. P. I Fir,t National llank ••••• i·10 August Peterson ... Henry Melaas .•••• H. E. Schroeder ••. Hester Huggett-·77-495 22,490 25,000 l New Lefpzig ••• Grant G 6 Farmers State Bank ••. •t§'16 Adolph Fra ch •.•• Bernhard Frasch .. A. Eberhardt. .••.• G. A. Ruana •••..•. Pop. a; 77-955 286,000 1,680 15,000 32-1,000 48,000 1st N ., .Minpls. 15,970 Northw. N .. Minpls.; City N., Bismarck. 129,040 1 132,770 I ttJ Fi,st State Ban L ..... •11'10 G. II. Towlo........ J. 8. BinlsalL ..... : O. D" p,eehe, .... W. S. Tho,waldson 77-355 7,500 10,000 145,0001 125,000 > 25,000 lstN., Minpls,; Northern N., Fargo, zX {/l , •NewRockford,EddJ Dll Pop. 2111 FARMERS ANNDJS MERCHA 77-122 BANK CD New Salem •• forton F 6 Pop. ill c. M1cucHu1 ...i·•~·R\V~-oifrisiffi R. J. HORTO•--··- \v.wti_scfo"o1Bf/.fL , , . •t'02 77-180 STATE BANK Of NEW SALEM ewville ••••Towner Po-p. 50 c 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Patronize Nat tonal Bank. Coll ectlons solicited and appreciated. FEE IN ADVANCE: ~iohl dratis l!'icminimum; 25c minimum paid. Credit Report, 50c. BEST OF S ERVICE. i 15,000 531,410 483,670 25,000 14.3!:0 573,550 589,160 70,900 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Fargo,Mlnpls., ~ and St. P. ~ I s.~ I I C. W. WIEGMANN .• PHILIP BLAU ....... F. H. ELLWEIN ..••.•.. J. H. WECKER....... Prompt service glYen on collectto ns. FEE IN ADVAN CE: Slshi draft1 toe minimum; Credit Reports 50c. Z0.000 20,000 4.000 250,000' 260,000 17,000 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; City N., Bismarck, 8.900 371,480 426,810 29,650 1st N., Mandan: Merch. N., St. P.; 1st " 25c minimum If paid. ...... iCHAS. F. PETERSON . J. CHRISTIANSEN ... FERD. RINGOEN ..•.•• W. G. SCHUCHT -·-·- "SEN)) U' 1·0 UR Nt:W 'ALEI\1 ITEI\I DIRECT." Colkctlons, BIii ofl,adlng Drafts, Cash and Time Items given promlpt attention. "J,'A Rll l\lORTGAGI; LOAN NEGOTI A.TED." 25.000 - - - - ~· . Y. 1 § ,, _ 1 o. r,. Bye .•.. •••.•. II. ,\. Bye -···-···-lA, o. Bye ••.•••.•. - - - - - - · - 10.000 1 1.500 56,000 C ':PJd I 1 u•og ewville State Bank ••••• §"09 17--667 OR.TH DAKOTA. Ma11 on Index ~ 53.770 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I i» Collections given prompt attention. N Chi · lat N Far&o St P Mlnpls :, FEE IN ADVANCE: . _ ioht draft..i l!'ic minimum: 25c minimum if paid. an'd Duihth. ·• • · ·• ., Q. •tl'06 , _________c_r_ed _ l_t_R _ epo _ r_t_s _50 _ c._ TR _ Y _ u_ s_ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ O FARMERS & MERCHANTS STATE BANK ........ •:tS'09 77-178 2!'i,000 1 Sto[i~li~:· N., o. St. P.; 1st N., Bismarck and ~ 10,000 _ _ : _ 150,000 , 100,000 MARTIN AAS·- -···- J. f. SWENSON ....•. M. B. H AS.·-······ a FIRST NAT 'L BANK iLEWIS MORTENSEN if 77-121 * I ew Leipzi~ti1s8Bank•tl'l0 J.P. Zwebe:-····· 1::.M. Brown···· :F, L. KahlerL~··_-_ ---··-·····-·- 69,000 6,000 1st N., Fargo and St. P. 1 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lners Law.s Jn back of this ; rop . .iu 11~ · I 1-.;) OR.Tl\ D KOT A Mai, on \ndex 1077 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence - Number unde.r Name or Bank is the New T.ramH Nombu given to each bank in U. 8. excluslvel:, by The Rand-1\>IcNall:,• Dl.rect.ory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. NAME OF BANK. I 1•:Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State .. county Seats. 11ntire State in No. 9 :tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Re erve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. TOWN A.ND COUNTY, PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this!.._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. lll ::, ---· t:: PRINCIPAL CORUSPONDUTS. ii RESOURCES. I LIABILITIES Ill p AID-UP' SURPLUS DEPOS-111..,..,,. & Du- O•IB., ~x- 1 NORTH DAKOTA-Continued VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHill, Ass 'T CA.SHIER. CAPITAL PRANDOFlTS Tia2ara _____ ;randForks\BankofNiagara _______ U-04 Ge0rgeB.Kirk,Jr. ErnestKirk ______ David Kirk ________ G. W. Br~er _____ S 25,00~ S 77~68 D 14 Pop. 297 I ;c;:~~":· ITS ~ I 9,3-101$ 260,540 S 2-15,610 S 19,990 Han.;,, N. Y.: 1st N., l(inpls.: Northw.,:T, 1 tv and 1st N., Grand Forks. 9i.750 1 14,500 Cba:,;e N., N. Y.: Northw. N., Minpls.; North_l .59,010 7,690 1 ern State. Grand Forks. 10,500 Bkrs. N. and 11tle. State, :Minpls.; 2d N .. 99,500 92,000I 500 Minot. 'Security State Bank ___ t§'l8 W. L. Pickard _____ M. T. Scarff------ Chas. M. English __ Chas. H. Bobb----.. " 7i-1006 '"iobe ---Ward B 5 Farmers & Merchants State K. L. Smith _______ C. M. Hanson. ___ V. A. Flecktcn ____ -------------Bank ____ 77-973 _______ t§'l7 Pop. 150 15,000 Nome _______ Barnes II' 14 Farmers State Bank ___ •U'08 Thill Hendrickson_ Anton Peterson ___ L.B. HO£stad _____ C. T. Dokken______ 77-426 Pop. 267 20,000 10,000 FirstStateBank ______ •t§'02 E. E. Lindvald _____ O.P. Miller ______ M. T. Rye _ _ _ 0. L. Vegheim____ G. N. Hauizen 77-425 12,000 5,800 Noonan _______ Divide B 3 Farmers State Bank _____ t§·o: J L. Mathews ____ J.M. Hynes------- A. C. Hess _____ E. A. Lien--------i7~29 Pop. 876 J. Lcul!10ld, Jr. --- Ward W. Lee ______ A.H. Makee _______ Fayette Makee____ First International Bank ylvia E. UOUfhhn •U'07 77-471 Security State Bank ____ •if'lO )I. H. trehlow ____ G. G. Keup ________ A.H. Anderson ____ 0. T. Gottenberiz __ C. L. Larson + 77-472 10,000 2,000 lOC,000 85,000 10,000 23,000 • 250,0001 300,000 25,000 6,000 404,280' 417,760 Norma ______ Renville B 6 • orma State Bank -----•U'08 H. H. Dahl ________ David Clark, Jr, __ B. E. Johnson __________________ _ 77-481 Pop. 110 1 Northe-ate _____ Burke A 5 First State Bank _____ •t§'l4 A. C. Wiper ________ B. M. Wohlwend ___ H. M. Westrum___ ____________________ 77-850 Pop. 200 15,000 I 390,0001 425,000 35,000 Cont.& Com'! N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; and Farizo. 145,000 135,000 17,000 ChaseN .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N .• Minpls, 1 1 5,000 180,000 10,000 8,000 86,000 85,000 25,000 Northwood_ Gran<l Forks CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK { Save time and g et service on Col lt>ctions and ('red it 1teports hy sen ding l'lO l!'EEIN ADVANCE: Plainsightd rafts, 15c; Credi tReports,50c. TRY US. 77-135 Dl4 Pop.935 22.000 651.000 583,000 K. G. SPRINGEN--- F. W. AMES -------- A. S. ELLINGSON- __ J. L. GOESOH------- I I Z 0 15,000 N. Produce, Chi,; 1st N •• Minpls. and Grand ~ IT4 Forks. 21,500 .i:'orthw. N .. Min-pis.: 2d N., Minot; 1st N .• ....,. t:, St. P. :i5,680 1st N ., Minpls. and St. P.; Union r .. :x> Minot. X 0 '"i I 12,500 First National Bank _____ .j'Ol 77-134 ... Tortonville ____ La .Moure ortonvilleState Bank __ u·13 77-818 F 12 Pop. 100 Torwlch ___ McHenry C 8 , First State Bank --------U'02 77~70 Pop. 150 Oake s ________ DickeyG14 1FirstNational Bank _____ •t"86 77-75 Pop. 1637 Oakes National Bank ---•t'03 " " 77-76 Oberon ______ Benson D 11 Bank of Oberon ________ .u·o1 77-fi71 Pop. 300 Security Bank--------- .t§'l7 " " 77-988 Olga ________ oavalier B 14 First State Bank _______ •U,09 77-fJ72 Pop. 200 Olm'-tead ____ Towner B 11 State Bank or Olmstead.U'Ge 77-67! PO(!, 75 omemce ___ Bottineau B 9 Citizens Bank ___________ u•o8 77-321 Pop. 222 0:;-. '::.a:= 183.500 A. B. Landt_ _______ E. Y. Sarles ________ IL H. Tufte _______ -------------------- 50,000 22,000 650.000 609,000 J. R. llollingsworth V. W. teele _____ Georize Steele _____ H. L. Buck-------- 10,000 , Z,500 81.630 86,450 G. E. Stubbins _____ C. A. Stubbins ___ E.W. Stubbins ____ Marjorie Soule ___ _ 10,000 ' 2,400 99,000 87,000 T. F. Marshall_ ____ H. C. McCartney_ J.E. Bunday _____ Glenn V. Dill__ ___ _ 50,000 21,500 470,000 490,000 A.H. Denning F. D. McCartney C. E. Knox ________ B. \V, locum ______ C. E. Roney ______ Fred Roney ______ _ 25,000 20,000 ' 320,000, 285,000 J. I. Heizize ______ G. W. C. Boss ___ S. 0. Bidlle ________ E. I. Tobler ______ _ 10,000 2,000 169,090' 175,490 17,000 Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 1> 0, '> z 89,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Merch. N. and 1st N.. X en St. P .: ~st N .• Fargo. I 7.690 1st N., Mrnpls.; Far. N., La Moure. li,000 1st N., Minpls. Bowbells, and St. P. 49,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. 9,200 1st N., St. P.; Bkr . N., :Y:inpls. ! Z 52,000 1st N .• Fargo: Torthw. N., Minpls.; Dakota ;· (1Q ~ • .. Aberdeen, 55,000 Isl N .. Min-pis.; Fergus Falls N .. Fergu_ Fall·; ~ , I» . Aberdeen N .. Aberdeen. 9,780 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Mmpls.; 1st T .. :, i . . Fargo. j 18,000 Merch. N ., Fargo; Midland N .. Mm pis. 0 J, E. Johnson ______ Geo. R. Hanson ____ 0. A. Olson ___________________________ _ 15,000 2,000 1...... I 133,000 C. B.1Ic1Iillan ··-- John Rei.;. _________ Thomas Cran•---- ___________________ _ 10,000 3,000 120,000 142,000 1 N., N. Y.; 1st N, Minpls. 14,000 iMerch. J.M. Kelly ________ F. E. Fee _________ H. 11. Disher _____ _ 10,000 3,700 85,000 103,000 J. T. Harty ________ M. F. Maakestad_ N. II'. ___ A. .A. Koehnlein __ _ 10,000 6,500 146,000 129,000 9,800 Nortbw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Devils Lake and1 : er St. P. 16,000 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls •. First National Bank _____ j'02 D. McKinnon ______ H. A.. Batie ________ A. R. Batie ______ W. P. campbelL __ 77-320 Oriska __ _____ Barnes F 14 Farmers tate Bank ___ •!§'l9 D. 0. B:re _ _ _ Alex. Naye· _______ L. G. Nayes _______ J. N. SchlageL ___ _ 77-1034 Pop. 300 25,000 ' 17,500 158,000 177,500 15,000 3,500 80,000 2,000 20,000 7,000 215,500 250,500 Grand Forks C 14 Bank or Orr -----------•i§'07 L. M. Hammond ___ David Kirk ________ A.H. Hammond ___ Carther Jackson __ Orr 77~75 -·-- Pop. 150 Ori-·n ___ Pop:-ro1erce C 9 Farmers S~~~iR_tnk ____ i§'lH Ben Baer __________ 0. A. Reffing ·----- Jos. G. Augustin _________________ 20,000 5,000 186,000 236,000 15,000 4,000 77-674 •U'03 i We offer promp t, effective service on all business. FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight dra ft,q, 15c minimum; 25c minimum if paid. Credit Repo.rts, 50c. SEND US YOUR ITEMS. