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486  Number ancler Name of Bank ii the New Transit l'fnmhfll' dnn to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallf Banken• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  --~  -  -=--  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  •County Seats. Entire .. tate in~ o.10 Federal Re.erveDistrirt. Abbyville _______ Reno E8 Pop, 200 •Abilene _Dickinson D 10 Pop, 4895  -,--  -  -----  Non-Bank~Towns wttb Neare1t Banking Point (In-  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Bolldays, eLc., see Laws. ~  KANSAS  Su~usl  NAl\lE OF BANK.  LIABILITIES.  RESOURCES.  •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn.§State PRESIDENT. VIC.-PRJtSIDDT. CJ.SHIU. A.SS'T OA.SHill. PAID-UP DEPOS- 1..o ..... ■ A:D1■-. ou■ .kh0~ ~.Mem. tate Bks. Assn. tPriv. O..u>IT.u. PB~'i'Ts ITS c~, : •~em. Fed. Re. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 state Bk. of Abbyville -•i§'Ol F. G. Hay--------- Walter Mclver ____ J.C. Foulds------- Jewell Foulds----- S 10,000 S 14,000 $ 210,000 $ 165,000 S 40,000 83-702 ABILENE NATIONAL BANK G. A. H01?ers _____ J.B. Cue _________ G. W. Rees ____ C. W. Taylor-----50,000 86,5110 992,010 788,740 355,930 8,H45 __ .;:'87 A. P. Rogers CITIZENS BANK--------•U'85 M. H. Malott _____ A.. W. Rice _____ J.B. Johntz ______ Lane Latimer----50,000 70,000 670,000 550,000 240,000 Sil-144 CommercialStateBank•t§'ll E. M. Funk _______ J.L.Krnger ______ C.D.Simmons ____ L.F.Williams___ 25,000 10,200 175,000 200,000 30,000 83-1100 A. B. Seelye  ·Irvine- N., N. Y.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Hutchinson. N. City, N. Y.; and Chi., Com'l N., Kan. C. Kan. Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; N. Bk. Com .• Kan. C. Comw. :t-1.andMidw.ReserveTr.Co, Kan.a.  R. M. White ______ W. c. Grigg _____ H. W. Rohrer _____ Alfred Schmutz ___ _ H. W. Rohrer  60,000  79,000  500,000  510,000  Ada __________ Ottawa C ll Ada State Bank--------•U'02 Newton Kreamer __ Wm. M. Price _ _ J. H. Kreamer _____ J. D. Price _______ _ Pop. 240 83-703 Adams ______ KingmanF 8 Farmers State Bank ____ i§'l4 W. C. Richardson_ J, R. Dickinson ___ A. B. Shoemaker -- ---------------Pop. 20 83-1156 Admire ________ LJ'on D 1Z State Bank of Admire __ *f'92 Herbert Miller _____ ______________ H. T. Chatterton _________________ _ Pop. 205 83-704  10,000  11,960  143,980  121,800  10,000  4,460  39,700  66,350  21,480  105,990  207,860  .uenda _____ Republio B II Agenda State Bank ___ •U'06 C. E. Costolo _____ E. E. Baird ________ C. A.. Baird-------- --------------  10,000  A.era _________ Phillips B 6 Farmer National B:ink __ '21 E. C. Trull ________ M. Scott__________  , T. Furlong----- M. Cushman ______ _  25,000  14,720 Union Stock Yds. N. and Stock Yds. State, Wichita, 15,730 Midw. Reserv~ .Tr. Co. and N. ~k. Com .. Kan. C.; C1tiz. N. and Emporia s.ate, Emporia. 12,000 180,000 155,000 43,000 Cent. Ex.N., Kan. C.; Atchison Sav.,Atchison. 12,500 _______ ________ ________  J, R. B1urow _____ W. D. Womer _____ L. E. Womer---- E. Greenstreet---W. 0. Brooks Joseph Schneider __ L. G. Mausolf _____ L. W. Schneider --- R. J. Pivonka ----  10,000  15,000  239,000  200,000-  10,000  19,000  235,000  175,000  0. N. Fair _ ________ R. J. E11gel ______ 1. H. ll'afr ______ -------------------  10.000  15,000  125,000  146,000  N. P. Olson _______ G. A.. Byan ________ A.. B. Yout12------- R. J. Kueffer ------  10,000  18,000  140.300  128,540  FARMERS NAT'L BANK •i'06 83-146  Pop. 239  83-705  Pop, 390  ll3-1386 First State Bank -------•U'Ol 83-706 .!.lberL------ Barton E 7 Farmers State Bank ___ , il'07 Pop. 250 83-708 A.Iden ___________ Rice K 8 Alden State Bank------•U'04 Pop. 333 83-709 .A.lexander ______ ftush E 5 Alexander State Bank --U'Oll Pop. 200 83-710 ..A.liceviJle _____ Qo1rey BU Farmers State Bank ___ if'09 Pop. 125 &3-711 A.llen __________ Lyon D 1Z State Bank of Allen ---Ul900 Pop.295 83-712 •A.Ima ___ Wabaunsee O 12 Alma National Bank _____ t"811 Pop. 789 83-380 Bank of .Altna ___________ u•95 83-381 Farmers National Bank __ :f:'12 83-382  . M. Henkle _____ D. W. Struble ______ F. H. Ferruso•---- Jessie L. Ferguson  E.  w. Kneeland__  J.C. Olds _ _ _ _ R.R. Mounkes --- ----------------  Fred Beuter ______ 0. J. Hess _________ 0. F, Deans------- M. 0. Palenski ----  12,500  10,000  10,000  88,000  90,000  10,000  11,000  145,000  156,000  ~  P.IUNCIPAL O0RRESt>0NDKNTS.  107,000 Chase N .. ·N. T.; New Rntland N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Cent. N., Topeka. 56,580 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. O. ~  ..,__ :;  Irn> ~  IC/l I  ~  500,000 Cent. N., Topeka; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Midw.' Reserve Tr. Co. Kan O. 75,000 1st N .• Great Bend, and Wichita; Drov. N. and Midw. Re erve Tr. Co. an: 0. 20,000 Oom. Tr. Oo .. Kan. O.; 1st N., Hutchinson.  en  47,730 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; 4th N., Wichita.  >I  ~  Z  ~  g:  20,000 1st N ., Kan. C.  15,000 Cont. N. and Interstate N., Kan. O.; Bk. of~ Topeka,To~eka. -· 110,980 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Fid. N. Bk. & ::: Tr., and Drov. N., Kan. C. n, 43,600 Han. N., N. Y.; New Eng, N., Kan. 0. ,...  50,000  27,780  855,400  301,550  ---  50,000  13,100  295,500  815,000  A. C. Schewe _____ F. J. Wagner ______ F. C. Noller·------ G. L. Stork------·  26,000  18,000  170,000  150,000  B. V. CURRY------ f. A· BROWN-------Almena_Po___ titorton B 5 ALMENA STATE BANK-•U'06 VE A TEMPLETON { Thfs Bank gets ~utaJl~akes C ollect1ons. 83 69 P, ➔ ~end us Your B uslness. Corresp ondence Invited.  20,000  8,000  270,000  200.000  First National Bank _____ •i"98 W. L. Schafer _____ X. D. Ayers _______ Leonard Lovejoy __ Irene Schafer ____ _  50,000  14,000  884,000  368,000  ---83-713 . Labette County tate Bank W. H. Drumheller_ F. F. Foster _______ A.H. McCarty ____ Isaac McCarty ____ _ 83-1170 •i§'l5 "-lta Vista,WabannseeD12 Alta Vista State Bank.•UlllOO A.H. lleseke _____ W. O. A. lleset:e __ F. A. Johnson _____ ------------Pop, 481 83--{i78  15,000  13,000  236,000  230,000  15,000  3,000  110,000  100,000  10,000  30,000  200,000  200,000  Peoples State Bank -----U'06 H. l!'. Dierking _____ U. Thomas ________ William A..ddie _____ Lillian H. Addie __ 83--£79 Bertha Dierking J. T. Paynter ______ J. W. Tucker ______ W. H. Howen ____ G. E. Corporoa ---83-1206 •;§'16  10,000  Sl.500  250,000  275,000  20,000 N. Bk. Com.,lstN .• andLiveStockState,Kan.  25,000  10,170  162,650  198,950  40,000  20,000  295,661  44,370 Chase N., N. Y.; Com'l N., Fidelity N. Bk.•._ & Tr., and Drov. N., Kan. c. Pl 24 350 ' Se~~otfe~tactk~idsr ~t~1·i'so~Sa~::1~ Atchison. Pl  F. Stuewe _________ J. H. Stnewe ____ A. E. Stuewe ----- F.  E. E. AMES------ E. E.  c. Stnewe  ,ECKLP -----  83-468  A1 mont ____ Labette G 14 Altamont State Bank ___ eif'Ol G. Torbert_ ________ 0. A... Lane _________ W. L. Hu~en ----- Byron Dix "  Pop. 603  Alton ________ Osborne Pop. 423  o 7 FARMERS STATE BANK  R.H. BATES----- §ROVER.,UYLOR-- FLOYD STORER -- -------------------  •  '  THE OLDEST FIRST STAT,E BANK-ii O& { Prompt Attentt !l3-7l 4 FEE IN ADV A A.Jtoona ______ Wilson F 13 Altoona tate Bank ---•*1'04 C. E. Ifayhur·t_ ___ Pop. 1016 83-311 Citizens State Bank ----•U'86 0. T. Hayward ____ 83-310  O  !)>  ::;:.' O 0  ::, 74,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Tootle I» Lacy N .• St. Jo. I 25,000 N. Bk. Com .• St. L.: Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. andN.BkComKan.O.;Com'lN .. lndepen<lence. 20,000 Chase N,, N,; Y.; Live Stock State, Kan. C.; 1 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Great Lakes Tr. Co., Chi.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  o.  1  .Pt  t.MLWi'TB LA KGEST ASSETS. on to all Comme nlal Business. NCE (tie minim um) with all s11 ht Drafta, 60e on Credit Reports . 193,030 15,000 13,540 T. 0. BalL ________ c. H. Beaty------- M. F. Gerkin·-----  218,210  11,250 1st N., Kan. O.; Com'l N., Independence.  170,000  130.000  25,000 Stork Yd . N.,Kan. C.;Com'lN.,lndependence; ~ C!onclon .. Coffevville. -  C. G. Hayward ____ Turner D. Jones __ J. T. Miller _______ _  16,000  THE BANKERS , DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co ,, Topeka , Kansas 1j Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  45,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Oent. N., Topeka; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 98.000 1st N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan.O.; 1st N., Norton; Cent. N,, To1Jeka.  9,000  ""1  Fidelity and Depository Bonds .for Banks .and Bankers · Kansas Bankers Ass'n (w. w. BOWMAN, 'Secy.) Topeka, State Agent .,  :;< _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  __,;;;;.  ....  FARMERS NATIONAL BANK  CITY BANK & TRUST COMl'ANY  OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.  Nov. 10 Rand McNally Bankers Directory Chicago, Ill. Gentlemen: We wish to say that we noticed IMMEDIATE RESULTS in our Transit Department FROM OUR ADVERTISEMENT in YOUR DIRECTORY. ~ours very truly Edwin H, Hendersoh, Pres . NATCHEZ, MISS.  r.:  August 24 Rand McNally & Co . Chicago, Ill. Gentlemen:It gives us pleasure to state that we are well pleased with the results obtaine from ou~ advt. in your Banker's DirectoTy, gnd believe the same of benefit to us, Yours very truly, C. E, CARPENTER, Cashier .  .  ; The Bankers Deposit Guaranty and Surety Co.  ~  TOPEKA,KANSAS October 28th, 1919. Rand. cNally Bankers Directory, Chicago, Ill. Gentlemen:We think our a.a ~rtisement in your Blue Book has been in~ lar•e measure responsible for our very sa isfactory increase in business, and consider the cost, money well sr,ent. Our present contract expires in 1922 and now think we will be anxious to renew for ano her term . Continued success to you. Respeci;fully,  ES NATIONAL BANK ,,. UNITED STfo; OF  ,_,.....  ANGt:LES, cAL,  yebrua.Y-Y  l  Rand cNallY & co. al Chicago, 111. Gentlemen~- you h rewi th curd r:~~=cri vertising a.n ·1e han contract !or a_ od of five years. tion for a pen Obligations to you d rofi table ·e under desirable an pd through I~~e:a~{ business r;1~;~~orJ during the medium of yo~~urs VPr:Y tfl~ pres, o. u. soaden, ic the past . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, TOPEKA, KANSAS  •ansair.  CAPITAL AND SURPLUS  INDEX TO  Otters Attractive Terms tor .Accounts of Banks  COUNTIES. Allen ...•• F 14 Anderson •.. & 14 Atchlson ...• B 14 Barber•.•••. G Barton ...... E Bourbon .... F Brown •.•••• B Butler •••.•. F  $400,000.00 Acts as Reserve Agent for State and National Banks  2  1  102°  Write tor Particulars  13  3  101 °  OFFICERS  J. R. BURROW, President GEO. A. GUILD, Vice-President E. E. AMES, Vice-President J. D. MOSSMAN, Cashier 15  7  7 15  0  13 11  Cbase •...... E 11 Cbautauqm.. G 12 Cherokee •.. P.· 15 Cheyenne .. B 1 Clark . ...... C:. 5 Cla.v ....•.... O 10 Cloud ....... C 11 Coffey ...... E lS Comancbe •. G 6 Cowley . . ... G 11 Crawtord. .•G 15 Decatur ..•. B Dlcklnson D Doniphan ••• B Douglas •••. D  10 14 14  Edwards •.•. F Elk ..•...... G Ellis ........ D Ellsworth •. D  12  A  C H  KANSAS  A  SCALE  A  Statute !\Illes. 35 = 1 lncb.  D  80  4  6  B  6  8  F!nney .•.... E S Ford ....•... F 5 Franklin .... E 14 Geary •.•••• D GoYe ......•. JJ Graham ... . C GranL .••••. F  11 3 5 3  C  g~:!1e1:::::E f Greenwood.F 12 Hamllton •.. E l Harper ..•.. G 8  ~:S1~fl :::::~ ig  39•  Hodgeman.E 5  Jackson••••• C Jeffers n •.. 'J Jewtlll . ...•. D Johnson .••. D  13 14 8 15  ::earny ..... E 2  f\gi~~:::3 : Labette ••••• G ..•.•••. E Leaven. worth .•••. <.J Llncoln .•••• D Linn ••••••• E Logan ...... D Lyon •.• • ••.• r:  14 , 14 8 15 2 12  McPherson .Y 11 Morion.... E 10  ~:~oha  1  '  ••  :n 11  ::::::g 1: .Mltchell ... . C 8  '.\f':ru1  Montgo□•  j  ery ..•••••• G 13 '.\[orris ...••• D 11 •orton ••••• G t  Nemaha •••• : ·eosho..... Ness ...•..•. E Norton •.••. 8  12 14 5 5  Osage . . •..•. D 18 0 borne •••. C 7 Ottawa •.••• C 9 Pawnee..... E Pbllllps . ...• B Pottawato• role •••.••. C Pratt ••••.•. F  6  6  12 7  Rawlins .•.. B 2 Reno ........ F 8 Republic .. . B II Rice .••••••. E s 1 ~ Rush ......•• E 6 Russell ••... D 7  i~ira:::::::2  IG  37  Saline ...... D 11 Scott .....••. E S  ~i~~:;t~:::E : IH Shawnee .... D 18 Sherldan .••. C 4 Shermllll ••.. C 1 Smtth • ...... H Stafford ..... F Stanton ..... F Stevena ... G Sumner •.... G  '1  '1 l  2 II  Thomaa ••••• c :t  liANSFORD  Trego •. •..•• D II  Wabaunsee.D 12  Wallace . ••• D WSBblngton B Wichita .... D Wlleon ...... G Woodson ... F W7anclott6.C  10 i  lS IS l:l'  1.  I  !x  E  1  2  101 •  Oehlh.roe  3  A  EL L I S  s 4  ......c.."'· 100•  5  95 °  15  30 50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  lanu  :a.,;  (...,~  'o-1 1.!4~ 1~"'  en  f1  ,.o J ij le::..., A  1:: z 0  l'O :_  Cl.,  i~~ f!i~  •'O=  i c::e  i~=:  ,11::rn  1;~~ :  ~~  =f~  ;~~ ,~ ~ )-~  ~  0  0 ..:i ◄ p.  s ~  ~  Q,,.  ◄ ~.s 11---3 ...  ::i"'o  !8r:. ,<. =-o  a~  ~~.=? Q} 0  'O ?-  u  p: t:>  0  en r'"1  ~  A YS use the above coupon  . 1n forwarding collections or r  claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. · The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Co.  487  Number under Name of Ballk ia the New Transit Number Jiven to each bank in U. s. eICluslvely by The Rand-HcNallJ Bankers' Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Banker■ A.Bs'n.  I  N.&.ME OF BANK. Tow~-:;D OoUNTY. •Kem.Am. Bks.Assn. lS~te •County Seats. Entire tatein4To.10 tMem.8tateBks.A.ssn.tPr1v. [Estab. Federal Reserve District, ♦Mem. Fed. Re,  PRJCSIDKNT.  I  ,..,v.u•.oaua ... .,n-- ..•• ~ -::, ____ -~ ~-----• _ _  .Ki.AN AS-Continued  VICK-PRESIDENT  t  ·  O••a1•v. ....,. -  An8'T OilHI-  ...,  -·  ,  'iii"  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws: ::3 RESOURCES.  LUBILITIES.  p  SURPLUS DEPOS  AND AID-UP CAPITAL PROFITS  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ITS  r:: p.)  Lou1A:D11- Oua&:Ell.  -  '"1 c'Ta. no" 01 ,ios,,.o..,Duw ,---------------- ~ 11-,ua1Tu1 noxB,N  ~  Americus ______ L,yon D 121Americus State Bank ---•:t'02 J.M. Downiar ---- Wm. H. Edmiston. W W. Jackson ________________ S 15,000 S 20,030 S 1179,680 S 328,700 $ 84,520 State N., St. L.: s. W. Blvd. State and Oomw.l I tv N., Kan. C.: Citiz. N .. Emooria. 83-715 Pop. 4931 28,620 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Kan. C.; Emp0ria 1 ,_. 2,750 134,620 158,750 25,000 Farmers National Bank.•i·16 Ja! M. Elliott __ J. F. Bamesber""~ u, J. Ericss n _____ Jno. A. Ernst______ " " , State, Emporia. 83-1225 19,500 Drov. N. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. O. 110,000 100,000 6,000 10,000 Ames __________ Cloud B 9 The State Bank ______ ."'09 J. W. J'urJ ------- J.P. Jordan _______ L, l. Herbin _____ D. M. Hayes_______ 83-716 , POD. 100 93.800 N. Park, N. Y.: N. City and Iidw. Reserve 263,700 310,470 12.000 25,000 ____ _________ John__ Ven J, H. ____ John Ven H.J. .• John Von Arnold •:tll900 •. .. Andale _____ Sed2wick -g 9 .A.ndale State Bank Tr. Co., Ka.n. C.: Am. State. Wichita. &S-717 Pop. 259 4thN .• Wichita: Midw.ReserveTr.Co.,Kan.O. 10,600 79,400 72,000 8,000 10,000 _________________ Tanner____ rl J, ___ Hart Henry McClaren.Andover _____ Butler F 10 .A.ndover Sltate Bank .•.•U'16 S. B. . 83- 1204 Pop. 150 10,000 17,000 110,000 102,000 15,000 Drov. N., Kan. O.; Oom'l N., Independence; AngoJa ______ Labette G 13 A.ngola State B».nk ______ :tf '14 R. H. Muzzy----- John Evitts------ -1 J. O. Mc Gee _. · ··- J. N. McBride.____ 83-1161 Am. State, Coffeyville, Pop. 100 10,000 op ______ lfadge Bishop_____ 78,000 70,000 10,500 11.000 1st N., Wichita. Anson ______ 8umner i' 9 A.n■ on State Bank _____ •:tf'85 i. J. KcBrid•---- Chas. McBride.- ,s. C. &S-718 Pop. 85 X •Anthony ____ Barl)er 8 8 Pop. 2740  CITIZENS NATIONAL BAIIK W. A.. 1llller ______ 0, B.  Korrl■ .----- l P· 0. BeroJd _______ ll. R. Couch.--  100,000  35,000  600,000  600,000  o. Galloup_____  75,000  17,500  475,000  475.000  R. D. Meineke____  25,000  5,000  300,000  265,000  T. FOWLER---·· F. fl. FOSTER---- --· J. FOWLER------- PANSY PASLEY-----•s HOME STATE BAI K-··•• 'O7 Special attentl~ n given :8lll of La d ' drafts, Cash and Time Items.  25,000  28,000  271;,000  263,000  u-2os  •;•03  First Nation~mn)[ ______ •• 86 F. 0. Gish----- G.  w. Halbower. ••  lw.  Home s:teJ!i_~l --•ts'lll O. H. Wickham --- -------------------- G. Arcadia ___ Crawford 11' 15 Pop. 1175  Jj. Johnson ____ E.  a.  ___  {J,  Pleaat ,,md 15c w, th each a.[Jht dm/tfo r pr emation and 25c for Credit Repor ta  BB-718  OLDEST AND Peoples tate Bank _____ w20 w. c. Perry _______ 83-1340 Arconia ____ __ 811maer GI Citizens State Bank---•U'H Louis Gerteis---·-83-1166 Poi,. 478 !'armer■ .l Kerch. State Bink I'. K. Sumi,ter. ____ " •il'Ol U-720 Arkan a City ____ oowley HOME IIATIOUL BAH •*'88 A.. B. Denk>n -----81-117 Pop. 11,253 e 11  LAR~E T BANK .  o. Mason _________  10,000 15,000  SECUIITY IATIOUL BAIK W. II. Stryker _____ F.E. Goodrich- -~-- R. c. Dixon _______ B, T. Ausmus______ SI-ti  J.B.Heff'eltlniet.  •*'05  20,000  STATE BANK -:tl'09  l  Prompt and  Send us you  Personal  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2,500  125,000  116,000  10,500  200,000  200,000  100,000  19,500 1,078,000 1,018,000  50,000 ,_, t entlon. Correspondence Invited.  >  10U80 Han.N.,N. Y.: Cont. &Oom'l N., Ohl.: N. Bk. ~ Com.,Kan.O. O .  Ia  I'  Oi  QI,  i:l ~  n'  -  -  -  I  > ~  400,080 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Oc,m .• Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., and Inter-State N., Kan. C.: 1st N .. s: 0 Wichita. 241,000 Mech. & Metais N., N. T.; 1st N .. Chi.; Oo~w. ,... N.andNewEng,N,,Kan.0.;4thN.,Wich1 ta. o  933,380  959,410  ZU50  en  17,130 Stock Yds. N ., Kan. C., Mo.; Pitt. State, Pitt., Kan. 24,000 Midw. Resez:ve. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Union Stock Yds. N .. W1ch1ta. G7,000 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Wichita.  Fred.Jepsen  Arma ______ orawford F 15 Arma State Ba n k ---- -•H'll J. N. llcDonakL__ B. 11'. R06da___ ___ o. J. Pickering____ Grace Croker _____ _ JamesHannah,Sec. , . 83- 1114 .. Pop. 2180 Commerc1ak~~\1 Bankt§ 19 Obas. Walbert _____ O. R. Linder _ _ J. w. Montee----- Eugene M'ichil. __ _ Army c~ip~-f ~iley C 11 MilitarY-SlJ: ~ nk ____ u•17 A. D. Jellison _____ H.P. P wer"-- R. F. Rosenberier _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 5 3 ann __ HildaPreaton __________________ Arnold _________ Nes1 D 4 A.rnold Statflfnk ______ :tf'lO L. L. 01:,-ne _______ Julius B . Pov.48 Ralph Bates ______ John Be:rer ____ _ ________ te F. J. ______ Bunn J. JI'. Arrington.-Atchison O 18 State Bank of AmnrtonU'04 83-722 Pov. aso 11'. o. Wells _______ Josephine Wells __ _ ________ van O 1. ____ Dickie. A. F. j:f'll Asherville ___ Mitchell OD Farmers State Bank ____ 83-UU Pop. 100 H. Moore, Jr. ___________ _ J. ____ 1._ rsh M A. _______ Ash Grove ___ l)ncoln D 8 Farmers S~\~ Ba.,n k ____ :1'17 F. C. Larsen .,., 12,, 0 Pop. faO  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY  14,790  200,000 Z,271,240 2,103,770  Arkan8H, Ci ty Collection• and Cash lte ms. Union 8tate f~t _____ •U"09 I'. O. DeKott_ ____ R .1. Gr nr. _____ J, w. Bricker ___ w. w. Albee _____ _ 60,000 8 Arliniton _______ Reno B' 8 Oitizen ■ Sta~ p~nt __ •:1'17 H. O. Warner ____ A.. :n. Orabba. _____ J.B. Baton _______ Kate Boody ______ _ 12,500 .,.,.,,1• POD, 590 Farmers 8~\~W,nk ... •:1'10 J, 0, Kuhns----- C. L. hiti> _______ R. )(. Taylor _____ L. L. Guyer ________ " .. 12,500 8&-100  26,070  2,000  50 000  Y. E. CREIGHTON- A, A. MCFALL------ J. . HAYDEN----- ______________  TRADERS  z> ~  D. Y. Herst _______ _ :&. A.. Brown ____ _ G. D. Ormisto  Z  95,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Ohi.: New ~ En~. N. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan,- C. C/l 70,000 N. City, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Kan. Reserve State, Topeka; State Sav. & Mtle., I-Pf w Wichita. 56 000 Drov. N. and Inter-State N., Kan. o.. Mo.; 1st N., Pittsburg; Ft. Scott State. Ft. Scott. '  '  • to ker ______ G. W. Corporon, Sec. J. W. Hutchinson_ D. H. Hu c lnson - ___________ _ ond ___ L.B. Mitchell.-  >  150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fid. N, Bk. & Tr,, Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita.  20,000  650,000  560,000  120,000 N. City, N.  Y,i  40,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Midw. ~eserve Tr. Co., Kan. _ C.; Cent. State, Hutchmson. 12,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Oent. N., Topeka: 01Uz. N., 2 500 100,000 Hutchinson. ' 64,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Western Ex. and Drov. N .. 3,500 218,000 177,000 20.000 Kan. o.; 1st State, Pitt., Kan. 20,000 _____________________ Stock Yds. N., Kan. C.; Pitt. State, Pitt. 20,000  150,000  < (1  1st N., Kan. 0.  170,000  100,000  10,000  1,740  35,000  40,000  10 000 • 10,MO  13 1560 • 2,000  88 340 ' 63,920  95,440  12,000  10,000  90,000  100,000  10.000  1,860  60,000  55,750  61,420  l  5,000 Chatham & Phenix. N .. N. Y.: Fid~ N- ~k. & Tr .. Kan. c .. .M.; Cent. N .. Junction City. 15,780 idw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Oitiz. State,! . Utica. 8,400 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Atchison. 15,000 Drov. N., Ku. 0.: Union N., Beloit. 12,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.  and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers SURETY CO ,, Tope ka, Kansas II KansasFidelity Topeka, State Agent Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.)  Number under Name of Bank is the Ne:w Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' _ _ _D_l....;rt>·-r~e..!:_~Uthorlty of The American -=B=a=n=k=e= rs= A=s=s•=n.:..•_--====:::::::::=====  48 8  KANSAS  'l'OWN A."JD COUN'fY.  1  I  NAME 01<' HANK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State p ,p I Entire State in o.10 liMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. RESIDENT. V1c1,- RESIDENT. F ~ ! ' . r a ~ District. ~~Iem. Fed. Re:-. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , •Ashland Clark G 5 CITIZENS STATE BANK { R. N. MOLYNEUX •• Poii..iih 83-407 •:t§ '06 Collections pres We want your b 1Stocke-rowe~f-~ttional J. W. Berryman ••. 85 A.shton.Poo:fsumner G 10 I Ash ton Stat3lf2ik .•.•.• :ts •og R. H. . . tewart. ···-  !1~  J.ssaria ••..•... Saline D g Assaria State Bank .••.•. U'02 John C. Pop. 23-l 81Hi88  w.  l  t•  A.SHIER.  d  I Ass'T o•sHI•R. ...  •  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In· dcxed Ace~.). Lawyers Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For lnt_!rest _!tates, ~ays, ~~-• se~ ~~ ·RESOURCES. i..IABILITIES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDJCNTS. Ouu&Jl!i:. SURPLUS PAID•UP DEPOS- to ..,... n, ..  83-1] *Exchange  ···- --··  (Mcmlicrs indicated b11 a *)  •.••• I ,so.oo•  H. F.Klostermeier. Fred M. Allison··- W. T. Jochems •••• Wm. Kloste1meier F. A. Man~eLdor.t , J. w. Allen.--··--· W. T. Fox _ _ _ J.E. Clingan •. ---· John A. Reynold T. c. Treat. ••.····- --------·-·-----·- A. B. Bradley·--·-C. W. Ferguso11  50,000  57,310 1,139,190  83-342  164,130  221,570  100,000 ,  15,000  165,000  185,000  w. J. Bailey.-····-  heffleld Ingalls ... charle1' Lmley.  Sec. and Tr.  ··---··· ·-·· -- ----·  V. B. Ballard ......  w. A. Miller ••. ----  100,000  -  A. A. }jilliard •••.•• Geo. L. Simpon-··  c. RansdelL ...  A.  w.  kcar_··--·- J. w. Lcporin •.•..• J. .M. 'r . .Moyle  w. Leporin. ___  '69", Old<'. st Bank ill outhern Kansas. For l'rvl<'e sNtd u. ~'our business. In the heart of t h.e oil fields.  •U'60  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ( It. of /Jrf.  185,000  175,000  6,900  220,480  17 ,030  20,000 I  8,600  320,000  255,000  25,000 1  10,000  190,000  138,000  5,000  -125,000  350,000  17,800  373,000  354,000 240,000  I  o.  I  15,000 1  7.200  309,000  10,000  1,000  38,230  46,060  25,000  3,500  591,550  300,000 ·--  ---  --- ---  65,000 Han • T·• N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. C. : Am. tate. ~ w ichita. PJ 80,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N. and 4th r., \Yichita ; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 50,000 Han . N., N. Y.: Midw. Rc~crve 'l'r. Co .. Kan. C.: Oma. N., Oma. 77,000 ', Bk. Com., .1.·. Y.: Tootle-Lary N •• St. Jo.; Dr ov. N. and Midw. Reser,e Tr.Co., Kan. C. 106,000 Cha se N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Oma.; 1st N. nnd Mi dw. Re . erve Tr. Co., Kan. C. 3.520 Kan • Reserve State, Topeka: Midw. Reserve Tr .• Co., Kan. C. 305,000 Com . Tr. Co., Kan. C.: 1st N .• Wichita.  ---  - ·- - - 50 ,000  25,000  50,000  70,780 1.293,000 1,082.280  ~.330  51 ,400  347,000  4!58,560  18,480 1 !J67,!>70  I  g  35,000 Fid. N. Bk. &Tr. and Inter.State N., Kan. C.; ► Ce nt. N .• Tooeka: 1st •.. mith Center. C 68,000 Cow ley Co. N .• Winfield; X. Bk. Com., Kan. ~  15,0001  I -· , THE BANKERS..DEPOSIT GUARANTY .& SURET GO ,, Topeka f Kansas ·,I lA.  17,500  Z X  161,000 lrvi ng N .. N. Y.; Stock Ycls. · ., Kan, .; Ex. -.J,#' N. , Atchison. 362.000 Mee h. ,& Metal~ N .. N. Y.: 1st N. and Cont. & ~ Co ml N., Ch1.; N. Bk. Com. and New Eng. ::,. la nd N., Kan. C., Mo.: Com'! N., Kan. C., Pl K an. ~ 0.  1----- --------- ----- - - -  10,000  R. B. Varner •• - ..•  .. ~Ince  I  I  10,000  tJ3 >  l  482,000  53,000 1,650,000 1,355,000.  25,000  J. H. Lee •..•..••.. Paul )laddcn •..... \- - - · · - - ·  First Nationa1Bank ••... •i '02 F. H. Penley_··--·· H. W. Wilson. ____ . W A. Penley •...•• R. Peckham-··· 83-343 1 PRAIRIE STATE BANK .•t. '18 IL A. llaine~ -·---·· II. H. <Jarden-·-·-- \\ · D. h.mnam.111 \\. H. lea!·------8~ l:Wi$ Cl • .\1., 'mith, llu!!h Leonard  !  856,530 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: N. ~k. Com. and Jl'i d. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: .1.. Bk. Com., St . L.  en  533.000  -  L G Graves . J T short Frank T.'rochazka .. E. B. King. ______ _ · · ------- • · .u ·--·--,. D. A. ::McDougal Henry IIolthu . .... c. A. P. Falconer •. Elmer ullen--·--· J .. c. Bone·----··-Mildred Mullen Fred Howard·-··-· ··-······-··-·--·-·· Joe y .1ger·--·-·-·· 1 ~ary Gerold ....•.• P.  60,800  ~  > z en > en  14,500 Equ itable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N .. Atchison.  200,050 2,358,090 l.839,030  50,000  Special attentlo n" givenzi_L draft s, cash and time ftemt DO 15c minimum fee must accom pany sight drafts, !and 25c for ratio gs. .  and l'lan.  1  6.W.BROWN&SON w. E. BROWN ••••... ~-. t ~~i'tJfNKLEli-·-· o. c. JDNES •....... ·-----···-···--·---· -  1  16,070  ~ '.  295,960 N. City, N. Y.: Gnion Tr. Co., Chi.: )lidw. R eserve Tr. Co. and New Eng. N •• Kan. C.: A m. N .• st.Jo. 400,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Midw. Rec;erve Tr. Oo. and Co~. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Am.~-· t. Jo. 40,560 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.  966,540  125,000 1.500.000 1,300,000  200,000  j  7  STATE BANK  30,000 Inte r -State T., Kan. C.; Far. tate. Salina.  I  Prompt Sernice our Specialt11.  60,000 Co m. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. State. Wichita.  290,000  100,000 1  ~  gg  55,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: N. Bk, Com .• Kan. C.; ls t ".; Wichita. 9,550 Ho me N., Ark. City .  1  125,ooo l  E. E. MATTOCKS ----·  AthoL •. - ••••. Smith B 7 First State Bank --·-··•:tl'0S J. R. Burrow...... G· C. Hutcherson •• A. E. Ottemann ___ Pop. 204 83-724 ·---·-·-·---·--··· ' Zeta IIallar Atlanta.·--·-9owleyGll Citizens State Bank •..• U'O-l \Y. N. Venahle .• _. A. G.Stenberg __ C. L. Randa_ll,Jr .. Pop. 379 83-725 ··--·-·--·-----···-· R. J. Det.ardmg Attica.P.op~ 'jyarper G 8 ATTICA STtl.~iANK.•.tf'D3 c. R. Shannon ••.• _ F. R. Zacharias_ ••• J. G. Kille .•• ----·· ··············-·····  " FIRST NATl ONAL BANK i"13 l! 3-1134 •J.twood .... Rawlins B 3 Farmers National Bank.•!'Ot , Pon. 919 83-1167 ' ••..•.•• " Rawlins County State Bank •• 83-480 •U- 92 " ····-··" State Bank ~~}wood •• •l'D3 8 uhurn ,-.. S 1!_awncc I> 13 ecurit.r Sta te Bank_._!§'19 1 o;>. 6 n 83· 1327 Aofust.a ..... 7 Rutler F 11 American ationa1Bank•:t'l6 Pop. 4ll!l 83-1215  157,050  Collections and requests forrat~n g wlllrecelvepro mpt personal at tentlon provided yous end 15c with eac'1 j sl&ht draft and 2 5 c w It b ea c b request for ratl 0£. Above charges do not apply t<' B-L drafts, cash and time Items.  •t"50  83- 12 ! . . Atchison Clearrng House ...•  500,000  45,000  iitf4 Bank.•U'09 F. E Harwi ....... w. P. Wae-gener •.. Edward Iverson- •• ··-·--····-----·-· cJ.M. SCHOTT·-· kEH-1,sBAUM .... ~HARLES LINLEY. a. 1.· \DWffDS ...  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK•:t "66  ROIi B~fl'.ll8.  450,000  R. W. Samuelson_ Helen L. Olson ...• E. Johnson, Sec, Emilia Peter on  I  CB£ffG~11 1 Du ■  8ECURlT(E8  12,680 1 143,920  55.000  10,000  ····1 M.  c•TR. Bosma,  23,000 $ 350,000 $ 3L5,000 $  ··-· ----------·--·  s. F. Aker ••.. ·-·-.  ·--- ·-··-· ·-·-------·  w. J. BAILEY·--·-·· w.F. E.P. HARWI WAGGENER .•.•-· [w. w. HETHERINGTON-  NATIONAL BANK  ITS  PROFITS  I  *Commerce TrustCo .•• •t§-16 Sheffield Ingalls .•• A. J. Schoeneci:er. Ellsworth Ingalls, F. H. Mangelsdorf 83-16 Henry Diee-el Tr. Sec  *EXCHANGE  AND  CAPITAL  S. F. bROAOIE·----- W. A. LON KER-·-··· S. E. GRIMES •..•••. $ 27.000 $ ented the day rec elved, and remltt ed on day of pay ment. uslness, TRY U • 50,000 N. A. 11erryman ••• D. C. Rhodes ••..•• T. C. Key ..-------·  hort. •... E. s. Herman __  •Atchison •• Atchison B 15 *AMERICAN STATE BANK L. W. Voigt_. _____ Pop. 12,630 83-15 •:U-12 * T A CHISON SAVINGS BANK .F'. M. Woodford .•• . . 83-13 •%1 '69 *City National Bank ··-•t'l9 James Orr---·· 83-1336  C  C  -=-~-0~ l_O _ UC  799,230 I  Re-l'iu  N.B k. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Mldw. se rve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N. Wichita; ~ Ex . N., Tula. C  I)) '"1  143,170 Uhase N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Drov. r., ~ Ka n. C.: 4th '., Wichita. 236,830 N.P ark. N. Y.; 1st . and 4th • ·., Wi\'hita: ;; "-' Ne w t1:ng:. N .. Kan. U.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers •; ::./'; w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agenti  Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W.  489  'umber under N me of Bank is the New Transl& Nwnber ci\·en to each l ank in U. S <'XClustvely by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers' Dlr<"t·tory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN A!'<D CuU."TY, ~ BlE 01'' llA!'iK, •County Seats. •~lem. Am. Bks. Assn. 5State PRESIDENTEntire Stat in o. 10 Ulem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve Di. trict. •~~e~. Fed Re~. (E::;tab. _ _ __ A.ulne ________ Marion E 10 Guaranty State Bank ... !§'20 Pop. 200 83-1378 Aurora _________ Cloud C 9 First State Bank _______ .i5•03 Pop. 275 83-728 Il<'me tate Bank_ .• _. __ t '19 83-1335 Axtell ____ • ..Marshall B 12 Fir t ~ 'ational Bank ••••• t'l9 Poµ. 617 83-1310 " " State Bank of Axtell ••. _H'IIO 83-446 Baileyville •• Nemaha B12 Baileyville State Bank.•:il'94 Pop, 200 83-729 Bala.---· ······Riley C 11 Bala tate Bank ____ .• __ t§'l9 Pop. 100 83-1329 Baldwin Oity •. __ Douglas Baldwin State Bank ----U'Q2 Pop. 1137 D 14 83-327 " Peoples State Bank ·----:1'06 83-328 Bancroft. __ Nemaha B 12 State Bank of Bancrof1_U'02 Pop. 150 83-730 Barnard ••• -.Lincoln C 8 Farmers State Bant __ .. it'04 Pop, 3;:ill 83~25  KANSAS-Continued Ass'T CASHI.ll'.R.  CASHIER,  p AID·UP su~us CAPITAL PROJ'ITB  - -----  G. O. 'eaton. ______ E.G. :Mendenhall. W. F. hale __________________________ _  15,000  W. W. Bowman ___ G. W. Gill-·---···· F. E. McCalL ____ B. Bowen Y. Letourneau Geo. Mallo._. ______ Geo. Chaput _______ H.J. Gennette .... R. L. Letourneau . .  20,000 15,000  • ·• impson ••••• Albert P. Simpson. R. W. Motes-··--· Wm. BerrY-·-····-  25,000  G. W. Williams •••• James Banon .•• _•. Daniel :Meara ... _._ Mary Rann._ •• __ _  15,000  W.J. Bailey. __ •••• J.:M:. Everts ____ ••• J.A. Heiman--·--· F. E. \Yinkler ____ . l  10,000  83 24  m es •• Washineton B 11 BARN Es Pop. xu:;  BAXTER  NATIONAL BANK 83-292 Baxter &zine-------··N ess E 5 Pop. 2:;o ~ l e ••• ----·MiamiD 15 P~-~o neardslev._.nawlins B 2 Pop. 26 Boattie .• --Marshall B 12 Pop 4:;2 .. • "  •i·o1  11.490  185,330  212,620  2,200  57,000  i7,000  1,500  130,000  95,000  12,000  120,0001  122,000  14,240  159,ti30i  114,390  33,820  J.B. Ross-··-···- H. H. HaYS--·--·-· A. L. Thompson. __ B. A. llitche!L .•-  12,500  4,i90  219,560  W. H. Capsey_••••• W. E. Karna-·---· B. E. SeweJL _ _ Kate R. Sewell·-··  15,000  3,250  43.190  73.370  J. A. Lounsbury. __ II. L. Hinckley __ •• J. W. Bi!!l!" -·--·--- W. J. Barnum ··-·  15,000  19,520  67,170  96,010  1 ,400 N. Bk. Com. and Inter-State N .. Kan. C.  IJj  W.R. BLANDING.- C. T. ABERCROMBIE C. C. ABERCROMBIE 0. F. SHAFFER-----25,000 Speclaf Altentl on given BID ol Lading Drafts, C ash and Time lte ms. Pleaae .~end 15e w ith each Sioht Dra rt for presentation and 25e for each Hep o t ' Oldest, Largest, and Strongest Ba nk here.  2:;,-130  H8, iOO  172,560  31,140 Chase N .• N. Y.; Drov. N .. Kan. C.  z>~  103,080  17,050 Cont. N., Kan. 0.: 'l'ootle-Lacy .' ..  l  reports, 2Se.  10.000  I  30,680 310,000  I  or  Ra  4,750  154,940  tina.  C/l  107,550  t. Jo.  Brr arts ompt attention. for presenta tlon.  5"  n,  25,000  L. D. Spence.·--·- J. W, Thompson •. _ l!'. W. Clark ..... -- O. M. Clark .. --···-  5,000  2;;0.000  I  30,000 _lidw. He. erve Tr. Co. and Fill. N. Bk. e Tr., 0 Kan. C.: Am. N •• St. Jo_.: Rx. N .. Atcbis~n. , IJj 25,000 Peo. N .• Kan. C .• Kan.; Live tock State. Kan. <, C .• Mo. $1> 67,000 Midw. Re"elTC Tr. Co. and Com'! • .• Kan. C.: i:::: Leav. N .. Leav. 11,000 Far. N., Salina; Drov. N., Kan. U.  240,000  10,000 1  13,ooo l  220.000  I 205,000  E. Basehor_·--·-·· E.G. Truskey __ .. _ R. M. Petherbridee Elmer Blankenship  10.000 1  11.000  229,000  175.000  10,000  2,000  36,000  34.000  L. L. Cardin_··-·-- W. T. Apple.-·--- R. E. Sweeney._._. E. C. Stevison. ___ _ R. C. Gibson  50,ooo 1  10,000  250,000  190,000  .A. R. Kane--··-· (.l. E. Rucker_ _____ F. S. HaJL __ ..•••- F. L. Brewster···-' We want outald e bmlness. R. F. Gre.sser  25,000 I  20.400  448,160  239 ,680  25,000 1  38,330  823,630  489.830  30,000  8,000  175,000  174,000  10,000 1 10,000  2,560  74.040  30,490  56,110 Peo. N., Kan. C.  1,000  32,500  47,700  25,000  2,500  252,000  242,770  25,000  6,000  200.000  180,000  9,910 Midw. Re.erve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Oma. N., Oma. 30,800 N. City, N. Y.: Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo,: 1st N .. Kan. 0. 50,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: 1st N., St. Jo.  1111  .Ill  Ill  1111 70,000  Mary H. Baxter J.P. Burns_·----·- Julias Hintz---·-·· Walfred Johnson •• ·-------·-··-·--··I  !  Promptsenlce. Reasonable charges. The livest town In South-West K ansas.  I  o. Hartley ••••• 1 I  83-1803  THE HAN I\WtH~\I utru~11 •~uAHANTY & URETY' ·  co Topeka Kansas ••  ,  I  > i:::: rl  R. :M:. Noble •••• ___ F. T. Stephens_ .. _. F. . Tilton •• _____ • Grant Owen·-····-  Beattie Stat~,,B,,ank ____ ••i5•05 C. E. Lohmnller ••• J.B. Lohmuller ··- O. V. Lohmuller _ J. K. Thomas _____ • o,r-o18l First Natio n al Ba nk ···-•*'14 R. 0. Crouse _______ S.S. Simpson ••• ___ A. R. Anderson_. __ J. D. Burnside, Jr. 83-1162 Beaumont__ •• Butler F 12 Beaumont State Bank: .. •tf'll J. H. Porter--····- c. F. Shriver-·--· W. H. Squier--··-- A. J. Brewer·--··Pop. 225 83-1100 ~TW,,_.___.,.. J ... I.\li..".. er,__....,....,_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  16,200 Live 'tock State, C.  1,500  385,000  Bazine State Bank: ...--U'OII J. S. .Forbes-······ Peter Brack_.___ • Adam Kehler·-·-·· Wm. Voeelman --·- I 83-734 Beaele State Bank.·-·-•:1'05 Oscar Grant ••••••• O.H. Dedrick_ •••• - J. J. Cox-·----···· -····-·---·---···-·· 8a-m Beardsley State Bank ••• §'19 J . . Skolout_. ___ • J. J. Sramek··--·· F. E. Sramek.·-··· ---··-·-------  U  ~  ::C::  18,000  tate Bank ••••• •U'05 W. T. Hartley ___ Tarrence Connor·- W.W. W:,-atL---·· \V. 83-293  \1  no• 11£..u  C:  10,000 --·-···-·  Tobias----··- Fred Oetinger----- John F.Pfeffer •••• - - - - - · · - - -  '-'...,.. 1  rnk __  CORl{ESPONDENT::;,  30,000  c. P.  STATE BAN1.-•U'll' Our colleetfon department offer s particular~ { ~nJ mt um fee or Uc must acco mpany Slch 8HUO  •U'86 3 Oitizens State Bank ___ ._tf'04 . 83-732 Basehor State Bank-.--•U'02 83-733 Farmers State Bank ••• _t§'l8 83-1330 American 'ational Bank 83-1263 •:•17  l'Rl~Cll'\L  A. D. ButelL ____• Chas. E. Beeks-·-- W. :M:. Clark •••• --. - - - - - - · ·  T. H. McBERTY .- W. C. IRWIN·-··--- ED. HOGUE--·--· -- RHEA HOGUE.--C. S. DeROIN  State Rxcha~~~  Bartlett- --··Labette G 14 Pop. 222 .Basehor .•.• Leavenworth Pop. 200 O 15 Bavaria ·--··--Saline D 9 Pop. 110 Baxter Sprinl?S, Cherokee Pop. 3512 G 15  lH::'iUUlWKS.  t:/" :,~~=: c~:':.!,!:.  DEPOS- I 1TB !!•coamu  29,490 Han.N., N. Y.: Com'! N .. Kan. C.; 1st N .. Con- cordia. 6,000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Union. • .. ne Joit: Concordia tate, Concordia. 54,500 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Kan. C.: 't, Jo. Stock Yds. and Tootle-Lacy •.• St.Jo. 34,220 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. Jo.; Inter-State N., Kan.C. 67,920 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .: 1st N. and Tootle-Lacy •• St. Jo. 1st N •• Seneca: Ex. ·., Atchison: 11idw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. C. 8,410 Live Stock tate. Ran. C.; Far. State, Clay ~ Center. ,► 65,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'!.•., Chi.: .., 1st N .. Kan. C. '4 54,020 Han. N .. N. Y.: Fid • .,:. Bk. & Tr .. Columbia C/l N., and Cont. N., Kan. C. ► 6,480 NewEne.N.,.Kan. C. en  1  .... FIRST NATIONAL ~ BANI( - + 93  I  LIAH1L1TlE:,.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• lit':<ed Acces.), Lawyer", Laws (indr.xcd) in back of this 'i;;-4 volume. For lnterl"st Rates, Holidays, t'tC., . <'e f,aws. ;j  I  S  0  90,000 Chatham&Phenix ., .Y.: Comw. N. and Fid. ::S N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N •• Joplin, Mo., r+ and liami. Okla. ,, i'. Y.; 1st N,, K~n. C.; Ex. N.,: 239,670 Chase Tulsa, Okla.  397,130 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.; New Rne. N .. :\Iidw. Re ' erveTr. Co.,andDrov.N.,Kan.C.; Joplin N.,Joplin. 63,000 1st N .. Great Bend. Kan.: Tra. N .• Kan. C.  1111  ,_.  ••  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  -, Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W.  490  Kamber under.Name of Bank 11 the New Transit Number Jive1e1 to eaob bank in U. S. eulu81nly by The Rand-1'lcNally Bankers• · Directory, under the autluJrlty of The American Banker11 A!.s'n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  '  KANSAS C t· ed -----~---=----------.=-~--=--,---~ n l_!l~  NAMK 01' BANK.  •County Seats. J•Mem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. iState Entire State in No. IO U!em.State Bies.Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT. Federal Reserve District. ♦ -:...::.M~e:::.:m=--:.F::....ed~-~R~e~s.:..·_ _2[~E:::::s~ta!.:b:.:.. 1_______ 1  1  -  I  =·======= LIABILITIES.  CA.SHIER.  SURPLUS P.uo•UP AND CAPITAL PROFITS  ASS'T CASHIER.  1,- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BaJ,lktns Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this ..,. v.;;::o:..:r=•:.::.. n :.::.. terei-_t _R _ a ....: te=i..:....'_H_o_I_ l d~s, etc., see L~'!:s. ~  _  RESOURCES.  1'  DEPOS· ITS  s.~OIUTIU'  • :i ow:':na o"'.,~ no>< B~...  - - - ---- ---- ---- ----  1  25,000 $  Beaver--•• Bar1on E 7 Farmers yati.onal Blnk.:t'l8 N. Weber---·· A. J.ReiL ••••••••• Calvi.n Piester •.••• - - - · · - - Pop. 65 &a--1164 Lambert Kultfen Farmers State Bank: ••.. :t§'l8 J. F. StoskopL •••• R. V. Hit.schmann. I. c. Forney ....• _ - - - · · - - 88-1285 Beeler ____ Ness D 4 Beeler State Bank ••••• ..:ti'l6 J.C. Hopper•--· Ezra Goodman •••• 0 . J. Weir •••••••• Grace 11'. Weir- ••.. Pop. 75 83-1231 J R B 0. N. Irvine Bellaire.. •• _ •••Smith B7 First State Ballk .... _ .. :tl'IMI · · nrrow .••.•.•, - - - - · · · · - - · · R. W. McLeod-·· W. E. Wilson- ••.• Pop. 150 83-736 Belle Plaine.Sumner G 10 Oitizena State Bank•••• U'02 A. L. Barner. ____ • E. N. Bishop. ___ • O. K. Scudder••••• _ J.B. Duvall •••• -• 1 Pop. 839 83-417 / VALLEY STATE BANK ..•:tl'97 J • .A. Bender ••••••• Ira Wheeler_ ••••• o. B. Lambe •••L .. E. Reed--····· 33416 •lelltville_Republic B 10 Bellerille State Bank ••• Ul900 A. R. llosi .•••• •••• W. G. Saip __ - · Henry Douflas •••• L. G. Machamer ••• Pop. 2254 iS-2S5 National Bank of Belleville D. D • .Bramwell •••. G. H. Bramwell ... _ W. H. Billinfsley _ D. D. Bramwell, Jr. 8S-2M •:t'86' ActiH 0. P. C&rstensen People, Natiollal Bank ••• %'09 E. A. Fulcomer •••• W. S. Ball __ .•••. W.R. Wells .•••••• E.T. Johnson._._ 83-23& Belmont-.. ~ i' 9 Farmen State Bank ••• •1:1'08 James Wilson ••••-. Ka11>0r Kostner .•. H. T. Nassaman •••• A. Nassaman •••••• Pop. 100 83-737 •Molt. ••- •. Vitchell O a American State Bank:_.•il'18 E. N. Daniels. ___ C. C. Blair.·-···- I. 0. Sewell .•••••• Julia Cotton ___ •••. Pop, 3315 83-1292 A. W. Pfaff' Beloit State Bank ••••• •:tl'87 J. W. Bartleson.... 1. W. Hi~fins. -·· C. P. Bartleion •••• J. H. Bockman .... 83-187 First National Bank -···•:t'84 Peter Eresch___ E. E. Brewer .••••• J. J. Kindscher •••• Josie Eresch ••- 83-186 Geo. F. Ereach Mitchell Co. State Bank:•U-18 E. E. Booker ••••• E. H. Howard -···-IJ. H. MotL-·-·· - - - · · · · · · · - · 83-121)4 W • .M:. Lukens  I  i  5,000 $ 65,000 $  -----------------1  75,000 $ 10,000 Drov. ·., Kan. C.  15,000  200  35,000  39,500  15,000  4,850  102,270  88,670  10,000  10,000  25,000  10,000  150,~ 341,  267,000  25,000  18,000  321,000  301,510  110,000  10,000 Far. & Merch. State, Hoisinfton; Tra. N.,1 Kan. C. 50,030 Citiz. N., Ness City; Com'l N., Kan. C., Kan.; Cent. State, Hutchinson. 60,00() Fid. N. Bk. & 'Tr., 1'aa. O.; Oent. N., Topeka.  I  71).000 Chase N., N. Y.; New Enf, N., Kan. 0 · Am State, Wiohiia. " . 58,600 Liberty ~ •• _N. Y.; Intel'-Staie N. Kan. O.; 4th N .. W1ch1ta. 160,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., St. Jo,; Drov. N. and Stock Yds. N .• Ku. 0. 11)5,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1-ter-State N. and Cent. Ex. ~ N., Kan. c.  15,000  7,500  300,000  185,000  50,000  25,300  507,000  355,000  40,000  7,000  220,000  185,000  10,000  7,700  45,000  65,000  87,450 N. Bk. Oom .• N. Y.; Drov, N .• Kan. C.; Kan. Z Resern State, Topeka. (J'J. 2,000 Tra. N., Kaa. C.; 4th N., Wichita.  60,000 ---···  315,970  420.?aO  43,850 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Am. N •• Hutchinson. 'CfJ.  46,000  65,000  625,000  610,000  75,000  84,840 1.112,310 1,118,480  75,000 N. Bk. 00111 .. N.Y.; lstN., Chi.; .Am. N., St. Jo.; tll N. Bk. Com .. Droy. N.,and lstN •• Kan. C. 228,660 N. Parle, N. Y,; Columr;a N. and Cont. N., !2! Kan. C,: Ex. N., Atchison. ~ 15,000 Atchison Sav •• Atchison: Live Stock: State, (/'). Kan. C.  65,000  25.000 - - - -  UNION NAT'L BANK FRANK MERGEN- •••• f·. ,: ~~~JjD-..... L.A. MERGEN .•.••• ~: ,. ,n,i'lit·····-  PRINCIPAL CORRi°SPONDENTS,  '"' &n c c•,.~w.DoHn~-  60,000  :>  >  >  I  I  83-188  •:t"03  50,000  -  sEN» US YOUR BUSINE S FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT ERVICE.  to  lZ0,000 1.125,280 1.061.200 179.081 Chatham & Phenl:: N., N. Y.; Cont. & Cl> Com'l N., Chi.; Com'l N. and N. Bk. of P> Com., Kan. C.; Toot.le-Lacy N., St. lo. ~  1-------~---------------------1--- -  -  Belpre-...•. Rdwarda F II Farmers State Bank •••• •is•o2 G. F. Sk:alilo' •••••• E. F. Mayhew·-· J. G. Bridwell_._ H. H. Bond ••·-····  10,000  20,000  F. G. Hooper·---· W. 0. Ohild •• ______ J. L. Ramsey ••••••  '10,000  12,000  Pop. 488 BeJvue, 0 12 Pop. 199 Bendena •• Doniphan B 14 Pop. 150 Belledfct ••••• Wilson Fl3 Pop. 275 Jlenninrton_ Ottawa O 10 Pop. 371 Bentle,- .••• Sedgwick E 10 Pop. 250 Benton·-·-···BuUer F 10 Pop. 224 Bern •••••••• Nemaha Bl2 Pop. SOO Berryton •• Shawnee D 13 Pop. 50 Beverl1 •••••• Lincoln D 8 Pop. 30 B~elow ••• Marshall B 11 150 Bird Cit7Pop. ••• Oheyenne B1 .• Pop, 480 ..  81-738 Belvue State Bank···-· •U'07 H. E. Shortt·-·-··· 13-739 Bendena State Bank: •••• •t1•04 W. Zimmerman.... SS-740 BenedictStateBank ••• -U'03 K. E. Sprarue . 83-741 Bennln2ton State Bank.•tl'84 J. H. Nelson. _____ • 88~48 Farmers State Ba.nk: •••• •U'05 R. l:'lehberr •••••••• S3---fi49 State Bank of BenUe7 -·:tl'Ol S. M. ShooL •••••• 88-742 Benton State Bank ..•• -•U'04 James Parks _____ .. 83-743 State Bank of Bern ··-·•U'89 Geor~e A.. Guild ••• 83-744 Berryton State Bank ••• ..:tl'll M.A. Thompson •• 83-1113 Beverly State Bank: ••••• •;1'03 J. J. Peate·-······· 83~ Union State Bank ••••• •:tl'OP H. H. P~n •••• - . 83---fi67 Birelow State Bank •••• -U'07 P. L. RasmUBsen ·83-745 Bird City State Bank •• •U'06 0. W. Trickett •••• 83-7411 Farmer ..::tate Ilank .•. •t§'18 Henry Weaver .... 83-1298 I  I  R. J. Johnson ••••• Albert F. Albers ••• W. B. ll7ers --··-·  10.000  -- 150,000  150.000  150,000  156,460  0,5001  100,000  107,000 138,000  F. H. Burnett ••••• FrankH.BurnetL ·-···----··--·  10,000  9.400  156,000  W. H. Rowe.•.•••. J.B. Richards_ •••• ·--····--··---·  12,000  25,000  240,000;  207,000  12,000  14,500  125,000  126,000  F. 0. Reinhardt •••  w.  S. ArbuthnoL ···--·····-·-····-·  c. V.  Basore_  10,000  7,000  95.000  75,000  L. L. Lane ••••••••• Olyde !lcGre..--. ··-···--··-··---·  10,000  24,000  170,000  155,000  Julius Hilt.•••••••• H. L. Guild ••••• -  232,000  G. G. Williams •.•.• C. V. Basore .•---· Mrs.  J.B. Wittwer ..... .  30,000  14,800  225,000  W. H. Coultis •.• -. F. A. Keefover •••• D. D. Keefover •• _  10,000  4.250  S0,000  81.100  Waldo Hanco,.k •• - R. D. CampbelL._ T. L. Campbell-·-· H. E. Skinner B. H. Painter··--· G. R. Schroeder •• _ ·-·-···-----··-···  10,000  24,000  190,000  215,000  15,000  18,000  132,230  154,280  G. E, Raymond_. __ N . .A. Brubaker·--- M. Brabaker ··-··  12,000  11,000  148,990  128,790  Henry Grei !er-•• - Earld M. Boyineton S. P. Sorensen--··· Wm. Burr J. K. Kite •••••••••• A. B. Nickols .••... \Ym. T. Vcnell ••• _  15,000  7,0001  335,000  327,000  15,000 1  2,000  140,000  176,910  I  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY Co ,, Topeka , Kansas Ij Number un!ler ~•me of Bank ia the New Transit Number Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  nn  ...,  -- - ---  rl-  44,590 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and ln1er-S1ate N., Kan. O.; 0 Far. N .. 81:af!ord; 4th N ., Wichita. to 30,000 Inter-!tate N .. :tt:an. O.; Kan. Reserve State, ::;· Tooeka; 1st N., Wamefo. 0. 12,000 Am. N. St. Jo,: Am. State, Atchison.  ,q0.  32,000 Live Stock State, Kan. O.; Oitiz. 1st N .• lnde.\ 11end~nce. 75,000 Atlantic N,, N, Y.; Tootle-Lac7 N., St. Jo.; N., Bk, Ooa. andD,ov. N .. Kan. o. 21,000 Oom'l N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., :tt:an. O.; N. Bk. of America, Salina. 26,000 1st N. and Union Stock Yds. N., Wichita; N. Bk. Oom., Kan. C. 50,000 4th N .. Wichita: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C. 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cent. N., Topeka; Com'l N .. Kan. 0.: 1st N .• St. Jo. 12,000 Far. Mtge. Tr., Topeka; Columbia N., Kan. C.  I  30,000 lleab. N .. "N, 'Y.; N. Bk. Oom., Kan. O.; Far.,~ N., Salina. ::S 18,190 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov: N. and Secur. N;: K~n. C !J.; Plan. State, Sahoa; Am. tat~ •. \I, 1ch1ta. P-l 38,850 M1dw. Reserve Tr. Go.Ka•. O.; Cmz. State, >'1 Marysville. 35,000 Oom'l N., Kan. C.: 1st N., Oma. ancl St. Jo. ,.._  «  16,000 Han. N., N. y.: Om~. N .. Oma.: Midw. ~eserve ~ Tr. Co., Kan. C.. Tootle-Lacy N., t. Jo. 1 ._.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (w. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  491  Number under Name of Bank ii the New Transit Number pun to each bank in U.S. es:cluslvelf by The Rand-HeNally Bankeri,' Dlreetol'J', un~r ~-e ~ r i t y of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN AND COUNTY. ·1 -- NAME OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in 'o. 10 :tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. • .Iem. Fed. Re'. [E tab.  p  RESIDltNT.  v  Non-Bank Town• with Nearest Banldnc Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyer,, Laws (indexed) in back of this ' volume. For Interest Rat~s, Hollda711, Ptc., see Laws. ~  KANSAS-Continued LIABILITIES.  p  Cil:lllll.  ICE- RESIDJCNT.  .A.SS'T OASHIJCR.  PAID-UP SUEPLUB CAPITAL.  Btson ___________ Rush 11: 6 POD, 357 Black Wolf- ___ EJl worth Pop. 50 D8 Blaine_Pottawatomie O 12 Pop. 200 Bloom __________ Ford F 5 Pop. 150 Bloomington.Osborne C 7 Pop. 88  Bison State Bank _______ .u,01 83-747 Black Wolf State Bank.!§'19 83-1328 Blaine State Bank ______ i5•06 83-7'8 Farmers State Bank ____ •:tl'll 83-749 First State Bank _____ J§'l6 83-1227  Blue Mound ____ Linn E 15 Pop, 570  BANK OF BLUE MOUND -:tl'86\W. H. Bayless-----  .RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENT::,,  ~  -  c..u&E:1:-  Lo,s1&D••·  "'t  P:O;fTEI ~ c'T~u!'.::::• ~~GB~~I-----------------~  Fred Humburf ____ S. Rothweiler _____ D. M. Rothweiler_ H. E. Meyer ______ S 25,000 $  1-  '°  880 $ 126.000 $ 106,501 $ 30,760 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Kan. 0.  A. W.Swayze ____ John Brichacek.-- J. A. Somer ________ -----------------C. G. Cochran T. M. O'Oonnor -- J.E. Cumminfs ____ D. L. Harrinrton __ Thos. Minihan ___ _  10,000  1,000  35,000  26,000  10,000  20,000  161.780  150,520  G. W. Weddle----- L. C. Weddle _____ Emry Martin ______ D. M. Doughty ___ _  10,000  7,500  80,000  100,000  F. B. Denman ____ C. E. Storer ____ J. G. Seaman___  ettie E. Seaman.  10,000  1,000  32,000  46,000  15,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0., Am. N., Hutchin-I son; 4th N., Wichita. 5,220 Han. N., N. Y.: Jnter-State N .• Kan. O.: 1st N .. Osborne. ,  D. F. VanBuskirk. W. H. Bayless, Jr._ R. B. Porter _____ _  10,000  21,820  255,830  216,6901  60,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tra. N. and N. Bk. Com,,I Kan.O.  M. Davis ________ Fred Bronson ______ C. A. Hiatt-------- Winnie Johnson __ _  10,000  0,800  111,000  05,000  28,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Midw. Reserve! Tr. Co., aod Drov. N,, Kan. C.  Blue Rapids.Marshall Bll CITIZENS STATE BANK•:W05 M.A.. Thompson __ L.B. Tibbetts ____ C. E. Oumminr•--- Gertrude Fiscel... Pop. 15M 83-282 .. " State Bank ot Blue Rapids F, 0. Waynant _____ E.W. Waynant ____ W.J. Burr ________ --------------------  15,000  7,300  350,P20  322,110  60,100 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.  20,000  10.000  280,000  200,000  1  83-750  FARMERS STATE BANK:W13 1J, 83-1149  &3-281 •U'71 Blu1r O11.7 _____ Harper CO Farmers State Bank ____ :t§'l7,Joseph Bruey ----- C. S. McCormick .. C. W. Duncan----- Frank Ba.rfmeier •• POD, 272 83-1268 .. _______ " StateBankot Blnff0ity_if'87 W. A. Miller------ James Glover _____ W. E. Babb ________ Mabel M. Grove __ _ 83-751  Bo ne ________ Graham O 5 Far111ers State Bank ____ .u·o11 A. D. Manny ------ G. W. Minor ______ Pop. 150 SS-752 Bonner Sprincs--WY'd'te Commercial State Bank 1:§'18 Frank Alden _______ M. S. Glynn _______ Pop. 1626 0 15 83-1272 " Farmers State Dank ____ wo1 L. G. Frisbie _______ Fred. Oandler _____ IS-312 R. . Filkin FIRST IATIOIIAL HH-•:t'08 P. K. Hendrix _____ C. L. David ________ 83-313 BrazUton __ ora.wtord 'If' 15 First State Bank ________ it'lO J. H. KnODP------- A. F. LaForfe----PoJ>. 125 83-753 Bremen ___ Marshall B 11 Bremen StateBank ______ :tf'07 W. Rabe. _ _ _ _ 'P'. W. Stohs------Pop. 100 H-75' Brewster ____ Thomas C 2 Brewster State Bank __ •:tl'05 I. W. Orumly _____ V. C. Eddy------Po-p. 300 83-755 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'20 J. G. Guise-------- W. O. Bear ________ 83-1375 Brid~eport ____ saline D 9 Bridgeport State Bank .:t§'IO John C. Short __ R. W. Samuelson .. Pop. 100 I 83-1325 Bronson ___ Bourbon F 14 Bank of Bronson _______ :tl'86 Chas. F. Horner ___ D. F. McCarty _____ Pop. 500 83-520 .. ____ ____ " Citizens State Bank ____ e:tf'07 J.E. Zimmerman_ T. Mason __________ 83-621 Breolr'rille _____ Saline DD Brookville State Bank ___ :tf'85 T. J. Rollman ____ ------------------Pop. 212 83-756 Browchton ____ Olay C 10 Brourhton State Bank __ 1:5•1o ·J. C. Carson _______ J. L. Dunham--·-Pop, 60 83-1116 Brewaen_ _______ N ess D a Brownell State Bank __ •:tl'08 Ira Butler---------- Thos. Ryan ________ Pop. 200 83-757 . B•ckliJl . ________ .Vord JI' SIBucklin State Bank ____ •:tl'88 S. D. Aulls _________ 0, A. Bunninf _____ Pop. 835 83--470 Farmers State Bank ---•:tl'l0 J. F. Baldwin ___ A. E. King _________  I  R.R. Kirkpatrick __ M.  o.  25,000  18,000  840,000  315,000  15,660  326,HlO  203,130  98,720 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan.  10,000  4,000  115,000  105,000  7,000  110,000  115,000  20,000  6,000  108,550  120,200  10,000  8,830  05,320  74.880  25,000  4,000  250,000  210,000  12,290  218,160  217,850  24,000  104,000  210,000  R. D. Laney _______ -----------------  20,000  4,000  45,000  48,000  E. B. Ericson ______ - - - - - - - - - - -  10.000  1.000  48,280  38,210  17,230 Secur. N .• Kan. C.; Reserve State, Salina.  Don S. Hawthorne F. L. Orbison _____ _  20,000  10,820  256,840  103,100  w.  B. Collett, Jr .. J. H. Grefory ____ _ Elmer Pool Fred Oonrow ______ M. Oonrow _______ _  10,000  12,170  200,920  200,160  10,000  1,600  60,000  50,000  R. B. HammerlL •• A. B. Hammerli. __  10,000  2,070  47,000  42,000  Carl Newcomer____ J. S. KeiL ________ _  15,000  10,000  230,000  300,000  30,000  450,000  450,000  83--471 Bacyrus ______ Mfami D 15 Bucyrus St-ate Bank - -•U'85 JI'. E. Mossman---- R. O. Whitaker ____ Herman Ecton ______________________ _  7,000  81,000  115,000  11,500  15,000  125,000  125,000  Pop. 150 83-758 • Bu1falo _______ Wilson F 13 Citizens State Bank ____ t§"20 J.E. Ward-------- F. H. Hines _______ Arthur Pa.ckett ____ Lula Spencer-----~ Pop. 739 83-1376  15,000  1,500  52,000  35,000  30,000  18,610  205,060  315,310  W. A. McCAIN------- J. F. GUNBY-------- C. L. SUTHERLAND- -  fl BUF!f.~1~ { 2515 CENTl!;J:· to us with each s tght draft for pre sentation, and CENTS fore ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n.  STATE BA'lf_7  Olde t and Large st Bank. Bnhler----------Reno E Il l Buhler 8tat~, Bank---•:tl'0Z jH. A. Martens _____ J. J. Buhler ____ H.B. Gerbrand ____ A. D. Wall.._______ Pon. 486 ...3- 76 0 ,-,y-.,._.__..,......., _,....,._.........._ D. A. :Marten! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  10,000  25,000  U  ,  g ....  .  ctD  2:  03,420 New Enf. N, and Tra. N., Kan. Co., Mo.; A.m. State, Wichita; Oom'I N., Kan. C•• Kan. ~ 22,030 New Enf. N. and N. Bk. Com., Ku. 0.: Peo. State, Ft. Scott. 20,000 Drov. N.and Oom'l N., Kan. C.; Far. N.,Salina. 13,300 .Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. Kan. C.; Union State, Clay Center. 33,000 Peo. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Oom., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. O. 100,000 • Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N .. Chi.; N, "Bk. Com., Kan. C. 25,780 Inter-State N .. Kan. 0.: Citiz .. Hutchinson; Farm Mtge. Tr., Topeka. 20,000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Cu., Kan. C.: Miami Co. N .• Paola. 25,000 Live Stock State, Kan. O.; Bk. of Oom., Chanute. 35,350 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Inter-StateN.and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Com'! N., Independence,  ! j!_  j !' I, :I  25,000  ~uHtl T •~u., I ooeka___ Kansas  Y. U, U  (I)  c.  10,000  toh ________________ _  60,000  It  >  c. A.. Horney ______ c. R. McCalL ____ _  Julius E.  Marion Aulls ______ -·-----------  utru~,U I 1;UA"AN Il I\ \I U THt HA·N'tH~  >  15,000 1st N. and Drov. N .. Kan. O.; 1st N. and Far. • ~ Miners tate, Girard. oo 20,660 Midw. R~serve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Citiz. State. Marysville; Am. N., St. Jo. 42,000 1st N., Ohi.; New Ku. N., :&:an. 0. 0 5,000 1st N., Kan. C.  Paul Taylor _______ E. L. Richardson __  GEO. T. GU{IRN-  ,~  25,000  15,000  Kirkpatrick.  J. L. Jackson _____________ _  I  50.000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Z N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0.: Ex. N., Atchison, CIJ 10,000 Comw. N .. Kan. C.; Stock Ex., Caldwell; Far. State, Wichita. . . . . (I) 10,020 Inter-State N., Kan. C.: 4th N., W1ch1ta; C1tiz. N., Anthony. . tJ2 44,820 Com'! N. and M1dw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; • Plan. State. Salma. 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Com'\ N., Kan. O. Z ~ 60,000 Pioneer Tr. Oo. and . Bk. Com., Kan. C.  Roy Y. Stott _____ E. M. Wharton ___ _  c. . Beecroft _____________ o. F. Meyer _______ F. G. La Forre----  3,000 New Enf. N., Kan. O.; Ellsworth State, Ells-I~ worth. I 28,120 Inter-State N., Kan. c.  ! 111  Ill  I! Ill  Ill  I  t  ,  ••  ,  I  I  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers  ·, Kansas Bankers Ass'n  cw. w. BOWMAN. Secv.) Topeka, State  A~P!1t  l1 "  Number under • ame of Bank is the • ew Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslvel)' by The Rand-1\fcNally Bankers' Olr rtorr, under the authorlty of Thl' American Ranl<ers .:'-'-·'•n. - I . TAlIE OF BA. K. Tow.-. ,L'D cou,·n·. v ICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem . .Am. Bks . .A sn. § 'tate .. county ·eat·. Entirr :::.tate in. 'o.10 iMem. tateBks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab, 11 Federal Re.;erve Di ·trict. ♦.'.\lem. Fed. Re~.  492  -  -  ~  ---  '°  -  h.J  PRI.SCIPAL CORRESPO. 'DE."ffS, CASHIER.  ASS'T CASHIER,  - - - --------1  D. Gross ___________ E. 0. Humes _______ H. M. Baldridge ___ $  20,000  I  F. D. Stodder _____ C. A. Truesdell ____ F. G. Stodder._____  25,000  25,000  275,000  230,000  J.C. Browne ______ G. R. Norris __________________________ _  IE.  10,000  20,000  150,000  100,000  S. F. Nelson _______ Freel B. Johnson __ ··------------------  25,000  8,290  69,000  110,000  Bunkerhill ___ Ru~_ell D 7 Bunker Hill tate Bank -W05 0. Shaffer _____ ----83-761 Pop. 26, Burden ______ Cowley G 11 tate Bank of Burden_ •:t§'84 1Samuel 0. Day _____ 83-i62 Pop. 4-H BurdetL _____ PawueeE6 Norris State Bank-----•i§'06 R. M. Norris ______ 83-763 Pop. 250 T. Anderson ____ Burdick ______ :llorris D 11 BURDICK STATE BANK:•i§'05 83-764 Pop. 130 Farmers State Bank ___ •t§'l9 Wm. Atkinson ____ " ________ " 1 83-1311 Burlingame ___ Osage D 13 First National Bank _____ ei'89 J. T. Pringle _______ 83-318 Pop. 1330  -===-=--  ----  I  I  -- --  Non-Bank Town, with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), I.awyt'rs, Laws (indexed) ln back of thi ~ rnlumP:.__. For lu(ert.>st Rates, Holidays, etc., sre Law .  KANSAS-Continued  .  '  w.  70,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Midw. J{e · rrC' 'rr. Co., Kan.C.;.UhN., Wichita. 75,000 Cont, & Com'! N •• Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr .. Kan. C. Kan. c. 80,000 .Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. and Drov .• T ..  15,500 Com'! N. and Peo. N., Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. c .• Mo.; Citiz. N., Emporia. ~ 30,;J20 Ex. State and Com'l N., Kan. C., Kan.; Live Stock State, Kan. c. 100,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.  M. Atkinson, F. 0. Peterson ____ Ray L. Oberholser Jr. N. P. Garretson ___ F. M. Nelson ______ E. S. Taylor ______ _  25,()00  11,550  148.210  50,000  24,000  400,000  380,000  PIONEER STATE BANK •i§'06 J. N. Newman _____ W. L. Payne - ____ H. Carnine ________ F. T. Hepworth __ _  50,000  10.000  400,000  390,000  50,000 J,ibertyN,, N. Y.: Drov. N. and Inter-State N'.. Kan. O.; Bk. of Topeka, Topeka.  A. L. Woodford __ _ A. J. Sanders _____ Mattie Hutchings __  25,000  12,420  120,970  116,930  37,470 Com'! N .• Kan.  J. R. Copple ______ _ 0. G. ~1echem _____ Carl A. Johnson __ _ Ethel Heidemann N. I. Ne bitt_ _____ _ H. E. Douglass ____ Kate Dreyer-----· J.B. Sweet  55,000  47,120  655,840  534,490  75,000  50,000 1,030,000  850.000  Burns _______ Marion E 11 Burns State Bank _____ •:1:§1900 E. S. McIntosh. ___ A. J?unke __________ 0. L. Bruner _______ Glenn Riggs ______ _ c. E. Love , 83-588 Pop. tm  25,000  20,000  300,000 I 230,000  I Exchange State Bank __ et§'07 R.H. Bradford ____ R. L. \Yrie:ht_ _____ H. E. Wright_ _____ C. A. Godding ____ _  10,000  12,500  300,000 I  225,000  50,000  28,000  300,000  375.000  50.0001  24,430  196,550  237,500  O. D. BeYerly  Clyde B. Crumb  83-319 •Burlington __ CoffC'y Ji~ 13 Burlington State Bank -!§'19 B. D. Harreld • ____ 1 Pop. '.:'236 83-1313 Farmers National Bank_•i'03 E, W. Barker ______ 83-240 Peoples Tationa!Bank __ e:!:'84 ,M, A. Limbocker •• 83-230  178,140 I  I  tateBank _ -•:!:§'05 J.P. Fair __________ ,R. L. Decker ______ T. W. Cline ________ F. E. Lull.. _______ _ 83-363  I  f N. J. COOK------ 1------·--------. ---- P.H. O'BRIEN ----- H.  A. MONBECK ...  > en to  100,000 )fech. & Metals N .• N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.,Kan. 0.: Prudential Tr .• r:o., •ropeka: 1st N •• \ irhita. 80,000 1st N •• Kan. C.; Union N. and 1st T. Wichita: ~ Eldorado N,, Eldorado. en  >  z i  50,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tootle-Lacy N .. St. Jo.; Inter-State N. and Li\·e Stock State. Kan. C. to 34,040 Bartlett Tr. Co .. _t,Jo.; Comw. N., Kan. C. i=  ::,  JEWELL COUNTY NAT'L BK.10ldestbankand onJyuatlonal ban kin Burr Oak. We ollclt your Correspondence o n all banklnE ma tters. •~ '!14 83-362 Thenegotlatlon of farm loans a specialty.  •r.  :,:;-' (I)  ----1-----------_______ _  '"1  35,000  385.000  365.000  25,000  2,50()  40,000  36,000  12,500  5,400  111,000  112,000  11,000 Irving •. , N. Y.; Fhl. N. Bk. & Tr .. Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita; Com'l .. •., Hutchinson. (") 16,900 Pco. Tr, Co., Kan. O.; Citiz. N .. Emporia. Ill  25,000  2.160  172,570  172,950  24,320 N, Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Far. N., Salina.  20,000  5,000  50,000  50,000  10,000  8,5001  85,000  100,000  25,0001  625,0ilO  500,000  25,000  4,000  150,000  125,000  30.000  2fJ,i90  715,360  598,1!!0  10.000  Farmers State Bank •••• t§'20 John Kuntz _______ F. J. IIabiger _____ L. S. Crawford ••• _ 83-1364 l!yers ___________ Pratl F 7 Byers State Bank ______ .;t§'l5 J, J. Moore ________ ------------------- Vance Green _____ _ 83-1187 l'op, ;;10 Cal<! wc•ll _____ sumnpr G 9 Caldwell State Bank __ . •t: ·02 T. E. Neal ---------, A. 0. ho waiter ___ _ I.E. Showalter ____ E. L. Misak _______ _ Moses Dial 83-238 l'ou. ~Ill[  35,000  Hom,• • 'ational Bank_ --•t'l8 0. . :B'o. ·ett_______ . F. George _____ _ G. H. Rhoades _____ Dorothy A.Rhoades 83-1274 'tock Exchange Bank_ •i '81 I. T. Gabbert_ _____ M. N. Overall ____ _ ~1. ~. Overall ____ Jno. W. Nyre _____ _ E. M. urguy 83-237 Cambridne ___ owl y G 11 Oambridl?e tate Bk. __ •i§'Oi J. J. Benjamin •••• S, M. Fall __________ J. J. Benjamin ____ Halph John~on ---83-i6i Pop. 2il3  I  "  ---- ____  I  13.000  120,000 I  120.000  J. F. BLACKLEDGE CHAS. OWEN ________ R, L. DE HON------- - - - - - - - - - -  50,000  25,0001  i2::i,00()  4i5,000  llomc. ·ational Bank.-•!1900 Elmn Tirown ______ \.\'111. F. (.ileeck ____ \Y. c;, 'I'w.nnan ____ ~li.'S ,\!,(ne. Kelly 3-15;l  40.000  17,000  535,000  435,000  l  Oldc.>.-t and Larg est Bank. Spc.>cla1 attentlo n ght•n nm of La ding draft , Ca h and Time Items. /'lea c send 15c wi ti ach ioht d, "ft /11r presentation am/ 25 1I r for Crt:dil Riports  Kansas· tJ THE ·· BANKERS .DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY co ,, Taneka Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number iven Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  67,000iHan. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. C.  ::,  (I)  '<  l:i,000 Stork Ycls. N,, Kan. 0. I  "  can y •• i\ outgomt1 1y G 13 CANEY VALLEY NAT'L BANK •t· ti ·3-152 l'op. 3427  8O  35,000  Shive ________ Eldo Jones_________ Ella Shive _____ 9 Burrton State Bank ____ •i§'99 J. 83-472 Fannrrs & Merchants , tate IL J. Jones ________ J. F. Remitk ______ L.B. Gribble •••• __ F. G. Collins ______ _ j Bank_83-473 ---------•t ·•19 Bushong _______ Lyou D 12 Bushong State Bank ---•:l:§'06 C. L. Stocks _______ J. ;\I. Downing ____ E,, L. Hun~aker ___ Chas. Carey·····-· 83-765 Pop. 180 Bushton _________ Rice E 8, Bu hton State Bank _____ ;t§"98 Geo. Cramm _______ B. 0. Shonyo ______ E. J. Bruegger_ ____ A. Volkland ______ _ 83-i66 Pop. 32G Burrton---- __ Harvey .. Pop. tiiU ..  ~  z>  341,610 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.· N. Bk, Com. and C/l Midw. Resen·e Tr. Co., Kan. c. 240,000 1Han.N,,N.Y.;NewEng.N.,Drov .•.'.aml 1st ., Kan.C.  I  83-589 Burr Oak ______ Jewell B 8 Burr Oak Pop. 63  c., Kan.  f  I  I  30,000 1st N., Kan, C .. Pratt and Wichita. 80.000,Han. N .• N. Y,: Fid. N. Bk. & 'fr. and '. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 4th N. and l nion Stock Yd,;;, N., Wichita. 40,000 .. '.Bk.Com .. N. Y.: Inter-State.· .. Kan. C.; 4th .l.' •• Wichita. li6,960lSea~.,N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Co~.. a!)d Fid. ~T. Bk • ._ Ill & Ir., Kan. O.; 1st N .. \\ 1ch1ta. 19,000 Com'I N .. Kan, c .. Kan.; Union .. '., Wichita. :::l C I o.> 250,000 Han ... ' .•• T. Y.; ~·ew Eng.~. and Drov. ~ Kan.C.  lJ0,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Kan. 0,  Fidelity and Depository' Bonds for Banks and Bankers w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  ·, Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W.  Numbel' under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number eiven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' ______ Dtr~~ry, under the_ a ~ y o f ~ A~e!:_lca~ke~~~  493  I NAME OF BA.'.-IK. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IStatc, •County Seats. PRXSIDKNT. Entire State in 'o. 10 Ulem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv.: [Estah. _ _ __ Federal Reserve District. + _lem. Fed. Res.  Non-Bank Town \\Ith .·earest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law. (inclpxed) in back of th! 'ii;" =:..-===--=-==-============::_;:==========='::;:·o=l=um= e=.=F=o=r=I=n=-t_e_re"t Ra~s,_H~lday, f>tc.,_see l,aw. :;j ~ PRL'CIPAL COR&ESPONDL'-TS. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES.  Carbondale ___ osafe D 13 Pop.383 Carlton ___ Dickinson D 10 Pop.250 Oassoday _____ iJutler F 11 Pop. 125 Oastleton _______ Reno F 8 Pop, 150 Oawker 1!~1>:-,M~tchell C 7  IC.  0.lHill.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I  ilS'T OASHIU.  PAID-UP  c. T.  Lindgren .•.• ____________________ $  M. Gray ________ E.P .• lcGiJL _____ F. W.Nelson ______ Lucien Gray_______  IP. W. Rob:.son _____ ,I Lewi,  Kinney _____ A. V. Robison.____ ____ ____ ____________  1  R. D. Hunter ______ 1E. R. Eliason ______ F. E. NottorL _____  c. D.  Hunter______  L. Harsh __________ T. G. Watkins _____ 0. S. Reed_________ ____________________  Charles Hornbaker John . Smyth _____ Albert Williams____ ____________________ , Charles Vasterling_ Harm Schoen _____ F. J, Bui. t_ _______ ~I. M. Buist________  I !~·.:,!',::;1~~:..t~  Su~us 1 DEPOS-  1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - I C A . P I T A L PBOftTS  Oanton __ l(cPhnson E 9 Farmers StateBank ____ •t§'07 W. \V. Musick _____ R.H. Evans _______ 83--475 Pop. 700 State Bank of Canton ___ U'95 83--474 Carbondale State Bank __ :t§'87 83-768 Carlton State Bank _____ t§'02 83-769 Cassoday State Bank ____ tf'CMI 83-770 State Bank of Castleton_if'06 83-771 CommerciaW~ii Bk. - •:t§'03  KANSAS-Continued  IT■  '"1  noaLJma l - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  I 1901JJUft•  '<  15,0CO $ 17,160$ 231.480 $ 200,6i0 $ 61.910 Cont. & Com'! N .. Ch1.: Inter-StateN. and New \0 Ene:. N ., Kan. C.; l;nion Stock Yd· •• '., ~ 1 Wichita. 50,000 N.Bk.Com.andls:.N., Kan.C.; Com'JN•• ln135,000 200,000 9,500 10,000 dependL•nce. 15,000 Topeka State, Topeka: N. Bk. Com. and DrO\'. 145,000 5,000 135,000 20,000 N .. Kan.C.;linfr" .• • .. Lea,·euworth. 27,500 Com'! •.' .. Kan.C .. Kan.; Far. N., Salina; Drov. 123,970 119,300 14,580 10.000 T.a_nd~tod·Yds.~·.,Kan.C. 10,000 1Tra. N •. Kan. C.; Far. & .Merch. N .. Eldorado. 70,000 70,000 4,750 10,000  I  I  58,460  72,300  12,500  204,360  176,100  56.500 _________  275.0001  283,000  10,000  11.380  25,000 1  I 1  20,300 ~ech. & :Metal· ~·., N. Y.; Citiz., Hutchinson: Drov. N., Kan. C. 38,040 Com'! N .. Kan. C., Kan.; )falw. HP ·prv(' Tr. Co., Kan. C. 42,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C. 18,160 Drov. N. aml • •. Bk. Com .• Kan. C.; Ex. r ., Atchi on. 35,000 Bk~ of Orlean'-. Orlean,s. ~' eb.: . TootlP;-La? ... St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co. and .\h<lw. Re ene Tr. Co .. Kan. '. 75,000 Com'! N., Kan. C.; Kx. N .. CottonwoOd Fall .  ...,. ,...,  Farmers& Merch. State }~k. ·•ll"97 83--412 -------U'09 A. Dougherty ______ A.H. Frutii?er ____ Geo. W. Olson ____ B. E. Greenman___ Oedar ___Po_p___ ii~mith C 7 Cedar State 2 Cedar Bluffs __ Decatur B 4 First State Bank------ - is·os H. S. Kennedy _____ Luer Witham ______ Fannie J. Kennedy u. A. awyer ______ Gail Kennedy 83-773 Pop. 125  10,000  6,260  135.060  133,760  10,000  11.350  150,000  115,000  Cedar Poi~;;:i~J1ase E 11 Cedar Poin\i~}t Bank.!§'14 J, C. Fisher------- Geo. A. :McNee-- E. C. Im Masche __ S. G. Fisher_______  20,000  18,0JO  210,000  165,000  CedarVale,Chaut'cl'aG12 Cedar Vale Nat. Bank .•tl900 J. J. Willson ______ G. J, Ramsey ______ J. P.Tabler ________ H. r. Donelson ___ , Fav Webb 83-39!1 Pop. 1044 G. ·R. \Villson Shaver ______ Loui· .\da1n ______ J.B. Miller ________ Laura !!full_______ DOSBAUGH NAT'L BANK•:·02 A. 83-398  25,000  78,720 1  2i2,970  380,120  43,520 !Ian. N .. N. Y,; N. Bk. Com. and 1 ·t • .. Kan. ~ Bk. Com., 't. L. C.:  50,000  31,150  218,720,  314,1501  f;,1,730 N. Bk. Com,. N. Y.: 1st N.,Chi.: Inter-State N. ~ (I) and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. 0.: 1st N .. t. L. 26,000 .'ew Epg. ·. 1 Kan. O.; State Ex., Hutchin.on: SU • _ 1st .. Lewis. , ::S 40,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. -Y.; Inter-State •. , Kan. O.  G. W. Dockstader __ W. C. Cady ______ J. H. )lcClun______ ____________________  "  ..  :-¥f  I  ~~iii  Bank.:t§'l7 W. E. Hetrick _____ ll. E. Brown. ______ 11 8 L. C, Brownback __ H. H. McGee ______ Bank.•!f'04 ~~~~ Centerville 14 E nter~il~eop~30tinn 0 5 1 Oentraha ___ Nemaha B 12 CITIZENS STATE BAIIK•U'87 T • .M. Durland _____ U. A. Kircher ______ 1 83--487 Pop. 619 First ational Bank ____ et'82 F. P. Bowen _______ .A. OberndorL ____ " ________ " John E. KinE 83--486 nk ____ •tl'IO A. \r. Bonar _______ )I.·. Watt. ______ Centropo~~p~l: klinD14 Farmerssta 6 8 ::;y~o~le ____ ho F 14 ~nk. of Oo~~re ----tl:94 N. S. Jones ________ Chanuti,-0 Fidelity State na nk _____ t§ 15 J. L. Robinson ____ Adam Loch ________ 83- 72 Centcrv~~~~~~gwnrd 11'6 Centerview  5 p~i~ii6  i~  FIRST NAT'L BANK •t· I  10,000  500  50,000  50,0001  c. F. Gilpin ________________________ _  10,000  7,550  200,000  160,000  r,, D. Richard  lti5,000  .\Ir:-,, L. D. Hicharllon J. B. Lohmuller ___ B. L. Lohmuller __ _  25,000  20,000  185,000  37,500  35,000  200,000  210.000  w. K. :McCalL ____  P. E. McCalL ___ _  10,000  2.470  68.750  ' 76,1-10  W. II. Hiley _____ Ethel_ 'pJson _____ _ C. C. DeBoJt _______ J.E. Wood ______ _ H.F. Robinson  50,000  25.000  680,000  475,000  50,000  13,5001  380,000  300,000  4:1:rl!Hrtf;c• t !>,BiENNEDY--- w. F. ALLEN------- B. s. COFER-------  100,000  i·. t  f  Cha. A. Hall ______________  .r.  011._  87  B:ii~og  All Collections receive Prompt a nd Personal atte ntlon upon day of recel pt and are remJtt ed upon day of payment.  ------t w.  35,000  15,120  373,830  100,000  12.000  936,000  838,000  Chapman-Dickinson D 10 Ohapman S~te-4~nk __ et§"85 A. J. Poor _________ P. Scanlan _________ W. N. Wilkins _____ L. R. mith ______ _ . 1 ,.., Pop. 853 Peoples ... tat-4~k .•.• •t§'05;John Carroll ______ C. J. Olson _______ Emery Buhrer ·--- T. W. Carroll ____ _ " · "  15,000  45,000  295,000i  232,000  15.000  17,600  217,660  OhAae-------- ---RiceES Farmers Sta te l3a nk ___ et§'02 H.K. Lindsley ____ Jes e Ainsworth ___ J. H. Lansing ______ Charlotte G. Lan83- 7 17 sin2' Pop. 386 Chautau<l_p°;j;~)8ru_ta'¾lUI Chautauqu~3~fl\\~nk•!§:l6 J, R. Burns ________ \\'. G. Jack ________ R.A.Burn · ________ ~r. L. Burns. _____ _  20,000  6,000  201,000  10,000  •10,000  113,000  100,000  10,000  10.000  150,000  120.000  Ill  I Ill  I Ill  111  Oheoey ____ Sed1?w1ck F 9 Cheney Staii~8k--.-•U 04 Otto Wulf _ _ _ J. W. Weatberd ___ F. Zimmerman ____ c. o. BomhoJt_____ 636 · • 0 • To rthcutt ______ E.• E. Crossley Citizens State " Pop. " _______ T. L . .' orthcutL __ _____ I W. E. Zirkle ... 3-llank ---- •+1'84 -------8 449 A. E. weet  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & URETY Col' Topeka' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  310,0601  I  207,430 I  (I)  a,  > Le  A  I  I I  s.  Kini!'--------- ___________________ _ 11ontague ___ A. F. M. Abbott Neosho Va~f: State 71 Peoples-Hofi-fotateBk.•U'03 F. E. Bodley _______ J. L. Barnes _______ H. C. Bodley _______ R. C. Swank_______  ....._  ,,.  ,...,.  110.000 1,300,000 1,150,000  l THI: ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THE CITY.  (Jl  50,000 Cont. & Com•J N .. Chi.: Com'}.'., 1·an. C.: Ex. 0 .l',, Atchison. ::s 50.000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Kan. C.; ,.. Tootle-Lacy _r •• t. Jo. 9,840 Tra. N. and Midw.Re ·erve Tr. Co .. Kan. O.; 0 (') Kan. tate, Ottawa. 238,000 1N. City, N. Y.; 1st ." .. Chi.; ~lidw. Re enc Tr. ::r ~ Co. and New Eng. N .. Kan. C. 143,500,N. Bk. Co.m., N. Y.; . City. Chi.; Com'I 1' .. ::, I~ Kan.C. 300,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Drov. N .• Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita.  < tfitxEST AND STRONGEST BA NK IN NEOSHO COUNTY.  83~8  z>  181,000  i. t ·.  109,890 Ban. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Stock Yd . N. and Tra. N .. Kan. O. 213,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Fid. T. Bk. & 'I'r. Co,. Kan. C. 97,97~ Com. Tr. Co. and Traders N., Kan. G. 51 860 Ranchmen',· State, Wichita; Comw. ',, New Eng. N .. and Miclw. Rc.::rrve 'fr. Co., Kan.C. ' 36,000 Am. Ex. -.. N. Y,; 1st N .. Kan. C. nion Stock Yds. N., Wichita; Drov. - ·,. Kan. C.· Com'! N., Independence. 30.000 Am.'State, Wichita.  11,000  I Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks ·and .Bankers j Kansas--1Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent I 111  !; ,'I.:  'T 11.  C ii JI  l·  I  an•  494  . . ..., . . . . Jlfame or Jlank la th• Kew Tnnalt Jlf11m.._ to NOh bank in U. 8. excluslvelJ by The Band-HeNallJ Bauen' DINe&.t-,. uader tbe authority of The American Bankers Aaa'n.  N !..?r1E  TOY1f .A.B• CoUNTT,  Non-Bank Town• with Neareat Bankfnar Point (1ndexed Acces.), LawJers, Laws t1ndexed) to back of thl.i ~ volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws I ~  KANSAS-Continued  _ _ _LI~Ac:cB=IL:::.:1:..::T=IE:::..;S:..:.•---1 !----=R=ES=O:...:tl'~R'.:::.CES=.- I  OJ!' BA.NJt.  PRINCIPAL O0RR.2SPONDBNTS,  I  1 1 StTBPLUB o A o••B:1VIOK-PRJ:SIDJCNT. PRESIDENT. •llem. Am. Bies.Aun. IS~te •OouU l•t.l. Lo.urt. l)... o..... •x• DlDPOSAXD -UP_ PRO.l'ITB __ _P_AID I --1--s-s_'_T_.A._s_11_1i:_R_._ -_· __ , . , . . _ t_P_r~1T_. 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - :..:;10~ 1*1..::~fem::=;.S:..:ta:...;w=B~k;.;:s~. :!!s:?!ia!!te~l~n.!::.N:!::c:!:. ..!h~tt~r~eReser'fe ITS C.t.J'ITAL [Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.As;..._s_n.:... District. 1'ed1ral !!. --- --- --- ----1----------------Deret•-Crawford Q 15 ll'irstNatioD&I Bank----•U900 J'. N. Chadsey----- D. Mon~omery ____ J, B. Tharp ______ _ ------------------- S 25,000 S 10,000 S 260,000 S 180,000 S 80,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. . 83-77G Pop. 1'62 ., Com .. Kan. 0.: N. Bk. Oom., St. L. First State Bank _______ i§'lQ J. G, Miller-------- C. A. Loveland---- Raymond Peterson Lela Martin ______ _ " 20,000 2,800 92,520 19,430 Stock Yda. N., Kan. O.; Far. & Miner's State, 86,770 A. A. Montee 83-1820 - ---Girard: Pitt. State, Pitt.  I  c:;.:.-:· : • g  ca  10,000 25,ooo {M. S. COOLBAUGH. J. A. BRADY-------- W. S. PHILLIPS----- -----------a1e.lloat« AMERICAN STATE BANK •!§'19 Prompt att ention given collections and corresp n c e. 83-1302 "'" Pop. 5000 G 1a  125,000  101,000  50,000  14,000  800,000  845,000  125,000 Chase N., N. Y.: N, Bk. Com., St. L,; InterState N., Kan. O.  25,000  12,500  500.000  400.000  135,000 Com'l N., Indevendence; 1st N., Kan  25,000  16,000  306,590  275,850  50,000  8,730  878,400  880,630  26,000 N, City., N. Y.; Kan. o.  N. Bk. Com. and Drov. N.,  ~ z >  (J'J  Peoples State Bank ____ *f"OO D. W. llcKinley -- Geo. Taaffe _______ J. D. McCoid ____ Geo. L. Brown __ 88-148 -.topa ____ Labettt B14 CHETOPA STATE BANK.U'0l A.. S. McKnight.. __ C. G. Whitby ______ C. G. Whitby------ A. E. Von Trebra. . 88-298 Pop. 151G .. :rumen II Merch, Stat~Bank w. w. 'Baily------- J. F. Shields ------ :e:. D. Bates _______ ------ --------------.. "  ______  "  83--297  •U'98  R.H. Muzzy ______ G. 0. LYON-------- R. F. O'BRIEN------ E. M. RICH---NATIONAL BK • OF CHETOPA , { New and Up-To -Date Equlpmen t. 83-1318  ______ Qray Pop. 5gg  •:t 19  Collections app reclated and pro mptly handled.  j'  a Oitb:ens State Bank __ •U'02  Olalin. _______ Barton B 7 Pep 648 '  CITIZEN'S STATE BANK •U-87 88-551  J'armersllllerch. StateBank " ________ " •if '03 83-{;50 Claudell. ______ Smith B 7 Olaudel State Bank -----U-17 83-1236 Pov. 50 1.elay Otater __ Olay O 10 Farmers State Bank ___ •tl'07 88-164 8715 .. .. Pop. ll'irst National Bank _____ i·u _______ 83-160 Peoples National Bank .• •t·& 83-1111  25,000  2,500  110,000  108,250  BUSIN ESS.  (J'J  60,000 Ban. N., N. Y.: Com. Tr. Oo., Kan. C.: 1st N .• Neodesha. 73,680 N. Park, N. Y.; Comw. N. and N. Bk. Oom., Kan. C.  bl  >  z~  (J'J  21,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Inter-State N,, Kan. O.: Montgomery Co. N., Oherrnale.  I  (')  :r  R. L. W~ner _____ R. L. Wagner---- E. L. Allen ____ _ . F. :M. Lu~er San FrancISco. ---- 0. B. Erskme ______ o. E. Butcher ____ _  15,000  21,00ft  220,300  179,280  10,000  12,540  163,750  186,650  J. W. Karns _______ 'l'. J, Richardson -- M. G, Johnson ____ _  10,000  15,000  151.400  101,000  W. C. SCHUMACHER \F. EVANS-------- L. H. HUFF - - E. A. WECKERT ----. .SCHUMACHER W. BORTZ  25,000  16,250  466,280  403,100  J.E. W~ner ______ 88-52' Gray County State Bk .. •tt•ot 0. E. Mackey ______ " " 83-525 Oireltvllll __ Jaoksoa O 11 ll'armera State Baak __ :flGOO lil. H. Roller _______ 83-780 Pep, 226 AOim&rr1■  SEND US YOUR  c.  i  le  accompaale d by equests for Cre dU Reports HUS ~ Collections and FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight dr a/t-3, 15c; Crtdit R, ports, 50c.  R. L. Hamilton ____ Frank Roesler _____ B. ¥. Starr _______________  ~  71,170 Comw. N. and Park N., Kan. C.: 1st State, Larned: Citiz., Hutchinson. 24,350 N . .Bk. Oom. and Midw. Resrrve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Hutchinson. 46,000 New En2. N., Kan. O.; 1st N ,, Seneca and Bolton.  >;  0  :,;-4 (I  ft  ....0 (')  104,430 Oomw. N. and Drov. N., Kan, O.: State Ex,. Hutchinson; 4th N,, Wichita.  ;' ~  >;  ~ 14,000  280,000  196,000  3,500  100,000  90,000  80,000  40,000  493,000  512.000  50,000  188,730  610,220  727,610  F. B. Fullinll'ton ___ J. G. Cowell ------- J. H. Kerby ________ W. S. Ross _______ _ Wm. Dockinr  75,000  95,000  525,000  540,000  ERIC H.SWEIISOII P.A. ENGERT ----- FRAIi O. OBEH-- WM. ROTH ________  50,000  80,00Q  550,000  500,000  20,000  F. M. ClaudeL---- J. H. McCormick __ G, R. Hain _________ F. A. Hain. ______ _  15,000  George W. Hanna_ A. A. Shaw-------- 0, A. Hammel _____ .Allene Wilson ____ _ , . . 11', H. Myers _______ Ernest Bauer ______ M. D1etr1ch, Jr. __ MarioBrooks------  I~  85,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. 1st .N., and •: New Eng . .N., Kan. C. 20,000 Com'l N .. Kan. C. 51,000 Oom'l N .• Kan. O. 14ti,340 Chase N., N, Y,; New Ene, N., N. Bk. Oom. I and Drov. N., Ka.11. O. 152,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N. and Inter-State N .. Kan. C.; Oent. N., Topeka.  1  UIION STATE 1B1ANK 2 ---•it•ot 83-- ~  l  Centnll:, Joca ted. Collections bandied prompOy • f'reaentecl pers onall:, b :, an offl cer. Belt equipped with all medern c onvenleneea. Sue nsest baeklns. H oat 1ub 1tanttal KJ'OWtb.  81a:,te•------ Norton B 4 itate Baak of Claytoa __ U '07 Albert Schoen _____ John Warrick ______ L. T. Hixson ------ ___________________ Ptp. 111  131,260  120,720  25,000  5,750  240.950  224,170  20,000  10,000  254,000  218,000  H-781  Oleanrater_iednlck G 9 llome State Bank -----•U·os Joseph Corr _______ 1, o. Nickerson --- Ray Broomfield ____ R. :M. McKee _____ _ . . . ·, 83-537 Pep. 247 State Bk. of Clearwater -U'GO Clay llarrineton ___ H. M. Barrmeton __ J. W. Dale _________ Miss M.A. B11.tbee_ " ________ " H. E. Schmitt 83-536  THE BANKERS ·DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co ,, Topeka , Kansas -I, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ::,  C:  13,110  10,000  115,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co.,!..__. i:u Kan. C. 33,810 New Enir. N., Midw. Reserve Tr. Oo., and ~ Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N. and 1st State.~ Norton. 42,470 N. Park:, N. Y.; 1st N., Wichita: New Enir. N .• 10 Kan. C. ~ 60,000 Am. State, Wichita;N. Bk.Com.,Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers -Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  .Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit .Number Jiven Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldnc Point (In• to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'====D=lr=e=et=or=y=,=u=n=d=e=r=th=e=a=u=t=h=o=rl=t=y=o=f=T=b=e=A=m=e=rl=ca=n=Ba=n=k=e=r=s=-=A=iil=•=n=.= = = = = = = =--===============--==========v=o=lu=m=e==F=o=r=I=n=te = re=s:-::t=Ra = tes, Holldayi, etc., see Laws. ToWlf .A.RD COUNTY. NAME 01" BANK. LIABILJTIDJ. RESOURCES. I PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. , •, iata. •Mem. A.m. Bks. Assn. 5State PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT, OASHIBR.'T CASHIER. P .UD·UP SURPLUS DJ1Pos- 1.0,.,.,"' »... o,.-a • Bx1"'1  495  KAN~AS-Conti·nued  ~  I  Entire State in No.10 :tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  AND 7 C.A..PI .A.L lpnol'IT11  I  E  u,Dnl  C'Ta.  s..o,,,.,.,,.... '< ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !~  -  Cleburne ______ Riley C ll Oleburne State Bank ••• *5'02 F. W. Toburen ---· Daniel Smerchek .• J. M. Musil..·-·--· J. B'. Musil.---· •••• $ 20,000 1S 12.000 $ 115,000 $ 132.000 $ 14.000 Chase N ., N. Y.; Tra. N .. Midw. Reserve ~ Pop. 225 83---692 Tr. Co .• and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C. " -···---· " Union State Bank.·--·-·n·10 .A. J. HolL. _____ J. A. Hawkinson __ 1 E. G. Rasmussen •• ······-···-·····-·-· 10,000 10,000 85,500 98,500 7,000IDrov. N .. Kan. C.  83~93  Clemeata _____ Ohase B ll Clements State Bank_•.• U'09 Geo. E. D1wson ••. Osear Duehn ····- Earl James··-···-· -----·------  20,000 ,  Pop. 150 83-782 Cl1veland_Kln2man G 8 Citizens State Bank .••t§'19 D. A. Voran •. ·-··· D. F. Collin2Wood. F. L. Barrow .•••.. - - - - · · - - - - Pop. 55 83-13111 OHtto■• Washincton B 10 Citizens State Bank- .•• u·o, 1A.H. Yoey·-···-·· Harry o•Brien ••••• Roy M. Dean. _____ J. A. Nauman-···· Pop. 631 83-515 .,  ..  ---·--8Jiaax_(ilrHDYOod  Pop. 126  Bank in CLay Count11  Elk 8tate ~  875  ...--.•tl'97  R.H. Gill--···--·- J.B. Sa,eer ·-····-· D. H. Atwoed ·-·-  c. E. Morphy......  Qoat,_ ••  Poi."'!slratt 81  3,730  35.000  56.600  4.000IFarm lltie Tr. Co., Topeka; Tra. N., Kan. C.  186.0001  21.000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. and DroT. N., Iu. O.; Mnfrs. N.,LeaT,; Topeka State, Topeka.  10,0001  250.000  150,000  7,600  100 000  75.000  50.000  25,0001  270.000  ~  60.000 Han. N., N. Y.; New Elle. N., Kan. 0,  i  65,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Columbia N .. Kan. C.; Mnfrs.1 N., Leav.: Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo,  378,oool l 360.000  20,000  I  lltema, anti Collff Uou dJreet. Pro mpt ret urJU. Uc minimum U unpaid, mini mum If paid.  I  (  ~tii  >  ·Z 1:,-::  26e  Oeat., State :.ff.-····-·-it·oz L. L. Orr •. ____________ ---·-··-······---·-· G. L. Wriiht----··  25,000  10,000  150.000  150.000  40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. 0. Ku.; C/Jh lat N ., Wichita.  First National Bank •.•• •t'19 I. N. Shriver •...•• C. E. Pickens.••. -. J. R. Truex •. ··-- E. L. Trock ..•••... SS-1338 •  t0,000  7,600  30.000  30.000  .OOOIM1dw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. C.; 4th N., _ Wichita. ~  O O Oodell ltate.rllf···-··•n·01 8. It T11ctet ...•. _ Isaac Oonrer -···· M. F. Fritts-····-· Pete Matson. Jr ..•  10,000  1u801  82.1120  ll5,064  60,000  55.000  I  875.000  675.000  I  Clodell-Poi:Yro•ob  Oot'eFTllle •• Moatromery Pep. IS, 452 G 13  AMERICAN STATE BAIK H-U  •il'08  {R. ff. MUZZY-·-·-· M. ff. WEIBLE------ D. fl. MARTIN--·---- -·--·------·-··  13.520 Com'J  l(.,  c:r  Kan. C.  IC: '"1 :::s ( (b  175,000 Han. N .. N. T .; Tra. N. and Inter-State N .; '"" Ku.O. 0  Prompt att-ent Ion given Collect Ions and Corresp ondence.  (") I  - ---'---------1---------  CONDON NATIONAL BANK 83-Sl  -  100,000  -  110.00D 1,902,604 U9U70 -  -  I  SEND US YOUR BUSINESS FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE.  w. Hininson •.  100.000 ,  OolbJ'-•----Thoma102 Citizens National Bank.•i•17 J. T. Fitzierald ••.• J.M. Donelon ....• Irwin Rickel-···· F.J. Dechant•..••• Pop. 1114 83-1262  4o,ooo l  13.770  210.960  193.770  Farmers & Merch. State Bk. A.. La11terbach ..• -. Chas. E.Strickland 8. H. Alexander·-· W. A. McGinley ••. 8S-H5 •U•86  25,ooo l  37.500  875.000  765.000  Thomas Oo~~f-nk:_.•tf'86 W. D. ll'erruaon._ I. W. Orum  First Nation~_:nk.-•. •t•s5 J. T. Wettack .•..• E. E. Wettack.--- 11'.  .COidwater __ oomanch~ Ooldwater N ~!iJn al Bank•i•s5 P.H. Thornton __ 8071 76 Pe11. 1207 Gv ..  --·-·-·  •· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  T.  y -----·  N. Reimers--·--· Glenn T. Crumly ..  25,000  s. A. DeLa ir ··-·-·-  V. J • .4.llderdice ••• Chas. W. Avery .•.  26,000  jPeoples Sta~~fk ••••. •••05 R. W. Scott •• ____ • J.  THE \BA·NKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY  s. Wettack • ____  o. Lewis_. _____ . I  F.  w. Jacks------· w.  T. Maris·--····  25.000  I  89.240 1,580.530 1,031,430  I 25,~i 250,000 I 25.000 250.000 I 40.220  s2u30  717.380  1,  1  -  673,230 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., '1> Kan, C.;N. Bk. Com.and 1st N., 8t. L, rt ~  458.560 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.: New Rnr. N. Bk, Com .• St. L.  ., Kan.O.:  60.830 Midw. Rescrv e Tr. Co .. Kan. C. 130.000 Han.N .. N. Y .: Cont. & Com•J N .. Ohi.: :B'ld. N. Bk. &Tr.. Co. Kan. C.; Cent. N •• 'ropeka; Live Stock N .. Oma. 169.670 1st N., Chi.; Tootle-Lacy N. and Burnes N., St. Jo.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Cent. ., Topeka. I  300,000  35,000 11st N., Wichita; N. Bk. Com.: Kan. C.  250.000  45,000 4th N., Wichi ta; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. K&n. C.  I  SURETY GO Tope ka, Kansas ' Kansas Bankers Ass'n ·  g_  0. I~  C. M. BALL. ..••.•• 8. L. PERRY···-·---·· f. S. MITCHELL.----·-----·--·-···-----·  Fidelity ·and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  ;  ' I  170,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .• Kaa. C.; Tootle• Lacy N., St Jo. 'T4 13.000 \Inter-State .N. and Tra. N., Kan. C.; Home N., ~ Eureka. ~  290,000  t  I  I  10.000 Colombia N., Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Emporia.  202.000  25,000  GCJMh. and  Send 7our Billa ofLadlns, Cull Slcht draft.t-F ee In adnnce: Credit &eportt, 35c.  95.000 J  10,000  25,000 ',  J. 8. LOWER .•••• J. A. WELCH .•.. - .. C. L. POTTER,  EXCHAHE IATIOIAL BAU U-174 -t•sa  20,000  I  85,000  15,000 j- - - -  First Natio~~IJ3aAnk ···-·•'82 C. W. Snyder •••••• ------------··- L. Pftster ···-··-··· Joe Haynes •• -·-··· ....-v,. 1 J' U Olimax State Bank ••••• •ts•a9 E. L. Rice •• ·-····· Alvin Holmes ·-··· B. H. Carrithers ••• Bertha Williams.. 8S-78S  O~d•---Pep~i~ond O 10  10,500  l  ,+:a\0 Ul  4 n6 c:,.  Nllllllter ander Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number giuo to eaoh bank in U. B. exclusl'fely by The Rand-McNally Banke1s' Dlreetoey, under the authority of The Amerlcan_!ankers Ass'.'l.  I-  I  Non-Bank Town. \\iLh Nearest Banking Point On• de.ell Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indl•.cd) in baek of thi ~ volume. Fo_!_ Interest Rates, _Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  KANSAS - C 00 t•lllUe d  -I  I  NAME OP' BANK. LIABILlTIES. • I RESOURCES. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §8tate PRE8 IDEN VICZ- ,RESlDDT A p ID UP SURPLUS DEPOS I t o n , e & ~ c ~ O.UH IIl:lL Entire State in 'o.10 iMem.State_ Bks. Assn. tPriv. T. .t • SS'T OASKIJ:R. c1i,I;AL AND ITS • 1C'Te. Bo~r••· tR4Nr.Z>.Dr■ FederalReserveDistrict. ~~_!Il:.Fed.Res. [E tab. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ , _ _ _ _ _ PROFITS _ _ _ ~ rao»B•~""· TOWN AND COUNTY.  Oollyer ........ Treeo C -I Fir t - Tational Bank •..• •i·o6 E. E. Iullanl'y •••• Pop. mo 83-786 OolonJ .. - ADderso11 E IC Colony State Bank •••.. U'84 J. H. Skonrup ••••• Pop. 997 83-787 " ··--··-· " First National Bank-.. -•!'20 M. L. Jones •••••.•• 83-1355  ic.  James Walrh •.•••. E. Downie ...... Kamilla ThieL.... R. J. Tague \V. J. Hatfluld ___ W. D. Bishop·-·-· A. S. _fcDowell ·-H. E. Shumard··-· J.  v.  I  50,000  PRINCIPAL OORRESP0NlJKNTS. _  _  _ __  _____  5,820 1 218,410 $ 226,570 $ 46,660 Han ....'. ,... ' . Y. , 1st N. and Droy, N ., Ean. , 175 000 221,000 13,600 New En1r. N .. Kan. C. 1_.  10,000  Lintner •.•• -. R. O. Bundy....... :Madge Holzapfel  20,000  25,000  3,030 1  OSCAR CRANE ... _ DAVID DUNBAR .•.. _ F. D. SAGE.--•----- MRS.LOREE GRISHAM  50,000 •Oolnmbus.OherokeeG15 CHEROKEE CO. STATE BANK { Special attenti on given Bill of Lading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. Pop, 3155 83-191 •il'lO Please send 15c with each sioht draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Re() orts.  100,150  106,610  30,000  600,000  431,480  35,450 1st N., Kan. C. 357,840 Com. Tr. co .. Kan. o.: Am. State, Wichita.  Columbus State Bank • •U'97 J. E. Tutton •..•••• B. F. Steward ...• _ C. W. Van Zandt __ O. O. Gordon .•·--· 83-190 First National Bank •.•• •*'82 H. A. La Rae.·--· A.H. Skidmo:e •••• F. C. Hainer···-· ··--·---···-----· 83-189 Colwich ..• -Sedl?wick .B' 9 State Bank of Colwich_•if'91 W. H. Burk&_ •• _ .• W. H. Orocker ••••. 0. Suellentrop ••••• J. A. Suellentrop •• Pop. 262 83-788 I  50,000  20,000  600,000  450,000 /  200,000 New Eng. N ., Kan. C.; 1st N ., St. L.  50,000  50.000  625,000:  525,000  175,000 ChaseN., N. Y.; lstN .. Kan.C.  10,000  10,000  150,0001 150,000  c D CLOUD COUNTY BANK.•tl'78 W. M. PECK ....... W. T. WRIGHT- .... J.C. PECK ........ LEE FOSTER·····-  100,000  •Ooncordia •••• Oloud Pop. 4705  83-1117  l  •il'l2  Copeland .•.•••• Gray F 4 Pop. 150 Oorbin •.••• _.Sumner G 9 Pop. 150 Oornini •••• Nemaha B 12 Pop. 411l Corwin •••••• Harper G 8 Pop. 200 •Cottonwood Falls.Chase Pop. !Ott E 12 "  H. W. Barber•••... R. 0. A.nderson •••• J. R. Carlgren_ ···-  Robert Misell J. A. Brady C. A. Betournay •.• E. C. Whitcher .... E. B. Whipp._..... Jno. Wilcox R. W. Baldwin ···- R. C. Webb ..•••••• E. H. Webb .•.. - ••  364,000 1  Report•• 25c.  348,000 1  e;  75,000 N,Park,N.Y. ; Live; tockStateandColumbla N., Kan. O.; ' N., St, Jo.; Far. • r., Topeka. tJj  >  TRY US.  25,000  51.000  650,000  530,000  100,000  32,000  400,000  425,000  10,000 ,  6,000  8-1.000  70.000  25,000  27,910  U5,340  132,230  166,000 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.; Liye toe!· State, Tra. N. and N. Bk. Com .• Kan. O. 170,000 Ban. N .. N. Y.; Drov. N.andCom•L r .. Kan. C. 18,000 Drov. N., Kan.  c.  25,000  8,000  210,000  202,400  10,000  10,000  85,000  100,000  Lester C. Hoppes ••• cttie Tewby •.••  10,000  6,500  80.000  I. H. Magill .... ---· J. E. Woodworth_ C.H. Whitney ••.. .Frank Hannum John CarrolL_ •..• Ray Washburn·-·· ·--·-···············  25,000  25,000  185 ,000  260,000  10,000  5,000  75,000  50,000  Albert Matti.. ••• -. W.W. Sanders_ ••• W. E. Ste,vart ... _. C. H. Garrison A. .. r. Breese·-·-·· W. B. Penny •..••. E. II. Titus...... ..  100,000  93,000  450,000  570,000  78,000 1st N., Kan.  75,000  79,500  400,000  475,000 I  73,000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and Columbia N., Kan. C.  l r GABRIEL FRANK ••. - HUGH STEWART •.•.•• M. E. LEATHERWOOD •• PEARL LEATHERWOOD CITIZENS STATE BANK *5'12 J We collect pro mptly.  25,000  17, 00  215,000  203,000 1  50,000 ChaseN .. N. Y.;NewEng.N., Kan.C.  O.  r. Brownback ••  I  I  (')  56,950 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Kan. C. and :.::: Wichita. '< 40,600 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.: 1st N., Wichita , ~ 10,000 Farm :'.\ltge. Tr. Co. all(} raw Yalle:r •. , 'J'o. r+ 0 peka. 10,500 Far. State, Wellington; Stock Ex .. Caldwell. (')  86.000  {WM. FREEBURG. E. M. SOTHERS .•• H.A. W.C. HUBERT.·;·· H. E. MOORE ··-·· WALTER,. H. C. RUBERT, Jr.  SWEDISH.AMERICAN STATE BANK  ri·.  50,000  30,000  500,00011  525,000  80,000  95,060  5'.i4,520  626 , 40  7,500  108,000  60,000  4.000  225,000  235,000  15,000 1 1  1  20.000 Ex. N .. Atchison; Com'! N., Kan. C,, Kan.; :'.\lidw. ResPtTll Tr. Co., Kan. C. 34,000 4th N. and Union N .• Wichita.  a.  g '"1 r+  &;"  ::,  0.  1  CREDIT REPO RT, 50c.  . ;I  "1 I  25,000 1  50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., J'an. C.  1  Thi Bank oiler s prompt, effectlv Ie service on all commercial busi ness. lgbt Drafts: F, eeln advance 15c minimum tr unp aid, 251' mlnlmu ' m If pa Id.  •t§"l3  o:3,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. ~· .. Topeka; 1st '. and Drov. N .. Kan. C. U2,i50 N. City, N. Y,; N. Bk. Com. and Inter.State, .... N.,Kan.C.. r ~ 25,000 Han. N .. N. Y., Inter-State N. and Drov. ~ .. Kan. C. ~  I  ' Bankers Ass'n (w. THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY Col-, Topeka KansasJ1 Kansas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  rn  ) Sight Drafts: F ee In advance 15c minimum If un paid, 25c minim um If P aid. l Credit reports, 50c. •  OouncilGrove Nat. Bank•t'75 Lewis Mead ....... E. F. Hebrank •••.• A.. H. Prater .. ·--· C .•. Pr,tter ••••.• 83-215 Farmers & Drovers Bk. •U'82 W. H. White •••• _. B. R. Scou ······-· E. D. Scott ...••••• Maude B. Moser_ •• 83-216 C. II. Whiie J. W. Campbell Oourtland •.• Republic BO Peoples State Bank-••••• f'll F. J. Atwood •••..• Oliver Johnson •••• F. 0. Johnson_........................ Pop. 411 83-1111 E. C. Whitcher  83 1133  I  z 0  W.W. Ward .•••..• Wm. P. Elliott •.••• -···-·-··-··-······  83-1123  I  33,000  J. F. Gooch .••••••• J.E. Mathes •• ·-··· W. C, Carroll ..•... I l!'. 0 . .Myers·····-· II. B. Hunt •••.•••• 1 •••• ·-·· ••••••••••••  I  •Council Grove .•• Morris Pop. 2857 D 10  25.000  ~  >  552,000 1 122,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Inter-State N. and 1st N., Z Kan. C.; Ex. N., .Atchison. I rn  550 •ooolI  I  Save time and g et service on Con ectfons and Cred It Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain •i11ht draft.. 15c; 2Sc. minimum if11aid. l Credit  Farmers & Merch. State Bk. A. A. Wilson·--·-· 83-141 •U'03 First National Bank ····•*'83 F. J, A.twood ····-· 83-140 Conway State Bank •.. _•t§'l5 J, E. Beattie •••. -•. 83-1175 First National Bank ••.. •t"Ob H.F. Lane •••••..• 83-338 State Bk. of Conway Springs C. 0. Taylor_.···-· 83-339 •U'08 Copeland State Bank ••••i§•15.J. II. Collingwood. 83-1177 Corbin State Bank ••.••• U'll Wm. Smith ••.••• •. 83-789 , Farmers State Bank ..• •U"88 Joseph Stiers ..•.• 83-790 . Corwin State :Uank ••. __ f§"16 J. J. Benjamin •• _. 83-1213 Cha,;e County ·ational Bank 1 J. B. ander ·····83--408 •*'82 Exchan1re National Bank•*'88 F. G. :-.iler. .••••••• 83--409 l  Conway •• .McPher on E 9 Pop. 1120 Oonway 8prin1rs.8umner Pop. 1250 G 9  55,oool  I  W. S. LOWER-····- J.B. LOWER-······· GEO. V. McCONAHEY. FLORENCE SAWHILL. E. W. THOMPSON A. L'ECUYER '  CONCORDIA STATE BANK  17,500 Han. N., N.Y.: 4th N .. Wichita: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Secur. State, Wellington.  I  83-139  •  _  Fidelity and Depositary Bonds far Banks and Bank~rs ' W. IOWMAN, Seoy.) Topeka, State Agent  ~on-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln•  '<  _....,....  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• unde!.._ the ~tho_!'l_t!..._~ll_!erlca~Ba~kers_ Ass'n.  497 to each bank -~-_Elrectory,  I ___  TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME o'ii- BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State m 'o.10 tMem.State Bks. Assn. +Priv. Federal Re erve District. ♦'Yem. Fed. Re.. [E'tab.  KANSAS-Continued _ ~ - __  _  7  -  p  , ..... ..., .. ..., r l\a11aa1a; aamuir• Ass·n \W. • BOWMAN, a,oy.J Topeka, State Agent  p  V  RESIDENT.  ICE-  ·on-Bank Tonn with Neare~t Banking Point (lucle.·ect Acces.), Lanyers, Laws (indexed) in bark of thi. volume. For Intere t Rate., Holidays. etc., see Lal'I . ::, Ri,;souRcEs. PRINCIPAL CoRRESPONllE."'<T:,.  ~--  tuBILITIEs. Ass'T CASHIER.  CA.SHIEB.  RESIDENT.  i:.uR1:L'C'B I DEPOS-  PAID-UP CAPITAL PRAONFDITB  I  to .... ,.  n,a., C•rn&Ex-  tu c  I  ~  ~  c' TE•c··•-:::,:"';:• ~:"~~~..": 8  ITS  -  1  Covert_ ____ Osborne C 7 Covert State Bank ______ ;t§"l7 . . ·.A.Bos ing _____ Pearl Vanpelt_ ____ L. E. Latham _________________ $ 15,ooo l~ Pop. 150 83-1238 1 Oonille _____ Wilson F 13 Coyville State Bank ____ *f'06 R. W. McGrath ____ J, R. Greathouse __ Hops Willoui:hby __ Harold Greathou.:e 10,000 Pop. 232 83-792 Hazle Findley Farmers&'Miner State Bank H. c. Hamlet-_____ 83-12i8 •i§'l Crofts State Bank ________ '19 \Louis L. Orr _______ 83-1357 Crystal Spring· tate Bank L. D. Banta .. _____ 83-1266 •i§"li Farmers State Bank _____ §'19 R. J. Bazant -----83-1344 State Bank of Cuba ____ eif'Ol l R. M. Brigham ____ 83-703 Oullison ________ pratt F 6. Cullison State Bank _____ u•o G. W. Lemon ______ Pop. 249 , 83-704 Oulver ________ ottawaD O Culver State Bank _____ •:1'02 W. S. Caldwell _____ Pop. 23-1 83-795 Oummings_Atchison C 14 State Bank of Oommings George ~ chrader __ Pop. 150 83-706 •U'08 Ounningham,KinemanF 8 Cunningham State Bk,-•U'02 John Arrington ____ Pop. 462 83~42 • " ________ " Farmers State Bank ___ •tl'll J. H. Wilson _______ 83~43 Damar ________ Rooks C 6 Damar State Bank. ---- ••1'05 C. G. Cochran _____ Pop. 250 83-79i Crestline_Cherokee G 15 Pop. 150 Croft_ __________ Pratt G 6 Pop, 50 Crystal prings ___ Harper Pop.120 G8 Ouba ________ Republic BO Pop. 531 " ________ "  I  $  45,000 $  43,100 = - ' C o m · ~ Kan. C.  I  I  6,i00  150,000!  113,000 $  1  J. W. Hamilton ___ Purl H. :\lar halL --------------------  10,000  3,500  43,000  45,000 I  7,500 Tra. N., Kan. C.  10,000 ---------  25,000  27,000  8,000 1st  C. P. Slae-elL _____ II. . . -, Babcock _____________________ _  10,000  1,780  40,000  37,000  5.600 1st .r .. Wichita; Attica State, Attica.  15,000  1,590  47120  49.870 1  1  vatopolsk.y _ A. C. Svatopolsky. Victor Veroda ___ _  George Young _____ Joe Wokal ________ L. M. Brigham H. H. Barbee ______ A. J. Krehbiel ____ . ----------.---------- D. A. Dyer ________  Jerry HaveL ____ _  10,000  12.000  260.000  I. F. Krehbiel. ___ _  10,000  80,000  85,700  R.R. Krehhiel R.U. Laira ______ _  16.000  15,000  16,000  140,000  138,000  200,000 I  C. A. Lewis _______ H.J. Barber _________________________ _  10,000  6,000  90,000  95,000  H.B. Ratcliff' ______ IL D. Doty __ ______ Ollie Renner _____ _  25.000  12,000  2110.000  225.000  3,000  215,000  200,000  68,090  115,840 95,000  20,000 Ran. ·., N. Y.: New Enl?,. ·., I"an. C.; ~ ta' c, Wichita.  30,000 Drov. N., Kan. C, ; Fi<lelity :tatC', Im1 •pendl'nre. . • •. • 0 32,310 1st N., Chi. and Kan. C.; 1st, ., \\ 1rh1ta. <  Dearing,llont(!omeryG 13 Dearing St.ate Bank _____ !f'07 J.C. Hester _______ W. F. r.awson ______ · E. L. Runyan ______ G. I' ..\lien ____ ___ _  10,000  4,500  110.000  110.0001  10,000  13,300  110.020:  101.020 1  r.  Pop. 295 83-700 D erfteJd ____ Kearney E 2 Deerfield St.ate Bank ____ i§'07 A.G. Campbell ____ C. A. :.\iiller ________ C. B. Campbell ____ E. J{. Eyman _____ _ Pop. 2!i4 83-800 DeJavan ______ Morris D 11 Delavan St.ate Bank ____ •tS'06 W.W. Ray ________ Wm. 1·urfenbach •. .!. L. Owen ________ W. C. Owen ______ _ Pop. lUO 83-801 . Delia _______ Jackson C 13 Delia State Bank ________ :t§'Q6 I. B. Alter _________ \Ym. Howerton ____ A. E. Moore _______ E. )f. '.\toore ______ _ Pop. 244 83-802  I  FIRIT NATIONAL IANK  •t'04l E. L. Chapin _______ . H. H. Sweet _______ F. B. Partridge ____ F. E. Chapin------  StateBank~~iJphos  •S"80!J, W. Woodward __ J. S. Olds ________  1  Denison ____ Jackson C 13 Pop. 240 Denmark ___ Lincoln D 8 (Vesper P. O.J Pop. 100 Dennis------ Labette G 14 Pop. 150 Densmore ____ .Norton B 5 Pop. 100 Denton ____ Doniphan B 14 Pop. 193 Derby _____ Sedgwick F 10 Pop. 300 De Soto ____ Johnson D 14 Pop. 34:i Devon _____ Bourbon F 15 Pop. 150 Dexter ______ Cowley G 11 Pop. 497 •Di£htonPop~_ Lane E 3 "  503  ____ ____  " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  G.N. Billin2s------ H. D. Billin2s _____ _  Denison State Bank --- •!§'01 C. P. Humphrey ___ David Coleman ____ W. A, Coleman ____ 0. M. Humphrey __ 83-803 , Denmark State Bank ___ ;§'Ii A. Mar.halL ______ Ernest Andresen __ B. F. Gilkison ______________ 83-1244 I Dennis State Bank ______ i§'l2 o. 11. Ball . . ------ J. G. Oook _____ ---- F. F. COX---------- -------· -- --------83-1126 Farmers State Bank ____ !5'09 John Voss _________ G. J. Archer _______ Carrie :Y. Archer __ Alrah Archer ____ _ 83-804 Bank of Denton ________ •tf'D4 G. A. Roberts _____ J. J. Alt- __________ C. L. Burke ________ _________________ . _ 83-805 Farmers&Merch. tate Bank T. D. Wardell _____ J. E. Cook ________ J. J. Butterfield ____ E. P. Butterfield __ _ 83-806 •t§"07 De Soto State Bank ----•U '0l B. S. Taylor _______ C. S. IIamhleton ___ Harry E. Miller _____________ _ 83-807 Harry Dicken Devon State Bank ______ i§'l5 .T. L. Kepley _______ L. L. Ritchie ______ J. r,, Deveney _____ Adin tewart_ ____ _ 83-1183 c. n. Jones Farmers & Merrh. State Bk. Fred Shrader ______ J. J. Esch _________ w. R. Coffey ______ B. F. McDanieL __ 83-573 U'08 Exchange S ~ rank ___ :W10 W, S. Freas _______ 1Herman Gillette _______________________ H. B. Ferris ______ _ 5 First National Bank _____ .;'86 J. S. Simmons _____ 1J. H. Cavanaugh __ Fred Hyames ______ Arle Boltz ________ _ , 83~56 1 I  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY  t;;  15,000 "Midw. He!'-en• •Tr.Co .• Kaf?, C.; St. Jo. "tock Yd... t. Jo.: 1st ., Atchison. ....._ 25,000 Fid ..... ·.Bk." Tr., Kan. C.; Hh , ' •. Wichita . .,... Far. State, King-man. en 50,000 Mlifch~'-~l'rve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; m. State, t:J:I  12,280 5,000  "  Kan. C.; Far. State, Clay Center.  12,500  10,000  ___  r.,  10,000  I cKe •vcr __ J;'rod La r:-,on _________________________ _  0  9.190 Com•J  50,000 Am. N ., St. Jo.: Drov. N, Kan. C.: .. ·~ Bk. of Belleville. Belleville: Lin. tata, Lin. 10,000 Com'l N. and :\Jidw. Re"erve Tr. Co.San. O.; ..., 1st · .. Pratt and Hutchinson. n 24,000 Fid. N, Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Far. N., Salina. )>  O. LiebL __________ R. W. Hart_ _______ R. St. Aubyn _____ _  DanvilJe ______ Harper GD Danville State Bank ____ .ts'05 g, h. \\"ulf _______ J'. Pop. 200 83-798  83-436  •• Wichita; Inter-State N ., Kan. C.  A. J;'. Cocluan ______ J • .l. ·voboda ______ -'fari::aret N. .J. ,\, Eichman,, r. Beclard  I 100,0001  Delphos ______ Ottawa C 9 Pop. 8i0  S0,000 Com'l N., Kan. C.: Wilson Co., Fredoma.  - - - - _________ E. H. Aukes. ______ --· -------- ______  A. F.  \0  ~  I  I  R.  \Xf  13,820 J,~k.Com .. Inter•R?te.N •.. andl,ihr>rty 'Ir.)> o.. Kan. C. ; t1l ., \\ 1ch1ta  z  \.m. ;,::  en  A  10.430 1st :N'., IlC'rington, Kan.; Secur •• ·.,ran. . , ~ Mo. ..+ 12,000 Tra. N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Cent. N., ..+ Topeka. o  12,0(1()  1.060  i9,330j  81.6!!0  10.000  6,000  1u,0001  0fi,000  25,000  22,410  228,0601  :!-l2. l30  -14,950 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont.<· Com'I. •.. Chi.: New t, Eng. •. ancl Drov. r., Kan. C. ~·  20,000  32,580  300,800  245,120 180,il50  76,130 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Fid ..... ·. Bk. g'° & 'I'r., and 1st N., Kan. C. o 45,250 N. City, N. Y.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. ::,  I  15,000  14,700  198,990  10,000  2,000  37,i00  30.340  10,000  11,650  103,720  121.120  5,640 Tra. N., Kan. C.: Jlontg. Co ..... • .. Chcrr:nale.  15,000  15,830  183,12011  128,840  5,110 N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; 1st N ., Logan.  10,000  12,000  225,000  2()0,000  75,000 Am. N., St. Jo.; Tra .... • .• Kan. 0,  10,000  12,000  200,000  19'.5,000  16,000  10,000  275.000  230,000  10,000  3,000  i5,000  62.000  15,000 .  8,540  236,000  210,000  20,000  9,000  220.000  155,000  40.000  34,210  319,600  420,520  30,000 T.Park,N, Y.;N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.: :hlerch. Hesern' R'a c and 1st . . ·., Wichita. 40,000 1Iidw. He<;Prve Tr. Co. ancl LiveSto~k State. Kan. C.: 1 t ~ •.. OJ the; :\lPrcJ1.. ' .. LawrPHCl', 12,700 liclw. Rescnc Tr. Co., Kan. U.; C'itiz. ~. and Peo. ta:e, Ft. cott. 43,000 N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; The State, Winfield; rnion .'., Wichita. 80.000 .Jew Eng. N .. Kan. C.: State Ex., Hutchinson: 4th N .. Wichita. ~ 37,650 Cha,e .· ., •• . Y.; Lt .1:1,, Kan. C.; 1st .1:'., \0 HutC'hinson . --..J  SURETY GO •• Topeka , Kansas  I  I·!  16.090 N. Bk. Com .• Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State ~ent  I Kansas Banker$ Ass'n (W.  'I  i· I'1·  {  1'. L  ii  r,  498  Nlllllber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number pven to eacla bau iD U. S. exchutvely by The aand-McNally Bankars' ltlNeMrJ, • • • • the autbertt,- of Tbe American Jlankera Ass•n.  'r.YW A.ND OOUllTT.  I •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState NA.Ml: OF BANK.  •Oou~ Beats. Katire state hi No.10 *Kem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ll'ederaliteserveDistriot. ♦Yem.Fed. Re. [E11tab. •Dode• Qi&7 •••• rerd JI'' Pe,. 6200  KANSAS STATE  p  I  RESIDE.NT.  y  IC.It-  p  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banktn1 .Point (Indexcd Acc£,s.) , Lawren, l,awa (indexed) in back of thls, ~ Tolume. For Interest &ates, Bolldays, etc., see Lawa. ~  KANSAS - C Oll t·lllUe d  RESIDENT.  I  I  OASHIJ:R.  ,  1A. RUSSELL ------·-GEO. B. ROSE-·····-BA,°L  ,  Ass T CA.SIIIER.  z"rlrP,e-T- P.  1  LIABILITIES. 8trBPLua  P.uo•UI'  ~  Dnos-  Px~~~Ta  ITS  ~:"t.:: c::!.~~;,.. 0  83-175  RUSSELL -··-  Sec. Most Modern Building and Equipment In Western Kansas- S 35,000 S 31,300 S 431.000 $ Ul,000 S U.700 Mech. & Metalii N., N. Y.; FJd. N. Bk. & 'lll'TDl!nE ... N CENTS sen t to us .-..h Tr., Kan. Wichita C.; State Ex •• Hutchinson; ,.....,. .1. _.,. nu eac b s I g ht d rar•' uor presenta u••on, an d Am state TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each eredlt report Insures prompt, personal attentl on. •' ' · •*1'07 Note srowth of deposits { 1116, '11lO,OO0.Ot 1920, $i2O,O00.00 1  First National Bank-·-•*'04 G. B. DllPD =--IP. H. Youn~······- G. R. Laaa?hea.d ._. ---·····-····-··=· 83-174 SouthwestNationa1Bank•i'16 A. P. Reece •••••••• R.R. Wilson._ •... S. F. Gish-----··- -··-······--·--····· 83-1234 N. Nevins •• -··-·· " State Bank of Dod2e City H. R. Brown ____ • __ M. M. Gwinner_ .. _ C. C. Scates_ ...•.• Elma Schmidt-··-· 8lH73 •U'92 Jlorraace..... Russell DI Dorrance State Bank_ .•U'04 H. H. A.nspauih .- F. M. Crabtree-·-- Georie Halbe_ •..•. -·-········--·--··Po11. 299 83-808 Deqlass ..... Baller G 11 i:xch.anre State Bank ..• U,90 D. P. Bloed ••.••• - P. E. Holmes .•• - .• 0. P. Blood ..•••••• W. R. Cronk_ ..•.. Pep. 1010 83-498 State Bank of Douelass-•U,98 Georee E. llouse ••• J.B . .A.dams •••••• - J . .A.. Middlekauff •• O. P. Oottman--··· 83-41)2 Dffer--.-·Shawnee D 1! Dover State Bank ••.••·os W. F. Riley··-····· Aaron Sa2e-···-··· H. M. Philips •..••• C. J. Winter -···-·Pop. 150 83-809 Dens.--- Osborne O 7 Downs National Bank--.•*'19 A. Douehert:, •••••• V. Wri~ht--- C. L. Cushing ..••. - Merle Cushine--·-Pop. 1508 83-315 H. Rody .. •••••••• " State Bank of Downs •• •U'92 D. H. Harrison •••• M. W. Hardman ••• B. Harrison_ •. _. D. H. Lockrid£e_._ 83-314 8r•••··-··-Decatar B t Dresden State Bank .•••:u,os J.P. O'Grad.Y-·- S. A. Fish··-··--· B. s. Bowman···-- M. H. Bowman···Pop. 250 8!H96 ·• " J'irst State Bank ••••••••U-05 Fred. Bremer-····-· P. F. Johnson .•••• David )(airhead •••• Kine Muirhead-··83~97 0. L. Benton Dllllannt .. JeffersonOU Farmers State Bank. __ •i§'lS J. K. :Mont2omery_ J. W. Sherwood ••• Dan Goddard ... - .. - - · - · - - - Pop. 100 83-1142 JhalaJ.....•. M.orris:K 12 Jl'armersBank ....... -- •U'SC F. W. Thomas -·-·· F. K. Hinchman ___ E.W. Adam -·--·-· Ethel R • .Alldred2e Pop. SCO 83-810 Guaranty State Bank __ t§'l8 J. S. ?sfoPeek .----· Valentine Arm ... _ c. L. Haucke•••••• Sylvia M. Haucke __ 83-1288 DuQuoia-... --Harper G 8 Du<1uoin State Bank ••. -i§'l4 John Baumstark .• R. E. Dresser • •.•. J. 0. Palmer - · · w. o. Ozbun --··-Pop. 100 83-1166 Darlwa---·· Marion B 10 Durham State Bank .... •U'04 J. J. Benjamin··-- .Adam Youk .••••••• c. H. Merriweather M. L. Merriweather Pop. 288 83-811 JhrtchL ..- llorris D 12 Dwtcht State Bank •.•• -•*1'02 A. F. Wilson. __ W.R. Forsyth_ ••.• M. J. Wilson-····· H.B. Suter-·--··Pop. 24~ 83-812 FARMERS STATE BANU§'21 C. \Y. Johnson ____ O. J. Flack-·-····- H. R. Johnson·-·- E.T. Beck··-----83-1367 EarletH .... Neos1lo JI' 18 Earlton State Bank ----- U '07 S. G . .Ashley--·-·- idney Mc_ reil ·-·- V. A. McNeiL. ___ ·····---·-········· Pop. 381 83-813 E. J. Baird r.uten.1.-nawortk O 1' Easton State Bank ..•. _ U,02 1R. Mayer ·-·-·-···· W. A. Adams·····- 0 J. Potter-······· ···- •••• ···- ···- -··· Pop. 228 83· 814 J:Qerwa ..• Jolulson D It Edeerton State Bank .•U1900 Frank Braun_··-··· J. F. Rankin .•••.• W. F. Braun •..•.•• M. M. Glavin--··Pop. 32S 83- 815 Adah Braun Admnd ......Norton B 5 First National Bank ••••• •i•o5 O. A. Sproul. •... _ W. H. Miller···-·- G.D. Gibson---··· T. W. Wiltrout, Jr. Pop. 21s 83-816 Ua•·---···Labette Ha Citizen's State Bank---•U'02 S. J. Dobson-·····- Chas. R. KallenJ. F. Holten-····-· c. E. Kallenber2er Pep. 5M 83- 691 bere-er  ,0.  ID.  100,000  10,000  850,000  670,000  60,000  18,000  260,000  285,000  30,000  34,000  388.370  470,6QO  36,000  7,700  110,000  150,000  25,000  15,000  375,000  250,000  10,000  25,000  225,000  176,000  10,000  19,090  135,590  136,550  30,000  18,000 1 250,000 50,000 625,000  471,000  35,000  ·2ofo40 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; ~·· Bk. Com .. Kan. C. 70,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 63,920 N. City, N. Y.; lstN .. Kan. C.  I  10,000  9,000  137,000  118,000  10,000  13,740  151,320  148,800 1  3,200  33,000  46,330  12,500  20,800  115,000  130,000  10,000  2,500  80,000  70,000  10,000  4,000  75,000  83,500  15,000  14,000  148,000  160,000  25,000  5,990  233,490  219,100  15,000  3,000 - ....... --·--··  10,000  2,500  95,00  80,000  30,000  3,410  307.620  248,260  20,000  23,250  200,000  220,000  0.  17,000 Fid. N. Bk. &Tr. and Cont. N .• Kan, C.; Far. State, Emporia. r+ 9,500 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr .• Kan. O.; Southwest State!~ and Union N .. Wichita, ,... 35,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Comw. N .. Kan. C.: State Ex., O Hutchinson; Cent. N., Topeka. 45,380 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tra. N .. Kan. O.; Union trl St~ck Yds. N ., Wichita. . - · · - · Com 1 N .. Kan. C.; Columbia N,, Kan. C....... Mo. ::S 15,000 Comw. N., Ku. O.; Bush City State, Haskel]. IJQ  c?  104,490 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co .• Kan. C.  6,500  200,000  175,000  17,000  260,000  183,500  W. L. CONNEWAY. __ H.J. 8. EVANS.LOMBE C. T.CUNNINGHAM ____ ---·····- ·--······-  25,000  18.270  L. T. Hawk .......• E. J. Kelly_···-···- Olarence He~arty _  12,000  12,000  215,000  211,000  State Bk. of Effln2ham_•if'89 II. A, McLenon •.. _ .A.. E. Mayhew-···· C. L. 0ummin2s-·-- E. B, Cummin2s __ _ 83-482 &llaiar ........ Batler Y 10 Elblne State Bank ••..•• •!S'lO S. B. Amidon-··-·- llerrm Janzrn -··- L. M. Durham _---- ClifTord Walkup •. Pop. 230 83-818  20,000  15.000  165,000  182,000  10,000  10,000  110,000  101,000  l  , WE l\lA.KE A S Fee of toe must 83- 590 These charses d Sd.wardffille. Wyudotte Edwardsville State BankU'09 J. A. Thompson ___ Pe11. 203 O 16 83-817 Efflnrum __ .£.tchison B 13 Farmers&Merch. State Bank Fred Sutt r ····-·Pop. 616 83-483 tl'05  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i 99  PECIAL'rl:" OJ!' C accompany each o not apply to B-L James Trant--···-·  165,010 260,500 OLLEC'l'l0N8. · sl&hi draft for pr esentatlon. If co llected, Zic min lmum f ee. Cre Drafts and Cash Items. PAY A.ND G ET T HE SER VICE. D.S. Haines-·--··- Dana D. Haines •. __ 10,000 2,080 45,770 38,100  _ _ ERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY · THE BAN___K Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  co Taneka ' Kansas ,,  tJ  ,  I  • 18,000 Midw. Roservo Tr. Co. and Cent. Ex. N .• Kan. C.; lfiami Co. N., Paola. 54,000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Kan. Re~erye ~tate, Topeka. t2,000 M1dw. RNeserve Tr. Co. and Tra. N., Kan. C.; Oom'l ., Indeoendence. 23,490 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Citiz.-lst N., Independence. dlt repo rts 2ie each. ._ ~ 19,300 Oom'l N., Kan. C. ::S ~ 34,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Inter-State N. and l1idw. JU Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. 0.: 1st N.and Ex. ., ~ Atchison. . 20,000 N. Bk. Oom .. Kan. C.: Ex. N., Atchison: Tootle-Lacy N., St .. Jo.r 1.0 18,000 N. Bk. Com. and F1d.N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: .tv S. w. State, Wichita. 1,_.  -- Fidelity and Depository Bon ......  ·, Kansas Bankers Ass'n  ~  12,000 Columbia N., Kan. C.; Citiz. N .. Emooria.  25,000  ..  ~  165,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C,; 1st N., C/J Wichita. . 45.000 ChaseN.,N.Y.:N.Bk.Oom. and F1d. N. Bk. C/J & Tr., Kan. C. 25,020 Drov. N. and Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Merch. tD N., Topeka. 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Drov: N. and N. Bk. Com., ~ Kan. O.; Ex. ., Atchison. "" 95,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Inter~State N., New ;Eng. X N., and Drov. N., Kan. U.;Ex. N,, Atchison. C/J 34,600 Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Cent. N., Tooeka: Far. N., Oberlin. . I 70,650 Drov. N. and N. Bk. Oom:, Kan. C.; Oberlm t1 N., Oberlin. o 3,090 Inter-State N., Kan. C. p..  >  220,000  10,000 1  X  6,500 Irvini: N., N. Y.; lstN .. Kan. C.  15,000  •··- •··-  1  _s.w____, .._•_:a.._"K_a. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  1  BANK  ..  PIUNCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOUROJ:S. » o E  (W.  wuun .. uud Bankers w. BOWMAN, Secy _) Topeka, State Agent IVI  1 •• 1 • •  _.  ~.,.  . .  I  •.  ...  •  ' :  I  _ I I • , • I_  ,  I  I  ~  ' I  I,  I  .  I  I  I  499  Number ander Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to bank in u. s. excluslYel7 by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  To~::~  ,s~te  •mt•"1,~,~1f.iw~er II' 11  "  ..  !!~~~:\EPOS- c'Lo.u~::.~u:::·J:J[. Ta. Do'"'•• oa..u,a•a,Dnl  1  ~=~Y•Mem.~~-EBii;.\~~.. J:ntire State m o.10 Ulem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. :rederal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  PRESIDENT  VICJ:·PRESIDENT  ·  CA.8.lllll  ·'T OilHill.  PAID·U~  ·  CAPITAL  AND PROFITS  lbon.1Ttu  1  1  83-182  1  •t'92  -  50,000  83-1267  Lee A. Ow  m.Ia ... Obautauqua G 12 Eliin State Bank .•.••.. •U'Ol H. 0. Crane. _____ Lee Floyd •• _ •.... J. R. Burns ••.•••• D.R. Ball...... ... SS-819  Elk Oity -·-·llontlromer.r Citizens State Bank •••.. U'l5 E. E. L~eanbeal •• Pop. 725 G 11 83-1171 " " J'irstNational Bank ••••• •t'81 O. T. Hayward •••. 83-820 mk J'all•.---·--·Klk G 12 Elk Falls State Bank-•. U-02 1J. W. Farrow •• _••• Pop. ~3 83-821 ElkharL __ _ l(orton G 1 Elkhart State Bank •••• •:§'15 Chas. Summers •••• ., Pop. 1160 83-1180 __ ·-- " First National Bank •••• •t'l8 H. S. Green··--··· 83-1279 Morton County State Bank Mayo Thomas •••.• . . 83-ll15 tS'll Ellf•w•od ·--·Barton B 7 01t1zens State Bank ••. •U'89 llenry Rader-·-··· Poi,. 1103 83-390 " " Peoples Sla\\_,";J'k ____ H. D, Bosse _____  100,000  I  25,000 '  J. L. Newkirk .•••• Charles Spnrfeon. ··---·········-····· '  15,000  P. E. Pinkston •••• W. D. Myers····- T. M. Boston......  25,000  1  ---,---  12,500  581,850 .  12,000  340,000  1  800,000  70,000 DroT. N., Kan. C.; Citiz. 1st N., lndependence. 00 28,000 Drov. N .. Kan. C.: Citiz .. lst N., lndepend- tlJ ence; Ranchmen's State, Wichita. 251,290 N. Bk. Oom., St. L.: N. Bk. Oom., Kan. O.; ~ Com'! N,, Independence. .c;,c 18,000 ,Drov. N .. Kan. O.; Independence State, Ind•· ~ pendence. rJ'J 60,000 1st N., Kan. C.; Citiz. State, Liberal. I  6,000  160,000 1 155,000  50,000  591,5901 440,300 112,000 rn;,,ooo  I  . Y.; Com. Tr, Co., Kan. C.  >  \I,.  >  10,000  4,400  15,000  7,500  200,000  175,000  . H. Fisher•••• -•• R. E. Matthews •••• J. L. U_J)ham . _____ G. W. Dauirherty M. C. Combs ...•.•• H. A. Martin ··-·- Lawson Tucker-· Bertha Carpenter Harry Warren .•••• H. A. Knipp ••••. - ---··------·· 0. Bock ___________ D. 0. Johnson _____ W. Bockemohle ___  26,000  5,500  160,000  150,000  10,000  8,860  212,360  230,520  25,000  9,000  375,000  260,000  a;.o,~  28,450  579,510  837,230  50,000  61,710  407,970  464,810  90,060 N.Citv.N. Y.; lstN .. Den.:N.Bk. Com .. Fid. N, Bk. & Tr., and Drov. N .. Kan. 0.  15,000  11,310  181,070  252,020  26,350 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: Far. N.. Salina; Com'l N., Kan. C., Kan.  50,000 1{C. G. COCHRAN ••• A. F. COCHRAN •...• F. 8. MILLER.-- E. 8. RUHAAK --···· FIRST NATIO~AL BANK.•i·11 1 All Banking M !illerll~~m:t1T Bandied. 83 324 Bill or Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items &If en particular att entlon.  10,000  185,010  219,240  62,420 N. Bk:. Com .• N. Y.; Liberty Bk. Com., Kan. c.  Farmers s~i~jk:  ... •t§'l6  Frank Summers .•. 0 . .A. Williams·-··  {J. w. NICHOLSON·,: ~-~~~~~LCsorr·· l. s. JOHNSON----- MABELLEC.BEVERLY  I This bank gets  out and makes collectlons. Send us your business.  G. W. Cross.·-·--· Casper Kippes •••~ J.  c. Kippes ... ·-·  Ed. Wilson ....••-  I  J0,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., Dod2e t:rJ I City. ,... 16,270 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 0.. I • 150,000 ' Han. N .. N. Y.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. and ll> · 1st N .• Kan. 0.: Am. N., Hutchinson. 0.. 266,770 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Columbia N .• N. 0 Bk. Com., and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr .. Kan. 0.  g  r. Co .. and N.  170,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Drov. N., New Enr. N., and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.  G. T. TREMBLE •.•• B. L. GARDAHIER --· W. H. HOLT------··· A.H. BAROFSKY.... BOY RICE  50,000  223,000 1,153,330 1,240,000  Citizens State Bank .• •tl190GIBenry llcllanes._ Robert A.Han _____ . F. D. Sperry··-- .• H. E. Cole ••••••••. 83-249 G. R. Allan  50,000  100,000  550,000  630,000  85,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.  50,000 All Banklnc M !tfer~ ~r~mptl7 Handled. BUI of Ladlns Draftt, Cash and Time Items sh en particular att entlon.  10,000  220,000J  230,000  60,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Inter•State N. and ... . Bk. Com., Kan. C.; N, Bk. of America, Salina.  217,010  234.500  71.130 Oitiz. N., N. Y.: Columbia N., Kan. C.; Citiz. N .. Ewporia.  •Sll.swer&.Ellswor~ DI CENTRAL NATION.. BANK E.D SCHE'IMERHORN Po. 2065 83-248 •i•s5, First and oldest esiablft.hecf ban k. , ~ Unequalled fac Ultles for mak.ln s collections.  ELLSWORTH STATE BANK l!!-l 233  •U'l 7  {C. G. COCHRAN .••• A. W. S'i~YZfr····· EDW. ARTAS-·····-· T. B. WILSON-······  f~e J: 11 Peoples Ex~~ e Bank•tf•gi E.W. Je1Trey ____ • H. L. Prather ••••• W. A. Wood, Sec .•• Frankie Frey......  21  THE:_-.' BA-N.KERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY ' SURETY  50,000  co 1, Topeka, Kansas ,  46,020  I I  F'idelity, and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers ,' Bankers Ass'o CW. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  1 K~nsas  ~  195.880 Han. N..  o. v. Partch......  Sllfl ··-·----·--·1£11i1 DI ELLIS STATE_BAJIK ••. •tl'911 83 323 Pop. li76 · Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  __ ,  48-5,760  :1  4  ••  ; 1:'  ii ii'  K. L. Woodward .•• Sidney Moore ••••. Beulah D. Finley..  •ll'O'(.  'I  -  85,270 1,048,670 983,430 246,470 Ban. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Mldw. Re- 1 serve Tr. Co .• Kan. C.; ith N., Wichita.  - - - - - - . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1--- - -  I\  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1  I  KANSAS STATE BANK.'•t§'17 Geo. W. Hanna •.•• FredBerfschneider C. C. Zimmerman. D. W. Ow-···.....  2  ~  ~!  Accounts of eor.,'!;!tfons,V~~rchants and lndlvlduall are solicited on favorable terms. OLDEST BANK.  !'.  '<,.,;  Ni:!.s laii!!.~ a:: ~g~\~tt·:.  A. J. HOLDERMAll-jHN EHAf-······· A. C. CUTLER ·-·--·RALPH TOLLE--·-·  MERCH NAT BK  Sllldal•-Pop.  no1<Bilma  70,000 $2 022 880 Sl 610 560 $ 390,830 Mff.h~ ~~hii: ; Ch. of Bd. I CITIZENS STATE BAH N. F. Frazier, Jr .•• Seth Frazier .•••••• 0. B. Thompso• ••• •· H. Oron......... 50,000 56,180 2,351,450 1,744,450 713,180 Chase N., N. Y.; New Enf. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., 83-183 •U'99 W. E. Brown Ed. Corman Wichita. Eldorado National Bar: .•t'02 R.H. Hazlett. ____ • R.H. Bradford •.•• Wilbur E. Stone ••• S. R. Clifford...... 50,000 120,000 2,300,000 2,000,000 470,000 N. Park, N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C., 83 18 4 M. L . .Arnold ___ _ _ _ Tulsa and Wichita.  -ERS &  Pop. 850  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDKNTS.  ITS  eua1u, __~~8,~iL!!_~!n•09 ~: i: !t.~;:·-·-·· I::: I~~~s······· A. B. Ewin2·-···-· L. D. Hadley.•..•. $ 100,000 $ FARM  Ii  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In· dexed Acces.), Law)'ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume For Interest Rates, Boltda7s, etc., see Laws. ::,  KANSAS-Continued  ':,:1 I  :I  '  I  1 }·::  I. ,, ,··::·,I'  l)  !famber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Numbf'r gh .:n  to.each bank in U. l::i. esclualvely by The Rand-McNallf Banke1·s• 5-00 - - ~ t o r y , under_!he ~uthorlty of The American Bankers A!'ls'u.  I  TOWN AND COUNTY. ~T.UIE OF HA. K. ~County Sea.t15. •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §Siate Entire State in _o.1~ :tMem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. FederalReserve~- ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.1  Elmo ..... Dickinson D 10 Elmo State Bank ..••.•••i1'06 Pop.130  PRESIDENT. I VICE PRESIDENT, • -----~•  1  I I  83-823  __________,  ----1-------  CASHIER.  P. J. Cajrns ..•..•.. E. \Y. l ' . l'. a1tf1 .lei, l'r1:.·.  ••••••••••••••••• • ••  Non ..Bank Towns with N('arest Banking Point Ju. dexed Acccs.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc ., seo Law .  KANSAS~Continued Ass'T CASHIER. I PAID·UP 1su~~UB .....w  DEPOS-  I  10.000 $  PRJ;'-;CIPAL CORRESPONDE.'iTS.  ITS  """  b..;ouma' ":..~"..":~.::  16 ,000 $ 170,000 $ 200,000 $ 20,000 ~om'! N. and ecur ~· .. Kan. C-. - - - -  -  Jtlsmore ••••••. Allen 1J' 14 State Bank ot Elsmore.•:t§•gg Frank Goyette .•.•• , 0. G. Ki·okstrom •• D. R. Goyette .•••• A. F. Ohifest. ••••• Pop. 237 83-824 Nannie Goyette  10,000  7,500  145,000  120.000  Ely -··-·····Pawnee E 6 Ash Valley State Bank.•:t§'l8 H. M. Reed·-····· W. L. Earl .•.••.•. N. M. Brown-····· C. Seeman .. _•.•••. (Larned P. 0.) 83-1257 Wallace Shill Pop. 50 Elyria •••• McPherson E 9 ElyriaStateBank.- ••••• U'l3 E. B. Krehbiel .... P. Kau:"man ..•• ~-, O. ellber~- · ·-· ••••••••••••••.••... Pop. 100 83-1129  10,000 . ·-·· ••••  50,000  50,000  11,000 ht State, Larned. 4th N •• Wichita; Farm Mte-e. Tr., Topeka.  10,000  6,000  53,210  51,930  23,860 Midw. Re erve Tr.Co.and Drov.N., Kan. C.: Citiz. State, :McPherson.  20,000  23,000  l  I  lmmett.PottawatomieCI2 Emmett State Bank •••• •U'07 H. A. Lasswell .•..• G. M. Seaton···-·· D. F.Miller •.••.•.. •F. Y. Lune-er...... Pop. 250 •lmporia •• -•-·Lyon E 12 PoJ>. U,273  83-825 *CITIZENS  NAT'L  BANK ss-75  NATIONAL BANK & TRUST 83-77  co.  l*EmporiaState Bank_ 83-76  IFarmers  •:t·1s  23 ,000  36,000 Tra. N. and :Midw. Reserve Tr. Cent. ' .. Topeka.  j  o. Kan. C.;  X  T ••  I  ►  We want and appreciate out of town business.  f,/l  to  32,400 520,000 515,000 125,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ftd. N. Bk. & Tr. and ► Com•J N., Kan. C.; Bk. of Topeka, Z THE PERSONA L SERVICE BANK. Strong. Care ru1. Conse"atlve, Aecom modatl nir;. Topeka. Cll~ Special attentl on given to Colle I ctlona. n The New Bank will naturally glv e you the most efficient service. ·  F. M. ARNOLD ••• H. A. OSBORN···-· H. A. OSBORN ••..• - W. MAX HARRIS..  l I  100,000  -  I  tc:1 L. W. Wayman •••• A... Young . .... .. L. :M. Loomis  tate Bank ••• _t§'l8 J. A. Rankin •.•••. Chas. Mayes •••• - .••T• • Adam ..••..• - Fred A. Baird......  83·1301  50,0oo :  53,520 1,212,2201 1,11!8,640  50,000  13,500  175,000  1  302,100 Han.N .. N. Y.: lstN. and Midw. He erveTr. [ Co., Kan. C.: Am. State, Wichit:1. "'  200,000  35.000 ICont. T., Kan.  c.  O  (l; :,  I  *Lyon County State Bk . • U'13 W. M. Price •••••• C. M. Wilson •..••• F. P. DaY--······-· G. E. Russell •.•••. 83-78  s. H. WARREN ...  i  F. 0. LAKIN·-····- F. P. WARREN,  We offer for lsale at all times , &c. and Tr. GUt Edge Kans as Farm Mortgag es which Appeal to the conservative lnve stor .  .KmporiaOlearin~House •••. Will Wayman •..• - : L.J.Huck •.•....•. (Members indicated b11 a*)  lII.A. 0  •-··--··············· I  50,000  13,360  351.120  253,340  113,010 Irving N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Cent. cii N., Topeka. ,; 'O '"1 4th Atlantic N., Bos.; Citiz. N .. Emporia.  ---··· j·--- ·-·-····- ---·  100,000  en·  I  (P  born, "'ec. C.H.Newman,'J;r. - - - - - - · _ _ _ · - - - · - - '  Ene-levale.Orawford F 15 Farmers State Bank .•• •t§'l9 J. G. Sandidge .... H. H. Karns ••••- •• C. :\I. 1· arn'-' •••• ·- ··- ····- -··-·-······ Pop. 200 83-1306 F. Cunningham I  10,000  Knrlewood ..... Olark G 5 First National Bank •••• •t'08 ll'. L. Goodnight ••• Gcorl!e Kl·tineck ... L. H. Flint ••..••.. Vivian Goodnight.  .!5,000 1  14,000  80,000  la5,000  15,000 · ew Eng. N., Kan. C.: 1.-t N., Wirhita.  10,000  14.000  115,000  100.000  39.000 Chatham&PhenixN .. ~. Y.:Com'IN .. Kan.C.; Union Stork Yds. N., Wichita; :\Iidw. I{e. nvo Tr. Co .• Kan. C.. ~lo. 56,620 liclw. Rt•<; ' rre Tr. Co., Kan. C.  Pop. ,tfifi  83-564 Home State Rank .••••• •*5'08 Fred Taintor •••..• D. B. Lewelling-·· I!'rank . •• Snyder.. A. JI.I. Sherman.... 83-565  I  1,000  I  10,1801  26,680  Ensie-n-•••••..• Gray F 4 Ensie-n tate Bank •.••• •U'l4 J, K. ayre ..·-···· Pop. 200 83-1157 Enter1>rise,Dickinson DI0 DICKINSON COUNTY BANK a. Hoffman •...••• _ Po1>. 975 83-463 •tl'04 " ···--·-· " Enterprise State Bank.•U'09 J. A. Lindahl...-••  L. 0. utton·-····· Chas. E. Sturdevant Fred E. Sturdevant J. A. Beggs J. F. Buhrer ·-····· B. A. Flack •••.•••. A.\\'. Staatz •.••••.  25,000  5,NO  182,020  300,610  50,000  45,000  to0,000  :!93,000  \\'. F. Delker ••••.• C. E. ~eycr· -····· W. F Ahrens .•.•••  15,oqo  1,!50()  92,770  90,000  Kansal' ' I-' , THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY . Co •• Ta neka Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4.060 , Cent. Ex.N .. Kan. C.; Pitt. State, 1'itt.;'\lirlw. 1 late. F1. ,· <'ott.  ~  I  83-4114  I  I  •U'Ol1W. Wayman .•..••. :o.H. l.i'.A. Grob·-······Wayman  WARREN MORTGAGJ Y. COM AN 76  I 2-15,000 I  o.. Mo.  F. C. NEWMAN •• C.H. NE~rAN •••• 1H. w. FISHER, -···· I. F.c A]HESON .. .. 300,000 250.000 3,423,000 3,175,900 1,063,000 llan. N .. N.Y.: 1st N.,Columbia. and N. Bk. ► H. E. PEACH, L. J. 80 1 l'. P. a,1d Ca:;h. R. ~. E ERETT Com., Kan. C.; Tootle.Lacy N.. t. Jo. Z l'.P. E. H. RE E. K. L RD Cll  •:t·s&  *COMMERCIAL  25,000 Peo. N .• Kan. C.; Drov. N .. Kan.  I  IP.  vi  CLo'T_.,..Bo,1; Dl8- Cua • .r:D•• •  CAPITAL PROFITS  hepherd •.• :\Iary .\IcGarr.r •... $  RESOURCES.  g  100,000 Seab. •.. N. Y.; Com'! N., Kan. C. 10.000 Han ..• T., ... T. Y. ; Plan .• tat~l, . alina: Far .• •.. ,\.111le1w : Inter-, tate ... Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers \l- 1 Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  Sl: ::S C  ~  '.:<  1:; 1-.:>  .....  501  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given L·. exclush·ely by The Rand-HcNall7 Bankers' Directory, under the authorit>· of The !~erlca~ !Ja~kers Ass•n.  to each buok in U.  TOWN A.SI..>  Cou  TY.  Non-Bank Towns with Nt-1ue ·t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyt-rs, Lal\·s /indexed) in liark of this~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _v_o_lu~For lnte~e:"..t Rates, Holidays. !tc., sep ~  KANSAS-Continued  .. Erie _______ Neosho F 14\Allen State Bank _____ •U'83 Will. T. Allen _--\Georfe Gaston ____ 83-336 Pov. 116, \Bank or Erie.. __________ .u•g2 L. s. Cambero _____ \Marion Johnson ••• " " 83-337 I WM. CAMPBELL J. C. HERSHNER __ E bon _______ ;;:~ewell B 8 FARMERS STAl:£ BA K•t1·o 7 ~ Special attentlo n given Bill of La 83 Plru.~e 11end 15c u· it11 each ight draf ~ilg Pop ..• ,.,  Il  I  ,;  13,550  25,000  35,000 1 400,000  360.000  J.E. STIDHAM ____ FLORA STIDHAM-ir.~~Dlfe'!ns.  15,000  17,810  296,660  270,680  30,000 N. Bk. Com. and 1st r., Kan. C.: Bk. or Topeka, 'I'opeka: 'footle-.Lacy _·., :st. Jo. 60,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; lnter-StateN., Kan. O.; Bk. of 'fopeka, Topeka. I 325,660 120,510 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.  B.  w.  ding drafts, Cash  t  ~i.l  1  fur 11rrsentatim1 a11d 25r for <'n rlit He/Jori.'<,  25,000  10,500  120,000  10,000  30,000  225,000  "  ..  7  --------  ..  120,000  200.000  10,000  31.'ii0  404,400  E. Cory _________ A.H. Fiehler _____ _  10,000  18.500  233,000  210,000  STATE BANK OF EUDORA { E.GERSTENBERGER C. A. GORDON _______ F. C. STARR --------- ___________________ _  12,500  12,500  270,000  300,000  50,000  22,020  2 i,040  60,000  ;;o,rno  li69,9i0  EudoraPo'i>.~~ 2las D 14 Kaw Valley  i~~~ Bank -tl'99  8  83-400  •U'92  William Lothholz __  jc.  W. McKeen _____  c.  JOHN A. EDWARDS. -- CYRUS BROOKOVER -- C. C. NYE----------- C. AJONES -------• S • E,~L~Y J. TE.H p 1 1 FIRST NAT'L BANK d  •t'84  4 ,000 1st N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; erch. ~ N .• Law fmce. 28,600 Com·1 ... •.. -an.C .. Kan.:Peo.~tate,L.'\wrence: ► Z )linw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. .  lo CtJ\T · sent to u: with eaC'b st gbt draft for pre· entation, and ~6 CENTS for ea cb credit report I nsure: prompt, p ersonal attention •  • 'ureka.Greenwood F 12 Citizens Nat i on a 1 Bank•tlOOO IL. A. Ladd _________ IT. G. C'aywo.ocl ____ H. F. RockhiJL _________________ , _____ 1 83- 227 W. II. Ernn Pop. 2606 Eureka B a n ~ ~ •ino H. D. Tucker ______ F. 11. IIulJ _ _ _ L.A. bonJd________ __________________ " -------..  83--226  8Q,,i50 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. ~ ~ Com .. Kan. C. 100,000 Imp. & Tra. N .. ~ •. Y.; N. Bk. Com •. St. L.: 1st, N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr .. Kan. C. 5-1,690 Inter-State N ., Lim tock tate. and tock \"d . N .. Kan. C.  265,380 ' 223,4801  25,000 $  Garvin ______ Howard Nation____  F. M. Osburn ______ O. M. Johnson ____  E..:krid2e.Wabaunsee D 12 Eskrid2e State Bank __ tU900 W. T. Eckles ______ A. A. Parks ________ B. C. Taylor_______ __________________ __ 83-428 Pot>, 7::iH , Security St~~~nk ____ if'84 Geo. G. Waufh ________________________ W. K. Waugh ______ C. F. Lienard ____ _ " ________ "  --------  l)J  ,---------------~  State Bank if-fJfon __ t.§1900 Richard Beachy ___ R. \Y. Frost.. _____ J. K. Beachy ______ E. E. Duncan______  "  C  PRINCIPAL COR.l{ESPONDE.'TS.  ·1-  'AMK OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire tate in J.·o.10 t lam.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ~~~e~al_Re~erJe ~is!rict.\•_l!_em~ed. Res. _ _[Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ __  erv,ce ntelhgent 1c1ent an rompt. We get out and make Collections I  Home National Bank ____ •t'04 Elwood MarshalL Samuel Holmes ___ .11. E. Holmes ______ E. J. Marshall ____ _ I 83-228  en  111,740 Liberty N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & 'fr., Kan. C.; ~ Com'l .r .. Kan. C .. Kan. 230,fl60 1st .. .1. • Y.: 1st .... and Inter tatc ., Kan. to 538,200 _ _ _ _ C.; Com'! N. antl Ex. State, Kan. o .. ;:J> 240,160  1  -  70.0001  -  50,000  -  500,000.  -  450,000  -  150,000 :Mech. & .M etal· N., N. Y.; N. Bk.  Kan. C.; 1st N., st. L.  com.,  448,670  325,130  PIONEER STATE BANK!  79,980  51,930  PIONEER  25,G 0 6,290 '20. D. C. JOHNSON------ A. L. FRENCH------- M. W. ALLEN-------- M. E. S. BOTKIN ---Prompt attention to all banking matters entrusted to us. ' IS3-1370 TRUST CO.----t§'l9. D. C. JOHNSON------ A. L. FRENCH------- WM. JOHNSTON, Tr._ H. F. ROCKHILL, :;, c. 100,000 16,170 M. E. S. BOTKIN, .1. Sec, and A.. Tr. l 83-1316  62,190  150,500  25,000  165,{150 N. Bk. Com .. ~'. Y.; i"ew Eng. ,1,r. and Inter (D. State N .. Kan. c. r+ 57,330 .Mech,&~Ietal ~·.,~~- Y.; Comw,~·,,Kan. '. O ~  57,010 Guaranty Tr. Co•• N. Y.  Falun __________ Saline DD Pop. 100 Farlington, raw ford F 15 Pop. 175 rell~burg- __ Edwards F 6 Pop. 100 Florence ____ f arion E 10 Poo. 145".i  J. F. Merrill. ______ G. Eckwall _________ jc. T. Johnson _____ E. J. nyder ______ _  35,000  10,050  135,800,  162,5.30  M.A. Thompson __ R. Martin ______ G. Ray Martin ________________________ _  10,000  3,800  102,000  86,000  A. Gatterman ______ J. R. Fatzer. ______ S. A.Aupperle _____ ~labl'l Terry _____ _  12,000  13,000  125,000  90,000  38,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  J. W. Hobert _____ C. B. Aves _________ H. E. Rodgers. _______________________ _  50,000-  10,00G  65,700  16,050  B. K. Graham _____ W. F. Aves ________ F. B. Graham ______ E. H. Titu. _______ _ D. E. Crary COUNTY STATE BK., D. F. Callahan ____ c. H. Aves _ _ _ J. K. Stewart ______ L. F. IrPland _____ _ R y. GJ·agg :tl'71 83-352  50,000  61.0801  15,000  12,000  10,000  12.200  133,000  160.000  20,000  195.000  200,000  26,000  200,000  235,000  10,000  Frank Van Dalsem_ V. R. Shintafl'er ___ C. J. Unkefer ____ _  30,000  D. Graham ______ W. E. Randolph __ _  25,000,  5,910  ,9,120  80,120  B . .M. Brown _______ , C. D. Pritchard ____ Harriet P. Lowell.. ~ 'cllie )Iae Burn 1  25,000'  10.160  203,030  176.190  1,  .  I  THE BANKERS· DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Go 1, Topeka , Kansas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  ~  33,000 Irving N .• ~'· Y.; .\lidw. Rescne 1'r. Co. and Inter-State N .. Kan. C.: Eit. r., Atchison. 25,000 Inter-• tate N .. Kan. C.; 't. Jo. tock Yd"' St. Jo.: Ex . .1:r., Atchi on. 34,000 Han . .1.",, N. Y.; Am. N. St. Jo.; Inter-Stater .. Kan. C. 20,610 Han .... • .• .1:', Y.: ~idw. Rr~ene Tr. Co. Kan. C.:ltN .. t.Jo. 57,820 Iillw. Ile ervc Tru. ( Co., N. Bk. Com., and Comw. '., Kan. C.: late Bk. of Fredonia ancl Wil. on Co., Fredonia. 18,330 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Drov. N. Kan. C.; Far . .1. , alina: tock Yd<=, ... '., D(•n. 10,000 .\lidw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.  Falun State Bank _______ i§'05 83-828 Farlin1,1;ton State Bank-•!§'15 83-1194 Farmers State Bank ____ !§T.i 83-1207 First ... ·ational Bank ----•t·20 83-1380 Florence State Bank --•t '05 83-353  MARION  ;:l (')  FranK HonnelL ___ F. G. Todd __________________________ _  H. E. Van Dal!;em __  0 ,; ~  Only Trust Company In the Count)·. Fir t Mortgage Loans on Improved Kan as Farm .  0. R. Jones ________ R. H. Jones ________ •.. ________________ _  I  !:lj  ,;  42,110  Everest_ _____ Brown B 13 State Bank or Everest.•tl'D5 R. C. Jones ________ 83-620 Pop. 403 Union State r-tz1------•t1·01 H. M. Means ______ .. " 8 Fairview _____ Brown B 13 Fairview State Bank --•U'88 W. F. Isely ________ ♦ 83-826 Pop. 386 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK C. W. Plamann ____ " .. •:t:'18 83-1271 Bank of Fall River ----•*1'84 1. W. Brodrick ____ 13 F Fall River.GrPenw'd 83-827 Pop. 3iG  Z ~  C/l  I  '"·"" I  500.000  691.480 320.000 I  53,750 Tra. ~•·• Kan. C. 260,,80 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Inter-State V1 N .. Kan. C.; 1st . . '., Wichita. 300.000 Citiz. N., N. Y.: Drov. N .• Chi.: Midw. He,t>n·<• o Tr. Co .. Kan. C.; 1st~··• Wichita.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  1 Kansas  502  Number under Name or Bank u1 th6 New Tranilt Number pven to each bank in U. S. exclmsh'ely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• DlredorJ. under the authority of The Amerl<'an B nker_A_s'_n_._ _ _ .  -I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest .Banking .Point (indexed Acces.), Lawyer!J, Law (lnde:ted) in back of this Ul Tolume. For Interest Rates, Holiday!!, etr., SE' Law . o  KANSAS-Continued  --  =--=---  ~ TowN-:.:rn cuu;-;TL T.uut OF Il.\NK. --. -----,-- - - ~LrABI-LTTIEs: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE1,TS. •Oounty Seats. •}I Am. Am. Bks. A ·n . § tate p V T , SURPLUS Entire State in ,To. 10 :tMem. State Ilks . .Assn. tPriv. RESIDENT, ICE PRESlDE.ST. CASHIER, Ass T CASHIER. PAID-UP .A.ND DBPosFederal Re~erve Di trict. +}1em. Fed. Res. [Estab. -1-----r------CAPITAL PROFITS ITS 1 lrontana ______ Miami E 15 Fontana State Bank ---•:t:§'07 F. \V. Matthews_:_ Joseph Grother-: __ D. V. Ricketts _____ Geor1rn L.Graham~ S 10,000 S5MO $ 140,210 $ 123,1170 $ 1U80 Drov. N. and Comw. N., Kan. o.: Miami co. Pop. 206 83--829 . N .. Paola. Ford ___________ Ford F 5 Ford State Bank ________ u•o7 V. C. Robb ___ ---- ------------------ G. B. Smith ________ ------------------20,000 5,000 85,000 116,000 15.000 Comw. N. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. c.: Pop. 272 83-830 , . . . 1st N., Hutchinson. FormosoPop:J1~well B 8 First Natio~i~~nk ----•:t 06 A. Hirsch _________ R. G. Patterson ____ L. L. Burc.llinaL __ A. R. Kmgsley____ 25,000 9,060 160,000 146,290 27,700 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. c.  I I.  .  " .. UNION STATE BANI --•U'07 !!3-613 Ft. Leavenworth ___ Leav. Army National Bank ____ et'07 Pop. 2000 C 15 83-831 •Ft. ScotLBourbon F 15 Citizens National Bank -•t'84 Pop.10,693 83-56 CITY STATE BANK ---- t§'20 83-60 FORT SCOTT STATE BANK +  83-58  •:t:§'07  Mid West  Fostoria ___ Pottawatomie Pop. 125 0 11 rowler _______ Meade G 4 Pop. 490 ll'rank:forL_Marshall B 11 Pop. 1314  ..  ________  "  J.P. Fair __________ C. A. Crawford ____ R. V. Jones-----·- D. K. Balch________  30,000  18,000  265,000  250,000  Wm. Huttig,Jr. ____ H. E. Huttig _______ F. J. Hutti£ _______ G. W. Parker-----  25,000  12,500  460,980  310,000  C. D. Sample------ I. 0. Trask -------- T. M. Givens ----- F. A. Baldwin______ J. T. Beatty H. E. Parrish J. T. Flemine_ ---- F. R. Alford _______ W. T. Seaerave ____ -------------------  100,000  125,000 1,175.000  986,000  f. H. FOSTER------ FRANK CLINNINGHAM FRANK CUNNINGHAM G. H. WHITESIDE---C. L. KONANTZ  100,000  i  83-3111  tt'86  o.  ··  72,800  ..  GALENA NATIONAL BANK  z►  46,000 Stock Yds. N., Columbia N., and Cent. F.x. N., C."l Kan. C.; Pitt. State, Pitt .. Kan. ► 110,000 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.: Oom 'l N .. Kan. 0. 00  25,000  11,000  400,000  5,000  70,000  63,000  J. c. Hall __________ G.D. Han ________ ------------------· T. V. Pinnick_ _____ ll'. D. llorrison ____ M. L. Morrison ___ _  25,000  30,000  145,000  266,000  23,000 Leav. N., Lea.v.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Onaita State, Onaga; Bk. of Topeka. Topeka. 30,000 Drov. N., Kan. O.; Am. N., Hutchinson.  z  194,1130  258,900  211,510 N. Bk. Oom., Kar.. C.: 1st N ., Hutchinson.  ~  25,000  24,250  50,000  22,740  . NAUMAN-------- P.R. WOLFE------- J. W. LOBLEY------ - SARAH McKEE------  35,000  W. C. BROWN  J.M. BARKES  peclal attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Tline :Items.  {irgJ:r~cs;~~; lr~t  325,000  K WINGERT-- A. SCHMIDT------- R. A. COLES--------------------------  -  12,000  100,000:  70,000  40,000  10,000  S50,000  340,000  50,000  -  69,530  -  483,960  .BanJI: .ia the New Transit Number  o·.-.n  75,000 Cont. & Com'I N .. Chi.: N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: 1st ~ N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. _ (I)  744,ll0I 100,000  400,200 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. ~ & Tr., Kan. C. C: 30,000 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ant.bony, ,;  252,980  139,260 Tra. N .. Kan. C.  144,980  44,350 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Inter-State N. and Live Stock State. Kan. O.; 1st N ., Pitt., Kan. 78,990 Coni. & Com'l N. , Chi.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.  213,000  -  6Q  114,500  22,500 4th N., Wichita; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  140,000  30,000 Inter-State N. and Tra. N., Kan. O.  2118,000  '81,000 Han. N .. N. Y:,: N. Rk. Com .. St. L.; N. Bk:. Dl Com. and F1d, N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. ~  514,560  -  13&,870 Chase N., N. Y.; ld N., Chi. and Si. L.; p.> New Ens, N., Kan. C. ~ ~  _ 20,000  .THE·BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY GO Topeka Kansas ' ,  &2,000 Oom 'l N .. Kan. 0 .• Kan.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Pl Kan. C.; Cent.. N •• Ellsworth. r-t 55,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Com'l N., Kan. C. 0  538,000  I  ••  ►  ::s  10,000  tnJc~6~?r.~ns:---  co'iieetiona and requests for ratln KS wtfi receive pro mpt attention pronded 7ou 1end 15c with ea ch sight draft and 26c with each request for rating.  td  300,280: 327,610 40 ,890 Ch~eN .• N. Y.: Oom'l Tr. ~o.andlst N.h~an. C/ll , c.,Tootle-LacyN.,St. Jo .. Ex. N., Ate 1son. 12,500 ---------, --------- --------~ 35,000 225,0001 200,000 60,000 N. Bk:. Com .. N. Y .: N. Bk. Com. and Inter- ::, State N ., Kan. C.; 1st N. and Burnes N ., St.. Jo. ~  25,000  ~ leaae l!tnd 15c wit h each aiuht draft/or .ireaentation and 25e for Credit Report, .  83-115 •t"77 G lesburg ___ Nf'osho G 14 Galesbure State Rank __ e:f;1'03 A. W. Craig _______ II. I. Shaw _________ J. J. Williams _____ Lowell J. Chansler Pop. 20 :; 83-837 under Name of Federal Reserve Bank of St. l'famber Louis  · ·  10,000  A, P. Hampton ____ T. J. Rhodes------ ______ ------- ---J. M. Rhodes '.''{. J. Gregg _______ T. W. Snodgrass __ ------------------  iJ.  ·•  Hill _____ _  Jf.  .  · .:  L.B. Dunn ______ T. J. Poague---- -----------------  :tot~~1foii-giv R. KEESLING-------80,000 47,500 645,000 83-103 •it 85 Sight drafts mu st be accompanle d by minimum fe e of 15c; Credit re ports. 2 5c. Wilson County Bank __ •:t1'71 B. S. Pau.len _______ W .G.Fint _________ T. C. Babb--- I. M. Fink_ _______ _ 60,000 28,910 1,055,400 83-192 E. H. Russell J'reeport _____ Harper G ll Freel)Ort State Bank ____ u·o2 A.. J. Hilliard ________________________ W. E. Schmidt _____ ---------------10,000 5.000 120,000 Pop. 56 83-834 I 9,600 366,740· J. S. PATTON--- -- JACOB DITTMANN ___ P. J. McGINLEL--- ----------------15,000 Jrontenac_Oraw!ord G 15 FRONTENAC STATE BANK 15 CENTS sent to us with each I ght draft for pres entationi and Pop. 3225 83-835 •:t:1'04 { 25 CENT for each <'redlt report In ures prompt, persona attentl on. Oldest and Lar gest Bank. " " ~liners State Bank ----•ts'l9 Jno. Beitzinger ___ Antone Menghini__ Cha • Fedel!__ _____ Neva Fedell_______ 4,780 25,000 159,550 • 83-1307 Anton Roitz Fulton _____ Bourbon F 15 Bank of Fulton _______ •:t§'84 I!'. S. Hall ____ ---- -- F. H. Niles------- H. L. Woods _____ ---- ---------------11,500 25,000 283,610 Pov. '11 83- 836 . Furle:,- ____ Sedgwick F 10 Furley State Bank _______:t5'll F. W. Sanders------ H. I. Merrill _______ E. B. Merrill _______ Ethel Merrill---10,000 125,000 10,000 Pop. 300 83-1104 . Galatia _______ Barton D 7 Galatia State Bank _____ t§'l6 F. E. Harmon _____ John Dietz ________ B. Brock _______ A. Galyardt ------25,000 5,500 140,000 Pop. 1100 83-1208 Galena ____ Cherokee G 15 Citizens Bank ____ -----•:tl'90 E. B.Schermerhorn M. Robeson _______ John McOullairh __ - - - - - - 25,000 211,910 325,000 Pop, 4i12 83-116 Pop. 3954  20,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tra. N .. Kan. C. 272,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Cont. & com'l N., Chi.; Com'l ~ N Kan c 1st N st L  77,030 1.207,000 1,100,000  Lois Higbee  E. E. Dix _________ P.H. McAfee _____ John  .B'rederick ______ Rice E 8 Frederick State Bank __ t5'04 Geori~e T. Tremble A. D. Jellison ______ W. B. Tomlinson_ E. 0. McCaJt_____ Pop. 145 83-833 Jredonia ____ Wilson F 13 Oitizens State Bank ---•H'0II S. M. Newcomb, A. C. Flack _____ ___ H. G. Van Duser ___ ---··----------------  STATE BAN~-:; FREDON.IA  71,000  70,000  Special attentlo n gh'en B.-L. drat ts, cash and time Items. 15c must accom pany each sight d raft for presentat Ion and 25c for ea ch credl t report . W. 0. Perry _______ J. W. Montee ______ L. H. Jones________ 25,000 2,900 101,000  ta1e Bank __ et§'20 J. G. Miller ________ 83-61 PEOPLES STATE BANK-U'l0 c. A. Van Velzer __ 83-59 Dunn State Bank _______ :j:§'15 J, W. Dunn ________ 83-1174 Firsi National Bank ----•:t'l0 Linn Frazier-----83-599 Fowler State Bank ____ •:tl'06 R. A.. Harper ______ 83-598 Citizens National Bank __ •'91 T. II'. Rhodes ______ 83-317 H. Kennedy, Y.-P. Fir t National Bank ____ §'21 James Kennedy ___ 83-1393  STATE BANK OF FRANKFORT  25,000 ________ _  50,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y. and Kan. C.: Tootle-Lacy N .. St. Jo. 187,500 Mech.and Metals N., N.Y.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. c. 256,520 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y .: 1st N ,,'Wichita a ud Kan. o.  8,570  153,340  153,010  1.0  26,030 Chatham: & Phenix N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! ~ N .. Cb1.; Drov. N. and Con, N .. 0. 1 ....  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers ·.. ~ BOWMAN, Secy.) Topelca, State Agent··:  , Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W.  w:  503  lfambel' 1U1de, Name of Ban.II: .itl the New Trand& 1'umbel' IP"HD to each bank in U. S. e:s:cJuslveJy by The Ra11d-.HcNall1' Banken• DIJ'ecror:,, under the authorlcy of The American Bankers•n. NAME OF BANK .  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 5State .. County Seats. Entire State in To.10 1Mem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [Estab. Federal Re erve District. • )lem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Rankins Polnt (Indexed Acee~.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume For Intt>re!t Rate11, Holidays, etc., see _Laws. :,  KANS S-Continued OASHIER.  Ass'T CASHIER.  PA10-u~~::~~~::~s~EPos- ILoAN~.r.E::.u:~::·:1z.  PRINCIPAL OORKESPONDENTS.  I&  =., ;-;= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~-------l-------1--------1---1-- ---------0  0  ';.;, 0 ~.::•  ITS  CAPITAL p:C,~~TB I  Galva .... McPherson E 9 Farmers State Bank ... •U'OO R. G. Barnes ••.•• W. E. Ditch .•..• -. H. D, Paynter.-•• Irene Miller •••...• $ 10,000 $ 16.000 $ 12:5,000 S 120,000 S 30,000 Com'! N .. Independence; Drov. N .• Kan. c,; .Qarden City.Finney F 3 Pop. 3818  l  83-838  Pop. 350  FIRST IIATIOIIAL BAIIK.•1'86 G. T. Ine:e •....•••• c. V. Chalfont ···- C. A. Fulton .•. - •.. ·-·--·········-·····  50,000  64,770  568,410  S. M. Moss •••.•••. L. G. Perry·····-·· J. O. Carter 11'. G. Kauirman_._ J. D. Whitehead .. E. A. Orr Harry J. Ten Joan 11'. L. ZisseL •...... E. O. Fisher H. 0. Craie:--···· E. E. Armstrone .•-  30,000  30,320  329, 7110  287,770  83-179 Garden City Tat'l Bank.•1'05 C. D. Gorham ...•. J.E. Baker .••..• -. 83-180 Peoples State Bank .... •1§'07 William Wonn ••.•• E. J. Dumond ••••• \ 83-181 H.F. G. Wulf. ••• _ W. H. Taylor, Jr,_ Garden Plain •. _Sedewick ·state Bank of Garden Plain •:l:S'0l 83-839 1!' 11 1 Pop. 361 Gardner.- •• Johnson DH Farmers Bank_ ....•.. -•U'94 H. C. Bie;elow ••.••. W. J. Johnston_._. 83-568 Pop. 5ll GardnerStateBank .••• •11'06 M.F.Bray ••••••••• John Griffin ••••••• 83-5611 Garfleld-•••.Pawnee F 6 Arkanc_;as Valley State Bank H.J. Marl,!uardL. E. Lyman. _ _ _ •t§'17 83-1258 Pop. 368 Garfield State Bank ...• •1!'06 W. M. Porteous._. A.H. Moffet-·-· 83-840 GarJand .••. Bourbon F 15 Home State Bank .•• - ..*1'08 P.H. Mc.A.fee-••••• G. G. Hindman •••• 83·841 Pop. 250 ..Garnett •• Anderson E 14 Citizens State Bank ..•• •:t§'03 H. C. Doerine:--··· Gail Carey··--··-· 83-223 Pop. 2329 Farmers State Bank •.. •;§"20 0. E. Bean_ •• _. I. G. Simmons •••.. 83-1372 Garnett State Savines Bank C. Melcher •.• -·-··· 0. D. Juchems_. __ •§'90 83·222 National Bank of Commerce R. B. Spruill.. ••..• J. H. Cannon •• __ • T. P. Baxter •11900 83-224 Garrison- •• Pottawatomie Farmers State Bank ••.• t§'l9 E. E. Glunt •••••••. W. A. Puckett ••.•. 83-1345 C 11 Pop. 130 Gaylord •••••••• Smith B 7 FlrstNal.ional Bank.-••• •:•03 A. M. Lewellen .... W. D. Lloyd--····· 83-843 Pop. 336 Valley State Bank.-••. •U'l6 IS . Larrick-······· E. Wolf. •• ··-··-· 83-1220 Gem·--······ Thomas O 3 Gem State Bank .••••••• •U'05 P. 8. Houston •••.• H. R. Anderson ·83-844 Pop. 170 Geneseo •.••• _.•. Rice E 8 Central State Bank-.. •:t§"S7 J. S. Gibson •..•••• J.M. Johnson.-•• 83-540 Pop. 561  30,000  24,000  510,000  545,000  2,050  180,640  169,810  25,000  25,000'  500,000  400,000  J.P. Williams .•••. R.E. Foster .••••.  15,000  9,460  265,000  240,000  A. T. Olson •• _ •••. - - - · · - - -  10,000  540  69,000  73,000  R. C. Slepake •••• _ H. Polson---·-···-·  25,000  3,500  220,650  184,380  M. R. Hays ..•••••• Edyth C. Lone:--.  10,000  5,000  131,930  109,520  34,630 Peo. State, Ft. Scott.  W. A. Paxton--·· _ ··-···--··-··-  25,000  7,001)  390,000  360,000  70,000 Com. Tr, Co., Kan. O.; Miami Co. N., Paola.  D. H. Stiles······- J.B. Cross •••••.•.  25,000  6,250  73,230  72,150  Sennett Kirk •••••• - - - - - - · -  10,000  31,320  677,030  567,410  25,000  30,000  700,000  650,000  2,500  13,590  27,270 1811,900  Georre  w. Hunley.  E.G. Orum-······  W. A. Cook •••.•••• Mae S. Cook ..••• --  ~  17,170 Live Stock tate, Kan. O.; Com'l r., Kan. O., Kan. 150,930 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. O.  25,000  20,000  C. V. Miller.-····- - - - · · - - -  15,000  630  97,850  A. J. Smith •••••••. Cline Curtiss--····  10,000  21,670  137,860  149,250  M. C. Watts··-··-· Elmer Brown .•...  15,000  19,000  200.000  225,000 t  W. J. Shannon .•••  15,000  5,5C0  135,000  150,000  --··-···············  10,000  2,350  35,500  43,480  ··-·-····-··-·-·  10,000  5,000  75,000  75,000  R. H. Lashley •••••  25,000  38,280  48S,1100  408,250  Abbie Billiard-•.  60,000  11,110  377,190  303,590 502,600  "·""I I  Henry Viets .•.• _.  50,000  64.700  700.000  M. G. Struble...•• _  60,000  30,000  ,80.000  '35,000  10,000  3,880  110,090  91,690  20,000  11,040  220,830  187,710  l  Slsht drafts, re e In advance, %5c . Credit &eports, :UC. WE COLLE CT PBOMPTL Y.  I  60,000  Kansas ·1I fJ THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co Ta neka 19  J  70,140 I  305,7110,  td  > z  '  <  23,260 Com'l N .• Kan. o.. Kan.: Thomas Co., Colby; ll) .... N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 20,000 Fid. r. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Am. N., Hutchin• 0 son.  0  15,000 Tra. N., Kan. C,; 4th N., Wichita: Cent. State 6i9 rn Hutchinson. o 6,330 4th N., Wichita. 0  15,000 Yidw, Reserve Tr. Co .. Ka~. O.; Tra. State and Home N., Ari:. City. an. 119,030 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Midw. Reserve Tr . Co., Kan. O.; 1st N., St. L. 129.000 Drov. N., Stock Yards N., Cent. Ex. N .. and Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 225,680 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; Fid. i;T. Bk. & Tr. and Inter-State N .. Kan.C. 150,000 N. Park,N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 32,280 Ex. N., Atchison, Kan.; Drov. N., Kan. O.; Downs N., Downs. 64.150 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk:. Com., Kan. O.  I  --!  >. en  130,000 N. Bk, Com .. N. Y.; Comw. N. and N. Bk. ~ (ll Com., Kan. C. 2,050 Farm Mte:e. Tr. Co .• Topeka; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C. 51,000 Inte1-State N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Ceni. .. 0 ~ Topeka. 30,610 Fid. • Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  I  FIRSTIIAllf,l!fs\llllK-•i•117 L.NoeL ..•••••••• J. W. Stadt...-. G.L.Chapin •••••.• J.:M. Davidson .•  C/l  I  J.E. Larrick····-· ················--·  E.W. JORDAI.-. J. H. LINDLEY .. -.. R. M. SAWHILL --- GEORBE WOODS._.  BANIMS'll7 FARMERS STATE 83  > z  200,000  ..····-···U'lO A. Dourherty •••••• H. J. Konantz -···· B. Bailey-········· _ _ _ _ _ __ Glade -···-·-·Phillips B 6 Glade State ~ 8., .,..., Pop. ~50 Glasco •••• -•-·-·Oloud C II Pop. 724  10,000  10  ~  109,200 Liberty N., N. Y.; Comw. N. and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; 1st N .. Pueblo. 97,140 Han. N., N. Y.: Stock Yds. N., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita. 60,000 Tra. N., N. Bk. Com. and Inter-State N .• Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita; 1st N., Hutchinson. 411,300 Fid. T. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; Am. State, Wichita; Andale State, Andale. 100,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Com'l N., Kan. C., Kan.: N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 49,460 Chase N., N. Y.; Midw. Reserye Tr. Co., Cent. Ex. N .• and N. Bk. Com.,Kan.C.;Peo.N.,Paoa., 6,500 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Moffet Bros. N. and lat ~ State, Larned. 42,850 N.Bk.Com.andMidw.ReserveTr.Co.,Kan.C.  538.120  25,000  Citizens State Bank .••• •it•og R.R. Newkirk .... F. H. Norris .....•• Ohester A. Miles •• . 83-541 Gerlane _.•••• Barber G 7 Gerlane State Bank--•11'17 W. A. Newkirk •••• F. C. Colborn ••_._ Leroy Mustoe .•••. _ 83·1254 Pop. 50 Germantown.Brown B 13 ( ee .Mercier) Pop. 7S Gend3 Spr'rs •.•• umner Citizens State Bank .•••• 1§'02 G. W. Collinson ... ···-······-·-······ A.. A.. KcF&lL ...-. 83-845 B 10 Pop. 266 .. Girard •.• Crawford G 15 Crawford County State Bk. L. H. Lashl07_ ..... C.H. Burnett•.•••• W. M. Brizendine. •1§'07 83-2111 Pop. 3161 Farmers&MinersStateBank H.H. Janssen.-•• D. H. Holt _ _ _ Ed. c. Strickler .•• U'l8 83-1284 First National Bank •••• •:-84 J. T. Leonard. ••••• J. R. Raymond ••••• W. B. Millin~n •• _ H. C. Leonard 83-218 State Bank of Girard._•1§"70 0. W. Schaeffer·-· M.Haldeman-Julius ··-···········---··· E. Haldeman-Julius 83-217 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  State Ex., I:lutchinson.  I  424,490 1  50,910 N. City, N. Y.; New Ene;. N. and lstN., Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  504  Numbe.r under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. enluslvely by The Rand-:&fcNally Bankers• Hiredory, undu the authority of The American Hankl'rs Ass'n.  NA.llK U.I!' BaNK. •County ,-eats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. § tate PRESIDENT. Entire 'tall' iu. ·o. 10 tMem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. Federal Hr. crve Dbtrict. ~le~. Fed. He~. __[_!__:_t.ab. 1_ _ _ _ _ __  Non-Bank Towns with Ncarl'st Banking Point (Iii. dexe<l Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (lndexrd) in hack of U1L volumr. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc .• 5PP Laws..  KANSAS- Continued  -TOWN ASD O0U 'TY.  0ASBIER.  ASS'T CASHIER.  1--------1 Glendale------ ~.aline D 9 Glendale tate Bank ____ t§'l6 C.H. Ellis_·_ _ _ H.House. __________ M. A. Walter<; _____ - - - - - - - - - (Broolidll P. 0.) 83-1232 r Pop, 25 Glen Elder. __ Mitchell C 8 Glen Elder State Bank .•*S'91 Thomas Lyle ______ K. L. Yallette . ____ D. M. Lyle. ________ L. S. Hadley ______ _ Pop. 61:j 83-542 ·• Traders State Bank ____ •i§'06 Chas. Heich _______ Frank T. Nash ____ W. Ros~rant. Jr. __ Marie Libby ______ _ I 83-543 Goddard ____ Sedirwick F 9 Goddard State Hank ---•U'071H. C. Linnebur ---· Pop. 23:j 83-847 Goesst::L----Marion E 10 Goessel State Bank ______ u·10 i J. H. Richert ______ Pop. li4 83-848 Goff ________ Nemaha B 13 First National Bank ______ ;t'04 Jas. H. Smith----· Pop. :-19c 1 83~26 , Home State Bank _____ •:tl'09 1John Grnetze _____ 83~27 •Uoodland __ Sherman C 1 Farmers National Banlc•t'05 A. D. Stewart ______ Pop. 2fi6-l 83-253 First National Bank _____ e;t 'Ol 0. J. Shimeall ______ 83-254 Goodland State Bank ___ etf'O<l R. A. Kent. ________ 83-255 uorbam ______ Russell D 6 Gorham State Bank ----•tS'05 W. T. Foster _______ Pop. li5 83-840 •Gove__________ Gove D 3 Exchange State Bank ___ tf'89 J. J. Barclay _____ Pop. 132 83-85:l Urainfleld.. ______ Gove D 3 Citizens State Bank ---•U'06 Martin Sutcliffe ____ Pop, ~!JO 83-851 •Great Bend __ Barton E 7 Amt>riean State Bank __ :t§'lO C. L. Moses _______ · l'op. ,J.tliO 83-138  I  CITIZENS  Ri..:sooRcES.  LIABILITIES. VICE-PRESI~ENT.  CAPITAL PROFITS  1TB  Siooami:a  •t'Ol  CuRK.l!.::,1-'u!'iDENTs.  raoM B..:<1<s.  ---- --- - - - - - - - - -  10,000  I.000 $  67,620 $ 52,050 $  25,000  2il,OOO  290,000  263,000  30,000  25,5-10  184,450  201.450 225,000  Richard Heinig ____ R. M. Oldfather-·· A. N. Linnebur _.  25,000  2,5001  287,000  II. E. Suderman ___ H. J. Loewen ______ - - - - - - - -  10,000  2,600  81.000  53,000  E. R. Ward ________ A.H. Fitzwater ____ W. F. Turrentine, Jr. C. S. Goodrich _____ Roger Kilkenny ___ - - - - - - - -  25,000  22,2701  192,280  181,770  10,000  ____________________ F. S. Brown ______ _ --------------------  50,000  6,000 1 75,000 36,710 603,400  ~04,000  21.230 :llidw. Reserve Tr. Co. Kan. C. 73,000 Han.N., . Y.: Inter-State N .. Kan. C.: TootleLacy, N., St. Jo.; ~Infrs. ;.:r., Lea\·, 38,540 Chase N., N.Y.: Com'! N., Kan. C .• Kan.: Com. f'r. Co. and Drov. _-., Kan. 0.: Ex.-•·• .. \teh 1c:on. 55,000 Am. tate and S. W. State, Wichita: l!,id. • • Bk. & Tr. , Kan. C. I 30,000 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: lllidw, Resent> Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 11idland ..:., ...'ewton. 53,720 Han. N., N. Y.: Com'! N .. Kan. C.  I  75,000  J. J. Knight. _____ L. N. Shaw-------- L. E. Mercer - ·---·  25,000  33,000  485,000  395,000  T. P. Leonard ______ M.A. Eversole _____ L.A. Kent. •••• ___ _  25,000  20,000  200,000  180,000  l•. C. Ball __________ J, R. Hoc _________ ---------·-·-------1 J. II. McNaughton G.D. Royer ------- Claude Thomas ____ '  30,000  13,570  430 540  264,390  2f>,OOO  8,040  119 340  232,3801  Carl KuhL _________ Alberta P. Ilopkius J.M., utcliff'e_____  20,000  rn.5oo  235,000  200,000  Elrick C. Cole______ C.R. Aldrich ______ A. L. Geil__________ E.W. Moses F. G. Kienzle  100,000  17,000  560,000  584,000  EDWARD R. MOSEL ROBERT MERTEff__ ___ If. A. MOSES---·--·· HYLAS M. BUTLER __  50,000  30,000  600,000  6'.50,000  (  5,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Midw. ReserveTr. Co. Kan. C.: 1st N,, Seneca; Tootle-Lacy N .• St. Jo. 189,000 1st N .. Chi.: l>rov. N. and lstN., Kan, C.: Tootle-Lacy N .• St. Jo. 90,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.: Cent. N .. Topeka. 65,000 Chase , N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.: 1st N .. St. Jo. 209,750 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Oom .. Kan. C, 6,070 Inter-StateN.and M'1dw.Rcservl'1'r.Co .. Kan. . O.: Uom'I N .. Kan. C., Kan. 83,000IN. City, Chi.: Fid. N. Bk. & 'l'r. aml InterState N .. Kan. C.• Plan. ·tate. Salina 89,000 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st '., • Pueblo. Colo. 100,000 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., Inter-State N .. Drov .• • .• and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan, C.  Collections and requests for ratln g will receive pr ompt attention, you s end 15c with each sight draft and 50c wl th each req uest for rating. .These charges do not apply to B-L drafts and cash Items.  NAT ION AL 8 AN K {provided _ 83 137  PRlNclPAL  DE~S- 1~~~•:.,~~: ~:::o!-~~~•  PAID-uP fsu!~~UB  CJl  S;  ~  >  z  (./J  :x>,  U)  ttJ  'z:x:i, :,;; (.IJ  I  0  ti"  ::l  0.  Ill  (D Farmers ·ational Bank•t'20 W. II. IIammomL. \Y. E. Hayes ______ Edward Opie ____ __ 83- 1368 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -•:l:'85 W. A. Bolinger--·· R. L. Hamiltut1- ___ F. W. Brinkman ___ 83- 136 V. R. Blakey, A.Cash. Greeley ___ Andnson E 14 Bank of Greeley ______ •U'88 Henry Sobba ______ I{. u. Draper------ orton Thayer ____ Pop. ,\96 83-852 Green __________ Clay C 10 Bank of Green _________ etf'Ol R. J. Morton ______ William Docking ___ Dona.Id Davies ____ :Pop. '.!97 83-853 J. Riek First~ ·ational llank ____ .t"l8 c. C. Kilian ________ A. L. 'ump ________ A. J. Ander~on ____ 83-1W6 Greenleaf. ____ Wash. B 10 Citizens National Bank.•:l:'15 M:. . Gardner ---- '. E. F. Shinn ________ J. M. Padgett _____ Pop. ii8 83-1195  FRANK GOTFRED GREENLEAF83 STATE B:\~-~ 431 6 0 ~  a.J!~f;J  0  J. F. 5weet_ ______ _  i00,000 ·--- _----  W. 0. Vollmer ---F. H. Unruh  150,000  C. E. Wustefeld __ _  20,000  Rolland :llacy _____ _ ---------------  .io,000 1 1 25,000  Ward Gardner_____ I  25,000  HAHS SKOVGAARD __ E. A. HOOD------·-· { F. AYRES--------  8: ~-. O~?ik---···-1  3reuola.________ Elk G 12 Citizens tate Bank •••. is·oo J. A. rcher _______ H. :i1. Thomp on __ Lewi. Ky!-er ______ W. )1. Ky ·er _____ _ Pop. 547 83-557 Grenola ink ___ •i5'08 u. O. "Paton ______ .J. Y. llamilL. _____ II. )I. Ila .res ______ Cecil, haw _______ _ 5 Ur •tn:\ ______ Phillips ll 6 l<'amwrs f.tate Hank ____ t§'l6 \V. D. Womer _____ L. E. \ omer -----· L. H. Kelso ________ -----------·------·· 1 1•011. 75 83-1216  t~f_f  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  9,480  271,400:  248,530  20,000  250,000  275,000  c.  ·  19  9  ~  50,000 Peo. N .. Clay Center; Cont. .. Kan. C.: Ill :Merell. .. Lawrence. U,140 lst N,, Clay Center: Fid. N. Bk.,· 'l'r., Kan. C.  2,500  56,590  61,320  5,200 1  173,230:  163,760  9,700  275,000  290,000  40,000  6,7:jO  325,000  300,000  50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. Kan. C. and Wichita.  50,000  1,000  260,000  250.000  25.000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Midw. Uese1·ve 'I'r•I fgi·n~~~-N. Bk. Com., Kan.C.; Com'IN .. Hut- Ill 38,000 Independence St.ate, Intlept>ndcnce;, tock Yd-. ~ • •.. New Eng. N. and Tra .• •.. Kan. C. ~ 47,630 Inter-State N. and Live Stock State, Kan. 0.: ...,. Ln<l<'pendcnce tate, ludepemlence. 1.0 9,200 Cent. N .. Topeka: 1st N., Phillipsburg: Fid. N., l'v 1 Bk .• · 'l'r .. Kan. C.  1  I  25,000  30,760 1Ex. N .• Atchison; N. Bk. Com. and Comw. T·• Kan. C. 29,600 Columbia N .• Kan. C.: Tootle-Lac-y N. autl St. Jo. 'tock Yd .. , t. Jo.  I  20,000  7,500  220,100  26'.i,000  20,000  7,700  216,000  10,000  1,060  33.500  169,0001 30.900  I  ·THE·BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY co Topeka Kansas ·1' .  75,000 Irving ., N. Y.; New Eng. N,, Kan. C.; l"t ..+ N., Wichita. 0 230,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Drov .• •.. Q Kan. C.; Com'! N .. Kan. C.• Kan.; 4th N .• '"1 _ , Wi_chita. • • • ro ..i0,640 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Ex. r,;., Kan . .+  160,000  Our collect18~H ~·ei·t~l~~~2 prom pt attention to ai/-c~~~~~clal lhuslnes s. { Minimum fee 15c must accomp any all sight draf ts for presentatlo n. I Credit Reports 25c. 1  Bank.•i'03 A. E. Johnson _____ )1. C. 'huck._ _____ J. n. Johnson _____ Home State Bank ·-·-··•tl'06 II, W. Wacker ____ \\', TI. Baker ______ E. A. Northrup ____ C.H. Landes ______ 1 83-340 Dillard Brown  •Greensb~~:-dfiowa F 6 Farmers  120,000  65,000 1,100,000' 1,040,000  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  ~  g  505  Number under Name of Bank 1s the New Transit Number given to eac-h bank in U. S. excluslvely by The R.and-McNally Rankers• Dlre<'tor,·. under the authority of The Aml'rlc~n_U~nkcrs A_s_s'_n_.____  Tuw:-. A~D CuU-"TY.  d · KAN AS - · C 00 t lOUe  A;'l!E OF BA~K.  Non-Bank Towns with Ncarc ·t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th! ' rnlum~ F~nterest Rates, Holid~y!!-, etc., ~~e Law • ~  __ _  II  LH.BILITIES.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE.'iTS,  RESOURCES.  -  E  Lo,. SURPLUS , p y •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn.§State •County·t•at·. OASBili. "'1 DEPOB- c'T~~•no!'»~; .A.ND PAID-UP ASS TC.ASHIER. ICE· RESIDENT. PK.ESID&NT. Entire~tatein ~_·_o. 10 iMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. 8scuamu ROIIB41'Il 1 = - - - = - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ITS Ci.PIT.A.L PROFITS [Ec;tab. Federal Re,ervP Di'-trict. ♦.'.\lem. Fed. Re.-. 10,0UO $ 10,000 $ 200,000 $ 175,000 $ 50,000 Gate City N ., Kan, c. Gridley _______ cotrey E 13 CITIZENS STA TE BANiC:Wll A. A. Griffiths _____ George Fletcher --- M. B. CJro,r -------- ------------83~37 Pop. 321 40,000 N. Bk. Com .• Kan C.; Kan. Reserve State, ~ 208,0001 185,000 10,000 10,000 GRIDLEYSTATE BANK-•U'02 A. A. nriffith ______ Geo. Fletcher______ I. ,T. Layton -------1Hazel Griffi•h " ------" ' Topeka. ?.OO,oool Robinson 83-63 60,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita.; Peo. 323,000 19,000 25,000 GrinnelL _______ Gove O 3 Grinnell State Bank ____ •if'05 J. Ii'. Jones ________ D. A. Borah ________ 1. B. Borah-------- -----------1 State, Salina. 83-854 Pop. 162 ilO Midw. Re.-en·e Tr. Co .. Kan. O.: Farm Mtge, 15,260 1 5,040 1.000 10,000 Grove ____ hawnee D 13 Grove State Bank _______ t§'l9 T. G. Bowell------ G. E. Tibb, ________ G. A. HowelL____ __________________ Tr. t,o., 'l'opeka. 83-IR34 (Silver Lake P.0.JPop. 75 1,500 __________________________ Columbia.· .. Kan. c. 10,000 <hoveland ___ lcPh•r--on Farmer, •a1e B1nk _____ :•21 \Y. a.Adam,-. ______ J.H. Wendt_ ______ ------------- W, F. Weigand, A.. -·ec, 3-1392 E !l Pop. 61.) 32,000 Drov. N. and .1:·. Bk. Com., Kan. O.: Peo. State 15,000 27,200 198,000 197,000 Gypsum _______ Saline JJ 9 Farmers State llank ____ e:t§'09 F. R. Van VoorsL. F. A. King __________ E. H. Armstrong ___ J. Snyder________ • Salina. • B. Aitken 83-!il3 Pop, i32 Chase N .. N. Y.; Tra. N., Kan. C.: '. Bk. of 48,0!!0 364,000 3i,000 25,000 378,000 Goodwin____ H. G. ______ Gaumer H. ,O. ----•• GYPSUM VALLEY NAT. BK. T. R. Tinkler ______ , C. E. Gillum -------- " " America, alina; 1st N.• Wichita. t"93 83-512 43,5i0 .Mnfrs. N., Leav.: Columbia N .. Kan. c.: ~ 15,000 15,610 Haddam ______ Wash. B 10 Citizens State Bank _____ •!\'89 1. B. Lower _______ C. L. Potter _______ J. A. Welch _______ Henry Lesovsky___ 295,8101 282,850 Tootle-facv N., St. Jo. M. E.•\.kers. A. C.'Julia B. Cline 83~32 Pop. 3£2 N. Park,, 4 , Y.: Inter-State N .. Kan. C.: 1st N., 10,000 15,000 -125,000: H.Strand_, Chas. _______ 2,000 180,000 Haddam tate Bank ____ et§'07 Je.- ie K. Taylor ___ W. '.Bobbitt _____ F. A. Taylor " " St. Jo. 83-633 ~ ~5.000 N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C. 10,000 150,000 180,0GO 5.300 Hallowell.Cherokee G 15 Hallowell State Bank._•!§'13 F. R. Farris _______ G. \V. Cruick. hank James H. Elliott__ Lola Beggs________ " I P. G-. Land 83-1120 Pop. '.!2:; 1 en Independence. and C. Kan. ., N 'I Com 25.000 8,000 10,000 Halls Summit_ CotTey E 13 Halls Summit State Bk._ n·os H. W. RreaPr ------ . W. ----- D. R. Stolfus ______ V. M. Stolfus ____ _ 100.000 1 85.000 20,000 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. O.; Arn. 20.000 {W1LLIAM MESSNER S. DUNKELBERGER-- WILLIAM MESSNER -- ff. W. THIESSEN---l!lH155 140,0001 1 7.800 Pop. 150 t'O I State, Wichita: .lidland .·., .·ewton. Collections andl reque·tsforCred lfiReports MU T be accompanied by Halstee.d ______ Harvey FD FARMERS STATE BANK )> •:1'071 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dra /ts. 15c: CrP.dit Rep orts, 25c. 83-384 Pop. 116;{ 315,470 31,:500 253,8i0 79,910 N. Bk.Com., N.Y.: 1st N .• Kan.C.aml Widiita, 20,000 J. ff. McNAIR. ---- J. A. LlfiN--------- A. C. DETTWEILER -- J.C. ELLIOTT-----I LP. KREHBIEL HALSTEAD BANK ------•if'82 " -------.. ~ 83-383 { Collections and request for Credi It Reports MUST 1 be accompanied bJ r,n FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sioht dra /ts, 15c; Credit Rep orl$, 25c. 25,000 F. Ott __________ Perry Clemans_____ ____________________ li5,000 180,0001 3:5,000 Com'l N., Kan. c., Kan. 25,000 H.amilton.Gr£'Pnwood F 12 First Nation a1!3-1 nk ____ •!'02 W. 0. Smith _______ 8371 68 Pop 3!18 26,000 Columbia N., Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Rmporia; Eu- 0 20,000 Hamilton stat~ Ra nk __ •U-00 ,\. B, Lewi· ________ F. Ott _____________ H. I'. ltook ________ P .• ·. Piatt_________ " 2-1,000 110,000, rno,200 8371 69 ~rcka,Eureka. a. 15,000 Am. N .. St. Jo.; Lt.·., Hiawatha. 10,000 10,000· 110,000· Hamlm ______ Brown D 13 Ilank of Hamlin ------•!§'87 Peter Pfeiffer.. ____ L. N. Reid _________ E. Lichty __________ Gladys Lichty_____ 1 83-856 1 Pop. 211 2:5,000 __________________: _______ \Tidw. Reserve 'fr. Co .. Kan. C.; J,t 4·., ·1. .l 0 , ~ 25,0000 Hanover---- -- Wash. B 11 ll'irst • ·ational Hank ____ • !'20 E. \V, Thiele ____ __ c;. 'r. JlpJ\•criuir ____ .J. P. Kilkenrn•y .•• _________ ______ and :'ilary . ville. 3 1383 Pop. UH .. N. Y.: Tootle-Lacy N •• St. Jo.: ..+ 31,640 Atlantic 15,0011 Peoples State hank ---- •U-83 J. R. Hyland ______ F. Imming _________ J. T. Murphy______ ________ ________ ____ " ____ ____ " 219,900 i,570 212,330 O Topeka State, Topeka: Drov. N .. Kan. C'. 83-376 .• Kan. C.; Moffet Bros. N .. Larned. ~ Oom Bk. N. 7,240 10,000 _ Brown______ ohn .J _____ ton Pre W. J. _______ HummeL A. 120,960 ____ 5,000 Salmans. F. H. t§·o7 ____ Bank State 94,050 Hanston __ Hodgeman E 5 Hanston 1 ~ 83-857 Pop. 200 Ill 35,0001 ew En!?', N .• Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita. 15,000 121,000 5,000 82,390 Harrttner_ ____ R;i.rber Hi Farmers tate Bank •. -•!§'19 Jacob Achenbach __ A. M. Webb _______ J.M. Molz _________ B. O. Young_______ < 1 I 83-1341 Pop. ~83 55,000 •Han. N .. N. Y.; ·ew Eng. N ., Kan. C.: 1st N ., S\l 25,000 100,000 li0.000 Hardtner State Bank ___ •if'09 G. E .... TickeL _____ J. W. Illunk _______ -W. C. Graves ______ B. H. Stout •. ______ ____ ____ 20,000 ::, Wichita. 83-858 11,070 Han. N., N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan, C.: 1st N., llJ 10,000 __________________ Santner______ F, R. ___ Kalbfleisch A. C. _____ Denman B. F. !§'0!} _______ Bank Harlan _________ Smith Bi First State 81,000 13,870 92,UO Osborne. J. F. Nichols 83-85!1 Pop. 150 -10,000 N. Bk. Com., Midw. Reserve T . Oo., and Fid. 25,000 G. Bailey ________ H. M. Gille pie____ 200,000 170,000 Harper _______ Harper G 8 Citizens State Bank ---•!§'15 E.T. Stewart_ _____ Sam Leu __________ 6.600 N. Bk., · Tr., Kan. O.; Union ~tock Yds. r, 3-1185 Pop. li70 · and,lth,L~ .• Wichita. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Bk.Cm .. 50,000 250,000 13,000 Fi1--t National Bank----•!'82 MarcelDuphorne __ F. R.Zacharias ____ L. D. Banta ________ Elinor Elder______ 254,000 " ________ " Kan. C.: 1st T. and 4th r·., Wichita. 83-290 50,000 Cont. & Com·1 ... ' .. Oht.: New Eng, N., Drov ••.• 25,000 15,000 250,000 275.000 Security Sta t~ Bank ___ •U-02 J.M. Robinson ____ IEarl Collins _______ R. K. Dresser ______ Frank Neiirhbor ___ ____ ____ 83 291 and Inter-State N., Kan, O.: 1st ,L'., Wichita. i5,000 Drov. N., Kan. O. 10,000 140,000 14,000 200,000 Harris ____ Anderson E 13 Peoples State Bank ____ •U'05 J. W. Youni------- .J. II. Turrell__ ____ C. E. _______ R. F. Jones________ 83-860 Pop. 125 15,000 5,800 Hartford _______ T.,yon E 12 Farmers State Bank ___ t§'lO W. E. Scott_ _______ 'Chas. F. Horner ___ J. \\'. Kerby. ______ Cora E. Row on___ 176,0001 167,000 1 31,000ITra ., Kan. C.; Peo. N., Burlington: I-Oreb. N., Lawrence. 83-523 Pop. f>7:i 50,000 N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. & 'l'r., Kan. c. 25,000 250,000' 225,000 15,000 Hartford N:}:.~nk ____ •*'06 C. A. Johnson _____ T. E. Welch _______ W. J, Musch _______ W. C. Fullen______ 59,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and Live Stock, Idle. 1"1111. 25.000 82,000 1 45,000 5,610 Harveyville- - ~abaunsee Fir'-1 Sational Bank ______ '20 .J, \Y, \\'omer_ _____ C. JI. Hou .e worth. C. II. Hou eworth_ Horace Dutton____ C.; Cent. T.,Topeka; o age Co.,·., o. age City. 83-1384 D 12 Pop. 400 11,000 Midw. Re erveTr. Co. and ••. Bk. Com., Kan. 25,000 lPerlelloatright____ _________ Earl II. C. _____ Cantrill B. O. ______ Walton P. T. 139,000 HarveYVilleStateBank•U'02 2-10,000 " ________ " i.000 o.: Kan, Reserve State, Topeka; 1-:t ..... J. H. Lee 83-861 Burlingame. ·.Ewing _______ Y. A. )fc ... ·eiJ. ____ _ idney Mc4'eiL ____ , ________ 8,000 Comw •• •.. Kan. C. 85,000 75.000 4,350 10,000 Ha kelL __ AndPrsou EH Bush City State Bank._~§'16 1 83-1212 Pop. 100 Havana _____ Monteomery Havana State Bank _____ !§'05 W. D. Myers ________________________ E.W. Worthen ____ Retta Beck ________ , 20,ooo l.L·• Bk. Com., Kan. O.; 1st N., Elk City; Citiz, g1 5,000 10,000 115,0001 110,000 01 1st ~ • .. I ndepenclcnce. 1 I 1 83-862 G 13 Pop. 31  I  ~~!.1:,~  I  '°  u  I  I  > z  I  I  I  jo,  I  l  I  ,J.  " ________ " I  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY Co Topeka Kansas I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z  ,,  ,  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  ·1 Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W.  Number untler Name of Bank i• the New Tran U Number given to each in U. , . exclualv ly by The 11.and-McNally Banker • D~lr__c_c_t::o:...ry,_under the authority of The American Sankers Ass'n. ____  506  Non-Bank ·l'owns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this V1 volume For Interest Rates, Hollda> s, etc., see Laws. o  KANSAS-Continued  NAME OF B..lNK.  Tow~ AND CuUNTY.  RESOURCES.  LU.BILlTIJi!S,  •.Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. Entire tate in ·o.10 iMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. +?ifem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  OASJIIJCR.  Ass'T OASJIIER.  PAID-UP  I  s  UJU'LUB  CAPITAL Pn~~Te  =---.:::.=-=.=:..::.:.::.::--=------1--- - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - -- - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -  I to•Na&D,s- OuatcEx-  DEPOS1T 15  . PRINCIPAL 0oRRESPONDENTS.  - O'I  •'TL,.,-::;.;:, •.~~G~  ---- ---- -----------------1  Haven __________ Reno F II Citizens State Bank ____ i§'oa G. D. MerritL ---- H. W. Harm, ______ C. R. Astle ________ J. G. Astle _________ S 10,000 $ 13,570 S 120,000 $ 80,000 $ 52,120 Drov. N .• Kan. C.; Am, state, Wichita; state Ex., Hutchinson. 83-561 Pop. 1301 State Bank of Haven ___ .•1'111 N. B. Sawyer ______ .Auiustus )i(yers __ W. C. Stecher ___ _ 17,000 301,210 230,000 40,730 25,600 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hutchinson. 83-580 Huensville,Pottawatomie First National Bank ___ •UIIOO M. S. Knox ________ S, H. Stockwell ___ R. c. Coverdale ____ H c. Clements ___ _ 83-{iSl 0 12 Pop. 333 Bank_U'81 T. I. :Eddy-------- ___________________ Ira Eddy ____ w. E. Schane _____ _ Havensville 8  ,  7,000  121,000  136,000  18,300 1st N., Kan. O. and LeaT.  20,000  10,000  175,000  185,000  17,000 N. Bk. Com. and Inter-State N., Kan.  Haviland ______ Kiowa F 6 Farmers State Bank _____ §'20 W. J. Hodfson ---- ------------------- H. D. White _________________________ _ 83-1326 Pop. 507 First National Bank ____ •t'03 Geo. W. Lemon ____ L. J. Woodard ____ B. E. :Matthews ____ J. G. Bennett _____ _ 88-868  15,000  i~1i  --··--- --------- ------ -------111,220  291,350  393,260  50,000  60,000  500,000  600,000  170,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: New Eng. N., lst N., Drov. 00 N .• Inter-State N .• and Midw. Reserve Tr. 00 Co., Kan. O.; 1st N., Den.  JOhtt NS. SACK----k- rt.lllM. SCHLYER----- F. W ARNHOLD----- A.H. DREILING-----  50,000  12,120  300,110  231,700  110,270 N. Bk. Oom., Kan. 0.  First National Bank ____ •:•88 E. M. Speer------ H. W. OshanL _____ Victor Holm _______ Florence Speer----  50,000  20,130  281.0iOj  267,520  83- 1226  ~  C. G. COCHRAN --- A. F. cecHRAN - - C. W. MILLER, JR,-- PHILIP JACOBS----  ttlefs  T. R. A DREWS A:r~mptly handled. All bankln1 m B.-L. drafts, C ash and It ems 11Ten partlc ular attention.  ¥1 1s new ·ban w give you pro mpi;1 service. •i§'l6 { Correspondence sollclted.  FARMERS STATE BANK  .  1,500  56,000  54,000  Hazelton _____ Barber G 7 Farmers State .Bank ____ U'04 R. L. Hayter------ H. S. Davis ________ M. 0. Oanna~h __ L . .K. Oavanaufh __ _ 83~71 Pop. 281 State Bank ~f-{i~izelton•il'84 J.1!'. Gillespie _____ R. W. Reeves _____ J. H. Skans _______ W. M. Pfaff _______ _ •• ________ "  10,000  5,370  97,940  88,940  20,000  2,760  125,000  104,000  J. H. Cavanaufh -- Wm. Wierk ________ H. S. Jennison ______________________ _  10,000  12,160  120,170  113,430  C. F. Sutter------- H. A. Nelson. _____ Francis Robb ________________________ _  10.000  1,880  41,000  45,000  c. E. Button ______ _  12,000  7,570  71,700  83,660  s. Whitehead __  10,000  8,000  127,500  132,400  Herin2ton ____ Dickinson D 10 Pop. 4065  BANK OF HERINGTON -•t1'86 F. D. Carman ______ P. G. Dayton------ M. E. Welch _______ A. J. Farren ______ _  60,000  46,010  531,0801  473,280  0. E. Edlin ________ W. . Hawley _____ O. R. Murray ______ R. C. Hartke _____ _ I. H. Waufh E, T. Anerson. ____ E.G. Reese ________ F. E. Beal . ________ C. A. Hass ________ _  50,000  16,500  400,0001 400,000  30,000  11,160  G. E. Whitnah _____ J. N. Ohambers ____ F. E. Ilufrman _____ M.  83-168  IFirst National Bank ----t'80 83-169 Home State Bank ________ §'20 83-1348 Ilerkimer __ Marshall B 11 Herkimer State Bank--•U'lO 83-867 Pop. 12;; Herndon ____ Rawlins B 3 Fir t State Rank _______ •i§'l8 83-1276 Pop. 411 State Bank of Herndon•U'Ol " ________ " 83-868 Hesston ______ Harvey E II Hesston State Bank ____ t§'07 83-869 I Pop. 600 Hewtns_Ohautauqua G 11 Hewins tate Bank ---•if'07 83-870 P()p. 225 HlattvilJe __ Bourbon F 15 lliattville tat Bank __ -il'07 83-871 Pop. 186 "  "  Qeo.1. Hoerath ___ Joseph Bluhm _____ John Mollinger ••• Alma :Mollinfer __ _ Otis L. Benton ____ R. C. Drath ________ F. H. Drath _______________________ _  o. A. Maher _______  50,0701  60,320  10,000  4,230  134,580  143.650  15,000  10,000  530,000  390,000  Perry L. Slocum __  25,000  8,000  350,000  William Rapp ______ P. E. Ruth _________ 0. E. Swartzcndru- Abram Grabill ---· ber J. :M:. DosbaU£h ____ W. B. Mann _______ O. W. McKee _____ ------------  10,000  15,880  100,0001  110,000  10,000  11,870  75,0001  83,000  C. W. Thompson __ Mollie Thompson __ JI'. A.. Thompson ____________________ _  10.000  1,540  25,380  21,110  J. R. Kirchner ____ T, W. Kaden _______  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY Co Topeka Kansas Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bank in U. S. excJusiveJ b The Rand-:HcNally Bankers•  ,,  >  z~  ,  ·nued  43,830 N. Park, N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan,O.  I  :r:  11,860 Stock Yds. State and Union N., Wichita.  <:  (I)  W,3i0 1st N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.  r+  0  First State Bank _______ •U'06 83-864 Hedville State Bank ___ t§'l6 831210 Heizer StateBank ______ u·n 83-865 Hepler State Bank ______ U-04 83-866  ____ ____  Y.; Com'l N, and Drov. N.,  ::,  Healy ___________ Lane DS Pop. 200 HedvilJe ______ aline D 9 (2alina P.O.) Pop. 28 Heizer ________ Barton E 7 Pop. 75 Hep!er_ ___ Qrawrord F 14 Pop. 241  -------  ~T-  ~  10,000  "  > tx,  Hays\'illC----- Sed2wick Haysville State Bank ___ i§'19 J . .A. Bauihman ___ o. o. Fa2er ________ F. G. Stearns------ _______________ _ T. F. Martin 83- 1315 G 10 Pop. 50  O. B. Coss--------- C. E. Button ______ Henry Reinecke __  61,360 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., Kan. C.; 1st N •• Wichita and Hutchinson.  (ll  83-259  ·•  ~  z>  50,000  ~Ha1L---------!£11is D 6 CITIZENS ST~TE BAN~ 83 260 UIQOO Pop. 316..>  1  o.  I  330,000  35,000 Inter-State N .• Kan. C,;lst N .. Wichita; Secur. State, Wellinfton. 25,160 Ohase N.1 N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. C. 8,600 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Plan. State. Salina. 10,010 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. State, Great Bend; Citiz., Hutchinson. 10,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Drov. N .. Kan. C. : Ft. Scott State, Ft. Scott.  ~ ;-  146,320 Liberty N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Kan. C. 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Cent. N., Topeka; 1st N., Wichita. 11.080 Irvin~ N., N- Y.; Secur. N .• Kan. C., Mo. 13,950 1st N .. St. Jo. and Marysville; :Midw. Rrserve c....i Tr. Co., Kan. C. 160,000 Ilan. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., Kan. $l) ::, C.; Tootle-Lacy N .. St. Jo. 53,000 N. l:'ark, N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; 1st N., St. Jo. C and Lin.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. o. $l) 12,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Kan. State, Newton; "'1 '.:< 1st N. and Union tock Yds. N., Wichita. 7,430 Chase ,, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; Dosbau1?h N., Cedar Vale. t-.:> 12,240 Tra. N .. Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers ·1 Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BO MAN, Secy.) Topeka,. State Agent  I  :r: iii. r+ r+  -'°  -  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acccs.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this C.volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law·. ~  507  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclu lvely by The Kand-McNally Bankers'  I  .·.u1E oF Il.L"K. •l!em.Am. Bk,.,\ ·,n §State PRE IDE.'T. ;)Iem.".~.t.ate.Bk .A,.n.tPriv . 1_E tab. _ _ _ _ _ __ Federal Re _rrveDi trict. ~M~~-fellHe~  Tow. A.'D cou.-TY. •County Pat~.  Entire State in To.IO  •Hiawatha, ___ Brown B H Citizens State Bank ____ -iS'07 . C. 83-197 Pop. 3222  o.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acccs.), Lawyers, Law. (indexed) in back of this c.._ volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  g  KANSAS-Continued  Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers As •n.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  Ass 'T CASHIER  CASHlli:R.  ; p A.ID-UP  83-195  i  so,ooo,s  Dimmock ____ J. M. Sewell _______ E. J, Dim.mock: ____ E. W. Schofield ____ S S. D. Moser  55,ooo:  H. P. Patton  ,  -  50,000 $ 650,000 $ 670,000 $ 80,000 Com'l N .. Kan. C., Kan.; Com, Tr. Co., Kan. C.; ~ Provident Life & Tr. Co., Phil.; Atchison,Sav., Atchison. 450,000 100,000 N. Par}£, N. Y.; Am. N;, St. Jo.: Fid. N. Bk. 20,000 600,000 Tr., Kan. C.: Cent. N .. Topeka.  &I  1  .,!  220,000  205.000  25,000 R.H. MARTIN----- GEO. S. HOVEY------ B. D. ALLEN ________ A. M. MINIER-----·Oldest and Larg est Ban.1,. by d act'ompa11ie be T MUS Reports dlt Cre for Request and Collections { , FEE IN ADV Al'1 CE: Plain 11ight dr aft11, 15c; Credit Re port11, 25c.  28,770  215,000  201,000  60,270 Liberty N., N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 1st ;,:; N. and Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.  20,000  200,000  225,000  50,000  25,000  400,000  300,000  40,000,  250,000  175,000  50,000  83-385  ·:,<  - - -- -  17,000  FARMERS &'MERCH. BANK K. E. llullane1 ---- W. H. Hill--------- R. B. Game«.. _____ --------------  ..  1  I~  Ex-  15,000  20,000  --------  A;  900,000  .. Hill Oity ____ Graham O 5 American State Bank._•if'05 1Chas. Sperry ______ 0. P. Kini------ I. R. Mort_ __ . __ Mabel Rollins ____ _ Dora Spercy, Sec. 83-387 Pop. 732  "  c...e  l.ou1 & Drs-  ci:;,u=• c::.,:o-;:~~,,_":  800,000  100,000  Hiehland_Doniphan B 14 Farmers State Bank ___ •U'08 J. R. Thomas ______ J. F. Bottiger ______ C. O. Webb ________ R. H. Thomas ____ _ J. F. Stricker 83-438 Pop. 809  83-437  I  ITS  67,000  J. G. Waste  F . N. Morrill  •tl"71 ·  FIRST RATIONAL BANK •i'04  DEPOS-  ~  PRI.'CIPAL CORRESPO."DE TS.  •-1---------  -  MORRILL & JANES BlNK 10. D. Lamme ______ T. McLauchliD. ____ R.H. Bradley _____ F. H. Smith-----♦  ISURPLUS  CAPJT.A.L P:o~~TS  FIRST NATIONAL BANK•i'81 \W.R. Guild ________ G. C. McKniiht_ ___ Earl Fischer _______ R. E. Smith------83-196  RESOURCES,  LIABILITIES.  •it'86  I  I  1  160,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st ,T •• Chi.; Tootle-Lacy St. Jo.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. and Kan. 0.  43,300 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., St. Jo.; Fid. N. Bk. &Tr., Kan. C.  . City. N. Y.: Com'! N., Kan, C., Kan.; Plan. State, Salina; Atchison av., Atchison.  > ~ >  180,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Fid.,. T, Bk. & Tr., Yl to Kan. 0.  75,000IHan. N., N. Y.: . ~k. com and Dro,·.' N., ► Kan.O.:Far. N .. Salma;Tootle-LacyN., St. ~ Jo. 57,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. O.; 4th N., ,.,, VA Wichita.  Graham Co. State Bank_ il'U9 I. B. Parker _______ J. W. Jenkins _____ L. Messick ________ Frank Blackburn __ 83-388  10,000  Hillsboro ____ li[arion E 10 First National Bank ____ •i'02 E. R. Burkholder __ P. 11'. Friesen ______ H.J. Pankrats _____ C. II. Hiebert ____ _ J. A. Unruh 83-360 Pop. 1451  25,000  26,000  300,000  20UOO  Hillsboro State Bank ___ if'03 Wm. F. Schaeffler __ Aueust Ebel _______ J. K, Warkentin __ J. D. Wiebe ______ _ 88-361  25,000  15,000  225,000  185,000  Hillsdale _____ Miami D 15 State Bank of H1llsdale •U'OO W. B. Bower ______ E. R. Barker ______ 0. H. I,ee ______________________________ 83-872 Pop. 250  10,000  12,000  103,000  09,000  27,800 Com'l N., Kan. C.; Miami Co. N., Paola,  ~  Hoi.inirton ____ Barton E 7 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. J. F. Stoskopf_ ___ T. C. Morrison ____ J, L. Pieper____ _______________ 1 it'll 83-258 Pop. 2393  50,000  7,000  250,000  275,000  5,000 Ft. Dear,N., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.  Er  First National Bank ____ •i'03 O. P. Munns _______ L. J.'Barrett ______ L. V. Merryfleld ___ M. W. Bennett ----1 83-258  50,000  10,000  518,240  463,410  117,640 Han. ., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com,, Drov. N .. and Comw. N •• Kan. C.  25,000  ll.000  307,070  301,170  51,840 1st ., N. Y.; 1st N, and Fid. N- Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  ••  ________  "  f E. R. M?SES------- ff. C. WILDGE.N ----- W. B. LUCAS----- ____ 1F. A. SODERSTROM---  PEOPLES STATE BANK•U'03 83-257  fner.,:::~ !neff:1Wte ::.,r,:/tse tA1c •.!!1~:!::!·2i c minimum If pa Id. 1~ Credit Beporta, iOc. 0  1  o. J, Brown _______  c. Sharer ______  8,590  Bolland __ Dickinson D 10 Farmers State Bank ___ tf '10 A. E. Robson ______ Clements Bell _____ ·Sue L. Bell ______________________ _ i3-874 (Carlton P. O.} Pop. 55 Hollenbere __ Wash. B 10 Hollenbere StateBank -•il'06 Joseph Nutter _____ J, R. Hyland ______ R. A. Hyland-________________________ _ 83-875 Pop. 150 Hollis __________ Cloud B 9 Hollis State Bank ______ .i5•14 A. M.o~an _ _ _ F. R. LowelL _____ D. J. Burton _______ E sie Burton _____ _ 88-1150 Pop. 100 •Holton ____ Jackson O 13 First National Bank ----•i'72 J, P. Moore _______ Fred Kini ______ s. R. :Moore _______ M. P. Seltzer _____ _ F. L. Riederer 83-203 Pop. :!703 Kan~ State Bank ______ if'09 G. A. Gordon ______ .M. A. Bender ______ F. H. Woodworth _ Harrv Bradley ____ _ •• " L. G. Abele 83-206 eU'74 J. M. Linscott _____ P. ClaypooL ______ , Sidney S, Linscott _________________ _ Linscott  10,000  4,500  J.  