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. :J}tt•'·  -- ....... -~··· ,.. .....  ..  l'1111111ter -der l'lame ef . .IIJl i.e the .New Traml& .Number pven &o each bank iD u. 8. HCIUIITelf by Tbe &and-McNall7 Bankers• Dlreetory, ander &be autborlty of Tbe American Banken Aas•n. =T=o==w=A=-.=.D=OouKri. -c;.. -N.uni OF B~NK. =-- =---- =: ·· , .... ., .&Oouat1 Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.AssD. IState PKJ:SID:&NT. VICJt.PRESID:&NT. In o. 6. Fed. Res. Dist. Ulem.8tate Bks. Assa.tPriv. B. is Birmingham Br. • 1ew. Fed. He • [Estab.  I  __  33  I  I•  :, I  I  I  CENTRAL  •:•05  "  8 ~!~:~~J!fo~-2~~ll•i  1  ..  "  lo peclal attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Ca hand Time Item.  61_92  Please send 16c with each sioht draft for presentation and 25c f~r Credit Reports.  •i•oz  ALBERTVILLE NATIONAL BANK _ i .  6:t\~t1k. _____  -  I 100.000  P~f:,r~:~ p~':°~: ~f~n: t1;;~;;s; emittance, lntell 1gent rea ons for Modern metho ld In all departm ent or banking, TRY u . 0  ln  l  C, R. HORTON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  I :  t  I '  '  II  ~  I  ~I  I  I  ~  '  I•  : . • I  ;  I  .  ;  ; ; ~  I  I  I  I  I  I ; "  .  ~  1  ;  .  >  40,000  32:i.OOO  •i·ol  NATIONAL BANK  Send us your Andalusra Items direct. Prompt attentl on given Bill or Lading drafts and remitted on da7 of payme nt.  W E: p ~C[eY, ·--·-T.' C. D. WOODRUFF .• S. L. GALBRAITH •• 1  i>  23,000  6,2:;o __________________ llan.  NATIONAL BANK et·20  .. ,. '. Y.: 1 t  ., lJirm. and Oh, tta-  \Y.  'r.  25,000  101,000  250,000  3I0,000  53,000  102,700  300,000  361,400  96,300 1 t N.,  50,000  5,500  718.010  436,670  40,000  35,000  260,000  390,000  ~  Am. '., Na h. , Y. and Birm,: Atl. N .. .A.ti.  flJ  3 4,000 Han. N., N. Y.  '  ~  65,000 0hase N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.  n  25,000  13,500  200,000  240.000  30,000 Ilan. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.  2<>,0001 200 ,000  6.500  170,000  108,500  82,550 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Bifm,  30,000  950,000  620,000  ~  RieklC' ·----  F. H. BUCK----  S76,000 N. 1;nc. 0om.,N. Y.; Am, N .. Pensacola: 1st Bum,  s. ::: n  ..  Rate s.  1 1  1  1.375,540,  483,340 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., 0hi.; Lowry N., Atl.  j J·. ~-. \W,H------- ~ ~ ~ ~-.-. !-!-!! ! ! H a n . N. and N. Park, N. Y.  •  C.R. BHL------ ARTHUR WELLBORN . JNO. F. WILLIAMS •• L.A. STANLEY______ S. R. THOMPSON SEND US Y OUR ANNIS TON ITEMS DIRECT. Prompt Att ention given Bill of Ladin lg Drafts and all matters sent us.  -ro-:ooo  aoo,ooo  {  First National Bant--•i·u W. B. Weatherly __ W.W. Strindellow J. T. Gardner, Jr•. w. tl-61 B A Youae 1  w. Weaver_  to  noog.  0"  E.W. Hood------·-  CITY BAIIK & TRUST co.  COMMERCIAL  ~  > ti6,000 Han . .N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & SIT. Co .. B1rm.: :2:  FIFTE~h·~~~s sent us with each sight draft for presentation, and . •i•go TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal at tentlon. Fee lo advance ls not required on cash and Bill of Ladlnir Items and Not es. 0. J. Houser _______ o. )(. Alexander ___ Beverly z. Henry_::-IFred R. Martm_._. - 150,000 400.000  •il'0  >  75,oooN.Bk.0om .. N.Y.;lstN .. Birm.  400,000  teatloa.  I  ANNISTON  61-56  I  : :  ;  62,740 1,049,360 1,309,500 213,540 Chase ,, N. Y.; !lth St. N., PhU.; 4th & t ·t N., Nash.; 1st N., Chattanooga. ~ ~  ANDALUSIA Special Att ention given Bill of Ladi ng drafts. I Personal Presentation. Prompt Report. Reason able Exch ange 11-m 1 u·o, 'L BANK {T. E. HENDERSON. t. i·. Hflil\G·----- C. D. BEAN-------· D. L. O'NEAL -··---- 100,000 119,000 1,601,270  61-65  !  '  I I,  ' :  non-payment.  J. V. PARK--·------ J.M. SUMMERVILLE-. J. A. SOMERVILLE. JR .• S. H. WHITE··----  BANK Of  &1-H  ,  1  All collection• eatruated to 1U r eceh'e prompt at Lowestrateaof exchanar• oa Ne w York. " " Merchanta & Farmers Bank ._\, s. Murphy ______ F. B. <Jari,enter ___ W. . Kirk:ey ---·· 11-241 tl'l0 Itoona ____ .Etowah B I First State Bank _____ •. a,oe T. R. Bynum ___ • \Y. Hopp r ··-··-·· o. S. Hardi.a ___ a Pop. 1078 . n 11-251 , •Aadalusta ___ ~ov1arto {C. A. 0 NEAL-·-· S. B. MILLIGAN---- R.11. McLEOD----Pop. 0~3 B 6 E. l. MORE  •Aoniston. __ 0albouo O 7 B Pop. 17,734  ' ;  . ' :  1• - -  iHoganJackson .• lL.C.Adkin·. ______ Q,J.Walker .•.... !J.A.Hanson._ ....  04 '20 ~I.  licevme ___ Plcken D 2 ALICEVILLE 811111 TR. CO. B Pop. 9 .J 11-2'0 •U'04  &1-lH  I  ' ' :  I 200,000  11'ir t 'atio l◄'. in ________ 1O. 1L mith •• ______ B. M. Hain _______ --------·----------J. F. Hooperi Banker. __ tt'02 J.B. Hooper_____ ___________ . H. Hooper, r .• w. B. Hooper ______ , I -175 , A. B. Hooper, Jr. I 1 Alexander ~t~,f• 89 J. 0. Maxwell ___ , A, L. Harlan ______ H. Herzfeld ·-----· L. M. Willis_______ FIRSTHTIOIIAL BAH•iuoo BeDiamio Russell_ )T. o. Russell ____ J.B. Henderson._ .J, I.. Willi·----·-·· 11-119 I 1'. II. 1'homp on  FIRST NAT  I :  '  15c; Credit Report ,, 25c. TRY U •  Plain noht drafu,  NATIONAL BANK  61 1 6  ____ .  "  ; ''  200,000 59,080 868.1'0~ 95%.880 192,420 Han. N .. N. Y.: Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Send u J"Olll' !Albany Bu lness Direct. 'ash.; 1st N .. Birm, BW_ of.Lading Draft ,C~ hand Tlmeltemsglven special attentlo n.  MORGAN COUNTY Oldest F. A. BLOODWORTH-· w. E. SKEGGS.·-----ATLEE H. HOFF·-·····E, E. GRAVES-•• -·-· National Bank Morgan County  ••  I  I  iA. A. HARDAGE--- T. H. MATTOCKS---· T. A. BOWLES-·-···· J. S. WYATT---·----  NATIONAL BANK  Albertville.11arshall B & B Pop. 1666  .  I  I  ITT~  61-93  I  ;,  •  • bbeville ___ HenrJ G B First National BanJc ____ •i·o2 M. V. 0apps ____ L. 8, Nichoi. _____ Robert Newman __ Geo. _.· wman _____ $ 100,000 S 106,240 S 311,400 $ 372,310 S Pop. 1267 11-1111 I •• " Henry Tational Bank ---•'17 A. S. Steaiau _____ J. D. Wood _______ T. J. Bland---·---- s. L. Wood--25.000 2,010' 154,670, 71,390 Albany ______ MorEan A 4 B Pop, 7652  : ,  • ;  100,000  65,000  -• -  120,000 Han. N. and  637,000  362,440  -  504.380 2.404.2i0 2, 59,600  • Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.  91,890 Chatham & Phenix  544,090  -  658,500 Chase N., N. Y.  .,  • Y.  VICJ:-PRESIDENT.  0.lSJIIll,  Joseph J. Bain.  ,llor.  L.  • Thompon,  ., Birm,  A, !qr.  Edgar W. carter.  A, .lfgr,  nton  M. 'frawick----··-· Y. E. Folsom ---- • A. McFadden __ S . A R ••. Jacob ------ D. B. Thomp on __ _ -------------J. . Radney I W. P. Burkett_____ . L. nell ________ _____________ _ 25,000 B. . Bruner •A hi, nd ____ .• _CJay D 7 Farmers State Bank _____ ;t '14 F. J. Ingram _______ \Y. L. Runyan _____ M. • :Morgan _____ 1E. F. Ingram ____ __ 15,000 B Pop, 1355 61-448 , Dale G 7 Ariton Banking O0,----U'08 J. J. Barnes-----61-m H 8 Farmer · :M rchants Bank \ • W. Cook •• _____ 61-4 o : ·20 First National Bank------•'12 J. R. Dawsey _____ 61-386  ., Birm.: Bou.  --Poii'.-ii25 hford ____ Houston Po12,. m  22,800  106,000  135,400  16,700 Ban. N,, N. Y.: Bou. N,, Dothan.  12,400  119,050  137,720  14,620 Ban. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav, Co. and Am. Tr. & Sav .• Birm. ; Lowry N., Atl.  First ·ational Bank • ••• -•'09 0. B. Allen------- H. L. Wynn _______ l H. W. Sim -------- A. B. Wynn---- - --61-208  75,000  82,000  211,480  368.800  42,670 N. Park, N. Y. : 1st N., Birm.; 4th  •A h, llle ___ st. Clair c 6 AshYille Saviors B nt: . . • '06 L. Berrinr;_ ----- J. A. Embry - ----- - J. o. Du Bois ------ - --------- ---B Pop. 849 61-255 . .. " ,rm r 1 rrh, ut Bmk \ • . B a on ______ n•. r. T a ue ----- U. H. Prick tt ____ ------------------------61-503 '20 l'orkin , ( 01 ndou • \th O __ Limestone A , itiz n · B nk 'fru t Co. Wm. S. Peeble --- I .• 1. Ho. n, u --- - A. B. llcWilliams. C. L. Williamson •• B Pop. 8323 61-166 •tl'99 J. . Crukher  12,500  11,600  170,000  175,000  32,000 Bau. N., N. T.: Gadsden, N., Gadsden.  b.  15,000  500  2,000  21,000  30,000  25,820  159,590  150,470  60,000  38,000 1,008,700  617,8 0  66,000 Chem. N., , • Y.; I t N .. Birm.and 38,190 Chase N..  . Y.: 4th & 1st N.,  ~  ., At!.  ad den.  a h.  4 9,810 Hau. N., N. Y. ; A.m. N .. Nash.; 1st.·., Birm.  > td > ~ > a, > Z ~ Cll  H  m r __ Jetrerson D  8 Pop. 1 ,71i-t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CITY NATIONAL BANK 81-60  50.000  20,340  368,220  409,380  290.890  221,730  t  69,550 Han . N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Bait.; 4th & 1st si.i N., Nash. to141.410 Chase N .. N. Y.: Merch, and 1st N., llobile,  60,000  27,750  50,000  9,860  50,000  60,000  212.s4o  264,530  Park, N. Y,: 1st N., Mobile; Am, N., Pen- 0 sacola, Fla. td 05,330 N. Park, N . Y.; 1st N .. Binn.; Lowry •., U. ~  25,000  16,190  178.740  174,360  40,570 1Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohattanoo2a and Birm.  !  10,000  8,500  60,000  60,000  11.000 1Ban. N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Birm,  8  50,000  20,000  600,000  460,000  100.000 ohase N .• N. Y.: March. and 1 t  15,000  IS,320  101>.820  08, 70  10,000  6,000  12 ,2 0  4,200  15,000  17 ,510 1  132,990  100, 00  727,710  679,060  196,770 I 193,720  I  r+  50,260 1  •  I 1  ~  .. Mobile.  31,740 N. Part, N. Y.; lstN., Mobile.; City  .. elm .  49,llO N. Park, • Y.: 1st N., Birm.: Tenn. Valley, Decatur. 72,340 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. Birm. I 148,ZlO'N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1 t •. and Am. Tr. ·  Birm.  \'., '-4  I» ~  r::  I» >'1  1st N. ~  -~·.ro<.1,·  .---  -- ·--  .,,.  ·-- -- --v:'-:--  -·- ~ . . -  --  ..  _. ____ ----l,..  --:;,,;:--  - - - - - - ~ · - - - · - ·- - - - - --'--'--...;_...:C...- -  - .•.-·...  -·,.,.;-=::-.:-=-.:..:·  ~4----~~-------~-------""--~  PEOPLES BANK Mobile : Alabama Established 1811  Capital - $ 200,000.0 3 Q, OQQ • QQ urplu nd Profits, o r (Earned)  Officers A. L. STAPLES - - - - - - President Vice President J. C. BUSH, Jr. - S. A. TONSMEIRE - - - Vice-President ED. J. HIGGINS - - - Vice-President Cashier H. A. PHARR - - A. J. WILDMAN - - - Assistant Cashier J. ROGERS BURGETT - Assistant Cashier W. W. BOYLES - - - Assistant Cashier  Prompt and careful attention given Collections and all banking matters  ...<z <  ...< ..I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ......:::::z-  Nunmer under Name or Bank  to each bank iu U. . 34 ___ Directory, under the  111 the ' ew Transit umber given t'lwlvel by The Rand-M Nally Bankers• authority of The Amerlrao Ba nker A •n .  ~:.!.-!~ e;?;~ ,...f.'O-ii> t::51 ii ~~e,~ '"3'"3'"3 t:lll'ID  F: s:  __.  •  t:S'  I  l:04'.llllo  1  g;' p,  00C1>  ~ ~~ ''. t::;;l.',1t;j  o,11',  = ... ca  l'JhfHX> i:,rC'  .,_.!:,"'d  ~:-1  :=-6'  ! ~! :F' i-:soi::I »ci>CII  ~t;j  ==  3  2  ALABAMA- Con tinued  ~~~ (l>P'r;;;  !!::!l::tl::l:::t!::~::l!::~ ~ggg~~~~~  ~t~5;'~~ ~8"'~"8 -,llo;,  gi:, ~~: g_;  ""~ i~~~~[i!~ ll-g:  ! ~\  t:1"''  c..c.. ~~  I!:~~ O(l>II'  I  (DI  I  I  I  I  01 ... c.n:~ooco  00  6  4  p,,  c.o ..  Cll-.l  I  ..  co ...  01i,.oco•c;oll:)  I  *"' ~- 8  t:xH:dtd\:dtdb:!  '4l ►..JC'lt9¢li-l ~  QI OI-._NOlf~f.PQl-1  .......  I I  (")Q~~~~~nnngQ~@~ f"'<ot:1-~<'IDll'o::,<'IO-  t::il::H::i  t;jo bii=t-J b;~i;Q b;¢i~t<J~ii,.~~t;1¢i¢it.:rJt11t<lo  s. :  "'Jp,,ti:.fp,,p,,c  ! :  t<ll>JM  iit.:rJ~ ~~  Ot::I  'P6t<J 6:lt,,t'r=i-<ti:1bih-Jli,.hj  : s:::::  >,:j'rj  ol'" sllls ~~~ ~eo  ~: .F!' ': hii- lt:~l".I  : B: : =: o;':  ....  ¢)¢)  <'t:I .. C' 1:n•:ilo ID~?' g~  ==  !;~06=~ ~ cos: 0",:rP. ... o~; O! • P'i'·. Elt::1  Fs:~ ~t,;o: ::c:!~::~~ : : :' ?: : : : : : : : : : ~: : ; : : : : : ~: .. t:I 6'"' "'g"' c:r"I cstoo .,. ll'<>;ico'"• C'~• !;, i,l •  C' o  t:1 ;,;"C'd  :  ..... .,.  I  I  -~$0\QtCDO,.:l-.JCONC11-.:aQO.:J  o.ll .. a:i  7  6  It  t  8  I  I  t::I  ~  r  "Tl  9  C  > ... ►  l1 ►  ~  a:-  ~  I,>  ::c  I I  H  I 1~  G R E E Leak~ ,Illa  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  <()) A.  L.  T  ][  0  ID  RAND M<;NALLY POPULAR MAP OF  ALABAMA SCALE 1p  X 1  2  ss•  3  4  87°  I  C  0  Statute Mlles, 28 -1 Inch. sp  Rand M0Nall1'1 Ne• 11 x  l◄  J  ea  &O  ldap of Alabama.  I  I  'Loagl tud, W ut troll Gzoolfwlch.  6  6  7  8  B5°  9  293D  ~ ~  ALABAMA-Continued  Developed Service for Banks and Bankers  n1e or II nk 1s the ew Tran It ~umber ghen u111brr under  to ach bank in U. ' . exclu h Jy by Th Rand- le all)• Hanker • .. •n. Director ·• under the authority of The mf'rlean Bank r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OFFICERS G. B. IcCORi\IACK, Chairman of the Board C. r.I. \\.ILLIAl\1S01 ............... Cashier W. W CRAWFORD ............... President H. II. K. JEFFERSO ........ Asst. Cashier H. L. BADHAM ............. Vice-President J. DALY .............. Asst. Cashier L\ J. KIRK. IA.· JA KSO ..... Vice-President T  ECTORS  DI G. B. Mc OR!-.IA K Chairman of Board of Direc-tors Pre ident. Pratt. oasolidattd Coal Co. H. L. BADHA. 1 President Bessemer Coal, Iron & Land o. J. W. IcQUEE,' Pre ident Slos:s-Shcffi Id Stt.>el & Iron Co .I. W. BUSH Pr{'i-iclcnt Shelby Iron Company LOUI \'. LARK of Louis V. !,irk & Company J. WAR. 'ER SHOOK of Sh ok & Fletch r Supply ompany JAMES BOWRO.' Pre idcnt Gulf State St el Company GEO. W. Oi'NORS Pre ident Counors-\Vcyman Steel o.  J.  DA GAIX Capitalist SYDNEY J. BOWIE Prt.:sident Crawford's Auto Shop, Inc. H.C.ABBOTT Capitaljst WALTER MOORE President Empire Coal Compan1· Wl\!. D. JELKS Pr 1d nt Protective Life In:uram: l" W.  F. B. FOWLKES Real Estate  J. D. KIRKPATRI K  Pre idrnt Kirkpatrick Sand & Cemrnt ( o. H. E. McCORMACK G ·nernl Manager Pratt Conso!idat<.:d oal C'ompan •  F. B YEILDL 'G of Y ilding Bros. Department Stores LEROY P. PERCY of Percy, Benners & Burr, Attorneys H. K. MIL. TER President l\lilner La:1d Company L. SEYIER Pre:si<lcnt Alabama Manufacturer Ass'n CHARLES P. DcBARDELEBEN Vice-Prcsidl'nt Alabama Fuel & Iron Co. A. C. RA !SAY Engineer Pratt Consolidated Coal Co. GhORGE JOHNSTO •• Pre , Johnston Dry Goods Co. J. KIRK.IAN JA KSO •• Vice Presi<lcn t W. W. CRAWFORD, President  A.MERICANJRUST iSAVINGSB~ Member Federal Reserve System  BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA CAPITAL  PROFITS SURP US A (over) DE OSI  BIRMINGHAM-Reserve City (Branch  or Federal R  erve Bank No. 6)  500,000.00 425,000.00 0,000,000.00  BIRMINGHAM-Reserve c1·ty  Nu111ber under an1e of bank l the ew Transit 1~un1ber given to each bank in U. '. excJu fvely by Th Rand-McNally Bankers' -=,..=:::: D,-lr =:;::..= eetor ·• under t_he authority of The American Banker As ·•n.  35  iM:~~  TA  1E oF BA K . - -  ir?l~~  :!ieBJk· .Asn~.  • . Iem. Fed. Re •  I  LIABILITIES. PRE "IDE."T,  VICE-PRESIDE."T,  CA.SHIER.  Ass 'T CA HIER.  [ E--tah .  --  *  ~------1  RxsouRCE=sc-e.·•_ _ _ _ _ 1  P.UD-UF Su!~~us IN:~viD- D!l~O..SITS LOANS& B o ~ MIBCmLCAPITAL PROFITS DEPOSITS BANKS c ~ ~ s T~:;_ulla.:~.  Ri:::au:ms  $ 500,000$  in all its Branches-Your items and collec& SAV , BANK•t§·o3 Banking tions on Birmingham especially solicited. Try us. 61-12  SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE.  I  I  R&SOURCES  ~  1----11- - - -  4Z5,8ZO $9,001.850$ 499,040 $ 7. 4.450'$ 643,020$  •'18  488,4%0 $ 2.305,9%0 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. City, and N.Park,N.Y.;Cont.&Com'I N., Cht.;Phll. N., Phil.; N. Bk. st Com., • L.  !  • TLB FIRST NA ' ANK -  -  • t mer Brother -------- •U'88 Leo I~. Steiner __ B. Steiner _________ Carl Steiner _____ J. ~l. Levine~----61 11 H. E. Steiner ~. Levine  100,000  { JOHN ff . FRYE --- J. G. FARLEY ------- J. l. COOPER·------ JOHN l. COX--------  *TRAD ER s  480,000  680,000 ----------  'l'l,440 2,781.040  -  30,780  809,00  Chase N., N. Cit>·, and Han. N., !:;:::II N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N. and ~ 18t •• N., Chi.; Merch. 4:th N St. Phil.; 1st. NN., •• SBait.: • N. Shawnut, Bos.; Canal Com' I to Tr. & Sav., N. O. ►  L.;, > z~ N. Park.  80,000 Cent. Union Tr. Oo., Columbia, N. Y.  340.000 ----------  l,80U70  %88.420  '119.800 8,136,720  -  94'1,  and1  I  25,000  16,060  287,170  234.640 --------  2.000  1st N., ~-  44,530 Mech. & Metals N .,  2,000  - ::r: ~  Birm.  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  \le m. Inv. Bk,. As n.  SE GU ff I JI ES  co. OF ALA.  '  {A. C~arbor ----l·r. C. Ca:well _____ H.B. Gray, Jr.. ~---~--------------Sec. and Tr,  100,000  3  25,000 __________ _________ _______________________________________ IHayden, Stone & Co.,  • Y.  SEE ADVERTISEMENT OUTSIDE BACK COVER.  <Brown-~fan: Bld2.)  E & CO , { Geo. B. Wardsantl 14._H. Sterne, ____________________ ----------------- ______________ ·------ _____________________________ ·----·-------------1st N. and Birm. Tr, & Sav •• Birm. •------ 01 (1 miestment ecu ntiu) Partners. Birm ine:ham Clearine: House __ Jno. II. Frye ______ !J. K. Jackson _____ Ina Shepard, Mqr._ --------------- ____________________________________________________________________ _ (MtnnbtrB indicated hv a*) --~-~-------------------_.:._  WARD , STERN  ______________________________,  ---------  ALABAMA-Continued t  .  .  •  • •  •  ...  ..  .  I ...  i  •'  ...  • ;.  I  •  II;,  • ti  f  :,. :  ,.  ,  1  I.  'fl  ...  I'  :.  • I  :  •••  : Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  t  •  :  •  ...  I  ,:  :  I  •  ~ ..  ~  ' •  . ,. . I•  I II  • ;·11 °  I  .• : •  II Ill  .  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDJCNTS.  ••  t ;  I  :,  I  I 111  I Ill  : . • •  ;, t .  ,  I :  I 111  . '' ;  !  :.  ;.  !  : ..  I .  I  :., t  I •  t  ;,  1  i  .  I  I,  :  ••:  't  : •1 , ·  rn  N. City and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. ., . O.; 0, Far. & Mech. N., PbU. ::;·  3  •1 '03  oodlawn avin~ · B, nk __ t§'l4 A. \V, Be\J. ________ h. A. Carter _______ Miss 1\1. E. Urihbon _____________ ♦ 111-441 -R.G. Prickett -----  SALES  145,250  j~  .,,...  Scnd u · ycmr B lrrnfngham Item · direct. Promp attcntlo n given bill or la,dlng draft and all item. . ent us.  NATIONA L BANK 61-10  >  i,  · ·  :i 84 Largest Bank in Alabama. Designated Depositary of the United States cand State • ' of Alabama. We collect and forward items direct to every banking point in Alabama. Superior service in handling collections. TEST OUR FACILITIES.  Gl 1  ,~  I" Ir4  - - - - - ' - - - - - - - '-----------',.___ - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  OSCAR WELLS-- -- J. It FLEMING---- F. S. FOSTER ------- W. D. ROBERTSON THOMAS BOWROII J. A. HOLCOMB, W. C. O'FERRALL I K W BERRY iud"t PA¥LONANGELL \ ~ iLANGS M CALLEY j 1,500,000 2,130,400 ~ 2,808,500 Z0,244.0'10 5,519.410  e;  ~ _  .. Birmingham 'I'ru t · av. Co. ,\.rthur W. mith _ Tom O. mith _____ H. :Manly ______ Benson Cain _______ • 61-8 • ti'87 M. F. mith C. D. Cotton 500,000 758,860 13.488,150 820,840 10,402,840 632,420 727,610 3,826,430 Han. N., N. Y. Tr. Officer, E.W. Finr.h J:i'ed. Re en·e Bank of Atlanta (Brancl1 of Atlant n, Ga.) <Forcum plete 1nfornwtion eepage 25) _ -----,---- ------ - - - - - - - - - ------- ------- ------ - - - - 61-19  Ic  1  --- ---  l  ,w.  PRINCIPAL CoRREsPoNDE.NTs.  CA.SB  ---1-- ------i-----  - W.W. CRAWFDRD-H. L. BAD HAM- C. M. WILLIAMSON - H.H.K. JEFFERSON - - - - - - - A. J. DALY  lME.R\ClM 1RUST G. B. Mc~-~~,~~:• J. K. JACKSON •  (Jefferson, D S) County Seat c.... Population 178,270 _ ~  _! Branch of Federa.!_ Reserve Bank No. 6)  . ,.  11 It  ••  111  ,.,  111 111  !  "  ! • II I  1111  ! II. I  , 111  •  ;  :•t  ,, •• ,  •  r •  1111  •1111  :.,  •  ....  • tt  ~  II  ....... 111  ~•  '  •  I  I  ~•  .., • '  ;.  t  ; •  ~  , t  :  t1  \;: !  llamltu IUMlu am• or Bau la \he New Transit Number dnn to ea.ob bank in u. 8. e1e1aa1,ei, by The aand-McNallJ Bankers' Dlnetorr, under &he autborHJ of The American Bankers Ass'n.  36  NillOF B~K. TOWN ~ND Oou TT. •llem. Am. Bies. Assn . ISt.ate •Oounty 8e&U. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. lllem. S~te Bits. Assn.tPriv. [Estah. ~ Birmtniham Branch. ♦.Mem. Fed. Re .  •Brewton .. Escambia H 4 Pop. 2682  BAIK OF BREWTON --•t1'89  --1  ,  'I  ' . I .  11  II  I''  '  .  •  A S8'T C.USHIJ:R,  ,~ - - - - - - _ O. M. Gordon ______ W. Y. Lovelace ____ C. B. Sawyer _____ J.E. Shofner ____ _  61-145  su,:;:;us  P.UD-UP C APITAL PROl'IT!!  I '  11, ; 11 I C : I  I  I ' : : • • I  I  • •  I  ,  ;.  t , ,C; ;  I :  DBPO ITS  50.000 $  4:15,320 $ 137,210 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Mobile and Birm.: •. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  47.200 E. L. McMILLAN.-•. J. T. BOYD..--------- J. S. CRUM ---------- 0, M. COLLEY------•"'§ '02 Special attentl on given BUI or Lading drafts, C ash and Ttme I te m s. and esentation, pr for draft sight each h wit s u to sent TS CEN FIFTEEN + -----_ CITIZ ENS BANK 61 146  37,230  J . W . Adkisson ____ E. S. Liles _________ G.O.Harold ______ T.C.IIurd________  25,000  15,000  R. Stephenson - - J. J. Williams---- F. W. Garr _______ -------------------. . M. Lightfoot ____ F. 0 . Bass _______ J . F. Hightower ___ - - - - - - - - - - -  25,000 50,000  JamesT. Ramare. J.D.Mur phree ____ W . G. Gilmore __ - - - - - - - - - -  50,000  W . J. Dansby----- W. D. Whitt ed ____ E. ll. Payne------ F. G. Bush __ __ ____  20,000  . L . O' ·cal ------ B. 'I'urner. Acting_ _ ___________  30,000  W . J . Bonner ____ E. R . Bonner ___ J. T. Lawler ____ - - - . . E. W. Berry ______ J.R.L1ddell ______ J.M. foore _______ R. H.L1ddell ______  i  .  t :  I I'  I  I  LIABILITIES.  VI CE•PRltS IDEN'l'.  - PRESIDENT.  . ..  ALABAMA- Cont1·nued  260,460  198,410 N. Park, N.Y.: Citiz.&Peo. N.,Pensacola,Fla.: 1 1st N., Mobile; Birm. Tr. & Sav .. Birru.  350,ooo;  250,000  12,270  160,4201  197,100  158,510  322,560  577,520  75,000  250,000  240,000  140,000 Han.N., N.Y.: Tra, N. and t·t N., Birm.; Merch., ~Iobile. 22,280 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 4th & 1st L ., •a h.: bt t"" L .. Chattanooga. __ 7 ,uaO N. Park and Trup. . Tra . • T, , • • Y,: :b'ar. { )> ll1 l\Ierch. r., Troy. 104,770 N.City,andMet.Tr.Co.,N.Y.;Lowr"N.,Atl.,....._  10,0J0  175,000  151.000  3,600  60,000  44,000  30,000  10,000  150,000  258,000  30,000  24,630  167, 70  184,910  35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Selma N., Selma: Merch .. tt, )> Mobile. .., 55,290 ChaseN.,N.Y.;OityN .• Selma ,  E. L . Andrews _____ H . T. lamner _____ E. L. Andrews --- S. V. llender.;on___  50,000  36.160  146,600  2:;0,510  18,990 Chase N .• N. T.; 1st N .. Birm.  Duncan McDonald . H.T. Peters ______ G.A. Kropp ____ E.S.Guthrie----  25,000  i6,000  350,000  169,000  TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per sonal a t t en tlo n •  Farmers&llerchantsBank •tl'l 2 Gl- 590 Bri~eporLJack on A 7 American a.tional Bank •• '18 61-468 . I Pop. 2018 Brandidre ____ PikeG 7 Br11Dd1dre Bkr. Oo, ___ tlDO0 61- 228 Pop. 941 Firs~NationalBant ____ i •o4 81- 229 &Butler _____ ohoctaw F 2 Choctaw Bank __ _____ et5'05 61- 265 I Pop. 800 Calera ________ Shelby D 5 Central State Bank---1'18 61- 456 8 Pop. 852 AOamdeo _____ Wilcox G, Bank of Oamden _______ 5•09 , 8~- 289 I Pop , 700 OamdenNat1onalBank. •i06 " 61- 238 CampHilLTallapoosaE7 Bank of OampHflL . -il'06 61- 265 a Po1>, 952 OarbonHilLWalkerOS Oitizens Bank ______ _ _.u·os 61- 266 I Po1>. 2500 •Carrolltoo •• PickensD 2 But of Carrollton - •U1900 81- 267 . B Pop, 56t Pickens Coun ty tate Bank .. §'1 ♦ 61-466 Castleberry .Conecuh B 5 Peoples Bank ________ •if '09 81- 268 Pop. 300 CedarBlutr.OherokeeB7 CedarBluffBank _____ t l '09 61- 269 I Pop. 418 •Center •••• Cherokee B 7 Cherokee Oounty Bank•tl'06 &l-270 8 Pop. 600 Farmer & Mer chants Bank " §'17 61- 462 •Centerville ____Bibb E 4 Bibb County Bkg. & T r. Co. U-97 61- 271 8 Pop. 793 Peoples Bank---------•!1'14 " 61- 434 •Chatom.WashingtonB 2 Chatom State Bank ---1'09 61- 272 I Pop. 350 Oh •rok e ____ Qolbert A 2 I Pop. 524 Ohfldersburr--Talladeca D5 I Pop. 41 Cltronelle __ __ Mobile II 2 N.O, Pop. 932 •Olanton ___ _Qhilton E 5  8  "  POD .  Ull  "  Tennessee Valley Bank W92 61- 27! B'irst State Bant _______ •i§'l 81- 371 Citr on elle tatc Bank. • 5'1 61-167 F irst National Bank ___ '10 61-479 Peoples Savings Bank _•!f '0l 81- Hl5  Gordon DuBose ---  ATL AN TA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  ,  16,500  33,850  J . L. Savare ____ Ho coo mith _____ J. H. Savage _______ - ------------------• . J . K . Richard ·o n •. \\ . A. nead _______ -------------------- J, L. Brock________  25,000  14,670  J . P . Kennedy ____ Edward Kennedy __ - - - - - - - - - ------------------. ___________ _______ __ W. C. Fuller ____ __ N. W. Il unmcutt •• S, T. Langston____  •. . '  _Ii_,' ~  James N . Granade. T. J. Dees -------- T. J. Dees _____ G. E. Turner-----O. V. William  >  ~  ~  I, t/lI  138,000 Mech.&MetalsN .. N.Y.;lstN.,Birm.  I g,  18,000 - - 25,000  22,930  42,000  8,500  .,  ~  ~ 1,... 10 1  1,770 Mech.& MetalsN., N. Y.;E.. N.,Home,Ga. ::J ,... o 42,840 Chase N .• N. Y.; 1st N .• Gadsden. (') 34,090 _ _ _ _ _ _ Met. Tr. co .. N. y .; 1st N .. Gad den, 0 ..,.. 40,4-10 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav .. Birm 160,330 15.t.650 84.510  175.510  157,100  231,930  138,000  100,000  75,000  1;;,000  10,000  85,000  97,500  > I  I  r  0) ) )  ro J• ~  , ,..  . City, N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.  I)  1  ~  28,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch., Mobile.  s·  --------------- -------------- ----------- - - - ------------------ (Branch of Decat ur, .Ala.) ----- - --------- N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. ~ Bkg. Co., Lou.  G. R. Powell ____ __ .J.P. Bat ·on _______ .I. C. Crumpton __ LncyFinn ___ ____  25,000  5,000  50,000  0,000  ________ ---------- - ----  10,000  4,460  121,980  119,590  E. E. Upchurch ___ G. C. Walker ___ J. O. Pa11;e _ _ _ ------------D. I. Deramus, Jr. W. T . Callen ______ J. u. Down _______ John A. Thomas __ F. J. Callen--·----  200,000  150,000  15.000  49.120  299,540  194,020  50,000  15,000  100,000  170,000  John A. Il nrt ______ J. ~I. Barclay------ C.  I  _:__ ~_  33,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Merch .. Mobile; 1st N., Meri-,., .::a. dian, Miss. 49,600 1st N., Birm.  v ~  •  I  I  ,,,  J  T.L. Lasseter _____ J. F. lone ________ W . R . Westbrook __ Otice lone________  IHE CITIZENS  ll,  >  29,170 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Tuscaloosa. 301,680 32,130 235,890 25.000 A. B . Dabbs ____ J. H. ~loore _____ __ W. II. Strother ____ E, Ferguson _______ . W. G. Robertson . 60,000 --------- --------- __________________ Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. L. C. Hudgms ----- A. E. Bell __________ D. B... hller ------- -------------------G. M. Collins - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- J . W . Thurmond -- N. P. Thurmond ___ (Branch of Ever orun , A la.) _____ _________ Han. N ., N. Y.: Merch., Mobile.  u. Hurt  Olayton __ ._Barboar G 7 B nk of Comm •rce ___ • '0:i J . L. Houston _____ W . H . Robertson _ . J. Bethu ne--·-- _______ _______ _ .T .. , • : • ' illi ♦ 11- 194 Pop, D ·o OlaJtoll Bankinl? Oo,---1'87 0 . B. P r uett _____ J . It Parish ____ J. T. Floyd, Jr .. __ -----------" 11-191 Clio _______ Barbour G Olio Bankln2 Oo._. _____ t§'05 \V . .A . Arnold ______ J, D, F uqua ------ B. I. J ackson ----- C, ll. Stephens ___ _ 61- 24' Po1t. 83 Sprinrs--.Geneva Fir t National nank __ _ i ·o6 J . L. Cr awford ___ _ 6 . . . .- . .- . . . .~ . .._11,.1-.2.7111 H7 Po . 31 '  SAVArH~I\M  1  I I_  -~ t _  ANo  30,000  50,000  1,  ·oo  73,000 8,500  111  Ill  150,000 100,000 I Ill  246,000  15,000 Chem.N .• N.Y.; Tra. N., Birm.: City N., Sylacauga. 27,370 Am. Ex. r ., . Y.: :M erch., lobile •  ..  75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Birm.; 1tth Iontg. 142,630 N. Park .• •. Y.; Am. Tr. & Bav., Binn. rr. l • av. Co., Tra. N., and 1st .. Birm.; 1st N., ~ E .• N .. and 4th N .. Montg, . Bk. Com., .Y.; Bk. of Eufaula, Eufaula. i:: 37,000 Han. N .• N.Y.; 4th N.,  I»  I Ill  1  1  u  ;  ,.,  SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS  •  ::: 11  I, I  ~u;~~T~  I \.  i~ _I  •  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest. Ba!lk,n P~lnt (In-  -4  :I)  :l  = :I>  "'1  ~  -- -'"1  ti.  190,000 ,I Ill  .....  lO  10 tv  .N11111ber a.nder .Name of Bau la the Ne• TnnaH .Piamlter dTu to each bank in u. 8. u:elualYel7 by The Band-MeNaU7 Banker•• Directory, under the auth!!lt7 of The Amef'!ean Bankers~_•___ _ TowM .illDCou ·TY. oP B.&.n. LIABILITIES. •County Seab. •Kem. Am. Bks . .Assn.lState P&UIDDT. VICE-PR&SIDDT. 0.A.SBID. .A.SS'T 0.&.SBID. PAID-UP SURPLut1 DEPOSIn N • 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tlilem. State Bks . .A.ssn.tPriv. CAPITAL AND ITS ~~~irmingham Branch. +:Yem. Fed. Re • [Es_tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PxoFITs _ _ _ 1  37  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyersk Laws (Indexed) in back of this._ ~ e . F~r Interest _ates, Holidays, etc., see_ w_. ~  ALABAMA-Continued  c'™· Bosn•, cuuG••.DITll  ssc 0 •rnu  1  Collinsville __ Dekalb B 7 Collinsville Savings Bk.l§'19 V. M. Brindley_ H.P. McWhorter - V. M. Brindley---B Pop. 793 61-173  15,200 S  2,810 $  I  RESOURCE!.:_ 1.o.~ .... n11- I C••nt;E:r-  41,930 $  ~  55,190 S  I 1  Orai?ford Bank-------•U-16 J. F. Carter ______ G. w. B. Walker-- 0. 0. Mitchell •• _ Lavelle Dean _____ _ 61-445 First Bank or Crossvillall'l3 S. P. Smith _____ G. W. Justice _____ o. D. Kini?--------- __________________ _  107.000  59,170  98,030 140,000  N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Hamil ton N .. Cha ttanoo1?a; 1st N .. Gadsden. N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N .. Birm. and Chattanooira.  N. Park, N. Y.: Dothan N., Dothan.  N.Park, N. Y.: 1st N.,Birm.:Selma N., Selma. Han. N .• N. Y.  )>  re  N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N, Y.; Lon, N. Bkl?, )> Co., Lou. t:tl  ~  20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st~ .. Birm.  "'fl·  15,000  13,000  160,000  4,360  478,530  305,000  100,000  33,000  500,000  J:;0,000  M. l. ROBERTSON- R E. hEE----------- J. SPITZNAGEL ----- -------------------- 100,000 PARKER BAN~~ TRUST ~0. Special attentl Lading drafts, Cash and Time Ite m • { 61 14 U 84 Pl«ue ,end 15c w ith each ,ioht draft for pruentation and 25c for Credit Repor  16,000  340,000  300,000  150,000 Han. N .. N. Y .: 1st N .• Birm.  A. L. Vauirhan __ -- T. O. Yau1?han __ O. W. McGowen __ _ T. S. War~ W.J. Oottmgham-- A. W. Burton _____ Rene Clark ___ _____ w. carother. E. c. Kinn(ly ______ J. A. Dunlap._____ . F. IIo cy ._______ 11. • rnolu  1  i  .  v -  "  •• .13  202,960  126,280  50,000  15,000  200.000  181,000  igel Wells . _____ _  25,000  7,550  27,840  53,040  Wm. McIntosh ____ G. B. Stapleton ____ J. R. Hammet----- 1R. D. Latady ----- -  10,000  400  38,290  58,350  C. c. HARRIS----- J. L. HUTTON ------· rw, 8. SHACKELFORD w. E. ROPER------J. O. WYKER · J. L. BROCK  NATIONAL BANK •i•11  w. w. FusselL ____ IJ. c. White ________ o. o. Hackworth  ~  200.000  90,410  673,870 1,089,770  n,  g  200,850 .._r, City. , Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .• Chi.; 4th & 1st 1 ., Nash.: 1st N., Birm. anu Cltatta- 'O nooga. o  G.D. Williamson,  -  tii' 150,000  Sec. ....!.,__---:______-:-:_ - - - - - - - --  - --  522,730 N . Bk. Com. and . Park, N . Y.; 1st Birm. and Chattanooga, ---  Special attention given B!ll of Lading Drafts, Ca~h • nd Time Items.. 100,000 81,370 633,380 806,400 166,090 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Blrm.; presentation and 50c for C r e d i t _ _ , 1 Selma;Merch., Mobile. Superior ervlce and prompt returns. _ __._ _ __ - ~ -- ___ _ _ _ _  Please send 15c with each sight  dR~tt~:  E. E. TALLICHET  ---IF. G. SPURLIN------  125,000  co___ { First and oldest J·established T./AvWJl-'Bank. " 6 Unequaled faclllt•les for making Co Jlectlon  •:ti'?O  262,390 4,417,500 4,742,970  J. D. NORWOOD---- ~:~:![~\HT------ THOS. s. EDDINS--- E. H. C. BAILEY --  .. ................. . 61-134  ~-  51,400 N, Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co. and ~ Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. ;' 9,240 Han. N .• N. Y.: 1st N,. Dothan. r+ 0 15,030 Chase T., N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. t:J •  1_ _ _ _ _ ___'..__:__ _ _ ___.,!_ _ _ _ _ _  w. s. PROUT ------IL· C, LaWE---------  ROBERTSON BAIIIUNG  rni,370 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st N .• Birm.  +  ERCIAL  U-370  ::= 6,170  Tenne see Valley Bank _____ Clyde Hendrix _____ 61-116 •U'92  coMM  I  (') 0  50,000  ____________ - - - - - - - - - - - Thos .. S. S. S~nrdt H. 0. Sturd1nnt __ 1van . Wm. Gray ______ T. c. Acree-------- Wm, Gray, Jr, _____ C. G. Collier-------  CITY NATJL BANK {Send us your D ecatur buslne8i. , I Speclalattentlo n glYen Bill or La ding drafts, Cashland Time Items. 111 11"  en  t,.  wu G.H.Malone ______ T.B. Wells ________ L.R. Wells _____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  98,000  10,310  i~  50,000  Gl-411  Bank of Cuba ________ i1•04 W. E. McGowen ___ 61-281 . Alabama Bank & Trust Co. C. S. Biggers _____ • _61- 472 •tl'l8 Leeth National Bank ____ .:·10 G. s. Leeth _______ 61-149  •D,tlli·vill ___ Tallapoosa Sturdivant Bank ______ .f§'96 B Pop. 1146 E 7 61-186 •· Tallapoosa CountyBankU"87 ------61-185 Daleville------ Dale B 7 BankotDaleville. ______ Pop. 500 61-379 Daphm• ______ Baldwin I 3 Daphne State Bank •. ____ §'20 6 N. 0. Pop. 500 6H84  Demopolis __ Ia rcngo F 3 B Pop. 2779  7,000  20,000  "'1  14,230 Han. N., Y.: Ha1!1ilton Tr. & Sav., Chatta• )> noo1?a: rra. N .• Birm. 1 35,000 N;B~.Oom.,?:i,Y,:A!Jl,Tr.&Say.,_Birm.;Fifth- t:tl rh1rd .. Cm.; 1t1z. N .• Menumn, Miss. _ 204,000 ~Iech. · Metal N .. N. Y.: Am. 'l'r. · Sav .. _,, llirm.: ,\m. N .. Nash. Z 70,430 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Blrm.; Am. ., .:..',t h. ~  ~jtg1i~JE~nY~~  •D 1 c, tur ____ Morian "\ 4 B Pop. 5800  25,000  Ill  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ::::  7,610 Han. N., N, Y.: 1st N,: Collinsville.  First National Baat: ---•t'04 O. L. Hall--------- Irby 0. Hall ________ J.P. Cox __________ Russell M. Crump_ 50,000 16,000 250,000 60,000 450,000 61-234 J. T. Siniard Peoples Bank ______ -•:l:§'19 w. E. Killian ______ J. D. Jordan _______ E. M. Box ______ W. B. Smith . ______ 50,000 6,000 25,000 100,000 145,000 61-477 J. W. Blackwell olumbia __ Houston H 8 Bank or Oolt1mbia--•U'l2 W. F. Oakley ______ T. L. BlackwelL_ L. W. Armstroni- M. L. Oakley ____ _ 25,000 15,500 37,500 95,000 98,000 Pop. 60 61-404 •Columbiana_ Shelby D 5 Oolwnbiana Sav.B&nk.•*1'03 W. F. Davis ______ w. W. Wallace ___ W. L. Christian____ _________________ 35,000 2,000 122,000 39,000 80.000 B Pop. 1073 151-277 • _ corllova ____ Walker o • Oordova Bank ______ •H 08 M. H. Johnston ____ P. M. Loni?------ M. H. Johnston __ W. N. Jones_______ fo,000 5,000 200,000 125,000 100,000 a Pop. 2000 151-271 Courtland-Lawrence A. 4 Tennessee Valley Bank ______________________________________________ __ (Branch of Duat ur,..d.Za.) _ _ _ _ _ _ 61-2so :moo 8 Pop. 367 cra~ford--- ___ Clay D 7 B Pop. 200 Crossville. ____ DekalbB 6 B Pop. 300 Cuba _________ Sumter F 2 B Pop. 710 ullman ___ Cullman B 5 ~ Pop. 2-167 •  r:::  PRiNCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  I SO UTHERN  Collections a Sp Ieclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment.  ~  THE CIT IZENS  'No  132,500 s.  BANK  161,210  822,630  1 19U30 •N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., B1rm.  I  SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS ~u;~~~  •  Number under Name or Bank 1s ih N "Transl& Number given to each b nk in U. S. excluslvely by The .Rand-McN Hy Banker •  38  Directory, under the authority of The Am rlcan Hankers  I  'A K oF BANK. Tow A ·n coo 'TY. •.lem. Am. Ilk .Assn.§ tate ts. •Oouuty l n o. O Fed. Res. Dist. !. lcw. tate Bks. Assn.lPriv. I g tab. B is Birmlni:ham Branch + rn. Ji'ed. ne ·.  Dora _______ Walker C , , Dora Bankin i & Tru 61 - 28 2 8 Pop. 1117  PRESIDE. T.  t oo.,  n.  A.  •• 1 '06  U  *DOTHAN  VICE-PRESID  Phillip _____ G. lay ___________ IL IL Palmt,r P. P. Crowe  c. I.  Jones ________ Wm. D. Scogin ___ _  •  ,"  25,000  I·,  :  I·,  !  ,  I  400,000  100,000 1,200,000 1,400,000'  II  lolEfr'HH----- w.  *Houston J..Tational Bank•t'05 J. R. Youn~---- R. B. Forrester ____ K. L. Forrester ____ A. W. Lisenby ____ _ .J. A. Waldon John an<.ler · 61-82  1  . ..  1  Park and r·. Bk. Com., •• Y.: 1st Dothan~· .. Dothan,  .1. •.  150,000  68.810 1,001.120 1,655,840  !I  -------------------- ____________________ B. J. Cowart, Jr.,  B. L. Gaddis _______ J. A. Howle _______ 1Lee Hornsby ______  1  o. P. Edwards_____  .  '  and  I~  g:  181,090 Han. N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N .•. Chi.; N. Bk. of )> IJj Savan., Savan.  756.750  560,000  130,000  _  2a,0OO  30,000  10,000~  10,i50  ..., > Y.: Lou ....r, @ I  I  277,690  187,480  27,2701  95,390  "'4  '. '. Bk. Com. and N. Park, Bkg.Co.,Lou. 101,410 ~. Park, N. Y.: Far. & Merch. Lowry N., At!. 8,190 . Park and .Met. Tr. Co.,,. . Y.  ___ 1 I  ~T ••  Troy;  En~ Y-i;o/ii~son  75,000  '"1  290,000  56,000 1 175,oooj  I  I  BANK OF ALABAMA {R. A. TERRELL ___ J. w. MINOR -------- FOSTER HAMILTON -- R. D. RUSSELL _____ peclal attentto 1n given Bill or La ldlng draft , Cash ·  •U-98  61-151  ot,  3-1,500 N. Park and N. Bk. Com.,~ • Y.: Peo .. "Mobile: ~ r? 4111 N., At!. I Han . .N. and N. Park, N. Y.: 1 ·t 1'., Dothan. o 71,000 520,000 300,000, 100,000 75,000 Murphree___ L. A. Boyd ------ S. N. Rowe ________ H. C. John -on _____ F. H. o. A. Elli,; til Daw.on _____ (Branch of A.the lns, Ala. ) ________ _________ Chase ".. ~'· Y,: .Jth & I t ,• .. ash illn. __________________________________________________________ l'il•re 1'0  Y. W. Rainer ______ F. P. Rainer _______ J.B. Amos ________ J. F. Brunson_____  (l)  1  D5  ~ t:tl  ),,  US,  ____________________ (Brauch,of Dec(lt ur, Ala.,) ________  Jlgr,  A. F. Merrill ______ W, c. Grant-·----· B. D. RuwclL_____ _________________  :•  2-15,740 Han. N. and N. Par~. N. Y.: Am. N., Pensa-1 cola, Fla.; !st N.. Ph1I.  -------------------- - - - ------- - - - - - - --------_____ J. R. Young _______ ------------------ J. L. Crawford~"ec. ..,  'l'enne ee Valley Bank_! '11 61-283 First ational Bank _____ •10 61-28-1 Rank or Eclectic _______ +§'13 61-417 Elba Bank & Trust Co .• •t§'ll 61-378 l1'ir t~ 'ational Bank ____ •i'98 61-285 & '!'rust Co. 1m:mout..Limestoue .A 5 Citizen Bank •§ '07 61-286 8 Pop, 261  "  300.000 .Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, avan.  Dothan Cl 'ariug House (fticmllrrs indicatui J,y a *) .. voubl Spriuf ,Winston B4 B Pop.500 Dozier __P___ o~e n shaw H 8 op...37 Edectic ______ Elmore E 6 8 Pop. 555 .. Jm1<1. _________ coiree H 7 Pop. 16 1  ..  I  •  I  250.000 R. WATFORD --- ------------------H. MALONE --· ave time and g et service on Col lcctlons and Cre dlt .Reports by se ndlng TRY c. 50 Report8, Credit 15c; drafts. t sitrh Plain FEE IN ADV.A. NCI~:  •tl900  , I ,  75,000  i'nl b~~o~g~  •i"89  61-81  •  :  t•:~ ' ·;,'  attentfo n given nm of La ding draft , Cash and Time Items. pee { Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Repor ts to insure attentio n.  *FIRST NAT. BANK iG.  I  LIABILITIICS.  60,000 475,000 .J0,000 450,000 mos t prompt service. Send us your B 111 of Lading Dra fts-Sight Drafts 15c for prescntat Ion. C redlt Re ports 50, c.  i  'f  ,.  E. ll. PORTER----- J. J. ~LOWERS •• ____ F. A. FLOWERS _____ T. M. WEEKS -------  The smallest n  J. R. FAIRCLOTH-- F. M. GAINES------- J. L. CRAWFORD ---- W.W. McCARTY----8. P. POYNER. JR. lal  NATIONAL BANK 61-80  I  ~  ALABAMA-Continu ed I CA.SHIU. Ass'T CASHIER. T.  1 · -~--- .  Bf1~fl TRUST ~010  •Dothan ____ Houston B 81*DOTHAN 4 , Pop,10,03  s 'n.  and  50,000  17,020  816,760  (/J  854,2,10  Time Ite ms.  Bank of Ensley --------•U 'll9 Erskine Ramsay ___ G. B. :'lie ormack._ ,S. C. King ________ W. C. Iaxwell 1• __ _ W. D . ._'uppler I ll. E. Chadwick mam;ay &)fcOormack, Inc.) '. It Coln l 61-150  100,000  207,800 3.600,060 3,135,020  1 •Ent erpri c ___ coiree H 7 EnterpriseBankin~Co .•. S'03 J.B. Byrd _____ R.H. Arrington ___ W. C. Stapleton. __ -------------------· lt. H. Martin 61-137 Pop. 8013  50,000  65,000  204,850  207,690  H. M. SESSIONS -- L. H. SESSIONS ---- L. H. SESSIONS ---- M. P. ADAMS------ -  100,000  :i0,000  250,000  325,000  FARMERS & MERCH. NAT'L { BANK .. ___ 61-138 -------t'07  Coll ttons a sp eclalty and r mtt ted on day or pay meut. Prompt a tentl on to all banking matter entru te d to u:.  107,soo Han. ' .. ~·. Y.: Cont.,· Com·] • .. Chi.: Birm. Tr . & av. Co., Birm,  639,2'0 • I eh. & Metals .1 •• ancl . Bk. Com., .1: • Y.; Am. 'l'r. & av. and bt N., Biriu.; Hibernia Bk. and 'l'r ... '. O,; Lowry ~ ',; ti.; Hamil· ton~',, Chattanooga. 101.'180 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N. au<.l Dothan N., Dothan:, I'l Capital N.. Montg.  65,0001 N. Pa,k, N, Y,; T,a, N.. m,m.  Pol  ::l C Pl  '"1  ::< ,.  I  t :'\ ..  '  I  ,.  '  t  ' •  II  B. ,I. lJailey -------· l . L. Young _______ .\1. W. Cathey------ j------· ----- -------·  •  I  II 111  10, .000  -  ~50.000 ti I  •  '° N  , I  SAVANNAH ATLANTA   It I . I ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I  ;.;  11  I  •  ,  fl"  i  I  •  I J I  I  I  I  I  .'  •:. I  •  .  f I  '  I  :  I,  I•  ,;.  ft·  ,: f  I  .  '  .• I  :  It  I .  •  ;  ·•  .:_ I ,!!__ :_  '  : __. ~  Non-.Bank Tow1  cf.  I  'I  .  umber under Name or Bank i1 the  ew TramH Number given  to each bank in U. S. escJa I elf by Tbe Rand-McNall1 Bankers• 39~lreetorJ',~el' the authority of Tbe American Banken A •n. Tow AND COO. Tr. •County eats.  AKE OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lSt:ite Jn o. 6 Fed. R •. Di t. Uilem. State Bks • .A.ssn.tPriY. II is Birmineham Branch. I Kstab.  -  ALABAMA-Continued -~ ----.LLIB!LJ.TIEi:-  -  ufauJa _____ Barbour G 8 Pop. 4939  PBJSIDJ:NT.  VIc:&-Pll:r.sIDJ:NT.  C  UED,  Ass'T CASHIER.  CAPITAL  BANK OF EUFAULA {W.LAWRENCEWILD G.R, MAULTHROP-----H. LAMPLEY, JR,---- W. O. FLENELLEH--L. COMER •  61-114  1 PAID-UP  I~  SURPLUS! AND , PROFITS 1  on-Bank To"n with Neare t Banking Polut (Index d Acces.), L' wyer , Laws (indexed) in back or this~ volume. For Interest R te ·!._Holldays,E,, SJ0 Law_•  5  ~Cklllll.SPONDDTS. -  - -  DEPos-  ,1115,000 S U0,000!Han.  ~  {J. P,JOYus·-------  H. FOY------------- H1 FOY ------------- -------------------- 150 ooo 110 ooo Sen your Eufaula Item dire c~. Speelal atten tlon given Bill of Lading Drafts. Plain Sight Bra rts 15c; Credit Re ports Ac.  579,000  I  .. •. Y.; C •nt. Bk.  Tr. Corp., AU.  -\0  N  50,000 Chase N., . Y.: Phil. N .. Phil.; Citiz. & Southern, Savannah; 4th N., At!. 43,000  ili,~Ea~t!1\,o ii--lven-Bili-or·i:. l1n~l~~rTs~------ - - - - - - - - - - lOO,OOO t,1(LABAMA ____ 61-112IATIOHL ------*'86 Save time and ge\ service on Col Jectlon1 and Ored It Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADV AN CE: T RY U •  E ST  g  9  ITS  -- -  250,000 20,000 1 400,000 Personal and P rompt ttentlon Given BW or Lad Ing Draft and re mltted for on d ay of pa yment. •U'06 _15e with Eacb S lgbt Draft; 50c ro r Credit reports I nsures prompt at tentlon •  COMMERCIAL IATIOIAL BAlll----«11-111 ____ t'llli  PRINCI  R~URCES.  ech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Atl. N., AU.  Plain •i11ht draft•• 1 Sc; Cred it Report.. SOc.  Iron N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.  JR.  100,000  100,000  375,000  515,000  85,000 Coal  Merchants & Farmers Bank J. 0. Lacias ____ K. A.. Archibald. __ J. K. Smith ______ - - - - - - - - - · or Greene Oounty ___ •tllUOO 61-2111  55,000  53,650  1 9,600  214.460  70,060 Han. N., N. Y.: Ilirm. 'l'r. & Sav. Co .. Birm.; )> Hibernia Uk. & Tr. Co .. N. 0. _z  45,700  ,. F.utaw _______ Greene E 2 FIRST B Pop. 1359  llTIONAL BAH-•*'84 61-218  n.Oonecuh H 5 FIRST NATIOHL BAH-•:•05 Pop. 2000 Gl-17, _______ Peoples Bank ________ eif'0l 61-173 E c onroe G 4 Dank of E eel ---------i'l9 & B Pop. 500 . • . 61-482 , irtl Id ___ Jefferson O 5 First .. at1onal Bank •••• •: 10 8 Pop. 40118 . ~1-2711 . F,l rh(!pe ____ Baldwm I 3 Bank or Fa1rho1>e------•tl 17 6 N. 0 Pop. 853 61-461 FalkviJie_·____ :Morran B 5 Tennessee Valley Bank.U'06 B Pop. 362 Gl-288  8. B. BAINES--- ~O!N f\Pfi11LJ!-- I. W. BARNES----We make a Spec Sof Jo'ilec,lo DI. { Dnrt, presente don da7recelYed. We always reml ton day or . .701 ent. TRY US.  r.n;  W. J. BARIES,  to ~  ri:r  R. F. Croom _____ o. R. Taliaferro ___ J. D. Wri£ht._ ___ - - - - - - - -  25,000  17,1)60  8211,980  414. 40  0. P. DemiDr-- A.. Ounninrham ___ A.. __ C. P, Deminr. Jr.__ Byron Tisdale D. D. Mims ____ J. ~ . Brown _____ J. L. Kearley ______ ·----------------  100,000  125,000  450,000  696,000  J______  ~  20,000  1,790  23,000  45,000  ;r  50,000  21,1110  268,520  2211,~30  WATKIIS BAHIII CO.  . . . RobertJem1son,Jr. P. G. ShooJc _____ C. N. Gilley ________ Chris. Maruf2'-• , . J. R. Hammet.. ___ Henry Crawford_ Wm. McIntosh.--- G. F . .:\Iartm ______  10,000  - - - - - - - _____________________________ ----------------- (BrCMleh  50,000  42,720  •Fayette _____ Fayette O 3 Citizens Bank------•*1'13 L. .M. Dodds------ E. E. Thomason __ G. C. MW'chison ___ T. H. Robertson __ 8 Pop. 1741 61-'15  60,000  25,000  250,000  225,000  50,000  60.000  488,000  471,000  Gl-2811  FIRST NATIONAL BANK 61-290  S. R. Bethea _______ G.D. Stolleuwerck Siddon  •tl'91  •U900  {~p  ll . GRIMSLEY-- J.C. GRIMSLEY----- J. 0. DICKSON------ G. l. SMITHJ________ •8GODWIN, V.P E. M. GRIMSLEY R. P. CAINE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  r.: iu'  106, 80 Cha eJ;,.,J;·, Y.; 1 L".,Birm.  148,650  233,520  53,730 N. Park, N. Y.: Seim Birm. 75,000 Han.~··•  4·. Y.;  N., Selma; 1st N.,  g  ii>  Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.  0i'  134,110 4'•r1'ar¥, •• Y.; Cont. & Com'! • .. Chi.; 1st ,, Birm.  odern };quip ment, tacellent F aclUtle , 11fflclen t ervice. Try Us. Special attentl on given BW of L adlng draft , Cas hand Time Item •  PleaBe Bend 15c wi th each Bight draft Jo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts,  E ivepoints-Chambers D 8 Bank of Five Points--.1'14 R. N. Bowen _______________ D. A. Williams.____ __________ B Pop. 1565 61-449 , • Inomaton_Escambia H 4 Bank of Flomaton ____:, 06 Wm. Townsend·-- W. L. Abernethy __ H. Y. Bryan------- W. J. Bryan-----Pop. 724 61-291 L. F. Knowles Floral ____ oovmKton B 6 Pop. 2633  VJ  6,100 160,000 154,000 21,600 ~et. 'rr. Co .• N. Y.; ~erch .. Mobile. ..,.. of Dua tur, ..tla ,)_ ___________ N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. O Bki. Co., Lou. ~  Stollenwe rck ___ ---------  un dale __ Jdarenro F 3 8 Pop. 268  • City, •. Y.;1'ra. N., Birm.  E. P. RODWELL---- T. J. BRITTON .. ------ J.E. WATERS----- W. P. JACOBS-------  {SEND US YOUR FLORA LA ITEMS D IRECT BANK OF61_132FLORALA l ,04 Prompt Attention Given Bill of Lading Drafts and all Matt ers sent us.  15,000  3,000  35,000  60,000  15,500 Han. N .• N. Y.; Bk. of Lafayette, Lafayette.  15,000  10,000  105,000  85,000  35,000 N. Park,  60,000  28,350  301,430  399,460  100,000  ·40,000  400,000  -:Ill  . Y.: March., Mobile. ·., Pen acola:  •  •  ti,  • I  THE CIT IZ·ENS  '  .  '.  .  B. H. Meadows ____ Kate Johnson _____  11111  I  I•  I  '  It  •  - - - ........It 'Nnmbllr PiVAD  Number under Name of Bank la the New Tnml& Number 11ven to each bank in U. 8. exelud• IJ by Tbe Baod-MeNallJ Bankers' Dlreetory, under the autborttr of The Am rlcan Bank rs A 'n.  40 Tow  AND COUNT •  ALABAMA-Continued  NAU OP BA.NI.  •County eats. •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. Ii tate In o. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. Ufem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Bis Birmini:ham Branch. ♦Mem. Ired_:_Hc • [Estab.  Vlc:E,-l"RUIDENT,  PU:SIDJ:NT.  labama 'fr. & av. Bank J. F. Koonce •••.•. II. 61-80 •i '05  •Florence.Lauderdale A3 B Pop. 10,529  n. Holbrook ••••  CA.SHIU,  ABS'T Oillllll.  1--~-1 J. R. lcGarry •.••• H.  •i'SO  61-8?  r: r:  Tenne ee Valley Bank.U'D2 - · - - · · - - - - - - - - - - · O. C. Hack"orth,  61-81!  lioley •••..••• Baldwin J 3 6 N. 0. Pop. 243  tate Bank or Foley_.•tl'll V. F. Ga:tr •••••••. 61-292  c:co. llolk .••••••.•  .\[gr,  . Go! on-·····- O. P. Edwards .••••...•.••...•••••••••• 1 Pop. 30 F 5 61-203 •li·ort PaynA.Dekalb B 7/Citizens Bank & ecurity Co. H.B. Brock •••••••• C. G. Kershaw .... T. J. Cook.·-···-· II .• I. Campbell •• .I B Pop. 2025 . 61-446 •.tl'14 " •••••••• " First ational :tnk ••••• •'19 Chas. . Lyerly •••• J.B. Haralson ••••. G. I. Weatherly ••• J, A, Davis, Jr .•••• 61·478 W. B. Davi  d~oii.·~!~;ah B  1/  ETOWAH TRUST o.  °'  J.  27,000  ~---  700.000 $ 700,000 $150,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.:  362,560 1,658,360  ••••••••••••••••.••• (Branch of Dec.a tur,  John C. Lehr•••••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _  .B ort DP.poslt...Lowndes Fort Deposit Bank. ..... il'04 0. M. Davis·-····· J.  •<,ai  DEPO ITS  \___  $ 100,000 $  N. C. ELTl~G ••••• P. R. JONES •••••••. TURNER RICE •••••• to\ffT~rc···· 100,000 ervlceon Collee tlons and Credit Reports ~Y sendl ng FEEIN ADV.AN CE:Plain•i11htJr alt•, 15c; Credit Report•• 25c TRY US.  FIRST NAT BANK {~ave,tlmeandge t 1  c. Gilbert ••••••  P.AJD-UP1su~u•1  CUIT.U., PBOrIT8  10,000  18,000  1,n7,560  00,030 N. Park:, N. Y.: 4th & 1st  la .) ••• _._ ·····--  350,000  265,000  Am.  •.•  Tru;h.  .• Nash.  . Bk. Com., N. Y.: I t ... , Birm.  97,000 N. City, N. Y.:  > 41 550 •. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y .: erch., > Montr. a, 75,000 Han. ., . Y,; Hamilton N., Chattanooea. > erch.,Mobile.  r4  25.000  17,710  120,0 0  12 ,330  22,000  7,200  270,000  370,000  50,000  5.000  378,000  243,220  a:  186,990 Seab. N,, N, Y,; 1st N,, Chattanooga,  > a,  a. WADSWORTH.- i: l·lNtwerr-- M, E, PENTECOST, JR. B. J. FARRAR •••••••  )>  B. W. DUKE 200,000 35,000 1,005.000 950.000 249,000 W.H.PORTNER - - - - SA V. BANK Fastest growth of any bank in Gadsden. Vigorous attention given Collections. U-66 •*I'll Quick returns an~onsistent charges. Reasons given for non.payment. __  • Bk. Com., N. Y.; and 1 t N., Blrm.  Am. Tr.  av.  Z ~  C/l  I  ~ 0  FIRST NATIONAL IINK •t'87 51-62  Gadsden Ln. & Tr. Co._  61-M  J. ff. LESTER •••••• B. W. PRU ET·····- R. V. DAVIDSON-- JOS. BALFOUR •••••• C. B. FORMAN F. H. PENTECOST Fir t and olde t est bll bed Bank In G d den. D. G. RIDDLE  100,000  l  I  E.T.HOLLINGSWORTH ave time and get service on Co •i'07 { FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain •i,rht peclal attentlo n 1lven BIil of La  2:i,000  12,j,000  llectlons and Cre dlt Reports by se ndln draft•. I Sc; CreJ it Report., 25c.  ding drafts, Cash  1  TR  nd Time Items.  3,2401-····--·  939,860  US. 7,120  }07,900  : Y' vlit~i-,~\!~k  12,  oo,  24,000  ll2,590  •Uenev •••••• G nevaH7 Citizen Pop, Jii 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J. R. Henderson ••• J • . Che nut •••• _ \l ebb Chesnut._. _________ _  Bank •••••·--·-il'0l J.J.Johnson,Sr .• D.B . .Morris,Sr .•• J.Johnson,Jr .•••• -·-·······----··· 61·221  34.620 ·····--  45,500  15,000  G~}:~r,ille••.•. 1·07  Ohat• ~ ::::, C')  : ntt •••••• Co ioiton H 5 B nk of Gantt---•tl'l0 Pollard Gantt •• __ W. D. Riley ••• - •• Claude Wril?ht ••.•• Leon Gilchrist_ Pop. 400 81·2116 ll 7 B nk of  r.,  tanooaa: Lowry N., At!.  ct)  1w. ~i~i~k····· H. L. RALLS-- JNO. L. RAY-·---  61 S  596,170 Seab. N. and Am. Ex. N .• N. Y.; 1. t  Colle tlon ip laity nd r mitt d on day or pay ment. end us your G dsden ltema.  '07 E.T. Holling ·worth J. W. Hammond __ J. S. Paden. ··---··----Sec. and 7'r.  GADSDEN NATIONAL BANK  215,320 2,237 610 2.51 ,360  60.000  5,100  60,000  30,000  I  90,000  37,540  • Hk.  om., N. Y.; 1st N., Andalu la,  108,650 Coal & Iron N .. N. Y.: Ex. N., Rome, Ga. . Bk. Com., N. Y.:  m.  ., Pen· cola, "Ja.  rm r .. ationnl Bank ••i•1 61 l  W. O. lulkey ••••• D. L. Watrnn ••.••• Fred C. Riley •.•... ··-······-········ P. II. !land  ~  ::::,  I  120,000  294,000  ·, Ilk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., l'tin ·acola, Fla  fi;  "1  s;;,ooo  a;;,ooo  •. !'ark, .. •. Y.; Icrch., Iontg.; 1,t .i:  .,  --  Mol.Hl • ~  \ .0  ~  Number ander Name or Bank i11 the New Transit Number ,inn \o each bank in U. 8. exclwlvel7 by The B.and-MeNallf Banker8" _ _D~tory, under the authority of The ~merlean Bankers A s•n.  41  Tow  J.JID  OooTY.  GilbB rtown.C1:! octaw G 1 People Bank ----------• '20 Pop, 11 61 95  PRESIDENT.  1 •  R. Lenoir _______ J, E.  Phoenix-Girard Bank •. •! ·0-1 c. L. ullin •••••• 61-110 Bank of Glenwood.-··-· '19 D. A. Batten __ •. 61-475 PeoplesTrust Savini=sBank 0. B. Gilliland -· 81-2SS •U'06 Merchants & Far. Bk .• •!1'05 A. B. Dabbs---·61-300 Bank of Gordon ••••••-•• U'l2 J. J, Harsh--·--61-!88 Grand Ba:, State Bank.•!1'12,J. W. Eean-·-·61-402  •C~reensboro_. __ Hale E 3 8 Pop. l Oil  FIRST IIATIONIL  o.  ··-··---  "  61-152  !Peoples Ba~l=i  VICS-PU:SIDDT.  _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_  Girard ••. _. __ Ru ell F (Phoenix P 0) Poo. 1142 lenwood.C rensbaw G 6 Pop. 3 6 Good Water_OoosaD7 8 Pop. 20 GordO--·····Pickens D 2 8 Pop. 612 ordon ·-·-·Houston B 8 Pop. 819 rand Ba:r.-•.• Kobile 12 6 N. POP, 350  "  I  NA.HS OP' BANK.  • ounty Seats. •Kem. Am. SState In ,. 0 _ 6 Fed. Res. Dlst. tKem.State Bk:s.A.ssn.tPriv. Bi Birming~m Br. •~em. Fed. Re.:. [E::tab.  0.A.BBID.  LIABILITIES.  A.SS'T OJ.SKID.  PAID-UPI  C  _______ 1  cL"{lmore._~ G. E. Foerster.•  ---!=--·=---=  c. \  arrick •• --. 1W. L. Layton-··-·. --·······--·----  PIT L  15.000  ···-···--··---····-- H.P. Mullin_ •..• -- 1•• - •• -···--···--···J.  Non•Bank To ~·n wlth Nearest Bankh1" l 1 olnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer·, l,aws (lnde. ed) in back of this'volum~ ~,O! lntere~ !{~t~s, !f~~day~ ~tc., see Laws. ~  ALABAMA - C ti On nue d  25,000  I  UBPLUs  P:O~~TS  1  1 I  c~u!%..•  c::,:..Cu·Do•  ~5.0~ • 122,000  ~  I  410,000  PRINCIPAL  --  ITS  ---;;o 12,000  RESOURCES.  OOKK&SPOND  ~  I  "'1  ~ ·.Park,_,._ Y.;  ~  rch., Iobile.  t-.:i  ;·,ooo  300,000  m. Ex. ~..  . Y.: 1 t •• , Birm.  _.  10,000 ·······- ·----·-- ---····· 30.000  21,000  160,000'  16'.),0!JO  a;;,ooo  J. R. Moore_··-·--- J. F. Rainer--·--·· Gertrude rinl!-··· J. L. Davis E. F. Tuttle ····-- Alto _[arsh.·-·-·-- ··--·····-···----·C. P. Bowdon P. U. mith ... -··- L. F. Pendell ·--- -····_  26,000  3, ,OCO  O::i,:;oo  388,000  43,000 N. Bk, Com,, N. Y.; 1 t ,.., •ruscaloo~a,  11,100  6,800  40,410  42,270  10,000  ~.630  6 ,300  1,390  1l11K.i•o1 J. J. . Blunt. ___ ---·-····--·-- Chas. Stollenwerck Cadwallader Erwin  100.000  50.000  525,000  725,000  130,000 Chatham & Ph.enix N., .N. Y.:N. Bk,_Com .. St. L.: Fifth-Third N .. Cm.; 1st N .. B1rm.  ___ .if'04 1A. Lawson--··--·  J.S.Gilliland ••-  Y.L .• ·eighbors •. :: .•J. Pear,ou .••••  ------··---···- L. J. Lawson, Jr,_ ---···-------  I  Chase N .• N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.  14,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan. !l,9-10 Mech. &  NA11~rk. N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Su .. Birm.: 4th  30,500  15,560  164,690  101,770  112,010  112,320  G2', 30  iil7,300  186,860 Han.N .. N. Y.:lst N .. llontr. andBirm.  J;i3,000  769,000  820,000  .. rove Blll.-.Olarke G Bank of Grove Hill-••. ~l'OI I Olayton Foscue-·Pop. 400 . U;-30~ . uin---··-··· Marlon OS ommerc1al avmgs nk H. l. \ r11:ht·--··· a Pop. 6 6 61 89 t . '20 •• Marlon Oount:, Bkr. Oo.H'05 Mack Pearce .. ·---·  e  61-303  P. IL SmitJ1 h, J)lllan.-•• L. R. Tucker. ___ \. B. Pugh •• -·•·--  J. . W. z. 1!<J<l!!ers D. • 1zemore ••. Loma. E. B. Fito •••·-···-· n.  larvin l'earr.e  . prmgtleld. ·--·········-··-····  w. Coleman •• _.••• _···-·  ·····-··-·  20.000  15,000  400,000  25,000 ·-··-···-  46,000  325,000 ' 52,000  25.000  60.000  100,000  :15,000  227,000 N, Rk. Com.. I  I I  > >  etals N., N. Y.; Merch., Mobile.  •Oreenville---ButlerG5 BankofGreenville- •• •U'96 G. B. Tatum •••••• ThomasW.Pearter OscarRile:r--·- --···--···--·- ·-··· 100,000 Pop. 3471 61-120 ·• " First National Bank-•UDOO R. A.. Beeland. __ !'ark mith •••••••. Park Smith--·--- J. R. Powell. Jr.... 125.000 61-121 R. , BPl'laml, J 1·. I  55  t::  Te.  1,o.,..a:n,•• C•n&Ez-  DEPO&-  t--  .,  • Y.: 1st N., lontl?,  ~  Ei:  > tl1 > ~ ~  ~ tll  105,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Merch., Mobile.  I  7  21,000 ..:. Par , •. Y.· I t ~ Birm,; Peo. Bk. · 'l'r. ,..., Co., 'l'upelo, liss. ~~ 51,000 Han. N1 .. N. Y .: 1st N ., Birm.; Pco. Bk. · Tr. :::.: o., 1'upelo, ..Miss. ~ .,  C'I)  >'\  G. B. ZETTLER--·· W, C. RAIBURN •••• - J, H. WILLIAMS .-· ---·-·····-··-·-····  25,000 16,620 h n CITIZENS BANK •1 on l'D'TEY.S CEN T sen to us wl th each alfht dr art for presentatl on. amt • unt rsville_._Mars a ----•• ' • TWENTY•FIVE CENTS for each c redlt repor Insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. 61-IOO B Pop. 1!.IOII B6 ~Speclalattentlo n slven Bill or La ding Drafts, Cas hand Time Item s.  . url y __ • ___ Mad1son a Pop. 727 H ckleburr--!farion  na1fniil~~~ ~fnston B Pop. 140-1 ••  ..  -·-··-·-  ··--···  ..  First  ational Bank .... •t'l7 F. B. Albert-····· 6}-460 , A. 6 Tennessee\ alley Bank il 02 - - - - - - - · · 61-l!0t B 3 Bank of Baj ~a8~urg ___ tf'H W. B. Mixon----·· 1 Ba Fir t .. Tational B3mk ••• -.t•20 B. II. Drake.·-·-·· 61·48o 1 1 r'rennessee it!8lBankU"92 · - - - - - -  233,670 1  61-199  I  80,890 Han. N .• N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Oo., Birm.; ~ 1st r., Chattanoo~. ~ :,  0  Gordon Gilbreath_ :M F Irvin ···--· Ralph . mith.·--·25,000 63.000 700,000 643,000 150,000 Han. .. . Y.: 1 t . . ' .. Chattanooga; 4th · ~ · · 1 t J. ..... rash. . . , . ~ ··------·--- • o. R ed, },!gr ••• - - - - - - - - - · - (Bra.ncl, of D«at u.r,.Ala.) --······ · · - · - - N. I:lk. Com., N. Y., 1:st r ., Birm. and Chat- --1 tanooga. . r1" C. T. Lunsford_ A. L. Wiginton. ___ J. G. Gann·-··---·-1 10,000 11,uOO 7;;,000 9:.i,OSOI 12,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: B1rm. Tr. &Sav. Co .. Blrm. ~ 1  W. E. HowelL •• -- B. H. m1th·--·-·- Guy Drake--····-· 25,0001 2,600 102,660 34,450 John Dodd - - - - - - - c. E, Barclay.Mgr. __________ l( Braneh of ur,.Ala.) - · - - -  92,350 .... ,ity, ·, Y.: 1st .i:T .. Birm.  -----,N~~o~~-· N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. and Chat-  Traders&FarmersBankH'06 W.W. Baler ___ W. A. Walker _____ E. L. Haley·----·· ··········-··-···-·-  •Hamilton.-•• Marion B 3 MarionOouiI! ~r. Oo.U-08 3 Han~evfi1~~:ot1~mao B 5 Merchants Bank •••• - •• t1'07 B Pop 441 61-307 Jlartford ••.'•• Geneva B 7 Bank of Bartford •••••• •U'02 Pop 1:.i61 U-187 " · " First National Bank •••• •!'05 11-188 Hart ells -·-Mori=an B 4 B n of Hartsell ---·-- t1'03 a Pop 2009 61-181 r. · Farmer & Merchants Bank ♦ 61-48 U'20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  27-1.010  r1"  32,0001 20,000 350,000 200,000 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.: l~t N., Florene nnd B1rm.; Bk. ot Com. & 'Ir. Oo .. Memp. -···--·---·--·--- ---·-·-···--··-·--· J.B. Bodi=es _ •••• Jlae Dunn .•• ·---·· (Branch •IG'Uin, .Ala.) ••• .••.• ~-·· --··-···· Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. \\', 0. C:rifflth •••. E. Ashwander ••-•• c. B. Gray ••••••• _ · - · · - ···--···-10,000 l:.i,610 81,990 97,840 27,800 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. W. F. Clemmons •• F. ~- Cordray • ···- D. s. Folsom ____ ._ B. U. Farmer L. K. Burford._ J. J. Harhes •••- •• o. E. Hightower •• J. R. Alford A. Stephenson.-·-· I. V. Griffin •• ·-··-- -··-··---·--· .M, Pattillo J. F. Stewart·---·- P. W. Barclift-•• _. E. F • .Mittwede••• -  Ji'ir t :ration I Bank.-•• •i·oslA, :E. Jack on .• - •• T. n. Byan··-····· B. 61-1112 A hford 'l'o1lcl  w. "aldrop -·--  I 1  ----·-·-----·  50,000  13,750  150,000  180,000  42.000j N. Park, N. Y.: Dothan N., Dothan.  J.E. Wilkinson .• _  3(},000  50,000  190,000  16G,OOO  93,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan; 4th  Jas. E. Peck·-·-··· Ward Bracken ---··---  2:i,000  28,800  525,000  I 350,000  50,000  820  151.830  47,240 1  482,760  I  ?  ., Atl.  252,000 ... _Bk. Com., N. Y.: A.m. N., Nash.: 1st B1rm. ecll. · fetal N.,.N. Y,; Am, N., Nal>h.; Am. 'fr. · Sa,·., Btrm.  ~  I  "t..,  •  I  :  .  TOWlf A.MD COUMTY  I  ~  I  .,  ,:  AME OP BA 'K.  •OountJ Seats. •Mem Am. Bks.As n. i tate In No. 6 Fed. Res. DI t. Ufem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. I is Birminizham Branch. ♦Mem. lied. He·. IE tab.  PRESIDENT.  ALABAMA-Continued  ,: ,:  ~ VlCJ:-PRltSIDltNT.  I  CASHIER.  I  : I  LIA.BILITIF.S. ASS'T O.A.SBIJCK.  Pt; ~rs  Be dland.-•• BenrJ B 8 ll'armers&Morch. Tat. Bank M. T. O. Scott ••••• E. Willi · · - - - L. T. Solomon··-- ll. P. Riley--····· • Pop. 1252 61-203 •:t"20 L. T. olomon First National Bank ••••.:t·o, G. H. Malone •••• - w. L. helleY---·· J. J. RSPJ-···-- T. A. WesL·--·· I 130,000 61-204 •lleflin-••• Olebarne O Bank of Hellin .••••••.• •:tl'05 J. ll. Atkins ..- .. , . H. llcl leroy •• Fred Osborn ___ Wilmer Atkins··50,000 B Pop. 1026 111-309  • ;  I  ,  t  ~  ..  : '  \  I  ITS  loA1'. 4' ]IJO•  c•-r•. t,  & ... u.,  UarrtEI  .  .  RESOUR£~S.  PAID·UP .SURPLl'B • D ,l'OS-  CAFI'r L  "' . I  ti•  t  I  f  ~  I  I  So  1 !  •:.:  .  0ABfi & f I• Cft.&.li'O:&R,DU. R.011 Il.&.Nia.  82,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan. 26,000  292,350  308,370  128,420 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan.  30,050  262,390  298,070  38,320 Han. N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Birm.: Anniston City N., Anniston.  Billsboro •• Lawrence A4 Tenne ee \'alley Ilank.§'lll-·-·-··--- · - - - - - - - ······-·············IW· •r. Woodell.••. (Branch of De<:at ur,Ata.) 8 Pop. 248 61-310 Hodges •••• Franklin B 3 Hodgcs tate Bank ••••. • '20 V. H. Gary •••••••• R. \. mith ••••..• B. G. Ballard. __ ••• . ····-·-·- .•••• -··· 10,000 21,000 8 Pop. 279 61-490 T. T. TERRY •..•.•. J.E. McCALEB ...... R. L. ADAIR ·---·-·-· 1J. L. GRIFFIN....... 100.000 42,S...0 760,000 1 •Huntsvillo •.Madison A 5\FARMERS STATE BANK •t •171 Not the Largest 1lfnl~l'Put Prom pt Service given Collections, 1 B Pop. 8018 ♦ 61-78 Bill of Lading Draft and all Ite ms sent us.-TRY US. 1 1  899,660  56,780 ... Park and Han ...! .. ·. Y.; 1st N., Dothan.  i  FIRST NAT  I  S en d us your H un t sv1 e  •t' 6 I  t  1rec •  I  1  -  100,000  ,_  765,390  121,580  830,080  hcraft •••• IL H. Gilli m •••••  . 100,000  177,540  150,000  62,570  950,520  6 _74  erch . .Bk. •tl'09 R. 61-231  Jack on •••••• Olarke HS Jackson Bk. & Tr. Co .• :tl'll 1 Pop. 1331 61-811  ·-··I·········----···---- w. 'l'. Davis ••••••• 1----------  . HalL--··--· D. P. Lloyd.........  . II.  . B. Williams ••••• R.  ..Ja!J)er •••••• W Iker C 4 Central Hank & Tr. Co.•U'l0 'P. B Pop. 8500 61-128 1  n,  1  25,000  19,120 1  09,460  155,560  75,000  155,000  J. D, GuY---·--  20,000  15,000  425,000  365,000  9,000  289,500  1113,000  25,000  10.f>DO  180,880  48.270  Dilworth·-·· J. J. Curti •••.•••• O. F. Cobb-··-- J. W. I range •••• • F. Fite J. . Burton  2.1,000  25,350  538,600  583,760  131,340 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm.  . n. ranford ••••  50,000  50,000  00,000  600,000  175,000 Met. 'l r. Co. and Chem. J,, N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st N .. Birm.; Fifth 'l'hircl  ndr ws.-.  I.  1'. Chunn ••••.•• G. G. Warren.- -  2;;,000, I  346,840  ',A.Gidden ••••  15.000  20,000  90,0 0  128,000  Kennocly ______ Lam r O 3 Bank of Kennedy. ·-----1'12 J. 0. Kennedy ••••• U. T. Propst·-···· J. L. Kennedy._ ·--·-·--··-···· Pon. 203 61 Sl/7 Kin ton. ____ .Qo1f H 6 b'nrm r · I rch ats lhnk • W. Harri on .••• n. \Y. Clark ••••••• JI. . \'illis -···- B. c.. Iclllo k ••.•• Pop. 200 61-444 t '15 '. IL !Uwacl ·s  [5,000  9,020  171,200  11,350  10,000  1,760  30,370  2  w.  .  1\1 • .1.•ewton •••• J.11. Bu ey •••••••• D.  . Pr J. ~Ia.  ton. 'l'r, J. }j\ Craig. A. 'l'r. CIL.-.  2,000 Han. N., N. Y.: MN., Ool.. Ga.; 4th  [  ., Atl.  O  100,000 :Mech.<"· .Ietals r'.,. ·. Y.; Merch .. Mobile. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1 t N., Anniston. 164,270 Han, N ., N. Y.: Tra. N .. Birm.  .,  370,9 0  Bank. ________t"l  24,420 Han. N., N. Y.; .lerch. , · Mech., Col., Ga.  rt-  62,160 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  Z  Ji  50,000  61  ~ ~  210.530 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.: 2d N .. Bos.; 4th nd ~ 1st. •.. 1 ·a h.; 1st ••. , Chattanooga. (fl  19.000  Ja p r 'J'ru t o. ·-··· •U '89' Ja . W. hcpherd.JI ----·········1-126 Pcopl  .,  31,400  First National Bank •• -•!'0S!J, H. Cranford_t1>.J>, Hunter.·-··-· A.. L. Sherer._.__ 61-127 R. H. Palmer  I  tl.; l t  . llall, Jr.....  Jack onvill •• Oalh'n O 7 Firt National Bank ___ .;t'Ul ,,\rthur W1,llborn •• O. W. Daurette._. . C. Currier•••••• --······----·· 1, I Pop. 2366 61-312 Jame ··--·Bullock F 7 James & Midway Bkr, Oo. B. L. Kinr -···-·· L. E. Cartled1?0-- Jas. . King····-· - - - -- - - - - Pop. 700 61-SIS :tl'0S !  ill •• lonro Pop. 576  ·t  I  Hurl boro_.Russell F 8 Bank of Hurtsboro •••••• t'03 T . . Davis Pop. 8 61-230  8  t. L.:  A. L. RISON-·-·-·- ··········-····--:·-·· H. M. RHETT •••• ·-·· J. W. McALLISTER... I. w. WALKER Strong_ Prompt _ Accommodating  BAN Kl NG CO  Jone  ~  N., Chattanooga; caual-Com'I 1•r. & )> 1 Sal., "S. 0.  209,590 N.Park, N. Y .: Citiz. & out11ern, , Chat nooea. 805,990  > IJj  %%3,490 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.,  -• ,_ •-  I  W. R, .., tobaugh ••• J. E. Humphrey...  n.  9,410 Han .... , • •. Y.; l t ~ ·., Birm. 344.000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st. N .. Chattanooca; Fiftl1rd Thi •., Cin.; K. hawmut, Bos.  t Is N •• N •y• ; Co n. t & Com'I ro ~ 6 100,000 15,820 I, 573 ,o30 1037 , ,580 803,310 M ec b • & M ea 1st Collection and BIii of Lading Drafts our Specialty. Remitted for on •,N., Chi.; Pbll. N., PbU,; N., • t. L. 0,. •! ., 66 day of payment. Intelligent rea on for non-p yment. iii"  1  Farmers ·  ---1  Tr. Co. W.R. HuUon •••• _ J .•T. Bradley __ • __ E. •W05 r-,r, .I. W •llman 1  WR RISON 1  lurphree.-1 •. IL ~rray.... E.W. 'M< Leod  I  Bk. 61-76  ems  peclal attention ghcn BIii of LadJng draft., Ca hand Time Item •  Hender on rational Ilk.•!'07 U.obt. 61 -77 Hunt vlll  I  'L BANK IR. E. SPRAGINS.••• J.C. BUTLER·-···-·· R.·11SEMMES, Jr••••••. H. c. LANDMAN ...... It d"  _ 61 75  19,440 661,6i0  Ill,  ... i.,  j i:_..  122,860 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .: Cont. & Com'l T ., P> Chi.: Lt .. Birm,; Union · Plan. Bk. 'I'r. ::, I Co.,Memp. C:: 24,300 Han. .. • Y.; 1st • • ., )lobile. Ill '"1  173,170 Han. N., N. Y.: Ilirm,Tr. & Sav. Co .. Birm. 10.180 N. Park, N. Y.: 'l'ra. N., Birm.  '<  ·umb r under ·amc of Bank i the ·cw Transit umber gh n to ca h bank in . . e clu ll'ely by The Kand-Mc •auy Bank r • Directory, under the authority of The American Banker A •n.  43  Non-Bank Townis wnh .Neare t Banking Point (Indexed Accos.), Lawyer·, Laws (indexed) in back of this,_ volume. For Intere t Rates, Holidays, etc., s e Laws. P->  ALABAMA-Continued  •  I  C  II  I  ••  •1t •  ' I : II  ..  I , I  I  I  I  II  '  •"  PRESIDE,'T.  II II  •  .A S'T CA  CA ·HIER.  'HIER,  I  Bill of Lading drafts a speclaU y. TRY US.  J.M. TUCKER --FlrrEEN CE!fl' B~NK, CHAMBERS61COUNTY I :U 06 { TWENTY-FIVE - 172 Special attentl I  O~~~ll  374,060  95,000  130,000  10,000  13,600  220,000  170,000  W. G. ~Tethery ___________ _  15,000  11,700  62,300  103,000  T. J. Watson ______ L. U. Dickinson ___ W.L.Hollini.:sworth __________ _  25,000  15,120  99,410  160,560  J. H. Wilson _______ D. II. 'helton. _____ R. E. Bentley ______ _ _ _ _ _ __ G. L. Schmidt W. 11:. Rhodes ____ G. J. Lewis _ _ _ R. G. Rhodes _____________________ _ 1 Wm.Ouninebame __ B. II'. Gilder _____ Irving Adams _____ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _  25,000  8.430  149,000  52,250  25,000  8,780  129,500:  llU40  E. B. Perdue _ _ Thelma ElliotL___  I  Thos. Lile, Mor. ___ _________ _  c.  mith_ _____  I\'. c. Demp  ey __ _  <II.of Hcl,  Farmers & Merchant Rank C. E. Smith _____ C. W. Beil _______ \Y. E. Carpenter ___ H. L. McCain _____ _ ,J. C. ~haddix U'l2 61 06 Lineville National Bant_i•os J. H. ln1?ram ___ ·B. Il. Haynes ___ J.E. Parson. _____________________ _ \ . D. Haynes, 61-211 Ch. of Bd. •Li iug ton_.Sumter E 2 Bank of Sumter _______ •U,05 W.W. Patto•-- ---------·· _______ W. s. Nichols __________________ _ Gl-225 8 Pop. 1.16  f_~  .-------it'911T. M. Tartt ________ J. A. Mitchell .----,T, M. Tartt ________ B. W. Phillips ____ _ McMillan & 6 2 Louisvme ___ BarbourG 8 Barhour County Bank __ t§"l4 M. C. Be!l _________ 0. L. Bryan _______ J. H. Blair _________ Louise Lee _______ _ 1 61-431 Pop. 504 Bank of Lo 1~~rne ___ if'0l F. B. Pierce _______ J.P. Grant_ _______ R. E. Flournoy ___ H, Hobdy _________ _ " "  6 Lo ·Ie_y ______ Baldwin I 3 Loxley State Bank ______ §'20 J. W. Randall _____  O. F. E. Winllerg _ C. L. Schlich _________________________ _  61-491 N. 0. Pop. 70 __ Crenshaw G 6 Banko! Luverne _______ 5l900 T. W. Sllo,rs ____ J. R. Horn _________ H. L. Payne _________________________ _ r.uv 6rne 1  J. T. Ivey 61-179 Farmers Ba~~ ________ s·11 A. L. Watts ________ J. W. Williams ____ A. L. Watts ________ A. D. Fundaburk __ 6 374 FirstNatioU2ii!nk __ ,:__ i·os J. R. Hom _______ F.M.T. Tankersley J.M. Oody ____ _jw. R. Pope ______ _  M di ·on ____ Madison A 5 Bank: of .Madison _______ if'05 61-:320 43::, Pop.Houston 8 _____ ________ f'l2 B 8 Banko! Madrid Madrid , 61-40q Pop. 125 Marlesvillc __ Chilton E 5 Bank of Maplesvllle ____ :j:§ 10 , 6~-480 B Pop. 376 Marbury ____ Autauga E 5 Farmers Savmi.:s Bank-_ 5 13 , • k 61-407 . 600 . Po 8 • rarion ______ Perry E4 anon Central Ban --.U72 ♦ 61-163 8 Pop.203Peoples Ba i.:ili.i---•U'02 " _______ ..  G. W. Wise _____  r. G. Riddle _______  1  Harry  c.  Riddle ______________________ _  5,130  72,6301  79,590  32,730  168,7901  2 3,830  -  55,000 Bk. of America. N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., ~ rv Atl.; 1st N., Rirm. .....  25,000  t  ►  nOOl?a.  9.800 Han. N.. . Y.; Am.N., Nash.; Ala.Tr. & Sav., !::!' ;:::,,. Florence. :;i> 9,620 Chem. • .. N. Y.: 1st N., Anniston. 120,760 Han. ., ..?. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; 1st N .• Anniston. 63,770 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.: Peo. Bk. · Tr, Co .. elma. 29,460 N. Park, N. Y.: Selma N., Selma. 22,690 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st ,\nni ton.  T ..  Birm, and  .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Birm.  to  ► ~  C/ll  r.....  136,24°'  192,950  39,100 Han.  30.000  100.000  200,000  30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.; Atl .... , AU.  80,000  S0,000  254,000  377,000  47,400  50,000  25.000  250,000  145.000  80,000 Chem. N .• N. Y.: Birm. Tr. A Sav. Co .. Birm, 0  15,000  4,000  104,000  55,000  30,900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Eufaula, Eufaula.'~  !I)  '< n, rlrl(D  • Park, N. Y.; 1st N .. Birm.  rt  22,120 N. Park, N. Y.; Tra. N., 93,530 53,500 5,740 25,000 10,000 ______________________________ Merch., ~lobile. 50.000  13,000  145,000  2s,ooo:  25,000  75,000  '-I I I  ~  irm.  0  15,600 Han. N.; N. Y.; Ex. N., Montg.; Lowry N., S:: ~ . • Atl. 139,000. ______ Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Monti?.;Tra . .i.., B1rm. 228,000  I '  !;  29,000  252,000  200.000  10,000  26,790  122,990  213,470  10,000 -------  30,000  28,000  20,000j  33,000 434,760  J.M. Moore ____ ---------------- 1T. l. Moore _______ D. K. Barker  ----1  344,150  50,000  66,840  264,650  241,900  . F. mith ________ Hugh Hopper ______________________ _  25,000  15,140  48,820  76,460  II  Ill  ·1111  Ill  c. Reese-------1  - - - ~ - -. . . ..-  BANK -  i  •i I  ., I  : i:  116,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Capital N. and Ex. N., onlK,: 4th T •• At!. 16,480 N. Park. N. Y.: Henderson N., Huntsville. 15,000 ________________ Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Dothan N .. Dothan.  30,000  2,200  THE C ,IT IL:E:NS .. No SOU THERN  :;t>  18,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Mont2.  12,280  134,110  . W. ,Black _______ E. D. E·py ________ R. A..J. all  223,990 Han. N .. N. Y.; 4th N .. At!.; 1st k·•• Iliriu.  f>0,000  11,000  B Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  25,000 60,000  50,000  Bk._t 'Ii C. E. Seller-------  s  50,000 N. Park and Chem. N., N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav., ,.... Birm. (Bram h of Dee atur, ...ti a.) ____ - - - N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N .. Birm. and Chatta- to  D. G. Andress _____ I ______________ R.H. Smith ________________________ _ . J. W. Foshee ______ H. M. Nix ____ __. w. w. Brook· ______________________ _ 1 D. H. Marbury ___ C. R. Russell ______ A. T. Rudder ______ R. G. Mu hat _____ _ . A.II'. Armstrong, _____________________ n.K.¥ason ____ W.P. Nichols ____ _  6 Marion Junction __ Dallas MarionJct. State Bank_:j:§'13 C. L. Gilmer_______ 61 18 F4 Pop. 400 McCulloughE cambiaH4 Farmers E chaJ?j 61-46i> Pop. 400  463,320  56,980 75,ooo foli>!!s~~~?tton, and ures prompt, per sonal at tentlon. d Time Items. 16,500 25,000 ________  each sight dran credit report Ins Lading, Cash an W. T. Webster____  W. H. Reddoch __ J •. 1. Barfield ______ H. J. D. \ycr: W. J. Green,  :<  TllOII B4lllU  No charges If not c oUected •  G. E. COLllNS----- J. l. BARROW ----- p.ROBINSON, Jr.  s sent to  us with CENTS for each on given Bill of First National Bank _____ :J:'15 Manford McRee ___ L.A. Killoui.:h _____ 61-455 Leeds State Bank ______ •tf'l0 J. W. Adkins ______ C. T. Lee ________ W. R. Little 61-316 Tennessee Valley Banktl'92 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61-at7 Bank of Lexington ---•a'li A. L. Phillips ____ L. . Foster _______  Lapine_Monti:omery G 6 Pop. 400 Leed ______ Jefferson C5 B Pop.1600 Leighton _____ Colbert.A. 3 8 Pop, 598 Lexington_LlnderdaleA4 61-458 8 Pop.400 Ancoln ____ Talladel?a C 6l ll'irst National Bank ___ •i·12 61-318 B Pop. 9 ,Lincoln Bk. &Tr. Co. __ •! '15 " .. 61 47 1 •Lindcn ____ lfarenl?O F S First National Bank ___ .i•o4 61-158 Pop. 700 ~ Bank•tl'08 M:arenRo 9 Liuevill ________ Clay D 7 Citiz ns rational Bank_•i•o7 61-212 B Pop. 1507  l:l■cv.ITIU  i::  ~ "'1  c'Ta. Dosl>8, cu.u,ou_Dm  ITS  l.S.SCHUESSLER ----,~-------- D. T. TATUM------ -------------------- S 100,000 S S 240.000' S 475,000 Superior service on collections. Personal prese ntatton, prompt remittance, lnte Wgent reasons r or non- paymen t.  i  PRI~CIPAL CORRE PO. "DE~TS.  Lou ■  SURPLUS-, ~P-;;-S-  C.~PITAL PB~TS  •  Ohambers BANK OF LAFAYETTE tS'87 •Lafayette -• Eg B Pop-Jg91 61- 171 ·  Pop. 722  p AID-UP  p  --RESOURCES:-• n,.. CilH • Ei,.  LI..\.BILITH:S. I  •  . Y.; 1st. N., Bi.rm. . Park, •. Y.; Tra. N .. Birm. 148,050 Han. N .. N . Y.: Cont. & Com'l .... r,, Chi.; 1st kT,and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 136,680 i:·. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st N. and Am. Tr. & • Sav., Rirm.; City N .• Selma. 17,950 N. City, N. Y.; City.· .. Selma. ·Ill  :.111 I • •  '  I  \  I  l' I:  II  \  • ~ I  SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS ~u;~~T~  j  I  \: I  I  i  I',~  t  t •• , .  ; :  1 1  44  -  l'WI...  •••  Number UDder Name of Bank 11 lbe New 'l'ranalt Number ldven each b&nk in U. 8. ese11181 ely by The &and-MeNally Banli:ers• Dlreetorr, u_~er _the authority of The _A~erlcan Bankers Ass'n.  ALABAMA-Continued  'I  LIABILIT1ES,  NAME OF BA K.  •Mem. Am. Ilks. A n. § tate •County Seats. In o. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. Ulem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [ E~tab. Re ·. ♦.[em.Fed. 8 is Birmin~ham Branch.!  I  t ~  -  .  '  :, t  I  I  I  I I  I  JUn-.haa- '""'•••  to  'lOWN AND COUNTY,  :.  •  •  VICE PRE IDE T.  PRESIDENT.  .ASS'T OASHIER,  CASHIER.  p AID·UP  su:;~us  CAPITAL PROFITS  McKeozte-•••• Butler G 5 Butler County Bank •.• •il'll ·-·--·········-· _ 61-322 Pop. 293  ··-··---···----··--· E.T. Holloway,  j,fgr,  Mldlaod Oity ••• Dale H 7 First National Bank ••••• •'06 G. W. Kelly-··- I I. A. Black _ _ A. J. Beverett._.. J. E. tuckey 61-323 Pop. 665  I''  tJ  I  "I  I  I'"  .,.  I,  ,a "  Ei. Lo,Ull' DII• o.. c'T1. Bo. oi, cu.1.sou,Dus  8acuama  1'&011 B.urs:1  ·-·· ·····--····· -·· (Branch of Gwru iana, AL a.) •• _•• _ _ _ _ Han. N ., N. y. . . Howell.·--·· $  Mllloort....... Lamar O 2 Millport State Bank .... •5'08 H.B. Strickland_ J. E. Dowdle •••••• J.E. Dowdle •••• _. -------····-··--·-· 61-324 8 Pop. 604 •Mobile····-· Mobile 12 *Farmers & Mechanics Bank M. J. McDermott.. ,vm. D. Martin •••• R. W. Byrne •••••• T. P. Langan, Jr ••• Letcher Melton •§'19 61-33 6 N. 0. Pop. 60,i77  R.  '.  DEPOSITS  .  65,000 $ 13,060  171,5 0 $  18,500 N. Park, N. Y.: Hou. N .. Dothan,  6,9i0  231.980  22,220 Han. N .• N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sa.v., Birm.  100,000 ···---···  380,000  30,000  w. Byrne  li7,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. llk. Com., St. L.; Hibernia )> Bk. & Tr. Co., N, O.  tot  )>  0:,  *FIRST NAT'L BK. 61-26  HEftRY HALL-..... D. P. BESTOR, JR... J. W. WOOLF.·-····E. H. SHAFFER.... M O DISCHER Oldest National and Honor-roll Bank in Al~b~ma. Our Superior Facllitlee Guarantee Satl factory Service. TEST THEM._ _ _ _ _  ~~~~~  ~ > ~'cii1~·wilt~!~-~~:~t~CW.te~n~:n~~  Mech. & Metals N., N. City, and N. Bk.  & Tr. Co., and Canal Com'I N .• N. O.;  lstN.,  .L.  t:O  ~ ~ C/l  *MERCHANTS  7,346,480 6.195,200 1379  200,000 , 410,000 ____  A COMMERCIAL BANK.  BANK  ♦  I  E. F. LADD ........ -G. A. MICHAEL-..-. W. J. PARHAM, JR. WM. B. TAYLOR·J. F. McRAE J.S.NORTON  61-29  s: l\lech. & l\letals N., Am. Ex. N., and N. e Chi.; oao City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I  ~  N.,  Phil. N. and 1st N., PhD.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.  r, g  Send us your BILL OF LADING Items. We give all oollectlons prompt attention.  *PEOPLES BANK +  A. L. STAPLES ......  C. BUiH;JR ..... H. A. PHARR --··-·,. i· 'bl:G,tt--·· Z00,000 327,490 7,030,070 7,026,250 1,138,520 i.E°~·i?ei1NflRE Cha e~.,N.Y.;Ft.Dear.N.,Cbl.; - -W.W. BOYLES Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.  • ,  •:tf'71 We invite the business of Banks, Bankers, and Merchants desiring prompt and satisfact ory servi ce.  61-27  BILL OF LADING COLLECTIONS OUR  PECIALTY.  I rlnel;  0  SEE AD V. ON A LABAMA INDEX.  ... ,)  J. T. t.SCHLEY (;jg  .Jo  l I)  '1  11h  r.:::  ········-···--- ·-···-·· ··-···-·· ···-····· ---··-· _ __ obile Olearini? llouse •••• _. J.B. Dortch ••••••• L tcber "I lton .•• J. L. Taylor. Sec. cw.<1 Mor. ( cmliers indicated bJJ a*) 1  •.Yonroeville.Monroe H 4 Hank of. Ionroeville •• •t§'l8 ,Jame~ lr.  B  25,000  0, '90  !:i6,!:i90  126,810  IL. L. Hendrix: •••••  60,000  16,000  500,000  500,000  William L:,man •••• '···-·--····-···· ··-  25.000  lo0,340  1;;1,000  61--470  1'011. 1617 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  y er._. B. II. , tall worth •• K. J. Lazenby····- ····-·--···-·-·····  1onro County Hank.-•U'l.J J.B. RarnetL.--. D. J. Hatt r ····--· D. D. Mims.·-·-··· 61-325  tercbauts  Plan Bk .• •:U-02 C. I,. 6H!26  roney •• _••  ~  SU  12,060 Han.  ::s c  .• N. Y.: 1 I-'- ., ~lobile.  SU  117,000  . Park, N. Y.; l·t ..,r .. Mobile: Selma ~clma; -'-\m. ~· .. Pen.acola, Fla.  ··~.....  T  ~  -  t-.)  ,0 Iv  Number under Name or Bank ie the New Transit Number Jiven in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-MeNaDy Bankers' !Jnder the autborltf ~L_ T~e American Bankers Ass'n.  45---=~f.o'!, to each bank  In To.6 Fed. Res.Dist. ltMem.BtateBks.Assn.tPriv. 8 is Birmini.?"ham Branch. ♦ Yem. !<'ed. Re ~. (E~tab. • .Iontromery--Montromer:,_Pop. 43,46-LF 5  *ALAB'MA e•NK 11 11 & TRUST COMPANY 61-42  •U'0i  *CAPITAL  PRESIDENT,  ________  I  ALABAMA- C on ftnue d  I  VICE·PRKSIDENT. ,.  === =--  I OASBIER.  I  Ass'TOASBlll,  1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  tWsl-  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Sil  LIABILITIES:  :PAID-UP  RESOURCES.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE~TS.  DEPos- 1~•:,!~· ~~!~~  Su~ue  CAPITAL PROFITS  !ao9n'ra' no.. n.'.m  ITS _  _  __  __  YOU appl"eciate GOOD SERVICE WE appreciate YOUR businesa and eolicit YOUR MONTGOM ERV COLLECTIONS.  \0  Ct&y, N. Y.; ~  -1----  I. P. CIUM .... -.. -.. M. l. VIIICEITELLI .. __ c. A. PETRY ........ _______ .. _____ ........ - - - J.M. BALDWIN  NATIONAL BANK  -  ~  ___________  J. L. HALL-------- w. K. PELZER - ---- R. E. THORNTON--- .... -.... --.. --.... - .... --.. A I b k" b . t t d W . • f b"II Id" d ft TRY S 300,000 S 40,850 695,980 S 803,850 S 299,770 Mech. & Metals N. and N. genera an 1ng usiness ransac e • e spec,a11ze or 1 - a 1ng ra s. Citiz. & outbern A.ti. US with your items and collections for Montgomery. Will remit free the face ' amount of all drafts drawn with Exchange.  ~ ~  --  ----- - - - ---Z00,000  51.000 1.Z50.000 1,700,000  350,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.  ,> I> It""'  - - - - ----I  · *EXCHANGE  MICHAEL CODY ...... _J. L. GASTON-.......... _JAS. J.  •t"06  i  *FOURTH  H. M. HOBBIE ............ R. E. SEIBELS- .... - .. R.R. ROSSELL-..--....  NATIONAL BANK 111..37  *MERCHANTS BK , •  11 1--43  •tl'lO  ---- -  1,000,000  w. J. OSBORNE ....... _ C. 8. BOYKIN  500.000  I I  Send ua your Alabama Item• and oolleotlona. partloularly your Montaomeri, buslne•• for prompt attention and remlttano• at a moderate oharae. Tri, us. _______  B.  - - - ,_ _ - = -  ~  ti.; Phll. N ., Phil,  >  I  J .... L~better  -  356,870 1N. Park, N. Y.; A.ti. N.,  t  ·=  ·"ir•1.,nan•. --•1'7 I ' ... ". Baldwi•.---1'-· 8. woolfolk --- B. T. Ba,llell ----1  •First N  ~  I  308,000 1 145,290 1,135,540 1,667,870  If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send US your items and collections on Montgomery and vicinity.  NATIONAL BANK 61-3g  CAMPBELL _.. ____ .. _____ ___ .. _.. I  --,--  L GADDIS, JR ... -.. B. FRANK N~BLE-: .. B. FRANK NO~LE .. --- R. w. VASS- ...... _........ Unsurpassed service 1n collection department.  -  I  i~  556,530 3,572.150 4,30:5,360 1,473,320 Chas~ N. and .Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: Citlz.-1~ Union N., Lou. ; Canal-Com'! N., .... 0 , '. ~ ------, ,Ul I  I  SEE AD V. ON AL A. MAP. -  :::,  ~  - - - __.__ - - -  1co,ooo  I  163.030 3.968,210 5,815,190 1,072,010 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'J ~ - - N., Chi.; Glra rd N., Phil.; itb N, Atl, O  -  40,000  Send your bill-of-lading items to us.  0  3  1,125,000 100.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Inter ·tate Tr. & Bkg. ~ --- Co., • O.; 1st N., Blrm. '<  uoo,ooo  r+  0  z  *Union Bank & Tr. Co .. U'0l .MichaelOod:1-.... - .... J. L. Gaston._ .... _.. _ Grover Keyton, .... _______ --100,000 \_106,910 1,127,060 , l,207,310 I 122,4,0IN· Pa<k, N. Y.; Ex. N. , •on'2. 111-38 Cash. and Sec.  !  llontromerJ Olearinr Ho11Se H. :.\I. Hobbie ..... _________ .. __ .. _____ .. _.. __ ...... __ ...... - -........ --.. J. P. Kohn , (Members ~ndicated b11 a *) Sec. and Mgr.  (1)  ~  I  :i:  A. L. Windham ___ 0. L. Jud:1 .. --.. - ........ C. G. Judy_.... _____  28,000  31,570  174,430  220,470  23,930 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: 4th & 1st N .. Nash. ; 1 ·t B~m.  Ban:asr............U'12 D. H. Bracken_ ........ W. A. Moles __ .._.._.. L.B. Cropper.. -....-- W. C. Bra~~ .. _.. _.. __  15,000  12,220  193,920,  132,920  88,840 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash.; City N., Decatur.  .Moundville .. - ..... Hale E 3 Bank of Jloundville .... _•if"Oi, R. L. Griflln .......... _.. R. J. Griffin ...... - - L.M. Griffin ___.... B Pop. 828 61..321 ,  20.600  11,000  110,000  140,000  20,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Binn .  Newbern .... _.. _.... Hale BS Bank of Ne~b?ff ...... ___ i5•0& J. F. Brown- ........ _____ .. _______ ........ ___ .. _.. W. E. wanzy _.... -.. B Pop. 438 NewBrockton .. OoffeeH 7 Bank of New Brockton•H'07 Obie Harris ............ __ .J. •• Wallace. __ __ c. J. Rowe--.. -...... _ J. W. Brock. _____ .. P.op. 4fi7 61-330 J. 1'. Jones 1 .. ..-.. --...... .. First Natioi1~mnk .... -.. •i•13 H. M. Sessions_ ..- .... L. ll. e ·sions ..... -.. F. Ilarrison ____ G. F. Gunter._ .... __  28,200  13,250  31,500  70,000  50,000  18,500 ,  145,000  45,000  23,000 1  Ill  •.foulton_ .. Lawrence Bf Bank of Jloulton_ ...... _•if'05 ... - - - - - .. B Pop. 519 61..327 Oitizens  IR.  I II New Hope.. _M&dison A 6 B nk of New Hope_ .. __ eif'l8 W. B. Butler ........... T. E. McKinney .... _ W. W.Dads-....... -- W.R.:lloon ..- .... --.. 1 Po . 315 _.. .ji6lil-3ii3iil. ._.-i. . . .,_....... llfllll. . . ._.._._._. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THE CITI ZEN5  r,No  11111  7,000 !Han. N.,N.Y.:Birm. Tr.&Sav. Co., Birm.;Sel• ma N., Selma; Marion Cent., Marion. 1  50,000 N. Park, N. Y.: lstN .• Dothan. 1  1 Ill  1111  ••  • I Ill  :111•  • ..  .  . .. .  50UTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS  .  ~u;~~r:  ,g ~  ALABAMA-Continued PRESIDE. T.  VlCE-PRESIDE T.  CASHIER.  ~ vc>w. farket.Madison A 6 New .Market BkE, Co .• •i\'05 W. E. Rodl?ers ••.. W. F. Yarbrough •• R. N. Coleman ..•.  a  20,000 $  61-:m  Pov. 400  14,000 S ll0,000 S 165,000 S 20,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Huntsville Oo.,Huntsville.  eree ... • E. D. Kini!··--· · -- .1issPauhne Balkcom  15,000  1.500  88,520  54.490  17,800 Mech. & Metals N.,N. Y.; Dothan  Newville ...... !)Pnry H 8 Farmers Stat : ~ ank .•••• 5'09 G. H. Malone .••••• J. J. Espy •.......• H. C. Price ••..•.•• L. S. Brannon ____ 61 2,. 8 Pop. 547  25.000  4,000  15,570  36,270  5,610 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N .• Headland,  . Nichol ·--··· M. V. Capps --·--·· J. W. Capps .•....• 1,.. E. Cutchen ••••.  25,000  5,500  75,000  90,000  • Torth Birmmrham .. Jef- No.BirminehamTr.&Sav.Bk. C. B. Ro1?ers ···--· G. B. i'arranL ..... R.H. Wharton.Jr. G. C. Bryant.. ____ _ J. II. Berr:r •:tl'07 61-334 ♦ B!ersoo Pop. 7500 D 5  100,000  'ewton  Dale ll 7 Bank of Newton ...•••• t.''19 61-m  p,;v~·68U  . . Dee e .••.•.•• 0. A. '.  First Natio 1~~ink - ····- '10 L.  6  Northport. ••• Tuscaloosa •orthport Bank ••.•• ·--· 5'13 . 61-4?4 D3 . B Pop. 1606 Notasalp .... .Macon F 7 Fir t Bank of ota uleaU 07 61-335 Pop. 619 .Merchants & Farmers Hauk !§'12 61-403 Oakmao ....• WalkerC4 Bankof0akman . _. ___ :tf'05 61-336 8 Pop. 1000 Oden"Ville ... St. Clair o 6 Bank of Odenv1lle ••••• •:t1 •11 61-337 8 Pop. 37·  .Y. li'reeman .•• ·--· J. '. Moore •• ·--·-· H. G. Shepherd.... . ..• -····----··----· . \. B. Hove .... --. W. J. linctees ••... J.M. White·--····---···-----·····-·· . , J. H. Drakeford ••.• J◄•• ll. Heynol<ls ..•• A. c. D1llartL ••• ..• - - - - · - - - ·  50,000 1,250,000 1,047,150  15,000  3,400  67,190  63.020  15,000  23,000  250,000  210.000  25,000  3,010  59,500  40,830  onwell ••••.• ··-··---··--········ . ookc •• J. L. Hamilton-·-· W. P. Cooke _______ J.M. Mize._. ____ _ C . .\I, imp~Oll  10,000  3,580  169,170  147,850  15,000  5,150  75,280  91,020  llirl Brown. _______ Coy Shelton ...... . •Oneonta •••.• Blount C 5 BLOUNT COUNTY BANK •:§•09 A . .A. Fendley··-- J. 11. Lo, ry Jf. G. 'tcpheii;- ·--61-243 I Pop. 876 Farmers a l~fii3ank •• +§' 14 J. A. B1•ic ·------· E. u. Alldredge ___ L. Q. Box.... ---· -· T. S. Edward •••..  25,000  21,200  220,240  219,200  25,000  26,250  140,000  215,000  Minnie Stewart. ••.  20,000  10,000  70,000  85,070  Oneonta  •Op Jika ••••••••• Lee E 8 Pop. 4!!60  .\ lurray ,lnnou •••. Johu'.r.Ro·•··-·-- J.D. alJ'ay t t  6 Tr t_ ~ kl?. Co .. 1'04 T. II. Da,·id on ..•• J.B. Arnold - · - C.H. Davidson ____ 6  2 2  FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 6t-10g  •!'09  . Park, . Y. : 1st •., m. Tr. Birm. Tr. & av., Birm.  122,970  · sa, .. anll  17.890 Han. ., N. Y. ; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Tusc Ioosa. 95,000 N. Bk. Com., N . Y.: 4th .• Monte.: 'fr . Birm . 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st ., Mont:z.  63,040 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Am. Tr.,  Sav.,  ~~  52,270 Chase .• ~. Y.; 1st N. and m. 'fr. Birm. 28,100 Guar,mty Tr. Co .. N. Y.: 1st. .• Birm.  v.  Collections sent u will receive prompt attention. Prompt attention to all Banking matter entru ·ted to us.  . 1. M • • I CalL •.•• l, •• I. 'lr.1wick . • . •. 0. W.  •r. r.  te,,art . •••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  -  100,000  125,000  -  482,440  -  1  ~  Z  730,600 1.553,180 193,270 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Com'l N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. -  --~ - -~ 48,400  538,240  -  571,150  140,480 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. & outhern. 17,500 -. Ilk. Com., •• Y., l t  ti.  Andalusia,  50,000  12,500  75,000  132,500  A. s. Doue:las ----- J. J. Fitzeerald ___ C. W. Mizell _____ • G. O. Pierce _____ _ W. U. Benton J.E. Dunaway _____ _ - ·-------·---· ll. E. Dunaway·- .r. E. Dunaway, Jr.  100,000  75,000  600,000  800,000  25,000  80,180  141.220  183,870  D. a. Cooper. Jr .•• C. H. Howle._. ___ _ D. C. Coop r ··---- T. H. Burton_ I T. A. Howle W. oopcr, h. v/ Bd . •Oz rk ________ Dale G 7 First at1onal Bank ____ .:•05 G. P. Dow line- ••••• J. D. Holman. ___ J. R. Dowline- ---- D. G. :\llmn _______ • II. 0. Dowline61-142 Pop, 2"18 Ozark City Bank _____ u·o2 Mr.\ ilhamGarner ••• •. ··---- ----·- W. S. Garner .••••• U. lt'. Fau ·t •• _____ _  25,000  14,000  380,000  850,000  84,000 N. Park, N.Y . ; 1st N .. Birru. anu Anni ton; ti. N., Atl.  85,000  54,000  315,000  800,000  90,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: bt N .. Birw. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z ~  Hender on . • J, '1'. llanlag" ·---· J. A. Whaley, Jr ..• W. L. Woodall. ••..  <1.  I rch. llankU'OO J.E. Z. R1l Y-----·  fil !All  >  43,100 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & av, rr1 w Birm. ), 13,260 1st N., Bir .: .Anni.-ton · ., Anni ton.  I  Gl-lOS  61-140  >  G. N. HODGE----- J. G. PALMER----· J.E. HACKNEY---· ------------ 300.000 108.770 1,107,980 1,631.110 200,010 Han. N., N. Y,; Ctttz. N., Bait.; N. Shaw- !:::" ;::a. mut, Bos.; 1st N., St. L.; 4:th N •• AtJ. W. T. ANl>REWS Send w 701U collections on Opelika. Person al ttentlon. Quick returns. B. L. Drafts ow speclalt7.  FIRST NATI BANK N. P. RENFRO------- --------·--- H. L. HALL-------------• ·at1onal Bank of Opehka •ng 61-101 Opp ______ Covine-ton H 6 \m ricauB uk • Tr. o. •§ ' l 61 6-1 Pop. 15;1l First National Bank ••••• i•o5 61-227 Orn ill -------Dalla F, Orrville Bank & 'frust Co. •U'l2 61-389 B Pop. 341 tional J nk ____ •i·oa O fur L •••• Calhoun O 7 11,ir t 61-206 8 Pop. 110,  10,670 Han. N .. N. Y.  .  .  lok  •.••••. L.B. :Martin ___ _  100.000  .1. .,  100,000 ·.Park,,.' .Y.; Am . .i: ., P n , acola, .li la. ; Ex .... , Montf, 12,530 N. City, N. Y.: City N., Selma. 4  .. .Monti?.  ...... Pl  g Pl ~  ~  47  Number uneler Na me of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlreetory, unde!_ the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  ;,; A IE 01" 13 XK. TOWNAND COUNTY~ •Mem. Am. Ilks.A sn. , tale •County Seats. In o. 6 Jl'ed. Re,. Di t. t"Mem.State Bks.A n.t Priv. [E tali. 8 i Birminl?ham Branch +Mem. Fed. Re,.  PRESIDE:-.T.  'feuness e Valley Bank tn'92 ------------------61-33!! Bank of Parrish _______ ;§'19 J. C. Shepherd --61-476 Pell City Bank & Trust Co. D. \\'. Waite ______ •:l:S '14 61-436 Union tate ank _______ t§'02 McLane Tilton. Jr. 61-3311 Peterman ____ Monroe G 4 Bank of Peterman -----•:l:S'l3I W. J. Nettles ______ 61-420 ' Pop. 250 B PhiJ CampbelJ __ Franklin Bank of Phil Campbell __ §'18 Joo. R. Sherman __ ol-469 B3 8 Pop 418 Paint Roc~Jackson A 6 8 Pop. 332 Parrish ______ Walker C 4 Pop. 100 •Pell City ___ st. Clair C 6 Pop. 2;; 8 " "  Phoenix ________ Lee E 8 (._·ce Girard) Pop. 5432 Pi •druont ___ Calhoun C 7 Farm rs & Merchants Bk.§'15 61-453 8 Pop. 2645 First National Bank: ____ •! '04 " " 61-340 tf'07 Piuckard _______ Dale H 7 Peoples Bank ___ &1-3-U Pop, Y6lJ Pinc .Apple ___ Wilcox G 5 Bank of Pine Apple •• -•?1'03 61-342 B Pop. 46-1 Pinn Ili!L ••• - Wilcox JI' 3 Planters tate Bank •.•• i§·l9 61- 343 , B Pop. a1;; Pit t!<viow ____ Russell F 8 Bank or Pittsview -----:U'I0 61-344 ♦ Pop. 22;; l'ollarcl ____ Escambia II 4 Bank or Pollard ________ u·os 61-345 Pop. 6.11 J  _______  V ICE-P RESIDE!',T.  LIABILlTIES, PAI~ ; SURPLUS DEPO;=Al'IS'T CASHIO, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , CAPITAL P:O~~TB ~  CASHIKK.  c~ 0: : . : •  s. Jackson ________________________ _  15,000  6,100  80,380  98,400  P. I. Wood ________ Arthur O. ~1oore ___ W. C. Evans ______ _  10,000  7,500  115,000  106,000  P.  30,000  10,000  85,000  125.000,  c. Sharpe __ _  50,000  32,780  566,870  636,2901  Arthur WeHborn._ J.P. Woolf ______ E. 0. Harris ______ H.  i::  ~  ___ _  ____  ~:,:"B~=  ~  N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 1st N'.,  N, Park. N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. and Anniston, Chem. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.  10,470 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Mobile; Selma N,,, , Selma. 26,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. and Florence, Ala.  25,000 1Han. N., N. Y.: Anniston N., Anniston. I  40,000  12,000  96,000  105,000  J. T. Adams _____ S. N. Stanford _____ L. P. Cone _________________________ _  25,000  15,650  178,310  188,770  P. C. Byrne ______ I'. E. Godbold _____ Edl!ar hefliellL _____________________ _  15,000  5,390  100,000  90,000  L. H. Boykin ______ \V. C. 13oykin ______ .B:. R. Burns __________________________ _  25,000  6,490  43,700  103,800  W. A.. Finlay, Jr. __ H. D. Finlay _____ Fred Curtis ________________ _  25,000  6,720  48,810  IIU50  C. E. THOMAS----- M.A. GRAHAM------ R. ! . FAUCf.TT ______ CHARLES BOOTH---DANIEL PRATT  150,000  15,720  557,210  632,410  DIRE T.  ~rid  f ______ tl'll Bank of ... - 4 Bank of Rafile~ --------· 20 83 +§'08 Ban k o f Red _-B;{ ------• 61 3 Bk ,o f R d Le ve I · a First 61 6 Peoples Bai~..:- -------•S'l~  _i4  u·u-  439  18,000 Iech. · Metal N., N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan, • Ala. 42,520 N. Parle, N. Y.: Selma N .. Selma. 24,000 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.: City ... Selma. 27,600 Han, N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Birm.; 4th N,,. Iontg. 14,480 Han. N •• N. Y::.Oitiz. N. and Peo, N .. Pensa· cola, Fla.; O1t1z .• Brewton, Ala.  G.  ~ ,Z  ~ I  e:.  :,  50,000  21,470  496,660  498,890  108,620 Han. N .. N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Oo .. Birm.  54,620 1st N,, Birm. . 15,000 2,500 111,080 66,050 25,000 _____________________________ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th N., Mont~.  A. C. Waldrep _____ L. H. Gofer _______ Chas. Cashion _____________________ _  ~  0  ~  10,000  4,020  82,010  58,680  51,050 Han. N .• N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav, Co .• Birm.  T. E. Henderson __ C. W. Costen ______ A. B. Powell ______________ _  35,800  8.680  76,170  95,030  J.M. Foshee ______ J. L. Foshee _______ R.H. Foshee ____________ _  25,000  2,810  45,180  10,010  32,830rHan. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Andalusia, Ala.; Mercb., . I Mobile. 53,790 Han. N,, N. Y,: Tra. N., B1rm.  25,000  8,000  200,000  225,000  42,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Tu ·caloosa: Birm. Tr. & av. Oo., Birm.  25,000  5,000  125,000  147,000  27,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N,, Birm,  W. M. Newton _____ H. L. Dees _________ L. o. Gaston _______ J. E. Nettles _____ _  15,000  24,500  120,310  135,470  32.210 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Mobile,  C. S. Kelly ____ E. L. Kelly _______ N. Allen _ _ _ _ J, M. traugh ____ _  24,000  9.490  74,290  120,090  ! .:I  940,000  11 ltf  1  I  I  E. I.. loore _______ , M, Schuessler ___ E .• I. Moore _______ W. J. Mann _____ _ J.C. Wright._ ______________________ M. R. Buckalew __ 1T. M. Swann ____ _ 1  >  108,230 N. Park. N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Oo .. Birm.: "'CJ 4th N .. Mon~.  S. McE\~<>e ___ Thos. Peacock _________________ _ W, T, Brown----. N. 0. Hamilton A. D. Cowles ______ S. T. Rushton _____ A. .A. Mixon. ______________________ _  1  S:  ....0  I  1i!f~,i  0,  rl-  1 !'form _____ Pickens D 2 First;.: ationa I .. ~ nk _____ •·1s A.H. Dabbs _______ . I. I. liarper_ _____ 1J . O. Stapp ________ W, Dillard-------61--. 71 H. L. Dorroh B Po1>. 