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23,000 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.: 1st N .. Fargo, St. P. and Minpls. 10,000 T. City, r • Y.; 1st N .. Minpls,; 1st ~·· and Secur. T., Fargo. 15,500 .. T. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Fargo; 1st .. ".. Min-pis. :ii;- 15,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Cont & Com'! N., Chi.: ' Northw. N .. Minpls. 3,670 Am. N., St. P. I I son ro'k Cavalier Bl3 Fir,t .... ·ational Bank_ -•t"0J T.L.Tillisch ______ Ellen Ellen on ____ H.J. Dahl ____________________________ _ 1,-398 s10 Great Western Bank ___ •:§'98 II. A. Helizeson ____ L.A. Hel~eson _____ E. H. E. llcl:::e_on . L.A. Oles:on ______ _ 77-397 Pop. g d 0 G. 0. GOULET------ K. L. YAN STEENBERGSH JESSE J. TAYLOR----- ETHEL J. GAMBLE---- STATE BANK OF ORISKA I~ ~--~A CENTER FOR 25,000 1 20,000 •1 :• :•1 •' I 2-5,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minols.: North- 1 :; ern State. Gra~d Forks.T ~ -....J G0,-130 Isl N., .Mmpls.; orthw ..... Grand Fork~. -~-CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS SAFEJ5EEPI NG OFSECURITIES' ---.J l078 Namber under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number oven te each bank in U. 8. esclushely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlreetory, und~- ~!~__!!_thorlty of The American Bankers Asa'n. ::,ny To~OoN f~oi:.TY. •Kem.~~~B~. t:u~·sstate State in No.9 tMPm.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. Entire Federal Reserve District. ♦ .Mem. Fed. Res. [ Esta b. PRESIDENT. I Non-Bank Towns wit l Nearest Banking Point (lndoxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thlsl ..... volume. }!'or In_terest R_a_te_s_,~oJ~~ys,_e_!c.:!~-L~s. ~ NORTH DAKOTA- C Oll f lllUe d VI~P~IDJCNT. _______ Ass'TOASBiltR, OA.SBIJCR. ; =~ LIABILITIES. RxsouRcJtS. 1-'RINCIPA.L OoRRJtSPONDICNTs. oo PAID-UP Su~us D&PO&- 1,o...,1,»u- c.u■"•"· IT8 '~W:• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I C.u>ITA.L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ ___ P_B_o_ri_T_s 1 Overty _____ Bottlneau B 9 Farmers &Merch. BanlLtl'll P. B. Haber ________ A. R. Thompson ___ Otis C. Thompson_ F. J, Latendresse __ $ 15,000 $ Pop. 193 77-461 Ole Syvert.son 9,000 $ 180,000 $ 164,000 $ 24,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: lstN. Minpls. ecurity State Bank __ •t§'19 J. V. Williams.---- J. T. Hanson ______ C. E. Johnson _____ L. J. Grandpre____ 77-1013 15,000 2,500 57,000 56,000 18,000 Midland N. Minpls.: Merch. N .. St. P Paee----------- Oass E 15 Farmers State Bank ___ •ts·os M. Murphy ________ J. J. Murphy ______ G. E. Doyle. ____________._ _ Pop, 452 , 77-232 T . .A. 'l'.tJ.ompsoo , 10,000 22.000 225,000 190,000 65,000 Northw. N .. Minpls.; Merch. N., Fario. I Firsi National Bank ----•t"86 L.B. Hanna _______ W. J. Morrish _____ M. N. Mallory _____ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 77-231 25,000 22,000 359,000 325,000 40,5oo seab. T.. r. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo:I 1 Merch. N .• St. P. 10,000 2,000 82,500 85,000 30,000 20,000 -150,000 520,000 40,000 1Chase N., N Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Isl~, t::, Miuols. and St. P. ► Farmers Security Bank _tf'09 Thomas Johnson -- Henry Dencker --- 0. P. O'Brien ____ G. J. Mauritson --77-115 Claus Bornholdt 20,000 9,600 238,500 240,480 26,210 First National Bank-----•i'86 Karl J. Farup ______ George E. Towle ___ K. D. Bennett ______ E, M. Harris ______ _ 25,0U0 32,290 431),440 494,890 50.060 1st N., N. Y.; 15,000 1,800 172,000 165,000 16,000 1st N., Minpls.; Capital Secur., Bismarck. Palermo ___ Mountrail C 5 Scandia American Bank_U'l0 l A. H. Pop. 179 77-465 elson _____ ~ • T. Rosenquist __ E. I. Nelson _______________________ _ ' . D. Lord---------·W· :. 'mith _______ R. J. Holme, ______ ,l. R. Young ______ _ ' ' I iO ~ 9,000 1st N., St P.; 2d N .. Minot. I Park River ___ Walsh C 14 Bank of Park River ___ •tf'86 Pop. 111-l 77-114 77-113 T ~ :i: . Park N.Y.: r orthw. N .. Minpls. and Grand ~ Forks: M.erch. N ., ~t. P. O orthw. N. and 1st N .• ~linpls. l ~ I I Parshall ___ l(ountrail O 4 Farmers Exchange Bank N. E. Rulien _______ C. P. KjelstruP--- IE. B. Kjelstrup __ Pop. 376 77-910 i§"l6 " ________ " First •a.tional Bauk: __ •t"l5 Au~st Peterson __ L. E. Linder _______ R. A. Nordbye ___ 77-867 Peoples State Bank: _____ if'13 J. S. Johnson _____ 0. C. Dosseth ---- A. 0. Fuglie _______ 77-837 L. C. Hungate --- I I tJj I► z )1. G. Evensen---- 25,000 J 0,000 226,000 208,2i0 3,1,990 ~Iidland N. Min pl!>.; 2d N .• Minot. R. L. Peterson ____ _ Agnes o. ·el.on 10,000 10,000 150,000 125,000 25.000 1st .N. and ·orthw. N., Minpls. 1'5,000 6,000 120,000 133,000 15,000 ~1idland N .. Minpls.: Northw. N., Grand Forks: 0 1st N., Fargo. ~ 25,000 15,000 350,000 320,000 10,000 9,000 85,000 35.000 Chac:e N .• r, Y.; Northern State, Grand Forks:~ 1st N ., Min pis. and St. P. ,.,. 95,000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.: Northern State, o Grand Forks. 10,000 25.000 300,000 275.000 A. Egeland __ _______ c. IL Alcock _______ ,B. Svee____________ J. G. Lookinbill , ' E. O. Eneesather __ . J. O. Eniesaiher __ ·II. H. Encesather__ 15,000 10,000 280,000 265,000 10.000 8,000 126,000 127,000 A. R. Swend eid ___ P. E. Johnson _____ Clarence wendseid J. W. M. Nash , J oho De Krey _____ H. J. Bernard _____ Wm. I. Hurley ____ · 25,000 2(),000 200,000 255,000 10,000 14,800 132,000 165,370 • 'el 01 on _________ M. G. Pederson ___ H. W. Pease_______ 20,000 16,000 240,000 260,000 C. H. 10.000 12,630 163.910 204.060 I Pekin ________ N.-lson D 13 13'\nk of Pekin _________ •.il'06 J. O. Johnson----- .John W. Bliss _____ Pop.107 11~m ·r. P. Bye _ _ _ o. c. Berg ________ , I 1 ~ VJ I "1 Pembina ___ Pembina B 15 Merchants Bank: -------•U-98. 0. B. Harris _______ ' Welford -- J. A. Wilkins ______ •E. J. Ryan ________ _ Pop. 02 77~78 , Penn ________ Hamsey O 12 Penn State Bank ________ if'03 A. J. Mitchell F. . Ila rding - ---- C. M. Peterson ___ L. II. Ge sner _____ _ J. H. Gessner Pop. 200 77~70 -----1 90,000l :g (n Per h _______ Towner B 10 Bank of Perth _________ .U'0l Adam Hannah----- C. C. Gergen _______ M. N. Gerien ______ A. J. Wallerius ---Pop. 218 77-425 Towner County Bank --•:1'02 F. c. Rother _______ 77-424 Peter burg __ Nf'lson O 14 · Farmers Staie Bank _____ if'06 IRobert Waar ______ fop. 367 77-296 " ________ " Fir t • ational Hank_•if '1900 L. B. Ray--------·_ 77-295 Pettibone ____ Kfrlrter F 10 Pettibone State Rank ___ tf'l 0 D. D. McKee ______ Pop. 130 77-72Q I Pill bury _________ BarnP Pillsbury State Hank ___ •t§'ll lW. J. mith _______ Pop. 142 F.: 14 i7-i25 Pingree ___ StulSman E 12 Citizens State Bank _____ i§'10 R. A. Simp on _____ Pop. 2 2 77-406 " ______ " Plniree State Hank ----•t1'05 H. T. Graves ______ 77-405 1 Pisek _________ Walsh o H Pisek tate Bank ______ _•tf'02 1Georee E. Towle ___ Pop. 300 77~80 Plaza ______ Monntrail D 5 First National Rauk _____ •t·10 R. W . .Akin ________ Pol). 34::i 77-421 ____ ---· Pioneer Stat.e Bank _____ •!§'06 J. S. Johnson ______ 77-422 'Pleasant Lake ____ Benson Bank ot Plea.c,an\ Lak.e._U'05 J. H. Carley---·--1 'PO'D, (}I) O 10\ 11~l'.\ o '."ttt o ....~a"t .... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M.a.9 ~ ,a"-ex I imp on _____ 0. A. Hund ________ C. M. Loberg------ A. Il. De Nault ____ A. L. White _______ K. McCarthy ______ 10.000 7,500 142,480 123,440 L.B. McKean ______ C. J. McKean ______ , )1. E. Mc harry --- 15,000 3.200 1:57,000 148,000 A. Peterson ________ O. F. Obon ________ _________ __________ 1 L. R. Linder A. . Dosseth _____ O. O. DossetL ______ M L. Glarum______ Esther 'elson J. . Ullanu _______ IJ. M. Nash ________ G. ll. Markley____ 25,000 -15,000 ,75.000 274,000 10.000 10.000 210,000 239,C00 60,000 6::i,000 I 10,000 2,300, !» 100,000 1st N ., Minpls. 1 I C/l I~ 65,000 1Chase .. N. Y.; 1st N., Minols. and Grand ,.,. Forks. r4 15,000 1st N., St. P .. Grand Forks and Minpls, ~ ,,, 22,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; 1st N. and Bkrs. N ., Minpls,; " orth w. N .. Grand Forks. 12,100 1Nor;h w. N ., Min pis.; 1st N ., Bismarck and Fargo. 30.000•N. Park, N. Y.: .Torthw. N. and :Midland N., M.mpls .: 1st N .. Hopf'. 24,800 1 t .. Far!!O and t. P.; Far. & Merch. N .. Jam!' town., . , , ...... 32.460 Am. Ii,x. i .. N. Y.: 1st N ., Mm pis. and St. P.; 1 ro Jamee: J{iver ' ...Jamestown. 1~ 22,000 1st N ., Miu pis. and <frand Forks. : c: j ro 85,000 N. ~le. Com .. N. Y.; 1st N., Mi ls.; City N .. ,~ 81:-marrk. 1~ 26.000I Cont. & Com_'l .• Chi.: ,Nor_thw. N. and llid- , _ ~ Tland '. , Mmpl~.: 1st N .. 131 ·marck. 1 , ,ooo Northw. N., Mm:ols.: 1st N ., Grand Forks I tv 1 and St. P. ..... Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence "° 'P\easantl.Ake. __ .Ben11on Bank.of Pleasan\ Lalte._U'05 \J. H. Carley _______ J. S. Ullanu _______ J.M. Na h ________ G. H. Markley____ Pol).~ 11~~1 10,000 2,300 60,000 6::i,000 1 7,000 rorthw. N., .Minvls.; 1st N., Grand and St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1079 .N'amber under !fame of Bau fa Ui• !few TramH Namlte, a:fYea to aoh bank in u. 8. e:1clu1IYely by The Baod-lfcNally Bauer•• Dlree&ory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. TOWN .I.ND COUNTY. \ I . I NAU OP' HANK, LIABILITTEi;!. IA. N. Beiseker _____ W. E. Yetzirer _____ IR. C. Klinkenberg_ A. E. Schneider __ __I S J. . ' PORTAL 1 \i~. W. Rede 1 J. H. Lucken______ r Olaf Nelson ______ _ I 1 FIRST STATE ll8NK---•H'06 77 25 - , Linwell's State Bank--•t1'03 77-255 Heed e r ______ _ Adams G 3 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Pop. 258 77-453 •U'08 First National Bank ______ e'l0 77-454 -----First State Bank _______ •u•og . 