S~~~ro:nk ___  State Bank of Holton __ •il'89 Alex. Dunn. Jr, ____ J. W. Atwater_ ---- ]' J. H. Riley ________ , W. E. Oster hold __ _  ;  ll2,940  101,780  58,000  61.000  00,000  92,000  I  10,000 12,500  4,500  5,0001  65,000  44,000  341,000  50,000  27,500  251,360  25,000 •  15,000  200,000  50,000  47,200  475,000  50,000  60,000  I  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY Co tJ Tope ka Kansas t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l  ~  Ill  15,000  ~~  40,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Bk. of Topeka, Topeka; 1st N,, Wichita.  ~  ---------------·.  Holcomb ______ FinneyE 3 Holcomb State Bank ____ il'lO W. P. Bidstrup ___ 83-878 Pop. 150  z  j  o  ·~g_ rl'  ,g  34,750 Drov. N., Kan. C. 10,000 Abilene N., Abilene; Drov. N .. Kan. C. 9,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 12,000 Cloud Co., Concordia.  271,000 -: 39,800 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and New En~. N. I 1 Kan. C.; Cent. N .. Top<.>ka. 54,800 . Park, N. Y.: St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo.: 24U20 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Cent. N ., Topeka. I 150,000 40,000 Mech. & :Metal· N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Kan. C. I Kan.; Re erve State, Topeka; Atchison Sav., Atchison. 78,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.and Kan. C.; Ft. Dear . .._T .. ~ 506,900 Chi.: Leav. N .. Leav. ~  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  508  Numbl'r under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. l·xcluslvely by 'l'be Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, untler the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl <J1 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see l,aw.-. ~  KANSAS-Continued  VICE-Pl<ESIDENT.  PRESIDENT.  C APlTAL PROFITS  I  ll■auamu  ITS  noM  Bnw:■  7,500 _______ ________ ·-------- Comw. N,, Kan.  25,000  Hutrhin-  c.  1  KniesteadL P.R. Pulleine______ Wm. Eckc;tein ____ _  10,000  3,000  135,000  128,000  1 State Bank of Home CityiS'04 S. C. Harry-------- August Kramme._ Paul Ludicke ______ W. A. Ludicke ____ _  20,000 Ex. Bk. of Schmidt & Koester, Marysville: Tootle-Lacy N .. St. Jo.  15,000  10,000  200,000  185,0001  20,000 1st N .• Marysville: 1st N. and Bartlett Tr. Co., St. Jo.: Midw. Resei-ve Tr. Co., Kan. c.  10,000 --------  47,980  38,450  Home ______ Marshall B 11 Citizens State Bank ___ •i§'07 E.W. Zimmerlinf _ 83---673 Pop. 200 ·•  PRINCIPAL O0RRESPO, .DENTS.  --- --- ---,--- 25,000 $ 20,000 $ 250,000 $ 275,000 $ 40,000 Fid . .. •. Bk. & Tr., Kan. c.; Am. ~on ; Cent. N., Ellsworth.  - ---  c. W.  I  DEPOs- lLo ..,.,A:»1•·1 cuaA: Ez . Ass'T CASHIER. I PAID-UP-;-SuRPLUS c'n. DolJI>•, CJ1.01ou,Dn AND  CASHIER.  Holyrood •. Ellsworth E 8 Bank of Ilolyroo<l ____ •§ '87 A. D. Jellison----- G. T. Tremble _____ W. C. Frevert _____ .Fred Conron, Ji-.•. $ 83-876 Pop. -121 First ~·ational Bani.: _____ '20 R. J. Potts ________ J. D. te,·enson ___ F. J. Moravek _____ -------------~-----3-13 2  ..  RESOURCES.  LJABILITIES,  NA!'rlE OF BA..NK. TOW.' AND oou:-.TY, •llem. Am. Bl-:s. Assn. §State .. county Seats. Entire tate in No. IO 1:~Iem. State Bks. Assn. tPnv. [E !a..E.: Feder~l_!'{e ·erve )2_istrirt. •~lem. Fed. Re'-.  I  Homewood.Franklin D 14 People Pop. 100  · I 83---672 tate Bank ___ •i§':l0 F. F. J;'ockele - ---- , \Y. R Kilcr __ ____ ' E. R. Billett. _________________________ _ 83-877  l  19,400 Peo. T., Ottawa. 30,000 Secur.N .• Kan. C.; 1st N,, Wichita; He erve, ~ .State, Salina.  Hope _____ Dickin~on D 10 Farmer State Bank ---•tl'll M.A. Anderson ___ Earl Robinson _____ H.J. Has---------- R. W. Lemon _____ _ 83-539 Pop. 5, u  15,000  7,500  160,000'  180,000  state Bank of Hop• ---•iS'95 J. N. Ketchersid -- W. Harry Koch ____ John M. Ketchersid J. A. Buttel-----, Cline E. Ketchersid 83-538  25,000  15,000  375,000  4,30,000  Hopewell ______ Pratt Fi Farmer - State Bank---•:l:§'18 S. B. Dana _______ B, .J. Long _________ B. W. Fanning ____________ 83-1273 •  10,000  1,550  38,020  Horton.----- Brown B 13 Bank of Horton ________ ei§ "87 J. W. Brownlee ___ Geo. S. Hovey _____ B. B. Norris ______ P.H. Henderson __ 83-150 Pop. 4009  !  25,000  39,000  319,000  273.000  96,000 Liberty .N., N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. O.: 1st ~ N. and St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo.  !  30,ooo 1  15,000  280.000  200,000  46,520 N. Park, N. Y.; Midw. Re-ervo Tr. Co .. Kan. C.:Am. T ., St. Jo.; 1st N., Atchison.  50,000  57,440  404,550  482,010  50,000  24,720  291,390  211,180  Howard National BanJc __ •i'77 F. II. Pl rkin ·. ---- B . .M. Thompson ___ J. W. Eby ________ B. A. Eby _________ _ 83-35( .. Hoxie ______ Sheridan C 3 First National Bank ----•:t:'01 T. M. Walker ______ T. L. Pratt ________ Earl Farber _______ c. B. Pearson ____ _ 83-558 Pop. 616  50,000  29,240  ,,,.ooo I  208,500  50,000  70,000  500.000  350,000  HOXIE STATE BANK ... •a•o9 L. KoeL---------- F • .M. Burr _________ B. R. Reed ________ A. :\1. hatzelL __ _  50,000  20,000  400,000  3!llS,OOO  14,000  200,000  200,000  5,990  99,300  I  IJ8,880  9,800  142,000 I  180,000  Z  (Frard P. 0.) Pop. 100  Citizens State Rank--- -•U'lO 83-151  c.  H. Schneider --- .Maurice Deutsch __ 11'. J. Henney ______ ~larcel Bloch _____ _  First National Bank ____ •:t:'87 F. M. Wilson ______ H. W. Wilson ______ A. D. Infe!s _______ John P. Kilkenny __ Alex. Dunn, Jr. 83-149 T. Ayres ________ G. L. )Hiler _______ __________________ _ .. Howard ________ Elk G 12 First National Bank ----•i'84 H. G. Zirn _________ 83-355 Pop. 1060  IA.  1  I  83-559  Hoyt State Rank _______ •U,02 83- 78 Hudson State Bank ____ •i§'04 83-879 Citizens tate Bank ____ •iS'l3 83-1135 First National Rank ----• '07 83-880 Citizens State Bank ____ eif'02 83-214 'ational Bank Humboldt •t'96 83-213 Hunnewell.. umner H 10 l:<'armPr. tat Hank __ _•a·1x isa 128!1 Pop. 20; Union State Bank ______ .a,04 83-881 tate Bank ___ •!. '14 Iluut •r ______ :\lit<"hPII l, · Farml'r 83 116a Pop. 21 !l Huron _____ Atchison B 14 Huron "tate Bank ____ i§'lll 83-882 Pop. IX, Hoyt_ ______ Jackson C 13 Poo. 400 Hudson _____ Stafford E 7 Pop. 2a:; .. Hucoton ____ Stevens G 2 Pov. 6H " ________ " , llumboldt_ ____ Allen F 14 Pov. ~r;~;;  L. C. Burns ________ F. H. Chase ________ Orion Williams __________________ _  10,000  F. \\'. Trntbar _____ Uu t Witt·- - - J. A. Howman _____ .J.E. Payne _______ _ • T. Townsdin ___ H. R rhofleld---- 1 J. A. Gregory _____ R. M. Crawford ___  25,000  ls.  en  25,000  8,000  200,000  210,000  20,000  290,000  250.000  . Fallis ________ C.H. Schaffner ____ Hobt. Liemensto!L Lela .Barrackman R. !\I, Porter John T. H •arl _____ P. L. John. on _____ A. L. ~liller ____________________ ·------  30,000  42,000  638,280 I 50-1,260  3,600 1  I  40,730  I  68,970 N. City, N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Tootle• ~ ,~ Lacy N., St ..lo. 0 107,420 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C. 0  55,51!0  ....  115,370 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and _Iichr. l'e0 erve Tr. Co., Kan. o. 230,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Inter-State N., Stoel,: Yd·. N,, ' and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. ti: C 0""' 82,000 1N. Bk. Com. and Drov. N., Kan. C.  ::,  24,000 )lidw. Ro er\'e Tr. Co .. Kan. C.: St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo.: Cent. N •• Topeka. 1 2tl,860 Han. ·., •• Y.: ~lidw. Re erve Tr. Co., T>rov. N ., and Tra. N .• Kan. O. 55,170 Midw. Reserve Ti-. Co., Kan. 0.: Com'! N., Hutchinson. 58,000 IGate City N .. Kan. C.; Am. N .• Hutchison. 70,000 N,Jlk. Com .. N. Y.: Com'I N., Kan. C.. 1·an,; liid. • Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. _ 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; I t N .. Wichita. 12,730 tock Ex., Caldwell.  W. T. Derinfton ___ R. V. Quillin _____ _  15,000  7,500  243,500  216,000  45,000 N. Bk. Com .. Kan. O.; 1st.·., Wichita.  \'. F. Dunekley ___ C.R. Hubbard _____ Zella Yan Leewt•n-  15,000  11.000  123,000  130.000  20,000 Union  10,000  10,200  130,000  105,000  32,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Ex. '., Atchison.  Luella F. tewart__ W. P. Jenninfs___ Wm. Swinton ______  15,000  I  1 'l'. II. l't>rclue _____ Ua\·id House, Jr. __ T. B. Smith, Jr, ____ 1_______________ _  co 1, Topeka 1  Kansas j) f  I  :r:  0..  10,000  W. A. Byerley _____ W.  z►  I  mi.h _______ _  J. Il. Flint_ ________ Cha . 'chaffu1•r ___ P. J. 1leGannon __ C. J.  trJ  19,000 Kan. Reserve State. Topeka; Tra. N .. Kan, C.  58,910  Guy S. Speakman. J. A. Firmin ______ H. E, Downs _____ M. E. Hamby ______ ,  THE .BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY 509of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank  15,000  1  I  en en  37,000 Chase N.,N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; N. Bk; om .. )> t. L.  .• Beloit; Droy. ,. • ., Kan. C.  'Ill  :,  c  Ill ,;  ~  -  'tv°  ' Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Ace~.), ~a.wyers, I:aws (in_q.exed) in back oJ thi-; ~  Number under Name or Bank i the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exeluslvely by The .Rand-McNaUy Bankers' __ ====D=lree==to:..--::ry' under tb~- ~ll_thorlty of_ The American Bankers Ass'n. N-.BIE oF BA."K. Tow.N A.ND COUNTY. VICE-PRF.SIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §S ta te •County Seats. Entire State in 'o.10 tMem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. Federal Reserve Di trict. ♦)lem. Fed~{es.__[_E~!>-  509  ~Hutchinson ..• Reno F 8 Pop. 23,2!l!i  KANSAS _  ____- _  C  Non-Bank Towns with N"are t Banking Point (Indexed Accf'.s.), Lawyer. , Laws (indexed) In bark of thi ..._.  d t· ~n 11?-Ue  ____ ________yolu~~:... _1yr l~1~r_<'s! _!_tates, H_oliday , ct .. P&rncIPA.L CoR1<ESPo:snENTs. I RESOURCES. / LIABILITIES.  ~P  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  CA.SHIER.  BANK NATIONAL •:::-15 , _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 83-21  "THE BANK OF SERVICE." Prompt, efficient, personal service. Send your business to us.  Uf  B  83- 22  A bank that gets out and  500,000 200 000 '  83-18  *COMMERCIAL  • Fourth  •  *STATE EXCHANGE  ldana. ________ . Ciay C 10 Bank of lda na. -- ·-··--· 83- 88 3 Pop, 140  u•go  CITIZENS-FIRST  tfa  161,000  242,000  ---- --·· ····-··· ··-· P. J. Baddeley..... 'I'. E, 1, Uockle ••••  100,000  JS,610  604,470  461,120  (F. W. COOTER .... -----·------------·· B. E. MITCHNER -- P,_MD.• HAHYLDLENs··--· P II .IP m  150,000  oo.oool 2.100.000 1.i00,000  1  ' NATIONAL BANK 83-50  •!'71  Sec ..  First Mortgage Loans on Improv ed Kansas Farm s.  I 1t,~;!bn;~~n~i~!~~~gbt1~u.,e 0  27,000  {E.W. Mc. ·aehten C. . Colladay __ .• _ J.C. Mc..."aghten.Tr. IH, R. ::\foore.  75,C,uO  300,000  For prompt, effl clent, personal se rvlce send your b I uslness to us. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. P ease send 26c with each reques t for ratio&,  Independenii~1te Bk.•U'07 C. L. Kimble •••.••• B. F. Boys ________ M. D. Ransdell ____ L. C. Boys·---·---·  i  ERNEST SEWELL.  S VINGS & TRUST .83-54-_____ t§'l8 Collectlonssent us get vigorous, courteous attentlo n the day received , !!fPAff I and prompt re mlttance when paid. ---ocanford w. D. John P. Baden •.• _. E. Y. Wood .• --···SECURITY iI!IE BAN!:no H. L. Mue  100,000 25,000 50,000 100,000  !  I  _  1,  13,500  101.000  .  Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: J. 'ew Eng. and li'id. N. Bk. & 'l'r., Kan. G.  g " g:  :!  tate Ex. and 1st N .. Hutchin. on.  -5.  ,o  20,000  --------- 1·---·-·-- --------· 293.000  "  18,000 Cont. N.1,..Kan. 0.: Peo. N .. Clay Center;•~ ::, :Merch. ~ .• Lawrence.  305,000  ..  2!J'.5 590 5,864,200 4,975,680 1. i9.100 N. Citv, N. Y.: Cont. & Com 'l '-~ Chi.:, N · Bk.~ ::, ~ 1 Com., St. L.: 1st N. and New Eng. n Kan. C.  1  li6,260 5,712,790 4,520,160 1,568,300 )lech. &. Ietals r,, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: Liberty Cent, Tr. Co.. t. L.: Com. Tr, Co., Kan. c. 1 60,000 :.\Iidw. Re:-erve Tr. Co .• ran. C. 1,000 5,000 1 125,000 70,000 1,011,360  793,990  22,860  4:j8,350 1  I  THE BA.NKfRS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY CO Tope ka, Kansas , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  25,000 ____  Sw. and Tr. A. 'P.c.and A. Tr.  -  .r.  ~  "  SC- •••••  ·.  600,000  I  I: r·.ilNlPTER. ERNEST SEWELL-- R. w. CATES-·-----  THOS. J. BOOTH J. M. LANDON.---· E. H. PUGH,  246,310 lliJ'.h, , · ,1 eta! s , . , , • Y.; .'. Bk. Com,, I· an,  I I  I  10.000  w. SHULTHIS.  Cll  ~  Nellie J. Rankin •• Wm. Dockine ••• ___ V. H. Rankin _____ . D. B. Rankin--···  {A.  ~  22,520 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.  O  Commercial Na t 'l Bank .•!'Si Geo. T. Guernsey-· G. T. Guernsey, Jr. J .... r. Master~·----· Paul B.... •ees ·----· 83- 52 G. E. Cutler A. W. Blosier Frances Miller Fidelity Sta~i-itnk -· •. !~'20 E. L. Hunyan_ ·---• J. A. Hooker.-··-· C. c. Ryan·--·---·- ·-------··- ·-·------  K  l  A. E .•\ her•.•••••• ----------·-------· Phil Baddeley, Sec, ·-------·--------···: ________ • ·-------· '  ~  100,000 2,300,000' 1,600,0~0 1,050,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.  The largest and best equipped co Uectlon departm , entln the city. We make a pe clal effort In tha t line, and get r ' esults. TRY US. •U•g7 (  THE M~,AQHTEN LOAI COMPANY, Inc. '09  •lodepep~~~~to20M  250,000  >  100,000  I  1!3-20  >  263.930 N. Park,N. Y.; lstN .. Chi.: N. Bk. Com.,Kan.C. . .  156,430 11.475.900: 1,773,190  I  ~l61~nk ---11'20 Waite, G,oudy BANK  ~ R .. d N c·t N y N Bk c e: r...:, • o~., u 11 w. • 1 Y, , ,; • serve. Tr. Co., and Com I N., Kao. C., Uh N., Wl<:_hlta.  {A. E. ASHER·-·--- E.T. GUYMON .... _.. A.H. SUTER •• ·--·-- WM. M. RUDDICK.... 100,000 l 1.aoo,ooo 1,350,000 386,ooo Meche.& M1etat Is 8Nt.,tNN.Y.; dcoNntB.k&Ccom'I Z • om., C/l • N., bl.; n er- a e • an K. E. SENTNEY I Kan. c. Collections receive our prompt atte 'ntion. Cll Remittance made on day of collection • t,j •!'06  *First Natioft pank •.• •!'76 E. L. Meyer. ___ ._ .• P. 'ation .• -------· Fred C. French ___ E.W. lleyer. _____ . 1 L.A. Key , *Fontr~n Loa_n & Tru 1 . _ E. h. Gl,l scock ••. J. E; q?nklin ..••.• J. F. Fontron, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Sec. &: Tr. G. F.. Gano Company.83 23..·---·.,. § 1.>  l  t,< •  2-50.0001fech.&11etal .. ".• ".. Y.; .. Iidw. Re en-c 'lr. Co., Kan. C.; Far. , "., Topeka; 1st .i:'., Wichita.  50,000  750,000  50,000  I NATIONAL BANK I 83-19  $  $  50,000 1,500,000 1,250,000 $ 450,000 -  makes collec tions.  *CITIZENS BANK-----··•W92 C. M. Branch_•• _•• J.B. M:ackay._ •• _. G. C. Pelis _ _ _ • -···------·-···---·  !  -  -  •+.,.§•lr> {A.S.BLAIR -· -· H_OLW_AJREDSSCAPREY .- G.T.McCANDLESS. JOHNW.STARKEY  *CENTRALSTAT.EBANK  $ 150,000 $  §  C ~  PAID-UP I SURPLUS DEPOS- ~•"•&Dra-/ C•en&E.z. c T,. no,11>., cH•so ... Du■ ITS AND CAPITAL - - - PROFIT!_ - - - SacuuTIU I no>1B... ,ul8. - - - - - - - - - - - - -  I  H.K. McLEOD-··--- CHARLES BAIRD-. E. P. BRADLEY··-· G. CHAMBERLAIN. I M. E. SMITH LEWIS WlLSON  *AMERICAN  L~w •  :  I  ": I:  I  261,780 Chase. N .• N. Y.: Tra. N. and Inter-State N .. Kan. C. 42,5-10 .. •ew Eng .• ·., Kan. .; Citiz .•bt N .. Indep1•n denre.  •  I  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent, :  j I•  -.  I I'  I~ ff/  510  '°11.....- - d • Jlfame or Ballk ia the New TranaH Number given  eaoh bank in U. 8. exelushelJ by The &and-McNallJ Bankera• Dlne&orJ, ander tbe authol'ltJ of The .A.merlean Bankers Ass'u.  TowN .urn OOUNTT. NA.ll.E OF B.L'iK, •Count, Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. A.ssn. lS~te P~IDJCNT, Entire tateinNo.10 tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ~Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Industry •••••.• Clay O 10 Industry State Bank ..•• il'08 W. H. Myers-···· ( w,uuftt.ld P. 0.) 83-884 ~~ Iaralls •••••••.•. Gray F 4 .Farmers State Bank ••• •i1'08 P. A. Johnston •••• Pop. ~00 KS-885 laman ... KcPherson E O Bank of Inman •.•••••• •U"93 H. Bartels _ _ _ Pop. 482 83-886  OASHill,  .A.SS'T CA.SB.Ill.  SuRPLus l  PA.m•UP  '·,f>·H•& o ...  c.,.. PROFITS ~  a.,:.,.,;. .. ·  1  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  o ... a& E•OILU<anon  Ile=•  J.E. Burns .•••..•. Emery R. Ray ••••. Jos. H. Burns......  10,000  14,000  130,000\·  115,000  D, D. Unruh •••.... A. Bartels _ _ _ P. W. Kroeker.....  16,000  15,000  285,000  255,500  SPECIAL ATT ENTIO?tc IVEN 83-419 •tl'04 15c accompany lug Sight Drafts Bequests for C redlt Reports, 25 First National Baak ... •t·S6 Fred Beeler ••.• - •• G. B. Crandall .•••. 83-418 •Johnson •••• tanton F 1 Johnson State Bank •••• t§'l4 R. I. Cockrum ••••• Cha . Heinlen .•••• Po_p. 100 83·1145 •Juction City.Geary D 11 Central National Bank •• •t'84 A. D. Jellison ..•••• H . W. Jacobs •••••. Pop. 7533 83·129 " " First National Bank ..... •t'88 T. B. Kennedy ..... 0. 0. Clark ..•••... 83-130 J. V. Humphrey HOME STATE BANK ... •tl'07 W. B'. M:uenzen- J.E. Clemons··-· 3-131 mayer UNION STATE SAY. BAIIK H, M. Pierce ••••••• A. D. Jellison •• 83-132 •tl'l0 Kack.187 _... Republic :e 9 Kackley State Bank ••• •*5'07 F. J ••Uwood ..•••• E. 0. Whitcher .••• Pop. 120 83-895 Kanona ••••• Decatur B, Kanona tate Bank _••• •t§'l7 T. \Vood ···-······ 1Dick Wilson·-····· Pop. 100 83· 1240  {  C. M. Toews····-  10,000  L. V. Bowlus......  30,000  E.D.Land ..•..•-  7,400  160,000  ,  _no_»_B=-;..,.."""-,~--=-=----:-:::--:::-=---=----=-------·  145,000  50,000  23,000  450,000  385,000  50,000  33,000  804,670  689,030  Georl;!e Freeman ..  25,000  9,000  224,540  208,870  Andrew Johnson .•  20,000  4,000  200,000,·  165,000  Grace Smith •.•. _.  12,000  11,800  150,500  145,000  Clyde S. Boots ••••  10,000  12,390  116,000  141,900  C. J. Shandrew ••..  10,000  11,000  90,000  90,000  > z  • 1  ---··---  15,000  10,680  164,510  165,150  P. M. Chitty ••••••.  25,000  25,000  285,000  300,000  W. D. Kendell._ ••  10,000  5,400  85,0001  90,000  fr  10,000 ,  4,000  50,000  51,000  25,000  5,500  95,000:  83,000  F. W. Tacha •••••••  20,000  12,000  250,000  200,000  ···-····-··········  25,000  l;,400  210,000  157,000  Hazel Wilson......  20,000  10,000  92,000  105,000 I  --·-····--·-·  1>0.000  23,180  482,880i  42s,5so  F. A. Durand •••••• E.W. R(?lfS........ F. A, Wm2fleld W. F. Miller ....... E. J. Denver._••.. C. . Boyle B. C. Bond·····-·· John N- Tritle •.••  100,000  177,000  25,000  19,000  311,000  300,000  John Hartman._. C.J. Mann •. ·-··-··  40,000  20,000  230,000  220,000  Adolph Johnson ••• E, A, Gosselin ••••.  12,000  6,000  170,000  130.000  A.. P. Lauehlin ••••. Esther Hanson-··  10,000  6,540  109,020  I 109,900  g  420,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Fid. N.Bk. & Tr. anu N. l Bk. Com .. Kan. C. 140,000IN. Park, N. Y.; New Enr. N. and Drov. N., Kan. C. 55,000 Liberty N., N, Y.; Inter-State N., Kan.  950,000 1,077,000 I  10,000  4,000  25,000  10,000  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY Co ,, Topeka , Kansas ·1,  110,0001,1 125,000  95,000 127,000  18,000 N. City, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Cent.._ ., Junction City. 11> 45,000 Drov. N., Kan. C. ::,  g  14,660 Midw. Re~er\'e Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. State, orcatur; Onion .1:· •• Beloit; Am .N., Hut. ,; chinson. 19,000 Drov. N., Kan. O.; Far. N., Salina. .....  :<  33,000 Fed. N, Bk. & Tr .. Kan. C.; Cent. N., Topeka; ~ 1~1 N .• Goodland. ...,.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (w. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  ia the  New Tra11811 Number  0  5,400 Inter.state N., Kan. C.  79,830 850,000  75,000  20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Com·1':;,:: N., Hutchinson; Moff'et Bros. N .. Larned. Sil 132,490 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Inter-State N., Kan. O.; Ex. N., Atchison; Tootle-Lacy ,; N .. St. Jo. 11> 0.. 89,870 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Inter.state N., Kan. C.  468,480  75,000 1,000,000  > z I  ······--·-····  I  27,100 Ilan. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Union Stock Yds. 0, N., Wichita. 20,000 N.Park,N. Y.;lstN.andln+er-StateN .. Kan.O.  23,510 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. N. and M:idw. Reserve :;,:: Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Ex. N,, Atchison.. rn 45,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Comw. N .• Kan. O.; Tootle Lacy N., St. Jo. _ 14,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Leav. 0 7,340 Midw. Resen·e Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Com'l N .. and Fidelity State, Independence. 39,000 N. Bk, Com., Kan. O.; Tootle.Lacy N, St, Jo.; ~ Oberlin N., Oberlin. '"1 70,000 Cent. N., Topeka: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; '< 1st N .. Norton. •,... 77,000 Ohase N., N. Y .; Com'l N., Kan. 0. \O  Anna A. Flaska •••.  B-L DR S, CASH AND TIME ITEM s. Insures prompt presentation; 2S c mini mum, If paid. e. 60,000 79,340 403,880 Newton Kreamer •. F. E. Ruegles .••... Irma L. Nixon 10,000 9,310 54,000 J.B. Cockrum •••..•..••••••.•••...••.•  I  41,000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. and Fid, N. Bk. & Tr .. Kan. C.; 1 t N .. Hutchinson. 20,040 New Eng. N. and Drov. N .. Kan. C.: 1st N., Hutchinson; McPherson and Citiz. State, McPher.on. 11,000 1st and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; State Ex., Hufohinson. 300,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 110,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; New Enr. N., Kan. 0. 243,930 N. City, N.Y.;Liberty Cent. Tr. Co,, St.L.; 1st ::,:: N .. Kan. O. 50,110 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Drov. N., Kan. 0. 4-0,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Live Stock State, Kan.; ~ Atchison Sav., Atchison. ,¥" 28,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O. 00  185,000 1,200,000 1,000,000  c. Kerr .......•.  N.  Kanopolis. Ellsworth D 8 Exchanre State Bank ... U'07 James Oowte. Jr,_ Jame Cowie •... - Richard Oowie .••• -··········-··-···· Pop. 762 83-896 ' Kanorado._. herman O 1 Fir ·t ational Bank •. - •. •'20 C. J. ShimealL .••• I,. . Shaw._••••.••• Ray Mar tin· ····- w. 0. Brook .•.••. Pop, 800 83-1387 W. J. Det w1ler Kamber IUlder Name or Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RESOURCES.  DEPOS·  A.ND  F. H. Myers •••••.. Jos. P. Lewis ...... · · · · - - - - · · · · $ 10,000 $ 35,000 $ 300,000! $ 275,001.l $ 55,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Clay Center.  w. a. MATSON .. R: IJi\lftNE... F. E. PENCE .......  CITIZENS STATE BAH  I  LIABILITIES.  VICK--PRJCSIDJC.NT,  Farmers State Bank ••. •:1:1'15 J. F. Enns .•••.•••. G. H. Balzer ••••••. H.J. Klassen •••••. 83-1200 ,.lolL .... -••·· Allen l" U ALLEN COUNTY STATE II. Thomas H. Bowlus. C. W. Bowlus •••••• G. R. Bowl11& •••••• Poi,. 8513 83-80 •l§'85 •· ........ " IOLA STATE BANK .... •i1'03 L. R. Harville ••...• L. L. Ponsler ••..•• 11'. o. Benson-··83-81 NORTHRUP NATIONAL BK. E. J. Miller······-· L. L. Northrup •••• Kelvin Fronk ••••• 83-78 •:t'69 State Savin~s Bank .••. iS'08 J. D. Arnett·····- Colonel Lanyon •••• D. A. McDonald ..• 83-82 Joala .•........ Jewell B 8 Ionia State Bank ..••.•• •tS'04 Ben Kuiken ••••••• R. D. Rose •••••••• W. F. Bechtold .••• Pop. 215 88-887 Intnr •••..• .Marshall B 11 lrTin2 State Bank •.••• •U-99 Fred R. Cottrell ••• - · - - - - - - · · J.E. Pretz -······· Pop. sn 83-888 Isabel ··-·····Barber G 7 Isabel State Bank ····-·•tl'05 Ed. Boots •.•••••••• Lester White •••••• Chas. A. Meairs ..•• Pop. 277 83-889 Iuka ••••.••••..• Pratt 1' 7 Iuka State Bank •••••.. •i§'05 T. C. Carver •••• -. Geo. W. Lemon •••• F. M. Yonnr ••••••• Pop. 198 83-890 Jamestown .... Oloud C 9 Farmers State Bank ••• •i§'Oll B. D. French ••••.. 0. G. French ••••.• Cora Garder ••••••. Pop. 495 83-603 " " Jamestown State Bank.•il'98 IJ. P. Jordan .•••••. E. Fitze-erald •••••• A. W. Sjoholm .•••• 83-602 Jarbalo.LeuenworthO 14 Jarbalo State Bank ••..•• tl'07 D. B. Mason .•.••.. • amuel Oplie-er ••.. H. E. Cockrell ••••• Pop. 100 83-891 Jefferson .•• M.onteomery Jefferson State Bank ..• tS'lO J. F. Dobson ••••••• G. L. Banks····-·· J. G. Smith .•.••• _ Pop. 150 G 13 83-892 Jenninrs .... Decatur B 4 Farmers StateBank••..•• §'19 O. L. Benton .•.•••• F. A, Bou.lls ••.. - •. W. P. Noone ••.••. .. Pop. 253 .. 83-1347 G. A. Lippelmann .••••••• State Bank of Jenninrs •tl'08 E. E. Ames •••••••. ·········--·-·· A.. A.. Smith •••• - •• 83-89S •Jetmore.-Bodgeman E 6 Citizens State Bank .••. •:U'0l W. M. O'Coanell .. James W. Winn .•• John Lenox ••••••• Pop. 559 83-894 o. B. o·oonnell " •••••••• " Farmers State Bank ••. •t§'l6 L. W. HubbelL .•. D. W. Sturl;!eon · - S. C, 01 on •••••.•• 83-1Z17 JeweIL ....... Jewell O 8 Pop. 105  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banklnar Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of tllls volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., seo Lawa..  KANSAS-Continued  511  N11111ber IUMler Name of Bank ia the New Traa1H Namber ain• to each bank in U S exelmlY lr by The &and-HeNallr Ban.ken• Directory, under &he authorlt:, of The A.merleaa Bankers'n. 0  N.A.11& OJ' BANI.  KANSAS CITY- R CServe c·t 1Y District No. 10) (Federal Rese"e  PRESIDENT. •Jlem . .A.m. Bies. Assn. fS~te Sllem. State Bies. Assn. t Pr1v. (Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. .A.t2enfule State Bk. -··•:1'06 D. K. Clopper ______ 18-811 *.£.nllonrdale StateBk.•11'87 H. H. Daniels _____ 13-80 *Bankinr Trust Co. --·-*''02 B. N. Simpson. __ ._ 18-84 O. .E. Lawrence ___ CEITHL STATE BAH •t5'04 18-87 *Oltizens 8tate8av.Bk.•U'0l P. W. Goebel._____  •:tl'05  *Fidelity State Bank -·•:tl'09 J . .A. ¥otter·---18--ta J'lrst State Bank-·--·· •U'D0 O. W. Green------· 18-81 *GUARANTY STATE BAIK G. H. Lonr -··----· •t '20 18-99 *Home S te Bank.-. 11'05 0. W, Shepherd ••. 18-85 Industrial State Bank. •:tl'18 E.W. Greenlee ·-18-96 *Kansas State Bank_. •H'0l H. L. Larson··-··· 18-82  1  50,000 1 , 25,000 S00,000  I  ===:  '°  621,370 1. _ _ _ 79,500 1.209,280 1_ _ _  389,540 926,670  635,480 8,207,000 ____ 75,000  Chas. Hassig _______ J. T. Wilson----·- F. W. Wilson____  25,000  20,000  J. T. Glan'tille--. M. J. Shane. ______ F. s. PowelL ____ _ E. L. Clark c. M. Kelly. ·----· J. G. Boomer __ ••• G. H. Gray---·----  30,000  60,120  50,000  5,000 20,720  j,  5,666,290 1.884,540  270,000 I 2,136,000 1  2,400,000  1  212,500  1 '  725,000 -------·  440,000  165,000  672,770 --------- , 166,480 10,950 , 560,180  430,620  59,910  166,220  10,630  500,370  -·-·------1  136.420 Han. N., N. Y.: Comw. N., Kan. O.; Com'! N., Kan. 0., Kan. 278,130 Mech. & Metals, N., N. Y.: Com'! N., Kan. O. 57,000 3,662,540 N. ~arl£1 N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N ., Oh1.: .N. Bk. Com., St. L. 624,000 N, Park, N. Y .; 1st N ., Ohi., Kan. 0., _______ and St. L. 140,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com'! N .. ..,.. ---···-Kan. c .. Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. and n Stock Yds. N .. Kan. C., Mo. 170,400 Columbia Tr.Oc.,N.Y .; Peo.N ., Kan, O.. 101,950 Kan.; Com. Tr. Co .. Kan. 0. ~ 24,070 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Kan. 0. 20,550  99,280$  83,310  113,470 ________  z>  -----------·---·-- ---------·---··-----J.P. AnE:'le, Jr.·-·  25,000  A. J. Rawles_. _____ L. E. Hoke _ _ _ Lena Boeke·-----·  10,oool  6,000  225,000 · - - -  130,000  ---------50,000 ---------  E. L. Ma on ____ H. E. Alberti ____ ·--------·---·-----  50,000  37,500  792,800  12,400  600,100  55,900  12,100  125,000  128,160  65,760  275,2801  392,350  245,590  11,610  136,900 - - - - -  D. J. Evans.  Su. a,nd Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, W. T. MaUDder 18-90 Merchants ta te 13ank-.f'21 H, H. Souders··-·· ---------·------- G. J, Gillman ______ ·--------------  18-100 *Kinnesota .Avenue State Bk. H. A. MendenhalL H.J. Grossman. __ • E. H. Browne · ·-·- E. H. Browne, Jr .• H.B. Arends •U'07 1&-91 Packers State Bank ___ .tf•I& O. W. Green. _____ • L. Lustir · - - - L. Lustig __________ F. Griffin _ _ __ 18-87  50,000  9,900  475.00°1"___  250,000  10,000  8,690  200,140 -··---····  100.000  104.000 1,830,000  590,000  1,500,000  275,000  5,000  200,000 '  *Quindaro State Bank.•U"l7 E.W. Goebel __ •• J.M. Ewen _____ • F. s. .McGonirle ••• ---··------··-··-·-· 18-95 *RIVERVIEW STATE BAIK Georce K. Grv.-- Chri tian Kopp ____ W. J. BreidenthaL F. H. esselrode -· D. G. Shade •:n·oa 18-811  100,000  G. K. Gray  '  50,000  lQ,200  39,880  62,500 ---  12,500 -·--··---·  10,000  *PEOPLES IIATIOIIAL BAH F. M. Holcomb_ K. L. Browne··--· K. L. Browne·---· ·-----·-----------•t'09  91.520 1,780,320 ·--·--·  30,0001 600,000 ____ 10,000 Seearity State Bank __ - •U'll G. K. Gray •·-· ·--- Lee Vaurhan ---·-- K. L. Breidenthal __ H. E. Manning.·--· · 18-94 __________ ---------· _ _ _ ------·--· l.'.ansas Oity Olearinir House M. L. BreidenthaL M. J. Shane •• ______ o. L. Wilson. Sec,, Tr. and Mor. (MMnobt1r8 tndicated b11 a*)  I  250,Q00  9,800  53,210  670,000 - - - - 24,000---·  NA.HK 01' Bux:.  •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState :tMem.StateBks. Assn. tPrlv. (Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Sate Bank of Keats ---.:tl'll 83-1105 State :Bank of Jtechi __ .-:1•09 83-891 State 11a•t of Kelly •••. U'02 83-899 Oitizeaa State Bank-... •if·Oi  o a: B "n :.:: a::,.s_.,.;.;., c'T~~•Bo.  SURPLUS  10,000  11.800  67,310  77,120  J. H. Ball..-.. - P.A. LffenroocL __ E. L. Hei e ---·-·-- ---·------·--  20,000  10,000  414.120  355,150  First National Bank ---•i•o4 H. Westerman·--·· J. H. Rice---···--· E. H. Womer •••••• Marraret Don~lass.  25,000  18,480  334,520  273,260  Kimbal ___ NeGshe • H Jti.mllall l&ate Bant ___ U'll W. 8. Karts_. ___ J, ll. llyers ··----- W. s. Marks _____ Homers. Marks... . . . . , S.-~101 Pop. 200 Wallace McOashn_ Kincaid •• -Anderson B 14 Bank of 1tf1!~~--···· •ti• J. W. Qamsoa ---· E. H. Griffin ___ J. ll. KcOuhn _ ... """ Pop. 443  10,000  l,290  50,000  36,000  25,000  15,990  269,590  281,410  8H82  ~  TH.E BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY co To Deka , Kansas ·, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  11  I  62,500 Ex. State, Kan. C.; Com. Tr. and Columbia N., Kan. o., Mo. 54,950 Seab. N ,, N. Y .; Peo. N ., Ex. State, and Com'! N,, Kan. C. 23,260 Han. N., . Y.; Peo. N., Comw. N .. and Oom'l T., Kan. O. 554,000 ChaseN.,N.Y.;Oont.&Com'lN.,Chi.;N. Bk.Com., St. L.;lst N.and Com'l N., Kan. C. 30,000 Com'! N .• Kan. C., Kan.  ~  CJ)  I  ~  SU  ::S fl)  I» 0  (') ...  ~  I  5:  PRINCIP.A.L CORRESPONDENTS.  Lo  R. ll. Emery ______ B. H. Kottinrhaas _ W. G. Rucke •••••• Hazel Rucke.......  811--W  93,890 Com'! N .. Kan. 0., Kan.  >  25,840  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  VICB-PRK!IIDENT,  T ..  •  DEPosAND Ass'T OA.SHIER. P.uo-uP OA.SRIER, s■cuama ITS C.A.PITAL PROJ'ITs _______ 1 Frank Nelson·--·· S. O. Harner---·-· T. M. Wood·-----·- Grace E. Wood---· S 10,000 S 2,950 S 43,510 S 45,110 R. W. Hessler 15,000 150,000 120,000 10,000 L. H. llatllon ---· S. B. Amidon ______ G. G. Almond_____ ________  PRE!IIDDT,  41,510 1Iech. & .Metals N ., . Y.; Com. Tr. Co. Ul andMidw Re-erve Tr. Co., Kan.C., N'I 56,000 Mech.&~letals ., N.Y.;~lidw. Reserve w Kan.O. Tr.Co .. Kan.O.,Mo.;Peo. 223,900 Han. N .• N. Y.; Oom'l N., Kan. C., Kan 2!  456,240 Chase N., N. Y.: Peo. N., Kan. C.; .,.. 1,387,490 Inter-State N. and Midw. Re erve O ~ Tr. Co., Kan. C., Mo. 142,000 Chase N ., N. Y.: Riverview State, Peo .... 100,0001---------875,000 ::, N., and Columbia N .. Kan. C. r, . _ ___ I» 346,890  KANSAS-Continued ToWN A-..qn oou TY. •Co11nty Seats. Entire State in o.10 Federal Reserve District. Keats ________ Riley O 11 -- Pop. 100 :KechL ____ Sedrwlck B' 10 Pop. 150 JteJ.Jy ______ Nemaha fl 13 Pop. 200 1te■sinirton ____ 8m!th .B 7 Pop. 595 " _______ "  'iu  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE...'iTS.  RESOURCES.  5,000  200,000  *Kansas Trust Oo,. ____ •:tf'CMI P. W. Goebel. _____ 0. L. Brokaw·--·-- A.. II'. Goebel,  18-92  Population 101,177  ::l C:: CAs:a M111cELLo~s & BoNDs, SuRPLus PAI»Ass'T CASHIER. OABHIU. TICE-PllltSIDJIIHT. Ill Si!:cua1- LAN111ous R:111sot1llc111 8 I DI&or 1·I couwTB U.A.L AND UP c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '"1 nms, 11:rc. R11sot1Bc111s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 APITAL PROFITS D ■POSIT8 B 4 N:a:s 1 1 ~ N. Com'! Y.; N. N., Phenix & Chatham $-95,000 .===-=: 120.000 jS S 400,000 J. N. Altrinrer ·--- J. N. Altrinrer ·--· D.S. Calderwood __ S 10,000lS 40,000l$600,0001 ~ ► and Tra. N., Kan. C. W. A. Pretz 225,000 N. City, N. Y.; Com'IN. andNew En11;. 28,000 _ _ _ 811.410 2,100 25,000 1,011.040 $ 50,000 E. D. Williams·--- Chas. J. Henry ____ R. w. Radford.___ ~ ., Kan. C. 28.000 Com'! N •• Kan. C.; Cont. Tr. Co,, Bait. 47,000 ---·-----207.006 40,000 135,000 10,000 100,000 - - - - - - - · - - - H. W. Bedell, Tr. W. G. Roth, A. Tr.  ---·---·---··- C. E. Lawrence--· O. A. Giesch ·--·-P. D. Hansen O. L. Broka,r ______ 1.A., 11'. Goebe'---·--- Hattie Rotert.____ I : W. T. Maunder UHIII "COMMERCIAL IIArL Bl. { P. W. Goebel ··--IO. L. Brokaw------! 0. L. Brokaw------ G. J. Bishop •• _____ J.D.Bjorkman,A.C. E.W. Stilwell •:t"ll7 (Su al-80 Kfl/7Ula.8 Cit11, Mo.) 18-7 *EXCHAHE STATE BAH O. K. Wella ________ ' 11'. S• .Merstetter •• _. C. N. Pro11ty ------· P. F. Pocock.·--··· 18-88  ( Wyandotte, C 15) County Seat  r INDIVm-,D■POSI'l'II  LUBJLJTIES.  1  no11 B..-a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,  s  6,580 1N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. C.. Mo.; Peo, N., Olay Center. 42,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.: S. W. State, Wichita. 23,850 N. Bk. of Seneca, Seneca. 72,070 Com, Tr. Co. and Gate City N., Kan. C,; 1st N ., Friend and Oma. 110,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0 .. Mo.; Cent. N., Topeka. 17.000 Tra. N., Kan. O. 49,170 1st N .• N. Y.; Peo, N., Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com., ~ .Kan. C.. Mo.  . fidelity and Depos:tory Bonds for, Banks and Bankers K"nsas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) TopP.ka, State Agent  512  Mamber under Name of Bank i the New Transit Number gi1tn to each bank in U. S. exclusively by '.rhe Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  - TOWNANDCOUNTY.-  -  NAME  OF'  •Kinrman •• Kineman F 8 Pop, 2407  FARMERS STATE BANI 83-211  :t§'03  I - ----  -  BA."K.  •Mem. Am. Bk·. Assn.§ tate •County eats. PRESIDENT. Entl·reStatein.·o.10 :tMem.StateBk .Assn.tPriv. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ Federal Re..:erve District. •~Iem, Feu. Res.  KANSAS- COll t"lllUe d  I  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nt>arest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed), in back of thi<: CJ, volume For Interest Rates, Uolldays, Ptc., Sl'e Law . ,_. LIABILITIES-:-_ _ _ _ -RESOURCE;,  s'T CASHIER. PAID·UPf URP_Lue DEPOS- toAssa:n, •• CASHIO. VICE-PRESIDENT. c'TS. n.,,na, AND CAPITAL • · - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ~ ~ s1ct1B1T,a  J. E. CALLAHAN .... H.W.FREELANL .... R. A. COLLINS ...... WINNIE WOODSON .. C. L. SCHOOLEY  l  100,000 $ 1  Fir ·t National Bank •.•. •t'86 P.H. McKe1ma .... P . . Woods·-·-·-- S. T. Baldwin ••. - •• Eugene B. Harlow. 83-210 State Bank of Kineman•U'05 C. W. Sample •••. _. David Walter. _____ B. A. Welch····--· Walton c. Sample •• 83-212  c. Cory.····----  900,000  950.0~0  2:5,000  Our collectlon department offer s partlcula'fly pr ompt service. 15c minimum fee must accom pany Sight Draft s for presentatlo n and 5 Oc for C redtt FffiST MORTG AGES ON KANS AS WHEAT FAR MS FOR SALE. 50,000  15,000  350,000  325,000  25,000  13,000  250,0001  225,000  Lena E. Smith.-••  10,000  12,000  80.0001  85,000  20,000  10,000  235,000  t: ~-ra~kirman ••.  25,000  32,000  Ii  260,000 415,000  351,000  O. II. c;awford towcll .••• -. G. E. W1lson •• -··-·  25,000  20,000 I  160,000:  112,000  F. J. 1IcGee •..•...  40,000  30,700  230,000'  183,000  R. P. Primm-···· --·--·,---···--·-····  25,000  10,000  200,000  185.0001  J. N. Selby .••••••• - - - · · - - -  10,000  3,170  84,370  79,710  E. C. Trull •••••••• Flosse Stuckman .• R. M. Clarke Herbert R. Hull.- C. O. Townsend ••.  25,000  12,260  164.480  108,230  25,000  15,000  380,000,  320.000  "  •••...••  "  ruith._. _____ 1 T.  Kinsley Ban8~-=-2og···· .• •iS'87 :R, E. Edwards ...•• 'E. A. Noble ...•. _.. IF. B. Hine _ _ _  . . 1 National Bk. of Kmsley_i'Ol C. W. Beeler ••..• _. II. B. Beeler .•.•••• 83-300 Kiowa.·-·····Barber H 7 BANK OF KIOWA -----··•t. '84 J. L.B. Ellis.·-··-· O. P. T. EwelL •••. 83-.305 Pop. 1539 First National Bank ••.. •i'85 J. E, Holmes-----· K II. Smith.-----·····-·· " " 83-306 Kipp. ______ Saline D 10 Kipp State Bank ·····-·U'lO Joseph Martin..... . Maher·····-··-83-902 Pop. 100 Kirwin .. _... Phillivs B 6 Farmers State Bank .••.. S'l0 Tho . Cox .•••••••. A. T. Trumbu!L •• l{. A. Ward 83-503 Pop. 553 Kirwin State Bauk •...• •i§'79 IA. Dougherty .•.... W. '1. Charis····-· E. E. Gray 83-502  I  J.E.  •  L. E. McClure .•••  1  Ki meL ..•••• eward G 3 Kismet t.ate Bank ••••• •i§'l5 II. D.• Ja_:oni. •..• II. L. Old· .•.•••••. Chas. P. Cook.-•• G. A. Bayha ••••••• • 83-11!!8 Pop. 200 Labette ••••• Labette G 14 Labette State Bank .•.•• •i5'13 J. W. Heuderson •. G. 11. Luman_ •••.. J.B. Dick .•••.·-·-· Henrietta Dick •.•• 83-1127 Pop. 207 •La Orosse •••••• Rush D 6 Farmers & l1erch. State Bk. H. W. Grass··-·--· F. Humburg_._ •••. W. A. Hayes. --··· H. W. Grass, Jr .••• •i§'88 83-425 Po1>. 808 La Crosse State Bank •• •i§'05 83-426 La O,ene .•••••. Linn E 15 La Cygne State Bank •. •il'05 83-393 Pop. 102 Linn County Bank •.••• •U '70 " " 83-392 Lafontaine •• Wil on G 13 Lafontaine State Bank. iS'03 83-903 Pop. 215 La Harpe·--··· Allen F 14 First National Bank • .••.•i'04 83-244 Po1>, 1001 La Harpe State Bank ••• il'05 •••• •••• 5 ••..•• •iS'07 Lake City •••• Barber G 1 ILake State 83-904 ' Pop. 250 •Lakin. ____ Kearny F 2 Kearny County Bank •• •U-88 83~62 Pop. 5:i6  !!;~  56, 00  10,000  7,800  150,000  155 000  50,000  30.000  807.4001  297,0001  32,000  16,000  200,000  220,000  12,500  13,150  218,260;  205,170  25,000  25,000t  260,0001  10,000  15,000  160,000  C. H. Hackney ••.•• J. S. Wilson···----, \V. A. Rose •• ·-···- F. E. Wood_··--·--  25,000  7,500  257,620  199.9i0  Thos. II. Bowlus ..• Ii'. R. Olson .•. -·--· O. H. Olson·····--· •••• ············---·  10,000  8,600  235,000  138,300 318,700  262,430  1  125,000  ··---·•l ••-·--··----··-••··  Clara Groendycke.  30,000  8,300  285,500  C. A.. Loncks .••• -. J.E. Tate _ _ _ D. H. Browne .....  c. H. Browne _____ .  10,000  23,500  270,000  220,000  Dave Freemyer ••• E. II. Smith  F. L. Thomas·----·  10,000  19,730  118,130  13-1. 60  D. Blanck •••••• ·--· O. E. Fellay •••••.. ········-··-········  10,000  ll,000  125,000  106,000  c. E. Smith.• _•••••  R. E. Charle . •.••  10,000  12,800  135,000  117,000  J. A. Rowland ••••• Hoy Hendrix _ _ •  . D. eedliam_._. B. B. Rowland  .:.o,ooo  10,530  225,000  H. K. Biehn·-·---· A. L.  J. Ji'.  hell ••• ·----·  Slllit h .••••••  tate Bank of Langdon .!§'02 J.E. Eaton •••••••. R. C. Miller······-· H. B. Fer1?uson •••• Gertrude H. Miller , 83 908 )I. Potter •••• J. 'I'. Faulkm•r •••• J. l. Locue. _____ • J. A. Simmons •• -· 83 909  Lansine-.Leavenw'th C 15 First State Bank --·······''03 I?red Pop. 800  -15,6001  F. D. Cox •• ·-----·· 1Ja_. Rush ••• ·--·- __ A. W. Rush •.••...• F. A. Leasure. ____ . B. B. Bone L. P. BLhoP •..•••• A. Wishropp •..• _. R. C. ~ mith •••.•••• ---····----·-· • J, M. Surber .••..•. J. G. Certain ••.••• E. E. Surber ••••••. - - - · · - - -  6~·····  Pol), 20-l  6,310  Peter Brock .•• ·-·· James Johnson .. _. B. F. Krause.·--··· A. D. Kaufmann ••  . •it'06 I A. R. Beaty-····-·· Lakin State ~ 8 I.amont ••Greenwood E 12 Farmers St.ate Bank ••.. i§'lO )I.A. Limhockcr ••• 83-905 Pop. 100 Lancaster •• .A.tchison B 14 State Bank or Lancaster.i§'96 M. J. Hines •••••.•. 83· 906 Pop. 181 Laue .•... -.Franklin E 1' Citizen Bank ••.••••••• iS'95 &. F. Abbott. _···-· 83-907 Pop. 3.'51  Lan2don ···-···Reno F 8  10,000  I  1 .Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each an.k in U. S excluslvel b The Rand-McNall Bankers•  ••  ,  I  190,500  10,000  12,8:50  6~.500  103,120  10,000  2,6i0  110,110  89,960  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co Topeka Kansas I  PKlNCJPAL CORRESPONDENTS.-  1'-1  200,000 .11ech.&.Ietals_~~-... T· Y.:N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 4th N., W1ch1ta.  r eports.  aKinsley .... Edwards F 6 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. M. C. Tubbs--·--·· W. H. Ehlers. •...• •J. E. ~Howell ••.•.• John J. Tubbs .•_•• · I : i5'10 83-301 Pop.1896  Kingsdown •••.. Ford G 5 1Kinesdown State Bank •. t§'09 J. B. Smith·-·----- Lafe · 83-901 Pov. 150  -  c •• u&E:rcn.-ou,Du. rao» H•"u._ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  90,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. C. and Wichita. tatE.1 73,000 Han. N •• N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Am. Wichita;NewEng. N .• Kan. C.  I  12,000 Mech.& Metal .1."., .T. Y.;State Ex., Hutch inson. 60,000 ~let. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Com. Tr. Co .• Kan. C.; ~ • . • Sta;te E.x., Hutchinsqn. 116,000 1st N ., I • Y. and Clu.; 1st N ., F1cl. . Bk. & :;t:,. Tr .• and Drov. N., Kan. C.  Z  73,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 1 ·tr'., Hutchin.-on. 1~.t ~- and Inter-State N., 80,000 Seab. N .. N. Kan. O.: 1st N .. \\ 1ch1ta. 61,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita. 13,590 Com'! N., r.cur r,, and Mi<.lw. Reserve 'l'r. Co., Kan. C.: N. Bk. of America. Salina. 41,570 Han.~-·~· Y.; 1!idw. He ervc Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Ex. N .. Atchison 15,000 , '. Park, N. Y .: N. Bk. Com.. 1st N.. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy l', and Am. T·• St. Jo. 6,600 )lidw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. N., liutchinson.'Tra. N., Kan. C.; Ex. State, Parsons.  1·;  (IJ  ::x>, U). """4  w  :x>  Z ~  C/J  I  ~  -·  ::: aq  ~  i-1,300 Chase N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Fid. +'· ~k. ,·:, Tl' .. and 1st N., Kan. 0.: 4th N., W1ch1a. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Midw. He!'ene 'l'r. Co., Kan. ~ 0 , O.; Hh N .. Wichita. 38.7-!0jlrving • .... •. Y.; Tra, N.and Droy,L'., Kan. C. ~ 51.7801 ... •. Bk. Com.,_·, Y.; 1st ... T. and Ficl. Tr., Kan. C. 60,000 Com·t N., Kan. C., Kan.  T.  Bk. &  76,530 Ban. N., N. Y.: 1st N,, N. Bk, Com., and InterState N., Kan. C. 112,000,New Eng. N .• Kan. C.; Allen Co. tate, Iola.  s»  :l  !:!?.  ::,  CIQ  115,8-10 Inter-State N. and Westport Ave .. Kan. C.: 4th N .• Wichita. 80,000 Lin. N., N. Y.: 1st N .• Chi.: 1st N .• Midw. Rt1 serve Tr. CC' .. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 21,000 Drov. N. and Inter.~ tatc X .. Kan. C.; 1 t .... Hutchimon. 29,000 Drov. N ., Kan. C.; Peo. N., Burlington.  ._ s»  34,000 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .• Kan, C: ::, Ex. N .• Atchison. C 55,000 New Ene. N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; North s» End tatc, Wichita.  ..,  10,350 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N .. Hutchin~on. 31,970  ::<  -  \0  tate Sav., Leav.; :Midw. Re'-'Pn 1.1 'l'r. Co., tv Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers -, Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State· Agent  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acce:i. , Lawyers Laws indexed) in back of thb  ~  II ■  513  ■  -  -  ■■-  I  .Number under Name or Bank i11 the New Tnnslt Number given to each bank in U.S. ei:cluslvely by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  I  __ =- _  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  0ASBill.  ';4  --=-==========::::....:====·-= _volull_!_o _For 1I1tere t ~a_!e_s, Ho~~-e!c., see Laws. ::S  :  NAME OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. fS ta te •Oounty Seats. Entire tateini'o.10 tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. rn~tab. Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Re:;.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Polnt (Indexed Acee:;.), Lawyer·, Laws (indexed) in IJack of thi  KANSAS-Continued .ASS'T CASHIER.  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES. P.uo-UP . SURPLUfl I DEPOS-  I  ~ .....a&Dre-  1TB A.ND CAPITAL _j PROFITS - - -  1  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Cmr&E:r-  Jlosoe, CH•Nots,D~• 8llC1J&ml8 rao>rBA,Ka., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  CTB.  c::  :»  '<.~  ~Larned ______ PawneeE 6 Farmers State Bank ___ .i5•07 W. L. BarJ _______ I. A. Webb-------- c. A. Webb------~- M. E. Moor ________ S 50,000 $ 25,000 S 475,000 S 450,000 $160,000 N.Bk.Com.,Midw.ReserveTr.Co .• Inter-State~ N., and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: 4th ., t-:, T. L. Milloway . , 83-200 . Pop. 313!1 Wichita. 820,3101 681,960 263,330 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Comw. N., Kan. C. 24,990 100,000 First State Bank: _______ •U 96 H. ~. Reed------- H. M. Halloway ___ B. L. Victor ____ H. L. Reed________ " -------" H. H. Reed i3-190  .I  I  A. H. MOFFET --- J.B. BROWN------ L. C. WINKLER ---· LEO BROWN ------  100,000  25,640  604,6401  916,480  179,110 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st '., Hutch1:on; N. Bk.Com., Kan.O.  112,000 Oom'l N., Kan. O.. Kan.; The State, Winfield.  Superi«>_r service on au banking m atters. TRY us. •:t"96 { FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentatlo n, and  MOFFET BROS. NAT'L BANK 83-198  TWENTY- FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per sonal at tentlon.  Latham_Poi>J~ller G 11 Peoples Sta\\]'18k ---- _if '03 J. p. Garnett -- ---- o. J. Briscoe------ J. K. Rankin _____ ----------- --- ----May Parker G J Parker • Johnson Latimer _____ Morris D 11 Latimer State Bank----•U'13 Clyde Kendall ---------------- · · ·--- ..... 83-1132 Pov. 125  12,000  36,000  200,000  150,000  20,000  6,000  180,00o·  160,000  25,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Columhia "., Kan. C.  d..awrence __ Douelas D 14 Pop. 12,Wi  2!i,OOO  7,000  140,000 I  118,000  45,000 Han.N.,N. Y.:~lidw.Rest>n·c'l'r. 1 0.aud Lib-~ ► erty Tr. Co., Kan. 0.  •c ITIzENs  STATE83-48BANKu·11  r  E. SPA lDIIG. ~: Rt. ns~rES----- C. w. SPARR ---- -------------------·  !  J. D.BOWEISOCK  *LAWIENCE NAT'L BK. •:t'88 83-43  J,~  en  (Does a General Banking B uaineaa. • Collect,ons p 1romptly made.  Farmers StateA& • av. Bap k: G. L. Kreeck ______ C. Schaake ________ J. H. anbon1. ______________________ _ 83--. 9 J. Q. A. Norton •+1'14 I. 0. tevenson  lki f Etrtc----- a. w. KUHNE -- ---- GEO. T. WETZEL --1  td  > 60,000  100,000  "  ..  --------  "  25,000  20,030  309,7i0 1 284,640  133.590  862,240 1,103,280  *WATKINS  100,000  ..,,  n·n  ■f'88  STATE SAVINGS BANK-•t§'02 ------- " 83-5 .. Wulfekuhler State Bk:. -•U'Ol ---- ---83-4 . . Lebanou _______ Smith B 7 First Nat1on1;I !!Jlnk: _____ •t'Ol 0 .,.,-...,2 Pop. 822 .. LebanonState Bank ___ •*f'87 ________ ·• 83-451  50,000  Sherman MediIL_ 0. H. Wulfek:uhler _  A. Lull _____________ 0. B. WiDepr _____  80,0001 ,  832,000  907,000  135,000: 1,200,000 11,000,000  ---1---  1  1  T.J. weeney, Jr. W. F. March. Sec._ - - - - - - ' Mgr. W. Bromelsick, Tr. 13,240 13,990 690 10,000 J. E. McCulloueh__ ____________________ ' 1,417,860 1,532,900 82,600 150,000 I Howard Gordon ___ Charles Hoyland._ I F. E. Carroll ______ D. D. Dickey ______ , 150,000 386,980 2.269,3801 2.111,770 I. B. Parmelee I S. C.Parker 1 30,0001 715,0001 660,000 H.R. Willson ___ W. s. Albrieht ____ c. w. Goss, Sec.___ 100,000 , E. n. Ly le 100,000 100,00011,300,000 1 1,000,0001 C. K. Snyder ______ J. C. Walker _____ P. Read________ H. W. Runkle C. W. Snyder 14,840 ' 1,246,360 1.052,780 100,000 T. I. Mains ________ F. M . Potter _______ W. B. Woodman___ , Wm. J. Bransfield 35,000 1,619,000i 1,550,000 150,000 E. R. Phelps _______ E. R. Phelps ••• ____ L. A. Miller________ F. A. Walter · L.B. Rutherford 31,650 11 385,100 . 377,800 25,000 E.T. Der,:e _______ P.A. Der,:e________ ____________________ I • 57.260! 306,790 352.920 25,000 H. I. Finch ________ J. L. Felton.______ _____________  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co IJ Tope ka, Kansas-1I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  465,700 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Fid. D> • '. Bk. & 'l'r. ancl Lt N., Kan. 0.  ::s  100,000  Leavenworth ~v. & Tr. Co. Hubert S, Tullock. 83 Manufactur~rs Nal Bank --- E.W. Snyder ______  ~ en  n, ,:lo  & Sav. Bank M. Newmark _____ C. W. McKeen ____ F. o. Whipple____ ____________________ *Merchants 2 . haw ______ F. C. Whipple J. W. r Bank -;•:~ *Merchants Nat~ _____ I J. S. Stover_______ F. Karch _____ W. i 17 C. W.McKeen A 83-.2 ~N~m~ *Peoples St\i~nk ___ •:tf'OS W. Bromelsick: ____ T. J. Sweeney _____ 1s. A. Wood _______ T. J. Sweeney, Jr._ L. N. Lewis  .,..-3  •. Bk. Com.,  Kan.O.  "1  La(J'rebnce<;ndlea!in1:House --- J.D.Bowersoct ___ 11. Newmark ______ w. Montee______ J. L. Church _______ I. o. Bradshaw Leavenworth__ Leav th First National Bank: _____ •:t'56 0. B. Taylor. Jr. __ M. B. Hamilton ___ W.N.Todd,Ch.o/Bd. T. T. Reyburn 83-1 Pop. 16,901 ..o 15 Leavenworth N at'1Bank•t'83 C. W. Goss _______ H. R. Willson ______ -------" 83- 2 --------  112,310 I 1.418,82) 1,115,420  102,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. N. and  Prompt Remit tance or reasons for non-payment given. llnt Mortsaces ·on Kansas wheat farms for sale. 1  11 J.uem erst teated b11 a*) Lawton ___ Che r okee G t5 Lawton Stat e Ba,,_pk -----U-19 J. . 83- 1.... 6 . , Pop. 200  •·  527,000  609,000  12,500  "U. S. Deposlto ry.,l \peclal atte ntlon given to col lectlons.  D. c. Asher._______ ff-tL BAIK •:t'88 J.B. Watkins _____ O• .l. HilJ _______ c. H. Tucker ______ W. E. Hazen  ~  l  11  70.080 Merch. N ., Lawrence. 220,520 Han. N., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Comw. N., Kan. O.: Cent. N .• Topeka. 202,000 N. C\ty, ~- Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Tr.Co. of Il,I., Ch1.; M1dw. Reserve Tr. Co. and Com. 'Ir. . Co., Kan. C. 420,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Ne~ Enr. N ., Inter-State N., and N. Bk:. Com .. Kan. O.· Merch.-Laclede N .. St. L. 5,560 Cent.Ex. T., Kan. C. 404,240 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: Drov. '. and Inter-State N., Kan. O.: N. Bk. Oom., t. L. 845,290 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N .• Chi.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: 1st N .. Kan. O.; TootleLary N., St. Jo. 185,000 Seab.,.J., N. Y.; Leav. N., Leav. S00,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C, 267,950 Han. N .• N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep .. Chi.: Midw. Re serve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Atchison. 165,000 N. Park:, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.: New Eng. N. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Com'I N., Kan. C., Kan. 85,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. 0. 36,380 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.,1 Kan. C.: Laclede~' .. t. L.; Am . .1. .. t. Jo.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  ,..  e. ,  g.D> ::S  O  ::,  514  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number iiven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• -- ~lrector>:!._~Dder !he auth_orlty_ of The _!~erlcan Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  KANSAS-Continued ~  NAME OF BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire ta.te in .. 'o.10 tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. !'.£deral Re_erve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estib. Lebo _ _ _ cotrey E 13 Lebo State Bank _______ •:S'84 Pop. 572 83-54' Peoples State Bank _____ i§'06 8Hi45 Lerompton. Doue-las D 14 State Bk:. of Lecompton •U'04 Pop. 310 83-911 Lehie-h ______ Marion E 10 State Bank of Lehie-h ___ :l:5'98 Pop. 3i0 83-650 Lenexa ____ Johnson D 15 Farmers State Bank ____ •*S'O( Pop. 4i2 83-912  P.B.ESIDDT.  VICE-PU:SIDJ:NT.  0.111BIJ:R.  ASS'T CA.SBIJ:K.  -  LIABILITIES.  PAID-UP  :su:;~us  CAPITAL PROFITS  -  DEPOSITS  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) 1n back of this Vt volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays. etc., see Laws . .,_ -···~  I  -  RESOURCES.  ~;t\t,~~~ ~:::  0  t,scoam:111  ·----  -  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ~~~.  rao"' Bun.  --- --- --- --- --- ---------------A.G. Tuller _______ C. E. Pickens ___ W. M. Traylor _____ W.W. Jones _____ S 85,000 S 17,500 t 300,000 S 290,000 $ . G. E. Ott---------- D. K. Kiser-------- A. C. E. Ott------- ------------------15,000 6,820 110,000 99,000  60,000 Imp. & Tra.N .. N. Y.: Com. Tr. Oo .. Kan. C.; Peo. N ., Burlington; Emporia State. Emporia. 16,000 Han. N ., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Far. State, Emporia. 29,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.  B. F. Wizer ________ W. F. Brass ------- J. W. Kreider ----- K. M. Kreider_____  10,000  20,000  150,000  151,000  E. R. Burkholder __ I. B. Huenergardt_ G. J. Huenere-ardt_ H. E. Dahl ____ _  20,000  5,000  175,000  190,000  15,000 1st N. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan, C.; 4th N ., Wichita.  S. B. Haskin _______ A. E. Wedd _______ E. H. Haskin _________________________ _  10,000  10,000  212,600  203,390  29,200 Cont. & Com'lN., Chi.: Midw. Reserve Tr.Co., Kan c., Mo.; Com'l N., Kan. C.  Lenora _______ Norton B 4 Exchange Bank ________ •if'86 S. Larrick ______ R.H. Knox ________ W. L. Leidig _ _____ R. Cheesman _____ _ Pop. 520 83-610 F. R. Born  50,000  23,500  520,890  493,200  Larson ____ _  20,000  25,000  275,000  360,000  F. T. Hopp _ _ _ R. J. Cabeen ------ E. F. Blake ________ H. E. Richardson ••  15,000  7,000  91,000  88,000  98,450 Inter-State N., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., N. Bk. Com., and Drov. N., Kan. O.; Tootle-Lacy N .. St. Jo. 50,000 N. City, N. Y.: Atchison Sav., Atchison; Cont. ~ N •• Kan. C. 16,000 New En2', N., Kan. C.: 1st N., Wichita; Eldor- Z ado N., Eldorado. . C/l 45,000 c~:.~·,' N. Y.; (th N., Wichita: N. Bk.Com., )>  Farmers State Bank ____ tl'09 83-611 I..con. ________ Butlcr F 11 Farmer· tatc Bank •.. •t§'l7 Pop. 42i 83- 1252 " " State Bank or Leon ____ •tl'03 83-913 Leona---- Doniphan B 18 Farmers Bank ____ -----•U '95 Pop. 20.J 83-914 Leonardville -- Riley C 11 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Pop. 325 83-1i53 U-03 Leonardville State Bk. __ i§'89 83-652 •Leoti---- ___ Wichita E 2 First State Bank _______ t§'92 Pop. 392 83-682 " " Leoti State Bank ________ t§'06 83-683 Le Roy _______ Coff'ey E 13 First National Bank ____ .::,·02 Pop. 815 83-915  "  "  L vant ______ Thoma· Pop. 100  o2  Chris Georgeson __ Joseph Zahner ---- Leonard Allen _____  c. M.  M. W. llarshalL __ F. E. King ___ ---- W. S. Marshall ____ _ ________ J. A. Marshall kena _______ T. D. Lyons ________ B. J. Heeney _____ _  10,000  15.000  325,000  280,000  A.. 0. Delaney _____ J. G.  20,000  7,000  261,000  221,500  C. P. Johnson _____ F. M. Lindstrom __ F. L. Bigelow ___________________ _  10,000  13,990  85,410  65,210  William UhlenhOD- Chas. Johnston ____ E. Nickelson ______ Joseph Pelischek __ ldr W. c. Dickey ______ Hugh Glenn _______ R. E. Hollister_____ Fern Preedy -------  10.000  10,000  180,000  110,000  10,000  12,861)  115,500  114,000  Geore-e Wae-ner. ___ \Vm. Rees--------- Hufh Rees ________ L. E. Gorsuch----Rose Wagner H.J. mith _______ FrankFockele _____ L. V. Watson ______ George Sims---- ---  10,000  Afi,780  255,700 1  280,000  25,000 '  9,000  250,000  230,000  PEOPLES STATE BANK  F. W. chmitt__ ___ A. . Van TordGarth :McMillen .. __________________ _ l:!3-12i0 t'18 ·trand tate Bank _____ ;§'16 A. Lauterbach_____ . II. Alexander --- W. A. Touslee _______________________ _ 3- 1224  15,000  3,000  55,000  65,000  Levant  10,000  8,650  113,250  105,780  30,000  24,000  128,840  209,720  Lewis _______ EdwardsF 6 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:i•o3 W. M. Hawley _____ 0. V. Ray __________ L. P. Weaver ______ E. E. Fisher ______ _ Pop. 439 83-546 " " HOME STATE BANK---•t§'04 J. F. Malin-------- F. P. Smith________ L. W. Hilbish ______ ----------------83-547  50,000  5,000  350,000  tate Bank .•. •*1'07 Chas. Summers ____ E.T. Guymon _____ Frank Summers ___ J. W. Ie-ou ________ _  50,000  28,420  443,390  415,440  First "ational Bank ____ •t'03 J.E. Georre _______ L.A. Etzold _______ C. E. Woods. ______ C. W. Law _______ _ 83-283  50,000  25,000  646,000  599,000  ♦ 83-284  PEOPLES STATE BANK•W14 .l. E. Blake ________ 83- 1153 Liberty _____ Mont1?omery Liberty State Bank ____ •H'04 Lewis Billine-s _____ Pot>. 247 G 13 83-916 LiebenthaL __ .,. Ru h D 6 tate Bank of Liebenthalt§'l7 Frank Wray _______ Pop. 500 3 1248 Lillis ______ tar hall B 12 tate Bank of Lillis ----•i§'lo F. G. Millick ______ Pop. 150 83-917 •Lincoln _____ Lincoln D 8 Pop. 1613  FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 83-30g  •:•03  Paul W. Light__ ___ T. A. T02arden ____ J. N. Evans-------  25,000  26,800  306,400  213,800  John H. Tole ______ G. H. BechteL ____ Anna Starts ______ _  20,000  6,310  133,420  126,600  Adam Herrman ____ C. P.  chaffer----- - - - - - - - -  16,000  3,000  35,0001  53,000  J. T. Harrington ___ J.P. Redmond ____ --------------------  15,000  5,500  75,0001  60,000  W. 8. McBRIDE----- A. R. HALL--------- J. F. McREYNOLDS --- F. J. AUFDEMBERGE-J. F. McREYNOLDS INEZ JOSLIN  25,000  42,270  450,000  470,000  l  ________  I :atine  I  .1:·.  Bk. Com., Kan.C.  I  1\ me of Bank is the New Transit Number  ven  0  s·  5'  -" ~  139,600 New Ene-.N.,Midw.Rcserv& Tr. Oo .. andCom. Tr., Kan.C.: State Ex .. Hutchinson. 28,520 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Com'! N., Independence. 12,000 Com'! .i: • and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan.C.; Far. and Merch. State, La Crosse. 15,000 ~Iidw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. State, Marysville. 51,000 Drov. N., Kan. 0.:  .._ ll)  ::, c::  20,000  21,000  170,0001  180,000  50,000  32,000  507,2001  552,500  20,000  10,000  175,0001  150.000  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY &, SURETY Co 1, Topeka., KansasJI  "CT  16,880 Han. T., . Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr .. Kan. C.; r+ 0 Far. & Merch. State, Colby. lnter-State N., Kan. C.: Farm. Mtge. Tr. Co .. ~ 45,600 Topeka; 1st N ., Hutchinson. 125,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., and C') N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Citiz., Hutchinson: 0 Union Stock Yds. T., \Vichita. 112,100 Liberty ., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Inter-State N. and 1st N., Kan. C.: Bk. of Topeka, Topeka: Com'l N ., Hutchinson. 230,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Oom'l N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Wichita.  Credit Reports 50c.  - ____ •U'l!0 A. Marshall_ _______ Geo. Hawkins _____ J. A. Bchellinrer ___ I D.R. MarshalL ___ _ Y II ~ y Uank 3-:{07 L. F. Ryan Lincolnville. tarlon E 10 Lincolnvillc St'ltt> Bank_a·oo H.J. Tiemeier _____ Chas. Pritz ________ A. F. Holme-ren --- Walter Windler--- , 1 Pop. 2fi0 83- !11 , , Number under Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z  This bank offers prompt. effecttv e service on all c ommerclal busln ess. lgbt drafts; re e In advance: Ilic minimum If unp aid; 26c mlnlmu m If pa Id.  Lincoln Sta to Bank ___ •U"94 L. V. Minx ________ E. A. McFarland __ E. Rees ----------- II. Minx__________  C/l  16,100 Drov. N. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Oo., Kan. ~ O.; 1st N ., Great Bend. C/l 25,000 Com '! N., Kan. c .. Kan.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. C. ~ 50,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C. 8,000 Comw. ' . and  150,000  •LiberaL ____ seward G 3 Oitizen Pop.3613  62,700 Chase N., N. Y.; .Am. N., St. Jo.  41,310 Drov. T·• Kan. C.: Leav. N., Leav.; Bk. or'. tD Topeka, Topeka. 1::r> 90,000 Ex. State, Kan. C., l{an.  25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C. I  46,650 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Inter- 1:_. State N. and 1st N., Kan. C. 34,000 Met. Tr. Co.. . Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C., r-.:> nion Stock Yds. N., Wichita.  '°  Fidelity and Depository .Bonds for Banks .and Bankers  Kansas Bankers Ass'n  ll) "1  '<  (w. w. BOWMAN, Secy.)  ···• ,.  l  ,  , ,.,.,  _,  ,  Topeka, State Agent  •  •  • ,  -  515  Number under 1\ me or Bank i■ the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. es:eluslvel7 by The Band-MeNallf Bankers• Dlreeto17, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  =~•  To!"cfo::: •Mem.~EB~.B_t;~!: IState Entire State in o.10 ::Mem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. •~lem. Fed. Hes. [Estab.  - - - - - - - - -·l--  -  PJlESIDJCNT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, (indexed) in back of this ._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays,, see Laws. ~  KANSAS-Continued  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASBill.'T CASHIER.  ----=LI=~=B=~==L=-~T=-=:==aES=-:....- - - 11 1..o -- .... -=R.:.c:sc..,;Duo_o_;;_~-~..;._~ES-.-, :-ExPAID-UP Alm DJDPOS0 CuIT.u. Paor1Ta ITS ' ~ · ~: ~  -:...._---'-'----=--'-'---'-+-------1-------11-------1-------I--- - - - - - - -  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE...'iTS.  ~ .•  -  ~  --  LindsboI"£ •••• McPherson Commercial State Bk .. -•:tl'06 A. B. Jenkins•• ·--· Fred Erickson •••• _ G. E. Eberhardt ••• H. Gibson---·- S 40,000 S 43,060 S 524,090 S 556,580 S 88,420 Chase N., N. T.; Inter-State N. and N. Bk. ~ Com .. Kan. C.: Boatmens. St. L. Pop, 1897 E9 _ 83-263 80,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Com'l N., Kan. C., Kan.; GEORGE W. SHIELDS L. NORDBERG ........ J. T. S. REED ........ EBBA FORNBERG. ____ 30,000 27,000 535,000 500,000 Comw. N., Kan. C. ELMER E. PETERSON ······-- " FARMERS STATE BAIi We offer Promp t, Meetlve Servle eon all eommerc lal business. 83-262 •:tl'86 { Fee In advance on sight drafts , 15e minimum If unpaid, 25e min lmum I r paid. • Credit Reports 2ie.  Linn··- Washington B 10 Pop. 282 Linwood •. -Leavenworth Pop. 364 C 14 Little River _____ Rice E 9 Pop. 749 " ·-·----· " Loe-an_····-·-Phillips B 5 Pop. 585 "  ·--·-·-·  First NationalBank ___·_.•i·s2 Chas. Lander •• __ E. P. Chandler. 83-261 Active C. F. Norstrom Exchange State Bank -•t1'86 M. F. Southwick-•• H.J. Meierkord .•• 83-919 Linwood State Bank ---•-W03 A. A. Bowen.·--··· H. B. Browning_._ 83-920 Citizens State Bank·-···-1'96 W. H. Burke·-···· G. G. Green ····-· 83-490 Little River State Bank.-*1'04 0. C. Shumway·-·- T. F. Downine--···83-491 First National Bank ···-•.i·so W. M. Dunni112 ••• _ J. J. Wiltrout··-·· 83-459 A. Dougherty  "  !State Bank of Loe-an __ ._:tf'l3 83-460 Lone Rim.Anderson E 1' Lone Elm State Bank .. •U'07 Pop. 175 ~21 Lon e tar __Doue-Ias D 14 Lone Star tate Bank ••• :tl'l7 Pop. 35 83- 1255 Lonetorj<>P_- 01ay O 10 Citize■s !tat~nk •• -.•:1'02  8,j,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Midw. Rl.'sorvc Tr. Co .. Kan. C.  C. M. Norstrom-·· 0.1. Swenson ____ _  50,000  16,000  350,000  310,000  H.J. Meierkord ••• Marvin Raven .•••• R. L. Chesnut T. W. Martin •••••• Dorothy Stratford_  25,000  17,000  295,920  297,360  40,560 Drov. N., Kan. C. : Citiz. State, Topeka.  189,270  17,520 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Lawrence N .. Lawrence.  10,000  8,600  200,000  E. E. Stephenson •• --··-··-·· ···--·--··  25,000  20,830  287,9501  299,470  A. P. Crandall ••••• D. K. Grimes·-·- ··  20,000  7,000  150,000  150,000  D. L. Noone·-··--· J. W. Baird_ ••••••  30,000  17,000  501,000  363,000  A.Newman ••••. _._ T. W. Wiltrout •• _. 0. W. Holmes ••••• A. M. Lappin ••. -•• w. S. Lappin .T. V. Lintner_····- A. M. Lombard •• __ W.W. West. •••••• M. G. WesL ••••• __ B. B. Broadhacker J.M. Flory •••• __ E. E. Lutz __ ···-·- W. H. Ulrich-·-··· D. L. Burton, .Sec.  15,000  8,000  140,000  110,000  201,000  . Park. . Y.; Drov. N .. Inter-State N., and ~' .Bk.Com., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N. and Am. N., St. Jo. 30,000 Seab. N., Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C. ~ T .  6,110  189,560  167,290  2,390  48,720  49,780  J. L. Warner •••••• S. Marty·-·-·····-- Isabella Marty ••••• Oliver Karty ...... .  15,000  23,330  177,480  192,240  23,560 Tra. N. and Inter-State N., Kan. C,  Lone- 18Jand_.P hillips B 6 Commercial State Bank •:1'87 Giffen Clllbertson •• M. E. Culbertson __ Lloyd G.Calbertson ····-·- --···--·--Pop. Z 6 83~78 •• ·--····· " Farmer · State Bank .• -•t§'ID . Dougherty___ • H. A. Bethkt>-···-· C. W. Starr __ •••• •• ·--·-··-··-··· 83·1301! J. M. Graham  15,000  lD,520  251,780  220,080  66,210 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st ~-, Kan. 0.: St. Jo. Stock Yds., So. St. Jo.; Live tock N., Oma. 42,800 Drov. N. and N. Bk Com., Kan. C.; Downs N .• Downs. 43,530 Drov. N., Kan. O.; Citiz. N., Independence.  Lon,zton._ ..•. -.-Elk G 12 Pop. 5 3 .. ..  HOME HTIOHL BAIK-•t'l0 83·517  Longton State Bank ••••• 1'13 811-1144 . Lorra ine __ . Ell~worth D 3 Lorrame Sta te nBa nk ___ . il'07 Pop. 2a0 83-,,23 · Lost Sprinrs.Marioll :S 10 Lost Sprinr:.,s~te Bk. -•il'89 Pop, 261 .,...,24 Louisbure .••• 1liami D 15 Bank of Loi~~u re-. ·-·•:tl'80 .. POD, 566 . _ . -., 25 ··---·-" Fir ·t ~ at10f.t.urink ••• _•t·20  G. E. cox......... C. L.  cox..... __ ---- w. A. cox ·-··~·--·pedal att~ntl~ n given _BIii or La ding draft·, Cash and Time Items.  { Please send 15c wi  15,000  2,210  130,000  100,0li0  25,000  7,620  236,960  Zri0,550  th mch szght draft fo r p1 esentation and 25 c for Credit Reports.  1  o. L. Mowrer ..•.• - c. Earl  15,000 10,000  5,150  129,430  114,730  10,000  175,000  140,000  25,000  13,120  136,400  147,940  25,000  37,000  262,000  313,000  25,000  5,600  90,000  75,000  Lovewel~oi,~·doewell Ba Lovewell 8\~tnk_._e:tf'll W. S. Lower-·-·-· C. J. Taylor-··-··- H. E. Bramwell ___ G. F. Bramwell--·  10,000  1,050  45,450  40,000  Lucas •••. •••• R11111ell D 7 Farmers State Bank ••• •U'OO Pop. 651 . . U-531 " ··---··· " Jr1rst Nation a1-5:e:,_nk ••••• •j'88 83 "" Ludell-.. ·-··Rawlin1 B 3 Farmers Stt~_ltnk •... t§'19 ., Pop. 150 .. --·-··· · Ludell ltate ~ ~J·-····•U·M 83 9 Luray••• ---·· Bnssell O 7 Farmers sta,.te Bank. __ •!l'l6 8.,-12 29 Pop. 475 " ....... " Firat Natioi;1 tnk •••• •1900 9 D 11 Fir t N ti Ba k j'04 •Lrndoo_ ..... Osare s a o -4 n ·····39 Pop. 782  25,000  14,100  144.050  167,040  ________  ..  C. G. Brown _______ A. F. Torrence •••• F. A. Vopat__·-···- Harry L. Mansfield Ross McKown R. T. Fowler···--· R. c. Fowler-··-·- H. W. Wilcox •••••• H.B. Sperry·-·-··· E. Harris Lula Mae Fowler John Focke.·-··--· J. E. Foster __ _____ H.F. Dunker_ .• ___ B. M. Tobias·--·-··  18,000  130,000  240,000  2,000  143,040  137,530 210,000  40 000 ' 18 250 ' 53 550 ' 36,000  g  8,850 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. C.  15,000  227,000  4,000  75,000  95,000  W. P. O'Brien ••••• G. W. Elliott•••••. _ John F. Dawe-·-· J. A. O'Leary -···· C T . Gene~iE!ve Shull . . e1hart·--··· J. S. Lane.·-··-··· ------·-··----- Ada Neihart.--•--  40,000  37,000  210,000  295,000  25,000  10,000  I 235,000i  245,000  35,000  LJ'odon ••=-....~-----il'Ol T. J. Crum--~----- R. N. Killer _______ R. N. Morris _______ Olive O. Morris ___ _  10,000  15,000  240,000 1  rno,ooo l  75.000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Kan. C.  co Tope ka, Kansas-1 If  I  :,  20,160 Far. N., Salina; Midw . R~serve T!· Co,. and Tra. N .. Kan. C.: Cent. ., Junct10n City. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com,. Kan. C.; Far. ' .. Salina. 16,600 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Oma. ~T·• Oma • 42,000 1st N .. Oma.: Drov. N. and Midw. RP.serve Tr. Co .. Kan. O.; tate Bk. of Atwood. ~J'"fOOd. 10,000 Fid. N. Bk. · Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., W1ch1ta.  10,000  w. L. Bunten••• _._  t'4  ~  Ohatham&PhenixN.,N. Y.;New Ene-. N.,Kan. Q. C.; Cent. .i:"' .. Ellsworth: Am. N .• Hctuhinson. o Chatham & Phenix N ., N. Y .; N. Bk. Com. :, and Secur. N .• Kan. C. • Com'! N., Kan. C.: Kan. Midw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. c. :mami Co. N. , Paolo. Columbia N .. Kan. C.  15,000  Henry Rodenbeek. Frank Cerny····-- C. E. Gloss-·-·-·-· -··-··-····---······  l!UAHAN I y a, v. SURETY I \) U THE HANKtH \J~ utuu~11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  50,000 20,000  34,850 Oom. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Oom 'l N., Independ• ®~.  --··--··-··········  83  ~  ~  Shupe···- · · - · · - - - - -  al  5•  o.  0  W. F. Dyer •••••••• ~.Murphy····-···- C.H. White·-···- Lona Lee Barackman . . Gladys Lucas William Plooe-•• --. W. J. Splitter•.•.. - ,V. H. Wagner ••••• ········-··--··· -··  W. A. Buzick·--·- J.B. Markley-····  t'4  IJQ  P. J. Weaver·-···· Chas. ElliotL .• _._ D. A. Glenn--····- Hugh Lee _____ L. L. Gardner C. D. ;Rogers. ______ G. A. FerreJL_ ••• E. F. Allen .•••••• _. J. W. Starry •.••••  ••  I  Oldest and Lar ge 't Bank.  E. E. Earsom._. ___  tif >  Z  40,020 Inter-State . and 1st T., Kan. C.; Iola State. ~ Iola; 1st. ., Colony. YJ 10,020 Far. State & av .. Lawrence.  20,000 10,000  155  X  > 64,310 1st N. and Drov. N .• Kan. C.; 1st N .. Hutchin• Z son. YJ 25,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and :Midw. Reserve Tr. Co .. > Kan.C.: Cent. State, Hutchinson. YJ  35,000 N . Park,~'· Y.; Com'l N., Kan. C. Kan.; Far. N .. Salina. . Bk. Com., Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  u,  514 516  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number ~v•  to each n•-... bank in.. U...S. excluslvel:,, by The Rand-McNallf Banker .  Number under Name or Bank I.a the New Transit Number dven to eaoh bank in U. S. e:s.cluslvelf by The Rand-McNallf Bankers• !!lreetory, under t~e autho~~~f The ~merle~n Banker~ Ass•~  • TOWN .LVD co-;-..;:Y,  I  Non-Bank To·l\'n with Nearest Banking Point (Jndt•xed Acc~s.), Lawyers. Laws (Indexed) in back of thlsr CJ1 _ volu~e. _J•or Interest Rates, Holidays, etc, sre Laws. -  KANSAS-Continued  NAME OF BANK.  ~I~B!LITIES.  •County Seats. , •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §S~te Entire State in No.10 ,tMt>m. State Bks. Assn. tPnv. Federal Reserve DL trict. ♦:Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  PRESIDENT,  Ass'T CASHIER,  CASHIER,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  -  ---  ----  DEPOS·  CAPITAL PRAO~~TS  ITS  --  LYONS EXCHANGE J. H. EBLE---····· C. A. DEAN ..••.•••• H. G. DODDRIDGE ••• ·--···-···-······· S  •LJons ••••••••.• Rice B 8 Poo. 2516  BANK  --  -  .t  00 ~  D11 1::•  50,000  10,000  180,000:  230,000  C. ". ShenkeL .••• E.W. 1fauch-·-···  25,000  3,500  250,000  235,000  S. G. Wiles •...••• _ H.B. Breneman_._  12,000  40,000  220,000  260,000  J, H. McMorran ..• W. J. Eichenberger  25,000  75,000  450,000  450,000  W. H. Hamer •.•••. •··---···---. W. o. Waymire ••.• ·-········--····--·-  25,000  11,000 · 197,610  199,il0  25,000  11,000  240,000  195,000  Ohester E. Fellay_. George , rhurter __  18,000  12,000  225,000  213,000  0. W. MUler .•..•• - ~err7 Ifatch---···-  10,000  17,000  156,000  178,000  ········--· ········ - W. J. Mulholland .. ·······-··-····--···  10,000  13_,ooo  90,000  08,500  Eany Kelly •. ···-· J. II. ~ eal ···- ---· N. lL eaL •••• __ _  10,000  7,500  115,000  105,000  50,000  li,6-10  46J,000  456,000  25,000  125,000  140,000  ll:i,000 1 800,000  800,000  I  Maize State Bank •.... •U'06 S. B . .Amidon ..•. _ 83-930 Manchester State Bank •. U'05 1J.C. Krisher ••.... 3 3 S -41 l J. PRATT·-··· CITIZENS STATE BANK•t§'l3 The bank that 83-127 Charges Reason li'armers & Stockmens State , F. G. Bergen ·-··-· Bank .•••. 83-128 •••.•.•t§'20 First National Bank ···-•t'8i Geo. S. :Murphey •• _ 83-124  {s.  .  \ . '' ,Coonrod  ":,,_~:o~~••  --- - ---  L. D. ARNOLD ..... C. T. GIST········- R. C. BARR~·--···  100.000  C. B. DAUGHTERS - EMIL THOES ...... T. J. RAGLAND ....  50.000  35 000  320,000  325,000  F. A. FLOERSCH --·· C. E. FLOERSCH ... ····-··-············ eclalty and remit  50,000  35,780  593,410 I  674,420  •Kankato ..... Jewell B 8 ' Farmers National Bank-•t'20 Geo, H. Case···-· M. M. Kirkpatrick. E. H. Howard .•••. -········-··--·····Pop };\?fi 83·1359 rch. B·meeutter  25,000  W. W. RAMEY ... MANHATTAN STATE BANK { Special attentto 83·126 U'06 Try us. fntelll J. B FLOERSCH UNION NATIONAL BANK.•t•sg { Collections asp  n given to collect Ions. Prompt re mlttance. gent reaMons for non-payment.  too on day of pay ment. Prompt attentl on to all banking matter .  ~-125  50,000  42,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; lstN., Kan C.; lstN .. Wichita. 35,000 Comw .... Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and _lirlw. ~e erve Tr. Co .. Kan. C.: State Ex .. Hutch mson; 1st N., Wichita. 15,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Citiz., Hutchinson; S. W. State, Wichita. 100,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.· 1st N Kan O · K· "n N., Wichita. ' " • ., ... 21.420 Han. N., N .. Y.; 1 ' Bk. Com,, Kan. C.; Citiz. ~ N., Emporia. 95,000 N.Bk.Com .. N. Y.;Cent.N.,Topeka:Com'IN., )> Kan.O. Z 42,870 Inter-State N. and Columbia~·., Kan. C.; Citiz.' rn N .• Emporia. )> 12,000 Drov. N .. Kan. 0.: Com'l ... T. , Kan, c., Kan.; 1 rn 1st N .. St. Jo.: Goodrich Bros. Banking Co I _and l.t -· .. Fai burv. Neb. · ~ 12,000 Fid._N._ Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: Southwe,;t tate w Wichita. • 23,000 Com'! . T ., Kan. C.: Abilene • T .. Abilenr; 1st N., Z Atchison. ~ 8!,220 :Mech.& . Ietals N., . Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. en  >  1  gefs out and mak es Collections. able. . • . . E. F. Apit,:._--··~- W. R. \ enawme ·- A. C. Apitz ···- ···. · . i C. F. Little-······ J. O. Ewme--·····- :.\1. S. pencer · ··-·  "  l  25,000 N, Bk. Com., N. Y.; Kan. Reserve State Topeka; Columhia. N .. Kan. c. ' l 240,000 N,fit:v, N. Y.: Corn 1£x. N .. Chi.; 1st.·. Fid. ~- Bk. & 'I'r. aud Dro".. }{,, Kan. C.: Cf'nt. ::l r: ., Topeka.; 1,;t N .. \'\ icluta. 00 .>0,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Inter 'talt• N., Kan. 0.:  3  o  136,760 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., ~ Kan. C. ll.l  I  ..,  I  . '.  ..  ..  {J.P. FAIR·-····· MANKATO NAT'L BANK.•t'87 1 Tbeoldestbank 83-358 Collections rece STATE EXCHAJQE BANK D. H. Statrord·-···  5,000  60,000  47,000  D. WOODS-······- N. M. FAIR ···--··- C. F. DRAKE-·-···· 50,000 5 ,990 In Jewell county. Modern methods In all departme.:1 ts of ba nkln&. Ive special atten tlon. .. I. McLean._. ___ L. H. taft'ord __ .. _ A. R. Wiley _····-60,000 30,000  430,510  45-1,240  ---83-3.>0 •if87 )(aplehlll-WabaunseeD'l2 Stockirowers State Bank ,Franklin Adams ••• H. G. Adams .••••. - Franklin A. Adams Howard Adams.... Pop. 255 . 83--932 •U'06 . Kapleton ••• Bourbon R15 Citizens State Bank •• •• u·o2 A. J. BalL .•••••.• Joseph Faulhober. Wm. W. Ball •••••. n. Britton·······Pop. 230 83-033 .llartetta .... YarshallB 11 Marietta State Bank ••••• u•og . \V. BulL...••.•• Fred Ohcrmeyer •• F. O. Weber •••••. -········ ······ · ···· Pop. 60 83-934 I ~  I  •Marion ••.•• Marion E 11 Pop.192  f ARMERs &  E. K. ROGERS •••••• J. W. GARDNER-···· J. R. HEYLE •• ••.• -. J. D. MclNTOSH --·· Marlon's Modern Bank of  DROVERS NAT.BK. 83-1245  •!'17 - - - - - - -  -  ~w~!~on:::~:·  - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - , - - ·- MARION NATIONAL BANK J. F. Whaley ••••.• A. It Hawkin ·on . -1A, E. Uawkinsou •• l Walter. iebert ··-· 83·270 •i'05 G. ll. Lilley state Bank or Commerce j Isaac Good···-···· J oho Powers ...... Josiah Good···---· J. E. Good --·---·· 83·269 •tl'll3 I  n BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY 1UE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  517  O'I  4-0,000 ,$ 18,000 $ 630,000 $ 452,800 $ 235,200 Han. N .• N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Bk. com., Kan.O.  A. W. Volkmann __ .M ark De Witt_ •••.  n·ss  "  PRINCIPAL CORRESPON;E~TS,  Cua .t E:r-  -----  83-246 •U'87 Lyons Tational Bank ..•U900 H. K. Lindsley ••••• Jesse Ainsworth ••• 83-247 . W. M. Lasley PEOPLES STATE BANK { Harvey _Wig~ins_ 1G._ O. Schumacher_ _ •t§'l7 (Collrctwn~ a Rp ccHtltll) 83 1243 I Macksville ••• Statrord F 7 Farmers & :Merch.State Bank J. W. M.cKibben __ 'A. Campbell-···--Pop, 753 83-505 •U'07 I " •••••••• " Macksville State Bank •tl'92 A.. G. Enilish __ •••· A.. II. Aitken ••..•• 83-50-1 Jladison_GreenwoodE 12 Farmers State Bank .• -•t§"l6 J. T. Braddock ..•. A. E. Imthurn ..••. Pop, 705 83-1201 . . " ....•••• " FIRU NATIONAL BANK•:•go N. McG1Ivra1 •••••. T. J. Robmson •• -•• 83--454 1 --··-··· MADISON BANK .....• -E. F. Fellay ·-····· Gustave F. Fellay. 1 1!3--453 E. B. Shafl'er KahaskaWashinitonBl0 Mahaska State Bank ••• •tl'02 , F. W. Lowe·-···· C. W . .Miller---··· Pop, 210 83-4129  llalze ..... Sedgwick F 10 Pop. 169 llanchester ••• Dickinson 263 Pop. O lO •Hanhattan •••. Riley o 11 Pop. 7989 " •••• _. •• "  Ic'::;_.N, i:  RE-SOURCEs":""°  PAID·UP SoRPLUB  275,000,  300,000  12,500  13,500  140,000.  140,000  J  N .. N. Y.; C•  lidw.  RC!-01'\"C  Tr. Co ..  g·  Com .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., C,; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.  60,000 N. Park, N. Y.; lnter-State N., Kan. O,; Am. N., St. Jo. 15,000 Inter-State N., Kan.O.; Bk. of Topeka, Topeka.  10,000  10,000  170,000  140,000  10,000  2,500  48,000  48,000  25.000  8,000  130,000  141,000  10.000 Columbia N.,Kan. C.; N. Shawmut, Bo .• I ::l  '< 54,000 N. Rk. Com., N. Y.: Inter- tatc T., Kan. C.; :_. 1st N .• Wichita. '° 131.180 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. Kan. C.: l!'lL .• Wichita. w  25,000 Tra. N., Drov. N., and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; Citiz. ~ ., Ft. Scott. 15,000 N. Bk. Com. and .Mi<lw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; I tr ., Marysville.  ------  ---·--- -  -  25,000  13,000  465,000  425,000  30,000  33,460  435,840  31i2, 130  co Topeka Kansas ' 19  95,000 Chase Kan. 114.060 N. Bk. Kan.  '  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers -, Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.} Topeka, State Agent  Non-Bank Towns with Near~st Bank~ng Point (In•  ~  ~  •-  517  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallJ Bankers•  KANSAS--Con~ tin ued___  Directory, under the_ authority of T!J.e A.mer!can Bank~-:_s•n. ~MF, 011' B,L·K.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 5S tate •County , e.ats. Entire State in ro.10 tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab,1 Federal Reserve Di ·trict. ♦)lem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  I  I v ICE-PRESIDENT.  ________  EXCHANGE BANK OF SCHMIDT & KOESTER  ..  •U-70  83-231  -  -  I  - --  PAID-UP SURPLUS AND C --1 APITAL PROFITS  141  LoA!fa,1,Dr..  I  I ,_  '""  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Ill  0AsH&:E:,:.  c'T•. Bo~o•, ceuG"",Du ■  ~ ~  "1  HO>I IlAYK8, - - -  '::  - -- - -- - - -~ -  186,000  30,000 1st N.. Kan. C.; Plan. State, Salina.  40,160  243,930  91,140 N. Bk. Com. and Inter-State • .• Kan. C.; Far. • N .. Salina. 75.000 Am. N., t. Jo.; 11idw. Re. erve Tr. Co., Kan. C.  20,000  0  1',)  274,910 1  450.000  ALEX SCHMIDT ----- C. J. D. KOESTER --- ,S. C. SCHMIDT ------ 6. P. SCHMIDL----1f. J. OLSON  75.000  30.000  i00,000 I  chulte _____ _  75,000  45,550 1 965,410 1,285,450  David McKee ______ Henry Roe-ler _____ N. Gosier _____________________________ _  10,000  8,000  100.000  65,000  G. F. Elliott_ _______ , V. R. Lune-er ______ \\'. E. Kell ___ ________________________ _  10,000  5.620  77.910  91,ii0  R. L. Miller ________ W. C. Cooney----- W. A. Cooney _____ H. D. Jones ______ _  25,000  10,000  185,000  150,000  15.0C0  4.500  120,000  125,000  50,000  25,000  32:i,000  300.000  15.000  15,000  300,000  350.000  8,160 Tra. N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Prudential Tr. Co., Topeka. 48,000 Inter-State N. and I!'id. N. Bk. & 'fr., Kan. C.; a, . ,.CPnt. N., Tooeka. _ 1.:>,000 BHI. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.: UmonStockYds.N., Wichita: Kan. Re ·crve tate. Topeka. 56.000 N. Bk. Com., New Eng. ·., and 1st N., Kan. C.· P~an.~_tat~. alina; Peo. N .. Kan. c .. Kan.; ~ en 4th -'- ., \\ 1rh1ta. 50,000 Com'! ·. an<l Fie!. •. Bk. c· 'l'r., Kan. G.  1:i,000  6.500  265,000  20:5,000  65,000 1st N,:, Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com.,. t. L.  10.000  11,000  230,000  205.000  54.0oo ' Cont.&Com·JN.,Chi.; N.Bk . Com., Kan.  20,000  1,500  186.000  42,000  400,000 720,000  I  1  I  A. E. Alexander ___ E.T.  tewart__ ____ W. E. Stewart _____ Ethel F. English __  E. S. Chenoweth __ J. E. Andrews _____ ,J. W. Chenoweth __ S. Edith Chenoweth  r  1  85,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .• Chi.: 1st N. and New Eng. ., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N. and Burne N., St. Jo.: Oma. · ., Oma. 133,980 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.: Tootle• ~ N •• St. Jo. 40,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.  >  z  en > en  > Z  I  ~  c.  ~  I  .J. 11. Payne ____ ____ .J. Ferguson _______ .J. II. Howard __ ___ F. Il. Cone-leton __ _ I ,\lall (;r<'Cn ____ __ -------------------- I-I. D. Hughes __ ______ _______ ______ _  10,000  5,000  150.000  12:i.000  F.J. Wagner_ ____ _ .M ••T. Hurni__ _____ _ Geo. 6·011er ________ Gertrude .i: ·oller __ _  10,000  6.00U  102,000  89,000  teepcr ____ _  25,000  40.000  350,000  325,000  Da,·ict E<lmond .· ___ J. ,\. mark __ ______ .A. L. Casebier _____ L. L. Davi:on, ~ tc ..  15,000  20,000  120,000  13 .000  20,000  10,000  350.0001  29:,,000  25,000 I  30,000  395,000  375,000  15,000  850,000  832.000  William Stout__ ____ . II. II. KimmeL ____ . E.  c.  Steever_ _____ II. W.  1  --------1.T. W. Inirram __ ____ ________ --- ---- ---Home State Bank _______ u·o3 C. F. Mine-en back __ IJ.M. Grattan ______ IB. Harms __________ 0. L . .Mitrhell ____ _ • 83-150 1  1  "  1  McPHERSON & CITIZENS •is·97 STATE BANK 83-156  M. T. FLETCHER -- W. S. B~KEY-------..C. A. GRANT ____ __ __ E. L. KRUETER-----W. M. ANDERSON 2T~thLER  I  i. t  FEE IN ADVANCE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum,  100.000  ....  5·  (IQ  (D  c. Vaniman ________  Bert Webb ________ _  50.000  18.500  583.000  •i\Ieade ___ ____ M eade G 4 First ~Tational Bank----•!'04 W. F. Casteen _____ John F. Conrad ___ F. W. OurL-------- IA- H. Wilson _____ _ 83-489 Pop. 83  25,000  41.000  225.000  200.000  BOEHLER -- E. E. INNIS -------{R- A,. HARPER --- -------------------- LOUIS F~ IN IDVA.N CE: Siuht <Ira.ft.·. 15<' mi11i1111rn1: 25c minimum clwrye ••ll 99 Reliable Credit Reports, 2oc. T RY US.  30,000  25,000  250.000  200,000  25,000  25,000  500,000  300,000  60,000 I  9.110  266 ,830  276.0li0  - - ------  ..  MEADE STATE BANK 83 _, 88  ..  ..  HOME STATE BANK----•trn •·3- t:wo  I"· w. SKINNER ---  H. D. FAIR --------· 'R. L. GROENDYCKE-- f~~EG~aS~'"---- --  "\Medicine Lodge •s Modern bank o f Personal Servlc e. , !Note growth of Deposits.  Peoples State Bank ____ .i5·0;1 F. B. Chapin ______ E. S. Rule _________ W. L. Dillman ____ W. I'. Kuiglt1  83-345  .,. 10,000  I  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARAN TY & SURETY Co Tope ka, Kansas -, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·  442.000  .u,  •:\ledicine Lodge _Barb e r , Fir t National Bank ____ .!'14 L. W. Fullerton ____ T. L. Lindley ______ L. \Y. Stc\'en:-; _____ t;. ,\. Gooclburn . 83-344 G 7 Pop . mu::; ~  ..  75,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l n, _ t"" . ~ .. Chi.: New_Enf. N .. Kan. C. 133,000 ChasP. N., N. Y .. Inter-State N. " 1d F1d. N.Bk. O 0. & Tr .• Kan. C.  { ReJlable Credit Reports, 26c. TR Y US.  Peoples Sta~\-t~k ____ •+i'98 F. A. Vaniman _____ )I. C. Yaniman --~-  ..  ==  This rule does not apply to B-L drafts or notes.  ·· ____ ____ " I 1  ;-  60,000 AtlanticN.,N.Y.; 1'.Bk.Com.,Kan.O.;lst.i:·., 0 Leav. 16,000 Com'! N .. Kan . C., Kan.: Drov . N .. Kan. C.; n, Lea,·. N .. Leav. 0.. 80,000 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N. ancl .K.Bk. Com., Kan. O. 0·  I  ..  ,g  t . .To. lock Yd,; .. ~t. Jo. ; Fid. N. Bk. & 'l'r., B Kan.C. J,i,000 1st N .. Oma.; 1 t N. and )Iidw. Hl"•erve 1'r. ,... , _Co., Kan.C. :, :rootle•Lacy_N., St. Jro. ~ 2.J,000 Ful. N. Bk. & Ir., Kan. C., Cent. ., Topeka. 1  FARMERS & MERCH. BANK D. F. Kuns -------- Noah Kuns •t§ 01 83-155  •:\Ic P herson __ McPherson E 9 Pop. 4595 •  'I - RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  1-l.000  Citizens tate Bank _____ :tS'lO \\'. If. Tomlin ·on •• J. U. Littler __ __ ___ J. 0. Elmore ______ ---- ---- - _------ --" " 83~5:5 t c Cnn e ___ Crawford G 14 !farmers State Bk._ ----•U"94 , II. I·. Dnl<.on _______ E. C. Hood ________ E. S. Dolson _______ Ora Hil?I!- ___ ____ _ 83-447 Pop. ;j!Jl cCune Slate Bank ___ •U'99 W. E. Gree-2'------- , N, M. Smith _______ Edward Munday ___ l{oy Hankins _____ _ " __ ______ " ~~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ v~l~m~ ~o! I_nt~!est !~~s, ~oll~ays, et_c., see I_,aws. ~  20,000 1$ 18,000 $ 190,000  1  lcDo na ld ___ _Hawlins B2 '1'armers State llank ____ t '19 83 1322 Pop. ;;,1 I tate Bank of }lrDonald " " •U·o5 83-937 lcFarl nd __ _\ValJaun.t·e h'ir.t tate Bank ________ t§'H 83-1152 D 12 Pop. 5;g Bank of McLouth --·---•:t5"87 cLouth __ Je1Ter on C 83-534 Pop. 57:5 Union State Bank---- ___ :woo " ____ ____ " 83-535  ___  30,000  First Natioii~~~nk ----•1'82 E. R. Fulton _______ H. A. Hohn ________ E. A. Hohn ________ J. F. Matfield Green.ChaseE 12 Matfield Green State Bank 1§"03 83-935 Pop. 200 ~layetta _____ Jackson C 13 Exchaogf' State Bank ___ :t§'l0 83-664 Pop. 309 FiI.t 'ational Bank ----•1'01 " ________ 83~65 layfleld ______ umnerG9 :Mayfield State Bank ___ et§'08 83-936 Pop. 200 lcOracken ______ Rush E 5 Bank of McCracken - ___ *1'87 83~54 Po1> . -t!ll  _  LIABILITIES.  ASS'T CASHIER.  CASHIJC.K.  ~;.:-r~:tte.-~tcPherson E 9 Farmers Stat~ Bank ____ .:!§'06 • ~- A. Sele:n -~- ___ _ Tel. Larson. __ ---- Ernest Johnson ____ ILawrence Peterson$ 83-458 Pop. 780 Marquette State Bank __ •tf'92 R. A. Thompson ___ W. L. Hughe _____ o. E. Hawkinson __ EtnestLindstrom __ " ________ " \ Adolf Hawkinson 83--45i •Marysville.Marshall B 11 Citizens State Bank ----•:W07 Jos. Dwerlkotte ___ Chas. F. Pusch ____ A. F. Yaussi _______ B. J. chulte _____ _ 83-233 Po1>, 304  ..  ___ - - ~  _  9"!!111!W~-  ,,  .  30,000  '.?00 ,000  ,,  136,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C. 50,000 nan. N .. N.Y.; 1st N., Kan. C. and Hutchin. on. 1 N .. N. Y., 1st , .. Chi., N. Bk, Com,. Kan. O.; 1st. T·• Hutchin. on.  75,000  1·  r•n.  :  120,000 Irving. '.,N.Y.; Inter-State N., Fid.N. Bk.&Tr., and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C. : 1st N., Wichita. 1 60.2:i0 Inter- tate N. anli . Ii<l\\. He erve Tr. o .. Kan. C.; ·t. Jo. tock Ycb .. ,_ t • .Jo. ; 4th • · .. \\' il'hila. :!7.UUU Chase N .• N. Y.: Fid. . Ilk. & 'l'r. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  ·!. CJ1  I I'  '  1, ,,,  514  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number give bank in U. S. exclushely bv The Rand-McNally Ba~er  ~- eac.h  .Namber under Name of Bank ia t.he New Transit Number given to each bank in U.S. exclusively by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers• Directory, under th~rft>:_ of The A~!!!_can Ba~k~rs Ass'n . NAME OF BANK. TOWN A.ND OOUNTY, VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT, •.Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState •Oounty Seats. Entire State in To.10 tMem.Sta.te Bk:s. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FederalReserveDistrict. +Mam.Fed.Res.  KANSAS-Conti'nued  518  1  1  Melvern ______ Osare .E 13 Melvern State Ban1c ____ if"94 83-938 Pop. 422 llllenlo _______ Thomas O 3, llenlo State Bank ------•U'05 83-939 Pop.JOO Mercier______ Brown B 13 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'l3 83-1126 Pop. 100 M.eriden ___ Jelferson O 13 Peoples State Bank _____ tl'18 83-1300 Pop. 422 S~te Bank of Meriden_ t5'91 83-940 Merriam __ Johnson C 15 Merriam State Bank ___ •i§'l5 83-1199 Pop. 400 .U.lchi1?an Valier~--- Oslll?e Peoples State Bank _____ U'05 83-941 D 13 Pop.100 W:flan ________ Snmner G 9 Milan State Bank ______ •U·Ol 83-942 Pop. 232 11ildre<L------Allen E 14 Mildred State Bank _____ U'OII 83-943 Pop. 336!ord _______ Qear:, 0 11 State Bank of Milford-•U'06 83-944 Pop. 250 Miller _________ Lyon D 12 Miller State Bank _______ ;t§'l5 83-1172 Pop. 125 Milton _______ SumnerG9 Milton StateBank _______ •§'03 83-945 Pop. 175 Miltonvale _____ OJoud C 9 DROVERS STATE BK.---n'98 83-420 Pop. 821 The State Bank ________ .;t§'03  __  _  ...::.=======-.:::c.....:,__....:____:=... _--====-~ ___ _ OA.SHIKR.  Ass'T OASHIER.  PAID-UP SURPLUS  C  AND  APITAL PBO.E"ITs  W. H. Warner----- E. H. Evertson ____ W. O. Stephens ____ F. U. Judd., ______ $ 15,000  DEPOSITS  s,cuam"' lrRo,.n.. , ....  C'TS.  no,os,  10,000 $ 275,000 $ 275.000, I 88.240 111.430 , 55,000 1 60,000 4,100  10,000  10,000  Len Roberts _____ Henry KneiseL ___ John E. Sullivan __ P. J. Sullivan_____  10,000  . P. Dellinger ____ W. T. King ________ Mae Gi h____ ______  15,000  4,200  83,000  102,000  .Adam Becker _____ W. A. Gardner_ ___ \Y. A. Gardner ____ Lue Glenn ________  35,000  5,700  300,000  290,000 1  E.G. Bartber1?er -- Max Zahner, Sr. ___ A. E. Pflumm _____ __________  10,000  1,000  90,230  64,700  E. D. Wadsworth __ C. S. Davison ______ T. H. McCJune, Jr. Bessie McClune ___  10,000  124,060  Luella F. StewarL A. J. Derin1?ton ____ T. M. Derin1?ton___ ____________________  10,000  7,5301 9,000  82,2801  110,000  105,000  C.H. Powers----- R.R. Nevitt _______ M. J. Keeton _____________________ _  10,000  5,000  130,0001  129,000  20,000  8,000  116,5001  122,.100  10,000  3,850  87,920,  89,060  Cora E. Barnes____  A. F. Fawley _____ G. W. Miller _______ L. Mcchesney ______________________ _ C. J. Chamber Wm. Sanders ______ C. C. Harrison ____ E. Cotton __________ R. V. Cotton ______ _  l  I  1  I  I  10.000  5,750  53,270i  52,330  E. 0. Gentry _______ J. W. Fury-------- P. D. Hammet__ ___ L. E. Stimson ____ _  15,000  8,500  115,00'.j  192,000  F. J. Atwood ____ •• W.W. Bowman ___ Geo. H. Palmer ____ Hiram Barber ____ _ R. H. Phelps 83-421 •Minneapolis_Ottawa C O Citizens National Bank -•t'80 G. W. Markley ____ W. B. Gard ________ J. W. Smith _______ J. s. Richards_____ Mary Mnrrlirk 83-266 Pop.1842  35,000  15,200  285,000  340,000  50,000  16,030  315,650  204,750  60,000  62,370  551.320  557,530  83-2611  F. L. FLINT------- T. E. HURLEY----- -- R. C. GAFFORD------ G. A. PORTER------W. C. NELSON  Collections and Request for Rati ng will have our p rompt and carefu I attent Ion, •t'¥7 { provided same are accompanied by the following fee in advance: Collections, 19c each; Requests for Rating, mlnim um fee, 25c each.  OTTAWA COUNTY BANk•t§-80 83-267 Minneola.. _____ OJark G 5 First State Bank _______ et§'08 83-946 Pop. 493 Peoples State Bank ____ •t§'15 " 83-ll98 Mitchell ________ Rice E 8 Farmers State Bank ___ •t5'13 83-1136 Pop. 100 Modoc __________ cott E 2 Modoc State Bank ______ t§"l7 83-1250 Pop. 75 Moline __________ Elk G 12 First National Bank ___ •t"04 83-424 Pop. 950 Moline National Bank __ -•'89 ________ 83-423 Montezuma _____ Gray F 4 Montezuma State Bank•:t§'l2 83-ll31 Pop. 163 Mont Ida__ Anderson E 14 Mont Ida State Bank ___ •t§'ll 83-1106 Pop, 150 Montro. e ______ Jewell B 8 Montrose tate Bank ___ t '14 83-1154 Pop. 150 Monument_ ___ Logan C 2 Lo1?an Co. State Bank ___ t§'07 83-947 Pop. 150  c. D. Clark ________  Pl:ONCJPA.L CORRESPONDENTS.  cu,sc,E,,DeB  A. Lauterbach _____ J. W. Christensen_ H. V. Christensen_ 1J. E. McKinney___  T. P. Starr _ _ _ Oscar Smith _______ T.P. Starr, Acting. P. I. Turner ______ _  MINNEAPOLIS NAT'L BANK  00  [ RESOURCES. LoA:,;s&Drs, I Cun&E,r-  LIABILITIES. ________ ________ 1 1 1  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest ~ .. nklng Point (Indexed Acc~s.), Lau·yer, Laws (incitixed) in back of this c:.n mil~-- ~o~ In ~<'r<~st _Rat<>s, Holiday~!... etc.!_ sec J,aws.  40,000 N. Bk. Com., Drov .... ~., and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C. 40.310 Han. N., N. Y.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., New , Ene. N., and DroY. N .. Kan. C. 19,000 , Am. N .. St. Jo.; Midw. Re erve Tr. Co., Kan. 1 C.; :Morrill & Janas, Hiawatha. 10,000 Kan. Reserve Stat<>, Topeka; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lary N., St. Jo. 30,000 Atchisou Sav .. Atchison; 1st N., St. Jo.; Farm ~t:tge. Tr. Co., Topeka. 26,330 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Secur. State, Rosedale. 57,970 N. Reserve and Live Stork State, Kan. O.; Bk. of 'l'oprka. Topeka: Peo. State, Lawrence. ~ 20,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  >  17,110 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N. and N. Bk. Com., Z C/l _ T . . Kan. O. 17,600 Peo. State. Sahna; F1d. N. Bk. & Tr., C. )> (/l  13,550 Drov. N., Kan. 0.: Emporia State, Emporia.  16,700 Stock Yd·. N .. Kan. C.: A . State. and Secur. ~ ,;, State, Wirhita. Z 13,500 Live Stock tate, Kan. C.  @ I  20,000 LibertyN .. N. Y.: Oom'l N. and Drov. ·., Concordia; Prudential Tr. Co., Topeka. 97,960 Chase N., N. Y.: New En!?, N. and Drov. N., 1::;;::, Kan.C. 123,760 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Fid. N, Bk. & ~ Tr., Kan. C.: St. Jo. Stock Yds .. So. St. Jo. ~  <:  (Tl  ""1  ::l  David Binns _______ Alfred Midgley __ _  50,000  58,720  300,550  298,010  Frank Crouch _____ A. P. Reece ________ Edgar Ramsay ____ A. L. Lyon _______ _  25,000  11.700  126,090  234,710  Jas. McAdam----- 0. F. Bolinger _____ Alva E. Moore _____ Henrietta Dufford_  20,000  12,000  75.000  110,000  W. M. Chisum---- J. E. Wii:rins ______ Joo. F. Wiggins ___ -------------------W. F. Baer ________ G. B. Kelley ______ Chas. A. Smith ____ Faye Smith _______ _  10,000  7,000  55,000  63,000  10,000  4,000  60,000  52,000  O. T, Hayward ____ 0. S. Myers ________ F. L. Johnson _____ II. L. Johnson ___ _  25,000  23,000  162,000  145,500  J. W. White _______ E. A.. Chaffin ______ David Chaffin _____ _ Mrs. II. R. Ellsworth J. W. McReynolds- M. L. Fry. Jr. _____ E. E. McReynolds-1-------------  50,000  24,950  488,010  501.260  10,000  6,000  120,000  130,000  96,260 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and InterState N ., Kan. C. 13,5i0 1st N. and Intn-8tate N .. Kan. C.: Com'l N .. Hutchin~on; . W. N., Dodge City. 10,000 Drov. ' .. Kan. C.; State Ex .• Hutchinson: Farm Mtge. Tr. Co., Topeka; 1st N., Great Bend. 15,000 Com'! N .. Kan. c .. Kan.; Cent. State, llutcllinson; 4th N., Wkhita. 17,000 1st State. Ransom; Drov. N. and N, Bk. Com., Kan. C. 72,020 1st N .• Kan. C.; Com'l N., Independence; 1st N .• Elk City. 111,710 Chase N., N. Y.; New En!?, N. and Midw. Reserve 'J'r., Co., Kan. C. 15,000 ·.Bk.Com., Kan. C.: Citiz., Hutchinson.  T. W. Parrott---- Chas. W. Watson __ J. W. Becker ______ M. L. Hecker ____ _  10,000  5,700  82,310  86,060  9,120 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. State, Garnett.  G. E. Holdren----- Albert Jelinek _____ J. 0. W lden ______ --------------------  10,000  3,000  51,400  60,400  H.F. Tallman _____ L. Burke __________ W. L. Tallman _____ V. A. Tallman-----  10,000  10,200  101 ,780  117,180  • 0. TAYLOR------- S. l. DANIELS------  15,000  11,000  343,410  305,970  6,810 Drov. ' .. Kan. C.; N. Bk. of Belleville, Belle· ville; State Ex., Mankato. 14.900 DrcJV. N .. Kan. C.; 1st N., Atchison,; Peo. tate. a.Jina. 48,400 N. Bk. Com. and Live Stock State, Kan. C.  A. R, Pnrton ______  HARLAN TAYLOR-- J. L. HOSLEY-------  tate Bank ___ .•t§'l6 A.. T. Winslow _____ G. J. Yea1?er _______ 0. A. Youn!?------- C. A. Dickinson --83-1211 Morehead._.Neosho G 14 Morehead ~tate Bank ___ :tf'12 J. N. Reid _________ R.Kennedy ________ Newton Smith . ___ _ 83-1124 Pop. 150  ""1  (Tl  :J" (Tl  ~  0.  ~  1:1'  ""1  15,000  4,600  150,000  118,000  10,000  1,600  60,600  63,230  20,000 .... Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Drov. and New Eug. N .. Kan. C. 9,95?1Com'l ., Independence.  and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Topeka, State Agent w. Bankers Ass'n THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co 1, Topeka, Kansas l KansasFidelity Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given e ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . .x .  ~  0  ::l i::  Horan _________ Allen F 14 MORAN STATE BANK.-•t§'02 15 Cfi,NTS ent to us with each I ght draft for pre entatlon, and 83-il48 Pop. 676 { 25 CENTS for e ach credit re1>ort in ·ures prompt, personal attentio n. OLDEST AND LARGE T BAN K. Peoples  r+  0  "'1  (w.  BOWMAN, Secy.)  r  ::: ...... '°  t-.:)  1 .....  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In· Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given dexed Acres.), Lawyer • Laws (indexed) in back of this'to each bank in U. S. ei:eluslyely by The Band-MeNally Bankers' volume. F'_or_Interest Rate_, Holiday!-. etc ... SPe IAl~s~ ~ ========:::: Directory, under the authorlcy of The Amerlean Bankers A s'n. -- t: PRDiCIPAL CORRESPO~DE.'iTS RESOURCES. - - - - - L!AfilLlTIES~-=T==O==W=N=A==N=D=CO=U=N:;:::T=Y=.======TAM=E=O=F=B==AN=K-=.==::;====--====___c::::======~ . • . Ass'T CASHIER. PAID•UP SURPLUS DEPOS- Lorn&Dte- c.;-;;,.,---;:CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §S ta te •County Seats. ..., c'u no"o• ca•"ou »"" AND Entire State in ·o. 10 tMem. State Bks. As'in. tPriv. 1 8 :PRO-..B:....,.. 81WV.U.:.u' 1 _ _T_ _ PROFITS I_T_A_L [Estab.1-------1-------1-------•-------l-c_A_P Fed.Res. Federal Reserve District! ♦Mem.  KANSAS  519  llorranville .... Olay O 10 Bank of'92 83-684 Pop. 262 Farmers & llerch. State Bk. " " •U'08 BS-685 llorland ..... Graham O 4 Citizens State Bank •••••*1"07 83-G91 Pop, 296 :Morland State Bank •.. •U'04 •· ---··-8HDO MorrilL ••••• Brown B 11 OiUzens State Bank •••• •it·oa ~9 Pop.552  ----·-  "  FAIMEISBAIKOFMORIILL 88-Ui  •U'85  Mound Valley •••• Labette :Mound Valley State Bk.•tl'83 83-394 G 18 Pop. 803 Peoples State Bank ••••••*1'111 ·· •· 83-395 llouot Hope,-Sedrwick F9 Farmers State Bank ••••it·oo 8S-6la Pop, 513 ll'irsi Naiional Bank •••• •i•115 " --·-·-· " 83-5G2 Mulberry.Crawford F 15ltll11EH Pop. 2697  STATE  B111-•U"l6 83-1202  d f on 1nue _  _ _ ·1-  Peter Younr ... - .. · · · - · - - - · - - F. L. J'letcher ...•. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 10,000 $  c. Roche ••••••  210,000 $ 165,000 175,000  175,000  25,000 Fid.  L. Messick ••••• _. H.J. Setchell...._. O • .l. HUDSicker _. - - - - · - - -  10,000  20,000  175,000  150,000  50,000 Com'! N .. Kan. C.  B. W. St. John ·-·· T. Waationer ··--· D. O. Ku·-··--·-·· _ _ _ _ _ __  15,000  30,000  100,000  100,000  40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Fid. N, Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  B. II'. McKim ··-·· E. B. llcKim _. __ R. S. Kfckey --·-· D. K. Warner ••••••  15,000  22,000  165,0001  200,000  33,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N., St. Jo.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.  Norman Saylor •••• Wm. Bealey ···-· F. J, Roberts •••••• Wm. Whistler- •••  26,000  15,480  201,490  181,670  55,370 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kao. C.: Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; :Yorrill & Janes, Hiawatha. 22,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Droy, r.,Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N .. St. Jo. 9,390 Southeast State, Kan. C.: 1st N., Olathe.  W. D. Johnson •••• H. H. Diller ·····- .lana Mallery...._.  15,000  9,000  175,000  174,000  J. II'. :Mitcheff_.-·. James Murdock-•• H. M. Beckett, Sec.  10,000  5,890  37,320  105,410  J.E. Georre •••.••• E. J. Stephenson_ D. V. Crosley--·-Eva Spurgeon s. T. Ellis······-·· H. W. Dingus •••• __ I. T. Jones Emmet McGrew._ E. D. Bennett-··· D.R. Carr •••••• __  10,000  12,900  106,640  135,870  20,000  14,700  380,000  344,000  20,000  4,000  Jacob Isaac •• ____ J. J. Rulh. -··- •••• P.H. KrebbieL. •••  25,000  10,000  139,000 I 158,000  o. B. Goerior ···-·  D. J. Goerinr ......  35,000  29,700  164,000  194,000  D. A. Bollinger ____ W. C. Goodell.-•• E. F. Bollinger •••• L. F. Bredine ---·-  10,000  7,000  230,000  200,000  H, C. Reese ___  John D. Sch.r&K ••••  200,000  c. ,vne:••••••..  15,000  14,720  174,640  12,000  7,200  120,000  25,000  : 15,000  340,000  C. PERRY--.-··--- R. W. SMILIE .... ___  20,000  3,000  250,000  {J. G. IILLER .-- d: i: 1tirfaGE ••••• w.  160,COO  I  K. W. Jewell ••• ___ E. O. Gortner •••••• Geo. H. Kahmann. Harry Bardshar __ D. Horsman S. B. Amidon •• __ F. c. Jorrensen .•• J.11'. Jorgensen ••• E. M. Porter------· J. R. Fisher  B. M. Mayginnes •• Ilenry Tedstrom •• R. D. Payne .•••••• H.  153,700 I  103,000  I  328,300  I I  263,700  s. G. oampbell •••• S. F. Kimble ------------- -------  25,000  25,000  500,00011  450,000  10,000  380  15,0401  15,920  T. W. Bouska··-· Jos. Bouska--··- Albert Jelinek--·· E. J. Brosh ••••••••  10,000  6,000  80,000  60.000  Kaspar Kostner · - K.J. Kostner •• _ •• B. T. Robinson·---  25,000  5,000  95,000  L. Cor'817ou._.__ . Wm. Buckles ...••• H. M. Turner •.•••• P. E. Rice _________  15,000  7,500  150,750  --------------------  10,000  11,000  150,000  Earl Strong_···--Helen Hart G. S. WJillinr--- H. c. Meyer ••••••. E. A. Ruggels ••••• Roy Van Wie_. __ K. G. Boughner J, W. Bouirlmer, Ch. of Bd. . : Natoma Bta~nk.-UlOOO H. 0. Smither. __ ----··------ G. B. Beesley __ _  15,000  15,000  170,000  50,000  10,230  312,840  ::S  < S  92,580 .llech. & Metals :N'., N. Y.; LiYe Stock State and Ficl. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 75,000 Com'l N. and N, Bk, Com., Kan. C.: 1st N., Hutchinson. tate and 4th .:.T., w•rhita; Midw, 41,050 s. W. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. c.: State Bk. of Winfield, Winfield. 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita. 6.170 Com'! N,, Kan. C.  Z  I» "" 0  9 I»  25,000 Stock Yds. N,, Kan. C.: 1st N., Fairbury, Neb.:, · '. Bk. of Belleville, Belleville. 10,000 . W, tate, Wichita; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 1 C. 54,650 N. Park, N. Y.; ~lidw. Rec;erve Tr. Co. and Inter ~ta}e N ., Kan. C.; 1st ~ '., Atchi. on. 50,000 Columbia JS., Kan. C.; Mofrs. N., Leav.; Tootle- 1 Lacy N,, St. Jo. 10,000 New En~. N .. Kan. C.: Union Stock Yds. T. and Union N .. Wichita: Far. tate, Kingman. 50,810 Liberty Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Far. N., alina.  c.n  I 111  ~. "~uHt I y co I' To De ka ' Kansas ~uAHA'N I y a, THE BAN KEH "~ UtLJU\"11 u I " 1  '. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C,; I»  t,  310,6201 295,250  .  I  ti:  0  24,000  .  z  1 ...  ---------  c. Hemphill  tJj  I>  30,000 New Enl?, N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita; N. Bk. ~ C/l Com .• St. L. 45,000 l • Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; Com'l N., Indepen, dence. 49,460 Dro\". ·., Kan. C.; 1st N.. St. L.; 1st ., . . _,yid1ita; Com'l N., Independence. .., 18,600 C1tiz. Sa,·. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. State, W1ch1ta, 0  !  10,000  B. llorisse.--·-- Katharine Piehl ••. Frank  •. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.  125,000 Stock Yds. N .. Kan. C,; Pitt. State, Pitt., Kan.  ----------------  J.B. Lower··-·- C. L. Potter-····-- C. W. Yoder •••••••  . City,  150,000  281,170 ! 240,000  W. O. Robinson ••• A. Hofbauer ••- - . C. F. Hourh •••••••  >  123,000 N. Bk. Com. and Fid. 4th N., Wichita.  25,000  J. D. Waters--·-- Wm. Way-----·-·-- L. H. Worthington  ~  > Z  18,590 Drov. ·., Kan. C.: Farm. Mtge. 'l'r, Co., C/l Topeka; 1st N., Wichita. 1 C/l 68,000 Ran. N,, N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.  272,000  14,890  B. W. Fromme 83-tSO Pop. 361 ¥ulvane •••• Sumner G 10 Farmers State Bank ••••it·06 Georre ll11Uer,Sr •• O. R. ll&rtiD_ .••.. J. L. Rosecrants __ _ Alma E. Thompson 83-373 Pop. 1306 Flora K. MUiler  Ilk. & Tr., Kao. C.  IIQ  Special attentlo n liven BUI or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c un th each sight draft /o r presentation and 2 5cfor Credit Reports.  )lullinville .... Kiowa 11' 6 First State Bank ••••••••*5'06 J. A., Sherer. ___ A. B. Sidener ••••• ····-----·--···-···-  :r.  I  20,000  rz,nk ...  57,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. Kan. C.  15,000  ..._  •H'81 Mulvane s~ " ···-···· .. 3 Muncie .. Wyandotte C 15 Muncie Stat~ Bank .•••• t '20 8a-1385 Pop. 200 l(unden ••••• Republic B D Munden State Bant .... •H'05 8S-96a Pop. 219 llurdock ... Kinirman G 8 :Murdock State Bant ..•H'I0 83-964 Pop. 160 ¥uscotah •• Atchison O 11 Farmers & Merch. State Bank •il'lO 83-687 Pop. 427 ]!(ark.a •...•. Rel!_ublic B D State Bank of Narka ••• -it·M 83-955 • Pop. 22<> Nashville•• Kingman G 7 Nashville State Baat •• -i1•07 83-056 Pop. 200 Natoma .... _ Osborae O 7 First National Bank --·•i•o7 83-635 Pop. 518  $  15,000  Mulberry State Bank •• •H"07 E. L. Skaggs •••••• G. E. BaY-·--·--· W. L. McCullough. R. E. Bradley-··-·  8!-~2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  9,000  W. H. Lennard •••• J.G.Baches ....... _ _ --·-·-···--  W.  Morrowville State Bk ••. U'04 0. W. Hawes ·---· 81-949 State Bank of :Morse •.. •tl'lO J. W. To:,nbee •••• 83-4150 Moscow State Bank ••• •il'l5 W.R. Reynolds._ 83-1189 Farmers & :Merch. Bank H"9S B. N. Gause •••• _ •• 83-1161 Union State Bank: •••••• •U'll B. B. Corbin----·-81-1119 liloundridre •• McPherson Bank of Mound Ridee .•tl'll6 J. W. Krehbiel •••• 83-60& K9 Pop. 700 Citizens Stat~nk ••• •!1'04 1. 0. Goerinr·---· " --·-·--· •· Korrowville •• Wash. B 10 Pop. 200 l(orse _____ Johllson D 15 Pop. 150 Moscow ••••• Stevens G 2 Pop, 190 •Kound Oity •.• Linn 11: 15 .. Pop. 720 .. •.••••••  C  I I  ;  11 !  1~ 18,450 ~'·Park,~~. Y.: Am. N., St. Jo.: N. Bk. Com .. 1 Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n ( W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent.  514  amber under .Name of Bank ia the .New Tran It .Number adv to each bank in U. 8. exelu lvely by The Rand-Me.NallJ Banli:e, Aetr " ......... DlrP.r.  520  umber under .Name or Bank ia the .New Transit Number civen to each bank in U. . exclu11lvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• _Directory, under the authorttr of The American Bankers Ass..:_n.  ~  A  TowN AND cou.  TY.  . . . . . . . . ,,,.._...  ..'AME  Oil'  ~  -----  •  ,.,  .._ _ _ , • ..,_.,.  I - --- -  BANK.  PRESIDltNT. 1•Mem. Am. Ilks. Assn. §S ta te •Ooanty Soots. Entire State ia ... ·o.10 :tMem. State Bks . .Assn.tPriv. [F, tab . _ _ ~ "" d • 1~,rs. ~I en~ . .,,.!) · t ♦__ . t ric. _ ec] era IR e.orv D_is F  Non-Bank 'fonus with .. 'earcst Uanklug Point  KANSAS - Con t·1n ue d CASHIER.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I Ass'T CASHIER.  l __  Neodesha ___ Wilson G 13 Pop. 3!!43  FIRST NAT'L BANK  c·  A.ND ..\PI~.-\.~ __ PROFITS  NE oDESHA  NATIONAL BANK •i•o3  83-202  I  --------  10,000  60,000  1 evidence of our facilities. Ion to commerc lal business. fee In advance, , Uc mlnJmum If nlmum If paid. Credit reports, o Oc. 1 W. S. Pettit_ _______ Lee H. Rowley _______________________ _ , F. D. Ellowlt on ___ ' It ~l. Dce\·e r _____ J. A. Francis.- ___ _ , E. Fitzpatrick _____ T. W. Gardner ____ ,\. L, Piepenburg __ I<'. H. Lynn , \Y . I?. Bolling-er ___ T. s. Kelly_________ re11 M. Kelly _____ _  "  -  .I. Harder. _____ Chas. Jian"on _____ _ ,\ . . Foulk __ ___ E. B. Hopper_ _____ L. T. Peter · •Ness City ------Ness E 5 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK . lit is _our pur lpose,to please. . '3·46,2 . Pop.90:j  I  re.:  I  Ne&.awaka __ Jack on B 13 Citizens State Bank ____ e:t§'Ol Peter Johnson _____ C. D. Lu(•ck _______ C. D. Lueck _______ Otto Lueck _______ _ Pop. 267 New Albany_Wi! on F 12 Pop. 2:!3 New Cambria_ alinc D 9 Pop. 12; t\ew alem __ cowley G 11 Pop. 100 ~Newton ____ Harn•y F 10 Pop. lli I  3-960 •ew Albany State Ilk, __ :l:§'06 T. E. Knox ________ 0. E. llaJL ________ • 83-961 New Cambria State Bk. -•1"10 \\'. ,\. . ..\lurphr>y ____ Victor Solbere---83-962 c. T. Elliott _______ Tl'. c. Coffey _______ State Bank of • ·1•\\" ~a1 m WlO R3- ll63 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•:t'80 P. M. Hoisineton __ 1o. W. Hoff' _____ .Ja . 11. lwan 83-85  I  3,000  33,000'  34,000  6,000  100,000  124.000  52.060  626,760  27.940  416.320  5,000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. c.: Pioneer tate, Eureka. . 18,000IMidw. Re erve Tr. Co., Kan. o.: 4th N., Wichita: Alexander State. Alexander.  -  762.070  -  50,000  2:i,000;  25,000  5,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  6,580  45,000  2.5.0;j(JI  25,000  28,:->(Jo  60.000  6,2-10  350,000 I  300,000 I  97,000  1so,ooo I 156,000  I -149.040 I 76.690  I  !  410,470  ----  35,000 Com'! N ., K?'l. O.. Kan.  100,000,chase N., ~:., Y.: Midw. Reserve Tr. ~o. and Peo. N., Kan. C.: Cent, State, Hutchmson.  39 ·,o:;oj  106,i201 eab. ·., ~·• Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.: Cent. N., Topeka; 1st N .• Great Bend and IIutrhin- < ~ son.  I  I  1-10.000 I 120,000  6,000  61,000  77,500  25,000 N. Bk. Com.and New Eng. N., Kan. O. ; St. Jo. Stock Yds .. St. Jo. 14,500 Com'l N .. Independence; Wilson Co., Fredonia.  C. J. Burns ________ Grace Burns ______ _  10,000  6.000  75,000  59,000  16,000 Midw.RescrveTr.Co.,Kan.C.;!i•ar. '.,Salina. [  G. II. Coffey _______ Ethel M. Coffey ___ _  10,000  10,000 ,  100,70°1'  82,000  35.0001  795,000  571.510 I  AlmaYoune Kno. _____ -------------------  D.•\ll'<fowan, Jr. __ R.  c.  'tone _______ _  50,000  I  58,000  633,000  ;;:;1.0001  .). 0. Uct i  10,000  10,000  85,000  100,000  25,000  22,000  2-10,000  220,000,  A. M. l.lrown _.,,. ___ D. E. Uichhart ____ L. C. Brown _____ __ H. E. Fleming_____  15,000  42,180  235,0-10  2511,080  ullhan _____ J.E. 'ullivan ______ ' I' . .\I. Sulliran ____ n. P. ~nllhnn_____  15,000  12,s:;o  100,860  96,290  Sumbu under Name •if R.u1k i tl,e New Tran H • umJJer l!IH·u · cu·lushl'l) by 'rhe I a111I-. St·!"a:f.) Hanli.('r •  t• each unnk in U.  co  19  Topeka Kansas lJ ,  Bk. Com ••  ......  , A. Davis ________ M. E. Hickok______ ______________  l uE n BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY  .1 ' .  35,000 Irving N .. N. Y.; Fid . .1.·. llk. & 'l'r. Co .. I'an. C.; 1st r,, Wichita. 120,130 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi., Wichita and Kan. C.  140,000  Jos ph Che. ky ____ J. F. Justus _______ 0. J, Windiatc ____ C. I. Dunn_________  1  222.860 N. City. N. Y.: Drov. , ", and Kan. C.; 1st T.,Wichita. I  50,000  ·  ~ ~  38,iOO The State, Winfield.  MIDLAND ATIONAL BK.•t'93 ILE. uderma.n --- .I. ' ... '1chol~o11 ____ IH. A.. Ineold _______ W. E. Uecker_____  I  I  O  15.000  12,000  <;.  and BEQUE TS FOR RATING re celve PROMPT A TTENT ION, COLLECTION provided you ·e nd 15c with each sight draft, and 25c with each req ue t for rating. Above charge d o NOT apply to B -L Drafts and C ash Items.  1. l'.  ~  (D  10,000  ~Iary  858,510  C. D. Hickok______  z  @ I  ~  1•I  59.900  886,670:  1:13 1:16  t1'  >  500.000  72,580  • • w UIYS .• Grant 1" 2 UrautCounty tate Bk. _!§ "07 83-964 Pup. I 0, rlion, tlte Hauk_ •i§'Oi Ni ker. on ______ J{cno E 83 351 Pop, 104U tat • fl:rnk ________ et: '81 3-3:iO tate Bank ______ §'02 '3-!l6:i  CJl  27.3501N. Bk. Com .. Kan. 0.: Emporia N., Emporia.  60,000  l  > ~ >  64.i20  C. F. CLAASSEN - C. B. WARKENTIN- C. W. CLAASSEN -- GLENN MILLER---J. J. EDIGER  •  ~  100,000 !Ian. •., . Y.; Inter-State N .. Kan. O.; Com'!. N., Independence. 18,000 Comw. ~·., Kan. C.  150,000  83 87  116,480 1st N., N. Y. and Kan. C.  20Z,390 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. and Kan. C.  316,030  15,000  KANSAS STATE BK --•tS'02  _  1  60,000,  •'.''ID  83 !I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  _ITS  IL 0 . .\linrr _______ F . .\f. O\'crc;t rrct _ U. s. llo:rle ________ C. A. Youne _______  llan'l'Y C'ounty State Bank  0  13,170 ,$ 148,000 $ 148,030 $ 12.990 Secur. N .. Kan. O.; Dickinson Co., Eutcrpli c.  1  •:!I~  ationalBk.of ~ es. C1tp:t h ,\. W. Wilson ______ C. D. lio:ter _______ W. H. Wierman ___ P. W.Landy ______ _ 83-461 { .r. c. Hopper ____ H. A. llorthwick ___ E. n. Hopper. 'l'r,_ o. L. Lennen , . _ KANSAS INVESTMENT COMPANY - 'B, Does a gene ral Loan and Investment b usiness.  PRINCIPAL o~;RESPOND~Ts.  Oun.tE:r<'••· Bosn•, ICUASGE•,Do■ B~~u. -~•cu&JTtU ,_raox Lo .... ., Dr••  I  I  :\Y.  -==-1~~  1  (A. M. SHARP---- ,J. G. KIMBALL---- G. C. PITNEY------ --------------------  : Union State Dank ____ --•!§'13 1C. G. Haywanl _____ 83-1148 Neosho Falls ___ Woodson Ji'armers Stah• Bank ____ t§'l6 L. L. ThralL ______ . 83-1218 F 13 Pop. 621:1 Neosho Falls State Bk. •U'06 1L. W. Knotts ______ " " 1 81HJ58 1 • Neosho Rapids_ LyonE 121 Neo ho Rapid ~tat • Bank j II. II. Overly _______ u·o9 83-959 Pop. :!67 "  10,000  50,000  Our growth ls Prompt attent Sight drafts: unpaid; 2Sc ml  1  10,000 $  W. A. RAHKIH------ E. H. MERKLE------ J. W. STARR------ --  fB. H. li!LL-.-----  CK.~1'S ~ent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and T · for ea ch credit report i n ·ure prompt, p ersonal attention. 'l•~515 CE •i·n OJde t and Lart{ e .· t Bank.  83-201  L1ABIL1T1;s.  P~rn-UP SUBPLua I DEPOS•  Navarre __ Dickinson D 10 Navarre State Ilank ____ et§'OO B • .A. Flack ________ D.S. Strole ________ E.T . .._TeJson _______ A. P. Holmes ______ $ 83-95i Pop. 250 Neat__ __ Greenwood F 12 ~·ea.I t:ite Rauk ________ !§'l5 C. W. Boone _______ ~1. W. Allen _______ R. E. John. on_____ ____________________ 83-ll9i Pop.150 Nekoma ________ l{u h E 6 'ekoma State Hank _____ t§'l6 Jas. H. Seaman ____ A. II. Youne------- J.P. Moran _______ . Edith M. Johnson_ 83-1222 Pop. i5  (111-  dl•xl•d Acl'e,;.), Lawyers, Law~ (ilH!cxe<l) in baPk of tlu v, volllllH'. For Interest Rates, Holiday , ct.c., Sl'C I.a H. N  1  200,000 K. Park •. •. Y.: Cont. & Com'!..,',, hi.: 1st,•.§ and Comw. N •• Kan. C. 25,000 ?\lidw. Re. erve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; 1st N .. C ~ Garden City. 30,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Com'l N., Kan. C.: fate Ex.,'< • Hutchin.on. 33,150 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .• Kan. C. 40,060 Live f-Hock state and Tra. '\ ., -:aliua.  '.; 1-i'an. G. llar.  ~  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers (w. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent #  Kansas Bankers Ass'n  • 'on-Bank To\Hls \\Ith Nearest Uanklui,: Point tlni  .._  521  Number under Name •lf Bank i tl,e ew Tran ll . umb r i,:1, ·n to each bank in U . ._· enlushel> by The- Raml-!\!t•l\;all) Hankt•r • Directory, under the authority  ol  The Amuh-an ICau!.t•rs .\ s'n.  - Tow~ .A. D Cou:-; rY. 1' AMI£ 0~' lhNK. •County Seats. • lew. Am. Bks. As:n. State Pt<K lDE •r Entire tate in. ·o.10 :l:Mem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. :1 • • Federal Re_e rvc Di ·trict. ♦ )fem. :Fet!.:_ Re,. ~ [IM.ab. - - ~ _  Non-Bank Towns ~ith Nearest Banking Point (In· dP.X"d A<'ces.), LawJt>r ·, l,al\ . cinde.wd in hark of till ________volume. For lntt•rest Rate·, Holld11rs. etc., ·oe _ La~ . ::,  iii"  KANSAS-- Continued  - LIAUJ!,.!.:!~~~· -~--,,---_!_t_E_'_(!~_Rl'ES.  V !CE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.  .ASS'T OASHIER.  I PAID·UP S"C'RPLUS  i DEPOS-  10,000  4.820 : $  15,000  5.100  275.630  231.050  First National Bank ··-·•!'0o H. 0. Dougfas •.•.. O. L. Benton ••...• H. H. Benton .... _ J. R. Betts ••• 83-5116 C. F. ~I ill er N. Topeka.Shawnee D 13 (See Topeka)  25,000  26, i80  330,480  332,1-10 I  B. S. MILLER··-·· W. H. MARSH----·-- F. E. BENTON .•....• ·-···-·-·-·--------··· 25,000 9.500 182,600 FARMERS ST TE BANK•!~'l8 { Draft given Int eJllgent and prom pt attention. Sen d us }'Otir B-L C ollectio t ns. 83--12111 Real Estate tra n actions lncludl ng Instruments o f conveyance, rec elm un , usuat care.  140,0001  ,  83-276  Exl'han::e State Bank.•!§"02 C. C. McCarthy .•.• E. K. Burdick ..... C. F. McCarthy .... Thos. 11. Fl ear ...• sa-49!1 First National Bank ..•• •!"85 0. W. Babcock .... • .T. H. Bonnel .....• L. B. McBride ..•.. ~Ii: ·]~1· sieY .W Pbb 83-498  ·---·····  ..  10,000  29.000  191,000;  li0,000  111  25,000  22,:;oo  2:;0,000;  230,000  I II I  400,000 1  9,200  ;;_;,250  62,900  135,000  22,140  250,000  184,000  F. C. \Vt>ndt •..... \\'.II.Largent. •.•• WPbber Malcolm •. ·---·--··············· E. \. Ford Tl. !I.Oldt•n .•.•... :-;, K Co1wla11d._ .• C. II. Bank'··-···· ·-----·-·-· •.•.••.•.  20,000  9,000  l,i0,000  210,000  20,IJOO  -!.380  238. mo  I!ll.990  C. .\L \Iiller •••... C. C. Portn ...•..• F. W. Irwin ........ h'. 'I. l'iPr. 'HI •.••. R. B . ..\Iedlin A. W. Snyder •.•••• II. F. Giessll'r ·-··· V. Jciifar ... - ...... H.P. Ja1?1:ar ...... .  15,000  ;_j;j,000  300,000  2;_;0,000  40,000  !'i0,000  420,000  O. L. Frick1•r-----· S. A. Fish····-···· John P. O'Grady •. IL A . .\1urlin .•••.• .I. F. Jartin .\1. Hoach E. )I. Rrook:First tate Bimk ..••... •t§'l9 ,\11::u t Lohoefener .\rthur..\Iillr.r. ___ n. :-.. HPucl h•r ... 0. F. l.olwP.fPrll'r 83-1333 Ulm . \'otopk.a,V,P. J.E. Kulp Oberlin National Bank .. •!"86 Otts L. H •nt0u .... , II. 0. Doug la, ....•. C. G . .Jorn .. __ ..•.. 83-356 H. O. Benton ·--·-····  50,000  40,000  liOO.OiJO  5,600  117.000  !15,000  75,000 1,000.000  700,000  25,000  Otis L. Benton ... l ·---·---··---···--··· G. H. Lippelmann. G. H. Banchor .••.. , lt;prald D. Benton, \Y. W. \Iu,ser, A. Sec. Sec. and Tr. INVESTMENT 'BANKERS. FAR .H LOANS. 1  {  Oe-allah ...•••.. TregoD5 0gallahStateBank .... •tl'09 Pop 150 _ 83-970 Qg-den.-------·--·Riley O 11 State Bank of Ogden .. •!§'12 Pop. 396 83--1121 + Oketo .•..•. Marshall B 11 Oketo State Bank ······••1"89 Pup. 22:5 83-971 Olathe ..... Johnson D 15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. %'87 Pop. 326 · 83-172  50,000  1  ;_;;;o,or,o  I  R.C.Wilson .•.•••. C. C. Yetter. .•.... RoyW.Blakely •.. Ross J.Blakely •...  10,000  19,000i  110,000  100.000  J.E. Kelly.·-····· J. A. Jordan ....... R. McOhe ney •.••. ·---- - · · - - Harry \\'ood L. G. Moore ......... P. J. Eychaner .....J. H. Moore·----·-· ••••. ·---·-·· •...•..  10,000  8,0001  100,000  100,000  0. J. SCOTT- ---··-- 0. J. SCOTT .......... MAUDE A. BARKER --  I  II  '  •  ,,  111  II I  50,000 Han .... •.. •. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.  Han. N •• N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Kan. C., .i.  .,  St •.To.  1 ,000 Ban. N., N. Y.;_Dro,., and • •• Bk. Oom., Kan. C.; 1st .... , Gr«Jt Bend: Com'! Hutchinson. 25,000 Han. N ... •. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C,: \Yakeeuey tate. Wakeeney. ],',000 Pco. tate. alina.; Fid. ~ T. Bk. & Tr .• Kan. 0. 25,200 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Columbia '.,and 1st N., Kan. 0. : Tootle-Lacy T.. t. .lo. 235,000 N. Bk. Com .•• •. Y.: 1st N .. Kan. C.  25,000  15,000:  2i8,000  284.000  54.270,  732.880  647.210  25,000  24,000  360,000  '50.0001  lOQ,000  6?.,000  600,000  715,000 1  I  65,000 .fPch .•·- :.\letalc; rT .. X. Y.: Stock YtL. N., )liliw. Uc erve Tr. Co., Cent. Ex. ~ T,, and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 97.500 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Inter-f::t.ate • T., and ·.Bk.Com., Kan. C.  I  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co Topeka Kansas I  ' Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers (w. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  1 Kansas Bankers Ass'n  -  400,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st r., Chi.; Dro,· .• '., N. 0 Bk. Com., and 1st .T., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lary D) r . and .\..m. )I'., St. To. r+  50,000  ~ SAVE TIME AND GET SERVICE.  ,  ,,  ;il.(100 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com •• Kan. C.  182,000  pany sight drafts ; 25c Must accom pany requests for Credit ratings.  ,,  I  :  ...  '"  ..,. •  I li4,000  J. L. Pettyjohn .... F. R. Oel? .••....... , H. M. Beckett ..•.• )label Hor:tman ... H. E. Hayes  ,,  "  1"11  Tootle-Lary  21.,:;o  s.16cB.Must HASKIN·-·· accom  II II I  _ _ _ 1________________  200.000  15,000 1  I  ..  II II  425,000  1  Olathe Stat\~¥f-···· •tl'08 John T. Little ..... Albert Ott. ...••... , W. J. Rhoades ....• F. L. Hou~e ........ I  Co - OPERATIVE PAT~~Ns BA .... 83-170 ..... - .••!1'83  62,500 Han .• ·., ••. Y.; ht ... •. and ln'er. tate .r., Kan. C.; 1 t • · ., t. Jo.  I  l!),010  ,  T.  650,000j  10,000  vt'86  -  '°  tate, Cotfen-ille.  N  60,000 1,335,000 1,010.000  10.000 ,  !swli  ~  6-1,680 )liclw.RescrveTr.Co.and Drov •.,.' .. Kan. C.: 1st ,... N.,St.Jo.;l.t.1_T.anlllst-ctat .• ·orton.; m, •· .. Hutchin on. 1,320 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and ... Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Tootle-Lacy ... •. and Am .• •.. t, Jo.  30,000  W. T. Boatright ... F. J. Gosch ....... C. S. Sii:ler ........ ······-·········--·  M  '"1  16.350 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Am.  75,000  J.M. Reynolds .....••••••............• N. I. Farris---··· L. A. fi'arris .•.••.•.  oaerle ....... -Edwards F 6 Farmers State Bank -·•U'O!i Herman Weiss .... C. E. Way-·-······ G. C. Field-·----·· Pop. 22~ 83-961"1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I,ooo'  B TON and VESTMENT  I  50,0001  10,000  -·----·--·,  •·  76,300' $  I  Norway ..... Re1mblic B 9 Norway State Bank_ ... •!f'(l9 Quincy Blos. 1•r •••. G. \V. Cowie ....•. Hert ,\insworth ... ·--··--··· ...•.•••..  Pop. 100 83--967 Norwich .•.• Kingman G 9 Farmers State Bank .... U'08 Pop. 420 83--645 " Norwich State Bank .. • U'85 83--644 OakhllL ........ Clay O IO Oakhill State Hank •.•. •!1'06 Pop. 250 83-968 Oakland ••• shawnet· ll 13 Oakl,11HI State Bank .••• ~,' ' IX ('l'OJJ1/(II P.U.)J>op. lnl 83 1281 OakleY--······ Lo1?an U 3 Farmers State liank ••• •WOi Pop. ili8 83-4711 •• " First National Bank .•••• t'8i 83--478 ..ob rlin ••••• Dcratur B 3 Farmers National Ba11k.•t·o4 Pop. 1247 83--357  79,860 $  I  ~·  First National Bank .... •!'85 E. F.. -2\mes ·-·· ......................... C. W. Campbell. •.. ·----------······-·· •••. lS3--2i5 First State Bank ....•.• •U'02 J.E. Gleason-····· !'au! Hroquet. ..... \r. )f. Crren .....• II. W. Gleason .•...  s orton,•ille .... J ctrerson PO\>, fj!J{i ..c H  ;  ,________C_A_PI_T_A_L_p_:o_~_~_T_s, _ I_T_s_c~o~_,:_ ,~_•,c_~_~:_":_;_~_•·,------------  Niotaze.Chautauqua G 13 'iotaze St.ate Bank •.••• U'09 D. W. Perkins .• _.. Alex Thomason ... E. B. :\lcCoili ...... ··············---· Pop. 186 83-966 Norcatur •••. Decatur B 4 Citizens State Bank ... •!1'08 C. C. Andrews •.... ~·.I:! .• ·elson...... Di<'k \Vi Lon ....... F. B. ~ 'el ,on •.•... Pop. -176 83-597  •Nortou .•..•• Norton B 5 Pop. 21 Ii  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONJJENTS.  Cnu&:E:r-  to•><•&:Dts-  ::r ~  .522  Non-Bank Towns with Ncareist Banklug Point (Indexod Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.n = e=-=c===~=:=====--==="=ol=u=-m=~-~-~0!:._ Inter-:-_! Jta~s, Holidars, etc., ,0 Law~ ~ = U ===Il ________ -======:0::::::::ll  !fam• -d•r Name or Bank ia the New Tramlt J.ll'Um!Nr &inn lo .-oh bank in U. 8. es:elollHIJ' by Tbe Band-MeNallJ' Bauers• Dbeetorr, under the authority of The American _Ba_~~~rs Ass•n.  Ton A.ND OotJNTY.  tt"  d  LIABILITIES.  .  NAKJC OJ.I' B&..NK.  I  KANSAS-C  ;I  PRINCIPAL OORRJ:SPONDENTS, - -  RESOURCES.  A.SS'TCA.SBIJCR. P.A.11>-lTP SuRPLUS DEPoa-jLo• ■ 6:Dl•-1C•o6::lxCASHIER, VICE-PRESIDENT. PllaIDDT, •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. lS~te c•a. Boao1, cmuren,Dvw ITS AND CAPITAL Ent1reStatem No.IO l:Uif.em.StateBk:s.Assn.tPnv. S■ro&r11u raoMBilllU PROFITS 1--------1--------1--------1 [Estab. 'Federal Reserve Di trict. •~em. Fed. Re-. 1 OllveL------ Osare E 13 I Olivet State Bank ______ t§'04 G. H. Selie ---- ---- J. B. McCauley---- B. A. McCauley---- J. I. McCauley----- $ 15,000 $ 6,000 $ 176,450' $ 157,140 $ 40,310 ~)-;-11:-;.d:--w-.-::R==-e-s-e-rv-e--:::T:---r-.--:c-0-.-a-n...,d--,-In_t_e-r--S-ta_t_e_ -: . ~ ~ _Kan. c. I . 83--972 . Pop.150 6to00 hnauth. Nachod & Kuhne, N. Y.: Tra. N .. 10,000 170,000 150,000 20,000 Olmlb .. ______ Barton E 7 Brmk:man-Brack State Bank J. G. chre1ber ____ J. F. Schenk ______ John Haun ________ A.~- Ochs-------I . . Kan.rC. J, E. Stenzel . •:tt:01 83-973 Pop, 216 , 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.: Cttlz. N., 15,000 150,000 165,000 25,000 Olpe __________ Lyon E 12 Olpe State Bank ________ .f:§ 05 N. S. Wendlmg ____ John Laneley ----- F, J. Voeste ------ R. B. Langley______ Emporia. 83-974 • Pop. 235 25,100 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N ., Com'l K .• and Inter. 76,700 82,220 9,580 10,000 Olaburr •••• Pottawatomie · Farmers State Bank ___ •tl'07 C. A. Dahlstrom ___ James Brooks _____ M. R. Johnson ---- C. J. Gilliford, Sec. State N., Kan. C.; 1st N .• Leav. 83---.;99 011 Pop. 200 21,000 Inter-Stare N .• Kan. c.; 1st N., Leav.; Bk. of 75,000 80,000 4,000 15,000 Olsburr State. Bank _____ U'98 Theo. Johnson ____ John Velen ________ D. W. Johnson---- B. A. :lloore ------" Topeka, Topeka. , sa---.;9g Cont. & Com' 1 N., Chi.; Inter-State N. and Ist 50,000 275,000 300,000 5,000 25,000 Grutzmacher A. H. Grutzmacher A... C. Day Charles ---S£ner W ll'. A. Bank----•*1'03 State Citizens Ooap.Pottawatomie O 12 N., Kan. C.; It .._T., Leav.; Prudential Tr. 83-442 Pop. 838 Co., Topeka. . . , 50,870 N. Bk. Com. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. 272,000 288,500 13,000 30,000 Onara State Bank ______ •U'99 J, W. Dunn ______ J. A. Bon1our ______ Anna Lew15 ____ ---- L. B. Dunn________ " -------' C.: ~eav; N., Lea:r.: Bk. of Topeka, Topeka. ,· . . 83-441 . 14,880 Han. ., . Y.: Am. N .. st. Jo. 13,550 148,480 154,760 10,000 Oaelda. _____ NemahaB12 State Bank of One1da .. •U 84 H. H. Guise ________ J. L. Smothers --- 1R. L. te1bler ______ ---------------83~75 Pop. 276 22,300 Stock Yds. N., Kan. c.: Pitt. State, Pitt. 30,210 47,320 1,000 10,000 (()p0lis----Crawford G 15 1Farmer· State Bank ____ t§'l9 J. G. Sandidge---- S. E. Johnson ______ W. II. Wallace---- ------------------83-1305 ·,op. 300 50,000 tst N., Norton; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. c. 80,000 3,000 125,000 10,000 E. E. Ames-------- Chas. W. Campbell C. W. Smiley ______ -------·-----Oronoque ____ Norton B 41State Bank of Oronoque 20,7 0 · •t§'l5 83 -1193 : Pop.150 7 54,400 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. 342,670 313,370 10,000 O-,e Oity ____ QsareD 13 Citizens State Bank ____ t§'02 J. W. Laybourn ____ F. 0. Colstrom _____ 0. H. Ourtts ________ C. J. Curtis________ Kan. c. · 83-221 . Pop, 2376 20,530 Mid1Y. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; J~an. Re erve 94,510 93,930 5,000 25,000 'Farmer· tate Bank ____ t§'l9 A. A. Adam~-----·_ J. II. Lee __________ Claude Akers------ -------------------State, TOJJeka. , 83-1332 440,000 120,000 N. Park, .N. Y.; Inter-State N. and Fid. N. 17,000 500,000 50,000 Osai?e County Rank ____ •U'80 J.R.Burro,r _____ J. W. Womer------11"· G. Holmes _____ W. C. Jenkins_____ Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.: Central-'-· .. Topeka. Blanche Bailey 13-220 50,000 1st~., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., . _ •ew Eng. ,:., and 31,000 540,0G0 512,000 25,000 Oawatomie __ M:iami E 15 Farmers A Mech. Bk. -•U'89 L. B. Maynard __ Jos. F. Nicely - ---- IWalter Barnes _____ ---------- ---------F1d. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 83-1(7 Pop, 4772 1 100,000 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Drov. N ., Kan. a, 385,000 485,000 25,000 25,000 L. B. Meek ________ C. S. Lanphere---- a. J . .Matthews_ ___ :\I. F, Carter_______ Osawatomie State Bank " ____ ____ " . •tl'Ol 83-148 4~,000 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.; 1st N .• St. Jo. and Kan. 270,000 345,000 45,000 50,000 .aO1borne ____ Osborne c 7 Exchanfe National Bk,_•t'86 0. M. Madison _____ W. G. TindaL ____ R. D. Bick:aen _____ Lola 81cknelL____ O.· Lt N .. St. L. 83-295 Pop. 1635 lU,670 N.City,N. Y.: Com'! N .. Kan. c .. Kan.: N. Bk. 288,580 366,190 35,440 25,000 C. A. GARRISON __ I. L. DEMOSS------- E. C. GARRISON----- D. E. LINDEL----Com a d D ov N Kan c :Mo BLANCHE PRIZER Prompt attentl on to all colle<'tlo ns. · · ., r · ·• · n 15 Cfa~T · sent to us with each lght draft for pre scntauo~, and FARMERS NATIONAL BANK •'01 25 CENT for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention • 1!3-2llfl ~OoUDty~ealS.  I  ------1  I  ~  zC/l> > ,,,  v~  t:C )>  z  1o,r4  :;:  I  v~  Q  l{  ,  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t"85 83-294  F. 8. DENMAII--- HENRY RUTHI ---- J. 8. ANSLEY------ E.G. DENMAN.---R. M. BAYS  50,000  121,000  20,000  16,500  250,000  260,000  50,000  17,500  400,000  400,000  25,000  6,250  150,000  118,000  30,000  49,230  439,370  484.410  ____________________ . W. A. Lawellm ____ . A. L. Christy______ . J. R. Stalllngs ____ _ 11. E. Brent_ ______ _ A. :Moore---------M• .A. Wolf-------R. S. Hanes --------------------  J. G. SPEARS ------ed to us. Frank A. Jo1w:;____  20,000  2,000  06,380  113,880  25,000  11,100  280,000  295,000  100,000 25,000 100.000 25,000 I Ill  I  t. I  I  H  !.  II I • k  '  :  I  ·t """  20,000 1,180,000 1,163,000 7,000  300,000  275,000  52,830 1,951,800 1,577,160  210,000  6,000 : Ill  I  <' ~  o  87,000 Han. N ., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C,; TootleLacy N., St. Jo.  Q  I  208,000  llll[RS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY co •• To pe ka , Kansas -,  TU [ 0 l \ t\L OR"I\C,  :  534,500  rafts. 50c for ere dlt repo rts. 15,000 20,000 J.M. Pennington__  113-ll:i  I'-  393,000  BANK with lar gest assets of any bank In the coun ty.  THE OLDEST  { Prompt attentl on to commercial business.  FEE IN ADV AN CE: 15c mlolmu m on all sl1ht d .aOak:aloosa_J etre.rson c 14 Jefferson County Banlc•U'91 Ralph Snyder ______ M. S. McCreirhL __ O. N. Jacquemin ___ 83-414 I Pop. 701 State Bk. of Oslcaloosa_•tf'87 W. E. Huddleston ______________________ T. A. Huddleston__ . ' 83-415 o. State Bk. O. Gossard ________ P. . Frick ________ E. S. Nance ________ c. "!\I. Condon,• 14 G Labette •O1weeo ____ 11'70 83-229 Pop. 2386 First ational Bank _____ no D. s. Romine ______ O. E. Woods ______ F. T. Stephens ____ • , W. Brown 83-1363 • OSWEGO STATE BANK-•tl'87 Fred Perkins ______ J. W. Marley------ J. W. Marley------------83-230 Otee'o _________ Jewell B 8 Otego State Bank ------•t1'09 Josiah Morrow ____ A. C. Bennett_ _____ H. W. Brent_ ______ 83-976 Poo. 125 Ott, ____________ Rush E 6 Otis State Bank --------•tl'0-i G. L. Koch _________ C. M. B"ack ________ J. H, Schlegel, Jr,_ 113-977 Pop. 505 .aOttawa ___ Franklin D 14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t'?0 F. J. Miller ________ C. A. Smart__ ______ K. A. Hanes------C. H. Estabrook 83-91 Pop. 9018 Kan'-a. tate Bank _____ t '17 G. H. Hill__ ________ -------------------- II. H. Haye ------83-96 W. B. KILER ------ FRiD ~ FiCKELE..- W. 8. DEVILBISS---15 PEOPLES NATIONAL BAN~ { Large. t Banklu Ftbe c!~u t y. •t 72 Prompt attentl on to all Banking matters entru. t 83-92 ecurity State Bank ---•U'H II. F, Orabam ______ H.F. CorneJL _____ Clay B. Shinn----E. H. 81a tr.r 83-95 tate Bank of Ottawa __ •tl'82 \\'. . Falli · ________ 1'. O. lle:!Ler!! ____ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  60,000  _ ...  i 1111  1111  r+ r+  48,000 Chase N .. N. Y ,: Com. Tr. Co. and Lt • ,. ll> ~ Kan. C.; LPav, ·., Leav. 36,000, Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Drov. ' .. and~ Ilk. Com .. ll) K T r I Kan. C. 45,000 Chem. N., ~ , Y.; ra. N ,, an. C. T.  30,000 Live tock tate and 1st ,_T., Kan. C.; Citiz.1 I T,, Independence. 93,200 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: N. Bk. Com. and ew Ent.?, N .. Kan. c. 18,930 Chem. K .. N. Y.; Drov. N. an<I lidw. ResorYO Tr.Co.,Kan.C.: Ex. '.andlstN.,Atchison. 55,000 'Midw. Re$ervo Tr. Co., Kan. U. 241,0001 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l 1 Chi.: Com'I N .. Kan. C.. Kan. 65,000l~idw. Re crvc Tr. Co., Kan. u.  ...... ll)  g  619,370 1st N., N. Y., Chi .. and Kan. C. 1  68,000 Chase  'll) "1  N. Y.; Columbia • •• Kan.  T.,  !  .1. .,,  I~  c.  125,00ojN. Park. N. Y.; N., Wichita.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers  Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent Non-Bank Towns with Nearest. Banking Polut (In.  •  "  f  rl,  -nn  n  h, • ·  .......  _.  1  I  1I  ~ :  1  I  I  I'  .  I  ;.  I :  •  t  I  I  I  I  I  I :  t  t  : I  '  I  I  ' '  I  ' '  I  I '  I  I  '  I  •  '  I  ~  I i,r.  I  :  I  I I  I  '  :  ~~  '  ;  ~  '  I  ,  ~  .AMF. OF BA.·K.  II  0  PRIX<.;IPAL CORRESPONDE. TS .  "1  :<:  83-5711  Overland Park __ Johnson Overland Park State Bank -------------- John Karty ________ 0. E. Pincomb ________________________ _ Pop. 500 D 15 83-4178 •1'10 O:a:ford _____ Sumner G 10 Farmers&Merch. State Bank W.S. Hughes ______ IraAbildgaard. ____ J. H. Ratliff _______ Harriette H. Pop. 743 83-51 •U'OO Hughes OXFORD IAH----------•1'83 N. C. Dunn ________ B. F. Kelsey------ Homer Jester ______ T. E. Donley-----83-510 D. M. Bay ozawkie ___ Jefl'erson O 13 Ozawkie State Bank ____ :n•o2 Pop. 200 83-979 Page ___________ LQKan C 2 Farmers State Bank ____ i§'l7 Pop. 30 83-1260 Palco __________ Rooks C 6 Farmers State Bank ----:U"l6 Pop. 281 83-1237 Palco State Bank ______ • 1'03 83-980 Palmer_ Washington B 10 Bank of Palmer ________ •if'87 Pop. 179 83-981 •Paola ________ Miami D 15 Citizens State Bank ____ eif'03 Pop. 3238 83-178 Liberty St~t:_~k----•!§'20  MIAMI  co. \t.!l'611L BA'1~  -  25,000 $ 15,500 $ 237,000 $ 257,000 $ 44,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Inter-State N. and Columbia ~ N., Kan. O. · _ 25,000  15,000  230,000  30,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. O.  160,000  150,000  30,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.  10,000  10,000 5,360  20,000  30,690  84,650' 102,160 422,0001 352,560 160,0001 170,000  20,000  6,100  V. K. Hoover------ E. J. Gfeller _______ D. W. King ________ H. F. Snell backer. J. H. Stover Frank Hinkhonse __ 0, M. Towns _______ T. K. Coddington _________ -------- ----  4,980  1  260,000  15,000  E. A.. Wuner _____ Ira Pnderbaugh ___ A. 0. KendalJ ______ Mamie Frast ------  99,6301  2,700 30,000  275,000  :M. F. Southwick ___ H.J. Meierkord ___ A.H. Tegeler ______ C.H. Tegeler ____ __  25,000  7,000  150,000  150,000  240,000  257,000  115,000,  100,000  alina,  343,000  tatc.  40,000  19,000  35,000  5,250  F. W. SPONABLE--- P. W. GOYjL------- L. T. BRADBURY----- H. H. WHITAKER----  100,000  120,000 1,616,500 1,760,000  w. c.  Prompt service !.uCci9re~tlous pr ovld6d; HAMM lie accompanle s all sight drafts; 25e all credit rep orts.  1  ~  > Z  >  47,tJ00 1 t N., Kan. C.; Far. N,. Salina.  00  30,000 ICitiz. State, Topeka; Dro\·, T., Ka_n . C.  r.Jl  1  W. M. Krumsiek ___ C. C. Hoover ______ T. E. Schwartz ____ R. A. Dunmire ---Margaret Kelly F. M. Fisher _______ J.B. Lin<lemood ___ H. T. Snook _______ --------------  1  34,0001  11,500 Miclw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Pt'o.  45,000  12.500 75,000  to. Miller ________  17,190 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Union .. \Vichita; The tate, \"\'infield. 114,780 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y .: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita: Secur. State, Wellinl!ton. 15,870 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Farm Mte-e. Tr. Co. and Kaw Valley N .• Topeka. 36,120 Far. State, Russell.  73,970  Bertha Holmes ____ _  C. L. Miller ________ H. T. Sutor ________  ;  CASHIER.  Overbrook ____ osaie D 13 First National Bank----•t'98 J. W. Hollis _______ I. L. Hoover ------ J, A.. Cordis _______ A. L. Ove!lon ______ $ Pop. 500 83-677 C. E. Cordts Kansas State Bank-----•:U'91 G. II. Hart ------- E. D. Wadsworth __ J, A.. Kesler _______ ' Edward H. Platt __ _  33,000 Met., N. Y.; Com'!,. ., Kan. C., Mitlw. Reserve tp Tr. Co., Kan. C. 50,000 )!ech. & ~ictals .T ., ... •• Y.; Columbia .T., Kan. C.. :\Io. ~ 160,000 , Ilk. Com .. -. Y.; Com'l .i: ., Kan. C .. Kan.; 00 ~ T. Bk. Com .. t. L.  > z  6  60,000  82,130  Orlando Miller ___ _  10,000  113,440  E. D. Lundgren ___ _  10,000  5,500  165,870 Han. N .. N. Y.: N . .Bk. Com,, and Fid. ,1?. ~ .Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. >-1 9,250 Com'! N., Kan. O. ; 1st N., Luray. O" 81,9501 121,720 1 "1 145,000 140,000 j 28,000 1st .i: • and Midw. Re .erve Tr. Co., Kan. C.  't W. GOBLE-----ft. EciBOTTRELL--- J. H. LEMON-------- G. SULLIVAN-------FA RMERS STATE BAIIK•:§'06 { Prompt service ren ered on colle ctlons and sight d rafts  10,000  8,000  140,0001 126,000  32,000 N. Bk. Com. and ~Iidw. Re orve Tr. Co., Kan. ~ C.; Linn Co., La Cygne. r-t-  JAMESTYSOH----- B. J. CROSSWHITE--- G. G. McCONNELL--- C. E. VAIL---------15,000 Oldest and Largest Bank. FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft and TWENTY-Fl VE CENTS for ea ch credit report I nsures prompt, pe rsonal attention.  15,000  274,000  56,000 Han. N., N. Y.; .i:Tew Eng. N. and N. Bk. Com., ',:j Kan.C. ~  Peoples Nat~~~lank--•*'89 C. N. Emery _______ Maud Wil ·on. ____ W. H. Lewi __________________________ _  e ______ Rus ell D 7 Paradise State Bank --•tl'07 W. P. O'Brien----- D. 0. MUler ________ Pop. 3CO 83-982 Park ___________ Gove C 4 Park State Bank _______ .: '16 C. O. Morse ________ W. J. Heiney ______ Pop. 350 83-1221  Paradi  c. A. Zimmerman_ o. K. Nelson _______  83--640  g  'Ai( 1~11,~B1Ltie. H. w. KOENEKE----- E. B. WELL~--------  J.M. PIPER-------  BAIK  •U'l2  0  1  Parkerville-- Morris D 11 Peoples State Bank----•*1'09 W. H. Dodderidr~- Wm. Uhnrchman __ A.G. Porter _______ G. H. Trock _______ Pop. 144 83-983 Parsons _____ Labette G 14 *EXCHANGE STATE Pop. 16,028 83-40  854,3501 869.160  when acoompa nled by usual fee.  83--641  PARKER STATE BAIK .•U'98 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SU  KANSAS-Continued  :  I  I I ' ' • ~: . •Mem. Am. Bks. A n. tate PRESIDENT. \'JCE-PRESIDENT. Entire tate in No. 10 tMem. tate BK .A ' SD. +Priv. !ederal Reserve District. ♦Mem_:_Fed._Res. [Estab., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ __  Parker _________ Linn E 15 Pop. 436  Non-Bank Towns with Neare t. Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), l,awyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volEme. For Interest Rates. HoUdays, etc., :ee Laws. ::l  - I  '  200,000  "1 UJ  0  10.000  2,800  50,000  14,600  74,910i  70,350 301,560  377.440  This new bank gets out ancl mak es collections.  { Up-to-date equ lpment and servl ce. 1  Out of town bu slness appreciate d.  Farmers Nan~~:l Bank .. t'20 Geo. K. Ratliff _____ 0. O. Teague ______ W. F. Lay _________ 1S. P. Cornelius ____  100,000  10,000  250,000  Kirby Barton ______ A. o. Doke _________ ' L. Cortelyou, Jr. __ · R. R. WiLon -----· 83-116 •+'72 W. 0. Haubold *Parsons C~1 Bank--•:U'74 B. H. Edwards ___ J. F. Steele ________ H. A.. Bryant ______ W. C.Crawford-__ _ - 7 R. A. Woods  50,000  37,000  850, 000 1  50,000  73,750 1,467,090'. 1,222,830  w. w. Oavana,h ___ o. v. Henderson___  50,000  57,000  50,000  6,290  *FIRST IIATIOIAL BAIK•  *State Bank of Par ons •tl'99 T. K. Flynn _______ W.W. Oavana,h ___ 83-38  w.w.cannagh,Jr.  *West Side U83n~oln State ie~2k0 L, E. Goodrich---- B. F. Dienst__ _____ H. K. Read .. ------ -- . -------- ---------1  -..  •+•  7,420 Midw. RC"Orve Tr. Co. , K . C.: Am. State, tl'hi:;on. 108,380 Hau.~-- ... T . Y.:Midw.Rcsen-e Tr. Co., and Tra. T . . Kan C.; Com'l .i: ., Indenendence.  I  670,000  I 1  I  260,000 650,000  635,000  137 ,4201 150,000  Pa; Oif.S Cl~adri!1gatHdo'½, e ___*) T. M. Flynn _______ G. E. Meier _______ Kirby Barton, d'C, L. Cor~elyou, Jr .. , ------- _ _ _ ------ - - - - Ul..cm11ers in I.<' e 11'11 a ,.......,____ aml 1.'r. Jfar.  100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Liberty Cent Tr. Co., St. L.; Comw. N,, Kan. C. 250,000 :N. Park, N. Y.; Inter-State N .• Kan. C,; Com'l .1:·., Wash., D. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 368,010 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Drov. N. and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; -. Bk. Com., St. L. 104,000 N. City,~- Y._: 1st N., Chi. and St. L .. Ne'." Eng. .• )hdw. Re serve Tr. Co. and Com I N .. Kan. C. 22,790 N. Bk. Cocm., ~1 · PY.; Columbia .l:T ., ran. O.; Parsons om . arsons. --1  ~  524  am.., under Name  or B  nk is the New Transit Number given  to each bank in U. , . exclush·ety by The R1md-McNally Danker'' Directory, under the autl o,.lty of The A.m~!lcau Uankers Ass•n.  , NA lE OF B ,'K, TOWN A D COU .TY, •.:\lem. Am. Ilks. ssn. § tatf' 1 •County Scats. Ent1re.'tat•i11 'o.10 tMem. 'tateBks.Assu.tPriv. l E,talt. FedPial He ·11 rrn Dbtrict. +Mem. re I. He,.  LI A BI LJ TI ES, PRESJDE.-.r.  CASHJl!:R,  VICE-PRESIDENT,  Ass'T CASHIER.  PA10-up1su:;~usl Dir,Pos~APITAL PR~ITS _  l'artrich:o _______ Reno F 81Partride-e-;tate lla:k ___ •!§'04 \r, H. Ila:,.karcl ____ W. J. \liller_ ______ 83-984 Pop. 2~J \D. R. Lo~an _____ I G. P. mitb ------Pa11111•e Rock-Barton E 7 Farmers & ~frrch. State Bk. < We off'er prompt, cffPctive _ervice •h'08 I Fee in a1lrnnct~: Sight draft., 15c mi 83- 605 Pop . .J:!8 ( Credit Hr.ports. 50r.  186,000 t:t5,000  126,000' 56.000N.City,N.Y.; Inter-State N.,Kan.O.: 1 t~·.,, I Hutchin ·on. 50.000 N. Ilk. Com., Mirlw. HP-.Cr\'e 'fr. Co .. and 170,000 Conl\\ .• '., Kan. C.: 1st N., Hutchinson.  25,000  4.980,  220,260 1  14.J,820  20,000  6,000  16,000  24,000  nimum; 25c minim um if paid.  'E: Plain sight draft!., 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. TRY  I•'. IL We!-L _______ S.  n.  Brown ______ _  "·"'°I  22:;,000  I  l'Prr  . L.  636,660  75.000  41,000  80<!,680  --------- IH . .\1. Spi111·rs ---- Syh·ia L. Bell______  10,000  12.000  -------------------.II. s. Ludwig ______ ----------- --------J .• ·. 11 c. fid1aeL _ ll. E. Ilaskim, _____ H. C. Knappen-  2~.000  2,000 ---------  15,000  5,600 1 146,000  28:!,350·cbasc ~r., ... •. Y.; Cont.& Com'!." .. Uhi.: J. ew en I Eng. N. and '. 111.::. Com., Kan. C.; 1 ·t ., t1:1 \\'iehita. 15,000IJi'i<I. N. Bk. c· Tr .• Kan. C.: 4th N. and,.\\. _, lOn.000 ''tate, Wichita. - - - 4th:N., Wichita.; :Mid\\. Re-l'rn''I'r. Cu.and J.'. X en ~ Bk. Com:, ~an. u. 16,0001:t N .. W1t'h1ta; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 141.000  Kobli•r _______ :\I. G. Finley _______ J.C. Herman______ ________________  12.000  1,500  ~~  1  !  I  2:;.000 10,000 L. RAINES---- THOMAS LEE------ V. C. RAINES------ BEULAH JENNINGS , • I 'Jt'U'TEEN CEN T. · ent to us wl th <'ach sh:bt dra ft tor presentatlo n, and ______ Jetr~rson O 14 BANK OF PE~RY ------ •ti 93 \ TWEN'l'Y-HVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per onal att entlon. 1  83 988  Z  c.  100,000  69::i,240!  1 < J.  Pop. l,  X  :>  100,000  'ti1i~rn:} TI'.lnk_ •'19 , '. C. 1 t>lma11 --- -~~  50,000 Tra. N .. 1liclw. Re!--en·c 'Tr. Co., and Drov .• r .. Kan. C.; Ex. StMe. Kan. C..  5,000  Penalosa State Bank ____ •!S '04 Charlie )IcPh<·et •r Penokl'e State Bank ....!.''17 83 12iJl  I  92,060  l'el'k ---pii.drooick G 10 State Bank ~{!g;~k ---- •U'05 L. ('. h.1 lll'Y ------ ',---- ----·  P1•11oket1 ,----<;raham 1 ,)p. 150  240,000 1  I  rs.  ( Prompt attenti on to all banking matters.  9~,000  30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State • .• Kan. 1 1.420 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Drov.  J.' ••  Kan. C.  en  :>  6lri,370  1  "  8,000'lnter-<:;tate N. and Fia .• ·. Bk.,· 1'r., Kan. C.  25,000  1  ---- ----  96.220'lst N., Kan. C.; Citiz. N .. Great Beml.  45,000  50,000  w.  ..  u.......  9,000  Peatotlv.--- M_;IJion I: 10 American tat,• Hank __ •t.· ·10 Chas. E. Ureeue ___ F. P. I . X3-1323 . Pop. :?J.,., First National Uank _____ .;t"84 Willis We tbrook __ F. IL Prescott_ ____ L. J. \\.'hittecar. ___ 'ha . A. Runyon__ . 83-321 h. Ilozorth _____ Ray B. Roberts ____ .A. R. Kent______ ___ Peabody State Hank ____ •tS'99 o. JollitfP _________ IL .\. Ray 83-322 1  Penak,_aPC)J)~lf!~IDan F 8 Farmers -  n.011  15,000  Olde t an<t  tPinhane1· -  C.£&H. EX•  OB.4NOla,Dta1  10,000  --- A. B. HESSE-------- J. W. HUND---------- --------------F. L. RAYMClND-Lar ~<-st n,rnli. !<'EEL. ADYA.'  I  15,000  San• tinw and t! et s<'F\'lce on Coll e<·tion · and c:redi t Reports by send Ing  :tf'Oi  U-Oi.011,  8.acOIUTUa  W. M. Billups _____ --· ________________ 1 on all busine.s.  I  STA TE BAt!K OF PAXICO  l.O.&N'A & Dt•• ~ 'Te.  ITS  J. W. Anderson __ _ F. F. Nantz_~------'  Pawnee Rock State Bk.•t§'Ol E. R. Moses ·-------, P. Bloom __________ A. Drin, ___________ A. 8. Gross _______ _ t 1!3-604 l'a.xicu __ \\ at1au11,ee (' I~ Citizen State Bank ____ t,"'20 T. A. Fiunrv ______ ,Carl 1Iillcr_ _______ .\l. J,'. )lock ___________________________ _ ,\.H.~to\\il! . 83134:l l'op.'i'4  83-985  . 'on-Uank 'rowns wilh • 'l'ar" t Haulifng Point (fn<lllx •d Ai·,·•~.), J.awyt•rs, Law-. (lnclexeu) in ha<'!-. of lhi c.n , olume. For Int ere. t Rates, Holiday·, utc., seo Law ·.. ~ PRJ.'L'IPAL CORRl<:sPo.·oE.·Ts. RESOLl{Cli:S.  KANSAS-Continued  I  1  :>  I  I  80,000  32.000 1Dr0\· .• '., Kan. C.; Durl1am Sta  70,000  e,  ~  Durham.  .., !l)  100,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N. and lnter-State N., , Kan. C.: Bk. of Torwka. Torwka.  300,000  380,000  ~  "1  5: (IQ ~  Jt'arrn mortgage loans n egotlat ed.  O .5·  'i,lOOl~lidw. He crv1' Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Peo. State, ~ Lawrenre. !l,500 v t ... ' .. Wichita; lei(! •• '. Bk.,· 'rr., Kan. c.  Farmer Statt• Ilank __ •!§'13 T . .T. Sweeney _____ Y. •. Dinnen ______ \\'. B. Dunham---· -------------------83- 11-13 l'e1·t11-_______ Sumner G !l Perth State Bank ______ e:t§'Ol Luella P. t wart__ ,luo. 'I'. 'tewart ___ H. A. Wynn _______ ------------------83-989 Pop. ,!00 Peru ____ chautauqt.a G 12 Peru State Bank ________ t§'03 J. T. Bradley ______ P. Looby __________ U.S. Gibbs ________ Leo reek _________ _ 83-990 Pop. ;,,o  15,000  12,000 ·  73,000  10.000  6,0001  76,370  83,670,  20,0,JO  21,500  200,000  185,000,  50.000 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.  w. C. SMITH-------- MARY HOYT -------{l~~~~:f~~rA~ci:.:li.~2sir.t~t~&~~k.---Coll<'ctlono; are not treate<l a a side lln<'.  25.000  29,810  2~:i,i!lO  239,9101  31,!lOOlllan. J. .. N. Y.: Urov ... '.and.·. Hk. Kan. C.; Tootlr.-Laey •• .. St.Jo.  First National Bank -----•t'86 W. D. Womer _____ _ I<'. It. \\'in:;hip _____ E. J. Clo.e _________ C. \l. Aldrich _____ _ N. C. Bracken 83-385 Phillips County Bank __ •:tl'81 ('. L.• 'ip11, _______ _ IL 1r. ,\ll(!Pr- 111 ____ W.W. Warner ____ \\. ~- \fcll\·ain ___ _ 83-334 Piedmont, GreenwoodF12 Piedmont State Bank ___ :t§'05 . C. llarur.s _______ .la:. Hileman ______ U. H. Wilson ______ II. R. Arms:rong 83-991 Pop. 2:iO l'i •n· , ille ___ l'innl'y Ji' 3 Pinc,•, ill,• ·tatP Bank.•ts'l'i Wm. Wonn ________ ,\. o.;, Outhrit'------ s. V. Ht•ctor ------ ,J. n. Whitt•h1•a<I __ I 83 12J6 J'OI). ] 00 Pil. pn _______ .\lari on E 10 Pi!.: •n t, IP Bank ______ !1i'1fi 1 .J. J. J711•11da • ____ \' • .J. llo:-h _________ T. \\'. SpachC'k ---- Bertha Ila1111 ·----1 1214 3 100 1'011.  50,000  601,840  50,000  9,100  IG0,000  105,000  196,330,. Park,.·. Y.; Cont.& Com'! N .. Chi.: li'id. '. Bk. & 'l'r., Kan. C.; Cent. N., Toneka. 26,690,0.nase N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. Jo.  6,:;oo  90,000  88,0C0  10.000 1st N., Kan.C.;)I<1rd1. He~ene State. Wichita.  10.000  1,000  46,000  55,4-10  t:!.000  7,210  118,270  10,000  2,920  !)9,420  10,000  11,000  14:;,000  5,150 ~ . Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Peo. ,"'ta(c. Gardrn Citv; !ll ::, Farm :Mtcl'. Tr. Co.,Topeka. 21,700 )lillw. Ro "l'f\'C Tr. Co., Kan. C.: 'rnt. .. •.• s:: Topeka; Far. & Dro,· ... ',,~ta<' Bk. ot ('om., !l) .., an<I Marion N., 1larion. 12,01()1\\'ulfekuhler :tat(•, Lea.v.; Com'! • '. and:< 1lidw. He.",•rvt• Tr. 'o., Kan. C.: Basehor :; tatP. Basehor. , t tv 2.J,000 Com'! ., Kan. C.; Iola State. Iola.  •l'hillip buri:.Phillips B 6 Pop. l~IO  FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 3-1196  •t 'l5  104,000  I  Piµ •r ___ Wyan<tot 11• c I~ Piper st.ate Ila nk ------•!. ' l:i IL \f. P U1Prbricl~t1 .Tam<' <- IC'nn -- -- j E. <;. 'I ru kt'Y ----- E<'rank Lallier - ---3 lHll Pop. 100 Piqua ______ \Voo<lson I~ U PiQua tate. Bank _______ :l:§'!0 1 \ , \ \ ' . L llll!-------- .J. W. Urogman ---- .1.11. Wille ________ II . C.. \\'ill<'-------. 3-686 l'op. 2:iO  I  I  10,000  S:: om .. Ill  I  ,1  I  I  I  451,:530  I  1  '-4  and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Topeka, State Agent Bankers Ass'n (w. w. ■OWMAN, & SURETY Co 19 Topeka Kansas 1j KansasFidelity ·. THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY #  . Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit .Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Secy.)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.) Law ers Laws (indexed) in back of  '-4  525  Number under Name or Bank is the New Tnnslt Number given to each bank in U. S. ei:cluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• !>lrectory, under the au_thorlty of The _A ~er!~~~n~ers Ass•n.  --TOWN AND OOUNTY-:  -I -  C 00 flDUe d KANSAS -  NAM-E OP BA."K.  -  PUtsburr_Orawtord G 15 Pop. 18,052  *AMERICAN EXCHANGE  STATE BANK---------•l§'19 83-29  •  *FIRST NA BANK . 83-25  f R. S. RUSS-------1 .:..!!f B ~ G  b1!.~;Tx: 18UBPLU IDEPOS-'T 0. A.SHIER.  OASBIJ:R.  AND  _ ____  __ ___ __ _ _ ___  ETS 0 ~ ~D ~ AKES ~(!LLECTI ONS.  ___  Facilities for any business in the line of banking. We collect at once and remit at once. If not paid we obtain reasons.  na  no,ooo, $ I \  _ _ _ __ 1  430,000 1$  "1  ''.:< ~  00,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Drov. N. and Com. Tr., Kan. c., ,Io.  t-J -  328,540 N. Clty, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N.,Cbl.;  178,580 1,5!l4.800 1.644.820  100,000  -1-  ,--  50,000  latN.,Kan.C.;N.Bk.Com.,s,.L.  100,000  -  325,500 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Inter-State N., and We tern Ex. Kan. C. 200,000 Han.N .. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N.,Chi.; N. Bk. Com., 1st .. ·., and New Eng . .1:· .. Kan. C.  63,i0O 1,316,550 1.076,230 58,000  9:5,000  985,000  Oldest Bank 1n the City. Reasonable charges on Collections. They will be remitted for promptly on day of pa!ment.  Z00,000 -  w.  ~ 183.860 1,700,000. 1,336,130 667.050 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St.I> L.: New Eng. N., N. Bk. Com., and Fld. :Z: ,_ -  _  /J.  50,000,  ll,2ii0  416.6:;o  300.7001  63,o:;o  63.130  180,000  150.000  25,000  18.750  1 8,000  240,000  5(,,000  58,740  4'1.i60  562,950  PleasantoD-----Linn 11: 16 Bank of Pleasanton ---•!1'87 .A. L. Humphrey ___ T. J, Blakey _______ F. :\I.Kl'rn ________ F. B. Ellis ________ _  30,000  26,000  323,000  200,000  83-329 First Natio i~~1nk: ______ i•o7 .4.. M. Kent _______ Harry Evans ______ F. D. Wild ___________________________ _  8  PlenlL-------Reno .Ir 8 State Bank of Plevna.-Ul900 C. \\'. ::iiiles _______ E.W. Hinshaw ____ :M. D. ::irattlev_ ________________ _  . _ J. A. Hudelson ____ J. R. Hudelson ___ _ 1Lyla o. Thorsen 83-004 Pop. 48:j Poru. ______ Osborne O 7 First State Bank -------•U-04 J. R. Burrow ______ F. H. Burrow ______ J.P. Thomas ______ c. M. Thomas _____ _ H. :.'if. Thomas 83-995 Pop. 390 Potter _____ A.tchlsonC 14 Farmers State Bank __ -•U'05 P. C. Greiner ______ Jame Robin on ___ E. B. ~'iemann ________________ _ 83-701 Pop. 200 U1900 R . .F. MitchelL. __ Fred Ode __________ H. A. Ode _______________________ _ Potter State " 8 Potwin ______ Butler F 10 Fir ·t ... 'ation~l B:;uk ------'li J. D. Harrbon _____ .J. L. Bigg --·-··---- c. D. Hus elL ________________________ _ 83-12a6 Pop. 415 Pohnn Staiifook ____ •!1'04 J. S. Joseph _______ V. P. Worlinc _____ H. A. Kath· _______ W. H. McNary ____ _ " ________ " 83-993  Pomona ____ Franklin D 14 Citizens State Bank: -----U'0l J. W. Hudelson ____ W. B. Hutchins  1  ~ir·---  Powhattan ___ Brown B 13 Bank of Powhattan ___ •!l'!li T. J. Fletcher _____ . 83-997 Pop. l47 Prairie View. Phillips B 6 First National Bank ----•t•to J. J. Wiltrout__ ____ 81Hl98 Pop. 183 •Pratt_ _________ Fratt F 7 Citizens State Bank --- •tf'07 J.E. Hardrsty _____ 83-167 Pop, 5111 FIRST NATIONAL BAIi~ ,ING, W. Lemon ______ PRATT ___ 83-166 - ----- t 02 Peoples Bank __________ •U'87 T. 0. Carver _______ 83-165  R. L. Funk ________ Len Robert _______ I,.  c. Christenson __  P. De Jone- ________ D. A. De Younf ____ B(•1:t Boen'- ______ _ , E.G. DeYoung J. Jeurink E. L. haw ________ r. II. llodgrs _____ D. H. , cotL------l I  I ,.  H. A. Barbee. ______ o. H. Boele ________ E. F. Searc. i.J _______ , 1 Thu ..Jolrn~on ____ E. F. Tolman ______ L. ll. Br0\1 ne _____ _ c. ·. Harmer 0  .:~.B~:.&Tr~~-:~.:·  Ex-.·•• Chi.,  c. ti, I1  'J? ~-,  ·. , K an, C .; 1 Com 'I •. ''0 ~  ~  :Z:  • ., \\""1c l u·t a.  ~  135,500 N. Bk. Com., i •• Y.; lstN .. Inter-State •.. Dro,·. ::; ·., and New Ene. N., Kan. C.;lsL • .. Den. C/J a° 110,000 Han. • .. N. Y.: Fid . .l·. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. C ~ 33.500 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.  25,000  11,500  184,000  183.800  6,000  103,000  155.500  15,000  20,000  209,000  151,000  10,000  12,690  173,340  10-1,120  12,000  8,800  210,000  167,000  10,000  12,000  230,000  210.000'  I  H,400 :\1idw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; ·tate E .. , ,.O 1 Hutchinson. 88,250 Cha e N ., N .Y.: Peo . .t ·., Ottawa; •. , Bk. Com., I ',:! i "1 Kan. C. 92,050 Ir'id. :K, Bk. & Tr. and Inter-State N .• Kan. 1» C.; Cent.N. and Cent. Tr. Co., Topeka; 1st ::; N .• mith Center. 46,150 Midw. Re,erve Tr. Co., Kan. 0.: Am. Statr, Atchi on. -15,000 Inter-State N.. Kan. C.; Ex. N ., Atchison.  25,0001  1,610  54,-150  67,6 0  25,000  25.000  300,0001  26b,ooo  25,130 Eldorado .:., Eldorado; Inter- tate • ·., Kan. C.: 4th N .• Wichita. 65,000 Chasl• .1.·,, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.: Union Stock Yds. .. Wichita.  25,000  6,500  200,000  190,000  30,000 Chase N., N. Y.;Am. N., St. Jo.; Tra.  25,000  8,000  200,000  50,000  13,000  1111  100,000  15,000  lllll,000  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Go ,, Tope ka ' Kansas  l I  10,000  ;11 II I Ill  ol 111  >  70,000 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. ('Jll Kan. C.; Farm )ltge. Tr. Co., Topeka. ~ 30,000 Com'l N ., Kan. C.  25,000  1  ~  ,iidw.  ·-------1-------- ---- -- -· --------· 1,880  •tf  1'~.170  I Hesnryc 'l'r. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Kan.  25,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SI>  _  10,000  I .  g  ·-:::-,:  1  15.000  Pop. 202  PRiNCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.=  no• B.u&& _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  S.cUJUna  Plain _________ G 3 Danner :tate Bank ---•!§'17 C. K Wood·------- G. A. 'iekel '011---- II. L. Old _________________________ _ 83 1241 Pop. :iO Plains State llank ______ •U,06 J.11. Colline-wood - .I. \. Colline-wood_ D. :&'. Colline-wood_ Nora Md'hee _____ _ 83-992 PlaloviJle ______ Rooks O 6 Farmers& Merch. State Bank B. B. :.',lcHeynold _ J.A. Collins _______ Fred Heoo _________ ~1a(• Dryd<:'n ______ _ . ! . . . . , 05 . 83-371 . Pop. 1004 .. First Natio~~~~nk ____ • .,. 05 C. G. Cochran ______ N. F. Shaw--~- ____ Earl T. G11lesp1e ___ Vuvie Norris _____ _  "  I  &E  O  - - - - -  G. Miller ______ __! H. O. l'eter_ on ____ •• H. rnliam ___ _ C. Q. Miller-------c. Perry, V. P. .J. G . .'andidl!C •U'0-1 83-28 Pitt hure !earing Hou ·l•--- E. \'. Lanyon ______ , 11, H. Kumm, 'J'r .• ____________________________ _ 1 (,l/, 111l1cr:< i111lic1tft:cl 1111 a *)  Pop. 1201  Ic:::G,.,,,;;,.  I -  •t'8G  *PITTSBURG STATE BANK  16,000  ~~~•:,~~'.:;  1  E. V. LANYON------ L!M- LANYON,JR.- EDGAR C. WEBBER R. L. PATE------  OF PITTSBURG 83 _24  PROFITS I  $ 100.000 $  ,  _________________ _ *FirstState Bank _____ .i5•03 J.N.Patmor _______ B.A.Patmor ______ E.A.Sellrnans berger 83-26 *National Bank of Commerce A. E. Maxwell _____ C. S. Smith _ _ _ J. S. Maxwell _____ Carl Crouch _____ _ ... 'orman Baxter •t'06 83-27  *NATIONAL BANK  8  1  C. A. SMITH--------- T. R. CAVE, JR,----- HENRY COLBURN----  W. J. WATSON----- R. E. CAILTOII--- H.B. IUllM----·-- J. ff. STEPHEIIS---D.D.JEFFERS OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE CITY  •i'86  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  --  --  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •OoUDty Seats. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire tate in .i:'o.10 tMem. State Bks. Assn.t Priv. [E:-tab. - - - - - ~ - i Federal Reserve Di! trict. + _lem. Fed. He.;.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SI>  ___ _ __  _ _  c.  .  43,000 •. Ilk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st ... Phillil' lmrg. Ill  1111  I  Ill  I Ill I  ,.,  1:'  ., Kan.  II  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W.,W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  '!,  '~ •  1lll4er Name of Bank 1s tJ1e New Transit Number given to each bank in U.S. e:s:clu lvely by The Band-McNally Bankers• Director,. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  ~TO~W=~AN=D=OO~UN=TY==,==;:==~N;=A=:M::E:.=:=OF~B~A7..=::K=.-==-=;1_:=.__::::__--::.__=-=:====;=======7  •OOuntY Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. ISU:!,te Entire tate in ·o.10 :l:Mem.State Bks. Assn. tPnv. Federal Reserve District. • Mern. Fed. He-.. f E~tah.  PRESIDE...~T.  Non-Bank Towns \\ ith Nearest Banking Point (In-  KANSAS - C On t·lnUe d --- - - - , --CASHIER.  VICE-PRESIDltNT.  I  ASS'T CA.SHIER  •  dexed Acces.), LaT\·yers, (Indexed) in back of thi., 01 -=======v=o= lume.__ F~l_n_!!rcs~ Rates_, Holidays, etc., rn Law. ~ - -LIABILITl.l!:S.  ·.PAID-UP I SURPLUS  CAPITAL  AXT> PROFITS  RESOURC~~  I  --- --- --- --- ---1------------6,700 119,260 87,320 $ 34,790 1Drov. N., Kan. c.; Citiz. T., Ft., cott. 8,610 213,710 170.300 66,380 New Ena. N., Kan. c. .. 2,500 82,460 82,620 ' 11.680 Fid. N. Bk. & rr., Kan. c.: 4th N., Wichita.  PrescotL-------Llnn E 15 Prescott S~\:_~nk ___ e:j:§'0-1 W. E. Holmes _____ F. H. Niles ________ R. II. \Yood. ______ --------- ----------110,000 291 Pratt F 7 State Bank of Preston_ •!§'02 -R. B. Haines _______ H. L. Rick. ______ L. W. Hays ________________ ·------15,000 Prest.,.n Pop. ~ -iioii:401 83-:1000 . Pretty Prairie __ Reno F 9 Farmers National Bank __ 19 P. J. Graber _______ C. A. Lambert _____ J ••T. Kaufman _____ Mr. Lena Steven ·_ 25,000  ~m  ~u  Farmers State Bauk ____ t§'l9 Ray C Yoran ______ E. K. tucky______ . F. Dafforn ______ A. J. Flickin~er___ 83-1309 State Bank or Pretty Prairie Ella Demoret ______ D. F. Collin~wood_ -D. A. Voran __________________________ _  83-1001  •:1:1'97  Princeton __ Franklin E14 Peoples State Bank _____ t§'07 Nelson Elliott----- W. B. Kiler ________ G. 0. Harris _______ ,Mrs. G. 0. Harris __ Pop. 200 83-1002 , Protectfon_OomancheGft Farmers State Bank __ •U'08 A. A. Carpenter --- Albert Thornhill __ Harry Large _______ 1RufusLeiter ______ _ Pop. 1109 834147 " Protection tate Bank_•i§'07 S. J. Butts _________ W. L. Dale _________ F. S. Butts _________ B. E. Schmoker ___ _  834146  Purceu ____ Doniphan B 14 State Bank of Purcell. •U'07 J. M. Morley _______ M. F. Purcell -- ____ P. K. Devereux ____ -------------------- 1 Pep. 100 83-1003  '  Qoenemo _____ Qsa1.?e D 13 FARMERS STATE BANK.:1:1'91 Pop. 733 83-548  ---PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDILJ.TS.  DEPOS-- \Lo•NB&Drs- C•rn&Ex- 1 ITS ,C'TII. llo1ms, en•. c, ,DU11 B•ctmtTWI 1110>1 Buu.  {J. T. McMILLIN --- J.E. L.A. CAVNER------W. M. EAGLE------- WILSON HUTCHINSON EAGLE  1  25,000  00,000  130,000  15,000  11,890 1 246,120  237,270 175,000  3,000  I  10,000  14,000  17,500  30,000 1 350,000  300,000  10,000  30,000 :  300,000 ,  9,270  70,870'  69,310  12,000  1  15,000  8,750  200,000  215,000  23,000 N. Par.i., N. Y.: Com'l N., Hutrhinson; Columbia '·• Kan. C.; Union ·. , Wichita. 34,400 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra. N .. Kan. C.; State Ex .. Hutchinson. 50,000 Drov. N. and Cont. N., Kan. C.; Peo. N .. Ottawa. 70,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Am. State, Wichita.  C  190,000  45,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and ... ·. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; , 4th .• Wichita. ~ 19,610 Mech. & .Ietals N._, N. Y.; tock Yds. .11-nd 1st N .. St. Jo.; M1dw. Re_erve Tr. Co., Kan. C/l I c.,:.\Io. 20,000 Comw. N .. Kan. C. C/l  152,370  1  Z  >  15C must accom pany sfght draft. 25c must accom pany requests for credit ratings. This will save tl me and Improve s 1ervlce.  ll1  16,030 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: 1st N., St. L.  > z  12,000 New Eng. •. and Stock Y<ls .•.' .• Kan. C.  C/l  40,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C,  ~  1  Quenemo State Bank ___ :§'05 M. S. MarshaJL ____ , II. B. Wilson ______ C.H. Crum ________ FlorenceL.Windett 83-549  Quincy __ Greenwood F 13 Quincy State Bank ____ •:1:1'02 Z. Gilroy------ ___ B. F. Wright_ ______ Leo L. Cannon _____ H. G. Cannon ____ _ Pop. 250  Quinter _________ Gove D 4 Pop. 383 Radium ______ tatTord E 7 Pop. 50 Ramona _____ Marion E 10 Pop. 303 Randa!L ______ Jewell B 8 Pop. 30-1 Randolph ______ Riley C 11 Pop. 401 " "  83-1004 Farmers State Bank __ •t§·o J. 11. Lon~- ______ J. F. Blicken:taff _ . • . 83-1005 , • _ • • F1r.-t ahonal Bank ---- •t 17 1 Ed. \\ ur.-L ________ ~ • c. LewL _______ 83 -1253 Hadium tate Bank ____ •:l:§'11 J. G. Bauer ________ .. . Yocum __________ 83-1102 Ramona State Bank ___ •!§'03 W. W. Musick _____ --------- ----------83-1006 Randall 'ational B'mk .. • '21 C. A. Crawford __ __ S. C. Frien(l ______ 83-1388 State Exchange. Bank--•:1:1'90 F. J. Atwood ______ J. S. Hart _________ 83-1007 I Citizens State Bank ____ e:l:f '05 F. II. Shellenbaum C. W. Peter_ _______ 83-609 State Bk. or Randolph-•:1:1'87 J. W. Johnson _____ Otto Johnson ______  E. L. Wickizer _____ I. R. Long _____ _ ,  •  15,000  13,800 1 154.060  10,000  5,500  7!1,000  79,800  25,000  11,000  250,000  250,000 I  5,300  67,4501  112.930  10,780 Inter-~tate ~T·• Kan.  10,000 ·  15,000  100,000i  120,000  20,000 Comw. N., Kan C.; State Ex., Hutchinson.  0. M. Shirk __ ----- • ·eva Shirk _______ _  20,000  1,150  60,000  108,360  IL H. Parsons _____ \Y. F. Easter _____ _  25,000  2,500  50,000  27,000  35,000 Live Stock State, Kan. C.; Am. N,,  W. E. Carnahan ___ C. Carnahan ______ _  35,000  7,000  85,000  40,000 Com'l N .. Kan. C.; 1st N., Concordia.  H. H. Oberhelman_ --------------------  10,COO  20,000  110,000  100,000 247,180  L. V. Johnson _____________________ _  31,990  251,0-101 60,000  85,000  L. L. Clyne ________ W. F. cherzinger _ W. F. Baer-------- Fred Amstutz ____ _  35,000  10,000  275,ooo!  320.000 I  W. G. TuJJoss ______ W. B. Kiler ________ C. D. Cayot_ _______ -------------------W. 8.Tulloss, l'. P. and Ch. of Bd. Raymond _______ Rice E 8 Raymond State Bank __ •tl'06 W. A. Groves------ jT, Miller_ __________ F. J. Miller ________ Ida Elder _________ _ Pop. 130 83-1010 Readinf.? _______ Lyon E 12 Reading State Bank---:l:lllltO J.E. Hyde _________ 1L. B. Sheldon ______ D. Willis Jones ____ Effie J. Jones _____ _ Pop. 358 83-1011  10,000  14,900  188,100!  165,600  10,000  13,800  99,340  91.840  12,000  28,000  160,000  160,000  Redfleld ____ Bourbon F15 Redfield State Bank----•:l:l'OI R. E. Quick ________ S. H. Lynn-------- H. C. Lynn-------- -------------------Pop. 269 IS-1012  10,000  7,600  ll0,000  125,<iOO  Reece ___ Greenwood F 12 Heece tate Rank ______ :l:§'11 H. A. Dunlap ______ J. L. Barrier------- B. R. Smith ------- W. H. H. Smith __ _ Pop. 200 11-1113  20,000  3,500  100.000  Republic ____ Rf'public B II Citizens Stat, Rank ____ .:1:1·03' A. B. Evans _______ A, Tobin ___________ J. W. Werts _______ Loi· Evan -------Pop. 411 Sl-117 Bertha Tobin --------  ..  Hepublics1~~rlnk-w--tl'86 1F.A.Guy __________ W.S.Lower _______ J. Ford White--------------------1  10,000  15,000  300,000  25,000  15,000  I   Number u~der Name or Bank I the New Transit Number given to each bank 1n U. 8. exeluslvelJ by The Band-McNallJ Bankers• Director,. under the authority of The American Bankers A s•n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,  KANSAS-Continued  ·,  'r+ r+  i  t. Jo.  1  o ~  38,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Corn'! 1 ' •• and Inter-State N .. Kan. 0. C 59,550 Chase N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .• 1st 1 • . . . ~ew ~ , Eng. ·.,Drov. :r.,andlnter-StateiT.,Kan.C. ~ 11,000IFill . N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 4th ~tate, Hut- o chin on. 45,000 1st N .. Hutchinson; N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0. 31,440 Peo. N., Ottawa; Midw. Rr erve Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 21,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Com'l N .. Kan. C .. Kan.; Citiz.) State, Sterlin~. 40,000 ~.Bk.Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and lnter- 1 State N., !'an. C.; Citiz. N., Emporia; Bk. of Topeka, Topeka; -t.Jo. tock Yd .. t.Jo.' 16,000 Oomw. N .. Kan. 0.: Ft. Scott State, Ft. cott.:';u  :~  I  95,000  i  225,000  80,000 Chase N .• N. Y.; Drov. N .• Kan. C.: Atchison~ av .. Atchison. -  200,000  75,000 Drrw. N., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy r·., t. Jo.  II  30,000 N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; 1st N .. Eureka,  Pol  I  "'1  \0  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co 1, Ta neka Kansas I Kansas Bankers Ass'n t,I  rn  g  .g  -------  ·ewcomer ___ G. C. cherzinger __ R. \Y.  (D  ecur. N., Kan. C.  8,740  25,000  "  c.  25,000  P. II. Zuercher ____ - - - - - - - - -  25,000  Carl  I  "'1  A. C. Easton _______ S. A. Mitchell ___ _  imon ------ Lela Carroll. _____ _  834108  Ran om---------• ·e~s J> 5 Farmers State Bank ----t~•20 Pop. 2 5 83-1353 First State .Bank --------il'118 83-1008 RantouL ___ Franklin Dl4 State Bank or RantouLH'05 Pop. 317 83-1009  ~  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers (W.  ~  .....  #  w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer . Laws (indexed) in back of thi.: ._  lH-EBANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SUR-, ~u., 1opeka, lansas-;  U'-f'  .IIIV  ISS'n (W.  J  WWII  _.  wwun~u  I  w•• ..  ui- ■■ u,--•  ---  w. BOWMAN, S~cy.) Topeka, State Agent  I  Number under Name of Bank I the New Tra.mH Number given io eaoh bank in U. 8. eselullnlJ by The &and-McNally Bankers'  Non-Bank Town with Neare t Banking Point (Jndexed Acee.), Lawyer. Laws (iurlexcd) in back of thi 'ji, ::::::::::==:::Dl=rec~to=r=J=,=a=n=:d:::e:::r=t=h=:e~au=th=o=r=lt:_~J=o=f:::T=b=e==:A=m=e=r=lca=n=B=-=•=n=k=e=rs=-=A=s==•n=·=======-=-==========--=============-= -"o-::-=l.~u:-m::,,:e-=::.=F.::.,o:..r...:~ntert>s! R~tes,_!!olida!_s!.. (l,!C., . e L~ws. ::i TOW,  A D OOUNTY.  KANSAS-Continued  I  Nill.B: OF BANK.  •Oounty Seats.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState Ulem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT.'-c--'t.. _♦ ---'--M...c"'"m_....::F...e;.:d:..:... ..::.R:..::e.:...s.:..__.....:.:lE:=cis:...;ta.=.b..:..:., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entire tatein No. IO  1  1  Reserve ______ Brown B ta Reserve State Bank---- :WD8 Pop. 200 83-1014 Bexford _____ Thomas O 3 Rexford State Bank ____ eU'02 Pop. 237 &3-1015 •Richffeld ... _Morton G 1 ( u Elkhart) l'op. 62 Richland __ Shawnee D 13 Richland State Bank ____ if'85 Pop. 250 83-1011 Rfchmond._Franklin RH First .1.·ational Bank ______ '20 Poo. 83-137.. " ________ " Peoples State Bank ___ •:11900  OA.SKIER.  LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. i---~B~c:c._...;::.....c.._;:__ _ _ 1,.. o ..m&ExPAID-UP u!~tUB DEPOS- C"TB, Bosos, Cll4NG . .,Du.  AsS'T CA.SHIER.  1  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c_A_P__T_A.L 1 1 1  _P_R_oF_I_T_B _ 1_T_8 _ _&c_·_u&ITl_•_  Wm. Evans _______ S. B. Stewart_ _____ Harold V. Smith _______________________ $  15,000 $  J.B. Hampton _____ W. D. Fer1;?uson --- I. \Y. Crumly ______ E L. Minnick ____ _  10,000  28,730  367,560  349,590  223,370  5,000 $ 130,000 $  20,000  14,050  239,510  25,000  2,500  12,000  D, B. Sisler ________ W. B. Kiler. _______ F. E. Bell _______________________ _  10,000  10,000  200,000  165,000  RUeJ' _________ Riley O 11 Farmers State Bank ____ tl'0D H. A. J ohnsmeyer - Jesse White _______ H. Diefendorf _____ Josephine Belin __ _ Pop. 364 83-f&l  15,000  9,200  150,000 '  15.000  31,000  218,000  212,0~0 1  ..  RILEY STATE BANK -- •tl'87 F. 0. Otto_  ------- W. O. 8tur1?eon ____ A. L. Goble ________ Harold Goble _____ _ 83-f60 E. J. Otto Riverdale tate Bank __ •t§'lll E. M. Carr _________ J. N. Lusk _______ 0. L. Nossaman ______________________ _ 83-1317 Bank of Robinson _____ •:::1'00 Frank IdoJ. ________ J. F. Ma2uire _____ Clement Idol _________________________ _ 83-1018 Rock State Bank _______ .u•os J. W. Hamlin _____ J.B. Wilson _______ W. P. Wolcot_ ____ Elizabeth Wolcot.. 83-1019 State Bank of Rock Oreek J. G. Martin ______ .M. J.Martin ______ Carl . Berndt. _______________________ _ 83-1020 :1'09 Rolla State Bank _______ •t§'l5 O. T. HaYWard ____ Lee Yeerh -------· G. L. Hayward ______________________ _ 83-1165 Rosalia State Bank ----•U'll J. H. Lig1rntt ______ A. D. Ligi?ett ______ H. J. Lii?gett ___________________ _ 83-1107 COMMERCIAL STATE BANI c. E. Sander·------ Olycle Leavengood_ E.W. Sanders _____ R. W. Utterback __  Riverdale ___ umner G II Pop. 100 Robinson ____ Brown B Ill Pop. 500 Rock ________ QowJey G 11 • Pop. 150 Bock Creek ___ Jefferson Pop. 200 0 13 Rolla ____ ..,,.. ___ Morton G 1 Pop. 130 Bosalia _______ Butler F 11 Pot>. 156 RosedaJe_ Wyando'te O 15 POD, 7674 113-121 •:t·u7 " ________ " Inter-City tate Bank--•t1'16 Jack Nourse ______ F. 8. Wir.hert. _____ Lee V. William · __ It T,. Yei ·ley _____ _ 88-123 Ji'. Mcl'heeters Rosedale roa,nk __ •:1'08 A.. J. Poor _________ E. 8. McAnany ____ Hert Chronister ______________________ _  s,~  1  1,500  50,000  40,000  20,000  250,000  240,000  10,000  5,200  s1,000 1  95,000  10,000  8,000  110,00011  110,000  10,000  11,000  100,000  130,000  50,000  13,000  200,000  245,000  20,000  11,000 6,000  280,000  20.000  311,000  550,000  25,000  6,000  300,000:  275,000  Twin City .'tatP, Bank __ e!§'20 JI. W. Gates .. _____ SO. :Magnuson ______ C. E. Williamson ____________________ _ 83-1358 _. R. William on  2f 000  6,250  110,000 l  90,000  Rose Hill _____ Butler F 10 Rose Bill State Bank_ •U·OO KcOlu1?1?aee W. N. Barris _____ J. F. McCluHaee __ Pearle McClui?gage Pop. 150 83-1021 Rosavillic> ~wnee 0 12 Peoples 'ta'f~k-_---•t1'09 H.F. Prat1. _______ Morris Bond _____ 0. E. Greaser ___ M. E. Yawter _____ _  10,000  19,180  i!45,270!  lll-1.970  25,000  8,790  209,0301  212,670  Rossville s i ~ n k -- •U'D3 W. ~I. Bond _______ Wm. Howerton ____ I. B. Alter-----•·- ---·--------------  25,000  9,200  269,920  240,1190  10,000  11,000  60,000  100,000 '  10,000  6,410  105,890  •U'l2  6  "  ________  "  Roxbury _McPherson EI0 Roxbury State Bank ____ i5•os T. R. Tinkler ____ J, A. Spilman ______ Francis Henne ____ Harold Tolle______  Pop. 75  83-1022  RozeL-------Pawnee .E 6 Rozel State Bank ------•:1'05 A. H. KotreL ____ J. S. Compton _____ H.B. Heilil! ______ R. W. Heilig_______ Pop. 200 83-1023 Runn:rmede __ Harper G 9 Runnymede State Bank t "16 Je. e Jones _______ W. H. Vornauf ____ Geo. Patry, Jr, ____ Mrs. Geo. Patry ___ _ Pop. 40 88-1210 Rushcenter _____ Rush E 6 Citizens S~t.e Ba nk ----:tl'IM M. M. Wilson ______ C. F. Kaufmann ___ 0, F. Kaufmann __ B. A. Russell______ Pop. 200 oo-1024 •RusseJL _____ 13nsseH D 7 Pop. I,OO  FARMERS  ll'~Jf BAIi~:ti.08  HOME STATE BA111----•t§'l8  V. I. HOOIEI---  !  ft· 1.·.11,~IU----- J.P. RUPPENTHAL  ----*  I  85,010 1  10,000  2,000  16,110  19,000  15,000  12,000  80,000  145,000  50,000  65,000  400,000  375,000  ,,.__  3,830  215,000  222,000  J.B. Hfil ______ F. s. Rockefeller __ J.E. Missimer ___ c. A. John on_____ M. K. Brundaee '15 V, Jagf?llr __________ Mabel I. Jagl?llr---- S. M. Jaggar _______ J. A. Lamb________  100,000  80,000  510,000!  10,000  6,000  40,0001  575,000 . • 40,000  1  ~  ' . "J,..  .  - . '"'-:  I  Z ~  VJ  I  :;ti (1)  ~  ,;  Kan, C. , • < 125,000 N. Park, .i: • Y.: Com 1 N., Kan. C., Kan.; Tra. (1) N., Kan. 0. . • ..,. _  50,000 Oom. Tr. Oo., Live tock tate, Comw .... , and o Liberty Tr. Co .. Kan. C. 20,000 Merh. & .Ietals N., N. Y.; Live S t ock tate, :;ti Fid, N. Bk. & Tr., and llidw. Besen e Tr. C Co., Kan. O. rn 79,4110 Chase N., N. Y.; Mid'!. ~eserve . Tr. Co.,~ Kan. C.: Am. State, W1rhita. 25,270 Oent. N., Toneka; Fid. N. Bk. & 'Tr., Midw. Re- ,_. serve Tr. Oo., and Drov. N., Kan. C. 62,240 J. • Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Cent. N. and Bk. of "d Topeka.Topeka. ,; 10,000 N, Bk. Com .. Kan. O.; Gypsum Valley i.:r., I  en  ~~~-  33,990 Moff' t Bros. N., Larned.  5·  ~  rn  4,660 Citiz. State, Harper; nion N., Wichita; .Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. O. 20,000 Com'I N., Kan. C.; Midw. Reser,e Tr. Co., Kan. c .• Mo.: 1st .i: ., Great Bend. 110,000 Ban. N .. N.Y.; 1st N .. Columbia N .. Cont. N., and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.: Merch, N,, Lawrence; Com'l N., Kan. c., ran.  S0,000  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Go •• Topeka , Kansas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  Superior Senle e"onr&:fieet1ona. Personal Preaen tatlon, Prompt Kemltt ance, lnteWsent Be ason1 for Non-pa Jment. Modern Methods In all d epartm enu of Bankln K·  RUSSELL STATE BAlll•U'89  t~  B. G. PHLEGAR..-  I  Carl Anschutz ____ H. A. Fink ________ C, W. Shaffer______ ____________________ N, A. Turner R. L, Frank  SS-1299  8lH!88 •ltus ell Springe; __ Logan Citizens Sta Ra nk 8., 1179 Po·1. I1;j D3  I  410,000 ·  !  >  45,000 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; Oom·l N., Kan. O.. Kan. ~ Drov. N .. Kan. C. 15,000 WellingtonN., Wellington;UnionN., Wichita; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. VJ 60,000 Oha.c;e ... '., ... •. Y.;N. Bk. Com .. Kan. O.; 1st ..1.'. and Tootle-Lacy T., St. Jo. tII 10,000 Lt N., Winfield,  >  G. H. Ehlers ______ 0. O. Ehler, _______ W. G. Weaverling ____________________ _  1  Security s,~~l~ink ___  10,000 .... Bk. Com., Kan. C.; ls . .?., Ottawa; Far. State. Emporia. 55,000 Peo. N., Ottawa: 1st N., Drov. N., and Live tork tate. Kan. 0. 23,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., New Eng. N. and Inter- ~ State N., Kan. C.: Peo.'N., Clay Center.  38,000 N- Bk, Com., Kan. O., Kan.; Kan. Reserve State, Topeka; Am . .1.' .• t. Jo. 10.000 1st ~ ., Hutchin.·on; Citiz.•l t ·., Indopendenre; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 47,000 Inter-State N .• Kan. 0.: El Dorado N ., El Dorado; -Hh .• Wichita. 45,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Peo. Tr. Co., apd Comw. N.: Kan. C. 76,000 Chase ., .... Y.; Columbia N. and Peo. Tr. Co.,  410,0001 365,000 325,000[  36,900 Tra. N .. Kan. 0.: St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo . .  >  10,000  30,000  26,000  ::C:  50,190 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk, Com., Kan. C.  22.000 I  t  1  611,4-10 1st N., Chi.: Thomas Co., Colby; Oom. Tr. Co . .and New Eng. N., Kan. C.  E.G. Woodward ___ C. D. McCollough __ Albert Neese ______ Carl Thurber _____ _  83-1017  I» "'1  1  118,000 $  C  -  rao.11D 4 N11.1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  C.H. igler -· ______ C. W. Martin ______ J. D. Adam ________ A. O. Sigler ______ _  ,oo  PlUNGIP-AL COKRESPONIJE.~TS.  38,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 1Iiclw. Re . erve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Kan, Re ·crve State, Topeka.  I  100,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; New Enf. N .. Com' l N .. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; llerch.-Lacledo N,, t. L. u, 1 7,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O,; 1st N., Oakley. I!::;  i  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers -I Kansas Bankers Ass'n (w. w. BOWMAN, Secy.} Topeka, State Agent  514 528  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number pv to each bank in U. 8. e:1cluslvely by The Rand-McNallJ Banke _. ___ '"'--••n•n .. , Dtreetnr nn,1.-. tho ...... n.u.. , ...... •  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Numtwr 1,dven to each bank in U. S. exclusl ely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlreetor1, under the authority of The American Bankers_ A~~~  ToWN A.ND COUNTY•  ! • AME  KANSAS  -  C  d t· on ln ue  OP BANK.  PRESIDENT. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. IS~te aQountySeats. Entire State in .:o.10 :tMem.State Bks, Assn. t Pnv. Fe.9eral Reserve District. + Ier:n,_Fed , Re . •_ [E:;tab. _ _ _ _ _ _  CASHIO,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  Ass'TOa.SHIER.  _ _ _ _ _ __  ~---=---  ·~v:::·  !  Wm. Im :Masche_._ J. A.. Lind··-··--- J.M. Stone_·-·····  1&11'ordville••. Chase E 11 Safford ville S&ate Bank _t§'04 83-1026 Pop. 130 .s&Jina ••• - ••• Sallne D 9 Farmers National Bank •• • '92 83-62 Pop. 150 5 l,iherty Joint tock I an<I Hank ··-·------------'lll National Ilk. of America•t'llt 83~3  1  ---1H·  35,000  7,700  H.F. BREITWEISER-·C. I. SMITH  60.000  46,910  w. c.  15,000  Obley __ ·----  E. Halsey, Sec .• B. Todd, A. Sec. P. Worley, Jr._  I  l  :  I  I  •  •  o.  ~  ..  I ~  i>  1  •  ~  '  '·  •  t .  _,.  Cll  80,000 1.3-19,i:iO  979,410  2- 5 o ,,,7 4.100  32H.590 323.430 100,000  115.000  i ,::iOO  2!10,000,  280,000  .... ···- ...•.•......  10,000  16,000  J.Blee-er_ •• __ ••••••  45,000  8,0001  Milton .l. Schultz. ,\mm L. Ben"tson ........ ··········-· Wm. Wintt'rs,  .S1T.  Dio D. Daily......  I  requests for rati ng . 1 J. J. Smith ..• - •.•• T. J. West_. __ ....• ······-·-·---· _ · -·E. L. ·c\'ille ····-- T. E. Ossweilc1· __ ···-·············--· I I Ii'. Il. Mahler. ____ A. II'. Goodwine ..•. C. E. Norman--···· P. E. Hawkins W. S. Manker •.... H. S. Re tor .••••.• .Tay Hines·---····C. J. Van Antwerp Ira B. Keeler·-···- J. F. Hartman •.••• ·······- ···- ·-·· ••..  18,-U0 1 366,150  287,U50  25,000  15,000  10,000  3,690  89,2-101  150,000  I  2~0.120,  202,840  400,000  450,000  35,000  T. ,J. 'ruck Pr·---·-· H..J. l•'unk ·---·-·-·  30,000  J, C. Crawford ..•• II. Il. Harling._._. ·-··--·-·--···--·,lohn. Id.inn--·-·- Chas. l'. llart- •••• 'I'. K 'Phona• •••...  _.  (')  18,000 Han. N., N. Y.: li'i(I, N. Hk. & Tr. and 1st N .. Kan.('. 10,760 4th N. and S. \\'. State. Wichita: Midw. Heserve '!'r. Co .• Kan. C. 61i,220 Chase N .. N. Y.; New Ene-. N. and 1st 0.: Oitiz .. Hutchinson. i0,000 N. City, N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan. 0., Wichita. 26,980 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Beloit; Tootle-Lacy ...... N .. St. Jo, ~ 31,000 Com'! N., Kan. c .. Kan,; Drov. T., Kan. C.  84,560  5,000  75,000  I  U ,000  15,000  W. T. Williams ••.• J. 0. Bradley. __ . __ C. L. nnncy ••••••  g  3:;,100 Han. N., N, Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.  25,000  6,000  530,-180 N, Park and E!.!uitalile 'l'nt. t Co., N. Y.: Corn I» Ex. N. aud l:niuu Tr.Co. , Chi.: New Eng. O" ~ .. Kan. c.: 1st N .• St. L. 114.780 Mb~'rit.~~-~~~HfJ'{•o}{}~p~~t*~i>~\~~:State, 11,000 Farm Mti:-t>. Tt. co. and K:rn \'allt•y • ·., rtTopeka, 26,000 N. City, N. Y.; Com'l N., Kan. C.; State Bk. of! 0 Cll Parsons, Parsons. 36,000 1Peo., Pratt: 1st N., Kan. C.; 1st N. a1Hl 4th Cb I a. . ~ .• Wichita. . • 3.),ooo 1M:1dw. He ·erve 1 r. Co., Kan. C.: Union Stock {l'Q 1< Yd~. N., Wichita. :S. 10-1.,60 N. C1t:v. N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. O.  18!l,5:IO  50,000  8,440  ,  I  15,000 1 210,iOO  10,000 ,  Jr. Denni! -···-·  143,000 16ti,OOO  10,000  W.  1:;6,000: I  150,000  A. Andreen .•••.• __ C. F. Bolton._. ____ ---·--·--·---·  _ 1, __ ..  ..J. '  itiz. N., Emporia; Inter-State N., Kan.  I  I  100 ooo l . 1 rn,ooo ltl,000!  .,1.oa• I 111,870  :,;"  81,000  57,000  778.000'  :;00,000  27:i,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Kan. 0. -and C  :i2,830  440,000  10,000  6,000  125,000  25,000  18.000  119,000 Drov. N. and Stock Yd . •., Kan. C.; nion Stock Yds. N., Wichita. 1~ 35.000 Am. State, Wichita: Inter-State N. and ?llidw . ...,. Hc~urvt' 'l'r. Co., Kan. 0. 32,'.:i80 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.: 1st N • .. Wil'bita.  GO Topeka Kansas DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY _.  _f\ ~  I  100,0001 1  w.  . . . Scand1a_._._ueeubhc B 9 BANK OF SCANDIA .. _.•:§ 03 end 25c with 83-527 Pop, 611 Farmers & Mercl1. Bk .• •U-78 A. H. Morey •.• -··· " ····-··83·526 , chull •••. etl~wick 1r !I Schulte tate Bank: .•.•• :t§'l71Th •o. Os. wciler __ 83-1249 Pop. 25 •Scott City· ··-· cott E 3 Citizens Stale Dank •.. •U'06 C. W. Dickhut_·-·· 83-405 Pop. 1112 First National Bank •••• -•:t"Ol R. B. Christy .• _•.• 83·404 Scottsville ••• fitch II C 8 State Bk. of cott ·ville.•U'08 Daniel Shamburg .. 83-1032 Pop. lti;i Scranton ••••• 0 afe D 13 Scranton' H· nk •• _•t§'03 Benjamin Bolton •. 83·1033 Pop. ~2 alJedan .. Chaulauoua G 12 First National Bank •••• •:t'72 P. LoobJ---······· 83-346 , Pop. I 85 Sedan tato Bank •••••• •U'09 P. F. Ei:i;:E'n ••• --· 83-347 8ed1wick_.. Harvey F IO Farmers Stat" H:1nk ••• •U '06 0. B. Harline- ·-·--· 83-509 Pop. i3t Se<.li:wick Stat Bank •• :l:§'!14 C. A. Seaman •• _ -· " 83 508  '_  8,140  599,720 Seab. ~-· N. Y.: 1, t • .. Chi.: Drov. N .. Ficl. N. Z)> Bk. & Tr .• and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 600,000 (Territo ry Jlisso uri and Kansas.) 1st ., Chi.; Fid. N. Bk. & 'l'r., Kan. C,; Far. Cll )> N., Salina. ~ 1 14<>,000, 1,700,000 1,360,000 390,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. &Com'I N., Chi.: State Cll 100,000 St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. I  10.000I - O fo,00 G. NIMOCKS .. MRS.F.A. CULLERS J. H. SANDELL .... C. C. CULLERS.-... Our Collection l'.>ept. offers par ti cufarly prompt se nice. 15t· minimum fee must accomp any all sight dra fts for presentatl on.  _I t  35,GOO Han. N .. N. Y.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. and Droy, N., Kan. C.; 1st N .. St. Jo. Hl,560 N. City, N. Y.; Oom'l N., Kan. o., Kan.: Cent. N., Topeka: Tootle-Lacy N. and St. Jo. tock Yds., St. Jo.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. c.  I  I  _I_  777.070  135,000 .  108,rOO  23,330  -  Besen·P State Bank ....• a·rn lfred W. Knapp ..•• Walt!'l' L. Payne .... Iartin Ahlstedt_ __ Halplt ,\ndt•r,011 83~i Satanta ••.••• Haskell u 3 a tan ta State Bank •••• •:t§'l3 J. II. Collingwood •. 1. ~. l'a rick_···-·- L. O. Stanley·-··-· 83-1141 Pop. 200 S&vonbure-•.•• Allen F 14 Savonbure StatE> Bank :§1900 0. D. Courtney ..•. C. ~I. Bar:,by ••••.. C. M. Bar ·by ••.... 83-1028 PdJ>. 25 Sawyer ......... Pratt G 7 Sawyer Stat• Bank -···•tl'05 W. E. Combs. •..•. 1 T. C. Carver .... -·· C. A. Shrader·--··83-1029 Pop, 263 Saxm!\n ......... Rice E 8 a."tman State Rank .•.• •! '08 J . . Engelland ••• J. H. Welty •••.••• 0. L. Cully. __ ···-· 83·1030 Pop. 150 Scammon.Oh rokee G 15 Scammon Staie Bank .• •:U'Ol G. K, Mackie··-··· Hul!'h Reid ••••..... J. N. McDonald .... 83-1031 . Pop, lfi9-1  • I  I  680,480  80,660 1,615,240 1,618.350  200,000  Planters State Bank •. •UlDOO Fred H. Q11incy --· T. W. Roach--·-·· F. U, Spier ........ B. E. Ludes ... -·-·· E. E. rtemmill W. T. Welch 83 -64 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  165,000  li0,000  C. E. ROBINSON ••• __ f. R. FITZPATRICK--- E. McCHESNEY.·-·--- A. P. FOLEY _______ _ I C. P- BROWN C.•W. BURCH 100,000 1 35,000 1.500,000 700,000 400,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; L'nfou. 'l'r. Co .• Chi.:, ~ Our Growth 1s founded on courtesy, promptness, and safety. Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: s. W. ·tate, Cll Surplus S35,000 (earned). Organized 1916. Wichita; 1st N., St. L. and l>en. 1 • _ ___ Direct your clients and items to this bank.  83- 66  C. DR\\t\.[. ~  1  1  \Y. Wilson ••••.  1  STATE. BANK  \  c;:.~: ::~x": 0  73,000; 7;2,6; I $ 745.400 $ 118,100 ~lech. & ~lctal ,;. ., N. Y.; N. Bk~ H-ep~ ~i.: I N. Bk. com .• Kan. o.: Am. N .. st. J 0 , I  K. E. Rkbardson._  J. F. Merrill. _____ . J. R. Gei. ·-··-····IC. T. Smith .•••. ___ H.. J. P. Burns P. Cra\'en. -···- R. II. Cravens, Tr .•\. \\'alter Cra\'en · P.,1. 'nydrr,A. Tr • .\.. Frank Hageman ••• 0. F. McAdams ...•. L. B. Stevenson ••• T.  PEOPLES  T\\I: DI lllltR<'  Cilll&:.Ex-  mmerctal buslne ss. Sight drafts-re e ln advance; toe minimum If unp aid; 25c mlnlmu m If pa Id. Credit Reports, 25c. 1  •:t'77  83-279  50.000 $  PRINCIPAL O0RRJCSPONDENT8.  RESOURCES.  PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPos- iLo••••Du· ITS C.A.PIT.AL PB~TS  abetha_ ••• NPmaha BIS CITIZENS STATE BANK •:tl'86 t F. C. WtODBURY-- ROBERT BRESSEM __ ,J, C. LICHTY---··-- E. E. MORRIS··-·-- $ , Collec ons pro mptly made. De posit guarantee d. 83-280 Pop. 2003  FARMERS STATE BANK t§'l8 II. C. Dufl'.-···-··· E.T. Ukele ··-·--· H. S. Moalton ·--83-1297 A. J. COLLINS .... _ ' C. l. SHERWOOD ------ G. R. SEWELL.·- ·-·· NATIONAL BK. OF SABETHA This Bank offer s prompt, effectlv e service on all co  Non-Bank •ro"ns with ~'Jearest naoklug Point llndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indt>xed) in bm·k of till o, rnlume._~ ~r _Intere ·t R_ate. , H~~~YS.• et~, s1• ._ 1,a~v:;. h,  -~LIA-BILITIES. :...  t.L.  . Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers I ·, Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  qIll  '°  529  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  I  .i:'AME OF BANK. • p y p •Mero.Am.Bk .A ·n. § tate ICE- RESIDENT. RESIDEN'T, :!:Mem. tate BKs. A,sn. tPriv. [E tah. ♦)Iern. Fetl. Ue . Citizens State Baok ....--;ifos W. J. Boy1cs ... -·-· D. L. Wie'e-ins .•••• 83-1034 Farmers tatenank .•. t '20 U.L.Benton .• ____ .r. A.Amter,ou ..•• Dave Sanley 83-13fi9 R. o. Jlou~Ja •Seneca •... Nemaha B 12 Citizens State Bank ...• •U'88 C. C. K. Scoville •.• Aue-ust Kramer ...• \Y. F. Thomoson 83-2i2 · Pov. 188:; First National Bank ·-··•t·n M. B. William __ 0. II. Harold ....•. 83-271 TOWN AND COU,T\. •County eats. Entire tate in .i: •o. IO Federal Re:erve District. Selden-=.. .•.. Sheridan C 4 Pop, 280  !  NATIONAL BANK OF SENECA  I  C ASHIER,  I  As· C s T ASHIER,  I  J. E.Adam -··-··· -···---·-·--------·  15,000  20,000 1,500  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO.'DE."TS.  RESOURCES, c - LEx 1  ••a~ " ~ 0•';:;,u~:· cv'::o~G:;;~:;  DEPOS· ITS  325,000 · 300,000 1 36.680 5~.960  40,000  30,000  500,000  400,000  50.000  43,000  250,000  36'.5,000  63,310  636,6i0  100,000 In_ter-StateN:.-ifan. C.; Atchison Sav .. itch- \0 ISOn, 29,3,10 Han.~·.,.'.Y.;Com·JN .. Kau.O.;Oberlin~··· t,;> Obet·lin. 75,000 LT, Bk. Com., •. Y.; Am. N .• St. Jo.; lstN. and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C. 45,000 1st N., T. Y. and St. Jo.: Com'! N., Kan. C .. Kan. 83,580 Han. N., N. Y.; Tootle-Lary N., St. Jo.: • 'cw Eng. N .. Kan. C.  Prompt, efflclen t service on 11JJ ha nklng matters. •t'll7 { FEE IN ADVAN CE:.._ightdra_ft:-:,l 15cminimum:25cm inimumchargeifp aid, 83-273 Rellable Credlt,Reports, 25c. TR Y US. 25,000 L. D . .Allen._. ____ . Gladys ~laze .. _____ Seneca State Savine'<; Bank M. Schneider_ ___ ...J. E. till well_ J.P. Koelzer ··········---------- J, M. Morley ______ D. J. Ward-·-·--·· R. W. Morley G. L. Shoemaker .. J.C. Shoemaker .•. ·-·--··--·-···-·----  20,000  63,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.  38.100  470,000! -? "?OII 2.>J,.,J  320.000  15.000  224,630  20,000  16,650  213,0501  214.110  J. F. Hayes·--· •.•• W. TI.  ·-·-····------·----·  15,000  ,000  \Vm. Bordewick ••. F. S. Larabee. __ ._. Geore'e Schmid .•.. Eleanora Schmid .•  10,000  9.600  5-1,120 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N. and . t. Jo. otock Yd .. , St. Jo,; Com. Tr. Co .. Kan. G. 3-1.120 New Enl?, N. and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; Lt N .• Wicl1ita. 2;;,u:io Inter-State .. Kan. C.: Citiz. lst ~ • .. Independence: 4th •. , Wichita. 58,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. 1·, and Midw. Re. c1Te 'fr Co .. Kan. O.; Far •• T . . . tatforcl: .Am. State. Wichita.  Seward State Bank .•••• •U'02 83-1036 I ~hady nend tate funk. '21 83· 1390 Sharon Valley State Bk. U-03 83-1037 Citizens State Rank •••• •u·oo 83-619 StateBk.ofSharonSpes.•U'8  J. F. McReynol<l  ·-·-1  tewart ·--·  ·-1H, G. Kerr ______ • A. 'I'. Bigg  Howard E. Stone •• Frank  c. Stone .•.•  1  • _____ -·--·-·-···-------·  U. W. Lindley_ •• _. E~ther E. Lindley.  