10!16 W, J. Graham _____ John R. BelL_____ 1J. L. Taylor _______ E. A. Neel ___ _ STATE BAIIK OF REFORM •U-07 61-349 " ..  l{pp'on _____ conecub H 4 / Merchants & F31r. Bank-*1'12 , 6Hlll4 B Pop. 550 Repton State Bank _____ •U 07 .. 61-350 Bank•U-08 erchants Ro,rnoke __ Randolph D 8 41 ROANOKE BJ\~tJ NG CO.•tl'IO Pop. 1i 7  > ~ >  )>  141,430 N. Parle, N. Y.  Collections a sp eclalty and remltt ed on day of pay ment. Prompt attentl on to all banking matters entruste d to us.  61-14'  •  , I It',  I  N. Park, N, Y.; 1st N., Birm.  1  .Mrs.J. W. Pippin_ J • . l'iJ)J)in _______ J.B. Borland _____________________ _  YOU It PltATT\'ll,LE 1ITEll  Interest Rate~ Holidays, etc., see Law~ ~  - - -PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  -------------- A. B. Staten, Mqr. (Bramh of Duat ur,...4.Za,) ____________ Asa Cranford ______ _________ 17,880 23,720 $ 14,150 15,000 _________ II. Y. Jones __________________________ _ 19,000 96,000 15,000 $ 12,000 100,000 P. Pearson _______________________ _ 75.000 25,000 275,000 150.000 13,000  ----------------A. B. Aldrid~c __ ::\1. L. Redfern .I. II. Willingham_ W. A. avage J. F. Rober on ___ W. N. Maddox D.R. Nettles------  FIRST NATIONAL BK. -•t·os iALLEN NORTH'foGN M. M. SMITH------- EDWARD NORTHl¥3ii ____________ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  !o!  RESOURCES. Lo.<u.l.DIO• Cun k Ex-  Prompt attention given bill of lading drafts and all matt ers sent us.  1  !  v~ume.  C, •. Thompson ___ J. II. Barlow ______ J. F. Mon~an ______________________ _  •J>rattviJle_.Antauira F 5 AUTAUGA BANK'G & TR. CO. •Ull/00 { 'El'D U 61-10 8 Pop, :fol6  l{aglaud _____ St. Olair C 6 B Pop. 613 Hamer __ Montgomery F 5 700 B 2 ___ Fra_nklin H ,(l BJ.y Pop. B Pop. 753 HS Hl'llLeveLCovin_eton 3 Pop. "  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._  ALABAMA-Continued  125,000  114,000  .....  ~-~  ~  475,000  ... t  •.  ;  I  ;,  Ill  ••  :.  i (1)  ♦,- Nu~~ IID_:ler ,Name of Bank ia New Transit Number afven • . , 9111  Nam.Hr and  • lh• New Trand& Number si en  et.ob bank in u. s. euhulTelF by Tbe Rand-MeNallJ' Ban.ken' \() DlreetorJ, under &bl9 aathorlt, of The American Bankers Asa'n.  48  Tow  Al( -0<-;;TT.  I  -  NAMJ: OP BANK.  PRJ:SIDJtNT.  :MMem, Atamt. BBkks.AAssn. ltSPta:te •OonntJ Seats. . s. ssn. riv. o. 6 Fed. ues. Dist. + em. 8 e [E tab. Bis Birminaham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Re ._ _  In  -I  C Ollt·lllU ed ALABAMA ----·  VICJ:-PRESIDJtNT.  ______  I  ______ _  _  PAID-UP SURPLUS  cuxT.t.L  - - - - ___  DEPos-  ITS  AND  I1,o.,.,,.  REsouRcEs.  LBBILI!.!_ES.  Ass'T 0.lSBIJ:R,  0.lSBIJ:R.  n,•.  o.u1111 •"·  I  c.,... noJll)a, 011.uo•,Dnl 1110.....  PROFIT! _ _ _  rn•  ~  Robertsdale __ Baldwin I 3 Robertsdale State Bank •U'll Oscar Johnson---- Wm. McIntosh ____ R. G. Pear on----- G. A. Stroni------- $ 10,000 $ 17,460 $ 242,100 • 189,310 $ 68,880 N. Bk. Com., N. y .; Merch., Mobile. 61-375 & N. O. Pop. 500 25.000 88,110 6,850 •Rockford ____ ooosa E 6 Bank of Rockford _____ tIOOO W. B. Mccain----- ----------·-------- E. L. Boyett _____ Mrs. W. B. McCain 52,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch.&Plan. N., Sylacaui:a, 63,720 Ala. 61-351 B Pop. 27J Coosa County Bank------1'14 T. J. Tippett ___ John W. Botson __ Knox McEwen ____ ·------------------61-450 Rorersville-_Lauderdale Bank of Roirersville ___ •tf'07 J. R. Patterson ____ J.C. Belue-------- R. . Gardner _____ C. P. ~rcMean ____ _ IH-352 A4 B Pop. 397  20,000 - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Far. & Merch,, Good Water. Ala. 25.000 71,920 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: Am. N., Nash. 18U30 25,000 202,510  Roy ________ Monroe G 4 (Sea Jones Milla)  > ~ >  •Ru~seniifit~!Jranklin Oitizens Bk. & Sav.'06 C. E. Wilson ____ W. 0. Burst- ____ Foster Gavin ___ T. H. Roberson __ 50,000 67,860 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Birm, 'fr. & av., tD 5,570 325,750 336,670 . . , 61-155 . a Pop. 2269 B 3 F1r.t ational Bank _____ • 20 A.H. Dabbs. ______ W. J. Porter _______ Emit L. Reid______ . L. tuckey ____ _ .. 15,000 7,300 ... ~~~Com. ancl Ohern, ., N. Y.; 1st ~ ·., Birm. ~ !'.' ,160 45,270 2,500 J. R .. roore 6hl99 Bank.:t§·o1 _____________________________________________ (BrlllnCh of Dua tur,.Ala. ) ______________ N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bki:. )> Tennessee Valley 61-154 Co., Lou. T  •  T  ~-  m on  · .Me>rchants Bank T. . Faulk ________ J. B. Pinckard ____ J. V. Harrison _____ H. H. Davis------J. Y. Harrison U'20 61-184  60,000  First National Bank ----•*'06 W. B. Sellers _____ A. F. Bullard ______ W. N. llorri•--- _________ _ 61-183  100,000  Geneva B 6 Farmers  ,1 . Pop~-1646  •Scottsboro.JacksonA6 First National Bank _____ t'07 61-21' B Pop. 1417 J. O. Jacobs Bkir. Oo. ___ ''09 •· 61-215 'l ennessee Valley Bank.:!:.''92 61-2U • eale ______ Russell F 8 First National Bank ----•t•og 61-361 Pop. 316  F 4 ., lm3 -------~allaa B p op. 1·>, .. 9  61 -4 8  . Arm t rong __ Il. I. ~helley ______ : B. H. Perrin  ------1---------- __________  H.F. COOPER ------ S. A. FOWLKES---- E. L. RATCLIFFE -- ------------------J.E. WILKU1SOII, Ch. 01 Bd.  SHEFFIELD  Blocomb _____ Gen va H Pop. !">81  K BAN. NATIONAL •+'03 61- lOi  !~~":~~~ THE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J. L. ANDREWS --- W. S. HATCH------- T. C. SANFORD------ J. H. NATHAN, JR. --  ~  35,430 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: Am. N .. Pensacola,Fla .. ~ rJ> 4th N., Atl. 46.000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohattanoora.  z  -  Cb ase N •• L lber t y N ., an d I mp. &• T ra. N., o • 69 .890 1574 ..+ . .20 0 2,838,310 622,460 O N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. o. -  en  Bank •t'0:i C. E. ·a~l01;;~ 61-222  eirrest _____ 1B. l:l'. mith ____ ----IP. Z. Smith _______ L. W. ef:'re t______  O'°  . -  -  -  -  612.500  620.000  30,000  100,000  103,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; tth N., Atl.  200,000  160,360 1,379,1301 1,765,860  100,000  70,370 1,;;09,450 1,569,6;j()  110,li0 Irvini: N. and Harriman  71,910  205,130 N. Park. N. Y.: Union & Plan Bk. & Tr. Co., § tempbi . i::  50.000  {  • Kelley _______ J. Ji'. Holloway ____ --------------------  §B  100,000 _________ _ _ _ _______ _________  • • L ~ SANFORD Send us yo ur Sheffield Busaness d1 rect. Special attention given 1 Bill of Ladi ng drafts, Cash a nd Ti me  locomb. _____ t, '20 .J. IL Younf:' _______ G. loc mb  558,360  >  L  Transact a general banking buslnes_•· •:tl'0 2 SEND US your Items on Selma; we make quick returns.  elma 'ational 8.ink_.•t'04 E. C. Melvin _______ R. P. Anderson ____ R. P. Anderson ____ J. W. Craiir-------61-411 elma Tr. & Sav. B\t. __ eif'07 E. 0. Keh'in _____ R. P. Anderson ___ P. 0. Thomas _____ R. L. ommerville. 61-50 h flh llL ____ Qolbert A 3  56,500 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N., Pensacola.  Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts.  •*'71  u~  & TRUST  327,610!  ttl  220,000  8,000 300,000 315.000 50.000 W. B. Hunt_ _______ J. V{. WoodalL ____ J. W. Ga7 _____ Joel Wimberly____ ~ L. L. Boyd 2., 50,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohattanooira. 378,000 6,000 350,000 30,000 J. 0. Jacobs ______ E. P. Jacobs------- B. G. Jacobs ----- R. A. Jacobs______ v E. Mc Anelly - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ 0. D. Kennamer, ------------ (Branch of Dua tur, _______________ N. Bk. Oom. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bki:. ~ rtCo .. Lou. M(lf'. ~. 28,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Col., Col .. Ga. 224.000 30.000 107,000 60.000 F. M. de Graffen-. E. ¥. Anderson ___ H. T. Benton------ Etta Luca --------· ~ reid  Oity aving .& 11k ______ :•io 11.  Pop. 66 2  29,110  1  PEOPLES BANK CO.  151,5001 I  O ,"c~,;. ~Tii'i. ______________ H. I. SHELLEY----- ~:!: nnun----- 4-0 O,O0O CITY NATIONAL BK "•·· CGJRAMRRSf/H Oldest and larges& bank. Send Joor Items direct to us. 61-47  B  15,000  25,000 _________ 3;;,000  30,000  i45,220  It: e111 •  369,930 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil.  """" ~  ,;  ., L Y.; Hou, '., Dothan.  ~ -  75,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Dothan N .. Dothan; 4th .... , \tl.  ~  35,490 _________ -· _______ Han. 200,000  150,000  ., '. Y,  CITIZENS "Nu SOUTH ER N BAN K SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS ~u;~~T:-  01  umber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers'  49  Dlredory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  --- ~ NAME OF BA~K. TOWN A. D COU."TY. •~Iem. Am. Bks. Assn. § tate •County eat . In o. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. t Iem. tate Bk . As'n. +Priv. [E·tab. Bis Birmingham Branch. •~em. Fed. Re.  L_IABILITlES. ___ V  P  SURPLUS  AID-UP AssT. CASHIER, CASHIER. ICE-PRESIDEXT. PRESIDENT. 0 - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - APlTAL  AND  PROFITS  Sprinrville __ st. Clair C 11 \ Bank of Sprine-ville ___ •i1•07 ~- E. Moody---- G. L. Byers_ 7 _____ M. W. Forman ___ Margaret Forman •• $ 10.~001$- 16.670 Chas. W. Allison 61-354 B Pop. 450  anding Rock ____ Oham- Bank of Standine- Rock :l:5'08 C. E. Hines _______ J. H. Hines ______ .T. R. Hines ________ -------------------I 61-355 bers .. B.. Pop. 608 •• E 8  I  flRST  teYenson •• Jackson A 7 B Pop. 6-10  McMAHAH----- P. G. SCHULTZ------ C.H. WOODALL ----l, {J. Z. SCHULTZ---· 16.W. H.J. TALLY  61-247  •t "10 \  O EPOS- c'T&.  ~  ITS  't':3  il<>Nn•. ca.urou,n.,.  8llCOamu  rao1<B.Lt<U  :;<  --------------  229,;30 - 152,750 $ 62.430 Gadsden N., Gadsden: Birm. Tr. & Sav. co .. :; ~ t:Hrm.  15.000  11,170  81,990  53,870  26,000  28,790  304,410  289,880  40.790 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co .. Birm .. Roanoke Bkg. Co .• Roanoke. 68,310 Seab. N., N. Y.  YOUR STEV ENSON BUS INESS DIRE CT.  SEND US  NATIONAL BANK  -  -  ---  -  i  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking .Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law . n> ::, - - - --IC PRINCIPAL CORRESPO,,DENTS. - RESOURCES. Ill 1,0 _.,,. & n,.. 0 _.. 8 1: Ex-  ALABAMA- COll t•lllUe d  Prompt attentl,on given Blll or Lading Drafts and all matters sent u. 1  > tat  !Tennessee Yalley Bank. t§·o1' ------------ - - - - - - - - - - ------------ - - - - - - - - - - (Branch of Deca tur, .Ala .) _______________ N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg, Co., Lou. 61-246  123,500  16,720  ~  30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.  210,000  15,000  50,000  i..:ulligent _____ Lamar O 2 Bank of Sulligent. _____ :5•05 W.W. Orden ___ J.C. Bµckelew ____ F. M. Sizem~re ____ ------------ -------- 1 61-356 8 Pop. 1071  1  18,340 N. Park,  w  . Y.; City N., Selma: 1. t ..: .. Iobile.  ~  SweP.tWater-MarengoF3 SweetWaterStateBank•fl'l4 G. J. Lewis ________ D. P. Chapman ____ A. E. Yow _____ J.E. Vice__________ 61-429 B Pop. 200  20,000  ational Bank--t'l6 E. J. Smith ________ E. S. Smith-------- A. J. SentelL _____ S. W. McEwen •• __ _ 61-425  75,000  23,000  First National Bank •••• •i'04 S. P. McDonald ___ W. H. Mitchell ____ F. M. McDonald __ J.B. Ford-------61-178  30,000  30,060  468,440  108 890  130.630 N. Park, N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sa,;. Co,, Birm,  ~  0. Colvin ______ _  50,000  35,000  400,000  40:i,000  140,000 Ohase N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.  (Jl  -'T&lladera.Talladega D 6 Bank · Trust Company.1'12 L. G. Jones ________ J. \'.Cowen ______ W. 0. Dowdell _____ AlolllO Abrams ___ _ 61-98 ♦ Pop, 6546  100,000  25,330  I 372,480  397,2801  Isbell National Bank •• _•t'93 W. H. Boynton •••• , T. D. Boynton _____ T. D. Boynton _____ J. H. Ivey _____ _ W. H. Lane ' 61-06 ..  50.0001  170,000  800,000  600,000  90,230  887,130  972,480  ylacat,~a .Talladega D 6 City B Pop. 2141  Merchants & Plan. Nat. Bk. J. W. Brown _____ J. 11'. Golson _____ J. W. Brown, Jr .•• I •'0i 61-177  o.  a  I{"'  TALLADEGA 61-97  !JirL,i~-------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • and  E.G. Thomas ______ , W. B. Harre11__ ____ C. C. Pritchett _____ ------------------O. D. Carlton J. W. Tucker ____ E. 0. Dozier _____ J. G, Cunninghame Paul Clarke------  ~  I  97,010 Han. N .. ', Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.: en 'O Citiz. & Southern, Atl.  5·  420,000 Chase N., Imp. & Tra. N., and N. Park, N. Y. Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N., Birm.: 4th & aq < . 1 tN .. Nash. :::; 154.890 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bum.  1:  I  iO  I  75.000 1  2,700  83,000,  15,000  7,000  160,000  172,000  25,000  7,830  277,220  192,630  15,000  14,000  150,000 I 135,000  100,000  43,900  781,150  12,000 , I  .;  708,580  22,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.  42.000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Selma N., Selma. 206,240 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Kobile; Selma Selma. 34,410 Han. N,, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. and Clanton.  W. B. Folmar ____________________ Frank P. Folmar __ Emory Folmar ____ (bidit id ual Re,'J) on. ilti1it 11 $400,00 0) _______ N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 4th ... • •• Montr. • . Arthur Folmar 94,920 N. Park, N. Y.; Tra. N., B1rm.: h • L 216,810 315,610 33,630 50,000 Obarles Henderson J. c. Henderson __ K. Murphree ___ H. C. Harris_______ I  ~-~--'  d  32,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 4th N., Montg.; '< Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co .. Birm. 104,330 N. City, N. Y.; 4th N., Monq:.: 1st N .. Birm.  46,270 72,280 730 10,000 S. M. Pate _________ 0, E. Lucas ••••.••. C, R. Foss---------------------------_______________________________________ H. G. Almon ______ Goff Owen _________ (Branch of Decat ur,.Ala.) ______ ------- N. Bk. Com. and N. Par~ .. N. Y.: Lou. N. Bke. ~o .• Lo~.: ls\N .•.~1rm. , _ . 61.170 --------· --------- N. Park, N. Y., 1st N ., Bum. and Fayette. fa,000 --------A. 11. Gnmsley ____ J. G. Teaford ______ H. H. Morgan _________________________ , • I • 1Fayette Tune 150,000 250,000 11.250,000 1,4;i0,000 200,000 Hao. N. and N. Park, N. Y. · H ,. .. R1rm.; 4th Fox Ilenderson ___ J. o. Henderson ___ E. R. Partridge ____ E. L. Boatner______ -T,, Atl. F. \Y, Henderson I 100,000 181,850 793,160 11,019,550 156,390 Han. N ,, N. Y. J. W. Bowers ______ T. E. Murphree ____ , J. D. Murphree ____ Ross Rainer_______  I  ,►  tJj  Prompt attentt 1on given Blll or Lading Drafts and all items sent us.  6  Thomaston_.Marengo F 3 PlantersBank&TrustCo•:1'14 61-435 8 Pop. 372 Tbomasville __ Olarke G 3 1 Farmers Bk. & Tr. Co .•. 1'07 61-359 • 8 Pop. 1002 Thorsby ______ Qhilton E5 , Bank of 'Ihor~by ____ §'l9 61-481 Bank_:t:§'06 513 Pop.___ B Oreek Lawrence Tennessee Valley Town , , 111-3111 -'., 8 Pop. 405 Townly ______ Walker c 3 Bank of rownley ________ § 20 61-494 B Pop 1551 Pike G 7 Farmers & Merch. Nat·J Bk. · •Troy •i'82 n-100 --Pop--6696 First National Bank .. -U900 " · .. 61-102 ---- ---w. B. Folmar & Sons Banker.~ .61-101-----•1+'95 Troy Bank & Trusl Co.H'06 61-103  74,000 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st Birm. Tr. and Sav. Co., Birm.  •t"05,  Talladega Springs. Tal1a- Planters Bank ___________ f'07 :W. H. MitcheJI •• __ ----------------1W. H. Mitchell ____ - - - - - - - - - I 61-357 dega .. B--Pop. 257•• D5 Tallassee _____ Elmore E 7 Bank of Tallassee _______ t§'15 Geo. D. Patterson_ J. H. Wilson ___ - - A. J. Noble __ ------1----61-423 B Pop. 2034 First Natio r~n:-nk ____ •i•15 S. P. Storrs. _______ ; : :l.'J~~~~s~er -- , O. F. Fincher. _____ ------------" ____ ____ ••  I  362,000  "1  w. T. O'HARA ------- H. G. HODGE-------- 150,000 l. McELDERRYSEND us :youR TALLADEGA BUSINESS DIRE CT.  NATIONAL BANK t  ;-::a.  ..  .Montg.  Nu~ber ~ • Kame of Bank  ia  \be Kew Trandt Number  ven  ALABAMA-Continued LIABILITIES. CASRIJtR.  I  AsS'T CASHIER.  P,un-UP  •  •'l'u caloo·a _Tuscaloosa B Pop. 11,1196 D 3  CIJY NAJ'L BANKS.S. F.F. ALSTON-----CLABAUGH, J. E. T. 8. HORNE-NUZUM ----61~9  Bu!;,~UB  CAPITAL PROFITS  R.H. COCHRANE-- FRANK $.DANIEL --  DEPOS~- --- ---  s  $  100,000 $ 155.000 1, 445,1 10 l.¼16,710 $ 351,850 Chase N., N. Y.; 1stN., st. L, -  $  . A8st.toPres, •t"65 DEPOSITORY FOR UNITED STATE AND STATE OF ALABAMA. OLDE T BANK IN ALABAMA. PECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS.  nd Blrm •  1---------------------------~1--- --- ---  FRANKM.MOODY- ---- A.C.CADE ---------C.N. MAXWELL,JR.--C,O. ,t.JSLETT 'L BANK E. • HIFER FIRST NAT Q 111-70  •t'71  z. 58,150 -1,858,140 -  Vig_orous attention given. collections. 100,000 195,000 u1c k returns and cone1stent charges. Reasons given for non-payment. GIVE US A TRIAL.  591,530 N • ci"" N , y •  ____________ ,____ - - - --MERCHANTS BANK  C. B. VERNER--- --G. W.CHRISTIAN -----GLEIIN FOSTER---C. F. FLINN. - -  w. F. FITTS JR.  'pe lal Attention given to Collections by an Officer of this bank. Lo e t Rates. Quick Returns.  & TRUST Co • Gl-71 •'l'u ·rumbia __ Oolbert A 3 Fir. t B Pop. 3855 Tenne  •U'87  ational Bank ----•t"l9 W. G. Baise~ _____ Gl-123  Jr.  R. Jone· ------- Isaac W. Delony --- H. U. B. Clark  -  argent ____ _  tato Ilank ---•1'14 L. C. John. ton ____ \\'m. Yarner ------ L. C. Johnston ____ ILL. \Yat~on _____ _ GI- 38 F. M. Johnston  BANK U - 124 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  21,510  -  297,400  -  363,510  358,08 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent.• ., O.; F th-Third N., Cin.; f('J'Ch. Bait.  72,060  e_  MACON COUNTY  F7  -  ee \'alloy Rank t. '92 __________________ ------------------- E. J. Henninger. --------------- (Branch of Dtcat ur,Ala.) _____ ----- N. Bk. Oom. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. 61 122 Jlfor. Co., Lou. O  Fanner.  Pop. ~125  1!9.880 1,629,1 0 1,8 0,690  -  50,000  •'l'u kegee ____ Macon F 7 Bank of Tuskegee ______ t5•g3 John B. Drakeford D. E. Laslie ________ Geo. T . Bill ____ _ Pop. 2475 61-125  •l niou prings __ l ullock  250.000  AMERICAN •  ~  88,000  228,000  196,000  ao,ooo  17,500  120,000  169,000  50,000 -  -  lZG.200 -  %58,350 -  136,000 Han.,. ., N. Y.; 1st N., Montg.  45,000  380,210 -  City, N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav .. Birm.  T,  48,800 N,  Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp.,~ Atl.; 4thN., Montg. ::;•  IQ  •U'83  BANK---- -- •W16  111 27  W.W.CAMPBELL J.C. WRIGHT----- L. W. WILKERSON P.M.LiGHTFOOT-We give all out of town Items car eful attention, and remit P romptly at reaso nable rate .  50,000  en  F. M. MOSELEY- A. J. MOSELEY ---- J. R. MORGAN----· afety and s r "JiaCnRk~SSLEY Quick Returns on All Collection a. TRY US.  l  ~e  22,600  50,000  212,000  24,600 N. Bk. om., N. Y,: Ex. N., Montg.; Aw, Pensacola.  245,000  I --E, H. COPE---------HIGH FOSTER----- G•. M. EDWARDS .•• L r1e1t Bank ln the CoUDtT. City, County, and State Depo1lto17.  ~  ~  50,000  82,110 -25,000  693,900 -  612,540 -  145,000  324,130  228,600 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N,, Blrm.; Cl lz. & outhern, Atl. Co.  = ~ "f  ~  11tl ~ 1-v  ,_.  Non-Baw.. Tuwii~ ·w-',tt .1... ~r~~!. ~- ~~ !~~~~ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of ';4 volum~~r~st Ra~~d~. etc., see ~w. ::,  '!:'.  f  :  I 1 •· I  !  I  :  I  f  ~•I  II  I  I  ,  II  I  •·• : I '  : : ...-:  l /  •11  I  •  I ~ I , II  ALABAMA-Continu ed  I  t  I  . 11  '  :  , I  &  II  '  '•  • • ' . I  •  •  LIABILITIES.  : I  l  !  '  I  •  •  •  PKESIDE.~T.  VICE-PRESIDKNT,  CASHIER,  Ass'T CASHIER,  I  lliOntO\VD--PerrJ F 4 Canebrake Loan & Trust B Pop. 1359 • 61-16~ :  ·o;  '<:  \'erbena _____ Cl1ilton E 5 Bank of \'erbena ______ •t. '20 II. B. Olh er _______ \\". II • .'trock______ II. W. Davi _______ J.C. Pattillo _____ _ B Pop. 250 61-4 7 •Vernon _______ Lamar C 2 Bank: of Vernon ________ ;§"11 A. M. Grimsley ____ J. C. Milner ______ J. A. Hankins _____________ _ B Pop. 4-10 61-387 J.B. Wheeler Yina _______ F ranklin B 2 Yina Hanking ( , ______ s·20 ,I. \\. Roger:, ______ Frell la ,ey ______ W. A. Fro t_ ______ J •. r. M~·sey, Jr._ B l'op. 339 61 t9i __ '20 J. l!'. \Icc,raw. -··· A. W. 'I'ucker. ____ J. \ . Curry ______ _  \'illl'l!ar Bend_ Wash·ton Bank: or Washine-ton Oo .• 1'06 N. E. Turner _____ L. V. Rounsaville __ 8 Pop. 600 H 2 61- 362 \\ 1dJC'y ___ Randol1>h D 8 Bank of Wadley ________ • "'08 J.M. Welch_ _____ H.F. Hocl.itt, _______ 8 Pop. 50' 61-363 W· rrior ____ Jeffer on05 Bank or Warrior ________ f'88 ('r. M. Davidson) ______________________ B Pop. 56 61-236 Wa.terloo _____ Lauderdale Farmers and Merch. Bk .• §'H lln!'k harp ______ J. L. Cooper _______ 8 Pop. 41::i A 2 61-437  T.  Park, N. Y.; Selma~-•• ~elma.  80.000  100,000  350,000 j  250,000  15,000  16,000  125,000  165,000  15,000  820  35,890  22,330  20,060 N. Park, N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. <.o., Tiirm. ► 4th N., :Montg. ~  25,000  7,500  125.000  90,000  35.000 Han.N.,N. Y.: Am, Tr. & Sav .. Birm.  •:tl'90  \'allt>Y Head.Dekalb A 7 Bank of Valley Head __ •t§'14 R. D. Lowry _______ G. M. D. Lowry ____ C. C. Dri kill _____________ 8 Pop. 500 61-430  100,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: Whitney-Cent, N .• N. 0.  26,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Hamilton N. and 1 t N., I Chattanoofa,  11,600  --------- ---- --------- --------- .Mech. Birm.  c·  •., ,.·. Y.;  m. Tr.  6,240  58.:560  39,770  J. H. HodC8----- J. J{. Harris ______ _ P. B. mith J.B. Huffstutler __  32.500  34.020  173,680  123,850  10.000  3,000  130,000  120.000  J. L. Cooper ____ _  10,000  8,500  105,000  54.000  40,000  8,580  106,580  156,860  West Blocton ___ Bibb D 4 West Blocton Sav.Bk .• •tl'92 W.R. Youni----- G. W. Randall.. ___ B. H. Gatlin _______________________ _ 8 Pop. 1023 61-365  25.000  35,000  475.800  370,840  160,170 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm.  •Wetumpka. Elmore E 6 Bank of Wetumpk:a ____ ei§'0l W. L. Lancaster ___ J. A. Gaddis _______ W.R. Lancaster ____________________ ., __ B Pop. 1520 61-201 .  50,000  18,220  380,520  351,300  180,500 N. Park and Met. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Monte,; 1st N., Birm.  First Natio f~z~fnk ____ •f05 AdolpheHohenberg ___________________ C. G. :McMorris ___ E. J. Cain ____ _  25,000  85,000  616,860  612,260  Wil onville ___ Shelby D 5 Wilsonville s ta-4t e Bank_.§".1.4 R. n. Weldon- .•.. H. E. Smith ________ H. L. Smith _____________ _ 61 33 8 Pop. 15  10,000  4.440  76,070  69,380  19,780 Han. N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Birm.  itizcn:- Bank ___________ ··20 A. 11. Grim,ley .. M. L. Lni·a · _______ W. T,, Roberts _____ -------------------61-493 W. H. Ward  25,000  -------  50,IJOU  44,000  21,000 N. Park,~·· Y.; 1  15.000  16,000  295,000  140,000  o_Randolph D 8 Bank of Wedowee ______ !§'06 J.C. Swann ________ W. H. Mc:.\Inrrav __ Donelas Smith ___ Eva Saxon ________ _ 61-364  6  \\'infield _____ , farion 8 Pop. 753  3  i Ii  i )fetal~  10,000  B Pop. 5JO  > to  16,000 _________ --------- --------- -------- Corinth Bk. & 'fr. Co., Cori11th.  M.A. O'Dom ______  •W •do,  ;  '"'  no11 &JIU  . 'al. Taylor _______ W. H. Tayloe ______ J. R. Ander~on ______________ S 50,000 S 13,300 S 79,8501$ 120,000 S 25,000  PLANTERS & MERCH. BANK W. J. White _______ S. T. Whitfield ____ J. H. Bradford __________ _  Vincent ______ helby D5 Citizen Sate lknk 8 l'op. 103:l GI !I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE....'iTS-.-  .;.."'-:!.~~  ~----~--1----l------i--  •  1-160  II-RESOURCES.  PAID-UP su~us DEPOS- . ~ : ~ : : : CAPITAL PROW-ITS ITS s-un-  I  :>  z  33,480 Han. N., N. Y.; Mer~h., Mobile. 116,350 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Cent. Bk. · Tr. Corp., tl. . 89,830 Chae N., N. Y.; 1st Birm.  . I  tJj  Birru.:I  . and H1rm. Tr. &  f  I  av.,  C:  i:,  g· -~:,  55,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: Ala. Tr. & Sav., Flor-I ence. '"" ,0 27,430 Han. N., N. Y.: Anniston N., Anniston. '~  0  ~  4th N., O  '"'  :,;-'  134,550 Han.N., N. Y.: lstN., Birm.and Montg,  t ~ ..  Binn. I,  Winfield Stil!affnk ..• •U'07 R. W. Harris _______ J. ll'. Earnest_ _____ J. G. Stalcup______  olon Wheeler.: __ _  Woodlawn _Jefferson D 5 (See Rirminu/;1J.m) B Pop. 2848 Wylam Station_Jetrerson Bank of Ensley _________ it•99 ------------ -~---------- H.J. Cumminfs, ______________ (Branch of Ens~ 11. Ala.) I--------B Pop. 3000 D4 • 61-369 Mor. York ________ Sumter E 2 Bank of York------•tl'll G. C. Gowdey __________________________ R. L. Adams _______ ---------··--------20.000 12,000 125,000 130,000 8 Po . 16-51 til-3111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  I  180,000 \,  ______  .  Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.; Am. Tr. & av., Birm.  I  1st N .• Birm .• Mobile. and ~  II  I  .  ' r ' I i ·. i  I  I  I  1· .,·,,  To n  •nn-Ra  Town  o -Rn  th  1t  1  1.-  "  1  nh t  ALASKA TERRITORY AME 011' BAl'iK,  TOWN AND COUNTY,  •County Seats.  •Yem.Am. Bks.Assn. SState :Yem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. ♦ :llem. Fed. Re .  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT,  CASHIER,  Ass 'T CASHIER.  LIABILITIES.  RESOURCES.-  SURPLUS  Lo.or1l:Du1-1  PAID-UP  DEPOS-  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  ci!,~":• "::o"',.";t.::;: ITS CAPITAL P:o~~TS 1 - - - - - --•1---- - - - -1---- - - - -1-~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Anchorage __________ E 10 Bank of Alaska _________ e§'l6 -----·---···-------- R. N. Moyer ••••••• ------------------ W. Nolan __________ (Branch of Skag way·, Al a, ka) ___ _________ Liberty N., N. Y.; Wells Far20-... •ev . .r ., Sau F.: Seattle N. and Dexter Horton N .. Pop. 6000 Seattle. Bank of Anchora1rn---- -•1'16 Ohas. E. Brown - -- Sidney Anderson..  idney Anderson._ Winfield Erwin···- $ 25,000  . and Seattle N., 1.490 S 290,230 S 233,340 $ 83,390 Chase •., N. Y.; 1st Seattle; Am ...... San F.  Cordova ___________ • __ E 7 Bank of Ala. ka -·-------•§"17 -----------··------- T. "' cott -------- --------------·--·-- H. \V. Achison -·-- (Branch of kag wa11. Al ruka) ___ _____ Liberty ., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-.r'ev. N .• San F.; Seattle .r • and N. Bk. Com,, Seat le. The Pop. 2000  FIRST BANK OF CORDOVA M. Brock·-------·· M. Blum _____ ------------·------- John Muller --- ··-·  50,000  27,000  765,0001 619,000  Doui='las •• _•••••••••• E 10 First Territorial Bk.of Alaska P. R. Bradl Y-···-- J oho Reck ·-·- ··- A. E. Gurr········- ........ -·-- ____ ---· •§"13 Pop. WOO  25,000  10,730  241,110  trocrkcr ••. -·--···----·--------  50.000  45,780  86i, 00  62:;,010  almon River Bankini? Co. J. A. llall ·-----··- Daniel Linde bore_ J. A. Hall •.•.•..•. Irene Ual l. .. _____ _ §'20  15,000  1,500  20,000  10,000  Button--·--·· __________ --····  50,000  24.940  143,180  i7,000  Janeau-----·---·· --·E 10 B. M. Behumds Bank ••• •§'91 B. M. Behrends._._ J. R. Willis.--·-··· Guy:McNauihton._ H. I. Lucas··----·· J. F. Mullen Pop. 6000 First National Bank: ••• _.•'98 John Reck----··--· P. R. Bradley __ H. H. Post ____ R.H. Stevens····H. E. Brown  100,000  •5'09  Fairbanks ----------·-0 7 First National Bank •• _•• •'05 L. O. Hess-·-·--··- Geo. Hutchinson •• E. H. Pop. 7500  Hyder-········-···-·-l'op. 300  lditarod ····--·--·----D 5 Miners & Merchants Bk. •S'l0 Cha • Ross------·Pop. 750  First Territorial Bank or Ala.ka ·---···--··--·1'16  laud(• Isaker ____ R.  ...•••..••.• ···-··- ··-· -· --·· •...•••.  c.  I  187,630  20i,OOO lstN.,N.Y.; Dexter Horton N. and Scan. Am., Seattle: Merch. N .. San F. 65,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; Seattle N., Seattle.  > tot > en  ~ 379, 00 Ohase r., . Y.: Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.: Bk, :i:, of Cal. N. A., San F. and Seattle.  tl1  •••••••••••• -·-···- H. H. Po t-········ R. H. Stevens  50,000  55,800 l.804.420 1,533,640 65,i20  i07,960  907,220  11),000 r . Park,  z>  . Y.; 1st ... , Seattle.  141,120 N. Park, N.Y.; Scan. Am.,Seattle; Anglo Paris N., San F.  Lon.  @ I  442,970 Chase N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Anglo ~ & London Paris N., San F.; Dexter Horton n ::r' • N .•. Seattle. _ 237,4,0 . City, N. Y.; Crocker ..... San F.; N. Bk. o "'1 Com., Seattle. 1:1.l  (Bra11c 11 of Do uola,, A /a,ka) __ ------- 1st N .• Juneau.  IQ ~  r+  0  Ketchikan ·-··--·-··F 10 Miners & Merch. Bank •• •1'06 J. R. Heckman __ J. l. B e~le .•••••• A. R. Larson •••••• E. E. Epper on •••• a. \Y. Johnson Pop, 3000  75.000  Jafet Lindeberg •• J. J. Oole ••.••••••• J. A. Bachelder •••• F. Bockman ••••••• erch. Bank of Nome ·-······-·-··--0 3 Miner Louis tevenson Alaska •.•••• ----·-----• '04 Pop. 2600 Petersbur2 ··--------F 12 Bank of Petersburf-----•1'12 J. W. toft ________ Jacob Johnson_. ___ T. . Elsemorc ____ C. Clau. en-----·--Pop. 1000  100,000  :.--·-I<, 10  'kaeway •••••• Pop. 3117  Bank of  'tld z ···-····------R 7 'lhe Pop, 800 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  :,  fJQ  937,620 N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San c, t:: F.; Scan. Am., Seattle and Tacoma.  93,U0 1:ech. & Metals N., N. Y.: State Bk. of Seattle, Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma: B. • Behrends. Juneau: tate Bk. of Port .. Port. 100,200 Chase N .. N. Y.: cau. Am., Dexter Horton .. "l'attle ·., and 1st N., Seattle; Crocker .. an F. 155, 70 Harriman N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., eattle: Wells Fariro- 'ev. N.. an F.; 1st .i. r., Port.  28-1,120  224,390  ton .•• J. L. McNally .••••  25,000  5,140  268,040  165,000  pencer --·--  25.000  6.~uo  ao;;,6:io/  171,7 0  Il. D. Lynch----·· ----····-··--·--·-·-  U0,000  ;;o,ooo  1,100,000 1  i81,870  25.000  10,000  239,6801  200,000  s. Balder  1:1.1  6os,2so  8,410  oble-···- Erich Lucas, V. P. L.B. and Ca,h.  z.,. Freeman •••••  I  ~  2i2,040 Liberty ., N. Y.: Scan. Am .. Seattle; Crocker N .• San F.; B. :ll. Behrends, Juneau.  "1:1.l  405,010 Libert:v .. N. Y.: Wells Fargo- •ev ..... , San o ~ F.; Seattle N.. eattle.  00,000 1 t N .• •. Y.: Cont. & Com'l • .. Chi.: Scan.~ Am.. De.·ter Horton .... , and eattle .•• .,_. eattle. la ka·----·-·-•§'16 ·---··----·····--·- G. W. Upshaw ---- ----··--·-----·-·- -·--·-·····--·-····- (Branch of i.:1.-ag way, Al a~li'aL •• ____ Liberty N., N. Y.; Wells Far20-Nev. ., San ~ F.; Seattle ., Seattle: B. M. Behrend , Juneau,  irst Banko Valdez • '01  Wraneell._________ F 10 B nk or Pop. 1000  ALASKA Map on Index  la k ---·---·-•§'16 E. A. Ra mu, on ___  97,840 1,a50,430  25,000  w nL-·----···--·E 6 Bank of eward---·-··-• '05 0. E. Brown.·--·- Sidney Anderson •• H. Pop.1000 Ga ton Hardy .•.•• John A. Harriman ation I Bank of Alaska·--·--·--·-···•·15  JO,J O 1.246,i90 . 1.1 1,480  I. Blum •• -------- M. Brock -·-----· J. W. Gilson._. ____ ··----·---···-·---··  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ,..._ - -  -·-' >-  o  ,.,..,,-  R• Jldll  Point  T  Q)  u  C  ~  Q)  C  0 C.  :.  Q)  :: :i  0  I:'  rJJ  s.. s..  = el  t) "'O d  C C'd  t  ~ ~  '  " ~  t~ C rJJ  i:s  ~  Alas•  ...  "'O  ·-u 0  ~  ~  KEY TO NUMERICAL SYSTEM OF AMERICAN. BANKERS ASSOCIATION  0  t)  0  ~  C  ·0  i,,J  C  Q) ~ ~  < i,,J  KEY to  NUMERICAL SYSTEM of THE AMERICAN BANKERS ASS .O CIATION  C.  E 0  s..  C. Q)  MARCH 1920  >  ·-ct ct  ·-·-s..  C  rJJ  ~  Q)  >  "'O  < rJJ ~  C C'd  ComP.iled and Published Exclusively by  THE RAND . MCNALLY BANKERS' DIRECTORY Under the Authority of JllE AMERICAN BANKfRS ASSOCIATION  co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Have You Ordered Your Copy? New sixth edition issued March 1920. A numerical and alphabetical list of banks in the United Statesa handsome cloth bound book of over 500 pages. Complied exclusively by the Bankers Directory for the American Bankers Association. Sent, charges paid, upon receipt of the price $1.50 per copy, including semi-annual supplements until next edition is published.  RAND McNALL Y & CO., Publishers 536 South Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS  T  c::-  ~  ~'E  it ~" ; ,-  150"  7  9  8  745•  z  11  180,.  125'  12  Ariz,  120•  176'  B  C:  ~  ~  130'  55  A  ..  ~  10  735•  ~C,  ...  ~  = i  ~  :I:  .,.  =  C  a ~  ~ ~  .  P" ;;t.  B  C  =  ~  C:  :z  :z=  6  3  1B5'  = .. ..."' = "  = ce  2  1  C  .:L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  =  C:  65  ~  D  0  ~ \S\  --  ..,,-  D  60' 4  El Ne ,.l9!·  ... ·  ~·  ,,  ,,,  •  •  I.  •  •  ;  \  a•  ,  I C  'Ii  '  •  l'  I  i  I  I I  ,A  ~  .  ~.  .,  .. ·  •  •  .. a  .  I• I  :,  '  ~  ~  •  ,_~,;a••  :,.  '·,  • I \'  • C I  ••  •  .. ,  .  ..  _...,. __ ,  -_ I ' 4.,...s.,. ~:.  •  :,  '  ~  -~  ~) ·,  ~ .  - -~· •  ,,  ,:  r fl  ..... •  "  .  ....  ALASKA SCALE  CanK.ul't  G  CI FI C  Statute !\Illes, 132 =~.!ncb. GO  100  ! 4  155 .  6  6  150°  7  8  745 °  9  10 140•  11  Jan c:jrnl  ~...,~  'v  i::l,....c:  ='0~! o-;. ce  ..:::i  ¥1  Cl  ~  (.)  s:::....,.  :;-~  ;i:. = ~,S .... -g=  .:i  =  = =  f'=-= : ; ,,;  rll  ... z E i:1' c;,  Zco~  Cl,  ,c:,_.CO  , ;~11  ~  ==:i;,....,.  i  =  C  ;:.~ t,,,~t  Q  C:  E-1  E-1-  E-  :.t  ;:  C  ~  ~  ;~~ =<.)  u:  = C:  ---~.,_ Q.,_  ~<11)  z ~-= Q"OS  C C:  QO  ii!' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Cl  ..  ,:;c....; ....  "O,.  ALWAYS use the above coupon in forwarding collections or claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Co.  53  Number under Name of Ban..k ii the New Transit Numb r  TOWN illD OOUNTT.  NAME OP' BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Figure i Fed. Re . Di ·t. iMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. LLosA. Br. EEi Paso Br. •~Iem. li'ed. ~~_tll:b,  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking l'olnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of thisl'-~o~u~. _F:]J. !nt~rest_ Rates,_l_!~ldars~ .. see ~'!_~ ~  cjYea  to each bank in U. 8. excluslvely by The Band-MeNall7 Bankers' Directory. under the authorlt~ of The Ame~can _!lankers Ass'n. VICE-PRESIDENT.  ---  ARIZONA  I  0.&.SHill.  -- ·~- - - -  I ASS'T CASHIER. -----  LIABILITIES.  p AID-UP  SURPLUS  BANK OF BISBEE {  IE.  J. S. DOUGLAS--- W. H. BrfOPHY-···- F. H. FISHER--··-- J. H. CALVERT---Arl110na  I  making  91-80  10 Gad~den S~le t'nk--.•il'l81T. L. Lane-···-···- H. Brownstetter ___ S. C. Sharon _______ ----·-·---···-1 Gilb!~t:~~M~copa Gt! Bank of Gilbe-;,t__ ___·--•l '14 C, A. Baldwin _____ E. R.:Wilbur __ • ___ John C. Walker ___ John D. Calhoun -lZ L Pop. 65 91-119 -USE AND S ELL CUR LETlERS O F" CREDIT AN D TRAVE ERS (rEQUES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  - --  ----1 ~  -  N. Y.; Citiz. N .. Los A.; ~ .,.. .T •• Los A.: Consol.,. .. Tucson. · 50.000 $ 270,000 3000000 2200000 $975,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com•1 N., Chi.;  -  -  50,000  T,,  486,000I 500,000  2,810  128,210  5,000  195,000  25,000I  7,760  101,230  50,000  3,170  433.lG0  25,000  2,500  67,150  75.000  19,060 _ , ,9.t0  512,530 . • 123,B00  50,000  (Bmmch of Ji'lan · taJ}', Ar  I  (Branch of Prcsc  50.000  50.000 . (Bwncl!  100,000 100,000  N.Shawmut,Bos.;tstN.,LosA.  100,000 Irvin!? N .• N. Y.; Crocker N .. San F.  I  25,000  (Branch  I  463,000 3,600,000 3,200,000  15.000  50.000  -  1  5,000  50.000  1-  -  lutt. Adz  895.000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Wells/ ' Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; llerrh. ·., Los • 109,960 45,320 .1.'. Park, N. Y.: outhern Ariz. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Tucson; 1st N .• El Paso. 16-1,000 62,000 Ban. N .• N. Y.: Valley and Phoenix N .. Phoenix. 133,220 31,740 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Bk. of Arizona, PrP,scott; Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st •• Albuquerque. 477,0-l0 05,650 Han. N., N. Y.; Phoenix N., Phoeni.: 1st ... ,' ~ Los A.: Consol. N., 'fucson. '46,690 3 ,020 . Cih·. . Y.; 'ecur. 'fr. · av., Lo .; N South~rn ,,\ri~. Bk. &,Tr. Co., 'L'uc on. O 559,890 113,520 cab. ., , '\: .; Com l' N ., Los A.; Dk. of • _ Cal. N. A., ,an F. . . 100,,,00 11,410 Han. .. J. • 1,: .Ierch, .... , [os .\.; Pho mx .... Phoenix. izurta) __ _ _ _ Seab . ..1.· •• ' . Y.; Comw. \, Kan. O.: lstN., 'an ti, I!',: .M erch. '., Los A.; Phoenix •.,Phoenix. ona) ·•· l ••·---·-- Laidlaw & Co .. N. Y.; Bk.. of Cal. . A.. San F . .; I  >  z  > > .c;,.  50,000 ---· ----· --·------ l --------· Uha e, •., r. Y.; 1 t ~·.Loe A. ~ , • , er. 25,000 800,000 561.'.i70j 300,000IHan. N.: ~.Y.; Co!1t. & C~m•I N., Cni.; 1st T,, f , El Paso, Am. .• an li. of Globe, Arizo na) ____________ Han.N., N.Y.: An2lo & Lon. Paris N .• San F.: 1 , -,, _ _ l __ 1st~- and 9i~y ',, El faso: Citiz_. N., Los~8,160 2->-,3.J0I 21,),600 4,. 190 Han . .1. ·.• • • _{_., C~mw. 1\ ., Kan. c .. Border. ,, , El Pa o; C1t1~.;.: .. Lo A· . , . ,• au 1 of Flags tojf, A1 1zona) __ ,-·------- 1 eab. N.. Y -~ Comw. .. Kan. C., b.t .. . • F.; Merch. ~- and Far. & Merch ..... Los~- ,..... 25,000 362,000 2,8.000 151,000jHan. N., N. 1'..; Merch. N .• Los A.; l t ~ ., ~~ El Paso; T. Bk. Com., Kan. o. 180,000 2,300,000 1,750,000 785,000 , Chase IN., N. Y.; C nt. & Com•1 N., Chi.; t) •- Com. Tr. Co., K_an. c.,; 1st N., Los A,; ~ Anglo & Lon.-Paris N., San F. 1  I  cf>  ..  I  0  tr  100,000 1,600.000. 1,200,000  -  -  1  25,000  185,000j  15,000  200.000,  550,000l,Mech.& Metals N. and N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.,Kan. C.; Am.N.,San F.; Citlz. 1 N., Los A.  78,030  18,000 1 t T·• Me·aandLosA.; Com'L'.,Phoenix.  26,000 I,5)!8,0001 1, U!J,000 5,000  25,000  3.950  25,000  1-1.820  15,000  1.580  Ill  II  '.il!S,r>-10  _CO NTINENTAL AND  I!  •I  l  422,200 1 253,520 431.850  I Ill  o., Clifton.  N0,000  250,000 150.000 50,000  43,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. Bk. & Tr.  700,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Comw. N., Kan. C.: ht N .. San F.; 1Ierch.i.:T.and Far. & • lerch.N .. Los A. 50l,;j20 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Crocker N .. San F .. .1 t N .. Los A.and Albuquerque. 170,:;50 r. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com•1:• .. Chi.; .1..\m. •.• San F.: 1st l'-. •• Los A.: 1:r. Shawmut. Bos.; tate :r., Albuquerque; Valley, Phoc>nix. 309,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo .... ev . .1:r.,, an J?., : Drov. N .. Ran. C. 117,610iAm. Ex. N., N. -Y.; Oont. & Com'! .1.:· .. Chi.: Valley. Phoenix; Com'l N., Lo A. 12,12011 ·t N .• Yuma.  287,000 3,600.0001 3,.t00.000  I  Gadsden __ ••• _Yuma  ; '"1  -  I  E. V. Romney _____ J. A. Battle _______ C. F. Oare ________ _ J. A. Battle H. II. Watkins _____ J.P. Wilson---···· John Zalaha ____ •• _ V{. L. pndblom J. C. Powers ···-·· C. J. Walters--·--- P. H. N el on·----·C. A. Warren n,n-icl R01hhitt_ ____ A. li'. GrimmelL--.IL L. T.Ppn ----·---  •Floreoce •• _•• _Pinal H 9 First National Bank •••• •t'l7 B. P. Wootton._. __ O. J. Baughn ______ J. P. Brown------- J. H. Hahnhuber__ 1Z L Pop. 1161 . 91-115 .. •• Pinal Bank &Trust0o.•tl"12 Dupld tewarL __ R. B. Arballo _____ • Duirald Stewart_. __ T, T. Roach ______ _  .  c~~~o=:• o,":::,o:t.:!": ----- -  Valley, Phoenix.  •  .  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  C.n d< Ex-  (Branch of Tomb stone. A rtzona)_ - - __ Han. N., N. Y.; City N .. El Paso: 1st  •U-02  91-28 •t•o3 Duncav •• _Greenlee M 10 Bank of Duncan-··---•U'08 S. A. Foster _______ 11 E Pop. 00 91-64 •Flarstaff __ Qocooioo G 5 .Arizona Central Bank •tl'87 T. E. Pollock __ ···12 L Pop. 3186 . . 91-51 • , •· O1t1zens Bank-··-·····- ti 03 M. I. Powers --···91-52 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'l8 .M. J. Riordan ____ 91-123 '  Lo••• d< D11-  (Branch of Phoenix, Ar izona) __ _ _ _ Mech. & Metals  faelUtle for pro mpt collections H. W. WILLIAMS BANK OF Dou GLAS {Special ID and Sonora, Medco. PACKARD-... 100,000 FIRST NAT'L BANK B. A. PACKARD.--- T. E. POLLOCK .... E.W. GRAVES-···- A.WM.B. ALBERTS 91-27  ~  CAPITAL; PBA:,,~TS -  Ajo--·-------·Pima E 11 Valley Bank---·-------•!§'15 - - - - - - · - --···-----···-- H.B. Thomas.Mgr. _________ 1lE Pop. 3000 91-98 Ben on ____ .Oochise J 12 Cochi e County tate Bank _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----·----·--- -·-------·-·-------- ··-··--··--·--1lE Pop. 900 91-63 •:';§'05 Bi hee •••• __ co uiseK 13 W. H. BROPHY-- J. S. DOUGLAS---- C. S. THOMPSDII-- J. P.CONNOLLY ___ 11E Pop, 9205 M. J.CUNNINGHAM Speclal attenU on given to CUb ltem.1 and Collec tlons. 91-11 •inooo " ---·· " CitizensBk.&TrustCo.•U-06 C. A.McDonald_. __ B. ,\. Taylor ______ • O. W. WolL----·-- B. S. Chase.Jr.---91-19 E. A. Watkins Miners & Merchants Bank L. C. Shattuck ••• _ J.M. Muheim ___ P. ll. Buckwalter_ I. F. Buriress ·····91-18 •U'02 Bowie--·-·- Cochi ·e L 11 Bank of Bowie --·-·---•i§'l7 T. J. Riggs-·------ ------·-······-··-- Dana T. Milner._._,------------··-----1lE Pop. 400 91-117 Buckeye __ •• lfaricopa E 9 Buckeye Valley Bank ·-•:I'll G. P. Brown---···- P.H. Benson_···-- H. M. Watson--·- ,Helen Nelson-··-· 12 L Pop. 1500 • 91-78 Camo Verue_ Yaval)ai G 6 1Camp Verde tateBank•t§'l6 R. W. Wingfield ___ c. C. Callaway _____ David S. Butler.--•- ·-----···---···-··-12 L Pop. 400 91-110 Casa Grande_.Pinal G IO Casa Grande Valley Bk.•U'14 W. P. Clements ___ C. Howard Davis __ )I.E. ~arg!'nt _____ J.C. Campbell_.__ 12 L Pop. 957 I 91-96 •• " First .._rational Ilank.--•'20 E. l,. Lavers •••• _••T. F. Brown-····-- G . .M. Klauer _____ ---··-------·--····. 91-135 , , , . . Chandler._llancopa G 9 Bank of Ohandler•••••••U 12 A. J. Chandler·-·-- Ernei;t J. Koch. ___ O. A. Bald WID--··- 1F. E. Burridge_____ 1 J.2 L Pop. 1r;oo .. . _ . 91-84 H IG; L. Gollands Fm,t. at10nal Bank·---•+ 20 John II. Dob:..on. __ I John ~\uclcr~en ••• _ P. M. James--·•-·- \\. N. Johnson____ 91-132 Chloride. __ •• lohavc 85 Arizona Central Ilank•tl'l6 ----------·--···-··· ···-··-·---···-·- H. G. Ehlers, Jlgr. _________ 12 L Pop. 700 . _91-109 Clarkdale •••• Ya apa1 E 6 Bank or Arizona'-····--•U'13 ···-------·--·-····· -··· ··-·-····-···-·- D. O. aunder • -·----·----------··· 1Z L Pop. 2321 91-88 A. Mgr. Cl1•mencPau Ya •aIJai E 6 l~nk of Oh'lll<'nCPan ••• _§'21 ,I. ~. D0111:"l:l --··-· <H orge King1lon •.. )I. A. Pat tl'rson _ ·---·-·-- ---··--·-12 L m-140 •Oliftop ••• Gree~lee M 9 First National Bank ___ •t'0l . Abraham---·-··- J. . IcLeay __ ••• _ IW. J. Riley. ____• J. B; Brown __ .____ 11 E Pop. U63 91-38 W. E. Monroe .. .. GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO. ·--··---··-··--···· -·---------- L. T. Payne, Mgr._ ·····--·--·-----.. . 111-39 •i~IIIO0 . .. , 1 ·-·- •••• Peoples Bank & Trust <i_O; 0. J, Cotey-·-- ____ A ntOlll(? Spez1a ____ II. Green _______ -------·-------· ____ , • . . 91-40 ::§,1~ :'IL O. ~ 1mm _ . Cool<'.\ -··- _ ocoumo G 5 Arizona Central Bank_ +I 8, -------------·-- --·- -------------··- -·-- R.H.H.Luckenb1ll. -··-----··--···- ____ 12 L Pop. 500 . 91-130 . • Mgr, 1 Douelll,S •••• Cochise L 13 Bank of Oommerce- .. -•t§ 19 Robert Rae ________ T. J. Leeson---·-·- A. J. McKmnon ___ Creed Troutman__ 1lE Pop. 9916 91-29 A. J. \le Kinnon  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  CHJCAGO  on-B. Ilk To n  54  Number under Name or Bank ie the New Transit N rnber (ii en to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tb Rand-McNallf B nkers' Directory, under the authority of The American B~nkers !•!!~n._  LIABILITIES. PRESIDENT.  VICE·PRESIDENT,  ASS'T CA.SHIER,  CA.SHIER.  p.., l'P  t lhuiklnl! Pol  Non-Bank Town \\ Ith , 'earest Hanking Point (lt>· dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed.) in bark of thi Ul volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc. ,_ se'b Law!>. , ~  ARIZONA-Continued  ~TAME OF BA.T •  TOWN A.'D COU~TY.  •Mem.Am. Bk .A. sn. §S~te £County eat . Fii:ure is Fed. Hr~. DLt. fMem.StateBks . .As n. tPnv. [E. tab. L Los A. Br. Em Pa ·o Br. +Mem. Feu. Re-:.  ~tfh  CA.PIUL PB~ITS I  --  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE!',TS ,  SOURCES. c......,..  --,- - c~-=• -:•:;::  P.UD-UP SURPLUS. DllPOl!I-  1.o. . . . _.,,..  ITS  --  Glendale ••• Maricopa F 8 First 'ational Bank ___ •t'l6 C.H. Tinker--···- J. W. Ro~ers ...••. C. A. JemL on _____ ---··---·--···--·- $ 50,000 $ 34,570 $ 556,400 $ 658,230 $ 84,730 Valley, Phoenix ; 1st N .. Los A.; Inter.state! N., Kan. C. 91-108 12 L Pop. 2737 A  Glendale Bank of Com .. _ '20 H. Iluches .•••••••• A. \V. Appleby-··- G. A. Appleby . •••• R. L. ewelL..... 91.66  25,000 - - - · -  18,700  18,100  17,100 Midw. Re. erve Tr. Co .. Kan. C. ; Far .• . ~rorch. N .. Los A.; Cent., Phoenh:.  89,490 1,540,840 1,350,250 484.190 Han. N .. N. Y.: Am. N., San F.; lstN .. Los A. 100,000 •Globe---··-·-·· Gila I 9 First National Bank ___ .et'02 P. P . Greer ____ J. N. Robinson __ J. T. Brown · --·- G. C. Simmons.... and El Paso. ___ _ _ _ _ __..,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ J.C. Griffin 01-23 12 L Pop. 70U  d M b & 1'"'I t I8 N ., _., N ""O l ""A 690 H lOO ooo 266 •oo 4• 337• 880 1 3• a•~ ·• '"· • e a ec • • an an. ,-rw, _,._ •0 • 1st N., El Paso; Cltlz. N., Los A. CO. Our facilities for handling your Banking and Trust Business throughout Eastern A rizona ar e unsurp assed. SEE ABVERT ISEMEN TON O PPOSIT E PAGE EIGHT BRANC'liES IN ARIZONA. •U'99  E. MILLS·-·--··-· L. D. RICKITTS -·-·- H. S. YAN GORDER •••• J. D. WICKiJR., J. R. TODD, •.Mgr. T. A. PASCOE GILA VALLEY BANK C.R.E.MOORE,Gen ASS{STANT GEIIERAL MANAGER'~ OFFICE A. Gen. Mor.  & TRUST 01-24  i11ar. U 0I1e Office  y.;  · G. F. Wilson •••••• H. V. Snell··--·-- C. B. Y. Hind .••.•• W. D. Fi k, Old Dominion Com'! Co. S ec. and 7'r, ~\. W. Crawford •U'96 91-22  100,000  102,220  629,020  711,980  Hayden---······Gila I 9 GILA VALLEY Bit& TR. CO. ······-·--·· ···-···· - - - · · - - - E. M. Blake, .Mor. -····-·--··--······- (Branch of Globe, Arizo na) . _ •t§'l2 91-81 UL Pop. 3000 •Holbrook ••. Navajo K 6 ~1erchants & Stock Growers John R. Hulet._.. H. H. Scorse ---- D. J. Thomas •.•••. B. B. Neel. •• •..••• Bank ••••• 91·60 •.•••• •il'09 12 L Pop. 1206  50,000  HumholdL. Yavapai F 7 Pr~ cott State Bank • •• •t§'18 ·····-·····-·--·--·- .•••.• ····· -·--····- G. E. !lleany • .lfgr. ...•..••. · ···· - -··· - (Branch 91-127 12 L Pop. 930 Jerome •.••• Yavapai F & BANK OF ARIZOIA -.. 91-45 12 L Pop. 6000  ..  ----  BANK OF JEROME 111  6  -···-•u  I  91-50  tll  )>  148,840 N. City, N. Y.: Drov. N .. Kan. .: 1st N., Z Albuouer<1ue, N. M.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., ~ ,..,. San F. of Pres cott, Ar izona)._ ·-· · · ···- N. Park, N. Y.. Prescott State. Prescott. 55,790  395,320  429,260  I  ;-  1  o. S .• tapley •• •••• L. II. Van ..;panckeren Robert Scott •• ••••• W. M. Beach ••• _••• It. B • .1!oore Rohert Stott •••••• R. E. Ioore •.•••• w. f. Beaeh E. J. Rowan •••• • •• W. U. Scott ••••••• 'r.  Lesueur ·-·-·  100.000  42,000 1,107.380 I.045,060  170,950 Ohase N., N. Y.: Bk. ot Cal. N. A., San F.; 1st N .• Los A.; Phoenix N., Phoeni..  bank your b usiness.  ···· ······-··-····· J.C. Ra,_pnond, oec. and 7'r.  50,000  1,740  F . • • 'i e L .•••••• S. L. Doughty_._ L. E. Hokomb L. E. \\'hit'· ······ F. S. West--· ····  100.000  92,210  TR. CO. ··-···-·-··-··-· ---····-·-·-· U. 0. Fitzsimmcu •:S'l0  r+  III,  L. Horner.••••• (.Brc.mch of Flaa Bta,Jf,Ar izona)_ - · · - · Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cal., Los A.: 1st N., O - - · · - - - --··-······-·-·- J. H. Rosenber,:, Mgr . j ,::;,i San F.: Comw. N .• Kan. c. ·-··-···· ·-·-······ ··········-·--··- C. J. Walters ••• ••. 1 0. A. Warren ..•••. (Branch of Flag ata:ff,.Ar izona)_ ···-··-- N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Crocker N., &n F.; Citiz. ~ I 1» N .. Los A. 95,190 Ohase N., N. Y.: City N ., El Pa o; Drov. '., 3 228,120 13,500 299,430 W. H. Brophy--· L. 0. Shattuck.-•• W. Ji'. Cowan . ••• -.1 -··-·--·····-·-·· 15.000 . 1.... • .. Los A. . Ka_n. C.: 1 ·t 165,000 109,800 N. City, N. Y. : Drov. .. Chi,; N. Bk. of Am., 3,600 263,000 25,000 Chas. Batre •••• •••• Jno. P. Trebilcock. R. C. Walters •••• _ ,-•·· ·····--··---Phoenix.  all Hiver Valley 'lr. , · av. Bank •• ••• Ill 133 • •••• •t. '20 E. A. Spriggs •• ••.• •••••••••••••••••••• Metcalf. •• Greenlee r. . O State Hank of M •tcalL•t§'l3 91-110 1lE Pop. 2500 !Ii mi ••• ••••••• Gila I 9 Bank of iami ····-··•.tf'IO W, D, Fisk---- W. J. Bller:,....... . W. Ellery •• ~ .••• P. W, PersPL ••••• G. W. Hamilton A. W. Crawford 91-55 2L Pop. 66 9  ----  lstN., El Pao: Valley, Phoem..  '(Re•ource• Ban k ol Jerome anJ affiliated bank•. $5,000,000.)  alt River Valley Bank•.t§'08 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  · · - - N. Bk. Com. anu Mech. & :Me~ls .:.·., N. Y.:  "'\Prompt attentl on shen to all C a1h Item1 and C jollectlons on ler ome.  e a a,·ings Bank 'l'rn t J. Oompany.lll-187 ._••• t§'20  ARIZO A M p on Index  0  H. W. Lewis, Mur. ···-···········--- (Branch of Pru cott, .Ar izona)_ ···--·-- Liberty N. ancl Laicllaw & Co., N. Y.: Bk. ot Cal. N. A., San F.; Citiz. N .. Los A.. • rt :::3 574,860 100,520 N. Park. N. Y.: Merch.N .• SanF.; Prescott Q. 38,6-10 619,210 50.000 i R N. FREDERICKS •• A. L. REESE · · ···---· P.H. DEMING ••• -···· R. A. FOREMAN . -... ~ State.Prescott: Citiz, N., Los A. -+••o71 1A Prosreasl.e B ank thoroughly e quipped to handl e your bustness.  esa •••• -•• Maricopa Go FIRST NATIONAL BANK •.t'03 { Send thi 111-49 12 L Pop. 3036  K.  Iz  205,860 Han. N .. N. Y.: Citiz. N .. Los A. ; 1st N., El )> Pam; Bk. of Italy, San F.  C)  J. T. LESUEUR •••• O. S. STAPLEY •• •••• L. H. VAN SPANCK- R. B. SCHUPP.... ... EREN  91-56  IN  •U-771-·----·- ··----·---······-  •Kiniman ••. Mohave C 5 Arizona Central Bank.•:1'87 91~7 12 L Pop. 2500 Citizens Bank •••••••••• •*5'03 " ···---" 91-70 LowelL •••• CochiseK 13 Bank of Lowell •••••••• •tl'I0 9H8 11 E Pop. 4000 layer._ •••• Yavapai :&' 7 layer tateBank •••• • •.t '17 111-11 12L Pop. 600  GIL V LLEY  )>  ::ti  1  •1········-·-····-  Uur.  110,640  144.150  697,680 1,181,490  50,000 - · · -  105,370  125,980  15,000  180,000  140,000  35,000 1,050,000  700,000  25,000  5,000  5,180 Los A. Tr. & sav., Los A. ; 1st .. •.. :\fe a. 132,050 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Los A.: Valley • ._ Ill Phoenix. ::i 23,280 Salt Hiver Valley, :Me. a, i:: Ill 50,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st ., El Paso and Clifton.. "'i  310,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., El Paso and Globe;~ _ Citiz. N .. LosA.:Bk.ofltaly,SanF.  (Branch of Globe, ~rizo Ina). __ _ _ _ Mech. e :\fPtals N .. _N. Y.; 1st,N., ~~Paso;~ Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San l.i.; 01t1z. N., 1 1 Los A.; Valley. Phoenix.  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  UNDER JOINT CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT  THE GILA VALLEY BANK AND  I  TRUST COMPANY Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $200,000.00 Deposits - $4,500,000.00 Conducting Branch Banks at  Globe, Morenci, Clifton, Miami, Safford, Ray, Hayden and Winkelman, Arizona MANAGING OFFICE, Globe, Arivma OFFICERS C. F.. MILLS. President L. D. RICKETTS, Vice President R. E. MOORE, General Manager T. A. PASCOE, Vice President J. R. TODD, Assistant Gen'l Manager H. S. VAN GORDER, Cashier H. C. WOOD, Auditor  THE VALLEY BANK PHOENIX. ARIZONA Branch at Ajo, Arizona MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM  Capital Surplus Deposits -  -  - $ 500,000.00 - - 100,000.00 - - 5,000,000.00  OFFICERS C. L. R. A.  ><  0 "O  .s C 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SIMS ELY, JR., Assistant Cashier E. MILLS, President S. H. STEWART, Assistant Cashier D. RICKETTS, Vice President L. G. GALLAND, Assistant Cashier E. MOORE, Vice President W. S. BRADFIELD, Assistant Cashier T. ESGATE. Cashier H. C. WOOD, Auditor  These affiliated banks, representing the strongest financial in_terests in ) rizona, offer unequalled facilities covering every bank~ng service. The Valley Bank at P~oenix,_ by_ reas~n of u~usual connections, routes practically every bankmg pomt m Arizona direct each day.  Correspondence relative to handling Arizona items invited.  r  ··•  Tnn.nank To ns wlth  •• """••  •"~  "'•-•  ••-••  ,  •  •L  v ~ - ~ - a.6.  "--  u aw ~l z ,I.~  :  ;  ~  -io  0  ~~  .. ";.... ~i:..t .... ii:o ... ...... o ... C:,«:)  B  A  114°  D  C  113°  F  E  H  G  112·  from  777 °  J -------  "'  110·  QOO 00 00  ~ OS:, 2iil~ ~5' e.i;: a0 <o  C7)  <D'O  .I"  ai:..t 11-<:n  (')(')  0..,.  ~if o;  i!3:  : ~-  t<;'.;'-4 ~~ .,.t,O  <POOO  K  L  >  'Cl  n  co  C:  t<  c,,  " z.., 02 ~ ::! 0 111  M <(  • ::!E  s H C  ><  ITI  N  A  G  N  u  g:::>  A  H~  L.!tb ~  0  !"  Greenwich,  l:J~-Jn  1  ~  0  "'g.  0  L  w  1  01-  oz  N  ti  0  37  2  3 3  so•  \{ 4 4  0  ~ 5  6  :µ:1  ~~Uf!I Q.••  •  36 °  85°  ,J:f/ '<  ~~  6  lJ  6  <(  t>  k  0  SER  7  7  a:  34°  8 8  SCALE 37°  ~~~~----+------...:=--~..::..----U{{/J;{.{.-l-  Rand )tc:Xall7'1 11 I 14 )Jap or A.ri~ona. Copyrii;bt bT ltaGd llc.Xall1 .t Co.  14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  tatute l\111 •, 39=1 Inch. ----'-=o===~,;.o_...;;:io~=.;40;;..._.:,so  A  B 174 •  C  D  E  F  112·  G  H  L  M  s1211  AT  PRESCOT T Jerome  Clarkdale  Bank of Arizona  • The Phoe IX National Ba k PHOENIX, ARIZONA Capital, Surplus and Pro its - $455,000.00 Resources $5,500,000.00 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY  ESTABLISHED 1877  Oldest Bank in the State  OFFICERS H. J. McCLUNG - President w. H. THOMSON - - Vice-Pres. T. E. POLLOCK Vice- President F. L. THOMAS - - - Cashier  E. P. HEWITT. Assistant Cashier E. F. BARROWS, Assistant Cashier E. K. FOLTZ - Assistant Cashier J. c. BLAINE - Assistant Cashier  DIRECTORS L. H. CHALMERS JAMES s. DOUGLAS  C. D. DORRIS  All Banking matters promptly and intelligently handled Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  W. A. DRAKE L. L. HARMON WM. S. HUMBERT  H • .J. McCLUNG T. E. POLLOCK W. H. THOMSON  We are Prepared to Give Efficient Attention to Your Arizona Business  55  t Number given Number under Name or Bank is tbe nkera' to each bank in U. S. e1.cluslvely by The Rand-M ,. Dtreetory, under the autho_!ltY of The American Banli:ers •fi~D.  TOWN  ilD COUNTY.  NAME OF BA."K.  RESOURCES.  •Mem. Am. Bks ..Assn. State ~county Seats. Fi1rnre is Fod. Re , Dbt. t.Mem.State Bks. Assn.t Priv. [E ·tab. L Los. A. Br. EEl Pa!>O Br. +:Mem. Fed. Hes.  Mor11fiiop~5!8a1eeL 9  PRESIDENT.  -------1 GlftulfLll!_9~~~~-~mool-------------------- ------------------ 10. E.  c'  0  ,a1r:t:.~1~iiuz I 13  FIRST NAT BANK • ·  BRACEYCURTIS-------O. H. HEROLD --------THERON RICHARDSON ~ROVER  I MARSTELLER- - - - - -  •i•oa  I  IJ·  T ...  91-3  'L BK  A,½<l~t • • •A·. · Ifac1'llt'1es f or ma k'1ng co II ect1ons 1n rrzona.  •:- 112 S pec1a  ,c.  W.Gibson,- - I ___ See. and Tr.  L. D. RICKETTS--- A. T. ESGATE----R. E. MOORE  Member Federal Reserve System  509,UO  1  _  - - - - - - --  500,00 t'1~ lkltilo BRADFIELD . -  ·  178,590 N.City, N. Y.: Am. N., San F.; El Paso Bk, & Tr. Co .. El Paso; New Eng. N., I an. 0. 509,490 N. Park: and N. City, N. T.; Citiz. N., Los A,: Crocker N., San F. tat!, Ariz.) _ _ _ _ _ Seab. N., • Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; •. Bk. of Cal., Los A. tat!, Ari z .) _____ - - - N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Crocker N ., San F.; Oitiz. N .. Los A. 72,690 : 21,160 Am. Ex. •.• 80,080 PhoenL . 16,740 Am. E . • N., N. Y.: Secur. Bk . ..,- Tr. Co., 88,200 102.220 Tucson: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., 't. l .: 1st N •• Nogales . 11,320 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Globe: Valley Ilk., 54,000 46,730 Phoenix. 57,360 Midw. Re erve Tr. Co., Kan.C.: Ceni., Phoe 237,200 178,620 nix; U.S. N.,Los A.; Am. 'rr .• · Sav .. El Pa o. dale. Ar iz.) ________ AtlanticN.. •. Y .; Com'! N. and Pltoe•.i:' .. Pho , Midw.Res.Tr.Co., Kan. C.: u.s.~ ·.Los \, 3,000,000 2,500,000 650,000 lrvmg N., . Y.: lstN .• Q,hi.and El Paso: U. .., N. and ecur. Tr. & sav., Los A.; Com . ., Kan. C. 850,000 762,950 190,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Oom'l ., Los A.; Merch. N., an F. 586,600 522,490 152.790 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.: 1st .i: ., San F., Secur.'rr. &Sav., Los A.;Fid..i: .Bk. · 'fr. Kan. C.; 1st • .. Wichita. 5,461,000 8,620,440 1,950,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.: Bk. or Cal. N. A,. San F.; Merch. N., Los A. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 651,020  .,  Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com:1 N., Chi., CrockerN.,SanF.; Merch.N.,LosA.  .  __ __  202,880 Chae .andGuarantyTr.Co.,N.Y.;Phoe Ix N., Phoentx; Home & Hib., Los A.  --- ---  §· H. STEWART----  " IVALLEY BANK •:t§•14' Practically every banking point in Arizona is routed direct  • 248,840 4.'138,440 5,880,350 1,488,800 Mech. & ~etals N., N. Y.; Cont._& Com'I N,,Chl.,1stN.,LosA.and El Pao. -  If you appre ciate dir ect conn ections and prom pt service, send us your Arizona Items. Affiliated with The Gila Valley Bank and Tr ust Co. S ystem of Eight Ari zona Ban ks.  _  _  SfE ADVERTISEM~_NT_ON..!_RIZONA INDEX.  R. ALLYN LEWIS----------- BONDS, STOCK,S, INVESTMENT'S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .i: ••  1,250,640 1,153,180  196,750 2,200,890 2,307,320  100,000 -  .,  e.  ___, _  ==---------  I  ------------------1--------------------  rizon Tr.<' av. Bk.•t§'2U -------------------- ____________________ Cle, eland 91-111  CHICAG O  1-  EE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. ,-'---S  !C. E. MILLS-------  Pima _______ Gral1am I 10 1lE Pop. 515  m.  --,  304, 00 4.4'18.000 4,008,'100 1,456,B -  _____  PhoenixSav. Bank&Tr.Oo. H.J.llcOhmr-----1~-H~'lhomson • __ T. E. Pollock •*I'll 91-5  H-2  -  .: City N., El Pa o·  .  H.J. McCLUIG-- --W. H. THOMSON----F. l. THOMAS------E. f-HEWITT- ----- i 208, (· K ftrffWS J.C. BLAINE,, 1 T. E. POLLOCK  1 1  •  ~  ., Chi.; Com' N., N. Y.; Cont. ciA/l %· W~UhR 100,000 - 145,980 -2.852.510 -1,57%.510 1- 1162930 Ban. te::-:arl!~N;v, N. • nd Angl &Lon. E:xceptlonalservlceofferedtobankersandcommerclalbouses'torcollec- -  --------1  PHOENIX NAT  .  208,W0 $ 125.510 Han.~.. ·an F  26,230 $  ewarL---- $ 80,000  ttons on Southern Arizona, and partlcularlf down the West Coast or Mexico. by reason of our many correspondents In the principal cities or that Rep~bll 20,740 50,000 ogalesNationalBank-•i•rn , A.F.Kerr _______ . 1.Gilles~ie ____ lFoster\Tright__ ___ .c. Jung _- -----E. K. Cnmmmg 91-86 45,680 Epe · Randolph ____ L.A. Iartinez ____ 1 • :\rignardot ______ W. c. Winegar.Rec. 100,000 Sonora Bank & Tru t Co. J.:M. E trugo, A.~. L. Brauer, 'l'r . Max Muller •S'l4 91-94 M h 0 atnl'tL--P--- ~ lve B5 Arizona Central Bank_•t '15 ------------------- -------------------- W. H. Long, ~ligr, ___ __ __ _______ ___ ___ (Branch of Flaga 111-103 op. 1 0 ,. •• ______ ______________ (Branch of Flag Citizens Bank ---------•!§"15 ~--------------- -------------------- ,J. R. Hemphill. ~ligr, 91-10-1 2,480 15,000 Park E' r L------I Yuma ll 7 Parker Yall Y Bank ---•ts'l7 . I. C. W bb _______ J. F. Haney ________ IG. A.• Iarsh_ __ __ __ •. E. Kenyon ___ __ 1 2 _Pq_p. 2 ll. B. arsh I Frank Ewing 91-122 1,200 10,000 Pata g oEma oanta Cruz 112 Fir;t tate Jiank ________ • '18 W. P. capehart ____ '. B. Wibon _______ D. B. Pier<' ______ _ Y. P. Hi chard ____ 11 Pop. 500 I 91-129 1 1,370 25,000 _ _ _ _ __ ___ R. Hubert_ _______ )f. :.\l<'Donalcl-- -- -- 1G. T. tev ns, P ys o n-L_ _ _ QiJa II 7 Payson Commercial & 'I'r. Src. mu! 'l'r. I Company ___ 91-99 ____ •:t '16 12 Pop. 500 7,510 25.000 ~l. Hall _________ L.A . BcchtoJ.___ __ l'cor1i2a ____ _1\l,1ri ona ~' 8 Exchang Hank----·---•~fl7 c. F. Dalton ____ ___ H. L. Odlp, _ _ _ II. C. Baskett 91-120 l Pop. 500 ________ ________ ____ (Branch of Glen T. It'. Thurston, GI ndale ·u t Bank --•t §'17 ------------- - ----- -----------· " ---" Jlul'. 91-121 50,000 tafl'ord ___ __ Donald Dunbar ____ J. J. Faean ________ K. G. Freeland ___ _ 100,000 •Pho1mix __ Maricopa F 9 CENTRAL BANK ----•U'l5 D ... o. F, .1lford P. K. Lewis 91-7 12 l Pop. 29,053 1 B. C. tafford 18,000 25,000 Citizens State &nk ____ •!§'l4 E. S. Wakelln _____ O. E. De lund _____ L. L. Steward _____ W. L. Trimble . ____ . W. C. Ahercrombie 9Hi 15,000 Commercial ·at'! Bank __ '20 ~·· A, Lytle _____ F. M. Wilkinson __ H.B. Cas~idy ______ -------------------- , 150,000 91-8 , NAT'L IAIII OF AIIIDNA C. F. Solomon _____ Leo Goldman ______ lE. W. Clayton _____ J. J. Sweeney_____ 200,000 275,000 I L.B. Rhuart E.W. Clayton •t"81 111-1 S.C.Ganz Guy Alsap_ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ Ul-70  ,~  ___ _ _ ____ ,__  - --,  -  i::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPOND-ENTS.  Hull, Mur.- ------------------ (Branch of Globe.  I  •!§'12  91-82  =• :G:,D:  !  Lo• a1<Du- ' C•m&Ez-  A S'T CA.SHIER.  OASHIJCR.  VICJC,PRXSJD:&NT.  STATE BANK OF MORENCI Jno. Kiddie------- C. B. Nonnamaker J. D. Williams _____ F. A. • ~  Non-Bank Towns '\\ith Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of t~ ' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., ~ee Laws. §  ARIZONA-Continued  DIRE~~~NoTL~~6-~i'6Ns·  urfi ·, Mgr,  _ _  ,  --------- !--------- ---·-----  100,000 _ _ _ Sailor d, Ariz.J ______ _______ (Branch  lof  j-------- _________  E. F. Hutton & Co. and Equitable 'l'r. Co N. Y.: E. F. Hutton & Oo .. Lo: . and an Citiz., .,Los A.; Cent.,Phoenix. 1  CONTINENTAL AND CQMMERCIA[J BANKS  _  > -  z  ._... tr ~  w. >z• X~  en  j  ~  ...  o H  ~  ~  r.  To  'nn-Ran  56  Num'ber uader Name or Bank is the Ne Transit Number given to each bank in U. . eschulvely by The R nd-Mc ally Bankers' Directory, under the uthorlty of The American Banker A •n.  Tow AND cou 'TY. A.1E OF HA. K. •County eats. •Yem.Am. Bks.A ·n. § tat I Figur • is I:<' d. Re·. Dist. :tMem. tate Ilks. Assn. tPriv. LLos A.Br. EEIPa~oBr. •~lem. Fed. Hes. rn~tab. a.Prescott ••• Yavapai F 7 12LPop.l30C  BANK  ARIZONA-Continued LIABILITIES.  PRESlDE 'T  CASHIER,  • ·  A  S'T CASHIER.  P.UD-UP su~~us CAPITAL PROFITS  •tS'77  TR. & SAV. BANK 01-H  •U'03  STATE BANK 01-11  Collections sollc lted on Prescott a nd all northern A rlzona points. Oldest bank In Arizona.  MORRIS GOLDWATER R. N. FREDERICKS •••• H. COLYIG--·· J.E. cCULLOUGH ..  !  80,000  91-134 •t "20 Bank or Satrord •••••••• •il'99 • 01- 57  .  GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO.  _  769,630 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l ., Chi.; {'rockel'N.,SanF.;tstN,,LosA.; N., Den. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  50,000  87,430 Bk. or Ariz., Prescott.  108,000  o FARMERS & MERCH. BANK  •i "92  . Z. Palmer····- Joseph W. Smith •• - - - - - - - - - · ·  1,180  /.Je,  233,570  s.  .. •  I II I  :  ..  I I  I  "  R. H. Ramsey ·-·· R. H. Ramsey .•••. Guy McCain •••••••  15,000  James Garvin •.••• T. H. Dick-••.••• J. F. Mathews ••.•  25,000  111  Thoma Phelps •••• J. W. Becker •.•••• P. F. Becker......  30,000  II  D. J. Thomas •••••• E. Keaton Bryan_. -----········-··  40,000  8,030  179,150  F. T. Colter ••••••• Abel Ortefa. ___ •••.••••••••••••••.•  -10.000  5,000  175,150  . W. Crawford •.• J. ,\. \\'. ,J. Eller;  25,000  7,500  li0,000  40,000  15,ti60  35 ,960  • II  I II  111  II  I  II  111  111  :1 I II  II I  .,  111  mall •.....•• A. U. Kin  •••••••  W. J. KINGSBURY ···············-···· THORNTON JONES, V. C. KINGSBURY.. JR.  i  •I  II  •I  -:• 343,570  ColleeUons a •P eclal feature. Pro mpt retmoa at lowelt ratea. Elsht per cent net farm mort p1e loan• neco Uate4.  C. G. Jones........  11;~'• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  mo  of  I I  Cha .. Iiller .••••••.. White •••••••• ······-·········-··  ha:. Woolf .••••• - c. M. Woodward •• •: ·01 J. F. Peck: Tbatther ••• Graham K 10 rizonaTru t · vines Bank ····-·-········-··· •••••••••••••••••••• ~pencer Kimball, 11 E Pop. 'O . Dl-73 •:t§'lO , , , • , •Tomb ton Qo('h1 Kn Cochi ounty t Bank A.G .• mlth ·-···- 11. \\. Etz.·-··-·- L. ,. 1 1hnc s 01 k._ 11E Pop. 117 ♦ 91 11 •t '17 L, I. i r, V.•Pr a. ,\. I,. Heney .J. II. Ur.twrill r •• First ational Bank •••• •i·o2 William Cow&n .... \\'. o. Gilmore ••••• M. I. BludwortlL. 91-74 F. , 8 nn tt  TEMPE IIATIINAL BANK  287,610 Z,725,640 2,353,620  v.  I  AR,IZONA Map on Index  546,950 N. Park. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.: N., San F. and Los A.; Pre.:cott t Pre ·('ott. zona) •• _ _ _ Mech. & Metals N. and • Bk. Com,, 1st N., El Paso: Crocker .• an J.i'. 63,410 Chae ., ... •. Y.: Citiz. J.· .. Los 1\.: omw. 186,160 ran. C.; Border ... '., El Pa o: Con ot. Tucson. F. A. Webster.-· J. W. ~lattice_._ Wm. McRae •...••. A. 10,000 490,270 Tate......... 100,000 572,420 117,610 Han. N., N. Y.: U. N., Los .A.; Am.'rr. Wm. McRae Sav., El Paso. D. W. Wickersham J. R. Welker ..•••• A. H. Ferrin •.•••• R. W. Fisher •.••• 52,000 600,000 510,000 175,000 N. P~rk.~N. Y.: 1st N., Los A. aml El Pa 33,000 P. F1·eudenthal ~\ru. ~ .. Tue on. Ray Killian ---·-··----·· ····-·······-···· W. P. Lathrop, __________ (Branch of Glo lie, Ari zona) ••• ··-····· Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., El Paso. Mg1·. II. . Chamberlain. T. L. Somervelle •• W. P. Dunn •.••..• A. 1. Dunn........ 55,140 10,000 ···--··-  01-58 •§'09 an imon •• Cochise 11 an imon 'alley Bank•! '13 11 E Pop. 300 91-87 cotl dale .•. ( ricopaU9 t t B-Hlk ••••• :·21 w. E. CY •••. 12 L !'op. 5UO 111-139 Snowtlak:e •••• Navajo K fl Bank or Northern Arizona S. F. Smith •••• - 12 L Pop. 75 91-71 •:t§'08 omerton ••••• Yuma 10 Caruthers tate Bank. •t •1;; J. E. Franklin •••• 12 L Pop. 93 91-97 .. •••••••• omerton tate Bank_.•§'17 Geo. W. c.hutz .••• 91-113 prinf.! •1-rille.ApacheL 7 Round Valley llank •• _ •• 'l Gustav Becker •••• 12 L Pop. 600 91-126 •St. Johns ••• Apache L 6 St. Johns tat Bank •• •:!: •rn J. R. Hulet •••.•••• 1 12 Pop. 1061 01-72 .. ·-··-··· .. tockmen' tat• Bank•t '17 F. W, Tel on •••••• 91-116 up rior ••••••. Pinal H 9 Bank o! up rior ••••• •!§"16 W. D. Fi k •••••••. 12 L Pop. 2500 91-107  91 51  734,250  Laraeat Capital, Surplua and ndlvlded Profit• of any bank l n - - - 1 - Prescott. If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a mod•  •U'02 1 erate charge aend US your Arizona Item• and oollectlona.  Safford ...•. Graham K 10 Arizona.Trust · a.vingsBank  91-53  77,570 1.128,030  BUSINESS, as well as Commerc Jal Banldns.  Ray •••••••••••••Pinal IO GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO. - - - · · - - - ····---·-·--- J. F. Houston.Mar.•••••••••••••••••••• (Bra,nch 12 L Pop. 2a00 01--41 •U'lO .. " Yerchants ~ Im r Hank T. M. Quebedeau. • W. E.Arnold •.••.. C. L. Wolf -······ John B. Quinn..... 56,000 91-125 •t§'l8 H. II. McDonald  T mpe..... arlcopa G 12 L Pop. 1 63  2,167,930 $ 603,040!1st N., N. Y., Chi., and Los A.; Bk. of N.A.,SanF.  SEE AD V. ON BA CK OF M AP OF A RIZONA.  Specially Equip ped for TRUSTS, ESCROWS and M INING  Yavapai Co. Sav. Bank.•tt·oa M. B. Hazeltine._ E. W. \ ells. ___ D. W. Russell, __________ 01-35 Sec. and Tr.  "  noM Buro  R. II. FREDERICKS.M. GOLIWATER .:-.L. C. DERRICK-.... J. E.McCULLOUGH - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. G. BRECHT A.B.FOX  PRESCOTT  Pop. 1335  H110vama  $ 50,000 $ 263,010 2,141,010  COMMERCIAL  11E  PRINCIP L CORRE PO 'llEl TS,  C•~B A Ex-  c'n. Do. ·o.,, cs.A. oH,Dos  Of ARIZONA ~E.W. WELLS •••••. M. B. HAZELTINE •.• C. A. PETER •••••••• J.H.HALL F. A. HATHAWAY ••.. - - - - 91-82  "  RESOU!WES, Lo.& NB & DI@·  DEPOSITS  38,530 808,360 50,000 T. A. ndt>r ·on •••• II. . Hare I 011 -··-···········-·· (Bra11ch of Saffolrcl) ..•. I 11,000 325,000 I. W. mith ••••.• 1 30.000 II. B. ilr, m!tl I 25,000 -··---···· ••••  .  1  ..  I  i  61,380 . City, '. Y.; 1 -t ... T., Lo ,\, and lbu querque. 71,780 Seab .... ' .. N. Y.: Border~., Ell', o: l.t Albuquerque. 57,810 Ilan. ·., '. Y.: ralley ml Phoem Pho ni:; Oitiz, ... ·., Lo A. 69,830 .i: • Bk. of Ariz .. Phoeni.; Citiz. •., Lo A.. .lerch. .• San F.; Citiz. Com'! Tr. Co .. Bufralo.  825,320  84,060 Chase N., N. Y.: Crocker N., San F.; 1 t  234,000  96,000 Han. · ... ', Y.; City. T., El l'a o; Con ol. 'l'ucson; 1 t • ·., Lo  Los A.: Phoenix •. and Valle', Phoenix. N., N. Y.; U. .• • .. Lo A.; Con ol. -.1 ··-·· .... ••••••••• Han. 'l'uc ~  011,  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  I',.' I  .  .  orrespondence  llamber ander .Name of Bank ia the New 'l'ranalt lfamber pnn to each bank in u. 8. eJ:ellUIYelJ' by Tbe &and-llcN'allJ' Bauen• Dlnetol'J'. under the authority of Tbe A.merlean Bankers Aas•n. TOWI( .um OoUNTY. N-A..JB OF BANK. •County Bea\s. •Kem. Am. Bks.Assn. 18tate VICE-PRESIDENT, PRESIDDT. Fiirure is Fed. Res. Dis. ;:u:em. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. LLos A. Br. E El Paso Br. ♦)!em. Fed Re,. Ctstab.  5_7  ... Tucson _____ Pima I 11 11 E Pop. 20.292  ARIZONA NATIONAL BANK 1-12  •l'OO  CONSOLIDATED  • d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ARIZONA- COll t lllUe ~ - - LIABILITIES: ASS'T CASHIER.  CASHIER.  PAID-UP l::>URPLlJB CAPITAL  PB~;~TB  _  -  DEPOSITS  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'_volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, ~t~-~eo Laws. ~ ifas_p-gR~  - -  - PRINCIPAL COR.kESPONDENTS.  Lo.s,&DIO- C.<on&Ex-  jci:~ =:• ';~~;':';~,."..~  l  All ltema on Ar  f  ~  . _____ _  0  - -- ~ - - - - - - - - - - 1 -- - ---------i------ -C f SOLOMOI F ~ THORPE F J HERMES H H HOLBERT 100,000 $143,170 $2378'150 I, 2575110 456.100 Chase • . -- JO ii METS ----- • • ----- H: a:LoWDERMILK ·, Lon. •SE DUCHMAI GEO. D. BEDELL . FREUDEITHAL  C  -  ~  -  -  N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Anclo & ~ Paris N •• San F. ~  I  I  ona polnta eol leeted promptly lat most reasona ble rate s. Special aemee rendered to Ylstt on and tourtsts.  ALBEIT STEIIFELD EPES RAIDOLPH •• V. F---: PALMER----- ,. C. EjCHELLS---~ C. E. WALKER . W. ILL  Oldest and Largest Bank In Tucson. • E. B TLER Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals solicited.  100.000  -  257,030 3,487,HO 2,699,180 1,235,180 N.Clty, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon.  -  -  -  I NATIONAL BANK _ •t·DO Send 11our Southern .Arizona items to us for direct, rouUng and prompt re turns at lowest r ates.  P~rls N., San F.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. c.J  91 11  Security Bk. & Tr. Co .. •t 91-16  · 8 W, E. Fuller ______ .T. W. Hopson, Jr .. J. W. Hopson Jr ... Howard Bock ______ P. J. Cella, Sec.  Lewis  )la  stella.  25,000 ---------  235,000  239,470  ~  3 ,500 Irving N. • •. Y.; New En~. N .. K,an. 0.: Secur. Tr . ..,. av., Los A.: City N., El Paso. _  N  SOCU THEfl,ARIZ. Bl. & ~•- F. J. Steward ______ ~- H. awyer ______ G. B. Sawyer ______ Geo. F.Gray __ ____ _ 150,000 _Ill-ta _____ •it OS K. L. Hart A. J. McKelvey 0IMP  TUCSON IATIONAL BAH 91-15  •t"l8  w.  . Lamprey ____ A. F. Kerr _________ Byrd Brook·------- J. W. \ oods _____ _ W. II. Land IL W. Ogle  \ ickenbure---Maricopa Central Bank __________ etl'l8 P. K. Lewis ________ .. J. Buckineham_ H. 12 L Pop. iJ27 E8 91-101  c. Sprunrer ____  Richard K. Baxter  WillcoEx ____ Qochise K 11 Higgs Bank ____________ •U'20 W. M. Rigg ______ J. p, Cummings .•• E. B. IcAleb __________________ _ 11 Pop. 91-136 K. N, Coplen  WILLCOX 8~ 11 & TR. CO.  •1-75  '  •u·oo  H. A. Vorrau ____ H. E. Dunlap ______ H. E. Dunlap ______ Thos. D. Ward ___ _  114,!;00 2,905,310 2,014,670 1.155,420 N. Park, N.Y.: Cont. & Com'I N ., Ohl.: 1st San F.: Far. & :.\Ierch. N., Lo: • 1 ,480  500,620  591,010  25,000  1.910  208,8201  210,400  40,000  4,000  175,000 __________________ Chase N .. '. Y.; City N .. El Pa ·o; N .. Los A.; Ariz. • .• Tucson.  50,000  17,000  320,000  >  130,040 Me~h. • )fetal ,"!f·• i • . Y.; Am., r, , _an F., tJ, Liberty Cent. Ir. Co., ~ t. l ,.; bate City i ., Kan,C. Z  100,000  400,000  .. 0 ..; "'  >  38,710 Irving N., Phoenix,  ~  Y.; U. S. N,, Los A.; Cent,,  ~rch.  ~  ~  I~  • ::s  116,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Oitiz. N .• Los A.: ..,tate .1.'. ,.. El Paso; Consol. N ., Tucson. o  .  ~  Williams __ . Ooconino F 5 Arizona Central Bank. •*1'87 _____________________ A. M. Root, Mor••• ____________________ (Branch ot Flag staff) ___ __________________ Seab, N., N. Y.: Merch. N. and Far. · Merch. c:: 12 L Pop. 1350 91-76 N.,Los A.; Comw. N .. Kan. C.; 1st ., an I!'. 3 Citizens Ba~~i" I------•H"l8 __________________________________ F. C. Scoville, ltlgr. ___________________ _ (Branch of Flag staff.Ariz,) _____ _____ r, Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Crocker i ., San F.; I·tl A> 2 N., Los A. , Winkelman ______ Gila 110 1Z L Pop. 573  GILA VALLEY Bl. & Tl. CO. ________ 91-77  •tl'l0  , _ _ _ _  1  H. S. Bailey, Mar .. - - - - - - - (Branch of Globe. Ariz.) - - - --------- Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., El Paso; Valley, t'hoenix.  Winslow ______ Navajo I 6 Arizona State _~ nk .... •tl'l6 T. M. Quebedeaux ____________________ Kenneth H. lyers_ O. J. Faulkner __ _  91...,7  1Z L Pop. 37:i0  Bank of  G. J. Schaefer  Win;l~l'8-------il'l0 Wm. H. Da2r •••••• Geo. H. Keyes. Jr. T. O. Monroe ______ A. S. Brayman ___ _  l niou Itink ti)lu. t Co .. '21 J. II. Fuller _______ O. B. Sutton ______ R. C. Kaufman · -- J. H. Gih,;on. Sec. _ 9 1 •Yuma ________ Yuma A 10 First Nation a 1Pzank .... •l'05 F. M. Murchison __ T. L. Lane _________ C. L. Patters011 ____ Jennie Polhamus. ! 91-,. 12L Pop. 4237 J. W. Hayes ____ ___ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Securi!Y 1 'r ~s t & Sa!l~.gsl E. H. Tobias ______ Emil c. Eger ______ J. O. Blethen _____ .J • .A. Chester ___ _ Bank---- 91 131------- •• 9 Yuma Natio n al..,!)ank --•i·o11 J'.K. Kolina. ______ J. S. Abbott__ _____ C.H. Robertson ___ ll. H. Baker _____ _ 91...,.. W,A. Barr  40,000  18,000  25,000  29,220  25,000  2,500 --------- --------59,920 810,090 1,163,310  660,000  470,000  '  230,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Albuquerque; Citiz. N., Los A.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Ororkcr .. San F. 240,800 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N .. Albuquerque, N. ll., Los A., and San F.; Valley, Phoenix. 27,500 t:ite ,.·., Alhnquerque  T ..  100,000 50,000  11,210  50,000  78,000  859,470  47?.,890  287,330  184.390 seab. N .• N. Y.: 1st N., Obi.; Oiti1. N .. Los A.; 1st N., El Paso. 5-1.610 N. City, N. Y.; 1 t •., Los A.; Yalies, Phoenix. 124,230 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N. and Far.and Merell. Ul ' .. Los A.: Am. N., San F. _ '1  'nn.Jl  Nn...-1- •  58  wA  Number under name of Bank ia the New Tranalt Number given . e:s:c,JualyelJ' by The &and-MeNally Banker11• Dl~etory, under the authority of The merlcan Bankers As ·'n.  I  I  l'IH. VIPAL CORRESPO. DE 'TS. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP l:SU&PLUB DEPOS- I..oA• &Dl8- c.uu&E :CASHIER. VICE PRESIDE:: T. PRICSIDKNT. c'To. llo. ue, c1u:<aES,Du• ITS AND CAPITAL _ _ _ P&oFITe _ _ _ ~~- ~ _ __ 23,700 Han. N .• N. \.;1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. P.H. Sch wee-man __ J. G. Richardson __ C. Busn.____________ Rolph Bu h ________ $ 10,000 S 2,800 S 100,000 S 93,000 & Tr. Co., Little R. 157,470 119,100 1st N .. St. L.: :Yerch. N .. Ft. Smith: Am. Bk. 222,230 25,000 35,000 J. D. Byars ____ ---- T. H. Renfroe ---- J. c. Alexander ____ W. T. Crawford___ of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 30,170 I,;;t _•.. Ft. Smith; Mi . Valley Tr. Co .• t. L.; 95,750 89.liO 5.470 25,000 J. H. Cole------- R. L. Liles _______ O. B. Raeon ______ L. J. Ragon_______ Ex, N .. Little R. 20,000 Liherty Cent. Tr. Co., t. L.; Am. Bk, of Corn 165,000 75,000 2,000 20,000 .A. B. Bank ------- l. .I. Bennett ----- Roy Hammond____ ____________________ · 'l'r. Co., Little R. ' 47,550 Bk. of Com., Springtield, l{o.: Far., Harrison: 107,550 4.800 145,810 10,000 E. H. Wymore _____ J. s. Dalton------- J. W. Pau.l . ______ Everett Paul.._____ Midw. Re erve Tr. Co. Kan. C.; Bk. of Wayne;.,•ille, ~ aynesville. 7,760 120,140 Bank of Altheimer_ ___ e:U'05 A. B. Banks _______ L. L. Phillips ______ C. K. \'heeler ____ Roy Hammond ___ _ 25,000 43,720 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; Simmons ',, Pine Bluff: 85,500 Tr. Co., Little R. Am. Bk. ot Com. 81-285 Bank of A.ltus _________ •:U'04 J. N. Adams _____ .M. Mu52rove _______ L. F. tephen on ________________ _____ _ 14,870 212,200 25,000 104.350 nan. ., ·. Y.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., 161.700 . Little R.: lst-N.,St. L.; Ark.Valley,Ft.Smitb. , _ ~1-286 15,000 375,000 Bank of Amity --------•U Oo W. C. Hays ______ G. W. Tolleson ___ W. H. Olds------ B. W. "Fmcher. ___ _ 65,000 l'nion l • • ltle. Tr. Co., Little&.: State T.,Tex350,000 J. W. Thomp on 81-287 . . a~~ana. 50,000 41,000 N.c1ty,N. Y.; 1st N., St. L., Texarkana .... Citizens National Bank_•i'86 R. W. Huie ______ ~ . E. Adams----- W. B. East. _______ Howard Abraham __ 10,000 314.000 300,000 Te.·arkana. . , 81-134 H. L. Petty ________ , 129,500 Elk Horn Bk. & Tr. Co.:U 84 J. S. Car21le ______ R. B. F. Ky ______ W. E. Barkman, .. ,:. .; ont.& Com'! ., 127,750 1pch. & .Ietal. 05,120 35,150 743,220 'fr. A. P. Gr ene ·t, L.; Am. Bk. of Com. Chi.: 1st J. J. Ilardin 81-138 Co., Little R. 75,000 .Merchants &Planters Bank J. G. Clark ________ E. :hl. Hall_------ J. W. Bunch _____ R. J. Dou1?an _____ _ 495.000 120,000 .ltte. 'rr. Co. an<l 1 t T .. t. L.:Bkr .. 'lr. o, 490.000 22,000 antl Am. Bk of Com. •, Tr. Cp., LiJtte H. •:tl'll 81-469 Desha Bank & Tr. Co._ •U'92 H. Thane _______ Joe Demarke ______ W. K. Thomt>son __ J. H. Cotham _____ _ 100,000 150,000 900,000 l,A00,000 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.: C_orn Ex. N .. Cbt.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; mon & de.Tr. Co. and :\ • Howard M. 81-288 • 1 B. \\ orthen Co. Little R. 49,760 N.Bk.Com .. S1.L.;StateN.and'rexarkana T •• 258.170 15,700 17,100 25,000 ARKANSAS STATE BANK IJ. L. MARTIN-------- C. M. SUTTON ______ _ E. WATERS----- J.·M. SUTTON 'peclal attentto n given .Hill of La ding drafts, Cash and 'l'lme Item . •U'l8 'l'exarkana: .Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. ·md 81-218 Please send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo ,- presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. Ex. N.,Little R.  NAME OF BANK. •Mem. Am. B~;>·A_ssn. §tSPt~te :Yem.State B-..s ..... ssn. riv. [Estab. ♦!ilem. Fed. RI'·. Farmers Bank ---------•Wll 81-486 Bank of Alma __________ :t§'02 l!l-271 Commercial Bank -------1'10 81-272 Almyra __ Arkan_a · II 5 Rice Planter Bank _____ '20 81-2 3 Pop. 770 Alpena Pass __ Boone D 1 Bank of ..Upena ________ •:U'07 81-284 Pop. 300  Altheimer •• Jefferson G 5 L Pop. 450 . Altus _______ Frankhn C S _ L Pop. 709 Amity ________ Clark Co L Po1>. 680 ~Arkadelphia_.Olark D 5 L Pop. 3311 ··  B n In Point (In Vt Ith e re Ton-B nk To ·n 00 indexertJ in ba dn t d c<·P ), I.a t•r , [,a, \Olurm. I•or Inter('. t Kates, Uolld_!'YS, etc.,  ARKANSAS  to each bank in U.  TOWN AND COUNTY. &County 'eats. . In ~ To. 8 Feel. He . D1 t. Mis lemp.Br.L LittleR. licia ______ Lawrence H 2 Pop. 297 Alma ______ Crawford BS Pop. 7i9 "  k T  T  ~T . .  •Arkansas City ___ Desha H6 L Pop. U 2 ~A-l.Hlown __ Little River B6 L Pop 2052  {A.  fl RSJ  NAT ■ 81-217  BANK  , ?  •i 0-  a!d o!f;~!!1onal Bank Little River County. p ~lal Att~ntlon given Bill of _Lading Draft . . In  271,770  -  362,590  -  Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentat1on and 25cJor Credit Report.•,  I  Ash Flat _______ harp G 1 Bank: of Ash Flat _______ lf'lZ R. E. Semple _______ J. 1. Causbie ______ W. T . .. lcJunkins. Y. :\IcJunkins ____ _ 81-499 Pop. 256 Atkins ________ Pope E 3 Bank or Atkins--------•U'95 J . .M. Barker ____ Ira Darr-----·----- ------------- J . .:M. Barker, Jr. __ D. L. Barker 81-215 L Pop.15 29 C. A. Barker .Merchants & Far. Bk.-•:1'03 .A. J. llcCollum --- W . .A. Mont~omery 0. H. McOollum ___ ---------------.. 81-216 I. J. STACY------- J. F. SUMMERS----- A.H. HAMILTON---- -------------------T. E. STANLEY •.hl?u ta __ Woodrutr II 3 BAIIK OF AUGUSTA & TR. CO. lght draft for pre eotatlon, and •ii'91 { 16 CENT~ ent to u with each 81-205 L Pop. 1731 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  33,120  25,000  ~  ~  )> ~  ~  en  > r.n o,  )> .., '4  ~  r.n  I  >  ALLEN WINHAM, Sr.- A. ffOLDSMlTH------ R. M. BONE --------- J.M. JOHMSON, JR.  The Flr t,  )>  37,940 l\lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1 t N., t. L.; ::: E. • N ., Little R.; Merch. & Plan. and !2.  Te arkana N., Texarkana.  10,550 1st  5,000  3,920  50,000  65,000  10 000 ' 50,000  20,790  177,9501  38,ooo I 451.110  576.00tJI  40,000  40,000  300,0001  230,000  18,250  310,000  260,000  1,000  30,890  35,'160  2-1,000  425,000  400.000  52,!l50  ~  SI)  '""  0  .• Jone horo.  tJj . 67 970 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Sll Co., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Lit- ~ ' en tle_ It. 31,760 N. City, N. Y.: N. B~. Com .. St. L.: Am. Bk.of <: ;::.: Oom. & Tr. Co., Little R. 261,000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com .. (i' St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R.  25 CE T ' for e a<'h er dlt report In ures prompt, per onal attcntio n.  15,000  1  10,000' 50,000  I  1  Plan.  78,500 Lt N., St. L.: Bkr:. Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st N., 'ewport. 7,180 ,\m. Bk. Com. Tr. Co,, Little R.  50,000 1,350,000 1,270,000 1,000,000  150.000 Ex. N .. Little R.: 1st ., St. L.; Union ilk. Tr. Co ... Iemp.  950,000 I  I  lirrowth.l  ~  n>  100.000 Han. N .. ~ •. Y:: 1-:t N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com, ::, 1 S:: ·Tr.Co., Little R. 2~6,000 !ifprb. & Metal~ N., N. Y.: Cont. &Com'l ., SI) Chi.; N. Bk. Com.,St. L.: nion & tli~. Tr. ""' ~ Co., Little lt. 150,000 M£>rh, & ,lt-tals .. N. Y.: Cont. N., ran. C.; ~Iiss. Valley 'Ir. Co. and Liberty Cent. 'Ir. o., t. L.; Union & Pl_au. Bk. c Tr, Uo .. ~ I 1lllp,; Bkr . Tr. Co., Little R.  -  T  - • --••  11'\'l  LITTLE ROCK ARKANSA S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Your business in this section is assured the most complete and efficient service if entrusted to the  Reserve Agent for Arkansas Banks  MOORHEAD WRIGHT - President C. P. PERRIE - - Vice President  Member of Federal Reserve System  E. J. BODMAN, Vice Pres. & Secretary Z. B. CURTIS Vice Pres. & Cashier  You are cordially invited to use this bank when you have transactions which require personal handl}ng by men of long banking and trust expenence. , We have the facilitie~, the personnel and the determ"nation to render a perfect service. Make us prove it!  Accounts of Banks, Corporations Firms and individuals invited  Unsurpa sed Collection Service  Resources over $7,000,000.00  MERCHANTS ATIO AL B NK, Fort Smith, Arkansas IN ONE OF THE LARGEST NATURAL GAS FIELDS IN THE WORLD  e,  = ......  .£1-kanau.  A  INDEX  . ~  TO  <:>  COUNTIES,  z  ;j ~  ...  = it: ~  ~  i  Arkansas .. H Ashley..••• G  : ~  Baxter ••... F Benton ....•. B Boone •...•.. D Bradley . . F  .  B  C  D  E  F  G  g  I  H  J  K  L  HOWELL  .:,:  =  =~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Calhoun . ... E Carroll ..... c Chicot ...... H Clark ••••••. D  8:!bui-iie:::::i Cleveland ... F  7  1  7 5  1  s  6 Ce> umbla .. D 7 3  8~~1;:~aic·l Crawford •. B  2 2  2  Crittenden .. J s Cross ..•••.. I 3  Dallas ....... E 6 Desha .•.•..• H 6 Drew ••.••.. G 6 P'aulkner .•. F 3 Franklin ... <.:: 11 Fulton ..... G 1 Gi>rland .... D 6rant ••.•..• F Greene ..•... !  3  Hempstead .C Hot Sprlng.E Howara .... C Independ• ence ...... G 2 Izard •...... G 1 Jackson . ••. H 2 Jeft'erson .. H 5 Johnson .... D 2 Latayette •. C Lawrence .. H Lee ......... I Lh1roln .... G Little Rlver.B Logan ....•. C Louoke ••.•. G  6 3 4  Madison .... C Marlon ...... E :lliller ..... C Ml~•lsstppl..J Monroe ... If MontgomeryC  1 7 2 4 4  7  4  2  4 6  1  Nevada ..... D 6 Newton .... D 2  5  Ouachita ... E Perry ...•.•. E Phldlps ..... I Plkf' ........ C Poinsett .... I l"olk ........ B Pope ... .... D Pralr'e ...... G Pulaski ...•. F  4  5 5  2  5  s 4  4  6  Randolph ... I Saline ...... R Scott._ ..... B Searcy ....•. E Sehastlan .. B !,evler .•.... B Sharp •..... G St. 1'rancis .. l tone ...... F  4 4  2  s 6 1  RED  8 11  Union .•••.• E 7 VanBuren .. E  POPULAR MAP OF  ARKANSAS  7  Was·olngton B 2 White ..• G s ~oodru1l •• B 9  7  SCALE Statute l\llle~, 29 = 1 Inch,  Yell ......•. D 4  10  20  10  40  '&and l\lellally'• Nn 111 U Hap or Arunaa. ~ Coprr ht by Rand .llcNallJ A: Co. •  H  9 I•  J  90°  K  50  ------n ,,• L  3030 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  HUNDREDS of letters trom bankers throughout the United States prove that the use of ''Small Caps" in black type is the best money-making advertising in the bank field. BANK OF RUSHVILLE Capital $120,000 Rushville, 111., March 11, 1920 Rand McNally & Co. Chicago, Ill Gentlemen:Please supply us with about three hundred 300,cards like specimen enclosed. which we have been sending out in reply to requests for ratings. It might interest you to know that we have sent these out with our replies in every case where we have answered requests for ratings and believe that without single exception we have received proper compensation for our services by stamps ent in return. Many of the firm that we have served have commented favorably on the system which we use, and only recently a card came back with this notation "We enclose 25c for report and assur~ you that we are glad to do it. Wish all banks would use_ the same system". We are o pleased with them that we are glad to give you this information. Yours very truly, J. H. YOUNG, Asst. Cashier.  If you are not using a bold type for your name in our list, you should write for terms.  Number under N me of Bank ia the New Transit Numbe~ven  5_9__i>_ol_rea _ecc_/!rtn~nide:1i:e :~c::!~i!'!Y o~YT~:eA!!~~ncNBaallnkyerBas "ftse'!n.• aa .,1  TOWN A.ND OOUNTY,  ·r~-  NA.ME OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State  •County Seats.  I a ~ o, 8 Fed. Res. Dist. !Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. MisMemp.Br.l,LittleR. +:Yem. Fed. Re_. [E tab.  PRE.5IDENT.  Non-Bank To~Jls with .Nearest Hanking Polo tlnde.Ixed Lans Holidays, tindcxed) in ·hack this~ ~_vo ume.AccFes.),ILatw>·ers, or n ere ~t Rates, etc., see of Laws. ::i  ARKANSAS-Continued  ,-·--- ~-- -- -  VICE-PRESIDENT. _______  CASHIER.  .  Ass'T CASHIER.  LIABILITIES.  1  ~  -  PA.ID-UP URPLUB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cu1T.u. PB~Ts 1 1 1  BauxLite p______ .Saline E 4 Bank of Bauxite ••.•••• •U'07 A. B. Banks ____ V. M. Howell.. ____ T. E. Howell.-·•--· Leona Rucker··--- $ 10,000 op, 3000 81-291 15,000  4,760  Bearden_P__ ou aehita E 6 Farmers • :Y:erch. Bank W. C. Ribenack ___ W. O. J. Gatling ___ E . . Rodmau · - op. 68 7 81-553 U-13 A. F. Jordan \V. M. Gatlin!?, Jr. E. H. ABINGTON ... J. R. SLOA"--·-··-·- J. W. RUCKER ···--Beere---------White G 3 CITIZENS BAN~.·------•Wl7 Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MU Pop. QQS 8hi88 FEE IN ADVAN jCE: Plain sight dr a/ts, 15c.; Credit Re  20,000  7,000  CLEO W. KANNON---10.000 T be accompanle d by ports, 25c.  6,200  i  BAIK OF BENTOrL---•il'lI 81-485  A. B. BAHS- ------ M. F. SCOTT----- L. S. GOODMAN----- H. THOMPSON . _____ _ J. 0. LOKEY Special  ~·so  81-171  First State  •Berryville_._carroll Pop. 1471  i  KELLEY --·----' J. BUSH  S'TEED ------- G. P. GOODYEAR ---MRS. BELL  305,000  80,000  176,500  130,000  70,800 1st N .. St. L.;  12,5001  275,0001  300,000  70,000 liss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & 'fr. Co., E.· .• '., and Ilkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. VJ  7,5001  255,000  237,000  50,000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: E . .::. ::; and outh1•rn 'rr. Co .. Litt le n. ~  ~ >  rn  I  I  ---·-----···------ gw1GHT DICKSON. D. w. PEEL--- D. PEELA JR,-50,000 OldeatNaUonal B?n:'PJ>L~nton County. K. GALBRE ITH { Special attentlo n given t9 Collect Ions by an officer of the bank. Please ,end 15c with each sight draft /or presentation and 25c /qr Credit Repo rt,.  Pt~1f2------ tl'05 D.R. Dickson----· J. R. Rice •. ____ E. R. Berry______ ________________ J. E.  REYNOLDS __ BANK +§'04 A modem, pro 81-252-------+ { S eclal attentl Pf= ,..a 15' w  g,  799,500  634,210  192.6001  38,000  726,000  628,000  0 285,000 Chase N .• N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .• St. L.; N. Bk . .l-,,4 Com., Kan. c. ~  ....  Sl.>  ~  .  ~  10,000  2,500  150,000  75,000  60,000  50,5101  457,200  536,330  4,250  300,000  234,000  85,000I' 1st N., St. L.; ~Holland Bkg-. Co.. priug-field, Mo.: Drov. N., Kan. C.: Am. Bk. of Com. & j 'l'r. Co., Little R.  D,6001  56,240  86,150  1,180  66,180  21,890 1st .1..~.. t. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & 'Pr. Co., Little R.: Jonesboro Tr. Co .. Jone ooro. 26,620 1Am. Bk, of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  I  1  P'"'"'""'"  20,000  Biscoe _______ prairie Il 4 Dank of Bis1_~aci ______ t§'20 B. F. Scrogein ____ ,Chas. Betzner ____ E. 0. Hamilton---- -----------------8 Pop, 310  10,000  Black Oak _Craighead J 2 Bank of Black Oak ____ f'l2 W. C. Craie ------ T. M. Merritt_ ___ E. Q . Hyde-------·,-· - - - - - - - - 1 Pop. 125 81-516  10,000  AMERICAN~ BA'NK OF COMMERCE & TRUST Co, OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS  ech. & Metals L . . N. Y.: 1st N., . L.: i: • Bk. ~ Com., Kan. C.: Holland Bke. Co .. Spring. field. )Io.; Am. Bk. of om. , Tr. Oo., ::+' Littie IL t'D  59,680  0  C. D. WALL -----··· CARROLL HUDSON .• RAS STAMPS-------25,000 gresslve, commer clal bank. on given BIii of L adlng drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. ith •ight d,oJ+or and 25' Jo, C,,,lil R,p.,. "·.  =•  >  to  25,000  J. G. McANOREW •• C. fl. CRAIG- -----·, E. C.1 PICKENS. _____ W. E. JACKSON .--60,000 Spectar atfentl 01:1 given _BW of Laolngdra(ts,Ca sh and Tl~e Items. Pkas, •Mid 15c w,th each 111ght draft for pruentat,on and 25c for Credit Repor ta. Oldest Establls bed Bank In Ben ton County.  i  .J  nion & ~Itle. 'l'r. Co .. Little R.  40,000 Am. Bk. of Com. ·Tr.Co., Little R.: 1st '., ~ St. L. .,...  I  0  tate r .. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.: Sim mons N .• Pine Bluff.  50,000  50,000  .Bim:er ____ Randolph I 1 Bank of Bieeers,;------is·os T. Bir,e, ______ s. F. Harri on _____ E. c. Whittiueton_ Harry Whittington Pop. 447 81-2111 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - ...  I  D~J. WEST------ B. 0. GEORGE.----·· W. H. MOLLOY RUTH McQUOWN .. a I FIRST NATIONAL BAllt•!"Sll { o,aest and Stro ngesf. Special A ttenifon elven--c ollectlons. Send 81-251 15e wltb each sl ghtdraftfor prese ntatlon and 25c for each Report.  PEOPLES  ..,  outhern Tr. Co .. Little R.: Liberty Cent. Tr. \0 Co., St. L. ~  390.000  85,860!  f.  >-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .~ 1  00,000  2,000  w.  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•!'88  ~  15,510 1st y·• t. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro. Joue~boro.  •t·1s  •Bentonville. Bentou B 1 BENTON COUNTY NAT'L Bl Pop, 2313 &1-170  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  101,360  attentlo n elven Blll of La ding draftsLCa h and Time Items. Largest and Str oncest Bank In S allne CounQ', J.  sH01  ~• :  c.uu0 • Ex,  >  10,000  FARMERS IA. 8. BANKS ------ E. ff, w. M. 8. 8. New, modern• progr_ess iv~; hustling for business. We wa~t yo urs. Satlsfa ct,on assure d. & MERCHANTS Special att ention to Bil I of Lading D rafts. I NATIONAL BINK  I  '°""'" o ....  :,;:,  BellLevillel>---·---- Yell O 3 Belleville Bank. _______ u,05 H. W. Melton _____ . ------·------------ R. A. White •••.. -- _________ _ op. 410 I 81-2H •Benton ------·Saline E 4 L Pop. 2933  R~OU~C~~ _ 1 0  11,000 $ 200,000 $ li0,000  Bay _____ P_.• Craighead I 2 Farmers Bank ...••..•.• t§'l7 A. B. Womack ••••• C. J, Perry···---· W. H. Lohnes·--·- ----···-----··-----· op. 300 81-590 .  N. E. Shuffield____  -  DEPOBITS  2,190  I  57,570  39,5901 37,590  87,000 N. Bk. Com .. St. L. . 100,580 Han. N .. r'. .: .r. Uk. Com .. St. L.: Uniou Springfield, Mo. ,  .,  25,430 Bk. of Jonesboro. Jonesboro; Boatmen • t, L.  I  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS. CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  ;  1 1. ,  I  ·. 01 \0  '  I: iI !  umber under ame of Bank la the New Transit Kamber given to each bank in U. 8. uelualYely by The Band-MeNally Bankers• Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankert•n. TOWN 1· N~~p BANK.  60  .;o=-ooorn.  -==- -  A_1::~ \i~iie  fOOSuFntyl Sl{ ~::·l~/t~s9 Ct • • 1 • • • ~ is Memp. Br, LLittleR . •)l~. Fed. He • In  . . o.  .  PRKSIDUT.  •  [ Es tab.  Black Rock ___ Lawrence 1Bank of Black Rock ___ e:f'92 Pop. 35 H 11 81-298  ---  VICJ:-PRKSIDENT.  -  s. R.  Non-Bank To n .,,. 1th e r t Bank n Point (In rlexed cce .), Lawyer. L Laws (indexed) In ack of th1 O'I volume. For lntere t ~ te -, Holiday , etc, , •p La . C  ARKANSAS - COll t·lllUC d I OA.SBiltR.  --  ASS'T 0.UBIU.  _  LIABILITIES.  I PAID-UP CAPITAL  ---  Montan ______ B. C. PowelL _____ A.H. Proctor ______ Homer L. Jones ___ $ J. D. Knight M:. S. Proctor  FIRST NAT 'L BANK {L.B. POINDEXTER CLAY SLOAN------- - J, M. METCALF------ GOLA STARK--------  SURPLUS A "'1> PROFITS  11,000 $  14,000  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  ~  1.0, • 1  s  C TI.  _  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  n, •. c..anus:.  BoSD■,  S.C,,arr,u  CU4Nl.i  PIIOM  ,Du ■  B,.....  225,000 $ 175,000 $  75,000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co .. Memp.; Liberty en . 'l'r. Co.,St.L.:Cent., LittleR.;JonesboroTr. Co.,Jonesboro. 35,i50 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro.  1  ---- ----  25,000  8,000  137,500  133,800  Jr.,_______  21,150  26,150  72,700  4,190  13,730 Mi . Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; State N., Texar kana.  WILL PYLES------ HERMAN CROSS ____ H. E. BARNETT----- A. C. CHEATHAM ___ "That Strong B ank." TRY US. , f. E. WARREN  100,000  9,970  922,870  921,480  275,420 1st N., St. L.; Bk. of Oom. & Tr. Oo., Memp.  ational Bank ____ t•20 Clinton Fraser _____________________ L. ~ r. Iathis _____ W. J. Pallal'cl. ____ _ 81-635 I  100,000  •t§'lO Clyde Robin on ___ F. A. Robinson ____ J. A. Mott__ ______ F. P. 1ott _______ _ A. Gray First State Bank-----•U·O IIugh Bran. on ____ H. T. Skinner _____ Henri Pernot ______ ------------------81-291> Peoples Bank ___________ t '19 Geo. A. Lamb ___ L.B. Golden _______ F. W. Davis _______ A. B. Lane ________ _ 81-613 , Bank of Booneville _____ u·i>s O. ~L Bevin ______ A. T. Bario" ______ L. L. Green ____ J. o. Barlow _____ _ 81-11>4 C. _fanning Citizens Bank ---------U'l0 J. 0. Cotner _______ Mrs. Mattie CharlesX.Williama M. E. Edwards ___ _ 81-195 Edwards Ros Edwards Peoples Bank ___________ t§'lll W. H. Helverine- __ H. C. Denson _____ W. Coffman _____ J. F. Coffman _____ _ 81-623 Bank of Bradley ________ u·12 J. H. Meek ________ J.B. Burton _______ J. W. Meek _______ E. H. Randle, Sec._ 81-UI ' Bank of Branch ________ t§'OI> J. 8. Cotner _____ S. P. GammilL ____ 1Taylor R. Bi hop __ I-------------8HI01 ,  25,000  81-602  New, Up-to-dat e Progressive, Gr owing. Send us your buslne s. Une celled facll ltles. Experience d officers. Efflcle nt ervlce. Prompt attentf on given BIil of Lading drafts an d Collections.  •t'l9  I  Blevins ___ Hempstead O 6 Bank of Blevins-------•U'l2 P.O. Stephens ___ H. M. Stephens ____ P. C. Stephens, Pop. 600 81-518 •Blytheville __ Mississippi Pop. 6447 K 2  FA RMERS BANK & TRUST  C0.--•--&1-105 ____ .U'08  First _____  i  Bradford ______ White G 3 L Pop. 342 Bradley ___ Lafayette O 7 Pop. 21JG Branch _____ ranklin O 3 Pop. 370 Brinkley ____ Monroe Ht L Pop. 2714  (ll  81-lOG  I  s.  BANK OF  BRINKLEY --- •U·oa 81-191  ANDREW FLORA----- JAMES GUN"-------- FRED RUSHER ------ L. H. BRADLEY ---T. T. BATEMAN --- L. K. BROWN-------- 1J. S. MITCHELL---- L. W. BROWN_______ I CLYDE MITCHELL  g  81-190  I  10,000  398,6/JO  390,000  10,710  372,000  310,8j0  5,000  2,520  65,980  38,720  16,000  110,IJOO Chem .• ' .. ~·· Y.; l nion ,' Plan. :\lerup.; ...'ew Eng .... · .. hau. C. 85,530 Int'!, St L.; Am. Bk. of Com. Little R. 34.180 Ark. Valley, Ft, Smith.  50,000  60,000  20,000  250,000  150,000  25,000  35,000  300,000  550,000 1  I  10,000  1,000  59,660  52,300  15,000 , 11 800  8,300  90,000  Ul,000'  1,000  67,590  25,000  7.850  320,000  I  I  53,250  I  275,050  6,020  203.750  238,620  25,000 1st N .. St. L:: Simmons N., Pine Bluff"; llkr .. ~ Tr. o., Little R. 26,590 1st N .. Ft. Smith; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., o Little U. ;i;-  91.560 Union & Plan. Bk, & Tr. Oo ... femp,: N. Bk. Com .