77-452 Regan ______ Burleigh E 8 Farmers State Bank ____ t§"18 Pop. 202 · 7i-996 .. ----" , First State Bank ________ U'l2 77-750 I{ I I 3,110 $ 145,130 S 141,780 $ 10,000 ~ I 62,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.: lstN. and Midland N., 8,040 314,0401 323,230 23,840 ,1st N. and Rep. State, .Minp1s. 371,730 56,89G IChase X., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! X. , Chi; 0 Northw. N., ~inpls, :::tJ 40,000 N., .Mmpls.; Am. N., St. P.: 2d i, 1 M.inpls.;lstN.,St.P. 371.700 20,000 5,000 250,000 210,000 5,000 250,000 295,000 }{. J. Young Mary E. Johnson__ 10,000 4.000 180,000 130,000 V{. C. Grace ______ _ 10,000 • 6,430 82,370 !ll,380 3,550 116,000 110,000 15,000 10,000 2,500 85,400 84,500 4,000 275,000 265,000 C. W. McGEE---- LOUI\ T. HAGEN -- 0. M. OPDAHL _____ -------------------- 10.000 5,000 220,000 191,500 Nin:~~: O. H. Erickson ____ Eva Atkins________ 2! N.. 20,000 1st _N .. ~inpls., _St. P., an_cl Grand Forks: Kan- :Z:: , d1yoh1 Co., Willmar, )hnn. 50,000 Midland N ., Minpls.: Scan. Am., Fargo. t:, 8,590 Stock Yds. N .. So. St. P.; 1st N .. Mandan: ~ Brown Bros. State Ilk. & Tr. Co., Aberdeen. n 22,000 Midland N •• ~inpl ·.: 2d N., ~linot: 1st N., Q lli\marck and Ilar\'ey._ "i 15,000 1st N. and State Dep.,,.\I!11nls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.: 1st N .. \\ 1lliston. 24,000 ls\N,, Minpls; Capital ~., St. P. > a, 25,000 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Williams Co. State, Willi ton. Save time and g ~er,1,eE!n Coll ectloos and Credi t Reports by sen dins FEE IN ADV A.N CE: Plain si6ht d raft•, l Sc; Cred it Report•, 50c. Rainbow \'alley Farm Mortsases i netting Go/oTRY US. A. Bjork _________ , ,· 42,850 10,000 !F. W. Pile _________ _ 25,000 L.B. McFarlin ---V. L. Megow M. V. LinwelL ____ W. II. LinwelJ _____ A. P. Linwell E. B. Page _________ 1E. H. P<i2'0-------1 C. J. Phelan _______ ! Emil Scow ______ Messenger J. H. Wishek ______ M. Krebsbach _____ . I C. F. Lindsey ______ J. F. Drav. ;er _____ 0. L. 11:Ulren_______ 1J. S. Johnson _____ _ __ 25.000 205,500 25,000 I _ _ _ __ __ 250,000 Theo. J. Vaaler __ _ !i _ 2,000 ~1. "9•. Arndt_______ E. F. Raddatz - ---- ~ '<: h:l Adolph Garnes ____ ' ' S:: PRINCIPAL O0UE8PONDENTS. 26,460 Northw. N ., M.inpls.: 2d N .• Minot. i • ·• .&.ND I P. NELSON---- I. 0. IELSOI----- T. A. IELSOI------ LEO BALDWIN ---- , 011 your l 1 tem■ for prompt, efl1clent attentl on. • Bl.I{ -• tl'02 l, ~od ST.TE ..., nrst Farm Ho . rtsagea nettlnir 1%• _,,. ' I W• ~• ndt. . ho lee farm land• In the rteheat H<tlo o or Norih Dakot ,"• 1 ________ RESOURCES. ....... J>a. CA••••· Dar~ lfl c~ ao..... -..-,Dn PROFITS _ _ _ ~ no•.B.uru _ _ __ 10,000 $ , Portland _______ Tram D 15 Farmers National Bank-•t 16 \o. N. Hesken ______ . Martm Solberg ____ A. A. Koppang _____ .. Pop. 623 .. i\First . Na1.1onal . 77-1142 • . , -------Bank _____ i 86 K. A. WadeL ______ , S. J. Smith _______ P. M. Paulson _____ 77~82 : Powers Lake ___ BurkeB 4 First State Bank _______ •tf'09 A.H. Lundquist ___ !Otto Bremer _______ T. P. Borren ______ Pop. 251 77-358 1 I State Bk.of Powers Lake . D. N. Tallman _____ F. A. RinkeL _____ w. F. Hanks ______ 77-3511 •U'OD 1 Prosper ________ cass E 16 1Prosper State Bank _____ U'l3 O. K. Hanson _____ H.J. Hagen ______ 1H. E. Johnson ____ 1 Poo. 200 77-808 I Raleigh ________ Grant G 7 First Security Bank _____ t5'12 !F. A. Brown, Jr. __ P. M. Brown _______ P. J. Rausch ______ Pop. 150 77-754 1 Ranb ________ MrLean D 5 Pioneer State Bank _____ t§'17 Aug. Peterson _____ C.H. Christiansen_ Geo. J. Ranum ____ Pop. 100 77-970 1 Rawson ___ McKenzie C 8 Farmers State Bank ___ •:§'13 Adam Hannah _____ C. S. Mickelson ___ Iver Mickelson ____ Pop. 100 77-825 Ray _________ Williams O 3 Farmers Bank _________ et§"05 Adam Hannah _____ L. E. Peterson ____ C. F. Peterson _____ Pop. 563 77-256 •• i» IPuo-vr\SVBPL.Ubl I •Coun\y 8~ts. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SS~te PRESIDENT. YICE-PRJ:sIDENT OASHill. .Ass'T OASBill, Entire State m o. 9 tMPm, State Bks. Assn. +Priv. , · C.&.PIT.&.L Federal Reserve District. ♦ Mem. Fed. Re. [lLtah. \- - - - - -- i -- -- -- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Por:aL ________ Burke B 5 First tnterna\ional Bk._•tf'02 Pop. 454 77-224 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tbfs volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::J NORTH DAKOTA-Continued .,,I 0 10,000 7,500 135.000 100,000 40,000 1st N., llinpls. and Williston. 10,000 6.000 114,450 100,810 18,970 11idland N .• Minpls.; Capital N., St P.; Merch. N., Dirkin~on. 20,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., .Minpls. 25,000 20,500 150,000 215,000 W. T. Krebsbach __ Charles Lampland _ 25,000 10,000 310,000 258,000 0. R. Vold _________ John Langdahl __ _ 15,000 ------ 141,000 140,000 A. L. Garnes _______ .W. B. Richard on_ 10,000 7,500 86,480 90,330 1; Reean State Bank _______ u·12 IP. 0. Remington ___ O. M. RPmin~ton __ Arnold Gerberding IS O. Le Barron ... 77-752 J . .A. Graham 10,000 7,400 98,870 87,620 Regent_ ____ HeU.inger G 4 First State Bank _______ •il'lo IS. W. BiJL. ... ____ J. P.J ungers ______ A. O. Goldtrap__ L. A.. Lane ________ _ .. Pop. 262 ,. 77-362 • ' • • 1 - ------Regent Statellank ______ tf 10 G. R. Larson ______ C. \\. Her~t1en ____ W. F. Griswold ____ M.A. Borchard ___ _ 25,000 3,000 145,600 143,000 23,000 Merch. N., St. P.; lstN., M.inpls. 10,000 4.500 150 ooo: 136,000 1 59,00:) 22,000 1st N., Mint>ls.: Northern N., Fareo: Stork Yrts. N ., So. Rt. P ; Brown Bros. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Aberdeen. 12,000 Morch. N., St . .P.: lstN .. Fargo. I 77-363 I i Rcve ... e ___ _ _Griggs E 13 State Bank of Revere ___ tf '12 C, Reite ___________ R. L. Jones ________ L. O. Skjelset ________________ P op. 30 77-783 ___ _ R ey11ol<ls ___ Grand Forks l?ir ·t National Bank _____ :j:'09 S. N. Thompson ___ IJohn K. Rosholt-- W. F. Buck _______________ Pop. 389 D 16 77-2&5 I 1 STATE BINK OF REYIOLDS / 77-264 ~ . . ·:, •:1'91 MANY PAR POINTS IN OUR_ PAR LIST . SEND FOR IT . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis jff,dtsr!:S~!ri !?ft~tt_COLLIIS JOHI MURPHY---- ,-a~·silftUUBE ~ V, G. W. Kirkeby ____ Geo. A. Deering __ _ jG. L. > 2! 10,000 4.500 , 25,000 ;:;,ooo i 60,000 60,000 Northw. N. and Midland N .. Miopls.: Mercb. N .. St. P.: Aberdeen N., Abe~deen. 10,000 l t N., St. P.: Capital Sec.ur., Bismarck. ...."1e_ .... 0 ~ ~ '< g 6,260 Northw. N., .Minpls.: 1st N., Bismarck:; Merch . N .. Fargo. - Q. 11,290 Midland, llinpls.; City N., Bismarck. (I) 1 25 000 I • SO.DUO! FIFTEES CENT S st-nt to us with each sight draft f ,r presentation, Jand TWENTY-nl'E CENTS for each c redlt report lnsur · esprompt, person al atteo tlon. 200,000 200,000 we.,,, I 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N .• Minpls.; Northern State, 1 Grand Forks. I 475,000 65,000 Chase ~-,N. Y.: Corn TEx. N .. Chi.: ~st N., St. and Grand Forks: ~ orthw. N., Mmpls. CONTINENT AL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS P•i.0 l~ i H ICAGO -- = -- ··- --~- = Number under Name or -- - Bank ia the New Transit Number pven l'llon-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- to each bank in U. S. exclmllYelf by The &and-MeNally Bankers• NORTH DAKQT A C t· d duxed Arccs.), Lawyer·, Laws (indexed) in bark of this 1080 =====Dlree===to=r=J•=u=n=;=d=er=tb=e=a=u=t=h=o=rl:::::t=f=o=f=T=b::e=A;=-m=e=rl=c=a=n=Ba=n..::k=e=r=s;==A=ss=•n=.=====;========;=:==;=-==0=ll=:=1ll=U=e=:==:::::..:....====::;===v=o=lu::::m==-e For Interest_R_a_t_es.!_l!?lld~_s_,_e_tc_.,_sce L~~~~ TOWN A.ND OOUNTT. I NAHi: OP' BANK. LtaH1L1T1ES. •Oount,Seats. •M:em.Am.Bks.Assn.lS ta te l PRESIDENT. VICJCPRKSIDKNT Entire State in No. 9 !Mf'm. StatP Rks. Assn.t Priv. · Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Re • (Estab. - - - - - - - 1 Rhame G2 -Pop._Bowman 302 OASBill:ll · AL PBOl'ITB f. W. STEVENS----- OLE PAULSON------FIRST STATE BANK---•U'08 1 toe to be sent with each colleet 77-446 collection over I f25.00 and 25c ror i OLDEST BANK IN RB.AME. Far l{E'">0UltlEti. - P IStrRPLUBID c~;UP A.ND EPOS-'TOASHIER. L. M. ANDERSON---- GEO. S. GORDHAMER-- $ 20,000 Ion of less than I 25.00 and 25c for every each credit repor t. m Mort.gages Ne gotfated and Sol d. ~ 10,000 274,000 2,780 15,000 JOHN MUGGLI _______ G. M. MUGGLI-------25.000 I *5'06 • Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports bf send Ing I FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain •i,ht draft•. I Sc; Credit Report.. SOc. TRY US. Richardton •• -- Stark 11" 5 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'l 7 Albert KoeseL ____ Lee Hoff ________ J. F. Schafer ______ Albert KoeseL __ _ 1 Pop. 626 77-967 R. J. Fleck F. J. Keller 30,000 ' iANTON MUGGLI ---- JOS. KIUER------- 1.o..n&D,a- 0 " 11 I 0 000 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. •.r:x- ,r'Ta. Bo,ro,, csna•.lm no.. B.o.JllUI 811CU&rrru ;$ 243,000 62,000 Northw. N. and 1st N •• Minpls.; .4.berdcen N.• Aberdeen, s. D.; 1st N., st. P. 217,830 225,500 14,260 1st N.. Minpls. and Dickinson; 1st N., Bismarck; N. Bk.Com.,St.P. 550,6-10 561,700 62,400 Chase N., N. Y.: Northw. N., M:inpls.: 1st N .. St. P. and ~landan. I MERCHANTS STATE BAIIK 77-lU z 0 I ;ti ! Rocklake _,_Towner B 11 -FlrstNationalBank _____ •t'05 T, W. Hawkin~on_ Andrew Foley _____ E. J. Langley ____________ Pop. 238 77--683 ; " ________ " Rock Lake State Bank _t§'l6 T. J. Dougherty ___ Chas. A. Jahnke ___ H.B. Gray _________ James Doueherty __ 77-927 Rogers _______ Barnes E 13 First. State Bank. _______ etf'05 , Nels Larson _______ M. 0. Gra.npard ___ A. M. Kiland ------ -------------------- 25,000 19,8-10 183,260 217,()30 · 28,790 Chase N., N.Y.: 1st N .. Minpls. and Fargo, ~ :i: 20,000 3,750 112,000 145,350 11,000 ·ortllw. N., Mm pis.; 1st N., Fargo. 