H.J. Williams •.••• E. Cartl'r ·------ F.  w. Carter··-·---  Albert Ion~on ••••  Silverdale State Bank ••. U'll 83-1038 Silver Lake State Bk .••. U'O!l 83-1040 Farmers State Bank ••. •U'05 83-685 Simpson S~~tnk ..•• *1'94  R. D. Warren.·-·-· E. B. Sterline-.·-·-·  o. B. Lester·--··-·  ~~ftl  ---·--··----·--···-·  I 130,000 1'l5,000 93,000  54,000  10,000 - - - ------· ------·-10,000 105,000 100,000 8,000  10,000 1st N., Wichita; Drov. N .. Kan. 0.  12,000  25,000  200,000  260,000  33,000 Com'I N ., Kan. C.; .\ferch, • .. Lawrenre.  20,000  25,000  175.000  200.000  20,000 DrO\·.  6,700  15,000  15,000  151,230 I 119,700 225,000  210,000  10,000  35.900  65,270  81.300  II. S. Claycomb •.. ,  20,000  25.000  173,000  178,000  Yelma I. Peek ••••  25.000  '.5,230  116,900  l:J6,!.l00  J. D. Flaxbeard ...  50,000  50,000  510.211)  J97,840  A. , . King:,,bury, Sec, and Tr. E. F. Telson ·-·--·  20,000  20,000  440,000  2i5,000  20,000  13,000  2,10,000  180,000  w. Swain.-----·  20,000  17.750  167,2'.iO  206,260  Tes E. Cogan .•..•  25,000  18,100  260,880,  ---·-·-----·-·  25.000  18,600  350,000  15,000  15.900  184,800  10,000  3,250  32,580  Glenn Lim hocker. "·cc. -·-··-·---·--·-----·  I  ~ '4  C/l ),  en tl1  ),  z~  en  enI  0  10,000  N. K. Kilmer·----·  Kan. C.: Bk. of Topeka. Tope1ea.  ~ ),  ~ 10,000 ------- - - - - - - - - - , 33,000 4T. Park. L·, Y.; 1st N. and :Midw. HPsen-, 'l'r. ~ 206,000 222,000 11,000 10,000 ::, Co., Kan. 0. 20,090 Farm ~Itgp, 'rr. Co., Topeka: 1st L· .. Hutch-! 44,080 52,670 2,930 10,000 ~~-orb.~lan.taJ~· Dighton; ,\lidw. re,ene en 51,100 70,220 18,450 Ilome N .• Ark. City: ·.Bk.Com .. Kan. C. 10,000 7,i60  I. B. Alter •....•••. Wm. Howerton ..•. Lester Parr··--·-·- --·· ---· •--· •·-·····  L  L ..  I  J. M. Vernon_·-··· Jo eph Gui pre .•••• E. L. Grauer.._ ...• ···-·-·· ·--· •.•• ··-E. C. Davidson T. Shanks····----· R, Shanks··-····-· J, W. Shanks .. ___ • Kate B. Shanks .•.  P.  E  ..,"1  :<  •·  F. J. Holthaus ...•• A. J, Wempe·--···  Sitka __________ cJark G 5 itka State Ilank .••.•.• •t§'l4 Lot. Ravenscraft_ .M. T. Wilson·----· H.J. Stewart. ___ .• 83-1169 Pop. 2;-0 •Smith Center, Smith B 7 Farmers tate Hank._ •• t§'l8 C. IL argcnt.. ___ . C. :\1. Post.-..•.. E. B. Cox ..•.•. _•.. J. \\'. Dannenberg . 83-12115 Pop. 1567 First Nation ~~~nk .•••. •i'86 J. R. Buuow ·-··-- --------···--:. .•••.. J. H. Hill •..•• _. ___ 8 0. A. Garrison .•••. F. M. May ......... P.A. Moyers ..•.•• Smith County State Bank •U'99 83-341 Smolan. _______ Saline D 9/Smolan State Bank ••.... U'05 C. F. McAdams .. _. C. 0. Danielson---· Albin Carlson···-· 83-1041 Pov. 200 &oldier _____ Jackson C 12 State Bank of Soldier .• •U'90 Jacob Mack·--·· ·-.P.H. Reed---··-- J!. M. Wilson ______ 83-1042 Pop. 346 Solomon. Dickinson D 10 itizens tate Bank •.•. •U'87 W. T. Harris.·-·--· ·········--··--··--· Robert Johnson .•. 8~-396 POI>, 1071 Bank.•i•o5 Philip Carlson •.... Fred Brownrigg .•• T. T. Riardon ·-··· Solomon Na " ·------· " 8 south Haven, SumnerGlO South Haven Bank ...•. •U'85 Wm. Knox-····-- M. D. Crittenden •. P. T. Wimer •. ____ • 83-1043 Pop.423 outh Mound ____ 'eo ho South :Mound State Bk .. !§'15 J. F. Denton._. ___ G. A. Dimond .. _. __ F. A. Leek·-·--·-·· 83-116 G 14 Po__p.100 Sparks ____ Doniphan B 14 Sparks State Bank .•••• •,U'Oll E. A. Kent ••·---··- F. M. Troxell.. .••. K. o. Mnn-.on ·---· 1 r.:.T-.rW'"WW,l"'l"""'T'r 8ZH044 _ _,....._Pop. 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I/'o•••LD  LIABILITIES,  --SURPLUS AID·UPCAPITAL p,:O~Ts  L. D. Allen ..... _.. J. I<'. Troughton .. _ Geo. c. Britt  · G. H. Woodhouse_. -·-··--···--·--··--- 1J. L. Woodhouse •. -·····-··-···--··--· s.,-1us h, w ••••••• J. 'oo«ho F 14 'ha v Slate .Bank. ·----- '20 C. . ~ ·at ion _ --·· 0. h. John ••••••.. W. II. at ion ··--· -----·------. 83-1389 Pop. 125 Shawnee ••• Jobnson D 15 Shawnee State 8av. Bk.•U'08 R. 0. Larsen __ ··-- L. L. McShane •••-. o. Nicm&n ..•.••• _. O. ~I. \\'at·on •• _. __ 83-1038 Pop. 450 hiolcis ____ J ne D 4 Farmer State Bank •. -.:t§'l6 D. B. King ••••••••. M. . Coberly ..••• If. E. WrLteu .•.•. T. L. Bentle.r, Sec. 83-1228 Pop. 00 Silverdale __ .Cowley G 10 POI>, 250 Silver Lake.Shawnee O 13 POI>, 260 8imvson ••••• Mitchell O 8 Pop. 293 .  p- -  S. T. Wie-e-ins--·--· R. 0. Bishop·----- $ 25,000 $  R. M. EMERY---· B. F. HART ______ .. M. R. CONNET ..... F. L. GEARY.····-· J. R. EMERY JEROME McQUAID  " ---· ---· " :1:§1900 83-274 Severance.Doniphan B 14 Bank of Severance ..•.• •tt'92 (J, M. Morley) ..•• 83-1035 Pop. 350 Sever:, __ Gretwwood F 12 Greenwocd County Bk. _t§"89 I. F. Benest. ______ 83-518 Pop. 551 every Statil~\ik ••.•.. !§'01 S. H. Reed .•.•.•. _  Seward _____ Staff'ord E 7 Pop. 100 hady Bend.Lincoln D Pop. 40 Sharon _____ •• Barber G 7 POI>, 3:i> •Sharon Spes. Wallace DI Pop. '.?5 " ________ "  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acees.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in baek of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday., ete., ee I,aws. ~  KANSAS-Continued  216,390  I  3os,ooo 190,240  'g  +l,950 N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; Oent. N. and Bk. of '"1 Topeka, Topeka. 30,000 Inter-State N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.: rnion ~ en N., Beloit. 19,370 Miclw. Re!"enc Co., Kan. C 35,000 Com'! N., Kan. C.; bt ·., Wichita. 12,6 O )lidw. Rescrrc 'l'r. Co. and Live ~ tol'k 'tate. Kan. o. 114,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.: Cent. · .. Topeka. 195,000 Com. Tr. Co. and Drov. ., Kan. C.: TootleLacy N.. t. Jo. 40,000 N. Bk. of Amerira, Salina: Miclw. Ro erve Tr. Co .. and 1st • T., Kan. C. 20.230 ::\lech. & Metal J.· •• N. Y.; 1st T·• Kan.C.; Leav. .. Leav. 85,510 :Met., N'. Y.; Tra. N., Kan. C. 65.000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Drov. N .• Midw. Re erre 'Ir. Co., and 1st N .. Kan. C. 20,490 N'Bk.Com., N. Y.: Com'! N .. Kan. O.: 1st N., Wichita: Wellington T., Welhngton. 12,060 Tra. T., Kan. C.: Ft., cott State, Ft. Scott.  ame or Bank ia the New Transit Number given Dk in U. S. exclu Ivel:, by The Rand-McNall:, B nkers' to •ab Directory, under__t__h_e _au!llorlty of '!'he American Ban~~ A~s•n. _  I .  •  "  s~i~  83-1047  83-242  •t§'87  FARMERS STATE BANK•U'08 83-243  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t"84 •St. Fraucls ____ Qheyeune B1 Pop. 733 " "  St. Georee- Pottawatomie 0 12 Pop. 211 Stilwell-- .• Johnson D 15 Pop. 200 •St. John ____ Stafford F 7 Pop. 1671 " "  St. Mary, __ Pottawatomle C 12 Pop. 1321 "  tockd:,.Je ______ Riley O 11 Pop, 100 •Stockton _____ ttooks O 6 Pop. 1324  c:~~  DEPOS-  SURPLUS  0 :;";~ c~~!1;;:';;.• ns CAPITAL PnA ~uirs 0 ,, __ __ " . 180,000$ 36,000 N.Park.N. Y.: ~T . Bk. Rr.p.,Chi.: New Enc. 30,COO S 37,000 S 200,000 G.W.Mohtor _____ G.E.Uavenkamp __ Florence\Viedower ~ .• Kan. O.; Citiz .• Hutchinson. Vera Stewart 11.260 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. S89,920 23,220 159,620 30,000 J. H. Torline ______ E. M. mart__ _____ J. A. Feist__ _______ ,  l  206,000  195,000  8,00 0  80,000  78,000  20,000  20,000  230,000  260,000  20,000 CRAWFORD GEO. S. SOWERS --- R. D. SMITH-------- EDNA LEMEN--- ---16 CE TS . ent to u with each sight draft for presentation, and 25 CENT fore aeh credit report insures prompt, per onal attenti on. "PllOMPT SER VICE OUR SPECIALTY."  19.000  220,000  235,000  ~  T  R. . Thompson .• _ C. 0. White _______ A. E, Simonson____ C. c. Donnelly  25,000 Drov. N .• Secur. N .• and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Ex. ~' ., Atch1. on. 18,000 llidw.Reserrn Tr.Co .. Kan.C.:Union Stock Yds. N .. Wichita; Stare Bk. of Kingman, Kingman. 19,000 Han.N .. , r .Y.:N. Bk. Com. and Live tock State, Kan. C.; Miami Co. N .. Paola. 24,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Cent. Ex.~ .. Paola. Kan. O.: Peo. T .,  I  ·i-r<  ►  z  277,330 K. Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. Bk:. Com., Kan. c.; C/l Tootle-Lacy • .. St.Jo.; 4th N .. Wichita. 32,000 Cont. & 9om 'l N .. Chi.; . Inter-Stat!' N. and ► C/l on. Hutchm Drov. ., Kan. c.: com IN.,  25,ooo l  59,050  674,380  573,300  J. W. McFADDEN-- Rj. B. WALLACE--- E. B. WEIR --------  80,000 1  on given JJ-L dr a1ts, cash and t1 me Items. i~c;uotiics~S ,t~l..:}~ht drafts, and 60c for ratln gs. 10,000 W. W. Frye _______ P. L. Kello~g ______ Bessie Runner____  22,000  330,000  360,000  15,500  160,000  136,000  40,000 Com. Tr. Co. and Live Stock State, Kan.  W. M. Farmer _____ A. M. Sailors ______ J.C. Rea __________ Anna R. Sailors  10,000  15,000  105,000  106,000  15,000 New En~. N., Kan. O.; Bk. of Erie, Erie.  0. J. WINDIATE .. W. M. QUIGLEY---- CHAS. M. GUTTERY D. W. GUTTERY----  50,000  45,000  250,000  335,000  35,000 1st N .. Chi.; Com'lN.,Kau. c.,Kan.; tate, Ex., Vl 1 Hutchinson.  F. W. ROSS ______ JOS. HORTON------ J. D. ZIMMERMAN- W. J. COYLE------- · Prompteftectlve service on all com merclar business. F. W. ROSS  50,000  4.6,850  394,000  367,680  102,080 N. City, N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and .. ·ew ~ Ill Eng. N., Kan. C.  l l  Prompt effective service on all com merclal business. Fee In advance on sight drafts, 1 oc minimum If u npald; 26c mlnlm um If p aid. 1 Credit Reports, 25c. 1  j  351,000  400,000  84,000 50,000 merclal business. minimum If un paid; 26c minim um If p aid.  I  20,000  10,000  50,000  15,050 ,  523,020  B. F. Jetfers. ______ W. S. Booth __________________________ _  25,000  2s.000  75,000  45,000  A. E. :Moore ------- 1H. H. Holnba ____ F. D. Davis _______ _ W. M. Moon ______ \Y. R. Patter on ___ Lou Etta Dyer ___ _  25,000  8,000  175,000  175,000  12,500  11,960  100,890:  107,930  F. 0. Shaler _______ R. W. Thompson __ W. B. Seevers ____ _ P. 0. Seever William Dixon _____ J. D. Stewart_ ________________________ _  50,000  27,000  870,000i  627,000  25,000  35.390  265,390 1 278,300  T. A. Carraher ____ A. Diebolt, Jr.---·. Iara Beseau ____ _  25,000  5,000  97,860  127,270  L. F. Moss ________ E. ll. Bushey ______ Josie A. Demarais_ \'i'. F. Younl{kamp J. A. Pearl A. Kol<le __________ J. B. Honan _______ .:M.A. Ilonan ______ _  60,000 1  28,000  425,000  395,000  10,000  3,800  68,000  54,250  75,000 Han. N .• r. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Drov. New Eng. N .• Kan. C. 26,750 Cent. Ex . .i: ., Kan. C.  James Brooks ____ W. 0. Gibbon._____ K. W. Phillips ____ _  10,000  5,500  52,000  61,000  9,200 1st N. and LiYe Stork tate, Kan. O.  1  200,000  85,000 l~t N .• Oma.; Tootle-Lary N., St. Jo.  413,010  165,090 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Oom .. Kan. 0. 85,000 ::\Iidw. Reserve Tr. Co. Kan. C. 20,000 Inter-State N .. Kan. C.  I  5,640 Westport Ave. and Comw. N .. Kan. 0.: Miami Co. 1 r .. Paola. 331,000 IrvingN .• N. Y.; Cont.&Com'l T.,Chi.;N.Bk. Com. and Fid • •.. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O. 70,870 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. C.; Com 'l 1" .. Hutchin on. 22,180 Midw. Re serve Tr. Co., Kan. c.  I  •. and  ._ '1)  John haw _______ 0. 0. Mor~e _______ W. H. Tanzey _____ _  20,000  3,000  ,00.000  J.B. llubble _______ S. J. CoolbaU£h ____ D. F. Burlin _______ _ J. 0. Coolbaugh  50,000  63,000  500,000  W. F. HUGHES .-- GEO. YOXALL----- E.W. WINTERS--- I. L. PERKINS----FLO. JACKSON P. G. GRIEBEL  40,000  82,000  bank offe rs prompt effcctl ve service on all commercial bus lness. Fe" lu advanf'e on shrht drart : 15c minimum If unpaid: 26f' ml nlmum If paf(f.  s1s.000  I  30,000 Drov. N. and Trad. N., Kan.  90,000  .  1  c.  330,000  Crc-dft '• Reports 2/i('.  (W.  ia the New Transit Nqmber  ven  ::i  ; ~  113,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.,aud '< • Drov. N .. Kan. 0. 80,000 •. Bk. Com. and New Eng. N .. Kan. C.; N. ~ t-.:> Bk. Com., ~ . Y.  490,000  • and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co •• Topeka , Kansas -I,KansasFidelity Topeka, State Agent w. Bankers Ass'n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank  zX  ro~  130,000 ChaseN., N.Y.; IstN .. Kan. C. and Hutchinson.  awhill _____ Wm. F. Greer_____  •i'0;j l ~ Thi  1  I  F. L. Shields _______ B, II. Kehmeier __ _  H. T.  ~ 1,.....  1-1  R. A. NEWMAN-- A. l. McMURlfHY - ------------------- J. F. DAUGHERTL service on al com n sight drafts, 15c 25c. J. II. Freclricksou_ R. L Sawhill W. B. Lockwood --  o-  Vl  Fee In advance on sight drafts, 1 lie minimum lfu npald; 26c mlntm um If p aid. Credit Reports, 25c.  IM.  83-332  I  LIABILlTIES,  PAID-UP  8,500  Prompt effective Fee In advance o 83-241 Credit Reports, Cheyenne County State Bank T. A. awhilL _____ •U'06 83-585 Citizens State Bank ---•U'86 L. J. Willits - ·----83-584 l?irst J:alional B:mk ______ '20 E. E. Kite - ____ ---· is3-; 6 St. Geor~e State Bank--U'06 1\V. B. Dalton ______ 83-1050 State Bank of StilwelL.•!5'07 M.A. Kelly ________ 83-1051 First National B:\Ok _____ •t"85 F. S. Vedder ______ 83-277 St. John National Bank_•t'05 F. B. Gillmore _____ 83-278 Fanner • 'ational R1nk.•'l A. A. Hon ·. e _____ _ 83-12X7 FirstNatlonal Bank _____ et'85 Frank A. o·s _____ 83-325 St. Marys State Bank ___ t§'02 J. A. Doyle _________ 83-326 Farmers State Bank ____ e:§'11 Jarvis Kershaw ____ 83-1108 1rarmers State Bank ___ •U'08 A. c. Gillilan _____ 83-333 J. Ooolba~h,Jr. National State Bank ____ •i'84 83-331  STOCKTON NATIONAL BANK  I ·  15,000  ~  CITIZENS STATE BANK  -ASS'T CASHIER  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BanJ..1ng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Lalls (indexed) In back of this VI vo~me. For lntere t Rates, Holl<!_~ys, _e~.. el.' Laws. ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE!"TS.- - , RESOUR('ES. lo•t<a&Dl8• Cun&E:r- I  d  15,000  Stafford _____ Stafford F 7 Farmers National Bank.•t'8-1 F. S. Larabee-----83-264 Pop.1752 H. L. McCURDY -FIRST STATE BANK--- •t§'03 Special attenti Mioi1;im1siu 83-265 Stanley ____ Johnson D 15 State Bank of Stanley --•U'05 1J. ll. Schrader. ____ 83-1048 Pop. 200 Stark _______ Neosho B' 14 Stark State Bank ________ t§'03 L. S. Cambero----83-10-19 Pop. 189 Sterling _________ Rice E 8 Pop. 2060  1·  CASHIER.  1~':!_e  John Jones ______ -- L. L. Kabler_ __ ---- llazel S. Kabler ___ . . . J. W. Sowers ______ Irwm Wilhams ____ N. S. llogne ------Leona ·tilP-s Geo. T. Ellis  I{LORIN  •t§'l!9  f  _9~  E. L. Williams.---- Chas. H. llulJ__ ____ Frances Freeman.  ,  ,  SPRING HILL BANKING CO.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  C  -  •  1•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §S~te PRESIDENT. •Oounty Seats. Entire tate in o.10 l!Mem.State Ilks. Assn. t Priv. Federal Reserve Distric~ •.¥em_. I-~ed. I{e9-!..._ __(__Ii_ ~h: _ _ . - . - - Spearvillt!-------FordF5 IF1rstNat1onaJBank ____ .t08 J.H.Le1d1~h ______ 83-529 Pop. 629 Ford Coun1 ~~te Bk,-•W02 H. W. Dorsett_ ____ " ________ .. 3 1~tsk _____ ;t§'08 IA. Dou~herty -----Speed ________ Phillips B II Farmers Pop. 100 Spivey _____ Kingman G 8 Spivey State Bank -----•t§ 04 ' C. W. Sample_---. . , 83-1046 Pop. 226 6prinr HilLJohnson D 15 Farmers State Bank----•t§ 12 Thomas Wilhams __ 83-1111! Pop 555  -------  KANSAS  -NA:IIE OP BA."K.  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  "  ~ -  BOWMAN, Secy.)  Non..'.Bank Town  with Nearest Banking Point (In-  531  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Tranalt Nqmber iiiveo to •oh bank in U. 8. ueluslYely by Tbe Band-McNallf Banker' Dlreetory, un•er the autborltr of The American Bankers'n.  TOWN A.ND Coo  • Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire tate in o.10 Ufem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. • Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CA.SKIBR.  ..  ---- ----  .  -------  {¥  .. ---- ---- ..  Sylvan State Bank -----•H'D2 SHOO I J'IVIL-------- Rene J' B Oltbells llate Bank _____ :1•09 BHOl ,. Pop. 542 .. ltate Bank et lilylyia ___ •il'98 U-500 Syracuse_ Hamilton i' 1 First National Bank ----•i·ss 83-368 Pop. 1059 Valley State Bank------ is•oo ---83-8G9 T alm~e •• Dickinson D 10 Citizens State Bank-----*1'06 83-1055 Pop. 200 TaJmo ______ Republic B 9 Farmers State Bank ___ •U'08 83-l0M Pop.150 T ampa __ ____ Marion E 10 Tampa State Bank ____ •*l'Ol 83-1057 Pop. 262 T escott_ ______ Ottawa D 9 Bank of Te ·cott ------•*5"87 83-628 Pop. 377 Farmers State Bank --•*1'08 83-629 T hayer _____ Neosho G 13 First National Bank _____ i•oc 83-555 Pop. 528 Thayer State Bank.·- *51900 83-554 T imkeD--------Rush E 6 Timken State Bank ---*1'13 83-1137 Pop.150 T h>ton _______ Mitchell OB Home State Bank ------•*1'09 83-1058 Pop. 230  -------  .. ----  ..  . .. ------- .. ..  --------  To npnoxie ____ Leaven'th Pop. 971 01'  .. ------- ..  AsS'T  CASHIER.  PArn-·uP 6 CAPITAL  St. PauL ••• Neosho F 14 Farmers State Bank ____ ! '20 J. F. Kanute ---~-- Frank ~f etcalf ____ J. W. Burke _______ l'op. 1000 83-403 It. Paul State Bank ____ eif'98 Patrick Diskin _____ B. B. Fitzsimons ___ M. J. Kelly ________ 83-402 Strawn _______ OoffeJ • 11 Blown !Hate Bank ____ _i§'l3 A. E. Williamson_ J. A. Kennedy, Jr._ T. T. Kelly _______ 11-1062 Pop.1J6 Stroar --· _____ Obue X 11 Streac OiQ' State llank _:§'OI J. H. Doolittle _____ James Robertson __ J. W. Lewis ______ Pop. 944 81-105& • l • Studley _____ Sheridan C 4 Studley State Bank ____ t§ la ·James L. Davis ____ J. F. Pratt_ ________ B. Smith ___________ 83-1261 Pop. 75 Stuttgart _____ PhUIIPI B II Farmers State Bank ---•H'lO A. Dougherty ______ Martin Kistner ____ H. A. Bethke _____ 83-1054 Pop. lot M. G. Bach Sublette ______ Haskell Ga S&ntia ll'e ltate Bank ----*1'06 11'.K. Murphy _ _ E. Wil on • ________ E. H. ElllotL ____ 83-1027 Pop.250 swnmerfleld, ll&nb&ll B 12 First National Bank _____ et'l7 H. A. Berens _____ J. H. Ru ell _____ J, P. Murray _____ 83-1247 Pop. 539 Wm. Scott ,. Sate Bank of 81111111erfteld W. F. Orr ________ Georee Craven ____ M. M. Schmidt.---~2 •U'BI Andrew Nestor SUD Oity ----- Barber G 7 Son State Bank ------•:il'll G. W. Lott_---- ____ W. E. Combs ______ G. H. Wilmot__ ____ 81-1122 Pop. 200 susank _____ Barton E 7 Farmers t.lte Bank _____ §'20 J. F. to kopf _____ John Ochs. ________ Ben Here.ert __ ---83-1362 , (Hoisington P. 0,) l'op. 50 H. ARKEBAUER- E. C. RAFFETY -- -- ---- F. C. LARSEN-------yJvao 5rove ____ Lincoln FARMERS STATE BAH 8 bis bank orre rs prompt efflcle ot service on all 83--GOl •:1'09 Sight Pop. 450 D8 drafts: Fee lo advance, toe mloJmum tr  ..  5  LIABILITIES.  NA.Jill!: OF BANK.  TY.  •Oounty Beats.  -0:!~UB  DEPOS-  I  C'l'ft. BoN"DS,  CRASG£1:,Do11  Ssac&rrllt8  PROll 8J.NJ(L  1,500  39,210 $ 40,710 I$  11,290 1Iidw. Re crve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Ranchmen's 10 N State, Wichita.  20,000  22,500  265,000  240,000  26,000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Miami Co .. N .. Paola.  W. E. Hughes. ____  10,000  8,500  150,000  100,000 175,000  60,000 Com'l.N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Far . •.'. and Peo. N., Burlington. U5,000 Liberty N .. N. Y.; New Ene. N., Kan. O.;Citiz. N., Emporia; Ex. N .. Cotton wood Falls. 32,790 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  --- --- ---- ---- ----  15,000  26,500  254,000  F. D. Walters _____  10,000  1,860  68,650  42,230  E. J. Close, Jr,----  15,000  7,500  245,000  225,000  50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. N. a nd N. Bk. Com .. Kan. O.; Bk. of Topeka, T opeka.  15,000 New Eng. N. and Drov. ~T·• K an. 0.: Com'l .r',, Z Hutchinson. C/l 10,000 llidw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.  L. W. Murphy ___  10,000  20,000  130,000  150,000  Mabel Woodward __  25,000  4,800  70,000  103,450  E. R. Eakins------  35,000  35,000  300,000  250,000  M. A. Mc Ticholas_  10,000  5,300  65.000  65,600  --------------  12,000  1,800  16,660  17,680  >  >  12,060 Tra. ~ '., Kan. Iloisington.  c ..  Mo.; Far. c·- :Merch.  ~ C/l  I  1  367.000  20,000  200,0001  200,000  25,000  296.650  15,260  378,630  109,830  70,000  10,000  E.  17,810 63,180  412,160  25,000  15,230  177.480  170,160  42,050  J. B. Hiitdon _______ W. D. Fulton ______ A.sna J. Fulton ____ R. A. Higdon __ ----  10,000  8,000  120,000  110.000  28,000  --------------------  10,000  8,500  50,000  90,000  J. C. Meehan ______ J. F. Rhodes _______ P.H. Meehan _____ A. L. Socolofsky __ Ir. F. Scidmore ____ H. H. Heath _______ W. A. Seidmore ___  40,000  18,200  235,310  266,680  ---------- -----------------  50,000  13,000  150,000  173,000  John Lee _____ L. E. Corman _____ N. C. Emery _______  15,000  13,500  110.000 I  Edpr Rash _______ G. W. Gehrix _____ E. C. Eagles _______ J. M. Gelwix ______  25,000  6,000  250,000  86,000 252,000  24,500  Inter-State N. and ~Iidw. R eserve Tr. Co., C) Kan. C.: Citiz., Hutchinson. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Dr ov. N .. Kan. C.: '"i N, Bk. Com., St. L. 0 N. Bk. Com. and Com'l N., Kan. C.; 1 t N., ::, Pueblo, Colo. IQ 1st N. and Drov. N., Kan. O.; Abilene ~··, SU ,::, Abilene. 0 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. N .• Kan. o.  ><  26,840 Met. Tr. Co., . Y.: Colum ia N. aml Fid. N. ;j" Bk. & Tr,, Kan. C. 24,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and D rov. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. of America, Salina. 41.000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Far. N., Salina; :Minpl-:, ., lfinpl-:., Kan. 45,000 N, Bk. Com., Kan. O.  J. M. Diller ______ H. G. Lowrance ____ C. R. Hoyt---- ____ A. E. Neill _________  10,000  6,500  290,000  230,000  W. B. Romeiser ___ J. Kraisineer ______ G. F. Starr ________  10.000  10,000  125,000  125,000  25,000  16,000  173.000  200,500  24,200 N. Bk. Com. and .\Iidw. Reserv c Tr. Co., Kan. c., Union N., Beloit.  18.000 400,000 SERVI CE. TBYU s.  400,000  25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Leav. N., Leav.: Drov. N. and )lidw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan . C.  310,000  40,000 Comw .•  ------------------~---- ----  ~  60,000 N. Bk. Com., .r'. Y.: New Eng, N .. and Fill. N. ~ Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 18,000 1st N., Kan. C.; Com'! N .. llu tchinson.  340,000  25,000  50,000  ---  10,000 1 E. FARlELL P- B.OMPT \\IffSal1l!!~~~~If.oa ¥1ffwtWHn1 &i t111111L,A it·ICULAR {15c fftl:must llllic 83-378 aceom panf atsb& drafts to cover presenta tloo. Cred.Jt Rep orta:!SC. Tonnnoxie f.!:Ji Bank.H'89 T. K. Kennedy ____ -------- --- ------ L. C. Davi· ________ w. F. Dorney _____ 26,000 8 'Y  1  Z  tate,  20,000 8,000 150,000 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. 0.: N. Bk. 150,000 of America and Peo. State, Salina. commercial bus loess. Credi& Reports 50c. unpaid; :Mc mini mum If paid.  W. P. Humphrey_ A.G. Campbell. ___ Alonzo Gale _______ ---- ---- --A. R. Beaty _______ R. E. Bray _________ E. M. Scott__ ______ F. O. Trotter ______  F  ~  >  50,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; C/l Am. N .. St. Jo. . h. tx, 4,700 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 1st N .. W1c 1ta.  269,660  M. Lutgen _________ F. Fritchen ________ E. C. Mueller ______  --  ------,~  P. S. Kelly ________  A.. R. Bwsict. _____ H. S. Buzick, Jr •• _ W. H. Breihan _____ W. A. Buzick ______ O. O. Lanr _______ S. Snowbaryer _____ F. E. Lang ________ J, R. rorwood----Irvin C. \Viii 0. G. Hinshaw ____ W. H. Hinshaw ____ Homer Myers ______ Hazel :Myers _______  K. A. Oory ________ G. W. Cowle --·---- C. E, Cory _________  ~  PBOFITS - - - ITS -- --- ---  Louis Hoefle_ .. _____ $ 15,000 $  THE BAN I)lffR DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY CO J TOpe kaJ Kan S8s-I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Noo.'.Baok Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acee:,.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For lntere t Rate , Holidays, etc.:.;__ :~~~~ws. PRINCIPAL CORRESPO NDENTS. ~ I RESOURCES. ! Pl lto.s,&-Drs- C••n &Ex-  KANSAS-Continued  12,500  350.000  I  65,000 ~Iidw. Reserve Tr. Co. and D1·ov •• ·., Kan. C.; Peo. Home tate, Chanute. 25,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Am. State, Great Bend.  T.  and Cont. ... ~., Kan. C.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks .and Bankers . I Kansas Bankers Ass'n .(W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.} Topeka, State Agent  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number ai to each bank in U. S. e1.cluslvely by The Rand-McNally Banke Dlre~tnrv 1nd1>P tho ••• , .. ~-u , .., · - - - - - - - ,... __ ,.~-" ..  514 532  NAME OF' BANK-.- - 1  ·:!em.SAtmt. BBkks. A.Assn. ,i~~e l +.lllem. a e s. ssn. rI • •~~ed.li_e~ [Estab. ~  VICE-PRESIDENT.  PRESIDENT. _  1  _  _ J ~de~I -~es_er~~ District No. 10)  LIAB-!LlTIES. 1  OASHIER. ASS'T OASHIJCR. _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _.:_  1  s. E. COBB -------- JOAB MULVANE--- s. F. HUGHES  *BANK Of TOPEKA •-1 4,.  •ti'68  F.FEE C. KATHSIN  l  ~_  *GENT RA L NAT'L BANK  _ __  W.W. BOWMAN, Sec, ADVANCE  H. D. WOLF---D. A. WOLF  PAID-UP  Send 15c with sight drafts for presentation and 25c '_Vlt~ _re~ue~ts for ratlngJ,  UAL  I  --l  ----~1  (Sh~~nee, D 13L_ RESOURCES.  ISURPLUS-frro1vm- 1D1:P08IT8l LOANS &  CAPITAL AND _ _ _ !'._xo_vn·a  DIS-  DEPOSITS  I  80ND1, ~:h8c;L:  SECURIcouNTS TUD~,EJ'C,  01' BANK:B  LA.ITT!OVS  RxsouR.=_Es  c.,, ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. R  CASH -  Esounc,:~  I  310,000$ 435,800 H,437.S70j$ 808,520 $4,490,580 $ 207,120 · 180.160 S 1.114.038 l\lecb. & Metals N,, N. Y.; 1st N •• nd st 1 ,Chi.: N. Bk. &Com., " L. a A. 1Kan. C.;}'ar. l\lerch. N.,Los _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  E. E. AMES  I  200,0001 214,070 2,261,270  Oldest established National Bank.  •1  *CENTRAL TRUST CO. •t '14 44-57  J. R. BURROW---- C. B. MERRIAM _:___ J. R. BURROW. JRT CHESTE.· R WOODE. E. AMES, l'.-I'. GEO. A. GUILDM S MV.-1' . un<l' r. :) WA~O, F. D. MERRIA I. . acFARLANE. l .-l. and tc {  - -I  -100,000  115,000  1.121,480  73,940  50,000  45,300  6'.;3,560  30,330  I  1,516,SiO  198,510 __________  V.-P.  *Oitizens State Bank ____ :i5'72 M. F. Southwick ___ D, M. Dibble ______ E. S. Gresser_ _____ H. 0. McKinley ____ 1 4-1-51 Columbian 'l'itle & Trust Co .. J. S. Dean _________ Clement Smith ____ W. L. Dean, Sec. __ F. W.Freeman. Tr. 44-60 §'20 *Farmers .L·ational Bank•!'l3. H. G. West ________ Guilford Dudley - F. F. Clin1.rnr ______ Hugh A. Smith ___ _ 44-56 G. W. Shimeall  100,000 100,000!  32,000  *FARM MORTGAG~ TR~~~ J.P. SLAUGHTER----- J. H. COLLINGWOOD -- J.E. GRl~S!, , . RUSSELL E. FROST, COMPANY __ -4-1 .,9 ___ .. 18 et. ctrnl r,. ..,1. Sec.  350,000  12,500  - ·--------  50,000  39,040  7i7,:!00  1  *Kan  2.130  10,470  2.360  550,000  150,000  32,000  400,000 Liberty N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: InterState N., Kan. O. VJ  275,0001 5,000,000  64 000  161,000  220,000 Chase N .. ~-. Y.: Com E.. ,.' .. Chi.; l{iverview State, Kan. C.; Rk, of Topeka. Topeka. ::,:;  31.liO  3,290  296,8i0 N. City, N. Y.: Fid, N. Bk. & 'l'r. and VJ Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.  100,000  25,000  f. W. FREEMAN--- f. M. BONEBRAKE -- f, M. BONEBRAKE -- J.E. JONES- ------W.A,L. THOMP.SON, ( IL uJ JJ1l. Prompt attentt on to all Banking matter entrust cd to us.  200,0001  187,190  *Prudential Trust Co. __ •t§'06 S. E. Cobb _ _____ 1r. D. Coburn------ .J.E. Kirk. See,, ____ I.E. Henry, .11. 'I 1·. 44-4 W. \\'. Bowman D. W •• tulvane *Shawnee State Bank.-•tl'02 D. J. Hathaway ____ J. II. Billard _______ F. P. Elmore ______ L. \V. F.lmoro _____ _ 44-53 David l'age, Sec. D. V. Elmore  100,0001  149,280  60,0001  30,000  44 - z  *State avioes Bank  •:t:' ,  i 1  --•ts•gs wm. Macferran ___  E. L. Copeland _____ J. D. Gossett ______ Hora<'e ~facferran. \\'rn ..\lacferran. Jr .  I  441,000 ---- 311.000! 6il.530  3,079,880  1.118,5-101  158,000  60.0001  1,866,220 1,157.000  39,120  367,000  248,810 ---- ------  955,160 1,700.000  300,0UO _ _ _ _  674,430  209,560 ------ ----  *Topeka State Bank ••• •H'06 'C. W. Snyder ______ II. E. Gavitt _______ Geo. W. Snyder ____ A. F. Miller------44-55 .I. 'I'. U ray  50,000  33,230  1,14:UiO  THE PIONEER ORTGAGE {A. E. VAN PETTEN- J. B. SLEEPER------ A. M. CATLIN J.E. ROSEBROUGH, COMPANY -----------+IIJ00 F. T. BLAIR · c. a11d 'l'r. A. Tr  100,000 Number under . 'ame ol Bank is the . ·ew Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in U. :;, excJush·eJy by TlH• ltand-1\IcNall Bankers'  150,000 ------ ----  19,460  2,300,000 ' - - - - -  Kan ·as:and Oki ahonm .t·arm and ('it> I,o:ms.  1,800,000  ! 4to00  Bldg.)  55:;,0101  567,140  7.Ji,330 ------  100,000  I  I I  5:;,000 2,100,000  *MERCHANTS NAT'L BANK .  · 30,010  I  2U0,000  z~  202,080 Atla~tic N., N. Y.: Cont. & (}om'I N..i Chi.: Drov. N. and Comw. .. Kan, C. 8.670 .\lerch. N.. T0peka. VJ  6,730  i!l,220  1,000,000 ---------  : He Pr\"' Stat' Bank Earl .1..\ker ·- - - .I. II. Lei•---------- 'lht•o. O. ~ueller__ R. J. trc ·kt>r ____ _ + 44-5!! •t§'16 J.'. p; lac·Lennan *Kaw Valle.v 'ational Bank D. T. liallriel------ c.. ,. tewart ______ A. Y. Lindell ______ R. E. Ji'ritz _______ _ u 14 •t•io  197,020 N. Bk. Com,. ... 0 • Y.: 1st ~·., f1hi.: 11'id. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. c.; Cent. • Topeka.  567,340  730 ---------- ----------  I  *GUARANTY STATE BANK E. E. ~1ullaney ____ Hov L. Hone _______ A.•I. ::schober _____ Ruth lMwanl. 44 5 •:t: ··oi 'l'. IL Paxton  { luJvan  ~«:_•t__ ~o~_. -~0,022  1.796,320. 2,574,930 786,170 196,500 1,212,390 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N,. 1 - - - - 1st Chi.; N.,Fld. st. L.N.Bk.&Tr.,Kan.C.: 1 • . CollectlonareceiveCareful,Pr~'::_pt, ~~ Pe~sonalAttenti~n. see ad..-e rtlseme ntonMalp or Kan sas. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 83  _ 44 3  44-52  Cou?~~  $  J. R. BURROW- ---- G. A. GUILD-------- F. H. BURROW-------------------------  :  c·lty  TOPEKA - R eserve  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Tranalt Number pven to each bank in U. S. e1.cluslvt>lf by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Director~, under the authority of The A!,.nerlcan Bankers As •n.  104,3-101  42,3501  • 9.160  > to > z  I  700,000  . Bk. Com., N. Y.,  t. L., and Kan. C.  t;J 'g  116,000 Han. N., N. Y.; ~ T. Bk. Com., Kau. C.; ~lcrch. N. and Farm ~ltl-!e, 'l'r, Co., pi;Topeka. . I II> 1,182,160 Chatham & Phpnix N., ,:', Y.: Cont. & Com'I '.,Ohi.: ·ew Eng .• · .. Kan.C.  180,660 Mech. & Metals ...'., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill,, Chi.: Com'I N .. Kan. 0., Kan.; Bk. of Topeka. To1ieka. 2-12,100 Han. N .. N. Y.: Ft. Dear. '., Chi.; Com'! N., Kan. c., Kan.; Com, Tr. Co., Kan. C. 500,(100 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep, and Corn 1 Ex. N .. Chi.: Midw. Heserve Tr. Co. and Inter-State ., Kan. c. 324,6i0 Han. N., N. Y.: State Bk. of Chi., Chi.: N. Bk. Oom., K:in. C. and St. L.  110,000 -- . - ------ ----------' --·. ----1  Non-Bank Towns \\ith Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces. , I,awyer:. Law · (indexed) in back of thi .....,  533  Number under Name 01 Bank ia the New Transl& Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusll"el;r by TJ1<- Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Banker· Ass'n.  ToWN A.·o Cou.-TL  KANSAS  C  -  00  - .-•i:-.IE OF 8.-L'K.  . v •Mero. ,\m. Bk . Assn. §State •County Seats. ICE-PltKSIDE.."'iT. PRESID&.'iT. Entire tate in •. o.10 l:t:Mem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [E~tab. Federal I e erve Di ·trict. ♦ )!em.Fed. He~. w. M, KonolL___ Toronto_~--WoodsonFii First National Bank --~-~:!:'03 R. Sa::nple _:__ 83-1059 Pop. XW Toronto State Bauk _____ :!:§'13 L. F. Willhite ______ J. 'I. Lon~--------Jame PhilliTJ 83-1146 Towanda _____ Butler II' 10 First • ·atioual Bank ----•t"l, J .... •. Bisho11-. _____ )I. Braley _________ J.C. Kullmann 83-1275 Pop. 7L, Towanda. tate Bank ____ ;!:§"06 R. P. Hal ton ______ A. C. Hig-eins ______ 83-1060 Traer ________ necatur B 3 Fir t tate Bank_ ______ •t.·•15 Otis L. Benton ___ _ H. 0. Dou~la..: ______ 83-1176 • Pop. '.WO Treece ___ Cherokee G l:i 'l'reec' ~ta te R.mk_ ----•t§'17 Fred taut acher .. •. :\L ·mith ______ 83-1280 Pop. !!91 •Tribune ____ Oree Icy E 1 First State Bk. of Greeley Co. W. M. Glenn _______ C. E. Landi. _______ •W05 83-1061 Pop. 2-!3 Kansas a•c Bank ____ :•21 '. L. \Vil 011. ____ B. JI. John-on _____ 83 1391 •rrou dale ___ Edwanls F6 Trousdale tate Bank __ •;l:§'16 E. F.1Iayhew _____ F. G. Hager _______ 83-1203 Pop. 135 •Troy _____ Doniphan B 14 First Tational Baok ____ •:!:"70 J. S. Norman ______ C. W. Reeder 83--400 Pop. 1013 Troy State t~~i------•U'06 II. D. trong ______ 1E. A. Sinclair_ ____  :_=:  I  SJtU  .no  .Ass'T CA.SHIER.  CASHIER.  ,~ - - J. D. Cannon------ M. J. Sample------  I  _ ________ _  PAID-UP  RPL 8  uANDu  };j,000  7,000  Ti'. 'I'. Hopp ________ F. W .• quier______  2fi,OOO  8.~40  2fi,OOO  10,000  I.E. h.ullruanu F. W. Robison _____ A. E. l{alston______  I  $  I 1  Non-Bank Tol\ns \\ith Neare t Bauldng Point (Indexecl Acees.), Lawrer.·. Laws (indexed) in back of th! ~ _ y ~ ~,~ ~ e s t _!l~t!_·, _H~id~~-~ etc., e(_} Lall~  O  RE:suURl ~~c &:E ~~~•:,~~~-.  DEPOSITS  25,000 S 18,630  s1ouamu  281,670  S 28(160  80,000  80,000  240,000  201,200  400,000  300,000 166,0-!0  PRINCIPAL COl<RESPo.·nitNTs.  c:::G•--~~-1 n.~KI.  ______  no»  $  1\J  80,000 Fid. N. 11k. , , Tr. and inter-State N ., Kan. C.; 1st N., Wkhita; Eltlorado •• Eldorado. 125,000 Comw. N. aml lnler-State N .• Kan. 0.: Far. & Merch. N .. Eldorado: Union Stock Yd!-. . and 4th •..• Wichita. 59.~00 Am .... •., t. Jo.; Drov. ,.·., Kan. C.; Oberlin •'·• Oberlin; Oma . .1.·,, Orul. 21,760 Droy,.•., Kan. C.: Arn. N., Baxtei: .~pring:,;.  1:5,000  li,670  207,880  3.1 01  88,5:50  \Yard Lobde!L ______________________ _  15,000  9,100 I 189,:;-!0  B. A. Rus~l'IL _____ .Tes~ie O. 'in111,on  10.000  41,520 Com'l N., Kan. c .• Kan.; 1st N., Great Bend. 2,?001--------- __________________ Kan. Re-Pn·c Stall', Toppi';1,  L. L. ~\mlt1 1.·on ___ _  10,000  3.SiO  68.400  96.450 I  50,000  35,000  420,000  E. E. Doufhty _____ G. I. Hackney ___ _  15.000  21.000  275,000  315,0001 2-!5,000  L. II. Worthiofton_  10,000  7,:500  J.10,000  147,500  12,900 Com'! N .• Kan. C., Kan.; Far. N., Stafford; l~t N .• _Wi~hit~~ 17.i,000 In IIlf.! •• , ,. • \ .; Ex .•. , Atchison; 1st N .. St. Jo. 65.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Tootle-Lacy N. and m. N .• St. Jo.: Fid. r·. Bk.,· 'I'r., Kan. C. 10,000 .-ew Eng. •., Kau. C.; Pt•o. N .• Kan. C., Kan.  20.000  7.520  247.050  ora. f c~lurry. ____ ,  11,2'.iO  188.3201 224,810  R. L. Tergarden _______________________ i  10,000  13,-1-10  22~,7~01 15D.Jl01  84,250 Han. N., N. Y.; Tootle-Lacy N.. St. Jo,: tate Ex., Hutchin ·011. 26,230 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: 1st N .. Hutch111 ou.  106,240  69,120 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.  IJ.  1 1  T. G.  teanson ___ _  W ... hi\•c•, .Tr. __ _  Walter Jones______  172,110  T  I  '.Vilson ____ _  15,000  11.0:,0  17:.i,000  155,000  L. E. Holt ________ Grace Holt _______ _  10,000  5,150  28:i,:iJO•  169,6-!0  W. E. Traylor _____ Mary Peters ______ _  12,000  12,000  150,000  200,000  H.F. Hiley ________ Barry <hH•n, ----·  10,000 I 20.000 1  1.500  50,000  40,000  5,500  160,000  160,000  J. H. Koon _______  E.  I{. ;\f.  . H..1-ore _______ ·-------------------  I  ~. L. Gardiner _____ H. R. Willis ______ _  25,000  23,000  C. T. Gephart_ _____ M. J. Do_rJe _______ _  20,000  35,000  200.000 360,000  c. }f. Jack on ____ _  25,000  2,500  40,000  37,500  L. G. Goodrich ____ 1___________________ _  20.000  47,000  360,000  3:53,000  E.G. Boughner ---  185,000 240,000  •  Harry Bt>ecroft_ ________________ _  10,000  4.500  60.0001  60,000  lU,()00  15,000  !15,000  123.000  en ta  > z ~  en  l  32,000 1st .. Kan. C.: Winfielcl N., Winfl •Id: l ·t • T., ---J Wit-hita. 131,0:50 Com'! N. and .T. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Ft. Scott 0 State, Ft. Scott. 18.000 .._'.~k:-Com.and:M~dw.Rl'- rve'l'r.Co.,I';rn.C.;::, Cttlz. N.. Nes City: Cent. State, Hutchrnson. ,... 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Li\'e ~tock Stat(\ Kan. C.; O ,... , Am tate, Coffe.vville; 1st ~ • .. O~Wl'!!0. 15,000 )lidw. Rl':l'r\'l' Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1~1 T,. o Wichita. 20.000 Chem .• '·: ... •. Y.: Cont. · Com'J...T~ .. qhi.; ... •. Bk. .... Com., Kan. C.; , . W. State. \\ 1ch1ta. 160.000 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.: Inter- tate ... -. and 1st ::, N .. Kan. C.: 1st_·,. St. Jo.; Leav ... Leav. ; ' ::, 20,000 Dro\', ••. ancl lu'er Sta 1 e .... , Kan. C.  ci  <  P.H. Hybskmann __ E. W. Hybskmann_  15-!.000  60,000 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.; N. Hk. Com., Kan. 0.: Bk. of Topeka, Topeka: ,x .• ·., Atr·hi<:on. 10.000 • T. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; Far. Statf;, Kingman; 4th ·., Wichita. 15,000 Midw. Re nrve 'l'r. Co .. Ka.n. C.; CPnt. N., Topeka. 28,000 .\lidw. Re:crre Tr. Co., Drov . .i: ., aucl N. llk. Com., Kan. C.; Ex. N .• Atchison. 12,450 Fid. N. Bk. & 'fr .. Kan. C.  .!0,000  23,0CO  1:;1 ,000  Arthur.,. Baxter __ -------------------·  10,000  1,360  40,340  37.150  A. F. Mori:-cnson __ W. A. Hoffman __ _  15,000  8,800  110.0001  145,000  12,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Plan. State, alina.  D. A. Kuhn _______ Jo~eph J. Roth ___ _  25,000  21,lJO  2135.760  236,4i0 202.700 13,640  67,700 )liclw. Rc~cn-c 'l'r. Co .. Kan. C.; MPrch .... •.. Lawrence: Com'I ... •.. Kan. C., Kan. 8,110 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Com'l N., Kan. 0., I au· Pco. , te, alina. 13,170 Com'l ... '., Kan. O.; 1 t ... • .. Chanute.  60,000  15,000,Peo. State, Lawrence; Li\c .uck ~cate, han  I  A. J. Dreiling- ______ J. I'. RotJi ________ _  25.000  11,500  105,500  w. G. Engl('-------  10,000  1,000  19,580  10.0001  3,5001  15,000  L. E. Hoo,·er ______ .'. E. Hoo,·er _____ _  ~ > z en >  T ••  A.H. Kraft__ ______ Ii'. J. Schadt ______ _  ____________ _  '"' '<  1.0  20,000 Drm. N., Kan. C.  ]5,000  80,990  ~  D>  69,260 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. and St.-L. ._  .J. B. Traylor ______ L. D. Rodger·. Sec.  Heim J.ippCJmaun E. \Y, Bento11 _____  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY Co •• To Peka, Kansas - ,-, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  s  CAPITAL PRoFITs  $  I  LIABILITIES.  A. L. Cable ________ --------------·  ------10. V. Norman _____  Turner -- Wyandotte C 151 Turner State Bank _____ •;!:§'12 W. B. oden _______ II. R. Duclley ______ 83-1128 Pop. 2:;o 'l'uron __________ Reno F 8 Farmers tate Bank ---•!1'04 E. E, hivp __ ------ .T. II. SprouL ______ 83-533 l'op. li:ll State Bank of Turon ____ t§'i8 M. H. Potter _______ J. W. Potter ______ " ---- ---" 83-532 1'yro ___ Montgoruery G 13 Tyro State Bank _______ •*5'041 J. Lenhart. ________ !1'. E. Dob. on ______ 83-1062 ' l-'01), -!!i.t Uda!L _______ cowlcy G 10 Bank of Commerce ____ •i§•g7 E. Stout ___________ E. O. Trautwein ___ 83-1063 Pop. :ix1 Uniontown_Bourbon F 14 Union State Bank _____ •U'Ol1M. E. Holt_ ________ H. W. Holt_ _______ I. )L Holt 3-IOM Pop. 300 Utica___________ e s D ! Citizens StatP Bauk _____ u·o3 T. Peters __________ C. W. A ken _______ .J. c. Hopper . 83~74 Pop. 2, ~ Val •da _____ J..ahctte HU Yaleda ·tate Rank _____ .!§'15 .A. E. Townsend ___ L. :\I. Dunaway •. 83-lli3 Pop. 100 tate lI. W. Wilson ____ O. A. ClaypooL ____ Valley Cl'nter_ __ Sedgw'k Farmrr· & Merchant F 10 Bank ____ 3-12i7 _____ et§ lb Pop. J 6 Valley Center State Bank 1W, D. Goodrich ___ S. B. Amidon ______ " •if1900 83-106:5 Valley FalJs ____ Jefferson Citizens St.ate Bank ----•U'117 J. T. B. Gephart_ __ M. Legler _____ ' 83-367 0 1S Pop. 1218 G. w. ~IrCoy_. -- .J.B. Knier ________ First ~Tational Bank ____ .. .. : E. u. Boughn"r 83-13il 1 BANK•U-92 A. D. KendalL_, __ B. W. Ferl!n._on ___ KENDALL " -------" 6 Yarner _____ Kingman I 10 Farmers State Bank __ •!§'15 J.E. Callahan _____ Ja('k (;room _______ 83-1190 Pop. 50 vassar_ _______ osaeeD 13 American State Hank ___ i§'ll Philip Kraft_ ______ E. E. Bailey _______ 83-1103 Pop. ::!00 Vcrmillion_Marshall B 12 State Bk. or Vermillion _•!§'DI Wm. Acker ________ II. C. Schafer ______ 83-1066 Pop. 29-1 \" ernon ___ \Voodson F 13 Yero on State Bank ____ ;:::·19 . H. RayL ________ I. •r. Summer..; _____ 83-1314 Pop. 125 Vesper _______ Lincoln D 8 Vesper State Bank ------:5'05 D. B. Cog well ____ J. ~Iori:-enson ______ 83-1067 Pop. 200 Victor ______ Mitchell C 8 1(See Hunter) Pop. 37 Victoria _________ Ellis D 6 Farmers State Bank ____ e!§'08 J. A. Mermis ______ Anthony Kuhn ____ ,\l. .\, Ba.-~Hll !13-1068 Pop. liOO B'ir,,t National Bank _____ •;!:'15 F. ,·. Dreiling ~--- .J. . Droiiin:,: ______ _·ie1,: llreiliHg 83-1182 Yila ·--------- Wil ou It' 3 Yilas StateJ,;_l u ~ -------t."20 J .•T. Benjamin ____ n.• TeJ..;on _________ oil 13u 1 Pol). 3::i Yinland _____ D ugh· D 4 Farmer· tate Bank ____ t§"li . .". Auclt•r,on ____ .J, A. Deay _________ 83-1242 Pop. 100  d 10Ue _ I  t•  I  o.  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  Q..  ~  w  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number Ji to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banke _. ___ .,.. __ , .. ~-" .. .. r. ,., Dlre,·tnrv .,ndo• tho --·"--'"  514 534  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number civen to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  Non-Bank Towns v.lth Nearest Banking Point (In· dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in hack of th!,; 01 volume. For Interest Rate~, Holidays, etc., s Law w  KANSAS-Conti·nued  - ---- - .  -====~======================================::;:::===7'======= I "••Dt.. I =========~-= I A , C p PRESID""''T :•.Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. TOWN AND COUNTY.  j  NAME OF BANK.  VICE  O ASHIER.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS-.- -  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES. SURPLUS  c•:.. BoNP,  Lo  ..p,.  o~im&Erc,u,m,Do•  AND 1 SST ASHIER. PAID-UP - RESIDENT. ,,..., · Entire tatein~'o.10 ,:tMPm.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. CAPITAL PROFITS ~ , ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -----.. . . [Es~b. Federal Regerve D_igtrict. 1•~em. Feu. Hes. Viola ______ Sedgwick G 9 Viola State Bank _______ •:tf 01 S. B. Amidon ______ , W. H. chwe1tzer __ A. C. Brauch,A.ctrno1 ____________________ S 10,000 S 5,000 S 66,000 IS 91,000 S 5,900 Cont. ,· Com'l N .• Chi.: s. w. state, Wichit : Fid. ~·.Bk. & Tr .• Kan. c. I 1 83-1069 Pop.173 28, 7401 N. Bk. Com., Kan. c. 84.150 97.070 8,650 10,000 Virgll ___ Qreenwood F 12 1Virgil State Bank _______ tl'12 W. H. Dalton------ E. S. Albans _______ R. J. Aitchison ____ Lela Dalton________ 83-1119 Pop. 150 15,000 .1st N .. Atchison; Midw. Ro.servo Tr. Co .. 91,920 8,260 100,000 10,000 Vliets ______ Marshall B 12 State Bank of Vliets ---- U'98 W. T. Buck-------- ---- ---- ------------ J. L. Brubaker____ ____ ____ ____ ________ Kan. C. 1 83-1070 Pop. 175 50,000 Inter-State N., Live Stock State and Fid. N. 15,000 215,000 186,000 Wakarusa_ Shawnee D 1S Wakarusa State Bank --•n'OD ·Lewis StahL ______ J. N. Robinson---- S. V. Firestone ____ --------------------1 10,000 Rk. & Tr., Kau. c.: Bk. of Topeka, Topt:ka. 83-1071 Pop. 75 35,050 360,610 235,810 174,830 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: New En~. N. aml Drov. N ., 25,000 • Wakeeney ____ Tre~o D 5 Tr~o County State Bk.•:§"06 H. J. Hille _________ W. G. Baker------- A. H. Blair ________ C. R. Hille_-------Kan. O.: 1st N .• Den. L. C, Gleason W. J. Skelton I 83-411 Pop. 10~ 122,340 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. c. 49,040 1 392,850 334,610 25,000 Wa-Keeney State Bank_•:U-84 1. T. Purcell------- C. M. Hutchison ___ J. H. Heckman ____ ---------·· ______ " ____ ____ " 83--410 32,930 1 0hase N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and Drov. 10,000 165,910 413,770 556,740 Wakefteld _____ Olay O 10 Bank of Wakefield -----•U"86 D. H. Myers _______ S. E. Richards _____ J.B. McIntire _____ D. S, McIntire---Kan. C. 83-570 Pop. 531 1 26,170 Comw. r ., Kan. C.: Peo, N., Clay Center: 10.900 110,590 101,930 15,000 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. 1A. L. Guy ____ E.W. Woods _____ E. Eustace _________ Lucy O. Muston___ " ________ " 1 1 I:;,;; 1 · ., Lawrence. :Merch. •:t '08 83-571 1 20,000 1 Far .• '., Salina: New Enf. N., Kan. c.; Kan. ► 119,000 190.000 7.000 15,000 Waldo _______ Russell D 7!Waldo State Bank----- •!5'02 11'. S. Rockefeller __ V. F. Bradshaw---- G. II. Gross________ _____________ Reserve State. Tooeka. I 83-1072 Pop. 246 27.500 Han. N., . Y .; Fitl. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st Z 75.0UO 85,000 7,500 10,000 Waldron _____ Harper H 8 Waldron State Bank ___ •t§'07 G. A. Tayer ------ W. A. Miller------- G. A. Tayer ________ Ilelen Soper_______ C/l N .• Wichita. • 83-1073 Pop. 225 21,450 • '. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; ~ .. B~. Com. and Liberty ► 5,000 109,000 101,690 15,000 Walker _________ Ellis D 6 Farmers State Bauk ___ •t§'l5, C. G. Cochran ----- A. F. Cochran ____ - J. J. Dreiling ______ A.,\.. Dome________ C/l Tr. Co., Kan. C.; C1tiz. State, Hays. l 83-1192 Pop. 50 12,480 Wulfekuhler State, Leav.; Com'l •. , Kan. o. 95,700 88,250 15,870 10.000 Wallace _____ Wallace D 1 Wallace Co. State Bank•U'07 Frank Madigan ____ Geor&?e R. Allaman Walter David _____ t:d 83-1074 Pop. 75 ..._ 25,570 N. Park, N. i.; Tra. N .. Kan. C. 17,700 320,940 333,390 25,000 Walnut_ __ crawford G 15 Farmers State Bank ____ •:tf'04 Geor2e Goff------- B. E. Carlos _______ l. E. Clark _________ ....1!3-1075 Pop. 650 Kan. c., Kan.: )lidw. Re,erve Tr. 33,000 Com'! 230,000 226,000 15,000 15,000 Peoples State Bank ____ et§'l3 H. E. Rakestraw __ J. S. Foster------- E. B. Hickman ____ \Y. R. Hickman.__ " ________ " Co., Kan. C.; Far .. & )liners State.: Gir.arq. :;,::; 83-1130 52,300 1st N., Kan. C.; Umon Stock Yds. N-·" 1ch1ta. C/l 220,000 140,000 20,000 10,000 Walton ______ Harvey E 10 Walton State Bank _____ ll'07 Ora L. Spangler --- B. B. Neuman _____ H. G. Hawk _______ --------- -·-------83-1076 Pop. 223 80,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.: Inter-State r., 18,000 475,000 487,000 i5,000 Wamego ___ Pottawatomie First National Bank ____ , •:Vi6 H. E. Shortt _______ J. T. Genn -------- A. Giltner, Jr. _____ S. M. Swords______ • Kan. 0. 83-285 0 12 Pop. 1585 50,000 New Eng. N., M1dw. Reserve Tr. Co., and F1d. ,... 20.000 500,000 525,000 30,000 Kaw Valley State & Sav. Bk. ~- D. mith _______ D. N. Biddin~er --- L. L. Parsons ______ c. E. C. Simpson__ " O N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. •i. '13 83-1138 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l.;. r., Chi.; Drov. ~ 16,000 -100,000 450,000 60,000 Wamego State Bank ___ •U'l!l W.R. Johnson ____ Floyd FnnnelL ____ A. T. McMillan ____ Anna Crawford___ N. and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.; 1st N .. St. L. 83-286 36,000 Han. N ... T. Y.; Am. N. antl_ Tootl°:-L~~y 300,000 275,000 8,000 25,000 C. MERCER-----E. WILSON----- T. YODER-------- C. E. RUST---------St. Jo., Inter-State N .. Kan. C.. Ex. ~ .. W. M. EARNEST ~ Atchison; Kan. Reserve State, To11eka. •Washineton.Washlngton FARMERS STATE BANK•:§•04 To Insure prom pt attention. sen d toe with each s lght draft <:: and 25c with ea ch request for ere dlt report. 83_3o4 B 10 Pop. 1406 n> Minimum fee on aight drafts collected, 25c.  I  i-------•  DEPOS-  I  I  I •..  I  .  I  -----------------!  --------------------1  Z  T ••  I  T  w.  •  •  <·· 0  w.  s.  <  {  J.B. LOWER ----- E. B. FOX--·------- I. C. RUSH- ·------- --------------  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'83 113-302  ·o. T. MUT To Insure vrom lpt atten~lon,  385,850  <  73,320 Ohase N., N. Y.; t. Jo. Stock Yd . ., St. Jo.:I (I) ::!, Columbia N .. Kan. C.; Ex. N., AtchLon.  '<  I  25,000  32,000  375,000  300,000  d 15c with each s light draft edit report. 1 25c, G. T. Arfanbright_ A. Larson _________ ' V. L. Rommel L. A. Palmer ________________ ---- ----  10,000  15,000  325,000  265,000  10,000  5,000  65,020,  65,500  1. E. )lcKelvy ___ _  10.000  11,500  ,..,,0001  218,000  n. F. Glick-------• • Jacob Miller _______ G. F. Enfhsh ______ Gertruue Dubach __  20,000  27,660  435,000  309,000  10,000  10,000  -------1  20,000  7,400  150,000 1 125,000 1 179,040 140,250  William Wallace ___ C. F. Mathis------- E. A. Farrow _____ _ W. B. Kiler  25,000  10,000  AUGUST SOLLER -- G. ff. THIELE------ A. W. SOLLER------- ADOLPH HANNI ----W. A. SOLLER E. A. WAR  To Insure vrom { and 25c with ea Minimum fee on J. W. Thompson --  Wathena __ Doniphanil 15 Farmers State Bank __ -•:tl'03 Au!!tLt Miller _____ • 3 34 Pop. 6-15 11'. H. Drosselme1er. Fruit Grow rs tate Ban Ir " ________ " :t§'Ol 83-433 Waverly _____ Co!Jey E 13 Commercial tate Bank •ii'O.t C. L. Foster------83 -444 Poo. 6111 FIRST NATIONAL BANK--t'0l Fred F. Fockele ___ " ________ " I 83 -143  I  W. P. McKelvy____  P.A. Pettis ________ L.A. LibeL _______  D. O. Stonebraker - J. L. enior -------- C. A. Fo ter  125,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N .. Kan. C.: Burnes  N. Bk. Com., and 1st ., t. Jo.  J.,  60,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Inter-State N. an<! ~idw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.;Tootl~-La<'Y N .• St..Jo. 11,250 Chase N., N.Y.; lstN.,Kan. C.; Mnfrs.N.,Leav. ., N. Y.: 11idw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. C.: ~ Rk. of Topeka, Topeka;· Ex. T. and 1st • T ., n> Atchi~on. ::l 160,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Burne- N., St. Jo. c::  50,000 Han . .i:  I  . ~I' n BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY & SURETY co 1, Topeka , Kansas TUE ia  400,000  sen d 15c with each s lght draft  pt attenflon, sen ch request for er 83-303 sight drafts collected, J. D. Flannery---Waterville_Marshall B 1J CITIZENS STATE BANK M. Delaney •:t§'06 83 -467 Pop. 665 Farmers State Bank _____ :tf '80 J. Green_---------- ____________ ---- ---'• ·• 83 -465 Merchants State Bank - •U'82 11'. P. Thorne _____ F. E. Fitz2erald • __ 83--466 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Ifame of Bank  40,000  { and 26c with ea ch request for er edit report. JI inimum fee on aight drafts collected, 25c  WASHINGTON NAT.BANK-•'84  25,000  368,000  226,000  I  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for" Ba'nks and Bankers ,,  Kansas Bankers ~ss'n  n>  35,000 Tootle-~ar.r '.,St.Jo.; Ex ... ' .. A tcllison; Tra. ~ • N., Kao. O. 52,!160 N. Bk. Com. and Miclw. Re erve 'fr. Co., ...,. ~ Kan. C. 168,000 Imp. & 'I'ra. ., N. Y.; 1st N. and Inter-State iv ,.... N., Kan. C. # (w. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c...e volume. For Interest Rates, Uolid~ys, etc., see __!,aws, ~  llamlNr IIDder 1''ame el Banlr ill the New TramH Number pveD  535  to NOh bank In u. 8. HehulYel7 by The Band-HeNalu llanken• DlneiorJ', under Ole au&borlt7 of Tbe A.merlean Banken'n.  K NSAS-Continued  TOWN A.ND COUNTY, NAME OF BANK. LIABILITIES, RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE,YTS, C: •County Seats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §State p VICE PRESIDENT SHI.B: A , c ,____Su_R_P_Lu_s_ _ _ _ .,,_Lo-..,.-.-,.-0-,..-u.-.-s,.- •J[-.' SI> OA Entire State in o.10 :tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. RESIDENT, · • R, ss T ASHIER. PAID-UP .um DEPO&- c•r,. no..,,., cB.u<Gu,Dua '"1 8 Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ ____,__ _ _ ,_0_~_1_T_AL _P_R_Ol"_I_T_s _ 1 _T__ _ll_•0_""'_n_u __.._0 ,._B~--,------------------j~ Wayne _____ Republic B 10 Warne State Bank _____ •U'03 F. J. Atwood ______ Pop. 200 83-1077 Wa:,side ____ MontiomerJ Wayside State Bank ___ e;t§·U A. D. Berry ________ Pop. 200 G 13 83-1158 Webber _______ Jewell B 8 State Bank of Webber __ u•o2 I.E. Good _________ Pop. 200 83-1078 Webster .. ------Rooks O 8 Webster State Bank ---U'06 Barry Warren _____ Pop. 200 81-10711 Welr______ Qherokee G 15 Oitizens Bank _________ •:tl'112 A.H. Skidmore ____ Pop. 1945 81-1080 Welda ____ Anderson :e: 14 Welda State Bank------•t1'07 Robert Brownrilnr Pop. 260 83-1081  G. H. HUNTER-----  FIRST  •WelliDKtc)n_Sumner GD Pop. 7048  NATIONAL BANK °"  1vv  s:;._,  "  _______  •·  4,110  Chas. Hendricks--- G. W. McKinney _________________ _  10,000  4,550  97,6-10  18,060 Inter-State N., Live Stock State. and Drov. N .. Kan. C.; Citiz. State, Superior, .. ?eb. 14.000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C. 116,480 Han. N., N. Y.; N,' Bk. Com .. St. L,; Pioneer Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Kan. C. 9,220 Drov. N,, Kan. C.; Citiz. State, Garnett.  A.G. Schneider ___ Irl Gilliland _________________________ _  10,000  3,200  32,000  40.000  15,000  9,300  347,120!  254,940  Chas. Hornbaker .. A. A. Holdeman ______________________ _ David Brecheisen  10,000  2,iOO  87,1601  86,380  ~  15.000  75,00ll  S. T. Dyer _ _ _ G. E. Bo ·ter _______ Le lie Clay________ _____________  10,000  1,200  375,000  370,000  o  680,860  853,2  28,000  41,000  82,860 ~id~v. ~P. erve Tr .. Co .• Kan. C.; l'niou N. (Jl W1C'h1ta; ta'e, Wmfield. 342,650 N. Bk. Com:, ~- Y.; Inter- tate N., Van. C.; r,. 4th N., W1ch1ta. v• 7,500 Tra. N. and Srcur. N .• Kan. C. '"" w 6.500 4th N. and ecur. State, Wichita. ~  >  E. D. KlnnV---- Isaac .McCulley ____ A. M. John on ____  10,000  10,000  60,000!  70,000  John Selzer ________ D. P. Cope________ B . .A. Reed _______ B. E. Orr _ ----- ---A. D. Hostetter ___ W. H. Moherman __ B. K. De Tar ______ II. E. JeweJL_____  15,000  12,000  211,000  200,000  40,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; New Enl?, N., Kan. C.  40,000  32,500  505,280  484,560  96,530 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.  J. T. Fitzgerald ___ A. E. Glad ________ H. O. Oglesby_____ ____________________  10,000  2,500  49,980  62,880  10,000  4,000  40,000•  H. C. Smither _____ Fritz Meyer _______  w. c. Clark_______  _______________  1  33,300  N. M. Smith ______ W. E. Greer------ J. L. Rodi?ers ______ Agnes Trudgeon__  15,000  7,500  275,000:  116,000  M. 8. Knox _____ R.R. Kersey ______ C.H. Moore _______ R. F. J. Knox_____  20,000  3,000  117,9001  96,000  8S-511S 11'armers Sta~tnt __ e*f'US John Robson ____ C. .4. Zabel ________ J.M. St. John _____ Fred Zabel_______  40,000  16,000  200,0001· 190,000  c. Alban________  20,000  14,000  336,000  Mrs. II'. P . .Achten _  25,000  18,000  325,000  228,700  S. Thornburro,r __ E.W. Thornborrow S. E. Thorn burrow L. R ....'ance_______  20,000  25,000  186,000  807,000 175,000  W. L. Cayot _______ J.  :e:. Stephenson __  Roy Shumaker ____  K. B. Stephenson __ J.  :r. P. Achten ______  H.F. Kufahl ______ Thomas Fenton ____ E.W. Andrick _____ H. Runyan________ C. E. Amack ______ R. D. Slagle _______ Robert Cram______ _______________ _____  A. R. Wallace ______  t.)  z> 104,230  :e:. R. Ward ______  --  '°  J. H. CARR---------- GEO. A. SLOTHOWER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N. Park, N. Y.: Fid. ~- ~k. & Tr. and 1 t t~,..CM\-w~bL~IIANN B. F. WYNN ., Kan. C.; 1st N., W1ch1ta.  o. L. Frey _________  E. O. Hahn________ ____________________  W. P. Randall FIRST NATIONAL BAH•:t'85 :e:.o. Jenkins--·-- J. R. Blythe _______ R.R. Adam_______ ____________________ 83-57C  White Cloud ___ Doniphan First State Bank-------•W83 J.B. lleGauhey ___ 0. O. Burkhalter ___ G. H, Osgood ______ C. J. Taylor_______ p p. 5.53 B 14 83-1086 White Water-Butler F 10 Bank of Whitewater---*1'92 I. H. Neiman ______ J. T. Beans ________ G. P. Neiman _____ J. D. Joseph_______ .. Pop. 556 ,. 83-566 ---U'08 W. ________ Peoples Sta~~nk M. Finch _______ H.B. Torris ______ G. B. Hanstine____ ___________________ Whitini ____ Jackson B 13 Farmers Sf.ate Bank----•U'08 F. K. Myers ______ J. Q. Brown _______ L. D. Harrison ____ F. E. Mccurdy____ Pop. 433 83--621 . .. ____ ____ " State Bank ~~iitinr --•1'02 John 8:,mns ______ C. A. Lentz _______ o. W. Hedfe _______ F. H. Ernest _____ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  83,9401'  David Orowe ---- J. 0. Broadley _____ W. G. Morton ____ _  W. H. Burts _____ B. F. Smith ______ W. H. Schulte _____ L. P. Jeter._______  is·u o. E. Anderson ____  Weskan State Bank ----U'l7 83-1239 Westfall State Bank ____ ;t§'l6 83-1223 Mineral Kansas State Bank SS-1081 •U'03 Oitizens State Bank ---•H'OD  4,780 $ 72,4701 $ 69,870 $ 17,080 1st N .. Kan. C. and Concordia. 30,850 Com'l N. and Security State Independence; 124,30011 107.560 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. c.  10.000  + vv  Westphalia,AndersonE13 Sf.ateBk.of Westpbalia_*f'IIO Pop. 500 81-1084 Wetmore ___ Nemaha B 18 First ational Bank _____ ;t'08 Pop. 500 83-5116 " _______ " Wetmore Sta te-5~nk ___;tl'82 83 .,. Wheaton,Pottaw'mie012 Farmers State Bank ___ •it·to Pop. 250 83-1085 Wheeler ___ Cheyenne B 1 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'20 Pop. 75 83-1356 White Clty ___ Morris D 11 Farmers Sf.ate Bank ___ .i5•05 .. Pop. 652 ,. 83-575  ________  -------------------1$ 10,000 IS  W. E. Havener---- R. F. Jackson ________________________ _  Oldest and Largest Bank In Sumner County. 16 CENTS sent to us with eaeb sight draft for pr esentatfon, and •!'79 2i CENTS for e acb credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. National ~f!k_ ~ Comm.8!.~ K. B. Roser _____ H. Ir. Barbaarh __ G. B. Harba~h-- E. B. Harbaufh ·- · 50,000  83-103  Security State Bant ____ e*f'97 81-101 Wells _____ ottawa O 9 Wells State Bank ------•U'l4 Pop. 100 83-1160 Wellsforioi,~- ~1owa F II Wellsford :,nt ___ 0 14 Wellsville. Franklin DH Peoples State Bank ___ •• U'09 Pop. 756 SS-495 " ________ " Wellsville ,t~~------•:1'15 \ eskan _____ Wallace D 1 Pop. 75 We tfall _____ Lincoln D 8 Pop. 50 W. HlneraL ___ Qherokee Pop. ll38 G 14 •Westmoreland _Pott'mie Pop, 386 0 12  j  T. A. Sawhill _____ Georee McClure ---  I•  283,000  8,960 .Midw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. C.  I  ~  <;  · 4,900 ~id"'.· Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Far. N., n> Salina. ~ 95,000 1st N .. Inter-State~• .. and Drov. N .. Kan. C. ::, B  57,500 1st N., Kan. C. and Leav.  ,...  70.000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 75,000 N. Bk. Oom. and Drov. N .. Kan. C., Com'l N., Kan. C. · 130 000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Kan. C., Burnes N., St. ' Jo.; Ex. N .. Atchison. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .• St. Jo.; Inter-St.ate N., Kan. C.; Atchison Sav., Atchison. 25,000 Leav. N .• Leav.; New Enf. N •. Kan. C.; Bk. of Topeka, Topeka. 8,000 Com'! N .• Kan. C.. Kan.;Drov. ~ T.,Kan. C.,Mo.  80,000  8,500  160,000  10,000  1,000  45,000  50,000  20,000  30,000  200,000  200,000  35,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.  25,000  40,000  200.000  200,000  80,000 Cha ·e N .. N. Y.; 1 t  20,000  10,400  231,140  213,510  54,720 Han. N .. N. Y.: Inter-State N .. Kan. C.: 1st N. and Burnes N., St. Jo. 63,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; lstN., Wichita; lsL,.,, Kan. C.  ~T.  antl Drm·. N., Kan. C.  30,000  33,000  200,000  225.000  1s,o·oo  19,000  175,000  155,000  15,000  15,000  106,000  152,000  42.000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. C.; Yds. N. ancl 4th '., Wichita. 12,000 New Eng . .i:'., Kan. C.  10,000  13,000  175,000  150,000  so.oool Bkrs. Tr. Co..  1  ..,. tn  nion Stock  T, Y.: St. Jo. StockYtls .• St.Jo.; Ex. N.. Atrhisou: .\Iinw. Re.-. Tr. Co .. Kan. C  0  ~  <; =■  ::t  ::,' IQ  WICHITA-Reserve City/ (Federal Reser,·e Dlsb-l~t ~o. 10)  P RERllHtNT.  VICI!': Pl{ESJllE. ·  r.  AsS'T CASHIER.  CASH 11!:tt.  l  I  PAID-UP  LIABILITIES.  l \Villis-·····-IW,  ·1  I  l  l{ES0URCES.  l:>UU~LUB' lNDIVJD-:D11POBIT8 ' LOA.NB BONDS, .\11 ~i,:,.A. 11 UAL OF DISSECUBILANJ,;OUS ll PRO_J-'ll:!_ DEPOSITS• BAN~ COUNTS ~S,lllTC. HE 0UR~s  1 CAPITAL I  1  J. N. RICHARDSON-- M. J. LOYD ______________________________ P. DRUMM .... ________ S 150,000 S 225.000  *AMERICAN  .  County Seat-Sedgwick, F 9.  /  O. A. POWHL D, E WIRE  $  3.r-oo,ooo S 1.500.000  S 3,000.000 S 1,000,000 --···-----  CAsn OUR&~  2,000,000  1  1  4  *Central State :~nk----~:::~:~ II. C. D. Bowling ........ I!'. B. Harris ............ ~o-64 John H. Boys F. P. \\', .r. :-itm ens Citizens State Bank ...... _.•if'Ol W. S. Hadley ......... .J. ll. Turon·-··-· W. 0, Kemp-······ 40·53  75.000 ......... ..  A. C. Small................ M.A. Ha<;kir H. G. Cooney ... -.... H. C. Ontlaml  100.000  .............................  10,000  6,060  104.070 _ _ _ .  Exchan::e tate Bank ..... •t··19 J. L. Pryor .•.. ____ ········-·-···-····· IL H. Pyke ....... __ -·-···-·-········· 40 73 Farmers State Hank .••.••! ·•19 • I. Limhol'kl'r.. [I. A. Lawn•1we ....J. n. Gidler ........ - - - - - - - 40-i2 Federal Lan<l Ra 11k ........ l>i. t. 9 <S. c paye /l2 for com plcte infon,wtion)  50,0001  5,000  300,000  50,000  2;;0.000  50,000  G,000  300,000 - · - - -  2i::i,OOO  25,000 ............ ..  320,000  330,000  13,000 ...........  Commercial Bank ............ t'91 E. L. Davison ...... ..I ............... ____ --·40-51  Fidi>lity Stitt> Bank ····--t§'l,' B. l•. \I ·L,·a11 .•••• 40 -6:l  .r. 'I'. Meua 11  ···-····---···-····-1Jlrmv  13,500  100.000  300.000  li,000  so.oool  ld.cau _...... -····-········-··-·  *FIRST NAT'L BANK  ll,000  ('onsolidatlon of NATIONAL BANK 01'' COMlUERCI-; and KANSAS NA'rIONAL BANK  40·2  Vi,000  3i5.000I '90,000 1  230,000 $  43,440  31,6001  3,300  20,000  30,000  1  33,330  -1-~  J. H. STEWART, JR ... I F. O. CARR , G. A. WINTERS · L. SULLIVAN E. S. WORRELL CHAS. TESTARD  Oldest and Largest Bank.  IN WICHITA  175.000  l,IOtl,000 ....•.•.•.  j __  C. W. CAREY .......... C. W.SOUTHWARD .... - F. L. CARSON ....... --C. Q. CHANDLER. J. W. BERRYMAN LELAND SCROGIN, Cit of Brl ,H'x M 11 r E. E. MASTERMAN .1. Cash. • • F. A. RUSSELL J.H. BLACK J. H. STEWART  ,-----~  •. P~rk, N. Y.: Merch,J,n, &!_r. o~ .. Chi.: N. Bk. Com .. ~t. L.: tnd. N. Bk. & Tr. and .. '. Rk. Com .• Kau.  c.  Accounts of Ba nks and Corpora tlons ollclted on favorable te-rms. Special attentl on given to cone ction Items.  STATE BANK  1'!UNCIPA.LO0KltESPONlHCNTS.  125.000 .Mech. & Metals, •..•.. Y.: Fid •• ' .Bk.& Tr., Kan. C.: 1st.·., Wichita. 240,000 Liberty N., N. Y.: 4th N. and Am. State. Wichita; Live Stock datt', Kan. C. 41,790 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; 1st N., Wichita. 100,000 ~lech. ~· ).Ietals •• .. .i:'. Y.; Comw. N. Kan., C. ::;6,000 Fid. N. Bk. c'· 'Ir., Kan. O.  270,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co. au<l • •. Pa1·k, "·. Y.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.  en > en a,  1.000.000  1  1.000.000 s.000.000 1.000.000 11.000.000 1.500.000~. - - . .  - - - -•- - , - -  I  Z  N ., St. L.: N. .. Bk. c' om .• ts tN ., and Fld. N. Bk. & Tr., Han. C.  v~  c!!1~-N~•:~d ~~ti: i:1~:·1* ~  It  1 L. W. CLAPP ...... M. C. CLAPP ...•.. R. L. BENJAMIN, CHARLES HOLMES: - 100.0~ R. D. W. CLAPP &c. and 'Pr. I Adjustment. relating to real estat~, lnherltan ce, and contracts :  *FOURTH NATIONAL BANK 40-1  170,000  I  ~D, F. CALLAHAN- .... H. E. CASE ............ L. C. KELLEY ···-··· H. M. ST~INBUCHEL. I 1,000,000 C. L. DAVIDSON, E. E. BLECKLEY J. 8. HES E Ch. of Bd. F. A. STEBBINS  500.000  .......... '  1 SELECTED  I  throughout Kansas and Oki aboma made 1'I th skill. Among Officers, qu allfled Attorneys, 30 years Intimate knowled1te both Statet• -Act for non-resident Guardian&, Adml nl8tratora.  40·60  527,000  FARM  53,0C0  50,000  40,000 Met. Tr.Co.,N. Y.:lstN.,Wlchlta.  MORTGAGES.  lnves ting Re presen ·tative John Hancoi ck Mutual Llf e Ins. Co .• Bosto 1n, Mas a.  I  300 090  6.170,000 2.600,000 I  I  1  7,645,930!  794,470 ...........  3,321.570 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont.& Com'I N., ChJ.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. and Kan.C.  )Accountaor Ban ks, Bankers and Merchants cordla Uy Invited.  r,.  Il:ivid  011 - ·  ;J,:r:;o  cc. 200,000  iO.GlllJ  Hol1t. Camuliell ..... Lol'k U,l\"itlsun - · It.\\', Loomis--···  I C. L. DAVIDSON--· C. H. SMYTHE ····-· LOCK DAVIDSON, 'l'r. ROBERT CAMPBELL..S I H. W. LOOMIS.A.Sec.  2fi5.:,no 1.. _ . . . . . . . ..  t Collections glve n -1u-,·lal  'tat 11.'.uk ______ '21 .J. tyl' 40 i Nmfi111ml 011 II .,t /)a!}C)  •••••• o ..T.\\nt  ttentl on.  011 ••••••  lt:'lf.\\'oo<h1anl ................... ---·  I  i:i0,000  fj  ,800  fi04,000 I  7:-'JJ,OUO  GUARANTEE TITLE & TRUST < Buys and._ ell Kan. and Okla. l\lunlclp I Bonds and •·arm Mort gages. COMPANY __ 40 62.. .... •+ '15 I Owns the Only Complete 'et of Ahstract Book In Sedgwick County. 1  ~  •t "85 lunsurpa sed ra cllltles for makln g collections tbro ughout the Sout hwcst.  Ouaraut.--. ~Halt• BJuk •••• t§'l, U. 40 611  Ian  I  n· ....e: s»  OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU.  OF WICHITA  >  Ban. N .• N. Bk. Com., N. Park,  Our facilities for handling Wichita and all Southwestern items unsurpassed.  FIRST TRUST CO.  !:Z  22.500 ............ .. :300,000  :lOUOU  2~S.lil0 <:ua l'a11t1·1• Ti flt•,· 'l'r. {'o., \\ i ·hila. ';" \li2,00U  '.,l'i_ty. ', \:,: Y}'.rl'i_1. Lu. &Tr. Co., Chi.: ~th ..• \\ wl11ta.  ..,  ~ ;;,0110 ···-·· .....  { Jlrii'hft,11,<111/,.  THE BANKERS DEPOSIT GUARANTY. & SURETY Co 1, Topeka , Kansas ·i Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. cnlusJvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Federal Reserve Bank537of St. Louis  g  SI)  Fidelity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers 1Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. w. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  WICHITA-Continued  WICHITA - Con f1nue d  Number under Name or Bank i11 the New Tnnslt Number given u. . enlush'ely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  537  to each bank in  AME OF IlAXK.  • r •Mem. Am. Bk .. A, ·11. §State '\i ICE-PRESIDE:NT. PRESIDE~T. tMem. State Bk,. Assn.. tPri\.•, +Mem. Fcd. H.r>~ __ L E · ! a l ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  I  I  CASHIER.  LIABILITIE .  ,  ss T  C  ASHIER.  PAID-UP  100,000,  l  I  66.400  50.000  .000  i'(•nplc. Stal(• Ba11k---·--•~:·1x C. llau t'r -·····--- J. \ r. kaer -···-·· ·. O., ·artzger ____ - - - - · - - - - J. B. Ilou ·e 40-titi  50,000  7,0UO  J. T. Botkin•-·-·- Hav F. Folev ··---- W. L. Love-----·-.J. 'I'. Botkin, Sec. · I J. H. 11crc·er  100,000  11,000  liancluue11:, Tru.-t Co. __ J:§'18 W. F. Benson •..... J. 'I'. Botkin-····-· Hay F. It'oley, 'l'r.. _ J. T. Botkin, 8rc .• _ j J. 11. Mercer 40 -71  500,000  72.000  , •curity ·tat B:lnk ·-·--•:i:§·10 R. E. Booth __ ..• - .. A. J. Ilarg-i. -··--··· C . .:.r. Martin_ .•••.. C.A. hup .•. _.. __ ~1. T. Ander on 40-illS  50,000  41,9 0  -tnlix  Hanch111 ~n.  tale Bank_•t: '18 W. F. Bcu,on . ...  40 iO  I I  C. NAFTZGER--- - J.B. GARDINER {L. s. NAFTZGER--- M.S.B.AMIDON  *SOUTHWEST STATE BANK 40 _61  •  *  1  coUN'I'S  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO:-IDE:"TS. -  RESOURCES. BONDS, SECURI•  hscELLANEous  , _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  TIES,ETc.,Rll:sounCEs  w. e. HARRISON--- t· w. RRAI~-·---·-- c. J.  l{  . J, EMP ILL  NAT ION AL BANK  s---·---  W. A. Cary ______ _ I  HEMPHILL ____ F. E. WHITE ••. -.~~· C. J. HEMPHILL,  -  301.580 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & 10 I Tr. ancl 1 t .1.T,, Kan. C.; 1 t N., ~ Wichita. 50,000 )lech. & ~lc'als • r .. A· .Y .; Lt.'. and .. Union ' .. Wirhita.,·ewEne.~· Kan. C. 50,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; , outhwest State, Wichita.  i90,600  45,'iO0 - - - - ·  18,000 ·---····· _  32i;.000 -··-····· -  275.000  30.000 -·---····-  :m_;,ooo  U3,000  363,000  50,000 ---···-·- -  107,000  2ll.000  519,000  162,000  8,000  117,000 Midw. Re.-erve 'l'r. Co. and Com. Tr. Co .• Kan. C.; Am. State, Wichita.  817,640  16,060  606,020  30,560  5,450 Iec.µ. : Me:als N., N. Y.; 4th .r., ~ "'4 Wichita: Peo. Tr. Co., Kan. C.  9()3,000 $  64,000,  :!li0,000  40.000  I  !  . om. 'l'r. o. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.  22i,000 .\.m. State, Wichita:  I  •:t·10  *WICHITA STATE BANK -•:t§·os  1.0:50,000 -···--·---  II  l,lill,540  337,HlO  :JR,300  I  335,670  10.000  423.480  ----------  310.100  20,000  900,000  2:;0,000  U00,000  200,000  3!i,000  20,000  12,010  50,000 200,000  100,000  247,:'i!i0 -··-····--i  I  5,500  {R: V:'illl~II~ J. c. KELLY --····- J. M. CHAIN-·-··-·1• w. o. TAYLOR---·- , 1 Speclat attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items.  H. BRANCH --·-··•:t'll {- tocks; Bonds-;- Co1ii.merciai·Pa1lr~-·-·----··----·-·l.\.. C. Karr,' cc.-·We buy and sel I. Write or wlre 1 us. ' I  THE BROWN CRUMMER CO.  "..t'9i  Wichita Cl<'ari11e l1ousP_ ··--·-( inrtirato.l h11 rr •)  F. Callahan  Prank Car  ,111  . . . 111,840 Han. N., N. Y.; N. C1,.ty, Chi.; )l1dw. fn Re erve Tr. Co., c.  I  o·  11,000 ·-----·-· -  I 150,000 - - - - - ·  30.000  1  500.000:  200.000  I  800,000  70,000 ·------·-  1  ::l  s·C ~  .  200,000 N. City and .... Bk. Co!ll., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Inter-State N .. n, Kan. O.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., 0..  t.L.;lst  25,000  40,000 1,02:;,ooo  76 .000  23,000  50,000  272,000 Chase Eng.  2:5,000  I  T.  T,,  t. '·  and N. Park, A' . Y.: ... 'ew . and Inter- 'tate. '., ·an. C.  N., Wichita; Fill. N. Bk. & Tr., 10,000 ··------- ---····-- --··· ·--- --··-··-- - --··-··--- -···-····- -----····- 1stKan. C. · -  I  {W. E. BROWN-----· R. E. CRUMMER--·-- H. M. DOBBIN ---~--· J. N. RICHARDSON, Tr . G. G. TUCKER ' Investment Secur ities. Specializing in Municipal Bonds. l).  z~  70,220 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., l an. C.; <! tate, Wichita; .M idw. <; Fidelity . . R~scrve Tr. Co., Ka9. C; 127,510 Equitable Tr. Co~, 1 • Y.: ~l1dw. ::r He erve Tr.Co.,Kan. C.: 4th •. and ::;_· s» ~Ierch. Re:erve state•. \\'ichi~a. " .,50,000 ~lech. & ~etals N., N. Y.: Southwest tate,Chi.: Cont. N., Kan. O.; ('") Liberty Cent. 'l.'r. Co., St. L.  20,200  1  Ch. of Bd.  40-56  ~  0  Stock  Interested In th e Live Stock Indu strf.  ~  )I,  S. C. IUCKER ____ --·-·-··----·-·-·-·· ED. L. HART, JR. _. D. H. BOONE ...... . Exchange Biitfdlng. ed In -ttve 1M R LEE UNION STOCK Yas <(l Loca ' · · Unexcelled sen Ice t-0 bankers an d lndldduals. 1  r::  Ill  "'1  RE~o~:cEs  end us your W lchlta collections and cash Items d l.rect for prompt and personal attentl on. Correspondelnce lm1ted.  40- 5:I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  &I  C/l  t;1tP{~·rnk ----- •.' '18 H . .T. Bu er_. ______ ,r. .J. Bu.er_ ____ • __ Peter P., tcin •••• _ H. l'. Buser ••• _.•• IJ. R. ~rarer JO Ii,  l • ,1.1 11 citer BJclg ) · .._ c  Di _  THE BANK OF SERVICE.  *UNION NATIONAL BANK-- •:-17  VERNON  BANKS  Lo ANS  •t§· 15 Direct your business to us.  to<'k Yards .'late Bank_•t§'08 Finlay Ho s --··--· L. P. Hall_····----- F. F. Ro W. J.'. ,chell 40 fi5  40-57  OF  700,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! .1:•., ~ 275.000 -·-··---700,000 1,100,000 70,000 1,100,000 200,000 --- HENRY PICKLER -·-WALTERFELDHER - - - - - - -,Oj Chi.;N.Bk.Com.,Kan.c.  tato s tviu:,!, , · \I 'r ·an 1 ill' G. II. Hamilton-·-- Jt>rome Harrinl!ton E. C. Claiborne.-.• ' H, A. Funkr ______ _ HrnJ.; ♦ 40 5Z. • .•• •t§'02  ·u11f!m\'Pr  I  I  DEPOSITS  PROPITS DEPOSITS I  '  *llerchants Re'ien·e State Bk \ R. B. Temple-..... H. D. Grace_·····- G. W. Herrman··- · · · · - - - - - - - •U'06 40-5 1 • • ort h En1l 1,11,• Hauk ___ •~- '18 .r. ,\. l'owla1aL -··· Hl'ury t:arcl1wr _ IL s. He} nold. ···- On•l llolma n ••.•• _  INDIVIDUAL  SURPLUS AND  - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - I OAPITAL I  IU  tFederal Rese"e District No. 10)  A  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For _!!i!_ere t Rate~ _f!~ll~~ys, etc., soo Laws. ::,  300,000 _ _ _ _ - - - · - ··-······- i · · - - - - - - - · · ······-·-- ···------ '. Bk. Com., ', Y.: bt N., Kan. C.; Am. State ancl 1st r'., Wichita. , I  I  •  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number ~ to each bank in U. S. eicluslvely by The Rand-McNallf Banke•  514  Dlre~tnr  nndA• •hn  ...... ~_ .... __  ~  · - _. ___  ...  w.--··~-~ .  llfamW - • • Name or Bank ie the New Tranalt Number &'iven to each bank in U. 8. eICluslvely by The lland-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the author!._ty ~ T~A.~_!rlc~n Bankers Ass•n.  538  -----=== TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  ~  NAME Oil' BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. EntireStatein ro.10 tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. [Es tab. Federal Reserve Di trict. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res.  - --==~~-;,=-,:========-==~~~ PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Neare t Banking Point (In dexed Acee .), Law ·er , Laws (indexed) in back of thi tn _ _ _ rnl~mn. _ For lt~te_rest Rate , H~lda)'s, etc., . o Law • ~  KANSAS--Continued  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.  p AID-UP  SURPLUS  1:s  DE  CAPITAL P:o~TS  -------1---  PRINCU'll CORRESPO DENTS,  l'E:-,OU!WES.  - LlABILITIES.  Ass 'T CASHIER.  0--;_  j '-:'"'" i: D11  Cua i: E:a:0  c;:.:,~:· ~:. ~ :  Wilburton-Morton G 1 Kansa State Bank ----•t§'lll Geo. L. Hayward __ ---------------- W. L. RusselL---- __________ $ 10,000 $ 83-1304 Pop. 30  1,050 $  20,220  38,270 $  3,860 1st N., Elk City;  Willard--Shawnee D 12 Willard State Bank ____ :t§'16 C. E. Gresser_. ____ C. F. Grant _____ M. F. Fleming _____ -------------· 83-1205 Pop. 134  10,000  2,000  65,000  60,000  5,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Cent. N., Topeka.  WllliamSblll'£-----Fr'klm Williamsburl? State Bk,_t§'82 W. M. DeVore _____ G. K. Janes ________ H.B. Eagle _______ E. R. Eagle _______ _ Roxie Harrington 83-1087 E 13 Pop. 404 Williamstown __ Jefferson Farmers State Bank ____ :j:§'18 M. F. Martin ______ E. E. Bates _________ C. G. Hart_ ___________________________ _ 83-1283 0 1' Pop. 126  20,000  14.000  220.000  105,000  10,000  2,000  55.02(J  Willis _______ Brown B 13 Willis State Bank ______ •t§'90 A. F. Johannes---- T. 11. White _______ A. F. Johannes---- _______________ _ 83-1089 Pop. 107  10,000  5,200  Wilmore __ Comanche G 6 Wilmore State Bank ___ ej:§'00 T. 0. Pepperd _____ W. J. Ray _________ R. 0. Nevens ______ D. F. Holliman ___ _ W. \Y. Day 83-1000 Pop. 250  10,000  10,000  am'l Swoyer, Jr._ Emma Swoyer ___ _  10,000  1,300  Wllse7 _______ lilorris D 11 Wilse:, State Bank -----•t§'02 I. L. Croner ______ Alex Randle _______ Fred I. Walker ____ J. M. LentelL ___ _  10,000  21,300  186,870  149,810  Wilson ____ Ellsworth D 8 Farmers State Bank ---•U'04 N. Weber __________ John Weber------- H. W. Weber _____________________ _ 83-389 Pop. 1020  10,000  22,110  363,820  324,360  A. D. JELLISON--- E. O.SCHERMERHORN- F. S. PECIYAL ------- C. R. JELLISON-----J. V. STEVENS C. F. FIELDER  40,000  95,000  600,000  500,000  WilmoL---- Cowley G 11 Wilmot State Bank ____ t§'l7 S. H. Elliott_ ______ T. H. Harrod_____ 83-126-t Pop.150 Pop. 337  83-1001  WILSON STATE BANK-•U'86 83-388  , :. . :.  BANK OF WINCHESTER 83~0!1  l  COLLECTION r ee In advance. Sight drafts: 15 c minimum If un paid; 25c mlnlmu m If paid. Credit Service comme nsurate with our charges.  I  35,000  . Bk. Com., Kan. C.  Park, N. Y. Comw. N., Kan. C.; 1st '., Ot• tawa.  }I.  tate, Lawrence.  50,000  10,000 Peo.  80,000  80,000  20,000 Am. N., St. Jo.; 1st N., Ma.ui.-·on.  ~  225,000  180,000  50,000 Com'! N., Kan. C., Kan.; 1st N., Wichita.  en  84,350 ·  53,750 1st N. and Cowley Co ....'., Winfield; ;\'ichita.  38,600  nion .;!.,  z► ►  en I to  ,z► 00,400 1st N. and Midw. Reserve Tr. Oo.,Kan. C.; Far. @ I N,, Salina. 60,570 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. 0.  100,000 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.: Fid. N. ;Bk. &Tr.and N. ~ Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Com'! N., Kan. C.; Cent ..... ~ r., Junction City. i::  Report s, 50c.  '"1 r+  0  ::,  I ;,. : , : 11:  •j:§'87  ,  I  G. W. McCONNELL cer or tbe Bank.  15,000  15,000  165,840  157,570  31,010 Li:~~c•.. Leav.; Drov. N. and N. Bk. Com ..  t  O  ~  a· Citizens State Bank ----•-i.5'07 J. K. Oneill _______ N. W. Everett _____ C. G. Royer _______ N. W. Everett. ___ _ 83~07  25,000  6,600  130,000  120,000  28,330 N. Bk. Com. and Inter-State N., Kan.C.: 1st~ ..... N .. Lcav.  Windom __ McPherson E 9 Windom State &nJc_ ___ et§'05 A. Girard __________ E. Ellwood, Jr, ___ C. E. Lindell _______ J.E. Kine- Jpy ----83-1092 Pop. 248  10,000  20,000  225,000  200,000  50,000 ChaseN .,N.Y.;Fid.N.Bk.&'l'r.,Kan.C.; tate Ex .• Hutchinson; Citiz. State, McPherson.  COWLEY COUNTY NAT'L BK. J.E. Jarvis ________ --· ------------· ____ M. F. Jarvis _______ G. G. Gary_________  100,000  132,870 2,206,750 2,210,890  310,730 1st N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  100,000  115,000 1,546,000 1,632,300  275,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com. Kan. C.; 1st N., Wicln'a,  •Winfleld ____ cowleJ G 11 Pop. 7033 .  83-111  FIRST NATIONAL BANK 83-110  F. E. Jarvis G. L. Jarvis  •t'D1  W. •1:'72  0..  c. Robin.son  --- J.E. Dunn------- II. A. McGree-or ___  c. S.  Dever_ ______ _  H. E. Cooper  H. H. Hanlen W. C. Robin on, Jr. Proeressive State Bank•t§'13 L. P. King _ _ _ W. S. Taylor ------ F. W. King-------- H. W. Kinl?-------A. L. Kine . 83 -ll3 TheStateBank ________ .u·os M. B. LiehL ______ T. E. Hinshaw ____ Lewis Boys ________ a. P. lfurray _____ _ Roy Savage + 83-112 Winfield National Bank_•j:'71 James Lorton ______ J. L. Parsons ______ H. E. Kibbe ________ Geo. E. Toombs __ _ E. D. Youla 83-100 E. D. Pile  1u11:IJ~1;4~;~t11~a1~~llflllJjWlfl &, SURETY Co 1, To pe ka u~der N~me or ~ank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number,,.,-.,  25,000 100,000 60,000  J  9  Kansas t  10,000  550,000  g  78,360 1,710.100 1. 742,720 150.000 1,000,000  ......  !U 60,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr .. , !U Kan. O.  480,000  I  850,0001  225,830 Han. N., N.Y.; Com.Tr.Co .. Kan.C.; 4thN., Wil'hita.  Q w  220,000 N .•Bk. Com.,T N.._ Y.; 1st N., Chi.: ~·ew Eng.~ rv N. and 1st ., Kan. C.  ~ ~delity and Depository Bonds for Banks and Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. BOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  -  Non-Bank Town_s with Near«;s~ Ila~k!ng: Pc,>ln~ {{J!.·. ,  539  umber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. . e:1cluslvely by The Rand-McNallJ Banker • Dlree&ory, under the authority of The American Bankers As_•n  To.!'&::; ~:a~•  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Law, (indexed) in back of this._ volum_e_ F~ In_tere!t Rates, Holidays, etc., see L~~~ ~  KANSAS-Continued  ~  it::·  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, Rc_~-:-~-E-x- I _&-D-:~-.-. ES _" 1..o-£: -;-~- E- P_O_sASS'T CA.SHIU. ,_P_AI_D-_U_~-,-~-B-~-~-Tu_I:s 0A.SBI.B:R. VICE-PRESIDENT. PUSIDKNT, fState •Mem.11~~B~~. ':< • •..... ~ °•, ~ao"..0 B..:~: ITS CAPITAL PRA.NDO"'ITs ' Entire tate in No. IO Ulem. State Bks. A.ssn.tPriv. 00 0 8 -,• -.. .. [Estab. Federal Beserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. -----t-------t- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - ____ ,_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ::...::==.:..==..:...::.=:..:!..:=t-=-~:::::::.~:::.:...:~~-'~~:'.:f---  Winifred __ Marshall B 11 Winifred State Bank ---•:Wll D. B. Walker ______ M. R. Dickinson ___ H.P. Schroeder ___ H. R. Schroeder ___ S 10,000 S SS-1093 Pop. 100  6,240 $ 42,000 $  Winona ------Loran C 2 Winona State Bank ----•*5'06 L.A. Jardan _______ F. E. Brooke. _____ J, F. Lirht _ _ _ P. A. Wright__ ___ _ o. A. Kemp 83-1094 Pop, 208  20,000  Woodbine _____ Dickinson Citizens State Bank _____ §'21 W. L. Johnson ____ J. A. Gillett _______ W. P. RandalL ____ C. F. Moore ______ _ 83-137 D 10 Pop. 318  25,000  Woodbine State Bank __ etf'0l Chas. F. Mitsch. __ W. H . .Mitsch _____ Alire Mit,;ch _____ M. C. Gugler _____ _  25,000  27,180  Woodrutr ____ Phillips B Cl Woodrutr State Bank ___ if'05 A. Dougherty ______ E. L • .Mofl'eU ______ A. J. Troup ________ Frank Jackson ___ _ H. A. Bethke . 83-1096 Pop. 200  10,000  7,000  Woodston -----Rooks O Cl Rooks County State Bk. H'09 W. G. Thomas _____ J. A. Taylor _____ V. Bruton _______ M. Bruton ________ _ 83-677 Pop. 314  20,000  Woodstcn State Bank ___ if'0l B. F. Smither ____ U. E. Van Dyke ___ P. D. Scott ________ Harmon Van Dyke W. T. Smither 83-676 Wright_ ________ Ford F 5 Wri2ht St.ate Bank ----•*5'15 F. A. Jones ________ Henry Kliesf!n __ J. Clyde RiddelL ________________ _ 88-1184 Pop. 100  83-1095  •Yates Center __ Woodson B' 13 Pop. 2306  COMMERCIAL STATE BAH 83-251  •H1900  F. L. Stephenson __ -------------  o. A. Hale ____  Jno. W. Gunnel __  143,000  145,000  13,700  64,700 $  3,200 .llidw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Citiz. State, ~ Marysville. 22,670 jGate City • .• Kan.  6,250 ---·--- ----·--- --··--- Drov.  T,  c.  X  >  and Columbia N., Kan. C.  2!  192,050  16,280 Han. N .. N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Far. VJ ' .. Abilen e; Dickinson Co., Ent erprise.  150,000  135,000  25,000 J?eb. N., Ha tings, .1.. eb.: Drov. N .. Kan. C.; C/l Downs N,, Downs.  12,500  210,000  200,000  41,000 Com'l N., lst .... , and Drov.N .. Kan. 0.  25,000  7,200  130,000  156,000  23,000 Tra. N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Am. N.,St.Jo.  10,000  1,400  34,000  32,000  135,220  I  30,000  12,500  > >  10,CiOO INew Enf. City.  T., Kan. C.;  -r,  Bk. Com., Dodge  zt:1  Q L•J  2!  ..-1 ~  C:  390,000  75,000 Han. N.,N. Y,: lstN.,St. L.: Com. Tr. Co.,() ~ Kan. C.  300,0001  255,100  58,000 IlarrimauN .. N.Y.;LiveStoek: tate,Drov. T., tJj tock Yds . •.'., and N. Bk. Com .. Kan. O.  203,260  57,210 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Comw. N. and Riverview State, Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita.  494,800 I  I  I  i<  w. L. Gunnels ___ _  25,000  10,500  Yates Centif-i~ie Bk .. U'l4 A. J. Shannon _____ Dan J. Fry _______ T. T. Davis ________ Lucy J. Phillip __ _  30,000  7,580  225,780  10,000  5,000  10,000  500  Owen ______ _  15,000  10,000  13,370 Union Stock Yds. N., Wichita: Fid. N. Bk. c (Ill Tr., Kan. O.: 1st N. and Cent. State, Hutch• ~ inson. Ex. N., N, Y.; Comw. N,, Kan. C.; 1st N., <; Am. 9,500 38,860 42,540 Olathe. _, 22,720 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N, Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Ficl. ::;: 175,0001 165,000 ~ N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita.  Zenith _______ statrord F 7 State Bank of Zenith __ •t§'l5 S. W . .McComb ____ Fred Volker _______ P.T. Snyder ______ Earl Ball _________ _ 83-1186 Pop.100 Zook ________ Pawnee E 6 Zook St.ate Bank ________ t§'l8 A.H. Moffet__ _____ J. W. Zook ________ A. J. Koelling _____________ 83-1286 (Larned P. 0.) Pop. 31  25,000  7,500  70,000  ~5.000  6,000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Hutchinson.  10,000  1,200  30,000  88,000  9,000 Moffet Bros. N., Larned.  10,0UO  15,000  160,000  183,000  State E:1chanre Bank ___ if'09 H. H. McCormick_ R. F. Liiht ________ W. J. O'Donnell ___ 83-252  Yoder ------Reno I.I' 9 Farmers State Bank ____ if'l0 J. O. Hopper ______ Geo. D. Merritt ____ E. 0. Hopper _________________ _ Pop. 55  83-1097  Zarah ______ Johnson D 15 Zarah State Bank _______ t§'lD Parke Mette _______ F. P. Hollenback __ Samuel King ______ ·-----------83-1324 Pop. 55 Zenda ______ Kinrman G 8 Farmers State Bank ___ •U'IM J.E. cailahan _____ Chas. Hiebsch _____ L. D. Klein ________ 83-1008 Pop. 188  c. R.  Zurich---Rooks O Cl Zurich State Bank -----•U'OD 0. G. Cochran _____ A. F. Cochran _____ A. W. Desmarteau_ J. A. HalL _______ _ 83-1099 Pop. 200  Fig. is Fed. Res. Dist. Lis Louisv'le Br Cis Cin  71,6401  I  >  r,n  2! ~  77,330  s·  o  Am. N., 0.  •  >  ;:;-  25,000 ... •. Bk. Com ..... Y. : Liberty Tr. Co. and •• ~ ::, Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Plan.-State, Salina. 0. ...., . T .  ju'  KENTUCKY  MafrviJle ____ Loiran K 10 11"irst National Bank _ _:•07 , Ban7~-15S .. ~L Pop. 778 ~_:-,.;--:I SCI Peoples __ --7..-2 •J.JbanJ' ____ Olin ton K 16 CltizensBankof Albany•H'07 73-&71 IL Pop. 595 J.lexandria,Oampbell O 18 Bank of Alexandrfa ____ etl'OB , 7H24 4C Pop. 316 .. k ____ § 20 Farmers Sta tae ________ •• 7 6  ,  I  i 1  !11'  I  : I'  H.B. Orudor1r ____ G. J.. Smith ______ L. S. BTan1 ______ J. R. Trimble ______ S 25,000 S 15,000 S 246,000lj S 190,000 $ 57,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union ... ' .• N. Bk:. o . .  .  425,000  375,000  25,000  22,500  J. A. Warinner ___ J. G. Russell _____ W. A. Dicken _____ T. H. Dyer___  25,000  33,380  498,600  506,110  T. W. BJ'nf _______ John Todd _______ Andrew Thurner_ .A.. ll. Thurner___ . N. G.Z1nn ________ Frank Bezold ______ J. H. Blackbum __ _Joseph Trapp____  20,000  22,100  495,000  417,000  4,2.>·o  122,550  109,400  W. K. Smith _______ B. G. Orndorff _____ ll. L. Furate ______ R. L. W1lllams_____  - --ANTY THE- BANKERS DEPOSIT GUAR Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  ------- --  &-  SURETY-  Ky., and Liberty Insurance, Lou. 135,000 Chase N .. N. Y. : N. Bk. of Ky. , Am . .1. ·., anr Citiz.-Union N., Lou . 37,290 N. Bk. of Ky. and 1st N,, Lou.; Fifth-'I'hird ' Cin. ll3,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.: Am. N., Newp0rt.  .\  1,  01  18,860 _  co ., Topeka KansasJI  20,260 Citiz . ..,-r,, Cin.; Citiz. Bk_·._&_·_T_r_._c_o_.,_-re_w_p_o_r_t. ~  Fidelity and DeposHory Bonds for Banks and.Bankers Kansas Bankers Ass'n (W. W. IOWMAN, Secy.) Topeka, State Agent  I I'  ;  I  '  514  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number p to each bank in U. S. euluslvely by The Rand-McNallf Banke  Dlrect;nrv  to . .  540  pnd•• th  .... ~ ~ -· .. -  _,  • -  .. ...  -  .... - - · ·-·" .. n  ...... mad• Kame of Bank i1 the New Tramlt Number ii each ht.Dk in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUJ BanJr ~  •  4 ..  .Number under Name or Bank is the New 1.'ranslt Number siven to each bank in U. S. excluslvelf by The H.and-McNally Bankers'  KEN TUCKY  Directory, under the authority _2! T~e- American _Ba2_~ers~ss'n.  TowN ASD cTou~  !  ,-- -  N.u1ioili\sK-:-  PRJCSIDENT •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §State • •County Se.ats. · Fig. i: Fed. He:. Di't. tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv [E~tab. _ ___ _ _ L i: Louisv'lr B.r.•Cis Cin. +:-.Iem. Fed. He·.  -  ,\lll'D-------------- Floyd Flo.rd County Ihnk _____ _~·20 D. B. ~ tl'plit•ns ___ , I ,~ 712 l'op. 1i5 A.llensv1lle _____ 'fodd K 10 Bank of Allensville_ ----•U '90 J. B. SmalL ___ ---73-390 , 8L Pop, 22; H. Payne _______ Arlin1?ton ____ Carlisle K 4 Bank of Arlington _____ •:W0l 73-425 BL Pop. 66, Ashland _______ Boyd D 23 A bland J>ay and Night Bank J. W. Wood'- ______ !!1~16 1 73- 83 4C Pop, 14.72!1 J. F.. B11rkinl!ham Ashland National Bank -•l'51i { ~rncl 1,m11, 1· fer 73-79  I  J.  y  ICE·  _  p  _  _  _  SECOND NATIONAL BANK •  73-80  •t'88  IP.un-u; S~~~ue 12,500  340 $  15. iO  60,390  •Bardstown.- (Plson U 15 8L Pop. Id 7  PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDKMTS.  - - -- - - -  56,640 Fiftll-Tllircl J. · ,, Cin.; Bk. of Jo::;ephine, Pre .• tou,l>urg; Lt State. Praise. 65,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Am. N .. 4Tash.; Lou .• •• Bke. Co .• Lou. 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Liherty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L; Citiz.- Dion .1:·,, Lou. 75,000 Citiz. N., Cin.  I  20.noo  3:i,000 I  250,000'  lJ.  2-1,000  20.000  150.000  160,000  Seroy ________ ,  100,000  25,000  500,000:  550,000  ,John Hus ·eJl ______ 'f. A. J<'icl<l __ _____ _ lR- o. Fisher ______ _ I I Cha" . Hnssell in <11l vcwcr. witlt 'ir,ltt IJmft.· mu/ ( red it l1u111irir..·.  800,00'1  255 ,8i0 3,lillf!,420 4,0li!J,360  761.410  100,000  10!1,0:iO 2, IJfi, l!JO' l.886,210  X ii::!8,6::iO Han. N. and T. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third t%j Z N. and 1st N .. Cin.  ,I. F.  tcwart_ _____ •o. 1. Elam. _______  .r. G.  I  1  I  fee shou Id accompany ea ch Collection for presentation, 1Proper and also each request for specl al credit report. SER VICE OUR SPE CIALTY.  20,000  T. 8. Bradford _____ W. E. Barkley_---- A. Robbins ________ W. B. Hagen ___ __ _  I  • . D. Laughlin G. T. Reynolds ____ B. F. Barkley ______ B. Harbeson _______ W. A... Field _______ _  25,0110  23.0iO  206,930  25,000  21.520! 214,020 ' 223.620  163,930  114.750  838,820  8-16, 60  30,000  10.100  183,000  159.000  15.000  1,li0  23 ,850  56,730  L. H. Randolph ___ ,Jolin HolL -------- W. L. Ho land ______ 0. E. :\Iorrow ____ _ J. ~- Uohsion _____ GP ,1, F. Tinsley ____ • Robt. W. Cole _____ (:. J.i'. 'l'iusley ____ __ ,J. L. HnpJll'r n. lllack ____ .r. s . .\liller ________ W.R. Lay _________ \\'. O. l1'aulkr1er __ _ W. ll. :Marsee  50,000  52,000  577,GOO  30,000  -18.330  880,100  IJ. W. SH AUNTY---- C. P. MOORE-------- J. T. McGINNIS ----- J. 8. WELLER 16!!Y your I bu!'\incs. ·. FARMERS ~K: ~ TRUST ~O.: ·wrompt St.>nke. 8· •.t§ o, ! Please semi 1:ic ti i th each si{lht druft Jc, 1r pre~entatio" and 25c for Credit H t por i3-20ti  50,000  I  209,11$0  248,470  50,000  1  I  18,560  B. D. Estes ________ G. W. Sacrey ------ L. V. Samples ----- ___________ ---------  ~eg~  ' , Bk. Com .. N. Y.; J.i' ifth 'l'h1rd N., Cin.; Bk. of Ky., Lou.  ~  I  I  W. Walters-------- G. W. Pottin~er __ 1 H.P. McCormick __ F. S. Wilson ______ _ . _ , . • T.D. Hamblin _____ J.\\ .. Iarhn ______ _ \\,H.)fcl'I..Cllz1e __ _ --------------- ---  James  2-10.000  I  I  Auburn ______ Loean K 11 Bank of Auburn -------•U'OS . 73-366 8L Pop, ,1:; .. G. W. Davidson & Oo. Bank ________ ·· !1'06 73-367 .\nfusta ____ Br, rkt>n C 19 Au1?usta Li lierty Bank -•it'95 73-222 4C Pop. 18'.!0 Fa, mt:'fs National Bank --l'91 " ________ ·· 73-221 Bank __ _________ tf'88 Pt•opltls 16 E Shl'lby _______ Baitdad 73-426 BL Pop. 300 11.uHL na ____ __ Ii 1ll,1rll 1 4 PPnpk Bank_ ___ -----•t ··1 i3- 680 SL Pop. :!8fi •Barbonrvilli· 1• uox ,I l!l First i ' ational Bank ----•t'02 73-228 ~C Pop. 1 ii National Bank of John A. Black ____ 73-229 -------•l'04  I  ~T~~•it,!:: ~"::o~~;~.  DEPOS-  __ - -- -- - , ~PROFITS /~ ~ ~ , - - - - - --  IL Y. \Y<,hlforcl. __ E. B. Cha~l• __ ____ Alire B. Cha e ___ _ II. Port<'r W. W. Walton _____ Thomas Pepper ____ 1I. Benson ________ _ \V. T. Young C. Neville _______ Katherine Wass __ _ 1 R. E. Stanley ______  C. F. WEAVER  PROMPT  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  J.SS'T OASHIJ:R.  O.A.SBil:R.  RESIDltNT.  r CHAS. KITCHEN- J. H. KITCHEN---- L. N. DAVIS-------- 1iGEO. BALLARD---- ' I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (111dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi CJ1 volume. For -•~tcrest ~tes, Holidays, ..!~C.! s_:E:_ Laws. ~  _  _  _  _  I I  703,000  76,,.,,I N, Bk, Com .. N. Y., Citi,.-Union , .. Lou., . . Am. r., N~sh. 86,340 Bk. of America, N. Y.: N. Bk.of Ky.and C1hz .. . T • • • T TUnionN.,Lou. ~ 3.>,530 . Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 1 t ., Cm., C1t1z.-l mon N., Lou. 138,560 1N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 63,700 Lou.~- Bkf. Co .._ Citiz.-_{Jnion .. ·:• and • '. Bk. _of Ky .. Lou.: Fifth-Third N .. Cm. r.: 5,vOO City ., Paducah; 1 t N., Lou.  R ~  tt:l  )>  .., "'  @ I ~  165,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou,: li'il'lhro 'l'hinl .i. Gin.; City 'N., Knox\'illl'. 203,1)70 Chase N .. N. Y.; .i: ' . Bk. or Ky., Lou.; 1st ::l N., Cin. 0 -1:;,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Liberty Ins. and • •• Bk. of to Ky., Lou. T ••  ,,6,1:;o  ....  50,000  420,000  400,000  ~  ro  ts.  <  •133.rdweJI ___ _Carlble SL Pop. mo  People Dank ___ ___ ____ •;S'97 J olln S. Kelley ____ J. L. Druiea _______ 1H. R. Cox _____ ---- Georfe Barkh:irst _ I 78-205 Wilson & Muir __________ tf'GO J. W, Muir ________ J, E. .'ewmau _____ Henry L. Muir _________ _______ _______ _ 73-20-i 4 Bardwell Deposit Rank-•U'95 J.E. Kane _________ \\', I,. Turk __ ____ __ 1 Oscar Bodkin ______ Cecil (1, Perry ___ __ • 73-301  !  First National Bank: _____ t'06 1 R. M. J. Haworth __ H. T. Crouch ______ E. P. Fisher------- , H. . Taukcdey __ ~iss Gertie ~loss E. II. Boswell 73-303 Barlow _______ J\allard J 4 Bank of Barlow _________u·o2 ,J.P. Pal?l'-- - - ----- T. H. Johnson. ___ _ W. H. Terrel!__ ____ B. E. Overbey ____ _  8L l'OJl, fi'.j i \'. s. lka ly _______ :\I. B. ~ali11 ____ ____ ' Ll'fl;J Hl'a tf y ___ ___ _ ,I. C. Iii hard 011 .. J attyvill •_____ f,ee II 1D l,l't' o. < 11111111r rl'ial lhnl( ·20 7, il-1 4C •op. moo Peor,lcs Exchange H,nkU'l2 T.C.Johnson _____ J.H. Kvans ________ LofanThoma _____ C.Beach __________ _ ..  50,000  ;;.t ,070  50,000  60,860  282,000  407,360  20,000  30,950  197,870  188,360  25.000  ~5.000  2j;\,000  20,000  li ,3ll0  93.520  I  73-428  Beaver Dam ____ Ohio 1111 8 L Pop. i 'X  •R Hord  'J' riruble  8 L 1;01>, 2-tfl  I)  15  Ae rll Grove_MC'fJf'an 119 8 L l'OJ). 1:i2 Hr-lll·,·1 w _____ Jloont• O 17 4C 21·,ml ,, (I,\ \'on 120 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  73-658 Beaver Dam Dep. B nk_•,U•go 73-430 Il ICordL an& Dep.Bk. •W91 31 ____ •l:11900 ~er an Co. 73Bank i3 432 CitizrnsD po itBank ___ a·oi;  n  . ohn H. Barnes ___ Frank fl• ro es . ---- C. I'. Auslin -- ---. D. II. Pea -------- F. S. Wrtl!hL ______ ·D. L. Bell __________ A. B. Clt>m . G. E. Cline ________ C. A. Boston _______ J. T. Coffman ______  Uenry Clore ______ _ H.  o.  ---------- --------· . Louise B. Lo1?an __ _ W. It. Lol?an --------. Hyle _________ C. E. .rcNecly _____ R. Il. White. _____ _  574 ,230  426,880  I I  255,000  I  11!5.5.50  35,100 N. Ilk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz.-Union •.', auct ~T. ~ <: Ilk. of Ky •• Lou. 56,6:,0 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com '! r .• Chi.; .. •. Bk.or Gin. N., Lin. Lou.; Ky., 60,-160 T. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Liberty Cent. 'l'r. Co .. 't. L.; Ci!iz.-Union N., Lou.: 1st Ilk . & 'l'r, Co .. Cairo, Ill. 40,000 N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union J. ' ., Lou.; Bk. Com., t. L.: Cairo ~ .. Cairo, Ill. 16,6-10 Citiz.-Union N.,Lou.;Cairo N.,Oairo, lll. 66.500 Fifth-'l'J1ircl N., Cin.;  Bk. of Vy., L1111.  2:; ,000 -- . -- ·---  100.000  65.000  ion,ooo  6,0.000  21:i,000 Fitth-Third N .• Cin.  2:i,000  11 . toll  680,110  ;'">={;{ ,i40  21!1,430 10hem. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. or Ky., Lou.  ,1. ' .  e.~  \<...  of CINCINNATI  1 1  ti,)  ::i  s::  ti,)  :w,ooo 15.000  2a.4xo  33;,010.  -10:;,a:rn  200.000  168,000  26.800 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Citiz. -Uniou N .. Lou.:~ Fifth-Third N .. Cin. 48,000 N. Bk. of l<y. and Citiz .. {'nion .. •.• Lou.: Old ~ , . I _State ~ .. Evansyille \ .1~1d. r tv ~•J,000 1F1fth-Thll'd N .. Cm .; C1tiz.-Fn1011 ~ ., Lou.  4Rll  NATIONAL  '-'  IN THE CENTRAL CITV,OF .THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS  City National Bank :: Paducah Largest Bank in Western Kentucky  Resources $4,000,000 Special Attention Given to Collections  Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms~ and Individuals Invited  FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY  OLDEST A I  A BA  I  HE SOUTH  We Invite Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals  CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Affiliated with the First ational Bank and under same directorate is the  KENTUCKY TITLE SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System  which offers every facility of the Modern Trust Company  Combined Capital and Surplus Over One illion and a Quarter Doi Combm~d esources O er Eigh ee llio D liar Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NOTES  BONDS  BLOCK, FETTER & CO. INCORPORATED  Investment Securities Kentucky 90°  INDEX TO  COUNTIES. Adair ...... J 11 Allen ...... K 12 Anderson .. F 16 Ballard ..... I 4 Barren ..... J 13 Bath ....... E 19 Bell .•..... K 20 Boone ..... B 17 Bourbon ... E 18 Boyd ...... E 23 Boyle .••. . H 16 Bracken ..• D 19 Breathitt . . H 21 BrecklnrJdgeG 12 Bullitt ..... F 14 Butler ..... . I 11 Caldwell ..... I 8 Calloway ... K 6 Campbell .. C 18 Carlisle ...... J 4 Carroll .... D 16 Carter ..... E 21 Casey ...... ! 16 Cbrlstlan .... J 9 Clark •.•... F 18 Clay ....... I 20 Clinton .... K 16 Crittenden ... I 7 CumberlandK 15 Davlss ...• G 10 Edmox.son .. I 12 Elliott ...•. F 21 Etlll ...... G19 Fayette, .•. F 17 Fleming ... E 20 Floyd ..... H 22 Franklin •.. E 16 Fulton ...... K 4 Gallatin .. C 16 Garrard ... G 17 Grant .•... D 17 Gra,·es . . . . K 5 Grayson ... H 12 Green . . . . . I H Grecnuo ... D 22 Hancock ... G 11 Hardin ...• G 13 Harlan ..... J 21 Harrison ... E 1 Hart ....... l 13 Henderson .. G 9 IIenry ..... E 16 Hickman ... K 4 Hopkins .... . I Jackson ... H 19 Jefferson ... E 14 Jessamine .. G 17 Jonnson ... G 22 Kenton .... C 17 Knott .•... H 22 Knox ....•. J 19 Larue ..... II H Laurel. ..•.. I 19 Lawrence .. F 22 Lee ......• O 20 L lie ...... I 21 Letcher ..... I 22 Lewis ..... D 20 Lincoln .... H I 7 Livlng~ton .. I 6 Logan ...... J 11 Lyon ....... I 7 :\lcCracken .. J 5 :\lcCreary • K I 7 '.\le Lean. . . TI 9 facllson .. C I . Iai:offln ... G 21 :\larlon .... H 15 . larshnll .... J 6 :\lartln .... G 23 • la on .... D 19 . leade ..... F 12 :\lenuee .... I' 20 • Iercer ...• G 16 J\letcalfe ... J 14 lonroe .... K 14 lontgomery ••..•.•.. 1,' 19 J\lorgan .•.. F 21 l',.luhlenberg r 20 .'Plson ..... G 14 Nicholas. , . E 19 Oblo ..•.. . H 10 Oldham .... I•, ;5 Owen ...... D 17 Owsley ... . H 20 Pendleton .. D 18 Perry ...... I 21 Pike ...... . II 23 Powell ..... G 19 Pulaski .... . I 17 Robert.qon .D 19 Rockcastle .. l 18 Rowan .... Jo' 20 Russell , .... J 16 ,,cott. ..... E 17 ::.helby ..... E 1/\ Simpson ... K 11 RpPncer ...• F 1 I\ Taylor ..... I 15 Todd ....... K 9 Trigg ....... K 7 Trimble ... U 15 l'nlon ...... C, 7 Warren ..... J 12 Washlni:tonG 15 Wayne . . J 17 Webster .... H 8 Whitley •.. K 11) Wolle ..... G 20 Wood!ord .. 1' 17  A  Inter Southern Bldg., Louisville Ky.  3  2  4  6  5  89°  KENTUCKY A D TENNESSEE 1  SCALE  B  390 1o  Statnt~ .1111• , 39 = 1 ln,h.  -:\o  20  40  50  eo  m  Raad Mc. ·1117°1 N6• 11 z H Map or Kentucky 11.JJ.d Tenuee:1te, CopJrh!;bt by Ra.nd Mc;x1117 & Co.  Railroads--- Electric Lines__, Steam and Electric LineS!++tt+tftt B  A  0.  G  ll  I  K  M 30•  N  R 2  3  5  6  8  9  11  12  14  15  Non-Bank Towns with Neare t Banking Point (InNmnber under Name or Bank is the New Tranalt Number civen dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this o, to eaoh bank in U. B. exclu1lvely by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers' ~ r Interest Rate_s, HoUdays, et~!.. see Law • volume. =:-===-======= e = U l = I = Ofl=l _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ Dlreet.e_!_J', un«!er_thJ_ a_ut_horlty of ~e__Am_.!rlcan Bankers Ass'n_. 1 PRINCIPAL_ CORRESPONDENTS. ,_RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. I -TOW~ND COUNTY:-- -- -·-NAME OF BA.'K. Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP Su~NLDue DEPos- to,,..., DI,- VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS fate •County Seats. C'To. Boso•, cn.,sa .. ,Dl11 = C Fil?. is Fed. Hes. pis~. tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Lis Louisv'le Br.-C 1. C10. •~Iem. Fed. R..:.e::.:-~:..:..·_...:[:...:.E:...:.~ta..::.::..::b_. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_1.2_1_T_A_L _P_:ao_F_I_T_s _ 1_T_8_ _i;s_cv_a_,T_lll•_ _"°_"_n_.._""'_a. __  C  KENTUCKY  542  d  f  t  Boyd ______ HarrLon C IS Boyd Deposit Bank ______ §'20 George Booher ____ J. W. Brandt_ _____ J. L. Bennett ______________________ $ 73-708 4 C Pop. 300  14,500 $  Bradfordsville1larionll16 Rollinir Fork Bank ______ ::f'0l J.C. Beard-------- R.H. Yowell ______ Will McBride ______ R, L. Isaacs _______ _  15,000  9,000  126,000  108,450  •Brandenburg.MeadeF13 Farmers Dep. Bank -- •ts•g7 J.M. Richardson_ R. S. Huirhes ______ E. L. Fontaine _____ Guy A. Hardin ___ _ 73-444 I L Pop. 603  22,500  29,250  477,000  379,000  Brodhead.RoelrcastleHI8 Citizens Bank ___________ if'05 R.H. Hamm _______ W. E. Gravely _____ A. M. Hiatt1________ C. C. Brown_______ J. W. Tate 73-4411 4C Pop. 555  15,000  6,000  125.000  100,000  25,000 N. Bk. of Ky,, Lou.  •Brook:sville,BrackenD 19 Farmers Equity Bank __ etf'07 Jeff Teeearden ____ 0. N. McCarty ____ W. H. Stevenson __ J. W. Flannery____ ♦ 73-383 4C Pop. 585  25,000  20,810  272,840  321,210  26.470 Han N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t"07 W, P, Haley------- H. L. Corlis _______ H. L. Corlis _______ Geo. P. Metcalfe_  25,000  70,750  730,880  712,030  15,000  6,280  91,000  118,000  1 L Pop. 298  73-443  w. ,\lexander __  c. Jones ________  Burfin ______ Mercer G 17lrnuzens Bank __________ et§ '96 H.P. Dowling _____ J. 73--451 I L Pop. 713  w. Rhodes _____  •Burlrt-sville_Qumberland Bank or Oumberland ____ ts'89 C. W. Alexander___ 73 52 K 15 IL Pop. 798  ~1. Young ______ J. T. McGee. ______ C. W. Alexander,  CH~RTER  42,380 1st N., Lou.; Citiz. N., Lebanon. 148,000 N. Bk, Com., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  138,200 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; Fifth-Third N.and lstN., ~ "4 Cin. 10,750 Fifth-Third N., Cin.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  W. L. Ferrill ______ C.R. Creal _______ _ Webb :Moulder ____ W. C. Voris ______ _  s.  15,000  11,000  100,000  1 24,000  27,700 li'ifth-Third N., Cin,; Citiz.-Union N .. Lou,  ,~  15,000  23,200  257,360  267,950  18,780 N. Bk. of Ky Lou.  I>  25,000  13,000  275,000  150,000  30,000  26,900  264,000  117,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  z  C/J  I  tc  29,270  383,680  332,610  96,490 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N .• Lou.  ·~  Kelly _______ _  30,000  57.850  254,680  293,620  48,910 1st N., Cin.  15  I  W. L.B. Rouse ____ Edgar C. Riley ____ A. B. Renaker _____ Nell H. :Martm ___ _  50.000  102,330  686,960  618,930  25,000  5,500  203,000  187,000  65,000 N. Park, N. Y.; C1tiz .. Union  Ben Fryer ________ C. E. Record __________________________ C. G. Floirfy _____ _  24,000  16,000  300,000  244,000  93,000 Fifth-Third N., Oin.  J. W. McKinney ___ R. J. Griirsby ______ J. R. Vinson ______ ----------------  60,000  20,000  210,000  230,000  W. O. White _______ F. G. Terry ________ J. L. Street_ _______ J.E. Griffin ______ _  20,000  56,950  457,360  402,950  tz  120,360 Fifth-Third N., Oin.  22,000  32,000  375,000  360,000  25,000  31,500  242,900  239,250  J. W. Halstead ____ R. M. Jones _______ R. L. Holland ______ Nora Greene _____ _ Alice Peck! Z. H. Lamaster ____ H. E. Perry _______ Forrest Adcock.-- R. S. Hardesty __ _  15,000  12.000  84,000  97,000  25,000  35,690  405,930  486,740  G. W. Redman _________________________ H. R. Turner ______ J. N. Turner _____ _  25,000  25,000  540,000  380,700 1 210,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkir. Co., Lou.  J. It Davis ________ J. L. Atkinson _____ M. W. Tucker ________________________ _  15,000  1-t,000  250,000  181,000  D. W. Gowdy ______ W. T. Chandler ____ G. H. Gowdy ______ G. L. Gowdy ______ _  2~,000  6,480  284,540  207,290  25,000  25,000  340,000  320,000  . L. Dank _______ D. O. Eubank _____ .J. L. Tupman ____ _  15,000  ---------  R, B. Porter _______ ~. H. hrewsbury_ 0. W. Likins __________________________ _  30,000  25,000  ,s.•60 I  462,000  I ll>  !::, (b  i'<  47,700 Han. N,, N. Y.; Lou. ~. 1:lkg. Oo., Lou.; City ~ I;Bk. & Tr. Co., Hopkmsv1lje. 131,560 Han. N,, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; 4th · Lt! ., Nash. 67,000 Citiz.-Union N .• Lou.; Old State N •• Evansville,t Ind. 92.570 N. Bk. or Ky., Lou.; City N., Evansville, Ind. 1 I 15,000 1st N., Paducah. l  Wm. B. Noe _______ A. L. Moseley _____ J. H. Owens __________________________ _  G. W. Halsey ______ B. D. Rose _______ James Drake ________________________ _  0.,.  I()  .. Lou.  J. H, Miller ________ T. II. Ballantine ___ Walter Scott _______ John E. Cary _____ _  75,800 Citiz.-Union N .• Lou,; Firth-Third N., Cin.  I  ...... §  98,000 Chem. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Marc: . . . ion N., Leha~on. 111,730 ~ . Bk. Corn., N. Y.; C1t1z.-Un10n N., Lou. , ll>  44,460 457,850  No. 20 -The FIFTH - THIRD NAJii~AL of CINCINNATI- OVER Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given . S. excluslvel)' by The Rand-McNaUy Banke!'&' to each bank in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  lJj  ·~  24,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N. and 1st, _.__T,, Lou.  296,000  N. I. Taylor _______ J. F. Denney __________________________ E. M. Montgomery  L. T.  I  20,000  Jr.  N. E. Riddell ______ W. A. Gaines ______ W. D. Cropper ____ G.  T. T. Tupman_____  C  ()  Buffalo _______ Larue H 14 First National Bank _____ t'0l E. S. Ferrill _______ J. 73--450 I L Pop.350  " -------- " I  21,780 Citiz. N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.  38,530 $  ,i-3  L. F. Alexander ___ ------------------  Brnntsrllle-Garrard G 17 Bank or Bryantsville ____ tf'04 0. 0. Becker_ ______ B. P. Swope _______ J. O. Williams _____ R. P. Brown_______ Noah Marsee, Jr. 73--448 4C Pop. 100 BueeheL-.J efl'erson E 14 Bank or BuecheL ______ •t§"08 J. H. Alderson _____ J. II. Morgan----·- J. G. Hikes ___________________________ _ 73-449 1 L Pop. 400  •Bur1inirton __ Boone B 17 Boone Co. DeP; B ank --•t§"86 73-.. 22 4C Pop. 198 Peoples Deposit Bank •!§ '05 " 73-423 Burnside ____ Pnlaski J 17 First National Bank -----t'07 73-453 4C Pop. 1078 Butler ____ l'elldlaton C 18 Butler Deposit Bank ___ •t§'92 73--154 4C Pop. 406 •Cadiz __________ Trigir J 8 Cadiz Bank & Trust Co. •U-01 73-313 1 L Pop. 897 Trlirir County Far. Bank •U'Q0 78-312 •Calhon. ___ McLean II 9 Bank of Calhonn _______ .i5·ss 73-3-10 I L Pop. 743 Citizens Deposit Bank .• t§'03 ·· 73-3-11 Calnrt Oity_Marshall J 6 Calvert Bank ___________ •t§'08 73--455 I L Pop. 226 Oampbellsburg ____ Henry United Loan & l?_ ep. Bk,-U-88 73-..u 6 D 16 I l Pop. 355 •Camobellsvilli• ___ Taylor Bank or Oampbellsville_ tl"86 73-279 l 15 I L Pop. lfi35 Farmers Deposit Bank._t§'02 " 73-280 Taylor National Bank _____ '02 73-281 •Oampto•- --- olte G 20 Farmers & Traders Bk .•!§'02 73--457 4C Pop, 277 Cane Valley ___ dalr 1-: 11 Funner Bank ___________ §'l9 73 69-t 8 L l'op. 12u Canerville __ Grayson H 12 Bank of Cancyville.---•t1'97 n-.t!>i: IL Poo. 402  49,100 $  '~  73-382  J. T. Alexancler ___ D. •BrownsvilJe __ Edmonson Brownsville Depasit Bank tl'04 78-447 112 1 L Pop. 29t  960 $  ., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., 68,000 Am. Ex. nion N-, Lou.; N. Bk, Com., St. L. Chi.;r: 9.150 jCitiz.- nion ·.,Lou. 60,6001"" . 01ty, N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE  -  '~  on-Bank Town with earest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer La'ft·s (indexed) in back of thi ._ = e============v=-:o_l_~::F~ I_11_ter~st R~~ H~_l ida~-~- see Law~. ~ ==l=ll=U =ll n=•====:-:--:-======-==-=~=O = s=•== Dfl'eetory, under the authority of The American Bankers As umber under ame of Bank ia the ew Tran I& Number pven to each bank in U. S. exeluslvely by The Band-McNally Bankers•  NA.ME OF BANK. Tow A D Cou TL •Mem. Am. Bks. A sn. IState •County Seats. Fig, i Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Li Loui v'leBr.-CisCin. ♦ :llem. Fed. Res. [E_tab.  Canmer Deposit Bank ••. :tS'02 73-459 Morpn County Nat. Bk ..:t'05 73--160 Deposit Bank-·-···--··•:tS'66 73-265 Farmers Bank ••.•. ·--··:tS'82 73-266 First National Bank_···-·:t'Ol 73-267 •Carrollton •• Carroll D 16 Carrollton Tational Bank •'83 73-220 8 Por. 2281 First National Bank •.. _•. :t'81 " 73-219 Oarrsville.Livinrston H 6 Oitizens Bank·-·-·· ·-··•*1'02 7HU 8 L Pop, 323 Casey Creek_•. Adair I 16 Barmen Bank·-····-···:tl'07 73-4112 8 L Pop. 12i •Oatlettsburi:--Boyd E 23 Farmers & Merchants Bank •:t§'82 73-157 4C Pop. 4183 Canmer ---· •.... Hart I 14 I L Pop. 156 Cannel City .Morgan G 21 4C Pop. 800 •Carlisle._ .. Nicholas E 19 4C Pop. 1569 "  KENTUCKY IAT'L IAII( :t'IIO 73- 158 Cave City •• _.Barren I 13 I L Pop. 359  ·•  H.Y. DAVIS STATE Bl•. •t§"88 73-362  KENTUCKY C  d  t"  I  LIABILITIES.  -  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PKESIDKNT.  0.UHISR.  .!SS'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP  s  BPLUB  uAND  CAPITAL PKoFITa  G. A. Blakey ···--· E. A. Thompson ••. G. A. Blakey ••••••• Emma Weller··--- $ 15,000 $  M. L. Conley····--· J. C. Stamper----· Custer Jones·-----· Bertha J. Leslie. __  25,000  1  8,000 $ 120,000 $ 150,000 $ 10,000 N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union N,, Lou. 27,500  350,000  52,930 Seab. N., N, Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 85,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N .. Cin.; Oitiz•• · Union .1:·., Lou. 61,000: Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N. and Fifth-Third ..._, Oin.; N. Bk. of K:r .. Lou. Y.; 1st N. Cin.: N. Bk. of 28,930 ,lmp. & Tra. N .. Ky., Lou. 63,720 Chem. N., N. Y.: Oitiz:-Union N •• 1st N .. and Lou. N. Bkg, Co., Lou. 98,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Citiz •.Union N. Lou.; Fifth• ~ Third N •. Cin. Lakes Tr. Co., Chi.; Citiz ..Union N., t%J 26,100  75,000  20.000  850,000 '  650,000  41,600  11,500  300,000  309,000  H. T, Letton ..••••• RF. Reynolds •.•. T. H. Pickrell •••• _. ---···-··--·---·---· J . .M. Bury G. B. Winslow .• _•. 0. W. Geier·····- J. G. Goslee ••••• _•. L. S. Rin~O- ---·· E. G. Mccrackin J. A. Donaldson ••. F. H. uetholz·--·· T. B. Forbes·--··- Ernest Lewellyn._.  25,000  25,500  247,830  215,480  60,000  38,000  705,000  797,000  100,000  65,000  865,000 1,090,000  15,000  15,000  200,000  194,300  15,000  3,920  83,680  77,440  Chas. RusselL._ •• Ernest Meek_ •••. Ernest Meek·-···- Chas. E. Rous·--··-  50,000  40,000  450,000  460,000  ERIESJ MEEK .. CHARLESIISSELL FUii C. GIBBS- ··-·--··--····-··-··  75,000  61,380  704,150  745,720  30,000  9,000  390,000  250,000  L. L. Wells •••••••• R. Y. Smith. __ ,___ .. ··---·-·----·-···--·  15,000  16,740  256,000  244,060  43,680 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  C. M. Vertries .•••• J. R. Coyle.·-···-- Earl Templeman ••  25,000  5,000  190,000  180,000  J. N. Nall····-·-· Alvin Rowe-···---· --·-----------·-·--·  15,000  7,000  140,000  82,000  10,500 First-Hardin N •• Elizabethtown: Citiz.- nion O N., Lou. SI> 65,000 N. Bk. of KJ., Lou.  ·-----··--------··-- J. B. Fienk •••••••• .T. E. lovie·-·-·· .•  25,000  10,000 1.000,000  850,000  Albert Likens ••••. J. J. May ••••••••.. N. M. Smock .... - .. A. J. Emerine ··-··  M:cC. Goode- ..••• 0. L. Goode.----·· T. 0. Morton •• -••• - - · - - - · · · · - -  Specla attentlo n given am of 'ta ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Send 16c with e acb Sight Draft f or presentation a nd 26c for eaeb Spe clal Credit Repor t.  ~  L  I·aiiiiaiiidng ~uci!N 18eiitus: ------·· {Jr~·n~W!tteiiti Plrnse send 15c wi th each sight draft/o r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report s.  Nancy Hendrick .. • W. R.Turner. ____ • . J. Roberts·---·- \Y. E. Turner.·-···  15,000  O. O. Brewer·--··- H. H. Whitehouse. ·--··----··--··--·--  15,000 ·--------  7,000  93,000  95,000  T.  Git~.  !ii!:  24,600 1st N .. Cin.  .;  95,000 Han. N.. N. Y.  C:  170,940 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., 0 ~ Cin.  tJJ  - 50,000 N. City, N. Y.: C1tiz.-Union N .. Lou.  z>  ~  (ll  I  220,000 Chem. N., 14,800 1st  ::l  a  . Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  Cl)  ., Lou.; Citiz. N., Evansville.  7,000 1st N ., Lou.; Lawrenceburg  "1  ., Lawrenceburg.  S'  20,000  25,000  o. L. Bratcher.•• _.  15,000  15,200  468,600  447.970  59,530 '.Bk.Com., r, Y.; Citiz.-Union N,, Lou.  C. J. Hammack.-•• 0. K. Hearin •••••.• .Albina Hearin ___ ••  25,000  22,090  404,500  393,270  82,810: Chem. N., N. y.: N. Bk. of Kr. and Citiz .•Union !:1 N., Lou.; City N., Evansville. . Bk. of Ky., Lou.; City ;;;J 39,680 Han. N., N. Y.: C" N ., Evansville.  W. C. Keller .•••- •. Earnest Keller·-·-  ("') 0  a°  1  JRefer your patr ons to u  9,200  289,000  265,200  Clay City ____ Powell G 19 Olay OitJNational Bank•t'811 James B. Hall_.__. A. T. WhitL·-··- .!. T. Whitt .. ·--··· H. L. Rn selL-•.. 71-4117 4C Pop. 602 •Clinton __ •. Hi<'k:man K 4 Ollnton Bank ............ U'87 W.W. Richmond .. \V. M. Ringo .• _. ___ J. D. Williams ..... R. E. Tooms •• _•••• 71-245 8 L Pop. 1455  25,000  28,340  482,980  483,020  20.000  25,320  220,770  214,630  50,000  24,460  212,960  269,470  8,000  136,810  91,370  20,000  480,000  430,000  • Cour teous treatment. lPlease send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r presentation and 2 5c/or Credit Report s.  First National Bank ..... •t'08 W. D. Ward .. -.... Thos. Kmeraon -·- F. W. Brock. ______ W. H. Van Hook ...  71-2411  W.11'. Heathman._ W.W. Haley····-· G. W. Dawson ••. _. ·····---·--·---·--·  ~  en  15,000  Edw. Bowne----·- R. L. Oelze •••••••. Paul Lewis···--- Miss R. L. Heyser.  30,000  G. W. Haran._____ D. F. North···---· T. Daly···-··--- C. H. Youtsey, Sec,  20,000  1,500  95,670  90,170  30,000  41,000  40-1,450  392,820  25,000 .  46,060  318,530  308,050  . W. W.Jones •••. _. James Garnett.-••. Jno. W. Flowers-· J. 8. KmfleJ .•____ _ . . Braxton Massie_ H. N. Miller······- B. H. Hurhes •••••. Bruce 1lonte-omer1  Oolumbus. __ Hlckman K 4 Bank of Columbus ••••. •:tl'IIO Hurh M:cPheeiera. J, 8. Daril·-······- J, L. Sauders ...... ---·--··---···· 1 71-120 8 L Pop. 654 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  i  30,000  Farmers Bank .......... U'03 73-488 BreckinridieBauk: of CloverporL.--. 71-24L ... _.•U'l6 Citizens Bank ·--········U'12 , 71~~9 Bank of Columbia ••••••• :tl S6 , 71-109 First Natio~:~ar:nk: ••••• t 03  ~  270,000  G. W. WHITE-····· G. W. BLACKWELL.- J. 8. BLACKWELL·--· W. I. C0OK----··----  Olintonville-Bourbon F18 4C Pop. 250 OloverporLBreck'ge G 11 8 L Pop. 1509 Cold Spring .• _.Campbell 4C Pop. 325 . H 18 •Columbia ____ Adair I 15 8 L Pop. 1076 .. "  .... '°,...  Harry Kennedy ___ • -·----·------·-----· Henry L. Carter .•• -·······---·---····  z.  71-2g7  ,... "'1  ~ s"°""'T""" nc"B-'""· , _________________ '<  John N. Ross •• ---· M. V. Bostain_·---· Henry M. Pott ·--· J, W. Parker _____ _  Peoples Bank ........... U'117 s. D. Oaldwell ... __ . 73-381 Aud.·--·--Oecllfa ·---·-·Hardin G 13 Cecllian Bank ...·-···-·-t·os C. 71-4111 8 L Pop. 400 Centertown-._.Qhio II 10 Farmers Bank.·-·······U'll W. H. Bean •.••••• 71-H7 8 L Pop. 343 Central City .:Muhlb'£' I 10 I!'ir t 'ational Bank .•.• •t'06 P. K Bal1burr . .... 73-1111 8 L Pop. 3108 Ceruli>an---·--.Trii:e J 8 Bank of Cerulean .. _... •U'OS J. G. White-·-··-·· 7H64 8 L Pop. 274 hanlin _____ rel on G 15 Peoples State Bank ··-··§'20 H. H. Black···-·-· 73·705 8 L Pop. 172 Olarkson_._Gra:,son H12 Bank of Clarkson ..... _.*5•04 Thomas Terry .•• _. 7HII& 8 L Pop. 413 Olay __ ._. ___ Webster H 8 Farmers National Bank.•:t'07 J.B. M:itchell __ ••. 71-2118 8 L Pop. 1378  WEBSTER COUNTY BK•. :tl'Ol  E  PRL'CIPAL CORRESPONDl!:NTS.  RESOURCES.  &E Dts c ,;::"'IL"~~. c•:.~•:O~o•: 1,o  DEPOS-  15,000  6,500  109,750  68,580  . and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; 128,500 Han. . Bk. of Ky., Lou. 42,260 Han. N .. N. Y.: Citiz.-Union N .• Lou.:lst Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo, Ill.; N. tock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 77.450 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; 1st N., St. L. 70,450 Fifth-Third N., Oin.: Phoenix & 3d N., Lexington; Citiz ..Union ., Lou. 100,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., 1st N., and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 25,200 Fifth-Third N .. Cin.  I  87,210 , Bk. of Am. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; • Bk. Ky., Loo. 70,000 Chem. N., N.Y.; Citiz.-Union N.,Lou.  I .  ot  61,370 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo, Ill.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS  i !t  -l  I,  C.11 ~  w  Ii  11 ,,,  544  umber under Name of Bank is the ew Transit. 'umher giver\ to each bank in U. ~- e ·<'lushely by The Rand-M ·Nally Hankers• Dlrel'ton. unfler _!_~~u!~of ~he merl<"an Bankers .-\ss'n.  T  l\'.L\11: OF BAXK. ~  ''  • •  .:  •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §State · nrem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Fed. Hes. [E~tab.  I  Oo.t>fn ______ Wh1Ue1 J lD 4C Pop. 3406  FIRST NATIONAL BANK -l'05  ~  {  71-187  V ICE-PRESIDF.NT.  PnrsIDfJXT  ♦ llem.  · · · ___ _  LuBILlTIEH. JI REsouncE. . p AID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- Lo.uia & Du- c.. n k Ex0 CAPITAL PR~"i,~TS ITS 11~ ; : • C:,:.,~  CASHIER.  71-181  c::.;  H. J. HARRIS --- D.B.CtLX\RT, Act. JAS. DOWNIIG---- S. A. PHILLIPS---- $ 25,000 Oldest Largest sJi.o~gest Ba nk. Special attentlo n given BID of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Plea ·e, encl 15e w it11 eacll sig11t clraft fur m r.1ie11tatimi a nd 25e fur Credit R eports.  I  FARMERS BANK ____ --•U'OI { 71-417  WM. JONES _______ IW. G. DORMAN----- F. B. CRAIG ________  -----------· --------  Speclalattentlo n given BID of La ding drafls, Cash and Time Item • i Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25cfor Credit Repor ,t8 •  1  25,000 '  2,500  55,000  25,000  10,000  525,0001  60.000  25.l'OO 1  I  22 500 I  '  I 107,340  15,000 :  11,750 ,  178,0001 189,000 1  60,000  37 .670 1,308,370 1,250,280  •U'06 1 { We are hustler s. Send your coll ectlons direct to us , For prompt, efficient, persona I attention.  ~  t!J  185,000:  :C:: 0  ~  ~  15,960  73-21  12,980 Fifth-Third N., Oin.  I  25,000  --------------------  208,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. Lou.; FifLll' Third, N .• Cin.  139,770  Oorydon __ Henderson G 8 Corydon Deoosit Bank.•!1'94 B. M. PowelL------ J. T. Hancock _____ J, T. Anderson ____ -------------- ----8 L Poo. 1019 73-470  ...,'&:. and Tr.  ., Cin.: Liberty lnsurauce, Lou.  z~  5,000  J. H. SCHULTE-- FRANK BROERING-- JOS. B. THEISSEN,  -  I  15,000  CENTRAL SAV. BK. & TR. CO.  t  ;:;!::  11,000 Fifth-Third  342,000  oornilhTille.llercer G 16 Union Bank ___________ .n·o2 J.B. Sima------ N. B. Royalty ______ Arthur Smlfi. ____ E.StotL _________ _ I L Pop. 100 71-469 ~Iau<le Adkinson  •Oovin2ton:_Kenton B 17 4C Pop. 57,121  1  1  •i"lO { Collection and Reque t for Cred it Reports IUST be accompanied b Y FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d,a fts, 15c; Credit Repo rta, 25c.  oorlnth •••••• _Grant D 17 Oorlnth Deoosit Bank ___ u·ss Hallie Lancaater ___ , W. N. Morgan ---- R. L. Abernathy --- Emma J. :Morgan _! 4C Pop, 241 ; 11-m , ,  PRr. •ci;A-z CoRRf~. ·po •oE 'T •  40,000 1.012,000 $ 520,000 $ 480,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Citiz.-llnion T., Lou.  ~nl-  A. B. JOHNSON---- W. H. WORSHAM---- VIRGIL VAHDEVEhT- A. 0. PERKINS - ---ER  -  - - - - - - -----  -  Security State Bank ____ t '20 D. F. Brown _______ ------------- H. H. hank!, ______ lliss Hibbard ______ 73-6,99  WHITLEY NATIONAL BANK 1  on-Bank Town. with Nearest Bankln1-t Point 1t11dcxC'd Acee.. ), Lawyers, Law (indP. ed) in tnok of tLi U1 volume. For Int~rest Rates, Holl<!_ays, etc., c•c Law .  KENTUCKY- -Continued  180,000  22,000 Citiz. -Uuiou N., Lou.  37,000 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  137,5301 151.640  Oj  z>~ en  I  tate N., Evans-, 0 0 01 cr' 152,060 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st N., Cov.: Lin. N. and Fifth-Third N .. Cin. i r+ 0 26,500 , Cont. & Com'l ville.  I  .. Chi.: Old.  5·  ,  'n 0  I  <:  CITIZENS NATION Al BANK {JOSEPH FELTMAN. A. E. NOTCH-------- B. J. LINNEMANN--- J. A. SCHRAMM-----  200,000  .A.. w. Timmerdini=,  100,000  74,450 1,332,820 1,184.180 1 317. 60 1Bk.of America, N. Y.; 1st N .• Oin.; Liberty N. and 1st N .• Cov.  A. Adams _______ B. Bramla2e _______ Il .•T. llum1~ert ___ _ tewart E. B. nunk1e  600,000  234,700 4,263,800 4,460,800 1.061.340 1N- Bk. 9om .• N. Y.; p~nt. &Oom'I N., Chi.: 1 t .• Cm.· . Bk.ot Ky .. Lou.  3.10,000  120,000 2,i'.!7,100 3,134,710  ! 1  7S-18  •i•go  Unsurpassed Co llectlon ·service. TRY US.  !COVINGTON SAVINGS BANK& ' TRUST C0.-73-19. ___ .•:1;§"91  John P. Ernst ______ John A. Simoson __ O. W. Simrall.  'FIRST NATIO~AL BANK-•:l:'64  E. S. Lee  7S-16  LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK 7iH7  i  ---------IB. c. H.  309,350 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.  s.  GEORGE E. ENGEL. IT. HAMILTON------ FRANK R. EVANS ---· FR~D KRWJKAMPR. P. ER~.~~'of Bd. POLK LAFFOON J. . MINO R ANN  I  ~89,!i90 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N .. Oln.; N. Bk. of 1 Ky. and Citi1..-llnion N .. Lou.  •t'71 { Collections hav et.he personal at tentlon of an offl cer or thl bank. We remit on day of payment; send us your buv lness.  PEOPLES SAV. BK.& TR. CO. 7S-20  Ste. and Tr. A. Ste. a11d A. Tr.  233,830 1,669,470 l,959,71Jl  •if'03 I;  IIerbcrtJackson ___ Chas. E. Clark ---- F. H. Hui=enberi=,  Ste. and Tr .  :it  , ,  · ·  R. A. Wolking,  A • .._·cc. and A. 'J'r.  Louis Fritz ________ G ..T. Wi chor tcr, I ________ __________ _ Sec. and Tr.  100,000  67,410  II I  I 111  .  111  I  I  II'  I  •  ttl  I  88,670 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Oin.; 1st N., Cov.  1\\t f\fl\\ - l\URO NAJ~i~AL of CINCINNATI-THE BANKERS'' BANK Nun1ber undtt Nau1e of .Bank 1s t11e New 1rransJt Nuu1ber given to each lJ nk in U. S. e clush'eJ l> Tbe Rand-lUcNalJ Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SINCE  1863  Non-Bank Town~ ":Hh Nearest. Banking  5· D'Q  g  Number under Name of .Bank is the New Transit Number given  d · KENTUCKY- COll t lllUe  to each bank in U. S. e cJush'ely by Tbe Kand-McNally Bankers• 545 ~_tory,_ undcr_Jhe a ~ t ~ T h e Amerl~u Bank«:!_ Ass'I!:_ _ .......,.._ _ _D_l_ree  -- ,---  7 A.llE OF B.L'iK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. ISU!te . •9ounty Seats.. Fig, I. Fed. Re., Dist. tMem.StateBks Assn.tPnv. [E t.ab. i · Louis,·'le Br.-C i~ Gin. ♦)lem. Fed. Res.  ToWN- AND COUNTY.  -'T OASHIJ:K.  O..UHID.  VICB-PRJ'.SIDJCNT.  PRESIDENT.  -----• \ _  LIABILITIES, PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOSCAPITAL  AND  ITS  ~ ___  Orab Orchard __ Lin. ll 17 Orab Orchard Bk2. Co,_•t§'02 G. B. Lyne ____ ---- W. E. Perkins _____ J. D, Shaw--------- -------------------- $ 15,000 , 73-471 4C Pop. 493 15,000 Orestwood •• Oldham E 15 Crestwood State Bank-•. t1'113 J.C. Colemtt.n _____ R. T. Collins .• _____ R. \V, Minish ______ iH. J. RansdelL____ 73-472 8 L Pop. 300  1  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of thl ._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see La~~~~ C: PRINCIPAL CORRESPO!'<DX...'1T8. RESOURCES. D> to,N■ &Dra- c... e&E:a:C'T- .  Dosn•,  sscoam...  ru.-,, .., D u • · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ~::. .  ~  '°  4,500 $ 160,000 $ 156,400 $ 20,000 N. City, • Y.; Liberty Insurance, Lou.; Fifth~ Third N., Cin.; Lin. Co. N., Stanford. 18.400  198.860  1 9,070  34.000 N. Bk. of Ky. and 1st .T., Lou.  25,000  23,000  202,000  223,000  24,i00 Fifth-Third N .. Oin.  E. Brown _______ Flossie Dukes_____ Crotton _____ Christian J 9 Bank of Crofton ________ t§'0-1 0. A. West-------- R. W. Trotter , • H. Williams 73-474 8 L Pop. 527 Oropper ______ Shelby E 16 DepositBank ____________ t§'02 B . .A. Thomas---- H.P. Perry-------- J. T. Kemper _______________________.:_ 73-476 8 L Pop, 150  15,000  31,770  270,430  23 .270  20,000  10,050  316,580 · 222,240  79,590 N. Bk. Com., • Y.; Citiz.-Union N .. Lou.;City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hopkinsville; Old State .r., Evan ville. ~ 10,390 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.  T. Trent_ ______ E. Whitaker______ •Oynthiana _____ Harrison Citizens Bank __________ !§'20 Wade H. Lail ______ S. F. Sprake ______ -----------------------~---I 73-703 Ell) 4C Pop. 3 57  50,000  6,000  W. J. Zinn _________ W. Orittenden ____ Qrant C 17 Tobacco Growers Dep. Bk. tl'93 73-473 4C Pop. 1 5  c.  Menefee .... Ira W. Bird ________ H. S. Menefee-----  -----1B. Jo.  f ARMERS  1  txl  30,000 N. Bk. Com., .1r .. Cin.  . Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; 2d  3 C 0  ~ 100,000 125,000 950,000 825,000 210.000 Ban. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cln.; N. Bk. of Ky., < _ _ ,_ _ Lou. _  Send ue your collections.  I  Prompt, careful return• made.  •!'81  --------,----------------------1  tn  1--- - - - ---1---  >  738,710  204.250 N. ~k. Com., . Y.: 1st •. and Fifth-Thircl ,.r,, Z ,~ Cm.: . Bk. of Ky., Lou.  826,430  936,880  117,4%0 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N., Oin.: , . Bk. of Ky.,  67,ooo 1,320,000 75,000 Speclal attentlo n given BIii of La clmg firatts, Cash and Tlme Items. ort. rep each f01· 25c and ation 'Cnl pre P/r.<tc·c cnclo.·r 15 c with melt ight Draft for  890,000  562,000 !Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N .• Cin.: Citiz.-Union I N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  o.  Swinford ____ D. N. Rees _________ W. s. Van Deren._ E. R. Gossett._____ _ Jas. A. Leach  37,500  NAT'l BANK OF CYNTHIANA ff. P. VANDEREN-- -- I J. ff. HOLLADAY---- R. S. WITHERS----- A.H. STONE--------  100,000  HARRISON DEPOSIT BANK 78-166  13-1,000  I. C. SHROPSHIRE- J. W. SNODGRASS .. HARRY McCAULEY- ___________________ - - - - - - - - - -  NATIONALBANK 73-155  125,0001  M.  •.if'Ol  78,390 I  793,000'  VJ 73-154  •t'57  • Danvme ___ __ Boyle II 17 BOYLE BANK & TRUST •tl'09 COMPANY 73-125 I L Pop. 5034 ---Citiz 'n · ~ 'ational - •t"BS · _ lhnk 73 124  FARMERS  {I. T. LANIER---- - RICHARD GENTRY - s, H. NICHOLS----- J. R. LETCHER ____  J . A . Cl1ee k ------ E . \" ______ _ · J . F arns_______ ,r. Coo k ________ H . L . Br12"es M.M.Durbam  100,000  G. A. McROBERTL-- CHAS. P. CECIL----- G. W. WELSH-.---- LORRIS SOPER------J. H. ROBlt SON A. B. MASSEY  100,000  uw..  An "HONOR RO Largest financial •t"79 FIFTEEN CENTS TWENTY - FIVE  NATIONAL BANK 73-123  CiffsEol~/3~}54_~~-~~ts~'5 I.  62 Hopki1~  Dawif?C:~~f1  Fl NATIONAL BANK -- '20 73-697  Dayrcn·Pop~~64ibell B 17 .. Dixon------ We bster H 8 8 L Pop. 71 6 Dover--------1!,!son C 10 4C Pop. 81, " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Bank or Da~i~.,f-------U'06 Dixon Bank &• T,r u t Co.•t5'94 73- 3.. 2 . Citizens Sta!e Bank ____ et§'lO t3-478 . EQuitable T f!J,~o, ______ §'ll  7  m,&00  I  MEADOWS--YProgressive A 0. Refer Your Pat Please send 15c td  585,580  l. H. WILKIE------- D. GLOVER --------H. O'BRYAH-----T. Bank. oung  ~ ..,  ~ "'1  n  ~  027,270 1  99,580 1N. City .a~d Gliem: T,, ~: Y.: ~ifth-Third N. and C1hz. N .. Cm.; C1t1z.-Umon N. and N. 0. r+ Bk. of Ky., Lou, Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cltlz.-Unlon N. and o N. 468,300 125,000 1,208,980 1,043,250 1 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; .jth N,, 1st N., and t-1 I 'cf Fifth-Third N., Cln. I  I I  LL" Bank. Institution In Bo yle County. sent to us withe ach sight draft fo r presentation, a nd CENTS for each credit report Ins ores prompt, per sonal at tention.  N. Day __________ J.E. Hayes ________ Hal Harned ________ .J. I. Hosick------- !  {J.  121.000  Lou.  < n "'1  40,ooo  27,500  460,310  442,610  25,000  1,000  65,000  70,000  25,000  21,000  510,000  465,000  10,870  312,340  244,040  15,000 • 13,190  101,300  113,610  --1  19,470  i6,980 Chem. N .• N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 10,000 1 t N., Lon.  rons to Us for E fflcieut Service.  th each sight draft f or presentation._and 25c for Credit Repo rts.  John Kruchten ..•• F. C. Vogelbach ___ lL. J. Meyer ------- -------------------R. L. Jackson ______ o. L. Ramsey ______ c. A. Doris ______ Carl Doris ______ _ Otto Brill J. T. Holton ______ O. M.. Devore ____ J.E. Anderson ___ _______________ _ Frank Collins C. I. Devore ______ C. L. Wood _______ A. D. Cole, Tr. ____ J.E. A.nderson,Sec.  30,000  15,0001  7,110  40,000 1 N, City, N. Y.; 1st N., Oin. 102,2i0 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; Citiz.-Union N, ~d N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.: Old State N .• E\'ansv11le. 14,320 2,890 ICitiz.  tate, Dover.  Ul  •  Ul  Non-Bank Towns with Ne.arest Banking Point (Inme el Bank ia the New Tnml& Number dven dexed Acces.), i,auyers, Laws (indexed) in uack or this CJ'1 to uob bank in U. 8. esclushelJ by Tbe Rand-McNallJ Banbn• t R~es. Holidays, etc., •ep_Laws, ~ = e============-=='=·o=h=1m=,='·=F='o=r=:cl:;..;1:...1t...::~---'re:._:..__ :-::::=l=Il=U 0==Il s•c-::n:::. =====:======c..===== rs--:-=A==s__=-: . k:::e_=: B_a-':--:'n-: Dlreetol'J, under the authority of The A~~::rl=c..:::a:n::_::_-::-  KENTUCKY -C  ToWN .6.ND OO0NTY.  f  d  PRESIDJ:NT.  VICE-PKJCSIDENT.  0A.SHI:U.  AsS'T 0!.SHIER.  w. W. Bridges ____  l'.IU;l:l.PA.L 0UJ.U<J!:ti.l'UN1J~'1'::..  PAID-UP S~;.~UB DEPOS- ~~~•:,~~•-, :;:::"~-~~;,_  - - 1--------1--------1--------1-C-AP_I_T_A_L  Dnkesboro .. lluhlenbere Citizens Bank __________ e:§'07 H. Y. Cundiff ______ 73-479 I L Pop. 1164 110  Kl!':~0UHl ~s.  LrAHILITIES.  --  NAME OF BANi.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. I tate •Oooub' Seats. Fig- is Fed. Res. Dist. Ufem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [E:tah. ♦)fem. Fed. Res. Cin. · i Br.-C Lis Louisv'le  E. H. Flanaean ____ Hazel Oneil ______ _  ~  15,000 $  ITS  S1auama  .._, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _n_""_n_._,.,_  9.000 $ 159,900 $ 132.600 $ 48,540 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Am. N., .1.'ash.  R. L. CONRAD --- A. C. WEBB-------- JOHN McCOY------ R. D. HOGAN------McCOY  45,000  20,000  400,000  500,000  30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.  First National Bank ....-•t'03 W. T. S.Blackburn. Ben. Berkley _____ T. E. Elliott·------ ___________________ 78-381  50,000  20,000  348,000  413,550  24,890 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Cin.  Dunuville ..... Casey I 16 Peoples Bank ----------tl'll J. W. Davenport. __ D. Rubarts------- R. D. Williams ---- W. A. Hammonds. 73-650 I L Pop. 200  15,000  5,200  70,000  72,800  Earllnrtou._.Hopkins I 9 Rarlin~ton Bank ______ _ i§'0i Jas. R. Rash ______ P. B. Ross _______ W. L. Phillips _____ Fletcher lfcCord.. 13-152 I L Pop. 36:52  15,000  30,000  455,000  340,500  S. E. McNeil!____  25,000  10,500  512,000  412,000  Eash·iew _____ Hardin DO East View Hank ________ t§'20 U. G. Ragland _____ Alex. 11ontgomery c. . Givan ________ ------------·---73-710 IL Pop. 49 •Eddyville. _____ Lyon J 7 First State Bank ________ ;t§'0.J A. o. Ramey _____ J.M. Smith ______ W. N. Cummins___ ________________ 13-483 I L Pop. 1182  15,000  840  39,070  23,170  25,000  28,000  250,000  240,000  69,000 Chf'm. N .. N. Y,; Citiz-Union N., Lou,; 1 t ...' .. ~ Paclucah. (,/l  •Edmonton, Metcalfe J 14 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. A. Hamilton. Sr. J. H. Kinnaird ____ J. W. Kinnaird ____ Glady Kinnaird •• _ R. D. Kinnaird t§'05 73-419 I L Pop. 2 -1 Peoples Bk. of Metcalfe Co. A. J, Thompson ___ J. R. Wilson ______ C. J.P. Carv'r____ ___________________ :§'06 73-418  15,000  6,390  239,070  205,760  49,610 Citiz.-Unlon N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.: Far. N., Glas2ow.  4,000  275,000  258,700  •lllzabethtown ___ Hardin First-Hardin Nat. Bank_ •t"83 0. Hotopp -------- W. 0, Monteomery Horace Hays------ Starline Wells..... W. H. Robertson 73-215 IL Pop. 2530 G 13 G. E. Taber Union Bank & Tr. Co .• _t§'l0 D. M. Hall _______ J.C. Cardwell ____ c. M. Ycrtree ---- J. A. Gardner_____ Allen Ament 73-218  150,000 50,000  15,630  248,000  225,000  J.C. Colly________  15,000  4.000  95.000  95,000  Thos. E. Johnson.  70,000  16,500  205,010  328.570  27,9.(0 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk, of Ky, and Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  B. L. Trabue ______ _  60,000  41,500  452,110  553,430  52,110 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., and Citiz .• , (D '"1 nion N,, Lou.  20,00Q GEO. C. TURNER--- H. H, DRANE---- ---- H. C. DALE--------- ELMER BLACK-----(;ollectlons and Keque t 1or Cred tt Reports MU T l>e accompanied by FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sioht draft·, 15c; Credit Rc1wrts, 25c.  22,000  350,000  800,000  75,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky,, Lou.  25,000  375,000  325,000  80,000 N, Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N .. Lou.: Fifth- ' ; ::S Third N .• Cin.  Dry Rldre-•• Grant D 17 4C Pop. 129  FARMERS BANK OF EQU,TY t '08 73-380  EaatBernstadt.Laurel 110 First National Bank _____ t'l2 73-482 4C Pop. 1000  l  CLARA B. Unsurpassed C ollectton Service. Please enclose 16c with each Sig ht Draft for pres entatton and 2oc with ea ch request for re port or rating.  c. A.  Casteel _____ Charles Davidson ._ S. L. Bastin  w. J. Chesnut -  Elkhorn Oity ___ Pike I 24 First State Bank _______ t§'l2 R. T. Elswick ______ P. C. anders ••••• W. M. Rose ________ 73-655 4C (Praise P. 0.) Pop. 821 •Bllcton. _______ Todd K 10 Bank of 1Ukton _______ •U'66 John 0. Street_ ___ W. G. _______ Geo. P. Street _____ 73-272 I LPop. 1009 FARMERS & MERCH. IANK B. T. Perkins------ Jas. R. Mallory ____ J.M. Weathers ____ •il'II0 73-273  Eminence •••• Henry E 15 IL Pop. 2000  DEPOSIT BANK---------*1'68 73-270  20,000  ~  til  z~  139,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; City N., C: ('") Evansville. ~ 142,000 Fifth-Third N., Cln.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. ~  26,010 Citiz.-Union N .. and Liberty In urance, Lou.  42,000 Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 193,490 Chem. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  -  53,000 Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  a,  >  z I  0 '"1  SI) ~ (D Cl)  CT 0 '"1 0 r+  H.P. Oldham  1  GcE 0ReGcEt FREMD --- f. C. GILTNER------ JOHN A. CRABB----- C. B, JONES--------FARMERS & DROVERS BK. { 0,11 10 0 s and Reque ts lor Cre illt Reports MUS 'r be aceompanJe •U-86 FEE LV ADVAN CE: Plain ight drafts, 15c; Credit Rc1JOrts, 25c, 73-271  61.100 1,350,550 1. 00,620  15,000 N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  20,000  d bJ  0  15,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.  til '"1 ;' ::s (1Q  ~ SI)  '"1  ErlanJer ____ Kenton B 17 Citizens Bank ___________ t§'l2 E. II. Blankenbcker T. J. Stevenson •••• C.T. Davis-------O. M. Rogers 73-652 4C Pop. 711 Erlaneer Deposit'92 W. A. Price ______ E. H. Blankenbeker W. P. Gardner _____ H.. T. Conner _____ _  ff The FIFTH -THl no 73-484  NAT I ONAL BANK Naml>er aader Name ol BanJ( .ia the New Tramlt Number given to eaoh bank in U. S. e.reJu1JveJy by The Rand-MeNally Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Of CINCINNATI  -  ~  -  25,000  8,680  152,790  166,210  18,590 1st N., Cin.  50,000  68,000  415,000  400,000  95,000 ~- Bk, Com .. N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.: ~ -  Tihi>rtvN .. r.nv.  OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND  FOREIGN  BANKING.  -  ·  CORRESPONDENCE  INVITED.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer·, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.....  Number aader .Name ol Bank bl &be lfe• TramH .Namber ,iven to uoh "bank in U. S. exclualvel:, by The Rand-MeNall:, Banken' Director:,, under the authorft:, of The American Bankers Ass•n. N.uu: OP' BANK. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. •Kem. A.m. Bks • .Assn. 1S tate •County Seats. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. fiir, i. F~d. Res. pi ~- Ulem.StateBk:s. Assn. tPriy. [Estab. L1SLou1sv le Br.-C1~Crn. ♦ Yem. Fed. Re.  Noa-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Bolldays, etc., see Laws. ~  KENTUCKY-Continued  547  I  LIABILITIES.  0A8Blll.  .A.SS'T CA.SHIER.  PAID-UP Su!;;UB  j Sscvanua  ITS  CAPITAL PROFITS  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDltNTS.  RE OURCES.  DEPOS- : ~~~•:;,~:.:  ~■"::G~•~;,_ rao>1D.u ,u.  C::  ~  _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 1 ~ 1  I  Eubank _____ Pulaskl 117 FirstState Bank ________ il'l0 SilasWe.,ley ____ LE.Payne ______ W. C.Dodson ____ C.~-- Wardrip _____ $ 15,000$ 14,500$ 90,000$ 9i,110 $ 17,050 Fifth-Third N .. Cin. 73-485 4C Pop. 312 Evarts _______ Harlan J 21 Black Mountain Bank.•:l:§'19 • C. Jones ____ W. E. Riley _______ 0. C. Seeley _______ ------------88,530 85,850 19,310 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 25,000 --------73-690 4C Pop. 502 Ewing _____ Fleminr D 19 Ewine Deposit Bank ____ is·o2 W. B. Sherwood .•• J.M. Jones _____ T. B. Talbott ____ R. J. Sanly ______ _ 15,000 10,300 r . Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz,-Union N., Lou.; 1st 30,tlOO 316,800 312,750 73-486 41i Pop, 500 N.,Cin. Fairfield ____ Nelson G 15 Bank of Fairfield -------U-07 J. S. M:cKenna __ S. B. Simpson. __ W. D. Jolly _______ S. E. J. McKenna _ 18,000 251,770 134,310 135,890 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 9,790 73-487 IL Pop. 329 •Falmouth ____ Pendleton Citizens Bank __________ .i5·02 0. W. Carnes------ ------------- J.B. Woolery _____ T. C. Bradford ___ _ 73-285 D 18 4C Pop, 1330  PENDL ETON BANK  73 284 ----  •il'06  C. H. LEE, JR,---Oldest and Lar Special attentlo Please send 15c  i  47,200  620,000  655,0QO  45,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., 4th N .. and 1st N., Cin.  80,000 50,500 ------------------- C. W. THOMPSOM --- -------------------gest Bank. Mod ern, Progressive. Hustling for busl ness. n given B-L Draf ts and collection s. il'ith each "ight Dr aft for preii entati on and 25c fo 1· ere dit r eJJO rts.  733,000  762,000  98,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.  Fancy 11'arm __ Graves K 5 Bank of Fancy Farm ____ U'03 J.M. Carrico ___ G. C. H.ran .. _______ S. T. Ross _______ Edna Carrico ____ _ 73-489 8 L Pop. 488 Farmington __ Grues K 5 Bank of Farmington ___ :tf'07 C. T. Hendrick ____ J. W. l her ______ Clinton Jone _____ ___________ _ 73-490 I L Pop. 180 Fern Creek .TetTersonE 14 Bank of Fern Oreek ____ t§'l9 J. n. Reid _ _ _ F. C. Jean _ _ _ F. s. Hays _________ Mi s J1 abl e :\tiller 73-687 I L Pop. 400  32,500  82,930  C  9,630 1st N., Lou. and Mayfield ; City ... ~ .• Paducah. ~  16,520  15,000  8,500  100,000  90,000  15,000  3,500  110,000  100,000  B'lnchvllle ____ Shelby F 15 Bank of l!'inchvilJe ____ _•U'04 \V, 0, tout, Jr. ___ W. 8. A.lien _______ Evart Hankins ____ _ 73-491 I L Pop. 60  15,000  10,050  69,890  97,150  Fleming ____ Letcher I 23 Bank of McRoberts --•i§•13 J. E. Buckingham _ Thos. . Haymond_ ~I. E. Lykins __ __ __ l . H . . ledd ______ _ W. H. Potter, l'. P. E. L. Walters 73-663 4C Pop. 2069  25,000  30,130  481,460  396,500  . E. Dye __________ E. E. Griffith _____ _  50,0 0  28,500  520,000  540,000  Farmers Trust Co, ____ •il'l2 0. R. Garr _ _ _ N. W. Wallingford Paul Heflin, S ec. John W. H eflin, A, Sec. and T r . 73~7 Fleming Co. Farmers Bank C. W. Aitkin ______ 0. R. Garr _____ John w. Heflin ___ W.R. Frasure. ___ _ Paul Heflin it' 711 73-2711  15,000  2,650  14,920  ill,070  435,000  490,000  70,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N . Y.; 1st N., 2d N .. and 4th N .. Cin.  650,000  700,000  90,000 )L Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.  62,3401  20,100 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Ex., Mayfield; ht Paducah, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  of Pearce. Nelson ll'ant _____ J. 11'. Summers_____  > z  15,320 N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union N .• Lou.  i  ~  45,000  40,000  ( FEE IN IDVAN CE:  '  :  t  ~  ; ;  ;.  ....  I  I  I .  '111  e•  Plain ai~ht  draft.. 1 Sc; Cred it Report•. 25c.  T r .Fund s  78,000  65,000  !  :  ... ·····.  t II I~  .. '.  I  I I I.  I  f'  I I II  f  I I 11 ·  , II  II  0  1,500  ~ 0  15.1801  FIFTH THIRD  S::::>::s  ;· ~ s::::  ::, 6,880  16,740 Citiz . N .. Gl:i.~gow; Bk . of F oun tain Run and Farmer s, Founta in Run.  15,000 l  220,000  235,000  20,600 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Citiz. Union . r., Lou.  15,000  15,000 I  175,000  148,250  50,000 1st N ., Lo  15,000  10,800  157,000  155,800  28,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin,  30,000  7,500  125,000  150,000  25,000 4Ul & 1st N., Nash.: Citiz.-Union N .. Lou. 27,380  THE  gi  ~  90,000 Imp. & Tra. ., T , Y.: 1st N. and Fifth-Third ~ :,;.. Cin. ; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  I  TRY U S. 15.150 ------  I I  140,540 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky ., Lou .. Fidelity Tr. Co., Bait. ; .,\ shlaml N. , .bhland.  ....  I. L. DUDLEY---- F. L. HINTON ______ C. E. RHODES------ W. H. BARKSDALE attentlo n given BIii of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. FLE!fl~: 1Special P\\'u'rn,\ 8-f!f1VF-----Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding  ,  < ta  12,000 Lou. N. Ilkg. Co. Lou.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.  (Buechel P. 0.)  C~ir~~¥Y--- •U'66  ttJ  z .;  15,000 f  •Fleminisburg __ Flemlne Deposit Bank E 20 Fant& 4C Pop. 1562  :,,iq  of CINCINNATI-THE BANKERS' BANK  SINCE  1863  548 _  Numb• under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. es:cluslvelf by The Rand-McNallf Bankers• Dlrec~ory, un!1e! the •~horl!_y...2_f T~e Amerl~~~ei:,~ A_!s~n.  TOWN .lND OmJNTr.  I  NAMEoFBANK.  l!'i/?soi~~ 1f~~-ttist. rn:::t~eitt-1s,s;11Ji~~~ [ Estab •. _ _ _ _ tern. FeLl. Re~. Lis Louisy'le Br.-C is Cin.  I-  PRESIDENT.  ♦  .Sou•Bank Town!> "1th Nearest Banking Point (lnlloxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this vi For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc.~eo~!"'~ ~  KENTUCKY- COn t·tnue d  =-=----=-----::====--  . VICJ:-PRE.sIDINT.  _volum~.  PKINCIP.lL ooaRESPONDms.- -  -::============L==1=A=B=I==L=IT=1=E=s=.==~ RESOURCES. J.SS'T OA.SHill.  CA.SHIH.  PAID-UP Su!~~U&I DEPOS-- ~~~-:.,~~: ~:::G~~;~. n.~""-  CAPITAL PROFITS i  ,-  S. FRENCH HOGE W. H. POSEY------ W. D. FURR, ec, __ R.R. SETTLE, Tr._  ITS  S•oo&1T1n  rao"  - - - - - , - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - --1 $ 75,000 $ 91,410 S 801,860 $ 820,600 s 150,67G Met., N. Y.: ~'. Bk. of Ky., Lou.: B'ifthThi rd N .• Oin.  I  •l'rank!ort.Fra~klinEla CAPITAL TRUST CO. --•tl'0S { Special attentl on given Bill of La ding Drafts, cash and time Items. end u your Frankfort Item . 7H3 I LPop. 9,80u I  FARMERS  JOHN  DEPOSIT BANK  c. NOEL--- !: r.· JttHta __ w. P. SULLIVAN---  ___________________ _  115,0CO  115,000  800,000  600,000  110,000 IBk. of America, N. :r.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Ctttz.-Unlon N., Lou. pi; 1  •.'ational Branch Bank orlH.w ..,rrHery ---- H. Ji'. Lind c•r----- H.F.Lin<lsey _____ _ J.W.Pruett. _____ Kentucky_ 73-59 ______ . t':H  100,000  150,000 1,500.000 1,200,000  500,000  llJ  z,;  J:,  Park and Chem. N,, '.Y.:~•,Bk.ofKy.,  Lou.; Isl N,, Cin.  C:  ()  ;.,:: ~  PEOPLES STATE BANK.WOO N. H. mitL __ _. __ J.P. Hulette------ Geo. Balmhuber- __ A. A. Hulette _____ _  50,000  EUGENE E. HOGE-- W. F. DANDRIDGE--- L. D. JONES------- R. K. McCLURE, JR.S. A. MASON  150,000  7:l- 64  tD >  850,000  717,000  232,000 N. Bk. Com. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Oitiz .. Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  77.130 1,080,000  O:.i3,800  223,180 Seab. N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky. and Oitiz.-Union (I) N., Lou.; i'itth-Third N., Oin.  30,000  Z  pi;  i  STATE NATIONAL BANK•t·so  Oldest National Bank In Frankll n County. Our service wlll plea e you. You r business Invite d.  73-60  McELWAINMEGUIAR BANK  •Franklin __ Simpson K 11 8 L Pop, 31;;1  j  •tl'81  w. w. MORR IS -- Federal Reserve Bank 549 of St. Louis  CITY NATIONAL  BANK --•t '02 7!-lOO  I  -------•t  Farmers llank_ 73-101  c.  w. GILLESPIE __  75,000  45,000  ounty. arts, Collections and all banklnr; 25c for CrNlit Rep ol't1<.  650,000  677,000  93,000 Ban. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky, and Cltlz.- ~ w. Union N., Lou.; ith & 1st N., Nash, 0  ..'"'  buslne ss.  rt'  0  1 simpson County Bank.•!, '110 D. II. Hatter _______ R. G. ~Iourc _______ T. L. Neely ________ 75-17' Franklinton __ Henry E rn 1reoples Bank ____________ ,•11 J. c. Bryant_ ______ J. T. Robert.on ___ W. E. Whitfield ___ 7!-406 8 L Pop. 200 Fredonia ____ Qaldwell I 7 Fredonia Valley Bank ___ u ·o.i Edward Rice _______ H. C. HilL ________ D. T. Byrd _________ 7!-407 IL Pop. J77  ~'ulton _______ : Fu!ton I, 3 8 L Pop, -~.41.>  '"1 ~  1: ~-  iivJ!flRN -- J. F. TARPLEY ____ WILLIAMS1 E. Olde t, Large t and Strongest Ba nk In Simpson C UneICeJied facll itles for handling Bill of Lading Dr J>lca1< ,·r.,111 15c ir w, .,iallt ,tmft.· .for m·e...c11tatim1 a11d  & TRUST COMPANY 71-175  o.  I  ~  N.  50,000  28,2 0  586,990  606,190  59,080 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Am, • •., Nash.; ~ ::;' Bk. of Ky., Lou.  Lucy Harrell _____ _  15,000  8,960  130,000  137,000  20,000 Citiz •. nion  Howard Hice _____ _ Seth \Yiggint m  15,000  12,590  18:;.010  I  133,630  i9,240 N. Oity, N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Loa.  i c1OKE ------- C. p. WILLIAMS.-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----  80,000  600.000  I  560,000  ngenL ____ II. II. ~hupl1y ___ _  50,000  33.000  450,000  49'.i,000  50,000  18,000  600,000  450,000  peclal attentlo ~·g1vfn Y.L of La dlng drafts, Cash and Time Items. I ave service on Col Jectlons and Cred It Reports by sen dlng {l'EE INtimeADVandAN get Cl~: Plain •i11ht draft•, I Sc: Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY U  '05 .1. lh.,l<llcsloo ---·  ! Fir t National Banlc _____ •f'02 1 7a-t8P  r,. o. BraLlfunl ___ _  ~  J.B. Harris ______ _  §  . and N, Bk. of Ky., Lou.  105,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  60,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Lou.  -\0  KENT CKY-Continued  I:,,;)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inin back of this._ dexed Acces.), Law.rers, Laws (indexed) n, ~ .-. ♦.-. -Jt,1- .... ..-. .~.  .. ___ ,  549  umber under Name or Bank i thl' lVew Tran ft Number given •. .__·. e1cJu lvl'ly by The Hand-lUcNally Bankf.'rs• Dlret'tory, under the authority of The Amerll'an Hanker· A 'n. to cHh bank in  ~·.urn OP 11.-L r~. Towx A.·n cou.·Tv. \ •~lcm. Am. Bks . .c\ ~11. §State •County :eat . :t.:hlem. tateBks.As.n.tPriv. Fig.i Fed.Hes.Di·. [E~tah. Li Loui.'le Br .. Ci'- 'in . ♦ ~1em.Feu . He-..  PRE'IDENT.  1  I  w. w.  Gami1lelP-op?ffr,nroe K 14 Gamaliel Baii~gg··· ·-··U'03  Pr.1?e. _____ •  • \ \ICE-PRESIDE..,T.  - CASHIER.  ___  18. D. Harlin ___ .---·  I  LI A  ASS'T CASHIER.  _  FARMERS BANK & TR. co_. 7 I< •  U0  73-140  3,810  -  \  105,000  ..  •i•g7  78-139  i  u0,000  6-1,160  Collections give ~~~J ~n!~'ltlent Ion and remitted ror promptly. Plra .·c se11d 15c ll'ith wch sight llr aft for 11res1mtoti on and 25c for ('n: dit ReJJo rts.  851,740, 1,135,790  90,140  788,530  84,170  740,380  . City, ,.. Y.; Fifth-Third N. and 1st Cin.; Citiz .• Union ., Lou.  ~ Com., N, Y.: 1st N. and .l'ifth•ThirdN., tz:j Cin.; Citiz .. Union N., Lou.  .T. Bk.  ~  i5,ooo CRAIG. __/ J. W. THAC,ER . .. G. T. HAMBRICK.-- L. P. BRADLEY ·-·· Cashier and V. P. J. C. PORTER R.H. WOLF Special attentlo n gJrnn Bil or La ding drarts, Cash and Time Items. Plea,·r. i;cn<l 15c u· it11 each .·ight draft fm· 11ro et1f<1tion mill 25c f11r Credit Rr1111rt.,. cott County. Largest and Str onge t Bank In  ! 1,520,000 1.2 5,ooo  j  tD  W. B. Cooper_.-·-·  25,000  12,500  150,000  172,000  14,000 J'ifth•Third N ., otn.  > z  G. G. Pepper--·--·  rn,ooo  4,200  100,000  120,000  15,000 1st N., Oin.  (JJ  32,500  280,000  323,000  14,000 Citiz •. Union N., Lou.: lat N., Oin.  •Gia ~ow ___ .Barren J 13 Citizen ~·auona l B1nk •'16 W. 11'. mchanl~ou •. ,. JI. Owen·--·-·-·•.r. IL :\Jnin, Jr. ____ .,raudc Totty _____ _ 1 Alan,on 'l'rigg J.~. ,\. <.:pew 11-1gs 8 L Pop. 2559  60,000  10,220 ,  400,000  403,000  100,000  38,550  81J3,!J40  906,540  80,000 I  64,000 ,  BANK•UOOO < Unucelled Carll Ith.•· ror bandllng Bill of Lading dr aft , Collections and all bankln g J,usln j ess. I 15r nccom1J1tn11i11 r, :iaht limft,.: for 1irr.s111tation 11nd 25c for Credit Rep orts i1181t res 11 ro m)lt att ention. l LARGEST BAN K IN BARREN COUNTY.  73-196  u.  B. Smith.··-··· ____ ---· ---· ---· ---·  T. P. DICKINSON. W. L. PORTER.·--· T. C. DICKINSON--- L. M. RAPP--------  59,660 Chem. N., N.Y.: Oltiz. -UnionN., and Lou. r,, Lou.  Oldest Bank In Southern Keutue ky. prompt, careful attention.  SI>  2116,000  33,000IChem. N ., N.Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  75,000  38,98~  700,000  879,120  98,680 ,Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. or Ky. and Cltlz .• ~ Union N., Lou.  t;,000  ---------  •  I  15,GOO  6,000  83,230  89,130  6,200 Citiz .. Union N., Lou,  20,000  10,870  174,6-lO  12i,440  75,8701:B'ifth-Third N., Oln. 32.7801N. Bk. or Ky., Lou.  LET  66,000 1-··-·---· '1 'fri1?1? N., Gia l?OW.  15,000  11,800  186,270  172,840  15,0001  3,000  48,740  62,720  15,000  5,000  82,000  74,000  15.000  6,250  7i,860  7i,120  P. U.)  i,810 Lou. N. Bk~. Co., Lou. 1  28,ooo mtiz.-Union N .. Lou. 1 li,7!J0 1N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO u;H~7.,~~~6~uoRF"~~~~:Roc6"io~APER. - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Clo  300,000  fur 1,re:ent(rtiuri and 25c for Credit ReJJort,·.  Golden Pond ___ Triii K 7 Bank: of GoI d en pond __ •U'M W.R. Wilson ______ W. G. Ahart. ______ .t\. L. Yurnllh. _____ -------·-----------73- 500 1 . 1 L Pop. 125 Qrad:,vill ____ Adair J 15 Gradynlle St:tP;.,!3ank. __ t1·11 J. A. Wheeler··--· W. .M. Wilmore ___ • c. o. :Moss·-------· Mrs. c. O. Moss __ _ 7,,-5w I L Pop. 200  e_  18,000  Glencoe _____ Gallatm D 17 Umon Bank-----·-·•·-· -U-15 M. Il, Richards-·-· J. B. Kemper ______ c. E. Kemper •..... Ohlen Stewart -··· Elmer Ellisto 78-420 8 L Pop. 398 &lendaie _____ Hardin H 13 Glendale Bankini Co .. _•tf'OS Marion Hoover ..•. E.T. \Va.Iker ______ A. L. COX-----·--·· D. B. Lewis-------· 78- 502 I L Pop. 300 Qlensboro_Ander!on F 16 Farmers Ba1!k . - -····-·· U'04 W. 0. Moffett.. __ ._ w. A. par row_. ___ E. J:i'. Thomp,ou ... ··--·-·-··--··-----7.,-504 8 L Pop. 500 <Lawrcncclmrg  3  ;•  Ci "1  30,000  3  Bk.of Ky.,  SU  125,960 Chase N. , N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz,. : 1 o Union ., Lou.  --------··----·----· Union 'fru t Co.:-------·t§'l7 1'. l'. Dkkin~ou. -· J.P. Depp ______ L. M. Rapp, Sec and 'l'r 73-6,5 Ba~k of Gl~i!soo"! JunctiWos J.B. Hatcher__ ____ J. H. Edwards·-·-- G. r cville ~··---·-~ v. B. Borden_. ___ .  Glasfa_w J~_c!b~n.~arfi  r.  0  50,000  us your b u..,fness direct for NATIONAL BANK JSend Collections asp eclalty. Plw .. c :-imd l:,c- 11• it11 r(lch .~ig1it dmft  I  30,000 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; ottiz. Sav., Paducah.  I  !  ~  I  l F. J. BOLES.-... P. w. HOLMAN .... P. w. HOLMAN--·· E. H. GUTHRIE·---  First National Bank .•.. •.t '92 W. B. Smith -·-···- Howe Halston . ____  150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: li'ifth•Third N., Cin.: 0 ~ Citiz .•Union N., Lou.  <  9,000  •t'tlll  Z  C  25,000 1  TRIGG  r.,  I  15,000  73-195  ~  30,300 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Citiz •. Union N .. Lou.  .T. K. Gillahau. ---·  1  SU  := 1-----------------1  103,940 $ 90,530 $  .T. ,\. Taudr .------  7S-1Q7  FB.Oll BA~x•  I  1 Germantown. __ .Bracken Bank of Germantown •UlOOOIJohn Wallindord:. Geon!e Galbraith _. R. G. Humlonr ____ •. D, Colvin 73-412 D 19 4 C Pop. 237 1Farmers&Tradersnankt§'09 J. 0 . Brownine ---· G. W. Collins_ ____ . H. L. Pepper-----· " -------" 73-413 . Ghent_ ______ Oarroll Dl6.Ghent Deposit Bank •• •U-87 Fred Stuc1.-.. ---· H. M. Froman·--·· R. Scott Williams_ 73-49g 8 L Pop. 438 Gllbertsville-Marsball J 6 Bank of Gilbertsville ___ .is•o7 J. R. Grerory ·---- S. C. Jone, _______ W.W. Gillahan •• __ 73-500 8 L Pop. 300  FARMERS IIAT'L  CB..lNGU,DUB  ~  J. D. GROVER.---- l G. B. BRRWH------· W. G. ABBETT ---·-· A. P. BROWN ·-----·  f HENRY  GEORBETOWN NAT'L BANK  109,-150  n,.. c...n & Ex-  Ilo. ·o,ta, SsoorunsA  C::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RF.SOURCES. I.O.<N8 ,!t  C'TB.  We make an ea rn.9~t ~,~rt thru 1efflclent employe es to every It \em sent us, thus affording a super for collection dep •t. t P/N1.1 c1·11cl 15c 11•it1I each .~igllt draft fur 11r1•15r11tati11 n and 25c f<,r Cred it R,·por ts.  I Collect  I  BANK•:t.' 83 FIRST NATIONAL 73 138  BILITI.ES:  PAID-UP SURPLUS ! DEPOSITS CAPITAL PR~~~TS  s. B. Ray·--·------  \ R. B. THOMAS---· i~~?~i~!~L ------ J. C. NICHOLS------ -----------------E 17 •Gi3or~etown.siiott 4 C Pop. 9  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of this~ volume. F~_!11t~~ Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law~ ~  KENTUCKY-Continued  '<  !:.  550  umber under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclu ln11)· by 'l'he Raud-Mc, ally Haukt•rs' Directory, under the autborlt) of The Amt.'rkau Ilanl,,•r~ A.. -.•11.  I  KENTUCKY-Continued  I  LIABILITIES.  ~·.DIE OP BA."K, Tuws A.·o Uou.~n. •.\lt>m.Am.Bks.Assu. §:tatc • CountySt•at,;, Fi~. is Fed. Re:. Dbt. !Mt•ID. 'tatp Bks.A~sn. t Priv. [R tab. Li Louisv'le Br.-CisCJ_n. ♦ .\Iem. Fed. He,,;.  p  RESIDE...".T,  V 1 ICE-PRESlDE....,.,,T. _______  CASHIER.  , Ass T CA.SHIER. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  PAID-UP  !SURPLUS AND  IJ,T.Lankford 73-508 Hl6 BL Pop.3C0 •Grayson _____ Carter E 22 Citizens Bank ___________ if'02 1B. C. Rupert_ _____ A. J. Littleton _____ 7lH147 4C Pop. '22 Commercial Bank _______u•g1 J. W. Strother _____ R. M. Bagby _______ " -------" W. II. trother 73-34~ •Greensburf __ Green I 15 Greensburi Deposit Bk,_if•go Woodson Lewi. ____ J. A. Hobson ______ 73-388 8 L Pop. 4 8 1Peoples Bank ___________ if '02 B. A. lloss -------- E. E. Perkins _____ " -------·· 73-s8g •Greenup __ Greenup D 22 Citizens State Bank: _____ U'04 Elwood Kinner ____ John Smallwood __ j 73-355 4C Pop. 910 First National BanJr _____ •i·93 W. T. Hord ________ 8. G. Bates ______ ·· 1 73-s5,  ITS  5,790 $ 6,500  RESOURCES,  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE...~TS,  1.0 .. ,.,&D1.1- cuu&Ex• c'r1. no,.,,,, cu..ao11,D1111 saco1UT111 no11B..n.o , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '  •  DEPOS-  CAPITAL PROFITS  ,w. B. Johnson ____ O,B. Brock ____________________________ $ 15,000 $ Gratz ________ Owen E 16 , Gratz Deposit Bank ______ f'02 C. F. Alexander --- 1 73-507 8 L Pop. 229 15.000 Gravel Switch ____ Mar!on Peoples Bank ______ ----•U'l0 IP. E. Hourigan---- W. 0. I aacs _______ Leslie Lanham ____ Roy Milburn_______  Non-Bank Towns with Ne rest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi (.11 v ~ ~ F o r Interest Rates!_ Holidays, etc., see ~ws. ~  86,900Jj$  81,270 $  L. K. Osen ton _____ Irene O'Roark_____  26,000  29,000  346,000  301,250  Arthur Gee ________ G. B. Mobley______  100,000  50,800  375,000 '  425,000  L. W. Coakley _____ J. Y. Killer. ______ E. G. Dobson L. :M. Vance _______ A. L. Perkms______ E. v. Taylor W. T. Cole ________ Herbert R. Cole __ _  50,000  31,020  462,230j  457,490  40,0ot  4,000  325,000  275,000  24,450 Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 12,000 Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  150,0001 150,000  82,000 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Lou. N. Bkl?. Co .. Lou. 92,400 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Fifth-Third N. and 4th N., Cin.; Citiz.-Union N .• Lou. 78,760 Citiz.-Onion N. and N, Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Citiz. N .• Lebanon. 40.000 1st N. and Citiz.-Union N .. Lou.  I  15,000  "1,680  56,150  55,360  J. K. Pollock ______ A. V. Pollock _ _ _  25,000  25,330  507,140  433,980  15,400 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 2d N .. Cin.: Far. & ~ . . . Tra., Maysville. U0,820 ChaseN.,N. Y.;4thN.andF1fth-Th1rdN.,Cm. til  J. L. TAGGART------ H. C. LEWIS --------- G. W. FEHTRESS----  20,000  15,700  380,290  3-1:3,-100  56,610 Great Lakes Tr. Co., Chi,: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. I ~  W. A. Wlckillre ____ 0. K. liartin _______ J. T. Reynolds __ J. T. Chatham ____ _  40,000  74,280 1,311,230  903,940  370,410 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. () ~ of Ky .. Lou.  Guthrie ________ Todd K 10 Bank of Guthrie ________ :t5•g4 M, E. Webb _______ R. Le ter __________ R. L. McMurry ________________ _ 73-290 8 L Pop. ll60 Farmers & ¥a~~i~-Bank: U'02 John Ohoate ______ \Y. D. Meriwether_ R. F. Warren _________________ _ " "  20,000  6,160  128,9101  65,630  15,000  7,000  83,000  88,060  15,00C  5,100  119,00ol:  110,600  15,000  12,000  210,000  175,000 618,000  93,350 Chem. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Liberty Insurance, Lou.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.  475,000  65,000 Ohrm. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., Liberty Insur,.... ance, and Citiz.-Union •. , Lou.  °  ~lenbe ·u, __ 1f •Guelnvip 1 ri I0 op. 1911 8  BANKU'09 L. Z. KIRKPATRICk FARMERS STATE 73-234  FIRST NATlf ~~ \ BANK-•:•go 3 3  Hanson _____ Hopkins II 9 Peoples Bank ___________ U'l2 J . .B'. Bailey _______ A. Haywood _______ c. P. Jones ________ Ada L. Jones ___ _ 73-5og 8 L Pop. 500 I. Iluihes ______ J. 11. Stark _______ D. :s:. Booker ____ Regina Pace ______ _ Hardin ______ Marshall K 6 Bardin Bank ______ 73-510 1 8 L Pop. 436 •Hardinsburf ___ Breclc'ie Bank of Hardinsburic\Tr. o. ' M. D. Beard _______ C. V. Robertson ___ D. D. DowelL ____ B. F. Beard ______ _ . •is•go 73-344 G 12 8 L Pop, 810  u·os n.  50,000  57,520  639,3101  .\Iatthias lliller ____ A. R. Kincheloe ___ Z. C. Hendrick ____ J.M. Crume ______ _ Farmer· Bank ,· Tru t Co. •U'02 73-1145  40,000  13,000  405,0001 100,000  Hardyville ______ Hart I 14 IlarclyvilleDepositBank: :1'02 73-511 8 L Pop, 400 •HarJan ______ Harlan J 21 First tate Bank: _______ i§'02 73-31~ 4C Pop, 26-17 Harlan tate Bank ______ •§"l6 " " 73- 670 •HarrOdsburl?---- Mercer FarmersTrust Co, _______ f'JZ 73- 654 G 16 8 L Pov. 3765  FIRST NATIOIIAL BAU 7H64  7&-165  •l'81  STATE BANK & TRUST CO. ♦  71-166  it'O&  83,750 Han.N .. N. Y.; N.Bk. 01 Ky., Lo11.: Cth & 1st ~ tt, N. and Am. N., ~ash. _ 18,3a0 Chatham &_ !:'he~n~ N .• N. Y.: Lou. N. TB!rr. Co. and C1hz.-VmonN •• Lou.; Am. N .. Nash. 25,500 Ky. Bk. & Tr. Co., lladisonville; Citiz •.Union Z ~ . . .. Lou. (/l 48,000 Uh &lstN., Nash.; C1tlz. Sn .. Paducah.  >  Jesse T. Bryant __ C. S. Rhea ____ ____ _  15,000  11,000  ___________________ A. B. Cornett_ _____ W.W. Lewis ______ E. F. Bog1?ess ____ _  50,000  50,000 1,700,000  896,980  11.200 N, Bk. of Ky. and Liberty Insurance, Lou.; 4th & 1st N .. Nash. 700,000 Chase N., N, Y.; N. Bk. of Ky,, Lou.  P. V. Cole _________ F. D. Perkins ______ E. L. Oeden _______ E. D. Pollitte _____ _  40,000  22,000 · 475,000  340,000  170,000 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Fifth-Thiru ~T·• Cin.  - - - - ·-------- --  25,000  8,130  ----  128,960  Rue ______ _  100,000  33,000  417,620  726,i20  Special attentl on given Bill or Ladln& Drafts, C ash and Time It ems. />leas e enclo,e 15 c with each ioht Draf_t for presenta tion and 25c for ea ch R epo 1·t. LARGEST AND STRONGEST BA NK HERE.  B. W. ALLIN------- J. E. STAGG--------- WILLIAM VANDIVIER -- H. C. BOHON--------  100,000  65,000  800,000 1.169,000  J. L. ISENBERG __ E. J. THISLER ------- G. W. EDWARDS ----- J.E. BROWN-------T. H. CARTER  100,000  44,700  -107,560  Ernest nurt;s _____ R. L. Dunagan ___  A. F. Drake ______ T. H. Coleman ____ J.E. Stael?,  Su. and Tr.  _i-71 -------------- :\I. Philip --------- F. P. James ________ W.  MERCER NATIONAL BANK  I  C:  c.  l  60,oool  598,120  an d all other Bank Ing bus Ines . { This bank give!\ prom1>t attention to Collection. Please cttd J;j,• tri lh h.td1 sit1hl ilrn/1 fo r prc8e11tatio11 and 2 :;c for Crrciit Rcpor ts.  lh. rtford _____ OhJo II 10 Bank ot Barttord ____ •il'84 J. W. ll'ord ___ ___ Rowan Holbrook_ C. O. Hunter _____ .Marearet Marks __ _ 78-318 I L Pop, 1160 Citizens Bank: __________ U'l-1 J.C. Riley _________ Alvin Rowe _______ R.R. Riley ________ -------------" " 73-310  I  0 ti5  1.920 Mercer N., Barrodsbur,:. 38,9Q0 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N. Oin.: Citiz.-Union auu Liberty In urance, Lou. 110,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Third ., Cin.  T,  Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Fifth-  54,260 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky. Liberty Iluu-ancc, Lou  and._ Ill  :, i::  Ill  ""  40,000  34,000  454,000  444,58U  67,500 N . Bk. of Ky .. Lou.;N. Dep .. Owensboro; City~ 'X ., E\'ansville.  25,000  1~.000  90.000  100,000  22,000IN. Bk. of Kr., Loo.  .· The 5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI-Resources $55,000,000 ~~b'~i~~~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisNumber under Name or Bank i, the New Tran11& Number gina  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest ,Ba~kl~g. P~int_ (!!!- •  Number under Nam• er Bank la the New Tran1lt Namber afyea  to each bank in U. 8. HclushelJ by The Band-MeNallJ Banken• 551 - - ~ - ~ • ~ ~ under_ tile ~hortty of The Am~rlcan Banker11 A.~s•n. ToWN AND OoUNTY.  I  NA.ME OP' BANK.  •County Seats. . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te F12 is Fed Re . Dist. !Mem. State. Bks.Assn. tPnv. .. L·ouisv'leBr.:cisCin.+)Iem.Fed.Res. [E~tab.  PRESIDJCNT.  OASBID,  VICE-PRESIDJCNT,'T CASHIER.  I I  LIABILITIES.  PA.ID-UP SURPLUS  C.A..PIT&L  LI  •t·oo  I  I  HAZARB BANK & TR. 73-709  Je se Morgan ..••.. C. G. Bowman ..•. J. A. Roan •.•••• _  D. H. Goodlette ••.  B. P. WOOTTON .... WM. PURSIFULL ••... W. E. ELLIS----··- ........••.•••....•. J. I. DEMPSEY ,Acting  50,000  J.B. mith Jake Mayer·--··-· H. F. Rose ••••••.. J. M. MarshalL ••••  R. A. Kash--- D. O. Rose _ _ _ Anna Center····. J.B. Cloud •.--·- w. M. Rice •.••••.. ·····-------·····-• Tho,'•· De_\ enny ·-- E. D. Ire on_ •••... -·-······--·····-··· C. E. Blair  l  I  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  ~  '<  1-•  23,030 $ 500,240 $ 470,4-10 $ 101,6001N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.- ~ Union N., Lou. _ 50.000 1,125,000 1,050,000 265,000. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 2,500  94,000 Han. N., ~~. Y.; 1st K., Lou.: Fifth-Third.· .• Cin.  235,000  200,150  50,000  30,000 1,100,000  950,000  WM. ELLIOTT-- J.1. LOCKETT--· E.L.STAILIIG,JR. S. K. SNEED.......  15,000  15,500  200,190  151,000  15,000  2,500  87,180  73,090  20,000  2,930  50,280  58,730  16,000  250  133,990  105.690  200,000  165.000 1,200,000 1,400,000  Special atte l ntlon paid coll ectlon depart ment. Traneaots a Commerolal B anking and Tr ust buslneaa.  &, TRUST COMPANY 11-oa  ITS  I  I  BANK  RESOURCES.  Lo,..,•»...  c.... • Kxc'Ta. Bo!rl>I, cmuoa,JlllW  DJCPos-  ~lodern Equip ment, ncellent I' acllitles, EO:tcient ervtce. Try u • { !ilpeclal attentio n gl"rnn Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash land Time item • rts. 1 Plra~e send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo  73-3711 •tl'Oi . Dees Bank .........• ·-·U'l6 ,E. B. Houston .•••• . Bazel Green73-671 Bank •• - . •U'06 ·' E. F. Oecil-··-·--· 73-f?U ... , Hebron Deuo~lt Bank._.,.§ 20 J. C. Clore·······13-,06 ... , . BANK OF HELLIER ··--•.,.§ 20 J. F. Justice-····· 73- 700 1  •Henderson •• Henderson *FARMERS 8 L Pop. 12,169 G 8 1 ,  35,000 $ 100.000  PERRY COUNTY STATE BAIIK W. H. Miller··----· F. J. E,·ersole_ •... L. F. Brashear ••.•• H. P. ~1oore .....• Hazel. ...... Calloway L 6 8 L Pop. •.415 Hazel Green Wolfe G 20 4C Pop. 300 Ilebron _____ Boone A 12 4 C Pop. 200 Uellier ..•. _.Pike E 16 4C Pop. 188-1  .A.ND PBOJ'ITB  no....__. - - - - - - - - - -honm• ----  AHawenille BancocltG ll l Hawesville Deposit Bank T. D. Hale •••..•••• W. D. Crammond_ G. C. Wilson •••••. M. T. Maston·---- $ IL Pop: 829 73-314 •U'li  AHazard_ ••.• Perry I 21 First National Bank .••• 4C Pop. -13-18 73-378  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.'), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl ' Yolume. For Interest Rates, Holiday , etc., see Laws. ~  KENTUCKY- Continued  ;,q tE1  200,000 4th N .. Cin.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  78,000 1st N., St. L.: Citiz. Sav .. Paducah: Bk, of Z Murray, Murray; Citiz.-Union .T., Lou. Co., i-i 29,080 1st N .. Cin.; Har2is Com'! Bk. & Tr. ~ Jackson. '7,280 Wash. Bk. & av, Co .. Cin. 0 ~  I  44,5-10,.T. City, J.. Y.; Fifth-Third ..T.; Cin.; .A.hland ..,< . A hland.  275,000 Bk. or America, N. Y.; N. Bk. or Ky.• Lou.: ~ N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Old State N., Evans- ,,, vllle, Ind. ~ ~  rJl  C0 RRESPOND ENCE INVITED.  •tl1900  1  I  I  *HENDERSON CO. SAV. BANK R. E. Pickens ••- •• 1Frank P. Tapp .•.. C. W. GeibeJ.. ____ C. 1. Meade-·-···· 73-54  •1tl900  *HENDERSON  iR. H. SOAPER -··· MALCOLM YEAMAN .. •l'64  *OHIO VALLEY  BANKING & TR. COMPANY 7a-5z  U'DO  •  c.  A. KATTERJOHN .. ROBERT E.JOHNSTON 200,000 Oldest Bank In Henderson Coon ty. 1 HUGH WILLIAMS Collections lnvl ted. Prompt, per lstent pre enta .tlon. I Remittance on day or payment. Reasonable Char ges. We get resuJ ts.  NATIONAL BANK 71-60  35,000  f  J: R: ~WIEf;··-· ,·o-kTIC~ny"···--- WII. H. STITES .•••• t ·D~·1Jls\~UL······1  j  Ch. of Bd.  MERRITT  Largest Bank In Henderson Count Besides general : bank.Ing Items a Personal handll ,ng by men of brc Please send 15c with each sight dr  300,000  27,5-10  483,280  ~  447,210  8 ,210 Chas~ N., N. Y.: ~-- Bk. of Ky. l!-nd Citiz.mon N,, Lou.; C1tiz. N,, Evansv1lle. ~  65,090 1,125,720 1,420,580  g  175,990 N, City, N. Y.: Fifth-Third N .. Oin.  <  s  ... ~  20%,680  950 ,000 1,446,820  250,000  . Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. Bkg. Co., and Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  J.•,  0  :J::  ;:;·  y.  nd collections, se nd us matters re quiring ad t1'1lst and ban king experience. 1 aft for presentati on and 25c for Ore dit Rep orts.  :,,;"'  3 SI,) ::,  *Peoplea8alinrs Bank.•tl'07 HermanBoo2.·--·· W. D. Lambert_•• W. B. Overby ••••• - -·--···-- ···7S-66 ·  l  25,000  5,800  120,620  11,320 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  124,840  Henderson Clearinr House •• C. A.. Katterjohn •• Clarence Geibel, J.M. Yeaman, ····---·-·-·-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - (Members indicaud bv a *) Sec. Mor.  J. M. HUBBARD -·- C. B. TRAVIS, Acti~e. B. C. RAMAGE •••... J. H, RUSSELL ···---  A  65,000  70,000  367,610  425,440  J1·1wc. COWGILL ... H. l. AMBERG ...... w. C. REED-··-·-·-- J. PYLE·····-······ 50,000 i ){MAN' 0 LDE 'T BANK C ORDIALLY INVI TES YOUR BUSI NESS. HICKMAN BAIK & TRUST CO. Special at~ntlo n given BIIJ of La ding drafts Cash and Time Item { 73  54.070  334.800  323.8-10  clcman Fnlton K 4 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK Hi 8 L Pop-2633 73-11!2 :1'118 • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  -llil  •ll'S&  67,300 Seab. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.: 1st N .. St. L.: 4th & 1st N .. Nash.  1 LARGE.ST BAN 1'.~ii&L6~~RN EQUIPMENT- PERSONAL SERVICE ' . Special attentlo I n given Bill of La ding draft , Cash and Time Items. : Please send 15c wi tl, each sight draftfo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor · ts.  {  Plea8e send 15c wi th each sight drajtfo r presentatio~ and  25c for Credit Repo;. ts.  I  84,800 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lon. (J1  1  l  .c.,, ......  Number under Name ol Bank ia the New Tran8lt Numbe, &inn  w each bank in U. 8. enlual.-ely by Tbe Rand-!WcNalJy Bankera• 552 Dirt-dory, under tbe ~tb~l!Y of Tbe Amerlc.-an Banke~& Ase'n. .====-=== NAl\1}4; OF BANK. TOWN .A.ND COUNTY. • .Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 5 tate •County Seats. Fig. is Fed. Re~. m~t. t:Mem. tate Bk:s. Assn. tPriv. [ E tah. Li· Loui. \''le Hr.-C i..; in. •~Iem . .E'ed. Re,.  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.n volume. For Interest Rates, HoJldays, etc., see Laws. ~  KENTUCKY-Continued -I  -----, •..RESOURCES.  --.-----,,--_ LIABILITIES.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  O.A.SHIEK,  ASS'T O.A.SHIER.  PAID-UP SURPLUS  D&POS-  CAPITAL PR~~~TB  1TB  '"•"• ,t D11.  -  PRINCIPAL OORRJ:SPONDENTS,  Oua 4 B:a:-  ci:~v::::• "::,";-._ -;t;_=: -1-----------------I 0  --- --- --- --- -  •Hlndman ____ Knott I 22 Bank of Hindman _______ tf'03 W. M. SturiilL ___ H. H. Smith ______ G. C. Smith ________ J. Bryan Smith ____ $ 73-515 4C Pop. 467  15.000 $  7,490  Hf1evilJe _____ Barren J 14 Hiseville Deposit Bank __ tf'03 J. Y. Wood-------- A. '. Edwards ____ R.H. Nunn ________ Miss Lizzie Hatcher 73-516 8 L Pop. 181  15,000  3,500  00,0001  93,000  ._Hod1?enville _Larue HH Farmers National Bank __ t"02 T. J. Poteet. ______ C. M. Heady ______ R.R. Har1?an ______ B. H. Daugherty •• R. L. Wright 73-338 8 L Pop. 1100  110,000  27,500  565,ooo:  902,950  105,000 Chem. N., N. T.; N. Bk. of Ky, aD(l Citiz. Union N,, Lou.  J.E. McPHERSON ,-------------------- CHAS. F. McKEE-- H. L. McPHERSON-  100,000  50,000  800,000  725,000  150,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. or I1 Ky., Lou.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 1~  -.Hopkinsville __ Christian J9 I LPop. 9,696  BANK OF  HOPKINSVILLE 73-67  CITY BANK &. TRUST COMPANY  FIRST NAT  Oldest Bank In !Hopkinsville. Modern metbo ds- prompt, efflcl ent, personal serv tee. Collections a 'pe<'lalty. Plra.-1e dnd 25r. u Wt well rcque,,t !01· RcJJort or Rrtti II{}.  I  160,000 1.025.000 1,050.000 250,000 ti0,000 W. T. TANDY ---- JOHN B. TRICE---- IRA L. SMITH ____-_ J. McCARROLL,JR. •- • •--• T. L. SMITH 1 0 Bank In Hopklnsvllle.  l  I  Only "HONOR R LL" The Largest an d Strongest Fina nclaJ Institution In Christian Co untf.  ~  Han. N., N. T.; cont. & oom'I N., Chi.; N. Bk., C:: of Ky., Lou.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 4th & I t, (') ~ • N., Nash. i,,<  I tJj  I  100,000  •:t'88  13,000 Citiz.-Union N .. Lou.  zti:,  C. LONG E. L. WEATHERS-- BAILEY RUSSELL -•R~t \lfal~LNG ---'L BANK l( GEORGE CoJJections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS ITbe accompanied by  73-70  151,4601$ 107,150 $ 59,220 Fayette N. and Phoenix & 3d N,, Lexini:ton.  _110,000 l,250,1001 1,010,000  450,000 Chem. N. and N, Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz.-Unionl ~ ~ N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lo11.  .  FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain. iuht dr aftx, 15c; recut Re port..~. 25c. These charges d ' o not apply to BU I of Ladln1 Drart 1s. Notes, or Bank and Cas h Item s.  ~  ·j  1:J::  A.H. ECKLES --- S. Y. TRIMBLE---- W. E. KEITH------ -------- ------ ----J.M. STARLING,  l  100,000  85,000  600,000  720,000  Sec.  105,000 N.OibandGuarantyTr.Co.,N. Y.; N.Bk.of Ky., Lou.; Old State N,, Evansville.  :3Ill  PLANTERS BANK & TRUST 1 Oldest Trust Co mpany In Chrl ti an County. COMPANY-73~8 ----- •t1'73 Acts as Executo r, Administrator, Guardian, and T rustee.  ...::,  Gives prompt a nd careful attcnt Ion tocoJJectlons.  Horse Oave _____ Hart I 13 1Farmers Deposit Bank-•U-93 John Altsheler ____ J. S. Withers ______ W. Ji'. Murphy _____ H.F. Mu taiu ____ _  I L Pop. 864  73-330  :fo. 0  50,000  37,500  500,000  539,000  60,700 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.: 4th & 1st N., Nash.  ~  ~  <  5·  Fir t 'ational Bank ______ '05 W. V. Bell ________ J. A. Scott_ ________ W. C. Cann ___________________________ _ W. T. Youn~ 73-331  25,000  25,000  650,000  385,000  Hastonville.Lincoln ll 16 National Dank of Hustonville Edward Alcorn ____ J. W. Powell ______ J. H. Hocker ______ W. D. Hocker ____ _ t'83 73-398 4C Pop. 372  50.000  46,140  199,700j  2118,740  38,9 0 Fifth-ThirdN., Cin.; Oitiz. -Union N., Lou.  25,0001  7.000  115,200  167,050  21,130 Fifth-Third N., Oin.; N. Bk. of Ky .. Lou.  •Hyden ________ Leslie l 20 Hyden Citizens Bank ___ t5'04 'l'. U. Lewis ________ L. D. L •wi~-------- W. S. Eversole ____ Mary Lewis ______ _ 73-517 4C Pop. 11.!  15,000  5,000  136,000  o. Bircl ________ H. S. Moffett ______ -------------------lndeoendence ____ Kenton Bank of Independence.•U-02 Howard Stephens __ O. E. Quick ♦ 73-518 O 17 4C Pop. 153  40,000  15,430  505.830  dnez ____ ---- Martin G 23 Inez Deposit Bank ______ :t 1'04 L. Dempsey _______ B. F. Richmond __ R. L. Hale _________ :\I. IL Allen ______ _ 73-519 4C Pop. 412  15,000  8,21)0  onr0}'---------11'. \\'allaco. _______ Jas. A. Wallace. __ T. E. ~·icholson •.•  15,000  25,000  530,000  300,000  169,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.: N. Ilk. of Ky., ~ Lou.  G. U. Williams _____ 0. W. Witt ________ W. P. Williams ____ II. Henderson ____ _ ons, W. 'I'. R. William ,\. F. Wrst IL H. l?rit•nd B nker 73-414 ------•t1'1l9  15,000  25,000  oos.oooll  550.460  465,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.; N. Bk. of Kv .• Lou.  Peoples Bank ___________ :t§'06 W. 0.  peed. ______ W. 'I'. )lurplly _____ J. W. Hoskins _____ W. C. Tapscott ___ _  73-399  lA.  4lrvlne ________ Estill0 IO Farm rs Bank of Estill County __ 73 15 ------•t§'0G 4C Pop, 2705 "  ________  "  lb.  06,0001  213,320 1st N .• Citiz.-Union N., aml Lou.  KENTUCKY-Continued  Bk. of Ky ..  n  51,000 Fifth-Third N .. Cin.  419,700  217,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N .. Oin.: Liberty .:.·. and 1st N., Cov.: Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  114,650  28,560 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Paintsville N., Paintsville: Kermit State, Kermit.  ..... !))  ::, ~  !)) ~  ·THE<FIFTH·- THIRD ~A:~ctlt,AL of CINCINNATI-THE BANKERS' BANK  .Numbe.r under Name of Bank i11 the New Transit Nombe.r given to each bank in U. . exclusively by The Rand-McNaJly Banker ' 553 under the authority of The A.merJcan Banker As ·'n. Directory, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .i: •  SINCE  1863  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Io.  -  -  '°  I:,.)  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thls ._. rnluma. For Interest Rates. Holldays, etc., see Laws. ~  Numbel' under Name of .Bank is the New Tran U Number given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest .Banking Point (In. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this '--4 D1!._ectory, under the aut~orlty o_f The A~e_rfcan Banker A s'n. _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ _ volu_llle. _F~r Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ ToWN - ... ND-COUNTY. NAME OF' BANK. LlAHILITIES. RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, i::: •Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. IStatr PRESIDENT. VICJC-PK:ttSIDJ:NT. 0.lSBill,'T CASHIER. PAID-UP Sm!PLUB DEPO"- to,,,&n ... c..n&E:rI» Fig. is Fed. Re ·. Dis1, Ufl>m.State Bk:s. Assn. tPriv. AND = C'TO Jk,xo• CDANGE.• Do• '"' Li Louisville Br. Cis Cm • • :Mem. Fed. Re.. [E~tab. _ _ _ _ _ ___: - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - ' 1 - - - - - - - - - ! ' I _c_A_PI_T_A_L., _P_RO_F_I_T~j _x_T_s_, _B_•c_·c_a1T_·,.._·· _n_o;._B_;_,.llS._1·----------------1 ~  553  KENTUCKY-Continued I  lrvln1tton __ Bre<'k'2e G 12 First State Bank _______ .u•o3 I L Pop. 655 73-356  w. J.  Pi2'2'0tL _____ J. M. Herndon ____ J. o. Payne ________ J. D. Lyddan______  I  15,000 1  1  10,000  ------------------  15,000  Kittin2"er -- T. R. Barnard _____ ---------------- ____  ~  265,000' $ 259,950 $ 30,000 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  i  I  E.H.Shelman&Co.,BankeJ E. H.Shelman _____ R.E.\Yood .. ------ MaryH.Oornwall. 73-357 *1'03  j  11,290  1-.)  196,510  168,200  57,170Citiz.-UnionN., N. Bk. of Ky, and Liberty...,. Insurance, Lou.  15,000  8,500 1 205,540  156,670  72,370 Han. N .. N. Y.: u. Union N., Lou •  .iackson __ Breathitt G 21 First National Bank: ____ •!'09 Chas. Terry ________ W. H. Pelfrey----- B. O. Sewell. _____ Winifred Brophy__ 4C Pop, 1503 1C. c. Gose 73-257  50,000  1 17,00o l 445,000 1  475,000  85,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  IA. H. Hareis----- / J.C. J. S. Redwine _____ E. I. Dawkins _____ Margaret Hargis __ _ Hur t  75,000  \  Islanldl___P_  _~~{aean H 10 Island Depofi~~ ---•t1'031IJ. W. P~tterson --- 1, Willis 1  0 .,  Harris Commercial Bank & Trust Company ______ •:W13 j 73-256  s.  N .. Owensboro; Citiz.-  ~  ti.i  I  I 40,000 1,000,000  F. F. Crawford  800,000 ,  Z  320,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Fifth-Third N,, Oin.; N. C::--i Bk. of Ky., Lou.  I  .Jamesto,rn_Russtlll J 16 Bank of Jamestown ___ .i5•99I R. E. Lloyd-------- / L. G. Bernard---- Walter McKinney_ F. F. Cook ______ _ I L Pop. 237 73-521 J. R. McFarland Jeffersontown- Jefferson Jefferson County Bank_•fl'05 D. Leichhardt _____ C.H. Bryan _______ W. B. Helt ___ _____ , F, H. Hoke _______ _ 8 L Pop. 2fJO E 14 73-522 C. A. Burdon Jenkins _____ Letcher J 23 First National Bank ___ •!'11 J. E. Buckineham_ l J. G. myth ________ E. L. Walters ______ 1r. J. Fergu on ___ _ 1 4 C Pop. 4707 7H48  I  I j  l  240,000  23;,000  47,000 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  4-15.000  35,000 Oitiz.- nion  18 I~  2:;,oco  10,000 ,  420,000  76,000  46.980  637,660  20,000  5,330  60,270  70 ,990  15,000  6,000  110,000  100,000  26,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.  Kevil _________ Ballard J 5, Kevil Bank -------------*1'08 J. W. Smith------- G. L. Ragland ______ J. 0, Ratter------ Lovie M. Evans --1 L Pop. 261 73-525  15.000  11,000  200,000  177,500  35.000 City N., Paducah: 1 t  Klrk:mansvllle--Todd J 9 Bank of Kirkmansville_ tl'04 J. R. Heltsley _____ -------------- R. E. Glenn------ Ada M. Pepper---8 L Pop.178 ?3-526  15,0~  4,000  150,000  80,000  Kirksvme_Madison G 18 Farmers Bank __________ U,05 :M. Coy ----------- W. A. Arbuckle ____ Clay Blakeman ____ A. E. Spurloch ___ _ 4 C Pop. 400 73-528  15,000  19,150  146,480  172,670  Knifley _______ Adair E 11 Farmers Bank ___________ §'20 W. T. Hendrirk~on ------------ Chas. Oam1>bel1 •••• -------------8 L Pop. 125 73-704 Kuttawa ________ Lyon J 7 Oitizens Bank __________ i5·94 G. P. Ordway _____ •. W. Utley _______ A. B. Thompson ___ Rhea Cooksey _____ ' I L Pop. 880 73-5211 I  15.000 -------- --------- ------·-- --------25,000  5,960  168,200  133,930  62,150?st N., Paducah; Citiz. Union N., Lou.  LaOenter _____ Ballard J 4 Bank of LaOenter -----•H'03 J.B. Manor _______ J. D. Rollings _____ F. O. Lovelace ____ _ I L POD, 627 73--530 La Fayette _Christian K 8 Bank of Lafayette ______ if'98 Q. A. Elliott _______ R. S. Wootton _____ J. W. II'. Williams_ _________________ I L Pop. 307 7!-5Sl , Marvin Lowry l  15,000  30,000  225,000  205,500  60,000 lstN.,Lou.;lstN.andCity .. Paducah;cairoN., Cairo, Ill.; .StockYds. ',, N.StockYards,Ill.  15,000  17,480 'I  193,960  199,320  49,0i0 N, Park:, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; City Bk.. l & Tr. Co., Hopkinsville; Fifth-Third .... , Cin  60,000  26,620  208,210  261. 710 I  32,420 N, Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Oin.; Citiz.-Uniou N.andN. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  BARNEY BALLARD-- 1J, B CLARK--------- R. H. SNYDER-------- S. H. CLARK--------15,000 . 20,190 PEOPLES BAIK-------•U'll8 { ntTEEN CENT s sent to us with each stgtd draft for presentation, and 7!-287 TWENTY-nvE CENTS for each credit report Jnsu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  369,210  371,710  47,70o johem. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N.and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. ~  I  Jonesville _____ Owen D 17 Jonesville Deposit Bank_is·94 H. J. Satterwhite-- J. R. Ennis-------- Eulysi· Jump ______ ------------ -------· 1 I L Pop. 133 73-523 Junction City _Boyle H 17 First State Bank -------•tl'Ol W. M. Trosper _____ I. F, Shelby------- touls Kriener----- ___________________ · I L Pop. 722 73-524  ;  •La Grange_ Oldham E 16 8 L Pop. 1060 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OLDHAM BANK & TRUST CO. 7!-286  •U-12  651,60(,  Acts as admJnls; trator, executor · an,r guardian.  Lon.  ~ I  170,240 N._pity, N. Y.: Fifth-Third N,, Cin,: ~. Bk. of•i Ky,, Lou.; A hland N., .Ashland. C/l  -  12,980 Fifth-Third N .. Cin., Citiz.-Union N,, Lou.  '"I  I~. I ::, T,,  IIr+i  Lou.  85,000 N. Bk. of Ky, and Citiz.-Uni.on N., Lou,  0  ~ I»  11,120 1st N., Oln.  0 "'1 I»  ,~ :,  '  P. S. HEAD ______ R. O. DUNCAN----- •J. W. YAGER------ J. T. YAGER ------  i  I  AT .,  Special attentlo .n given Bill of La 'ding drafts Cash and Time Items. Plea.~e. Ren<l 15c w; ith each. ig11t draft , for presentation a nd 25c for credit re port.~.  I  I  umber under Name or Bank i the ew Transit Number 11:iv<-n to each bank in IT . .'. e clush'ely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Direct-Ory, under the _authority of The Am~ri~a2!!'-er~ss'n.  -  -  -  -·  •Lancaster_Garrard H 17  4C Pop. 2166  I  -----  ~  X.011-: uF B ..\. "K. Tow A. n oou.'TY. I •)!err>. Am. Bks. As ·11. §::-tate •Countv , eat·. Figure i. Fed. I{(•~. <Ji~t. Blem. tate Bk,.,\ s11. tl'riv. Li Loubvill•' Br.CL Cin. ♦)Iem. Fed. Hes. rns·ah.  '.\SHIER.  PnEHIDE. 'T.  I  --  -  Non-Bank Towns with Neare. t Banking Point (InACCP;-;,), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in baek of thi. 0, --=-=-==-=-=-=-=====-==========="'=o=-h=11=n"=-·=l=~o=-r::-;--:-I_nterest Rates, Holidays, etc,, see I,aws. ~ - , Pm. ·c1PAL CoRRESPO:o;o~sTs. ~i:IteE-;;-- 1 I; L~IB;;-,  KENTUCKY -Continued As  ·'T  .-1.sHIJ::Il.  -------  i!izPn 4~a•ional 1hn',-•t'83 B. F. llud.on ______ J. J. Walker _______ L. G. David.on ___ _ W. 0. Rigm'y . ___ _ 1 73-241 1  dexetl  p UD-UP 0-  SURPLUS AND  DEPOS-  ~ Lo,N1 a: c'TB,  DrsDoso~,  C,ou & Excn..1.~GE  :\.PlTAL P R O F I T S , ~ ~  ,Doz  .-ao>rn,._~"'t-----------------  j  50,000 '  76,000 $ 323,510;  493,230 $ 102,-130 Fifth-Third N., Oin.; Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk.of Ky.,Lou.  50,000  30,220  397,ilO  I  GARRARD BANK & TR. CO.  i1·1M1  73-242  1  iR. E. McROBERTS -- W. R. COOK---------- J. W. ELMORL ______ E. L. GADBERRY ___ _ W. S. HOPPER Besides general banking Items an d collections,  39-1,560  send us matters requiring person al handling by m en of broad trust and ban klnE ei: perlenc e. Pleaise send I5cw ilh  316,180 Chase.·., N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co. and~·. Bk, of Ky., Lou.; J.l'ittb.-Third N., Cin.  I  ight Drafts Jo r presentation and 25cfor Credit Repo rts.  National Bank of Lancaster Alex. R. Denny ____ John E. Stormes __ S. 0. Denny __________________________ _ •t·55 73-240  50,000  60,780  296,2-10  271,030  r.tonla Sta._Kenton B 17 ll'irat National Bank _____ •t'02 J.M. Lassinf ______ H. C. White ______ H.B. Beck ____ G. T. Behm _______ _ 7S-ff <Cuvinoton P. 0.) 4C Pov. 7000  25.000  17,000  350,0CO  319,300  Latonia De1>osit Bank __ •tf'OII R. Lee Bird ________ J. i'. Ostendorf ____ W . .l. Hardebeck _____________________ _ 1s-g7  25.000  15,000  •IAwrencebur1rAnderson Anderson National Bank•t"IIG J. W. Gaines ______ D.J.Moore,Jr. ____ L.B. KcBrayer ____ L. W. McBrayer __ , Ezra Mc Brayer 73-223 F 16 I LPop. 1 11  100,000  115,000  W.T.Bond ______ J. LB.Birdwhistell J.K. John1on _____ J.L.Sherwood ___ _ Lawrenceburg Nat.Bank Robt. E. Johnson J. L. Cole •i·ss 7S-224  125.000  R. E. Younr _____ A. J. Grundy ______ J. A. Kelly ________ O. J. F..dmonds ____ _ T. C. Jackson J. A. Kelly  100,000  9-1,300  480,300  729,300  Farmers National Ilank __ t•uo R. 0. :Mc0horc1 ____ R. O. Clarkson ___ F. L. Dant _______ J. L. Spalding ____ _  50,000  35,000  350,000  305,000  o. D. Thomas _____ . E. o. Litsey _______ _  150,000  93,890  i-15.150 1.14G,360  15,000  1-1,0-10  233,o:-,o  222,0-10 • 42.010 Chem. N.,N. Y.; Oitiz.-Union N., Lou.  •Ltltchfteld _Granonll 12 Grayson County State Bank R. J. Bassett_ ______ E. B. Tllford _______ E.T. hrew bury __ A. Moorman ______ _ J.C. PickPrill 73-304 IL Poo. 1077  25,COO  16.000  435,000  470,000  Leitchffeld Deposit Bk. _tf•g7 H. R. Jones _______ E. W. )1cClure ____ Frank Gardner ____ Holmes Gardner __ _ Percy ton 73-305  50,000  51,lGO  932,270  891,570  236,86Jllndustrial, N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  Lewi,.burr----Loran J 10 Lewuiburr Bankinr Co.•U"94 0. A. Bland _______ ' J. 11:. Milam _______ _ Bland Arnold ______ R. R. ~cClcllan __ 73-534 IL Pop. 33J  15,000  17.860  281.123  rn;,4sol  113.680 Lou. N. Bkr. Oo. and Citiz.-Union  LewiAport_Hancock FlOI Bank of Lewisport__ ____ tf•g5 J. 0. Pell __________ T. B. Hender on __ _ S. T. KcGill _______ Acla McGill ________ 73- 535 IL Pon. 5n  15,000  12,000  250.000  223.000  75,320 Chem. N .. N. Y.:. Citiz.-p-nion N: and N. Bk.I~ t'%'.I of Ky., Lou.: Fifth-Third N., Om.  z  ~  8.400 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; J'lfth-Third N., Ola.  C  ()  425,000  350,000  93,000IA.m. Ex. N., N. Y.; lat N., O0Tin1ton.  :~ I  . tJj  ,>  •Leba'lon ___ Marion II 15 Oitizens National Bank __ et'6 7S-170 IL Poo, 3230  73-172  MARION NATIONAL BANK  W. P. Myers _______ lo. D. Thomas ______  •:•74  73-171  1  I  W. B. Beaven  W. B. Timmons 'R.L. palding  Lebanon Jct._Hullftt G 14 Lebanon Junction Bk._ •U•g7 R. ll. Hocker ______ W. T. Jenkins _____ W. M. Heizer _________________________ _ 7S-53Z IL Pop. 82  •tl'lll  I  850,000 1,111,000  ~  140,000 Industrial, N, Y:,ilst N.,Oin.; Oitiz.-Union N.· rJl and N. Bk. of .is.y ., Lou.  .I  165,000  890,000 1,158,000  r-4  90,000" Chem. N •• N. Y.; Citiz. N., Oin.; Oitiz.-Union ~ :, N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. (")  0) (I)  86,800 N. Bk .. C9m. a_nd <;J~em. X., N. Y.; Cont. & ; Com 1 ., Chi.; C1t1z.-Un10n N. and N. Bk. ,; of Ky., Lou.; 1st N., Cin.  38,500r••·  N,. M. Y.; Oiti,_,.Union N., Lou,  139,010 Chem. N., N. Y.; C1t1z.-Un1on N., Lou.  40,000 Bk. of America. N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkr. Co., Liberty In urance, and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  ., Lou.  62.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N .• Lou.  The 5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI-Resources $55,000,000 ~Jb ~i~~! Number under Name of Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  i■  the New TnuuU Number ·ven  Point (InBanking' Towns with Nearest # .fhl.-.. ; .. I' .... ~n-n~\  '--4  Namber under Name of Bank i• the New TraaaH Number siven  to each banJt in U. S. esclmlvel7 by The .lland-MeNally Ban.ken• 555 ==-t.,o ry, under the au~horlty o~ T_!I! ~merlean Banke~•~· r ee _~ ===='.::..Dl -  ToWN  AJlKOF BANK. -  -I  -l  . - -_I _____ -  *BANK OF COMMERCE•t1·12 i r. W. Kantle ••••... 7S-l0  I  OilHID.  PRlNClP.U CORRESPONDENTS:--- ~  LUBILITIJtS.~----RESOURCES.  .!ss'T OASHIICJl.  C  Richardson_. F. G. Stllz _ _ _ H. A. Stilz __ ••••• : lJ.0. W.D. Randolph  AND  ITAL  rao"B•><KL,-----------------1~  SccD&ITl£&  2 875000 $ 191.820 Han. N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Oin.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Liberty Insurance Lou.  200,000 2 500 000  300,000  '<  c'T•. BoNow, CU.lNG  ~  PROFITS  ~  Lo•,.••»1•· 1 c .. m&E"· .. ,Do•  DEPOS-  PAnHJP StTRPLus  1  I  ~~~~~  ~~  N. City, N. Y.; Flf th -Thlrd N., Clo.: N. ~"o~!!tL!!!~f We make an earne~t T;J!~t ~brough efficient empJoye~s Bk. of Ky., Lou. Item sent us and remit promptly, thus affording a SUPERIOR .. . ___,___ ___ ___ ___ collection department.  NATIONAL BANK  •!'701  *First & Gib Tational Bank J. w. Stoll •••• - •. _IJ.E. McFarland __ J.E. McFarland._ IJ. w. McMeek:in_.. ·F.C.Bell .J.G.Stoll •l'65\L.G.Cox, ·73.2 Jos. Harting Ch. of Bd. B. K. Mc.Adams Alex. Dunlap, Jr.  516,660 N. _Bk. Com._, N. Y., Corn Ex. N., Oh1., FranklmN.,Phil.  450,000 3,122.200 5,766,130  800,000  I  CHARLES LAND- ,,. ftRADLEY ___ WM. H. PORTER-·- F. L. SNYDER ..... _ 150.000  l *PHOENIX &THIRD/w.  & T.~v.n *GcUo\t'1n.,t.!\J ····  •:·11 . 1  I  :iJ.  800,000 '  ~  6-16,130 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., .~ Chi.; 1st N., Clo. and PhD.; N. Bk. of,Ky. and Cltlz.-Uolon N., Lou.; 1st. N., ~ Bo ·. C/l 100,200 Phoenix & 3d N., Lexinl?'ton.  Z8U20 3.22!!,660 5,736 680  •-  J.M. Sellers, Sec,_  100.000  A. S. Mitchell_....  150,000  J. Robt. Smith,  5C0,000  .i;;.soo  j  • '  {  615.:i00 166,720 1.0-13,750 J.367.100 150,000 1,256,940 1,961 160  "  350,000  Farmers & Merch. Bk, _•.tf•og V. B. llorton ...... D. . mith .•••••• K. K. Quisenberry. ·······-··-··-····-  I  First State B!ink •••••••• U'l7 L. H. Davi -····--- \Y. T. 4myx_···--IT. C; \\ elch , 73-673 Bank: of LockporL ...••.U 05 Ive Cox --·-······- i G, W. Cllldwell ···. . A. Clements . 75-538 Farmers State Bank .• -•U 14 W. H. Poynter.···- . c. C. Haiti .•. -.•••• , 73-li67 NATIONAL BANK OF LONDON D. C. Edward■ ••••• T. A. Porter_ •.••• 73·227  •i·oa  IA. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INVESTMENTS FOR BANKS MATURINGATCONVEN IENTDATES  -  75.000 1st N., Cin.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  320,000  30,000 -- ·- -···- -·-··-··-  u,,ooo  14.000  290,120 I 205,0CO  C. C. Brown--·-··- Lyda Cook-··--·--. . T. L. Furnish.. •.••• Bertha Furm~h ·--  15,000  1,100  70,980  77,580  15,000  6,000  70,000  99,950  D. F. Brown ••••••• ··················--  20,000  10.000  425,000  300.000  R. C. Eversole·-··- H. :M. Yaden __ ••••·  25.000  25,100  517,370  409,220  J. Garred •••••• _ G. R. Vinion •••••• ··-······-···-·-· •Loul!la ••• LawrP-nce F 23 First National Bank •••• •t'91 M. S. Ilurn■ ••••••• . _7!·251 4C Pop. 2011 Loulaa Nat1~s!iornk. ___ t 04 Augustus Snyder •• L. H. York·······- 11.. i'. Conley ...... G. R. Burress •.... " ........ .. 1  g  ?o,,  ----·----  30,000  176,610 Han._N. ~nd N. Bk_. Com .. N. Y.: Ft. Dear ... ~., Chi,; O1Uz. N., Cm.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  0  36,000  ..  ..  5·  _ ······- -·······- Logan & Bryan, N. Y. and Chi.; W. L. Lyons ~ ~ Lou. & •••••••.• Robi)lSOll & co., N. Y.: Halsey, Stuart & Co., ;· ll) Ch1.; J. L. Dunlap & Co., Lou.  !MASSIE & BARR ····-····'16jlNV~TMEN'l' S ECURJTIES, STOCKS, AND BON DS ····--··-··-- -··---·-· -···--··· ···-··-····--Lexinl?'ton Olearinr House ___ J. W. Porter ••·--· W."H. Porter-·---- G. S. Weeks. --- --Su;. and Tr.  71-275  r-4  156,8;i0 Han. N .. N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; Fifth- ~ >< Third .. Cin. 155,590 N. City, N. Y.; Harris "!'r, & Sav., (!hi.; Union Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cm.: N. Bk. Ky., Lou. Cl'Q  61,140 1,553,520 1,475,280  (BondandStor.kB rokers>---·--- W.L.L:yons. Jr .. Mgr,--·-······--··-- --··-···· -······· Members X. Y. St• ock Exchange. AI e mbers Chicago Boa rd of Trade.  . CMtmhtrs indicated b11 a*) Liberty _•• ···- Casey I 16 Commercial Bank _____ ._U'D5 E. H. Kidd -·-····- lit. L. Sh;up -····- A. P. Younr-···- ·- M. J. Humphrey--· 73-536 8L Pop. 368 ,, itizen,. ·a1e Bank • ____ §'21 J.B. tone ________ J. D. Taylor _______ L. W. Cundiff _____ ··--·····--··-·-···I i3-i18  Livermore. _.M cLeanHlO 8L Pop. 1426 Livin~stoo RockcastleI 18 4C Pop. 703 LockoorL •••. Henry E 16 BL Pop. 137 •London .••.. La nrel I 19 4C Pop. 1707  I  I  571.600  1  W L LYONS & CO •······· '781I  z  •-  i-  -  If"+  T. WILKERSON-16. A. BAIN····-··-- E. R. BLACKBURN -•• 0. P. EASTIN-·-·--·- 100,0011 HAROLD REDD Refer your patr ons to us. Court eons treatment a ssured. Collections and all business entru sted to us given p rompt. careful at teotlon •  71·7  C::: n  I  1  *UNION BANK&TR.CO.•U'06  •  ~ ~  _________  .A. Ste. and .A. Tr.  , '  Liberty Insur-  --- •-  *Phoenix&ThirdTr.Oo.•tl'13 1w. A. McDowell ._ 1w. II. Courtney ··- B. M. Darnaby, Tr. · w. P. Headley 73·8 *SECOND NATIONAL BANI 1J. H. Graves·-····· W, K. Patter on ••_ Georre 8. Weeki .. •t'83 7S-4 *Security Trust Oo._ .. -•U'86 0. N. Jhnllinl--•-- H. K. Gran~ ·----- 8 . .!. Wallace, Sec. and Tt· . I{, 'I'. Antler. on ♦ 7S-g  c~~~e 1tou~·N!i'{  1  I  Collections a specialty. Presented anywhere within the city. Remitted for on day or payment.  180.000  62,000 1,580,000 1,826.000  I  Makes Abstract /s of 11f1~~TE!ua ,rantee1 Titles to Real &tate. Transacts a ge oeral Trust Busl ness. GIVES SPECIA. L ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS.  A, McDOWELL •••• ff. p, iEADLr-··---B. M. DARNABY ••••• c. Y. FREEMAN---J.M. SELLERS W. H. OURT EY  NATIONAL BANK  ~  t%J  1  7S·i  ~  !::  - - - - - - - - - - - - = ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - -- --,-- -H. w. MOORES-.•• w,, L. COONS •••.. w. F. WARREii-···IJ.- -E. -BASSETT-···· 1  *f AyET TE 7S·S  I  -------1---------------•~  VIc:S-PRESIDJCNT PIUCSIDkNT. •Kem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. IS ta te •Oounty Seau . . Fig, is Fed. Re . Dist. Ufem .State Bk:s. Assn. +Priv., [Estab. - - - - - - Li Louisville Br.-CirC(n ♦:Yem. Fed. Res.  •Lfttn1ton •• Fayette F 17 4C Pop. 41,534  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thL ,';4 volume. For Interest Rate , Holidays, etc., see Laws, ::,  KENTUCKY - C_c:>?_ftnue d  1>0.000 • 43.810 50:000  48.000  448.600  I  358,210  40,000 Lt~T" Lou.; Citiz. N., Evansville, Ind.: Dep., Owen boro. 18,360 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  ...  11,400 Lou. N. Bier. Co., 'Lou. 125,000 Chem. N .. N. Y.: Fifth-Third '., Gin.; Liherty In. urance, Lou. 168,860 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.: Fifth• Third N .. Cin. 190,270 Tian. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Oin.  I  I  166.180 N. Ilk:. Com., N. Y.; J'ifth-Third N., Ola.  66 ,5501 575,H0  '  C 0Nr1NENrAL AND C orv,_M~Rc1AL B _ _ _, CH_I GAGO _ ANK _s  VI (Jl (Jl  LOUISVILLE- Reserve City  Number under Name or Bank ie the New Tran It Number given to each bank in U. S. etclush•ely by The Raud-lUcNally Banker ' Dlreetory, under the authority of The .A.merh·an Bankers Ass•n.  556  NA~E  OF' BANK,  -  -=- -  -  •Mem. Am. Ilks. Assn. §State niem. State Bks; Assn. tPnv. •~em.Fed.Re.. [Estab.  ,  J.  21-lO  I - - - - -- -  -  PRESIDENT.  *Citizens Union Fourth Str~et J. Bank------21-60 ________ •§ 19  *CITIZENS-UNION NATIONAL BANK  -  (Branch of Federal Reserve District No. 8)  VrcE-PitESJDENT.  c. Cardwell ____ ,J. H. Wa_~erflll  Ass'T CASHIER  CASHIER.  I  Isham Budges  ----1-------.-------  w.A. B.R. DAVIS COBB  •  DAUMONT  . .  J. H. ME~!~i~tller E. R.  Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals received on Favorable Terms. U usurpassed Collection Service. We respectfully invite your business.  •1'63  -, L  EPos1Ts  PR~;~s DE~~~ITSI B.~;KB  __I  _  ___  _  ___  $  l00,000 $ -  -  -  PKINCIPAL CORRESPONDKNTS.  M1sc■t.- I  oNos,  T~~~~~ ~. _  ___  11.11  Vl  11  O't  CAsn  R1:s~~~!s Rz ouaCJ!ls 1  -----i--------- ------ ----- C1f~:  - - - - - - - --  j  B itESOURCES . 1  cg~i;Ts  •1  50,000 --------- - - - -  1  I  OANB &  1  - -- -- - - 1- - - -  o. STEWART------ J. R. DOWNING------ Jos. M~HNER --- ~- TM!oE/JWETHER -  D  PAID-UP i SuRPLue IN01vrn-  ·_  CAPITAL  ____ J. H. Waterflll  I:iASJ~~-  (Jefferson, E 14) County Seat. Pop. 234,891  - - - - --  N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N.,  ---  1  I - -1- ---1 --I I I  Z,204,590 $10677170 $6,868,0401$19126980$3,%47,080 $5,081,080$ 814,750 N. Bk. · Com., Indu trial, and 1 Chem.N .• N.Y.:Cont.&Com'I I N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.  1,000,000  I I  I  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ j_________  ;  :  Federal Land Bank ___ --Dist. 4 (Bes page 32 for com plete information) I Fed.era! Re~erve Bank 0 / (Branc,, of ~ t. [Ju ,a. (For com plete infn rmation ' see page 27)_ ______ __________ __________ __________ 1 t. Loui __ 21-59 ____ • · • 1 ~ *Fideli~Y • Columbia Tr~ .t L. w. Botts ________ Menefee Wireman. G. ;r. Lewis _______ J. F. Speed, Tr, ___ 2,000,000 828,650 3,442,100 ------- 3,182.770 1,833,920 432,250 908,580 Bk. of America, Bkrs. Tr. Co., J.P. C:: ____ 2l-5L ____ •i§ 82 L. \l. ~ender,S~c. M~rmor,A.Tr. Morgan & Co., and Gu~ranty T:,;. 0 _____ ~ -~,-----~L.F. l1chael,A.,'icc. L~.I11ler, A. Tr. _ _ l----1 ____ ___ _ ____ Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com I N., Ohi. ~  >---------------- ____________________ ,____________________ I  z  I  :  IJ.P.  E. l. SWEARINGEN--R. C. GIFFORD ----H. l. ROSE, 'L BANK J.M. MONOH~~• (?,TL\3ILL FIRST NAT ELAM HUDDLESTON P. ~:  First tand.'.l1ii link __-  -  LIBERTY INSURANCE 21-11  5'R.: ~:{ft~~~~ ____ Embr." Lee .Myers_ C.K. L. o. Gifford  -  W. S. KOHNHORST--F. C. DORSEY R. M. FIBLE, JR. R. G. BICKEL  Largest State Bank in Kentucky. Member of the Federal Reserve System. Every Modern Banking Facility is Maintained. Bill of Lading Collections Entrusted to Us Receive Prompt Expert Attention.  •il'Si  + 21-68 •il'05 *LOUISVILLE NAT'l BANK  cng -------- 1  350,000  SEE ADVERTI SEMENT ON KENT UCKY IN 1DEX.  and St. L., Fifth Third N., Clo.  500.000  - Federal Reserve Bank.'i5 of St. Louis  c.n  179,160! 2,833,690 ----------  b  1  1,566,300  219.940 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Chi. ~ ____ ____ _ _ _ ..... 6,753,290  206.520  S d  I  , : I ._ _ _  -  I  __I _ _  1  ~  -  I  ,--I  I  ---••---•M1IAP·  122.600 _Z.836,880 -90,690, , 2,130.980 1  ! ;  I  i·-  06,100  182,740 200,030  3,888,910  •  '  .  •  . . ,  ..  I•  : :  If  ''  .  '  ff  1  713,160  343,310  682.350 Irving N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N,,  Ctn.  8-15,610  l  -  I  ~  -,-------  3,608,750  2.m., •l---------11,567,500  1,383,850  I 1,253,2101  LOUISVILLE-Reserve City-(Continued)  ::,  35,610  958,890 N. City and Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & C Com'! N .. Ohl.: 1st N., St, L. ~  391.790  20!!,600 Bk. of Am. and Guaranty •rr. Co .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.;. Ierch • .N., Balt.; ~iss. Valley Tr. Co., \0 St. L. "-'  No. 20 - The FIFTH - THIRD NAJl~~AL of CINCINNATI--- OVER .  ~  10,000, ________-:, ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------  SEE ADV. 0 N BACK 1 KENTU ICKY  500,000  ==  '4  _ _ _ _ ,_ _ __,  t·  CHARTER  Y:: 1st N •• Chi. l:Jj  I  •i- - - - u - - - - 1  I  A fully equipped Commercial Bank giving Prompt and efficient attention to all collections.  In.  1.947,690 ~ ~ A m . EI, N,: N.  500,000 930,110 13,950,300 1,536,610 11,588,660 4.393,000 447,860 3,035,470 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I - - - - - - - • - N.,Chl.;lstN.,St.L.  -  Richard Bean ___ __ Hen Weaver ____ J. Icttalre _____ . T. Bate ____ ____ __ •i"08 J. H. Leather , • Thruston Ballard . A. Duerson Ch . oj Bd C. F. Leathers COMPANY John Stites ________ J.B. Pirtle------ -- AneerNu Gray, 'l'r. ,\. <L tith, ,'1c. __ •:. '84 A. Cl, Stith I•'. \V.Oates, .4.• Tr, E. B. Hawes, .. 1. ' ((', IL Bosw<:1/: Sll' .1  ~  ~~  I  V.J. BULLEIL----- P. L. ATHERTON --- - C. L. BALTHIS------ PAUL COMPTON,Sec, 8. BERN HEM W. E. KAEGI, A . Tr . J. F. EISENBEIS, PAUL COMPTON • A. Sec.  c.  305.3801 5,534.280  I  L.A. John. on, Auditor )  W. F. Woodward  Supt,ofYau s  LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Zl-62  -  500,000  I  I  I  GAINES------  i: ~: UlsNN  A. P. WINKLER------ F. R. MERHOFF ----- E. F. KOHNHORST --1H. C. WALBECK, J. E. HUHN J. W. WROCKLAGE, Ch. of Bd. ROBT. N. COOK A. Cash. A. C. THUM, lt  BANK  LOUISVILLE TRUST  s. s.  Cash.  OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE SOUTH. We offer uperlor Service to Banks and Merchants. Bill of Lading Collections our Specialty. Personal ervlce. Moderate Charge. - '21 \ ' iJ..,011 Iovl't t_ ____ w. w. prad.ling __ Joo;;, R. nay ________ A. L. Simp.;on _____ 100.000 G. C. Clemen R. L. Jones  KETNRTUC KYPATITLE SAV. P,~- & E. L. Swearin~en __ .C 0Ml NY+21- 5-L•,..1900  Zl-20  71d  •i'63  21-5  •  V. P. a  :<  FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE -  =  - " • '  -  -~  •  •  - ,.  ! • •  ~  : •  LOUISVILLE- R eserve c·t 1 y - (C 00 t"lOUed) (Branch  umber under Name or Bank is the New Tran ·ft Number given to each bank in U. S. e cJu lvely by The Rand-lUcNally Bankers' Directory, under th~ au_tllorlty of !_he_ ~mel'l~•an Banker~ A_· ·'n.  - --1\  • II  II  ;  PRESIDE!iT,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  [Estab.  *NATIONAL BANK  OF KENTUCKY n-1  of Federal Reserve D I ~ No~ 8)  -l-  -  I  \ A s'T CASHIER,  CASHIER,  PAID UP  =====.:(=J=e::..:ff=e=r=so n, E. 14) County Seat.  I  LIABILITIES.  I  RESOURCES.  su~NPLDUS INUDIAVLID- DEPOOFSITS LOANSI BONDS, ~ & Dis- SECURICAPITAL PBOJ'ITS DEPOSITS BANKS _c_o_u_N_TB_ ,T_I_E_S,_E_TO_  JAMES 8. BROWN --- EARL S, GWIN ______ C. F, JONES-------- O. A. BLOCKI------H.J. ANGERMEIER L. L. FONTAINE H. O. ORMSBY H. R. GRANT JAMES J HAYES D W GRAY 2,500,000$ 3,312.040 25838020 10364840 f.l.OUGANTHOMAS GREEN - - - · E. 8, ROBERTSON E. E. LEE Accounts of Banks HENRY THIEMANN F. L MOSELEY I A, P. RAMSER ;corres 1pon de JOHN S. AKERS N. H. DOSKER 1  ior( iu~~BEI.  N  31642780 $8,418,910  259,110 $8,849,380 N, Bk. Com, and Guaranty Tr• ...,. Co.,N.Y.;Cont.& Com'IN. nd a Corn Ex. N., Chi.  - - - and B lanker s rece·, ved.  I  nee in vlted.  I  United States Trust Oo .•-•tl'02 B. B. Veech _______ 21-65  131,520 1 1,031,830  491,650 ~ -386°]40 Han. N,, N, Y.: 1st N .• Chi.  15,070  709,410 __________  355,160  185,840  79,640  890,310  43,380  488,800  164,970  30,000,  25,920 ,  572,990 1  613,130  165,930  28,120  180,360 1Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. a n ct ;;,::; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou, tz:l 432,570 N. ~k. Com .., N • Y. and 8t · L.; Phil. N,, Phil.; N. Hk. of Ky., Lou . .....3 197 710 Guaranty Tr. and Bkrs. Tr. Cos., N. --:a ' Y.:Citiz.-Union ,andlstN.,Lou. C (')  Z  i---- ____ 1____ ____ __________ _____ ____ ____  I  :;ii:: i,,<  I  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS \  ...  '  ;  -"'"'  I  BLOCK FETTER & Co Incorporated  ' (418 W.Jetier:on ~t.)  Bernard N. Block. Pru. Sidney A. Fetter, Vice-Pru.  Suitable for Binks See Advertisement on Margin Kentucky Map.  •19  (St-Ock · wul JJoll(/ll)  JOHN L. DUNLAP & COMPANY ______ ·90 { We wire prompt answers Inquiries.  'A  YEAR ESTA.B· LISHED.  to  WL LYONS & CO 1  1  O  FFICERS.  !( s. <'.L.L11,ms. B.M. r..G.L11om1,l Lyons, Partners  ---  { Cons~r,tative Short Term Notes and Bonds  1  tt1  -===~====-~==:.=-:::===~~====== ==;=:=======i' > 1E. Z  CORRKSP0NDENTS. •Mem. Am. Ilks. ssn. :t:Mem. tate Bks. Assn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. 1  L:;TEA,AB~ OFFICERS. ____ LI_s_·H_E_D. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  1  'i8  (125S.5thSt,)  all E. F. Leland &Co., r. Y. and Chi.; Stone & Webster, Bos.  JV. L11011<'. J.JI. War<lc11  CORRESPO, DENTS. :;ii:: __________,  enI  Logan & Bryan, Chi.  T  Y. au d t'"4  -  1  (Investment Bonds)-------------------·· _____ N. City Co., N. Y. and Corres- (') pondent Offices. 0  INVESTMENTS  ( 404 W. _Iain Street)  HENNING CHAMBERS, CHAS. L. McCRlW, HARRISON HUNTER  J. J. 8. HILLIARD & ~ON (130 So. Fifth St.)  JOHNSTON & CO.  (507 Paul Jones Bld<T.)  Members: New York Stock Exchange. Louisville Stock Exchange.  '95  INVESTMENT SECURITIES  ' 72  CORRESPONDENTS:- C. I. Hudson & Co., N. Y.; Kini, Farnum & Co. and Wm. A. Read & Co., Chi.  w~~~'r/cSit- N. Y.;Logan&  I  { J. toddard Johnston, Jr. } B ·t ,. and Arthur B. Zubrod m l!t:I i; Post and Flagg, N. Y.; •. City Investment Securities. Members Louis- I Co .. Chi.; A. G. Edwards & .18 < vfile Stock Exchange. Sons, St. L. Prompt and Efficient Attention given all Inquiries relative to Loulsvllle and Kenl tucky Securities. Write or Wire us.  I I  'O  C: ;· <:::.·  INVE THENT BROKER . MEl\lBF,RS: New York Stock Exchange, Loul ville Stock Exchange, Chlcaio l Board of Trade.  { See Adv. Paie 3. ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'NATIONAL(Paul CITYJones COMPANY---------'16 Bldg.)  HENNING CHAMBERS & co.  g  c~sB REs~uBcEs  -  266,180 -2,254,470 ____ -1.835~640  350,000  I  SI> ,; R_111_so_uu_o111_s _ _ _ l - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ~ MIBC.IIH,-  LANJ11ous  1.0  *Security Bank _________ *f'll7 _0_hA_rl-es_ H _ . -B-ohm -er--G-eo- r-re Gut~------ Charles Gutif ______ H. Nellis Kraft ____ ~200 000 21-18 ' Soulh Louisville Bank --•tl'04 L. S. Leopold ______ Pope McAdams ____ Pope McAdams ____ 1-------------------25,000 2Hi7 1W. H. Coleman *STOCK YARDS 100.000 21-611BANK ... •U-04 0. H. Wulkoll ----· c. W. Stoecker---- c. A. Yann -------- -------------------.Thru ton Ballard E. H.1Iatthcws,Tr. Richard Barfield, • Sec. J. S. Lapsey, A.Sec. Louisville Olearini House _____ Earl S. Gwin _______ C. II. Bohmer----- Humvhrey S. P. :YcGee • 1 Mombers indicat~d bv a*) Humphrey Robinson,. C. H. ExaminR r. Robinson, Mgr. A. Mgr.  Pop. 234,891 ;'"  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENT;-:--  Investment Securities. Private Post & Flagg, N. Y. \ Wires to all Prlncipal Markets.  WAKEFIELD & CO.  '13  JAMES C. WILLSON  Investment Bonds-Preferred Stocks. ·1. P. Morgan & Co. and l\fembers Investment Bankers Asso- Potter Bros. & Co •• N. y.; { elation and Loulsvme Stock Exchange. 1st Tr. & Sav., Chi. '11 Private Wire to Principal Cities.  "COMPANY  CORRESPONDENCE INVITED.  ::,  ::t. ::l C: ~  (210 So. Fifth St.) BROKERS AND DEALERS IN INVESTl\lENT SECURITIES. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL CITIES.  Thompson & McKinnon, N. Y. and Chi.  :;  ·'•: ·,:' ; i: I,  I  OUR CREDIT INFORMATION ON CONCERNS  EVERYWHERE IS OPEN _TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL  1·: ,'  'I  I  i:'  58  DlnetorJ,  era n - C • , e e y y . . under the autb~rlty _of The American Bank!!_• ,_A__ss_~~•  ToWN ill'D COUNTY.  •Oount1 Seals.  lff:  Lad!c"poi,:1Us~ton  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  .NA.ME OF liANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState Fie. is Fed, Res. Dist. Urlem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [Es tab. Lis Louisv'le Br.-C is Cin. ♦llem, Fed. Hes.  Loyelacevllle_Ballard J 4 Bank of Lovelaceville __ :tf'IO 73-539 IL Pop. 300 Lowes ______ Qravea J 5 Bank of Lowes _________ :tf'04 73-540 IL Pop. 250 ~ Bank_•:tl'06 B 17 Farmers & 16 ll'irst National Bank ____ :tl900 " _____ " 73-145 Ludlow Sav~~:f rank--•U'OO " .. - - - 4 L,YnchMines.HarlanJ22 BANK OF LYNCH,INC.•:t§'l7 73- 67i 4C Pop. 8000 llactvflle __ Washine;ton Farmers Bank _________ _:W02 73-543 G 16 IL Pop. 251  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (It volume. For Interest Rates, Holl~a~8!- etc_:,_ ~!!._8_· ~  -Contt"nued KENTUCKY _ __ _ _  VICE-PRESIDENT.  PRESIDENT.  CASR!ER.  Ass'T CASHIER:  I  I  ~~=• ~:':';::  1----:--:::----;___;:,..:.c----11-__;;=:..:...:c.::..:..::='--1 PAID-UP 8 URPLus DEPOS- 0r.o .... a:Di .. c.-ua:J!!,.. ITS CAPITAL Px~~~Ts  ---·1------------------1  D. E. S1.ahL ______ J. K. Rudolph _____ E. M. Wyman _____ F. E. Overstreet __ S 15,000 S 18,000 S 75,000! S 110,000 S 12,000 Citiz.-Union N. and 1st N., Lou.; City N. and 1st N ., Paducah. E. ")l. Wyman 26,830 Citiz.-Union N .. Lou.: 1st N. and City N., 8,100 112,280 104.480 15,000 T. H. Barrieer _____ L. Holt ___________ C. V. Allen-------- -------------------Paducah. . . 18,250 Ban. N., N. Y.; Oitiz. N., Cin.: 1st N., Cov. 6.410 155,190 153.720 30,000 Amos Teed ________ W1ll1am Tuney --- T. W. Balsly _______ -------------------55,520 1st N., Cin. 37,7-10 466.-130 ,173, 660 25,000 A. V. 0. Grant _____ C. E. Clark ________ Jas. A. Stephens ___ --------------------  I  R. B. Carran _______ J.P. Ernst------- E. H. Daugherty __ --------------------  15,000  6,250  192,500  102,000  J.H.Barker_ ___ E.V.Albez1 _______ E.T.Kearns ______ --------------------  25,000  1,500  686,-190  381.350  l\Y. I. Winters _____ --------------------  15,000  20,000  340,000  232,750  J. ~·. CulL ________ A. R. Murphy ______ W.R. Thompson  ~lli lfsc:,•t~~t  -IOS  ..  ..  STATE NATIONAL BANK •i·s2  J. I. Alexander ____ R. Norris ______ Guv Davb _____ Daisy Pace_______  15,000  15,000  175,000  171,000  D. B. Stanfield _____ ------------ ________ T. P. Smith________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  100,000  85,000  328,100  546,960  J. F. Wilson _______ C. W. Wilson _____ R. L. Ross _________ R. E. Andrus_____ N. J. Grei:?ory Ed. Gardner _____ N. A. Hale _________ C. C. Wyatt ________ o. Y. Dodds_______ . : ..J. Grei:?Ory, A.G. J. T. Hale S. H. Mitchell ________________________ S . .M. Rolf_________ ____________________  100,000  35,000 1 700,0001  700,000  R. K. HOEFLICH----II. J,. COCHRAN--- J. 8. DURRETT, V. P. and COAh. GEO. T. BARBOUR • PS. BCnAOLWHONINNG  300.000  . 1  73-102  lhe f \f TH -THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  17,500  1  225,000: 1,200,000 1.150.000  i  {E.T.  ,  25,000  246,000  225,000  KIRK----·- il: ~: \\LELSJR.------ H. C. SHARP--------requests for ratl nclose 15c with do not apply to W.W. Ball. Jr,---W. II. Rees Isaac Messler ______  ________________  NAT ION AL BANK  150,000  85,000 1,250,000 1,450,000  prompt attentlo n, and 2lic with eac h reque st for r atlogs. or Time Jt~ms. 6,500°'. - - - 30,000 D. P .• 'l'Wl'II, 1 Sec. and Tr. ' .1. Sec, and A. Tr. 7.450 184.410 15,000 J. R. Hays _________ R. M. liradshaw ---  Of CINCINNATI  -  15.000  7.0C0  100,000  15,000 I  H,000  190,000  n:,  Chem. T., N. Y.; 1st N., Lou.: Citiz. N., Evan~- ....._ .,• ville, Ind.  2!  Bk. of America. N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkit. Co., Lou.: Old State N Evans'1tlle. La Rue T,, Hodge\·ille; Lon. Bkg. Co., Lou.  fnI  N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  b<  i-r1  -  1st N., Lou.  n,  Chem. N., N.Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.: City N .. ~ Evan ville, Ind.; March. Lac. N .. St. L. CD N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Great Lakes Tr. Co., Chi.: ~ N. Bk. of Ky. and Ciliz. lnion ... • .• Lon.: Olli =" "' State N. and Citiz. N., Evansville, Ind. 33,000 Citiz.-Union N .. Lou.;Trigg N., Glasgow: Baok: r+ O of Cumberland, Burkesville. ':=-' 48,280 Seab. N .. N. Y.: 1st N ., Lou. _.. :;::· 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  e:tt -  165,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou. 44,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.  c,"  c"1 /IQ  130,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N.,Oin.  I  ' -  ~  1  ---  73.050 81.000 I,  i-i C:: ~  Chem. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Kv .• Lou.  157,000 2,200,000 2.356,000  ng11 will receive each Sight Draft B-L Drafts, Cash, W.W. Ball, Jr.,  2!  Old State N., Evansville; N. Bk. Ky .. Lou.: (') ~ ,., a.: Am. N,, Nashville.  160,000 ••. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.: 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.: N. Bk. of Ky. anct Citiz.-Union N., Lou. U Collections will r eceivespeclal atte ntlon and returns made promptly. _______________________________________________________________________________ (Branch of Dove r, K11.)_ - - - - - - Oitiz. State, Dover and Greenup; Far. & Tra .. Maysville. 38,960 Chem. N., N.Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin. 59.000 730,000 500,390 36,000 C. L. Wood ________ W.R. NeweJL ____ E. L. Willett__ _____ R. M. Gaither____  J. N. KEHOE  Colleetlona and provided Jou e These char1ea tate Trust Company --•Wl5 E.T. Kirk _________ " ________ " 73-107 &KcKee ____ Jackson H 19 Jackson County Bank ___ fl'09 D. G. ColJier _______ 73-54 4C Pop. I ;a McKinney __ Lincoln n H I.McKinney DepositBank.U'05 E. J. Tanner ______ F. M.. Ware ________ Cleo Thomas______ ____________________ 73-549 1 4C Pop. 470 Kiddleburi--- Uasey H 16 Farmers Deoosit Bank .•U'05 J. K. Cotrey _______ W. IL M.cClur _____ R. B. Youne _______ , L. F. Youne_______ l I 73-550 IL Pop. 11J7 --------  150,000  ~  11,500 Cov. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Oov. 215.950 Coal&Iron N .• N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Fifth-Third N ., Cin. 148,750 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  275,000I 100,000 6,500 350,000 50,000 J. T. ALEXANDER -- 0. UTLEY----- ------ -------------------- R. G. BAYNHAM----•lladfsonville ___ Hopkins CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. { We \\IH .uaudle all bu •iness entru ' ted to u , per ·on all>", promptly an d efflcle ntly. l'lca8e ·111d 15c 1ri th each 8ighl draft Ju r presentation and 25 c for Cre,lit,Reporls. lj' 20 73-137 I9 IL Pop, 4945 28,000 976.-120 805,0001 225,000 50,000I Farmers National Bank_•i·oo 1''. l'. Stum __ ---- Frank G. Wake ____ J. W . .McDonald___ __________ __________ " .. 1 73-136 805,000 540,000 32J,000 30,000 50.000 CUMMINGS---R. A. WADDILL---W. 0 ---NESBET ERNEST J. BASIL RAMSEY. 1 to all b uslness entrusted to it. HOPKINS COUNTYBANK•!l'90 { 'rbis banklglves prompt and strict artentlon Please se/L(l 15c u·i th each sight draft Ju r p, ese1tlatiu11 and 25 c for Credit Reports. ?a-134 290,630 73,410 1,001,720 83-1.500 50,000 Kentucky Bk. & Tr. Oo .. :tl'0l W. J, Ruby ________ -------------------- P. B. Ross ________ L. K. Bell___ P. B. Jl'ord 73-135 15,000 - - - - - - - - - - ________ Kaenoli&-----Larue E 10 Bank of Magnolia _______ §'IO L. S. Lamkin ______ A. L. Wheeler _____ ---------------- H. G. Peterson____ · 73 688 IL Pop. 110 25,000 375,000 364,000 1 8€,000 50,000 •Manchester ____ Qlay I 20 First National Rank ----•! '05 \\. W. Rawlingc;__ J. L. Anrlerson ____ \Y. E. ")le. ·en_____ ____________________ w. Il. Riley 73-544 4C Pop. 500 20,000 --------- ------- --------- _______ .. _ First tat e Bank ________ §·20 Danie! Baker ______ Daniel Bowling ____ 1T. H. Bowling ____ __________ __________ " ___ ____ " i 73-711 96,000 16,500 351,000 290,000 30,000 _ H. C. FRANKLIN--WM. FOWLER--- CARL HEIDER SON ·0 S DENNY .:d.25c for ~~~;t le~~fs~B llarliLonp__ Qrinenden I 7 FARMERS B.K . .& TRUS! ~o. { Send lie With 73- 231 n 19 These c barges do not apply to BUI of l &ding D rafts, Cash and 'flm«> Items. op. 1 89,910 412,340 38,030 4:52.16C 20,000 MARION BANK---------•:tl'87 ,1. W. Blue ________ S. Gugenhl•im _____ T. J, Yandell ______ .T. V. Thrrlkeld ___ " " ______ ... •. G. Guess J. V. Hayden 73-230 llarrowbone.Oumberland Bank of .Marrowbone ___ :t1·02 73-545 J 15 IL Pop. 250 •Jlarlleld _____ Graves K 5 City National Bank _______ '96 73-110 IL Pop. 6,583 Exchange Bank _________ :tl'98 " ________ " 73-111 First National Bank _____ :•75 " _______ " 73-108 ll&Js Lick: ___ Mason D 19 Bank of Mays Lick ----•U-02 3 6 73- 546 4C Pop. 1i Ka,sville ___ M,a..:c;on D 20 BANK OF MAYSVILLE -•il'35 73 100 4C Pop 610-1 • EQuitable Trust Co. _____ f'l0 " _______ '' 73 106 Farmers & Tr~ers Bk._:tf'06 " ____ ____ " 73  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  lli0.000  ---- -----  ::2 C  State N., Maysville.  Ill  131,410 lstN., Cin. 30,000 1st N., Oin.; Citiz.-Union  "1  . and I,t •  T ••  Lou.  40.000 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  '._:<  '° ts."' -  OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. AND FOREIGN BA~KING.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lnAcces.). Law ers Laws (indexed) in back of thi  ~  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number ldven i:o each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• _ ~ ~rectory, under the authority of The A m e r l ~ ~ Ass•n. - TO-WN .lNl) Cuo TY. U.ll' H.HiK. . ~ •Ooanty Seats. •Yem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State PJUCl'IIDENT. VICX-PRDIDDT. Fig. is Fed. Re~. Di t. ivem. State Bks.Assn. t Priv. Lis Louisv'le Br.-C is Gin. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. lEstab.  559  I  .Nm  Klddlesboro ____ Bell K 20 Oitizens Bank & Tr. Co.•.U-03 ~C Pop. 80.U U-85 Nat. Bk. of Yiddlesboro •t·o, 73-86 Kiddletowu ____ Jetrerson B&nk of Middletown ___ U'09 IL Pop. 500 E 15 73-551 1lldwa7 __ Woodford F 17 Citizens Bank __________ .u·so ~C Pop. 915 73-32fl Commercial Bank ___ ---U'lZ 71-656 Jlllburn ____ Qarll1le K4 Bank: of M:ilburn ________ u•o7 I L Pop 2 2 73-552  . I  )(llford ____ Bracken D 19 1lilford Bank __________ WOS 4C Pop. 176 73-553 )(Uleraburr--Bourb. E 18 Bxchanre Bank ________ •tl'<MI 4C Pop. 1117 73-337 .. •• Farmers Bank ________ •tllOOO 73-336 Kilton ,_____ Trimble D 15 \ Farmen Bank __________ U'02 I L Pop. 320 73-55, llonterey _____ Owen E 16 First State Bank ________ u·ss 8L Pop. 2i3 73-555 •Monticello __ Wayne K 16 Citizens National Bank. •t·o2 ~L Pop. 1:;u ' 73-259 llonticello Bank:ini Co._tns 73-258 )(oorefteld- Nicholas E 19 Koorefteld Deposit Bank::1'03 4C Pop. 250 73-556 20  MOREHEAD STATE BANK  LIABILITIKS. 0.UBlll.  ilS 'T OilHISJt.  su_:;:;us  PAID-UP  CAPITAL _P _RO_F_I_T_S _  I  39,970  438,500  427,020  30,000  35,400  2!2,560  252,560  J. II. Payne------ G. \\'. Perry ____ '.ll. G. Bicker on ___________________ _  15,600  5,600  52,910  102,650  PEOPLES BANK & TR CO 71-1¥5  ~U'93  337,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Liberty ~Insurance, Lou.: City N .• Knoxville. 3;);),940 Chem. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; FifthThird N .. Cin.; City ., Knoxville. 28,;J90 N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz. -Union ... -., Lou.  -  '°  ~  96,140 1N. Park, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Citiz.Union N., Lou. 47,450 N. City. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky •• Lou.; 1st N., Cin.: 1st & City N .• Lexington. 7,500 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co .• ~ St. L.: 1st N., Bardwell.; Bk. of Arlington, "4 Arlington. ~-, 8,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: ll'ifth-Third N. and ,th N., Z  ------------------- ---------------- G. C. Bradford ____ - - - - - - · -  15,000  3,000  40,000  00,000  25,000  9,.UO  168,170  137,080  53,020 1st N., Oin.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou,  W. D. McIntyre ___ ·---------------- Santo.rd AJien _____ J. H. Burroughs __ _ Ja . Ellington J. H. Calvert------ G . .i. Powell ______ D. T. Voier1 _____ H. W. Vo1ers _____ _  30,000  35,000  700,000  500,0CO  15,000  21,000  208,000  215,000  50,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; (') Fifth-Third N., Cin. ~ 24.000 Fifth-Third N., Oin.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. ,<  H.B. Shiddell ----- R. W. Kemper ____ Ira Kemper _______________________ _  30,000  16,710  117,000  166.000  Isaac Walker ______ J. J. Stokea ____ V. P. Jones ________ J. J. WriehL _____ _  25,000  2.t.300  2-11,000  2.12,000  G. M. Hedrick ___ C. B. Rankin ______ W. L. Baker _______ Jno. C. Phillips ___ _  20,000  105.000  775,000  717,000  J.M. Berry ________ M. D. Jud~e _______ J. H. Wilson, _____ Clarine eamens ..  15,000  l-l.000  115,000  106.000  S. M. BRADLEY------ G. H. GEARHARL-- 11. P. DAVIS-------- HALLIE B. DAYIS--  15,000  7,880  120,830  99,880  15,000  25,940  281,530  233,690  15,000  4,800  80,000  62,200  15,0M  6,320  86,000  100,000  30,830  329,890  420,44.0  lThese PlalnSlghtDraf ts, Uc; Requests for Reports, 25c. charges d o not apply to B lll of Lading Dra fts, Cash or Tim e ltelll8. J. K. WALLER--- J1 A. SUGG--------  C. B. SKILLMAN--Acts as admJnl s..rator, executor, guardian or trus FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wt th each sight dra TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur  i  74.700 76,010 tee. ft for presentatlo n, and es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  440,670  I  E: 0:  3,1,090 ,th N .• Oin.  0. ti"  85,550 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; Fifth-Third N .. Cin.  23,500 Fifth-Third N., Oin.; N. Bk. of Ky. and 1 t ~ ... -., Loo. o 7,000 Fif\h-Third N., Cin. ""1 0 r+ 83,440 Hanover N .. N, Y.; Liberty Insurance, Lou. 0  g  58,150 N. Bk. Oom., N. T.; Citiz.-Union N. and Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou.; Old State_ ., Evansville, ~Ind. ~  ....  70,000  16,400  319,7901  359,6j0  30,000  33,350  201,200  251.040  50,000  42,670  149,6:'iO  226.550  10,360  278,100  2-19,880  15,000  8,000  152,610  144.830  W. H. Bro,rn ______ W.W. Bond _________________ _  15,000  3,500  70,009  80,000  xi.  Bernice Payne ____ G. c. Ray _________ c. J. Hardesty ___ _ T. l:i. HardeslY John W. NeaL ____ Geo. C. Bradford •• IL c. Buckuer ____ _ L. T. Jett Howard Orme  15,000  30,000  175,000  200.000  36,700  499,62011  363,890  OUR CREDIT INF6RMATION ON CONCERNS EVERYWHERE IS OPEN TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS:  > Z  450.-160  15,000  :8den __ Spencer F 15 llount Kden Bank _____ UlUOO C. G. J'rf.elllan _____ IL Pop. 319 73-582 •Kt.OliveLRobMtsonD19 IFarmera a. Traders Bk:.•:1'88 E. L. Tilton ----4C Pop. 340 71--4011  al  12,800 Citiz-Union N., Lou.; Fifih-Third N., Cln.  63,800 :ChaseN., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N. and 1 t . . ~ .. Lou.: Fifth-Third N .. Cin. j 146,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk:. of Ky., Loo.; Fifth• ~ Third N., Cin. C/l 36.000 Chase ., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin.; De1>.. Carlisle.  s:  B. T. Robin1on ____ G. B. Henry _______ J.M. Henry ______ _ W. D. Hill J.C. Turner _______ B. L. KitchelL ____ Kilton Elliston, Jr.  J101&t"'Pop~J:man  ~  C:  !""  1lortona Gap ____ Hopkins Planters Bank ________ _ •U'07 W.W. Kinrton ____ 8L Pop. 1061 I 9 71-5511 )forionsville __ Woodford Yarmen &n~r.- ------- U'O& J. 0. Shouse _______ 7.,.,., 0 4C Pop. 200 F 17 K 4 Moscow Ba~f~i-----U"IM J. T. LltUe ________  7  rnn.  e In adv ance.  L.B. WALLER-----  Union County Bank & Tr. Co. ll. ll. Waller_ _____ A. J. Thornton ____ A.G. Mason, Sec. __ J. N. Martin _____ _ 71-184 U'70 •Korirantown_Butler I 11 John 1l. Oa~~<:~ fkr. Co.U'03 G. V. Willis _________________________ John M. Cano• ___ _____________ _ 7 ~L Pop. 707 .. 1lorrantow e:rtsit Bk .. 1'80 W . .i. Helm ___________________________ J, B. Doolin _________________________ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $  -------------------- J.C. Leer _ _ _ John P. llcDan!eL _ _ _ _ _ _ _  I  •:t'04  ~  _no_»_B_~_sK_ ..,1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J ~  81Ct1&1Ttl8  50,000  J. N. ANDERSON J.M. CROWE ______ W. B. SPARKS----- M. B. HAMMACK .. _ 100,000 Onl11 Nationai B Iank in Union Gou nt11 MORGANFIELD NAT. BANK J Collections and Requests for Rat lngs must b~ acco mpanJed by folio wing fe 71-1811  I_ T_s_  C  PRINCIPAL COKRJ:SPOlfDDT8.  ~"::.!-~;~.  ~::•:,~~~-.  H. L. llartin ------ John .A. Steele _____ J. R. Weiler _______ 11. D. Offutt ______ _ 0. B. Patter■ on J. W. Parrish ______ John Wise _ _ _ ~r:,,, Edna Hicks -- ______________ _  73-2116 u ·oo Peoples Bank ___________ :1'07 Abel Caadi!L______ D. B. Caudill _____ D. C. Oaudltl ______ Mrs. Pruda ickell 73-205 )(oreland ___ Lincoln H 17 Bank of llo r e-51an d ______ u•og B. B. Kinr-------- H.F. Steele _______ J.E. McClure ____ s. E. Hubble-----7 5 57 4C Pop. 3::iO )for&'an ___ PendletonD 18 Farmers Ban~-5__ _______ •U-04 J. V. Bwinr _______ J. W. 1lakem1on __ W.11. Northc•tt-- ---------------7 4C Pop. 59 .. 58 •1lonranfteld-- Union G 8 IL Pop. 2651  ----, RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  H. A. Mccamy---- ----------------- ------------------- W. E. Frazer---- $ 50,000 $ ::12.000 n 230,000 $ 930,000 C. P. Williams L. L. Robertson -- J. H. Keeney __ : ___ R. K. Judy ______________ _ 100,000 63,53011,2;0,'50 1.098,470 L. P. Wetherby ____ T. 0. Gaines _______ C.H. chrader __________ 5, 7i0 129,890 125,5i0 15,000  1  •llorehead---Rowan 4C Pop. o 1  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ Yolume. For lntere t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law~·. :::,  KENTUCKY-Continued  108,140 Imp. a. Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Bk:. of Ky., Lou.: Old State N. and City N., Evansville, 11,660 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 27,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Loo. N. Birr. Co .. Lou. I  48,780 Han, N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Evansville, lnd.; 1 1st N .. Lou. 31.020 ,th N., Cin. I 19,900 N. Stock Yds. N .. E. St. L., Ill.; Liberty Ins., Lou.; Cairo N ., Cairo. Ill. 25,000' N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union ... ~ .• Lou.  I  30,000j  202,440 Fifth-Third N., Cin.: Citiz.-Unjon N'., Lou.  C ONTINENTAL AND C OMMERCIAL BA N KS ' CH I GAGO  Ul Ul I \0  ame of Bank la the .New Tramlt Number given to eaoh bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-Mc.Nally Ban.ken· Dlree&orJ, under the authority of T~!_merlcan Bank!!!__!_~___  ·'•'.::Ralllil!lr'aad  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Jn• doxed Accos.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! c.,, vol~me~ £_or Int~est R~tes, !!_?llday_~~-La_w~  KENTUCKY - C00 t·lOUCd  g  I  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES. -, LU.BJLITIES. NAME OF BANK. .lSS'T 0.&.BUSJl. PAID-UP SURPLUS ! DEPOS- •. c:;,.,.... n,a- Cue&:£:r. 0.&.BHIJ:Jl. \ VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem.Am. Bks.Assn. lS ta te •OonntJ Seats. , •-;.~ :;i.;;:• c:!~~':':~:.~ ITS CAI·ITAL PRAoNFDITS Fig. is Fed. Re·. :i;>~t: t:Mem.State Bks. Assn. t,Priv. 0 Lis Louisv'le Br.-C 1s Om. ♦Yem. Fed. l{~.,,,--=[~E_:t~a~h•. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 $601,790 $ 54,580 N. Bk. O~m., N. Y.: r. Bk. of Ky., and 1 t 491,890 $ 54,580 $ 50,000 $ .... B. FRANK PERRY .. J. D. BROTHER M.A. PREWITT-·•Mt. 8terlinr.MontroFml'Y EXCH-ANGE~;~i~K OF 1 N., Loa .. 1st N., Ctn. l B k N ti ~C Pop. 3995 .. 9 ~ 58,060 560.430 498,940 , 218,150 N.L~!~k, N. Y.: ht N., Oin.: Citiz.-Union N .. 50,000 John G. Winn .•••• Pierce Winn ...... - J. H. Conner..-••• ···-·······-·····--· ona ontgomerf _ 2 81 1 50,000 169,930 852,440 950,260 170,810 Chem. N., N. Y.: Fifth.Third N .• Cin.: Oitiz .. MT STERLING NAT'L BK {W. S. LLOYD ..••.•• STEVE PIERATT-··-·- W. L. KILLPATRICK ..• - - - - - · - · · Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. CLARK PATTERSON •t'72 73-148 • Special attentlo n given BUI or La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items, and col lectlons 1or all kl nds. TOWN A.ND COUNTY,  l,,Jti  =-··-···-··--·····  .i?o  g  TRADERS  50,000 GREENE·--·-- C. T. HAZELRIGG.. BURCHETT. J. T. HIGHLAND ••• J. Send your Blll or Lading Drafts and other collect Ions direct to us. Om modern methods and prompt, efficient person al attention guarantee sat lsfactorr service. Please serfd 15c wit11 ight Drafts for presentation a nd 25c for Oredlt Reports.  NATIONAL BANK t'02  73-150  o.  lo. J.  i  9,800  135,600 1  14i,500  12,400 Oitiz.-Union N .. Lou.  z  13,000  200,000  181,000  43,000 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  C:  ding drafts, Cash and 'lime Items. aft for presentati on and 25e for Crc dit Repo rt/5. 10,530 15,000 W. L. McGee -· -··- s. M. Harris __ ·---  179,840  200,640  14,830 Oitiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  ~  13,970 Fifth-Third N.,Cin.  txi  W. C. Smith·-·-·-· - - - · · - - -  15,000  10,750  83,630  9M10  0. H. Terry ••••••• 1. W. Rowlett- .••••  so.coo  23,000  300,000  325.700  J. H. RICHARDSON. P. F. LARIMORE ••••. H.F. MANSFIELD .•. HENRY RICHARDSON. L. G. J0hNS0N  25,000  2,790  170,000  160,000  i  , NAllONAL HNK OF MUNFORDVILLE  Young, Growlo '19 { pedal attentio 73-884 Please send 15c w •llurray .... Oallowa1 K 6 Bank of Murray-··· ••.• . U'88 E. S. Diuenid •••••• 73-207 I L Pop. 2415  FIRST NATIONAL Nebo .... _... Hopkins II 8  I L Pop. 265 I L Pop. 397 New l:iaven •. Nelson G 14 I L Pop. 468  •New Castle .. Henr1 E 15  New Hope ••• Nelson G 14 IL Pop. 207 New Llbert, •• Owen D 16 I L Pop. 180  •Newport. Campbell B 18 4C Pop. 29,317  J.E. Owen.·-··---· B. Groean --·-·--- Ed, Fil buck........ W. 8. Swan  W. H. FINNEY ·-·- B. B. KEYS .•------· T. H. STOKES •...•.. V. H. CLARK........ J. K. MATHENEY, JR. W. E. MARBERRY  BANK.•t'15  l  AMERICAN  E. H. Smith .... ··-- M.A. Youne....... 1, . . .  J. Ekro Rapier •••• A. E. Klrkpatnck. , E. C. Dawson •r. J. lliller ········ 1P. D. Corbett.•••••  I  60,000  20,000 1.035,000  950,000  50,000  30,000 1.016,920  759,960  20,000  12,000  350,000  258,000  40,000  22,300  341,600  335,000  15,000  0,460  169,220  116,040  25,000  8,500 I  100,000  100.000 1 130,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment. - - - ----1---- -----Prompt attention to all banking matter entrusted to us. •t'82 1----------------,,----------::::--=:--=-:---:-::--- I 71-27 11. E. Ringwald._ 50.000 50,000 1,200,000 854,370 Central Savings Bk. & Tr. Oo. P. M. W1t1 •••••• _•• IW. L. Glazier·---· ' E, W. Doland-·-·-· 1 •U'05 73-20 29,980 930.030 806,610 Otto Wolff_ ••••.••• F. B. Ba smann __ • Oscar Reimert ..... 0. N. Hughe·-··-· Citizen Bank c Tru t Co. •U'l0 73-30  78-23  s·  GQ  31,200 Han. N .. N.Y.: Hopkins Co. and Ky. Bk.&Tr. r+ 0 Co., Madisonville. 50,000 •.'.Bk.of Ky., Lou.: i'ifth.Thirc! N., Oin.  z  68,800 Ohem.N .. N.Y.;N.Bk.ofKJ.andOitiz .. Union ~ <: N., Lou. 't:) 77,680 Lou. N. Bkr. Oo. and Citiz.-Union. ·., Lou.  90,000  1  NATIONAL BANK  NEWPORT  C/l  200,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lou. N. Bier. Oo .. Lou.: r+ . . T • Oitiz. Sav., Paducah. 316,730 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Paducah; O1t1z •. umon tll ::!.. N .. Lou.  24,000 Oitiz.-Union N., Lou.: 11'itth-Third N., Oin.  HS,850, Irving N ., N. Y.; 1st N ., Clo.  350,000 Han. N., N. Y,i ,th N., Oln. 208,430 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Ill N,, Oin.  This Bank endeavors to give prompt and intelligent atten- 100,000 tion to Collections and all other banking bualness received. -------1-------------------•t"92  -• -  The· FIFTH -THIRD umber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclushely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  SI,)  ::, C:  ~  111,000 l,'760,000 1,828,000  -  ._ SI,)  CHAS. MEGEIILE .. DANIEL HETSCH -· J. D. HENGELBROK.J. A. MEAGHER...  Of CINCINNATI  r+  ____..  I ---------------------------·- - - - - - - -  NAT ION AL BANK  ..,0  I  J.P. WECKMAN ••••• JOHN TODD •..•..••. A. M. LARKIN -···-· E. E. KIRKER.·----·  NATIONAL BANK  >  r+  1  W. S. Ball .• -··-·-· 1L, E. Green.~-··--·  n  a:  au·t yours. Bill or Lading Drafts a speclalt y. for presentation, and es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. 3,000 113,9&0 100,240 1 15,000 Iuna Adcock -·---  r business. We w h each sight draft redlt report Insur Claud Porter......  ~  25,000IChem. N., N. Y.: N. Bk.of KJ. and Oitiz.-Uniou ~ n N.. Lou. C/l 50,000 Oitiz. Union N., Lou.  g. Progressive. S end us your bu 1 ness. n given Bill of La ding draft , Ca h and Time Items. ith each aiaht draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts.  Modern, Progre sslve, Hustling fo FIFTEEN CEN T sent to us wit TWENTY-FI\E CENTS for each c Oitizens Bank ••.• -··· ___ tf'02 G. B. Harrolson ··- Claud Porter·- •••. 73-566 Bank of New Oastle ••••• U-72 Owen CarrolL ••.• L. G. Forquer ..•••• . 73-5118 BANK OF NEW HAVEN.•U'05 Frank X. Dawson. J. Ekro Rapier·-·· 73-397 Peoples Bank ••.•.•••••• U'05 A. Oummin■ ·----·- J. R. Berry·-·----· 73-569 Citizens Bank •••••• ·-···tl'84 H. D. Barker----·· , Chas. Bond .. ---··· 73-570 73·669  ~  ti,1  20,000  U. G. BAKER ••..•• W. J. SPARKS-·--·-- F. E. MILLER-·-··-· MARY I. MULLINS... YIRG:NIA CRAWFORD  Speclalattentlo n given Bill or La Please end 15c 1l'ith each sight dr Mt. Washiniton ..• Bullitt Peoples Bank ..••••••••• tf '09 Bert Hall·---·--··- J. W. Harris ..••••• 73-568 F 14 I L l'op. ,oo )It. Zion .••••. Grant D 17 Mt. Zion Deposit Bank.-tl'0S D. A. Franks--·--- J. F. Tomlin .••• _•• 71-56' (Elli.~ton P. 0.) 4C Pop. 75 •llunfordv1lle. Hart I 13 Hart Oounty Dep. Bank •U'90 I. H. Wood •••••••• II. L. Caldwell - 73-565 I L Pop. 583 73-320  70,000 C\~i~.N., N. Y.; lit N., Oin.; N. Bk. of Ky.,  600,000 1 655,000  15,000  •lit. Vernon .• Rockcastle Bank of lit. Vernon ••• tl1900 T. J. Niceley ····-- G. S. Griffin-··-··· W. L. Richards---· V. C. Tate___ 71-328 H 18 4C Pop. 719  PEOPLES IAIK ····-··•!l·08  65,000  -  -  290,000 Chatham & PbenlI N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third .. N., Clo.  ---,---1  ~  .....  l\."t  OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. AND FOREIGN BANKING.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndoxed Acces.), Lawyers, L_a ws (in.~~xed) ii; back o_f thi  ~  umber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in u. s. exclusively by The Raod-McNally Bankers•  Directory, under the atlthorlty_of The American Bankers As •o.  I  TOWN A. D cou. TY. .aCounty eats. Fig, i Fed. Re .. Di t, Lis Loui v'le Hr.-C is Cia. •Nicholasville. Jessamine 4C Pop, 2i86 G 17  KENTUCKY-Continued  I  'AME OF BA~K. •:Yem. Am. Bks. A n. § t.ate !:Mem. t.ate Ilks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT. •~Iem. Fed. Res. [Estab. - - - - - - Oitizens Bank of Jes;mine Fred L. 8ear■ ______ 78-180 •tl'06 " ________ " FARMERS EXCHANGE BANK J. H. Welch _______ 73-170 •U-90 " ________ " First National Bank -----*'71 N. L. Bronaurh ____ . 73-178 Mo. ll1ddletown.Bourbon North lliddletown Del). Bk. W. )l. Rorer■ ______ 4C Pop. 329 F 18 7!-571 U-69 No. Plea ureville _Henry Central Bank ___________ t§'19 Stephen Wood _____ IL Pop. 248 E 16 73-682 O~kland _____ Warren J 12 Oakland Bank __________ U'06 E. A. Shobe _______ 8 L Pop. 252 7!-574 Oakton _____ Hickman F 4 Oakton Bank _________ t,§'19 G. W. Utterback __ 8 LHillPop. 400 73-691 Olin ____ carter E 21 0ader OoUDty Com'l Bk.U'CKI A. J . Stamper _____ 4C Pop. 1395 73-201 " " Peoples Bank _____ t§'l3 R. E. Hitchins _____  _ ___;;::.;__:;_;::....;..:::_;;___==.=---- ii  I  LJA.BILITIES. _ R_~~<?UR~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, c:: SURPLUS , &n I c & E P> ASS'T OASHIER, PAID-UP AND DEPOS- ~ ~•no";;: CB::uou,D~ "'1 ' - - - CAPITAL PROFITS ITS Bscollm.. PROM B-'.Nll8 -------------· ~ B. Hoonr ______ Letcher Saunders. J. Latimer ___ $ 100,000 $ 32,960 $464,910 $ 468.250 $ 125,280 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and J'ifth-Third ~ N ., Oio.; Oitiz.-Union N .. Lou. N M. Youn, __________ W.R. SmJtJa _______ A. C. .McOlary_____ 100,000 90,000 634,280 939,580 77.700 N. Bk. Com. N .• N. Y.; 4th N .• Oln.: Citiz•. .B'. D. mith, Jr.... Union N. and Lou. T·• Lou. H.B. 0ampbell ____ G. L. KntrJt.t _____ Peyton Perry_____ 100,000 125,000 700,000 715,000 253,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N .. Oin.: Citiz.• Union N., Lou. 1 -------------------- Joo. W. Jones _____ F. W. Sledd_______ 75,000 58,000 375,000 448,000 51,000 N. Bk. of Com .• N. Y.; lat N,, Oha,; Citiz.1 Union N., Lou. Geo. Smoot_ _____ J. A. Underwood __ Morrison Stivers.. 15,000 5,150 ! 101,570 99,720 14,900 Citiz.-Union N., Lou. VICE-PRESIDENT,  OASHIER,  1E.  I  D.  I  J.B. Amos _______ J. Frank Grimes __ - - - - - - - - -  25,000  10,000  140,000  130,0001  32,000 2:::0,200· .,  27,000  R. A. Carpenter ___ Bertha L. Klnr __ H. G. Hicks-------  15,000 --------20 , 000 32 ,380  239,920  57,200 Fifth-Third N., OiJl.  M. S. Qualls _______ E. A. Evans ______ Boone .Logan______  15,000  20,000  240,000  210,000  50,000 1st N., Cin.  15,000 ---------  16,400  18,600  D. J. Craddock ____ H.  c. Griffin _______  -------- - - - - - -  Oneida _________ Clay E 14 Citizens De~~1i~°i31rnk .. §'20 James Hignite ____ H. Combs __________ G. R. Carson______ ____________________ 4C Pop. 400 73-717 •Owenaboro .DaviessGlO *Central Trust Company W. L. Reno ______ John Reinhardt. •. M. D. Gant, L. J. Gasser, IL Pop. 17424 • 73-43 •*1'80 IJ. R. Beck Sec. and Tr. A. Sec, and A. Tr.  *FARMERS & ,a.WILE---------- l S. GRIFEIN ----- H. W. BOTTORF---- P. J. MILLER-----I PER ONALLY, PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY. TRADERS BANK'  ..  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indoxcd Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th!-~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  200,000 30,000  .tli,690 Han. N. and Chem. N .. N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Citiz.-Union N .• Lou.  32.030  123,080 Chem. N .• N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N, ancl Liherty Insurance, Lou.  521,9i0  436,340  1  DEPOSIT BANK  {R. S. HUGHES---~- PAUL WEIR--------- C. G. NALLE-------- 1' EDW. GROEZINGER.. J. A. MANNING R. O.HEAD A. 8. McCARTY R. B. HUFFMAN Collections a Sp eclaJty. Remltte d for on day ofpal ymeot.  *UNITED STATES  ?·  E.T.  NATIONAL BANK 7H7  --------  3  PeopleaBank ___________ u·o2 W.A. Lee _________ 73-308 .Owlnirsvllle---Bath F 19 Farmers Bank ---------•U'65 J.B. Goodpaster __ ~ C Pop. 781 73-822 • Farmers Trust C0,-------1'14 J.B. Goodpaster .. 73-668 J.M. RICHARDS. OWINGSVllh~3ffNKll!:f.fa Special atte!1tlo { Please. end fac w Our service will  J.J.SWEENEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  i  ~  213,360 1st-~· and phem. N., N. Y..: ~-Bk.of Ky. and C1t1z.-U01on N .• Lou.: C1ttz. N., Cm. n  O  210,000 2,100,000 2,645,000  420,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st r., Chi.; Citiz.-Union N., [ Lou.; • Bk. Com., St. L. <  :::: ::;-  I  100,000  1---  173,400 1,900,000 1,652,890  '"r+  475,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.- O Union N., Lou. O  - -- -  = == =1= ___1  SEE  F,a~.!: ~~~- -----------------=  ADV.  ON BA CK KE NTUCK Y MAP  60,000  30,000  200,000  335,000  25,000 Fifth-Third N ., Cin.; Citiz.-Union N ., Lou.  63,000  25,000  300.000  275.000  40,000 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; Fifth-Third N .. Cin.  Chas.Perkins ______ B. L. Hancock _____ RarryDu\'alL____ 25,000 M. Martin J. T. KimbroU£h •• E. L. Byron ________ J. R. Ammerman.. 120,000 C. s. Elliott J. T. Kimbrough ___ E. L. Byron, __________________ 30,000 j Sec. and Tr. ISAAC SHOUSE---- . LESLIE SHROUT__ ____________ ________ 30,000 ~vi~t~ftLf.."la I ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c fur Credit R eporti;. please you. TRY US.  t·  tD  >  ~  jf  250,000 102,660 2,385.050 2,476,550 612.480 Bao. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; WALTERGANNANE - - - - - Cltlz.-UnlonN.,Lou. rn  •t·og ~O!lectl<~_ n_s_ glven prompt attention.  ?1~~~:l!oi~!i°t~~~~~E;) H.B.  <  :::r"  FRANKS..--- J. T. GRIFFITH--- R. D. HEAD------- C. G. MOREHEAD.. J. W. McCULLOCH S. C. COOTS  Earles _______ - - - - - - - - - •OwentOD-----Owen D 16 Farmers National .Bank-•t'83 R. C. Greene ______ L. T. Doty _________ B. F. Holbrook ____ J. B. Holbrook ___ 8 L Pop. 971 . . 73-307 .. First Natiof:! :nk ••••• *'71 0. H. Ourtis _______ F. L. Satterwhite_ G. W. Forsee _____ W. T. Forsee______ ________  325,000  73,470 1,116,660 1,252.440  Prompt Atteotl on to all banking matters eotruste d to us.  73-42 •t•fl0 *Owensboro Banking Co. Lee D. Ray _____ E. H. Clarke ______ H.B. Eaeles ______ M.. L. Ogden_______ 7!-44 •il'90 _ _ ----'---~· __ . _ _ N. Magrud~-  2: ....J ~ C: ~  n  oUectloos especla Hy sollclted.  C  73 5 98 -4 •U' iH. E. O'BRYAN--__J SILAS ROSENFELD ••. J. D. RUSSELL------ J. R. HOLBROOK---- - 137,900 *FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. E. DANffAUER , 78-41 t'66 Refer your patr ons to u ·-courte ou treatm<'nt an d efficient service assured . Please send 15c w ith each ai_qlit draft for pruentation and 26cfar Credit Repor ta.  *NATIONAL  2,850 1st N., Lou.  65,160 1.568,380 1,357,852  ,we wlll handle ali £·u~toYes~~tlt us, z~1:eo~!'!d~1.~ rafts and other  42,000 Han. N., N. T.; N. Bk. Oom. and N. Bk. of .,.. Ky .. Lou. n 17,000 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo, Ill. tll  9,350  123.430  132,110  i6,000  700,000  817,360  · 20,590  173,570  181.720 1  I I 10,210 ---------  38,120  34,6i0 . Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz.-Union N., Lou.: Fifth-Third N., Oio . 152,660 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Oio.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 46,040 Far., Owingsville. 42,640 N. Bk. Com. and Cbem. N.. ~. Y.: FifthThird N., Oin.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK-S,- CHICAGO  =-=-:::.::_ - ~ ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ·. _ _ -  :$.  B  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given  562 - T~WN  to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers•  otreetory, under the authority of The American Banker A. DOOUNTY. N~ME OF ~ --  Ass'n.  I -=--==---==-  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-  KENTUCKY-Continued  1  •PaducaldlcOrackenJ 5 1 L Pop, 24,735  73-36  ASS'T CASHIO.  0A.8Hlll.  ls•gg f Transact a  73-35  •i'73  $ 100,000  AND PROFITS  73-34  Send us NY:~~~of1°:~~iona for prompt service. Remittance made on day of payment. OLDEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN THE CITY.  •w. F-:-iRADSHAWCollections -- E.G. SCOTT ------=-•- J. PIERCE--- E. E. BELL-------, promptly remitted.  MECHANICS TR •  Ceneral banking anct trust business. Prompt and careful atlentlon given to all matters entrusted to_ u_s_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  & SAVINGS BANK 73-38  •U'03  OHIO VALLEY TRUST COMPANY 73-39  •!§'17  f. M. FISHER---- L. i:, KOLL-------- CECIL REED, W. C. SHEARER Sec. and Tr. (Young, Grow1n g, Up-w-o»te, Pr We are hustling for business and Collections ban died personally b We ad a AdmJ nJstrator, Guard I  I"·  H. MARTIN,  A. Sec. and A. Tr,  ogresslve. want yours.  Paint LicJc __ Garrard II 18 Peovles Bank -----------U'Ol E. L. Woods ______ W. O. Fish _________ R. G. Woods ______ Fannie Dowden: ..  ••  •Pari ______ Bourbon E 18  4C Pop, 6310  PAINTSVILLE NATIONAL BK. 73-324  •i'02 ,  *BOURBON-AGRICULTURAL BANK & TRUST CO.A:§'15 73-117  J.E. Buckingham_ Geo. W. Preston.-- J. W. Turner _____ E. n. Shrout _____ _ L.B. Burke  JNO. T. COLLINL-- --------- --- ----- BUCKNER WOODFORD. B. J. SANTEN--------  i  Unsurpa sed Co Uectloo Servlcl'. Transacts a gen eral banking and trust business. Prompt attentl on given all busln ess entrusted to us.  *FARMERS & 'FRANI s. L. w. w. l New. Moder n. Progressiv e. Hustling for We want yo urs. Satisfac tion assured. BANK TRADERS •U'lG (COLLECTIO NS A SPEC IALTV. P. KISER--  I  Chem. N,, N. Y.; N. Bk. of K1 .. Lou.; 1st N., St. L.  --499 ,900 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; 1st N ., St. L.  - - - - 300,000  176,850 3,140,800 3,757 ,800  ---  ON KEN. INDEX.  --- ---  - - -- - - - - 150,DOO  --- -  60.IOO  177,790 2,34U90 2.284.990  --~ --- --39,500  900,000  872.0CO  422.090 N. Park. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N.,  St. L.; Cltlz.-Unlon N., Lou.  ---  llZ.900 Chem.N.,'N. Y.;N.Bk. Com., St. L.;Cltlz.Union N ., Lou.  --- --- --- --- --76,500  2-1,000  193,000  263,3i0  39,020 1st N .. Lou.  y an officer. an, and In all Tru st capacities.  4C l'Oll, 500 73-575 E. ll. Walker, Jr. •P int -\'illt• .Johnson G22 Paintsville Bk. & Tr. Co._u ·og H. . Howes _______ C. T. Rule. ________ Claude Buckingham Ray Turner_ ______ _ 4C Pop. 13 3 73-325 Beecher taplcton  "  -  CHA GEl-,Dus  um uo s -1-10,580  --- ------ ---  of any Bank In Paducah. SEE AD VERTIS EMENT We offer unexcelled facilities to Banks and merchants. All collections remitted for upon day of payment. YOURS INVI TED.  jROBT. L. REEYES--LOUIS RUBEL----- DOW WILCOX ----R. L. BISHOP------  •i'65  C'T ■• Bo!'riiDfll,  --  PRINCIPAL 00RRESPOND1tNTS-.-  \~ •ao•D.a.s.111.  68,000 $1 i26 350  ---  FIRST NAT'L BANK  DEPOS-  sen eral banktnc bu slneH. We mak Ie quick retunu on colle ctlons.  J.C. UTTERBACK---- H. C. OVERBEY----- R.R. KIRKLAND----- GEO. C. BAKER-----C. E. RICHARDSON D. A. YEISER, JR., G. C. HUGHES, JR. A. Caah. JNO. BROOKS Largest Capital, also Deposits.  CITY NAT'L BANKj  RESOURCES.  PA<~UP\"UBPLUS ~ "'mU>• l'"•>E•-  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL 1 1 1  IJ R. RUDY--------- C. M. HAND-------- C. A. GOCKEL---- ---------------  CITIZENS SAVINGS BA K  I  LIABILITIES,  •County Seats.. •Mem . .Am. Bks. Assn. SS~te PRESIDL!tiT, VICE-PRESIDENT. Fie. is Fed. He . :pis~. iMem.S~te Bks.Assn. t,Pr1v. Li_ Louisv'leBr.-C1sC10. ♦Mem. lied. Hes. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this VI volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ -  WEATHERS--  MITCHELL-- JOHN  .  w. YERKES--  16,000  2i ,000  200,000  200,000  50,000  16,000  42;;,000  340,0i,0  200,000  200,000 1.800,000 1.968,280  200,000  152.930  60 ,000  25,800  100,000  123,2110  150,000  114,000 1,100,000 1,300.0IJ0  ---------  --------- --------- ---------  910,660 1.347,620  325,000  35,000 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.: 1st N .. Oin. 115,000 N. City, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N .. Cin. : Ashland N ., Ashland; Paintsville N., Paint ·ville. 352,940 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.; N. Bk. of K..j·• Lou.  148.630 Ban. N., N. .; 1st N. and Flrth-Thlrd N., Clo.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  445.000  41 ,130 Seab. N., N.Y.; Firth-Third N., Ctn.; 1st N.,Loo.  i39.190 1,107,260  191.400 N. Oity. N. Y.; Fifth-Third ., Ciu.; .. •. Bk. of Ky,, Lou. 200,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N., Oin.; Oitiz.-Union N. and N, Bk, of Ky., Lou.  business.  t  "  "  73-122 *First National Bank ---•t'02 7S-ll9  *PEOPLES DEPOSV. BANK &  w. w. Haley ______  .M. R. Jaroby ______ Ja..  . \Y. ~rClure \Y. F. Varden ____ _  Jas. McOlure S. E. Bedford ______ G. W. Wilder------ C. K. Thomas _____ ,G. L. Doyle _______ _  " -------- • P:~u~~ea~!~\\~:s:-•U-51 ------------------- g~~~·J1~~~------ -------------------- -------------------  (Jfrmbc,.· illtliccrtrcllJll(t*) I I Pembroke __ Christian K 9 Bank of Pembroke ___ _ t§l900 M. L. LeVY ________ ------------------ DoU£las Graham ___ Downer Buckley __ 8 L Pop. 6 ·;, 73-349  Perr/vllle _____ Bo1Ie G 16 PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. L Pop. ti:n 73- 395 •U'I0  --------•t  The Old Bank 73 -394  25,000  IJ.630  249,i-10  211,030  • C. KERN------- S. M. RUPLEY ------ C. D. MINOR -------- G. L. WHITE-------JORDAN MAYES  40,000  4;;,rno  42;i,6 0  456,i00  n.  20,000  12,000  202,000  204,000  -  --------66,6-10 Han.N .. N. Y. 111.160 N. Bk. Com.,  . Y.; Citiz.-Union  .• Lou.  1  peclal attentlo n to collections. Attorney In bull ding. ~ end 2.'ic with re que t for reports and llic with sigh t drafts.  '16 L.  Wharton ____ Cha . Coyle------- Briscoe White _____ Cora Green ______ _  27,000  , Ilk. _Com .. ~- Y.: N. Bk. of Ky .. 1st  -  r .....  I-,:!\I;, : j~_  The 5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI- Resources Over $55,000 000.oo :; Number under Name or Bank is the Nl'W Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclu Ivel:, by The Rand-McNaU;y Bankt;rs' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  _.J-i. ·. ·::!  1 ••  •:•  ~  KY-Continued  ~  Non-Bank Towns wfth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this~ F r Interest Rates Hollda)'S etc. see Laws.  ~.  I  -  ( I-  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Raod-McNally Bankers• =.c.;:;._-=:;;c;D:::.;l;;c,.re.....;cc:.,;tory, under the authority of The Am~lcan Bankers Ass'n. TOWN AND COUNTY. ~ - - NA-;-lE OF BA!-<K. j .. ooonty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. A sn. §State PRJ:SIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Fig. i Fed. He~. Di ·t. tMPm.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Lis Loui y'le Br.-C is Cin. +Mem. Fed. Re . [ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this..._. volume. For Intere t Rates~_olid_~s, etc., see L~ws. ~ RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 'C:  KENTUCKY- C f d 0Il lilUe  563  1  1  LIABILITIES. OASHI1CR. 1  Ass'T CASHIER.  ________ , ________ ,  PAID-UP SURPLUS CAPITAL PRAO~~Ts  I DEPOSITS  toANSc!tDlll-1 0 OuuA:E:r-  c~  0~::• :'a~:G;:;_~::_  Petersburf __ Boone B 16 Farmers Rank -----·--·U'03 \Vm. Stephens.·--· J. H. Stevens----· 0. S. Watts_. _____ . 8. E. Stephens .... $ 15,000 $ 10.870 $ 149,670 $ 162,0i;O $ 4C Pop. 331 73-576 15,000 PeweeValley-OldhamE15 Pewee Valley State Banktl'll J. J, FoleY--···-- G. S. Forwood ..... H.B. Pollock .••••• 117.300 9.500 112,300 I L Pop. 6-19 73-577 100,000 120,050 , l,335,890 •Pikeville-·--·· H 23 :First National Bank ·--·•t'89 J. W. Ford··-·--- Fonso Wright_ __ • W. W. Gray··--·-· Rudolph Ruther1.41 .3301 4C Pop. 2110 73•268 ford W.W. Gray , Walter Hatcher Peoples Bank _____ •;!:§'19 M. C. Justice...... C. A. Warden----· c. E. Blair ______ ,-----·····-··-··-·· 50,000 810 119.050 129,650 73-685 J. F. Justice 100,000 " ---·--" Pikeville National Bank.•i•03 F. Rogers ---·---- J. E. Ratliff -- . •••. V. E. Bevins_. ____ Carl Bevins ....... . 61.920 1,327,760 1.008,980 1 73-269 Linton Trivette B. A. Ratliff' 70,000 15,000 18,510 Pine KnoL_._.~fcCreary Pine Knot Banking Co . . U 'Oi 11L B. Campbell. .•. J.E. Harman_•.... / J.C. Good ......• -. -·-------····-----· 2,860 4C Pop. 500 K 17 73-578 , •Pineville _____ .. Bell K 20 Bell National Bank .•.. -•i•o4 H. H. A~her -······ J. L. Phillips .• _. G. C. May. _ _ _ M. Cook •...·-·-··100,000 36,000 1,025.000 900.000 1 J. R. Patterson 4C Pop. 2908 73-203 J. L. Drane 15.000 61,530 1,200.450 884, l40 " •· First State Bank ····-··-*''OO George n. Reese .• _ V. M. Reese···-··· R. E. Samuels- · --· --·-···--···-·-· .••. 73-202 30,000 Pleasureville_Hcnry E 16 Deposit Bank .·-··---·U'87 A. Dudley····-··-· J. F.. KepharL .... W. S. Threlkeld·--· N. E. Skidmore ••.• 45,000 600,000'1 500,000 8 L Pop. 30 73-580 <1. M. Wilson J.E. Johnston 168,0001 Ul,000 Poole ..•..••• Webster H 8 Poole Deposit Bank_ •.•. u·o2 U. s. Poole---·--·· J. O • .Melton.----·· Roy Melton _______ . _ _ _ _ _ ---15,COO 8 L Pop. 142 73-581 215,000 24'.i.000 15,000 Port H.oyaL_.Henry D 16 Citizens Bank ... -------·*1'91 H. E. Perry·-··-·· P. J. Honaker- •... G. H. Owens-·---· Mary C. Owen __ _ 15,000 8 L Pop. 152 73-582 00.930 91,640 25,000 Prestonia.Jelfer on EH Prestonia Bank .. ·--·---t 'lP Geo. Schuster __ W. J. Teville ...... John A. Kopp·---· ----··-·· ........... 1.160 8 (Looi ville P. O.) 73-605 598,000 425,000 50,000 •Prestonsburg--··· Floyd Bank Josephine •..• ·--· •U'91 Isaac Richmond .•. A. J. Davidson ..•. Geo. P. Archer··-· J. M. Davidson--·· 15,000 4C Pop.1667 G 22 73-293 IL II. Fitzpatrick.' 160,000 25,000 " 10,000 560,000 " First National Bank .••-. t'04 Hiram Harris-·-··· A. J . .May-···-···-· J. M. Weddington . F. C. Hall. --- ... -·· 73-294 378,nro -107,730 50,000 •Princeton •• Oaldwell I 8 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK John R. Wylie·--· J. A. Ste1?ar .-----· &.,Baker _______ H. A. Goodwin··-· 15,300 8 L Pop. 36 9 73-177 t'99  , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  11,660 Fifth-Third N., Oin. 15,500 1st N., Loo.  l.~~--.,. .  l  '°tv-_  i  14,0001  FIRST NATIONAL 73-176  M. JONES.·-··---· L. G. COX · - - - ·-·-··-····--·····-· BANLt"82 {R. M. POOL .•••-•• H. R. E. BUTLER  150,000 SpeclaJ attentlo n given BUI or La ding draft , Cash and Time Items. Plraxe ,'{end 15c 11· ilh each .~ight draft for presentation a nd 25c for 'rcdit Reports. Oldest, Largest and Strongeat B ank lo this Cou oty.  Prospect.._.Tefferson E 14 Bank of Prospect..·-··- tl'03 J. W. Moont._·--· J. L. Letterle--·--· E. C. HOO£land. Jr. J.P. Woolfolk --·· 8 L Pop. 100 73-583 Providence._ Webster H 8 8 L Pop. 4151  "  -----··-  "  foJN ~~i1N·N··-···  73-210  tl'85  {s. 0. PALMER •.--·· F. A. CASNfR -·--··- i. T. MORRIS.-··--- PRESS_FORD--···-··  UNIDN NATIONAL BANK•t'lo ; 73- 212  •Richmond.Madison G 18 C ITIZENS NATIONAL 4C Pop. 5662 73-128 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BANK  i·os  l  (S.S. Parkes.- •• We try to give the hut 1ia11 no 15c ace 25ca  W. N. Bennett. •.•• best of service on attention to Sioht omJJanies each i ccompanies each r  J. W. Crooke_. ___ • --·-·-·---··----·  SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANK { peclaf atten tlo n given BIJJ of La ding draffs, Cash and Time Items. , 73-131 State Ba~k  ja.:nrt  •i·10  I  183,350  1  14,560 r..tberty Insurance, Lou. 200,000 Fifth-Third N. and lstN., Oin. 360,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Lou. 152,120 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of KJ'., Lou.  00,000 1.250,000  (/J  I  865,000  505,000 llech. & Metals N., N. Y.': Citiz •.Union, N., O Lou.; City ., Evansville. :::0  ....  o·  ::J"  US.  1  350,000  175,000 N. Bk. of Ky. Loo.; Oitiz . .r ., Evansville.  15,ooo l  2,300  I 20,0001  23,000  100,000  75,000  825,ooo!  700,000  210,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: 4th N .. Cin.: Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; 1st N., Bos.  125,000  62,500  700,000  6-15,000  46,000  603,000  750,380  225,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N .. Obi.; Fifth-Third Cin.; li:t •. , Phil. 228,050 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N .. Oin.  843.430  951.6 ·o  I  150,000  zX>  21,430 Bk. of .America. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. and 1st~ N., Loo.  520,000  3  0 ::i  Q.  11,500 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  Please send 15c icith each sight draft for presentati,01i and 25c for Cre dit Hep,urts.  Co.•tl'9i l H.B. Hanier -·--· T. J. Curtis.·-·-··· R. E. Turley---· , pears Turley-....  a,  "'t, •256,170 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; N.Bk. of Ky., Lou.; 1st~ ('D .. t. L.  23,000  100,000  0  205,520  Draft or Credit Inouiries unless ght Draft for pre sentation and equest for Report or Rating,  J. S. BOGGS-····· 'B. It IGO ....... --·· R. M. ROWLAND.-.. I -----·--·---  :.;~~:if1f.  d  39,000 Cipynw~ l!i}Ji~~d~~~~~nN., Hen• derson. n 10,0:lU Lou. N. Bh. Co., Lou.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. ~  25.000  Bill of Lading Drafts , Cash and Time lte ms,  Nai~~~~t Bank.•i-71 W. Bennett ...·--· ;N. B. Deather~e•.. R. R. Burnam. __ ---------·-·-·  75.0UO Chas~ N., N. Y.; ~- Bk. ~f Ky. ~nd Oitiz.-  z~  c::  3,500  'l'hi ' .HanK give · prolllpt and ·tri ct ath!ntion to al • hu me s entrus ted to i t. Please sP11d 15c u: ilh each sight draft J or pre.•enlalion and 25c for Credit Repor Is,  Raywick ____ Marion H 15 Bank of Raywirk ••• ·-···''04 Wm. Webster ___. M. B. McCauley .•. M. L. Costello ___ ._ -----········· 8 L Pop. 180 73-58'  410,000 ChPm, N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Lou .... •. Bkg. Co., Lou. rl96,8 0 Han. N., N. Y.  @  50,000  Save time and lget service on C-01 lectloos and Cred It Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain •ight draft•, 15c; Credit Report•. 25c. TRY  40,210 N. City, N. Y.; Fifth.Third N., Cin. 529,900 Chem. N .• N. Y.; Fifth-Third N .• Oin.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 39,610 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st~•., Lou.  C"  30,000  PROVIDENCE CITIZENS {T. J. JACKSON •.•. J.E. MORGAN .. •--·· JOHN B. PRICE---··BANK & TRUST CO. Oldest Bank lo ' \\'ebster County.  Madison  293,000 1,362,890 1,736,240  286,620 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st N., Oin.  65,000  tr  154,210 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Oiti:1.-Union N., ~ 1 Lou.: Citiz. N .• and Fifty.Thiril . •., Cin.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CH.ICAGO  I,  I I  1  ;  lI  I  !  I,  I'  I:. I·•.  '  I ··• t  l'fWDber under Name of Dank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tile Rand-McNally Bankers• !)!rectory, _!JD~er the_authorlty of The American Ba!!._ker Ass•n. ,.'AME uF BA K. -TowN AND oou Tr. ,•Mem. Am. Bk . .Assn. §State •Co11nty Seats. _v 1c1:-PKE!IIDDT. PJllCl!JlDDIT. _ Figure i.: Fed. Ht•,. DL_t. tMem. tate Ilks. Assn. tPriv.  564  KENTUCKY-Continued  Li: Louisv'IP Br.:. Cis Cm.  ♦ ~lem. Fed. Hes.  1Coehe1ter _____ Butler I 10 I L Pop. 415  Green RiTer Deposit Bk.U'08 • 73-585 Rockport Dep. BanJc __ tf 04 73-586 Bank of Rocky HiJl _____ u•o3 73-587 First National Bank. ----•:t"07 78-581 First National Bank _____ :t"06 73-580 Peoples Bank of Russell Springs __ 73-683 _______ t§· L Bank of R11ssellville ____ :t5•7!1 73-187 Citizens National Bank -•:t'03 73-189 Southern Deoosit Bank_t§'l6 71-168 acramento Deposit Bk.•tl'95 73-5110 Farmer --Deposit Bank :l:§'18 7iH8i  RockporL-----Ohio I 11 I L Pop. 650 :aoekr Hill Sta.Edmonson J 13 I L Pop. 132 BuselL---Greenup D 22 4C Pop. 1756 ausellSprinrs .. -Russell J 16 IL Pop. 125 " "  •Rnssell-rllle __ Logan K 10 IL Pop. 8124 " "  Saeramento __ YcLean H 9 IL Pop. 410 SadiP-rllle ______ scott E 17 4C Pop. 448  llalt Llck _______ Bath F 20 4C Pop. 516 SalTisa ______ Mercer G 16 IL Pop. 100 •SalyersvilJe ____ llaroffln G 22 4C Pop. 412 Sanders ______ carroll D 16 IL Pop. 201 •Sandy Hook_Rlliott F 21 4C Pop. 400 Science HilLPulaskl 117 4C Pop. 331 •8cottsville ____ Allen K 13 IL Pop. 2401 "  73-51H  ISalt Lick Deposit Bank.•t '01  73-5112 Farmers Bank __________ i§'O~ 73-593 Salyersville National Bk.!'02 73-594 Sanders Deposit Dank ___ t§"04 78-505 Sandy Hook Dank ______ :1:f'04 73-506 Peooles Bank ___________ if'06 73-5118 Allen County ·at. Bank_•t"9!1 73-263 First ational Bauk ______ t'07 78-264 Sebree ______ Web ter H 9 First National Bank ______ t·o3 73-244 IL Pop. 1258 ebree Deposit Bank __ .:tl'90 " ________ " 7!-248  I  I  LIABILITIES.  OAIIIJ:Jl.  [ Estah.  SALEM BANK-----------t1"02  sa1em ______ Li-rinr1ton 16 IL Pop. 25~  I  __ _ _ _  I  Alll'T O.uuila.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thL, Vt volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws O'I RESOURCES.  J. I'. Haya ____ W. K. Brown ___ Wm. Willis _____ _ W. H. Evans _____ $ 15,000  PEOPLES BANK & TR. CO. 73-163  • l. '05  . : - - - -~-- --=-=---=--  9,000 $ 103,0001$ 107,750 $ 6,630  'i0,500  72,150  w. II. Dopp _________________________ _  20,000  9,000  130,000  130,000  33,000 Citiz. -Union N .. Lou.  Jacob Fisher _____ J. W. Ramey ______ Sallie B. Kinman __ Jennie A. Riggs __ _ S. E. IIo1fman S. Wilson ________ H. M. Smith ______ Robert Inrram ____ G. \V. Hill _______ _ U. G. Rex root F. L. Wilson______ C. A. Chumbley ___ J.C. PopplewelL ________________ _  50,000  37.570  384.350  401,420  77,800 Fifth-Third N., Oin.; Oitiz.-Union N., Lou.  25,000  5,000  160,000  125,000  40,000 Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Loa.  15,liOO  1,100  50,000  41.500  _________ ----------- T. S. Rhea_________ F. A. Yorton _________________________ _  25,000  27,390  321,860  28-1,490  Par•-------  25,000  15,000  375,000  220,000  Tho, . . Rhea _____ R. 'I. KcOuddy ____ Geo. L. Bri~g. ________________________ _  25,000  25,000  350,000  325,000  76,9801N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Oitis.-Union N. and N. Bk. . . . of Ky., Lou. 80,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; C1tJz. Umon N .. and N. Bk. or Ky., Lou. 65,000 Industrial, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  ______ _  15,000  19,740  213,970  176,930  67,120 U.S. N., Owensboro; Citiz-Union N., Lou.  R. H. McCabe _____ G.D. Johnson _____ W. A. Hinton ______ Chas. P. Fields_  40,000  43,oio  39-1.150  479,450  35.730 1st N., Oin.: Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  T. D. Enns ________ W.  --------------------  c. Nourse ______  w. R.  H. L. Trimble _____ .A. J.  Jaroe _______ J. T. Bibb __________ K. P.  Bat■ el  I  19,000 N. Bk. of Ky., Lo•.  15,000  H. Y. DaviJI ________ \V. BunncJL _____  ...i::.  PRINCIPAL O0RKKSPONDENTS.  . I . . Blanche Willis A. D. Park-_______ Erme Curtis _______ c. H. Fra1m _ _ _ Myrl M. Tipton ___ _  22,000 Citiz.-Union N.• Lou.; 1st N .. Paducah.  12,000 Lin. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou.  X trJ Z '"1 C: ()  X  ~  to  v. HAYDE"-----'T. M. GEORGE _______ !,Special care glv en BIU of Lading  { Please  JOHN QUERTERMousjJ. H. MITCHELL-----  and  other Coll ections.  16.000  17,000  156,990  149,490  send 15c u ith each Siaht Draft for presentatio,i an d 25c for Credit Rep orts.  J. H. CampbeJL __ W.W. Razor ______ Jl. H. Points ________________________ _  30,000  E. Gm _____________ W. C. McAfee _____ J.M. Baker ________ S. M. Nelson ______ _  15,000  lone Gardner. ____ _ II. II. Har kw or th __ Geo. Carpenter ____ W. R. llay. _______ _  25,000  G. W. Deatherare __ W. A. Shirley ______ R.H. Towles ______ -------------------W. T. Furnish M. M. Redwine __ _ Drew Evans _______ V. H. Redwine _____ -------------1,. C. Prichard . G. Adam:,, ______ _ G. W. PlimelL ____ M.A. Dodson ______ L. D. Dodson _____ _  15,000  4,500  . Rogers·------ A. S. Gardner ______ W.W. Gardner ___ _  F. J. Hale __________ L.  42,970 Great Lakes Tr. Co., Chi.: Olty N., Paducah; Oitiz.-Union N. and 1st N., Lou.  > Z X  f/'J 22,500  70,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin., Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  290,000  270,000  5,000  150,000  140,000  20.900 Fifth-Third N., Oin.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  17,140  171,980  116,830  71,160 1st N., Cin.  145,000  122,000  23,000 1st N., Oin.; Oitiz.-Union N., LOU.  I  ~  0  (')  ::r Cl) (/l  15,000  7,820  214,810  163,390  72,370 Fifth-Third N., Oin.  15,000  14.000  150,000  151,000  26,000 ll'lfth-Thlrd N .. 01n.  25,000  34,830  710,280  575.320  195,300 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 127,660 Chem. N., N. Y.; ,th & 1st N., Nash.; Citiz .• Union N.,Lon. 100,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Henderson N., Henderson; Old State N., E\'ansville. 45,000 N. Park, 1 • Y.; Old State N .. Evansville, Ind.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Henderson _._ .• Henderson. 71,320 Lou. N. Rki:. Co. and Citiz.-Union N .. Lou.: Fiftb-Third N., Cin. 23,310 Chem. ,.' .. N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.: N. Ilk. of Ky., Lou. 45,6CO Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N. and,.'. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 90,150 Han. N .. N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N. and N. Dk. of Ky., Lou. 44,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N. and._', Bk. of Ky., Lou.  r-t-  Cl)  "1  "' 0 f/'J  ::r'  Cl)  tr  . S.Guy _______ E. F. Welch _______ II. P. Gardner _____ 0. W. Duncan ____ _ c. A. Gilliam W. I. Smith ________ C.11. Ramsey ______ T. M. Hankin, _____ J.E. BeJL_ __  50,000  19,530  823.050  808,420  40,000  10,000  210,000  155,000  . F. Powell _______ J. L. Oar lisle_______ B. 0. Warren ______ J. D. llorehead ___ _  25,000  11,500  187,000  m,ooo  B. T. Wrirht. ______ 0. li. Uatliff _______ T. E. A.dams _______ J. O. Van A.ndell __  15,000  5,140  228,600  168.980  F. S. Allen ___________________________ S. 0. Allen _________ T. J . .Allen ________ _  20,000  10,000  172,080  174,930  ~Iatthews Hall__ ___ Ralph Gilbert_ _____ - - - - - - - L. T. Harbison----  100,000  51,000  325,580  454,770  W. H. Tipton ______________ P.R. Beard ________ C. A. Randolph____  100,000  50,000  650,010  713,550  1--------------------  50,000  67,000  32.J, 750  4(;0,350  J. T. MIDDLETON • W. C. ASH • ---- --- CHAS. CONNELL-- -- OTHO VARDEMAN---J. L. GARING, Sec'y  75,000  22,470 1 354,1 0  410,000  7 ,550 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union ~ '< ., Lou.  100,000  W,5i0 I 28li,!i80  385,480  30,780 Bk. ot thdlanbattan Co., N. Y .: N. llk. of Ky .• ~ and 1st r., Lou.  I  Sharpsbur, _____ Bath ElO Citizens Bank ___________ tf'03 73-393 I Pop. 563 4C Exchanre Bank _________ :tf'66 .. 73-392 •Sbelby-,!lle __ Shelby E 15 Bank of Shelhyville _____ t§'56 73-1511 IL Pop. 3760 Citizen Bank __ ---- ----U'88 " 78-162 Farmers & Trad('rs Bank :U'71 73-160  l  PAID-UP 8URPLU8 DEPOS-1to•N11A:Dnt- Cu11&E:<C'Ta. Doxoa, t'DA)h,;U,Doa .&.ND CAPITAL _ _ _ _ P R O F I T S ~ ~ •ao11B'"""e.,_  W. T. Beckham ____ R. A. Campbell ____ J. D. lliddelton ____  Re<1ue ·ts for Cre { C'ollettlons and Cl-,: Plain siql.t dra FJ~E L , DYAN  . dit Reports J\IU!-\ 'r he a<~eompanle d by /t.~,1:;c, Credit Repor 1ts, 2;jc,  Shelby County Tr.&Bkr.Oo. E. B. llt>anL-----IW· J. 'l'homas _____ A.. O. Lonr.------JJ. K HuoJenpyL_ :t§'l2 73-181  '<  < :::.: ci°  ._ ~ ~  -  The 5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI-Resources $55,000,000 ~Jb1 ~i~~~ Sumber under Name of Bank i the .'Vew Tran11U Number ~fren Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to eaC'h bank in U. S. exclusfn~I · bv The Rand-McNaJI Bankers•  Non-Bank Tol\·ns with Nearest Banking Point (In-  dexed Acc~s.), L~wyers, Laws 'lu_~~xed) in back ~f this~  umber uader Name of Baak is the New Tran It Number given to each bank in U. S. ei:clu IYely l,y The Rand-McNally Bankers' ===:::D == Jree = tor7, _unde_! ~e ~uthorlty_£! The A~erl<'an Banker!i ~-s_~_n_. _ TOW'N AND COUNTY. .. Coun ty Seats. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Fig. is Fed. He .. Di ·t. iAem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Li · Louisv'le Br.-C i · Gin. ♦Mem. Fed, Res. [ E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  565  KENTUCKY- Continued  ==================:.=  1  1  &Shepherdsville ___ Bullitt Bullitt County Bank __ •:t§'89 J. F. Combs --- __-IL Pop. 5~0 F 1-1 73-408 " •••••••• " Peoples Bank .•...•.•. •i§l900 R. L. Simmons . 73-409 , r . Shively ..•• Jefferson F 14 Bank of St. Helens •. .... i§ 09 ~ . B1belhauser. .... IL Pop. 200 73---600 limp onville.Shelby El5 Bank of Simpsonville ...:l:§'02 Leonidas Webb •... IL Pop. 189 73-601 llaqhters ....... Webster Farmers & ~erch. Bk .• •:l:§"98 W. H. Ogdim .• _____ IL Pop. 66-l H9 73---602 Smithfleld __ •• Henry E 16 Smithfield Bank..-·--· •l§'05 T. A. Price·--··--· IL Pop. 143 73-603 •Smithland. __ Livin2ston Smithland Bank·--·-·--·U'07 D. A. Dunn ..••.... IL Pop. 5.51! I 6 73-376 Smith Mills •.. Henderson I Smith Mills Deposit Bankt§·02 J. W. Cooper-·-·-IL Pop. 300 G 8· 73---604  ~--=-=-=:...;_.c....::c.:c.;..;:..,c-'----ll  ASS'T CASHIER.  cPAID-UP  l  .  ,  B. E. Schaffner. •.• F. N. All2e1er. ..... J. )I. Dawson ·-··-  I  I  15,000  DEPOS'T•- BoNt>a, ClliNou,DIB 1 8 .._"'_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,· _T_s_ _8_""_"1UTT_•_• 1  _'"°_"_  20,-170  347,150  336,720  -  51.090 Ran. N., N. Y.; K. Bk. of Ky,, Lou.  5.000  121,180  115,130  21.070 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  20,000  15,ooo,  200,790  li9,8-10  15,000  12,000  140,000  170,000  41,750 Chem. N .• N. Y.; Old State N .. Eyansvillo, Ind. 13.000 Citiz.-Union N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. ;:.::;  L. H. Adams ......• , .\LE. Scyster •••... C. M. Dunn ••••••••  25,000  26,8rl0  246,460,  222,440  74,710 City N., Paducah; Old State N., Evansville, Ind.  A.G. Crutchfield .•• Harry S. Utley .... · - - - - - - - - ·  30,000  12,000  108,U0!  90,180  25,000 33,000 Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts and all banking bust ness. Plea ·e :-1end 15c 11· ith eoch 8i(J1lt clrrift for pre:-1eutotion a nd 25c for Credit R.eport:-1. Oldest Bank In Warren County. Largest and stron gest Bank In Sm ltbs Gr ove.  I  59,380 Old State N. and Citiz. N .. Evansville, Ind.: ri~.derson N., Henderson; Citiz.-Union N .•  285,8601  283,660  I  i  ,1J. R. KIRBY--··-· J.R. R.E. KIRBY, BEARD ..... -- . R. E. BEARD- ·----- M. H. KIRBY ··-··-· JR.  J. M. RICHARDSON • --·------·-- J. H. GIBSON ···-·--- E. M. WADDLE-----·-  I  t,.)  T. J. Conley-·----- J.E. Ogden .•.•.... J. J. Henry-·-----A. W. Majar R. Watkin -· ----· E, M. Swain. ______ C. . Atchison .•. -.  i  ~ tai  C:  70,470 Chem.N.,N.Y.;N.Bk.ofKy.andCitiz.-Union 0 N.,Lou. ;:.::;  i<  tD  18,000  15,000  240,000  200,000  225,000 803,000  100,000 1,713,460 1,559,520  100,000  75,000 Cllem. N., N. Y.; Citiz .. Union N .. Lou.; Citiz. N., Bowling Green.  ==  £4  ;:.::;  (/l  ~c  73-142  -15,000 Chem. N,, N. Y.; 1st N., Lou.  ...  '°...  15,000 1  pet'lal attt>ntlo n glvl.!n Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 73-351 FIFTEEN C'EN T sent to tlfl wit h each sight draft for presentation, and ( TWENTY-l'IVE CENTS for each credit report In sures prompt, per onal attentlo n. 250,000 •SomPrset. •• Pulaski J 17 Citizens 'ahonal Bank.•.t'20 D. E. l'enton ••...• C. U. 'tigalJ •. _____ A. A. Basham-·-·· J. Erne t Sears··-12,500 100,000 Pop. 4672 73-144 1 663,000 69.000 FARMERS NAT'L BANK & A. W. Cain .••..••.. W. )1. l'rire J·--··· John C. Oe-d n -··· Ed2ar MurreIJ ••.•. 100,000 TRUST CO.. 73-143 .... •i'0l I Thns. Prather  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •i'88  30,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Lou.  '<  C. L. Walter -····· G. L. Parkhurst. .. Catherine Mathis •.  JNO. F. COOKE ... B. S. EWING.---·-· J. T. SNODGRASS-- _ _ -------··-  . • , SmitlhLsGrove. WarrenJI 2 DEPOSIT BANK .. _..... • .. § 80 Pop. 8!5 73-350  FARMERS BANK•-··· •!1'89  SUARPNLDUS  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A_Pi_T_A_L _P_R_o_FI_T_s _ 1 1 1  B. F. Pope •........ H. H. Combs ·--· ·· i--··-·-· -·-- ·-·· .••• $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 300,000 $ 320,000 $ , 275,000 270,000 30,000 B. Williams ..... J. W. Hardaway ... J. L. Williams ....• 1 15,000  ·-··1 ·  I  _  LIABILITIES.  CASHJJtR,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws 'Indexed) in back of this"; ~olume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., Sl'e Laws.::, RE OURCES PRINCIP L CORRES O EN S ~ .o...~. LD18· C••B L·E•-· • A p ND T • ~ .. • ~ .•  I  50,000 N, Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N .• Cin.; 1st YJ N., Lou. ::::r" 150,000 Ohase .• N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin.; . Bk. ~ of Ky., Lou.  'g.  465,990 Chem. N., N, Y.  Special attentlo n given BIii of La ding draft , Ca It and Time Items. P/111.~c '" 11rl Hie 1(1 ith wch Ni{lltt <I mft for 1m .~nlfatinn a 1111 25c for f'rrclil Rrimrt,~. Oldest and Larg est Bank in Pula kl County.  ~  '"1  Q.  rn  1  -s.  lonora ...... Hardin H 13 Bank of Sonora ......... i1'96'Josiah Phillips •.... I. H. troughan •••• R. T. Gentry····-- R. E. Gentry-----·  25,000  18,770  151,940  186,580  22,290 Citiz •. Union N., Lou.  Joe Martin--·-·-·· Edgar "icholls ··- Irvin Barnes----·-  15,000  15,760  179,970,  158,870  50,310 N. Bk. of Ky. and Liberty Insurance. Lou.  T. S. Slaughter ·--· R. C. Records . ··-- --···--·---·---- ·--·  15,000  7,800  195,000  240.000  S. P. Thompson ..• J.C. McElroy ·---- L.B. Cain·-·····-· W. C • .McChord,Jr. T. F. Montgomery. \ • H. Wharton ____ ·-··-··-·--·--···-·  60,000  77,240  15,000 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; Citiz •. Union N .. Lou.; (JJ Fifth.Third N.,. C~.. . 43,080 Chem. N., N. Y .. C1t1z.-U01on N., Lou. ::l  50,000  69,560  315,290  477,180  50,800 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., fi>u,  50,000  24,600  841,640  381,030  20,200  15,500  283,130  290,000  36,900 Chem.N.,N.Y.; N. Bk.ofKy.andOitiz.-Union 0. N.,Lou. 48,070 Fifth•Third N., Cin.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  50,000  50,730  590,360  590,350  147,700 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Citiz.-Union .i:'., Lou.; Fifth•Third N .. Cin.  584.920  660,280  115,260 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; .i:'. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  6,150 •••• --·-.  71,550  8L Pop. 274 SouthCarrollton.Muhl'b'g IL Pop. 828 I 10 Sparta .. ·--· Gallatin Dl6 IL Pop. 197 &Sprin(?tleld. \Vashin(?ton 8L Pop. 1529 G 15 •·  ·  "  73-605 I Citizens Bank ...•.....•• ts·o2 C. E. Wolcott ....•• 73---606 Sparta Deposit Bank .. •t§l900 H. Winn.·--· .. ·-·73-607 First National Bank ..•. •t'49 H. M. Grundy··-·· i3-260 Peoples De~i:~\pank ... i§'89 I. H. Thurman ••.••  "  --··---·  "  Spriugfleld~r-\irank .•. il'll J. R. McClure •••.. T. E. Ballard .. _____ R. E. Foster. ______ W. A. Waters, Jr ••  stamping Ground .•• Scott Citizens Bank.·-·-·-····U'03 lo . N. Jameson .. _.• J e. se Riddle·-·---· C. B. Roberts----·- Mrs. E. G. Davis._, 4C Pop. 124 E 17 73-400 S. P. Willis Mrs. Estill Karsne-r: 1  J. s. HOCKER ....  s.H. T.C. HARRIS-----C. HAYS FOSTER .. w. w. SAUNDERS.I BAUGHMAN  tanford_ .• Lincoln II 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK•i'82 J Oldest Bank In Lincoln County. 4C Pop. 1397 73-236 I Save time and get ser"i<'e on Col I lectlons and Cred It Reports by sen• ding l FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain •i1thti draft.. 15c; Credit Report•, 25c. l 'l'RY  73-235  l'70  S°  lat!,  BAN~ctN~~~~~~~Ts·  A. ec. ancl .A. 'l'r.  25,000  '  O  ""  LARGF.ST AND STRONGEST BANK IN LINCOLN I COUNTY.  'cc.IF, Lee Hill. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  76,100  BUI or L ' adlng and Note C ollectlons. Plem~c enclo.~e 15c H'ifh eac1t Siallt Dr for precrntatio' n and 25c for each Report.  Lincoln Trust Co .•••• _•. t§'l6 W. H. Shanks··--· J.B. Paxton.-----· J. F. Robinson, 73-672 H. L. Huhhlt> (Ill(! Tr.  CH_ICAGQ  351.4701  520,080  us.  (W. H. SHANKS ... J.B. PftXTON. ·--· J. F. ROBINSON •••. F. L. HILL -··· ·--· i 100,000 ) R. L. H BBLE . I  LINCOLN COUNTY NAT'L Bk. lSpeclal A.ttentl on gh'en  I  ti"  g  750 Cin. Co. N., Stanford.  QON_JLNE_NTAL A~D COMMERCIAL BANKS  566  Numbt>r under Name or Bank i11 the New Transit Number given to enrh bank in U. S. t>xclushely by The Rand-l\lcNally Uankers•  'l\JI\'_ A:-iD (JOU~TY.  •County 'eats..  I, •~l em.,Am. Bks. Assn. §St.3:te  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 01 volume. For Interest Rate • Holidays, etc., se Law . =-- - -=--- RE 'OURCES .- PRlNCIPAL CORRESPONDE."ITS.  KENTUCKY-Continued  Dlrt>ctory, nudl'r the authority of The American Uankt>rs As . 'n.  °' °'  ·,LlE OF BA:SK.  Fi~. is lt'et!. lles. ~)L-L iMem. St3-te ilks.Assn. tPnv. 11•.~ab. LL· Loui:v'le Br.-C 1~ Cu~ , ~~1em. Fed. He,;.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.  Ass'T CASHIER.  DEPOSITS  PAID-UP I SURPLUS CAPITAL p:01!,~TS  l.oJ.l<l4'  c::;,  D11-  (,u114' h-  ,'!_":,.°'::~:  0 0:::•  - --- --- --- --- --- -----------------! •8tanton _____ Powell G 19 Powell Co. Deposit Bank U'06 J. W. Williams---- M. H. Lyle ________ _ David Howe1L ____ Catherine Howa!L $ 15,000 $ 2l0,000 $ 40,000 . Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Phoenix & Third J . " 7,500 $ 230,000 1 73~08 Lexinfton, 4C Pop. 311 1  tate Bank of tearns __•§'20 W. A. Kinne ______ J.E. Butler _______ R. W. Henderson_ J. A. Curtis ______ _ H. C. Trent 73-702 Stlthton _____ Hardin G 131 Union Bank _____________ tf'l6 W. B. Edmonson __ W.W. Stith _______ T. E. Yates ________ c. L. Hurt ________ _ Miss Orene King 73410 8L Pop. 400  st. Matthews ___ Jeff. E 14  Louis Bauer ------- W. N. Arterburn _ G. T. Dick _________ W H. Lausman __ _  30,000  R. L. Bailey __ _____ J. \Y. Taylor ______ J. A . .. ·e wton ________________________ _  50.000  10.000  0. H. K1lis _________ G. B. Simpson, Jr. ____________________ Nell Coleman _____ _  15,000  10,000  W.W. Slaton _____ A. S. Winston _____ Mark E. Eastin _______________________ _  25,000  UlO  Stdarns ___ McCreary F 13 4 C Pop. 1000  Bank of St. Matthews __ etf'06 0 ~to:L~~~~-~~iike E 16 First ... ·a!io~fj ~mk _____ '21 73-i16 4 C Pup. 200 stun!I:.-------- Union H 7 1Bank of turgb _______ •t§'76 73-247 8 L l'op. 1,:;o Farmers State Bank ___ •:t§ '02 " ________ .. 73-248  I  1.900  25,000  I  14,000  I  400,000  I  I 72,370  669,890 1  I  1  70,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  380.000  57,8CO Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky. and 1st.·., Bk. , Lou. Y.; Fifth-Third K., Cin. 115,990 ... ~. City,  719,liO  98,8801  ~.  45.400  I  ,!  355,000  70,000 IHan. N., N. Y.; Lou_.~- Bk~. Oo., Lou.  721,650  217,450  83,310 Ohase N .. N. Y.; C1tiz.-Umon N .. Lou.; City ,Z ~ N., Evansville, Ind.  200,000  22,000 N. Bk. Com.,. N. Y.:. 1st.·. 3:nd Lou .• •. Bkg. Co., Lou.: Fifth-Thud N., Cm.  47.860 N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union N., Lou.: Far. ~ to N. and Citiz. N .. GlasfOW.  .I  Sulphur ______ llPnry D15 Deposit Bank ___________ :§'87 J. J. Coleman ______ ', 11. -• hrader _____ B. W. Elliott, Jr,_ Sue T. Elliott _____ _ 7Hl0 8 L Pop, 300  15,000  9,500  200,000  summrrShade.-Mctcalre Bank or Summer Shade_tf'07 J. T. Harbison _____ E.T. Bartley ______ I. N. Bowles _______ Bes ieGill ________ _ 73-611 J 14 I L Pop. 300  15,000  8,640  214,530  187,320  Sonri~e ___ Harrison E 18 Sunrise Deposit Banlc. ___ :§'06 Levi Sandy-------- W. A. Lenox _______ E. C. Elliott_ _______ Luther Foley, ec. 73-613 4C Pop. 254 R. D. Bourne _____ E. A. Reid _______ _ •Taylorsville ____ Spencer Bank. of Taylorsville ____ tl'88 L. W. Ross-------73-368 F 15 1 L Pot>, 673 Peoples Bank ___________ t§'03 F. G. Greenwell ___ G. B. Shindler _____ E.T. llcMahan ____ n. 0. Wigginton __ _ 73-360  15,000  7,950  106.910  77,430  50,000  38,000  375,000  400,000  35,0GO I  23.000  rn2,010 I 2so,77o  Tlline _____ Livineston I 6 Bank or Tiline __________ t§'09 Edgie Gr~ory _____ R, H. Smith------- J. 0. , picer_ _____ _ 7H14 IL Pop. ::il Tolle·boro ____ Lewis D 20 Bank or Tolesboro ____ L. D. Hull _________ W. D. T~er ______ A. D. Kei1.h _______ _ Omer Hamlin ____ _ 73-615 4C Pop. 250 Tolu ______ Crittenden II 7 Farmers & Merch. Bank_if'04 P. B. Orott -------- W. E. Dowell ______ J. H. Grimes ______ 0. P. Croft. ______ _ 73-616 8 L Pop. 22::; •Towuk:insvillt• __ Mon rot> Deposit Bk. of Monroe County J. H. Newman _____ W. K. Richardson_ A. n. Strickler---- . C. Ray ________ _ •tl'89 73-364 K 14 8 L Pop. 721 Peoples Bank -----------U'06 R. B. Evans _______ H.B. Ray _________ Price Kirkpatrick_ L. W. Downing ___ _ .. .. 73-365 Trenton ______ -=--_J'Odd K O! Bank of Tre?ton _______ i§'88 Rus ell Hoi!an ---- W. S. Waller ______ G. E. Garth ________ W. 11. Ilir hfeld __ 73-35is 8 L Pov. •>'J~ Planter· Bank __________ U,08 E. F. Camp ______ -------------------- F. W. Mimm ----- M. R. Crutchfield_ " ________ .. 'P. G. Dickinson 73-359 Turnf!rs tation ___ HC'nry Farmers Bank _________ •U '05 F. R.anl.:Jey ________ J. W. Vawter ______ R. E. Tingle______ ellie HansdeJL __ _ 73-618 I> lli 8 L Pop. l'..'5 Union ________ BooneC 17 Union Deposit Bank ____ i§'03 M. J. Crouch ______ Owen Blankenluk- J. L. Frazier _______ Lill ian Bristow ___ _ er 73-610 , 4C Pop. 100 Uniontown ____ llnion G 8 Farmers Bank ---------•U'll M. J. Olements ____ H. R. Slack _______ Sam. W. Clements_ L. T. Chapman __ _ 73~20 8 L Pop. IOH.t Upton _______ Hardin II 13 Davis B:rnkin~ Co. ______ i§'Ol H. Y. Davis. Jr. ___ ------------------- -------------------- J. W. Edwards---73-621 8 L Pop. :mn Utica _______ Daviess 1110 Utica Deposit Bank _____ if'03 L. E. Wellman _____ JamC's Yeiser ______ W. F. Davis ______ - - - - - - - 73-622 8 L Pop. 300 Vanhuren_A1111erson O 16 Van Buren State Banlc. ___ 1·00 .T. O. -;ulli\·a n _ ---- E<l:.:ar Dri le.ell ____ 0. F. Adkin ------ - - - - - - 73-624 8 L Pop. 1100 •Vant' buri.--Lewis 21 Citizens Bank ___________ u•o3 Geo. T. Willim ____ Geo. M. Thomas ___ J. L. _Iyer ------- ------------73-200 4C Pop. 1:l:i:3 Depo it Bank ___________ tf'89 G. W. Stamper ____ -------------------- E.T. Bowman _____ Leland Cook ______ _ .. 73-289 Yernna ______ Hooue C 17 Verona Bank ___________ i§·Os \\'. M. Whitson ____ Josrph Florence ___ 0. K. Whitson---- ---------------- 1 , W. II. Am nro~e 73 -625 4C Poo. 1119  16,0CO  7,000 1  15,000  s.100  I  n  The FIFTH - THIRD  21.270 1st N ., 'omerset.  63,650  74,150  NATIONAL BANK Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each ban.le in U. S. excJusJ..-cJy by The Rand-.!HcNaJl,Y Bankers' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  of CINCINNATI ,_ I  I  50,010  11,170 Oity N ., Paducah.  67.630 1  50 010 Fifth-Third N., Oin.  ?5X zX  40.::iOO N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz,-Union N .. Lou. 23,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., 1 t Oitiz.-Union N., Lou.  ~  ►  15,470 41.h N., Cin.  I  -17,COO  _  .!..~, and  ~ r-1-  lll  :::,  rl  0  1  107,9401  ::,  15,000  26,500 1 225,000  230,000 1  25,000 1st N., Lou.; Citiz. N., Evansville, Ind.  50,000 1  2::i,OCO  436,800,  442,180  -16,7-10 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; ,th & 1st N., Nash.  10.000  200.0001  185.000  45,000 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  25,0001  12,700  140,0.tO  148,070  30.670 N. Bk. of Ky .• Lou.  25,000  18,290  176.630  151.460 1  60,620 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  15.000  20,000  2i0,000'  265.000  20,000  1.660  liS,610  108,290  10,690 \tlas N .. Cin. 60.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Oity N. and Old tad'.·., Kvansville, Ind.; Oitiz.-Union N., Lou. 62,400 N. Bk.. Com .• N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  25,000  I  I  1  40,000  2:;.000  200,000  30,000  20.000  380,000  367,600  15,000  7,000  90.00(,  75.000  N., Cin.; Citiz.-Union N. and 1 I • 10,020 Fif.tll-J'hird 11;,, iJOU,  15,000  '19,170  58 510  15,000  9,400  368,1-101  292,6[)0  7,720  172,3601  141,320  49,800 Fifth-Third N .. Cin.  11.420  154.610  151.33(.i  28,37U Oitiz. N ., Cin.  15,000 15,000  I  I  ._  30,000 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; Owensboro Bkf. Co .• Ill ;:3 Owensboro. 4,650 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. C  ~  "1  102.140 1st N .. Cin.  IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FQURT_H FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVI.CE_ . TO BANKS AND BANKERS· -  : ·  Non-Hank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Ace~~-), Lawyers, Laws (in,1~~~~ ~I!_ ba~_!(_ ~f _!!~is ~  5 67  Numbel' uade, Name of Bank is the Ne'fll Transit Number civen to each ban.le in U. S. eicJusf'fely by The Raod-.HcNally Bankers' Directory, uode~be a_utborlty o!_ The AruPrfcan Rankers As~n.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  KENTUCKY C00 t"lilUe d _ -  -~-- -----  §  Tow •· D CouNTr. j NAbtE uF HANK. --~LIABILITIES. I, RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL Co.1uutsPONDENTS. IC •County Seats. •Mero. Am. Bks . .Assn. IState 1s ~ Fi~. is Fed. Re·. Di. l!Mem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. P1ui:sIDENT. V1c1t-PRESIDENT. 1 0A.SHIJ:R. Ass'T CASH11tR. PAID-UP u!~ua DEPOS- ~~•:,~~~. ~":::G~-~~~. "1 Li Loui!v'leBr.-Ci· 'in. ♦:\Iem. Fed. Res. [Estab. - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , CAPITAL l pROFITB ITS Sacuamu no.. n.-.u. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '< --- --•Versailles ____ Woodford BANK OF J AMSDEN & CO {A. P. 4MSDEH ---- W. ft!. HAUPT-------- A. C. HUNTER ------ . ULYSSES TURNER- -- $ 50,000 $ 122,680 $ 472,490 664,710 $ 40,060 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N .. Cin.; N, Bk. of Ky. 1 4C Pop 2061 F 17 \ INC ·- _ +1to •• Sp<'c1al attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. and Citiz.-Union N., Lou. ~ 1 · I _··----' 3 200 -------u. 67 Plea~ send 15c witheachsioh_t dr aftfor7:~esentati onand25cforCre dit ReJJ lorts~ Harns-Seller Bkf. Co. __ :t§ 90 J. W. Miller _______ 1Theodore Harns ___ R. G. WilllADls ____ __________________ 50.000 9-),000 430.000 510,000 75,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Citiz.-Union N. 73-201 C. M. Harris and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.: Fifth-Third N. and! 1st ., Cin. J. N. CAMDEN----LOUIS MARSHALL. LOUIS MARSHALL- HI RAt.l WILHOIT---50.000 75,000 5-18.170 6-12.920 50,8-10 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and 2d N., Cin.; N., \ " .. S. L. WOOLDRIDGE Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union N., Lou. I WOODFORD ~ANK & TR. ~O. 'I FUTEF.N CEN 'I'S S<'Dt w us wit b each sight draf t for presentatlo n, and 73-1911 ti 52 l TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c red It report Insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  f  I 1  Vine LGrove __ !tardin G 13 Farmers Bank -------- -•U-93 S. T. Howey ______ 8 Pop. v94 73-372 ·· -------" Vine Grove State Bank _t§'07 R. E. Carter _______ 73-373 WacoC______ Madison G 18 Waco Deposit Bank _____ t§'05 C. L. Searcy _______ 4 Pop. 4CO 73-626 i Wadcty _______ ',helby F 16 Citizens Bank __________ •U'OO IE . J. Cline _________ 8L Pop. 250 73-627 Walton ------ Boone C 17 EQuitable Bk. & Tr. Co.•U'07 D. B. Wallace ______ 4C Pop. 6-12 73-361 " .. Walton Bk. & Tr. Oo, __ •U'90 R. C. Green ______ 73-1160 War fleld _____ )fartin G 23 Himler tate Bank ____ . • ·•20 Martin Bimler _____ 73-698 4 C Pop.121 • Warsaw ___ Gallatin C 16 Warsaw Deposit Bank __ tf '75 R. Perry ___________ BL Pop. 800 7H28 WatArValley_OravesK5 CitizensBank __________ et§'05 U.M.Barnes ______ BL Pop. 377 73-630 H. A. ROBERTS ... Wav,ey _______ pnion GS BANK OF WA~ERLY----•U·o 2 { Collectlons and 73 -6 31 Pop. 4 1u i'.EE IN ADVAN  ---,---  I '  25,000  H. 0. Craycroft.. .. W. K. Crutcher_ ___ Pearl Stader______  15,000  c.  1i5,000  120,000  117.000  120,:.500  W. H. Tipton ______ C. E. Frye________ ____________________  15.000  13,000  110,170  162,160  Jno. L. Vest _____ Jno. 0. Miller _____ H. E. Metcalfe_____  50,000  16,8 0  51 ,880  5;i7,500  J. D. Mayhurh ____ R. O. Green ________ A. R. Johnson_____  50.000  21,170  3-11,980  34Vi80  E. J. Lang _________ Floyd Brewer ______ --------------------  25,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SEND FOR I T;  Z  27,000 Han. N., N, Y.; Fifth-Third N .. Cin.; Citiz.•1 ~ Union N .. Lou. 18,4-10 Han . . , • Y.; N.Bk.ofKy. andCitiz.-Union N .. Lou. ::,i::; 69,020 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. ~  n  Cham her· Perry •.. J. E. Mountjoy ____ 1 ________ ---- --- ----  44,000  15,500  350.000  E.G.  15,000  0,000  115,000  115,000  J.B. CRUZ--------- W. T. BARKER- ------ M. B. PIKE ---------15,000 Requests for Cre ldlt Reports l\lUS I~ ~-eB!:l~~1panle d by CE: Plain sivht dra /ts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c.  8,-150  128,750  86,130  tokes _______ E.G.Stoke ,Jr.____________  --  6,250 .. -- -----  > '°"  .T.. I  VJ 15,000 Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; City N., Fulton; 1st Paducah. 69.160 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.; Old State N. and Oitiz. N .. Evansville, Ind.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou. t'D  <: "1  C/J  ~  -142,::iOOJ 378,000 I  . City,~- Y.; Fitth-Third N .• Cin.: Paint ·yille ::: N .. Pamtsv1lle; N. Bk. of Ky .. Lou.: Fidel- t'D ity 'l'r. Co., Bait.; A bland N., A . hland. C/J H.iOO Citiz.-Union N., Lou. r+ 0 88,380 Fifth-Third N •• Cin.; Ashland X .. Ashland.  153,000  50,000  18.000  15.000  9,650  110,6-101  25,0001 30,000  2,890  N5,110  82,360  9.500  375,000  310.000  98,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Citiz.-Uniou ~··, Lou.  ~  15.000  4,650  47,210  47,010  :::: " ;·  15,000  8.000  170,000  122,000  22,170 Owensboro Bk2. Co., Owensboro: Citiz. Evansville, Ind. 53.000 Liberty In ., Lou.; Fifth-Third N .. Cin.  15,000  11,190  90,230  10,200 Citiz.-Union N .• Lou.; Fifth-Thir,t N., Oin.  118.590  15,COO  20.000  150.000  140,000  50.000  13,000  700,000  650.000  25,000  16,240  192.110  20Ui0  15,000  5.160  130,440  86,240  20,000  6.000  183,150  162,050  924,470  77-1,370  I A. T. SILER ______ T. B. MAHftN------ li SCOTT SILER--. ZEB WARD-------- 1 60.0GO pel'lal aHe~tlo ~ given ~I I or La ng drafts. <_jasb and_ Tliiie 1ter:ns. { h~~!t,n~bwlti.fJi;if{11t~ ~-~'ii\¥d~n~ iWf~~rCreditR eports.  73-213 !1'84 Farmers Ba~fJJrusteo. . I. r'. Steely ________ E. E. Wooct ________ T. C. Perkms ______ A. M. Elli..c;on ______ 1 11 First Natio~~~?i_~nk _____ :t'04 E. S. Moss _________ J . B. Snyder _______ c. s. Wilson _______ , P. B. Maiuen______  MANY PAR POINTS IN OUR  lll,000 Lon. N. Bke. Co., Citiz.-Union N., and N. Bk. ~ of Ky., Lou. 65.000 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. I  67,030 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.; tlj Citiz.-Union N., Lou. ________ Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. "54.600 Fifth-Third N. and 2dN., Cin. 310,150 ::,i::;  •Wkkliff'e ____ Ballard J 4 Citizens State Bank ___ :§1900 I. N. Trimble ______ W. S. Johnson _____ M. H. Kane________ ______________ SL Pop. 969 73-638  PAR LIST.  401,000  18.000  ~!!fJi·  BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG  2.700 ,  473,000  15,000  1  •Williamsburl? __ Whitley 4C Pop.1767 K 18  17,000  Rucker ______ R. B. Grinstead____  Waylanct ______ Floyd II 22 Bank or Wayland ______ •tl'l4 J.E. Buckingham. lra . Morgan _____ . Ulie T. Griffith ___ IC. L. Davis _______ _ 4C Pop. 1362 73-665 :\1. )1. Collins I , .I oseph Hall 1 Waynesburg ____ LiDcoln Waynesburg D1>posit Bk.U'Oi , J. A. llays ________ R. Curti..., _______ M. E. Wheeldon ___ Miss Carol 4C Pop. 350 l 17 73-632 Wheeldon WePk~bury ___ Floyd I 23 1 Beaver Valley tateBk.•t§'l8 J.E. Buckingham_ Geo. P. Archer ____ E. A. Stumbo ____ __ L.A. Johnson _____ , 4C Pov. 1016 73-678 G. C. Wolfe •West Liberty ___ Mor&1:an Commercial Bank _____ _!f'lO W.11. Gardner_ ___ L. Y. Uedwine ____ C. K . . tacy ______ __ II. G. Arne'L ____ _ 4C Pop. 461 F 21 73-633 West Louisville __ Daviess Farmers Bank: ----------tl"IO W. G. Riney _______ A. J. Shoemaker ___ .A.O. Olark ____________________ _ IL Pop. 200 G g 73-634 West Point __ Hardin F 13 West Point Bank _______ tf'l4 C. H. Ditto ________ H. M. Graybill._ ___ W. E. Ballinger ________________ ------8L Pop. 72-l 73-666 Wheatley _____ Owen D 16 Farmers Deposit Bank __ t§•gg ,\. E. Threlkeld ___ . J. M. McNeaL ____ · Joe Whitehead ______________________ _ 8L Pop. 200 73-635 Whitf' Plains Hopkins I 9 Farmers Bank __________ U,04 W.R. Putman _____ :Jesse Bass _________ Claude Bass ________ Mis May Bas ____ _ 8l Pop. 315 . . 73-636 : MissHallieMurphey •Wh1tesburgl.E-tcher I 22 First Nat10nal Bank ----•!'13 J. D. Fitzpatrick __ Henry Pfening, Jr. J. S. Fairchild _____ J. M. Day _ __ 4C Pop. 706 73-662 S. G. Fairchild Whitesville __ DaviessG ll Bank of Wh ite s v ille ---•U·110 W. B. Wells _______ W . .A. Stinnett ____ M. J. Holbrook ____ ------------------- , 73- 386 8L Pop. 37 I " !Farmers & Bank_U'09 W. L. Litsey _______ P.A. Howard ______ Austin Ramsey _______________________ ,  I  I  11  1  '°  I  C. A. :Montgomery_ G. E. McMurtry ___ S. T. Howey_______  W. Q. Oovinrton __ 1O.  -  ---:  66,:.520  EJ ~  50.000 1st N., Lon.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.: Ky. Bk. & ~ Tr. Co .. MadLc;onville. C1Q 110.000 •. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Cin.· Citiz. Union .. Lou.: Phenix & 3d N .• Lexington 30.490 Lt and Dt>p., Owensboro; _·. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.- Tnion .·., Lou. 59.600 N. Bk. of Ky. and Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; Owensboro Bk2', Co., Owensboro. 1 . Bk. of Ky., Lou.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Oo., Cairo. T.  T.  1  I  268.830 N. City. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ky. and Liberty Ins., Lou.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. :  50,000  23.030  444,610  391.990  116.680 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  25,000  · l  350.000  280,000  111.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL -BANKS ·CHl·CAGO  568 - TOWN  NumlMr uader Name of Bank i1 the, New Transit Number given w each bank in U. 8. exeluslvely by The Rand-1-lcNally Bankera.' Dlreetol'J, undc_r tbe_ ~!~~!tf of The _A!!_lerl<'an Banke-rs_ Ass'n.  -AND COUNTY.-  NAME OF BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Fig. is Fed.Res. :t;)ist: iMem. StatP Rks. Assn. tPriv. Lis Louisv'leBr.-C 1s Cm. •~Iem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acee&.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 0'1 _ _volume. For__!!ite~es~__!ates, Ho~~s, etc:! ~~ -~~- ~  KENTUCKY-Continued  l_:~•-P•~IDENT __:RI••·  -------=L--'IA.:...Bc...l-=L:.::...J'l'.:...1-=E=S.:...._ __11 _ __;;:_:l{:c::E:=.S-=-OU::..:R:.:.:C=E=.8.:.._  Ass'T CASHIER.  Bu!~i;us  PAID·UP CAPITAL PROFITS  ---  I  ---  DEPOS1TB  ~T~~·:,~~:: ~:.::.~~~~n.~u. b•cca,T,u  1  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  no»  - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - -  I  •Wllllamstown -··· Grant BANK OF WILLIAMSTOWN A.G. Dejarnette •• J. T. cott _ _ _ J. W. Webb ••••••• C. F. Elliston •••••_ $ 4C Pop. 836 D 17 73-33, •n·so  Grant County Deposit Bank J. W. Chipman ••·· 'j R. T. Dickerson ••. M. E. Carter •••• ··- Attie Gaugh •.••••• 73-335 u·s2 Cora Hensley  50,000  40,000  15,000  11,300  97,000  25,000 13,000 Special attentl on given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Ple<Ue ,end 15c with each aight dr aft for presentation and 50c /OT Cre dit Rep urts. Oldest, Largest and Strongest B ank.  145,000  Willlsburr .. Washington . Central Bank •••••••.••. U'07 J.M. TrenL ••••••• 1T. H. Noel····---- J. I L Pop. 300 G 15 7H40 Wilmore JessamlneG 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. i·to 4C Pop 1157 73-283 ·  WILMORE DEPOSIT BANK 1a-2s2 •Winchester •• Olark F 18 4C Pop. 7866  .mgoo  CIT I ZEN s  50,000 $ 50,000 $ 450,000 $ 485,050 S 39,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.;N. Bk. of Ky., Lou,: 1st N., Cin.  c. Robinson ___ •  Yenie Hughes. ___ _  1  i  JJ.  J. D. SIMPSON ...•• -M. H. GARDIIER---·W. T. POYNTER ••.. -H. C. HODGKIN  so,ooo  C:  ()  ;ii:;  s. D. GOFF --·---·-··w. P. HAMPTON ... R. P. TAYLOR--·-· E. L. UPHAM.----·  -  COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY.  400,000  so,000 1 350,ooo,  I  ····I  CLARK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK  •t· 65  180,000 1  z"-i  45,000 Citiz.-Union N ., Lou.: Fifth.Third N ., Cin,  tJ2 >  37,000 N. Bk. Com .. N.Y.;ll'lfth-ThirdN.,Oin.:Citiz.Union N,, Lnu.  z  - - - - - - - '- - - - - -  BANK NATIONAL 7_ •i•74  _ 73 90  10,000 Lou. N. Bk~. Oo. and Citiz.-Union N., Lou. ;ii:;  ..,<  S. LOWRY-··· J. L. GAUGH-·--··· G. P. COX-·-·--·--·  For prompt, ~fflclent, personal service send your buslneas direct to us. I 100,000  3 91  75,000 Fifth-Third N. and Zd N., OiD.: Citiz.-lJ"nion ., Lou.  480,780  t:tl  H. l. McLEAN···· 1J. R. DORMAN·····- C. W. MITCHELL···- J. D. GUERRANT, Sec.  J.M. LOWRY ....  475,350  -  98.060  I  -  -  258,910 Ban. N., N. Y,; Fifth-Third N •• Cln.; ~ N. Bk. of Ky. and Cltlz.-Unlon N.,Lou. <:; ...  958,890  -  200,000  Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items our specialty. Oldest and Largest Bank in Winchester.  i  I  928,360,  _ ____  Special attention given collections and to all business entrusted to us.  ;ii:;  ~  I  275,000 2,034,310 1,857,530 471,210 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chl.; 3 N,Bk.ofKy.,Lou.;Flfth-ThlrdN.,Cln. 1,  i  1  1  ~  ::, Peonle, State Bank & Tru,t J. L. Brown_··-··- L.B. Cockrell ____ J.M. Hodgkin _____ R. C. Prewitt. ___ •• Company_ 73-93. ______ U'06  WINCHESTER BANK 73-02  100,000  75,000  875,000  ....  650,000  330,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oin.; N. Bk. of Ky. 0 , and Citiz.-Union N., Lou. ~  ......,::r 0  N. H. WITHERSPOON •.. W. R. SPHAR----· ·--· -·-------···------···-C. B. STROTHER-···-·  100,000 240.000 1.500.000 ' 1.600,000 300,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Fifth-Third < We solicit your collections and promise careful N., Clo.; Clttz.-Unlon N. and N. Bk. of :::: Ky., Lou, . and courteous service. •tl"00 ,_ _ __ _ ___,_ _ __ _ ___,,---- -- - - - : - - - - - - - 1  n  22,000 lndu trial, N. Y.: Oltiz.-Unioo N. and N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; 1st N., Paducah.  ulcy Plumlee •••. A. B. Byrn •• _.---· B. T. Plumlee--···· ·--·--- ··-· -·-· -·-  20,000  20,400  Woodburn ..• Warren J 11 Peoples nank.·-·--·-··•!§'20 .J. II. Chaney __.••• II. M. mackburn .• B. F. Gill. _____ •••• ·--· -··--········ IL Pop. :n1 73-707 V. s. Andrews  20,000  2,000  Woodbury ._ ... Butler 111 Woodbury Deposit BankU'07 H. R. Hocker -·--· J.C. ibbs -------· L. II. McKinney __ -----------------1 L Pop. 145 73-848 Worthvllle •• Carroll D 10 Worthville Deposit Bank Otis Bates-······-· J. F. Williams .•••• A. B. uter ___ • ____ Mr::-. A, B. Suter •• I L Pop. 315 73-644 •U-98  15,000  4,000  47,400 ,  23,370 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  15,000  5,140  85,360  57,780 Oitiz.-Union N., Lou.; Fifth-Third N .. Oin.  Wingo •.••••.• Graves K 5 Bank of Wingo •... -·-· . •U'98 I L Pop. 439 73-6'1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  90,0001 130.000 ! 65,000  I  66,000 1  15,000 Citiz .• Union N,, Lou.  c.....t  D>  ::,  ~  ll> '"1  --  '.:<  '°  1:-.:)  Commercial National Bank of Shreveport, Louisiana  The Largest Bank in Louisiana Outside of Ne"7 Orleans  Capital, Surplus and Profits, $1,250,000 Assets T1Nenty-one Million Dollars nsurpassed facilities for handling Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi Collections OFFICERS SMITH _ s:E G:K SAMPLE _ A. J. PEAVY _  A T KAHN _ _ A· H. VAN HOOK WILLIS _ M. RICKS _ _ E. A. CONWAY M E PHILLIPS A: F: FILHIOL _ R. f. SEBASTIAN  p: c: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -  _ - President V!ce-Pres!dent V!ce-Pret<!dent V1ce-Pres1dent Vice-President V!ce-Prer!dent V1ce-Pres1de.nt - - - Cash!er - Asat. Cashier - Asat. Cash!er - Asst. Cashier  DIRECTORS THOMAS C. BARRET E. R. BERNSTEIN E. HAAG W. K. HENDERSON T. S. HUTCHINSON A. J. INGERSOLL A.T. KAHN P. P. KEITH HERMAN LOEB  ABE MEYER A. J. PEAVY J. C. RIVES J. M. ROBINSON S. G. SAMPLE A. C. STEERE E. K. SMITH A. H. VAN HOOK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l,outslana.  l  INDEX  2  4  94•  93•  6  6  7  8  11  90°  12  13  89°  14  TO  r·  COUNTIES.  RAND M9NALLY  i\.cadla ...... F 6 A.lien . . .... . E 5 A..scenslon .. F 9 0  ngston .,.  SCALE !'  Statute ·Mllcs, 33,,; 1 Inch•  6  4  10  'l  a  20  80  40  50  ltSt·  80  :L_._  Rand Mc:s'ally & Co. '1 New lllCH'llap of Louloi;;,._ Copydgbt l>1 Ruii KcNall1 & Co. ~  '  A  0  8  4  i1  I JJ,f  LOUISIANA  ir:~:~f:i:~ .1 : Bossler ..... A S Caddo ...... A Calcasieu .. . F Caldwell •. . D .Cameron .•• G Catahoula .D t)lalborae .•. A Concordla .• D  ~~  POPULAR MAP OF  t~t~fl~~ ~.g ~  ss•  B  !  DeSoto •.••• B  East Baton  l<ouge ..•• E 8 East 1,arrullA 8 Eaijt l,eUcl• ana ........ E ET&ngt:l.1lle• ..E •  ~_·~~·--_·_l_._;  ~==---,,::::.+=------+-\+---I--"  s2·  ....:MLI_T_H_...:....i-~::::.:.+:..:._-4J.-..:t.--~:s:;.-+j--~--fl s2-  rranklln ... B  Grant •.•..•. 0 Lberla .•..•.• G 'I Lbervllle •••• F 8 Jackson .... B 5 Jefferson •.• G 10 Jefferson Dav1B ••••• F & Lafar~ttc . fl' Lafonrche .. n 1, La alle •••• C f Lincoln .... A 6  L!v1ngat.:>n .J!' <  lladtson .... B 8 Morehouse .A 1 ~atchltochcs ••••••• C 4 Orlcallll .... F 11 Ouachita ... B 6 Plaque• mtnes ••••• G 11 Pointe Coupce •.. E 7  ablne ..•.. D t. Bernard G St. Charles .G St. Hclena •. E St. James ... F St. John tl•e  I 12 10 9 9  E  P0,LK  F  ~?ti:i~~~y·J 1q  t .• Iartln •• F 7 St. Mary .... G 8 i:>t. Tamma•  ny ••••••••• F 11  ranglpaboa E 10 T~nsas •.••• C !, r t!rrebonne ll 9 r:n1an •.••.• A 6  .. UL F  G  G  OF  Vermilion. G 6 Vernou ..... D lo WashtninonE IU \\ e1ia1 er •.•. A 4 I\ est Ba.ton ROUf'i6.  E  8  \Vest Carrol LA 8 West Ft:IICI·  W~~:::::::~ ~  H  V  L  F  0  .F  5  6  8  11  12  89'  13  14 2960  The Foreign Department of this Company, through the various insurance companies, banks and express comranies with whom it has contracted for service and their branches throughout the world, is prepared to furnish surety bonds wherever required by American business enterprises.  -  AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Home Office: 100 Broadway, New York OFFICERS R. R. BROWN. First Vice President  F. W. LAFRENTZ. President  Foreign Department  Company's Home Office Building  JARVIS W. MASON. Vice President in Charge  Capital $5,000,000  Founded 1884  AR ANSAS, MISSISSIPPI, WESTERN TENNESSEE Loui iana and  TE ' P  uthcrn I{  EA  fi . L .  1pp1  ud Buildin , 629-31 Common St ·ee PH ER l •. Ph C D, . 1unager  FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS Forty Branch Offices at Larger Cities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  rkan a  and 1  LOUISIANA ORGANIZATION:  orth rn . . lississippi, and ~' c tern Tenne see .1.  IE IPHIS, TE N.  447-48-49-50 Bank of Commerce & Tru t Company Building 14 South 1ain Street lH.RHERT F. SH  H. 1  , ~tanager  BURGLARY INSURANCE Over 14,500 Local Agents and Attorneys Elsewh~re  Non-Ban1' Town · with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Aces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'For Interest Uates, Holiday , etc., see Laws~ ~ C: PJUNCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS. ~ESOURCES.  lfamlNI aode, !fame of Bau i.9 Uie New TranaU Number giyu to ...h bank in U. B. e.s:elu JYely by The Band-MeNaJ17 Baoken• Dlredol'J', under tbe autborUy of The American ~nken•n~· =-=====-==============--.-___:_ LIABILITIES. NAME OF BA."K. TOWN A.NU COUNTY. ASS'T OA.SHIJ:R. p .UD•UP SURPLUS DlllPOS• 0A.SR1SK. VICE-PR" .. ID..."T. PKJ:SIDENT. •Mem. Am Bks. As n. §State •County Seats. .LND _, -~ Figure is Fed. Res. Di. t. ;U{Pm.StateBks.Assn.tPriv.  LOUISIANA  569  .: ~: ,:~v:: : :.B~. ♦ Mem:;~;·Qt"'•· {L. 6 N. 0. Pop. 3-161  -=-========--:..:-=:::: _ '\"_Ol~m_o.  Collections, BUI given special Send 15c with • First National Bank •• ____ '01 J. N. Greene •••••• _ 84-87  of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items and prompt atte ntlon. each lght Draft and 25c for Cred it Reports.  I  '  City,  N. Y.,  Hlbe,nia  B~:~  111,000  896,060  422,650  570,420 Han. N .. N. Y.;Whitney-Cent.N.,Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. and Canal-Com'l Tr. & Sav., N. O.  PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. John Nugicr ______ R. J, Montagne_._. John .EwelL-----· Theo. Baudoin·--·  50,000  26,960  207,800  662,330  . A. Le\ erL •• - ••. L. ~. :Morley_····- Wm. Gas~ie, Jr, .• - J.C. Dupuy----·-·  20.000  11,530 1  73,730  33,580 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Interstate Tr. & Bi:r. Oo., Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co., and Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Merch ••Lac. N .. St. L, 27,270 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Bk. & Tr. Co .. Baton Rouge; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.  O. J. Chauvm  U-12  L.  J. E. M::ADAMS ·-· V. V. LAMKIN---·--- V. V. LAMKIN..----· 'J. KEES, Jr,-----1 ~ Time •Alexan lria Rapicles.D 6~ALEXANDRIA BK. & TR.1-~9. Send us yo ur Bill of Lad ing Drafts c !·s°11 t· ' • . •+§20 { I 84-27 6N.O. Pop.17,510 tems dtrec t and receive prompt atte n 10n. "  and  Tr. Co. and Canal-Com'! Tr. & Sav., N. O.  50,000  Addis. __ W. Baton Rouge Bank of Addis·---··-··· t§'20 84-360 fi N. O. Pop. 473 F 8  ---- ~-·-  S~;~;1~:.:•N. Park N.  ·•  D. L. lilcPherson_ •• J. G. LeBlanc ______ 1J. S. Lyons ••• _._  84-259  "  e  II; J:i••»~  -.N_-_.-i:::~:: ; : : : : Sl:000: ----·- - -0.- A-. -BR~OU~SA_R_D_••-. -E.-.LE-••-TH-EAR-RR-1-EN-RG.-T.O 0. BROUSSARD. 0. -B-OU_R_Q_U_E-- .--M 81  ABBEVILLE •W94 84-86  I  ,.our, II; Dt.o- c'n. Bo,m ca  +· ... ~  JI Save time  Credit  5:;o,000  z r;;I  NATIONAL  BANK  •t·o~ 84-122 First Trust & Bankiul{ Co. §'20 8-l-3i~ Arnaudville--- t. Landry Bank: of Arnaudnlle ---•U'05 84-143 . 6 N. 0. Pop. J08 Ji' 7 Athens_ •••• Claiborue A5 jllomerTrn,·t&Savmgs Bauk •§'16 84-~10 Pop. 493 11 '05 Baldwin_. __ .St. 1ary G 8 Bank or Da1 .6 N. 0. Pop. 96~ .a,19 _ _ _ Bas1le of Bauk 6 E EvangPlme Basile •.• lU-Wt f; N O l•nn ii~2 "  -·-- ---·  "  8\w145 ·--·-··*  -r.. M. Tooke-·--··· J. E. Reynold  £  w. 11. Deas ______ .. Carl Goff------·--· Yirgie Smart, A. C. \V. D. Truluck Georfe Greif·-···- D. H. Bernard _____ J.M. Olivier. ______ Maude Greig···--··--  113,520  44,680  52.J.070  558,160  -----, -  -  -  531 ,930  649,490  48,810  50,000  -  50,000  640  63,010  13,850  9,000  119,800  240,260  iss ::\I. L. Parr··-· • Walton McCain .•.• , . Frul!C.---··---·. · Y. L. :Fontenot·-·- T. A~uillanL-----·  C. P. Sim·.-······- J. \lkn lku netL_ G. P. Greig-····--· ll'nll11, (-¾uillnrv  1  NEW ORLEANS  I  l  I  t7'  n  I'  'I  <  Iii:  ::;  ;-  ....0  :  I  11  tD  Po>  rn  :::,:  n,  O.; Am. N. and Com'I N., Shreveport.  99,770  18,470 Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; St.Landry Bk.& Tr.Co.,Opelousas. r, Park,N.Y.: Cont.Bk.&Tr.Co., Shreveport.  -·-·----- - - · · - ·  25,000  37,0lC  156,390  257,250  30,000  15,000  175,000  220,000  I  >  c"  252,650 Han. N., N. Y.; IDbernla Bk. & Tr. Co., N.  • •-  15,000  -----·--·---·---·-· ·-----··----·--···· E. Youngblood·· -- ·--·----·------··--- (Bra,1ch of llome ,·, La.) _  MARINE BANK & TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1,350  w. M. DEAL.------ w. D. TRULUCK·-··-  MISS V. SMART THE BANK WITH A SYSTEM THAT IS UNEXCELLED FOR HANDLING EVERYTHING CONNECTED WITH GOOD BANKING. Special Attention to Drafts and Bills of Lading  ->  >  lteports  I  L. M. TOOKE ···-···· A. ANDERSON----·-J. E. REYNOLDS  r4  O C:: en  ~  ., N. Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. co., 75,310 Han. . 0.; ,I ·t N., Shrev~port: ., . Y.: H1berma Bk. & Tr. Oo., e Cha 104,610 38.700 Tr. Co., and Whitney-Cent. Marine Bk. 0. L',,N. 151,000 ii,350 14.190 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co .. Canal.Com'} Tr. & 25,000 9 ,000 ·ccurity Bank·--········§'11 C. G. F uuik'--····· H.P . • JcClcndon •. W. J. C:.arnier ••. -Sav ., Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Marine Bk. 4-262 & Tr. Co., • 0. Tr. & Bkg. Co., . 0. Interstate _ _ _ _. •• La.) ' klinton, ngie ••. Washington E 11 Washinfton Bank & Tr. Co. ---·-------- - - · - · · - - · - - _______________ \V. I. Daniel.. ____ • (Branc. of Fran §'H 8M97 6 N. 0. Pop. 230 26,000 683,480 227,540 Guaranty ~r. Co.! N. Y.; Peo. Stock Yd·. 50,000 569,430 ArabL_._st. Bernard G 11 Bank of St. Bern:nd ___ eif'05 Andrew Fitzpatrick A. W. Pratt··--··- L. E. Le Breton. ___ -·-·-------·---···-· State, Chi.: Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; N. Sebastian Roy 84-142 6 N. 0. Pop. 1500 Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 895,9901 N: and Cont. Bk. & T~. Co., Shreveport; 1st 38,200 496,530 50,000 564,910 _ ____ Hightower. E. ---· · Ozley·--· E. L. 1 Felt~·-·--···R. B. Sherard-·--w. J. .•!§'18 _____ Bank Commercial 5 A •Arcadia ... - Bienville Whitney-Cent. N ., N. 0., 1st N ., St. L. L. s. ca~key • R. D. Sims 84-286 Pop. 1240 11  *FIRST  ~  216,9-10 ChaseN .. N. Y.; Ft. Dear N,, Chi.; Canal.Com'll Tr. & Sav., N. 0.: 1st N .. St. L. 600.000 3.720.600 3.001.000 1,218,000 . Hie. Com., N. Y.; •. City, Chi.; Marine Bk.I ti, & Tr. Co., N. 0. : 1 t N., St. L., Kan. O., andl Shrevcvort. Ing US. 1:54.010 ~.61 l,6J0 2.750,9 0 714.880 N. Bk:. Com:• N. ~.; Cont. & Com'! ., Chi.: 1 t N., s~. L., Whitney-Cent N., N. O.  d by 'en dit Re,:,orts, 25c. TR I' F. 'P. Bnnne·-···- - 1 200,000 J. W. Hathorn Ho.\ lbert ('It, of Jl<l. . 15, 000 Alto •••••••• H1chlaud 13 7 Bank of .Alto •••• _•••••• •t§'l8 D. IL Sartor •••• --• .J. A. McCoy_ .• ___ . T . .J. Mulhern_ •••• -·-·-··-·-······-·· 84-326 Pon. 300 11 100,000 _. •• _ •• ~li.·ou L. A. _. •• Dolhonde E. •Amite __ Tanfipahoa E 10 Amite Bk. & TrustOo._.i§'05 n.S. \VeieeL •••••• A. ,J. Alford •• ----· F, 84-140 6 N, 0. Pot>. I 5J .,;i  125:000 CJiem . .1 ., • Y.; Hibernia Bk. &Tr. Co., T,Q.; N. Bk. of Com., St. L.; Am. N., Shreveport.  38,040 l l,!l60.300 11,487,950  150,000  C. W. CROCKETT  G. GEHR W.O.HILL  and get <'rvlcc on Collections and l I<'EE IN ADVA CE: Plain •i11ht draft•. 15c: Cre RAPIDES BAIIK& TRUST CO. J. W. Holton··---- Rrrtrancl Weil ____ F. P. Bol\on ____ ••• F. P. B 1lto11 •ii h8 U. W. Bolton, 84-23 ••  650.000  ioo.000 1-------·· - - · · -  J. A. BENTLEY.--- L. J. HAKENYOS-·--· T. P. WHEADON •••• J. T. POWERS, JR...  8424 -  70,430  °]~  Commercial Bank & Trust Co. W. D. Haas __ • _____ J. P. 'I urr gano_ •• / W. R. Hathorn-·-- C. G. David_·-·---· •U-03 84-i6  !GUARANTY BANK a, TR. CO.  I  I  I  48,900 , Chase N .. N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N. ancl Marine 'JI Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. 1 46,000 1N. City, N. Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bk2'. Co. and ~ 1 Vhertv "Rk. ~.. 'rr. <'n T, n, -  OVER 400 DIRECT POINTS IN LOUISIANA AND MISSISSIPPI  :  ---=-  ---- _-  =--=~------ - -  c...=.c==-"-  1·  ·~  ' '  - --~-- --  .  ~  to  570  Bamber undel' Name or Bank is the New Tran It Number given each hank in U. B. es.clush·ely by 'rhe Rand-McNally Bankers•  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •County Pats. Fi_g, is _'ew Orlcan ;13_r. N. is Fed. Hes. Di~: Haskin ____ Franklin B 7 11 Pop. 65-1 •Bas\rop __ l,forehouse Y7 11 Pop. 1216  o.  BANK OF  BATON ROUGE 84-ll  •tl'811  LOUISIANA  NATIONAL BANK H-lS  •t·10  LOUISIANA TR. & SAV. BK. 1!4-1'  Bordelonville.- Avoyelles 6 N. 0. Pop. 150 D 6 Bos:ier. ___ __ Bos i •r ,\ 3 11 Pop. 109-l Bourg Terrebonne H g & if-n Pop. 35u Boyre. ·--~---Rapides D 5 & N. O. Poo.1060 1franch. ______ ,\cu1i.t F6 & N. O. Pop. 1'.!:i Breaux .Bridge, t. fartin 6 N. 0. Poo. 1171 F 7  ·•  ________  ··  a  Fiscal Agent for State of Louisiana. Superior Service on Collections. TRY US. ______  ,w:-P. Connell.. __ By. Cohn. Jr. ______ 6:D. Raymond --,w. P. Barne,-,  Ch. of B'd  D. M. J{eymond  Fir t ·tate Bank _______ ! '20 -1-364 Bour~ State Bank ________ §'19 8-1-340 Bank of Boyce---------•ti'02 84-152 Braneh s a 1• Ihnl. _..•• ··20 ~ 3 -l Breaux Bridce Bank ••.• tl'0l !14-15~  MERCHANTS & PLANTERS BANK -! :m : 20 Brousurd __ Lafayette F 7 BANK OF LAFAYETTE & 6 N. o. Pop. (jQ~ I TRUST co. ~H.>4 _____ .nu  .  .  .  T. A. W1lkmson ... H. H. Dillard---- · P. E. Parker -----W.R.Ellender, r.P. H. A. Joyner-----. EtH·nno . TluhOcl('aux J. W. Beeuand _____ . L. L. ,I ud1cc ------·  ,r.  ---------- ___  150,000  -----------  19,000  I  CamntL  I1 Federal Reserve Bank r-,.,, of St. Louis  81.140 2,313.230 2,521,870 4,330  -------------------·  10,000  3,500  25~000  12,050  --------------------  15,000  14,020  83,080  92,860  80,000  74,000  431,82011,: 269.800 :: lll.160I·:,' 16-1,960  164,700 La. N., Baton Roure.  482,520 Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Whitney-Cent. N.and N O N O N Bk ,... dl tN St L • · " · ·· · •. vom. an s ·• · · to 19,822 1N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Shreveport. I~ "18,000 )farine Bk. & Tr. Co .. N. O.; Cont. Bk. A Tr. IT4 Co., Shreveport. n 199.070 1st N .. St. L. Yl  I  18,880 Han. N .. N. Y.  1-P'f  1 w  15,000 12,750 90,0001 100,000 25,000 Han N., N. Y,; Hibernia Bk, & Tr. Co., N. O. ~ .,. Vf. M. Babington.. 60,000 32,270 1,181,460 679,0-10 582.180 Chase N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Hi- [ E. E. Moore bernia Bk. & Tr. Co .• N. o. .., -------------------- (Branch of Fran 1rllnton, La.) ____ - - - - - Interstate Tr. & Bkg, Co., N. 0. ,.... C. W. Carson______  1  0  Ellis S. Coco _______ (Branch of Man sum, L a,) ______ -------· Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O. ~., • W. Hutchings-· -------------------15,000 ________ ________ _________ 15,000 Ran. N ., N, Y., Am. N., Shreveport.  Emile Dore _____ Elgin J. Blanchard J.P. Hotard.______ Harvey Hebert \ . P. Hayne-----· J. Dawson Johnson II. J. Joyner___ Johu_lcleck ______ \Y.L.Brunurr ____ -·-····------------. . L. O. St. Germam .. L. C. St. Germam __ -----------------  P. E. Bron .. ar{l ___ A. J. Brou .. arcl .•• --- ------- ----------  30,000  3,500  34,000  65,000  25,800 415,620 234,180 Z57,080 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo. and Canal-Coru'l Tr. & Rav .• N. 0. 10,000 ___________________________ Canal Com'l Tr. & av., .,_T, O.  40,000  _________ Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.  Billeaud, Mor .• ----------- --------- F. S. Broussard ____ I!. Beaulieu, Jr. ___ <Branch of LaFay ette, La.)  . 0. L. Boddie_______  - - - - - - - (Branch  T. M. MATHEWS .•. L. H. JOHNSON-----· W. L. CALDWELL---· EMILE MARCHIVE .•• 8. W. CLOPTON  3  56,000  9,030 Han. N., N. Y.; Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 'O Bank of Terrebonne & Sav., Houma. ::. 15,000 15.000 303,-100 267,450 71,120 N. Bk. Com .. N. 'i..; Hibnma Bk.& 'l'r. Co. and Inter- tate Tr. &Bkg.Co., N.O. 25,000 ___________________________________ _  50,000  of  ,1, c'ld 45,000  ia, La.)  385,000  381.870  _ _ _ Interstate Tr. & Bki:. Co., N. 0.: Cont. Bk. •~ & Tr. Co•• Shreveoort. Ill 42,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co .. N. O.  I~ ,;  U ',  ~ln"11an' , PJ,111 pr, B 111k W. D. Haas ________ R. J. MarshaJJ. ____ John T. Rhodes ____ 0. c._MarshalL ____ 1 100,000 4-110 •Ul900 atrhito,i:,h s C -t lOlti,ens Bank---:.------- •l§'ll E. C. Rt>.adhimer ___ I. RaphieL _______ Robt. Hart, Jr, ____ -15.000 Pot"i. h,0 84-1;)6  ____ ____  67,800 1,419.900 1,423.170  L. H. Pratt--------  Bun le. ____ Avoyi>ll<'s E 6 CITIZE.NS BANK & TRUST I & N.0.Pop. 171:i COMPANY. IS-1-111 •Z§ '05 { St'nd us your Bunkll' ltt.-ms dlr <'<'t. Prompt att t'ntlon given _Bill of Lading, Drafts, {'a.hand Time Items and all matter ·ent I ..  50,000  Ul > ""' ">  !stock owned an d held In trust fo r Stockholders of "LOUISIANA NA TIONA L BAN K."  Bryr1•lauct ___ Bienville B 5 Commt•rci-11 Bank _______ t§'lO __________ .__ ________ -----------------· 11 Pop. 2J:J 84-155  I  ---------  C:  Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.  '  84-15  84-151  Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.  OUR Service is at YOUR_Service. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ W.P. BARMES-------- D,M. REYMOMD ---- JNO. B. HEROMAN-- T. B. WILLIAMS----W. P.CONNELL HY.COHN, JR. 150,000 237.3CO 3,200.000 3,235,300 687,400 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; t"" CII. of B'd. Only NATIONAL BANK in Baton Rouge. 1st N., St. L.; WWtney-Cent. N. and 0  Joe Gottlit-'b. ______ L. . Babin ________ A. McB. Jackson._ • '18 W. lf. Bynum, A. T. Pre~cott r.-Prcs. 0. Hirhard First State Bank _______ •:§'14 J. S. Douglas ______ John Glassen ______ A. R. Curry------8-1-298 . . Bank of Benton _________ t5·04 T. W. Stmson _____ J.M. Henderson __ W. D. Smith ______ 84-147 W.W. Lay Bank of Bernice -------•tl'0l G. w. James ------ D. A.. PolJock------ 1Y. s. Fuller ------· 84-148 Bank of Berwick ______ •tl'05 J . .A.. Pharr-------- W. H. Kr~mer _____ A.. L. Boudreaux ___ 84-Ull . J. D. Ehrltch Bank of Bienville ______ •:tf'03 J. F. Ilamson ----- Ed. Barne -------- J • G. Pye--------84-150 . C. c. Crawford . First State Bank ______ •tf'06 L.A. Pierce ------- J, II. Ca suiy ------ J. A.. Spekeohier -84-106 Washington Bk. &Tr.Co. -------------------· -------------------- 0. B. Magee _______ 84-303 •:W14 CentnJBank &Trust Co,_f'll - - - - - - - - ------------------- ------------------♦  0  JOSE.PH GEBELIN .::-::'eUGENECAZEDESSUS. C. M. DOWNS .• ------ D. I. CAZEDESSUS-- - - - - - - - - - K. H. KNOX S. P. GtBBENS F. S. BOWES 250.000 319.770 5,033 ,790 5,450,120 528 310 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. Over Thirty Years of Strength and Service. "Built by Public Confidence." ~ Com., St. L.; Canal-Com'l Tr. & Sav. nd Try us with your Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items.  ino '\  UNION BANK & TRUST CO.  o.  --  LIABILITIES. NAME OF BA~K. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, •Mem.~.Bks.Assn. SS~te VICE-PRESIDENT, PRESIDENT, OA.SHIER, PAID-UP su:;~us DEPOS- 1,.,,.,.. .k D11- c .. n .k 'T CA.SHIER, tMem.State Bks.A.ssn. tPnv. c''l'I.. BoJrD■, aa£.w••,Dn CAPIT.U. PROFITS lacnramu ru■ B_.m ITS +:Mem. Fed. Res. [E tab. First State Bank _______ _s-21 ~'. T. Mock ________ W. T. Bell _________ F . .R. Redf('rn _____ -------------------- $ 15,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 84-379 Bastrop State Bank ____ •tl'113 H.F. lladison ----- S . .A.. Leopold ______ G. W. Naff -------- IH· F. Benson _____ _ 50,000 $ 40,000 $ 280,000 $ 380,000 $ 70,000 Han. N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N,, N. O.; 1st .,S.L. 8Hta  •Baton Rou~e-E.Baton R. & N. 0. Pop. 21.m F II  Belcher ________ Caddo B 3 11 • Pop. 200 •Bta ton. _____ Bos 1er .AS 11 Pop. 317 Bernice ________ u lllOD A 5 11 Poo. 662 Berw1<•k _____ st. tary G 8 & N. 0. Pop. lli91 Bie.uville ____ BiPnv1He B 4 11 Pop. n Boralnsa. wastungtonEll & N. l'oo. 82-15 .. "  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) ln back of this <.rt volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday , etc., see Lawi, ' l  LOUISIANA-Continued  Directory, under _the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n._  '< 21.500 1,200.000 1,000,000 13.500  160.000  170.000  155,000 N. City, N.Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: Com'!:_. N .. N. 0.: . Bk. Com .. St. L. • 0 10 29,000 J. •• Bk. Com., . Y.; Whitney-Ce • Cont. Bk. & Tr. Oo., hrevepo  ,;I~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law· (indexed) ln back of this'-  ~6:\ rersona, Attenuon-MAKINt H NI\ & KU~ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. . e.rdusfvel;r hy The Kand-McNalJy Bankers' Directory, und<•r the authority of Th,• American Rankers ..\11.·'n.  571  I  M ANY NEW URLEANS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyer·, Law (indexed) in back of this._  LQUISIAN A - C0Il t· d lilUe- - - - - - ~  _ _2olume. For Intere t Rate , Holidays, et~, see Laws.  §  ~ •County eat-.:. •Mem. Arn. Bk~.,\ ·n. : tate p . p CASHIER. ASS'T CASHIER. PAID·UP su~DLUS DEPOS· ,a~o&Dr•- c..a&Exl'.I) Fi~ur~ is.Fed. He • Dist._ t~Iem. tale Bk .. As·n. tPriv. l RESIDENT. ICE- RESIDENT. ~• ' 'Ta. Bo"o•. CBuasa,Drra "1 N. J. r.w Orlean Br. ♦ Mt'm. Fed. Hes [F.-,tab. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - l·- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 CAPITAL PROFITS ITS sooamu n01'B&I<U ( - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - : ·uarencro ... La!a,ette.11'7 BAMK OF LAFAYEJ'TE OdonGui1lry, Jfqr.' ---·····-----· S.P . .Brown •.•.•.. G.J.Melchior .•••. (Branch ofLaFay ette,La.) 1=== Int er-,;tate Bk. & Tr. Co.,N.O. .,_. 6 N.O. Pop.630 TRUST CO ... lS-Ho7._.:i~06 Castor ••.••. Bienville B 4 Gasior State Bauk. ........§'12 J. R. Wimberly •••• C. W. Campbell •. _. Gay Martin ..•.•••• ····-··--··········$ 10,000$ 4,500 $ 135,000$ 92,330 $ 52,730 Interstate Tr. & Bki. Co., N. O.; Am. N .. 1-.:> 11 Pop. 250 84-274 \V. lL Caskey Shreveport. ...... Cedar Grove .. Caddo A 3 Cedar Grove State Bank.§'20 W. E. Bigg ·-······ 1Loui ~Iatett ·····- J. I. Biggs -··-····- ·---·-··· ---··-·25,000 1,250 30,000 ··-----· _____ N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.; lstN., hrcveport. 11 Pop. 1980 84-333 O. P. Torrane 1 Oenterville._St. Mary GS Centreville Bauk-...... •!§"05 J.C. Olausen ...•.. Oscar Boudreaux .. I. S. Wooster ••.••. Mis Mabel Cham15,000 22.460 148,620 188.900 17,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 6 N. 0. Pop. 500 8-H:)8 \ pagne 1st N ., Shreveport. Chatai1mierEvangelineE6 EVANGELINE BK. & TR. CO. - - - · · - - - - · --·-···---- J. D. Hick, Mgr. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Branch of Ville Platte, La.) ...• - - - · Evangeline Bk. & Tr. Co., Ville Platte. 6 N. 0. Pop. 250 ll•HIIO 'us 62,810 12,020 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Shreveport. 51,480 Ofatham •... Jack~on B 6 PPoples Bank •••••• - ..•.:l:§'08 R. R. Womack·-·· S. O. Wilder······- J • .A. Smith_···-·-· B. Womack .. ·---·· 1.820 10,040 11 Pop. 1 6 l!-H59 25,000 Chase .. N. Y.:'l Tr. & av. N. 0.; _ 125,000 150,0001 Oheneyville.. Ranides E 6 Planters Bank . ·-·-·· ··· 1'09 H. C. Swann •.. ··- Wioatte Marshall. 0. O. Cleveland •.. -----··-···-·· 20,000 ··-·-·--· Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alexandria. l 6 N. 0. Pop. 6i8 84-160 150,000 38,000 lnterstateTr.&Bkg.Co.,N.O.:Cont.Bk.&Tr. 0 110,000 9,000 Choudrant. .. Lincoln B 6 Bank or Ohoudrant. ....•:1:§'12 T. J. Norris····-·· J. . Gipson ..••••• C. E. Vining···--· -······-········-·10,000 1 11 Pop, 393 84-275 Co., Shreveoort. A. J. Bagwell C: 125,000 395,000 14,000 Whitney-Cent. N. and Interstate Tr. & Bkg, Co., _ Ohurch Point . .Acadia F 6 Commercial Tr. & Sav. Bank Hom!:'r Barousse •.. H.J. David •••••... Lloyd Franques .•. Homer Bellard .•••. 5,000 60,000 N. 0. 6 N. O. Poo. 55i r,n 84-161 :l:§'02 150,000 300,000 20,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. of Acadia 15,000 65,000 " " Farmers Bank & Tr. Co._ "19 Edward Daigle·--- ,\. Brraux ····-···· Paul R. Breaux ..•. E. Hargroder·· -··Parish, Crowlt:y; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. and ► 8-1 -3-19 G. L. Dejean, v,.P. E. H. Richard Hibernian Bk. &Tr. 90., N. 0. 260,000 250,000 3-1.700 N.Hk.Com., N.Y.;Wh1tney-Oent.N.,N.O. 15,000 •Olinton. E. Feliriana E 9 Bank of Olinton .•.....• •::§'97 A. P. Irwin ......•. C. W. Ball_._ J.C. Decuir . . . •... A. L. Irwin-······· ► 30,000 6 N. 0. Pop. 701 84-162 Clontierville... atchitc. Bank of Cloutierville ···- "20 Charles Bertrand_. 1J.C. Carnahan __ Andrew Boyer··-·· - - - · · - - · - - -· 25,000 ··-···-·· · · ···-··· ··--····· ···-····to ches .. Pop. 250 ...••• c 4 84-353 541,900 75,000 146.370 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Whitney. ;J> 16,910 418,910 •Oolfax •••..... Grant D 6 Bank or Colfax. ·····-·•U'0l J. H. McNeely ..••. J. H. Williams ..... Earl Roberts -···· -··· ····-··· -······11 Pop. 1-1-19 Cent. .. . 0. 84-163 56.910 1 26.410 C11em. T" T.Y.:E.·. T.,SJuevep~rt;LibertyBk.&' >or< " " Grant tate Hank .•. •.• •§'20 E. II. Blackwood •. W. A. Browlee- .••. J.E .• uatforcl _•••• ,\. E. uafford .•.• 45,000 ·- ---··-· 59,040 Tr., . O. ; Alexandna Bk. & Tr. Co., Ale .. r 84-3i5 Q. ,\. Ilargi · 85,000 95,000 25,000 Am. N .• Shreveport: Inter tate Tr. & Bk. Cu., ml 2,000 15,000 Oollinston,Morehonse A 7 Bank or Col hu ·ton . ·-···I ·07 W. Pipes ••..•• -·-· J. B. Vaughan .•••• J. O. Carter •••• ·-·· ····-·-········ •••• 11 Pop. 897 hrevenort. 84-164 310,500 194,180 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. and Canal•Com'l 1'1"., (') 31,260 •Ool nmbia .• Caldwell B 6 Caldwell Bank & Trust Co. C. A. Traylor •••••. J. R. Brown ••• ··-· A. D. Bride-er·····- J. W. Kidd ···- •..• 398,372 1 11 Pop. 431 84-165 n·o2 . av ., _N. 0. . . l'.I> 15,000 Hit ierma Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.; C1t1z. N., "1 10,000 160,0001 200,000 " Citizens Progre si\·e Bank 20.000 J. W. Jame .••••.. W. G. Ferrand .... L. C. Nunn •••.••• C. D. Martin .••••• Monroe. (I) 84-336 • '18 J. E. McC1anahan 20,100 1st N., Shreveport. ::, 900 35,0 01 30,000 15,000 Convf'rse . •••• Sabine C 3 Converse State Bank .. •U'l3 J. )L Jackson-···· J. W. Tatum-•..•.. \\'. O. Jackson - •••••••....••.•...•..•.• (") 11 Poo. 200 84-292 131,a10 I 230,340 14,050 Hibernia Bk. & Tr, Co. and Marine Bk. & '!-'r, 25.220 ottonoort.Av"velles E 7 Cottonport Bank ....... •!§'02 L.A. Ducote .••.... P. J. Callegari -•... L.A. Lemoine .•••• 11. J. Ducote · · -···· 25,000 Co., N. 0.; Com I Bk. & Tr. Co., Alexandria. 6 N. 0. Pop. 720 84-166 30,240 18,510 28,840 Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co .. ~ . O.; Alexandria Bk. rl•• " Farmers Bank_ ····-··-·§'20 B. J. Lemoine_·-·· L. n. Gremillion __ . H. A. Gauthier .....•.. ····--··--· ···-· 22,45'1 -··-····· & Tr. Co., Alexandria. 84-369 0 25,000 1st N., St. L.; Am. N. and 1st N., Shrevevort. (') 10,000 14,000 135,000 140,000 Cotton Valley,WebsterA4 Bank of Cotton Valley ..:t§'07 W. T. Gleason ..... A. J. Hode-es ...... G. W. Cole..••••••• ··-·-·············-· 11 Pot>, 750 8H67 41,820 Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co .. N. 0.: Cont. Bk. & W. A. BOYLSTON S. T. ARMISTEAD-. W W. HOLLEY .... S. T. ARMISTEAD.. 25,000 48,540 515,050 5-10,2-10 Tr. Co., Shreveport; Merch.•Lac. N., St. L. ~ . BA NK OF B. SIEPHENS C. PYLANT •Coushatta.Red River B 4 COUSHATTA.•:t§'9i Oldest and stro ngcst bank In the Parish. Special a ttentlon to collect Ions an d Cash I tems. ~ 11 Pop. 962 8-1-168 FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd '< TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt. perso nal atte ntlon. 1 72.500 Chase N.. . Y.; Canal-Com'! Tr. & N. 0.: " --····· " Peoples tate Bank ••.. •!§'18 W. P. Carter •..••. W.W. Gahagan •.. I. C. Cole •••••••••. J.C. Howard.. .... 35,000 9,000 315.500[ 287.000 1 I. C. Cole 1st N .. Shreveport. 84-323 1 73,180 N. City, N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Ti. Co., N. 0. •Oovington ,St.Tam'y F 10 Commercial Bank c·· Tr. Co. E. J. Domereue .... J. P. Rausch .. _•... R • .A. McCormack. ·····-·········-. ... 50,000 12,170 · 393,770 3il,400 6 N.O.Pop. 29-12 8-1 9.·--·-•t··1 .D.Bulloch ·· " COVINGTON BANK & TRUST E.G. Davis .....• _ s. D. Bulloch••••.. R.H. Dutsch •.••.. ---···-······· 100,000 60,390 1,105.120 1,112,760 153,350 Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo •• N. O. COMPANY .8.t-88 •.••. •U'98 Warren 'l'homas 104,260 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., •Crowley .•••. .Acadia F 6 BANK OF ACADIA ····-•!1'911 H~L\WlN~V)'~ tM&\L,\NKA .•.• C. A. LA RUE·-···-·50,000 1 106,470 839,110 942,160 N.O.; 1st N., St. L. 6 N. O. Pov. 6108 84-60 Save time and get ervlce on Co llectlons and Cre dlt Reports by se ndfn~ I FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain •iNht draft•. 15c: Cre dit Report• 25c. TRY U S. H. M. BONE .•..... A. MELANCON· - ···· J. H. MARTIN ..•.•... G. K. CUTRER....... 50,000 78,500 706,000 1.175,000 127,000 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Oo., N. 0. CROWLEY BANK& TR. CO: { Special attentlo ~~-Jiv~~V~M1 of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 84-4 9 •:I:§ 921 Please send 15c wi ;theachsi(}htdraftfor presentationand25c for Credit Reports.  Tow. A.·o  o.  ou. ·ry_  'A)tE OF B.L · K.  IV  LIABILITIES.  REsouRcEs.  ===  &-:-  J..  PR1.· c1PA.L CORRESPONDENTS.  "°  z  z  n,ooo  ci  l  i  P.  1  84-fil  •t·t:;  a,·.,  S: 3: Hhi"J,~~ioif..  k,  L. LAWRENCE.._ P. J. CHAPPUIS·--·· T. B. FREELAND Collections, Bil I of Lading Draft Given peclal a nd prompt atten Fee In advance: Plain sight drafts I  FIRST NAT BANK { OF ACADIA PARISH  C. 0. ANDRUS .•••.•. L. J. V. BREAUX.... F. A. HILL s, Cash and Time Items. tlon. , 15c; Credit Rep orts 2Sc.  MARINE BANK & TRUST COMPANY NEW Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ci  II  w.  s.  I  ORLEANS  150.000  132,000 1,650,000 1,550,000  600,000 N.City, N. Y.: Whitney.Qent. N. and Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. (JI  ~~~~s1~oiA  0  ~~~c~~~,~~~P~  WRIT[ US  572  mnber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. euluslvely by The Rand-McNally B nker • D~tory, under the authority of The American Bankers Aiss'n.  TOW A D COUNTY. NAME 01"- llA.'K, -•County t>at... •.lt'm,,\m.Bk~.Assn. § t~te Figure is Fed, Hes. Dist. ntem .. ttte Bks. As ·n. ~Pn,·. ll.Jl..!2s ... ~Orlean B~-~~lem.Fed.H~.... [li..tah.  I  PRESIDE;'T _  ---- -~ - -- - -  VICE-PRESlDE.'T,  .  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.), volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  LOUISIANA- C00 t·lOUe d  _______ _  CASRIEH. _  I  ASS'TCASRIER.  ,  LU.BlLITIES. 1  PAID-UP :SURPLUS IC AND ' -A~PROFITB  RESOURCES,  I  DEPOS-  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  lo•NBol:DIH-'t:ua.tEx-  C'TI. DoNDs, ,CD-Ulrn,Dn  ~-1~  Cut 01LLafourche H 10 Bank of Lafourrhe ______ §'l6 - - - · · - - - - ------------ - - - - - - - - ' O. B. Ducos---····· l (Br.a11c11 of Th11J oclaux) 1 · - - - - - - · Chase N., N. Y.; Canal.Com'! Tr. & Sav. and & N. O. Pop. 450 84-313 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. .. -·-····· " \Bank of LockporL_ ••. •t§'l6 - - - · · · - - - - - - - - - · · - - - - ___________ D. J. Uzee--- (Branch of Lock port, La .) ·-··-- ------- Han. N., N. Y.; Merch, Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; · 84-314 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. Delcambre Vermilion F 6 Vermilion St.ate Bank .•t5'10 A. Landry-------·· H.J. Abshire-·--· J. F. Landry •• ·-- O. H. Landry····-· Si 15,000 5,000 $ 50,000 $ 125,000 $ 16,140 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co .. N. o. Del~L~~~:-~~fc:1;3nd B 8 Bank of n:it~~~·-·--·•t§'03 1J. D. Herrinf.•--· N. Collins-----·-·· R. E. Wollank ___ •• T. C. Spiers .. _.___ 11 Pop. 980 84-170  ..  ........  "  MACON  RID~E NATIO.N~~ W. P. Crawford ••. W. S. _Wood--·-··· ErnestMcEacharn. ··-··--····----··--  BANK--84-317-... .•  t 1ti  B.  ktdmore  DenhamSprirs Liv'fs'n F9 Bank ot Denham Sprinfst§'08 J. 0. Landry····-· C. II. Miller·--·--· J. L. Westbrook •.. ·-------·--·--- ---1 & N. O. Pop. 5!.10 84-171  25,000  14,000  250,000  125,000  45,000 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co .. St. L.; Whitney-Cent. N .. .N. O.  25,000 , I  10,750  132,790 1 183.190 '  30,250 Ouachita N., Monroe; Liberty Cent. 'fr. Co., St. L.  15,000  13,000  150,000  25,000 Marine Bk. & Tr. Oo .. N. 0,: Union Bk. & Tr. Co .. Baton Rouge.  De Quinc1 •. Calcasieu F 4 CALCASIEU NAT'L BK. OF (Branch of Lal(e. Charles, La,)._ •.. W. :M. Perkins, ·····-·--·----·-··-&N O. Pop. 1 23 SOUTHWEST LA ...... •t'l6 Mor. . 8~H6  J. H. McMAHON. P. W. WEST--·- K. R. CAGLE----·- V. E.GREEN ----·-·  •De Ridder .Beauree-'d K 4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t' & N. 0. Pop. 3535 8-1-99  1  ASCENSION •U-96  Commercial & Savinfs Bank 84-311 •"!§"16 :uoyle._•.. Living--ton E 9 Livineston Pari:h Ilank-'.t:§'18 & N. O. Pop, 300 8~-316 , Doyline ••• --Web:ter A 4 Bank ot Doyline--·--· ·-·§ 18 11 Po\>. 250 81-32-1 Dubach_ •• __ .Lincoln A 5 Dubach State Bank •••.•. 1'07 11 Pop. 726 8H73  CHARESTTHIBAUT, C. 0. LEBERMUTH  J.C. BOUGHEREAU  Albert Delery _••.. A. I. Picard . ··-·-- S. M. Richard ---·· ·-----·-·--·---·-·-· . J. L. Westbrook ••. J. \ . mith.·--··· ·-----·--·---··--·-- Elmer Brown •...••  '4-320  I'  t  I J I  100.000  1  50,000  I ,  I' I  ,  '  I  :  55,000 1,250,000. 1,100,000  I  14,000  277,210  280,360 55,500  31,400 41.000  53,480  T. B. Colvin--·-·-· D. A. Pollock. _____ R. W. Henry----·- R. T. Henry. ___ • __  12,500  20,220  288.780  142,630  ~p  I  -:,■■■■■-  ,."'••~fl-■  1  8,0()0  120,000  224,000',  8,430  216,310  2t;,820  232,300  291,470 1 471 ,, 70  498,100  nr111l ia, J,11,)  120  .  :::+I  .  54,000 Chase N., N. Y .; Htberma Bk. & Tr. Co. and r+ Marine Bk. and Tr. Co., N. O. o 9,000 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.: Union Bk. & Tr. ~ ll, Co., Baton Rouge. 0 350 187,870 Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Com'l port.  7:;,000 51,160  .T ••  "Shreve-  r+  o.  o.  ~  g  370,650  I  '"' a  5:5,000 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. CCI. and )farine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Call'asieu N .. Lake Charles. 29,700 Chase N .. N. Y .; W hitne1-0ent. N. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co .. N. O. 78,5ti0 Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0.: Com'! N.. hre\'eport; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alexandria.  184,270 Com'l N., N. O.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Shreve, po~t. _ _ . ~ --------- Com I .. . 0. and Shreveport; City Bk. & '"' Tr. Co .. Tatchez. '< 26,000 Cont . Hk . & •rr. Co., Shreveport; Lihl'rly Bk.· 8J.860 ,•. 'J'r. Co., -. 0. 15,020 -T· Park, N. Y.; Boatmen-:, t. L.; Ilibernia Ilk. 10 104,380 &'fr. Co., N. 0.: Am. ilk.of Com. & Tr. Co., !::: Littlf' R.  '  I,  LOUISIANA-Continued  ~  nC  01,elo u <ts,La. -····-··- ____ ----· llilwrnia Hk. , · '1 r. Co., ~· .  35,710  t:0  z>  200,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & 'l'r. Co.. Canal- (JlJ Com'ITr.&Sav .. and Whitney-Cent.N., N.O.  ( of La F ayctte, La.) __ ··-· - - - :'\larine Bank c 'fr. Co .. .,_·,  ···--1  >  r+  8-10  50,000  s > z  0  4,970  1  162,470 Han. N., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0,; r . Bk. Com., St. L. 18,760 Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co .. N. O.; A.m. N., Shreveport.  100,360  t""'  O  rJl  117,970 Han. ., N, Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Shreveport; Calcasieu N., Lake Oharles.  366,180  92,180,  15,000  ,  t§'00I"·  Pop. 200  •,  4,010  10,100  15,000  iJ.  •l<'arm rvillo •• Unioo A 5 11 Pop. 632 Ji'erri«lay •• CorH·orflia 7 11 l'Op. !i55 Florit>n ••••••• :ahiuc D -I 11 !'op, 200 Fon• t__ w •st arroll ,\  916,900 1,069,520  I 17,000 1 512,970  50,700  50,000 1 I J. STAGG -···J. WE LYMAN --··-J. W. BERWICK . .. C. E. HEBERT 50,000 I 1 1 EUNICE STATE ~ANK •• •U'Ol ave time and g -e~v~~~ :n Col lectfons and Cred It Reports by sen ding 84-1H FEE IN DVAN CE: Plain •i,rht d raft•, 1 Sc: Credit Report., SOc. T RY U • Co.------·--···-·---·-··· ·····-··--··-----· D. f,ahayo, llgr. __ ··· ·-· · -· •• _______ l(Bra nch oj 4· 3 2 ·•20 I Farmervill(' 'tate Bank •!1'03 Edw. Everett---··· Duke, elii.: --·-··-- ------·----·-----··- R. A. Wilson-·-···• 30.000 8.t-177 idalia Bank ·- 'l'ru. t Co. ' lX ----·---------- ---------·------ - - - --·---·-- · - - - - · - · - - - - <Hm11<'h t1/ . -I , 27 Florh•n tat B uk _____ r. William-: r••· r,. l•'. . Id.:maha11 •• J. L. llatcher. __ ·-· ---·------·--- -- 1:;,&00 8-h 18 Bank of W l t Carro IL .:t:. '17 IL II. E\'erett ·---· 'I'. It \' ininl!·--- -- ,.\. S. Brin on ____ •. ·--·-·---· ---- ·--15,000  E11nlce .••• t. Landry E 6 6 N. 0. Pop. :i272  f  29.510  . Shumate.·--· ·-···-·-··-·----·--  r  C. \\. Thompson •• C.R. Grayson .•••. E.  --·-1 ·------·-·------·-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  100,000  , Bill of Ladi ng Drafts, C ash and Tim e lte ms given spec ial attention and remitte d for on day of pa y men t.  Elton.Jefferson Davis F 5 First • •ational ~nk .• --•t'20 G. A. Courtney H. V. Kennedy---- Lionel B •rt ra ntl . & N. O. Pop. 99;; 84- 356 , . . Ei·alh .••• _Yerm1l10n G 7 Bank or Era\h__ __ •••••• •ii 10 V. L. Caldwell._ ••. A. 0. Derouen----· F'. B. W1lhams •. -.• W. J. Broussard._ I N O Pop. 71:$ 8-t-175  11  N.O.  { Collecti~n1;;  Du on ____ ._Lafayette F6 BAIIK OF LAFAYETTE & , L. L. Judh•e, Mor,_ -·-----·----------- L. F. Siatlou---·--· ---·-·---·-·---·-& N. 0. Pop. 192 TR. C0 ..• 81-350.-··-··· 19 1  ..  662,340 - - - - - - - - ____ Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Whitney-Oent,N ..  J>trn~\tu~f:e::r:~ ~ef!!~~tlon to col lecttons Deals In e ehan ge on NEW YOR K and NEW ORL EANS.  J. LEBERMUTH .•. WM. BLUMENTHAL.•• CHAREST THIBAUT -- PAUL BRAUD··-····-  BANK OF 8H7  750,000  0{ r:Jsa~:li.::v::  Lumbermans Bank & Trust o. E. Tooke .• --···- J.M. Nichols .•••.• J.C. Nichols-·---- --·---·-·------· -Company .8-1-100 __ .•• •U'l3 J. W. Sanders Dodson ••• •-···· Winn B 5 Dodson St.ate Bank ••... t '02 B. M. tovall ---·-- J. W. Gaar ·--- ·--- II. J. Waters·----·- ··---·--·--·---- --·· 1 11 Pop. 410 84-172 •Donaldsonville.Ase. F 8 I N. O. Pop. 3745  175,000  I  I  •  u;.  I  _ '  : .. :  ,._' ~  II :  I ~  : :  : " I  I  . •f I ._ • ;  :,  I  I  f  T1Hr,·A , ·ncou.--ri-. . •C~>Untyseat . . F11!'u1:e_ 1~ -"_ e_ll. J'p,. D1 t. N.0.1s_ ewOrlean _ Br. •Franklin __ St. Mary G 7 6 N. 0. Pop,3:;0-t ··  . ' All1EoPH  I  !4  '  ·  I  -LIABILITIES.  .·K.  •:'If m.,~m.Uk,.,\ ·n. §  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acee .), Lawyers, Laws tindexed) in back of this ';;4 - -~o~For l~_!!,l!_t;es, Holidays, etc., see Laws.::,  LOUISIANA- C-~_':!__ ntl·n ed _  ~te  l'RE'IDE.'T.  c.~SH'ER.  VroE-PRJ<: IDLT.  ASS TCASHIER.  -  PRI"CIPALC0RREsPo.·nE,T::i,  lhsouRcEs. - -  -1  --c  e:  Cu11.tEx- 1  1.o...,.tD1.1-  'PAID-UP ISURPLUS ' DEPOSITS CAPITAL PRAONFDITS  0  ~ \ __ ___ _ 1 100,030 I 868-:010 $ 896,400 $ 171,630 1· Han. N. and Mech.&_ Metals N ., N. Y .; Hibernia ~ $ 100,000 COM'L BANK & TRUST CO. H. S. Palfrey ---- -- E. A. Dela.hons aye W. T. Palfrey-··-- It. L. igur Bk.&Tr. Co.and Canal Com'l Tr.&Sav.,N. 0. N C. D. Kemper •li"06 8-1-72 163,MO N. Park, N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0. 934,800 909,650 100,000 101.930 St. Mary Bk. & Tr. Co. __ tf'06 Wilson McKeralL J. W. }foster------ John C. McKerall _ -------------------J. D. Bell 84-71 22,500 Whitney-Cent. N. and Liberty Bk, & Tr. 74,000 2,400 1 79,000 15,000 .. Franklinton Washington Citizens Bank----------•· ·19 R. D. ~la.gee _______ E. A. Carter _______ L. M. Bourgeois ___ ---·-·---------- , Co., N. O. 84-343 6 N. 0. Poo. 96-1 E 11 75,000 Hudson Tr. Co .. N.Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., 525,000 425,000 20,000 50,000 Washington Bk. & Trust Co. J. B. Lindsley----- F. M. Brown _______ W. S. Burris _______ 1 H. R. Babini?ton ___ " ---- ---" N. O. :Union and Plan. Bk. &Tr. Co,, Memp. M. W. Ott •:t§'13 8-1-285 Fullerton ____ Vernou E 4 Fir t tate Bank _______ •t§'l3 -------------------- -------------------- H. II. Pye, Mgr. __ _ ------------------- (Branch of Fir t tateBa nk,Leesv ille,La.) Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.: Calcasieu N., Charles. Lake 8!-285 6 N. 0.Pop. 2-112 27,000 . Bk. Com .• N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. O. 150,0C0 128,000 10,000 10,000 Garyyille ___ st. John the Gary State Bank _________ §'08 F. Reynaud ________ 0. T. Ory _________ J. J. Gebelin ______ -----------· ________ 8-1-178 6 NO Pop. 3500 Baptist F 10 110,000 ·I Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0.: Am. N., Com'l N.,..,. 215,000 300,000 18,500 25,000 Gibsland ____ BienvilleB4 First National Bank _____ e:t'l0 A. B. Hortman ____ W. L. Hamner _____ L. W. Baker _______ --------··----------" and 1st N .. Shreveport. 84-180 Pon. 798 11 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.; 0 153.000 151.000 7,000 25,000 Gilliert _____ Franklin C 7 Gilbert tate Bank----•t ' '19 H.B. Womble----- W. )1. Snyder _____ H.B. Rountree---- liY. L. )[cDu:tr______ C: Natchez. Co., Tr. & Bk. City 8!-335 Pop. 442 11 26,770 Hudson Tr. co., N. Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. 122,043 112,020 5,690 40,000 Gilliam ________ caddo A 3 Gilliam tate Bank _____ e§'l7 John J. Lay _______ R. E. NoeL _______ Edw. T. Brodnax __ -------------------C/l Co., N. O.; 1st N .. Shreveport. , 1 ' 84-330 Pop. 225 11 305.540 Han. N ., N. Y.: Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.: 1st 463,640 687.130 30.440 50,000 Glenmora ____ Rapides E 6 Glenmora Rank & Trust Co. \Y. M. Cad.r-------- 1B. E. Smith ________ , F, G. Chatelain ____ B. E. Snoody ___ ___ N ., Alexandria. , 1 C. C. Sheppard •tl'l3 8-i-287 6 N. O. Pop. 2298 9,000 Liber ty Bk.% Tr. Co., :N'. O. 46.600 4,160 20,000 32_ 400 j Goniale . A cen 1011 FD funk of Gonzales ______ __ §'20 P . . Berte:rn ______ C. Y. •. AmanL __ L. M. Lafleur ______ ----···-- -- --·-·---1 H. ~I. Picard 84-378 Pop. 700 95,000 Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0. 44,000 115,000 11,600 15,000 Grand Cane --DeSoto B 3 Bank or Grand Cane ____ ef'04 P. E . .Allen -------- , C, B. Hicks ________ W. H. Smith _______ -------------------37 84 8 Tr.& Bkg. t:Jj av.and Canal-Com'l 40,440 I l -l Pop. 11 'l'r. Co., Alexandria. Bk. &Interstate Raoides Co., N. O.: Tr.& 130,640 151,520 8,770 Gra.-non _Po~~t~ ell B 6 Grayson Ba 272 _______ •f'12 J. W. Clarkson---- W. R. Broadway ___ R. F. Fenton ______ -------------------- 15,000 23,090 1 85.080 Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Oo .. N. 0. 110,100 1 158,lil0 15,000 •Greensburg __ st. Helena Bank of Greensburf---•U'04 I W. G. Hamberlin __ C. J, Cole _________ , R. E. Cole_________ ____ ____ ________ ____ 16,500 585,000: 554,600 118,800 Han. ., . Y.; Canal-Com'! Tr. & av., N. 0. ~ 60,000 { J, G. FISHER-------1C·[· GELBKE------- T. G. NICHOLSON----- W.R. WHITE------84-138 6 N. 0.Pop . 286 E 9 C/l JNO. F. RAU l . . STUMPF •Gretna ___ Jefferson G 10 GRETNA EX. & SAV. BANK •it'll QuJck Returns on BIJI of Lading items. 84-254 6 N. O.Pop. 7197 City, N. and Co. Tr. Chi. Y.; N. Amerira, of Bk. 157,390 657,160 691,900 13,620 50,000 CounciL_ K. Miss ------Bogg~ JetTer on Trust & ~ av·gs Bk. L. H. Marrero _____ James Dinkins ___ W.R. " - - ---" "%j Ohi.: InterstateTr. & Bkg. Oo .. N.O. •1'02 84-182 ♦ 262,000 . City, . Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; Biber- .., 324,500 411,000 50,000 25,000 (¾uf'ydan - - Vermilioa F 6 Bank of Gueydan ------•ts'0:! o. IL Hop on ___ ___ II .• I. Bone ________ O. H. Hop,on _____ ~Ii. s F. H. Orillion nia Bk. & Tr. Oo. and Canal-Com'! Tr. & ~av., 1>J .M. E. Trigg L. P. Bonnin !!4-183 6 N. 0. Pop. 12:13 tM<'m. ~te Bk • \ssn.t_l'nv. ll-,_·ta~. ♦Mem.F_ed.Res.  ----=  ci!,~"::· ';'.:,,°~  I  I  l  I  ->  Z  >  8t  7  > Z  I  -·- · - --- ---- ----· Peoplc·Bank&Tnl'lCo. ••19 4-354 •Ilahnvillc __ ~t. Charle Bank of ~ t. harles. ____ §'20 C. E. \lexander ___ 84-366 6 N. 0. l'op. 500 G 10 Hammond ___ Tan~ipaboa First State Hk. & Tru "t Co. J. ~I. Blarhe _______ •11"94 84-82 6 N. 0. Pop, 3, :;:; FD  ..  ---- ----  ..  •Harru;onburg_Catahoula o7 Pop. 399 11 flayn esvilltLClaibor·e A 4 Pop. 903 11 .• -------" IIertin ______ Webster A 4 11 Pop. 75 Hes ·mer ___ Avoyelles E 6 6 N. 0. Pop. 100 .. Homer ___ _Cla iborne A 5 Pop. ;150:; 11  HAMMOND  ___ __ ____ __________ R . .:\l..\lontague,  65,000 1  ll. I. Landry ___ __ _ Layous Ga. sen____ _________ __________ .. L. C. Vin! o. P. Waldrep _____ Samnel r,. Hill ____ Edessa Peters____ S. M. Cate  18,000  5,000  60,000  100,000  11,480  586,720 ,  \,~81E BANIM'!lti R. Lillie----------- B. M . .Morrison ____ E. Richardson _____ H. M. Herbert_____  75,000  Harrisonbur~ State Bk.•ts·o7 84-185 Oitizens Bank __________ •t§'l2 84-277 PlantersBa~f1si------•U'07 Bank of Heflin ___________ , '20 84-3i7 Central Bank & Trust Co.I'll 84-1 86 American~ ·ational Bank •·20 84-361  COM 'L NAT BANK 1  84-105  I  I1  774.770  1  102,390  1 929,5001 1,023,500  w.  ~  -•  ::S  6,380 Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. 51,930 Chatham & Phenix N., N .Y.; Cont. &CCQPi'lBNk., . Chi.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co. and illz. & Tr. Co., N. 0.: N. Bk. Com .. St. L. 99,640 ct.~\fa:;i~e iik.c~rr¥r~t·o~N?ti:: 1st ..: •• St.  r+  O ,.. tol4  ~  g.  100,000 Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; 1st N., ShreveJ)Ort, ~ T & s , 65,000 1st N .• Shreveport; Canal-Com 1 r. • av., 0 195,000 :,i;'" N O 80,000 N.ShBr!~e°piri.·il~er~i~J~t.:Tr~ngo.~~-o~·· 376,000 Minden, La,)_ . _______________________________________________________________________________ (Branch of Mans -ura, La. ) _________________ Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.;Wh1tney-Cent. N .,N. O.  198,000 17,500 15,000 Bethard____ ____ _________ _______ R. M. Taliaferro ___ J.C. Segri t__ _____ H. • 1 ' 12,500 25,000 H. B. McEacbrrn __ W. P. Baucum ____ J. o. llcEachern ___ C. B. Miller______ 240 000 T. U. Norton 400,000 20,000 40,000 E. Rankin ______ , J.G Rankin ____ __ , A. H.Southern ____ J.O.Sherman _____ . L. Beene __________ _________________________________________________ -·------------------ (Branch of Bk. of .Minden ,  120,850  lfi'.  Harry ~lead ___ ---· W • .:\I. .:\l<'Clung ___ B. \Y. Byerley_____  '. J. Kendrick____  50,000  5,500  190,000  170,000  {E. H. FORTSON---- E. WILDER ------ G. f. STROUD ------- F. H, LONG _ _____ _ 100.000 14,000 400,000 400.000 R. E. KELLEY "THE BANK O F 'l.KVICE." ·end us four Bl, II of Lading draft , , Cash and Time_ Items and receive prompt attentl on. '20 C. 0. FERGUSON -· M. OAKES-------- 1L. T. LANCASTER --- - •R. S. GILL _________ 150,000 181,190 3,327,510 2.723,160 R. Q. ETZEL DIRECT. YOUR SEND A.  J· ~~M~jEf,lk\is  HOMER NAT BANK { us •:t·oo Prompt attentl on given BHI of L adlng drafts and Ian matter· 84-103 1  =  .o.  _________________ <Branch ofAbbev ille,La.) ________ _ -··------ [nterstateTr.&Bkg.Co.,N.t,.  ,lfgr.  I  40,000 Chem N., N.Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Ex. hreveport. 110,000 eab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.N,DaHlla.s; Am. Shreveport; Lumbermans ., ou.  1  ,,  ,  962,640 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st .1:'. and Com'l N., Shreveport.  eut ,us. 50,000 Fergu~on ____ W. ,\, )JcKenzie _ L. T. Lancaster ____ R. S. Gill__________  109,090 541,430 Hau. N .. r,y .;:N'.Bk. Com., St.L.; Interstate Tr. 551,430 50,090 Homn 'rrnst & ~ avinir~ Bank C. o. 1 &Bkg.Co .. N.O.;lstandCom'lN.Shreveport. u, R.Q.Etzel J ..,1.oakes :tl'20 84-104 ~ Hornbeck---- Vernon D 4 Bank of Hornbetk ______ e§'l5 -------------------- ___ --· ______________ E .•\.Cryer ____ ---- I -------------·· _____ (Branch of 'West, La. Ban k, Lcesvi lle. La.) Canal-Com'l Tr. & Sav., N, o. ..,,,, , 84-301 6 N. 0. Pop. 3::iO  MARINE BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NEW ORLEANS  OVER 400 DIRECT POINTS IN LOUISIANA AND MISSISSIPPI  Numlter mader Name or Bank ia the Ne,  514  u  !._o_ each bank in  ~  ..T,.1 ■ 1Rlvol,u  ho ll'h ...  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln-  . . . . . . . ., llfame or Ban.II la the Kew Traut& Kamber p·yen dexed Acces.), Lawyer, Laws (indexed) tn back or this d LOUISIANA C t• bank la U. 1!1. es:clu1IYelJ' by Tbe &and-MeNallJ' Banken' '°.aoh = e::====::========:==~=v=o=lu=m=e=.=.::F£!~terest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.~ =U ==l=ll •n=·==============:-;;==O=ll DlnetofJ', ande~be authority of The American Ba~e~-~.;::1:1;::11-::: I I LIABILITIES. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •OountJ Sp.ats. CJ'i  574  PRINCIPAL COKRESPONOICNTS.  RESOURCES.  NAME 01" BANK.  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  SURPLUS  DEPOS- ~.,.•• Dt.. o...... •E:rASS'T OAS HIER. PAID-UP CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT, PRESIDENT. :tMem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. ~:;,o::;i;-;:• ITS CAPITAL Px~!~s •~le_m_._F_e<_l_._H_e_,;.___[E_•'_.ta_h_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1A. F. Davidson---- 1R.H. Barrow ______ 1Joseph H. Pullen __ G. ·J- -.6-ue_n_o_______-_-__- 1$ 50,000 495,000 $ 397,520 $ 207,130 -.-P_ar_k_.-N-.-Y-.-;C_a_n_a_J_-C_o_m_'l_T_r___&_S_a_v-.,-M-ar--i-ne- 1 $ 59,550 Bank or Houma _______ ••l'92 Bk.eTr.Co .• andHiberniaBk&Tr.Co .. N.O. 84-54 43,270 825,000 1 611,500 1 122,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Canal-Com'! Tr. • v. and 50,000 Bank or Terrebonne & Sav. Erne t Ellender ___ A. A. Sanders _____ C. A. Ledet_ _______ c. J. Lehman______ 1 rtv Bk. & Tr.Co., N. O.; N, Bk, Com., LilJe Gilbert W. L. Bank ____ 84-56 _______ e:t§'l0 St. L. I N. Y.; Whitner-Cent. N .• Inter-State City. N. 63,000 950,000 1.125,000 150,000 l.H.JASTIEMSIU JOHN D. SHAFFER- G. MONTEGUT----- J.A. IOBICHAUX- 100,000 Tr. & Bkg. Co., and Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Oo. or J. A. DASPIT J. L. CAILLOUET  Figure is Fed. Re . Di:t. N. O. is New Orleall___!!!:: •Houma .•TerrebonneG9 & N.0. Pop.5160 " "  c;~:,~a~~:  PEOPLES BANK  {Collectlons and  &, TRUST COMPANY  .  •:t§'96 FEE IN ADVAN 84-55 Ida------------Caddo A 3 Ida State Bank---------•t§"l7 W. B. Means - - 84-322 Pop. 500 11 lndependenceTan~ipah'a Farmers & Merchants Bank M. Becker _ _ _ •:t§'08 84-187 & N. O. Pop. 1032 E 10 First State Bank & Trust Co. -----------~• ______ " •§'19 8-1-352 Bank or Iota ____ ---------1'12 + 84-278 Bank or Jackson ________ :t5•04 84-188 Citizens Bank ----------•:tl'9 84-97 First National Bank: ----•:t"05 84-98 •Jena ________ LaSalle O 6 Bank of Jena ___________ ef'06 84-189 Pop. 520 11 Citizens Bank---------•i§·03 ______ " Iota___________ Aradia F 5 & N. O. Pop. 802 Jactson,EastFelicianaE8 I N. O. Pop. :mo Jeanerette _____ Jberia G 7 I N. 0. Pop. 2512 " ______ "  Jules Kenou _____ G. G. Keller-------  O• .A. llcGowen ____ H. Patout_ ________ . J, B. Wr11~ht _______ Ernest Youne------  84-289  I be accompanle db Y Requests for Creldlt Reports MUST  1  CE: Pl,ain sight dra /ts, 15c: Credit Rep orts, 50c. J. A. Kunkle ------ ID, B. Keith________ ________  15,000  1.440  30,320  45,800  taffoud  25,000  2,000  107,000 I  85,000  I  trange ______ W. G. Buckley ____ .Mr·. I..  A. J.  I  T.  I  6,480 Com'l N., Shreveport. 30,000 ,)larine Bk. & Tr._ Co., N,  --1--------- -----------  I  CM\,c;  BK OF LAFAYETTE  Collections , Bill of Ladi ng Drafts, c ash and time  l Given spec ial attention and remitted for on day of  '  ',  I  •  II  .....:  I  I  • f ;  I I  I  /  II.  I•' II  I:  ;  I  Ij I  ,  I • •  •  f  ., I  IF  '  . I  •  .  f  I  ;',  '  f f  If  ~  t  II  _  . ,_  I •·  I  I  •  1  I  I  :J::  N. City, and Am. Ex. ~T., N. Y.: Marine Bk. &  Tr.Co.,N.O.;Com'l N., "hreveport. Chase N., N. Y.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co. and In1ers1a.♦ e Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O.: Com·1 N., hrereport: Ru ton ·ate. Ruston. Whitn-ey.Cent.N., N. 0.; Merrh.-Lac. N.,St.L.: Am. N .• Shreveport: 1st. . Ruston. Whitney.Cent. N .• N. O.: Ran1de ·.Bk.<'· 'l'r. Co .. AIPxandna:CityBk.&Tr.Co.,NatcbPz.Mis·. N. Ci y, N. Y.; Can:i.1-Com'I Tr. & av. and  Se~g~~~~. t~·l lite<;ry-:kI Tr. Co.,~·- o.  g  !::1  ;:J  Ill  ~  0  ~  Ill  "'Ij Ill  7i  ~  Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Interstate Tr. & Bke-. Co .. ~ N. 0.  Irving N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. !i•• Obi.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. . O.; La. .. Baton Rouge. . Bk. Com., St. L.; .M erch. & Plan., PinP. Bluff, Ark. Mt>rh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Canal-Com'! Tr.~av., N. O. N. Park, N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co .. N. o.  Chem. N .. N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l ...' .. Chi.; canal-';Com'I Tr. & av .. ~Iarine Bk. & Tr. co .. ::l \Yhi ' ner-Cen . ·.,and Inter~tateTr. <'· Bkg. i:: co., N. <>.; Com'1 ..: .. , hrernport: La .• • .. Ill Items "'1 Raton Rou~e; Calcasieu.'., Lak• Charle~, paym ent. . ~ . . Du.on, cott, Y cungsvil lle,Brea UI Brld ge, Maurice. 200 0Q0 150 000 1.800,000 2,200.000 447.000 Chase N. and Hamman _N •• N. Y.: Ihberma Ilk. & Tr. ' ' 19.860 '.Park,N. Y.;MarineBk.&Tr.Co .. ~ .o. 2,000 329,100 333,820 50,000 1  •:tl'98 lwealsoeonduct la general bankln g business at Bro lu "ard, Carenno, 84-41 L~ V .Mouton S R Parkerson Deman~·•e •••n::; 1N P Moss . st Nat·1onal Rank FU' - - J.'E.'Mouton______ • · """-----• --·-------- +"u • • • 84-40 Cnion uank l . '!'rut Co. P.H.Lan1lry ______ Paul 1·raus _______ !,\. Ju<lice _ _ _ _ --------------------1 I P. IL Hoy :t!l'l0 4-42 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~  ~ , O  I  I  &. TRUST CO.  o.  (Branch of Hamm ond,La.) ___________ Chatham & Phemx N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com l C: C.R. Dolhonde ------------- P. E. Dolhonde, N., Chi.: Cit1z. Bk. & Tr. Co. and InterstatP U) A· Mgr. Mgr. Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. 0.: N. Bk. Com .. St. L. ...,.. 11,500 425,000 190,000 160.000 Seab. • .,N. y .; CanaJ.Com'l Tr. c av., N. o.: ► 25,000 A. V. Ducote ----- , Remy L. Doucet. -- _____________ 1st N. Bk. of Acadia Pari -h, Crowley, La. l W. P. Sellers 40,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Hibernia Bk. & Z 8,000 120,000 104,000 10,000 D. M. Pipes ______ 0. E. Gillum ______ ,______________ ► Tr. co .. N. o. 39,300 491,340 IJ-H,570 104,560 Chase N .• N. Y.: Canal-Com'l Tr. & Sav., N, O.: 50,000 H. B. Hewes ______ 0. A. Poirson _____ C. 0. Edwards----t1:J Com'I N ., Shrevep_ort. F. L. Chant'y , ....._ 78,950 343,860 492,950 • 6U00 N.Park, N. Y.; Whitney.Cent. N.. 50,000 G. J. Laban ________ ArthurWolrord ____ Oswell Patout_____ 1 o>' , . . St. Paul B(?ur~eois 1 Z co., Bk.&Tr. Cont. 0.: N. Co., Tr. & Bk. Canal 70,000 100,000 175,000 10,000 12,000 L. M. Dans------- H. M. Davis ________ C.H. DavIS-------~ Shreveport: Rapides. Alexandria, La. ' . . 28,660 Canal-Com'!. Tr. & Sav., N. O.; Rapides, Bk. & VJ 15,000 -------- 135,440 102,400 . B. Hanes ________ F. C. Hmton _______ Mrs. 0. S. Burdick_ Alexandria. .• Co Tr. 1 750,000 t 662,340 108-15 490 _ _ _ _ _ _ Han. N,, N. T.; Whitney.Cent. N., N. o. Charles, La.) _____ H. H. HOAG, Mgr. -- BROWN FUNK,  •Jennlnes JeffersonDavis CALCASIEU NAT'L Bit OF {(Branch of L~ , A. Mor. & N. 0. Pop. 3824 F 5 1 SOUTHWEST LA. -----•:t·o9 peclal attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 84-70 1 33,160 628,760 517,830 289,550 100,000 --Fuselier Marius ____ Follett F. E. --Kahn Theodore ______ Ritchie c. D. !l Jennin'"'s Tational Bank•• " " Wm. Krielow 84-341 ~ C. O. Cary 1 15,000 450,000 400,000 100,900 35,000 •1onesboro __ Jackson B6 Jackson Parish Bank: --•U'04 A. E. Simonton ___ W. 0. McDonald ___ W. C. McDonald ___ R. ~r. Crow,on. ,Tr. G. E. Cox 84-190 Pop. 37 11 16.590 9,080 127,200 166,250 15.000 Jonesboro State Bank •§'13 0. E. Ilod~e _______ E. L. Walker _____ C. F. McBride _____ C. C. Mobley-----" ________ " ,\. D. Jones ~ 84-281 50,000 7,000 135,000 125,000 14,800 Jonesville_ Catahoula O 7 Catahoula Bank ________ •:tl'04 E. M. Grayson _____ L. Yancey - ------I0. IL Wurster----- ----------· -------. . 84-1111 Pop.1029 11 70,000 10,000 200,000 350,000 75,000 Kaplan ____ Verm11um F 6 Bank or Kaplan ________ •if'l2 W . .A.. Poche ______ L. Saponte ________ , A. M. Smith _______ -------------------6 10 J. R. Jugier, Mgr.----------- (Branch of Abbe'Di Ile, La.) - - - - --------Peoples Ban~-l frustCo. ~ N. POI). 0<!, 1 s-t-351 av. B a n k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Branch of Gret na. La.) - - - - - - - - Kenner ___ Jefferson G 10 Jefferson Trust o 1 U'OO 84-11)2 & N. 0. Pop. 1 2 268,900 1 91,760 3 ,000 1 279,570 50,000 Kentwood ___ Tane1oahoa Kentwood Bank ------•:ti'02 R . .A.. Kent---- W. 0. Kent_ ______ W. K. Amacker ____ W. II. Burris-----8-H93 & N. O. Pop. 30:;9 E 9 2, 600 15,000 50,000 60,000, 15,000 Kilbournl'. \Ve,t curoll Bank of Kilbourne _______ '20 J. 0. Stephenson __ L. J. Franklin _____ F. F. Covington --- - - - - - - ------1 1 h f L-.... Charlu, La.) ______ G . .M. Kine-, Jr.Mi O. W. Swo1s,M (B 81-355 I> Pop. 300 750,000 662 ,34 0 - - - -' - - - - - - Kinder _________ Allen 11' 5 CALCASIEU NAT'L BK. OF I ranc o · or. or. SOUTHWEST LA. -----•t'09 6 N. O. Pop. IU8 I . 84-1114 87.430 18,170 191.610 209,830 20,000 I.abadlf'ville_ Assumption Bank: or Labadie _______ •:tl'06 H. 0. Dansereau x __ Albert Blanchard __ Gus. Villere _______ L.A. Flandry, Jr. 84-195 6 N. 0. Pop. 500 G 8 )C. 0. MOUTON ---- 1M. BILLEAUD1JR. -- J.C. BARRY -- ------ E. E. SOULIER------ 250,000 350,000 3 250 000 3 300 000 400,000 r F tt Laf Ptt F 7 ' • j ' ' CLAUDE COLOMB R. 0. YOtJNG J. J. DAVIDSON, r: e • .a &aN7 e ePop 8-J 1 5 ~- . P. L L. JJOICE • " • • 0•  o.  La., N. 0.  l  '°  ::=  Non-Bank Towns )\1th Nearest Banking &>Int (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (in~exed) ln back of this~  ••-=,,:••  --=  1fi ._. - - • N ..... ol Jllllllr ,. th New TnuuH to eaoh beak in U. 8. ueltul~el7 by The &and-.lfeNaD7 erw• Dlreetor,. made, tile autllorfty of Tbe A.merlea__n .::.-~·B -== an=k1en = =:::; A.u •;::,; n-:.: . =-====-=-=--== TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  NA.ME OF BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. A n. IState ll'ic:areisFed.Re .Dist. tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. N.U,is 'ewOrlean Br. ♦Yem. Fed. Res. [E.tah,  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT  I  LOUISIANA  CASHIER, · _______  C  Non-Bank Towm with Nearest Banking l'olnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of this '-4 v o ~ o r !_nterest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law. ~  t" d 0.!!_l_~l!_e____ LIABILITIES.  Ass'T CASHIER  PAID-UP  ·  SURPLUS  CAPITAL p:C,~Ts  -_\E.s. Rice, Mgr._ c.E.Bailly,.A.Mgr. $750,000$ 662,340  Late~rthur ___ Je~erso';! CALCASIEU 'AT'L BK. OF ,_(_B_r_ane __ h_o_f_L __ a&_,_C_halr_l_u_,_L_a--.)__-_-__ Davis ___ Pop, 188 ___ Fa SOUTHWES -LA._ ----•:•14 & N. 0. 84-196 •Late Oharlea __ Qalcasieu I N. 0. PO'P, 13,088 J' 5  CALCASIEU NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA 14-11  ----------------------------,--- --FRANK ROBERTS -W.Q. MOEUIG---- E. I. HAZZARD---"- II. ROCK ----S. A. KNAPP E. R. HENRY Q.A.COURTIEY J. R. GREEN J. H. HEINEN PAUL ZIMMER MANI A.H. ELLIS G. B. WASEY  750,000  -  -  Unequaled facWUe~ for &he traiuaction ol nel'J' branch of banklnc. Collectto:na on 8outhweat Loutalana and Correspondence Sollclted. •i•D2 We also conduct a General Banking Buslne111 at De Qulncf, .Jennlncs, Kinder, Lake Arthur, Oakdale, Sulphur, Vinton and Welsh, La.  Fl nsT NAT'L BANK IL. KAIF■AI- ----  ni!li;--- - •·  LIOITH ------  •i·89 Prompt atte ntion given to B-L draft OLDEST BA NK IN SOUT HWEST LOU LAllE CHARLES TR & SAV. H. O. GUI---------- o. D. Moss. Active_ o. D. Moss ________ BANK----1'4-ZL--- ---•W0Z N. E. North, Active 84-17  mttDr::--- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  84-201  --- ---  t;.ueA:Ex-  = D>  "1 ~ 1  ~  MP~h_. &NM etals N., N. Y.; Canal-Com'! Tr. · a\., . 0 , ...,.  ---  s  ~  en  >  2!  > 200,000  391,610 ' 1,338,450 1,974,350  340,320 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Marine Bk.& Tr. Co., N. O.; N.Bk. Com., St. L.  tlJ >  2!  s, Cash and time ISIANA.  -----•il'l0 Theo. Dendi.m?er __ Charles Oulliber __ W. J. Hermann ____ F. V. de Gruy ____ _  I  c-;~. ==· ":..'-:.°":t;!": ________________ "'»11•  -  30,000  ~  items 1.  --------•l  & N 0. Pno. 1103 F 10  ==- == ==ITS  1 1 "'.,.  662,340 10 189 430 12123 530 $1810 •oo Han. N., and Mech. & Metals N ., N Y.; t"' Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Whitney-Cent. 0 N., N. O.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., C: St.L. -  F. H. Junkin------ 150.000 83,240 D. B. Harmon W. P. Weber Afliliat ed with L. Kaufman •LakeProvidence.E.Car'l First National Bank _____ •'02 E. J. Hamley _____ _ H. Stein ___________ E. F. Stevens _____ Katie Sullivan ____ _ 50,000 99,510 11 Pop. 1917 A 8 84-115 1 •· " Lake Provi<\~~~flank __ .5•99 J. N. Hill _________ J. G. Pittman _____ J, N. Bill, Jr. _____ :\Iar:r Ker Pearl ___ 25,000 17,310 LawteJL __ 't. Landry E 6 Lawtell tate Bank _____ • '19 A. E. Lafleur _____ T. P. Bertrand ____ C. II. Dardeau __________________ _ 4.600 20,000 (Opelousas P. 0.) 84-342 Theo. C. DeJean Lecomptfl ____ ltapides D 6 Bank of Lecompte _____ •:1·02- M. R. Earnest _____ M. Cox ____________ W. B. Jones _______ G. P. Davis _______ _ 10,000 15,000 6 N. 0. Pop. 103! 84-197 •Leesvillt ____ Vernon D 4 First State Rank _______ .is·10 G. R. Fer~uson, .. r. G. _i.·, Richard on_ G. N. Richardson __ R. Carmica.l ______ _ 100.00J 46,970 & H. O. Pop. 251 84-101 E. D. Boone " " West Louisiana Bank __ •tl'll S. T. Ward ________ G. E. Wehrt ______ Wilmer Cain _________________________ _ 20,000 10,220 84-102 G. W. Bolton Leroy ____ Yermillion F 6 Peoples Bank & Trust ~. -------------------- ____________________ ---· ________________ E. A. Cryer ___ . ___ _ (Branch of Abbei; 6 N. O. Pop. 750 84-381 U-20 H. M. Harrell Lockport.Lafourche G 10 Bank of Lockport ___ eif'0l A. V. Smith _______ F. T. Gouaux ______ E . .A. Delaune _____ V. H. Boudreaux __ 43,530 40,000 6 N. O. Pop. 803 84-134 D. J. Uzee Peoples Bank _____ §"l9 E. F. Dickinson ___ J. T Badeaux _____ M. P. Hermandez __ C. A. Pagliughi__ __ 30,000 • 15,000 84-344 A. P. Breaux L. Falgout r.oeansport_ __ DeSoto O 3 Bank of Loranspart ___ •U'0l S. J. Smart _______ R. W. Oarawa:r ____ Smith Price ________ A. E. CarrolJ _____ _ 35,000 42,000 11 Pop. 61!2 84-198 Longstreet ____ nesoto B3 Longstreet s tate Bank __ 1'14 T. J. Graves _______ W. J, Miller _______ D. B. Pullen------~ Berdye Gordon ___ _ 6,590 10,000 11 Pop. 500 . . 84-302 LongviJle ____ Beauregard First National Bank ____ .,19 S. Arthur Knapp ___ J. W. Martin ______ J. W. Monroe ______ -----------2,600 25,000 ti N. 0. F 4J 84-33~ , LoreauvilJe ____ lberla F 7 Bank of Loreauville ----U 10 G. A.. Shaw ________ C. ll'. Berard _______ J. O. Bonin ________ E. A. Gosser·-----27,800 20,000 & H. 0. Pop. 439 ~-199 , Lottie-Pointe Ooupee E 7 Bank of Lot t1e.;.; 12 John O. Long _____ J.M. Wilson. ______ A. o, Noble _________________ _ 3,750 10,000 84- ..u1 6 N. 0. M. Pop. 45 Lutcher ____ James F 9 St. James Bank ______ -•U •04 ll'. Re:rnaud ________ L. Wagnespack ____ A. B. Mears __________________________ _ 89,290 30,000 6 N. 0. Pop. 1700 84-200 L. Keller )[ad Ison ville st.Tamm'ny Madisonville Bank  l  RESOURCES.  DEP0&- 1  5;500  en  l.O:U,390, 1.279,690  84,940 N. Park,N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! Tr. & av .. Chi.;~ Interstate Tr.&Bke, Co.,.N. O. D>  the Fir st Nat'l Bank.  638,120  749,100  248,860  305,000  31,000  60,000  388,000  218.000  1,131,850  915,6-10  ~  106,310 N. City. N. Y., Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0,  237,490 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co. I and Inter ·tate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O. 353,!40 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; .._'ew England N .. Kan. O.; :Marine 8k. & 'l'r. co .• N. O. 512,310 478,930 114,100 .... City, N. Y.: Canal-Com'! Tr. & Sav., ... •. O,; 1 t N ., Shreveport. ille) ____________________ Seab. N., N. Y.; ln•ers+ate Tr. & Bkg. Co.; Hibernia BK. & Tr, Co. and Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. 865 630, 640,860 , 310,790 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.: • Hibernia Bk. ,. Tr. Co. a.nd Whitney-Cent.  --------11--------.___ 1nfe'; ~t~Tr. 320 000 ' 51,000  312,000  127,360  103,290  73,280  I  285,000 63,570  I  315,000 68,650  737,770  772,280  176,000  170,000  & Bkg. Co., N. 0.  '1  0 S: SI>  p. ..... fA  0  3 ;::-.  ~  55,000 Han.N .• N. Y.: Com'l N., Shreveport: Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., '. 0. 15,490 Am. N .• Shreveport; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co .. N.O. 51,670 Han. N., N. Y.; Calcasieu N., Lake Charles; I Whitney-Cent. N., N. O. 48,000 Chase ., N. Y.; Whiine:r-Cent, N. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0, 18,670 Hibernia Bk. &Tr. Co., N. O.; Union Bk, & Tr. Co., Baton Rouee. 109,550 N. Bk. Com., N. Y., Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Bk. of futon Rouge, B:i.ton Rouge. 29,000 N. Park, N. Y., Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo., N. 0.: ~ Cov. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cov. u,  OVER 400 'DIRECT POINTS IN LOUISIANA AND MISSISSIPPI  -~~--=-=---------=:::-===-----=---=--- ---- - - - ------.....:~--~--~--  "  26,170 S.Park.N.Y.;Whitney-Cent. ...r.,Hibernia Bk.~ & Tr. Co .., a~d .Ma~i~e Bk. & 'l'r. Co .. N. O. ;. 8,000 Canal-Cowl 'lr. , · ,1v., • 0. d  C:1A  ~on-Bank Towns with Nearest Uanklng Polnl \!nNumbe.- under Name or B uJ is the New Tran It Number g1v n dexetl Accos.), Lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back of this VJ to each bank il1 U. • exclui.lvd)' by The Rand-Mc. ally Bankers' __F~r Interest Rates, Holldays, etc.!.. "<'t' La\\ ~ ~·olume. ~ __ _ ___ Ass'n. nkers R Amerh'an Tht• ot authority the under Directory. PRINCIPAL OORRESPOND:sNTS. }{J.<:SOUR('ES, LIABILITIES. - - _--:--=;- - . > .HIE OF B-\NK. ToWN ~N-; OOUNTY. t SUBP:i-,usDEPO~ 11.o..... n, •. OAm&E:,:. ASB'T O"BIEll. OASHlltR. VICE PRESIDENT • PRE.'HDENT 1•~frm. Am. Bks. As. n. §S att1 •OountY St>ats. c'T•. IJo~n•, c,wmts,Dua A?;D . ' ],'il!llfCisFCll, Ho, 111st. :1:Mem.Statollks.A sn.tPriv. s,cui.1T1u ,ao.. n.-Ka. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ITS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C.\PITAL PROFITS ___ _ [F>,tab. N. is,'ew Orlean.!.I3.E_: ♦ '.\Iem . l:l'cd. He.  LOUISIANA-Continued  576  I  .PAID-,;;  o.  1  Mamou ___ Evanf~line E 6 ' EVANGEUNE BK. & TR. CO. i'l2 8,H!65 6 N. 0. Pop. 619 l armers State Bank . ----.''19 8-Hl38 M.andeville.St. TammFan Commercial Bank & 'l'ru , t 6 N. O. Po~.1130 11 Co. ---- __ 84-202 _______ :l:§'07 1'aniham ___ R1chland 8 7 Maniham State Bank --•U'05 84-203 Pop. 462 11 •Mansff.eld ___ DI' Soto O a American ' ationa1Bank•t'20 84- 363 11 Pot>, 236-1  ----------- ---- ________________ .A. Landreneau.  1  H. Meche, A. Mor. (Branch of Ville Platte.L a.) _______________ Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N.  .ifgr,  0. L. Fuselier - ---- W._~. Gaty ________ L. M. Courillon ____ Chas. Lahaye ______ 1  50,000 $  Ph1hp Lahaye -------------------- ____________________ F. E. Vix, Mgr. ____ ___________________ (Branch r · . 40,000 W. E. Hixon _______ M.A.. Oooper _____ T. ~. Stark_______ ________ ____ _______ _ \Y. ?II. RollerLon __ J. J. ~cFatter _____ L. Crook _____________________________ _ Wm. M. Robertson  BANK OF COMMERCE & . .BcnJohnson _____ li'. H. Tarver R. T. Moore TRUST CO.--84-108.--•U Oil E.T. Robmson,  50.000  ____ __ G. F. Provo t _____ L. Fleniken ______ __  100,000  of Covi nuton,  17,500  350,000  240,000  147,500 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo., N. 0.  5,000  260,930  162,340  149,740 .\m. Ex. N •• Dallas; Ex. N., Shreveport.  150,000 2,000,000 2,500,000  Ch. of Bd.  W. A. Nabors ______ Frank Hunter _____ E. Corbin ________ . . J. r. Nabors E. A. Drouin _______ Jules Escude _______ DennisGauthier __ _ L. Guillory, A.Cash, ' E. ;r. Beridon. Jr. Vilere Roy Ellis • Coco •litany ________ Rabine C 4 PEOPLES STATE BANK•t§'l3 E. C. Dillon _______ J. H. noone ________ J. J. Blake _________ J. B. Vandee-aer __ _ H.J. Lucius 84-284 . Pop. Gli!3.. 11 Sabme State Bank ---- ·•.U'Ol W. M. Knott______ . D. Ponder _______ P. Q. Horn ________ -------------------" J.M . .Middleton 84-205 P_e ople Bank----------•!§"10 E. L. Joyner ______ 84-108 Mansura __ A,-oyellrs E 6 Oentral Rank & Tr. Co. •tl'll Emil Reirard _______ 84-204 6 N. O. Pop. i33  55,000  19,720  471,250  451,240  100,000  71.160  658,030  762,510  16,300  9,000  225,000  165,000  25,000  21,100  395,000  346,900  Mariniouin_ Iberville F 7 Bank of Marinfouin ----•1'03 H.B. Lefeaux _____ Theo. Dreyfus _____ J. L. JewelL ______ ___________________ _ 84-2~6 6 N. O. Pop. 390  25,000  17,650  147,590  155,630  ____ C. l ·et•ly ___________ J. D. Landers _____ --------------------  25,000  17,500  53,000  100,000  llarion ________ Union A 6 Marion State Bank _______ f'07 L. W. Landor 84-207 Pop. 511 11 •Ma&ktJ~i<>P~fjv~ye~e,  52.2'10 941.410 '15,000 ______ lfOSTER COUVILLON •• R. I. DIDIER----- --AVOYELLES BANK {J. W. JOFFRION •• . M.T. A.0. LEMOINf • CHENEVERT Collections , Bill of Ladi ng Drafts, ca sh and Time Items & TRUST Co • Given Spec ial attention and remitte d for on day of pa y men t. 84-124  820,930  250,000 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.: Canal-Com '! Tr. & Sav., Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co .. and Maine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.; N. Bk. Oom .. St. L.; Com'! N .. Shreveport. 94,770 Han. N .. N. Y.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo .. N. 0.; Am. N.. hreveport. 57,260 Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. :Y.: Whitney-Cent. N .• Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., and Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. 80,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. ShreveJ)ort: WhitneyOent. N., N. 0.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L. 58,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.: Oom'I N. and Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Shreveport. 34,710 ChaseN .. N.Y.;lnterstateTr. & Bk~.Oo.and Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co., N, 0.: Com'l N., Shrevepurt. 8,500 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Shreveport; Oanal-Com'l I Tr. & av., N. 0.  I  365,840 1N. Bk._Oom .. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk.& Tr.Co. and Marme Bk. & Tr. Co., N.O.  '-4  Ul  > i,-;  "'  > 0,  ._ ..-  Z  7::: oo  I  3~ 0  i:::  •U"97  0  50,000  •\larrero __ Jeff er ·on G IO Bank or .Marre1~0 ____ ___ _:'20 L. ,\.. :Marrero----- 'r. W. Cotfer _____ _ A. J. Grefer. ______ ---------------. 84-3,~. , & H. O. Pop. 259l e Marthaville atclntoche!, Bank of Martha\ 11Ie ___ _.5 13 .A. B. Coes. __ __ ---- A. . Hogan _______ A. A. Hammond ___ ------- ------ --A. A. Hammond 84-288 0 4 Pop 285 11 !auric, __Yt:rmilion !1'~6 Ilank of ~Jauric ----- --- .''20 J. A. Yillieu ______ _ Alexandre Bonin __ C. D. Trahan------ P. E. Trahan _____ _  15,000  5,000  40.000  10,700  20,000  29,000  10,000  ll,510  157,350  134,960  15,000  19,000  146,000  115,000  10,000  6,380  15,000  o.  J,- A. Dartez 84-372 Pop 300 6 N, 1 1 ille __ t. Landry E Merchants · Far. Ilank•!i'08 Gordon More-an ___ E. 0, H1cllarct __ ___ J.E. Dorroh.----- -------------------. . . 84- 208 . 6 N O l'OP 9:i lier Roue-·e_Morehse A 7 er Roufe tate Bank.•tl'03 J. A. Davenport_ __ A .•. Wilham ---- A. B. Andrews- ____ Miss M, Andrews __ . , 84-209 . Pop. 65li 11 »erryville_llcaurPg'd E 3 State Bk. of .Merrn1lle. •U 07 T. J . Carroll------- N. J. Cooper------- B. B. Oarroll ------ J • B. Walters______ . _ M. D._Neely , . 84- 210 6 N. 0. Pop. 29tl:l WrbstcrA4 Baukof rnden __ ______ •fll0 F.H.Drake ________ T.Cr1chton. __ ____ _ R.H.M1ller _______ J.'iY·N11ler_ ______ , M"ncl n 1 A. . ardcman 84-78 11 --Pop. 610!) • Bank or Webster __ ____ •U'02 G. W. Lawhon _____ A. D. Turner _______ J. W. llcDonald ___ R • .A. Baker_______ " .. 1 A. B. foreland 84- 711  FIRST NATIONAL  t""  0  ,...  ..,.  Union Bank ____________ •if'l0 L. P. Roy __________ 0. P. Couvillion ____ ll'. K. Moreau ______ J.E. Gremillion __ M. Bettevy 84-126  BANK  o.  46,260 Cont. & Com'.l ' ., Chi.; Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co. and Manne Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.; Rapide~ Bk. & Tr.Co., Alexandria. 1 ,La.) ____ - - - N. City, N. Y.; Canal-Com'l Tr. & av., N. O.  7,000 $ 90,000 $ 270,000 $ 1 ·  60,000  15,000  175,000  284,190  3,000 ------ --------25.790 60,000  217.890 I 143,530  ll/0,0001,750.0001,500,000 183,410  40,000  22,800  285,600  50,000  36.350  860,110 1 '1&0,200  38,950 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Whitney-Oent. E;: N. and Liberty Bk. & 'fr. Co., N. 0.: N. Bk .... ::J • Com., St, L. O. --------18,520 Com'l N., Shreveport; Hibernian Bk. & Ti- ~ • Co.,N. 0, 31.500 }Iarine Bk. & Tr. co.,"?· Q.; Bk. of Lafayette & Tr. Co., Lafavette ; Bk.of Abberville, Abb· erville. 44,100 Han . .N., N. Y.; Interstate •rr. & Bki. Oo .. N. 0. · • 42,000 Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Boatmens, St. L. 90,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Oent. N., N. 0. 310,000 N. City, N. Y.: Canal-Com'l 'l' r. & ~aY .. N. 0.: ._ Com'l r ., Shreveport. 165,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Whitne1-Oent. N., N. O.; $l,> ::i 1st N.. hreveport and St. L.  i:::  I  L. P. WREN-----Collections { Given spec  A.H. GRAY-------- ARTHUR F. DUPUY P. L. RATHBUN , Bill of Ladi ng Drafts, ca ial attention and remitte   .Number uader Name or llaalt ill the New Traaall Number idven 577 to •&Ob bank io U. B. e:rclwlveJy by The .&and-McNally .Banlcer•• CO _ _ _ DINH!_tory, _uader the authority of The American Ban.k~s AH'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  H. G. GRAY --------  P. D. STEWART sh and Time d for on day  1 , items I ,of pa y men t .  LOUISIANA-Continued  55.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.: Am. :N .. hrevcport; Hibernia Ilk. & Tr. Co., N. O.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng Potnt (1ndexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rate Holidays etc., see Laws.  ~  ~  577  .  ;.  I  I  •  ..,  ;.  I  ;  Non-Bank Tawas with Nearest Bankfng Potnt ctndexed Acces.), LaWJ"ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  LOUISIANA-Continued  I  NAME OP' BA K,  To1'N J.ND O0UNTT,  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. Ff,rnref~,Fed. Res. Di t. tMem.StateBks.A.ssn.tPriv. [Es tab. If. O. is 1"'ew Orleans Br. ♦ Yem. Fed. Hes.  •  II  LIABILITIES. PKJ:SIDDT,  YICJ:-PRESIDJCNT.  0J.8Bill,  ilS'T 0J.SBID,  __ ,_______  PAIIrUP SU!'i~UB  ~  PBOYITB  RESOURCES.  DJDP08IT8  ~•t•t~~:: ~~!J,~  PRINCIPAL O0RRESPOND.ENT8,  0  8110uamu  _.._o•_B_•_""-I-----------------I  0 OLIVER----- S. SMITH----------- J.M. BREARD------- $ 375,000 $ 200,000 $2300000 $2100000 $ 500,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co .. ~ tg.!1Jta 13 7 CENTRAL SAYINGS {F. P. STUBBS----- TRAVIS fl° p-N. 0.; 1st N., St. L.; Com'l N., Shreveport. ~ J. S. WASHBURN P. M. ATKINS op. 1'  110  -  8  1  BANK &. TR. CO. ♦84-211  *1'06  Speelalattentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please aend 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r preaentation and 2 5c for Credit Report s.  Citizens National Bank-•t' 18 C. E. Slagle-~------ O. B. Morton ______ R. Downes. Jr, ___ W. B. Gladney ___ _ E. Richards, Jr. A. W. John on 84-32 Louisiana Savings Bank & A. Collman-------- H. N, Thompson __ H, N. Thompson __ A. K. Kilpatrick ... Trust Co .. 84-33 -------•§ '20  T. E. FLOURNOY. I. BAER------------ F. F. MILLSAPS--- 0. W. ZEAGLER---  OUACHITA IAT'L BANl-•i•o7  l  Speelal attentlo FIFTEEN CEN TWENTY-FIVE Kontfomery ___ Grant 0 5 Bank of Mont£omery ___ H'03 L. Dow Wardlow __ 84-211 Pop, 224 l Farmers & )ferchants Bank ------------------" §'20 84-374 Montpelier St. Helena E 9 Farmers Bank __________ if '07 0. E. TiJlery ------84-139 6 N. 0. Pop. 60 llooringsport__Caddo A 2 Bank of llooringsporL :1'13 S. 0. Williams _____ 84-212 Pop. 992 11 84-31  !  Moreauville.Avoyelles E 7 6 N. 0. Pop. 867  P. C. WILLIS  n given Bill or La TS sent to us wit CENTS for each D. B. Wardlow _____  ding Drafts, Cash h each sight draf credit report lns Wilmot 11.cCaiD. ___  81,600  200,000  162,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; Whitney. Cent. N .• N. O.; N. Bk. Com .• St. L. 125,000 --------- Chem. N,, N. Y.; 1st. N,, St. L. and Shreveport; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N, 0.  787,000 1,248,000 200,000  400,000 2,693,530 2,476,130  and Time Items. t for presentatlo n, and ores prompt, personal a ttentlo n. 19,500 120,720 15,000 Earl Hughes_______  128,600  20,000  A. J. Newman _____ J. D. Easley _______ ---------------- ----  15,000  6,110  74,450  87,710  15,000  3.400  206,280  116,340  W. V. Tullos _______  c.  E. Morefield ____ A. A. RaphieL____  1'10  {GUS DREWS------ E.W. DREIBHOLZ --- F. D. WINCHESTER •. A. B. O'BRIEN------  620,080  551,690  First National Bank _____ •'03 H. 11. Ootten ------ E . .A.. Pharr ________ O. P. Lynch ________ J. 0. Arthur ______ _ c. R. Brownell 8448 Peoples State & Bav. Bank C. C. De Gravelles. J. J. Greenwood __ Jos. L. Fisher ______ H. R. Fleury _____ _ Leon Kahn •U'l3 84-47 it!Ori!anza. Pointe Counce Bank or Morganza.. _____ t '18 N. Tircuit _ _ _ o. J. Le Blanc _____ A. L. Bolte _______ L. M. Fryou ____ _ 84-3M 6 N. 0. Pop. 332 F.. 7  60,000  60,500  500,000  619,000  84-45  •U'll2  C/l 28,240 In~erstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. 0.; N. Bk. Com., "4 :st. L.; Am N •• Shreveport.  ==  12,040 Pan-Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.  Specl fattentlo n given BUI or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Plea,e send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report a.  167,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo., N. 0. ., ;::.. 0 :,  ...  38. 000 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. 0 57,000 Han.N .. N. Y.; Inter tateTr.& Bkg. Co.,N. O,: Bk. of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge,  268,700  263,000  20,000  2,000  05,000  50,000  •Napoleonville,Assm. G 8 Bank of A umption .. •U'0l Geo. W. Dod~e---- P.H. Gilbert ______ Leo Guillot ________ Eugene Roger ____ _ 84-1111 6 N. 0. Pop.1171  50,000  45,000  500,000  450,000  Bank of Na~tfffville.•U-05 E. Sundbery _______ L. Corde __________ A~uste Thibaut ___ F. J. Roclrieue ____ _  30,000  90,000  426,000  400,000  ~E~rt8~0N:h~~ff--  50,000  111.320  665,900  883,500  t fE l&}EUX------- G. H. PIERSO"------ J. A. GANNON-------  60,000  27,150  306,840  400,740  ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report s. R. o. Hicks _______________ _ 30,000 o. L. Clark _______________________ _ 25,000  38,950 Han. N., .Y.: Cont. Bk. &Tr. Co., Shreveport; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.  57,000  617,000  500,000  7,500  46,200  101,000  210,000 Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.: 1st N .. Shreveport. 8,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0.  "  •Natchitoches ___ Nat'ches Pop. 3385 0 4 11  EXCHANGE BANK 8HO  •if '112  MERCHANTS & FARMERS  {A. W. WATSON----  J. S. STEPHENS----- T. G. BARNES-------  The oldest and largest bank ln t his section. 8 1 ~t~! lt~h3!/~: va:f~Ji-arts on t he day colleeted. it~k~  is.  l:i!!!'r:  AARON---------  Special attentlo n given Bill of La Plea,e •end 15c wi th each sight draft Jo Peoples Bank -,.- -------•U'02 Samuel Levy ______ J. L. _Bryan ________ 84-.,1 Morris Aaron Newellton ____ Tensas B 8 Bank of N~Je lIton _____ if'04 F. L. Guthrie ______ John Hurhes ____ , . .,..-215 . Pop. 54~ 11 •New Iberia __ Iberia G 7 New Iberia Nat. Bank-•* 87 Joseph A. Breaux __ Ohas. Gouruenheim 84-34 6 N O Pop. 6278 Peoples Na\~~i~Bank-•t'lll Lazard Klinr _____ c. L. Provost_ _____ " " · .:_______ BAflK----84-294------ •:1'13  "  -------·  "  STATE NITlqNAL H.--•i•o3 ...-36  -  200,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Whitney-Cent. N. and Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co.• N. 0.  er 115,000 Guaranty Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. B Co., N.0. '"1 102,270 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: Whitney-Cent. N ., N. 0.: Com'l N .. Shreveport.  ;·  f  J.E. Schwinr _____ N. Delcambre ____ _  50,000  E. E. Delhommer ________________ _  100,000  35,650  360,300  409,820  100,000  72,400  515,600  734,590  A.lberU:stoqe ____ A. Dail?re __________ J. R. Perry ________ E. L. Estorge  MARINE BANK & TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  0  ('D  20,600  --------  "'1  65,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N .• N. 0.  30,C0O  "  1o..t  w > z  114,160 Seab. N., N. Y.: Com'! N. and 1st N .• Shreveport: Interstate Tr. & Bkg, co .• r. O.  I  63,360  MORGAN CITY  C:: -  ~ M. S. Gauthier ____ (Branch of Mark sville, L a,) _______________ Com'l N., N. O.; Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alex- C/l andria.  25,000  Korran City st Mary G 8 BANK OF ti N O Pop '5429 · • '  r4 0  838,080 Chase N. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.: N. o. N., N. o.  >  0. P. Harrison ____ P. E. Harrison _____ -------------------  AVOYELLES BUI I Tl. CO. -------------------- -------------------- ------------------84..-213  250,000  300,000 ·--------  w. o. Segura ____ _  564,910 1,039,930 1.476,920  257,910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Hibernia Bk, & .Tr. Co. and Canal-Com'l Tr. & av .• N. 0. 128,130 Com'lN., hreveport.; Whitney-Cent.N .. N. 0. CJ1  96,340 ChaseN .. N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N. and Hiber- "'-.J I • nia Rk. &'Tr. Co., N. O.  OVER 400 DIRECT POINTS IN LOUISIANA AND MISSISSIPPI  1  "  NEW ORLEANS- R eserve  . .s. . . aehulmr . f/1 . . . . . .by UlaTh• Newaand-MeNanr Trault Nam~D=, • .... bull III o. .DlfNtMJ • • • Ole autborltJ of The Amerlean Hanken Au'n. .lDOWBJ.R  I  ,  (Braneb or Federal aeaene Bank No.  I  m:: ::.. \\'i.1:~•. ,,~~~' ♦ em. Res. t a b . r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - _ _ . :_ _ _ _ _ _ PH8IDDT.  