• St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.,  LU~R.  ("')  ~  I  0  0  :,;,6,010  127,640  139,040  24.300 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yd ., Ill.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro.  GEO. P. MURRELL 0. H. DAVIS-------- C. B. BEASLEY------( HAGAN SHIYE------FRED GARLINGTON  30.000  10,000  210,000  235,000  50,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st  111-304  Caddo  l  pe I I ttentlo n &lven BIii of La ding Drart • Ca h and 'l'lme Item • Plea e enri 15c with each siaht tlraft for presenta tion and 25c for  I  w.  tate Bank _____ t '20 J. L. Powell. ______ J.C. Birmin2ham_ L. W. Wish ________ \fr • I. Wi It__ • 81- 626 L. f. Burge I n. D. Hart ,ap_ Ionteom ry Bank or Caddo Oap ______ §'19 u. W. Petty----- J. H. McLean----- J. I. Rowe _________ -------------------Pop. 00 C5 81 624 Peoples Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  0  0  10,500  4 BANK OF CABOT------ •U'03 {  o  44,910 Liberty, St. L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp., I» Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. ~  Brookland _craiihead I 2 Bank of Brookland _____ u•oo H. A. Jones _______ , W. II. Jinks . ______ II. P. Jone·-------- Mary L. McEwen __ Pop. 32 81-302 , I  Oabot _______ Lonoke 6 L Pop J77  ~  _,,,  Z  U,000 Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro; N, Stock Yds. ., E.St.L. 112,000 Miss •. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Merch. ~-• Ft. Smith: Am. Bk. of Com_. & Tr. Co., Lt~tle R. lJj 125,000 1st N .. St. L. and Ft. Smith: Am. Bk. 01 Com. ,_. & Tr. Co., Little R. j:l) 13,220 1st N., St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. ~  •  50,000  · Tr. Co.,  @ I  3,500  25,000  MONROE COUNTY {Up-to-date Collections and C orrespondence giv en prompt, careful attention. ods and Equipment. -Unexcelled Facili ties.-Personal Ser vice. BANK •U' Your bankingMeth bus liness cordially invi ted and appreciate d. •  z>  Collections asp eclalty. Prompt, efficient service. . Plea e send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c Jo,· Cre dit Rep orts,  Peoples Bank--------  Bo.ianza ___ Sebastian A 3 Pop. 516 Bono _______ craii:head J2 Pop. S.iO •Booneville ___ Loun O 3 Pop. 2199 ..  >  ~  Credit  I  N., St. L.  Repot·t.~.  25,000  2,:;00  63,030  10,000  1.000  33,500  26,000 State  ., St. L,; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.  61  • •umber under Name of B nk is the New Tran It • ·umber ~iven to each bank in U. S. e clu lveJy by The Rand-1\IcN II Banker '  ARKANSAS- Continued  tory, under the~uthorl~y _2f The American Banker. A . 'n. _!!=e-_c:c.... D-= -:::-:=--=--==• TAME OF BA1·K. AYD Co . "TY. •.\Iem. Am. Bk .. As n. tate ... County eats. In To. Fed. Re .. Dist. t~Iem. State Bk .A sn. +Prh·. Mi Memp. Br. LLittle~- ♦ Iell]_. _ged. Re . [E~~b.  I,IABILITIEs--:- PRE. IDE. "T,  C.A  YrcE-PRESIDE, ·T.  HIER.  P.UD-UP  AssT. CASHIER.  DEPOS- 11Lo£n .t cJ,,.;,.::;:• '=:':c,",.G1~~:: ITS  So:,;~us  Dis- , Cua&. Ex -  C.U'ITAL PROFITS  -  T. J. WATTS ---·-- ELE_ OHABREPREGR---···---- LEONARD POWELL -- P. T. HILDEBRAND . . Pleasesendl;icwi theach aiohtdr~ftfor !presentationand25c for Credit Reports . _  W. W. BROWN ••••••. -T. J. GAUGHAL •••.. LOUIS BAUERLEIN ••. F. P. BENSON-·--·· GEO. ff.GORDON OUACHITA II  THE BANK OF ERVICE. Prompt, careful attention to all business. Send us your collections. Please Bend 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c/or Credit Reports._  VALLEY BANK  •i ,90  81_95  _  73,000 N. City, N. Y.; Li berty Cent. Tr. Co., st. L.; Southern 'l'r. Co •• Little R.; State J. ., Tex• arkana. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ 286,000  ,-  -  -  -  104,930  649,060  565,360  66,200  50,000  eab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. )> ~  ---- ----1---•---  ····--·I ·n. .  I  I  r. T . <,li<le-  7,500  1,450  Carlisle •• _. __ Lonoke G 4 Bank of Oarlisle •.•••••• U-07 R. A. Hutson-····· H. I. Buechley •••• B. D. Muzzy·-···· 1 A.H. Bacus....... 81-280 L Pop. 602  12,;;oo  4.110  L. B. KRSHKL ••• C. C. HUMMEL··---- A. D. CAMERON ••••• J. L. WOOSLEY·-·---  21 ,000  16,510  foore ••• •-·· IE.  c. Glidewell....  Ir • u.  well  1  66,250  72,390  162,860  81.780  199,660  297,160  6,290 Ark. N., Fayetteville. 90,280 Ex. N ., Little R.: 1st N ., St. L.  )>  zI'll  ►  71,130 1st N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & 'l'r. Co., ttJ )> , Little R.  Ca ·b BUI 'p clal Please send 15c u:i th each siolit draft for prese1itatio1wml 25c for Credit Reports.  U '02  .~ CJ)  Lar 'ge ·t Bank-Efftel ent ·entce Assur ed. DAIRYMENS BANK {Olde ·t and and Time Item . of La ding draft , attentlo n given •  --------  I  OanehiJL ••• Wash'on l3 2 Bank of Cane HilL •••• U'06 B. Brewster 81-306 Pop. 500  Sl-279  1  26 ,ooo  9,000  50,000  peclal attenti ,on given Bill of La ding draft , Cash and Time Items.  -----  320,000 $ 39-1,000 $ 112,000 Chem. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.  ... oamden ___ Quachita E 6 Camden National Bank .•t'89 11. L. Berr ·---··--- C.H. Kurphy ··--- M. E. FahY--······ C. M. Haynes , Jr .• $ 100,000 $ 13,600 M. Lide 81-94 L Pop. 323 MERCH. & PLANTERS BANK •tl'04 { 81-96  -  -  • ·on-Bank Town with earest Banking Po nt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Law· (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Rate., Holiday·, etc., ee Law . RESOURCES. - - - -PR1. •c1P.~L ConnE PO. ·nE. TS.  I  z~ 36,000 Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and • Bk. Com., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. , Little R.  Oarthaee ·-··-Dallas ES Bank of Oarthage ••••• •U '07 H . .Matthews •••••• J. R. Wallace._ •• _. C. M. Feaster •••••• ········-···· ······· 81-307 L Pop. 632  10,000 ,  6,-100  112,000  6,000  Casa •••• ·-----·Perry D 3 Farmers Bank ··-·-······§'l8 A. B. Banks ••••••. J. H. Bostick_····- Geo. W. McConnell --·---·--··· ········ ' · 81-592 L l'op. 300  15,000  4,200  21,800  27,610  11,160 1tst N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr.Co., Little R. 20,000 ·lst N., Batesville; N. Bk. Com,, St. L,  CJ)  I  o. Justus •••  ····-···············  5,000  2.400  52,000  33,000  Cave Sprin1rs.Benton B 1 Bank of Cave Svrines.•t§'l3 J . G. llcAndrew •• E. C. Pickers_ •••• J. W. Hurd ••••• _._  w. N. Hurd ·····-·  7,500  3,800  104,000  61,650  49,520 Benton Co. N., Bentonville; 1st .:_T,, Roger. r-tO Ex. N, , Little R.  ck_. ___ W. A. Anderson .•• Eula Hoback·-··- -  12,500  2,210  130,000  108,000  4.130 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Benton Oo. N., Benton- () tij" ville.  {C. ff. HIATT--····- L. E. JETTON -··-··- 0. W. BRYAN-···--· C. J. SCHOUWEILER.  25.000  6,850  238,690  182,990  One Ofty ••••• Sharp G 2I Bank of Cave Oity •••••. tl'06 J . .M. Street ••••• _. Jas. M. Simpson •• Theo. s1-:no Pop. 243 81-311  Pop. 400  Centerton •• _.Benton B 1 Bank of Oenterton •••• •U ·06 J. 0. Fa.ris .•·-····· W. D. Ho 8Ml2 Pop. 3SO  • ... oharleston_Franklin 03 Pop. 734  I  This modern, pro gressive bank resp ectfully invites you r business • We pay special at tention to Collectio ,ns. Send your items direct to us for qui ck, efficient servic e.  BK. •il'lo AMERICAN 8,T.ATE 268 -  85,030 1st N., St. L,; Drov. N .. Kan. C.; Ark. Valley, I Ft.Smith; Am. Bk.ofCom.&Tr.Co.,LittleH.  0 ;:J  128,200 •. City,J.· . Y.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: Merch. N. and 1st N., Fort Smith; Drovers N ,, Kan, O.  Bank of Chii:~\\on •••• •*1'04 Joseph Yunker •••• J. T. Tolleson ••••• J. S. Smith •• ___ R. B. Hudson·--·-·  25,000  25,740  316,550  223,600  Cherry Valley •• Cross I 3 Bank Of CherH'07 J. H. Sifford •••.•• _ W . .M. Smith·····- R. E. Halk •••••••• J. Kelly Maddo. •• 81-313 M Pop. 400  5,000  9,450  59,050  61,270  Chidester _.Onacbfta E 6 Bank of Ohidester ••••• •U-09 W. A. Purifoy-·-·- J. A. Diffle ••••••••• W. G. Rnshinli?-··· -----·--····-·--··-· 81- 314 Pop. 2 0  10,000  2,500  80.000i  03,.900  16,200 Southern Tr. Co .. Little R.; Merch. & Plan., Camden: N. Bk. Com., St. L.  50.000 J. E. PINKLEY •••• P. K. EATON-·- ---adlng Drafts, Cas b and Time Item s • lectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding draf~·. 15c; Credil Rep01t,·. 50c. TR Y US.  12,000  230,0001  20-1,000  100,000 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co •• St. L.: Am. B.K:. of Oom. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Union - Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp,  50,000  27,000  304,000  272,000  I  .Olarendon •• Monroe H ' M Pop. 2638  I  BA 11K OF ~  CLARENDON••lt900 + 81_165  J. P. LEE-··-·--· W. L. JEFFERIES __ Special A.ttentl on given BUI ol L Save time and g et service on Col FEE IN A.DVAN CE: Plain c·ight  i  Merchants & Planters Bank Ike Bondi ---····-jp· O. Ewan·-······ W. H . Brown- •••• .T. H. Calhoun-···:..Urs. Lillian Win•U'DO 81-164 1 field I , /  AMERICAN 8ANK OF COMMERGE &, TRUST C0. OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '"1 (i)  S,_  20, 20 1st N., St. L.; N. City, Memp.  l  I  °'  90,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Bk. of Oom. & j Tr. Co .. Memp.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.  LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE-UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICEWE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING  1•  \he New Tnml& Number siven Numlau under N--• of Bank to eaoh bank in U. 8. eselad elf b:, Tbe Rand•MeNallJ' Bankers'  62  Director,, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  ARKANSAS-Continued PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  PRESIDENT.  V IOE•PR.ESIDENT.  CASHIER.  f  .AsS'T CA.SHIER.  1 - - - - - - -11 - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - •Olarksville.Johnson D a BAIK OF CLARKSVILLE •11'89 81·209 L Pot>. 2127  W.F.COLLIER ••• J. M. BRYANT •••• M. A. Lunas ••.••• M. E. nLARK .••••• S 26,000 S 20,000 S 650,000 S 550,000 S 150,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Liberty Cent. T.r.  i  ~fpeclal attentlo n given -BUI of La ,Ung DraUs, Cash and Time ItemB.  Farmers National Bank •:l.'20 R. A. Morgan .••••• 81 625 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•:t'0l A. N. Raion.- •• 81-210 •Olin ton •• Van Buren E 2 VanBurenCounty Bank•U'0I Garner Fraser .•••• • 81-315 . . L Pop. 400 coal Hill ••• Johnson O a C1t1zens Bank •••••••... ts 09 G.D. Feriuson •••• 81-816 L Pop. 1057 columbus.HempsteadO8 Bank of Columbu .••. i '20 H. H. Darnall .•••. 81-317 Pop. 300  -··--  •Conway ••• Faulkner F S L Pop 456-1  ·  J. )I. Taylor •.••.•. \Y. E. Kini? .••••••• -··········--·· F. Q. Poynor W. J. Basham ••••• R. D. Dunlap··-·· J. W. Houston •••• King Basham Luther Bradley •••• Brad. Fraser·--· Porter Maddox •••• . . ·········--··--- .A.G. Hill •••• --·· Clarra Hill •.••••••  6,000 61,000  871,000  868,000  10,000  11,000  216,270  95,300  10,000  5,000  20,000  2,000  FRAUEIITHAL. T• .DAVIS ....-..... OPIE HI\RTJE ..... GEO. SHAW ....... BANK Of CONWAY iJ.Oldest hank here with up - to - date system m all depar tments.  50,000  25,000  81-126  •tf '90  addox ...•. H. o. Johnston.... J.E. LYon  -·----·-··-I  A. R. impson •••. s. P. Lindsey ..•. - O. J. Harold....... A. Brown E. H. Hoe:ue •...... E. J. Loop .•....••• H. N. Force....... H. W. White R. D. Campbell. .•• A. M. Carter ......• J. R. Meehan, ec .•  H. C. ARGO ..•••.• F. P. HILL.· -······ F. L. MAXWELL. ...• W.SPENCERCRAFFORD J. W. HILL  First National Bank •••• •i'04 D. Hopson_ ....•••• 81·212 Cotter ..•••••• Ba:xter E 1 Baxter OountyBank •• •U'03 '. F. Eatman_ •.•• 81-318 Pop. 8! Cotton Plant.. Woodruff Bank of Cotton Plant & Trust R. R. James...... H 4 Company 81-227 ._ .•••.:S'0l M Pop. 1661  81-2Z8  A. C. CARTER,  I  36Z,000j  >  600,000 I  I  '15,  Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y •• Bankers Tr. Co. C/l Llttle &.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. '  >  en  10,000 1  16,700  760,000  776,000  90,000  22,880  481,500  875,000  50,000 j  5.000  250,000  269,000  50,000  50,000  500,000  515,000  10,000  7,210  118,4001  98,390  50.000  13,070  230,140  127,620  60.000  51,680  544.920  759,560  Ch. of Bd.  t:xJ > z  Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. · Oom'I .. 152,000 Mech:, h1.; 1st N. and N. Bk. 9om., St, L.; Am. 1 Bk. of Com & Tr. Co., Little R. 73 ,370 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of ~ Com. & Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. en  I  I  52,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st St. L. 150,000 1st N .• St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.  Gros ett. ••••• Ashley F 7 Bank of Oros ett. ••..• •t§'03 E.W. Gates·-···· A. Trieschmann • .. 81-321 Pop. 2707 Oalark._ •••••• Dallas E 5 Dalark Bank ••• ·-······•tl'O R. . tchley . - ••.r. F. Wilson •..•.•• 81·322 L Pop. 264 •Danville ••••••• Y II D 3 Citizens Bank ••••••••••• :Wll . Bondi.. •••••• ••• 0. L. Clement ••••• 81 - 478 Pop. 33 L Yell County Bank •••••••!1'02 J. w. Lewi ••.•••. 0, J. llarkPy . •..•• " " 81- 323  T. A. JOHNSTON. W. L. FOWLKES ...  • Onrdan~ll -~·- · Yell D S DARDANELLE BK. & TR. ~O. Old t and Lar ~ •U 88 { 15 CENT~ ent t 81-18S • L lop. • 00 25 ~ T._, for e FARMERS BANK ...... •. U-08 J. F. t v •n on • •• -····- " " 81-186  e ·t Bank in nard o u: Ith each lg aeh er dlt report R.H. Cunninirham.  .,  I  ,() ;-  27,460 Union Bk. & Tr. Co .. Batesvill ; Bkrs. 'l'r. ':. fl> Co., Little R. 163,590 N. City, N. Y .; 1st N ., St. L.: Bk. of Com. & S. Tr. Co .• Memp.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., ::: ' l'D . Little R. 96•490 1st N .• St. L.: Ex. N .• Little R.: Cent. tate ,.. o .• ~lemp.  0  { Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding draft , Cash and Time Items.  Plea. e Bend 15c w it1·, each ioht draft for pre cntation a Cove •••••••••••. Polk B 5 Bank of Cove .••.••• _•• •U'07 0. B. Wither. poon D. Barton --·-·· J. c. lien ••.•.•... 81-319 L Pop. 500 Crawfordville ••. Crit"den Crittenden Co. Bank ·Tr.Co ..••••.•.. •• -·---· ··············-- ·-· II. E. Wilder_ .•.•.• •il'l0 81·320 J 3 II Pop. 605  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  64,380 Chase N .• N. Y.: 1st .• St. L.; Ex. • .• Little R.; Merch. N., Ft. m1th. 139,500 Am, Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: •. ), Stock Yds. N .. N. tock Yds., Ill. 47,000, Union & Mtle. Tr. Oo., Little n.; Liberty :;:d 78.000 110.000 ~ Cent. Tr. Co. St. L. 24,820 ••••••••• ·····-· Ex. N. , Little R. ; Hempstead Co. Bk. , Tr. 1 2! o., Hope.  Please send 15c wi th each Bight draft f or pries ntation and 25c for Credit Repor ta,  "  FIRST NATIONAL IANK•:t'l4  85,0001 130,000 - · · · - Bkr ,Tr.Co., Little R.;Ark.Valley, Ft,, mith.  S()t'clafatfentlo n given Blll of La dang draft , Ca h and Time Items.  FAULKNER COUNTY BANK & B. L. Barton •.•••• B. T. DeaL ....••• v. D. Bill ••••••••• TRUST co... 1!1-126 ••• •:§'02 •Corninr •••••••• Cl"y 11 CORNING BAIIK & TRUST CO. F. B,. prague ••••. T. W. "ynu •••• _. E. Yando\'er . .•..•• Ada Bu 11:ess....... il'D5 81-211 L Pop. 1564 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  60,000 100,000  J. Y. Johnson . •••• A. L. Propp •••••• _________ _ II. F. Grigsby  Farmers State Bank ••• •U'13 S. G. Smith •••...•. Wiley .Mosley.••••• R. H. Frank Farris 81· 523  "  Co., t. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R.; 1st ., Ft. Smith.  Please send 25c wit11 eac11 request for Report or Rat ing. Olde t Bank In the County.  nd 50c for Credit R eports.  I» m. Bk. of 25,000 1st N., Mena; Tra ..N., Kan. O.; 3,000 ll0,000 110,000 10.000 Homer Terry...... I» R. Little Co., Tr. & Com. k .A , . M W. W. Crain W. :M. Crawford ••. · -----· (Branch 01 ario n, r .) ·····-·· Am. Ex. ., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com_., St. L.; Bk. of zj Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Un10n & Mtle. Tr. l'D _ Co., Little R. lstN .. St~L.; A_m . Bk.ofCom. N.Bk.Com.,N.J.: 166,000 384,000 492,770 43,000 25,000 G. H. Norman ••••. Roy DooleY--···& Tr. Co., Little H.; Cit1z., Pme Bluff. 2,000 Southern Tr. Co .• Little R.; . tock Yd . ' .. 60,000 50,000 2,000 10,000 Jno. I . Williams •• El i B. Evan· •••• E. t. L.. Ill.; Elk Horn Bk. & Tr. Co., Arkadelphia. 45,000 1st N., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. ll0,000 6,000 180,000 20 ,000 J. H. Howard •••••• Hettye Havn ·r ••.• 70,250 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Oo., Little R.; 1st N .. 5,000 237,840 192,620 25,000 J. P .... Torman _ •. .• 0, I. -Yoody ••• •••• St. L. m. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Boat108,570 352,110 402,770 21,200 50,000 W. D. COTTON-- . ~.C. AD~MS •...... ~ mens, t. L.; M:erch. N ., Ft. mith. • C. DA US anelle. I» ht draft for pre.· ntatlon, and ::s s:: In ur prompt, p er ·onal attention • 227,000 30,000 1IM •ch. , · )lc tal .i. • ..... . Y.; 1st N., t. L.: 1» 25,00 10,000 150,000 H. V. Georire •••••• Albert Rore.· •••••• Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st Q .. N., Ft. mith. 53,500 Bkrs. Tr., Little R.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; City 75,300 4,000 105,500 10 1 .1 •• Ft. Smith.  3.  n  -  81 590  t..:>  Non-Bank Towns "\\1th Nearest Banking Point (In• ,  •  ov<>ti  ·n h,.,.1,- nf  t l  63  Number ander Name or Bulk i11 the New Tramlt Number sinn to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNallf hankers' Dlree~ry, _under the au~horlty ~f The _America~ ~~~rs-=A.s = s=•n =.  TOWN A."iD COUNTY.  ARKANSAS  ==========--=  C  -  t·  Oll lll ue  TAME OF BA."K.  •County eats. •Mem. Am. Ilks. Assn. §State In ·o. 8 Fed. Re . Dist. :tMem. tate Hks. As ·n. tPriv. Mis Memp. Br. l,Littl~R..:. +:\Iem. Fed. Res. [Estah.  p  RESIDENT.  V  ICE-  PR  C  ESIDE.'IT.  A  ASHIER.  SS'T  C  1_ _;;ILI=TIES==.:....•---11----'R=KS=O:...:UR=CES=•=----  ASHIER,  PAID-UP  _______ 1  Non-Bank Towns ~ith Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  d  _c_u_IT_..._L  1  ' SUBPLus AND  _P_R_o_PI_T_s _  Oatto ______ Olay J 1 Bank of Datto __________ !§'l0 C. U. Day __________ T. c. ~cGnire _____ D. P. Day ••••.••••• H. W. Johnston ___ S 10,000 S ?op. 242 81-324 Decatur ---.Benton B 1 State Bank of Decatnr.•t§'06 Arthur Hepner •••• F. E. Van Citters_ Chas. R. Amos-•• M. N, Hepner ••••. 10,000 Pop. 424 81-325 Deliehf. __ ···--Pike C 6 Bank or Delight •..••• •!§'11 C. E. John on····- R. W. Stell-. •••. _. W. N. Clinean .•••. D. C. Humphry .•• 12,500 Pop. 391 81-326  BANK OF DE OUEEN-.•:l:S'0l B. E. IsbeJL_ •..•. M. F. Allen ____ L. D. Mccown.- •• ---····---·····-  1,o,.,.. • J>u.  DJIIPOS- e'Ta.  1_T_8_  c.... •  si, '"'  -~--- _.... _._...... __________________  1,250  211,960 S 28.100  4,000  99,050  66,600  8,000  81,780  84,580  60,000  46,180  490,750 180,000  $  J. S. Lake _____ Abe Collins·---···- R. P. Mitchell. .•.. E. L. Presley.•• -..  25,000  52,000  50,000  27,000  ll5,000  H. Thane.·-·····-· E. P. Remley .....• G. A. Franklin ·--· --·-······-·······-  100,000  59,320  856,390  656,710  W. D. Trotter_ •••• j \ ..J. Trotter __ __ ,D. T. Gaines .•• -·- R. . McCain_ ••..• D. Kimpel J. H. McCullough I  75,000  25,000  275,000  300,000  •Des Arc_ .. Prairie G 4 Farmers& Merchants Bank A. L. Erwin---·- w. W. Bethell __ • L. R. Brown •• - ••. Hugh E. Erwin •••• .. L Pop. 1307 .. . • . 81-233 •!1'02 Fir ·t ational Bank ••... •'18 Geo. A. Greer·-· \Y. 1. Booe •.·-··-· J. F. Hudson----·· \Y. • fcQueen •• 1 , . . 81-5116 l G. w. parks •De\allsBluff ••• Prame PcoplesBank ••• ___ ·---•:t:1'12 R. H.Sanders--·-· J.M. McClintock . J.A. Welty •••.•••• Maude orrilL •••• L Pop. 885 H4 81-527  50,000  8,120  175,000  218,000  25,000  5,170  75,670  101,770  10,000  7,290  171,590  1511,060  •De Witt__ Arkansas H 5 Fir t ational Bank •••• •:t:'11 L.A. Rlack •• -·-··· J. W. hack !ford c. E. Condray ••••• ·-····-·-·········-· L Pop. 1422 81-246 J. H. Boone • " " Home Bank •••••••••- •• •U-07 E. B. Gibson·-·-·· W. n. Norsworthy N. P. Baird---·-· J. 1. Ennis.--···.81-245 IL D. Ra:co Dferk Ci>oi,~~O'>ard C 5 Bank of D111~l2s······ -:tS'06 L. D. Mccown .•.•• M. F. Allen •• ___ J. L. Keener ____ ·-···---·-·-·--·--  50,000  83,000  750,000  700,000  50,000  69,210 1,044.340  769,380  40.000  14.000  225,000  140.000  Citizens Baftils" •••• .... n·20 R. II. Kolb .••••••• H. \ . we. tbrook _ J. M. .Power···-··· G. P. Beane •••••. -6 IJuddridge .•••• ~ 1111 •r , i Doddridge , ta1 , Bauk_•t '18 Henry Field .. _•... Allen Winham C. H. Bigby_ ...••• ···--·----·····---· Pop. l:iO -- ••• 81-i) 11 3 Do\ crL-Pop~·.iiJ~ope D 3 Bank of D0Ii~i29··-····u·o5 W. H. Poynter ,~ r. w .. L Simp on .••• L. J. Lemley·····- -················-·-  25,000  2,500  35,000  16,000  10,000  3,220  42,390  51,620  19,890 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bkrs Tr. Co., Little R.; Cent. N., Memp. 38,030 N. Stoc~ Yds. N., N .. Stock Yds .. Ill.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.: Umon & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 100,000 N. City, N. Y.: N._Bk. Com .. St. L.; e"' Ene, N., Kan. 0.: Umon & Mtla. Tr. Co., Little R. 378,230 Irvine N .. N. 1-: 1st N .• ~i. L.; Am. Bk;. of Com. & Tr. Co., Inttle R.; Simmons N .• Pine Bluff • 135.620 1st N., Kan. C.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Bk. of De Queen, De Queen. 32,690 1st N., St. L.; State N., Te~rkana; Cont. N .. Kan. C.; Exchange N .• Little R. 70,010 Merch. & Plan., Texarkana.  First National Bank ••.. •:t:'01 81-167 First State Bank ••.••• _t§"16 81-5 3 · Dermott_. __ Chicot H 7 Dermott Bank & Tr .Oo.•:t:1'10 L Pop. 2330 81-192 " ··-· •••• " Exchanee Bank & Trust Co. 81-1113 •:t:1'10  ••  I  "  Dum,1 -···---· De1,ha H 6 Merchants & Farmers Bank H. Thane.·--···-·· Lloyd R Byrne Jeff Burnett ••.•••• ---······-···· _ _ L PoJ>. 1124 ♦ 81-330 •:t:1:011 s. A. Ba nk.· - Dyer_····- Crawford B 3 Bank or Dyer·--····-· .:t:I 011 T. J. James.· -·-·- M T Rhodes w. D. Patton ____ J. O. Selby ---····I Pop. 609 81-lm . · · -· ··-· 0  C. T. WHITMAN .... H. A. MORP.'SOL •• J.C. MOOflE-···---- P.A. GOWEN •••••.• _ Excellent facUI ~e{ r~~C~~!dllng Items on entire county.  CRITTENDEN CO. Bit & TR. COMPANY .81-203 ..•• •U'0II  Doti~p, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  ~ ..,..  w z> ~  ~  ..,,,  I  0  JU  r+ ~  0  O  8,500  112,000  100,000  18,000 1st N .. St. L.: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., LittleR.  50,000  18,000  275,000  375.000 ·  50,000 N. Bk. yom., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Cqm. & Tr. i,..c Co., Little R.; Merch. & Plan .. Pme Bluff. l•J 10,390 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R,; Ark. Valley, Ft. ~mith. 0 150,000 Drov. N .. Chi.; 1st N .• Memp.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., o Little R.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., >-t Ill. ~  10,000 150.000  3,110  42,250  49,740  50,000  750,000  000,000  275.000  0  150,000 - - - - - - - - - NM.Bk. Coum._. St&. LM.t: BkT. ofCComL.. t&ti?J: co., , 1e. r, o., i . emp.; mon •  Special attentlo n gfven Bill or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. (Branch of Mar { Please send 15c with each sioht dr aft for presentatio n and 50c for Creel it Repor ts. Oldest Bank In Crittenden Coun ty. Banks located at Earle, Marlon and Crawfor dYIDe.  Elaine-...••. Phillips I 5 Bank of Elaif~.n-·····i§'lll ,John D. Crow •..•• I. H. Lee-------··· Jas. W. Alston ___ ·-·-·-·--···----· ~o~ 040 , I •El -38~7ion E 7 Bank of ~osr-i~ce ·-···•§19 Albert Rowell····- 'l'. H. Torris.-···.. . E. Babb·-··-·-· ·····-········-·· .•.  >  36,800 1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., ~ LrttleR ~ 25,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Am .. n Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; immons )> T., Pine. Bluff. Z 46,280 Ex. ., Little R,; 1 t N., St. L, t/l  15,000  EarL-••• Crittenden J 3 BANK OF COMMERCE.•:t:1·10 M Pop. 2001 81-204 { Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by send In s FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US.  LOUIS BARTON •... F. W. REISINGER--· C. B. O'NIEL- ·--···· A. 8. llHODES •••. -.. ALBERT HORNEh  -  19,1190 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N .• St. L.; State N., Texarkana.  F. M. Smith-··-··- H. II. Cooper.•••.. C. S. Smith ••..•••• F. E. Poole ••...•••  81-168  :<  17,010 1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., ~ Little R. 42,810 1st N., St. L.; Benton Co. N.,Bentonville.  519,910 llll5,070 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Kan. C. and St. L.; · State r., Texarkana: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little H.. 200,000 40,060 N. Hie. Com .. St. L.; State N., Texarkana; 1st N., Ft. Smith. 185,000 20,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; State T., Texarkana.  •De Queen ••• _Sevier B 5 Pop. 2517  C  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Jb.  Botme, .........J)n  15,000  15,000  25,000  ion, Ark .)  15,000  50,000  5,500  335,000  155,000  eo,ooo  131,770  546,340  703,750  50,000  52,500  650,000  395,220  35,000 1st N ., t. L.; Interstate N ., Ilelena. 200.000 M~ch. & fetals ~-·, T. Y.: 1st N., S~. L. and .:,hreveport, La., Am.Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co,. 1 Little R. 231670 Chem. N., N. V.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. ' L.: nion & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. I  265,220,Han. N.. . Y.; 1 Little R.  N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.,  k To  on-R  umber under Name of Bank is the cw Tran ·tt Number given to each bank in U. ". ex lu lvely by Th R nd-1'1cN Jly Banker • •n. Director>·, under the authority of The m rlean Danker  64  TOWN AND COU."TY.  I  NA::itE 01'' BA,'K,  •.fem.Am. Ilks.Assn. §Stat!• •County rat·. PRESIDE! ·r. In ,."o. 8 Fed. Re:. Di. t~fem. tateBkc;;.As·n.tPriv, _ [lUah._~-MisMemphisBr.L.L,..!!•~lem.Fed.Re.  I  ARKANSAS-Continued  I  I  C SHIER.  VICE !'RESIDENT.  _________  _  Rik.ins ___ Washinrton O 11 Bank ot Elkins ________ •tl'l2 R. D. Stokenbury -- J. Fulbri2ht ______ L. H. Smith _______ Pop. 78 Elm S1>rin2s.Washinrton B1 Pov. 300 El Paso ________ White Fa L Pop. 507 Kmerson ___ Oolumbia D 7 Pop. 357 Kmmet__ _____ NevadaD II Pop. 420  81-506 Elm S1>rinrs State Bankt§'l4 J. G. Webber ______ 81-538 Bank of El Paso _______ e:l:§'13 W. P. Davis------81-545 Farmers Bank _________ •U'051 T. S. Grayson----81-332 Bank of Prescott_ ______ t§'05 ---------------81-333  Ass'T CA HIER.  ., .. , .  -  LIABILITIBS. -  SURPLUS  ~~~\! 0.:!;  c. West__ __________  $  10,000  3,000  63,610  51,790  ------------------ R. E. Kent________ ____________________  10,000  6,690  71,890  57,820  J. E. Hirks _______ II. Galloway _______ II. C. Ehlers _______ Lois Rutherford ___ , Citizens Bank & Tru:;t Co. •:1'12 + 81-492 ludora ______ Ohicot H 7 Bank of Eudora _______ •tl'04 H. W. Graves _____ E. S. Hilliard _____ M. Ca hion _____ ___ M. G. Lamar______ 81-334 Pop, 119  100,000  27,430  638,400  486,520  25.000  18.000  330,000  325,000  MEICHANTS & PLANTERS W. H. Stephenson. A. Feibelman ______ B. L. Ross _ _ _ R. B. Wofford_____ :Yarie Foster •.Wll 81-480 B NK H. C. WILLIS---- B. A. TWEEDY----- G. E. BURSON ____ W. G. BARKER----•lureka Sprinrs.Oarroll BANK OF EUREKA SP IIGS { ilodern, Progr esslve. Personal Service.  50,000  25.000  625,000  542,000 ,  10,ooo  3,000  150,000  95,000  so,ooo  11,290  493,220  44i,900  10,000  3,750  106,250  100,!J20  10,000  4,080  79,270  74,700  S0,000 1,000,000  800,000  I  Ja. H. BLOCKSOM 1Collection• car  I  P: l:BI\\LEY ----- WM. L. BUNCH ____ E. T. SMITH _______ efull7 handled w Ith remittance by first mall.  TBY US.  1  JAY FULBRIGHT -- W. H. MORTON------ T. L. HART------ JOHN CLARK-------- 100.000 1 A. E. COWAN •1antteyflle-.Wash'ton ARKANSAS NATIONAL BANK R. L. TAYLOR •:'84 { Old and strong. 81-88 B1 Pop. 6362 end 15c withe ach ·lgbt draft fo r pre entatlon an d 26c for credit re ports. I  Citizens Bank ___________ :1·08 8HIO FIRST NATIONAL BANK !'04 Sl-89 First Saviors Bank ------1'12 81-517 Kcllroy Bankini O0.--1'71 .• --.. 81-87 Jlfppln ____ l(arion K 1 Marion County Bank ____ t'l3 81-837 Pop. 150 •Jordyce ______ Dallu r 6 Bank of Fordyce _____ eif'92 81-127 L Pop. 29!16  •  J. 0. White ____ Jay Fulbri2ht. _  T. I. Abshier  ----1---------1  10.000  I  1  100.000  i·. t\\ft":----  233,400 1st T·• St. L.; W.B. Worthen cu .. Little R.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., .1.'. O.; Merch. & Plan., . Pine Bluff. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; F1d. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Cent, State, Wichita.  l  J. S.  F. ~- BfiLL------0 reela) att(•ntlo nghen Bill of Lad In draft 'Cash a ~d TPJe ltems.  E.G. CAMPBELL R. P.LINDSAY -----  MITCHELL---  15.000  18,080 1st N. and Union Bk. & Tr. Oo., Batesville; Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. I.J,570 Bk. of Com., pringfleld: Citiz., Harrison.  a, >  L ~  ~  5'  400,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., cn Bt. L.: Drov. N .. Kan. C.  25,000 Ark. N .. Fayetteville.  30,000 1 500,000 27,590  488,510  1  I  420,000 l27,210  Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L. 1st N., Fayetteville. Ohem. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., st. L.  1st N., Batesville.  Chase • .. N. Y.; Simmons N .. Pine Bluff; m. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: N. Bk. Com., Bt. L. 175,000 Mech. & Ketals N .• N. Y.; 1st ., Bt. L. 77, 60 Han. ., N, Y.; Liberty Cent. 'rr. Co., St. L.: Union & Mtle. •rr. Co., Little R.; State N •• ' Sl> Texarkana.  ::,  16,230  137,400  1  s:::  I  '< Sl)  170,180  44,660 1st N .. St. L. : State N. and •rexarkana R •• 'l'exarkana: Ex. ,. ., Little R.  ent to u withe eh lgbt draft f'o r pre entatlon an d TWENTY-1"1 VE CE T fore eh c redlt report In, ur e prompt, per on I at ten tlon. t' F"TE~ Cf: T  (fl  !J> en  131,100 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Z 1st ,r,. :md :ML ~.valley Tr. Co .. t.L.; LTnion ~ U'l 1 • , : prin~lleltl, 1\Io,  I  I  AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE:-..&:JRUST Co. OF LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  95,000  I  40.COO roreman_Ltule River B II BANK IF FOREMAN--•U'07 ~D. A. COOK------ R. E. BOWLES- ---- , FRED GANTT·---- - ~: , a e time and g et ervlce on Colle lctlons and Credtt 1 Reports bf sendl ng L Pop. 2000 81 _220 i'EE IN DV AN CE: Plain •i11ht d , raft.. I Sc; Credit Report•• 25c. TR Y US.  I  ., N. Y.; Miss. Valley 'rr. Co., St. L.; 214,620 Han. Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Simon ...._ .-, N., Pine Bluff. 272,460 Am. Bk. of Com. ~ Tr. Co., Little H.; 1st .. ::O ~ St. L. 50,000 :Me~h. ~· )!etal ... '., N. ~.; N. Bk.Com., St.L.: ::i::,, Z \\ • H. \\ ort hen Co., Little R.  I  100,000  7,650  I  f  •  33,000 Bk. of Com., Sprin2fleld, Mo.: N. Stock Yd. N .• N. Stock Yds, Ill. 22,410 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr.Co., Little R.  460,820 46,300 1.184,430 1,018,410 12;:i,000 A. T. Lewis _______ F. P. Earle _____ Bruce Holcomb __ K. O. Key--------A. E. Collier 40,390 5,460 157,570 142,650 20,000 A. T. awis ________ F.P.Earle ________ Bruce Holcomb ___ K. O. Key_________ , A. E. Collier 272,340 50,000 171,230 729,250 676,510 K. B. Harrison __ J. H. \fcllroy. __ H.K. Wade ____ J. W. Pinkerton... I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _________________ M. G. Stookey _____ (Bl·anclt of Mine rs & Citi zens Bank. Yellt• illc, Ark.) 500,000 22(1,000 640,000 47,000 100,000 A.. B. Banks _____ J. G. Patillo ______ L. A.mis _______ E. C. Benton.______  First National Bank ___ .:•og J. E. Hampton ___ J. A. Abernathy __ II'. T. Hunter _____ - - - - - - - - - - 81-130  CITIZENS BANK ----- --•U'OS 111-219  I  Please send 15c with each Sight Draft and 2ic fo r each Report.  •Eveninr Bhade ___ Sharp Bank or Evenin2'Ol M. Stokes ______ J. R. Metcalf ______ w. N. Ketcalf ___ _________ 1 J .R. Edwards 81-3!6 G1 Pop. 290 Everton _______ Boone E 1 1Bk. of rorth Arkans s .U-16 L. C. Gibson _______ C. G. Calhoun _____ W. E. Cantrell..___ ____________ _____ 81-577 Pop, 500  "  t  15,060 IstN., St.L.: Am.Bk.of Com.&'I'r.Co., Little R.; 86,070 154,180 3,500 2:5,000 Com'l N., Shreveport: State N., Texarkana. ____________ 0. D. McS,nin ___ ___________ (Branch of Presc ott, ..4.rk .) ___________ N. City, N. Y.: 1st N .. St. L.: Ex. N., Little R. 240,350  "  .  "  W. J. Maloch _____ • 0. I. Warren_______ _________________ __  389,000  FIRST NATIONAL BANK•moo 81-335  •  I  10,000 $ 16,500 $ 175,000 $ 125,000 $ 65,000 Ark. N. and 1st N ., Fayetteville.  W, J. Bradley _____ R. F. Mustain _____ Miss Nannie Hale_ 1  1  •:1'12  I  ~:..!.~~  41,510  !11-472  I  ;.t  I  :  •  ;  ;  I  25,000  O1  t"  _ _ _ _ _ __  81-213  Pop. 2429  I ,  Di,Po~AND gAm-uP ~ ~ - APITAL~~~s  Enrland. ____ Lonoke G • Bank of England ------•!§'98 0. O. Scroi:2in ---- G. \Y .• !orris ______ R. L. Buffalo ______ Mamie McKenzie__  L Pop. 24G8  ;  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS ANO INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  ~  I~  0)  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ARKANSAS to each bank in U. 8. excJnslvel7 by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers' Director!_, under the a u t ~ of The American Bank!'.rs As 'n. _ _ _ _ _ _ NA.HE OF BANK. -TOWN .urn -OOUNTT. •.Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. iState •Oounty Seats.  65  VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. _______  In ...To. 8 Fed. Re . Dist. !Mem.State Bks.Assn.t Priv. [E_tab. Mi 1~mp.Br.L,LittleH.: +Mern. Fed. Re.  BANK Of  ~Forrest City_ .Fraud. I4 M Pop. 3377  1  PCAID·UP  s  :»  DEPOS- 1~"·t~~!: ;....::o:•.i~-. 1  u:P~US APITAL PROFITS  50,000  j-  I  ITS  '"1  s...;.,..TIU no .. B.. ,.u., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~  73.550  541.850  590,370  192,670 N. Bk. Com•• N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Bk. or~ Com. & Tr. Co •• Memp.; Am. Bk. or ~ Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  59,0Z0  59Z, 160  670,240  219,800 N. Ci_ty,. ,N. Y.: Liberty Cen;. 'rr. Co., St. L.; Un10n & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp,; Am. ~ Bk. vf Corn. & Tr. Co., Little R. ~  1  ave time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADl'AN CE, Ploin.i,ht d ,.,,,, I Sc; Credit Repo,t,, SOc. TR IY US.  f.  50,000 ~:\\UNG:······-- A. C. BRIDEWELL--- C. L. SIMMONS...... E.nJA. R~~FE ..••.. Y ,.,ational Bank In ~t. Fran els County. {O Special attentl on given Bill of L ading Dr ft • Qu lck service. TRY U •!'02 Please send 15c with each sight draft_lo r presentation and 5 0cfor Credit Reports.  FIRST NAT BANK 81-1'2  I  Oldest. Stro ngest. Safest Bank in St. F rancis County. 1  •tl'IIO  81-111  Ass'T OASHff.R.  Non-Bank Toll'"DS with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thls 'ii;4 volu!:11. For Interest ~ates, Holidays, etc.-.!-.soo S:: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. R.ES(?U__!{£_ES.  ~~!~::,  ____ - ~fl:;1~~ES. - -  lJAMESFUSSELL, JNO. W.ALDERSON W.W. CAMPBELL. WALTER ALL;N... , SR. J. T. FONDREN  · EASTERN ARK  I  0-'.SBIKR.  d • C Oilt lilUe  > >  z  CJ'J  PLANTERS BANK {L. 81-141  •Fort  •U'l0  VALLEY BANK +81-35  J. T. SANDERS ' -•... lent Senlce. Sen to us with each si ach credit report  J.M. GILLIAM .. - •.. L. N. MYERS........  d us your collectl on • 1 gbt draft for pre· entatlon, and In ures prompt, p ersonal attentlo n.  HUGH BR ANSON ·-. M. M. HA YES _______ G. H. SEXTON _________ -·  ARKANSAS  mith •.• S<'baslian ll 3 Pop, 28,870  R. GROBMYER .• Courteous, Effie ·ent 15 CENT 50 CENT for e  •U'l5  {  -------------1  A modern, cons enatlvely manai:t ed Commer<'lal B ank th at pays e.·p eclal attention to the account· aud collection of Bank , Busln e · Hou e · and I ndlvldual · In lt.s Territory. •  11,990  30,000  126,120,lst N. and ~lis~. Yalley Tr. Co .. St. L.: Uniou temp.; Am. Bk. <' Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., of Com. & Tr., Co. Little R.  504,930  ~ ttl  > z 36,520  100.000  037,120  023,960  366,300 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Comw. N .• Kan. O.; 1st N., St. L.: Ex. N., Little H.  ~  I  ~ 0  1  ""~  .... (/l  ARKANSAS 8,~5\\EY TR.  -··-·-·--·-··-···-.., f~6 John c. Gardner_. II. P. Dally ••.••.•. F. \V. Youman ~cc.  1. H. CITY NAT'L BANK .+. 14 Ou R  150,000 ------ --·--- 1 ·--·---·  ~  ....0  NAKDIMEN -··- J.M. SPARKS- .•.••. wooD NETHERLAND.RR .. ""·· KJAACGKYs-o·N·······  11-38  ..  MOT T O : .. ot the Largest, but the S a f es t . We give epecial attention to collections.  ..  FIRST NAT'L BANK F. A. HAIDLII -·- ~l ~flAili·····A• I. IULLDCl....,N:EtilL: 'fsr,'EML/selsori·· 81-11  0. ....  ·-----·-·  _  200.000  78 Z30 2 663 240 1764390 1 365190 Mech. & .Metals N • N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., ~ Chi.; Liberty Ce1..1t. Tr. Co., St. L.; N. o ~ ~ ~ c Bk. Com., Kan. c.  __:....  ....::sPl  -  500,030  OLDFST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN ARKANSAS  _  ands· 415,100 6,522,180 5,970,080 1,959,600 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Bk. Com. and lat N .,  Kan.  c.  United States Depository. __ - ~ J lectlons and corresp~_!!dence solicited.  MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK s1-az  I  R f DICKINS C S SMART S J B W LL l· W· J · ECHOL ~--····-•••••• -·······- · · · · I 14M ·-··· • •  th e Located in one of  W.H.MAPES  .,. 82 _ _ _L_a_r_gest Natura_!__G~s Fields in the World _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi ;1 Mercb.-Lac. N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan.C.  SEE ADVE RTIS EM E NT ON ARKANSAS MAP. __ _  if-f6iuke •••W14 J. W. Maxwe!L... Allen Winham .••-. R. E. Maxwell ••••• ···-·-·····-·--··-Fountain Hill.-~ ~hlCY G 7 Fountain H~11-t'ok ...... l'l3 E. w. Gates······- G. \\'. Mears.·-··-· John C. Riley·····- ·--····- ········--· Pop.3a0  Fouke •• -•---·- Iiller O 7 State Bank Pop. 319  468,510 3,078,130 3,348,960 1.297,050 400,000 - - - - -  10,000 10.000  8,300  45,000i 25.5001  54,000 i I  9,000 State N., St. L.; Merch. & Plan., Texarkana. .  I  I,  •  Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff.  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, ' CORPORATIONS: FIRMS ANO INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  S  -  on-B  w Tran It umber ghcn umber und r ame or Ban i the e clu I el by The Rand-McNally Banker·• to each bank m . Directory, under the autborlt of The Amerlean Banker Ass'n.  65  I  • AME OF B NK. Tow · 11.. •u Cou :Tl", A HIER, \ 71cE-l,BEsIDE .. T. PnE~lDE. "T. •:Mt'm. Ani. Bk • . . n. §St te •County eat . ln ... ·o.8Fed. Hc .• Dit,tMcm. tateBk ..Ln.tPrh. M..!_11emp. Br. L,Little tt. ♦)I m. p'C'cl. Hes_._CE. tab. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1  };'ranklin.Pop.-20~zard G 1 Bank of F~1~flln ____ a·os•w.  o. Gaston------  •n·n  81 269  Pop. t,J4  -------1~  ,  10,000 $  s";;;  ~  ~ , FRO" Bun,a  58,8:50 $ 12,220 Union Bk. & Tr. Oo., Batesville.  2,600 $ 40,200  28,680 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: Miss. 2,280 123,260 102,960 li,125 Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; State N., Texarkana. 15,000 , _______________________________ ____ _  Sadie Monroe_____  25,000 1  1  5,600  323,770  2-16,220  --------------------  50,000  11,620  276.980  334,200  .llrs. M. M. Geor~e  25,000  10,350  92,700  130,110  -----------  15,000  5,800  200,000  150,000  ------------------  15,000  1,500  60,000  60,000  25.000  2,500  nooo  69,500  F . . )Iullin., Sec..  10,000  1.000  19,930  30,870  J. T. EDMONDSON-- D. T. ROSEBOROUGH-- UTHER KINDLEY------ THOS. CAWOOD----La ding draft • Cash and Time Items. peclal attentto  2:5,000  25,000  2-10.000  i  ·end  ' ~H~\~fJ>'lfJ1R~r 15r witlt each ~igllt dr aft for pre 'entatio n and 25c for Gred it Repor ts.  LUM ANDERSONtt. M. S. COXSEY----- RAY ANDER SOIi--- W. G. COXSEY---· ·  & MERCHA N~S F~R~ Rs 81 A --- - 345------•:tl 15  PROFITS  RE ·ouRcE .. ~ ~ ; , c ..  ~·,. ... ,,c1u~G1■,Dn  DEPOS-  Dan Ilarkness_ ____ ____________________  First National Bank ______ '05 E. M. Gravett__ ____ F. 11. Hilboldt_ ____ James Banks ____ Eva M. Gravett.__ 81-270  Green Fon°,t.Oarroll O 1 Pop. 6,  LIABILITIE SURPLUS A'D  b,HD-UP  Coy Rogers________  J>lea.~c  " ______ " I  AssT. CA HIER.  A. F. Batterton __ E.G. ShclL. _______ T. \Y. !Simpon ____ $  Fulton ___ Hempstead O II BAIK OF Ff LT01------t1'04 Wm. Temple _______ ------------------- T. J. Carter-----1-339 Bank.t'20 lt, .r. Wilson------ E. D. Trigg ________ F . . \.. Terry________ Pop. 543 L _______ )liller , Be<1 Hiver Yalley Garland 81-6-10 Pop. '!.ii Marion Wasson ____ E. B. Baker------- J. N. Covey-----Gentry _____ .Benton B 1 Oitizens Bank _________ 81-340 Pop. 721 f G i 11 ett ______ •W05 J.B. Martin______ J • w • A • N or d en - R.R. Koen. _______ Gillett _____ Arkansas H 6 1Banko 81-341 ' L Pop. 1155 Gillham _______ Sevier B 5 Bank of Gillham ______ •it'05 B. E. Hendrix _____ J. L. Flanae'in ____ W. A. Beckett _____ 81-542 Pop. 317 Glcnwood ______ Pike O 5 Bank of Glenwood-----•tl'08 ll. L. Watkins.-- W. E. Taylor ______ Mc F. Gibbs-----Geo. W. Lawless 81-343 L Pop. 891 Gould _______ Lincoln G 6 Bank of GouJd __________ t§'l9 W. E. Massey ______ T. H. Free--------- T. W. Gill--------81-621 Pop. :ux Grad?---··-· Lincoln G 5 Citizens Bank ---------•tS'20 T., . Lo,·ett ------- B. F. ln1?ram ----- II. R. \Yood ________ 81-557 Pop. 3!J, Grannis _________ Polk B5 Bank of Grannis _______ t§'IO G. \Y. Petty------- Alex. Coyle ________ T. J. Wilbanks ____ 81-619 Pop. 400  Gra,·ct1l• ••• -::_!3enton B l lBANK OF GR~VETTE--•t '981  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Poln 1 (1 dexed Acces.), La\\yer ·, Law (indP. ect) in baek of thl' 0\ volume. For lntere:t Rates, Holidays, etc., ee I,aws. 0\  ARKANSAS- - COU t·lUUe d  i  Special atten on gtven to collec tlons. We remit on da y or payment.  "The Bank tha t protect It cus fomer ."  5.920  129,970  140,000  30,000  v•  ·  MOLLIE BURKE  Please send 15c w ith each sight draft/ or presentatiM  Uem  13,500  1  235,000 ,  0  ·::C:  2.3.000  , _ { I. H. NAKOIME"---- V. R. BROWNFIELD--' JESS McCONNELL--- W. J. STEWARL----FIRST NAT1r1~tih BANK.-t 1' Your busin ess cordially invited.  23,000  6.000  . J. Smith. _______ B. 11'. Grissom ___ - - - - - - - - - -  5,000  Grnbh _____ Jackson B Z Bank of Grubbs ________ is•og Il. W. Graham _____ J. S. l'cnnin~ton ___ WalledfcCullars. _ -------------------81-348 Pop. 300 Guion __________ Izard G 2 Izard County Bank ----•U'l2 J. W. Wilhamson __ A. Billin1?sley______ E. L. Collier------ W. C. Strane ____ _ 81-489 Pop. 2ti0  10.000  2,120  2-1.290  27.330  10'000  4.500  3-UlOO  35.680  25,000 B. B. YOUNG -----1 C. V. McDANIEL- F. M. HOLT-------- LOUIS DAVIS-----· Special attentlo n given Jil.U of'La ding drafts, Cash 1and Time Items. Plra.~v wd 15C' wm1 rnch .·iuhtdra t forpro·entation,and 25c for Credit Rcpot-t..  7,000  223,000  2 -1,000  I  CLARI COUNTY BANK 81-349  •UlO00  i  Olde ·t and  tro nge t Bank Ju Gu rdon.  I  I  6-1.300 231,000  Lit-1  Pl 12,030 1st N .. St. .L.: Am. l}k, of. Corp. & T~. <;o,, tie R.; . tock t:d~. ., :N. tock '\'ds .. Ill. o ~ 58,000 1st N., St. L. and Ft. Smith. r+ r+  140.0001 145,000  25,000 City N., Ft. Smith. j I  2.100  51.420  32,750  . Stock Yds. ., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Am. Bk.I of Com. & Tr. Co. and Union & ~1tle. Tr. 1 I Co., Little R. 8,000 1st .1. ., t. L.: Ark. Bk. & Tr. Co., Newport. ! 1 9,560 1st N,, Batesville; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; . Co..4 StockYds.N.,N.StockYds .. Ill. 30,000 Ban. N., . Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ex . .r·. ~ i:: and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 25,770  Sl) "'1  ~  I  Merch. & Farmers Bank•U'l2 W. S. Hearin _____ I. II. eller -------- R. A. Stuart------- -------------------81-505 k~ t_ ___ ebastian Il3 Hackett City Hank _____ U-06 L. W. Forbe. _____ P. Forbes __________ W. P. Forbes ___ E. E. Ware ______ _ Ml ~!iO Pnn 3!1, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  45,380 1st N .. St. L.: Union N., Springfield; Am. Bk. ~ I ::s of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. Ir+  56.P50  j  ~J  j~  I;.  1!)5,000  257,000  James A. Neaville_ nriffl hvill •___ White G s!First Bank of Griffithville :tl'05 81-347 L Pop. 21  ta  >  z  10,000  23,000  Ien>  I~ • Bk. Com., St. L.; Drov. N., Kan. C.: Ex. N.,, I 1LittleR  Please send 15c w ith each sight draft/ or presentation a,~d 25c for Credit Repor ts.  J. J. ERWIN- ----- F. 0. BUH---------· C. C. O'NEAL ------- H. S. SHIBLEY------  I  I> ,Z  L.: Unlonl tn  68,490 1st N., St. L.; Benton Co. N., Bentonville.  2,290  Gurdon _______ Clark D 6 L Pop. I fi!.I  90 ooo 1st N. and Miss. Valley Tr. co., St :N., Sprindeld. Mo.  280,800  19,500  --------  6,420 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Plan., Mena.  2i5,6 O  10.000  ..  25,750 N. Bk. of Ark., Pine Blufl'; Boat mens, t. L.  22,510  Gr<' •nw<1y _______ Olay J 1 Bank of Greenway _____ ;tf'08 B. G. Shannon ___ ,R, \V. Turner _____ 0. 11'. Brennecke __ Opal M. Garrard __ _ I . . _ 81-:_346 , Pop. 362 _ , • Greenwood. eha.--t n B3 Farm r- Ibnk .. ------•U 07 G. C. Packard _____ C.R. Owens ____ W. N. Wilkinson __ Alice Holland _____ _ 81-226 Pop. 1371  ..  >  25,000  s. BANK--t 13 { , peclal attcntl on glrnn Bill of L adlng draft , Cas hand Time FIRST NATIONAL 5 and 25cfor Credit Repor ts. Sl-5 0  ,  102,590 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Dr(?v, N .. Kan. O.: Am. Bk of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: Benton Oo. N., Bentonville. 80,570 1st N .• St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. co., Little R. 31,450 State N .• Texarkana: N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; 1st N., Mena. 60.00o·N. Bk. Com .. St L.; Southern Tr. Co., Little '~ R.: State N., Texarkana. I~ 15,000 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.  l'l•n L.IIIUnti  WhllH v•  Numb r under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-lUcNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  67  AND OOUNTT. NAU 01" B~NK--:- --==----~--..1..County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SS tate PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. In ... ~o. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBks. Assn.tPriv. Mi. ~[emp.Br .. l.LittleH. ♦ em. Fed. Res. (Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  I  TOWN  1  1  .. nambur~---·Ashley G 7 FARMERS BK. & TRUST C0. G. P. Geor~e·-··-·· L Pop. 1;:;~ IH-181 •a·u " •.•• •••• " Hamburg Bank •••••••• •U'02 W. L. Blanks·--·· 81-180 .. u a mpton .• Calhoun E 7 Bank of Harupton ••••• •U-03 1H. E. Ilalpm_ ..•... Pop. 271 81-351 , .. uardy •...•••. Sharp H 1 Farmers Ba k ••- •.••••• U'03 8. P. Turner ••••••• Pop. 399 81-352 IlarrelL ••.• Calhoun F 7 Calhoun County Bank.•tl'07 E.T. Collins--·Pop. 252 .. Ha rrisburg. Poinsett I 2 Pop.1315  81-ssa  CASHIER. 1  .A.SS'T OASHID.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 1 1  c  'I  LIABILITIES.  PAID-UP  SURPLUS A.ND APITAL PROFITS  RESOURCES.  §  F. ~. Pu~h--····- C. J. Brown ..••••• Leslie Serrett •.•-. 1$ 50 000 $ 23,920 1$ 330,070 , 361,500 $ 77,490 , Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Union & Mtle. A. II. Wilson ' Tr. Co., Little R.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff'. B. 0. Jackson ••••• R. W. Baird·--- Rob't H. Baird -··50,000 29,200 315,700 303,590 90,560 1st N., St. L. J .• I. Thomp,,on ___ U. B. Ea terling •• ···-····-····-······ D. F. Wilson  s. A. Turner·-···- F. G. McLean ___ IJ.B. R.W.Metcalf·-··· Harrell ••••• B. H. Wood •••••••• -···-·--····---  15,000  7,500  261,500  7,500  11,400  141,000  15,000  1,580  80,390  1  '1  149,420 75,000 72,980  Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment. Oldest , largest , and stronge•t bank In Poinsett Co • 25,000 o _ Prompt attention to all Banking matters lntrusted to us.  •U'99  47,770  577,300  501,480  ·  I  B  e D 1 CITIZENS BANK 1  Little R.  10-l,320!  328,870  81,560 Han. N., N. T.: 1st N., 8t. L.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. 90., Mem~.; Am. Bk. of Co~. & Tr. CJ> Co., Little R.; •. Stock Yds. N .. - , tock> Yds., Ill. CJ> .,..  50,000  27,500  760,310  536,900  275,790 Irvini N., N. Y.: Miss. Va.Hey Tr. Co._, St. L.: Z Drovers N., Kan. c.: Umon N., Spnn~fleld, ..,.. Mo. ~  30,000  4,460  204,3-50  211,000  35,980 Holland Bk~. Co., Sprin~fleld, Mo.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill., ~Itlc. Tr. Co,, ll> St. L. g  25,000 A ~ We ·oUcit your s with a guarant ee of satt factory , service. "'peclal attentl on given BiJJ of Lading draft, Ca sh and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25cfor Credit Repo rts.  20,000  300,000  280,000  80 000 N. City, N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: o" ' Ex. ·., Little R.; ~idw. Reserve Tr. Co., p Kan. C. ~  2,960  61,330  56,370  24 350 Comw. N .. Kan. C.; Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith; O ' Ex. N,, Little R. t:i:  >  I  •••g7  Old es  Large st-· trongest Ba ok In Boone Cou n'ty.'  ~ end 15c with s lght drafts and c redlt Inquiries fo r quick service.  ~l~io·· ..... •U-11  v•  L. F. Eoff'·--·-··· , R. B. Cecil ••••.... Robt. A. Wilson .•. 1May Zegler ••.••••• 1 I  t{J. MiWAGLEY ··-- J. L. SIML .• ·-···- G. C. COFFMAN--··-' ·--···········-·---· odern Prog re he Bank that is bu tung for new buslne s.  NATIONAL BANK _ •.t'0  ~  31.110  J. I, WORTHINGTON JROY WA. MIRLUWMs-····- W. S. PETTIT--···· C. C. ALEXANDER... E ND E K M COTTON  ;- - ·-· - •n  PEOPLES  198,840 Chase N., N. T.; N. Bk. Com., st. L.;Bk.ofCom.&Tr.Co.,Memp.;Es.> N., Little L ~  50,000  •t§·o:;  lil-l!lh  Farmers  T  X  A C'ommt'r<.'lal Bank- Acts In All Tru. t Capacltlc . of Lading Draft and Colle ctlon given pro mpt attention. Pl a.~e Bend 15c wi th each sioltt draft fur presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts.  ·  90,000 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Union & Plan. Bk:. & Tr. Co., Memp. 25,910 1st N.,Am. Bk.of Com. & Tr. Co.,and Ex.  _ _ _ _  Please send 15c with each aiuht draft/or presentation and 25cfor Credit Reports. ,_ _ _  MERCHANTS & '{J.E. VAN BEBER ls. A. BETTIS·-··· M. H. FRAYSER ... ,J. R. BOLIN........ PLANTERS BANK nm & TRUST COMPANY .. Ila rr1son. ··-- _ oon Pop. 3J, 7  1  123,890 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., St. L.  J. G. GAIT ····-····G. T. ~ARVEY---·--TNOS: FLOUINOY .--S. A. LATIMER---·  HARRISBURG  81-238  ~ '<  PRINOIPAL OORRESPONDJCNTS.  DEPOB- 1L<1.1.,,o.tD 11 - c.u n" Ex'"1 c'n. Bo,.n, CR.ANGao,Du ITS s■cu..;,.• uo•B..,.u. _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 1 1  l-;--=---=-=-=------'-=--:=--:=-=--:=:==-:---L--,-,------,---...!....,,--,,.......,...,....,, ==--'·--- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -  STATE BANK 81-237  ~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'---' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  ARKANSAS - COntlnue • d  1  81 197 2 Hartfordp ••ps. e b a ~tian B 3 Citizen Stat e nk •.• _t§'20 G. 81- 6.. 3 206 1 0  1t1  c. Packard_ •••.  R. n. David-······ J. A. Burnci •••••• -•••••.....•..••••.•.• W. ,I. Hamilton  25,000  ~rf.~-~-M~~ft.:_"~~!~~~6  ~  ...  "'  lh1 I. II. ·akuimen ___ P. P. B-tker .••.•.. _ David }Ioore ...•.. ···············-···· Fir t ·atio~ra13:nk ••• -•t'03 E. B. Jones •••••••• J. C, Ueinhard ••.. Carey Holbrook- •. E. B. \Yilbourn .•• -  32,500  IIartmaoPopJ8foson O 3 Bank of Haw~1.~i ·--·--U'I» A. B. Banks-·-···· V. M. Howell .• -••. Roland W. Doty._ C. .A. Dickerson __ _  10,000  Hatfteld.Pov:s:ir;Polk B 5 Bank of Ha\1~~s····--•U'10 J. 0. Gate ··-·-··· G. H. Johnson ••••• L. H. Johnson_ •••• R. B. Holder ••••••  10,000  5,000  175,000  140,000  30,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N .. Mena.  5,000  28,000  100,000  130,000  25,000  13,310  79,240  154,100  25,000 N. ~k. Com .• St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Oo., Little R. 22 970 N. Bk. Oom .. St. L.; Am. Bk. of Oom. & Tr. ' Co.,Little R.; Guaranty Bk. &Tr.Co., Memp.  25,000  10,710  268,120  199,530  101,580 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. Bk. of.Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., St. L.: Umon & Plan. Bk, & Tr. Co., Memp. 1  25,000  13,500  200,320  307,100  25,500 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. co., Little R.  25,000  llavlna Pop.-44!! Yell O 3 Bank of Ha;1~~,;······•W05 (J.E. Mitchell) •••• -··-·-···--········ J.E. Mitchell, Jr .• Zula Walker--··-·· Haynes ••••••..• •• Lee I 4 Bank: of Ha Yn e s •••••••• U'05 J. J. Huehes •••••• R. D. HuEhes ••.••. L. L. Roberts ..•.•. ·---···-······-·-··· 81- 358 Pop. 30 0 · · G .. lLlzen •••••••• Prairie .. L Pop. 7 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BANK OFGRfiND PRAIRIE 1-259  f E. 0. W. Wilken_ John Kocourek ••• Hueh B. Wheatley Y. A, Roger, ····-< •U-96 1 l The Oldest and Strongest Bank I n Prairie County.  ,.. ,  NEW BANK OF HAZEii --•+ 5 16 81-260  !{Js.pecJal F, SIMS-...... _ I, T. SIMS ... ·-··- J. M, ZIKE·-········ _ .-·-··-··--··- ' attentlo n ,rhen Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. • The new Bank will naturally glv e you the most ef flclent service.  !  N 2,500 •••• _·-·· -·-· _···- ···- _·-·~ 11,860 353,730 264,050 100,390 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: 1st N_., Ft. Smith; Am. ::, Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 20,000 Liberty Cent. Tr .. Co., St. L.~ Am. Bk_. of 1,700 100,000 91,000 Com. & Tr. co .. Little R. ; 1st ., Ft. m1th.  Jfv.mber un4er !lame of Bank ta the New Tranalt Number csven to ea.oh bank in U. 8. exclo1l·nl7 by The Band-McNallt Hanken' """""""--..:=-=c::D_lr_...,..e-=c!,or~U_!lder the authority of The American Ban en'n.  68  •HeberSprinl?s-Oleburne L Pop. 1675 G2 81-608  -  CLEBURNE COUNTY BANK 81-175  --  A. B. BANKS------- R,.H DICKENHORST-D. B. BAILEY ______ J_ L. MULLENS---LuU 1S STECKER  Oldest, largest. and stror1geat Bank in Cleburne county. FIFTEEN CENT sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and  30,000  -  30,000  --•--·--· ' -  %50,000  -  290,000  •tl'03 TWENTY->'IVE I T S for each credit report lo ur,s promptatteotloo.  > ~  40.000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co .• Little R.; 1st "" N •• St. L.; N. tock Yds. N., N. tock ~ I Yds., DI.  !>  1  •JIMelenaP_o_p___ •• P h illips I 4 911 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  *f lRST NAT, BANK  •i·s 1  81_60  .  C/l  C. C. AGEE------ W. N. STRAUB----- ROBT. GORDON, JR. -----------·-------- 200,000 262.950 1,599.410 ui&,740 385.300 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; T. H. FAULKNER ,N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. Com. & Tr. tIJ Prompt attentl on given all"Bank Ing Matters entr usted to u •  {tt~!~~akst!tW· r.:.n ~:~:c:~oi;:;. ~::~ our  >  Co., Memp.  racmu es.  z ~  en GUARANTY LOAN & TRUST E. ~. Ready _______ _ COMPANY .8HL .•. •:t§'IO  • 1 ••  Tanner _____ E. R. Crum. 'l'r. ___ !LP.Ander on.  ..c.  INTERSTATE NATIONAL BANK 81-62  5·  en "'1  (J'Q  Collection Department under supervision of one of  our officers.  Personal presentation of your items secures efficient service. WE SPECIALIZE ON BILL OF LADING  Cll  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ll~~~r 1~· J!\1:~:~rk.;lsl ~-fSo~\t?;!' C) ern Tr. co., Little R.  . E. West  ::C ~  ti" ::,  COLLECTIONS.  lll  *SECURITY BANK H Jena ClcarinE Hou C-----( lem1Jers i1Hliwte<l l.J11 a*)  "1  '0  DAVID SOLOMON  • :tl'l0  g.  STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK.  B. A. Wooten _____ Gilbert Yael[er - - Il. A. Dunlap _____ _  81-63  I  ::X::  ~  *PEOPLE$ SAV. BK. & TR. John I. Moore _____ COMPANY-81 6L ••• •t ·119  ♦  H,210 Bkrs. 'fr. Co., N. Y.; Interstate N., Helena.  E. S. READY------- C. S. FITZPATRICK-- T. M. WALLIS------- H. L. FRANKLIN----HENRY P. -\NOERSON · J. M. FAULKNER  •i"l  & TRUST COMPANY  i~;1~0 Fu~!30  26,000  (Onl11In uestrnen tand Tr U't Business)  l '.HE  50,000  75,000  30,000  833,000  104,000 N. City: N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N ., St. L., Union & Plan. Bk. •· Tr. Co., .temp.  41.000  •  '-  I  S C. MOORE------- J. L. SDLOMON ---- LOUIS SOLOMON -- J.M. HAYNIE ----.  uperlor ervlce on Collection • PerLonal pre ·entatlon, Prompt remittance, tot lllgent rea on for non-payment. lodern method In all departm nt of banking. TRY U..  ·······-I"·  I'.  "'' ,.  -  250,000  -  72,580 1,5 7,010 2,462,810  -  -  I  "'S,.. -----··---- ......... -·---- -----1---  · -  208,140 Mech. & :!\fetal  ---  l.\l  ::, C  N., N. Y.; 1 t N., t. L.; l.\l .\m. Bk. of {'om. & Tr. Co., Uttle R. >-1  ~  ~  69  __  Number uutlcr ~'iame of Bank 18 .New Transit Number given t.o each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlr~tory, ~l!_d_!'!..c ~he ~l!!ho!!_ty _?f _The American Bankers'n.  ARKANSAS  _ _____  -  Non-Bank Towns with Neare •t Bank.Ing Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ ~ volu~_!O__! Int~st Ra~lld_ays, etc., see  d  t•  0Il lilUe--===-=-------=---·  I  LIABILITIJCS.  •  NAME OF BANK,  TOWN AND COUNTY.  C  RESOURCES.  ~~~•:0!'::1=:..~  La.~  I  PRINCIPAL CORKESPONDEN~  C:  -  .. '<  ~  , SUBPLU 8 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. Daros-I'T CASHIER. PAID-UP I ~ D OASBIJ:R. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. In No. g Fed. Res. Dist. U.lem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. ________ no•LJrU &IKTIJUTJ• rra .- = : - . , - - - - - i i - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - , c u n . u . P:ao.-1T• [E tab. Mis:Memp.Br.;LLittleR. •~em. Fed. Re. Hermitage ___ Bradle7 F 7 Bradley County Bank_•U'06 A---:--E. Baker _______ W. B. Reasons ___ G117 Stephenson __ Kloice Thornton __ S 20,000 S 12.500 S 250,000 S 115.000 S 120,000 N. Bk.- Com., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. -1 81-359 M Pop. 285 10,060 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co .• t. L.: Bk. of Jonesboro. 96,290 63,680 4.600 10,000 Hickory Ridge __ cross I 3 Citizens Bank ----U'l7 R. J. Kibler_ ______ E. L. Cooper ____ N. N, Townsend__ ________ Jonesboro. 81-587 M Pop, 400 Stock Yds. N•• i:. Stock 31,360 1st N ., Huntsville.: 100,670 9,550 119,390 10,000 Hindsville __ Madison O 1 Valley Bank ________ ----t1'08 T. R. Lane _______ M. A. . Linebarrer __ s. G. Parsley ______ A.H. Berry_______ Yds .. III.: N. Bk. Com., t. L.; Am. Bk. or 81-362 Pop.150 1 Com. & Tr, Co .. Little R. 35,000 1st N ., St. L.; 1st N., Gravette, 77,800 1 48,000 , ,000 5,000 Hiwasse ______ Benton B 1 Banko! Hiwasse ------- tt'l0 James Banks------ ------------------- J. B. Edwards ____ Maud Adcock_____ / 81-363 Pop. 2:50 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom .. St. L.: Union & 189,390 199,680 361,870 ll,600 25,000 HollyGrove __ MonroeHC Bank of Holly Grove __ •U'03 J. A. Walls------ P. c. Mayo ________ .J. I. Matthews ___ E. K. Stratton_____ Plan. Bk. & 'l'r. Co .. Memp.: Am. Bk.otOom. 81-275 Pop 977 & Tr. Co., Little R. 40,590 Com'l Tr. & Sav., Memp.; 1st N., St. L.: South5,000 123,200 201.010 15,000 Peoples Bank ---------•il'lo Rue Abramson ____ G. W. Johnson ---- 10&7 Hawtfu ___ E. J. Peterson_____ em Tr. Co. and Ex. N., Little R.; Interstate I 81-276 N .. Helena. HOP8-----Hempstead O I L Pop. 4790 R. M. LaGRONL _____ R. M. BRIANT-------- C. C. SPRAGINS------ W. C. SHELTON------ - - - - - - - ~ - ~ 1 64,570 749,600 1,380,9601 153.Z00 IChase NCN. Y.; N. Bk. Com., t.L.; Am. 250,000 "THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT" Bk. of om. & Tr. Co., Little R. Special Attention given BIii of Ladln1 drafts, Cash and Time Item1. , •t 02 Please send L'ic with each stglitdraft forprescntationrmd 25c/or Credit Re1>orts. 81-110 1  :_ \C i..,;  -  :i I  ,I ii'!:' : !  T.  I  CITIZENS  NATIONAL BANK  HEMPSTEAD CO, {'· L. BETTS~-----! D. B. THOMPSON---- IH. F~ GRIGSBY·-----  44.600 1.057,300 1,218,210' ~-------------------:·- 100,000 We want yours. t'oung,Modern.,1 hogre slve. Bu t Ung for business. peclalty. SATISFA.CTlu .N ASSURED. Bl II of Lading Ora ftsandallCollect Ions a IFIT'S ERVIC IE YOU WA.NT, S :END U YOUR BU 1NE •  BANK & TRUST CO. 81-108  •U-86  i  Colleci1!·n• !~d correepondence Invited. All lnqulrlea will receive peraonal attention and replies.  •:•07  100,000  -  Plrasc sencl 15c ll'il11 each :,ight draft for prescntntirm and 25c for Credit Reports  ---  & Tr.t Co. J. H. KcOollum ____ S. B. Oelesby ______ C. W, Baughman __ Jesse N. Riley.Sec. Hope Bavinff • 1'07 H -. . B UoratiO-------Sev1er 6 Bank of o~-ri~.----- UIOO0 T. M. Cowden _____ B.E. Isbell ________ ·------------------- RichardAdams,Jr. A. T. Cowden t lS Bank t' N t F" .. 1038 Pop. L 0 1rs a 1on a ~ ,. ----• · John Elmer ___________________________ F. s. Westcot ______ c. P. Garner______ 81-.7..  50,000  40,000,  25,000  8,050  1  10,520  '  fo\·  1  •Hot Sprin2'S---G arl~i Arkansas N:f~al Bank•i·82 Charles N. Rix ____ Robert Neill _______ L. F. c. Stearns L POP, 11,695  w. Mccrary ____  E. E. Groom ______ _  2!;  ~,  1  25,000  396,340  350,290 ' 191.350i  147,750  I  9-1.070  74,960  339,840 1,412,140 1,366,240  100,000  Sec. and Tr.  1  •t1·07  SEND US YOUR TELEGRAMS.  to ue.  1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -  391,750 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.,  st. L.  ~  TheB-L Bank of Hot Spr lnoa.  50,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Little R.; State N., Texarkana; 1st N., St. L. 50,2201lstN., St. L.: State N.,•rexarkana.  'I  I  I  I  I :  I  c,  353,590 Ban. N.,N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; N. Bk. Com.J ~St. L.; Bkl's. Tr. Co., Little B.; 1st N., OQ 1 rtJ Kan. C.  I  I - •.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  I  'I  I  It I  ;  AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1.r?:·: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ---  -  :  ''  ..  TRUST Go. & ,.  :--,- ,._,. -~-". --·~~--  "7''1)!113--  ti  •I••  I .  I  •  •  •• I  I  :  11.  I  ~  I •  .,1  •;  ....  '  OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS  11 111  Ill  !II Ill  · I  !I  , 'Ill  2.  S'  OQ  . 19,690 Merch. & Plan., Texarkana; :Midw. Reserve ,... 1 Tr. Co.,Kan. C.; Am. Bk. of Com.~· Tr. 0o., 0 • Little R. 485,740 Chem. N ., N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. :Z: Com., t. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., o Memp.; Am. Bk. of Com.& Tr.Oo.,LitlleR. ,... C/l  I 1 111  fl"  :Z:  ---,--- - - - - - -  --------------·----J. HEIDERSON--W. 8. MlURICE-----D. BHHUER, J. A. STALLCUP ARKANSAS TRUST M.Collections 100,000 128,000 1.381,%2011,227,410 a epeclalty: presented day reoeived, and If unpaid reason• fully stated. Item• remitted for at COMPANY lowest l"atea •• aoon aa 11ald. Direct vlaltors 81-61  (IJ  > l > :l'; I  - ,- 1- 64,250 1,699,830 1,825,350  z  301.160 N. City, N. Y.: Boatmens, St.~.: Am. Bk. o f : Com. & Tr. Co. and Ex. N., Little R.; State N.,Te.-arkana.  'L BANK J.H.MclDLLUM--- J, 1. ¥ftLE~IY-----JESSE It RILEY---- ROY AIIDERSIII--- --1-- -- -- --  HOPE NAT 81-109  > ~  ::itJ  1: ::1 t  !f ,, .  I  ,  11  • I •  •  •  II  ~  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS. BANKERS. CORPORATIONS. FIRMS ANO INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  1. ,j l (  I I  !  !  I!: :  'i·  1'  "0  .lull la the New 'l'ruult Number oven ..._ lllam , ~ by The Rand-MeNally Banli:er • to each Dank in u. 8. Bel  ARKANSAS-Continued  Dlredory, under tbe authority ~ The Am~J~~_!ankers Ass'n. - ---NA.ME ov HANK. To1n1 AND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Ilks.Assn. i tate •Count:, Seats. PRESIDENT. VIC.It-PRESIDENT. ASS'T CASHIER. 0ASHIER. In~ •o. 8 Fell. Re . Dist.,te Hks.Assn.tlriv. ___________________ , _______ [E,tah. Mi ~lemp.Br.LLittle!!_: ♦.lorn.Fed. He. Hou ton •••••• Perr:, E 4 Bank of Houston •••... *5'02 A. B. Banks .•••...• 81-365 L Pop. 403 Hoxie •••• - Lawrence I I Bank ot Ho x ie;• ••••••• •n·os J. G. Richard on •• 81-., 66 Pop. 1711 PAUDL Y. GIBSON .• i.L EST ESTA av~ tl~e and g Hufhes ••• St. Francis I 4 BANK OF HUGHES ••••••. t ••19 Plain sr~ht dra 81-605 POD, 451 Prompt per on  {O  'on-Bank Tol\ns with • ·eare t Bankln Point (In• de. ed Acee .), Law;er , Law (Ind xed) In back of thl Yolume. ~ntere. t Rate , Holiday·, etc., t•e Lat\",  I  LIABILITIES.  2,800  10,000  ~ ~  33,000 $ 31,000  5,000 181,000 10,000 _ 1 60,470 4,..J-10 VI 25,EROOO N ··--··-····---····· CE. HODS, EFFICIE T It Report by sen ding fee in adva nee: US.  A.G. Richardson •• A. G . .Albrirht.. .• R. R. Re.rnolds...  A.  F. O. LOVE •••..•••• W. HARP .•••••..• BLlSHED BANK, MODERN MET et service on Coll ectlons and Cred Its, 15c; Credit R eports, 50c-TRY al attention given all Collections.  •1ca..,;cza,D1111  6 .  ITS ___  A. D  I _ _ _ PROFITS  J. A. Lovelace •• ~ .. D. A. Tucker .••••. Lulu A. imn •••••  o  PRINCIPAL C~RESPO:N'DE!'iT;=--- -  RESOU~  DEPOS. •~~"•:;,~;:· 1Cun" Ex-  PAID·UP SUR1:LUB I CAPl'rAL  '-l  12,000 Ex. N .. Little R.; 1st N .. St. L.  141,000  35,000 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.: Southern Tr. Co., Little R.  113,220  27,980 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co•• Little R.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Oo., Memp,; N. Bk. Com., St. L.  I  I  Planters TaJ{~~fJ Bank •• t'20 B. C. Pouncey ••••• J. 0. E. Beck •••••• A. L. Warin~-··- ·---·-·······--·-··  30.000  3,000  10 .630  68,180  31.870 :Miss. Valley Tr. Co .. St. L.: Com'l 'rr. & Sav. and N. City,. Memp.  > '•~  Bumphre:,, Jeff'erson G 5 Merchants & Plan. Bk.•*5'05 J. G. Mouser .. _ .. A. Fowler..·-···· E. B. tokes ..... -. B. tillwelL ••••••• 81-367 Pop. ;j;°)J  20,000  3,250  11~.000  90,000  35,000 1st N .• St. L.: Merch. & Plan .. Pine Bluff.  ~  10,000 d by  11,000  250,000  164,000  80,000 1st N •• Ft. Smith and 8t. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co. Z • CJJ l and Ex. · ., Little Rock.  Harris.---·- J. S. Miller •••••••• A. A. Ea terling .•.  2:5,000  2,000  105,250  83,430  o. W. Basham.-••. W, . Cluck -·-·-·--·-···-----·· .• tephenson A.G. F. W. Scott••.·-··· C. A. Berry •••••••  50,000  15.000  420,000  320.000  37,560 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr.Co., Little R.; Ark. ~T .. C/J • Fayetteville. tl:l 140,000 1st N .. Flt. L. and Fayetteville.  23,000  5,680  240.620  222.160  ,\.. T. Wilson ••.•••• ········-······· •••• L. H. Kai. er ••••••• -----··-----·· s. L. Nance·-·····  20.i75  5,300  135,200  1 ,030  10,000  11,460  Ui.240  IOi,270  'If. L. SEAMAN .. C. C. BRAVES ..... G R. HOLBROOK .. C. P. GREEN.•--··· BAIK { Collecltons and Beque ts for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanle u·12 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain ioht drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50e.  Huntinrton ••• ~ebastian HUNTINGTON STATE 81-496 Ba Pop. 14..i3  •Hantsville.Madison C 1 Farmers & Merch. Bk •. •U'll 81-264 Pop. 600 First National Bank_.•i·oo " •••••••• " 81-263 Huttff _ _ _ Union F 7 First National Bank •••• •i•n 81-477 L Pop. 1261 lmbode~ ~~~~ence HI Peoples Ba:f-aio· ••••• U'96  0  J, II. Guinn •••..•. J.  n.  J. N. Bunch ••••• _. D. W . .Anderson ..• Tom llargis _____ •  •Juper ••••• Newton DZ Newton County Bank _;ts·o3 W. W. lfoore •••• _ James Bra eL.-•• J. W, lloore·-···· 81-371 Pop. 253  oiner.. _Mlssisslppi JS Bank of Joiner .........U'09 S. Ralph ....... - .. J.B . Wilson .. _ ... L. P. Burns •••••• _. -···-·--··· ··--····· 81-372 Pop, 300 •Jonesboro ... Crairhead American T ast Oo .••• •il'06 B .. H. Berrer ...... E. Lea•-·----- Alex. Berger.~ ••... -··-··-···-···-··-· ,- - - - - - 81-70 I2 Pop. 93 4  T. J. ELLIS·····-· J.E. PARR·-· ·· ·-· J. w. GATZ···-··-·-- w. P. LIDDELL .•••. Oldeat, laflgeat~·;.;:c!i;ongeat bank In nofltheaat Aflkanaas. Speclal and pefleonal attention given oollectlona. •U'S7  BANK OF  JONESBORO 'l BANK FIRST NAT •t·~ ♦ 81 ~ 7  - - . .---c,----,--,--------=  H.  Bill of Lading Drafts our  G.  60,000  90,600  918,310  96~.2JO __  200,000 -  Te t our facllltte •  RKAN A . LARGE T TRU. T COMPANY IN 'ORTH Your account will be appreciated and de ·erved. Immediate attention given all collection and corre pondence.  22 ,630  130,000  -  5to. 54o  -  -  ---  --- ---  ---  ---  I  I  : :  t,  •  ~.  •  :  '•·  1· f.  :  ft  f . . .,  II I ' ••  :  ~  ·1  i' ..  500,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. ·Tr. Co.,Memp.; 1st .and N.Bk.Com., ._ t. L. 1 68,400 1st N. and ML . Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Am. Bk. ~ of Com. and Tr. Co. and . . outhern Tr. o., ::, S:: Little R.  U3,280  20.000  403,G.tOj  411,510  63 ,300 N. Bk. O?m· and Mi,ss. VaJley 'rr. Oo.,. St. L;; ~ ,\m. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little lt .. Com I ~ _ ., 8hr veport.  2,800  150,8601  15-1,100 ,  35,520 1st  2:,,000  . If  ~  I  I  I  81-231 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  n  I  50,ooo Junction Oity.Union E 7 ■ ERl:HANTI &. FAR. BfiH j P. E. MURPHY ... P. F. GULLY ....... J. J. GRAFTON ..-. ·····-····----····• S'06 1speela1 attentl on stTen to cone ctlona. We remit on daJ' of paJ'me nt. 81-23 2 L Pop. 'ti;;  Co. OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS  79,540 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Ft. Dear.~ ., Chic.; ::, Ist_N., St. L.; nion & :,rne.Tr. Co., Little ~R., Cent. State N., Memp.  -  _  g.  163,030  8,910  AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE &, TRUST  ~  --  __ ,___, - - - - - 13,000  Fir t. ·ational flank •••• •!'Ii A. B. Banks •••••••. 0 . .A. Pepper·-···· W. A. Taylor••••.• ----···---····-·  =  867 ,2lO  1  .. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co. dnd ~outhern Tr. ~ ...,. o., Little R.; 1st N., Shreveport.  LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE-UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTE~T WITH SOUND BANKING  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• ce~.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back <!_f this  d .  1  o::, .  -  -  ,-  -  1  Judsonia ...... White GS Farmers & Merchants Bank A. W. Henson ••••• W. H. L. Woodyard T. J. Lowdermilk. P. E. B uer .••••••• Flossie Han on J. S. Eastland U'IS 81-549 Po1>. 99  I  60,000 2,000,000' 1,300,000  100,000 -  > z  53.190 N. Olt:,, N .. ~.: l~t N .. St. L.: State N •• Tex• 1...c arkana; C1t1z . ... .. El Dorado. 42 ,430 1st N .• St. L. ; Jone boro Tr, Co. , Jonesboro. n C/J 49 ,610 1st N .• ~t: L.: Ho/land Bu. Oo .. 8prinrfteld. Mo.; C1tiz., Harrison; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. ~ >.1.4 o .. Little R. 18,000 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: Peo. Bk. & Tr. 0 i::: • Co .. Memo. 1..J5,880 N. Park and Irvini! • .. N. Y.: 1st N,, St. L.; rn Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., Memi>. ___  O  ------- ------  ;  >,  .  300,000 2.178,870 '. 2,977,560 353,760 Mech, & Metal• N., N. Y.; Mtss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Cent. State N., llemp.; • . ' •Bk. of com., Kan. c.; Eng. N., Little R.  lkt"n°C.uirf~~r(·-,  of bank , banker· and o~h:;:E!~• l~~~g peclalty.  6,700 90,700  -  C. B. BARNETT • .t Sec. W. PURYEAR ••••• GORDON MATTHEWS..E. J. MASON, V. P. and Tr. NATHAN DEUTSCH J. W. ARMSTRONG A. Sec. W. L. GATZ, Sec.  •! '01  I 69  C. w. \JITTINGER •••.  PROM PT AND SATISFACTORY SERVI CE.  TRUST COMPANY  •  l.W~lsM("····  We Invite the bu lne  81~8  JONESBORO  H. McADAMS •..•• U:  10.000 100,000  ~  ~  I nu111 UU, ur LI I I LC IIUlll\, Knl\llN~II~  WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. e:s:cluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' U -= -=--=--= - ~ - - !)lrectory, under the authority of The American_ Bankers _Ass'n. -LlABILlTIES.. - -~Al\lE OF B.L'K. TOWN AND COUNTY, j '~ , . •Mero. Am. Bks. As n. §State .. county eats. Ass'T CASHIER . . P.UD-UP • u_:-;~us DEPOSCASHIER. VICE- RESIDENT, I~ ..:·o. 8 Fed. He~. Dist. :l:~lem.Sta.te Bk·. ssn. ~Priv. · PRESIDENT. [E:~b. - - - - - - - ( - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - ; CAPITAL PROFITS ~ Mi~ ::\lemp.B~.L: L~ttl~ n. \•Mem. Fed.. Hes.  ARKANSAS  71  I  Keiser.--p- Mis sissipp1 J 2 Bank of Keis :r ; .••••••-+§ 19 L. L. HarweJL_ •• _ 81 6- 2 op. 500 ·e. F. PLACKARD ••. C FARM R . E S & MER H. BA~~ Collection !'nd Kensett.--•·· White G 3 FEE IN ADl AN •:ti U 81-520 L Pop, 4 0  1  H.P. Dunavant ·- L. E. Watson----·-  --·-·-··-·--··-·-1s  W. G. WHITE-------- B. D. EAKER-··-·--- ---··-··-··-  25,000  Request _for_Cred It Reports ~U T be accompanied . by I CE: Plmn tnght dr afts, ldc; Credtt Rep orts, 25c.  Keo.-·Pox>:~f5°oke G 4 Bank of .K,i~af·-····!§'20 W, F. Coleman._._ S. C. Cobb-·····-- C. E. Alexander·-·  1~f/l  Contin ed -I . -  ·--·--·-··-····-·---1  Kin{slan/o~!e~:~and 11' G Cleveland c 8 R. C. Bunch·-··· --·-·--··---··--Kinestonioi,:~roison C 2 Bank of K"s1~i¥-····-•*''ll J. N. Bunch •••• _. Knobel--·····-Olay I I Bank of KnobeL-·-··•U'04 Joseph Sellmeyer_ R. Whitaker_·-·-·· H. c. Sellmeyer.- _________ _ W. J. Brown 81-375 Pop. 390 Lafe _____ Greene J 1 Bank of LafC---·-·--•ti'l9 Fred Wat on·--·-- Peyton Robb •••••• J. A. White, Jr·--· ··----···-··-81-600 Pop. 250 Bk .. •*1'98 E. R. Buster •• __ C. F. mith.·-··--- J. D. Shearer--···· Bess Johnson--·--  1: ~~B~ch····--  .. Lake Oity.Oraiihead 12 Bank of Lake Oity •• _•• if'lO W. B. Armstrone .. P. J. Sprinier •••-. E. M. Stotts.·--··· J. Q. Armstron2 .•81-377 Pop. 635 H. Thane·-·-·-··-- J. B. Simms-·-·· c. F. Tompkins ___ R. c. Chotard-····.. Lake Villaee-Chicot H 7 Chicot Bank & Trust Co. I •t§'OI 81-229 • L Pop. 1449  I  81-698  Lamar  5-1'' -·PopJohnson •  w  D  s  SpeclaJ attentlo 1I n given Blll or La Save time and g et service on Coll { FEE IN ADV.AN CE: Plain •i11ht OnJy National Bank ln Southea  Collections car efu Jy made. Pe rsonal attention given same. Prompt, efflcle lnt service in all BanJdng Matter s.  . 81-378 Pop. 400 Leachville-Mis.;i:sippi J 2 funk of Leachville •••• •t1·17 P. M. Nelson_ •..••• H. C. Jones·-···--- J. F. Roderick_. ___ ·······---- ---··-·· 81-586 Pop. 1000  17,-110  20,720 )lie; . Yalley Tr. Co., t. L.: Ex .... T., Little R.  165,210  10,000  6,600  123,000  106,500  60,530 N. Bk. Oom .. St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff; Ex. ., Little R. 4R,00) N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N .. Huntsville.  6,575  7,930  82,.UO  93,850  15,000  3,900  24,000  36.900  20,000  8,980  254,550  95,280  160,000  39,870  587,210  978,550  20,000  300,000  400,000  200,000  227,900  1.700  20,000  55,870  6,7-10  90,300  99,220  4,390  102,020  13-1.490  Lepanto ••• -.Poinsett J 2 Bank of Lepanto •••••••U'll J.M. Coppaee •••• _ W.R. Payne ____ . J. H. Weatherly_._ R . . Finn.---···--  25,000  17,600  180,000  250,000  35,000  10,000  150,000  200,000  50,000  10,000  243,720  207,390  81-380  earcy Cou~H! ffnk-·-·t§'20 Hugh Leonard ·--- . G., awyer _____ s. H. Kunau .. _.... Wm, Ashley .•••• -6 •Lewisville.Lafayette 07 First Nation al ,nk ••••• •'OII H. A., Mccants ..... R. L. Bradshaw .• -- D. W. Gladney ... _ · · - - · · - - - - - · · 38 81 R. L. Searcy L Pop. 1067  15,000  1,500  150,000  125,000  25,000  25,570  258,050  197,650  P. LE MAY-····· BROOKS S. MONT· N. D. HARREL, Sec. ana Tr. GOMERY . D. HARREL ave the personal attention or an o fflcer orthe ~nk.  30,000  11.000  247,000  160,000  --····•U'03 T. N. English..-••• J. A. English •• __ T. L. ::M:cOolloch_ •• ············-·----·Lincoln. Washington B 2 Bank of 1 Fir t .. ·ational Rank •.. •t'20 P. L Hathcock ____ ,\. D. ~ Torwood ____ LeRoy E . .1. Tabors __ T. F. Clark________ Pop. 534 J. D. ~·owlin 81-641  25,000 25,000  Lt ~ik~  l  Lowest nte,.  AMERICAN BANK OF .COMMERCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  it'  ,  ~t~,r~·:'- ~-~; -  ;"''~-~~·~  259,7i0 -·-·--·-58,850  .., rt-  0  r4  .... ::, (')  5"  .  3.200  I  X rii" (1) (1)  49,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Southern Tr. O Co., Little R.; Bk. of Fordyce and 1st .... , Fordyce. 40,000 N. Stock Yds. N .. X. Stock Yds. Ill.; Bk. of Jone. boro, Jonesboro; Bk. of Com . .,- Tr. Co .. ~emp. 35,000 1st N.. t. L.; Com'l Tr. & Sav. Bk .. Memp.; Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. 15-1,660 Han. N., N. Y.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.: St. L.; Merch. N ., Ft. Smith; Am. Bk. of Com. & 'l'r. Co., Little R. 65,000 1st N.. t. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr, Co,, Little R.; Citiz., Harrison. 134,180 Han. N ., N. Y .: N. Bk. Cow., St. L.: State N. and Texarkana N., Texarkana; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 105,000 1st N., St. L.: Com'l N., Shreveport; Merch. & Plan., Texarkana.  Please 8crul 15c wit h eaeh sight draft for presentatwn a nd 25cfo r Credit Report.s.  & TRUST Co, OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS  z  34,000 1st N .. St. L.: Merch. N., Fort Smith; Ex. N., ~ n Little R.  29,910 Merch. N .. Ft. Smith; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr . Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 20,010 Am. Bk. of Com. & 'l'r. Co., Little R.; Jonesboro Tr .• Co. Jonesboro; X. tock Yds ... ·. X. tock Yds., Ill. 39,380 Citiz., Harrison.  15.000  10.000  37,500  •tl'll  ~ >  >  26,930 1st N., Ft. Smith.  79,830  81-475  .1. •  88.580  82.000  I.  ~~~  Stuck Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Bk. of Jo~esboro.Jonesboro. 80,940 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., t. L.;Am. Bk. C/l of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. -15,000 Merh. & Metal N., N. Y.; 1st N .. St. L: C/l outhern Tr. Co .. Little R.  185,4fi0  C/l  3,540  AU eolleeUon1  >  >  17,500  4,100  W. D. STEWART-  17,060 1st N .. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com, & 'fr. Co .. LittlP R. _ i),600 Mtle. T~. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr . ...,.. Co .• Little R.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co.• Para- ,v  a,  10,000  PEOPLES BANK & LOH CO.  -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 :  2i,0-10  10,000  First National Bank •••. •i'l9 D. F. Portis _______ ,J. A. )lurvhY .--··· John H. Harkins __ E. R. mith -··-··· H. T .... ·uwlin 81-604 Ed. Mays •• _. ______ T. F. Clemmons ___ A. o. Aday--·-·-·- ,J. HacketL.·-·---Searcy E 2 American Exchan2e Bank Leslie B. T. )lays •U'l6 81-381 -·Poi>:I-172  I  199,720  Lead am ..... Boone E 1 Bank of Lead Hill •••••• U'14 T. R. CantreIL-•• L. W. Parri h --·-- Ja.,. C. Penix __ ._ .• H. C. Penix--·-·-81-667 Pop. 21S Leola.----·---· Grant E 5 State Bank of Leola ••• •t§'l9 0. W. Hope ··--··- R. F. Butler ..• -•. - R. L. Mann ....... _ .. ··--·-----··--·81-606 Pop. 400 L Pop. 9 6  B.. u  1,500  99,570  M  PJIOJII  I  ~ Plea e send 15c with each sioht d ra.ft for presentati on and 25c for Cr edit Rep orts.  Lavaca_ ..•. Sebastian BS Citizens Bank---····---•tl'lO J. F. Bugg.--·--··- J.E. Coker··--··-- Lawrence Wri2ht .. S. E. WesL •••.•. -.  tlacO&ITISff  l0,200  i:i,000 BANK OF LAMAR ·-·-·•U'03 Special attentl on given BUI or Lading Drafts, C ash and Time It ems. sending by Reports edit Cr and ollectlons C on service get and time ave 81-277 ~ FEE IN ADV AN CE; Plain 8ioht d raft 15c, () Re ports 25c. TRY US.  81-278  ,;ll>  15,000  J. W. HAWKINS---- P. F. WlkNINGHAM .••- I. HAWKINS-----···· DONALD BARGER -·--  BLUE STONE BAIK •••. U'lO  I  ,  ~'?T~·it,~~•. c<;.:-:..:•.-i~  30,000  50,000 ding drafts Cash and Time Items. ectlons and Credi t Reports by send Ing draft•. ISc; Cred it Report•, 25c. TRY US • st Arkansas.  G. T. CAZORT·---· L. Ii BARGER ----·-- CHAS. F. BURDEN--- G. D. NICHOLL--··  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interes~ Rate~ Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ C PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, l{ESOURC'ES.  \0 2,500 $ 53,000 1$ 72,000 $ 17,000 Am. Tr. Co., St, L. !-.:) 15 ooo Liber~y Cent. Tr. Co .. St. L.; ,\.m. Bk. of 80.luO 70,000 1,350 Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. '  13,500  C. WARFIELD·---- N. B. SCOTT-------- W. H. McLEOD·-·-·-· T. H. PRYOR ---···-·  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t"l8  co  64.930 1st N .. Fayetteville; Am. Bk. of Com, & Tr. Co .. Little R. li,530 Libr>rty Cent. Tr. Go .. ~t. L.; Ark. •.. Fay ette,·ille; ,\.m. _·,, Rogr>rs.  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, )BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS souc'ifrn. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  ew 1rn111H Number ldvu  t, tbe  Rani-He all7 Ba~era'  ARKANSAS-Continued  Number and r Nune of Ballk ia the .New Transit Number oven  C Oll t·lllUe d ARKANSAS ___ __ -  ~ by 'I'll  to bank in U. . uelaalHIJ by The B.and-McNally Ban1'ers• 72 -~rectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  I  I  N.uuc OF BA.NK, ~A.ND COUNTY. •.Mem. Am. Ilks. Assn. I tate •County Seats. Iµ~~o.8Fed.Re :Dist. :Mem. ~teliks.Assn.t,Priv. [h tah. Mi Memp.Br.L,LntleR. ♦ ~Iem. Fed. He·.  -  ! •Little Rock __ Palasti E 4 L Pop. 64 ,997  -  · ·  Of COMMERCE  I  01  (  •t§•7fi  *BANKERS  I  OilBIE.a.  .  ASSTCASBIU.  r.  ,u  --1 -  ~-,~~~\~m  ••  Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C.; N. Bk Com., St, L.; Interstate Tr. & Dkg. Co., N. o.;  -  I-  Unlon&Plan.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Memp.  P11ompt ae11vlce.  1 Send us your LITTLE ROCK and ARKANSAS collections. largest CAPITAL and SURPLU S of any bank in Arkansa _s.__  I  Ml ,~~r1~~-l~~j,~-- f·j: imt~h----- t t ,iii,,~iff.---- tt·JNtJ~k------  1  -  1  ENGLAND  ·- .....a.a  _v..,,..  -  -  60,000 300,000 Auditor M. F. GATES, A. Tr. E.VTIHCO~PSON THE PERSONAL SGER. E BANK. , TRUST COMPANY Besides general banking Items and Collections, send us matters requlr_ ___ •i§'l4 log Personal handling by men of broad trust and banking experience. _ • 81-25 37,500 *Central Dank---------•:1'1% o. O. Kavanaugh_ 'r. W.Mattinl?IY,Sr. D. B. Renfro ______ Perry impson____ 200,000 Joe. JuneI 81-21 44,000 100,000 ec. Newell, w. R. Tr._ Lasker, Henry _____ *Commercia~{~~~ ·t Co. •!1'14 Harry Lasiter ______ Emmet Morris 17,920 ______________ 250,000 Enrland Loan&TrwtOo.1'10 J.E. Enfland, Jr._ J.B. Bilheimer ___ Lloyd Rnrland. • ___ _ _ _ _Su. and Tr. _ 81-18 *  PRINCIPAL O0RRESP0NDJCNT8.  RESOURCES. LIABILITIES, P.uo-trP StrRPLtrs DEPOS- ";'•••• n ... 0.... J:J<. c.T~~· ~•.a!".•~ ITS  CAP1T~L PaANo,!...a  -  u•Cllr  -...J t-.:>  ,·olumo. F~tere t Rate , Ho!lda).2...-etc., oo Law.  i--W. A. HICKS------ FRANK GOODMAN --- - - - R. E. CORNISH J. F WALKER, Tr. R. s s , BRADLEY 1.. T.W.KIRKWOOD,Sec. IS 760,000 $ 303,930 8.181,140 10371150 $3598990 N, Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.: 1st JAMES KEATTS F. J. SCHMjTZ ,g; 0  L.B. LEIGH AD. HAMBERG  TRUST CO. Sl-1  ICE• RESIDENT.  J. D. GOLDMAN---- ED. CORNISH------G. W. ROGERS HERMAN KAHN, Ch. of Bd. W. A. HICKS JG. DA. CKONV EY  *AMERICAN BANK AND +  P  V  PRJCSIDJCNT.  Non-Bank Town ~Ith care t Banking Point (lndoxed Acee.). Lawyer, Law (Indexed) In back of th!·  1  U91,000 4,126.000 1,061,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; State N., st. L. _ . . . ___ ___ ___ 890,220 721,920 279,140 1Cha eN.,N.Y.;Umon Tr.Oo .. Oh1.: Miss. Valley Tr. Co.,St. L.; Guaranty Bk. &Tr.Oo •. Memp. 740,020 835,780 l34,730t• City, N. Y.: _N. Bk. Com .. St. L. 1  1  Ch. of Bd.  RESERVE ACCOUNTS OF BANKS INVITED. 800,000 NATIONAL Our facilities are at your command. Collections and correspondence assured prompt BANK 11-1, •i·os attention. *Ex cHAN E J.M. DAVIS--------•· H. THOMPSON-- E. M.HARRINGTON--•· e. KEINEDY--6 I. A. PIATT, E.G. THOMPSON 300,008  Ch. of Bd. BA. PJ. KRl~ADP  NATIONAL BANK  -  )> ~ 503.900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I ·., '4 Chi.; N. Bk. Com •• st. L. -  99,250 Z,074,330 2.410,270  @  -  -  I  1  r4  1  a  I  (l)  327,710 3,415.520 3,928.150 1.097,980 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; • .,... Bk. Com. St. L.• Unlon&Plan. Dk. & rJ -  I  · · Tr. co., Memp. rkansas collections, particularly We solicit your _ ____ _ ___ _ your Little Rock Items. Correspond~nce invite!I. •t· 82 81-Z Federal Re~f'rve Bank ___ •'IO Fur com11l.etc infor mat ion ce J)agP. 27. ____________________ ____________ ________ LiWe Ro lck Bran ch of Fed leral Reae neBank, 1St. Lotdx. Jll o. 81-13  ~  n  ~  > (/)tD  I  D. M. BOONE  C. T. COFFMAN  ~  C/l  fland N., Little R.  --~ __  J. E. ENGLAND.JR, __ V. C. PETTIE- ------- LLOYD ENGLAND---- P. E. RUSS---------J.E. ENGLAND,  31,410  343,490  )>  '  o n  :,;--  326,000jEQuitableTr .• co .• ~- Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N. aud O. D. HADFIELD, W. E. LENON------ B. BODEMANN ______ A. J. MERCER, Ft. Dear. N., Ohl.: 1st N .• St. i;,.: Am. Bk. of • cc. V. P. and Cash. H. H11TER F. W. NIEMEYER, *PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK n Tr. Co. a cl Ex. N., Llttle n. I Com. ctfoJE ~:d other bu toes direct to this progressive •tl'OZ { nd your Sl-lO _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - , - - - ___ bank for prom pt, per onal and satl factory ervl ce.  !ofte  *SOUTHERN  A. B. BANKS --------  TRUST COMPANY +  *  11-1'  •:1'05  N MTLE UNI O & Bl-ll  f  tt  ~WJ-hY -----C. G. PRICE  t ~.  V,tnY.:/i~: iefi.fOHUECJIPstEAf- 500,000 1 184,580 3,712.060 4,963.870 1,228.630 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., St. L. A.. Sec. ' ___  WE lN\'lTE INQUIRII •  __  _  MOORHEAD WRIGHT. C P. PERR IE------- E. J. BODMAN, V. P. and "..,cc. G. B. ROSE L D PATTY 1 .., . Z. B. CURTIS, • .. •'- ,c. v P and Caahier • • L J GIBSON 0. W. McCASKILL, . . 1'r' Offic ,.  1  2  .  Ural 1'J. talc. (J_(Tir1  lJ.  'r. llammornl. •tl'77 .J. v. Boylc.l'. P. Bev rlyThruston • · • !ll-7 Little Rock CIE'..arinr Hous _ o. S. cCain ______ IL II. 'fhomp on - J. T. Hn,mmond.  *W B WORTHEN COMPANY G. . Pc>av _________ G. G. Worth n ____ (J,femlJn·s ir1rlicatrd 1111 a *l  A. BRIZZOLARA, JR., A. Sec. 1 400,000 %95,980 4,548,870 5,531,480 1.165.850 Liberty N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. A. E. CATES Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1 t N., and N. R M BUTTERFIELD Bk. Com., t. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & ED MCEVOY Tr. Co., Memp. . ~t11<litor ~ AD V. ON !!._K N SA IN DE ~ • r  Ham:·ey _____ Jr.I.I..J •• lt,W.Pi>ttyJohn  303,620 2,067.2C0 2,573,880  200,000  \\. E. Lenon, Mgr. --------- -------  Sec. and Tr.  AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE &, TRUST C0. OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  Officered by Arkansas Men who Know and UndersJand Arkansas Conditions.  .. TRUST COMPANY •U '0 ♦  56,560 2,004,600 1,935.150  200.000  1  I -------- ---------  ~ ~  :::, S::  ~  ~  635,670 IIan. N., ... '. Y.:, 1st N.• Chi.: Mtle. ,:r. co., St. :_. O. L.: mon & I Ian. Bk. & Tr. Co., --------  LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE-UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING  '° r:-.:>  .....  ttmcmuHti UiUll\ UI  73  uummLIIUL " " I UU\).  vu, Ul  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Tranalt Number Jdvea to each bank in U. 8. exclualvely by The &and-HeNally Bankt"ra• Dlreetory, under the authority of The Amerlean Bankers Aaa•n.  -  I  N .uu: OF BA. I, •County 8M\a. •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState I n No. 8 Fed.Res. Dist. i:llem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. MisMemp.Br.L,Littlell.'+)lem. Fed. Hes. TOWN ilD OoUNTT.  0 BANKING  .. , , I LL IIUUr\9 ftlU\tlAl)rh;  ARKANSAS-Continued  LIABILlTIKS.  PRDIDUT.  VIClt-PRUIDJCNT,  0.lSHIU.  Ass 'T OA.SIIID,  p ..lll>-UP ' SUB.PLUS  DIIPO&-  0.A.PIT.A.L PB~ITS  ITS  I  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl 'jii4 volume For Intere ~ _llates, _H~llda~~• _etc._._ ~ee ~~ ::,  --  =--=  Rlo!oUHCl:8, ~.... • Jha- 0Aaa ii &x-  ::..=•  c  ;i  PRI.NCIPA.L CORRE.SPONDDTS.  9  -  --- --- --- --L ocke. bur2'-- .Sevier B 6 Bank of Lockesburr---•it·oz R. -'.. Gilliam_ --- K. L. Norwood- R. 8. Hunsucker __ 0. Steel -----------. S 50,000 $ 31,000 S 200,000 S 246,000 S 47,000 .Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. or Com. ~ & Tr. Co., Little R.; tate N., Texar.b."ana. _ 11-Ui Pop. 794 \V. L. ;:'orwood Planters Bank __________ §'20 A. J. Clingan ______ L. D. :Mccown _____ F. W. Park. _______ L.A. Wardlow ____ 35,230 35,000 23,150 1st T·• Kan. C.; Texarkana .i. ., Texarkana . 3,7-10 27,160 81-633 15,000 33,450 Merch. N., Ft. Smith: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. 500 44,510 27,570 L ondOD-------Pope DI Farmers & Merchants Bank L. G. Martin _______ J. W. Gibson ______ N. S. Booher ______ Mrs. M.D.Booher •. I Co., Little R.; Bk. of Russellville, Rus11-487 J. G. Hickey ti' 1l L Pop. 386 sellville. E. M. Spencer _____ onoke _______ Lonoke P.H. G4 Wheat__ _____ W. T. Ooucll ____ D.R. Boone ____ Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N ., 450.oool : 497,000 25,000 45,000 75.000 BAH OF CEITHL AR L St. L. P.H. Wheat, Jr. 81-181 • ' 98 L Pop. 17ll W. Y. Bransford  ..  ---- ----  ..  .. - - ..  '-is  >  w. w.  Mccrary ___ 0. G. :MilJer ____ W.B. TOllDC-- H. E. Benton _____ J.M. Gates L ow ell _ _ Beotcna B 1 Bank of LowelL ..•.•..•U'OI Edw." Somers ______ A. C. Mayes _______ A. L. Moran _______ 81-181 Pop. 227 W. E. Adams Luxora--Ki11iasippi K Z Luxora Bankint Oo .. -.. H'89 l.0.SPDD-- S. E. imon on. ___ J. L. Dean. ___ ._ ____ 1. 11. Landrum 11-117 Pop. 1179 Lonoke County Bank •• •:1'16 81-200  ---- ----------------  30,000  45.000  540,000  10,000  9,670  114,870 I  I  450,000  I 68,390  165,000 1st N .• St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Lit- ~ tle R. n 59,780 Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith; State N,, St. L.  > z  C/J  50,000  1.310  137,000  I 23 ,9501  Magazine--LoPD O I Bank of 1llazine ____ •H'03 A. M. Leftwich •• _ J. A. Newman .••.• Claude H. Kyle •••• Marv r .• Newman.  12,500  12,220  175,8 0  151.760  43,340 1st '.,Ft.Smith and St. L.; Am. Bk, of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  lfnMPBELL-.. RINGTON  50,000  22,880  153,000  450,600  91.460 N. Park, N.Y.: N. Bk. Oom., St. L.: m. ~ Bk. or Com. ,. Tr. Co., Little R,; 1st ., ~ ~ hreveport. v•  B'armers Bank Ii Tr. Oo.•it·oe T. 8. Gra11on ___ W. H. Warnock •••• Jas. G. Brown _____ J. n. Lee __________ ♦ 11-111 H. A. Reid Jas. G. Brown Mrs. Maude Goode •  50,000  41.000  5 5,000  760,000  50,000  53,350  567,580  777,640  a-w  Pop. 772  Iacnolia •• Oolumbia D 7 L Pop. 2168  --  ..  .. ----  ..  ..  •  PEOPLES  11-m  r  0. HUTCHENSON J, G. WEPFER------- J. C. McNEILL ------ C. ~W. .  COLUMBIA COUITY BAH  inz  'A'ff ·----•Sl'02 1- IZ  Oldest Bank In Columbia Count 7. We give prom pt, careful atten tlon to all boa lness se nt us. Collections a s peclalty. "We ch arge 25c for lredit Re11nrt.~."  t  w.c,_LJJfo--day of paJ ment.  J. IUTT-- J. L. DIVIS----- T. A. MOIIIOE--  .. ------ .. ----  ..  ll'irat National Bank.----. ·ez .I. H. Vance __ ---- B. H. J'risbJ -- --- B.L.llcDooald-11-112  ---------------- ---- - -- - -  ---------  J. L. Dixon _______ Mammoth Sprin2', Fulton Oiti1ens Bank.---------•H'H 0. W. Dixon ____ G. O. Buford - - 81-111 Pop. 800 Gl Pe0ples Bank.. __________ §'21 John Reed ________ J.E. Ford _________ J. F. Martin _______ L. A. Atkins _______ 81-645  ..  •-r-----  ..  .. -----•il'OI l. II. Batton _______ H. W. Cowan ______ G. A. Henry _______ -- ---------- -----Manila •• _Mississippi J 2 Bank of Jlanila 11-au Pop. 971 M ansfleld •• Sebastian B 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t '18 f I. H. NAKDlfi"·-- W. A. MARTIN------- W. L. ~WELL------- G. F. VEST---------81-595  . -------- .. .. ------- ..  NAT'L BAH OF IIIIIFIELI 11-HD  PEOPLES  i•o1  d: ,: tLlllJM ·- In Mansfield. b  l'lntaadold•I ettab  8,eelalatteatlo n IIHn eolleetlen 1 and promp& re ml&tanee en •ay  8111-----H·at o. o. &raves _____ R. Y. Baldwin _____ V. H. Sorrels-----11-250  AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE ·. ! . ·-- .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  bank  r;  -  & TRUST Go, ···r.-~  ----- ----------  OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS  ►  ~  g en  g°  83,2701 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.  ...  IQ  ... s:  50,000  39,660  627,650  521,320  198,130 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Am. Bk. or Com. & Tr. 0 and Union & :Mtle. Tr. Cos., Little R,  30,000  2,000  270,000  223,000  55,000 Han. '., ,.'.Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Ohl.: Mtle. I» Tr. Co., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. ::,  2.5,000  8,000  275,000  200,000  80,000 N. Park. N.Y.; 1st N .. St. L.  25,000  8,700  205,000  135,000  62,300 Bk. of Com .• Sprinl!fleld, Mo.; 1\ m. Ilk . Of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  ! I  10,000  1,000  --------- -------- I  15,000  1),700  88,000  25,000  3,500  200.000  27,000  400,000  y our COLLEC TIO S for Q UICK SERV ICE. C. C. HAHS------ CARTER LEWIS--- 50,000 iW.LSEAIIIIlSend  Pop. 923  ta  159,400 Mech. & MetalsN., N. Y.; Miss. Yalley_Tr.Co., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; :,.State N., Texarkana. B  Colleetlon1 a IP eelalty and remit ted OD ban tbe Denon al attention of an offleer of &b.11 ba nk.  .&II eolleetlom  Iah'ern.Hot 8prinr E5 Bank of Malvern ------•U"89 W. H. Cooper ____ T. R. KcHeory ---- Robt. Smith, lr._ W, R. Collie-----Chas, S. Smith 81-111 A. W. Brassier L Pop. 3864 Farmers & Kerchants Bank T. N. Atchison ____ J. w. Lee------ --- Geo. B. Oox _______ 81-559 •H'H J. P. Chamberlain  .  >  3-1,000 N. Bk. Com .. St. T,.: Ilk, of Oom. • Tr. Co., Kemp.; m. Bk. of Com. · Tr, Co,, Little R. C/J  6,000  75,000  ., Lit-  98,000  16,700 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro.  I  125,000  75.000 City N .• Ft. Smith; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  I  2i5,000  175,000 Chase T., N. Y.; 1st N .. St L. and Ft. Smith: Bkrs. Tr. Co .• Little R.; .i. • Bk. Com., Kan.C.  of paJ ment. 12,500  11,000 Midw. Re~crve Tr. Co .. Kan. C.: Ex. tle R.  en  ;"  55.000  35.000  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS. CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  s:  on-Bank Towns with Ne dexed Acces.), Lawyer , Law ,:nlnme. For lntere. t Rate ,  .a.!---AA  lVnn-Rank 'l'nwn  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In· dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi -...::r volume. For lntere ·t Rat s. Holida>· ·• etc., ·e Law.. ~  ARKANSAS-Continued ToWN Alfi) OouNTY.  A J: OP' BANK.  ulth  LtAtiLLd'lll:8.  .K.1!.:sUUK1.,J!.:s.  1-'Kl.NClP.A.L UUK.ltJ!;:S.t'O.N.IJ~'J'::j,  •llem. Am. Bks. Assn.SState J.U'T 0.&.8BID, PAID•UP l:JUllPLUS DEPOS- ½'_.,,,.nr.. CilB.!lB-;:P&UIDDT. VICJ:·P&l:slDDT. 0.&.SBID. o. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. Ulem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. CAPITAL PB~~TB ITS J c;:~ 0 ::.:;::• ';!~:o~~ Mi temp.Br. L. Little n. ♦Mem. Fed. Ue ·. [E. tab. - - - - - - - 1 · - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - · ,..___ _ ,_ _ _ - 1 ,.:Marianna •••••••• Lee I 4 0. NEWBERN ... D. CLARK ........ ······-············ $ 50,000 $ 10,000 $ 146,000 $ 300,000 $ 43,000 Chase N .• N. Y:: Boatmens. St. i;:,.; Com'l Tr. M Pop, 3!195 Try this New B ank for ma lmu m Service at min lmum charge. & Sav .. Memp., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.  In  •Oountr Seats.  i: ~: !RWlis....... s.  w.  BANK OF  COMMERCE  •t'19  81-618  BAH OF MUIANlll .•U·oa 81 86  { Your collection s and other busl ness assured care ful Please send 15c wi th each sight draftfo r presentation and  handling by experle need ba nkers.  25c for Credit Repor ts.  K. D. KWer · - -  o. L.  Williamson .. Hu~h llixon·-··-· J.E. Allen ___ • W. E. McClintock  75,000  56,000  63J,340  158,260 N, Park, T, Y.; 1st N .• St. L.; Union,· Plan, Bk . .,. Tr. Co. and Bk, of Com, Tr. Co .. f emp.; Interstate ,.' ., Helena; ._ uuthern - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'fr.Co,,LittleR. CHARLES McKEE. ..• J. 8. GROVE ·····-·· E. C. ROBERTSON ·······-······-··-··-··· 80 ooo 50•ooo 750 •ooo soo •ooo 180,ooo Irving N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. C. E. DAGGETT • L.; Am.I~ Une celled facilities for handling your Marianna Items and collections. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little Rock; ~ peclal attention given BIii of Lading Draft . Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mcmp. ...._ Please send 15c with each sioltt draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. , 722,700  >  LEE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK  z  81-85 •Marion ••• Orit1enden JI Crittenden County Bk.