25,000 21,500 262,880 309,5!0 J8,680 1st N .. Minpls., St. P., and Valley City. 25,000 9,200 250,000 280,000 14,000 1st N .. St P. and Dedls Lake. 15,000 4,900 150,000 RoJla _______ Rolette B 10 1Farmers & Merchants Bank A. 0. Graham ____ O. I. F. Waener ____ Jas, A. Brown _____ Frank Brown _____ _ Pop. 675 77-194 U'Oi 25,000 15,720 179,440 140,060 Firt Tatio1nl B-rnk ____ •t'88 W. N. Steele ______ F. A. Foley ________ Robert Fraser _____ Osr,arIIjcit-------- 25,000 30,900 263,930 252,i00 40,440 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., M:inpls. 10,000 9,000 160,000 148,000 15,000 8,250 106,-110 111.660 14,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Capital N., St P.; State ~ Dep., Minnls. ::r I» 33,570 Union N .. Minot: Am. N., t. P.; Far. & :Merch, State, New Ulm, Minn. C, 10,000 3,000 112,0001 104,000 I Pop. 173 • 77--684 1 I I Rolette _____ RoleUe B 10 First National Bank---•t' 09 A. .&i?eland ________ W. F. Robertson ___ R. D. Whitney---- Cora Thiele------Pop. 409 77-270 _______ " ROLETTE STATE BANK- U'05 L. I. Langness _____ Ludvig Anderson __ E. S. Swanson _____ ·-----------------77-271 . . State Banlt of Rolla ____ tf'02 Adam Hannah _____ R. H. Bntterwick_ F. W. Thayer ______ W.R. Drewry _ _ I 11-m : Roseglen ____ McLean D 6 Roseelen State Bank --•t§'l6 W. G. Connors _____ Otto Bremer _______ W. V. Deleen ______ F. H. Connors __ _ Pop. 50 77-059 A. J. Grace I ' no . _______ l(ountrall O, State Bank of Ross ___ if'05 G. F. OarDenter ____ Joseph Langer ____ L. L. Evje _____ A.O. Hage ________ _ Pop. 1i5 I 77-364 , Rote _______ Boitineau B 8 State Bank or Hoth _____ if'07 S. B. Qvale _______ G. S. O1?ren _____ II. H. Gravseth ____ I.E. Gravseth ____ _ Pop. 75 7i--685 I •Rugby ________ Pierce O g Citizens State Bank: ______ f'06 T. D. Thorson _____ Ben Baer _________ II. 0, Lyngstad ____ L. e ·sing · --·----Pop. H24 77--65 . MERCHANT S BANK ----•U D7 77--G4 " ________ " 77--66 I }'EE IN ADV AN CE: Sight drafts, rmnimum; RelJable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. I o. B. Berreson ___ '' 7,:500 325,000 r+ 0 12.500 1st N .. M:inpls.: Northern State. Grand Forks. ~ 15,000 Am. N., St. P. 286,000 45,000 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 6-1,270 Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co., Buffalo; ls~ N., St. P. and Gr:\no Forks; 1st '., Minpls. 28,200 1 t N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.: City .. Bismarck. 9,500 1st. N .. Mmpls.; Merch. N., St. P. ettie E. Ellingson Olga Christenson __ 20,000 7,940 370.360 334,020 L.A. Crowell ______ P. G. Heintz _______ 0. A. Moe ________ ------------------ 10,000 4,440 132,490 126.730 . C. J. Lofgren _____ O. E. Peterson _____ L. A. Ruhen _______ II. O. Peterson ---- '< 0. 25,000 5,000 150,000 170,000 H. N. Dyste ------- George Peterson -- 20,000 2,1 0 73,720 121.990 12,220 Bk. of Brookings, Brookings; I t N., Fareo; I» ::s Capi al N., St. P. J. R. Jones ________ 1H. L. Greene _______ L. S. Sanderson ____ ----------------- ·- 10,000 10,000 150,000 140,000 50.170 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 25,000 30,000 300,000 250,000 20,000 5,000 131,320 li0,320 40,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Midland ., 1 t N., and • orthw. N .. Minpls.; 1st" ., Bismarck. 1.0 10,970 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.: 2d N., Minot. • •. J. Jacob ·on ____ 1c. T. Nelson ______ 77--680 D 6 First National Rank ______ t '08 A ueust Peterson ___ : R. W. Akin ________ : C. ll. Christiansen_ E. M. Lomen _____ _ \ 77-3111 , " First State Bank ________ t1'06 H. C. Miller ________ ,\, Miller----------! 0. J • Franze _______ -------------------' ii-US I r_ _________ Ward Pop. 4 3 ______ 12,200 1st N., Minpls.: Union N .. Minot. 79.000 , 150,000 I C, "'1 20,000 m unmum charge if p aid. 1 Uyd 80,000 170,000 {w. C. MCCLINTOCK - E. R. REITSCH -----· 15c J, G. f!'cCLINTOCK--- A. A. OPATZ- ------25c Security Bank ---------•U'OO 0. T. Tofsrud ______ RusO-------- McLean D 8jFirst State Bank ________ tf'06 Pop. 120 77-687 Ru· cJL __ Bottineau B 1 First State Bank _______ .u·o5 1 Pop. 119 77--688 Ru l:md _____ saricent G 15 Farmers State Bank ___ u-19 Pop. 291 77-1019 " _______ " First Slate nank _______ etf'05 4,300 5,000 ~ c,; 3 I 10,000 I ~ > tn 80,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N., > z Grand Forks. 25,000 0 30,000 Porthw. N., M:inpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. I 77-1112 0 > ~ ~ I I» "'1 '< - - t>J Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Numbu onde, Name of Bank is the J!few TramH Numbel' give.n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in U. S. excJuslvely by The Kand-MeNaDy Bankers• ._ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), I.awyers, Laws (inq_exed) in back of thi Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence \a6ex 1081 TOWN Number under Name or Bank is the l'few Tranaft Nombel' given to each bank in U. S. exeluslvely by The Kand-McNally Bankers' Dlrectol'f, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. .um COUNTY. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BankJng .Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thJ ' ,olume. For Int~~e!-. Holidays, etc., see~~ ~ NORTH DAKOTA-Continued NAME OF BANK, LIABILITIES. ' RESOURCES. •County Seats. •Mem.Am.Bk.s.Assn. lState PRMIDENT. VICJC-PRBSIDDT. 0A.8RID.'T CA.SHIER. P..un-up\su:~us DEPos-: 1,o,...a,o... Entire State in No. 9 tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. CAPITAL PROFITS ITB c~, :::F.:::ed=.e::.:ral=-R=es::::e::..rv:...:e::...:D=is~tr:.:.:ic:..:t::•i• ..:..:.~::::.10:::m==-.F=--ed=·..:.R:.:.:e:::::s:_•_.!:.lE=s:.:ta=.b:::·:i--------l--------l--------l --------l--- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sanborn-••• .Barnes F 13 Bank of Sanborn_··---·•U-13 Ferd. Noecker··-- F. E. Stephan-·-·- Fred E. Stephan ••• A. L. Stephan •.•• S 15,000 S Pop. 391 77-802 Henry C. Stephan FIRST IIATIOIIAL BANK 7Hi90 •t'06 Sanger •..••.•. Oliver E 8 Farmers Exchange State Bk. Pop. 100 77-890 i§'l5 Sanish •.••• Mountrail C 4 Pop. 337 LouisMalm •••••• -. C.O.Laneer .•.•••• H.J.Malm ..••.•.• A.O. Siverson.... 25,000 o. 10,000 FARMERS SJ~TE BAIIK•t§'l5 17 881 L. Eneen ..••••• A. L. Garnes ....•• Jno. J. Huff _ _ . Geo. R. Laugen... JOURGEN OLSON··- L. J. PALDA, JR ....... J. E. ERICKSEN- .... ···-·-·---······10,000 C. I. SMITH Save time and g et service on Coll eettons and Credi t Reports by send Ing { FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain •irht dr aft•. 1 Sc; Credit Reports, 50c. Farm Loans au d other short tlm e paper negotiate d. ~ '<. _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 5,400 $ 200,000 $ 175,0001 $ 27,500 N. City, N. Y.: Northw. N., Minpls.; Bk. of ~ Valley City, Valley City: Northern N .. t..;> Fargo. ...,. 24,960 239,490 212,3101 58,290 Cont.&Com'lN.,Chi.; lstN.,Minpls., St.P., and Fareo. 2,500 85,000 75,000 13,500 1st N., St. P., Mandan, Minpls .. and Bismarck. 15,000 245,000 32,000 Bkrs. N., Minpls.; Union N., Minot; Met., St. P. 231,000 T RY US. 15,000 1,000 9.0,000 99,060 D. F. McLaughlin •• H. A. Grimshaw·- L. R. Johnson •.••• I. A. Marlette G. E. Towle-······ B. K. Mowry .... - . 0. P. Gaymon .•..• EvaBassinethwaite 10,000 29,000 100.000 102,000 25,000 13,000 115,000 141,000 J. E. Tomemire .• _ F. S. Tomemire •••. Henry Listerud.... • ••. ····--········· 25,000 5,000 185,220 169,050 w. C. Drake ····-- 16,000 6,000 141,000 131,000 55,960 Cont.~ 9om'l N,.. Ohi.; liit N .• Minpls .. and St. P.; C1t1~. Com I Tr. Co., Buffalo. • . 20,400 1st N .. M:mpls.; Am. N., St. P.; 2u.N., Mmot. E. W. Christopher. Karl Christopher .. 10,000 10,000 192,000 140,000 40,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; Northw. N., Minpls. t:12 W. A. Shaw··-··· T. Finsness ••••••.• R. J. List. ••••••••• N. J. SW&Dson_ .... 25,000 25,880 280,620 31 ,250 15,000 2,000 130,000 133,000 15,000 - - - · 67,000 75,000 37,960 Live St~ck Ex. N., Ohi.; 1st N. and Northw. N .. Mmpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen, S. D.; ~ I·tN .. St.P. 6,000 1st N .. Mobridr,re, S. D.: 1st N., Minpls.; Capital Clll N.,St. P. 7,000 1st N., Mandan: Midland N., Minpls. Cll 132,000 105,700 37,500 1st N., Minpls. and Fareo. 25,000 Cont & Com'! N., Ohi.; 1st N .• Minpls. and ~ Dickinson. :, 10,000 :N". City, Chi.: ~orthw. N .. M:inpls. "' Ole Eneebretson .• Ole Dahle-·-·_ Ole Engebretson-· H. c. Hjerleid ...•• c. A. Christopher. Selfridge •••..• Sioux H 7 Citizens State Bank •••• _t§'l6 D. N. J(•nes ..••••. Robt. Gwyther •.•• J. A. Na.eel.. •.•••• M. G. Redman •• -. Pop. 153 77-962 " Selfridge State Bank - •• t§'l5 Jos. P. Hess •.•••.• Geo. W. Janda ••.. J. J. Stasek ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••. 77·906 elz .••••• - •• Pierce O g Farmers State Bank •••• U'l2 J. J. Reimer •.....• Aue. Peterson ••.•. A. J. GoosP.n_ ••••.. ··-···---····· Pop. 250 77-771 c sen inel Bntte •••• Golden First Nation&! Bank •.•• •t·IO Valley .Pop. 292 ••••• F 2 77--484 . . .. ··-··-" Interstate Bank of Bil~fgs County .. 77-483 ······-••' 03 Sharon ••••••. Steele D 14 Citizen State Bank ••. •:1'07 Pop. 362 77-338 ·--··" First National Bank .•••. •:·02 77-317 Sheldon •••• Ransom F 16 Farmers State Bank •••. U'09 Pop. 321 77-290 First Natio~trsink •••• •i·1n 1 C: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. J, E. Ericksen ..•.. P. S. Sigurdson .••. - - - · · - - - Peoples Sta~~-~;nk .•... i§'l7 Jourgen Olson~ .• 3 Sarles •••••• Cavalier B 11 Farmers & Merchants State J. J. Mccanna .•••• Pop. 318 Bank •••• 77-740 •.