Fed.  CE  Amorican Bank & Trust C'l. ♦  ASS'T CUBIJ:R.  0.Ukll:ll.  VICJ:-PRJ:SIDUT.  LIABILITIES.  14-eCI  F. P.  Breckinrid2e A. B. Orr. _ _ _ H. A. Clever. ______  ••1'18 J. L. Wright,  (825 Common)  lc. s. Lagarde ......  I  8  PAID-UP  8~~1i>U  CAPITAL  P:aoFITB  S 200,000 S  c·t1 y  D••o•rre  42,630$  822,700  =  County Seat (Orleans, G 11) Population 387,408 , ~ RESOURCES.  I~~~ Dn0o:in  1H, M. Grode  Ch. of Bd.  I)  ~~ui::  Lot,"::- c1t coUNff_ n.11,ETC,  B.Ax1t11  S 684,680$  PRINCIPAL CoRRisPONDJ:N~;,-  ~!:'.;~~  REsouRcEs R•souncEs  59,800$  oo  CA.SH  73,990 S 254,860  1  N·-_-P_a_r_k.-N-.-Y-.;-Co_n_t_._&_C_o_m_'_l_r_~.. Chi.  1  - - - ---t----11---- ---- ---- ----  W.R. IRBY-·---- J p BUTLER JR L.B. GIRAUD·--·--- E. M. TOBY--------• • Exe~ v'.j,- E. J. WALT, W. W. MESSERSMITH FELIX E. GUNTER. . Inspector. H. DA~E 1 IES on: d D. D. CURRIN W. V. HARVEY, C,.HARlt:ASLCKOlL\LINS 4.000.000 2,720,490 60,761,210 ·---:. ••••. 56,672,830 7,386,250 UU,400 15,749,170 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st, (4 ,11,ccsa>i W J MITCHELL Mor.Bond Dept . • M. - - • - • - N. and N. City, CW.; 1st N. 16 Branches) F.'DiETZ~, tR . L. ILTE ERGER and N. Bk. Com., St. L. A B WHEE Eh , L. RAMOS I R' STEVlNS A. SPITZF ADEN, JR. ',· La Pl E SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR COLLECTIONS. E. P. HERNANDEZ TRUST SAY • BK • , : : NIEi RGALL W. w. suicllFFE, JR. t4 ♦ H-2 •:tll831 M d RI ET " and Gravier) 0 (Cor. Camp · · TURCA N H.• R. S. LANDRY, JR, PERCIVAL WRA:GHT C/l  *CANALCOMM ER CI AL  !'  *CITIZENS BANK &  OF •:tl'U LA TRUST Co 14_1 1  ♦  1  ~-?Ii-Tt-\--o-f ___-_1-o~-k-~5-~E-o\-Yv-iLL-_E-:--tt_-.2-J -R-luE-v1-ir--·-·--·· - - - - - - - - - - - -  c-HA-R-LE-s J-.T - H-EA-RD___ t _J._· •  H G GREN ER c:st.RAYMOND  Mr,r. Sav. D"pt. P. T.F.REGAN,_ 1',fgr. Credit Dept.  N. NOTT,Tr,Offeur  ~  --- --- --- ---  1,000,000  396,000 _ 7,212.980._ _______ _ 8,199.420 447,fl0 _ _ ___ 1  359i00 ...:....;._ 1895290  ~  Bk. or N. Y. N. B. A., Bk. or the MyanhattanCo.,andN.Clty,N. .; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.;  Oldest Bank In the South. vicinity. Bein~ adjacent to wholesale district, bllls of lading drafts are bandied espedltfou If, REMEMBl,R:-"The Citizens, New Orleans."  I  z  - - - - - - - - - - --  ;  'T  ~  *Federal Reserve Bank of (Branch of Fed.era l Reserve Bank, A tlanta, Ga.> J.llanla lf-21 • (For oomplel• info rmatton,upoo•  • (216  •*  1'-II  Carondelet)  _.INTERSTATE  I  l.  f  i•  .  8KG • Co  TRUST  B SI>  R. s. HECHJ •____ "· w. WILMOT---·-- JAS. H. KEPPER ---· w. B. MACHADO-·--· HUGH McCLOSKEY, C. P. ELLIS _ _ _ _ _ _ R. J. DRU HAN nd 11 ADOLPH · rfrlJ8RTH ~~~~l1~LsllRE, E.FsJNJNs , V.P.and V,Ch.o/Bd. CH ULES PALFREY R. N. SIMS. . R. G. IJlGERALD 70 1 l!icc-Pre.,. L. P. A CHET LYNN H. DINKINS·-• W. FAIRFAX •.•••. W. L. WAR/i -···--··· GEORGil- RIVES-•. G. W. DODGE, V. P. HAS. B. THORN H. M. YOU G, Sec. R. G. K OTTER G. RIVES, JR. E. Q. YATES,, C.W.HOGAN, A.Cash. • . J. BUCK Mgr, Com l Paper Dept.  u~i.°' ~.1  2,  OOO  31 s-- - : : - 2 _ _ ,, _ _ ,_ _ - - - ,000 , l ,_, -zu,w ,920 ·------ 39,967,780 10,254200 5,030,090 12,728,360 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1stN. and Cont.  -  & Com') N., Chi. This Bank has superior faciliti es for ma king colle ct ions thr oughout t his sectio n. - - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - -- -- -- 1st N. and Equitable Tr. Co., N., -  750,000  702 000 8 69S 970 $2 609 zso  8 722 &80 3,921,800  141.890  2,365,580  '  ~  '  '  '  •  Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.: 1st  678 980 2 &ZS 750  ~ ■-=--:...  N., Phil.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., t. L.; Mestco City Bkg. Corp., Me lco.  • . drafts an d co II ecttons • receive . promp t atten 1·10n of our off",cers. "1'-10 (Camp and Canal) •U'02 Your Bill of Lading  I *LIBEITY BAH & TRUST CO. J, ♦  14-ti2  •ll'l!I  H.  Tharp··----- P. P. Gluck ••... ~-- L.A.llenline ______ J. L. Ford--H. H. Flaspoller  (SlS-319 t. Charles)  .........   ,,, I • .• . • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  "· I  500,000  2,011,060 ------  465,240  156,520  • : I  II  I  I  • "  ti  '  • Ill  I  II. J. Landry  ,,. •  ;  to  Blrm.; Heine & Co., Paris, "'France; Baring Bros. & Co., ~ Ltd., London, Eng.; N. Gelats C/l & Co., Havana, Cuba.  (Su page 32 /or complete information) !  *HIBERNIA BANK & TRUST co.  >  ~.~;n-m~h.~t.Tt•;&G:::.d c!:: ~  H E HEINY, Auditor plendld facllltles to handle Items In this  -------------------------- --- --- -----federal Land Bank, Dist. 5  -c::-  NEW ORLEANS-Cont'd-Reserve City  I  I  ;  ,  I,  I " 1:  '  t  •; '.  "  '  .  .. . . :: f ,  ~  f '  'I  ,  f  ::, en  NEW ORLEANS- C OD t'd - R CSCrVC c·t 1 Y  Namller - · - Name or .llaJIJr u &be New Tran•H Number ..YU &o eaob banJc Ia U. 8. ueJmlrely by The Band-JfcNaJJy Banken• Dlredor,, under the aathorft:r of The American Banken AH•n  .=.==e=-m.=l::-m :=:~--~~1!.~.J[. ISt&te~~ ~~IDDT.  ll(em. State Bks . .Assn. ♦Mem. Fed. Re •  t Priv.  -1-YI:~ID~ ·1-  *MARINE BANK &. TRUST CO.  ~il~KL  '1·  ASS'T  ·  (E tab.  Non-Bank Towns with Neare t Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyer, Laws (indexed) in back of thi ._  (Branch of Federal &eaene Bank No. I)  OA.SBJ-♦ Ip.a.m-v• ~~:;::~L;:~~~D:-Duosm o• 1  io _.a.n _ 'l'_A._L  1  ao!:~UR~:~EL- -  LOANS..  AlfD 11.1.L _ PB _O _ 'I _I _T II __ D_IIP_oe _ rna ___ B _.A.N _ Jt _a_,  Dts_c_o_u_N_T_8  For lnt_ei:est Rates, Ho.!!_days, etc., see Laws. ~  volume.  CA:H  L.11. POOL-------- J. A. BANDl--------- W. J. PILLOW------- G. HUBER JOHNSONW. T. MARFIELD JOIOC DANE, GEO. DELERY F. BRENCHLEY, V.-P. V.-P. and Mur. A. J. CROZAT, and Mgr. Foreign Dept.  S Tr. Officer. _ 1,500,000,_ s 994.9'10 S ~ S_U44,540 _16.094 ,880 S_l,353,310 ~  Bond Dept.  IMMEDIATE PERSONAL SERVICE GIVEN ALL BUSINESS.  • 14-22 •U'18 (217-219 Carondelet)  &  PRINCIPAL OoRIUtSPONDJtNTt;.-  '<  S11et1at- LANzous Ra:soURCEs Tl_ll_B_,_•TC __ R:m_s_oua_cz_s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , :..  1  $_ ,386,470 4  Seab. N. and N. City. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Phil. N., Phil.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Bk. of Italy, San F.  II  '°!::  I ____l.__1____________  r--  Mercantile Bank of the {---------·---- ----------------- M. S. Senton, Mur. :J. A. eaborg, (Branch o I New York)______________ __________ _______ _______ __________ · In 14 ,,,, •§'19 A. Mgr. A mencas, c .•• -uo.. (BuadvertisementonlndutoNewYorkBtate) 1 - - - - -i i , _ _ __ ,  Mtle. Bk. of the Americas, Inc., ~ Guaranty Tr. Co., Brown Bros. & '-4 Co,, and J. & W. S~ligman !fl, Co., :: N.Y.;Cont.&ComIN.,Ch1. ;:  1------  I  *WHITNEY-CENTRAL J.E. BOU~•· Jr. - I:fAURITZ PY!---- E. H. KEEP------- •·J-..BERiL---de B.~NIB:YRIE R. R. BASTIAN, S. . •,I 1 1 'L BANK &·J: ,.o: ,~ flf, 1· W·.l' o a Ifs •:t·ss o·UEFE, : A.■ ROB & r:Lr,.EDE:~ l IS _ U00,000 2,596,580 25,360,390 NAT 1r:· ·d ts f.FLO IOY• __ Mqr. Foreign Dept.•·&-·  *WHITNEY• CENTRAL TR & SAY BK, 1  1  1'-58  l  +s  •• ' 08  esi en . • Hi LEGI R ,.r. F~J· OISET ' Special attention given to J•. McGOEY Exchange, Collections, and Correspondence.  ice-  N. Bk. Com.!., Han. N., Mech ..... 6,934,310 35,497,100 3.551.290 4.250,480 10,062.220 & Metals l'll., an~ N. City, N. w  ~-1t  _  I  __  I  ,w.  122 Carondelet St.; French Market Branch, 1039 Decatur St.; Pan-American Bank Branch)  ,na~  liew Orleans 01~.!1]!,.Hbou_c:e*) JJ.. EH.. Bopeterson, uden, Jr .•. (Member, JI a  lW. H. Irby ________ C. A. Mor1?an, MtJT,1--------------------  c. H. Examiner,  Y.;Cont.&ComlN.andlst ►  N., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co.,  2z,5ou10 4.056,470 1,437.040 3.198,aoo  -  -  -  -  Under Mortgages. trar of Stock!s and Bonds.  Z  t. L.  ~  j z Co.,  _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  JioHHN EE.LB~o,u DEi~' J1 r. H0bW~A ~~D -------- c. w. Fox, JR _________ IJ. L cour~RIER. ____ 1,000.000 a4o.uao za.&10.100 __________ b 1 ,; 5, • • . B. WI1 1II 8 W. H. MORGAN. ROGER DO, ERTY Ou-H UMS!R• . W. B D N Auditor w. J. ROO EY Acts as Trustee 1 P. JOHN LEGIER A. DIXON Trans fer Agent and , Regis (Morgan State Branch, Chartre,andl ber-cille Bts.; Carroll tonBranch,8132Oak St.; 3d Di ,t. Branch, Dauph ine and P  ·  .  _ _ _ _ _ 1  ___  z>  I  •  p,-,  1'-17  I  Han.N. and Guaranty Tr. ti N. Y.;Cont.&Com'ITr.&Sav., ~ Chi.; Mercb.-Lac. N., 8t • L.  ~  iety Bts.,· City Bank Branch,  ;"  ~  --------1---------- ---------- ------- ---------- -------•--------- ------I  ba o,  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  NAJIIE:-  - ---  ~ME.  •J.Iem . .Am. Bks. Assn. YEAR OFFICER C -~rem. Am. Bks. Assn. YEAR C :::· i rem. , tate~ks.,tssn. s. ORRESPONDENTS. §Mem. State Bks. Assn. ESTABOFFICERS. ORRESPONDENTS, ~ -,; 1,1 em. J ~ s. ss_n_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 ,i_~M~e~m~.I!..:n: :'.v--=-·-=B~k~s-:...:A~s~s:.::n~._ _..::.L:.'.::IS:::.:H~E:::::D:.:·i--:c--:-,:----c---------------=--==-=c--:=- -H-ay_d_e_n_,_ _to_n_e_&_·_C_o-.,•.-,-,~.-• ~ 8 B. H. COLLINS, Pres, W. W. BOUOEN, V. P. i ...... t C .Annex)- '89 J S "' II M C Wm. (B~;;e s, gr, ________________________ wgihi~·s~?:E~t~i&~~- Y •• E. E. LAFAVE, V. P. L. M. POOL, V. P.  ti1i~:  SECURITIES SALES  R.(3ir8~~11~'ic.  Federal International Banking Co .• '21 ~R. S. Hecht, Pre, .•... Haynes McFadden. (Whitney Bldg-.) T. J, Caldwell, l'. P. Bee. Capital 7,000,000. A. F. Jennings, A. Bee.  V. P.  V P  •'II  ' • Hibernia Bk. Bldg.)  Branch Office Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  (825 Gravier St.)  1  V. P.  K. S. BAETJER,  Capital, $303,000. Bee. and Tr. SEE ADVERTISEMEl'IIT OUTSIDE BACK COVER.  • '19  WATSON, WILLIAMS & co. ________ •11 (Investment Bankers andBrok~n) __________ Tr. fflgh Grade Bonds. Pre. A Sec, fenedStocks,Shortterm •  Pine St., New York City,  Ei:~if ;~~~~t8i::H~In: hill, Noyes& Co., Eouitahle Tr. Co•• N. Y.  ·1 Note;; ~1:mertlal Pa- folios Weis & Son ________________ t'07 ------------------------------------------------ Guaranty Tr. Co .. N.Oity,and,_ per,  an  ccep ances.  (817 Gravier) 14-59  Lazard B'reres. N. Y.  ,  NATIONAL CITY COMPAIY-------18 Unpeatment (301 Baronne St.)  j  S. C. PARKER,  OF LOUISIANA, INC.  6. L. WOOLLEY  R. s. HECHT, Pre,.  A. p, HOWARD, HIBERNIA SECURITIES'19 A.F. WKATZ,ELLSWORTH J FARRELL P, H: WILKINSON,•v: p: · · INC COMPANY 44 . (301-2  co.  Bonds) -----------------,N, CityCo.,N. Y. and correJohan ~herrod, Ca,~. j SPOndent offices. (See E. P. Kimbrough, Dist.Balu. Mgr, A.dv. Page 3)  WHEELER & WOOLFOLK----------'05 (712 Common st.) (Not Incorporated)  I I  1  ,  (A. B. Wheeler, Jr., and J. W. ~o.olfolk, A. B. Leach &Co~and Poter v, Partners.) <Investment Securities.) Bros., N. J.; \"\ m.A. React·...._, & Co .. Chi. 1.0  N11mM• .... ,..,..  580  -.?--- -• -  Number aadu Name or Ballk ia the New Tranalt Number oven ,o each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers• Dlredol'J', _!lllder the authority of ..!_he Amer_!,can Bankers Ass•n. NAME OF BANK. -  ToWN AND O0UNTY.  •Mem. Am. Bies. Assn. §S ta te •County Seats. Figure is Fed. Re • Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [E tab. N. O. is New Orlean Br. +Mero. Fed. Re •  _  _  -·~-:::--==~=========  PRESIDENT.  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  --  --  Non-Bank Towns with Ne rest Banking Point. (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of th! CJ1 volume. For Interest Rate , Holidays, etc., se Law • oo  LOUISIANA-Continu ed ==-~-  OASHIER.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  SURPLUS p AND CAID·UP ' APITAL PxoFITrs  ASS'T OASHIJ:R  · _ _ _ __ __  tona&DreDEPOS- c'T•. sacuamu :tTS  -- O  PRINCIPAL CO~RES.PONDENTS. -  -  c..RU:l-  "°"'"• .,84 ,..,..,no,  I  no .. n4,..._..  1  N., N. Y.; Canal.Oom'lTr.&Sav., N. o.: •New Roads ••• P. Ooupee Bank of New Roads_. •U'll9 P. V. Ro~on •••••• Lamartine Bouan. J.E. Guidroz··-·· A. K. Smith-·-·$ 100,000 $ 72,340 S 753,360 IS 890,460 S 93,580 Han. N, Bk. Com., St. L. chaud 84-116 I N. 0. Pop.1294 E 8 65,280 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg, co. and Whitney-Cent. N •• N. O.; Bk. of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge. Jioble ••••••••. Sabine O 3 Bank of Noble ···--·--•:U'09 - - - · · - - - ----------·--·· Rubin Latham._ •• -·-·--·-··--··-··(B ranch of Florien State Ba nk, Flori en, La.) 1st N., St. L.: Interstate Tr. & Bkr. Co., N. 0. . . . 84-217 Pot>, 326. 11 27,900 Whitney-Cent. N. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., 20,000 75,000 110,480 16,480 Norwood,E. Feliciana E 8 Bank: of Norwood·--·· •U'03 M. 0, Bridites- •••• A. Gayden·---· W. A.. West.·-----· MISS A.Jr. Sebastian N, O.; Union Bk. & Tr. Co.. Baton Rouge, 84-218 6 N. 0. Pop. 150 "  ··--·-·-  Pointe Coupee Tr. & Sav. Bk. Arthur B. La Cour. Mumford Phillips. J. A. Lang'lois · - - W. J. Lecoq · - - 1. G • .Morgan •t§'l8 • 8'-331  "  Oakdale •• ·-···· Allen E 5 CALCASIEU fAT'L BK. OF {(Branch of Lake SOUTH WES LA. --·•:•11 & N. 0. Pop. 4016 peclal attentlo 84-258 Bank & Tr. Co.•t§'l9 Jame N. Erwin_ •• Oakdale " •••.•••• " 84-348 •Oak Grove ..• W.Carl'Oll Bank of Oak Grove ••• _ •U'07 Andrew Jackson •• 84-219 A8 Pop. 700 11 First National Bank •••. . •'20 L. L. Dever·-·-·· •.•••••• " 84-357 OatRldge.MorehouseA 7 Bank of Oak Ridre ••.. •U-10 -·-·-·····----· 84-220 Pop. 318 11 •Oberlin._ .••••• Allen E 5 First National Bank •••• •:•u John Chaumont .•• 84-280 6 N. 0.Pot>, 619 OIIOity ·---·-·CaddoA.3 Poo. 180C 11 Olla .•••••.•.• LaSalle C 6 Pot> 266 11 •Opelousas ••• St. Landry 6 N. 0. Pot>, 4-137 F 7 " "  Oil0it1Bank_. _ _ .•u·11 - - - - · · · - 84-221 Olla State Bank •.•••••••• 1'07 B. E. Blake •••• _ . 84-222 OPELOUSAS NATIONAL BK. E. B. Dubuisson·•t'03 84~3 Parish Bank & Trust Co.§'20 o. J. Mistric -·-··· 84-65  PLANTERS BANK & TR. CO. {ROBERT CHACHERE 8,~4  •t*'I8  Chariu, La.l · - -  T. E. BROWN, Mgr •• C. C. SMITH, A.Mgr. H. M. SCOTT, A. Mor  60,000  750,000  n given Blll of L adlng drafts. Cas h and Time Item s. 50,000 Lee Sin;?letary ••••• Lee Singletary •••• J. S. McBride..... O. J. Miller 30,000 R. W. Shillinit.-••• M. C. Maeness_·-·· Ollie Brlus----···· Frank Janes ····-- A.H. Cable .•••••• --····-··---···· W. A. Hedrick ·----· W. A.. Ru sell._ •• E. B. Folse··--····  7,200  662,340 - - - - - - _ _ _ Han. N., N. Y.: Whitney-Cent. N .. N. Eng N Kan o 1 ·  3,760 14,000  50,000  1,500  15,000  16,300  25,000  3,150  W. G. Mollinr ••••• Joseph Iles •••••-. J.E. Bond_ - A. Cole  - - - - - - - E.A. Hoffpauir __.·-·-·--·--·········· (Branch Contine port, L a.) 12,000 12,000 H.P. Minard.·-·-· B. E. Zeagler·-···· Katie P • .Mott·-··· 50,000  106,300  50,000  10,000  100,000  41,740  O. F. BoaznL--. A.. L. Dupre--·-· M. J. Pulford____ A. A. Com!'au :\. L: Dupre B. R1seman . ...•.. - A. L. Andrus··-··· C. B. Chachere....  f ~: mwr·--·-· J. A. PERKINS···-·· FRED GUIDRY ••••• _  301.780  185.5ls0  A. A. Anding L. T. Castille E. S. Fields L. J. Larcade H. G. Dups ·--·--· __ ••• LeBlanc L. L. -. •• RybiskL U. G. ·-··· LeBlanc E. R. Palncourtville •• _Assump. Bank of Paincourtville.•U'07 E. J. Rodrigue 84-223 tion •••• -• ··-· ••••.. G 8 I N. 0. Pop. 550  II  Patterson ••• St. Mary G 8 CITIZENS STATE & SAV. BK. •*I'll 84-81 6 N. 0. Pop. 2538  end u your bl II of laulng, draft • ca { and re<'elve pro mpt attention.  "  Union Bank •••••••••• -.•U'l0 84-80  c. S. Williams •••••  Pine Prairie Evangeline EVANGELINE BK & TR. CO. ---··-··--·-··· ·--·---····----·-· W. II. Reed-·-···· ··19 8t.339 & N. 0. Pop 150 E 6 Plain Deaho&?,Bos ier A. II Plain Deallnr Bank ••••• U'04 • H. Cochran ••••• ···---··-·· ·-······ J. Perry _______ 8'-224 Poo. 655 11 •PlaQuemlne- ..• Ihenille Citizens Bank & Tr. Co.•t '16 H.J. Levy ___ •••• E. B. Schwing_ •••• W. B. Middleton. __ V. J. Kurzweg 84· 315 & N. 0. Pop. 3977 J/ 8  IBERVILLE BANK  & TRUST COMPANY 84~0  {J.  A. GRACE.·---· FREDERIC WILBERT. BENJ. DEBLIEUJ ••••  I  897,260 1,323,660  Oil  105,140 Han. N., N. Y.: N. O. N. and CanaJ.Com'l Tr. & :;:t, o Sav., N. O.; Com'l N ., Shre\'eport. IU  '0.. 'Cl)  125,000  85,000 2,320,500 2,508,950  25,000 30,000  18,210 12,150  309,080  231,310  262,820  206,740  35,000  27,630  407,150 , 319,560  336,640 N. Park, N. Y.: Canal.Com'! Tr. & :sav. and ,... jO Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. 51,230 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo. and Marine Bk, & Tr. Co., N. 0. 10,270 Han.N., N. Y.;InterstateTr.&Bkg.Co.,N.O.: 1st N .. Morgan City. 153,730 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N.  Index Number uader Name or Bank u tbe New T.ran1H NomlJH pven to eaob ban.Jr i.n U. S. e.rcluslvely by The Band-McNaJJy Banker,• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ji;'  B  13  o.,  10,000  18,410  s·  22:S,340 ' 187,390  I  '<  Special att ention given Collections, Bill of Ladin g Dra fts, Cash and T ime Items a nd remitted on day of pa ym en t.  •tl'05  ""C1  .0 C  64,360 Am. N. and Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Shreveport:!~ 1st N .• St. L.: Whitney-Cent. N. and Inter• state Tr. & Bkg. Co .• N. O. - - - · · · · - - - (Branch of Villa Platte, L a,) • • _ •• _ _ _ Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0. 1 63,570 121,860 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 1st N., St. L.; 7,950 181.030 10,000 ---'iu4 Com'l N., Shrev~port.. c. E. Postell ·--··- 50,000 31,000 700,0001 620,270 110,210 N. Park. .N. Y .: H1bern1a Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; ::l ~ Com· IN., Shreve?ort: ~st N .. St. L. 232,540 Chase N., N. Y.; H1berma Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Ill 35,550 722,3301 825,420 E.J. LEFEBVRE-·-·· 100,000 ""I O.; Mtle. Tr. Co .. St. L.  Peoples Bank.---···-- •U'llll J. K. Dunlap ..___ . C. S. adler. ---- JI'. E. Hubbard·--·· W. A. Roth--·----· Fred B1'1St M-611  LOUISIANA Mai,  > z >  h and time It ems direct  .A.H. Thompson •.• E. F. Marin ••-••••• B. J. Vetter.··---· 0 car Zenor • B. Trellue · Pilllcan •••••• De Soto O 4 Pelican State Bank ••••• •U'll E. L. Joyner._ •••• W. S. Thigpen·-··· O. C, Allison. __ • -----·--···---·-·· 84-257 Pot>. 300 11  "  Ul  ,  •:1'93  W. 0. ROUSSEL.-. L. C. BORAH .. ·-·-·- G. GONSOULIN····-· JUANITA BERNAUER M. E. NORMAN  C:  ·  42,890 N. City, N. Y.; Canal-Com'! Tr. c· Sav., N. O,; _ 1st N .• Hou. 35,900 N. Bk. Com .• St. L.: Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; 140,000 ' 195,000 Am. Bk. of Com. lf. Tr. Co.. Little R., Ark. 25,000 Southe~n Tr .. Co., Little R. ; N. Bk. Com., St . ..._ 90,000 87,000 ,;,L.; H1bern1a Bk. ~- Tr. Co., N. o. 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Hibernia 254,800 169,600 to Bk. & Tr. Co .. N. O. 196,360 165,660 1 '4,320 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Whitney-Gent. N., 1 N. 0., Calcasieu N. Bk. of S. W. La., Lake ~ '"' Charles. ntai Bk. <t'.I.·r.Co. ,Shreve- Chase N.,N. Y.; Cont.Bk. &Tr.Co .. Shreve-'~ C/l port: Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O. 9,210 Hiber~ia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 1st N., Alex-. 160,190! 175,070 andria. 600,000 610,970 170,860 Chase N.. N. Y.; Whitney-Oent. N. and Marine Z ~ Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. ~ ·--·-·-·· ····-···· ---··-·-· Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. o.  I  84·U  ·  r4  0  New  169.170 1 164,360  peel I attentl on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Ca h and Time Item s. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rt8.  ST. LANDRY BANK & TR. CO. J. A.. Haas ••·-···- Chas. F. Boagni ._. L. J. Larcade ••••-. H. D. Larcade, J.-.  ·•  o.;  60,000  Banks Advertising give Prompt  25,000  270,000  1  838,000  67,000 N. City, N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Oo., N. 0,  ttention to Collections and Correspondence  -  '°  ~  r--..·--  8Ht  Fr  LOUISIANA. Ma11 on l114ex  581  • and Correspondenc~ Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections  Bil st  NIUII.., rmder Name o, JraDlc u the New 'l'J'uult Nnm&:,r,YeD en• ea Noh bank in U B udaalrely by aand-HeNaHy DlneCory. under aut.borlty of American Ban.ken ..tu•n.  ToW'N .AND OOUNTY. &Oounty SPats.  f  NAME OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState tPriv. Res. Dist. Fed. Fieure tah. Res.Assn.[E. ♦Mem. Fed.Bks. Br. tMPm.State orleans New O. is is N.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln-  ~~f;~/cc;~J•1~~!!f ·k!fe~," J~W~!W, ~c~ i:e l~a~t[  LOUISIANA-Continued  3  VI~PRJCSIDJCNT.  Ass'T 0.A.SBill.  0.ASRID.  S::  PRINCIPAL 0oRRllSPONDXNT8.  RESOURCES.  LIARILITJES. PRESIDENT.  Sil  ..,.-=-a,.:..::Dta-=--=--cc:..::.c.uu=&:..:....E:r---i -P-A-ID--U=Pc..:.Is=---u-'1t-=P::..cLu_s..;;..;;_D_E_P_o_s-_"t-o-  L PxAoNFDITa - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - , _C_AP_rT_A_  ITS  0 -;;~0 ~ : •  0 .. ~_:_:_~:_: , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_  ;_ 1  I  Plauchevllle ___ A.voyelles & N. 0. Pop. 4 7 D 7  (Branch of MCl!rk sville, L a.) __________ Hibernia Bk. & Tr, Co., N. 0.  AIOYELLES BANK & TR. C O . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M. E. Chenevert,  Mar.  1'10  84-225  Pleasant HilL_Sabine O 3 Bank of Pleasant HiJl ___ .1'04 Frank H. Tarver __ H. H. Kennedy ___ R. W. Miles _______ L. E. Prothro _____ _ T. W. Hardee 84-226 Pop. 354 11 J. J. Browne Pollock ________ Grant D 6 Bank of Pollock _______ •U'07 J. N. Warner ______ C. 0, Groves _______ James A. Christian ___________________ _ A. L. Honeycutt 84-227 Pop. 353 11  1  10,000 $ 18,000 $ 285,000 $ 55,000 $ 158,000 Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co .. N. O.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Shreveport. 10,000  4,600  84-228  1  FEE IN ADVAN CE:  -  63,000  56,560  389,640  441,240  I  Plain •i11ht draft.. I Sc; Cre '. dit Report.. SOc. TRY U S. 1  &Port A..llen __ West Baton Bank of West Baton Roua:e T.G. Erwin ________ Hy. Oohn, Jr, ______ W. L. Bernard _____ L. T. Bernard ____ _ •U'05 84-229 & N.O. Roua:ePop. 920F 8  25,000  97,030 N. Park, N. Y, Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Whit- r4 ney-Cent. N•• Canal-Com'I Tr. & Sav., and 0 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.: Mtle. Tr. Co., C: St. L.  ->  rn  I  Prompt returns on all collections.  17,000 Interstate Tr. & Bkg, Co .• N. O.; Rapides Bk. & Tr. Co .. Alexandria,  of Hammond, L a) _______________ Citiz, Bk. & Tr. Co., N, O.  (Branch Pon('hatoula_ Tangipahoa First State Bank & Tr. Co. -------------------- ___________ J. H. trickland, W.R. Hai~ht, A. Mgr. Mgr. §'20 84-383 6 N. 0. Pop. 955 F O 75,000 H.P. MITCHELL- f.·J.·pM0 UNT ------ W. M. MITCHELL-- MRS. HELENDSON HU 'U 5EY MERCHANTS & FAR BANK \ & TRUST COMPANY •U'0 3 Save time and get service on Col Ieetlons and Cred It Reports by send Ing  70,000  33,000  497,040  472,530  Port Barre ___ st. Landry St. Landry Bank & Trust Co. ________________________ C. L. Clay, M(JT,_ __ __________________ (Branch o/Opelou sas, La.,) _ _ _ :§'18 84-337 6 N. 0, Pop. 588 E 7  118,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Canal-Com'! Tr. & av., N.  o.  ---1N·  Park, N. Y,; Canal-Canal Com'l Tr. & Iu:er ·tate Tr. & Bkg. Co .. and Hibernia & Tr. Co., N. 0., N. Bk. Com .. St, L. . Y.: Whitney-Cent. ~90,000 . Ill~. Com.. .Marine Bk. & Tr. Co .. N. O.; Com l .~hreveport. 191,800 N. City and N, Park, N. Y.; Canal- Com'l  > Z  v.. ttJ Uk,  >  Z  and ...,. ..... n  Raceland. Lafourche G 9 Raceland Bk2', Ass'n---•U'04 0. S. Mathews _____ J. F. Wia:einton ___ Simon Kahn _______ L. M. Toups_______ J. J.Ayo 84-230 & N. 0. Pop. 700  30,000  75,0aO  4-14,860  521,690  Rayne ________ Acadia F 6 Oommercial Bank------•U'02 0, Broussard ______ Joseph Gossen _____ R. O. HolL- ____ L. M. llilliean ____ _  25,000  87,700  902.330  827,570  60,000  09,410  744,100  651.650  20,000  6,500  225,000  180,000  60,000  44.170  390,370  560,300  85,230 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Hibernia ,... O Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.  15,000  40,310  288,490  287,100  67,290 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0,  25,000  34,000  300,000  212,000  10,000  13,000  86,000  92,000  30,000 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com.I ~r ., Shreveport.  E. HODGE------ A. THOMPSON------- A E. STINSON-----... FIRST NAT IONAL BMn 1 -•i·o1, Special attentlo n given 81U of La 1d 1ng drafts, Cash and Time Items.  50,000  54,500  400,000  427,150  00,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; Am. N .• Shreveport: Canal-Com'l •rr. & Sav., N. O.  Ruston Stat\~gk-----•U·go ' H. W. Smith _______ E. L. Kidd ________ J, P. Graham ______ L.B. Breed--------  100,000  80,000  910,000  832,000  237,000 Han. N .• N, Y.: Merch.-Lac. N .• St. L.; Hibernia Bk. &Tr.Co.,N.O.: Com'IN .. Shreveport. 54,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Shreveport.  6 N. 0. Pop. 2720  84-06 Rayne State Bank _____ •U'N Mervine Kahn _____ M. Petitjean _______ A. J. Duclos _______ L. J. Delaune _____ _ Albert Kahn A. J. Duclos 84-114  &Rayville ___ Richland B 7 Pop. 1499 11  {'~ec~r:~P!oiio  RAYVILLE STATE BAH , 84-l 2l  !ilg  Cash  ~rlc1 '¥r~e-ifeiiis:  ~~fts~ ~-liv~1rttflTo(La Please aend 15c wit h each aight draft fo r preaentation and 25 c for Credit Reports.  •U 04  ~·JvJ!AJM~rTa  ~v~: lr'l'lif,"cash tJri l~!iU  Yfeiiis~ {ii,M!f~tieriiio Please 8end 15c wi th each Bight draft Jo r preaentation and 25 c /or Credit Reports. 1 Reserve _____ st. John the Bank of St. John _______ if"04 A.. Lasseirne _______ E. J. Caire _________ James Clement ____ J. J. Montea:ue ___ _ I H-281 6 N. O. BaptistPop.400F 9 BANK . STATE RICHLAND 84 2 -l 0  I  •U 02  1  Rina:E"Old ___ Bienville B 4 Bank of Rina:2'0ld ______ .i5•04 0. G. Thomas----- L. 0. Pa£e --------- J.P. Batchelor---- ---- ---- -----------I 84-232 Pop. 3S5 11 Robeline ___ Natchitoches Bank of Robeline _______ •1'05 Geo. c. Enl:'lish __ Luther Pae-e _______ I. Joel McCook ____________ _ B. T. Locke I 84-233 0 4 Pop. 495 11 "Ruston _____ Lincoin B 5 11 Pop. 3389 ..  ________  "  I{o.  84-77  l  o. O. Pullin ________  F. L. llayfteld ____________________ _  , N. 0. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  -g. "'tJ  251,850 Han. N .. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co. and ~ Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Com'l .... , Shreve- C: port; So. Tex. Com'l N ., Hou. 75,000 N, Bk. Com .. N. Y.; [nterstate Tr. & Bkg, and t'D Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Liberty Cent. _<, _ Tr. Co., St. L.  120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0.  15,000 60,000 4,450 10,000 . . 84-234 11 Pop. 390 Sarepta ______ Webster A4 Bank of Sarept~ ------t'.20 J. A. Robmson ____ w. E. Coyle _______ W. B. Delafued _______________ _ • ------15,000 - - - - - - 84-3-'l8 11 Pop 300 LafayetteF6 BAIK OF LAFAYETT & TR. L. A.Prejean,Mgr. ---------------- William Butcher_ J. J. Boudreaux __ _ <B ra.nch of La.· Fa lyette, La.. ) ________________ Whitney-Cent. N., N. O. Scott COMPANY- d4-2&0 ___ •tl'll 1 &TiCPop. 824  MARINE BANK & TRUST COMPANY  N..  ;-  Please 8end 15c wi th each Bight draftfo r preaentationand 25 cfor c:edit Report8.  lallne _____ Bienville B 4 Bank of Saline __________ 5•04 L. T. J're7 _________  rll  1  OVER 400 DIRECT POINTS IN LOUISIANA AND. MISSISSIPPI  ----~~__:_.~.:....________._  8en ....r+  CJ1  00  • Kame of Bank is the New Transit Number siven ~ in u. 8. ueluslvelJ by The Band-HeNall' Banker,• r =-b~e= aut~rlty of The -~Dl~~c~n- ~~~~-_-:;:~~~====='=a=n:..:d';-=e-==t TOW  A D cou TY.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Ondexed Acces.), Lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back of this ui volume. For ln_!_ere~ Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  LOUISIANA-Continued  ____ ~ _  ASS'T CASHIER.  CASHIER.  __________  I  PAID-UP  PRINCIPAL 'ORRE PO. ' DE,"TS.  HESOURCF.S.  LUBILJTIES.  NAME OP' BANK.  •Mem. Am. Ilks. Assn. §State •County eats. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Fi~re is Fed, Res. Dist. tMem. State Bk . Assn. t Priv. • [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 N.JL_is~wOrlea~_!Jr. ♦Mero. Fed. Res.  --- · - :;.:·,::.!,t~ ~'?~~-:,~.:;:  SURPLUs l - - • DEPOSAND  ~i-----------------i  , CAPITAL~~~  •8hreveport ___ Caddo B 3 AMERICAN BAIK & TR. ~0. M.A. Mccutchen •• J. C. Trichel·--··· ···········--·····-· P. M. Brown, Jr ... $ 100,000 $ 70,570 l 20-l930 . $137g OQO $ 41,690 Han. N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com .. st. L. and Kan. C,; lntertate W. M. Stephenson ~-ic~ uffln U 12 ~•-1 11 Pop, 43,874 1 1 Tr. & Bkg, Co .. N. 0. M~c~aei8~e~~stein  i·  AMERICAN  M.A. MccUTcHE"---· {·.  City Savi~s Bank & Tr. 90. J.C. Fo~ter ··--·--\R. T. Moore •ti 16 J__:!!:_~ r~c:.Q?t:Q[B!!_._ H....:.!!: Hearn 84-5  COMMERCIAL 84-1  ~~~ ~~  Prompt serVlce. Send tu drafts drawn with exchange and If we can't collect exchange will remit at par.  •t·o~  NAT' L BANK  1  Hflt,,(lsiff - - - - , - - - - , - -  Mli.0  ,fH}ELElE~NRSTEIN  NATIONAL BANK 84-4  fLl ii~tn.---·· -----·-·-·-------· ~1  ·=·---IL.  I:  Bkg. Co., N. O.  H. Baker. ·--·-·\A. C. Brauni~. __ :__ 500,000 11)3,050 5,500,000 5,400,000 812,590 N. Park .. N. Y.; state N .. st. L.; canal.Com'l ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Tr. & sav., N. o. __ __,______ _  S  - -~-- --- --- --- --- ---  1--------~-----  ANDREW OUERBEL J. H, JORDAN -·---· W. L. YOUNG-··---·· GEORGE JOHNSON.. P.A. SINGLUST, . J.P. SEALY, W, T, CRAWFORD FIRST NAT'L BANK J, ARDIS, B,  •t· 86  f  Auditor  d  195,000 3,852,480 3,404,930 1,396,860 !. Jrving N. and Chase N., N. Y.: Interstate Tr. '""' w &llkg. Co., N O.; N. bk. Com., St. L. )> 200,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. 20,000 9::50,GOO · 900,000 200,000 Chi.; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. .; Am. Ex. N .. ~ n Dallas; Interstate Tr. & Bk!!, Co., • T. o. __ __ .---- _ _  Ch. o B •  tate Bauk: ••• -.-·§'20 84-362 icily Island tate Bank•t§'IO 84-328 Fir~t State Bank.--.--§'20 84- 347 Bank of Simsboro_ ••••-U'06 84-235 First State Bank .•..•.••• §'20 84-359 & N. 0. laurhter.E.FelkianaE8 Bank of Slauehter _____ .:tl'05 84-236 & N. 0. Pop. 215 IIJdell.St. Tammany B' ll Bank: of Slidell •••••• -.•*1'06 84-237 I N. 0. Pop. 21f>X prinfhilL. Webster A 4 1 Pop. 1500 • t. Francisville W. Feli• ciana & N. O. Pop. 67a E 8 •St. Josep.11-•• Tensas O 8 Pop. 734 11 •It. Martinville.St. M. "Jr 7 & N. O. Po1>. 246:j  ibley  Bank of Springhill.-·-·•tl'l6 84-319 Bank or Commerce_. ___ +§'15 84-309 Bank or St Joseph •••• •*1'02 8'-238 Bank of St. Martinville.•U'H  u -gz  E. A, Brakin ···-··· ·---·-·----·· W. J, Alexander •• . W. S. Peck----·-·· T. J. Chisum·-··-· .M. R. Garter-··-·· . B. M. Stovall ...•.. D. M. StovalL-·-· R. E. Cram .•••• - .• J.B. Abra1:DS, Jr, G. W. Dye •.•••• --. W. T. Stram. •·-·· W. S. May·---·-· . ----·····----· ------····------· F. C. Norman, Mgr, . E J.P. Yarbrough .•. A.E. mbrce ..• -.. B.F.81ms __ • ___ . F. Salmen._.-••••• T. J. B~d·---·-· 0. J... Everitt, V, P, and Cash. E. F. Halley John Peterson J. F. Giles--- E. N. Payne.---·-- R. A. Smith·--·--. E.G. Davis •• -----· L. W. Ro1rnrs.----· W. E. Wood. ____ • r . W. ll. Dandson .•• B. F. -Young.·--·-· J.C. Macpherson •• . R. llartin ----· ·--· Albert B1enven 11 •• J.lbert Biennna._  ...  '  .  ·"  I  I I  ~~~0o~~E: ,~~~~A:~~/  I  "  II  'I f  ~  • •  I  • '  :.•  I  •  f  I  I  I  , ; I  ,, '  -  -  < ~  -g  ··----·-··-----·-·  25,000 ·-------· --------· ·------- ·-·-·---· Am. N., Shreveport; Secur. ~ ., Dallas. 63,100 3,460 15,000 15,500'l Tr. & Sav .• N. O.; City Bk. & Tr. :l 67,430 ,... Co., J. ·atchez; Am. N._. Shreveport. 25,580 28,190 15,000 290 22,110 1st N., Shreveport; Whitney.Cent. N,, T, o. o  S. Murphy .••••••••  10,000  ------·--------· ·-·--· -··-···--····  20,000 Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0,; Am. N., Shreveport; rn S:: Ruston State, Ruston. ::, of Lees'D ille, La.) _ _ _ ·--·----· 7,000  60,000  70,000  15,000  14,000  150,000  150,000  30,000  25,000  4-10,000  350,000  D. G. Tyler-····-·  15,000  11,080  84,2QO  102,890  -------  15,000  12,500  175,240  165,430  - - - - · · - - - (Branch  ······-·-····-----·  -------1  50,000  P. A. Bienvenu ___ •  40,000  .  ;  rn  ,.L Ef  ., N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Fort Dear. N., '""S llO 10190660 21351 488 •410 9•= • • · "0 Chi.: Whltney-Cent. N. Hibernia Bk. & w Tr. Co., and Interstate'Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O.; 1st N. St. L.; New Eng. N., Kan. c. ~  --- --  -------  -  -  ------  z  , ·000 Auditor 1000  We are fully equiP.ped and we solicit a share of the Banking Business of this territory, promising faithful and efficient service.  z >  N. O.  300,000  Ch.of Bd. Exchange National Bank t'l9 W. F, Wallace .•••• E. C. Pa.yne ···--·· Gus Teilan. _______ ·---·-·--·- ---··-· W.R. Husch 84-Q A. C. Lea_ _ _- - - ' - ~ - - - - - - - - -  iblef·--·-- Webster B 4 1 Pop. !JOO icily l lan<.I .•• Catahoula C7 11 Pop. 300 Sikes·--·--·-··· Winn B 6 11 Pop. 35 limsboro ••.• Lin<'oln B 6 Pop. 290 11 Sla:?le..•. _. __ Vernon D 4  t-t 0  Seab. N:, N. City, and, Guaranty Tr. co., ff: ff~J{\EII .. l. H. Vll HOOi-·- ~---.~Ol(IISWlY ..... 'Y., Cont. & Com I N. a nd Corn Ex. rn 500,000 883,530 13213500 13562290 3,163,500 N. N., Chi,; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; l. T. IAH. N., Hibernia Bk. & Tr. > Whitney-Cent. Liberal terms extended to Banks and Bankers. Collections given special attention •• . Co., and Canal-Com'I Tr. & Sav. Co., See Adv • on La. Index. and remitted for promptly on day of payment at lowest rates. + 86  E. L SMITH.---··  CONTINENTAL BANK & TR Geo. M. Hearne ..• O. B. Foster •• _____ R. McL. Jeter •• --. ·--·-------·---·-· COMPANY ♦84-S •••• •t1•66 Minor Meriwether  84_2  N.,. Chi.; N.Bk. Com., H;t ~:• ~~/·tl:t Ka • C., Interstate Tr. &  :  .,.,  C/l  25,000  335,000  85,020 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. ';4 Co,. Marine Bk e Tr. Co .. and Canal.Com'I ::, c Tr. and av., N. 0. 270,000 30.000 Canal-Com'l Tr. & Sav. and Marine Bk. & Tr. $1> 15,000 260,000 .., Co., N. O.; 1st N .. St. L. 662,340 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Marine Bk. & Tr. ~ _ Co., N. 0. 420,680  508,520  50,000 -----·--·  150,000  214,000  25,000  26,150 Texarkana N .. Texarkana, Tex.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Shreveport. 2Q,700 Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.: Bk. of Baton Rou1?e. Baton Rou1rn. 140,000 N. City, N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr, Co., N. 0.  228,000  43,820  750,000  30,000 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Oo., N. O.: Bk. of Baton ~ Rouge and La. N., Baton Rou~e. 1-15,000 Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Hibernia Bk. &: Tr. Co.,Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., and N.O.N., N.O.  23,000 Liberty N., N. Y.: Interstate Tr. Ii Bk2. Co .. ~ N.O.  .  Petsona\ Attention-MARINE BANK & TRUST COMPANY NEW ORLEANS Namller - d • Name el Baalr • th• Ifew 'l'l'aaalt NIIID._ dYN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louisto uob bank in U. 8. udmf'rel7 by TIie ltaDd-lleN.U, Bauen•  ontinued  ,: t  .,  I I  II;.  .  :  I .. ,..  f,  i ;  •  ·:  I  , .. ,  '"  t  _L  '  '  J,  '  :  I  I.  •:  I  I  t, ;.  I  •  I ;  I  : ...,_ -=·  583  -d•  NamlHt.r Name ol .Bau I.a th• Ifew 'l'nllaH NamNI' dYD to nob bank i.n U. B. udu•f-reJ:, by TJle &and-HeNaJJ:, Baden• Dfrtt.to17, under the authority of The Amerfean Banker• AH•n.  TOWN A.ND O0UNTY.  NA.J(JI! 01" .HAN.I[.  I  . •C~unty Pats. . •Mem. A.m. Bks. A.ssn. IS~te Figure 1s Fed. Res. Dist. i~Iem. State Bk1. A..ssn. tPrrt'. H. 0. i ~ew Orlean Br. +.lem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  PR&SIDDT.  Non-Bank Towns with Neare t Banldng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Intere t ltates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  LOUISIANA - · COn t"tnue d  VICJ:-PR&SIDUT.  I  OASBI  I  .ASS'T 0A8Blll  I  LIABILITIES.  PAID-UP  • c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·· APlTAL  I  SURPLUS AND PROFITS  /  I  RESOURCEli,  Lo.<nl,Dis-  se,nunu  ITS  1  1  ,  I  I  I  I  {R. L. DEROUEN --· E. A. PLAUCHE------ E. A. PLAUCHE------ 1A, C. REED ________ _I ,9.J,gUILLORY O.M.OA:iOEAU I 11' c' UILLORY  8 BANK&, TRUST CO. Collections, Bllllof fa~l~gDrafts,  75,000  1  36,980  885,380  696,780  "1  no.. B........ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  1  EVANGELINE  S:: D>  I:< - -1- I304,230 Han. N., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk, & Tr. Oo .• N. 0. ~  •Tallulah ____ l,ladison B II Tallulah State Rank ____ •tf'02 J. ll. 1oh1llon _____ J. T. McClellan __ W. S. Onir------ 1Mrs. M. M. Lewis_ $ 85,000 $ 25,000 $ 700,000 I 740,000 $ 11 Pop. 1316 84-240 r •Thibodaux ___ Lafourche Bank of Lafourche ••• -.•tt·1n Henry Riviere.---- Thos. Stark ______ K. J. Braud ______ P. I'. l,6£endre____ 60,000 100,000 850,000 400,000 6 N. 0. Pop. 3526 G II 84-7' \Lubin Mire L, G. Romagosa " ________ " Bank of Thibodaux ----•U'lll E.G. Robichau ___ O. E. Peltier. ______ 0. P. Sh.aver ______ P. L. Braud________ 50,000 62,160 771,680 543,970 84-7! C. P. Shaver 8. K. Peltier B " ________ " Citizens Bank of Lafourche . N. Roth _________ W. E. HowelL ____ H. L. Sim, ________ P. P. Delaune_____ 40,000 61.040 722,820 592,340 84-7i •U'lO P.R.Percy.V,Pres. J. W. Lepine 1 Vacherie __ st. James G II Bank of Vacherie ______ .u,u J.B. F. Baml.n ___ Jourdan Fali:ousL J. F, Fali:on t _____ 11. P. Waguespack 15,000 11,200 161,650 141,980 ' (St. Patrf.eks P. 0.) 84-242 6 N. 0. Pop. 350 • Vidalia ___ Ooncordla D 8 Vidalia Bank and Trust Co. John Dale. ___ ----- Chas. Moritz ______ ' H. B. Conner ______ H. S. Knight______ 50,000 10,000 250,000 275,000 , 11 Pop. 1246 84-24! •U'0S C. Murray, A. Cash. D. B. Fleming •Ville Platte_Evan2eline 6 N.O. Pop.136-l E6  PRlNClPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Cual,Ex-  DEPos- c•r,. 11o,.0,, ce .. ~o"",n""  I  300,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Canal-Com'l Tr. & Sa v. and .... Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. 339,770 N. Pa_rk, N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. &_Tr. Co. and Marme Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co .. St. L. 232,570 Han. N., N. Y.; Canal-Com'! Tr. & Sav., N. O.  1  40,450 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N.  o.  1 1  80,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N .• N. 0. j  -  345,300 N. City, N. Y.; Liberty Cent, Tr. Co., St. L.:  '  0  Canal-Com'lN.,N.O.;Merch.&Plan.,Bun-C:: kie. remltte d for on day of p ayment. ~ a. 150,490 81,0001 61.530 N. Bk.Com .. lN. Y.: Canal-Com'l Tr. & Sav. and Z I Hibernia N.. N. O. 41,600 -------· -------- Chem. N,, N. Y.; Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co.,_,, o.  Cash and Time I terns given specla l atteut Ion and . 84-244 •t§'12 We a1_so do age neral banking bu ,slness at Mamou; Chataignier and 1Pine Pr alrie, L First National Hank ----•:·14 A. Corell ____ R. L.Derouen. ____ L. G. Vidrine _______________ , 25,000 4,320 84-293 • I PLANTERS BANK & TR. CO. {ADRASfE LAFLEUR A~~8~"-------·-- jE. L. THOMPSON---- -------------------- ' 50,000 10.000 84-367 1'20 end us your V 1Hie hat~e Items dll'ect. ta 1 Prompt attentl ,on given Bill of L adlog Draft and all matters ent Vtnton _____ Calcasleu Jr S CALCASIEU fAT'L BK. OF (Branch of Lake Coortu, La.) _____ J. N. Wetherill, o. L. Le.mane, 750,000 662,340 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mech. & Metals N., N .. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., 6 N. 0. Pop. H!l SOUTHWES LA. Mor. A, lrtor. N. O. .,.. 84-245 •'10 In Vivfan _________ Oaddo .I. S Bank of Vivian ________ •tf'll T. F. Holt _________ C.H. Pardue ______ J. D. Houston _____ F. B. Rieves______ 16,000 21,000 400,000 210,000 205,000 N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; 1st N., Shreveport. C/ll 11 Pop.1864 84-129 J. s. Jolley " " Vivian State Bank ______ •it•OII W. P. Stiles _______ W, T. Caldwe!L._ J ••\. CaldwelL ___ H. J. Bussa________ 30,000 12,000 750,000 500,000 300,000 Cont. & qom'l •• Chi.; OoNm'l N ,, Shreveport; J 84-128 lhbernrn. Uk. & Tr. Co., . O. ~ \ a hi11rton __ st. Lan. E O WashinrtonState Bank•U'IIS Leon Wolir ________ fa. Klau _________ J. G. Oarriere _____ F, L. Bailey _______ , 44,300 22,030 187,740 221,520 64,710 N. City ancl ~. Park, N. Y.; CanaLI-Com·I Tr. ~ 6 N.0.Pop.J0H 114-240 - av.,N,U.;N . .lik.Com •• St, • .W&tt>r Proof __ Tt>nsas O 8 Bank of Waterproof ---•tl'IM N. B. Hunter _______ W. D. A. Gorton._ Louis Buckner, Jr. ____________________ 25,000 4,000 138,000 143,370 20,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Marme Bk. & Tr. Co., N, 0. 84 el:~_Je:e::::::vis Jr 5 CALCAIIEl -,~~L II. OF (Branch of Lake Char~~. La.) _____ I:e:. o. Willard. Mor. E. F. Hardcastle. 750,000 662,340 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Han. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. 0. 6 N. 0. Pop. 1456 SOUTHWES LA. A. Mor. o 84-2'8 •:t•10 1 Westllonroe.OuachltaBO Central Sav. Bank & Trusti------------- ____________ P.S.Hamilton.---- ______________ (Branch of Cent. SaTJ. Bk. &: Tr.Co., Monroe, La.) N Pop. Company _84-346 IU W. R. KitchelL __ L.B. Newson ~ "11 ____ ____2240 " West Monroe State-------1' Bank•l'07 ______ Fred G. Thatcher_ ________ ____________ 25,000 20,720 230,270 214,170 61,820 Han. N. and Met. ~ r,TCo.&,NS. Y.; NN. Bk. Com .. o 84-249 E.G. Calvert St. L.; Canal-Com_ 1 r.. av., . 0 . _ White Castle. Ibervillei' I Bank of Whitecastle ___ •H'IIB Thomu 1. Olay ____ L. JI. Soniat_ _____ F. 8. Bro,rn ______ M. J. Babin _______ , 30,000 62,940 777,960 1 535,460 325,960 N. Pa~k, ~- Y.: lilbernu~l~ & C~kang ii & N. O. Pop. 1566 84-250 I I Manne k. & Tr. Co.. . .: on . . · Tr. Co., Shreveport. 1• ________ " Merchants t-~~nters ,~~1J. S. Ware ________ L.B. Bobin ________ P. L. Viallon ______ Geo. Daigie ________ 30,000 6,000 ·-------- - - - - - --------· 1 •Winnffe}d _____ Winn O 6 Bank of Winnlleld _____ •H'0l B, W, Bailey _______ '. J. R. Heard _______ J, A.....Tugent ______ - - - - - - -1 75.000 46,180 851,390 736,340 236,230 Han. N .• N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; Hibernia 11 Pop. 2975 84-84 G. P. Long Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. " ________ " First National Bank---•l'I5 'A. L. Bryan ___ J. L. Calhoun ______ ' A. E. Scott ________ - - - - - - - - - - - 1 25,000 16,440 330,260 3.56,940 41.810 Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Am. N.,Shreveport. 84-308 B. M. Stovall , . ' •Wlnnaboro, Franklin B 7 Franklin State Bank &Tr~st T. B. Gilbert, Sr. __ L. Lowentritt _____ N: L. Howe_r ______ J. W. Womb!!', Jr,_ 100,000 40,910 728,590 711,ll0 158,390 Chase N .. N. Y.; ~itne~-Oent. N .. Marine Bk. 11 Pop. 1176 Co. _____ . 84-1!1. _____ •:t 08 B. A.Hobgood, V,P. E. n. Walter Hilda M:. Mitchell, H. G. McPha1l & Tr. Co., and H1berma Bk. & Tr, Co,, N. 0. A.______ Cash. W. ll'. Prickett_____ c,, Winnsboro r.~::«,Bank_•if'02 :I R. JI. Ward, Sr. ___ R. M. Baskin ______ B. 8. Landis 20,000 20,000 333,660 318,380 61,180 Han. N., N , Y.: CanaI-Com 'l T r. & oav., • o•  > >  J:  lu.  z>  E.  ~  I I  l\  I  I  1  f  Wisner _____ Franklin C 8 l.1'ranklin State ~nk&Tr~st 11 Pop. 800 Co, ______ 84-3,0 ________ 20 Youn1sville. LafayetteJJ'7 Bil. OF LAFAYETTE & TR.:. 0. 6 N. 0. Pop. 361 84-251 + '08 Zachary. E.B'n Rou1eEI Bank of Zach.arY------•i1•04 6 N o Pop. 524 84-252 zwollc~-: _____ Sabine C 3 Bank of Zwolle _________ if'04 11 Pop. 909 84-251  I  ___________________________________ H.G.McPhail,Mgr. ___________________ (Branch of Winnsboro.La.) _______ _________ Yarine Bk. &_Tr. Co., N.O,; Britton&Koontz., · N~tchez, Miss. P.A. Dnpieix, Mgr. __________________ ,P.R. Dupiei.J: __________________________ (Branch of La Fa yette, La .) _______ --------- Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. · • . . . Herman i'ields ____ T.L. Jlill1 _________ MissCoraKendrick Miss Mamie 25,000 21,043 121,400 137,340 26,910 Hlberma Bk. & Tr. Oo., N. O.; Umon Bk. :Mcllugh • & Tr. Co., Baton Roue-e. 01 J.P. Towery _______ w. H. Pearson ____ IR. L. Gay _________ H.J. MitchelL____ 12.500 8,750 205,000 I 185,000 55,000 Seab. N ., N. Y.; Com'l N •• Shreveport; Inter- oo - . ~ ~.... s. H. Porter ' ~-■■■state Tr. & B . Co., N. 0. w  MARINt HANK & I HUS I GUMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  "' .. ._ .. ~ .......... -·· --~T POINTS IN LOUISIANA AND MISSISSIPPI  584  Number ander Name of Bank i• the New Tran11t Number pven to each bank in U. S. exclmdvely by The Rand-McNally Bankera• Directory, under tb.!_authorltJ_!>f The ~merlcan ~anke_!,8 Ass•o.  'roWNANDOouNTY.  NAMEOF-.liANK.  -  •County Seats. e?tlem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State In No. 1 Ulrm. State Bks. Assn. tl'riv. FederalReserveDi trict. ♦Mam.Fed. Res. [E!-tah. Ashland ••• Aroostook G 4 Ashland Trust Co. -·--·•1'17 Pop. 2391 52-237 t.Aabur'j; / ~ cob'l~ Auburn Sav~ Bank •• -1'118 0 16 1 " " First-Auburjz'E ust Co.•t§"55 50 Mechanics Savin2s Bank :t1'75 52-52 Nat'l Shoe & Leather Bank 52-53 •t'76 uacusta. Kennebec D 11 Au1?usta Savings Bank ·--1'48 Pop. 14.114 52-56 " " AUGUSTA TRUST CO . ..•il"94 52~0 First National Granite Bank 52-57 •t'64  935  MAINE ~Savings Ba~~•_do not handle co!l!:ctlons) _  2~  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  \'T OA.SHIJ:R  OA.SHIJCR,  Su!;l~uo  NATIONAL BANK 52-31  *MERRILL  , - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - --1  W. P. Bridi;?ham ••• Geo. W. Junkins •• P.R. Win low, Tr. W. L. Waldron, Sec. S 50,000 S 22,240 $ 348,090 $ 433,980 $  21,970 Irving N .. N. Y.; Merrill Tr. co .. Bani;?or;4th. Atlantic N Bos 23,000 Chase N., N.'Y. · I  F. L. Bartlett---· A. :M. Penley ••••.. B. A.. Chase, Tr ..•• - - - - - - - - - · _ _ _  192,270 2,135,950 2,328,220  N. 8. Tibbetts·-·· E. M. Stevens .••• _ H. C. Day, Tr.·-··· ······--····-···-···  143,1140 3,414,290 3,351.210  Tascus Atwood ···- O. W. Jones ....••• J. W. Stetson.  150,000  •• ···-·····-·-··-- - - -  Su. and Tr. GeorgeP.Martin ·- ··-·····------··-· E, L. Smith._··-·· P. B. Smith.·-··-·-  200,000  1  85,540  843,360  ····--·· Pop. 8622  •.Bath ... _ 8afaliahoc D 12 Pop. 14,731  •Bel!asL-·-· Waldo F 10 Pop. 5083 " " BetheL ··--·Oxford B 10 Pop. lllaO  357,020 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 11,520 N. Shoe & Leather, Auburn.  917,380  229,660 1,717,900 1,777,510  375,500 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.  Leslie 0. Cornish •• B. 11'. Parrott-·-·· R. E. Goodwin, Tr. ··········---······- - - -  481,000 7,(,23,000  134.000 1st N. Granite, Au2usta.  G. E. Macomber ..• G. P. GannetL.-.. H. L. Pishon, ---···-·-------·· Sec. and Tr. C. S. Hichborn -·· L.A. Burleieh ••••. D. L. Higgins ..•.. - R. F. Partridge___ W. S. Wyman Guy P. Gannett Geo. E. llacomber. ·-·····-··-·-·-·-··· W. G. Boothby, Tr. ·-·-·-··--·-··-·-  200,000  262,000 7,500,000 7,460,000  200,000  141,670 3,254,580 3,478,030  ISAIAH K.  smsoN --~~\1_"8o!LNf1SON- c. E. GILES-·····-··  l  - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - --  --··--  PROGRESSIVE, ACCOMMODATING, SAFE ~ Send us your Eastern and Northern Maine collectio ns. ------'--  E. H. Blake---···- Arthur Chapin •••• F. W, Adams--···- ·-···-·-· -- - -·---·-  H. w. CUSHMAN-  I: l·. illftltEaii···· C. R. GORDON, Tr. n: I; Httlec·-·-  Speelal attentlo n elven colleetlon FROMPT SER VICE HAS BUI ♦ 52-36 •U'73 50c mu.·t be ent with each reoue t *Penobscot Savin~s Bk:.•U'll9 Arthur Ohapm •• -•. G. B. Hopkins ..... 52-34 Bangor Clearinl? House··-·· Arthur Chapin·-·· ···-·-··--·-·-····· (Members indicat«! bu a*> Bar Harbor Bkl?, &Tr. Oo. L.B. Deasy •••••••. L. ,\. Au tin __ _•••. 52-175 U'87 First National Rank .• ___ !'88 A. S. Rodick •..••• G. F. Berry •• ___ 52-176 Bath National Bank ••••• •t'64 William D. SewalL Arthur Sewall ••• -. 52-70 Bath 8avln1?s Inst. ·-··•U"52 William D. Sewall. J. S. Lowell ..• ·-·52-69 Bath Trust Oo .••....••• •t§"02 R.H. Baxter ····- S. R. Percy •.•••••• 52-72 First National Bank ...•. •t'63 Oliver Moses-····- G. P. Davenport ••. 52-71 Belfast Savings Bank •• _ •1"68 J. H. Howes .•.•... ·······-···-----···· 52-129 Oity National Bank·-·-·· •'05 0. W. Wescott. •••• ···················52-131 Waldo Trust Oo .•••••••• •1'04 Euirene D. Tapley_ W. J. Do1man •.... 52-130 M. l,. lul{g Bethel National Bank ••. •i·os eth Walker •••••.. Ira C. Jordan·-···· 1 Rethel Savi~!~ U'72 J.M. Philbrook-·- ' ·····-··-····-······ 52-17R  TRUST COMPANY  Bar Harbor.Hancock G 10  ~:::.,~.~;~.  ~  ~ P R O F I T S ~ , s,coa1T,E8  •t"62 -  *.Merchants ·ational Bank  ~:~•:,~~~  DEPos-  201.840 Kennebec Savin1?s Bk ... ino 52-59 State Trust Oo ...... ·--···1'06 -··---·····--·-·--·· Percy V. Hill •••.•. Geo. 0. Libby, T. II. Boclge, A.Tr. 100,000 171,010 52~1 athan Weston ec. and Tr. •Baniror •.• Penobscot F .D *Baneor Savines Bank •U-52 Charles H. Bartlett ········-·····-··-·· Walter A.Danforth. F. E. Oak, A. Tr.. 635,960 Pop. 25,978 52·30 Tr. " " *EASTERN TR. & 8KG. CO. 0. D. Grosby·-···· J. W. Cassidy •••.• H. A. Littlefield, Tr. ElmerE.McFarland 175,000 875,860 52-37 •:U'87 II. H. Chaplin ____ A. Tr. Ch.o/Bd._ _ - -- -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -  *FIRST  I  Ir _, A BILI TIES. P Arn•UP 0  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this u, volume . .For Interest Rates, IloUdays, otc., see Law 8 ,,oo R - - - - - ~ -- ~ -~ ESOURCES. PIUNCIPA.L COlutE8l-'ONDE.NT8. I  ~!nk .... Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisNumber u~der Namr of Bau.k ii the New Tramlt .Number civen  - --  735,000  700,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. 180.930 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.  1,368,190 1,501.470 2,899.490 3,098,060  596,370 Chase N., N.Y.; :Merch N., Bos.: Phil. N .. Phil.  I  8,295,170 9,090,870  513,220 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.,  os.; Phil, N., Phil.  1  ---1---  ~ ~ ~ ~ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; tst N., Bos. and Port. I ~ _ __ ::r 1_ _ _  -  -  -  ---  100,000  269,890 1,459,220 1,615,300 '  516,890 9,081.080 9,317,200 1.049,410 H~~---  1  304,800 1 t . _ Tat. Bos.  [  ~o:,:as:·; 4th St. N., Phil.; Old Colony'.~  A ec. and A. Tr. s In Ban1or and vtcloltJ. LT UP OUR BU s~s. for reports. 256,470 2,813,840 3,021,030 49,280 1st N., Bos.; Merch. N., Ban2or. Ralph Whittier.Tr. S. C. Brown, A. Tr. Charles D. Crosby, ·····-··--··-··· - · - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mor. 50,000 325,000 1.966,000 2.()58,000 156,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; 2d N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; F. 0. Lynam, V.G.Wasiatt,A.Tr. , I Merrill Tr. Co .. Bangor. Sec. and Tr. 50,000 80.000 1,000,000 1,000,000 l~0.000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hos.; . lerrill Tr. Co., Thomas Searls ••••• H. II'. carter·····Bangor. I F. D. Hill ..·-····-- H. A. Walters...... 125,000 290.130 617,590 758.000 102,770 IrvmgN., N. Y.: lstN.andN.Sh.:\wmut,Bos.: Fidelity Tr. Co., and Chapman ~' .. Port, O. O. Low. Tr,_._ H. W. ITanson _••.• - - - 574,190 5,117,000 5,691,9001 77,460 1st N .. Bos.: Bath N., Bath. Allan pear L. E. Thebeau, Sec. J . K. Hufhfls,A.Tr. 100,000 133,80012.965,380 3,003.420 150,500 .Merch. N., Bos.; Canal N., Port. W,B,Mussenden,Tr. W.L, Skelton,A.Tr. Wm. S. Shorey··- Daniel Williams.__ 400,000 197,000 2,680,270 2,946,3CO ,05,210 Chase N .. N. Y.; March. N., Bos.: 1st N .. Phil.  I  ····-···--·········· - - -  ~  88,470 March. N., N. Y. and Bos.  6.16i,200 6,785,610  500,000  F. O. Wentworth, ··--·-····-········ - - Tr. 100,000 R. A. BramhalL._ Alberta W. Ji'arnham R, H, Dunbar. Ur.nry mith, 60.000 Sl'c. and Tr. A. Tr. , E. 0. Park......... r. 13. Merr.h ~--· 25,000  a:  e::  68,b50 1st N. Granite, Augusta.  li;  51,890 3,112,640 13,114,110 . 27,000  725,860  23,500  190,000,  165,000  80.120  636,78o j  694.930  1  .......  57.140 N. Union, Bos.: Port. N., Port.; Waldo Tr.I Ill Co. and City N., Belfast. ::1 197,470 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N .. Phil.  97.060 1,006,890 1,963,080 761.450  ,;  125,890 1st N., Bos.: Port N. Port.  ~  88,000 4th-Atlantic N .. Bos.; Port. N., Port. 21,930 Oasco Mtle. Tr. Co., Port. 1  11  : : I  f  .  I  I  •  •  ,  •  ;  '  I'  •:  I  I  t  Number under Name  585  ot Bank  ia the New 'l'raruH Number pven  &o eaoli ban.Ii: in U. S. e:rcllUfveJy by The &aad-HcNall7 Ban.ken•  Dlreetory, under the autborlt:, of Tbe American Banken .us•n.  ToW.N A.  J)  COUNTY.  "County Seats. Entire State in No. 1 Federal Reserve District. Biddetorc1 •..•. York JH3 ,. Pop. 18,00is ., •.••••••  MAiNE-Continued  (SavlDKII Bankl do not handle collections)  Pepperell Trust Co .••••• 1'07 Ernest L. Morrill_. 52-47 York County Savings Bank O. H. Prescott..-•• •U"60 52-45 Boothbay Harbor .•• Llnc. Boothbay SavingsBk .••. H·72 J. E. Knight •••••• 52-167 D 12 Pop. 2025 First National Bank .•• •U900 K. H. Richards ••.• " •••••••• " 52-168 Brewer .•.• Penobscot F 9 Brewer Savings Bank ••• •1•59 S. H. Woodbury._. 52-184 Pop. 6064 Bridrton.OumberlandBll Bridgton National Bank_.;t•08 E. S. Abbott·--···52-156 Pop. 1545 Bridrton Savings Bank •U'89 A.H. Walker ___ ._ " •••••.•• " 52-155 Brooks ••.•.. Waldo E 12 Waldo Trust Co .•••.•••• §•20 ·-·········-·······52-249 Pop, 704 Brunsw1ck.,Cumberl•d012 Brunswick SaT. lnsttt•n•U'58 Barrett Potter·-·· 52-92 .. Pop. 5840 .. First Nation:~_tnk.---·•t•57 F. C. Webb •••·--·· -··· ___  s  u_:,;~  ..,P>  118 DEPOS- ,~;t:,,~~: ;0•::0!.~;;,.. PAID•UP CAPITAL P.aoFITs ~ 11 ssaua,Twi •llW< a....... Ernest L. MorrilL Albert R. Goodwin Ernest A. Goodwin $ 100,000 $ 102.810 $ 907.620 $1006 990 $ 203.440 2d N ., Bos.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  ASS'T OASHIER.  0.t.SB:Ill.  ·----·-------·-·--·· Lytton K. Staples.  Tr.  252.000 2.625.000 2.810.000  ---------·  ----------------- J.E. Etchells ----· J. S. Guerin.______  100,000  A. R. Goodwin •••. A. R. Goodwin.See. E. A. Goodwin. Tr.  25,000  ~  67,000 Biddeford N., Biddeford.  178.830  625.090  751.270  152.200 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.  35,410  716.330  671.630  105.110 1st N., Bos.; Biddeford N., Biddeford.  29.940  758.020  816.370  24,370 1st N .• Biddeford. 1st N.. and N. Shawmut. Bos. 12.090 1st N .• Boothbay Harbor.  25,000  65.300  515.810  512.500  44,170 4th-Atlantic N.and 1st N .. Bos.; Port. N., Port  -----···-··-···--·-· Howard N. ll'lo:rd. ·--·······---·· ____ Tr. 50,000 H. H. Caswell. --· L. L. Keen.·----·- E. F. Larrabee ••• -.  40.860  501.840  527.370  15.320 Merrill Tr. Co .• Bangor.  25.200  255.500  333.000  43.500 1st N., Bos.; Port. N., Port.  J. A. Snow ••..••.. H.J. Staples. Tr .•• ······------·------ ____  L.A. Dunton •.•.•• B. O. Matthews .... C. J. Marr-----· _ __ 0. J. Karr--·-·-··· S. T. Kaddocks •••• W. B. Blake·--·-  179.660 1,509.060 1.664.350  "  i::ati > _ Shawmut, Bos.; Bridgton z """"  38,060 Port. N., Port: N. 70,000 938.930 961.940 ----,Kellen Plummer. ----·········· _ _ _ N .. Bridgton. Su. and Tr. ·--------·----· Christine A. Jones. ·--··-···- -··--····· (Branch of Bell a t,Jie.) ·--·---· ·---····- 1st .• Bo . .Mgr, 19.7!l0 1st N .. Brunswick. _ _ _ 138.980 1,417.280 1,536,480 ·····-··-·--·---·--· T. H. Riley, Tr .. _. T. H. Rlley, Jr., A. Tr. 50,000 108.660 I,151,lOO I,182.050 227.240 Merch. ., Bo .; Canal N .. Port. -----·-----·--··--· S. L. ll'orsaith .•••• William H. Farrar.  50,000 Pejepscot National Bank •• '38 Edward W.Wheeler · - - · - - - - · · · · Oharles I. Giveen _ - - - · · - - - - - · 52-94 ____ Giveen, I. Chas. .•• Tr Stover, L. H. Topsham & Brunswick 25 ct. H.J. Given-------· - - - - · - - A. Tr. Saviors Bank ••••••••• U'75 52-ll5 50,000 Union National Bank •••• •·85 Barrett Potter··-·· W, T. Senter·--·-- J. W. J'iaher ·-----· ·-·· ··-·········---· ~  Buckfleld-•.• Oxford B 11 Pop. 9:;7 Bucksport.Han<'ock: F 10 Pop. 1906 Oalais .... Washington I 8 .. Pop. 6084 .. -------·  I  LIABILITIES.  NA IE OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State PRESIDENT. :tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. +Mem. Fed. Res. Biddeford National Bk .. •:t"48 J. G. Shaw ..•••••• 52-43 Biddeford Savings Bk .. •:tl·67 Ernest L. Morrill •• 52-46 First Nationl~-tnk •••• •:t•fi8 Chas. H. Prescott ••  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thh ' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ C: PRINCIP.A.L CORRESPONDENTS. !(.!!;SOURCES.  37.130  256,760  317,340  70.760 1.213.700 1.260,460 38.470  206. 790  288.280  76,540 1 ·t N .. Bos.; Casco Mtle. Tr. Co., Port.  tIJ  z> ~  VJ  tel  11.190 Pejepscot N.• Brunswick. 26.910 Canal N .. Port.; 1st N .. Bos,  J-  S.: ~  an~ O~i. aid n Leach & Co., Inc .. N. & CO., Inc •.... (Investment Securities>-----·----- ------···-·-··-··· - - - · - - --····· ·····-··· - - - · - ···-····- •..•.•.•. ·--·--···A.TI. A. B. LEACH Biddeford principal cities. ee a v. age • (117½ Aain t.) 0  Paris Trust Co .•.•.-••••• 1'12 52-227 Merrill Truo:;t Co .....•••• §•54 52-185 Calais National Bank._. •:t•31 52-99 Calais Savinrs Bank •••• H•H 52-98 International Tr. & Bkg. Co. •:tl'O! 52-100 Oamden ••• --•·Knox E 11 Camden National Bank. •t.'75 . 52-145 Pop. 3403 .. Megunticoo~2~~\ Bank.•t·o2 -·-····· " Oaribou •• -Aroostook G 3 Aroostook Tr. Oo. ····-·-'•90 52-109 Pop. 6018 caribou Na~~~Nlank ... •'02 " ---· ··-· •·  ·-----···------····· ------·-··-----·-·- Morton P. Garland. ·····-·····--·---··· (Braneh of Soul h Paris, Me.>.... Mor. ··--·-···--·--··--- ·--------------- -·-----·-·-----··- -----···-·---·--···· (Br<mch of Bango r, Me.) _  Percy L. Lord ·-·-· C. W. Trimble .•••. Elbridge C. Short. Frank W. Gatcomb  100,000  49.730 1,046.510 1.045.060 35,000  413.000  443.600  39.260  702.170  726,010  1st .N ., .Port.  1st N .• Bos.; Kerrill Tr. Oo., Bangor. 119.210 N. Shawmut. Bos.; 4th St. N .. Phil, 5.300 Fidelity Tr. Oo .. Port.  --·--·------··----· F. H. Lowell, Tr ... -----······-·--····· Frederick V. Pickard Georre R. Gardner John R. Trimble •• R. A. Macdonald. J. F. Anderson,  50,000  0. 0. Wood·--··--· ----·---··--······ T. J. French. ______ ------·-----··-·····  50,000  67.920 1.126.500 1.141,870  G. T. Hodgman •••• ------------·-··---· R. L. Bean.----···· ---·····-··-----· R. F. Gardner _____ J.P. Don worth •••• R. 'J'. Gardner, Tr. D. s. Piper. Sec ..•.  50,000  10,000  50,000  175,000 2,000,000 1,760,000  460,000 IrvinrN .. N. Y.; ,th-AtlanticN.,Bos.  H. D. Collins -----· J. B. Roberts---· 0. B. Karresson ... Margaret C. Goud.  50,000  96.950 1,026,860 1.129,290  148.350 lrvinr N., N. Y.: ,th-Atlantic N., Boa.  Tr.  A. Tr.  252,860  162,550  85.420 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. 141.760 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 73,350 Merch. N., Bos.; Girard N., Phil.  78.320 Eastern Tr. & Bkg. Co., Bangor: 1st N., Bos. 10.360 25.000 ..•••••.•••.••••.... Corinna •.. Penobscot E 9 Corinna Trust Co. -······''20 T. F. Burrill .••~·- c. J. Trickey .•••.. W. A. Smith, . . Sec. and Tr. , . 52-247 . pop. 139-1 . Chase N .. N. Y.; N. Shawmut. Bo&.; Port. N,, 83,310 731,260 684,820 90,310 50,000 namariscoua ..•. Lmcoln First National Bank ••••• •:t M E. F. Metcalf•• --·· W.W. Dodge.·--·· L.A. Dodge ••••... Manon L. Clifford. Port. 52-183 D 11 Pop. 849 N .. Bos.: Phil. N.• Phil.: Casco Mtle. Tr. 1st 26,450 349,090 760 369. 28,860 50,000 New Castle rz~isrnk •.•• ••54 E. K. Philbrook •• _. I. 0. Stetson._..... R. K. Tukey -····- Kary R. Hatch ••••• " --···--· " Co .. Port. N .. Bos.; Merrill Tr. Co .• Ban~or. Atlantic 4th 37.000 70.000 60.000 12.500 50.000 Danforth Washington H7 Danforth Trust Co ..•••• •§•20 Silas White •••••• _. H. H. Putnam, Jr .. H. M. Pullen, Tr ..• M. L. Porter. Sec.. . 52-248 Pop. 1300 1st N., Bos. Y.: N. N., Han. _ _ _ ·--··-··· ..Penobscot E 9 Eastern Trust & Banlcmg Co. ···--···-······--·-· ·-····-··-···--·---· J. 11'. Atwood, Mor. -----·-·---·-- (Branch. of Bano or, Me.) Dexter •1·11 52-22s 4113 ·Pop. Bos.; llerrill Tr. Co., Bangor. .• N Uh-Atlantic ·-·---·-· _ _ _ S.M.Leigh+on ..Mgr. C. ~.Picrce,A ..Mgr. (Branch of Banqo r, Me.) • { .. MERRILL TRUST co...•.t1·11 Special attentl on given Colleetl ODS In Dexter and Ylclnlty. " ---- ---Prompt service baa bullt up our buslne1s. Send u s your Items. 52-186 ---- ·--·----------· ·------------·-· -··· E. L. Stetson ···--· •••• ·--· •••• - · ·-·· (Branch of Bum ford, M e.) ------ - - - 1st N ., Bos. Oxford B 10 Rumford Faus Trust Co. Dl.xff.eld •:ts·u 52-181 i>oi>:m4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "-'  181,300  133.790  "1  o,.  MAINE-Continued  aDoyer ____ Pi,cataQula K 8 Kineo Trust Co. ________ •U'03 52-1113 Pop. 1979 Piscataquis Savinirs Bk.•:1'74 " .. 52-162 lutpo,t _____ Wuhlnrton Eastport Savin2s Bank-•*1'69 52-128 J 11 Pop. 4494 Frontier National Bank_•t"65 " 52-127 •Kllsworth •••• _.Hancock Hancock Co. Sav. Bk.-. •tf'7S 52-136 G 10 Pop. 3058 Liberty National Bank_.•t"87 "  L. P. Evans ________ W. S. Owen ________ G. L. Arnold, Tr. __ _________________ $ 50,000 $ 194,510 SI 817 600 $1934 520 $ 161,620 N. City, N. Y.; 4th-.A.tlaniie N., Bos.  11'. E. Guernsey---- G. E. Boward ______ W. 0. Woodbury, ____________________ --·-··--ec. and Tr. J. R. Roche ________ B. Kilby ___________ 0. I. Morton, Tr. __ __________________ - - W. 8. Hume ________ -------------------- Georre B. Bayes __ Leo T. Creery ____  100,000  H. C. Jordan ______ -------------------- Ohas. 0. Burrill.Tr. __________________________ _ 0. W, Foss _______ A. E. Farnworth __ Ii:. 11'. Small ________ F. J. Dunleavy....  50,000  B. B. Biuins. Tr .• Monroe Y.McGown,  100,000  52-137  Union Trost Co. -------•H'07 Omar W. Tapley __ Frank C. Nash _____ 52-138 .ratrfteld ... Somerset D 10 Fairffeld Saviors & Trust Co. Geo. G. Weeks _____ B. 11'. Borress __ ---•tf'l9 62-132 Pop. 2747 aJarmtnrton._ •• Franklin First National Bank ______ e'90 &. E. Rich&rdJ _____ Hannibal Russell 62-141 0 10 Pop. 1650 Franklin Co. Saviors'88 G. B. Oruln _______ -------------------" " 52-139 Peoples National Bank.-•t'0l c. H. Pierce ______ R. F. Gammon---52-142 freePorL ___ Onmberland Lewiston Trust Co,-----•l'N -------------------- ------------------52-188 0 12 Pop.1075 Jryebarr ••• _Oxford A 12 United States Trust Oo. __ s•os -------------------- ------------------52-189 Pov. 565 JUJ'alrfleld,AroostookH3 Fort Fairfield Nat. Bank•:l:'112 Tom E. Hacker ____ C. A. Power -----52-lSt Pop. 5500 Frontier Trust Co. _____ et5'07 B. T. Powers ______ P. B. Reed------52-135 n. KenL.Aroostook J' 2 Fir - t National Bank _____ .;1:·19 P. D. Thibodeau ___ B. W. Nadeau_ --F. E. Michaud 52-241 Pop. 4000 Fort Kent Trust Co. ___ •:tl'03 0. B. Dickey _______ W. H. Conliffe _____  A. Tr.  W.W. Merrill, Tr .. ---------------  50,000  J. B. Thoml)lon --- A. L. Wolcott_____  50,000  44,140 Kineo Tr. co .. Dover,  90,660  840,310i  893,100  37,380 N. Shawmut, Bos.  45,000  900,000  860,000  13,080  190,740  235,990  16,500  850,000  905,000  174,130 2,254,960 2,335,290  J.P. Whor1r, Tr. __ ----------------  J.P. Flint _________ J. L. Tyler--------  92,270 1,121,330 1,169,460  33,090  989,670 1,004,120  43,320  643,710  657,810  93,000  919,000  815,000  39,140 I.080,770 1,025,560  60,000  R. B. Randall. Mgr. -------------------- (Branch of Letl>'i& ton,  156,740 Irving N .. N. Y.: lat N., Bos. 27,130 Casco Mtle. Tr. Oo .• Port.; Liberty N .. Ellsworth. 81,700 N. Com'l, .Albany, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 190,310 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. T.; Old Colony Tr. co., 5i: Bos.: 4th St. N., Phil. 43,370. Port. N. and Fid. Tr. Co., Port.; 4th-Atlantic!> 1 _ N., Bos. ~ 114,640 1st N., Bos.; Port. N ., Port. ~  45,000, Port. N., Port.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 182,330 Merch. N., Bos.: Canal N., Port.  I  G. R. Bradbury,  T. D. Dufour,  50,000 :  75.720  830,160  975,910  65,000  15,500  275,000  300,000  60,620  466,970  645,750  50,000  A. Tr, Tr. 52-190 Qardiner_Kennebee D 11 Gardiner Savinirslnst,-•:tl'34 J. 8. llaxcy ________ ________________ F ...... Hamlin, Tr._ ________________  220,690 3,200,800: 3,358,260  t:Jj >  M e.) _____ - - - N. City, N. Y._: 4~h-.Atlantic N. and N. Shaw-  rout, Bos.; F1dehty Tr. r.o .. Port. A. D. Merrill, Mar. ------------------- (Branch of Port Zand, M e.) ______ - - - U.S. Tr. Co .. Po t.: Oity 'l'r. Co .. Bos. 4 83,990 th-Atlantic N., Bos. 100,000 212,000 1,127,250 1,546,700 H.B. Kilburn _____ F. s. Kilburn___  A.G. Lockhart, Tr. D. H. Boyd. Sec.___ A. W. Mar h~l:·r,·. C. M. Urotleur _____ ____________________  t%J  z ~  UJ  I  167,920 Irvine N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N. and Dorches- t:, ~ ter _Tr. Co., Bos. ~ 40,000 N, City, N. Y.; 1st N .. Bos.  I  84.010 N. Shawmut and 4th-Atlantic N .. Bos. 43,180 1st N .• Bos.  ,...  0  ~  g  52-118 Maine Tr. & Bank'r Oo.•tl'89 Josiah 8. Kaxcy ___ N. 0. Barstow _____ R. W. Perkins, Su. ____________________ 100,000 37,300 Blair & Oo., N. Y.; ht N., Bo■, 93,220 1,372,700 1,625,830 Henry Lewis 52-119 NAT'L BAIK OF 8ARDIIEI B. L. BosselL _____ W. E. Maxcy------ H.K. Lawton _____ __________________ _ 50,000 65,000 600,000 595,000 124,000 1st N .. Bos. •:t:·oo 52-120 15,000 1st N., Port. 795,000 71,100 818,500 Gorham ••• _Oumb'nd B 12 Gorham Savinrs Bank --*1'88 Edward Bardlnr __ W. E. RosselL ____ J. A.Waterman. Tr. Charles E. Cobb, A. Tr. 52-1111 Pop. 2870 c.M.Cullen,A.Mor. (Branch of Guilford, M e.) ______ - - - - 4th-Atlantic N .. Bos.: Eastern Tr. & Bkg, Co .. P.Greenvllle ____ pj cataqufs Guilford Trost Co,------•1'03 ____________________ -------------------- E.W. Vaughan, Mor. I 52-1112 D7 Bam~or. Pop. 15;>() 60,000 140,690 1,472,680 1.527,830 145,540 Irving N .. N. Y.: 4th-Atlantic N .. Bos.; EatGuiltord •• Piscataquis E 8 Guilford Trust Co,-----•H'92 H. W. Davis _______ M. L. Hussey------ R. W. Davis, Tr ••• J. T. Davidson, Sec. ern Tr. & Bkg. Co., Bangor. 52-193 Poo. 16 7 13,140 1st N ., Bos. Hallowell .Kennebec D 11 Hallowell Sav. Institu'n.H'54 F. L. Wingate _____ -------------------- C.H. Shepherd __________________ _ 42.500 100.000 781,120 52-153 Pop, 276-1 63,640 N. Shawmut, Bos,; Fidelity Tr. Co., Port. 24,260 458,000 , 468,940 50,000 Hallowell Tr.& Rk2. Oo.•H'IO Fred Emery Beane R. M. John on---- Geo. A. Safford, Tr. Idelle A. Lawler, A. Tr, H.P. Clearwater 52-154 69,370 N. Oity, and Irving N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N. •Houlton._.A.roostook B 5 Farmers National Bauk ___ '90 F. A. Powers ______ J. S. Weiler ______ W. F. Titcomb _____ R. H. Britton _____ _ 53,700 I.021,290 1,140.170 50,000 and Dorchester Tr, Co .. Bos. 52-105 Pop. 6101 Fir t National Bank _____ ;t'82 C.H. Pierce __ • ____ A. T. Putnam _____ R.11'. Ward ________ ·----------------50.000 130,000 900.000 540,000 570,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 52-104 S. E. Davis, A. Tr. _ __ 162,240 l,820,130j 1,822,670 134,690 Irvine N. and N. City, N. Y.: Port. N., Port.; Houlton Savings Bank ___:t§'72 E. L. Cleveland____ imon Friedman ___ L. 0. Ludwig, Sec. ari,l Tr, 52-103 ';4 . N .. B OS. N. Shawmuty. 254 ?? 9~0 • 09 II 2,--0. !:3 4th-AtIantic 94,400 I O-~. • .. N. .;Bos. .. Irving • .6'0 a , 2,184.9 0 Houlton Trust Co. ____ •• •f'll6 Ora Gilpatrick _____ J. K. Plummer ____ Wilford Ii'ullerton, ------------------Tr. 52-106 ______________ (Branch of Wat erville, .Jie.) ___ _____ 4th-Atlantic .• Bos.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Port. ; Jackman ___ om r et C 7 Konn bee Tru. t o .. ____ §'l!i ____________________ ---------------·--·· \\'.P.Toulou o, Mor. 52-2-10 1 Pop. 667 (Branch of Bang or, .Me,) ______________ Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Old F. T. Ilil.!eins, Jon port ___ Wa bineton . . r rrill Trust Co .. ______ ,t§ 10 ------------------- _ _ _ ------- R. F. Thomp~on, Colony!~ Tr. Co .. Bo. A_. J.lf(lr. .M(JT, I 52-2-13 II 10 Pop. -161 19,910 Ocean .N ., Kennebunk. 6 ,710 1,266,300 1,190,470 M. L. Goodwm, Kennebunk ___ York C 13 , Kcnnebunk ·av. Bank •. !1'71 C. W. Goodnow ____ ------------------- Joseph Dane, 1 A. 'l'r. 'cc. and ''J'r, 52-144 Pop. 313 57,ooo : Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 626,000 50,000 67,000 5.J0,000 Ocean National liank __ •:t•s.J F. M. Ross _______ 1J, W. Goodnow ___ N. P. Eveleth ______ -------------------•· _________ " . • 52-14~ Pop. 5475  i  I  g,.  §  I  I  ,_  Send Your Maine Business To THE PORTLAND NATIONAL BANK, Num l>er under Name of .Bank is the New Trandi Number ~ven w each bank in U. S. exelusl'f'ely by The Band-MeNally Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAINE-Continued  PORTLAND, MAINE  Non-Bank Towns wJth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acce8.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thli.1';4  587  Number under Name of Bank is the New TransJt Number given to each bank in U. S. eicluslYely by The Raod-McNally Bankers' DfrN!tory, under tl1e authorft>· of The Amel'fcao Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN A ·o COU,TY. 11  , ·.ufE OF IJ.u·K.  rn~~: '\~1/li1;.t; ,i~1t:  ~n;~g  1  !1di{e~i'iia:\1. 1 ~. PRESIDENT. Federal Re en~!2i~trict. +Mero. Fed. Re-.. ~ - _ _ _ Kezar Falls ____ York Al2 Pop. 1000 Kinifteld ___ Franklin O 9 Pop. 075 Kittery ________ York B 11 Pop. 4763 Lewiston __ Androscoaitin Pop. 31,791 C 11 .. _______ "  I  62-25  •:l:1'97  Sec. and Tr.  \  52-24  LIABILITIES.  ~~~~~~  ASS"T CASHIER. 1  :~~::  s.  564,320 5,645,650 6,158,480  400,000  426,220 5,645,650 2,774,750  75,ooo  2ll,020 5,225,500' 5,050,440  r  G.J.WALLIIIGFORD, I A.. Tr.  ~ n a hie cba rges.  4  •  .• Lewiston.  ---1  406,380 N.City, N.Y.; 4th-AtlanticN.,Bos.: i"idelityTr. Oo,, Port. !:,II  ~  Z  I  > z ~  72,910 1st N ., Boa.  209,080 2,650,540 2,726.790  ---  C/l  E. E. Talbot, Tr,_ ________________ ____  f>0,000 ,  902,400  543,010  557,570  66,260 Irving N., N. Y.: 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.: 1st N., ~ 1 Bangor.  57::i,OOO  90,ooor,Merch. N ., Bos.  ~  N  I  625,000 •  •  •  •  ston,Ma me) ____ - - - IN. City, N. Y., 4th-Atlantic N .. Bos.  1,567,160 I,682,8-50  98,070 Fidelity Tr. Oo .. Port.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 1  ~.:  416,000 440,000 50,000 Irvin£ N .. ~- Y.: 1st N., Bos.: N. Com'l Bk. Tr. Co., Alb. (lor, Mai ne) ________ 1st N .. Bos.  I  r, Jie.) _____________ ,lst N., Bangor, Me.;  103,290 I,24U60 1,306,090  65,250  ~  145,490 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr, Co., Alb.; Port. N,, Port.  912.140  534,600  r+  0  z ·· 1  ~  • Shawmut, Bos.  553,000  ..  166,93014th-Atlantie N., Bos.  1 H. P. Richacdson, ______________ lV,510 76,800 93,030 1,880 Bar Harb~r Bkg.& Tr. Co. and 1st N., Bar Harl bor; Umon Tr. Co., Ellsworth. Tr. O. ll. Hatchins, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Branch of Lewi ston,Ma 11 ine) _______ Fidelity Tr. Co.,Port.; 4th-AtlanticN.and N. Shawmut, Bos. Mgr. 30,700 998,060 1,024.940 62,810 Liberu- Tr. Oo., Bos.; Kerrill Tr. Oo .. Banror. W. H. Seaver. Tr. C. V. Stockwell, 50,000 A. Tr. W. P. Newman, _ _ _ _ _ ' (Branch of Dove r, Mam e) ________  I  I  F. R. Wierin,  Mgr.  34,410  _________ Sec. and Tr. N. S. Austin_______ _________  50,000  45,550  Fred R. Smith ___________________ _  50,000  100,000  25,000  G. L, Curtis, Tr. __ _________________  68,370  352,620  403,180  325,9201!  346,SOO  27.270 N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Bangor. 64,480 1st N ., Bos .  864,000 I 882,000 9(19,930  951,030  185,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th-Atlantic N., Boa.  1  27,280 Norway N., Norway.  1  li:ll~•l:iit1:l 1l:fi)lll]:tdl:LUl:iQ,liHOfol;1,fuiN.IILS,t@rniiUifiliit'l[l]liMtllllllllllnilltiffllllijijl@H/tWI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  g ~  <:  4l,570 !Han. N., N. Y.: Port, N., Port.: 1st N .• Bos.  K. 0. Gray ____ G. H. Viles _ _ _ (Brcmch of ..tuo usta, Ma ine) ____ - - - 1N. Shawmut, Bos.  A.. 0. Nutter. Tr,_ C. A. Nutter ______ _ S. L. Snow, Sec.  I  I  85,740  50,000  I  •  ______  60,490 N, City, N, Y.; 1st  253,740 !0itiz. N .. N. Y.; .Merch. N., Bos.  200,000 I 169.040 4,804,010 I 4.865,110 500,030 Ban. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; ith St. til - - - - - N.,Phll. lJj  I Lime ·tone Aroostook II 3 Limestone Tru. t Co, ___ •§'17 Fred F. Spear ----- Loui . A. Cyr _______ Fred W. Ilechler, - - - - - - 00.000 1 ·29,100 P op. 1506 52-238 '1.'r. I Llncoln ____ penobscot G 8 Lincoln Trust Oo, ______ •1'13 Artemus Weather- s. H. Olay ________ F. R. Linton, ______________ ____ 25,000 22,000 Pop. 2000 , , . 62-232 • , bee 1 cc_. and Tr. Lllbon Falls-Andr s n012 Lewiston Tru t Oo. ____ I 98 _________________________________ H.K. Ooohdie,Mor, 1---------------- (Brcmch 1 of Lew1,• Pop. 2200 52-198 I Livermore .Falls ___ And'n Livermore Falls Trust & B~f. S. B. Nile, _______ H. D. Parter _____ 0. B. Sturtevant. IO. B. Bradford, 50,000 65,640 Pop. 106-l C 11 Co, ______ 52-109 ------•ti 95 Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. Lubec ___ Washine-ton J 9 LubecTr.&BankiniCo .. •1'08 B. ll. Pike ________ R. J. Peacock. ____ F. K. Tucker, C. E, Bodman_____ 25,000 57,000 Pop. 3400 62-200 Sec. and Tr. J.P. Morri on , •Machias_ Washm2ton I 9 Eastern Trust& Bkr. Oo.•1'88 -------------- ______ ·------ O. W. Densmore, _ _ _ _ __ (Branch. of Ban Pop. 2152 52-165 Mgr. " ~Ierrill Tru~~-~i -------•§'19 -------------------- --·--·-- ·-------- _____________________.__________ (Branch of Bango  ,  ~  1  ___________________  -------  -  ;  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ....  I. M. Curtis, A. Tr. 1- - -  Llmerick ______ York A 12 Limerick National Bank-•.t"82 O. G. :Moulton----- Martha B. Muon __ MildredB.Johnston ________________ _ Pop. 761 52-197  •  ~r£:~;: ~;:.'..f:  n~;~s-  ::s  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE.',TS.  1  1 Peoples Bavinrs Bank __ if'75 C. D. Farrar _____ , E. A. Davis ________ E, O. Wellman, Tr. ________ 52-23  T  HE OURCEs- : - - -  ';4  tanley ______ S 25,000 S 26,000 S 520,78ol· S 452,770 S 124,560 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: Port. N .. ~ Port. LeliaH.Hunnewell, __._ 15,280 223,580 1 20i,210 31.650 1st N., Farminfton; Port. N., Port. ..t. Tr. ------------·------- (Branch of York Village, Me,) ____ ------- N. Shawmut, Bos.  A thoroughly or2anized Collection Department. Special attention given "'BIii orLadtDK drafts. Ca!lh and •f'lme Items. SEND US YOUR LEWISTON AND AUBURN BUSINESS.  2  -1  B.  NEWELL-----H. W. RICKER ------E. E. PARKER----- -G. T. BAIN--------  MachiasBavinrs Bank __ ino P.H. Londellow __ O. B. Donworth ___ 52-lM lladlson ____ Somerset D 9 Allltusta Trust Oo. -----•1'07 - - - - - - - ______________ Pop_ 2729 52-201 )(ars HilL Aroostook B 4 IMars Bill Trust 00,----•1'07 B. ll. BmiUl ____ C. S. Hussey ______ Pop. 1783 5?-202 , McKinley _Hancock G 11 Tremont Bavmrs Bank-ti 74 E. M. Stanley ______ Everett A. Stanley Pop. 1200 . 52-203 JlechaDicFalls_A.nd.B 11 LewISton Trust Oo, ____ •1'01 ----- - - - - _______________ Pop. 1614 . 52-204 11lllinockeLPenobscotF7 lllllmocket Trust Co,--•1'06 J. J, Moore _ _ G. B. Koran _____ Pop. 4528 62-205 )(lJo ______ Piscataquis F 8 Ktneo TrustOo, ________ •1'06 - - - - - - - - - _________ Pop. 2556 62-206 Newport__ Penobscot E 9 Newport Trust Co. ----•1'16 H. :M. Wardwell._ G. M. Barrows ____ Pop. 1709 ~2-207 .North Berwick !ork B 14 North Be;w1ck N at. Bk, __ i•G5 D. A. Hurd ----- I Geo. W. Perkins __ 52 208 Pop. 16:J2 Norway _____ O~ford B 11 NorwayNa~~-~W Bank_•t 72 H. D. Smith ----- ,L. S. Billinrs ______ 8 Pop. 2w08 .. ________ .. NorwaySavJ~.:f fnk_ •tl'IS6 I!'. B. Noyes------ W. F. Jones _______  Non-Bank Towns with Neare t Banking Point (Indexed Acce8.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of thi!. volume. For Int~e~Rates, Holidays, etc.,_ see Laws.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - ____  A progressive b la of farge reso urees. Send us your_ It Iems and coUectl ons. ~romp& att entlon.  MANUFACTURERS W. H. NATIONAL BANK  Jj. CLIFFORD---- G. W. LAIIE, JR., H. • COOLIDGE  HAIRY STETSON  d  t"  --- -  CASHIER.  ______________  Kezar Falls National Bk, __ •10 Allen Garner _____ O. L. Stanley ______ ,o, L. Stanley ______ 52-195 Kinifteld Savings Bank_ U'05 \Horace G. Winter_ Arthur C. Wood- H. 8. Winr, Tr, ____ 52-196 ard York County Trust Co.-• '20 ------------------ ------------ -----------------52-244 Androscoi1nnCounty8av.Bk. Geo. W. Furbush __ W. J. Crawshaw -- C. A. Litchfleld,Tr. 52-26 •!1'70 First Nati<Jnal Bank ----•t•f>2 11'. B. Packard _______________________ Georre W. Gosa___ 52-22 ·  LEWISTON TRUST COM AIIY  C  -i--  VICE-PRESIDENT. 1  MAINE  OD lDUe (Saving Banks do not handle collections)  (Jl  00 -...J  588  . . . . Name of Bank ia the New Tranali Number Jiven Nob buk in U. 8. exeluahelJ by The Rand-McNallJ Bankers• Dll'Htel'J', under the ,!Ut~or~tJ ~f~Jbe American Baekera Ass'n.  TOWN .UD OOUNTY,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of till _volume. For Interest R~te,-~ _Holidays, etr., see La"~-~  MAINE-Continued  to  (Savings Banks do not handle collectlons)  NAME OP" BANK,  -1  ____L.c..I_A'-B'-l=L=IT:;..c1-=;E_;;;_S.=----- ii-.;:;.: Rc:::Ec.:. SO.:. .cU:.. cR.c__cCc=E=S.:. .c, SURPLUS Lou, a: D11- Cua a: ExA.ND D1:Pos- c'To. non,, o■ uou,0n,  .OOonty eats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. I tate p ES V p O • C Entire State In o.1 Ulem. StateBks . .A.ssn.tPriv. R IDJCNT. ICE- RltSIDJ:NT, ASHIER. a.SS'T ASHIER. PAID-UP Federal Reserve District. ♦ Mem. Fed. Hes. [ Estab.1 - - - - - - -l - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - c _ u _ i T _ J . . _ L  _P_R_OIP_I_T_B _  1 11 _T_ _s_acu_arn_u_  1  CJ1 gg  PRINCIPAL OORRll:SPONDK.NTS,  no■ B.uru 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 D 10 Cascade Savin~s BanJc __ if'69 W. ll. .Ayer ______ K. Libby _ _ _ K . .A. Barris, n-, __ J.E. Barris, A. Tr. _ _ _ S 24,500 S 427,000 S 370,000 S 28,000 Messalonskee N., Oakland. Pop. 2473 52-157 • " ______ " Kessalonsk:ee Nat. Bank:_t'75 G. W. Gouldinlr---- B. W. Greeley ___ J . .K. Barris _______________________ S 75,000 22,000 148,000 190,000 39,000 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Cth St. N., Phil. 52-158 OlcUown.-.Penobscot11' 9 .Kutern Trost&Bkr.Oo.•1'88 1__________________ M. B. Richardson, ____________ (Branch o.f Ban uor,Me.> --------- - - - 1st N., Bos. .. Pop. 6680 .. 52-209 : Mor. ______ Old Town Trust Oo. --•U-13 W. E. Hellenbrand R. J. Aley ______ R. J. Plummer, Tr. ___________________ 50,000 50,310 840,680 796,310 133,200 Liberty N., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.: 52-233 Merrill Tr. Co., Bam!'or. Orono __ Penobscot F 9 Old Town Trust Co. _____ §'15 ______________________________ Myron E. Pratt, ____________________ (Branch of wn,11-fe.) - - - - - - Liberty N., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.: Pop. 3138 52-234 Mar. Merrill Tr. Co., Ilan2or. Patten-Penobscot G 6 Katahdin Trust Co, _____ f'l8 H. C. Rowe _ _ _ E. B. Brown ____ G. W.Goodrich, Tr. I. I. Bates, A. Tr._ 40,000 20,240 421,320 339,760 60,740 4th-Atlantic N .. Bos.; Merrill Tr. Co., Ban~or. Pop. 1498 52-239 Phlllipa ____ J!'rankllD O 9 Phillips National Bank.-•'114 G. B. Hamlin ___________ B. B. :.■ield ____ D.11'. ll'ield ___ 60,000 66,640 356,030 427,370 57,800 N. Shawmut, Bos. Pop. 1353 52-181 " ____ " Phillips Savinis Bant __ tf'71 C. F. Chandler _____________________ N. P. Noble, Tr,___ ___________ 30,780 398,310 394.400 34,690 1Port. N., Port ~ 52-180 i,':1t Pittstleld ___ somerset E g PITTSFIELD NATIONAL BK. J. W. Manson ____________ B.11'. Libby_____ ___________________ 50,000 43,750 1,972,560 1,841,030 139,160 Ohase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Cth-Atlantic N., ~ Pop. 2700 52-161 •j:•8Q i Bos. •Portland ___ Cumberland *Canal National Bank ___ ej:'26 W.W. Thomas ____ A.H. Bern ______ E. D. Noyes _______ C. T. Peters_______ 600,000 526,580 3,374,imo 4,052,920 961,860 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Merch. N.,Bos.: Bk. of Pop. 69,272 o 13 fl2-3 t:rJ ...:...,__ - - - - - - __,__ - - - - - - No. America, Phil.  _____________  *CASCO MERCAN-  TILE TRUST Co • 52-2  •CHAPMAN f,eIIOIAL  •U'98  COMPANY •  52-8  b:J  THE SERVICE BANK OF MAINE F~ oha»manJJas. M. Steadman .•  jJl. B.  •t'64  b  gE NJc\· ROBINSON G. H. WEEKS------ W. P. NORTOI, Tr .•- SW.F.pS\ltu,..~ec.. · 1• OJ~.otBit. lttfRBB\~lL\UJ-j H.F.MERRILL,.A.Tr. · · A.ualtor general  banking  Institution In the State ADVERTISE ■ EIT ON OPPOSITE  NEW EIIGLAIID BUSINESS SOLICITED. SEE  -------  -  SI> :ii.'" SI>  Purrin1to•-IHar,y s. Boyd= _200_,ooo ___ 11_0_.0_30 _3,_41_2_.6_20 _3,_32_2_,10_0 _53_1_.060_ N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.  *FIRST NAT'L BANK PHILIP a. BROWI--E. a. WIHLOW---CAIL A. WEBElt----GEO. L. KIIGHT-52--4  Cll  N. Union, Bos.; PhD. N., Phil.  ---------------------,------- --- --- --- --- ---  The largest •U'06  _____________  FRED. N. DOW ------ E.W. CUii( .____ ARTHUI W.JORDAN, f. L. RAWSON, Sec > F. L. RAWSON Tr. 608,000 334.040 9,518,960 8,919.960 1.484,980 Liberty N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union 2! M. R. PILLSBURY, A. Tr. Tr. Co., Ch.; tat N. N., Shawmut, and ~  B;\~,I Philin  *FIDELITY TRUST  z  Correapondence and collectlona have the personal attention of an officer of this Bank. Your buaineaa for Maine Is aollclted.  ::s ~  i00.000  -  -  792.790 13326650 13279690 1.747,030 IrvlngN. and Han. N.,N. Y.; tstN.,Cbl. 0 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., PhD. ~ 0  -.... '"1  PAGE.  ------ ---  SI,)  ------  ::s  Q,  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  N. Park, N, Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Bos.; N. Com•J Bk. & Tr. Co.,  lit.N.,  -~---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  li'orest 01ty Tru t Co, ____ § 14 E. w. Hannaford __ W. F. Spear _______ A. B. T~ylor. P. W. Moulton, • 52-13 I Sec. and Tr. A. ec.and A. T,. Maine Savinfr1~ank ___ .i5•5g II. J. Brown _______ w. w. Thomas---- I!'. 0. Oushini, Tr .• Frank o.  150,000  B~lkT~: ---------  *PORTLAND p or ti an d sav ~2- 5s Ban.• k 52 9  1:  848,860 1,125,570  191,270 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Int'l Tr. Oo., Bos. N y l tN B F'd J'ty T c 1 65-5,700 Na:tlanaiN:,:P~rt .. , os.: 1 e r. o.  iH~'  SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECT IONS ON P ORTLAND J as .p. Bax ter _____ F .II. J or d an ______ A.A. )( ~ on omei?: - - - - - - - - - -  N., Alb. 1,376,500 13143 210 U 019 000  1~t~:C  501,000 Liberty N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; Canal lt-=>N.,Port.  (Portland contin1'ed on ne xt page)  Send Your Maine Business To TRE PORTLAND NATIONAL BANK, PORTLAND,-MAINE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Pi  c;ml:~ ~ • ...,  WM W. MASON--- E W fOX _________ CHARLESG.ALLEN E. L. PIPER-------- 300,000 646.000 8,394,000 7,891,000 1.?65,000 Chase.~-:, N b· Y.; CtonBot. a!1i . CkAR ES G.ALLEN L. E. ASHTON Chi., .N. 8 awmu, s., •  NATIONAL BANK .  30,590  1,604,410 17647070 18595780  .  LARGEST GENERAL BANKING INSTITUTION in Northern N etu England  FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY Member Federa 1{,.esertJe System PORTLAND, MAINE .·.  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  52-8  1,-.,  ..  1,· r., I  More collections handled daily by this bank than any other in this state  I:'.  ~:  I•  1,  L  ~-  I~--  !. '  f,:  Service for collections on Northern New England and Canada.  I  •  Remittances made on day of payment at minimum rate.  I  '  ,·, I  ..  ....  ,  ,  ___ ... ____ _. __ •T--- -• -  ~  ~  ~~  I~ g:  b:l  .... c.,  A  7/ 0  B  G  D  E  F  i:i : ~~  000  G  &1f  0  ;j:1 gg ~g  ~~ fi! g. ~g  ~~ r..  at:J....  t:Ji:.1  ..,..,  8  b:l  t,;  .... 0  Cl>CC  ~  f  6'  .......  !1~ oo .•"' "'cl  :~ ~i:;  ....... ... 0  B  68°  i  f  ~  i  S'  0  ti!  cc  00  i~~  I g"f I ,,, g ""ti, t;:;  C)  "=JO  .... c.o ...  2 .., C  ~ en  0 1"11  ><  J  1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  c:::  z  :": ,  I  a:  c-,  .1  C  0  I  'f  C RAND M~NALLY 13  POPULAR MAP OF  MAINE SCALE Statute l\Illes , 25 ./S -1 Inch: 10  20  30  <O  II()  Rand ) l.:N'all r'e New l1 1 1-( '.\lnp ,,1 :,IalIIO. Copyr igb l bJ Kand ll~~•lly J.. Co.  Railroads _ _ _ _ EIJlctric. L i n e s ~ - - -  B  C  D.  69°  F  G  68 °  H  r  14  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,,...  g, Ill  ~~II ~:z·  "'t,::  I  C: ...... c:1 C,I  -Gl  f'  0.: l u-tiii  I  I  --  --  ------  I  \  II  \ ------------  l1l l1l  ◄  d  ~=  ;  CIO  0◄  ~i. ►  ~  ~  !eii 'QJ.  p..  ~ 9 CIO Iii  1111  ~  .Q ◄  ;;  ~~I  = e  .ac bl •r;a  _N,WAYS  use the above coupon in forwarding collections or · claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Coo  E-<  1~a ~.'h,.  l1l  !Iii 111$  p..  • a e:•~  ·~·  5 ~  !!I~...  ..... i': ,;i at5  =,..,;  . c:r.s-=  )l  0.!14  1111Cl:I  11;1:1  a • ~8 CcrSJ z~ ~  Ei  .  ::i ...  =1~t: .0  Ill  .,; f,o  ~:i  :at'! 81 Cl,b ~ci 0\  ~  Zi:i ◄:,  z8 It ..  ~  thls  MAINE-Continued  589  dexed AcCf'S.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back or c..., volume. For Int.erest, Holidays, tote., see Laws. ~  (Salines Banks do not handle colledtons)  TOWN .AND OoUNTY.  NA.ME OF BANK.  '  .aOounty Seats. tate in No.1  LIABILITIES.  •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState s , tMrm.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PB.JtSIDXNT. 0.lSBID. Ass'T 0.A.SHIJCR PAID-UP uRPLus l DEPOS1 c...J';ra;..:,;,;;_J:;.;R..::.e=.:se:.:.r--'--v.C..e_D_is_t_ri_c_t., _._M_e_m...;._F_ed:..:....:.•..::.Rc...:ec.:..:...s._.;._[E--'--(s-'·ta..:.:..:..b.c1--------l--------l-------l- ------·-l ·C-A_P_I_T_AL __ P_t_oF_-~_T_8 , _ _T_s_  Entire  .aPortland ___ Cumberland Union Safe Dep. & Tr. Oo. F. N. Dow ________ E.W. Clark _ _ _ G. F. Oary, Tr. ____ H.P. c. Hersey, S 250,000 $ 393,090 $ 693,850 .. (Continued) .. 52-11 •*1'114 G. F. Cary J. F. Lang, See. A.. Tr. _______ United States Trust Oo. __ ,•05 Jas. W. Parker ___ W. L. Blake _______ 1'. R.Dresser,Tr,- O.S. Smith, Sec.__ 100,000 194,370 2,328,690 52-12 Maynard S. Bird & Co. -t '97 (Invutmfflt Se.euri. tie&) __________________________________________________________ (120 Exchange St.} LEE, HIGQINSOll&CO.--1'48 (Bonda) _____ - - - - - - - - - H . .A..Rounds,Mur. --------·------- (Branch of Roato n,Mau.) US-I Middle St.}  NATIONAL CITY C0.-----'16  (Bonda) - - - - - - - - - - -  {Umon Mulual Bldg.)  H. M. PAYSON & CO. ---  '54 (Bond&)_____  93 Exchan2e St.  c. H. Pea e,  ______________________________ _  Dist. ales Mgr. - - - - - - --------  ------------i------------ ------·-- --------- ---------  RESOURCES. Lo•11•&D1s0  c  ..u  &Ex  PRINCIPAL CORRE.SPONDJi:MTS, •  ~':co~;:::· ~:~:"::!":  $2 542 290 $ 140.090 Port. N., Port.; 1st N., Bos. . N 2,381,490 303,310 lrvmr ., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Oo., Bos. _________________ Kissel, Kinnicutt & Co., N. Y.: &nd & Goodwin, Bos. _________________ Lee, Hininson & Co., N. Y., Chi.,and Bos. ____ --·------ N. City Co •• N. Y. and correspondent offices. See Adv. Page 3. __________________ Winslow, Lanier&Oo., N. Y.; Estabrook& Co., Bos.  Z~t~g~}:r~ob~~-..r F. N. Dow-------- ------------ Edwtta!tt;;, ------------------- -------- --------- --------- -------- --------Presque lsle_.Aroostook Merchants Trust & Rankin![ C. W. Spear------- A, A. Joy ________ A.. A.. Joy, Tr, _____ R. J. Smith, See,__ Pop. 3452 G 4 Company __ 52-124----•H'Dl " ________ " Presque &nll:•+'88 0. B. Daerett ______ Frank Kilburn ____ W. ll. Seely.______ ____________________  100,000  &aneeleJoi,.F;fklin B II Ranreley T~~.!li~o·-----•l'INI H. A.. i'urbiah _____ 0. T. ~ichardaon_ H. B. llcOard, Tr .• W.R. Hinkl~'. Tr.  25,000  lsl1li~Il  50,000  50,000 1,250,000  800,000  139,890 1,807,860 1,683,050 639,390  46,430  669,220  E. S. BIRD-------- GEO. H. HART ______ Ei F. BERRY-------- J. N. SOUTHARD____  NORTH IATIOIAL BAIK 52-7&  •t'54  ROCKLAND NATIONAL BANK 62_76  Rockland  e+'ol +  i  Spedafattentlo o given  um or La a og Draft , Cash  and Tlmeltems.  100,000  39,180 1.246,030 1,291,210  32,000 1st N ., Bos.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Port.  151,460 Irvinr N., N. Y.;lst N., Bos. and Phil.  150.000  _________________ E. D. Spear, Tr. ____ Annie B. Blacking- ____ _ ton, A. Tr.  1so.010 1,2w.150 1.s21.5oo  86,130 2,269,6-lQ 2,269,080  50,210 N. Shawmut, Bos.  100,000  323,700 3. 766,510 3,829,700  360,510 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Port. N., Port.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.  75,000  41,790 1,377,840 1,281,770  247,330 ChaseN.,N.Y.; 4th-AtlanticN.andlst N., Bos.: Casco Mtle. Tr. Co., Port.  York Natio~:~srnk-----•'31 S. 0. Parcher ____ F. C. Deerine"------ L.B. Fenderson___ ___________________  Sanford ______ _Y o rk B 13 Sanford Nati·o_n a I Bank -•i·oo 52 213 Pop. 10 , 691 .. " ________ Sanford]'ri~\~3mpany•l'15 -: Ba SearsporL---- ~ aldo F lo S earspor t N 1 nk_•'81 131 3 .. .. Pop. : _ ___ Searsp0rt s~ Bank.U'74  ftrff ~fff  2  L.B. Goodall ______ H. G. Allen ________ E. 11. Hewett ______ c. H. Thyng_______ Geor~e H. Nowell Wm. Batchelder ___ E. E. Hus ey ______ I. A. Smith, T. w. Wallace, W. K. Emery Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. B. F. Colcord-________________________ w. R. Blodgett---- _ _ _ _ _ __ B. F. Colcord _________________________ J~. p, Nichol , tc. and Tr.  THE PORTLAND NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ---  100,000  629,180 4,326,i30 4,795,910 476,900  50,480  ~  I»  53,490 N. Shawmut, Bos.;N.Com'l Bk. & Tr, Co.,  962,900  129,060  1  68,660 1,023,160 1,104,960 33,880  352,500  410,820  51,570 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Port. N., Port.  14;800  321.9401  162,300  11,370 N. Shawmut, Bos.; S"earsport N ., Searsport.  I  "'1 r+  160,480 1st N., Bos.; York N., Saco.  291,770 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N .• Bos.: Fidelity Tr. Co. and Casco Mtle. Tr. Co .. Port. 145,170 Chem. N. and Han. _N.,. N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut. Bos.; F1dehty Tr. Co., Port. 103.460 N.City,N. Y.;lstN.,Bos.: Port.N.,Port.  159,200 3,258,550 1,932,470  929,010  15,360 Harriman N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.  699,990  100,000  50,000 ______________________  PORTLAND, MAINE-S  298,130  258,850  9,450  100,000 · 100,000  en  en 348,080 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.: 'O Port. N ., Port. 0  Rumford ____ Qxford B 10 Rumford Falls Trust Co. Waldo Petteneill _ James s. Morse---- Elic;ha Pratt. L. M. Irish, A. Tr. Pop. 7016 52-82 •U'95 Ste. and Tr. ________ •• Rumford Bant•i•o2 F.O. Eatoa ______ R. o. Bradford ____ K. s. Kennard ________________________ _  "  I  "'1  127,960 2,595,230 2,475,110  25,000  ________  ~ en  ....0  Rockport _____ Knox E 11 Camden Savinis & Trust Co. R. W. Carleton ____ E Frank Knowlton O S Gardner Tr H S Leach A Tr Pop. t,74 i;2-212 •ino · · · · ·- · · · · ·  "  txt  >  -  100,000  York B 13 Saco & Biddeford Sav. Inst'n S. 0. Parcher w · T · G oodal e. Tr· H · s · saWYer, .a... ,, Tr • S aco ----Pop~ __ 6817 52-86 •:1'27 ------ ------------------.. ________ " Saco Nationfi-ftnk _____ e:•65 H. R. Jordan ______ W. J. Gilpatric ____ Chas. L. Bachelder F. L. Whitehead___  a::  150,260 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: Casco Mtle. ~ Tr. Co., Port. p..  Secuity Tr::~ ~o·-----•t1'03 lf. 8. Bird ________ H. N. McDouzalL_ C. M. Kalloch, Tr .• E. C. Davis, A. Tr. 7 J. 0. Pe.t;r7  Nf~~~3a1  l.,J  "1 r+  A thoroughly or gaolzed collectlo o department. Prompt service. Reasonable cha rges. Send us yo ur Rockland and vicinity Items.  si;~7fs Bank-•1'88 F. W. Fuller______  --  '°  ~ 0  15c must accom pany sight drafts for presentation. Prompt senlce our specialty. We want your Ro ckland business.  ~l·pees, l-i!fftEFIELD ISRAEL SNow _______ "i E. ROBINSON ____ J. w~ ROBINSON ____ a leoflo n gfven Bll'I of La d ng firafts, Ca h ano Time Items.  ~  53,000 Irving N .. N. Y.: Old OolonyTr. Oo., Bos.;Mer- ~ rill Tr. Co., .Banror. i,; 276,040 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. ;;  .Richmond ____ Ba2adahoc Aurusta Trust Co. ____ •fl'94 ------------------ ___________ Claude w. Town- ___________________ (Branch of A.uo mta} ___ -------- ------- Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. Pop. 1724 D 11 52-211 send, Mor. •Rock:land_. __ Knox E 11 Pop. 8109  C: I»  "'1  ecial Facilities for Handlin Your Maine Business ..  :. . ' ~  ,  . . . . . of Bau ill the New Tnmlt Namb• pveD ba U. 8. uclud'felJ by TIie Rand-HcNallJ' Banken' , llllder the autborltJ of The Amerlean Bankera Ass•n.  ••••  ~-  MAINE-Cont1·nued  -~_J.__  ?lion-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.n volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 10  (Savings Banks do not handle eolleetlons)  I  0 AND oomrrr. Nun: oF BANK. LIABILITIES. 1, RxsouRcES. PRINCIPAL OORRXBP0NDENTS. •Ooaa'7 Seats. •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te p v ICE- p RESIDENT. s Entire State in o.1 Ulem.State Bks. Assn. t Pr1v. RESIDENT. OASBill. Ass'T CA.SHIU. PAID-UP UR~US DEPOS- ~~-:,~~~ l!'ederal Rese"e District. ♦.Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. CAPITAL P:0FtTs ITS S110Uainu , uo"' n~x .. ~~~:!!'.!'.=..:-===~1._c......:_......:_..:...:_~.:.-='-~--";c.:_"l------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - -11-----1-----------------I .skowheran ___ Somerset FIRST IATIONAL BAH •!'25 0. R. Cook _ _ _ ---------------- B. W. Pi12e -------- L. H. Goldsmith ___ $ 150,000 283,700 1$1481210 , 1863 640 !$ 107,970 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: ,th St. N., Pop. 5981 D9 52-113 Phil.  Tow•  iu--::.~~t~.  SkowheEan Sa.v. Bank --t1'69 B. W. Page ________ -------------------- 0. P. Merrill, Tr. __ R,E.Symons,A.Tr. _ __ 52-11'  lz~m Co. --•!I'll J. R. KcClellan ____ E. F. Danforth---- R. 11:. Attwood, Tr. ----------------  50,000  53,330 1,112,000, 1,171,380  lolltllBenrick-York B u south Berwick Savings & Tr. E. A. Stevens ______ W. I. Cummings ___ O. B. Wentworth, 1_________________ _ Pop. 2955 Co, _______ 52-1'9 _______ .§"17 0. H. Wentworth Tr. f  100,000  I 1,118,010 1.243,250  .SOath Jlaris_Oxford BU IParis Trust Oo. ---------•1'08 Perley F. Ripley __ L. L. Mason _______ Irving 0. Barrows, J. Hasting Bean, Pop.1793 52-170 Tr. Sec.  50,000,  ..  -----  ..  ISkowheean  67,090  1  -  l,rfDrvaJe ____ York B 13 Sprinrvale National Bk. •!'05 R. N. Stiles ________ D. II. Johnson ____ H.B. Rowe ________ W. P. Feri:uson __ _ Pop. &000  ,  52-214  42,270 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos,; Fidelity Tr. Co., Port. 36,520 Merch. N., Bos.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.  I  South Paris Sav. Bank-•U'73 J. Hastinrs Bean_ -------------------- G. ll. Atwood, Tr. _________________ ~~  150,000 1st N., Skowheean.  250,000' 3,400,000 3,600,000  H. S. Rowe  8tock1.on Sprinrs __ Waldo Stockton SprinEs Tr.Oo,-•1'06 H. R. Hlchboro ___ 0. N. Taylor _______ S.B.M.errithew, Tr. A. M.. Ames, Sec, __ Pop. 1100 l!' 10 52-215 'l'bomu1.on ___ Knox E 11 iGeorees National Bank ____ '52 R. 0. Elliot_ ______ R. E. Dunn ________ L. 8. Levensaler ____________________ _ Pop. 2019 52-159 " ________ " Thomaston National Bank w. G. Washburn __ T. S. Singer _______ F. H. Jordan______ ____________________  32,730  .  30,420  750,590'  726,760  584,560  > 7,110 Ouco Mtle. Tr, Co .. Port; Paris Tr. Co., So. ::;:  607,870  50,000  65,580 1,S04,140 1,827,420  25,000  10,860 1 157,620  181,070  65,000  23,490  209,940  I  103,160  s:  100,080 Irvinr N,, N. Y.; 1st N., Port. Paris.  99,560 N. Shawmut,  '4  t1J  Bo■ •  tt,  z>~  7,320 Kerrill Tr. Oo., Baniror. 23,070 N. Shawmut,  (/l  B01.  I  50,000 40,080 597,860 549,820 56,780 Liberty .• N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Fidelity ~ 52-1110 •U820 Tr. Co., Port. ____ ____ Thomaston Savinrs Bk._t1'70 Levi Sean:, __________________________ J. W. Strout, Tr,__ _________ _________ _ _ _ 0~ 34,000 604,900 683,040 16,490 Georges N., Thomaston. 52-lCl <; Union---------Knox E ll lSecurity 'I rust Co. _____ §'20 ___________________________ J. II. Williams, _________________ (Branch of Rockl and, Me. ) _____ ------ N. Shawmut, Bos. ::r Pop. 1133 52-246 Mgr. t, Unlty ________ Waldo E 10 Waldo Trust Oo. _________ 1'12 ________________________ B. A. B'OEr, Mgr. _ _______________ (Br<meh of Beita st, Me.)_ ------- 1st N., Bos. ~ ..  I  ..  ~m  ~  VanBuren, Aroostook H 2 First National Bank -----•'14 L, V. Thibodeau ___ John J. Plourde ___ ,. Pop. 4594 ,. 52-235 • , P. Therriault ______ Van Buren Trust Oo. ___ I 05 P.O. Keenn _______ J.11'. Theriault ____ 52-2111 Vinal Haven __ Knox l!' 11 Security Trust 00. -------1'05 ________________________________________ Pop. 1965 52-217 Waldoboro _Lincoln E 11 Y:edomak National Bank•t"33 Alfred Storer ______ II. II. Kuhn ________ Pop. 2426 52-218 Wureo _______ Knox 11: 11 Security Trust Co·-------1'07 ____________ ___________________ Pop. 1500 52-219 Wuhburn_AroostookG 3 Washburn Trust Oo,-----•'20 Andrew J. Beck ___ Geo. R. Umphrey_ Pop. 1870 62-245 Waterville ____ Kennebec Kennebec Trust Oo , ___ •U'l2 0. N. Perkins _____ E. R. Jones ________ .. Pop. 13,351 D 10 52~7 ________ " Peoples National Bank -•i'65 G. U. Arerill ______ Frank L. Besse ___ 52~5 •• Ticonic National Bank-•tl814 Geo. K. Boutelle __ J. D. Taylor ______ 52~4 Waterville Sav. Bank: --•U'69 E.W. Heath _______ --------------·----52~6 Weatbroot __ Qumberland Westbrook Trust Co·----1'90 Lemuel Lane ______ Philip Dana _______ Pop. 9435 B 12 52-220 Weat Buxton __ York B12 Buxton&Hollis Sav. Bk:.U-68 F. H. Hareraves ___ E. A. Hob on _____ Pop. 881 . 52-221 Wlltoo _____ Frank:lln O 10 Wilton Trust & BankinE Co. 11' • .A. Rmery ______ G. Il'. Goodspeed ___ Pop, 2505 52-226 •ts:12 1!'. O. Goodspeed Wlnt.lU'op _____ Kennebec Aueusta Trust Oo, ______ •I 97 ____________________ -------------------Pop. 11)02 D 11 52-223 wtac.asaet _Lincoln D 11 f,incoln County Trw t o. A. K. O&rd ________ W. D. Patterson ___ Pop. 1Hl2 fi2-173 •. •17 Is. J. Sewell York TUlace __ York B u York County Tru t Co. •t ·02 Jo:-. W. Simpson __ F. D. farshall _____ Pop. 1100 5Z-z2,r1'"11a■• J.• P. Bragdon 1  A. A. Cyr__________  ------------------l  •  25,000  --------1  H.K. Bradbury, Sec. and 'l'r. L. W. Sanborn, ______ Mor.  13,000  400,000  50,000  97,000 1st  S00,000 I  r.:  T,,  S  •  30.360 530,590 401,200 170,760 Irvmir N., N. Y,; Liberty Tr. Oo., Bos. 1 , (Branch 1of Rockt and, Me. ·) ________ - - - 1st N .. Bos.; Secur. Tr. Oo .. Rockland.  ·------------1  H. H. Kuhn ______ M.. I. Richardson__ 60,000 25,200 506,000 569,540 75,630 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Port. N., Port, G.D. Gould, Mor,- __________________ (Branch of Rockt and, Me. ) ________ - - - - 1st N., Bos. E.W. Higi:ins, Tr._  o. K. Story, Sec,__  50,000  Charles W. Viiue,  ______________  100,000  Tr.  12,500 _______________ 4th-Atlantic N .• Bos. 88,000 1,800,000 1,700,000  200,000  ' Chas. McGann _____ J.M. Bridges______  100,000  49,000 2,524,950 2,078,110  A. II'. Drummond. ___________ ____  289,210 3.182,340, S,309,810  Sec. and Tr,  W. M. Lamb, ___________________ 50,000 ec. and Tr. Oyril P. Harmon, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -----Tr.  0  ..,0< ~  ~_ ;"  287,410 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.: Fidelity 1111 Tr. Oo., Port. n 110,260 l,713,360l l,937,690 1 28C,760 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. and Bos.  W. A. Knauff______ ___________________  52,390 1,939,860 1.879,000 36,540  359,520  386,430  I  493,9Q0 Irvin£ N., N. Y.; 4th•Atlantic N., Bos.: N. Com'l, .Alb. 111,740 Peo, N. and Ticonic .• Waterville.  163,200 Chase N,, N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 8,940 Port. N., Port.  'D>  E. H. Morison. Tr. G. G. Fernald, Su. 25,000 60,000 1,350,000 1,450,000 50,000 Irving N., N. Y.; First N., Bos.: Fidelity Tr. ::, G.A.far~um, A.Tr. ,I Co .• Port. C: M. W. W1swoll, __________________ (Branch of Auou sta, Me.) - - - - - - N. Shawmut, Bos. s» Mor. I .., W. C, Day, Tr. ____ E.W. MorriJL____ 60,000, ld,080 540,900 542,500 31,130 :'.\let. Tr. Co .. Bos. ~ A. K. Bra~don, Tr. R. E. P. Bragdon. 1 R. A. Leavitt. A,Tr. 1 . A.~TPr■  80,000 j  70,640 1,142,400 1,288,590  ............"91  52,100 N. Shawmut, Bos.  1  Send Your maun~ nus1ness To THE PU RllANU NA IIU NAL BANK, PORTLAND, MAINE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ...  Bos.  •  1  :. ~  .1 .  ii···;' '''  :~ ~-r.. ,  ~~'  BAL Tl MORE MARYLAND and the SOUTH Efficiently covered by the  DROVERS AND MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE ESTABLISHED 1875  RESOURCES  $1 s.000.000.oo  We Solicit Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, and Individuals and refer to our many and rapidly increasing number of correspondents as to the quality of our service.  Our Collection Service is Unsurpassed We make personal presentation. Remit day i tern is paid; or. if unpaid, notify you at once, giving reason for non&.payment.  Unexcelled Facilities For Handling GRAIN and BILL OF LADING DRAFTS WE INVITE CORRESPONDENCE AND PERSONAL INTERVIEWS  ROBERT D. HOPKINS ............. President HEYWARD E. BOYCE ........ Vice-President LESTER WALLACE ............ Asst. Cashier EDWIN P. HAYDEN ................ Cashier W. MURRAY WATERS ......... Asst. Cashier Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  HOME  YORK CITY  ESTABLISHl! D SINCE 1899 WITHOUT CHANGE IN MANl:.GEMEN T F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P.A. (N. y.), PRHIOENT  CHIGAQO  Sc11tAHTON  BosToN  PMILADl:LPH14  ATLANTA  WAsH1NeToN,  RICHMOND  MU.WAUKEK  BALTIMOftE  NEW  LONDON,  E.  Statem ents. prepar ed for Banks show= ing the Financ ial Condi tion of Custo mers desirin g Credi t  N . ....  WALDORF-ASTORI A.  PUBLIC ACCOUN TANTS OFFICE: 100 BROADWAY NEW  D. C.  0flL£ANS  c ..  ENG.  Maryland.  18  ,INDEX  19  26  27  28  TO  COUNTIES. Allegany ... J 7 Anne Arundel. ..... F 16  A Baltimore .. C 15 Baltimore City .... D 15 Calvert .... J Caroline ... G Carroll ..... B Cecil ...... B Charles .... J  16  B  22 12 21 13  Dorchester K 20  C  Frederick .. C 10 Garrett ..... K 3 Harford ... B 18 Howard ... E 13  D  Kent ...... E 20 Montgom-  ery ...... F  11  E  Prince GeorgCA .• H 14 QueenAnnesF 21  F  St. Marye .. L 16 Somerset .. M 22 Talbot ..... I 20  BAY  Washington . A 6 Wicomico .. L 24 Worcester . M 26  1  10  11  12  15  16  27  28  G  aooD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Citizens National Bank FOUNDED 1849  BALTIMORE - - $ 2,000,000 Capital - Surplus and Profits 6,000,000 - - - 21,000,000 Deposits OFFICERS Wm. H. O'Connell, Chairman of Board Albert D. Graham, President Edward L. Robinson, Vice President Edward J. Lucke, Vice President Joseph Oberle, Cashier Frank M. Dushane, Asst. Cashier Charles K. Hann, Asst. Cashier Harry E. Ford, Asst. Cashier  DIRECTORS WM. H. O'CONNELL SPENCERL. CARTER ALBERT D. GRAHAM JOHN S. GIBBS, JR. A. LESLIE LEWIS NORMAN JAMES MORTON SAMUELS WALTER HOPKINS JAMES A. GARY, JR. , KEY COMPTON EDWARD L. ROBINSON . JOSEPH OBERLE 1  AMPLE CAPITAL WIDE BANKING CONNECTIONS EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT YOUR SOUTHERN BUSINESS INVITED  f!nJ  ~  NamlMr aader Name of Bank i• the New Tramft Number civen &o e&oh bank in u. a. e:1cJu11Yely by The Band-McNally Bankers• Dtnetory, und~! t~e authority of The American Bankers•n.  I  I  I  Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest Banking romt un7 BALTIMQRE (Baltimore City D 15)--Population ' 33•826 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ c· volume. For Interest Rate , Holidays, etc., see Laws. eaerve 1ty ()lra!leh Federal &eae"e Dlstrle! No. 5)  F=  \  NilllC OJ' BANK.'T 01-SBID. O.lSRIEB., VICR-PRJCSIDlr.NT. p &SIDDT •Kan. Am. Bks. Assn. ISta:te . • R Ulem. State Bk:s. A.ssn. tPriv. l I [Estab. •. llem. Fed. Res. A.merican Bank __________ -•1'72 O. R. Evans ________ J. Edward Duker __ \A.. L. Go112h ------ ----------------• . ♦ 7-11 (i2C-526 8. Broadwa:,) S. K. Smith, Ch. nf\ Bd. A.merican Rx. & Bav. Bk,-•1'12 F. w. Schanze _____ Edw. Hottes ____ w. L. Saumemg ___ .Karl 1ost - - -  R  S  ! LIABILITIES. PAID-UP StraPLua INDIVI»- DmPoa1Ta Lo.ura& "•PITAL  $  '  u.u.  OJ'  1 AND PBoFITs ID111Poarre  BAN1ta  Dia.-  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES. l\hacJDLBoNDa.  SlDcUBI-  LANEovs RzsotrnOJ:s  coUMT11 TDDB, mTO. RllsouBCEs  ~  s» """ '.:<  _ 57,150 S 628,380 Irvin~ N., N.Y. 36 320 72,440 ChaseN.,N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt.,Balt. ,  6,610 S 2,512,390 S 1,187,820 $ 300,000 S 234,780 S 3,220,240 S 550 32 680 100 000 346,510 630, 953,080 --------, ,  '° !:::  223,660 1,363.430 Han. N., N. Y.: Union Tr. co., Chi.: 319,000 275,090 5,965,120 ---------- 6,265,440 750,000 ~~iee~~i::r~~i/ir".!fi\slGwYnn Crowther-- Robt A. Wel h _____ \C· W. Katenkamp. C. M. Lanca:ter___ Phil. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Adams~ W.H.Ewalt:cA,Cash1A. • 7-08 (Pratt & Market Pl.) IR.A.Diggs,A.toPr. \ IWILLIAM ltlGLE----- C. BRADLEY HAYf.S- H. G. TURPIN, Tr. -- H. N. LEEKE, &c.__ City and Han. N., N. Y.; Phil. 2,695,500 N.N.,Phll. 785,260 _ 6,644,490 _ 10,187,510:_ 13,896,920 _______ 2,359,530 _ 1.000,000 _ EN,JR., C. D. FENHAG A. W. MASON ALLEN _ _ A.Sec .• _ Tr. R. L. GRAFFLIN, G.ROYMUELLE.R (3Branches)  c,-  BALTIMORE TRUST\ COMP lftl  Comn ercial Banking, Foreign Exchange. Bond, Savings and Trust Departments.  •t1·10 • 7~r, (2i K. Baltimore)  MEM BER FEDERAL  RESERVE SYST EM.  •  PROMPT RETURNS ON COLLECTIONS.  =:==  ------1A.  104,530 710,870 ~ 529,250 H .•OarrilJ _______ ~ ~ O 1,284,600 Bank of Hampden _______ .n·10 R. P. Simpson _____ E. C. Timanus _____ ,J. W. Backer E. H. Appleby C. fl:. Ben.on 7-81 (Roland Ave. & 36th) 58,540 34,960 543,350 395,110 ____ 085,140 46,550 Broadway Savings Bank.•t§'65 G. F. M. Hauck ____ Mar10n K. Burch -- C. C. Rabbe, Tr. ___ J • .A. Damm, A. Tr. C. C. Rabbe 7-55 (206 South Broadway) 1 501,550 204,970 3,678,960 2,395,040 ____ 6,529,150 144,360 100,000 Calvert Bank ___________ •ill000tW • 0. Paee ________ J. H . .l-'resion _____ W. H. Dashiell ____ L. J, Lubbehu en Richard Gwinn (4 Branch.ell•) 7-75 (Howard and Saratora) ,J. • Town end 240,000 470,000 ---------75,000 2,000,000 _ _ _ _ 1,600,000 100,000 R. Kendiir ------ M. R. Bramble _____ ---------------Canton National Bank----•i·o2 F. A. Doltleld _____ (3201 Elliott) 7~7 1 559,550 235,050 2,388,630 7,267,700 1,148,990 9,321,930 __________ Central Savings Bank ____ et§'54 Wilton Snowden ___ Miles White, Jr, ___ J. D. Garrett, Tr. __ HnghSimms, A.Tr. B.F.Kenney, A.Tr. 7-53 (Charles and Lexineton) 1 103,800 865,000 --------435,000 60,800 1,327,000 _________ 50,000 Ohesa1)6ake Bank --------•it'll J, M. Holland _____ W. A. Frey-------· J. H. Dor ey _______ P. , lien,eL_____ _ __ - ~ - ______ --~- ___ ___ _ IM. n. Delchcr _ __ Wm. E. Ronn 7-H (Ellamont and No. Ave.)  I  lo.  *C IT I zENS  Liberty N., N. Y.; N. Ex .. Balt. 2d N., Baa.  Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. ~ ;::::: N., Phil. 1.  >  Han: N., N.Y.: 1st N., Ohl.: N. ShawZ mut. Bos. Ilan. N., N. Y.: N. Union Bk. or Md. t:, and Citiz. N., Bait. Han. N., N.Y.: N. Bk. of Bait. and tlJ Equitable Tr. Co., Bait.  >  z  A. 0. GRAl4AM -------E, L ROBINSON------JOSEPH OBERLE ____ f. M. DUSHANE-----~ C. K. HANK WM. H. O'CONNELL, E. J. LUCKE 212,000 6,863,050 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., C/l 2,000,000 6.067,770 14.129,380 5,378,530 19,522,000 5,514,000 H. E. FORD Ch. 0 f Bd. - - - - - - - - ~;!i.;N~~;ttcom'IN •• Chl.1 We make a specialty of Southern collections.  NATIONAL BANK  I  2'  _P_P_OS_I_TE_._ _ _ _P_ OF_ M_A_R_YL_l_N_D_O _D_V_ER...,..T_1s_E_M_E_I_T_o_1_M_A _E_E_A Pratt) •i· 491_ _ _s  7-a (Hanover & Citizens Savings Bank ___ •t§'78ICbarles Spilman ___ Wm. Spilman ______ Wm. pilman, . . 7-59 (Baltimore and Eutaw) James P. Reese.Tl·. City Savings Bank--:-----•t1'72\J. K. Rusk, Jr, ____ Lewis C. Hice ______ Wm. E. Clayton, Src. . 7- 57 (Gay and High) t§•941J. A. Gebelern ----- Henry Rapp _______ J. s. Taylor_ ------1L. F. Glantz, Tr,___ Cl¾~l~n  Tr·--1-------------------- - - -  srrlol~~~~~f ____  OoJouial Trust Oo. --------•1'08 J. H. Ferruson ---. I 7~8 (5 \Y. Saratoga) Commerce Trust Co. _______ §•10 v. G. Dunmngton_ 7-102 (Fidelity Bldg.) 1 commercial Savings Bank.•§·IO,IIarry Cohen-----7-88 (925 Ji~. Baltimore) COMMONWEALTH BANK-•U'04 James R. Wheeler_ 7-72 (Howard and Madison)  300 000 Webb Levering, L. T. Anpold _____ C.H. Gerbig, • See. and Tr. A. ee. and.A.. Tr. W. G. Bo\ydoin, Jr. 750,000 T. H. Everett, W. F. Smith _______ E. E. Kershaw, Sec. and Tr., A. fles. and A. Tr. W •. J?. Bahn Ph1hpMareosin ____ Harry Cohen, ec. Isaac Bornstein.Tr. ---------William Cohen, A. Sec. Isaac ~1. Cohen 200,000 Georre Yaket__ ___ .A.. J · Grape ________ j\V. II. Billingslea__ Andrew C. Snyder ,  69,060 -  4,260,310 -  287,610 1st N., N.  Y.: Western N.,  Bait.  376,080  5,890,070 - - -  1,640,170  8,500  396,590 __________  82,460  305,160  12,220  30,000 1,100,000 -------- -------- -  1,032,000  20,000  586,570 1,011,440  146,160  146,910 N. Oib', N. Y.  1 240 080 ' ' 80,750  184,510  384,790  2,469,830  1.736,060  694,430 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Citiz. N., and N. Ex., Bait. 50,110 N. City, N. Y.; Far. j: Merch .... , Bait. 501,150 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N .. Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Ex., Bait.  95,300  1,463,710 __________  240,250  962,280  20,860  247 040  169,290  4,406,040  1  '  94,390 ---------  4,940  5,240 Old Town N .. Bait. 78,000 Chase N .• N. Y.  189,620 _________ _ 153,220  S. D. WARFIELD-- W. J. CASEY -------F. C. DREYER, Tr._JAS. S. MILLER,  J. A. WHERRETT, CONTINENTAL S pee I a I a tten ti on g I ven collections. Remitted for at lowest rates. TRUST Co • •H'OO ~teirest paid on dally balances. o - - - -- ------- { P RAL BOYCE ·. P'. HAYti~\H------ W. M. WATERS------ H. C. SCHNEPFE-~--· *DROVERS & MECH Hn: o:E HOPKINS-,-~ ~ ~---------- ~ ESlER WALLACE Tr. Officer  A.. Tr.  1,350,000  1  _  7_7 (Calvert and Baltimore)  •  NATIONAL BANK  1,667,690 8.017,000 ----------  ____ _ _ _ 1  of  111111111  PLEASE  3,277,000 ICbNaseyN: ., •• • on •• anUdnlEquTrltablCeoTr.CCbol.: • Mias. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.  USS,000 3,661,000 - - - - -  _ _ _ _  - - - - f - - - - i--  ~  Bd. • Ch. . f mt· d d . th h 8 e ave 1ftn~1rt:~f:gD8::.'ris':!S~the~s~~ei~li~~~e~,r~ifl~~•oryservice.  w  \  _  7-Z0(Kutaw and Fayette)•i•75 Personal presentation and prompt remittance. ieasons given for non-paymenL ,.... .,..... ,..,.... . ., . , . . ~ ~. ..-. ~ olltinucd on nextpMe) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  !:::iJ  .:a. > :-0  _  --  ,  576,680 , 3,025,580 CbaseN., IrvlngN., Guaranty Tr: Co., and Bkrs; Tr. Co •• N. Y., 4,121.590 Cont. & Com I N. and N. City, Chl.;FrankllnN.,Phll. READ OUR ADVER TISEMEN TON MA RYLAND INDEX.  I  I j  ------------  --  ---  :; ;;• .;;J  ~ C't  BALTIMORE-COn t·lllUe d - R eserve  ., llaak la tb N w Tranalt Number dven U. 8. uelualHIJ by The lland-MeNallr Bankers' uad• ib.!_ •~horltr or The A~_!.~anke~ AH'n.  NAJI■ or BANL •Jlem • .Am.Bk1.A11n. 18\atel l)(i>m.8tatf!Bt .Aun. tPriv. 1 (Estah. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res,  PRESIDENT.  I  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I  (Branch F~eral Rf'at>n~lstrl~t~No.  OA'JBIEB,  EOi ITIBLE TIIST CO.- •U'lS E. B. Jeffery ------ /R. W. Alexander __ H. L. Pope, )-ti (C&lvertand fuette)  (Branch at How- R. L. Williams ard and Fa11ette C.R. Evans O.H.Buck Sts.•)  Sec.and Tr.  ASS'T CASHIER.  Chas.Fisher,  A. ec. and A.Tr. '  PAID-UP  c  PIT L  A  A.  c·t1 Y  6)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln• de.xed Accos.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of thi Cit volume. For Inter~t Rates, !folldaysLe~~ s~~w • ~  Hicsou1wF.s. 1 L1uuL1 n 1£~. M1srm1~ IHDITU>- 1D•POIIIH L O ~ O N D S ,  SURPLUS A .'D  tU.L  ~I:!!_ D••o111n  or  B•MJte  1'  D111-  couwTS  In•••~ s.cua1-  LAN111ooa R111 ooac11  .P1t1 ~c1Pu  CoR1t.1tSP0ND.1tNTd,  CA;;-H  8  504,750 3,433,760 .Mech. & Metals N. and Guaranty Tr. Co .. N.Y.: N. Bk. Hep., Chi.:Girard ., Phil.,Liberfy Cent. Tr. Oo., t.  1386! 350  1,250,000  I  ,~1 _____________1 IR  J.B. Jes:op,A . •~ec a11cl A.Tr. D. . Ride:ely, L. A.,._ec.a11cZA.Tr.C.J.IIanzlik,A.Tr, 1 252,300 2,173,560 Eutaw savings Bank _____ •tl'47 W. ll. Hayden ____ F. G. Evans ___ F. G. Evans, Tr. __ F . .P. Whitcraft.Jr .• ------- 3,879,880 30,010,450 _________ 8,76-1.770 22,729,700 A. Tr. idsonLonl?,A.. Tr, 7-52 "4:utaw and Fv;ette) 49,950 1,418.830 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. 'l.; 4Z0,41l0 3,390,770 1,313,790 386,750 3,799,480 650,000 C. G. Osburn------ w. H. Gideon ----- J.E. Marshall_____ H. s. Dunn-------N. City, Chi.; Girard '.,Tra. N,, , (44Soulb) 17_7 Union N.,and 1st N, Phil.; Merch. N., Rich, Federal Land Bank--! Dist. 2 (For complete info rmation, see page 32) 1 {Fidelity Bldg,) !:II Fooeral H~ crve Bank of (Baltimore Branch , Federal Reserve Bank, of Richmond, Ya.) •• (For· com 1J lete i11f vrmation • see pagr 24) --.---- ________ ·------- ---------. ________ .• R1rhmond 7-27 Ha!}, and Co.,, Tr. 69,870 3,749,140 Chase N., Guaranty Geo. L. Mahler, Tr. 1,000.000 1,774,940 15,094,700 1,583,720 8 929 710 6 704 6-10 J. H. Beatson, FIIELITY TRUST COr.e·----:--•tl'05) Van Lear Black ____ W. B. Lowndes N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com l N., Chi.; ~ ' ' ' ' Y. P. and ec. . M. Hann 7-71 (Oharlesa_nd une:ton _________ ____ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ Girard Tr. Co., Phil. Wm. J. Fisher _____ Jos. O. Hands _____ R.H. Wilbur ______ Albert Wilbur .. -  *FAIMlfroiit dllfH~rii  > rS > .. Ex N. Com., Bk. N. Y.: 613,960 MN .. ?_{._ and C1i1z. N., Balt.  ~~(1~~~8:J:'cf~1:f~~U•g1  Hopkins Place8av. Bank_•tf'87 R. lrl. Rother_ _____ 7~ (7 Hopkin, Place) Bantiuldon Sa\~~R" s Bah)nk--l'll lG. Lloyd Ro1:ers ___ , 7-U . ( 22 I •, 25t 20) 0. L. Fuller---- ____ Indu!,'trial H!!,nk ---- --d--7-10., Cl'ent11111?ton an O 1n·er Lafayette 8tnk_----------- \~~ J. , Kal(' __________ 7 j • Bk.eir1~1tcounty ------+, A. C. Sru111k _ ♦  -.-*  <i%ve~~~  65 233  15  MARYLAND TRUST CO.  E. tanley Gary __ J, \Y. Reinhardt, Wm. F. Mahon, A. Tr, - - - Tr. J L Hildebrandt Hen~:,- Erdman---· H. L. Graehn ______ Jacob B. Hunt, Sec. _______ C. M.Trueheart, Tr. 186,870 E. Ei elt ... ________ Walter Du ·hane,Jr. Henry Witz, Jr·--E. f. Aclam __ ______ E.W. Adams ______ -------------------' \\' . :-'- llayllun Mutt u. _____ 1II. 11. Ramey ______ ____________ ____ ---Tht.!o, 1 1  'L. s. ZIMMERMAN ____ CARROLL YAN NESS ••• JERVIS SPENCER, JR., J.B. BIRD, Sec. and A. Tr. V.P. amd Tr. ROBERTSON G. W. COLLARS, GR,SWOLD, Y. P.  A • .:."cc, crncl A. Tr,  and 1'r. Ofllcer,  We Invite accounts or Banks, Trust Companies and others, large or smalI • Collectlons handled. Saving Department. Trust Department. o_ll_c l_t_ your Banking and Trust Buslne s. _e__ _ _ _ _ _W Jlercutile Bank _________ etf'OS James l'. Healy ____ W. L. Ooone:,- ______ , . li, llclfrich.----1K 0. Penniman___ 7-n 0201 W. Baltimore> Mercantile avings Bank •:!§'85 Wm. E. Tickner ___ V m. E. Byrd ______ T. J. Scherer, Ti·-- C. P. Ram say, 'cc. 7-100 (13-15 huilford Ave.) JOHN MC hENRY, Tr~ J.. It. S. POST------- WILTON SNOWDEN -- T. H. FITCHETT, •tl'94 • 7-71 (Calvert and Redwood)  I  J. R. WALKER F. G. BOYCE, JR  MERCANTILE  Sec. and A.. Tr .  C. I. REYNOLDS,  608100 13197 651 --------' ' ' 74 020 1,310 --------' "89 950 50,710 O  5,053,310  •  3 820 ' 2-11.760  7,969,250'  ---------· 66,000 193,5-10  ----------  5120 ' Cltiz. N., Balt. 1"0,"10 0 0  3,610  59,260  103,000  20,000  160,000 _________  216,470  25,000  9,220  558,140 --------- ·  532,1-10 __________ _________ _  25,360 C:uaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y,; N, Dk, Oum .. Dalt. 61,540 Drov, & Mech. N. , Balt.  ---•1- - -  606,710 ' 4,392.710 433.670 8,590,130 1,000.000 - - - -  100,000  li8,420  3,279,0 O __________  5,m,  19,290  331,880 __________  2,852,450  384.890 2.892.ZZ0  2,134,770 ll,Oti6,030 ~ 327, 20  2,690  4,980  293,440 Irvin£ N •• N. Y. 20,909 N. Bk. Com., Bait.  268,520 3,316,490 Chase N., and Guaranty Tr. Co., n N. Y,;Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. 0.  •  I  'l',. ____  U00,000  1-------------------- - ~ -  .....  2,277.910 18,398.6%0 11,587,980 19.051,010 5,491,H0 1.873.610 13.933,010 N. Bk. Com. Guaranty Tr. Co., D> - - - - and Bk.of 1heManhattanCo.,::, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Phll, N. ; and Girard N ., PhU. 01 775,000 - 5,002,620  === Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CHAt7~~RED  -  ~  1,438,720 3,8j(),210  310,850  168,8i0  Baltimore Bank, continu d ot, 1next paae)  THE NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE  ~  ~  - 1r- --1- _ ,-  Acts in all Trust Capacities. F.oreign Exchange and _ _ _ _____ ______ Bond Departments.  ---·-·\--------------------1.M. S. Haas,  3 o ri  r+  •t1'84 A BANK OF STRENGTH, CHARACTER AND SERVICE. 7-61 (Calver and Redwood) Accounts, Collections and Correspondence Invited.  lle1.ropolitan Savin rs Bk.•tl'67 0. 0. Shriver 7-68 CObarles and Saratora)  1  5'  COMPANY  (South & Water)  ~  g  - - - - - - - -- - ·--  A . Sec . and A .Tr.  JOHN B. RAMSAY_---- HENRY B. WILCOX----- S. W. TSCHUDL-- ----CHARLES HANN-----J.C.WANDS J.B.H.OUNN J. T. FLYNN Collections a specialty. Prompt attention given to Collections having bills of lading attached. Accounts solicited.  t, ti:,  >  Ny "" d N Bk c N • , • om., • ,; w ase · an N. !. Chi.; IN., N., Com PhD. Cont. a nd Bos.; ,... Phil. Shawmut, ...  Ch  DOUGLAS THOMAS,  A . Sec. J. R. CRUNKLETON, A. Sec. & A. Tr. 1,580.000 3.507.698 17,032,400 ---------- 10.854.280 7,600,790 A.' ec and A. Tr .  .MERCHANTS I NATIONAL BANK•t·oo 7-11 I  :Z:  cn  -- - - - - - -  - --- --- ---  E. M. SCHALL,  TRUST & DEPOSIT  169,200  5 620 1  OLDEST 'BANK IN MARYL.AND  -  '°  h:I  in teres, ....  Earnings of the banks came largely from Interest and discount, Mr. Williams said. ••a,1though a total ~-1:222~00 was obt¥cned f r o ~_ange aP<i co}:>.,  ~re~·t ~ -cha,~ges .;and--o·th ~r ·tnrsc·er-~ ,.,~-,,..._.,.,......,_,~••r r .w¥.'!-ll'f:i'...,,,...  4  laneous sources. ,<.red  '  off  by  the  $97,000,.000 from Collections Exchange, Etc. In a statement recently made by the Comptroller of the Currency the above figures were quoted as to National banks, only. The state and private banks probably earned as much or more. Are YOU getting your share of this vast sum ? Every bank advertising in this directory is sharing in it. Collections are naturally sent to those banks advertising the fact that they specialize in prompt collection service. Look over the bank list in this BLUE BOOK and see the thousands of banks that are awake to the possibility of making the collection department an income producer. The cost is insignificant when the returns are considered.  Let us tell you of the Success of Our Feeln-Advance System-It Pays OthersWhy Not YOU? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  The  National Exchange Bank B ltim re S ., Hop  d Liber  ta.  Baltimore, Md.  WALDO NEWCOMER, Preaident SUMMERFIELD BALDWIN, Vice-Preaident CLINTON G. MORGAN, Vice-Pruident PAUL A. SEEGER, Vice-President JOSEPH W. LEFFLER, Caahier WM. R. WEBB, Assistant Cashier  Y Fir t:  cond:  Third:  OU  H ULD E T 'R CT TIONAL E CHA G B  T  HE  K  Ample Capital and Resources. Officers who will give courteous attention to all customers, large or small.  A Board of Directors consisting of men who are not only prominent and able men, but who actually give close attention to its affairs.  Fourth:  We issue Letters of Credit, Travellers Checks, Buy and Sell Foreign Exchange.  · Filth:  Can you use this Department?  Collections under Official Supervision.  593 c,.:, (0  .Numb r under Name ol Bank is the ft. irinsh Numoer given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand•McNaJJy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. NA llfE. 0 1 BANK ".  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.  Ult>m. Bks. Assn. ♦Mem.  Fed. Hes.  *NATIONAL  IState t Priv. [Estab.  BANK  PRESIDENT.  I  I  VICE-PREsIDENT  .  ·  T. R. THOMAS----- JOHN SCHOENEWOLF  . d- R eserve c·t BALTIMORE- C 00 t lllUe 1Y _ <Branch Federal &et1ene District No. li) LIABJLlTIES.  CA.SHIER.  .Ass'T  OASBIJ:R.  P.uo-~ SUJtrLus IN1>1vro-  CAPITAL  AND tr.A.L PaonT9 D•ros1TS  1  w. J. DELCHER--- SNOWD~ riff____  DJCPos1Ts LoANs • OP DI&BANx.s couNTS  Non-Bank Towns 1'1th Nearest Banking Poltd (la-  dexed Acces.), Law)·e•, Law· (indexed) in back of thlo ._ volume. For Interes~ Rates, l.. lldays, etc., ee Laws.  b I'<  RESOURCES. PRINCIPALOORRES.PONDENTS. C BoNDs, M1scg1, S:U S11ctJ1U- LAm:ous R:11sounci:s l TIiis, mTc. R111sounc111s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •  -  ~--,---l,---------1___  TR. NR. AR VTEIR $ 1,500.000 $1,165.940 $13129 ODO $1,470,400 $14 007100 $ 3,45UOD $ 1.154.800 $3,261,200 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Cont. ~ • • - - - - - - - - &Com'IN.,Chl.; GlrardN., .... Oldest Bank in Maryland. Unsurpassed Collection Service. Phil. (BaltimoreandSt.Paul) •i1795 YOUR BUSINESS INVITED. ,-  7-lOf BALTIMORE  *NATIONAL BANK  You want SERVICE.  1  fftff~~ 01.R/J1~~~L-  EUGENE LEVERING-- 6 · H. BARNES------ J. W. OSTER--------  815.050 4,364.990 Bk. ofN. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; N. 1  1,200,000 1,950.310 11.323.830 __________ 19,57'1,860 1.245.500  We give it to you.  - - - - • - - -  City, Chi.; Franklln N., Phil.; 8t 1st N., • L. 1, 7-4 (26 South) •t'54 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1r.. ational central Bank--•t"68 A.11£11.St Weber-----\John P. Laube~ ___ ,Geo. F. Lan~ ______ E. Katenkamp_ 400,000 386,160 2,487,810 170,530 2,664,700 217,000 106,980 722,600 Ban. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .. Chi,; ~ 7-24 <!3-NltiA.mTorleOaNndABLolllday) - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -11- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rsr~·fos.Rich.; Uh St. N.. Phil .. WALDO NEWCOMER-- suM'i\rnl\B--J. LEFFLER ----WM. R. WEBB_____ I ..... PAUL A SEEGER Chase N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.;, t"'4 1 1 G. MORGAN 1,500,000 1,346,500 9,612.240 2,076,870 11,429.730 2.745,880 1,033,980 3.265.200  Of COMMERCE  Send your Baltimore Collections direct to us.  ,\V,  !~  w.  EXCHANGE BANK  7-16 •t'65 (Baltimore t., Hopkins Place, Hedwood and Lihi>rty Sts.)  *NATIONAL MARINE BANK 7-10  (33S.Gay)  •1810  C.  -  ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  1 John .M.. Litt12-----,•-------,1Yates PennlIIlan ___ Thomas F. Sh11ver  THE "B-L A~~J't~~~~~,k-JIMORE." 7-12 (3-ll East Fayette) •tl804  -  -  -  -  N:i~.san F.; N.Bk:boni!sti: ~  -  SEE ADVERTISEMEIT ON OPPOSITE PAGE.  *NAT'L UNION BANK P. L.GOLDSBOROUGH- J.E. BOISSEAU----- WALTER w. BEERS-- kEli. CfoVoMER----0 F MARYLAND  ~ont.di~r.m~INPb~r-1·istra1t1 r >  1 1 ----  YOUR BUSINESS INVITED.  1,000,000  Prompt attention to all Banking Matters entrusted to us. Our service will please you. Give us a trial.  7-76 (Lexington and Liberty l C. O. Richard on, Ch. of Bd. Pro-vident Savings Bank._•if'86 Elisha B. Perkins7~3 ( Howard and Saratoga> Safe Depasit & Trust Oo,_•if'64 J. J. Nelli~an ______ 7:--64 (13 South)  G. W. Walther  900,920 5,058.080 1,873.970  -  *OLD TOWN NATIONAL BANK JacobW. Hook ____ Henry o . .Hedue ___ F. M. Miller _______ ------------------7-17 <Hu and Exeter) •t'58 PARK BANK - ----------•t§l900 Web ter Bell ______ John P. Baer ______ H. G. Au tin------ Chas.H. Taylor____  ___ ___ ___ _  i t:Jj  __  400,000 300,230 3,144,270 105,880 2,525,920 802,080 249,-tiO ll35,260 Imp. & Tra. N., Mech. & Metals ·.,, _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ andBk.oft_heManhatt11:nco.,N.Y.; 1 1 N. Oity, Ohi.; 1st N., Phil.  -  350,000  227,ll60  200,000  ll2,510  -  6,018,460 2.104,760  -  -  1.174,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Park, Ban.  150,000  -  -  z> 1,r4  'tn N.,: I 1  2'  t!~•1eaJ:. ~ii1~· lhi1.c;~tan~ Ex. N., Phil.; N. Shaw• _ _ _ _ _ _ Corn mot, Bos. , :t. 2,754,930 3,006,380 4 6,430 50,000 833,920 N. Bk. C~m., N. Y.: Corn Ex.. N., Chi. 3 ~ an~ Phil.; 1st N., St.L. 0 2,008,310 __________ 1.515,500 693,320 31,,llO 236,700 N. C~cy, N. Y:: N. Bk. Com., Bait.:-'"' Phil. N ., Phil. ·n I 9,500,000 _ ________ 2Jl9,350 3,618,880 __________ 168,430 Cent. Union Tr. Co .. N. Y.: N. Union _ Bk. of Md. and Merch. 1 '., Bait. , , " _________ 9,220,550 3,338,330 3,372,510 2,749,510 4,352,780 U. S. Tr. Co .. N. Y.  _-====:  I  ►  James Oarey. Jr. ___ Chas. C. Duke, Tr. __________ ______ __ _____ 350,450 Lemuel T. Appold J. W. Marshall.. ___ R. L. Miller_ ______ A. 0. Gibson. Sec. 1,200,000 2,923,430 A.. P. Spamer G. B. Gammie, Tr. Wm. R. Hubner, Tr. Funds l ,... A. Sec. .... 8t.James8avin1rsBank __ .i1•1sGeorreJ.Thaler_ E.J.Gallaeher _____ J.FredBaur,Tr. __ -------------------51.040 1,117,670__________ 352,950 · 749.180 5,200 61,390 ,·::? 7~0 (411 East Baltimore) ... llavines Bk. of Baltimore •ins C. C. Bomer, Jr. ___ S. . McKim _______ Thomas Cradock __ J. K. Steuart.A.Tr, 3,565,480 42,717,910 _________ 1j 4,265,lliO 38,167,730 1.090,590 2,759,080 Chase N .. N. Y.; Merch. N., 2d N., tt 7-fil (Charles and Baltimore) W.B.Conklinr. F. A. Hoffman, Tr. and N. Ex., Balt. Q. Ch. of Bd, *SECOND NATIONAL BANK•i•a2 Charles C. Homer, W. E. Waener _____ D. J. Emich ______ ___________________ 500,000 l,31l4,300 3,112,100 618,500 Chase N.,N.City, and Chatham& Phe• 460,800 370,300 I 4,973,100 1,461,100 7-6 (432 South Broadway) Jr. nix N .. N. Y.: Corn Ex.. N., Chi.; 4th St.N .• Phil. Security Storage& Tr. Co.•tf'94 Henn S. Kinr _____ .M. 0. Fenton ______ O. J. HamiJton,Sec. Geo . .M.Bucher, Tr. 135,820 Citiz. N. and N. Ex., Bait. 231.660 200,000 143,000 685,060 151l,030 831,520 - - - 7-71 (13-lll North Ave. West) C. J. Hamilton TITLE GUARANTEE & A.G. Towers----- C. A. Fairbank, Jr. G. M. En~Iar, Tr. Alex Kinnaird, 427,360 536,120 Equitable Tr. Co.,N. Y.; 1st N.,Phil. 457,670 2,288,700 3,954,150 200,000 375,720 5,581,250 TRUST COMPANY O. 0. Ellis, A. . Smith J. H. Duncan. Src. A. Sec, and A. Tr. 7-62 (Title Bldg.) •U'l3 Asst. to Pres. \V. S. Seipp B. H. Heath, A. Tr. J.M. Brandt, J. D. Downe , V,-P. T, B. Mar hall A. Sec. and A, Tr, J. H. Dunran. V.-P. 1 J_O_H_II-M.-DE-N-NIS----M-AU_R_ICE-H-.G-RA-PE---JO-SH-UA_S_.D-EW-,-.-.0-.P-EI-RS-ON- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  UNION TRUST  g  co.  W. GRAHAM BOYCE Sec. Tr. 500,000 Banking In all Its Bl'anches. T. C. THATCHER, Collections a Specialty. .A. T1·. 7~9(0harles & Fayette) •tf'981 - - - - : - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  OF MARYLAND  BrtUimnre Bn'Tlkit crmtim1.ed nn next pnael  THE NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  547,580  8.237.160 1,305,760  -  -  6,099,040  -  ----!------ ---  CHAt7~~REO  7'18,740 2,833,100 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co.,  1,260,880  -  -  -  N. Y.; Int'I Tr. Co •• Bos.; Bk. of No. America, Phil.  - - - 1 - - - -:  OLDEST BANK IN MARYLAND  . ,.  594  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  .I  I  ~7,uo,Bm. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State i Mem. StateBks. Assn. tPriv.  r.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  BALTIMORE-Continued-Reserve City (Branch Federal Reserve District No. LIABILITIES.  5)  p A.ID-UP Sull~UB . IN:1r10- DEP o:IT8 Lo.A.NB &  BONDS.  U'l ~  MISCEL-  CASH PR1a3IDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. OASH1ER. ASS'T CASHIER. Dts0 SECURI• 1 LANmous RESOURCES CAPITAL PBOl"ITB IDEPOBITB BANKS OOUNTS TIES, JDTC, RESOURCES Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. 11,000 $- 78,000 Irvinf N. and N. City. N. Y.: .Merch, est Baltimore Bank ____ •:U'll G. Edward Reahl __ ,John Strohmer ----IA, C. MonteJL _____ IJ. G. Dabrasky ____ $ 100,000 $61.,240 $1,099,100 $ 668,740 $ 522,860 $ w7-80 (Pratt and Payson) Henry Buchsbaum t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N., Balt. C. E. RIEMAN ------ F. H. BURNS-------- WILLIAM MARR1gn, e. ~ SNiWOEH ---JOHN L SWOPE V.-P. and ash. THO AS • EWALT 500,000 2,313.300 Am. Ex. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; 594,500 U23,710 $1,792,790 4,515.360 881.800:~ N. City, Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Situated In the heart of the Commercial District, this Bank ls Penn N ., Phll.; l\Ierch. N ., Rich. splendidly 1:!l::~W1l!.~~ess In the I  •  *WESTERN NATIONAL BANK  :.1.1::re::i  I  I  ===  -  I  1-1, (1' North Eotaw) •i•35 westport Bank_________ et§'17 C. G. Hilgenberg __ J. H. Kramer ______ J. G. B. Moore _____ ----------------  25,000 65-248 (Maryland Ave.) Jtimore Olearmf House _____ Waldo Newcomer C. E. Rieman ______ W. W. Beers, Mor. J. E, Boisseau, Sec. __________ Ba (Mtmi,btrB indicated b'JI <! *) .  -  ----1-- ----1-- ---  -  19,080  -----. ·-  275,000 1__________  125,000  120,000 ----------  85,000 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Cent., Balt.  ---------,-------------- ---1---- ------1----- ---- ---------I  ~  > :;Cl  PRIVATE BANKS AND SELECTED LIST OF INVESTMENT DEALERS NAltE.  •Kem. A.m. Bks. Assn. 1Mem. Inv.l Bks. Assn.  LOCATION.  :1:Mem. State Bks.Assn.  R. LANCASTER WILLIAMS &CO.,t,  Investment Securities  I  Noa:. +Private Banking.  LOCATION.  j  HARTMAN & C0., I n-c.  (Incorporated)  ~  i  Bankers ROBERT GARRETT &SONS JInvestment 'II Eatabliahed 1840  .  INVESTMENT SECURITIES  Trust Funds, Savings Banks or Individual Investors.  Orders executed in this and other markets promptly.  EQUITABLE BUILDING  z>  LOCATION.  7-101  U. S. Government and Municipal Bonds, Corporation  wm submit carefully prepared offerings for  Baker, Watts & co.•:1:1 7-97-________ Calvert and German.  NAllE,  r  ..,<  Securities. We Invite correspondence and solicit offerings of Sound Investment Propositions. Southern Issues a Specialty. Members Baltimore Stock Exchange. Transact a general BankIng business. Orders for Bonds and Stocks executed in all Markets.  t,  tD  >  z~ lr.Jl I  tD  ~ ....  s·  GARRETT & SONS,ROBERT•:1:~U-101'40 South and Redwood.  .---------------------~ 0 '"1  Bernstein, Oohen & Co.•t(Home Bank) Hanover and Lombard. 7-85  Brooke, Stokes & Co. (Bankers).•t,'13 102 St. Paul St.  •:t,  'll'20 (C •G, Collings, Manager)  Hambleton & Co.  Cassatt & CO,------------------~-- 1'72 4 St. Paul St.  Howard & Co .• John D. :1:1 _____ Garrett Bldf,  FISHER & SONS, J. HARMANUS-•:l:-if '71  JENKINS WHEDBEE & POE :l:---'08 8 South.  NELSON, GOOK & CO. •n MEMBER  BALTIMORE STOCK EXCHANGE.  Specialists in State of Maryland and City ~f Baltimore issues; also in Maryland Counties and Municipal Bonds. Offerings Solicited. Dealers in GENERAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  7-90 _________ '65 10 South Calvert.  Investment Securities. Members Baltimore Stock Exchange. Inquiries Invited regarding local stocks and bonds.  LEACH & CO. INC., A. B.  -,r______  203 Maryland Trust Bldf, (See Adv. Page 5)  Lowndes &Red.wood• ________________ 208 E. Redwood.  NATIONAL CITY COMPANY------ t'16 Charles NELSON, COOK  BANKERS AND BROKERS  INVESTMENT BONDS  Townsend Scott Arnold Elzey Waters Mordecai B. Gressitt F. Henry Barclay  Brown & Sona. A.lex. •:l:"7-95 __________ Baltimore and Calvert.  7 South. tnqulrles Invited on ail Baltimore/ Securities. COKRF.SPONDENTS: F. M. Lock ! wood & Co., N. Y.  C,  GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Redwood and Calvert.  Investment Securities, Correspondent: Guaranty Co., of N. Y., N. Y,  & Fayette St . (See Adv. Page3) & CO.•:l:t17-llL ___ 'll Redwood, cor. Calvert.  I  I  (")  a5·  C. de Lacey Evans •O Guy Han'ison Reese  CORRESPONDENT. National Park Bank, N. Y.  _____________ ___________ MEMBERS BAL Tl MORE.,.STOCK EXCHANGE i,g_ ~ Strother, Brogden & Co.t1 __________ '02 Calvert and Redwood Sts.  WILLIAMS & CO., R. LANCASTER, INC. Equitable Bldf. 1-91 •n Wilson & Co. (J. S., Jr.) •:1:,r ________ ,94 Calvert Bldf.  HAMBLETON &  co.,,  ESTABLISHED 1865  10 S. Calvert St., Baltimore 43 Exchange Pl.. N. Y.City 729 15th St. N, W., Wash., D. C. 302 Franklin Tr. Bldg., Phil., Pa. Investment Securities MUNICIPAL-RAILROAD-PUBLIC UTILITIES.  SCOTT & SON, TOWNSEND •:t"lf 7-96 '32 209 East Fayette. 1   Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Jland-McNaUy Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  595  MARYLAND-Continued  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ' vo1ume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  .,..... aader Name or Bank ia the New Tnuuft Number' ,riven to each bank UJ u. B. exeJusfvely by Tbe Kand-.HeNaDy Bankers' Dlreetory, under tbe autborfty of Tbe A.merfean Bankers'n. TowN 1  NillE OF BANK.  AND OouNTY.  Seats ..Oonnty 5F d R  T  0  •.Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tPriv. Assn. §Staie :Mem.S1ateBks. [E: tab. ♦.Jem. Fed. Re.  ·n-1 t  n :&Stimo~e Ilr~o·ch  •  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point {Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ';4 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., ee Law • ::,  MARYLAND-Continued  VICE-PRESIDENT,  Ass'T O.A.SHIJ:R.  O-'.SBIJ:K,  I P:01:-~TB  Ic•s~u:, _.;_a.;:~:•~~=-  CAPITAL  ,. "'1  cuua:Ez-  1to..... a.tDu1-  ITS  E  PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDJCNTS. ·  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES. PAID-UP 8UBPLUS DEPOS-  - - - -1-  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,~ 1  '°-  Aberdeen __ Harford B 19 First Natioi:,~1 Ba nk _____ et'91 H. R. Baker------- H. II. MitchelL ____ D.R. Jamison----- ________ S 50,000 S 50,000 SI 000 000 S 200,000 $ 35,000 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.; M.erch. N., Bait. ~142 h~WM ------  ~  Air, Md .} __________ Harford, Bel Air.  Harford Bank ______ §'l8 ------------------- - - - - - - - - C. Webster Wb.i ti er, Mgr_________ (Branch of Bel 65-257  ·•  1  Adamstown •• _Frederick Adamstown Bank _______ §'19 -------------------- - - - - - - - - - - Hays R. Poole----- __________ .(Branch of Comm ercial St ate Bank , Frederi ck, Md.) Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Girard N., Phil.: Drov. & Mech. N., Bait. 65-264 D9 Pop. 256  ANNAPOLIS 8KG, iJAMES A. WALTON JAMES F. STRANGE- C. 0. DERLIN, & TR COMPANY I  •.lnna1>0lis,Anne Arundel Pop. 11,214 G 17  .  1  F. H. THOMPSON,JJ;:  Sec. -  100,000  350,290 N. City and N. Park Bk., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co,  59,450 1.430.Z'l0 1,1'10,'130  of Md., N. Ex., and N. Bk. Com.,Balt.  Collections and Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied by FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain &i(Jht d raft&, 15c; Credit R eport&, 25c.  •U'04 !l5-37 Annapolis Savings Inst. •t§"73 Frank H. Stockett_ Wm. 65-36  T.  a: > ~  Woodward B. A.. Welch. ______ Samuel Brooke _______  50,220  975,660  965,590  30,150 Far. N,, Annapolis.  ~  290,250 Ohem. N. and Han. ., N. Y.; N. Union, Bait.; Tradesmens .. Phil,  Z  State Capital Bank of Eastern -------------- -------------------- D. J. Thompson __ _ _____ (Branch of E a,tern S hore Tr ust Co., Cambrid ge, .Md,) Cha e N., ~- Y.: _Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., Shore Tr. Co •• 65-38 -•tl'l8 Balt.: 1st N .• Phil. 45,000 N, Ex., Balt 700,000 25,000 • 750,000 25,000 .A.rlin~ton_Baltimore D 15 OommercialBankofM:d.•*5'08 J. K. Quiver ______ H. E. Jackson ____ J. II'. Mallonee ____ _ __________________ H. D. Hammond 85-143 (Baltimor P.O.)Pop.1000 1 aar,on ______ A.llel!'any K 6 First National Bank _____ .:·02 Samuel Bradley ____ H. O. Dixon _______ P. J.. Lauehlin ___ _ ____________________ 25,000 36,610 1 608,200!· 607,910 85,990 1Ohase N., N. Y.; N. Ex. !l,nd Drov. & Keeh. N., Bait.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 65-144 Pop. 765  >  Farmers National Bank •*1805 Harry J. Hopkins_ - - - - - - - - L. D. Gassaway ____ D. H. Nichols _____ _ 65-35  252,000  213,040 2,061,380 2,336,080  I  .. Bel Air ____ Harford B 1s jcommercial & Savinl!'s Bank WalterW. Preston. D. J. Shanahan ____ W. T. Anderson __ _ t11000 65-m Pop. 1091 Farmers&M.erch. N. Bk.•l'09 W. E. Robinson ___ J. L, G. I,ee ________ H. S. 0' em _____ _ 65-115  HARFORD BAIK--------*1'82  25,000 25,000  S . .A. Williams _____ Wm. H. Harlan ____ John A. Evans., __ _  50,C00 '  5,500 '6,000  161.960 820,000  65-113  •t'88  T. H. ROBINSON- -------------------- W. W. HOPKINS--- I. A. BODE--------  l  Berlin--p :o ~lter L 27 Exchan2e & ~ C:gs Bk._§'99 Orlando Harrison __ 0 Cal · B T6 1l Bk .. " 2. Co. 9. B. Taylor _______ vm . /,Z_ o r -------•*1'071 ....,-101 i1tgo,tH Bank of Betii:l~-------§'19 W.R. Tuckerman_ Bethesdi 7 -------1'16 _______________ Bettertoiop:- ~ent D 20 Peoples  1  0--P:¥  3 Bfshopvi~~i,~- rorcftn 24 Boonsb~g1>~ici fash. 0 7 4  Ba1f.:231  bf  -Mteen cents fol" presentation. Drafts must be accompanied We make rep orta and ratings a 21e and up. Tboroushlr o rsanlsed depart ment. SEISD US YOUR ITEMS. R. O. Peters _______  w.  !  o. W.Kea~-------G. F. Adkms L. Holloway ___ J. K. Smith________  Franklin Upshaw __ John D. Henry ____  60,000  758,400  '6,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Merell. N., Ball,  407,690  449,910  515,690  594,220  ______ 8  5,400 145,000 150,000 s. Walter Bogley__ __________________ 25,000 1 1 ------------------ , -------------------- H.F. Owen _______ (Branch of Chest ertoum, Md.) __  EG.eoL_.ps_t~cakck__  16,490 41,770  5  25,000  201,370  N.,  Bait.: Riggs  .•  C>  ~  64,500 Title Guarantee & Tr. Co. and Union Tr. Co. ~~ . of Md.,Balt, . 56,240 lat N., Snow Hill; Umon Tr. Co. of Bait., Md .  60,510  5,000  224,100 Han. N., N. Y.; March. N., Bait.: Cent, N., , Phil. 82,880 Irvin2 N .• N. Y.; Merch. Wash., D. C.  73,990  25,000  !  979,300  50,000  Boonsboro ~~~------•+1'01 W. 0. Wheeler. ____ W. O. Geetin,: _____ John V . .Alexander w. .A. Henneberl!'er Bowie __ p[/ff7e Geo~i Bank of Boftiili _______ §'20 N. A. Ryon ________ E. E. Perkins ______ William Luers_____ ______________  I  380,000j  50,000  Bishopville ~~-------•t'08 R. P. Oollins. ______ IC. D. Layton _______ E. M. Layton ______ Joseph L. Moore__  ~  17,690 2d N., Far. & Merch. N., and Harford.Bel; ~ ~ Calvert, Bait.  I  1  43,620 I  a,  175,0001  1  SECOND NATIONAL BANK  "  1  . 77,110 • 1,297,330 1,S80,160  65-112  "  I  I  c::,  190,300  d ::S m  20,000 N. Park, ~ .. Y.;N. Met. and RiggsN., Wash.,  1  N., Bait. Bait., Balt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. ---1N.D.Bk.O.;ofC1tiz.  26,320 M~ii~t N., Balt.; 0. B. Taylor Bkfi!'. Co.,  29,870 Nt~~~'. N. Y.; Merch. N .. Bait.: 2d,. ., Hagers5,000 --------, _______________ Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., Bait. 686,560  727,830  17.300 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Cent., Bait. 2.000 128,980 123,600 10,000 B~~t1£':~¥o:.rAi8~__ F 7 Bank of Bri~rirne ____ .1·12 R. Hugh Perrie ___ o. s. Early _ _ _ H. Badenhoop ----- -------------------1 apolis B l ko.JeTr. Co.,An- Harriman N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. & BrooklyPno_p____ __BaltimDore Brooklyn-C~1s r'7Bk.•l'l0 ----------------- ___________________ J. D. Brenan _ _ ____________________ IBranch of 1 Mech. N. and Citiz. N., Bait. tvl,'J)O Lis, Md.) 8 1000 15,000 uw~:ie~~k.Co. of Md., Bait.: Com'I State, u, 13,000 320,800 . 341,580 25,00 W. O. Rau _____ J. D. Brown______ ~~~:s Brunsw~~/arclserick D 7 Bank of Br~f_s ~ck ______ §'l5 Levin West ____ 45,450 1,073,320 l.02!,970 138,120 ChasP N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., u:, 25,000 Peoples NatJ~n a 1 Bank __ et'06 G. H. HoPD------ J. H. Bowers ______ Geo. W. Grubb ____ G. M. Kaetzel_____ " " u, Ralt. J. W. K:i.e zel na-147  23  f·. ~-.  THE NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Annl  _____  CHAIR7~~REO  OLDEST BANK IN MARYLAND  .,.  amber under Name  596  Nambet oder Name of Bank ii the New Transit Number given to each bank in Tl B excluslYel7 by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlrector7, under''tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NA.ME OF BANK.  •Oounty Seats. •Mem . ..lm. Bies . ..lssn. IState In. ·o. 5 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bies. Assn. t Priv.  Baltimore Branrh.  +Mero. Fed. Res.  £J.  " ..  "  Darlineton Harford.B 18 Pop. 205 Deal lsland _____ Somerset Pop. 2000 M 21 •Denton ____ caroline H 22 Pop. 15i0 " ________ "  .ASS'T OA.SHI:&R.  PAID-UP  ...ND  HES0U1WE8. Lo  DEPOS-  c•/':":O~~·:  ~;::.'!.~~~  l'.IUNClPAL COKRESPONDENTS.  GeoreeW.Woolford B. W.Goldsboroueh J. G.Mills. See. ____ C. G. Lecompte ___ S 250,000 S 5-17,040 $8453610 $8753560 S 768.190 Han. N .. N. Y.; Merch. N. and Title, GuarT. H. Chambers H. \V. Davis antee & Tr. Co .. Halt.; 1st N., Phil. ------------------- Milford Nathan ____ L.ThurmanPhillips Joseph Robbins __ _ 60,000 54,540 672.500 940,500 90,100 N. Git.y, N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt. L. :B. Phillips ______ B. J. Linthicum ____ Walter B. Johnso• --------------------  50,000 76,210 575,360 657,770 02,330 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; corn. Ex. N., Phil.; N. Ex .. Bait. E. 0. Harriniton -- Albanus Phillips ___ W. H. Spedden ---- A. W. Ho~e______ 100,000 65,000 908,090 959,060 95,530 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; corn W.G.Winterbottom Ex. N.• Phil.; Merch. N., Bait. V. G. Bloede _______ Jacob ~ann, Jr. --- A. C. Montell ____ J, P. Mullikin_____ 50,000 65,000 1,000,000 993,000 128,000 lrnn: l{, and N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N. J. F. Sippel Bait. ' ------------ ---- ---- -------------- - ---- E. S. Short_ _______ _____ (Branch of El kton Ba nkino a ndTrust Oo.,Erkt on, Md.) Franklin N., Phil.; Citiz. N., Balt. William McKenney -------------------- J. F. Rolph _____ -------------------  75,000  W. T. Wri~ht_ _____ Jno. H. Evans _____ J. L. Roberta ____ ------------  76,000  130,000 I.300.000 1.400,000 55,000  530,000  370,000 289,000  75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; lit N.,Phil.; Merch. N. Balt  -  ,  .  40,000 N. Ex., Balt.; Girard N .. Phil.  J. 8. Hopper __ ---- J.P. Steele ________ -------------------- ------------------  25,000  24,500  255,000  W. W. Beek _______ Samuel Vanoort __ Allan A. Harris ____ -------------  27,000  91,680  983,070 1,044,740  56,540 Far. & March. N., Balt.; Phil. N .. Phil .  M. .!. Toulson _____ 11'. G. Usilton _______ Wm. F. Russell ____ ------------------  20,000  71.040  733,860  769,120  561,130  563,830  55.770 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y., Merch. N., Bait.: 4th St. N .. Phil. 48,140 N. Bk:. of Balt., Balt.; Oor Ex. N., Phil,  H.B. Simmons---- L. B.RusselL _____ Chas . F. Wheatley --------------------  25,000  27,270  H. H. Barron ______ W. B. Copper ______ W. B. Copper ______ Wm. R. Huey___  50,000  53,120 1.441,710 1,524.190  E. 8. Valliant__ ____ J. P. Brown _______ N. J. Brown _____ J. H. Coppal?"e.____  10,000  10,000  225,000  240,000  ElwoodMcLauehlin W. Jj'. nyder ______ G. B. Hau~h _______ G. L. Brewer______ N. E. Funkhouser W. G. Dent ________ W. E. Penn ________ J. F. Dent _________ ---------- ----------  25,000  25,560  392,420  371,920  25,000  5,310  58,700  49,890  Joshua B'. Oockey __ A.. E. Waters ______ A. D. Brooks ______ G. M. Brooks______  50,000  33,900  636,030  676,130  36,000 N. Ex., Bait.  208,130 N. Oity, N. Y.; N. Ex. and Oitiz. N., Balt.; Girard N .• Phil. 22,000 Drov. & Mech. N ., Balt.: Market St. N ., Phil. 92,960 Drov.& Mech. N., Bait.; 2d N., Hagerstown.  >~  !::;:ii  :::tJ < r4  > Z  t, ~  w >  Z ~  C/J  I  18,900 District N., Wash .• D. C.; N. Bk. of Balt. and (') Union Tr. Co. of Md., Balt. Sil 56,300 N. Oity, N. Y.; Merch. N. and N. Marine, Bait.  3  5f  ____________________ -------------------- R. E. Swartz. Mor. -------------------- (Branch of Hill.s boro, M d.). _____ - - - Drov. & Mech. N., Title Guaranty & Tr. Co., and Union Tr. Co. of Md., Bait. John Sterlin~------ J.P. Tawes ________ Warren 11'. Sterling J. O. Sterling______ 50,000 143.450 1,362,090 1,514,800 112,880 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; M. M. 1st N., OQ A. R. Horsey Balt. B G. T. Atkinson ____ W. L. Gibson ______ Egbert L. Quinn ___ H.F. Nelson .. ____ 50,000 10,250 331,390 333,550 34,200 Mech. & Ketals N .. N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt 0. L. Tawes 0. S. Wilson _______ A. A. Doub ---- ---- T. B. Lashley ______ Geo. C. Cook-----40,000 30,540 672,560 620,360 120,730 .Seab. N .• N. Y.; 3d N., Cumberland; Cont. Tr. 0 T. G. Lowndes _______________________ A.G. llcRltlsh _____ C. F. Schmutz-____ 25,000 15,000 410,000 375,000 30,000 Og~e :~~- Y.; 2d N., Oumberland.  5:  i  HENRY SHRIVER J. L. GRIFFITH ____ J. L. GRIFFITH---- ff. A. PITZER------  r+  685,140 Citiz. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Merch. N .. o Bait. ::l  LIBERTY TRUST COMPANY  II. A. McMullen •.. ____________________ c. G. Holzshu, Tr .• T. B. Finan. Sec. -- 1.000,000  560,360 5,541,760 6.116.130  985,990 Liberty N., N. Y., N. Bk. Com. and Merch. N,, Bait.; Union N., Pitt.  Peoples Bank _________ §'20 65-9 Second National BanJc __ •:t'65 65-1 Harrord Bank ___________ §'15 65-235 Deals Island Bank ____ .•:tl'07 65-154 Denton National Bank ___ t'81 115-91 Farmers • M<"rchant · tatr Bank ______ 65-258 _____ •§'18 Peoples BanJc __________ •t··g~  G.D . Landwehr... Harry Footer __________________________ Susman Hosenbaum D• .Annan __________ VI'. B. Lowndes ____ D. F. KllJ'kendalL T. G. Lownues ______________________________ Ramsay Standiford  115-2  _______  OA.SHIER.  SuBPLurs  270,000 3,221.000 2,956,840  65-8  ________  °'  LlABILITIES.  100,000  FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK  "  RltSIDJCNT.  v ICE- p RJtSIDENT.  1 [Estab. - - - - - - - : 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 -C_AP_I_T_AL _P_B_OF_I_T_S __ T_s_ _s_sc_oa_,nu __ m_o.._n_.._, ..,_. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1  •Gambridee __ Dorchester Eastern ShoreTrustCo ..:t§'0l Pop. 7467 J 19 65-48 ·· _______ ·• Farmers&Merch.N.Bank 65-49 •:t'0l Nat. Bank of Oambridee•:t'8U 65-46 Peoples Ln. Sav. & Dep. Bk. 65-50 :l:§'13 aatonsvtlle BaltimoreD1' FiratNational Bank _____ e:t'97 Pop. 80C0 65-H8 Cecilton------- Cecil O 21 Cecilton Bank ____________ 5•13 Pop. 439 65-227 •Oenterville,Oueen..lnnes CENTREVILLE NAT'L BANK Pop.1765 F 20 OF M , ARYLAND 65-!l~ •:t"76 " ________ " Queen Anne's Nat. Bank.:t"84 ~ Chesapeake Oity ____ Qecil National Bank or Chesapeake Pop. 303 B 22 Oity .•.• 115-149 _______ •:t'03 •Che1tertown •• Kent K 21 Chestertown Bk. of lld.•t§'04 ., Pop. 2537 .. 115-72 _______ Kent Oounty SaT. Bank•:tl'93 65-71 Peoples BanJc ___________ •1'}0 65-7, Third NaUonal Bank----•:t'l0 115-73 Church Hill.Queen Annes Ohnrch Hill Bank: of Kd.•il'OII Pop. 276 F 21 115-150 Clear Sprin: •.. Wash. A 5 Olearsprinr Nat. Bank .•. •'09 Poo. 538 65-151 Clinton ..• Prince Georges Clinton Bank ___________ ;t§'20 Pop. 200 I 14 65-278 Ooekeysville ___ Baltimore Nat. Bk. of Oockeysvllle_•!'91 Pop. 00 0 15 115-152 Cordova.. _____ Talbot H 21 Hillsboro-Queen Anne Bank Pop. 500 65-243 §'09 Orl1tleld ___ Som1>rset O 22 Bank of Oristleld ______ e:tf'93 ., Pop. 4116 .. ~6 ________ M&ri■ e BanJc ___________ e:tf'04 65~7 •Cumberland ___ Alleeany Commercial Sav. Bank __ ;t§·o, 7 37 " p-~~:=~~~ " J Oumberland Bank-•:tf•gg 11  "  p  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln~~ft~~A~cces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ~ For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  MARYLAND-Continued  •t'64  •t§"79  1  Tbe Oldeat Ban k In We1tern M. ar7land.  ------------------  100,000  20,000 628,920 594,440 151,420 Chase N .. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt, N, A., Pitt; 2d N .. Cumberland. Chas. E. Metz_____ 200,000 493,060 5,260,820 5,030,390 1,120,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N .• Pitt. A. B. Spier - - - - - - - - - - - (Branch of Bel A ir, .Md.) Han .. N., N. Y.; March, N., Balt.; Oent. N., PJnl. w. B. Spiva _______ S. F. Dashiell ______ Arthur .Andrew ____ W. Edelen Web ter 10,000 880 123,640 103,510 31,610 Cltiz. N .• Bait.; Bk:. of Somerset, Princess Anne. H. L. Oooper ______ Ohas. W. Hobbs ___ William I. rorris _ -----------------100.000 200.150 I 045 210 1232 370 162.990 4th Si. N., Phil.: DroT. & 11ech. N., Balt. J. Roland hafflnch John T. C'arter ___ : c. o. Det'n ________ • E. Ilignutt_ _____ ---------------30,000 10.880 138.900 208,260 7,040 Union Tr. Co. of Md., Balt. II. T. NuttJe _______ Ji'. P. Covey ______ T. F. Johnson----- --------------------  50,000  42,490  409.520  492,880  55,630 GirardN., Phil.; ferch. N .. Bait.  R!.- 02  lHE N~llONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE  u.nder Name or Bank i1J the New Tnm•lt Number giv•a to Number each bank ia U. S. e:i:cluslfely by The Band-McNaU;y BanJcers• 597of St.Dlrect.ory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. Federal Reserve Bank Louis  CHA,;~~RED  ._ lU  ::l i::  Sil  ,;  ~  -  \0 N  OLDES_T ·BAN·K IN MARYLAND  MARYLAND-Continued  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng PoJnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi ' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., ee Laws. PJ  Namller u.ade, Name or Ban.II: ia the New 'l'nuull Namt:"..t"n en• 8. HelUBl'rely by TIJe Rand-HeNaDy to each bank in Dl,eetory, under tlle autlJorfty of TIie American Ban.ken A.a'n.  u.  597  ~~ft~~Y. •Mem.~i::.1:s:~·§  tate To~&~~ In 'o. 5 Fed. Re• . Dist. tMem. tate Bks. Assn. t Priv. [Estab. ♦ .\Iem. Fed. Res. Baltimore Branrh.  PRESIDENT.  MARYLAND-Continued  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CA.SHIER,  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Polnt (fn• .___ dexed Acee .), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  0 :~~:·.h~= ~: c~":· :•;-{::  1 ~=:~~~:s~EP08ITS  PAID-u: CAPIT•L PR•oNrDxTs  PRINCIPA..L CORRESPONDENTS.  ! ,,,,...  ~ '<.  - - - - - ' - - - . . . . . . . C . . . - l-......:;-..:.-'--=..:....:._=-::.=--::....::::..::...:.::..:....:1.-------I-------I-- - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Detour ------Carroll B 11 Detour Bank -----------•§'19 Chas. H. Diller ____ J.P. Weybright ___ 65-260 Pop. 100 .lastNewMarkE>t.Dorches- Eastern Shore Trust Co._§'07 ________________________________________ 65-155 ter ___ Pop, 27L ____ J 22 •Baston ______ Talbot H 20 EASTON IIAT. BAIK OF MD. James Dixon _____ W. H. Adkins _____ •U!!05 6H8 Pop. 3442 Farmers & Merchants Bank F. G. Wri2htson ___ W. P. Chaffinch ___ -------- " " •U'89 65-70 Liberty Bank ____________ §'20 Cha • . F. Davidson. Howard Tower ___ 65-274  E. Lee Erb _________________________ $ 25,000 $ 6,250 $ 26,370 $ 45,830 $ 7,590 1st N., Westminster. 0. II:. Bell, Mor.- _ ____________________ (Brcmch of Cam bridoe, Ma.) ___ ____ Merch. ., Bait. T. M. Bartlett_____ __________________  200,000  P. K. Wri2ht ______ S. Hambleton _____ _  2~.000  50,000  400,000  375,000  U. F. Carroll _____ Isaac H. Henry ___ _  25,000  10,000  91,000  85,950  c. H. Leonard ____ _  25,000  70,000 1,200,000 1,032,070  Talbot Bank ____ -------•:l:l'SS William Red.die ____ ll. B. Nichols ______ W.W. Svence _____ 65-GD •Klkton ________ Qecil B 22 Pon 2660  ~-  6  --.  Kl.  l:cott:,~:r, i  246  •U'U  Prompt Service . Reasonable Ch arges,  N.,Phil. 6,150 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Corn. Ex. N., Phil.; Title  Guarantee & Tr. Co. and Union Tr. of Md., Bait. 128,250 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., Bait.; Industrial Tr. !::I' io::iti Title & Sav, Co., Phil.  Ba~?l  65-711 H0Dal1 Patapsco N~rln~l Bank-•t"86 Edw. W. Talbott __ M. L. Kraft ________ J.M. Collier______ ____________________  100,000  National  50,000  165,000 1,149,200 1,843,000 23,550  303,680  428,700  61,380 1,028,860 1,140,520  z  >  ·· -------F ed A 'k 10 s 946 .. -------II O Jrede I b aro ~; ca j 0 ., 1 ., ------. Forest HPlloJp_II a r ford B 18 • 500 Fowblesl~~;~80Daltir~n~ •Freder~.k.--ii!leder~~ Op. • 6  *CENTRALTRUSTCO.OFMD.  '  P°::.  ·t b  .. 1 m  ~~1,sif  !!  65-31  , Park, N, Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Oorn Ex.~"' N .• Phil.; N. Met., Wash., D. C.  CASPER E. CLINE._ s. C. THOMAS·------ HAMMOND CURL--- F. B. SAPPINGTON, JR. CLAUDE N. CLARY Send us 7our d f;!cfMJ~ms and collections. A. H. DOLL We 1et quick r eaults and remit promptly.  160,000  72,200 1,783,620 2,054,150  125,000  179,270 2,371,3801 2. 750,710  • .14 1  l  J. H. Harris ______ Frank L. Stoner .. __  s:;!rls  Ban.klt'56 James Houck ______ *Franklin Ba *.F ed. . k C N at'l •itft~ A.O. llcCardelL __ _~ r eric 115 7 ERlC~_T_08WN SAVlN~S Jacob Rohrback. -i!8 G. T. Ba•mrardner •.-k-C1a-2. F .. bouse_*_) .nd83:~~~!--H---il (Mred ebnc 11  a  ::,  lntelllsent rea som for nonpaJ ment.  .  o. A. Gilson. ______  Chas. B. T. ~endnckson  C. E. Cline-------- H. D. Kepler, Sec. F.B.Sappington,Jr. - . - A. Sec, 150,000 ------------------- J. W. L. Oarty _____ A.LeRoy)[cQarctell  I  55,650  937,820  955,480  53,050 1,330,400 1,594,480  101,670 Am. EI. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Girard N., Pbll.  -  tD  179,950 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Phil.: N. Union Bk. of lid .. Bait. 48,790 N. Oity, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Bait .. BaJt. 168,600 N. City, N. Y.; Far. & llerch. N .. Bait.: Corn  U:: t~t:  Western N., BaU.: Phil. N., 150,000 185,800 2,615,680 2,663,080 138,420 Ha~~· -------------------- J. M:. Killer. Su. __ E. O. Markell, Phil.; Am. N., Wash., D. C. .A. Sec. _ __________________________________ __________ E. O. llarkell,  Sec. and Mor.  Friendsville __ Garrett JI Fust Natton&.,~nk-·----•'02 L. K. Fnend. ______ H. M. Rumbaugh_ O. A. Welch.______ ________________ • Pop. 408 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  536,280 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N .. Phil.: Rim N., ~:::.• Wash., D. C.  J:  -------- " *~Hf  .  N.HBkf. odt BaIt., _Balt.; Far. & Merch. N. and o ar or • 8 el Air. ~ Equitable Tr. Co .• Bait.  433,260 5,563,070 5,560,050  *F AARIIMERS 5-& MEIH. N~T'L 8 K--- 6 26 -------•+1817  1.,._.,..,:;u,  C:  "1 r+  rioo,ooo  65-a4  . em er~ t  o  t~~:fi~r-~-~~ J. D. Baker ________ W. G. Baker _______ W. G. Zimme:mr:~ ~: Joseph McDivit H. D. Baker  STATE BANK  ..  N. Bk. of Bait .• Bait.; Girard N,, Phil.  177,080  *COMMERCIAL  ________  ~  n N. Oity, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Bait., Bait.; Far. & UJI Mech. N., .Frederick, Md. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co. of Ill ...,. v Halt.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Md., Fre<lerick. ~ Merch. N., Bait.; 1st N., Phil.  294,080 2,865,350 3,312,340  65-30  ..  Ohase N .. N. Y.; Drov. A llech.N., Bait.  200,000 .E.L.Coblentz _____ J. C.Lamar. ______ R.A.. Kemp, Sec. __ G.T . .Baumnrdner, Tr. Cha.. Wertheimer S. E. Brown, A, Tr. •:11808 G.L. Mirbael, A.Tr. T J. \V, Eldridge, R. A. Kemp.  *CITIZENS NAT'L BAIIM'811  " ..  tot  153,150 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N .• Phil.; Merell. ., 0 Bait.; Am. N., Wash., D. C. 38,640 Tra<1esm1,n's N.,,; N. Union Bk. of Md., ..,. w Bait. 76,920 Merch. N. and Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.  43,070 524,550 559,280 29,800 50,000 W. L. Hammond __ J. H. Johnson ___ L. N. Getz ________ c. R. ykcs, Sec.__ Washinrton Tr. Co. of lld. Howard Mann •U'03 65-105 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20,000 ____________________ Annan____ L. &. ___ Horner A.. A. ________ Annan S. J. et'82 ___ Oo, Annan, Hor~ 1u 25,000 926,880 855,000 30,000 25,000 __________________ Warrenfeltz_ ll. H. __________________________ Rhodes L. J. Emmitsbur2 Sav. Bank •U•og . 65-107 Federals bur~ Bank ______ 1·01 ________________________________________ Harry w. Davis __ D. E. Jeff er •on ____ (Branch of Easte mShore 'l'rmt_Go mpan11, 0 ambridg e, Md.) • &a-156 51,220 383,920 3-U,000 5,000 25,000 First National Bank ____ •t'l2 Bayard Nichols ____ T. S. Bolt _______ J. N. Wri2ht, Jr._ H. N. ichols_____ \V. T. Hi1rnutt 65-218 32,910 8,080 184,500!1184.540 25,000 Forest Hill 6~tate Baok __ ,,14 William Roe _______ c. s. Warner ______ J.P. Whaland _____ M. c. Walker______ =>-228 --------5,000 • 25,000 Farmers & :~Hrauts Bas~o E. E. Wooden --- Ja. H. Wil on---- c. E. Leight _____ - - - - - - - -  Jim  >  Irving N., N. Y.; Franklin N. and Corn ::0 Ex. N., Phil.; Oitiz. N. and Title Guaran- ....,. ...,. tee & Tr. Co., Bait.  > 50,000  ,.  Bait.  35,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Bait.; 4th St.  Try us.  Elkton•t·&s Thos. B. Miller ____ J. Groome Steele __ O. O. Strickland __ David Scott_______ Second National Bank--•t'i8 W. T. Warburton __ S. J. Keyes ________ Geo. E. Brown__ ___________________  "  118,600 N. Park, N. Y.; Frank.Jin N .. Phil.; N. Ex.,  88,660 932,330 913,280 38,990 100,800 {F. P. Price----- H. H. Mack~Y- ---- Irvin T.Kevler, Tr. Robt. J. McCAaulTey, ELKTON BANKlNG & r TRUST COMPANY OF MD • Thoroughly org anfzed Collectlon department. Eq uipped to handle· all ban king m atters e ntruste d to us. 65-224  ------11  222,000 1,740,000 1,653,900  THE _NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE  CHAl~~;REO  25,000  35,000  260,000j 285,000  33,000 Han. N .. N. ~.; Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt.; Far. ~ ~ Dep. N ., Pitt.  OLDEST BANK IN MARYLAND  598  .Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Numbel' given to each bank in U. S. cxcluslvelf by The llaod-McNall7 Bankers• D-C d mrectorr, under the authorlty:.=o~f= T=h=e=A=m=e=r=lc=a=n=Ba=-=n-=k=e--=r::: s=A=s:=s=•n = .== == = = = = == ======-==-=O:..c:n :::. _ ! _ n ~ _ _ _ _  MARYLAN  TOW.' ~,'D C~ .•; ; - . -=-:.  ln  •County eats.  r0 . 5 }1' d.Branch. ne~. Di Baltimon•  N.\atF.: J.- ll:NK,  -  -  LIABILITIES.  •:Yem. Am. Bks. Assn. ISt!te PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER, t. t:\Iem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. +).lam. F011. Hes. [E~tah. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ ~_ _ _ _ _  Frostburg .•. Allegany J 5 Citizens Nati_smal Bank .. t'93 Pop. 6017 .. . . 6~53 , Fidehty Savmgs Bank •. t§ 02 65-54 First National .Hank ••••• •:t•sg 65-52 Fruitland. Wicomico L 24 Bank of Fruitland·--·--•U'll Pop. 500 65-158 Gaithersbure. 1ontg.E 11 First National Rank •••• •t'0l Pop. 729 65-159 Galena •..•••••. Kent D 22 Galena Bank ..•••••••••• §'10 Poo. 29 I 65-160 Galesville.Anne Arundel Wet River Bank •••••.. •§'17 ((;allou•1111. P.O.) U 16 65-250 Girdletree. WorcesterN26 Geo. L. Barnes & Co .•••. t'02 Pop. 47 65-161 Glt'nburnie .••••••• Anue Glen Burnie Bank ••••. t "19 ArnndeL---·-····· E 16 65-262 Pop.1000 G1yn1lon Baltimore C 16 Glyndon Bank ••..•••• •• ~ '20 Pop. 500 65-277 Goldsboro .• Caroline F 23 Goldsboro Bank .....••• •tl'00 Pop. 2~1 . 65-162 , Gmans .•• Balttmore D 15 Umon Tr. Co.of'1d.••.•• § 19 (Bal_timore P. 0.) . . 65-261 , Grantsnlle .•• Garrett J 4 First National Bank .•.• •t 01 Pop. 264 65-136 " First State Bank ····-·•U'lO  6HH  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (111• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi · tn v~m~ ~•~tere_!_ Rates, ~ a y s , etc., ee Law . ~ RESOUltCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  t·  Ass"T OASHIU.  PAID•UP Sum>LUS DEPOS-  PB~1;.~Ts  CAPITAL  _ _ _ _ _ __  _  _  _ _ __  1  1  tom&n,,,. CAm&Ex0  ITS _  c:,.~: t~~~~ 0  ~  0  ~::·  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  _ _ _ _ _ _ __  __  D. Armstrong ••••• ------····------- Frank Watts·--·-· ·---······-·---- S 60,000 $ 90,000 $U300000 1271000 $ 169,000 N. Oity, N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil. . . G. Dud Hockmf;! .•• W. 0. McLane •••.. Conrad Hohm!;! •••• ·-·--····-···----·· 36,430 690,960 624,760 127,620 Liberty N,, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. of Md., Bait. 25,000 R. Annan.·-·-·--· ·········---·-----· F. M. Spates·--·-· · · · · - - · - - - W. S. Moore .•.• --- Guy E. Long ---·· R. D. Gilliss .•• -·--· B. B. Baunds ··-···  60,000  J.B. Diamond ••••• C.H. Iloskinson .•• F. B. Severance ••• J. A. Stover .•·-··-  50,000  411,830 Han. N.andLiberty N .. N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.  62,770 2,086,590 1.891,710  25,000  13,510  133,940  145,090  60,000  487,000  586,000  1  - - - - - · - - · ·-···-···----·----· ·····--·-··········· R.R. Bennington. (Branch of Chest ertown  Ch  Bk. of C,  23,520 N. Oity, N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N. and Union Tr. Co, of Md. , Bait. 80,000 Am. Ex, N .• N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.: '::;:II N. Met., Wash .. D. C. .::a. 1',Id. , Phil. N .• Phil.; Far. & Merch. N .. Balt,  > :::t,  tertow n, Md.)  Robt. Murray .••.. - - - - · - - - John H. Hopkin. - - - · · · - - - (Branch of Annapolis B kg.&Tr. Co.. N. Bk. Com., Bait. Jr. Annapo Us, Md.) G. L. Barnes, Sr, _ ·····--·-----------· G. L. Barnes, Jr.•. ·----·--·-·-------· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Merch. N., Bait.: 1st N., Snow Hill. J. Fred Johnson •.. J . • Linthicum •••• Philip Morgan.·--· F. C. Pearre .•.•••• (Branch of Easte rnShore  N. Union Bk. or Md. and Title Guarantee Tr. Co., Bait.  Tr. Co., Cam•  bridge, Md.)  Albert  • Smith.•• Lester S. Wheeler. J.E. Ilewes .•••••• ·-------·------· J. o. Cockey F. P. Medford••••• Robert Jarrell. Sr .• Robert Jarrell, Jr. · · - - · · - - - - · ·  9,950  4,000  32,870  36,050  ~  i >r-c  &I Z 1-4  v  ~  9,060  w 13,900 361.040 332,450 54,500 Drov. & Mech. N. and Union Tr. Co., Bait.; . Gi~ard N .. Phil. , , Z ···-·-----····-----· ··-----··----··-·· C. Roland Mais, ·-------·---·-·- (Branch o/BaU,m ore,Md.) ·-------· ··-----· N. City & Guara ty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Intl 'lr. ~ . fgr. Co., Bos.; Bk. of No. Am., Phil, VJ O. H. Jennmrs -·-· U. M. Stanton.--· U. 0. Blocher •••.. Mary V. Stanton.. 25,000 21.000 152,000 171,340 24,500 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: March. N., .Bait.: Mellon N., l'itt. G. c. Keller •• _____ • J. J. Bender. ______ G. w. Diefenbach. C. O. Keller....... 25,000 12,760 382,170 3i7,130 30,510 Merch. N,, Bait . "Ij  >  12,000  I  Greensboro. Carl'ne G 22 Caroline County Bank .•U'02 F. P. Roe ••••• ---· W, W, Gold bor. T. O. Horsey··----· ------·------· Pop. 6n8 65-164 ough Gwynn Oak Junction (See Baltimore) Baltimore D 15 (Arlillof01L P. 0.) •Baeerstown.Washingt'n *Oity Savings Bank .•••• U'05 John C. Strite •••• ·----·-----·--··--· E. E. Rutz.ell •••••• ----------·-·---Pop. 28,066 A7 65-22 .  12.000  52,950  668,580  640,070  ~  o  93,470 Drov. & Mech. N., Ba.It.  en  0-  1_ .:;  50,000  100,,00  787,090  772,940  A. H. GUNNELL-·--· H.J. STOTELMYER~. 0. T. KAYLOR, Sec.. H. R. WARNOCK '11.  100,000  114,540  519,880  852.890  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK :l:'48 Henry F. Wingert. Miller Winf;!ert -·-· J, E. Young .•••••• ----·-···-·-·-·-·  100,000  205,980 2,145,000 2,618,000  186,000 1st N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; :.Yerch. N.,I Balt: ~  225,000  850,000 3,000,000 3,300, 00  630,000 Imp. & Tr. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Drexel :l & Co., Phil.; Cltb. N., Bait .  100,000  45.000 ·-------· 240,000 520,000 3,400,000 3,400,000  *COMMERCIAL  TRUST COMPANY 65-25  ~MERVIN J, BRANDT Hager town's n Sl'nd us your H  161,440 Irvin~ N., N. Y.: Oorn Ex. N .. Phil.: Drov. (1Q & Mech. N., Bait. ,...  ~  40,480 lrvinl! N,, N. Y.: Bait. Com'l, Bait.  ""4  cwest bankaprog resslve lnstltutlo n. ager fown buslne ss.  Ill IO'tl ~  :W18  65-17  *HAGERSTOWN W. H. McCARDELL ---·-----·--·--- JOHN 8. KIEFFER. - - - - · - - - · · ..i51so1 BANK 65-16 Hagerstown Trust Co .•••• 1'08 S. B. Loose ·-·----· Wm. 85-23  . Roulette •. John B. Kieffer •••. - - - - · · - - - - ·  *MARYLAND SURETY & W. P. Lane •••••••• 0. s. Lane. Jr, .. _•. J. W, Erost, Tr .• . • a .. Lane, 3d, S ec. , 200,000 TRUST co..... 65-10 •• •tl'O J. G. Bower, r. ' *Mechanics Loan & Sav. Bk. Jacob Roessner •••• ,\. Arm trong . •.•• .Albert E. Baker ••• Ralph L, Boyer.... 65-18 •tl'60 *Peoples National Bank.•t·o:i Chas. E. Hilliard •• J. . . 1a on.·----· T. H. 'ewman --·· ·-·-· ······-····· •.  ~n  100,000  310.000 1,407,860 1,644,040  100,000  129,900 1,568,000 1,538,000  g-  16,000 Hairerstown, lla2erstown. 328,000 ,Ohase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Cont. · Com'l N,, Chi,; Union N,, Phil.; N. Bk, Com., -  i  Balt.  . .  .  SU  20:>,320 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. N. and mon Tr. Co. of :::3 Md., Bait. ~ 132,000 N. City, N. Y.: Merch. N .. Bait. Ill ~  *Second National Bank •• 't:'80 ,J. J. Funk ••••••••• T. B. South ••• ___ • H.K. Mumma····· 1· · · · · · · · · - - · · · - - - 100,000 116,650 1,645,410 1,759,870 201.640 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th St. N .. Phil.; Merell. N .. '< 65-20 Dalt. West End Bank ••••••• -•• 1'12 ·-··-··-····-·----·· ·-·····--·-·······-· D. J. SDrecher, ·-··-·--···-····---- (Branch of Md. Sluret11 & Tr. Co.) ·------· Chase N .. N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil.: Citiz. N. and ,_. 65· 24 lUor. N. Bk. of Balt., Bait. 1.0 Ha1?cr~to u Cl arinf;! House. 1W. H. Mccardell •• ················-·-- J.B. Kieffer, ' ec .. ·---···----··· _____ - - - · - - · r-.:> ( ~Trmlirr. iwlfrafrtl l111n*)-.•. ., . .. .  1\\E M~l\UNl'l 8"NK OF BALTIM ORE Number under Name or Bank ill the New Number •ivea to each bank in U. S. eicluslvel;y by The Band-MeNaU:, Banke[-' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CHARTERED 1795  MARYLAND-  OLDEST BANK IN MARYLAND n inued  .. .. •  It;  ...  . •  ...!.~~- •  • '  _•  t ;, :  I  I,  • t I  I ;,  I •  t ;,  I •  •  '  llem6e, aad• Name ol JlaDJr la tile J!few ~ , N...,,_ .-1....  to each bank fn U. B. uela•l'reJr by De l&aad-HeNalJr . .a.leers• MARYLAND-Continued Dfnetory. ancfe, tlle autllorUr of TIie Amerfeaa Ballken TOWN A.ND Oou TY. NA.JO OF BANK. •County Seats. . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. CA.SHIU. Ass' 0 n p  599  Noa•.Baalr Towns wJth Nearest BanJdnl[ ..,._, (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) fn back of thfs volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday , etc., see Laws. ~  L--'--"  Aa•--·  In o. 5 Fed. Re. . Dist. Ufem. State Bks. A.ssn. tPr1v.;;.;B..:..ra.::.n..:..c:..:.h:..:.._ _•....c.:::. ~I...::e...:.mc_.. :. F. .::ed..::...:. .:. :R. : .es..:. · ___ [F... :~...ta.;;.b.....  T  A.Sill  •  LIABILITIES. 1 SuxPLus  CAm;~ 1  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ __ __ __ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ , _ _ A_P__ 1 1  1  AND  ~  DEPOSITS  RE.SOURCES. c u  •Diac•:S:&,.oa,  Lo  SsCll&JTID  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  no»  ~  n•. "a.  Hamilton_Baltimore D 16 Hamilton Bank --------•ti 'l6 B. K. Purdum _____ Jno. H. Tames _____ Chas. P, Burier ____ Caubrey Barton __ _ $ Pop, 5000 ♦ 65-245  30,000 I$ 15,270 $ 585,220 $ 543,710 1$ 82,320 Far. & Merch. N., Balt.  Hampstead __ carroll B 14 , First National Bank •••. •:t'IO E. M. Bush··-----· W. A. Abbott______ R. B . .Murray··--· ---··----·------· Pop. 566 65-UU J. F. Switzer  25,000  23,000  Hampstead Bk. of Garroll Co. W. H. S. Allgire ••. R. L. Davidson. __ J. Wm. Kelbauih .. P.W.Snyder_ •• _._. 65-130 •il1900 Bancock.Washiniton AS First National Bank ••. -.• '05 W. N. llann.~---· W.R. Daniels··--· Roy M. Daniels_ F. M. Diehl--·-Pop. 972 85-llD  20,000  35,000 1,050,000 1,050,000  45,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.  30,000  25,000  47,800 Drov. & Mech.N .. Balt.; Peo. N,, Hagerstown.  0  45,000 N. Bk. of Balt. and Citiz, N., Bait.  427,000  s:  73,340 ChaseN •. N.Y.;Drov.& Mech. N .. Bait,: Md. ► Surety & Tr. Co .. Hagerstown. ~ 50,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seab. N .. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Balt.  J.M. MICHAEL .. JOS. COUDOI ...... WII. A. LEFFLER .. ·--·------·-·----·  70,000  79,290  917,640 1,00-5,720  First National Bank ••••. !'83 C. B. Silver .••••••• P. T. Baker.•·-·- W. N. Coale··----· ·--------·--·---GS-57 Havre de Grace Bkir.&Tr.Co. L. I. Hecht •••••••• B. LeVY-•--··--··· S. M. Osborn,----·· ····-····--···-·-· G5-59 U'05 F. C. Lawder Sec, and Tr,  60,000  86,400  744,820  852,430  63,420 C~e N ., N. Y,; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait,  25,000  29,000  402,570  39-1,730  56,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Union Tr. Co. of Md., Balt. ►  25,000  6,380  205,000  240,000  9,220 1 102,850  120,700  45,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Salisbury N. and Peo. ~ N .• Salisbury: Vienna, Vienna. rJJ 1,700 Patapsco N., Ellicott City. ~  409,290  45,140 Title Guarantee & Tr. Co. Bait.  CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 65-58  1900  l  A ·t-borousbly o ,sanued eoUecUo n ileputment. Thia bank ende avora to IIH pro mpt,faltbful,and lntelllsent attention to all bu■ lness recelyed.  A. L . .Mills •• -·-·-· H.B. Lanirall.--.  614.090  <  W. H. Marlow···-· CatherineV.Disney  15,000  H.P. Jl'lowers ·--·· F. E. FlemiDi-- •.••  12,000  41,670  401,980  72,220 N. Oit,, N. Y.; N. Ex .. Balt.: 4th St. N .. Phil.  P. S. Harrison·---· E.G. Edelen •••• -..  Marion  c. Smith ••  H. C. Harper·-· ···  15,000  16,600  400,000  422,570  25,000  5,000  48,680  103,680  R. Lee Glover ••••• Ruth Stevens·-- (BranelJ, of H. W. Shepherd._ G. H. Carr·---··-·  ·  T. M. Jones·---·- · - - - · · - - -  re  z>t, tis  z  E. E, Wiley •• •••••• --·-·--··-···---· <Branch of Easter n Shore Tr~st Co ., Cambrid oe, .Md.) 58,780  I  7,940  Ca mbndge, Md.) ••• - - -  40,000  25,-100  805,630  767,110  87,950  25,000  20,060  427,500  452,670  42,190  John T. Parran __ D.E.Delozier·-···· (Bmnch of Camb ridge, M d.>-·-··· _ _ _  s»  Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., Bait.; Eastern ... ~. Shore Tr, Co., Cambridge, ;;;) ::;. N. Bk, of Balt., Merch, N.. and Title o Guarantee & Tr. Co., Balt. ::, N. nion Bk. of Md., Balt. ,... 0 Irvin,: N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.:4th St. N., Phil. Coal& Iron N., N. Y.; Com'l N .• Wasll., D. O. B 0 Ba~. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.of Md., Balt.; ::S Lm. N., Wash., D. C. SU N. Union Bk. of Md. and Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., Balt. r+ Lin. N., Wash., D. C. 0  re  ci.  E. J. Hammond ••• C. N. Dement.__ 20,000 4,980 80,9:!0 103,960 17,640 A. J. Klaas ~ T. E. Cathcart .• - •• ·--·--··-···--·----· (Branch of Bel A ir, Md.) - - - _ _ _ Han. N .. N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt.: Cent. N., ::, , Phil. ·--·····-········--· A. L. Bussard ..••• (Branch of Frede rick, Md ,)_ •• _._ - - - Am. Ex. .. N. Y.: Drov. & ech. N., Bait.: Girard N., Phil. G. W. Buxton ••••• !E. G. Miller··--·-· 25.000 :n.oco 387,570 410,660 28,850 Drov. &Mech. N., Balt.; Md. Suret, & Trust Co., . Haierstown. Georie Peter ··---· Willard A. Warthen (Branch of Farm en Bko. &: Tr.Co. of Mont· Chase N ., N. Y.; U. S. Tr. Oo., Wash., D. C.: gomerv Co .. Roe kville, M d.) Cont. Tr. Co., Balt. R. L. Wilson ·-···· ·-·-··--·-·········· 25,000 17,000 I 482,000 340,000 l!l7,000 N. City and Am. Ex . ... . , N. Y.: N. Ex., Bait.  R.H. Halle1 ··-···- ··-----··--··---··-· (Branch of Easte ' rn Shor e Trust Co. of llerch. N .. Balt. Ca mbrwoe, ,.Md.) w. Owen-···-·· 25,000 24,000 475,000 377,000 57,000 Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt.; Lin. N., Wash.,D. C.; Far. & Merch. N. and N. Bk. Com., Bait. c. E. Little •••. ·--· R. o. Ciaugh ••••. . 60,000 101,250 997,470 848,480 339,990 N. Park and llarriman N., N.Y.: Oitiz. N. and Wei;;tern N .. Bait.: N. Met., Wash,, D. C. L. J. Sterline.-•.•• B. K. Abell-----··· 50,000 55,500 1,226,000 1,251,700 261,000 Am. E.,. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait. tn s. M. Jones_ . ______ ,v. E. Drury _______ (Br. of. Ea.stern Shore 'J.'l r. C()., ._N. Bk. Com. and Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., \0 , Caml>ri<l ""'• J!d .) r Ra.It. \0  J. D. Robertson .•• J.  THE NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  387,800  605,000  625,790  rr;.  __ _ _ _ _ _ _  -  t,,:>  680,000  65,000  Hebron •.. Wicomico K 23 Hebron Saviors Bank •• •U'lO J. A. Waller •••• _•• Georre C. Bounds •• Pop. 5;;1 65-1116 Htehland •.• Howard EU Hiihland Bank or Howard o. Albert Nichols •• - •• Oalvin Bready ••••• Pop. 58 M-187 %1'96 Hillsboro_ •. Oaroline G 21 Hillsboro-Queen Anne Bk.l'OII Charles Jarrell •••• G. L. Wilson ····-Pop. 222 65-168 IJoopPrs I I._Dorche ter Hooper Island Bank ••• t§'20 J.M. Olayton.--··· ------·-·····-·--·-· (Fis h inf.? r eek P. O.) 65-269 Pop. 7500 Huihesville. Charles J 15 HU£hesville Savines'OII J . .M. Bowlinr ···-· J. JI'. Ooad ... _. ___ . Pop. 300 85-189 Wm. Queen Hurlock.Dorchester I 22 Citizens Bank.·--·-·-····§'19 E. B. Simmons .••. G. T. BelL •. --·-Pop. 1073 65-268 L. Otis Corkran 1 " ··-·---" Eastern Shore Trust Co.•1'02 Z. H. Brunsfleld .• - K. J. Wriien ••••.• 65-170 Hyattsville ••. P. Geor,:e. · First National Bank .••• •!'04 C. A. Wells ••• _._. Harry J. Patterson P op. 2675 G 13 65-171 " --·----· .. Prince Geories Bank ••.!1'15 J. Enos Ray, Jr .••• H. Duckett. •• _. 65-234 . G. Dndrow lnct1anhead_.Charles J 11 Eastern Shore Trust Co,.1'17 Geo. W. Patterson. W.D.Moon •••••••• Pop. 200 . 65-244 ··--·--· " Indian Bead State Bank:•§"17 F. E. Mattmgly._. Jesse L. Rowe. ____ 65-263 D. W. Ivins ·· Jarrettsville._. __ Harford Harford Bank •••••••••.•• §'16 ··················-· -·······-······---· Pop. 275 B 17 65--249 Jefferson. Frederick D 8 Commercial State Bank_.§'16 ·················--· ·····-·-·--··-·--·· Pop. 425 . . 65-240 Keedysville. Wash't'n O 7 C1t1zens Bank •.•.••••••• U-07 Grant W1and_. __ . Charles Thomas._ Pop. 39-1 f . GS-172 D. D. Keedy Kensin2'ton .Mon~omery Kensmiton .,!33nk ••.• ·--·1'08 ·-----····-···-----· ·········----------· Pop. 874 F 12 . . ....-173 Kitzmiller •• -.UarreU LS First Nat10~~-Ba nk--•. •!'08 R. A. Smith·--·· 8. S. Bender ........ Pop. 1398 u..-1 74 L. 0. Bray •La Plata_. _ Charles J 13 Charles Co~itI Bank •••• 1'08 ··-···-··--·-···---· ·-·--··----········· .. Pop. 300 .. '" .....d -N35 ·--··--Soal,llern .... ~t. Bank•t'D5 P. R, Wills--····-· G. O. Monroe. _____ 85. - 1 .. J. J. Gering LaureL ••. Priuce Georges Citizens Nat1on a 1 Bank -•t·DO G. W. Waters, Jr._. A.G. Thomas.-•• Pop. l2:l9 F 14 . 65- 77 , •Leonardtown . St. Marys FmtNat.Bk.of St.Marys•! 03 L. E. Mumford·-·· Geo. W. Joy···---· Pop. 600 L 15 65-176 Leonardtown Bank ----•tl'l2 ______________________________________ 65-220 ..  ...  '°  25,000  Hancock Bank ...... - .. •H'94 Maxwell Richards. ···--·······-·-·--· E. A. Little .•·---·· ·-·----···-----· 65-118 Union Exchange Bank •.• t'l7 .. ------··-----· ------·······-··· John T. Mason •••• ·········-----65-251 Havre deGrace •. Harford Pop. 4374 B 20  i:: El) '"1  cn~aE-•,~;,.  CHA,~~~RED  OLDEST BANK IN MARYLAND  600  umber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNall;y Bankers• _s_• • ~ Directory, u~der the authority o_f_T_!e American ~ankers _A  dexed e _!'or Interest_ Rates, ·~=-=-=,=-:=:.=-=======-:,.,.:.::= ~t~_  _ ~ .__ --  , '.HIE OI-' BA ."K..  Tow.· A D CoU."TY.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InAcces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this Hollda;ys, etc.,_soo Laws  MARYLAND-Continued  l{~:SOUl{L' ES.  LIABILITIES.  Libertytown-- Frederick Peoples Bank---·----····§'13 65·230 0 11 Pop. 500 Lonaconiof.Allerany K 6 First National Bank •.••. •t'05 65-88 Pop, 2054 LonaconiniSavinesBk.•*1'80 65-87 .K&Dchester .. Oarroll A.14 Manchester Bank ••••.•• tl'99 65-178 Pop. 546 Mardela Spres. Wicomico Farmers Bank--••-•tS'l2 65-221 K 23 Pop. 875 11.arion Station.Somerset Bank or Marion .••••••••t§'l4 65-229 N 28 Pop. 500 Farmers Bk. of Somerset Co. " •!1'04 65-179 Massey ••..•.• Kent D 22 P oples Bank •••••..••••• 1'16 65-238 Pop. 120 Jlechanicsville.St. llarys Eastern hore Trust Co.• '08 65-180 K 15 Pop. 500 lllddletown .. Fred'k O 8 .Middletown Savines Bk .• S'08 65-125 Pop. 7-19 Valley Savings Bank •• •U'87 65-124  a & E" · 4 1.0 • " " 0 • • C'T8. lloNo•. Cll..,.au,Du•  _s_so_ua~  25,000  15,000  445,000  J.M. Sloan •••••••• I.Bradburn ••••••.. D.R.Sloan. Tr, __ .AleckSloan,.A.Tr.  20,000  75,000  J. N. Dehoff .••••.• J, H. Sherman •••• J.E. Masenhimer, S. G. :Masenhimer. Tr. Jacob Rupp R. G. Robertson ••• J, P. Wrieht •••••- W. H. Robertson •• - · - - - - · -  10.000  103,760  950,830  10,000  10,470  103,86()  L. M. Milbourne •• H.P. Tull ••••••••• E. R. Coulbourne. J. S. Adams----···  20,000  10,000  110,000  9,000 Union Bridee Bk&'. & Tr. oo., Union Bri~e. 40,000 N. Bk. Com. and .Am. Ex. N.• N. Y.: Drov. &. 1 Mech. N., Bait. j 140,000 Han.N.,N.Y.:Drov.&Kech.. N .. Balt.  380,000  850,0C0 , 810,000  79,850 M. M. 1st N. Bait.; Westminster Dep, & Tr. Oo., Westminster. 22,640 Balt. Tr. co., Balt,  807,490 I  I  TaO><B.uru  J.M. Sappineton •. B. F. Hammaker .. M. F. Starr •••••••• M. Scott Starr- · - $ 10,000 $ 10,520 $ 130,000 $ 121.000 $ H. C. Thrush ••••.• W.W. Shultice •••• T. Leslie Kilroy ••• -·-··-----·--·-·  - 1  PRIN CIPAL CORRESPO~DE.'TS.-·  c..  Ass 'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SuARNDPtus D:tPosCASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. 1•Mem. Am. Bks. A~Sn. §Slate •County eats. C In ·o. 5 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBks.A sn. tPriv. _F_IT_S _ 1_T8_ _O - IT_A_L _PR [Estah. 1- - - - - --·1-- - -- - - 1 - - - -- - - - 1 - - - - - - - -I--AP ' +Mem. Jl'ed. Res. BaltimOr!l Branch.  °'g  101.690  I  Gordon Tull. ___ G. P. Parsons ••••• Aden Davis-···--· John T. Handy-·  15,000  25,000  El:  125,000  I I  315,340  438,460  20,170 Citiz. N., Balt.; Bk. of Somerset, Princess )> Anne. 1-1"1 101,470 Merch. N., Batt. r,,  ···--······-··----·· ·····--·-··--···-·· ··-·····-·---·-··--· E. Thos. Massey._ (Branch of Chest ertown, Md.) ••• · · - - - N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.  ·-·····--·-··-·---·· ··-·-·-··-···-····-- R.H. Sothoron •••• J. 0. Wood........ (Branch of Cambr idge,Md, J -·-····· ··-······ N. Bk. of Bait., and Bait. Com '!, Balt.; Com'l N ., Wash., D. C. 23,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N. and Mtle. Tr.• & 20,000 510,000i 55.5,000 25,000 P. E. Bassard----· G.D. Dinterman •• J. L. Routzahn·-·· R. G. House·-----Dep. Co., Balt.; Far. & .Mech. N .• Frederick. 1 63,000 N. lik:. Oom., N. Y.: Merch. N., 'ritle Guar75,000 148,000 1.548,000 1,900,000 W. L. Remsbere, Oharles H.Ooblentz B. L. Ooblentz ••••• F. O. Remsberg, antce & Tr. Co .• and FidelltY. Tr. Co .. Bait.: A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. Cent. Tr. Co. "f Md .. Frederick. 25,000 Liberty N. N. Y.; DroT. & .llech. N., Bait. 272,000 1 322,000 27,920 25,000 )(klland.... 1 IIArany J 5 First National Bank ••• •i1900 Roberdeau .4.nnan . ........ --·-··-··--· Frank C. Ort •••••• - - - - - - t 65-l}Sl Pop. 910 12,060 Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., Balt, 15,280 172,590 , 194.040 15,000 .lllllinrton .•••. Kent E 22 llilllorton Bank of lld.•:l:S'08 J.P. A.hero---··- - Isaac Gibbs-·-·-- C. M. Melvin ...••. L. G. Pearson..... 65-182 Pop. 368  II  1  ..C:::  r-4  )> i-;  "4  O tx:J  )> i-;  "4 ~  r,n  l"  Jlonrovia.Frederick D 16 Central.TrustCo.of:Maryland - - - - · - · - - - · - - - - - - - - - - · · - - · - · - · C. Thos.Summers, (Branch of Frede rick, Md ' .> •.•.... -····--· Oent. Tr. Co. of Md,, Frederick. .A. Tr. t§'0 65-183 Pop, 70 Am: Ex. N .• N'. Y.; Drov. & Mech. • .• Bait.; tt •••... (Branch of Frede rick,Md ,)_...... Oele )(t. A.iry .••.. ~rroll D 12 Commercial State Bank .• S·~6 - - - - - - - - · - - · - - - - - · - ··------·--·Chas.A. ::l, Girard N .• Phll, · 65-127 Pop. 754  I  s:  '< ....  First National Bank. ___ •!'04 M. G. Urner ••••••• A.. W. HalL.--·-- J. L. Burdette ••••• 1------·· (15-126  25,000  Mt. Rainier-Prince Geor- Citizens Inter tate Bk., Inc. John T. Clancey •• J. H. Hanbock •••• R. B. Whitehurst.. - - - - - - - - - R. B. Whitehurst 1'19 65-273 fes .. Pop.2-1 2 •••• Il 1-1  10,000  3,000  72,00011  34.950  ~ 18.760 M. M. 1st N . and Title Guarantee & Tr, Co., ::, Bait, ; Cont. Tr. Co., Wash., D, C.  llt. Saval?e •• Alleean:r J 6 First National Bank._ •• •i•o2 W. Bladen Lowndes H. A.. Pitzer ·-·-· L. A.. Fannon._ ••• ----········--···· 65-184 Pop. aooo  25,000  35,000  590,000,,  533,000  105,000 Ham. N .• N. Y.; Fidelity Tr. Co. and N, Union 0 Bk. of Md .• Bait. 0  57,550 1,334,400 1.285,930  122,030 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. & Kech. N., Ball.  0  ....  8  llyeraville.Froo.erick B 8 Central Tr. Co. of Maryland - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - A. J. Smith, Sec._ J. W. Eldridee . •••• (Branch of Frede rick, .Md .).-••.•• _ _ _ N, Park. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. co. of Md .. Frederi~k; Merch. N.. Bait.; Corn. Ex. N .. si> I' §'15 65-236 Pop. 239 ::, Phil.; N. Met .• Wash., D. O. 20,110 Chase N.,N. Y.: Drov.& Mech. N., Balt.:Fred- _ 801.050 70,090 614,970 23,000 Myersville Savines Bank.1'99 T. F. Grossnickle. C. N. Frushour-· G. W. Bittle, Tr .••• B. A.. Youni, Su,_ ~~ ericktown Sav. Inst .. Frederick. W. S. Wachtel, 65-140 6,650 N. Bk. Oom., Bait. 235,220 25,000 • 27,500 204,950 Nanticoke. Wlromico L 22 Sa vines Bank of Nanticoke Jay Williams •••••• H.J. Messick._. W. H. Turne:::.~~ S. R, Turner... .... \J • S. Gordy, Jr. •W08 &>·185 Pop. 600  -<'  Newark •. Worrc ter L 26 Home Bank--·-···· §'19 R. Fulton Powell .• John L. Ma on •••• Lewis J . Tull. •.••. ······---··-··--65· 259 Pop. 350  12,500 ···-····· - - - -  New Windsor . Carr'! B 11 First National Bank •••• •:l:'C14 David B. Stem.-•• J. W. nader ..••.• Nathan H. Baile __ ··-----------  77,000  51,120  429,530  564,310  45,540 Citiz. N., N. T.; Merch. N., Bait.  North East. ••. O ell B 21 First National Bank-• • •• •:l:'03 0. A. Benjain •••••. A. Anderson·-·---· R. 0. Reeder·--·· E. J. Campbell •••• 65-187 Pop.1112  25,000  21,420  418,000  411,000  50,260 Han.  50,000  37,000  580,000  520,000  65-186  Pop. 512  I•  •Oakland •.•• Garrett L 2 First National Bank ••• •itooo D. M. Dixon ••••.• • M:. N. Wilson--·-· R. B. Slieer .. ...... W.W. Dawson •••• 85-98 Pop. 12~;; harrett ational Bank . •t·8~ G. 8. Hamill ••••••. D. E. Offutt- •••• G . .4.. ll'raley ····-- H. L. Jones •••••••. 65- 97 I  •  •  I  •  ,  I  I  '  I  •  '  I  '  I  I  I  \  II  I  I  1\\E M~l\(}M~l B~NK Of BALTIMORE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  CHA'~~;RED  •.  ,  50,000 tll  100,530 1,393,610 1,258,430 13,000  171,000  171.500  .• N. Y.; City . N,, Bait.  151,150 N. Oity, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait. 327,;;90 Han, N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bal\.  '-◄  I»  :,  C  ..,11.l  ~  30,600 Dep. & Sav •• Snow Hill: N .. Bk. of Bait .• Balt.  OLDEST BANK IN MARYLAND Non-Bank Towns with Nearest. Ba~k,ng. P(?lnt~ ~ll!·.  Number under Name or Bank is tbe New Tran•H Number ~vea to each bank in U. S. exclusl¥ely by The aand-McNaUy Ban.lren• _ _ _ DJttctory,~d~r th_e authority 0£_ The Amerl~an Bankers AH'n.  601  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl ~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., ee Law:.  MARYLAND--C OD tiDUe d  ~~D OOUNTT. NAME OF BANK. •Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. SS ta te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRlCSIDENT. To .. ·o. 5 Fed. Re·. Di t. tMPm. State Bk:s.Assn. tPriv. Baltimore Bran<'h. +Mero.Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  OASHill.  1  5  , _ _ _L_IA_B_I_Lcc..IT=.clc.=E:.c:S..:...._ _ _ 11 _____:;R:.;:,;E:;;.cS;;..;O...;;U-"-R'-'-CES=-.'---I .Ass'T OASBIER. PAID·UP 8lrnPLU8 DEPOS- Lo£n•Dt.. C.una:Ex-  C ~  PRINCIPAL OORRJ:SPONDENTS.  CAPITAL PRAONF oT ITS o'T•. Bo"""' cn£NGP,Dn .., _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 .,._n_A_""_a. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 1 ~ 1 _ 8 _ _ _ _ _s_11CtJ1U_T_lll  •a_  1  1  -  1  -  Overlea_ Baltimore D 17 Overlea Bank-••••••••• •U'l6 J. S. Biddison -··-· John L. SippeL ••• . W. J. Seward ••••• E. H. Plumer ..•••- $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 850,000 $ 870,000 $ 57.000 Merch. N., Balt. .Pop. 1500 ♦ 65-241  11.0 tv  Owines----·-Calvert I 16 Owinirs Bank ··-····----•S·l3 - - - · - - - - .................... C. C. Buckler---··· ---····(Branch of Eastern Shore Tr. Go., Cambridge, Md.) Merch. N .. Bait. Pop. 100 65-225 Oxford_ •••••• Talbot I 19 Oxford Bank ·-·-·····--1'12 W. H. Meyers •••• O. S. Gallup ---··-- Thos. M. Green-•• --····-·-· ---·Pop. 998 65-188  10,000  14,150  Pa:-kton __ Baltimore A. 15 First National Bank ••••• •'09 J. 11. Little-••••• H. M. Gore--···--· Ernest Krout·---·· H. M. Hale··--·-Pop. 500 65-1811  25,000  35,0ll0  Perryyille_ ••• _cecil B 20 ~ational Bank of Perryville Joseph Condon •••• W. H. Cole, Jr .•••. George H. Cobourn C. C. Buck .•••..•• Pop, 652 65-256 •t'l8 J.T.C. Hopkins, Jr.  50,000  Plkesville.Baltimore D U Pikesville National Bk .•• •i•o7 H. 11. Benzinirer _. T. J. Foley •••••••• FrederickO.Scherf -····-·---····--··· Pop. 1500 65-190  560,000  587,940  32,450 N. Bk. Com., Balt.  13,050  261,830  358,740  43,930  25,000  14,300  398,120  384,880  40,770 N. Ex., Balt  PittsvilJe __ WicomicoK 26 Trnckers&SavinrsBank•l'08 N. J, Wimbrow •••• J. W. Parker·---· M.A.. Davis·-·--·- J. A. Davis·-······ Pop. 368 65-191 E. R. Ennis  12,000  20,000  174,210  196,780  10,520 Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.: Salisbury N., Far. & Merch., and Peo. N., Salisbury.  Plea~ant Valley.-Carroll Pleasant Valley Bank •••• §'19 A. D. Lei ter •••••• E. H. Schaeffer._._ N. W. Crou e •••••• ·-······-··-·-····-(Westminater P. 0.) 65-266 Pop. 200 B 12 Pocomoke C' y _Worcester Citizens National Bank-•t"02 E. J. SchooUl.eld- •• W. S. Schoolfield •• 0. X. Byrd ••••• _ •• J. 0. Stevenson •••• Pop. 244-1 N 25 65-80  16,000  4,490  67,760  85,210  . City, N. Y.: Franklin N .. Phil.: Citiz. ~r., Bait,  a:  ,> I~ 1~  z~  t,  3,120 Union N., Westmin ter.  tlj  55,000  525,000  618,830  108,140 Irvlnir N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Bait,: Phil, N,, Phil,  50,000  78,000  975,000  926,000  103,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Halt.  25,000  30,800  371,470  361,510  65,520 Han. N. and Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: Drov.& lleeh. N., Bait.; .Am. N., Wash .. D. O.  --·······---··-·---· J. T.O. Hopkins, Jr. C.H. Reckefus .••• •  50,000  54,500 1,014.540 1,049,770  123,300 N. City, N. Y.;Phil.N., Phil.: Merell. N .. Bait.  < ~  Preston_ •• __ oaroline I 22 Provident State Bank ••• U'04 A.. W. Sisk .•••••••• W. lrl. Wri£ht____ . Jas. A. Trazzare ••• M. Edith Noble--· Pop. 784 65-1113  25,000  21,000  108,150 Union Tr. Co. of Md. and Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., Ba.It.  ~  c. Rowland-·--·  •Prince Frederick •• _QaJ. Eastern Shore Trust Co. -·-·--·····-····· ·-······-----···· R. B. Smoot·-- 0. L. Kine.----- (Branen of Gamb ridge, verL ••• Pop. 157-. J 16 65-111, §1900  JOSHUA W. MILES- ff. F. LANKFORD.-•• WM. B. SPIVA.- - - S. H. SUDLER·-·····  •Princess Anne.Somerset BA NK OF SOMERSET --•H'89 t'rompt ervlce ba bua.t our busi ne ·s. 'ave time and get service on Pop. 068 l{ 2, 65-110 { colcections and Credit Reports by ending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15 c; Credit Reports , 25c. TRY US.  25,000 Special attentl on given BW of Lading drafts, C ash and Time It ems.  375,280  d,)_ •••• _ _ _ Merch.  N. and Title Guarantee & Tr. Co.,  Ba.It.  178,000 1,100,000 1.39,1.000  75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Balt.; Girard Phil.  38,670  576,600  606,540  84,900 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. N., Ball.  •.,  Plea e end 15c with each sight dr aft for prrMntatio n and 25c for Gred it Repor ts. SEND US YOU R PRINCESS AN NE ITEMS.  Queenstown .Qu'n Annes Queenstown Bk. of Maryland E. L.Dudley ••••. -. W. E. King·····--- W. I. Tuttle Jr. ___ D. 0. McConnor.Pop. 270 G 20 &5-195 •1'99  10,000  10,060  127,180  132,560  15,490 ~Ierch. N. and Umon Tr. Co. of 1Id., Bait.  Reisterstown •. Baltimore Reisterstown Savings Bk. of Frank H. Zouct: -· Reister Russell •••• H. H. RusselL _____ K. R. Pfeffer •••••• Pop. 1000 O 14 BaJtimore~1~tY •• --l'Ol  10,000  49,320  541,900  623,730  44.580 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Union, Bait.  10,000  16,300  250,650  244,880  8,350 Union Tr. Co. of Md .. lblt.; Denton N., Denton.  50,000  99,580  939,610 1,033,980  102.4-10 Franklin N., Phil.; N. Ex. and :Merell. N., Balt.  Ride-ely ._ •• Caroline G 21 Bank of Ridgely·--·--· t §'02 T. W. Jones.-···-· J.M. Short. ••••••• Pop. 809 &5-197  c. L. Hobbs ·--·---  ····-----··--·-·----  Risine- Sun ••••• Cecil A 20 Nat. Bk. of Rising Sun. •*'80 Charles S. Pyle·•••• .A. L. Duyckinck ••• M. E. Flounders.Pop. -142 65-198  RISING SUN BANI -----·-§'19 -------·······--·-·· ····----····-·· L.B. Gillespie ____ (Branch of Elkton 65·265 Rock HalL •• _Kent. F 19 Peoples Baf!k ... -·---·-·§'16 n~ -7? fh.?