&Trust Louis Barton··-··· W. B. Rhodes_ .. __ E. J, White .••___ - - - - - - 11 Pop. 500 Company ♦ 81-390- •• •U'05 F. W.Reisin~er  123,000  FARMERS & MERCH. BAIK {B. F. TAYLOR .•.•• S. P. THOMPSON ..•. J. D. DUBARD··--·· S.S. IIAJOR........ 'peclal attentlo n given Bili of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 81 117  50,000  First National Bank ··-·•t'17 T. J. Sharum--··-- M. W.HazeL ---··· C. E. Causey··--·- c. o. Sloan--··-· 81-IU armaduke ••• Greene J t Bank onlarmaduke_ •. if'03 Robt. Cudd ••.••. -. J.M. Ramsey ••••. A. K. Randol __ .. _ S. F. Boone-·····Pop, '61 81-253 Farmers Baok •••••••••• U'l0 Eli Keiser ......... J, R. Burk,····--·· J. W. IJpacomb ._ G. T. Randol ••..• 81-254  .Marked Tree-Poinsett! 2 II p 131 op.  "llar halL ••• Searcr B 2 L Pop. 1000  -4  •U'll  ARKANSAS IIATIOIIIL BAIK 81-574  •'15  f SAM. G. DANIEL-· H. G. TREECE.---· HARDY KUYKENDALL - - · - - - - · ·  ~ New, Modern, P roere11fye.  50,000 N. Bk. of Com. and 1 t _' .. St. L.: Bk. of Com. & •rr. Co., .Memp.; Am. Bk, of Com. & Tr. t7 Co., Little R. '-  50,000 15,000  18,340 5,000  373,200  526,290  103,G00  129,000  70,290 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Union & Plan. Hk. a. Tr. co., M.emp. 18,000 l~t N ., St.L.; Para~ould Tr. Co., Pararould.  15,000  12,000  81,000  107.600  21,420 Liberty Ct.!nt. Tr. Co .. St. L.; N. Bk. Com,. p., Para2ould. ,;  25,000  2,570  21.600  75,480  10,000 Liberty Cent. 'fr. Co., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Lt .1. ., Marshall. ::S  Bll8t Hns for bualneaa. III a trial.  l We want yours . 8at11raetlon ass ured. Gin  50,000  13,180  362,650  485.360  11,580  203.010  262,740  M:i.rnard.-•• Randolph 11 Bank oUlarnard-...... U'99 H. G. McNabb ... _. POD, 210 81-311, McCaskill.llemp tead 6 Bank of ~lcCa ·kill ·---1'20 0, T . .Atkins·-··--· Pop. 25 81·638 McOrory_.Woo<lrutr Ha Bank of KcOrory_. __ .:f'03 B. W. Jernie:&n.--. L Pop. 6 7 ll-2U  J, H. Loftis··--·-· Lee Bolin .-.:__ Lehmann AbbotL Joe Abbott J. D. Eley.·--·-··· W.R. Atkins··-·· ···············--···  15,000  J. F. Mornn--···· W. E. McCain •• __ ---··-··--···  25,000  CITIZENS STATE BANK•tl't7 81-585  f R.  wlll naturally gt ve you the best  u itll each sioht llra ft for preae11tation.  13,600  70,000 H,. THANE ... _.. _. SCOTT McGEHEE. J. W. WILLOUGHBY B. C. TEHY ...... . 01desf establl b ed Bank. •U'l)5 Special attentlo n given BIii or La dins drafts, Cash and Time Items. ~ 1'/cruie sencl 15c 1ritll each sight dra flfor1>rcB ntation, a,nd 25c for reclit Reports.  k.' iL ••• Oolumbia D 7 Bank of McNeiL••• -•• tl'OII J. J. Luck •••.•..•. L.  . \\' •stbrook -· R. L. We·tbrook, ·-··-···-··-··-Pop. I 81-396 Jr. cRae •.•·--··Whlte 03 Pt'O(Jl<' Bank.-••.••• •:t·20 ,Il. \\' 1..1\\rt'tH'C •• C.E. Bro,,uc •. -•·· E.N. Goldman .••. F.M.Bievins •••... L Pop. 41ii IH-£85 •.fel ournP- ... Izard G 1 n nk or Melbourne--·--t1'96 J.B. Baker·-··-··· E. E. Godwin __ •.•• R. D. Harris ..... _ Lilley Linn····-··· Pop, 295 81-3117  1  AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  & TRUST  110,H0 Cont.,·· Com 'I ,.' ., Chi.: Liberty Crnt, Tr. Co .. t. L.; Am. Hk. or Com. &'I'r. Co., Little R.  o f  264,000  34.0,000  45,00Q Liberty Crnt. Tr. Co., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; immon N .. Pine Blutr.  400.000 1  500.000  60,000 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; Merch. ,· Plan., Pine Bluff; Ex. N., Little R.  redit Re;ports.  18,000  McGEHEE VALLEY BAIK 81-395  §•  g  50.0 00 tal6Jt'500 ervlce. Collectlo ns a 8 P ec f•  and 25c for  I  49,140 Equif:able Tr. Co .. N. "'(.: N. Bk. Com., St. f,,: Umon & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Memp.; Ill, Bk. of Com. & Tr. o .. Little It O"' 2.530 60,590 58,610 18,110 1st N .. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. ,; 1,500 ···-----· -----· ·······-· W. B. Worthen Co., Little H.; 1st State, ::, _Pre:-cott. ~ 21,800 337,000 302,970 102,870 Liberty Cent. Tr. o., St. L.; Southern Tr. Co .. Little H..  H. WOLFE .••- D.R. MORLEY····-· D. O. C. CLEVELAND. C. F. MYER-····-  "I The new bank ll'l a c end 15c  ~  ~  I»  50,000  •••.•• Desha H II Pop. 23ti  >  380,000  J. L. Turner---·-- J.B. Swift-··--·· Roy Cooke.---  L  >  165,000  s. L. Cooke •.••••••  fcGPh  en  400,000 Am. Ex. N.. . Y.: Bk. of Com •.& Tr. Co .. .Mem .; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Umon & Itle. en Tr. Co., Little R. tJj  12,500  Plea e send 15c u•ith each sight dr aft for preaentatio n artd 50e for Cred it Repor ts.  First National Bank ••••• •·01 18. G.Daniel •••••• _ J. A. Henley ••••- •• .&. T. Hudspeth·- A. A. Hudspeth_ •• 81-1112 Troy Ramsey Mar\'C•ll •• -•••• Philli1>s I 5 Bank of llarvell ••• _••• •n·oa Pop. i 1 81-193  50,000 1,575,000 1.500,000  Co. OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS  ~  Pl  15,000  7,700  10,000  1,100  15,000  i,500  I 67.8701 51. 401 115,340,  ::s  i::  81.820 33,230 134,360  24,940 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co .. Little I',; State ~ .. •rexarkaoa. '< 24,390 '., to<'k Y<ls .• ·., E., t. L., 111.; Am, Bk.of~ ,, ~ C'~m. ,··Tr.,, o., Little R. . 3.,a40 Umon Bk. & Ir. Co., Batesnlle. 1'.)  LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE-UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING  :0  -  75  Number under ame of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eat'h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A s•n.  I-  ToWN A. n COUNTY.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  ARKANSAS-Conti"nued  ·AME OF B ..\..·K. - ~ , -  --EiiiiiiTIEs.  •Mem. Am. Bk·. A sn. § tate .t.County Seat . . VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. In To. Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBks.As.n.tPriv. l Mi Memp.Br.L.LittleR. +Mem.Fed.Res. [ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  ,  M.A. STRATTON-- CLYDE CUNNINGHAM E. H. SAPP--------- MONROE MAHIN----  Polk B 5 FARMEIS & MERCH 81111 • Iena • •*l'05 Unsurpassed fa -·Pop3411 · 7 I{ FIFTEEN CEN · • FIFTY CENTS  u-,  · SuRPLUs D  p  AND Ass T CASHIER. AID-UP CASHIER. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 APITAL PROFITS 1 1 1  J. F. HOOD  $  50,ooo  I  RESOURCES.  1,o_.,.•• DUI·  EPOSITS  50,ooo  ~~~  ..,  :::  iss,ooo  §  Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co .. Little R.: N. Bk. Com .• Kan. c. and St, L.; Ark. Valley Bk., Ft. Smith.  21,200  500,000  452,000  96,200 lstN., St. L.: 1st N., Drov. N., and Tra. N., Kan. 0.: 1st N., Ft. Smith,  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  Special attentlo n gtven Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. •UIIOO { !'lease send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. "THE BANK OF PERSONAL - SERVICE."  lll-tB  c. Embry_______  30,000  11,170  353,2501 287,140  99,520 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith; Drov. N., Kan. O.  .Midland ____ Seb&ltian BI Midland State Bank _____ :t'l2 G. O. Packard _____ 0. 0. Grave•---- Jerry Bell______ ___________________ 81-5011 Pop. 787  5,275  4,200  115,0001 100,000  30,000 1st N., St. L.: 1st N .. Ft. Smith,  Mineral Sp'is Boward B II Bank of Jlineral 8p'r1.•it•oe T. J. Dillard ______ J.C. Kent._ _______ W. T. Kellt ________ E. Kent___________ Mrs. w. T. Kent 81-11111 L Pop. 777  10,000  11,770  257,560  238,120  Fir t Tatioit~:ink ----•!'17 S. I!'. Dillard _______ T. E. Bell - - - - A.H. Tyndall _____ H, C. Dillard______  25,000  920  104,510  71,950  on tt , ___ oraiihead J 2 Citizens Bank----------!1'10 A. R. Lunsford ____ W. G. layers _____ H.S.Bass __________ L. H. Roberts_____ Pauline Garrett 81-27, L Pop. 1066  25,000  3,080  163,000  165,000  50,000  12,500  430,000  210,000  Planters Stfi:v:ank _____ f'll W.W. Townsend-- W. E. Watkins ____ R. B. Board-·----- F.  FIRST NATIONAL BAIK•t'l7 Clinton I!'raser _____  ed Fra! er ________ Roy Harren_______ Zelie Clark Robert Braden, A. C<Uh. ... ~[ontic llo ____ Drew G II Commercial Loan&Trusteo. G. W. Lambert __ R. L. Hardy ___ J. D. McO!oy ______ T. A. Wood------J. 8. Barris •U'IS 81-5H Pop. 2378 G, D. Hale_________  66,200 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.: State N., Texarkana; Southern Tr. Co., Little Rock.  BANI  81-lil  "  ----  •t§'09  60,000  71,200  270,630  368,960  200,000 Special attentto n given .bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft/ or presentation and 25cfor Credit Repor ts.  100,000  380,000  610,000  150,000  125,000  600,000  900,000  10,000  6,620  68,350  68,000  JACK CURRY-------- H.P. CRUCE------- ---------~L. w. DILLARD -- M. L. SIGMAN  UNIOII BANK I TIUST CO. V. J, TROTTER ______ R. L. HYATT ________ JAMES JACKSON---- WALTER CARTER____ J. G. WILLIA SON R. L. HYATT, Sec.and •U'87 81-156  "  Tr. Montro!-e-----A.shleJ' H 7 Bank: ofllontrose------•t§'lO W. T. Oone ____ John R. Cone _____ J.E. Lawrence____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 81-401 Pop. 40-1 :Moro •• -- _ _ _ Lee 1 C Bank of lloro ___________ tf'll D. H, Smith _______ A.. L. Wilsford _____ A. C. Bratcher_____ __________ 81-482 Pop. 265  BANK Of  •)Iorrillton.Oonwu K I L Pop.3010 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MORRILLTON •U"SS 81-144  I  Rainwater I  81-554  ~  > z  (I)  27,140 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, 1st ., and Jone boro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. 182,000  ew Eng. N .. Kan. C.: Jonesboro Tr. Co .. Jonesboro.  t:O >  ~  (I)  I ·a= 80,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: B 65,870 N. Park, N. Y.; Lioerty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.  Am. Bk.of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; . ferch. ::3 $l.> & Plan. and Simmons N., Pine Bluff.  r'f'  0  125,000 Ohase N .• N. Y.: N. Bk Oom., St. L,  I~  0  10,000  3,200  60,430!  I  46,860  23,220 N. Stock Yds. N.: N. Stock Yds., Ill.: Merch. & Plan., Pine Blutf. 21,000 Am. Bk. of Oom. & Tr. Co .. Little R.  3.  ::::  r'f'  0  ::,  {WM.  90,000 1,062.ZZO 856,000 320,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Boatmens, _St. L.; lln!NG------ R. A. IRVING------- LOID RAINWATER--- A. C. STOVER------- 100,000 - - - Am.Bk.Com.&Tr.Co.andEx,.i:.,L1ttleR. J.H.IRVING Oldest and Largest Ban k. Courteau s, Efficient S ervic e.  \r I I  Prompt attentl on given to collec tlons and all Ban king Matters entrus ted to us.  w. 0.  i  J. Orren ______ _  50,000  50,000  275,000  650,000  J. J, SCROGGIN--- E. H. DUNAWAY----· CLIFTON MOOSE---- 0. B. WATSON------Unsurpas1 ed co llectlon Service.  50,000  52,680  916,370  742,750  Citizens Ba~tl'5 --- --H'0l II:. B. llltchell •••___ - - - - - - - - - - -  FIRST NATIONAL BAIK •t'l3  > ~  63,000 State N., Texarkana; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. ~ Co., Little R.  1-5811  DREW ¥0ftNfY & R S Co P lly  ;  PRINCIPAL coRRESPONDE.·Ts.  "°"iwm. ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,  eUHles for handl Ing B.-L. drarta notes, escrow mat ten and collectl ona. TS sent to us wit h each alght draft for presentation, and for each credit re port Insures prom pt, penonal atten tlon.  J. T. MAGRIDER R. N. NALL----- S. W. DUKE-------- T. H. DUKE, JR.----  l  Cil.B II Ex•  c'n. no,.,,., c,wrou,Dn BSClltl'rlu  1IUS8J'---- R.  60,000 Mech. & Metals N.,N. Y.; N. Bl!=, Com., St. L,; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  l\  !, I  \.  { BUI of Lading D rafts receive Care ful Attention.  I!.  Plea8e send 15c tci th each sight draft Jo r presentation aud 25 c for Credit Reports.  t~\,-------thz WoodBabawater._ o. N.Rainwater ____ NiehtRainwater __ ___________  "' I  282,330 N, City, N. Y.  t  30,000  10,000  150,000  I 111  i: 11  , •  1  ;  11 ~  ,  N., N. Y.: Bkrs. Tr.  LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE-UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING  I  ,1  ◄  1,  . v-- "'--•••• ..,,.___  76  -- __ . __  ... -·  '  .,  .,.  __ ~---·· ·"'--~--  .  Number u.uder Name el 8aall t. "11• N w Tl'andt Number siveD to each hank in u 8 eselushelf by The Kand-McNally Bankers• Dlre<'lory, under thf' authority of Th~ Amerlean Bankers A n.  -=T=o-=w=N=.,-A-.·o OuUNTT,  -  I  ;·.uixoF HA,'K.  In _._'~Oou~,~.-l{~t-~ Di t, rn:::s~~ei~~-~As~nJi~,!~ Mis Memp.Br. LLittleH. ♦)lPm. Fed. He~.__ [E~tab.  •)lountain Home .. Baxter Farmer <. :hlerch. Bk .• •:::s•19 81-603 F1 Pop. 492 Peoples Bank.·-··-······''011 81-402 •:Mountain Yiew ••• Stone Bank of Mountain Viewt§'l5 81-403 F Z. Pop. 342 Mount Holly .•. Union D7 Bank of Mount Holly .• _t '19 81-617 Pop. 100 •Mount Ida.Montgomery Yon~omery County Bk. •U-04 81-404 O4 Pop. 298 Mount PleasanL•. Izard Bank of Barren Fork .•• t§'l3 81-560 G 2 Pop. 250 .folberry •• Orawford BZ Bank of Mulberry ••••. •t§'02 81-257 Pop. 1095 F'armers&Merch.Bank•U'O& . •••••••• 81-258 •.:hlurfreP ·boro.Pilce O 5 PIKE COUNTY BANK .. •U-04 81-405 L Pop. 730 ... a.:h\'ille ••• Howard C 6 Hauk of • 'ash ville ---·•t§'l2 81·503 L Po11. 2144  ltJnn.Do-nlr 'l'n  --  I  OASHIJ:K.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  --  ASS'T CASHIER.  PAID·UP  --  F. M. Seward_ •••• O. A. Baker-······ R.  ~A~•:o~~~  Su!~1i,U 8 DEP0B·  s. Hurst ••  25,000 20,000 15,000  L. C. Acruman -·· 0. M. Radford •••• Harold Watkins ••• ··--·---·······-···  7,425  L. T. Evans __••••• W. K. :McSpadden_ A. J. Youn1rnr ••••. W. B, Younger....  10,000  H.A.Beneu _ _ J.D.Jack·on ••••• M:.O. Alexander •.• Horace Wa211er___  25,000  J.M. Fanner - - · E. B. Whitlock ••.• S. B. Hawkins ..... J. J. SolbY--······· R. C. Hill J. C. Pinnix._ .••• 0. B. Owens ••••••• T. F. Alford, Sec ••• J. N. Hipp••••••.• _ T. F. Alford C. C. Ramsey •••••• J. B. Hill •••••••••• c. \Y. Baue-hman .• ·······-···· •••• ••••  25,000  21,600  210,000I  245,000  25,000  12,360  H5,040j  136,660  25,000  2,500  260,000/  191.000  75,000 G. H. BELL.•--······ {W. H. PLANTERS BANK & peclal attentl on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Ca band Time Item s. TRUST COMPANY  60,000  •:tS'0l  1  b/tNfP/,fS·······  FARMERS  10,000  22,000  235,0oo  50,000  20,000  147,000  E, M. Attwood •••• C. B. Attwood .•••• E.T. Attwood .. _.. H. G. Attwood-·-·  12,500  18,000  93,000  o. E. JONES-··--- F. J. HARMON .... __  100,000  __  ___ ___ 1  >  z  I  We ••• ,esults on wllectlons or ..,. full reasom.  ~  '---1  _!!,!  230. 01 2'11.000  15,000  16,000 1  • 'or~ork :_ .~:~txter E' 1 [Citizens Ba!i~~O·~·- _.U,13 Wm. Hoean ·····-· C. A. Blevins •••• _ A. II. Iatthews ••• 81·537 Pop. 224 1 M. L. ALTHEIMER IH. O. TOPF -·····--· R. J. RICE.·-·-·--· 'orthLit11eUock.Pula ki TWIN CITY BANK ... -.. •W0-1 { ('-0lleetloos and 8.equest for Cre 1dlt Reports MU~ FEE IN ADV AN CE: !'/(! i11 igllt cl raft.·. 151'; 'rr<ltt 81 54 F L Pop. 14,04  .••••...••.••••. ••••  5,000  9-10  57,530  23,610  35.000 T be accompanle d by Rr110rts. 50c.  9,500  483,950  385,100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  & TRUST Co.  ··············-·····  OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS  ~  R.;Unlon&Plao. Uk.&:Tr.Co.,Memp.,...  o  :r  320  Oden state Bank •• _•••• U'20 s. W. Duke........ • .r. Plemmons ••• Carle Hobbin ••••• - - - · · · · · · - - · · . . I • O. hapman '1-63-1 Bank of Okolona ••• -•• •U'02 \l. \l. Or b 1rn •••• Ueo. Eth rid •e ..•• _ G.D. Ander:.on .••• G.D. D1ckmson ••• I· > k 81-410 1 Bank of Ola······- tll900 0. J. Harkey ...... O. . llarktl.r ••••• It. L. Har ey •••••• h. J. ,1psey ••••••• . . • . 81 411 llank of Olve.v ·-·--:t '19 1I. I•. l cellllt! --···· .T. I<.. ndre,1 ···- , F. W. Greene•••••• - - - - - · · - - 1-61 : f t • I 1; • : e' ; B nk of Omnh ····--··''07 J. II. I 81-412  0  200.000 l,250,ooo 1,000,000 ]N. Bk. Com •• N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. 3 , - - - 1. i - - - - 1 - Com .• St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. p, Co. and Ilk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.  5,000  AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE  II~~; :m~ff~--~~~~::,~·~•;.~. T~~"i'tt~f.;  ~  ---1- _  ---·······-···  ontgonwry G 4 I op 250 Okoloua •••••- •• Clark D 6 L Pop, 4!12 Ola .• _ •••••••••• Yell D 4 L l'op. 55 Olv y ---·-·-Boon• D 1 Pop. 00 Om h, •••••••• Boone D l J>nn • 50  :z:  0,)  --- --- --- --- ---  0  od n •••  lemp.; -· ::S  o  50,000  25c should be sent with eaeh request ror report.  immons •• - •• •U'lO Lawrence V. Huber [ R. C. Williams ••••.  ::!. P-l  220,320 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N .. St. L. and Bkrs. 'I'r. Co .• Little R.  o. H. Williams-··-  ~immon •••••._ Olay J l Bank of  !  50,000 ht N., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro; j::,, N. tock Yeh. N., N. ,tock Yd,;., lll. 100,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. co., LitUe R.: :'.\li -· o i::: Valley 'l'r. Co., St. L. 50,000 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; ~immons N., Pine Bluff,  I  Please send 25c with each requestforratlnc. _________________________ ___ ___  •. 02  1  -·-··-··-  A. BILLINGSLEY II. C. WOLFF·---··· w. T. PARISH·-··· F. A. JONES-··-·· FIRST NAT'L BANK w.Oldest .. The bank with the big surplus." bank in this part of Arkansas. WE COLLECT. 81-111  1,292,510  41,440  ti' Z  .and Mi .. 126,000 tech. & Ietals N .. N. Y.: 1 t 8t · L.: Am, Bk.of Com.,· ~ ~,all6y0 1'.f.:t?i°'•R 1 Vl e • •• l',  1  1  ~  ~ ....._  >  640,0001 720,000  C. M:. Edwards ••••• G. M. Fields ••·-··· W. W. Jernie-an •• T. M. Harrelson...  )>  75,000 :Mech. & Met:qs N .. N.Y.; ~lk.Valier 'fr. Co., Vl St. L:: A~k. \ all., Ft. Smith: Ex. .,Little R. 39.440 State •.. 1exarkana: 1 t N.,St. L.: Am. Uk. of en Corn. c· 'l'r, Co .. Little tt . 67,000 . Iech. '· :'.\tetab N ., .l •• Y .; 1st • r.. t. L,.: State tl1 N., Texarkana: Southern Tr. Co .. Little H.  Please Bend 15c wi th each Bight draftfo r presentation and 25cfor Credit Repor t11.  WM. N. DUNAWAY-···  BANK NATIONAL •t·os 111-113  I  Henry Kiech •••••• F. Shauver .••.•••• W. S. Johnson •••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  C. G. Henry·-···· . Fere-uson •••••• John E. Williams. E. E. Be. t - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,__ _ _ _ _ _  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  2,980 $ 92,910j $ 64,280 $ 41,610 Union Bk. & Tr. co., Bate-ville; Merch .•Lac. N.,St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.,Little R. 50,000 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; 1st N., Batesville.; 135,000 j 53,600 1st N., St. L.: Union Bk. & Tr. co. and 1 t .• .. 5,320 215,190 186,900 Batesville; Ark. Bk.& Tr. Co.. Newport. 10,200 T. Bk. Com., St. L.: Southern Tr. Co., Little 56,920 3,500 R.: Bk. of Com., El Dorado. 35,000 1st N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. co., 95,000 3,080 Little R,; 1st State, Prescott. 7,000 Union Bk. & Tr. co .. Batesville: N, Bk. 35,000 31,000 2,000 Com., St. L, I 20,000 lstN .. St.L.: :Merch.N.,Ft.Smith. 30,500 265,000I 200,000  J, H. Freeman •• _. A. McRae·····-··· H. T. Patton ••••••• Hattie Freeman...  81·149  ;:_::,:.,~·•  0\  5,500  --··· L. Jones •• ____ W. . Baker •••• Seddie Lancaster._ Lancaster A. A. .••••• Miller H, W. J. L. Lancaster·-··  Bank of Nettleton .•••.. t§'04 81-406 First National Bank .••• •t·os 81-407 Bank of New'04 81 08 Arkansas Bk. &Tr. Oo .. •U'02 81-112  ?  CAPITAL PROFITS ~ ~ ~ K a .  A. A. Wolf •••••••• J. H. Wayland- •••• W. F. Eatman_ •.•• T. E. Morris •..•••• $ 10,000 $  TOLAND•-··!-, ~Ji~Lllf-···  Nettleton .. Crai1?head 12 Pop. 888 ewark ••• independence H 2 L Pop. 906 Tew E·Jinbure •• Olevel'd F 6 L Pop. 400 •. 'cwport.._Jackson H 2 Pop, 3771  LIABILITIE-:-  ----  ne2 11.·ith  ou-nank 'l'OMII Y.ltl1 c. r, t B u lug Point (In(indexed) in ba k of this d xed cee .), L wycr , La volum~. J<or lutcre t Rat~, Holiday , etc., se~ IA ll •  d ARKANSAS - C Ofl t·~~  I PUSIDXNT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nea. dexed Acces.), Law ·ers, Law For Intere.·t Kate., ,·nl11mp  •• ____ ,..i  N11mh11r lriven  37,710 Union Bk, & Tr. Co., Batesville. l  138.220 . tech. & IetaL ;;. •. Y.: _1st N .. St. L.: . m. Bk. of Com.,· ,,. Co., I,,ttle It.  I  14,770 ·······-- ' Bkrs. Tr. Co,, Little R.; 1st J.'., .fena.  10,000  1,000  20,000  10,000  95,000  30,000  27,440  130,000  10,000  2,000  40,000  I II I  I  I  I  3,000,N, Bk. Com.,St. L.; Bk. of l'iggott, Pig2ott .  i  • I  I  '--4  IU  ::s  22,000 Bkr ·.Tr.Co .. I,ittle R.; Liberty Oent. 'l'r. Co., C I» ' St. L. 19,000 Liberty <Jent. Tr. Co., St. L.: Ex. ., Little R.  q  8,000 DrO\', N., Kan. C.; Citiz., Harri on.  I  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, . COR~ORATIONS; , FIRMS . ANO · · INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  .Number ander Name or Bank is the New Transit .Number given to eaoh bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNall1 Bankers• ~lr~tory, uoder_!_be ~~rfty of Tbe_!_~e.!_l~Bank~r_s•n. r Nu1:a: OP' BANK. TowN AND oouNTT.  77 -  PRJtSIDJCNT  •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State  •Count:, Seats.  I  · J n No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. !Mem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MisltemphisBr.LLittleR. ♦.Yem. Fed. Re:. •Os~eol\;0!.iWtJ>Pi J  d C t· O?_mue -----=~ --1-- - - -  ARKANSAS j  Vic•PR•DJD"""T ..,. """ ..... ·  OA SHI"R • ·  •  ,  .a.SST  0 ASHIER.  = = - __ ___ _ LIABILITIES.  Ip  -I suxPLus  AND AID-UP CAPITAL PROFITS  Non-Bank Town wlth Nearest Banking Point (Ill· dexcd Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ vol~!~ Ioter~~ -~tes, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::l  REsouRcxs.  D  EPOSITS  PRINCIPAL ooausPoNDENTs.  tom&;•. ~ Yxc'T•. Bo,m, .,........ E•.D••  ;:= ______ IICL'Jtma rao>< DHx.. -..:..,---=-...,,...,,..-,--:-:,-=----===~""'"C"C'--=-===-=-:-:--:-:-~==7::= ..J. L. WILLIAMS-- --·-H, V. CARTWRIGHL .... E. E. DRIVER .. -------EMMA COX SMITH .... - - - - - - - - - 1$ 25.000 $ 15,720 $ 446,490 $ 703,680 $ 93,520 Chem. N •• N. Union & Plan. Bk: & Tr. ; R. fl. SMITH Am. .. St.L., eo .• ofMemp - - - - - Bk. C fld' 8"11 · · given ·1 attention Spec,a R. Tr. co., Little com..•&N.Bk.Com I o a 1ng Drafts, ash and Time Items. U'QI  BANK Of OSCEOLA  2  81 182 ·  -  y.;  15c must be sent with each draft for presentation and 25c for each report or rating. ---,--"· w. lHODES .......... R. c. ROSE-..-- .......-c. L. MOORE, JR.-.. HERBERT IPIAIT . ,  •  ---------  ICITIZENS BANK All cash items have our careful attention. a~f.E4io'LE~JIJ! . ..!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ i,, 16c must be sent with each Sight Draft for presentation and _  11 183  I  •  02  ARKANSAS  E.W.BLACKBURN R. M. ADAMS-··-· JOHN E. BRYAN.-... T.  VALLEY BANK 81-223  •U-87  PEOPLES SANK .... -••• •U'C15  I  81-224  I j1st N., Hemp. and St. L.  260 with each request for report or rating.  ouachlta---·-Dallas E & O11achita Bank _ _ _ .U,14 R. J. Taylor .. ----- J. A. Eason, Sr ..•• W. D. KnighL •••• ----· .. -···--·--.. , 81-562 L Pop. 200 Oxford ·----·-,;Izard G 1 Bank of Oxford ... _____ .+§'19 H.F. Croom ........... W.• £.Ford---···· D. F. Croom---·-·- ·-· .. --··-.. - 81--{115 Pop. 2i>O Ozan _____ Hemp8tead O & Bank of Ozan ____ ..... _.U'03 F. D. Barrow-···· W. F. Robins ... __ B. A.. Barrow ____ - - - -....... _____ _ 81--413 Pop. 155 ~ozark --·-··Il'raoklin O 3 L Pop.1262  c:  ~ · •  MOORE. .... _ f· MclLROY  J•• Olde t Bank. 1\1 odero Equipment • Efficient Per ·o na ervlcc.  34,0J  40,000---;:;. Southe,o T,, Co.. Little R,  10,000  l.480  10,97  18,730  10,000  5,000  145,000  30,000  21,150  281,240  340,630  10,0001---;:;.  1  s,120 unionBk.&Tr.Co.,Batcsville. 137,000 N. Bk, Com., St. L.: Hope N ., Hope, Ark.: State N .. Texarkana.  ADV AN CE:  mith,  > U,  .  > z  Plain sight dr ajts 15c: Credit Rep arts, 25c.  M. B. CONATSER L. L. FORD -.. -·----- F. E. STOCKTON ... - SAM MULLEN-··-·  {  bj  25,ooo  32,000  HAROLD FORD . Collections and Beque ·t for Cre dlt Reports MU T tie accompanle d by FEE IN AD\'AN CE: Plain sight dra /ts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 26c.  325,000  265,000  Paraeould Trust Oo ....... •tl'05 F. ll. Seo«---·- J. R. Bertie- ........ J. O. llark.bam .. ____ T. H. Lloyd .. --···J. A. Edwards 81-81  110,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Miss. \'alley Tr. Co... t. L.: :;,::: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little IL: u, Merch. N .. Ft. Smith.  I  I  J'an<>burn. ____ White G 3 Bank of Paneburn ......... t§'l9 A. B. Banks .. ______ \'. M. Howe!L ... _. John Q. Adams .. _... J. H. Lewis .. ·-·•--.. . . , . 81-607 . C Pop. 706 •Para~ould_ •• Greene I I Fust National Bank ....... •t 89 A. Bert1r-..... -·-· H. S. Trice .. __ .. ____ J.M. Lowe·-·-··- II:. W. Gardner.--... s. Bertie 81-79 Pop. 6306 Nat'! Bk. of Oommerce.•t'0l Eli Meiser_ ...... -..... J. D. Block.-----·· H. W. Woosley ___ • O. H. Virgin-----· " .. T. L. Payne R. W. Meriwether 81-80  ~  z  93,420 Chase ~ .• N. Y.: N. Bk. U_om .. St. T,.: .Arp. u, Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st .N., Ii t./  { Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by }'EE I  > ~  10,000 :  9,000  131,00(,  150,000  53,480  500,00(  550,000  I  50,000,  100,000 1 162,210 1,027,030 1,004,270  6  35.000 1N. Stock Yds, N .. .,_ , Stock Yds., Ill,: Am. Bk. ~ of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 190,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.· _ Pl Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr, Co., Memp. 308,750 Mech. & Metals N., N': Y.: 1st N., St. L.; England N., Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. cj & Tr. Co., Memp. 160.000 Mech. & .Yetals N., N. Y.: So. Side Tr. Co .. ~ C'1) St. L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Oo., Memp.  g  50,000  31,000  640,000  500,000  R. J. Haley ••• _.. __ G. 0. Lirht.·-·---· Fred Watson _____ .. F. H. Ford .. ·--·---..  100,000  48,520  475,270  513,220  •Paris ____ • ____ Loean O 3 AmericanBank&Tr.Oo.•tl'0-1 J.J.Smith ...______ W. B. Rhyne .. _____ B. C. Reed _______ Chu. J'. Wahl.-. J. D. Deen • 81-208 L Pop. 1740  50,000  10,690  300,SlL  341,990  First National Bank - .... •!'20 L.B. Orenshaw._ •. OonradElsken. __ ... L. O. Sadler-·- r. C. Blair·----·-.. W. C. Davis I, H, Nak:dimeo 81-207  80,000  30,000  575,00l  600,000  80,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; City N,. Ft. Smith; Ex. N .. Little R.  Parkdale---·-A.shle:, G 71Ba. nk ot Parkdale ... _.- .. il'lo R. G. Wflliama._._ E. D. Grerory __ ..... W.W. Morris .... -•. 81-416 Pop. 284 Parkin-•• ----· Oross I 3 Parkin Hom i_1} a_,nk ...... •U'l0 I. R. DJe- ............ S. F. Stallings. ___ _ P. J . Phillips...... P. L. Roberts .• -... 8 .,1 M Pop.1378  15,000  22,430  46,08l  89,120  50,000  12,500  300,001  350,000  33,280 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union Bk. II Tr. Co., Monticello. 45,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Kemp.: 1st N., St. L.: Bkr ·• Tr. Co. and Ex. N ., Little R.  Peach Orchard .. _CJay I 1 Peoples Bank----- ..-t1'02 J.C. Baker ..... _.. _... W. F, Harris .. -·-·· B. F. Lewis_ .. _.... _.. 81-418 Pop. 484  10,00C  80(  90,001  85,0001  Pea Rldee -·--Benton B 1 Bank: ot Pea R~i:e- ...'ll W. T. Patterson .... J. J. Putman ... -.... J.M. P11tman ...... _. ____________ .. _____ _ r . • ' 81 68 Pop. 300 11, A. B. Banks. __ ... _ J olln . Harns .... __ " • R. Alsobrook ... G. H. Dolbee ..... .. Perry -----·--·Perry E 3 •Perry State 8 L Pop. 5-10  10,000  11,120  96,731  90,400  ... "1  SECURITY BK. & TR. CO. 81-82 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •tl'O  ~~i·· ....._-  89,160 N., N. Y.; !Ule. Tr. Oo. and Miss.'< Valley Tr. Co., 8t. L.; Am. Bk. of Com, & Tr. Co., Little R.; Com'l Tr. & Sav .• 1Amp. 63,880 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., St L.: Merch. N .. Ft. Smith; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Oo., Little R.  38,000 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., E. St. L., Ill.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1 t N.. Corning. 19.680 Bk. of Oom., Springfield, ~ro.  - __ _. ........... c,i,,." - - - · • Z.  - - - ,..__ _ _ • • . _ , . _ _  AL  11  u.  to eacb bank in  I NAME OF BA.'K.. Ii. ,t~te  TOWN AND O0UNTY.  •Mero. Am. Ilks. As_n.  •County ·eats. .  PRESIDENT.  : ,  I  I '  '  I :  I  '!  •  __  el llaDk l• th• New Tran1H Number lln• 8. uelaalHIJ by Tbe aand-MeNallJ Banker,• D I ~ under tbe authority of The American Banker■ .&81'n. _ Number und•  78  , .. ,  ARKANSAS-Continued  I  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I  CASHIER.  I ASS'T CASHIER.  ----------, 8  Non-B nk Town with eat st Banking Point (Indexed Acee.), Lawyer. Law (ind xed) In back of thL ,oJumE>. For Interest rates, Holldays~c., _ _!:~~-· PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDB:NTS.  _RESOURCES.  L!~BILl'l'lh: ,  -..,l  00  PAID-UP SURPLUS DJCPOS- .......... Dia- Cua. :SJ:• c'TL no,.o,, 04,..... ,n... IT& AND 1 11 11 ________________ ~ PROJ'ITB _ _ _ , "'" arr, 1 1  CAPITA.L In ... To. 8 Fed. Hes. Dist. fMem. State Ilks. Assn. t,I nv. [E. tab. - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ Mis ~lemp.Br .: l,Little IL ♦ )lcm. Fed. Res.  p,ttit:rP,w_.:Madlson 02 0itizens Bank-····-··-·-·••oa 81-421 Pop. 600  . E. 0rawford--- J. H. Phi1>J>S.------ 1Grace Crawford .•• -------··----  SCURLOCK.. f.·. 8.H.LANGLEY  L. HUNTER -····· J. M. TURNER·-··· E. R. WINTON.·--··  •Pi(:'gott ________ Olar 11 BANK OF PIGGOTT --··•i1•05 81-222  Pop. I,99  f  •PincBJ~!~f;~:~sonF  15,000  25,000  62,710,'$ 44,400 $ 27,830 Ark, N., Fayetteville.  I  200,000  265,ooo  40,000 1 t N., st. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. co ..  Little R.  t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports, please yo u.  Plea~e send 15c 1c it11 eo.clt sigl1t draf  .Our prompt ser vice  fl.  ~B. SPEERS •., •..••  THE  1,220$  Special attentlo n given um or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items.  wm  H. W. MOORE •... J. M MYERS.·-··· Collections a Sp ecla1ty and Reml , CLAY COUNTY BANK ... it ~7 ~ Plr.ase sr.nd 15c w ith r.acll . ioltt draf OLDF.ST CHAR ,TERED BANK IN 81-221  5  10,000 $  7tr5,000t N. Bk. 0om., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. co., Little R. 200,000 tll,000 ba225.000 25.000 O.l H. PARRISH···· IH. S. MOORE....... nklng matters en us ed to us tted on day of pa ymelit. Prompt a tten t Io n o all • j for pre r.ntation and 25c for Credit Reports. CLAY COUNTY.  t  I  MADDING •... ___ H.B. STRANGE. ••. __ R. L. BYRD-·-······ - - - -  *CITIZENS BANK N:U~iR~•/,._:J,- ·! 0~~MMERCIAL BANK • 3:r,c~BM~tlDER  --1----  ....._ ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ ~~  ~ ~ N . P a r k , N . Y . ; lstN., Chi. and St. L.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; lid. N. Bk.~ rr.,Kan.C.; Es.N.andAm.Bk. to •W87 BILL OF LADING COLLECTIONS OUR SPECIALTY. · - - - - - - - • - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Cent. st Z ate N., Memp. R. H. HANKINS...... J. E. BOYCE ••.••.••. R. M. GALBRAITH .••• C. H. BOLINGl:R. ~ v .. P. arid Cash. HARVEY HOGG, 'lr. J. BERNHARDT 71,510 949,380 1,267,950 202,340 Bk. of the lUanhattan Co. and Mech. n 100.000 HARVEY HOGG 1st ml Am. L.; St. N., Y.; N. N., l\fctals & Items. Arkansas your us Send transacted. Business Banking A General Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little&. •t1'95 We give personal service and quick returns at low rates. ,:, -- -- -- ----  81-40  >  *COTTON BELT  SAVINGS & TR. CO. + 81-42  ~  S. C. ALEXANDER •.• J. W, JONES-..• ····--A, D, FOSTER -···---J, P. JORDAN---·-·· R. W. ETTER A, D. FOSTER  Total Resources, Four Million Dollars. *MERCHANTS & BANK IN ARKANSAS. YOUR INTERESTS ARE GIVEN FIRST CONSIDERA YOUR COLLECTIONS TO PLANTERS BANK TION WHEN YOU SEND YOUR DRAFTS TO US AND YOU OLDEST STATE  •f •7o THIS BANK.  81• 39  SEND  WILL BE PLEASED WITH OUR SERVICE. of Arkan,.: a. *. . ·ational Bank •.,. '1,> 81-47  *PEOPLES SAY o.  BANK °'  1  TR CO  •  •  NATIONAL BANK •i·o3  81-4S  ·-··IW.  242,250 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Memp.: N. Bk. Ky., 80,150 l,Oii7,930 l,5:.iJ,680 c. Hudso:.=•• Iv. D. Webb------ 100,000 c. H. Triplett ··--- IL. w. OJ~ment Lou.: Boatmens, St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & H. Brini:man I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tr. Co., Little R. ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  TRULOCK •• J. NICHOL--·--··- l. F. HUTT .••••• _. z. ORTO--···--·--- J.w. T.N. LLOYD CHAS. A. GORDON All buelne•• lntrueted to this bank wlll receive prompt attention.  I  I.  •  '  •  !  I  ~  --- --- --- ---  '"1  ~  200.000 -  -  , hawmut, Bos.; Union & Plan. Bk. Tr. Co., l\1emp.  279.630 2.808.600 3,733,320 627,990 Ban. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Cht.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. and C. -  1. E. Dloom.----·1H, B. Stranre, ec .• Tr.and Mgr.  ;  !------------- --------· -·---···· --- --- •-····---  W. B. Cl •ment ·-·- W. T. Blount --··- D. R. Green....... J. . IcCall ILL. l•.lliott. ___ ..• 13. Willi,m ·····--·1------·-·--·---  60,000  10,0CO  290,000  50,000  5,420  111,630  40,000  20,000  200,000  I  A. B. Payne-··-·· A. J. Tesbitt ·-----IW. H. Duff'----,  ';4  ::,  --------,--------------,---------- 1--- - - - - - - - - - - - -  AMERICAN· BANK OF COMMERCE &, TRUST .Co. OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS f  ~  CD J. H. MANII-·----· J.A.CLEMENT •••• E. w. HIGHTOWER, J. w. MARTIN, 51,480 813,520 1,025.710 162,660 N. CltJ', N. Y. and Chi.; 1st N., 8&. L.; 100,000 A. s,ee,. Islec.talna Tr. d t I I tt ti W Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R.; N. • g I ve apec a a en on o co ec ons an commerc a -  Pine Bluff Olearinr House ••• J. ichol •••• ··-·-· " ____ ·• indicated bva*) < lemb Pl invi1•w ____ ••• Yell D , Dank or Plainview--·· . U'07 R. T. 0ompton ___ 81-243 L Pov. ODO }i' rmrr Bank ------t '20 o. T, Harkey __ • ___ " .. l-2J 1 Pluuwrville_.oon ay Es Bank or Plumerville ••• •U'02 A. D. Malone. _____ 1 81 22 L Pop. 702 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  'i:  -~ __ __ __ __  accounts. Remittances made on day of payment. •t' 03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - -  •s IMM ONs 81-44  tt.  IQ'Q 175,000 272.020 2,405,260 3,070,500 597.360 Mech. & Metals N. and Guaranty Tr.~ co., N. Y.; N. Bk. com., st. L.; canaII~ Com'I Tr. & av., N. O.; Bk. or Com. & t'i' lfit~0 ii~emp.; Union & Mtle. Tr. co., ~  210,000 ~,7,~,20  "" 110,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. 0o., Little R.: 1 t N .. '<! .. 't. L. 88,130 Ex. -.• Little H.; Lihrrty CPnt. 'rr. o., ~  1 0,000  ,i0,000 N. Bk:. Com., St. L.: Ex. N. and Am. Bk. of (;om. & Tr. Co .. 1,ittlP R.  ~  ~  rv  t. L.  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS. CORPORATIONS, FIRMS ANO . INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  rPd Bank  mz- Point (Tn.  79  ·umber under .. •ame of Bank j~ the New Transit Number given . e du lrn)y by The Rand-:!\IcNally Banker ' <'. ch bnnk in U. Dire~tory, under the a~!!torit>· of _The American ~nk!rs A. s'n.  to  TowN  ASD Cou.·TY.  .. • AME OF  BA. ·K.  •:Mem. Am. Ilks. Assn.§ t~te /County • ~ats. . In o. 8 Fed. hr.s. Dist. Ulem. tate Bks.:\.ssn. tPriv. 1 [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ __ Mis :Memp.Br.;l,Little IL ♦ 11em. Fed. Hes. 1 •Pocahonta ••• Randolph Fir t National Bank ••••. :no J. 81-632 H1 Pop. 1 06  o. Sallee _ _ _  I  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acee .), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., .ee Laws. :J  ARKANSAS-Continued  I  I ,cJ!i.,~:· ~u:,,:o;~~a": --------------1-------•------- --,------VICE·PRE IDENT.  LIABILITIES.  CASHIER.  M. M. CARTER - J. W. BROWN ...... BEN A. BROWN .... H. l. HAYNES .....  50,000  23,0001  I CLIFFORD PRICE L. R. PICKETT, POCAH ONTAS SQuick Actio n on Bill of L ading Drafts and Collecti ons.  U0,000  500,000  400,000  90,000 1st T·• t. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little U.  15 CENT' ent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation and  fE. DALTON •••..••. f- Z. SCHKABAUM .•.• J. D. WELLS _...••.. B. F. MAYS.......... attentlo ri :iv!~LMu of La ding drafts, Ca h and Time Items. !£\~9~ lSpecial Please send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r presentation and 2 5cfor Credit Reports,. OLD~ T AND  LIARGEST BANK I  11,500  55,000  100,000 ,. . Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. ::X:,. ::0 Co., Little R. ~  I  N RANDOLPH C O~TY..  >  1  1,600  33,000,  3i/)00  10,000  7,010,  89,480,  108.400  I'ortJ.tll(L •••• A.shley G 7 Peoples Bank: ••••••••••• wos 1J. o. Bain •••••••• _ E. J. Oama.11: ····-· J. W. Brown .... _ A. J. Gregory._ 81·248 Pop. lil8  73,000  3,000  219,450  392.150  Portland B\~~i,r······*''Ol J. W. Purh ...•.. _ T. R. Purh .... - .. F. P. Harvey •••••• ··········-·-·l'ot t nllt>.·-··· Pope E 3 Citizens Bank ••••••••• U-13 A. II. Hogge, s ••.•• J. B. Sinclair •••••• N. H. Bell......... alemma Blake •••• 81-551 L Pop 2i5 l'ruiri<' Orov1• •• Wash. B 2 Farmers State Bank ···-1'13 S. R. Wilson ••••• - J. C, Cunningham. R. A. Barnes ••.•••• R. B. Tilley .•••••• 81·256 Pop. Mi1 !FirstNatio~!~tnk ....•. i•o1 J. H. Zellner ••••••• B. O.Carl ·······-· S. J. Campbell ••••. W.R. Pearson._..  20,000  67,960  70,350  208,850  Pollard ····-·---·Olay JI Bank of Pollard ..•••.•.•• § 19 J. P Hiller--···· J. W. Housman .••• J.B. Blakemore ••• A. Ji. Gmle r ··-·· 81·627 Pop. 800 W. J. Robinson •••• J. G. Richardson •. R. S. Madi. on .•••.. J.M. Hatfield ••• __ Portia •••••• Lawrence I 1 Bank: of Portia .......•. 81-423 Pop. 519  10.000  n·o~  •PrP,co t •••• Nevada D 6 Bank of Prescott •..••• •U'05 Thomas O. KcRae. J. G. Olark ••_._. T. 0. VcRaA. Jr... . T. White, Jr ...• WrPn8cott ,A.Cash, G. R. Hambright S. J. Hesterly 81-140 L Pop. 2691 C. A. Smith·--···- w. B. Waller ••••••• E. M. Sharp•••• -.~. Mary Ledbetter ••. First itate .. ..  t~ls··-·-•i§'l6  15.000  4,000  120,000  110.000  25,000  6,000  150,000  161,000  25,000  4.000  250.000  200,000  i5.000  100,000  985,000  250,000  z  en  8,000 1st N., St. L.  ► 23,830 Jonesboro Tr. Oo .. Jonesboro: Union · Plan, VJ Bk.,· ~r. Co., .Memp,: :N. Stock Yds. ., •. i-,,c w tock \ els., III. 74,910 1st N ., St. L.: Oitiz., Pine Bluff; Am. Bk. of ► Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  z  16,280 Am. Bk. ot Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: N. Bk. ~ en Com., St. L.: Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff'. 30,000 1st N .. St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 20,000 Ark. N., Fayetteville. 35,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., 165,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N .. St. L.  I d7 Fayetteville. £ 5  7,500 225,000 250,000 1 65,000 :Mech.~· Metals N .. N. Y.:. Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. Liberty Cent. 'l'r. Co., St. L.: 1st N .• B~tesville. rs & Citil zens. YeL lville, Mine of Pyatt. •••••••• Marion EI Bank of Pyatt. ••••••••• _f'l2 _ _ - · · - - - - - · - · · - - - - - - - · · - - - Jfis H. llamilton _ (Branch Ark.; Am. Bk. of Com. & '.1-'r, Co., Little R. Ark.) 81-530 Pop. 60 81,600 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. C ., Little R.; Boatmens. 40,000 1,600 110,000 10,000 Quitman ••• Oleburne Jl' 3 Bank of Quitman '03 R. L. Kane ·-· •••• ,Beulah Ka»'I • .. -·· Paul Martin ••••••• ·-·····-··-···--·St. L. 81-424 L Pop. 360 59,000 Bk. of Paris, Paris; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 85,000 3.000 1 161.000 15,000 Ratclitr ..• - •• -•Lo~an C 3 Bank of Ratcliff ••••••••i '13 R. A. Harkins ••••. c. o. Parker ••••• W. D. Stroud .•...• W, F. Stroud...... 81-547 Pop. 25i 50.000  I  n:wen<len .. Lawrence HI Bank of Ravenden ••• - .•1'06 L.B. Poindexter_ Wm. Bottoms ••••• N. R. Moore·---· · - · · · · - - - - - · 81-425 Pop. 150 Ravenden Spr~s .•. Rand.lLone Rock Bank ••••••••:!:1'14 H.B. Hull.--·-· 81-566 H1 Pop. 101  BANK Of RECTOR 81-173  •tf•gg  l  s. F.  Davis •••••.•. J.B. Duvall ·-····· ··------···-····-·  J. C. ROGERS ... l~'H~fi~S/o,N······ M. M. CRAVEN .... O. A. HARPER.....  ~,~k11 T. L. Wri2hL ••••• E. L. Dickson.••••• Elmo Roe  .•.••••.  •,,.  .. m~on __•• Oleveland Jl' 11/ Bank of Rls o 11., • •. -·--•U'02 N. A.. llcKlnner ·- I. E. Moore •••••••• Walter Elrod ••..•. Walter Thomasson 81-.. 28 Walter Elrod L Pop. 685 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  10,000  4.890  I 67,680  10,000.  1.770  21,453  51.500  343,000  SO.ODO  25,COO  I  2,650  ::;. $1>  rn ,....  o  ~  50,450  w· 26.230 1st N., Memp. and St. L.; Jonesboro Tr. Co., g ·boro. Jone  22,-100  10,880 Joue:boro Tr. Co. Jone boro.  425,000  65,500 1st N .• St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  170,390  30,730 Logan, quare Tr. & Sav .. Chi.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.  I  The Strongest I Bank 1n Clay Cou nty. . FIFTEEN CEN 1TSsent to us with each sight draft :or presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ilU prompt, personal at tentfon.  First •atioif~~~nk •••• •!'16 C. W. Wiedemann. O. A. Seely···-·-·· J. L. Purcell.. .••.. R. G. Greathouse •• Heyno._ •.•• Randolph I 1 Farmers & M~r chants 81-.. 27 1 Pop. 392  ....  •if '031 25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insure · prompt, personal attentlo n.  .  Rc>ctor •••••••••• Ola:,- JI Pop. 1 Ol  .,_.  ~  l  STATE BANK  RANDOLPH 81~?JlNTY  420,000  I  20,000 11tle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.  ~  Asst, Cash.  ·  81-202  5,000 $ 53,000 $ 80,000 $  g "'1  -----  I  •  F. J. Baltz.••..• _•. J. G. allee •..•••.. Edith Martrn •.•••. $ 50,000 $ L. R.Martin  PRISCIP.-\L CORRESPONDEXT6.  RESOURCES.  1  DEPOS-1 LoA. a& D,s- Cil1t & Ex• ITS  PAID·UP SURPLUS CAPITAL PR~;~TS  Ass'T CASHIER.  I 129,i801 1  10,000  2,000  40,0001  22,i60  198,01011  45,000 268,270  15,000 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds, N..  . Stock Yds ..  lll.  53,040 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Simmons N .. Pme Bluff; Am. of Bk. Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  -...J  \0  Non-Bank Towns with Nea  dexed Acee .), Law ·er , L  •·~1 ,,~,,.  l?nr lnfl'l'P  ·t Rat4  -· ... -- -·-Jllumber ua4• !lame  of  Bank New TraaaH Number  st••  io ...,h bank la U. 8. uola•lvel7 by The Band-MeNally Hanken• Dlrector7, under the au&bo.rliy of The Amerlca~nken Atls'n. --=-.......:...-==-====-'---=.i__.. . N.un: OF BANK. TOWN .A.ND OoUNTY, p i•Kem •.Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. 0.A.SB.Ill, VlCll:·l'RDHDJCNT. IUCSIDUT. In To. 8 Fed. Re. Dist. Ulem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. - - - - - - . , _ _ _ _ _ MisMemp.Br.L,LittleR. ♦Mero.Fed.Re..  Non-Bank Towns wttb. Nearest Banking l'olnt Un• dexell Acces.), Laft)•er , Lal\s (iudexed) in back of thl1 oc v o l u ~ ln.!_ercst ltates, Hollda)'s, etc., see La • O RESOURCE!">. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDJCNTR.  ARKANSAS-Continued  80  ASS'T CA.SKID.  : ~ l!I  NOWLIN -.·-··· R. B. F. BRYANT ····- ,. w,iR-JtMES ..••••• J. 1 Young and gro ~ I , Om~:ern, pr ogresslve. •:t'l5 { Up-to-date met hods In all depart ments.  D.  NOWLIN ..••.. $  ~~·:.!~:1~::..~~  DEPOS-  ~  l•-------1CAPIT.A.L1pROnT8  o.  Hoger ••••••• Benton Pop. 3318  LIABILITIES. 1su u  PAID-UP  8 ~ no•lluu1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  60.000 $  17,000  200,000  210,000  100,000 :\lech & 11etals lT,, .:. Y.: J.T• Stock Yds.,. r,, N. tock Yd ·• III.: City ·• Ft. mi th ·  50,000  37.000  603,000  517,000  130.500  BI /AMERICAN IATIONAL BANK 81-572  Colleetlons a sp eclalty. TRY US.  FARMERS STATE BANK 81-124  •:1:S'I0  N •i·os FIRS T NATIONA L BAK 81-123  iMORGA~cMICHAEL  f.1hmt~JI.~iiiii E.G. SHARP. ·-····· [: t ,1~'EER -··-···  Prompt persona I attention given all business sent us. Send tic withe acb Sight Draft r or presentation, which "" credit on exchlange eh arges.  EOdRGEOL.PARKS.t. E.F.JACKSON ....... W.H.COWAN-·····-· IRENESPARGER ••.. G 0 1 est, arges , and Strongest Ba nk In Rogers. Blll or Lading and Bank Collect tons a Specialty.  l  15c mu,'t be ,•ent with each  lo.  w. ,.  U  -  !  474-10  840,600  752.760  19-1.420 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1 t N .• St. L.; N. Bk.Com .. Kan. c.  51. !JO  35!1,2-10  466,450  69,680 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Ex. • .. Little H..  t~:,· i~RL  75,ooo '  I  50,000  9,670  178,740  167,260  100,000  38,170  63-1,520'  877,110  to !l>  z  20,000  5,000  96.430  105,280  Aaron Emmons_ •• J. B. Lindsey·--·-- Gladys Lindsey ...•  10,000  4,540  51,000  30,490  J. F.., icbols-..... 0. E. Hays,. r. --· Mrs. C. E. Hays •.• , C. E., Jr. J. D. Baker  15,fi00  24, 10  270,000  280,000  rcy ••••••• WhiteG 5 Bank of earcy •••••••.• U'04 W. V . Watkins ••.•. W., anford .•••• T. A.. Watkins ••••• H.K. Wood •.••.•• Otho King 81-154 L Pop. 2836  50,000  58,000  550,000  455,000  185,000 1st N .• St. L.: Ex.~'·, Little H.  Peoples Bank·-········ · :tl'94 G.D. Booth •• --·-· J • • anford •••• _ J. H. Deener-···· F. B. Welch .•• -..•  30,000  70,000  000.000  600,000  100,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y. and St. L.  UnionBank&TrustOo.•tl'l0 \ '. H. Lirhtle -··· Jas . E.Liehtle .••.. J. B. Liehtle_ .•... - - - · · · - - · - · -  50,000  5,000  613,260  349,800  241.900  81-153  81- 156  • hcridan •••••• Grant JI' 5 Grant County Bank .•••. :tf '03 J. F. H. Wilson •••. J. D. Knight. •••.. Philip John ·on ••.• --·· ····-······ •.••• J •• 1. Tall 81-432 L Pop. 695  22,500  I  24,240  375,170  305,600 75,000 107,000  43,500,Am. Bk. of Com. e Tr. Co., Little H.; • r. Bk. Com,. St. L.  5,000  3.180  95,480  29,870  72.930 Union Bk. · Tr. Co. and l. t .1.r., Batesvi!IE:'.  50,000  32,500  652,800  5 'fi,200  25,000  2,500  25,000  13.130  520,190  3,500  60,000  WM McC~LL-·-··· o. P. MAXWELL. o. P. MAXWELL W • 0. PAL" 01 pe lal attentlo n gl en H II or La ding drafts, Cash ~l'/ra. r .·l'ltcl 1 11 ill, rarh. iyllt clrctft for J>rc ·r.11t<tti<m  mithville.Lawr nee H 1 Citizens Ban ··-··-·····:tl'0t J. I. I 81-434 Pop. 00  .  AMERICAN 8ANK OF COMMERCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  treet.--··-· L. H. Kaiser •••• -•. Luke John ton ••••  WAL.WNEB~,CK ... R YT OMP ON  me terns. and and 25c for Credit llrJJott •  . AAKANSAS &,·TRUST C0. OF LITTLE ROCK,  7,0 0  !  <  E::  50,000 Simmons N., Pine Bluff': Liberty Cent Tr. Co., n,  13fi. 00  ·-------- ---------  ::r  90,360 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: immons N .. Pine Bluff; Bkr . Tr. Co., Little Rock.  11,6 0  z.  0  2  10,000  W. Ford •••••••• First National Bank •••• •t'U5 Georre Tatum ••••• R . .T. Alfrry ····--· O. Harrineton. --·· F. R. Hamilton 1,. P. Kemper 81-1411 -·--·············-·· ••• l'1oduc r. tate ll.lnk •••. '21 . F. Yrai:r.r •• -·-·· .T. ll. Hilling._._._. H• • Smallwood O.• I. Bo .. 81-14  ~  (/)  lhert Couch._••.• IL W. Lewis ..••••• ·--· - - - - - - · · ·  ~  ...  . City, . Y.: 1st N .. St. L.: Southern 'Tr. and ,./ Union & Mtle. Tr. Cos .. Little R.  15,000  Yoeer ••.•.. ,R. c. Pounder  8'  I  25,000  i nt>y •.••••.•• harp G 2 Bank of idney .•••••.•• tl'12 J.P. Bone.·-----· D, H. 81-522 Pop. 200  I  53,000 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Ex. N .• Little R.; aq Merch. N ., Ft. Smith.  100.000  hirley •••• Van Buren .K Z Bank or Shirley .• ·--·.• 1'07 Edward ·tevens ••• J. II. Towery •• ··-· 81-433 L Pop, 700  ~  21,750 1i • Valley Tr. Co .. St. L.; Bk .. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro. 34,830 1 t N ., St. L. and Morrill ton.  herrill.. •• J ITer ·on G 5 Bank of Sherrill ··-······'"13 J. F. Quattleban .•• J.M. Barrett. •..•. E. L. Pyle--·-- W. T. Payne, Sec .. lil-556 L Pop. 350  STATE BAIK OF SILOAM SPRINQS .. 81-147 .... •t '04  t;>  61.250 .:\f~cb. &. etals N., N. Y.; Uni~n & Mtle. Tr. o., Little R.; I! t N., St. Loms. , ~ 11::i,5801Chase N., . Y.: N. Bk_. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. (/) of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  G. T. Ounninrham. 0. W, Pardew·-- H.J. Humphries ••  nl  >~  Kus seUvWe. FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to ua with each sight draft I for presentation, and TWENTY • FIV E CENTS for each credit report Ina urea prompt, per sonal at tentlon.  • 'llem •••••••• Fulton G 1 Bank of Salem ••.•..•• -.U'08 G. T. Humphries_. 81 SO Pop. 1000 cotland •. Van Buren E 3 Bank of Scotland .••••••U'l3 N. A. Simpson.-... 81-539 Pop. 350 cranton •••••• Loran O 3 Bank of Scranton •••• ••. U"l0 C. E, Hays •.•• _.•• 81-431 Pop. 400  iloam 81>'rs. Benton Pop. 2569  > ~  ight D raft for prescntati on and 25c for rach Rr,1,01i.  •Hus ellville ••• Po1>eD S Bank of Russellville •.• •U'l17 T. ll. Neal... ___ J. J. Bhovta•-···· W. G. Neal ••• ·--·· Geo. 8. Neal.. . .... L.• 1 Heed W.K. Bringle, R. L. mith ♦ 81-llU L Pop. 4505 A.Cash. Farmers State Bank .••• :t. 19 A. D. hinn ·····-- W. L. Oate ···-···· A. T. Falls-······· R. Y. Oates........ 81-616 B. HENRY -....... WHJIE ••.•.•.. M.A. PATRICK ••.••. R. J. WILSON ••...  B.AN.K ( Oldest and Lar PEOPLES EXCHANGE 81 118 90  50,000  . City,.·. Y.; N. Ilk. Com., St. L.: 1st N., Ft. Smi th ; Cont. N .. Kan. C.  St. L.  I  156,600 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk:. Com .• St. L.; N. Bk• ._ Pl Com. and Ficl. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan.C. ::, 27,500 'ew Eng. '·· Kan. .  C:  365,450  190,380 l t N .. Kan. C.: 1st N., Ft. mith; :\Iiss. Valley 'J'r. Co.. t. L.  5 ,000  17,000 .1. T. Bk. Com .. ·t. L.: Jone boro Tr, Co,. Jone • boro.  I  ~ ::,<  -  \0  LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE-UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING  ~  Number ande.r Name or Bank is the New Transit Numbe, give11 t.o each bank in U. 8. es:cluslYel:, by The Rand-McNall:, Bankers• Directory, under the authority _of The American Bankers Aas'n. -- NA.lfE OF BANL---~ TOWK ilD COUNTY. •llem. Am. Bks.A.ssn. IState •County Seats PRJ:SIDJCNT. VICJ:-PR.ICSIDJtNT. In No, 8 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem.State Bks.A.ssn.tPriv. MisMemp.Br. l, LittleR. ♦ )fern. Fed. R_e_._ __ (E~ta~.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bankmg Point (Indexed Acces.), Law:,er., Laws (indexed) in back of this._ um=e=.=--For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. = = = ==v=o=l= LIABILITIES. -: C PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.- RESOURCES. I» LoA,tl a: n,.. CA•n & Exp A.ID-UP Su~us' DEPOB- C'TR. "1 Bo:!(1)8, CHL~GE11,D u a  ARKANSAS-Continued  81'T OA.SBIJCR.  CAPITAL PROFITS  FllMEIS  SacoalTID  10.000  1,800  103,000  68,000  R. D. SANDERI---S. LEWIS -· - LEE SANDERS----- CLAIRE BERT MEICH • BIN"n {l. T. LEWIS---- C. FARRAR A. OWNBEY  60.000  25,300  820,670  602,490  81-188  •U-114  Special attentto n elven collectlo ns, and prompt r emittance on da :, or pay ment. Please snid 15c l u ith each sig11t clr aft for J)rese11tatio n and 25c for Cred it Repor ts,  C. G. DODSON·---- L. M. RIGGS·--··--- J.P. DEAVER·----·- W. A. fRAVEL ••• -  FIRST IIATIOIIAL BAH•i'07 81-1811  __ .La f a yette O 7 Stamps_p op. 2564  ITS  tuart_ ______ Iva Sharp ____ ____ _ _____ Dallas E 6 Merchants & Planters Bank J. T. Taylor _______ J. T. DeLaue:hter __ J. N. §'16 81-581 L Pop. 561 - d 1 w h" S prmc a e__ as mcton B1 Pop. 2263  §  29,660  651.030  473,340  5,140  122,000  115,000  BODCAW  F. E. BAKER----··· Ai PkBEASLEY ··-· H.B. PIPKIN .•••. • {C. L. CABE--·--C"oilectlons and Beque ts for Cre d t eports JHUS T be accompanle  50,000 db:,  62,000  370,000  309,000  234,000  137,000  1.800  75,000  76,290  milh--·----- Roy Hammond. __ _  20,000  8,480  210,920  150,960  w. G.  20,000  5,100  208,130  120,150  D.R. StanleY--·-·- A. D. Lack_. ______ ···--·--·-----··--  7,500  1,500  47.000  57,000  St. J oe • •••• -.- searcy E 1 Citizens Baif~ •--- •--il'l3 B. F. Henley __ -·-- B. w. Hensley--·-- D. Garrison----·--- ____ --·· _________ _ 48 Pop. 181 St, PauL.--lfad,ison C 2 Bank of'06 Chas. E. Crawford J. H. Phipps-·--·-- \Vood Barber. ____ . -··--·-·-··-·-····-. Pop. 2 trone-·--···-Union 'B 1 Victoria Bank •--·----•il'03 W. E . Clark ·-··-·- A ' p ' K1"rby ·-·---- W · A · Murphy -··-- A • L • Chambless ·81-441 Pop. 507 --•StuttgarL.A.rkansas H 5 A. B. BANKS·-·-·--- V. M. HOWELL.---·--- G. F. WALZ--------- B. PFEIFFER-·--L Pop. 4522  10,000  4,700  98,000  80,000  8  Peoples Ba~l-s4_3_·----•!l'l3 J.P. Weaver--·--· J.M. Smith · --·-·· H. G.• lcClurkin ·-  1~3~is--.-•tl'O~ W, C. Whiteaker_.  t. Fran~~p~r;iJiOla, J 1 Bank of St.f  ARKANSAS  "  -··-···-  •t1·21  Young, Growing and Progressive. Modern Methods. Efficient Service. We are hustlers. Send us your Collections for Quick Returns.  Exchan2e Bank -·---·-•il'l5 J. I. Porter---·-- J. Ii'. Whaley·--·-- W. B. WalL-·-·-·- E. R. Sneed--·-·-c. L. Perry 81-1!5 . First Natio1!~~nk --·-·•'13 A. B. Banks·-··--· L. K. Buerkle ____ . E. U. Benton . --··- A. F. Rawlin2s ___ _  8u~r~::z·------tt'04  Farmers Bank-·--···-·-·§'20 . 81-642 Bank of Sulphur Sprmgs •tt:oo ~1--443 Bank of Swifton--··--·-*' 05 81--4H Bank or Taylar --···---•il'IZ  81--61'  1  33,5601  35,660  193,420 1  217,380  50,000  30,000  100,000  ~  50,000  50,000  2%0,000  1,200,000 ~.000,tJOO 700,000  600,000  10,000  3,340  120,000  24.190  12.000  1,200  20,000  20,000  12.000  I.200 ·-- - - --·-  10,000  1,650  W. B. Harvey, Jr,_ W. E. Jones. Sr. __ . R. A. Ivy ----··-·- W. D. Morgan_·-·-  10,000  W. H. Horn ____ J. L. Davis--·---·- Charle A. NeaL-- ~rary Keith -·----·  12,500  ~  :  I  138,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N .. St. L.: Texarkana .. Z Texarkana; Am. Bk. of Com. • 'Ir. Co., Ul Little R, 119,000 Simmons N., Pine Bluff, Ark.: N. Bk. Com., tz, St. L. 10,650 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little H.  > z  87,450 N. Bk. Com .• St. L.: Citiz., Pin~ Bluff'. Ark.: Am. Bk. of Corn. & Tr. Co., Little R.: State N .. Texarkana 150,330 lstN .. St.L.;Com'LT .,Shreveport: nion&Mtle. Tr. Co .• Little R.; Simmons _. ., Pine Bluff. 10 000 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: Arn. Bk, of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 27,500 Liberty Cent._Tr. Co., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com, & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N ., ::\Iarshall, 4,240 Ark. N., Fayetteville.  ~  Ul  I  VJ 'O  l •:  ,I '.  •I "  .~ , · t  [  40,000 l\lech. & :\letals N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; ~ 1'1erch . & Plan., Pine Bluff; Am. Bk. or _ O Com. & Tr. Co., Little R .  5,000  58,970  7,500  78,190  18,020 1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st N .. _._ ewport. 15.880 State .i:'. and Texarkana · ., 'rexarkana; Am. oc Bk. of Corn.:- Tr. Co., Little .R.; Far. Bk. 'Ir. Co .. Magnolia.  ,,  ·,  '  ~  ;  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, COtH"UHA 11uNS, FIRMS ANO INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  Ii  ,,,  I  'i :i  .'  '~ f  i  i  -t', :, j  I·  ,,f l' i  I  ,,I  ,_1,_  ii:, i' : }  '  ·I  i 111,  I ., ',  i 11  I ,. I  I  t i:  1·1,  I  'I  I  1;  ~  ;I  :  I'  l.  /.'  i I  I  11, 1 ,f  ½  I  I  I  f:  I  :  /1  :I  I  I  'I  39,760 N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.: 1st N .. Bentonville.  I  !  l'  '',!q  ;  '1  'I  ir'. ! I  i-i  I  I .i  I  i'l' ..:  0  I  I  :  ·I:  ·!  3  I  :I  '1,  l ..:•.  I»  82,000 1st_ N., St. L.:_ Am. Bk. of Com. & 'rr. Co., Little R.; Umon&Plan.Bk.&Tr. Co., !temp. 1 12,000 1st N.. t. L.: N. Stock "ds. N., N. tock Yds,. Ill,  I  I  r  'j  30,350 Miss. Valley Tr. Co .. St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. ::, ,.. & Tr. Co., Little R.  300,000 Han . .._T .. N. Y.: N. B_k. Com .. St. L.: Am. Bk.) "'1 Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 100,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co .. St. L.; Southern Tr. Co., Little R.  I  •--  •.  * ,t I»  49,620  105,220 I  :  [  X >  ---  W. Duvall ·----·-- C. E. Jimerson-.• - J J. Caldwell.-•• - -···-·---·-·-··----. L. M. StouL---·-·- B. C. Davis·-··-·-· S. O. Whaley _____ Clara Abercrombie  & TRUST Co. OF LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS BANK OF COMMERCE AMERICAN . ~:ft .: .~. . .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1,080 8,280  peclal attention given BUI of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. • Pleaae .send 15c with each sight draft for preaentation and 25c I or Credit Reports.  J. D. Polk _____ W. D. Polk.----··- W. K. Powell-·--· W. Earl Polk·--··SucccsS----·····OJa7 I 1 Bank of . Pop. 436 ····-· J. \V. Stubblefield- L. E,. ffird - · · · - - ····-··---···-----State B an k si.:iii!G°----·- t§'l9 T • L. W r12ht  Sulphur Rock. Tnde pend. H 2 Pop. 227 L Sulphur Spring. _ Bentoa B1 Pop. 470 'wifton ___ Jack.soaH Z Pon. 450 Taylor_. Columbia D 7 Pop. 275  10,000 25,000  w.  COUNTY BANK 81-570  Wa!late -·-· h  > ~  38,800 Miss. \'alley T_r. Co., St. L.; Arn. Bk. of Com. ·Tr.Co .. Little R.; StateN., Texarkana.  en  8,500  !  I  >  FEE IN ADVAN CE: l'lninsinl1td mft._'I, 15,·: <Jrc<lit Rf'l)orts. 25c. 1  7 Bankof8tefi':~j=---·--•il'03 T. P. Lester ___ •• _' J. D. McOlurk:in_._ .J. 8.  226,760 1st N., St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith; Ex. N., Little R.  [  30,000  30,000  ;;  .·  '  15,000  lhen Poi1iihitaD  1  :  J. L S AFFORD Bill or Lading C ollecttons our Spe clalt:,. { FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft r or present.atlon, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, person al atten tlon.  F." c Norton R L F1"sh A J Johnson • ~t ar City ·--Lincoln G ti Lincoln County Bank_.•u·o, B. F Tarver - --··• • --··----- "' • • --·------· 1 • • . 81-487 Pop. 616 L St. ~harli~:.~~gn, a II 6 Bank of St ii~rles ___ et '19 . B. D uni on ___ . W. H. Norsworthr _ Geo. W . • rcCann. _ -----· ---·-·---··- -·  303 480 Merch.-Lac. X., St. L.: Union N. and Bk. of Com .. S-prindeld, Mo.: 1st N., Fayetteville. '  l; i  W. L. Kitchens __ ._ .J.M. Hud~ens _____ J. D. Moore-· ·--·-- G. c. Ward -· - --··· K. L. Wellborn C. A. Kimball  BA11K-·------•il'03 81-436  - - - - - - - - -- - -·~  50,980 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; Am. Bk. or Corn. ~- Tr. ~ ~ Co., Little R.  ;I '  BAH OF ST A¥P S-----•t1'19 81" 09  ,ao~B..1.~  I  I  11  I:  I :·  I I  I·  ------· _____..._. ........  Non-Bank Towns wlth • 'ea dexed Acee .), Law ·ers, La ' • ...,,.  • T • - - - ... 16 _ _ _ . _ _ ..:  ...... •• -•  TOWN AND OoUNTY,  NAXE  OJI' B&NK.  •lrlem. Am. Bk.s. Assn. IState •OoantJ Seats. ln ~·o. 8 },'ed. ue. DU. $)(em.State B~ . .Assn,tPriv. [E tah. Mis Memp.Br. L.Little H. ♦.lern. Fe<l. he~. •Texarkana_._)(iller O 7 B~1~737 (ro!: rkana Ttaal, T  s~exas Bank Lut)  PREsIDENT  *MERCHANTS & ,Q. PLANTERS BANK!  I '  Rat,  "" 'fntn•n<.:t  •-  ·on-Bank Town with Neare t Banking Point (In• dexed Acee .), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of thb oo volume. For lntere t Rates, Holiday~!. ':_!c., ee Law . t-:>  ARKANSAS-Continued VIC.I: PRESIDENT.  I  0 ASR[U.  I  As ,  8 T 0 ASHIER.  Br:-1, cf OL Md_ MCEIRI ct_lAL BAN_K~-  I  1  LIABILITIES. SUBPLUs  _  PRINCIPAL O0RR&sPONDENT8.  R~~URCES.  ::~-:o~D~: .:-.~:..~~  DEPOS-  AND P.Ul>-UP 0.&.PITAL PBOl'IT8  no•Lm  Baovvn•  ITS  0. TURNER-·---- ALLEN WINHAM.-. WM. A. SMITH-·----·--------------·--·- - - - - -  . • o a mg o ec ions our spec,a ty. . . _!_e 1nv1te the business of those who demand prompt an satisfactory service •  n  - -- - - - - - - -  -- -- -  -  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M e c h . & MetalsN.,N. Y.; tstN.,St.L.  I - ~- --- --- --- --- ---  I  •t ·01 • 81-1, 33,500 StateN .. St. L.: TexarkanaN., Texarkana, Tex. 30,500 157,000 234,000 75,000 *Miller Coujf:7~k. & Triff4 Jno. R. Dale •• ____ W. E. Carter---· T. F. Booker-----· c. C. Oowlin~-----I J. H. Forbfls. Sec. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. l. FROST--- STUART WILSOI-.W. B. OGLESBY ··--EDW. IUHL ··---  W.W. BRUEGGE· NEWTON HARDY C. M. BLOCKER E.W. FROST, *STATE W. W. BRUEGGE. MAN, C. A. JOHNSON MAN A LIVE PROGRESSIVE BANK. NATIONAL =i~i:i t BANK QUICK SERVICE ON COLLECTIONSREASONABLE RATES. *TEXARKANA NATIONAL BANK w. R.GRIM .•·-····· BEN COLLINS ••--·· J. w. WHEELER •••• uJlic)Nirv--·--· .~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ,i~}LCIENITIET i_rANeogLerleNdGfoOrFthe ACCOUNT of Individuals, firms and banks In outhwe Arkansas and Northeast Te a •  81-75  88- 101  205,160 3,261,670 4,050,230  400,000  -  H. M. MCIVER-·--·-·  SECURITY MORTGAGE Co  1 +, 12 + -  M: ~~Ds\~iEr·--- T. H. COOPER,  957,560 N', Park and N. Bk. Com., N. 'I',; tat N., ~ Chi,; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com •• st. L.; N. "'4 Bk Com Kao C • Am Ex N Dalla •I (/l t' ;IN • sh·• E • N L'ttt n· . ·c• reve or· ·• ie ·• om x. ·• 0  > rn tJj  eab, N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi,; ~ "4 1st N, and N. Bk. Com., St. L. ~ (/l  I  S ec. • ·----··--····--··--·  ~  C.H. MOORE We act in all TRUST Capacities. We make and sell high grade First Farm Mortgages on Improved farms in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Desirable Investments for banks, bankers, corporations, trustees and private investors.  (l)  :><  $1,)  132,500  115,000 -·------- · ---· -·-· ·---·---·  (No Co mmercl al Bank Ing.  •------~---------------1___ ____ ,___ - - Texarkana Olearinr Honse ••• W.R. Grim·· ·-···----·-·-··----·-· ····--······-···---- Edward Kuhl.Mor. - - - - - " -····· .. (Members indicated bJJ a*) 1.600 10,000 Thornton •••• Oalhoon R6 Citizens Bank _ _ _ _ e:tf'l4 B. E. Halpin.·--·-· W. O. Ribenack ••• J. I. Thompson-· - - - - - - - - 81-564 Poo. 1312 9,000 75,000 \l{. L: HAR.ll}L ·-· R. ~. Y(QLFE.·-:-·--· R. G. P~SCHAL-·-;· L. V{O~FE ••.. _______ d1aftR, 15c minimum; 2ac mm1mum charge if ])aid. VA.N 1 CE. • Tillar •••••••••• DrewG II CITIZENSBANK&TRUSTCO. IEE IN T RY •:1'13 L Pop. 350 5,000 25,000 Trumann •••• Poinsett I Z Bank of Tromann _____ etf'll J. A.. Gash-·----· 1Geo. 0. QampbelL- 1Crair B'razier ___ L. ";. Hill. •• --- -·-· 81--488 Pon. 25!l 6,000 15.000 'fuckerm n .J,.!lckson H 2 Bank of Tuckerman ••• •U'03 J. W. Lindley ___ L. T. Slayden _ _ R. V. Holt ••· - - - ·-----··-·· ·-----·-· 81--448 Pop, 7 1 13,950 15,ooo ···--Y ATWA C. C. SMITH.-·--·E. 1C. -----• · PENIX E. C. GRAHAM ~IMROD p clal attentl on given BUI of L jadlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. .. . CITIZENS BANK .. .. ·-···-••►1 16 15 CENT ·ent to u nlth each I ght draft for pre entatlon, and 26 CENTS for each credit report In ure prompt, per onal attentlo n. 81· 5 2 1.500 10,000 Tupelo._ ••• Jack ·on II 3 Bank of Tupelo •••• _._ •• : '19 J. II. napp •••• ___ _ .Tno. F. Gardner __ . G. S. Jerni~an .•• -. · -·---·-· - - - - · · 81-610 l'op. 317 12,710 35,000 Bivens··--·I. • T.rro111.,t ___ .Poinsett J 3 Bank of Tyronza ··--·•U-07 W. W. Warr n ---- J. A. Emrich--·--- II. a. Overturf. __ • F . 81--4411 Po1>. GO 47,330 i;;,ooo •V nBur•n. OrawfordB8 itizen Bank · Tm t Co. DavidT.Bryan--- W • • Boatri~hL •• J. D. Ka~Y·-···--· FrankD.Pape __ .__ H. D. Oliver •tl'86 81-101 Pop. 5224 6.000 56,000 CRAWFORD COUNTY BANK .J • .T. lzarcL •• -- .• . Othnic • \lillcr---· Ed!!ar CO\t'Y ·-···· Johnson.Moore--. •.U-82 81- 100 H ,!120 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t"04 P. D. cott -----· J. II. Butler·---·-- W. A. Steele. _ _ Dell ~lill •r ••••• __• 100,000 . ,\.. Pt•rnot 81-102 2,150 10,000 Oapeheart •• --·--·--·-·-·--· \' n l n<ort ___ Polk B5 Dank of Van<lt"rvoort-•:1'08 J. O. ,\lien----· B. P. Lichlyter_ •• 81-450 l Pop. 00  i  'fi"t t~1::~~1a'if:t1! nR:J:3fe:tt!!::  I  ,W..  N o Collec tfons handled.)  ::s  ---1------  < $!.>  30,000 1st N., St. L.: Simmons N., Pine Bluff: Bkrs. ::, o,... Tr. Co., Little R. 58,610 1st N., St. L.; Simmons N., PineBluff; Ex. N., tt LittleR.  80,000  125 000 ' 106,070  r+  0  224,480  :2 o  1  165.000:  U0,000  250,000  200,000  202,990  I  50,000 1st N .. St. L.: Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro; Eneland ., Little R. 85,000 Mech. & Met.als ., . Y.; N:- Bk. Com. and Am. , Bk, of Com. & Tr. Co.• L1 t tlc R. 94,500 1st ., ewport and St. L.; Ex. N., Little R.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. co .. :Memp.  137,440  j  65,000  1  160,340,· 409,690 250,000 il 890,200'  .-t-  1 1  1  70,6 '0  g  25,000 Ark. Bk. & Tr. Co., Newport; Bkrs. Tr Co., ~ Little R.; Mi s. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. ::, 32,260 1st N ., St. L. and Memp. C 530,5601 91,430 Merch.N.,N.Y.:N.Bk.Com.,St.L.;Fid._N.Bk. D> &Tr.,St.L.;Am.Bk. ofCom.&Tr.Co.,L1ttleI . .,. 230,0U01 55,000 Ohase N .. N.Y.: Merch.-Lar.. N •. st. L.;E.· . 1 ., '< ~ Little H.; Ark. Valley, Ft. mith. _ 787,630 296,170 . Park, .Y.; 1st N., St. L. 45,000  192,710  73,240  11,640 l~t  .. ~ena; Tra. N., Kan. c.  1  •Jtlijiiliti:l;D:iilliHIJftj~j@i;lliMIB1ilJlijlllll;{l!HIJ@:m•1;1111sNHffli8'8!Mdf:MiN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '"1 ~ $1,)  US'  i  tate N., Te1arkana.  $1,)  CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  81-4-16  -  -  -  -  -  •:t'94  :t"87  ~ n  .-1. Cash.  Ch. of Bd,  >  '°t-:> -  nmtmu11n  ur  UMhl\  UUlfllflLIIUL W  • IIUI) I  UU,  UI  .Number 1111der Name of Bank ia the New Tra.naU .Num~nf.ven to each bank in u. 8. e:a:chulTelJ by The &and-Mc.Nall, en• Amierfean Bankers Ass•n.  83  I.I I I LL  m.1Ut\9 Nllt\lUiuthl  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Polnt (ln• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'-' R volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  ARKANSAS-Continued  -N~ND&o17 u•NTuYn.der the •N~t~=rlo~B~fNThK.e A .... . . , ,.. .... 00 To "  L IABILITIJ:S.  ESOURCJ:S.  •Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks ...Assn. §State In To.8 Fed.Res.Dist. Ulem.StateBks .Assn.tPriv. PRKSIDDT. VIOK·PKDIDDT. OA.SBill. Ass'TO.UBID. PAID•UP s UBPLUSIDEPOSMis )lemp.Br. l, LittleR. ♦Mero. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ________ ,_c_A_P_i_TAL_ ~~~Ts ~ Vanndale -.-Oro11 I I M Pop, 400 Viola ••••.•• - Fulton I!' 1 Pop. 6001 Wabbaseka __ JeffersonG5 L Pop. 400 w ·alcott ___ ..... Greenell Pop. 5 \Yahlo ______ Qolnmbia D 7 Pop, 704  Bank otVanndale._._.f 'OST. R. Vann·-·81-451 Bank of Viola •••••- •••• it•lfi J. D. Cochran-••. 81-533 Bank of Wabbaseka- •• --! '17 A. B. Bank. _______ 81-580 Bankof Walcott ______ if'l0 J. K. Tyner--·81-452 Bank of Waldo ........ •U-99 M. F. Brazel] ___ 81-265  PEOPLES BAIK -------•U'lO 81-26&  Waldron _______ scott B t L Pop 91 ·  Pardew •••.• Erby Carroll •••••. ····----------·-----  10,000  3,000 $ 75,000 1•$ 50,000 $ 31.110 N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Memp. 4.000 40,000 ! 50,000 10,000 Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield, Mo.  \V,H.Townsend.- A.A. William. ____ ---·-----------·--  10,000  5,000  w. 0. Willcockson.  w.  35,090  l  60.940  12,500  3,240  25,000  25,000  175,00011 207,650  J. II. Davis ________ W. M. Fincher-·- c, C. Fincher ______ H. A. Fincher.-T. W. Caloway  2.5,000  10,3-10  271,850  168,620  27,~90 1st N., St. L.; Texarkana N., Texarkana, Tex.  J. T. FORRESTER E. M. FULLER··--- J. L. CENTER------ W. B. PILES-------  60,000  30,000  600,000  400,000  200,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.: Merch. N., Ft. Smith; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.  193, 00  61,000 1st~ .• St. L., Kan. 0., and Ft. Smith; Ex. N., Little R.  33::i,000  185 000 N, Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., III.; Union & ' Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memv.  40,000 1,259,590 1,100,640  245,030 Mech. & MetalsN., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., t. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.  64,340  In Scott Count:,.  f· sen WRIGHT---·- M. C. MALONE---- T. R. MARTIN----· 2:;,000 ce on f; ollectlons and c redlt Reports by sending  FU IN AD\l A NCE: Plain d11ht  draft•. I Sc; Cr edit Report.. 25 c. TBY  40,000  T. J. SHARUM ... S. E. SPIKES----- IOY TOWNSEND--- W. L. BUH--------  w  70,000 ;  no., :O  Flora eay. ------  J.M. Hally _____  ., { WM. B.l TURMAN E. Fl.ST I.Tio.AL BAI 11.•i·ot Save dme and ge 81-2'0  ~';.°;"~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1;  A. B. Banks _______ Ivie E. Howell ____ Paul Blake --------  Largest Bank  Walnut Rid&:~22~awren1cr FIRST HTl,~1U BANll•fOS Pop.  ~:';;:·  'pedal attcntio n piven Bil! of L rulina drafts. Ca~ h and Time Item Is .. Please send 15c with each .ight dr aft for presentatt rm and 25c for Cr edit Rep orts.  81-218  "'  ...  17,070 N. Bk. Com., St. L,j Citiz., Pine Bluff; Ex ... ·., Little R. 15,020 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L,; N. Bk. Com., Par~ould, 67,000 1st N .• St. L.; State N .. Texarkana.  1  BAIi OF WALDIOl ... •H'OI  T. D. Hare •••••••• Lee Graham ••••..• _ _ _ _ _ $ 10,000 $ C,  i:  PRIN0IP..l..L O0RRESPONDENTS.  1.o .. ,.... n,e- Cu11&Xx0  1  25.000  l I  236,!;00  VS.  18,000  !::  II 300,000,  Special attentlo D given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Pleaae sen.d 15c u•ith each sight dra ft fur J)resentation and 25c for Credit Reports. b  Lawrence 0 oun tY Bankeil'IIO J. G. Richardson_ G. E. Henry _______ E. L. Moore---·· Victor Sloan -----81- 177 C. W. White Homer .Mays  85,000  ,. ,  1- - - - - - - ! . . . ._ _ _ _ _,!___ _ _ _........!._ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ - - - - - - ,_ _ - -  MERCHANTS  H. L. TURNER------- C. J. MANSFIELD---- CARL HOLLIS------- KIRBY SMITH---·--F. L.PURCELL A. LGREEN  & PLANTERS  A COMMERCIAL BANK.  Warren ...•. Bradley F 6 L Pop. 2145  Bill of Lading Collections our specialty. We invite the business of those who demand prompt and satisfactory service.  TRUST I SAVIIII IAII 81-lit  ..  .. ' '  ; : '  I  •  •  '  :  • "  ., •  I  1  •  '  LOUISEDERINGTON S. B. MEEK--------- R. L. DEAL-------·-- C. L. TARLETON -~---  • • •  '  I  I ;, .  I ·,  ;  '  I  t I  : • I,  I  ,,  :: '  •  ;  1  ~  I •  • I I I  I  I  , .  I  II  :  •••  '  •  :  '  : II  .1:  ;.  I ;.  ''  •  I,'  :  I' r:,  f  I  I  '  !  1;.  i · 1  ..  1J  ,,  ;, ,.  ,,  . ..  " :  I  :-. '  : "  ' ,, '  ; _·  ,  11:.  t•  •,  I•  :.1111  ,,  I ;  '  I.  I  11  I  ...  t  :  ;, r  I  ;.  .  : ,  e-  I  •  ;  :, I.  I  tt  •  . . • · ,.  It  I  I  I  H  ,  154,980 Seab. N., N. Y.; Con. & Com'I N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., LlttleR.  --- --- ---  75,000  32,000  475,000  530,000  95,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs, Tr, Co., Little R.; Simmons N .• Pine Bluff'.  25,000  7,770  89,490  122,290  17,000  7,400  80,000  130,000  IQ,000  11,550  121,110  90,430  10,000  2,200  45,000  31,000  19,710 1st N .. St. L.; State T·• Texarkana; Citiz. N., Hope. 20,000 N. Bk. Com .• St. L.: \V. B. Wol"fhen Co., Little R.; .Merch. & Plan,, Pine Blutf. 48,560 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro. 15,000  10,000  3,680  n.  51,340  33,860 1st N .. Fayetteville.  90,000;  95,000  60,400  89,240  23.000ILiberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., :llemp. 10,660 X. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Far. & :llerch., :Mena. i  90 i  :  r  15,000  I  :  1111.  •  •  1111,  10,000  8,000 , 2,3601  '  AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERGr Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ---  601,990 I 688,980  :r ; •.•.i :  !'.,_:>.-,·,  ..  ,·  & TRUST Co. OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS  1l:  l•· ;,,f'' 1:: i , lr  r· ti:  iii ! ;•I j  I  i  ••  - - - - 71,980  WAIREI Hll-·-····ei1•02 W. HANKINS { Inviting rour b C. ♦ 81-llO u toe s on prom pt and efficient service.  ..  •  .,,  .  ,  •  eit•IIO  ;  100,000  ..  !J,.  I  ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS. CORPORATIONS. FIRMS ANO · INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  I  \·,1 !,  ',>."':.~-  :I.  ii~l  fi.1_.'  .!j•I·  ~j  I•  '  q ::  .  1 : I  I '  1 .:  ..T...,_ .. __ ,., ,_. ___ .,.  on-Hank 1cnu,. 11  .,  ARKANSAS-Continued  84  umber under ame or Bank is the ew Tran It Number given to each bank in U. S. ei:cluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A s'n.  I  I  AME OF BA:-.K. TOWN A. D COUNTY. PRE~IDENT •County eats.D. t •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. . tate • · In No. 8 Fed. Res. 1s . tMem. tate Bks.Assn. t Pri\'. !Estab. _ _ _ _ __ MlsM:emp.Br. L,LittleR. ♦Yem.Fed.Re s.  Williford _ _. __ Sharp Bl Sharp Ooun\y Bank---·-tl'IO G. R. Hall---·---81-4i9 Pop. 357 Wilmar ··-··---Drew G II Bank of Wilmar ·--·--·-tl'05 A. W. Judd---·---1 11-4IO Pop. ;e34 Wilmot·------Ashley G 7 Wilmot Bank-----·-·--•U'OZ W. B. de Yampert _ 81-dl POJ>. 627 Wll1011 .•• -Kiuia1ippf J 2, Bank of Wilson .. ---·-•tl'08 J.C. Cullom _______ 81-412 Pop.1500 Wilton. __ Liitle River B II Bank of Wilton ·------•tl'08 Joel Mills-----81-4111 Pop. 285 Winchester •••-DrewH6 Banko! Winchester._.•if'12 H.Thane _ _ _ _ r· . _81-538 Pop. 2~7 Winslow_Washmeton B Z Bank of W1nslow .. ____ tf 07 J. A. \\mn ---·-··  ~™  I_ \'wE-PRE:sIDE1'iT.  CASHIER.  A s'T CASHIER. 1  - - -- ---  BANK 11-151  •U'tl  FIRST NATIONAL BlllK-•t'lS •Yell\ Ule ••••• Karlon Bl L Pop. 615  BANK Of  Do ·n1--, CD.&.NG•B,DDI 8scuarr1u rao~ B•NJU  91,7i0  7,500  175,000  1 0,000  25,000  30,220  189,240  231,450  5,000  1,620  59.590  12.810  J.K.Smith_·---··-'}{. W. Byrn _____ • _ _ _ _ _ _ __  19,100  7.000  100,000  139,000  E. A. Budd --·-----,G . .£.Winn .• _ _ Miss Martha Winn  10.000  2,100  66,600  54,660  8.200 Holland Bkr. Co., Sprindeld, Mo.; Am, Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co .. Little R. 9,780 N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: Union Bk, & Tr. Co., Monticello, 46,000 N. Bk. Oom .. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr.Co .. )> ~ . _. Little Rock. 38,2;,iO 1st N .. St. L.; Umon & Plan. Bk, & Tr. Co .. ~ Memp. 50,200 Texarkana N .. Texarkana, Tex.; Tra ... Kan. Z . C. 1-t,000 1st N., St. L.; Merch. & Plan .• Pmc BlutT; Cfl nion & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. C/l 22,340 1 Ark. N ., Fayetteville. Ark,  10,000  14,000  75,000  71,000  13,000 st N., St. L.: State N., Texarkana..  10,000  3,180  70,300  6 ,080  1,1,910 1st N .. St. L.; Ex. N., Little R.  3,730 1,900  A. M. Keller _______ A. II. Keller---·· 1. H. Keller _____ _  15,GOO  H.F. O~a.wford ---- K. P. Cullom ______ Mrs. K. P. Cullom_ F. A. Gillette E. C. Cooper.--·-- Ada Mills _ _ _ _ ---·------·-----  I  I  .  .  R. BLOCK----------- J.E. HARRIS-----·· D. H. HAMILTON ____ C. J. COFFIN----·--Oldest and Largest Bank In Cross County.  1  Prompt, Efficient, P-ertonal ~ttention Jo all business sent us. Unsurpassed l;ollection Service. TRY u: .  47,000  > >  T ..  z>t,  I  ()  141(100  69,000  191,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch.-Lac.  430,000  547,000  - -  N.,  t.L.  Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 10.000  340,000  25 ,000  10,900  210.300  25,000  6.500  2 o.coo  l  Please aend tic wUh eaeb Slsb& Draft for present atlon 81- 573 and 2ie for eac b report. YELLVILLE--•U'D2 W. K. Layton _____ L.B. Luton----- T. V. Rus ell··- Ernest Layton--··81-2111  I  170,350  208.000  ~  • Bk. Com., St. L.; Cent. State N ., • lemp.  L1ttleR.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; Holland Blu?.Co., ..,_,_ pringfleld: Union Bk. & Tr. Co .. Bate~,·illc • ...,. 85,000 1st N .. Batesville; Am. Bk.of Com. - Tr. Co., S_o u_thern Tr. Co., anct Bkrs. Tr. Co .. Little R. ~ -~-~--  Z  210,000  en  211,550 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.~Orocker N. alld Wells Far1w -Nev. N .• San F. ,  J, R. Knowland ___ I. L. Borden_. ___ __jOharles K. Tabor._ W. M:. llcKean ._._  J.E. Ball, 1Ior.  90--01  I  W. Merriam  Alameda 8a•inrsBank ___ ,·91 J. R. Knowland ·-- I. L. Borden ______ Charles E. Tabor_ W. Jl. JlcKean ___ _ W. Merriam J.E. Hall, Mgt. ♦ DO-OO  236,300  262.170  Citizen .. 'atioual Hauk.•t'l2 Thos, G. Hutt __ • __ P.H. Gohn--·--·-- P. II. Uolln-----·- J.J.Cambritlge,Jr. Thos. P. )kCoy D0-100 R. Nolthenius Citizens Saviors Bank -t1'06 Thos. G. Hutt·--- P.H. Gohn-------- P. 11. Gohn-··-·--- J. J.Gambridge,Jr. 'I'hos. P. McCoy 90--101 R. Tolthenius I G. C. larshaJI_ •• ___ :Myron E;. Etienne_ E. G. H:trt ·ii!'-·-·-· V. H. Tucker,-·-·Alhambr •• Loa Anr. I 2 Alhambra Sav., Com'l Bk. E. E. Balley •U-06 00-242 L Pop, 9,006  100,000  43,000  1:-;0,000  7:3,000  I  BEDFORD A. '. FIRST NAT 'L BANK {L.A D. BEDFORD--b C.ank.E. STRIFLER---- W.J. R.H.JONES, OO-Z.U  •t·n  prosrea■IH  All banklns ma tteu handled pr omptlJ and efflc entlJ.  • Itura •••••• Koc:toc B 5 Alturas State Bank •••. -•U'lS J. II, Der ,an • •••• Cairn Fo~erty_. ____ A. Hafer ••••••·-··00-812 Pop. 979 First National Bank •• _.•t'04 'r. . \ Tall -----·-- 0. A. Este, ----- -- 1C .• •. Jack 011 __ •• _ " ......•• "  D0-501  S. A. FORMAN----H. C. MOUND  ;;  z ► 39,000 IN. ~k. Com .. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. · •rr. Co., td  194,000  CALIFORNIA  alAlameda Nation:il Bank •t'78  ► r-i 0  25,000 J. L. HARE--·--- C. B. BAILEY-·---· W. F. McCOIKLE-- T. M. ELLIS -·----Youns, modern , prosres ,Ive. Spe claJ Attention clv en ..lillr or Ladln Drafts.  In o.12 Fed. Re,. Dist. L is Los Aneeles Branch. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  - PRINCIP-::.L -CORRESPO.'DE.'T.  RESOURCE:-:-  i,,,.,,. I< D••· I< ExC'Ta.  96,290  7,500 20,000  Miners · Citizens Bank•! '02 W.R. Jones---·--· T. L. Bond------·- J. F. Carson _____ ._ Ebb Carson •••• ___ _ I 81-282  lameda •••• A.lameda O Pop. 28, 06  LIADILITIES-.-  W. S. Anderson. ___ \Y. D. Wilkinson _______________ _  l  CROSS COUNTY  lie  I  P.\ID-UP SURPLUS DEPO ITS CAPITAL PR~TS  E.G. EckeL---·-- l A. B. Dutton ---·· _________ S  .  \l  : •  Non-Bank Town with Neare t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of thl oo volume._For Intere ·t Rate , Holiday~ _etc., see Laws. ~  ARKANSAS-Continued  ~~ Oo. --t•og W. D. S\ephen•---- - - - - - - - - G. C. Hamblin_____ lfred Buercklin __ Winthrop,LittleR1ver B II Winthrop Bankinr 81-416 Pop. 2;'50 \: 'ombJe_)lontromery O 510addo Valley Bank -·---H'OII L. C. Acruman ____ 0. M. Radford ---- C.H. Rowton ______ ----·· ----------··-· &HM L Pop. 420 •W:rnne ________ oro11 I I M Pop, 2933  I  n,f.)  382.480 1st •.. N. Y.:Wells Fare;o-Nev. N.,Crocker and Union Tr. Co .. San i'.  T,.  ! E: g Q.  0  256,3 0 Liberty N .. N. Y ~: 1st N .• Chi. and Ian F.; :;t> Inter-State ., Kan. C.: Bk. of Italy, Oak -  iJ2,7liO  225,J;;Q  . Y.; 1st •., 1st N.. Ll~::~Y Co., and Bk. of Italy, an F.  Ii'ederal Tr.  ~ P>  f/l  50,000  TRY US.  316.200 Irvine N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Citiz. .• Lo A.; I t , ,, an F.  54,600  100,000  -  10,000 1,200,000 1,000,000  --- -  30 ,000  6,500  :5.000  52,9-10  ·  -  c.....  I» 220,000 Chase N .• N. Y.• Cont. & Com ' l N .• Chi.; ~ Merch. N .• Los A.; Wells Fare;o Nev. T., P> .., San F.  :::  ;;,uoo  1st N .• San F.; Far. & Merch. N .. Reno, Ney.  170,260 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N. and Crocker N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento.  PA.CfF.~fc  ·coAST SECURITIE$  :0 tv  CITIZENS NATIONAL Los Angeles, Cal. BANK  'al  Northwest Corner ol Fifth and Spring Sts.  CAPITAL-$1,800,000 SURPLUS A.NDPRu:~~IDED $1,200,000 RESOURCES - - $33,000,000 OFFICERS  DIRECTORS  A. J. WATERS President E. T. PETTIGREW Vice-President J. M. RUGG Vice-President W. J. DORAN Vice-President M. J. MONNETTE Vice-President HERBERT D. IVEY Cashier GEO. E. F. DUFFET Assistant Cashier GEORGE BUGBEE Assistant Cashier L. O. IVEY Assistant Cashier F.R.ALVORD Assistant Cashier FORD E. PRIOR Assistant Cashier SAM S. PARSONS Auditor  Jesse B. Alexander L. J. Christopher J. Ross Clark M. J. Connell Albert Crutcher J. M. Danziger W. J. Doran Frank A. Garbutt J.M. Hale Robert Hale W. J. Hole Willis G. Hunt Reese Llewellyn M. J. Monnette Orra E. Monnette E. T. Pettigrew F. X. Pfaffinger Geo. W. Walker A. J. Waters  Careful Attention Given to Collections and Remittance Made Promptly in Any Exchange Desired, at Lowest Rates A Con.. is tent and Carelul Service Given to the Requests of Customer,  Interest Paid on Time Deposits  l  [~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~-J Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ____ _. .. 76 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -----··· .........  Non-Bank To,ms with • ·ea dexed Ace~ .J,.!-!-!'._·ers, •·~--------------  Number uacler Name el 8a■II u uie New Tra t o ea ·h hank in U 8 eselushely by The B.aud ';''NNUanabw 0 ltf'rtorv J1n,t P •h ••••• u C & Y Bankerlil' • -·  &1•••  ~~!  <"' i:,.,  ........  n  bi>lL  .6~'  ::! 0  !Z:Z  -l~<  ...  :~ ::: :  0  C: Z-i  b  ~~00  4  5  121°  120°  6  ·7  9  116°  10  ... .,,.  '"  ~  11  115°  CALIFORNIA SCALE  Statute 11Jlea. 61>-t Iael1.  0 5 10 ~O  60  lO  ~  L  Band loloNt.117'1 New 11 • U Kap or Calltomla  Cop,rliht b7 Rand 11!0Nall7 t; Co,  4  5  6  1  U8°  8  9  10  We are helping a large number of banks build up productive, smooth-running organizations, by supplying them with the most modern business equipment, lithography and printing. SCHWABACHER-FREY STATIONERY COMPANY, 611 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO.  11  441D  -  ..... v--w....  ..1 .....  •~n  111,.nk  r ■ .1  $466,000 in Liberty Bonds was recently stolen from a messenger in Brooklyn, N. Y. Protection against loss by hold-up is furnished by this Company at reasonable rates .  AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Home Office: 100 Broadway, New York  Founded 1884  Company's Homo Office Building  Capital $5,000,000 OFFICERS  F. W. LAFRENTZ, President  R. R. BROWN, First Vice-President  PACIFIC COAST ORGANIZATION: S  .1.  }-;  A "CISCO, CALIF.  1ill Building, 2i6 Bu h treet I • JJ. ;\-'hLD • , fun ,!er  DE VER, COLO.  SEATTLE, WASH.  92 -929 Equitahle Building, Seventeenth nnd Stout Street  502-3-4-5 Hoge Building, 701-5, econd AHnue S. H. 1ELRO E, Mnnnger  F. E. BIO BI TE,  D, ORhGOJ. 600-601 ' eon Building, 12 i◄ ifth " nue ., 'JLLI . 1 J. LYO. , Man ger  LOS A  GELES, CALIF.  SALT LAKE CITY, U1 AH  312-31- Citizen Bank Building, 53 South Spring Street F. L. HI~ 1 1IN( , Ianager  FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS Forty Branch Offices at Larger Cities Federal Reserve Bank or: of St. Louis  lanager  Hoston Building,  Iain Street and Exchange Place  WILL 1AM E.  lcKELL, Manager  BURGLARY INSURANCE Over 14,500 Local Agents and Attorneys Elsewhere  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer,·, Law (indexed) in back of thi ._  85  Number under Name of Bank ill the New Transl& Number eiven to each bank in U. S. enhulvelr by The Band-MeNally Ban.ken' Dll'eetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  ToWN AND COUNTY. N UIE OP BANK. •Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState PRUIDDT. In To. 12 Fed. Re . Di t. illem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ~ Js Los ..\n_!_eles B__r~nch. ♦)le_!ll,_Fed_.:._Re~. [E. ~b. _ _ __  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Law (Indexed) in back of thi ._ volume. For Intere t fa!~ ·, _!loUda>·s_,_~tc_-_,_ _se~_!,a~~~ ~  CALIFORNIA -  VICJ:-PR&SIDDT.  0.&.SBI&&.  "SS'T O•sa1•u  A  A  -•  ·1  LIABILITIES:-p  UP SUltPLUB AIDAND  CAPITAL PROFITS  D  RESOURCES._ __  PRINCIP.lL OORRESPONDJCNTS.  Lo.o..'<a&:D1s~&E;.  JM!OS-  c'T•. B,nm,, CB&NCEs,Do• SECUalTia raox l!&:<u.  ITS  ------ --- ---- - - - - - - - , - - - -$-- - - - - Alvarado ___ Alameda C 8 Bank or Alameda County Aurust M&J ______ H. H. Patterson ___ J. R. BlaC'ow ______ R. A. Blacow ______ $ 160,000 $ 45,070 1,876,970 1,715,790 $ 367,150 Chase N., N. City, and Irving N .. N. Y.; An~lo Pop.1000 g()-540 U-02 T. 0. Leydecker & Lon. Paris N. and 1st ·., San F.: Cent. N., Oakland. 1 Anaheim _____ Qranfe J 7 American Savinrs Bk: .. •U'05 \Y. J. Siernann ____ Samuel Kraemer __ E. Zitzmann _______ A. S. Bradford, Tr. 90,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., _.T, Y.: 1st N .. Lo 700,000 700,000 60,000 40,000 L Pop. 5526 90-370 H. B. Benjamin Anaheim.  ANAHEIM NATIONAL BANK { WM. A. DOLAN---- J. W. DUCKWORTH--- A. B. Mc CORD------ R. L. PHEGLEY------  50,000  15,000  Fil' t "ational Bank •.•. •i•oa Wm. J. iemann .. Samuel Kraemer .. H. H. Benjamin ___ L.A. ~Iuckenthaler II0-368 C. A. Boege, c. E. Holcomb O. E. Hanson Y, Pres. Golden tate _ ational Bank Adolph Thomas ___ Fred KoeseJ.. _____ E. E. Smith ________ E. M. verett _____ _ 9(}-3611 •t·o7 Louis Denni  50,000  85,000 1,500,000 1,235,000  75,000  44,600  940,000J  75,000  17,420  749,480  II0-751  r•  •l'12  A New Progre I ve Bank, Fully Eq ulpped and Mode rn In atl Departm ents. Prompt attentl on given Cash Le tters and all Ban king Matters Ent rusted t o us.  Southern County Bank-•U'l2 .T. W. Phelp ______ A .• 'age!__ _________ H. A. Hawley ______ R. L. Arnold _____ _ 110-763 C. Klingerman J. A. Fay  876,840  II  834,350  1  c: s»  1-1  166,390 Chase N., Oma.  ~  "' ~  -  1·. Y.: Citiz. N., Lo A.; Oma. N.,  400,000 Han .•. , • •. Y.: Anglo. 1st N ., Los A.  c·  Lon. Paris .. · ..  747,ooo : 178,000 Han. N., ,._ Y.;Co!1t. &Com'l N.,Chi.: Orange~ Co. Tr. & Sav,, anta Ana.; 1st N,, San F. ~ 667,520  136,870 N. City ;incl :\Iech. & .IetaL .i:T .. N. Y.: Lt.._,.,, Chi.;Oitiz .• •. and ecur. Tr, & Sav., Los A.; Am.,· .. an l<'. Park, . Y.: Capital N., Sacramento: Anglo &Lon. Paris '., an F. 125,000 Han.N.,.N. Y.;Anelo& Lon. Pari ._ .• San F.; ! Com'! &Sav .. Stockton: Cal. .. •.. arramcnto. 19,480 Wells Farl!'o NeT. N. anrt Amer. ., San F.: 1st ., Antioch. 158,480 MPch. & .letal. ._·., N. Y.; .Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Bk. or It< and nelo & Lon. Paris N., San F. • 64,820 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fareo-NeT. N., and m. N .. San F. 107,300 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Crocker N., San F.  ---------,N,  :;;  O  1  Anderson _____ Shasta O 3 Pop. 1400 nfels Oamp ___ Qalaveras Pop. 1500 E5 ntfoch ____ Oontra Oosta Pop. 1936 B 10 " "  First Savin~s Bank of Sha ta County __ 90-541_ _____ •:S'0S Calaveras County Bk .. U1900 90-542 Antioch Bank or Savinfs-1'10 90-485 Bank or Antioch ------•U'lll II0-481  ------ ·------------- ---- ---- -------- ---- H. E. Black, Mgr. - ---- ·------------ ( Branc h of Re dctirto, John Ranio __ ____  I. II.  lanue'----- D. lluscio --------- O. B. Wood -·-----  00,000  I  Ca/,)_ __  87,000  900,000  6,580  318,080  530,180  62,500 1,200,000  908,600•  900,000  z_~ > tJ, >  J. A. West. ________ J. G. Prewett_. ____ Herbert .A. West ___ :Mary Irwin ___ ----  25,000  J. R. Baker ________ H.F. Beede _______ R. V. Davis ________ L. W. Mehaffey __ _  130,000  First Natio~nk: _____ ei•10 J. A. West_ ________ J. G. Prewett_ _____ Herbert A. West. __ Mary Irwin _______ _  25,000  5,000  234,950  rbucklc _____ Oolusa D 3 Bank or Arbuckle-----•U'0l Geo. 0. lleckressel 0. B. Morrison---- J.E. Oain _________ -------------------Pop. 600 90-543 , Arradia.Lo~ ,\nuele · I 10 Fir t National Bank ______ '18 C. L. Dunham _____ W. H. Taylor ______ Tho . FerOD------- 1------------------l J'or,. 2239 110-877 ,  75.000  35,500  538,000  201.0901 _ I 025,300  25,000  5,800  180,000  182,000  27,000 Cha c N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Far. ~- Mt>rdt. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., 'an F. -  rcata ____ Humboldt O 1 Arcata Savinrs Bank ----1'14 W.W. Stone ______ Sylvester Myers __ F. B. Tooby _______ W. C. Pritchard --Pop. 14~6 110-782 R. L. Oak  50,000  39,330  809,730  737,460  161,940 \Veils Fargo-. ev. N. and Anelo & Lon. Paris SU N., San F. ;  ylve ter Myers __ F. H. Tooby _______ W. C. Pritchard __ _ R. L. Oak  100,000  113,340  656,770  539,850  56,780 N. Park, N. Y.: :Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.:, Anelo A Lon. Paris N., Well Fargo-Nev. N.,andAm.N.,SanF. ..+ 62,880 Ban. N., N. Y.; Merch..-N., San F. 0  Bank or Arcata ________ eif"86 W.W. Stone_______ g()-544  I  First Natio1~~Mnk ----•t'lS G. W. Harpst_ _____ Frank Gr ltam ___ J. o. ToaL-------- H. A. Sorenson ___ _  50,000  10,920  363,730  367,460  Arlinrton __ Riverside J 8 Oitizens Bank ---------•U'07 W. B Olanc1 ______ S. H. Herrick ______ J. \V. Wells _______ ---------------- ---L Pop. 1500 90-o45  25,000  18,840  274,600  213,640  Arroyo Grande. San Luis Bank or Arroyo Grande•U'0S M. R. Swan ________ s. A. Dana ________ J. Obispo __ Pop. 760_B 5 Do-646 J.B. Gibson  50,000  14.000  500,000  500,000  Artesia __ Los An,:eles J 7 First National Bank----•t·CHI l Pop. 500 90-547 Atwater _____ Jderced F 5 Merced Security Sav. Bank Pop. 500 ~-721 •H'l0 •A.uburn ______ Placer B 5 Auburn Savmrs Bank ---1'011 Pop. 2289 . . 90-3111 , First .National Bank----•t 08  11(}-890  J. B. Gibson ______ _  I > <  g-  103,700 N. Park, N. Y.; Oitiz. N., Los A. and River- ~ side; Wells Fareo-NeT, N., San F. i:: 87,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: An~lo & Lon.Paris N., San F.; 1st N .. Los A.  g:  . 25,000 17,850 490,670 397,620 119,950 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Merch. N., Los A.: Wells Far~o-.. ev. r ., San F, - - - - - - - - - ______________________ C. P. Ralston ____ _ (Branch of Mere ed, Cal.) ____________ N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fareo-Nev. N., San F.; Mrrced Secur. Sav., Merced. £. T. Robie _______ Jas. E. Walsh ______ G. w. Brundare ___ J. G. Walsh ______ _ 50,000 15,000 509.000 450,000 20,000 1st N ., Auburn, . £. T. Kobie ________ W. F. Jacobs ______ G. W. Brundace --· J. G. Walsh------15,000 427.000 50.000 1st N., San F. 400,000 50,000 J. E. Walsh  Geo. R. ll'rampton_ C. B. Scott_ ______ A.. T. Frampton ___ --------------------  Placer Oount.y Bank __ •U'87 Alden .Anderson ___ W. J. Wilson ______ 110-3811 Geo. )lcAuiay Avalon __ Lo& An~eles I 7 Los Angeles Tr. & Sav. Bk. ------------------ ___________________ L Pop. 586 9&-896 t '19 Azusa ____ Los An~eles I 8 Azusa Valle,~I· BanUl'Ge W.R. PowelL ____ J.B. Stair ______ L Pop. 2460 . . I B k: W.W. Heth .. First Nation~ A an -----•'CHI W.R. Powell ____ J.B. tair ________ llv-.53 V. ll. Greever Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  s. Gibson _______  Z  ::,i:: Cll  32,930 1,794,420 1,277,260 735.090 N. Park, N. Y.: Anelo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: J.E. Seaton _______ H. S. Clegl!'------·185,000 Capital N. and Cal. N., acramento. A. F. Sandrock Angelu, Cal.) ___ _ _ _ Am.Ex. N., N. Y.; UnionTr.Co,,Chi.;Anglo A. F. Ullrich, Mgr. __________________ (Branch of Lo, & Lon. Paris~•·• S.:.n F 31,000 425,000 430,000 43,000 Merch. N. and 1st .. T., Los A.:1 t ·., Azu aand J. c. Muehe. ______ ------------------25,000 CO\ina. 57,000 751,000 650,000 116,400 Chase ' .. _N. Y.: Cont. · Com'! N., Chi.: J. c. Muehe. ______ Wm. J. Holden____ 50,000 00 :Yer<'h . .:. .• Lo A. E. H. Philleo 01  .. ___.__'"___  Number ander Name of Bank ia the New Tnnlllt Number civen  to each bank in U. 8. exclwil..-elJ by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers• _ _ _D _ lrectorJ. under the authority of The Amerlc-an Bankers Ass'n. 86  -TOWN  ANO OOUNTY.  I  N,UI.EOP'BANK.  --  -==-  Non-Bank Towns with Nea dexed Acee .. ,., .), Law __.,..·er , La  .... .  v  •Oounty •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State p RKSIDDT. In No.12 Fed.St'ats. Re. Di t. iJifem.State Ilks. Assn.tPriv. Lis Los Angeles__!3ranch,: ♦}fem. Feel. Hes. [E<;tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed), in back or this 00 volume. -~r lntere ·t Rates, Bolldays, etc., see Laws.  CALIFORNIA- C Oll t•1llUC d  ICJ:- p RZSIDDT.  I  o  °'  1s  LIABILITIES .  ilBISL  A.SS'T 0.l8BID.  __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _  PAID•UP UBPLU8 CAPITAL PB~~s  1  I  l  DEPOSITS  RESO~  I  ~•"•,l:Dr•• c...n&E:1:-  '  cs:;,"~:· ~:;~  PRlllCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.- - -  •fukl'rsfleltL •• Kern H 7 *Ardizzi-Olce,·e Bank ••. •§'17 L. V. Olcese_ •.••.. J. B. Cauzza•.••... W. V. Bower. ••• _. H. V. Miller, Sec ... S 250,000 $ 12,090 U 685170 $1515 650 $ 434,310J -. &-W - . -e-li-gm-an_&_C_o_.-,_N___y___: _A_n_g_lo-& Lon. 1 Pop.18,638 90-1-12 , . . , Paris N .. an F.; Union Bk. & Tr. Co .. Los A. J:1'1rstBank or Kern- •• •I 01 A. S. Cntes ••..•••. F, }!, Nor1e2a -···· E. B. Duncan •• - . E. C. O Bo.Yle ••••• _ 100,000 70,000 1,300,000 1,201,000 298,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: Wells Fario-.Nev. N., San F.; IIHIO L. \i. Olcese . F. E. Estnbou Far. & Merch. N., Los A.  /* .  *First National Bank __ •t·o2 W. E. Benz------ J. S. Hent1;m .••••• - J. . Henton - - J. R. Wi~ow._.__ 90-1311 L. C. Pontious H.F. HogaAn'c h AE. WC .D~piers • as • • • 1mon  l  400,000  *NATIONAL BANK ! Thoroughly f. H. HALL ...... w.DaJ\\\t.-soN··· J. It RUSSELL ---· F: d: flklH······ eq ulpped to your bualneas at potn, and clnHJ. OF BAKERSFIELD 90-141  100,000  handle  fhls  Send 70111' lte ms direct to us. TEST OUR FA CILITIE8.  •t'l3  (~llembu-s indicated b11  a*)  26,470 1,397,520 1,187.920  YI  403,370 Mech, & Metals N., N. Y.; Com'I N., Loa A.; Bk.of Cal. N. A.,San r.  0  >  I  :•Security Trust Co .••• -•U-11 L. V. Olcese ··-··-· t A. . Crites •••••••• ' O.R.Kamprath.♦ 110-1'0 H. R. Peacock · J. A. Hu2hes, Su. E. II. Clare. A. Cash. Bakersfield Olearini= House W. E. Benz •••• -••• J .•. Henton-··-·· -·-·-·--·-··--··· Baldwin Park, L. Aneele: , b'irst ·ational Bank ·-·•t·12 L Pop. 1500 I7 90·829 Danning .••• River ide I 4IFirst National Bank •••• •l'0II L Pop. 1810 110-548 Bay Point..Contra Co~ta First 'ational Bank •• - •• '20 Pop. 250 ll 9 90 915 BeaumonLUiverside I 4 Bank of Beaumont .. -.•U•og L Pop. 5i 9o-549 BelL._. Los An1?eles I; First Tational Bank.--.•t'l9 L Pop. 3500 900 Bellflower ..• Lo. Angelt• · Commercial Bank.-•••.• t '20 L Pop. 2000 I 1i 00-931 Benlcla ....... Solano B 8 Oentral Banlc .. ·-····-·•U"82 Pop. 2693 go-550 Berkeley .. _.Alameda C 8 l*BerkeleyBk.ofSn.&Tr.Oo. Pop. 56,036 go-41 •is•g2  227,300 6,813,590 6,248,960 1,566,930 lstN .• N.Y. and Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N.A., Crocker N., and 1st N., San F.: 1st N., Los A .  S. M. Crim •••• •••. Curtis Wible H. H. R. Hunt O. R. Kamprath,  Sec. and Tr.  =  ~ 332,720! 6,841,540 5,966,850 1,381,910 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Wells Far1?0-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Pa:.-is N., ., San F .; Far. & Merch. N .• Los A. 0 , ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ _ _ ·--·-· - · - ·  500,000  35,000 Han. T., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .• Chi.: Secur. Tr. & av., Los A.; Am. N .. San F. 84.210 Han. N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.: 1st N., Los A. 75,000 Mech. &Metals N., N, Y.; lstN., an F.  C. II. Yan Antwerp A. Yarnell .... --··· Glenn W. Smith __ ···----····-········  25,000  6,000  225,000  190,000  J.M. Westerfield •• C. D. Hamilton •••• W. J. \Vesterfiekl -····-····-·-·--··  25,000  40,500  377,910  369,770  L.A. Crowell._ •••• L.A. O'Brien.·-··· c. E. Howes ..•••.. H. Howes .••....• C. n..John. on A. D. Olm tC'a<l---· K. R. Smoot.•.•• - E. J. Gillis-······ - - - · - - - -  25,000  5,600  200,000  205,000  25,000  34,000  284,000  265,000  69,000 IChase N .. N. Y.: Com'l N. and 1st N., Los A.  T. V. Ca sidy -·-·· W. C.  prin1rnr •... G. E. Moreland •••• G. E. Fry •.•.••..•.  25,000  5,000  202,800  163,740  . Thomp on ..• J. E. Randall.. .... II. G. Flint. .• _. ___ , Curtis E. Flint. ••• _  25,000  2,500  80,490  40,510  58,160 N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fargo Nev. N., San F.; 1 Far. & Merch. N. and Merch. N,, Los A. 56,630 ICitiz.N .• LosA.  .  !  - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - R. C. Bryce. Mgr •• R. C. Bryce •••• (Branch of Vallejo, Calif. ) .. -·-··· ·--····· ' Mech. & Metals N .• '. Y.; 1st ·., Wells Fargo _ ~ I Ne_v. N., and Am. N .. San F. L. R. Coleman F. L. Naylor.·-··-· W. B. Woolsey. ___ G. T. DouJ;!las ••••••.1E. K. Cole-······466,300 602,a00 10639370 9,997,J90 1,612.440 N. City, a1l'J Guaranty Tr. Co. , N. Y.; .Jereb. (2 lJranchci > W. S. Wood I Ln. , ·Tr.Co., Chi. G. C. Pettygrove 1 , A. H. he field 30,000 650,000 550,000 100,000 Chase N., N, Y.; Bk. or Cal. N. A., San F.; *College Tational Bank •t'l0 B. F. LyniP--·--··· J. II. Thies, Jr ...•• B. G. Ensii=n .••• ___ J. O. Matthias·-··· 200,000 Cal. N ., Sacramento. 90·47 Federal Land Bank, Dist. 11 (For complete in/or mation see pags 32) 1  F. L. NAYLOR .... ,.. E. WOOLfiEY ... F. H. THATCHER ...  *FIRSTNATIONALBANK •t'92 llo-42  !  dkJ~~icB~K  BERKELEY.  oLnE T AND IN Une:icelled facl lltles for handlin g your busine  t·1v[\'l--·······0  (Berkeley  *West Berkeley Bank_.•if'03 J 90-687  Beverly Hills.Lo Angel rs L l'op.li7 17 Bieb •r.