•••• •i§'l2 .. " State Bank of Sarles ••. •i§'05 C. B. McMillan ••••• 77-691 sawyer·····-·· Ward D 7 First State Bank •.•...•. i1'06 Pop. 241 77-329 " Sa-wyer Sta1 ~ \ik••••.• U'O.t 7 3 Scrant on •••• Bowman GS Bank of 8cranton •••.•. Jl'09 Pop. 353 77--428 " First National Bank .••. •i·oo 77-427 lc . ,B"&""::,,''..8:;:,• w. C. Stuhr ••.•••• 10,000 7,000 15,000 1st N., Minols. 15,800 1st N., Mint>ls. and St. P.; Northw. N., t:::, Grand Forifs. . . 25,000 Cont. & Com IN .. Ohl.: 1st N.,Mm0ls.; Merch . .,.. N .. St. P.; Northern State, Grand Forks. > Q ➔ > ~ s» ::, tr ··········-···-··· 25,000 20,000 180,000 175,000 A.L. •.••... J. F. :Martin-·-··-- R. K. Foley ••••••. J. F. Foley •.•• -·· 10,000 25,000 100,000 1 100,000 James Simpson, Jr. Carl A. :Meldahl. ... Albert O. Christen• Wm. Simpson-···· sen Hazel McCrea Alexander Ourry ••• I. K. Bakken ••••.• O. H. Olson .••••.. P.H. Gilbertson.E. s. Dnea M. B. Greene •••••. J. E. BeLL:son ... ___ T. L. Wiper •••••••• E. B. Greene .• _ ••• Wm. Fraedrich G. 0. Kratt ••..••.. Obas. Schwenk ...• R.R. Kratt·-······ - - - - - - - 20,000 6,000 152,000 15,000 18,250 280,380 339,140 25,000 Northw. N. and Midland N., Minpls.; North-~ ern N ., Fargo. 34,380 Han.N.,N.Y.;lstN.,M.inpls.,St.P.,andFargo. H,000 21,000 250,000 250,000 35,000 Midland N., Minpis.; 1 t N., Fareo and St. P. ~ 25,000 8.500 200,000 190,000 19,380 1st N., M:inpls.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co .. Buffalo. R. J. Curtin ••.•..•• W. A. Hart. ••••••• . I 1 140,000 g6 5 CD Sherwood ••• Renville B 6 Firstlnternational Bankt§'04 F. E. Kenaston •.•. D. Ray Greee•••••. Pop. 423 77-327 (L.B. GARNAAS- ~: eyenne •••••• Bddy D 12 Pop. 500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t.-"~us····· o. o. Gilliland--·· 60,600 Cont. & Com'l N .• Ohi.; Northw. N .. .Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. John C. Campbell. 10,000 18,500 313,400 273,000 H. s. GRINDE ...... E. B. NORIN ...... . 25,000 50,000 466,540 1 563,470, 25,000 8,000 223,030 274,2-10 18,090 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Fareo; Merch. N., t. P. 12,000 8,000 298,000 284,000 24,000 Midland N ., Minpls.; Merch. N .• Fareo. t!.ik. I 16,040 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; 1st N., .Minpls. and St. P.; Northern N., Fareo. FARMERS & MEACH. BA~K { Patronize a sro wtni AS • 77- 246 •U 06 Prompt,efflcien t servtee on Colle cttons and BUI or Lading Drafts. Hieb-grade Nor th Dakota 8% Fa rm Mortca1es Ne gotlated. FIRST NATIONAL BlllK•tl900 II. P. Halver on_ •. B. Ostby •.......••. J. O. Severtson ••.. 1V. H. Thorstenson lver Olson, v ..P. 8. c. Hall Bertha Torkelson Ed. Nystrom Security Bank ....•.....:§'13 Frank White ••••.. C. V. Wilson ...••. J.E. Johnson ..••• A. N. Johnson .•••• 77-245 77-796 I Kamber ander Name or Bank lat.he New Tran•lt Number sinn Dll'eetelT, ander the authority of The American Bankers Au•n. ! NAME OF liA 'K, TOWN AND O0UNTY, VICE· p RESIDENT. PRESIDE."iT, •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §S~tel •Ooauu Seats. Entire State in No. g tMPm, State Bks. Assn. +Priv. (E,tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Federal Reserve District. ♦ Mem Fed. Re.;. 1 ShieldS-------- ~rant G 7 Shields State Bank ___ eu•10 77-694 Pop. 12«> 1 c. E. Merritt _____ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thlsivolume. For Jntere •t Rate•, Holiday , otc., see Laws. ~ NORTH DAKOT A-Conti·nued w eub bank in U. B. eii:clu1Jhel1 by The Rand-McNallJ Hanken• C • C ss T SuRPLUs AND b.uo-uP APITAL Paor1Ts ASHIER. 1 _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OEPOS- I '"'•N••no..""· c'To. ITS t111Cl1amu 1 E. F. Berkner _____ P. E. Rasmussen ___ IC. 0. Levorsen ___ $ 10,000 S 6,250 80,000 86,000 1 10,000 2,500 10,000 10,000 155,000 M. E. WILSON--- C~A- l(IRKEBY ---- ANTON LALLUM ___ i ___________________ , T EO. E. WILSON 15,000 5,000 155.000 ' Pop. 22a MOISE RIVER VALLEY BANK---- 77-388 -----•t1'03 B4lnl■ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 95.000 $ 12,000 N. Citv. Chi.; StockYds. N.,So. St. P.;Northw. N ,, ~linpls. Simcoe-----MrHenrv O 8 First State Bank ______ §'15 L. J. Rodman ______ Thome Hystad ____ A. R. Kumm_____ A. S. Kumm______ 77-880 Pop. 58 Solen __________ 1'ioux G 8 Solen State Bank _______ i§•13 A. 0. Schimansky _ B. G.J. Schimansky R. B. McDonald __ James Zelenka____ 77-820 Pop. 200 BS ... 0 .. 98,000 $ 15,000 · N ,......,. '"· l'lu.Naa,,Duo 7,000 $ 77-816 oa.ris_____ Bot!aneau l>fl, 1 1 SiJva __________ Pierce C 9 First State Bank ________ :::§'13 T. D. Thorson _____ O. A. Reiling ______ A.O. Barstad __:_ ___ Entene Romine___ Pop. 125 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, KE8OURl 'M,. : l,lA.l:IJLJTJJ:<:S. ' A ASHIER, I l 95,ooo l 90,000 160,000 II 130,000 Save time and g e servlt'eoo Colle rtloos and Credit Reports by sendl nit TRY U S. FEE IN AD\'.A.N CE: Plain ai11iat drafts. 1 Sc: Cred ,, Reports, 50c. 5,800 Am. N., St. P,: 2d N., Minot. Z 15,000 N<:Jrlhw. N., Minpls.; Williams Co. State, WillQ . 1ston. . 15,000 1st N .. Mmpls. and Bismarck; Stock Yds. N., :-0 ~ So. St. P. 30,000 • orthern State.Grand Forks: State Bk. Com., Midland N., and 1st N., Min pis. C, > of ~ 15,000 20,000 162.0..1 182,000 10,0001I 7,000 02.000! 85,000 13.300 jlst N ., Minpls.; Northern Sta1.c, Grand Forks. South Heart_ __ Stark F 3 First State Bank ________ if'l3 Frank Krueger ____ J. F. McEntee _____ B. 0 . Thorkelson ________________ _ 77-803 Pop. 100 Spiritwood _____ Stutsman Spiritwood State Bank:_•if'06 H. T. Graves ____ A. B. De Nault _ _ A. J. Rulon _______ E. M. Davies ______ _ 77~116 F 12 Pop. 250 pring Brook ___ Williams Sprin2 Brook State Bk.•.U '09 J. H. Cooper ______ W. S. Davidson ____ Jacob Widmann ___ Margaret Horne __ _ 77~97 C2 Pop. !l3 10.000 3,000 120,000 72,000 45,000 1Merch. N., Dickinson: N., Minpls. 10.000 9,000 160,000 140,000! 10,000 3,670 72,220 71,000 tadJ _________ Divide B 2 First State Bank ________ ;t§'OO A.. 11. Eckmann ____ N. N. Landro _____ H. C. TapJ)On ____ P. W. Tappon _____ 10,000 8,050 1 85,0001 107,000 20,000 5,000' State B&nk: or Souris._:it'Ol :s. B. QvaJe ________ G. S. 02ren _____ Benj. Iverson ____________________ _ R. D. 02ren 77-387 outbam ____ Ramsey C 12 Southam State Bank: ____ t§'l2 B. E. Burt--------- Isabel Burt _______ 0. F. Ander on ____ Vivian Burt ______ _ 77-765 Pop. 75 77~98 Pop, 40 1.anley ___ Mountrail 0 5 Pop, 591 " ------ " CITIZENS STATE BAIIK •n·o7 77-200 iflRST NATIONAL BANK-•t·o3 ,I. BERTHA BOMAN -A. J. ROSS------- N. H. OLSON------ R. C. FENSTERMACHER l ~ 11:rnton ______ Roy \Yold _________ 1__________________ \\. G. Ho.ll.o . ~ , 77-11111 • lanton _____ Mercer E 6 Fwt State Bank _______ • .,§ 09 L. W. Miller _______ A. M. Pulles _______ 77-27g Pop. 325 nion State Bank -----•U-08 John Youn2------- W. A. Olson _____ , 77-278 tarkweathf'r_ ___ Ramsey Farmer:; Bank -----•W19 A. J. McLarty _____ P. P. Bottolfson ___ ! 77-1026 C 12 Pop. 302 First National Hank ____ •t·o2 . T. J. Doufherty ___ L. D. Maurer_ _____ " " i 77-409 tate Dank or, tarkweathn. F. H. Wellcome ___ Peter Traynor _____ :t§·o2 77-410 •Steele ______ Kinder F 10 Farmers & terrh. State Bank ~O. T. ~ess----- H. Orawford _______ 1'07 I 77-215 Pop. 5;i0 First National Bank ____ e;j:'98 · J. F. Robinson ____ J. r,, Taylor _______ 77-216 terling ____ Burlei2h F 9 terlinl? StatP Bauk _____ i5'07 1C. B. Little ________ II. P. Goddard _____ 77-69Q Pop. 200 tirum ______ sa~ent G 14 Stirum State Bank _____ •tf'08 1W. H. Cole ________ J. s. Ulland _______ 1 77-700 Pop. 200 t. John ____ Rolette B 10\St. J 01111 • late Bank ____ ;j:§'18 N. W. llawkin~ou __ W. J. Lichty_,----77 1001 460 _______ •U,14 . A. Fischer ______ )I. Van 'oe'L ____ G 9 First tate Bank ___ Emmons trasbnf2Pop. E. Kclll!r 77 856 Pop. b;j3 Bank ____ •i§'U M.A. Klein ____________________________ 'tatt! Gl'rmau " ________ " 77-1!43 \Security 1'tau• Bank ___ .t5•99 J. J. Baumfartner __ .M. Baumiartner ___ " " \ 77-702 I OR.'ttt DAKO't A Mai> on tndex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 300,,000 265.000 1-1.000 l lst N •. Minpls. anl Grand ForkS: Bk. Willmar, Willmar, Minn. ttl == 35,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Northw. N., Minpls.; James ~ River 1 T., Jamestown. ~ 20,400 1 t N .• Williston and St. P. r,n 6,000 ~lid land N., .M.inpls.; Wi1liams Co. State, Williston. 35,000 1st N., Minvls. and St. P.; l nion ••• )Hnot. ~ ::r ;· (J) I ""' 0 25,000 8,900 1 250,000 247,000 20.000 1st N. and Northw. N., .Minpls.; 2cl .1.·., Mino·, . . John Pulles _______ 1Martha Letznng___ 1 I Roy Seibert_ _______ c. Schell__________ 10,000 2,000 lH,000 32,000 1st N .. 11inpls. and Fargo; Capital Secur. and $1> rn 1st .. l:S1smarck'. 13,000 l t N .• Mandan; Midland N., Minpls. A. W. OmclahL--- 0. L. ~vidal _______ 185.000 12,000 --------- 80,000 70,000 15,000 • HO 102,600 105,200 Chas. A. Potter ____ Irene M. Dougherty 25,000 20,000 201.200 216.000 o. M. Lor2ren _____ -------------·------ 10,000 5,820 10-1,100 108,950 H. T. Johnson, ____ -------------- 10,000 6,580 101,810! 121,560 F. D. Jones ________ John Gunsallus____ 25,000 18,000 270,000 290,000 H. E. Wildfang ___ Edith Roth________ 12,500 8,000 U0,000 120,000 J. P. ~IcDermotL A. E. Ru ·sell____ 20.000 5,310 163,210 142,810 J. II. En~h ________ A. T. Sumner------ 25,000 1,200 110,000 112,000 J, S. Ficher ______ C. N. Fischer______ 15,000 5,000 325,000 300.000 w. o. Rowerdink .• ____________________ 10,000 3,000 90,000 75,000 J.P. Henn _________ M• .T 'Raoml!artner , M. Schroeder 25,000 10,0001 330,000 322,100 00 .., ""' i . City, N. ~•; Midland N., Minpls,; Ramsey~ co. i.: ., Devil s Lake. 35.150 Chase N .. .N. Y.;. rorthw. N., .Minpls. 22,580 8,360 lst N •• Min1>ls. and Grand .B'orks. 23,830 First State, Moorhead, Miun.; Midland N .. Minpls. 