~O  THE NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z~  en  I  0  ~  0 ~  65,000  PESOPLEESSBANK OF {"· J. WATERS ... ·---·--·--- 0.J. CROSWELL-. Mo& L. COSlEN-----OM R ET COUNTY .•il'95 Vl:.RNON . WHITE ~5-lll  >  '1  300,000  Bkg. & Tr. Co.,  Elkton, Md.) __ . --·--- Harriman N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; N. Ex., Bait.  OLDEST BANK IN MARYLAND  ,1 I  100,000  Port Deposit. __ oecll B 20 Cecil National Bank •••• •:•50 S. Pop. 1090 G6-95  \  ~  I  19.810 Title Guar&ntee & Tr. Co., Balt.  Pocomoke City ational F. 1rl. Wilson •• --·- B. I. Blaine-···-··· J. W. Ennis ....... ·--····-····-······· Bank ____ &5-711 ··-- --·- •i'89 Poolesville •• Monte-omery Poolesville National Bank:•'07 H. W. Spurrier •••• W. T. Griffith __ .•• G.D. Willard ______ Benj. White-·--·-Pop.325 E9 65-192 B. W. Walling  f  '  176,970  174,900  \  g  ~  tr:  e:..  °' 0  . ,.  594  602 __  Number unde.r Name to each bank in U. S. e lll•~tn•v ... ruin•  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S . exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlr~t-0ry, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND O0UNTY,  In  ♦ h.,,  •County Seats. 5 Fed. nes. Di .:o.  [Estab. +Mem. Fed. Res. Baltimore Branch. •Roclcville.Mont~omery .Farmers Bkg. & Tr. Co. of F 11 Mon~omery Co, ___ •t§lQ00 Pop, 1145 65-103 Mon~omery County Nat. Bk. •:t'84 61H02 ..Salisbury ____ Wicomico Farmers & Merch. Bk.-•:U'93 65-41 K 24 Pop, 7553  PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK  PRESIDENT,  Sharpsburl? Bk. of Wash.Co. il'08 65-199 Eastern Shore Trust'02 65-200 Silver 81>ringNat. Bank ___ 'l0 65-201 Peoples Bankinl? Co, ____ •1'10 65-133 Smithsbur2 Bank of Wash. County __ 65-132,------•U'02 •Snow HilL-- Worcester Commercial Nat. Bank __ .i·o2 65-83 Pop 1684 M 26 Deposit & Savin2s Bank-1'05 .. 65- 84 First National Bank ____ et'87 65-82 Solomons ____ Oalvert L 17 Solomons Bank---------•1'05 65-202 Pop. 2 3 'parks ___ Baltimore D 16 SPARKS STATE BANK-•t§'l8 65-255 Pop, 150 parrowsPointBaltimore Bank of Sparrow's Point •t§'l7 65-252 (BalUmore P. 0.) E 17 Pop. 5500 Provident Savings Bank:t§"86 " -------65-247 teYen ·villeQueenAnnes Stevensvil1e Bank of Mcl.§'03 65-203 G 18 Pop. 300 Point t. llelena.BaltimoreD 15 Bank or Sparrows t§'20 65-271 (Baltimore P. O,J St. :Michaels __ Tai bot H 18 Citizens Bank ________ --•:U'06 65-90 Pop. 1347 St. Michaels Bank ______ :f:§"00 " 65--811 Stockton_ Worcester N 25 Stockton Bank __________ tl900 65-W4 ~~000 8udlersville_Queen .A.nnes Sudlersville Bk. of Md. -- 1'04 65-205 E 22 Pop. 276 Sykesville __ Carroll D 13 Sykesville National Blc. -•t'0l 65-128 Pop. 610 TakomaPark, 1onti.Fl2 Takoma Park Bank----•~1'17 65-253 ( Waslllnotori D. C. l-'.O.) POI>, 3168 Taneytown __ Oarroll A 12 Birnie Trust Co. ______ _•t§'99 65-121 Pop. 800 Taneytown Sa vines Bk. •U'87 6-'l- 120 Sharpsbur~ ___ Wash. 0 7 Pop. 832 Sharptown.Wicomico J 23 Pop. 713 Silver 8prin2-Mon~.G 13 Pop, 500 Bmithsbur~ ____ Wash . .A 9 Pop. 586   Numbu under Name or Bank eaob ban.le in U. B. e:xcluslvely Federal Reserve Bank 603of St.toLouis  VICJ:-PRE.SIDDT.  OA.SHIKK.'T OA.SHIER.  PAID-UP SURPLUS AND C APITAL PROFITS  - - -- - - - l · - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 R.G.Hilton ____ BdwardO. Peter_ __ Jas.E.Deets, Tr. __ R.G.Hilton,Su. __ $ 55,200$ F. B. Abert, A. Tr. J. H. Jones, A. Sec.  DEPOSITS  to.,.u,D 19-  o...n&E.x-  O'TR.  CRASGE<,Dum  Boso,,  S1oua1T1S8  100,000  131.270 1;050,160 1,372,710  L.B. Williams---- T. L. Rusak _______ S. A. Graham ___ M. V. Cannon _____  100,000  107,000  800,000  905,790  100.000 adlng drafts, Cas hand Time Item s. for presentation and 25c for Credit Rep orts. . ss. 25,000 Henry W. Ruark __ --------------------  98,260  570,000  637,610  5,750  239,030  211,640  V. PERRY-------- C. R. DISHAROON--- I. L. PRICE--------- - - - - - - -· tn°gl~~~lun of L ith each sight draft Salisbury buslne F. L. Wailes _______  Jay Williams ______ W. 8. Gord:r, Jr. __ A.H. Holloway---H. H. Ruark, A. C. E~C. Fulton J. W. Jones ______ F. L. Thomas ______ Francis Miller_____  100,000 25,000  Chas. F. Kirk _____ A.G. Thomas, Tr .. II'. L. Thomas, Su.  160,000  100,000  120,000  500,000  200,000  B. H. Gardner---- Philip Grove ______ C. V. Snyder _____ S. W. Stouffer_____  15,000  25,350  289,240  S. J. Cooper _______ B. P. Grovenor ____ P. T. White ____ K. H. Cooper------ (Bramh of Cam bridge,  652,000 311,780 Md.) ---  312,000  J. H. CisseL ______ H. Mee. Marlow __ I. C. Whitacre _____ Robert Burns_____ F. L. Hewitt Lancelot Jacciues, F. H. Bikle _______ F. 0, Oox ________ K. J. Beard______ Sr. R. B. Brown _______ ________________ __ K. J. Newcomer __ W. V. Spessard____  25,000  14,000  310,000  20,000  20,700  406,000  383,000  20,000  22,530  398,000  413,170  G. S. Payne ________ G. M. Upshur ______ O. T. Richardson __ Eben Hearne___ L. Hastings 0. M. Purnell ______ E. P. DavIS _______ E.W. Marshan ____ Mary L. Truitt___  50,000  24,000  483,000  507,000  25,000  13,000  200,000  186,050  71,780 N. Y. Tr. Oo., N. Y.: Mtle. Tr. & De1>. Oo., Balt.; N. Met., Wash., D. c.  58,130 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N. and Union Tr. Co., . . Ba!t, 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Umon Tr. Co. of Md., Balt. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N .• Bait.; Columbia N., Wash .• D. C. 109.880 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.  250.000 1,450,000 1,492,700  B. E. Behendt. ____ M. E. Myers, Tr ••• H. T. Plaster, Sec, A.L.Phillips, A. Tr,  -  175,040 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Rigra?s N., Wash., D. C. 28,060 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.: Union Tr. Co., Balt, 122,840 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; Corn Ex. N.,Phil.  180,400 1,200,000 1,400,000 30,000  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  rao>1B•N1<S.l:::-::---:c---------------l  65,930$ 876,630$ 926,640$  G.11. Hunter---- Lawrence Allnutt. W. R, Brewer _____ G. P. Henderson__  Special attentl •i•o3 { Please aend 15c w 65-43 , We want your Salisbury Bldl?, Loan & Bkl?. L. W. Gunby---Ass'n ____ 65-42 -------•U'02 SALISBURY NAT BANK-•t'M W. P. Jackson ___ " _____ " 65-40 &andy Sprine--Mont2.F 12 First National Bank ___ •U900 A.G. Thomas ______ 65-1011 Pop. 100 Sav.Inst.of Sandy Spr'i:•W68 A. M. Stabler----65-108 F. B. Carmody. ____ SeatPleasant ______ Prince Southern Maryland Trust Georges .. Pop, 3000 __ G 14 Co. ______ 65-217 ------•:U'12 ( Washington,D.C.,P.O.)  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  NAME OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §S tate t. :tMem. State Bks . .Assn.t Priv.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Q\ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see ~a~·s: ~  MARYLAND-Continued  ~ > 1-'1'4  ,v  Jo,<  r4  )>  43,000 TitleGuarantee&Tr.Co.and Union Tr. Co. of Z Md., Balt.; Com'l N. and Cont. Tr. Co .. t;I Wash., D. C. tJ:I 25,530 N. Bk. Oom., Bait.; 2d N., Haeerstown. )> ,~ _ _ _ Han. N .• N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait. " 66,000 N. City, N. Y.; 2d N., Wash., D. C.; N. Bk. of~ 'en Balt., Balt. 48,000 1st N. and Com'l Tr. Co., Haeerstown.  I  24,580 N. Park, N. Y.; Ha2erstown. Ha2erstown: ~ . Merch. N ., Bait. 63,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt .. Bait.; Girard 00 :,:;-N ., Phil. <,.... 12,470 N. Bk. of Balt .. Balt.  617,130 155,110 Irvin~ N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; :Merell. ~ 52,980 594,260 100,000 N .. Bait. N. Union Bk. of Md. and Title Guarantee & - - - - - - - - _________________ H. H. Hellen ______ A. H, Tongue ______ (Bramh of East em Sho re Trust Co.. Cambrid oe, Md.) Tr. Co., Bait. ""'1 25,000 Union Tr. Co., Bait. 7,000 170,000 175,000 20,000 S. G. St>arks ------ S. H. Miller _______ T. Herbert Lytle-- S. P. Cole, Tr._____ John W. Smith ____ T. 11. PurnelL ____ W.R. Bratten _____ W. S. Parsons____  0  A. D. Graham----- Geo. W. Williams __ F , o. cherf _______  o. L.  ll'  Robson______  100,000  87,110 1,162,390  853,010  468,520 Citiz. N., Ba.It.  ::, <'D  '<  d,) _________ Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Union Bk. of l\ld. and __________ (Branch of Balti more, ----------------- ______________ Wm. J. Haacke, 0 <! Merch. N., Bait. Mor. 5,110 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Centreville N. Bk. or ~ 9,020 100,310 111,ll0 10,000 J. F. Ruth _________ H.P. Breeding-____ Barnes Legl?------- ____________________ ::, :Md, and Queen Anne's N •• Centerville. _______________________________________________________________________________ (Branch of Sparr ows Poin t, Md,) __ _________ Citiz. N,, Balt.  ___________ --------- ____________________ W. C. Mills _______ . ___________________ _ (Branch of Eaate rn Shore Trust Co ., Clifton Hope------ L. V. Johnson _____ W. D. J. llorria ___ W. O. Blades ___ _  R. F. Powell ______ E. H. Taylor ______ R.H. Taylor _______ Miss Sue Taylor ••• ,  w. O. Thomas _______________________  20,000  10,000  370,220  Chase N., N. Y.; 'ritle Guarantee & Tr. Co .. Balt. Cambrid ge, Md.) 26,020 Easton N., Easton; Balt. Com'l, Balt. 311,630  5,000 _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1st N., Snow Hill.  J. F. Stokes _______ K. H. GillesI>ie ____ _  10,000  60,680  562,360  566,950  W. H. D. Warfield __ G. Harry Bevard __ Wm. M. Ohii,Iey _____________________ _  75,000  45,000  650,000  750,000  c. Lyddane ____ _  50.000  47,230 1,020,860  922,520  E. E. Reindollar ___ J. J. Weaver. Jr ___ G. H. Birnie ______ G. Walter WllL __  40,000  60,000 1,023,280 1,050,450  S. C. Redman ______ D.Feldman ________ W. P. Gibson ______ R. W. T. Knox D. J. Hesson_·----- 0. T. Fringer _____ _  ia tbe New Transit Number given by The Band-McNaJly Bankefs'  MARYLAND-Continued  56,090 Drov. & Mech. N. and Union Tr. Co., Bait,;';::, Corn Ex. N •• Phil. i:: 75,000 Merch. N., Bait. 180,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Com'! N. and Lin. N .. Wash., ~ D. C.: N. Bk. of Balt. and Title Cluarant ec & '< • Tr. Co., Bait. 87,940 Winslow, Lanier & Co .. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N. and Fidelity Tr. Co., Bait. 57,530 Drov. & Mech. N. and Fidelity Tr. Co .• Bait.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this[~ idaYS. etc .. see Laws. -  603  Nrrm,,_ aad• Name or Ba.ak i.8 Uie New Tra.oalt Numlter sivk> eaob bank iD u. 8. exelrul~•IT by Tbe &and-HeNallT .Rauen• Dfredory, under the authority of The American BanJ(er• Afl'n. NA.Jo: 01' BANI.  'l'olF.N AND 0oU1'TY,  • •County Seab. . Baltimore Branch  1  1  I  LIABILITIES.  /  VICE-PlUCSIDDT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te , ' PRJ:SIDDT. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ♦ )fem. Fed. Res.  In l'. o. 5 Fed. Re . D1 t. fMem. State Bk:s. Assn. tPnv.  Tho.rmonLll'rAderick BD Citizens Savtnis Bank ••• s•oa 65--117 Pop. 1074  with Neare t Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer·, Lall" (indexed) in back of this '-4 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., se~ _La~~ ~ C PRINCIPAL O0RRESP0NDENT8. RESOURCES. ~ tcw...l:Drs- Ouu&:Ez-  MARYLAND-Continued ___ ___ _ 0.i8BID.  A.SS'T  OASBill.  PAID-UP SURPLUS AND C  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __AJ>_iT_AL_ PROFITS 1 1 1  a. a. Water3 ··--·· c. M. MacklY.-·-·· S. R. Damuth  S. R. Damuth •••• _ F. R. Martin-·-·,  c. H. Brown.·--···  DEPOSc•u. Do><os, cu><a ..,D.,• ITS _ _ _ ~ uoxn.. ,."..  ~  ~  §  25,000 $  38,000 $ 550,000 $ 660,000 $ 30,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Md., Frederick.  J. G. Jonea .... - . -----··----·  25,000  28,000  707,590  7-12.130  48,600 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt,  S. K. Wilson_ ••••• J_. M. Howeth··--•----····-  10,000  8,580  127,270  111,470  14,780 Dcov. & Mech. N .• Bait.  C. E. Weakley ____ • W.O.Kenney .. _ .. J. D. Galloway, Jr.  25,000  19,760  546,980  494,360  Elmer J. Cook ••__ J.B. Galloway. __ • Thoma, J. lleada_ N. E. Offutt  50,000  39,140  716,160  782,160  14,630 Towson N., Towson; Union Tr. Co. of .1.Id .. Merch. N., and Bait, Com'l, Balt. 6'1;950 Citiz. N ., Bait.  · Towson National Bank ... t"86 D. B. Rice·--···· E. O. Hatch·-··--·· W. 0. Oraumer -·· M. R. Schuster ••• " -····" , 65-la& Trappe •••••••• Talbot I 20 State Bank of Trappe._._f'l7 R. J. Dawson .••••• J. A. Ros.s-··-····· N. H. Leonard-·· Joseph S. Barnes •• 65-246 Pop. 236  50,000  115,040  802.730  859,220  10,000  12,980  213,490 1 199,810  24,390 Md. Tr, Oo., Bait.  ~  Union Bridge,Carroll B 11 First National Bank •••• •t'08 Jacob S. Gladhill •• E. 0. Qash ••••••••• E. F. Olmstead-·· L. Q, Repp - - · 65-123 Pop. 1082  25,000  25,000  525,0001 542.000  32,000 Merch. N .. Ball.  ~  Union Bridie Bki. & Tr. Co. S.D. Senseney .•_•• B. F. Hammaker_. W. H.B. Anders .• - - - · · - - •1'89 65-122  40,000  82,550 1.087,860 1,195,600  68,020 Han. N .. N. Y.: Baker, -Watts & Co., Drov. & Mech. N., and Merch. N., Bait.  > :Z:  MissV.R.Yingling, UnionMills_.CarrollB12IUnion ~Iills a,·ings Bank GeorceW.Yeiser .. J.J.Ste,rart____ O.B.Bankert. A. Tr. See. and Tr. •!§'99 65-207 Pop. 38:i  10,000  60,000  "  ••••••••  Thurmont ~11,-····-·•1'89 L. S. Birely .. - .. -  "  Tilghman_ .••• Talbot I 18 Tilghman Bank ---······•§·16 S. T. Harrison ••••• 65-242 Pop. 600 •Towson .. Baltimore DH Baltimore County Bank•;l'l2 1D. H. Rice _ _ _ 65-222 Pop. 4000 Second National Bank -·•'06 Harrison Rider •••• " " 65-119  Uniontown __ Carroll B 12 Carroll County Sav. Bk.•:l:1'71 65-208 Pop. 309 Eastern Shore Trust Co.t§'20 • Upper Marlboro. Pr. 65-276 Georges.Pop.500 •• B 14 First Nat·\ Bank of Southern " ·-··---· ·• Kd .•••• _. 65-20Q. __·-·•*'97 Marlboro Bank -········t§'20 " ··---·-· 65-275 Vienna •• Dorchester K 22 Vienna Bank •••••••••••-•1'96 65-210 Pop. 2;j7 Walkersville •• Frederick Walkersville Saviors Bk.1'04 65-211 010 Pop. 596 WesternPort,AlleranyK5 Oitizens National Bank. •t'Ol 65-212 Pop. 3977 •Westminster - . Carroll Farmers & Mech. Nat. Bank •t1850 ~o B 12 Pop. 3521 First Nation~ink •••• •t'65 " ·--·---·  ··  1  J. J. Weaver. Jr ... ··-·--·--·-----··-· JesseP. Garner.Tr. - - - · · - · · - - ·  20,000  27,230  2u,190 1st N., Westminster: Alex. Brown & Son , Bait.  40,000  83,180 1,251,110  805,120  0. D.GilberL ••••• R. S. Shriver •••••. J. H. Cunningham_ ··----·--·-··  50,000  77,800  727,520  998,470  107,990 1.075,390 1,336,100  125,000 100,000  67,290  ·--·-·-·  "  100,000  183,450  -·-·--··  ..  Westminster Dep. & Tr. Co. David E. Stem ••••• Chas. E. Nicodemus N.H. Ba11ID£artner, - - - · · - - Tr. J. H. Blocher •it·os ~ Westminste~~- Bank•.:1'69 F. T. Babylon·-·- Uriah Bixler ••••••• J.B. Bandley, Tr. O. M. Crouse,.A.Tr.  1i~s··-·-· t'll (W. F. Thomas and J.E. Hunter) •••••• J. E, Bunter, Tr,_  Thomas & ( ee BaUimore)  > z I  •i·oo 8. W. Black.-·--·· 65-213 Bank of White Haven ••• §'19 W. H. Dolbey •••.•• 65--:-267 Sav. Bk.of Wllhams1>0rt•l'07 Isaac Loni······65-SG Washinrton~ Nat. Bk•. 1:"64 E.W. Byron·--·-·  ·--·--··----···  50,000 10,000  760,000  670,710  959,570 1,203,670  140,710 2,337,870 2,451,450  359,590 Girard N., Phil.: N. Union Bk. of Md .. Bait.  o  ::, 59,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Oitiz. N., Bait.; Corn Ex • .i:'., r+ Phil. ~ 0 103,410 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch, N., Bait. 60,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. N., Bait. 31.240 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 77,150 N. Ex., Bait.; Union N., Westminster.  ~  g o. en  27,500 _ _ _ Far. & Mech. N. and Union N., Westminster. [  11,000 _ _ _  0  A. L. Anderson .... C. Evans Wiley. __ . ·-·-·-----·····  25,000  35,000  675,000  669,600  A. J. White ••• ·--·· Marks. Dolbey •••• ------·---··--·-·--  10,000  2,000  23,000  26,000  o. D. Bell.·-·-·····  25,000  14,960  295,540  267,850  A.G. Hoffman ••••• O. K. Koorle._ ••••  45,000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. of Bait, Batt. 5,000 Sali~bury :r., Salisbury: Bk. of Somerset.I Prmcess Anne,; Drov. & Mech. ., Bait. 55,080 Drov.& Mech. N., Bait.; City Sav., Hagerstown.  47,540 550,000 405,800 109,260 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt. 100,000 ····-·-·--········· (Branch of Easu rnShore Trust C o., Cam- Merch. N., Bait.; Eastern Shore Tr. Co .. Cambridge. brid ge, .Md.) 36,550 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 31,970 502,230 56i,200 25,000 -······---···-·-·-  J. W. Le Fever •••• William Stake ••-•• · · - - - · - - - ·  Wingate.Dorchester L 20 South Dorchester Bank __ §'J4 -·····-··-··---··· · · · · · · · · · · · · - - B. o. Murphy···65-_226 . Pop. :500 Woodbine.-- Carroll D 12 Woodbme N~tlonal Bank•'07 J.M. DeLashmutt. C. A. Mullinix~·-·· H. S. Owinis- .... 65-214 Pop. 125 Woodsboro. ___ Frederick Woodsboro Sav. Bank. •WDD G. W. Huffman •••• G. F. Smith_·-·--· B. W. Saxten ___ • 65--215 B 10 Pop. 38:5  THE NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  384,490  Z. T. Kalbaurh ·--· J. W. Hughes •••••• Howard O. Dixon •• · · - - · - · - · - · ·  J. J. Weaver-·---· D. J. Roop··-·--· G. R.Gehr ••-····-· - - - - - - - · -  85  46,680 Westminster Dep, & Tr. Co., Westminster: ~ w Fidelity Tr. Co., Bait.  g  Union Natio~rank_ *1816 Geo. K, Schaeffer. ~············-·····- J.P. Wantz··-·- ---······-··-·  White Hall Na1.. Bank_  639,000  1  ''  " ----··-· Westport_ Baltimore E 15 Pop. 3000 White Hall ---· Baltimore R 16 Pop. 350 Whitehaven ___ Wicomico L 23 Pop. 375 Williamsport __ Wash. B 6 Pop. 1615 ,. .. ·--·····  362,280  1  •••••••.•.••..•.• ··- -·--··---··--·--·- J, T. Hall, Jr •.•••• ·---··--····-·------ (Branch of Cambr idge, Md. ) •••••••• _ _ _ Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., Bait.; Bk. of Corn . .,. , ..., & Sav., Wash .. D. a. 65,000 1.600,000 1,063,800 151,800 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N. and N. Bk. C/J 50,000 Ohas. A. Wells •••• A. T. Robinson._ •• W. S. Bill •••• ·-··- 0, H. Owen __·--·· of Bait .. Bait. --··········-······· ··-·········--··-· M. Cary Mc ab ••• W. H. Brooke··-· (Branch of Far. & Mech, B k,, Seat Pleasant, Coml N .. Wash., D. C,; Title Guarantee & Tr . ..J -, Ot>,, Bait. Md.) J. A. Higgins--·-·· J. W. T. Webb- •••• Vernon A.. Hitch •• W. o. Brinsfleld--. (Branch of Eastern Shor e 'l'rwltC o., Cam- Merch. N.;Balt.: Dorchester N., Cambridge. :J" brid ge, Md.) B 64,780 N. Park, N. Y.: Drov. & Kech. N., Balt. 77,920 916,280 954.420 25,000 N. A. Fulton._ ••• O. A. icodemus •. Edwin Devilbiss._ w. N. Stautrer_....  ·--·--·  "  1  618,000  117,760 N. City, N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt.  M. J. Albaugh•• ____ E. Ruth tull  CHAl~~;RED  25,000  83,500  I  910,000 1.0i5,000 1  36,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Union Tr. Co. Ralt.: Far. & "Mech. N .. Frerterick.  OLDEST BANK IN MARYLAND  594  604  Number ander Name or Bank i1 t.he New Tranalt Number ,iven i<> each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNall7 Banker,• Dtrectory. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN A,.~D COUNTY.  NAME OP' BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ACounty Seats. EntireStateinNo.1 tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. [ Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦ 1Iem. Fed. Res. Ablngton .• PlymouthDll Pop. 5787 " " Adams _____ Berkshire B 2 Pop. 12,967 " ________ "  Amesbury ____ Essex A 11 Pop. 10,036  ..  ________  ··  AmhersLHamp hire O 4 Pop. 55ii0 .. _________ ·• Andover ______ Essex B 10 Pop. 8268 " ________ " Arlington __ MiddlPsex F2 Pop. 18,665  Athol  Worrester B 6 ---Pop. 9802  ICS-PR.EsIDENT.  MIS'TOASRIER,  OA.SBill.  ----='-e-'So=BP=L-=-u.:..:8=.=---- ii--==;..==.:__ i AND P.uo-UP C.u-IT.u. PBOl'ITs  DuosITII  °' ~  PRINCIPAL OORRESP0ND.11:NTS,  ~~·:,!',,~: ~·.:.i:i~ B9017VTia  no• B.uu  - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 1- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1  Abington National Bank_:•50 W.S.O'Brien ____ W.P. Arnold ______ G.R.ll'arrar_ ______ ·---------------- $ 75,000$ 67,620$ 200,340$ 415.150 $ 93,3301st N.,Bos. 53--482 Abington Savings &nk •U'53 Wm. J. OoUEhlan _ C. Morton Packard L. S. Fairbanks.Tr. ___________________________ _ 404,000 3,429,800 3,791,000 21,750 1st N., Com'l N., and 2d N., Bos. 53-483 100,000 First National Bank----•t·H Edwin F. Jenks ___ Edwin K. McPeck. Harry J. Sheldon_ ______________ 73,890 681,880 536,970 131,860 N. City, N.Y.; N.Shawmut,Bos. 53-336 100,000 Greylock National Bank.•t'91 Georre B. Adams_ C. T. Plunkett - - Frank Hanlon_____ ______________ 427,300 1,556,080 1,895,320 293,650 N. Bk:. Oom. and Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., !::Ill 53-338 ji::1Bos.: N. Y. State N., Alb. _ 125,380 2,476,230 2,537,620 _______ _____ Sec, Orr, Wm. Tr. EarlL.Walpole, _____ Bixby H. N. ________ llole K F. South Adams Sav. Bk,-•U'69 > 60,500 1st N., Bos.; 1st N. and Greylock N., Adams. Geo. Z. Dean 511-337 en A. H. Simmons Powow River Nat. Bk,-•:l:'36 Benj, F. Sar2'ent __ Wm. Bloom ____ ---- John Gibbons _____ C. C. Chipman_____ 100,000 84,000 1,178,000 1,265,000 250,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.: Girard N .. Phil. en H. A. Sawyer 53-382 Provldentlnst.torSaY.-1'28 A.O. Webster _____ Wm. \V. Hawkes __ RalvhP. Troe, Tr. A.N.Parry,Se,c, __ ----·---- 396,270 4,128,260 4,408,050 115,660 Bos. Safe Dep. & Tr. Oo. and N. Union, Bos. J.E. Blake 53-381 J.mherst Savings Bank•tl'M G. B. Kendrick ____ J. 0. Hammond ____ W. T. Chapin, 'l'r.- J. F. Pa2'e, Su, ____ _ _ _ 553,920 5,345,550 5,864,420 105,72u Springfield Safe Dep. & Tr. Co., Springfield; C: R.S.Morgan,A,Tr, en 5Hi02 , 1st N., Amherst. 150,000 117,350 1.010,880 1,369,850 173,210 Chase N.,N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State ""'4 First National Bank -----•·M E. K. Whitcomb __ H. T. Cowles----- H. T. Cowles _____ E.W. Elwell______ 53-{i03 N., Alb. 1 ~-, Andover National Bank.•t'26 Nathaniel Stevens. J. 0. Sa-wyer ______ o. W. Holland ________________ _ 100,000 164,950 1,225,590 1,351,760 189,950 1st N. and N. Shawmut, B-os. i~ 53-434 Andover Savings Bk.--•:S'H Burton S. Flagg ___ Sam'l D. Stevens __ JJ'. S. Boutwell, Tr. 736,940 6,480,830 7,127,940 108,990 Comw. Tr. Oo., 1st N., and Merch N., Bos.; en I Andover N., Andover. 53--435 _ __ Arlington Five Ots. Sn. Bk. Geor2"e Hill ________ J.P.Parmenter ____ \V,D.Ciark,Jr.,Tr. E. S. Fessenden, 409,370 3,916,140 4,232,500 93,010 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. Safe Dep. & Tr. Oo., and a, A. Tr. C~ w. Allen New Eng. Tr. Co., Bos.; Menotomy Tr. Co.,;> •U'60 53-368 ! BenJ. A. Norton Arlington. 100,000 .Arlin2"ton Nalional Bank•'20 F, V. :royes ------- E. E. Smith ________ E. C. Hildreth_____ ____________________ Z 219,000 20,000 161,000 9,000 N. Shawmut, Bos. 53-370 200,000 97,490 1,865,650 1,956,930 156,480 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Franklin N., 1 ~ Menotomy Trust Oo .• -•U'l3 James A. Bailey ___ W. A. Peirce ______ J. A. Bishop, Tr, __ N. C. Jenkinson, A. Tr, J.E. Kimball ♦ 53-369 I Phil.  > @  ------ ----  ATHOL NATIONAL BANK 53--415  •t"74  100,000 E. WARREN TYLER-- WILLIAM G. LORD----- F. W. WILSON------· Special atteotl on given Bill or L adlns drafts, Cas hand Time Item s. Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Report..<1. Try us for pro mpt se"lce.  i  Athol Savings Bank----•:1'67 Levi B. Fay _______ Chas. F. Amsden •• R.D.Sutherland,Tr ·------------- ________ 53--414 W. M. HUNL------ A. F. TYLER-------- C. STAHLEY NEWTON.. - - - - - - - - - - 150,000  MILLERS RIVER NAT'L BIL  P. B. SWIFT,  ~m  AuburndaleMiddlesexGl Newton Trust Co. ____ :§'15 53-613 Pop. 4695 Ayer ______ MiddlPsex B 8 First NaUonal Bank----•t'S! 63-546 Pop. 3C52 North Middlesex Sav. Bk. " ________ " •tl'85 53-647 Baldwinsville. Worc'r B 6 Templeton Savings Bank•l'71 53-560 Pop. 3750 Barre _____ WorcE'ster O 6 Barre Savings Bank ______ , '611 53-{i45 •. Pop. 3357 .. Second National Bank. ____ •12 ________ 53--544 BelmonL_MiddlP ex O 9 Belmont Savin£s Bank•tf'85 53-561 Pop.10.740 Beverly _______ ~;. sex B 11 Beverly National Bank•tl803 53-276 Pop. 22,561 Beverly Savinis Bank.•tl'67 " ________ " 53--277 Beverly Tru t Co, ________ f'l4 53-278 Beverly Farms.Essex BU Beverly Tru t Company .1'15 ~16 Po-p. 900  M~SS~CHUSETTS Map on Index  67,790  963,780 1,113,380  538,000 5,472,000 6,082,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,580,000  •  Ch. of Bd. •i·M { 53 413 One of the Old est and Stronges t Banks ln Mass achusett • ___________________ Attleboro ____ Brlstol E 10 Attleboro Trust O0,---•tl'l0 A.. 8. In&rahaJD ___ Obas. 8. Holden. - Victor R. Glencross, Tr. 53-285 .. Pop. 19,731 .. First National Bank ----•*'75 C. L. Watson------ D. E. Makepeace __ F. G. Mason______ __________________ ________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  V PlU:sID'ENT,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indoxed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  MASSACHUSETTS  (SarlnKs Banks do not handle collections}  86,690 N.City, N.Y.: 1st N., Bos.; N, Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 66,000 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. 100,000 N. Park:, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  I  200,000  59,560 1,728,000 1,813,890  300,000  134,130 3,918,420 3,740,670  1  ~  er  s·  ...  OQ  0  ::, ,..  o  tJj • 164,320 N, Bk. Oom., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Uh-Atlantic ~ < N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. 874,960 Chase N., N, Y.: 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos, ~ ~  -------------------- (Branch of Newt on, Mase.} ________ 1st N. and Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.: Liberty,'< -------------- -------------------- G. A. Haynes, Buffalo. Acting Mgr. 960,000 1,006,440 154,760 . Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos; N. Y, State N., ~ 9U20 75,000 Howard B. White __ 0. K. Pierce ______ Chas. A. Normand. N. B. Roe--------I» Alb. .., 18,890 N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N .. .ber. 146,880 1,934,440 2,059,280 D. W. Fletcher---- Frank A. Patch ____ R. L. Hastings, Tr. - - - - - - - 1  John E. Murphy ___ Gilman Waite ______ Geo. S. Stone, Tr,_ _______________ _ _ _ F. L. Hosmer 0. H.11'ollansby ____ J. 0. Bartholomew_ Maude B. Hancock, _________ _________ Tr. c. A. Glea on 25,000 Harding Allen _____ J .W. Ellsworth, Jr. C.H. Swan_____ _______________  J. H. Fletcher _____ Frederic Dodge ___ R. T. Brodrick, Tr, _____________ E. F. Atkins A. W. Roiers _____ Chas. E. Ober _____ E. S. Webber _____ Frank W. Foster__  22,600  495,510 527,880 . 154,750 1,325,170 1,442,070 41,010  13,300  221,210  204,280  65,730  904,660  048,560  300,000  239,230 2,407,980 2,400.400  R. W. Boyden ________________________ A. K. Story, Tr,___ ____________________ _ _ _  359,500 4,849,780 5,158,620  3  8,640 Federal Tr. Co., Bos.; Orange N., Orange: 1st en •• Gardner. 37,840 N. Shawmut, Bos.: March. N. and Worcester Bk. & Tr. Co .• Worcester; 2d N., Barre. 52,040 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; March. N., '--' Worcester. ~ 22,950 Beacon Tr. Co. and Merch. N., Bos. .., ~ 551,850 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Bos. 50,730 1st N., Bos.; Beverly N., Beverly,  I»  ~  75,360 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N. and N. _ 972,720 1.039,830 53,880 100,000 U. G. HaskelL ___ F. I. La.masney ____ c. B. Hood, Tr. ____ Chas. A. King, Sec. Shawmut, Bos. • W. S. Flint tv ------------------- _________________ C. B. Hood, Mgr. __ __________________ (Bra,nch of Bever LV, Mas 11.) ______ ------- 4th-Atlantic N ., Bos. -  '°  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Cor.. spondence  921 Q  t.)  C a>  ~  ...  : :.:·~: :~: : ~~.: ·: ~~:: :~.·:;: ;: : : : : : : :. :. :::::'.:.~~~~IJ1~~  c'  C 0  C. ti".  .,; 0  . jXl  '  t) ~  ~-~ Sd  ~  ~~ r.fl~  ,,to  c  '0  ~ : ix:IZ ~~  1 i •  C  ti)  C  0  ~  tj  a>  0 t) ,.;  ~ i  0  ~  C  ·0  ~  t  ~  ~  ~ ~  i  e3  C a>  T  HIS Indian Head is recognized at home and abroad as the symbol of one of America'.c:; most progressive banking institutions. Banks and mercantile houses seeking a banking connection for foreign trade are invited to correspond. Shawmut correspondents are situated in the leading trade centers of the world, and the bank's large corporate ownership in both the Mercantile Bank of the Americas and the Asia Banking Corporation enables it to offer unusual facilities for business in La tin America and the Far East.  ~ ~  < ~  C.  E 0  sC. a>  ·-> ·-·-  bO bO C  I,..  '=" ~  ,:; 0 0  ·:::: ~  c.3 I I I I  I  I I I  OFFICERS  ti)  ,+J  CHAIRMAN  'a>  >  NORMAN I. ADAMS ROBERT S. POTTER W. A. BURNHAM. Jr. FRANK C.  < t./)  ~  ..... C: d r=:  !  !?;  I  ALFRED L. AIKEN  VICE-PRESIDENTS  ~  JOHN BOLINGER ADDISON L. WINSHIP FRANK A. NEWELL NICHOLS  CASHIER  d ' ~: CQ 00  PRESIDENT  WILLIAM A. CASTO  JAMES E. RYDER ASSISTANT CASHIERS  I  HENRY F. SMITH FRANK HOUGHTON GEORGE H. S. SOULE GEORGE E. FICKETT ERNEST H. MOORE  WILLIAM S. TOWN FREDERICK E. JACKSON LEON ,H. WHITE EARL F. FILLMORE EDWARD A. DAVIS AUDITOR  CLARENCE E. DUNA VEN  The National Shawmut Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  of Boston Resources far exceed two hundred million dollars Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l,f1188&CbUM  13  INDEX.  M  ts  T0°  TO  00  COUNTIES, Bal'W!table .F 18 Beruhire .. C 2 Brtatol •••••• E 10  A  A  Oukea ...... G 12  ~  Eseei: ....... B 1l  Fr&nklln •.•• B 4  a:~rsiil!-e:~  ~  4  4  MJddlesei: .. C 9  I  ~  Nantucket .. G 14 Sortolk .... D 10  ~  Plymouth .• E 11  4i0  ,o'  Suffolk .•.•. C 10  ~  \'Vorceater.. C t  ~  C  ~  A  '1{  :r  l'llch. .l?•  IO  Ja.ainlc.'J l7"a.:N11WlW(JhpolMa. .du1•.w., C.,,,rJabU>J~<IIIIIIJ ..C...  ' 2820  1  I  10  n<>  12  io ao'  13  14  ~  15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 179 Summer Street: BOSTON  I THE HEART OF THE WOOL, LEATHER AND SHOE DISTRICTS T  <;UY A. HAM, Pre iden HARRY D. EV ANS - Vice-President WILLIAM G. WRIGHT, Vice-President ALBERT J. CARTER Cashier  CAPITAL SURPLUS  HAROLD P. EWELL, Ass't Ca hier CARLOS W. TYLER, Ass't Cashier ERNEST T. PELTON, .\ s't Cashier  $750,000.00 375,000.00  Collection items on Boston and New England or requests for credit information on wool, leather and shoe concerns receive prompt attention  605  ••d• N•me  lfamb# el . .aJr S.ct,eNn,Tran.,,Namber,dvea Co NOia J.nlr in U. 8. exelu.,,.e1, b;y Tbe lland-MeNaHT Banlcen• Dlree'4H7, under tbe •utborltT of Tbe American Banker•'n.  BOSTO'°"'·T Dop 748, 060- Reserve c1·ty :J."' ·-~,  (Suffolk Co. F 4) County Seat.  (Federal Beservc City No.1)  ~  ~  ===============;:======================== ============================== =====:~=================I::, NA.XE OP BA.NK. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. PJUNCIP.U. COR.RJ:SPONDENTS. C  i::: l:ie ~-- !:::: [E~tab. n~~ ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDJCNT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  OA.SRID.'T CA.SB.Ill.  i.;~  PAID-UP  Su!~~UB  CAPITAL  PROFITS DnOIIIT8  t1=~~  D•~a.••T• Loifx',! • 1 : . ~ ~ : CASH B.t.K&a ooUJfTII TIU. WTC. R:msouBcJDS RHoUBcEs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  ~  :<  1  -  .A.merian Trust Oo. _____ .,tf'81 R. G. Fessenden ___ A. B. Chapin _______ O. H. Bowen, V.-P. W. F. Glidden, Tr. S 1,500,000$ 2,522,910 $19 829 520 $1.123,450 $19088 680 S 1,964,640 S 2,906,110 S 3,946,360 Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. \0 (50 State) Walter 'Tufts, Jr. and Sec. Arthur Bancroft, City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: ~ W. F, Glidden L. L. Ilsley, A, Tr, A. Tr. Girard N .. Phil.; N. Com'l Bk. & (Branch at Cit11 SQ uare. Charlestown•) P. P. Mason, A. Tr. Tr. Co., Alb. 850,000 Back Bay National Bank---•'17 Chester I.Campbell J. S. Hathaway ____ Wm. E. Brown ____ Geo. H. Berry----35,000 338,300 48,000 1,233,000 284,500 43,200 Irvin!? N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 200,000 5-166 (102 Massachusetts Ave.) Forris W . .i:Torris W. E. Morse 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N .. Phil. Wm. E. Brown BAIK OF NOil SCOTIA --l'SZ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W. Caldwell, Mor,- - - - - - - - 9,700,00018,000,000 (Branch of Halifa z, Nova Scotia.). _____ ------- Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., and N. Bk, s:,;105 o.»9 Waa~n) Com., N. Y.: Oredit Lyonna1s, _ _..;.__ _ _ _ _ _. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Paris; Bk. of Nova Scotia, London.  ♦57125  C. B. JOPP-------- C. L. BlLLMA"----- A. S. NEI SON, Tr, ___ G. H. POOR. ec. __ _ F. B. L WLER R. G. SHAW, JR., L. A. HASKELL, (Braneh at 3 outh MarMt St.) A... Tr. A, Tr.  BEACON  600,000 1,888,330 17.223,860 l,i78.130 15,819,370  TRUST COMPANY  ACTS AS BOSTON AGENTS FOR BANKS AND TRUST CO'S. ♦ 5-132 (20 Milk) •tl'92 _ _ ALLOWS INTEREST ON BA.LANCES. __ Blackstone 8a.vin2s Bank -•1'03 L . .A.. Jl'rothinitham_ John O'Hare _____ .Arthur II:. Roberts, ______________ -------5-1311 (26 Washiniton) H. H. Savaee Tr . Boston Five Cents Savinits Bk. 5-111 (SO-ll8 School) •tl'M Wilmot R. Evans __ F. W. Remick _____ 1. O. Holmes, Tr. __ A. w. sman . .A.Tr. J, H. Cannell, V, P. F. A. Kerrill H, T. Van Huysen, SumnPr Rohinson A. Tr. Boston. ~ational Bank ______ •21 Graydon Stetson __ A. E. Bril?I? _______ J. H. Cameron _____ P.A. Hunt _______ _ 100,000 5-174 Kevil'! Carmen (Hano\·er, cor. Black • one) Charles lin Bo' on Penny 1ving Bank John Reynolds ____ ------------------ W, H. Durkee, Tr .. O. H. Kent, A. Tr. 5-114 0375 wa~hing on)•l. '61 BOCSTON SAFE DEP. ~ TRUST 0. E. Rorerson ____ W. H. W:el)ington _ G.E.Goodspeed,Tr. F. J. Burrage, Sec. 1,000,000 O. 5-123 (100 B'rankhn)•il'7f> W. O. W1lhams R.E. hafey,A... Tr. A. W. Collins, W. T. Carl1on L. G, Dean, A. Tr. A.. Sec. •Boylston National Bank __ .:•45 0. W. Bailey ______ ,\lmon w. Blake ___ J. E. Prouty. ______ H.B. Bailey ______ _ 700,000 5-12 ('1 Bedford) R, I. Benton  Br~htonFiveOentsSavtnitsBk. H. O. Fabyan ______ Francis Burke ____ W. A. Lambert, Tr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------  6-11~  •*1'61  77,480  1,683,560 - - -  5,223,890 60,924,440 ------ ----  1,227,820  449,480 N. and ~bcrty N., N. Y.; _ ,,_1,770,270 _ _.,,_ 4,73%.240 Chase Cont. & Com IN., Chi.; fianklln N., Phil. 489,410  ~~  9,977,450 53,803,150 _________  1,913,710 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., 2d .. Merch. N,, and Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.  1,230,430 13,897,580 -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 s t N., N. Y. 3,439,660 16,709,600 ____ 15,351,520 536,660  225,550  9,281,200  140,490  3,705,150 ------ ----  8,515,450  3,064,520  1.665,970  3,912,110 Han.N ,, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.: 1st N ., N. Shawmut, &Dd 2d N., Bos.  416,020 ----------  1,993,680 Chem. N. and Liberty N., N. Y.: N. Bk. RPO., Ohi.; 1st N.. t. L.; Cent. N., Phil.; Wells-Fargo ... Tev. N.. San F. 114,610 1st .N. and Market Tr. Co., Bos,  272,310  775,180 _________  (One Bra11ch)  87,430 J, F. Wellington __ Geo. P. Nason, Tr. J. w. Fairchild, ---------- 2,165,640 27,893,480 ------- 22,550,550 6,717,340 A. W. Patch A... Tr. F. V. Noyes 200,000 88,460 2,886,210 - - - - 1,734.670 1,175,900 46,840 W. J. Cummings ___ Olin ton S. Hebard, P. C. McMahon, E.M. Heustis Tr. A. Tr. --------=-s·:. .w.:.:. : . .-=c.:. .D=ow:.:.n:::e~Y_.:_l_ _ _ _ _ _...!...__ _ _ _ _ _ 1----1---- - - - ----11----~---- - - - -  (179 Summer) 5-170  Bos.  25,000 ---------- ---------- _____________________________ -·-------- Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. and Com'! .i:'. Chi.  (128 Washlnarton. Briirhton) OharlestownFiveOentsSav.Bk. Wm. P. Ilart _______ 5-110 •*1"54 S. T. Harris, V, P. (2 Thompson Sq.,CharlestownJ Oharlestow~ Trost Co. ____ ef'll Luke D. ~ullen ____ i-147 (01ty Square) R. S. Teehng, V. P.  CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK  Federal Tr. and New Enar. Tr. Cos ..  en> 0  ::C  C:::  en  l'IJ ~ ~  en t-,,1  u., z>  ~ 884,310 A.m. Tr, Co., Beacon Tr. Co., Old en Colony Tr. Co., 1st N., and 2d .'.,/ j Bos. 360,780 Chase N .. N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; 4th- tIJ Atlantic N .. Bos.  i .... 0  ----  GUY A. HAM. _______ H. D. EVANS------ -- A. J. CARTER------ H.P. NEWElL----WM. G. WRIGHT C. W. TYLER E.T. PELTON 750,000 _ 393,930 _ z.796,700 _ __________ ,,, _2,756,390 889_ 430 ; _ _746130 N., Harriman N., anNd. _ _ _ _ ,_ ~ lrMvlng ech.&Metal .,N.Y.;  Boston's New Progressive Bank. Correspondence Invited.  •'19  ==  ~  ::,  City, Chi.; Oh St. N .• Phil.; Com'I N., Wash., D. C.  SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE.  ,----------.-------,--------,--------1- ---1---- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - -  l  Columbia Trust Co, ___ ----•§ '95 Patrick J. Kennedy A. E. Welliniton __ A. E. Wellin~ton, B. J. Keenan, Sec,_ 5-135 (20 Meridian, E. Bos.) Tr.  100,000  B. B:PERKINS.-- A.H. SODEN------- T. w. SAUNDERS-- H. s. WATSON-----  250,000  *COMMERCIAL  NATIONAL BANK  Speclal attentto n given collectlo ns. RemJttances promptly made. Rates re sonable. Send us your Bo ston Items.  Ha (20 P. o. Square) •:·ss (Rn•'"" p,..,,.• ~1111fi11•ted nn 1!CX__ ,__pnge.)  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  94,090 1,986,420 --------357,210  2,666,810  185,950  1,539,730  306,900 --------  337,880 Chase N., N, Y,, Merch. N., Bos,  2,711,730  720,410 - - - -  644,730 N. Park and 1st N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.  __  MER HANTS NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON-Complete Foreign and Domestic Banking Facilities  °' ~  .Number under Namt: or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory,- under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  606  BOSTON- COll t·lllUe d- R eserve c·t 1Y Reserve City No. 1)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 0\ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  (Federal  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE~TS. -· - RESOURCES, LIABILITIES. ;. ·,D!E OF' BA.'K. M B L D 1 su • •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State CAsn LA~~:~; BE~1:r~~: I & EPooFsiTs • N~!~ID_:;~us PAID-UP Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDE. T. :tMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. ________ ♦Mem. Fed. Res_._ _(Est.ab. , - - - - - - - t : - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - , _ C _ A _ P _ I T _ A _ L \ _P_R_O_FI_T_s ._D_E_P_os_IT_s _B_A_N_K_s _c_o_u_N_T_s T_I_E_s,_E_T_c. _RB_s_oux_c111_s _R_1:s_o_uR_CE_s 1_ _ _ _ _ 1  I  ~::i~  S 5,745,000 Chase N .. lst N., Guaranty ~r. Co.,  COMMONWEt_l. !0H TRUS! ~0. Geo. S. llumford __ A. P. Stone ________ A. P. Stone, Tr. --- W. H. Rand, Jr., $1,500,0001$1,395,000 $28117 000 S 607,000 $22 397000 $5,922,000 1 Sw. W. F. Snow,A. Tr. W. H. Rand. Jr. U o.i w  •  ..  S. W. Holmes A. R. Smith 0. E. Valentine  (30 Con2ress)  and Chem. N .. N. Y.: Umon Tr. co. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N,. Phil.  L. W. Marshall, France Cornell, A. Sec. A. Tr, R.F.Nichols,A..Tr. R. F. Churchill,  A.. Tr.  F. G. Howard, Sw. Sadie Alkins, (Branchu at 105 C ausewau St., 88 Sumner St., and 1199 Wash. St.) A. Sec,  1----------  2,466,760 _________  185,400  Jf. L. Walker------ E. S. Woodbury __ lGeo. W. Bradford, L. C. Morri , Jr, Dorchester Savines Bank A. Tr, , Tr. John Morton •tf'g«j 5-186 (570 Columbia Road)  708,470$  1,806,590  19,820  117,280 Merch. N., Boa.  >  1  £ C:  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - -1- - - - - - - 1  ff. A. RHOADES-----N. D. FREEMAN----l. S. BEARSE, Tr. - C. D. M. BISHOP, A ctuairu C. L. CLAPP, A. Tr. (Branch at 1436 Dorchester Ave.) J. J. CARSON,  DORCHESTER Absolutely DIRECT service on Notes and Drafts to every , point in New England. TRUST COMPANY and equipment complete •:tl'07 Prompt and personal service. A. Tr.  I 1  1  176,310 1 5,699,060  300.000  427,000  C/l  71,080  4,524,100 1,728,310  457,150 hvlng -•• N._Y.; Cont. & Com'I ~  - - - - - - - -  5-142 (555 Columbia Road)  3:  )> C/l C/l  I . I  ---1---  N.,Chl.;N. Shawmut, Boa.;.,, ~ Girard N .• PhD.  txl  SEE ADV ERTISEM ENT ON O PPOSITE I PAGE.  careful attention to details. NO CHARGES FOR EXCHANGE.  1,015,240 8,295,640 _ _______  East Boston Savines Bk,-•tl'48 R. J. Gove. ____ ---- W. ll, Grainier---- A. P. J ohnaon. Tr. B. A. Delano, .A. Tr. _________ F. P. Gurney 5-108 (10 Meridian)  ______  I  4,687,450 4,310,0601  ~ Cl)  50,000  263,360 1st N., 2d N., and Met. Tr. Co., Bos.  txl  I Eliot Savines Bank ______ •U,64 A. E. Carr------- W. S. Leland ______ Frank B. Granrer, ________________________ _ Tr. A. F. Hayden (165 Dudley) 5-117  EQUITABLE TRUST CO.--•U'16 (35 Con~ress)  5-164  EXCHANGE TRUST COMPANY ♦  (1 c  5-~ii  t)  c. B. Strecker ____ J.E. Thayer, Jr. --  l  < • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Dist. 1• (53 State) 5-1  500,000  0  f/)  626,990  9,232,720 --------  5,935,000 3,533,9001  225,000  2,200,000  2,600,000  210,130  297.720  ::s  235,000  250,000  20,000  ~  700,000 Chase N. and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N. and N. hawmut, 0 Bos.: Southwark ., Phil. 0  s·  1  25,000 3 259 850 N. Bk. Com. and Chase N.t.~• Y,; ; F. T. MONROE, Tr, ____ F. H. BENSON, Sec,___ 1,000,000 1.239,920 17,059,100 --------- 11,946,980 4,067,190 Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; M.~rcb. ,.,_ ' ' H. N. THOMAS,A.Tr. J E. GILCREAST, Bk. of Can., Montreal. 585. PAGE TE OPPOSI EMENT VERTIS AD SEE RICHMOtiD GORDON, A. ec.&Tr.Officcr A. Tr. F J HALLENBROOK A. Sec. F. S. PIERCE, A. Tr. M W. TEWKSBURY ' A. Sec. J.F.CRO~LEYc h C.L.WEAVER,A •..Sec. G, H. · A. M, WHEELER, 0  ,  A. Sec.  Com l Caah.  u paue 21/or co m11letc informatio nl 1  ( 5 Devonsb ire)  (Branch at  (Boaton Banke continued on nex t page)  \\OSTON Ma1,>s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Ol)l)OSlte 1)11\!CS  IE,  B. Lynch.A. Tr. Tr. and Sec.,A. B.Mahoney, J. 0. Heyer A. Tr. To,th ernA.v~.andD t.) J.F. Quinn.A.. 'ec. ' Arthur Loverin~. A. Sec. J. I. hea, A, Sec·  FEDERAL TRUST CO.---•il'99 Joseph H. O'NeiL James W. Kenney_ A.F. Bemis, 5-138  584 and 58()  ....0 ....  1  JOHN J. MARTIN---- J. L. WALKER ---- ---G. W. TIBBETTS ROBERT E. FAY H. S. FROST 124 Bo ulBton ~t.•) (Bronch,  •:tl'G7  W. H. Pratt, Tr. __ J. H. Turnbull, Sec.  f  1,000,000  511,390 13,447,560 ----------  9,871,740 2,663,740 ------ ····  2,441,010 Chase N. and Guar. Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Com'! Bk. & Tr, C. Alb.: Phil. N., Phil.; N.Shawmut, Bo •  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondenc e  I  I  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  OS"l'O'N Mai,s oi,poslte i,a&es 584 and ~86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  DORCHESTER TRUST COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS  C PIT AL $30 ,Q00.0  I  PLU & $ SU PROFITS  5, 00.00  SERVICE ON NEW ENGLAND NOTES AND DRAFTS ABSOLUTELY DIRECT CONNECT ON WITH EVERY BANKING . POINT IN EW E GLA D NO CHARGES FOR EXCHANGE TO OUR CUSTOME S  COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND PROMPT ATTENTION WARRANT US IN SOLICITING NEW BUSINESS. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  DORCHESTER TRUST COMPANY UPHAMS CORNER  BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS HERBERT A. RHOADES. President  LAWR ENCE S. BEARSE. Treasurer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS  Capital, $750,000  Surplus and Profits  We Solicit Your Business at this Point- Spec I al At71°15'  2  3  4  5  MILTON REEP, VI~ PNaident JAMES D. DEARDEN, A elatant CaehlaP  S. B. CHASE, P11aalden FRANK H. BORDEN, Caehiel'  6  ten ti 7  Items  Given Cotton Drafts and Bill of Ladin 1D  9  8  12  1t  A  ~  8  8  ~ ~  C  BOSTON  t2•  a nd Vicinity  2s'  Sea.le of Miles. ~  D  •  "  C  i20 26'  D  )i"  0 I.JI  VJ  ~ ~  0  E  '?  <'!,>-  E  ~  ..c-..  I ½ ~  ~  F  <._;  F  ~ ~  ~220'  -!2 0  20'  ½ G  t  G  H  3  71 LO'  4  5  8  9  10  n  70 50'  Nurnber under Narne or Bank is the New Transit Nurnber given  to eacl1 bank in U. . e:s.clu lvely by The Band-McNally Banker , Directory, under the authority of The American Banker A s'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  EXCHANGE TRUST COMPANY 124 Boylston Street  1 Court Street  BOSTON. MASS.  Commercial · d Trust Ace nts licited Direct C llections to all Points in N w Eng and Savinl!s Department PaYinl! 4½% DEPOSITS DRAW INTEREST FROM THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH OFFICERS JOHN J. MARTIN JOHNSON L. WALKER G. WALLA CE TIBBETTS ROBERT E. FAY HERBERT S. FROST FRANCIS H. BENSON FREDERICK T. MONROE -  BOSTON-Continued-Reserve City (Federal Reserve CJty No. 1)  -  • President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President - Secretary Trea!lurer  607 ., :11 • •u ';.u  Number under Name or Bank is the New '1.'ranslt Number given to each bank in U. S. eIIclu lvely by The Band-McNaUy Banlcer • Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A 'n.  :  ' I•= ; ; : . • ;1  •  !  I  .  •  •  '  ••I  :  'fl  •  '  PRESIDE,'T.  I  YICE•PRESIDE.'T.  I  O.lSHIER.  ...  BOSTON-Continued-Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 1)  t  'T CA HIER.  PAID-UP  SURPLUS  5-39  (iO Fedf'ral)  Fir t State Bank ---------•§'17 Thomas Nutile ----JKevie Carmen _____ 5-165 (107 Salem)  (53  tate)  •!"28  . . ;  I  I  t  "  '' I  ; I  '  '  '  CAPITAL  P:o~TS  DE~~~ITB  ... :  I  BA~is  &  c~~B  Bo.  DB, 1 T~:~~E1; ~.  M1scg1,-  :, :  4'  : " ,  '  I  :  •  ... ..  I  I  ;  I,  1:  ~  I  '  :  .. I  I  •:,  •  •1  I  CASH  RESOURCE!! R1::o~°a~s ---1----1,=--~--:;:;-:---;:;------:;---;--:;:-;----;-,.;-I  Han. N •• Chase N •• 1st N •• and N. Bk. Com •• N.Y.; Cont. & Com'I \0 N .• Chi.; PhU. N .• PhD.; 1st N., ~ St. L.; Anglo and Lon.-Pa.rls B. 0. BLAISDELL---- H. W. BOND-------N., San F.; Comptoir National 0. LEFAVRE W. F. EDLEFSON, d•Escompte de Paris, Paris, A. Cash . • 0. BULLOCK France; London .Joint City & $ $ WRIGHT • MIL~ E. OWEN,A. Cash . •• $15880000$%%7469901%6780150 $33437ffl 171834090 $9,959,430 $23073240 $46805000 Midland Bank, Ltd., and BarBanJc, Ltd., London, Great clay ~ . . WEE J. H. CASEY, ~ Britain; Nederland che HanAuditor • S. NORT del-MaatschapplJ, Rotterdam, A. R. stUBBS Holland; CredJto-Itallano. Ml- t:1111 J. P. WARBURG Ian, Italy; Swiss Bank Corpo- .::iii ration, Zurich, Switzerland; New England Collections Canadian Bank of Commerce a Specialty. and Merchants Bank of Canada, Montreal. Canada; Branch ,_ _ _ _ ,,__ _ _ ,____ ____ ____ at Buenos A.ires. Argentina. 206,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., tJ:: 31,480 87,560 345,530 422,6fl0 __________ 20,650 200,000 Joseph Nutile _____ JY, C. Lawrence, C Chi. Sec. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - i - - - - 1  r·  w.  r·  ------ - -  _ _ _,  - - -  . . . - - ; L~  > > n en en  *fOURTH-ATLANTIC"· K. HALLETT---·· ibfgJf1i~i~~;;·- r.h~~,l!c·-- I: t llf!tt:-··-M. F. L D C. W. VAREY prompt and careful service NATIONAL BANK If youat appreciate a moderate charge, send US your 5-12  I  ••  !NDIYID- DEPOSITS LOANS  - - - ---11----1---  ~FinsT NAT'L BANK  ,  LIABTLITIE '.  I ,.  •'  DANIEL 611 WING---- B. W. TRAFFORD---C. F. WEED RE C. H. DWlnNELL, V. P. P. E. PRESB Y GOODHUE ABBOT F. OLSEN OLAF J. D. BRENNAN W. F. BENKISER •t'M G. W. HYDE • R. ROONEY "A . A. de MENO" ,l ~• E. SPENCER, JR.  I  II•  N. City, Cha e N., and N. Bk.  U00.000 3,259,100 Z0,37UOO 8.153,700 ZU811.ZO0 3.1166,800 _3,438,400 _8,48'7,400 _ _ _ _  ITEMS and COLLECTIONS.  Com .• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Girard N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., 8t• L.  >  13 203 600 8 579 520 1584 330 21096 590 Franklin Savin"s Bank __ e:ti•51 J. H, oliday ------ H. W. Hart_ _______ G.D. Alden, Tr, ___ Wm. A. Hammond 761,560 1st N., 2d N., Old Colony Tr. Co., 136,240 ' • ' ' ' •· ---------' ' A. Tr: ---------A. E. Pills.bury 5-113 (6 Park Square) ' Bos. are Dep. & Tr. Co., and N. _ ___________________________________________________________ .. Tr Beacon Tr. Cos., Bos. . Tr. andBos. Grove Hall avings Bank_•§'l4 Albert A. Ginzberg Louis Rosenberir-- J. L. Downey, __________ __________ __________ __________ u.Shawmut, Oscar Grosberg 5-158 (648 Warren) Haymarket National Bank ofFrankDeW.Wash-W.C. Blair ________ E.M. Nelson ______ I.A, Prie.,t_ ______ _ 29,240 Corn Ex, N., Phil.; 1st N,, Bos. 100,000 43,600 400,000 37,540 450,000 2,000 199,500 burn 0. E. Healey Boston ___________________ .·20 . (46 Canal t.) 5-172 Hibernia • aving, Bank __ •t§'12 Jas. M. Cu!Iey ---- J • F. McDonald --- A. P. Hill, Tr __ ---- ________________ _ ~~ 890,000 30,000 1,240,000 ---------300,000 ------ ---J. F. Cronm, V. P. (16 Court) 5-15 Home avinl? Bank _____ •i§'69 G. E. Brock _______ Carl Brandt------- 0. Y. "veneer, Tr. H. W. Prout. A. Tr. 2,969,990 31,580,930 __________ 24,552,580 8,759,350 __________ 1,ll3,820 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Old ColR. F. Nutting, H. q. Jackson, V; P. F. A. Turner 5-120 (75 Tremont) ony Tr. Co., Bos, A. Tr. C.\\. Leonard, 1 ,P. Ira G. Her ey T. Jones Hub Tru t Company ______ •§'19 Patrick O'Hearn -- James Solomo~t ___ Frank J. Carens,, A. N, Dorr, A. Tr. 566,680 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Webster 68,120 1,403,450 48,500 310,110 51,200 1,097,480 500,000 Tr. Ernest L. Adams, Charles S. Smith 5-171 (28 Tremont) & Atlas N .. 2d N., and Old Oolony V. P. M. D. Waldman Tr. Co., Bos. Hyde Park Savings Bank_•§'71 F. N. TirrelL----- H, S. Bunton------ A. H. Burt, Tr. ____ _____________________________ _ 121.170 1st N .. Bos. 313,810 2,817,900 __________ 1,669,310 1,360,840 __________ H.B. Terry (1196 River) 5-148 200,000 Hyde Park Tru t Co. ____ •t§'05 F. L. Childs------.- Harry R. Stone ____ A. E. Smith, Tr. ___ C. B. McDougald, 488,000 Irving N., N, Y.; N, Shawmut, Int'l 70,500 400,000 fi6,000 1,850,000 62,500 2,500,000 A. Tr. R. E. Chapman, (Branch at ror, Bir ch St. and (1219 River) 5-149 Tr. Co., andlst N., Bos. Actuar1J \Y. E. Higbee, (Belgrade Aiie,) A, Tr. Inst. for Sav. in Roxbury and Charles G. Smith __ J • D. Willi~s ---- Henry West, Tr, __ L. C. Nickerson, 211,140 185,140 887,810 13,890,340 ---------- 4,545,380 9,836,490 A. Tr. elson Curt1!l Vicinity---------------· •§'25 . L. Treadwell 5-103 (2343 wa hington)  INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO. C. G. Bancroft _____ H. L. Je~ett ------ C. B. Whitney, Tr. A. E. Garland, A. Sec. H. L. Jewett.Sec, B. F. Smith •:t§"79 5-124 + (45 Milk)  2,000.000  2,745,570 22,495,650  1,859,540 24,688,810  Geo. W. Shepherd, A. Tr. H. A. Norton, A. F. Hayden A. Sec. T. F. Megan.A.Sec, (Br<f,nch at_ 115 Summer St.) 200,000 Jamaica Plain Tru t Co._•!§'16 Edr1c Eldridge ____ R. D. Pratt_ _______ Geo.W. Bunker.Tr, C. McK. Eldridgp, A. Tr. L. E. Knott (677 Centre) 5-162  47,800  2,035,620  16,480  1,431,930  500,000  5i6,010  6,500,030  262,400  6,424,760 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  I  u•  ~ en  ti,  -----------  1-----·:.,.:...:.:...::..:.:~------------.----  &  2,771,860 1,030,870 5,712,680 Equitable Tr. Co. and Irving N .. N. . and Y.; N. City, Chi.; Phil. Market S_t. N., Phil.; Bk. of Italy, San F.; Liberty Cent. Tr.Oo.,St. L. 154,680 Chase N .. N. Y.; N. Y. Sta'e .r ., 40,300 672.990 Alb.; 4 h-Atlantic ..... Bos.; Corn. Ex . .r ., Phil. • t 1.480,520 Chase N., ... Y.; ... Y. State 800,980 T.  T.  !,., enI  rg I  () 0  ::s =t. ::S  c:tt Q.  i' I  .  -  I  '!, I JI  11 •  ~---~---=----  ------=-=---=--==...:..=-=---=--::::....=-==-=:t:J --=======--=--=--~=---==----=· ----  --  ----  Jl  0  608  • - - • • ODder .Name of Bank ia the New 1'randt Number liven to eaob bank in U. S. esoluslvel:, by The Rand-MeNall7 Bankers•  I  DtreetorJ, under the ~horltJ'.~ The American Bankers'n  N.un: oF BANK.  .Non-Bank 'i'owns with Nearest Ban"1ng Potut (indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back or thi volume. For Inte~~t Rates, Holiday,, etc., see ~w • RxsouR('ES. PlUNCIP-'.L O0RRESPONDlCNTS,  BOSTON-Continued-Reserve City (l'ederal Resene Dlstrlet No~ 1)  •  LIABILITIES.  g 00  •lllem . .Am.BirJ . .A.ssn. §State PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. OA.SHIER,'TOASHIER, P.u1>-uP8uaPLUs INuD~TL1n- DaPos1T LoANs• BoNDS. M1scmLCAsu Ulem.StateBks . .A.ssn. tPriv. AND OI' DH• 811cua1- LA."':1:011B RHounc•s 0 API'UL Paol'IT& +Mem. Fed. Res. [Est.ab. DaPoa1Ta BANIS 00UNTS .,..T1_a_s,:-:•:-::T:-c-o_.t_R_ms_o_ua_c_111_s , : - - - - - - : : - : - : - : : - - : - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Lincoln Savings Hank _____ §' 16 James W. Colgan __ Chas. Liffler ______ Joseph Engel, Tr •• -------------------- _________ $4.660 $ 229,490 ------- $ 122,340 $ 98,510 ---------- 1S 13,300 N. Secor. and N. Rockland Bk. of 5-160 (1111 Columbus Ave.) E. L. Rueter, V. P. Thomas F. Hunt Roxbury, Bos. C. Yander Pyl Market Trust Co. ________ •!§'65 H. E. Bothf Pld ____ G. M. Angier _______ G. A. Marsh, W J. O'Donnell, S 400,000 193,730 3,616,040 S 160,580 2,377,530 1,281,970 - •• ----710,860 1st N., Bos.; N, Y. State N., Alb. 5-112 ♦ (309 Washinirton) (Branch at 135 B1ig hton Ave.) Sec. and Tr. A. Tr.  I  MASSACtlUSETTS TRUST •U'l4 E. R. Chamvlin ____ E. A. Stevens ______ A. Whittak~r. Tr •• W. J. Cu ·hing, Sec. 1,000,000  COMPANY  R. F. Tucker W.W. Simmons, F. 0. Robson, A.Tr. Arnold \\'hittaker A. Tr. 1(Branch at 238 B untinoton Ave.•,C. E Burleigh, Mur.) Mattapan ational Bank •• •t'l8 W.R. Lander ____ W. H. Orn by ______ P.H. Ropes _______ J, W. Amick, Sec.. 5-169 (MattapanSQuare) L.H.Wclls · • 5-153  966,080 13,539,500 ---------- 12,562,580  1.916.410 i  14,000  1,912,580 Chase N. and Han. N., N. Y .; Union  304,540 ---------  156,2101N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bo·.:  Tr. Co., Chi.: N. Y. State N., Alb.; FranklinN., Phil.  (Federal and Franklin)  30,040  1,290,000  6,150  1,224,000  _____________________  Phil.N.,Phil.  (28 State)  We invite the attention of banks, business houaea and Individuals desiring Boston oonneotiona.  Montreal, Montreal.  Tr.IA.  -------1w,  Metropolitan Trost Oo .• -•1'15 c. M. Wood 8. Orane _______ W. H.Stick:11.87, J. Holloway, . 5-122 ♦ (21 Milk) W. . Bartlett, W. H. tickney E. D. Carter, A. Sec. and A. Tr Ch. of Bd. F. 1,. impson u. and A. Tr. C.H. Thorne, A.Tr' A. T. Beatey l\L H. Prior, A. Tr·  500,000  lfatlonal Rooklud Bank ot F. W. Rurr------- ________ A. L. Bacon ________ H. I. Brett_______ Roxbury ---------------•i·ss • o-lOG (ZM& Wuhlnrton) *National Seourlb' Bank ____ '67 A. R Gladwin _____ Frank M. Ferrin ... E. F. Littlefield_____________________ HS (7G Oour1) .  300,000  758,660  250,000  1,088,780  (Draneh at Maver ick  qu.are, E. Bos ton•)  583,360  7,846,600 ---------  7,766,280  6,146,920 ----------  4,759,090  675,500 ---------  c.,941,000  2,828,080  6-12,600  1,547,340  188,340  *NATIONAL SHAWMUT BANK •f36  1,624,770 Guaranty Tr. Co., and Chase N., N.  )>  Z  266,780  582,830 Atlantic N. a•d IniDr N., N. Y.;  Phil. N ,, Phil.  ALFRED L. AIKEN-- N. I. ADAMS------- J.E. RYDER ------- HENRY F. SMITHR. S. POTTER C. E. DUNAVEN, FRANK HOUGHTON Ch. of Bd. W. A. BURHAM, JR. Auditor G. H. S. SOULE JOHN BOLINGER F. H. WRIGLEY, G. E. FICKETT ADDISON L. WINSHIPAut. Mur. Portion ERNEST H. MOORE FRANK A. NEWELL Dept. W. S. TOWN FRANK C. NICHOLS W. J. HARTNEY, F. E. JACKSON _10,000,000 ~-94.561.530 ~ ~-12.151,BZ0 _.305,040 3 6 -,674.260 4 8 18 As,t, Mor, P{)T'•ion LEON H. WHITE Phil. Dept. E. F FILLMORE E. A. DAVIS  I  V#  0:,  o  ~  §  1  g l NC:::,.C~~:e~i:,~·f.;h~o;~; 5·::S  :~i~ fiJ~,~~ER  --- --- ---  James R. Hooper __ F. P. Fi.h _________ F. W.Allen, Tr .• __ C. E. ott. ec. ___ _ 1,000,000 •U 'IIO Georire WigglesRoaer Pierce E. R. Ladd. A. Tr. 1J. W. Pilsbury, 5-llG ♦ (t:S5 Devonshire) worth, C. T. Dunham, A. Tr. Oh. of Ild. A. w. Hneirle, F. O. 1orrill, A. Sec, ( Boaton Banka continued on next paoa) A. Tr,  Tr.,L.  BOSTON Mai,s ool)05lte Oace& 584 and 586  C:  ~  O.  HENRY S.GREW---- W.S. B.STEVEIIS--J. W. MARNO------- H. W. MANSFIELD. - - - - - - - - L. M. GRAVES 1,000,000 1,841.710 10,081.700 1.413.640 - - - N ew E ng I an db ue I ness so II c Ite d • All points Oollected direct. SEE ADV £RTISEM  NEW ENGLAND TRUST CO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I~  1,878,260 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; Girard .._.  N., Phil. 40.510  ___  <,o State)  ..,  en  Y,; Corn Ex. N. Ohi.; ls\ N., Alb. """ w  Aocountsof Banks, Bankers, Corporations, and Individuals sollclted. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON INDEX MASS.  *NAT'L UNION BANK  L-J  ..,  W. A. GASTON,  (CO Water)  )>  > 0  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1----1---11----· - - - - - - - - -  5-20  S:  A. L. RIPLEY------ A. P. WEEKS-------F. C. WAITE----- W. F. BURDET-----Mech. & MetalsN., Chase N.,Irv- ~ E. H. GLEASON C. J. SWENSON, E. A. JAMES Inc N., Han. N., and Libert:, N. HORATIOG.CURTIS :Jly1·.Porei(Jn Dept.W. R.WHITTEMORE 1N. Y.; lat N., Corn Ex.N.,ana2 GEO. B. BAiON E.W. SUPPLE, C.H. RAMSAY Mercb. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chl.;lth W. I. BULL RD A .Mgr.T<'oreionDept.J. P. CROSBY , 3,000,000 5,817,030 40,551,930 11,084,450 46,183.420 8,133,050 6,353.330 13.279,290 St. N., PhD. N., and Girard N.1 ~ F.C.WAITE A.H.GARSIDE. 1'r.Office,---- - - Phll.;Wells Far10-Nev.N.ana C: . J.Jg,.ln<lustrialDept.A. w. VOSE, Auditor An1l0 & Lo . Paris N., Sant'.; (n J. N. EATON, Credit Mgr. Mer • Bk. or Can. and Bk. orl""  *MERCHANTS NAT'L BANK 5-lS  200,000  2,698,490 19,823,040  ,16,950  --------12.147,920 1.778.610 2,776,390  ,____ Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., Guaranty Tr. Co.,andHecb.&MetaJaN., 1,441,880  - - - _ EN_T_O_I _O _ PP_O _S_IT_E _P_ H_E_._ _ _ _  :k~;,~ C:!t.&!e~~••P~·i1.~~•;i  N.,St.L.;Rigg N,,\Vash.,D . ._ C.; Bk. or Toronto and Royaf Bk. of Can., Montreal. ~ ~  22,579,230  2,9 6,920  1,841,200  4,072,020 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & ll>  Com'l . .. Chi.: Phil. N., Phil.;'<,; Crocker N .. San F. •  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collec+; ns and Correspondence  j  ....  ~  1':>  1lOSTON Mal)s oi,l)O&lte i,aces 584 and 586 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collec+~ ns and Correspondence - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  F  A  1-.!AI  ~,  PORTION  I  BOSTON  I I  ~  ,.,., J,  ~  ~ ·~ '<  ,., I  ~ I ~- I  $  I  I  I  I  I  I  I  '  I  G  H  I  ORIGINAL CHARTER 1832  I.  I  THE  ORGANJZ!'!..~ .:..N,lTIONAL  I  SECOND NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits  $6 100 000 ,  BOSTON, MASS.  ,  IDeposits, $35,000,00ff  OFFICERS  DIRECTORS  THOMAS P. BEAL President THOMAS P. BEAL, JR. Vice-President JOHN H. SYMONDS . Vice-President FRANK H. WRIGHT Cashier HERBERT E. STONE First Assistant Cashier AARON B. FLETCHER Assistant Cashier HARRY H . BRIGGS Assistant Cashier CHARLES J. LENNIHAN, JR, Assistant Cashier ALEXANDER WINSOR • Assistant Cashier Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J  THOMAS P. BEAL FREDERIC AMORY HOWARD COONLEY EDWIN F. ATKINS EDWARD W. HUTCHINS EZRA H. BAKER WILLIAM E. JONES WALTER C. BAYLIES JOHN S. LA WREN CE THOMAS P. BEAL, JR. EDWARD LOVERING ALBERT F. BEMIS FREDERIC PARKER WALTER H. BRADLEY ELWYN G. PRESTON MATTHEW C. BRUSH LEWIS K. THURLOW  11 I  Devonshire St.  Prompt and Personal Attention Given to All Customers.  Accounts and Collections Solicited  Transfers by Wire to All Reserve Bank Cities at Par.  Private Telegraph Wire to New York  BOSTON-Continued-Reserve City  (Federal Reserve District No. 1)  (Savings Banks do not handle collections)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BankJng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) in back of this._ For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc .. see Laws.  volume.  §  609 0  Nua,ber uader Nazae or llalJk u &be New 21raaa1, N,...l#er Co Molli bank la u. 8. aelrulrelr by The llaad-MeNan, . .~~' Dfreetor,, under tbe authorltr of The American Baa.ken AH'a. NAJa OF BANK.  -  •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. fState P~IDJCNT. .tlfem.StateBks . ..Assn. tPriv. ♦.11em. Fed.Re~. [E-tab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _  VICE-PRJ:SIDJCNT.  -  -  • d - R eserve C Jty • B OSTON-Continue  .aeserre District No. 1) (Sarin&'• Bank• do not handle eollectlons)  (Federal  -- - -  C.iBKill.  A.sS'T C.iBJlID,  _____ ,________  1  Non-Ba.n.k ToWll.8 with Nearest Ban.king Point (. n dexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) in back or tbf ~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday • etc. see Law • ~  'lf-rs:--  LU.BILITIES~ I RESuURLJ:8. PRLNclPAL O0.1Ui}l;tjPO,"dH1... i:: SollPLm IJf'DITID- ' D•POIIITII L o ~ . Bol0>8, MISc•LCASH ~ P.AJD-lJ'J' Alfi> UAL DmS.CUJU- LAN1tous R1tsounc1ts 0 ,. '< Ourr.u. Pao:rrra DIIPOIIITII B.&.1ur.11 cotnn'8 _ TDll8, ■TC. R1tsouncms _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....--_. •  = 1  inolwm.  "°  No5-r th End Savin2s Bank __ G. Shillaber __ C. E. Wi1?1?in _______ Frank E. Buxton, __________________ $ 550,800$ 6,568,350 - - - - 14,336,470 $2,383,660$ 75.910 $ 328,490 Farmers Ln. & Tr. Oo .. N. Y.: Oont. 121 (57 Oourt) C. E. Noyes Tr. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; ~ . • . ,, Crocker N .• San F. Occamc. ah~n:J Bank ----- .1 >!. I. John on ____ ·-·················· ·······-············ A, T. Tel!st,om___ '00,000 ••.••••....••.•••••• _ _ _ 1____________________ ---------3  1PHllh  STOCKTON-\GORDON C.:11. ABliOTT, of BJ. F R HART ·nce-dh. of Bd. J C HOWE J. R. WAHE' IELD (17 Court St.)•t§·go ( J.' cooltbGE, '  *OLD COLONY  TRUST COMPANY ♦  5-129  ·  nee President ·  C. 8. HUMPHREY---F. G. G. W. l'OUSLANO GRANT F M LAMSON W. ( WYETH F M HOLMES f' w· DENIO s: P.'SHAW, Jr.  L. D. SEAVER------- R. 8. FISHER, Ch N N Bk c G a nt C. 8. WETHERBEE, 'l'r. Officer ase ., • • om., u, ra >. s RICHARD POPE Mgr. Tr. Co.,and Bkrs.Tr. Co.,N.Y., ec. Safe Der, Vaults 7 00 00 540 Harris Tr. & Sav. and Cont. & W.W. HIGGINS, Tr. H. W. BURG~ ~ 10,221.790125433700 1 - - - - - - - 106248300 ~ ~ ~ Com'l N., Chi.; Franklin N. and A.H. GRAV_ES,D Comptroller ,_ Girard Tr. Co., PWI.; Union ;f> Jlgr.Fore1gn  F. J. 8RADL;lctua.  (306 ;ra,hin:!ton)  WE 5 OLICI T  111  YO UR  B O STO N  II  (Bronch'8at 52 Templ£ Place and 222 Boylston St.)  0 ld ou th T,o_ t Co,_...... '20 A. J. Ca. ey .... •. . J. F, FaHon .••...• R. T. Harna,d, 5-157  A. Pelonsky aron Haill)arin ,J. !I. Fi Zl)atrick ~T·  r= ~  cpt.  C. G, Ken..,,  LP. and Tr.  500,000  A. Tr. . P. Yigila.nte, A, Tr,  37,400 1,200,000 S  2,000  1.427,000  BU SINES  6,000  a;:  Tr. Co., San F.; Bk. of Montreal, Montreal.  s.  147,000 Cha. e  .. , ", Y,; , ,  nion, Bo ,  (a) ~  > til  ➔ ~  (/J  Pt1onlr.s ... •ational Bank 5-107 (114 Dudley)  •t·33 A. J. Foster _______ G. H. Corey _______ D. E. Hersce _______ I.F. Newcomb ___ _ I. A. Priest  300.000  435.810 5,938,170  227,510  I  5,381.440:  Oj  >  220.900  91,990  1,223,080 Obase N .. N. Y.: Cont. Chi.; 1st N .. Alb.  Com'l •.,  ~  Vl  ~  0  Provident Inst. for Sa vines Louis Curtis _______ W. W. Vau1?han ___ HenryParkman,Tr. F. 5-102 (36 Temple Place) §1816 J. S. Adams, Vice-Tr.  c. Gray, Sec.___  ________  3,639, 30 61.462,680 -· ------ 33,ll7,0::i0 29, 90,330 -------  ....0 fJ>  2,792,700  :,  I  (') 0  :, Roxbury Trust Co. -.------•§'19) Francis L. Daly ____ F. J. Crosby _______ Louis R. Hunter, Harry L. Loftus, 5-163 (2418 Washmgton St. J. F. Mor·e, II. J. Rus_ell Tr. A, Tr.  200,000  37.190  6i3,880  37,770  494,450  311,380  46,070  85 470 Chase N. and Har.iman N., N. Y.; . ' Shawmut and Dor ester Tr. Co.,  Bos.  Ch. of Bil. (1 Branch)  ·s ECON D  NATIONAL BANK 5- 17  (111 Devonshire) •:t"S2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THOMAS P. BEAL- T. P. BEAL, JR.-----FRANK H. WRIGHT.A. 8. FLETCHEB-JOHI H. SYMONDS ff. E. STONE, H. H. BRIGGS A. Cash. C.J. LENNIHAN, JR. ALEXANDER WINSOR Your account and collectlon Items throughout the New England States aoHclted with assurance of prompt service and liberal treatment.  SEE ADVERTISEMENT 011 OPPOSITE PAGE.  ~---1---- ----  s·....S:: g_  610  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNa lly Bankers'  Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  BOSTO N-Cont inued- Reserve c1·ty  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inthis a, dexed Acces.), Lawyt.>rs, Laws (indexed) in back of Laws. ~ (Savings Banks do not handle coIJectlonsJ volume For Interest Ratt.>s, Holidays, etc., 800 RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. MxscELPAID-UP 1suRPLus INoxvrn- DEPOSITS LoANs & BoNDs, j LANEous CAsH SEcURxDISoF 1 UAL AND CAPITAL  (Federal Reserve District No. 1)  N .\ME OF BANK. Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT •Mem. l\m. Bks. Assn. §State 1 tMem.StateBk s.Assn. tPriv. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1PR0F1Ts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Estab. _ _ 1 1 +Mem. Fed. Res. 1 1  South Boston Savin~s Bank 5-116 (368 Broadway) •:f:§'63  !DEPOSITS BANKs  _ _ A. Y. Mitchell, Tr. Frank G. Neal, Tr _ _ _ _ I$1,070,680 $11776260 jo. A. Tyler-------- J.E. A.A. Mitchell A Church . •  I  Allan Forbes---- Ashton L. Carr ____ O. L. Lyall, Tr, ____ D. M. Dutch, See. James H. Lewis.A. E. D. Harlow, C. F. Allen .A. Tr. Henry Griffith, S. H. Wolcott A. Sec. A.Tr. W.F.Pickett, C. L. Lyalt E. E. Joblin~.A.Tr. G. B. Sargent. S. H. Roberts A, Sec. J. IL Bentley, A. See. A. V. Campbell, A. Cl1amberlalo, W.E. A. L. Richmond. A. Sec. B, R. Vaughan, A. T. B. Gordon, Mor.  State Street Trust Oo. ____ •U'91 ♦ 5-130 (S3 State)  3,576,580$  107,080  $ 200,000 Abel S. Price ______ G. L. Whitehouse, H. L. Wheater, South Boston Trust Co. -- •:f:§ '92 Joseph A. Maynard A. Tr. Tr. L. J. Logan, V. P. J, W. Sullivan 5-126 (474 Broadway) J. H. White (One Branch) 2,000,000 Sec.  ==  1--  3,227,570135,003,810  17,910  coUNTS TIES,ETo. REsoURcEs RmsouncEs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  $7,074.680$ 5,310,360 $  2,733,220  787,470  !  70,800$  391,120 2d N., Bovlston N .. Merch. N., and[ &T S f D B r. Co., Bos. os. a e ep.  48,710  480,120 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: N, Shaw mut, Bos.  901.880 29,687,020 1.520,380 10,667,880  S:  9.343,490 Chase N. and N. Park, N. Y.: Cont.! & Com'l N., Chi.: N. Shawmut,!)> Bos.;N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; rn Girard Tr. Oo., Phil.  en  I~  Sec. A. Sec, Sec.  ::r:  C:  en tJ:j  (Branchesat cor. Mcusaehmetts.Atie. d: Boul.ston St.,a nd 579 Bo11lston St. )  ...;  _________ _ 2,486,710 39,269,050 ---------- 18,149,550 18,723,310 A. Apollonio, 8utrolk Sav. Bk. for Seamen & A. P. Lorini------- T. N. Perkins ______ Fred'k I. Emery,Tr. IT. A. Tr. Others------ ----11833 Yeames, A.O. (1 Tremont) 5-106 A. Tr.  F. Croak __ J. J, Corrigan. Tr. G. H. Gray, A. Tr. ______ _ Sumner Savings B:aJ?k ---•i§'97 G. W. Har2rave --- Thomas o. McEnaney 5-137  1,308,700 ---- Simon Swig ___ ---- B. H. Swi~. Tr. ___ Fleischer, TftEMONT TRUST CO. ----•i§'l4 Asa P. French Sec. F. E. Pierce, A, Tr. C. W. Levi (Branch at 77 5-156 (85 Court St.)  1,786,070 - - - -  91,840  T.  (25 Meridian)  1,367,580  453,400  750,500  ...;  en  862,960  to  >  18,000  z~  42,580 Columbia Tr. Co., Bo1.  C/l  1  1  6-13,180115,472,150 ---------- 14,425,220  1,532,880  148,520  1,317,400 Irvin~ N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N.,  &~  toI  0 ('J)  Wan·enSt.)  ~  0  McCluskey, _________ _ Union Institution for Savings_ H. V. Ounniniham_ T. W. Murray _____ T. J, Kelly, Tr. ____ JohnJ. A. Tr. (216 Tremont) •il'65 5-118  976,440114,851,470 ---------- 10,626,430  4,929,250  243,120 11,840,690  6,839,020  422,090  :::s 422,840 Seab. N. and Irving N., N. Y.: N. (') City and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.  I  0  ::i Tr. United States'Trust Oo. --•U'95 A.O. Ratshesk:y ___ H.P. Tilden _______ I.A. Ratshesky. Frederick Slader, F. W. Stockman + 5-183 (30 Court St.) Tr. A. A. E. Pillsbury C. F. Ford, A. Tr,. C.11. Coleman, A. Warren Institution for ~avings James o. Otis _____ c. P. Samp on _____ F. D. Brown, Tr.__ •il'29 (3 Park) 5-104  H.P. Tilden, Sec.__ 1,000,000 1,353.480 18,335,010 F.R.Sawyer,A . Sec. F. S. Devlin,A.Sec. , :M. E. Clouclman, A, Sec, _ Tr. __________ 1,237,530 16,57..J,510 -- ------- 11,090,500 Marshall Jones, ' A. Tr.  1,000,000 1,867,380  L. Foster __ Arthur W. Lane.__ *Web ·ter & Atlas 'at'I Ba) nik_ R. B. Oox __________ Joseph L. Foster_ Joseph F. B. Butts Robert E. Hill, E. M. Howland 5-25 (1911 Washin~ton • '53,Amory Eliot, A. Ca...,h. Harold A. Yeame Ch. of Bd  WILDEY SAVINGS BANK .•U'f2 5-131  (5~ Boylston)  John J. Whipple __ JohnL.Bates _____ G E. Taber, Tr,_ N. J. W. Fish A. S. Pinkerton  I  Boston Olets~nlt!l~)s e --------{hom as P. Beal --- -------------- ----· _ Charles A. Rul?Jl;:: (1\-fembe,·s indicated bv a*) ,  'BOS'TON Mai,s o-p-pos\te l)a~es 58-4 and 586 611 Selected Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  List-INV ESTMEN T DEALER S  9,961,880  793,900 12,344,960  1,910  2,249.990 Han. N .. N. City, and Ohase N., N. Y,: Phil, N., Phil.  n  0.  5,473,000  673,730  1,829,970 1.285,070  90,750 Am. Tr, Co., Old Colony Tr, Co., ls N,, and 2d N., Bos.  2,027,490 N. Park and Han.N., N. Y.: Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil,  I  o. c. Freeman,  ___ _  500,000 12,205,300 ----------  A. Tr.  8,651,960  3,608,760  2!2,500  431,290 N. Bk, Com .. N. Y.: N. 8hawmu and Old Oolon1 Tr. Co., Bos.  .  w. N. Homer,  Sec.  r+ 5· ~  1----~------------------ ----------- - - - - ---------·  For SAFETY and SERVICE , Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index  BOSTO N-Con tinued- Reserv e City  ,~  rJo  to Lawyers)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws cindexed) in back of thls·._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, ~ s~~!!8· .0>  611  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  NAME. •Yem. Am. Bks. As n. ;Yem. State Bk . A, SD. Yem. Inv. Bk . As n.  OFFICERS.  (Banke18 nd BiokersJ ________________________ Blake  Blodget & Co, __________________ (60 State)  ---------------------------- Blodget & Co..  Bros. & Co ..  (111 Devonshire)  f<J~~1!n~~~f~/fa~;·;ry----------------.--------  . Y.  (85 Devonshire)  T.  GUARANTY CO. OF NEW YORK ---- ~ ·20 { A. L. Daven,, Mgr. __________________________ Guaranty Co. of •s., '.  Y ..  BOND & GOODWIii -------------•~  (lnvestmen! Securities)  (111 De,·onshire)  Bond, • N. & Co. ------------------'17 (Commercial Paper) _____________ S. N, Bond & Co .. N. Y. and San F. (60 St~te) Commercial Paper. tment ecurttles. { Inve Acceptances  s:  Mgr. ________________ ,R. M:· Grant & Co., N. Y., )> (fl Chi., and St. L. (Municipal Bonds)  GRANT, R. M. I. C0.---------------•'11 { F. J. Adam ,  . Y.  Brodgett, Hart - Co; Chi., and Buffalo.  .?.,  .?.  Blair & Co., Inc, ___________ (Investment Securities) _________________________ Blair & Co .. Inc., . Y., Chi., t. L., San F., Phil. and (10 tate) Det. .  BUKE BROS. & C0. ----------------'58  I  NillE. -E'"1 YEAR Bks. A sn. •Mem. Am. CORRESPONDENTS, OFFICERS. ESTABtMem. State Bk . A n. '.:<! I LlSHED. Mem. Inv. Bks. A n. Estabrook & Co.-----=-=---:---=;----------------------------------- Estabrook &Co., N.Y., Balt., Springfield, and Provi- 1.0 (15 State) dance; James L. Martin & I,.;) Co., Chi. Fernald, Geo. A.. & Co, _______________ .----------------------------------------- Post & Flagg, N. Y. (19:Milk) Y.; 1st First National Corparation ______ •1s Daniel G. Wing, Pres.: A. B. Kenney, Sec.; Liberty N,, Bos. F. L. Gill. Tr.; A. Henderson, A. Tr. (30 Federal) Allen :M. Pope, Mgr. GAY W. 0. & C0.-----------------'93 (Commercial Paper) __________________________ W. O. Gay & Co., N.Y .. Chi., Phil., and San F. (15 Congress) Goldman Sac(~i i~'nires-sf- ---------- {  CORRESPONDENTS,  -----1------------------1-----------1  (6 Devon hire 't.)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ban.ldoir PofDt (ID• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws tindexed) Jn back of thfs ' volume. For Interest Rates, !!_'!!_l~ays, etc:, s~ Laws. ~  BOSTON-Continued-Reserve City  • Young. Baker,Aylio,: & Young ________ •99 _______________________ Baker, Ayling Phil.; Heading, Wilke (50 late) Barre, and pringfleld. Bayne, Hine & Co. _____________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bayne, Hine & Co .. 4'. Y. (6 Devon..;hire)  BLODGETT, HART & CO., INC, ----- ., ,19'1me tment ecuritle .  . =•·· ••.. ,· -  For SAFETY and SER  BOSTON Mao& oo\lO&\te i,a~es 584 an4 586  Y. ~ (')  ) uccessors to N. W. Halsev ~ Co .. Head Offices New York and ~ Chir~o. See adv.on back C: Chicago.  HALSEY, STUART & CO., Inc. ----- '01 J (Bond  no  Bond & Goodwin, N. Y., Chi., San F., Minpls., Los A.• Seattle, Wash., Phil., and Port.. Ore.  Post Office quare)  l  of Chicago Map.  HARRIS,FORBES & CO., INC. -------• ------------------------------ Harris, Forbes  (fl  & co., N. Y.:  Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk., Chi.: Harri • Forbes & Co .. Phil .• Montreal, an~ London. . . . •· . BROOKS, P. W. & CO., lnc. ---------'06 (InrestmentBonds) ___________________ P. W. Brook.· & Co., Inc .. Hathaway,Sm1th, Fold &Co.----- 74 (Commc,ctal Paper) ________________ Hathaway. Smith. Fold:,; Co., N. Y... eattlo, St.'L .. (60 Con~re s) . Y. and Phil. (60 'late) Phil., Pitt .. and San F. Brown Bros & Oo. ________________ ,-,44 (Bankers) _____________________ Brown Bros. & Co., N. Y. and HAYDEN, STONE & CO. ----- '92 ------------------------------------------------ Hayden, tone & co., .. '. Y,, pringtleld, and Port., Ae. .Milk) (87 Phil .. Alexander Bro\\ n •. (60 St.ate) Son.-. Ball ., Brown, hipter, W~ite & oo .. Inc., IIolli (Investments)--------------------------------·12 ---Inc. CO., & WHITE HOLLISTER, ley & Co., Lon. N ..Y., Phil., P1·ov., and (50 Congress St,J prmgfleld. Bnr~ess, Lang & Co,____ ______ ________ ------------------------------------ A. A. IIouseman · Co., ~T· Y. HORNBLOWER & WEEKS __________ ,,gs (Bankers and Brokers) _________________ Hornblower & Weeks, N. Y .. (199 Washinizton) Chi .. Det., Providence, and (60 Congress) BURR &EORGE H. & C0. ---------- ( 1m11nctcialAuJer) _____________ IGeo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y., IIotchkin · Company _______________ • __________________________ ______________________ Port. (35 Ooneress) Chi., t. L .. Phil.,San.:B'.,Los t53 .ate) A.. Atl .. Den., Det .• Pitt .• Clev ., Seattle, and Hart. _________________ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jackson & Curtis, N. Y., CURTIS & JACKSON Investments. UtWty Public BYLLESBY & COMPANY, H. M.- -----Hanlilil.lesby & Co., Chi. Springfield, Ma s.. Wor09 Congress) (30 tate) _!:ester. Mass., and Prov. , , & CO. -------•1 65 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kidder, Peabody & co., N. Y. CHANDLER, WILBOR & .CO>'' lncorp.-- (Investment Securities) _________________________ Chandler Bros. & co.. . Y.: KIDDER, PEABODY (115 Devonshire) Chandler & Co., Inc., N. Y. ( 185 Devonshire and Pb;t B. & CO .. INC,-- ---------•1 (Investment Securities) _____________ A. B.Leach& co .. Inc., N.Y., COFFIN & BURR, INC,-)_______ _______ (Investment Bonds) ------------------r----- Coffin & Burr, Inc .. N. Y. and LEACH, A.(209 Chi., and pr'ncipal cities, \\'a hington) Port., :Me. (60 tate See Adv. Page o. Conant, A. B. &(~oMilk)---------"11 --------------------------------------(44 State St) I , . ' 48 (30 State)  CURTIS &  s,,,~~niress,---------  Cone:ress CO,---------) DAY, R. L. & (35  '85i----------------------------------------- Coot~ & Sanger,  N. Y.. and  - - - ----------------------------------- Remick, Hodges & co.. . Y.  (35  Federal)  LE E, H16 61 NsON & CO  tXl ~ 1-i (fl  t)j .,,_ .,.,Z  @ I t)j 0  f/l .,..  g I (') 0  ::,  ,...  ~B 0.  BONDS  ic•-------------.,.._________________________. .,. II  Boston, New York, Chicago, Worcester, Portland, Me., Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Hartford, Conn., and Providence, B. I.  Pittsburgh,  Lewis, S. B. & Company _________ 'l7 (Commercial Paper) ___________________ S. B. Lewis & Co., N. Y., Denison, c. E. c~?~tifkr---------•t'93 (Investment Securitiea) ---------------------- c. E. Denison & Co., Clev. Phil., Atl., Pitt. and Scran<24 Milk St.) ton. DILLON, READ & CO. ____)_________ -- ·05 { James Dean, Resident Partner _______________ Dillon, Read & Co., . Y .. Merrill, Oldham & Co. ______________ • ----------------------------------Chi. and Phil. (Investment Bonds) (HI Cong re (35 Ooofress) Edmunds Bros( 0State>---- ----- ---- --------------------------MOSELEY, F. S. & co_________ :___ 1900 (Commercial Pa]}er and Dwcstment ewr- F. S. Moseley & Co.. • Y .. ~ 5 """' ities) Chi., Phil. and an F. (50 Confress)  ~ MERCHANTS NATIONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ----- -· -·~·--  BANK of BOSTON---:Complete Foreign and Domestic Banking Facilities ·  ,.__:,---~  ~  ---~· 612  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  .'A ~;. •~It>m. Am. Bks. Assn. Dlem. State ilks. Assn. :Mem. lnv. Bks:.. Assn.  I  YEAR ESTABLISHED.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of thb volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law:,;.  BOSTON-Continued-Reserve City  OFFICERS.  CORRESPONDENTS.  -----------------  I  NA~lE •  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. :J:Mem. State Bks. Assn. 'rMem. Inv. Bks. Assn.  YEAR ESTABLISHED.  I  OFFICERS.  e "°  CORRESPO. DE. TS.  Munroe John & Co. ___________________ --------------------------------------- John Munroe & Co., N. Y.; !Rottenberg, Julius, Inc·----------•t'95 Fannie Rottenberg, Pres.; Isaac Berg, Tr. ____ Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .• N. '(10 Post OfflceSQuare) Munroe & Co., Paris and (260 Hanover) 5-155 Shawmut, Miirch. N,, and Pau, France. Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. Salomon Bros. &Hutzler _____________ (Investment Securities) _________________________ Salomon Bros. & Hutzler, NATIONAL CITY COMPANY OF BOSTON <Investm't Bonds) Paid-up Capital, $100,000 N. City Co., N. Y. and corres(35 Congress) N. Y. (10 State) B. F. White. Asst. -Vice-Pres. l)_Ondent offices. See Adv. Page 3. Slobodkin. H., Inc., Bankers------•t'90 G. W. Slobodkin, Pres.; S. H. Garson. Cash; Fed. Tr. Co., 2d N. and (3ti Lowell St.) 5-167 M. H. Slobodkin. Sec.; A. S. Slobodkin, V.P.; Comw. Tr. Co., Bos. 1 Naupiburl?, E. & Co. ______________ '94 (Commercial Paper) _________________________ E. Naumburg & Co., N, Y., 1 H. E. Slobodkin, Tr. (50 Cooeress) Chi .• Phil., Pitt .. San. F., Stone & Webster, Inc.--------------- ------------------------------'Es: Det., t. L., and Hart. (147 Milk? , . . ;J:> . . , .. , . . . , The Shawmut Corporation _________ 19 A. L. Aiken, Prea.; R. s. Potter, J. Bohnger, Gu~ranty Co. and Chas~ U'J OTIS & COMPANY---:--------------- 99 (Inieslment , wmt,e~) ------------------------ Otts & Co., Cle\., Cm ., CoL, , (40 Water St.) C. A. Lehmann, V. Pres.; Frank Houghton, N ., N. Y., N. Shawmut, Bo:s. ,,, (4.i Milk) Tol., Akron, Young ·town, Tr.; John Canfield, T. E. Ochiltree, A. Tr.; ~ D 'i:, Den., and Colo. H. C. Sykes, T. Chandler, A. Secys., II. 0. -"' , rn·rng:,;. Metzer. G. II. FrPeman. (') PAINE WEBBER & CO. _____________ ,i ---------------------------------------- Paine. Webber & Co .. N, Y., (Capital, $1,900,000) l: ' (82 Devonshire) Chi., Phil., Alb., \Yorce Su.rplUB and Profits, $770,000. C ter, . pringfleld, Duluth. U'J Det .. \lilw.. t. P., G. Rap. Tucker, Anthon7 & Oo. _____________ .,-------------------------------Tucker Anthony & Oo., .. •.' 1-1-4 and Miu pl'. (53 State) Y .. P ovidenco and ... ·ew -.•; Parker, C. D. & Co., Inc·--------• ·95 ------------------------------------------Cha. E. <J:.iincey, •. Y. Bedford. ➔ (67 )lilk) 5-168 ➔ Weil, Farrell & Co, __________________. ------------------------------------- Weil. Farrell & Co., .... Y., U'J (W Milk) Chi, and Phil. Parkinson & Burr ________________ ,'66 (Investment Securities) ___ ~ - - - - - - - - - Parkinson & Burr. N. Y. (53 State) White, Weld & Co. __________________ 1 (Philip Cabot, Resident Partner) ____ ----- ______ White, Weld & Co .• N. Y.; ~ (111 DAvonshire) Rutter Lindsay & Co .. Chi. -r WHITNEY & ELWELL---------- { (Aiembers of New Yo1·k and Bo ton tock Z ROLLIIIS, E. H. & SONS--------• '78 ------------------------------ E. H. Rollins & Son.·, N. Y., (30 State) Exchange) ~ {200 Devonshire) Chi.,Den.,Los A.,and an Ji~. U'J Wise, Hobbs & Arnold---------'19 ------------------------------------------- Millett. Uoe & Hagen, N. Y. 1 II '15 Congre ·s)  !r·  I  -,to 0  VJ  r+  0  ::,  BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE FIRMS Adams, L. herman, 70 tate St. Albee. A. L, & Co., 15 State St. A.rnold, A.lien, & Oo .. S6 Devonshire St.  Blake Bros. & Co .. 11 t Devonshire. modret & Oo .• 80 State St. Bolles, K., ~ Oo., !6 Oonrress St. Bond & Goodwin. 30 tate St. Bowen, J. W., & Co .. 53 State St. Boyden. ,lla rles, 50 ongn•s t. Brieht, Ehn 'r 11. · o., 75 tate t. Brie-ht, Sears A Oo., 53 State St. Brown Bros .• · Co., 00 tate t. Brown. Che. ter W •• 53 tate St. Burg s, Laug & Co.. ears Bldg. Chase B&rstow. Ames Buildine. Clement, & Co .. 70 State St. Collins, Sl)aldinr & Oo .• 65 CODl!ress St.  Curtis & Sanrer, 33 Conrress St.  Head, Charles & Oo., 74 State St. Hornblower & Weeks, 110 Coneress St. Horne, Arthur J ., 8 Congress Hovey, Chandler & Oo., 111 Devonshire St.  Dabney, F. L. , & Co .• 50 Oonrress St. Day. R. L .. & Co., 35 Con1?ress St. Dillon, Read & Co., 19 Congress ~t. Dimond. Hugh J. & Co., 64 State St. Downer & Oo., 63 State St.  Jackson & Ourtis, 111 Conrress St.  Estabrook & Co., 15 State St.  Ke,·eney Bros .. 53 State St. Kaveney, Sawtelle & Co., 50 Coneress St. Kidder, Peabody & Co., 115 Devonshire St.  Farrington, George E .. 50 Congress St. Fernald, Geo. A., & Co .. 10 Mille St. Fitzgerald, Hubbard & Co., 6 Pearl St. Fitzpatrick, James II. & Co., 60 State St. Foote & French, 50 Congres St.  Learoyd, Foster & Co., 30 State St. Lee, Hie-einson & Co., 44 State St. Lone & Nash, 53 State St. i;,ovell & Co .• 8 Coneress St.  Gal!en. T. F .. c· o .. 50 Congress St. Glifflth · ~IcWain, 60 oni:re St. Hamlin, E. :\1. & Co., 148 tate t. Hayden, Stone & Co., 87 Mille St.  Moo~s & Oabot, ill Devonshire St. Moran. John J. & Co., 53 State St. Moseley, F. S., & Co., 50 Coneress St. O'Mealey, John W., & Co., 53 s te St.  BOSTON M.a\)s O\l\lOSite \)ages 584 and 586 Number under Name or Bank is $be N•w TrantJlt Number lfiven each bank in U. B. exclwfvely by The Band-McNaUy Banke:s' Federal Reserve Bank of St.toLouis  I  ·aphen & Co., 105 Devonshire t. Paine, Webber & Co., 82 Devonshire St. Parkinson & Burr, 53 State St. Pearmain, Sumner B., 53 State St. Phelan, Charles A. & Co., 99 State St. Price & Co., 70 State St. Prince, F. H., & Co., Ames Bide. Proctor, Cook & Co., 35 Coneress St.  (') 0  Tucker, Bartholomew & Co., 50 Oon- ::l ere~St tt  ::,'  Wainwrieht, H. C., & Co., 110 State St, Weld, Grew & Oo., 81> Devonshire St. Whitney & Elwell, 30 State St. Williston, J. R., & Oo., 53 State St. Wise, Hobbs & Arnold, 15 Congre. _ St. Wrenn Bros. & Co., 53 State St.  C: ('1)  0.  Richardson, Hill & Co., 50 Conrress St. Schirmer, F. A., & Oo., 79 Milk St. cudder, Steven c· (;lark, 53 tate t. Smith, Earnest E., & Co., 52 Devonshire t. Thorndike & Allen, 53 State St. Townsend, Anthony & Tyson, 8 Ooneress St. Tucker, Anthony & Co., 53 State St.  STDCI EXCHANGE OFFICERS. FRA .KW. REMICK, President. G. E. FARRL 1 GTON, Vice-Preaid~nt. SIDNEY CHASE. Treasurer. GEORGE A. RICH, Sec, and Chairman.  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BankJne Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this  p;-  ·  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 613  ................ er .llaDJr a &lie . . . . ft'alull . . . . . . aYeD &o Mob bank m u. s. ueJrutrely by TIie .8and•.HeNall7 Ban.ft-.• Dfnetor,., uader tlle autllorlty of TJJe A.merfean Banken Au"n.  ToW'N ilD OoUNTY.  •Ooanty Seats. Entire State in •o.1  NA.JO  or  PRESIDENT.  Ulem. St.ate Bks. Assn. tPriv.  - -·-- LI~•;;.cBa..::I=IJ::..T.,.I_E... s ......___ 11 _--"'-R'-E-'-s_ou ....R_CE_s_._  VIa-PRESIDJCNT.  .A.SS'T OASBill.  OASBift.  PAID-UP SuaA~DLus  C  1  1  1  1  PRINCIPA.L CoRRESPONDENTS.  --  a..m&E:r-  1  l  50,000  BROCKTON \c. R. FILLEBROWN. F.H. W.C. KEITH Fl LOON ------- 1GEO. A. BARRETT- ·· A. R. EWELL-------F. C. STACEY -  NATIONAL BANK  •t·so  300,000  Collec,tlon, band led b:, speelal dep artment.  l  35,630  -  Brockton Savin2s Bank __ f'81 Bradford K. Jones. K. M:. Thompson ___ 0. O. Orooker, Tr,_ W. G. Allen, A. Tr. - - ~S-1411 Wm. H. Emerson  8ROCKTON  R. F. OWENS---- U: c9:crltAN ___ w. P. qosFJ.hRTH J. c. iEt.'LY  TRUST COMPANY  l w. YYE,  T, . ••••• L.  F. WHIT~. A. T, ..  100.000  500,730  142,540 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.; N. Y. State N., .Alb.  4U,760  482.790 5.692,830 5,768.400  -  -  877,020 Chaae N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N,, PhD.  666,550 9,409,790 9,95-1,530  121,820 Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.; Home N. and Brockton N .. Brockton.  858,060  171,650 Equitable Tr. Co. and Chae N., N.Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Home N., Brockton.  37,660  929,000  1  --  1,0 t,.;)  ~  ~>  ()  ::X: C: en tz:l  ~  tn  tD  > z  Brockton's New Progressive Ban k. We speelalhe In collections. Try us for prompt se rvlce.  •tl'l8  53-1511  Lo1.N•&D1a-  Chas. O. Miller •••. W. H. Wentworth. -------------------- S 100,000 S 26,300 $ 4.U,300 $ 4-11,900 $ 78,100 4th-Atlantic N. and 1. t •., Bos. E. L. Emerson H. R. Drinkwater J. H. Il'airbanks ___ H. W. Br~don. Tr. F. E. Sweet, Sec ... - - - 128,080 1,577.610 1,700,710 15,310 lstN., Bos.;BridgewaterTr. Co., Bridgewater. E. A. Hewett  Brid2ewater Trust co .•• •1'15 L. Q. White _____ W. S. Little ________ Samuel Norton, Leroy W. Perkins, 53-615 E . .A. MacMaster i..;:ec. and Tr. A. Tr.  51--150  DEPOB-  ., c•n. BoNo•, cu .. ,. .... ,Dr• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A_Pr_T_A_r. P_x_o_F_IT_s _ 1_Ts_ _Ssc_o_1JTI_11 __ n_o,._B_,.,._1r.& _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Braintree •• Norfolk D 11 Braintree National Bank. •19 James D. Hender(BoatonP.O.) 53~25 son Pop. 10.55-1 Bridcewater Plym'thDll Brid£ewaterSavin2sBk .. •1'72 W. D. Jackson _____ Pop. 8-13 53-562  Brockton .Pl1111outh D 10 Pop, 66,251  Non-Bank ToWllll with Nearest Banldns Point ( dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  (Sarlnp Banlu do not bandJ~ collections)  BANK.  •Jfem. Am. Bks. Assn. IStaie ;:.F-=..ed:.::ce:.:cra.:..:.l-'R'-'-e:;..;s..c.e_rv-'e_D_i_st_r_ic_t._ _ ♦_Y_e_m_._F_ed_._R_e_s.__[c..._E_s_ta_b_.  1  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  X  (,/'J  ~  HOME NAT'L BANK F. B. HOWARD---- G~l~VILILffJJTH WARREii B. SMITH ELMER M. TABER•t·n  51-148  500.000  Collections or other business entrusted to this Bank will receive prompt and careful attention.  44%.410 6,404.160 5,281.390 2.119.210 N. Park, N, Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  -  -  :II  -  "'1 ~  s·  ..,  ..+  C, C,  ....  Peoples Savin2s Bank ___ f'll5 Wm. L. Doaclas-- Warren A. Reed __ 0. 8. Ludden, Tr, __ Arthur T. Mooney, _ _ _ 5S-152 Emery M. Low .A. Tr.  315,940 6,4-13,140 6,786,210  Co PLy MOUTH UST co  200,000  248.700 5,315,400 5,&l0,400  100,000  67,500 2,506,250 2,312,120  TR  51-151  •  C. P. HOLLAIID--- {. (.,Al(,------- A. C. PIERCE, T1·•• 1G. E. FISHER, Sec. l' l' 08,rlR, JR. L. H. HALL, A. Tr. I. P. KNOWLES,  I  •U'93  I  Collections a IP eela) • Rates reuonabl e; prompt service.  I  ~  ~ olony Tr. 5·  w. Baker, Sec. _ _ __  KrnestB. Dane ___ Albert J: Meserve\P.N.Jewett, Tr._ Albert A. Pollard, 200,000 G. A. Whitney .A. Tr. (2 Branches) 1  o. H. Slattery. V.P.  378,790 Chase N., N. Y.; Old Oolony Tr. Co, and . Shawmut, Bos.; N. ·com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.  520,200 7,603,460 7,994,810  121,150 Merch. N., N, hc\wmut, and 1st N., Bos.  30-1,860 5,020,120 4,884,630  6-!6,830 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st N. and Merch. N., Bos.: 0\ N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. -  1  I  MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of BOSION-Complete Foreign and Domestic Banking Facilities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  Send at :,our B rockton Items.  Brookline Savin2sBank•U'71 E. M. Farnsworth. J. A.. Cousens ______ O.WilliamMerz,Tr. E. 5!-241 H. w. Lamb, V. P. Jos. Driscoll  53-NZ  280,700 Guaran~ Tr. Co., N, Y.; Old Co. an 1st N., Bos.  A. Tr.  Brookline-- >iorfolk O 10 Boulevard TrustOo. -----I'll W. ~. llcKenney __ Albert L. Lincoln __ G. M:. J. Bates, Tr, iM, W. McLucas, Pop. 37,748 51--2'1 G. M. J. Bates .A. Tr.  IROOllllE TRUSTCO.til'86  0 63,380 Brockton N., Plymouth Co. Tr. Co., and Home to N., Broekton, """ 0 0  w  --~-- I Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlrectory,_~nder the. aut~orlty of T_!le Ameri_C!_n Bankers Ass'n.  614 'l'OWN"  .A.ND OoUNTY.  I  7fiMEOFBANK. -, -  I  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SS ta te : Entire tate in ·o. 1 State Bks. Assn. t Priv. Federa!Reserve Di trict. :Mem. +11em. Fed, Res. (E:tab.  PRESIDENT.  I  I  MASSACHUSETTS-C Oil t•lilUe d LIABILITIES.  VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. _______ ________ 1  •Oambridie •.. Middlesex Cambrid~eport Sav. Bk.•:W53 Pop. 109.691 C 10 53-55 .. ·-----· " Oambrid~e Savin~s Bk. •U-34 53~4 Cambridie Trust Co .• _.•:t:§'92 53-59  W.W. Dallin~er •.• Geo. A..sawyer ·-JI. J. Wrnslow Enoch Beane·----- L. N. Brock. ______ Thomas Hadley A. B. Hathaway_ .. Edw. A. Davenport G. H. Cox, Herbert H. White _Ch. of Bd. Central Trust Co. ·-----·t1'26 E. H. Br~hL _____ J. C. Do~-----·53--52 C. S. Cahill 'harle. River Trnc;;l Co. Harrie E. Mason .• - C. F. Mason .• _____ • 53-53 •:l:§'32 E. E. Emerson  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  PAID-UP  s~~tue  CAPITAL PROFITS ________ ____ 1 1  John R. Giles, Tr. - Wm. J. Burrage,  See.  ITS  ~~~-:,~--.  5_,a,Tt&■  ---  C. T. Whittemore._ Lloyd A. Frost, Tr. - - - - - - - - - - A. J. Daly  300,000  139,680 2,366,390 2,626,160  Walter F. Earle. __ . Edw'd D. Whitford H. H. Dyer, Tr .•.• · - - - - - - - - - - ·  200,000  360,690 5,014.690 4,910,570  W. D. Rockwood ..  K~!ta,id Tr,  59,090  ·------·--------···  200,000  Lechmere National Bank•:l:"53 Otis S. Brown·---· G. W. Dearborn--· F. B. Wheeler ·--··i--------53-56  100,000  148,200 1,702,580 1,420,270  200,000  45,750 1,582,610 1,200,080  MNAANTUIOFNAACLTUBRAENRKS  l  w. F. BEALE------  NATHAN SALLINGER--  F. J.  w. M. VAN SANL ..••  ;:::r.~B4n■• E-~~  rao• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1  ---·----· $ 778,150 $8 820 000 $9 461 070 $ 61,550 Harvard Tr. Co .. Cambrid"e; 1st N .. Bos.  A. E. Beane, Sec ••. A.H. Boardman,Tr. ·-·-·---· 1,498,270 11,849,180 13,192,460 H.A. Nichols.A.Tr. E.W. Phippen, Tr. L. F. Schaub, Su. $ 100,000 236,740 3,593,280 3,527,700 A. M. Wheeler, . A. Sec. W. G. Davis, A. C. Coughlan, 200,000 672,380 7,324,580 7.629,440 Su. and Tr. A. Tr. W. H. Spr32ue, Tr. E. H. Norris, See.. 200,000 252,780 4,103,850 4,185,130 HenryF.ffllmhofer, .d., Tr, 804,880 8,217,300 8,915,100  ♦ 53~0 Inman Trus\g.ii--- ____ §'20 A. E. Lynch- •.....  PRINCIPAL 0oRRESPONDltNT8.  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  Geo.II.Lawrence.- Wm. E. Lloyd, Tr .. Chas. H. Sloan, M. J. Harty A. Tr.  EastCambride-eSav.Bk.•tl'54 Gustavus Ooepper. 53-57 n. C. Proudfoot, 1'.P. Guaranty Trust Co .• ___ e;U'l2 Woodford Yerxa __ 53-61  HARVARD TRUST GO •.. •U-60  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bankln1 Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! 0\ volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws :;  (Savings Banks do not handle coJlectlons)  640,570  749,440  54,990 Charles River Tr. Co., cambrid~e ' 400,920 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Sh&wmui, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. , ?  >  s:  > 71,490 Old Colony Tr., and Met. Tr. Co., Bos.; en en Lech mere N•• Cambridge. > 179,760 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N., (') ::i:  Phil.  C:  824.530 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N,, Bos.: Corn Ex. N •• Phil. 103,330 · Chase N .. N. Y.; 4th Atlantic N .. Bos. 256,370 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. Phil.  en trl  ~ ~  ..,  en  225,410 Irving N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; Market St. N ., Phil.  to  >  z~  Special atte ntion given to collections. Send US your CAMBRIDGE items.  53-62  en  •t'l8  North Av. Savine-s Bk. __ :t§'72 0. F. Stratton·---- WilliamE.Hutchins E. B.Stratton, Tr .. - - - - - - - _ __ 53-58 Edward L. Grueby  t  224,210 3,876,500 4,045,790  51.250 N. Shawmut, Bos.  (') I»  104,210 1,085,130 1,083,010  15,610  C" '"1  Oambridieport.Middl~li (See Camb1·idoe) Oanton •••.• Norfolk D 10 Canton Institut'n for Sav.s•as F. D. Dunbar ______ Pop. ;jgn 53-516 1 " " Canton Tru t Co .••.... •:l:§"16 G. A. Ham·--··--·· 53-517 1 Charlestown .. Suffolk F ,l ( u Boston> Chatham-Barn table FH hatbam 'l'ru~t Co .•..... §'20 F. W. EddY-······· Pop. li37 53-626 Chelsea .••. __ utTolk C 11 Broadway N.1tioual Bank•!'lO Willard Howland __ 84 2 " ·· Ohelsea Sav~!; ;~ank . •t§'54 Edwin R. Hoag._ •. 53-219 · " ---·---· " 1Ohelsea Trust Co ..••••• •t§'07 E. H. Lowell .•. --• 53-221  P~~·.~~~~  E. II. R. Revere •. _ Walter Ames, Tr .. ·--·-------· _ __ James P. Lynch 100,000 - - - - - -·· J. H. Landick, Tr .• A. A. Brown, Actuary 0, C.  30.000  911,890  984,M0  302,370  341,830  50.000  __ ---·----------  100,000  55,000 1,460,000 1,384,000  ; ; : •. ·- _ - - - - · · · · · - · - · · · · - - -  l.055,940 10,203.730 11,001,840  ~~-~:-~~~~~~~-~=~·  W. ~:  ~e~~~;,  0  B. T. Martin.---·-- S. C. Gleason, Tr .. c. T. Walker.See.. Chas. W. Oould W. H. Hodgkins, M:. J. Casey, A. Sec. A. Tr. County Savine-s Bank._.:l:§'90 AlbPrt D. Bosson .• T. B. Frost-·----· W. S. Fracker, Tr. Florence M. 53-220 R . Wentwor t h, W. S. Hixon Knowles. A. Tr.  250,000  amuel R. Cutler •• ls. A. haw ····---- P. P. Sanford ..•••• R. A. Clark•. ---··· Barry W. James E.G. Gaylord ____ . P. C. Pond. ________ F. C. Kendall, Tr .. L. I. Howard. ec. N. B. Carter ••. ___ . IC. J. Driscoll _____ James L. Pea e G. M. Morton ___ . __ F. N. Withrt,L.--. L. J. Gibbs, V.·P. A. R. Martin Eli Forbes.------- George F. Morse .. ,I. 1>. ,1L rcon J.E. Thayer. Jr ... I. • :\1oulton ... --. W. P. Bower C. W. Gammons ••. ,G. W. Collier···--·  178,570 2,387,010 2,814,090 3111,290 3,385,630 3,562,650  l ' . P.  ational City Bank ___ .. • t'l 53-223 Cbicopce .•• Hampden D 4 Cahot Trust Co ..•••• •1:~ '17 Pop. :rn.il4 53 · 248 Chicopee Savings Bank . •.''5-1 53-247 Ohicopee Falls, HampdC'n Chicopee Ji'alls av. Bk .• •§'75 Pop. 10,000 D 4 53· 563 Clinton •.•. \Vorce. ter o 8 Clinton Savings Bank •• •:l:§'51 Po1>. l2,9il1 53-327 ···---·· linton Tm t Co •.•••• _.•§'20 53-328 Cohas et.. __ Norfolk C n \ Cohasset SavingsBank •t§ '45 \>O"\"l, ~li~\l 53-5M  62,070  ickerson .•. S. C. Robbins, Tr. ·------···-------·  lJII.ohnII. E., ears Beck_·-··· John F. Tierney,  :II llt  I  •  634,.10 Equitable Tr. Co., N.Y.; Merch. N. and lsi N .. Bos. 495,500 N. Shawmut, Boa.  100,000  25,000  400,000  500,000  100,000  32,750  852,700  696,000  C. J. Seaver, Tr,_. Wm. F. Bo twirk, - - Sec. J. B. Kniiht, Tr .•• Mabel H. Page, --A. Tr. 0. L. S. Hammond, F. M. llammond, - - Tr. A. Tr. C.B.Chickering,Tr. ··----··-···--300.000 Caleb Lothro-p, Tr. Russell B. Towe re.c. - - 8  305,300 3,429.000 3,653,800 192,080 2,440,620 2,632,350 280.350 4,805,920 5,044.210 44,890 1.231,300 1,118,080 149,790 1.325,410 1.452,350  M~SS~CHUSE.TTS Ma,o on \ndex Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given MASSACHUSETTS Cont1·nued each bank in U. ". excluslfely by_ The Band-::.~cNall Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St.toLouis -  B  5:  110,820 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N. and Citiz. N .. Bos.; Girard N ., Phil.  O'Q (D  ...  30,630 Int'! Tr. Co., Bos.  0 (') 0  210,460 1st N .• N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 185,b00 N. Shawmut, Bos.  ::r I»  216,920 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: Phil. N., Phil,  fl)  Cll  ... (D  147,830 .Merch, N. and Met. Tr. Co., Bos. 60,ll00 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and N. Union, Bos. 270,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  t....o  94,700 N. Shawmut, Bos.: Union Tr. Co., Sp.rin"fteld. I» ::, 30,340 1 t N .. Bos.: Chicopee N., Springfield. 76,570 1st N .• Bos. 1'<_'"1  IE  247,150 Chase N •• N. Y.; 1st N .. Boa.  I  '°_  25,820 U. S. Tr. Co. and Webster & Atlas N., Bos.:i N Hinitham Tr. Co., Hingham, •..,..  to Collections and Correspondence Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) in back of this  t....o  l.  . ◄  ,);i:)  nr am  .  ~--------------------- ------MASSACHUSETTS-Continued 615 to ~:C':t"n:'::e&_N -~~c~~:::~: k/1:rl!e:a~~!~Z.Y;»M.':if~"r~~  I  Directory, under the authority of The American Banker A  I  'n.  ----  CASHIER  ASS'T CASHIER. _ ______  •  LIABILITIES • PAID-UP,SUANDRPLUS 1  1  ______________ _ Middlesex lnstit'ion tor Sav. Wm. Wheeler _____ Murray Ballou _____ H.F. Smith, Jr., Tr. •U'35 53-459  I  Oonway ____ Franklin C 4 Conway National Bank--•i'58 J, B. Packard______ F. A. D labarre ___ E.T. Cook ______________________ _ 53-558 Pop. 961  1  REsouRcEs.  DEPOS-  CAPITAL P R O F I T S ~  Ooncord ••. Middlesex C 9 Concord National Bank.•!'32 Prescott Keyes-'-- C, Fay Heywood __ C. Fay Heywood __ __________________ $ 100,000 53-458 Pop. 6-161  --------  -I - -PRi~cIPAL CoRRESPOND~'iTS.- -  115,600 $ 798,960 $ 944.120 $ 195,030 2d N., Bos.; 1st N,, Phil.  245,820 2,394.950 2,5.56,690  61,170  Hil,280  Conway Savings Bank ____ ,'87 A.. C. Boice ______ H. D. Pease _______ A. C. Guilford, Tr. F. A. Clark, Sec, ___ ________ _ A.G. Howes 53~59  41,360  478,210  519,570  I  100,000  35,330  715,000  668.000  84,090 1st N., Bos,; Concord N,, Concord.  8,710 N. Shawmat, Bos,; N. Com'! Bk. &Tr. Co., Alb.  15,990 Old Colony Tr. Oo., Bos,  135,000 N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bo1,; 1st N., Phil. 96,490 Beacon Tr. Oo., Boa.; Merch. N., Salem.  •Dec!Cham-- .Norfolk D 10 Dedham Inst, for Sav. --•1'81 Clifton P. Baker __ Frederick D. Ely __ J, H, Soliday, Tr .•• ______________________ . ,\. H. llo<lg<lon 53➔ 02 Pop. 10,783  672,740 5,423,llto 5,1101,:no  09,350 Bos. Safe Dep. & Tr. Oo., Bos,  Dedham National Bk .. -U8l1 .Allan Forbes ______ ------------------- E. A. Brooks ______ C. G. Baker. ______ _ 58-401  150,000  R. W. Nutter ____ Chas. J/', Kann, Tr. ________________ Ea. t Brid2ewater __ Plym. East Bridgewater Sav. Bank Clarence A. Chandler •t§'71 5S-565 D 11 Pop, 3486  I  ____ ____  ·•  "  Tr. _________________  First Natioi~~nk _____ .,:•H Horace L. Clark ___ ------------------ Victor J. King_____ _ _ _ _  •Ed i;a·town __ Dukes G 12 Edgartown National Bk. •t"05 B. T. Hillman ______ H. A. Pease ________ Henry A. Pease--- __________________ _ 53-568 Pop, 1190  t.  Middlesex O 10 Everett National Bank.-t'19 E. L. Sweetser _____ D.R. W. :Murdock. K. 53-210  Poi>. 40,120  100,000  012,350 1,146,490  237 ,590 N. Shawmut an<l  tate St. Tr. Co., Bo1.  c. Bosworth----  EVERETT TRUST CO •.. •U'lO Herbert P. Wasgatt C. J. JoeL ________ L, P. Lawton,  31,430 4th-A.tlaDtic N,, Bo1,  139,000 3,SOl,080 3,496,060  71,160 1st N., Easthampton; .A.m. Tr. Co,, Bos.  ____________  101,000 29.160  03,270 418,420  486.040 388,590  107,830 1,586,150 1,677,870  105,000 N. Park. N. T.; 1st N., Bos.; Tradesmens N ..  n~  91,760 N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb.  20,220  207,810  227,560  48,280 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; N, Shawmut, Bos.  100,000  29,360  307,200  359,570  47,240 1st N .. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  91,000 2,0i5,000 2,110,000  70,000 Han. ., N. Y.: Merch. Co., Everett.  ____________________________ _ Fair ba, •en ___ Bristol F 11 Fairhaven Inst. tor Sav .•U'32 'l'homas A. Tripp __ Walter H. Judd ____ ' Chas. H. Morton. Tr. , 53-495 Pop, 7291 120,000 Nationa1Bk.i/.Jii~irhaven•t'31 G. B. Luther _______ I ____________________ ' E.T. Pierce________ _ _ _ ___________  J83,470 1,704,670 1,841,470  46,660 1st N., Bos.; N. Bk, of Fairhaven, Fairhaven. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  0  ::,  See. and Tr.  A. W. Ridley,A,Tr,  61,730  39-1,090  6i8,580 1  g  ~  Ir+  0  ., Bos.: Everett Tr.  238,880 Irvinl? N., N. Y .. ls1 N, and Int'l Tr. Co., Bos.  I  ttl  16,120 1st N .. Bos.; Weymouth Tr. Co., mouth.  88,240 3,587,850 3,757,380  HE MER HANTS NATIONAL BANK  ..., ...,  :(  300,000  E. I. Blount  VJ t:r::1  z>~  271,3i0 2,999,900 3,321,520  25,000  Eyerett aving. Bank ••• •1'89 Dudley P. Bailey __ E. A. Carter _______ Edgar A. Cate, Tr,_ Sara E. Dresser, A. Tr. Jo . J. Cannell 53-208 53-209  :i::  ()  50,000 Ba.8t ft3pperell,Middlesex First Nat.Bk.of Pepperell•'Ol A. A. Shattuck ---· C.H. Miller ________ H. 11'. Tarbell ______ Hazel A. Phinney. 53-566 B8 Pop. aooo East Weymouth.Norfolk East Weymouth Sav. Bk.:1:1'72 Fred'k L. Alden .•. S. B. Totman------ F. P, Abbott. Tr ... _____________________ W. J. Holbrook 53-567 Pop.14,998 F 4  l:ve  > > (')  VJ VJ  VJ 221,330  mbrtdre.Mlddlesex (Su CambrCdge) Pop. 70,028 C 10  c. H. Johnson,  a::  C: 351,990 3,768,290 4,026,580  Kast 11:ampton.Bampshire Easthampton Sav. Bank:.•S'611 jG. B. Noble _______ --------------53-419 O4 Pop. 11,261  -....  :,<  \0  Danvers Savings Bank ___ , ,50 Joshua Armitage_ c. N. Perley _______ Chu. B. Preston, Tr, W. E. Smart 53-394  East  ;  t-.;)  aYings Bank ______ §'18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Branch of Pitts field.Ma ss.) ________ Old Colony Tr. and Int' l Tr. Cos., Bos. 53---624  Danvers _____ Essex B 11 Danvers National Bank-•!'04 G. 0. Stimpson ____ W. A... Tapley ______ R. S. HiainJ ____ _ 53-393 Pop. 11,108  ....  "1  cJ:~v=• - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - c:::,.o~~• -  10,090  Pop, 3732  ,  mr  Loua lo D11• Cun & Ex-  50,000  Dalton ____ Berkshire C 2 City  o..  Non-Ban.le Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest k tes, Hol!days, etc., see Laws. ~  (SaYlngs Banks do not handle collections)  r f . T.DlEOI<'lJ.L· K. Tows ..1..·ncou.·TY. YICE· PRESIDE~'T, PRESIDE."T. •.Mem.A.m.Bks.Assn. sta te ..Count>· ·caL Entire."tate in. To.1 :tMem. tateBk .Assn.tPriv [Estah. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fede@I Re crveDi trict. +.Mero. Fed. Re.  I  r.  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  Mao on \ndex  OI  79,250 Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Bos.: Girard U1 N.,Phil.  of BOSTON-Complete Foreign and Domestic Banking Facilities  ---• 616  MASSACHUSETTS - C Oll t•lllUe d  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Non-Bank Towns' with Nearest Banking Point Un• dexed Acces.), LaW)'ers, Laws (indexed) Jn back of thisr volume Fo,r Interest l(ates, Holidays, etc., soe Laws , ~  °'  (Savings Banks do not handle coJJectlons)  NAME OF BANK. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS • .. county Sea.ts. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §St.a;te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass'T CASHIER. p SURPLUS D LoANR& n,. C•sn&Ex Entire State in No. 1 :tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPnv. AID-UP AND EPOS- c'T•. Bosos: ca•so ..,n~. 1 Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab. 1- - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - f - - - - - - - - l - C _ A P _ I T _ A _ L P_RO_F_I_T_B _ _rr_a_ _s_zo_0a_,T_1•_• _n_o.,_n_._"!'_•·. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - I TOWN AND COUNTY.  .,Fall River __ Bristol F 10 Oitizens Savin!fS Bank_ •:l:§'51 H. H. EarL ________ J, M. Swift_ _______ , Pop, 120,485 53-18 Samuel W. Hathaway *B. M. C. Durfee Trust Oo. John S. Brayton ___ Thos. E. Brayton __ 53-23 §'88 Fall River 5 Ots. Sav. Bk.•§'55 Geo. S. DavoL _____ E. B. Jennin~s ---53-20 A. P. Davol  *FALL RIVER NAT'L BANK 53-16  •'25  John T. Swift, Tr. ____________________ --------- $1146 080 $8 942 380 $9 676 010 $ 422,890 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Shawmut N .. R. C. Crapo, A. Tr, and M~rch. N., Bos. Arthur W. Allen, I. F. Manchester, $ 400,000 689,070 3,785,300 4,216,660 Sec. and Tr. Jr .. A.. Tr. Charles L. Holmes, W. B. Lovell. A. Tr. --- ... --- 1,096,250 10 238 600 10 721600  657,110 X. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Girard N., Phil.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 613,730 1st N .• Bos.; Metacomet N ., Fall River.  Tr.  IF. E. BEMIS--------collectlo n department. Pr ompt Service. Re  OLIVER S. HAWES- SPENCERBORDEN,JR. GEORGE H. EDDY ,JR.  A thoroughly or gantzed { SEND US YOUR FALL RIVER ITEMS.  400.000 427,510 4,&00,070 4,352,820 asonabl c Cuarg es.  Fall River Savinl!'s Bk. •tl'28 B. D. DavoL ______ D. J. Burdick ______ I. P. Gardner, Tr._ c. M. Freeborn, - - - - 1,383,600 12 261650 13165 320 53-17 A. Tr. Fall River Trust Co. ____ •§'19 W. E. McLane _____ Jame Sinclair ____ s. E. Robin on, Tr. _________ _______ 200,000 51,770 1.291,550 1'356,580 53-25 Michael Sweeney *First National Bank ----•'66 John S. Brayton ___ W. L. 53-21  *MASSASOIT POCASSET NATIONAL BANK  s. Brayton __  852,520 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; 4th St. N .. Phil. 539,460 N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos. 141.300 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th Atlantic N .• Bos,  Everett M. Cook___ ____________________  400,000  5-10,770 3,264.010 2,734,330  CHARLES M.SHOVE T. D. COVEL-------- E.W. BORDEN------ F. E. WESTGATE---Cotton and Gra in Collections ou r specialty. A. J. WOOD  650.000  689,660 6,533,730 6,-103,000 1,483,120 .Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: 2d N .. Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.  9281560 Imp. & Tra. N., N, Y.: 1st N., Bos.; Girard N., Phil.  a::>  rJ) rJ)  :>  (')  ::r:  C  rJ)  til ..,.., rJ)  to  ~ Quick returns and prompt servl ce In all banking matters.  >  z~  SS-24  r/J  *METACOMET NATIONAL BANK. 63-10  I  S. B. CHASE------- MILTON REED----- F. H. BORDEN ---- JAMES D.DEARDEN Collections or other business entrusted to this Bank will receive prompt and careful attention.  750.000 457,500 4,754,600 5,373,860 241.740 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City, N. -:Y,; Merch. - - - - - N.,Bos.:CornEx.N.,Phil.  -------·----------,. -  -  --  -  ~  -  ~  '"1  r+  Union Savings Bank -----1'6ll Jerome C. Borden_ F. 0. Dodi?e ________ A. W. Gilford, Tr._ C. C. Rounseville, 632,3-10 6,290,980 6,732,010 5S-22 J.P. llart, A. Tr. Jr. See. Fall River Clearin~ House ___ E.W. Borden ______ J. S. Brayton, Sec. Frank H. Borden, -------------- _____________________ _ (Members indicated b11 a *) Mor. Falmouth.Barnstable F12 Falmouth National Bank•:t'21 W. H. Hewins ____ G. E. Dean ______ G. E. Dean ________ W. O.Luscomhe,Jr.1, 100,000 Pot>. 3500 53-56ll Fitchburg, Worcester BS Fitehburl!' Bk. & Tr. Co.•:t§"32 H. G. Townend ____ Alvah Crocker_ ____ F. W. Holden, J.B. Fellows.A.Tr. 600,000 Pot>, U,029 ♦ 53-llll J. L. Johnson Sec. and Tr. Geo. R. Wallace F. H. Brown, A.Tr. Fitchburg Savin!fs Bk,-•:t§"46 Oharles E. Ware ___ A.H. Lowe ________ F.C. Nichols, Tr._ A.H. Brown. A.Tr. _ __ 53-lll2 E. A. ONTHANK --- -------------------- SAM'l H. LOWE----- J. C. DEXTER- ------ 200,000 SAFETY FUND NATIONAL G. B. LORD. A. Cnsll. R. A. IIPHAM BANK---- 53-19"------•+'74 Collections rem ltted for on day o f payment, at low est rates. Will give best o r Se"lce. Try us WorcesterNorthSav. Inst. 53-lllS •1'68 B'lorence __ Hampshire O 4 Florence Savings Bank __ ;t§'78 Pot>, 3000 53-570 Foxboro _____ NorfolkD g Foxboro National Bank.•:t'09 Po1>, 4136 53-533 " ________ " l!'oxboroughSav. Bank--•1'55 53-532  MASSA.CH\JSBTTS Mal' on \ndex  60,990  863,860  0  101,310  ':tl 0  ><  766,150  275.880 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut. Bos.  295,860 1ferch.  i  ti09,970 4,885,070 5,402.320  651.560 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st  OhatlesF. Baker ·- F. W. Pierce ______ A.O. Brown, Tr, ___ W.W. Henry.A.Tr. - - -  944,59011511340 1226H220  220,070 lstN.andN.Shawmut, Bos.  William Cordes ____ A... :M. Ware ________ E. C. Hillenbrand, ------------------ -----II. C. Bliss Tr. B. B. Bristol. ______ E. H. Bristol------ F. H. Richards _____ -------------------50,000  89,920 1.142,570 !.215,300  N<>llieF. Capen,  ---------  A. Tr.  18.140  398,760  '  411,870  llG,380 1.115,280 1,281.490  T ••  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued (Savings Banks do not handle collectfons)  "'1  0  Bo .  N.,  Bos.  36,010 66,920 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 13,180 Merch. N .. Bos.; Foxboro N., Foi.boro.  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Corresl?ondence   NU.1Dber under Name or Bank i.,, the New Transit Nuaiber given to each bank in U. S. excluslvelr by The Band-McNaHT Bankers• 617 Dlrec!!JrY., under the •~~'!rlty of The Amerlcan Bankers Ass'E• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Cf 0  478,920 4,86-t.170 4,828,520 1,093,570 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Chir;:Merch. N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. 877.650 10 005 500 10 ;:;g7 300  L. E. Gray _________ II. G. Smith _______ Harrie Gray, Tr. Jarvis Williams  e. ..... <.~  SEE ADV. ON MARGIN BOSTON VICINITY MAP.  •:l:"53  "Ij  -1.0 N  Non-Bank Towns wlth Neatest Ban.king .PoJnt (1n• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  =-  It  >  '.. ,c  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  ....,,., IDMI• . . . . . , ..... - .,,. • ..,, n.a.fl .,._,,_ - ,a Nola bank m •""'6INIT bx_De .._d-•eNallT BaaJr. .• Dine • aade, tJJe auUlorfq of TIie Amerfean Ba.aJcen A.a•n.  u. s.  Tow•  .1.ND  oou  TY.  A. Tr.  Jarvis Williams  ~32  Ctl\l&BTt& Wla9 OIi \1Ml.-&  M.'IS. ASS'~ AC'°EZT ~u,rsETTS-COn tin U ed  NA.KE o:r B.1.NK.  £0ollD'7 leatl. •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState Entire tate in ro.1 tllem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve Di trict. •~rem. Fed. Re·. [ Estab.  p  V  KJCSIDDT.  - - - Li.ABILITIES.  p  ICE- RJCSID:SNT.  AS , 0 O-'.SHIU. s T ASBIJCR. PAID-UP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 CAPITAL  •raminrbam --Ki,!ldlesex FARMERS & MECH. SAV.BK. A. M. Fitts ________ --------------------\Julian W. Phillips, - - - - - - Pop. 16,78;) C9 53-34i •+§'lS3 Tr. " ________ " Framin2ha~l~\: Bank-•t'33 T. L. Barber ______ F. L. Oaks _ _ _ L. H. Hooker ______ Arthur H. Patch __ 3 " _____ " FraminEham Tru t Co. •t§'l0 ·E. H. BiEelow _____ G. H. Fitts-------- \Fred W. Pope. Tr,_ H. E. Taylor, A.7'r. 53-343 Ira L. Lewis l.l'ranklin ____ Norfolk D 9 Benj, Franklin Sav.Bk.•U'i2 ElishaP. Chapman 10. T. Doe __________ C.L.Stewart, Tr, __ -------------------Pop. 6497 53-479 W. Hosie " ________ " Franklin National Bank.•t"65 E. H. Rathbun _____ A. D. Thayer ______ J.E. Barber _______ G, W. Rickard_____ 53-478 B. M. Rockwood Gardner ___ Worce!,ter B 7 First National Bank _____ •t'65 Amasa B. Bryant __ C. L. Bent _ _ _ M. N. WriEht ---- Clifford W.Shippee Pop.16,971 53-317 , Gardner Savin~s Bank.•t§'68 John D. Edi:ell ____ C. F. Richardson __ F. S. Whittemore, -----------------53-318 Thatcher B. Dunn Tr. GardnerTru tCompany•:!:§'75 Frank W. Fenno ___ B. J. Brown _______ A. B. Nourse, Tr.__ ___________________ 53-319 ._. A. Greenwood Geori:etown ___ Essex AlO Geori:etown National Bk.•'75 H. Boward Noyes __ Justin F. White ___ L. L. Chaplin________________________ Pop, 2004 53-555 GeorEetown Savini:sBk. •§'68 L. H. Bateman _____ E. A. Chaplin_____ • A.DonoEhue ____ -------------------~M Gloucester ____ Essex B 12 Cape Ann National Bank•t'55 John J. Pew _______ Enoch Burnham ___ lKilby W. Shute ____ J. HollisGritfin___ Pop. 22,947 53-254 . A. Ingall " " Cape Ann Savmgs Bank-•1'46 L. S. Simonds _____ Fred. A. Barker ___ /Daniel T. Babson, Conrad R. Hanson, 53-2;>3 Tr. A. Tr.  I  IH.  ---$  SUJU>LUB AND  PROFITS  $  Noa-liiaiJJr ~wtta with eateri JlallldDI' ftoln dexed Ar.ces.), Lal'F}'ers, Laws (Indexed) In back of (this';::" ~~ll!IDe. For Interest Rates,_ Ho~a>:_s, etc., see__ RxsouRcEs. PR1.:-cc1PA.L CoRRESPONDENTs. i:: r.o .... .,, n, •. c..8R&Exl»  5  (SaYlap Baab do not handle colleetJona)  DEPOS-  c'T. ao,n, cn.,oE-,Dr ■  ~ ~  ..,  ~i-----------------l~  :0  209,970 3 290370 3-162 220 $ 43,030 Merch. N., Bos. and Worcester.  200,000  li2,H0 2,622,190 2,401. 60  100,000  70,700 2,027, 10 2,037,870  183,780 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  60,380 1,412,500 1,440,420  28.180 Federal Tr. Co.,lst N.,and 2dN., Bos.:FrankJin N., Franklin. 162,570 Harriman '.. • Y.: 1st N., Bos.  ---  100,000  153,880  792,000  902,330  150,000  212,740 1,968,930 2,236,360  ----  636,390 5,:;39,:540 6,02 ,340  100,000  53,460 1,757,900 1,823,300  50,000  15,-160  128,000  ---  58,090  740,060  208,200 ~, _ 72- 300  150,000  191,760 2,237,410 2,077,450  ---  391,730 3,632,460 3,988,880  634,320 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.; 4th st.  T,,  Phil.  .t-.=>  -  !:;Ill  >  i=llt  322,200 Chase .i:T., N. Y.: N. Shawmut and l 't N., Bos.: ~ Merch N Worcester 85,780 1st N. Bos ., . ' · 0 132,130 N. City, N. Y.: N. Y. State N., Alb.: N. Shaw- :::C mut and 1st N ., Bos. C 38,880 1st N., Bos. rft  >  25,770 Geori:etown N .. GeorEetown, 329.800 N.Park and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., ..,ferch. and . hawmut, Bos. 61,730 N. Shawmut and Merch, N .. Bos.  v•  t:rJ  ~ •-'·•! ~  ,,,. v•  tJ1  GLOUCESTER  B. A.SMITH---- THOM\SPtJi~LGEL K. J. FERGUSON---- ARTHUR M. WIGGIN.. - - - - ~ H. H. EV A 100.000 159,330 1,549,870 1,680,630 238,560 Chase N., N. Y.; llcrch. N., Bos.; Phil. N., ~ NATIONAL BANK (Establi•heJ 1796) Collections a specialty. Phil. en 53-252 •tl796 Complete equipment to handle all banking matters entrusted to us. I  ------  GLOUCESTER SAFE DEP. & TRUSTCO.-53-256 -- ♦•!1'92 Grafton ___ Worcester D 8 Grafton Savini:s Bank ___ •l'69 Pop.6887 _53~71 , Great Barrini?ton ___ Berk- Great BarrmgtonSav.Bk.U 69 hiro __ Pop. 6315----D 1 53-463 .. •• National Mahaiwe Bank.•t-47 53-462 Greendale_\VorcesterC 7 Worcester Countylnstituti?n ( Worcester P. 0.) for Savmgs.53-62L ____ § 17 •GreenPfloelpd, _!,r __ ~n?.klin B 4 1" 4'J-  o. E. Fisher _____  G. H. Perkin11 ______ H. A. Smith, H. M. Scammon, Isaac Patch Sec. and Tr. A. Tr.  Franci l're cott __ P. )I. God?ard ---· . . F .• I..\lcGarry F. E. G1ddrni:s _____ R. 0. Harper _____ F. II. Turner J. H. O. Church ___ J. II. LansinE ______ J.B. Beebe ________________________________________ ____  FIRST NAT, BANK J. W. STE.YENS----- JJO, 51-3711  HEM.  200,000  1  M.  w.  38t300 4,463,400 4,620,060  427,740 N. City, N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.  100,000  57,520  669,440  713,280  159,760 2,541,390 2,621,090  1§. S  120,000 1,200,090 1,146,290  I  w,NSOMVEAAND----- D, R. ALVORD-----------------OO  - - - - ~--------  300.000 435,710 Z,281,0Z0 3,096,200 - - - - ----- ----- ~  --- ---  335,120 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. --.i  ---- - - -  J. H. SANDERSON ~, H. KEITH------ W. B. KEITH, Tr. __ C. W. ROOT,A. Tr. 200.000 211,620 2,590,890 2,661,950 11. B. KEITH FRANKLIN COUNTY TRUST Special attentl on gtven Bill or L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. COMPANY _53-378 __ +•:W49 { Please send 15c u•ith each siaht dr aft for pre~e11tcttio n and 25c for Crcd it Re])or ts.  420,520 Chase N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N., Oh1.;. Jereb, .._T., and.._. hlwmut Bos.  Franklin Savini:s lnst'n-•1'34 Chas. Allen ________ F. E. Wells _______ C. W. Nims. Tr. ___ -------------------- _ _ _ 51-177  809,420 8,583,360 9,2li,340  175,440 Merch. N., Bos.; 1 't N., Greenfield.  Greenfleld ~~~_ir,isBank•U'69 Eugene B. Blake ___ B'. L. Whitmore ____ Wm. F. Aiken, Tr. S. D. Conant, Sec.__ _ _ _  192,970 1,975,370! 2,0 9,260  TRY US FOR P ROMPT SERVIC E. COLLECTION S A SPECIALTY.  79,070 Merch. N .. Bos.: Union Tr. Co., Springfield.  !fil MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON-Complete foreign and Domestic Banking Facilities' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  3  14,010 Merch. N. and Worcester Bk. & Tr. Co., Worcester. Ill 78,270  282,070 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. Taft, Mor} _________________ (Branch of Wore ester, Mass.) _______ N. Shawmut and Merch. N., Bos.  Oldest and Strongest Bank In Franklin Count~. Send us your Banking business and we will parantee satisfaction.  ~  5·  O. M. Wing, Tr, ___ C. L. eabur.r, Sec. - - K.A.Doctee.A.Tr. C. R. Sabm, Tr, ___ . ______________ - - A. P. Culver-------·, L. W. Bump______  ~  ,;  ____ I ..--,  .n 0  r,:,.  618  _  MASSACHUSETTS  C  •  d  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Ontlnue to each bank in U. S. exclusively hy The Rand-McNally Bankers• ~lrectory°'...=_1!...~der the authority ~ h e ~erican Bankers-,-A_s_s'_n_._ _ _ _ _(S_a_v_l_~_~_s_B_a_n_;_:k:;...:s:::d=-o not handle~ectlons) _____  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws . .... 00 -=-- --- - - RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  °'  -=---  LIABILITIES. NAME OF BANK. Tow~ AND COUNTY. PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- Lous&:Dr•- c..e&:Ex•Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §State •County Seats. C'TI DOND8 cs.u,oH Dt111 AND Ass'T CASHIER. CA.SHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire State in No. 1 :1:Mem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [Estab., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ P_R_oF_x_T_s _ 1_T_s_ _s_.~_"a_IT_~•-•· _ra_o.,._n_.:.,_"° Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. Harwich_ Barnstable F 14 Oape Cod Five Cents Sav. Bk. •§'55 53-552 Pop. 1846 Cape Cod Trust Co. ______ §"55 " 53-553 HanrhilL--- Essex A 10 City Five Cents Sav. Bk.•1'70 53-169 Pop. 53,88! Essex National Bank ____ et"51 53-188 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t"64 53-187 Haverhill National Bank __ ,35 53-166 Haverhill Savin1?s Bk,_ •U'28 53-165  JAMES E. KNIPE, G. W. LENNOX --- LEWIS H. GILES--- LEWIS ff.GILES, A.Tr. Tr. IRVING L. KEITH  HAVERHILL TRUST COMPANY 53-171  HudenvUle __ H'shire O 4 Pop.1200 HtnahAm-.Plymoutb O 11 Pop. 560-1 Holliston •• Middlesex D g PoJ;>. 2707 Holroke .•. Hampden D 4 Pop. 60,203  •§'91  Merrimack National Bank •1814 53-164 Pentucket Bavin1?s Bk .. •U'91 53-170 Haydenville Savin1;?s Bk.•§"89 53-572 Hinehamlnst. for Sav .. •tl'34 53-515 Hineham Trust Oo. ____ •t§'33 53-514 Holliston Bavines Bank __ l'72 53-573 *01t1 National Bank----•t'79 5S-U8  *HADLEY FALLS TRUST co" •U·I, + 5S 134 -  *HOLYOKE NATIONAL BANK 53-137  ___ -··--- $ 20-1.900 $1697 280 $1877 740 $ 20,380 Cape Cod N., Harwich. Ii. Snow, Tr. ___ Ida M. Taylor, A. Tr. 402,250 398,680 100,200 Mtle. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 26,280 C. P. Bearse, Jr., $ 75,000 C. W. Megathlin ___ H. H. Snow ________ R. W. Tillson, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. 499,910 4,390,610 4,757,910 132,610 1st N .• Bos. Geo. Nichols 2d ____ P. C. Swett_ _______ G. W. Noyes, Tr. __ Anna Sollenberger Sec. L. H. Noyes, A, Tr. C. H. Croy C. A.. Pin1;?ree ______ Perley Leslie _______ F. L. Townsend ______________________ _ 100,000 174,650 2,251,310 2,400,070 228,130 lstN., Phil,; 2d N., Bos. C. E. Dole--------- G. F. Carleton _____ c. A. Rathbone ____ M. B. Hills _______ _ 200,000 424,510 4,126,070 4,321,810 642,210 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch.N.,lstN.,andN.Shawmut. Bos. H. H. Gilman ______ N. W. Nichols ___ B. I. Paee ______ O. E. Little _____ _ 200,000 602,450 3,647,040 3,012,340 807,630 N. Park. N, Y.: Merch. N .. Bos. H. E Lewis A. E. Collins, W.W. Spauldinl;? - F. D. McGre1;?or ___ Raymond Noyes, 1,005,870 9,436,950 10 299560 142,260 N. Shawmut, Bos. A. Tr. Tr.  0. E. Eldred1;?e ---- John Kenrick ______ R.  •t'72  l  We remit on da y  or payment.  S end us your Ease  I  526,190 1st N., Bos.; Girard N., Phil.  4th-Atlantic N., Bos.  Co. bu1lne11.  c. A. Horne_._____  240.000  380,060 1,739,890 1,936.910 205,240 2,852,050 3,160,140  w. Harris _____  69,440  854,220  911,870  362,580 3,016,280 3,275,180  71,590 Beacon Tr. Co., Bos. 13,730 Northampton N. and Hampi;,hire Co. Tr. Co., Northamnton ; Merch. N., Bos. 101,680 1st N. and Webster& Atlas N., Bos.; Hineham Tr., Hin1;?ham. 182,820 N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.  100,000  146,600 1,047,730 1,111,510  Charles D. Fisher._ J. H. Dewinl;? _____ Albert E. Phipps, _______________ ·- ·-- ____ ____ _ Tr. J. l!'. Leland 500,000 O. Fayette Smith ___________ ___________ L. L. Titus ________ C. W. Embury_____  300,000 3,200,000 3,315,000  240,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Bos.  f JosephA.Skinner F. F. Partridge ____ I. S. Pulcifer, Tr, __ J.C. Drapeau,  355,220 4,549,710 5,035,880  593,240 Am. Ex. N. and Irvin£' N., N. Y.; Merch. K., Bos.  B. A. Robinson ________________________ Seth Sprague,  ____________________  Sec. and Tr.  l  500,000  53,600  521,770  579,770  A. Tr.  Edward P. Bagi? H.J. Bardwell  13,000 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Framin1;?ham N., 1l'ramin1;?-  ham.  C.H. Bell, A. Tr.  Collectlon1 bav e the personal at tentlon of an offl cer of this bank. Send us :your c ollectlons for pro mpt, efficient ser vice.  GEORGE C. GILL DWIGHT H. IVES--- THOS. A. JUDGE --- JOHN ZIELINSKI.. DUDLEY S. SILSBY u A GOOD BANK TO BE WITH."  l  Peoples Bavin2s Bank--•:l:1'85 II. J. Frink ________ 5S-H0 H.J. Bardwell ____  We get results.  ....  0  200,000  395,470 8,588,480 8,312,550 1,()65,710 Merch. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Pnil.  o. W.  Johnson, Tr. F.J.Batchelor,Su. --------- 1,054,000 9,017,000 9,739,000 L. s. Ayen A. Tr, 452,160 4,868,540 5,134,580 I.E. Sawyer, Tr. __ Wm. J. Brown, A. Tr. F. G. Allen________ ________________ ____ 100,000 126,000 1,378,000 1,358,000 ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. for JJrescntation a nd 25c for Credit R eports.  ~  CP  230,600 N. Shawmut, Bos. 212,300 1st N., Bos. 236,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.: Girard N .. Phil.  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence (Savin s Banks do not handle collections)  0  236,260 484,940 6,572,890 6,821,570 J. N. Hubbard _____ F. H. Chamberlin, G. s. Nesbitt, A. Tr. Tr. J. K. Judd C.H. Taber -----------·-------- I. S. Pulcifer, Sec. _ ________________ ________________________________________________ _  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  ~  0  '<  Collections a sp eclalty. Prompt service, reasonab le charges. We remit on d a:y of payment. SEND US YOUR HOLYOKE ITEMS.  Prompt service.  M.ASSACH\Jssns Mal) on tndex  461,340 Chase N., N. Y.;  W. G. Cog well ____ H.B. Geor1;?e, 'J'r, __ H. I. Hall. A. Tr. __ ________ _ Daniel C. Hunt Charles E. Clark __ .r. W. Hill _ _ _ W. M. Purrineton, A.G. Oone. Su. ___ ________ _ Tr, F. II. Bryant Morris F. Whiton __ F. M. Hersey ______ H.P. Hersey, Tr. __ ______________ ______________ _  0. W. Arnold ____ J. L. Hobson ______ A. P. Tenney ___  J.  i 619 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  168,280 3,624,260 3,629,800  Colleetlona hH e the personal at tentlon of an offl cer of this bank.  Holyoke Bavinn Bank---1'55 C. C:Jenks ________ W. A. Prentiss ____ H. 0. Hastin~s 53-135 Mechanics Saviors Bk.-•tl'72 H. E. Gaylord ______ E. W. Chapin ______ H. G. Sears 53-138 s. A.. Mahoney _____________________ __ peclal attentlo n given Bill or La *PARK NATIONAL BANK-•'92 Plemc send 15c w ith each sioht draft 53-141  ~~~~~!fj~ni~-ci-•)  200,000  :,I  Ill  >  embmi indiea.Ud  b1,-a-*)  I  MASSAQIUSB'l'TS Mao oa la4ex  =,:;--  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  N....., ...,,., ..... or llallll"' lbe .,,,, ~ , . . . . to. Noll bank UJ u. B• . .~ by_ fte Jaand-HeN.U, ... Dlreetior,, and• &lie _aaUJf!dtT ol fte ~ e a n BaaJrers .us•n. _ TOWN AND COUNTY,  I N.  .U!B  I  OF - BANK.-  i---- --..  MASSACH., rsET""'S-Con t·inue d I.II  '  ----,- , SURPLUS AND PROFITS  Hopkinton ____ )(iddlesex ,HopldntonNatfonaJBank•'54 J.H.Leman ______ R.B.Stanley ____ A.B.C.Deminr,Jr. E. W.M. Bridges __ $ 25,000 •$ Pop. 2289 CU 63-548 ; I "  I  LIABILITIES.  .. county Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. A sn. IState Entire State in 'o.1 fMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER, Ass'T CASBlER, PAID-UP Federal Reserve District. •~Iem. Fed. Res. [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , CAPITAL 1  ••  Non-Banlt Towns with Nearest Ballld.n&' Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In oack of this ...... . volume.___!o£_lnterest Rates! H~llday!! ~c., s~ Laws. ~  ... I  (Savin~ Bank• do not~•n«!J! eolle4;_~on1)  \Hopkinton SavinirsBank-1'67 I\J. David Stewart_ W. A. Wo0<L--- K. H . .A.dams, Tr,__ 1- - - - - - _ _ _ _ 53--MU W. D. Moshier William S. Morse  RESOCRCES.  - -  • n c a: E c1.o'T~~•no,.;:: aa::sa. a,D~~  DEPos-  BIICt!am..  ITS  PRl-NClPA~ coirnESPON;E;TS. -  no>< B=u - - -- -- - - - - --  6,560$ 159,180$ 167,050$ 28,190 lstN., Bos.  50,530  100,000  509,000  1  16,920 Ilst N., Bos.: Hopkinton N., Hopkinton.  542,600  122,440 1,054,460 1,107,450  I  Ei: >  260,310 N. Shawmut, Bos. , l 00 127.040 1st N. and 4th-Atlantic N ,, Bos.; Hudson N., 00> Hudson.  1  Hudson Savincs Bank_ •!1'69 \Geo. B. Cochran ___ Henry P. Andrews_ W. T. Safford, 7'r,_ _________ _ _ _ 5H50 C.J.Sawyer Frank E. Brown Frank H. Chamberlain Bpnnls_Barnstable I' 14 Hyannis Trost Co. _____ eif'l6 JohnC. Makepeace F. H. Hinckley ____ Walter B. Chase. Wilhelm Peterson, 100,000 Pop, 1284 53-674 Sec. and Tr. A.Tr.  ""'  ----~  1  Badaon-lllddlesex C 8 \Hudson National Bank--•!'81 Geo. P. Keith _ _ John H. Robinson Caleb L. Brl2ham- _ _ _ _ _ _ Pop. 7607 55-451  E ...  219,790 3,041,050 \ 2,482,170  0  ::X::  144,010 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.  98,19n 2,013,940 2,268,850  C: 00 t:tl  ~  87de Park ___ Suffolk F 4 (Su Bo1ton)  "i  00 Ipswich ______ Essex B 11 First National Bank ----•!'92 C. A. Norwood ____ A. . Brown------- Charles K. Kelly __ -----------------Pop 6201 5H71  50,000  5{)8,810  68,030  103,680 N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Oom'l Bk, & Tr. Co., t:D> Alb.  I  Ipswich Saviors Bank -•:t:1'60 Geo. H. Green _____ 0. E. Goodhue _____ G. B . .ll'arley, Tr. ____________ 5H70 Geo. Fall  115,300 1,232,540 . l.281,120  46,040 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.; 1st N., Ipswich.  --1  J. A. BRICIETT---WM. H. RUSSELL--C. A. McCARTHY, ------------ - - - - - -ARLINGTON Se,c,. 1'r. zoo 3 000 596 880 3 46 930 TRUST COMPANY  •Lawrence __ __Esqex B 10 Pop. 04,270  and  53 _117  Send ua youP Collection• dlPeot. Speclal attention to col• '- ' •:l:l'lO leotlone for Grain. Produce. Lumber and Metal trades. We remit promptly. a11d guarantee eatl•factlon.  I  z~  i  [  C 94,840 - · , 1_ .,s _221 ,490 Ban. N. N. andand Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; ::s· Mercb. N. Shawmut, B01. ,...  I  - --  -  o  I  ::,  ~  ,-  BayStateN\~ii.~lBank-•!'47 Fred H. Eaton _____ Justin E. Varney_ Justin B. Varney __  l_______  375,000  225,000 2,925,000 2,750,000  385,000 Chase N., N. Y,: lstN., Boa.  , Broadway Savines Bank tl'72 W. B. RowelL ____ L. E, Locke ________ C. O. Andrews, Tr,  I___________  830,430 7,018 ,220 7,594,010  tt 254,6-10 N. Shawmut and Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.: ~ Merch. Tr. Co., Lawrence. n  ~ "'1  I  53-115  l  Essex Savinrs Bank ___ •is·,1 Walter B. Parker __ ,Charles U. Bell ____ Albert I. Couch, Tr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1,691.650 17,513,530 118,933,430 1 272,290 M~C:;:!· N., and 2d N.,Bos.; By State N., 53-112 G. :e:. Kunbardt  I  u-11,  115,480 March. N., Bos.; ferch. Tr. Co., Lawrence. 386,800 Irving N. and Guaranty Tr. Co. , N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Oo. and Int'I Tr. Co., Bos,  100,000  140,450 7,228,040 8,483,440  MERCHANTS TRUST CO.  300,000  352,800 7,073,020 6,630,650 1,143,170 N. Shawmut, Bo ·. 1 i  + 53-llU Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  8-15, 7911 8,981 ,950 9,712,240  LAWRENCE TRUST C0.•!1'10 0. J. Corcoran - - N. :e:. Mlvfile ___ F. W. Houston ____ T. P. Donohue, Sec. 53-118  THE  .  '  Lawrence Savings Bk---•H'88 Alvin E. Mack _____ J. 8. Howe _________ Lewis A. . .ll'oye, Tr. _ _ _ _ __  D. C. Smith  •!I'll  G. F. Rus en ______ F. C. McDuffie•---- H. L. Sherman, Tr. A.. 0. Dame, A. Tr, L. E. Locke A,J, Crosby,A.Tr. W. F. Eatman, Brron Truell _t, Tr.  1  MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON~,Complete Foreign and Domestic Banking Facilities  ----..---'  I  fi20  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each b&nk in U. s. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of T~e ~merlcan Bankera~SB'n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  '  NA.HE OF  MASSACHUSETTS - C On t•lnue d (Savings Banke  I VI·,,.._PR...a1n-.  BANK.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexcd Arces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thLI 0\ volume. For Interest Rate , Bollday8.!__etc..:.!... see Law:. ~  do not handle collections)  j'T OA.SRIJ:R.  LlABILlTlES. .. county Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState PB.DIDJ::NT .,_. _, _,.._ SURPLUS 0 A.SHIU. Entire State in .To. I Uifem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. · PA.JD-UP AlfD D•PoaFederal Reserve District. ~_Mem. Fed. Res. [E tab. - - - - - - - ; - - ~_ _ _ _ _....,,__ _ _ _ _ ___,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 .A.PlT.&.L Pao:rtTs lTtl  RKSOUKCJCS.  t.o ..~.  c'T11. 81100  1  Lee------·-Berkshire O 1 Lee National Bank ____ •• •t'l5 Pop. 4085 53-528 " Lee Savines Bank_··-·--•1'52 53-f>29 Lelcester_.Worcester O 7 LeiceaterSaTinesBank-•U'69 Pov. 3635 53-575 Lenox_. ___ Berkshire O 1 Lenox National Bank .. -- •'89 Pop. 2691 53-538 " " Lenox Savines Bank._ •U'D0 53-531) Leominster ___ Worcester Leominster National Blr::.•t'84 Pop.19,7JJ O7 58-281 " " Leominster Savings Bk.•U'65 53-280 Merchants National Bank 5!-282 •t·n Lexiniton_Jd:tddlesex O I} Lexinrton Sarings Bank-•1'71 Pov. 6350 63-676 Lexlneton Trust Oo. ___ etf'l4 53-612 •LoweU--.-Middlesex B 9 Pop. 112,759  a: n, •. c.... • hno~.,,.. -•.»n  =• ...,• ....,..  M. T. Robbins_···- ···-··----··----··· M. W. Lehman···-'------------ $ 100,000 S 158,000 S 800,000 S 991,640 S 134,860+N-.-P-ar-k-,N-.-Y-.:-N-.S_ha_w_m_u_t_,-B-os-.----l B. T. Gale-···--··· W. C. Benton •• ___ Edward 8. Rogers, ---··--·-··-·-·-··- -·-···-Tr. A. B. Davidson-··- W. c. Watson··-·- H. c. Murdoch, Tr. - · · - - - - - - ------·-B. A. Gibson ·------------------- --------------· M. Sedgwick·····- -·-·----------30,000  215,220 2,154,210 2,296,900  L. 0. Peters---·--- George F. Bourne_ c. M. Sears. Tr.-·- Emma Bull, .A. Tr. --·-····· F. A. Young---·-·- Edw. :B'. Blodgett.. Robt. B. Youne -·· ---··------·--· 150,000  56,890 1,303.830 1,363,410 196,850 1,662.080 2,007,460  Arthur H. Hall-·- D. O. Nickerson·-- Charles A. Joslin. -···-····--·-----·--  333,600 4,355,880 4,560,850  Tr.  A. N. Litch-··----- 0. H. Howe--··---· J. c. Batchelder ... R. W. Foster-·-·-  J. c. Batchelder Charles B. Davis __ James E. Crone-·· E. B. Worthen, Tr. ·--------·--··Frank D. Peirce E.G. Preston _____ L. S. Brown ______ W.R. S. Eaton, Tr. ·--·---------··  66,400 1,057,860 1,005.390  60,510  262,770  310.650  100,000  71,600 1,456.660 1,559,390  50,000  80. 50 1,082,300 1,123,220  73,560 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Lee N .. Lee. 21,830 Merch. N .. Worcester. 111,630 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 24.570 Lenox N., Lenox; Berkshire Ln. & Tr. Oo., Pittsfield. 293,500 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. and Phil.  (./l  61,200  GEOR8E E. IIH.-----···-·-·····----··-M. T. PIERCE.-·-·-JAMES WALSH, Jr.  NATIONAL BANK  Special attention given to collections. Organ I zed I 847.  S00.000  -  s:  128.630 Leominster N.. Leominster; Old Colony Tr. )> Co., Bos. (./l 217,720 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.  834,870  882,010  ,>  14,8J0 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 78,690 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.  1--------------........_________;_______ 1 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -  *APPLETON  P1UNCIPAL OORRDPON'Dll:NTB •  10  Ii  235,900 2,096,750 2,23Ul0 478,520 N. Bk. Com. and Harriman N., .N. Y.: N. ~ 8bawmut,Bo1.;N. Com'I Bk. &Tr.Co., ~  Alb. --- --- ---1--- --Central Savines Bank_. __ ,•71 Henry W. Barnes_ ------····-----·-·- .A. J. llurkland. Tr. - - - - - · - - · - · - ·---·-··- 514,000 7,260,000) 7,796,000 J79,870 Old Colony Tr. Oo., Bos.; Union N ., Lowe!L 63-38 I City Institution for Sav .. •1'48 C. P. Conant--·- J. G. Hill-.. - .• ---- B'. W. Hurd, Tr. ___ A. W. Flint, A. Tr. -·-·····- 1.225,530 15120 320 16 777 560 163,U0 N. Shawmut, N. Union, and 4th-Atlantic N .• S3-B4 Bos. Frank Coburn 60,060 8,005,250 8,735,180 130.140 N. Union and N. Shawmut, Bos.; Union N., LowellFtvelJentSavings Ric. A.K. Chadwick ••••. II. Thompson •.. C. A. Richard.on, 0. L. Knapp, Sec .•. -·---·-·53-S6 •l'i4 Lowell. \V. P. Wilder Tr. E. F. Lamson.A.Tr: Lowell InstitutionforSavines F . .A. Fisher·------ Georire .Bowers •• __ E. B. Oarney, Tr .•. J.E. Gibson, A. Tr. -·---···857,420 0,896.230 10 571440 167,530 1st N•• Bo.s. 63-32 •1'29 Harry Dunlat> E. II. cribner 140,000 4.679,200 2,717,250 1,190,600 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. and Phil. Lo,rell Trust Oo .•••••• •:1'91 George lf. Harriiran Charles H. Bani.on 1. F. Oonnors.-·-·· · - - - · - - - - - - - 240,000 53-41 304,000 4,756,000 4,823,000 193,500 Merch. N., Bos.; nion N., Lowell. Mechanics SavinitsBankU'61 C.H. Clo~ston-···- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J.B. Keyes, Tr. __ ·····--·-···-······- ·-----··53-37 404,410 4,417,520 4,633,410 98,980 1st N., Bos.; Appleton N., Lowell. Merrimack Riv. Sav. Bk,-t1'71 N. G. Lamson.·--·- Chas. Runels-----· .B'. K. Johnson, Tr._ . -·--·--·--·-----··- -·----··53-39 Michael Corbett H. 0. Taft o. M. Forrest 53-31  MIDDLESEX  •t'47  1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1~-- -  -  (./l  to  > z ~  (./l  rI  ... rt'  0  r  0  ~  ~  - -~~  FRANK P. McGILLY .- LARKIN T, TRULL-- CHAS. L KNAPP, --··· --·····--····-,ec. and Tr. 200,000 95,000 4,044,000 4.176,010 292,380 N. City, N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.; The Collection Bank of Lowell. Personal, persistent attention given all items. -•4thSt.N.,Phll. SAFE DEP. & TRUST CO. Flour and Grain Drafts a Specialty. Prompt service. Reasonable charges. 53-44 •tl'94 *Old Lowell National Bank J. L. Robertson ..• - J .M. Andrews·--· J. H. Boardman_._ W.W. Cleworth.__ 200,000 160,000 53-31 •'28 w. A. O'Malley *Union National Bank.-•:·02 Arthur G. Pollard __ Walter L. Parker_ John F. Sawyer __ ._ G. R. Chandler·--GJ3.170 350,000 63-45 A. A. Ludwie I. O. Small *Wamesit National Bank•'53 .B'. H. Haynes·-···- -·----·-----·--····- C. E. Gouldine-··-- --------····----···250,000 150,530 53. 35 Washintton Sav. InsL . •1'92 J. J. Hotan ··-···· ratrick o·rrearn _ Frank A. Groves, ···--···--·------··- _ _ _ 223,ti0 53-43 C.H. Hanson Tr. John E. Drury Briirht, Sears & Oo·-·--·-·'98 (Brok.era)._·----- ·-·-·--·· Ohas.N.Woodward. - - - - - - · - (Branch of Bosto  Mor.  4,173,160 14,603,390  I  660,JI0: 1.075,2i0' 3,414.270 3,20::i,320 n,Mau.)  ___  675,000 Imp. & Tra. N. and Harriman N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut. Bos. 898,930 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 11erch. N .. ._ Bos. ~ ::l U0.030 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. C T ~ 78,450 1st N .. Bos.; Lowell Tr. Co. ancl nion ~ .. "'1 Lowell. ~ ---  Lowell Olearin2 Honse._. __ • - - - · · · - - - - · M. T. Pierce, See._ J. F. awyer, Mgr.---------····-·· - - - - - - - - - · 1 - - - - - (M~mbe-ra indica.ud b11 a*)  MASSActtussns Mao Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4.000,00013,700,000  oa Ill4ex  S. R. Chapin & Co. and Chandler Bros. & Co .• N. Y.; Bright, Sears & Co., Bos. ,~ 1 ..,..  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ._  = ► ~ i4  "'..ill ~  '  (Members indicattd b11 a*)  l  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  M.a9 cm \114ex  .._._. - • • //fame  TOWN  or .Baul• llae Ne•  ftamrll /lfamlle, ldVflD  MASSACHUSETTS-C  d  t•  eo eaaJa b&ak ta U. 8. uelml-rel7 b,- T.IJe a.and-HeNal17 BaaJten• 00 lOUe DINeMr,. aadu the aut.llorltr of Tb.e ~erf::.;c=an= Ba ~ a=k...;; en : : .;_c..::A =--____;-= .18 •:n:.:·= ====(Sa=n=ns=•=•= n=ka = d=-=o= n=o=t =b.=•=n=cU=e=e=o=IJ=ec=tl=o=n=s=)=--=======~~~ A..ND COUNTY. .UfE OF B,1..·x. LIABILITIES. I  I  .  •Oounty Seats. •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in N . 1 :Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +:Yem. Fed. Re:. [Estab.  PRESIDENT.  VIOE-PRESIDENT •  OASJIIll.  Ass'T 0.A.SHIER.  PAID-UP ,  CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK  %'49  HENRY B.SPRAGUE JAMES BROPHY----- H. A. CAHOON, A th bl A. Mlz.CRdEIGHI ON ti dl'. Ptm. and  53-87  Ctash.  HOWARD R. YOUNG-HERBERT L. DOYLE  $ 200.000  gan e Co 1ec o n epar en • service, and qulc k returns atreaso nable rates. ynn Items. E. E. Borer ______ __ E. M. Barney, Tr, _ __________________ _ P. B. Magrane  Essex Trust Co. ------•t§l805 II. 11. Kelly ________ John S. Bartlett ___ Joshua Mill , Tr, __ J. F. Miller, A. 'l'r. 53-88 M. P. Clough, H.F. Walker  250,000  Industrial State Bank ___ §'19 Chas. A. Littlefield P. E, Bessom ______ H. A. Johnson_____ ____________ 53- 91  100,000  Ck. of Bd.  liESOURCES.  =·  Lo.m  4  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  IE -  cm• BJ:.  Dia-  "1  c::~ c::,,:a;;:;;1----------------i~- - - 1-----0  ITS  1-------1-------,--~!- --  oroug for { We give prompt We want yourL CommonwealthSav.Bk.•11900 \ Geo. H. Allen ______ 53-80  DEPoa-  CA.PITAL PROFITS  Ludlow _____ HampdenD5 Ludlow Savings Bank: ___ t5'88 F. L. Burr _ _ _ C. W. Gowen ______ F. N. Moore, Tr. __________ _________ Pop. 7470 53-577 H. w. Morrill  Lynn __________ Essex C 11 Pop. 99,148  Sua ~:;us  Non-Bank Towns wfth Neared Ban.ldns Point (ln-  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this"volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays__, ~c.~ ee_La'!!· ~  i'2,390 $1820!S50 $1615630 $ 77,610 Soringfleld N. Gnion Tr. Co. and Springfield~ Safe Dep. & Tr. Co., Springfield. ...,..  i  789,500 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  163,850 5,523,4601 5,345,810  63,800 1,610,000,1 1.618, 00  1  223,990  > > (') rJl rJl  600.000 Irving N ., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  335,000 ,,000,000\' 3,250,000 6,240  5::  55,000 1s t N .• Bos.  .  34,300 I t N., Bos.  290,480  ::x:  Lynn FiveCentsSav.Bk,-1'55 O. Fred Smith~---- II. F. Ta pley------ C. C. Handy, Tr, __ R. E. Ramsdell, 53-82 Samuel J. Hollis A. Tr  936,970 7,970,670 8,806,500  119,010 N. Shawmut, Bos.  Lynn Inst. for Savings_•: '26 Chas. A. Collins ___ Jos. F. Hannan ____ B'. L. Bubier, Tr, __ Philip K. Parker, 53-79 F .c. pinney, r.-P. B. N. Johnson A. Tr.  1,000,000 11150 000 11 750 000  400,000 IN, ~hawmut, Bos.  c::  rJl  t:tJ  ~ ~  rJl  LYNN SAFE DEP. & TR.U~T Oharles E. Harwood Geo. E. Barnard ___ Wm. Dunbar, Tr,_ Davi<l Dunl>ar. · COMPANY--53- L_. '88 A. Tr. MANUFACTURE~ S NAT'L, Olifton Colburn ____ W. M. Libbey ______ E. I. Foster __ ___ ___ J. R. Yatcher_____ BANK----53-lS6 • 91  100,000  309,420 4,131,120 3,961,500  200,000  160,000 4,600,000 4,193,920  703,610 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: Com'l N., Bos.  National Oity Bank _____ et'54 A. W. Pinkham ____ Frank E. Bruce ____ J1'rank E. Bruce __ A. . Badger_______ 53- 81  200,000  195,780 4,384,360 4,321,,000  546,840 Han. N. , N. Y.; 1st N .. Bos.  SECURITY TRUST  .  . .  I  I  e:  669,280 Guaranty Tr . Co., N. Y,; 1st. N. and .._\ ~hawrout, Bos.; N . Y. State N.,Alb. O  STATE NATIONAL BANK•t"l Frederick Allen ___ H. E. Miller ____ E.G. Mitchell _____ F. E. Falkins______  200,000  72,000 1,848,000 2,169,000 I  Tewton ______ Wm1 T. Murphy ___ John M. Nichol , -------------------Jas. J. Donohue Tr.  100,000  50,000  FIRST NATIONAL· BANK-•i•s3 E. J. Stevens ______ Joseph Wiggin _____ H. W. Fenn ________ J. E. Knowlton____  200,000  Malden Savin gs Bank--•U'52 E. F. Bickford _____ A. J. Chase ________ F. A. Shove, Tr. ___ Marcus Butler, 1 53-159 Geo. H. Graves A. Tr. Malden Trust Co. ______ et5·95 E. E. Locke ________ D. J. Flanders _____ p, B. Brown, Tr. __ H. E. :Macinnis. 53-16-0 A. Tr.  200,000  237,060 5,017 ,090 5,118!180  SECOND NATIONAL BANK•'li ..Arthur P. Hardy ___ c. H. Watkins _____ Philip L. Wheeler H. . Claflin _______  200,000  54,000 2,176,430 1,959,100  F. A. Tibbetts , -----------------Tr. W. F. Coffin______ Ira c. Sec. Grayand ________  100,000 50,000  47.000  53-85  X  i  t"4  200,000  +  Z  C  C. S. Sanborn ______ H.P. BarnlL _____ E.T. Chamber la m \"\. M. 'ye, 'l'r, ___ J.P. Phelan  COMPANY  617,630 Oitiz. N., N. Y.; Mer_ch. N., S~awmut N.. and txj N. Union, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. ),  464,060 7,003,1140 17,193,370  ~  •il'90  M'  0  J. J. Donohue  53- 89 We,t Lynn Tru t Co. ___ •§'20 F. 53- 90 Malden ___ Middlesex O 10 Pop. 49,103  s.  53- 161  1  .-..~rw'T':lr:""l":"'1'1rTlffl~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Es:  ., .._', Y.: 4th-.Atlantic N ., Bos.  ll)  53-158  B. L. Boutwell. II. L. Bond · l ' . Pri • J. F. Hawkridge Manchester - - lssex B 12 Mancheste\Ir6o~/ Oo. __ .i5·11 ' 0. T. Roberts ______ R. W. Babson _____ 2 6.6 t D Pop. William Hoare Mansfleld ____ BrJ~ o 1 10 F'1rs t N at·1on a 1- Ba nk _____ •i·o1 •F. L. Cady _________ F. M. Cobb ________• 53- 578 Pop. 62.> a arblehead ___E sex C 11 Marbleheact say . Bank ___ 5·71 J. L. Gilbert __________________________ 1 53-..31 Pop. 7321 National G ri~~Mf-nk_ - -- •t· 31 Everett Paine ______ ____________ ____ ____  358.000 Irv ing  l  &  70,780 Irving N., N • Y. : ~Ierrh .... , Bo ., State N., Lynn. ;-  448,080  319,730 1Merch. N. and 1 t  133,730 ,I.640,000 1,850,000  120,000  946.640  I  879.780  1  144.030  266,710 Cha e T., 1  1,305,000 1,250,000 j  56,250 • 784,500 .1 733,040  803,2:50 0 ,360  .1: ., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil,  ~  . ,i  112,050 1st N .• Old Colony Tr. Co., and Merch Bos.; 1st N .. Malden. 3i9,660 Irving N ., N. Y.; 1 t N. and N. Shawmut.Bos.; N . Com'! Bk. · T r . Co., Alb.  1,000,000 10 000 000 10 502 790  W. F. Nutting, Tr. _________ ________________ _ Frank Cole ______ R. B. Ham on_____  422.440  .1~ .  Y.; 1st ... . and Merch.  204,500 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 150,000 1st N ., Bos. 37,500  ·.,nc .  ~---------I  J1  0 p..  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exeluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dtree~, und~ the autho~ty of The American Bankers Ass'n.  622  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued (Savings Banks do not handle collections}  NAME OF BANK.  I  LIABILITIES.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in .. To. 1 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Re'-. [Estab.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  OASBID.'T O.A.SHIJ&R.  PAID-UP SURPLUb  CAPITAL PR~;~S  Marlboro ______ J,Uddlesex First National Bank-----•*'63 Edward H. Ellis -- C. W. Curtis _____ G. E. Greeley ____ W.1. Morse ___ $ 150.000 $ Pop, 15,028 0 8 53-324  DEPOS-  ITS  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thls 1 0\ volu_~ e For Interest Rates, _llolldays, etc., see La"':_s ~ RESOURCES.  1.o.,,.... n,..  c~o~-::• ~:•:~.::  - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -  90,530 $1549 340 $1774 230 $ 169,470 1st N., Merch. N .• and N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.  Marlboroui?hSav. Bk. __ e*f'60 0, 11'. Robinson ____ G. F. Bond _______ C. 11'. Holyoke, Tr. L. M. Craii, A. Tr. _ _ _ 53-322 Chas. B. E~er  358,550 3,924,850 4,i68,150  81,840 N. Shawmut and Merch. N., Bos.; 1st N. and Peo. N ., Marlboro.  Peoples National Bank--•*'7i S, R. Stevens _____ A. C. Lamson ______ Henry G. Adams_  180,590 1,869,360 2,494 ,320  206,590 N. Oity and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Merch. N., and 1st N .. Bos.  150,000  5S-S2S .Mar1h11eld-PlymouthD12 Marsh11eld Savinis Bank-1'10 Lewis W. Hall _____ F. W. Hatch _____ R. C. Ewell, Tr, __ M. H. Kent_ _____ _ Pop. 1379 5S-570  10,610  105,000  92,740  Maynard ___ J.liddlesex O 0 Asaabet lnst. for Savinis 1'0-1 C. H. Persons --- 0. S. Fowler------ A. E. Walker, T1·,- Rose C. Mahoney, _ __ Pop, 70 6 ' I\ 53-580 Wm. B. Case .A. Tr. Maynard Trust Co. ____ •1•13 G. H. Oreh:hton ___ Iloward .A.• Wil on_ Frank E. Taylor'r __________ _________ 50,000 53-609 r. Medford ___ Middlesex CO Medford Savinis Bank--U'69 Geo. 0. Foster _____ H. A. Hanscom ____ C. B. Bus, T,-, _______________________ _ Pop, 39,038 53-250 W. c. Wait  22 ,080  687,560  6i8,920  26 ,820  735,560  765,290  0  _  __  ..  Medford Trust Co. -----•U'08 E.T. llcKn~ht --- E. B. Moore. _____ C. H. Barnes, Tr, __ E. Earl Blakely, 53-260 Lewis H. Lovering A. Tr,  100,000  MedwaJ _____ Norfolk DO Medwa:, Savinis Bank ___ 1'71 A.. :e:. Bullard---- . G. Clark-------- W. H. Upton, Tr ••• Minnie B. Upton ___ Pop. 2956 53-581 W. L. Palmer Melrose-- lliddlesex F 4 Melrose Savines Bank--U'72 John Larrabee _ _ Charles H. Adams_ F. K. Hoyt, T,-, __ Geo. S. Curtis , Pop. 18,204 53--298 A. Tr. " ________ " Melrose Trust Co. ---•U'l6 E. M. Hamlin ______ Claude L. Allen __ A. W. Clark, Tr.__ R. O. Stantiol, 53-299 A. Tr. Merrimac _____ Essex AIO First National Bank------•'64 B. II. Sarient ______ Fred E. Sweetsir __ W. B. Sarient_ ___ - - - - - - - - - Pop. 2173 53-550 " ________ " Merrimac Savings Bank•tl'71 E. P. argent_ _____ Geo. T. Walker---- A. R. Waterhouse, -------------------53-551 If. L. Parker, i'. P. II. W. Hale Tr. Methuen _____ Essex B 10 National Bk. of llethuen-•i•ss Wm. D. Hartshorne -------- ____________ Jno. D. Emerson __ --------- --- ---Pop. 15,189 53-582 Middleboro ____ Plymouth Middleboroui?h Sav. Bk. t§'73 Geo. R. Sampson_ George E. Doane - T. N. Wood, Tr. __ ------------------Pop. 8453 E 11 53-422 " _______ " Middleborouih Tr. Co._•i§•l6 G. E. Tillson _______ F. L, Barrows----- E. B. Lynde, Tf". __ A. A. Thomas, Sec. 53-423 Milford ___ Worcester D 8 Home National Bank----•t'75 G. W. Ellis---- F. J. Dutcher----- J. A. Wallace _____ F. C. Lothrop_ _____ Pop. 13,471 53-333 " ______ ·• Milford National Bank ___ •'&5 W. Collier ______ W.W. Jenckeg ____ Thos. B. Barns ____ F. E. Cook_________ 53-332 llllford Savini?S Bank __ e*5'51 O. A. Cook _ _ _ S. A. Eastman _____ J, E. Walker, Tr._ P. L. \Valke r ,A.Tr. 53-331 Wendell Williams Millbury ___ WorcesterD 7 lllllbur:,NationaIBanlL_•i•25 Edward F. Rice ___ Edward F. HulL._ R. W. Brii?ham ____ --------------  ---  v.  0  Pop. 56:-,.3 ________  53-520  ..  PRINCIPAL COKRESPONDJ:MTS,  c..m&Ex-  53-521  Robt. II'. Herrick ___ Jesse B. Baxter ____ Henry H. Allen ____ --------------------  200,000  :e:. KendaJL ____  -------------- ----  710,960  754.540  70.130 1,903,710 2,065,9-10  ~  77,050 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.  ~ 503,360 N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb,; 4th-Atlantic N., ~ Bos. en  tXl  35,480 N. Shawmut, Bos.  :> z  176,610 State St. Tr. Co. a nd 1st N, , Bos.; Melrose Tr. Co., Melrose. , ""4 138,110 1st N, N. Y.; 2d N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. ,,  en  42,110  130,000  184,290  38,000 1st N., Bos,  ---  36,070  617,200  628 ,650  23,930 N. Shawmut, Bos.: 1st N., Merrimac.  S:!  100,000  93,050  719,550  932,360  04,450 1st N., Bos.  "-\  ---  230,000 2,806,000 2,700,000  150,000  56,370 1,365,530 1,422,900  $))  31,000 4th-Atlantic N. and Merch. borouih Tr. Co., Middleboro. 161,630 Han. N., N, Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  124,560 1.062,670 1,189.170  217,250 1st N., Bos.  125,000  134,540 1'  187,MO 4th St. N,, Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  --50,000  100,000  50,000  0. M. Ga2e _______ R. P. Cushman ____ 0. A. Bradway, Tr. ----- -------------- - - -  829,540  901,130  32-1,410 ·4,409,310 4,684,280 15.540  432,990  438,190  296,820 2,603,670 2,8 4,000 159.180  976,300 1,057,110  I  a= N., Bos.: Middle- o  130,000  W. L. H.icketts llenry Brown ----- Reuben 0. Small -- Lizzie S. Riddell, W. :I. Burdick, Tt, A . Tr. Albert G. Brock ___ R. B. Hussey _____ Geor2e C. Rule ____ Lillian E. Smalley .. 100,000 L. )L Royal H. O. Mulliian _____ Chas.A. Pooke _ --- 0. A. Dowse, Tr,_ - - - - - - - - - - - - Jno. W.Walcott James D. Hender- J. B. Leamy _______ Frank C. Bishop, \\. D. Lea,·itt, 100,000 53-386 son D. A. Lucey Tr. , 1 • Tr. Needham __ orfolk F 4 1Ne dham Trust Oo, _____ •§'13 Frank J. Hale _____ W. G. Moseley---- ArnoldMack 1 tosh. J. H. Whetton. 50,000 Pol). 7012 53-610 Ji'. L. Richard. on Tr. ec.  MASSi\.cttusETTs Mai> on Index  79.0iO  417,020 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Merch. N .. ::CC: Worcester.  50,000  H. 0. Galla2her ____ J. O. Talbot _____ 11' • .£.. Gaskins, Tr. W. G. Swan, A. Tr. ---------  L. C. Flynt------ T. L. Cushman---- H.  96.180 ' 2,191,530 1,884,760  356,830 3,075,930 3,256,150  Millbur7Savin1?s Bank_•t§'54 G.J.Dudley _______: II, W. Carter ______ E.L.Smith,Tr. ____________ - - - -  Milton _____ Norfolk D 10 Blue Hill National Bk, __ •t'32 Pop. 9382 53-42& .. ________ " Milton Savin~s Bank _____ 5•05 53-427 Monson ____ Hampden D 6 Monson National Bank --•'54 Pop. 4826 53-518 " ________ " Monson Bavini?S Bank --•1'72 63-519 Nantucket ____ Nantuclcet Nantucket Inst. for Sav•U'34 Pop. 2797 G 1' 53-543 " ________ .. Pacific National Bank __ •U804 53-542 Natick _____ MiddlPsex O 0 NatlckFiveOts.Sav.Bk.•U'61 Pop. 10,907 53-385 " ________ " Na.tick Tru. t Co. ______ •U'l6  358,320 3,787,450 4,073,690  S:  > en en 38,560 Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. ; }fayna rd Tr. Co .. > )laynard. (") 4,270 Rockland Tr. Co .. Rockland: N. Shawmut. Bos.  '"" O  47,060 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Milford N., Milford. 72,420 1st N., Bos.: Merch. N., Worcester. 39,710 Merch. N ., Worcester. 227,370 1st N. and Merch. N,, Bos.  39,000 1,008,180 _________ _______ Old Colony Tr. Oo., Bos.; Blue Hill N., Milton. 53,000  165,000  273,600  265,820 2,517,270 2,719,240  55,:JOO N, Cit:,, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 63,850 ~  131,500 1,308,690  786,240  25,020 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Pacific N,, Nantucket.  $))  ::s  573,400 4,976,370 5,368,260  9,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y,; N. Shawmut ' ~ $)) Bos. : N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. "1 108,120 1st N., Bos.; Natick Tr. Co., Natick.  101.800 2,019,390 1,999,540  221 ,650 Hau.  52,000  492,000  565,000  ~  -'° Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence - .Number under .Na.we or Bank u the .Ne,r Transit .Numbef given eaob b&llk in U. B. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers' Federal Reserve Bank of St.ioLouis  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  41.130 1,153,220 I.239,660  ., 1\. Y. ; N.  hawmut and 1st N., Bos  49,400 Lihrrty, Buffalo; 1st N., Bos.; Newton Tr .1'.) Co., Newton.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BankJng PoJnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  'p;4  .  MASSACHUSETTS Mal) on Index  623  &a  NuDJbel u.alle, .Nau,e or .Ila.rd, u the .New Tram,11 .NamfHi pven eaoh bank m U. 8. eieluslrelr by The .Kand-McNaUy Ban.Jeers• of The A.merfean Ban.Jeer•'n.  Director,, under the authorltr  TOWN AND COUNTY,  .  ec.  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to (Sarlnp Banks_d!)  ~~t  j  .. county Seats. •Mem. A.m. Bks . .Assn. IState Entire State ln No.1 tMem.StateBks . .Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, CASHIER, Ass'T CASHIER, _F_ed_e_r_aJ_R_e_s_e_rv_e__D_i_st_r_ic_t_. _+_)_Ie_m_._F_e.;_d_.-'R--=e-'-s._-=-[E'-s-'ta-'-b'-. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1  1  •New Bedford ____ Brutal .. Pop.121,217 -g 11  0  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK•t'32 { * 53-71 ' MERCHANTS NATL BANK 53~  "  -----  "  •'25  LIABILITIES. PAID-UP  SURPLUS AND  _c_AP_xT_ A_L  Pno:rITs  1  ________  "  E.W. "?ourne _____ Ben,l. Wilcox ______ Wm. s. _Cook ______ H. I. Giffor_d_______ 300,000 Frederic Taber, F'. H. Taber M. R. Hitch, Sec. A. P. Cunnmgham Ch. of Bd. Textile Tru t Company.•§'19 Chas. s. Ashley ___ Frank S. Wilcox __ T. C. Gates, Tr. ____ A. C. Lawton.A.Tr. 200,000 53-74 John Neild M. J. Leahy Sanford & Kelley --------•'84 (Bonds) ___________ • ______________________________________________  ~  ::.:~~!.~  I  n.o• LJrD  b.lOoam:u  C:  PRINCIPAL O0RRESPONDENTS,  $).)  I...,  100,000 1,329,710 1,250,190  --- --- ---  ________  "  MERCHANTf ~fiJ'L BANK•'33  ________  "  )>  ~  956,770 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.  ~  780,890 Equitable Tr. Co., N.Y.; Girard N., Phil.; 1st 0 N., Bos. ::X:  C  223,600 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. VJ tr:] - - - 1st N., N, Y.; Ex. Tr. Co., Bos. .-,  j 91,000  B2  w. H. Rice, n,,,____  120,000  157.140  __________  NATIONAL BANK 53-261  •t·az  -THE MER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  w  I::@  139,970 N. Shawmut, Bos.  l~  83,950 4th-Atlantic N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.  1  130,000  70,000 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; 1st N., Phil. and Bos.  1~  550,000  700,000  of New ton.Mas B,)____  O.  41,300 Old Colony Tr. Co .. Bos.: Newton Tr. Co .. ,... Newton; Needham Tr. Co., Needham. o Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Old Colony Tr . Co.,Bos. Z Irving N., N. Y; 1st N. and Old Colony Tr. Co., o 57" ~ ,.,60 ?dBos. ~ .• Bos. ::r  ___ 1  C. T. PHELPS------- A. E. SPENCER------ --------------------  Collections have personal attention of an Officer of this Bank. Remittances ALWAYS made on day of payment.  aoo,ooo  ),  -1  -  205,470 2,661.830 2,829,600  -  -  3  0. 656,790 N. Park, Equitable Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y.; N. Com'J Bk. & Tr. Co,, Alb.: i-.. rn Shawmut, Bo•  Tr.I-----------___ - - - - - - - - - - - 350,260 4,276,520 4,578,480  50,200 Comw. Tr. Co. and ~Ierch. N., Bo .  R. A, J, HEWAT------ C.H. CUTTING------- D. J, ENSIGN, Tr. __ C. W, DIBBLE, A. Tr,  Bills of Lading drafts a specialty. 200,000 119,760 1,373,570 1,407,820 323,470 Guaranty Tr. Cc,., N. Y.; Ft. !>ear. Prompt service on all drafts. Reasonable charges. Chi.; 2d N •• Bos. We want your North Adams business. , •*1'04  TRUST COMPANY  w  . Com'll 1-ri  367.440 3,610,270 1.805,320  69,520 1,287,590 1,341,340  J.B. Melcher,Jfgr, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Branch  North A.dams Sav. Bk---U''8 H. W. Olarlc _____ , ______ , _ ,Jl:.D. WhJQter. 53-264  NORTH ADAMS  764,080 1,008.290  Geo. A. Hayne , __________ (Branch of New ton.Mas 8.)______ ActingTr,___ M(IT, ____________________ '>Ilg ,020 B. A. Miller, 13 6,140 2, 216 .070 ')~,,.u  l ______:. . ._____________  w. H. PRITCHARD----  83,700 N. uity, N. Y.; N. Shawmut. Bos,: Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 100,290 1st N., Bos. and ewburyport.  A. Pe,co,olido, 11'. Lombardi, Sec.__ 39,023 --- -----39.290 93,300 5,420 Union Market N ., Watertown: Banca Com. Cash, and Tr. merciale, .Taples; .1.Tewton Tr. Co .• Tewton. t0 A. J. Blanchard, Chas. H. Clark, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st N., Bos. n> Tr. Viu-Tr. 0. Wm. T. IIalliday, J. R. ::\Ielcher. ec, 555,400 557,580 6,204,000 6,188,750 888,520 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Old Colony Tr. Co., 0 Tr. Boa. ""'  _______  NORTH ADAMS  539,000  .c..c  I  Newton __ .Middlesex O 10 Banca A. l'esco. oliclO---- t'19 A. Pe co olido. ________________ Pop. 46,054 53 188 I ·• _______ " Newton Savings .8ank ____ 1•29 Charles T. Pulsifer , _____________ 53-186 Newton Trust Co , _______ ;U'll4 eward W. Jones_ IF, J. Hale _________ • 53-187 F. L. Richardson, ydney Harwood Ce Bk • V.-Pres. George Hutchinson :wewton Center_ Middle'x N ewton n t!e 8,, av. •-+ 196 • H. H. Kendall__ __ s. w. Wilder _____ Pop. 3500 5.,-5., 7 C 10 Albert L. Scott " ________ " Newton Tru \t_Co ,-------tl'll4 __________________ _________________ 5., 536 1 Newtonville.Middle'x F 4 ewton Tri\~i· ------t§"94 ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Pop. 55 00 Hoosac Sav1fi-~t1S · Ban.. "" __ •••1•71 A. W. Chippendale ___________ Horth Adalrul--Berkshire  583,000  746,330 8,0 1,060 8,651,540  W.R. Johnson ___________________ William Ilsie7 _____ E. F. Noye _______  w.  "  Pop. 22,282  150,000  NewburyportFiveOts,Sav.Bk. Charles Thurlow_ athaniel Dole ____ Jno. T. Lunt, Tr. __ J. w. Currier,Sec,_ - - 53-313 •:U·54 Ocean Natio5~~Hrnk _____ '65 G. Richard on •• J. II. Balch, Jr. ____ E.G. WoodweIL-- -------------------- 150,000  "  1.0  S:  704,970 lstN., Bos.  490,750 4,487,080 4,70-1.760'  I  I~I'.:<  _  "  3 "  n  O. . Pierce _______ W. H. Pitman,Tr .• W. F. Turner, ____ 1,873,680 1502e6;:;o 16192620 J. II. Clifford A.. Tr. Chas. W. Clifford_ G. H. Batchelor.Tr. P.R. Macy,.A. Tr. _____ 2,616,770 23180 24012-1840 240 Oliver Ere cott  New Bedford Clearing House H. W. Taber ______________________ F. B. Chase, Sec.___ ____________________ (Members indicated b11 a *) •NewburnorL ____ Essex First National Bank _______ '62 E. F. Little ________ W. J, Hale _________ w. F. Houston____ ___________________ 1 Pop. 15,618 J\ 11 53-314 " ________ " Institution tor Savings---1'20 H.B. Little _____ L.B. Cushing _____ Wm. Balch, Tr. ___ G. F. Avery, Sec,__ 53-310 T. c. impson  ..  .1:  Largest comme rclal bank In New Bedford. Quick service. !Prompt retUl'ns. We want your bu slness. . H. C. W. Mosher_ \ ____________________ H. W. Taber ______ James H. Coffin ___ 1,000,000 1,613,870 7,000,450 9,803,510 1.1 3,280 lstN., N.Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.  NewBedfordFiveCts.Sav.B • Jireh Swift, Jr, __ 53-70 1'55 New Bedford lnst. tor Sav. Thomas . Hath5H7 •1'25 away  "  RESOURCES. 1.o  c'T~~·Boim~:  DEPOB-  ....,  1  IRVING W. COOK-- H. C. ROBINSON----- FRANK 8. CHASE---- WM. C. PHILLIPS---- S 500,000 S 1135,930 $9510 830 $9135 220 $2187 500 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.  *'EW BEDFORD SAFE D!P•, & IUSTCO.-53-72 __ + __ ti 87 "  1  handle collectlon~L  I  NA.ME OF BANK,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BankJng PoJnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  ____________________________ ___  HANTS NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON-Complete Foreign and Domestic Banking Facilities  N.,i l;i  Jl  0  J::.  d • MASSACHUSETTS- C Ontlnue  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclu h'ely by The Rand-:&lcNally Bankers• Directory, under th':_ authoi:!..ty of The Amer•~~ Bankers_ A~•~·  624  NAME OF BA~K. ilD COUNTY. •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState •County Seats. Entire State lnNo.1 i.Mem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Feel. Res.~~~ab. - TOWN  •Norlh&mpton H'm'shire 0 4 Pop. 21,951  I  p  RESIDK,,'-.T.  IV  I-  __· _ss'T_O_.A.SHIER A.  [ SURPLUS  PAID-UP  AND  CAPITAL PROFITS  DEPOSITS  PRINCIPAL OORRJCSPONDENTS.  Lo Ne&D,e Coe&-Er c'T~. BoNo;, cnu,c••,D;:,..  _•a_o.,._n_._""_"·_  Sscuamza  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  900000  O  !!..__,  I I I  $ 345,00~ N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. ~ ~ ~ BWs or lading drafts a specialty. 16c must be sent with each sight draft for presentation, and 26c with __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ •t'M 1each reque~t for report or rating. Send us :,om Northampton Items.  HAMPSHIRE co.  1  T,.J_____________  {F.A. MACOMBER-- JOHN w. MASON.. ___ R. E. ~OYNTON, A. L. KINGSBURY Send us your C OLLECTIONS dlr ect for quick and efl'ecti-ve service.  I  TRUST COMPANY 53_272  RESOURCES.  LIABlLITlES.  I  CASHIER. I~PRJ:SIOENT. _ __ _  FIRST NAT'L BANK w. G. BAssm -------F. N. KNEELAND-------F. N. KNEELAND ----- E, L. ARNOLD ---·---53-2n  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of thl ovolume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.I ..c:..  (Savings Danks do not handle collections)  150,000  80,330  904,530  904,210  I .. ~  115,210 Irvin2 N., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Co .• Bos.  S! d.. .. > en  We make them our sp~lalty.  •*§"64  ,c  C/l  _ __ Nouotuck Savings Bank __ ,•gg Calvin Coolidge --- c. \V. Kinney _____ O. W. Prouty, Tr .• S. R. Whitbeck, A, Tr. II. N. Gardiner 53-273  Northampton Inst. for Sav. Oliver Walker----- E. F. Crooks _______ S. D. Drury, Tr. __ E. ll'.Btratton,A.Tr. _ _ _ 1 11. M. Tyler •U'42 • 53-270  i~ti· Bank.•:t"33 W. M. Kill£ ________ c.  Northampto 5  H. Piere~ _______ Edwin K. AbbotL J .11. Warren _____ _  North Attleboro __ Bristol Attleboroueh Sav. ·Bank•:t"60 Albert Totten ______ Geo. E9  Pop. 923  ,v. Cheever __  Mark E. Rowe  53-389  200,000  James E. Totten, _____________ _ Tr.  Manufacturers Nat. Bank.'081F, E. Sturdy _______ J. L. Thompson ___ C. W. Carpenter ___________________ _ . 53-390  >  90,240 1,418,000 1.4 0,000  70,00U 1st N., Northampton; N .. and Hampshire Co. (') N., Northampton: Merch. N .. Bos. :I: 353,000 2d N .. Bos.; Torthampton N., Northampton.  560,000 8,135,000 8,333,000  C  500,000 2,181,510 2,808,480, 666,000 5,500,000 6,020,000  I  73,780  776,730  771,210  Northboro ______ Wor. C 8 Northborough Nat. Bank.:t"54 E. H, Bigelow----- Noah Wadsworth __ Noah Wadsworth __ R. M. Lelan<i.=____ 53-584 Pop. 1783  100,000  78,880  295,090  386,420  E. Irish _____________________________ _  .i0,000  -------II.  North Easton Sav. Bank , F. L . .A.mes ________ : w. K. Goward ____ I John M. Williams, _________________ Tr. j 'ID. F. Buckley . •ii 641 53-54~ Norwellp :1)1f.iouth D 11 South 8cit~~1tr Bk .. •:tl'34 , Wm. F. Bate· _____ J. O. Otis __________ 1HerbertE.Robb~'. _______________________ ____ ____  "  0  18,750  594,790  ~  56,330 1st N., Bos.; Merch. N .. Worcester.  I 42,5:;Q Mass. Tr. Co. and Citiz. N., Bos,; No. Brook- g i;. field N .• No. Brookfield.  81.710 Irving N .. N, Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Park Tr. Co.. Worcester.  590,940  137,350 1,162,870 1,232,730 1-12.390  286,010  113,290 Phil. N .• Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  561, 90  115,780  981,390 1,063,630  Z  1  1SU  3·  69.170 1st N. and 11:erch. N., Bos.; 1st N. Bk. of ~ Easton, No. Easton. 1  188,550 2,578,150 2,674,380  ____________ _______ W. F. Tilton _______ Jas A. Halloran ___ E. D mith, Sec . and Tr. ' F. A. Dexter------- L. Dennis__________ E, II. Ball.________ ______ ____ __________  200,000 100,000  .A.. J. Fisher------ T. w. Bri(U?e ______ G. W. Andrews. Tr. _______________________ II. o. Gates . 100,000 E. G. Childs. ______ J. F. Foley ________ L. J, Brainerd ______ F. S. Keith________  w. E. Stone ______  C. L. Waid. Tr. ____ Chas. A. Tabor.Sec. _ __ I•'. A. mith. A. Tr. E. \\', Clark A. F. Poole ________ G. E. Spaulding ____ A.H. Merrill, Tr, __ ______________________ _ I[. K. Fo te\, v,. P.•wm. F. Rawyer J. A. Lord B. G. Hall, l . I.  R. 0. Newell _______  III,  62,000 2,773,000 2,600,000 161.060  903,C-10  soo.1:;o  g  1  33,840 2d N,, Bos.; Rockland Tr. Oo .. Rockland .  .+  26-1.490 2,796,120 2,999,-170  L. P. OSBORN--- J. F. INGRAHAM --- C. S. BATCHELDER H. E. TRASK -----BAN~ 32 Special attentlo WARREN NATIONAL 53 295 •:t { l'le11.·c sr./111 15c 11 -  1  200,000  2-17,520 1st N., Bos.  374,430 4,295,570 -1,508,570  161,-130 Union Tr. Co. and Sprin1?fleld Safe Dep. & Tr. Co., Spring-field; Palmer N., Palmer • 640  618,920 5,764,080 6,312,260  '---4  SU  ;:,  172,510 2,2~8.010 2,661,75J  n given Bill or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items.  MASSACHUSETTS Map on Index NuDJber under Na11w ur Bank to each bank in ll. s ezclwdveJ,-· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  C 133,770 N. farki N. Y.; 1st N., Bos, and Phil.; :\Ierch. ~ ~ .. Saem.  -  ith well ·iglit draft for 11rc ·en talion.  end Us Your l 1tems.  Su East PePJlerell>  ~·.1 i  -125,000 Chase N., N. Y.; ~st N., Mer<;h. N., and 'O Shawmut, Bos.; GirardN .. Phil. 95.540 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N, Oom'l Bk. & "O Cb Tr. Co., Alb. , ~-"'1 3:5,600 Orange N., Orange; Am. Tr. Co .. Bos.  139,750 1,326,990 1,416,790  1  Pop. 2953  '""  (/)  0  Norwood_.Norfolk D 10 Norwood Trust C0,----•*§"17 + 53-587 Pop. 12,627 Orane-e _____ Franklin B 5 Oranie National Bank --•*"75 55--491 Pop. 5.393 Oranie Savine-s Bank-•a"71 " " , ~3-490 Palmer ____ Hampden D 5 Palmer Nat 10 na 1 Bank--•i 75 53 10 Pop. 11806 Palmer Savine-s Bank __ •if'70 ,r: . 53-409 Peabody ______ Essex O 11 Warren Five Ot.Sav. Bk. U u6 53-294 Pop. JO,G:;2  PepperelL_Middlesex B  I i--3  146,000 1st N .. Bos.  en  M. J. Howard ______ G. w. Brown, Tr .•. __________________ _ F. A. Fullam 1 150,000 NorthE~ig~atJstol D 10 First Nat. Bfi-~Easton.•i•154 l Oliver Ames _______ J, s. A.mes _________ Geo. c. Barrows ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  "  l  tx, 271,400 Chase N., N. Y,; 1st N,, Bos.; N, Com'l Bk. & )> Z Tr. Co., Alb.  I  B. H. Smith IL E. Whitcomb  789,900 Hanover N., N, Y.; 1st N., Bos.  I  100,000  ·o. Brookfleld ._ Wor. C 6 .. orth Brookfield Tat'! Bank Wm. F. Fullam ____ •i'17 53-619 Pop, 2610 , IL 'I'. ~r. ynanL ___ North Brookfield Sav. Bk. " ________ " •t1'54 53-585  Ien ttl  I  ·'°  'l:'-J  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence is the New Transit l\'u1uber given by Tbe Band-McNaH~ Banke_rs•  MASSACHUSETTS - Continued an e. colledJons  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Rate~_!lolldays, etc., s~ L~s-  CUll•"l:h.lO  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence -  SACHUSETTS Map oa lade  C  ....  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Ind t• MASSACHUSETTS Naaiber aadN' auie or llaall ia ebe ew Traldlt Nuniber Jdven dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this1'00 lDUe to Neb bank hi U. ' exelu IYelT by The &aad-MeNally Bankers• v~u~e-_!i'or Interest Rates, Bol~d~s!..._et~ .• see Laws. ~ ( ~ Y ~ ~•n.k~o~•~4:_~ollectlons) D1reetoq. under tbe autb"rfty _of The American_ Jranker Ass'o. I~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE.."'iTS. I RE OOl<CES. LIABILITIES. , NA.ME OF BANK. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. ll> &: E c n 1,o SuRPLUS I •Mem . .Am. Bks. Assn. §State .&Oounty Seats. '"1 DEPOS- 1lc'T::t,A~: c,~::C. ... n~-. Ass'T CASHIER, PAm-UP 1 AND • CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire State in ~'o. l .Uiem.StateBks.As n.tPriv. · s,c 0 • 1=• no><Buu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '< ITS _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,CAPITAL PROFITS [Estah. Federal Reserve Di trict. ♦)Iem. Fed. Res.  I  ~  1  I  1  1  533100 $ 339,55C Mech. & Metals N .. N. y .; N. y. State N., Alb/~ 200,000 $ 874,870 H on 820 •Ptttsfleld •• Berkshire C 1 .AEricu1tural Nat. Bank •1818 1. D. Ferrey .•..... F. W. Dutton ....•. 1C. J. Hardin~·-·-·· C. R. cott •.•. ••.• tSJ N. Shawmut, Bos. , 53-226 Pop . .U,763 Berkshire County Sav. Bank A. H. Rice .•••.•••. r. A. Stevens._____ w. L . .Adam. Tr ..•• John Barker. Sec .• - - - 786,000 10 430 000 10123 000 160,000 \ F.T. Franci-.;, A.Tr. H. A. Francis 1'46 53-227 1 BERKSHIRE LOAN & TRU~T C. E. Hibbard••• - .. B. Jd.. EnEiand ••••_ 0. W. S0ai?er, Tr ... M. R. White, A.Tr. 200,000 3.U, 80 2,310,510 2.;;36.930 313.600, Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. COMPANY .53-231 ••••.• I 95 City BavinEs Bank .• 53-230  P. Wood .•.. --.•* '93 Clement F. Coo~an Ed!!ar A.W. Plumb  H. Galvin Ford. Tr. J. F. Kahl, C.F.Martin,A.Tr.  ec . ••• - - -  G. H. TUCKER .••.. W. F. HAWKINS --··· EDSON BONNY ·-···· H.F. FRANCIS •....•  PITTSFIELD NAT. BANK .•'53 ' 53-228  i  I  280.000 5,957,650 5,005,790  173.140 lnt'l Tr. Co., Bos.  300,000  33-1.290 3,024,980 1 3.525,350  536,860 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N •• Bos;  125,000  258,000  891,560 1.079,700  250,000  210,540  937.330 1.397,510  THIRD NATIONAL BANK •i·s1 R. B. Bardwell ..... Ile~ry R. Russell .. Gordon L Willis .. 1  I__.------  53-229 •Pl7mouth •• -.P1Ymouth Old Colony National Bk .• •'32 GeorEe L. Goodin(!. H. E. Mabbett ••.•• Edward L. Bur(!ess - - - - - 53-359 E 12 POI>. 13,04 1  PlymouthFiveCts. Sav. Bk. H. M. aunders. ___ 0. A. Stroni ...... _ W.W.Brewster, Tr. - - - - - - · · ...•..... •U'55 53-360  270,480 3,1-17.100 d,323.790  160,000  112,070 1,00:;.:;30 1,132, 20  Plymouth National Bk.•U803 W. L. Boyden····- ···-················ E. R. Bel her •. ·--· H. W. Barnes, Jr.. 53-361 Plymouth Savings Bank•:tl'28 E. E. Hohart-----· Francis C. Holmes. Johr. Russell, Tr .• _ \Y. H. Beev r{ , . Tr, 53-358 Provincetown •• B'nst·bie First ational Rank- •• -.•t'6S J. A. Matheson ·-·- ···- •.••..••••.• ··-· Horace F, Hallett. I. A. Small.·-·-··-· 53-525 D 13 Pop. 1246  336.740 3,13-1.000 3,:rn9.noo 50,000  6~.i60'  794.l!JO  'i78.430  ;59,600  782.360  811,9!)  Seamens Savinirs Ilank ___ §'51 G. F. ~Iiller.---···· A. L. Putnam--···· W. H. YoanE, Tr,.- \V .•. Rich, .1. Tr. 53-524 Quincy ···--Nor!olk O 11 Oranilc 'I'ru t Co .••••• •§•35 Theophilus KinE .. Delcevare KinE .•. i c. H. Sanborn, Tr .• _ _ _ _ _ __ I 53-215 POI>, 4i. 76  L50,000  380,360 2,178.120 2.602,110  NAT. MT. WOLLASTON BANK H. M. Faxon •• ____ A.H. Alden ....••. G. F. Hall.---··--- ------·-···---  150,000  121, 00 1.779,600 1,729,300 I  53-214  E: > en en  15 CENTS st>nt to us with each ight draft for pr e:entation, and 25 Cl,NT · for e a<·h credit report lo ·urcs prompt, p ~rsonal attentlon •  ·•53  135,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ros.: N. Y. State )() N .. Alb. 256,730 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut. nos.; Girard N., O:: C: Phil. 77.360 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Old Colony~ r. arnl Plymouth :r-.., Plymouth. lti6,0.101Chase N., N. Y. 70.830' N. Shawmut, Bos.; Old Colony ...'. and PJy. mouth .. ·., Plymouth. 95.J20 Han. N .. N.Y.: N.Shawmutand 1st N., Bos. 24,560 1st N., Bos.  en t'1l  ~ en  It.O zX ►  406,370 Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. Y.: 4th•Atlantic N .. Boy- en lston ~- and Mas . Tr. Co., Bos.: 4th St. N .. 1 ""d P:11il. ..... 396,300 Irvmg N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  .. ,-+  Quincy Savings Bank __ •§'45 H. T. Whitman._ F. H. Smith.. _. __ Clarence BurEin, ·-----······-····· - - Tr. 53-213 Quincy Trust Co ...••.• •~§'15 H. E. Curtis ...•.•. C. I. Campbell. •..• L. H. Morrison. Tr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100,000 R. E. Foy 53-216 John Curtis RandolI>h ._Nor!olk D 10 Randolph SavinES Bank•U-51 H.F. French···~- J. A. Brennan ..... N. I. Tolman, Tr. Frances Howard, _ __ A. Tr. J. H. Field 63-588 POI>, 4786  Cf.I  ::ti  57.520  678,410 7.185,790 7,875,730  245.420 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil, N., Phil.: and 1st .1. ., Bos.  37. 10 2,7 9,980 2,709.420 m,6-10 2,089,510 2,267,460  .._T,  hawmut  85.900  t1I  5:  I~ ,-+  g  Randolph Trust CO.--•• •t§'l5 Louis E. Flye ...... Cha..,. D. HilL ••••. J. H. Rudderham, J. V, Donovan, A. Tr. Tr. P. II. Fraher 53-614 J. B. Hrl'nnn n  60,000  17,4-10  616,990  105,360 Han. N., N, Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State :,,.N., .Alb. 'O  Readinr __ Middlesex B 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•i•oo W. S. Parker·-···· J. W. Grimes-·---· C. O. White--···-·· G. W. Stantial ••• -. 53-466 Pop. 7439  50,000  22.000 1,000.000 1,100,000  110,000 Han.N., N.Y,; 1st N., Bos.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. ;:l  Mechanics SavinEsBank•is•g1 B. N. HUDt -····· M.A. Stone .....••• L. M. Banrrort, Tr. ,\.. L. Akerley, Su. - - 53-467 Revere-·-··-·Suffolk F 4 Revere Trust Co. -······§·16 Joshua Barron---· A. A. Casassa ••.•• - G.D. Cabot. Tr .••• J.P. Dolan, See.__ 100,000 A. B, Curtis 53-618 Pop. 2 , 23 Rockland-Plymouth D 11 Rockland SavinEs Bank .. 1'68 A . .A. Phelps-·---· H.G. P rry ••...• _. TI. W. Burrell, Tr .• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 53-446 Pop. 7544 Rockland Trust Co .•••• •U'07 J. W. Spence •.. --• .A. W. Donovan .•.. J. H. Hunt. Tr ... _. F. II. Wright, Sec, 100,000 " , A. R. Brewster, Lot Phillips 1 53-447 A. Tr. I _ __ A. C. Butman, Rockport ___ •. Essex B 12 Granite Savings Bank .•• •••s4 H. H. Thurston .••• B. N. Tarr •••••• -.. Gratton Butman, A. Tr. Tr. .A.H. French 5~527 Pop. ~878 50,000 Bank • ·65 F. H. Tarr·-··-··- H. C. Story·····-··IJames W. Bradley. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rockport N " -----·-.. 1 5 1  ~~irt  51.130  667,950  0  25,020 N. Shawmut and Liberty Tr. Co., Bos.  668,740  642,800  3R3,100 Mech. & :Metals N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N .. Bos.  3C.140 U75,620 1,353,110  --- ---  225,000 3,180,000  442,880 Irving N., N. Y.; 2d N., Bos.  203,960 2,176,170 1,998,140 47,000  601.010  600,000  20,730 1st N., Bos.  17.100  525,360  467,9 0,  89.420 N. Shawmut. Bos.  I  I  -THE MERCJiANTS NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON-Complete foreign and Domestic Banking Facilities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '°' N  VI  \  MASSACHUSETTS  C  t· ue d  Number under Name ol Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' OU lll =-=---~•~tory.!....!'~d~ th_!_ au!!torlty o! The A m e ~ ~ ~ ~_!S~- - - (Savl~~~•n~s do not handle collection ) TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME OF BANK. LIABILITIES. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. A sn. § tate - - - , StJRPLUS Entire State in No. 1 i.Mem. State Bk .Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass'T CASHIER. ~~~~1~ AND Federal Reserve D_istrict. ♦?Iem. Fed. Res • ...JE~tab. PROFITS  626  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indcxed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws tindexed) in back of this!°' ____volume. For In~e- t Rates, Holida!s, etc., oo Laws. ~ 1 HESOURl'ES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPO. DENTS. ! - - - 1,o..,,, • 0 c "'E  n~:~s-  C'TI.  no,.~:: ou::i:.••,n:~  lhovamn  no»B.oin  ~  I  •8alem _______ Essex B 11 Merchants National Bk .• •1811 H. M. Batchelder -- J. H. Gifford ______ Carl F. A. Morse-- •A. H. Barnett _____ S 200,000 $ 338,300 $2 870 907 $- 62~;0 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; 1st N. Pop. 42,529 53-176 Chas. H. Bates and N. Shawmut, Bos. 1 Naumkeag Trust Co. ___ •:W31 Leland H. Cole ____ R. M. Mahoney ____ W. O. Ohapman, Geo. A. Vickery, 250.000 267,540 4,809,900 I 4.334,650 1,058,130 N. Oity, N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. oo .. Bos. • 53-1711 George A. Vickery Tr. Sec.  I  Salem Five Cts. Sav. Bk.-•1'55 53-180 Salem Savings Bank.-•t§1818 53-177  Henry A. Hale _____. W.R. Colby, V. P. W. C. Harris, V. P Oharles S. Rea _____ W. A. Chisholm,  N. G. Simon~S---Geo. M. Harris G. H. Allen ________ G. R. Jewett V. P. Robert Osgood " ________ " Salem Trust Co. ___________ §'02 1W. P. Burhoe _____ F. I:;· Evans ________ 53-182 0. E. Jackson cituate _______ Plymouth Rockland Tru:t Co. ______ §"20 _________________ -------------------Pop. 2334 D 12 53-360  H. P. Gifford, Tr. - 0. S. Leighton, · - - - 1.432,900 13 364 750 14 607 390 • A. Tr. James Youni:, Jr .• ____________ 1.106,530 12108 570t 220 HO 1  Tr.  190,060 2d N., Boa. 105,400 Merch. N., Bos.; Naumk:ea£ Tr. Co., Salem.  I  ~  H. M. Wilkins, Tr. W. C. _Loug, A. Tr. 200,000 64,050 1,189,54011,307,940 204,350 Irvini: N. and Equitable Tr. co., N. Y.; 1st N. )>, A.F.F1scher,A. Tr. and N. Shawmut, .Bos. rn R. E. Litchfield, -------------------- tBranch of Rock/a nd, Ma&s .) ______________ _ rn M (IT.  )>  1  Shelburne Falls.Franklin Shelburne Falls Nat. Bk.•i•55 L. Griswold -----~- Edwin Baker----- C, W. Hawks _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Pop. 1460 B4 53-557 '  100,000  74,000  475,000  i  565.000  Shelburne ~\~Jav. Bk.•1'55 F. J. Canedy _______ M. Z. Woodward ___ Herbert •ewell --· __________ - - -  203,490 2,156,550 2,238,810  Somerville ____ Middlesex Hii:hland Trost Co. _____ §'17 J.E. L. McLean ___ C. W. Eldridge ____ Francis P. Clarke, _________________ 100,000 Pop.100,000 C 10 53-129 Chas. V. Blanchard Tr. John J. McCarthy Somerville Institution for F. F. Stockwell ____ G. S. Lovejoy ______ Ray R. Rideout, Tr. HarriettA.Osborne, - - Savini:s __ 53-128 _______ .5•10 A. Tr.  20,370 2,003,380 1,951,270 18,940  791,070  792,430  1  SOMERVILLE NATIONAL Bit J. o. Hayden ______ Geo. M. Barnum ___ J.E. Gendron --- - - - - - 53-126  South Braintree-Norfolk Pop. 9323 D 11 ___ Worcester Pop. 14,243 D6  •'92  Somerville "aving Bk. •U'85 J. W. Sanborn _____ W. E. Whitney ____ F. W. Stone, Tr, ___ R. M. Youni:, 53-125 E. A. Davenport A. Tr. Somerville Trust Oo. _____ f'07 J. 0. Hayden ______ G. L Barnum _____ H. C. Fallis, Tr. ___ P. G. Cameron, 53-127 c. E. Mon1?an, r.-P. E. • parrow .-,1. Tr. Braintree Savings 'Bank -•1 '71 L.B. Hollis ________ J. T. tevens ______ F, Eugene Dyer,Tr. Carrie B. Loring, 53-590 •. G. Torrey A. Tr. P. C. pring Peoples National Bank •·ID L. E. Young _______ L. S. Whitney ___ U.S. Morrill _______ W. C. Chace. _____ _ 53-352 U.S. Morrill SouthbridieNat. Bank •• •i'36 A. B. Wells ______ O. M. Wells _______ S. D. Perry _______ c. F. Corey _______ _ 53-350 Southbridi:e Sav. Bank_•if'48 0. D. Paige ______ O. W. 53-351  nm ______ o. A.. Chapman, Tr.  100,000  196,730 2,116,430 2,100,960 205,360 4,119,370 U87,5i0  150,000  100,000 100,000  111,440 3,075,720 3,164.300  80,000 1st N., Bos.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., .Alb.  A.H. Faxon, -'1. Tr.  C:  101,310 1st N •. Bos. ; helburne F. N .• helburne F.; rn Springfield N., Springfield. tij 250,210 N. Shawmut, Bos. 7,960 Somerville Tr. Co. and Highland Tr. Co., Somerville; Beacon Tr. Co., Bos. 406,340 Ohase N .• N. Y.; 1 t N•• Bos. 94,230 1st N., Bos. 17,1,650 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.  to )>,  zX  rn  I  rn ;;3 P>  109,710  so1.95o  I  o5u20  46,830  42,&JO  606,710  !  689,750  69,470 Irvini: N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Park Tr . .+ Oo., Worcester. 0  293,000 2,000,000 1,375,000  230,000 1st N. and N.Shawmut, Bos.  282,450 3,128,350 3,380,490  30.s°20 1st N .. Bos.; Southbridi:e N., Southbridi:e.  rn  'O  g ,;  45,210  567,560  693,120  221,130 I. 49.120 2,029,7:50  44,860 Han. N .. N.Y.; (th-A.tlantic N., Bos. 45,740 1st N., Bos.; Weymouth Tr. Co., So.Weymouth.  100,000  46,0-10  732,270 I 755,040  87,460 2d N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.  louth Yarmouth _B'nstablBass River Sa . vini:s Bk. •iS'74 Chas. G. Baker ____ H. H. Sears ________ H. D. Lorina?, Tr, __ M. H. Crowell. Sec. - - Pop. 590 ll' 14 53-592  48,450  554,360  14,270 1st N. and Comw. Tr. Co., Bos.  ~  Ill  588,550  :::,  i: P> ,;  i0,630 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; Merch. N., Wor- ~ cester.  Ban~s Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  Spencer._. Worct>ster C 6 Spencer National Bank --•'75 M.A. Youni------- N. E. Craie -------- Sidney H. Swift ___ - - - - - - - 100,000 Pop. 51130 53-455 Spencer Savini:s Bank .•U'71 E. J. tarr _________ W. II. Vernon __ W. V. Prouty, Tr. _ ________ - - 53-454 Chas. II. Allen  MASISACHUSE'f'fS Mai, on \ndex  .,.,rn  ~  Weymouth Trust Co. --•*1'64 Geo. L. Barnes _____ E. R. Hastings ____ J. H. Stetson.Tr.. --------------5~M6 A.C.He~d Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ::r:  ~  South Deerfield.Franklin Produce National Bank --•'06 O. F. Olark _______ J.B. Bridi:es ______ W. F. Gorey _____ L. J. Taplin_______ 60,000 Pop. 1230 0 4 53-5111 South Frammeham, Md'x ( u F'raminoham) Pop. 12,948 0 II South Weymouth _N'f'lk1South Weymouth Sav. Bank R. W. Hunt _______ E. J. Pitcher _______ F. T, Barnes, Tr .• _ ------------------ - - Pop. 12,895 F 4 53-347 •U'68 A. B. Raymond  I  ()  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  61,130  430,000  537,000  147,940 2,014,340 2,056,640 I  32,660 I t T·• Bos.  I.O t-.;)  •I, ..  ''  Ban~s Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  MASISACHUSETTS Mai, on \ndex  627  to  1:!'f:';;;:~J:•r,. ~~~!cifisf:'e'f: t;. ~Zir.~.=:Ar:N~.&';;~  Dlrectol'T, under the authorltT of The American Bankers•n.  TOW'N AND OOUNTY.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Polntsi (In- , ~ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. C PRINCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS. _ _ _L_I....,A=-B_l_L_IT_l_E_S_.--·If--R_E_S_OU_R_CE-----'-S_;_.- I  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  NAME OF BA. K.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. En tire tate in 'o. 1 fMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [Es tab . Fed. Res. ♦)lem. District. Reserve Federal  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  5  (Savings Banks do not handle collections) CASHIER.  .lss'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP i SUR1:LUB  L. P_R_~-~D_IT_S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_C_AP_I_T_A  .Sprinetleld ____ Haml)den Atlas Trust Co. __________ §'19 E. 0. Clark ________ C. J. Downey, V.P. 53--108 Pop.129.614 D 4 (2 Branches) *Chapin National Bank . •t"79 H. A. Woodward -53-99  DEPOS-  ,_I_TS_  ~  ~~N•&D,a- Oun&E:r-  c_;_;;,u_!'_;:a_"'  -~~_:c_n:_•~_:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! ~  J.E. Hayes, A. Tr, $ 300,000 $ 60,000 $ 575,370 $ 708,880 $ 176 920 Chase N., N, Y.; 1st N .. Bos.; Phil. ., Phil. G. A. Bacon ________ J. . Macmillan, ' Tr. A. L. Bowen, A. Tr. C. E. Rienford E. J. Pinney 500,000 451,480 3,688,460 4,275,460 802,620 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos. Jno. c. Kemater __ Harry Wells______ _________  500,000  796, 30 7,145,030 8,617,250 1,034,920 Irving N. and Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 1  350,000  18!l.690 3,923,880 -1.002,850  428,620 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Ci,y, Chi,;Merch. N., Bos.;1 Corn Ex. N., Phil.  --------Hampden Savings Bank __ f'52 F. H. tebbins. ___ H, R. Bemis ________ Jno. B. Phelps, Tr. F, L, Whitlock. A. Tr. C. H. )1ulligan 53-116  621,430 7,053,190 7,500,3-10  174,300 N. Shawmut, Bos.  *Chicopee National Bank•t'36 Geo. A. MacDonald G. F. Adams ______ Geo. J. Clark _ _ Chas. A. Pierce ___ _ C. G. Butterworth L. W. White 53-95  *COMMERCIAL  I  A. J. SKINNER------ D. F. DOHERTY----- R. H. FLAGG, T, . ____ F. N. HUGHES, A Tr. L. T. McGREGOR  TRUST COMPANY  (1 B,a11chl  •§'16 .53-107 Federal Land Bank.-•Dist, 1 (For complete infor mation Bee page 32)  Sprinizlleld 5 Cts. Sav. Bank N. D. Winter _____ Aaron Bagg ________ R. W. Ellis, Tr. ___ T. B. Winter.A. Tr. --------- 1.281.250 13 353 720 1-1110 460 Oliver Karsh •U'54 53-g7 Sprindeld Inst: for Savines W. •:1'27 53-94  • CaldweJL __ A. A. Packard ______ J. W. B. Brand, Tr. H. \V. Hawkes .  .A, Tr. A. 11. Ila t inl!s, A. Tr.  2,431,9~0 30 377 100 32168 490  528,230 Cha,13 N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 90-1,820 r-., hawmut, Bos.  --- --- --- --- ---  HENRY ff. BOWMAN--- RALPH P. ALDEN----- WALLACE V. CAMP--- PHILIPS. BEEBE-----to E. J. WHEELER 500.000 1,062.250 9,310,140 9,561.790 1.279,980 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; )> EFFICIENT COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. Z lstN., Bos.; PhU,N., Pbll. NATIONAL BANK RATES REASONABLE. X 53-104 •i'93  *SPRINGFIELD  (/l  I  *Spriniztleld Safe Dep.&T.Co. G. H. Kemater _____ H. L. Bradley ______ H. L. Bradley, Tr. Harold White, .,1. Tr. Edward Kronvall ti"86 53-100  500,000 1,269,840 6,859,680 6,214,360 2,437.450 Han. N. and Irving N ., N. Y .; N. Shawmut and C/l 'g 1st N., Bos.; Girard N., Phil,  5·  -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - -  *THI RD NAT'L BK 1  O'Q  ~ FREDERICK HARRIS--- FREDERIC M. JONES __ HARLAN s. KAPUNGER-~~miiiDt.-Jffc:f,rn 500.000 1,119,610 1287%300 13499180 1,205,800 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., 0: A.O. SANFORD Bos.: Uh St. N., Phil.; N. Com'l Bk. & PROMPT ATTENTION AND REASONABLE Tr. Co., Alb. RATES ON ALL COLLECTIONS.  -------  *Union Trust Co. ________ §'06 W. E. Gilbert ____ J J. W. Kirkham ____ W. H. Haskins, Tr. R. C. Chapin, A.Tr, C, W, Bosworth, 53-105 H. A. Colwell, Ch. of Bd. A. Tr, NATIONAL CITY C0.-----'16 (L. L. Joslin and Harold Bel haw), Representatives ___ Third N. Bk, Bldg, William  o. Simons --------'86  Frank S. Burt, See. B. L. Bragg, A. Sec, Raymond Burt, A, Sec,  -------------------  500,0001,390,33012100000121000002,345,500 1st N. and Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmat, Bos.; Franklin N., Phil.  (Inuest ment Bond .)  _ _ _ _ _ _ N. City Co., N. Y. City and Corresp0ndent Offices. See Adv. Page 3.  (Invutment Bank \er) ______________________________________________________ ________________ Lee, Hjuinson & Co•• N. Y.. Chi., and Bos,  Henry H. Skinner. ________ '91 (Investment Bank ler) _____________________________________ __________ Kidder, Peabody & Co,, N. Y. and Bos.  .  Springfield Clearine House __ RalphP.Alden _____ -------------------- Edward Pynchon, R, A. Jacobs, Sec .• - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - Mor. (Members indicated hJJ a*)  ~  .  MERC~ANTS NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON-Complete Foreign and Domestic _Banking Faciliti8S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  628  ander :ame of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S, exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers' Dlreeiorf, under the authority of The Amerl4:an_Bankers Ass•n.  I  NA)lE OF BA.'K, TOWN AND oou TY, I VICE PRESIDE"TT PRESIDENT . •Mem. Am. Bk. Assn. §State •County Seats. ., · . · Entire State in o.1 1Mem.StateBks.Assn. +Priv. Ufst~b. • - - - - - - - - - - - - Federal Reser~e D~strict. ♦ )[em. F~l. Res. l\ocll:bridee.Bkshire 01 HousatomcNational Bk.•125 W.A. Seymour __ •• ---- ------··----·--' 53-593 Pop, lDU ltonebam .. lliddlesex F 4 Stoneham Five Cts. Sav. Bk. W. B. Stevens ••••. B. J. Hinds---· •••• o. J. Emerson U'55 53-442 Pop. 7873 Stoneham Trust Oo. ···-•§'16 E. M. Hamlin---·-· 0. W. Richardson. T. E. :McKenna 53-44S ltoa,hton_.Norfolk D 10 Stourhton Trust Oo .••• •t§'ll G. A. Ham--·------ I. F. Burnham·-··53-608 Pop, 11865 •Tauton ••• -Bristol K 10 Bristol County SaT, Bk .•• 1'411 W. T. Soper.------ E. A. Thomas·-·-53-202 Pop. 37,137 BRISTOL COUNTY TRUST CO. A.H. Tetlow ___ W. E. Dunbar-···" __ " •1:1'17 63-2()0 Machinists National Bk. -•'47 Wm. O. Davenport ·--·······-·· ·--·--· " " I 6S-20S Taunton SavJ~ilank_•t§"691H.F. Bas etL- •••• A, M. Airer - - " --"  ss 'T CA.SHIER·  A  ·  ,-p-~  -  CASHIER  Pop. 1275 Townsend.Middlesex B 8 Tow.send National Bk. •i'54 Henry A. HiJL_ •• _ C. B. Stickne:r - - · 58-596 Pop. 1575 Tllraera Falls ••• Franklin Crocker Insti'n for Sav. 11'69 J. A. Gunn·-·-·-·-- Porter Farwell---· 5 5 99 5115 1{C. W. HAZELTON- · W. T. ELLIS ---··---· H B Pop. J. H. THOMAS CROCKER NAT. BANK .. •t-72 15 CK!'.T. sent tom, ,utn each 53-498 50 Ct.NTS fore ach credit report Oabrklre.- Worcester D 3 Blacksto•e National Bk.•i'25 W. E. Hayward·--· •Arthur Whf'elock •• O. S. Weston 53-522 Pop. 5384 U:1.bri~eSavings Bank.•1'70 C. W. Scott..·--·-· F. J. Hamilton---· " " , amuel lt'. cott 53-523 'flne,vd Haven ••• Dukes (See Tisburu) G 12 Pop. 1100 Wakefield.Middlesex B 10 Wakefield Savings Bank .. 1'69 J, W, White._.---· 0. N, Winship ••••• J. L. Gooch • 53-373 Pop. 13,025 Wakefield Tru. t Co .••• •!§'16 Junius Beebe-·--·· Arthur G. Walton •• " 53-372 Walpale-···· Torfolk D 9 \\'alpol Tru. t Co. ·-· · •i§•17 II. P. KendalL-·-- touehton Bell--·53-620 Pop. 5446 Waltham ._Middlesex o 9 WALTHAM NATIONAL BANK Ptolemy P. Adams. Harry L. Brown __• I •:'36 53-235 Pop. 30,915 Waltham Savings Bank _ •1'53 Geo. R. BeaL.---· Nathan Warren._ •. 53-236 \Val~Trs1:W?-······•l'03 E. P. Sanderson·-· ~: ~-c~~Eham ···\Vare •••Po:.a85~~hire O 5 Ware Savini~~nk ••••• •1'50 -····-·-·-··-······- -----·-··  1 R. W. Chase, Tr. - -------· -  0. B. Willard·--··-··-··. - ----·-· -  -·---·I  Pao:r1-:8  D  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  I 1 I  ROM B.uru  81101J1UTia  •  ~ 768.610  522,590  94,430 1,808,060 l,887,7i0 107,710 2,341,930 2,411,920  Frank 0. Carter,  J. D. Griffiths,  ~00,000  23t460 1,407,610 1,715,510  Henry P. Buncher•.•. ··---·- -·-----··-  ~  o:,  98,270 1st N,, Bos.  ►  41,580 1st N. , Bos.; BJackstoneN .. Uxbridge.  ~  36,690 March. N ,, Bos.; Wakefield Tr., Wakefield.  en,...  Z  (J)  I  ·---. ---- -- -· --·· -·· -------·· A. Tr. . P. Cu hman, Su.  150,000 N. Oom'I Bk. & Tr. Co.,; N. Shawmut, Bos  I  •  ""1  47.630 N. Shawmut, Bos.  850,00011 1,160,000  73,050  ""'1  l•J  V:. W. Boardman,  Tr.  en  56.070 1st N., Boa.  427,360  349,150  44,580  100,000  · · -----·· ---·----·-· ·--······ llorace D. McGowan, Tr.  