··-·-· La n B5 }'op. 513 Bil!!! ···--···--BuUe n , Pop. Ii ·3 Biiwin ·-···--·· Inyo F 7 L Pop. 500 Biola•• --····· Fre no '6 (I" •rman P. o.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Branc h) · · - - - · - - - -  IRA A. MORRIS,  Mar.  t:tl ~  C'D  "'1  ~ C'D  O:  ,...  316,E00 5,236,920 4.479,280 1,650.830 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., 1-.-4 Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacra- w mento; 1 ·t N,, Lo· A.  -o•  ff. G. JOHNSON'J  A. 1': ar.  eph Gunn ••••.. John Gill ••• ---··· G. ,\.. Bruce-·-- .• R. L. Underwood.. B, F. Lynip  (Branch  of Oa kland,  Cal.) -·· --······· Chase N. and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.;  of Oakland,  Cal.)-·· ·····---- Han. N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi.: Wells Fari=o-  Am. N., San F.  Nev. N., San F. 106,000 Mech. & Metals N. and T . Bk. Com., N. Y.; Wells Fario-Nev. N. and Anelo & Lon. Paris N .• San F. - - - - - - - --····-· ···-·-··· .••••••.. 87,200  17,900  8 6,153  958,710  Berkeler Clearing House .••• Ira A. Morris •••. -. J. S. Mills---···-· Jos. Gunn, Tr .•••• F, H. Thatcher, (.Members Indicated b11 a*) Sec. Fir t Tational Bank ••••• • ·19 Kirk B. Johnson·- W. E. \Voods-·-··· o. N. Beasley ••.• _. ···--·---····-····· 30,000 3,000 250,000 200,000 80,000 Chase N •• N. Y.; Secur. Tr. · ~ av., Los A,i 00·902 o. . Bea ·ley WellsFargo-J.Tev.N .• anF. La sen Industrial Bank•U'14 _ _ _ - - - - · · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. Hancock, Mar._ - · - - - - · · (Branch of Susa nville. Cal.) ••• _ _ _ Cal. N .• Sacramento: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., 90-827 I .SaJ?, F.:J..assen Industrial: S~sanv_ille. Sacramento Valley Bk.•tnz 1J. K. Hastinrs-·-·· A. w. D ed .••••••• w. A. IIarlan. ____ B. F. Lucas___ 80,000• 38,280 878,630 863,820 142.310 . c1ty, • Y.; CAont. & Csom Fl• .. Ohl.; Cal. N .• 8 acramento: ~- .• an . go-551 Inyo count, Bank .. - .. •U·07 ---·-········-····· -·····-------······ L. ~haw-···-- (Branch of B1$h 0J>, Cal.) · - · - ··-··--· Ando & Lon. Paris N., San F. 110·552 Fir t ·ation, I Bank •••••-'20 1'rcd .'clson ••• __ •. ,-----·---·-··-·-··· II. B. Bier----····----········- 25,000 -·-·-- 1- - · · - - - - ·-·····- 1 1!0·92-l  I  ~  Clll  p,)  *Fir t avings Bank •••• •§'16 ···········-·-··-··· ·········-··-····-·- J. S. Mills, Mar .. __ ····-····----··· (Branch 90-46  *OAKLHD BK. OF SAVINGS • 90--!4 •:t ··rn  Ill  >  0  300,000  RICK  •  z >  ------·--··---·-····1D.  I .  '-4  e!  ..., C: P->  ~  '°~_  87  Number under Name  or Bank ia  -TOWN AND COUNTY-:  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-  the New TramH Number sinn  to each bank in U S exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Banken' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  CALIFORNIA-Continued  -NAME OF BANK.  ~~f~~/cc;~}•1!t:!:fsit!t!:,s  •Mem. Am. Bks ..Assn. SState •County Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Di t. iMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Lis Los.Angeles Branch •~lem. Fed. He:s.  PRESIDJ:NT.  VI~-PRJ:SIDDT.  0.A.SJllll.  A.S8'T 0.A.SBill.  CAPITAL PBOFITB  ~~~~ ~ J~8a;~~. !:ie~a;:e _ _:_;.=~::S S::  PRINCIPAL CORKE':lPOl'iD.11:NT:,.  RESOURCES. _S-_ ll'Lo--..-...-&-D-,11--,l-c,.-m-.-Ex-- I 1-P-AI_D-_U_P_,.,,S,...u_:_;_tu_s_D_EP_O LIA.BILITIES.  ~  :::  e's!,.,::;• ~;o;~!:  ITS  Bi~hop _______ Inyo F 7 First National Bank ____ •t'l7 C. A. Eastman _____ J. S. Eastman ______ Wm. J. Ge~rge ____ - - - - - - - $ 100,000 $ 10.000 $ 450,000 $ 400,000 $ 120,000 1st N., Los A.: 1st N., Wichita. L. :M. Klawiter 90-854 L Pop. 1304 121.000 54,850 1,687.1100 1,719,760 194,970 Anl?lo & Loo. Paris N., Sao F.; Merch. N., ""' Inyo County Bank: ----•U'02 W.W. Watterson_ E .Watterson ___ JI. Q. Watterson_ A. P. Mair ________ " ---- ---" J. . Hender on 90--471 Los A. 60,000 212.110 15,120 180,480 Owens Valley Bank: ____ •t§'l0 I M. Q. Watterson __ -------------------- W.W. Watterson __ A. Marshall ___ _ 32,730 Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San F.; Secur. Tr. 90-472 & av., Los A. _ ____________________ Stadler T. A. _________ Haab Bly,he ____ fttverslde J 10 Farmers & Merch..:·at. Bk. G. W. Kelsey ______ Carl 50,000 41.640 122,770 1,650 15,670 1st N., Los A. •t'20 90-920 L Pop. 1622 428.800 396,010 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.; Kan. T., 10,130 789,670 25,000 First rational Bank ____ •~·10 A. F. Masterman __ A. F. I aacson _____ G.D. Page___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " --- ---" Wichita. ~554 (Branch of Los A ngeles, C al.) ____ ------- Liherty ,. • .. .i:·. Y. ; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Union Hellman Com'l Tr. & Sav. Bk. -------------- ------------- E. \ . Dent, Mor. - E. A. Carroll, Tr. Co .. an F. A. Mgr. •t§'l7 90-866 BrawleY----Im1>erial K 10 L Pop. 5392  FIRST NATIONAL BAH-•:•10  W. T. Dua----- C. A. Frederick --- W. L. Garrett ____ R. C. Lee__________ A. F. Crowell, Jr., F. L. Mallory A. Cash. Imperial Valley Bant ___ ef'l3 W. T. Dunn _______ W. H. Best _______ )LG. Doucl ________ R.R. Stil1?enbaur__ H. J. Ingram • II0-601 Fay Barnett  150,000  101,890  743,590 1,368,360  93,590 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.  100,000  80,750  805,600 1,~07,670  92,240 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N .. Los A.: Bk, of Cal. N. A .. an F.  IM)-509  La Habra Valley Baok .. il' 12 l•'. ~735  Bank of ,\11l10t'h ------•U'l3 90-781 Southern County- Bank __ 5'17 90-865 Burbank Savinl?s Bank:-•1'11 110-720 Farmers & Merchants Bank •U'l3 90-791 First National Baot __ et"08  A·. llii:h --------  Thos. Davidson ___  --- -·-------------- ---- · _____________ __  >  276,160  91,390 N. Park, N. Y.; Com'! N., Los A.: 1st N., San  5,000  335,460:  25,000  4,480  338,070!  H . .!. OhurcJl ____ A. 0. Kendall ___ R. 0. Ohurch ___ A. B. Dufur______  25,000  10.000  690,520  628,680  llnrlinl!am , ___ San Jlateo Bank of Barlinrame __ eif"07 Geo. A. Pope ______ H. O. Ross _______ C. S. Orary ----- E. H. Green____ H. E. Jenkins A.H. Wright, C. S. Crary 90--557 0 8 Pop. -1107 A. Cash. Peninsula ~:95------•t1'19 0 Boldemann __ i,~E:i,f1~fluence -- F. E. Parfitt ______ J. R. Whitmore --.. - - ---..  75,000  18,170  80-1.020  776,750  50,000  3,750  215,0001  ~  ..,  1  1  z  316,330  25,000  "  F.  s. F., humaker --·· CENTRAL BAH OF IMPERIAi: VALLEY 90-!!46  J. ~I. Edmunds ____ -------------------- John H. Crippen__  50,000  10,000  191,000  T.  r+  210,000  45,000 N, City, N. Y.; French-Am. Bk. of Sav., San F. 0  n 9  N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Cal. N., Sacramento; Oaoadi... n Bk. of Oom., Sao 11'. 11> A.m. N .. Sao 11'. 'O 174,000  86,000 N. City, N. Y,; U.S. N. , Los A.: & Com., San Diego.  360,550 150,000 156,420 2,071,820 1,982,340 J. M:. Edmunds ____ D. A. Leonard _____ D. A. Leonard ____ c. B. Moore_______ J.P. MacDonald M. H. Sherman 294,000 286,000 7,500 50,000 58,000 Calirtria __ Impe rial J 10 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bk. 0. K.Thomas ___ A. D. ~IacKenzie .. A. J. Erichsen ____ C. W. Ilmderks __ _ •t:18 • . 90-824 . .. Pop. 785 :50,HO 50,000 214,1101 307,030 9,050 First National Bank _____ .i 15 W. B. Coberly _____ C. T. )lcKcrhan ___ C. T. McKeehan __ R. :M. '\'\ ansley __ _ .. J. A. Godwin 90-830 595,180 15,000 617,750 25,000 57,100 Calistora ______ Napa A. 8 Oalisto1?a National Bant•t"08 C. M. Hoover ______ c. S. Piner _______ E. L. A.rmstronr - G. M. Brown ____ _ I M, Rockstroh . • , 9o-5G0 Pop. 850 208.000 3,400 194.000 66,000 50,000 Camarillo ____ Ventura I 6 Farmers Bank _____ ----- I 16 J. W. Phelps ______ A. Camar 1110 ______ P. R. Ruth _____________________ _ , 90-8~1 . L Pop. 40q 375,320 60,970 43,550 356,420 25,000 cambria_San Luis Ob1s1>0 Bank of Cambr1a ______ ei103 J. H. Bradhoff _____ John Taylor ______ J. F. Stewart ____________________ _ 90-561 H 4 Po.i. 150 R. G. Archibald.A. (Branc1", of San Jose, Ca I.) ______ ------oampbell Santa Clara D 9 GARDEN CITY BK. & TRUST -------------------- ____________________ Ralston Alison. Mgr. Mor. COMPANY-90-562 ____ •:tl'IIG Pop. 1000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  outhern Tr. g°:::  •1'06  FIRST NATIONAL BAH •i·oo 90-519  T  Gr owers ..."ational Bank .t'20 B. 0. Curry _______ E. K. Clendenin2-- L. T. Lenox ______ _ --------------F. C. 'elson · 90-916  50,000  3,100  I  t[j  113,820 N. Oity, N.Y.; Secor. Tr. & Sa,·. ancl Citiz . • 00 • ::r LosA .. Am.N.,Sanll'. 110,940 Chase .. N.Y.: Cont.&Com'l.c ., Chi.; Anglo & o 'O Lon. Paris N. and Crocker N .. San F.  Butte Olty ___ Glenn D 4 SacrammtoValle1Bant•it·10 - - - - - - _________ Geor1?e Beed, Mgr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Branch of Bi(Jg ,, Cal.)_ 90-a58 . Pop. 200 __________ (Branch of Trae II, O<ll.)_ , Bvron Contra Oosta O 10 Bank of Tracy _________ tl'll - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ E. C. Hannum, Mor. 110-~8 - Pop. 600 · Calexico •••• Im1>erial KIO Pop. 6223 L  0  N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Secur. Tr. &Sav. ~ and Citiz. N., Los A. tll 57,330 Secur. Tr. & Sav. and 1st ·., Los A..  - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ James A. Fay, Mgr. ____________ (Branch of .Ana heim, Oa1 l.) ------  H. A. Church ______ Martin Pupka _____ R. 0. Church ______ A. K. Dufur_______  ______  ~  "ll  >-  C. P. Nesselroad ___ F. A.. Halburr __ F. F. Scribner _____ Edna M. Crane____  "  -  (Branch of San D iego, Cal. ) ______ -------- N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. Park, N. Y.: ~ ng district. Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Anglo ·Lon.Paris ~ N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Citiz. N. and Far. & )ferch. N .• Los A. 206,0iO 123,090 N. P,trk, .. •. Y. ; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Citiz . ...,. 381,770 730 25,00() - - - - - - - - J.P. icvt'r ______ w N., Loi A.: Bk. ofCal. N. A .. San F. . Anl?IO & Lon. Paris N., San F. Lee Durham, Mvr. ___________________ (Branch of Antio ch, Cal.)  Imperial V aJley Is the world /8 ~r~!i~s/Ya'"rmi so:111~~.Ii~o~!!"ME,~~ We wm apprecl ate your business ---- IJThe frl'a __________ Qran1?e I 2 Pop. 1037 L Brentwood-Contra Costa B 10 Pop. 300 3uena Park ••• Orani:e J 8 Pop. 115 L Jlurba11k.Lo1 Anreles I 7 I, Pop. 2913 .. _______ •  n  >  85,1601 1'7,400  Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Los A..; Crocker N., San F. Citiz. ., Lo A.; Am. N., San Bernardino. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N .. Los A.: Bk. of Cal. T. A., San F. Mtle. Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. . Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Am. N., San F. N. City, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris T . . San F.: 1st T.,LosA.  N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fargo -Ne \'. ..:. an F.  35,250 .·.City, .. •. Y.; 1st • .. San F.; and 1st~··• San Jose.  ecur. St.'.lte  Non-Bank Town with Nea dexed Ac e .), Lawyer., La "" ... -"' ... "' ~ .  , . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.&ffAWI  .  .  '"••• It._,, A'-  88  Number uncler Name of Bank is the New Tran1U Number given to bank in U. '. ei:cluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  I  NA.ME oF BANK. --;-ro~N-:-Nn couNrr. §State •Mem . .Am. Bies.Assn. 1.Oonntv Bks.Assn.tPriv. Re·. Dist. tMem.State 12 Fed.Seats. In No E s t a I i. [ He 1 h . ♦ .\I l'tu. l'e J> J • s._ i_ ( • Lis Los A_ng_~ es_2rayc  po11:sin•uT _, . ..  VIC"'-PR•ain~uT. _,, ....., ,,. I -  on-Bank Tm ·n \\1th T<' re t lhmklug 1•otnt (In• dexerl Acces.), Li wyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl oo volume. For Jntere t IC.ate , Holld ys, etc., sec Lim .• 00  CALIFORNIA- C 00 t"lilUe d  --- -  I  I 'a -=-  OASBlll.  ASST  -------i  '  PRINCIPAL coRRESPONDZNTs  REsou&cEs.  LIABILITIES. ASHIU.  I t - nuo&D,a-1 C••x&E:rDEPOB• ITS  SURPLUS PAID-UP' CAPITAL' PR~:i;.~TB  ci:·u!%i":• ~~~•:;~::  ---- ---- ----  C.i.rpinteria,SantaBarbara Commercial Trust & Sav. Bk. 1----------- -------- ---------·---------- S. B. Schauer, .Mor. ________________ (Branch of Santa Barbara, Calif.) _________ Irvin~ N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cont. & Com'LT., Chi.; 1st r·. and City .. Los •!§" 11 90-693 I6 Pop. 1500 Wells Fargo- ·ev. T,, San F. 25,000 $ 2,500 $ 200,000 $ 160,000 $ 40,000 Am. N .. San It'. C. Freland ___ A. Clernnger ______ w. H. Lemmon____ __________________ caruthers ••. _Fresno G 6 First National Bank ____ 90-892 Pop. 300 277,160 109,170 ... T. City, N. Y.; Am. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A .. 37,530 339,880 25,000 --- J. R. \Vilson _______ H. W. tcphen .•. _________ _________ Cedarville---- Modoc B 5,Surprise Valley Bank __ •tf'05 ,F. E. Bush San F.: Cal,.' .. Sacramento. . l . , r • . 90-563 . Pop. 600 200,000 Chase N. and El't River N •• N. T.; Bk. of 1,300,000 1,350,000 40.000 100,000 _______ White H.B. Dusterberry_ F.T. Ccnterville __ AlamedaO8 F1rstNat1onalBank ____ ei05 JohnG.Mattos.Jr. Joseph Dias ______ Italy, San F. 90-564 Pop. 1000 ~tate Bank. - -_- - - -------•§'20 -------------------- - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - G. L. Lawrence ___ (Branch of San L eandro, Cal.) ___ _________ b.·t ... •. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; ···---·- " " 90 918 Cep.t. N .. Oakland. 177,800 N. City, N. Y.; Wells Farrw-Nev. N .. San F.; O 532.120 18.400 653,450 50,000 Cere _____ Stanislaus F 5 Bank of Ceres ________ •il'll W.R. Service _____ Antony Morgan --- E. C. Baird _________ J.M. Campbell.___ Far. & 1Ierch ...... , Los A. j 90-565 Pop. 63i I  •t·rn,w.  l  ChiCO---Pop.-93rtte D  4  I  .  ,  .  > ~  - ·------BUTTE COUNTY rWM. J. O'CONNOR ~- ED. HARKNESS------ ED. HARKNESS---·-- W.s. K.F. TROXEL MATJIEWS O W COOPER COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY AND REMITTED ON DAY OF · NATIONAL BANK ~ _ _ __ __ __ PAYMENT. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO BANKI~ M~TT_!~S. •i' 250,000  90- 305  !72,330 2,871,480 3,121.140  412,500 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st X., Chi.; )1 h•. au(I An~lo & Lon.-Parls N., :sau F.  •  73  Butte Oounty Sav. Bk,_•t§'05 Guy R. Kennedy __ James H. Jones--90-306 First National Bank ____ •i·o8 .A.. H. Smith------ C. B. Swain ________ 90-307 • People's Sav. & Com'l Bank J. F. Morehead ___ J. A. Bennett_ _____ Lee Richardson •§'14 90-817 • Chino_San BernardinoJ 8 Chino Savings Bank _____ f'l2 Edwin Rhodes ____ 0. J. Newman _____ 90-757 L Pop. 211>2 First National Bank ____ .i•o3 Edwin Rhodes ____ 0. J. Newman ____ " •· .. 'atiomil Bk.•t'l8 D. G. Smutz------- H. Barcroft_ _______ Chowchilla. ___ ladera F5 Chowchilla Q0-566 90-868 Pop. 600 Fir t .. 'ation a 1_na nk ___ --•'17 W. D. Ca.rdwe!L •• 1A, C. Brown -----" " 90 797 ObulaVista.SanDiero K 9 PEOPLES STATE BANK•tl'90 Greg. Roger ------ 'I'. J. II. McKnight. 90-567 l Pop. 171 Claremont,LosAngeles I 3 First National Bank ---•t'06 Martin Abernethy - J. T. Brooks _______ j 90-56& L Pop, 1728 Cloverdalc ___ Sonoma K 2 U'irst National Bank ____ •t'84 0. B. Shaw-------- Geo. Caralli.. ______ 90-569 Pop. 718 CJmi-, ________ FresnoG 6 First 'ational Bank ____ •i·12 J. W. Potter _______ . T. Drown _______ 90-788 Pop. 1157 First State Bank ________ if'04 R. Norrish -------- E. E. Reyburn _____ " " 90-570 Ooachella ___ Riverside JO First National Bank ___ .i•12 J.M. Westerfield __ A.G. Proctor. _____ 90- 767 L Pop. 500  R. T. Williamson_ T. J. Bohli11e-______ G. P. Morse E. J. Cain _________ T. N. Crew________ J. E.Holub,A.Cash. R. W. Seager H. S. Moir _________ E. A. Op aL______ ElsieE.Church,AC Clara Coffman J.11. Vance _______ R. C. William~____  n. C. William.  1  200,000 _________ 2,133,770, 2,320,360 100,000  64,000 1,939.5301 1,683,000  100,000  10,510  697,590'  710,760  25,000  8,730  120,000  152,000  320,000  1  3ti2,000  ____  25,000  25.540  W. P. Coombs_____ ____________________  50,000  10,000  405.000 2:;:0,000' .,  Harry Elli: ________ o. A. Dike_________  25,000  2,300  175,000  105,000  J. II. Vance _______  ~  > I  'ci  Warner Edmonds_ -------------  25,000  5,i20  314,220  279,330  50,000  23,000  700,000  604,000  50,000  25,ooo j  250,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ Chase N., •. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.  B. I. Ile se·------- , ------------~-------  50,000  23,320  519,180  428,610  !  136,670 Chase N .• N. Y.; M.tle. Tr. Co., San F. to ' 452,270 N. Park, N. Y.; A.m. N. and Wells Fario-Nev. .., N., San F.; Cal • .,_T., Sacramento. 95.150lfrvini? N.,,N. Y.; bt :N., C~i.; Am. N. and Bk. '.otCat.N.A., anF.:Capital_N.,Sacramento. ~ 2,000 C1t1z. 1' •. Los A.: 1st N .• Chmo; Orange Co. (fl I Tr. & a\'., auta Ana. lOb,000 Irving N ., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; lst 1 0 • ' .• Los i ' . Y.; Bk. of Cal. 1'. A., San F.: Pl X .. A. 45,000 Han. Capital ... ·., ·acrawenjo, 23.500 Bk. of Cal. N. A., San J'.; 1st N., Fresno; .... . ::s :Merced ecur . .:av .• Merced. 65,600 N. Bk, Oom., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohl.: ,-,. ~ Com'! N•• Los A):. Aru .... ·., San F. ii,' 90,000 Chase N .• N. Y .; Cihz. N .• Los A.  II. T. Belcher ______ II. E •. [ead ________ J. W. Brook. 0. L. Sedeley___ ___________  I  0  ~  0 132,320 N. OitY,, N.Y.: Wells F~r~o-Nev. N., San P'.: 0 Cal.N .. acramento; Umon N., Fre·no. ~ 0 80.,00 N. Park, N. Y.: Crocker N., San F.; 1st N ...... i: Fresno. 128,500 Han.N.,N.Y.:1 tN.,LosA.:Crocker r.,sanF. ~  C. T. Reyburn _____ Thos. Howison, Jr.  25,000  15,730  294.M0  251,190  H. A. Westerfield __ J. W. Westerfield_  25,000  16,350  362,490  278,960  A. E. WEBB----· R. C. BAKER------ 0. D. CANADAY---- ],. K. DAHLE-----uHN S. POTTS G. T. MOUNTFORD  50,000  i'0.460 1,904,200 1,469.1 0  547,140 Guaranty •rr. Co.,N. Y.: Wells I<'argo-,.'ev ...... A nrlo & Lon. Paris N ., ancl 1st ... T . . San Jl'.: 1st N., Los A.; Fidelity Tr. & Sav., Fre no.  25,000  14,310  328,500  245,290  G. Capurro-------- Geo. Lagomarsino. Claudio CattorL __ -------------------~il\·io Delli Olirer c:ranucci. l'. P, C ltou au Bern'dino J 8 Colton National Bank ___ •t'07 J . B. Coulston _____ D. W. Willets ______ L. 0. Newcomer ___ D. G. Thomas ____ _ . , . . . , . 90-300 ,. L Pop. 4282 Jqr t . . at1onal Bank ••• - •: 86 H.B. ~mith. ______ Jenme E. Davis. __ C. \\. Curti·. _____ B. F. 'Janner _____ _ .. .:'IL 1Iatthews 90-~  75,000  12,320  223,190  211,390  103,060 •. Park, N. Y.: Wells Farro-Nev. N., San F.; Capital ·.. acramento. 76,730 East Hiver N., '. Y.; Bk of Italy, San l•'.  50,000  15,000  420,000  370,000  120,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N., San F.: .lercb. N., ._  50,000  58,000  495,000  360,000  172,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Crocker N .. San F.  Coalinga---- - Fresno II 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t•og Pop. 2934 9o- 2"n 2 Colfa ________ Placer E 4 Oolfax BanJr ___________ •if'07 90-571 Pop. 573 Colma .• ___ an '.lateo C 7 Colma state llank ______ t~•20 90 930 l'op. 5000  I  { Send fOUI' Coall n_ga ltema so a• for qalck lefflce. WE G•:T RESULTS. D. Falconer---- ___ D . .A.. RusseJL ____ 'Arthur C. Weaver_ --------------------  8. H. BURTON---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- T. HARRINGTON--- W. M. HARRINGTON  •Coln , _______ ootu a D 4 COLUSA COUNTY BANK•U-70' { Olde t and Lar Thoroughly equ IXl--448 Pop. l 46 FIRST NATIONAL BANK•t·u K. E. Blevrns _____ ______ " .. 90 -704 Fir. t Savin£. Bank--•!1'12 U. W. Brown ______ " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  00-«4  sest Bank In Col usa County. lpped to handle your collectlons on this point and --------------  u.  I•.. Zoller _______ Ererett Bow01 ____  R. E. Dlevins ______ B. F. Oseood ______ Everett Bowes ____ I  500,000  vlclnlt y.  L~A.  ~  :I  i:  400,000 3,800,000 4,5:io,ooo  320,000 Han. N., N. Y.::Mrrch. Ln. &Tr. Oo.,Chi.;Bk. ~ ~ of Cal. N. A .. San F. 91,160 Seab. N., N. Y.; ls!N .. 9hi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris.._ I'° N., San F.: Capital ... . , .. acrawento. 33,000 Met. 'l'r. Co .. N. Y.: An~lo & Lon. Paris ~ •• l'-J ,an li'.; Capital .. '., Sacramento.  150,000  53,410  623,05C  71>1,6~0  50,000  17,800  462,600  496,800 1  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Ines.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'd  Number 11ader l'lam• of Bank ill  .a.. Jfew  Traaalt Kamber ah'•  to each bank in u. 8. uelualnl7 by The Ba1ul-lle:N'allt Baaken• 89 _ _ _ DlreEiorb~.!1~_ihe authority of The A.merlcan Ban en•n. TOlfN A.ND COUNTY.  I-  NAME OF B.~NK.  CALIFORNIA-Continued  I  VICB-PRESIDDT. PRESIDDT. •.Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. lState •Oount:r Seats. 0 A.SJIISK. In No.12 Fe(!. Res. Dist. :Mem.State Bks. Assn.t Priv. 1 [Est.ab. _________ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ LisLosAngelf>.sBranch. ♦Me~!'~-Res.  ..4.SS'T O.&.sHill.  _  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyt>rs, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volum~r-~~re ·t Ra!_e~~d~c., see Laws. ~ C PRINCIPAL OORR:ESPOND.IC.NTS. RESOU~CES.  I LIABILITIES. &D t.. ---•SuRPLUB DEPOS- c'T~•no,,~~-. AND EAID-UP APITALIPRoFITs ~ Bao 11•m■a . ~ - - - - -  I~:::a:•.i:-.  Oompton_LosAnreles I 2 Oitizens Savinrs Bank ___ f'O& J. J. Harshman--- J. Y. Shep~rd _____ K. E. Elliott ____ - - - - - - - - - - - $ 25,000!$ \V. H. Cra~g . 9o-498 L Pop. 1478 50,000' Farmers&,8:if~tsBk.•tl'l3IW.S1mpson ______ L.Daetwe1ler _____ O.K. Reed ________ •.  ~a!·:::a---  16,510$ 134,540 I$ 158.310$ 17,600 1st N. and Los A. Tr. & sav., Los A.; 1st N.,:; tv Compton. 44,990 Ns:tiom .. N.Y.;Com'lN .• LosA.;Am.N .• 405,200 16,960 409,500 47,310  886,610  850,650  13,140  515,020  46(1,490  50,000  47,310  886,610  850,650  50,000  34,660  646,570  546.470  50,000,  First Natio~I ~nk --•t'03 F. L. Walton----- J. H. William ______ .I. K. Elliott---- R. B. Hedrick_____  1  --,..,  Ooncord,OontraCosta B9 Bank of Concord ------•tl'0l J. F. Billie:,------- M. F. Russi_ _______ F. W. Blume 90-525 Pop. 912 First National Bank - ____ •*'11 H. H. Ehrorlh:r ---- 0. J. Foskett----" " 90-526 Oorcoran ______ Kinrs G 6 First National Bank ----•i·a& J. W. Guiberson __ J.C. perry ______ 9o-534 Pop, 1101 Oorning _____ TehamaD 3 Bank of Corning _______ •tf'04 J. L. Donnovan ____ O. D. HiJL _________ 90-572 Pop. 1449 TehamaCountySav. Bk.•tl'l2 G. G. Mor1?an ______ Jesse A. Brown --90-756 Corona _____ Riverside J 9 Citizens Bank __________ if'90 T. C. Jameson _____ T. 0. Andrews _____ 90-818 L Pop. 4129 Corona -·ational Bank.--i·06 Fred Richardson __ F. F. Thompson ___ " 90-IZO First Natio~l,!J a nk ----•t·os c. A. Harding ____ JG. E. Snidecor _____ ..v-o19 'loronado_San Diego K 9 Bank or Coronado ____ •!1'17 J. D. Spreckels ____ R. G. Dilworth_ 1 90- 843 l Pop.32 9  L. L. Herrick ______ ,\lbert Smith______  50,000  G. E. Barnett_ _____ D. L. MacMirhael.  R.R. CunninEham_ L. G. Fuller________ O. H. Lovell 0. D. HilL _ _ _ L. L. Million_______  70,000  6,710  513,510  497,010  Emery A. Shook ___ - - - - - - -  50,000  15,270  421,950  350,340  Ethelyn Hampton_  25,000  5,000  210.000  220,000  C. G. Tilton ________ Amanda D. Randals  25,000  8.470  260,550  216,220  F. E. Snidecor _____ 0. C. Harrinrton__ P. L. Hudson Frank Von Tesmar Harry J. Bruner__  75,CO0  30,000  665,000  50,000  12,320  499,060  Geo. E.  nidecor -  1  SOUlHERI TRUST & COM------- ----------------- E.S. Welch, M RCE ANK--------•a ·n  Mgr,_-------------------- (Branch  of  an Dieon. 1  90-57!  Bank of Cottonwood --•U'Ui J.E. mith. _______ J.C. Brown _______ 90-8il Bank of Courtland-----•!§'19 Chas. E. Hollister_ L. W. Myers ______ 90-891 Rank of Covelo __________ §'20 J. . Rohr bough __ D. T. Johnson _____ 90-927 Covina National Bank ---•'06 J. D. Reed _________ 1J. H. Coolman _____ I 90-4M Covina Valley Sav. Bk. •U·o1 A.. P. Kerckhoff ___ . W. M. G~iswokt __ .M. Leonhardt 90-433 1M. Leonhardt__ ____ W. M. Griswold ___ First National Bank 9H32 •Orescent Oity _Del Norte Del • orte County Bk.•:11900 Jacob Karhoff er ___ J. B. Ender~------9o-48l B I Pop. 955 Crescent Heig-hts, Los Crc<1c('nt Hei1?hts National F. C. Hardy ________ O. N. Beasley _____ H. w. Johnstone Angeles _____________ J 2 Bank ____ go-253 __________ ·21 (71101 Santa .Monica Bl1Jd.) L (Loa Angeles P. 0.) Crockett ___ oontra Costa Bank of Pinole---- ----•tl'05 ------------ ____________________________ 1 90-574 B8 Pop 4500 First Natio~ f:nk ____ •i-t!l T. J. O'Leary _____ G. W. Likens _____ · 8 OrowsLandine,S tanislaus Bank of Newman ______ .i5•03 ---------------- _________________ 90-S36 F 4 Pop 400 First Natio1tJt~r,nk _____ •:•to J. T. Crow _____ Lloyd McAulay ____ . 3 W. o. Crow Oucamonea. San Ber'dino First National ,!}~nk ----•i·04 F. A. Lucas ________ Chas. B. Motsin1?er !l0-->7.J I8 L Pop 2300 Culver City~_Los Aneeles CULVER CITY CQM'L & SAV. Eugene Webb, Jr. H. E. Edington ____ I 7 BANK--:--90-8~8 _____ •U'14 L Pop. 503 First ·at10 n a! Ba nk______ '20 RobertWankowski A. B. Greenewald_ •• _____ ·• 90 933 Outler ________ •rulare G 7 Fir,t Nation a ~ Ba nk _____ t'l8 J. W. Floyd·------ Henry Abrams ____ 90 880 B :i.n k . ---- ----•+§ ·20 J oh n D . Daly _____ R. c. MacArthur __ 400Mateo 8 Daly c·1 Pop. an 1 Y Daly City__ 90-946 (Br. of San Francisco) Oottonwood ___ ha. ta 3 Pop . .JOO Courtland ___ sacramento B 10 Pop. 400 Cov IO---- lendocino D 2 Pop. 500 Oovina __ Los Angeles I 3 L Pop. 19!J9 ..  ----•*'04!  1  P.R. 1errilJ ______________ _  25.000  W. P. Olarke ____________________ '• J. G. Thomas _____ _  o. Enrlish  3,500  150,000  50,000  5,000  280,000  25,000  ---------  53,000  _________________ _  50,000  20.000  470,000  J. D. Coles ________ --------------------  25,000  42,700  540,020  J. D. Coles ________ --------------  50,000  101,090  Fred ll'r&Dtz_ ______ ___________________ _  71,800  51,600  :M. O. Taylor _________________________ _  25,000  V.  •,;Ill  ----------~  650,000  145,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.; Crocker N .• San F. 117,670 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.; Wells Far1?o-Nev. N. and Am. N., San F .. 1st N .• Oakland. 145,480 Han. N .• N. y .; 1st N .. San .F.; Cent. N ., Oakland. 20-1,700 Ohase N., N. Y.: Crocker N .. San F.: 1st N., Los A. an!! Fre no. 93,210 Chae N .. N. Y.; Am. N. and Ane"lo & Lon. 0 Paris N .• San F. 130,260 N. City, N .. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and An~lo & t""' ·Lon. Paris .. an F. 20,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and March. N .• Los A. "lJ  >  0  90.000 Irvin!? N .. N. Y.: Far.& Merch. N and Secu .Tr, ~ <. ~av., Los A.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N .• an F. "' .c.._ 105,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Los•· and San J!'.  >  120,110 ~ . City, •. Y.: Cont. & Com'l '. and nion Tr.Co.,Chi.:Well5Far~n-Nev.N.anclAnglo ti, & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Oitiz. .. Los A.; 1st ~ _, N., San Diego. Cat.) ___ _________ r', City, •. Par,k. and m:~rriman N .. •. Y.: 1 Con_t. & qom 1 .1: .. Qh1.: f.n1?lo & Lop. ~ Pans, .•. ~ ellJ Fargo- ev. N •• and :.\ltle ~ .. C/l San I!.; C1tiz ..... and Far. &Mer~h. N .• Ln A. 125,000 40,000 .... Park, .Y.: Anglo & Lon. Pans N•• San F.: () Capitol ·t..: acramento. 250,000 75,000 N. City, N. :r..; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; o !::1 Capital N., Sacramento. 44.000 24,000 Crocker .i: ., ~an F.; 1st N., Willets; Com l Bk., ;J 'O kiah. 500,000 i0,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Oom'l N .. Los A. 438,700  z I  1  o  521,200  86,520 1st N. and Merch. N., Los ..!.  ::, i ...  1}81,110 1,035,270  121,920 Merch. N .• Los A.:Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San 11'. O  821},830 813,360 139,900 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Ando & Lon. Paris'~ rBk. of Eureka and ~s~ N., Eureka. ::, N., i;:an 2,500 --------- __________________ Ilan. N,, .... 1.; 1st N.. an F.; C1tlz. N .. Los A. <  r-:  '==  L. E. Hart. Mor. ___ ___________________ (Bramch of Pino U, Cal.) __________________ Chase r., N. Y.: Cent. N., Oakland; Anglo- ~ Cal. Tr. Oo., Am. N., and Bk. of Italy, San F. F. W. Hutchinson __________________ _ 38,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N. and Wells Fargo-... ·ev. 207,S90 6,410 197,550 25,000 N., San F.: 1st N., Oakland. 1 (Bra-neh of New man, C at.) _____________ Ohase N .• N. Y.: Am. N. and Am?lo & Lon. Ruth Elfers. H.F. Stanley, Paris .. San F. A. Mur. Mgr. Georre W. Fink ___ O. A. Filippini__ __ _ 175,000 50,000 1st N., N. Y. and San F. 12,000 25,000  200,0001  H. C. Wentworth__ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ Curtis P. Taylor ___ Grace Y. Ames____  25,000  35,310  317,600  3511,6301  44,430 Han.N.,N. Y.;lstN.,LosA.:CrockerN., an  25,000  4,500  250,000  220,000  35,000 ChaseN.,N. Y.; Am. N .• San F.; Cont.N.,LosA. 51,000 Liherty • .. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-.1?ev. N., an F.; .Ierch. N., Los A. 20,000 I t .. Fre:no and an F.; Secnr. Tr. & av .. Los A. Fargo- ·ev .... ·. and Bk. of Italy, .an F. 6,580 ,: Wells  ,  H. R. Whitaker ___ ---··----------------  2S,000 _________  75,000  40,000  H. J. Thiessen____ ____________________  25,000  2.000  140.000  107,000  . 50,000  2,630  284.Q;:i0:  172,610 •.  R.  c. MacArthur__  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____  F.  ____________________ <Branch of Waln ut Oruk j ,Cal.}_ __ 1 - - - - - - - - - , Guaranty Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris ~ ____ contra Oo.-ta San Ramon Valley Bk,-•*5'07 -------------------- ___________________ F. A. Marshall, Danvilleh~~o 1 N ., San F. ,..llor. 90-576 c9 Pop. 300 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Number ~•d  !  Name •f . .nil b New Tranllt Number  V'HD  Number UDder Nam• er Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. eullulvely by The Rand-lUcNally Banker• Dlreetorf, under the authority of T~e ~merlc~n _Ba~k~r A :.E·  90  ToWB ilD  Oou~TL  •OoontJ' Seats. In No.12 Fed. Hes. DLt. Lis Los Angeles Brancl!: Davis ...P·o·;;_··-: .Yolo E4 v9 ., " " Delano •••••• -•. Kern H6 POD. liOJ Del Rey •.•••. Freno G 6 Pop. 623 Denair_.Stanislaos O 11 Pop. 110 Dinuba •••..•. Tulare G 6 Pop. 3400 ''  NillK ~ J t .  L1AB1L1T1Es.  ..lss'T 0.A.8HID 0.A.8Blll VICE P.&J:BIDENT P&J:SIDJ:NT •Mem. Am. Ilks. As1n. lState . . . . . Uifem.StateBks . ..lasn. tPriv. [E~tah. 1= - - = ~ = - : - - - - - l · - : c - - - - c : - ~ - - - -- i - - - - - - - - • · - - - - - - - • ~~Iem. Fed. Res. Bank or Da;i~fgii······•t§'l3 R. W. Wiese •..••• _ G. J. Haussler •.••. F. P. Wray •••••••• Wilson Klee pie..  Banlc of Yolo .••••••••• •!§'09 •···········-······ ••••.•.••••••••••••• ······-·-··--···· 90-577 First National Bank •••• •t·os H. Hawley •.•.••••• J. J. Schlitz-·--·- L, M. Brown. · · A. Bulock 90-6?8 Grower~ ecuntyllankt ·20 G.L.Holton .. __ .. F.E.Grcen ......• F.A.Ellsworth .... 90-940 First National .Bank ••.• •t'l7 B. C. Britton -··-· Gc>or{{e :Myer -···· G. L. :\IcKechan __ 90-86-1 Commercial Bank ..... •. a•13 - - ~ - - - · · - · · - - - - - - - G, H. Taber, Mor .. 00-726 Dinuba Sa vines Bank .••. I'll W. B. Nichols-···· R. E. L. Morton ••• C. R. Morton_···9H97 First Tational Bank ••• -•i'02 W. B. Nichols····- C.R. Morton ••••.. II. L. Andrew •.•• 9o-494 Karl R. Lewis  PAID•UP  SuRPLUe AND  Paol'ITa 25,000 $ 27,500  CAPITAL  H.B. Crego·---··-· CBraneh of Woo J.E. Halloran ..... H. G. Hawley J . . pePr ....... .  100.000  1-1,000  50,000  8.480  J. ·. Uild,•r •......  25.000  15,000  - - - · - - - · · ( ofTurlo  -=  RESOURCES.  I !  25,000  15,510  50,000  67,670 1.517,9-10 1,329,050  United States Nat. Bk .. •i'08 M.A. Bennett .•... E. S. Friend.···-·. E. C. chulz •...... E. B. Friend··--·· 9<>-495 Dixon.·-······solano E 4 Bank of Dixon-••••••••• U'73 L. P. Hall ••••• ·-··- Chas. E. Olausen .•• R. Koss ........... J. :\I. Cowlleu ... . 9(Hi1' Pop. 920  2::i,000  21.350  c. Madden •.....  •El Oentro.Imnerial K 10 FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK •i'08 L  Pop. 546-1  ll<HS5  360.000  350.000  E. R. Wat. on •••••. R. E. L. Stephens •• A. C. Kadden._ •. _ D. RotL .. --·······  25,000  5,000  240,00l  200,000  J. W .•.iemens ··-· Jolm 'iemens, Jr .• W. G. Hagelstein •• Hazel Hagelstein ..  25.000  20,000  2 0.000  .................... ·-···········-······ A. C.  mith, Mgr._ ··-··-··· ··-··--···- •Branch of Los Banos,  250,000 Cal.) ••.  51,020 Cal. N .. Sacramento; Bk. of Cal. N. A .• Wells () Fargo. ev. J.,andAnglo&L9n.faris~ .. SanF. , 290,880 Han. N ., N.Y.: Cont. & Com 1 •• , Ch1.; Anglo _ & Lon. Paris N .• San F.; "ecur. Tr. & Sav., " , T Los _A. _ 289,610 Uan.~ •• N.Y.;lst.... .,SanF.:ComlN.,Los.A.; Q lTnion N ., Fresno. 122,3::i0 Guaranty Tr. Co., . Y.; A;nelo & Lon. Paris :;a N., Qrocker N. a~dUmon Tr. Co .. San F.: _ N. B ·. of D. (? .. Mills & Co., Sarramento. . Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st N .. San F.; acramento. an Joaquin, Sacramento. 25,000 1st N ., Am. N .. and 1st Federal Tr. Co., San F. : ..,.. w acrarnento- an Joaquin, Sacramento. 70,000 Cont.c\Com·t ~ .• Chi.: Anglo&Lon.Paris N.,Sanl F.; Ladd &Tilton, Port.; Cal. N., Sacramento. Z ···-····· Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San ~ F.; Merced Secur.Sav .. Merced: Bk. &Tr,1 00 Co. of Cent. Cal., Fresno. Park. N. Y.: Crocker N'.. :in F.; Union J?re~ no~ Far. & ~lercb .• ·., ~ll'r~~c!, • t:, 6v,000 L1herty .i: ., • • Y.; Am. N., an F.; C1t1z. . Cl> < Los A, 11-1.210 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N., Los A..: Wells Fargo .... en ·ev . • . , an F. i 47,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N,, San F. and Los A..  > ;j  z  >  > I  ::i0.000  • •••••••••T .  _  .~ T . .  Arthur L. Darby •. \\ . . 1. Booth •• -··· C. ". Wilson - · - -·---······ ···- •••.  2:i.000  5,000  155,000  105.000  -······  50,000  29,850  Frank Burke H. 0. Oarr_ ···- -··. J. B. Dennis .••• -.• Bert .Baxley······- ········-··---··-···  666,-180  59 .000  2::i,000  ,000  226,000  226,000  G . .A. Hutaff •. ·-··· A • .A. Conger·····- .A. C. Leach·--····· C. 0. Porter·--····  -10,000  38,810  Gi-1,-H0  633,380  98,9::i0 N. Park, N.Y.: Wells Farro-Nev. N .. San F.  T. II. Mitchell ••••• T. J. Tro. el.. ..•.. J. A. Williams .•••• Ray Franklin .••••.  25,000  7,500  226,0!J0  183,000  67,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chico; Am. N., San F .  J. E. c;angt• ··--··· II. llawley ··-·-·--· R. W. Hawley··-·· ···-······----E. D. Curl  25,000  2,500  35,000  30.000  Q. J. Rowley __ .. A. L. Btll -········ ' W. C.  pringer •.•• L. IL Rive  O  22,000 Han. K., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. ParL F.; :Merch. · ., Los A.  T  G . .A. Davidson •••• P. V. Vorian ••• --. P. Y. ~!organ ••.... - - - - - - · ·  ::i0,000  5,940  463.000  .372,300  G. L. "'trob ck .... George Legge -··. H.J. Humphrey··- L. A. B-tllt>n' .rnr. _  25,000  14,800  315,500  2i7,770  LEROY HOLT--•• F. J. COLE···-····· F. J. GIANOLA •••••• S.S. SMITH ..•..••• _ l~A HOBDY N A.H. KELLER R. E. FERGUSO Your COLLECT ION solicited. P ersonalattentlon. We make an efJ ort to get results and remit promp tly.  200,000  l  loharles H. Cooper rove_ •• Sacramento Bank or Klk Grove---•U'lO G. V. Taverner __ . G M: Colton . .. ···· 1 . . 90-584 A 10 Pop. 500 },,hnhur t ... Alameda ~' 3 ( " c Oal:lmul) Pno 5000  3  an [ '1  100.000 1,750,000 1.700,000  117.530 Irving N .. N. T.: Southern Tr. & Com., San Diego; March. N •• San F. 72,320 1st N., San F., Los A., and San Diego. 350,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .• Chi. and Los A.: Bk. of Cal. N . .A., SanF.  us. ')(),000 715,110 35,390 762,360 16-1.900 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: ls1 A. W. Hy berg •.... uobt .. JcGorney . • • . N·:,Los .A. r (Branch of 1m Dicao, U al.)·-··- ·····-··- i • 01 y, •. 1.; Cont.~- Com 1 ... Cbt.; Anglo Otto JaL'i!('r. & Lon. l'ari~ ••. anti Wt>lls ll'argo •• \•v . .N .. A. /J.fqr. T  50,000  6.100  302,0011  I  •  , an l•'.  236,960  ..... Pl ~  Cl>  '1  '< •  175,060 Han. ' ... '. Y.: 1st N ., San F.; . ac1-a1111.-nfo- ~an Joaquin. Sacramento.  '°  I'-:>  - _. p·ASADENA. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES WILLIAM R. STAATS Co . ' LOS ANGELES·SAN FRANCISCO· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  It%l (/) ,+  Modern bankJn g methods In all departments. Try Secur. Com'I & Sav.Bk.•:1'12 J. K. Hermon ••••• J. . Hoss-··-···· 0. G. Horne-······ 90-744 SOUTHERN TR. & COM. BK. ------···-------· ·----··-···---·--·· Paul llh ·k .• Igr .•• §'l!J 9U• 4 Elk  123,9-10 1.067,130 1.29-1.610 10,000  D. A. I.eouarcl. .... E. \\. lit> ton ••... J.E. ~IcClclland ...................... .  ( ·,rn  418,0i0  i25,ll30  50,000  Farmer & l\lercha.nt Bank 0 0-930 •."20 Dowuey .Los ..lneeles J 8 First....'ational Bank .•••• •'20 90•92 L Pop. 2000 Los Nietos Valley Bank•U'lll " + OG-417 Dueor ••••••••• Tulare H 6 First National Bank ••••. •i'l3 90-768 Pop. 500 Dutm•ir .• St.kiyou Ba State Bk.of Dunsmuir.•U'04 90-581 Pop. 2:i2, .••••••• 8otte D 4 Commercial Bank •••••• •i§'l3 110-771 Pop. 250 Earlimart. •.•. Tulare G 7 Fir ·L •atioual Bank .• - •• •'20 90-939 Pop. 100 East ~\ uburn. Placer E 4 (Su .Auburn) Pop. 600 EastSanDiee-o_ an Diego East San Diego State Bk.U'l3 110-771 J 9 L Pop. 4H Diroo I'. O.) El Oajon •• San Die£o Ji 5 Ouramaca State Bank.•tl'07 90-583 L Pop. 469 ·-·-·-··  383,830  204,100  D. RotL--·-·-····  E. R. Wat ·on ••••.• R. E. L. Stephens •• A.  CoRREsPo!·DENTs.  s"""am• ...,.B..... ITS 385,000 ~.800 $ 49,300 Capital N .. acramento: Wells Fareo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N., Woodland. dland, C at.) ••••• ••••••••• Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Bk. or Cal. N. A., San F.; N. Bk. of D. 0. Mills & Co .. Sacramento. 74,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Los A.: Anelo 620.000 60~.o~ & Lon. Paris N., San 11'. 113,560 9;J,L0 7,090 Citiz. Tr. & av., Los ..\.; Bk. of Italv, an F.; ·ecur. Tr. Co .. Baker ·field. 190,000 lst N. and Am. N .. San F.; Grower .T., Fre"330,000 496,910 no. ok, Cal.) - - - · - - - Chase N .• N. Y.; Am. N .. San F.  •••• -···-·--- ·-·-  .I!'irst. ·ational Bank_ ••• •i·12 90-515 Northern Solano Sav. Bk. U-11 90-72-i oorris-·-···Siski.J'ou B 3 Butte ValleyStateBank•U·08 90-579 Pop. 421 Dos Palos ••• -Merced G 5 Bank of Los Banos •••• •U'06 9o-580 Pop. 400  ---P-K1-~C1PAL  o....... nu. u...... •x• ..,.•. Bol<DO, ..aou,D.-.  DllP08-  E. D. Harknf' -··· F. D. Burwash  225,000  '''-  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In· d •xed Acct>.). Lawyer , (indexed) in back of this'° volume. For fEt~e_· t_!!ates, Dolldays, ~~c., ee Law!_: 0  CALIFORNIA- C 00 flllUe d________  - - - ~- -  -  t ....... ,  .....  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  Non-Bank Towns with Neare t Banking Point (In•  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Tramlt Number given  to each bank in U. S. es:cluslvelf by The Band-McNallf Bankers' 91 ___ _l)lrec&!_r,, under th~~thorlty of The J.merl~~~ers Ass'I!·  N .un1:  TOWlf .A.1'D O0UNTT.  RESOURCES~  LIABILITIES,  ---  OP BANK.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ji;4 volume. For In~erest Rates, Holidays, e t ~ ~ ::S  CALIFORNIA-Conti nued  11 - - ~ - - •Kem. Am. Bks.Asso. IState •County Seats. 8 8 R u--'----·'T 0.UBIU . ~AID-UP j uAi~ 0.HJIID. VICE-P:U:SIDDT. PRZSIDDT. In ~To. 12 Fed. Re .. Di~t. ::&(em.State Bks.Asso.tPriv. _B_,.,....._ n_o.. __ 1T_s_ _s_,cu_a_lT<Ell _ s_t_a b_._1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,1_AP_rT_A_L _P_xo_F_I_T_s __ Lis Lo· Angele Branch. ♦ Mero. Fed. Re_~s·_ _;;_(E 1  fJ'.;.~•;,;::;  El Monte.Los Anieles I 2 First National Bank_. __ •:•03 9~585 L Pop. 1500 Southern County Bank . U'13 " " 9~786 El egundo,LosAnielesJ7 El Sei!undo Staie Bank.•U'l2 ~719 L Pop. 1563 Fir t , ·ati n:il R1nk•. _•• n1 " .. 90-9.ti Elc.inore_.Rlverside J .a Fir t .·ational Bank __ • •i•s7 90-586 Pop. 633 L Emeryvill .• .Alameda C 8 First National Bank .... •i•o9 90-587 Pop. 2390 First Savings Bank•••••. 1'1' " "  L. M. Meeker •••..• C. II'. Raab •• _ •••• P. F. Cogswell  Escalon.San Joaquin C 11 Escalon State Bank .••••:1·12 9~741 Pop. 500 E condiclo.8an Diero K 5 Escondido Nat'! Baolc •• •i•s7 9o-460 L Pop. 1789 Escondido Savinirs Bk .•-1'05 " IICH62 First Natio~rnk-••• •i•os  90-818  c. L. Hill _____  F.  w.  inclair_ ...• $ 50,000 i$  25.000  900,000 .  . .,  :<  -  700,000 ~ 250,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Far. \D . . ~ & .Merch. N .• Los A.; 1st N., an F._  L·P. and Cash. F. R. Kelloe~ n. Gladding_. J. 1), D. Gladding __ ·······-····-·······  J.E. Howe IL.-... J. D.  2''5,G00  L. T. Horton -·· ·· \Y. B. Clancy_•• J.P. )filler ••••••.. F. L. Lan ing ..••.. . . A. t ewart C. L. Barham ...... Theo. W :tphaL_. 11. C. Mapel .•.•••• ··--····-·-····· -··-  25.000  10,000  270,000  210,000  25,000  7,000  266,650  165.940  60,000 .... Park, N. Y.: Citiz. N., Riverside: 1st Lo~ A..; Am. .. San F. _ 68,a20 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., San H. and Oakland.  C. L. Barham ___ Theo.Westphal_._ O. A. .1:·ageL ••••.. - · · · · ············  25,000  33,100  408,250  430,070  46.110 Cent. N., Oakland: Bk. of Italy,  8. J. Irwin·····-·· F. J. La!Jaty ..•.•• M. Ira Wolfe •••• -. H. L. Morgenson_  50,000  10,000  412 ,000  334,000  A. W. Wohlford •. E.G. Loian - · - - J. J. Rutherford_ L.1f. Arndt·····-·  50,000  39,390  387,490  376,330  A.. W. Wohlford •. G. V. Thomas·-··-· E. E. Turrentine_ ········--··-·-··  25,000  46,310  446,400  477,200  F. D. Ha!L.-··-·· L. R. Tilghman •••• H . .M. Hall-·····--- -··-··-·····-·-··  50,000  20,060  511.030  442,790  2,500 ·---·-··· ·-······· ·---···-· lrYin::! ,?., . . T. Y. ; 1 t .1.T., Lo _ ..\,  19 ,790 104,040 13,g:50 2:5,000 90-463 337,720 314,490 21,480 27,700 ···-····--··-····-··· en···-·· 'i W. F. --· Esparto --··-· ••• Yolo .A 9 Bank of Esparto •••••••• :§'13 M. 0. Wyatt.·-··-· J. L, Stephens 90-783 Pop. 350 •••• al.) (Bra,nch 0 Jones, Green, Fort of Etna )lills •• Siskiyou B 2 Scott Valley Bank ..... •U-02 ··········-··---- -······------- W. T. Youoe, Mor. H. A. A.Mor. 90-588 Pop. 618 1,130,900 1,386,230 .400 lli:5 200,000 •l.:Ureka_Humbold t O 1 Bank of Eun•ka .•.••. •U-89 0. P. Soul~ .•.. __ C. II. Palmtae ····- C. Deane····-····· c. F. Edson -·-··-· 90-1'6 Pop. 12,!12~  ( A. E. CONNICK ... H. W. SCHWAB ...... N. A. MacMILLAN··- C. W. CONNICK·--·-· , G. L. ROBERTS, ..t. C. E, N. FOK ES G. W. FENWICK  } 90-1'7  s»  ·-·-··--··--···-·· - - - - - - - R. L. Arnold, Mqr. ··-··-·····-···-· (Branch of Ana heim, C al.).-·- _ _ _ :Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; C1t1z. N., Los A. 25,000 J.E. Howell ....... D. Murphy·----·- J. D. D. Gladding •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 207.420 N.City,N. Y.:lstN.,LosA.;Crocker.T.,SanF. 360,550 500,000 20,000  Home Sa-,inrs Bank .... tl'09 L. R. Tilghman •••• II. F, Bloom ••• --. L. R. Tilghman_ ••• H. M. Hall.--•--···  FIRST NATI OHL BAIK •i·ot  C  PRINCIPAL C0RRESP0NDSNTS.  ;:::c~;~.  ( Special facllitles for hand Ung your Collections on Eu  I«Ja ~RJJ Gan  200,000  221.330 2,06-1.390 2,0 3,430  other points I n Hum boldt Co  Intelllgent pre e ntatlon, prompt r emittance on dat e of payment. Information re gardlng Timber L ands cheerfully f urnlshed.  .T. O  an F.  > £::  128,000 1st N. and Bk. of Italy, San F.: Sacramento. tti San Joaqum, Stockton, 0 145.580 Chem. N .• N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.: Wells ~ . Fario•Nev. N., San F. 36,660 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.: Far. & M~rch. _ N.,_Los A..; outhcrn Tr.~ C~m., S~n Diego, 168,420 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., Sau Diego, and tlJ San F.: Merch. N .. Los A. 3-1.270 1st N., Los .A.. and Escondido; Orock:er N., San F.: Southern Tr. & Oom .• San Diego, 26.030 1st N., San F.; <Jal. N .. Sacramento; Bk. of Z ~ Woodland N. A., Woodland. Cll ·····-··· N. Park. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A.., Saa 11'.  z  > >  562,630 N. pity, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & r;rr. Co., Chi.: 1st •. , Port.; A.nilo & Lon. Paris N., San F.  I t:tJ  562,600 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.: 1st N. and Wells ;; i::::.. Fargo.Nev. N., San F.  §  unty.  ;,.. 0  Fir t Savin~3-mnk •••.• t '16 A. E. Connick ••••. H. W. Schwab •• -. N. A. Mac.Millan . .. Myra Stewart_ __ •..  28,160  w . .McCann •.•.•• -  100,000  89.570 l,3~3,000 L2 5,470  H . .M. Devoy •••••• H. T. Trollnes.~ •••  w. Mccann .•.••• _  200,000  Humboldt ~~fal Bk,-•:•73 H.F. Charters .•• -  Savinis Bk.of Humboldt Co. 0. P. ioul6_ •• _ •• c. H. Palmt&i! ••••• o. Deane--······ 'I'. R. Dinsmore •••. --·-··· H.F . .Madsen •U·n 90-144 Exeter .••••••• Tulare G 7 Farmers & .Merchants Bank C. A. Hahn •• _ •••• J.C. Lily··-··-·-· H. R. Mills .....••. - - - - - - - - - - · F . .M. Cosart t5'19 9~899 Pop. 1 32 ·  A. W. QUINN- ..... J. F. DUNGAN ..... _. L. L. WELCH.·-·-··· O. W. CARR .••....•.. R. S. ROSS First and Oldes t Established Ban k In Exeter. FIRST NATIONAL BANll •i•og { Send your Item s direct to us.  •• I  II • ,  •  II • I I  . ,, '! • II ;. I  I  ·  i  : ,, ..  •1•t•  !  I ,•I • 1 •  :. f.  : • I  I:,  '  f  I I  f  I•  •• I  I:,,  I  •  11111:.  II Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •t  II  'I  ,  .,  •  :.  50,000  --------67,740  160,000  707,370  142,000  861,700  ~  133,320 Crocker N. and Anglo · Lon. Pari N., San 11'.  ~  270,700 .T. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .• Ohi. ~ Crocker N., Mtle. N., and Am. N .• San F. 414.520 An2lo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal, .•.r. A., c,, ..., San F. 32,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker ... ·., San F.; 1::;::11 ~ Secur. Tr. & av., Los A.  <'  103,320 N. Park, N . Y.: 1st N .. Los A.. and San F.  j,,  I  !  l  \  ,i  l!j ,,,1!  '.  Ii'  :  ,I  i I  I  •• , .  :  :  t  I  '  II  I,  II  I, I .  = 11:.  •  f •I  :  • '  I  i I  I I •  l ,  ~  i  I  I  I  ~;  -  I  rn  i  I  I  25,000  • I  Ill ••  35,000  796.860 l,Oi-1,830  216,590 2,602,020 2.42i,250  103,380 Bk. of Italy and Crocker N., an F.  :  I  I,  '  '•I.  1•  •  •  100,000  72,660  892,340  !  I,  We give them I mmedlate attent Ion.  90-589  •11  917,130  100,000  Home Savi~~t~tnk .... •1'89 H.F. Charters .•••• G. W. Cousins ..... H. 'I'. Trollnes._ ••  ,, I  11  5,000  178,000  175,000  25,000  3,560  199. 680  179,130  25,000  3,300  135,000  110,360  5,500 1st N., Los A., San F., and Exeter.  I  26,670 Anglo & Lon. Pari:, N. and .1 t ·., San F.; Capital. T., acramento. 45,840 lstN .• <Jh1. and San F.: Capita!N .• Sacramento.  38,820 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., Los A..; :Merch. N., 166.920 5,000 171.190 25,000 San Di~o. (Branch of ....,us anville, Cal.) •.• _ _ _ N. Park, N. Y.; Anflo & Lon.ParisN., San F.; Cal. ~T·• Sacramento.  '°  :r  '  i  1:,  I I:1,  f ',  I I  r  I I;  I  I I  I'  I  .  •  I '  - - - - - - • · ..,........ 'h, • • ,.. ...,. ....  .....  ····-·  ,.,  Non•B nk Town with Nearest Bankln Point (In. Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Numher given dexed Ace .), Lawyers, Laws (index d) in back of th1 to each b nk in u.. exclusively by The Kand-:HcNally Bankers' v<?_!ume. Fo! 11!tere :!, Ra_te., Holidays, et~, see Laws.'~ ....::.::=====::;:===-=====- ___ lllrect!ry, under the authority of The Amer!_~an !Jan~ers Ass'n.:._ __ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE TS. REsouRCER. -~ LIABILITIES. • 'A lE OF IlA.NK. TowN um cou 'TY. ASS'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- t.ouallDu- cue6':&xCASHIER, VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT, •Yem.Am.Ilk .As·n. §S ta te •County Seats. c'n. no,.,,., OJU1<ou,Dn AND C ln No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist.I Blem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [ F• ta b , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ APITAL PROFITS _ I T S _8110DUT1a no• B.1<u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L is L osAniel es Branc h . • I em. Fed . R es. 1  CALIFORNIA-Continued .c.....:.=~====::c::....  92  -==--  I 1  35,000 110,000 1200000 $1100000 250.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st~•., Chi.; Bk. of Oal. N.AI ud Wtll3 Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 0,000 I 11,000 515,710 451,740 ! 124,960 N. City, . ..'. Y.: Cont. & Com"! N ., Chi,; 1st N., 5 G. M. Brice. _______ R. 8. Feenaty ----- -------------------Saa i'. and Eureka. W. N. R usa ------------------- F. L. Gay, Mor, --- ---------------- (Branch of Sant a Paula, Cal.) ___ - - - Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1 Far.& M.erch. N., LosA.;Am ..... • .. sanF, 69,500 Han. N .. N. T.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Bk.of 26,410 670,360 723,200 100,000 William Shiells ____ G. W. Harmonson_ C.R. Young-----Italy, San F.: Citiz. N., Los A. C. E. veneer ------------------ W.R. Smith _______ ----------------- (Branch of Los Banos, Cal.) ___ _____ ~ech. & Metals ·., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 90.780 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. of D, o. }Iills & 17,890 522.190: 49UOO 44,800 J. L. Patterson ___ H. Clemensen ----- B. E. Moeszinier __ Co., Sacramento; 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. (') . ParisN .. SanF. r4 Forestville.-Sonoma A 6 .A.naly Savings Bank ----1'07 ------------- -------------- ------------------ Thomas SilJc ______ (Branch of Seba etopoi,o al.) ____ _ _ _ N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N .. Oh1. 00-594 Pop. 1845 91,030 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and 1st N .. Su F.: Cal. N. ~ 313,570 18,960 359,330 30,000 Fort Bidwe!LModoc B 6 Bank of Fort BidwelL•U'07 C. II. Fee _________ R.R. Baker----- R.R. Balcer------- W. M. Fulcher---1 and N, Bk. of D. O.Mills & Co .• Sacramento. 0 11~505 Pop. 400 1 38,510 1st N., Wells Fargo-Ne,·. :• l~t Federal Tr. C.;? 230,380 6,360 237,520 25,000 I Fort Bral,?'g ___ :Mendocino !'irst Bank of Savinrs-•:tl'lO !Leonard Barnard __ Geo. Golden _______ J. JI:. Weller _______ -------------.Goe Co.,and.inelo&Lon.Pans~ .• SanF. 90-381 02 Pop. 2616 Chi.: Anilo a. ::;::: 98,3°0 lrYinrN .. N.T.:Cont.& (}om'! 111,490 968.150 , 990,050 50,000 Fir t National Bank _____ .;t'IH J.E. Weller_ _____ Leonard Barnard- C.R. Weller _______ E. L. Nielsen______ " ________ •· IY' B'. Sau ;.'., ev. ParisN.andWE'llsFargo-~ Lon. 1 Geo. Golden 9~380 21,180 670.000 546.180 176,850 Han.N., N. Y.: Crocker N., San F. 50,000 ' Ft Brare Commercial Bank A. A. Lord---- W. ll. Dixon ______ H.P. Preston ______ --------------------------tl:I I , •:ts·12 go-m 95,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Wells Farro-Nev. N., San F. 80,000 850,000jl 920,000 Fort Jone .Siskiyou BS Scott Valley Bank -----•:ti. '02 M. c. Beem ___________________________ R . .A.. Wallcer ______ H. A. Green_______ 100,000 ~ g0-538 Pop. 331 55,010 Chase.:. .. •. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.: Bk. ~ 34,750 574,720j 456,520 25,000 Fortuna ___ Humboldt O 1 Bank of Fortuna ______ •:tf'05 E.W. Hairh\ ____ I. H. Van Duzer __ Fred. P. Newell ___ G. R. Leu-----n F. San .• N Am. of Eureka, Eureka: II0-508 Pop. 488 40,000 1,100,000 1.005,000 190,000 . City, N. Y.: lst '., San F. and Los A.; vi 50,000 Fowler _______ lfresno G G First National Bank ___ •t'04 Fred ·elson _______ C. V. Peterson ____ Arthur L. Ilarris __ 1C. J. Pearson______ I Union N' .. Fre. no. L. J. Harriman go-597 Pop. 1528 _ A. SALA------ 9.000.000 , 3.913.240 ------ 1- - - - Ea t River N., N.Y.; N. City, Chi. DAN BROWN,JR., jO. J. WOODWARD--- R. A. FLESHER, For other correspondents ee n. o., •J ( Branch of San Franci.· co) Local Tr. Off, T, C. ARVEDI Vice-el1nir11urn 1 •Fresno ______ Fresno G G ~ • an F. E. t1. TOHDEL Pop. 45,0 6 ::, B. KRUGER 'tate wide se nice In Callforn la. o,. A. SkHAYS,A,M(lT. , •:t''89 \ { Direct your ell ent to us. II0-00 Sl> R.S. FATON,.A,M(IT. Quick return on colleettons. 1,000,0001 557,800 12 695 910 10 050 390 3.159,320 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.: An~lo & Lon. , O. Enos, *I idelity Trust .. av, Bank W. L Giffen ______ Walter , hoemakor C. E. Ilamilton, (1) Paris . and Wells Fargo- •ev. ., San F. Sec.~ A. Cash. Caah. ~ Tr. •:t.'"117 W. A •• utherland, Le ley Einstein • II~ 9 ,-t, H, S. Wilson, A. C. E. L, Sedelmeicr V. P. and Mgr. W. T. Mattingly 0 , A. R. Jack ~ Par!', ~a~d N., River East N., Irving .• N 1st 4,0'17,100 8,339,480 11683530 005,200 I ' 500,000 Kellen-----E. T. ___ Pulliam Ro:, _____ Walrond .A.. . E ___ Woodward J. 0. *FIRST NATIONAL BANK N.Y.: 1st N. and Cont. & O01:D l N .. Ch1.: i:: •:t'81 II0-88 1Craii Thorburn _ of Bk. N., · Pari Lon. & Anglo N., Crocker Jr. Peter, A. C. , 1 Cb Cal. N. A., :1.nd Bk. of Italy, San F. G. G. Bodeen 1 Ferndale __ Humboldt O 1 FerndaleBank __________ .5•95 .A.. Putnam _______ 9CH>04 Pop, 919 /Russ-Williams Bkr. Oo.•U'09 F. G. Williams ___ " ________ " 11~505 Fillmore _____ Ventara 17 Farmers & Merchants Bank-------------------1·1~ 90-799 L Pop.1298 Fillmore State Banlc ___ .u•og G. W. TiKhe _____ " ________ .. 11~592 Firebangh ___ Frcsno G 5 Bank of Los Banos ____ :W05 -----------------90-838 Pop, 1200 FulsomCity __ sacramento Bank of Folsom ________ •:tl'lO E. T. WalL _______ 11~593 A 11 Pop. 1500  11:. P. Nisson ______ F. N. Rasmussen_ E. P. Calanchini___  I  >  .  :  I  j,  ..  I  >  I  *BANK Of ITALY  I  I  *Growers • 'ational Bank •'19 J. Bidegaray _______ Matias Erro _______ '.M. L. Wells ___ ---- E, R. Trimble_____ H. R, Thomsen A. D. McKean, V.P. D. C. ample g~90 ' T. F.. Harris 1 str1 1 ;_·t~i~a:,a::~~;~: 1~. al ~i::--------•l'lO ,B u  1nd  .w~:~~~~;;~::~~  1  ,*UNION NATIONAL BANIM'07  A  CL RK • al banldns  Prompht&en&lo n' We are thorous blf ~ulpped to ll<HIZ Ii resno Clearing House ______ O. J. Woodard ___ \V. A. Sutherland. 1(.llcmlJeni i11dicatc<.l b11 a,*) .Fruilvale ___ Alameda JI' 3 (.Su Oakland) Pop. 5000 Fullorton __ Qraore I 3 FARMEARTSIO&ALMERCHAIITS R. K. Benchley ___ C. o. Chapman _____ N BANK N, L J>op, 4415  •·o•  gHSo  1  I  :.1;:1~-~=:= ;0~;-;ATT;;=  200,000  1::::::  21,390 1 I,000,860ll 1,l51,610 l • 3::::::  6.::::::  ma&&en. ·  302,090 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Ohl.; Bk. of Italy and Am. N., San F.  N.  N. Y.;  ::!.  8...  N.,  Chi.: 1st Cont. & Com'! 3.::;:::: 2.::::::: N. City, SanF,:Sacramento-San Joaquin, acramento.  handle Item• on all point■ In the San loa quln Va lle7. W. 0. Miles, Sec. _________ __________________ - ---- - - - - - - - - - -  Waldo O'Kelly  J4~. 'laylo1 -- --- ----1T.Oeoree Esmay  First Nation I Bank--•:t'll5 ,~. c. Krau.e____ . 1<;. Holcomb---- H. A. Krau. e -----Wm. nesser 00-420 Fullerton Savings Bank.U'OG It'. O. Krau. ______ B. Ii.Port r ____ Fred Fuller------110 SI o. L. Il. mith _______ W. • mith_______ • \\', Smith ____ ___ 'tandard Bk. of Orang • • ·10 90- 905 •  H. L. Ustick-----IL Y. Williams H. V. Williams II. L. U tick Emanuel ~mith •. --  '-  216.900 Han. N .. N . Y.; •. City, Chi.; Kerch. N, , Los ~ i:: .A.: Crocker .i: .. San F.  25,ooo I  49,030 1.luG.540  50,000  56,000 1,200,0001 1,100,000  •II 111  50,000 I  20,000  5 5,000  'Ill  80,000  111  821.920  I  60,000 ------  665,000  Im  Anglo & Lon • ..,  , 'I  •  . ,, II  I  '"  •  av., Los A.;,:<  1-  anF.:,~  1  · PAC1F•c-~coAsT ·-sEc.uR1T1Es · · - -· pASADENA. -ILLIAM R. STAATS co . • L0s ANGELE·s•SAN· .FRANCISCO· W Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  t  f  • I  I  MUNICIPAL & FIR.ST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  4  - -.  Point (InNon-Bank Towns "ith Nearest.-1 - Banking --.,,..rt~ ln. h.o lr .nY thi.a  C.....  93  1'umber under Name er Bank ia the New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. 8. ei:clu lvely by The Band-McNally Bankera• Dll'eetorF, under the authority of The American Banker_&•n.  TOWN J.ND COUNTY.  ,  NA.ME OF BANK.  •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Se:ats. In No. l2 Fed. Res. Dist. Ulem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [Estab. L fs Los An~eles Branch. +Mem. Fed. Hes.  e  L==IA=~=-II:....:::!__:::T_=l_!::::...S~.~==-=::....___c_____:_:R::::E:..._S.:..::OU=-R=--C-'E'--S~ .. ===~=1======-~=::....:..:·.:::~;:____;.=:....__~....:.:..::==  I  OASHill.  VICE-PRESID1£NT,  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns \\ 1th Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acee·.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back oi thi&l"rnlume. For Intere ·t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.I  CALIFORNIA- C Oll t•lllUe d P..uo-uP  .!ss 'T CA.SHIER.  SURPLUS AND  DEPosITS  - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , CAPITAL PROFITS  -  PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDEN;S,  0~.  § ... '"1  ;;.:~a!.~:.  ~"!',.~~•:,~  1  -  ~  ..._. _s._o.,_arn_a_ _.._o.._B_£_  Galt _____ sacramento E 4 Bank of Galt _____ .u,12 J_ W. Angrave _____ A. Lippi----------- W. C. Anderson ________________ $ 35,000 $ 11,090 $ 387,550 $ 350,750 $ 78,280 Irvmg N .. N_. Y.; AnitlO & Lon. Paris N., ~ 1 ...,. San F.: Capital N .• Sacramento. ~7311 Pop.1000 7,000 1st~., Los A. Tr. & Sav., and Merch. N., Los 172,000 9,000 150,000 23,000 Gardena_LosAngele l 1 Oitizena State Savinrs Bank 1J. W ... -on,elL ____ Thos. Biggart__ ____ J.C. Fredericks ___ B. A. Wannschaff.. A. W. H. Wood J.M. Dunn !§'12 90-761 L Pop. 3000 40,0CO N. Bk. Com., ,.T. Y.; Com'l N •• Los A. 3.500 190,0CO 186,000 50,000 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. impson _______ 1 H. Robertson ______ J, D. Adams _______ J. -. Blake________ •· I •t§'20 90-1123 1  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  I  515,000 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Oal. N• .A., San 11'.; 43,000 550,000 J. W. NORVELL--- A. W. VASEY-------- J.C. FREDERICKS __ W. ff. WOOD--------- 1 50,000 1st N., Los A. B. A. WANNSCHAFF 0. H. TOWNE THOS. BIGGART  { Careful and pro mpt attention gi ven coUcctlons.  Quick returns wl th reaso nablera tes.  Correspondence Invited.  n  •t'13 90-598 Garden Grove ___ Qrange First National Bank ____ •i•og J. :M. Woodworth. O. B. Scott, Jr. ____ F. A. l\Ionroe ______ J. A. Dieckman ___ _ 90-599 J 7 L Pop. 500 Geyserville __ onoma E 3 First National Bank _____ i·os O. B. Shaw ____ 0. F. Betra ________ B. K. Black: ____ K. L. Wisecaner_ 110-600 Pop. 400 Gilroy ___ anta Clara G 4 Pop. 2812  BA NK OF  ITALY-------•tl'7I 90-378  ------------------ ------------------1 "tate wide serv le In CalJfornla. Direct >·our ell ents to us.  Qulek  27,680  518,700  431,220  25,000  20,000  400,000  370,000  =i;  0  :OMPINY.II0--722. ___ .:§·20  >  I  ·  returns on collections.  ~  Wranch of ._"an Jo,·e, <'a l.) ------ - - - Irving ,! .. N. Y.: Cont, & Com'l N .. Chi.; a, Mor,_ Cecil L. Carlyle, , An!!lO ·Lon.ParisN.andOrocker~· •• anF. 1 A.Mgr. :  >  25,000  60,000 1,700,000 1,450,000  C, C. Cooper _______ E. L Lee. _________ H.F. Kitterman ___ E. E. Osgood_______ W. A. Goss ~I P. Hamson Daniel Campbell __ O. ~·· Hichardson __ John A. Logan___________________  25,000  21.480  494,030  \\'. S. Perrin ______ W. \\. Lee _________ II. E. Francy____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __  50,000I  10,000  550,000 , 530,000  l  457,370  E. M. Lee (2 Branclie11 w Glen dale) ________ ______ II. Nrelso'"!, Mgr, ___ ___________________ (Branche 1s of Loa Angeles, C'al,) ____ D. \i,. mJth, Mor. 15,200 325,000 315,000 25,000 A. ll. Bernhardt ___ E. E. Gard _ _ _ c. w. Chamberlain ______________  lA. M. Bernhardt___ .u·oz A.. E. B:nrelhardL  165,160 Oorn Ex ..... , Ohi.; 1st N .• Los A., 8aD J'.,and ~ , anta Ana. 70,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.  GERALD HECKER, w. a. PYLE------- 9,000,000 3.913,2JOI _______ - - - - - - - - East R•• T.• •. Y.; Cont. · Com'l ..: .. Chi.: For ~ .., other correspondents see H. O., an F, (Brat1cl1 of San Francis co, Cal.) Mgr. 1111 <1 'l'r. of. WM. P. SPRATT  GACRDEN CITY BANK&TRUST -------------------- ------------------- E. R. Green. <.I ndalc_Lo Ani:PI • I 2 First National Bank----•t·o;, 91}-3.')8 Pop. 13,636 ~ Glenctale.·ationa!Bank.•t•10 90--6i9 Glendale Saviors Bank .•1'13 •• D0-794 Lo. A. Tr. &Sav. Bank_•if'05 . 90--359 _ OI ndora Lo An~ele 12 First Natio~n;nk: ____ .:•07 2028 First Savinii-::rk·----1'08 J Pop. GlendoraBank: _________ " _____ .. Do---440 Gonzales ___ fonterey G 4 Monterey County Bank•:S-94 DHOl Pop. 600 Grass Valley .Nevada D 5 Nevada County Bank_•ifl900 90-277 . Pop. 4006 · Greenville ___ ,Plumas O 5 Indian Valley Bank ----•U"l2 00-716 . Pop. 500 Gridley _______ Butte D ' / Rideout Bank _________ e:f"6l Do-492 Pop. 1636  25,000  --------------1  E. E. Gard _________ Ic.  w. Chamberlam w. F.Boye ________ w. H.  375,000 ,N. Oity, N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.; Citiz. N., Los A.;I Z ~ ' Wells Fargo.Nev. N., San F. 82,810 .._, City,.·. Y.;:Merch.N .• LosA.:lst~·.,san1!'. r" w • 85,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch, N. & Citiz. N., Los 0 A.; bt N .• Glenaarn. --------- , Bkrs. Tr. Co. and ~m. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cent. Jl) Tr. Co. of Ill .. Chi.; Crocker N .. San F. 80.000 Han. N .• N. Y.: 1st N., Los .A.: Am. N .• San F. :  I  0 13,500 Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; 1st N., Glendora. 44.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; =i::: s» Crocker N .. San F. ----------------- ___________________________________ L. VidoronL _______ (Branch of Salin a;, Cal.) - - - - - --------- Chase N .. N. Y.:Anglo & Lon. Pari N•• San F. :::;;  J. J. West_ _______  tone_______  25,000  9,800  145,000 1 144.000  68,000  5,000  275,000  290.000  G. J, Rector _____ W. H. Martin _____ A.H. Mooser ___ E. M. Rector, Sec. 300,000 110,150 3,328,990 3,293,460 451,450 Han. N., N.Y.; Wells Fario-Nev. N.and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cal. N .. Sacramento, crnd Tr. 72,600 Chase N:,, N. Y.: Am. N., San F.: N. Bk. of D. 244.450 273,550 5,730 50,000 1 J. R. Murray ___ F. B. Hosselkus ___ H. c• <: amcerla1L1. C. M. Chamberlain O. :Mills & Co .• Sacramento. N". B. Perry (BrGmh of M<11r11 svill~. C al.) ____ -------- J.P. MoritTan & Oo .. N. Y.: lltle. N. and Bk. ------------- _________ L. C. Taylor,Mgr,_ 1J. R. Craig, of Cal. .... A .. San F. A.},fqr.  -1  - - - - - - - - , ( Branch of Colus a, Caz.>  - - - - - - - - '.  H~It;. ~r' c~i. i·.: A~e§~!· J::1·  & Tr. Co., Ohi.;  A.L. Brown _______ , (Branch of Santa Maria, Cal.) ___ - - - NP.Oi~yN,N.SY.:Flst N.,Los A.: Anrlo & Lon. . ans .. an · 1 """ 02 . bara L Pop. 656 _____ I 5 34,280 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: Jtaha_n-Am •• Ban F.: Sav. 202.250 11,430 200,680 25,000 Guerneville_Sonoma E 2 Bank of Guernev1lle •• -•U'09 H. A. Belden _____ P. s. Hollingsworth D. R.Ilollingsworth ______________ Bk. of Santa Rosa. Santa Rosa. 9~0! Pop. 800 649,500 155.200 Bk. of Cal. N.A. and \Yells Fargo-Nev. N., 651,000 36,000 Gu tine _____ Merced F 5 Bank of Gustme _______ •U'13 J. L. NickeL ______ J. F. Clyne ________ J. c. Austin ______ E. J. Golrleuberger 100.000 San F.: Cal. N .. Sacramento; Merced Secur. A. Avila ~807 Pov. 716 Sav., t:erced. 1 Bank of Ne;-Hi:--------5'19 ------------------- ____________________ A.W.Drummo~{yirr. _______________ (Branch 0/ Newman, Cal.) ________  I  Half1f oon R'\Y .S:mYateo Bank of Half Moon Bay•tf '05 J. 11. Francis______ Horace Nelson ____ K. J. Bettencourt _ John Gilcrest______ J. L. Debenedetti 90:-605 • 0 71 Pop. 1200 atJona1 Bank of Horace Nelson __________________ ~I. J. nettencourL. _______________ ,security " an _lateo County ______ 'l9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~m  I  ::s tlS Ill  I  ,  _Pop _ g,olusa D 4 Colusa Couit8~gnk ____ •l'IS - - - - - - - - ; ___________ Roy Maxey _______ 3 Guadalupe __'__ santaBar- BankofSa~._Maria ___ •tl'D5 ---------------- ________________________________ Grimes  5:  o o  30,000  576,000  40,5(;0  25.000 --------- ---------  I  565,500  81.000 N. City. N. Y.: Bk. of Italy and French-Am. Bk. of Sav .. San F.  '<  Non-Bank Towns with Ne  ...._ --•.a. -.T••-"'•• ...:-•ft  Nun11J r uud~J' Name  or Bank a ~be  flW  Tran•tt  nn,h••  .,v ..,  umber under ame of Bank i thr, •cw Tran It umbu givl!n e ('(u In-I)' by The Rand-)1('.Nall Banker·• to l'a h bimk in l'. Dluctory, under Urn authorlt)' of The American Banker A:s'n.  94  dexed ACC'_.£.. ),_L~WY  CALIFORNIA-Continued  -  I  Pm. ·crPAL  REsouacEs_._  Lt.IBILITIES,  PnE. IDE. ·T. VrcE-PREsIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln• dl.ed Acee·.), Lawyer:, Law. (indexed) in back of this lnterest Rates, Bol!day , etc., ·e~ ~aws. ~o-=r:,-:_: -F ...:..::.~ == == ==:;==;=v=o=lu~_m~e·~:..:  2  CORRESPONDENTS.  ■_u&-Ex_.u:',~ - --------------c;:~u-:~::•c._c._:~:a::~"'  ' P_o_s_- ,1.o_.._N•_"'_D_••· P_A_in_-_u_P · _su_:_;_;_u_s _D_E_ A_s_s'_T_C_A_h_·H-1E_R_._ _ ITS -~APITAL PROFITS  _ ._ _ _R ___c_A_s_H_IE  __ 1  •llanfonL ____ Kinr:s G 6 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank C. M. Cross--····- Judd S~ith ••• ·-··- R. J. DowniDr: ..-.. A. L~ Newport ·-·· $ 100,000 $ 119,9'50 $1506 010 '$1428 730 $ 315,130 Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San F.: 1st N., Los A. I B. "ashburn A. Leou1 •t·o;; 00-2511 Pop. 53 '8 -~~  FIRST NII'T'L BANK 110-261  I  ------------  - -  __ - -  - - __ ,  S. SHANNON-·-····-H. C. LILLIS----··-W. 0. PICKERILL-.-F. J. STEPHENSON . ROY FREDERICK c. s. WOTEN 100,000 330.000 2.855.190 2.9'18,220 393,890 Ban. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Oldest. Largest. Strongest. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. SEND US YOUR BUSINESS.  I  n)> ~  ~  s. K. Railsback ... _  100,000  8i,120  698,710  588,680  295,160 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. N. and Bk. of Oal. ~ N. A., San ll'.: 1st N .. Lo'> A.  HanfordSavinesBank._U'Dl O.K.Oross.-·-·· Judd Smith ••• ___ R. J. DowuiDr: ... - R. W. Buckner_ •• _ . C. Dunham II0-260  50,000  43,110  538,430  582,910  48,630 Far.~ Verch. N .. Hanford: .A.nrlo & Lon. Paris )> N., San F.: 1st N.. Los A.  Peo1>les Savinrs Bant ... l'OS W. V. Buckner-.. 0. A. Kimble·-···· H. E. Wrirht-.... ,' , E. RaiLback ••• _ :\1. G. Odenheimer II0-264  25,000  73,890  175,070  209 ,560  14,390 Am. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.  The Old Banlr ......... _•1'02 F. R. Birht ........ P. llcRae-···-···· J. J. Blrht ---·- W. F. Kelley·-···· B. E. Schuereger 90-262  100,000  Hardwick: ••••• Kines H 6 First National Bank •• ..• •t·u Chas. Kinr ···----· Frank Johnson_. __ J. L. Sharp-··---· ····----·-·-----·--· 110-787 Pop, 400  45,000  12,000  160,000 i'.  Hi0,000  IIaywarrL_.A.lameda F 4 Bank of Buwards-... •tl'lll I. B. Parsons ... _.. E. 0. Webb _. __ • ___ W. T. Kni2htl7 .-.. W. W. Haley····-· F. C. Winton 00-355 Pop. 3i i  50,000  27,560  669,340,  499.450  [,' ir-.t ~ ' atioual H~nk•••• •t'll .T. II. Strobridge_ •. .'.LC. Peter!-en ____ John A.rPark. ____ • G. H. Park----···-J a . Hargreave , . IIH94  100,000  60,000 1,797,790 1,679,610  260,320 East River N., N. Y.; Bk. of Italy, San F.  Hay-wards Bank of Savinrs I. B. Parsons.·-··· E. 0. Webb ____ • ___ W. T. Kni2htb' . - W.W. Haley-----· F. O. Winton •U'O& 90-357  100,000  25,510 1,195,300 1,215,640  103,620 Han. N., • Y.; Am. N,, San F.; 1 t and Cent. N., Oakland.  Hanford National Bank 110-263  •t·os  W. V. Buckner __ O. .A.. Kimble·---· H. B. Wrirht.... _  M. G. Odenheimer  H. A. Linthicum_._ Hayward Ilraucll tate Bank ··-----·---·-·- ----·----·-·-------- H. A. Linthicum, J-Igr·. A. A. De Mello §'18 90-8i3  I  Z a,  )>  z  590,430 Irvinr N., N. Y.: Well1 J'arro-Nn. N., San F.; Com'l N .• Los A.  123,540 1,053,710 1,577,830  @ l :I!  57,000 Am. N., San F.  Ill  241,4-10 Han. N., N. Y.;Am. N., Sani'.; lstN. and Cent. N ., Oaklood,  !  a_  o  ,;  0. r+  (Branc ho! San LP,rtndr o. Cal.)  _ -·---· Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo.Nev. N., San F.: Oakland Bk. of Sav., Oakland.  0  ~  ~  UQ.  ::r s;"  5.  Hcah.l burg •• Sonoma KS Farmers & Mech.Sav.Bk.1'12 0. W. Weaver •• _•• S. L. Wattles •••••• J. H. Killer .....- .. L. J. BalL·---···· 110-730 Pop. 2 12  50,000  First National Bank •••• •t'l2 0. W. Weaver--··· S. L. Wattles _ _ J. H. lliller .. --·· L. J. Ball.. •••• - •• llo-415  100,000  139,950 1,406,t\90 1,-ll-1,700  23-1,530 N.Park.N. T.: lstN.,Chi.: Bk.ofCal.N.A.,Orocker N., and Ando & Lon. Paris N., San Jr.  Bealdsburr Nat. Bk .••• -•:•12 Georre H. Warfleld Fred W. McConnell J. R. Williama._ W.R. HaleY--·-·-D. A. Bane ~16  150,000  6 ,280 1,180,000 1,250 ,000  l~.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells ll'arro-NeT. N. and Italian-Am .. San F.  Heald burr 81\Tinf Bk .• _l'IZ George B. Warfield Fred W. McConnell J. R. Williams_ •••• W.R. Haley ••••• _ D. A. Bane 00-752  73,000  37,000  586,0001  614,000  H m t ••••• Binrsldt J ' Farmers & Ker ch. Bk .• •U '07 I. B. Gib be'---·-·-· II. II. paulding _•• 0. B. Oonll ••••• _ Thos. J. Fletcher ••  50,000  40 ,000  565,000  517,000  142,000 OhaseN .. N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N .. Los J.,; N • ._ su Bk. of Riverside, Riverside.  First National Banlr ••••• -t'15 E. J. Cran -ton -··· John E. King··-··· W. N. Bender ••••• Walter BranL·--·1C. P. Carl IX>-490  100,000  50,000  675,000  700,000  120,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Los A.: Ill Crocker N., San F.  Hellman_ •• _. G. s. Thatcher. ·--- H. D. Cowley· -···-······1M. B.B. Matteson  30,000  7,500  300,000'.  255,000  36,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Los A.; Wells:< ..,. Farro-Nev. N., San F.  K. M. Pennock •••• lien. lee •••• _ .\I. M. Haudall ••••• J.11. Spauld~. • · c.  35,000  lo 220  281,730  296,210  3J,il0 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.: A.m. N .• ~ San F.  L  Pop. 1  o  n. c. Wilson  llo-4111  H rmosa B ch.Los .A.J7 First Bank or Hermosa Beach J.E. Walker •1'13 110-780 L POD, 232i llil:hland •• _ an Bernar- Fir t Bk. of Hiehland-•U'04 C. 110~07 <lino L Pop , 3••••• 1,  '11•  77,950  972,800  !l!l2,690  I  !  83,300 Han. N., N. Y.: Wells P'ario•NeT. N., Am, N.. 1 t N .• and Italian-Am .• San .B'.  g ,;  R.  WLLIAM R• STAATS Co . ' LOS ANGELES· SAN FRANCISCO· PASADENA._PACIFIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  117,830 Bk. of Italy, Crocker N .. and 1st N., San -..  I  COAST SECU 'RITIES  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  ame or Bank is the New Tran~., Number ~ven  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In~~,s <....., dexed Ac~.)._Lawye~s, [:aws .JiA1~~~) ~L ba~~~  oJ..  Number kunder Name or Bank ia the New Tram., Number pven to each ban in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Hanken' _ Dlreetory, 11!1~er the •(!thorl_tl' of The American Bankers Ass'n. TOWlf &ND OOUNTT. N ..UlE OF liANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. iState VICK-PRESIDENT. PRESIDE.ST. In No. 1i Fed. Res. Dist. Ulem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. l is Los Angeles Branch. ♦)lem. Fed. Res. [E~tab. _ _ _ _ __  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this C.....C volume. For Interest Rates, Holld~ys, etc., see Laws. ~  CALIFORNIA -Continued  95  _ _ _L_l~A~B_l_L_lT_I_E_S_._ _ _  0.&.SHIJCR.  Ass'T 0.&.SHID.  PAID-UP Su!~UB CAPITAL PROFITS  Hilmar ______ Merced D 11 Commercial Bank ________ §'l8 ----------------·--· ·-----·--··-···--·-· 0. H. 01 on, Mgr .• :\L II. Shorcen. (Branch 00-869 A .•'\.[gr.  •Holli'-ter,_a n Beni!o G J Pop. :mn  BANKO ITALY --··--·•il'73  •so2  T. S. HAWKINS---·-· D. 11. PATERSON,  l  A C  State Wide Serv fee ln California. Direct your cite nts to us. Quick returns on collectlom.  ll  11  _ _R_ES_O_U_R_C_E_S_._  ~~•:;,~ 8IIC1IIUTIU  ~::.:.,t~·•  • ·  First 'ational Bank ___ • •i·o1 Wm. Palmtar---- T. H. Slnen .•• ____ E. E. James·----- F. S. Faria-·•sos R. Shaw  100,000  Hollister Savings Bank ___ 1•g2 Wm. Palmt&c----- T. II. Slayen ______ E. E. James···-·- F. S. Faria.-----· go-3"4 R. Shaw  100,000  ~  PRINCIPAL OORRESP0NDBNTS.  ~  ~  :0  -  of Tur lock. Ca l.) ----·- _ _ _ _ Chase N .• N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N .• San F.  O C WILLARD  ·  1  r,w11 Bu.1<1,  T. W. HAWKINS --1$9000000 $3913240 (Brane hofSan F'.) •• _  & T  · ·• • or, Offi,c1;;,.  DEPOSITS  ~  East River N., N, Y.; N. City, Chi.; For other corre pondents see H. 0,, San. F.  109,700 $ 616,900 $ 693,000 $ 186,600 N. City, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N,, San F. 60,600  986,700 1,000,100  147,200 Anglo Cal. Tr. Co. and An!;!'lO & Lon. Paris N..  San :r.  loll.rwood __ Lo, ,\nf.! IP'- Citizens Trust & Savings -----·-·------· ----·-·------ N. W, McMillen, -----·--·---------- (Bra11ch of Lo/J A ngslu) l Pop. 2::i,000 .T 7 Bank-••• 00-251- __ .••. §'20 Mgr.  FIRST HTIOIAL BAH-•i•o3 go-248  WM. T. HOPPER._. J. E. RANSFORD --·· II. F. PALIIER-----·- R. D. OLIVER·-··--P.a. STORM  1  0~2~ 2Bank .t§'20 ·-----·--·---·------  IlibcrniaSa  ·-------·------ 'I'. )I. Perry, Mgr.  HOLLYWOOfolt:• BK..•1'05 Wm. T. Hopper- •• J.E. Ransford-·-· Lo Angclc. ~ 9  2:5,000  77,000 2,728,600 2,113,270  Your friends an d customers will be well taken ca re or If sent to us.  .  ___________ -·----- (Branch of Loa A ngelu)  M. F. Palmer ______ --·------·----------  2:5,000  51,'lOO  678.900 ------ --· ------··· 1st N., Los A. ..; Cal. N,, Sacramento.  9481 ~· sav. ~!lfi -·-----···--------- -·-·----···---··----  SECURITY  221,220 Chase N .. N. Y.: Cont. and Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N., Los A.; Anl;!'lo & Lon. Paris N., San F.  Y.; Cent. Tr. F. IL Hedrick, Mor. ------·-···-----·--· (Branch of Los A noeles) __ --·-----· ----·-·-· Bkr . Tr. and Am. Ex. N., Co. of Ill., Chi.; Crocker N,, San F.; .i:·. haw- ,... mut . Bos, O of Lo11 A nueles, C al,) ___ ._ -·--·-Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I f ---------·---- - - - - - - - · - - G. G. GREENWOOD, FRANK K. GALLOWAY, <Branch N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. t:: Mqr. A. Mqr. ::, R. C. LONG, A. Mur. GEORGE R. DODGE, ~T.  ::I:  I  TRUST & SAY• BK. ~ Courteous atte ntfon gl •n to th e banking 90-2'7 •U"19 I requirements or travelers In So uthern Callfornl a. l Write for  .... s· IQ .... 0  A. Mgr.  our b ooklet"HOLLYW 00D THE BEAUTIFUL."  ::,  lloltvi!IP .•• Tm1)erial J 10 L Pop. rnJ7  FIRST IIATIOIIAL BAIIK•i"IO Leroy Holt.-...... M. O. Blanchard .•• Ernest E. Shacklett Homer C. Chaney. go-52s  E. E. Harden  50,000  67,000  525,000  597,000  t]f  80,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.. and an Diego, tD  F. Roy Thompson  ll>  ()  '15,000 ,.  8,800  263,030  373,270  48,060 Oont. & Com'l N .. Ohi.: Citiz. N. and Far. & Merch. N .• Los A..  himmin ---· ----··-·---·-··  25,000  2,500  150,000  l 20,000  25,000 .A.nrlo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Farge-Nev. N., San 11'.  Rich.a rel Bard · --·- E. O. Green .. •----- ---· --·-----· -·----•  50,000  15,500  150,000  140,000  73,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Oorn Ex. N., Chi.; Am. N .. San F.; 1st N .. Los A.  ' 11 Bank of Bu:~~:--··-•U'll ---·--·-··· ··---·--· F. M. Hudelson---· R. K. Whitmore ... Eclith n. McGa1Tey Por.. :--,oo Hun• inctonRPach.Or 'n~o First National Bank-.-•i·os L.A. Copeland .... Kyle Howard··---- c. E. f..avering ---· __________________ _ L Pop. I 687 ,l 3 go-5111  25,000  22,2-10  370,910  300,050  106.130 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., San 1".; l\lodesto, Modesto.  50,000  22,500  650,000  500,000  78,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A.; Am.N., San F.; Cal. N., Santa Ana.  Holtville Bank-·-····-·•tl'll 0. N. Shaw--·-·-·- R. W. Hoo\·er • ____ J. G. Hall - - ♦ gQ-524 S. E. Shaw Uoplaml. .~frn<locino E 2 Bank of Hop~land ----·•*1'12 II. L. Preston-·--- C. E. Le •k ________ R. E. Pop. 5:50 IO-GOI Iln , 111,u11  L  ••• YPnl  Pop. 600  ura I 6 Bank of B11eneme ..... •U'8" E. 90-GOI  iluf.!h on , ta11l'-lan Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  o. Gerberdinr ..  A. Levy  ::r  I  _...  _  --  I' •• _  . . __  1•  •  I ~  1  I'  •  •  •1  ,  I•  I I  -.:~ .....  '  Ntunb r under Name •f aanll i• Lh• NP-w 'l'l'anatt Nn"'•"'- - - - -  96  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand•McNally B nkcr • Dlr~to...!.t• ~oder tbe~tborlty of The American Bankers As •o.  I  TOWN AND COUNTY.  TA~E OF BA!'-.K.  •~em.Am. Bk . A sn. §State •County Seats. lnNo.12 Fed. Res.Dist. !~em.StateBk·.As'n,tPriv. [E:itah. Lis Los Angele.' Branch. •~em. Fed. Re:,.  I  Non•Bank Town: with Nearest Banking Point (In• dcxed Acces.), La ,·ycr • La s (indexed) In back of thl volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday~, ctr., see Lal\·s. O'I  '°  CALIFORNIA-Continued  I  VICE PRESIDE~T  ·  ·  A8S'T CA:SH IJ<:R,  CASHIER,  • ·  -·- __  HuntingtonPk.Los,U I1 Fir~t .·ational Bank _____ .·20 \Y. J. Boyle _______ T. Y, Ca sidy _____ _ E. B. Lowo •......• B. W .... 'ichol ·. ..•. 00-919 L Pop, 4513 C. l\1. Collins Los Angeles Trust & Savings --------···---- ·---------···-······ A. ,\..dams, JJgr .Bank.. •.. 90.goa •• __ ·-·· •§ ·19  Dl<lPOS-  PAlD·UP Su~NPDLUS  C  n.  C'TI.  Uozrna,  13,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; l: uion Tr. Co., Chi; I Crocker N., San F.; Los A. Tr, & Sav. Bk. Los A. noeles, C al.J ••••• ____ Irvini N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Am. N., San F.; Citiz. N. and Far . ..,. Merch. N., Los A•  I  ----·--············ (Branch  of Los A.  70,000  35,470  f.68,780  847,710  Bynes ... Los .Angeles I 2 First National Bank ..... •'10 C. 8. Thompson_·-· 0. L. Ooke ..·----·· H. G. Flint ••••.•.. _ _ _ _ _ __ llo-612 Pop 600 L  25,000  9,570  241.050  213,430  Imperia.L.Imperial K 11 Farmers & .Merchants Bank Frank Wilkin···-· L. J. Thomas.·--·· IW. D. Smith •....•• ~. B. Wilkin .. ___ • •:t:§·12 Q0-465 Pop. l 06 L  50,000  13,000  I  80,000 50,000 v. Y. cott R. L, Boman of Bish •lndepeudenco.Inyo G 7 Inyo County Bank ••••.• • ·10 ·----·------·· - - - · · - - - - - - - - - - · · · A. P. Mairs .....•.• dBmnch I I 90·8 3 !Pop. 407 L  c. E. French  E. E. Black •.•...•. J. C. Baird .••••...•  H. L. Martin  ~'47  ---·-···  I I  Inglewood iv~'f Bank §'20 W. G. Brown •••••. H. J, Ander on •••. Hoy A. Rush •••...• ·---····-·---·· 9  "  Ione.-···-···Amauor E 5 California Tru tu· aving. ···········--··-·-· -···-·······----·-·· R.H. Frost, .ltlor..• Ueo. F. )lack, A. 11:or. I Bank .. -.. UG-945.. _..... 1'94 Pop. 876, 1 ·-·· ·-·· ---· ·-·· •••. • ••.•.•.•••• ··-· •••• ··- ··-· ··-· ··- -·- ·-···--·-···-·- •••. In·fngton... lameda C O Bank of Alameda Oounty •1'10 90-615 Pop. 750 Isleton_. a!:ramento B 2 Dank of Isleton •••.••• •t§'l9 J. w. Gardiner •. _. l. P. Gardiner .•••• E. L. Facer .•• _____ ----·-····-----·· 90-890 Pop. 500 •Jack .. on .••• Amador E 5 Bankof AmadorCountyU'96 J. Chichizola. __ ..• A. Ginocchio··-·-· C. L. Culbert. .•.•• T. A. lled1weth .••. c. R. Downs 9Q-616 Pop. 1601 W. E. Booker •.••• G. •. Porter •. ·-··· J. B. Hyan. ·-······ Chas. F. Butterfield Jam town ••• Touluume First Bank of Jamestown · 1'12 90-801 li' 5 Pop, 800 Jamestown National Bank w. E. Booker_ .•••. G.... •. Porter ••••••• J.B. Hyan .•••.•••• Chas. F. Butterfield " ··-··--· " •t:·12 90-765 G. l{. Smith •••.... ·-·-·-·-·-·-----·· Kel eyville••••• Lake D 3 Farmers Saving Bank.t§'20 -·----··---- - - - - - DO 1109 Pop, 500 ·-·····--·-··-······ IL F. Vergez, ··---···-·--········ ··-·-·-----··-··· Shasta of KennetL ••• _•• Shasta O 3 First avin~s Bank Mor. Oounty .• 90·718 ••••••• •" ·n Pop.46 4 K rm n •• -••• Fre no G 5 First National Bank ••.• •t'08 J. ll. John on •.••• l{. C. Heims···-··· J. A.Johnson .•••• W. A. Troyer·-···· 110~18 Pop. 400 Kern.·-········Kern H 7 (,_ u Balursfiel<f> Kini: City .Monterey G 5 Fin;t National Bank •••• •t"l7 L. II. Ulrey··-··· A. E. Heynoldl' •••• H. E. W •tzel.. •••• E. Riantla ...• - ..•• W. C. Bennett 90-856 Pop. 1048 J. E. Abernethy •• Bank•U'08 Monterey Cllo ~ 0 Kini! ·bure .•• Fresno G 6 lirst National Bank •••• •t'04 Lovi Garrett. ••. -- Alfred elson •.••• A. T. Lindgren··-· R. C. el«on •.. --·· ' E. A. Fredbori: · 90-532 Pop. 1816 Kine-sbure- Bank ··-····•t '11 . G. Ne!. on ·····- A. T. Carlson •• _.•• O. E. Peterson ••••• O. li'. Draper·-···· 1 K E. Peter on J. L. Norman + 90-533 Knli:hts Landing, Yolo I<, 4 Homo • aving Bank·--··§' lG ' -·-·-···----··· ·-··· --·····----··--·--- ·--··-······--······ W. W. Hopper, Mor. llO ;i3 (<haftmi P. 0.) Pop. 320 1  r, Hal.Ir ·····-·Oran• L  l'up. HiOO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JS  375,000  315,000  115.000 1st N., Com'l N .. and :Merch. N., Los A.  100.000  48,520 1,090,770  970,240  232,050 Ohase N., N. Y.: Citiz. N. and 1st N., Los A.: Crocker N.,San F. 1  25,000  9,250 1 126.000  99,500  ._.. ·--· ········-··· .... ··-· --·-.... ·--- .... ·-··--···-····· , 1  lalclm Orowe -· . John Lu hm ··-·-- II. K. cotL·-·····: ·---···--·--··om'l • • ..., ,·ing 'iti1. n B rnk ••••• llO 012 -···-·- '20 Fir l Ta tioual ll, 11 • •••• •!'14 w. L. York •• ---·-· LI. E. llart .•••.• _•• ,J. H. Walker. --· II. o. Pric~ •••••• _ j I 90·8lli  I  20.000  I  33,000  '  ..  l.i  •  ,  •  tt  '  ~  • ..  . •  ►  z~  enI  t  ecur. Tr . ..,·- • a,·., Citiz. N., and :.'IIerch. N., :) Lo · A.  g. o  <Branch of Alvarado, Ca l.) ·--·-· ••••••.•• Ohase N., N. Y.: 1st N., San Y.  50,000  9,180  285,250  125,000 1  92,000  1,795,000  25,000  130,670 , Sac .. an Joaquin and Caoital N., Sac.;Welh :: Fargo.Nev. N. and Au~Jo.Gal. Tr. Co., San F. v 230,000 ,N. Park, N. Y.: Crocker N. and Mtle. N., Sau i,;' • F.; Com'! & Sa.v .. Stockton. 4,500 Merch. N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.  0  48,000  500  24,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. N. and Wells Fargo Ne,·. N .. San II'. (Branch of Lakep ort, Oal,) ·---···-· ·----·-· Han .•. , N. Y.; Bk, of Cal. N • .A. and Wells .Fargo-.. rev. N., San F. (Branch of Redd ing, Cal. , ) .••·-··· _ _ _ N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Capital N .•• acramento. 1 25,000 20,000 300,000 250,000 1 120,000 T. City: T. Y.: \~ells Fargo-Nev. N .. San F.; Far. & .Merch. ~ .. LO:, A. 23.000  3,000  140,000  111,000  I  60,000  16,650  667,650  78,040 Ea. t River N,, N. Y.: Bk. of Italy, , 1st ... , Salinas.  607.900  r4 Sil  "1-4  ~  Sil  O"' "1  Sil  an F.;  cBranch of Salin as, Cal.) 1 •••• ·-·-· ' ········· iHan. N .. N. Y.: Anelo& Lon.ParlsN., San II'. 50,000 100,000  20,000  920,000  (]Jrm1ch of Wiio<l lan<l) •••  50.000  200,000 IIrvinir N .• N. Y.: 1st N,, Los A.; Am. N., ._ Sil San F. 223,-lOO Han. N., N. Y.: State Bk. of Chi.. Chi.: 1st N., ::, C:: San II'. and Los A.; Union ..... Fre no. ••••••••• • •.City, .' . Y.: Cont. · Com'! N., Chi.: Wells Sil FarJ?o•NeL .·., ~an F.; Cal. N .. Sacramento:~ .. t t .·., Woodland. ------·-· Irving, N., •. Y.; Bk. of Italy, San F. ;Com'll ~ • LO!> A. J. ~ 6-'l,000 Merch. N .. Los A.: Am. N .. San F. 350,000  620,000  72,000 1,260,000 1.000,000  5,000 ·-----.  T ••  50,000  27,500  340,ooo;  It •  t:II  (Branch of Sacr amento, Cat> •.• _ _ _ Bk.of Ame!ica, N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Anglo & j Lon. Pans N., Sau 11'.: Cal. N., Sacramento. ~  I  6~6  95,320  50,000 J. H. Kew  66,340 Liberty N., . Y.. Wells Farg0-Nev. N., San F.; :Merch. N., Los A.,  112,2601  50,000 ··----·-· '  First National Bank .... •t'95' W. G. Brown.-·-· ' Adolph Leuzi.Jleer . A.H. Robbins • •••. R. L. Hill..........  40,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Oitiz. N. and Italy, Los .A.; Am. N .. San F.  Cal.) ------· ---·-- Secur. N., Loi A.  1  I  .1n2lewoo<l .. Lo, Angele. Citizens Savings Bank •. •1'10 F. A, Zilleitt_ ·-· H. H, Zill2itt. .••.• L. B. Zilleitt.. __ ·-· I 90-448 I1 Pop. 32 6 L  :•  1111.  . I  115,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., LOI .A,  625,000  a. n. Connett  Indio ••••.. Ri\'erside J 9 First ~ 'ational Bank .•• •t·20 IJ0-1134 Pop. 600 L  I  217,870 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l .N' .• Ch1.: 1st N. and Secur. Tr. & Sav.,LosA.; Am.N., San F 46,610 Ohase N., N. Y.; Oitiz. N., Los .i.  365,000 1  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t·o1 Leroy Holt.-···-·· C.W.Waite •.• -··· N . .t. Vackey ·-·· J . .:\I. Holt . ...•••••  1  ~  tl•c~  50,000 $ 10,000 · 200,000 $ 150.000  National Bank orHuntineton C.A.. Larson •...•. G. W. :Marcband •• C. W. Welter .•••• F. D' Clark .. . ... _. M. R. Andrews .•••'. ..• - .. llo-61L--·-·•t·o5  ~•H  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Ex-1 CJU!fcura,Do•  Lou11 & D1•• 1 Oun &  APITAL PROFITS I _ ~  I  -  ltESOLRCES.  LlA BILlTlKS,  PRESIDE.·-r.  l:  I.  f •••  •  •  '  •  •  f  I  •  ,  I  97 (X)  Number under ame of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-HeNaUy Bankers' Directory, un~er the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  LIABILITIES.  NAllE OF BANK.  TOWN A.ND OOUNTY.  ng Point In• Non-Bank Towp with ·eare t B dexed Acee .), Lawyers, Law (inoe ed) in back of this 1';' volume. For Interest Rate , H~ay t etc.• see Law . ::, C RESOURCF.8.  CALIFORNIA-Continued  •.M.em. Am. Bks. Assn. SState "County Seats. VICJ:-P.USIDENT. PRJ'SIDENT. In ·o. 12 Fed. Re . Dist. Ulem. StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Lis Los Angeles Branch. +11em. Fed. Re . ;::..._---'-----'-'--~....:;:_--'--'----l-------'=----=-:=-....:.:.:=--.!....=:..=::..;1. -------1-------  0.A.SHIU.  A.8S'T  CASHIER.  SUB  ~us PA.ID-UP CA.PITA.L PBOl'ITB  D:EPos- 1~':'~~·:,;>,,i:; 81101Jam•  ITS  :!::::.J):~ no" B.uru  --------1-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ,· ,;S:U  '< -----'-----~-------t.._  ---·---------·- ---------·----- Karl Kenyon,Mgr. - · - - - - - - - - · (Branch of San Dieoo, cal.).____ _ _ _ La Jolla __ San Die~Q K 8 SOUTHERN TRUST & COMMERCE IANK ____ §'07 L Pop. 1100 9Q-6i1 •LakepoprL--- -,Lake D 3 Bank of :::,ake·-·-·--·-·-·''74 M. s. Sane---·-··· .A. Lev:,-----·----· F . .A. Greene----· D. w. Greene ______ 9!)-511 op. 10.4 .. .. Farmers a~o~i1lank_•U'74 F. H. Bogfs ··-···- H. C. Bofgs._. ___ Geo. H. Voss.·--·- ------- ·------·-·  n;ff  s  50,0iO 100,000  s  • City, T.Park. and Harriman~'., ..:. Y.; Cont.I~ & Com'J N .• Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris .lT .. I _ Wells Fargo- 'ev. .• and :Ytle. N .. San F.: 1 Citiz ..... and Far. & Merch. .. Los A. 37,670 $ 373.920 $ 335,750 S 125,910 Union Tr. Co. and Anglo,,- Lon. Paris •.'., . San F.; Cal. ., Sacramento. 50,220 614,860 519,530 245,620 Cont. & Com'l N .• Chi.; Bk. o! Cal. N. A. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San F.; Cent . .l'., Oakland. 82,500 Han. ., . Y.; e~ur. Tr. and Sa,•,, Lo A. li5,000 5.000 300.000  _-~io\n First 1·atioi~ ftnk.._.•;t'l6 W.W. ~•Jatt_ ______ ---------·----······ E.Grimes. _________ -----··-----------La ~;l~~a 11 8 La 1tes~ :~1o~Jero K 8 Bank of La~~ •• -·-·•U'09 C. C. Park _ _ _ ll. A. Hall. •••• --·· H. C. Park ___ • ____ --------------·· -·-·  25,000 25,000  7,870  276,020  Antelope Valley Bank __ •U,15 E. L. Roberts·--- E. E. Fugitt------· •••• ·--------·------ c. D. Williams·-·· Herbert Niemeier Q0-756 . Vera "yer H. D. Myers Bank of Lankersh1m ..•• tl'lO Fred. Weddin°ton C. C. Bowerman --· ·---w. ------· -·• • 90-623 First Natioaal Bank-•. -•t'lO H. L. Ward-·-··--· R. ll. Bostwick __ C. A.. Smith---·---· A.. E. Hudson ____ _  50,000  6,400  75,000  15,000  2  0  Lan cal stepr --- ~y, s A.nrel e s 18 ~p. rn 0 Lankersh1m_Los Anreles I7 L Pop. 1800 Latoo---- ----40F0resno G 6 Pop. La iern),op:If~~Anfciea  IG-624  8i§·~  Farmer · 1!s~ihant!· 9 6 First..'ational " •• + 90-4Bank ···- ••·09 96 --·--·-U'l3 Lo Gran$;;:foirced D 11 Le Grand  J0  Lemon l~ori:3  1Iare  n:8~92  G 7 Fir t Bank  L. C. Klinzman .• _. J. H. Price ___ • ____ D . . ewcomer ••. - - - · · - - · F,, R • YUllu·•t ···-•·· H , J • Van1man -··· L , A , Bl.IC k ens taff ·- _________ _ E.T. Cunninrham. H.  o. Burchell ___ •  ir ~3mou Co~~20 C. E. Goodale _____ • E. E. Goodale-···- G. L. Buhrman._ •• 9 0  n. c  lluhrman ••• -  90.000 240.000  60,000 ', City,  25,000  6,260  167,910  157,200  240,000  225,000  66,980 Chase N .• N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l · .. Chi.: Citiz. '.,Lo·A. 40,000 1st N ,, San F.  38,880  24,630  15,500  2:;,000 ·-------  60,540 1,258,400 1,061,130  t  .i:',  itiz. "'. and 1 ·t .... , Las  Y.;  -~0Z  >  F.;j >  tJj 2:5,130 LibertyN.,N.Y.; Well Fargo- "ev. ., an II~ll~an Com'! Tr. & av,, Los A,; fat _._r., 305,870  · ·  1saha.  .  ,  ..,,  . Park, N. Y.: Am. N. and Wells Farro-Nev. " ~ N .. San F.; 1st N., Los A. .  A. M. Hostetter._. C.S. Rupert E. A. Nelson _____ _ S. Mahler R. E. WolL _____ _  -  Q0,000 270,000  30,000  -·•*  n  >  10,000  BankofWei~i~tlacer_f"15 F. C. Crosby. ______ John Moore·-·---· Guy E. Green. _____ --------·----------·  J~~,  1 530,000 503,000  45,510 Irvinf N .. N. Y.; Well· Fargo- ·ev. N., San F.: Southern Tr. & Com.. an Diel!'o. 89,000 .\m. Ex. ., N, Y.; Oitiz. N .• Los .A.; ,\m. ,_.,, San F. 145,000 Chase .• ~ . Y.: Secur. Tr. , • .:a ., Los A. •. r4 , • .\m. N., an F. 25,000 Irvine N .. N. Y.; Cont. A Com'l N .. Chi. "1j  10,000  100,000  6  335,000  25,000  Lemoore.-----fJnrs G 6 Bank of Lemoore •••••• •U'Ql II. c. Lillis. ____ • J: A. McCormick._ N. W. Sorrick _____ A. D. Campbell---· H. A. Thomsen G. W. Hinkle, • Q0-481 Pop. 13,Ja . . •...... Cash. C. D. W1lhs A. ______ . . •• ____ • Geo. C. Odale · ..-·--· H. C. Lllhs I<'ir t ·ational g -·-· •t'05 C.H. BaileJ II0-4Bank Carl 0. Brown 8 . 1 LlocoloPop~-ji2iacer E 4 Banko! L i~~i··-···•U'02 A. J. Gladdinr---- B. C. Kusser _____ H. Stuckstede .• ___ --·---·--------·---· Lindsay P---I1: lareG 7 First Natio~:mk- •• •i·os W. A. Bohland ____ G. Y. Reed.·-·-·-- G. v. Reed_. ______ ' IB k N t· L" d " op . .,, 10 C, K. Towt _ _ _ Kini G. Gillette--· Chester Dowell ____ an 1n say a B · s L" d m say av~~s auk .. ino K. L. Danielis--··- G. K. Hostetter __ G. V. Reed _ _ _  260 660 1  25,000  25.000  P. Carmean·--·-·- - - - - - · - - - - -  I  (./J  I  100,000  75,000  850,000  746,000  69,000 Chase N .. N. T.: Crocker N., Saa J'.: Com'! N .. Los A. 141,330 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: ~ An~lo & Lon. Paris N .. San 11. Capital N., s:u 30,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Wells Fargo-. ev. N .• ~ San F.:Sacramento. an Joaqtiin,Saerame~~o. 1 o 216,120 Han. N .. N. T.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.: C1t1z. ::: s:u N .. Los A, 192,630 1st N., Los A, and San F.; Cent. N., Oakland . ...,  25,000  19,170  342,240  326,470  49,070 Am. N., San F.; Citi,., N., Los A.; 1st N .. Lind O  50,000  29,000  561,000  558.000  63,400  26,030  769,130  718,220  3,000  250,000  200,000  36,100 1,036,850  914,100  75,000  s~  ~  Live Oak-----.s utter D 4 Rideout Ba~ko-.7•2-7·-·-·-·-1'12 ------·--·--···----- ·----·-·----------- II:. Iii. Cobeen, Mgr. -------·---·-------- (Branch of M01r11 sville, C al.>.--·- - - - J. P. Horun & Co., N. T.: lst·N,. Chi.~ Mtle. Q ~ N., San F. • Pop. 480  1-··~---··-----·- ------··---- C. A. SMITH,  .  Li..-ermore __ .Alameda F4 BANK OF ITALY •---·--•ii'll State wide sen Direct fOUJ' cite II0-409 Pop, 1016 Quick retUJ"ns o B ,.. N t· • 1 ... _••• •t'06 Thos. W. Torris ___ Fir st a 10 iintn .. ---- ---"  I~ iu.  Bk .. 1'05 Livermore 1 Ltviniston __ .Merced F 5 FIRST BK. 0F L1VINHTOl ,. 110- 806 . •n· 1" Pop. 425 Lock:eford __ San JoaQuio Union Safe P,._e~2°1 1t Bk,_.f'07 !'v-v u B 11 Pop. 612 Lo4L. .. 8an Joaquin E 4 Central Savi~~fnk_... 1'07 Pop. 4850  ~n  Thos. W ••Torris. __ J. 0. McKown ____ . H.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~\Y.: Cont. & 9,000.000 3,913,240 - - - - - - - - - - - East River N.and N. B~. Co!D·• M. L. SILVA, Asst. Com'! N.,Chi.:Lon.Jomt C1ty&~I1d.,Lo_ndo11. and Local Tr. (Branch of San Francis co) For other correspondents see H. O., an F.  I  s. Goodell _____  ·--------·----------  50,000  30,000  600,000  600,000  75,000  35,000  850,000I  850,000  13.i80 339,210 50,000 H.P. Spencer. ____ F. E.Crowell ____ ._ D. Caig,Jr·--·--··- c. L. Davidson·--G, H. Winton ·--··---·--·--·--· ---·------·------- s. s. Strobridge._ --------------··--· (Branch of Stock ton. Cal.  355,460  E. E ... 1or e  100.000  34,2i0  . 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N .• San F. 75,000 1st N .. San F. and Livermore. 66,560 Chase N., N, Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. Sa.n F. Cont & Com'l N .. Chi.; Crocker N., San F.  >---·--·- ----·---·  •  J.B. OorJ._. ___ W. H. Thompson •. W. H.Loren•-·-- W. F. Meeske.·--·  Christ Albri2hL._ Farmers & ft~ifnts 6 First Natio~~nk: __ et'05 J.B. Corr---·--· ♦ ,oo . • - . 1B 0 t •·---•• oo H.B. Welch ____ Lodi ·ationga 0  _Jo  Mor.__  Officer Ice In California. nts to us. n collections. J. O. .M.cKown ____ . H. S. GoodelL .. _. H.J. Callaghan .•..  941,190 1,027,590  I  Lot Lachenmaier __ John Mettler, Jr._ E. B. Doerini ·----  75,000  23,290 1,436,870 l,Oll,610  W. H. Thompson __ w. H. Lorenz ____ Frederic Spoerke_ w. F. :Mee ke . E. E . .Mor e J. H. Thompson ___ c. M. Feninn--·- .A. o. Eddlemon__  100,000  58,120 2,114,72011,600.380  100,000  90,000 2,146,0~0 1,853,000  I  1  47,870 Anflo& Lon. Paris N., San F.: cal. N .. Sacramento; 1st N. and Stockton Sav. & Lu., Stockton. 522,470 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. .• Chi.1 1st '., San F. 592,420 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont.&Com'L'., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Am. N., ...,an F. 535,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: Wells Far~o-Nev. \0 • "-..t N .• San F.: Canital N .. ~ai-ramPntn  _.... ,.,.  __. __ ........  Nuanb r tu1der Name el . .DJl ta New Tranatt 'Nttn•h- ----•  98  ~  Number aader !'lame of Bank ia the New TnmH l'fumber -1Ten to -.oh bank in U. 8., eselualvel7 by The Rand-Mdlally Bauers' Directory, unde!...!_h~_!_f!or:_lt~f The American B~kers Ass'n. ___ ____  d C t" CALIFORNIA _ _ _ _ - - - ~n tnue  LIABILITIES. NAME OF BANK. .A.ND COUNTY. BVJU>LUII A.SS'T O.A..SBID, p O.A.SBIJ:R. VICE-PRESIDENT. P.JUtSIDDT. •Yem. Am. Bks.Assn. iS t 3:te A.Count, Seats. DzPo&AND A.ID•UP ln To. 12 1'ed. Res. Di t. Uilem.State Bks.Assn. ~,Priv. 0 LEstab. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _• 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ Lis Los Ang_el~~ch. ♦)1em. Fed. Res. T0lf"N  Loleta  on-B  Town with Neareat Banldn,: Point (In•  dexed Acee.), Law7erskLaw1 (indexed) ln ·back of thi 1.0 volume. For Interest ate, Holidays, etc., see Laws. oo  HllDlboldt C 1 Bank of Loleta ••••••••• il'l0 R. 0. Dickson ••••• W, F. Dickson .•• _ R. K. Hill·-····--· ·-·---·------- $ 25,000 $ 01Hi27 ··Pop. .!00  RESOURCES. Lo ...... lsD.  0  PRINCIP.A.L O0KBUPORDDTI,  ...  o•·... & .. ~:, ""-":!..,t.;. Baovam• - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  1  9,830 $ 171,930 S 157.350 $  39,690 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; A.m. N., San 'f.: 1st N.,  Eureka.  25,460 Guaranty Tr. Co., N, Y,; Secur,Tr. & Sav., 116,850 127,620 4,480 26,000 Lomita .• LosAngele I 7 tate Bank of Lomita ... §'20 J. F. Spencer. •••• "', F. pencer ••••• A. J. Stinton •••••• ·-·-················ Los A. 90-922 L Pop, 2500 (Branch of Santa Barbara, Calif.) •• ••••••••• Su, Union Bit. & Tr. co., San I'.: Oom'l, av. Bk..•••.•••••.••••.•.•. •••••••••••..••••• :. R. A. Lazier, Mgr .. D. Makkonen, Lompoc ••• S. Barbara I 5 Commercial Trust Santa Barbara. A· 1,fgr· •§ '05 90-451 L Pop. 1876 River N., N. Y.; Bk. of Italy, San F. East 224,500 898,380 69,390 975,850 First National Bank •••• •t'90 James Sloan __ ··- R. B. Sudden ____ W. 0. Bissinrer ... F. R. Lewis........ 100,000 90-449  Long Beach.Los Angele. California ... ·ational Bank '20 Nel on McCook ..• Fred L. Dennie_ ••• Fred L. Dennie ••• M.A. White....... 200,000 · H •• I. Ha kell 90-122 J 2 ,;:; 593 L Pop · .,.,, Ji'. E. Wall _ __.:__ _ _ _ _ _......1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.i..::,_;,,.;::::,;_;_;...:.:::.:__  10,000 •--··- ··-····· --·-···· Oont. & Com'l  Los A.  ---  ---  ., Chi.; Los A, Tr. & Sav.,  90·118  0  •t'07  100,000  -  NAT'L BANK C. A. Wiley •••• -  I6  101.600 3.050,180 1,'109.&10 1,00,110 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. and Com'I N., Chi.; Cltlz. N., Los A.; Am. N., S n F. -• -  110-117  •i'07  *FARMERS & MER CH. BANK 00--110  •it '07  :Farmer "' erchant Tru t Co .••••..• 90·123 .•.•..• "20  ~  !:  > > z  912,780 Han. N .. N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; txJ A.nrlo II Lon. Paris N., San I',: Becur. Tr. & Sav .. Los A. 5,771.340 4,929,570 1,612,390 BaD. N_.._N. Y.; N. Oity,, Ohl.; Crocker N.,Sanj tll'4 ~ i',; _01t1a. N .. Lo, A..  4.128,870 3,613,550  ..,.  