72,000 Han. •., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls, 1 40,000 ICont. & Com'! ., Chi.; N~rthw; N., Minpls.: bt N'., Bismarck; Stock )els . .: .• So. t. P. 1 39,670 orthw. ~ .. Minnis.: Fen?us Falls N., Fergus ';4 ::, Falls. Minn. i:: 20,000 Cha e N ., N. Y.; 1st N .. Minpls. $1> 40,000 Norihw. N .. Minnis.; 1st N .• t.P. and Aber-.., ~ ctecn. S. D 15,000 1st r .. Bismarck; Merch, N., t. P.; Midland· • ·., ~linpls. 33,000 Cont. & Com'! N ., Chi.: 1st N .• Min pis.; Aber~ I deen • '., Aberdeen: City N .• Bismarck. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Namt,e,, ander Name or Bank i1 Uie New TranaU Number ·ven Q ~ 0: All Items sent us have our prom pt attentaou. nrst Mortgage Farm Loans ror s ale. We handle cbol ce Farm Lands In Mountrail Coun ty. B. W. Taylor ____ 0: ::z: '° NOR..'\'tt 01'.K.Oi i\. Mal) on \ndex 1083 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence·- Number under Name or Bank i1 the New Transl& Number ejven to each bank in U. s. escluslvely by The Rand-MeNally Bankers• Dlredory. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. I I I \ TowN AND CouNTY. N.u11: ul" BANK. ..,, ~County S_eats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §S~te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRltSIDltNT CASHIER. .Al!IS'T CASHIER .:!.nt1re State m No. 9 t.Mem.StateHks.Assn.+Pnv. \ · • Federal Reserve District. \+Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - - -1- - - - - - ... treeter ••• Stutsman F 11 \Citizens National Bank .. •i'll N. a. Youn2 ·--·· IC. W. Soauldinl!, Jr. M. G. Helm .••• - •• Pop. 6-10 77-4-19 \ " ·--····· " \First National Bank ...• •:t'l5 W.E. Barringer ••• J.H.George •• --. 1A.T.Graf·---···· 77-448 St. Thomas.Pembina B 15 Farmers State Bank •.•. U'84 \Joseph Garnett. ••• 1C. S. Ganssle ·-··- S. E. Peterson .•••• Pop. 576 I 77-207 .. ·--··--· .. First Natio~1~2rsnk •... •:t'91 E.T. Thompson ••• l F. w. Thompson •• lH. L. Barnes_ ••••• ._arrey ••.••••.• Ward O 7. First State Bank ..•••••• U'07 J.M. Young ....... A. A. Robinson •... W. S. Young·-·-·Pop. 200 77-703 C. E. Dresher I utton ••...•• Oril!IZS E 13 Citizens State Bank __ .•:§'12 H.P. Hammer.·--· Joseph Kbentier._ A. J. Melgard ·--· Pop. 200 77-757 , 1 " --····· " !Farmers Bauk _ _ _ .;t§'l8 L. P. Larson ••..:__ ' H.P. Beckwith.-•• W. F . Rassmann .. 77-995 ' ykeston •.••.• Wells E 11 Citizens State Bank .• -.•W06 M. E. Malley····- 0. M. Eaton · - - M. B. Malley---· ,. Pop.367.. 77-382 ' ---··--· Sykeston State Bank ••. •i1'02 W. A. Zwemke •••• J. c. Heron ••••••.. ,Thos. Lindland ..•• 77-381 I • - CITIZENS STATE BANK Tagus •• _.•• Mountrail C :> Pop. 133 77 ~ 6 , .ii o9 c A.PIT.AL PROFITS Es. C PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, \Jua. &xBo,.,,.. e11....aa,o... ·'T■. qIll ~ now Bu,u :.. thrOUIIJTIU '° Christy Matheis ••• $ 25,000 $ 10,500 $ 202,000 $ 228.000 S 26.500 Northw. N .. Minpls.; 1st N., Fareo; Merch. N .. St. P . ~ 25,000 6,780 182,700 281,720 23,6001st N .. Minpls. an<l St. P.: Northern N .. Fargo; Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co., Buffalo. 25,000 5,000 300,000l'I 230,000 70,000 Am. 1£x. N .• N. Y .; 1st N .• M.inpls.; Merch. N .• St. P.: 1st N., Grand Forks. 25,000 20,050 239,180 259,210 1 N. Y.; ... 'orthw. N .. :Minpls.; 1st N .• H.B. Servin ••••.. 10,000 9,940 138,690 130,590 22,010 1st N., Minpls.; 2d N ., Minot. I J:5,0l0INs?V.· ·-··----·-···---·· ! F. A. Olson····--· 30,000 6,000 185.000 225.000 O. B. Ho1I .•••.•••• 15,000 3,200 172,390 14U60 ······-···-····· ••.• 10,000 5,000 250,000 190.000 Floyd Anderegl!... 20,000 3,5QO 127,COO i I " REsou1<< DEPO&- • ..,... a: Du- <1.Nagle........... M. lt. Barringer Thos. E. Whelan .. JOURGEN OLSON J. H. WERNER ..... 1 E. W. PARKER ..... A. S. PARKER..... 10.000 Save time and get sef\lt•e on Col le<'tlons antJ Cred ll H.e 11urts uy seu ding J:o'l..:E IN ADVANCE: Plain •rght draft•. I Sc; Credit Report., SOc. ITRYUS, J<'arm Loans and other short time paper ne,ottated. 1G. I LIABILITIE~. P.UD-UP SUlU'i.US AND Tappen ••.• -.Kidder F 10 Tavpen State Bank ..... •!1'10 0. N. Grefsheim ••• R. J. J. ~Ion gom. D. D. McKee-···· James McKee-----· Pop. 182 77-704 ery Taylor •• ii'op~·2sitark F 4 First Natio~~~l~tnk --•i"16 ,A. J. Peterson·--· J. F. Christen··-· D. Lindgren ••.. C.H. Christen .•••. I " Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thlsl'---4 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ NQ?TH DAKOTA-Continued .A.'- --------···1 Taylor State Bank ••••. •W03 1 Ferdinand Leutz •• Herman Leutz. __ . C. E. Fadness.-•• 77-366 I Temple -···. Williams C 3 Security Bank .••.••. -.i§'15 C. H. Simpson .•••. Osc:\r E. Peterson_ I···-········-·---·-· L. G. McDoue-alL. Pop. 75 77-886 E. D. Tobia~on Tcmvik •.•.• Emmons G 9 Tempelton State Bank .. U'09 F. J. Pietz .•••• ·--· J. A. Bosch .••••• _. A. W. Quast_ __ ••• E. H. Geisekc..... Pop. 200 77-705 Thomp on._Grand Forks I First ·ational Rank •••. •:•91 0. S. Hanson-··-·· E.T. Spafford·--·· 1s. Lemmick ···--- W. J. McMenamy •• 1 t'op. 350 D 15 1 77-706 . .rhorne.--····Rolette B 9 .Farmers & Merch. State Hank D. A. M.cLart:, .•• -. ' O. S. Orwoll.-·-· J.B. Boucher_··-· ' ·--·--··----··-···- • 78 77 7 7 5 Pop. Morton G 8 Timmer State- Bank. 0 u·o ,W. F. Kruee-er --·· Peter Port ··-··-·· Paul 0. Krueizer ••. Sabina Wimmer... Timmer _•••.. __ . W16 77- 9! 8 Pop. 175 15.000 123.040 ! 1 I 36,210 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N .. Fargo. 33.010 l lst N., St, P.. and Minpls.; Northern N., Fargo. Z 0 120,000 73.000 1st N., Fargo; 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls.;I :::0 Am.N.andlstN .. St.P.;C1tYN .. Bismarck. 1.J 19,000 1st N., M.mpls. and Fanro; James River N., -. 1 :I: Jamestown. 138,180 16,470 Blm. .. Minvls.; Union N., Minot; 1st N., ' 0 1...._ St. P. o#" ~ ' 30,000 3,000 113.000 142,500 25,000 5,500 111,000 124.000 15.000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N .. Farl!O; Northw.; N .. Min ols. 21.000 Dakota N., Dickinson; Capital N .. St. P. 20,000 13,500 260.160 229,370 33,980 lstN., Minpls.; 1st N .. Dickinson and Mandan. 10,000 1.880 61,480 60,850 10,000 11,000 155,COO 164.000 25.000 5,330 263.730 258.760 95,000 80,000 ~ > ta > 2! 6.700 1st N .. Fargo: Williams Co. State, Williston; 1st >T4 N .. :Mio~ls. . . , ,..., 17,500 11st N., M.1upls.; 1st N. and C11y N., Bismarck.I C/l j 32,800 Chase N .• N. Y.: :Midland N .. Minpls.; Northw.i N., Grand Forks; 1st N .. St. P. i C/l 15.000 1st N. and Met. N •• Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. ::;1 7,000 lst ,·npls. N .• Mandan·. .Midland N. and .Mtle. State,!~ , r+ 10.000 1 6,000 15,000 4,000 10.000 6,240 50,000 103,000 163,090!, 178,240 7,560 160,440 175,120 17,960 Cont. & Com'l N .. Ohi.: Northw. N., M1npls.: O 1st N., Grand Forks; 2d N., Minot. 1~ 20,000 ····---·· 113,520 118,560 11,210 1st N., Minpls. i,500 170,000 176.000 20,000 8.6GO 176,000 145,000 20,000 N. Produce, Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grand 1 Forks. 48,000 Cont. & Com'! .• Chi.; 1st N•• Minpls.; Northern ..... Fargo. Tower City __ ..• Cass F 14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•:-81 A. M. Voorhees ••.. G. W. Kelley·-··· S. F. Sherman •••.. H. H. Vowles.--·-· Pop. 447 77-709 50,000 40,000 275,000 300,000 63,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., St P., Fargo, and 1 I Minpls. First State Bank .••...• t§'19 77· 1041 .. ·-·--··· " Tower City77-1047 State Bank.t§'19 •'l'ownr.r .•. !rfrTienry C 81Pioneer State Hank •••. U'l5 Pop. 610 77-900 .. ··-----· " Towner Me;~~ ts Bank.5'93 A. F. ColwelL •••• J. T. Colwe!L •••• J. T. Tollefson .• _. ; W • .A. Smith····- 15,000 3,750 40.000 44,000 12,000 Midland N., Minpls. Aylmer Cole .•••••• R. C. Fuller .•..•.• E. W. Beardsley •• H. H. Thompson .•• D. L. Thompson._. M. T. Thompson __ · - - - - - - - 25,000 ··-··-·- 73,000 80,000 15.0CO L'orthw. N .. Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. 10,000 3,000 150,0CO 125,000 Andrew Gilbertson. J. J. Efge •••••·--· 10,000 2,330 I Tioga.--· ··· Williams C 3 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK Pop. 320 77-4a5 •b'08 TIOGA STATE BANK ... •U-05 77-434 P. B. HABER ·-·· N. W.SIMON ···---· WM. I. LARSON·-· 0. P. PETERSON... M. J. MULLEN i ' FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each s1ght draft tor prt's~ntatlon. and FIFTY CENTS for eacb Predlt re port Insures prom pt, personal atten tlon. w. C. McCLINTOCL , E. R. REITSCH.... -... ERNEST BYUN·····-· Sperlal attent;o n ghen Btll of La ding drafts, Cash { Please send 15c w ith each siglit draft for presentation a M. J. SKREDL ...... I 10,000 and Time ltt-ms. , nd 50c for Credit R "Ports. T okio •. _.••. Benson D 12 Tokio State Bank·--·-··t§'l5 W. A. Adams·-·-·- R. A. Tomlin on ... .1:'els Halver on .•. .A.O. kan:ten .... Pop. 100 77-878 1 1 B. Gallagher·-·· M. E. Wes~on .•••• T olley ___ • __ Renville B 6 First National Bank •...• :•05 J. L. Mathews ••••. J. ll. Hynes ____ 1J. Pop. 325 i7-407 T olna.--·-···NeJson D 13 Farmers& Merrh. State Bank Paul Messner. Jr .. Henry Deehr ··-··· .A. J. Johnson ••••• R. E. Enl!en....... Pop. 199 i7-984 •U'li 25,000 I u_ .u CD 15,830 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Oh1 .. 1st N .. Mmpls. and, ..., St. P. 110 . I:l CD 45 ~~. . . · ouR CREDIT INF6RMATION ON CONCERNS r"~VERYWHER E 1s OPEN TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jennie B. Case ..•• co NTI NE NTAL AN O 72.700 j 49,580 co MM E Rci AL '"1 I 1 ·-----···-·-····-1 l !-·-----· --·--·· l "-i I 35,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: N'orthw. N .. Minvls. ,_ and Grand Fo,.ks; 2d N., Minot. o 32,900 Mt>rch. N. and 1st N .. St.!'