C. E. Barrett, Tr...  C:  1  115,000  Tr.  ~  125,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; 2d N., Bos.  850,000  500,000  45,000  IQ  120,120 2d N., Bos.; Bristol co. Tr. oo., Taunton.  617,150 5,574,620 6,074,270  50,000 .  W. T. ELLIS---··-·-· ••. . ··--·-----·-----! 100,000 1 ight draft for pre entation, and in ure · prompt, p er onalattt>ntlou. H. O. Bridi:es.---·- -----·--·- - ·---·---- 100,000  g  223,690 Chase N .. N. Y.; N. Shawmut. Bos.; N. com'I p;-Bk. & Tr. Co. , Alb. o67,730 Old Colony Tr. oo., Bos. ,; 55,1,940 N. OitJ, N. Y.:4th-.itlantic N., Bos.  625,410  607,050  36,080  50,000  1I 129.280 2.863,990 2,629.503  150,000  0:  lrQ  'l.'r.  ~:P.c~~tJ~~?.:/J; P>: t b~~~.;/~·.-r~·~  39,780 1st N. and Merch. N., Bos.; Waltham N., " Waltham. C) 709,940 Chase N •• N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  530,000 6,043,170 6,533.390  Wm. B. Comstock, ---------·-----·-··-  1  300,0!JO  332,570 15,023,180 5,075,490  -··· ----- F. D. Gilmore. Tr. --·- ----------· -· --- ----··-··  177.900 5.780,000 4.106,400  lo0,000  140,000 l 1,231,680 1,211,830 739,410  955,060  69,360  100,000  Tr'..-------·------------ ·-·-····· • 50,000  oJ Bd.  214,770 I  171,880  i  93'.?,310 1,011,610  110,260 300,000  34,800 Bos. Safe Dep. & Tr. oo. and N. Shawmut, ~  292,6.'iO 2,442,310 2,687,850 12,500  ~  71,160  309,840 Chase N., N. Y.; ht N., Bos.; Franklin N., ro 0Phil ~ 165,770 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  1  W. S. Delano --·-· J. L. Eldredge,  30,310 B~~~-~r:·  8~:. ~:YY~'thl~:l¥1~~~ft 0  11 •••  Bos.  30,950 3d N .. Sprinrdeld; Palmer N .• Palmer.  • 313,310 4,3-39,280 U69,660 1 360,580 4th-Atlantic N. and 1st N .. Bos. 1  Ueori:e S. Wrii:ht. J. i'. Green .. Tr. -- Lewis B. Tarlton, F. \. ham.lier-·· E. . llilt_on Il. g, Smith. 2d .••• • W. \\. Holmes •• __ Philip P1•arl J . ... '. Huy-·····---· A. Pike  o.  I  Loua" Dre- Cun"' ExC'Ta. Bol'<J)l, .oo.u,ou,Dn  EPOS·  220,430 2,885,910 3,014,690  John E. Dal~on . __ • Earl s. Lewis···--- I-· -.. ··-·--·-·-----· . Earl S. Lewis Edward Fairbanks_ R.R. Pame, Tr ••.. ··-·----·-·-·-·---·· I. It Mooro H. O. Derby-·-···· W. S. Holdsworth._ -· ··-·--··--·-· ··--- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SURPLUS ! AND  N, P. Farwell, Tr .. 0. R. Stoughton, Se le.----··-  Warren ___ .Worcester D 6 First~ 'atio!!i"~nk ·-···•·20 Geo. w. Earle·---· 53-627 Pop. 3467 Warren Saving Bank ••• 1'82 Chari B. Blair_ •• " -···· 53-598 . I . . Watertown,M:1ddlese:1.OlO Union Market at1onal Bank John F. Tufts---•1'73 L, S. Cleveland, Ch. 53-355 Pop, 21 157 Watertown Savings Bk,._5•70 Bartlett M. Shaw •• " ' " I 53-354 Waverly __ •••• titfolk 11' 4 Waverly 'frust Co .. _••••• '20 h. E. Farnham·--· 53- 620 (Brancli J', 0. of Hoston) Webster •• _WorcesterD7 First National lllmk •••• -•1'75 J. W. Dobbie ····53·365 Pop. 13.2:S8 Webster 'll'ive Ot . Sav. Bk. J.M. Crawford __ ._ 11'68 O. E. Power·, V.l', 53-364 Well ter ... ·ational Bank_ •• '18 I,. II, 'I'ilfan • ___ 53-628  6'f1'S M " on 1nde  _ R_1:SO~RCES.  LIABILITIES. - -  ·--·--·--- j-----··-·  Geo. E. Tucker __ • .ilnn Hyde, Tr .•• -·--·-··- ----------. Timothy Paige ···-··-·· ··· -· -···· J. ~ , Whitcomb•- ---·-------·--·--·--  "  °'  R.E.Heath ______ ·-------·· · ·-------· •S 50,000 S 108,0:.>0 S 36,580 S 500,080 S 63,140 Bk.ofthe~anhattanCo.,N. Y.:lstN.anctN.1 I Shawmut. lios. 31,490 jlst N., N. Y. and Bos. F. E. Nickerson.Tr . 1 W. A. Smith, A. Tr . 1. ----- ·-· 124,910 1,154,180 1,249,020 . ' 1 64,790 4th-Atlant1c N •• N. Shawmut, and Dorchester!· 5U,360 fi..100 544,030 ···-·-·-· ----------1 50.000 Arthur J. Smith. 1 Tr. oo., Bos. 1 Tr,' 34,000 1.631,000 1,761,630 , 115.370 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th-Atlantic N., Boa. 125,000 F. D. Leonard, Tr., Corinne B Hayward, A. Tr, ~ A,B. Sproat, Tr, ___ -·----·------·----·- 1--------· 775,000 7,750,000 8,091.620 199,740 N. Shawmut and 1st N,, Boa. 1 ;;:a. C.E,Walker, A.Tr. Ohas.L.Goctfrey,Tr A.E.Williams,A.Tr 300.000 204,350 3,636,760 3,864,660 520,200 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: Phil, N.,I ► 1~)> Phil. 1 H. \Y, Eldridge, A. Tr, v~ Wm. 0. Kmgman .. --------------------' 200,000 175,580 1.090,610 1,060,000 360,080 Chase N., N. Y.: N, Shawmut, Bos,  Ware Trust Co ..••••••• •*§'25 Henry K. Hyde •••. • 53-405 Wareham, Plymouth l!' 12 NationalBk.ofWareham•i'65 J. O. lfakepeace .•• 53-530 Pop, 4415 Wareham Savings Bank•tl'47 Frank A. Besse._. " ·····-·· ••••••••  -  AID·UP  - - - - - - - 1 -- - - - - - CAPI~  Ttabury .... --Dukes G 12 Martha's Tineyard Nat. Bk. John E. White ••••• Uly ses E. Mayhew Stephen C. Luce,Jr. l··-·· .. -- -···-·----•1'55 5S-595 (1'wuardHauon P.O.)  ••  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acee·.), Lawrer., Laws (indexed) in back of thls1 volume. For I~te~e t Rates, Ho!lda:s, otc., __u_e-=Laws. ~  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  A. Tr.  50,000 I. F. Munroe, 'l'r, __ ·---·--· - --··- -····· . C. M. Nas? ··-·-··· A,P,Jowakow k1 .. 100,000 E. A. Joshn, .1.0. .T. J~. ~as~ell F. W. Johnson, Tr. L. E. 1 att1son, Sec. -·-·-·-·· R. M. Hastlnrs . .A. Tr. 100,000 ,I, O. Buffum_. ___ •• R, E. Torry--···-· '  124.550 2,070,950 2,144.910  I  I  58,090  10,000 ----·-··· ·-·-·-·-, -··-·-··~  118,6,0 1 1,500,000! 1,403,080 ., ~ 417.210 3,,04,,10 4,040,860 35.000  '  ~  7,0,000  320,550 :r, City,  I  896,000 1  c ,  Y,;Merch. N., Bos.  111.060 ,Oomw. Tr. Co., Bos.: !llcrch. N .. Worcester.  _  .  Banks Advertising·give Prompt Attention to CQUectiQns and Correspondence MASSACHUSETTS-Continued SaYI  Banks do not handle eolleetlons)  1.0  0i>,400 , lrvml! N ...... Y.; 1 ·t N., Bos.: Pal"k 'l'r. Co., ~ ...,. \\'orre ~tcr.  Mai, on lnde  629  I•.  ••1  ''  MASSACHUSETTS - C on t·lnue d  or--•" u  the New Tnuull Nam=gve.a Nam,,_ - • • Name era• eo MOll bank la U. s. uelualrelr by The .,_ml-MeNaIJr  I  NAME OF BANK.  -- -  LIABILITIES.  s •.Hem . Bies. Assn. IState •Ooanty Seata. Ass'TCASHJKR, PAID-UP u!~;us DEPOSO..&.SHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire State inNo.1 Ufem.StateBks.A.ssn.tPriv. _B'..:...ed.c..e:...;r_al_R~es:...;e;.;;1s;;.;.. ,_+-=-=.M:.:e:.=m:..:·...:F:...:'ed::::..:.·=-R:.:es:::•:...._~[E=-•s::.:ta=b~., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,CAPITAL PROFITS ~ Wellesley ____ NorfolkF4 WeJiesleyNationalBk. ___ •. 04 0. N.Taylor_ ____ B.H.Sanborn ____ Louis Harvey __________________________ $ 100,000$ 53--i99 Pop. HU Wellesley Htll•-Norfolk F 4 Pop. 622-l  BABS ONJS 51-fO0  t·os  'I  S•cuR1T1u  268,390  285,800  50,000  Westboroneh8av.'Bank_•l'&9 M. H. Walker ______ 0. 8. Henr:, ______ H. W. Kimball, Tr. ___________________ _ J. W. Fair banks 5S-487  ! l  1~ S:  20,680 1st N., Bos.  > > (") ::c ~  109,7-10 Imp. cl Tra. N .. N, Y.; lat N., Bos. 53,190 1st N., Bos. and Westboro.  153,510 t,.120,750 1,527,920  C:  377,900 1,133,760 l,663,94C  335.230 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. and Alb.  0,000  195.000 1,(J00,000 1,300,000  240,190 H .. n. N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Boa.  ~  D. F. Doherty----- G. J.. Ul)SOD, Tr. __ ··------------------ --------J. A. Krnyon  500,480 5,322,600 5,700,830  122,240  > Z  -· --· --------------- H. B. lloa.lton, Tr. -------------------- -----· ---  128,380 2,273,610 2,184,920  100,170  i  VJ t:r:j ~  Colleetlou a • peelalty and re mltted on day of payment.. Pl'Ompt attea tlon &o all bank Ins matten.  Westfield Savtnis Bank_if'5S 0.  :r. AuaUD -----  Woronoco Saviors Bank•l'71 o. B. Paro _ _ _ 53-2111 Westminster __ Worcester (Su Gardner) B7 Pop. 13J3 West Ne~ton __ Middlesex First National Bank-----•!"86 o. E. Hatffeld ______ 53-506 0 9 P!Qp. 7000 West Newton Sav. Bank•l'87 Geo. P. Ballard ____ " -------" 53--507 W. Somerville_Middlesex ( ce 'omcrt'ille)  --------------· _____ J. B. Ross _____________ . __ __  _______ _  100,000  ~  85,750  614.1180  I~  102.300 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.  69-L030  60,380 1st N,, West Newton: Newton Tr. Co., Newton; ~ 1 f/1 N. hawmut, Bos.  2 2,760 2.614,420 2, 36.810  F. L. Ri  lPV  0. A. Boyce.Tr .. ___ ____________________  100,000  25,000  648,360  Ohas. T. Orane, 1.'r, ------------··------ ---------  246,000 2.900,400 3,107,750  100,000 nh.arles F. Parkis_ _______________ . ____ . Jas. 0. Brown. Tr,_ Samuel Lynn, Sec,_ ------ ---  360,000 1,100,000 1.323,000  R. B. Cooke_______ _____ _________ ______  50,000  A.C.Oilman,A. Tr .--------Edwin W. Hunt. Tr. A. E. Evens ___________________________ _ 50,000  47,000  540,580  800,200  128,400 1st N., Bos.: Merch. N .. Worce ter.  750.000 I, I  II  I.  II I II  N. Oom'l Bk. &  540,0C0  30,000  • I  -13,080 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.: Whitman N., Whitman. ~  989,710  lM.190  •  (D ~  Y.; 1st N., Bos.  49,U0 1.112,070  100,000  .  T.  170,170 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Tr. Co., Alb. 35,300  William E. Priest, ____________________ --------Tr.  :.  ~ ..  -U5,590  233,500  '  120,370 Chase  .Ui,l 0  J03,5J0 3,746.960 4,120,370  !I II 66,190  !  ! I  :S  5•  294.860 3,116,550 3,3 4,3-10 42, 60  o  327,000 Imp, & Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; (') Phil. N., Phil. ::r 40,000 N. Shawmut, Bos.  51-1,560  Walter Boyce, Tr, _ _____ _______________ ---------  .  52,600 1st N. and March. N., Bos.  23i,000 3,506,600 3,8:5-1,000  Olarence M. Smi~: --------- ----------- -----·--200,000 W.W. Goodwin ___ E. ::;. Tucker______  E. R. Gro vcnor ___ G. II. Lochman ____  75,060 lrYing N., N. Y,; 1st N., Bos.; Chicopl'e pringfield.  6 9,690  ro  ~T-,,~ I  F3  ~.........~...~ ·  txl  J. E. Gammons. Frank E. Hunter __ R. F. Gammons. A. 2'r. Tr. E. C. l{urrage  We t Snringfleld, Ilamp- West Springfield Trust Co. H. A. Moses _______ W. B. Chandler ____ F. II. Sibley • '20 53-628 den __ Pop. 13,4-13 ____ n 4 \Y. H. Pierce 0, A, Hayward _____ E.W. Hunt ________ Weymouth_Norfolk F 4 WeymouthSavines Bank J. H. Flint •!1'33 53-603 Pop. 15,057 Whitinsville __ Worcester Whitinsville National Bank J.M. LaselL ______ A. F. Whitin ______ •'65 53-510 D 8 Pop. 5000 Whitinsville Savines Bk.•1'72 H. H. Dudley _____ B. t. M. Smith ____ " 0. J. Batcheller 53-511 Whitman_Plymouth D 11 WhitmanNationa!Bank-•!'91 W. F. Atwood _____ J, , Thompon ___ 53-439 Pop. 7147 Whitman Savings Bank•U-88 H. W. Chandler ___ Charle R. Cox ____ " " ' 53-438 Williamstown _Berkshire Williamstown National Bank W. B. Clark _______ F. O. Severance ____ t:84 53-53, . B 2 Pop. ~707 Wilhamsto~gJ/{ Bk. --192 A. E. Hall--~----~ F. E. :Moore _______ -----·-Winchendon __ Worcester First National Bank _______ '6~ Z. L. White ________ G. C. Beals _________ 53---475 B6 Pop 590-1 Oranee Whitney ___ Solon Abbott ______ Winchendon Sa vines Bank ·• ____ ____ §'54 53---474 1 W ·ochesterMiddlesex O 10 Winchester National Bk,_•'18 E. A. Tutein _______ ll'. J. O'Hara _______ E. . Foster 53-399 Po1>, IOA8::i Wincheste1 Savin2"S Bankl'71 David N. Skillin2"S- Alfred S. Hall _____ Preston Pond 53-397 Stephen '. Langley WinchestPr Trust Oo. __ et§'l3 F. A. Outtinir------ J. W. Russell ___ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J'IIO>I  OLDEST NATI ON.AL BANK IN MASSACHUSETTS. Prompt and effl clent service. Co llectlon ratea rea sonable.  C. J. LITTLE----- JAMES NOBLE, JR. L. C. PAHER ----- C. E. AVERY------  ..."":i.!l-. .~-!ISI..... ------·•  ~  '"1 B•su. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , : 1  250,000  S. A. ALLEII--- J. A. KENYON--- L. P. LANE--------- --------------------  .  •  BY THE MOST CONSERVATIVE OF THE UNITE D STATES AND CANADA.  29,070  58-ZDC  •  -------------------- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- 1st N., Bos. ~f~f;J~li~ b&;~l~iHiiiN tBJt~R----·----BANK.ING INSTITUTIONS  Westboro __ Worcester O 8 First National Bank ---•!'M J. L. Brirham ___ E. A. Her ey ____ O. H. Pease ________ ------------· ______ _ 53=4M Pop, 5789  B~~I( N~TIONAL HAMPDEN 51 288 •! 65  I  I75,000 $1800000 $2000000 $250,000 IrvingN.,N. Y.; 1st N .. 4th-Atlantic r., and, IO N. Shawmut, Bos.  686,830  53-ZlU  I  ;:::c!.~~~-  ~T~t·it~~!~  6-19,180  •!'64  I  §  5 ,030  FIRST IIATIONAL BAflk  •  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Law • C RESOURCES~-..-~ --PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ____________________ ----- ---WellftfleLBarnstable B 15 WellfteetSavings Bank-•! 'GS R.R. Freeman __ G. W. Holbrook ___ Austin C. Younr. Tr. 5H01 Pop. 826  Westfteld __ Hamt>den D 3 Pop. 1 ,603  I  I  •  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking l»olil,... rn-  .::i::::====Dlne=~to=r,,=•:::::a=:n::.Cd~e:::Cr.:::::::tb=•~•=u=t==ll~o=!!_itr=o=f=T=ll=•==A=m=e=rf=ea=n=Ba=n=Ju=en==A=•=s•=n=.=====(S=•=Yl=n=s=•=:Ba==:n=:ks do not handle colJectlon1) TOW'N A.ND OotnfTY.  I  I•  I  I  . Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.  725,000  95,000 Irving N.,  ! ,  I  79,080 N. Shawmut and Merch. N ., Bos.  I  I  I  I  •  j '1i  : t,1\}  30,130 1st N., Winchendon: Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.  i  ! ' .  :,:  HANTS· NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON-Complete Foreign and-Domestic Banking facilities  ' ~ 1::' . ii'' •l:i,  r'  j;  :  I  hi,. )'.  . ii!!:.· ' i:  : I '  . I.  : 1..  . '  1, .~•\  •  . . ,  Number undbr Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  630  to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallJ Bankers• DlredorJ, ~n~~ a~thortty of The Am~~n Bankers Ass•n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) l.n back of thi volume. For lntert,:st Rates, !J~ld~.!:>~~ e Laws. ~  MASSACHUSETTS-Continued  °'  (Savln~s Banks do not handle collectlons)  ttoWN -ANDoOuNTY-.--- NAME oF BANK.  LIABfilTI~  •Mem. Am. ks. Assn. SState ,county Seats. Entire tate in To. I iMem.State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [E tab. Federal Re ·erve District. +Mero. Fed. Re..  PRESIDENT.  VICil:-PRESIDENT.  OASHill.  Ass'T CASHIER.  -,-  P .UD-UP SUXPLUB I DEPOS-  c APITAL  AND  PROFITS 1~  RES-OURCES.  l Sseoamsa  I  Hinthrop ___ Sutl'olk F 4 Winthrop Savings Bank_§'l4 A. C. J. Pope ______ 53-611 Pop.15,455 Winthrop Trust Co. ----•§'18 A. E. Whittemore_ " " 53-622 Woburn __ Middlesex O 10 Tanners ational Bank_•t'l7 \V. H. Wilcox ______ 53- 308 Pop. 16.5i4 Woburn Five Ots.Sav. Bank •1'54 53-306 Woburn National Bank_•i•o5 " -------" 53-307 Wollaston ___ 'orfolk H 4 Granite Trust Co .••. ----•§'16 53-617 • Worcester.Worcester O 7 Bay State Savin~s Bank_:tf'95 53~ Pop. li9, 734 *Mechanics ational Bank " " •l'48 53-2  Henry A. Root ___ P. B. Churchill, Tr. Lewis R. Dunn.Sec. _________ $ L, T. Harrington W • .Mann ____ H. W. Aiken. Tr. __ E. A. Thomas, ec. $ 100,000 L. E. Griffin 100,000 W. P. Burhoe _____ R. C. Burhoe ______ J. W. Amick, Sec._ H. D. White  200,000  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDJCNTS.  ROM BANI<&  1----------------  8,050 $ J03,010 $ 392,930 $ 18,530 Beacon Tr., Met. Tr., and Columbia Tr. Cos., Bos.; Winthrop Tr. Co., Winthrop. 40,740 1,014,8-10 !l42,230 142,270 Chase N., N. Y.; Beacon Tr. Co., Bos. 25,000  J26,220 E. E. ilver ________ L. \V. Thompson __ A.H. Holland, Tr. ----··-------------- ______ : __ F. J. Brown H.B. Dow, V. P. 100,000 John W. Johnson __ E. F. Johnson _____ , John C. Buck _____ Mary E. Godkin___ 81,HO John c. Buck ________________________________________ C. H. Sanborn, Tr. ____________________ (Branch of Quin James Early _______ Jame :McDermott Geo. McAleer, Tr. _ ____________________________ _ 118,280 S. A. Ellsworth____ F. B. Washburn ___ -------------------- N. C. Keyes, . lctino.  I  LoANUrDI•• C.un&EI-  c•~. Boso • CB.L'IGBfl,DUll  625,000  840,000  3,807,180 4,118,170 1,088,780 l,437,i30  l 1  72,500 N. City, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.  E: > en  5i ,5JO 1st ~ r •• Bos. 155,570 N. Shawmut and 2d N., Bos.  c11,.Mass .) _______ -···-----Guaranty Tr.Co .• N.Y.; 4thSt.N .. Phil.: 4th<,~ .,... Atlantic N.• Bos. ; (j 34.140 Worcester Bk. & Tr. Co., \Vorce ter. 2,861.820 2,983,330  l::tj  53-4  *PARK TRUST co, _ 53 10  en to  t National B ank in Mass. outside of B oston . Prompt an d Efficient S ervice in all banking mat ters.  { The Larges  •i·os  -------------------- ---  F. A. DRURY-------- ------------------- H. M. ABBOTT, Tr. __ F. J. BYE, A. Tr.__ • J. J. FLYNN, A. Tr. T. J. BARRETT  •i .15 _  Send us your Worcester busmess. Prompt Service. Reasonable rates.  300,000  lJOHN E. WHITE----- H.P. MURRAY------- A. J. DANIELS, Tr, ___ S. H. CLARY, V, P, WILLIAM 0. LUEY.J... SAMUEL 0. SPURR and Trust Officer. Ch. of .ud. CHARLES A, BARTON B. F. SAWYERRD & TRUST COMPANY W. S.SHEPA •U'68 + 53-1 1  z>  --- ---  ~  832,190 Chase N. and, Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; en Cont. & Com IN., Chi.; N. Y. State N., 1 _ -· ___ ___ ___ Alb.;tth-AtlanticN.,Bos.  202.580 7,570.200 7.158,210  ___ __ _  l,9J3,690 23100 030 24 5i1 480  People's Savinis Bank-•il'M G. A. Ga kill------ W. T. Forbe '------ F. W. White, Tr. ___ W. C. Radcliffe, Sec. G. E. Ryan. A. Tr. G. K. Alden, 1r. P. l1. J. \Vhittall 53-8 H.C.Midgley, A.Tr.  BK *U,ORCESTER ff  ---  :E  I 5'  472,2-10 N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.  1  r-t-  ~ ,0  ;!.  F. M. HEDDEN, cc, __ 1.500,000 1.624.£90 27972 880l32957980 5,762,840 N. Bk. Com. and Cha e N., N. Y.; Cont. & Io Com'l 1'., Chi.: N. ' hawmut, Bo • H. H. SIBLEY, A. Tr. C f HUNT A Tr 1~ GREENw·ooo: Your busine ss soll cited for W orcester and vicinity, B:  w.  caref ul and prompt attention.  A. Tr. with a s s ura nee of  j  S 0  Worcester Co. Inst. tor Sav. S. B. Woodward ___ A. Geo. Bullock ___ D• . Pierce. Tr, ___ E. A. MacGowan, A. Tr. L. . Kinnicutt •:tl'28 53-5 c. l!'. Potter, A. Tr. Waldo Lincoln \\'. E. Sihle U. W .• lad::intire _ Arthur P. R~f--Levis G. White Geo. M. Bassett Kinsley & Adams _________ '06 _______________ ·--- ------------ ----  Worcester Five Ots. Sav. Bk. handler Bullock __ •il'54 T • . John.011,l'.P. 53-7 Worcester Mech.Sav.Bk.•1'51 John H, Coes _____ 53-f  2,734,770 32 398 870 35 04i 050  s::  540,060 N. hawmut and 1Ierch. N., Bos.: Worcester ;. Bk. & Tr. Co., Worcester.  M. F. Converse.Tr. Harri on G. Taylor, -·· _____ 1,699,110 19 05i 330 20-13-i 450 302,010 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. A. Tr. L. II. Oro . A. Tr. 1,452,140 16 53 090 Ii 690 590 307,J50 N. Shawmut, Bos. 0. L. Burleieh, Tr. W. R. Da.dmun, . 'I A. Tr. ---- ·-------------- -------------------- --------- --------- -----·--- --------- --·------ Kidder, Peabody & Oo .. N. Y. and Bos.  LEE, HIGGINSON & C0.---'48 (Bonda) _ _ _ _ ------------------- John Tuck, ~•lar. __ -------------------- (Brairu:h of Bosto •n, ~,tasi; . ) ________ --------- Lee, Hierinson & Oo .. N. Y., Ohi., and  Bo■•  (340 .\Iain St.)  Worcester Clearine House ___ Samuel H. Olary __ _ (Members indicat«l b11 a  •>  ________ ___ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ A. H. Stone,  ec.__ _________ __________________ , _________________ _ I  Wrentham_ ortollc D 9 at. Bank of Wrentham•:t'IZ H. •· Gowell _________ ----------- J. R. Oarpenter ---- -------------------53-605 Pop. 2 08 First Nat. Bk. of Yarmouth Joshua CrowelL _____________________ T. s. Crowell----- Gorham Pulsifer __ Yarmouth Port, Barn•i•25 53-606 stable ___ Pop. 1220 _ 1◄' H  MASSACHUSETTS Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  52,500 100,000  39,760 1 li!l,660  230,3JO  18,;jQO 2d N., Boa.  3;;0,330  5-16,:->30  6-1.360 1st N., Bos.  8i,l;:;Q  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  ~  ..  •Ill ..  a en '  621.230l 9,832,280 8,i87,590 2,483,810 Mech.&:MetalsN.,N.Y.;lstN.,Chi.andBos.; 4th St. N.,Phil.  F. A. DRURY----- C. A. EVANS-- ------ C. S. PUTNAL----- H. T. TILLSON------- 1,000.000 1,302,080 17,012,340 16,282,950 2,951,110 Chase N.,N.Y.; Ft. Dear. .• Chi.; 1st N., Bos.: t--3 i-3 R. W. DAVIS,A.Cash. J. A. FITZGERALD N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, H. R. McJNTOSH, A. R. BRIGHAM H.S.BOWKER, 1.Cash N. B. POTTE.R Asst. to Pres. W. J, CONLON  *MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK  .C  '  ~  -  u  -=-----~------  C  iu  '0 C  t  pee  0 .. c..  ~ J  a..i a..i  l  0 t)  .  for Kalamazoo and territory surrounding, we are especially fitted to serve.  '0 C ~  tn  C  ·0 u 0  ~  u  Many years experience; resources $8,000,000; an alert Organization; complete equipment, and that difficult to define but all important glow of service enthusiasm-all are here.  (l)  0  ~  C 0  Personal attention by bankers of experience is assured business entrusted to us.  ~  C  iu  t <  e  ~  c..  E 0  a  azoo C y Savings  ALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Capital and Surplus $800,000.00  a..i  0. iu  -~> ~  ·-·C tn  ~  a..i  iu  0  c  plete an Ing Ser Ir '·  AT  >  '0  <tn ~  C  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  Bay City, Michigan USE THE  ~  CQ  FLINT, MICHIGAN our Bo lne  FIRST NATIONAL ·BANK  Invited  FOR  SERVICE  nt  Oldest and Strongest Bank in Northeastern Michigan  a k  Cl  0  COLLECT O ,, . l B . "Does a Commercia usiness  .Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  S  Given Prompt, Personal Attention  SEND US YOUR BUSINESS  (SEE REVERSE SIDE) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  C:04  1\•AT"'li"l:FY  _  a,.,.....,.....,. _____  THE  N~tionalBank~ (ommene OFDETROIT  Prompt and intelligent attention giv.en to collections.  Unusual facilities for the handling of Michigan items.  I  Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 1,500,000  Resources $35,000,000 ESTABLISHED 1870  GRAND RAPIDS SAVINGS BANK Special Attention to Commercial Business fi1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111111111111111111 '§  I  s D YOUR COLLECTIONS  I  i THE BIG BA KI iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllfr.  GRAND RAPIDS THE CLEARI G HOUSE /or WESTER MICHIGAN (BEE REVERSE SIDE)  II  TflE rEortES STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK  Detroit  Michigan  Resources over $125,000,000  s  !w~nty-six branches, centrally located, keep this mstitution in the c]osest nos ible touch with the business and financial puls·e of Detroit. We invite correspondence from banks, bankers, corporations and individuals. Commercial and Savings Departments. OFFICERS JAMES T. KEE 'A, Chairman of the Board JOHN W. STALEY. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... President A. H. MOODY ........................ Cashier F. A. SCHULTE ................. Vice-President D. N. SWEENY ................. . Asst. Cashier JOHN • BODDE ................ i·ice-President D. E. LEUTY .....•.•.......... . Asst. Cashier H. P. BORGMAN ................ Vice-President WILLIAM BRAASCH .............. . Asst. Cashier R. W. SMYLIE ............•.... Vice-President G. W. BEASLEY ................ . Asst. Cashier R. T. CUDMORE .............. . . Vice-President CURTIS C. BOGAN .............. . Asst. Cashier CHARLES H. AYERS ............. Vice-President LEO D. HEAPHY ................ . Asst. Cashier AUSTIN E. WING ......... . . . Asst. to President C. I. NORMAN ..... . Manager Bond Department GEORGE T. COURT! 'EY, Auditor RODERICK P. FRA ER, i\lanager Foret'gn Department RUSSELL A. ALGER GEORGE H. BARBOUR W. T. BARBOUR JOHN R. HODDE H. P. BORGMAN H. M. AMPBELL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  DIRECTOl~S C. A. DuCHAR IE ROBERT S. MASON F RA 'K J. HECKER FRED T. MORAN FRED W. UODGES FRED T. MURPHY ]. C. II TCHL · M. J. MURPHY JAMES T. KEE 'A W. HOWIE MUIR 11. B. LEDYARD 1 RUMAN H. NEWBERRY  WALTERS. RUSSEL HUGO SCHERER F. A. SCHULTE ANGUS, SMITH R. SMYLIE JOHN W. STALEY HOMER WARREN  w. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  t:ll::X:O:::X:O::::  OOOOCJOOO  '"1("ti(t ~ :,,;.ci,  Si8§8~i; :a~0-ocsBcs10  g:l.[':'.3,i ~~~l  ii ~~~~~~  I  I  1  1  : t  ~  I  ~~~~L~  : ~ : : ;:;s : : :  ..,l,;i>,;iQt,:jq)~'-< ~-la)~t.,00~~  1  2  90°  3  87°  6  8  10  8_50  11  Longitude West. from Orecnwi h  Northern Po1•tion of  QcA•1eou 1.  L  A  K  I  0  MICHIGAN  A  SCALE  R  -<  B  -C C I I C  .,  I J  RA JD 1\1<;  ALLY  D  I I I  POPULAR MAP OF  C .-  MICHIGAN  1  SCALE Statute Miles, 33.:; =1 Inch. 40 30 10 20 [4ml )k:-ially'i.1 :,icw 11 • H Ma11 of :"tli.cblian, CopJrlgbt by Rau,l JlcNall1 &. Cu.  1~  !!\  '0' --Railroads H++t++Steam &. Electric  ,~  E  --Electric Lanes  /"-  F  C  2  CHICAGO GRAND RAPIDS DETROIT  3  4  5  6  7  8  FENTON, DAVIS & BOYLE UNDERWRITE and DISTRIBUTE  BONDS  9  10  GOVERNMEN T MUNICIPAL  ENTIRE ISSUES  CORPORATION  11  2970  I  I  -  .  ;-  ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Banking Facilities  F  INANCIAL and business affairs today are more than national-they are international. So closely interwoven is the commercial fabric of the whole world that an understanding international in scope is often necessary to the proper handling of big business problems.  An intimate connection with the financial and industrial nervecenters, not only of this country but of the entire world, enables this institution to offer an especially valuable service to depositors. We maintain commercial, savings and foreign exchange departments, each of the high standard for which this bank has always been noted.  OFFICERS WM. J. GRAY WM. T. DeGRAFF FRANK G. SMITH EDWARD C. MAHLER JOHN H. HART WALTER G. NICHOLSON W. A. McWHINNEY F. F. CHRISTIE RUSSELL E. SMITH JAMES A. WILSON  EMORY W. CLARK Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President - Vice-Pres. & Cashier - Vice-President Asst. Cashier - Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier  President Asst. Cashier BYRON W. CLUTE A11St. Cashier HENRY J. BRIDGMAN - Asst. Cashier CHAS. H. WAGAR Aut. Cashier A. W. T. MEYERS Asst. Cashier GEO. H. MAHLER Asst. Cashier EDWARD E. DEAN Asst. Cashier FREDERIC J. PARKER Asst. Cashier W. R. BROUGHTON Asst. Cashier A. V. McCLELLAN Asst. Cashier CHARLES McMICHAEL Manager Foreign Exchange L. F. MERZ  DIRECTORS J. BURGESS BOOK LAWRENCE D. BUHL ROY D. CHAPIN EMORY W. CLARK JAMES CRAIG. Jr. STANFORD T. CRAPO JOSEPH J . CROWLEY JAMES E. DAVIDSON CLINTON G. EDGAR ALLEN F. EDWARDS  JOHN H. EMMERT MERTON E. FARR J. S. FARRAND. Jr. JAMES H. FLINN DEXTER M. FERRY. Jr. J. B.FORD RALPH GILCHRIST WM.J.GRAY WM. P. HOLLIDAY LEWIS H. JONES  EUGENE W. LEWIS GILBERT W. LEE F. H. MacPHERSON JAMES T. McMILLAN THOMAS NEAL W.C.RANDS JOSEPH 8 . SCHLOTMAN E . D . STAIR FREDERIC 8 . STEVENS ELLIOTT G . STEVENSON  Capital and Surplus $7,500,000  DETROIT  Member Federal Reserve Bank  MICHIGAN  The First and Old Detroit National Bank, the Central Saving• Bank and the Firat National Company are under one ownerahip  I  I  '.~.,:·'::i:·  I -11 Non-Bao.II: Towns wltli Nearest Rankine Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (i.r:dexed) in back of thls ' 0 8 8 =;;~:='=.=::::.......,=';;-=·="===-=::::•.. ~=-====u:=:::=.-.:;:.~·==::::•= .. =:==...-=•-==-=nJc=•=;::::::_,. ======================:==::::::=;============-===::~v .:.ol:.:u=m=-=e=.=F=o~r~I~n~t=er=e~s=t:..:_Rates, HoUdays, etc., see La~ ~  631  NaBJbe, aader Naaie  or Bllall ill  the New 'Z'raaall NIUlll=,gve.  lf.~.!-k. '; •a•elt._1161_.ie1T bY,..._TheA.m~~~al1Ten 88 6 7 01 NAME OP B.&NK.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  MICHIGAN  ..,_ 9!8_•  (  "County 8e.ats. •Mem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. IState Fiiure is Fed. Re • Dist. ••Mem. State Bk:s.Assn. tPriv. PBJCSIDENT. VICJ:-PBJCSIDENT. is Detroit Branch. +Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - - - - - -  I  bs'T 0!.SBID,  OilBID.  Is uxi::Lus A. D  $  25,000 ••••..•.. $ 20,000  $  I  B. E. TOBIAS.-.. \R. H. WATTS ....... c. s. WHITNEY ...... IF. A. FAULHABER... 120,000 *ADRIAN STATE SAVINGS \ C. S. WHITNEY \ BANK ♦ 74-153 •••• -• 1'03 All business sen t us wlll receive p 1 rompt attention. { Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi It Reports by send Ing  I  DEPOS-  - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - ' PROFITS : ~  Ada·-···-·····Kent J 5 Farmers & Merchants Bank Wm. McCrodtm ••. B. }I. He~h •. --·· F. J. Cook ..••••••• c. A. Mills ••.....•. 7 Pop. 450 74-986 tT! A.ddison .••• Lenawee K 8 AddisonState Sav .Bank•U'05 Wade Millis··--· D. A. Curtis .•••••• 111'. B. Clenland_•• C. 0. Foote •..••••• 70 Pop, 416 74-541 F. B. Cleveland , I •Adrian.-••. Lenaweo L 8 70 Pop. 11, i  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  PAm-uP CAPITAL  FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain •i6ht draft•. 15c:  Cre dit Reporte. 25c. 1  TRY  20,750  ½'m&D,aC T1I. Bo~DS, SICU&lTl-  80,000 $ 389,160  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  c..mux.  ll.>  CRANGK,,Doi:  ..,  raox D . < N l < S . 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ~  39,000 $ 17,200 N. Produce, Chi.: Geo. E. Ellis. G. Rap, 358,450  128,7i0 1,948,870 2,009,330  60,120 N. Bk. Com •• W. Y.: Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.: N. Union, Jackson: N. Bk. Com., Adrian. 238,310 0hase N. and N .. Obi.  .i:·.  Ilk. Com., N. Y.: Ft. Dear.  1  US.  1  *Commercial av. Bank ' K. N. Smith •. ...:.. •• P. J. Dunn •••..•••• P. J. Dunn ···-·-· J.P. Libs-···-····· ♦ 74-152 •U'll8 , L. A. Walker 1 Wm. M. Shepherd *Lenawee Co. Sav. Bk .. •U'69 H. V. C. Hart. .•.•• C. D. Hardy ........ · J.C. 1lurphy, Y.P. A. W. Wright..... ♦ 74-151 R. . Morelaml, L. J. Lewi • Jr. and Cash. L. E. Ilolmec, Ch. of Bd. D. B. M.ori~an .i:". L. Groe how 1  110,000  33,000 1,576,000 1,502,000  140,000 Irving N .• N. Y.: N. City. Chi.: Peo. State, Det.: N. Bk. Com. Toi.  150,000  71,580 1,970,490 1,917,UO  271.93\l Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! ., Chi.; Lt N., Clev.: It& Old Det. N .. Det. -  R. C. ROTHFUSS •• '. W. H. SHIERSON •... C. H. LEWIS ..•••••• H. E. GRUEL. •• ·-··•A, J. KA !SER  100.000  46,000 1,246,300 1,-191,210  158,060 N. City, N. Y. and Chi.: I t ~'.,Cleve.  i3:  1  l  *IIIT. BANK OF COMMERCE 74-154  0  Superior Collec tlon Service-Pro mpt Remittance -Reasonable Rat es. Send your Adrl an Items direct t o us for quick ac tlon. Picm1e send 15c wit11 each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Cr edit Re ports.  • i·o11  .... ....  . Ho 1 hfu 'l.·-·- R. P. \Ya tt , ···-·····--·····-·· ... -. ·-·- ......... Sec. and Tr. 12.000 11.500 ···················- C. W. Stacy····-·· M. Bush .·-·- •...•. 7,000 15,000 W. A. troebel -··· F. G. Arms iron~ ... ·········-·-······-·  302.:'0o  397,000  70,000  140,000  8,000  70,000  60,000  Albion ••••-. Calhoun K 7 ALBION STATE BANK .. •U'115 D. A. Garfield····1. Pop. 354 .. +. 74-241 . • H O Bl . •••.•••• Commercial & avmgs Bank . , all' ••••••.. ♦ 74·2-10 •U'03 1 Alden ••.••. -.Antrim F 6 Farmers&:MerchantsBk:.:tt·08,0. W. McPhaiL_ •• _ 7 Pop. 250 74-544 Algonac .• _. St. Clair J 11 Aleonac Savings Bank•:t§IOOO: C.R. Champion ••• 7iJ POI>. 1303 74-545 •AllPean .•. -. AlleL?an J 5 AlleL?an State Sav.Bank•:tl'60 1H. A. DeLano •••••• 7 Pop. 3637 74-311  W. S. Kessler.•••.• R. E.  ·····-··-···-······ R. 0. BennetL•••.. , F. M. Myers •.•..••  5,000  chumacher. R.H. Davis •••••••• . W. C. Marsh--····· 0. G. B~elow •••••. O. S. Loud--····-··  50,000  65.000 1.100,000 1,105,000  75,000  67,500 1,038,820 1,03-1.800  W. S. Richardson •• C. Y. Pitman .••••. -······-·-·-··-··-·  10,0001 20,000  15,0CO  375,000  330,000  E.W. DeLano •..•. ,C. F. Peck •.••••••. ··-----·······  30,000  12,160  501,380  477,990  (0.S.CROSS ..... A. L.ROBIIISON ... ,W.W.MILLER -···- B. W. BARKER....  50,ooo  29,000  900,000  688,140  l  L. o. Bloomer , John East···-····· f W. E. Folsom ••••• Wm. Petrequin __ _  49 ,3:iO  Allega n Cou nty.  61,000 1st &_ Old Det. N., Det. Sae-maw. 23,000 Cont. & Com'I :r., Chi.  12,000 Cont. & Com"l ·N., Chi.; 1st N., Petoskey; Peo. C/JI State, Det. 139,000 N. City, N. Y.: Ooot. & Com'I N., Chi.: Bk. Com. and 1st & Old Det. ~ T . . Det. 0, 88,8,0 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Clli.; Peo. State and ll.> 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 0 6,600 Traverse City State, Traver e City. T.  1  0  50,000  34,920  842,950  781,410  70,000 Chase .i:T., LT, Y.: Ft. Dear., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. ~ . and Peo. tate, Det. 100,730 Ilan. ·., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: G. Rap. 0 N. City, G.Rap.: Kalamazoo City Sav., Kala- ::S mazoo. r+ 103,360 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 1st& Old Det. N., Det.; Old N., G. Rap.  3  20,000  4,110  99,290  114,590  162,160  I  Allen -····· Hlllsdale K 7 Allen State Saviors Bank: IA.. L. Norton ••••••• E. J. Ben1?e ....•.. 7D Pop. 560 •U'll Alma •.•••••••. Gratiot I 7 AlmaStateSavmrsBank•U-01 ! W. A. Bahlke ••••.. Jotham Allen ••••.• 7 Pop. 7512 ., 74-322 • , I • _ .. FIRST STATE BANK.-. U 80 L. A. Sharp_···-·· FrancIS Krnf! ..•••• 1,-321  T. N. Brockway ••• E. C. Watkins, Sec. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •·  otifi  . City, N. Y.; Oont. & C<,m'l N .. Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: Kent tate, G. Rap.  13.980 Cont. & Corn'l N., Chi., Com'! Sav. 'Bk. & Tr. Co .. Toi. Chase '., '.Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Peo. State, ancl 1st c · Old Dct. T., Det. Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I N., Chi,; 1st & Old Det. N. and N. Bk. Com., Det.  810,220 252,900 U,300 1,001,820 Karl R. Adams .••. H. M. Glass--······ 50,000 R. C. 1<;1y C.H. Washburn •.. J. . Kooertzer.... 100.000 110,520 1,380,710 1,336,0~0 167,220 Wm. ::\-fcFadden. Frank 0. Parker 1 A. Cash. 372,070 111,640 Almont. .•.••• Lapeer J 10 Almont SaviDE'S ~nk: .. •U'OO I W.W. Paton .••••• F. P. Andrus ...... - Geo. D. Hart.. ••..• L. C. Sanborn .• _._ 25,000 · 23,500 42-1.420 0 _ _ _ _ __ Banking ~t Charles R. j••..•••••..•.••••.. _i _····-·············· J. c. Johnson ••• _. ·····-··········-·· _ _ _ _ _ _ - Ferguson_74-504 •••.•• in2 I  7. ~~~·.~~~  > .... ->  National and the Oldest Organ ized Bank in ASSETS OVER ONE Ml LLION DOLLARS.  First State Bank ....- .. •U 05 C.R. Wilkes-·-·· H. D. Pritchard .... H. E. \ aupell .•.•• ···-·······-········ 1,-313  ~  .c;,. ~  Please. send 15c w ith each . ight draft for 1>r~entation a nd 25c for Credit R,:iJorts.  '  1,~  Bk:. of SaL?inaw,1  Special attentlo n given BIii of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items.  1,-112  e;  O 0:,  46,640  JThe only FIRST NAT'L BANK •i·11 .  R.  1.930  1  om., Det.;  z>  Adrian Clearing House ...... C. .._, Whitn<'Y -··-·(Members indicated b11 (1. *) A.kron ·-··--Tuscola Hg Bank of Akron ..•••••••• t'97 (Ealy, Stacy & Co.) 70 Pop. 505 74-542 . Alanson .• _._.Emmet E 7 Citiz. Bk. of R. 0. Bisbee & R. 0. Bisbee •.••••• 7 Pop. 33:.! Company.74-963 .•••••. t'l4 Oha N .A.Ib Pop:·s18trlm F G Alba Bank: .ii-=s.ta·······it•051 s. Obie ••••••••  7....  •. Bk.  1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. State, Det.; Federal Com'I & av .. Pt. Huron. Liberty N .• N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS CHICAGO  632  . . ..._ under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. excluslvelJ by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlree&or,, uader the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  Tow• ~D ciouNTY, •Oounb' Seats.  1  MICHIGAN  ==-c:;==~= __  NAME OF BANK.----  C -=-~  t"  1n ue  d  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Arccs.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. - ~ o u ~ - - - PRINcr;ALC~R-;Es~DENTs:~  ----~ LJABILlTIEs.  1•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lBtate Figure is Fed, Res. Dist. 1:llem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. oi Detroit Branch. '•~em. Fed. Re . [Estab.  PRESIDKNT  ·  VICE PRESIDENT · ·  CASHIER  ·  .Ass'  T  0  I ~SH ER,  I  p  SURPLUS AID·UP AND CAPITAL PROFITS  D  EPOSITS  0\  w  ~  'to.s•&D••· CAm&Ex•n. 11o"'"• c,usu..,nu•  sacuswu  •Ro><  n"""·  ------------,----------------  •Alpena _._•• AIJ>6na E 10 ALPENA COUNTY SAV. BANK F. I. Holmes ____ .. _ F. H. OrrutL .... _ V, W. Tourje __ . __ • 7 Pop. 11,101 .. J4-123 •U:04 , . ·• _____ Alpena. National Bank-·•: 72 Wm. H. Johnson._ \\. T. Hoey··-· ·- W. F. Demson ••• __ 74-122 Alp1i ··Pop~Iflron C 3 First Natio1::oftnk •• -.•i'l4 Paul Andersen--·· Wm. J. Perkins .•• Henry J, Veeser·-  G. L. Grenier ______ S 100,000 $ 333,230 $3 434 640 U 240 390 $ a4I.880 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Dhi.; 2d N .. Il. E. J?ickenson ? Saeinaw: 1st & Old Det. N .• Det. A. Chnstopherson _ 50,000 106,770 2,3.:52,680 2,209.080 3-3.600 N. Park and N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N .,Det C. G. Nelson--··-25,000 10,680 129,250 128,770 22,400 Han. N .• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.  lUO.-----·------Kent JS Farmers State Bank ___ •U-04 Edson O'Harrow -- Alex. Robertson ___ W. H. AngelL ••• _ 7 Pop. 300 74-547 . V. C. Walton Amble •••••• Montcalm 16 Amble State Bank·- ·---t§'l8 S. M. Dinsmore_. __ Harry F. Beckley. H.F. Beckley -···7 Pop. 100 74-1011 •bn Arbor •• Washten'w *A.nn Arbor Bav. Bank •U'61l M. J. Fritz···--··· W. D. Harriman--· Wm. L. Walz. ____ • 70 Pop. 19,516 K D 76-100 Carl F.  ·--·-·-· ··-····----  20,000  22,930  309,720  350,400  Viola Beckley-···-  20,000  2,230  85,230  96,520  John 0. Fritz_._... A:.fred F. Staeb Roy B. Hiscock *Farmers & Mechanics Bank H. A.. Williams-·-- J.E. BeaL .• ____••• Jr. T. Stowe._. __ • E. L. Jenkins-+ 74-101 •:1'83 G. W. Millen  300.000  336,770 4,409,390 4.261,040  10.940 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: G. Rap. N. City and G. Rar,. Sav., G. Rap, 717.930 Liberty N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.,Ohi.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. State, Det.  200,000  106,330 2,273,490 ' 2,122,290  378,i00 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & com'l N .. Chi.: Peo. State, Det.  Si:  ···-1R. F. Gauss----···· ~has. F. Gruner_..  100,000  90,000 1,230,00011,400,000  200,000 Imp. & Tra. N. and N, City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Bk.of Det., Det.  tz: O  *STATESAVINGSBANl•t§'93 Wm. Arnold •• _••• D.F.Zimmerman_ C.J.Walz_. _ _ R.A.BeaL---···  300,000  30'.l,000 3,183,000'3,100,000  I  •  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•'63 K. D. Kinne·-···· Harrison Soule 74~  Aon A.r:r ~~:::Di House •• - - - -  Geo. Mann  61,050 Merch. N ., N. Y.; G. Rap. N. City,  G. Rap.  385,000 ChaseN.,N.Y.;lstN.,Chi.;lst& OldDet. ',, ►  -------·I·--·--···------·-·· R. E. Reichert•••.• - - - ___,. - - - - - - - - - -  Z  Peninsular tate, and Peo, State, Det.  to  (Membm-s indicatt.d b11 a *)  ApPleeate •••• Sanilac I 11 STATE BANK OF APPLEGATE  7O Pop. 177  74-548  ill1900  rl  > A. E. SLEEPER---- J. P. NIGGEMAN, JR,- WALTER CALKINS--- CHAS. 0. MURIIAY ---  i  20,000  7,380  2-11,060  2-19,010  Collections and, Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight dr a/ts, 15c; Credit Rep orts, 25c.  Arcadla ..... :Manistee G 4 Arcadia State Savings Bank IT. Maun tier · ·--- __ D. A. Jamieson_. __ Harvey Grund--··· Emma ~falli  29,750 ChaseN., N.Y.; 1st& OldDet. N .. Det.:Fecteral Com'l & Sav., Pr. Huron.  ~  '(fl  I  011--·-  20,000  200  125,390  H0,070  18,IJS0 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Old N., G. Rap.; ;:: -1st N ., Manistee. ,c,  Arn:le ______ Sanilac H 10 Ariyle Bank-·---·······tt·o2 W. Reinelt ·-·· ··-- - - - - - - · - W. Henry Prentiss Jennie Langen burg 7 D Pop. 250 74-550 Pearl \I. Rcinelt Armada--·· Macomb J 11 Armada State Bank .•• __ •§'10 8. I. Stomp. _______ W. C. Bottomley._ W.W. L:,ons -···· G. H. Hebbl~white.  10,000  3,50C  209,000  206.000  10,000 1st N .. Bay City; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det.  25,000  27.890  437,970  414.770  76,110 1st & Old Det. N. and Bk. of Det., Det.  Farmers State Bank •••• •H'll W. A. Dodier--·--· C. S. Priest---··-·· O. J. Kesner.·---- -·--·---------··---• 74-492  25,000  14,300  321,020  337,670  33,240 Ohase N., N. Y.: N. City, Ohi.: Peninsular State and Pea. State, Det.  7  Pop. 800  74-540  •tl'lO D. J. Martineau, \V. H. Ellert Ch,oJBd.  + 74-41H  7 D Pop. 711  Alhl87-•p·---· ·G ratiot I 8 Fir t 7 OP, 596  (")  350,000  2,10,000  90,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; bt N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Toi.: :J6 Comw. Fed~ral Sav., Det.  F. G. WOODRUFF __ G. W. BROKAW-----· F. E. ESTES-------- H. 0. WELLS--·--··30,000 FRANK WOLF Collectlons and Requests for Cre dlt Re1>orts MUS T be accompanle d by (<'EE IN ADVAN ~CE: Plain ai(Jht dr 1afts, 15c; Credit Rep orts, 25c.  19,860  435,000  424,000  61,:?.70 Liberty N., N, Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Comw. Irederal Sav., Det.  40 ,000 lst&Old Det. N., Det.;Alpena Oo.Sav., Alpena; 1st N., Bay City. 23,000 1st & Old Det. N ., Det.; Bay City, Bay City; Bk. of Saginaw, Saginaw. · 52,1)00 Cent.Tr.Co.of Ill., Chi.; 1st& Old Det. N .. Det.; Peo.Oom'l&Sav.andFar.State av.,BavCity. 24,270 1st N .• Chi.: Peo. State, Det.; Kalamazoo-City Bav .. Kalamazoo. - - - - - N. ~k. Com., N. Y.: 1st~ Old Det. N., Det.: Bay City and 1st N., Bay Oity; Alpena Co. Sav .• Alpena. 45,000 Chasp, N,, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.  •.Atlanta ••• Kontmorency 7 Pop. -100 E8 A11balll.-······--Ba1 H 8 7 D Pop. SOO .Aa Gres·-··- .Arenac G g 7 Pop.109 .Aacusta .. Kalamazoo K II 7 Pop. 651 .Aa Sable____ Iosco G 9 (Oscoda. P. O.) l Pop.171 .!Toca.. _____ St. Olair 111 7 0 Pop. 250 Bach.---·-·Huron H ).0  JI. J,unden --· •• ~- . A. E. Sleeper-----• Wm, Briley--·----· )I. C. Doty O. W. McPhaiL •• _. O. H. Macomber--· B. W. Gillman ••••• Wm. J. Bierct E.G. Cole-·-·-···- H. A. Chamberlain. J. R. Petty-··--··· . C. F. 1oreau_____ • C. B. Scudder _____ • R. E. clnanson ___  I  IsabelleMulholland  20,000  2,000  00,000  66.000  -------  20,000  6,210  232,000  249,100  D. L. Pe~ty --------  20,000  9,790  172,270  160,000  ----------·-··  20,000  2,700  H0,000  132,940  T. E. Reichle  ------·-···-·--·--·· ··-·--·····--··---- - - - · · - - - -------···-··- (Branch  Fir t 'ational Bank·-·-•i'02 Wm, V. Andreae ••• Frank A. Hill_ ••••• 0. V. Aadreae ••••• Lloyd V. Andreae_ 74-558 Seeley, Andrews. Bach & Co., L. G. Seeley·----· 0, D. Andrews.·--· Dell O trander --·· Bankers. 7,&-ll26---·-·-t'l0  25,000  of Ol!Co da, Mic h.) ..••• _  18.000  320,000  Ill  I Ill  MERCHANT$ ·NATIONAL BANK of Detroit Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  to  s»  4,500  i  tllE  ..+  20,000  Athens _____ CJalhoon K 6 ATHENS STATE BANK.•U'll 7 POD, 553 74-552  1D Poo. 250  ::3 Ill  0  tate Bank ···-··•t§'03 James Anstey. ___ . A.G. Aldridie ••. -. G. A. Lewis .. ---·-· G. Aldridge---··--· 74-551  Atlanta State Bank-· ._._§'07 74-553 Peoples State Bav. Bank.1'07 7'-554 Au Gres State Bank .•• --U'l2 74-555 State Bank of Auiusta-.U'00 74-556 Geo. D. llcNichol &Oo .• it·oo 74-557  (1)  320,000 1  111  Ill  11•  HAS T_HE ABILITY; WILLINGNESS ANO FACILITIES NECESSARY TO SERVE YOU SATISFACTORILY  ;  ' ~'  i ;  II L :_ ~  I •  I  I ~  .f  ' I  I,  t _:  :,  , ;.:_;.  f  t .  ~  ._ Ill  ::l  C  ~  '<  ..  633  Nrunbel under Nam~ or Banlc ii, the Nerr Traa,;lt ,Vumber pven to each bank i.o u. S. excluslrely by The &and-MeNaUy Bankers' Dlttctor1·. uod.-r the authurJt;y of TIJe Amerl<'ao Ban.kers ~ss'n.  -TOWN A.ND CODNTY.  /  Non-Bank Towns "·Ith Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acct's.), Lawyer, Law (indexed) in back of this'-  MICHIGAN-Continued  NAME oFBAXK.  -----~-:-,....  =-====--=--="--=- volume:___!or lntere,;;t Rah•s~Holldars, etc., see La~s. ~  ~  A  A  •Bad Axe ____ Huron H 11 State Bank of Frank W. Hub- Frank W. Hubbard John Ryan ·------- Jos. N. Rankin ________________________ $ 30,0001$ 45,400 bard & Company ____ -•U'Ol L. Bureess 7 D Pop. 21-tO 74-383  \J.  STATE SAVINGS BANK •U'Ol 1  74-384  A. E. SLEEPER---- -------------------- \JAMES BALDWIN---- JAPHETH HIND-----G. W WALKER  Efficient, Perso nal  KE ouRcEs.  LIA HJL!Tlb:.~  .aOounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Slate .PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. 0 SHIER Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-uP So~NLoos DEPosFigl!reisFe~.Re.Dit. tMf'm.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. A • C••IT'L ITS D L Detroit Branrh +Mem. Fed. Re!'. [Estab. 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - -- - - - - 1 .....PROFITS  25,000  1  40,740  s 958,660 826,560  1.o..... • r"•· c...... " ExC'Ta.llo.o.,Oll... ,.Ou,Dus  lbouarr,u  no•Buu  C:  P1u.·c1PAL CORRESPONDENTS.  1-----------------1'~< lll  9  >;  $ 930,6-10 $ 103,-130 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Detr N •• Det.: 1st N.  Ex .. Pt. Huron.  tv  I I  FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain 11i11ht draft• 15c: Cred it Reports 25c. TRY US.  c. N efl' __________  I  I  I  W. Rag en __________ Geo. E. Seaman ______________________ _ II. . 'eaman  25,000 ---------  20,000  ( ')  ::r:  20.000  13,030  321.4'.50  309,100  32,600 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; OldN., G. Rap.  20,000  5,570  416,320  361.4JO  79,650 Chase N .. N. Y.; 9ont. & Oom'_l N .. Ohi.; Peo. State. Det.; Capital N., Lan mg,  Bangor __ Van Buren K 4 We~t llichi1?an Sav. Bk.•!l'82 1Chas. E. Cross _____ W. H. Chapman ___ 0. E. Cross-------- ------------------1 Pop. 12-13 74-562 Jas:P. Ryan  50.000  23,000  910,000  850,000  Bannister _____ Gratiot I 7 Bannister Bank __ ------- tt '03 (Steadman, Moulto n & Co.) ___________ 11'. H. Moulton _---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---7 Pop. 400 74-563  --------- ---------  Bark Rh·er _____ Delta D 5 Bark River State Bank_•tf'lO J. B. Frechette ____ M. B. Harris _______ R. J. Ber~man _____ R.H. Labre ____ ---9 Pop. 250 74-£65 I Baroda _______ Berrien L4 ll;u-01la Stale Jhnk ______ , '20 Carl 'l'ili__ _________ C:lt•on \tiller ______ JI. E. llO\\:trcl ________________________ _ 7 Pop. 300 7-1-1076 1  l.1.  Barrvton ____ Mecosta H 6 Barryton State Sav . .Bk.•tl'08 W. T. Laflin ______ J. Otterliine _______ O. S. Wood _______ E. Soper _______ _ 1 Pop. 36t 74-566 1 Frank Wilson  Bath _________ Qlinton J 8 Peoples Bank ____________ t·to , A. Webster ________ R. E. Cushman ____ I. M. Hammond ___ -------------------7 Pop. 400 74-567 W. G. Conklin  I  f H. a.SHERMAN --- FRANK WOLF------- WM. W. SMITH----Battle Oreek_Calhoun K6 CENTRAL NAI'L BANK--•t'03 J F. G. SNYDER, A.. C. 7 Pop. 36,164 ·1 -76 I , Send us your B attle Creek Items and Collections. l We have the str ength and equJp ment to give the  V.  m~iLk. ~v~iir  City • Tational Bank 74-74  ----•*'71  Charles  c.  t. GRASSMAN----  ~~~:  0  ________ ·-------- Chase N .. N. Y.; C'ont. .. Hancock. 20,000  18,600  204.480  193,i60  20,000  UIO  n,no  52,730  25,000  11.040  186,380  176.820  5,000 - - -  62.070  40,170  &.  Com'I  1 ..  l~  Chi.; lstj i  I  t0  44,910 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .• Ohl.; Lt<Wis. N. ancl lll )1arsliall & Ilsley, )1il. 0. 31,860 IJan. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Bkg. St. Jo.  o., ~  20,580 Capital  ep ~  32,980 Peo. State, Det.  0  .. Lansin1t: Peo. State, "Q~t.  t0  SI)  ~ ~  300,000  1  tilkROSS  259,460 8,510,350 8.362,240 1.037,570 N. City, N. Y.; Oont. & Com'! N .. Ohi.: 1st & (i' Old Det. N., Det.; Union Tr. Co.'; Clev. (')  .  .., (D (D  E. A. KINCH  :ii;-  best of service.  Green_ E. R. Morton _____ _ E. R. Morton ______ N. Y. Green_______ F. A. Allwardt 1T. C. Hine, Jr. ~ T. E. Hubbard Glen VanDenbereh  ~  115,000 Cb.a;se N .• N. T.;N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Kalamazoo- t0 City av., Kalamazoo: 4th N .. G. Rap. 1►  320,000 __________________ Cont. & Com'! N., Ohi.; Peninsular State, Det.  Baraga ________ Barae-a B 3 Bara1?a Bank of H. R. Glad- III. R. Gladden _____ -------------------- Glady Gladden ____ -------------------9 Pop. !J-12 den _____ 74-554-_____ tf'l6  ==  100,000 --------~ Kent State. G. Rap.; Bk. of Det., Doi.  •Baldwin _______ Lake H 5 Lake County Bank ______ it·08 C. W. McPhaiL ___ ------------------- R. J. Smith ________ H.J. Hollister----7 Pop. 471 74-560 J. I. For. ter Bancroft __ Shiawassee J 8 State Exchanee Bank __ !§'06 E. E. Harris _______ T. M.. Euler ________ H. W. Parker ______ n. W. Brockway __ _ 7 D Pop. 529 74-561  I  250,000  82,600 3,831.3-10 3.523,1101  '38,000 Hau. N., N. Y.; N. City, Ohi. ; Peo. State, Det.  l  1  I  Merchants Savines Bk. •:1'95 A. :M. Minty _______ A, O. Jones ________ L. T. Kuehnle __ ___ ____________________ 125,000 125,000 3,000,000 2·,737,500 ! 412,500 Liberty N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Ohi.; 1 t & Old Det. .i:r. and Pco. ~ tate. Det. 74-75 Freel \YelJ,;, V. P. R. F. Hoffmaster H . J{. KowlP!t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  I  OLD NAT  'L BANK w. J. SMITH-------- CHARLES AUSTIN- E. M. MARVIN----- A. D. WEBB -----i-_ S: li~\HER @: f: PBK'.fEE  74-73  •t'61  300.000  - 1- -  I  275,000 7,700,000 7,500,000 -  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  850,000 1Chem. N., N. Y.s :n. Dear. N., Chl.: tat & 1 Old Det. N •• Det.  have the personal att"ntlon of an officer I Collections of the bank; vigorous attention given same. ---1--- ______ ---1  INVESTMENTS FOR BANKS . MATU~ING A! CONVENIENT DATES;  l  '  ervice. l\lod ern equipment, u nexcc.lted racUitle s.  { Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send Ing  Bailey ____Jluskeeon I 5 Farmers Banking Co. ____ t'09 I. 7 Pop. 150 74-559  t  1  78,060 Liberty N .. N. Y.; Merch. N., Det.  799,7i0  l  ~ W  J1  0  i::,,.  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number civen in U. S. e:1.cluslvelJ by The Rand-McNallJ Bankers' under the authority of Tb_e America~ B~n!'er!_ Ass'n.  634 to each bank _,;;_.~_Dt_ree_torJ,  TOWN .&.ND COUNTY. •Ooanty Seats. Fig.ure is Fed. Res. Dist. 0 is Detroit Branch. - -B - H 9  -;;;tr .  • 7D ' Pop~4I~JfY  I  Non-Bank Towns Vrith Nearest Banld ng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this,°' volume. For In~rest ~at~s, ~olld~tC_:, s~ Laws. ~  MICHIGAN-Continued  I  I  NAME OF BANK. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. PRINCIP-'.L CORRJ:8PONDENTS-;- - - •Mem. A.m. Bks. Assn. IState s tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDE.NT, VICE-PRESIDE.NT, OA8Blll, .£.SS'T O-'.SBIJ:K. PAID-UP u~;Ull DEPOS- ~~•:;,~~~ •~Iem. Fed. Re. [Estab. =-=--=-=------'=-=-~=;-;-;--__,_-;;-=.;:-;=:-:-:==--.!.._-~---~ I CAPITAL PaoFITa ITS s1cirarr1U "'o"n~nL ~-~ - SEO. H. YOUH.--.JAMES E. DUFFY-----DAVID MILLER---- J. I. P. HEARER-- - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - -1  ;:::o~~~~-  *BAY CITY BANK •  JOHNC.ROSS j}·A1J~~\Y $ 250.000 $300,000 $4500000 54500000 uzooooo Chem. If., N.Y.; tat N., Chi.and PhU.;I is· CollectlonT have the perso.nal attentJon o{ an officer 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 71  _ 74 33  l {r-~-iLA:KMEfER:: _~_  •  . .  *BAY COUNTY SAVINGS Bit  ,  b;;,::u::L:~-:~. ::,:::,  V. P. and Mgr.  U-831 .&.modern,progr Send your eolle  74-311  Farmer~ ta;~-iivini?s ~,., ~ederick 4  Iohr __  f. l. NORRIS  o  P•:::::•REICH,  Sec, and Tr.  A. Tr. A.Tr.  100,000  211,780 4,625,740 4,480,9,0  510,600 Imp. a. Tta, N, and Chase N •• N, Y.: bl N and Union Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. 1'1. and N Bk Com Det · · ·• ·  50,000 1.180,000 1,380,000  105,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.  W. S. DICKEN,  esslvebank,dolng a commerelaJ bu slness. ctlonsdlrect to us for efflcteat servl ce and quick Mtu rns.  t  ~-e~i:sted·----- W.S.Fotherin1?ham  R: t i~ford___  100,000  A. E. BOUSFIELD---- H.J. MARTIN-------· IRA BRICKER ---- -- -- -*FIRST NAT BANK r1·' .~}~EMENTS--v.KP~'and .'•for, F. T. NORRIS A. C. HARRISo·,.----- 200,000 389,22{) 3,821 ,760 5,314.850. 926,590 N. City N.  1•-n  Oldest and stronitest Bank In Bay County. CoUeetlon• are slveo •i"84 prompt and penonal attention. SEND US YOUlt BU81NE88, SEE AD V. OPPO SITE PA GE 630  •  I  1-------------  150,000  ·, o.  400,000  Northern Title & Tr. Co.§'19 Guy H. Moulthrop. John C. Ross ______ Geo. E. Wedthofl', 74-40 Wm. F. Jennison Sec. and Tr. *Peoples Commercial & Jas. E. Davidson ___ G. H . .Moulthrop ___ J. R. Watrous ____ H. Cook ______ _ Savinrs Bank -------•:U'88 J. R. Tanner G, H. Watrous • 74-35 J. R. Watrous ft.. E. Graves 1 ________  Bay City Olearinl? House _____ Geo. H. Youn2 ---- ----------------- W. E. Oarter, (Members indicated bu  a*)  Bay Port ____ fturon H 10 Bay Port Bank of W.11. Wal- W.B. Wallace _ _ 7 D Pop. aoo lace &Co._74-6t18 ________ t'IMI Bear Lake __ Jrlani tee G 1 Oitizens Bank __________ •it•o2 (:McPhail, Marshall 7 Pop. :r!3 74-5611 Ikavl'rton.__ Gladwln H 7 Peoples State Bank-----! '16 A. R. Niles _____ 7 Pop, ;;,19 74-998 I State Bank of Beaverton 0. B. N~1?eman ___ 74-570 isrnoo 1  I  BELDING SAVINGS BANK "  ., •  ,.t.wll,l  u. an Kleinfild ___ _  G . .A. McGrefor __ I. D. Crawford _____ J. Oliver _________ _ .  A.. E. Sleeper------ II'. A.. Ninemaa. __ J.P.NirremaD,Jr.  1 {H. J. LEONARD ---- A.H. BELDING -----I Olcte!->t. .Hank. Bl 11 of Lacling Colle  1w. B. Detweiler. __ ·, H.  W. S. LAMBERTSON-- 1 A. PARKER -----ction a Specialty. ght draft for pre entatlon, and nsure prompt, pe rsonal attention.  ~  C>  z> ta  11.480  225,120  z>  617,000 8,907,000 9,832,650 1.281.51W Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det,; N, City,Clev. ~  C/l  I  25,000  8,840  178,710  ta  32,740 N. Bk. Com., Det.; Zd N., Sartnaw.  174,940  Po>  '< (j  & l(aynard). _____ A. llarshalL ______ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: 1st N., Manistee.  15 ('ENTS sent t o us with eaeb st UI 25 CE TS for ca l'b er<'dit report i  ., ,  •t.  68,860  Su. I _________________ _  W. IL Wallace, Jr. J, H. Fahrner_____  1  , 1· I la I • Bd( rne--- ---7- on u 7 Pop. 5911  23,690  Y.; Cont. & Com'l N •• Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. State, Det.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. .  -  ~  0  25,0C0 30,000  5,000 12,230  150.000 176,070  ~-  ...  165,000  20.000 1st N .• Bay City; Peo. State, Det.  208,550  20,510 Ch.aae N., N. T.; lat & Old Det. N. and Merch. ta N., Det.; Am. State, Sa,vna,r. B  466,850  155,850 Irvine N., N, Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.: Peo. ;" State and 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: Old N., '< G. Rap,  0  ::,  ,-t-  50,000  31.580  553,360  Oom.m.ercial Bank _____ •tt"ll8 1Wm. II', Sandell ____ ------------------- --------------- ______________________________ Peo. State, Det. 74-2115 I 1 53,630 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of III .. 6-13,710 666,810 22,910 40,000 {BRINTON F. HALL. FRANK R. CHASE---- AMBROSE SPENCER .• SUMNER H WILSON Chi.; DimeSav.,Del.:G. Rap, N.Oity,G. Rap, Largt'~t Ba111,, U ne <·<•lteo tactlitie t.:l<'.t:<'ICIEN'l' PE It ONAL filtVlC E 1 • Spe<•ial attentlo n gl\'en Blll of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Item • 74-:1ll •t' '93 l'l u c end J;j,: wit It each siyht draft for presrntat wn and 25c for Credit Report.~.  PEOPLES SAY BK •8ellaire _____ Antrim JJ' 8 7 Pop. 62~ Belleville _____ Wayne K II 7 D Pop, li21i Bell~vue _______ Eaton J ti 7 Pop. 10~"  Bellaire  I  tate BanJc. _____ *5'08 O. O. Potter _______ 7Hi71 People, State Bank-----•*1'13 J. R. Olar le ________ 7'-572 Bellevue State BanJc. ___ •U'86 F. A. Brown _______ 74-4611 I Farmer tate lhnk ____ t§'17 B. ~. Keister ______ • H -1010  G. W. Bechtold •••• W. H. Richard•---- H. H. Bechtold ___ _  20,000  12,340  185,5;-j0  185,450  F. L. Rob be-------- F, II. Olark ____ - - -----------------  20,000  30,000  320,000  340,000  J. H, York ---- ---- C. D. Kimberl:, ---- -----------------  20.000  10,160  497,320  428,150  I. W. CareO-------- K. D. Kimberly ____ - - - - - - \V. A. Youne c. l[. York Bentley __________ Ba:, ll 8 Bentle:, Bk.of Wm. H. A.itkPn Wm. H. A.itk t'n ___ _ M. li. Attken _______ Y, Ji', Ellcrthorpe __ Wilma ,r. U Poi>. GOO & Oo, ____ 74-573 -------- t'07  25,000  6,000  175,000  181,000  27,730 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.: Cont, & Com'I N,, Ohl.; ,._ G. Rap.N,Oit:,, G.Rap. Po> ;:, 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Peninsular State, Det.  c::  96,730 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N, and Cont. & Com'l N. I).) Ohi.; Peo. State, Det. 25,000 1 t N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det. ~  '"'  I  '"t.  :  I  I;,  I II  8 SI  \l~\\~\\""'~ ·.\ ll1\\\\lll\<. S\\l\C\lS Youa DElROIT AND MICHIGAN...... Nan.lier u11der Name or Blink ia the New NJUD&er ~fren eo Louis eacb bank in U. S. ezcluslvel by Tbe Band-McNall Ban.leers• Federal Reserve Bank of St.  I  • .•  • .•  I  ; :  !  ,  .•  I  '' f  ,  ' ',  .  '  !  .,  I  '; •. .  •,: t • !  :  I ! •  ,  I t  ' I  : •  t  r .  I •  •  •  635  //l■DJber aade, .Na1ne or . .nk ill th• Ne• 'rraiull .Nruaoer ,d-rea co eaab ban.k in U. B. excluslrelr by The Baad-McNallT Bankfer•• Dlreeto'7, under the autborJty of The AmeJ!ea~_!Jan.k!r• ~••n.  ===-:;c__.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  I  NA.ME OF BANK.  .. county SAats. •Mem. Am. Bks • .Assn. §State Fieure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMPm. State Bks . .Assn.tPriv. D i, Detroit Branch. ♦ )fe m. Fed. Re . [E tab. I  Benton Harbor •. Berrien 7 Pop. 12.233 K4  l  LIABILITiltS.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRJCSIDENT,  0.&.SB.Ill.  .A8S'T 0.A.SBill.  StfBPLUa P.t.JD-UP .ufD CA.PIT.AL PaOJ'ITS  ---  w.  H. s. GRAY------E. SHEFFIELD --- W. F. DOWLAND --- F. A. WALKER ------ S %00 000 S 97,490 S.E.DOSTER,V,P, G. R. DATER A. W. FILSTRUP  AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 74-1111  MICHIGAN-Continued  •t·os  BENTON HARBOR  ·-  DsPO&-  ITS  r·  11--  sz 051970  I  red it Reports 25c.  •Bessemer ---Gol?ebic C 1 FIRST NATIONAL BAIK-•i·s6 9 Pop. 5-182 74-578  r·  c.  M. Niles ________ James P. Dixon ____  -------- ------------ -------- --------  100,000  50,000  150,000  20,000  I. PIIRCE---- W. F. TRUETTIER- W. F. THETTNER - S. J. WILLIAMS ---  100,000  95,000 1.900,000 1,800,000  61,180  998,990  806,590  86,280 1,526,470 1,584,540  8,000  630,000  520.000  82,020 1,670.160 1,650,250  FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wl th each sight dra rt for presentatlo n,and TWENTY-FIVE CENT for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per sonal at tentlon.  35,000 jE, R. BAYLISS---- ,. ~- RUMMAjE----M.A. HAGERMAN --- ALOIS A. MAZANEC •• HAGER AN PEOPLES STATE BANK•U'l 2 lFIFTEEN CEN T . A. eot to us wl th each sight dra rt for presentatlo n,and 74-1114  I  I  (Branch of BeuL ah, .Mic h,)__ ____  - ·- ---- ___ .. ---- ----  Ira R. Stemm ______ G. L. Valentine ____ E. F. Garland  l  I  A. B. Higman _____ James M. Rose ____ Paul Parrish _______ C. L. Young J. R. Price------W. P. Robbins  --  '°  j  0. POOLE------ G. M. VALENTINE --- II. P. RESCH-------- K. E. SUTHERLAND ..  + 74-178 Ul900 Berrien County Bank •• • t§'l.>• F. H. Ellsworth ____ John Robinson, 74-180 Ch. of Bd. . Farmers &Merchants N. Bk 0. B. Hipp ______ . 74-177 •t·s 7 Benzoma _____.=Benzle F 4 Central State Bank _____ :1:§'9 3 ---------.-,7 Pov • .>-13 74-574 Berlin ________ Ottawa I 5 (See Marne) 7 Pop. 300 Berrien Springs __ Berrien Berrien State Bank W. H. Sylvester __ 7 Pop. 91 L3 74-571 •it·o8  $l)  ~  $2 008860 $ 309,870 Chatham& Phenix N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.;! N 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Union Tr. Co •• 1 Clev.; 1st N •• Joliet, m.  Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons: TRY US. Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items.  STATE BANK  ..,  :l•- 1 no.a......  r,.,... • 11t..  O&n • c'To.. Bo.... , e1u•••,Dlrs  --- --- ---  Largest Commerc I ial Business in the city. Collections attend ed to promptly when accompanied by FEE IN 4DVANCE:  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-._ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this $l) volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::, i:: RESOURCES. hINOIPAI. 00KRl:8PONDDT8,  80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn EI. N., CbJ.; Old N .• , G. Rap.; 1st N., Clev.  303,580 Chase N .. . Y,; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Det. 224,310 N. Oit1, N. Y.; Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.  & Com'l N., Chi.; Old N., G, Rap,: 1st --- Cont.., Traverse City. 130,000 Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; Am. N., Benton Harbor.; 1st N., Kalamazoo. 230,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., .Mil.  23,000  625,000  5-10,000  153,C00 .Mech. & .Metals N., N. Y.; M:erch. Ln. & Tr • Co., Chi,: Peo. State, Det.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per sonal at tentlon. .. Beulah _______ Benzle F 4 Central State Bk. of Benzon1·a H. B. Woodward_. F. L. Orcutt _______ I. P. Jones _______ 7,ll30 20,000 7 Pop. 500 74-574 •U'll 3  224,840  191,750  65,930 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi,; Old ., G. Rap.  798,630  793,030  68,210 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; G. Rap. N. OitJ, G. Rap.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  45,000 1,410,000 1,390,000  115,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N .• Det.: Old N .. G. Rap.  •Biir Rapids.Mecosta H 6 BIG RAPIDS SAVINGS BAN ~ 7 Pov. 45'.5 • 74-284 •n·o 2  CITIZENS STATE BANK.•U'01  +  74-283  r·  ------ ------- ---  c. H· CAWltNJER --- R. W. WIGLE-------- F. N. FORD--------E•. NE O B~  50,000  A. WRIGHT----- F. E. HOOD--------- D. C. MORRILL------ F. A. \SHLEY------W. T. DODGE G~O. . BEVIER  50,000  N. FERRIS-----  r·  +  14-3112  rRANK FORD------ FRANK HAGERMAN -- THOS. H. COBB--- --- A. 8· PECK --------R. • PECK K Largest  •n·o8  .  Special attentlo n given Bill of Lad Ing drafts, Cash a n Time Items. Please sena ...5c w ith each sioht draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit Reports.  Birch Run ___ Saginaw I ll Birch Run State Bank •• •U'l 2 Chas. Wolohan _____ Wm. P. McGregor __ R. G. Frost_ _______ H.F. Walter ______ 7 D Pop. 600 74-671l Birmingham.Oakland J 10 First National Bank ____ .i·1 0 A. WhitPhea<L. ____ Chancey Nixon _____ ll. T. Jarvis ______ C. B. Randall _____ 7 D Pop. 369-l 74-381 Eu~ene Brook . Ch. uf Bd.  FIRST STATE SAVINGS BAN  40,210  Special attentlo n given BUJ or d Ing drafts, Cash a nd Time Items. Please send 15c IC itheacll siohtdraft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit Reports.  25,000  14,000  330,000  320,000  50,000  39,500  731),600  839,590  100,000  27,090 1,255,000 1,380,000  Bank. Unexcelled faclllt Jes. Sa tlsfactory service assured. Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c tn ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c / or Credit Repo rts.  --------- ------ ---- ---------- ---------- -- --- -------------------  Blteley _____ Newano H 5 Lake County Bank _______ f'l 2 (Branch of Bald win, M• ch.) ____ 7 Pop, 50 74-913 Blanchard ___ Isabella H 6 Blanchard State Bank ___ u·o 7 Wm. J. Orr ________ Aaron Amon ______ Andrew W. Orr ___ C. C. McDonald ____ 20,000 6,000 1 220,000 186,000 7 Pop. 400 74-580 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  45,000 1st N .. Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Am. State, Sai?inaw. 36,290 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., • Bk. Com., and Peo. tate. Det. 1 72,760 Chase N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Peo. State, and 1st & Old Det N., Det.  Park, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Old N., G. --- N.Rap. 2.:i,000 N. Bk. Com., Det.; 2d N., Sa2inaw.  - G.ONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS  1  i  I'  ;'j. 1I  ~  'j'[  11:,:  ; I  ■mw under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. B. exelusl'fely by The Rand-McNallJ Bankers' Dlrectol'J, under th_e -~u-~h~rlty of The American Bankers A.H'n.  TOWN AND O0UNTY.  NAME OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState PRESIDENT tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. • +Mem. Fed. Res. [E tab. Hlissffeld State Bank---•U-73 L. H. Rothfuss ____ . . 74-397 . . First~ Tahonal B:tnk __ _.___ '20 J, D. HemnC'h ____ 74-1072 Jipson-Carter State Bk.•U-85 Cora. A. Jipson ____ 74-398 R. E. ALLEN--- -Bloominrdale_ Van Buren PEOPLES STATE BANK •U'Ol { 15 CJ<].N'l'S ent 7 Pop. 486 K6 74-581 25 CENT fore  VICE-PRESIDKN  l  lPJn  Peopl~ "late Rank ______ , '07 A. ,J. ~taynarcl.---74-24& Boyne Falls __ Charlevoix State Bank of Boyne Falls H. c. Meyer------7 Pop. 2U E 6 74-ll66 i§'H Breckenridge.uratlot 1 7 Farmers State Bauk ---•il'0l .Alex Chisholm ____ 7 Pop. 608 74-5HI J.B. CRAWFORD --  FIRST STAT E-5S AVINGSt ~! ,  b!!.~;~ SURPLUS PROl'ITB  A. , 0 OASHIER. ss T ASHIER. _______________, Wm. Rothfuss ____ K. B. Glaser _______ ------------------- $ 50,000 Geo. F. Ford . .ra~. For-.yth ______ O. H. John-:on ____,_ L. L. m1th________ 60,000 . F. eeger C. L. Km!!--------- J. G. Bauer ________ -----------------50,000 J. J. WalnP.r A. B. WIGGINS------ ELLIS SIMON ------- ------------------20.000 to us wttn each s igut dra1 t for pre entatlon, and ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo n. T.  Boon _______ Wexford G 5 Bank of Boon ____ -------- t'20 R. L. Power _______ \Y. F. Brooder ___ __ 7 Pop. 250 74-1062 FRANK KAOEN ---- THOS. WHl~E- -- ---Boyne City ---~harlevoix FIRST NATIONAL BANK •i'02 Superior Collec ,;~~lt~is. P 6 245 7 Pop. 4-tU E 74Modern bankln g In an departme  )larcus Lund _________________________ _  L. o. Bloomer ---- G. . Town:end.-- _________________ _ ,\.. ,\. rimm\ns A. Cameron _______ J. H. Porter------ M. B. Olsson ______ _  •  •  I;  I  •,.  •  •  ,  I  I.  '  :  1.  .>  I  ,1  I  I  I  I  ..  &  77,370 1.152,030  068.610  26.740  35,1,950  5,000 -· ••• ----  25,000  ---------  I  12,330  tiD.150 348.000  w. o. WATION------  16,000  10.000  300,ooo  F.  CRAWFORD----  o. G. COLTHORP-----  ss appreciated. and Time Items. 5c for Credit Report s. 25.000 Edna rhellenberger P.R. BERNOT- -- ---20.000 uire lac presenta tion It Ratings %Se..  1  I  H,i-10  615,580  255,000  100,0001 100,000  F. J. Temple------ H. S. Temple _____ H.F. Temple ______ ll. L. Brown-----F. C. Miller J.E. Watson ______ J. F. Werner----- B. P. T~gart_ _____ F. T. Shaffmaster __ Jesse • fonroe M. F. Smith _______ R. D. Power ______ C. J. Holmes------ 0. W. Holmes ___ _  25,000  7,850  350.000  375,000  50.000  27,500  628.660  626,630  50.000  10,240  266,0i0  305,200  E. J. Ennis------- F. IL Brown _______ .A. E. Shekell ------ W. J. Donahue ___ _ W. V. Roberson Jennie A. Miers  50,000  29.700  495,000  466,050  Albert E. Sleeper_ J.E. Campbell _____ D. A. McKeath ---- Ezra W. Pepper --J. B. Ilagaman II.. L Le --------- Cha . W. ~Iatthews Herbert Hoe ------ Charles W. Landi·_ • D.S. Scoffern ----- C. F. Pears-------- A. F. Howe ________ -------------------  40.000  8,000  800.000  688,000  40,000  14,000  432,000  405,000  f>0,000  29.000  487,280  3,000  1.120  71.330  60,lll0  20,000  2,310  68,5i0  68.620  15,000  0,380  I  380,240  193,1601 188, 00  •II.  ,...  1  ;  /  MICHIGAN-Continued  52,400 Han. N .. N. Y,; COrn Ex. N., Chi.; Peo. State.I~ D~. • 20,000 N. Bk. Com., Det.; 2d N., Saginaw; 1st N •• ault te. 1Iarie. 22,100 Lilley State, Tecumseh.  I  0  td  75,060 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1 ·t ~ & Old net. N" Det. '"1 66,110 Chase N .. :N'. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Ohi.; 1st & Old 0 Det. N., Det.. . T .. ~ 10.t.010 Chase N., N.Y., Cont. & Com I N., Chi .. Pen- ::,;insular State and Peo. State, Det.; .Jack ·on ~ tato av., .Tack~on. 158,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.; U.S. Sav .• Pt. Huron 62,000 Ch~e N., ', Y.; Cont. & Com'l 'N,. Chi.: Peo. State, Det. ' 188,930 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N. and Live ~ tock Ex. N,, Chi. : bt & Old Det. N .• Det. 8,2:i0 Bk. or net .• Det.; 1 : ..,.' .. llaniste ', 10,320 Cont. & Com·J  D~.  ., Chi.; Comw.-Federal , a,·.,  -  . 2:5,550 Chase N ., N. Y .; Oont. & Com'! N ., Chi.; 1st & Sil Old Det. N., Det. ~ C  tdest ' tablls ed Bank. Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding. FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain dwht draft•. 1 Sc; C,-ed it Report., 25c. T RY US.  Re1J01t.-.  ~  I en·  300,000  35,000  z>  97,i80 _________ Liberty • T., ~ T. Y.; Ann Arbor Sa,., Ann I ~ Arbor ; I,t&Ulu.Det. ' .. Dct. ~ 52. ,870 101.i60 Han. N .• N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., C~i.  0,900  P. TA~.ART--1· H. HOGLE------- H. M. COLE -------- -------------------.F.SMI H Y.P. • E. WATSON  •'  72,000 N. City, N. 1., Ft. Dear'.. N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: 2d .. Sagmaw.  8 .filO  8,000  H.. L. Power _______ CT . . Whi more ____ \V. F. Brooder---- -------------------W . .F. Brooder W. H. Hammond -- C. 0. trong ______ C. E. Wildey------ - - - - - - - - -  ::i:  Q  18,000 Cont. ~· Com'l •. , Chi.; Trayer e City tate, TraYerse Ci•y. ► 7.260 Cont. & Com l N., Chi.; Bk. of Det., Det.; 1st .., N ., Peto key ancl Boyne City. ~ 74,500 Chase N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Peo. 1-r1 State, Det. w  5,000  20,000  1.  4,160 Cadillar State, Cadillac: G. Rap. av., G. Rap.; Bk. of Det .• Det. 109.330 Han. K.. . Y.: Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; 1st & Old E;:: Det. N .• Det. ()  (/J  20,000  l  114,120 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont & Com'l N •• Chi.; Kalamazoo City Sav .• Kalamazoo.  300,000  ewcomb --- --------------------  ~  Sa.v. Bk. co., Tol. 5,000 Irving T,, ... Y.; Com Ex ....T., Chi.; Northern N. 1'ol. 29U30 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  125,000  . IL Ladd _________ A, J. Pa more ____ --------------  A. W. Reinhard ---  o.. auu , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,  ..  12,040  60,050  A.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  S 10,1,000 Ohase N .. N.Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; Home  120,000  400.000  Prompt service. peclal attentlo Please send 15c wi c. F. Scheurer _____  f  t  125,000  6.680  A. C. HIMEBAUGH--- B. F. BORDNER------- G. D. BORDNER ------- P. L. AHLGRIM -----FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t'09 { 'pecial attentlo n given Bill or La ding drafts, Cash and Tim" Items. 74-488 I'lca,·e 11end 15c u ith wch i;ioht dm fl for 1irc. entation and 25c for '1•edit  I  $ 851.540  1,440  Brown Oity __ Sanilac I 11 Brown City Savinl!S Bk.•!1"09 7 D Pop. 828 74-407 Buchanan ____ Berrien L 4 Buchanan State Hank •• •§'16 7 Pop. 31 7 74-360 " First National Bank-----•t"88 74- 350 Buckley ____ Wexford G 5 Buckley Bank ___________ t'l 7 Pop. 352 74- 583 Burliniton __ calhoun K 6 Burlington, tate Bank.--5'18 7 Pop. 19-1 74-1022 il'O  15,000  811(!1JVPt•  20,000  li'. T. llynP. ---- ---- ,\. L. ~ mitJi ________ R. Q.  74-4117  l.  i 23,550 S 858,060  RESOURCE •  ~ ~ ..... • .,.. c'Ta. Bo..,., .,....a.,Dvw  20,000  Brighton State Bank ____ :tl'l0 74-484 Brimley State Bank _____ :1:1•12 74-ll!l Peoples State "avinl!s Bank ♦ 74-584 •:t§·0O First BtateSavinis Bk,-•il'08 74-454 Peoples National Bank ___ e'I0 74-455 Brooklyn ____ Jackson K 8 .Brooklyn State Bank ___ eif'05 7 D Pop. 611 74-51S  BURR OAK STATE BANK  I'  DJCPOBITS  A. L. Giles _________ R. L. Baldwin _____ C. W. Fea ________ _ B. L. Ilodge  t.Ple~J21~eJTPaNc~llt les. Your buslne n given Blll of La ding drafts, Cash th each sioht draft fo r presentation and 2 Brid_gewater_ Washtenaw Bridgewater Savings Bank Geo. Klager _______ Leo Gruner ________ 7 D Pop. ll!i KD 74-1053 §'20 G. P. 11oettncr (0. A. D. BALDWIN ,W. H. GAST----- ---- F. W. GAST --------Brld_jman ____ Berrien L3 BRIDGMAN STATE BK .. •i '16 Hclh vini;i: tne •• Laborer worthy o f hi. hire" we req 7 Pop. 450 74-UIJO f<• in advan<'c with eaeh Plain igbt Draft. Cred Bri{!lton __ Livinl!ston JO 7 0 Pop. 00 Brimley ____ Chippewa BO 9 Pop. 406 Britton _____ Lenawee Lg 7 0 Pop. 383 Hronson ______ Branch L 6 7 Pop. 1257 ··  AND  L. R. BARNES ______ -----------------50,000 3,660 703,i80 723,640 rompt personal p resentatlon. Re mlttanc e on da y of pay ment. nts. Try us for quick action.  • 1 "6 {  74 15  Burr Oak •• St. Jo epb L 8 7 Pop. 589  'I  LIABILITIES.  •Counb' Seats. Figure i Fed. Re . Dist. oi · Detroit Branrh. Bli.ssfleld ____ Lenawee L 9 7 0 Pop. 1006 .. " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Accos.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of this1 O'I ~.!._u~e. _!"~Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., seo L~':~· ~  MICHIGAN-rContinued  SI) "'1  '< 8,500  167,000  21.100 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N ..._ D~ ~ 1-.:)  637  Naza"-r IUHI- N•za• or llaaJc u &be /few 'rlraallll lfaa,ber ,,,,_ eo .acb bazu la U. B. e:,relu•lrelr by TIie &and-MeNaU7 Banke,n• ~ ~ r ~ d ~ t b e authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN .LVD COUNTY,  •Mem. Am. Bies . .Assn. IS~te ..(?oonty Sf'.ats. . /:J(etn.StateBks . . .Assn.tPnv. Fed. Re:. D1-t. F1gure1s [Estab. Di. Detroit Branch. • Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  J\.SS'T CA.SHIJtR,  CA.SHIER.  VICK-PRKSIDEN·r.  PA.ID-UP SuRPLUS .uro '  I  7 c1i~~  lent J 5 Byron Cent1I-i;nk _____ it·12 P. Holleman ______________ Byr n 50 6 •Cadillac ____ Wexford G 6 American ~ tatc B'.lnk ____ ·21 Peter Tor be son ___ C. J. Helm________ \ 7-1-202 7 Pop, 9i50 Cadillac State Bank_ --•11'95 F. L. Reed. _________ Henry Knowl1on_ " ---- ---" 74-200 PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK E. J. Haynes------ H. Ballou---------" • •i1'02 74-201 Caledonia. ---- ___ Kent J 6 State Bank of Caledonia_!§•04 Oha.s. Rice _________ Seth Gray·---F. W. Ruehs ♦ 74-587 7 Pop. 432 Calumet ___ Ilou1?hton A 3 CALUMET STATE BANK•t§'06 74-82 9 Pop. 35,000  c 'ff-  R.  o.  Frank Coffey______ ____ ____ ________ ____ Frank Welton _____ J. J. Yeldman. ·--Geo. Chapman _____ A.G. Cha'pman____  THOMAS HOATSON-- F. J. KOHLHAAS -- ---- WALTER EDWARDS---- 0. 0. MACINTYRE-----  100,000  101,600  I~  FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each 1lght draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for eaeh c redlt report lnsw es prompt, perso nal atte •ntlon.  FIRST NATIONAL BANl-•:t'86 John D. Cuddihy_ Edward Ulseth ____ R. F. Ouddihy _____ D. C. Harr~ton__  Pierce Roberts ?4-81 B. Quello Merchants & Miners Bk.•:tl'7S Charles Brius _____ Peter Ruppe _______ W. B. Anderson ___ J. E. Shepard______ E. H. Manier W. B.Anderson 74-80  STATE SAVIN~$ BANK.•U'0 4 74 340  -~1  ~  '  .,~  •  •  I  15,330  7.  11  100,000 _______________________________ . ____ Irving .1. T·• ~ T. Y.: Con't & Com'l ... T., Chi.; 1st,·, Old Dut.: ~T .. Det .. Grand. R. 'av., Grand R. 396,490 Chase N .. N. Y.; lst.N ., Chi.: Peo. State, Det.: 100,000 119,200 l 3,0-l5,400 3,228,010 4th N .• G. Rap. . 1 238,720 Liberty N , N. Y.: KentState, G. Rap. 20,000 1,608,000 1,467,280 100,000 50,000  I  ~ '<:  2,6il0 $ 140,330 1$ 14-J,280 $ 12,0;)0 Cont. & Com I N .. Chi.: G. Rap. N. City, G. ~ ,_. Rap.; N. Bk. Com., Det. 37,250 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: ~ont. & Co~'I N., ?h\; 253,500 254,000 8,670 1st & Old Det. N., Det., Bk. of Sa~maw, Sai?I· naw. Dewerd _____ James Blok ______________ ___ --------· 1_ _ _ _ _ _ Geo. E. Ellis Bk., G. Rap.  J.C. Proctor _______ Marjorie Shisler___  Camc1en _____ Hillsdale L 7 First State Bank ____ ----is·oo o. B. Alward_·----74-629 7 D Pop. 398 Cap.'\c _______ st. Olalr I 10 Oapac State Savlne-s Bk,_:tf'98 A. E. Sleeper _____ 74-486 O Pop. 701 First .. ·ational Bank ____ •:t'14 A. II. Madbury ____ " ____ ____ • 74-973 Oarl~ton _____ f onroe K 9 State Savinl?S Bank ----•if '04 J. J. Lucke ____ ---74-688 7 0 Pop. 49 .. ________ Tu cola I 10 Oommercial Savine-s Bk.•il"78 John F. Seeley ____ 74-SSD 7 0 Pop. 2704 Peoples State Bank ----•U'l3 J, H. Beckton ----.. , 74-938  C  CORRESPONDENTS.  1  ButternuL_Montcalm I 7 Peoples tate Bank _____ ;t§'05 J. R. Hudson ______ Edwin Rasor ______ Ira J. Trowbridge_ Fcrnie De Hart_ __ S 20,000 $ Z. D. Rule 74-585 I 7 Pop. 200 20,000 Byron --P--oSph.ia'!'assee J 8 State Bank o y ron ____ :t5•05 F. S. Ru2gles ______ E. D. Wiltse _______ J. L. Van Alstine_ Vivian A. :Meier__ 316 7,.-., 86 G. L. Braden 70  H  PRlliCIPAL  o..... Ex-1 no,..,._ .,...o•,l),B  •-"'""" .. Dt•  DEP08-  CuIT.u. PaoP1~s ~ ,  1  •  HESUURCES.  LlABILlTJ ES.  NA.ME OF BANK,  /  .n.u.. ng ros-.- -,,u• Non-Bank Towns with Neare dexed Acces.), La'W}'ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.-t volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.~  MICHIGAN--Continued  J. A. Dates ________ B. R. Alward ______ E ..w. Barber _____ _ z. :'.\L wift H. C. Siege)_ _______ W. a. SiegeL---- A. -parling_ . ____ .• Albert Tosch A. C. Downey _____ A. R. Niles ________ o. R. Artam.s ______ _ O. E. Warren E. C. .Maxwell. ____ R. J. McCormick __ c. W. Schafer _____ _ W. A. Forbes _____ Lew G. BeeJe, ___  c. F. Seeley  A. 0. Purdy ________ S. R. Park _________ Miss :Mary Park __ Carl ieland  I  443,070  46 ,870  914,880  868,6-10  200,000  321,730 3,500,000 3,400,090  150,000  301,800 2,654.360' 1,841,330  20,000  13,880  27J,9701 259,260  20,000  12,550  407,40Dj  414,640  168,630 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: Shawmut. Bos.  •• '  .  I  22.000  600,000  550,000  20,000  25.000  350,000  350,000  100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.  35,000  2-1.000  400,000  350,000  40,000  23,4-10  506,060  629.!!20  109,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Dime Sav .. Det.; 2d .•., rlSafinaw. 74,020 Cont. c· Com'! .. Chi.: Bk. of aeinaw, Saf;!i- ,... O n:iw; N. Bk. Com., Det.; 1st .. r,, Bay City.  92,000 1,200,000 1,200,000  433.000 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st & Old Det, N., Det,; 21 ~  .. Saginaw.  257.210  284,340  32,720 1st & Old Det. N .• Det.:  550,000  560,000  64,1100 ChasE' N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Co~·l N., Chi. Bir:. ofj Det., Det.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.  Clarson ville __ Sanilac I 11 Exchanre State Bank ---:tl'88 David Ororey ____ W. C. Vivian _____ W. J. llcOaren ____ ll'. O. Ororey ______ _ H. L. Vivian 74~28 7 O Pop. 536  25,000 l  62-1,03)! 533,420  {C. E. McCLUSKY --- A. W. GRAHAM------ F. W. ELLERTHORPE A't.' PHIPPS-------- ' IV GRAHAM The Bank of Personal Senlce.  25,000  15,400  477,430  90,610 N, Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N., and Peo.State.Det.:FederalCom·1 & 'aY., and l . . ... av., Pt. Huron. 6,350 lst&OJd Det. N., Det.: lstN. Ex., Pt. Huron.  s. H. Coch.ran _____  ns on Carsonville and vicinity. ment to glve the best of service. John o. Prieskorn.  20,000  12.000 I 185,000  F. R. Davis ________ ___________ ·-------  20,000  J. A. :Uichela .  25,000  .  --------  ~_U7NK ______ 7  FIRST S.I,AT  §· 95  i  Oldest and Largest Bank-Mode rnMethods-Effl clent Service. Special attentlo n given BW of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Pleau aend 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r preuntation and 2 6c for Cndit Report s  Send us your ft ems and collectlo , We have the str ength and equip Qaseville .. ____ Hnron H 10 R. L. Hubbard & Co. ___ Jf'U3 F. W. Hubbard---- , -------------------74-6gO 7 Pop. 3 5 Oasnovja ___ Mn kee-on I 5 Farmers & Merchants StatP, J. L. Norris _______ ---------·-------- -Ba~k--;-7~-59L. ______ §:16 7 Pop, 1133 aspian______ _Iron C 3 Caspian National Bank __ 20 C. E. Lawrence _______________________ . 1 74-1061 9 l'Op, 1912 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  ----1H. J. "\ ee er ______ _  509,950  I I  8,000  215.000 5,510 1 75,000  I  216,000 260,000 77,000  15,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N .. Det.: Am. State. Saginaw. 34,000 Keni and G. Rav. Sav. G. R~. 22,500 Mech. · ~Ietals .. T., ... -. Y.; Cont. & Com'l Chi.; 1st \Vis. N., :Mil.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  -·  -  ~----·~,,,__ _______  - -  ......  -~·-----~--  g  (/)  ii,' ::,  21.000  •:1'65  l'b  ,;  '0  11.900  74-5  z>  >  25,000 1  STATE BK. OF ifRSON CITV  O  740,000 Mech. & Metals N. and N. City N. Y.: 1s1 N.j an_d Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: ·ortlrn. •.; tD . Mm~ls.: 1st & Old Det. N ., Det. . ~ 1 1,162,3.>0 Han. N. and Mech.~· ¥etals ~ .• N. Y., lst N .. , ..., ancl Cont.,· Com I ..... Chi .. N. Shawmut, -'-4 Bos.: Peo. State, Det.; I t Wis. ., Mil. 1 t ~ en ~ ., Cl<JV. and )Iinvls. 50,600 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. State, Dct.: N, Union, Jackson. 55,Z,30 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! •.. Chi.: Peo. Oj c State. Det ; 1st . Ex., Pt. Iluron. rli0,000 Chase N ., N. Y.. 1st & Old Det. N .• Det. ,,.  50,000 1  E. C. CUMMINGS-- E. D. LYON--------- IRA CUMMINGS----- B. E. SOMER$ ______ _  =z:  25,000  J. McNAIR EALY-- G. H. SLOCUM------- LOUIS WEAL------ ff. P. BUSH--------- 112,500 C. R. MYERS Largest and Str ongest Bank In T uscola County. { Collections and· Requests for Cre dft Reports MUS T be accompanle d by FEE IN ADV AN ICE: Plain aight dr afu, 15c; Credit Rep oru, 25c.  Oarson Oity--Jt!~ntc·m I 7 Far. & Merch. State Bk.•U-15 Wm. E. Adams ____ Geo~e ~alt _____ E. B. Stebbins .. ____ Paul V. Bretz______ :M. H. Kipp ♦ 74-977 7 Pop. 9,.,  ~  • :':: ()  5-l,190 G. Rap. N. Oity, G. Rap.  J1  0  j:l,,.  638  Number 11 nder Name or Bank ie the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• ~torr, u_n~e~e_ authority of The Amerl~~nkers Ass•n.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  PRESIDENT.  CAPITAL PBOFITS  I  CHARLEVOIX STATE SAVINGS BANK  "  •U'OS  74-330  •Oharlotte ______ Eaton J 7 EATON COUNTY SAV. BANK •U'83 + 7'-2711 7 Pop. 5126  B. Weed __________  •Ohebonan_= oh e b o,ran  CHEBOYGAN STATE SlV. BK.  D8  40,000 40,000  14.110  50,000  60,800  20,000  6.200  423,200  340,840  20,000  11,290  419.150  375,890  23,940  5,990  60,000  250,000  6,450  169,480  166,760  29,170 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det.  5:50,000  510,000  25,000  15.000  :i25.000  485,000  95,000 Han. N., N. v.: Corn .Ex. N., Chi.; Old N.. G. Rap.: 1st & Old Det. N. and Bk. ofDet., Det. ~ 50,000 Oont. & Oom'l N .. Chi.: G. Rap. N. OitJ' and ~ OldN., G.Rap.: 1st & Old Det. N. andPeo. Cfl State, Det.  G. H. SPENCER---- ALSERT MURRAY---- N. 8. ALSOVER----- C. E. FISHER ______  Send us your It ems and collectlo ns on Charlotte a nd vlclrilty, peclal attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each sioht draft Jo r presentation and' 25c for Credit Re.por ts.  h' H. POLWt.RD----- R. s. PRESTON------ w. J. HAUENSTEIN --  I ,  100.000  100,000  ',5,390 1,092,190 1,260,540  122,370 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi,: 1st & Old Det ..... ()  at  rn  , , :  ,  ~  -,  I  :  '<  W. L. MARTIN ,M. E. RIGGS  7,350  110,8i0  05,430  17.0S0  813,-130  860,390  •  '  I  •  ....  ,  ~  35,880 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohl.  50,000  25,:i70 1. 165,:560 1,062,440  25,000  40,000  700,000  674,600  i0,000 725,000 40,000 H. S. HOLMES---- C. KLEIN---- J. L. FLETCHER----- •C. J. MAYER------·~_peclal coDectlo n tacllltles. Per I onal atl:entfon glv en all Items. Pro mpt re mlttan ce. departments. Try us for superl or servt ce. Up-to-date ban king method ln ,all Pleau smrl 15c wi th mch siaht draft Jo r presentation and 25c for CrPriit Repor fa. 36,980 875,000 50,000 M. L. PARSHALL -- G. M. PEET ------ ·-- C. A. HOYT----·----- F. J. STEVENS ------  750,000  107,360 Merch. N., N. Y.; N. City, Ohi.; Peo. State and Q I» 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  ..,  en 228,570 Chem. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st & Old 0 ::S Det. N., Det.: 1st N., Minpls.  ....  83,450 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N.,Det.;Ann .Arbor Sav.,Ann Arbor. 50,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N .. Chi,; 1st & Old Det. N. Det.; 1st N., Bo!', 87,110 Han. N .. N. Y.; Oont. & Com'l N., Ohl.; Peo. State, Det.: Bk. of Saginaw, Saginaw.  970,110  'I»  5.51.l0  250,000  23,950  512,610  ,II Ill  ! I  I Ill  50,000 Han. N .. N.Y.; r·. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk.Com., Det.; Com'l N. and 2d N ., aginaw. 212,960 Cha ~ N., N. Y.: Peo. St-ate, Det.; Com'l N., Saginaw; Old N., G. Rap. 149,630 Han. N .• N. Y.; Cont. ~·- om'l ·., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Dime av., Det. 12,000 Han. N., . Y.; Peo. State, Det.  225,000  ;  , I Ill  .  ,  I  ·, ·  :  '  •  .'  .'  . - •  ,  ::s  i:: I»  ~  _ ,..  '° t-.l  • f  I  U •  :  ' .  .  I  f  I  •  '  ' ~  .  11  :  :  :  ~  ;  • ~·  f  •  :  I  t  ~  , •t  f  ;  I  • ~  f  f  ~  •. • :,  ;  . .: . ,_  1~  '  I  I  f •  I  ;,,,  e·ank of Sfren th; Character and Servicf' I  ,;  0  :,;-'  i  •ii 76  •'  ~  Del  First and Olde t'ia!t~unexcelle d facllltles-Efflcle nt Service.  tll\\\;HI\N\S NIU\UNl\l HANI\-Uetroit-"A :  l()P-1  { Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items.  --------------------1  ,,  2;  100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Oont. & Com'l N .. Ohl,  Olde:t and Larg 1e t Bank. Che aninr--- Sa2inaw I 8 CHESANING STATE BANK •H'Ol { ~peclal attentlo n given Bllf of La ding draft:, ('a h and Time lt<'ms. 74-407 7D Pop. I:l i Pfrase srnd 25r. with mrh .·iolii clraflfo r pres ntatio11 a11d 25cfor Urcclit Repor ls, 50,000 First National Bank ____ e;'l9 \V. F. Lutz ________ F. J. Whitney __ H. N. Slack ______ A. CantwelL______ " " 74-1044 20,000 O1,mL __________ Clare H 7 iti1. n 'tat llank ___ •U'09 A.. E. Sleeper ______ A. •E. Mulder ______ Jame S. Bicknell_ J.R.Goodman_____ W. H. Bicknell 74-414 7 Pop. 1-tti2 1 40,000 Clare County Sav. Bk:. -•U'8i O. W. Perry _______ Jo eph Hudson ____ C. IJ. Suthorland-- 1G. V. Collins_____ " ________ " F. 0. ~lcOuirt• J. A. :McKay 74-413 I Ill Olarkston ____ Qakland J 9 Clarkston Sta1.e Bank ___ !§'13 ID. R. •rcf.!l!l'rdin •-- G. A. Walter _______ G. D. King ________ I .......... 74-958 , 70 Pop. -llll 1111  ;  t::73  40,000 1,200,000 1,i:50,000  O. C. SPERRY  .  Cl  28,000  Send us your co llectlons direct fo r prompt and per sonal attention. Remittance ma deondayofpaym ent.  KEMPF COM 'L & SAV • BK : I' • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·->Z  25,000  Chelsea ._ Washtenaw K 8 Farmers & Merch.Bank•U'08 J. II'. WaJtrous _____ Peter Kerkel------ P. G. Schaible ____ H. W. 8cheM _____ C. Grau + 74-SM 7D Pop. 20ill 74-3113  ==  10  20,000  A. M. GEROW----- V. D. SPRASUE----- A. W. RAMSAY------ I. H. ERRATT---- --FIHT NATIONAL BAIK •*'82 { Collections sent us wlll receive pr ompt attention. Prompt attentl on to all banking matters entruste d to us. 74-218  •  ·-,::r:  02,000 Ohase N .• N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; Old N., G. Rap. 250,000  ....  0  A. F. Bridl?e ------ A. F. BrldH------ Robert Bridge_____ Harry 'icholl  •U '05 { Send us dour co Uectlons direct fo r prompt and per onal attention. Remltte for on day of payment.  74-219  10,000  .-.  105,350 Merch. Lu. & Tr. Oo., Chi,; Traverse City State, Traverse City. 45,550 Chase N .. N. Y .; G. Rap. N. City ,G. Rap.  11,800 Ft. Dear. N., Ch1.; N. Bk. Com., Det.; 15,880 _________ nion, Jack!'on. 6,000 --------- _________ --------- Irving N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N .• Det.  -------------------!--- ---  Please aend 15c wi th each aioht draftfo r preaentation and 25cfor Credit Repor ts. 20,000 State Bank _____ tf'l2 0. H. Worceaier __ K. A. Hamar------- M.A. Nadeau _____ Elmi Makinen_____ J. n. Funk 74-027 50,000 F. B. SPENCER---- H. BARBER ---------- GEORGE D. NIMMO-- H. C. FRIDAY------  Chas ■ ell  260,000 _ _ _ N. Park:, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Pea. tate. Det. 650.000 _ _ _ - - - Chase N .• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l ., Chi.: N. Bk:. Com. and 1st & Old Det. N .. Det.; &Dk , of ... aginaw, Saginaw. 418,000 $ 33,4201Corn Ex. N. and Cont. & Com'l N,, Ohl.: Peo. 416,000 State, Det. 51,390 1st N., N. Y. and Chi,; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 500,080 579.490  5,000 $ 2:50,000  Guy E. White-----  J. Smallepn _______  Iii  7'-274  Ohasseu ___ Honghton B 3 9 Pop. 1000  ~~•it,~  10,000  30,000  J. L. CRANE - - H. S. HARSHA--- A. D. CRIMMINS----- A. LIVINGSTON----A. A. SWltHON  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •:•10  7 Pop, ,,SH  w. S. Richardson __  40,000  •  1  J.M. C. SMITH----  ______  o. D. Mosher _______________ _  -------------------- H. A. Stevens ______  ' PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, RESOURCES. ~::a~~~~~ S.Cua,na " ° " B • N l l l . 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1  LIABILITIES. s PAID-UP u!t;UB DEPOS-  Ass'T CASHIER,  0-'.SHill.  -------------------- M. B. Auten _______ C. M. Wallace _____ .$ Isabelle iclntyre ----------------- H.L.Pinney _______ J.C.McRae_______ Ernest Croft D. \Y. Benkelman . I. Rudd _________ w. B. Decker_____ ____________________ William JonE:s Van :Matre c. H. Funk ______ J. K. Ritter ________ Georgia • A. E. Bellinger ____ Elmer Billman _____ F. E. Sbonek ______ J. C. Vlack John Beucus _______ H. W. Wheel ea .. ___ Lee Griswold______ G. F. Furner ,T. L. d'nillr _______ :Minnie K. Flint___ ____________________ Byron Every ,T. E. Ready _______ J.E. ReadY _______ Norman Halmich__ Charles Ilalmich  OUs OltJ-- Tuscola H 10 Cass City Bank of I. B. Auten (I. B. Anten) _____ · and Son __ 74-442 ______ .it·s2 7D Pop. 2i04 ------------" " 1Exchange Bank ofE.H. Pinney & Son_74-44lL•it·86 L •OassoPoJis _____ Qass 5 Cass County State Bank:U'OO I. R. Shnrte_______ • 74-'10 7,D Pop. 13 5 ll'irst National Bank ----•i-71 Chas. A. Ritter ___ 7'-400 Qedar _______ Leelanau J' 5 State Bank of Cedar ----U'13 G. A. Mason _______ 74-502 7 D Pop. fOO Cedar Sprinrs ___ Kent I 5 Cedar Springs State Bk. i5'16 Fred Hubbard _____ 7'-503 7 Pop. 1020 Cement Ci 1 y.LenaweeL8 Bank of ement Gity ___ e§ '20 J. . Flint_ _____ ___ 74-107:i 7D Pop. 6:50 Center Line ____ laro!Ilb Center Li11e tate , av. Bk ..T. W. Iirennan --· §'20 74 1071 7D (Warren P.O.) K 10 Pop. 5000 •Cente"ille-- St. Jo. L 5 Wolf Bros. State Bank-•U'80 Frank Wolf_ _______ 74-504 7 Pop. 701 0en,ra1 Lake-Antrim R II Central Lake Exch. Bank t'04 L. s. Stevens ______ 7'-470 7 Pop. 676 First State Bauk _______ •U'96 C. W. McPhail ____ " ------" 74-480 •Charlevoix __ Charl'x E II Charlevoix County Bk. •tt'8.t 1Archibald Buttar 74-320 7 Pop. 221  ..  Acces.), Lawyers, Law v9~. _yor • ~ t Rates, _ _ _dexed  I  I  NAME OP' BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY, •Mem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. IState •County Seats. Figur j.; Fe<l, Re·. Dist. iMem. State Bk:s.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. ♦11em. Fed. Res. Dis Detroit Branch.  with Nearest Banking Point (In(indexed) in back of this' 0\ Holidays,~~~~·~  Non-Bank Town  MICHIGAN - Con fln ue d  .. ~  .  ~ ~ I  •  ~  {  '\  639  "'!:T~_:-;,~r:#'U::~ :.,.";b"!•:..~:N~-~~  Dlnetor,, aatle, the aathorlt, of The Amerl~n Bankers .ua'n.  TOWN .iND COUNTT,  NA.ME OP BANK.  •County eats. •.Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IB ta te Fieure i Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. D i Detroit Branch. +Mem. Fed. Re. [Estab.  I  I PRESID...."T ,,... •  I  VICE PRESID..,.uT • =• ·  I nA.sHIER ' ·  1------- _______ '  de:~nA~:S~. Lawyer':. Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Int~rest R~tes~ !olld~ys, ~tc., see Laws., ~  MlCHIGAN-Continued LIABILITIES. Ass'T CASHIER  PAID-=--UP- SURPLUS A.ND 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL PROFITS  ·  DEPO'"..ITS_  1  Olarksville ______ Jonia J 6 Edwin Nash State Bk,---t1'93 D. F. Walter ______ Elmer \Viney ______ Ernest Nash ______ Lynne Nash ______ _ $ 7 Pop. 400 74-596  20,000 $  RESOURCES, »... -c.... • Ex0 Bo » c_;..,_•·.,.,,.._":._•· U:::.. 1'°, .,.,.  ::.i.::  s::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  ~  ·'  _________________ 1  ~  5,600 $ 237,300 $ 225,800 $ 57,600 Chase N., N, Y.; Old N., G. Rap.  I  Olayton _____ Lenawee L 8 Exchanie Bank ________ etf'82 W.W. Oooke ______ ------------------- C. V. Culver_------ -------------------- --------6.000 400,000 - - - - - - Chase N., N. Y. (I ndivid ual Res ponsibili ty) 7 0 Pop. 306 74-597  Olifford _______ Lapeer I 10 Ealy, Kinney & Co, ____ tttllOO I ------------------ ____________________ A. L. Kinner ______ Edith A. Kinney __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st & Old Det. N .. Det.; 2d N., Saiioaw. 7 D Pop. 327 74-5118 , H. F, Eckfeld . ! Olimax ___ Kalamazoo K 6 \Climax State Bank _____ •U'07 ll. Scramlin ______ J. w. Pierce ______ T. E. Sinclair______ ___________________ 20,000 7,430 224,900 •, 226,540 25,790 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N ..  7 Pop, 395  74-511  Chi.  Olinton ______ I,enaweeKII Exchanre Bank _________:tt'67 1 (Van Tuy le and Silvers) ______ W. D. Van Tuyle __ 1 7 0 Pop. 961 1,-456  P. Van Tuyle __ (lndivid ttal Res ponsibil it11 $175, 000) _____ Oitiz. N., N. Y.; Oont.& Oom'I N .. Ohi.: Peo. State and 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; N. Bk. Com ..NAdrian. " ________ " Smith-Richmond tate Bank L. W. Kimball _____ W. B. Richmond __ F. W. Hoian _________________________ 12,820 321,9801 293,790 71,010 lrvini .• N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi,; N. Bk, '! (') 1 30,000 . 74-457 i§'.18 W. S. Kimpall Com., Det.; 2d N., Tol. . 1 :Z: 011o __________ Qenesee Io Clio State Bank _______ •U 85 O. G, Katzen _____ Thomas Ohtr _____ c. E. Tayler _____ T. H. Alexander___ 25,000 5,000 520,000 I 425,000 92,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N,, Ch1.: Peo., 1I 7 Pop. 1236 74~00 ! State. Det.; Am. State and 2d N .. Saginaw. 0 Cohoctah_ Llvinrston J 8 Bank of Cohoctah ______ it"l2 John WrinelsFred Schrepfer ____ John Wri1n~elsF. L. Keeny_______ 8,500 9,490 100,0001 84,000 24,000 McPherson State, Bowell; Peo. State, Det. , 7 D Pop. JOO 74-IIOll SAV. BANK B. s. 81>0ffordworth ? • Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom ,l N., Oht.: . Peo. Z •Ooldwater ___ Branch L & BRANCH COUNTY _____ F. L. Burdick ______ ll. W. Wunerworth ______ Emery :\k\. as ____ 50,000 , 61. ,.60 1.216,980 1,0-17,820 1 340,.:>10 • 1 Pop, 611-1 1,-229 •U'90 N. A. Reynolds State, Det. " ________ " \Coldwater National Bank •'55 L. ll. Win£ ________ , H. R. Saunders __ H. R. Saunders ____ W. H. Rimon11 _____ 100,000 73,000 575,000j 620,000 69,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Ohl,; 1st & tx, .. .. ~4-2_27 , J. 1{, Thomv. on 1 Old Det. N., Det. _______ Southern ll1ch1ran Nat. ~k: L. R. Rose ________ IM. G. Clarke _______ , A. 8. Upson ________ C. E. Faas_________ 165,000 1 238.450 817,240 1}47,880 1 2,0,428 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohl.: 1st & Old 74-228 7'1. 2:::,000 ' Det. N .. Det. Ooleman _____ Midland H 7 Farmers Savini?. Bc1.nk .t§'l9 J.M. Doherty __ A. R. :Moore _______ R. C. ' temple ______ H. T, Bowland _____ u 6,670 99,010 114,350 14,110 N. City. N. Y.; Comw.-Federal Sav., Dot.; Am. ~ Pop. 700 ,. 74-1051 , 1 • o. R. Clark _ ',tate. Sal?'inaw. . . Cll 1 State Bank of Ooleman ••il 04 c. \\. ~kPhaJIL __ . o. H. llacomber ___ Geo. )1. Moore____ ____________________ 20,000 11,720 295,450 853,960 3,. 10 Chase N .. N. Y.; Bk. of Safrnaw. agmaw. 74-601 J.E. Curtice 1 Ooloma ______ Berrien K 4 State Bank of Ooloma __ •if'09 C. O. Ball _________ A.~- Miiler _______ Wm. H. Ball ______ c. M. Ban_ _________ 25,000 17,940 543,460 563,590 94,510 Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohl.; Dime Sav., Det. 7 Pop. 603 ♦ 7H02 _ . , . . pj" Colon _____ st. Jo eph L 6 E. HUI & Sons State Bank Frank R. Hill__ ____ G. E.Farrand _____ J, ..i. Karchner ____ Eva I. Hill.________ 30.000 8,390 85S,820 299,900 97,300 Chase N ., N. Y.; Cont. & Com l N., Ohl., Dime .., 7 Pop. 745 74-eoa •i1'70 s. v. Hill Sav .• Det. ~ Oolombiaville.Lapeer Il0 Columbiaville State Bk .. U'OII W. II. Wilson _____ J. w. Bohnsack. __ J. u. Bohnsack ___ H. \liner ._________ 20,000 8,030 30:;,2so 287,130 39,350 Han. .. , Y.: 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. en< 7 o Pop. 656 74-5S5 Sarah Fitch , 1 State, Det.; Bk. or Saginaw. Saginaw. .... OOhrood ____ Tuscola H 10 Seeley, Andrews, Bach & Oo., L. G. Seeley _______ C. D. Andrews _____ c. D . .Andrews _____ Adeline Cross ____ 15,000 14,340 236 350 232,430 19,400 Dime Sav ., Det.: 2d N., Saginaw. ::= 1 O<ColllnoP, 0.) Bankers. 74-e0L ______ tt'l0 , ~ Comins ______ oscoda ll' 8 Oomin Bk. of II. J. lark- II. J. Markham ____________ R. c. Markham. ___ J. F. Markham ___ . 10,000 ·--------- _________ -·------- _________ 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Alpena Co. Sav .. 7 Pop. 200 ham _____ 7,H02L ____ .t'l8, ' Alpena. ComstockPark __ Kentl5 Comstock Park tate Bank D.H.Power _______ l o. l'.Lamoreanx .. E. A. Power _____ F. ~-- .-a ge! ______ 20,000 7,000 300,000 290,000 30,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi., ; G.Rap.Sav.,G. Rap.; Bk. 7 Pop. ::;oo 74-1005 W17 Buth of Det .. Det. (') Ooncord _____ Jackson K 7 Farmers State Bank ____ eU'84 F. N. Aldrich ______ L. D. Chapple _____ F. N. Aldrich______ ____________________ 25,000 30,000 453,000 500,000 66,330 Liberty N •• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; N. o 7 O Pop,535 . 74~05 Union.Jackson: lst&OldDet.. N.,Det. "t, Oonk:lin _______ Ottawa I 5 Conk.Im State Rank _____ in2 0. L. Bean ________ E. B. Thurston ____ --~------------- ____ D. J. tarks _______ 20,000 7,050 215,200 2l0,670 22,930 , Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; G. Rap. N,j t, 7 Pop. 300 7HOI Oity, G, Rap. ~T.  I  I  I  I  I  I  .  E:  I  >  I .  z>  J  I  n  o  IP.  u•TE  1  Oon7tan~i:121r Joseli  COMMERc,,i....  W. H. BURGER---- W. G. GIBJON------- W. MERLE BURGER -- 0. A. SEELEY------- • 0  g~ g[9!/lm  20,000 1  !A~11, I Special attent~ of Lading d.rat:ts, Ca sh and Tim«; Ite ms. { Please send 15c w, Ith each sight draft for nsentation an d 25c for Credit Rep orts. 8  6,070  324.450  292,490  53,660 1Ohase N., N.Y.; Cont. &Oom'I N., Ohl.  I  I  1  1  Bd~ H:::u:~ ::.~E~::l::,:E:RGE::::VEY- N. G. GREENSIDES-,o.oooJ 1 est and larg est bank. FIRST STATE7'-427BANK ---•il'M -~:OSpedal I attentl on given Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time Itlems.  16,500  900,000  27,360  603,600  785,000  130,000 1st N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Ohl.; Peo. State, Det.  Please send 15c w ith wch sight draft for presentation and 25c /or Credit Repor ta.  Ooonersville ___ Ottawa I 4 Coopersville State'03 M. Durham ________ C. P. Lillie _________ H. A. Muzza!L ____ Gertie Comstock___  l p~~:~~~-  "  0  Peoples Savi!;! ~ank ___ tf'l2 L. E. Durphy ______ Gc>orge Laug __ ____ John H. Ter A.vest lLillian Easton ___ -- / ♦  74-919  ,~r.  Copemish __ . Ianistce G 4 ICopemish State Bank. __ §'20 W. A. Oartier _____ T. Crimmins ... R. E. Crimmin ___ -------------------7 Pop, 28-1 74-1069 J. O. Doe I I  BANKS DEPOSIT SECURITIES WITH us FOR SAFE KEEPING AND COLLECTING INCOME ; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  co NTINENTAL  AND  30,0001  j  25,000  6,990 1 408,180  29,000 /  4,630  44.810  591,9 0 427,260 1 36,370  c OMMERCIAL ·  50,740 ChaseN., N.Y.;Cont.&Com'l G.Rap, 29,900 Kent State, G. Rap. 18,600 1st N., Chi.; G. Rap.  .,C11i.;4thN.,  . City, G. Rap,  8 ANKS, CH ,c A G 0  3 ~  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given Non-Bank Towns with ~~earest Banking Point (lnto each bank in U. S. enlusl ely by The B.and-McNaUy Bankers' t" dexed Acee::..), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th Directory, un~er _the authority ~ The A~rlcan Banke_r~s -=A =s=s=' :::: n :::: . ============-=-==O= Il= l::::I=l U= e =:-=--==-= volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays. etc., se Laws.~ TOWN A.ND OOUNTY. - , - NAME OF BANK. - - - - - 1---..::L:.:I.c.:A.=cB_ILI:c;.:_;;Tc..:I.c.:E..c.Sc...'---1~--'R=ES.:..O::.cU::.:R::cC:.:E::.:S:.c.._J PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. •County Seats. •Mem . .Am. Bks. Assn. §State s PigurP is Ful. He". Di t. :tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT, CASHIER. Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP I URPLUB DEPOS- 0 to•NB&D,s- O.lm&E:r0 0 __!! i • Detroit Branch. +Mero. Fed. He, (Estab. _c_AP_I_T_AL_ P_R~_:_r_T_S _ i_T_ s_ _~_~_0::;,_T_".:_:- _C:ao_·~-~_-._~"_. ~ 1 - - - - - ' - - - - - - -----1  640  I  MICHIGAN  C  Ooral -····--Montcalm I 6 State Bank of Montcalm Co. J. S. Newell __ ••••. Thomas Skidi:ell __ Thos. Skidgell-·-·· Rebecca White.- •• $ 7 Pop. 400 74-609 •+5'08 Van S. Reynolds  w. Natnagel  °'  d  20,000 $  3,300 S 210,000 $ 175,000 $ 35,000 Ft. Dear. N., Ohi.; G. Rap. N. Oity and G. Rap. Sav., G. Rap .  30,000  18,000  560,000  F5,ooo  90,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  Covert__ __ Van Buren K 4 Covert State Bank •. ·- •:t§'99 O. Y. Vaughan Jr. T. C. Tiedebohl.Jr. T. Spelman •••• - •• 7 Pop. 400 74-611  20,000  2,000  162,800  169,870  2-1,220 Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st State. South Haven.  OroswelL_. __ Sanilac 111 First State Savings Bank :t§'lO Wm. H. Aitkin ••• _ A. E. Sleeper----·· Frank L. Fenton __ F. C. Hurley _____ _ 7 D Pop. 16i + 74-406  30,000  15,540  633,320  630,730  48,370 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  State Bank of CroswelL:t§'83 J.P. Niggeman, Jr. H. W. Wixon ...... M. H. Aitkin--·-··- M. K. Davi.--··-·74-405 Francis Jadle  60,000  30,000 1,000,000  900,000  W.S.Fotheringham E. I. Fotheringham John Anderson_. __ SophiaBorenemann  10,000  12,500  88,500  R. B.Smith ••.•••. _ J. H. Steere __ .•••• Ray Binkley_ ...... E. J. Fro t ____ • __ _  .t.Corunna _Shiawassee J 8 Old Corunna State Bank•:tl'06 W. ll'. Gallagher_._ T. M. Euler •• -··-·- E.T. Sidney·-·--·- F. 7 D Pop. 1571 74-610 .  CrumP-·····-··-·Bay H 8 Crump Bank---····-··-•:tt·os 7 D Pop. 300 74~12 OrystaL.. __ Montcalm I 6 tateBank or Crystal. __ !§'15 7 Pop. 400 74-613 •Orv ta! Falls ___ Iron C 4 Crystal Falls National Bank -~ Pop. 3394 74· 1054 •:l:'20 Iron County National Bank 74-614 •'04 Crystal Valley _OceanaH4 Farmers ExCJbange Bank. t'lS 7 Pop. 200 H-943 • Ouster----··-- Mason H 4 Bank of Ouster·-·----··*t'll 7 Pop. 2ti9 74-615 Daft«>r ···- -Chi1mewa Il 9 Dafter Sa\ ings Rank ..• - t•ll) 9 POil- 60 74- 1045 DaggetLMenominee D 5 Daggett State Bank ••• -• §'13 9 Pop. 321 74- 933 Dari ·on ______ Genesee I 9 Davison State Bank _____ •§'95 7 Pop. !!11 + 74-617  -.  fARMERS STATE 8 AN K 74-1058  Dearborn ____ Wayne K 10 American Rtate Bank_• ffl9 D Pop. 2470 74- 1042 Dearborn State Bank_ •. •:tl'96 + 74-618 Oecatur ___ Van Buren K 4 Ci.tizens Sta t~-4Hank.--- •H',O::i 7.. 20 Pop. 12i0 First State Bank _______ •!§ 90 74- 419 Deckrr__·-·· auilac I 11 Decker State Bank __ .• _ t§'l;i 7 D Pop. 200 74-965 OeckPrville __ anilacH 11 Commercial Bank of James 7 D Pop. i 2 Livinl!stou c Company 74-512 :tt'l7 Farmers State Bank. __ •:t§'IH 74-510 State Bank of Deckerville 74-511 •t§'97 Ueerfl•ld . ___ LenaweeL9 Deerneld tateBank. ___ :t§'06 7 o Pop. 4n 74-6111  7.  !.  91.000  20,000  10,000  175,000  1:10,000  ren .• ____ ' J. \V. Black·---···- G. A. Brotherton __ C. F. Richard _____ _  49,700  12,300  234,840  226,260  J. F. Corcoran __ • __ B. C. Neely •• ·-··-- J. J. Gatrney -····- A.G. Arno t ·····-  50,000  i6,150 1,001,760  879,190  I  Charles  c. W. McPhaiL -··•  ~  20,000 Fatie~.tate Sav., Bay Oity; 1st & Old Det. N., ()  :I:  25,000 Chase N,, N. Y.; Bk. of Det., Det.  City, N. Y.; 1st N,, Ohi.; Korthw. 0 Mnpls. :,X:. 272,020 N N. Y.; Oorn Ex. N., Ohi:; 1 t Wis.,!., 52,520  ?.  '  ?  z  _m~Y,  1  _ ····-··-··-······· W. A. Wever--·--· --·-···· ···- ·-·- ··-- - - - · - -·---··· - - · · - ____ ----·- Union Tr. 'Jo., Chi,: State Sav., Scottville. tJj  W. A. Cartier ••• - •• L. H. Duguid - · - · John 0. Doe-·---·· ---···-······- - · - - - - - - - ________ - - · - 1st N., Chi.; G. Rap. N, Oity, G. Rap,; Luding- )' ton State. Ludi_neton. . . IZ 500 45,000 30,000 20,500 1Corn Ex. N .• Chi.; ault Sav •• Sault to Mane. ~ 5,000 N. L. Field •. ----·- A. L.Hillier_ •.•••. W. F. Roe--·--·- ·----·-·-· -··---·--A. E. Weng ••..••. - D.R. Landsborough II. A. Stow-·····-- C. 0. Larsen------  20,000  15,000  190,000  210,000  A. B. Cullen--·--·- I. J. Berry ---····· E. C. Reid _____ --·-. C. S. Stombaugh __ _  50,000  14.830  530,890  555,330  {HARRY POTTER --- W. E. HILL .•••••.•- M. A. McBRATHEY- -- HOWARD RICE-····-  40.000  6J,6-IO  81,260  23,000 IHan. N._. N. Y.; 9ont. & Cqm'l N., Chi.: Marinel fJ'J N., Mil.; Com l. Menomrnee. 77,160 Han. N,, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N ... Chi.; Peo. (j State, Det.: Genesee Co. Sav., Fhnt.  I  0  Quick retur n on collections at Reas onabte  Prompt, per~on al attention as ·u red all bu<.ine.' · e ntru ted to us.  TRY  0  Rates.  t, ~  24,000  325,UOO  W. J. Hayes-·----- F. W. Dalby --···-· A. R. Little------·- C, ,\. !!:ngli ·h-··-·-  100,000  Henry Ford __ ._···- H. Kalmbach·····- C. H. tone ____ ----~-··-··-······--···E.G. Liebold Geo. T. Pomeroy •.... __ ·---_-···-··--- R. I. Hudson __·--·· -·--··----·---···- --  100,000 20,000  10,000  500,000  450,000  E. E. Oopley-.••••. H. D. WicketL ••. - L. E. Van Antwerp \H. H. Creag.. n -·-F. C. Stapleton W. F. Ehlers-·-··- David Innes_ •••••• W. F. Ehlers--·-·· Mylo Rai:an ___ ···0. W. ique  40.000  16,000  470,000  43'l,Ol'O  20,000  7,000  210,000  210,000  ·-·--·---·-·--- --·  15,000 ·-·····-  93,000  160,000  10,000  3.50,000  325,000  i  Robinson \Vellock _lIIcnry .Iatthews __ Harold Rel!entine _  15,2-10 Chase .. -. Y.; Corn Ex. ... .. hi.; Com\1, ; Fed. Sav., Det.: lndusaial Sav. and Citiz. _, Com'l & Sav., Flint.  u 387,000  1116,820 2,081.840 1.897.220  o  57,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. ~r .. hi.; Am. tate and Peo. State, net. ::J . City, N. Y .; Oont. & Oom'l N ., Chi.; Peninsular State, Det.: 1st~·., Clev. I 70,000I Oont. & Com '! N .. O.ll1.; 1st & Old Det. N .• Det.: Kalamazoo City Sav .. Kalamazoo. 83,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Pco. State, Det.  46:i, 790  40,000 Uan. ~ ., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: Bay City. Hay City. U,500 Comw.-Fed. av., Det., 1 t N .• Bay City, I  C. E. COPP---····· C. E. M Clusky ___ J. F. Powley---·-- M. C. Baird ...••• __  25,000  Geo. B. Forrester._ C. E. ~1cClusky _. __ C. E. McClusky __ ._ 0. J. Munn--······ M. L Forre ter I. E. Kennedy W.F. Weisinger_ .. W.T. Atkin ____ • __ ArthurJ.Cannon __ Fred. W. Kini:-•• -  25,000  8,000  665,000  630,GOO  20,000  H,850  335,190  374,320  Deford ••..•• Tuscola I 10 Deford Bank _______ •••••:tt '05 A. Frutchey-····-· H. FrutcheY--··-·- J. Frutchey··-···-- \Jno. Retherford -7 D l'OJ), 220 74~20 Dt>ln1y 'tati011._._ Wayne (See Detroit) 70 (Ddroit l'.O .) r 11 Delton ••• ----·· Barry J 6 Delt.on State Bank -·-·- •t§'0-1 A . .A. Aldrich •.•••• Wm. ElliotL-···-- - R. A. Norwood._._ ·-·-···-··--·--···-1 1 Pop. 3:;u I 74-621 . . . . . . . . . . . .111111.....1111..-i!  5,000 Nu.nibttr under N•uie ol' B•nk la ,o t111Ch ba.ok 1a U. B. e:xclo•lrely b Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  160,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Peo. State, Det.  1-4  '  Ncw - Progressi vc-- 'trong-Grow In~. •§'20  __ _  I  She New Tran,Jl, Number 11-rea  The Jland-McNallr Banke_n•  7,500  168,220  25,870  168,220  , 0  35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., .Det.; ht N.j Ex .. Pt. Huron. 1 i5,000 Han. N ., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N ., Det. •'"';  g  37,130 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Adrian• State Sav., Adrian: Monroe State ,av., Ill Monroe. 5,470 1st & Old Det. N .• Det. '.:c:  I..,  I§  78,800 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: 1st ~• .. ..._... .K aiiiilajim._azoo: Hastings N .. Ha.tings. 1111  YOUNG IN Tt:.AK~ ANU STRONG-GROWi 0  ~~IN:IT  . -  ti. ·1  .-.  Reserve  C1"ty DETROIT..-rftaaall NaJDalle, 111• lte'f/lT • TIie • , Bald,.bT - -ID"U.-B.w.... -· ._. Ban.ken• Jland-HeNaJJ7 e:relrulYel7 baDk -11 to · (Wayne Co., K 11) County Seat. Population 993,739 ~ (Branch or Federal Reserve blstrlct N_!), 7) Dueelor,. an~er I.lie aul.llo!!_IT~I The Am~J__ean B_ia_nken A.u•n. s:: CORRESPONDENTS. PRINCIPAL RESOURC~=====:::::...=M=B==O=P==B=A..N==K-.==:::.C:..:.:.::.:::::::::::::::::;:.;=:.~::c.c.:::;;:::=-==:.:~=======-==::::::.=====================-===:==LI:=-A-=B=ILITIES.. . - - - - ~ M1ecl1lt- I CA~R lNun1AvL1n- D11Poo.,a1Ta Lo.u,re & BoNDs, Ass'T CA.SlHER. PAID-UP SuRA~·Lnus. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. , •.Hem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState PRESIDENT. LA>1Eoue ~CURI DI&., nlem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. COtnn'II nms,m~. REs'ouBcEe RmsouBcEe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ s Buu::s CAPITAL PROFITs,DEPo_s1T_ [E tab ♦M m Fed Res 1- ~-- ---- , - - ------1 • • • e • 111,990 N,City,N.Y.;Peo.State, lst&Old 10 4U90 78,000$ 300,000$ IH,370$4,143 ,,13() _________ $5,240,010 R.G. Lambrecht __ D. Kelly _____ ______ GustavDietrich, ·earl Wisner.Sec.__ AmericanLoan ·TrustCo. Det. N .• and Wayne Co. & Home ~ Tr. H. C. Jolly, John Wynn6, Jr. •t '06 9--65 Sav., :Det. A. Sec. Geo. E. Rieden, (439 Gri wold) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:__ _ _ _..:.A..:.·:...T_r..:.•.!..'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  *AMERICAN  STATE BANK  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - - 1 1  --- --- --- ---  R. M. ALLAN-------ti. J. HAYES------- J. J. BRADY-------- G. W. J. LINTON, 507,480 16,209,200$ 125,000 6.170,200 791,650 7,516,730 3,175,510 Liberty N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I 1,000.000 l'. P. and Cash. S. A. MAUER GORDON FEARN LEY N., Chi.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., _ _ HENRY M. HILD CHARLES P. I.ARN ED L. H. D. BAKER, (20 Branches) Bufl'alo;3dN.,Phll. 11 Pres. L.W.SCHIMMEL 1  ____ ~ 113 i,~wold) •U'OH Member of Federal Reserve Bank. Your buelnees invlt ed. Particular attention sa : iven to coll~t Iona. 1 41,260 Peninsular State and Peo. State. Det. 40,610 28,080 74,420 _ _ _ _ 2,104,760' 108,930 500,000 \Y. Han on. ec. C. Brandon. \'-i. Hubbard Bankers Trust Company .•!§'17 Arthur Web ·ter Tr, Dep. B. E. Cole, Edwin Denby 9~4 ________________ A. Sec. and A. Tr. _ _ _ _ _ _ ,____ , Ralph • "ixon (156 \Y. Cong re. )  ---IF· I  .  BANK OF DETROIT ♦ 41  ----1W.  Tr.Ill.  1  JAMES COUZENS-- J. T. WHITEHEAD - R. B. GRIPMAN---- F. J. BEYER-------957.370 3,440,980 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N./ Chi.; N. 662,380 18,486.280 _________ 8,679,800 8,460,700 1,000,000 f1NRN(Y ,. ,. FJIUS:foRN (lO Branclies) - - - - - Shawmut,Bos.;Phl.N.,Phll. - W.R.LAING · · We handle cash items and collections G. T. MURRAY,  •!§ lH 9--60 Fort t. \Ye _t)  <I *CENTRAL SAVINGS BAlill  i: f·  direct at a minimum cost. We solicit inquiries.  Auditor,  1,000,000  460,710 17,968,6JO __________  U23,100 11,642,500  569,flOO  COMMONWEALTH-FEDER~~ J, '\N,. ¥c~~usey --- Fra~k ~Volf. ______ F. II. Talhot.. _____ John, A. Seymour__ H. \\. Jordan C. F. Biel man SAVINGS BK. 9-fi2 ______ •fi 16 M. E. Gah 1n,  750,000  141,000 11.046,000 __________  9,856,350 __________  219,370  •f · lH,;{ • (Cadillac Square)  • Ch. of Bd. C. A. 'l'yler 1 H. Talbot (1 Bra11rhe.) : A.H. Moore ontincntal Bank --------- 11'21 W. G. Tot'P •L _____ II. .I. Out hard _____ W. J.  tBarumoncl Bldg.)  :I:  ____ ____ ·----1----i--,-,.-:-::-----1 1 11  i----ci  Harry J, Fox ______ L. P. Smith ________ A. W. Kauffman ..• Chas. G. Munn ---Arthur F. Papke I,eo F. Timma (6 Branct~es)  3,092,740 Mech. & Metals, N. and l _s i N .• N. Y.: Cont. & Com IN .• Ohl.; 1st & Old Det. N •• Det. 1,862,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N,, Chi.  •  Ill'.  . H. Zinkann ____ _  ch<'cter ____  · . W. Burton 9-68 1309 Broa1l way *Detroit 'aving. · Bank---•:l:1'49,G. . Baker-------- Chas. A. Dean.---- .J. £1. Doherty _____ T. F. H_ancock_____ J.C. Dilworth E. J. DPe. J.B. Doherty D. C. Delamater, IHI ♦ upt, of Branches. Wilson Flemin({ Ch. of Brl. • ( tatc and Gri ·wold) w. H. Wat on (14 Branches) Ralph Stoce ______ - S. T. Miller-------- Fred Wix on, Tr. __ c. E. Bilton. Su. __ DETROIT TRUST COMP ANY A.A.Chilman,.A.Tr. F. J. McGavin, J.E. Danaher •il'0l Julius C. Peter. 9-55 A. ee. . ' As t. to Pres. L. K. Butler (Fort and h Iby) 1Julius H. Moeller. C. P. picer A. Sec. McPherson Brown iog H. L. tanton  I  *DIME SAVINGS BANK  ♦  •:l:§'84 l>-21 (Gri wold and Fort)  r: i:  t: iA~m';hN,  Credit Mgr. P, in charqe Br'ches. Mgr, Foreign Dept,  A Commercaal Bank offering a Complete Banking Service. Your Detroit and Michigan Business Cordially invited. Special attention paid to Collections.  l ,!;00,000  140,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- __________ ---------- ---------- Irving N., N. Y.; 4tn St. Fifth-Third .1. . , Gin.; Union 'l'r., X CJ'J Clev. ;N. Bk. Com., Det. • 200,000 5,150,000 20,500,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 Am. Ex. ., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'L.'. 2,3i0,000 2,100,000 and Corn Ex. N .• Chi,; N. hawt:, mut, Bos.  2,000.000  3,039,000  i00,000  I  6,582,l")O _______  5,118,000  3,284,000  Tr. Dep.  1,324,000  2,042,000 Far. Ln . & Tr. and .Bkrs. Tr. Oos., ~ N. Y.: March. Ln. & Tr, Co .. Chi.  Han. N., Liberty N., Mech. & Metals N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 1,095,000 5.193,!i30 & Com'l . and Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Corn Ex. N. and Phil. N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Riggs N., Wash., D. C.; Canadian Bk. Com., Wind or, Ont.  --- - -----: -----1----1-1,500,000  2,459,790 33,551,670  420,!iSO 14,101.620 24.297,890  Your Detro it Coll!ection sonal pre·se ntatio 15 branch o out th Quick Re turns  w. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  g, r+  (Branch of C11ica ,oo, lll~ For complelte information seelpaoe 26> •Fed.era! Re~erve Ban.k _of Chicago ___ 9-29______ Dist. 7 . Oonf!rec:s) (36 (Dct1·oit Bani, Continued. on followino paoe) BONDS AND SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS MAY BE BOUGHT FROM US BY BANKS;  z tD  l----------------=--------~-------1----1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T. W. P. LIVINGSTONE DUNCAN W. DAKER .. G. T. BREEN, Aud, FRED D,. LORIMER W. P. BnEEN R. H. MOORE,  O >  > ~r., Phil., :2!  I  WM. LIVINGSTONE -- GEORGE H. BARBOUR W· L. DUNHAM C.' S. CARNEGIE (15 Branches) fAr1\~W3\10NE EDWIN HERZ G, V .-  8:  ()  CONTINENTAL AND  s assured prompt, pern by reason of our ffices throughe city. - Low est Rates.  Number under N me or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of Tbt> Amer~~n !ankers ~ss•n.  642  NA:itE 01:1' 13..L'K,  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.  §  ta.te  PRESIDENT.  I  V  p  I  DETROIT- COnt 'd- R eserVe  I~ ---  (Branch of Federal Reserve District No.~ .  :tMt>m. State Ilks. Assu. tPriv ICE- RESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass'T CASHIER. ~~Iem. Fed. }{es. [Estab_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ , ,  *FIRST AND  OLD DETROIT NATIONAL BANK 11-1  *MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK ll- 27  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., N, Y.; Corn Ex. N ., Cont. & Com'I N ., and 1st N., CW.; 1st N., St. L.; $57 010 360 $11536 380 I $63192 950 $18 046 340 1$ 5,437,290 $21221190 1st N. and Bk. or No. Amert ca, PhU,;lstN., Bos.;LeadingBks. 63. Th is Ban i k will receive the Ac counts and Bkrs. lnalllmportantComs of all Banks, 1 Banke rs and Corporations, I merctal centers of the world. viduals, and w ill give prompt attention to 1 1 entrusted to i ts care !. ~ 1  - - - - 1--.. . ,- - - , $ 5,000,000 $ 5.190,220  Organized 18 andCo llection Firms andlndi any bu siness  I  602,630 12,789,600  I  I  SEE ADVERTISEMENT  1,000,000  1  I  OPPOSITE PAGE 631  I == n !I:  0  -------- 1  8,592,070  4,418,790  1,783,200  ► 1,781,780 Ohem. N .. N . Y.: Corn Ex. N. , Chi.; j Z Union Tr. , Co. Clev.  j~  I  ,,. .-,,  I~  I 800,000  235,660  108,900 __.:.___  --=-==-I- -- - - --- ----  Young- Strong-Progressive. We handle collections promptly and intelligently.  t  RESOURCES.  ---------i  • First tate Bank-------•U'58 Geor~e B. Kirchner P.R. Gray ________ H. J, Koch _______ Emil Jacob________ • 9-7 (9 Branches) C. \V, Kotcher Julius Rubiner 1c;ri wold and Lafayette) A. E. Larned R. T. Klrchner C. A. •ewcomb. Jr. E. C. Bloss Edward Yentsch John Koch B. J, Koch GUARANTY TRUST CO. -•l§'l6 F. B. Bessenger ___ G.H. Kirchner---- C. L. Vieman, Tr. W. V. Butler, Sec._ 11- 6~ A. A. lloore G . .A.. McKaig, W. J. Krueger, (432 Gri wold) H. R. Martin A. Tr. A, Sec. F. A. Tilton. Auditor  JOHN BALLANTYNE- DAVID GRAY-------- B. G. VERNOR------ w. R. JOY J.P. HEMMHER CIIAS K. RARTOW e. G. VERNOR FRANK A ouwE ALFRED T, LERCHEN R. W. SCHWEITZER  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, L. ws (indexed) in back of this o~ me. For Interest ~te ·, ~ll~aya, etc_:, see Laws.  I  EMORY W. CLARK--WM. J. GRAY------W. G. NICHOLSONWM. T. DeGRAFF FRANK 6. SMITH EDW. C. MAHLER JOHN H. HART W. G. NICHOLSON W. A. McWHINIEY  F. F. CHRISTIE ---RUSSEL E.SMITH JAMES A. WILSON BYRON W. CLUTE H.J. BRIDGMAN C.H. WAGAR A. W. T. MEYERS GEO. H. MAHLER L. f. MERZ, lUgr. Forelgn Exchangt!. EDWARD E. DEAN F. J. PARKER W.R. BROUGHTON A. V. McCLELLAN •t'63 ~ -- - - - - - - - - - - , - - -- ----C_HA_S_._ M_cM _ IC_H_A_EL  c·lty  I I  2,343,360  ---1·-  lo.400  17,30(,  41,130 1N. Shawmut, Bos.  n C/l t;ll  n r+ -I  - -1----,- - - - 2,000,000 1.441.760 9.799.560 -· · . : .____ 13,838,880 1,389,900  g.I  I  -  j  247,410 2,381.480 N. City and Llbercty tN.&, NC. Y; ; ~ CornEx.N.and on. om 1 ... , N., Chi.; Uh st. N., Phll. :::,  5·  WE GET RESULTS.  (Gri wold an<l Congr  r;::  n  p.  Michigan  ta\]fnk 01' n:i§?fJ.Frank SchmidLWOl  h no)  I 1  •  C. KruszewskL. F. A. Smith ________ J. A. Grupciyn   Nua,ber under N•aie or Bank is New Tr•nslt Nuniber given to each bank in U. S. exclusl,·ely by The B•nd-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The.:. Amerlcan Bankers Ass'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·kL  250,000  25,790  2,190,840 - - - - ·  570,120 1.468, 740,  131.280  319,030 N. P ark, N. Y.: Corn E x. N., Chi,: . Bk. Com., Det.  --1-~'  -  Meeb. & Metals N,, Guaranty Tr. n> Co., and Chem. N., N. Y,: N. ::, City andCont. & Com'l N.,Cbl.; ~ 1st N., Phil.and t.L,: N. Shaw- n, mut, Ros,; Fld. N. Bk. & Tr.,~  Kan.C.  4  ........ ~-  DETROIT-Cont'd-Reserve City _  _ _CB_r_anch of Federal Reserve Dlstr!ct No. 7)  --:-:  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. I» -  -  - - -·_ , ::,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this c.... - C On t 'd- R eserve Cl•ty volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. I I» - - - - - - '~:, -"'.:=-======== -PRINCIPAL- CORRESPOND.ENT!S. ====·_:--:...c=-===;;;.;:::==-..:.;.;.;._==-='-=""-==-=============-::=::= ===:::::::=:::::::::=======================:-=====.:·-::....;. RESOURtER. LIABJLIT1ES. NAMB or BANK. 8 80 178 ~ !~~ IN~~'iD- Dll~~SITB Lo;,::. & :E~~~~~ ~~ ;~~; Rmfo~CEB PAID-UP CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. ,i~~~ PRESIDENT. ;::::::tl:ieBif:s~l::i:.. 1'T CASBIER. ::< couNTs TIES, ETC. RmeouBc:zs _0_.&_P_I_T_•_L_ _P_a_o_~_1T_s D11POS!TB BANJ[B + 1 . .::..F.::.ed_._H_e.:...s_··---=-[E_:s_t.c..a_h._ ♦-"ll_e.::..1_n.;._ (Branch of Fede~I R_es~rve District No. 7)  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 1  I  -  1  I  Leonard T. Reed .. S ·orthwestern tate Bank•t§'l5 W. C. Martindale •• F. C. :Martindale ••• Peter Prochaska, .Acting Frank Vignoe 74-985 Peter Prochaska (9479 Grand River)  25,000 S  698,ooo - - - ·  21,6001$  Is  491,500  $  205,300  s  8,500$  '°  45,700 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. andlst ~ & Old. Det. N ., Det.  ( J. H. Johnson ... Frank P. Byrne .... H. lilo:xon ......... F. F. Flemini .•.•• 2,500,000 1,457,650 30,684,380 $ 839,400 19,944,900 13,397,460 1,401,560 4,938,510 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: M. S. Webb Cont.& Oom'lN., Chi.: 1st .. ~ .• Bo:,. J. Nesbitt, F. W. Hubb:ud (20Bramhes) A. Cash. B. H. Johnson H. L. Chittenden H.B. Stead, A uditor lA. J. :Mar~h H. H. Ellerton *PENINSULAR STATE BANK < F. C. Flumerfelt, A. J. Chapp •ii•s7 0-17 • Supt. of Branche11 E. J. Obendorfer tl40 Fort St., We. t) l Accounts or Ba nks, Corporation 1, Firms and lndl vlduals sollclted. Our coll ectlon se rvlce wm be foun d exceptl onally pr ompt an d efflcle nt.  IW.  I I  -  :: ()  THE  APEOPLES STATE BANK  ♦  •:U'07  IHO  (Fort and helhy)  -  - --~  (----------'----------------- -  -·····i  ::x:  -  II. A. H. MOODY SCHUtTE .... AUSTIii l. BODO W. STALEY .. ,. R. JI,.. IEEIIA, LEUTY E. SWEENY..... E. WING, J. ) BRA~ICH .A11s't to Prr1<ident • P. BORG Al Ch of Bd 5,000,000 9,027.640 94.535.700 5.543.700 82.930,870 24.423.390 1,870,710 21,403,920 .BBOEGlABLEY • IIORrlA1, I. C. WT.CSUMDYMILIERE _ ,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iA lt-fgr.BoncLDept • • • 0 • • .. . • D. ~EftPHI R. P. FRASER, C.H. AYERS m Branche.s)  . . I·  Mnr.ForeignDept. G. T. 0 RT EY,A udit-Or Your account Invited on liberal terms, Michigan Items and collections promptlv handled at a reasonable ch arge.  lA.  IL.  I  United avin2s Bank •••• •t§'02 Frank B. Leland •• F. M. Warner·-··- C. B. Cramer •••.•• J. R. Barkham .•••• , B. M. Zimmermann 0-56 • (1248.50 Griswold) J. H. Haass •••••• \George Wiley ••••. G. H. Johnstone ··1Bu2h R. B11rns ··W. H. McCienahen Geo. J. Pipper, W. V. Moore C. F. Collin • Auditqr L. L. Rosier Ch.of Bd. W.S.Green *WAYNE COUNTY George C. John ton Edwin J. Eckert (20 Branches) and Chas. H. Northrop Arthur E. Loch HOME SAVINGS BANK Rupert Pletsch •tl'71 9- 23 • 1Geo. F. Buhrer F. A. Grosfield (Michigan and Griswold) ) Commercial accounts Invited on liberal terms. Geo. A. Burns !,.T. W. Schmitt Wojciks 4% Savings Bank. t'19 I,. F. Wojcik •••..• ,~fattie Wojcik ••.. J. F. 1>1crritt, Sec,:-·-·····---·-·-· · I 9-67  r:~:~J;;;;;;;;;. . -.r·  Wm. LiviDgstoDe ..  ----·---------!,-  .  ,-  ec.  N. Park, N. City, Cha e N., and Chem.N.,N.Y.;Cont&Com'lt:0 N.,N.Bk.Rep., ~nd 1 t N., Chi.; )>  1 tN.,Phila.;N. hawmut, Bo·.  500,000 1,221.700 2,431.760 --········ Tr. Dep.  'cc.  I  ,-  - - -- - ~  2,436,230 1,007,650 -····--·  739,330 Bkrs. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: ont., · om'l ~ ,.. .i: ., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. :N' .. Det. ~  ~.---.......  ... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  i  i . I;  1  Sec. cc.  . I;  1,000,000 1,000,000 6,658,520 ____ Tr.Dep,  3,218,860 3,715,020 ··--···---  788,890 Guaranty Tr. Co. and J. P. Morgan § &Co . . . Y.;Con1 &Com'IN .. Chi.: f"f' Peo. State, Merch. N ., 1st & Old ... Det. N ., N. Bk. of Com., and Dime n, Sav •• Det.  g 0.  500,000  4,000.000 6,376,510 73,898,030  50,000  6,835,000 - - - -  21,750  I.002,380 Columbia Tr. Co., T. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N. and,.. Bk. Com., Det.  181.350 26,489,360 47,683,240  2,130,480  N. Y.; Cont. 8,152,810 Cha~e N. and 1st & Com'I N. and 1st ., Chi,: Girard N., Phil.; Comw. Tr. Co .. Bos.  275,000 6,832,000 ····-····  25,000  100,000 ·······-·  65,000  10,000 -·--·-  4  ..  125,000 N, Bk. Com. and Am. State. Det.  H-,1:~~~~"Af.,,i--······-····· .................... -···--··· -········· ·-········ .... ·-··-· ·····-···· ······--  Detroit continuccl on nc:rtpa ue> INVESTMENTS FOR BANKS MATURING AT CONVENIENT DATES :  2! ;,:: C/J  SEE llV ERTISEM ENT ON I IIDEX Ml CH.  I  E. GreP.n. Sec... •curityTru t Com1>any .•tl'06 C. 0. Jenks-··-· L. W. Bowen ••••.. R. L. Nixon, Tr ..•. C. T. Darn on, A. S A. E. Green g.57 II. R. Gleason, .A.. O. A. Guerin (125 (;ri wold) }l'. L. Adam~. A.Sec. L. K. Walker J. ,\. Reynold_, A. J. Toomey, A. S 1 UNION TRUST COMPANY .•tl'IH Frank W. Blair •••. G. J. Mcllechan .•• G.J.McMechan,Sec. C. E. Clark. Tr..... E. A. Miller, C. H. Adam , C.R. Dunn H. M. Campbell, O-f>4 A. Sec. Asst. V. P. Ch. of Bd. J. . Stalker (Union Trust Blcii.) ~I. C. Adams, Asst. r. P. ,I. T. Cowles Harry Slater, Asst. V. P. B. II. )fanning A. W. Bond, A. Sec.  0 z>  -CONTINENT AL AN o·  GOMM ERCIAL l3AN K_S, CHJC_AGQ•:\~~ r":_c''_.  I:  1'1'·•--· 644 Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS .N.HtE.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. Mem. Im·. Bks. Assn.  I°'j:  Non-Bank Towns '\\1th Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of t.his·· volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday~!_ etc., see _Laws.  D~TROIT-Cont'd-Reserve City NAl'rlE •  YEAR ESTABLISHED.  OFFICERS.  •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn.  CORRESPONDENTS.  YEAR ESTABLISHED.  OFFICERS.  I  CORRESPONDENTS.  '  ----------------  BOLGER MOSSER & WILLAMAU,-'94 { John W. Ballmann, Mor, ______________ Bolger, Mosser & Willaman, E. E. MacCRONE & COMPANY--·· ~•15 { (E. E. Mac Crone, Sole Owner>------··-·--·· Post & Flagg, N. Y.: Pynchon (Municipal Bonds) (BranchofOhicaao,lll.)  '(Dime Bank Bldg,)  Chi.  Geo. H. Burr c· Co .. -------·---·--··'05l(Commercial Paper> -------------- -----------·- Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y .. Chi., Phil., Bos .. and ,t. L. (Book Bldg.) H. )J. Bylle by.,- Co·--------···---· '211T. E. !lan~~in. },Jgr .. ·-·········-----·-·------ H. ~- Bylle ·by & qo .. T, Y., Chi., Bos., and :Mmpls. (Public Utility Investments) (Dime Bank Bldg,) F. C. Boehler & Co., Tol.; C. B. Hull, Sec. Peo. State and Peninsular Wm. O•.Sterhng, Jr., Tr. state, Det. { Municipal, Corporation, Real Estate Bonds, and Government Bonds. Dealers in all Stocks. E:. G. Bumpus, Pru. Benj. Dan ard, Y. P.  DAIISARD·HULL·BUMPUS CO.--- '03 (161 Congress St., W.)  FEDERAL BOND & MORTGAGE CO.,lnc. {Alfred J. Mur~hy,Pres. ~- M. Gross, (5?6Griswold) -  V. P ... Isl N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., 1st F.J.Mahler. ec.&Tr. NormanLyle,.A.Tr. &OldDetN.,andlstState, Det. (First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds)  -i;•15  FENTON DAVIS & BOYLE ... ·-·· 'll 19 {F; R. Fen~on, Pres. R._J. Boyle.~ec. and Tr. 1st N ., Chi.: Peo. State, Det.; Capital.~300,000 v. i::-. Paid \\. L. Davi:.;,Munic,pal, ll30 Congress t., \\ est) Bonds.Old N., G. Rap. andupCorporation Go1Jernment, •  •  C  & Co.,N.Y., Chi., Lon., and Liverpool; Farnum.Winter & Co .• Chi. W. E. MOSS & COMPANY -···-·•i'll'95 (Investment Bonds and Stocks>-. ••• - - - Folsom&Adam~.N.Y. I (710 Union Tr. Bldg.) NATIONAL CITY COMPANY ·-------'16 S. Harvey Hughes. Dist. Sales Mor.····---·· N. City Co .• N. Y. anrl oorres- 1 _pondent offices. See Adv. !(Investment Securities} (147 Griswold St.) . Page 3. , I E. Naumburg- & Co .. ··-·--··-----·- 94 G. A. Stearns, Mgr .. _·-·-·-·---··----···--·· E. Naumburg & Co.,. N, -Y., Chi., Bos., Hart., Phil., and (Commercial Paper) (Dime Bk. Bldg.) Pitt. J. H. Poole, Pres,---·--F, D. Nicol, Tr .•••.. N. Bk. Com., Peo. State, 1st & Old Det. N., and Bk. of ~ F. 0. Ford. Sec. NICOL, FORD & COMPANY, INC.. '1!'12 F. D. Nicol. V. P. Det., Det.; Highland Park ;::a. Howaad Bennett, (Ford Bldg.) { F. C. Ford, V. P. () A. Se.c. and A. Tr. State, Highland Park. (Invest. Securities) W. No~le. Pres._ •••• T. O. Dana, Tr .•••••••• Pynchon Co•• N. Y. & Chi. D. L. Robrnson, V.-P. __ s, R. Noble, Sec. 1 1 (BONDS AND STOCKS) The oldest bon. d house_ in Michigan. .,,,,  OBLEpAN y la. H W&NCOM  E. w. Cl:uk, Pres. Alfred Rice, Sales Mgr. .H. Wilkinson, Tr. J.H. impson,V.P. S. H. Rubiner, A. Tr. D. D. Douglas,  .  First Na.t,o~1J.1 , ompany ·-------·1 19 (2.0 Ford Blclg.)  (Investment Securities}  (301 Penobscot Bldg.)  (318 Dime Bk. Bldg.)  ~  e z  Refer to every bank 1n Detroit. •i'94IStock department handling all s~oc.ks dealt in on this ""'1 market on comm1ss1on. 1~  .,,,, ·v, P. and Sec. OTIS & COMPANY•-----·--·-------· '99 (Investment Securities) __ ····-·--·-····-· -····•-I Otis & Co., Cleve., Cin., Col., Tol., Akron, Youngstown, ~ (Majestic Bldg,) (ln'lleatment Securities) Bos:, Den., and Colorado { N. W. Remin,g-ton: ~fgr.·-----·-···-·-·-·-·-· Guarants:- Co. of N. Y., N. Y. st E. REILL y & co ........·-·-··-•:·05 (Stocks and Bonds) ..... ·-··-····-····-···-· 'spe~r;~;~rask & Co., N. Y. (Inve ment Secimties) t, and Chi. (1006 Penobscot Bldg.) {(Bo nds>·--------------------· Head Offices Chicago and {J. H. McOluney •. ~.fO:· ··-··-··---·-· ---· -·-· 'Peo. State and Am. State, Cb llf, (Succes •on;to N. W. Hal ey & Co., Chicaoo) · New York: See adv. on W G SOUDERS & COMPANY r+ Det. -··-· u 14 (Investment "'ecunties) . . • bark of Chicago Map. ~ Paid·UJJ Capital, $1,000,000. (Dime Bk. Bldg.} ( tocks and Bonds) _____________·--·---· E. H. Clarke & Co., T, X,; ~Joel Stockard. Pres ... •••. W. L. Davies, Tr. Peo. State and Am. State, 9. Lester Carter & Co., Oh1.: 1 r+I W. O. Boynton.Sec. Det. JOEL STOCKARD & COMPANY .... ,. 15 Tho . Neal, V. P. . . Thurman & Co .• G. Rap. <InpeBtment ~ecunties) E. C. Anderson .. ( 150 Penobscot Bldg.) W. H. Dunham. Mor.----------- ·-·····- Hanchett Bond Co .• Chi. () Cashier. Paid•UP Cap1tal, $100,000 (Municipal Bond ) s w,. Straus. & Co' N. Y., ··--· {s. w. Straus. Pres . •••• _.James_Gi~lin. I I JULIAN H. HARRIS, SIDN~Y R. SMALL, CARRQLL ": LAWSON, Partners. r+ 11-Iichioam ]-for. Ohl., and Mmpls s. J. T. Straus. v. P. (INCORPORATED) Underwriters and D1str1buters. •'82 INVESTMENT BONDS. Founded 1882 Municipal, Industrial, Public Utility and  z  { Paid up Capital,$1,000,000. Surplus, $336.470  GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK .,;·20 HALSEY STUART & CO.-·-·---·-* '10 ' (1518 Ford Bldg.) W. A. HAMLIN & CO .. --····--·-·•!'06 (Penob rot Bldg.) (~1ajeq ic Bldg.)  Hanchett Bond Co., Inc .. --···-··-·'10 (Dime Bank Bldg.)  I  w.  HARR IS J SMALL Railroad Bonds and Notes. Inquiries Invited. & LAWSON Correspondents: Peo. State, Penn. State, Merch. N. and 1st & Old  I  en  I  sTRAUS ' s w& CO  g 5· c  <Penobscot Bldg.)  The Straus Bro co., Chi. Cb {S. J. Straus, Pres. --·--Otis D. Nu:baum. (150 Congress St., W.) 0. Resident Mor. and Ft. Wayne. THE STRAUS BROTHE.RS CO•-··--· ~'60 X.1i:ci~~i/-{·P. Detroit N., Det. '19 \ (In'llestment Securities) 320 Farwell Bldg.) N. Bk. Com. and Dime Sav., Det. --- - Capital and Surplus $4,000,000. l\lUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. J. W. Watling, Pres.·-·· W.G. Lerchen.Tr. lst&Old Det. N., l\Ierch N., ('.\NADIAN, PROVINCIAL AND GOVERNMENT BOND . 1 1 W.T.McFawn,Sec. Dime Sav., and Peo. State, Ely. V. P. Herbrrt IN. TRADED ACTIVELY BOND, AND STOCK, LOCAL + • ...1900 Det R FERENCE : ANY BANK IN DETROIT. (Penobscot Bid I?, ) · WATLING, LERCHEN & CO. ·-····· '1!'16 Municipal, Public Service, Corporation (Establi,·hecl 20 yeMs) . Issues. Local In Dealers Active Bonds. (Shelby and Congress) S, Mgr, ..----------·---·--·-·--··-· lJ orn blower c~ w ee kS, N • y • Pa 1d.•1"'' Cap·; tal. $100.000. HAYE J. J. , "~J • Co., & Otis Bos.; and Chi., Detroit, Members: New York, Boston, Surplus and Profits, $125,00_0_. _ _ _ _ _ Clev.; A. E. Masten & Co., HORNBLOWER & WEEKS -·---··-- '1!'09 { and Chicago Stock Exchanges. Frank E. Webb, Pres.···----·-···------··-·--· Thompson & l\lcKinnon, 'j» Pitt.; Cassatt & Co .. Phil.; I Higlt Grade Investments. (201 Penobscot Bldg.) 0 d 1 DETROIT STOCK N. Y. au Chi. J e'ni ~ ~i Iar Keane, Higbie & Company .•·--··· 'I5 (Investment Securities>.---·-··-·- -----· ~ CHICAGO BO ARD OFI D~1\:~·1m. tate, and Bk. of (431 Griswold St.) ~ 17 Specialist In Motor Stocks. A B LEACH & CO. INC.•-· --------·'06 (Inrestment Securities). ••• - ••••. --··--······--- A. B .. Leach & C_o., _Inc.,~ ._Y ., 0 3 ~~:l~~}_____ .. '93 (Specializing in Bonds and Preferred Stocks) •• 1st and Old Det. N •• Det.•-•• c~.A~~~,1~~c5~al cities. GEORGt (Ford'Bldg.) . • • = •• •• LEE HIGGINSON & CO.·····-·--·--· '48 (Bonda) -·----·-·-····----···---·-··----····-·· Lee Higginson ." Co., Bos., t t I . I ' . I I t • I ~ • • I • \ • :, N. Y., and Chi. ' 30U 11 l<''orll Billi?,) ' ~ .' • .,,, • I •  AJ HOOD & COMPANY  1  N.Aict:,rb~~~ i  WEBB LEE & ME~~f.J.~l • M,g_tl_WfS COMPANY  1  g  fi:~Nsf i:  .  .. .  .  ..  ''ALWAYS ;ALE J TD •SERVE'cI~TH.E .· MERCHANTSJ' NAJIOiAL--. BAN.K.oF · DETRO I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J1  0  Number under Name of Bank is the New TransU Number given  to each bank in U. S. exclu lvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 645 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers As 'n. __  MICHIGAN - C 0Il t·lilUe d  _  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexE:d Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl--. volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws~§  . ___  I  c:: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. --NAME OFlfA.."K. ~ ASS'T CA.SBlltR. PAID-UP SUBPLUB DEPOS- rLo•N•& Dts- , C•a11&ExOA.SBill. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. IState •Ooa.nty Seats. c'-ra•• Do"'T~~.•• H'S CAPITAL P.aAoNF"DT Fij:ure i: Fed. lfr . . Di . :1:Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. 8 00 ~ 1 8 """ :\lem. +D i Detroit Branch. . - - - 1 - - - - -- -1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - -. . . :[ Estab. ~ -Re. - - Fe<l. __:::........:'-'-.:....:_-----1 $ 112,630 $ 1 132.910 S 9,200 S 7,000 31.430 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Lansing; Bk. of Det .. ~ De Witt_ _____ Qlinton J 7 Woodruff Bros. Bank ___ :j:f"04 C. 0. Woodruff---- ------------------- L.A. Woodruff_ ___ ---------·---------- $ ,.... Det. 74-622 7 Pop. 500 455,860 451,HC 35,060 20,000 Dexter ___ Washtenaw Kg Dexter Savings Bank ___ .u·g3 G. S. Francisco ____ 0. W. Cushinl.!----- G. S. Francisco ____ J. J. P~e _________ _ 50,640 Han. N .. N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N .. Det.: Far. & :Mech. and State Sav., 74-623 7 D Pop. ::;g7 Ann Arbor. Dii=hton ______ Qsceola Ge Farmers & Merch. Bank_ t·o 0. 0. Dunham _____ G. H. Breen _______ 0. A. Stiles-------- -------------------I . 74-624 I 7 Pop. 460 22,600 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; G. Rap. N. City, G. 20,00C 182,000 7,000 1 0,000 Dimondale _____ Eaton J 7 Dimondale State Bank.•! '115 J. H. Gallery ____ John HulL _______ 1B. S. Harris ________ -------- -- ---------Rap. , E. A. Lund berg 74-626 7 Pop. 360 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det. --------70,000 75,000 3,000 10,000 ------------------------------------DQrr _________ AIICiaD J 5 Dorr Bank ______ tt'06 (John Sommer) ____ 74-626 1 Pop. 350 TOWN A.ND OOUNTY.  Dowaeiac ________ Qass L 4 7 Po1>. 5-140  DOWAGIAC  GEO. B. PHILLIPS--CHARLES HEDDOII--C. F. PUGSLEY-----WILDA P.HINCKLEY  \ Lee tate Bank --------•!§"87 74-257 Dryden---- -- Lapeer J 10 Dryden State Bank:---- __ !§'06 74-531 7 D Pop. 359 Dundee ______ Monroe L D\ Dundee State Sav. Bank !1'80 74-444 7 D Pop. 1108 \ Monroe County Bank ___ u·o2 " -------.. 74-445 •·  --------  "  I  Durand ___ Shiawassee J II FIRST COM'L & SAV. BANK •:t 'UII 74-33 7 D Pop. 2672  F. E. Lee __________ H. M. Lee--------- 0. A. Hux--------- Frank Sackett_____ John Fenine A. B. Gardner Lee Berr~e_______ P. H. ll'oot_ ________ Floyd Slatfl ________ - - - - - - - - - - -  --------  "  136.900 Han. N., N. 7.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.  ---1  C. S. REED ------ GEO. BROOKS -------  {  {i.~,f,q\~,!  I W. L. SCRANTON---- C. W. HAYNER--···I  27,000  J00,000 1  20,000 ·  10,700  184,8!0'  157,160  25.000  27,100  295,000  348.170  25,000  13.130  496,980  394.160  20,000  -  I  360,000  I •if'86  w >  58,380 ' Chase N .. N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.: Secur. sav. ~k. &}'r. Co; and Northern~-• Toi. . __ fo,.>20, Chase N ., . Y.; Cunt. & Com I N., Ch1.: 1st &I~ Old Det. N., Det.; r. Bk. Com., Toi. 104,330 N. Bk._Com., N. Y.; Peo. State, Det., City.• .. C/JI Lan mg.  z  I  ~EH\" ICF.." TRY US. "TIU, Il.\NK O ; ,· Coll('ctfons •lw u prompt <'art•ftu att<•nlon. l'levs send 1:il' II' ith each sight draft f or vresc11/11lin,i and 2:-ic for Credit R por ts. 25,000  17,000  833,000  603,000  13,600  348,000.  437,800  0 n  ~ 2'.ii,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st & Old .... Det. N., Det. ~ 22,000 Cont. & Com'! N .• Chi.; Peo. State, Det.  ...  I  STATE BK. OF EAST JORDAN W. P. Porter _______ A. A. Swinton _____ A. J. utrern ______ 1Le Roy Sherman __  234.760 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; 1st & I 74-32i I Old Det. N., Det.; Old N. and G. Rap. N. City, G.Rap. East Lansing_ Ingham J 8 EastLan,ing Statella.nk•t§'16 A. M. Brown _______ . J. Schepers ________ A. J. 1 ash _________ O. A. :Mil1er ______ _ i: ., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; City Chase 5-1.250 316,770, 328,700 5,860 20,000 74-992 I 7 D Pop. 1889 . and Am. S~v .• Lansin~. . East Tawas ____ losco G 10 Ealy, :\lcKay & Co., Banker. ____________________ 1____________________ L. G. JlcKaJ _______ W. H. Grant_ ______________ _ _________ _________ _________ _________ Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Bk. of Sainnaw, Sai=maw. •1t'OZ . 74-3110 7 Pop. 1398 84,060 Cont. & 9om'l N ·• Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: 546,100 537,060 31.100 Eaton Rapids __ Eaton K 7 'Fil" t .1. ·ation:il Bank ___ •1"77 :M. D. Ora wford_,_ J. . Hamlin ______ A. 0. Kno,1 lton . _ ---------· _________ _ 50,000 N. Umon,Jack:,on. 1 74-343 7 Pop, 23i9 23,170 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: 1st 511,290 423,000 23,010 75,000 Jlichiiran S1il~ :Uk---•!l'i4 II. C. Iinnie ------ ~.II.Parks ________ G. ,\. peers _______ HO\\ a rel ChaI>PCL " -------" & Old Det. N .. Det. 3 72,890 N. City, Chi.; Am. N., Benton-Harbor. 5,,150 331.180 294.830 20,000 1 H. E. HESS------- J. W. BEDFORD----- VERE BECKWITH---- K. E. TATMAN-----Rau Olaire ____ Rerrien L 4 EAU CL AIRE STATE BANK { Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports lUUS T be accompanle d by •1'12 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sioht dr a/ts, 15e; Credit Re ports, 25c. i4-628 7 Pop. 293 50,000  587,470  753,5-50  27, 50  I  1  "'§  Ecorse ______ Wayne K 10 ECORSE STATE BANK -- • .. ·1 i4-1029 <Detroit P. 0.) 7 DPop. 4394 Bdmore ____ Montcalm 1 6 Edmore State Bank _____ tf'D7 + 74-490 7 Pop. 772 11:dwardsburi= ____ cass L 5 Bank of Edwardsburf---•t'07 74-620 7 Pop. 392 Elberta _______ Benzie F 4 Bank of ElbP.rta --------tt·og 74-8311 I 7 Pop. 588 Bik Rapids ___ Antrim F 6 Elk Rapids Statl' Bank-•tl'D2 + 74~30 I 7 Pop. 684 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  {J.  I  H. MEANS----- - JOS. SALLI OTTE---- O. C. BAUER-------- C. J. LIVERNOIS---GEO. H. KIRCHNER  50,000  13,720  ~  ::C  O  1  1  25,000  a: (')  226,860 Chase N. and• .i: • qity, .i: • Y.; Cont. & Oom'l ~ " N. ancl 1st .i: •• Chi.; Peo. state, Det. 87,000 Cont. & Com· I N .. Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N ., Det. l-f4  48,940 1,232,000/1 1,133,000  125,000  Thornton Dixon ___ O. :&. Stanier ______ Seth 0. Dixon ______ L. G. Wi!liam _____ , . . G. J. Shaerer ------ G. W. Hurd------- William Clute ______ W. J. Corbin_______ 1  hiawassee County Ilk,-•U'91 R. 0. Fair--------- C. G. Bates-------- II.,\. 'Phoma: _____ D. )I. Trumble____ 74-337 &ast Jordan __ Charlevoix Peoples State Savinfs Bank A. ameron ------- W. A. StroebeL ____ R. O. Bisbee _______ IJohn J. Mikula____ l-L Hammcrhcr~ •tl'I0 74-328 E6 7 Pop. 242  ..  ------1  Send ue your collectlona. 19.820 1,016,880 993,740 50,000 ,_ _ We remit on day of payment. carry out your lnatructlons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ Give reasons when Item la returned. •• 11  NATIONAL BANK 74_2511  ..-  ~!~:"~~~::  •  •  O trj ;,.;-'  :;o  I»  'g. Q.  rn  . Y.: 1st State, Det.  559.020  521.860  91.820 ... 1 • City,  426,450  330,540  190,000  180,000  62,260 Chase N., N.Y.; Old ., G. Rap.; Peo. State Det. 25,000 Cont. & Oom'l N,, Ohi.  A modern, prog resslve bank, offe ring prompt, effl <'ient service. Collections and Requests for Cre dit Report lUUS T be accompanle d by FEE IN AD\"AN CE: Plain sioht dr a/ts, 15c; Credit Rep orts, 25c.  J. W. Preifter ______ Harry E. Wa~a.r ___ C. B. LaC!ear _____ J.E. Pittenger ___ _  30,000  11,500  R. S. Carlisle _________________________ B. J. Carlisle ______ Wm. O. Runkle ___ _ . M. M. Luxrord _________________________ Charles W. Luxford James H. Stubbs __  10,000  5,000  10,000!  18,900  28,000  Charles B. Carver_ C. D. Towne ______ Edward Durkee ____________________ __ _ J B. Griffin  35,000  26.000  333,(00  322,000  1  I  l I  10,500 Ohase N., N. Y.; Old N., G. Rap.; 1st N., Manistee; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. ~ 64,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Det., Det. Ul  °'  644 llamber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclu8lvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlr~tor:,, !_Oder the _authority of The Am~rlcan _!l~~ers Ass•o. __ ~ -  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thlsl 0'I volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Laws. ~  C Ollt•lllUe d MICHIGAN _ _  646  TOWN AND OO0NTY.  N llf.E  I  OF' BANK.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  0~ ~ : ~1  20,00U .,  llmira.. ______ Qtsea-o E 7 7 Pop. 500 Bllle _________ OJinton I 7 Pop. 680 7 _________ Gratiot I 7 Blwell  7  Pop. 250 Emmett__ ___ st. Clair J 11 70 Pop. Jij Bmpire ______ Leelanau F 4 70. Pop Knradwe __ MackmacO 7 9 Pop. 300 8rie __________ Monroe L 9 70 Pop. 350 •Bscanaba ______ Delta C 6 9 Pop.13,103  29: .  .  · 74-tllS Elmira Bank ____________ it·06 74~32 StateSavinis Bank... _____ ts•sg 74~33 Bank of Elwell ___________ t'll 74-896 tate Bank ____ i§'l8 Citizen 74~34 Empire State Bank ______ t§'l2 , 74~35 Mackmac County Bank_it 11 74-912 Bank of Erie ___________ •tt'06 , 74~36 Escanaba National Bank•t 92 74-114  .  1  Dorr D. Buell _________________________ Glee  1  w. Wickett ____________________________  · - - - ', - - - Old N., G. Ran.: Bk, of Det., Det.; Antrim Oo, State Sav., Mancelona. . 592,000 113,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.: Peninsular State, Det. $1,000,00 O)__ _____ , ____ 2d N., Saginaw.; 1st State, Alma. 653,000  8,130  25,000  L. G. Bates ________ M. B. Netzon?----- T. P. Steadman____ ____________________  __________________ Geo. D. Law ______________ (Respon sibility 20,000  1,710  127,200  138,260  E. H. Wilce ________ G. C. Wilce ________ George John:on ___ Gladys Bidleman __ . .Miller BiJleman . o. J. B1sbee _______ 1____________________ O. A. Walstad _____ E. Rifenberg______  25,000  6,360  191.950  214.150  B. Fn•idenberg ____ B. Dansard ________ . . J. C. K1rkpatnck __ J. K. Stack, Jr, ____  n  _  I  z>  C. C. ROYSE---- - R. E. MAC LEAN .-FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•'87 { Uldest and Lar gest Bank In Helt Business entrn sted to us wlll re 74-112  State Sav'.nfl_Rf1k ----•§·04; W.R. mith ______ 0. N. Hughitt _____ C. W. Malloch _____ E. 0. Perron _____ _  100,000  Lewis Conman<: __ L. J. Navarre ________________________ _ 11. Yan Poppelen J. R. Postal. _______ J. A. HalL _________ Clatie Waffle _____ _  20,000  5,700  285,000  269,000  50,000  17,000  402,180  226,430  Wm. Rogers _______ G. A. Glerum ______________ ___________  50,000  15,420  540,000  485,000  ~~~J8f5  74-1015  .  1\eouliir· e.  91,860IG.Rap. N. City, G. Rap.  20,000 :  40.000  l  581,990  602 ,940  56,190 N. Bk. Com., Det.  298,470  321,060  30,460 Chase ., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st& ::l Old Det. N., Det.  25,180 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi,; Bk. of Saginaw, Saginaw. 80,380 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont, & Com'l N., Ob.I,; Bk. of Det., Det. 23,120 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Peo. State,Det.  1  f{U'f'.  M. H. McKUGH ----,E, H. STILES-------- R.B. RENWICK-----· _ _: __________ _ F. A. CHAPIN, V. P. J. H. JADWIN  20,000  300  123,960  118,340  50,000  12,920  298,500  318,030  50,000  38,I50  456,520  607,610  I  C. J. CAMPBELL -- E. M. NE' Ell---- -E. A. PHILLIPS A Strong, Progr l's.,1vc bank. You •tl'07 { 16 CJ<:N'l'!-1 sent to us wltb each sl 25 CJ<..NTS for e ! ach credit report  FENTON STATE SAVINGS BK.  E. H. HITCHCOCK---· -------------------  D.)  C  ,  NATIONAL  732,060  ...,~ 746,080  7:3,400 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Ohl.; 1st & Old Det. ~ _ N. and Peo. tate, De\.  '°  ght draft for pre entation, and In ures prompt, p ersonal attention .  Ufll11\~ Ut I RUI 1-- Namlle, uada Name or Jlanlc is the New 'J'raDBft Number given each bank in U. 8. excluslvely by The Kand-McNally Bankers• to Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St.  25,000 1  I  r Buslne s Invite d.  ......-.i......~  c.....  ::,  1  _MERCK"NlS  g  rl"  1  74-336  I  285,000  0  l'enton _______ Q11neseeJ 9 COM'L STATE SAVINGS. BK. SENDU YOUR l<'ENTON ITE~IS DIRECT. •t '118 { 15 CENT sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentatlon, and 74- 335 • 7 D Pop, 2;;07 26 CENTS for e ach f'redlt report insure prompt personal attentl on.  ♦  z  0  c.  I  74~42  350,000  15,000  25,000  7,090 30,000 E. s10RMs ________ 1G. G1LoEME1sTER ~t1Ph"L~~LL __ Mn~~L~ Cll. of B<i. New, modern, progressive, with experlenc>ed omce rs and unexcelled facllltle s. Special attentlo n given B111 of La' ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. sight drlaft for J>tes.entatiu n and 25c for Cred it Re1ior ts. Plea.:e :senci 15c with  J'arwelL __ ____ OJare H 7 Farwell State avings Bank. J. L. L1ttlefleld ___ F. M. Dam ________ Floyd E. Ohver ___ Allen R. Graham__ E. B. Glass t§'l8 74-641 7 Pop, 449 rennville _____ Allegan J 6 Old State Bank _________ •U'87 J. E. Hutchinson __ P. II. Broe _________ W. J. Hutchinson . --------------------  7 Pop. 800  rr.  Co.,Ohi.; )>tII 175,000 Bkrs. Tr_. Co., N. Y.; Merel>. Ln. & 1st Wis. N., Mu,: Northw. N .. Mmpls. 38,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. ~ity, Chi.: Pen_insular ~ S~te, Det.: Peo. Com I & Sav .. Bay City, 98,780,N.City,N, Y.;OldN .• G.Rap,: Peo. State,Det. en  0  hrminrton_Oakland KIO Farmington fate avings ,F. M. Warner _____ :\1. B. Pierce _______ E. S. Pierce _______ R. 0. Soldan _____ _ Bank • 74-640 _______ •!§'98 70 Pop. 853  PEOPLES STATE BANK •§'18  52,000 1,620,000 1.550,000  90,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; 1st & Secur. N .. Minpls.: ~ ;,;1st N. and Marquette N., Marquette. J.M. Ealy _________________________ \V. P. Oampbell ______________________ _ - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ Bk. of Saginaw, Saginaw: 1st & Old Det. N .. ~ D~ I 11. J. Markham ____ J. F. Markham ____ V. A. Miller_ ______________ _ 42,0001--- - - - 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Alpena Co. Sav., 1,000 10,000 . . Alpena. . . . . (Gaffney, Buning. Kelly _____________ H. R. Ty on _______ A. Buning. _______ _ (lndivid ual Reap =b1l1t11 $200,000) --·- _____ G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.; MJSsaukee Co., Lake 1 "%j City,; Peo. State, Det. 1 , Fitzpatrick & 'l'yso n)  lweo _____ Ontonae-on B 2 State Bank of Ewen ____ e;l:§'14 L. Anderson _______ J. S. Weidman, Jr. A. M. Anderson ___ 0. E. Hanson _____ _ E. J. Humphrey 74-637 I Pop. 000  .hirerove ____ Tuscola Hg Bank of Fairgrove -----•it·93 74~38 70 Pop. 4::i2 F'airv1ew _____ Qscoda F 8 Fairview Bank of II. J. :\larkham ____ _74-957- _______ t ·12 7 Pop. 500 Falmouth_ Missaukee G 6 Falmouth Bank ---------tt'08 74~39 7 Pop. 300  I  18,240 Peo. State, Det.; Federal Com '! & Sav., Pt. Huron. 7,040 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Traverse City State, ~ Traverse City, ' 7,500 Old N .• G. Rap,: Gladstone State Sav., Glad- _ 43,500 45,000 1,000 / 5,000 1 stone. , Fred L. Buyea ________________________________________ Han. N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Northern ~ N.: Toi.; B. Dansard & Son,~ State_. Monro~. ~ .. 100,000 133,000 1,693,7001 1,614,480 412,5a0 N. 01ty, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., O.b.1.;Marme N .,Mil. I"!'\ M. N. Smnh _______ J. E. Moean _______ "4A \V. J. Schmit LESLIE FRENCH--- E. Gs,.ROYCE ______ 100,000 116,000 2,400,000 2,100,000 600,000 Han_. N .• N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: N. Ex., Mil.: l,;t & Old Det. N .. Det. Mild THOMAS a ~ounty. celrn prompt and careful attention  Andrew Tolan ____ Frank Furlong ____ H.P. McCabe _____ F. V. 1IcCabe_____  Jl:ssexv11le _______ Bay H 9 ta' e anngs Bank ---•:l:§'11 W. P. Ka,·anaugh __ 74-!J06 70 Pop. 1538 lvart ____ ----Osceola H 6 Evart Savings Rank ____ •!S'04 E. C. Cannon ______ 74-404 7 Pop. 1326 Bk. •i§'93 Y. R. Davy ________ First S~e "  52,000 Irvin~ N., N. Y.; '.Peninsular State, Det,; 2d N., S~inaw.  382,000  353,000  76,000  • P. Baar ______________________________ (Individ ual Resp onsibilit y oi·er $5 00,000) __ Traverse City State, Traverse City,  Kllsworth ......htrim E 6 Oitizens Ba~f~~~------•:l:t"IO C. W. :McPhail _____ W. S. Richardson__  Pop. 250  PRINCIPAL CORRESP0NDlCNTS,  CASHIER, .Ass'T OASHIER. .t~ PAID-UP su:;;;us DEPOS- ~~;\!,~;::, !!•coamu no1< Boou ITS CAPITAL PROFITS ----1--------1------- --- --- ---1--- --- ------------------  PRESIDENT,  :llkton ______ -:.Hnron H 10 Elkton Bk. of Frank \\'.Ilub- F. W. Hubbard ____ John Ryan _________ M. L. Ackermann ________________ ______ ' bard & Co, ___________ •:t'92 70 Pop. :>00  7  0'I  --  RESOURC.Jl:!),~  1_ ____c.L1::...._A_B.c.IL:::c.I...cT_I~E~S.___  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. F[gure i: Fed. He.:. Dis, tMem.StateBks. Assn.tPriv. • [Estab. I •~Iem. Fetl. Re~. O is Detroit Branch  N  ACCOUNTS OF · BANKS, BANKERS, MANUFACTURERS, MERCHANTS ~ UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE INDIVIDUALS INVITED. AND Non-Bank Towns witb Nearest Banking Point (Indexed  Acce!-J•  Lawyers, Laws (inde:~J ~ .. ba~~" ~f~~sl~  IIDlber UD#ller Name or Bank la the New Tranaft Number given to each bank in U. B. escluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The ~m..!:!l~n Bankers Ass•n. TOWN A.ND OOONTT,  I  I  NAME OF' BANK.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.... volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  MICHIGAN-Conti·nued  I  I  ---,---------  I  I  LIABILITIES  RESOURCES  •Conoty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState , SURPLUS · , o.s, & 0 ,. u.,., ._·E,. F~ure is Fed. Re , Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CA SHI :&, Ass T CaSHIER. PAID-UP A.ND DEPos- c··T,;. no,m: cuu,ou,D.;. 0 is De roit Branch. •~Jem. Fed. Res. [E tab, _ _ __ _ _ _:.___, _ __ _ _...!...__ _ _ __ __:__ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL PROFITS ITS l!,ovRJTI .. PROMB.uou  1--------- ----------- Iv. c.  t.  l'lfe Lak: ~~a~rsTravefi Citizens Ba~:~  7  0  48  _______ tt'06  .l'latRock ____ WayneKl0 StateSavingsBank ____ et§'l2 7 0 Pop. 600 744i44 •B'lint_ _______ Q~nesee 7 D Pop. 91,u99  19'*CITIZENS COM'L &,  SAVINGS BANK •  74-52  s. Hodges _______ H. G. Vincent_____ 1 J.F.Lindsay IF s Peters jM s Walker ------ J~li~ Neifeit____ ' ' ----  H. L. La Bar _______ J.  ~I $  76,600  24.200  4,840  104,140  101,910  ____________________ _ _ _ ____  150,000  130,C00 _ _ _ Traverse City St.ate, Traverse City,  RuthM Carter • ----  257,530  242,210  R. J. WHALEY----- C. L. BARTLETT-- W. E. MARTIN----- H. £:POTTER-----: 6 • W. H0BBARD, Ch. of Bd. R.W.SCHUMACHER Test the facilities of this up-to-date bank. We offer unsurpassed collectlon service.  ,4-.:iCI  GENE sEE COUNTY SAYINGS BANK •U-72 ♦  -  .1:T ..  Chi.; Am. State,  46,040 Bk.oftheManhattanCo.,N.Y.; Ft.Dear.N., Chi.; N, .Hk. Com .. Det.  -  -  - 1  G. BISHOP ----- H. C. SPENCER --- JAMES MARTIN--- G. E. MERRILL---Oldest and largest Bank In Genesee County. The "'Collecting Bank" for this section. Vigorous Attention. Prompt returns; reasonable charge.  Park_ and N. Oity, N. Y.: Cont. & 9om'l ' .• Chi.; 1 t & Old Det. N., Det.; Phil. N., Phil.  T.  -  SAVINGS BANK 74-54  s  \,N  SEE ADV. O PPOSIT E PAGE 630.  ~  - -- ---  - ---  erv  Ice  ~  0·  • -  500,000  -  405,600 8,539.000 S.443,010 -  -  822.100 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N. :,;-Chi.•, 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. tate r+ Det.  'jo I~  7-5  •  co.  J'orestville_ .. SanilacHll 7 D Pop. 140 J'ostoria _____ Tuscola I 10 7 0 Pop, 400 J'ountain _____ Mason G 4 7 Pop. 222 J'owler ____ ___ Clinton I 7 7 Pop. 472 l'owl~rville Livingston JS 7 D Pop. 1037 ••  C. T. Bridfman ____ F. H. Rankin ______ L. H. Bridgman ____ 1J. E. Storer________ R.W,Selleck rd '19 {ri::i::ee:n~:1~d P~fv!::,e 93  gor!~:.  400,000  306,800 4,925,640 4.446,120  iresTo--atrMarketi ------------ -------- --------- ----- --------- ---------  ----- i--------------------  1  . _ QUR CREDIT INFORMATION ON CONCERNS · tvERVWHERE 1s OPEN TO OUR coRRESPONDENvs·: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  4i9,520 1st N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st& Old [ Det.N.,Det.: lstN.,Clev. ::: 0 ALLEN G. THURMAN & t:~sm~~i:v&Y~r1K~ni:~:· a'ri~ atr1e':3t:; !b Main Officea: Grand Rapida, M ich. Branchea: Flint, Sa,inaw, Mu.Ju,, on, Mic h. exchanges. Flint Clearing House ________ C. L. Bartlett_ ____ ~------------------ A.G. Bi hop, Sec, _ _______________________________ , ______ _ (Members indicated by a *) FirstState& SavinrsBk.•U'81 Geo. Packard ______ E. L. Cornwell ____ C. P. Rowe _______ H.F. HoLer_______ 27,500 37,620 528,880' 578,020 21,280 1Han. ., N. Y.: 2d N., Sa~inaw: 1st&_ Old Det. 74-467 , .1.". and Peo. State, Det. ; 1st N .. Flint. Peoples State Bank.--•*51900 G. J , Brown _______ J. H. Rowe ________ H. L. Mann ________ Lena M.McNally__ 25,000 20.000 271,000 ' 303,000 27,500 Chae N., N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.; Indu~• 74-468 trial Sav ., Flint. Estate of~". C. Potts _____ t'94 (N. C. Potts)------ ____________________ J.P. Potts ______________•_ _ (Individual Resp onsibilit 11$20,000) _________ Peo. State, Det. 7H45 I 25,000 ______________ - - - . Chase N .. N.Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. Bank of Fostoria -----•tt'0l T. J. Eveland ______ J. Eveland _________ ,\. J. Eveland ______ H. L. Eveland ____ _ 744i46 25,000 5,000 175,000 154,000 30,000 IN. City, N.Y.; Cont. &Com'! N .. Chi.: G. Rap.N. Bank of Fountain ______ •U'lO C. G. Wing-------- W. H. Lawrence ___ H. J, Gr~ory City, G. Rap.; Ludington State, Ludington. ♦ 744i47 State Savings Bank ----•:1'92 Ernest Schemer ___ W. H. Snelling, ____ W.H. Snelling ________________________ _ 33,200 593,4ti0 593,280 70,050 1st .. Cb1.: G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap,; Penin30,000 sular State, Det. 744i48 Ma1hias pitzley 25,000 ______________ Chase N., N. Y.; Peninsular St.ate, Det. 10,000 Commercial Bank _______ it•o4 Geo. A. Newman __ -------------------- Geo. A. Newman __ W. M. Pearson---74-472 . , . . . 1st & 0\ 13,790 1<78,340 327,820 State Bk. of Fowlerville •t§ 73 John C. Ellsworth_ R. c. Smith ________ E. Schneider _______ 89,310 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.; +i25,000 1 Old Det. N. ancl N. Bk. Com .. Det. ---t 74-471 ♦  J'lashinr-----GPnesee I 9 7 D Pop. 1169 •· "  j ~ <:  Send us your items and collections on Flint and vicinity.  f JAV. BA,J,  ~  I~  We have the strength and eaulpment to give the best of service.  * UNION TR  :> Z  600,00010206690 ' 9,070,020 2,561,670 Chatham&PhenlxN.,N.Y.;lst N.,Cht.;,Z N. Bk. Com., Det.  C. S. MOTT ------ ---- W. P. CHRYSLER---- -- GRANT J,1 BROWN----- F. M. BUFFUM --- .• (5 Brunches) H.C.MOuRE,..t1. 'a.~h. J.S. OE CAMP P.It, CALLAHAN The Bank of Per~o al • n  I-rt  ::!::  0  I  500,000  -  (.Jlem7, r Fe<l ral Rc8erve ~--.11.~t m)  a;:  750,000. Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com') N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det. ()  , ! __ _ _ _ _ _  A.  . Y.; Corn Ex .  -- --  375,000 4,850,000 4,900,000 -  23,450 H~et~··  -- --  74-51  *INDUSTRIAL ♦  -- - -  ~_  16,400 G. Rap, Sav ., G. Rap.  A.G. Bishop _______ ,James Martin ______ ,C. F. paeth _______ ,M, F. Vincent..____ 200,000 26U20 4,880,720 5,078,540 266,300 ! ________:_______:________ I---_________ _ __  *FIRST NATtON_AL BANK•:l:"58  *  6,980  450,000 Give us a trial.  15c sent u.~ with each ight Draft for JJresentation and 25c for Credit ReJJorts insures prompt, JJersonal attention.  •tl'90  ----------------1~  2,160  20,000  I»  ,;  20,000  1  Fenw lckp --~~n tcalm I 6 Fenwick State Bank ____ §· 19 W. w. Root _______ Allchin _____ _ R. E. Chapman, ,..J-1012 Sec 7 op, ov0 FeritBlt~~fttiJ 10 American i~nk ___ t '20 W. J. Hayes _______ H. B. Wallace _____ \Lewis Walton _____ ------------------~ 7 1  C  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  --------------------!  CONTINENTAL AND  co MME Rc I AL  BANKS , CHICAGO  644 •umber  Wider Name of Bank 18 the New Transit Number ct"r•  lo eaob baak lo U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' MICHIGAN C • d 648___Dlreeiory, under the authority of The American Ban~ers'n•-=--=-====__ ~ Ontlnue__________ TOWN-~D- COU~'TY •  I --  NAMEOF BA~K.  -  ~- -  -  I ---  '  •County Seats. •Mem . .Am. Bks . .Assn.§ tate Figure_ :s Fed_.ne_ "_·.Di~t. tMrm. State Bks. Assn. t Priv._ PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. _ DisDt>!rQ_itBranc~. _ ♦)!em.Fed. Re-.. [Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____  CASHlltK. _____  Frankenmuth.Saginaw I 9 Frankenmuth Ger .-Am. Bank J. L. Geyer ________ Grorge Geyer _____ L. C. List 7 D Pop. 733 74-1006 t§'l7 Paul Kahn ,J. M. Ziegler , ,  74~49  LIABJLITIES.  --S1~-HD-UP u!~~ue  ----------1------------ ____ ----, $  I  I  --------1  25,000 $  RESOURCES. tl•co&,TIU  ,._n_._'&_•·, _________________ 1  0 _rn_  82,540 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.; Bk. of sa~inaw, sa~inaw.  10,500  375,000  350,000  20,260  322,000  315,000  80,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Peo. State, Det.: G. Rap, N. City, G. Ra1>, 43,350 Penmsular State, Det.  2,500  60,000  4t,OOO  50.000 1Union Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Bay City.  H.B. Anderson____  20,000  ------------------  20,000  ____________________  15,000  E:  Io_  Ilarriet Reavey ___  18,830  1,660  168,:580  137,640  49,860 IChaseN .• N. Y.; Am. State, Sa~inaw.  WinifredA.Kenyon  25.000  6,000  260,000  257,000  34,000 , Han.N.,N.Y.; OldN.,G.Rap.  """4  ,....)> '"'"' 1  ;Z 1  - - - - - - Cont. & Com'! N ., Chi.: Ludin~ton State ' OJ Ludington · )>  ---------------- --- - . ---- ---------  1  25,000  32,000  665,000  576,000  61,ooo : chaseN.,N.Y.;Cont.&Com'lN.,Chi.  nk In Newaygo C ounty. ems and collectto l OS on Fremont a nd vicinity. ength and equip ment to give the I best of service. th each sioht draft Jo r presentation and 25 c for Credi.t Reports.  IZ ;,:::  I ~  (JJ  J. A. GERBER. -- JSO. HP.NOPDIEKLALART---- T. I. FRY_---------- ED. R. MARSHALL- ,  I  OO  957,690 1,085,300  3,1,750  OLD STATE BANKl{The larges t and oldest bank m New aygo County Send us y our items fo r vigorous a ttention and •:1'83  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ~T~·t~!·: {:::c~f;~.  3,500 $ 2G6,000 $ 278,000 $ 22,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Am. State, S~inaw.  50,000  J.R.JACKLIH----- MILO A.WHITE--- :EMEIL KEMPF---------------------  rremont Newaygo I 4 FREMONT STATE BANK Oldest State ba 7 P-o·- 2180 ~ • --;-- Send us your It p. • ,4-346. U 04 { We have the str Please send 15c wi  74-M5  I  .H.tUS'l' IN AUE! STRENGTH, SI ZE AND SERVIC E. :t: §'10 { Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash I and Time Items. Please send 15c v;i th each sight draft Jo r pres1mtation and j 25c for Credit Repor ts  J'ranktori _____ Benzie F 4 State Savings Bank ----•*S'Q6 H. F. Robertson ___ J. F. Hofstetter __ J. F. Hofstetter ___ 7 Pop. 12.U 74~50 R.R. Pautz .B'raser______ }lacomb J 11 State Bank of Fraser_ •,j:;§'10 C. A. Burr--------- G. w. Steffens _____ Henry J. Bohn, Tr. 1 7 D Pop. 2-17 74--651 Albert Grambow B'rederic __ crawford F 7 Frederic Bank ----------:1:t'lO P. R. Dinsmore ____ I -------------------- IA, E. S!anwood.___ 7 Pop. 500 74-901 rreela11d _____ sa~inaw I 8 Freeland. tate Bank _____ §'05 II. T. Robinson ____ Cln,:. Wolohan ____ F. Reavey ________ 7 D Pop. 350 74--£52 J'reePort _______ BarryJ6 1StateBankofFreeport•:t§'lO J.P.H. Kenyon ___ Scmiah Weaver ___ R.R.Kenyon _____ 7 Pop. 400 74~53 Fre11 Soil _____ Mason G 4 Bank of Free~oiL ______ :t:t'l3 W . .A.. Cartier ______ L. H. Duguid ______ E. G. McGugan ____ 7 Pot>, 210 74-9,15 John o. Doe I  •  ---  ,t°'  DEPOS-------~PROFITS~  OTTO SCHUPP --- PAUL GUGEL------- OTTO TRINKLEIN---- L. G. GUGEL BENTON HANCHETT Ch. r>f Ba. I  FRANKENMUTH STATE BK. •  A.SS'T CASHIER.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexcd Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws P1 A  50,000  35,870 1,106.690  969,890  I  prom pt re turns  93,600 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clll.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.; Peo. State, Det.; 1st N., Clev.  ~ t'D  ::J .hlton ____ Julamazoo K & Bank or Fulton ---------:l:t'08 L. J. Oswalt_ ______ D. W. Cook ________ IH. c. Paine ______ W.R. Eldridge ____ I ____________ ------- ____ , G. Rap. N. City, G. Ra.r,.; 1st State, Vicks7 Pop. 300 74~4 , burg. S:: G~'toVoi>~ ~~icola H 10 s~~e Savin,~~fk ______ §'90 J. L. Purdy-------- --------~------- ---- Edith E. Miller---- --------------------25,000 3,200 165,000 210,000 17,500 Chase N ., N. Y.; 1st & Old. Det. N., Det. Garnes _______ Genesee J 9 C1bzens Bank ___________ :f:t•os w. B. Cozadd ______ A. T. Miller _______ Geo. W. Chase____ ____________________ ________ ________ 205,000 ________________ Peo. State, Det.; Industrial Sav., Flint. r-+ 7 5 7 D Pop. 260 H Bank G Gal£1sburg_KalamazooK6 Galesburg State 7't1 ,5-,,0 Ft. Dear. N., Ch1·.·. 1st N. and Kalamazoo-c1·ty O ___ t§'09 1S. Dunn ___________ T. S. Clapp ________ 0. C. Clapp ________ Louis Dunn_______ 20,000 19,820 31ti.270 1 278,730 " 7 Pop. 692 74~57 ' Sav., Kalamazoo. O Galien ________ Berrien L 3 G. A. Blakeslee & Co, __ •:f:t'82 E . .A.. Blakeslee _____________ 0. A. Clark _______ T. N. Chilson ______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Com'l N., St. Jo. 0 1 7 Pop. 460 74--£58 . . ' • r . . O 1 Garden _________ Delta C 6 Garden State Sav. Bk. ___ fl 10 W. S. Crowe __________________________ H. G. Gauthier____ ____________________ 25,000 6,020 130,lilO 88.140 20,860 N. City, N • Y.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Mid 0.. 9 Pop. 393 74~9 f , land N., :Minpls. ~ •Gaylord ______ Qtsego F 7 Gaylord State Sav. Bk._•if'93 Frank A. Kramer __ Jobn G. Berry _____ Sanford W. Buck __ H. E. Blodeett_____ 25,000 30,000 900.000 800,000 1 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st &1::: 1 7 Pop. 171)1 74-390 Norman E. Glasser 1 Old Det. N., Det. i (JJ Gilford _______ Tuscola I 9 Peoples Bank ____________ t•og J. M. Ealy ________ , W. P. CampbeJL ___ D. P. Furman _____________ - - - - - ------- - - - - - ------- _____ N. Bk. Com., Det.: Bk. of Saginaw, Saginaw. i 7 D Pop. 1301 74-6150 j Gladstone ______ Delta O 5 First Tational Bank----•+'16 H.B. Laing ________ ~1ichacl Gica 'On ___ E. J. Noreus ______ _________ 50,000 18,770 366,930 420,960 61,930 ~:r· City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Marine N .. 9 Pop, 4953 74-9!l9 • Mil. " " •GladstoneStateSav.Bk.•:f:1'12 I. N. Bu ·hong _____ G. J. Slining _______ W. W.Gasser ______ J.M. Olson________ 50,000 3-1,610, 1,370,500 1,330,000 210,91!0 Cont.&Com'lN .. Chi.:lst N.,Minpls.; 1st. Wis. · • 74-289 A. s. NeLon _______ , 'O?,Ilol N .. Mil. •Gladwin ____ GJadwin H 7 First State S, vin~s Bank Wm. H. Aitkin ____ .M. H. Aitkin __________________________ F. E. Hefka________ 40,000 14,220 .. " 373,410 142,410 1 t N. and Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st & Old 7 Pop. 1223 74-462 l§'03 I Det. N .. Merch. .• and Peo. State, Det. " -------"' Gladwin State Hauk ___ •t§'ll Isaac Foster -------1 II. ,\. Chamberlain Oscar Hogers ______ Otto B. Soellner____ 30,000 2:;,000 400,000 37;i,000 77,600 Chase r., Y.; Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; 1 t & Old I 74-463 . I Det. r,, Det.: 1 ti: .. Bay City. Co.-4 Glenn ____ ---- Allegan J 4 L. Seymour & Co .. Bankers ____________________ ____________________ ____ ________________ ____ ________ ________ 10,000 2,540 01,130 90,280 13,300 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. Ill 7 Pop. 300 74~61 t"92 ::l Glenni ______ AJrona F 9 Glennie Bk. of ~lcNichoLt'l4 ________________________________ A. A. 'M iller _______ ________ (Branch of Geo. D. ~1lcNic11 ol & Oscoda, lHich.)_ lst&OldDet.N., Det.;AlpenaCo.Sav.,.A!pena. c:: Pop. 100 .. . 74-964 . . Bk. Com .. Ill ________ Gle~m~. ~ank of Mores. More Marks __________________________ John McFarlane ___ J. J. ~lark~-------- - - - - - - _______ ------- ______ 11st N., B·,lY City; 1\. Det. "1 Marks & Co,_.7t-962 __ tt 14 '< Gobleville __ Van Bur n First tate Dank ______ t§'l4 P. Bush __________ II. B. Allen ________ L. O. Graham ______ Greta JI. Powers-__ 20.000 14,070 278,220 27;i,8 0 10,470 Chase N •• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; : . 1 7 Pop. 491 K5 74-9-18 Kalamazoo-City av .. Kalamazoo. \0 Goodells ____ t.OlairJU C.C.Peck&Co .• Ilanker t'O C.C.PecJ.: _________ 11.F.Marks _______ .E.nng ____________________________________ - - - _ _ _ tst&OldDet.N.,Det.:U.S.Sav.,PortHuron. rv 7 D Poo. 300 74-61i3 • , • 1 ...., I  3  I  ::r  I  T.  l  Co.,I  I  I  I  I  IU$J3:M~if11;J~\i1'1;r~1•~rn;1:, O•UU,]U&1iilWSM-\tM'l\-iWal   Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number gfren o each bank in U. S. e elu h'ely by The Rand-llcNafJy Bankers' 649 Directory, under tile authority of The American Banker As •n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MICHIGAN-Continued  _  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this,~ _:_olume. For Interest Rates!.. Holidays, !tc.,_s~e Laws.  649  Number under Name of Bank is the New Tran ·ft Number ,11fren o each bank in U. S. e cluslvely by The Rand-lHcNaJJy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Banker A •n.  I  .1.'A)lE OP ll.L"K. Tow.· A.·n cou.·TY. •Mem. Am. Bk·. A-;rn. §State •County pats. Figure i Fed. Re . Dist. :t.Mem. tate Bk,-. As n. t Pri\·. +)lem. Fe<l. Re . _[E ·tab. _ D i · Uetroit Branl'h.  PRESIDE.'<T,  VICE·PRESIDENT.  CASH'ER,  LlABILITlE .  I  I Ass'T CA.SHIER.  w. o. Green _______  74-236  74-237  I  •tS'l0  .  3,500  5,000 $  I  EDWARD HOFMA HW..J.. D~OHRIENLBEOMSA_N___ JNO. HOFFMAN---- :F. C. BOLT--------M D. W. AKER  l I  50,000  36,020  963,300  707,210  7,290 Industrial Sav .. Flint.  750,000  -\0  t,.;)  213,410 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Old N. and G. Rap. rT. City, G. Rap.  9-!.430 N. Bk. Com.. . Y.: N. City, Chi.: Kent State, G. Rap,; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  Special attentlo n given BUi of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Plea,e ·end 15c 1cith each sight dr aft for prcsentatio n and 25c for Gred it Rcpor t • Prompt Service our Specialty.  I  25,000  25,000  800,000  GEORGE N. BERRY F. L. BERRY-------- E. P. Mlm--------- F. L. BERRY--------  50,000  4-1,000  7-15.000  74-819  "1  :::  ------  1 Chase N., N. Y.; Industrial Sav. and 1st N., 200,000 ---------•--Flint; Peo. State, Det.  Grand Ledge ___ Eaton J 7 Grand Ledge State Bk .. •1§'05 A. R. Gillies------- F. A. Taber ________ H. D. Towner_____ ____________________ w. R. Granger 74-320 7 Pop. 304a  LOAI & DEPOSIT BANK :tl'72  ~ D-;:;TC~B~;-  C~~D~~=• c:a~~G~~.::  91,170 2,044.820 1,789,150 100,000 Oldest and Larg est Bank. Bill of Lading Drafts a Specialty. FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. I  •tl·o2 \  PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK •  ITS  ~B. P. SHERWOOD ELBERT LYIIN ---- MARTIN BOS------ H.J. VERHOEKS---  GRAND HAVEN STATE BANK ♦  DEPos-  5,000 _ _ _ $ 162,020 $ 184,870 $  R. L. Ford ________ G. F. Putnam______  I  ,  &r_:;~us  PAID-UP  Grand Blanc.Genesee J 9 Farmers Exchanfe Bank:tt'I2 1F. J. Sawyer __________________________ A. D. Gundry------ O. L. Wood________ 74~65 7 D Pop. 400 Grand Haven _____ Ottawa I4 7 Pop. 7205  SU  CAPITAL PROFITS  Goodrich ____ Genesee J 9 Banko! Goodrich _______ ;tt'08 A. S. Wheelock ____ 74~64 7 D Pov. 350  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Intere t Rates. Holidays, .!_tc., see Law . ::, C PRl:N'ClPAL C0RRESP0NDENTS, -RESOURCES . p.,  MICHIGAN-Continued  !{  I  70-1,2?0  ' Oldest and Lar ge'-t Bank. Colle ctlons a Speclalt y. 15 CENTS sent to us with each s fght draft for pre sentatlon, and 25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention •  100,000 Bk, o~ t~e ~Ianhattan Co., N. Y.: Cont. & tl! Com 1 .. 0~1.; G. Rap, N. City, G. Rap.: 1st ..._ ~ & Old Det. 1., net. 121,000 Imo. & Tra. N., N. Y .; Great Lakes Tr. Co., Z Chi.; 1st & Old DPt. ~- an!f Peo. ~tate, Det.: ~ (JJ 4th N., G. Rap.; Capital_ ., Lan:-mg.  I  0  •Grand Rapids .• Kent I 6  1 Rr,·cn•c <'itu Pop. 137,634  *CITY TRUST & SAV. BANK +  74-8  •tt·os  PHILO FULLER------ R. M. BREMER ------- J. D. FARR----------D. E. WATERS, Cll.11.f IM. C.H. BENDER,Pre,.  l  (6  1.Jranchr.~)  SEND US YOU R COLLECTION S.  * COMMERCIALSAVINGS BANK +  74-G  200,000 ---· -· --- 2,680,000 2,130,000  7;;5,6::;0 N. City, N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co._. Chi.: 1st & Old Det. ., Det.; G. Rap. N. City., G. Rap.  PRO1'1PT RE TURNS.  T. E. WHEELER A Commercial Bank-Modern- Progressive-Anxious to serve you. •i§'08 Send us your Collections for Prompt, Personal Service.  ,+  0  1  300.000  101,880 3,258,960 2.971.550  689 290 N. Bk. Com. and Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'IN,,Chl.; Peo.State,Det.  _ _ _ _ _.:.,_ ~  "1  ;:;·  ::r  1 - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - . . i . - - - - - - - 1-- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - IWM, H. ANDERSON-- CHRISTIAN BERTSCH . C. L. ROSS--- ------ D. D. PRATT-------( THREE BRANCHES)  go. 0 ~  5  o.  ___ ___ ___  ~  p.,  GEO. E. ELLIS BANK ---- t'l7 G. E. ELLIS---- ----- __________ ---- ------ D. R. EASON ---- ---- ---- ---- ------------  73,690 4,074,i70 3,855,300  74-14  Farmers&Merch. Bank_.t'l4 William McCrodan Bert M. Heth ______ Frank J. Cook _____ Charles A. Mills---Henry J. Kleiman 74-13 *FOURTH NATIONAL B1L•i•s1 Wm. H . .lndersGD. IL. z. Oaukin _____ J. o. Bi81lop ______ A. T. Edi on ______ _ Harry Lundber~ 74-3  *GRAND RAPIDS NAT'L CITY BANK 74-2  ( (;rand Rapid· continue tl on nr:rt page.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •i·oo  ,______  !  25,100  I  300,oon  __:_  ______ ______ __:_  __:_  9,000  775,000  Accounta of Banks, Bankers and others invited. Our Facilitiea for handling collections  75,000  .l-.  Y.; ...  T.  City, Chi.; Bk. of Det., Det. t,  s;  . Produce, Chi.: Geo. E. Ellis, G. Rap.  (J)  299,280 4,385,770. 3,745,570' 1,289,210 Han. N_.J N. Y.; ~orn Ex. N.! Chi.; 1st & Old Det. ~ .• Det.: Guard N., Phil.  _______ ,____ - - - - - -  D. E. WATERS------ CHAS. H. BENDER - -----·------------- M.A. SMITH ------R. M. BREMER IOBERT W. IRWIN  700,000  295,260 Han. T.,  ---  i'  --. I  -:1- --·11,000.000  j:  401 ,980 7,959,710 10570910 2.300 ,340 -Chatham&Pbenlx N,, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. N.Bk.Com•• Det.  .  ARE UNSURPASSED.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  -=--- _- -----. ·_ ---- ---- . . . .  ~  _,  - ♦  .1  j,  t:, -  ~  650  Number u~der Name of Bank is th" New Transit Numbf!r ~ven to each bank m U. :s. exclu lvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of 'l'he Amerlean Bankers Ai,s•n.  TOWN AND COU!'<TY.  I  .Non-Bank Towns  I -- - I  A)1E UP BA);K.  1 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. •County St•ats. §State Figure is f!'ed. Re.• Di •t. iMPm. State Bks. Assn. tPriv.  with Neare t B nklng Point (InMICHIGAN-Conti•nued dexed Acces.), Lawyer• Laws (indexed) ln back th•"'"' .., u~ __ _ ~- _____ -=- _ ~- -=- vol ume. _F or 1nterest Rates, Holidays, etc., _see ofLaws.  PRESIDENT.  •a::ndn~;::,n:::·; r~Ge,!llR·Al?NedD.HeRs.A_P_[IID•.ssta!!, ~:AfWNw~MJit-- t",i.°tta~~k-----7  ( ontinued)  FIELD,  SAVINGS +  74-4  +§•l3  ' 4-12 -----•+  I  s  UBP_Lue  I  $ 400.000  -  ·  RESOUACES.  ,r~w••& n, •. O••nUz.  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  415.660 10360120 13060270 1,591,280 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N. and Cont. & c N Ch · om• I •• I.; Peo. State, Det.  -  1  j  It. D. Graham ___ L. Y. Hutchins ...• A.H. Brandt, Tr.__ F. G. Dean, Sec. J. FI. Brewer ,B.C. Worfcl,A,Tr. E. F, Binl:-a.11, A. W. Hompe A. Sec.  Hl3,140 ~  300,000  846.550,  208,760 Tr. Depi osit8 .  J.B. Ware  I  I  _  DEPOS--  CrnT~L PRt;?,,, '___".'.'.'___(:;;.:::::· ~::.:·~;~:::,  G. L. DIANE -------- E. ~~JOHNSON---- ---  L. DAANE  J. H. nooper  L_IABILITIES.  P.uo-UP  SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE MICH. INDEX.  •ii'70  ~  OMPANY  Ch of Bd. G.  Ass'T CASHIER.  CASIIIltR,  (8 Brandie ) D.B.SHE00, .1~d. to Pres. Send us your Collections and B-L ltema for special attention and quick remittance.  BANK  GIAND RAPIDS TRUST  ___  VICE·PRESIDXNT.  { Acts In all Trus t Capacities. Big h grade Bondi fo r Investment.  102,550 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont.&. Oom'l Tr. & , Sav., Ohi.: G. Rap. Sav., G. Rap. ~  ;=-  -  2:  (")  I Do NOT do a c ommerclal banld jng business. NO COLLECTIONS BANDLE D.  HENRY IDEMA------H. W. CURTIS -----CASPER BAARMAN.HENRY VERHOEK-- - - - - - - - - - - (6 Bra11clles) A. W. HOMPE J. L. VERDIER  •  74-5  Lewis H. Withey  --,,~.r~~~~------\E· w. I  •  Olande Hamilton .r. H. chouten 1~·· L.~\very_  _  l  _  Bliss,Su· ____ ,\A· · c. Sharp~.sec. 1,000,C00 <+. C. Lillie, A. Sec. C. S. Johnson, I _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ ~ I - - -  )>  l  R: ~: ~1EPENZIE  EUGENE RICHARDS  t· Let us hand I e your C o ec ions.  •!'53  II  -  E. D. Coneer _____-:  4~l5Rrnk __ et'l9 Stanley Jnckow ki South Grand Rapids State Bk. W. T. Shafer ______ Polish-Amcr~  T~W. IIcireran ••.•  T. W. Iletreran  =----  Wm. Smitton._____  z ~  794,150 Met. T_r. Oo., N. Y.: M _rch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and C/J Harris Tr. & Sav .. Oh1.: Old N., G. Rap.  I  C)  - 1- •-  800,000 1 1,350,170 10088200 12481040 2.620.460 ,•  ______P ~ rompt Service. Reasonable R_a_t_e_s_._ _ _ __  *PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK + 74-7 •+§'91  I 1,829,9 20 2'.522,670  383,090  NAT'L BANK C.H. HOLLISTER ----- WM. JUDSON -------- G. F. MACKENZIE----- H. A. WOODRUFF----74-1  0  Largest State and Savings Bank In Western Michigan. ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ C h a s e N~ and N. l!k· Com., N. Y.; Cont. Z and careful attention given to any business & Com I N., Chi., Peo. State,Det. ~ I entruated to us. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  •:tl'85 Prompt  MICHIGANT,p_,TCO.--•i5'89 ~  *OLD  I  i~~l!!J!,,~~•pt.F.  *KENT STATE BK,  200,000 1 131,730, 2,082,8ii0 1.941.130 1  B. ,\. Klukowsk1 •.. Max Wotalewicz •• _ Loni!- Jackowski -- --------,--------  436.950  426,070  Bk. of N. y, N. B. A.., N. City, and In- I@ ·Ing ·• Y.; 1st N, a nd Cont. & Com•~ ~  ?!•  N,,Chl., Corn Ex. N. andlstN.,Phll., Q. 1st N., St. L. :;ti  .g; 0:  1 413,630 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N .. Chi.; Peo. State, Det. l 49,250!Chase .• N. Y.: Old N., G. Rap. . ml  1  W. II. Richardson B. C. Porter. r ..•• B. C. Porter, Jr.... 25,000~ 26,72011,404,8801 1,329,0501 124,470 Han. N .. N. Y.; 4th N., G. Rap. 7H0 t§'06 1 . GrandRapidsOlearin1?Honse Chas. H. Brncler __ T..T.Caukin _______ ,a,Gue.t, Mor,---· A.IT.Brandt.Tr. __ ----1--- ___ ------,--------(.1'!_~11~~s_i11<licatr1l 1111 a*) _ II. W. urtis. ~c_._ , .::;_ .. _;;,._c......-'-'-==c.c.._,;  I  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  ~Mem. Inv. BL A. n.  l~f~. FENTON=-- W. L. DAVIS--------· R.J. BOYLE,Sec.and! Tr----------------Governmen t Municipal  --- I - *Grand Rapid~ .Kent I 6 FENTON .DAVIS & BOYLE --7 (Contmucd) (941 l11ch. 'l'r. lll<li::.) •rn:  See  Adv. on Mi chitran Map.  GUARANTEE BOtlD & MC'RT- :{"· VAN AALDEREN GAGE COMt>ANY ----------- ::\lake and ~uar (Norns Illtlg.)  and Corpora tion Bonds  '  nuy and  f ~.'t1~~\tLD----  300,000  •  !1st  ~  5·  _____  ---==----=----==== ___  (')o  T·• Ohi.; Peo. State, Det.; Old .i:'., G. Rap.  ~  o..  ·-------· ------ - - - - - --------- Old N., G. Rao,  CHAS :E. HORTONScc. CHR~\W:mn, Tr.  anfl'c Ah. tract· of THfos. di l,o <'al Jlt•al Estate·M ortgages and Lan d Contracts. I  HILLIKER, PERKINS, {1'funlcl1>al, Pub lie Service and C orporatlon Bonds •----------------- -------- - - - ____ --------· -------- Old N. and G. Rap. Sav., G. Rap. EVERETT & GEISTERT 'f •lQ Active Dl'aler. In Local I:sues. 1 ~ ( Iil'h: Tr. Bldg:) !\lembl'r Inve. I tment Ba kers A ss'n. ~ HOWE SNOW CORRIGAN {INVE Tl\fm:t' \B.lNKER •.---;--- -------:------·-----· ·-----:-:-------';'-----200,000 100,000 _________________ --------· Cent: l nion Tr. Co ... T. Y.; Cont. & Cpm'l N., C:: • d BE,RTLES •, "e qnder~rite and offer entire 1ss ues of investments ecurities which we have Oh1.; Old and G. Rap. Sav., G. Rav. ~  an ---- • , 10 first invest, ate d and purchased fo r our own account. W. G. oulcrs ,· Co,. _____ U (lnrcstmcnt Secunti es) _________________ _____________ ALLEN , G. THURMAN & (.·' 11.cli. ,1 r. lll<I".) ..  c  t" E MER HAN · Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Co -, {  T.  &I  -----····---·----  !  ,·s ·NATIo..·•.·;,. ~~t\a· ~-:-A"!N'K">~ ·19  '<  100,0C0 --------- --------- --------- - - - - W. ~-Souders~ Co., 1. Y., Chi., Det., and. 1111.; G. Hap. Sav., G. Rap. fomber Chica •o Board of Trade • _____________ -----·-----------· ·-------- ···------- ________ --------· --· .. --- 'I'homa,on & .McKinnon, who are MPmber .i: • ~ Stocks, Bond , Grains. Private Wi lres to all Markets. Y. Sto··k anti all Ieaclini! Exchanges, t.,;) Main Office•, G rand Rapids, Mic hi(lan. Branches : Flint, Saginaw, Muskelf on , Mic higan. . ,_. 1  . ·  ~ ~:·  .  I  ··o ·· .,, ,  ..  '/D'· .;. t .·r· ·o;~•-:~·,·  ·f:  :e · .'  t' , ·  -  -:'t· INV(TES THE ~CCOUN!S OF BANKS, BANKERS CORPORATIONS,  FIRMS  AND . INDIVIDUALS  ----. '""--- - ="'----=:::.:·:!!o::,~,r,...:;;~- ~·-_.::::w--...... -  or Baak ia  the New Transit Number «1ven to each bank in U.S. exclusfvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' ~frectory, under the authority of The American Bankers As 'n.  651  Namber uader Name  I  Non-Bank Towns with Ne.arest Banking •; tlD• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi ' volume. For Inte~st Rates, ! f o ~ c . , see Law_s. ~  MICHIGAN- C00 flllUe d  I  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.---- s:: HEsouRcEs. LIABILITIES. NA.ME OF BA.,K:-Tow°N"AND COUNTY. 1:1) Lou,e&Dt•• 1 O••u.tE:rSURPLUS ASS'T CASHIER ~ CASHIER. VICE PRESIDENT PRESID~T. •Mcm. Am. Bks. Assn. §St.ate •Oounty Seats. '"1 EPOS- c'Te. no,ns, cHHo.,.,n.,.. AND AID-UP · · Figure is Fed. Re,, Dist. !Yem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. ----------,~ &culUTID uo,.n.~.... ITS CAPITAL PxoFITs [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ •~Iem. Fed. Hes. Dis Detroit Braneh. 390.000 $ 355,000 $ 41,000 G. Hap. N. City, G. Rap. 20,000 $ 8,600 H. L. Brown _______ Harold T. Slaght__ Grandv1lle ______ Kent J 5 Grandville State Bank __ •;§'07 H. Minderhout, \0 '1 Acting 74-666 7 Pop. 799 N Old Chi.; N,, Oom'l & Cont. Y.; N. .. N Chase 90,000 410,800 453,000 24,760 30,000 -------------------______ McKinley H, Drummond----p, Gerber__ Cornelius Grant_ _____ Neway~o I 6 GrantStateBank _______ e!§'06 N. and4thN., G. Rap. 74-667 7 Pop. 473 367,530 1 72,990 N, Bk. Com., N. y .; 1st & Old Det. N,, Det. 387,870 38,9i0 25,000 G. Mellencamp __ H. J. Kn~ht _____ Grass Lake __ Jackson K 8 Farmers State Bank ____ !f '83 E. J. Foster------- E. W. Hobart_ _____ r 1 ! 7H6!S 70 Pop. 74-1 6,500 Peo. Sav .. Traverse City; G. Rap. Sav., G. Rap.; 11,000: 14,000 520 5,000 F. Brooder _____ Nel • B. Solem ----f. -----------------Grawn ___Grand Traverse\Bank of Grawn ---------t"I9 R. L. Power _______ Bk, of Det., Det. 74-669 F 5 7 Pop. 250 Han. N .. N. Y.; Et. Dearborn N .• Chi.; Peo. 00,870 339,900 379,570 49.200 2,000, •Grayling __ crawford F 7 Bank of Grayling _______ tf'Ol (Marius Hanson) __ -------------------- Marius Hanson---- Bohrer Hanson____ State, Det.: 2d N .. Saginaw. I 7Hi70 7 Pop. 2450 24,340 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det.; !'::ii 15,150 157,710! 168,520 20,000 Greenland_OntonaeonB3 Miners&MerchantsStateBk. B. F. Barze ________ W. B. Hanna ______ ,Martin Forslind ___ Clarence Dubuque Houghton N ., Houghton. C. H. Brown . ;§:12 ~· ~4-935 . 9 _Pop. 2500 Greennlle __ Montcalm I 6 Christensen s Bank ______ t 94 ( 1els Christensen) ------------------- _______________________________________ - - - 1 _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ Mech. & Metals N .. N. y ,; Peo. State, Det. 74-296 7 Pop. 4304 216,190 chase N., N. Y.; 1 t N., Chi.: Peo. State, Det.; ::I: 32,770 1,040,510 1,100,240 50,000 COMMERCIAL STATE SAV. F. E. Ranney ______ C. M. Miller------- C. V. Coats-------- W. G. Clark_______ " I ~ G. Rap. N.City,G.Rao. l E. A. Kemp BANK. _+ __ 74-298 ____ •:W02 35,760 1Ft. Dear. 1.: ., Chi.;. Peo. State, Det.; Grand! "4" 280 110,180 101.700 60,000 Greenville ational Bank '20 F. A. Johnson----- S. M. Din~more ____ W. C. Chapple _____ -------------------R. Grand ay., .• H I 74-1074 8'.50,000 100,000 N. City, N. 'Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com'l N~, 700,000 90,000 Greenville State Bank--•!5'96 F. S. Gibson _______ C. J. Gibson _______ W. H. Browne _____ W. H. AngelL----- 1 100,000 " -------" Ch1.; 1st & Old Det. N ., Det.; G, Rap. l\., J. S. Gibson 74-297 tJj G. Rap, City, ......_ Det.; N, Union, Jack on. State, 15,020 1Peo. 9,500 108,,~20 107,7 40 15,000 • '05 (F. A. Howlett ) ---- _________________ :ll. L. Howlett_ ____ F. J. Howlett___ Gregory ___ L"1vi n2s t on J 8 Bank of Gr02ory ________ •t ,,74-672 70 Pop. 350 66,000 Liberty N., T. Y.; PeninsularState,Merch. ·., 35,000 480,0001 4 7,000 30,000 Grose Pointe ____ \Vayne Grosse Pointe Savines Bank F. W. Hubbard ____ L. S. Trowbridge __ c. D. Ransom _____ A. E. Kerby _______ , ~ and r. Bk. of Com .. Det. I •t§'l4 74-978 K 11 7D Pop. 2084 93,020 •. Cit~, N. Y.; civ. Tr. Co., Chi_.; Citiz, Sa,,. & (JJ 380,9,0 411,610 37,520 25,000 Gwinn ____ Marquette C 5 Gwinn State Savinrs Bank W. G. Mather------ G. R. Jackson _____ · O. E. Brown _______ B. J. Bath _________ 1 Tr. Co., Clev.; orthw ..... , :llmpl • : •!1'08 • 74-673 9 Pop. 2500 80,lJOO 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 101,300 2,000 119,000 4.000 Hadley ______ La1>eer J 10 Citizens Bank ______ f'IO E. J. Hemineway __ 1E. s. Ivory ________ N. J. Barter_______ ____________________ 1 4 7 1 Ft. Dear. ., Chi.: Bk. of Saeinaw, Saginaw. ____ Shattuck N, n. ____ Shattuck N. G. ___________________ ________ Ealy J.M. Bankers ~o., McKa~ Ealy, 9 na1!_~--~-~~~-~~~oscoG t·12 74-924 7 Pop. aoo Chem. T.. . Y:i. Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: lst 1 ~ 44,330 387,720 399,710 5,000 25,000 A. T. Donaldson ___ 1,\ugn t l{('in ______ Geo. L. Ilummrich _________ Halfway ____ Iacomb J 10 HALFWAY STATE BANK Stat(', Det.; C1hz.. av .. ~lt. Clemens. _ 1 II. C. Wade . . •i"li i4-1016 1. p,. 7.D Pop. 1000 N., N. Y.; ~- 01ty, Chi.: 1st State, Allet?an; < Ilan. :>2,440 127,860 200,000 3,000 8,000 Ham11ton _____ Alle1r.1n J 5 H. Brower & Co .. Banker G. H. R1gtermk ____ T. G. Thorpe _______ Herman Brower ___ Bertha Brower____ :::.: G. Hap. . City, G. Rap. tt'll 74-891 Po1>, 300 7 =:J, Ra chow _______________________ --------- _________ _________ _________ _________ Hamtramck-- Wayne K 11 Cit izcn lhnk ____ ------- t'21 Jolrn BC'ger ______ 1 \. A. 5;1 efa nowski "' J. U:tcbow _____ i4-1081 7D Pop. 48,615 Dime adnl?~ B-1 uk _____ ."'21 \Y. L. Dunham ____ 'I'.\\'. P. L1vin~ston F. \Yiniker ___________________________ _ 100,000 --------- _________ --------· --------- Irring ~ ., N. Y.; Dime. Sav .. Det. " r+ 0 I J. B. lfr Kay 74-1080 Fir_·t State Bank _________ ··rn Edw. Le:-;zczrnskL )l. A. WosinskL __ C. J. WierzbickL_ ____________________ 100,000 201.690 Cha .. e ~·., . Y.; Peninsular State, Det. 64,190 1,587,600 1.549,630 H.. 'adowski 7-1 993 26,000 Hamtramck: State Bk, __ •!§'09 F. A. Schulte ______ Wm. Blanck _______ J.C. Friedel______ __________ 263,660 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Peo. 25,000 2,511,070 2,683,240 I 74-676 tate, Det. 100,000 769,440 1 117,260 Liberty N., T, Y.; Cent. Sav. and Bk. of Det., 787,630 25.420 Lillertv tate Bank ----•§'18 Joseph Chronow~ki s. Chronowski ____ B. J. Treppa _______ J. A. ikora ___ ____ Det. G. J. Holstein . 7-H03-1 10.000 60,690 N. Bk. Com. and Am. State, Det , 340.960 287,250 ' 6.410 Merchants & Mechanics Bk. Geo. J. Kolowich __ ' Adolph .Kotowich __ J. J. Kuch:n,;ki__ __ !--------- __________ J. J. Kolowich •t'l9. 74-103!l 68,870 1,334,740 1,395,660 107,940 Liberty N., N. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 100,000 {HARRY J, FOX---- JOHN C. SCHULTHEIS -------------------- KARL LUCZYNSKI---, GEO.J. HAAS 1  ID  1--------------------  1w.  1F.  I  I  :=: n  > z  I  !  I  z  I  -----1--- ___________  't  ,w.  I  NATIONAL BANK 1  ..  u~~  If you apPf" eciate prom pt, efficient, personal service  your ~usin~_ss direct to us. C 'l ollections a specialty._ :ni \\.rSend 20L.7;>0 Shea --------1100,000 R. Thompson -- Geo. H. Nichols ___ , John C. Condon ___ M.  ~ri~~~~Ti~~~LN;  1 0 t~K1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  540,310 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bo .; Mil. 1st Wis. 224,510 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com Ex. N •• Chl.;N. Shawmut.,,Bos.;Peo.State,Det.; 1st Wis. N., JUU. T ••  ~ ~·oo  100,000 127,660 1,365,94 HENRY L. BAER ____ C. L. LAWTON-------- IJ. C. JEFFERY _______ 1 W. S. HENDRICKSEN__ I JNO. LEES G. R. CAMPBELL FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIV£ CEI\"TS for each credit report Ins ores prompt, personal a ttentlo n.  Superior Trust Company§'02 Henry L. Baer _____ 74-188 Hanover ____ Jackson K 8/Hanoyer State Bank _____ §'l9 Wm. A. Reed ______ 74-980 70 Pop. 350 Harbor Beach_Haron H11 1Huron County Savines Bank B. W. Jenks _______ •:1'80 74-385 I 7D Pop. 19:>8 State Bank of Harbor Beach J. P'. Livini:ston ___ " ·• 1 •t§'08, 74-386 --------  ..,  2,638,700 2,319,580  M.  SUPERIOR NATIONAL BA NK  --------  ~  w.  PEOPLES  1 Hancock ___ Houghton A a ' First Natio~! ~i~k ____ 7-1-lS 6 g Pop. 7'5Z7  I  J.M. Borlace, Cha~. L. Lawton ___ J. C. Jeffery. Sec. and Tr, A. Sec. and A. Tr. G. R. Campbell Newbury ____ Fay Conklin_______ F. E. Palmer ______ F. G. H. Zorman J. L. Brennan _____ W. J, Enele ________ R. C. Tucker______ D. Mihlethaler J. J. LPszrzynsk:L_ Roy Bricker _______ n. E. Wagner_____ Robinson \\'ellock , 1Ruth Trlllple , on  w.  150,000  112,500 ,  20,000  J,000  25.000 I  17,500 1 699,350 6.190  I  34-1.130 96,780 (Trust ,Deposits) 89,700 84,000  1  30,000  1,411,430  l  570,000 1  l  15,1501Superior N., Hancock. 18,000 Cent. State, Jackson; Comw.-Fed. Sav .• Det.  658,600  85,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  492.680  93.000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Det.: U.S. Sav. ~ .,_ Port Huron: 1st N, Bay City.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  ,  Number under Name or Bank ie the New Transit Numb~r pveo to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Baukers' Directory, un~e_r t!:14:_autho~ty ~ h e Am~~~~~·  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law', <n --".".-=: t-:> • "D COUNTY. ' NAME OF HANK. To llll'N LIABILJTIES. RESOURCES . ., =• PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, . .. qounty SPats. • •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn.§St.a~e. •PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. ASS'TCASHIER PAID-UP SURPLUS' DEPos- i.o.N■ &o,. C••u~ExF1gure1sFed.Re. Dist. + tMem.StateBk .. _As,n.tPnv. ' CAPITAL PROil'ITS AND II IS c'TI Do>101, cs.,.oso,D.,. 8 • 00•mu Dis Detroit Branch. 11em. Fed. He~. [Est.ab. - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T no .. a,..... 1 I I BarborSprines ___ Emmet EmmetCountyStateBk•t§'05 W.J.Clarke _______ E.9,-c,arey ________ J.T.Clarke _______ W.J.Clarke, Jr, __ $ 25,000$ 72,200 613,190$ ;;93,730 $115,270 Chase N., N. Y.:lstN.andCont.,·Com'lN., 7 . Pop. 1600 E 6: 74----677 . ; . J; _I. ~larke • _ Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det.: 1st Ulev • .. Hamson ______ Clare G 7 State Savmgs Bank _____ t§ 83 W. L. Wilson ______ 1<,111s G. ~ughes ___ F. Weat'herhead ___ W. L. Harper_____ 25,000 7,640 1 o,980 186,6-10 48,330 Chase.·., K. Y.: cont. & Com'! • .. Chi.: 1st & 7 D fop. 399 74-521 . M. Fannmg • ~ Old Det. T., Det.; 2d ., Saginaw, )1ich . .. HamsvilJe __ Alcona F 10 Alcona County Savmgs 11a~k J oho Macereeor ___ C. M. Lund ____ ---- L. R. Ross_________ 1_______________ ____ 25,000 23,000 343,5201 377,920 33,9,0 Ohase N., N. Y.; Fort Dear. • ., Chi.; Peninsu7 Pop. 460 1 _ . 74----679 ••S,07 _ . Jar State, Det. •Hart_ _______ Qceana H 4 F1rst National Bank: _____ •t 74 F. J. Russell ______ C. L. Flood ________ R. J. Ran km _____ M. E. Bennett____ 30,000 57,620 614,660 572,030 111,010 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.