I  ~  12,170 Han. N,, N, Y.; Oitiz. N,, Los A, 100,000 -···-___ ___ ___  0  ■clH  [ ..... B. D. JIDIIIS---1. I. JUDllH--.J. W. PETTIJOHN.. ZC0,000 111,520 UZU'l0 U3D.4'10 l. 91, 0 1'. Bk. Cem.. !I. Y.; Cora Bz.1'.1 Clll.1 D.> N. C. BURSON, A. C. W. P. NESTLE ..,. 11& ••• Baa l".1 Mereb. x., Lo1 A. •!1900 To tho•• who appr-eclate adequate banking J. R. RUTHERFORD -  *FIRST NAT. BANK 00-113  96,190 W. J. Morrison ••.• W. J. Gardiner •••• H. R. Maltby---· 200,000 H. E. Poavst L.A. Davis G. C. Lawry 420,620 350,000 O. J. Walker-·--·· T. W. Williams •• - C. E. Huntinrton _ H. V. Ketche sideA. R. Montromery F. A. Ziei?ler Veda I. White 12,170 100,000 O. E. Huntington. • J. Walker •••••• II. V. Ketcherside. w. H. Dunn, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, _ _ _ _ _ _ T. W. Williams  ~  '  ---------,--------,----------,---------- 1---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *EXCHANGE  n > -  ---  *CITY N"AT'L BANK e. F. rucKER ••••-•••• c. E. AKEfls.. •.••••. NAOMI c. TOMPKINS-.R. c. Lewis ••••••••Send m 7our Lons Beach bualneu. O. H. ADY We slve penona~:.;.Yl ~n::8~rrV:.:.rn1 a& low ra&ea.  1  H. I.  O  facllltlea Intelligently adminlster-ed.  t"4  0  en  •r.ongbeach' av. Bk .. ·'l'r.Co. Llewellyn Bixby_ P. B. Hatch ____ . E. E. Norton ••.•.. •ts·o2 Wm. N:. Cook, V. P. Ji'. c. Yeomans ot-115 *Marine Com'! & 90-120  . O. Birchfield....  av. Bk. E. J. Wi1?htman ·- I. H. Hellman .••••• M. R. Wallace ••••• Louis :Murdock ••.. A. O. perry Julius Blum •ti'l4 Federal Reserve Bank of St.Number Louis u~der Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number  given  350,000 300,000  982,950 City N., N. T.; N, Bk. Rep,, Chi,; Well■ J'arro-Nn. N., Sasa J'.: Far. & Mer~h. N., Los  213,880 4,315,920 3,896,840  ~  0  400,000 Litert.1 N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Union <n Tr. Oo., San E.: Merch, N. and Hellman Oom'l Tr. & Sav., Los A.  100,000 2,700,000 2,500,000  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  g  -Bank Towns with Ne r  nklnsr Pnlnt  nn.  9  9  LOS ANGELES  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given (L A J )C S Non-Bank Towns with Nearest nklng Point (Into each bank in U. S. ei:cluslYely by The Band-McNally Bankers' ... os nge 1e 5 , 7 ounty , eat dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ Dlreetoey, under the aut!1orl~~ <?.:_ The American Bankers A~ 'n. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank District No. 12) Pop. 576,673-Reserve City volume. For Intert-st Rates, Holidays, etc, see Laws. ~  I  NAME OP' BANK.  I  I  •.Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §S1ate PRESIDE.VT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CA.SHIER. Ass·T CA1-;RJF.:R. t.Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab. _ _ _ _ - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -  AND UAL PROFITS DEPOSITS  or  Dm-  BANKS  coUNTs  RESOURCES. BoNDs, Misc:111,-  i::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDKNTS.  CAss LANJ:ous R1:souRe11:s TIES,ETC. R11soUBc1:s _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _  SEcum-  I» ,;  ~  ---------------- .. R.,E. DBBBS-------- LEON ESCALLIER, P. BODR~RO ------- S9.000.000 sa,913,%40 ---------- _______________________ - - - __________ East River N., N. Y.: Cont. &. ~ S£.CON OGUASTI A. Jlgr. H J. PY Com'I N. and Corn Ex. N. Chi. ~ Branch of San Franpi!iCO. A A MICHELETTI CU PA (Other branches at Fresno, Gi1roy,H olli ter, lAvermor e, Mader a.Merced For other correspondenls see Broadway Branch-1th & Broadway; • · A Mi .' A-. . BMUSE Modesto. Napa .On. kland,Rr. dwood Ci t11.San.10 SP-, SanM ateo, San ta Clara, H. O., San F. R. E. Trengrove, Asst, Mgr. · fl1. C. . Rl IN Sf N Santa Rosa, Sto c1 ton and Ventur a, Gal.) •:l:§'04 International Branch-225 No. Spring PA LB LLK0 K State wl de servlc e,ln Call fornla. Direct four cllen ts to us. t.; John Lopizich, Mgr. H. . P R :E , Quick re tul'ns on Collectl onR. Pie:> Branch-Pico & El Molino Sts.. MARC RY AN, Mor. Trust De pt. N. M. Fraser, Mgr. P. BODRERO, Tr.officer  W.,.  BANK OF ITALY 16-66  LIABILITIES. &uRPLu e INDrvm- DzPoBtTs LoANs &  PAID-UP CAPITAi.  I  1  - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -1-----1- - - --1---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  A. M. CHAFFEE------ G. ALLEN HANCOCK •. D s.1 A. E. HUNTINGTON 1 fi'o~~rfsRsD 0~ theJ'° ' •t§·I 2 Pacific Coast L' S' CHANDLER 16 20 ·p v and Eiahth) 16 B h • C DURGIN. ( Bl•o:id , • ... ra~c es are W · · es lab I! shed for your convenience.  J. W. KINT ----------H. C. 11UNT ----- ---H. M. COFFIN, Sec. F. 0. LE BOLD B. L. DEIBLER,A. cc. T. E. IVEY, JR. M. K. SALMON, A.. fC, R. P. LEHMER l.J.VAN HOOREBEKE, G. E. JONES A. ec. E.G. OTIS G. A. PEACHMAN, A. A. LAMM All banking matters promptly handled. A rtditor F. SWENSEN  *CALIFORNIA BANK f" \~tJts t Saf  f·~-  Guaranty Tr. Co., N. City, Am: ~  i,  -  2,000,000  58G.850  Z271060 $ 188.950 $15 '1Z4 Z80 SU 123 920 S I0Z,590 t 5,190,010 _ _ _ _ _ _  ~~f ·a: a~:m,{~;. f -~ a1:: a~d ~  N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Am. N., Wells Fargo-Nev. N., Anglo &. ~ Lon. Paris N., Bk. or Cal. N. A., O  and British-Am., , an. F.  - -- - - - - - - - ---1-- - -•  ~  -z  > tD  -  *CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 16- 11  A. J. WATERI----- E.T. PETTIIIEW-- H. D. IVEY-------- au. E. f. DIFFIT-J. M. RUGG IEDIIE IUHEE W. J. DORAN L. 0. IVEY Ill. J. MIIIIETTE F. R. ALVORD J. R. CLARK F. E. PRIOR JOHN BURBAW S.S. PARSONS, •t·Q0  (.5th and Spring)  Auditor  -- --- -  - - - 1 - - - --  11 - - --  -  >  - - - - - - --  z  ~ Lllt•ri7 Jlf. aad Cena EI., Jr. Y.l Cll Cont. a Cea'l JI. aacl N. City Clal.1 Bk. ef Cal. N. A .. Am. N.: ...,. 1,800.000 1,4&6,980 22139 730 1.816,ZI0 %1145 310 3.054.530 1.04Ul0 UZ0.310 1st N., aad A.Dsl• a Lon. Part! N., San I'.; Pbll. N. and l'rank _, lln N., Pbll.; Midland N. Mlnpls. IEE AIYIITI ll■ IIT ON CALI FORfllA I flDEX  ----- --- ---------  I  --- ----- ------  0  Official attention given to collections and remittance made promptly in any exchange desired at lowest rates.  S  cll~ills_____ 16-14_____ __• §'11 TRUST & SAVIN~  0. E. MONNETTE---- IG. W. WALKER-------- R. D. DAVI$ _______ F. E. FORKER ------(3 Branches) H. A. KEHLER DAIN STURGES, E. F. WEAVER J.E. FAUCETT A. Cash. J. S. CAMPBELL 0 w n e d by the Stockholders of the Citizens Natlo nal Hank.  l:AtcllL'!H;-~  900 000  '  575,000 14.123,000  13,260 11,403.600 ·1.350,800  1,922,700  975,000 N. B~. Com., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. Chi.; Crocker N •• San F.  If placed In our bands, -,our Call for n I a business will !ecelve prom pt an d efficient attentlo n.  *COMMERCIAL  t~i~~n111nr 1~•-•· BONYNGE,JR. [wJB. POLLOCK 1tt11::l,-  . ·  300,000  20U40 7,429,320 ____  1.926.120  Member& of National Assoolatlon of Credit Men. 1----1..- - - 1 - - We maintain a flle of the official&' signatures of the bank& of the •:•03 1_ __ __ _ --;:------U.=....:..:.n.:..:lt:..::e-=d~S=-t:.:•:..:t:.:e:..::s.:..- - - - - - - - - - - I -- - - _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  NATIONAL BANK 16- 17  CONTINENTAL  ATIONAL BK; F. H. ichol~------ W. D. Howard _____ W. D. Howard _____ c. o. Anderson ___ _  16 7S  •• .1 ~  (301 o. ~pring Eaale RockBank-------- •:1'07 Fred E. Bile --------------------------Ada Carr ___ _ 16 -53 (For bal.anu of Los .,J nge.les oank • u followin o page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  R. I. Oline  300,000  66,540  25,000  11,850  3,510,370 ---------318,890  ----------1  2,46-1.580  737.160  ----  75.170 1,490,190 Han.N.,N.Y.;Ft.Dear.N.,Cbt.  - - -  Crocker N., Sau F.; State N.  St. L.  _ i . . _ _ _ _ _ _ __  206.890 ---- ------  237,760 - - - - - ------  1,105.670 Han. N., . Y.; Cont. & Com·) T.,' Chi.; Am. '., San F.; Cont. N. Kan.C. 83,300 N. Hit. Com .. N. Y.: Secur. Tr. Sav .. Los A,; Am. N., San F.  ILITIES. s INDITID- DIIP08IT8 LoANB &  I  Vilt 8 DIIPOSl'N  *FARMERS & MERCHANTS NAT'L BANK  I  J. A. HAVEi ---- T. I. IEWLlll------1. H. IOSSETTI --- J.M. HUTCHISON-A. E. ELLIOTT ff. F. STEWAIT G. H. NAEGELE ~H.ROSSETTI  1~1 (7th ancl spring)  f ·f.'p1i~l  w: c:  }8/ls  I  ------W, R. MOREHOUSE--- R. E. ZIMMERMAN---TRUST M. N. AVERY------- w. E. McVAY GEO. CARLISLE 0. C. SMITH. oo. GIBBS. E.G. TAYLOR, C. PETERS, B. E. B. PENTZ, & SAVINGS BANK E. EVERETT,  *GUARANTY  JR. W. J, Veenhuyzen. l. J. and l'r. Officer H. Howe. A. 'l'r. Ojflccr L. It. F. Church, A. Tr. Uffic r r ~-  A. Sec.  A. ec. A. Tr. Officer  A. Tr. Officer  •tl'IIO James tuart, A. Tr. Officer.  ♦ 1H2  print:)  (71 h und  HELL¥tls\OfJ:{lti~\L !A~o~ (6th autl _Jain)  The Hi~hest Type of Banking Service.  --------,-----·----  arco B . Hellm&n- Irvin!? B. Bellman_ Benj. E. Page Emanuel Cohen a. R. Bell (Branches at 3d · pri'tic, .._ ts .• • 24th 7th and Figueroa St . . , Los .A.nuel68)  (hth and  [>rin")  j  02JJranchcs)  I  -  See Adver  t l laeme nt on  1=  --  I  2,000,000 1.807 310 1 32,992,460  I  I  5, 466,850  -  -  Ralph Day _______ _ 0 . F. Seidel H. A. Bell L Chrbtensen A. W. Ifrye \ . P. Caldw II  t"4  :ij ~ Z  ----------  l■t N. and N.  CHy, N. Y.; Cont. a: Com'l N. and Corn Ex.N., Cht.; A.nglo &: Lon. Paris N., )> Cf° k er N., t ■t N., aad Bk. 1 N. A.., 8&11 F.; N. Bk. to O a• Com., Seattle.  2,405,200 16,392.360  -  It e Pa ge.  0  >  z ~  ,---  59,560 I 25,372,970  -  j  '  -~ - - -  -  4,970,630  725,100  1- - - - -  Conscleinttous effort to s ene well , and to erve qui ckly, has fou 1nd Its re ward In acllentel e ofGS,00 0deposlt ors. Send your rrten ds to us. 565,860 32,678,700 __________ 2G, 779,070 _________ _  Ca. h. and ec., B. F. Cline W. E. Gill, A. Sec. W. 0. Terry P.W.\ ilson,A.Sec. D.R. Branham ( · Ilovt•cr --.ts., and 10th d: HiU .. t8.,•  Hlrhland Park Banlc ____ atf 'IO C. ll. Church _____ Tho,. kCiement__ .T. • Johnson _____ D. R. Whitman ___ _ c. W. Mont~omery ~Ir . L. W. Gatch. CL R .. ·il on 16-71 'ec. (5,00 P.1 auena)  + 16-54  - -  1  - - -1  -- - ·------- ---------- ----- ---- ---------- ---------  3.0N.• 3,835,010 52,149.630:-:-..________ 43,134,920  B . B. Kelley ------ B. Schraffenberirer 1,425,000  I-I. G. Fergu on, llib ruia 'I rtt t C • ________ '21 G. A. Hancock ____ ,\ .• r. haffcy _____ II. I. CotriJ,, Tr. Off. · c. and Tr, L. ~·. handler 16 iO n., . J. Howarcl (llih rni• 11 Hid•.) ,\. g, Huntington  *LOI ANHUI TIU IT _, IAVINIS IANI --- •U'OZ  ---  country in the wo rid. _ ___ -  ~  ____ _____ ___  ---c--------1- - - - - - -  H. I. Hobin on __ M. H. Flint_ _______ Jay Spence-------B. JI, Gril!'·by, Sec. W.R. Hervey J . • Drake, Cli. of Bil. H. W. O'Melveny W. . Bucklin, Jr., A. Sec. Jay. pence J.E. lltrh •r, •... tachin,A., cc. A t. to Pres. J. O. loon', A t. to Pr s '  274,190  ---  ~  7,625,490 Liberty N. and N. City, N. Y.; Oorn [ Ex. N .. Ohi.; Union Tr. Oo., an  I  I  I  F,: 1st .. •.. St. .  200,000 _________ ____________________ .1 --·------- _____________________________ C·tlifornia, Lo. A.  ,.  •  ·  I  I  I  ()  o  g_ g ~  0.  75,000  25,570  728,850  202,370  12,270  697,5801 33,078,080  ,633,670  3,724.020  992,060  ----------, 8.000,000  2,0 4,620 45,8 9,660  119,150 Imp. e Tra .... • .. ~ . l .: ~ecur. Tr. av., Lo . • Am. ·.,~an. 1<'.  9,112,210 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Am. E.· .... •., ~•. Y.: Harri· Tr. &, 'av., l'nion 'l'r., and Cent. Tr. Co. of lll .. Chi.; Crocker • . and Anglo & Lon, Paris ., an F .: ~fi , \ alll'y 'I'r, Co.,, t. D.; Fid. • Dk.& Tr,, Yan. .; • hawmut, Bo •  o pao•>  PAC't•F.1c·.. co.AST SECUR.ITIES & WILLIAM R• STAATS Co . ' LOS ANGELES-SAN FRANCISCO- PASADENA •."MUNICiPAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  r  5,644,620 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. ~ Lo. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anilo & L 0 Lon Paris N., an F. rn • )> ::l  All Departmen t1of alKodern Tr u t Company. Corre1pondenc e Invited.  For balan<le of Loa ~ngele• bank.a au foll-Ouiin  ,  I  ___ ,_ - - -w. T. s. HAMMOND--~ c. WAY ________ __i-- - - - - - - - -  H. M. ROBbNSON _J.P. auRKn-------J.B. RUTJ~mntroller A·:J.M. ELLI G~!• of Bd BRYAN J. FORSYTH. Mur. 'J.'o.'DAYJ J. A. BARBER; Foreign Dept. G. S. GREENE A ·i;'t tv Pr s.A. O. MARTIN H.B. KING J. S. CRAVENS W. T. S. HAMMOND Largest National bank In Southern California. •i-75 Foreign Department has correspondents in every Send us your Pacific Coast Collections.  ___  ,---------__,_  I  ____,  TRY US.  Federal Reserve Bank of an (Branch of Sarl Fralncisco. For compllete informat ·on see page 31) ___________ _ _________ 1 Francisco, 612________ •19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - '  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK  PRINClP..lL CORRJl:SPONDEN:rs.  .  - -- - -  Coaat. Arizona. and New Mexloo aollolted.  rt1  CAsII RE80VllCEi3  1,500. • %.115.33 01$24046990 I$5,226,370 $21463500 $4 ,255,190 893,330 7,884.050 N. · City and Am. Ex, ., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wells FargoNev. N .. San F.; ~. Pro\'ln<'lal& Union, Lon., Eng.  Your banking aooount and oolleotlon Item• for the Paolflo  We have every faolllty for handlln9 your business.  l\rrscELLANEOV8  COU'NT8 - - - TlllS,Erc. ~ _ _ _ I  I  Thia Bank la the OLDEST bank In Southern Callfornla.  16-1 Wh and .Iain)  I  RESOURCES.  BoND8-;-,  sJi:CURI-  Dia-  OJ' B£N~8  FIRST MORTGA.GE CORPORATION BONDS  ';; ...  .., ~ "'I  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -The  First National Bank of Los An~~eles Capital, Surplus and Profits 0//iceu  J. M. ELLIOTT . . . . . . . ....... . ......... Chairman HENRY M. ROBINSON ........... . . . . . . . .. . .. . President JOHN E. BARBER .. . . . . . . .. . Assistant to the President JOHN P. BURKE . . . . . . . . ........... Vice President W. W. WOODS ....... .. . . . . . .. . ..... . Vice-President E. S. PAULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ...• Vice-President J. DABNEY DAY . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... Vice-President AUSTIN 0 . MARTIN . . . . .. . ......... . Vice-President JOHN S. CRAVENS . . .. .. ..... . Vice-President W. T. . HAMMOND .... . Vice-President and Cashie1  l. t Wil ::.. .  W. H. LUTZ ... . A. B. JONES ... W. C. BRYAN .... G. S. GREENE . H. B. KING . . . . J . FORC::YTH .. . .  ··  ·:::::.::: :;.;;;;i~t~~fl~r;~l:~  . . . . . . • . Assistant Cashier . . . . ....... . Assistant Cashie, . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Cashier . ...... . . . Assistant Cashier . ..... Assistant Cashier Manager Foreign Department  - -  $6,598,838. 70 Director,  J. M. ELLIOTT, Chairman JOHN P. BURKE Vice-President HARRY CHANDLER President, Times-Mirror Company JOHN S. CRAVENS Vice-President J.C. DRAKE Chairman of Board, L. A. Trust & Savings Bank GEORGE E. FARRAND Attorney FRANK P. FLINT Attorney M. H. FLINT Vice-President, Los Angeh.s Trust & Savings Bank  H . JEVNE, President, H. Jevne Co  J. O. KOEPFLI, Ptesident Bishop & Co. JOHN B. MILLER President, Southern California Edison Co. DAN MURPHY, Capitalist LEE A. PHILLIPS Vice-Pres. Pacific Mutual Life Ins Co. H. M. ROBINSON, President F. Q. STORY, Capitalist GEO. I. COCHRAN, President Pacific Mutujll Life Ins. Co.  STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 29, 1920 RESOURCES  LIABILITIES  Loans a~d DI count. . . . . . . Bonds, o.cecurltles, Etc. . . . . . U. ·• Bonds to Secure Clrculatlon t'urniture and Fl tore Real Estate Oft•ned . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1 1::::1t~nd~r _L. or C. and Acceptances Interest Earned- Uncolleeted Other Assets . . . . . Ca h and :Sight Excban,te  I~·i!-:.~~~~l e  TOTAL  sn,211,,20.&:J ,. 216,81>3.:n 1,250,000.00 100.000.00 117,906.06 1,666.87 ..t9 837,500.H 25',961.76 216.369. 6 16,392,366.23 ,67 ,399,3:i&.48  ------'-------  sa,000,000.00 3,698,S.18. 70 1,U2.900.00 6,:J~8.195. l 1,679, n1.:i9 ' 3.'J.251.7-i 236,171.4,7 25-i,96l.7U 180,573.9-l .)1,ij9t,671.67  Capital Stock . . . . . . Surplu and Undivided Profits . Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bills Payable and Bill RPcell'ablc RccHscounted Letters of Credit and Acceptances Reserved for Taxes and Interest Unearned Dl:count ('ollected F.arned Interest Other Liabilities Deposits TOTAL  .. G, .:rn9,33G.4,  We offer Unexcelled Facilities for handling Pacific Coast Collections  .. -u--1.-- ........  on-B nk An••~\  ,1..,_,.,,:a  THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL Invites Kumb.r unde.r Name of Bank• the llfew Tran.aH Number si'Y• Federal Reserve-fr."\1 Bank of Louis to St. each bank in U. S. el b T e and- eN •  LOS ANGELES  SU SURPASSED ·ACILITIES FO  Business  TS T  ANSACTION  LOS ANGELES-Continued-Reserve Cit  o  :W,..  -- -  - - -  101  :~e•m.. *  MERCHANTS  PRJCSID'~T.  =•  (Braneh or Federal Bese"e Bank, District No.  V-IC"'--P-R"'SID""''T. , - - - - -  cc-I  ....  . . . .,  ...  OASHIJC:a.  ·  I Ass'T CASHIER. ,  PAID-UP Cc\PITAL'  I  A: : M, RE C•. C INS  1:1 ." R GER  H.S. cl(E J. H. RAMBOZ  I  ·  o. A. c1--------H. HELLMAN. r. A. MORRISSEY ..H J.E. FISHBURI--MARco M TIJ W D GOOL,INE  NATIONA L BANK  *SECURITY TRUST IIHO  W.H.. LD~GYEAR  ,.·-c:n'rJBRoi+•"cRE  &. SAVI NGS BANK ♦  IAITORI---- •· I· HELLMAN -- a.  •*1'811  M.  . . A .... ec. J. H. GRIFFIN S. F. 0 fO Tru.·totncrr J.T.COOPERA.Sce. J.l.H., R L. H. RO EBEIRY T. Q. HALL 'Tr. L. H. ROSEBERRY 1'rust Attorney I a. GR ENWOOI a.EDWARD ELLIOTT  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES. ~AsH MrscEr.-LANEous Ri,:souRcEs REsouRCEs __  685,960 21925430 4.851,570 $224.69 020 1,685.360 $ 749.850 $ 8.426.900  1,500.000  - - - -  -  -  ~  ""i 1'<  •  ~ c Y.; Cont.& om'I  1:-...) Chase N •• N. N., Chl.; Wells Fargo-Nev.NN. _ 1 i!:/.nglo & Lon. Pars ·.,  Sl!E AD VERTISE MENT DP POSITE. ()  - -- - - -,- -  WALLACE--- H. H. s1ocl( ___:___  i E. SHtiiTON,Sec. F. W. CttWLII H·•·•·RCYALIKTITNALsE., 'ec. J.k: S.'-"'~l~i,K FREDERIC  Point (InNon-. nk Towns with N rest Bank! dexed Acces.), Lawyer-, Laws (indexed) in back of thi ._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. §  INn1v11>- D•roa1T11 LoANs a: BoNns, S1:cuR1DisoF u.lL couNTs TIEs, ETC. D1:ros1Ts BAN:1:s  handling your Pacific Coast business. TRY US.  J. F.  .. --  LIABILITIES. buRPLus AND PR0F1Ts  C.W. PROLLIDS •t'86 lH We offer unexcelled facilities for ixth and prin~)  (Cor.  ~ -  LOS ANGELES-C Oll t·lllUe d - R eserve c·t 1Y 12)  Kamlter 11.Dder Name of Bank. the Jfew Tran.alt Jfumber siY• each bank in U. S. exclml'nJy by The Rand-McNally Banken• '°Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n.  AAmM.EBkoPs. BA-~s.Ns·~-- 'Sta.te l tMem. State Bks. Assn. Priv. ~\Iem.J'ed. R~..: ___ [E tab.  ---  3.1 50 ,000 3,230,020 89,939.230  1,787,880  ~ - -  A COI\-IP Ll..TE D EPARTl\11<:NTA l\lemlH•r of the }'('derai Trm,t. UONJ> D J<..P ART l\lE T-- Gc•o. R. Thi· Bank n1aln taln a d<'J>artm . \ . . , , EN 1 . wlllchecrfull respond to any inq Tl T.BRANCII, .F.Zombro,Mor.,W.D.Oti anclC.,.,.lbro. SEV and.resource: of Lo· Angele and .. ur I C· a-.rcu • J • G • C·arey, ,.•Jrn., a••., 11•........... EQUITaaUD . .. . . ameron, L uk e W,l.ooc,\ 1f11rs.  Ass'tNors.  500,000  977,000 ____ __________  W. B. Brown. Title In urance Trust 02§· , ,, Wm. H. Allen, Jr,_ 0. F. Brant_ _______ O. P. Clark, A. ec. "ec. and Tr. Y. . Hellman •• 9" 16-7 4 . H. W. O'Melveny J.B. amuel,A., ec. E. L. Farmer, (5th ancl prrng) A. Sec. ,\, C. Stelle, A. Seq. L. J. Beynon  1,000,000  2,067,700 62,779.1 O ____ Trust De posits  I  r4  Cha e. N., _Guarant~ Tr. c~·•, and o=i3 Mech.& Metal N., N. Y., Cont. 55,705,310 23,606,070 2,781,240 16,217,14.0 & Com'I N., tst N., and m. Tr. ~ - - - - ~-sav., Chl.:Wells Farl(o- ·ev. ·., Crocker N., and Anglo & LBANK, ~a,•inji;s, Commercial and ~ Lon. Parl N., an ..,. Re ervc• Sp;tem. .,., Martin, Mgr. ent of R <'Sear<'h and 1-!t•r vi<"e and lJj uirics regarding the lndustrlc: 'outht'r n Califor nla. ►  I  z  z~  HOLLYWOOD BRANCH, G. G. Gre nwood, Mor .. R. O. Lone, F. K. Galloway and C.R. Dodge, A, More.  Title Guarant P & Trust Co§., L. C. Brand ________ E.W. Sargent. ____ D. licPeak ________ A. F. Morlan, Sec._ D. McPeak • 95 16 - 72 (Title Guaraut ce Blclg.)  ►  415,000  22,512,180  826,000  17,000  9,008,470 33,081,030  ---  .  219,000 U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.  1,245,190 Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. Y.  Vl  I  r4 o  g; ~  ti' rn  *Union Bank & Trust Co.•t§'l4 Ben R. Meyer---- M. E. Getz _________ P. C. Turman _____ J. W. Lewis ______ _ 1,000,000 A. L. Lathrop, Sec.IP. E. Neuschaefer J.C. Lipman ♦16- 77 \740 ·o. Broadway)  . 170,600  6,291,000 ----------  6.~3.190 ---------- --------- -  I  1,432,610 N. Bk."d N~ City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Anglo & Lon. () o Paris T., San F.  ::,  ....  *UNITED STATES  SMITH-------J. E. WOOLWINE -10. M. SOUDEN ----- F.J. W. H. BULLARD  Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; ; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Wells o. 900,750 Fargo-NH. N., San F.; 1'ltle. 988,450 364,070 1,554,840 150.990 2,542,380 200,000 If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a Tr. Co., St. L.;U. S. N.,Den.; - - - - 1---- 1 ■------Girard N., Phil. ____ ____ _ _ •_•_n--=d_c_o_1_1e_c_t_l_o_n_a_._ _ _ _ _ ~ •!'05 __m_o_d_e_r_a_t_e_c_h-=--•_r_a_e_,_•_•_n_d_U_S_y_o_u_r_1t_•_m _ _ _ _ __ 1  NATIONA L BANK HHS pring) (2d and  Ff  J. J. BESSOLO ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - K. D.POWELSON  I  1  (Brcvnch of Yokohama, Japan) ____ _________________ 1st N. and Far. & Merch. N., Los A. Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. - - - - - - - - - __________ :s. Takahashi, Mgr. K. z. hibnya, Pro. Mor. •1'13 16-75 1 T. Tsunekawa, , (100 .• fain) , Pro, M(IT,  ____________ _ Los An£eles Olearin£ HouselA. J. Waters _______ J.E. Fishburn---- F. W. Smith, Sec. and Mgr. (Members indicaucl bJJ a *)  '  I  I  ----- --- - -------- ----- ----,---- -----  --  0  (For balance of Los .Anaclc, bank.' see followin fl page)  PACIFIC Co ASADENA. STAATS RANCISCO· P AN L NGELES· A F OS S R WILLIAM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  •J  COAST SECURITIES  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  .... -..? _ _ .._, __ - - - -  Number under N  nil la Lh• N w  .__net•  111..  102 Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  LOS ANGELES-Continued-Reserve City  (Branch or Federal Reserve Bank District No. 12) 1 - - NA.ME. YEAR •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. C O YEAR ESTAB· :tMem. State Bks. Assn. 0RRESP0NDENTS. FP'ICERS. ESTAB· LISHED. Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. LISH~. I·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - -- - - - -  AMK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. :tMem. State Bks. Assn. Mem. Inv. Rks. A.SD,  WILLIAM  • .... ___ _  co  'on-Bank Town v.1th Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Act·es.) , Lawyer , L w (indexed) 1n back of this! """ Yolume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Laws. ~ OFFICERS.  C0RRESPONDE.~TS,  Equitable Tr. Co .. N. Y.; {Melvin H. Lewis. C. A. . ..., hu au. J.E.COGGESHALL, r.P . .Bkn. Tr, Co., N, Y.; BarCitiz. N., Los A.; Union rlsTr.&Sav.,Cbl.;Wm. FRANl&LEWIS------------------- '16 A.lvinH.Frank,Partners. Chairman T K.GALLY A Tr Tr. co., San F. Municipal and Corporation Bonds. (Citizens N. Bk. Bld2.) Sao r. and G. THOMAS.' .-1. ·sec. I JOHii E.JARDINE, Paid-up Capital. $600,000. 1 G ARANTY COMPANY NEW YORK• '20 (Investm ent S ecuriti es ) ______ ___A.G. imp on , Guar anty Co. of ...'. Y. , ... . Y. •1'87 R epresentative (Citizens N . '.8k. Bldg.) urplus and Profit11. $600.000. Pacific Coaat Securities:  R STIIAATS 1  (610 . Pring)  WM. R. STAATS,  :is81:::!~·•  Pr~i;.i.  M unlcipal and Fi rat Mortgage Corporation Bonda.  ANDERSON-THOMPSON COMPANY ( uite 210 tory Bld2.)  rch W. Ander on ____ :M.A. Thomp.ou ____ 1 t N., Los A.; Secor. Tr. &Sav., Los A.; Midwe t F t · B k St k Re erve Tr. Co., Kan. C., oc s, ea uring an Mo. Controls 1  {  - - - - -- ----~--'-----=--- -- - -  u·  & CO .. ------------ '10 Government, Municipal, Corporation~Securities. Citiz. N., Los A . JNO. 0. KNIGHT (4ll Yan uys Bldg. ) 1-- -- - -- ------......!._-- -- - - - - O  THE  CAREY MARBLE, Pres.  HENRY o. WHEELER, v. JOHN M C MAR 8LE EDWIN L. STANTON, Sec. 1  P.  >  Capital, '177,400 Chem. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.  r-  d -  1  First Mortgages secured by California Real Estate, Insuring promp COMPANY MARCO H. HELLMAN. Pru. _________________ Bellman Com'I Tr. & ·av. ~ ayment of principal and Interest. Correspondence Solicited. 1900 (H. W. Hellman Bldg.) and llercb. N., Loa A. GEORGE NEWBERGER, V. P. and Tr. L. F. PARSONS, Sec. Paid-up Capital, $100,000 '12 EARL G. ftAY, A. Tr . Ro. Campbell, Pres. Covernment, Municipal, Irrigation, Corporation MORTGAGE BOND CO.-------- -- ------- P. T. Hannigan. iJ.fur. B onds and lnveetment Stocks.  COMPANY ANO ARONSON (He~man w. Hellman Bldf?.)  {w.  (712  Blair · Co .. Inc, _______________________ (Invut~nt Suuritiu) _____ _Harold B. Rt!ed, Blair,· Co., Inc., Repre/jertlative and an F. , (I.~•. Yan ' uys Bldg.)  o. Spring t.)  . Y., Chi ..  R. H. MOULTON & COMPANY---(400 Title Ins. Bld2.)  • HUNTER BLANKENHORN • COMPANY DULIN (224 I. •• Yan  u  •  ...  E. H ROLLINS & SONS------------ .76 J DONALD O'MELVENY, R esident ,llar , ___ __ ___ ___  l <Investment Securities>  R. Blyth, Pres, ______ D. G. Witter. V. P. •17 G. o. Leib. V. P. ____ R, L. hurtleff. "'ec. B. A. Supple, A.Sec. . { D. T. Babcock, Residllnt Partner. .Municipal and Corporati.on Bo11.d8. (Branch of an Francisco)  j  Port .• and Seattle. eo. Il. Burr & Co .. N. Y., Chi., Bos .• Phil .. San :b'.. eattle, Port., St. L., Clev .. and Hartford. Government, Public ervlce and Cor- Far. & March. N. and Citiz. Poratlon Bonds and love tment Stock . N .. Lo A.  GEO. H. BURR & CO.------------ -- '05 (Comuiercial Paper-Im;estment (Citiz. •• Bk. Bldi:.)  i  ont.  · Com 'J N ., Chi.  ee. _____ Citiz. . a,1d Oitiz. Tr. & av .• Los A. ELLIOTT & HORNE COMPANY------'U { avital. 95,000. • urpltl • $25,000. California Irrliratlon. Drainage, and Dis trlct Bond • ( ·tuck h. ·. Bid!,!.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  STAATS  S'  {(E. C. Sterling, Jcimes R. Page and T. C. Kountze Bros., N, Y.; lstN., ,. Los A. tevens) .,.  g_  MUNICIPAL & CORPORATIO'N BONDS, STOCKS.  TENNEY WILLIAMS & CO lnc  ·-----. ·• . /344-46 Pacific Electric Bldg.)  Logan & Bryan, {Tenney Williams, Pre . a nd Tr. J. Krutt chnitt, Jr., l'. P. St-Ocks, Bond, and Inve tment • e('urltl es. Capital $ZS,000. (B rokers)  T,  Y.  1  SU  E. J. Marshall, Pres, _____ R, N. Frick, l'. P. Kountze Bros. and Bkrs. Tr. G.B.Ocheltree, See. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & ::, J. R Martin, Y. P. C av .. Chi. E. II. Coane, Cash.  '98  L. L. Elliott, Pre . __ C}iff Horne,  R.  '14  I  JI JI DORIIIN COMPANY {  WILLIAM  "  pr.11ritits) ----  Drake, Hi! y, · Thoma ____ ------• '12 ---- ------ ----------------- --------------- -----(210\\'.7th t.)  I>  . Y., :, Chi. , Bos., Den., and Sao F, ':  E. H~ Rollins & Sons,  ,_. John L. Knorpp, Pres._ R. A. Knorpp, l'". P. N. City,~- Y:,:. Cont. & Com'l r. N .. Chi.: Citiz. N., Lo A.: I R. w. Mccurdy, lr. P. _ Chas. H. Hill. Tr. SOUTHWEST ~~TTLE LOAN COMPANY CATTLE LOANS. _B, B. Reynolds.A.Tr. Wells Fareo-Nev. N., San O o '13 Pai<i-UJJ Capltal$200,000. Surplus $68,000. F,; Drov. N., Kan. C. CD15 C1tiz. N. Bk. Bid~.) :, ,.,.  o.  G od . Ny Ch' IB ) · , GOODW i., STEVENS PAGE AND STERLING 96 (Commercaal Paper ----------------- ond & ~ wi~. . ·• IN-------------. Insurance BON D &('1'1tle -· , 1 Bo ., Phil., Mmpl ., San F.. Bldg.)  (206 Citizen N. Bk. Bldg.)  tD  z>  R.H. Moulton, Pres .• F rancis Moulton, V. P. Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; lor4 _\Itle. Tr. Co .. San F. '14 { V. E. Breeden, V. P. n Government and Municipal Bonds. C/J  (203 securi y BJd2 .)  BLYTH, WITTER & CO. __________ (Tr ust an·' Sav Bid" )  >  (Bonds)  I Mitchell-Hutchins Co., Ch).; R. E. HUNTER, V . P. I . ., Pru. G.H.SCHELLENBACH, Sec. Blaokenhorn-Hunter-J?uhn • Co., Pa!iadena. San Diego, NATIONAL CITY CO ■ P~NY - ------ ~ 16 (Investment Bond~) _______ W. B. Hunn ewell, N. City co., N. Y. and corre-, rGARRETSON DULIN v p C E STIMSON Tr District ales Mgr. J~~°edi~t; offices. See adv. ~ t507 o. Spring) and San F. ' . E. S._DULIN, ~~ p,' . . . .  DAVID BLANKENHORN,  Capital, -101,,;)0. '05 Government, Monlclpal, DI trlct and Cor Poratlon Bonda.  uys Bide.)  z  TORRANCE, MARSHALL & CO. (ill W. 4th St.)  Paid-U]! Capital. $3,000,000.  MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD AND CORPORATION BONDS.  •ga  I  ecorltles within the tate of California a specialty. Directors: E. J. 11lar ·hall, J. R. Martin, R. N. Frick, G. B. OchiUree, M. M . ..11~arsha ll.  CO., Los ANGELES-SAN FRANCISCO-PASADENA. ::~p~~~~IR~~~~~E~~~~~O•N~'o;::  Sl)  ""  ~ 1 1 1  -  '°  ~  103  Number under Name or Bank ia the .New Transl& Number given to each bank in U. S. e:s:clu1l'felf by The &and-Me.NallJ' Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Banken Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thls1~ volume. For Interest Rates, HoUdays, etc., see Laws. ~  CALIFORNIA-Continued  RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. 8 URPLUB DEPOs- Lo.u,a-'Dt• 0•m0 .t Ex-  NA.ME OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •County Seats. Ass'T CASHIJCR. PAID-UP O.!SHIJCK. VICJC-PRJCSIDDT. PRESIDENT. In No.12Fed. Res.Dist. :tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. CAPITAL [E tab., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - • - - - - - - •~em. Fed. Res. LisLosAngelesBr. I -------I - - -  Px~~fTs - - -  Los Banos __ Merced G 5 Bank of Los Banos _____ •:f'05 J. L. Nickel ______ J. F. Clyne ______ J.C. Bray _________ R. L. Puccinelli ___ S 100,000 S 94,000 F. P. Cardoza ~21 Pop. 1276 25,000 First Tational Bank.... •:t·ll J. V. Toscano .... _ E.T. Cunningham. 1. L. Toscano ___ Robt. L. Thomas .. 26,440 E. J. Canepa E. J. Arburua u-522 Lo Bano Portugue e-Ameri- F. S. Garcia, Jr. ___ W. E. Burch ______ Wm. H. Hiirh. ____________________ _ 50,000 1,400 can Bank.90-882--•t§'l9 100,000 Lo Gatos ___ Santa Olara Bank of Los <ntos _____ et§"83 J. A. Case------- J. D. Farwell ___ P. E. Curtis-- N. W. McGrady ... 72,490 M. J. Vertin 1. D. Mabie 9HZ8 F 3 Pop. 2317 :M. L. Le Fevre E. Lapum _____ _ O. 11'. Hamsher - - F. W. Knowles ____ H. L. Roberts _____ 50,000 10,000 first Na«o;: 7 35,000 3,500 Loyalton ______ Sierra D 5 Sierra Valley Bank----•U'OI Raffaele Dotta ____ ------·--·------- W. B. Duncan _____ E. H. ~ampson ___ _ B. H. Sherwood IMHZ8 Pop. 442 Lynwood ____ Lo Angele Farmers &:Merchants Bank---------·-------- ____________ ------------------- R. w. Wagoner ... (Branch of Comp •§'20 90-938 L (Watl8 P. 0.) I 1 W. S. HILLIS----- 9.000.000 3.913,240 ------------------- C. F. WENTE, J. I. NISH, (Branch of San nd, Tr. O fficer. Ylce In California. Mgr, a .. 1adera ---- .Kadera G I BANK OF ITAL Y------•U'H State Direct your cite n&a to ua. 84Hll2 Pop. 3 4-1 Quick returna on CollecUona.  o.  l:zik----•i•n  J'irst National Bant---•i-14 80-SU Manteca-Bau Joaquin F 4 llank of South San Joaquin •tl'18 90-875 Pop. 1286 :rirst National Banlc .. •i-11 " " D0-71Z iaricopa ______ Kero H 6 Bank of Karicopa ______ 80-HO Pop. 1121  .u•u  l  Wicf! g:r  J'. B. Oaterhout __ J. W. Schmitz ___ B. G. J0Jua10•-- E. M. Edwards____ J. W. O'Donnell F . .A. Guern ey ____ P. L. Wisdom ______ H. W. Campbell ___ Arbor Barth-----· Geo. William E. Powers------- O. F. Palm _________ J. R. Bell ________ B. T. Brin1?ier____ , • F. Corbin W. H. Oooas _____ Walter Snook._ H. A. Peterson __ J.B. Molloy_______  First National Ban1C .-•i•15 - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - W. Y. White, Mor. " -----· " . . , 80-!'1 _ •Martanez __ Oootra Oosta Bank of Martinez. _____ •if 71 W. 8. T1nn1or.- A.. E. Dutel _ _ W . .A. Hale ____ 80-407 i' S Pop. 5000 . .. ., FirstN.B.ofOontraOoataOo. K. .A. KaJors _ _ A. E. Blam _ _ K. J. Randall _ _ •l'07 80-401 Yuba D 4 •Marysville Pop.-5461  DECIEI-JEWETT 1111 D0-231  •:tl'58  569,820  548,150  189,000  167,000  1,467,950 1,389,470 600,000  450.000  50,000  13.000  340,000  100,000  45,000  650.000  35,000  12,000  297,000  50,000  40,000 1,000,000  j E~LIOTT llcALL~ J. K. KELLY -- - - - H.B. P. CARDEN..---- JACKSON WASTL---  150,000  245,000  50,000  c. Farrant___  170,000  155,330 2,935,600 3,0ll,530  ~  r,,  > 2!  PHEBE I. RIDEOUT. DUNNING RIDEOUT __ W. B. SWAIN---- ALVIN WEIS. ------J. . DOOLEY E. E. BIGGS  250,000  365,000 6,183,000 5,031,000  713,470  ==  709,420  282,690 Am. _Ex. N., N. Y.; M r~h. Ln. & Tr. Co .. i'.; N. Bk. &1~?11:  &1i~:.p::i~e!ro:  5:  g 92,950 N. Park, N. Y.: Mtle. Tr. Co., San F.; N. Bk., gof D. 0. Mills & Co .. Sacramento. ~t1t/  0  Northern 0!li_forniaBallk: of Phebelf. RideouL BeimanOJaeim ____ Sa"Vinr•---2D---•U'89  s. J. Flanery______  E. S.  THE IIDEOUT B111---•H'H Speelal Faellltle s for handling bu slness In Norther n 8aurornla. 80-232  ~  I  FIIST NATl 00-N ALBAIK •t'17 Thomas Mathews.. Dunning Rideout __ P. T. Smith.. _______ W. C. Owen_______  •  -  0  379,910 Baa. N., N. T.: 1st N .. Chi. and Los .A.: 1 1'4 Crocker N. and Am. N., San F. 268,000 106,000 N. City, N. Y.; acramento- an Joaquin, ~ en S~ockton; Union Tr. co., ban F. 68,000 Irvmir N., N. Y.; Wells Fario-Nev. N., San F.; 560,000 Bk. of Italy. Stockton. 76,000 Ban. N .. N. T.; Wells Farro-Nev. N .. Su J'.; ~ 252,000 Far. & llerc.b.; N .. Loa .A.: Secur. Tr. Co .. o 0 Bakersfield, _ _ _ _ _ _ 1st N., N. Y., Chi., and Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. a, SI) . , F. San •• N 1st .A., Crocker N., and 1,606,300 313,760 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Merch. LD.&Tr. Oo., Ohl., ::, 1. Bk. of Cal. N. A. and .4.m. N., San -,,: N. 0fl> . Bk;, Com., Kan. C. 932,000 100,000 N. City. N. Y.; Anglo&Lon. Pam N., Crocker·,... N., lst N.,and Wells Far~o-Nev. N., San F. 0 905,050  97,590 1,552,260 1,260,840 28,090  n >  a,  96,010 1,164,190  ----------------- (Branch of Bake rsfi,ud,)  9 234  \0  !::::  48,000 Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Merced, 248,980 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N .. ~nF. r4 50,000 Han. N., N. T.; 1st N., San J'.  58,500 Chem. N.,N.Y.:A.nirlo & Lon. Paris N.,SanF.; Oal. N .. Sacramento: WashoeCo.,Reno,Nev. . Bk. Com., . Y.; Am. N,, San F.; Com'l N., Los A. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rast River N .. N. Y.; Union Tr .. Chi. For other correspondents see H. 0., San F, Francis co) 265,000  25,000  :!!:!e~";~~ ~~r,re;::s:n~Vn~t te'!i~on.  -  N .. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., In B'.; Cal. N .. Sacramento. 49,170 East River ., N. Y.; Bk. of Italy, San F.  ton, Cal.) _________ _ _______  L. W. Beede_______ I. o. Honeg~er  e=~r  C £1> "1  T.  138,230 1,684,270  =ed,t~  .  ~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • ~  100,000  fo:e:!ct»  PRINCIP.A.L CORRESPONDENTS,  ::. e's:;,.,:::;,:• ---ITS --s---s-1,180,000 1,2;n,600 s 129,070 Mech. & Metals  F. It. Jones-----W. D. Dockstader  l~~~s  I  { FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and  185,280 N. Park, N. Y.; Mtle. Tr. Co. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F., Rideout, Maryville. 736,000 J. P. Morran & Oo .. N. Y.: 1st N .• Chi.; Ktle. Tr. Co. and Wells Far~o- ev. N., Su .I'.; Cal. N., Sacramento.  g•  I FD'TY CENTS for each credit re port Insures pro mpt, personal att entlon. I _ __ (Branch of Cohu a, Cal.) _ _ _ _ _ _ Han. N.,N. Y.; Bk. ot Cal. N • .A., Su F.; N.· • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. H. Lovelace____ Maxwell----- Oolua D4 Colusa Colll!tyo- ~k--eil'll - - - 1 Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. " 7"" Pop. ,oo Maytleld_Santa OlaraD8 Stanford~~~•:tl'N --------------- _____________________________________ C. c. Baughman ... (Branch of Palo Alto, Cal.) ______________ Han. N .• N. Y.; An~lo & Lon. Paris N. and Am. N., San F. l Ban'· ,.., ,. N . Pop. 1127 62,500 850,000 690,000 318,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N, A.., San B'.: 1st 25,000 a.•+ 0"J.B. Queal ___ F. H. Lambert_ __ C. B. Daveney _____ H. C. Braden_____ McCloud ___ Siskiyou B 3 McCloud l~,u~1!a N .. Minpls. IN"V,.1 Pop 2500 80,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Secur. Tr. & 13,000 315,000 214,000 25,000 Mci'arland_:___ Kern H 7 First Natio~a0-1 ~nk ---•l'l3 D. Billinrs ____ H. Hawley. _ _ L. R. Billings_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ av., Los A. " 7Pop. 300 Melrose--.Alamed& F 3 ( ee Oakland) , . (P. O. Oakland) Pop.300 67,600 CrockP.r N. and Bk. of Italy, San F.; 1st N .. o lilendocino ___ Mendocino .Mendocmo Bn_k;.~! Com.•:tl 05 Joshua Grindle __ 1. II. Ross _____ G. A. Lammers ____ F. A. Gorman______ 1.,..,,.... W ,....,.._.iF~t~. .,..B ra1?1? and Ukiah. D 21 Pon. 1100 1111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  ....  104  ---~-- ---..  Number under Name ol Jlank ia the New 'rran11t Number eiven to each bank in U. 8. eselwlnlJ by The lland-McNallr Banker • Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A. •n.  I  N.uu: 0¥ BANK- . TOWN AND OouNTY~ •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. State ~oounty Seats. ln · o. 12 Fed. Re . Di t. tMem.State Bk:s. Assn .1 Priv. ♦ :\tern. Fed. Re . .:.. _ [ Estab. !-_ i Lo Angeles ~  •:\lerced----- Merced F 5/BAIK OF ITALY -------•*1 '08 111Hl37 Pop . 397-1  p  RES IDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT .  CA.SHIJ:&.  - A.SS 'T O.lSHIEK .  LIABILITIES. t:>URPLUBl- DEPOS-  PAID-UP  CAPITAL PR~~~TS  wfJ;·  100,000  L. R. FANCHER ·--·. M. 0. WOOD --·-·--·· H. B. STODDARD --·· O. A. TURNER -·--·-· F. B. FANCHER M. D. WOOD, 1lfgr. J. H. SIMONSON  300,000  •f'l3  R. P. oencer  MERCED SECURITY SAV. BK. 110-336  with  RESOURCI:J.  ==I = _ _ _ _ _ ITS  I  LoAN■ ;Dr.s-  c.;;;&-Ex:·  1: •  ':::,~·:;~,:  c•;:;,  0~  ; -C-on_t_.-a-nd-Co-m-'I N .. Chi.; r-E-a-st_R_._N_.._N___y___ For other correspondents see H. o., an F.  Direct your clle nts to us. Quick returns o n collections.  FAR. & MER CH. NAT'L BANK O. W. Lehmer __ ··-- I aac Bircl ·-·-·- J.B. HarL---·--· - C.R. Roduner_ · --· 90-7711  I  L. G. ~ORD ENBd ---· ---· ---- -·-· •--· E.T. CUNNINGHAM, C. E. WAGNER -= $9 000 000 $3 913 240 1 Se; vice In Callfornla. ,.l-Jgr, and Tr. OJ. J. ONETO (Branch of ~an Francis co, Cal.) State ,  l  eare t Bankto Point (In• (indexed) in back of thi 0 ·• ~ Holidays, etc.,~ - - ~ PRINCIPll CORRESPOND~;s,  Non- Ban k T own  jexed Acces.), La \l )'Cr., L \l' CALIFORNIA--Continued ---==---=---,-----.,,,=-=.......,--------volume. Ji'or In terest Rate ,  1  40,580 $1,271,750 $1311 040 $ 344.2i0 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Wells Fariw.... ·ev. J. •. • and Cr cker N., San F.; · 171,350 3,120,430 3,212,610 514.100 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., and Anglo & Lon. Pari N •• San F.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Cal. .. •. _ ," acramento.  > ~  •1'75 { Largest and old est bank In M er e ed County. Thoroughly eq ulpped to handle items on t his pol nt and vicinit y.  .\1111 Valley. ___ Marin O 7 Bank of Mill Valley • ___ etf '07 F . • · Bostw ick ---· 0 . II'. Runyon ______ O. H. Huntoon ___ H. S. Bridge llo-634 Pop. 2551  :r. O. .inkers. ____ _  lih>ltas __ santa Olara DO Bank of !lilpitas ___ ·-·-•tl' l2 E. P. Giacomazzi_ F. O. Reed --··---· A. . L. Orabb _____ • - - ·-----, 90-701 Pop. 550 •~fodesto._Stanislaus F 4 American ·ational Bank• '20 G. R. tocldard. ____ Q . D. wan _________ J . ..\, Dunn. _______ . ---------------··· a. I'. 'chafer 90 93\i Pop. 92H  BANK OF ITALY ....... •:W03 90-296  i·-;~;:-;·;~:-;~~ :;:~·;~·~-~;1~:;~;~~ ~:·a~:~~-Etfficer, f:rlfd-Jir·--·-Dlreet your clle nts to u s. Quick returns o n collections.  ~  ~  50,000  12,190  40,000  291,460 106,070 Anelo & um. Paris N. :ind \Yell· Fargo.... Te\. 15,950 253,380 .~ .• San II',: 1st N., San Jose. 30,000 ____________________ ~ Park, T, Y.; 1-t .. 1 ., an F,  150,000  432,470  385,360  T.  ~  ·  C/l  I  Modesto Ban k ---·----- •U- 78 J . R . Brouehton .•. W. v . Gidding, ••. D. K . Younf ____ w. D. ~foorehead .. • ·• II. Ford G. A. Cressey 110-2113 Modesto Savine-s Bank -.. 1'05 J. R . Broue-h ton._ W.W. Giddings- .. D. K. Youn.£ ______ \V, n. Moorehead_. ..: . H . .Ford · G. A. Cressey 110-2117  250,000, , 150,000  75,000 1,608.810 1,661.410  (B1a1ich of  E. 0. Peck-·------· E. C. Pel'k, Mgr,_ T. IL Kewin W. . Harter '.\loneta_•. Los Ane-eles I 2 .Moneta Oommer cial Bank 1'10 Thos. Bie-eart.---·· H. J. llarn s ·----- E. M . Kaufman . ·llo--635 L Pop. 500 acramento- an Joaquin.Bk. -----···- -•1 '21 90-294  25,000  82,350 1,833,890 2,221,670  120,710 Chase 1 ., ... • Y.: Am. N., San F.: et"nr. Tr. · ~ ~ av., Los A.; Cal. N., Sacramento.  '"' 211,280 Cent. •.• Oakland: ,\.ng~o · Lon. J>ari• . . ~.all(! ~ a. Crocker N., an_F.: City, 1oekton. _ 10.>,190 Anglo · Lon. Paris .... and Crocker N ... an F.: Cent .... ~ .. Oakland: )locle<:to, . lo.!e to.  20,020  326.810  288,250  100,000  94,880 1,219,530 1,227,320  JFirst and oldest  establfrhe bank. IHie ro m aking collec tions. Prompt a t tentl on to all bankln g matters entrus ted to us.  l Unequalled facl  g.  220,990 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! • .. Obi.; Well Fargo-Nev. N., San F.:Far. &Merch.N .. Los <b ::;:: A.: N. Bk. Com., Seattle. ' 0  25,000  13,000  318,000  310.000  37,000 1st N. and Citiz. N,, Los A.; N. Bk. of Mon• rovia, .ronrovia.  A. J. Everest.Tr ... MonroviaSavine-sBank•:tl 'OS John H. Bartle ___ • W. A. Chess.·-·-·- K . E. Lawrence, Cash. and Sec. M. H. Hellman 110-313  100,000  6, 40  906,900  933,230  104,540 Liberty ., . Y.: Merch N. and ecur. 'l'r. & av., Los A.: 1st N .. Monrovia.  mith.-••  50,000  20,000  603,10(1  583,670  lontae-ue •• _Si-kiyou B 3 Mo ntae ue Bankine-Co,-•U '07 E. F. Reichman ••• Arthur Simon---·- Arthur imon ·---- W. A. Simon ··-·· tella L. imon 00~36 Pop. .\i3  100,000  34,700  530,C00  610,000  ational Bank •••• • t' l 2 II. A. Ohurch, Jr •• J. F. Atkin. on-·--· G o. 110- 1  • Dodee. ·-- Doyll' S. Co:·----·  40.000  10,160  303,050  173,160  fonteb !lo avin•sBk.:t:1'12 11.A. hurch, Jr,_,.r.F.Atkin on·-··· Geo. 110-747  . Dodee •• ___ Doy! , s. Co.-·----·  so,oool  7,500  151,:;20  1 -l,230  Mon t brllo •• Los L Pop.3000  Fir-,t  • I.  W. Higein ·---- •. I. _Jellenthin ·- R. II. Bush--·----· ~fary E. :M. s. Pottenger  79,670 Han . ., N. Y.:Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi.: 1st .. •.,._ Los A.: Crocker N .. San F.; 1st N., Minpls. 1 IU ::, 73,400 Han. N .. N. Y.: Merch. N., San F.: Cal. N., C IU acramcnto.  '"'  43,200 Cont. · Com'l N., Chi.; Secur .... , Los A.:~ _ Am. r,, San J!' 5,0J0 1st N, an<1 Secur. N., Los A.: A.m. N .. San F.  I  . FRA·NCISCO··PASADENA·. PACIFIC.. ·COAST SEC.URITIES . R• STAATS Co . ' LOS ANGELES· SAN WILLIA MUNICIPAL & F.IRST MORTGAGE CQRPORATION BONDS  -_---;~_=;'!!!!"~ - , - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - Federal Reserve Bank of St.·umber Louis under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  s:  r1"  JOHN H. BARTLE J. F. SARTWi'----· W. A. CHESS ------ G. H. ANDERSON ... C. L. NICHOLS H. S. McKE  o.  "'  •.• Chi.; \\ 011 O ,.T, Y.; Ft. Dear. Fa1·~0-.. Tt•v ... T.. Crocker ..... aJ11l nglo Lon. J>aris ... •.. 'an l!\ 100,110 Oont. & Oom'l N., OhI.; Bk. of Cal. N . .A., San 0 ;:I F.; Oitiz. N., Los A. ~. Park.  acra mento, Cal,)-·--- ·-------·  • I.. rellenthin_ •. R. 11. Bu h---··--· ---·--·--·-·-·-·---· . Pott •nger  ... ·at'l Bank of 1onrovia-•t'03 110-315  > 0:,  29,680 1,229,380 1,423 500  110-314  ~  z  z  100,000  Granite Suines Bank •.• u ·os C. \V. Higgins .••. -  0  9,000,000 3,913,240 (Branch ot: 'anFr ancisco) East R. .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; ::r> For other correspondents see H. 0., an F.  California. ational Bank•:t" l7 C. R. Gailfus. ______ H. G. Middaugh •• _. Chi!. . L. Th wine .•• Wm. Falger .. ---·-· C. J. Cressey S. E. Foster 90-857  :\lonrovia._.Los Ane- . I 8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t "87 110-312 L Pop. 54 0  93,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Orocker N., San Ir.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-  ~  105  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in u. s. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  CALIFORNIA-Continued _ ___  I  . ·,u1E OF BASK. 'row.· A.·o cou.-TY. •Mem. Am. Bks. A ·sn. § tate •County Seats. Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIER, VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire tatP, in o.12 :l:Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. 1_ ______ _______________ [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Federal ReserveDi·trict. +Mem. Fed. Re. 1  I  --  LIABILITIES.  su  ~us PAID-UP CAPITAL PROFITS  1  Non-Bank Towns v.ith Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ..... volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, ~tc.,_s~ Laws. §  __ _  _  B110oarr,u  I  Monterey •• Monterey G 4 Bank of Monterey .•••• •tl'91 T. J. Field ••••••••• /M. ll. Grau·--·· Charles D. Benry_ ,N. Geo. Nielsen •••• S 100,000 S 62,250 S 895,130 S 774,510 1 90-257 Pop. 5479 28,000 810,000 800,000 First National Bank •••• •t'04 T. A.. Work •••• - •• Silas W. Mack ••••• C. A. lletz .... _. ___ C. W. Keeley______ 100,000 Mildred A. Riecks 90-258 " --··---· y Moolrpaz:op: 5(}6ntura 16 Cl ~Iorran HilL_Santa ara Dg Pop. 6-16 Mountain View•--· Santa Olara __ Pop. 1888 ••. D 8 ·• ·---·--· " "  •Napa ____ ---·---~ava E 3 l' OI>, 61u1  :Monterey Savinl?S Bank•il'll 9o-7oo Farmers Ba~Jr-s42-----·t§'l6 Bank of :Mor1?an Hill -•U-05 9H37 Farmers& Merch. Nat'l Bank •i·os U0-{138 First National Bank ·-·-•i•u U0-778  BANK OF ITALY ·-·--·•:1'89  ,  I  c  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE.',TS.  --  RESOURCES.  ""'~  ~:.~·:,~D~; 0<;.:~::.,i~·.  DEPOSITS  no..  n.. ,...  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,~ 1  :ii  s  282,870 N. Park. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.,Ohi.: Crocker N, and .\nglo & Lon. Pari N .• San B.; Far. & !::: , Merch. T.tand 1st N., Los A. 115,000 Han. N .. N. y .:T Cont. & Co~'.l N., Chi.; 1st N. and ::ilerch. ., SaD i'.; C1t1z. N,, Lo A.  50,970 Ol'ocker N., Bk. of Oal. N. A., Anl?lO & Lon. 29,900 854,350 908,280 75,000 Paris N., and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F ... I ---·---··--·----· --------··--··--· --··--··-··-··--- 1C. H. Whipple.--•. (Branch of Cam artUo, Clal.) •• _._ · · - - Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; C1t1z. N., Los A. 11,600 587,310 416,790 217,890 N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Bk. of Italy,_SanF. 50,000 C. F. Drewry_____ I. Purcell ________. C.R. Nelson .••• _. D. A. Baird ••••.. -.  T. J. Field·-·-·-- M. M. Gra£r.-·-· O. D. Henry. _____ IN. Geo. Nielsen__  I  Wilbur L. Camp._ M. Farrell--·-·---- O. W. Whaley ••• __ P. C. Whaley __ .___ J. s. .Mockbee B. W. Holeman-._· W. P. Wri£ht. ____ J. J. Taylor ______ F. W. Meyer......  I(·----------------j  State Wide Ser Direct )'OIU' ell UO-Z2i Quick returns Bank of Naf:_ •··-·--•U'71 1 • M. Chapman - 226  I .  100,000 l.  0  436,440  588,220  18,620  50,000  0 206,470 Irvmr N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com l N., Chi.; Am. ► r-4 N., San F. 54,800 lsi N .. San F.; Oomw. N., Kan. C.: Garden _ ~ City Bk. & Tr. Co., San Jose.  18,000 1,198,370 1,149,850  1  J. A. MIGLIAVACCA ·-· ·--······-----·-·--- SE.· HH•• ~RMRSITNUGTTZON -··• 1 9,000,000 , 3,913,240 (Branc h of an F.) ·--- East River N .. N. Y.; N. City, Chi. For other,~  " E. R. HENNESSEY vice In CallfomJa. ents to us. on collectlons. ·--·---·--·---- Henry Brown, Sec. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  correspondents see H.  o..  an. I!'.  Z  >  '  I  164,420 Oitiz. N. a~d Guaran~y Tr. Co., N. Y.: M_erch. l-t-4 Ln. & 'Ir. Co., Oh1.: Anelo & Lon. Pans N., w • San F,; Cal. N .. Sacramento.  175,000  227,330 1,587,850 1,826,520  First National Bank.--.•t'04 K. L. Bickford·--· D. A. Dunlap _____ o. A. Kather-·--·· H. s. Davis-··-· Il. C. Corlett H.P. Goodman. U0-228 Ch. of Bd. an Franci co ••• _. I. G. ilver ---·---· J. L. Mathews-···- ·-------··-·-----··· National OitY .San DiKee-0 National City State Bank 8 •U'l2 U0-753 Pop. 3116  100,000  102,100 2,859,390 2,794.590  25,000  4,000  180,000  125,000  Peoples National Bank .•t'09 K. ll. ll'IY--·-- Georl?e B. Winship Oliver Bower _____________ _  25,000  5,000  400,000  300,000  100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Com'l 0 ::S N., Los A.; Am. N., San II'.  19,200  528,800  283,990  297,750 Han. N .• N.Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo- ~ Nev. N .. San F.; 1st N., Albuquerque.  "  -------  "  >  IIO-tU  .._r edle _.San Bernardino Bank of Teedles .••• .. •:1'07 T. M. Quebedeaux. o. D. Oollins. _____ B. B. T. F. Brioady U0-323 Pop. 2 07 I 11 L  o.  1  eaL •.•. ---· --------··-------·--  35,000  I  365,690 OhaseN.,N.Y.;Cont.&Com'IN .. Ohi.: IstN., ~ C/l San F. and Los A. 20,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N., San F.: Southern Tr. & Com., San Die1?0.  .  I  E: ~  Io  I~  100,730 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A..; Crocker N .. o San. F. - · · · · - - - - - ---·-------· ·-··--------------- - - - - · - - - · - (Branch ,of Gro,a , Va.lut/, Cal.)_. _________ Han. N.,N. Y_.; Wells.Farro-Nev. N.and Anl?lO O & Lon. Pans N .• San,.,.: Cal. N .• Sacramento. ------····-- ---·----·-·····-· ---·--------- ---···-------· (Branch of A.ub urn, Cal,) _____ _ _ _ N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: .., 1 Capital N .. Sacramento. E. . Wangenheim J.B. Elfers·-- A. B. Joseph ·----- F. s. Powell-··---- 150,000! 158,240 1,696,1401 1,736,320 268,060 1 0hase N., N. Y.: .brlo A Lon. Pui1 N., ::. San 11'.: Cent.N., Oakland. H. M. Hetzler C. W. Hawks, 0 Asst. to Pres, Co. Tr. UnFion Boss.; 1st_-., Y.; .,,. Park, .l·, ·-------· --------· Francisco) San of (Bianch ·---·----------··-· Portuguesr. A mf,r• Bk .. !§'20 -------··-----··-- ---··--------· -----------·" ________ " and Wells Fargo•.l ev. N.. an . 90· 9.... Long' 269,790 172,830 120,070 Han. N., N, Y.; 1st N .• Los A.; Ex. 4.810 25,000 ~nk··--·•i•oe L.B. Wallace _ _ c. H. Way ____ E. H. Finigan ______ c. M. Sebring_____ ,.-cwport Beach __ Qranre First Nationga 1 Ba 0- 6... Beach. i , J 8 L Pop. 89-1 A. Los N., .Merch. & Far. Y.; N. N., Ex. Am. 30,000 20,000 30,000 5.000 25,000 Tiland--------- Imperial First National Bank·----.'20 rM. H. Sherman .•_ J. W. Wehn. ______ J. H. Wehn.------· --------····-------· F. X. Pfaffinger 90-925 JlO L Pop. 2:iO .i:Tile_. __ ._. __ .AJamedaF I / Bank of Alamgne1: County•l'08 ----··-------· --------·-----·---- ------··-·---·-- - - - - - - · (Branch of arado,C al.) .• _•• _ _ _ Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. I ""'" 2 Pop. 1800 37,000 Secur. N., Lo■ A. 10.000 200,000 150,0001 25,000 Norwalk-Los .Aneele&J 8 Bank of Nogro-w a!k, •··--•U'06 J. W. Inman·--· Frank Coulon __ D. W. Bor1t-·-··- P. K. Roberts__ 6 1 • • / Pop. 400 L 35,000 N ~:ri: N. Y.; Crocker N. and Union Tr. Oo., 252,000 5,100 _25,000 Novato. _______ Marin B 7 Novato Banfo~·•tl'll J.B. Burdell.. _____ Hermann Rudol:tf __ G.D. :Morrison---· _ _ _ _ llona£han&Murph1Bk.•U'05 U0-324 •Nevada City-~evada D5 Nevada County Bank •• •U'Ol 90-367 Pop. 1182 ·cw castle ____ Placer B 4 Placer County Bank •••• t§'07 UD-MO Po p. 503 .i.:·ewman __ Stanislaus D 11 Bank of Newman •• --•U'OS 90-50G Pop. 1251 ..  ..  T. J. llurph,J __ • __ F. B. Gabbert·--· 1w.  Kaiser ___ · - · - - - - · -  25,ooo l  90,ooo l  1  850,0001  215,000  l  .  e e,  ~T . .  G. T . .Morrison_... ID. E. Lee.--,  100,000  Stanislaus Co. Sav. Bank.1'051A. E. Schadlich. __ • L. F. Brichetto-·- D. E. Lee---- i--------·---------·W. L. ROdden, U0-487  60,000  .Oak:dale~~~k?!Pslaus F 5 First National Bank -···•t'04 A. E. Schadlich-- L.11'. Brichetto--·· J. Alban Rydberg E. ROdden, U0-488 Pop. 13-!f> Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '"'acramenti•o-1fo"1oaqui!iff  2  Ch. of Bd.  ______·__________ Ch. of Bd.  8  134,800 N. Oity, N. Y.: Oont. & Com'l N., Ohl.: 1st N. and Wells ll'ario•Nev. N., San i'.; 1st N., Los A. _ E. D. Heron, Mgr, ,o. JI:. Wood-···-··· (Branch of Sacramento, Cal.) ••••• ·--·---· Chase N., N. Y.: Am. ~ .• San "Jf.  1  t  I  ,  46,000 1 462,370 1 520,180 1  47,270 1st N.. Oakdale: 1st Federal Tr. CFo., l~t N., and Wrlls :Fargo-Nev. N., San .: :sacra. mento- an Joaquin, Stockton.  ~  .....__...__ ---f'IW  106  'l'Panatt Nun,  Number and• ame of Bani!: ill the New Transit Number given \o each bank in U. 8. escloslHIJ by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Director:,, under the authority of The American Banker A 'n.  · TOWN-AND oouNTY.  j  N.un: OF-BANK.  •Kem. Am. Bks.Assn. SSt~te .County Seats. In No.12 Fed. Ues. Dist. 1Mem.8tate Bks. Assn.tPrIV. [E<:tah. Lis Los Angeles~ ♦.Icm. Fed. Res.  1  p  RESIDENT.  V  CALIFORNIA-Continued 0A.SHlll,  ICE-PRESIDE.NT.  LIABILITIES . P m-ul' SURPLus-DEPosA D C  Ass'T C1.s11ant.  ~  PBOJ'l'N  ---~-_:--=~Benno, Mar. 1\V.~.-Thoma :---- (,.,.,_ o/  •Oak:land ___ Afameda F3 Banca Popolare Fuiazi•U'07 go-18 (Resen•e, Oit11) Pop. 216,261  S""  S. E. Biddle, Mpr,_ L. J. Te io, .11. Mgr. F. L. Foster, ______ E. M. Farrell______ 9000 000 3913240 Tr, Officer J.H.Andrade ,J. U. _lattos, Jr., (Branch of San E. Arvedi Y. J>. 03 State-w Ide serv College Ave, Br.•• A. Massoni, Mgr.; Fruitvale Br.,• L. R. Robertson • .:.l igr. Direct Y our clle Quick r eturnso H.F. Thurston, A. Mgr.; 11IelroseBr., R.H. Pearce, _llgr.  *BANK OF ITALY t . 90-7  •  ~  io...... nu.  ~  Fr-".: eo,  c.... "Ei:  Bol<D1, CIUWGa,Dus  S--  Cal.)  ==C__ ~  : A-n-el_o_&_L_o_n.-P-a_r_L--.-.-S-an-F.1 has_e_N-.-.-N-_-y___  . / ' . . ______ ________ ________ Eat River N .. N. Y.; Umon Tr. Co., Chi. or other correspondents see H. o., , n F, Francis co. Cal.) lee In C alifornl a. nts to u s. n collec tlons.  Bank of San L~andro ___ §'09 ------------------- 1---------------1Joseph Drine-----1 (Elmhurst Branch of Bk. of San Leandro. Sa n Lrond ro, Cal.) Anglo & Lon. Paris ... ·., Am. N .. Portu~ue,1• Am .• and Wells Fargo-Nev. N .. an I;\; 1st • 90-2.>4 • (') N. and Cent. N., Oakland. . e+§• B· B 66,230 $ 652,260 $ 906,210 $ 119,190 Bkrs. Tr. oo .. N. Y.: Anglo §i Lon. Paris ... 200,000 17 B. F. Edwards _____ J. F. Peck _______ B. F. F.dwards, Jr .. M. P. Bray________ roadway r4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ San. F.: 1st N. and Cent. N .. Oakland.  >  t~~i------- .,.  *C ENTRAL  NATIONAL go-4  J. F. CARLSTON---- A. J. MOUNT------ A. J. MOUNT------- G. C. HUMPHREY -E. D. BOTHWELL CLAUD GATCH, Y.l'. R.M. FITZGERALD 1.000.000 1,434,910 15249430 19498000 3,226,730 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris P. E. OTEY ff. A. MOSHER BANK San F. Quickest and Best Service Guaranteed on Collections.. J. F. HASSLER •t•og _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ B. R. BREESE Send us your Business direct.  •r.  600,000  *FIR T NATIONAL IAIII  600,000  202,800 7,929,620 8,360,570 1,662,260 Ohase N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; San :B' •  600,000  107,910 9,474,380 8,675,000  P. K Bowles ___.____ O. D. Jacoby------ S. H. Kitto ________ C. N. Walter ___ _ J. Anderson N. B. Campbell •t'75 go-s • H. Kitto First Savinl?s Bank . ____ etf'08 P. E. Bowles ______ O. D. Jacoby ______ F. D. Moyer·------ F. E. Crichton ___ _ J. s. Mill A. E. LittlP, P.A. Din more go-15 A. Cash. F. N, Kornhaus  *OAKLAND BANK Of SAVINGS go-1  •:1"67  .,,14  PORTUGUESE-AMERICAN  IA.  l  F. M. EDWARDS, A. C.R. 8. 8 KER ,1. .'ec. G W. ELLIS  I. A. MORRIS,  A. C.  A.E.CAL WELL.A .Cash,f. M. CERINI  Establish~d 1867. Branches at East Oaklaqd, West Oakland a11d Berkeley. Fully equipped to transact Commerctal, Savings and Trust business.  I  ________ - - - - - - - A. F. Nune ,  BANK ____ 90-20 ________ *State aviors Rank ___ •§'98 R. J. McMullen ___ g0-6 Oakland Olearinr Hense ___ W.W. Garthwaiie. ( Member, ,nd cated b11 a*) 0, kley ••••• Contra Co t Bank of Oakley _________ ·•20 o. ,I. Champlin ___ 90-926 Hg Pop. 750 Oak Park_ ar.ram nto ( "ee Sact·amento) E4 Pop. 6 00 Oc anrork •• Los A.nreles *First National Bank--•:t·os K. J. Vawte.r, Jr,_ to-135 _________ •U'll II. Jichel _______ •·L Pop. 15,000 .. J 7 * [arine nank  33,400 3,502,150 3,115,590  v·.. p. arid Mgr.  s»  i45,000 Irvini: N. and Guaranty Tr. o.. ,._ Y.: Centl Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi.; Am ..... • .. San F.  C:  I))  ::,  ~  Francia co, Cal.) _ _ _ N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.  ,_,.H.,..  J. II. haw-------- P. ,\. Anderson ____ E'. C.  nder. on ••••  25,000 ---------  H,700  49,920  50,000  24,610  881.7:lO  821,170  10,000  600,00()  550,000  T. B. Dudley _ _ P. J. Dudley ____ W. 0. BeDCler _ _ G. A. eilson___ *Ocean Part BanJc ____ nertel. .,1, c(I h. . II. Mene 90-W np House) <* Utmbers .. anta, t,mica i Oceanside.San Die20 J 8 ?Ir t National Bank: ______ f"Oli B. O. Ueers. _______ J.E. Jones- ------ Laurie l'orteou -- Edna I. Oge:-----90 -52 L Pop. 1111 Oj 1_________ V1 ntu 16lOjai tate Bank _______ •t '07 F lix W. Ewin!?-- E. r.,, Wiest____ . 0 • .,\nder:-on____ abol R. Isenbere. 90- 43 l l'op. 500  l 7,300  go-334  lll,L .,  en OI  ------------------- 100,000 210,620 1,271,450 1,395,450 186,830 N. Park, N. Y.: Well! J'arro-NeT, N., Am. L • •• Duuley Kin,ell ____ P. L.. lc)lullen. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Saa II'.; ent.. '. Cash. and Sec. G. 8. lleredith,Su. ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and 1 ·t. · .. Oakland. H. A. Mo her ______ G. B. in..  75,000  "  zX  558, 80 Met. Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., San F.  --- --- --- --- ---  I. L. Bettencourt. (Branch of San  \ . Y. 'rhornbury __ J. W. Lawrence ___ Kenneth Ilills ·---  --  >  C • ., .. d Lib t N N y N Cit ... ·• • ,; on ... ~ o er 7 an • 1,500.000 1,388,990 42619630 41 '189840 3,913,050 Com'l N., Chi,; Bk. or Cal. N, A.., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Wells Fargo-Nev. L . , 0 and Crocker N., San F.; Lon~on Join~,_, City & Midland Lt~., Lon., Far. & e?. l\lerch. N., Los A.  ft. B. Harris ______ R. B. Buris ___ Lewis Cox .. ______ _  "  l  ---- ------------  BRECK-----ECCLESTOK------A, w. MOORL-------SAMUEL w. W. GARTHWAITE.• J.A. Y.BORLAND J. A. TiOMSON, Sec. F. A. ALLARDT (3 Btanc1ld  283,600  0  794.320 21648 590 21166 020 1.876,890 Chase N ., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F .: Cent. tl1 ),, N., Oakland.  A. Crellin _____ H. O. Sarehorn ___ J.E. Smith _______ _ E. C. Peterson Claud Gatch (One Branch) go-g C. D. Bowman R. M. Fitzgerald )I. R. Bronner *Farmers & .Jereb. Sav. Bk. Edson F. A.dams__ . R. Redington ___ F. C. Martens ___ B. C. R 1 ad ________ _ John Campe Georre s. Meredith •:1'92 90-5  Oentral Savin1rs Bank ..:U'lll J. F. Oarlston _____  :ij ., ~  .u·oz  ,a, Number Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number ·ven  III.  40.6~0 2,214,l O 2,003,770  40,000  20,000  350,000  360,000  70,000  40,000  00.000  875,000  1ech. ,· ~letals r,, •. Y · \.Yell: Fa~o-_ro\, ,.' .. an F. 175,250 •. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.: Wells Fare-o-""""' I» Nev. .. an F.: 1st N .. Los A. 100,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Citiz. N. and Com•] .... , Lo1A.; :S ~ Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 19.1,090 Han. N .. N.Y.: Cenf. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Am, ~ ~·.,San F.; Merch. N., Los A.  '<  50,000 . 'itr,N.Y.: .Am.N.,SanF.;lt .. •.. an:. I.O r , • •• T ' :iicgo. 30,000 :'.\Iercl!, .... , •. x .. \\ ells Fargo-.. ev. ~ ., an tv li'.:,·ecur.'l'r.,•. av,,Lo A.;lstN .• Ventura. -  anlrlnw Dhln,_  ln  10 7  Number under Name of Bank ia the New 'l'ranalt Number pven to each bank in U. S. excluslYely by The :&and-McNaDJ Bankers• Dlrec&ory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN AND OOUNTY,  ASS'T CASHiltR  PAID-UP SURPLUS ._  CAPITAL PR~~~T8  J. D. Thomas------ J. D. Spennetta. __ K. V. Wolff _______ -------------------- $ 25,000  Orland  --•t·u  E. E. Martin ______ F. S. Rea2er _______ J. J. Flaherty _____ Emer on E. Martin  SavT5:nt _____1•11 G. A.. Barceloux __ Jos. Simon _______ E. , I. King ______________ _  H.J. Mac Kenzie __ 0. c. Goodin ____ J. R. Ledbetter ____ F. A. Ji'olletL----W. V. Andrews H. A. Collin W.W. Ginrles ____ C. W. Putnam _____ E. F . .. 1itchell _____ R. G. Stapleton ___ _ R. M. ' eatch Phebe JI. Rideout. Dunning Rideout __ J. c. Boyle _______ F. L. Humphrey --L. L. Green . W.W. Gin2les.---- c. w. Putman _____ c. w. Putnam _____ E. F. Mitchell ____ _ R. G. Stapleton Phebe :M.Rideont__ Dnnnin~ Rideout __ J.C. Boyle------- F. L, Humphrey --L. L. Green J. L. Waring _______ M. U. McDougall __ R. L. Henderson __ -------------------M.H.Sherman. V.P. R. E. Whitley F. X. Pfa nger Oxnard ____ _ Ventura I II Bank of A. Levy, Inc,-•il'02 A. Levy--------- James Leonard ____ Alpha Adams ______ A. Guedemann - L POI> , 4417 110-372 First National Bank----•!'99 Obarles Donlon_ Geo. E. Hume _____ G. E. Hume _______ H.P. Speer _______ _ II0-371 L. o. Gisler Frank Wasserman Oxnard Sav~iJs8aak ___ 1•oc Charles Donlon __ Justin Petit _______ G. E. Hume ____ . H. P. peer-------  Oro j_ ______ Tulare G II National Bank of Orosl-•!'07 Pop. '100 90-6'8 •OrodlJ t _____ Butte D 4 Bank of Oroville Savinrsl'92 Pop. 3340 II0-303 Bank of Rideout.Smith& Co. 90-769 • *1'66 First National Bank ___ ei•o3 90-302 __ ____ Rideout Smith Nat'l Bk.•*'12 90-301 owensmouth.LosAngeles State Bank of Owensmouth L Pop. 500 I 2 9(H22 •tf '14  Pacific Grovc __ )l onterey Bank of B. Cooke Smith E. 0. Smith _______ P.H. Smith ______ A. 0. Gates _______ ----- ------- -------Pop. 2974 G S II0-387 •U'89 Bank of Pa~gJrove_•t§'04 E. S, Joknston ____ Palmdale, Los Ange les I 8 Antelope Valley Bank __ etf '15 ------------------L Pop 60 90-833 Palms-Los Angeles I 1 Citizens Staoo-te ~ink _____tf'l2 ---------------7° L Pop. 250 , Palo .Alto ___ _·an ta I ra Bank of Palo A. 1to----•U HP. M. Lansdale ____ Pop. 5000 D8 IIO-Z78 FIRST NATI~!,~ BAH ei•04 ll. A. Bachan __ _-.,,. Stanford B ~ -------•l'IM earl G. Wilson __  17  c. D. Henry _______  Lo.lNo&  ~ ci~=- :o:..:.~,----- - -- - --·-  1,238,000 1.154,000  165,800 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N .. Los A..  846,030  806,570  1,325,4!!0 1,212,690 711,300  661,570  650,970  641,700  .City,.T.Y.:An~lo&Lon.Pari. .. •.• ~an .; I. t .. • .• Los .: l!'idelity Tr. e a\'., !i'ro no. ~ :Maria, Cal.) ____________ • '. Uity, ... -. · .: ,\nglo , ml Lon. Pari ·, '., S n O 429,350  532,800  63,800 Ilan.N., .Y.;Cont.& Com'l ... Chi.:lst San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento.  79,2 0 N. Oity, N.Y.; N . Bk. Rep.,Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N, A. and Am. •.• San F. 21,110 Union Tr. Co.and WellsFareo-Nev. N., San F.: tD Cent. N., Oakland. . )> 94,520 N. Park, ~.J.: Jst N .. San F .; Umon Fresno; C1tla, _ .. Los A. ~ 43,400 ls~~ of Italy and Anglo & I.on. Paris r •• en  424.140  479,950  21,510  275,570  300,970  50,000  19,490  427,850  383,440  30,000  28,970  426,180  440,750  30,000  31,980  512,190  529,090  50,000  62,090  766,480  727,990  300,000  70,030 1,120,750 1,314,790  50,000  302,000  288,000  200,000  457,000 2,000,000 2,351,000  250,000  150,000 1,883,000 1,826,230 85,500 3,100  n ~  92,920 1st N .. Oranire: Secur. Tr. & Sav .. Los A.  80,000  13,200  25,000  277,330 Han. N., N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 349,030 IrvingN., N.Y.: Cont. &0om'lN .. Chi,; Am.N., San F.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 36,770 N. Bk. or Oran2e. Oran2e.  100,000  25,000  50,000  755,900 ' 753,0vO 262,720  240,280  F.; 1 ·t ~ ,, Los A.  1  ·.  f~·  L. P. Hopkins______ Eli King A, W. Ellet-------- Charles Ellet _________ ----------------  100,000 50,000  40.000 1,704,600 1,596,870 5,070  -  N.,Iz  53,510 Mtle. N .. Bk. of Calif. N, A., and Crocker T" San F.: The Rideout, :llar>sville. 122,030 Han. N .. N. Y.: Wells Fargo- ev. N., 1 t .. •., Crocker ~r ., and Am. N .. San F. 126,000N.Park.N.Y.;Mtle.Tr.Co.,rnd nglo&Lon. Pafi::: N .. San F.; Cal. ., Sacramento. 53,000 Chase ~ .• N_ Y.: Crocker N., San F.: 1st .,:. and Home av .. Los .  I  O ,_. ,..,  < CD  ,... 0  553,000 Han.N.,N. Y.; Cont.& Com'l N.,Chi.: An!:'lo& ~ Lon. Paris N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N ancl '"\ ~Ierch. N .. LosA.;Merch.-Lar. N., St. L. ~ 690,000 Irvin!:' N .. N. Y.; 1st _._ ·., hi. and Los A.; ~ Merch. N ., San F. 98,000 1st N .• Los A.; Merch. · ., San F. i5,540 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. .. San F.  Geo. W. EckhardL ---------------  w. Buchan __ c. E. Jordan ____  ~  ~ '4  >  12,200 886,520 825,260 173,480 N. Bk. Com .. N.Y.: Crocker N., San F. 100,000 ____________________ L. M. Denison _____ (Branch 01 Lane a15ter, Ca l,) _________ Am. Ex. ,, N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.: ,\m. N., San F. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.: ________ \Y. E. Carnahan, ------------------- (Branch of Sawt el.U,Cai.) _ _ _ _ _ _ Mech, 1st~-.• San F. Mgr. 79,810 2,123,700 2,107,040 274,IlC Han. N., N. Y.: 1'erch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.: C. D. Iarx _______ H.F. Conrdon ____ R. L. Cody------- 180,000 Crocker N. and 1st N .. S&n F. D.  ~  159,390 $ 44,920 IrvingN.,N.Y.;Am.N .• SanF.;Citiz •• •.. LosA.  I.065,080 1.158,260  873,510  --  :<  80,290 N- City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Lt N., Ontario; Citiz. N. and Merch. N ., Los A. 133,330 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com•J N .. Chi.: 1st N., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A .• San F.  815,040  ~  I~  Die- C;.sn & Ex-  50,000  12,600  PRINCIPAL CORRJ:SPONDJCNTS:---  1  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___  Parlier-----Fresoo G 6 First National Ba !lnt-.ei•n C. A. Parlier ____ James Hamilton ___ W. J. Lohman __ H.P.Hi~gi_nbotham Poi,. 1200 90-7 1· J. A. H1~~10botham Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RESOURCES.  DEPO-~=-  7,470 $ 164,440  Oscar Arnold ______ H. E. Swan _______ H. O. Chapman ____ R. F. Ware _______ _ 50,000 61,270 H. W. Lind_ay H. E. Swan ____ 0. Arnold ______ J. R. Davis-------- G. N. Knox ______ _ 75,000 45,560 G. B. Hardin2 H. L. Delong Geo. A. McCrea --- \Y. A. Freem1re ___ -. E. Trautman __ D. H. Leeson ____ _ 75,000 52,050 IKl-290 E. J. andford Cecil Y. Duke Alta ..\1. :McCrea Orange _______ oran2e J 8 First National Banlc----•i·o6 W. D. Granier __ D. F. Campbell ____ B. W. Bolinrer-- _________ _ 100,000 35,390 L Pop. 4884 110-351 .. " National Bank of Oran2eei·s& D. 0. Pixley _____ F. L. Ainsworth_ J. R. Porter ____ F. M. Gulick. ___ .• 100,000 126,820 00-349 N. T, Edwards Oranre Savinrs Bank -U'06 P. W. Rhlen ___ M. 0. Ainsworth __ J. R. Porter ______________ _ 60,000 71,490 110-350 Security Savin2s Bank._1'07 W. D. Granrer ___ D. F. CampbelL ___ E.W. Bolin2er __________ _ 50,000 33,650 90-352 Oran~e Cove_ Fresno G 6 First -ational Bank ____ •t'20 E. M. Sheridan ____ O. R. Barber ______ E. . Demler __________ __ __ 25,000 -- _·-- --Poo. 200 90-910 orcutL anta Barbara I 5 Bank of anta Maria ___ :§'20 ------------ ________ . _____________________________________ __ Geo. W. Da le -- j_ __ (Branch of Santa L Pop. 4000 90-932 50,000 Orland-------- Glenn D S Bank of Orland--------•U'87 G. A. Barceloux __ II. J, Barceloux ___ E. 1. King ______ --------------41,570 Pop. 15 2 90-512 First Natio~tnk  I»  -c-==== -=-- =- vol~~e. _ F o ~ e LIA.BILITIES.  NA.ME OF BANK.  j.County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. fState PRESIDl:NT. 0.t.SHIJCR. In No. 12 Fed. Re·. Dist. Ulem.State Bks. A.ssn.t Priv. Li Lo · Angele- Branch. ♦Mem.Fed.Re. [Estab. --- - -- - - • - -- - - - - : I - - - -Olive ______ orange J 8 First National Bank ____ •!'l6 L Pop. 500 90-847 __ San Bernardino Euclid Savings Bank ___ •U'92 L Pop. 7280 I 8 II0-2811 " " Fir tiTational Bank ___ •t·o2 90-288 Ontario .1:-ational Bank--•!'11  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi t Rates, Holiday , etc., see Laws. ::,  CALIFORNIA-Continued  184,860 Inin: Ji., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and L-0 - A.; Wells ll'ar:o-Nev. N .. SanF. 60,360 Han.N .. N.Y.: Am. ·.and.Anglo & Lon. Pari .. •.. an F. 354,890 Han. N .. N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.:, San. F. and Lo . . A.  ... u, _ _ ..., __ _.. _ _  I  108 Tow.  Number uatler !fame of Bank la the New Tr. . .tt Number siT• The Baod-McNally Bankers• 8. exelu1ITely Directory, under the authority o The American Ba~kers Ass'n.  \o each bank in AND  oou.  J>a aclen:i_Los An-eeles Ii L Pop. 48,354  -  LIABILITIES.  •Hem. Am. Ilks.Assn. i tate ..county Seais. ln •o. 12 Fed. lfrs. Dist.,i.Mem.State Bks. -'.ssn.t Priv. ♦)!em. Fe<l. He,,, L i _.!,os_Angeles Br.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  PRESIDENT,  ASS'T 0.lSBill.  0.lSB.Ill.  Pun-UP  J8"!\;';."'  -  .RESO!JRC~--  -  DEPOS1TB  CAPITAL PROFITS  • Dta. C.un at Ex-  c•Tt1,  Bo!'(f'l1t,  *Citizens Savlnes Bank•U·lt W. H. Hubbard ___ O. W. Durand _____ M. Vilas Hubbard, H. D. Machin, C ash., Sec. and Tr . H. T. Hazard 110-75 A. Sec,  300,000  McQuilliog-__ T . W. Smith _______ J.E. Whitehouse __ --1A.H. K.c. Hotaling G. H. Wynkoop  300,000  J. s. Macdonnell •t'86 \V. H. Vedder, Ch. of Bd. *Fir t Trust &Savines Bank J. S. MacdonnelL __ •U'Ol 110-67 ~3  .NATIONAL BANK & TR. COMPANY 00 69  L.A. BOADWAY --- G. s. PARKER.---J. 8. COULSTON, C. N. POST Ch.  •i·o 7  Co1Jectlon1 a Specialty.  i_:  w. R. SCOVILLE---  ,.,..HD~-------. • SMI U  A• • P~L R J. W. OIIES  Prompt att entlon to  au  Bankln1 Mattera.  L. R. RAWSON ---r. Pres. and Ca sh. J. T. WALLACE  l-,lf/CH ----- C. L. WRIGHT,  This young progressive bank offers yo u every facllJty In keeping with · the best banklng practice. We Invite your collect1ons on Southem Callfomla points. Enf'rgetlc and cap able senlce.  NATIONAL BANK  •i·12  Q0 -74  h~8~o\v,~•w  or Hd.  E. H. MAY---------  *SECURITY  F. E. Stevens F. E. teven ______ H . A. DotJ.Tr.... _ G. R. McComb, Sec. T . V{. oc mith,A.Sec. and A. Tr, W. D. Lacey  Hotaling III.H. A.C. Doty  IA. E. Dwelle ------ IArthur H. Gage ____ , ____________  State Bank of Pasadenail'07 W . M. Eason ______ I 90- 72  *UNION NATIONAL BANK  r&OM B.A.NIL  $ li5,000 Guaranty 'l 'r. Co. , N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N .• Chi.: C1tiz. N .. Los A. ; Bk, of Cal. N. A .. San F .  70,500 2.300,0CO 2,13 0,000  r:11. of Bd.  I  160,140 4,309,700 3,4?24,400 1,637,700 Chase N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com '! N .. Chi.; 1st N .. Los A.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F,:I I . 1st N. Minpls. 153,360 4,361.450 4,456,170 663,180 Bkr~. Tr. Co. and Irv ing .i: .. ,. • 1.; Cont. & Com'l ., Chi. ; Me r ell. N .. Lo A .; Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San F. ?  600,000  ---  -  - - 300,000  ---  •  •  ---  --  0  > r4  152,990 5,065.'150 5,41 8.640 588,850 Ban. N., N. T.; 1st N. and Ill. Tr. & Sav., - - Chl.;1ltN.,Bo1.;Am.N.,Sanl'.  I  - -,--  ----  ~,~  1,500,000 320,000 N. City and Harriman N., N. Y.; Standard Tr. & .., av., ~hi.; Crocker N., San F.; Secur. Tr. & ~av., Los A.  I  ;j  0  ~  1  -  100,000  I  - - - - - -, - - - - - - 25,000  40.290  I  467.240  367,570  .  160,160 1st N. , N. Y.: Ua1on N., Pasadena: Cal., Los A.  ______ j  lOUOO  425 ,000  II. II. Lehman  I  C, E. STIMSON, BLANKENHORN- {DAVID BLANKENHORN R. E. HUNTER-----0 MiR EWloN ouuN HUNTER-DULIN Co •  Tr . .  G. H. SHELLENBACH,  >  .~ z ~  I  N'. CH7 and Liberty N., If. T.1 Coot. &  1Zl2200 175,530 5,299,390 _U65_ 590 ~  - --  John Wtlhs Baer •U'95 Frank C. Bolt, <'11. of Board.  ~  en  - - -  Eepeclal facllltlee for meeting the banking requirements of trawelera In Southern C allfornla  I  273,000 N. City, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.: Bk:. of Cal. I N. A., San 11", ; Oitiz. N., Los A.  H. I. STUART -----JOHN WILLIS BAER- W. A. BARNES -----H.P. THAYER---C.J.HALL F.C.BOLT, H. H. LEHMAN  !*UNION TRUST & SAY. BK. H. I. Stuart_ ______ \c.J. Hap 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ W . A. Barnes ______ 11. P. Thayer ______ 90--1i6  =-.::=-=== = --PKINCIP.lL O0KKJ:SPONDDT9 .  1  •:·os  110-n  ~  CB.&MGE■ , DOll  s,co RlTlta  A, B. Bixby  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK  -·  1  LoAl!II  *CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK Wm. H. Magee __ M. P. Green ____ L . M. Jones _______ I. W. Ketchum ____ S 100,000 S 25,000 $1,145 000 $107 8 000 •:•16 90-76 1  ••-  Non-Bank Town with Nearest. Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), La yer , Laws ,Indexed) in back of tW volume. For ~terest Rat~s, B0Uday11, etc., see Law . ~  CALIFORNIA-Continued  NAME OF BANK.  /  TY.  hr  U.  _,,  600,000  Sec.  Com'I N., Chi.; l'ar. A llereb. N. and {I) 1st N., Loa A.; Wells Farco-NH. N. I» 0. and Merch. N ., San F. tt  ::,  I»  ---  291,!lOO 5,154,510 5,398,920  443,950 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ill. Tr. & Sav .. Ohi.: Far. & M:erch. N., Loi A.,  --------- ---- -----  --------- Mltchell-Butcblns Co •• Chi.; Blaokenborn-Bunter-Dulln Co., Sao F., an Diego, and Los A.  ---------  ~  Government, M !unlclpal, Public Semce and Corp oration Bonds.  (210 E. Col rado St.)  (Dcalrr, in lrwc. · tment)  '05  .  l  WILLIAM RI STAATS Co  J.E. JARDINE------ FRANK C. -MONROE -B• G. McMECHEN, Tr. WM. R. STAATS, LLOYD R. MACY Ii. o/ B rl. 1  w.  I W. II. Magee ______ R . C. Davis,  Munlofpaf and First Mortga ge Corporation !!._onds.  j  II . Huhhard ____  ~,.c. and Mor.  - - 600,000  Pacific Coast Securities  1  (65 'o. Haymond Av ) • '87 l' adena Clearine Hou ·e. ___  ----------- ---- - -.. --  ---- -------- ---- ----  ~  I»  --- --600,000  ---  (Dralus in In t•cs tme111.t)  ::l  c::  New York Truat Co., N. T.; Barris Tr. & ~ Staab Co., '< .. San r. and Loa.&..  1 -- -1 Sav. Bk., Chi.; WWlam &.  - - -- --i--- - -  lemhn· 'inrUcate<L b11 a*> Number Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis under Name of Bank i, th• New Transit Number ·nn  --  '° N  , ' ' '.• P.AC·IFICI COAST SECURITIES .- :·- . ~;p:ASADENA: . NGELES· sAN FRANCISCO· WILLIAM . R•,· STAATS '-co • LOS -A (i  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  Non-Bank Towns with Near~st  Ba~~~  P(!ln~ (!~-  _  ■,  •  109  •  . . vv  Ill  Number under Name of Bank ie the New Tranalt Number ,inn to each bank in U. S. es:chulYel7 by The &and-MeNally Banken• Dlreeto~•- 11!1der the authority of The A.merlean Ban.ken .u1•n.  NAME OF BANK. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •Countr Seats. In o.12 Fed. Re. Dist. iMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. L is Los Ang-eles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  u ...... v  1Wn"1  •  11n11v•vv  I  VICE-PRESIDENT.  1-------  1  100,000  PattersoPStai~ausDll Bank:ofPaterson ...••• •il'lt C.J.Carlson ••• -•• J.~L 9()--696 op. Commercial Bank ••..• •:!:§'20 W.W. COL-••••.. W.W. Zacharias .. E. H. Tienken ••.• B. H. ~elson, Tr.. " " 90-929 Per1is.-Poi>~l~irside J 8 Bank of Pe~~~41·······- ''08 w. W. Stewart ••• _ T. L. Lanier.·-···· w. G. Stewart.. ••• C.R. st:c~~;;ct Tr.  11  2  •·  ·--···-···- -··-···· M. J. Bettencourt. -·--··· ···-··-······  s. Go sage. ___  402,8 0  79,850  88,260  6,050  160,000  120,000  25,000  191,000 2,819,120 2,773,160 114,720 1,683,400 1,767,710  G. P . .McNear ••••• A. P. Behrens- •.•. 1D. R. )Iadi .on....  100,000  109,210 2,039,630 ' 2,05i.120  Iw. 1  \.  J. Buchanan •• _ G. Todaro·-···-··· •.canevaro •••. .•• stow w. Irvin -·- ···-  . Lepori, 'r .•.•••• \\', B. Abrams---·· c. Lepori. Jr. · ···- D.  l  Obas. E. Denman •. J. }{.Orr·-·······- II. p. Clark--····· -····-·--··-- ······· ,.John Jelmini A. S. Bradford .• _•. A. l'inrot ti -- · ..•• J. E. Scott--·- 1R. L. Fonrman __ __  1  1,426,650 1,139,530 1 ore, Cal.) ········-  74,000  92;;,000  710,000  8,270  273,190  277,260  ,  25,000  2. 790  92,000  96,470  50,000  21,000  573,000  430,000  4,750  140.000  156,000  25.000 65,000  '  1,4-14,440 2,0!ll,2i0  50,000  cott.·-·-···· H. L. Fourman •.••  I  2,612,590· 2,770,260  100,000  George W. Peltier ·.Fox ..•......... G. E. Wentworth •. 1T. c. Atwood ....• -  A. . Bradford ......\. Pierrotti. ...... J. E.  120,450 !,637,0001 1,320,360  c. Mendonca...  25,000  11,510  363,170  399.380  o. H. Schwe,o1n .••.• E. L. Benedict..-•• T. H. Silver........  50,000  40,4.J0  769,210/  745,410  JJ'irst Natioi~f;nk-••• •:·10 H.P. Mohr .• -••.•• C. A. Case·--···· Claude Smallwood_ J. a.Mendonca...  25,000  13,250  240,300;  266,390  H.P. Mohr •.•. ··-· c. A. Case-·-·-· Claude Smallwood. J. T. W. Harris •• ___  AMERICAN  NATIONAL BANK  un.-u  PRINCIP.A.L CORRESPONDENTS.  l~E""1  ..,  C.uslsE:r•  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  26, 00 N. City, N. Y.:WellsFar20-Nev.N.and.Am. N .. San F.: Cal. N., Sacramento. 61,730 ~ . City, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris. T., San F.;, M~desto, Modesto. 70,000 N. Cay, N. Y.; Oont. N., Los A..  ln > ~  436,950 Mtle Tr. Co. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. _  350,370 N. City, N. Y.: Crocker N., Anglo&Lon. Paris~ ~ N., and Wells Fargo.Nev. N., San F. 191,430 Ohase N., N. Y.: Bk. of Oal. N. A.., San F.  z  ..  2,.a,030 Han. N., N.Y.: A.nrlo•Cal. Tr. Oo., Bk. ofltaly, and Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San F. 239,810 Chase N., N. Y.: Oorn Ex. N .• Obi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A .. ~an II'. O, 106,590 Chase N .• N. Y.: Anrlo & Lon. Paris N..• I • .., . . Crocker .. and Am. N.. an F. ···-···-- Han. N., N. Y.; Bk.of Italy, an F.; C1t1z. ~ ., ~ n Los A. 263,000 N. Park, N. Y.:Cont. & Com'! N .• Chi.; Italian•1 en . Am. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N .. San]'. 47,910 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn E.·. N., Oh1.; 1 _ 1,1 1st N .. San F. · 26,2-10 Ha~. N., N. Y.; ~k.. o_f Cal. N.A., San F.; Merch. s» rn N., Los A.; F1dehty Tr. & l!-':" Fresno. 2-10,000 Han. N ., N. Y.: 1st N. and C1t1z. N .• Los A..: 0 Merch.N.,SanF.;Far.&.Merch ..i: .,Fullerton:,;:, 25,000 1st N: and Citiz. ...., Los A., Placenta ... •., Pia0 enba. 302.100 N. P<trk, N ..Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Anglo g: & Lon. Paris N .. San F.; Cal. N .. Sacramento. (I) 22,750 lsfa!ci.and Bk. ofltaly, San .B'.: Cent. Sav.,Oak- :  > >  I  110,240 Lit'tb1"ai\an~'if1i:::  o'i°l~~-~~1:nia:J:is N., San 0  30,610 Irving N., N. Y.; Cent. N .. Oakland.  . J. Bonneau .••.. (Branch of Jack on, Cal.) _ _ _ - - - Crocker N., San F.  ·~  g ?.  96,580 Crocker N .. San F. 11 .., C, W. Parkman.... (Branch of Tom ales • ca1 t.) ·-···· - - - 1st N., San F. 61,000 1,297,520 1,114,040 418.640 Ban. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N. f. ROBINSON.-.. 100,000 and Wells Far20-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N, and E. H. CRONK Citiz. N., Los A. ent. usted to us. Flora Stornetta....  25,000  3,800  150:000  327.270  50,000  47.-!90  125,000  69,000  179,530  112,030  c.  FlnsT NAT. BANK jfCHAS.M.STONE.. W.L.WRIGHT ..••.. ,.W.A.KENNEDY .•••• r.turH\l::----  533,180 ChaseN .. N. Y.; Cont. &Com'IN., Chi.: Crock• er .. an F.: 1st ., Los A,  ■i•u  Collectlona sent us will r,ecelve prompt attention. Quick return a at reasonabl •e rates. Savings Baii~~/omo~f . W. L. Wri~ht •••• _. w. K. Lattin •••••• A. B. Endicott.. ... ····-······-·······1 04 State Bk. of,!_o m ona_._eU'Ot A. 0. A.bbotL_. ___ J. A.. GalluP--···- E. R. Yundt._ ••.. L. S. Birdsall--·-·1 H. W. Stiles .v-180 110-177  ic.  · 25,000 ··--····· _ _ _ ··-····· ·-···-·· 200,000  t~f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  320,000  50,000  200.000  county_§'16 --·---·---·····- ···············-·-· ····-··-·······-···· Plymout~op: 657 Ama1;°s Bank of Am9 5 Point AP~p~·a:l"endocw~ Bank of Po~~1~ena ••. U'05 J.C. Hallid&J--·--. 0. F. O'Brien--·· P. w. Ha2ereen._ Sta · R P o1nt 91l--650s ....•.. ++1•10 - - - - - - · -. , - - - - - - - -------··-··-··B 1 Bank of Tomale 100···· Marin JF. E. GRAHAM ._ 1R. M. DAVIS ....... J.P. STORRS ...••. Pomona._Los A n t? eles I a C U ti L Pop. 13 ,506 1J, f. LOBINGIER o ec ons a sp,eclalty. I Personal presen tatlon. Remltte don day ofpaym ■:•DI l Intelllgent atte ntlon to all bank ,lng matters entr 90-! 78  fa~.  23,000  75,000 .••......  J. H. Gwinn.--··· Chas. McNalb --·· Charles G . .Martin. U. H. Tomasini.._. 1J. B. Bloom ••••• __ •  H.  n Ui\  77,460 1293150 $ 828,390 S 380,720 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Anrlo ~ & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Far20-Nev. N., ~ San F.; Citiz.N .. Los A. 35,000 700,000 550,000 183,000 An~lo & Lon. Paris N., Ban F.  250.000 153,7-10 Thomas Maclay __ , L. R. Filippini..._. R. R~hetti ····-·· 1W. R. Hall........ F. A. Allenberg Joseph Bloom 400,000 105.1 0 Geo. P. McNear •. Frank H. Denman_ F. II. Denman •• __ w. T. Spndgen ••• 'r ..J. C'line F. A. Meyer 74,140 100,000 E. K. Downer ••••• .. MacKinlay --- jL- E. HarL-···-· T. w. Hutchison__ . \Y. E. Lewis J. P. Connors ····---·----··-····- ······-----····-·-1C, E.. pt•nc,>1•, Vgr. ···-·-·-·· ••••••• (Branch of F,llm W. R. Creed ..••••.  RESOURCES.  c';_:;,_~_•:_· _":::'_._";:_~_»_n  1  mith ....... Ole l'orvend ..••• - Otto Olson ........  Petaluma-Swiss American Bk. •il'lO 90-222 .. Sonoma Oo. Nat. Bank.. •:·88 ····-··· .. 110-218 . P1nole •• Oontra Costa B D Bank of Pinole .••• -•• -•tl'05 , IIG-648 . Pop. 067 . Bank __ t§ 19 t-,ntora I 6 Fillmore State Piro •• -·-·-- V 90 888 Pop. 2 ,,0 L Pitt bur2_.Oontra Costa Contra Costa County Bank •:1'04 . 90·553 POD, 715 ,. B 9 . First National Bank .•.. ■t'l9 -······· .. 90-893 PixleY-··-··-'rulare H 6 First National Bank .• -.•t·rn 00:-894 . POD, 300 Placentia_._ Oranee I 3 Placentia National Bank.•'11 110·702 Poo.1000 l Placentia Sav in 1? Bank•:i:§'17 " •••• -··'· 90 852 •Placerville ... ~) Dorado El Dorado County Bank•U'02 ♦ llo-422 E5 Pop. 16->0 Pll'a ~an~~J>.· !Ji1mecla C 9 Amador Va~3! ~~v. Bk . . S'l3 7 Bank of Pl~~~\on._ •• ■U'113 " -··· ··-· ••  I  • DmPOS- LouilsDia1 8 AP_i_T_A_L _P_RA.N_o_F~_T_s _ _T__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C_ SURPLUS  PAID-UP  First Natioi~~k ••••• ■ '10 R. C. Heaton ••••.. W. S. Lewis.-.•-. F. G. Wetzel.. .•.•. ·····--·-·-· -·-·····  l9  NI ,r'°'L at. t h.:,,  LIABILITIES.  Ass'T CASHIER.  CASHIER,  87.500  t!~~f8  lri  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  Paso.Robles----~an Luis Citizens Bank ····-·---•U'92 W. C. Bennett---· Alex. Webster ____ W. A. Johnson ••.• Paul Pfister....... F. B. Pendery 9()-456 Ob1sDo.PoD. 2500 ••. H 5  ateo D 8 First National Bank •••••• '19 J.C. Williamson·Pe caderpo_sa':?,,M ~H ~ -0 Bk .. U-05 A. J. Bloom ••••••• Petalum~oi,:ii~gma E 3 California s 9 PetalumaNationa!Bank.•'03 J. H. Gwinn·---··· " .. 90-220 BANK•il'7o F. H. Denman •••. PETALUMA ~  ■  CALIFORNIA-Continued  I PRESIDENT.  n  t"'IV  1  803,520  111.100 Cont. & Oom'I N., Chi.; Citiz. N. and 1st N.,~ Los A..; 1st ... Pomona. 215,000 Equitable Tr. Co .. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Ohi,• o IO Secur. Tr. & av., Los A.: Am.N .. San F.  .,  ....  Number under ame el Bank · the 1-lt!W Transit Number civen to each bank in u. S. exclu lvl'IJ by Th Jtand-McNally Banker • DlrectorJ, und r tb!_!IUthorlty o!...:J'he Amerkan Banker A. 'n. """"T...:O:::W:::::;.!11':__.&.. D COUN~j - NAME OF' BANI[ . .t.County Seats. •Kem. Am . Bks. A sn. S t 3:te PRESIDENT. V !CK-PRESIDENT. ln ·o.12 Fed. He:. Dist. :tMem.St~te Bks.A n.tPriv. Lis Lo Angele Bra~h •~Ien!.:_Fe<l. Res. rn~tah. _ _ __  ll0  CALIFORNIA - C On ti nu ed ----=-CASHIER.  ASS'T CASHIER.  Porterville ___ Tulare H 7 Fir~t ~ Tational Bank ____ e:t•oa Wilko Mentz ____ H. C. Carr ________ F. W. Velie _____ M. E. DeWitt______ Pop. J097 90--365 A. G. Basye Chas. Osborn Pioneer Bank __________ e:t§'89 Chester Dowen ___ M. C.Mattinson ___ P. Gafvert ________ E. E. Ridgway_____ ---- ---I U0-364 J. \V. Fitting, J. M. Ridgway A. Ca -11. Princeton _____ Colusa D 3 Bank or Princeton -----•t§'l2 T. Harrington ----- W. A. Yerxa _______ F. ll. Porter------- ------ -----------Pop. 300 U0-737 Puente ___ Los A.nreles I 3 "first National Bank _____ •:t'lO L. :,\I, Meeker ______ A. •. Chamness ___ Louis H. Didier ____ J. R. Paden _______ _ L Pop, 1500 ?H51 , , r , r .. Puente National Bank __ •t 19 (,. \. ewton _____ W. D. Townsend __ A.\\ . • Iueller ____ ---------------90-886 Puente Savh~:lank ____ §"l7 L. M • • lceker______ . N. Chamness ___ Louis H. Didier ____ J. R, Paden------•Quincy ______ Plumas D 5 Plumas County Bank __ e:t§'03 A. II. Bar _________ E. Huskinson _____ H. H. Bar _________ melia C. Robert. Pop. 7;jO 9Q-652 Ramona ___ San DiefoK5 tate Bank or Ramona-•U'll G. A. Davidson____ . RotanzL ________ 0. B. Wetze!L _____ -------------------L Pop. 500 9Q-698 •Red Blntf ___ Tehama C 3 Bank of Tehama County W. B. Cahoone ____ II. C. wain _______ Erle Gans-------- - - - - - - - - - Pop. ;;JOJ 90-321 •il'74  RED BLUFF NATIONAL BANK T. H. Ramsay _____ 90-711 •i· ll •Hedding ____ Shasta C 3 First av.Bank of Shasta Co. A. F. Smith ________ Pop. Wl2 90-717 5'12 " Northern Cal. Nat. Bank•:t'88 E. C. Frisbie _______  100,000 105,000  15,000  50,000  20,000  700,000  595,000  25,000  4,000  135,000  120,000  11  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •:t'87 90-171  3,000  175,000  182,000  15,330  700,000  626,000  5,000  184,800  147,000  25,000 300,000  R. M. Saeltzer _____ E. S. Reynold ____ --------- ----------  773,080  85:i,150  75,000  19,760  813,050  790,670  100,000  53,020  759,890  40,810  100,000 Cred It Reports by sen ding }'EE IN ..\.DYAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. TR Y Ul •  19,550  894,610  769,620  33,810  958,110 1,021,030  . Reynold, ____ - - - - - - -  {M.UnJ. qualed SWEENEY --- E8fti , .. ~PlKL _____ AUSTIN T.PARK---- i: \."/f~~~,r-facll /ues for making c  80,000 175,000  250.000 1,600,000 1,900,000  oUectJoos. All ban.king ma tters promptly ha ndled.  REDLANDS NATIONAL BANK {  Geoeral Hankin Prompt, efflclen  '<edondo lleach __ Los Aneel --L Pop. l!)l3 -- J 7  414,660 2,487.650 2,551,230 16,910  H.H. FORD _______ M. M.PHINNEY ·--- B. W. CAVE-- ------  90-170  325,000  25,000  100,000  Reddinf Savings Bank _!§'10 E. C. Frisbie _______ W. D. Tillotson ____ E. 90-317 Hedlands- San Bern 'dino L Pop. 9571 I9  175.000  70,000  REDDING NATIONAL BANK {ALDEN ANDERSON. C. W. LEININGER---- E. L. BAILEL ------ 8. L. SMITH--------. ·a,·e time and get ,eni<"e on Col Iectlons and •  36,280 1,112,440 1,167,080  60,000  L. L. McCoy _______ S. W. Murdock---- L. P. Bronson ____ _ Alden Anderson Fred Dersch ______ E. L. Bailey _______ ----------------  90-316 90 - 703  2 350 000 $2 144 000 $ 350 000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Crocker N., San F,; 1st N., St. P. and Los A.  f bustoesj.  t' ., -an F.  15,000 Hellman Com 'l Tr. & SaY. and Merell. _.T .. I ~ Los A.; 1st T,, Puente. ..-:, .i: • City, N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N . .A.. San F.; Cal.I" N •• Sacramento. t:'. 35,000 Southern Tr. & Com. and 1st ...' .. San Dieeo. ,~  149,000  651,080 Han .•. and Irving N., N.Y.; Merch. Ln.&'fr. 09., Chi.; Ap~lo _& Lon. Paris .: • ancl ~ \\ ells Fargo-. ~v .•. , an ,F.. . 167,2i>O N. Park, . Y.: Uont. & Com l ., Oh1.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 131,510 Cap;~al N .. Sacramento; Anl{lo & Lon. Paris •• San F.: Redding rT., Reddin!?. • 207,720 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of <;Jal. •. A. rrnd Crocker N .. San F.; al. N .. ~acramento. 201,030 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont.& Com'! N .. Chi.: AnL?IO & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. 66,'150 Wells Fareo-Nev. N. and 1st N., Sacramento.  C. C. HOLLOWAY  207,230 1,325,210 1,559,530  307,500 Chase N .. N.Y.: Well Fargo-Nev. 1st N. and Citiz. N ., Los A.  I  '1j 0  ::!.  i  272,900 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 0. Crocker N., San F.; Merch. N .• Los A.  0 tJj  ('b  Ill  75,000  112,550 1,259,770 1,373,120  E. E. WEBSTER ___ P. S. VEN AB LL--- -- E. C. HEATH - ------ A. E. CA ME RON ----J. H. CAVANAH GERTRUDE C. PHILLIPS  50,000  REDONDO .-go-347 ____ •:·os  "rf  ('b  ervlce.  Union Savines Bank: __ e:t§'04 II. H. Ford _________ E. I. Lyon ________ B. W. Cave ______ 'I. A. 01:<len ______ _ go....173 M. M. Phmney  FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF  z  n C/l  ::,  150,000  66,980 1,105,660 1,099,830  K---- 0-346 ------ •i'OZ  to  )>  .• San F.: Oal. ~  •i'87  FAR ER S & MERCH. NAT. 9  'Tj  0  r.. E. SUCHER------  75,000  I  t:  44,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz, N., Los A.; 1st  p..  SAVINGS BK. OF REDLANDS M. J. S EENEY--- W. L. PYLE-------- M. LOMBARD ------ L. S. MORRISON-90-172 •ti'91 JOHN P. FISK SILA WILLIAMS, 'ec.  BA  166,640 Irving N .. N. Y.: Anl?IO & Lon. Paris N., "an F.; ecur. Tr, & av., Los A.; Cent. ' .. Oakland, 50,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: _Cent, Tr. Co. of Ill .. Olli.: '. (') Bk. of D. 0. Mills & Co., acramento; Ilk. of ._ Cal. N. A., an F. ,;,-50,000 C\~s:F .. , N. Y.: Merch. N., Los A..; 1st •.•  l  28,080  681,220  6-15,120  129,730 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l .. ._ Ohi.; Wells FarL?O•Nev. N., San F.; Far. , Ill Merch. N .. Los A. t-1  50,000  19.000  600,000  535,000  nn 1<:. 'l'renborth.  25,000  10,000  400,000  365,000  WILLIAM R• STAATS Co . ' LOS ANGELES· SAN FRANCISCO- PASADENA. PACIFIC Federal Reserve Bank •-Number of St. Louisuo_der ·ame of Bank is the New Transit Num  74,210 Redlands N .. Redlands.  ll>  . E. l'erkin ______ ,\un K 'I'r nberth. C. IL\ Tilliam  Redondo Savine. Bank:_1'05 .J. E. \ • lkrr ____ l . I>. mith _______ C. E. Perkins____ 00-348  '-<  100,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; We!LI~ FarL?O- ev. N., San F. 50,000 Hellman Com') '.Ir. Co., San F.  <  'a\'., Los A.: Union Tr.  COAST SECU 'RITIES '•·  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MOR:rGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  r ·  g.  lg  Olde t and Iarg estBankln Redon do. Collectlons a ;p (.'Clalty and remit ted on day of pay ment. Prompt attentl on to all b nklog matter· eotru ·te d to us.  Marco IL Hellman. J.E. Walker-------  132,030 Wells Fargo-Nev. r., an F.; 1st...'. auu Citiz. ., Los .; 1st N.. Redlands.  IO l'-J  -  8 ••  a  ,.  1111•  '  ~  \';  111  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to e-ach bank in CT .. es:clusl ely by The Raod-McNall. Banker.s' Directory, ander the authority oi The .lmerlcan Banker A s'n. 0  1  TOWN AND COU "TY.  AJ1E OF HA."K.  •Mero. Am. Bk:. Assn. §. tate •County Seat . In .·o. 12 Fe<t. Res. Dist. ;r\lem.StateBks.,\s~n.tPriv. [ E. tab. L is Los Angele Branch. +Mem. Fed. Re .  § 1i •Redwood City, an Mateo BANK OF ITALY --------•·' 9  Pop. 4020  0-3i6  F I  PRESIDE'.'\T.  -------------i  I  Non-Bank Towns with Neare t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Law· (indexed) in back of tbis ._ volume.:. For Interest Rate , Holiday.·, etc., see Laws. $l)  CALIFORNIA-Continued  -RESOURES ~ ,  LIABILITIES. YICl!:-Pl{ESIDENT.  CASHIER.  I  Ass  p AID-UP  .  DEPOSITS  , SURPLUS CAPITAL PRA.ONDFITS  T CASHIER.  '°  Quick returns  I on collections.  :r. K.  200,000 100,000  75,980  100,000  30,000 1,250,000I 1,160,000  Reedley National Bank_•t'08 Marion Deneen ____ Andrew Winter ___ R.H. Rasmussen __ c. K. Hamilton ___ _ J. H. Danielsen oo-420 Rialto __ San Bernardino itizen ..:alional Bank __ '20 \V. T. Smith _______ IL A. Brimmer ____ c. )1. nu ton ______ Lloyd. .A. Mill. ·---John Co.· 90-9.U 18 L Pop. 961  100,000  E.11. Lash _________ E.W. Pn•  First Natioi~~,nk ____ •t'07 R. E. Roberts _____ Kenneth .MacHae,  157,980 $ 686,850 $10-14410 $ 1  974,690 1,118,910  45,530 1,570,450, 1,241,530 2,500  25,000  43,500  65,000  1011- __  25,000  44,490  468,200  449,440  70,000  18,870  639,430  603.350  L. J. Younce---·-· lvan Conn _______ _  100,000  21,400 1.650,000 1,520,000  W. L. BaUenter ___ Chris Escobar. __ Willard Poage L.A. teven on ___ ' l\·an Conn ________ _  200,000  68,700 1,850,0001 1.318,D<O  60,000  21,400  809,000i  822,200  ista _____ Solano B g Bank of Ri~VJ sJa-----•t1'04 ,\lctcn \nclerson ___ Peter Hamilton ____ L. P. Douson ______ F. E. :.\lilchcL • • __ _ """5• Pop. 110-1 Fir ·t ... atioii~ Iflnk ____ •!'15 ,J. T. Brown ______ I!'. J. Trigueiro ____ J. :B'. Cook ________ M. Trigueiro ______ _  100.000  41,000  657,900  659,000  ·r.  H. L. Dickey ______ A. J. Nourse.---·-· A. R. M~ruder __ B. Lucille Walker -  .T.  w. liar(} ________  '. ,\. IcBrian _____ T. C.  NATIONAL BANK •t"ll3  H\~~'f:AsNA6?:'ts\\CJfl ,  •U 13  NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  --~  •• ,, . ,  · · ·· ·  ►  :;,-:  fl).  I  ~  579,480  25,000  435,000  455,0u0  25,000  2,500 ------- - - - ______ Wells Farizo- ·ev. N., San F.; Sacramento-Sau • J~aquin, Stockton; College ..:., Berkeley. 227.000 Irvwg N., N. Y.; Far. & .M:erch. N., Los A.. ;:; 227.000 10,000 426.000  ~  :?  25,000  6,000  150,000 1 '  100,000  50,000  17,490  352,840  256,900  ______ .A. D. McKean _____ Wm. Beeker _____ _  ►  Z  580,350  18,000 Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A..; Anelo & Lon. Paris N .• Ban F.; Sacramento- an Joaquin, Stockton. 81,900 Han. N .. N. Y.; lstN.,San F .• Fresno, IIanford, and Los A.  ·-  -  -  -  C. 0. EYAN:S  -  Send ua your Items and collectlona for Riverside and vlci nlty.  Prompt •t!ention and r~mlttaace.  TRY ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Moderate charge.  '<• 0  Nev. N., San F.; Cltb. N. and 1st N., ~. Lo1A.  (Branch of Los A noeles, Cal.)----- _______ Liberty N: ancl N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex.~·,, -------------------1-------------------- j' R. L. Webstor,l\Ior. j c. H. Randall, Ch1.; mon Tr. Co., San F,; 1st T., S . L. , Asst. Mor.  WM. A. JOHNSON-----"·  w. HAMMOND------E. A. FRENCH----------0, J. PALME\------  W! H. REGA . . • . All ba nk1ng matters given prompt and efficient attention. Send us your business.  •i·oe  -----fw.  B. Clancy ______ C.H. Low 8. B. Berrict, Ch. of Bd. Ii'; ,\. Te~ley \\. T. Dm,morc  ,W~  T. Dinsmore  --[c.  W. De!'bY-----)lerle I'.>. mith  I  ~-  --  -  -  100,000  •  f  _ , ~· ,,~7~~·  : ' · ., ~lll(,_  . "·  --11·-- --  65,880 1,585,600 1,444.620  -  ,_-  I  387,600 Irving N., N, Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N,, San F.; Far. & iuerch. N,, Los A.  ~  :  1  200,000  123,870 2,780,090 2,767,180  sAN FRANCISCO- pASADENA. . · -.\t-J"AATSco LOS ANGELESWILLIAM :R r~~-cs~/  :;:c,  ~  .c..  30,500  25,000  Securit:, Savinrs Bauk•il'07 W. G. ;r~er SI0-12&  -  ':tl  O  37,420  J. 11. Ormsby _____ R. W. Hobart_ ___ R. L. Evans ________________ _ J. w. Walker  Of RIVERSIDE GCHZ 5  )>  r-4  ~ W. B. CLANCY------C. YAN ZWALUWENBURG-C. E. BROUSE, V. P.R. B. HAMPSON----- - - - - - - - - , - - - - - 150.000 286,010 3,t23,280,I 2,907,680 1 1,060,690 N. Park. N. Y.; 11& N., Chi.; Well1 Fargo- ~ aud Cash. TM.YDR.OHNU~~LICE W. G. FRA~ER  CITIZENS 90-127  n  50,000  F. A. Co1fman _____ L. W. Houghton ___ F. H. Tieskoetter ________ _  Riverdale ____ Fresno G 5 First Natio~ al Ba nk ----•t'll J.B. Lewis _______ L.E, Gobby • 0- 700 Pop. 500  90-124  ruether, ____ ,\. J. De Yonug ___ _  1  336,780 N. Park, 1". T.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; lstN., ,,_ Los A.; Wells Fargo-.. Tev. N., San F.  PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  I·  II  I'  I  1:  I  ,;  I  I! I I'  !. I I  to 191,720 Chase N., N . T.; Anglo & Lon, Paris N., sa1:1 F.: Cent. N .• Oakland. 61.730 N. City. N. Y.; lstN. and 1st Federal Tr. Co., San F.: Oakland Bk. of Sav .• Oakland. 144,000 OhaseN.,N.T.;Oont.&Com'IN.,Ohi.;A.02!0& Lon. Paris N., Wells Far1.?o-Nev. N •• and m. N .. San F. 79,160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., San F.; N. Bk. of D. 0 . .Mills & Co., Sacramento. 60,000 Ohase N., N. Y.;· 1st N., San .F.  1:  1· !  1 1  I.r  80,210 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.; lstN .. Chi.; lstN., San F.: ' Bk. of Montreal. London. 34,690 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: 1st N .• Chi. 230,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi,: Am. N. and Bk. of Cal. N ...... San F.; 1st .l·., Los A. 423,120 Han. N., N. Y.; Crocker N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San .F.; Fidelity Tr. &Sav .. Fresno. 5,000 N. Bk. Com1 .. 1 • Y.; Bk. of Cal.~-.,.