.; 1st N., Minpls oo and Devils Lake. !w B ANKS , CHICAGO · 1084 !lamber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclostvely by The lland-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Banl,;ers Ass•n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. _For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., ee Laws. ex, NORTH DAKOTA-Continued - - ----=-LlABI~ITJES. I NAME OF' BA. K. I, RF.SOURCES. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, •County Seats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §. tate, PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER, AsS'T CASHIER. PAID-UPISURPLusl DEPos- l.oH■ .to, · c..,..t.E:i:Entire State in No. D t:Mem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv.' CAPITAL P:O~Ts ITS ~~.9;:~;>;.F'ederal Reserve District. ♦:Mem. Fed. Hes. [' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 1 Trenton •••• Wflliams C 1 Trenton State Bank -··*§'15 James H. Co,JPer •. W. S. Davidson ••.. H. M. Pickering._. R. S. Pickerinl? •••• $ 10,000 30,uOO s 30,000 S 4,000 1st N., Williston and st. P. Pop. 150 77-860 I Tuttle •••••••• Kidder E 9 First National Bank.-.•t·12 J. F. Robinson •••• L. Dornacker •.•••. A. F. F i r - - - - -···-···-··········· Pop. 321 77-741 • " " Tuttle State Bank..••.• •t§"l5 P.O. Remin~ton ... 0. M. Remington •. W. F. Hartmann .• J.E. Severson-·-77-875 Underwood .. Vcl.ean E 7 First-National llank- •• •i'07 Theodore Albrecht. J.E. Reuter •..• _. J.E. Reuter ••••••• O. 0. Thompson... Pop. 453 77-261 ecurity tate B:mk •••• U-04 .... E. Rulien -·--·· Krist KjPlstrup__ 77-260 UNDERWOOD STATE BANK iS'l6 77-952 l The New Bank. An:resslve mana gement. Solicits and appreciates 25.000 $ 10,000 200,000 200,000 25,000 .,:orthw. N., Minpis.: 1st N., Fario. 300,000 250,000 75000 Northw. N.andlstN., Minpls.;Merch.N.and 1st N .• St. P. 130,000 185,000 90,000 95,000 25,000 6,500 10,000 7,500; 1 I 25,000 \Y. A. Gog t etter -1C. A. Berg_···_____ CHAS. TAUER ··- JOHN KLEIN ....... CALIX F. BAUER .. R.H. GERGEi ····- 1 10,000 15,000 20,000 7,5001 20,000 15.000 13,000 Colle-ctl ons. 175,000 11 ' 140.000 300,000 1 324,000 190.~00 215,000 FEE IN A.DVAN cgt Sioht Draft.~. 15c mlnimum; 25c'minimum if paid. Credit Reports 60c. SAFE FAR M MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTI ATED. -·-·-·-1------·· I ~ c~:;,.~:· ---1S Turtle Lak:e •• Mcl.ean E 8 First National Bank ••••• •:f07 William Lierboe .•..•.••..•••••••.••••• R. T. Lierboe •••••. R F. Boehm...... Pop. 395 77-133 FirstStateBank .•••.••• t§'02 J.S.Johnson .••••• M.I. Harris •..•••. W.N. Harris·-·-· B.F. Huber_...... 77-132 0 I 21,500 1rorthw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Steele. 10,000 Midland N., Minpls.; City N., Bismarck. zO 40,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; :::t, j 1st N .• Far~o. . . . ., 48,000 Cont. & Com 1 N .• Ohl.: 1st N., llmpls.: Capital ~ Secur .• Bismarck; 1st N .. St. P. t:, ~ 40,000 Mid_l3:nd N .•. Minpls.: Northern .1:T .. F~rgo; Cttiz Com 1 Tr Co Buffalo· 1st N \\ash O b · • ·• • ·• • • urn. ., > to Upham •••-.McHenry O 8 Farmers Equity State Bank L. Bertsch .• _..•... J. D. 1cttler_ ••• __ II. M. Holte Pop.196 77-960 i§'l6 , •• -······" Security StateBank ••••. U'06 amuel Torgerson_ P. S. Peterson ...•. F. C. Grimes ____ •. O. S. Freeman-··77-375 16,000 200 77.000 93,000 25,000 5,000 231.000;, 219,000 26,000 Cont. & qom'l N .• Oh_i.; Northw. N., Grand Forks; Midland N ., Mmpls.: Cent., St. P. •Valley Oib •. BarnesF 14 AMERICAN EXCHANGE BK. Henry E. Nelson •• W. F. J5e~nkamp __ A. C. Thorkelson __ ······-··-····---· Pop. 16 6 77-40 :§'DD L. •01tim1_er " ····--·· " Bank of Valley Cit:, •••• •!§"05 1James J. Earley ••.. Frank lleimes •.... Walter Ooop ..·--·· J . J. Grest --···77-41 1 1 200,000 32,000 550,0001 636.000 !10,000 33,010 490,680 489,360 75,000 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.; 1st N. and Midland ~ N.! .Minpls. , . Ul 83,910 N. Oity, N. Y.: Cont. & Oom 1 N., Ohi.: M_erch. N ., St. P.; 1st N .. Duluth, Fargo, and Mmpls . FIRST NAT 'L BANK JJOHN TRACY---·-·· ORAORBBEYRTO',MNAOLELRESYO-N--· ,c, F. MUOQETT•••.•• '.·----···-·········· " 100,000 133,190 1,417,400, 1.439,780 1 Oldest and Largest B nk ln Bar nes County. t"Sl l Prompt and eff lclent service aranteed • In all transac tlons entruste i to us. iu 77- 39 i FRANK WHITE .. ~- MASON--·-·-··· 1T. MELVIN LEE, J. E.JONES,A.Sec. UDVIG LEE ec. MIDOLEWEST 77-835 l A GROWING 01\IPANY. Collections son cited, appreciate d and given Yery TRUST COMPANY •U'l3 100,000 19,360 ••.••••• Security National Bank_•'19 James GradY--·-·77-1028 s. P. Ellis, l'. P. Van Hook •• Mountrail O 4 li'armers State Rmk --·•t§'l-1 J. S. Johnson •••• _. Pop. 331 77· 45 First National Bank -···•i'H Au~ust Peterson-•. 77·852 4 C, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ...::, C 290,000 260,000 10,000 1 150,000 145.000 E.G. Ranum--·-·- Arthur T. Olson •. A. F. Setzler-··-·· 25,000 21,820 323,190 330,510 JOURGEN OLSON- FRED SPATH ...... ' J W. SHERRY ... __ -·······---···-··-·· 10.000 20,000 240,000 245,000 ({. s.500! Save time and getservlceon Coll i ectlons and Cl'edl lt Reports by send Ing FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain,.ight draft.~. 15c: Credit Re pom, 50c. TRYU S. Farm loans and other short time p aper negotiated. • C. Ross ••••• F. E. 'l'ucker ··-··· P. L. Larsen.·--··· F. Y. Johnson_ •• __ 77-131 " Merchant tate Bank_; moo o. M. Anderson •••• A.O. Anderson •••• A. E. Sevareid ••••• C. F. Reitan....... 77~~ I venturla •• llclntosh H 10 Fir t State Bauk •••• _•• •U'06 P. T. Kretschmar __ K. Krctschmar --·· A. Stienecker.·-···IW. E. Ktetschmar Pop. 207 77-710 NO~TH DAKOTA Map on Index ... 51.770 Oont. & Oom'l N .. Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.: 0 1st N., St. P.; ·orthern N .• Fargo. l 10,000 w. 206.610 N. Park and Am. Ex. N .• N. T.: Cont. & --; Com'! N., Chi.: _rorthw. N .. Minpls.: lc;t N. <'D and Merch. N .. St. P.; Am. Ex. N .. Duluth. ::::,r+ 0::, < 50,000 Jva .•••••• KcHenr:, D7 First State Bank •• -•••• •U'02 G. Pop. 836 606,510 Wm. Burchill ··--· II. O, Aamoth- ••••. E. L.Fouks ____ ·-·w. Drake 0. o. Dosseth ..•.•. P. M. Shefveland •. W. E. ~!alloy·- •.•• l~~, l ~{7f·· SCAT\\'lllW·97 S1 · 507,550 > Z .,I prompt attentlo n. High Grade No rth Dakota Farm Mort,ace Loans Negotiated. 1 I v I 11,500 Cent. and 1st N .• St. P.; Secur. N .• Fargo. ?.· 70,000 Han. N.,N.Y.; IstN. and Midland N .. Minpls.; 1st T. and ~ ecur. .., .• Fargo. .., 25,000 1st N., St. P.; City N., Bismarck;)lidland N .. Minpls. 57,670 1st N., Minpls. and Bismarck. 21,000 Union N., Minot Met., St. P.; Bkrs. 11inpls. .__. ll) ::, C 11.000 .. Torthw. N .. Mmpls.; 1st N., Carrington. 34,000 1st N. and Merch. & Mnfrs. State, Mintils.; ~ Am. N .. St. P.: Union N., Minot. _ 23,300 Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st .. Minpls. and 10 Bismarck. l'J 15,000 5.600 178,000 15.000 5,000 310,000· 284,000 10,000 7,500 174,000jl 157,500 I ~ 185.000 Banks Advertisin give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondenc;eNon-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• Law e-rs Laws (indexed in back of this .__. dexed Acccs. uon:, auu Number under Name of .Banlr ie the New Transit Number given to each bank in U.S. excJusJveJ:, by The Rand-McNally .S.okers' ____ Dlr~tory, under the authorJty of The American__ Ban!'~rs Ass'-!•__ . . _ _ ~ 1085 TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME OF BANK. ~oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. FederalReserveDLtri~ +Mem. Fed. Res. - [Estab. I ~- PRESIDENT. ------ Yerona. __ La ¥oure G 14 Farmers & Merchants State G. C. Bjone •••..... Pop. 2;>8 Bank ....• 77-926 .•... •t§'16 l " ···-" Sta1.e Bank of Verona .•• t§'0t T. F. Marshall .•••• 77-415 Voltaire •••• McHenry D 8 Farmers State Bank .... tl'll \Ole Engebretson •.. Pop. 250 77-723 Voss··-······ Walsh C 15 Voss tate Bank ..••..... §'20 \Ym. Coffey ..•.•..• Pop. 100 77-1057 \Yabek •.p•• Mo u ntrail D 5 Farmers S~tP. ~nk .... -:l:§'16 1~ . E. Rulien .• _ .• 01), 4 0 ,7-9..,7 . ---1- LIABILITIES. CASHIER. -------1 AsS'T CASHIER. PAID·UP •••••••• " NATIONAL BANK 77-58 •t'Dl I BIOuamu 3,000 $ 125,000 S 1-18,000 S 19,0001st N .• St. P. 119.000 10,000 3,000 70,000 F. T. Karnik ••...• ·-·-·-········-····· 15,000 ......... I c. W. McGray •.•.. M. R. Fuglie .••••.• C. W. Con~olver -· Send you:t collec Ao!!\~,he larges t bank for efficient se rvlce and quick re turns. Farm Mortgag e Loans negottat ed. I 146,000 75,000 . .........••.•••.. 15,000 1.000 75,000 82,000 75,000 54.070 i97, i00 819,610 15,0001st N., Mrnpls.: Capital 8ecur., Bismarck. :z: 36,4i0 1st N., St, P.: Midland N., Minpls. 50,000 t'EE IN ADVAN CE: 'iqllt drafts, 15c minimwn: 25c minimum charge if paid. 77-57 •:t'89 1 Reliable Credit Reports, i0c. · TR Y us. 35,000 Wahpeton ·-A~it5rank .. t "20 II. F. Holthusen ___ H. E. Chizek·-···· August Bergman-· J.E. Rickert.. •... 12,970 618,330 780,500 61,340 Chase N. and N, City, N. Y.; 1st N .• Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P. 102,000 117,000 16,000 Chase 15,000 6,5001 5,000 352,400 270,380 12.500 4,550 173,080 188,010 87.830 N. Bk. of Wahpeton, Wahpeton; Scan.-Am., Fargo: 1st N .• Minpls. 10,680 Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Fork'; 1st N .. 25,000 7,000 200,000 200,000 2:i,000 8,000 380,000 3i0,000 { JOSEPH PATTERSON W. F. ECKES ..•...•. P. A. PESCHEL -··-·· I G. C. BUGBEE ...•.. • FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t'09 EUGENE HORNUNG .. J.E. LEE. •.•••••••.. A. McDONALD .• --···· A.H. ALLAN·-···-··· IVER HANSON ! I{w. F. WINTER ..••. GEO. w. DELISLE ...• 'L. F. LePAGE ...•••.. ARTHUR BACHAND ... / FEE IN ADVANCE: Sinht drafts,•15c mininwm: 25c minimum charge i Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. Walum ••••••• Griggs E 13 Farmers State Bank .... •U-06 Geo. J. Jacobson .. D. B. Jacobson._ •• E.W. Iverson .