· Old N. Pop. l.>90 .. 74-3!!7 • . . __ ? ,., and 4th N ., G. I{ap. ' ________ \OCEANA COUNTY SAV. BANK W. E. Snyder ______ G. T. Sands ________ W. E. Rollrns ______ W. S. Gremer_____ 1 40,000I 34,o::i0 6A,800 .>.2,140 122,210 N. Bk Com N y. Corn Ex ~ Chi. Kent 1 t H t + 74-;!88 •i§ '87 _ u:. s. 'ewton _ 1 State, G. Rap.. .. . • .. " E;: Har ford_ Van Buren K 4 ar ford Exchange Bank (G. W. Merriman)_ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------2a,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohase N N y • 1st N Chi' . G Rap N ci·ty 7 Pop. 1361 74-425 tt"82 J. OPPENHEIM---- M. C. MORTIMER---- J. INGALLS--------- A. W. WOOLSEY -----. 25,000 31,230 609,360 570,;;90 55,240 1II~~ Rf P· T y · Cont & com'l N Chi. 1st & OLN EY NATIONAL BANK-•'10 { Special attentio n gh·en Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Thue Items. Old riet X 'bet . ., ., 1-1'4 74-426 J>lcai,e :send 15c ll'illt rach sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Cre dit Rep orts. · _._ ·• · I 1 Haslett_ ______ Jngham J 8 Exchange Bank _________ •t'08 H. H. Hammond ___ 1Martin Leeman ___ J. G. Marsh ________ -------------------5,000 2,070 125,700 I 72,590 60,180 Ohase N N y • Peo state De•. Capi'tal N 7D Pop. 300 74----680 ' Lansine. . ., . ' ... .• Z 1 ·~,tine-;op:51.i:rry J 6 {CHESTER MESSERM.A. LAMBIE- ----- R. w. CHANDLER---75.000 43,970 11,026,770• 989,390 189,780 Ban. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; tx:I Unsurpassed Co llectlon Service. Peo. Sfate, Det. Bill ofLadfngD rafts recelvespecl al attention. Z 15 CENTS sent t o us with each slg ht draft for prese ntatfon, and ~ 74-286 •t§'86 25 CENTS for e , acb credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal service. C/l  652  I  °'  MICHIGAN - C on f lnue d  I  I  ---------------1---------------  .T ..  l.  I  .·• · ·•  ·• " · · · ' 0-  I  Q >  HASTINGS  ti-. ,~iWs·o-tr---  >  CITY BANK  I  . I Hastines National Bank_•t'70 Clement Smith ____ J. F. Goodyear ____ H. G. Bayes _______ L. G. Tolhurst_____  . 74-285 ... , Hemlock _____ Sagmaw I 8 Hemlock State Bank ____ ,.§ 08 7 D Po-p. 4;;0 74----681 Hcnder..:on ___ hiawas ee Bank of Hender ·on _____ ·w1;:; 7D Po-p.250 18 74-989 .. Hers~y ______ Qsceola H6 Hersey Bankinl? Co. _____ ;tt"04 7 . Pop. 21':4 I 7-1-682 _ .. . Hesperia _____ oceana H , ,state Bank of Hesperia_ .. 10 7 Pop. 430 . 74 683 ._ Highland Park ____ Wayne Amern:an State Bank--•+§'10 7 D Pop. 46.400 K 10 I _ 74 -292 " " ll1ghland Park Rt.ate Bank • 74- 291 •U '0ll  Hillman ___ Montmorency 7 Pop. 400 E8 •Billsdale ___ ~ilJ~dale L 7 7 D Po-p. ;:,J,b " ________ "  Holland _______ Qttawa J 4 7 Pop.12,166  :·20  860,000  R. B. Beaver _______ E. S. Beaver_______  20,000  15,000  400,000  9,000  9,090  90,000  0. L. Millard ______ G. E. Bramlyberry 1H. A. Millard ______ , James Caldwell ____ John Mahan _______ Earl Anderson.____ W. "B. \Yinters ,, . J. Hayes _______ H. 13. \\allace ______ R. T. Wallace _____ _ J. T. Whitehead ___ G. R. .\ndrews ____ :B'. E. Quisenberry_ Geo. H. Van Buren, ,\ . L. CouzPU', · V. P. F. i,,, tJuisenberrr 7  I  A. F. DeYonker___  1  I  20.000 I 200.000  R. M. Jone _______ 1,000,000 \Y. A. Abendroth IL c;, Wood D. J. Lindzay 1 J. II. Johnson _____ II. B. Ward ________ --------------------, 100,000 F. W. lluhb1rd : .T. R. Bodde -- ----- IG, P. Fra er_______ ____________________ 100,000 II. P. Bor!!man , c:eorl!e \Yill'Y----- III, R. Burn _______ IL W. Ladendorf _ 100,000 11. IL Burn W.N.Hunt_ ______ E. L • .\Ia!'Oueen __ Leo Spencer_ __ ____ 20,000  I  \  I  133,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det.  340,000  70,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det.  C"  ?  ?  I 116,120 1,457,270  1,481,680 1 10,;:;201 162,-110  H9.040  16,000  22'.J,210  I""'  - - - - - - - - )lerch. Ln. c Tr. Co., Chi.: G. Rap. N. OitY,' C/l r ,. G. Rap. , .. 'O 2w;:i,000 4;:i,000 Cont. & Com IN., Chi., Old N., G. Rap. ""'  2;_i;:i,000  13,020  ~  81,000 ------ Com'l N., Saginaw: Far. State Sav., Bay Citr. O  •  69,660 , ~.410,830 2,366,wlO _ I _ 92,1,510 fo066390 16053490  20,000  :I: 1 ""'  ,.~  16,000  910,000  1  164,-150  •  5·  •  314,280 N. City and I_rnnl? N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Corn (IQ _Ex . N ., Ohi.; \m, State, Det. • . rn 568,140 Liberty N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I •. , Ch1.: Bk. of Det. and Peo. State, Det.; 1st .... , St. L.; '· hawmut, Bos.  0  I , 1  229,370  125,9. 201Liberty . and N. Oity, ;:T, Y.; Penin.ular 'tate. Det. 24,590 Chase • .. r , Y.; Peo. ~tate, Det.  :I: o ::=  '<  47,600 ,Corn Ex .•'., N. Y.; Wayne Co . ..,. Home Sa,· .. Det. 15.180 Chase N., N. Y.; Alpena Oo. Sav., Alpena.  1  0. F. Freed________ fL L. Owen - · ·- --  55,000  37,570 1.025,000  65,000  57,800  ~1. B. Marsh____ __  100,0v0  40,390  W. J. Westveer____  100,000  73,090  C. VAN DYKE --------  100,000  92,310  930,000 1" 95,000 N. C_ity, N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; 2d N., Toi. 1,051,660 921,670 ! 222,170 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Det. and Toi.: nion Com. N .• Clev. 1,016,620 1,024,910 121.840 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Peo. tate, Det.: N. Bk. Com., Toi. 2,454,000 ' 2,296,000 272,000 1st N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., ._ Det.: G. Rap. N. City. G.Rap_. ~ 1,808,400 1,714,600 209,100 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Ohl. and Clev.;::, Peo. tate, Det.; 4th ., G. Rap. ~  1~ 1~  eotatlon, and er onalattentlon.  Peoples State Rank ---- •U'05 A. Visscher. ______ B. D. KC'ppel ______ !Henry Winter _____ Alex Van Zanteu __ 74-160 .John u. Hutgers Hollv _____ ___ Oakland J 9 FirstState&Sa\'inesilk.•!§"70 C. A. Wilson _______ D. D. Hadley ______ D. ~t Lyon: _______ Emma Sar::~ent_____ 7 D Poo. 1 k • H Rat   _ . _ . - d - Nazae o r ~ ia lobe ew ftaalld~ Naniber 6/VWJ to N each bank in U. S. eJCcluslvefy by The Band-McNally Bankers• _ blrectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '  -------------------- , ------ • -- - - - ____________________  I  I  50,000 1 106,000  DaYiu EYans ______ P. c. Pardee _______ R. P. Teeters ______________ ___ _:____  Pcnin ·ular. tat• Bank . • t§'li Henry A. Haigh ___ 74-1017 ta•e Bank ---- •.' '20 J. W. Stale.\· ______ _ 74-lOi0 A. II. :\loodv, V. P. \Yayne Co. aml Ilomt> Bwk ,Juliu'- liaa:.:: ______ 7-l 1066 MontmorencyCo.Sav.Bk.l 'Ui .\.lbert ook ______ 74-684 First National Bank _____ •t'63 I<;. A. Dibble _______ 1B. F. Green _______ 1E.T. Prideaux ____ 74-269 Fir t tate avings Bank F.A.Roethlisherfer C. .M. Barre ________ C.C.Tyler_, ______ 74-271 :tS'02 1 E. Frl'nsdorf Hillsdale Savings Bank __ t§'8-1 0. J. Cornell ______ H. S. Walworth __ F. M. COOK-------• 74-270 First State Bank -------•ts'81l G. J. Diekema _____ E. D. Dimnent_ ____ H.J. Luidens ______ + 74-158 W. H. BEACH --- __ 1A.H. LANDWEHR---- OTTO P. KRAMER---HOLLAND CITY STATE BK. Olde ·t bank ln Ottawa Conmy. + 7-1-lSQ •!§ "71 U Cl:NTS sent t o u. " ·Ith each I gbt draft for pre ~ 25 CENTS fore aeh eredlt report Insure prompt,p . People  ________  Wm. PahL ________  s. Gcodyear J. C. Rauch.holz ___ D.  1  I  MICHIGAN-Continued  50,000  31,740 1,351,570 1.1 8,370  1  253,380 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Old N ., ._ G. Rap. \0 94,200 1st & Old Det. N., Det. It-:>  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest .Banking 1-!"IIIV*\ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Lal\S (indexed)  :---  NuLUber uader N•1ne  or Bank  ia  the .New Traatdl Nuniber given  MICHIGAN  to each bank in u. s. eiclush'eJ1· by The Band-McNaIJr Bankers• _!"llr__ectory,_!.Jnder the autb~r~t~~f The ~mer.!_e~ Bankers Ass•n.  I  Tow.· A.ND cou!fTT. • AME oF BASK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State t Figure i Fed. Re_. DL t. :1:Mem. St.ate Bks. Assn. t Priv. PRESIDENT. 0 is Detroit Branch. +Mero.Fed. Res. [Estah. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Holton _____ M.uskeion 14 Holton State Bank ______ :U-09 B. L. Black _______ 7 Pop. 300 74~85 Homer ______ Calhoun K 7 Calhoun State Bank ____ e:j:S'98 J. 0. Snyder _______ 7 Pov.1500 74-458 Honor-------· Benzie F 4 Honor State Bank ______ :l:§'17 E. H. Wilcp ________ 7 Pop. 239 74~86 Hopkins ______ AJlet:an J 5 Hopkins State Savings Bank D. B. Kidder _______ 1 7 Pop. 750 ♦ 74~87 •t§'96 •Houghton_Houghton A 3 Citizens National Bank __ e:j:'01 James R. Dee ______ 9 Pop. 5000 \ 74-25-i  \J.  HOUGHTON  I  I NATIONAL BANK  H. RICE-------  I  -  COll flllUed  -------1-------_______ VICE-PRESIDENT.  CA.SHIER..  , Ass T CA.SHIER,  __  I  I  LIABILITIES.  PAID-UP  ISURPLUS AND  CAPITAL PROFITS  DEPOSITS  1.060  9-1.940  77,890  25,000  13,000  520,000  500,000  A. F. Heidkamp ___ Wm. Warmington_ J. H. Paull ____ ____ A. M. Schulte  100.000  84,400  911,300 1,035.o20  N~.B~LoURLEY C.H. FRIMODIG---- fow.\\N:J~LACK  200,000  r.  20,000  5,820 $ 179,410 $ 182,380 36,180  1  467,140  I  F. be C. STOYLE Collections and Requests for Credit Reports MUST accompanied bf  1----________________  1--------------------  I  Hudsonville ___ ottawaJ 5 Hudsonville State Bank_i§'ll F. L. Chamberlin_ 7 Pop. 700 74-897 Ida ___________ Monroe LO Peoples tate Bank ______ :j:§'01 Boyez I>an_ard____ 7 D Pop. 600 74-691 JOHN BORLAtfD ____ ImJayOity ____ LapeerJ 10 LAPEER COUNTY BANK OldestandLarg 7 D Pop. 1211 ♦ 74-438 •:l:§'86 Collections and FEE IN ADV AN H. E. PALMER----  •lon1·a  7  ----------93  •U"87  NATIONAL BANK  Ion1·a J 6  Pop. 6 5  584,550  525,000 3,600,000 3,200,000  I  74-439  s.culllTIES  W. P. Griffiths _____ L. H. Stacey _______ Mary Power ______ Frank llardy R. C. Furber_______ . L. Kidder_ ______ Anna B. Walter ---1  20,000  L. M. Wolf _______ F.F. McF.achron __ 1H. P. tegeman ____ 1  . O. Tewromb ____ Hobt. Feinauer WALTER WALKER--est Bank in Imlay Requests for Cre CE: Plain sight dra GEO. A. TITUS-----C.S MARSHALL Special attentio n given BilJ of La Please send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo USE THIS BANK IF YOU WANT  i l{ .  305,000  607,190  Y US.  1,548,940 135,000 699,350 S0<!,520 1,299,570  20,000  13,000  353.000  338,000  10,400  388,000  385,000  W. BORLAND-------- MILTON MOYER-----  50,000  17,000 1,112,000  927,000  810,280  755,720  City. dlt Reports MUS Jts, 15c; Credit Repo ISAAC McKILLEN----  IRVINEBORLAhO T be accompanle d by rts. 25c. CAkRIE  ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor t. SERVICE.  ,ao.. n.,,K •. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'.:<  ~IN.  Of ION fA  •:t"0l  T  98,210 Atlantic N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: Dime Sav .. Det.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap. 71,980 Chem. N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Peo. tate, Det.  66,060 lHan. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Com.,Det. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -·~~  !,  l S;:  n ti:  ' I I  Q >  z  ~  -,;,-  I  84.900,Merl!-, &)11,etals N., N. Y.: TCont. & Com:1 .. • .. :I: Ch1.: . hawmut, Bos.; orthw. N., :\l!opl~. 104,-190~ r.Park, · .Y.;Co~t.&Com:JN.,Cbi.:1 t&Old 0..... Det. •. , Det.; pitzer-Ronck Tr. & av .• Toi. 225,300 lmo.&Tra. N .. N. Y.:Cont. & Com'! N .. Ohi.:""' . Shawmut, Bos.; 1st & Old Det. N. and ..., Peo. State, Det. r+ 35,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Old N., G. Rap. 0  0  48,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; Peninsular ~ State. Det.: ecur. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. 'fol. O 252,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N. ::S and N. :Bk. Com .. Det. S;: 0  27,570  s.  267,790 Chase N.,N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st & i:: Old Det. N .. Det. Ill  100,000  52,000 1,500,000 1,080,000  260,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det.  Ei'  1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.: 1st &Old Det. N. and Peo. State, Det.: Old~-. and G. Rap._ r. City, G. Rap. . . . Han. N .. ,. . Y.; Ft. Dear. N .• Chi.: Midland .. .Min pl.: First- Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sa v., Mil. Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y ,; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; T . Ex., Mil. Mt~:; 'sfwo/; Cont. & Com'l N.,  I  1:  T  •  ... City,  T  .1:.  •  T  •  Y.; Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.  o-,  I c.n w,  _CONTLNfNTA~ AND C_Q_M_M~RQ_IAL BANKS  -_. ·._  . Bk.  '  ·t  192,640 Mech.&MetalsN.,N.Y.:Cont.&Com'l.i: .,Chi.:~ 1st & Old Det. N ., ~et. r.JJ 15,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Penmsular State. Det.  •  · MANY PAR·POINTS IN OUR .• PAR LIST. SEND _FOR IT~  .,_.  IO  147,640 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Ohi.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 875,000 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Corn Ex.N., and Cont. &Com'I N., Chi.; N.Shawmut, Bos.; 1st& OldDet.N.,Det.  esented persona ,lly and remitted n given Bill of Lad Ing drafts, Cash a with each ight draft for presentatio K. R. SMITH-------- W. B. HEATH--------  w.  City, Chi.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.  68,930 N.Bk.Com .. N.Y.;Cont.&Oom'l N.,Ohi.;lst&Old tv Det.N.andPeo.State.Det.;Peo.N.,Jackson. 33,280 Cont. & Com'! N •• Chi.; Traver e City State, Traverse City. 45.000 Kalamazoo N .. Kalamazoo.  for promptly. nd Time Items. 1, n and 25c for Cred it Rrpor ts. G. L. YATES --- ----100.000 117,900 1,623,000 1,635,000 205,900 .. •• STATE SAVINGS BK ...5.96 W. Y. TEMPLETON ------_ • -- + FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd ~ TWENTY-FIVE I CENTS for each credit report lnsu !res prompt, perso nal atte ntion. • 74-26.i •Iro n MoPuonpta.i n - Dick'son American e ~u r lty Bank §'21 G. W. Earle ______ 1 '\Y. II. candling __ A. A. Conrad __________ ---------------- : 100,000 20,000 __________________ ·-· ______ u 74 1 7 0 4 8251 9 Commercia\~a n k ---- --•:l:§'92 0. C. Davidson ____ William Kelly _____ W. W. Thompson __ F. o. Morett ------1 100,000 135,010 1,762,820 1,375,040 230,550 • -174 :m s May Bradford FIRST NATIONAL BANK •:l:'87 'iE. F. BROWN------ cj, ~'loBL1~LY----- F J. OLIVER------- ~-MFO/ltflJP---- 100,000' 147,040 1,906,700 1,969,430 250,260 74-173 FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with e:.eb sight draft for presentation, and TWJ.;NTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt reportlnsur es prompt, perso nal atte ,ntlon. a tionatl ;Ban,!c o{ Iron ___ __ C. Meilleur _______ Charle, f'.a~enL __ c. Meilleur ________ ·-------------·----100,000 100,000 _________ ---····-- _________ 1ouu am , 4- 1 , 6------- 721 1 Claude ~I!lhman • 74-i:66  ll>  ~  RY US.  30,000  {FRED W. GREEN- H.B. WEBBER----· J. H. SMITH-------- __________________ ALEX. ROBERTSON Collections pr Special attentio Please send 15c T. B. PRESTON----  l  429,860  F. M. Knapp ______ R. J. Knapp_______  I  i::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  I  30.000  FIRST NAT'L BK {L.  ♦  REsouRcEs.  toANs&Dt1 CArn&ExC'TB: Boso;, COA,<GES,Du•  S. ~-Murphy ______ John E. Nash ______ Thos. L. Hermance $ Joseph Martin I C.R. Church ______ F. B. Jarvis _______ F. H. Kerr ________ 1  . 74-253 •t'65 I FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. Howard City Montcalm 15 O'Donald State Bank __ •:t§-73 R. TI. O'Donald ____ A. J,J. Cook ________ C. M. O'DonaJd ____ 25.000 _____ 515,000 7 Pop. 913 74-688 •Howen ___ Llvingston J 8 E. HOWLETT---- JOHN WRIGGELSE. A. FAY---------- W. B. READER ______ , 100,000 10,000 274,500 7 0 Pop. 2951 • 1 E. A. STi~~'oJ Bd.1 E.G. LAWSON WORTH +, Only National Hankin tuc Coun l ty. New, modern , progressive-bu stling for bu i nes • T 74 - 1055 + 20 Colleetions give n prompt attenti on-Quick Se.rvic e. W. P. VAN WINKLE. GEO. BARNES------- A. L. SMITH--------- _________________ 75,000 22,650 575.600 FIRST STATE & SAVINGS BK. { Our facilities fo r handling your H owell and Livings ton Countybusln ess are unexcel led. TR ♦ 74-332 •:i:§'111 P,ompt attenti on given Collectio ' ns. Enclose 25c Jo r Credit Ratings, ple ase. -------McPherson tate Bank•:W65 1. J. McPherson __ R. B. ~lcPher:on __ H. A. McPherson, Eric Reiner________ 150,000 58,110 1,609,770 74-331 Wm. ~lcPherson,3d l F. P. and Cash. Hubbardston ___ Ionia I 7 Bank of Huhbardston ___ tf'l5 (Cumming,, Ho!M. J. hie! ______ __________ 10,000 _________ 140,000 1 7 Pop. 368 74~89 brook · Arm;den) Hubbell ___ Houghton A 3 First National Bank ----•:l:'09 Henry OpaL _______ D. K. Macdonald ___ R. E. Odgers______ ____________________ 50.000 65,630, 627,4301 9 Pop. 1004 74~90 A. L. Burgan Hudson _____ Lenawee L 8 Hud.-on tate ~av. Bankt§·55 B. J. Foster_ ______ W. 1 • Derby hire_ V. W. Fi~her _____ llarold Tolford____ 50,000 33,950 891,040 7 D Pop. 246-1 74 1004 A. V. Fo ter " -------" THOMPSON SAVINGS BANK G. I. Thompson ____ W.R. Thompson __ L. P. BeaL ________ P. J. Dillon________ 100.000 100.000 1,363,270 ♦ 74-342 e:j:§'67 I I  PEOPLES STATE BANK  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BankJng l-~.fl!V*tfJ!'dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ _yolum~or~~st ~ates, Holidays, etc.!..!,~La~ ~  •""··- -~-  _-_:~--  ----~  I .J  •'I  . . . . . ander Name or Bank ia the New Tran11t Number Jiven  654  Tow• 4NDOOUNTT.  'AME OF  SR•e~•D{<;t . •~•F•edty • • , I F11:are Dis Detroit Branch. ~  Iron River ______ Iron O 3 9 Pop. 4295  BA  FIRST NATIONA~ BANK-•i•o7 74- 693  od  Goreb· B 1 IC  •  GOGEBIC NATIONAL BAIK 74- 119  PAID•UP SURPLUS DEPOS-  CAPITAL  AND  ---  PROFITS  .+. 09 +  Ishpeminr. Marquette B 4 MINERS NATIONAL BANK •!11)00 74-132 9 Pop. 10,500 Peninsula Bank --------•*§'87 " ________ " 74-131 •Ithaca_ _______ Qratiot I 7 COMMEICIALIATIOIALBK. •:l:'02 74-355 7 Pop. 1929 Ithaca National Bank ---•:t·o2 " 74-354 Ithaca Savinl?'s Bank ---•*5'93 ________ 74-353 •Jack:son ____ Jackson K 7 *Central State Bank .-•U-08 • 74-62 7 DPop. 48,374  i  r&OMB ..~u.  ----------------1  ·1  lo. H. Olson_____  50.000  D. E. SUTHERLAND- 0. C. DAVIDSON-----· G. E. O'CONNOR------ F. A. JACQUARL---R.A.DOUGLAS. V.P. L. M. HARDENBURGH  100,000  E. J. Van Ornum __ Rudolph Ericson __ Albert Collins _____  l  ·  l<'ll'TEEN CENT S sent t.o us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit reportlnsu res prompt,perso nal atte ntlon.  JACKSON  M. M. Duncan _____ Jas. Clancey ______ C.H. Moss 1  ,  Aas-----------------10.Geo.G. Hathaway  G. F. Thoney _____ John Kandelin ____ J. G, Welsh.. _______ Peter Handber2----  John Jaaksi John C. Hicks _____ J.B. Crawford ____ O. A.Price _________ L. W. Wolf________ E. E. Guthrie I. S. Seaver _______ Henry .. IcCormack W. A. StahL ______ ·Maude B. Wiltse___ J. Haley O. G. Tuttle John C. Hicks _____ J. L. Potts _________ 0. A.. Price ________ L, W. Wolf________ Guthrie E. E. 1 J. Smith--------lL· H. Ludy________ F. E. Palmer _______ jHugo 0. Loeser ____ ,n, L. R. Welcome  100,000  142,000 1,910,000 1,810,000  100,000  141,940  35,000  23,470  379,970  378,170  25.000  21,880  6i0,980  749,190  152,380 Cha~e  35,000  26,360  507,690  454,890  105,350 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N .. 0 i.; 1st and Old Det, ~ ; "4 N,, Det. 166,860 N. Bk. Com .. N.Y.; N. City, Chi.: Peo. State, ~ i en Det.  344,040  531.060  100.()00  23,000  700,000  670,000  ::r: >  •  4  ..  34,610 1,073,000 1.041,940  100,000  ..  T.  ! txl  Y.: fat & Old Det. N., Det.  1  >  1  l  2,492,7~ . 3,111,560 342,200 Am. EI. N .• N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., ChJ.; 1st:, , '"1 Old Det. N. and Peo. State, Det. 1-  &  1  §  I m •. ~ . 1----2,392,990 2,J80,020 393,620 Han. N., N.Y.; Merch. Ln. &Tr. Oo., Chi.: Peo., ,.... < State. Det.  1  BEl~TT---- H. El~D  REECE-------  W. T. REECE______  -  400,000  C ARD  150,000  -  &&I~  tt. 325,420 4,575,630 5,381,490 717,680 N. City and Liberty N., N. Y.; Con Com•t N. and Ft. Dear. N •• Chi.; 1 s Old Det. N •• Bk. of Det., Merch. N., and'-' Peo. State, Det.; Mellon N., Pitt.; PhD. ~ 0. N., PhD. 149,180 4,388,180 4,895,243  482,940 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  0  Capital and Re erves $51 0,600 _______ Am. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Jack on City, Peo. WILEY R. REYNOLDS HARRY H. BASSETT-- E. M. LAYCOCK, Tr, __ W. L. SHERWOOD, and Jack on tate av .. Jack on. 'c". · FRANK H. WILCOX  { 1 I  peclallze In M unlclpal and Cor poratlon Local Bonds and Stocks. 1st Mortgage B onds secured by Jackson property for sale.  DETROIT . TOCK EX CHANGE AND c IDCAGO BOARD "l-1{1\lE:\IBER Specialize in 1\1 otor  WEBB, LEE & COMPANY • '  •  1  I  '13  T  - ~---  I Reason able charges. •!'84 74-60 *People i:·ational Bank •t '65 B. M. DeLamater __ H. S. Reynolds ____ J. l!'. Clark _________ C.H. Edl?U-------A. J. Whitney II. c. Blackman 74-511  (178 Main St. West)  I 1,312,970 1,368,580  1  I SJOTTER ------ £·KlB. LOOMJ,S------ R. B. WALKER---- A.W. D.D.LATHLOP---~ C.C.BLOOMFIELD l p  & COMPANY  60,000 Chatham & Phenix N., r. Y.: 1st N.,Ohi.; Peo. State, Det.: 1st Wis. N, and N, Ex., Mil. 400,030 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N. and Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N,, Mil.: Am. Ex. N .. Duluth; 1st N., 1\linr,ls. 5-!.470 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N. and lstN ., Chi.; ~ ~ · Northw. N. and 1st N .. Minpls. 110,000 N. Park, _N. y. .: .i:'. City an!'- Merch. Ln .. & Tr. . Co., Chi.; Northw. N .. Mmpls.; 1st Wis. N., 1 () I • T Mil. Mil.:fH3,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; 1st Wis, IQ . 1st & Old Det. -:-T·• Det. ~ 187,,60 Cha9ta~ & ~hemx N .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Ohi.; 1st ~ Wis. .• Mil.: 1st & Old Det. N .. Det. • "4 88,850 Hau. N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  31,490,  IM·  l  1  j  i  A. *NATIONAL UNION A B ROBINSON F-1• . . . . R:ZA .: p8 0 FIELD BANK Prompt retu rna on Collect Iona.  W R REYNOLDS  425,oool  100,000  •  .CITY BANK  450,000J  8,000  94,580 1,817,180 1.634,720  309,SZ~ 200,000 THO PSON Lf/T~Ely • THOMPio~ Collections ha;e ~fflcl~I attention and are remitted on da:, of payment• , •*S'4S Exchange charges reasonable and deOnlte results obtained. Special rat es on la rge I te 74-58 300,000 154,190 *JACKSON STATE SAV. BK. W. M. Palmer ____ C. M. Spinnin2--- 1F. H. Newkirk _____ J. W. Knight______ O. E. Townsend •*1'96 • 74-61  1  Saco&ITlO  E. S. COE-------- C. E. LAWRENCE--- A. J. POHLAND--- H. VAN WAGNER ---- S 50,000 S 49,230 SI 1-16 000 ,$1096 000 S 146,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Oont. & Com') TN .. 9hi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. I !EDWIN RENBERG Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts.  Iron National Bank _____ e;'l9 B. A. Morgan ______ John W. Black ____ j elden B. Crary ___ . Leonard I. ilber2· 74-121 Merch.&MinersStateBk.!S'H F. H. Kearney----- J, H. Urquhart_ ___ 1c. E. Houk _______ ,F. J. Jeppesen_____ I ! . • 74-120  *  ~ I  PRINCIPAL-Oo:aiiicsPoNDENT8~ ~- ·  RESouRcES.  ni.-1 C.una.Ex- • Lo•"•• c•,... Bo,n,a, CIIANuE.•,Do ■  Plea8e 8end l5cwi th each sight draftfo r presentation and 1 25c for Credit Repor ta.  74-925  on wop ---1-5 7, 9 1 op. •"  jl  LIABILITIEs. .US'T 0.A.SBlll,  0.UBID.  VICE-P&KSIDD'T.  PRl'BIDDT,  [E t a b . 1 - - - - - - - 1  MINERS STATE BAIK-•U'l2 1r  °'  'K,  t:ieB?:; i!!!'• ti;t~•  ;::•• • +.Mero. Fed. Ues.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back oi this volume. For Intere 't I!!'~!. HoUdays. etc., see Laws. ~  MICHIGAN - C on ftnued  to uoh bank in U. 8. eselual.ely by The Band-HeNally Bankers• Dtreeterr. under the authority of The Amerl~__!!a_!l~~·~~-  'tock •  OFTRA DE.---- - - - - - - - - - - Webb, Lee & Company, Detroit.  Ja<'k on Clearing Hou e_____ li', II.~ ·ewkirk ____ .J. F. Clark ________ II. J . ._ mith, (Memhers imlimte<l IJll ci  *>  Sec. aml 'I'r.  2- 000 Jam Pstown ___ Ottawa J 5 Jame town State Bank __ §'Ii I.ewis De Kleine __ O. De Jonghe ______ A.H. Bosch _______ John Peters_______ ---- - ---- ---- - ---- :---- - ---- ---- - ---.J, i-1 1020 7 Pop. 200 6,970 N. Bk. Com., Adrian. 58,520 . 58,140 100 6,000 ____________________ Brower_______ P. E. J aap7er0__ ____ Lenawee L 8 Farmers & Mcrch. Bank_it•10 0. L. Robertson ____ H. c. Rothfuss ____ 74-694 Pop. 500 _ Comw. Federal Sav .. Det.; Yale State, Yale. _ , ______________________________________________ Lanes Squire ____ McColL James __ Livi~ston James LivinesJedd o_______ t. Clair I 11 Jeddo Bk. of James ton & Oo, _____________ t·n 7 D Pop. 200 1 74-916  HANTS NATIONAL BANK--DETR0IT Service~MERC. Collection \lnsutoassed ~ --- -·-----·-   N••hl ~der Name or .Bank u &be N~w Transl& Numbel ven bank m U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banfers• 655 - = ~~nd~ the _au~orlty of The Am~rlcan )!ankers Ass'n. =-= Federal Reserve Bank of c St.-Louis  .:,~C:,  '  MICHIGAN-Continued  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Ace~·]• Lawy!rs, ½'ws (ln~~xed) in back of this,':':"  NaOJINI aader Name  or Bank u,  the New Tran.sit Number given  to each bank in U. S. e.1cluslvely by The .Rand-McNally Bankers' 655 ____ l.)~tory, under the authority o! The Am~!!._!a~ers Ass'n. TOWN AND CO-UNIT.  I  .AME OF BANK~  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State .t.County eats. Fig__ure is Fed. Res. Dist. :l:Mem.StateBks . .Assn. tPriv. [E tab. _!! is Detroit .Bran~ ♦ Mem. Fed. Res.  d · MICHIGAN - C Ofi t lfiUe  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed .Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. §  .  I  H  LIA.BILITIES.  NT  RESID~  V  •  i:: ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES.  PAID-UP ' SURPLUS DEPOD- ' to.,. ... n,.. CAm&ExA ns'T CA.SHIE". O•SHI•R, p c'T■• Boso,, ctuscBS,DUJI oAND IT L C .... ~ .. ... ICE· RESIDENT. _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _, _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A_P_A_ PROFITS ~ sscoBJTu:e _>a_o.. 1 1 1 1 1 1  p  _&_""_.._  ·, __________ ~ 1  _ _ __  Jerome ____ Hill dale K 7 Henry . Walworth -----t '74 ----------------- ------------------ ---------------- ------------------- ------- --------- -------- --------- -- --·-- Hillsdale Sav., Hillsdale. 74-1056 7 D Pop. 200 Jones _________ cass L 5 Farmers & Merchants Bk.t"l2 Walter C. Jones ___ ,-------------------- Ernest Stanard ____ Mary R. Skinner __ S 4,000 --------- $ 64,720 I$ 56,830 $ 7,500 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N,, Det. 74-939 7 Pop. 328 506,800 522,970 50,000 ,$ 34,450 84,010 Chase N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Pen• C. G. WHITE- ----- 0. S. WHITE--------- W. M. WETMORE---- RICHARD S. VARNUM ,W. M. WETMORE insular State, Det. Jonesville __ Hillsdale L 7 GROSVENOR SAVINGS BANK •:!:§'54 Oldest-Largest - Strongest-Me mber Federal Bes erve. ♦ 74-696 7 D Pop, 1274 Unescelled facU ltles-Personal Se rvlce-Your busin ess Invited.  i  Jone ville Commercial Bank_ Harry Godfrey ____ R. B. Howard _____ L . .A. Proper _______________________ •:!:t"l8 74-1027 .. Kalamazoo __ Ka}~7maKzoo5 Pop. 48,= 7  ( l  S. CAMPBELL-- I: t i/~WNGs* _____ E. H. SHEPHERD---- S•• A'. WETT -------RG *f lRST NAJ BANK I C.Collections a Specialty. Rem ittance on day of payment. 1  74-42  •:!:"63  *HOME SAVINGS BANK •U- 93 74-46  40,000 --------- -·------- --------- --------- Han. N., N. Y.; Ft.Dear.N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det.; N, Union, Jackson. 300,000  7Hf  ·o  \V. T. BARKER --- F. H. MILHAM----- A. VAN BOCHOVE .. iJ.~~\\oiNiifi j 1  NATIONAL BANK  ---- --  - --  •t '84  *  E. J, PHELPS----- M. {·BIGELOW----- F. R. EATON------- ~- M. PHELPS -----• B, ROGERS I W, • OTIS · GIBSON Unusual Collec I tlon Facllltles.  l  ~  ""1  0  500,000  802,950 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N ., Det.  216,460 5,219,530 5,250,730  3 ('t ~  0  Bill of Lading Drafts given Spec lal Attention. Pleet Re se1ul 15c wit11 ight Drafts for 11rescntatlon a nd 25c for Credit Reports •  ~  ll)  s·  - - - - - - - - - - __________________________ _  --  First State Bank -------il'll 74-699 Kingston State Bank. __ e:j:§'93 74-700 La.chine Bank of Carl .Alfs~n &: Co. ____ 74-951 ______ :tt,14 Umon State Bank _______ i§ 88 74-701  --- - -- - -- ---  .  Kaleva ______ Manistee G 4 Bank of Kaleva ---------:l:t'l2 C. Billman _________ Elmer Billman _____ Ellsworth Billman. F. H. Wilson -----· 74-921 7 Pop. 200 .1.Kalkaska .. Kalkaska F 6 Kalkaska State Bank--.-t1'02 C. W. McPhaiL. ___ A. J. Maynard _____ H.B. Whalley _____ M. S. John on __ _ 1L. 0. Bloomer 74-401 7 Pop. 866 Kawkawlin ______ Bay H 9 Farmers State Bank ____ •+f'll )1. D. Ealy-------· J. E. McGuiness ___ G. M. Gallagher ___ A. Nitschke ______ _ P. C. Pardee 74-911 7 o Pop 150 Kent Oity _______ Kent I 5 Kent City State Bank ___ tf'lO A.H. Saur ____ C. Gerber_ _________ M. E. Moore _______ R. J. Kriger ______ _ S. I. Briggs 74-697 · 7 Pop. 428 Kilmanagh_:-__ Huron H 9 Kilmanagh Bank of Frank~. Frank W. Hubbard John Ryan ________ H. W.Finkbeiner __________ G. E. Everingham Hubbard & Co. ________ tt 06 (Sebewaing P. O.) 74-698 . 7 O Pop. 200 Kinde ________ Huron H 10 Kwde State Bank ------11900 F. W. Hubbard ____ John Ryan-------- W. R. Eve'ringham J.B. Ahearn______ Willard Babcock 74-538 7 D Pop. 420 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~ X  - -p  I  Kalamazoo Clearing Hou e _) - - - - - -  King_sley _Grand 'l'raverse F 5 7 Pop. 350 Kingston ____ Tuscola I 10 7 D Pop. 321 Lachine------ lpena E 9 7 Pop. 500 Lain_1s bnr&---Shiawassee J8 7 D Pop. 693  tr,  600,000 368,160 6,921,210 6,893,690 l ,180,710N.Bk.Com.,N.Y.;Cont.&Com'IN.,Chl.; r/l Ch.ofBd. 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Union Tr. Co., Collections or other bualneaa entrusted to thla bank wlll ...._. Clev. A~ V. OPPO SITE PA GE 580. EE attention. careful and prompt receive 38  *KALAMAZOO (Member indicated by a  561.330 Han. N., N. Y.: cont. & com'! N., Chi.: Peo. ~ "4 S ta te, Det.; 1st N., Clev.  172,880 2,029,820 1,732,860  200,000 1 A modern,progr esslve bank doing ' a commercial bu slness. Send your co Ile ctlons direct to u Is for efficient ser vice and quick re turns.  I  74-45  320,000 7,000,000 5,500,000 1,400,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N. and corn Ex. N., Chi.;i E;: 11st & Old Det. N .• Det. (') I  2=  Prompt  H. E. JOHNSON -----H. w. PARllE■----M. G. DAVIS-------- J. f. TUBERTY----*KALAMAZOO-CITY CHAS. C. D. PRATT FRED G. DEWEY A. PECK,  SAVINGS BANK •it·  -  l  (rQ  6,000  1,360  162,930  12B,l20  30,000  6,620  337,670  368,220  20,000  6,240  157,960  190,010  30,000  8,500  330,500  345,930  10,000 --------25,000 20,000  Ralph Case ________ A. B. Stin on ______ J • .A. McCarthy ____ Carl N. Case_______ E. G. Rawlings C. W. ~IcPhail ---- L.A. Maynard ---- L.A. Maynard ____ Fred Ayrault----- 1 1 . Carl Alf sen ________ N. C. Johnson _____ Carl Alfsen ________ B. F. Flanders  20,000  F. B. Smith ____ ---- R. Rohrahacher .•. W. H. Hunt ________ E. L. Piatt_________  20,000  47,180 Traverse City State, Traverse City; Old N., G. ~ ~ Rap. 44.100 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Old N., G. Rap.; ""1 aq Traverse City State, Traverse City. 14,580 Cont. & Com'l N.,Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: Far. State Sav., Bay City. 23,080 1st N., Chi.; Old N., G. Rap.  120,000 ________________ Peninsular State, Det.: Sebewaing State, Sebewaing.  12,000  350,000  312,500  70,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N. and Penin. sular State, Det.  6,000  225,000  213,000  38,000!lst N •• Traverse City; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.  ----1---- ____________________ •  14,020  236,580  12,000  210,000  I  232,680  33,600 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Bay City, Bay City. ,.Alpena N., Alpena; N. Bk. Com., Det •.  207,000  40,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N .Y.; Peo. State, Det.: City N .• , O'l ~ Lansing.  ;  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS  ......--............ ~.  - ---  .  ._  ..  ,._...  -----:-  _.:  .  __-::..- ..:-,,.._ .........,.-  -  ~  -  --~  -  -  under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number 2fren  Non-Bank Towns \\1th Nearest Banking Point (In ctexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in uack of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidaf ·, etc., see _Laws. I ~  °'  · Ued MICHIGAN- C 00 t 10  t,, Neb bank in U. S. exclus1vely by Tbe ~nd-Mc.Nallf Bankers•  Dlreetory, under the authority of The Am_~~_'!Jankers Ass•n. NAME OF BANK. 'l'OWN-AND OOUNTY. CASHIER. VICE PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SS ta te •Oounty Seats. Figure is Fed, Res. Dist. ivem. State Ilks. Assn. tPriv. __ --.-~- _ _ [E ... tab. D!,__ Detroi_!_ ~ran~ ♦)lem. Fed. Res.  LIABILITIES. ~o-u;-lsuRPLUB · DEPOS, 4ND C  ASS'T CASHIER. ____  ~  PROFITS  I~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  HESOURCES. i;;;;;.kD,e- i 0••n&Ex-  C'r,. 11o~n•, CIIA"•"' ,DUI  ~  10  _  _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  ~  1  •LakeCity_MtssraukeeG6 Lake0ity8tat~Bank ___ i§·07 1R.M.Bielby. ______ S.Ardis ___________ F.D.McGregor ____ Blanche )IcGregor $ 20,000$ 9,200$ 2-10,000 $196,000$ 72,000 Met., N. Y.; Cont. & Com 'l N .•. Chi.; Kent State, G. Rap.; 1st & Old Det. 1 ., Det. , I 74-494 7 Pop . .i8~ 55,000 Ft. Dear. · .• Chi. ; G. Rap. N. City. lt. Rap.: 190,000 225,000 12,500 10,000 Missaukee County Bk. -•it·s6 F. 0. Gaffney __________________________ John Fitzpatrick __ J. H. Iverson______ " ____ ____ " Peo. State, Det. 74-493 N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., 982,230 179,430 Mech. & ~I etals 100,000 154.680 807,130 Lake Linden __ Houg'n A 3 First National Bank ----•i•sg Joseph Bosch ______ T. \V. Armstrong __ Chas. MacIntyre ___ A. J. MacKerroll -Chi.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; Torthw. ~·., .linpls. 74-702 9 Pop. 2182  . 1  A, 8. USBORNE ----onal service. ent. for Credit Reports.  25.000  26,370  548,600  540,720  78,680 Han. N .. N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.  Geo. Liverton ______ Wm. H. McCartney H. C. Lawrence ____ '. --------------------  25,000  21,060  478,940  482,420  63,890 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N .• Det.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap,  25.000  4,500  318,820'  243,4-10  48,680 N. City, N. Y.; Old N., G. Rap.: N. Bk. Com .. 0:: , Det.  A. WEED-------Largest Bank. U Collections a spe lease send 15c wit  Lake Odessa ____ Ionia J 6 1 FARMERS & MER CH. BANK •U'03 74-432 7 Pop. Bt6  iLAKE ODESSA STAl'E .s~V. i, BANK-- ♦ 74-431__ ____  ~ T ..  I  GEO. W. SCHNEIDER j SAMUEL VELTE----nequaled faclliti es. Efficient pers clalty and reniltt ed on day or paym h each sight draft for presentation and 25c  1  I  88  1 r..Jceyiew ___ Montcalm I 6 Commercial State Sav. Bk. F. L. Stebbins _____ C. F. French _______ F. M. Northrop ____ ' G. L. Charnley---- ' t§'16 74-466 • Pop. 8 6  7.  ,:~:u::::~~-: :.-~:;~;: ; ;~-;~-~~:~: : :~: : ~~-;~-; ~~:~~:~: : ~~~~~~;;t~.~~~~;,~~ ~~,~~;~--~-~;:~--~~~  1  :::~~~ - ~ ; ~ ; ~ - - ; ~ ~ ; ~ - - ; ; ~ ; ~ -5~~~; ,:~o:~:/;:~.; G.Rap.N.Oity,G. Rap. U'95 • 74-465 C. 0. Peck _ _ _ H. F. Marx-------- F. W. Fitz _________ .. -------- ---------- ___________ --------· __________________ N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Dat.: U. S. Lamb _______ st. Clair J 11 C. C. Peck & Co., Bankers . Sav., Port Huron. , in1 74-703 7D Pop. 200 50,000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Northw. N., Mmpls. 10.700 145,000 115,000 25,000 •L' Anse ______ fiarai:a B 4 Bal'a2a County Nat. Bk. -•t·oo J. O. Maxey ------ , F. W. Hebard ______ 1T. D. Tracy ____ ---- ---------------- ---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:_ ] 74-704. 9 Pop. 1013  I  I  La  ·  I  J7  h  fJ!..  am DS71DDfPop-37 • ' _,  *AM ERIC AN  W. I. PRUDDEN---- M. R. CARRIER---- C. E. TOMS-------- E. D. GIBBS-------D. E. BATES ((Jne Brm1cl1)  A Commercial & Savings Bank-Modern-Progressive. Anxious to serve you. Our collection service will please you. TRY US. 1 •U'l0 Please :,;end 15c with sight draft~ for prerentation and 25C2_fo1: Qr~di~ Reports. _  125.000  SAVI NG S BAN K 74-69  *CA pITAL  R. E. OLDS--------- 1:J_s51E\1INr---- •oBT. v. SPEIR----  NATIONAL BANK I 06 4 8 -1-,  7 -6  •+  77,000 , 3,000,000 2,500,000 I  _ ___  r- 8: VRlHit,.--  This Bank wlll receive the accounts and collectlo~s of all Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals, and will give prompt attention to any_ bu~~ess entr'!sted t.o Its care.  "4  ttJ >  z  @ 700.000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Peo. State, I Det.; Kent State, G. Rap. r4  =-=--=•-  ~  ~  ~  o.  ,  905,470 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com•I N., Chl.; I~ 1st& Old Det. N.andBk. of Det., Det.; -• 1Old N,, G. Rap. r4 _ ~ - - ____ ____ ____ ___ _ 300,000  228.470 4,583,220 4,137,680  0 ~  'tj B. F. DAVIS---------J.- F. y.ooL~Y ________ J_ w. HAARER----- H. s. TD~IVJLLIGER 250,000 346.620 5,537.900 1 5.080.530 1,118,810 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N.Bk.Com. ~ ffl H.fJ. W. AAR R ~ and 1st & Old net. N., Det. Collections have the personal attent Ion o an o cer -  ·  *CITY NAT'L BANK •i·s6  74-66  I R fiii\v  -  S: O  of this bank; we remit on day ot payment. P'ease .·end 15c u•il11 sia!tJ..f!.!.'1:ftll J!.!r prese1l_!!!_t_io~ ~ 25cfor Credit Reports~1  -=-~ ==. ==I___ j  _  *LANSING STATE ,. fiDrlRRIEUOE---- s. H. CARPENTER -- L. C. ABBOTT------ C. A. SCHRAY --- -- 1_ . _ _ - 150,000  Ch.'oJBd.  • •  SAVIN GS BANK  Send your collections direct to us for efficient service and quick return.s.  --------------1  •U' 92 Plr.a. o 1-ll'rtd 15c n•ith cctclt ·ir1llt draft for J)rcsr.ntatimt and 25c (or Crl'dtt R1 p _ • 74 67 ' J. W. llaarer. ~llvr. c. J:l.:. Toms, Lan.- inl? Clc>arinl? Hou e _____ J.E. Roe ____ --- ---- .. .. Se~. and '1.r. . Dl111ilnr.· imlie<rlH1 hv ct*) •Lapeer ______ Lapeer 110 First National Bank. ----•i·n c. G. White ________ E. Browne!L ______ J. R. Johnson _____ Kirk White________ 74 7 D Pop. 4n 3 {G. R. BUCll ___ ___ MATTHIAS CALEY F. J. STEPHENSON W. L. MORELAND--l!Ol  S. D. BROWN  8. F. LODER  ' . 01  ts.  233.78o' 4.137,360 3,649,440  I  760,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Peo.State andlst&OldDet.N.,Det.  ~ -------· --------- --------- -------~ 103,850 830,000 775,900 200.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 1 81.780 , Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Peo. i:: 21,820 , 772,940 787,340 75.000 ~ State, Det. , ~  15,000  , Ch. of Bd, . oc<•nd your eolle rtlons direct to I us for QUICK ser vice. •!§'02 l<'EE IN ADVANCE: ,~ialit draft:-:. l:ic mi11l111um; 2:ic 111i11imwn cllctr ge if JJlt td. ♦ 74 -30-I I T RY U • Reliable Credit Reports. 25c. 52.970 45.000 tale Savinizs Rank _____ _§'01 C. lt. White ________ E. Brownell _______ J. R. Johnson _____ Kirk White------1 74-303  '<  LAPEER SAVINGS BANK  ACCOUNTS  . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  I  I•  I 111  1  I III  ; t  .  t •  t  t  .  t  , •  •  '  1,  • •  11 •  INVITED,:_MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK--DETROIT~UNSURPASSEO COLLECTION SERVICE ·. ..... , .. . '  I  •  I  :  •  '  .;.  i:  I  ; 11 I I I  I  I  I•  I  ,'  •  ~  I  :  I  : :  '  , ••  •  ,.  I  ''  l  I ;.  '  ;  '  '  I  I  I  *  •  •  ,:  I  I  I •  I  J  •  ,  •  -------,,...,,.,.,,_,._l"R'll:,,_'KII...., -  to each bauk iu  u. s. eicluslvely by The Band-McNally Ban ers•  l>lrectory, under the authority of The Al!_le_!'fcan Bankers A.~s•~·  NAME OF BA"K. TO-WN AND-COUNTY--:-1 s\~tei~ss.1~~~: ,i~1te Figur~ci~UF~1.s:aa:t Dist. 0 is Detroit B!anch. l~:hlem. Fed. R ~ [Estab  LlABILIT]l!:S.  ai~::  Laurium ___ Hou~hton A 4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK--t'07 74-192 9 Pop. 6696  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT. -------  CASHIER.  ASS'T CASHIER.  --------1--------  UP_S~u-:1'....::N_;_u_s_D_E_P_O_S-_ ___ -P-A-ID C_A_P_IT_A_L _P_R_OF_I_T_s  W. J. REYNOLDS ALEXk LEVIN------ J. B. PATON------- ELOF SMITH------- $ 100,000 $ 67,000 R. J. JEFFERY F. H. ALLER  l  11  wnn Nearest Ban  n  -  dexed Acces.J, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/volume. For Interest Rate~idays, etc., see Laws. ~ Ii:: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE.i.~TS RESOURCES  ~ . :Hc=:G=-~.:_~~-~~·-•.:-t- -'•:, =~;;c. .~·:. . :.: . . :~: . ..... _n_o,._n_.._sK_.._ 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ~  _x_T_s_  _6_•c_ca_,T_1•_·  n 055 ooo  $ 987,530 $ 337,360 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com·I N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight d rafts, I Sc; Credi t Report,,, 2~c. T RY US.  .....  \0 tv  -  State Savings Bank ____ •:t§'97 ♦ 74-191 Lawrence_ Van Buren K 5 Home State Bank _______ t§'l4 74-968 7 Pop, 664 Lawton ___ Van Buren K 5 Juan McKeyes & Co., Bankers it"94 74-706 7 Pop. 1073 Lennon ___ Shiawassee J 8 Lennon Com'! Bank_ --it'08 74-707 7 D Pop. 200 Lenox _____ Macomb J 11 Macomb County Sav. Bk.t§'98 ♦ 74-708 7 D Pov. 1500 Leo1tOdPop~~1filand J 10 Oliver S. H¾~~igJ--------t'06  Johnson Vivian ____ Wm. H. Thielman - E. P. BasL _______ Chris. H. Gribble__ J. T. Fisher M. S. Fuller------- S. F. Stearns ______ F. H. Fuller------- C. B. Grant________  100,000  Juan McKeyes _____ -------------------- F. H. McKeyes --- ----- ---------- ---C. E. Sutton _______ J.B. Moore ________ Geo. W. Evans ____ F. W. Moore_______  10,000 10.000  228,200 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: Peo. State. Det. 60,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Kalamazoo City Sav., 10,000 350,000 340,000 Kalamazoo; Am. N., Benton Harbor. 42,000 Peo. State, Det.: Industrial Sav., Flint. 16,000 210,000 174,000 1,000 ___________________________ Peo. State, Det.; Industrial Sav., Flint,  J, E. Weter_ ___ ---- G. A. Bailey-------- Frank J, Hirt_ _____ F, A. Priestap - ---Frank W. Fenner -------------------- -------------------- 0. S. Hibbler------ --------------------  50,000  19,470  10,000 --------- --------- __________________ Old Det. N., Det.; Oxford Sav., Oxford, Mich.  Leonidas __ st. Joseph K 6 Bank of Leonidas ________ t '10 74-710 7 Pop. 278 LeRoy _______ Osceola G 5 LeRoy Exchanee Bank-•tt'0l 74-711 7 Pop. 642 Leshe ________ Ingham K 8 Peoples Bank _________ •U'86 74-712 7 D Pop. 1189 Levering _____ Emmet D 7 State Bank of Leveringt§'l9 74-1037 7 Pop. 400 Lewiston __ Montmorency Lewiston Bank ___________ t"06 74-714 F8 7 Pop, 300 Lexington _____ Sanilac 18 Lexinirton State Bank ___ ;t§'96 74-715 7 D Pop. 378 Lincoln _______ Alcona F 9 Lincoln Bank ___________ •t'07 74-716 7 Pop. 178 Linden _______ G,..nesee J 9 Bank of Linden _________ :t.t'98 74-717 7 D Pop. 579 Linwood _________ Bay H 9 State Bank of Linwoo<L•§"l3 74-898 7 D Pop, 210  44,010 Peo. State, Det.; 1st State, Vicksburg. 59,780 108,850 0. H. McKain ------ ---- -------- ---- ---- J. R. Springer _____ ---------- ---- ------ ____. ____ ---·. ____ Z G. E. Brandeberry_ V. R. Davy _______ H. L. Watson _____ M. J. Lowen ____________________________________________________ Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: G. Rap. N. City, G. 0:, Rap.; 1st State Sav., Evart. 94,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st & Old 57,300 566,000 535,000 25,000 A. J, Tuttle ________ M. L. Campbell ____ .A. L. Dowlinir ----- E.T. Blackmore___ Det. N .. Det. 4,290 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Bk. of Det., Det. 70,230 105,310 3,480 20,000 R. 0. Bisbee _______ W. P. Porter------ C. C. Batdorft' _____ -------------------A. Cameron A. Barkman ------- -------- ---- ---- ____ Meyer Beckman ___ ------ _______________________ -·------- ___________________________ Peo. State, Det.: Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.  'tchfleld ___ B1'llsdale K 7 LITCHFIELD STATE SAV.BK Ll • 74- 718 •:l:§'0 8 7 D Pov. 716  r.ow,iLPoi>~-iisfent J  25,000  158,380 l.0S6,750 1,085,920  913,120  •U'07  LOWELL STATE BANK •:t§'91 74-365  FIRST NATIONAL BANK ••+•82 74 182 -  LUDINGTON STATE BANK ♦  74-183  >  z  @  J.P. Nigeeman, Jr. M. J. Cruickshank A. R. ScheJl _______ -------------------J. Ji'. Matthews A. E. Sleeper ______ A. L. WnehL ______ W. G. .Anderson ___ H. Wright.________  41,230 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Det.; Fed. Com'l j 230,260 246.930 6,760 20,000 t'4 & Sn.v., Pt. Iluron. SU 20,000 ____________________________________ N. Bk. Com., Det.  J, L. Spenser ------ -------------------- F. F, Glerum.. _____ J. B. H. Glerum ___  10,000 _____________ . ______________________ Peninsular State, Det.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap. E; .... , S:: 16,340 Peo. Com'l & Sav. and 1st N., Bay City, 210,580 3,000 198,000 20,000  C. W. Kitchen _____ II. B. Lints-------- J. A. Ouillette _____ C. B. Ouillette ___ ·-  ~c. G. SHERK-------  i: W: r~mt'kc--- C. G. SHERK-------- JESSE KAISER------  8  20,000  10,840  Rn,470  356,060  62,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Peo. f"'f' 0 State, Det.; N, Union, Jackson.  25,0C0  24,000  560,000  590,000  s:= 45,000 Cont. and Com'l N,, Chi.; Peo. State, Det.: Old 0. N., G. Rap, ff  15 CENTS sent t o us w1tu each sig ht draft for prese ntation, and  r4  25 CENTS for ea ch credit report in sores prompt, per sonal attention.  R VAN DYKE----- D. G. LOOK--------- HARRY DAY-------- H.J. ENGLEHARDT -W. T. CONDON te  (JQ f"'f'  ::Tu1>J~eF;~~~a i:s~~e:svs~ SyS m. Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w itheach sight dra,.f t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports.  0  ::3  25,960 30,000 E. D. McOUEEN---- S.S. LEE------------ D. G. MANGE------- H. L. SHUTER------OLDEST BANK. HiH of Lading V rafts a Specialty. FIFTEEN CENT s sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, a nd ~ TWENTY-FIVE CENTS foreachcr edit report Insures prompt, person al atten tlon.  747,190  757,020  J. S. STEARNS---- JAMES FOLEY------ W. L. HAMMOND----- A. R. VESTLINL--H. T. STOLBERG H. V. HUSTON  100.000  W. A. CARTIER---- J.IOS. SAHLMARK _____ C. HAGERMAN ----- EMIL NEWBERG_____  100.000  45,000 1,050,000 1,100,000  Special attentio n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ~ Please send 15c with each sioht dr aft for presentat ion and 25c for Cr e<lit Rep arts.  M. B. DANAHER  A. W. NEWBERG  80,410 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohf.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; G. Rao. N. City, G. Rao,  __________________ N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.  •Lndineton ____ MasonH 3 Farmers Bank _________ •H'll W. L. Hammond ___ H. V. Huston ______ E. A. Flanelly _____ -------------------74-184 7 Pov. 8810  '  Q  >  (  74-366  214,730 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  1-1.4  CITY STATE BANK (  6  + Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  950,720  E;:  ~ Q  Member Federal Reserve system. "The Bank that Service built." •+§'01 { Personal attenti on gh·en Bill of L ading drafts, and other collections. Please send 15cw itl! rach sight draf t for presentation and 25c for Crl'dit Reports.  44,330 1,745,520 1.627,650  133,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det. 224,030 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Peo. State. Det.  Jl  644 Selecte<  0  ~  Transit Number given  Number under Name of Bank is the Ne  to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  658  .. . .  ..  :  ~  I  I  '  • II  I  ~  VICE-PRE JDE.·T.  CASHIER.  ASS'T CA HIER.  110,610 $ 70,750 $ 30,3S0 ' Cont. & Com'!  C. \Y. Mc Phail ____ R. J. Smith _____ __ R. J. Bradford _______________ $ 10,000 _ __  111.250  76,000  10,000 ____ _ J. H. Ruel __________________ V. F. Upton_______ _________ . . S. J. Smith ________ c. J. Dietz _________ M. J. Swontek _________________________________ _  225,000  180,000  ~  i  •  25,000 F. A. LEHMAN- ----- L. P. WURSTER-----It Reports MUST be accompanied by /ts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c.  Union Saviniis Bank ___ •t§'94 1c. F. Kapp ________ )I. P. Alber_ _______ E. R. Root _________ B. .John Wuerthner ♦ 74-448  NATIONAL BANK , . {GEO. A. DUNHAM-- G. KITZINGER------- JOHN N. JUNGE----- J. IFtr-rT · ·t d d" II • b --•82 y . our  74-135  20,000 $  E. L. J. Mills _____ Wm. Neeson______  o. Root. _______ _  25,000  BAUR------------  100,000  45,000  451,840  356,350  21,330  573,130  469,470  72,600  733,100 I 702,840 700,360  Joseph Kirster _____ W. J. Gre£ory _____ O. F. Lundbom____ ___________________________________________________________ _  100,000  I  27,000 Ft, Dear. N,, Chi.: OldN., G. Rap,  I  40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; G. Rap, N. Oity, G. Rap.; State l Sav., Ionia. 19.000 Chebonan Oo. Sav., Cheboyiran: Peninsular, , State, Det. 152,380 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 142,400 Chase N., N. Y.; Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Peo. l I State, Det.; 1st N., Ann Arbor.  S:  30,880 , ChaseN., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 1st & OldDet. N. ,.... and Peninsular State, Det.  0  210,400 Imp .. & Tra. ,;N., N. _Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N., ::: Chi.; 1st \11 JS, .. Mil.: Old .. G, Rap.  630,150  0  I  856,360 Chase N., ~. Y.: lstN •• Ohi.; 1st Wis. T •• Mil.: ► Z Peo. State, Det.: 4th N .. G. Rap. ·-------- _ _ _ Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., to . Det., .. N Ch.i.; 1st & Old Det. 526,401J 534,000 89.000 N. C1ty,_N. Y.; Cont. & Com I N., Chi.; 1st N., Mmpls. 851,220 873,000 140,400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minp1s. Z 1 425,000 75,000 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; 300,000 PayneAve. tate.St.P.;Marshall&Ilsley,Mil. 1s;:;,ooo 200,000 20,000 1st N., Chi.: Cadillac State, Cadillac.  ---- - - - 1-----  V. I. Dixson ______ William S, Crowe._ Paul R. Baldwin __ _  65,000  16,000 ,  50.000  52,840 I  John Coffey _______ Wm. J. hinar _____ Fred Marin ______ _  25,000  8,500  J, A. ~Iuche _______ I. Fay Horton ______ C. H. Horton ____ _  25,000  10,000  nni _________________________ _  E. Shillito ________ S. N. Lowry __________________________ _ Clyde Goodrich  G. W. Jones Ex. Bank -•U'77 F. S. Jones _______ C.H. Hudson ______ C. S. Jones ________ Donna V. Jones __ _ j ♦ U-450 A. B. BUSHAW---- L. A. BUSHAW------C. McLOUTH---- i A. B. ARMSBURY---"· G. BELL Young and grow log. Try us. Sat I faction guarant eed. Marine City_ t. Clair J 11 LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK Special attentlo ' n gh·en Bill of La ding draft~, Ca h and Time Items. •t"l 74-1035 7 D Pop. 3731 Please send 15c wi ,th each sight draft Jo rpresentation and 25 cfor Credit Reports.  w.  s.  Bk:. Com .. Det.  188, no I 2,357,610 1,725,060  O. G. Quirk ________ E. H. Jewell _______ C. E. Kaye _______ _  R. D. Rice ___ ,______ JI. A.  T·• Chi.; N.  I  I  Maniste~Co,il1~ Bank_•i§'91 E.G. Filer _________ 7 Sands & Burr ----------•tt"82 (Sands & Burr)____ ____ ____ 1 •Manistique __ Schoolcrart! First NatioJ!i ~~nk ___ •fl900 W. B. Thomas. ____ 74-280 C6 9 Pop. 6380 MANISTIQUE BANK----•+S'89 C.R. Orr---------" " 74-279 ♦ ' ~tate aving: Bank -- -•t ·•17 L. C. Harmon _____ i-t-1009 I Manton _____ Wex!ord G 6 Manton State B:rnk _____ t§'84 Joseph Berry ______ 7-H24 7 Pop. 793 llaple Rapids.Clinton I 7 First tate Il:lllk _____ __ _§'20 \V, 11. nellin _____ 74-725 7 Pop. 466 Marcellns _______ Cass K 5 First State Savings Bk. •U-07 S. Stern. __________ 74-451 7 Pop. 966  65,000  25,960  y mv1 e •  usm ess cor aa  1  YllOIII B.IJJl'I  Robt. Pogue _______ Port er Lamphier __ Merton Haine ____ Florence Churchill ___ _  I. N. Rodenbaurh __ 1N. ~1. Lan!!don ____ I J. A. LOWERY----- ' F. GJ Houp--------Manchester __ W~htenaw PEOPLES BANK--------•ti'0l j Collectlon and lleq'uHeOft EPor Cred FEE IN ADV AN I CE: Plain sight dra ♦ 74-4 49 7 D Pop. 10.-1 K 8  .  Oil■ .t E:r- l  - - ~-- - - - - - - -- -- - Sacoarr111  I  .  l.ous & D1•c"Ta. Do. 011 1  •  Lam __________ Lapeer I I0 •' Lum Exchanfe Bank ___ •;tt'04 74-719 , 7 D Pop. 300 Lupton ______ Ogemaw G 8 (See Rose City) 7 Pop. 300 Luther _________ Lake G 5 Luther Exchange Bank_ tt'03 74-720 7 Pop. 396 ~ons ___________ Jonia J 7 Ruel & Upton, Bankers-tt'69 74-721 . Pop. 57-1 7 )(ackinaw-Oheboyfan D 7 Peoples Bank of Smith & Co. it'07 74-722 . 7 Pop. 6i8 . )(ancelona ____ Antnm F 6, Antnm County State Sav. Bk. •:t§'91 74-723 7 Pop. 1214  •lfantstee ___ JdantsieeG41 7 Pop. 9H9-1  1  I cu•oa,Dn  RESOURCES. PRESIDE~T.  •  I  Non-Bank Town with Neare t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! 0\ volume. For In~erest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law . ~  MICHIGAN-Continued  >  @ I  1  17,600 ------  81.000  40,000  14.500  500,000  40.000  28,200  678,800  50.000  20,000  r  30,000 Oont. & Com'l N .• Chi. ; Old .N. and G. Rap .• '., :1 City, G. Rap. 520,000 38,000 Han.N.,N.Y.: Cont.&Com'IN.and Drov.N.,';:J Ohi.: 1st & Old Det. . Det.; Home Sav ., r+ Io Kalamazoo. 577,000 170.000 1st N .. N. Y. a.nd Chi.; Kaiamazoo .i.'., Kala- , ':;;,I ;::,_ mazoo. 570,000 . 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N •. Chi.; 1st & Ill Old Det. N., Det.; 1st N, Ex., Pt. Huron. 64.000  8  {  MARINE SAVINGS BANK•W84 l  I  74-305  HALE P. SAPH----- , JOHN O'LEARY------ J. L. CARMAN------- J. N. BATES-------J. L. CARMAN peclal attentlo '. n given BUJ ot La ding drafts. Ca h and Time Items. { Please send 15c wi , th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 cfor Credit Reports.  1  Olde t, Large t and  I!'. D. Elliott__ _____ D. E. Davison ____ _ • D. C. MERRILL------ H. McLEOD--- ------  R. McDONALD  I  .....  n .... ,~  885,690  899,030  94,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. State, Det.  20,000  11,000  267,000  275,000  40,000  30.000 ,  500,000  500,000  29,000 Han. N •• N. Y.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap, Peo. tate, Det. t..., 50.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Det.; 2d '., ~ Saginaw: 1st N. Ex., Pt. Huron. I  I  ., Chi.; Peo.  .•  ~  Ill  "'1  25,000  32.120  N  9,990  137,620 Chase ., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com .. Det.: Bay Co. Sav., l3ay C 8.130 Merell. .. N. Y.: G. Rap, N. City, G, Rap,  644.0401 628,340  .).-1·• ~,:_"l:o·. ··•L·. .B• ..•. 'K  ·[ ··R e··H··,a· .•.. ;'T·s ·  l'nlln~l-in~~ . QUl.lCo~i R!.:.!1~RsNS ·.: .• . . . . \au\\~\.t\.lU\\~  42,340  ervlce. It Report MU T be accompanied b y /ts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c. TRY US.  tate Savings Bank ----•U'06 1A. J. Graham ______ jw. T. Atkinson ___ J.C. Atkinson _____ 1Jean McTavish ___ _ Royilunter,,1.Ccuh. 1E. Kitele.r Ho~· Bricker I 74-447 B rliu tatP;. Ba!!!------- '.!:. 'IOI ti'. J. Goodenow ___ A.O. Butterfield __ C. P. GooLlenow ___ ,Peter I(ooistra ___ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 659  50.000  trongest Ba nk.  llarion _______ Qsceola G 6 Marion State Bank -----•U-06 R. A. Lewis _______ lF. D. Elliott _______ 74-726 7 Pop, 70 1 A. f. SLEEPER--- - 1E. A. SMITH--------J. H. HANLEY lilartette ______ sanilac I 10 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK Ft• t In Age. tlrength, 'lze and •t§'94 { Uollectlon and Reque ts for Cred 74-4'16 7 DPop. Olio FEEL~ DV A . CE: Plain sight dra  14 5/0  n,  2-11,1801 280,790  MICHIGAN-Continued  ,. 'I  ;.1 I;.  '  I.  CORRESPONDENCE . . - lNVITEQ.~ ;-·-. 0  -  .  I  I  •  : ,  •  •  I  11'-  • t  t  •  ;,· ~~--·  -:  'C"'  . ·_·1t ~ 0-e. tr._o I  ':<  : ,  '  :  I  I •  I  :.t  t ..  I  I ~  ,  9  I,  ,  I  I  I  I  .. -  C  /,f · /.  .L,i, t "-• i  659  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Tran ·It. Number given to each bllllk in U. ,. ei:cJusJvely by The Raod-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A 'n.  TAME OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. •~lem.Am.Dks.Assn. § tate l "'County t•at·. tPriv. tate Ilks. i Fed.Re_.Dl Figure Re .A sn.[E"tab. +.Mem. Fed. Branch. t. i~Iem. Di· Detroit  "'Marquette ••.. Marquette FIRST NATIONAL BANK •i"64 74-145 B5 9 Pop. 12718  1  PRESIDENT.  Ii  MARQUETTE Co . .  SAVINGS BANK  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ban.kins Pon dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c.... volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law -. §  MICHIGAN-Continued Ass'T CASHIER.  CASHIER,  YICE-PRESlDE, T.  - - - - - - - l • - - - - - - - l · - --  -  -  -  URCES. - _L_I_A_B_l_L_IT_I_E_S_. ___ 11_ _R_E_S_O--'PAID•DP·SUARPNDLus DEPos- w•"•&»••· o.. u&Ex• cJ:,;o::,"::· ":a::::.:__~:: ITS CA.PIT4L PROFITS  __  -1 - - - - - - - 1 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  L. G. KAUFMAN ... EDWARDS. BICE---· C. L. BRAINERD ..... W. 0. JOHNASOH .... 0, M. OLSEN  g  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  '"1  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ::: -  --  ~  $ 150,000 $ 227,760 $3,605,520 $3,705,180 $ 435,050 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.  FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentatlo n, and TWl,"'NTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntton.  1  H. L. KAUFMAN .•.... $. R. KAUFMAN ........ G. A. CARLSON .• -•• -.a. E. BARBER •••. . .•. - - - - - - - - - We are the "Collecting Transacts a general commercial business. 44,700 1.Z00,000 1,023,000 216,610 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; tat N., 100,000 Bank" for the Marquette District. Chi.; 1st & 01dDet.N., Det.;latN., Clev. Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending -  Ei: •*1'90 FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, I Sc; Credit Reports, 25c. TRY US. 74-146 Marquette NationalBank•t'Ol J.M. Loninrear -·· C.H. chaffer •.... F. J. Jennison ••... H. R. Fox......... 100,000 134,720 2,313,350 2,230,110 376,250 N. Oity, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N._. Chi.; l;;t () h. ~ N., Minols.; Marshall & Ilsley, 1111. IE. A. Brown I D. W. Powell 74-147 ···••·•• 40,920 1.160,580 1,126,260 134,030 Han. N .. N.Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., C 1.;,...., 100,000 •Marshall ••. CalhounK7 Commercia1Sav.Bank•:W92 W.J.Dibble .•..••. KG.Brewer •.•••. W.T.Phelps •...•. ·············· -····dl tN 0 'l N Peo. State, Det. ♦ 74-288 7 Pop. 4270 , an s ., ....._ 81,730 1,173,480 1,218,450 212,210 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com H. BILLINGS .... G. E. GRANT....... 100,000 C. E. GORHAM .. _ F. A.STUART-. .... Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det. I Oldest Bank in the State of Mic h1gan. 1Z <Unsurpassed Co llectton Service. [ Prompt Person al Attention glve jn all business en trusted to us. , c·t G R . to . •i 40 Please Send I Sc with each si11ht Draft for present ation and 2Scfor Credit Report• • 74-287 20,000 · - - - · --····· ··--·-··· ---···Ft.Dear. N., Chi.: G. Rap. N. 1 Y, • ap .. ._ Jifartin •.••... Alle~an J 5 .Martin Exchange Bank.•it•o5 T. H. Shepherd .... Lee W. Shepherd .. 1Lee W. Shepherd •• Lee E. Clark...... ....1st N ., Kalamazoo. E. H. Shepherd 74-727 7 Pop. 400 56,490 315,480 356,370 117,560 Bkr • Tr. co .. N. Y.: Northern Tr, Co,, Chi,: Z 100,000 Mar~svilleSaint ClairJU Marysville Savings Bank•§'l9 C. Harold Wills ..• John R. Lee •••.•.. John C. Barron .•. G. V. Clancy·····~ Det. .• N :Merch, and N. Det. Old & 1st James B. \Y, • 74·1052 7 DPop. 9.U 63,000 550,000 560,l>OO 115,000 Cont. & pom 'l N., C_hi.; 1st & Old Det. N., C/l 50,000 "'Ma.son ....••. lne-ham J 8 Farmers Bank ----•:t§'86 L.B. McArthur .... A. L. Rose •....••.. A. J, Hall •. ·--····· L. R. White····-·· . Det.; City N,, Lan mg. • 74-367 7 D Pop.1879 63,740 1st .. Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; City ., 30,000 651,110 626,590 25,000 First State&Savings Bk.:l:§'70 L. C. Webb •......• F. E. Densmore ..•. C. L. Bickert-·-·· E. A. Dunsmore . _. " s;:: Lansing. ♦ 74- 368 5,000 ···-·- · ·- ········- -······- - Chae N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi,; 1st SI,) 20.000 Mattawan •••• Van Bnren ,rattawan R1ale •. _§'20 A, II. Campbell. .•. John Iluuf •••.•.. Frank S:tchet L.. .. ••.•......•...•.. . . • "" Kalamazoo. N., 74 1078 K5 7 Pop. 300 5,000 - - - · 120,000 - - - · _ _ _ Penmsular State, Det.: B. Dansard & Sons 1.o l{aybee .•.••. Monroe K 9 Bank of Maybee ...••.•.it'Ol L. Reiser·--- D. Hasley. ____. T. H. Smith .•.•••• ··············-····· Det.; E State, Monroe. Mich. 'I 74-7211 7 U Pop. 290 "' N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Peninsular State, 11.ayville .••• • Tuscola I 10 Commercial Bank .. . •... •t·oo Y. C. Markham .•.. E . .M. Schram •••••. C. L. Schram •••.•• ·· · ---· · · ··-··-··· · -·-·-·· ~ . Bk. of Sae-inaw. Saginaw. 74-500 7 D Pop, .6:52 25,000 1 13,000 500,000 363,120 102,280 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & . Oom'l N., Oh1.: P~o. (n Mayville tate Bank . •. •:t§'85 Joseph Eveland •.. M. C. Eveland ••.•• W. E. Hunt. •••.••• F. J. Ilarbin . ...... ····-··· " ,..,. . State, Det.; 2d N., Sagmaw. 74-499 30,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; G. Rap. N.C1ty, G. o 4,500 335,000 210,000 20,000 fcBain •.. MissaukeeG6 McBainStateBank ••••. •i§'l2 0. O. Dunham •.... ·········· ····· ····- Jo--.Scheper ...•. ····· ···· · · - - Rao. , 74-730 7 Pop. 547 51,140 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N ., Chi.: Peninsular a;: 2,630 205,520 185,860 8,000 JlcBrides .•. Montcalm 16 Nefl's Bank·-·-·-·-···· t'04 ·········-····-····· herman ~ Teff ·-·-· Sherman Nefl' •••••• Jacob M. Neff..... C'D State, Det. : G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap. Jacoh M.•.'etf 74-731 7 Pop. 220 ~ 3,110 G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.; Far. tate, Alto. 4,110 3,760 ··---···· 5,000 ....... Estep. Coral •• AngelL. II. \V. .•••.. Robertson .\. O'llarrow-·on Eu _f20 ....••.•.•• Bank · 1IcCorcl 6 -.KentJ .•. _ .. McCord: o V. O. Walton 7J-106J 7 Pop. ~6 3 Huron. Pt. Sav., U.S. Det.; State, Peninsular 29,160 150,100 165,9-10 11,990 5,000 McCullough__ A. F. .•.•. Cook M. Chas. ·····Crorey C. F. .••• McCaren J. W. !'L Charles of Bank Exchange 11 I McGregor .. ..§anilac .... Cook & Co .. 74-732 .••••• :tt 07 7 D Pop. 2o0 1 ~ . t '03 1····-·····- •.•• •... .•••••.••.•.•..• ...• E. W. Shober, Mgr. . ........•••..••••• .! (Branch of Pent water, Mich.)__ --·-·Mea s .Pop~. ceana H 41Gardner 'l'. 7 45 24,550 Union Tr. co .. Chi.: Citiz. State, Big Rapids; (n 2,500 165,000 135,000 20,000 llecosta •..•. Mecosta H 6 Mecosta County State Bank Enoch Bromley ... Jos. Bauman ...... W. F. Henry •.•..•• G. c. Miller·--···· . G. Rap . . av., G. Rap. :t§'O:i 74-734 j 7 Pop. 297 2,500 ·---···· ·----- ··--···-· Irving N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; N Bk. 10,000 Helvin ...... Sanilac 110 Melvin Bank ···---it'Ol W. V. Andreae •.••. Charles Parkm •••. Geor~e Windsor ••• ············-······· Com .. Det. • 74-735 7 D Pop. 169 Memphis ••. Macomb J ll l Memphis Bank .•..•.... •:f'89 (F. G. Coburn) .•.. ···········-·······- A.G. Coburn ..•••• ······-············ ______ ·-- -· - - - - · - - - - · ____ 1Chase N., N. Y.; Peninsul~r State, Det. 74-517 7 D Pop. 452 41,870 Cont. & Com'l .. Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 7,000 302,980 294.290 20,000 T. W. McCALL ..•• C. E. GREENE .•••••. E. A. BARTLETT .... HENRY BROWN --- ··· 1st N. Ex. Pt. Huron. MEMPHIS STATE BANK-U'06 { Special attenti on given Bill of Lading dratts, Ca sh and 'I'lme Ite ms. " ----··-· " PleaBe Bind 15c wi ·th each Bight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ,ts . 74-518 10,000 497,450 440,000 111,260 Seab. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rell,, Chi. 30,000 Mendon ..• St. Joseph L 5 First State Bank .....•.. i§'94 Frank Wolf •.••••. F. H. E tes ........ E. L. Estes ••••.•••• Chas. H. Rogge.... William Beard 74-736 I 7 Pop. 625 31,330 815,180 879,330 101,170 Chatham &Phenix N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., "'llenominee •• Menominee lCOMMERCIAL BANK .. •i§'05 Jerry .Madden ..•.. Frank t. Peter .•. Howard E. Nadeau. Guy .M. Bergen.... 100,000 Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.: ♦ 74-165 D5 9 Pop. 8907 62,000 1,715,270 1,857,630 321,430 Chatham & Phenix N .• N. Y.: 1st N. and FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•i'84 G. A. Ble ·ch ......• John Henes ···-··· Clinton W. Gram •• A. J. Klumb....... 200,000 ........ " ·· Cont. & Com 'l N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 74-163 57,920 900,000 722,270 180,000 Han. N,, N. Y,; Corn EI. N., Chi.; 1st & W.S.CARPENTER A. B. STRYKER ... WM. W. HARMON. D. G. WILSON..... 100,000 Old Det. N ., Det. "  "  {  FIRST NAT'L BANK  c  I  ·-----1--·-··· ·----·· ---·  7  i  ~~~il"··· ....  LUMBERMENS  I NATIONAL BANK 74-164  ·CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •i·11  I  !  Collect ions have th e personal a ttention of an officer of this bank. • We remit on d ay of payme 1nt.  O INTER~;-;,~~~~~ ,t~KING.  CONTINENTAL AN.D .C OMMERCIAL BANKS ·.  ~  '°  644 Select Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given  to each bank in U. . exclu lvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 660__ Dlr~ctory, under the auJhorlty of The Bankers Ass•n.  I  -TOWNAND-COUNTY. NAMK OFBANK. •County SP.ats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Fi:?ure i-: Fed. He-.. Di t. iMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. 1 Dis Detroit B r a ~ ,+11em. Fed. Hes. [~ta~. MerriJI .............. sairinaw I 8 7 D Pop. 636  STATE BANK OF MERR!~L  Mesick .......... Wexford G 5 7 Pop, 318 lletamora ...... _Laoeer J 10 7 D Pop. 271 Metz ...... Presque Isle E 9 7 Pop. 300 Middleton ..........Gratiot I 7 7 Pop. 500 Middleville .......... Barry J 6 7 Pop. 833  Farmers & Merchants tate Bank ............ 74 .. 738 ............ :t '03 )Ieta:nora State ·ayings Bk. 74-739 :t:§'09 Bank of Metz ................... -H'l9 74- 1043 Peoples tate Bank .......... i§'06 74-740 Farmers State Bank .... - .... is•o3 74-741  •Midland ........ Midland H 8 7 Pop. 5-1 3  74- 737  .. PRESIDENT.  I  --  OASHIJC.R.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  MAYNARD ...... C. N. WHITNEY .........  J.  ASS'T OA.sHIER.  P;ID.  I  LIABILITIES.-UP fsuRPLUB  CAPITAL  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 1  j R. T.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In .. dexed Acces.), Lawyer·, Laws (indexed) in back of thl volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  MICHIGAN-Continued IPR~;~B  1--------1---- ~---  R. DUFTY .................. {_ ,.A,f~fNKi""ER° ...... '  40,0~0  $  -  DEPOB-  ITS  RESOURCES.  LoA!18&Dt8-  C••n&E:r-.  0  0 ,~:"~';~.:':  J:;,.,::;~::•  10,000 $ 650,000' $ 500,000 $ 230,580 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.  Collections and , Requests for Cre dit Reports MU '1' be accompanle d by I FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit Rcpo rts, 25c.  C. W. :\JcPhail ........ L. o. Bloomer .......... L. D. Rose .................. -...................................... Clyde 'aunuers John Irish .................. N. J. Barber .. ___ Warcl Peck............... M. H. Barnes .......... ..  20,000 __ .... _ ............ ~ .... .. .................. .................. Century Tr. & av., Chi.; Kent State, G. Rap, 20,000  James McKay .......... L. G. McKay .............. Chas. H. Mott ............ _ _ _ .................... ..  9,250 203,780 1 3,190 49,840 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N, and Peo . State. Det. .................................... ____ .................. 1st N., Bay City; Alpena Co. Sav., Alpena.  G. II. Slocum ..... _ J, R. Hucl on ....... - .. J. R. Iluclcon ............ Le lie H. Simmet.. ..  20,000  13,830  318,610  309,240  R. T French ............ W. J. Hobertson ...... C. Robertson ............ A.H. Parker ............  37.000  13,000  470.140  444.420  C. It. MACO-MBER .... E.W. BENNETT .......... L.A. CHICltESTER .... HOMERE. WILT.......... Member l<'edera I Re ene System. W. C. THOMPSON  50,000  14.110 1,100,420 1,030.400  .!!'rank Simmet  Paul Ilinklc•y  •t§"17  {  l  7;  )lillhurg .......... Berri<'n L 4 7<B enton Harbor P.O.) Pop, 500 Jlillersburf .... Pres<1ne Isle 7 Pop. 243 E8 Millineton ........ Tuscola I 9 7 D Pop. 689 Minden City .. Sanilac H 11 7 D Pop. 2 3 •Mio .................... Oscoda F 8 7 Pop. 200 Hohawk .... KewPenaw A 3 9 Pop. 351.JO  Iillburir  tate ~ank ......... '20 J. 74 ..10i>7  Ex_chanee Bank of C.R.; Wil• lmirs .......... 74-744 ............ +t1900 Bank of Aillington .......... it'90 . 74-745 State Savmirs Bank ........ •§'08 . 74-640 Umon tate Bank ............ i§'06 74-~46 Keweenaw Savmgs Bk.•i§'07 74-747  Moline .............. Allegan J 5 Moline 7 Pup. 500  c.  Rogers ............. H. M. Wise ................ a.A.Powers ...................................... _ .. _ .. ..  o.  - - -...................... - - -.... - - -  37,200 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Det.; G. Hap. N. City, G. Rap. 103,180 Tian. N., N. Y.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.  Si:  109,870 N. Park, T. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Saginaw, Saginaw. _  Chase N;, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 1st & Old tJ:I Det. .. Det.: .Ann Arbor Sav., Ann Arbor. ►  I~  1st N., Chi.; Comw. Federal Sav. and 1st & Old Det. N ., Det. VJ  11  Chase1·., .Y.: Great Lakes Tr. o .. Chi.;Pen .. ~ insular State, 1st & Old Det. N ., and Hk. of ~  Det. Det.  1,300  96,700  96,800  12,980 1st ',,Chi.;  10,000  1,850  91. 780  82,530  20,370 Peo. State, Det.; Alpena N., Alpena.  30,000  J.P. Petermann ...... W. T. King ............ - A. C. Messner..........  25,000  B. FrC'idcnhen! ........ G. II. Wood J.ME W ..G.LGAUNTDMONAN..N....... f J SILL The Only Natlo n'at'Bauk in Hon •i'65 (collections a ._p ecialty. Vigorous Atteut Ion- Rea onable  •!§'05  >  20,000  Albert Seaman ......... John Wahla .............. H. O. Soehner .. _ .... Martha eaman........ John W. mith David Markham ...... I II. J. Markham ....... H.J. Markham ........ J. F. Markham ........  14.l'.!0  536,000  514,000  4.000  100,000  90,000  19,070  329,160  282,150  20,000 .._ ...._ ..  52,420  55,3-.0  20,000  I  200,000  73.560 3,2:i8,050 2,837,920  , 200 000  80,340 1,881,810, 2,058,340  C. KNAPP .. -- ........ T. I.ILGENFRITZ ........... ' W. A. MEIER .............. J. F. GUTMANN.............. 100.000 J.P. BRONSON Try tbc youugc> t and most pro~ re· he bank for better ervtce. Prompt per ona I presentation. P ro(•eeds remitted for on day of pay ment. Up-to-date bao ktng method ·. Q ut«'I.. a<·tlon. 1  40.250 1.568,330 1.868.490  FIRST NAT'L BANK MONROE STATE {L. SAVINGS BANK I 74 .. 215  n  Han. N., N. Y.: 2d N., Saeinaw; Peo. State, ::X:: Det.: 1 t •., Bay City. ~ Cont. & Com'I N ., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: ~., 2dK., aginaw;lst r.,BayCity. 1st K ., Bay City. Z  nion'Bkg.Co.,St.Jo.  (Ealy.Evans & Co.) _ _ _ .... _ _ _ D. J, Evans .............. E. L. Evans ................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. Chase N., N. Y.; Peninsular State, Det.  •MonroP .......... MonroeLlO Dan arcl Statr. Hank ........ •U'58 Iloyez Dausard ........ 7 D Pop.11 ,573 • 74-213 E. C. RAUCH ............  5,~  R. Willines .......... L. B. Willings..........  tate Bank ............ tf19 ~lilo F. Gray ............ Hobt. D. mith ........ " 'ilbur ~ chriemcr. 74 ..1000 Jacob llaverman  74-214  PRINCIPAL OORRESP0NDJCNTS.  °' °'  -:::::::--=- o  ----1--- - - - -------------  15 CENT sent to u with each s lght draft for pre sentation, and . . 25 CE ' for e ach credit report In ures prompt, personal attentio n. " " Midland County avmirs /ik. Stewart B. Gordon .. D. G. )lode .............. - Rollin C. Gordon .... ~I.E. Echlin.............. 25,000 51.550 522,570 3-17,960 239.140 7-l-325 +S'8!l People tate • avings llank Albert Reinhart ..... C. G. Olmsted ......... E. A. Lane .................. Lemmie La Fore. 50,000 60,ilO 06'.!,360 098.300 146,330 . 74-326 •t5'05 W. J. Haker Mikado ............ Alcona F 10 Mikado Bank of Sleeper, A. E. Sleeper ............ A. L. Wright ............ I. J. Eddy ............ -.... . A. Bruce_ .._.... .. .................. _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 Pop. 95 Wril{ht & Co .. 7-1 ..7-12.... .. t'06 Milan ........ Washtenaw K 9 Farmers & Merchants Bank M. II. llack .............. C.H. Wilson .............. John D. Lawson ...... - - -.................... .. 25,000 59,250 469,390 444,:i20 42,280 7 D Pop. 1557 . 74-41~ t§'90 0. A. Kelley " Milan :tate ~nnirs Batfn C. E. Denton ............ 0. W. Steidle ............ F. E. Ross ...... -.. _..... G. L. Laskey .......... .. 25,000 412,840 330,980 30.870 18,490 74 A. M. BIRD ............. C. L. MAGILL .............. CASS I. GITTENS ............................................. .. 50,000, 258,570 6,270 7.6101 244,390 I Milford ............ Oakland J 9 FARMERS STAtE SAVINq~ Prompt and effl trfJti;cHJ1~~~tion ervice. 74 18 7 D Pop. 10 8 BANK ..... .. io. O............. • { Send your Bill of Lading Draft direct to us. . Please send 13c w ith each sight d1aft for pres1.11talion a11 d 25c /01 Credit Rep orts. " " First itate ~: ............ •t§'92 M.. B. Liddell ............ c. E. Lovejoy .......... G. ~r. Bri~ham ........ II. w. Avery........... 618,150 64,850 646,890 25,000 26,520 3 74 ..1001  -  •:t§ 0-1 "\  CHEMICAL STATE SAY • BK • +  -  Carl Kiburtz .............. E. II. tadelrnan...... A. E. hinevar G. GUTMANN ........ S F. PJH.ASILLAR.N W ....E..R..........  W.  0  roe County. I  Rates  Prompt  -1  E::  ....0  ~  ~  o  99,000 Cont. & Com·r N .. Chi.: Peo. State and Merch. ::l Det.; Federal Com·I & Sav •. Pt. Huron. '1 18,000 Ohase N., N.Y .: lst& Old Det. N., Det.: Alpena ~ 1 Co. Sav., Alpena. 91.080 Chase N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N. and 1st N., Chi.; N. Shawmut.  .,  Bo.  15,220 Cont. & Com'! Rap,  •., Chi.; G. Rap. N. City, G.  698,710 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Corn'l N., Chi.; Peo. tate, Det. 139,700 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., chi.; 1st N., Clev.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Penin• ~ solar State, Det.; 2d N., Toi. Ill ::, ~  Returns.  I  138,020 Guaranty Tr. Co.,N. Y.; CornEI.N.,Cht.; 1st & Old Det. N. and N. Bk. Com., Det.; N. Bk. of Com., Toi.  SEE AD VERTIS[ MENT O N MICH IGAN MAP.  ~ 4  •  '. ~' ;:  • IC ~  08tfoif and MiChi!Bn'lteolfeCti'OiisfPfofflPfffHBOdied bY ,The' MER.CHANTS NAflUNAL BANK ·of .· Detn~il ·.,_   Number under .'Va,.,e uf Banli. ;,, tlJe ,'\'ew Transit Nun1ber giveo to each bank in U. S. cxclu JveJy 1.,y Tlte Rand-lUcNaJJ~ Bankefs' Federal Reserve Bank661 of St. Louis  MICHIGAN-Continued  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In .. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._  __--;;  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InNa,nber under Na,ne or Bank is the New Transit Number giveo dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ ti to each bank in U. S. ei:clush·ely t,y The Rand-lUcNaJJy Bankers' '\"Olume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. tu Oil Il = lr=e=c:-_to_.:-.r'!.-. under the authority of The American Ba~ker Ass'n. ====D LI _.·'BILJTIES T OW A.ND COUNTY, .,.1 tll8"' PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, RE OURCES. ' ,. ASS'T CASHIER, PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOB- ,.o..,.,.i. Du- Cua& ExCASHIER, VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.§ tate .. County ~Pats. nu. c'T• no... AND Figure i Fed. R.e • Di.·t. iMem. State Bks. Assn.+PriY. . 1.•..::.. =M::..:e:.::m=-:·. .:F.. :'cd:::::..:. ·--=R:::.:e::::.~.:. _•_....c[.::::E::__:-ta=h:·1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - I CAPITAL PROJ'IT8 ~ s..;oarn:.· :· e--=r--=o..:. :it.. :B=.:1:.a=n:.::c::h:.... _....;O:: . . : c:i:s_D=--.::.  MICHIGAN  C  ue  d  I ·~  ::~:G~,m  Kontae-ae __ Muskee-on I 4 7 Pop, 45  {JOHtlVANDERWERP H. W. RUNZEL ------ ADOLPH ANDERSON. JOSEPH A. TUELL-.  FARMERS STATE BANK ♦  74-748  $ 25,000 $ Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanle d by FEE IN ADVA.N CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c.  •i§'82  9,000 $ 375,000 $ 390,000 $ 20,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y,; Cont, & Com'! N., Chi.: :; N Old N .. G, Rap.  -  Montgomery Hillsdale L7 Monte-omery StateBank•:f;§'l2 0. A. llcFarland __ H. E. Adams ______ E. A. Froh ________ ------------ ------74-930 7 0 Pop. 354  20.000  4,000  150,000:  150,000  28,000 Lin. N., N, Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  llontrose ____ Genesee I 8 Montrose State Bank --•!§'12 F. P. Sayre ________ A. B. Wood ________ :M. S. Ru seJL _____ -------------------G. D. MacKenzie 74-749 7 D Pop, 522  20,000  2,000  249,070  265,080  20,090 Pea. State. Det.; 2d N .• Saginaw.  MorencL ____ Lenawee L 8 First National Bank _____ e:f;'92 G. H. Rorick ______ C. M. Rorick ______ A. A. Thompson ___ -----------74-396 7 D Pop. 1697  25,000  50,080  662,060  682,930  Waketleld State Bank __ e:t§'68 C. C. Wakefield ____ C. A. Wilson _______ Arthur Turner ____ C. C. ChappeJL____ C. F. Back ♦ 74-395  50,000  56,310  929,970 1,300,250  62,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi,; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.;Spitzer-Rorick rr·r. & Sa,·., Tol. Cont. & Com'l N .• Chi.: 1st & ~ 97,830 N. Park, N. ., Det.: 1st .. Tol. and Clev . .::::ii. Old Det.  Morley _______ Mecosta I 5 Morley State Bank ______ :f;§'05 C. W. Crimmins __ ll'rank S. Coleman_ Wm. F. Turner ____ - - - - - - - - - - 74-750 7 Pop. 336  20,000  6,000  190,810  195,910  30,000 Chase N .• N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; G. Rao. () ::X:: Sav .. G. Rap.  lforrice ___ Shiawassee J 8 A. L. Beard & Co •• Banker. ------------------- - - - - - - - A. L. Beard ________ C. L. Bartholf----t'94 74-751 7 0 Pop. 372  24,500  4,870  160,590  152,700  37,270 Ft. Dear. r .• Chi.: City N .• Lansing: Peninsular State, Det.  2,500  30,000  Mountforest_ ____ Bay H 8 l\It, Fore!lt Bank _________ t'17 F. A. lJunham _____ Il. J. Hender on ___ F. A. Dunham __ ___ -------------------i-H007 7 D Pop, 100  6,000  X,:  44,720 _________ Pea. Com'! & Sav., Bay City.  0 > j  Z  577.490 Chase N., N. Y.; cont. & com'! N., Chi.: 1st & 0:, ► Old Det. N., Det.; Mellon N., Pitt. .. Mt. Clemens ____ Macomb CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK pccial induce ment to wholes afe and Jobbing houses and man ufactur ers who send us their b u fness. •:f;§l900 7-1-210 7 D Pop, 9488 J 11 Lt All remittance made on day of payment. Reas ons given if not collecte d. Corr esponde nee soJi cited. ~ C'/l T. Lun~ershausen _ II. 0. Cl:apoton ____ E. A. Heine ________ W. A. Williams ___ _ 50,000 135,000 3,000,000 2,635,000 550,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. Mt. Clemen .:avine-s Bank Wm. J. Matz •:f;§"77 74-208  A. T. DONALDSON F. B. SCHOTT------ W. H. FLORY------- B. H. CHARTIER--A. P. GRIM  i  150,000  35,000 2,122,530 1,705,630  '°"  I  Ullrich Savin~s Bank--•t§'93 Ernst J. Olde ______ 0. ', Luugerhausen Paul J, Ullrich ____ Anthony Haller __ _ Paul J. Ullrich ♦ 74-209  .Kt. Morris ___ Genesee I 9 7 0 Pop. Ifft  BANK OF MT. MORRIS-•i t'03  .. .Kt. PleasanL ___ Isabella H 7 7 Pop. 4819  EXCHANGE SAVINGS BANK  74-752  •  !SABELLA BANK-•  Muir ____________ Ionia I 7 Pop. 363 Mulliken _______ Eaton J 7 Pop. 290 Jlun~er __________ Bay H 7 D Pop. 200 ..Munisine ______ Ale-er B 9 Pop. 5037  E.C. Van De Walker ---------------- ____ H. llammond ______ L. Fenner---------  74-299  A. E. GORHAM---- FRANCIS McNAMARA C. W. RICHES------- E. L. FRAZER------· W. S. HORN H. E. CHATTERTON  150,000 1,800,000 1,800,000  50,000  42.420 1,343,690 1,190,930  J. S. WEIDMAN, JR. FLOYD MITCHELL ____ J. W. BENFORD----- LUDWIG BOHLS---E. J. VANLEUVEN  6 Bank of Muir __________ :f;t'IO 74-753 6 Bank of Mulliken _______ ;U'98 74-754 9 Bank of Mune-er ---- ---- :f;t'09 74-755 6 First Nat. Bank of Ale-er Co. •t'96 74-317  74-318  60,000  15,000 1,300,000 1,000,000  10,000 _____  10,000 ____ - - - - - - -  CHICAGO  243,760  235,600  John M. Eal.r ___ __ P. C. Pardee ______ Peter P. Bittner __ M. Dillon _________ _ (Individ ualResp onsilJilit II $1,000,  , Send us your lte ms for Ylgorous p ersonalattentlon. Prompt returns. l Reasonable cha rites.  BANAKCl~~~~~~~~TS'  366,570 Irving N .. N. Y.; 1st_. ., Chi.; Pea. State, Det.; ~ ·Bk. of aginaw, Saginaw.  315,410 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st ci,' Ei° & Old Det. N., Det.; Old N., G. Rap. (IQ  (Reed & Berry) ________________________ M. E. Reed ________ Nellie Reed _______ _  I(  ::s  ~ C: ::s  L. F. Lobdell ________________________ A. A. Stoddard ____ --------------------  Wm. G. Mather ____ G. S. Collins _______ G. S. Collins _______ J. N. Korpela _____ _  ~  0  COUNTY STATE The Bank of Per onal Service.-1\I ember Federal Re serve System. 74-300 ______ .:t;§'03 { Specialattentio n given BilJ of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. I  250,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: 1st State, Det.:lst N., Clev.  10,000 --------- ------- --------- - - - - Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Pontiac Sav., Pontiac; ; ~ Union Tr. & Sav., Flint.  Oldest establis . hed Bank-Unsur passed coUection service. •:f;!i'!!l { Send your BiJI of Lading drafts direct to us for p rompt attention. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25cfor Credit Repor ts.  E. N. BREITUNG-- FRED S. CASE----- H. H. McMILLAN--- E. R. KLING------PEOPLES STATE BANK •i§'10 1<Weare the COL Lf.,CTING BANK of Munising and A.Jger Uounty. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  100,000  60.000  96,630 1,297,500 1,305,790  25,000  12,540  264.9~0  226,630  25,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; State Sav .. • Ionia. - - - Great Lakes Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det. 000)_ ____ Bk. of S~inaw. S~inaw; Far. State Sav .. Bay City; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 213,040 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N. and Chi. Tr . Co., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st & Old , Det. N., Det. 58,990 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Peo. State, Det.; 1st N., Marquette.,~  CONTI_NEN_T AL AND _COMMERCIAL BANKS  .  662  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. e elusively by The Rand-McNally Baokt>rs• Dlreetory, u nder the authority of The American Banker Ass'n.__  TOWN A.ND OOUNTY-:  I  - -- -  I  NAME 011' BANK.  -1---  _  • Ue d C ~ll MICHIGAN - ~~  Wru. Munroe------ L. C. \Ya Iker ______ G. A. Abbott, Y. P. Otto G. Meeske F. E. Hammond ___ J.P. Denslow _____ P. S. Moon F, \Y. Riblet ______ .r. A. Dr:it z ________ P •• I. Breuninger II. )I. Thurston National Lumbermans Bank C. 0. Billinehurst._ J. G. Emerv, Jr. __ W. II. 1Iann •:t'59 C. D. Stevens. 74-85 Y. P. IL g_ Langeland Union National Bank ••. •!'89 John Q. Ros, ______ Gu ta,· )leeske ____ G.\Y.Zinky, V.P. Geo.L.Lel,'en-e 74-87 i~a!~~ri~~cfrp~ ALLEN G. THURMAN &  80-1-5-6  Il!On ...  co. {;!~d  Ilk. llldg. '16  Muskeron HPichts. :Mu·- li'irst State aving Bank •t§"15 i.t-9i2 7 Pop. 9,5U k!'gon I 4 Nu hville_______ Barry J 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank •ti' + 74-417 7 Pop. 1376 St.ate sa.ving ~-4Ba nk ----•t1'05 .. ________ " 7.. 18 Neraanee __ Marquette B 5 First .1:ational Bank ----•;'87 74-195 I Pop. 7419  NEGAUNEE NATIONAL BANK •t•og 74-1116  Main  CASHIER.  .Pop. 450 New Haven.Macomb J 11 7 D Pop. 535 New Lothrop.Shiawassee I 8 7 0 Pop. 500 NewJ>QrL ___ Monroe L 10 7 D Pop. 450 Niles ________ l,!frrien L 4 7 Pop. ,3ll  "  ________  "  . North Adam5 ___ lllllsdale L8 7 D Pop. 4U North Branch.Lapeer 110 7 0 Pop. 645 NorthLansiue,lnfhamJ 7 7 D<La,1 iua P. O.J Northport •• Let>lanau E 5 7 Pop. 507 North tar _____ Gratiot 17 7 Pop. 600 Northville ____ Wayne K 9 7 0 Pop. 1738 .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  74-3il  400,000  358,990 3 307 g:;o J 052 270 ~ 462,510 Imp. & Tra. N., N, Y.: Cont. & oom'l N., Chi.! 1  37.160  J. A. Billinehurst._ E.W. Boyer.______ E. A. Larsen  100,000  170,580 3.23'1,460 2,805,1801  John W. Wilson ___ O. C. Olsen________  400,000  256,150 2,790,860 3,201.:500  j  1  15~.960  17,200  I,  1  Branch ea: Flint, Sa11ina w. Mua kegon,  l  100.000  I  25,000  1  A. Maitland ________ J. II. Winter __ ---- 1 T. C. Yates ________ John ,T. Bel<lo______ M. G. Dr Gahrirle  PHILI P LEVINE .. T. L. COLLINS-----'C. E. KEARNS------ ,J, H. ANDERSON---  83-1,710 1 1.007.320  12,500  380,000  591,550  onal  I____________________ I____________________  380,000  I  ::C  >  331,6:;o  ?AI  40,840 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. E;: Co., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N •• Det. 98,250 Chase N .. N. Y.: lierch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.: i:: ~24. CO 21.GC0 491.610 20,000 G. Hap. . Cit~. 4th N .• and Old N., G. Hap. (fl ;,:.'" G. E. Hills _________ ------- ------- ____ ------- _____ Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det. 50,000  12,930  382,4401 40-1.830  50,000  10,000  525.000  ~  E. F. Schwalm_____ Wm. Amerman....  I  ----------------  <'arh plain sight ting.  20,000  10,000  20,000  5,000  135.000 Mech. & Metals N. and Chatham & Phenix '. !1Q N.Y.:Ft.Dear.N.,Chi.;lst&OldDet.N.,Det. 0 ::, 240,000 ______________ Pen in. ular State. Det. 450.000  I  l  r+  no,000 1  34.000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Berrien Co., Benton o ·~ Harbor.  86,000  1  . L. Ohurchi!L •.. - - - - - - - - - W. H. Church11J _______________________ (Bra11ch of  I Roy D. Carl _______  L4  ~  11 lb y, Midi.! ) __________ Chase N .• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N,, Chi,  ::r  S_.  96,880 Chase N .• N. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. 26.710 571,5001 519,900 25,000 F. E . .1 ·elli.: ________ A. A. Bennett._ ____ State. Det. 1st & Old Det. N., Det. _______ 0) 200,00 JI W. A. Ro·enkrans. B. Kildea ______________________________ (l11clit'id 11al Ren> 011-'iliilitl , 1 46.810 Han. N .• N. Y.: Cont. & Com·1 N., Chi.: Penin 103,830 218.000 7.000 20.000 J. IT. La_hoe. _______ T .•r. R-1hle~t _____ _______________ 1 sular tate. Dot. I \l. .\I. , ala<le 19.730 1.014.240 1 862,290 191.320 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det.. '., 75,000 Ut>o. E. Flow •r ____ Tho . K Cain ______ - - - - - - - Det. i 48,000 890,000 8i3,000 I H0,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: Peo. 100,000 .latthPw ~toll _____ T. C. Hance _______ -------------------tate ancl 1st & Old Det. ' .. Det. E. W~~te c. I !5,000 280,000 260,000 ____ Ft. Dear ., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N .• Det. 5,000 11. ~I.\\ 1lcox _____ 1A. J. Hotl'man •• ___ --------------- 1  I  F. C. Ballard _______ J. A. Rapley _______ K. M. Barbour_____  50,000  35,710  900,010  86?,i20  I  I05,i80 Rk. or N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.; Ft. DtJar. N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Peo. State and 1st & Old Det. N., Det. Leelanau Co. Sav., Suttons Ba:r: 1st & Old net. ., Oct. . , Penin_sularState,Det.  -------------------- L. L. Sattler . .Mor. -------------------- (Branch of Lans ino, Mie h.) __________ I 30,000 210,C00 175,000 G. . Whitmore ____ J. F. Mathews _____ L. l\I. Hilton •• .•••• _______ _ _ _ , 60,000 - ~ - 70,000 10,000 _ _ _ -------------------- F.~·. elby ________ •. IL , clby________ _ 81,550 13,400 418.560 431.880 25,000  •tl'll2 ~ - · · · · · ·  a:  0  q >  ,  50,640  47,020  594,770 1Lf~,erty N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Ch!.; 1st & Old Det. , N .• Det.; Old N., G. Rap. 355,880 Chemical N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st &OldDet.N ..,pet.;G.Rap.N.City,G.Uap. l . Y. Siockl  190,i50 1:llech .• · Metals i:r., •. Y.: . City, Chi.: i·. Bk., Com, an l Peo. tate, Det. 1 98,i00 IChase N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.;,., '4 Peninsular tate, Det. 37,000 Ban. N .. ,_'. Y .: Live tock Ex. 1 ., Chi.: ]st & OlclDcL 1 .Det.;KentStateanclOl<ll·,,a.Hao. ttl ~ 3ll0.150 1Me~h. ,~ . M~tals._ ~ ., N. _Y.; Oorn Ex. N .. Ch1.: Z ., )111.. 1st & Old Det. N., Det. I bt \\ IS, 87,760 cout. & cc. •1 ••• Ohi.; 1st Wis. -., Mil.  156.590 1,690,380 1,701,720  100,000  .  erch.  Michi11 an.  5 ,6fj0 1,181,280 1 1,172,660  35,000  259,290 • T. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N. and Ln. & 'fr. Co., Chi.; Peo. State, Det. , 6 340 1  ---i--- T~~~1~P1taa\ii~  wires.----- -------------------- - - - 100,000  I j  PRINCIP.A.L CORRESPONDENTS.  Uull Bok&.  Ili,048  ~~te  l  -,--  i;.cua1Twt  H.E. Langelaml,Tr, R. D. Ila rve:r, A. Sec. H.~.Thur ton.Sec,  II. E. :Yorton ______ J. S. Anderson •••• II. A. ~orri _______ ------------------J. Carl C. L. Glasgow ______ W. II. Kleinhans __ 0. H. Tuttle _______ F. K. r'elson______ 0. A. lloui:h John Andrews.---- A. D. OJm,teatL ••• Chris. Marshal!_ ___ E. L. Schantz______  a-161 New Haven avin~s Bk.•il'0l T. K. :Mclnnis _____ + i4-762 Bank or New Lothrop ___ t'02 W. F. Gallaeher ___ 74-763 Newport State Bank.-•• ! '06 . w. Beckhat'n •• •• 74-7fi4 NEWMAN & S~~Ll'S ST~g W.W. Newman --BANK ___ 74-2a0 ______ •: 1, NILES CITY BANK------•i'0l D.S. Scoffern _____ + , • 74-2411 ._ C1t12ens Bank ___________ .. t 05 B. I. Lynch ________ I 74-765 Pioneer Bank __________ •:t§'S.5 J. E. Leete -------74-766 Lansin2 State av. Bk .• _!§'92 -------------------74-767 Leelanau County Ilank __ ;t.t'04 D. II. Power _______ 74-768 Banko! NorthStar _____ it'07 I~. :r. Sl'lby _______ 74-769 Lapham State 'av. llk .••!§'07 I•'. ♦ 74-372 orthvillc Sta.le Saving Bk.  ...;uxi,,:;;;n,;:--c c . &. oa, cu,,-cr Dea  P.,rn-UPtSURPLUB DEPOB• AND CAPITAL PROFITS __ 1TB  78,430 2,000,000j 1,il5,300  Newaygo ____ NP.wano I 5 7 Pop. 1160 New Baltimore._Macomb J 11 7 D Pop. 07-1 t.Newberry ______ Luce O 7 9 Pop. 2172 New Bo ton. Wayne K 10 7 D Pop. 400 B tralo Be ·en L3 NEW BUFFALO STATE BANK {F. L. SCHRADER--- H. W. GOWDY------- E. BERT WEAR-----...~ Please ·l'Jul 15c J>rt>sentation fee in ad,·anre with .,. r. • rn i,ew u • lO draft and 25c with ea<·h reque t for report or ra 74 -lOllll 7 Pop. 40G  7  CASHIER.  100,000  All collections sent us have the prompt and pers attention of a n officer or this b lank. Negaunee State Bank ••. •§'09 F. A. BelL ________ Thomas ·Pellow ____ Thomas Pascoe____ 74-m First State Bank ______ *1'84 M. F. Hatch------- II. D. Woodward -- IL •• 1. Boynton_____ ,John Bailry, Sr. I 74-757 Wm. F. Sandell & Co., Bkrs. W. I~. , andelJ. •. _. ____________________ C. E. Hills _________ !t'97 74-758 Newberry State Bank __ eif'08 F. 'P. Bohn -------- L. H. Fead _________ E. M. Chamberlain. W.G.Fretz 74-i59 Peoph~s tatP Hank ______ '16 G. T. Clark ________ F. J. Grandfield ... F. H. Clark ________ 7J-7K0  New Era _____ Oceana H 4 Churchill & Webber---- tt'09  Ass'T  H. C. Wagner _____ E.W. Thayer______ G. H. Dietrich F.M. Breunineer __ E. L. Edwards.....  offices, Grand Rapids. M ichigan.  I\ .  RE OUIWES.  LIABILITIES.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •OountJ Si,ats. VICE•PRESIDJtlTT. PRESIDENT. Fig_nre 1s F~. Res. Dist. !Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP. ri.v.l ois Detroit Branch. ♦.\Iem. Fe<l. Re:-~_ [l<, tall; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ __  t.)luskeron.Mnskegon I 4 Hackley National Bank. •i·10 74-88 7 Pop. 36,5i0 Muskegon Savings Bk •. •!§'87 " " 74-86 Muskegon Tru,t Co .• ____ §'20 74-89  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (index d) in back of thls 1 0\ _ volumo. For Interest Rates,_ Holidays, etc., see La~·]~  _  r.  606.Li0 .............., ..........11111. .-•111111  111-.11!11111i•••1111111111J'lflll!-  ~  ._ ll>  ::1 C  1'..ll><  N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com IN., Chi.; 1st & Old Det ... '., •. Bk. Com .. and Peo. State, D~t.l ,- • 1 -J.120 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Penm-1 c::nl:i,- ~htt>  n .. t  ~  ·  '-t  :0 N  · · · ·· ·· · -  ~-  mJ-eetorr, under  I  tlJe autlJorlty  of The American  ------,,-  __  -..,..-- __ ___  -  I  NAME OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §State .. county Seats. Figure is Fed. Hes. Di t. :l:Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estah. 0 is Detroit Branch. 1•~Iem. Fed. Res.  Ass'T CASHIER.  CASHIER.  PRESIDENT. ------  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) Jn back of his volum~. ~o~ _Interest Rates,_Holi<!3ys, etc., see ½'W_!, ~  _ _ ______ _  __  RESOURCES. I,1.o.,.u,n, ..  LL.\BILITIES. DEPO&-  PAID~UP SURPLUS AND  1C  C'T-  ~  - - - - - - - - 1 - ~ - - - - - · 1 - - - - - - - - ~ I PROFITS  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  Ill  c.\On&ExDo,u,, rurn;g.•,Dua  S~cua,;IBd  ~  FR0.>1BASK8.1-----------------I~  863,880 $ 885,850 $ 127.630 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: N. Ex .. ~ 67,720 ~ Mil.; ·orthw. N., Minpls. 74-770 9 Pop. 4533 ,_. 2,92G Grand Haven State, Grand Haven. 135,810 126,330 280 10,000 Nnnica ________ Ottawa I 41 Farmers & Merchants Bank Oliver Gleason _____ Peter Gleason _____ WQl. E. Slater _____ Clayton ...'eedham. 1 1 :tt·12I 74-899 7 Pop. 200 500 - - - - - ________ Com'! .i; ., Sae;inaw. 3,500 Oakley------- ae;inaw I 8 Bank of Oakley --------•H'09 (J. R. Sackett) ____ Hattie E. ackett _ J. R .... ackett ______ Ilattie E. Sackett_ 74-9-17 7 D Pop. 201 70,020 .1.1. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Am. State, 650,480 615,950 29,540 75,000 Oakwood ____ Wayne K 10 Oakwood State Bank ___ •t§'l8 E. H. Fowler ______ Dean Lucking _____ A. C. 1Iilne ________ -------------------Det. Hugh McLean 7-1-101-l (Detroit P. 0.) 7 0 Pop.1990 & Com'! r., Chi.;Capital N., Lansing; 48,000ICont. 216,000 225,000 2,520 20,000 ____________________ Walcott______ E. O. _______ Green P. ,~. Olivet _ _ _ Eaton K 6 Olivet Statt Bank ______ ;t '16 B. ,.'. ~e_ister _____ 1st & Old, Det. i ., Det.; City, Battle Creek. G. c. Adams )I. hilt , V. P. ,4-9ll5 7 Pop. 500 Det. N., Det.; Bay City, Bay Oity. Old & 1st _________ 8,000 --------- --------- --------· Omer---- -----Arenac G 9 Arenac Exchange Bank-:l:t'98 (McPhail ...(, Macom ber) ________ C.H. Rossman_____ ____________________ · 74-772 7 Pop. 266 1 490,000 105,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N and Peo. SJ: 14,960 550,000 30,000 Onaway_Presque Isle E 8 Onaway State Sa,. Bk.-•:t:§'03 A. V. Hinkley _____ J. F. )Iorford ______ J. Frank Morford_ G. W. Pregitzer____ State, Det. 74-324 7 .Pop. 2719 Onekama ___ '1anistee G 4 Bank of Onekama ______ •;t'09 R. F. Wendel__ ____ -------------------- H. A. Wendel__ ____ Inez Ellefson ______ -------- --------- ------ ·----- ________ Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Manistee Co. Sav., O ::z: Mil. ., N Wis. 1st tee; Mani , 74-773 7 Pop. 252 24,550 Comw. Federal Sav., Det.. ; N. Union and Jack-164.770 69,410 330 20,000 Onondaga ____ Jngham K 7 Farmer' State Bank ____ t§"l8 W. E. Goold _______ ,M. J. Baldwin ______ Leon Sammons____ ___________ 0 . son State ,av., Jac~so~. r • 7-l-102-1 7 D Pop. 247 37,240 Cont. & Com l N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Ad nan. 217,170 283.820 13,530 25,000 OnstPd ______ Lenawee L 8 Onsted State Bank ______ t§'07 F. M. Skinner _____ L. S. Mann ________ W. J. Red!leld _____ E. R. Knapp_______ I _ r , Fairbanks S. C. , ♦ 74-774 . . • 7 D Pop. 323 30,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Z 1,v00 160,000 160,000 40,000 Ontonagon __ Ontonagon CitizensStateBank ______ §lO Edward CarroJL ___ .Fre<l.John.;;on _____ G. H. \\arner----1-----------------1st Wis .... • .. Mil. , Thom- Wilcox 74-350 B2 9 Pop.1406 358,000 138,000 Cont. & Com·J N.,Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st tJj 480,000 44,200 50,000 ANDREW HALTER C. F. EICHEN ------ 8. F. BARZE-------1------------------· Bos FIRST NATIONAL BANl-•:::·95 ~stabllshed 189 6. Send us your business. · - ·• Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cre dit Reports by se ndlng 74-349 Z US. Y TR 25c. Report•, FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain aitrht d rafta, 1 Sc; Credit  Norway ___ Dickinson C 4 First National Bank ____ •t'0l F. A. Janson ______ William Bond _____ D. A. Stewart__ ____ V. S. Nystrom _____ $ 50,000 $  I  I  >  I  i  Orion _______ Oakland J 10 Orion State Bank _______ U-96 Ira Carpenter ______ 74-495 7 D Pop. 929 Orleans _________ Jonia I 6 Bank of Orleans -------t'15 Frederick Pitt ____ 7.t-987 7 Pop.300 Ortonville ___ Oakland J 9 Bank of Ortonville ______ ;tt'0l A. J. Wilders ______ 74-775 7 D Pop. 445 Oscoda _________ Iosco G 9 Geo. D. McNichol &Co,'89 E. R. McNichoL __ 74-776 7 Pop. 8a4 Otisville _____ Genesee I 9 Oti ville State Rank _____ '07 C. D. noane _______ 74-777 7 D Pop. 36-1 Otsf'l?O-------AlleganK5 Citizens tateSavings Bank ,G. E. Bardeen _____ • §"14 74-950 3168 7 Pop. !Fir tStateSavingsBk._•:§'69 H. A. DcLano ______ " ------ _ " 74-778 Ottawa Lake-.Ionroe L 9 l't>ople Bk.of Rothfu s Bro~. R. C. Rothfus· ____ , · Co, _____ 74-994-____ •!+'16 7 D Pop. 200 Otter Lake ___ Lapeer I 10 Hank of Otter Lake ______ t'06 .J.M. Ealy ________ 74-779 7 D Pop. 325 Ovid __________ OJinton I 8 7 Pop. 1067  STATE  --------1  30.000  32,3Z0  76,000 " 23a, 700  ------------- Ale.·. Robertson __ 1Iabel Palmer_____ .._r,J,Pitt Lewis Sweers ______ James R. Lcece ____ --------------------  10,000  10,000  4,000  21,870  ---------·-- _______  25.000  W. Averill ______ A. Prosser _ _ _ -------------------Oha1·le loon F. W. Walker ______ W.A.Manslleld ____ W. G.Conlan______  20,000  9.140  2H.4i0  25.000  4,040  275,480  C. I. Clapp _________ C. L. Taylor _______ A. W. DeLano_____  35.000  12,000  425,000  ------------------ __ A. B. Crysler______  ,J.  632,0JOl  680,000  10.000 ______  105,890 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.  12,000 Ohase N.. . Y.: K. Dk. of Ionia, Ionia; Peo. 75,000 . , ,.. 1 State,D_et. 1 I t N ., Chi.; Peo. St.ate, Det.: Bk. of Safmaw, 50,830 192,5v0 Saginaw. 1_____________ N. Hk. Oom .. N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Bay City and I t N., Bay City. 12,600 Mee~. & :Met'lls N., N. Y.: Con.t. ~ Com'I ... 371,730 Ch,.: Peo. State, Det.; Indu,tnal ~av., FI mt. 43,580 Mech. · Metals N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear.N., Chi.· 227,630 Peo. tate, Det.: Old N .. G. Rap. 75,000IChase N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Ohl.; Kala400,000 mazoo ..... Kalamazoo. II Ol'er$2 00.000) __ Irving •• N. Y.;. r. Bk. Com., Adrian.  @ I  z 0 .., ~  SU  '< pf'  0  O  ~ George LovewclL H. W'. Rothfuss ___ -------------------- (I,iclivi,l ual Resp 011.•ibilit o J.E. Dawson rn D. J. Evans ________ James Joy ______ --------------- (llldil'id ualRcsp onsilJilit y $1,000, 000) _____ Peninsular State. Det. ~ j 100.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. State and 1st & Old Det. 400.000 500,000 23,000 JOHN H. ROBSON-- F. A. MARSHALL---- H. S. BEARDSLEE---- --------------------, 50,000 Rap. G. City, N. Rap. G. Det.; N., W. J HATHAWAY SAVINGS BANK •+§'97 74-780 { Collections and Requests tor Cred it Reports MUST he accompanied by FEE 11' ADV AN CE: Plain si.1ht dra ft.,, 15c; Credit Rcpo rts, 25c.  Owendale ____ Huron H 10 Owendale Bk. of A. L. Wrie-ht A. E. & Co. _____ 74-78L ____ J:.f03 7 D Pop. 274 Owosso ___ Shiawassee J 8 Cll'IZENS I 7 D Pop. 12,575 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  A.G. Haddrill _____ Lee Earle __________  >  I  I  R. J. COLBY----- A. L. NICHOLS- ____ 0. L. DAVIS-------- F. C. FREEMAN---I F. H. RUSH W. E. HALL, <"h.ufBd.  SAVINGS BANK 74-160  leeper __ , ___ E. Cll bursch ______ S. D . .McGree;or ___ __________ _________  20,000  10,000  75,000  38,05011,716,690 l, 732,860  190,000  188,000  I  12,000 N, Bk. Com., Det. 156,870 Chatham&Phenix N.,N. Y.: Corn Ex .... T .. Chi.: 1st & Old Det. . 'J.nd N. Bk. Com., Det,  Remittances m ade at reasonable raies.  •l§"96 ) Plea ·c :-<end 15c  1,·  ith eal'11, ight draft fur µrc;·entation a nd 25c for rrcdit R e1Jort.·.  \ No advance cha rge on Bill of Lad ing Drafts and N ote Collections.  f CHARLES E. RIGLEY- C. P. BENTLEY-------- A. D. WHIPPLE------_ W. S. COOPER------__  OWOSSO SAVINGS BANK 74-168  •:t§'91  I  / Collections  E. 0. DEWEY  A. D. ALLITOH  100,000  c•cy· N, Y,; 1st N., Chi.;  Peo, State, Det.,  39,870 2,432,820 2,160,000  464,150 N,  39,960 1,514,440 1,358,<li0  217,430 N, Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Pen-t 0\ w insular State, Det.  I  give n s1>eclal attentl on. Plea~e .·rnd 15c w I it11 each Nigl1t draft fnr presentation a nd 25cfor Credit R e1Jorts.  No advance cha rge on Bill of Lad Ing Drafts and N ote Collections.  State Savings Bank ____ •t§'06 W.F. Gallai?her ___ A. L. Arnold _______ W. A Rosenkrans_ P. N. Cline--------! K. F. Crawford T. ~I. Euler 74-170  50,000j  1  •  CONTINENTAL AND co·MMERCI.AL BANKS CHICAGO  _- -  .-  --.....  ~~  -~---·-  .  I  O't  664  Namber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number iiiven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' DIJ'ectorJ, under the autbo!:_lty of The American B~n~rs A~n.  MICHIGAN-C  d  t•  --1  On lnUC i----===  TOWN A.ND OOUNTT, NAllE OF BANK, I , L~ABILI11_E_S_. . •O~unty Seats. . •Kem. Am. Bks, Assn. IS~te t PIUl:SIDJCNT, VICit·PRXSIDENT, OJ.SHU::&. Ass'T CJ.SHIER PAID-UP SUBPLus j D11:P0&Figure 1,,; Fed. RPS, Dis. tMem. Stal.e Bks. Assn. tPr1v. · CAPITAL AND 1 1 Dis D1•troitBranch. ♦)lem. Fed. Hes. [Estah. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_______ , PROJ'ITB 1 n  I  oxtord ••••• oakland J 10 Farmers State Bank ..• •t§"05 G. W. MacKinnon. J.B. Shoemaker ••. C.H. Fuller---·--· Il. H. Pincomb ..•• $ 7 D Pop. 1668 74-434 "  ··---···  "  RESOU~CES._  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  "•" • D~•-1 c... • &xc..,... no.,,., oa.ura•,Dn l!IIOtrarTno no•Lll1DI ---------  I  1  Non-Bank Towns \\-ith Nearest Banking Point <In• clexed Acee .), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 0\ v~u_!fle. _F~.!_ Intere t Rates_, l_!oli<l~J'S: e~s~e __I,aw~. ~  Oxford Savings Bank-•:1'84 W. J. Tunstead·--· C. L. Randall. _____ Clarence E Stanton L. S. French_____ • 74-433  I  Palms .... __ .Sanilac H 10 Palms Bk. of F. w. Hubbard F. W. Hubbard __ . Jo!1n Ryan-----·-· ·-----·-----··----·· - · - - - - - - 7 0 Pop. 100 & Co._ •• 74-782 ·--··- tt'06 Willard Babcock  1  I  20,000 $ 11,000 $ 370,550  322,310  91,780 Chase N., N.Y.: Corn Ex. T . . Chi.: Peo. State and 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  25,000  825,060  311,230 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det.  72,290 1,028,500  20,000 !_______  150,000  95,000  10,ooo jPeo. State, Det. 25,780 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  I  Palo .... --··---··Ionia 17 Palo Exchange Bank ••••• t'0l ---··--·--·----····· -------------------· H. D. Pew·-----·- Hetty M. Pew···-·  5,000  1,610 1  45,540  26,230  Parma·--··-·Jackson K 7, Parma Exchange Bank •. tt·u C. E. Gaylord-·-·-- •-------------·---· J.B. Hubert ·----- Je sie Barsdale ..• 7 D Pop. 564 7'-784  5,000 ,  2,000  150,000  140,000  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.t'65 E. F. Parks __ •• ____ '. T. J. Cavanaugh._. W. H. Longwell ••• G. F. Warner------  1  7 Po1>, S50  74-783  •Paw Paw.Van Buren K5  7  Pop. 1556  100,000  74-377 John W. Free State Bank i4-1025 Paw Paw Savings Bank•U'86 • 74-378 State Saviugs Bank •••• •U'Ol 74-7&, Peoples State Savings Bank 74-786 •:t··10 Pentwat6r State Bank •• •:i:s·u 74-441 Perrinton •a•,, Bank .•. . ''89 74-787 State Bank of Perry ___ .:t§'92 74-788 H. O. :McLachlin & Co. State Bank • 74-789 -----·•t§'87 First National Bank_ ••• e:Vi8 74-277 First State Bank. ·---··•U'91 + 74-278 tate Saving_ Bank.--.. t§'l6 74-790 Bank or Pickford ····-··tt·oo 74-791  :·20 A. L. Free ..•.  ·---·--  Pedc.--·--··-Sanilac I 1 7 0 Pop. 341 Pellston. _____ Emmet D 7 7 Pop. Q15 Peotwater .... Oceana H 3 7 Pop. 957 Perrinton __ ... Gratiotl7 7 Pop. 410 Perg _._ .. Shiawassee J 8 7 D Pop. 73t Petersburg ••. Monroe L ll 7 D Pop. ;;u ,Petoskey·--- Emmet K 6 7 Pop. 5064 "  50,000 1,057,960 1.037,170  ·- ·· G. R. Beattie______ L. R. Darling_·-·-· ·---·--·----·--·····  30,000  5,000  281,380  G. E. Warner-·---· II. B. Allen ...• __ •• J.B. Warner·--·-· B. McKinstry ··-·· D. Anderson James Foster ______ 1L. E. COchran ····- Howard Foster·--· Ray Foster··-···-·  40,000  18,000  650,000  525,000  20,000  35,000  445,000  500.000  G. W. Priest. _____ • W. B. Merris -----· A.H. Buttars·---·· -----··-----  20,000  10.170  138,550  1-18,230  Q  ~  89.720 Merch. Ijn. & Tr. Uo., Chi.; Kalamazoo Citr j Sav., h.alamazoo. _ !2! 77,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Det.  206,720  t  60,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Co~ .. Det.; U. S, av., Pt. Huron; :Lt N., Bay City, 23,530 N. City, Chi.  ta >  Z ~  6  F. W. Fincher •. _•. Richard Simmering E. W. )Iartin.·--·· ·---···---··-------· 2i5,000 5,200 246,010 244.700 15,780 N. Park, N. Y.: Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Kent (/) IL V. Hu lOil tatc, G. Rap. W.H. Davis .• _____ Ira Cummings .- .-· Hazel I.Troop ••. -·-------·····-------·------------·------- ____ lst&OldDet.N.,Det.:Bk.ofSaginaw,Saginaw. C. :M. Spalding.-·-· J.P. Olcott·----·- R. L. Spalding._ .•• ·------·-··-------· L. C. Watkin 0. T. Rose·-------· II. A. Log-an··--·-- C. F. Koppelman •. ··------····--------  16,000  33,780  44!,000  457,000  25,000  10,350  513,430  540,490 1  Chalmers Curtis ••• C. F. Hankey------ F. H. Clement .•••• \V. B. Lawton..... F. C. Kru ·sell Leon Chichester ••• Geo. S. Rice··----· C. ll. D. ::\1a ters .. -------····-· -·---·  100,000 1  32,030 1,506,870 1.493,990 30,600  084,000  800,000  20,000  3,500  240,000  250,00~  23,000  15,450  244,250  248,460  F. W. HUBBARD- •. --------·-·-·------· ERNEST CLADUESCH .. R. M. HEASTY-·-··-· 20,000 B 10 PIGEON STATE BANK.-•:1'95 { Collection· and Reque ts for Cre dlt Reports MU T be accompanie d by 74 -792 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c.  5,000  650,000  610,000  7 Pop. 316 Pickford._.Chippewa C 9 9 Pop. 400  -.s:,. .  82,220 1st N .. Chi.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  1  60,U00  Pewamo. _______ Ionia I 7  Piaeon .• _. ___ Huron 7 0 Pop. 780  I  15,000 N. Union, Jackson.  I  Jame H. RueL._ Jo~eph Haurk ...•• G. W. Amsden.-.-· :- - - - - - - · 1,\nthony Bower , · F. H. Taylor·------ \V. H. Best·····--· ID· Beacom .....•.. Ford H. Beacom... H.P. Hossack ,  32,000 Mech. & N., N.Y.; Peo. State, Det.: City >= .. N .. Lan~ing. ...., 64,,50 11st N., Chi.; 2d N., Toi.  g  o.  23Q,020 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.  ,.. 150,000 N. City, N. Y.: Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; Peo. 0 State, Det. 13,500 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; G. Hap. N. City, G. Rap. ~ 36,180 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Sault Sav., Sault Ste. ::J Marie. 'O  ;J'  65,000 Bk. of the ::\fanhattan Co., N. Y.; X. Bk. Com. an<l 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; 2d N.. Saginaw.  ~:  I  Pinckney. Livinrston J 8 Pinckney Exchange Bk .• tt'84 ------·-----------·· -----------··------· ' G. W. Teeple·--·-· ·-----·------------· - - - - - - - - - - ·----· ____ Chase N .. N. Y. 7 D Po1>. 3 4 74-793 1 715,000 Plnconninf. _____ Bay H 9 Pinconning t1te Bank .U'08 W. S.Fotherinfham W. A. MacDonald. E. M. Stearns.----· --------···-------· 40,000 600,000 30,000 50,000 Far. tate av., Bay Cit 1 I 7 D Pop. 761l • 74-501 D. J. Cody  .......  I  l'lymouth ___ • Wayne K 9 Plymouth United Savings Bk. C. A. Fisher··----· .T. W. n en<len,on •• E. K. Bennett. ___ •• 7 0 Pop. 2857 74-796 •:tS'!I0 F. A. T>ibble PornpeiL •• --.Gratiot I 7 Pompeii State Bank •••• •U'IO J. C. Hicks. ___ --· B. 0. HalL ____ • 'Geo. H. ~ ' os •••···•  7  Pop, 300 I . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  j  74-7117  172,600  7,500  20,000  PIUsford--.Hillsdale L 7 Pittsford State av. Bk.•U'l3 W. H. Scott..·-··· W. H. ChesleY.---· 1F, \V. cott.·-··-·· -··----···-·-----· 7 D Po1>. 500 74-794 Plainwell. __ .Alleran K 5 Citizens State av. Bk .• •:1'03 E. H. Ingraham·-· T.G. Bachelder .••. M. Vander Maas .•• F. P. Heath-----·· 7 Pop. 20-10· 74-795  174.000  I 50,000  n. A. Fisher- -·--··  100.000  jJ. L. Miller····-···  20,000  862,000  38.700  769,660  116,770 1.629.190 1,421,600 8,800  186,7101  I  250,C00  26,000 N. Bk. Com., Adrian: Oomw. Fed, Sav. Bk., s» Dct. ::1 168,520 Chase N., N. Y.; :Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi, ~  ""'  388,940 Chase N .. N. Y.: . City, Chi.; Peo. State, and ::,C: Dime Sav .. Det. 16,510 Han. '., '. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1 t & Oki Det. ., Det.  ~,..... . ...-i. . . . ...-.i  Se~ The -~MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK .· of__ Iletroit ·. . .. .. ,, -  I  ,  '  I  I.  .  '  ~  ''  •  '  •  ,  I  .  ~  ,'  I  I  I  .'  .  .  .  '  I  .  ,  '  '  ...  .  :·,,- -·  ti  I  ,L  .---:-  I  ' '  LL-\BIL  '.·--,  ;  '  I  •:  ' '  .--i.--  ~  :  I  ,,_  I t • I  ·,;- •• ,  •I  ,  --  ,,,,  I •  •  .-  '  I  ••  I  I  .  '  See The ·MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK _. of__ Detroit l.._1.l..!_O '·.  '.  ., ~--.  'T by  •  N.DlE OI<' B.-L"K. Tow .: AXD Oou:-.rY. •Mern. Am. Bks. Assn.§ State 1 •County Seats. Figure is Fed. Hes. Dist. :L\lern. State Ilks.Assn. tl'ri\". [Estab.1 _ D is Detroit Branch. •~Iem. Fetl. Res.  •Pontiac ____ Qakland J 10 7 0 Pop. 34.273  PRESIDENT.  H. S. CHAPM'A~--D.R. WILSON. l .P. A Commercial Ba Our rnpid substa  AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK ♦  74-109  VICE-PRl!:SIDEXT.  I  -  I  Ass'T CASHIER.  CASHIER.  I  ,  I~  .,-  ,  •  ~7 -  _-  •'· ·,;-.  '~._____.__1~~-'-~-.-:,___. 7  -  //  LIABILITIES.  1  A. F. NEWBERRY---- N. W. PETER~ON ____ A. W. LADD--------E. H. FARMER  nk-Modern-Progr essive-anxious to serve you. ntial growth is evid ence of satisfactory \ service.  I  -1  I  1  1.0  ~  - - - ___ I ___ - - -  20  J. A. GRALEY _____ S. J. PATTERSON ___ F. L. PERRY ________ C. f. DURRANT------  I  'L  r CRAMER SMITH--- 0. J. BEAUDE.TTE ___ F. A. VAN WAGONER B. J. GREER ________ !  i4-106  l  ~ikl~~~z  7.  1  •  '  FEDERAL COM'L  & SAVINGS BANK ♦  i-1-95  .... , ,  I  I'=='  :=  1  Q  2&4,480 9,407,930 9,556,770 1 1.445,750 1Han. N. and 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., ,... Det.  750,000  r:: ~ :tj: gm~:  z~  County. Two Offices { Largest Bank in Special attentio n given collection s and other bank lng matters for o ut of to wn patr ons. Plccu,;c send 15c 1cit11 each sigl1t draft for 11rescntati on and 25c fo1· Cre dit Reii orts.  •:1'98  Port A. upsti 0 -- B nron G 10 Port Austin State Bank•t§"l3 A. E. Ieeper ______ 7 0 op. 410 74-520 Port Hope ___ ffuron ll 11 Citizens Bank of tafforcl. ])'red II. tafford __ mith & Co. 74-1003 ____ tf"l7 D Pop. 353 State Bk. of Port Hope W04 D llihlethaler ----· -74-798 •Port Buron_St. OlairJ 11 7 0 Pop 25 OH  A.G. N1CH0LIE  A. A. CORW1N  Ch. of Bd. C. E WALDO  Bk.  4-17,000 . Chase N., N.Y.; N. City, Chi.; Peninsular State and Peo. State, Det.  .  FIFTF,EN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, and ~ TWENTY-FIVE CEI\'TS for each credit report insu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  PONTIAC COM IJ. H-PATTERSON, & SAVINGS BANK ♦  1  91,000 3,300,000 3,285,000  250,000  R. C. CUMM1f1GS  H. 0. WHITFIELD  1OAKLAND COUNTY SAV'GS BANK ♦ 74-107_ ___ •:§"93  ~  400,000 $ 59,500 1,670,710 2,387,620 $ 152,470 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.  - 1-  74 110  ~  VI  ,ao,.  H. M. ZIMMERMAN -- FRED M. WARNER--- J.E. HORAK-------- GEORGE A. BROWN-NATIONAL 83,020 1,041,700 1,389,270 106,010 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. 200,000 THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN PONTIAC. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Det. _,., Opened for business Jan. 3, 1920. BANK OF_ PONTIAC _ _____ j ___ __ Coll~ctions in charge of experienced officer. ••  I  i::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  REsOUt{CI<:s.  PAID-UP I SUARNPDLOS I DEPOS- 1 Lousno& Dis- Cun"' Exxn,, cn.u<GES,DUE t'T•. ITS 'CAPITAL llJJOU! , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ll•~DEITIE• PROFITS _ _______  n ghcn Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ( Specialattentio Please send 15c ici th each sigl,t draftfo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor t_s._ _  •U'0 3  11 ·  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) fn back of this-. volume. For Interest _Rates, Hollda!_s..!_etc.! see .La'!s_-_ ~  e Band-McNally Ban ers• under the authority of Tlie Amerfean Ban.kers Ass'n. •  C. D. Thompson ___ H.F. Finan _______ L. 11. Yaroch______ w. II. \ all ace ____ Howard W. Smith_ IIoward w. Smith- __________________ Roland Eilher _____ Grace Dartlctt_____ C. F app P. F. Richard. A.~~: leeper______  1  CHAS. WELLMAN---- J. G. O'NEILL------ S. A. GRAHAM ______ H. W. M8 ITLANO E. N, BRANAGAN S, A, GRAHAM <1 Branch) R. T. JACKSON  20,000  5,000  12,000  3,590  22,000  12,180  = --.-I  I  Bill of Lading Drafts a Specialty. Send us your Collections  -  300,000  I  Hl0,000  li3,000  107,210  105,800  338,060  319,600  I g  '11  174.000 5,000,000 6,200,000  -  -  z~  55,iJ0 1st & Old Det. N. and Bk. of Det., Dct.; .B'ell- ,,. ..,~ _ _ _ era! Com'l & av., Pt. Huron.  I  -  tt1 ::i>  28,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st& Old Det. N., Det.:2dN., Saginaw. 14,250 Peo. State, Det.: U.S. Sav., Port Huron.  -  600.000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N .• Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. State, Dct.  rl'  ;;·  Prompt, personal Service-Consistent Charges  ••§ 8~ Pli:rr,·e ,·r.nd 15c u·itlt well .·ialtt droft for 1n·,·~ttati1m owl 25c for Crcrlit Rr ports.  (') rl'  --- --  First Nat. Exch. Rank --•*'70 Gus. Hill--------- F. E. Beard ________ D. D. Brown _______ A. C. Lassen ______ 74-91  1150,000  2,200,00012,000,ooo  402,920 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: 1Ierch. N., Det.; O 'lj 1st N ., Olev. 320,000IN. Park. N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; G. "'1 ~ Rap. N. City, G. Rap. ,...  585,000  101,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. ~ State, Det.: City N., Lansing. 1  206,2C0 ,1,367,900 4,550,8i0  50,000 KRUGER----- 100.000 c. C. PECK------- A. E. STEVENSON-- C. C. PECK-------- LR.H. W MILLER Special attenti on given :Bill of Lading Drafts, c ash and Time Ite ms. •:1·01 1~Please send 15c 1cith each sight dr aft for prescntatio II a11d 25c for Creel it ReJJOr ts.  UNITED STATES SAY. BANK 74-96  1C. H. MAYNARD --- F. H. KNOX---- ---- F. H. KNOX--------- CARLO. DERBY----- 1  Portland  7  Ionia J 7 MAYNARD ALLEN STATE BK IDo a general ~ nking Busin~ss. Unsurpassed Coll ection service. i~·o • !Items sent us d1 rect -n ill recene p rompt and person al attention. 74 _3::i- 8 • ¥ 61 Please send 15c tci th each sight dra/tfC> rpresentation and 25 c for Credit Reports.  50,000  50,000  o"  600,000  I  p---1ifgg op.  I  78,290 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: L ti & Old Det. ~ '. and Penin ular tate, Det. Chas. F. Gilclen 74-357 1 Port Sanilac __ Sanilac I 11 Exchange Bank of M. ,·.J.P. Mu(f<ln ___________________________ .1.·ora Quinn _______ Perrey Burkett_ ____________________________ Peo. State. Det. 1 1 Mugan ___ 74-799 ______ •!t"80 7 D Pop.135 Sa,·., Federal Comw. and N. Det. Old & 1st 42,000 233,000 255,000 4,000 20,000 Posen ___ Presque Isle E 9 Posen tate Bank ______ !§"15 Carl Alf sen ________ ~L J. Ennest ______ Harley EnnesL ____ - - - - - - - - , Det.; Alpena .. Alpena. 74-800 7 Pop. 190 11,280 1st N., Chi.; Capital N., Lansing 33,410 26,820 2,000 20 000 Potterville ____ Eaton J 7 Farmers State Bank _____ §'20.B. N. Kei..ter_ _____ John Gidner _______ Wm. E. BraiL ____ C. C. Weaver • 74-10-19 • 7 Pop. 330 54,000 Han. N:. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: N. 12,000 185,000 170,000 20,000 Powers-- Menominee D 5 First State Bank -------•ino. G. T. Werline ______ ~ icolas Peterson __ E.T. Wilfong _____ Ethel ~I. Beatson__ . E~ .• 11il.: Union Tr. Co .. Vet. 74-802 9 Pop. 249 Prescott_ ___ Oeemaw G 9 \Bank of Prescott _________ t'04 (James McKay & ____ ---------------· James McKay ______ Orra Mott__________ __ _ 1 _ _ _ 11__________________ Penmsular State, Det.; 1st ., Bay City. 7 3 10,000 ,lstN .• Bay c1·ty. ,. .j 1'0,000 _ l~0.000 Co.)Weinbere ____ S. N. Weinberg ____ R. E. Stephens ________________________ · 15, 000 . 18,000 J.\C. J-SZS Bank Farmers Exchange " CO ________ Pop. •·7 •tt·os 7-1-526 Webber State Sav. Bk.-•:§'70 Mary E. Webber ___ IE. A. Buck _______ I Lorenzo Webber ___ F. J. Badeley ______ : 1•  25,000  30,330  473.670  460,i60  -------------------1  . USE AND SELL OUR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND T RAVELERS' C_tiEQIJES: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Co NTI .NE NTA L __A ND.  _. IAL BANKS: . ' c ·H,-•1·c AGO ' 'RC COM'ME  -  ·_ ..  644  666 =-  Number under Name or Bank ill tho N('W Transit Number gi\'cn to each bauk in U. 8. c:clush·el)· by The Rand-1\lcNally Bankers• Dlrector>'.!_~th.!_au~horlty uf The .\merlcan_ B~nke~n.  NAME OF' BA. "K, Tow~ AND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. A .:u. § tate .t.Qounty Seats. PRESIDE.',T. Figure is Fed. He . Dist. :Mem. State Bks. Assn. t Prtv. [E,tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ♦ .\Iem. Fed. He~. Dis Detroit Branch.  !  VICE-PRESIDENT.  _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ 1 1  _ __  0 A.PITAL PROFITS  e  _ __ _ _ _ __ 1  '{L.  ·····-··  •··---  "  2,000  . 74-ii69  ••  C''J'B,  ITS  360 $  Ssovam11  83,900! $ 53,080 409,450  336,300 '  25,000  14.670  281,080  5,000  1,420  64,210  62,510  13,200  6,400  220,00011  222,000  E. C. Corbett. •••.. Geo. E. TerpeninE. L. 0. Slough_ •••• -.  Z5,000  26,350  460,050  417,590  L PELL-•.••••.. _  100,000  77,750  999,980 _1,124,660  K IN A. GOOD T !OWN.. Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS CE: Plain ·ig11t drafts. 15c; Credit W. , Richardson .. ,D. S. Way····-·· I L. 0. Bloomer l;' . Sheringer._••• lMilton KrafL •••..  A. L.A. DAVID .•••. R.H. BURGESS THOM~S SHERWOOD  IC.H.  -···-··1  T be accornpante d by Reports. 25e.  1  Edna L. Moore •••• I  J. D. HAWTHORNE  I .\, . Houghten L. II. Remenap ••• R. S. Wurm •••••••• ··--·-·-·- · ···--·--· j J. R.PARKHURST .. -- ,L. G. HAMMOND-··----·······-········· 1 bed 8ank.  , "\Collections lnvi ted on all points In O ceola and Lake Counties. IPrompt persona I attention given o n aJI business.  1  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO:'{DE. TS.  I  303,130  no• Bu1<1  33,160 Bk. of Det., Det.; Leelanau Co. Sav .. ~uttons Bay; Comstock Park State, Comstock. 45,720 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: 1st & Old Det. T Det. Bk. Com .• N. Y.; 30,410 Peo. State, Det. L  •  1  F. E. Aemisegger _  KRUGLER--····· S.  I  I  r,,.. C••u & ExlJo. L•• , OH~GU,DV&  28.470  1 1  11  Modern. Pro gress1ve. l,argest. and Strongest. :ivings Bank C. A. Lahser ••..• _ A.~- Bosworth •••• A . .A. Bruder ••. _•.. E. A. Reid ___ •••••.  Redford State !§'09 ♦ 74-805 Reed City •••• Osceola H 6 Commercial Savings Bk .• :t§'07 O. W. Clark.·-····· 74-370 7 Pop. 1803 jJ. W. PARKHURSTFIRST NATIONAL BANK .... 90 Olde t E tablis .. .. "  RESOURCES. 1.o•N1 &  .n..n  50,000  ~M. BARNES-- .... C. H. CHASE ...... - •PEARL POWER···- RUTH COLE  ··A GOOD BAN QUINCY STATE Collections and -···§ ' 99 - _ BANK 6 FEE IN ADVAN ,-1 U Rapid City •• Kalkaska F6 Bank of Rapid City._ .. _tf'l4 C. \V. McPhaiL •••• 74-961 7 Pop. 200 Ravenna_._Muskegon I 5 Ravenna Private Bank. tt·rn E. Bartholomew .•• 74-922 7 Pop. 400 Readine .••• _HillsdaleL 7 State Banko! ReadinE .. t§'89 M. G. Mallery·--· 74-804 7 D Pop.1036 N. TUPPER-····BK.-.•t •14 1 C. G. SHEAR, STATE PEOPLES 9 K RedforL •••• Wayne l'Ji. of Bll. 74-ll70 7 D Pop.13 9  °'  LJABlLITIES. p AID•UP Su~!; LUS D EPOS·  Ass 'T CASHIER.  CASHIER.  ProvemonLLeelanau F 5 Banko! Provemont_ __ ••• t'l2 D. H. Power.·-···- --------·---·- , Carl Hobtad _______ Bob Power ••••••• 74-929 7 Pop.150 Quincy..••••• Branch L 7 First National Bank .•. _.•!'81 W. II. Lockerby-·· H. A. Graves·-····· jR. S. Andrns •••••• Jennie Babcock -· 74-'15 7 Pop. 1251  ·  Non-Rank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of tws1 rest Rates. Ilo!ldays. etc., see Laws. ~ ::t e::;__ :n= or= !._ . =F::: = e= um ~ = == = = ===:=====v:::o=l=  MICHIGAN-Continued  100,000 25,000  50,000 1 . 11,300  I  8,120 Traverse City State, Traverse City. 20,500 G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.  IE;:  I()  113,030 Lin. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; 1. t & Old Det. N., Det. 133,990 Chase~ -.• N. Y. ; ' . City, Chi.; 1st & Old Det. :t: N., Det. ~.,  745,000  683,330  82,000 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  225,000  225,000  36,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; G. Rap. N. City, G, Rap.  I~ I> ~  I  "-I  I  50,000  16,610! 1.304,750 1,220.430  I  to  >  191,200 Han._N. and ~. Cit , N. Y.: Cont. &Com'l N.,· ...,, Chi.: 01 .N. and 4th .• G. Rap. 1"-I  l~  1  50 000 - - - · - - - - - ·--------·-1st & Old Det. N .. Det.; Far. State Sav., Bay rn Reese ••• ·--···Tuscolal 9 Bank of Reese ...•••..• •!t'97 P. c. Pardee- ••...• J.M. Ealy ••••••••• , P. C. Pardee ••. _••• H. E. Kamm ••• - City.; Bk. of aginaw, Sa.g-ina\\·. I 74-806 7 D Pop, 450 23,000 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Far. State Sav., Bay ,.... 308,000 310,000 1.600 20,000 tate aving. Bank .••• _::.··rn ' J. Mc.1.:Tair EalY - -·- P. c. Pardee ..•••.. A. J. Kamm_ •••••• Alma Nurminger.. " •••••••• " I 4' City. I I 7,l 1002 32,910 N. Bk. Com., Det.; 2d N., Saginaw. 14.340 335,780 i 334,790 26,000 Remus •••.•• Mecosta H 6 State Savings Bank __ ••.• §'04 W. J. Orr. ..••• ·-·· Aaron .Amon .•••.• _ George Bilbroueh •. 1Iral Phllips .•••.• _ 0 < • • . . ... . 74-807 . 1 7 . Pov. 500 '1> 30,000 Cont. & Com IN., Chi. 241.000 1 22;),000 18,600 25,000 Republic .• .Marquette C 4 Republic State Bank •• _•,..§ 12 Louis Lev10e •.•••• J. 0. Utberg ······ IJ. R. Tornberg ••• _ ·········-···---···· ~ 1 I . 7~-93-1 9 Pop. 2300 . I;:> · · · Varty J. Varty·····-· S. ··-----··---··Rhodes ••••• Gladw10 Il 8 Rho~es Bank of W. S. Fo~h,- W.S.Fothermgham O 13 ermgham & Co .••..•••• t 1 7 Pop. 47 ::, I 74-956 20,240 N.Park.N. Y.: Old N., Battle Creek; Kalamazoo rt8,671) 170,000 1 165,000 20,000 Richland.Kalamai:oo K 6 Farmers tate avings Bank M. A. Snow .•••.••. J. J. Campbell •••• H. G. Brown--····· ···-················ I ,... N. and Kalamazoo City av .. Kalamazoo. ' i '12 74-808 7 Pop. 283 56,060 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det. O 528,580 435, 30 12,420 25,000 Richmond_Maromb J 11 First Tational Bank ••..•. :t'15 ······-············· Judson Black ••••• _ .A. F. Lindke .•..••• ·····--···-·-·-···· 74-421 7 D Pop. 1303 Macomb County Sav. Bk.t$'98 J.M. Ealy ••••••••• ·················-· Elton T. Congdon, ----··-···--······· (Branch of Lerw x,Mich.) _ _ _ _ _ _ Cha e .• N. Y.: Cont & Com'l N., Chi.; Peo. :;Cl " --·--.. O tate and _Peninsular tate. DPt. .J.fgr. I , • . 74~22 . Richvtlle ••••• Tuscola I 9 Banko! R1chvtlle. .•.•• -.t 10 C. E. Gre 11ie ••••• _. P. 0. Pardee_ .••••. Ed. Schultz •••••••• - - - · · - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - · Bk. of Saemaw. Saemaw.; 1st & Old Det. N., 0. ::, . . . . . Det. I l , E~an-.; J. D. . , 74~809 . 7 I\ Pop. 300 59.200 1st N.• Chi., Spitzer-Rorick Tr. & Sav .. Toi., ~ 1-14.970 5,000 199,860 10,000RIP•-·---·Lenawee L 9 Farmers & M rch. Bank•it 06 Cora Jipson -······ J. J. Walper--····· \\. J. Bauer-····· ····--······-····-· ~ Jipson-CartPr tate. Blis flelcl. 1 74-810 7 D Pop. 250 26,310 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; Bk. of Det .. Det.; 2d N. and 178,750 12,490 177.700 20,000 Riverdale •••.• Gratiot I 7 Riverdale tate ·avini:sBa11k J.B. )loblo_ •.••• . - Geo. J. Sandel···- P. D. Bywater·-··- ····-····-- ·---·-··aginaw. Saginaw, of Bk. Crawrord F. .\.. •:t§'09 74-811 300 7 Pop. 75,400 1,2~.000 1,120,090 251.880 Chase N.. N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.: 50,000 H. C. BURKE-•..• _ E. M LAMB • • ·-- ···- D. J. GONIEA .••.••. G. J. KRAMER-·····Peninsular State, Det. River Roufe.Wayne K 10 RIVER ROUGE SAV BK •t§"0ij Olde:t, Large t and Strongest Bank In DeCorse T 1ownshlp. Tlrne~terns. and h Ca drar~-. ding La or glven_B111 11 ttenth~ Sp('CtaL 1D (DetroitP.O.)Pop. 9822 74 _812 • • Please send 15c wi th each siol~t draft Jo I r prescntatw1i and 125c for Credit Repor ts. 32,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st State, Det. 340,000 32;;,000 10,000 50,000 HOUf.!8 tate Bank_ •••• •t§' l9 11Ioward c. Wade __ .John Ca·. IUY, Jr. __ Edw.T . • lcLarhlan ···-·.···--········-" •••••••• " 1 llco. 1.1. Kirehner , it 1038 48,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N .. Det, 50,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 50,000 Rochester - Oakland J 10 First National Banlc ••••• •:·os jJ. O. Day ····--·-·· M. H. Ba elswerdt. L. E. Becker······-' C. \Y. heppard · ·~ I 1 c. w. })ton 74-394 7 ll Pop. 25-19 ~ 687,380 682,970 85,960 Chase N .• N. Y.: Peo. tat<•. Det. 30,360 50,000 Rochester Savini: Bk.•tllOOO I W. 0. ChaI>man •••• H.J. Taylor .•••••• : H . .A. Gase ••••••••• ---···-······· " •••••••• " l'. J. O'Hril'n ♦ 74-393 425,000 90,000 Bk. of the . tanha tan Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .. C:: 22,000 48::i,000 20.000 Rockford_ ••.••• Kent l 6 Rockford tale 8ank ••• •:t§ '06 H. 0. Hessler·-···· J. L. Snyder.···-·· E. J, Muir •.••••••• C. c. B, Kutts -···Chi.: G. !tap. N. City and G. Hap. Sav .. G. Rao. ~ L. R. s.-ars , 74·813 7 Pop. 114a 1;;0,030 53,820 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos.; Northw, '< 11,750 177,410 25.000 Rock:land.Onton~on B 2 First National Hank •••• •:•oo L. Stannard .•.••.. _ G. W. tannard •••• C. A. Mueller •••••. ···-············--·· .. ·., .Minpls. 74-814 9 Pop. 1~00 47,040 Chase N.,N. Y.; Peninsular State, Det. 408,800 15,310 419,360 20.000 Rockwood ... Wayne K 10 Rockwood tateRa.nk .• •t '11 A. n. Chapmav ···- David Valrance .... H. A. Wagar •••.. __ Ruth R. hapman. Wm . :.\lilliman 74·815 7 D Pop, 400 Hodney ••••. Mecosta II 6 l{odney Saving. Ilank ••• t'l9 E. 0. Newcombe ••• L. B. llanchett •••• Cha ·. JI. Bovay --·· ···---····-·---····· -· -·-·-· ------· ·---··· 1 74-10-18 7 Pop. 500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  w.  I  I ·  ·········1--- -----  I  I  ~  I  I  TOWN AND COUNTY.  'Al1E OF B,L'K.  ..  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bkli, Assn. §Sta Figure L !:«'ed. Re . Di t. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPnv. Dis De·roil Branch. •~lem. I<'ed.Re:. fE tab.  I'•:  ,:  :-  . ..  : •..• =··  •Ro~ers_Presque Isle E 9 Presque Isle 7 Pop. 2109 + 74-816 •.l:§ '90 Jtudolpll Duettgen " " State Savings Bank ______ §'l9 A. F. Lehndorfl' ___ C. A. Vogelheim ___ 74-lOJO F. H. Flemming Romeo _____ Macomb J 10 Citizens National Hank -•t'74 S. A. Reade ________ A. J. Crissman ____ 7 D Pop. 2102 74-361 ·• ------" Romeo Savings Bank __ •:t§ '971Wm. Rum ,ey ______ L.A. Holmes ______ • 74-362 I Romulus ____ Wayne K 10 Romulus State Bank ____ :W13 J. R. Taylor _______ R. Holhn<l ________ 7 0 Pop. 300 74-817 •RoscommonRoscommon Roscommon State Bank •:::S-07 W. B. Orcutt _______ 0. F. Barnes _______ 7 Pop. 357 G7 74-818 Ro e burg---- anilac I 10 IRo e burg Bank of Harris & ------------ ____ ____ __ ____ ______________ 7 0 ( Yale P. 0.) Co. _____ 74-1019 _______ t'li Rosebush ____ lsabella H 7 Rosebush State Bank- __ ;l:§'17 Floyd Mitchell ____ .J.P. Hauck ________ 7 Pop. 300 74-819 B. F. Johnston Rose City ___ Q1rnmaw G 8 McKay .• McDona}d & Co.,, - - - - - . ________ , ______________ 7 Pop. 331 Bankers_ 74-89L ______ t Ill " Rose City State .Hank ___ t§'Ol B, J. Henderson ___ 1D. :Mc Tair _________ 74-820 t J.P.Niggeman Royal Oak_Oakland K 10 First tate Bank _______ e;§'l4 John H. Baldwin ___ H. L. Mellen______ 7 0 Pop. 6007 + 74-942 C. B. Edwards " " RoyalOak Savings Bank•:l:§'07 ,\. D. Kidoer ____ J. )1. Beddow _____ • 74-821 Rudyard ___ Chippewa cg Citizens tate Bank _____ i '18 E. D. \Yhite ________ D. E. Turner ______ 9 f>op. 500 74-822 Ruth _________ Huron H n Citizens Bank of Seaman, Albert Seaman _____ John Wahla ______ 7 D Pop. 150 Wahla & Co. _________ •tt'07 John W. mith 74-823 •Saeinaw ____ sa~inaw I g *AMERICAN STATE BANK E. L. Beach ________ Edwin Kersten ____ 7 D Pop. 61,903 ♦ 74-27 •t§'l21 J. o. Davies . W. F. Hemmeter 1  *BA NK OF  ' OTTO SCHUPP ----- C. A. KHUEN -------  BENTON HANCHETT,W. J. WICKES  I  ',  f  t  II  t~  I I  35,000 $  I  25,000  H. J. McKay-------. R. S. Reade------  50,000  :, 16,740  1  685,280  ,: I  : I  •  L. E. Bedell ________ J. J. Brewer _____ _  100.0001  Delmer H. Rood ___ Ermina T, Bird __ _  20,000  15,850  307,470  223,040  C. H. De Wa1~1e ____ I. P. Love ________ _  20,000  6,000  171,000  183,000  ,I  I ;  .. . .  . ....  • , ,  'I  .  .; ' t  ~  ;, ' , t·  .. ·-  48,540 1,247,720 1,350,000  ; I ' I. I  t. •  ' I :_  I  t •  .  :;  .  .  t ·  '  t,  , '• •. • •••  I  ..... ' . ....... .  Edward Harris _______________ ---- --------- --------- --------- - -------- ---------  S:  HomerW.Gampbell Jesse H. Graham__ 20,000 3.000 197,000 -162,500 48,500 Chase N .. N. Y.: 2d N. and Bk. of Saginaw; Roy n. Matteson Saginaw; Peninsular State, Det. Neil McDonald---- Lucy B, .McDonald --------- -· ------- -------- - - - ------- 1st N., Bay City. (') Charles Goodrum __ F. L. Dean_________ . D. Thoma , ______ Mary A.. Beltz_____  50,000  G. A. Lehman _____ Ralph Beddow_____ Hazel Fisher E. M. Batdorff _____ ____________ ____ ____  20,000  c. WahJa_  14,000  J. W. Zinger _______ Norman H. T. Robinson ____  J.  s. G. Arnold_______ c. A. Laesch_ _ _  75,000  l  Z o:,  >  i,;  200,000  "4  ~  205,710 3,703,3i0 4,162,560  428,340 Han. N., N. Y.: Oont, & Com'l N., Chi.; N. Bk. C/l Com .. Det. _ _ _ _ _ __ ~  ____ ____ _ _ _  MORITZ F. J. ICHMIDT A. B. WILLIAMS  I  0  '  f1Q  1,000,000 531,440 17 618140 18 699120 2,087.110 1st N •• N. Y ., Chi. and Phli.; lat & Old ~ G.C. GOTTSCHALK _ _ _ _ _ Det. N.,Det. rn 1 A,t.SUTHERLAND r+ O.E.LOEFFLER o  •t1' 88 Largest Bank In Michigan outside of Detroit Banks at all four business centers-E., W., N .. and S. Sides.  *COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK  _ C) ...._ ,,,,.  1  s. s. ROBY --------  HOLLAND-  ::r:  5,000 - - - - - - - - - Bk. of Det. and N. Bk. Com .. Det.; Far. State _ ? _ ay.andlstN.,BayCity. 40,000 l,2<>0,100 1 1,-16,000 12a,900 N. City. N. Y.; Peo. State and 1st & Old Det . N., Det. 80,000 1,110,000 l.190,000 122,0GO Chase N ., N. Y.; N. Citr, Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and Merch. N.• Det. 9,780 142,090 157.680 17,670 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Sault Sav. and 1st • ·., Sault _ Ste. Marie. 10,000 380,000 390,000 6,,,000 Peo. State, Det.; U.S. Sav., Port Huron.  20,000 1  SAGINAW 74-24  f'  C.R. Carter ------ ______________  Ch. of Bit. ARNOL~ BO UTE LL  ♦  ,,  . •'  00 P>  (IQ  s·  ----1R.  G. A. AIC1erton _____ J. W. Fonlney 'l'. Maynard__ IM. E. Curran______ 100,000 140,280 1.540,130 1,639,710 229,620 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep,, Ohi.; 1st & P> 74-25 • '88 Old D 0 t N D t ~ *Peoples Sav ings Bank •t§'87 J. J. Rupp ________ Wm. B. Baum ______ J. F. Boynton. B. F. Griffin, A.Tr. 100,000 181,'fi60 2,433,020 2,465,270 423,870 Garfleld N. Y~: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; <; 74-23 Sec. and Tr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N. Bk. Com., Det.; Liberty, Buffalo, N. Y.  .N.,  *S ECOND  '  NATIONAL BANK  R.  Oldest Incorporated Bank-Largest Commercial Banking Business. Our INTELLIGENT COLLECTION SERVICE merits atrial. Prompt Presentation- Quick Returns- Reasonable Rates.  1  •  500,000  977.370 j 9,391.830 9.290.360 : 1,638,840 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N. and 1st N., Chi.; : I 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. State. Det.; We cordially invite your business. I N. Shawmut, Bo .; Phil. N., Phfl. 74- 22 •:t·n - -R ~O~G-ER_ R_.-H-IL_L_,-p-,.c.·. & Trrn.·. jlnvestment Bank ers. 50,000 ~l Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2d N. and Bk. of RICHARDSON HILL & CO. I High grade Mu nlc!pal, Railroad and Public Utllit y Bonds for Inves tment. . I Saginaw, Saginaw, Mich. (IncorJinrated) Liberty Bonds- all issues-bought and sold. I  ALLEN G THURMAN & CO ,  (Membt7'8 indicated bJJ a *)  ===I===  ===  1  I A.G. THORMAN----  Members Cnlca · ·- 1911 Stocks, Bonds, & ! Main Offices G :Saginaw Clearing House _____ Benton Hanchett, Chairman  TIME AND INTEREST SAVED BY USING OUR MODERN TRANSIT SYSTEM' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  y -- EDW. w. GLYNN--- A. H. PERRIN-----A. H. MORLEY EDW. W. GLYNN  GEO. 8. MORLEY -- ARTHUR D. E  ·--·~·  H. E. BOUWKNEGT, Se c. and Tr, __________ W. J. TOBIN, ______________________________ Thomson & McKinnon, and Pauch & Co., N. go Board 01 nade. Res. Mor. Y.; Thomson & McKinnon, Chi. Grains. Private W ires to all Markets. Branchu: Flint. S a,rinaw. Muake,r on, Mic hi,an. rand Rapid•• Mic higan. ____________________ J.A.Keeler,Mc,r, __________________________________ - - - , 1'  ·  '  •  ,  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  ~  .  ·-_,_  :[·~';..;;':_;_. - - - - - -  °'°' '1  668  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U.S. enluslvcly by The Rand-lUcNally Bankers• Dlr~ctory, _un~e~ ~!e au!,_h_orlty of The American Bankers Ass'n.  _  TowN AND COUNTY. NAME OP' BANK. •County Seats. • •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 1 tate PRESIDENT. VICE PRESI Figure is Fed. Hes. D1 t. :t:Mem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. · DENT· D1sDetroitBran('h. ♦ :.\lem.Fe<l.~e~. (E,tab. - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - 1  CASHIER.  _ _  _ __ _  I-- P "r;iisrLITIE  Ass'T C•sHI"'R A  1----  ....  GEORGE BURKHART G. J. MAHN·-------- E. D. SKIHHER---··· I I SALINE SAVINGS BANK •i§'08 I WeofferEfflden •t, Personal Serdc e1 lUodern Equip ♦ 74-478 { to those entrust ing their business to our progrcssiv ,  ·-  RESOURCES.  to.,.••»••-  u 1SURPWs_D _ _  •  .  c..11 • •1 •  AID- P A.ND l EPos- c'n. no.. o,. CIUJ1a•,»~ CA.PITAL:PRO~S ~ , B • c v a m : u no11Buu  8aliv_e-·- Washtenaw K 9 Citizens Bank·----·--·-•:t:§'02 B. P. Davenport. __ G. C. Townsend ___ C. A. Curtiss. ______ L. E. Fairbank __ .. 1$ 7 D Pop. 30 H-477 J. \Y. Hull I  I  Non-Dank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) iu back of this°' vol~me. For ln~e.!:_e ~ Rates, _Holidays, etc., see Law • ~  MICHIGAN-Continued _ _ _  E. H. SMITH -···A. R. BURKHARDT  25.000  30.000  450,000  I  518,000  60,000 Chase r., N. Y., N. Bk, Com .. Det.; State Sav .. Ann Arbor.  I  I  ·--------------·----i-----· _____________ ---- ____  I  (  74-126  '  I  I  l  ,f lRST NAT, BANK  Corn Ex. N., Chi.: G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap. lst&OldDet.N.and Merch.N.,Det.: Federal Com I & av .. Pt. Huron. Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. 1 tate. Det.; ht N. Ex., Pt. Huron. ~ 2d N., Saeinaw. I .  .  Bk. of Saemaw, Sagmaw· Peo. State, Det. .  Cha e N .. N. Y.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rao.  . Oh1. ; G.  Ft. Dear. N., N. City,  .  • Y.;  . . City,  100.000  73,630 1.749,880 1,655,650  Special attentlo n given nm of La ding drafts, Ca b and Time Item s. FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain aisrht drafts, ISc; Cred l it Report., 25c. TRY U S.  =:: J !() ~ ,• ~  ,-..,  > z Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Rap.  G. Rap.  1.4-'  tJ:I  N. Bk. Com., Det.  > Z :,::  :  R. 6. FERGUSON. E. H. MEAD --·-·-- FRED S. CAfE --··· O. B. McNAUGHTON FRED S. CASE DONALD FINLAY I SON  •:!'. '86  I  6 -1,820 $ 77-1,0-10 $ 107,200!Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Dimel av .. Det.  I  SAVINGS BANK  ----------------  70,720  Sand Lake .. _____ Kent I 5 IExchanee Bank. ___ ---··· t '08 F. E. _ hattuck ---- 1 - · - · - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - R. T. Hamilton ---· F. E. Shattuck.---· ' 20,000 2;5,000 ·---. ---12:5,000I 130,000 1 7 Pop. 366 I 74-824 .Sandusky. __ SanilacllO StateBankofSanduskyt§'97 C.J.Oleson. _____ . A.E. leeper .... __ J.H.Hands ______ .. W.R. Wiley .. _____ 20.000 37,000 965,0001 900.000· 125,000 7 D Pop.1228 74-461 F. C. Ballard I " TRUMAN MOSS STATE BANK T. J. Anketell ·---- ).I. )1. tone---··-· Fred T. Donner. __ J.E. Lowe_. __ .•. -. 20,000 11,700 3-10.000 326,100 45,600 . 74-460 :tS'!l7 ' 8anford.--.- Midland H 7 Bank of Sanford_. _______ t'09 .M. A. Walker ______ ·------------------- C. J. Walker------· ·--- ---·------------ _______________ - - - - _ _ _ 7 Pop. 250 . 74-825 I . . I . Saranac.--· ---·Ioma J 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank William Gunn ----- ---·--------------- F. J. G1trord. ______ ]. Pop. 750 .. 74-474 r t'l0 , _ . . I . ________ ,, Saranac State Bank_ . ___ §1900 Cha!>. E. Uultu ___ . Lewis C. David---- W. H. Hunt_ ______ . ---···----·------30,000 30,000 460,000 460,000 60,000 . 74-473 _• , I ~ Saogatock ____ Alleean J 4 Frmt Growers Slate Bk. U 06 D. M. Gerber ______ Fred Wade ________ W.R. Takken ----· L. R. Brady________ 100,000 31.980 199,1001 861,300 86,110 7 Pop. 526 • 74- 826 I · I · J. L. LIPSETT-·-· C. E. AINSWORTH. A. W. CLARIE-.--- C. W. SWART·--·· 100,000 1 35,000 1,064,000 1,019,000 183,000 •Sault Ste. Marie, Chipp'a \ I P. J. WINES . 9 Pop. 12,096 B 9 We do a gener al Banking and 1E1.change buslne ss. !oiave time and ~et service on Col lectfon' and Credit Reports by sen ding ♦ 7-1-l 2S •!§'0 2 FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight ' drafts, I Sc; Credit Report., 25c. TRY u s. 1 1 1  CENTRAL  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  25.000 $  ment and unexce lied faci litles e bank. TRY US. Please send 15c wit h each sight draft/or prese~ztationand 25cl for Credit Reports. ,  1  I  en j en  363,780 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N •• Det.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. su .....  5·  (1)  Sault Savings Bank ____ •t '87 Geor~e Keml). _____ .M. J. Maeee ·------ E. L. Stanley-----· D. E. Van Dusen __ 100,000 45,000 1,600,000 l.300,000 418,210 Han.~-· ~. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det.; ,... ♦ 74-127 H. E. Fletcher 1st N ., ~lmpls. o SchoolcratL.Kalam. K 5 Kalamazoo County State Bk. G.D. Cobb ________ P.O. Pursel.. ____ . Ji', :.\I. Smith------· ------·-·---· 20.000 7,780 588,720 513,330 70,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com '! N., Chi.: Kala7 Pop. i:n 74- 827 :s·o • 'I mazoo City av., Kalamazoo. en Scotts ____ Kalamazoo K 6 Bank of Scotts ---·---·---t'07 Elias Frost ________ "·ormau Ilarper __ . F. L. Critz ______ . H. E. Rapp-------· -----· _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ -------· N. Bk. Com., Det.; KalamazQo N., Kalamazoo. ~7 Pop. 400 74-828 M. E. Happ v  F. J. READER •• --. H. GORDON ......•.. A. R. SIEGEL·-····· A. L. WILSON..... .. T. D. SMITH  ScottvilJe ____ .. Mason H4 PEOPLES STATE BANK-•t§'ll 7 Pov.10-15 74-894  1  ________  "  GODFRIED GETTEL KEITH M. MORRIS-.. MARTIN LIST.---···· LOUIS H. DENNER ·-  • :i: · '011  ,  #  25,000  25.000I 8.315  ~Cl··" ~~•n'll=l••· ""%"-'-_,\\ut ·•'-~~''f..c\\\ ~~S~i~~Sif(i:,t\\e· ·M[ltCRANTS  Shelby _______ Oceana H 4 CHURCHILL & WEBBER-tt'83 1 C. L. CHURCHILL- --- W. H. CHURCHILL -- LOYAL CHURCHILL 1 7 Pon. 12 74-832 l - ,··-r•·,~•7::""!'~t,y:._..;,.;  I  '  I  •  ;  •  I  - -. .,..  - r · ·.·.~ r:7  I  ,  ,  •  ,  •  •  '  ...  /'.  5i8,870  6i2,410  10V00 1N. Park, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st & Olcl Det. N .. Det.; Old N .. G. Rap.  29-1,520  330,860  -19,790 1st N., Chi. and Bay City; N. Bk. Com., Det.; Am. State, Saginaw.  1;;  700.000  30.530 6,250 1  I  ,1r.."IM.... . ,'  . ,, .  "--4  21,000  J. L. Bur:!ess  ------tt·u,  ••  35,000  I I  Shabbona-· - anilac II 10 Shabbona Rank or 'rhos . .Mc- 'l'homa, ~IcCounell \\'. \\'. Auslanclcr _ W. F. Ehlers------ D. Woodhull --···· <Dcclicr I'. u.) onucll, • Co._ 7 D Pop. 150 74-831 I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  100.450 :.\Ierch .• · ., ~- Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; G. '< Rap. N. CltY, G. Rap.; Pco. tate, Det.  -120.-160  Young, Modern , Progressh·e. Gro wing, Per onal, •~ fflclent ervtce As sured. { 'peclal atteutio n ghen Bill of La ding drafts, Ca ·h and Time Items. Pleas send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r presentation and 2 5cfor CreditReports.  SEBEWAING STATE BANK Frank: \Y, Hubbard John Ryan-------· G. E. Evcrin1?ham. W. J. Heherl.r ·---· 74 830  1  355,060  21.000  Modero. Progre she, Up-to-date, Personal ervice, unexcelled faclllt les. { Special attentlo n given BIil of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please swd 15c wi th each sight draft I or presentation and 25c for Cred•t Repor ts.  tate Savin1.>:s Bank ---·•U'!l8 0. W. McPhaiL---· ?IL S. towell ______ M. Kienholz. ______ J. T. O'llParn_____ 74-820 En!!enie ~imon Sebewaine ____ Huron H 9 FARMERS & MERCHANTS 7 D Pop. 14-16 STATE BK ••74-10-11-._.•/19  30,000  ~  I  ---, -_- i .... ' ' :, ' . I  -_-_-  ,•  I I  ~ I  -,  i.  I,•  -  •  '  I II I  3,350  l  7-1.760  SU  65,550  100.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Peo. State, Det.: 2d naw: 1st N., Bar City.  '., Sagi- ::,  16,510,lst & Old Det. N., Det.; Bay City, Bay City.  II I  '  t  ~  ~ ll)  ,;  ~  I II  MlTIONAt RANK  Non-Bank Toff•ns wltb Nearest Banking  dexed Acces.), Law,.-ers, Law (indexed) in back of thiS SU volume. For Interest Rates__, Hol!days, ~tc._, ~~ Laws. ::l --==~L=I=A..=B::::IL::-1::-T---IE=S=.==:::::::,:;:=~ R=E:..... S_OURCES. PRI?JCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, C::  i ~  Non-Bank Towns wltb NearcS t Banking  by Tbe '#IBand~McNalf?aanke";;.r:  to each bank in u. S. eJCclusl'f'elr defect Ac~s.),ILtawyers, Laws (illctexed) in back of this tu Directory. under_tbe authorlt;r o!_Tbe American Bankers'n. -=--....:..:.::=----=-=--=-=-=====---=-- :...=___:===---====:._;;:. .....:============= =vo ume. fOr n er~Rat~Holidays, ~ see Laws. ::l _ TOWNAND COUNTY.  NAME OF 13ANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. Fh!ure is Fed. Re , Di t. ~Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [E tab. +1lem. FeJ. He·. Di Detroit Branch.  ·  I -  VICE-PRESIDENT.  PRESIDENT.  ?f-~{t 90 ..  M. B. AXTELL  ~~~•:,~~::  ~:::o!,~~~11  ITS  sscoruTlSe  no:11B•NIUl.  ---1~:  l-1:~:ner ______  _ 74 310  2  1  •tl"67 74-309 South Lyon.Oakland K 9 State Savini:s Bank ____ _;tf'05 74-840 . 7 D Pop. 1115 South Rani:e ___ Houi:hton South Range ta.te Bank •t§'03 • 7'1-841 A3 9 Pop. 1435 8011th RockwoocLMonroe Bank of South Rockwood ttl900 74-842 K 10 7 0 Pop. 316 8part&___________ Kent I 5 Peoples State Bank _____ Z Pop. 1502 ,. Sparta State74-904 Bank ------U'98 • 74-843 State Bank:1:§'U Lake Spring 4 I Ottawa __ Spring Lake ♦ 74-960 7 Pop. 978 8prineport __ Jackson K 7 Sprine-port State Savini:s Bk. t§'08 . 74-844 7 D Pop. 535 Stambaugh ______ Iron C 3 Commercial Bank _____ e.,.§"09 74-845 9 Pop. 2263 •Standish _____ AreoacH 9 State Bank of Standish .• +§'03 74-846 7 Pop. 795 •Stanton ___ Montcalm I 61Peoplc tate Bank ______§'21 74-1077~ 7 Pop. 862 State Savings Bank _____ i§'0l " ________ " 74-847 Stanwood ___ Mecosta H 6 Stanwood State aving Bk .. 74-848 7 Pop. 273 St. Oharles ___ sa~inaw I 8 St. Charles State Bank .•i§'08 • 74-849 7 D Pop. 1451 St. Olair ___ st. Olair J ll Commercial & Sav. Bk .• •U"86 ♦ 74-850 7 0 Pop. 3200 State Savings :Bank ----•!§'20 " 74-1050  u·n  ""1  --=-=------=-=--=---------- ----I~  125.000  G. T. Gready ______ J. H. Sayre ________ R. J. mith ________ Lulu Bullard------J. B. Bradley L. L. Hubbard _____ A. D. Edwards _____ G. 0. F.dwards _____ H. A. Kellow______  ..,.  Ft. bear. N., Chi.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.; N. Bk. Com., Det. Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Peo. State, Det. G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.  20,000  5,750 52,110  Henry Strong ______ 1F. L. Edward~ _____ F. L. Edwards _____ 0. Chamberlain. __ (Indivicl ual Resp M.A. Vreeland 11,490 25,000 A. A.. Anderson ____ Eddie Reyburn ____ L.A. Anderson_ ____________ N. A. Shaw 8,000 30,000 C. A. Bloomer _____ M. W. Burtch _____ C. A. Johnson _____ M:. K. Burke ______ D. J. Wallace 13,000 25,000 G. W. Christman ___ Thomas Johnston _ M. M. Morse _______ Frank Scholten___ Clayton Needham Paul F. Markoff 31,000 20,000 R. B. Hoai: ________ Allen Crawforo, Jr. W. J. Deyoe _______ f----------- _________ . _ • 20,000 25,000 C. E. Lawrence ____ Ole Lundm ________ 0. G. Groeschel__ __ F. J. Dawson______ , 30,000 30."ooo H. A. Chamberlain. •. B. Weaver ______ Joseph Martin _____ G. H. Gia ure _____ F. v. Keller 3,130 25,000 J. R. Hudson ______ L. c. Palmer ______ W. H. Lavery _____ F. II. De Hart.____ G. II. locum 9,000 20,000 C. \V. French ______ B. L. Gaffield ______ W. S. French ______ C.H. Smith_______ E. C. Newcombe .. _ M. D. Crane ________ Reamer W. Wigle. Charles Mitchell.. samuel \"\ addell A. T. Sanderson ___ W. H. McEwen ____ F. D. Vedder______ ____________________  §'191  R. S. Jenks _______ Henry Whiting ____ G. E. Wolvin _____ A. E. Maw_________ J. Mc:Kair Ealy ____ Hugh II. Hart. ____ Chase Crissey _____ F. D. Beadle______ Peter C. Pardee  392,00G  !::::=I  ~  ...,. (')  :::C  0 ~  tI1  ~  ~ en I en  .g  175.660 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A .. N. Y.; Cont.& Com'l r., Chi.; Lt & OldDet. .. Det.; Kalamazoo City ::;C'D Sav ., Kalamazoo. 38,200 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det.  75,920 1.074,980 1,100,240  30,000  '°rv.,_  Han. N., N.Y.; 1st .. Chi.; 1 t & Old Det. N., Det.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap.  lst&OldDet N Det·2dN Saai·naw ' "' ., ., · .• N. Bk. com., Det.: 2d N., Saginaw. 15,800 99,600 96,000 4,220 20,000 FredLeiter._______ A,·ery Gaffield _____ F. H. Wilson _______________________ ___________________ N. Park. N. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N .. net.; u. s. Sav., Port Huron. c. L. Bell__ _____ E. F. Yatter ------ 20,000 1 9,780 169,960 163,000 26,040 Merch. N ., Det.: u. s. Sav.• Port Huron. 70,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LibertJ N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 5,000 ____ G. A. Stone, Jr, ____ Ray Dick____ Peo. Sav .• G. Rap. ___________  75 600 1155 770 1207 350 140 220 100 000 MEMBER FEDh'RAL RJt,~ERVE.-U. S. DEPOSITORY. ' Send your South Haven Items and Collections direct to us for Prompt, __,;__ __,,;__ ~ _..;_;__ Per onal Attention. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Please send I!ic with each 8iOht clra/tJor presentation and 25c for Credit Reports.  c:  tu  1  18,500 $ 370,000 $ 335,000 $ 80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N.,Det.  tJ·jli,i'L~  Aaron Amon. ______ F. P. Wilson ______  PRI!'JCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  CITIZENS STATE w. A. RATCLIFFE --- JACOB NIFFENEGGER c. E. DILLEY-------- F. w. RADTKE----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BANK •tl'Q I ROSS----- C. F. HUNT _______ __!_______ ;FIRST STATE BK, GEO. C. MONROE-- M.VOLNEY H. BIXBY ♦ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  8 U!_~:;us  s, Efffolent, Perso nal Attention to all business. et service on Coll ections and Credi t Reports by send ing CE: Plain 11ight d rafta, ISc; Credi t Reports, 25c. TRY US. 36,000 415,000 13,300 445,000 20,000 W. E. ADAMS ________ H. E. ROSSELIT ----- M. E. CARROLL-----Satlsf actory Service As sured. to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and ch credit report i nsures prompt, p ersonal attention John R. Hudson ___ W.W. Hudon _____ F. E. MacGowan __ 3,500 176,800 172,000 20,000 20,000 H. Runyan ________ R. W. Cutler ______ K. c. E. Ladyman __ 10,300 125,000 136,000 20,000 15,000 H. J. Klose W. H. La\·ery _____ W. H. Lavery _____ \Yayne Hudson __________ --------- - - - - - - _ _ _ J. R. Hudson ____________________ AmosL.Kinney ___ F.dithA. Kinney _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -  SouthBoardmanKalkaska Bank of Boardman ______ ;tt'07 (G. A. Stone, Jr.) __ ------------------··___________ 74-838 F6 7 Pop. 700 Sour HW'oe::-art9nB°f(~  'I  LIABILITIES. PAID,-UP  J. L. UPTON------- J. H. STRUBLE------ LYNN T. MILLEIL--- WM.J. BREW--------$ 20,000  CENTRAL STATE SAV. BANK  7  , Ass T CASHIER.  --,-,-----,·-:--:-:---:c-:-=-- --,----,-------,-------,cAPirA L PROFITS  Modern l\lethod •t§'08 { Save time and g 74-476 FEE IN ADYAN S. D. THOMPSON--BA~K Oldest Establis COMMERCIAL S"(ATE 74-4 7<> t§ 94 { 15 CENTS sent 25 CENTS for ea Sheridan ___ Montcalm I 6 Peoples tate Bank ______ §'14 jG. H. Slocum ______ 74-833 7 Pop, 489 8her wood ____ Branch L 6 State Savings Bank _____ :t§'09 J. A. Stanton ______ 74-834 7 Pop. 250 Sidney _____ l,lontcalm I 6 Bank of Sidney _________ t"l6 G. H. Slocum ______ 74-918 7 Pop. 200 Silve rwood_.Tuscola 110 EalyKinney&Co.,Bankers -------------------•!t'07 74-835 7 0 P,,p. 200 LakeS:::§'14 W. J. Orr __________ Sixl kesPop~1fg ntcalm I 61State Bank 0 Banker~t·os C. C. Peck _________ 8mith s Creek __ st. Clair C. C. Peck & 7~-836 , 7 0 Pop. 300 . J 11 Sno7ell -Pop:-2iimlac 110 Snover Sta.t~lf3~k ______ ;t§ 14 James McCaren  Shepherd ____ Isabella H 7 7 Pop. 823  CASHIER.  362,720  3.  71,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com 'l N., Chi.; Peo . ..+ 0 State, Det.: N. Shawmut. Bos. en onsibilit II $150,00 0) ______ Merch. N .• Det.; Dansa.rd State, Monroe. :-1' 91,460 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Peo. State, Det.: 405,170 338,370 (') . , G. Rap. Sav., G. Rap. ~ 3.>,090 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com 1 N., Ch1.; 4th ,..... 527,04:J 529,950 tu Det. N., Det. Old & 1st Rap.: G. N., 30,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Grand Haven ==;· 375,000 370,000 State, Grand Haven. 53,830 N. Park, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st & Old 301,380 286,890 _ Det. N., Det.; City N., ~3;nsing. . 74,690 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Co1..1 J N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. 575,000 535,300 I ~ .. Mil. _ 900,000 135,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Peo.j 950,000 Com·1 & Sav, and 1 t N., Bay City. 30,120 N. Bk. Corn., Det.; G. Rap. N., G. Rap. 70,000 90,000 631,530  651,310  ~ • : t•  60,000 Chase N .. N.Y.; G. Rap. • City, G. Rap.;Peninsular State, Det. . · 14,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; G. Rap, N. City, G. Rav.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 81,820 Chase N·., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'J N., Chi.; Am. 436,790 483,950 9,670 25,000 State, Saginaw. 52,790 1,120,370 1,128,320 107,920 Chase N .• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Peo. 50,000 State, Det. 50,000 - - - -------- - - - - - - - Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; U. . •..o av., Pt. Huron. 25,000  950  400,000  350,000  89,000  97,000  1'  °'°'  644 Selectec  670  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-lUcNally Bankers• Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  · rowN .lND couNTY.  -  NAME oi,- BANK.  -  °'  I  -  -  p l•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •County Si>ats. RESIDENT. Figure is Fe<.l.Re .. Dist. t:MPm.StatR.Bks.Assn.tPriv. [E~tab. 0 is Detroit Branch. 1• -Mem. Fed. He.. 1 - br-id- fe Stephenson .. ~enominee Bank of Stephenson .•. •is·o2 _E_d_w_a_rd- S-aw 74-851 D5 9 Pop. 630 Sterlin: ..•• _.Arenac G 8 Sterlin.: Bank ----··--···:l:f'09 H. A. Chamberlain. 74-852 7 Pon. 550 Ste,·ensrille.Be rrien L 3 teven:n-ill e ..: ta+e Bank §'20 Fr.ed Bartz·--····· , . 74 106 . 7 Pop. 206. •St. Ienac1:; C 8 First Nat10 :1l:nk .••• •t 88 O. W. Johnson •••. - o., 9 Pop. 1 uw  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of t Is volume. :F or Intere '! Rates, ~olldays, etc,, see Law • ~ HEsouRcES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  MICHIGAN-Conti·nued  w. B. Winter ______  LJ.\B1L1T1Es.  8  u!~ue PAID-UP CAPITAL PROFITS  Ass'TOASHIE.R.  CA.SHIU.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  Glen E. Sanford ••. -N-.-E-.B_u_r_k-lu_n_d______ $  DEPOS1TB  ~.:::a~~~~a.n ..  ~:~•:,~~~  no"  sscuRaT,..  50.000 $ H.000  472.000  476,000 $ 236,000  -T-.  . '""c_h_i-.: I - ·1- -.-" C-om -_y___: _C_o_n_t_. - & .• 63,000 1.H_a_n-.-.-T~larsliall ,, II ley, Mil. ., Det.; N Det. Old & 1st Chi.: .. N Com'l & 33,000 Cont. 1st .andFar.Sta· esav., Bay City. 25,570 Cont. & Com 'l N .• Chi. ; Far. & Merch. N., Benton Harbor. 211,340 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N •• Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N ., Det .  A. E. Sleeper·----· H. G. Bacon •. .•••. J. 0 Mutch ..... - ..  20,000  13..500  215,000  Louis 1Iongreig ... Fred Jung -·----· ··--············ .... Henry Rutz E. H. Hoichkiss ·- E. H. Hotchkiss··- H. A. Powers.-·--·  25,000  4.430  230,290  217,960  50.000  41.830  791.040  687,030  T. E. Corkin. A. Sec,  50.000  51,000  625,000  625,170  !Farmers St~l~ tvines Bi~t R. S. Clark ·····--- 1Jesse Sullivan.---· E. A. Tallmadge ••• R. D. Letts····-··· 99  25,000  7,930  494,510  463.410  !state Bank ~i-ih;Johns.*1'85 Martin Weller ••••• A. E. Wilson·---·· F. L. Thome.·--·-·  w. G. Wykoff .••..  50,000  60,000  550,000  550.0001  c. Dexter •••. - ••  H. A. Watson .•.. .  50,000  60,000  500,000  591,940  72,480 ,Han. N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com 'l N., Chi.; 1st&,~ I Old Det. N .. Det.  60,000  61,280 1 1.507,310 1,110,210  541.780 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Es. N. and Cont. & t CO Com'I N., Chi.; 1st N., Clev. and St. L.; _ ,,.N. Bk. Com., Det.  7  C. E. BalL---·---- R. .St. Johns •••. Clinton J 1 lounton Oounty Savini:s Bank J.C. Hicks ---··--· 1'811 74-316 7 Pop. 392:5  o. C. Vat2£han ----·  St. Johns N~tii:1 Bank•t·65 John C. Hicks··-·•St Joseph •. Berrien K 3 7 Pop. 7251  R.  c. Dexter, Tr . . .  {E. A. BLAKESLEE. w. A. PRESTON ••---- A. R. MORFORD .••-. --··----········-··· Collections or other business entrusted to this bank NATIONAL BANK l will receive pro mpt and careful attention. _74-233 •t'll3 COMMERCIAL  100,050  59,410 1 N. City, . Y.: Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Det.: Old N .. G. Rap.; Capital N., Lansing.  {  -~s·s2  74-2a2  St. Louis-·-·-·Gratiot I 7 Commercial Savini:s Bk. :tS'89 ;,S. McIntyre. ___ F. H. Bernard 74-352 7 Pop. 3036  " ··---··- " I  A. B. Darraeh. _____ Gratiot Connty State Bank •:t§'70 74-351 Slockbridi:e __ lnfham KS Stockbridge State Bank.:tl'08 W. J. Dancer••• _•• 74-854 7 D Pop. 699 stnreis ••• St. Joseph LG State Bank.-•.• •1'92 1M. E. Aulsbrook-. . 74-308 7 Pop. 599::i Sturgis ...·ational Bank •• •t'64 J. H. Wh1tiner_. __ • -··--·" 74-307 8unfleld ..••• _._Eaton J 6 Sunfield State Savmi:s Bank A.H. Sayer .. _. ___ . •t§'I2 74-855 7 Pop. 456 Suttons Ray .Lt>elanau F 5 Leelanau Oounty Saving~ Bk. G. S. Whitmore •• -. t§'04 • 74-856 7 Pop, 3P2 J. Miller _____ ._. Swartz Creek.Genesee J II Bank of Swartz Creek ••• tt·os 74-857 7 D Pop. 450 •Tawas C1ty. __ losco G lO IEaly, 1Ickay & co .. Banker t'05 74-858 7 Pop. 101 Tecnmseh_.Lenawee K !1 1 LUley State Bank--·---•*1'55 R. A. Heesen ---·-♦ 74-333 ' 7 D Pop. 2432 Tecumseh State Savini:s Bk. J. H. Smith_···--·" ·---··-.. •ti'll3 ♦ 74-334 Tekonsha_•• Calhoun K ti Farmers &Merchants Bank J. A. Doolittle·-·· 74 10711 569 · no D. G. )fartinson • •• ---·--t1'77 7·• Pop. .•. First State Bank --·----· 74-859 Tem~rance.Monroe L 10 Bank or Temperance_ •. it·oa J. S. Knapp. ______• 74-8110 7 0 Pop. 300 Tbompsonvillt'-BenzieF4 'fhompsonville Bank _j:tl!IOO R. Herren - - 74·8111 7 Pop. 410 ThrPe Oaks_.Hf'rrien L 3 E. K. Warren & Oo .• _•• •tt'90 E. K. Warren •••• _. 74-436 7 Pop. 1362  I  -  1  1  15,040  343,540  295,310 1  376,290  347,610  John Buck -·---• 1E. B. Campbell. ___ --- ·-· · ·-·-·-··-····  25,000  Orville Gorton ••••. E. B. Ostrander ••• P. C. Dancer----· • C. A. Sturfes _____ Arthur Walton·--· H. C. KrafL ___ •• _ . T. J. Collins J.C. Fetter-·-·--· Wilson Roo·e ··-·· D. M. Frank.·---··  100,000 1  52,720 1,213.020 1,197,410  100,000  50,000  747,600  F. P. Turner.·-··-- 1D, G. We1pperL ••. C. A.. Fors.·-·--·· '  22,500  20,000  358,000  20.000  .  30,770  I  863,770 1  ('l)  'g.  F. J, Temple·---·- H. S, Temple.·-··· F . . Turnn ..• ·--· I  40,000  26,230  796,460  ,Isaacson·--· • L. G. North ..••• ___ F. C. Sn elL-···--· G I E. Fren 11orf C. II. Phelps . ..... F. H. Cowa rd • .... J.C., hecld ···--··  26,000  32,310  873,4601 664,030  38.500  'I 30,000 · · ••• _. F. D. Rice_·--·--· R. E. Waldo. ______ B. G. Doolittle ll. M. Randall 5,000 ··-····---·---····· S. L. WaJlace--·--· S. N. Wallace._____ . 10,000 ····-······-·----·- E. M. Dixon··----· -- --·--·--·-----·· . 20,000 O. K. Warren.-.~·- W. H. Kramer ••••• ·--- --··· ·· - - lllllflill..""(11 .......... . . Alec Watson  150,060 Ohase N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com·1· N .• Chi.; 1st O & Old Det. N. and Peo. State, Det.  85,210 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; 1st& Old ~ Det . • .• Det.: Old · ., G. Rap.; 2d N .. Saginaw. o 71,lOO IFt. Dear. N .. Chi.; Peo. State, Det.; N. Union . ...:, ~ Jackson. 168,320 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'lN .• Ohi.; N. Bk. :l'" I@ Com. and Peo. State. Det. 120,000 Chase N .• N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st & Old ri, Det. K., Det. 40,000 Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: G. O Ill Rap. T. City. G. Rap.; City N .• Lan ini:. 175,000 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: G. Hap. Sav., G. Rat>.: :,:..o C/l 1st N ., Traver e c. 50,000 Chase N.. .Y .: Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.: Peo. State. Drt.; Industrial Sav., Flint. 0,000) •.. 1Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Bk. of Saginaw, Saginaw.  I  365,000  •  403,000 10.000 459,000 25,000 Jos. Hahnrnberg -· , R. L. Power .••...• Clara Ruth ... _. __ . . . Jam~ Kehl 251,000 340,000 6.000 __ ... --· M. D. Davison.··-· Floyd Larobanere. W. L. Miller .•••••• 1 Eva M. Brimley L. G. McKay. __ ••. Fred Swartz- - ··-· 1([n ,Uvid uaZ Res ponsibil it11 $1,00  1.·. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st & Old N .• Det. 257,590 Chae N .. N .Y.: 1st N .. Chi. ; . Bk. Com., Tol.: .._ Peo. tate. Det, Ill 10,060 Comw. F ed. av .. Det.; Peo. N .• Jackson.  110,580  966,990  290  12,620  38,270  13,570  230,760  228,830  5,000  70,000  65,000  50,590 Chase N.• N. Y.•· Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.·, 1 ~ ,.. Ill Dime Sav., Det. 6,000 N. Bk. Com .. Det.; Secor. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Oo .. j~ Toledo. ..,. 3,000 - - - - - - ·--··---· Ohase N., N. Y.; Old N., G. Rap.  q  1.0  50,000 · - - - - - - - · - - - Chem . and 1st N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohi.; 1st t-.:1 ..,. & Old Di>t. N .. Dflt. . . . . . .~  '(ose.-"\ce ~ Use l\\e:·.- MtRCl\lMlS'~N~l\UNlt 8_ANl ·Ql_Uetro1t ~ 5&1:ISl#;l~ti.~  :·  1   I • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,  ---  •  I  ;  ·  •  •  1  •  I  I  ..  •  •  I  I  I'  I  I  '  ,.  I'  -  -- -  -  I  ,  :  I  ,  I  l;  I  •  '  ,  •  .  .  ·-·  .  ~  --  -  •  -  •  .  .  -  I ,  ~If  _.-------  '  ;.:.'  '  •  . . ;,  ' ' I,  I  ,  I  •  •  •  ,.  '  •  •  •  :  '  •  :;  ' ;  I  '  •  • '  1  If;  ••  :  I  I •  I -  '  ;  '  ·,l  • •  ; '  ;,  • ~;  '  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. ,.  t '  '  .  i~ g  878,210  857,080  50,000 ,~  Chas. Cave.·-····-· Vere E. Nunn·-···  1  Y.; 1st N. Chi.; 1st & Old  iom., 277.240 N. De · ·• De ·  (D  .---·II  •  r·  Bt  -  -  -  i· -------· -------··  10.  ~  75,000 2,000 .000 1,897,760  1-  110,ooo lchase N .. N. Y.: l t N .. Chi.: Peo.State,Penin- t ::X: 1 ,~ sular tate. and 1st & Old Det. N .• Det.  Z  - .1-- - -1-100,000  a: O z  1  I UNION BANKING ·io. WELLS .... -=- :JAMES FORBES-..•.• F. w. TEBBE ...••... H. A. JOHN~ON..• A Bank of Strength, Courte y and ervlc~· N. BRIGGS I · Your busines eordlally lnflted. COMPANY Personal Attention and Quick Returns on Collections.  1  -  • l  • ...  '  ;'?,  950,000 S 75,000r, City, N. Y.; Oont. & Com•I N .. Ohi,  610,300 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.  PEOPLES  "  --------  "  Trenton-----Wayne K 10 7 D Pop. Hl 2 Trout Ore k Ontonagon B2 9 Pop. 60 TroutLak -ChippewaCIS 9 Pop. 250 Trufant_ ___ .Montcalm I 6 7 Pop. 400 Turner _______ Arenac G 9 7 Pop. 236 Tastin ______ O<:ceola G 6 7 Pop. 2 1 Twining ______ Arenac G 9 7 Pop. 221 Ubly _________ Huron H 10 7 D Pop. 455 Union City ____ RranchL6 7 Pop. 1258  FRIEDRICH--- E. P. ALLEN------- R. VISKOCHIL -----.8.v. MARTIN S~md your ~ill of l adin~ Drafts, Sight Drafts and other co llections direct to this pro gress,ve bank for H.  SA VI NGS BANK 74-142  I  •t1·02  s.  prompt, personal, efficient and satisfa ,ctory service. TR Y US. R, FLOYD CLINCH H. C. DAVIS-------- A. J. MAYNARD----- A. J. HAVILAND----  103,030 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; G. Rap . I Oity, G. R,: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  594,000  628.160  ttl >  .c',  zX en  I  .. . Y.; cont. & Com'l N .• 1 t. •.. 560,370 Chase tate Bk. of Chi., and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., ..-, EVERETT WHITNEY ::r Chi.; Peo. tate,Det.; OldN.,G. Rap. ,; u lness Invited. 28,890 OhaseN .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l l'.I: ., Chi.; N. Bk .. n, 11,000 371,910 395,3901 ____ ,. _______________ 1 25,000 1~ Com .. DE't. 5,000 _________ --·····--i-·--···-- Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st .,Marquotto;old: ~ 20,00ll -------------------.... ., a. Rap. 8,800 lstN.,Chi.; aultSa7.,Sault te.Marie;Glad·1< 44.000 39,000 700 20,000 ------~ . stone tate av._, Gladgtone. 0. P. Olsen _______________ - - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; G. Rap. N. City, G. Rap,; tJl r+ . . , Peo. State. Det. I 1 9,000 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: 1st ., Bay Cits. 50,000 11,000 6,000 20,000 --------0 • • • T j _ __ 1 Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; Cadillac State, Cadtllac, 24,000 198,000 ,o ,,, 1 9.!500 • 16,000 C. E. Perry________  i  I  200,000 1 130,430 3,151,140 .s,197.150  Ml hi A, J. MAYNARD B k c gan. Pioneer an of Northwe tern Olde t and Lar ge t Bank In this ectJon. Your b Trenton State Banlc ____ eif'12 A. Church _________ E.W. Yost -------- F. A, Lau ten1-1chla1?er 74-863 Trout Creek State Bank §'21 ,T. 8. Weidman, Jr. Geo. Tlardes _______ P. \Y. Saxton ______ W. K. Porter 74-1073 J.F. Vincent_ _____ 0. W.Smith ______ W.J.Conlogue ____ tateBankofTroutLake • '15 74-979 Trufant Exchange Bank: _t'07 (Carl F. Hansen) __ - - - - - - - - · Carl F. Han ·en ____ , . 74-864 State SaV1Dgs Bank: ______ I 06 N. J. Fuehr ________ A. E. Sleeper----- G. A. Fuehr ------7~-865 Bank of Tusttn __________ it·o1 A. A. Lovene __ ---- W. . Holmes _____ J . .M. Perry ____ ---1~ 74-866 ::, Twinine Bank of SleeJ)('r, A. E. Sleeper ______ S. D. McGregor ___ John J. Finerty ___ lfaud J. Mosher ____________ ________________ Peo. Com'l & Sav., Bay City, o.. Wri2'ht & Company ____ t·08 1 ro Oitizens Bk. of A. E. leeper A. E. Sleeper ______________ D. Leach.. __________ F. H. Brown ______________________________ Chase N .• N. Y,; 1st & Old Det. N. and Penin- 1>-1 g: sular State. Det. , G. M. Leach i+'94 74-868 1 11,500 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Old N,, Battle Creek. 70,000 55,0CO 50,0001-----Farmer & )ferrhant Bank H. E. Guilford. ____ Erne:t Dolbee _____ H. E. Romig _______ -------------'"'" I t'20 7-H065 Com'l N., Chi.; 1st 9i,9-10 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. 642,540 559,520 50,0001 59,420 J. W. McCAUSEV-- N. E. TOWER-------- J. S. NESBITT------· ERTA KIMBALL.---. & Old Det. N .• Det. 15 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon, and BANK UNION CITY74NATIONAL 869 •i' 71 ~25 CENT for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. -  TI AV ERSE CITY STATE ANK-•--74-140 -----•U'56  i  '.1•.  I·  <  I  *~  jP, C. PARDEE ----  ~· GETTEL- -------- C. F. ECKFELD---·-- f. A. KOLB---------  IiJfJ![t~D lJI.  BONDS AND SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS MAY BE. BOUGHT FROM US BY BANKS;  ao,ooo dit Reports MU ST be accompan led by j /ts, 15c: Credit Rep orts, 25c. 18,000 1 D. 0. Weatherston_ DoraHahn_________ "'· J. Perry _______ Fred E. Hefka_____  25,000  1  7,500  355,000  375,000  42,000 Far. State , av., Bay City; Peo. State, Det.:I Am. State. Saginaw.  10,000  19i,350  155,460  10,000  195.700  179,480  41,890 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Det., Det.; Pontiacj Com'! · Sav .. Pontiac. 35,720 ijan ... ,, • Y.; Peo. State. Det.  I  ------J--- ___ 1  Bk.of Sa2'inaw, Sa1,?inaw. Carl Fritz _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_____ I 1 , - - - _______ _ _ _ , ____ 1st & Old Det.N., Det.; 2d R.H. Calkins ______ Helen E, Calkins .. - - - - 1 _ !  ,, Safinaw,  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS CHICAGO  I· I  I  ,1 ·  I  for Cre BANK -il'04 "\Collections and Unionville_ __ Tnscola H 9 STATE SAVINGS 74- 87 o {FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight dra 7 D Pop. 488 0. Me~smore ___ Utica ______ Macomb J IOIFarmer & ~1erchant · Bank A, R. Hahn ________ E. J, , chwanbeck t'20 74-871 I 7 O Pop. 588 G. G. Rober,-on ____ C. 0, Cri::-man ____ tica 'tate a\'ingsBank " ________ " W. J. Perry t§'20 i-1-1060 Vandalia ________ Oass L5 Farmers&MerchantsBk.t'12 W. Gunn ----1-------------------74-937 7 Pop. 331 Vanderbilt ____ Otse£o R 7 VanderbiltExcbangeBk,.t'04 A.B. C. Comstock __ C. A. Quick ________ 7H24 7 Pop. 394 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  25,000  60.000  HULL------- A.  (,: I:  · 1  I.  ;IIJ I  !, 11  i  I'"  i\·  iiI I  I  :'  672  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number pven to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the aut~ortg of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN ilD COUNTY,  NAME OF BANK.  &Ooonty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Figure is Fed. Re. Dht. iMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Ois Detroit Branch. +.Mem. F~l. Re~. LEstab.  PRESIDJ:NT.  VICK-PRESIDENT.  OASHIER.  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  --"~~:..:.::..::.:.:...::;..;;___c_ _ ,--===..:....:=----=:::..:.....==::,__--.::==..:1--------I- -------I-------I-------  LU.BILI_T_IE_S_. _ _ 11-_R _ ES _O_U_R_C_ ES_._ SURPLUS PAID-UP AND DEPOSCAPITAL Pao1'1Ts ITB e,.,.,IUTI. ,,.,,. B...u  ~:.~·:.!~; .;:~. . :.~.  35,000 $  9,150 $ 214,290 $ 152,880 $  W. J. Spears .•••••. A. F. Smith. .•••••. D. C. Atkins. Jr .•••••••.••.••••••••••• R. A. Crobar C.H. Richardson •• T. M. Stephen .•.•• C. J. Stephen .•... \LG. Richard.on R. D. Yarnum John F. Heinlein •. Ewine H. Kn~ht.. Georee D. Clarke •• 1 - - - - · · - · · · ·  25,000  5,630  213,740  202,80(1  25,000  32,090  59U80  501,870  25,000  11,000  240,000  24G,000  E. D. Barber •••••.. E.G. Bowman ..••• W. C. Alsover. .... C. A. Stiles .•.. ·-··  25,000  13,000  200,000  185,000  C. C. Hallenbeck .• C. H. Lamb •...•.•. A. L. Barnineham. ···-················  15,200  6,500  214,250  235,310  Vestabare .. lilontcalm I 7 State Bank of Vestabnr&:l:S'll W. J. Orr .......... Geo. Bilbrough .••• Roy McGillivray •.• ·-··················  20,000  7,000  127,000  127,000  Viclcsbnre.Kalamazoo KS FARMERS STATE BANK•i1'06 Charles F. Brown .. Roy J. Cooley ••.•. F. L. Critz ...••.•....... ·-·· •••••..... 7 Pop. 19-16 • 74-380 Wm. R. outhworth  25,000  8,370  511.000  482,000  7  Pop. 300  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  --- --- --- --- ---1-----------------1  Yassar••. ---·-Tuscola I 9 Bank of Vassar_ •.••.•••i§'78 Frank North·-···· P. L. Varnum ...••. A, R. Lundean -·· - - - - - - • • I$ 7 OPop. 1453 74-373 llich~an Savings Bank•U'l0 74-376 StateSavines Bank ..•••• •1"82 74-374 Vassar National Bank .••. i"02 74-375 Vermonh·ille ... Eaton J 7 Barber State Bank .•..•. •i§"62 7 Pop. 585 74-506 ·• ........ " Citizens Bank.•........• tt'06 74-507  Son-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Accei..). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 10\ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see ~".!: · ~  MICHIGAN-Continued  74-873  25,810 Chem. N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; 2d N., Saeinaw; 1st N •• Bay City, 27.6701N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Peninsular State, Det.; Bk. of Sa~inaw, Saginaw. 149,410 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st & Old Det. N. and Peo. State. Det.: Bk. of Saginaw, Saginaw. 60,000 Han.N.,N. Y.;lst&OldDet.N., DeL 52,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Peninsular State, Det.: 1st N., Clev.: G. Rap, N. City, G. Rap. 20,750 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 1st ., Chi.: 1 1st & Old Det. N. and Bk. of Det., Det.; Old, N., G. Rap. 15,000 N.Bk.Com .. Det.;2dN., Saeinaw. 59,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Kala• mazoo N ., Kalamazoo.  44.290 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Peo. State Det. 61.650 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., 9 Pop. 1500 74-874 Besseme •. Waldron ..•• Hillsdale L 7 Farmers c Merchants Bank B .•l. Foster·-·· ... V. W. Fisher ••••.. A. Moine ••••.. ···- -··- ···-······· ..•.. ·--······ _ _ _ ···--···· ·····-··· _ _ _ Chase N., N. Y.; Peninsular State, Det. 70 Pop, 4:i7 74-lS75 :!:t'07 19,200 N. Park, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Ohi. 12,000 1-12,400 3,600 153,400 Walkerville •• Oceana H 4 Security Bank ••...••.'06 c. W. McPhaiL .••• ·········-· -······· D. S. Cole .••••• - .. L. J. Reed - - 7 Pop. 2:52 i 74-876 725,550 25,000 Warren .... Macomb K 10 State Savings Bank .•.. •i§'08 C. A. Burr··-······ J. F. Hartsig ••••.• F. J. Cromie·····- I. }I, Hart ig ••..•. 85,270 Peninsular State, Det. 35,4-10 m,200 7D Pop. 326 + 74-877 Washineton.Macomb J 10 Washington Sav. Bk .• -•il'09 Albert Yates ....•. J. M. Helferich .••. J. II. Mccutcheon. Cora Thurston .... 25,000 29,470 Peo. State, Det. 18,380 291.5-10 337,480 70 Pop. 350 + 74-878 East Gass Watervliet ••. Berrien K 4 First Tational Bank .... •i'74 W. M. Baldwin ..•. W. M. Pratt. ..•... C. I. Monroe.·-·-·· Uyleau himer ···30,000 14,500 451,450 381,370 110,670 Cont. & Com'! N.,Chi.; Far. & Merch. ' .. Benton 7 Pop. 1073 74-879 Harbor: 1st N., Joilet, Ill. Watrou ,·ille_.Tu.cola l 9 Bank of Watrousville .... t'l9 (J. Mc.1. 1 ai r Ealy an cl Peter D. Pardee) F. L. Kinde •...... ·---·-········-····· ··-····-· ····-··-· -··-·-· ·······- ··----··· State Sav., Caro.; 1st & Old Det. N,, Det. 7D Pop. 100 74-1046 Wayland __ .•. Alleean J 5 Wayland State Bank .. -•:l:1'87 E. 0. Hanlon .•••.. C. H. Brush ....•.. Geo. Wilson .•...•. L. P. Reno-··----· 34,270 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 4th N., G. Rap. 20,000 20,540 304,770 304,930 7 Pop. lS53 74-880 Wayne ....... Wayne K 9 People State Bank •••• •t§'l6 J. J. :Marker •..•.. F. H. Fellrath ••. -- W. A. BeGole. -·· R. M. Bird •.•. ···81,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont & Com'! N., Chi.; Pco. 6,000 402,000 357,000 30,000 State and American State, Det. 70 Pop. 1 99 74-997 w. A. He Gole JACOB J. STELL· GEO. M. STELLWAGEN GEO. M. STELLWAGEN JOHN TRUESDELL... · 67,600 1,114,910 l,170,960 101,750 Han.N., N.Y.; Peninsular State, Peo. State.and Dime Sav ., Det. " ···-···· '' WAYNE SAVIN~$ BANK•U-90 Oldest, La~:2Ef and Strongest Ba nk. • 74-8 81 { 15 CENT ent to us with each s lgbt draft for pre sentatlon, and 2.'i CENT for e ach credit report Insure prompt, p ersonal attention 20,000 36,120 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st T., Chi.; 1st & Old Det. 16,710 184.240 180,840 Webberville_Ingham J 8 Farmers State Bank .... iS'08 A.H. Catlin ....••• James Dunn •••...• II. C. Knicker---·······-··· 7D Pop. 463 N •• Det.; Capital N., Lansing. 74-882 bocker 20,020 15,000 299,090 309.760 Weidman ..• -Isabella H 7 Weidman Ban kine Co ... tt'08 Floyd Mitchell. .•.. J. A. Damon ...••• - W. E. Schauppner. · - - - · · - - 2-1.340 Isabella Co. State, Mt. Pleasant; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.; Old •., G. Rap, 7 Pop, 500 74-883 50,000 &West Branch •• Oeemaw Commercial Bank ......• it'88 John Tolfree .•.. -. J. W. Livinestone. D. E. Tolfree.-·-·· A. Kurn -·········· 7,000 ···--···· ···-···-· ··--····· N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det. 7 Pop, 110:i ., G 8 74-423 " •••...•• Ogemaw County Bank.-*t'99 (Ealy, McKay & Oo .)·-·····-······--·· R. C. McKay .•..•.. M. Babcock·· ····- ··--·-··· - - - - · ···---· - - - - - - lst&OldDet.N., Det.: 1st N., Bay City, 74-424 Weston ..••• Lenawee L 8 Weston Exchange Bank•it·n Geo. Wade-•..•.•. John Yine .•••• ·-·· H. W. Porter •••..• H. W. Tolford..... 81,000 ·-··-·· - - - · Adrian State Sav., Adrian. 3,000 - - - · 70 Pop. 275 74-908 266,380 294.760 Westphalia ••• Clinton J 7 Westphalia State Bank.iS'07 John J. Fedewa ••. John B. pitzley •. L. F. nitgen •••••. Michael Spitzley ·22,090 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. State, Det.; City .i:"., 20,000 1 ,390 Lan ing. 7 Pop. 32:5 74· 884 1,000 125,000 125,!J00 25,000 N. City, N.Y.: Ft. Dear. N.,Chi.;2d N., Saginaw; JNO. MITCHELL-·· C. W. LANSHAW ••... H. C. MEAD····-···· R. C. ALLEN·· ····-· 20.000 1 t & Old Det. ·., Det. Whceler .••• __ .Gratiot 18 FARMERS & MERCHANT$, Collection and Lit~ci?JCf for Cre dlt Reports MUST be accompanlc d by 7 Pop. 500 STATE BANK-.. 74-885- .. •§ 06 { l'EE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sig'<t dr fl/ts, 15c; Credit Rep orts, 25c. First State Bank-···-··•i§'05 C.H. McKain_ ••.. Norman Bardeen .• -··-········-·····-- L.A. Wagner-···• 74-379 H.C.Paine.Ch.o/ Bd Chas. J. Hudson  Wakefteld ... Gogebic Cl First National Bank ...• •i'l0 Anton Rinesmuth. W. F. Truettner-.. Victor Lepisto •• -- ···········-········  &White Cloud .  ewaygo First State Bank .••••.. •i1'07 Ernie! Kempf. ..... Alexander Burrell. R. W. Gannon·-··- M.A. Gannon •••.. 7 Pop. 61 H5 74·509 " " Newaygo County Bank ·-···· B. C. Sickles- .••••. ···········-········ Louis W. Fuller ... ·-·-·····-·········· 74-508 t:·02 WhitehalL.Muskeeon I 41 State Bk. or Whiteha1L•i§'02 M. B. Covell .•••... C. G. Pitkin.·-··-· G. E. Covell ..•... - H. A. EsterdahL._ 7 Pop. 12:J0 74-886 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  7,290  465 ,1)80  441,510  25,000  19,820  524,860  568,730  25,000  1  oFFERs  22::i,000  12,500  258.750  5,000 ·---···  100,000  80,000  409,180  362,240  20,000  · _ ___~o~ ""''U"t\l BANK OF - -D-~TROIT  't\\£ · 11rnl'UAUTt" uaT1nu1  -_ ~~\\.\an""'~  30,000  15,960  43,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: G. Rap . . Cityand4th N .. G.Rap, 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Kent State, G. Rap.  ,-t,  o  ~  <;  g: r-t-  tD  ~-  ::,"  1  ...._. Sl> :, C Sl) ~  ~  65,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.  uNsuRPAssEo FAc1L1T1Es FOR THE HANDLING oF MICHIGAN BANKING MATTERS . TRY··~ ----.-,~ ~-;;.,a.  I  KEY TO NUMERICAL SYSTEM OF AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION  ~EY  KEY to  NUMERICAL SYSTEM of THE AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION  MARCH  192()  ComP.iled and Published Exclusively by  THE RAND MCNALLY BANKERS' DIRECTORY Under the Authority of  THE AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION  Have You Ordered Your Copy? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  New sixth edition issued March 1920. A numerical and alphabetical list of banks in the United Statesa handsome cloth bound book of over 500 pages. Complied exclusively by the Bankers Directory for the American Bankers Association. Sent, charges paid, upon receipt of the price $1.50 per copy, including semi-annual supplements until next edition is published.  RAND McNALL Y & CO., Publishers 536 South Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Can a Machine Run a Machine ? Perhaps, with belts and other appliances, but somewhere behind them are human understanding and direction. There are 34 bookkeeping machines used in this bank. They are run by 34 young men and women who are not machines, but young people with plenty of ''go,'' enthusia m and team work. Backing them up are their superiors, men of long experience and actuated by a sympathetic appreciation of the need of client . Why not let us put this enthusiasm and ''go'' back of your Minneapolis busine ? We can assure you of an intelligent, rapid-fire service .  Resources  $79,000,000  The Northwestern National Bank Affiliated with The Minnesota Loan and Trust Company  Minneapolis, Minnesota  Dominant in the Great Northwest W  ITH 1900 direct connections throughout the Northwest, the First National,  Minneapolis, is the logical bank through which to clear Northwestern items. To maintain connections of this magnitude calls for a highly developed organization such as few banks in the entire country can equal in size, completeness or efficiency. For Correspondent Banks this network of direct connections means many days and hours saved; the organization behind them means par in service; the broad, liberal policy of its management means satisfactory and lasting relationships.  Get the facts by addressing our Department of Banks and Banker, j"  I  . ,""  ·, •• :fi~'-~·-.  ~t~~,,,1[idlh, , iit\'1,N;I,~-,.,,.,  P. J. LEEMAN ........ . .. . ...... Vice-President S. H. BEZOIER .... . . .\ . ... . . ....... . Cashier • C. B. BROMBACH. . . . . . . . . . Assistant Cashier  f( _ •.  . . .:•: ,,_J~.,.,.  I ., . ,:•  r.r.,·~·ffi·,1'.J';;.1f.:lr.:1~1··  1..1.:.L~I~ :l1◄1J.:J£C ', I I , .• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ' "·  II '.f  i,,  Capital and Surplus $10,000,000  FIRST NATIONAL BANK MINNEAPOLIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  C")  z g  0 C:  Z >-3  ::::!  - --  ..... c:::1-:--.i~~  B  t-:~-  rr,  0  I  o  ITI f )(  ~  t..:..t~ - O - J.~  -t  :r  M  CD  3 I>  :I  '<  m I> :I  ~  .•  n  (J)  -t JJ  -  I~ - I 0  .,,z  :II  C): r-  ts•  i" ~  -I :I  ,.z -·-· :I  D.  <  D. C  (/) •  C  I»  .,, lJ -0< ., :I  r+ :I" CD  2 0  r+  :r I  rr,  ,,,,,,z ! .,, D. 0  10  C  Cl)  g•  :~c ,.. ~w  CD  :r I) < CD  -  ... ;z z•  644  1· _ __  DARING is a conspicuous trait of the hold-up man, reinforced, as he usually is, with heavy artillery. A Hold~up Insurance Policy in this Company supplies the necessary protection against loss.  AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Home Office: 100 Broadway, New York Company's Home Office Building  Capital $5,000,000  Founded 1884 OFFICERS F. W . I...:AFRENTZ. President  R . R. BROWN, First Vice-President  MINNESOTA, NORTH DAKOTA and SOUTH DAKOTA ORGANIZATION: Fir t  MI -NEAPOLIS, MIN . ational -Soo Line Building, 105-7 South Fifth Street • E.  D. ~IS,  laoager  FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS Forty Branch Office  at Larger Cities  Nallnber a~der NallD.e or Bank is the New Transit Number ·ve.o  6 73 to each bank m U . S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Banfers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n. Federal Reserve BankTOWN of St.AND Louis COUNTY, I  BURGLARY INSURANCE Over 14,500 Local Agents and Attorneys Elsewhere  MICHIGAN-Continued  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bankfng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SU  Nuniber under Nanie  673  or Bank is  the New Transit Nuinber given  to each bank in U. S. e:i.cluslv-ely by The Band-McNaUy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Fi~ure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Dis Detroit Branch. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  1  Iosco County Bank .. --.... tt'06 74-888 Bank of Williamsburg __ .... t 'l7 74-1008 Crossman & Williams Statf' Bank. ♦ 74--452______ ..!§'09 William:on Bank .. *5'88 7 5 Willis_ .... Washtenaw K 9 Willis Exchange Bank-- .. t'l4 7 D Pop. 100 74-969 Winn .. ___ ....... lsabella H 7 Winn Rankin~ Co, ______ tt'09 7 Pop. 250 74-889 Wolverine ..... Cheboygan Wolverine State Sav. Bk'Oll 7 Pop. 413 E7 74-482 Woodland .. _...... Barry J 6 Woodland Exchange Bank 7 Pop. 356 74-890 .tt"86 Wyandotte __ Wayne K 10 First Oom'l &Sav. Bk ... •.tl'93 7 0 Pop. 13,851 74-205 " ------·.. " Wyandotte Savings Bk. •.tl'71 74-204 Yale .. _______ .. St. Clair Ill First National Bank ........ •.t'65 7 D Pop. 1223 74-429 .. _______ .. " Yale State Bank ...... ____ .•*f'0l 74-430 Ypsilanti. Washtenaw Kg FIRST NATIONAL BANK •.t'63 7 0 Pop. 7413 74-223  lD  ..  .. _______  ..  f~ t:  VICE-PRESIDENT  OA.SBIER.'T CA.SHIER.  _______ ________ ________ ________ 1 1 1  1  PAID-UP  SuRPLue AND  CAPITAL PROFITS  {mW. RODERICK .... FRANK WOLF---·· J.M. BENJAMIN----$ 20.000 $ Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plai?l aight dr aft8, 15c; Credit Rep arts, 25c.  I  ITS  5,000  150,000  145,000  5,000  1,310  48,250  46,650  40,000  15,13Q  435,500  462,980  w. T.  50,000  38,600  ____  475,260  490,600  ..  (R. F. Walters) ___.... _.... ___ .. _______ .... ________ _ ___ .. __________________ .. 3,000 10,000 J. L. Upton _______ J. H. Struble______ C. L. Tacker.. ____ .... ________________ .. - - - .._ _ _ _ _ __  20,000  2,750  119,910  112,820  (F. F. Hilbert)--...... ___ .. __________________ ........ __ •• _____ .... --------·------  25,000  50,000  325,000  350,000  H.P. Borgman .... : S. T. Hendricks .. _ 0. C. G. Lutz. ____ .. _ _ _ _ _ __  50,000  40,000 1,460,000 1,387,000  F. E. Van Alstyne. S. T. Miller --- ·--.. A. T. Blll'nS .. ---·- F. W. Tucker .. _____ J. c. Cahalan A. E. Sleeper----.. - W. Ii'. Kull .... -.... - ..... E. F. Fead. .. ---·-·.. Fredda L. Holden. W. V. Andreae J. P. Livingston __ .. James McColl .. - •• W. H. Learmont ..... G. E. Beard ______ ..  200,000  207,380 5,219,130 4,786,390  30,000  •I I  "  •  • '  •  , ": •  '  :  .  • ..  : ••  11·:·1 ;  I  t , • ~  '  '  I  ~  I  ••  I  '  •  ·:  I  I  ',.  PRINCIPAL C0RRESP0NDENT8,  -  20.000 N. Bk. Com., Det.; Bay City, Bay City. 3,680 Leelanau Co. Sav .• Sutton1, Bay; Bk. of Det., rs: Det.; 1st N., Traverse City. 22 430 0 nd ' 1e~.ig_1tb:t:: Y. a 69,420 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N .• Chi.: 1st & Ulu Det. N ::Z:: and Peo. State. Det.: City N .. Lansing. ' _ Pe:t~i~lar State, Det.; Peo. State, Belleville, 0  g~it~tk~ ~t3~~-  _ _ _ - - - - Cent. State Sav., Shepherd.  John Yuill. ___ .. _.. _.. H. W. Sowton .. __ J. E. Wig~ns .. - ..... ________________ _  ffimma J. Gardner..  I  I  13,970 $ 332,210 $ 336,290 $ 29,890 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi. ~ ~-  10,000  D. L. Quirk, Jr .... D. C. Griffen .. _....... E. F. Goodwin......... E. F. Goodwin YPSILANTI SAVINGS BANK {M. M, READ---··- A. C. STELLWAGEN ... W. E. McLEOD ........ _ •it'S A Commercial Bank. Prompt at tention given b11 74 224 5 Collections and Correspondence invited. Efflcien1  •  I  Lo.1.N!I & DIii• CABB & ExO'TB, BoNne, ITTIANGBR,Dtrl S:aetfBlTlU WROM B..1.NK.8,  D. H. Power .... _.. _.... G. S. Whitmore .... - H. E. Voice .. ______ .. __ .. ___ .. ___.. ____ _ E. A. Power F. W. Shumway .. _.. J. H. Runciman ...... 0. M. Allen--........ _.. -------.... - - -  40,000  •  '  It ;  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  C. W. McPhaiL ____ C.H. Macomber .. _.. C. H. Ridgley .. --.. L. M. Barnum .. ___ ..  Webb .. _____ .. B. A. Liverance ___ .. John Marshall. ____ Coral Kaspar .... ----  : '  1;;;1  LIABILITIES.  PRESIDENT.  BANK Wh 1·te p·1~eon.. st • Jo s. L5 FARMERS SAVINGS _ ~.... 74 88 7 7 Pop. 887 •§ o4 Whittemore __ .... Iosco G 9 7 Pop. 232 Williamsbu.rg .. Grand Tr. 7.. _Pop. 150 ......... F 6 WilliamstoD--ln~ham J 8 Pop. 1060 • _______ "  I I  MICHIGAN-Continued  13,590  498,880  537,830  12,660  584,760  580,180  150,000  213,770 1,910,400 2.203,510  q, R. HALL-...... _..... 100,000 ;lness of non-rest dents. service assured.  65,000 1,772,650 1,665,530  27,840 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., Det.  n >  z  >  50,000 ChaseN., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Peninsular Z State, Det.: 4th N., G. Rap. 1-"i 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com 'l N., Chi.; Peo. v State, Det. 1::;::,1 840,120 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Dei. Sav., Det. ~  :;  49,350 Liberty N .. N. Y.: 1st & Old Det. N., Det.: St. £i Clair Co. Sav .. Pt. Huron. Z 85,120 LihPrty N., N. Y.; 1st & Old Det. N., and N. t%J Bk. Com., Det . 219,260 N. City, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. , Chi.: 1st & Old CIJO Det. N. and N. Bk. Com., Det. 217,030 Han, N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.: Merch. N. and ~ ~~bo/tate, Det.; Ann Arbor Sav., Ann  .  >  50,000 23,650 935,090 886,240 ll0,360 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.; Old N., G. Rap. ~ 7 Pop. 2275 74-348 ,... " ________ " Zeeland Sta~t~nk---·•:S"78 F. Boonstra .. _. __ .. _ T. G. Huizinga ....... 0. J, Den Herder .. _ ... -- .. ---......-.... _____ 100,000 81,230 1,843,620 2,197,260 180,580 Chase N .• N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; G. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - " '-'7" - - - --'--- -- - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' - - - - - - - ' - - - R _ a _ , _ p _ .N_._C_ity-"-'-,_G_._R_ap"-.'---------l ~  zeelan<L-----·OttawaJ 4 State Oom'l & Sav. Bank:1'06 John Wichers.-..... John Smallegan ..... B. Neerken·--·---- J. A. Donia..............  Z  Entire State in No. 9 Federal Reserve District.  (IJ  MINNESOTA A. J. JOHNSON .... JOHN MERKENS ..... A. A. HABEDANK... L. J. PETERSON ......  I S 7.140 $ 175,330 $ 200,820 $ •..A.d&-------· Norman B 5 ADA NATIONAL BANK .......i 'l4 { Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding Pop. 1450 75-119! FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY US. "  Farmers & Merchants State Bank .. _.... 75-1230_ .... _.... :t.§'15 " ------· " First Nation,a ~ B~nk .... •.tl9UO 5 28 ~ " _______ " FIRST STAT~_ BANK .. •.tl'90 7., 282 .Adams .. _..... -MowerJ12 FarmersStateBank-.. •i§'l4 Pop. 900 75-1190  ..  ______  -------  "  ..  D. C. Jones--·---· E. S. Jenkins_ .. -..... C. D. Simpson .. ___ .. A. 0. Guren .. ______  30,000  10,000  340,000  345,500  0. M. Sprairue .... ___,_ 0. J. Lof1?ren---·- Jacob Rf2g _______ .. C.R. Ahlers .. _.. ___ ..  50.000  70.000  750,000  650,000  0. C. OGARD ............. G. H. SPAETH-... -....  25,000  28,000  457,000  468,000  A.Torgerson ____ J.H.Carey............. N. V.Tor~erson .... _ J.F.Tillman . .. -....  15,000  6,140  218,550  222,630  S. DEtN ..... _.. ____ .. M. KREBSBACH- ........ W.W. DEAN ... -...--.. A. J. KREBSBACH .. -  30,000  35,000  435,000  450,000  A. L. HANSON .......... PETER SHARPE ........  FIRST IIATIONA~ BANK .. •t'06 { 7 3 H  ?l8~;s~i?t to~G:m: :~~ ight draft for pre sentation, and 25 CENTS fore ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentfo n.  Mirian ___ .. _.. Nobles D 12 ADRIAN STATE BANK-.•U'83 Edwin Brickson •• _.. Gerhard Lewis ...... Jos. L. Lais .. ----- G. V. Markey . ...... Pop. 1200 75-328 S. B. Bedford  ..  _______  "  FIRST NATIONAL BANK ....t'90 C. W. Kilpatrick .. _. ___ .. ______...__ .. ___ .. J. W. Mooty .. _____ .. M. J. Faragher .....  75-329 Theo. Nelson National Baf~ o\ Adrian•i•og J. C. Becker·-----· .. ____ .. _________ ..... F. J. Forkenbrock ....--·------.... -·-----· 5 33 A.fton __ .. Washini=ton J 10 Citizens State Bank .......... U-14 J.M. Oldham ______ B. B. Baskin .... ___ .. H. A. Swenson __ ... Esther Schulz .. ___ • Pop. 200 75-1125 "  ____ ___  "  . THOUSANDS OF BANKS BUY . ' COMMERCIAL PAPER ON OUR CHECKING' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $  C ONTINENTAL - - -  AND  23,890 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N., St. P. and Crookston.; Nori hw. N., .M:inpls. 28,200 1st N., St. P.; Merch. N., Crookston; Midland N., Minpls.: Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co., Buffalo. 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and N"lrthw, N., Minpls. : Merch. N., St. P. 29,000 Chase N.,N. Y.: cont.& Com'IN., Chi.; lstN. Minpls. and St . .P. 22,2501st N., Ohl. and Minpls.: Capital N., St. P. : Austin N .. Austin. E.IJ,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Northw. N,. Minpls.  ~ E'". ;:;.. (t)  >-t1 UQ. (t)  0  :, r+  0  ►  r+  40.000  41,600  595,250  35,000  30,000  480.000  510,000  25.000  7,800  145,000  175,000  15,000  5,300  170,000  197,000  C OMMERCIAL  634,340  38,880 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi,; 1st N and Bkrs. N ., Minpls.; 1st N ., Sioux C. ; Capital N., St. P. 35,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. St. P.; Merch N. Ced. R. 13,500 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.  0  ::s  --..:r °'  11,000 1st N .. Stillwater; Merch. N .. St. P.; 1st N. w Minnis. and Winthrop. ~  s-ANKS.  C HICAGO