\., San F.; Merch. ., Los A.; Far. Ex. ·., .. an Bern. ardino. 134,920 Han. N .. N. Y.: An2Io&Lon. Par1sN., SanB'.; 1st N., Los A. 120,760 Han. N., N. Y.: Wells Fanto-Nev. N., Sau F.; Oakland Bk. of Sav .• Oakland. 277,000 N.City,N.Y.;lstN.,SanF.;Gent.N.,Oakland.  I I  c. E. Allen ________________________ _  J.C.Buyd  .  Richmond_.Oontra Costa Bank of R1£,_hm o nd ____ •tl'02 c. s. Downiniz _____ W ••~.Lura· _______ ~ 20 2 B8 Pop. 16,843 FirstNationa0-1 Bank _____ at'IO Charles J. Crary ___ F. E. Be~k _________ •• L • .A. · tcvcnson g 204 L.J. Younce Mechanics :zif--~---•U'07 E. M. Downer _____ .J. F. Carlston _____ E. M. Tiluen + • RichmondS~~ifs Blc.•+§"11 CharlesJ.Crary ___ V.A.Fcuner ______  •Riverside.Riverside J 8 L Poo. 19,3-11  '"1  ------- ________ ,___ - - - - - - ---- ----,---------------- :<  Towne ____ E. R. Whitehead__  !1  C::  D)  c-;:.;0~1;',:7;;· c::;:o;:;:;;  Ban Kateo Count:, Sn. Bk. L. P. Behrens _____ A. D. Walsh _______ F. K. Towne ______ E. R. Whit.ehead-1'04 90-175 Reedley ______ Fresno G 6 First National Bank _____ a'07 J. J. E:,mann ______ D. Ji:. Eymam1- ____ M. J, Wickstrom __ Wilham Larsen____ , R. Berethold D. '. rchblll 90-419 Pop. 2-147  Hipon •• Ban Joa<1uln O 11 Bank of Riv ~n.. - -------•t1'10 9v-v 55 Poo. 1000 Fir .. t.~'atio~t 1 uk ______ ·21 " " 9 H.ivera ____ Los An1reles I 2 Rivera State "B:n k-----•il'lo 9""56 L Pop. 500 Rlverbank_StanislausCll FIRST NATIONAL BANK •i·u 90-802 Poo. 1500  ::,  -PRINCIPAL CORRESPO~DENTS.  ----------------J.P. WELLER, Mgr. F. E. FITZPATRICK-- $9000000 $3913 240 --------- -------- --------- East River N .• N. Y.; Onion Tr., Chi. For t,.;> other correspondents see H. O., an F. (Branch of San Francis co. Cal. and '1.'r. Uff. A. ROSSI State wide serv lee In California. Direct your clie nts to us. I  First National af:nk ____ •t'Dl L. P. Behrens _____ P. P. Ohamberlai.D_  Rlo  -  Cua & Ex-  Lo•N• & Dt0-  i : I  ;  I  ame el Bank i the i.ew Transit Number civen Number and to each bank in U. 8. e:s: lo l!elJ b :rhe. Ran!1•Mc.. an.:r Ba~ke! •  n-Bank\To  d cce;:;.), La y ti volume. For Inter  CAT .. l FORNIA-Continued  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' ... volume. For Intere~t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::;  !hlalbar lllld• !fame el Bank ia the Kew Tran11& Num'- ciY•  each bank in u. 8. uclo1lvel1 by The Rand-MeNallf 112 \oDlreetor,, under the authority of The American Banker• A11•n. - - - - ---=-Nu~ OF BANK. -TOW]( UD~c o ~  Ballken•  p •Kem. A.m. Bks.Assn. lState •Oout, Seats. KKSIDJ.NT. ln No.12 Fed. RP-s. Dist. Uilem. 8tateBks.A.ssn.tPriv. is Los Ani,!eles~anch. ♦Mem._Fed.Re . _ ~ t a b 1_ _ _ _ _ __  CALIFORNIA-Continued LIABILITlltS.  Ass 'T 0.4.SRlltR.  0.4.SBIEJL  VICK-PUSIDENT.  0  I  Rodeo-Contra Costa B 9 Fir tXational Bank ______ e'l8 T. J, O'Leary _____ J. D. Smith ________ .,.'. O. Wallin ____ _ Alice H~ate _____ $ 90-874 Pop. 1000 Ro.evillle _____ Pacer E -1 Rosevmenanking Co. -•if'06 J. J.. Hfll _______ A.11en Anderson ___ T. H. Kelsey _______ T. H. BoswelL ___ _ ~7 Pop.4-177  25,000 $ 70,000  c... a,1~"·  Dt..  ::::  ~':.°:.:= I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J  3,000 $ 150,000 $ li3.000 $ 22,000  I  I  190,620 Cont. & Oom'l N., Oh1.: Am. N., San 11'.: I Capital N., Sacramento.  603,060  943,730  25,000 Chem. N .• N. Y.: Wells Fan?o-Nev. N .. San F.; . 1st N., Oakland.  I  I  • acr.imento .. ~aw- E-1 ~ALIFORNlt-a,AT. anr w. E. GERBER ------ ~ilo ';y~L[,ttfEi_____ E. A. BROWL------ t h\t\\l~HWfLEif A. B. CARTER E. L. SOUTHWORTH i 82 Pop.65,857mento ,  ~NCIP.l.LCOKKK8PONDUTl!I.  RESOURCES.  l PAID-UPt:rnRPL~DEPos-11.o..., • c-::~ ITS \CAPITAL p:o~~TS  tn«f~~il~& 'i!~: N·Jeir:·~;g!~k~~~: Paris N., San F.  1  ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~  CHAS. S. KING  G. J. BRYTE  0  *California Trust • Savin~s? W. E. Gerber ___ G. \\'. PE!ltier ______ E. A.. Brown _______ F. W. K1e~el (One Branch) Ban1e _____ go-39 ______ •ii L E. L . .'outhworth G .•J. Brytt'  *CAPITAL  •t'll  w.  E. HOLMES ------  500,000  20-1.880 9,312,230 7.177,830 2,855,96(1 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; .Anrlo 1 & Lon. Paris N .. San F,  I  ti,  50,000  E. A. Ha.ff'etto ____ _ *Farmers & Mech. Sav. Bank R. M. Richardson_ Mar hall Dig£! _____ M. K. Orowell. ec. and Tr. •U'IIO Philip \Yolf, "V. P, P. J., hields G0--34 Ii , . F. Ennis _'orm,m De Yau. ·_ H. H. Robin on ___ F. L. Bronner ____ _ *_\lerchaut ~~;t°nal Bank, J. II. 'tephr.n. __ 1 21 110  350,000  c. c.  90-31  •t  (On  {\ '67  15,980  >  72,430 ,N. Park. N. Y.; Capital N., Sacramento: Lt .._1',, ,Z ~ San F.  398,030  415,U0  175,000 5,010,000 -1,008,000 1,025,000 N. City and N. Park. N. Y.: ..l.nrlo & L~n. Parts VJI . and Anelo-Cal. Tr. Co .. ,an F., cal ..... ~ ancl Capital N., acramento. 100,000 __________________ , _________ llau. , .. •. Y.; orn Ex. N., Ch1;· rocker 0 0. • .• 'an F. 1  500,000 1.112.800 7,692,230 6,976,900 1.203,170 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohl.; Bk. of Cal. N.A.,San Jr. 162.000 800,000  2  o  796,260 1 235,100 Yokohama Specie, Ltd .. San F.: acramento49,900 30,-180 1 VJ . _an Joaquin, acramento. • . .. l!J6,5!J0, 7,-10-1,090 1,301.010 , 687,4ti0 1Irvme N .. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N .• Chi. Crocker I).) N. and Wells Farl.!o-Nev. N., San F. ·  5·  A. P. SCHELD ------- G. W. KRAMER ----- F. H. CONH--------- 3,000 .000 C. S. SHAW SON. JR. W. S. KEhDALL C. E. VIROE;N Branrh) A. A. DeLIGNE  189.830 26209530 ·27116750 1,475,610 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Wells : Fargo-Nev. N., Crocker N., and Anglo & Lon. Part N., an F. 1  respectfully . olirlt. tour hu ·f ness, offering em clent servict•. PLACE U' ON YOUR MAILING LIST OPPOSITE 'ACRAl\lENTO.  ____________ _ Fred L. Martin ____ . E. Pope ________ Walton E. Holmes. J. II. ll'Pln•n _, ec. Mor. A. B. Carter T. II. Kewin _______ . f. L. 't. lair _____ A. II. Han en---- · _______________ _ 2,500 25,000  ---------. - - - --· -----70,000' 1  80,000 -··------,1st T. and Well Ji'argo .l'"ev. .. San Ji'.: , ac.__. ramcnto- 'an Joaquin, ~Iodesto. 397,000 Han.N.,N. Y,:CrockerN., anF.;lstN.,Los p.,  1. . Cahoon _____ _ G. J. Peilroni Luther Rodrers ___ A. C. Hu1!h1•: ______ A. o. Huehes ______ R. F. Robert.-:. ___ _ J. E. ,\ bcrnathy J. \V. Lop i c. F. Lacey , . Cash Loui Yedorini  100,000  137,000 1,97 ,430 2,000,000  275,200  95,500 2,810,1 01: 3,0-1 ,060  I  300.000  John Berl.!e _______ E.W. Palmtal?----- F. B. Lauritzen___  SALINAS CITY BANK--•U'73 Barry Winham ___  lw.  J. Irvine ______ E. P. Alexander __ R. E. Walsh ____ _ ' P.H. mith G0--308 C. J. Fulle alinas Valley Sav. BILU'0S John Berge _______ E.W. Palmtae ____ W. F. Menke ________________________ _  -~.....,..P'W'......_...  200,000  J. M. HENDER-  Sacramento Clearinr Hoose_ ( 11-fembt!f"t indicated b11 a*) 11 Fir:t ~·ational Bauk ______ •20 flO 921 Pon. 120 ___ Ion 1•r1•y fl l Fir t ~•ational Bank ____ •t'97 00-310 Pop. ~30 MONTEREY CO. BANK •l '00 " G0-3011  alitia ____ tani:lau  Cotter ______ _ lay D. littlefleld akatani _______ _ Tamura E. Gruhler _____ _ E. Kenny  .\. . .  T. Nippon Bank ___________ ef'07 . Matsumoto _____ T. Sakata __________ K. Shimada ______ , . Y. 90-40 *Peoples Bank _________ eif'79 J.E. Huntoon .. ___ A.G. ll'o)2er ____ S. E. Pope _________ C. L. G0-32  SAN JOAQUIN BANK  ,z.,  ~ Z ~  ell Hou .e _________________ _  *SACRAMENTO-  > t:  >  *National Bk. of D. 0 . .Hills Ohu. 11'. Dillman_ W. B. Pentz ______ F. B. Pierce____ & Company ___ 90-30 ___ .i ·n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  45 ,9-10 10 355 360 10 059 740 1,2-10,990IMtle.Tr.Co.,San F.: Cal. N., Sacramento.  YOUR BUSINF,SS.  *Citizens Bank. - -------•U'l2 H. C. Muddox ___ II. C. Bottortr _____ Ru 9o-6-15  • alin  600,000  Chas. S. Kini.!, A. R. Carter  l ALDEN ANDERSON-- F. w. BIEWENER ----- w. w. BASSETT-----~ Our superior ra cllltles guarantee satlsfactory seni ce.  NATIONAL BANK l SEND us G0-38  F. L. Martin---:---J. I. Branschwiler  ,.,...oo.-.s.,11.,...-.,..._P"IIII~  I  157,410 2,454.130 2.37-1,3-10 1,280,000 1.313,000 1  376,820 ci!se N., Han. N •• and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: I Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San F.  g  I).) "1 ~  537,200 _T,Park, .• Y.; lstN.,Chi.;lstN.andAnglo& :_. Lon. Pans N .• San F.;Far.&:Merch.N., Los A. 1.0 92,70o jwells Fare-o- ·ev. ,._•. and Crocker N .. San F.: 1st~ ., foialinas.  !::  Oldest, Largest and Strongest Commercial Bank in San Diego  FIRST NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SAN DIEGO, California F.STABLISHED 1883  Please Send Us Your Collections for This Part of California and for Mexico  Capital - - Resources over  - $1,000,000.00 - _. 14,000,000.00 ORicers  D. F. GARRETTSON, • • Chairman of the Board . . . . . President F. J. BELCHER, JR. . W. B. WHITCOMB Vice-President and Cashier M. C. PFEFFERKORN . Vice-President J. 0. MILLER . Assistant Cashier  G. S. PICKRELL E. F. CHASE R.H. GUNNIS  Assista~t Cashie, Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier  Directors D. F.  D.  SPRECKELS F. GARRETTSON ]. BELCHER, JR.  ] OHN  WM. CLAYTON  JEROME O'NEILL P. H. GOODWIN  EUGENE DANEY F. W. STEARNS E. STRAHLMANN  Correspondents  FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Home of the First National Bank  New York National Park Bank ew York . . . . Guaranty Trust Co. Continental and Commercial atl. Bank . Chicago . Chicago ational Bank of the Republic Kansas City . . . First National Bank Merchants ational Bank  Anglo & London Paris Nat'l Bank Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank Crocker National Bank . Bank of Italy. . . First National Bank . . . . Los Angeles  San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco . Los Angeles Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  The Territory  Indicated  On This Map-  San Diego  County and Imperial  Valley  ls Thoroughly Covered by the Facilities  of San Diego's Largest 'Bank-the  Southern Trust and  Commerce  SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA  President  G. A. DAVIDSON,  I  J  s·ank SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA  ('  ).Jap furnished by ~outbern Trust & Commerce Bank, San Diego, Cal  You C an R ecommend F riends to T his Bank --- "S an o·1ego's L argest Ban k" --with assurance that they will be accorded every courtesy within our power to extend them. And as regards Collections in San Diego and Imperial counties, California, we wish to say that our Collection Facilities fully cover this territory. Such business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. DEPARTMENT/ZED ERV/CE Trust Savings Commercial  Bond  Southern T rust and a:  ti  z:  i• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  C ommerce Bank Capital $1,000,000  Resources, over $14,000,000  San Diego, California Branches in La Jolla, Coronado, El Centro, Brawley, California  CO  113  NumbH under Name of Bank ia the New Transl& Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•o.  Tow N A.TD couNTY. .. 0 ounty 8 eats. ln To.12Fed.Re Di t. Lis Los Angeles Branch.  M NAAMEBkoFABL"iK•stat • em. m. s. ssn. ll e iMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. ♦ :Mem. Fed. Re. [E ·tab.  San .A.nselmo .. Marin B 7 First Bk. or San Anselmo Pop. 2-175 QH58 •il'OQ .. San Ber~ardino, San *American National Bank •'17 BernardlDO----···· I 9 90-13-1 L Pop. 18,721 - - - ... *California State Bank•U'0l 90-132 .. *Farmers Eich. Nat'l Bank 90-IZQ •t'81  PRESIDENT.  N.on-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this!'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  CALIFORNIA- COfl flOUe d  VICE-PRESIDE..'iT.  , 1 Ass'T CASHIER CASHIER, · _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ 1  J.C. Raa _ _ _ J. K . . \.rm<:by •. __ __ H. R. D. ~IcCook_ ···- \V. s. Shepard on._  s. Foote·-···-  I  LIABILI'T'I~s. 1  PAID-UP SURPLUS AND CAPITAL PROFITS  1  s 630.000 I S  _______  100,000  28,000 1,119,470 1,137,260  J. L. Oakey •.•••••• H. H . Ham-·-··-- C. B. Hansen·-·-·- J.M. Oakey---··- ·  100,000  6tl,000 l,oo:.;,ooo  W. T. mith--••••• J. D. Gentry··----- S. E. Baeley -······ F. C. Drew ···- ···A.G. Kendall.  100,000  76,950 1.798, 780 1,825,540  150,000  216,880 3,023,260 2,991.370  Ch. of Bd.  *Ban Bernardino Oo. Sav. J.B. GilL. ______ H. E. Harris_. _____ J. H. Wilson •••••• J. 1 Bank ____ 90-133 ·-·-·-•U'03 A. M. Ham  c. Ralphs, Jr,_..  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  ;  .':1  L. J. :Murray ···--·· S 75,00Q S 10,250 S 680,000  w. O. llarris •• - •••• o. R. Ervin  Rxsoul RCEs.  DEPOs- 11.o•••A:D.. O•■-A:Bxc'-r■. Dotn>a. CKillou,Dn ITS ll.90u1L1T1a no•Jwru , - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - .......  *SAN BERNARDINO J. 8. GILL·--- ·- ---- rH. i·E.' l~tt,rs HARRIS···--·· J, s. WOOD--·····- H. H. WEIR- -- --··-· V. J. MICALLEF  950,000  I  65.300 N. City, N. Y.: Bk. or Cal. N . .A.., Anglo & Lon. I § Paris N .. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N .. San F. 1204,660 N. ~~- Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N ., Chi.: 1 C1t1z. N .• Los A.;  r.:  205,000 N. City, N .. Oorn Ex. N., Ohi.; Crocker N., San JI'.: C1tiz. N .. Los A.: Cal. N •• Sacramento. 238,250 1st N .. N .Y. and Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N, A., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 341,430 1st N .. Los A.; Am. N., San F.  (")  ),  I  • 1 r4 100.000 341,240 1,792.120 1.921820 388,430 Han. N •• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N .. Chi.; ~ For Prompt and _Efficient Service _ ,_ CrockerN., SanF.; tstN.,LosA. 0 90-130 •t·s7 Send your items to us. ~ *SanBerna1t¥f/alley~:~l J.C . .... m11h_ •• -••. . hepard~on_ c. L. Cronk_ .•••.• , . II. shorey ···- ·· 85,000 19,500 735,090 714.860 101.130 ~\:c~~-~t· : ~~v~i:'..c!7t~nt~{k~8s: ~~J)~'. ~  NATIONAL BANK  lw.,.  • aullernard~no_Clear. llousP J. II. \Vil on _____ _ Wilmot 'I'. mitlL (,V mbers rndzcatcd by a*.) an Br un~· · -· ~?~  Iop.fo6w  lateo California Bank of an fat,eo C. C 8 Co .••. + 90-90L-••.• t§l9  al n:gg_-yd ft Di~i 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CITIZENS 90-5&  ronk. lfo r. C. Il. l!itn ~on .  I  A . M ar.  -····-·· · -·······- ·----·· -· -·-·-···· -·····-·- Chase N. , N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Am. a, N. and Anelo & Lon, Paris N ., San F. ),  s. Crary ••••.... jnardin  natch .•••• Hardin Hatch ••••• P. B. Lockwood._ . P.J.Sullivan  I. ISAAC IRWI"---·· WHEELER  SAV INGS BANK  . I..  25,000  370  106,i20  05,110 28,420 ___ ___  J. BAILEY- C. B. WHITTELSEY ••• JOHN ZWECK........  LETTERS OF INTRODUCTION RECEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION.  Z ~  VJ!  -  100,000  -  !6,290 1,543.540 1.372,190  -- ~  -  -  290.890 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mercb. N., aoF.andLosA. VJ  ·---  ~  :, ),  :,  ?:  F.J. BELCHER, JR.- G. S. PICKRELL-- G. S. PICKRELL-- R.H. GUNN IS ..... _  *FIRST NAT'L BANK D.United F. URJlh~~s:!: E. F. CHASE J. 0. MILL~.' States Depository. ~" 90-...  +•s• •♦ .,  CaAh.  :::.PrEi1::~:,~N  [  Oldest Bank in San Diego. 1,000.000 226,14011620370110679270 2,475,990 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y,: N."' d Cont.&Com'IN.,Chl.: O WE HAVE A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR Bk.ofRep.all Crocker N., Wells Fargo-Nev. N., Bk. of TOURISTS AND NEWCOMERS. . , ' Ita1y, andAnglo&Lon.Paris N., San F.; Ul SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 112.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - --  *MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK QO--U  •t•g3  BANK IN SAN DIEGO.  1st N., Kao. C.; 1st N. and Mercb. N., f!: Los A. ...-  t,  ;·  RALPH HANGER .. P.H. GRANGER •••• H. E. AIITHDNY- •.. C. H. ANTHONY··-LARGEST SURPLUS OF ANY  - - - - --  OQ  -  250,000 -  646.510 3,395,420 4,639,810 611.020 Chase N., N. Y,; 1st N' •• Chi. and Los A,; 0 CroekerN'., San F.;Colo.N.,Den.  .........,  1 14  __ .., __ _, __  Number under Name or Bank is the New Tran It Number given o each bank in U. S. eicluslveJy by The 11 nd-McNally Bankers• . s•n. Directory, under the authority of Th ~~n ]lanker A)IE OP BA 'K.  - ToWN AND COUNTY  •Count'rSeats. · •Mem.,~m.Bks.Assn. §St:;te ln No. l 2 Fed. Res. Di t. Blem. S~te Bks._ ssn(t,Pnv. E!-la!J. L ts Los Angeles Branch. +Mcm. lied. H •  I  CALIFORNIA-Continued  VICE-PRESIDE...'.T,  I  ___________  l  CASHIER.  I  send US you r Items and colJe ctlons. I  Ass'TOASHIER.  _____________  SAV w. s. DORLAND-- IJ. w. DONOHUE-- 0. E. DARNALL--• ~ If you apprecl ate prompt and e areful service at a BANK-----90-.i.t ______ •:l:S'9,l  *SEC RITY COM'L & . . :U San D1ego_San Diego K 8 L (Continued)  PRESIDENT,  .,.  CARL,) cl DOR LAH P. C. I\ELLEY  LIABILITIES. SURPLUS  O~P~. . .um T PaonTl!I  156,700 $ 51.04~ $1707 270  moderate charge  I  UfficPr  C 11trn,  Hm11d1cs al Jolin  .11. 'Tr. d.fficcr  1,000,000  RJtSOURCM. D... j1u.. u:x  1..o.... 1  e..... ,  Bo,-,lca.u••,O.:.  ..,.....uo  ,_.LJrn  ________________ ,  N .• N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Pari lu 683130 1$ 164,870 Irving Hellman Com'l Tr. & Sav., Lo San  ------------------ --- --- ---  G. A. DAVIDSON------ PHILIP MORSE------ F. H. THATCHER ------ L. G. BRADLEY-----*SOUTHERN TR • & J.C. C. J. HOLLIDAY F. C. SPALDING, E.EOO.RHOEDBGUERNHAM THOMPSON, R. 8. THOMAS ,'l'r. Asst. to Pres. G G P.R. JENNINGS P. D. McMAHON F. B. FULLER H.P. REQUA Bl COMMERCE BANK L,i B,·owleu, D. M. PLAISTER a,ul coronmlu. 110-50  P  o.!!1:;~  F.;  '  --- ---  323,170 13 054170 12889100 1,631.010  SE E ADV EB.TISE MENT OP POSITE PAGE 113  n  N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., and N.Park,N. Y.;Cont.& Com'l N., Chi.; Anglo&Lon. )> Paris N.and Wells Fargo-Nev.N.z.SanF.; .-i Cltlz. N. and Far. & Merch. N., LOS A. i.  -z ~  0  •U'Oi San Diego's Largest Bank  ~  *Union National Bank --•t'l3 C. W. Landis _____ I ufus Choate----- E. J. Heimerdinger _______________ _ 00-61  200,000  83,030 1,324,310 1,498,560  ___________________ _ Union •rrust Co,-------•t1'13 J. F.Forward, r ___ A.H. Sweet _______ J. D. Forward. Sec. and Tr. C. 11. Engli'lh 00-62  100,000  13,250 ---------  116,590  260,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Inter-State ., Kan. C.: F r. )> &Merch,N.,LosA. ; Bk.of Cal. ,A,, an . ttJ 2,280  >  z  X  Cfl  *United  Claude \Yoolmn.u __ A. Reynolds, Jr, ___ L. W. chauer ____ _ ·at'l Bank Dunran Martate :\f. •. Wil. on Kinnon A. Reynold • Jr. •t'l3 00-60  100,000  W. Taylor _____ W. B. Miller ______ C. G. :Yitchcll ____ _  110,000  I  6,180 1,769,400 1,714,360  270.440 Mech. & Metal N., N. Y,; Corn Ex . .l. ' . , Ohi.: Cfl Northw. N .. Port.; Am. N., San Jf.; ecur. SU ::S Tr.~ 'av., Los A.  1)30,000  180,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. O.; Bk. of Cal, ;• O N. A .. an F.; Merch. N., Los A.  tj University Avenue Bk.•ll'07 Chas. T. Chandler.  1,,,  30,000 1,065,000  110-58  BLANKENHORNHUNTER-DULIN CO.  {Di.wid Blanken- E. . Dulin-------- G. II. horn IL E. Hunter  Gomnment, I  ~  hellenhach, C. E. timson, Tr._ ec.  ~~~j~\iP,\>t¥;U~ • ervlce, and Corpo ration Bonds.  ....0  150,000 ________ - - - - - _______ ------ Blankenhorn-Hunter-Dnlin Co ..i..Los. A., San F., and Pasadena; Mitchell, Hutchins Co., Cfl ll> Inc., Chi.  :::,  (1st ... T. Bk. Bldg,) San Diego Clearing Hou e ___ Rufus Choate ·---(Jlembers indicated bJJ a*) an Dim __ Los Anfeles Ji irst IS L Pop. 1 00  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ R. H. Gunni , 1e.. an<ler Reynolds, Jr. ec. aud Tr. 50,000  40,000  archant __ _  25,000  7,500  220,0001  216,000  30,000 1st N ., Pomona and San Dimas; Citiz. ~ r, and 1st N., Los A.  h'. JL Douglas ---- I. H. lalin ________ L.A. C. Waite ___ _ R. w. Bailey J. II . .Tennirer  25,000  14,470  374,730  370,170  54,760 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.  11'. \\'.Prince _______ ~,. W. l'rince ____ Uay Timberlake --  25,000  43,600  705,000  6 1,000  25,000  8.480  ol  231.850  San DimasSavingsllankU'l2 W, A. Johnstone __ J. S. Billheimer --- G. C. Platt _________ Fay 0. F. H. Harwood 00--61111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Ban Fernando Nat. Uank•t'12 A 110-758 an 1l' rnando Vall 'Y avin1: J. Ban· _+ __ oo- ~9 ---•t§'li  n. Brown _____ . Doug!  ""':, ll>  ::s  100,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Los A. and Pomona; Wells Fargo-Nev. N .• San F.  honal Bank ----•t'0-i W. A.. Johnstone_ J. S. Billheimer --- G. 0. Platt _________ Fay CJ.Marchant __ _ F. H. Harwood llo--6511  an Fernando-Los A. 17 First National Bank ---•!'OIi J. d. Dougl· llo--660 L Pop. 320-i  ~ B  500,0001 525,000  Ji'. L. Shimmin  ----- .li'. M. Dou£!1, J. H. Jennifer  I. II .• Ialin _______ L.A. C. Waite. __ _ I'. W. llail<'Y  224,0  128,600 N. City, N. Y.: Mereh. N. and Citiz, Los .A..; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 21,820 1st ~. and Home Sav .. Los A.  g-  115  umber under Natne or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslvelJ' by The lland-McNally Bankers'  1·  DlreetorJ". under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'r,.  NAIIK OF BANK.  I  -  •.Mem . Am. Bks.Assn. SS~te [Estab . ♦Mero.Fed Res.  U.fAw.State Bks.Assn. +Pnv.  -  PRESIDENT.  VICK-PRESIDENT.  R eserve SAN FRANCISCO .a. _  CASHIER.  -I-  (Federal Reserve City, District No. 12)  Ass'T CASHIER.  c·t 1 Y  RESOURCES. MrscEi~ ifoNDS,  LIABILITIES.  PAID-UP CAPITAL  I  C,sa SUBPLUS llf'DIVm- D•PollITa LoAX■& S.cvm- LAi,;11:ous RzsouRcE" D1► OJ' U-'-L A.·n ~TDUl,ETC.~---· PROFITS D•PoelTII Runts  - - - -  -  Our m~thod _of handling Pacific<?oast Business will satisfy the most exacting patron. Accounts of Banks and Merchants invited.  11-24  3,397,470 46.455,250  V. P.  W.  1  11 17 Can. ome - . utterJ •  ____________  ,  i·  F: ~:  TRUST COMPANY 11-71  ,·cc. and A. Cash.  lss't l • Presid.,nts _ _ _ _ _ _ _  M. FLEISHHACKER -- H. FLEISHHACKER -- LOUIS SUTTER, • DARIO RIGHETTI---<a.·h. anrt e-e. 0. C. SCHULTE C. [ILDEN  ANGLO-CALIFORNIA C  ~~j~/11~1~P~!.Mftc,r J.U: l,L~fcLm~L vb{~~ER. M. MciARTHY .,1. l'.P, WALTER GRAF,  CLSM A . Tr, Officer E.G. LIN . . 1TH, . Y,l'. F.F.ENGELMAN,Auci. C. D. IONGff R. D. BRIGHAM, fl. C. MULLER A. l'.P. Branch~: Fillmor<-' t.: ~ixtl'<•nth 't.; 'rltir<l t.  •U•og  larket ,· an om•)  t.c:f·~:~;-~h\·.; fta~d :_~-;;:  ___ ___ ___ ___  C.:Lazard Bros.& Co., London; Guaranty Tr. Co. of N. Y., Tr. Co., Brussels; Far. Lo. &Shanghai. Pari. ; AslaBkg.Corp.,  Facillt  Our Su perlor  ____ ____ ____ 1 1 1 1  3  Popoluff :~uiazL-•!1'06 (? 1- l 111 ) ~ 0 um ·  }I',  Han. N.,GuarantyTr. Co.,Eqult- f"l able Tr. Co., and Cha eN.,N.Y.; ~ Cent. Tr. Co. oflll.,, Chi.: An~Jo roe 1.500,000 &Lon.ParlsN•• SanF.;Lon-- - - - - - - - don Joint City & Midland Bk •• t:t;t Q Ltd., London. 982,450 26,927.130 1,832,450 17,492,540 8,507,900  4.19.530  5,627,210  ..,.,  We invite your business.  Commercial Trust and Savings.  f'\J  N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. r., Chi.; Z '_i,~~cfo'~ 491.760 2,ii!:13,030 22,170 9,804,2 O 2,626,610 347.490 13,924,170 1.0-17.900 (, Beli:-rano _____ ,Geo. M. Perine---- J\llt. Laiolo ------- G. Ratta2lia________ Mitlland Bk .. Ltd., London; Comp ..,. K. •r. Soracco, .._'ff. F. N. Belgrano, Jr. nt. Laiolo 2 Brcmch 8) - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - l l - - -- i • - -- 1- - - - - - toir '.ll'Eseomptre<leParl ,Paris:1w C:....!!~.:)~!1!Y CreditLyonnais, Barcelona, ·vain. )>  OF  I  STUART F. SMITH  CALIFORNIA  H. M. PLATE HENRY L. CLAPP,  Li.Cash. and A.Sec,  IZ  8,500,000 1 9,749,77~ . ~ 11,960.270 71,560,890 ~ 9,979,910 ~  •t'H  &I~  ~?v.~~t~: ~li~~~1 to';;:;i ::, N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.  PROMT AND SATISFACTORY BANKING SERVICE  ..,"IJ ::::,  r, ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N. Park, East River N., 1st N., N. ~W. R. WILLIA~S---- JOHN ZARO --------- 9,000,000 3,913,240137459630 3,533,910 95,127,620 37,199,450 7,496,920 17,640,690 Bk. Com., and Irving N~ N. Y.; o A. P. GIANMINI----- A.H. GIANNINI N.Clty, Union Tr. Co., .,;ont. & H. R. ERKES, Cumpt, A. GAMBONI l. SCATENA, HE.ADO FFICE. Branches : Fresno. Gilroy,H olli2ter,L ivermore. Los AnM. H. EP..~!:?compt . Ch. of Bd. J. H. SKINNER erty-Cent. Tr. Co. and t. t N., oeles, .Madera, .Me reed, Mo desto,Na pa,Oalda nd,Redw ood City, SanJose, F. G. LUNGE, Mgr, F. F. RISSO J. A. BACIGALUPI L M GIANNINI  t hff/Ht~' ,---•1----1w. Lw_,1mm J.r.c'i.tir;{In[s~:: t k: U.E,Jttfrll 11. A. NATER L. M. MAC DONALD E.C.ALOWELL.A  I. .  Asst. to'Pres.  San Mateo.  -  -  ant.1 Clara, a ntaRo ·a,  -  -  _  tockton. and Yent ura,  ,Sec, F.. C. ABEL. A. Sec. H. R. COULTER C. P. CUNEO, A. Sec, E. S. ZERGA  W. E. BLAUER u·o 4 11 - 35II State wt de servlc e In Call fornla L. V. BELDEN L' 1 •1 l ♦ • • C. W. BELL E.W. WALTER, Branch at Market A. J, GOCK (.\larket, Pow,• • · I:·< 1 Y Direct your clients to us. Mgr Credit Dept. H. H. SCALES and Mason Sts.A. J. FER ROGG I ARO, G.0. BORDWELL.Aud. Quick re turns on Collectl ons. A. F. P. C. B. WEST, Mgr, P. C. HALE. F. P. __ J. E. FICKETT,_l'.P.  I  F• KRONENB ERG,  A. V. l'.  l:<'oreirm Dept. E. J, DEL MONTE, C Mcf .lcco untant A. P. SL(CHTER. Asst . .-!ccoun tant  ·,--------------- -------1  .,  •  11----,---- ____ ____  Bank of .IontreaL _______ 'I 17 --------------- --------------A, G. Fry, Algr. ___ jE, Pitt, A. Mor. ___ 20,000.000 22,000,000 (Brancho /Montrea l, Quebe<-) __________________________ 11-82 • , ,. , (264 Califoruia 348,000 85-5,000 171,000 178,000 1,708,000 59,520 1.626,000 Pitt_____________ 1.000,000 *British American Bauk-•:1'18 1 • G. Fry ____ E. l itt ___________ A. G, Fry A. S. Ireland 11-3 • ~. .r.!11. .~IW'!'WP-~~"W':."I~ L. Grant. Ser.. .,..,..W""l_._...,._..,9111111 (294 California) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Laidlaw & Co., Brown Bro •  J:I)  i'. M\m  ·eANK OF ITALY II  f;i~rc~~u;_; > 'en  Our Pacific Coast connections enable us to offer  NATIONAL ASS'N (400 CaJiforni )  1lY~k&~X:~a;  F. 8. ANDERSON ---- C. K. MclNTOSH ----- WM. R. PENTZ ______ S. H. DANIELS -----J. D. RUGGLES, Sec. W. 0. CULLEN WM. R. PENTZ F. W. WOLFE A. L. BLACK  *BANK 11-1  N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com.,St.L.: ..... N. Shawmut, nos. N 1 1n N N City Ch Mech.' & iJ!tals N., rGua~anty Tr. Co., and 1st N., N.Y .; Cont.  62.835,150 18,689,490 1%,092,630 20,755,960  1 1 - - - - 1- - - - --  Han  f.  :::;  '°  NATIONAL BANK •t'021 - - - - - - - - - - - 11 - - - - , - - - - - - - - -------i---- ----i----i California) --SMITH YAft A. GEO. ------WILCOX E. W. FRIEDLANDER----J. FLEISHHERBERT •ANGLO & LONDON MORTIMER ~ 5,111,000 p~~:UlRurm C, hPNUKElR. FLErffKER hAMU~JE J. G. ANDERTON, J, S. CURRAN. W. E. WILCOX HACKER, I BK 'L lea Guarantee HARRISON, J. W.LILIENTHAL,JR. J. PARIS NAT t·os Satlaf actory Servlc e-TR V US. E. R. ALEXANDER , ♦  b  ,  PRINCIP.4.L CORRESPONDENTS.  1 ~ 1-------- - __________ ,_ _ _ ' ...,. GEORGE N. O'BRIEN-RUSSELL LOWRY -6. M. BOWLES. ----L. E"' Ahl---------Park, N. and N., Irving N., Chaae IBSON Q 11. M. H. A. ESTABROOK, I. H. SANBORN P. E. BOWLES, S2,000,000S 866.210S18022380---- ------ S12S49700S2,726,480$2,727,ZOOS6,781,740 N.Y.; CornEx.N •• Cht.; Cent. rv A.<.:w111. J.M.KNUDSEN Uh.ofBd. C.H.CROCKER  *AMERICAN (495  '-  (San Francisco Cot~ ~ - 7 ) ~ u ~ S~-Pop. 506,~!6  ----JE.  ~m;~ ~;:itf.~W.~r·ti"1·:8~:;~  ~n!.·; J:i:.:  .«;:f:r;~e.; 'Italia Meridlonale and Credtt.o !.ft~If:~er4lcfi1!:ie ::~~~re3i1~ Italiano, Naple ; Phllippine N., Manila and Shanghai; Mere. Bk. of India, Ltd. and Nederland ch lndi che Handelsbank, Bong-Kong; Credit Sul se, Zurich: Deutsche, Berlin: Lon. Joint C. & Mid. Bk. Ltd., Lon. Bk:.of:Montrea1,N.Y., Chi .. London, Mexico City, and Canada. Bk. of .Montreal, r'. Y., Chi., pok- ...., ane, Loudon, Paris, and Canada. .... ui .,._.._.~. .-.,...-.-i.-P"IIII  ou-na1  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslvel7 by The Rand-MeNal17 Bankers' :::===D=lr-=-ectory, under the authority__.£! The American Banke~s~--  116  -  • A.lllE or Riiix. •Kem. Am. Bks, Assn. ltSP~te  PRESIDENT.  riv. ntem. State Bka. A.un. ♦:Mem. P e ~ ~ [bMa~.  \  TICJ:-PRJ:SID'DlT.  I  C.A.SBIU.  - - - - - - . , - - - -- - - _  _ _  SAN FRANCISCO-COll t'd - R eserVC City =--  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inde. ed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of thls, volume. For Interest Rate, ~~llday, etc., see Laws. ~  (Federal Re_ ene City, DI trtet No.12) ~ _ _ _  I  LIABILITIES.  I ASS'T 0.A.SBID. P.u _ ______ - \  UP  DO~TA.L  SuaPLu11  IND1v11>- D11pos1T11  I  PBOl'ITS D!!OIIITII  ,  RJcsouRcis.-  l'RINCIP.&.L Ooaa:ssPOKDDTS,  .\1IsC11JL~ . BONDI!, LANEous R C..i.sH 811cuBI• D1&COUNTS T11111, ■Tc. R~ua~ ~souacr.s _ _ __ __  ol'  U.&.L  .&.ND  B.&.N~  _  _ __ __  --------- -------· --- · 250,000 __________________________________________________ _  California Joint tock Land A. P. Giannini _____ P. C. H a l e - IE. C. Aldwell, Sec. and Tr. J. A. Bacifalupi Bank---------'20 A, W. Hendrick (550 Mon!li:omery) *CANADIAN BAIIK Of COM· -------------------- -------------------- G. W. B. Heathcote, W. J, Coulthard, 15,000,000 ·15 000 000 __________ (Branch of Toronto, Ontajrio) _____ ---------A. Mor. Mgr. I MERCE----11-27 -------•!1'67 (450 California) 26-1.-100 $1,576,530 575,760 16,1,160 $ 3,220,340 $1,055,080 2,646,690 600,000 Canton Bank------------•*1'07 Lew Hin£ __________ Mark Thue -------- E. F. Sagar, Mgr. __ Yee Ling, Sec.----L. V, Ray, .:1. },for. Y.D.Younl:?,A. ec. 11-72 (500 Montgomery) 1 ~ 15,,-1-10 111,?00 1 1.290 2,936,590 __________ 1,427,270 1,545,730 130,000 OolumbusSav.& Lo&nSodl'H G. BacinluvL _____ C. J. Deering------ W. H. Hartwell ____ ------------J. DeMartini 1H2 . . (700 :l[ontgomcry) (JJmnch uf London, England). _____ _________________________________ commercial Bank of pan,1sh ------------------ -------------------- James H. Vmter, E. Leuenberger, Sub. Mgr. .Mgr. America. Ltd .. 11-80 ----t*'0-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _____ _ ,__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ (-16;, California)  Mech. & Metal N. and N. City, '. ~.: Northern Tr. Co. and 1st N .. Chi.: (") Can. Bk. Oom., Toronto, Ont.  >  I  Mech. & Metals N:, N. Y.: Great r--LakesTr.Co.,Ch1.; Bk.of Canton. Ltd., China: Chinese-Am., Ltd., '1J O Honolulu; Russo.Asiatic, L_on. Far. &Merch. N., Los A.; Unton Tr. ~ Co.andWellsFarEO•NeT, N .. SanF . ..;  IW.  *CROCKER NATIONAL BANK  WM. H. CROCKER-- W. GREGG _________ F. G. WILLIS------ G. W. EBNER----- 8. D. DEAN JAS.J.FAGAN, Y.P. J. 8. McCARGAR H. C. IIMPSON,  11-21  *Donohoe-Kelly Blci. Co. •U'64 11-7  FIRST FEDERAL  TRUST COMPANY  :n  - -1  I»  :,  804,000 Bk. of N. Y. N . .B . .A.. and Bk. of the ~ Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Cont. & I» Com'l Tr. & Sav., Chi.: 1st _..T., :, n for co rnplctr. informatio n ----------- -· _____ ----------- -- ------- ____ _____ _ __________ __________ _____ _____ __________ ____ ____ __ ___ _______ ---------- St. L.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 650,000  20-1.000  2.u;,.000  2,234,000  8'.Jl,000  61,000  35-1.000  8rn'  __  _  I  ,  ,  ~ M. R. CLARK-------RUDOLPH SPRECKELS C. E. WORDEN -- --·C.H. McCORMICK, 418,100 2,5£6,330 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., 697,320 20.004,430 1.331,360 11,405,1401 9,178,850 1,500.000 Tr. R.R. PARDOW, (Branch at Mar- J. G. HOOPER 1 an F. - • •-• ..t. ec. J. K. MOFFITT, O. K. CUSHING ket St.)  -  Cash. a nd "ec.  !---r.i -  O  a  •U'071  6' - - - ~--,----1  J. I. MOFFITT---- J. K. MOFFIT------ L. F. CADOGAN RUDOLPH RR. AN. KNESWEEEDLL SPRECKLES I:. H. MeCORMICl f Al A. IENIIEDY . I. YATES • AVENALI The OLDEST National Bank in California. The FIRST Federal Trust Company is owned by the NATIONAL BANK stockho(ders of the FIRST National Bank of San Francisco and is governed by the OF SAN FRANCISCO same board of directors. I  - -------  ~  fl  0.  . I  *THE  Fi rs t I 1--8  •i·10  [onlgom •ry)  -----•.---•11- ,- --.- --:- • 3 ,  z. 578,130  25,904,420 __ ______  21.233,370  3,541,060 2.567,730  8,177,320 ,N. Bk. Com. and td N., N. Y.; tat.N.,Chl.andSLL.  COMBINED RESOURCES $67,114,030 Organized, Equipped and Conducted for Service.  YOUR CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. (. "cm 1' 1a m:i co J,w,1,. c011llr1 tt d o,~ 11e.rt P<tfl )  WILLIAM R. STAATS Co . ' LOS ANGELES·SAN FRANCISCO· PASADENA. PACIF·IC COAST SECURITIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  en  11-71 (.Tontgomery ,· Po'l)  (Uarket. l'o t ,  >  N. Park, Chase N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., 2,000.000 5,654.630 22,335.440 12.784,660 26.744.850 7.592,780 995.880 13,169,580 and Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & en I - -, Com'IN. andN.Clty,Chl.; N. I 1 Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., PhU.  Jr.~ I ~ . .A.. Don~hoe _____ Geol'E'e ~hittell ___ ~ oho E. Fitzvatrick J.J. T.A. Donohoe, D1spaux  "u paoe *Federal Reserve Bank 11-37 •t Dist. 12 (315 Battery)  :::.'. ,,.,  ti,  I  ,1-ror. J,'or.DeJJt. J.M. MASTEN W W CROCKEI D. J. MURPHY GJEAIS BALDWIN, ff. H. HAIGHT, Atulitiw .-1. J.fgr. l<'or. Doit. A. C. READ W.D. LUX J. A, ROUNDS •i·sa Our facilities enable us to handle all Pacific Coast items on most favorable terms.  (.)la rJ.:ct , · Po ·t)  ~  Anglo South American, Lon.  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MOR\TGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-MeNally Bankers' _ _ ,_ _D_lree _~to _ ry, under the au~~~ty ~ h e American Bankers'n.  117  NAil.ii:  '1  ♦ ., E'm.  I  OP BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iSta.te Urlem. State Bks. Assn. f Priv.  Fed. Res.  [Estab.  PRESIDENT.  ·  SAN FRANCISCO- COn t'd - R eserVC c·t 1Y (l'ederal aeaene City, DI trlct No. ti)  I  I LIABILITIES. -- - ~ VICJ:-PRJ:SIDJCNT . OASHIEK. Ass'T OASBID. I PAID UP SuBPLUs j lNDIVII>0 AND UAL 1 ____ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' APITAL ~:aol!'ITs DJDPOSITII  *f RENCH AMERICAN LEON BOCQUERAL ___ J.M. DUPAS-------- W. F. DUFfY __________ J, IRILARRY -------- j - - - - • A. BOUSQUET, ec. C. l. EBNER, JR. BANK A Commercial and Savings Bank. - + Your Correspondence Invited.  : -,  DEPOSITS  B  Lo  .A..N•  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acee .), Law>7ers, Laws (indexed) in back of thlSJ....,. volume. For Intere ·t Rates, Holidays, e c., see Laws. ~ RESOURCES. ONDs.  l\1IscE1r  PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDENTS.  C: P,,  CAsu  "'1  '<  OJ' I Alfi> DIii- SlllCUJU• LANEOUS RESOURCES BAN1ts cou!fTtl nllls.ETo. REsC'uacEs _____________ • 1  - - - - - - - - - - - ! - - - -1Atlantic  N. and Chase N .. N. y.; 0 788,000 U.336,7501 ~::~ :.:· io:. ;  jH000,000 $ 561.090 $12767310 _______ $8.498,000 $4.4%9,470  11~5  I  -  c~;  .:::1oC::  •U'60  pt!i;,  0  - - - - ~3.i":ra~·t.;;:_t:.1;:Jc!:!.  N. D'escompte De Paris, Parls. 1  utter) --- --- · --- --- --- --- - -Hibernia Sn. & Lo. oc .. •tl'6-1 E. J. Tobin-------- .J. 0. Tobin ________ R. 11. Tobin, ' ___________ - - - 2,538,510 72,473,120 - - - - 30,133,310 40,203,260 1,538,370 3,Il6,690 11--61 Sec. rmd Tr. (Cor. liarket, :Mc \.lli tl'r and Jone ) Hong Kon~ & Shan2hai Bkli?; ------------------- -------------------- Thos. S. Baker. _______________ (Branch of Hono Kono, C Mna) __ _ - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _______ - - - - - - Honr Kon2 & Shanrhai Bkr. Cori>:, Corporation_ll-5C ________ f 114 .Agent N. Y.; Merch. Ln. A Tr. Oo .• Oh1, (4011Iontgomr.ry) , Humboldt Savmgs .Bank .•U'60 Alex. D. Keyes ____ W. H. Crocker ____ H. 0. KlevesahJ, P.A. Pftneier _____ 1.000,0001 465,930 16,479,070 ----- - - 8,643,550 6,041.570 1,102.450 2,157,420 N. OitT. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., 1 11-511 W. A. Frederick Cash. and Sec, ,V. M. Smith Chi.; Or~cker, N. and Anglo & (7 3 Market) E. H. Monroe Lon. Pans ;: .. San I'.; 1st N., Los A. IITERIATJONAL BHIUH -------------------- -------------------- W. D. Whittemore,/----------- (Branch of New York Ci tt,) ____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ - - - - ------- N. City Bk .. N. Y. and all Foreign COIPOIATION---------•tl'02 Aoent branches. ll-10 (232 • Iontf!omery) I *ITALIAN-AMERICAI BANK Andrea 8b.rboro __ C.H. Oroclrnr _____ 4. B. Sbarboro ____ R. A. SbarborO--- 1,250,000 293.4-10 10,75 ,120 $ 214.450 ,304, 760 2,088,330 510.520 1,750,050 N. Park, N. Y.; Oorn Ex. N .. Ohi.: • 11-11 •i§•gg (1 Brcrncll) .r.J . .Fontana Bk. of Naples. Naple . 1G.J. Paoario (460 :\font,l!omery) A. E. Sharhoro IV. L. Puccinelli 1 .\I. I<'. Hoesti / t *MERCANTILE TRUST CO. John S. Drum ---- H.B. ljurmister __ R. B.Durmi ter ___ 1F. D. Arnold _____ _ 4,000.000 3,015,790 5i.135.840' 4.348,950 32,541,430 26,8:i:i,880 1,911,140 11,543,980 N. City, Qhase .. Uuaran y 'l'r. Co., 11-26 ______ •!1 '6:! J. D. llcKee, Henry I'. ~Cott R. M. Welch, ocec. R. . Gingg and Laidlaw & ~o .. N. Y._; 1st~-. ( 61 'alifornia) and Cont. & Com IN .. Ch1.;l t •• , Ch. of Btl. ,<'. o. G. .\lillt>r / IL D. Ji'riman. R. F. Par ..ons Dos.; Colo. N., Den.; Oma. • Oma,; W. A. ~farcu ·, P. '· \la<ldux A. Sec. W.R. Carswt'll ro.-West N., )finpls. A. V. P.,\\'. B. ~~akc>w4'!1 A. C. lclutyre , A. ~I. Whittle J, C. IlOVPY, R. )I. sun: A. Sec. A. M. Fournir.r ~ A. V. I'. ,lo.l'plt llymau E. V. Krick \\. F. Berry. l•'. 0. Drum J. H. \Vil. on A. l'. P. 'I' . .\1. l'a'er~on o. Ellinghou:o Branch: lU arket St., at Gra nt An•. and O'Fa rrell. (10  I  0  > t-t :;j  0  ..,..  ,v  Z  I  -  > tXJ >  z~  I  *MERCHANTS  NATIONAL BANK •·:::io  WM. r.suMMns-=w. E. JOHNSON---- w. w. JOJfE~-T. W. DIBBLEE  Y.-Pres. and Cash.  I  I  --- ---------  Kfssion Saviors Bank---•U'06 James Rolph, Jr ___ E.W. Hopkins ____ De Witt O. Treat __ P. E. Williams ____ _ 11-70 M. I. Sullivan (Valencia n nd 16th)  Portu2uese-A.merican Bank J • A. Silveira----- JAohn Enaa ____ ---- V. L. de ll'iraeiredo A. A. Henas ______ _ 11--68 •U'05 . F. ·une M. T. Bettencourt (Clay and Front) M. G. Lewis E. Jerome Wm. Herrmann. __ Geo. Schammel G. A. Belcher R. A. Lauenstein E. D. Oakley, Sec. W. T. Pagen, A.. Sec,  Tr., Kan. C.  01 0  3,070,0S0I  58,420  1,782,330  600,290  214,860  862.800 Laid~aw & Co. N. Y.; N. Bt. Rep., ::S Oh1.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.;, ::t.  495,300  42,410  6,576,170  10,000  4,284,820 1,802,870  55-5,690  556 690 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. ' Cal. N. A .. San II'.  I ::S  ----•:t:  500,000  1.000,000  500,000  . Y.: Bk. of  of N. Y.) ____________________ ----------1---------- __________ ----· __ Park-USnhion hBl~g.UC~rp.B, kYokfohama  and  I  114.100 3,745,620 ----------  737,230  186,4 0  2,540,000166,338,150 ---------- 37,701,190 21,863,260  2,300,150  356,420  ang a1;  nion  •o  ada, Lon., :b,ng., and Canada.  4,442.140  28,3101  2,91-1,280  2,898,780  1,618,180  · - pASADENA. PACIFIC WILLIAM R•··'-STAATS\J"0 ~' LOS ANGELES· sAN FRANCISCO- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ::s  131,840  Park- nion Foreign Banking --------------- -·------------------ A. A. Wilson. Mor. J. J. Hunter, (Branch Corporation.11-81'19 A. Mor.  --.·t,. ......... ,  l'lj "'1 ll.)  200,000  1  .  s» ::s  - - - - - - - - - - - - 1------------1---  Official attention to all matters entrusted to us.  '''i.  I  rJl  a-Eo_RG_E-LO_NQ___-__ _ F. W. JUDSON 1500000 431,140 8,319.070 619.850 6,179.010 2.757,140 1,281.9201 2,010,350 Guaranty Tr. Co., Harr.Iman N,, ;· WILLIAM JENKINS · ' - - - - - - - - - --- - - and Chase N., N. Y., Cont. & n Com'I N., Chi.; Fld. N. Bk. & o  _ _ _ _ _W _ e ~Invite your West Coast business. 11-14 (631 :Market t.) .Mission Bank-----------•U'0B James Rolph, Jr .•• i B'. ll. Anderson ____ H. A. Thayer ______ B. G. Mobbs _____ _ ♦ ll~ff Stuart F. SmiUl (16th and Julian)  San Francisco avings & Loan J( ohBn A. Bhuc)k ______ GEeo. Tourny _______ A. ll. R. Schmidt __ ocietv + 11-55 _______ •:I: '68 3 ranc es A. T• Kru e A.H. Muller. Sec. (526 aliforuia) • 8 • R. chmidt Wm. D. ewhou, e, A. Ser. Security Savinics Bank .. -•:1'71 S. W. Cole~an ---- S. L. Abbot _______ _ . L. Abbot. _______ 11-57 l.1. ·w. Jenkrn:-, Alla t, to Pres, (316 lontgomcry) . (San Francisco banks continued on next page.)  r,n  II  :I  l;  , p,.  a;  0 n1  521,900 N. Part, N. Y .; 1st N ·• BOI.  8,327,030! 523,770 Guaranty Tr. Co., T, Y.; :Mtle. Tr. Co. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., an F.  COAST SECURITIES  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  -  •.&.  118  -.T--1..•• _;_,._,_  umber under ame of Bank i th<> ew Tran It ~umber given to uch b nk in . , . e clu Ivel ' b ' The Rand-lUcNalll Bank<'r ' Director·, under the authorlt ' of The Amerh•an llanker. A . 'n.  'K. ,1. r A IE 01' H "Mero. Am. Bk.. ,\ 'n. § tatc  I  (l<'ederal Re ene City No. n,  PnE1-IDE  "r.  :rna:u.  VICE-PRESIDE. "T.  11-79 (315-325 California ~ t .)  UNION  PROFITS  *WELLS FARGONEVADA  •  ·  • •  ·  a~d  A.  1  ,430 - - - · ··---··-·· - - - · - - - · ________ N. City and Guarantr Tr. Co., .... Y. 300,000 (Branch of O,·al,a, Japan)  ==  20,378,510 6,887,470 1,9'14,930 7,850,550 N. Bk. Com. and Corn f: ·., N. Y.; W. C. FIFE •••••..••• 1,200,000 2,180 ,680 $32845340 - 1 - - - -1 - Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Old Colony 1- - - •1 • - - - MARION NEW AN 1 Tr. Co., Bos. CAP_ITA L ~D S lpRPLUS fS,liOO,OO !) CHARLES DU PARC, Spe~1al a ttenhon g 1ven to yo ur Collect ions. A cash and A Sec 1 ~ ccounts o n most favorable te ~ _ __ · _ _ _ _ _ _ ~v,tes · · Sec: ·  F. L. LIPMAN •••••..• H. e. AINSWORTH.--. FRANK e. KING. V.·P. an(l Cash, MCGAVIN L. R. COFER, A. D, OLIVER { v ..P. and Mgr. JULIAN EISENBACH ForeignDept. C.W.BANTA Spec.iali~ill  BANK NATIONAL •i·s2 n-16  CA H & B ONns.-)~i"i-sci:1,s ECURI• LANIIOlJB RE ouacr. ~ ~ ~ _ __  BA!-rKB  DEP~  CHAS. J. DEERING - E. S. HELLER •••••.. F. J. BRICKWEDEL, Ca&h. and Tr. P.A. SINSHEIMER H. G. LARSH, Sec. L. E. GREENE TRUST COMPANY I J GAY A cash H G LARSH •U'H lHl ____  OtHlCE •  uAR_!,nLU,, I. ·nl,1AvL10- DEP oFSITB Lo AN ~ 1 0 0 18 .,  P.UD-UP'APlTAL  . Koh, Jfgr. --···· - - - - - - - - -  umitomo Bank, Ltd, -····•§'16 --·········-········ - - - - - - -  I  •  I  RB  LI.'1.BILITIE.·.  l Iem. ~tate Bk . A n. tl'ri . ♦ ~I_e_:!!. Fell. H_, ~tat• -------1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -  (Grant and )Iarket)  ... , .  SAN FRANCISCO-Cont'd-Reserve City  For~1gn E.xchapge. All inquiries given PromPt, careful attention.  1~ F. 1. RAYMOND ···-N. Bk. Com., Guaranty Tr. Co., ~ PARKER L. JACKSON and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; C-0nt. 1--1 ROYE. WARNER 6,000,000 5,606.310 36,193,770 $22.894,410 46.526.210 11.203,810 Z,380,360 17,912.740 and Com. N. and Corn Ex. N., ~ W. F. GABRIEL - -1- - - -1 - -- - 11 ,____ 1- - 1- - - -1 Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bo.; lsto W.~.BEVAN N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. E•• SHINE C.; Corn Ex. N. and Phil. ., ~ A. • SILVERMAIL Phtl.; 1 t N., IUtnpls. __ _ ___ ____ ________ ____ 11  I I  1  z  1  1  ~ (4 .Iontgomcry) - - - - · -----·- - - - - - _ _ _ _ Yokohama Specie (Ltd.), N. Y.. Los (Branch of Yokoh <>ma,J~ <m) •• _ Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.---·--·····----··--· -·······-··--·····-· K. Kojima.Mgr. __ • K. Takata, ttJ A .. Seattle, and Honolulu. I Sub. Mgr, •1'80 11-58 ► . (415•21! .;:an omc) ~ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ·------·- --···-·- ·-·--··· -------· ________ San Francisco Olearinir Hou e J, J, Fairan •••- - F. L. Lipman·--· F. H. Colburn, 1T. P. Burns, Lt A. lu.or. Mgr. 1  ~~' ~ u l b?J a*\  i  - - - - - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ - - - · ...... -  ----------'--------------------------  1  @ I C/l Sll  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  ::i ~  ~  ~  y  R  YEAR  CORHJ:o:SPU. 'DE:'TS.  Ol~Fl 'ER·.  EST B· Ll~HIW  B. G. McMECHEN, 'J'r. Bkrs. Tr. and N. Y. Tr. E. COGGESHALL V.P. Co ., .Y.;Wm. &. Staata  WM. R. STAATS,  C:hairmanJ.  WILLIAM R. STAATS Co (477 California)  J.E. JARDINE Pre·. T. K. GALLY, A. '1'1-. J. W. EDMINSON l". P.J. S. STAATS, .'cc.  F. C. MONROE  l~. P.  , L. R. MACY, l. I'.  R. G. THOMAS, A. Sec  Co., Los A.ngelesand Pas adena; Bk. or Cal. N. A.., Han F.  Paclflc Coast Securitlea; M unlclpal and Flrat Mortgage Bonds.  (First  Blair · Co. lnc. ·---------·-········ ( ;->4 alifornfa)  BLANKENHORN-  HUNTER-DULIN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  co . .  'lll  'l4 BLYTH , WITTER & Co • ---·---···· (700 Merch. Ex. Bldg.)  Icy, Mgr.  INVESTMENT BONDS.  (')  cii'  C. R. Blyth, Pres .. D. G. Witter and G. C. Am.N., Bk.of Oat., Union Tr .• O Co .. and av. Union Bk. & Leib, V. P., R. L. Shurtleff. cc .. ·······-··Tr. Co.. an F.: Los A. Tr. (') J. G. Flaherty, A. Sec. (.Jfanicipal and Corporation Bonds) o & Sav., Los A.  1  Ilond & Co., N. Y. and S. N. Bond & Co. ---·--------'17 (Commercial Paper) _______________ •. S. Bos. (Kohl Bldir.) w. Prescott Scott and Nion R. Tucker, Bond & Goodwin, N. Y... Chi., Boston, eattle, .Mmpls .. Reaident Partner,. cr•o2 BOND & GOODWIN Phil.,Atl., l'ort.,and Los (Commercial Paper) (485C rr···:-·)·····-• A. Municipal and Corporation Bonds. a 1 orma  i  1  ::,  :::-. ::, ~  n, O.  C. B. Bradford,Pres.ShermanKimball,l".P. 11tle. Tr. Co., sun Ji'.  A.G. Becker & Co., N. Y., BRADFORD WEEDEN & CO.......... '20 { Frank Weeden, V. P . .Robert G, Craig, Tr. Investment Securities. (Ins. K . Bldg.) Chi., and St. L.  -·------------  { arlo· s. Gr  :l  ----------1()  T.  Paid·UJJ Ccoiitctl. 600,000. • '87 SW']Jlus and l'rofits. $600,000.  & CO. COMMERCIAL PAPER A. 6. BECKER •at. Bk. Bldg.) "'t'94  CORRJo: ·po.·nE.·n;.  OFFICERS.  ESTAB· Ll RED  Ill. Tr. , ~ av. and !itch II Hutrhins •· Co., Inc., Chi.; Blankenhom.Hunt r-Dulin Co., Lo A., ·an Di •go, aml P  ail na.  F. :M. Brown, Pres .. A. tarr Keeler, Sec ..•• Anglo & Lon. Pari Am. J. •• San F. J. II. chinneller, C11 ·h.  & COMPANY { Fl Ml BROWN t  Government, Municipal and Corporati on Bonds.  (313-315 1  J.  ·at'l Bk. Bldir.)  '15  '  I•  '  FRANCISCO-Cont'd-Reserve City  ,  '  I '  •, ,  e:.,  I  I I  ,  •t  •  f  I  '  :  I I  I  :•  :  I  I  I  I  .  •  •  o  I  ,•  -  ,. Oo •• N. Y .. ~  119  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS AME.  •Mem. Am. Bks. As n. :l:Mem. State Bk . Assn. Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn.  I  YEAR ESTABLISHED.  O  J  I  ederal Reserve City, !)I trlct No. 12)  C PO 'DENTS FFICERS. ORRES N • ----------------·,------  - - ~ ~ - , -  ?  .  -  CAMPBELL, HEATH & CO.--- 76 E. B. Kilburn, ..llgr, _______________ Campbell, Heath & Co ..  I(Commercial Paper)  ( 485 California)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Intere !_Ra~ , Holldays, otc., see Laws_:  SAN FRANCISCO-Cont'd-Reserve City  I  ~  OFFICERS,  CORRESPONDENTS.  I  (433 California t.)  F.  (Commercial Paper)  Clev., Dallas, AU., t. L., Oma., Port., and Los A,  s. Moseley  & Co. ______________ 1900 (Commercial Paper>-----------.-------------- F. s. Moseley & Co., N. Y., (1st •. Bk, Bldg.) Chi., Phil., and Bos.  & MILLE. . --------------  GIRi  ..,,. _ fo  (Kohl Bldg.)  '"  GOVERNMENT, { R.  MUNICIPAL AND CORPORAT ON O . . . I B N~S.  Girvm, 0. H. Davis and Partner•.  c.  A. Miller,  1  (1  ontgomery)  GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YOR K { Frank Kennedy, ,. 20  .  . R.H. Monlton & Co. ____________ Y., Chi., (Am. Nat'! Bk. Bldg.)  1{R.H.  14  OF CALIFORNIA  ------:l:'16  { H . . Boone,  v. P. --------------------------  ~:i  o. of r. ·., ... •. Y.  Hathaway, Smith, Fold & C0,----•+'17 A.H. Holley, Mgr. __________________ Hathaway, Smit)?,, Folds (1st J. , Bk. Bldg.) (Commercial Paper) Co., . Y .. Chi .. Bos .• attle, and St. L.  (Irwutment Bonds)  Mo,·. ___  E Naumburg •  · Co.,  '· Y,  CYRUS PEIRCE & CO M.PA NY .  (490 California St.)  Jc Inn y ~· co. _____ (l.;t.i:. Bk. Id•.> Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  M ____________  I  I  (433 Cahforma St.)  l  ....  ~ 0  E. H. ROLLINS & SONS---------• (300 Montgomery st.)  ~  •n {Benj. H. Dibblee, V. Pres .• ____________ E.  H. Rollins & Sons, N. Y .. Ob.i. Bos., Den., and Los A. 0  (Investment Bonda)  ::1  (405 Montgomery)  r-1'  LeRoy T. Ryone, William Houghteling, J, ;r . Parker, Par!ners. • . I  5·  ;  C:  1  0.  i  Mumc1pal Reclampt1on, lcngat1on and Corporation Bonds.  (J. H.  ~  I  chwabacher, .A.. E. Schwabacher, Anglo ·Lon.Paris ... •., Gnion Tr. Co., and Anglo- ahf. Tr. Co., an F.  ri=~•  '-t.  L.  ~  ~  CfJ  n  Dealers In Government, Municipal, Rallroad, Public Utlllty, and Miscellaneous Bonds.  E. F. Hutton d: Co., New York Cit11, an Anglo & Lon. Paris . and <Jakland, Los Angeles, and Am. ~-,TSan F.; C_itiz. N., S. W. Straus &Co, ____________ •• 82 {F.Thieriot,PacificCoastMgr. ____________ .~.Straus~Co.,N.Y.,Chi .. Los A., N. Bk. of Pa5adcna, (Mortgage Bonds) Mmpls., Phil., Los A.. and { LI 8 tecl an d 'Unllsted Investment Pasadena. Det. Securities. .  ·02 (Commercial Paver) __________________________ . IcCinncy & Co.,  -  > > .., tlJ  Cyrus Pei_rce. fres._H, L. Barbash. carhierl .A. B. Leach. & co., Inc., .. T. H. H. Fair. l. P, _____ amnel Pond. l. P.,1 Y. and Chi.; Cyrus Peirce E. Achard, ec.; A. . Jurgensen, A. Sec.,. ,· Co., Los A, and Meattle. '"1 :j:-J'l < Samuel Po_nd, Tr .. P. \Y, Gould, A, Cashier., ~ 6 A. B. Dewmg, A. Cashier. ::,  I  Y., Chi .. Bos., and Phil.; Stedman & Redfield, Hart.  '01  i,;,-1  I ~ "%j  SCHWABACHER & CO.--·--------- ,,19 { E. . Pearson, Jr .• Partners. <66;i !\larket) INVE TMENT SECURITIES.  E. F. HUTTON & CO.  ;j 0  en  RY ONE & CO. ________________ 'IJ'09 HOLBROOK, CORE~ & CO. --------'85 Commercial Paper. _________________________ Holbroo~. Corey & Co .•. •.  N. City Co .• N. Y., and correspondent offices. eeAdv. Page 3.  (424 California)  I  (2231st . _ at l Bk. Bldg,)  Moulton, Pres.-Jfrancis Monlton, l'.-P. Security ~r. & Sav., · fos A.; V. E. Breeden, V.-P. Sav. Umon Bk. & '.Ir. Co., (Go'Oernment and Municipal Bonds) San F. '  E. Naumln1ri:- · Co, ________________ •94 (Commercial Paper) Cloyd P. Adney, (201 J\.m, • Bk. Bldg,)  v. P. _____________________ Guaranty  (Im,eatme-nt Securities)  .-;,  z  NATIONAL CITY COMPANY  • Y.; Am.~- a~d Anglo & L< 1 n. Pan .. .. anF.; ~ecur.Tr. ·.Sav., Los A.: N. Bk.Com., ttle.1  £g  >  ""  Chase N..  •~1900  (Kohl Bldg.)  I  Lelanu 8. Poole, Mgr, ______________________ Gol<l!flan., !lChs ~·Co., .. '. Y., 1 1 •• -~ ci'n~~.' l,., ,\tl..l  GOLDMAN SACHS &Co {COMMERCIAL PAPER. '  •  0  ~  I L •  '"1  1----------:'..<  MERRILL, COX & CO.--------- 9.i'l6 { H. A. Schlotzhauer, Jr., Mur. _______________ Merrill, Cox & Co.,N. Y•• Chi.,  1  \V, O. Gay & C0,-----------------'17 (Oommercwl Paper) ______________________ W. 0, Gay & Co., and Bos.  ~  McDonnell~· Co,----------·------1'07 { (H. L. Mack, Resident Partner)---------- McDonnell&Co.,,!.Y.:Wells ~ <341 Montgomery St.) (Investment Securities) Fargo-Nev. N. and Bk. of t..:> (633 Market t.) Italy, San F. . .-  4.  . . . Vrncent Whitney, Resident Mgr, ____________ Carstens & Earles, Inc., CARSTENS & EARLES, INC.--------•·P Government Municipal and Seattle, Port .. Los. A., and (Q09-9ll Insurance Ex. Bldg,) • ' SPokane. {  .  5 C:  YEAR ESTABLISHED,  -------1  Y., Chi .• Phil., eattle. St. L., Hart., Bos. and Scranton.  Corporation Bonds.  ..  DIE. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. "JMem. Im·. Bks. Assn.  ~  & GUARANTY WEST ERN MORTGAGE COMPANY .10 ( 1st N • Bk • Bidg. )  ------  {W. K.  N.  Cole, Pres .. Wm. Fries. C. F. Gor- Mtle. and Wells•Farl!O· ma~. Y. Pr·e.~ .• H. T. Scott, Ch, of Bd., M. Nev. N .. San F. J.S1mon, Sec. and T~'.IB.W.Burleson,A .... ec.  Guaranteed First mortgages.  , ..., .. I.  ' • • •·  I '  I  I  ou-Han  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lnNumber under Name or Bank is the New TransU NumbeJ' given dexed Acccs.), Lawyers, Law· (indexed) in back of this to bank in u. S. e cJuslvely by The Rand-1\lcNally Bankers' ws. ~ _ v~up~·-.B~_!_~ere •t_!!_at~ Holidays, etc., see Direct~ under the authority of !he A_merlcan Bankers____!.s~s•:-:n=:·====~=~:--~==~="::'.":::::==:============= O0&Bll:8PO.NDUT8. RES~UR~ LU.BILITIES. N,UIX OF BA K. TOWN AND O0UNTY.1·'T OASIIID. PAm-uP l:l~NPLDus DEPOs- Lo•N•• D11- C•m a: .ExOASIIIU. VICJ:-PRESIDDT. PRll:!IIDDT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.lS t ~te •Oounty Seats. ClU.N08'1 Do■ BoND c• a ln To. 12 Ft'd. Re . Di t. Ulem.8ta1.e Bks. Assn.tPnv. 1 8 ·s_:;,_uai_nu_·_·· _.._ o ; . _ B _ ; , , _ u _ t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _P_:a_oF_I_T_a __T__ _ .._PI_T_AL _c_ ~ is Los_Angeles Branch. ♦..\l~}{e:-. _[Esta~. San Gabriel. Los Anfeles 1Bank of San GabrieL.•t§'U Wm. R. Fee ______ _ F. M. Townsend ___ Frank R. Forfey_ - - - - - - - - $ 3.5,000 $ 11,000 S 420,000 S 370,000 $ 91,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.: Am. N .. San F, 90-826 I 21 L Pop. 1600 50,000 652,3-10 1.57,590 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Well& Fa?'2'o-Nev. N., 721.980 42,630 Sanrer------ Fresno G 6 Commercial Bank ______ •U'12 G. S. Coblentz----- L. Powers---- E. A.Boye ____ A. B. Olson ______ _ San F.; Fidelity Tr. & Sav .. Fresno. . . • , . Q0-740 . Pop. 2578 .. W. B. Van Vleet ___ B. B. Hudson ___ R. E. Giffin .• --•--Jr1rst National Bank ____ : 04 W. D. l11tchell _ " 50,000 200,000 IrvineN., N. Y.: Am.N. and Crocker N., San F.;\ 60,000 1,350,000 1,200.000 Fresno. FidC'lity Tr. & 6 , t 0. N. Mayden QH l 43,310 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los.A.: Wells Fargo, 370,590 50,000 57,920 261 260 an Jacin1o •• Rlv'aide J 9 First National Bank ---•i·o6 II. A. Dahl_ ________ John Shaver _______ H. C. Dane _____ M. R. Nims-------F. San N., Nev. ~· , . 90~62 Pop. 9-1:i .. L 9,280 Flrat Savm!~~nk ____ § 11 II . .A. Dahl ___ ·----- John Shaver _____ H. C. Dano _____ M. R. Nims _______ _ •· ___ 25,000 10,490 Citiz. N., Los A.. and Riverside: 1st N .. San 0 98,200 74,410 , Jacinto. 2,700 226,340 25,000 78,130 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Italy, an F.; Merch. San Joaauin_.Fresno G 6 First National Bank----•t'20 A. D. McKean _____ Herman Janss _____ J. W. Kimball _____ W. H. Tuttle _____ _ t'4 · N., Los A. J. L. Toscano 90-901 Pop. 200  CALIFORNIA-Continued  120  --- I  a,·.,  l  f - - - - - - - - N. A. PELLERANO--  • anJose.SantaClaraF4 *BANK OF ITALY -----•U'04 Q0-83 Pol> 50 000 · •  w.V.E.P.BLAUEI, and Tr. Off.  State Wide Serv Ice In California. F. C. MITCHELL, A. Mgr, Direct your clle nts to us. Quick returns o n Collections.  *BAIIKOFSAIJOSE---•U'll6 W. K. Beans ______ V. J. II0-77 *li'irst National Bank. --•i'U W. 90-78  *GARDEN CITY .  H.  aoc•;oo.l --  • ltUl  .\. K~li DY  I.& Kotte ____ A.B. Pot_ ________ W. H. Lowe ____ _ J. E. Morrish H. D. Tuttle E. E. Cha c . Clayton_____ . F. Leib ________ Paul Rudolph ______ H, M. Hufirins ·----  T. s. MONTGOMERY _J. F. DUNCAN------- c. J. TRIPP-- -----W. G. ALEXANDER, J. J. MILLER Sec, Prompt efficient service  BANK.&.!lr~UST -~-~8 Br~~:~~~~1ke~tm:~~rfaratoga, Santa Clara and Gilroy.  GR OWERS BANK  t  >  1  S. E. JOHNSON---- G. C. SINGLETARY -- F. SAM MARTIN  w. SINCLAIR  .-  9,000,000 3,913,240 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ East River N .. N. Y.; Union Tr .. Chi • .For!~ O other correspondents see H. O., San F. (.Br<ffle h of &Jin Francia eo) ~  z  z  -------l·\i. I.A.BUJAN SWAIN  •t."20 90 -84 Security Sninrs lhnk. •S'Ql W. J. Edward•--- W. A. Joh~ston - - G. B. Cam1>bell-- K. D. Shepherd____ Chas. M. Richards go-110 •Security ::,il, It• lhnk . •U'02 W. J. Edwards-- Chas. M. Richards. G. B. Campbell ____ K, D. Shepherd----  499,000  185,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., ~an ,-... \.o~ F,; Cal. and 1 t N., Los A.  100,000  171,310 2,720,310 2,754,930  100,000  121,700 1,716,1 0 1,619,7-10  258,900 1st N., Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., and Anglo & Lon. CT Paris N .. Ban Jr. 378,770 Chase N .. N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Ohi.: ~ Orocker N. and Am. N., San V.  60,000  3 0,000  SU  San Jose Olearinr House ____ \V. K. Beans _______ - - - - - - C. \\. Carl on.Mor. Paul Rudolph, See .• . . (Membera indicaud b11 a*) "an Juan.,'an nenito G-1 li'ir -t National Bank---•t'l9 T. . Hawkins ____ S. Lavagnrno ______ E. C. AbeL ______ __ L. J. Lavagnmo __ _ -~~.000 - ; ~ ; 00 8 5 (~'t111J11a1tll(lllti.~tal'.U.) Pop. 550 170.975 106,930 San Leandro-Alamctla O 9 Bank of San Leandro ___ u•g3 A. B. Car:,--------- J • U. )Ieudonra ___ _ Charles H. Hale ___ - - - - - - - Q0-325 Pop. 5703 36,370 50,000 First National Bank -----•'10 A.. B. Car:, _________ J.B. )lcnuou .....-i ____ Charles H. Hale ___ - - - - - - - - - - - 0 B~tol!--H •• • . I B est ________ ,\. . . \\eaver______ go-327-------•U'll A. S. Weaver____ D ame 68,790 143,800 StateBank-----_______ rr. A. Lrnth1cum II. L. Lawrence, Q0--705 A. (.,'a,h. A. A. De.Mello fat Bank _____ '21 \Ym . .:amlPrcock \Y • \I. tover - ---- C. L. Smith ________ l!~. A. arpt'ntr.r __ _ •San LuisObispo.S.L.Ob. itizcn \\. D. Adria nee 90-239 H 5 Po1>. 5 95 460,600 Oommercial Bank------•U'88 J. W. B:uneberr--- l!:H. WL .KUlar.11 ______ 11'. H. Throo1>----- L. J. Defosset ____ _ 300,000 . . empe! Q0--236 46,270 Union National Banlc .•• •t'06 Wm. andercock __ John R. Wilhams __ C. L. mith ________ J. a. Cann _______ _ 100,000 F. A. Carpenter W. M. Stover go-zaa ! 111 111 3,913,2-10 of Sa,n  I  I  " u------ "  ;  u •  . I  •••  472,000  .  90-81  f  If  f  ~  ------  --- ----  >  765,820 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris .i: .,, hoe w San F. 500,000 408,690 7,737,670 7,611,040 1,086,130 li::: ~- and N. City, N. Y.: Cont.&. COIJl'I N .. )> Ch1.: 1st N .. Anglo & Lon. Pan· ..... and 1..,... - - - - - - - - - Crocker N., San F.; 1st ., Bos. n ~ P. SNYDER------710,000 8,300,000 8,000,000 1,225,000 lrvlng N., N. Y.; Cont. &Com'I N., Chi.;~ C/ll 500,000 • C. BARKULOO Fargo-1 Wells and N. Paris Lon. & Anglo _ _ _, _ C/l Nev. N., San F.  350,000 5,168,520 4,735,610  300,000  ::t  I  -~;;~;~ -;0~.29~ ---~;;; East River N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Italy, an F. 2,396,di0 2,300.470 66-1.030  621,270  1,454,280 1,388,080  ~  !  352,890 I A.m. N ., Anflo & Lon.Paris N .. Portugur.sC'-,\m.,j and Well3 ll'arro-Nn. N .. Ban Jr.: 1st N. and .:::.. ~• Cent. N .. Oakland. 176,530 Chase N .. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Ney, N. and C: Am. N .. San F.: Cent. N. and 1st N .. Oakland. ~ 253,760 Chem N ., • Y .; Anelo & Lon. Paris N. and 1st N. San F.; Cent. :r., Oakland,  618,600 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Los A..: Anelo & Lon. Paris N .. San II'. 1,292,750 1,151,690 387,330 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Ohi.: Bk. of Ual. N. A. and Merch. N., Ban F.; Citiz. N . ._ SU and 1erch. N., Los A. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ East River N.. • Y.: Cont Is Oom'l N .. Chi. :, For other correspondents sec H. 0., San. li~. Francia eo) 4,500,000 4,570,800  &;  ...  '"1  It   umber un_der Name or Bank ia the New TranaH Number gtven to each b n.k: 1n U. B. ei:cluslvelT by The Rand-McNallT Bankers' 121 DI.rectory, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _!Ulder the authority o~The American Bankers•n.  ~  '< ;  ..... .  CALIFORNIA-Continued  37,630 I  •  . I  847,080 • I f  •  848,4501  86,250 Irvine  ., N. Y.: 1st N. and Mtle. N .. San F.  ~  Cal.). __ _ _ _ Wells Fargo- rev. N., San F.; Com'l N., Los tv A.; 1st N .. Salinas.  Non-Bank Towns with Ncare t Banking Point (Indexe~ A.cces.). Lawyer , Law (inrtexed) in back of this ._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law·. ~  Number under Name of Bank ia Ula l'few Tnn•H Number oven to each ban.It in U. 8. e:a:elualvelJ' by The Band-MeNallJ' Bankers• Dlrecto17, under the authority of The American Bankers'n. ~ --- , NAME OF BA~-K. Tow. AND OouN~.•Mem Am Bks Assn •County Seats. VICK-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. In_No.12 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem:stateBks·. Assn.tPriv. [E tab. _ __ __ _ L 1s Los Aneeles Bra.nch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  !-------,----- _______  IStatel  San  Non-Bank Towns wtth Nearest JJanklng Point (lndexe~ Acces.). Lawyers, Law (inrtexed) in back of this1'voh~me. Fo~ Interest Rates, Holidays, et~, s_ee_ I,~w ~ ~  CALIFORNIA-COll t•lllUe d  121  A.88'T 0..lSHID.  0..l.!IBIU.  I  - - ~:::G -- 1~~-:o~::;, --DEPOS:.,t:·.-  su_::~us  CAPITAL PROFITS  ~~  Marine Natio~al Ray :MitchelL ____ E. B, ~[oores ______ J. O.Michell ---··- C. 1[. Cctson --····- $ 200,000 -·······- $ 450,000 3otnee~e; American rei~~--~ F. E. Ford Bank .... 90-213••••..•• • 20 · • 0  1  .  BANK OF SAN PEDRO Q0-207  no,.BANxa. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __  $ 467,000 $ 100,000  -  PRINCIPAL CoRRJCSPOND.L'iTS.  RESOURCES. --  LIABILITIES.  PAID-UP  nan.  ., J:f •. Y.;T Corn  _  Ex .... an F.; C1t1z. N., I.os A.  _  _ T ..  tv  R·  I  end us your collection for prompt attention and quick returns.  -  •U'88 I  lfi.  . ~EDWARD MAHAR C. BELL-··-·-··-IJ. H. BOOGE-····-· L. S. ANDERSON... FIRSTNATl~o~f}8 BANK.•io« , OLDESTandLA!li·G'jgJA~a~Tonal Bank in an Pedro. "BE  -  - --  -- _ --- ---  121,000 1,345,000 11.100,090  200,000  A.FE WI TH THE FIR T ."  ·----·····--·-·---ID.  A. Byers, Mor. Guaranty Tru t & Saving ·········----···-··· Bank .••. 00-212_ ...•. . •§'18 Harbor Commercial ayings W. L. Davenport.. C. E. ranLanding- Philip M. Gatrey •• _ • ham Bank •••. 90-211 ..... -.•1'06 •r. J. Evans State Bk. ot 0-Sa n Pedro•U'0l Edward lilahar ··- Louis M. Cole- •••. Lon T. Johnson·9 209 •San RafaeL.-Marin F 3 Bank ot San RafaeL.-•U'68 /K. T. Freitas-···· 1C· A. Thayer •.••••• w. P. Murra:,··-·M. J. Pedrotti 90-215 Pop. 5512 Marin County National Bk:. I'. IL Coch ra1w •• __ G. C. Hansen .••••. G. A. Cheda_···- -" _ ___ " s. r. I!Przol! •:·12 90-214  I  -  Chi.; Am. N., ~  -- - P. ADAMS-.•••••• ROBT. C. BALY ••.... M. L. MAYER--- --··· - - - 250,000 S 80,510 Z,467.700 Z,313,920 435,840 IrvingN., N. Y.; 1stN. and Far. & Merch. 0. MacLEAN • C. DALY N., Lo A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. G· F· CORBY Olde t and lal'ge t Bank In an Pedro.  H. E. SHERER ..•....  c::  I~~  (") )>  194,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N. r-4 and Wells Fargo. · ev . . , San F .; Merch. ~ Q N. and Com'l N., Los A.  ~  (Branch of Los A noeles,C al.) .•••• _ _ _ 1 t N., Empire Tr. Co., and Gua~nty Tr. Co., A.G. Sepulveda. N. Y.; March. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. A.1,Igr. 5!5,300 Com'l N., Los A.; 1st r., San Pedro. 431,480 53,040 432,050 50,000 R. M. Cordill ••••. _  >  42,050 1,532,850 1,392,420  118,800  J. O. Heinley -···-  1  tn  21-l,500 Chase . . . , r'. J.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Ker-eh. N .. ~ .,. Los A.; Umon Tr. Co., San F. Lon. Z 328,160 Chase N .• N. Y.: Italian-Am., Ant lo ~ Paris N .• and Union Tr. Co., San F . 150,000 .\nglo < • L:m. Paris . and Bk. of Cal. ,. ' . A., rn Lan It'.  T. L. Crane, Tr....  ·100,000  R. E. Wilson -·-·-l' . .\h· arthy C'. \V. Holli · Marin County Savinfs Bank P. II. ochrauc __ ._ (;, C. Hausen-··- -- G. A. Cheda -- -···· H. E. \Vil:on .••••. " ---·-" o. w. Holli , . K. II •rzoi: •U'D9 00-2111 P. ~1cCarthy [ , • . . • an I a A na •• • Oraneo J 8 ,\mencan. allonal Hauk.• 20 .J. n. ~lilehell ___ E. IL Hiclta nl -··- J. E. ncrmann ··-- ··----·-····· -·····00-189 L l'op. I G, 245  50,000  20,000  :i0,000  70.000 1.200,0001 1,100,000  l.t0,000 ,\nl!lo-Cal. Tr. Co , Well · Fargo ... ·c\·. .. ·., and rn ~ Anelo & Lon. Paris ., San .F.  262.840  03,000 ... r . Oit r, • •. Y.; L ecur . 'fr . & av., Lo:,\. ; ,\m.' , '"Cl .r . , 'an. Ji' .  I  ..  ---·--··  ..  83,560 l,669,170 1,498,570  17,970  197,000  tt~~JS······-  {E.  601),000  137.170I  480,000  41.330 1.387,760 1,U7,8IO 100,000 E. YJNCENT ••.• A.G. FINLEY. ····- E. L. CRAWFORD •.•• ~: :: •no Prompt att,ention given collections a nd correspo r den ce. II0-188 150,000 124,850 2,315,000 2,336,610 Farmers& Merch. avin;?:Bk. W. A.·- \\', B. Tl•dfonL •• _ Alex Brownridge .• E. P. tafford ···-J. H. Metzgar +§'19 90-186  CALIFORNIA NATIONALBANK  I  I  ::S  2  5,ooo  ~  Irvine • .. N . Y. ; l~t N .. Los A. · ·  o  195,140 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Citiz. N. anrl Far. & Merch . .1." ., Los A.; 1st N., Santa rn T .. Ana. 347,240 6,172,210 7,422,300 1,083,080 lstN., N. Y. and Ch1., Wells Fareo-Nev . . . ~ ::, San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.  0  + Ba 550,000 FirstNatio~ tk .••• •+·86 A.J.Crookshank •• W.A.Hufl' _ _ _ w. B. Williams ••.. A. F. Zaiser •••••. 18 F. M.. Robinson J. H. Turner, G. S. Briggs r+ A. Cash. II. L. Han on C. S. Crookshank ~ O. L. Cotant i~.iosnan1i·. Co .. Chi.: Merch. to RTH. E. B. SPRAGUE- •• -. GEO. E. PETERS.... 300,000 124,060 2,310,600 2,004,690 649,970 Ha~:. Tl. & SAVI I GS j WILLIAM E. OTIS.ORANGE ·--· -·-· .. .. ll> BANK• 90-184 .. -.. ~•!§'89 ~ Prompt, efflcle' n't service. • "· Sav ., Los "1 "' u Dard'1, ~r.1..01'.-FQlitaz1•t&•14 . Barbara antaBarbara.S O" . Tr • .-..; .. N ., N • Y .; Guaranty v •· ··-·--·- Irv1·n° -·--···· - · ···- ······ (B r a11ch o f s an F ranc·i co . "a') ------- ---···---· • • i I G Banca Popolare 90-l60 L Pop. 19 .-141 ~ F. San Fugazi, Popola!~ Banca A.; ~ ,. , 7 F~a~i~r. N., Chi.. Wells Fario-Nev. N., @ 79,0~0 7,660 842,600 8.Jl,,90 80.000 B. lletcalt ••••• H.F. R. Vail...... Central Ban ~ i-···- •U-03 T. W Dibblee_····1G. M. Williams._._ ·· 11 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I I~- i° ucc:rR  co.  rosf :l~t  I  yr.  COMMERCIAL TR.  &, •  SAV. BANK OO-lS7  COUNTY NAT. BK. & TR.  •il'B7  I\ ALFRED EDWARDS E. F. R. VAIL····-· J. S. EDWARDS-···· G. E. SAWYERS-···- 1,000,000 A. N. SMITH GEO. S. EDWARDS, J, P. REDINGTON LILLIAN C. MOLIN Ch. of Bd.1  988,270 Liberty N. and Irving N .• N. Y.: Corn Ex. X. and Cont. &Com'L .. Chi.;WellsFargo- rev. I N., San F.; 1st ... ·. and Citiz, ... r .. Lo ~\.  Bank tn lgtantod Trust Busi ness. 1g~:~alrour u • c11e n s  J. M.EWARREN ---- ff. H. EDDY······-· A.G. SALSBURY •• J. D. CAVALLETTO ~A.HOEFER ~~ EDWARDt  co.  600,220 7,800,000 8,786,100  1  Ch. of Bd, For Prompt and Efficient Service.  •t'75 90-156 First Nation9a0-J l~~nk •••• •*'71 eth A. Keeney ""  SEND YOUR ITEMS TO us. We have the Ability and·_ _ __ _ _  •..... lJ as. D. Lowsley ···- ~I. c. TeJSOD----·-·-r J.H. D.P. Lincoln H. Howard PeJJper Lowsley T. E. Hodges  Donald ~Iyrick  . .. r KANG1~1,;u-  -  250.~00  300,000  -  cw)  266,000 Z.327,000 2,272,000 6~3.000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co ,, Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F,; }'ar. & Jllerch. N., Los A.  153,790 3,111,670 3,152,620 52-1,140 Chem. N .• N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Ho;;;.; 1st ... T • a!1cl ~r1·rc!1· ... ' ., Los A.; Crocker ... '. aucl 1st an F. ... .........111111111!. .~  COAST. SECU -RITIES t'ASADENA . MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE coRPORATION soNos . t-A'-'11"' 1u  ...,.  .t-:>  Non-Bank Towns with Nea dexed ACCjS.),_Lawyer , La Number u..der Name et . .all t. c.h to. each hank in U 8 e1elushel b:v  Nurubw civTbNeeawaaTl'danllt nkP•a• •Mr.Nallv 0.11-  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Tnnalt Number given to each bank in U. B. escluslvely by The .Rand-McNally BankerN' _ _ _Directory, und~r the authority of The Amel'lca=n=Ba=n=k=e=r=s=:=A=s=s=•=n=.  122  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ban.king Potnt (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer• Law (indexed) in back of this .... volume. For Intere~t Rateis, Holidays, etc., see Laws~ ~ L_IA,....B_I_L_IT_I_ES.,---•___ 11 ~EsouRcEs. ___ PRINCIPAL CoRRJtSPONDENTS.  CALIFORNIA-Continued  ========-====:.;;:  TOWN AND c o u ~ •County Seats. ln No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. Lis Los Angeles Branch.  - - -N~ME oF BANK. Ass'T CASHIER. p CASHIER. VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT •Mero.Am.Ilks.Assn. tS~te AID-UP . . . :Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPr1v. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_C_AP_IT_A_L ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  Santa Clara BANK ' F a an,a 0 fo~~·4998  OF ITALY ·-----•U-93 90-286  ---------------·---··-----!  State Wide Serv Ice In CallfomJa. Direct yom Clle nts to us. Quick returns on Collections.  GARDEN CITY BANK & T R . - - - - - - - COMPANY  •tl'l7 90-867 •Santa Oruz •• Santa Cruz City Savinirs Bank ••••• •U'86 90-165 GS Pop 10 917 Farmers & Merch. Nat'l Bank " · ' •i•gz 90-167 First National Bank •••• •i·s& 90-16' Peoples Savines Bank •. :§'92 90-165 Santa Cruz Bank of Savlnirs & Loans .. 90-l62 ••.•••• tl'70  ur.  --------H.L.  r. 'ificer  Warburton,  Mor.  H· i"fl'VHR"·-· •  •  ARD  1  W. M. Carmean L. F. Hinds •••••••• H. A. Wrh:ht ----·  130,000  37,000  575,000  539,000  100,000  K. Daubenbis •••••• U. M. Thompson__  125,000  40,850 1,635,430 1,606,360  E. Daubenbis •••••• U. M:, Thompson__  150,000  108,800 1,391,410 1,45 ,870  L. P. Scaroni ----- Wm. T. Rice·-···L. C. Palmta~ N. B. Libbey ' First National Bank .... •:•05 Archibald McNeiL John Honk---·---· :I. H. Gibson ....... J. L. Glinfls ··---·· H. T. Kortner,Jr. R. E. Easton 90-308 Valley Savines Bank .. •*1'01 W. H. Rice_. _____ John G. Prell---- T. B. -'.dam.----- -------·--··--·-IIO-S97  400,000  370,670 4,208,100 4,634,720  H. M. GORHAM---· H.J. ENGELBRECHT H. E. HUDSON ·--·--  ♦ 90-191  •U'9S  i· H. POWER..--····  ·M.  $160,280 N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fariro-Nev. N .. San F.; Far.& Mercb. N., Los. A. 140,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Am. N .. San~.  115,210 $2 272 020 $2 203 330  100,000  T. G. McCreary .... A.H. Foster. ____ • W. M. Carmean L. F. Hind•---·· H. A. Wrieht ••••••  I *BANK Of MONICA s·NTA II  1  $t000000 $3913 240 - - . · - - - ____ East River N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. For other correspondents see H. 0., San F. ( ranch of San Franc'l,8 co, Cal.}  L.G.Fatjo,A.Mur. (Branch of San Jose, Cai.} ••••• - - - Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; ADElO & Lon. Paris N .. San F.  B'. D. Baldwin----- C. D. Hinkle ••.•••• T. G. McCreary .... A.. H. Foster··----·  F. R. Howe W. P. Netherton - P. T. Phillips •••• _. C. E. Towne B'. D. Baldwin ..... C. D. Hinkle--·--·· F. R. Howe W. P. Netherton- P. T. Phillips •••••• C.E.Towne W. T. Jeter ....... W. T. Sesnon-•••• B. L. harpe SANTA CRUZ CO. NAT'L BK. W. T. Jeter ....... W. T. o non •.•••• B. L. Sharpe •'10 90-1113 anta :Uarla •• S. Barbara Bank of Santa Maria ••• •t§'00 P. 0. Tietzen •••• _ J. F. Goodwin ••••• S. A. Dana ♦ IJ0-396 I 5 L Pop. 3943  anta Monica.L . .lnreles 7 J L Pop. 15•252  R~T. J-/A"!}O,  Lo.mokDta- OilnokJl:xSuRPLUB D EPOS- C'ff. DollX>II, m1.u,oa,D1>11 AND no_■_B_~_"°_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _P_R_oF_I_T_s _x_T_s_ _s_110_uvn_•  151,340 N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fariro-NeT. N., San II'.: t°'4 Far. & Merch. N .. Los A.; Cent. N .• Oakland. 70,000 Cont. & Com'l Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Am. N., San If'. ":r.1  216,420 1,019,000 l,C65,980  50,000  38,000  830,000  n >  575,000  S >-  194,250 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Union Tr. co., rw San F. 284,940 1st N., N. Y.: Anirlo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Z Far. & Merch. N .• Los A. 609,710 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Anrlo tr, & Lon. Pa is N., San 11'.; 1st N., Los A..  >  100,000  1)2,000  823.000  988.000  82.000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., San F. and Los A,  25,000  44,000  200.000  330,000  10,170 Laidlaw & Co .. N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. ~ C/l San 1l'. 444,650 N. Bk.Com .. N,Y:.:.Ill. Tr.&Sav .. Chi.; Crocker j N., San F.; 01t1z. N. and 1st N .. Los A. C/l I» ::,  67,110 3.000,000 1,900,000  140,000  POWER  We sollcltCollec tlons on Santa Mo nlca and TlclnJty. Prompt present atlon. We remtt on date of payment. Intelligent atte ntlon to all Bank:1 ng matters entru steel to us.  S' n  23,970 930,720 708,820 326,940 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Sa11 I'.: March. N., 60,000 Vance C. Kibbe... *Merchants Nat'l Bank.•i•o7 0. P.Thomu.·----· G. B. Dickinson •• _ C. D. J'rancia .. ;" Los A. 90-192 ,; Ocean Park Bank·----·•1'16 - - - · · - - - •••••••••••••••••••. E. Vejar, Mgr .•••• - - - - - - - {Branch of Octa n Park, Cal.}·-- ------·-· Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. I» ♦ 9(}-103 ,.., Santa Monica Clearing House R. B. Harris ..•••.• J. S. Moore •••• --- H. J. Enirelbrecht, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------- -----···· ----·-· · --------· -------·····---" o Su. and Mor. {Members indicated bv a*) 60,000 2,030,070 1,636,980 701,390 Irving N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; A.m. anta Paula. •. Ventura 16 Farmers & M:erch. Bk.-•:1'05 R. G. Edwards.---· Richard Stephens •• E. C. Corey·-··-··· F. L. Gay-·-···-··- 250,000 C/l J.. Los N,, Merch. & Far. F.: San N., Kuhns E. R. Cowden, E. R, Shedenhelm N. K. Sharp, J.M. 90-400 L Pop. 3967 I» A. Cash. Ch. of Bd. FintNationalBank: ••• -•t·st O.O.Tearue. ___ J..L.Shi-rel,. _____ A.II'. Walden ..••.• :M.G.MacMurray. 150,000 121,100 1,088,230 1,540,100 244,240 Chase:iq-,,~.Y.;lstN.,Chi.,San'l.. andLosA.. ~ IIO-ffl  Cl)  Santa Paula Sav. Bank •*1'05 O. 0. Teacue _____ J.. L. Shinl7 ••••.• A. F. Walden •••••• F. M. Ransdell.... 90--401  ..,, • auta. R osa. S onoma.,.., Pop. 758  *BANK OF ITALY 90-195  ···--··  • 1.17  27.680  50,000  329,580  381,880  E..  25,540 1st N., Banta Paula.  ORr.O H[ RE,VE- - 9,000.000 3,913.240 ·-------· -------· - - East River N .. N.Y.: N. City. Chi. For other ·--------··--··--· J. T. GRACE------ G. E. MURDOCK, correspondents see H. o., San F. <Branch of San Francis co) A. l'. P. G. . PA ME J.A.MIGLIAVACCA J. . LOMBA DI, State-wide sen lee In (;alJfornla.  ~o  { Direct your clle nts  to us. Quick retmns o n collections.  F,J!, DOYLE ••••• H. W. Le BARON .... A. J. le B1101---- L.A. PRESSLEY...  *EXCHANGE BANK----•!1'90 { Fllil!i lN ADV A. NCE: "ight drafts J5c minimum: 25c minimum charge i Reliable Credit Re11orts, liOc. TR I'. US. Collection s a Specialty. 90-198  J. R. Edwards ••• Corneliu Shea-•• R. A. Belden ••••••• A.. G. Wright···--*ViV~IIGS BAIK OF SA~TA Commercial an d Savlnss. , D A.... 90-196------•t 73 Send us your C ollectlons. ··---·---·----······ 'aratora.Santa Clara D 8 GARDEN CITY BK. A TR. CO. -··--···-----··---·- -----··-··-·-····--· J.B. T. Tuthill,  1  150.000  179,650 2,441,440 2,260,080  419,700 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and A.nizlo & Lon. Paris N., San F., Cal. N., Sacramento,  300.000  134,670 3,198,210 3,241.640  349,800 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.; jii4 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Mtle. Tr. Co., San B'. ::S  f paid.  &i  an Jose. Ca l.} -···-· ________ N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San 'B.; Garden City Bk. & ~ ,. Tr. Co .. San Jose. Paula, Cal.) ••. _ _ _ Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., San B. ofS(Jlflta (Branch -----------···----M(IT. Kuhns, E. R. -----·-·-·-·-----· -··-·--·--··--··--saticoy .. ----· Ventura I 6 Farmers&MerchantsBk.•l'll . . 00-715 L Pop. 500 20,2 0 683,200 626,810 136,150 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Crocker N., Mtle. Tr. ~ 60,000 an,alito •••••. IJ.rin F 3 Banko! Sausalito ••.•• •U'07 J.E. Hall····-·- F. A. Fiedler··-··· K. S. Rayburn ..... F. D. LmsleY-·-·-· Co., and Wells Fargo-Nev. N .. San F. C. M. Gunn • 90-663 Pon. 2iV0  Pop.1200  90-808  •tl'lll  Mor.  (Branch of  WILLIAM R. STAATS Co . ' LOS ANGELES- SAN FRANCISCO- PASADENA. Numb~r under Name of Bank ia the New Transl& Number civen eacla bani in U. a. es::clushel7 by TIie Rand-McNally Bankers• to Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St.  PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BanJdns Point (In-  inrlAYMn in h<>t>lr ,., ♦ hi •'--  123  N11mlM'r under !'fame of Bank ia the New TranaJ& Nambe, siven to eaclt. bank iD U. 8. euluahelJ' by 'I'll• &and-HeNall7 Bankers• Dlne&ory, •••er the autborl&J' of TIie Amerlean Hanken Asa'n.  de1:e°ctn'fc~!1s~, Tt=:e~tl~:ro~~e~cflkf:'iJ~~~ ~~ ' volume. For Interest Kates, Hollda7s, etc., see Laws. §  CALIFORNIA-Continued  To."t,!a~;  f!'a?.:Y· •llem.~A.~B~.1~:n~l!tate PHSIDDT. VICJC-Plil.BSIDUT. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. i11em.State Bks.Assn.tPriT. L is Los Angeles Branch • Mem. Fed. Res. [ Bstab. ------'-----11--':::.:.:::.-__;:__:_::..:..=..::..:.__..:..;=.=.:::..;:_,,1- ------1------  0.A.HI&a.  Ass'T C4SBill.  1 IPAm-~ ~:!~~~~Es~EPOS- 1,o_.,.~:::u!.':!·Exc Bo""•· ..... T~  ------ -------  A.PI  AND  PBoFrTs  •• ,.,,.  ITS  ...,,..- .  -  P&lliCIP.A.L Oo&USl'ONDDTS.  ;  .'.J  gu,Du. iwm..  -  ;-,  ·awLtellep_ Lo1 h reles I 2 Bank of lan~ ..¼lzoaiea--•l'tl - - - - - - - - - - ----------- 0. B. Power. Mtlf',_ ------------- (Branch of Sant a Monie a, Cal.) ______ N. Bk;_ CoNm., N. Y.: Ill. Tr. & Sav .. Chi.; ~ op. 4000 .,,----..., .. San F.; 1st N. and Citiz. N.. Los .A.. Citizen• State But ----ll'ot K. -.. llcOlellaa--- J. W. Shnell ___ A, W, Brunton ____ C. E. Thacker----- $ 75,000 $ 12,500 $ 900,000 $ 845,000 $ 11-0 000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Citiz. N .• Los A.; 90-408 1st N., San F. W. E. Carnahan Scotia _____ Humboldt 0 1 :Jir~ National BanJr:: __ .i·10 W M. Nelson ______ B. E.Crawford ____ E. P. McKenzie __ -------------------25,000 40,000 759,000 508,000 260,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N .• San F.; 1st N .. Pop. 2400 go...e&4 Eureka. Sebastopol. __ Sonoma RI Anal1 Sayinr Bank ___ eif'04 A..•· l,ram ________ A. F. Cochran----- H.B. Fuller _______ E. L. Maddocks ____ 50,000 20,000 600,000 625,000 35,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Donohoe-Kelly Pop. 1493 80-418 Bkl?. Co., San F. " -------- " :rirat National BanJr:: ____ .i•92 W.W. llonroe ____ G. P. McNear ______ E. N. Paulson ____ G. E, Burch ______ _ 100,000 29,000 650,000 660,000 175,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A .• San :r. Seba topol  80-4611  ational Bk, •:t"l8 A. B. Swain _______ A. F. Cochran H. B. Fuller ______ E. L. Maddocks ___ _ 90-872 Bebastopol S&Tines Bk,-1'011 W.W. Monroe.- G. P. llcNear ______ E. N. Paulson ____ G. E. Burch ______ _ II0-47t  25,000  500,000  500,000  75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.  25,000  33,000  612,000  610,000  65,000 Bir:. of Cal. N. A .. San F.  > t°4  28,390 Han. N .. N. Y.: Century Tr. & Sav. Chi.; Secur. Tr. & Sav .. Los A.; 1st :r., San Diel?o, 52,300 1st N. and Wells Farg0-Nev. N., San F.  0  Seeley ______ Imperial KIO First National Bank----•:t·u Clem S. Hill. ______ G. L. Campbell_ A. L.Sisson _____ ------------L Pop. 300 110-805 elma ________ Fresno G 6 FARMERS SAVIIIGS BAIi K Edward Poulson ___ W. H. Say ______ 0. W. Christensen_ Milton Alison _ _ Pop. 3000 10-774 l'U  25,000  8,000  112,000  165,330  25,000  11,540  266.580  250,825  II. SIDES----- II. VIICEIT:.. _____ W. C. FIEELAID- 8. W. ILIIES------  100,000  {EDWARD POULSON W. H. SAY---------- C. W. CHRISTENSEN- MILTON ALISON----Organised 1111. Om srow&b 1bow a our 1ervice. Afflllated wHb Farmer, SaYlnp Bank.  FIRST IATIOIIAL BA.I -•:·s1 { Oldea& bank In Sou&bern .tnano C.11nt,. W. J. JOHIISOII II0-426 Send J'Om Item • dine& &o 01 fer prompt, efficient aden&lon.  SELMA IATIOIAL BAH II0-4Z7  hatter ________ i-ern H 7 l'op. 500 h rman_LosA.nHle1 I 2 L Pop. 2000 f rr Madre __ Lo A.. I 2 L Pop. 2026 mith Hiver __ uol 'orte  B1  •·u  ••  Selma Saviors Bank -•:11900 II0-428 First ational Bank-----•'20 . . 00-918 First National Banlr::. _____ e'l7 . . ~ First National Bank----•i•o7 . . IIO-M8 m1th R1ve~~ k _______ §'2l  .  43  JI. Vinc:eat _ _ M. Sides _________ W.  o.  l'reelud- G. W.Glines ____ _  W. J. Johnson W. E. Benz _ _ J. S. Henton ______ P.R. Dyck ________ -------·----- - ·  0. N. BeasleJ-- H.W. Johnstone ___ H. A. Isham. ______ - - - - - - - - L. T. Swall 0. 8. KeratiDr _____ F. H. Hartman_ H. E. Allen ______ :u. F. Seeley ___ C. W. Yerxa Henry Westbrook. Wm. Westbrook ___ G.D. '1 ood _______ ------------------  Salinas C1t1 Bank _____ f'71 110-746 Santa Ynez Valley Banlr:::tl'll . . 90-772 FJist National Bank ____ .i ,12 90-754 Sonoma Valle1 Bank ..•:1"75 IIO-G67  z  60,000  31,000 1,029,770  100,tpo  406,520 1st N .. Chi.: Wells Farro-Nev. N., San Oitiz. N. and Secur. Tr. & av., Los A.  25,000  35,000  597,000  585,000  25,000  5,000  130,000  109,000  25,000  10,000  370,000  280,000  25,000  11,400  370,000  349,000  outh Pa. adena._Los .An- First National Bank----•i•o7 C. M. Church ___ reles-L Pop. 4411----I 7 Q0-266 . .. ________ " So.Pasaden~ ~ Blr::._.•if NC. M. Church ______ soulh au Franci co __ rn Matco __ p 0 p. 4000 __ 0 7 Standish ______ La enc 5 Pop 130 . Ilclena_~---l apa E 3 Pop. 2000 " •• ---- ---- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  5  Bank of So. San Francis,.c o k fLa9HIICII ty•.1;05 Ban o ss en ,,coun -- 1 15 90- 8.,., Bank of St. Helen&----•:1'82 . •. 110-437 , First National Bank ___ .: 87 90-'38 Fir ·t "avings Bank------1'112 90-4311  W. H. Oofflnber17_  ~  65,000 .Anrlo & Lon. Paris N., Anrlo-Oal. Tr.Co., and lJl Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 25,000 1st N., N. Y., San F., Los A., and Bakersfield. VJ 95,000 Ohase N .. N. Y.: Citiz, N. and March ., Los ~ A.: WellsFar1?0-Nev. N.. an F. ~ 74,360 Chase N .. N. Y.; fst N., Los.£..; N. Bk. & ...Tr. Co., Pa_adena. !?.  I  n  75,000  37,570  669,000  720,000  N. Park, N.Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; rtSalinas City. !Salinas. O Se.ab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., San "I. and Santa Barbara. Yl N. Park, N. Y.; WeJls Far20-Nev. N., San-,, :-t'  Han. N .. N. Y.: Bk. of CaL N. A.. and Anglo & :I: Lon. Paris N .• San F. ct N. Oity, N. Y.: 1st .N., Chi.; Wells Farl?O· Nev. N .. Anl?lo&Lon. ParisN .• and Orock:er :::, N .. San F. l»  57,800 Crocker N., San F.; Com'l & Sav., Stockton.  G. A. Griffin L. H. Bach J. Filley _______ A. P. Mannini ___ Belle L. Kennicott. · W.W. Cottle M. Eason ______ A. P. Mannini ____ W.W. Cottle------  50,000  15,000  690,000  640,000  25,000  15,000  410,000  400,000  54,630 Cont ..._., and al., Los A .• Union N .• Pasadena.  Lombardi_. _____ H. L. Haaker ______ D. W. RattO-------  150,000  46,000 1,500,000 1,200,000  w. w. s.  > ti, F.: > z  40,000 ------ ------  r~R· 1.11  IIHU  120,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N. and Cal., Los A.  85,000  44.080  834,750  751,950  I'. L. .A.leUDder_  w. B. Smith _______  P.R. Alexander ___ G. P. Kettlewell •• -  50,000  27,300  495,7301  414,610  300,000 Irvin!? N .. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Anrlo & Lon.ParisN.andWellsFargo-Nev.N.,SanF. Chem. N .• N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . 207,510 Merch. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. and A11rlo & Lon. Paris N .. San F. 201.050 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N, and Crocker N., San F.  '"I. L• .A.leUllder_  w. B. Smith ______  P.R. Alexander ___ G. P. KettlewelL.-  75,!JOO  25,620  833,5801  854.800  80,480 1st N .. St. Helena: 1st Federal Tr, Co .. San F.  --------------- ________________  w. H. Fulton, Mor.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Brane!I, of Susa nvme,  W.W. Lyman __ C.H. Greenfield ___ J'n.nk Pelle\ ____ L. G. Ol&rk------  ~  545,000 Irvin!? N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: ii~;~i~Jh~~~\~m. N .• San F.: 1st r.,  1\  TUOLUMNE COUITY BK.:tl'III Geo. W. John1on_ J.B. Curtin ______ c. H. Seierstrom __ W. .£. Burdtin ___ _  ;j  98,000 1,618,000 1,363,000  ----------·-- ---------------- P.H. Smith ______ - - - - - - - - - - - (Bramh. of Salin as.Cal.) _ _ _ _ _ _ 47,210 P. P. Hornsyld ___ P. B. Montanaro __ Harald Hartson __ Soren Madsen __ _ 8,090 203,280 189,150 25,000 . ___ _ Fred Batto ________ N. J. Ber£ie _______ N. J. Hecrie _______ Amy E. Heggie 55,940 16.760 361,570 350.290 25,000 I'. JI. Barria ___ -,, T. Duhri...• ____ Je11e Barria. ______ R. K. Perkin•---50,100 126,140 1,265,870 1,283,490 158,620 8EO.W. JOHISOI J. I. CURTIN--- C.H. SEIER STROM E. BURDJP-i-- 150.000 82,600 2,065,000 1,918,000 412,500 1 I ouora ___ Tuolumne B' 6 FIRST IATl~1\ BAH-•i·04 Oldest and Lars eat Bank In Tool umne CountJ'. ~Send 10m b1Uln eu direct to 01 fo r Efficient Sen1ee and Quick Kemr n1. Pop. 168-1  Soledad----Monterey G 4 Pop 550 solvane---Banta Barbara L Pop. onoma _____200 soooma EI 35 Pop. 801 .. " --------  n  50,000  Cal.)___  o  on-  124  Number under Name or Bank is the New Tran4ilt Number given to each bank in U. 8. exeluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers As 'n.  TOWN A. D COUNTY.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law (indexed) In back of this ;: volume. For Intere.t Rate!~olidays, etc .. ,ee Laws.1~  CALIFORNIA-Continued =---=-- - };IABILIT!~:~  · A)IE OP HA. K.  p V p tate •Mem.Arn. llks. Assn. •County Seats ICE· RESIDENT. RESIDENT. In No. 12 Fed. Res.'Dist. t fem. State Ilks . Assn. t Priv [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lis Los Angeles Branch l ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  CASHIER  •  Ass'T CASHIER  •  PAID-UP SURPLUS AND CAPITAL PR01-·1Ts  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  ~'  PRJ. CIPAL -CORRESPONDENTS .  l{Esouiw~:s.  o, •. j1.~•-•t: c'T8. Boso•.  DEPosI s T  I  OuH.t E:r, CJU]f0u,D011  ~  t1scvB.1TI.u  __  1  BANK OF ITALY- --------•§'17 90-104  1· ;·  KIYS --------R.B. TEEFY ----- F.A.FERROGGIARO A. Mgr, • • R SSI •. R ILLY F. W. WURSTER , J. BONA { Direct your clle nts to us. A. Jiu,.& Tr.Office, Titos. B. GOUGH Quick returns O n CoJlectlons. L. G. WORDEN,  San Joaqlrin r, p 0 i,--50 000 ' '  •Stockton  ViceCh.ofAdt.Bd. State Wide serv lee In California.  :in :b'.  l 1  210,040 $3 575 560' $3 692 500 $ 493,090 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y .: N. City, Chi.~ Anflo & Lon. Paris N .. San F.: Com'! N .. Los A..  JOHN RAGGIO ---- E. F. HARRIS- ------ F. A. MEYER------ L. BACIGALUPl-----L. C. SCHWARTZ G. H. HARRIS This bank offer s exceptional ban king service ~ In the San J'oa quln V llef. Your business wlll be appreciated.  500,000  306,UO 6,159,530 5,939,740  •tl'0!  *First National Bank __ •t"74 J. H. HouEh- ------ Louis Gerlach----- 11' . A.. OrambUtt.___ W. M. Fowler-----  105  0  *SACRgAo-M ENTOSAN JOAQUIN  • ':o!~K  •U '  88  *STOCKTON SA'l~rs BANK & LO 110-103  •U"51  J>~  --------:---1---· - i- ,- -  l  •  •  ~  Z  969,690 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anl?IO & Lon. Paris 1 ~ 1 rJJ N ., San F.  I  rJJ  J. A. Plummer ____ IC. E. Stewart__ ____ H. D, Magnuson ___ l  155,000'  147,000 ICont. & Com'I N., Oh1.: Crocker N., San F.  42,000 1,506,000 1,62, ,000  ____________________________ . ________ _______ _________ ________ James H. Hough __ W. N. Harrison. Sec. 1 ---------------- ------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Branch of Lrnw ure, al.) _________ _______ ----------------- J. W. Fitting.Mor. -------------------- (Bramch of Porterville. Cal.) _____ _________  F . • Jone· _______ P. E ..Mertz ________ C. E. Torp_________  100,000  1  100,000  19,710  ----  25,000  12,360  ,1 269,270 1  327,060  118,930  285,710  20,920  585,000J  256,940  P. M. Lansdale_ F. B.Hurhes _____ -----------------  50,000  24,000  623,000  J, B. Spaldin£ ______ C. H. BridEeS------ N. G. Mathew. ____ C. K. Hall C. B. Clark  196, 00  54,260  !131,340  R. D. Mayes _______ W. G. Culbreth ____ W. G. Culbreth ___ - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - ------------- -------------- C. Gillis------------------------------ ------------- J. M.Willi ams,Mg1• -------·------------------------------ -- -------- --------- .Z. Vancler Ilorck, II. E. Clark, A. Mgr. ~1Iy1·. Albert J.ncker ____ -------------------- Philip lar · _______ -------------------  I  Temecula __ River ide J 8 I<"irst ational Bank ---- • i'l4 .\Iahlon VaiL _____ G. A. Burnham--- , Edw. Gre nfil'ld. __ Edith U. <.recnlield Hueo Guenther 90- 811) Pop. 2 O L 'l' rra Bella __ Tulare B 7 ' First National Bank ____ .;t'll T. M. Gronen ________ -------------, F. O. Rickey------- -----------------j 90 -677 Pop. 500 Th rmal 1 ivu icle 8 oa h1•1la \'all •y t, to Hank It E.. 13,ack ________ \ . D. <l1!J -------- L. l. Iw rh,u-t' ____ --------- --------·•21 I !JO 53 · L -- l'Oll,  383,060  189,810 1,548,680 1.45-1,930  E. L. Reesft.. _______ E. D. Holly ______ ------------------  A. . L. Reed _____ E. D. Holly______  ~  N. A•• San F.  ___ ___  665,670 7,26-1,380 7,463.210  500,000  Cal.  1  acra mcnto, C ,al.) _____ _________ N. Park., N. Y.; Ft. Dear • .N., Chi.; \leUs ~ ev. N., Crocker N., and Anglo & .....FargoLon. Paris N., San F.  __ ___ _  E. L. WILHOIT--- A. W. SIMPSON--- T. E. CONNOLLY--- TH•• TH.. HHOELFMFEESRNAN  ~ 585,570 1st N., N. Y. and Ohi.; 1 t N, and Bk. of ~  402,210 1,292,710 1,37::i,260  General Bank tnc business tra n1acted. First and larg eat Bank In the San J'oaquln Val le7. Collectlona &1v en careful atten tlon.  ~sitBk .• •1 '06 E. O. Stewart_ _____ Union Safe 10 Stockton Olearinr House ____ George E. Catts __ (Mtnnbera indicaud b11 a.*) Bank of Lemoore.--•·•19 ----------------90 887 Pioneer Bank __________ •i1•13 ------------------90 -804 Bank of Suisun National As- R. D. I obhins, Jr. sodation __ 90-529------•t "7G Firat National Bank -----t'04 J.. L. Reed _ _ _ 110-530 Solano County Sn. Bk . U-04 E. L. Reese _______ 91Hi31 Bank of Bunnyva16---- •U'05 C. O.Spaldin£' ---~72 Bank of Lassen CountpU"DJ F. E. Humphrey -QH7!  Lassen Industrial Bank•U'l2 90-78" latter Oreek-Amador E 5 Bank of J.mador Oo, ___ ts'09 II0~7, Pop. !120 'I'afL _________ Kern H 7 First National Bank ____ •;t'l6 110-708 Pop. 8317 ~ ecnrityTrust Company•t§'l8 90- 70 Tehachapf-____ Kern 1 7 Bank of TehachapL---•:tl'92 90· &7& Pop. 451  0  Unequalled facilities for handling Collections in the San Joaquin ~a~y.  692,720 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. or Ill., Chi.; An2lo & Lon. Paris N., San JI'. (')  ►  200,000 '  FRANK A. GUERNSEY, W. E. MORRIS ------- -------------------- :.e:.c;A:~::~~~- -~~( R. W. COLE l'.l'. a11d .ll(Jr, A. J. ZITLAU Branch •of D W BEATIE BANK OF GOOD SERVICE" flNKBOttNER G'S : · ·  ..  I 1  I 400,000  Q0-109  Sanay-,ale-8. Olara D 8 Pop. ZOOO • u'fllle ___ Lassen O 6 Pop . Ill  o.,  *City Bank------------•U'82 IA. D. Rothenbush- G. E. Oatts---- ---- W. H. Lyons ______ W. N. Harrison ____ Q0-106  *COMMERCIAL & SAV. BK.  Stratford _____ Kin~s II 6 Pop. 500 Strathmore ___ Tulare G 7 Pop. 10:;o Saltun OitJ __ Solano R, Pop. 769  9 000000 $3913 240 ------- ________ 1st N., ... r. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi. For other correspondents see H. (Branch of "an Francis co)  ►  100,100  . Park, . Y.; Am. N. and Wells 1rargo-.i:·ev. ' N., San P.; 1st N .• Los A. Irving N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris .i. •• San F.; Secur. Tr. & a\'., Los A. Chase N .. N. Y.; Cal. N., Sacramento; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Mtle. •rr. Co., an F. Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Wells Farro-Nev. N., San F. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., Bk. of Cal .•.', A., and Am. ~ ., an F. ChaseN.,N. Y.;An2lo&Lon.ParisN., anF.  g :,.o ::J  0  i-,  ::r ~  ,;  3 n> -  1  971,230  174,930 Chem .• • .. T, Y.; 1st N .• Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A.., San F.; • Bk. of D. 0. :Mills & Co., Sarrampnto. 41,000 1,265,000' 800,000 33 ,000 N. Park, N. Y.: An!!'lo & Lon. Paris N and 150,000 1 Wells Fargo-Xev. N., San F. t (Branch of Jack son, Ca i,) _________ Mtle. N., San F. ' San , •. Crocker Ohi.: N., 1st Y.; N. City_.,, N. ___________ Cal.) rxfi,eld, (Branch of Bake F.; C1t1z. N., Los A. 'al.) ___ ·-------- '. Park, . Y.; Cont. & Com'l , .. Olli.: W •IL ~ (Branc11 of Bake rs_firl<l, $l) Fargo-. ·cw.~ .. an I?.; :;\lerch .• ' ., Lo' A. 82,420 N. Park. N. Y.: F~r. & Merch. N.~ Los A.: ::J 305,0JO 290.!550 42,750 25,000 Ane-lo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Sccur. Tr. C: $l) Co., Bakt•r:flclcl. ~ 88,400 Han. ., . Y .; Secor. Tr. < • Sav., Los A. 157,21i0 · 80,070 6,230 25,000 ~ I 1 40,000 Chase N .• N. Y.: Merch. N., Los A.; Well- _ 235,000 250,000 12,000 25,000 I \0 Far~o-Nev. .• San F. 2;;,000 __________________________________ \m .• ·., ·au Ji'.; Hellm:111 C'om'l 'fr. · av., t-:>  I  I  I  ,  -  Los,\.  WILLIAM R. STAATS CO.' Los ANGELES-SAN FRANCISCO-PASADENA. :!~p~r ~~IR~~~~~E~~~~~O·N~ oi:! Number under Name of Bank is the Ne" Traaslt Number a:iven to each bank in U. S. excluslvelf by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  Non-Bank Town wltll eare t ,H anking JJ,o ut Urr- ._. cces.), Lawyers, Law (indexed) in bark of thf · $l) For nt~re ·t Rate . Hol.da • tc. , ,see Laws. ~ 1mP..  dexed  I  '  I  I I  I  II :  I  !  1••  .  ;, ;  • I  •  ,, ;  • II  I  • •  ;  I  ,, • I  II  •11  I :  •  '  • .  .  ;  :  ' . I  VICJ:-PRJCSIDUT.  ;  •  •  0.A.SBIJ:R.  •  •  I  •  I ... I I :  •:,·  • I  I  .• :  :  Tomales------.M:arin E 2 Bank of Tomales. ______ if'i5 B. B. Hinshaw _____ Edwin Bean ______ . Paul G. Sholz ______ C. W. Parkm:m ___ . S 100.000 $ II . ltl ·. 776:060 $ 106,360 1st N. and Wells Fargo-.cTe_v. N.: San F. Pop. ,oo ~78 \Y, Y. Caporgno Torrance.Los Angeles I 7 First National Bank----•t'l3 James W. Post_ ___ G. W. Neill _______ G. W. Neill. _____ •• --···········-Ill II 111 276.500 75.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. 25.000 L Pop. 1800 90-800 Tracy_. an Joaquin F 4 American Bank:·-···-·•H·10 A. Grunauer ___ J. D. VanOrmer __ A. R. Arnold·-··· T. 0. Moore •• ·-··- 150.000 9 .980 Anglo - Lon. Paris .l. • and Wells Fargo Nev. 50,000 982.750 1.073,560 Pop. 2t50 90-459 ·., an F.; City, tockton. , L. O. Stark 1 C. s. Selna 93.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Am. Bant of Tracy •••••.•. •tl'09 A. B. Arleie:h ··-·· William Schmidt .. 0. B. Boot--·· J.C. Canale...... 17,500 875,000 100.000 900.000 !l0---458 N .• San F. E.C.Hannum Tranqnillity __ Fresno G 6 First ~Tational Bank.--.•:l:'19 E. E. Slater•••••••• J.E. Tuttle-•••••• A. s. Fuqua·-·-· M. C. Machado-·-4.500 125,000 2-15,000 25,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N •. San F.: l t N. and 50,000 Fidelity Tr. & , av .• Fresno. Pop.100 90-897 W. J. Williams Tulare •••••••• Tulare C--8 :Farmers tate B:rnk •... 1•21 W. D. Cook·-····-· R. C. turgeon ·-·· Ros, C. OdelL •.••• ·-·--·----··-----··75.000 --·····-· ···-·---- 1,•--·--·-- ·------ \Yell- Farl!O·~Tev. ·.. an F.; GrowPr.- ~T .. Fresno; :.\lercl1 . .1:•., Los A. Pop. 3500 (') 9G-949 J. K. Macomber \Y. E. McCalli ! er 100,000 J()l, 00 1.200,000 1,050.000 300,000 Chase . . r •• N.Y.; Crocker N ., San F .. Com'l N .. '. ~ First National Bank .... •t•oz H. ll. Shren-····- W. .K. Dunlap-.. - A. C. Rosenthal •••• 0. C. Rush -·---·-· I Lo A. _ 00-354 F.L. Rumley 98.600 1,367,250 l.10M90 513.260 Ir\'ing ... T.; .... •• Y.; It ... •... hi .. Fte'JH) ancl "J:lc National Bank of Tulare•t'85 L. L. Abercrombie G. F. Gill·---·· W. P. Williams •••. J.M. .Allen_••••••• 100,000 90-353 I I Los.\.; AnJ?lo & Lon. Paris .• t:ian ~ O 25,000 13,330 267,520 263,240 42,610 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Aog-10 & Lon. Paris .. Savings Bai~-iilulare •• 1•13 L. L. Abercrombie. A. Peterson •••••••• W. P. Williams.-•• -········--·······  I  75.000  1  75,000  1  '  Turlock-Stanislaus C 11 Commercial Bank •••• _•it·06 Pop. 3394 00-445 •· " First ~ational Bank--.•t·1 90-322 •••• •••• Peoples State Bank •••• •n•o7 96-446 Tu tin •••••••• OranEe J 8 First National Bank·-·--•·12 L Pop. 2000 90·72~ •U ki. h ••• Mendocino D 2 Commercial Ban.11: ..•.... ••·oa Pop, 2305 II0-405 li'ir t ·ational Bank -···•t'74 96-404 av. Bk. of Mendocino Co. 96-406 •U •03  Howard Whipple •• T. B Whipple ••••• L. T. Brown-···-· W.W. Ferguson ••• Howard Whipple-· T. B. Whipple ••• __ L. T. Brown •••.••. W.W. Ferguson._ J. E. Weaver·--··· Edrar Baxter ...... R. E. Weaver •••••  100.000 50.000  20,000  300,000  350,000  eu t ••••••• A. D . .__t•ott ••• - •••• ~y.Ta.rlor •• -••••••.  50,000  38,270  572,500'  481,320  100.000  26,180  !!i6,690'  066.800  . I. \V. mit h C, E. Utt.·----··-·· John Dunstan ••••• C. A. Vance ••• _. Wm. LoinberEer --· W. P. Thomu ..... G. W,  Vallejo ••••••• Solano B 8 Pop. 21,lOi  H. T. Hopper •• __ F. C. Albertson-... C.H. Duncan .• _.•• R. E. Gibson---··· J. 11. Mannon .... J. L. McCracken .. A.. L. Tracy ....•.. Wm. Bromley ...•.  