••.. L. 11. Campbell -.. Pop. 250 77-712 c. F. Werner E. E. Hower FAR. & MERCHANTS BANK 77-733 n·n ! I I <,, t. P. t. P. N. Y.; 11et., . 7,500 li5,000 200,000 10,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., St. P. and Grand Forks. ·:;, i•.·1 11,000 285,000 290,000 15,000 Capital N .. St. P.; 1st N., llinpls,; Northern ~ N.,Fario. o .., . 15,000 ··-······ 50,000 50,000 12,000 Merch, N .. St. P,; 1st N,, Devils Lake. 15,000 10,000 193.000 186,000 Watford City •• McKenzie American Exchange Bank A. Walton.··-· •••. D. E. Asplund_··-· IG· s. WelJsicr ••.•• \V. S. herk ..•.... Pop. 800 D 2 77.998 •§'18 v. n. Evanson " •••••.•• " Farmers State Bank •.. •i§·12 Adam Hannah ••.•• I. M. McRae .•••••. J. L. McRae ...•.•. II. M. Thomas .• - •• 77-782 H. B. Servin 20,000 580 85 000 79,0001 10,000 2,270 139,710 138,740 First St.ate ~~ ,.---···-W17 L.A. Fries .•..•••. G. W. Tr.Ison ..•.. c. A. BarretL-····1-------' 15.000 3,000 100,000: 80,000 ••••.. , 10,000 i,500 207,580 175,000 i .! ' I'], ii I . ! l 0. ,+ T. H. JEFFERY --- JOSEPH MANN .... W. J. BICKERT .... G. H. WEBER ··-·· Special attentto n Ktven colleetlon s. FEE IN ADVAN CE: ight drafts, 15c minimum: 25c minimum if paid. Credit Reports, 60c. TRY US FOR SERVICE. . \ 0. 20,000 Chase N,, N, Y.; Northw. N .• Minpls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ 15,ooo 70,050 Han. N .. N. Y.; Midland N., Minpls.; Citiz.Com'l Tr. Co •• Buffalo. 18,900 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: 1st N .. Minpls. and. t. P.; City N., Bismarck. I I ,+ 55,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohl.; Midland N., Minpls.: ~ lat N., Fargo, <; 437,310 7 8 IMcKenzieCounty Bk .. •U'Oi , W. 0. Mcclintock. E. R. Reitsch ..•.•. O. L. Casady •.••.•. S. 0. Dunda 7i--692 ! ·( i 295,000 118,000 " .., 315,000 471,660 ·····-·· /: I l 20,000 122,000 " I C/1 lfi,000 1 42,720 77-160 I I ~ < 20,000 -······- I > Z 20.000 Cont, & Com'! N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 42,0001st N., N. Y., Minpls., and St. P.: Northern State, Grand Forks. t"D 2'3,000 I I WASHBURN STATE BK.. t§'06 I I to 0 nn Coll ectfons and Credi t Reports by send Ing Plain .i11ht d raft•, I Sc; Credit Report.. SOc. TRY US. Security State Bank •... t§'ll'I J. H. Mikkelson... teen Stmson ••••. C. B. '3tinson •...•• Gabriel Lundy..... 77-1030 •Wa hburn •• McLean E 8 Farmers Security Bank t§'l9 O. H. Holtan .••••. Oscars. Oberg ••.• H. A. Fischer .•••. G. L. Yackey_ ..•.• Pop. 558 77-1042 •• --····· " First National Bank .••• •t·o2 G. L. Robinson •... T. J. Haugeberg ... A. E. Johnson .... J. A. O'Brien ••••. 77·1511 Karl Klein , 0 ""1 0 H. P.BECKWITH. L. A. SAYER ...... E. P. RAMSETH -·· A. A. KRZMARZICK I. C. HAUGLAND Save time and g et 1ervlce ~ FEE IN ADVANCE: 2::i.000 paid. :i t:, > ~ )> FEE IN ADVANCE: Siu1tt draft;;. 15c mini11111m; 25c minimum cltargci fJJai<l. Reliable Credit Reports, 60c. TR Y US. 77·187 Z ~ 92,800 N. P~rk,_N. Y.: 1st N. _and Cont. & Com'l N .. Oh1.; orthw. N., Mmpls.: 1st N., St. P. and J Duluth. ., 206,960 CITIZENS BANK ...... -•U'97 77-186 - 10,000 Am. N., St. P.: 1st N .. Minpls. 198,960 IE. II> - · Walcott. ••• Richland F 16 First State Bank ••.•.••'02 A. H.Ista---· H. II. Bakko •.••..• G. A. Fossum •••••. ILG. Bakko •...••• Pop. 337 77-711 H. J. Hagen C. C. Casperson Wal~s .. Pop~~:rlie~.Bl2 Citizens Stair!tonk_ •• _•t§:05 C: E. Johnston •.••• J. B: M.oo~ey ••..•. Geo. H. ~ohnston •. J. l1'i~cht•r.. ..•• ••••.••• State Bank of Wales ••. •U 01 \\ m. Dow •...•••••. J. \\.David .•••..• w. J. Laidlaw ..•.. 1 C. . La1dlaw.-••.. 77-41g I c '< ~ 15,500 1st N., Fargo, Oakes, and Minpls. 4,470 I 1 nollBillD·l----~-----------1~ 20,000 NAT. BANK OF WAHPETON \Varwick •••• Benson D 12 Pop. 290 ITS 5.000 c. Sobolek ...•.. I • I 15,000 J. .- I PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. I~.::.:1~ F. D. McCartney •. R. M. Crichton ••••• Wm. Huntington.. Far.&Merch.StateBanld:1'14 Donald Wright. ••• F. B. Schneller •... E. H. Myhra·--··· H. H. Rustad_.... 77-846 Jos. Dietz \ 'alhalla ••• Pemblna B 14 Pop, 63-1 ~:~·:.~:: H. M. c. Bjone •.•. H. O. Bjone -····· · · · · · - · · - · - - · · S 15,000 S {o. A. LEACH...•• J.P. REEDER .••••• ls. H. MURRAY.·-·- G. H. REEDER _-··· "Wahpeton •••.• Richland CITIZENS Pop. 3069 G 17 1 RESOURCES. SURPLUS A.ND I D:e:POS· ,________ , CAPITAL , PROFIT8 B. R. Engebretson. E. E. Neiss •••••••• I. A. Niess-····-·· - Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acccs.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see La~s:· ~ NORTH DAKOTA - Conti•n U ed VICE·PRESIDE.'iT. t I 10,000 1st N .. Williston: 1st Far., Minot; Met., st. P. 13,090 1st N., St. P. and Williston; State Dep. and 1st N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N .• So. St. P. 30,000llst N .. St. P. and Williston. 20,000llst N., Minpls. and Williston. CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS '< + t I I .I:! 0 00 CJ1 ;I I , ! ! i . i ':·. l 1 I ! i I 1086 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U.S . exclusively by Tht, Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•o. NAME OF' BANK. Cou,·TY. I •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn.§ tate •County Seats. EntireStateinNo.9 tMem.StateHks.Assn.~Priv. [Estab. Federa!Reserve District. ♦:'.\Iem. Fed. Ues. NORTH DAKOTA-Continued I LIABILITIES. -TOWN AND PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. I AS8''1'0A8Blll. PAID-UP OASRI&R. !_______ ,_______ , CAPITAL SuRPLus AND DBP<>a- PROFITS in Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers. Laws (Indexed) in bark of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ RESouaeES. a.o , c~·eom:::~.;:.~ .t&J: e.n,llffl .. I PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. °' - no■ auu 1 Webster ____ Ramsey C 12 Bank of Webster _____ .•U'02 Rasmus Sorensen __ Jos. M. Kelly------ 1n. W. Kelly------- ----------------- $ I 77-714 Pov. 100 10,000 $ Wellsburg ____ Wells D 10 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'l3 Aug. Peterson----- John Jorgenson -- J.B. Williams _____ -------------------77-817 Pov. 100 Werner ________ Dunn E fl First State Bank _______ et§'l5 Arthur Ovrom ____ T. M. Antony ______ E. S. Swenson _____ E.T. Lewis _______ _ 77-857 Pov.198 Merchants State Bank._t§"l4 H. W. Brademeyer_ H. E. Skauge ______ L.A. Winter _______ L. 0. Westrum---77-858 10,000 4,000 93,000 86,000 15.000 1st N ,, Fargo and Harvey; Midland N ., Minpls. 10,000 4,530 112,300 123,190 8,800 Capital N .. St. P.; 1st N., Bismarck; Midland N., Minpls. 10,000 8.000 125,000 120,000 20,000 1st N., Minpls.: Dickinson ant Mandan; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. westhope __ Bottineau B 7 Bank: or Wesihope_ ----•U"02 J. L. Pa£e _________ M. A. Page_-------- J. L. Pafe _____ ---- 1H. J. Patterson ___ _ 77-188 Pov. 439 1 25,000 9,000 96,630 126,880 18,010 1st N .. St. P. and Grand Forks; 1st N. and ...., Northw. N., Minpls. 30,000 25,000 150,000 150,000 30,000 DrPxel State. Chi.: Cent., St. P.; 1st N .. Fargo; ::X: t::, Northern State, Grand Forks. 10,000 2,730 83.150 96.810 10,000 3.410 48,970 84,410 PEOPLES STATE BANK•U'06 l w. T. Munn ______ R. M. Trimble _____ G. H. Kalbfleisch __ A. A. :Mc:Master __ _ I ~m 1 WheatJand _____ cass Jr I5 Farmers State Bank ___ •!l'IO ' H. P. Beckwith ___ A. L. Parson ------ 1W. J. Medland ____ S. McQuoid _______ _ 77-218 Pov. 450: I I 1StateBankofWheatland•tl'92 E. Mares __________ A. E. Hares ________ R. A. Mares _______ R. M. Mares------77-217 ~ Q .: Verch. N., St. P.; lat N .. .-, > 10,000 18,890 89,450 92,880 17,450 1st N .• Mlnpls.; Williams Co. State, Williston; lJj )> 1st N., St. P. 10,000 5,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 1st N., Williston: Northw. N .. llinpls. Z X I 10,000 2,000 120.000 105,000 22,000 Merch. & Knfrs. State, Kinpls. ----------------- 10,000 5,000 250,000 200.000 . Laura B. Highum_ . L. M. Lamg 10,000 2.900 133,760 135,500 10.000 6,000 200,000 208,000 40,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Merch. N., St. P.: Northern ~ <; State, Grand Forks. 16.330 N. f>roclure. Chi.; 1st N .• Minpls., St. P. and Cb O' Williston. ~ 35,000 1st N., .Mlnpls. and St. P. A. N. Holter------ 15,000 1.500 100,000 103,000 17,000 Midland N., Minpls.: 1st N .. St. P. fIRSJ NAT'L BANK iJ. H. SHAW __J,-1.- ~Ul,8S01--- o. w. BELL------ t: 5: mr,ur --- 75,000 • Williston __ Williams C 21 Pop, 4178 1 7Hil G. F. Lamb _______ J. M. Lamb ________ 0. B". McErlane ___ . J. L. Mathews _____ W. B. Mathews ____ 0. B. Lia _________ . M. E. Wllson ------ 1AndrPw Ur'!flth ___ o. 0. Trytten ______ c. A. Christianson L. C. IIelle _________ C. A. Peterson. ___ B. A. Mohler ------ •UOOO Larce■t ST ATE BANK c. J. BARRY 77-5-1 NOR.TH D KOT I\. Map on Index l 200,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Midland N., lflnpla.; 1st N., St.P. :~~=•~: : •:~ ::~::::::::.: ::::::~:-=•-~1::::::::~=:- ~ O ::, 50,000 31.000 1,005,000 1,240,000 25,000 10,000 I 75,000 Oltlz. Com'! Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st N., St. P. and :Minpls.; Union N., Minot. and Str oog st State Bao k In Weat.cro Nor th Dakota. •U'06 f IH! <Spt>clal attentlo o ghen BUJ of La ding draffs, Cash aud 'l'laue aterns. WILLISTON STATE BANK ~ ....0 ~ 35,000 1,300,000 1,200,000 Oldest and Lar ge11t ~nk lo Wll llama County. SEND YOUB IITEMS DIKECT TO 08 FOB QUICK BETUBNS. WILLIAMS CO. iL J. RODMAN --- e. J. scHoREGGL c. o. M1uov ______ ft:!·. \'lllltloo-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8,190 Ohase N., N. Z 0 ~ A. M. Hovland ---- 0. M. Muus _______ S. H. Hesla ________ ------ ------ -------- White Earth ___ Mountrail First State Bank ________ u·o2 77-393 c 41 Pov. 247 \\'hltman ____ Netson O I3 1Lamb's Bank ____________ u•12 77-772 Pop. 100 Wildrose ____ Williams B 3 Farmers Slate Bank __ •:§'05 77-6i6 Pop. 449 First State Bank ______ •.:§'10