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  IL H.  c. Moore •••••••  ---···-··-·-  c.  Moore •• _ •• _ E. B. Harrison-··· Ruth :.\I. Duncan H. S. Wilson ••• --. C. D. Du Vall •• _••• A. . Barr E. J. Oox.-·•···-- Jas. R. McCrory •••  50.000  25.130  696,080  6-12.460  25.000  18,940  373,730  390,500  "~  124.4-10 Bk. of )tl. ~ •.  <'\"  Well  Fargo-.i.: • ,, .... ,, aucl  an F. 349,450 Cha ·c . . ·., ..._•. Y.: 1st r.,' Chi; I ,\111 ....  l,. .,  176,810 Wells Fari?O-Ne.v. N. and Crpcker N .. ,all F.; onuma Co. . , P taluma. 69.370 Chase N .. N. Y.; Ang-lo&Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. • A.. an F.: Cal. N .. Sacramento. 165,580 ..... Bk. Com .. •. Y.: 1 t ' .. lstFederalTz:.Co .. and Am. an F.; N. Bk. of D. 0. 1h11 c· Co., acramento, 25.120 Am. N .. San F.; Hellman Com·1 Tr. & Sav., Los A. , • . . 165 510 Chase N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com l ., Chi.: ttz, N .. Los.A.: Anglo&Lon.Pari · ... •.,LanF. 122.750 Irvini= N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com•1 N .• 'Chi: Citiz. ., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San It'. 127,300 Irving N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Anilo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. N • .A .• anF. 4-i.970 Irvini= N .. N. Y.; 1st N., San F. T ..  60.000 50.000 100,000  1  I  49,120  652,490  676,220  25,560  580.700  496,300  71,iOO  917,310  961,720  •  50,000  24.190  306,600  G. c. Linn •••. ·-·-·  25,000  22. 700  349,580  ( L. G. HARRIER .. W. J_ TORMEY -- T G. HOLLABAUGH L. R. COLEMAN.-.. CENT RAL BANK .......•+§'16 <.l ne1diaiik Id entllied with loc a 1 enterprise. I. C. BRYCE  175.000  40,530 1.888,510 I .793.670  186.720 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com•l Chi.; 1st .c 1 • and Bk. of Italy, Sm F.  R. W. GRIFFIN .. GEO. R"' CADAN .. __ J. E. HAMLEN.-- C. N. BESSAC---··.. P. STErFEN A. J. SMITH FIi IT .AT 'L &&II " -···••09 Oldest and Larg est Natlooa1 Bank lo Solano County. { FEE IN ADVANCE: ight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c mtnimtim charge if 90-151  100,000  68.190 2,117,630 2,179.590  183,710 Ohase N. and Corn Ex., N, Y.: Jl'.: 1st N ., Oakland.  90-153  H. Jr. Fowler·--  392.630 1  190,850  { Prompt attenU on to all banldn g matten.  No advance char oe on B-L Drafts and Notes.  .  100,000  43,580 1,383,5001 1,336,540  Vallejo Co~~isiial  100,000  33,630 1,053,940 1.061,100  at•;ffs W. K. Cole.___ D. Brosnahan.-- B. C. B7rne..- · - C. F. George ••••••  26,750 1 t N., San F.; Capital .N., Sacramento.  to > Z ~  I  00 ~  o  3 ll,)  .....  Cl> (I)  r+  0 _.... "'~  ;-  o· 1  .1: .,  paid.  First Savinis Bank .....U'09 R. W. Griffin·-·-·· G. R. Cadan. ___ J. L. Kern .••• ·-··· A. J. Smith-···00-152 . , Phillip Steffan ValleJo Ban~fflvmi •H 89 W. K. Cole •••••••• D. Brosnahan •••••• B. C. Byrne •••••.. C. F. Georie ··--·-  !  z_~  >  an F.  289.410 lla~l, ... • .• .l., , •• : Am. N. and Bk. of Italy, San [t,; Cum IN .• Lo. ,\. 1 50,000 Han ... · ..... •. Y.; 1 t . . T., Lo,,,\. '  H.F. Fowler.----· G. C. Linn-··-----·  ,,  I  25,000 1.800,000 1.064,000 5!,310 1,155,160 1.014.200  on -··  Upland .. San Bernardino Citizens Savings Bank.•U'OG W. T, Leeke••••••. R. O. Norton····-· L Pop. 2912 I 8 II0-386 •· " C;ommercial National Bank E.W. Paul ........ R. a.Norton. _ _ II0-38' •!'08 ,\. P. Harwood ........ First National Bank .... •:•05 Chas. V. Barr •• __ A. Podrasnik •••••• II0-885 R. F. Lemon Vacaville ••••• Solano E 4 ,!Jank of Vacaville ••••• C. M. Hartley ••••. E. H. Thurber .•••. Pop. 1254 . . 00-473 F1rstNat1onal Rank •••.• •no . P. Dobbins .•••_ Geo. A . .Arnold .•. 06-474 Vacaville SavinEs Bank.U·10 S. P. Dobbins •••••• Geo. A. Arnold ..•. 96-475  •u·sa  n. R ..\ndl'r  43,600 1,116,930 1.039,870  60-,000  1 ,500  697,760  7-13.490  34,130 A.m. N .. San F.~ 1st Sav .. Oakland. 19l.060l OaklandBk.,of av.,Oakland: Bk-ofcal. •. . and Wells Fargo-Nev. T·• San F. _ 208,070 Ch~m. ~•· . Y.; 1st • •• Chi.; Wells l<'ariO· ~ ev. .• an F. 01  ......,. __ ,.. __ ..:-...-  Non-Ban  dexed  76  A T"':.TT A  -d•  126  Number Name of Bank ia Uie New Trail.lit Number civen t.o each bani in U. 8. excluslvelJ by The Band-McNallJ Bankers' Dlreetory, unde.. the autborftJ of The American Bankers A 'n.  COUN;;:;-  T~~ND N:ME 01' ll.A.NK. •Cf'untr Seats. •Mem. Am . Ilks.Assn. iState I N.~o 12 Fed Res Di t iMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. lnis Los Ane-eies Branch: ♦Mem. Fed. Hes. ~ t a b . ~tllPY Ford.8onom·a B 7 Dairymans Bank ______ eif'll! Pop. 100 . 0H80 , Yan Nays Los Anrelesl7 FlrstNationalBank:. ____ •i 12 L Pop. 4000 . . 00-728 , Yenice •• Los Anfeles J 7 *First National Bank. __ •: 12 L Pop. 10,385 .. 110-733 , " Ocean Par\~f \--------112 1 6 Venice Saviors Bank ••• - 1'05 ~81  *(Member Santa Monica Cl  ::__-  p  RESIDENT.  ---J. D. Wilhams ____ . R. E. Whitley _____ . A. L. Shipley ______  T'"" A  Non-Bank Towns with Banldn1 Point (In· dexed Acces.), LawyerskLaws (indexed) in back of this ~lume. For Interest ates, Holldays, etc., see Laws. ~ L1-:.::eii:iTiis:-- -  ---O.A.SBIJCR.  n-n~  "°'  CALIFORNIA-Continued  v IC.It-PRESIDENT.  T  • .  ASST 0 .t.SHIU.  PAID-UPI  SUJU>Lua N  RESOURCES.  PRINCIPAL OoaRJ:SPOND&NT8.  DEPos- Lo..... n.. C••••"'·  ~:.°:;:,.~  -----  -----~=.: C. A. LeBaron, -  ---CAPITAL PR~F:;.8 ITS ~ . , :.. A. M. J. Baclashe •• S 100,000 $ 71,030 S 821,710 S 893,940 S 98,800 1-Am.,....--.-=-N~.-.-ls-t--,N::-:-••-a-n_d_.A_n_r_lo_&_L_o_n_._Pa_r-is-N-., 1 Cash. and Mgr. San F. M.H Sherman----- L. E. Bliss _ _ _ Paul F. Shepard__ 100,000 50,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 350,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Crocker N., San JI'.: lstN. C. T. \Ya_rdlaw . C. A. Barker, Jr. and Oitiz. N., Los A. R. A. Phillips ____ E. K. Carner ______ C. W. Erdlen______ 50,000 15,000 660,000 500,000 100,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Merch. N .• Los A. W. D. Newcomb -------------------- -------------------- H. Hertel. Mar. ____ _____________ (Bronc1~ of Owi n Pa,r1', Cal.) _ _ _ _ _ Merch. N. and Secur. N., Los A.; Am. N .. San F. A. L. Shipley _____ R. A. Phillips __ c. W. Erdlen ______ E. K. Carrier______ 25,000 10,000 500,000 410.000 15,000 Merch. N .. Secur. Tr. & Sav .. and Hellmanl _ W. D. Newcomb Com'l Tr & Sav Los A '" -  earino House) ------------ JOHN LAGOMARSINO J. H. CHAFFEE,  .  •  "  •  >  J. A. LAGOMARSINO . 9.000,000 3,913,240 - - - _ _ _ - - - 1st N .• N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi. For other Ice In California . .Mgr. and Tr. Officer NEILL BAKER (Branch of San Francis co. Cal.) correspondents see H. o .. San F. nts to us. f. ft. BLISS ~ n Collections. O J. I. Argabritc ____ EdrarW. Carne .•• Andrew W. Olsen.. 300,000 60,000 814,710 1,187,560 152,410 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.: Wells J'arro- ~ Nev. N .. San ll'.;Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. .~ Felix W. Ewinr ... J ... 1. Argabrit<'---- Edrar W. Carne __ Chas. H. Carne--70,000 8,000 285,510 340,360 24,710 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. '~ J.B. Leoni·------- \Y. J. Boyle _______ Ray J. Folks ______ A. L. HiJL________ 25,000 5,500 460,000 865.600 140,000 Cont. & Com'! N •• Chi.; M:erch.N., Los A.;Am. •• an F. t-r1 w J.B. Leonis ________ J. J. Doyle ________ ;LL. Hill __________ R. J. Folks-------50,000 33,200 481,700 445,200 119,700 Chathaxr & Phenix ., N. Y.; Lt .N"., Chi.; 1st 00 _N .. San F.: Citiz. N .• Los A. E. E. Richardson __ B. T. Ergenbright. E. S. Goble _______ Marjorie Richard25,0 5,S00 201.000 195,000 42,000 Liberti N., N. Y.; Merch. N .. Los A.: Am. N,, ._. Henry Koch J.C. Turner. V.-P. son San Bernardino. n S. Mitchell _______ W. H. palding ____ C. M. Griffith ______ C. E. Couihran....... S00,000 123,000 1,937,580 2,180,U0 378,700 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .. Chi.: Anrlo & Cll c. T. Lawless. H. Mitchell Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.: 1 j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A_ . .;:..a.....:...h_._J:...;.:....:Rcc..'-' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Far. & Merch. N .. Los A.  •Ventura ____ Ventura 11! BANK OF ITALY --------•§'18 State Wide serv L Pop. 4342 90-342 { Direct your cue Quick returns o " First National Bank •••• •i·o, Felix W. Ewinr •••  II0-5'4  Home Sninrs Bank-----1'04  •m ational Bank ___ . ,19  Vernoo_Loo Angele 12 First (LOB Anoclt , P.O.) 90 78 J. Pop. 1005 Industrial and av~r.rfi 8 Victorville ••••• an Ber- First National Bank----•i·11 nardino.L.Pop. 800 •• I 5 90-860 •Yi ·aJia _______ TnlareG II First ~ational Bank----•i'03 Pop. 5753 90-2119  ~8~~1  NATIONAL BANK  \\' !nut Ore k ___ Contra Oo ta Pop. 53 ____ B 8 •• " WalnutGroTe •••• _Sacramento _Pop. 500 •• E 4  >  z  c. J. 0' 0011185 ____  J. F.  aiesoN------ ~-. t PJBf:-x:c~  •i'74  e.  Producers Sav. Bank •• •il'0f> 90-270 Yi alia Savini:s Bk. ·Tr.Co. 110-268 •U'91 First National Bank-----•i'l2 00-760 an Ramon Valier Bk .• •il'07 Oo-682 Bank of Alex.Brown.•:11900 ~83  The oldest, strongest and largest banking institution In 200, Tulare County We do a general banking bualn••• Prompt,· efficient service on Collectlona. · S. Mitchell ________ II. M.  looney ----IC._M. Griffith----- C. K. Oouehnn_____ l)Ils R. Green.A. C. Jos. R. Barbom, L. C. Hyde--------- R. E. Hyde -------- 0. J. Giddinrs ----- ---·------------  -  IZS,000 1,7'15,0 O 2,420,000 285,0 -  --- --- ---  6,000 1,200,950 1,270,100  200,000  40,000 I,lS0,000 1.249,000  25,000  3,500  210,000  180,000  N. S. Boone _______ Arthur Burton ____ F. A. MarshaJL_ M.A. Ridgway ___ _ H. H. Daley Alex. Brown ______ A. A. Brown - - - John S. Brown ___ A. 0. chumacher -  75,000  15,940  741,520  708,590  125,000  57.250 1,834.69\l 1,410,470  _________________ : __ J. S. McCain, Mar. ------------------- (Branch of BaJce r8Mld,  Cal.) __  Harry J. Wood---- R. ll. Peck _________ G. Peck: ___________ _  30,000  3,000  85,000  37.000  L. W. anborn _____ W.R. Radcliff _____ - - - - - - -  100,000  127,040  586,050  408,000  1. ~f. Lettunich ••. G. M. HabeL _____ E.W. Mc Sherry 0. F. Langley------ • L. H. Lope ------C. A. PalmtaeC. F. Lani:ley ______ L. II. Lope ______ C. A • Palmtu E . . llockius.------ 1W.R. Radcliff _____  H. M. Taylor______  100,000  10,000 _____ _ _ _  G. E. Wilson-----J. . Dondero Geo. E. Wilson---J. . Dondero --------------------  100,000  186,210 1.954,860 1.339,310  50,000  73,840 1,172,200 1,125,200  50,000  63,620 1,046,170  J. W. iler -------1Paul Blythe ________ -------------------  35,000  6,940  430,780  377,550  Herb rt Gray ______ M. K Gray, Sec .••• _______________ _ ' IL 1'. lark------- W. J. We t_ _______ B. W. We t _______ _ W. II. Kini.!  25,000  10,000  175,000  125,000  25,000  52,000  850,000  873,000   umber undH Name or Bart is the New Transit Number ,:iven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-HcNally Bankers' Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisDJ.rectory, under the authority of The American Banker A •n.  CALIFORNIA-Continued  990,530  n '<  N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 11& Jlf.. Chi.; 1 N. a nd ecur. Tr. & av., Lo■ A.; 1st "%j N. and Wella Farso-Ne.. N., San F. 0  - - - -110,820 - - Anrlo & Lon. Paris  150,000  J. S. Garberson --- C. G. Goold ________ Armand Stow----- --------------  Wasco __________ Kern H 6 First National Bank •••• •t'l2 --- --------------Pop. 00 90-745 \\'aterrord tani la F 5 ommcrcial · :l\'iuc llank Geo. H. ~ awyer ---Pop. 500 U0-935 § '20 Watsonville •• anta Cruz Bank ofWatsonville ••• •it'74 H. S. Fletcher ____ Pop. 5013 :K II 00-2 0 Fruit Growor at. Bk •. t'20 G. S. Easterday -90-917 Pajaro Valley Nat. Bank•i'88 W. R. Porter-----90-282 Pajaro Valier avine-s Bank W.R. Porter ______ 90-281 •U-88 Watsonville Savings Bank H. S. Fletcher _____ 00-283 •WOO w tf ___ Lo ADl!:eles l llF, rm rs & lerchant Bank. 0. R. Church _____ l ve"ille.Trinitr Pop. 45211 G0-118~ •t '09 •\ C 2 Trinity County Bank •• •11000 C.H. Edwards _____ POD, 750 90-685 WP 1L ______ i kiyou ll 3 Fir t ational Rank.- •• •:•1 0 J. L Whit ------Pop. 000 !I0-686 1 Wr t BPrkl'IP.) - - - - <~~ce. n.. c:...rkrc.;.;lc.11.;,>_.__....___.......  127  <  ~ok~A\\Vl11-  JNO. MICHEL, A.C. A. A.FLUETSCH  Of VISALIA 90-267  >  ~  N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., 0. San F. ..,.. 125,000 lit N. and Wells Fa11?0-Nev. N., San F.: N, Bk. 0 of Visalia, Visalia. • 35,000 Am. N., San 11'.  123,590 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ane-Io & Lon. Paris N .. San F.: 1st N., Oakland. 579,220 N, City, N, Y.; Cal. N .. Sacra!Dento: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Anglo & Lon. Pan_ N., and Wells Far~o-Nev. N .. San F. - - - N. City, - , Y.; ecur. Tr. & av., Lo A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San II'. 66,00 Sacramento- an Joaquin. lode to; 1st • ·., anF. 370,080 Kountze bros., N. Y.: 1st N .. Los A. and San JI'. -------- Han. N., N. Y,: Wells Fari:o-Nev. N .• San. F.  ~  ~  ..+  •.•➔•  w tD  ;_!. tD  -  ~  573,520 Irvine N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.; N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.:Anrlo&Lon.Pari1 N.,SanF. 135,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Anglo-Cal, Tr. Co., ~ San F. ::, 169,160 1st •. Bk. of Cal. . A. and 1st Fedora! Tr. c Co .. , an F.; Cal.. .. acramento. su 04.390 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st .N., Los A.; Wells Farro- ""' Nev. N., San F. ~ 65,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Bk. of 0&1. N. A., San 11',1•  ~  77,500 Guara~ty Tr. qo. and Irvine- N .. N: Y.: Cont.& Com I N.,Chi.: Anrlo& Lon. Paris N., an F. -  Non-Bank Towns '\\-ith Nearest nldng olnt (Indexed Acee .), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  127  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in u. s. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers• Dire~,- ~ the authority of The American Bankers A s•n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  NAllE OF BA.NK.  &Oonnty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState PRB:SIDJCNT. VICJt-PRJtSIDENT. ?o.12 Fed. Re . Dist. iMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Lis Los Angele Branch +:Mem. Fed. Re. (E-tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rate , Holidays, etc., see Laws. :::,  CALIFORNIA-Continued CASHIO. 1  Ass'T 0.A.SHID.  _______ _______ 1 1  'ii>  ===  LIABILITI&.S. RESOURCES. P.uD-lJ'P SU&PLUII D•PO&- ......... Da, o.... • h-  c  IT "'  A1'D  .t..L Pao:rr111  ITII  ~  PRINCIPAL CORKDPONDDTS,  ~  -.»-  1~ e..... ..._, ...... . . , . _ noahm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  ~  Imperial Valley Bank __ •t '18 ________ ---------------- H.J. Ing-ram, Mgr. ------------- (Branch of Braw le11,Cal.) Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st N.,I 90-879 Los A.: Bk. of Cal. N. A .• San F. 1 IWestwood ational Bank .W. J. Walker _____ F. L. Walker ______ A.G. Graham ______ ------------------ $ 50,000 S 10,000 $ 150.000 $ 100,000 $ 110,000 N. City, . Y. and Chi.; Anglo & Lon, Paris 90-937 •:!:'20 R. F. Pray N., an F.; Capital N., Sacramento. Farmers Bank _________ eif'74 A. C. Starner ______ 1Price Blackford ___ Roy Smith------- --------------88,400 17,000 435,000 395,000 102,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and .Bk. of Cal. N, A.,Sao ~88 F.; N. Bk. of D. 0. Kills & Co.. Sacramento. Community Bank ....... • '10 1C. C. Barr ________ O. H. Barr _______ Fred Pease. _______ D. P. Mitchell_____ 125,000 12,500 445,600 454,990 62,340 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & av. 1 90-911 Bk,, Los A. F. W. HADLEY ____ JOHN CROOK----- H. L. PERRY------ L. C. WICKER------- 150,000 81,850 1,483,940 1,620,690 190,880 OhaseN .• ~ ..Y.: Cont.&Com'l N.,Chi.;Merch. O FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. M. DAVIDSON N. and Citiz. N., Los A.; 1st N. and Am. N .. 1 Unequaled racU lties for making Collections. We solicit 90-your Items on Whit tluand vlclnJty, San F. 272 • 1900 ~ Prompt remltta nee. Intelligent attention to all Ban.king matters. Corresp ond enc e Invite d. ~ Home Suin~s Bank.--•U'0S Geo. L. Hazzard ___ A.H. Dunlap ______ W. E. Butler ____ -------------90,000 80,554 1,349,150 1,331,200 188.500 Whittier N., Whittier; Far. &Merch. N, and 90--275 A. C. 1ohnson 1st N., Los A.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. t%J WHITTIER NATIONAL BANK A. C. Johnson ____ A.H. Dunlap _____ 0. B. Johnson _____ H. Demarest_______ 100,000 109,910 1,161,430 1,218,390 241.360 N. Parle, N. Y.; Wells Farro-NeT. N., San F. 0 . 0()_-273 •i:01 C. B. Johnson , ~ Wh1tt1er Sannrs Bank•U 03 A. C. Maple ________ W. H. Crook. ______ C. A. Carden _______ W. E. Frantz______ 150,000 60,000 1,310,000 1,190,000 102,000 Ban. N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Los A.; Anrlo · .i -, •. . lu .~274 , + Lon. Paris N .• San F. ~ \ ilham _____ oo sa D 1 Bank of Wllhams------•U 92 B. 0 . Stovall _______________________ J'. K. Su,nll ____ B. L. Fouch-----100,000 50,600 1,066,600 790,100 427,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; WeU, J'arro-Ne-r. )> Pop. 800 ~gg N., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co.,Sacramento. illit ___ )(endocino D 2 Bank of Willits--------•U-04 W. A.. S. Foster __ P. I. Lancaster ___ W. B. BaechteL••• B. M. Burke ______ _ 50,000 43,000 596,470 5-i7,890 140,530 1. W. Selirman & Co., N. Y.; hrlo A Lon. C, ' Paris N., San F.; Bk. of Ukiah, Ukiah. )> .. Pop. 146 .. . • . 90--890 , Margarete.Jensen Fir t - atio~~ Wnk .•.• •i 14 W. T. Saxon _______ G. A. Smart ________ H. B. Ramsey _____ M. H. Haskett_ ___ _ 12,500 400,000 360,000 90,000 Crocker N., San II'. 50,000 8 •Willows _____ Glenn DI Bank of Willows-----•U-80 B. B. Rurton ____ F. Moody __________ P.H. Green _______ C.R. Wickes .... __ 300,000 403,150 2,718,820 3,266,530 155,210 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Oo. of Ill., Ohi,; ~ Pop. 2190 90-476 Bk, of Oal. N. A .. San F. E. M. Garrison " " First Natio~~,rk·----•'10 Frank :'11oody______ G. A. Gutman _____ L. I. Reed _____ H. R. Lindber,: ___ _ 36,500 550,000 800,000 120,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; lstN .. 9hi.; Bk.ofCal.N.A., ·75,000 San F.:N.Bk.ofD. 0. M1lls&Co., Sacramento.,<'.! Glenn Coung-4~nk ... •U'll F. B, Glenn. ______ H. J. Ba.rceloux __ W. K. Hatch ______ W. C. Nichol __ 53,000 705,000 964,000 110,190 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep,, Chi.; 1st N., Sanl <: 200,000 F.; Cent. ., Oakland. \Yilm in~ton, Los Aurelea First National Bant ____ .:·os 0. B. Eubank ___ G. O. Flint_ _______ D. O. FohL _______ Paul Eubank ______ _ 15,000 800,000 455,000 110,000 Ininr N .. N. l .; 1st N. and Far. & Merch. 50,000 en LOI A.; Seab. N,, San 11'. ,.... L Pop. 2200 J 2 . . go-591 E. W. lark Winter _______ Yolo A 9 O1t1zens Bank _______ eif'07 J.E. Sackett _____ J. H. Griffin. _____ W. S. Baker _____ R. E. Watson ___ _ 15,000 297,670 281,340 126,600 Irving N., N. Y.; Cal. N., Sacramento: b1lol 100,000 ~ Loa, Paris l'i., San 11'. o Pop. 903 90-S0S First Natioi~rttr ____ •i-tl H. J. Fitz _______ Wm. Brinck ... ____ J. A. Henderson ___ Lulu B. Wyatt ____ _ 20,000 221,290 220,300 75,000 29,660 Irv1nr N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Am. N,, 11'.: Cal. N .. Sacramento. ;" Savinrs Banko-of Winters H. J. Fitz _________ Wm. Brinck ______ J. A. Henderson ___ Lulu B. Wyatt ____ _ 10,030 106,630 128,060 3,810 lit N. and Am. N., Saa B', 25,000 ::, om u·n Woodlake _____ Tulare G 6 First National Bank _ _ ·12 J.B. Blair ________ O. R. Luton ______ w. S. Bean _______ W. B. Millett _____ _ 2,310 119,910 134,890 14,140 Ban. N., N. Y.: Am. N., San 'I, 25,000 f Pop, 250 110-777 A. P. Haury 92,310 807,320 1,168,320 58,540 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N,, San F.; N. Bk. of D. 0 •Woodland.---- Yolo E 4 BANK TOFN WLOODLAND J. L. Stephens __ c. Q. Nelson ____ J. I. McConnell ___ H. D. Porter ______ _ 200,000 O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. ~ Pop. 41-li NA 10 A ASSOCIATION L. H. Stephens E. C. Cooper 90-328 •i-68 " 51,910 1,685,690 1.926,050 132,840 Laidlaw & Co .• N. Y.: t N .• Ohi.: Bit. of Cal. C:: " Bank of Yolo----------•U'8S 0. W. Bush ______ G. N. Merritt ______ 0. L. Richmond __ K. B. Huward ___ _ 330,000 N ...... Saa 11'.; N. Bk. of D. o. Mills A Oo., C" 90--330 R. W. Bro ninr H. B. Crego Sacramento. D> First National Bank ____ .i·o111A. c. Huston ______ E. E. Gaddis _______ J . D. Barlinr----- R.H. Schluer _____ _ 125,000 52,310 925,160 914,950 292,450 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Cal. N .. (') Sacramento: An2lo & Lon. Paris N .. San F. 90-332 M. 0. Barlinr, E. A. Bullard P. G. Friday ..+ . Mgr. I w. M. Apperson Home Savin~s B ank _____ f'09 D. A. McGriff ______ ,n, B. Guile ________ J'. D. Harlinr ____________________ _ 175,000 71,920 2,069,340 1,970,940 341,770 Wells Farro-Nev.N., San F.; 1st N., Woodland.'< 110-331 M:. O. Harlinr, Mgr. T. D. Cummins Yolo Countyo-Sav. Bank .. nl J. L. Stephens _____ c. Q, Nelson _______ J'. I. McConnell, _______________ _ 200,000 110,690 2,061,830 2,150,510 139,700 Equitable Tr. Oo., N. T.; Kerch. Ln. •Tr.Co,, Ohi.; Anrlo A Lon. Paris N., Saa B. D 329 • ec. 28,090 .Merch. N ., Los A. 12,030 197,060 215,510 25,000 Yorba Linda __Oran(le J 3 First National ~nk ----•*'16 Lester Keller ______ c. H. Hamburg ____ J. W. Hargrave ____ -------------9 L ______ Pop. S1skiyou 800 . t N at1ofa . ~~i"'n k•.... • .."'T;:i V. E. Warrens ____ Tho. Jones _______ E. V. Harmon _____ ---------------90,000 Irvini N., N. Y,; 1st N .. San F.; Capital N., 21,340 516,100 301,530 •Yreka B 3 Firs 50,000 Sacramento. 83 Pop. 1277 . ,., . . . First ~avmg0--Bk ~_. . of 1sk1you B. K. Wadsworth_ o. R. Gillis _______ II. F. Iffland ______ L. R. Holder _____ _ 16,800 718,000 700,000 105,000 Wells J'arro-NeT. N., 1st N., brio as Loa. 72.000 Paris N., and Orocker N., Saa I'.; Cent. N., County__ 9v--. 80 ------•:!:1'09 Oakland. 8i1kiyou Oog~rlank_•U,82 r. B. Wadsworth_ J'. P. OhurchilL-- R. L. Ilolder ______ K. Iffland _________ _ 100,000 139,430 553,470 708,510 224,090 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: Wells Farro-NeT. N. and A.nclo & Loa. Paris N., San :r.; Cal. N., Sacramento. •Yuba City ____ Sutter D 4 First Natioi~r:nk ____ •:·12 0, R. Boyd ________ B. F. Walton ______ G. T. Boyd ______ E. C. Littleton __ _ 74,190 1,901,030 1,893,700 199,480 1st N ., San F. 50,000 Pop. 1708 . Bk . i_f u tter C~!1~ t Y C.R. Boyd ________ B. F. Walton _____ IG. T. Boyd ______ E.T. Hughes ___ _ 39,650 1st Federal Tr. Oo., Su "B. Savm~s E. C. Littleton 64,250 531,300 552,890 25,000 1 9 74 8 n 12 E.T. Hughe Westmorland ___ imperial L Pop. 300 K 10 Westwood ____ Lassen C 5 Pop. 4100 Wheatland-----Juba E 4 . . Pop. 43::> Whither.Los Aneeles I 2 L Pop. 7997  >  Z  I  ·•I  3 Saal""'  ~  ;. ;•· ·r,·,;,. STAATS co ., LOS ANGELES· SAN f RANCISCO· pASADENA. WILLIAM.;1R· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES  MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE coRPORAr10N soNos  e.a.  .._T__ .., __ -'-•-  Non-Bank Town dexed Ace '  t I •  :  I  .  f  I  t  . •  ~  f  I  I\  I  I  v.Ith  c  'ea  •  Nou-  126  Number ~ • Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number ·ven w each bani lll U. B. exchul el7 by The Band-McNan7 Banfers' Dlreetorr, ~nder the autborlt7 of The .American Bankers As 'n.  Non-Bank To  CALIFORNIA-Continued  dexed Acces.), La -·· .....or Interes --p-  128  Number under Name or Bank ill the New Trandt Numb• ainn w each bank in U. 8. exclnslYely by The &and•HcNally Banllera• Dlr~torr, under the authorlt7 of T_!J-e _A.m~c~n ~nkera AH._..  COLORADO  TOWN AND COUNTY,  N AllE OF BA.NK. •Oounty Seats. •Yem.Am. Bks. Assn. IS ta te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Entire tate in .. To.10 tMem. tateBks. Assn. tPriv. Fed.Res~merBr. ♦)!em . Fed. Res. [K tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  I'  LIA.BILITIES.  CA.SHIER.'T GA.SHIER.  ________ ________ 1 1  PAID-UPISuaPiusl  c  Non-Bank Towns w th eares Banklu Point- (In-. dexed Acces.), La :rers, Laws (index d) 1il bac · of thf, .... volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday·, tc., s e Ll • RE OURCES~  ;x~ awuau,Dnl  DEPos- 1.o..,.,;;..,. c.... ,. A.ND c'To. Bo!l1>8, A.PITA.L Paor1Ts l ~ HIIOVarna■ , no■ B...,..  3,000  Arallar __ LasAnimas K 15 First State Bank ------•:t '10 W. T. Emberton ______________________ L. M. Valle _____ N. J. Valle________  25,000  7,500  290.090  236,610  Ina Wooden.  15,000  lll,220  83,380  95 ,920  R. A. Shook _____ J.B. Fisher ________ H. E. Barnhart_ __ _  30,000  15.000  150,000  20,0001 40,000  6,il0  82-206  ational Bank_•t'l6  82-358 IF armers State · Savings Bk. 1  c. A. Wilson _______ L. H.  fyers _______ J. G. Sutton _______ C. M. Sutton _______________________ _  82-406 :t§'l9f First National Bank----•:l:'07 I aac Pelton _____ W. P. Logan _______ W. C. Logan ______ Joseph Palmer, Jr. 82-168 Jt'. P. Cooley R. o. J.rerry, Jr.  •Al&mosa __ Alamosa K 11 Pop. 317  ALAMOSA NAT'l BANK 82-85  .  7-1.090 Oomw.  ,. Kan. C.: 'J'rinidad N .. Trinidad.  J  .. .\kron_WashinrtonO19 Bank of Akron - - - - - - - - • t ' 8 7 • - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - George Murray ____ Mi POD, 144 82-167 I Citizens  00  PRI.'.'iCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS. -  1 65,000 $ 56,000 1$ 13,500 _C_e_n_t._S_a_v,;.....-B--:.k-.&_T_r__-c-o.,-Den.; N. Bk, ;o~.• , Kan. C.  Agate------- Elbert E 17 Agate State Bank ____ --•:l:§'18 Alfred A. Storey __ C. H. Smith _______ C. E. Storey _______________ $ 10,000 $ Pop. 150 82-389 Pop. 1236  1--,--  •:t·o1  A.  c.  Ellis ______ Fred Groening ___ II. E. Warren _____ Gladys Long ______ _  25,000  I  56,0001 22,800  21.680 Atlantic N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Den. and Oma.  180,000  44,000 ChaseN .. N. Y.;Oma.N •• Oma.;U.S.N,,Den.; Midw. Uc e1Te Tr., Co., Kan. o. . • 21.860 Merch. N., Oma.; Cent. 'av. Bk. & 'l'r. Co .. Den. , 98,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Den. N., Den.; ·1 t N •• Oma.  83. 50 I  103,630  500,000:  520,000  351,160  363.liO I I  71, 20 Irving N .. N. Y,; 1st N., Globe.'., and l . ..,, ., De .; Comw. N .. Kan. C. 1  H.Emperius ______ O.A. Hiller ________ E.H. Meier _____ _  50,000  9U90  sos.,oo I  Thos. J. Everitt ___ A. J. West_ ________ A. J. Maddux _____ _ \Y. W. Platt Carrie F. Sinrleton J. O. Sincleton ___ ----------------  20,000  3,470  160,530  10,000  10,920  103,5~0  Amherst ___ Phillip A 22 American tate Bank. __ t§'l7 B. F. Hastings ____ ID. 0. Stocton _____ A. F. Boehmer ___ -------------------Pop. 90 82-373  10,000  2.200  Antonito ___ Conejo L 11 OommercialState Bank•U'l2 H. 11'. Jordan _______ J. De LongchamJ>S_ W. J. Nelson ______ ------------Pop. !146 82- 209 Arapahoe- Cheyenne G 22 Arapahoe tate Bank ____ §'l9 . K Collin _____ W. \\. Howartl____ .•\.Rheem ______ -------------------Pop.100 82-3118 \rriba _____ Lincoln F 19 Lincoln State Bank----•:tl'071Frank ll'lindL _____ , G. T. Gourley _____ J. R. Cannon _ _ R.H. Calverley---Pop . 33-l 82-210 I E. S. Emerson  25,000  21,000  330,000  250,0001  15,000  4,230  31,620  35,910  25,000  20,000  1 0,000  170,000 1  Arvada ____ Jefferson D 13 First National Bank _____ :t'0l Wesley Staley _____ A.H. Barth _____ Roy Staley ________ J. W. Farris ______ _ 1 Pop, 915 112-211  ?5,000  24.000  480,0001  343,000  ________ First State Bank--------:!:1'13 J. F. White _______ 0. B. Drake _______ M. P. White _______ -------------------82-324 Erne.t Apel • \.apen ________ Pitkin F 8 Aspen State Bank ______ .u·o8 D. R. o. Brown ____ c. E. Doolittle ___ L.A. W. Brown ___ Clarence H. Sellers Pop. 1265 82-212 U. R. Cole  20,000  7,930  167.180  164,700  25,000  17,1100  587,000  489.000  32,670 Am. Ex. N.; N. Y.;· Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den. · 137,800 Ohase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi. and. Pu hl-0; 1st N., U . . ~T,, Den. N., and Colo.~ .. Den.  .A alt ___________ Weld B 15 jFarmers National Bank. •t·ot Jacob Hasbrouck._ A.urust Kolander _ B. H. lliller __ .:_ Ar!hur Beck ____ _ l'op. 760 . 82-171  25,000  n.350  407,770  480,040  ll!l,010 Han. N., N.Y.: Oolo. ·N., Den.;bt N., Oma.  ll'irst National Bank----•:l:'06 A.H. Marble ____ W. W. Brown---- C. L. Neisler _______ C. Ji'. Cook ________ _ 82-172 Aurora ______ Adams DU Ii'ir t 1'ational Bauk ______ 'l7 D. H. taley _______ F. E. Bonifield _____ T. F. Gilligan ______ O. Il. ever·on ___ _ Pop, !l ·3 82· 375  25,000  13,350  245,25°'  226,210  25,000  6,000  375,000  300,000  AHtin _________ Delta G 4 State Bank of AnstiD---•:t§'l0 J. A.. Whitinr--Poo. 100 82- 21'  12,000  12,590  100,96!)  !>2,430  Bayfleld _____ La Plata L ~ Farmers & Merchants Bank __ R. A. Potter ____ Fred Catchpole ____ Hoy Potter ________ -------------------Pop. 267 82-215 •fl'l0  15.000  5,500  190,000  157,000  u nnett _____ Ad·tm · D 16 Bennett tat Hank _____ §'l7 C.R. Campbell ____ A. W. Hamilton --- D. Campbell _______ - - - - - - -  10,000  ,640  95,400  84.600  Bunyan ______ Thomu Kerley ____ Wm. 0. Bunyan __ L. F. Bein ________ _ M. J • Hanna Bein _________ L. Tl, FaI?an ________ .\, B. )Tau ________ A. K. Fairbairn. __ _  50,000  3ij,020  469,5110  487,010  16,870  189,620  l'ul!h ________ F. ,T. 0 horn ______ Lloyd Littrell ___ • J. IL IK1..:h ______ __ _  i 111  • 111  'I 26,i80  Pinney ____ A. M. Weaver ______ 0. N. Pinney ______ ------·-----------·-  I 111  •  American National Bank G. F. Trotter •• ___ 82-84 •:·oo afety First State & Sav. Bk. JohnSpriestersbach 82-334 •:t§'l5 ,\lma _________ Park Fl0 Bank of A.lma ___________ U,82 J. F. Sinrleton_ Pop. 127 82-207  N .• N. Y.: 1st N. and Western N., 0 904,2701 161.360 Han. Pueblo; 1st N .• Den. 1~  116,740  I  I  l'op. 100 82-3 0 Berthoud __ Larimer O 13 Berthoud National Bank.•f'92 John Pop. 52 82- 155 First National Bank ---•!"Off F . A. 82- 156 B thuut•.Kit ,nr on F 22 llethune ·tat• Bank _____ §'18 .A. l,, !'01>. 100 R2 388 Blanca ____ .Costilla K 12 Blanca State Bank-----•U'00 J.M. 1 Pop. 3, 0 82-216  . K. llUler _______ Edmund Stabler ___ ---  -,~ ... KERSltWST<bMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  68,460 Colo.  78,ll0 I  52,1601  8r4  46,060 l  ., Den.; Midw. N. Bk.  Tr., Kan. C.  52,320 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den.  >  g  t1' > . . z 95,000 , NAJ~~g~~-• Kan. O.; U.S. N., Den.'C Am. ',.  19,460 1st N., Oma.: Neb. State, Lin.; Com'l N., Fremont; Cent. av. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.  ~  8.840 Uomw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. av. Bk. & Tr. Oo .. De~ 1 55.000 Drov. N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr. Co:, Den.  I  rn  I  ► 'IQ p) rt-  171,000 Chase N., N . Y·· 1st  (P  I I  11  ti !  1  213.500 I  I I  o to ~  ::, IQ  6U70 N. Oity, N. Y.: Den. N .. Den.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne. Wyo,:1 tN,, ,Oma. 85,000 Chase •. , . Y.; Globe - . and C •nt. av. Bk. & 'l'r, Co., Den. 52,510 Oorn Ex. N., Ohi.; Den. N., Den. 45,500 U.  . N .. Den.; Burns N., Duran~o. I  •  1........  23,U0 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. tate, Den. ~ 119.740 N. Oit:,, N. Y.: Oolo. N. and 1st N., Den. 60,760 U.S. N., Den.  I§ ~  .72.0\Cent. av. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: l~t .·., Colo. 1~ . prings. 11.0 12,340 Colo. N., Den.: Am. N .• Alamosa.  or DENVER, BONDS-NOT[\ M. LO ~,... ~-..  I~  :'"':t  Ill  The Colorado National Bank  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  United States Depository  DENVER,COLORADO  Nationalized in 1866  OFFICERS  - -  $ 2,496,094.81  - - -  27,458,788.95  capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits  Deposits  I  Established in 1862 as  KOUNTZE BROTHERS  (Statement of November 15, 1920)  GEORGE B. BERGER, President HAROLD KOUNTZE, Vice-Pres. and Chairman of the Board DENNIS SHEEDY, Vice-President WILLIAM B. BERGER, Vice-President T. R. FIELD, Cashier J. H. KOLB, Assistant Cashier J. M. WHITMORE, Assistant Cashier H. E. BUCHENAU, Assistant Cashier G. H. ROBERTS, Assistant Cashier CHAS. M. KIRK, Assistant Cashier CEORCE KLEIN. Asa't Cashier and Auditor FRANK N. BANCROFT, Trust Officer HUGH McLEAN, Aasistant Truat Officer  Prompt Attention Given WESTERN COLLECTIONS  Trust Service  ,;;  We have a fully equipped Trust Department operating under the broad trust powers granted by the Federal Reserve Act and are prepared to represent foreign banks or others in the management and handling of estates, the closing of real estate transactions and in regard to any other financial matter.  First Nation al Bank, Pueblo, Colorad o  ESTABLISHED 1871  Facilities for any business in the line of banking. Collection s a specialty.  UNITED STATES DE',P051TAR Y  Deposits, $12,400,000  Capital and Surplus $1,500,000 Colorado  1111  a,  1  INDEX  ;,:  109°  2  3  4  To  3•  5  6  COLOR ADO  ~~~  Adams ...•. D Alauwsa .... K Arapahoe •• E Arclluleta .. L  lO  t ~1  20  r,  30  ~  40  4!">  :,o  14  15  16  1040  19  18  17  B A L L  Statute Mlle , 33 - l Inch. :1  ..,.  7050  SCALE  Rand Mc..'ftli1'11 New 11 x H l!ap o(Coler&do..  COUNTIES  OFFICERS: M. D. THATCHER, President R. C, THATCHER, Vice-President and Chairman of the Board A. S. BOOTH, Vice-President HARLAN J. SMITH, Cas hier C. B. CARLILE, Assistant Cashier B. A. CARLILE, Ass istant Cashier C . M. THOMPSON, AHi tant Cashier  r>ri  so  E  Wlo  20  21  22  102  0  23  :13,  0  16  .lr1rl.&trong  11  15  7  .Ill i:,.,  .~  =c.,  1111 '-'  ~'O  ~~  ~  'O Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Baca ........ L 21 Bent ........ J 19 Boulder .... C 12 Chafl'ee •••. G 10 Cheyenne .. G 21 CIPar Creek E 12 Conejos .... L 10 Costillo.. .L 12 Crowley ..... 117 Cui;ter ...... l 12 Delta ....... G Den,.,r .... E Dol,.res .... ,J Douglas .... F  5  lS  S  C  14  Eagle .......E 8 Elbert •...•• F 16 El .Paso ••••• G 15 Fremont ... H 12  Garfield .... E 4 Gilpin ...... D 12  vrand ....... c 10 Gunnison .. H 7 Hinsdale ... J 6 Huerfano .. K 14  E  Jackson .... B 9 Jefferson ... E lS Kiowa ..... H 20 KJtvarson .. F 21 Lake ....... F La Plata ... L Larimer ... B LasAnlmns.L Llncoln ..... G Logan ...... A  F  9 5  12 17 18 19  Me•n ...... F 2 7  llneral .... K .Iolfat . . . B Ionrezuma.L • lontrose .. Il Morgan ..... C  4 2  G)  3 17  Otero ..... J 18 Ouray ....... I 5  Pnk ........F l'hllllp, .... B Pitkin ...... F Prowers . . . J Pueblo ...... I  :,:,  A/ ...  r  rn rn  H  [Tl  ~  11  21 7  I  2~ Hi 38°  Rio Blanco.D 4  !Uo r, r,111<.le.K 9 KuuLt .... 8 7  Saguache.. I J Sau ,Juan au \llguel.. I So<lgwlck •. A Summit .... E  ," ",;;'...,. . . .'>  9 5 S  J J  21 10  Teller ....•.. G 13 Waslltm;ton D 19  Weld ........ n 16 Yuma. ...... D 21  3  8  9  18  19  21  22  Get Your Credit Report from The Banker. DD □ C  ;►  ,...  ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  DIG into  the Blue Book whenever you want a report on Find the any one anywhere. town,. select one of the · Banks advertising,. write your letter,. enclose the fee 25c or 50c'I mail the letter and your part is done - . the Bank will do the rest. These Banks advertising in the Rand McNally Directory specialize in this service. They are prompt,. intelligent and efficient.  ALWAYS ENCLOSE THE FEE IN ADVANCE!  o  129  1111111• and• Name or llaDk la &be New Tramlt Namber mTu to each bank in U. S. e:1cluslYel7 by The &and-MeNall7 Ban1i:era• Dlree&or,, under the aathorli, of The .&merleaa Bankers'n.  Non-Bank Towns wlth•Nearest Banking Point (In· i, ! dexed Acces.), La yersL Laws \indexed), in back of thls ._ _ vo~m~ For Inter t &ates,_ Ho~days, etc., see Laws. ~ ,: i  COLORADO-Continued LIABILITIES.  TO'Wl( ilD OOUNTT.  •CountJ Seats. •llem. Am. Bks ..Assn. lState Pll:SSIDUT. Entire tate In To.10 Ulem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Fed. Re .Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ __  VICJC-PRESIDJCNT.  •ss'T CASHill.  OASHIJCR .  P~P-  -  SURPLUS DEPOSA ~D  , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL PROFITS  PRINCIPAL 00RB.ESPONDDT8.  R:V:SOURCJCS. LoA e&Dlft•  C1 TI.  s»  CA n&Ez.  Bosns, CB...a..XGB..,i;,Du-a  ~ ~  C: ...  -  ROMB4SU.  ----------------,~  '°  Boone ________ Pueb!o I 15 CitizensState& avini Bank W. L. Russell- ____ Fred.le. W. Haver __ E. L. Brown _______________________ $ 10,000 $ 1,200 $ 81,480 $ 61,680 $ 25,180 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: Drov. N., r- _ Kan. C.: 1st N •. Pueblo. N Pop. 250 82-394 •tl'18 I •Boulder •• -Boulder O 64,650 722,870 690.680 · 159,040 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Colo. N .. Dell. Boulder National Bant-•i·M H. Casadu 50,000 Bromlv- J". W. Kohler _____ C, G. Walton _____ _ Pop. 10,989 IZ-21  11  •·  -----  "  -------- , O.  CITIZEIS IITIOIAL BAH 82-23  •t"l8  John .Armstroni--- \ m. Burke ------- A. W. Border ______ R. F. Phares ______ _ J.E. DeKalb  FIIST IITIOIIL BAlll •i·n 0. B. 82-111  MEICAITILE IL & Tl. CO.  I  •H'M  82-zf·  !  •i•11  82-ZO  100.000  c. Kerr __ _  50,000  W. L. Armstron~ O. L. Parson, _____ R. W. Joslyn ______ Gordon  eolleet at OACe • • • remit at once. If aot paid. we olttaba reaao... Sea& ,-oar btul  I  6. BUCKINGHAM FRANK TYLER-------- E. A. JOHNSON ____  TDU:aad IION EY  1&Ted  ••H to  •BrightoiovJA~m• D 14 American st~:nk  Brush_______ Mor~an O 18 Pop. 2106  ~~=  FIRST  179,380 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Int'l Tr. Co., U.S. N., Den.  816,680  re  940,950  15.000  2,250  75,000  71,000  20,000 ChaseN.,N.Y.;Colo. prinll· 1st N., Den.  21.000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den.: 1st N., Pueblo; New En~. N. and Drov. N., Kan. C. ~ 20,800 Cent. Sav. Bk. & 'Ir. Co.,Den.; Midw. Reserve ~ Tr. Co., Kan. C. CIJ 81,320 Kountze Bros., N.Y.: 1st N.,Ohi. and Pueblo: U. 8. N., Colo. N., Den. N., and 1st N., Dea. 14.200 Oolo. N., Den. ta  92,000  84,000  121,000  128,000  20,000  17,980  26-1,580  221.240  W. I. Freeman ____ IJ. A. Brooks _______ E. B. Emerson ____ 'lifford Watkins --  10,000  14.000  74,500  81,500  •U'lll Philip RuebeL---- 1------------------- H. A. Van Du en __ R. II. torz _______ _  25,000  2,650  180,460  118,820  --Georre Bqle ______ Gertrude Enile ____ W. B . Br1rrle ____ C. W. Burnheimer_  so,ooo  13,230  614,22p  410,290  7,000 1,144,820  714,330  R. B. MeeL _ _ Alice Meek ________ B. H. Hunter ______ --------------------  10,000  3,000  103,600  97,880  Banket '20 H. Casaday ________ Louis Herman _____ L. N. Roach _______ J. La Tronico._, __  20,000  2,000  63,000  57,000  50.000  25,200  719,140  614.030  <The remarkable growth of!i1s b ank Is conclusive evidence or the •*1'15 confidence wblc h the public has In our security and service.  c. H. A, H.  25,000  40,000  500,000  420.000  FRERICHS ___ SMITH-----We maie a ..,ec equalecfTaellffles for handling your Items and eoll ecttons for this lo callty. We eolleet at on ce and remit at o nee. TBY US.  W. E.  35,000  30,000  439,000  360.000  Buckinrcham __ Weld B 17 Buckinrha,~_,Jf Bankeil'l7 A. J. Wixon _______ H. A. Johnson _____ R. A. Nordell------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  10,oou  1.500  30.000  35,000  •Buena Vista-:.-:. __ Obaffe e First Nation aJ_ Ban t_ei•o7 J. JI, Bonne, _____ 82 220 Pop. 003 G 10 •Burlinrcton __ Kit Car~o'? BorliD£ton :r::.Banlc.•*5'08 11'. D . .llann _____ Pop. 091 22 F. t N t· Bank , 1rs a 10 ~-4ZO ------ 19 0. A. Wilson ______ Stoc k G row State Bank ell'Ol S. P.Shaw _________ 8 87  JI. V. Brown _______ R. E. llcDonald __ - · - - - -  25,000  10.760  196,400  158.190  Wyatt Bo£er _____ G. 0. Gates ______ · A. P. T. Wil on.Jr. _________ ___________ F. L. Aten on _____ Warren Shamburg  Emma E. Judy - P. H. Guthrie Clifford Rathbun __  15,000  15,000  %0.000  290,000  30,000  3,000  26,000  51.000  ________________ _  12,000  .ATIOIAL S~ofifr.E.s ____ 82-134 _______.:•07 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  8y!i_1  l  C. B. SIMPSON---falty ancl have un  ,~~·R:.;~  DANKINli  gta  > I  89,290 1st N., Den.  g  278,160 N. Park, N. Y., Den. N. and Globe •• Den.; C'I Cent. N., t. L. r+ 443,990 1st N., Den.; Drov.N. andN. Bk. Com., Kan.a. 0 26,800 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. tJ:i Co .• Den. C 14.000 Midw. Reserve Tr. Co. K,m. C.; Colo. N., Den. ~ 2i5,600 Atlantic .. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Ilk. & Tr. Co., Den.  I  g5• ::s  :Mayborn, ____ Lachlan:McLean __ _  THEO. FRERICHS  .,Colo. prings;  ::i 25.000  i J.M. IEEDHAM- !Al~l!IMAJ.' __ aLoNzo PEnns- I: I: ~Y~llrn-l We slve prompt attention to colle ctlon Items.  j>  922,580  6,400  0. W. Emerson ____ J.M.Nuss ________  224,i60 Han. N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohl.: U. s. N., 1st N .. and Den. N .• Den,  117,770  12,000  HTt,~il BAIIM"02  n  100,000  10,000  FARMERS STATE BAH 82-341  912,290  76,110  12,000  8ta1z~ik---- U'Oll 8  170,000IAm. Ex. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Oolo. N .• and 1st N., Den.  filler---·-- --------------------  0  Broomfle~~P~7o6der O 13 Broomfield  100,000 1.560,000 1,i00,000  Evelyn Green _____ Leonard Green ___ ·--· --- ---· ---- ---  R. E. Blackerby  84,230 Cha e N., N. Y.; Den. N .• Den.: Comw. N., Kan.C.  IU  fAl ■ III STATE IHI Luther M. Beck ___ H.J. Srhloo _______ L. Allen Beck _____ R.H. Sisson ______ _ 82-148 •H'07 W . .ll. Hopkin First Natio~~lc ---•: 88 W. D. Bish _______ G. B. Ktnse7 _____ F. E. O'Dell__ _____ A. R. Gullt,tte ____ _  BrlstoLPoo~{Jt"'ers I 22 Bristol  595,990  0  o.E. w.R. McNAUGHTONCHAMPION -  b7 aend lq Jolll' Boulder Item.a direct to  Harold Hutchison_ II. H.• faxey _____ C. C.  484,720  as.  Bovlna ______ Lincoln F 111 Farmers tate Bank.-•t '18 N. D. Beaver______ J. C. Andersen __ Ralph Gilman _____ Lyle T. Lowe _____ _ Pop. 150 82-8117 Albert Fruhline Brandon _____ Kiowa Il 22 ll'lr■ t State Bant ______ eif'lO Pop. 200 82-217 Branson Las Animas L 15 Citizens State Bank ---•1'17 Pop. 200 82-371 • Brcckel!~~-1!'7-6-SamEmll: En~le BrosJ-t B&nk-•U'88 1 Rrig~ uni~p:-·2~eld B 16 Br1Hsdale 1r-~rank -•U'l2  32,510  j  OlllDQ ____ John .llclnnes _____ L. 0. Allison _____ G. R. Hermetet --  w.  NlT 'L STATE BK•ic.  100,000  145,000 Ban. N .. N. Y.: Oolo. N., Den.; N. Rk. Com .. Kan. C. 122.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st • N ., Oma.: Den. N ., Den. 7,500 1st N .• Sterling; Colo. N., Den.; Union State, Oma. 81,970 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A .. N. Y.: 1st N., Den. and Pueblo. 100,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.: 1st N., Colo. Sprin~s; Neb. N .. Oma.: Drov. State, Den. 10,170 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; ~- S. N., Den. 100,000 1lst N., Den.; Drov. '  Gnocllanrl. Kan.  rAGILITIES-TRUSTS-MUNICIPAL BONDS  ; I  ''. ,; I  ·'  l ::··.  <  '  A  130  Number a■d• Kam~ of Bank ia the New Tran It l'iliomber civen t.o each bank iD U. 8. exclusively by The R nd -McNally Bankers•  Directory, under the autbor!ty of The  TOWN AND COUNTY,  I  ,,-,. ,..,,. &  yr,  &  r,  -  COLORADO-Continued  merl<'an Banker Ass'n.  • on-Bank To ns with Ne rest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of thl ,_. e ~a"~· ~  __c-:===-=-======v=o=lu=m=e=·=--For_Inter st Rates, Bolldays, et  I  NAME OF BA K. LIABlLJTlb: · ltESOURL!Ef:i. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE."TS. •County SeatNs. 10 :Memm.As:ieBif:sAls~ ,p~~~e l PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass'T CASHrER. ;AID-U;-su~us DEPOS• 1-?.lNS&:D,a- c..m&:Bx6 0 Entire tate in o. •• • • · PROFITS ITS \I."~u~~.' ":::, ~ ~ : ; Fed.Res.Dist.DenverBr. ♦Mem.Fed.Res. [Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _CAPITAL _____________ - - - - , - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - -  Byer •• - •• Arapahoe E16 Byers State Bank·--···· !1'10 Pop 275 82-221 Calhan ••••• ~El Paso G 18 Farmers S~\e_to~av. Bk~t§' 18 50 POI>, First State Bank ••••.•• •tl'07 82-222 Campo .Pop:iooilaca L 21 Camp0 Statiz~fst····•t§'l9  ullivan ---···-· W. H. Hyde, .Tr .•.. Lena E. tober ••.. $  15,000 $  9,220 $ 77,5 0 $  97,690 $ 17,160 Cent. Sav. Bk:. & Tr. Co .. Den.; lstN., Kan.C.  15,000  4.100  55,000  60,000  15,0001 10,000  27,480  383,370  340.550  2,500  62,450  50,370  c. E. Turner ...•.•  50,000  29,270 1,357,1301  966,190  G.F.Rock:atellow T. B. Coulter-·-·· D. N. Cooper •••.•. Leslie Stevenson .• We coiled at once and remit at once. •t"74 { H not paid we obtain reasona. Send your bualne ss direct to us.  100,000  °  •Canon City._Fremont Pop. 4551 H 12  R. W. Burton •••••. A.  FIRST IIATIOIIAL BANK•j'88  L. W. Cunninfham. E. Marriott. ....... Wm. H. Gie e ..•••...•.....•.....•.... J.C. Burier •••.••• Wm. Henderson ••• D. 0. lloberly ··-- M. 0. Moberly •••. B. F. Behimer •••.• -···-····-···--·--- C. C. Swem·-··-·· ···-·-····-··--····· W. H. Dozier_. __ L. G. Carlton •...•• A. J. Turner-·--·  82--52  HEMDIT 11. IAT'L 81, 82-51  c,irbondale •. Garfteld R 7 First National Bank •••• •i·os J.E. White •.•...•• Pop. /ll O 82-223 . •Ca~tleRock •••• Dourlas Castle Rock tate Bank•:§·17 L. W. Cunnmgham Pop. 224 F U 82-379 " First Nat. Bk. of Douglas Oo. W. L. Fales •••••••• 82-224 •t'02 Cedarrd13 ••••.. DeltaG 4 First National Bank·-·-•::·12 J.B. Ratepin_ •••• Pop. 455 82-225 center •.. Saruache J 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J.C. Burirnr·--···· Po1>. 547 82-185 •no " " Peoples State Bank .•••. t§'l9 A. C. Ellis .•.••.... 82-417 •Central City _Gilpin D 11 First National Bank: ..•• •j'74 J. 0. Jenkins •••• -. Pop. 552 82-116 Cheraw •••. ~- Otero I 18 First State Bank ····-··•t '10 \V. B. Moore .••••• Pop. 1 6 82-226 •Cheyenne \Yells .• hey. Bank of Cheyenne Wells W. H. Wallace .•.• enrie •• Pop. 800 ••. G 22 82-414 •t§'19 1 " ••••..•. " Cheyenne Co. StateBk:.•t·•o7 lJ. E. Hayes •••••... 82-202 Clifton •••.••. _Me F 3 First tate Bank-•...•• •t§'l4 Pop, 200 82-328 Collbr,rn •.•••••• Me aF 5 tockm ns Bank •.•••• •:§•16 Poo. 5 6 82-227 •Color,tdo p'g .•• El Paso City Tational Bank ...•• •i'02 Pop. ::0,105 G 14 82-8 " .-Colorado Saviors Bk: .. •ti'03 112-5 *Colorado Sprine-s Nat'l Bk. 82· 6 •t'07  0  25,000  50,000  H. A.  enter .•.... W. L. Troutfetter_ ···-················  10,000  2,500  94,500  W. A. Palmer •••••• T. Christensen •••• A. V. Cole ••••.•.••  50,000  28,000  450,000  4-15,000  E. J. Ginter·····-· W. C. Overhults.-. Dora P. HalL ..• _.  25,000  11.110  355,940  188,660  J. L. Hurt. .....•.. H. T. Blood.·-···· R. E. Lauer- •. ----· D. s. Jones J. T. Nelson.·-·-· C. W. Ickes·-···· Walker Ellis·-····  30,000  30,150  425,930  453,570  20,000  2,000  65,480  50,240  J. C. McShane--·-· H. H. Lake ........ Wm. 0. Jenkins ••.  25,000  12,500  360,000  350,000  320,000  275,000 I  to  > Z ~  I  t,:I  20,000  11,020  170,6401  145,800  25,000  2,500  74.170  67,590  30,000  14, 40  268,970,  303,500  51,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Globe ... ., Den.; ,.... Drov. N •• Kan. C.; Oma. N .• Oma. O  10,000  6,280  I 133,240  111:620  25,000  14,300  219,820  205,010  50,000  19,500  458,7 0  455,290  32,980 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.: Cent. Sav. Bk. & 1 r. 0 Co., Den. 0 62,250 Han. N.,N. Y.; U.. N. and StockYds. N., Den; Bk. of Grand Junction, Grand Junction. ,; 118,850 Seab. N.. . Y. I PJ '0. 689,030 N. Park, N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. O.; U.S., 0 N.,Den. . 'en 3,0,860 ChaseN., N. Y.: ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Comw. N., 'O Kan. 0.: Hamilton N ., Den. I ,;  I H.•• ~t'l on •..... J. R . .r. Haye .•... Jennie E. ROS'S .•••. L. P. Lenihan  F. J. Huren  .r. B.  tephen. - - W.  . Armstrong .................... .  50,000  202,780 2.263,770 1,827,410 100,820 1,472,190 1,715,560  J. A. ConnelL .• _. 1H. G. Lunt- •••• - •• .r. A. Barton. Tr .•• W. R. Waterton, 82-4 •ii'0l W. M. Hager, V. P. E. P. Shove Sec. *Exchange National Bank A.G. Sharp •••••••• S. J. Giles •.••..... 0. G. Graham •••• _ W I. Jones •••••••• 82-3 •i'88 C. C. Morris  300,000  119,050 1,627,650 1. 05,650  *COLORADO TITLE & TR. CO.  w. I.  *FIIIT IATIOIAL 11.•t"H  Irvine Howbert. •• A. H. Hunt •..•..• E. P. hove, w. D. Hemming Ch. of Ba.  *STATE SAVINaS BAIK  L. E. Burnett •••.•• G. H. Pattison ••••• W. V.  NEWBOLD & COMPANY Tl!r.. { ' I  35,700 .Atlantic N .. N. Y.: Hamilton N., Den. 19,860 Irving N., N. Y.: Comw. N., Kan. C.; Alamosa N .• Alamosa; Globe N .. Den. 70,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Den. N., Den.  0  Guy E. Reed .. - .. - Carroll Brown .•.•. --··--···-·-······  100,000  •U'l3  23,900 Colo. N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den. 57,000 Ban. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.; 1st N .• Colo, N., tock Yd . ., and U.S. N .. Den. 193,390 Harriman N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Den.  ~  > ti  Sherman Ball •••••. I. W. Strickler .•••• - - - - · - - · - · ·  E. J. Eaton._ •••..• 0. B. Shoup. ___ • F. P. Evans •.••...• T. C. Strachan •••••  82-7  40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den.  73,000  W.R. Armstront?. W. F. Richards •• _ C. C. FingeL ••.... - - - - - - · · 0. E. Hemenway  82-2  608,800 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N .. Ohi.: 1st N., Pueblo and Kan.a.: 1st N. and U. S.N., Den.: 0 N. Bk. Com., St. L. Q 272,600 1st N.,N.Y., Obi., and Pueblo; 1st N., Den.N., and Colo. N., De11. t""'  48,450 1,309,650 1.275,500  E. D. Tandy. _ _ S. B. Mansfield •••• ····-····-·-······  T. A. Butcher-···· W. . Gardner •••.. W. H. Barr ••••••.• --················ D. L. Gardner J. J. Long •.•..•.•• E. F. Collins •.••.. W. M. Porter •••• _ Elsie D. Webb r .•. Martin Drake .••••  19,000 Drov. N., Den.: 1st N., Colo. Springs, 82,800 Colo. Sav. and 1st N.,Colo. Sprine-s: Hamilton N., Den.: Jefferson, St. L. 13,500 Comw. N., Kan. c.  300,000  Bowbert. ••• O. L. Godfrey ..•.•• J, Hayes-Davis F. R. mith  300,000  ims •••.• - .• - - - · · - - -  50,000  T. R. NEWBOLD -·· VICTOR A.HUNGERFORD ..••....••....•• M. E. GILL, A.Sec .•  (Bra11c1t  Go.vernment an d Munlelpal Bon ds. Railroad an d publlc utlllty b onds an 'olora llo, 1wi11g1< JJi11in g i.:tocl A1<.~ociatio'n.  1------··  .Jlrmllcr·  OTIS & COMPANY -·--· ~ •92lumwt111nit  1  49,900 Inter-St.ate N., Kan. C.: U.S. N .• Den.  ~  32,270 1st N., Lin.; Den. N., Den.  "'1  258,400 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.; 1st N. and Colo. N., Den. 263,120 6,353,0l!l 6,351,1!;0 1,614,640 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N. and Corn Ex. N .. Chi.: 1st N.andN.Bk.Com.,Kan.C.; 1 t T., Den. N., and Colo. N •• Den. 588.170 5,772,400 5,378,570 1,480,500 Chem. N. and Liberty N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Cont. & Com'! N.,Cbi.: N. Bk. Com., Fid. T, Bk. &Tr., and ew En~. N., Kan. 0.: U. • N .. Den. N .. 1st N., and Colo. N., Den. 432,960 101,960 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Midw. R serve 'rr. Co., 21,170 468,100 Kan. C.; Globe N .• Den. o/Denvwr > ..... . . ....•... · - - - 1st N., Colo. 8prings; Int'! Tr. Co .. Den. d stock s.  ~  C/l  o  5· (IQ  en  '-4  PJ ::,  t:::  PJ  "'1 ~  H. T. Baldwin, Howell Bise ..•• --. (Branch of Ckme land, O. ) .••..•...•••••••• Otis · Co., Clev., Col., Akron, Youngstown, :_. < ~1 inin!! J••• cha11e1• Hide), r-eurities) Mor. and Den. I.O OoloradoSp'g Cl ar'gllouse J. A. Conneil ••..•• Irving Ilowbert. •• J. A. Barton, Sf-c. ··---·······-··---·· •····-··· -······ • t-.:i ( tr.mber in1licat«t b11 a*) I and Tr. I  .BANKE  TRUSTCbMPANY  •··-·-···1 ·····-··· ---·  or DENVER, BONDS-NOT[S-Ff\ M LOANS   Number under Nam~ of Bank ia the New Transit Number give11 to each bank rn U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Baok4;rs• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 131  ontinued  131  Kamber ander Namts of Bank ia the New TranaH Number pveu to- each bank in U. 8. escluslvelJ by The &and-McNalJJ Banker■• Director,. under the authority of The American Bankers Asa'n.  TOWN AND OoUNTY.  NAME OF HANK.  .County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. lState Entire State in o.10 tMem.State Bks.Assn. t Priv. ,~ F e. d R e·. [E ta. b F ed. R e. D 1. t. D enver B r. ♦..uem.  PR:SSID.ENT.  Iv  IOK-PlUCSIDENT.  0.t.SBill-  _ _ _ _ __ _  Cope ___ Washington D 20 Farmers State Bank ___ t§'18 N. L. Fastenau ____ Pop. 200 82-387  1  Non-Bank Towns \\lth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer ·. Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Intere t Bates, HolldaJ· , etc., ee ~w~. ::,  COLORADO-Continued  __________________  LlA RI LI TIESSoKPLcs ·  Ass'T CASHIER-  •Craig _________ Moffat B 6 Crair National Bank ____ •f91 .W.R. Deakins _____ F. M. Pleasant _____ J. J. Toole------- R. A. Curtis ______ _ Pop. 1297 82-183  25,000  "  C  ________________  ~ -  Sl> '"'  j 1  I  S0,000 ,  ---· ----  ~~G~:: CA•n & Ex-  :M. Fi ~ch ____ ---- Allie Campbell ____ $ 10,000 1$ 13.000, $ 54, 7;;0 $ 86,850 $ 18,720 Colo. N., Den.; Drov. N .. Kan. C.  •Cortez __ Montezlllll& L3 "Montezuma Valley Nat Bk. G. O. Harrison ____ W. I. Myler ________ Chas. B. Reid _____ C. :Y. Rauh________ Pop. 541 82-171 •t'05 . J, mith  ··  PRINCIPAL 00RRESPOND.NT8-  RESOURCES-  ltoC'..s""kD••· :;,,,~:::·  PAID-UP: • /. DEPOsCAPITAL PBA.OFNIDTS ITS  _______ _______ 1 1 •  'iii"  First National Bank- ----•t'04 C. A. Van Dorn ____ R. W. Finley ____ H. c. Sather _______ Clyde Maxey 1 82-}84  40,000  I  ------1  25,000  30,000 27,080  450,0001  400.000  470,000~  523.000 347,700  320,1601  100,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Den. N . and 1st N,, Den.; 1st N., Pueblo.; Drov. ~ ...... Kan. C. _  I  70,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Den. N., Den.; Rawhns , Itawlins, Wyo.  I  95,000  80,000  25 000 Oomw. N .. Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., ' Den.; 1st N., Hotchkiss.  •Creede ______ Mineral J 7 Tomkins Bros---------•tt"99 H. H. Tomkins ____ ____________________ Wallace I. Leary __ C. A. Webber______ Pop. 500 82-230 l  10,000  7,000  125,000  80,000  55,000 Cont. & Com'l N .• Chi.; 1st N .. Den.  w. L. Johnson____  15,000  18,670  •Cripple Creek ____ Teller Cripple Creek tate Bank A. W. Morrell ____ H. McGarry _______ H. D. :MacDonald__ ___________ Pop. 2325 G 13 8H8 •U'04  20,000  2,550  First Natio~~rnk---•l'93 L. G. Carlton _______ V. H. Mann ________ J.C.DeLongehamps R. G. Carman._____  50,000  10,500 U60,200 1,496,200  10,000  20,520  131,880  10,000  1,00Q  40,090  BeQu:oo:-  I! .  •Del ·orte ___ Rio GranKde 9 Pop. l 007  ..  "  f~ 3  .-  IAIIK IF DEL 1.01TE--•U'82 82- 1.. 9  RIO GRANDE STATE BK •• IHII  ••a '07  antlers _________________________ ,  J. L. Orr ______ ---·  I ____ ·---------------  DELTA IA\1 ~ftll BAl~i·01 2  230,410  176,540  191,5!0 I 156,2ti0  57,830 Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1 t and Ex. N., Colo. prings.  ., Den.: 1st .....  40,090  10,880 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; 1st N ., Pueblo.  C/l  23,280 Oma. N ••, Oll!a,; D~ov. N., Den.:_ ,lidw, r, Bk.~ 'Ir., Kan. C., 1st N ., terhng. 0 40,000 Atlantic .. N. Y.: Dep. N., Den.: Grand -c, Valley N .. Grand Junction. B 95,000 U. s. N., Den:; N., Kan. C. 0 20,000 Mech. &Metals N .• N. Y.: Drov. N., Den.  1,210  74,270  60,2-10  11,000  135,000  80,000  R. C. Tilton ________ R. L. Bloss _______ _  15,000  55,000  Robt. MacIntosh __ Jessie MacIntosh __  25,000  7,500  120,000  2,500  160,000  225,000 100,000  a,  >  ~  X  ~  ... tJ  120,000  30.000 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. &_ Tr, Co., Den.: Am. N .. Alamosa; 1st N., W1ch1ta.  {ADAM J. WEISS- ,MARX LORIG------ W. S. JOHNSON---- DAVID HESS------15,000 25,120 185,050 180,030 Send IU your eollectlons. Spe clafattention give n BliI of Lading d rafts, C ash and Time I tems. Pleau send 15m llh ea,h s,qh t draft for pre entation a 11d 25e tor Credit R epor'8.  45,130 · Ha np.rN _n•.;sN •. Y.; U. S. N .. Den.: Ex. N., Colo. 8 1 ..  I  L. W. Sweitzer ____ H.J. Coerver _____ H. W. Chiles ______ H. H. Wolbert__ __ _  ~  I:,  114.390  10,000  20,000  O~  0  10.000  I  78,360 Atlantiq N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den., Pueblo, and Gunm.on,  308 300 N. Park and Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. · and Com'l .. Chi.; U. S. •• and Den. N., Den. . , • 46,030 Logan Co. N .. Sterlmg; tock Yds. ., Oma.  J.P. Claassen _____ H.J. Wiens ______ _  •Delta __________ DeUa G 4 Colorado Bta,!8 Bank---•ts'OII I. II, OoDklln ______ A. E. Miller ____ . __ C. E. Parker_______ _________ ____ ______ 8r 102 Pop. 2623  n  0  H. A. Qui~ley _____ B. J. Elder _______ _  J.P. Russell __________________________ E. F. Knappenber- ________________ _ ger  30,000  11,500  300,000  180,000  161,500 Cont. & Com'l N ·• Ohi.: U · S. N., Den.  50,000  31,000  675,1100  556,000  134,000 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; Comw. Kan. C.  "s-'  f  50,000  31.3i0  !  I  11!  :1  440,930 Han. N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N.,Chi.;lst N., Den. N., and Colo. N., Den.: 1st N., Pueblo. _  (.U  -~-  !II  ,:  BANKERS TR.UST CbMPANY Of DENVER, BANKING f AGILITIES-TRUSTS-MUNICIPAL BONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  '  'I  6,000  Crowley _____ Crowley I 7 Crowley State Bank ____ t§'19 J. N. Weaver ______ D. E. Lower_ ______ Pop, 22-1 82-402 J)ailoy _______ Loi.:-an B 20,Dailey State Dank _______ §'191C. J. Claassen _____ J. H. Buer _________ Pop. 100 82-403 De Mesa 11'3 Bank of De \ e ______ :§'10 S. G. MeMullin ____ J, A. Wilcox on ___ 1 8 2 292 DeertraiL.A.rapahoe E 17 Deertrail Sta te Bank ---U'l0 1s. G. Morrow ______ A.. M. Sniff' _________ 82 2 Pop. 600 ., M I Fred A. Beuck " ------First Natioi~~:ink ____ •t'l8(. J. Denison _____ Gordon Hollis _____  ·!.'i  87,610 Colo. N. and 1st N •• Den.  10,000  Crook ________ LoEan A 20 First State Bank ____ --· •t '16 E. M. Gillett__ _____ C. W. J\rea~er _____ 11. L. Pop. 232 82-346  i , I  .I  l  I  Crawfor<i_ _____ Delta G 5 Crawford State Bank -•U'l0 C.H. Allyn ________ C. F. Revell _______ H. L. Wilson ______ --------------------l Pop. 149 82-229  Cre ted Butte.Gunnison BankofOrestedButte--•U'81 J. W. Rockefeller_ c. L. Ross _______ G. V. Benson ______ Pop. 1213 G7 82-231 0. J. Diel, Y.-P. W. H. Whalen  -  '!\Ith Nea  Non-Bank Town r dexed Ace  132  Number Wider Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number civen to eaoh bank in U. 8. esclushelJ by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers•  DlrectorJ, under the autborlt7 of The An~rlca~a~ke~~s •n_._  !  lbxs or Bu1:.  VICE-PKJ:SIDENT. PKB:SIDJCNT. ltSP~te riY ____ · (Estab: _ _ _ _ _ _ _  •llem. A.m. Bks. Aun. ix Stat Bk Assn  +:::1~. F:i. R~.  CASHIER.  DENVER- Reserve  ----~'T OASHID. _____  __ _  1  •AMERICAN BAIK & TRUST COltPANY • 23-511..•i§'05 { (17th and Lawrence)  -riABiwrr~-;.  CoUeetlona glveln proper attentlo n.  63,170  (Denver, E. 13) County  l,OOO,OOO  President in charge o; ecurltles Division. Vice Pre ldent In charge of Banking Division. CLARK G. MITCHELL, Vice Pres. and ec•y in charge of New Business Div. WILLIAM D. DOWNS, Vice President, Advt or7. R. W. C~OSBY, Trea urer. 0. 1tt~ar·/ · 1 • t§'20 nwl MaMge:r of Ser.ur'ty, ales D,partment. k'. A. if~r?ne~ly,r.'1. A. I. Peck, A. l'. P. u.11,l Manager Municipal Bor,d Department . J. D. Hitch, Manayer Parm Loan Department. U. P. De Swarte, Auditor.  &I  250 •000  -  REsou&cES. Boirns. MIBo»L-  'DIB ltTC l'lSmcUBI-  ~~  c  ua LANEovs ~ouaoms Rmsouao-.:s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1  4,177,340$ 2,4;8,26~ ;-236,3~ $ 2,026,560 Harriman N N ., ' Chi  371.000 . ~  y. u ·0 ''  T m n r, 0 o.,  ~ ~ GUARANTY  TRUST KOUNTZE B o  co.  AND  Checking and savings accounts of individuals. Prompt attention to collections. INOIS TRU::r s& N.s1.~1i,.1§ Inactive deposits of corporations and banks. Complete trustserviceastrustee, BANK, CHICAGO. executor, administrator, and guardian of estates; fiscal and transfer agent and leading banking institutions in the other principal cities of the registrar of bonds and stocks of corporations and municipalities. Purchase and United States. sale of high grade investment securities including municipal and corporation bonds, notes and farm loans.  3?  {;~p:  Broadwu Bank---- ------•*1'07 A. L. Bowen ________ II. T. Bowen _______ E. R. 'ribbal _____ c. :M. Hamilton ___ _ N. C. Reid Uabr1el Jones 2&-68 (Broadway and 1 t.) Qapitol Hill State Ban)c. ___ *5'12 D. C. Bailer-------- IL V, Kepner ______ II'. W. Birney ____ A. I. Campbell. ___ _ 23-78 (Colfax and York)  100,000 50,000  17,600 1,220,350 35,220  50,000  792,270  164,050  108,000  409.520 --------  328,560  104.090  1,170  j8  . Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and U.S ...: .. , Qt'-4 Den.  323,640  150,920 Chi. Tr. Oo., Ohi.; Den. N. and ~ t:, Stock Yd . N .. Den.  ------ R. F. MARSHALL ---- C. M. GOQQ ________ _ ,,ENTRAL SAVINGS w. M. MARSHALL---- J.C.H.V. COCKINS W. M. MARSHALL, JR. SMITH  ll  BANK & TRUST  co.I  •it·o2 ZHI (15th and rapahoe)  •COLORADO NATIONAL BANK 21-2  J. M. BORDY DIRECT YOUR CLIENTS AND BUSINESS TO THIS BANK.  0 500 000  21 7  I  55 060 2 40 2 260 •1  .~  f  Uffi,cerG,cicrkmf. Depository.  SEE  A. Tr.  •t'84  lY  h & •1 t I  ~~- C~. :/iii.. Chi.; lstN., Kan. C.; state N., st. L.  Z  j ~!m!·· .C..11,N.u::: ::: fi. l~il ~ Bk. or Cal. N • ..&.., San F.; tdN., c, I Oma.; New Ens. N., Drov. N.,1""' 8  ADYER TIIEMEN T 011 Ill DEX COL ORADO.  anti Inter-State N., Ian. c.; Girard N. and Phil. N ., PhD.  J.C. MITCHELL --- H. M. POITER----- B. F. ATES ------- H. S. INGRAM J. W. HIDSTDN, G. ff. KlNG H. C. JAMEi ~·ec.1znd Tr.Officer A.G. MANLEY W. B. MORRISON GEO. T. WELLS EDWARDS. IRIIH C. l. EEN W. FAIRCLOTH  50,000  57,970  50,000  5,000  810.150 -------· - · 59,800  8.170  710,660  33,280  7.630  39,920 ---- __ ----  35 550  216,540 Irvini N. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Den. 47,500 Chase •.. N. Y. ; Globe N., Den.  300,000 ---------- (T,-ustlm itiess onl 11) _________________________ ------ -  I 1,000,000 Z,548,860 17.323.270 5,411,360 15,382,400 4,852,980 1,014,000 6,986,410 - -1- - - -1 Conservat ive but pr ogressive • Busine ss intrust ed to us gi ven more than 1the neces sary atten tion. Our facilities 1are at you r disposal • Accounts and correl spondenc esolicited 1· IEE OPPOSITE PIil FOR BULL ETIJI OFF ER.  contintt  BANKE STRJJST<bMPANY Of DENVER. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  238 900  d" ,.  I 2H0 (16th nd Broadw y) Commerce tat<' ,. vini: Ilk. D. II ... talcy ______ ·. ~· l"endall ______ G. Clay Gate. _____ ----·-----------. '20 23- 6 (15-34 alifornia) Oootlnental Trust Oo. -----1'02 J. W. Sprinfer ____ W. F. Hen. haw ____ B. B. IIar,linf!, Sec. _________ _ 21 -54 (17th and I,. rim •r)  , J,un1  6 928 820  ~ _____________ ~---~~ - - ~ _ _ _ _ -------500, 00 2,057.860 26,094,120 ---------- 17,818,780 4,51ti,780 7,841,460 IAtlantlc N., N. CHF, • Parkzl cnl KOLB-------OEORGE 8. BUHR-HA OLD IIUITIE-T. I. 'IELD------ - - - Kountze Bros., Ban. N.,_ ano F.N. ANCROFT, • -~~[MtRE DENNISIHIEDY I Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Bk.111-1 EN U Tr. Officer •• B WM. I, BERIII Rep., Cont. & Com'I N., and \J R RT HUGH Mc LEAN,  Colorado State Bank.----•i1'08 B. F. Olark -------- E. C. Heinly. ______ JF. L. Barkley ______ E. M. Clark _____ _  (Dfh  310 550 8 694 500  ,__;__, ____;_ _;_;_ ~ ..:...,:_ ___;_, ~  A. C. and Auditor United States Western collections and other business lntrusted to this bank will receive prompt attention. •t' 62 1  ·oENYER NATIONAL BANK  ~  eat-Pop. 256,491.  P&1Nc1l'.a.L Oo.a&ZSPONDENT:..  .  I Charges reasonable (1•18 of 1% , 16c min lmum). ,  1  BANKERS flOMPANY TRUST 23-85 ll 1- f (724·17th  ___-  PA.ID-UP ISUBPLUB lNDlTlD• D••oa1Ta LOA.NB Duj COUNT& OI' UAL .A..KD CAPITAL PBOl'l'ffl DmPOBIT8 BA.NEB  GodfreySchirmer Jacob Fillius ______ A. Kunsmiller, ____ J. O. Barbe;.= · 500,000$ 318,990 7,804,520 I John Ver Lee A. Kunsmiller  0 :.T,,,l:HT, ~:!· ~f."l~ HENRY SWAN,  t.)  c1· ty  (Branch or_Federal Reserve Dl~ct No. 10) _ _ _  ------  -  Oolo. N .. Den.  ChaseN. and 1.a&N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com•J N. nd Cora EI. N., Chi.; 1st N ., Ian. C. and Bos.; Anslo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L; Oma. N. and U.S. N., Oma.; Merch. N.,St.P.;Can.Bk.o«"Com.,London, Enc.; Credit l,yonual , Paris, }'ranee.  BONDS-NOT['S -f J\ M LOANS  si,4 :::l  ~  Pl "'1  '<: .. -  '°  tv Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -E DE VE R NA TI ON AL BAK VE  0 ORA 0.  UNITED ST ATES DEPOSIT R:Y  - - -F s -E ... HENRY M. PORTER W. B. MORRISON B. F. BATES • Q, H. KINQ GEO. T, WELLS  -  OFFICER S  J . C. MITCHELL , President  HARRY C. JAMES Vice-Presid ent • EDW. S. IRISH Vice-Presid ent W. FAIRCLOTH , Vice-Presid ent J. W. HUDSTON, Secretary and Trust Officer H. S. INGRAM Cashier • A. G. MANL&:Y Aaaistant Cashier C. L. GREEN Cashier Assistant •  ... HENRY M. PORTER HENRY GEBHARD JOHN C. MITCHEL L HARRY C. JAMES W. B. MORRISO N • HICKS S. EDW. S. IRISH  • -  Vice-Presid ent Vice-Presid ent  Assistant Cashtel" Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier  DIREC TORS .  JOHN H. PORTER C. K. BOETTCH ER C. S. MOREY C. Mac A. WILLCOX MERRITT W. GANO ROBLIN H. DAVIS  SAM'L 0. NICHOLS ON JAS. B. GRANT H. £,COLLB RAN K.C.SCH UVLER TYSON S. DINES, JR. CLARKE G. MITCHEL L  :: • '  76 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Number u.uder ame el aaall ta t.h• New 'hand& Nambw ,,.11 0 ~ each bank i~ U 8 e1el1111Yel1 by The &and-McNaUy nkers'  .1.  ...  1111,l'.n- ,..__ol ♦  A  ~TT A  I'•=-  I  TC"' AC"'  1'.T•nYonha• 491won  The First National Bank Of Denver, Colorado OFFICERS A. V. HUNTER, Ch irm n of the Board H.J. ALEXANDER, Pre ident GERALD HUGHES, Vice-Pre ident C. C. PARKS, Vice-Pre ident J.C. HOUSTON, Vice-President and Cashier ORLANDO PRESTON, Vice-Presid nt C. C. 'HENDRIE, As i tant Ca bier W. F. ROGERS, A i tant Cashier D. E. MILLER, A i tant Ca hi r H. M. BEATTY, Assi t nt Ca hier P. K. ALEXANDER, As i tant Ca hi r A. R. MILKS, Auditor  Capital, Surplus and Undivided ro its OVER  $2,300,000gg Correspondence Solicited NEW YORK CORRESPONDENTS First National Bank National Bank of Commerce  . DIRECTORS H. J. Alexander H. M. Black.mer W. N. W. Blayney John Evan11 J.C. Gunter C. S. Haughwout  A  C ss E. Herrington Crawford Hill J.C. Houston Gerald Hughes A. V. Hunt r Thomas K ly  W. P. McPhee  CHICA GO CORRESPONDENT Continental & Commercial National Bank  J. W. Morey J. K. Mullen  C. C. Parks T. A. Schomburg M. D. Th tcher R. C. C. Thatch r  GENERAL  BANKING  SAN FRANCISCO CORRESPONDENT Wells F rgo-Nevada National Bank  LONDON CORRESPONDENT Uoyd's Bank, Limited  PARIS CORRESPONDENTS Lloyd's Bank (France)& National Provincial Bank (Francc) Limited  BUSINESS  TRANSACTED  Special Attention Given to Collections on All Western Points, at Reasonable Rates  I  I  :  I  I  -  11;..:.1 I • • ;:  ,  1  I'  I  I,  I  I  .  I  133  Nuwbel' under Name of Bank ia the New TranaH Number given to each bank in U. S. excJuslvely by The &and-McNally Bankers• Directory, ~_11der the _•u~orlty of The American Bankers Ass•n.  I  ---NilfE OF BANK.- - --  I  I  (Branch or Federal Beaene District No.  DR OVER S  NATIONAL BANK 23-82 (47 Lafayette)  ---'1s.J. SacketL------\G. L. Roach _______ H. Molyneux. _____  GORDON HOLLIS---- A.G. HORN -------- A.G. HORN-------- E. L. HANSON-------  SPEC IA L IZI N G IN  ti)  LIABILlTl.11.8.  Ass'T OUHID. 0.A.SHIJ:R. VICJC-PKESIDENT. PKESIDSNT. :Kliem. riv. ssn. IStP~te a BBkks.s. AAssn. • em. SAtmte. [Estab. - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - ♦ )lem. Fed. Res.  Den;er State tfl------•*1'18 W. V. Mathews 2 (700-17;h St.)  .....  Alf1>  Paoft'l'II  OAPIT"'-l.  $  50,000  ~$  l  43,4%0  Lo._•• Du-  INDITID- DaPos1TS ol' VAL  D■l'Olllft  900,590  _  3!4.7801 1.Z'l!,880  1  11  I  HE  ADVEITISl ■ l■ T  I, _ _ _. . .  *HAMILTON NATIONAL 23-lG  (901 17th)  z>  D. G. Liggitt. H.L.JlacWhirter_ Cha·. W. Jones, A. Sec, Sec. and Tr. D. H. Coover L. G. Olivier, W. L. Hahn A, Tr. BA NK J. O. Burrer------- F. J. Deni on ______ E. J. Weclcbach. ___ G. T. Atchison ___ _ V. P. and Ca8h. August Schmidt Patrick Crowe •:·10 W. H. Kistler, Ch, of Bd. J. F. McDonald  240,000  28,050 1,917,530 ---------  W, P. Horan _______ P. R, Riordao. Tr. Leo P. Floyd, Sec. E. A. Hanifan M. 0, Harrington s. s. Warner. M.. A.. llcLaurhhn_ W. F. Bishop. A. Sec. cc. and Tr. F. E. Mulvihill  JOHN EYAIIS-------- H.J. ALEXANDER--- J. F. VINCENT, Tr. __ A. W. JONES JR. GERALD HUGHES J. W. MOREY, Tr. Officer Ch. of Bd, P. E. CLELAND A. M. CULVER, Mur. W. M.BOND Sat''e Dep, Dept. J. W. HYER  350,000 100,000  193,370 4,447,C80  l,21l2,560 .  439,740  541.060  II  269,960  48,340 233,670  3,960,650  39,970 1,566,970 ---------~  563,630  782,430  23,400  ----------  s.421.510  I_______  27,100  143,540 4,006,390  A. Sec.  500 000  13 H3 Z50 117 430 ~  ,---•-,__:..  n next  Transacts a general Banking and Trust Business. Buys and aella hlah grade Western, Municipal and Corporation Bonds.  -a-oe--:--------------------------,---1--- ----  .L \J  n  337,480 Equitable Tr. Co. and Irving N., N. ~ Y.: Chi. Tr, Co., Chi.; Drov. N., 5· C: Kan. C.; 1.. N .. St. L. 901,320 N. P~rk, ~. Y.: Standard Tr. & Sav .. n Oh1,; M1dw. Reserve Tr. Co .. Kan. p. C.; Bk. of Italy, San F.  M. E. DUKES, Sec, I.ft.SELOVER, A.Sec. H. L. MORGAN, G. M. MC NETT  UJ  2119 ,900 Chase N., N. Y .: Union Tr. Co., Ohl,; Den, N. and 1st N ., Den.  248,150 Chase ~- and Chatham & ~henix N., ::, N. Y.: F1. Dear. N., Oh1.: 1st N., ~ St. L.: Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Wells ..,I Fargo-Nev. N .. San F. 640,880 ________ .. _ 1,697,690 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; U. S. N., Oma.; N. Bk, Com., 0 o St. L. and Kan.a. 262,690  6i9,190  200,000  "'=  - - - , - - - - - - ---<-  8 150 710 4 458 570  ------- ....;_.:,_~ _  aao 890 341,980 - 4• •  Auditor  •U'91 ♦ (17th and California) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~ >  01 IPPOIITI PAIE. 50,620 1,211,390  TRUST COMPANY ZH2  0 t'4 0  1st N. and N. Bk. Com.1 N, Y.; Cont. & Com'I N. ano 1st N., t, 282.820 10.091.530 Chi.; Welb Fargo-Ne't', N:, San 0 98Ut0 15,850,350 5,93U60 17.841.880 8,492.210 U51,000 Ltd •., LOO,; - - - - -,- - - - , - - F.; Lloyds Bk., IJoyds and N. Provlncaal Bks., j tJ, Ltd., Paris.  200,000  * INTERNATIONAL  n  _ _ _ _ _ _ __  I  Wesley Staley _____ August Loehwing__ A. 1\1. Collins _____ _ Ji'. w. Boot, Jr, W. J, Galli~n  E. P. Ryan ---· ---Hibernia Bank & Trust Co. ' •i110 2S-t5 (15th and Champa) HOME SAIIHS le TIUST CO.c F. L. Bishop ______ •:t•Iu 23-H (17th and Champa)  _ _ _ _  .  -----~------------------- - - - - - - - - - - -•Globe National Bank----•t'15 D. H. Staley-----) 23-79 (17th and rap ho• Guardian Trust Oo, ______ •n·12 Denver R. Platt __ Clinton A.Bowman. 23-72 Cll. of Bel. (1536 Wilton)  ~  22,200$  II  !____________________ ,________ ________  Prompt attention given to all Western oollectlona.  ~ ~  CAsn  35,300 1st N. and Globe N., Den.; Pioneer State, Oma. 337,790 N. Bk. Com., N. Park, and Mech. 184,950 ----- ----& MetalsN., N. Y.; N. Bk. - Rep. and Northern Tr. Co., Chl.;Inter-StateN~,KanC.;Den. N., Den. Oma. N., Oma.; tst N., t. L.  1  ,_  D E N VER STOCK YARDS BU SINES S.  H.J. ILEXAIDEI- IEIALI HUSHEI- J. C. NOUSTON ... C. C. HEIDIIE ----C.C.PARKS A. V. HUNTER, W. F. ROGERS A. R. MILKS, Ch.ofBd. J.C.NIISTON Auditor D. E. MILLER ORLANDO PIESTOI D.J.GOURLEY, H.M.BEATTY Mur. Credit D,pt. P. K. ALEXANDER  M1scJDL- f  LA.Nll!lo178  RasouaCJDs RmsouaCJDs  225,600 ; - - ; : ; $ 201,300 ;--;0~100 $  (Branch of Kamas Citu, Mo.) _______ - - - - - - - - ___________________ _ *Federal Reserve Bank of Kan as City .2&-lll.------•'18 (For complete i11.folrmation see page 29) ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (16th and Lawrence) 1  21-1  BoNDs,  SJICUJU•  n■a,11Tc.  OO'OJl'l'II  B.t.N:a:a  •t'l6  llRST NAT'l BK.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ' volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Lawa. ; C: PRINCIPAL OORRICSPOSi>.a:~ C:i. RBSOUI\CW:9.  DENVER-Continued-Reserve City  ---;1----:---- ---- ----  Tr· cen t • u0 Jon Tr • and Bankers •· Tr  Cos., N. Y.; Merch. Ln.Co., Chi.  •  /\DUA  m of Bank is the  umber under  ew Transit Number ,dv  PRE8IDE T.  YlVE-PKESIDENT.  I  ff.  DENVER-Continued-Reserve City  11  . du lvely by The Raud-~fr 'aU)· Banker • to ur,h b nk in l>lredorf, under the aut!Jorlty of The Amerkan Banker Ass'n.  134  TC AC  CASHIER,  I: ••  T~  ASHIER,  I  r.1 AHi L<Tl ES ,  ;AID-UP su:;~us  CAPI'l'AL  PROFITS Di,:posxTs  INTERSTATE TRUST CO. •t§'OO F'. N. Brtn·s ___ ---- L. 0. Greenlee _____ Wm. L. Bush ______ o. . Land ________ _ $ 200.000 I$ 100,000 I$ 3,2"2.060 l. A. Allen 0, J, Clark 23 57 (16th and Lawrence) 100,000 18,000 Italian-American .Bank._•:§'09 Pro vero FrazzinL Cesare FrazzinL ___ Felicita Frazzini _________ _ 474.670 1 21-U (2134 16th)  I  125,000  L~  lN~~~D- DE~~SITS  DrsCOUNTS  BANKS  -------  ---,----=::--l'RI.  s~~~~~~ ti:;i;;;  ! IES, ETC.  I  1$1.996,4601$ 621,610 $ 260,330  GIPAL CORKESPO~E.  TS.  cA"n  RmsOUBCJl8 RESOURCES  1-------------  621,640 Mech. & Metals '., . Y,: Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.:Gate City N.,Kan. C.; 1st N., San F.  ----  374 680  72,070  15,450  129,390 Atlantic N .. N. Y.; Credito Italiano, Naples.  139,490  10,000  371,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Hamilton N ., Den.; 1st N.. t. L.  133,000 Corn Ex., N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.  36,330  1,374,240  -----  1,016,640  Send Us :,our C ollecttons and Ca sh Items direct. The:, will receive prompt and Personal attent ton of an Officer of the Bank. Correspondence lnYl ted. Metropolitan tate Bank•t "19 J.E. Adamson ____ A.H. I eeney _____ R. H. Groff ________ J. Mienolet _______ _ 23,000 50,000  300,000  ----------  220,000  5,000 ----------  JOHN Q. ADAM$ ___ A. S. DONALDSON __ C.R. COTTON------- THOS. B. ESTILL---L. A. THORNE  ALLISON STOCKER F. L. BARTLETT ,. Ch.of Bd. M. T. MURRAY ' { MERCHA NTS BA"K -----•+112  '111th Nearest Banking Point (In-  Non-Bank Town  (inde ed) in back of thl ..,. dex ,d Acee .) , Lawrer , La La ~- ~ ~ ~ _ F o r lntere t R te·, Holiday , etc.,  Re erve D~r~ No. 10, Denver Drane~ _  1 Federal  1  2!-73 (17th and Curti ·)  J. F. Beeler 1 aron Friedman __ A. '. Frieuman ___ J.C. McCord _______________ _________ _  23-84 Motor Bank  fiif-------•t 2  '16  (')  50,000  20,000  20,000  ---------  100,000  4,000 ---------  10,000 U ••  10,000  10,540  205,720  ----------  131, 60  7,350  82,110 Mech. & MetalsN., N. Y.: C~nt. S \', Bk. c· Tr. Co. and Globe .• Oen.  100,000  20,000  1,500,000  ----------  860,000  890,000  1  (1170 Ilro.1dwar)  ·orth I> 11v~~tk ______ ;t·11 J.M. Collins ______  lc. 11.  mith ________ E. M. Collins ______________________ _  w  Jton)  ha . D. Reimold _______________  out11 DenrP~l3~j1k ________ §'21 'I. s, Jone,-, ________ T. W. Duncan_____  ~  0 :;:d 0  tJj  A. C. ll>nson ______ C. E. LundvalL __ Sever Daley ______ _ Slfl~i BANIL•Wl21W. A.. Peterson ____ Gustav F. L. Appell .Anderson  (l 7th and  Den.  ► tj  4,940  (29th.Ave. a11ll Zuni)  PIOIEEI  T ..  8  50,000  35,000  5,000  (130 Broad way>  30U,000 N. ~ar~. N. Y .: State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; ... ecur. N., Kan. C.  14,940  ~ ~  U').  ----  -10,000 •  50,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. & Tr. Co., Den.  av. Bk.  O (b  ::s  STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK  FRANK M. BUTCHER - HENRY GEBHARD ----- PAUL HARDEY ------N. F. BEACH All---IRA 8. CASTEEL W. W, STEWART  •i·oa All stock  23-55  yards items should be sent to u for quick service. Special facilltles for handling live stock proceeds.  M.  ------IM..  ky ____ lJ.  oion tat Bank ________ et§'l3 M. Greenblatt __ Hatlet Bron'.'-tine Tho .C.Walker,Jr. 23-78 I--------=---------'------(]0~917.11)  ·uNITED STATE~u  NATIONAL BANK  JD, ,J. Miller ____ _ _____  w. ,. HOVEi------ "· T. RODEii---- E. c. ELLETT ______ e. e. ALEY ______ _  J. M. ACHESON A. C. FOSTER ff. T. ROGERS, Cli. t1/ !Id. JAMU RIIIIILD A. A. REED, Y.-1'. and 'l'r. Uffic 1·.  L. McWHINNEY, ,1. 1',·. OJ}ica .....04 U.S. Depository- All collections in this territory and to the Pacific Coast. other business intrusted to this bank will receive prompt attention. ...  23 _14 (17th aml -.;tou )  Also  -  . and  (\\'. th U1•n\f 1 r  (Membor• .I) nu  lll  l>ri\1)flou 1• lt•ar,111.!  a  Hl  ___  ,nau:aua b11 a *)  contint, don n xt pno .)  BANKE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Burf;!'er _______ 1.lohn  E . • Irish,  h\,IU ________  79,800  1,417.100 1$ 795,730 .  100,000  52,150  971.iOO  -----  - - - - - - ,_ -  400,000  .James H.inf;!'old. Tr.  2,437,310  156,950  -  38,490  -  -  6  486,740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. ., Chi. and Kan, C.; Old Colony Tr. O ::s Co., Bos.  s·i: rl  50,000  638,890  227,030  851,000 11,039,000 2,935,000 10,870,000 1,430,000  I 7,450  13,200  266,910 N. City, N. Y.; . S. N. and 1 ·t Den.; 1st ., Kan. C.  ., [  811,440  Seab. N ., Libert:, . an• N. CUy N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N. and Co Ex. N., Chi.; 1 tN".1.Fld, . 110,000 3,362,000 Bk. & Tr., and Com • 1'1.,Kan. C.; U. • N., Corn. E . N., and Merch. N., Oma,;Am. N., ocan. F.; m. N., St. lo. 1 ~  ---  ---- --tc. ___  -  -  - -  mil Des ri h ____ ,A,E.Upton ________ W. Il. Ilarri ·on ___ ILT.St rnler ____ _  I.r. (.  250,000  ------  Correspondence invited. taf" Blllk ••• _.·,11 Z ~8  < Cb ...,  I  6,320  470,440  ti)  115,620  35,180  ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- ----------  g  253,980 Cha e N .• N. Y.: Corn :Ex. ·., Chi.; Den. N ., Den.; Anclo · Lou. Pari ti> ..., .. San F.  ----------!  1  llUJST<bMPANY or DENVER,  BONDS-NOT[S-FJ\ M LOJ\NS :  ~  ,,,_,,W \i !I l,_  135  ::s  C  'AME.  YEA.R •Mero. Am. Bks. A."n, EsTAB· +:Yem. tate Bks. Assn. Mem. Inv. Bks. A. n_.__LI HED.  LIVE STOCK & LOAN COMPANY --- .01  Ill  <Federa1 lleaene District No. 10, Denver Branch)  'AME.-·  AMERICA ■  '-  DENVER-Continued-Reserve City  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  1----------1  {A. RicqleJ, Pre , __ J. F. Gr~e t, Ca h, __ F. M. Taylor. l .-P.A. B. Bell, cc.and Tr. C. L. Wood, A.. -Cash. Capital a,u1 "urplus, $1,500,000.  (1721-23 Champa St.)  •:Yem. Am. Bks. A sn. iMem. State Bks. As n. ---=-:M=.:.cem=.;....c:. :In;: _vc..:.-=B:. : k:;: s;: _.A=s:..::n:.:. _  CORRESPONDENTS,  OFFICERS.  N.N. Y.,  ~k. _Com._and c_~e ,<,, . City, Chi., 1st .. Kan. C.: Den. N., Den.  O  YEAR ESTAB-  c ORRESP0NDENTS • "  FFICERS.  Ill ~  _ : L : : . : I c : : : S . : : H . : : E = - D · : i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ ! - - - - - - - - - -,:::  GREGG, WHITEHEAD & CO. ____ _ (1st N. Bldg,)  <NA],tl~ GREGG CHAS. B. WHITE HEAD, Den.  '08  iJ\,~TL~, 0UkERs. { Dealers In high grade bonds  N .• Den.  and dividend paying stocks.  AIITONIDES ('J02 -  OMPAIY & C Bk Bldgy---S T  •  • .1. •  •  •  . H. R. Antomdes, Pre .. J. F,Raynold . V. P. and Tr. _________________ II. ll'. Chri 1 y, Sec. I I Surplcusla,id ProfiSttos, k189,000. { DCapil·tal, c 8 , Mun clpa orado ea ers ln and Corporation Bonds.  °  Hathaway. mith, Folds & co. _____ •99 Howard G. Wade, Representative ___________ IHa!haway,_Smith,Fol_d~~ Co. N.Y.. Ch1.,Bos.,Ph1l., _t. L. (Commercial Paper) (727 C. S. N. Bk. Bldg.) " , San F .. Seattle, and Pitt. Int 1 Tr. Co., U• .::;, N., Colo. N. and Den. ., Den. Frank W. Keeler, Pres.; Geo. E. Keeler, V. P .. N. Bk. ' Com., N. Y.; Cont. W.R. Chrllgard, Y.P., II. w. Baldwin, Jr.,Tr., & Com'! N .• Chi.; 1st N., Colo. N., Am. Bk. & Tr. E.W. Willard, Sec., E. Hosach, A. Tr. Co., and (;'. . .._'., Dt•n.; (') Capital (Fully paid in cash, $1,000,000.00 &, Utah Stat~ N., alt 0. Q r4 t'21 Municipal Bonds and Warrants. Corporation Bonds and Stocks. (First N. Bk. Bldg.)  !  COMPANY  J ohn Sandburg, Pres. and Treas, ___________ _  i  BANKERS SECURITIES COMPANY----  KEELER BROTHERS  NATIONAL CITY COMPANY--------i'l6 { Amo ( 718 17 th  . M.,Jf~/f ·Jr';ite Municipal Bonds  I  and Warrants.  '  NEWBOLD & COMPANY, Inc,__________ (1st  io.  F. Benwell, Pm~-----------------O BENWELL PHILL lps , ESTE & C , Clare N. Phillips, l ', I'. i '08 ~. V. . I❖,te, ,'r1·. 1111<l 'l'r. Uk Bldg.) (Colo OEALERS II MUIICIPAL AND SCHOOLBONDS . . .  Kountze Bros .• N. Y.; Oolo. N .. Den. N., U. . N., and 1st N .. Den,  , I3k. Bldg.)  OTIS & COMPANY  C. Sudler, Dist. Sales lUgr, ___________  (Inve.l!tment  t)  -- ----- ---- ----  ,07  ~  City Co., N. Y. and cpr• respondent offices. See ..,_  T,  Bonds)  M~h~&  .  T. R. Newbold. Pres, A. R. Barke, Mgr, ___ 1st N., Colo. Sprm2 , Government and munlctpal bonds. Railroad and publ~c utn~~ bonds and ~to~k!I. Mem1Jcrs Colorado Springs .Mmmu 'tock Associatwn.  i  tx:l  ;:i::,.  2!  1  Raymond Sargeant. Resident PartT1er. _______ _ hearson Hammill &Co. and Logan<. Bryan. N. Y. and <Investment Securities.) (Branch of leveland, Ohio) Chi.  (11 Equitable Bldg.)  ~  o  Q  @ I ti  ()  BOETTCHER, PORTER & COMPANY. i 1 (Gas~· Electric Bide.)  N~t~;/f;a;f~;t;_clt ,. ___ llume D a~d r~·t},l'~ co" ife {'L~fi/Y."t ·• · Investment Bankers.  0 0 ~ •  "  ·  E. II. Rollins & Sons ___________ *'80 (.Municipal and Public (17th and California ts.)  !ROBERT ROWELL & CO . ,  I  ,  RC. ----- 19  (434 Cooper Bldg,)  I  E. H. Rollins & Sons, T, Y., ~ ~ . Chi .. Bos., and San F.  R. S. Rowell. Pres. E. V. Fox, V. P. ________ Am.Bk, & Tr. Co. and H. J. ...tcC!ellanrJ & Co., Den. Ch~ . H. Pete!-'son, Sec. R. S. Rowell, Tr. Up Capital_ ___ ____ _______ __ : ____ $20,000  1  A.H. Bo wo~th, Pres .. W. 0. Chanut_E', l,.,P,; Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Den. .. Colo. N .. lst .,and u. BOSWORTH' CHANUTE & COMPANY Pau!Loughndge, Tr., J.H.K.Martm, ec., Den 9J'16 { Speclall ts In Municipal Bonds and Cor- s (70117th ·t.) · · ·• poratton Financing.  Utility Bonds). ________  {  Municipal, Corporation, Pubhc Utility, U. 8. Government and Foreign Government Bond ·.  ~  ::so  ..+  5· C:  ~  0.  EDWIN M.  RTH & CO.----BOSWO Clst .i:.,.. Bldg,)  '08 {Edwin M. Bosworth,Pres.E. M.Bo worth. Tr. Atlantic N. and E. F. Hutton Thomas A. Ryan & Co, _____________ '15 (Investment Stock. cmd Bonds) __ ____________ Int'l Tr. c,o., Bk!'s, Tr. Co., and Hamilton •. , Den. & co., N. Y.; Clement, E.G. Bartels, V. P. , . . . ; Curti ' & co., Chi.; Colo. <BONDS AND STOCKS> N .• Colo., N., Den. N., 1st 1mons, Burdick Pres.; Sidlo, T. Chas. N., Den. N., Bkrs. Tr, Co. V. P . and Tr.; Grover C. Fels, V. P. and U• . N .• Int I Tr. Co., and SIDLO, SIMONS, FELS & C0.-------'19 and Hamilton N., Den. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. • Sec. t N Bk B Municipal and Corporation Bonds. · lclg.) · l1 • nrder,Pres. --- \V, C. Dank, Sec. __ 1st N. Colo. N., Den. N., W. H. G. prmger, V. P .•• J, H.Goodnight,l'. P. s N' andHamiltonN. Den. c_. Van Riper, R; M. pay. Walker Van I t N,, Den. N., and Colo.!'., • ' and Tr. ~ . CO. Den. Riper, and G. R. \ an Rtll_er. VAN RIPER DAY & CO. · ----------'20 '19 { Capital 19l,100,Su1plus and Profits 16,000. Corporation ecurltles, Foreign Governc'530 Cooper Bldg) CATT1,E AND SHEEP LOAN • ment Bonds, l\luntctpal Bonds. ,  U. ,  A.  CATTLEMEN'S LOAN & GUARANTY (214 Boston Hldg.)  Gordon HollivPre,. ------------------C0.------'16 AE. 1G. Horn, , P, &: Sec. • •: Han on, A. Sec, ) { Camtal, $100,000. (47th and Lafa3 ette C 'l'l'LE LOANS  DRO'ER S CATTLE LOAN  BANKEKS TR.UST CbMPANY Of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  I  .~'f.·,.,., .  . .•~.  ~  . ,·  • Bk. Com., . Park, Met. Tr. Co.and :Mech. c Metal WILSON CRANMER & COMPANY , , Bk. Rep. and • Y.; _r,, (First N. Bk. Bldg.) Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; I t .,..'.. t. L.; Oma. T,, Oma.; Den.~·.audDrov. '.,Den.,1  lT,  1 {J,  E. WILSON and G. E. CRANMER BROMFIELD and f. G. HARRINGTON) I{(A. Members N.Y. Stock Exchange, Chicago Board ofTrade.  D. C.,Columbia  Tr. Co., Mech. · MetalsN.,and E.F.Hutton & Co., N. Y.: Clement, Curtis & Co,, Chi.: 1st · ., _ Colo. N., and Int'! Tr. Co .. w c.n Den.  UtN VtK, BANKING f ACILITIES-TRUSTS-:MUNIOIPAL BONDS  Non-Bank Towns with :Sea  dexed Ace e  o,  \,  f  :  :  II•  •  :  .  t  I  ~  I  I  ,.  I  I  .  ~  t  I  '  I•  . I  f,  ':  ADV .I\  136  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number «i•en to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  -NA.II.JI: OF B.A.NK:=Tow; -'.ND OOUNTT. •.Mem. Am. Bks.J.ssn. §State •County Seats. Entire tate in No.10 $Kem.State Bks.A.ssn.tPriv. [ E<ita Fed.Res.Dist. Denver Br. ♦)Ie~. Fed. Res.  p  =  JlalDDT.  TC' .I\ C'  ,... _ _ ... .: ____ ..:JI  PRINCIPAL O0R.RUPON:D&NT8,  ----'-~~-----•LI--R:....E_S...:.O~U.C.:R..:CCE=S.  J.M'T 0.&Slllll.  0.A.8111O.  VICZ-PRESIDENT.  T.oANt,"1>11-  0.&u&Ez-  0  _iac_'•-~_":._••  _:o__.:i_:_;_!.._"•  5,980 I 217,100 S 157,000  s; 105,900  PAID-UP- SURPLUS  ----1  DEPOS-  __ _C_A_PI_T_A_L _i'_R>;,_1;._~_T_S _I_TS  Dolores.p::.n~ uma K 2 First Natio~f\Jrk ---•'10 H.J. Porter ___ W.W. Byers ___ R, B. Knox ________ A. S. Miller _______ $  5  Non-Bank Towns wlth Neare. t Banking Point {Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  COLORADO-Continued  25,000 S  U. 8. N. and Den. N., Den.; Drov. N., Kan.  c.  J. J. Harris & Co., Bankers J. J. Rania _ _ _ A.. 'JI. Barrus _____ R. 8. s. l!'ox_____ ________ •t•8f1 82-100  50,000  14,770  358,490  344,090  102,060 Kountze Bros .. N. Y.; 1st N. and Oolo. N .. Den.: 1st N ., Duraneo.  •Durango __ LaPlata L6 Burns Nation a-51Bank ---•'10 T. H.. Kelley ____ J. R. 0. Tyler _____ Chas. E. Walker_______________ 82 7 c. c. Perkins Pop. 4116  100,000  21,~50  619,400  668,640  148,500 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Den. and Pueblo.  100,000  53.440  711,480  w. Lo«--------  100,000  36,470 1,314,240  990,550  G. C. Anderson __________________ _  25.000  2,500  18,000  30,000  DURANGO TRUST CO. -•WOO  J. L. McNeil---- A.. P. Camp ____ W. E. Duuan R. William<:on. V,P. First National Bank----•t'80 A.. P. Oam1>--- J. L. lilcNeiL ____ 82-55 •Eads _______ Kiowa H 21 Eads State Bank _________ §'20 F. H. Foater ______ A. A. Teiman ______ 82-438 Pop. 500 First National Bank ____ et'87 J. T. Goarh _____ Georre WeiabrocL. " " 82-235 Eagle __________ Eaele E 8 FirstN. Bk. ofEaa-leOo.•t·08 John Welsh _______ ll'nnk Doll ______ 82-238 Pop. 358 82-56  G. F. Fritz, Sec. K.  '  ---  s. Rucker ____  w. F. Weii:htman,  Tr.  F.  212,240 Bkrs.Tr.Co.,N.Y.; Den.N. and StockYds. N., Den.: Stock Yds. N •• Kan. C. 426,580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and .\.lbu-1 querque: Drov. N .. Kan. O.; Oolo. N. and Den. N., Den. 10,500 Den. N .. Den.; Com'l N., Kan. C., Kan.; Ft. O ~ Scott State, Ft. Scott, Kan. O • 42,040 1st N .. Kan. 0. and Pueblo.  I(')  11'. L. Pyles _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  25,000  85,030  439,500  527,470  0. M. Baker _______ J. D. Allen _______ _  50,000  37,900  314,000  340,000  65,000 Chem. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Den. and Glenwood 1~ Sprinirs; Drov. N., Kan. C.  F..astlake _____ .Adams D 15 Eastlake State Bank ____ t§'l4 J.B. Smith _______ W.M. Hopkins ___ Geo. O. Corley _____ E. D. Corley ______ _ D. H. Switzer . 82-327 Pop. 10 0 , J,,;tfon ________ - - weld B 15 Eaton National Rank.-•t'07 W.W. Brown _____ W. H. Barber _____ J. C. Stone ___________________________ _ 82-125 Pop. 12 0  10,000  2,000  200,000  160,000  52,000 Live Stock N., Oma,; U.  25,000  22,840  656,200  421.560  346,350 N. Bk. Oom .. N.Y.: Den. N .. Den. ; Stockf u., Growers N ., Cheyenne. Wyo.  Cobler _____ _  100,000  37,390  774,300  882,220  259,520 Han. N., N. Y.;Den. N. and 1st N .. Den.  Cosby McBeath ____ W. H. Phinney ___ _  25,000  ff.690  156,550  146,600  Alice Mayer _____________________ _  25,000  3,500  275.000  A. W. McAuley ________________ ·-------  25,000  B. U. Jamison. --- - - - - - - - - - - -  10,000  FIRST IATlf ~fh1A111-•t•o;i J. D. Wilson _______ W.R. Clark _______ C. J. Stockfteth ___ J.  2 Eckley -p------ - ;uma C 21 Eckley State .Bank ____ etf'l5 B. F. Boggs _______ C. P. Schmidt _____ 82-331 op. 33ElberL_P----- ~1bert F 15 ELBERT COUNTY IANIUl'07 J.E. lla:,er _ _ _ James Ringold ___ W. D. Reilly 82-237 op. 2aO .. First National Bau'p ______ '20 R. J. Elsner _______ I. B. Casteel ______ " ---- ---82-435 . Elizabeth _____ Elbert F 15 ELIZABETH STATE BANK Lee Ramsey _______ James Ringold ____ t§ "06 82-238 Pop. 230 1'.nL!'lewoocL ___ Araoahoe Englewood State Bank •t§'20 c. W. Bif;!elow _____ ,John imon _______ C. R. Comb 82-424 E 13 Poo. 435' First National Bank •••• •t'08 John . Fletcher __ G. F. Hieeins ______ " Geo. w. Gates 82-289 E . 'rw ___ P __ --- Weld D 13 Brie Bank--------------•tl'Ol C. W. Bixler _____ Wm. Whiles. ______ 82-240 o1>. 697 Este Park.Larimer B 12 Estes Park Bank ______ •tl'08 J. D. Stead _______ A. D. Lewis _______ J. F. Schwartz F. 0. Stanley, 82-20. .Po:>. 505 Oh. of Bd. E\'ans _________ Weld O 15 FarmersAMerch. Bank•tt•o, John H. Behrens _____________________ 82-242 Pop. 505 •Fair Play -----Park F 11 Bank of Fair1>lay ------tl'U8 J. o. Singleton ___ J. F. Sinileton ____ 82-24S l'oo. 183 Flat:ler __ Kit Carson F 20 Farmers State Bank --•tl'll H. o. Jones _______ J. A. White ____ ••o82-201 Po1>. 544 Fir -1 ·ational Bauk ____ •t·os W. B. Lavingtoa __ W. L. Price _____ 82-200  I.i'.  c. Vertrees ________________________ _  82-328  J lorcnce ___ 1, remont H13 Arkansas \'alleJ'l7 82-395 Pop. 2629  .  ' t:,  ~ .> ,z ~  39,380 City N., Lin.; U.S. N., Den.  en  73.500 U.S. N .. Den. 230.000 2,500 --------- _____________ _____ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N,, Den. 31,000 0. S. N .. Den. 13,620 105,000 180,000 25,000 1st N. and Den. State~ Den.; Drov. N., Kan.  I  2,500  100,000  100,000  25,640  687,230  598,050  James Brennan. Jr. _________________ _  15,000  7,000  250,000  156,000  Chas. F. Hix ___________________ _  25,000  2,500  300,000  153,700  Geo. H. Simpson _______________ _  12,500  4,500  140,000  105,000  45,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.  A.. A. Dollison __________________ _  10,000  11,040  188,000  143,200  94,730 Chase N .. N. Y.; lstN., Den.  F. D. Nelson _________________________ _  50,000  3,500  147,000  126,000  A. E. Crei~hton ___ Iva E. Reynolds .•  25,000  7,800  200,000  170,000  46 000 Hamilton N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Den. ; City N., Co!o. Springs. ' 60,000 Cont. & Oom'l N .. Chi.; U. S: N. and Stock Yds. N., Den.: 1st N., Colo. Springs.  Lippitt _____ _  30,000  9,500  146,420  168,610  CHAS. A. PATTERSON ---- ---· ------------ J. A. JAMESON ------- H. B. BURN~--------  20,000  20,600  175,000  180,000  i  d  164,980 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y .: N. City, Chi.; Globe N,,Den. ~ 80,000 Oolo. N., Den. 101,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'I N., Chi.: 1st N .• Den.  " . ti.. N miter under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exeluahelf by The Band-McNallf Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  t  • ' ,,  g° (I)  ;::,  (") (I)  30,630 U.S. N .. Den.; Logan Co. N., Sterline: Stock Yds. N., Oma. 8,090 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; O_ent. Sav. Bk. & ~ ;::, Tr, Co., Den.; Far. N., Sterlme. C  Prompt and co urteous attention to out of town b uslness. atety, atrengt b and a rvlce.  • M. Davidson ___ J. D. Blunt _____________ _________ G. S. David on ___ _  r-0  cJ~  25,000 25,000  c. L.  I  ~  A. E. Ferruson ___ H. N. Patton ____ _  Flemine-______ toran B 20 First ·auonal Bank ----•l'l7 E. M. Gillett_ ______ X. A. Lambert _____ W. S. Bellman _____ J. L. Morris 82-382 Pop. ii18  FLEMIH STATE BANK•tf•ta  w.  I>  s. N .. Den.  p.) '"1  2:;,000 1111  ,  Ill  150 000  100,000  1:1111  ;  Ill  15,000 Colo. Springs .,_ ., Colo. Springs; Inter-State N., '.:< ~ Kan.a. ,  Ill  •. ,  •  •  .,,.11 •••  ,_  N  ~r -  ,- ·:.l~,f~w:~~. j ..  •;-t~- ..  -~........ ·:  '.i '  -  .Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BankJng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer., Laws (ind exed) in back of this~ tn  Jlfamlter 11114• Jlfame or llaak i.a the New TnuuH 1'IIIDNI' liven to each bank iD u. 8. eselualYelT by Tbe &and-McN~ Bankers' Dlree&orr, under the autborlt, Tbe American Bankers TOWK AND O017NTT. N A.Idlt OF BA.NI. Am. Bk:s.Assn. §State ~county Seats. •Mem. PRJCSIDDT. V1cHHsIDDT.1 Entire State in No.10 iMem. State Bk:s. Assn.t Priv.  137  of  led.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem . Fed. Res. ... Fort Collins,LarimerB13 Pop. 8755  Non-Bank Town  with  ·eare t Banking Point (ln-  COLORADO-Continued dexed Acces.), Lawyer' Lal\" (ind xed) in back of this~ Ass= •n==·====-========~======================v=-ol:::::u=--m=e::::....-=~~or~_Inter<• t t~te, !folldays, et~~~~  I  (Esiab.  LIA.BILI TIES. 0.UBIJl:R.  I  ASS'T CA.SHIER.  DEPOS-  CAPITAL PROFITS  ~  - -  ~  A. C. 6BHU------ C. s. ICKES------- E. M. GREEN------f AR MERS BANK A. L. ROHLING ---- H.K. I S 51,000 Drafts given proper attention.  & TRUST CO.  Quick service.  Rate• reaeonable.  82-211 •t§'l6 First National Bank: ___ et'81 L. C. Moore ------- ,~L C. Kluver ______ O. E. Walker, V.P. C. W. Zepp 82-ZG ll'ortOo ins Nat. Bank-•tlllOO S. W. Johnson _____ R. Breniman ______ M. M. St. Clair 82-27 Poudre Valley Nat. Bk.-•t'78 B. F. Hottel _______ F. P. Stover ____ 82-25 Fort Lupton_ Weld O 15 Fort L upton State Bk. tl1900 :M. B. Rhode _____ B. F. Twombly ___ 12-244 Pop. 1014 •• " Platte Valley Si&te Bk:. e:1:1'12 W. F. Bolton _ _ H. 14. Siemann82-817 ... Fort :Mor~n----Morgan Farme rs State Bank: ... e:1:1'15 J. H. Bloedom ____ C.H. Smith _______ Pop. 3818 C 17 82-W J.P. OUHJ'--- W. H. Olahrorthy _  •  FIRST IAT,lllL IAII  l  We eolledato nee and remit at U aot paid we ob&ala nuo... Morpn Co. Nat. B&nk-•:-SII J.B. Roediier _____ W.H. lchrarda _ 82-89 S. M. Roed~er Fountain ___ J:l Paso H 15 First National Banlc--•t·ea F. E. Torbit _______ IW. D. Shaw ________ 82-245 Pop. ~05 L. MarsbaJL RMneharl___ Fowler ______ otero I 16 First National Bank--•t'05 A. Waddlnrton --- A. S. 12-142 Pop. 1062  •t·oo  2-91  r•  A. J, Whistleman __ F.  w. Moore ______  RES0~S.  PA.ID-UP Su!~1nus  $  U88  I.O•~•&:DIR• C'Te.  I  IS:: $l) ,;  =__.._ox1u_11_1<L  _s_acu_ ..  --- ---  150,000  PRINCl.PAL CORRESPONDENTS.  C•sn&:Ex-  &,ma, cnHou,Du.  --  $ 315,350 $ 128,560 Cent.  107,200 2,215,020 2,320,790  '<  _____  av. Bk. and Tr. Co., Den.  675,710 N. Oity, N. Y.: D  'I'.  N. and 1st N., Den.  G. A. Webb--- R. c. Cresswell ____ C. H. Sheldon ____ Verner U. WolL __  150,000  W. M. Ward _______  25,000  20,000  450,0001  250,000  79,330 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.:, 1st, ., Den., Pueblo, and Cheyenne. 541,440 Kountze Bros., N. Y.: 1st .i: ., Chi.; Colo. N., Den.. 150,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Colo, N., Den.; lstN .. Oma. 11  ---------  25,000  6,000  298,790  210,030  116,890 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. co., Den.  H. B. Bloedorn ____ A. E. Graves------  50,000  400,000  330,000  39,000 1.100,000  875,000  100,00U Atlantic N •• N. Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Oo•• Den.; Oma. N., Oma. I hot 365,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., r,, Chi.: Den. N. and U. S. N., Den.; 1st N., Oma. t,  8. J. Rhode-- --J. 0 . .A.lJan _______  H. W. Woodward _ E. P.  pdegrat'L.  oace. Send 7eur bualn eaa direct. L.0.J&COX-- F. W. Oarrutb. _____ F. W. Doan  100,000  40,520  425,130  536.810  178,770 2,106,430 2,528,570  ,nO 1  I  100,000  12,000  >  ' 50,000  100,000  800,000  b  ,0  150,000 N.Oity, N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.;lst N. and Colo.'~ 1 N., Den.; U.S. N., Oma. w 44,000 Colo. prings .. Colo. Spring..  750,000  >  ·----------------  25,vO0  15.570  180,470  169,800  0. T. Bauer ____ G. B. Warner ______  25,000  25,000  350,000  325,000  7:5,000 MPclt. & 'Metals N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo,'~ t. L., and Den.: Inter- tate ..... Kan. 0, rJ>  H. W. Fox _________ F. D. Crocker _____ Roy Starks _______ E. P. Barnard • ____ tate SHU Bank ________ tf'H Obas. A. Miller ____ JI. A. Anderson ____ J.M. Baker _______ M. L. Loftiss -----Fr derick-----Weld C 14 First S 82-353 Richard Clark Pop. 861  25,000  8,501)  220,000  210,000 I  60,000 1st N. l'ueblo.  10,000  8,000  100,000  80.000,  25,000  ll.000  178,000  110.0001  L.A. STEWART---- LEE WARIER ----t,!,FEf~W. LllC11.,---mp ee P,·sour pee lty.  25,000  8,900  217,000  192.490  ----- -- -------- Jesse E, Shryack __ --- - ---- ---- --  10,000  2,210  91,110  78,470  J.M. Copeland-- 0. J. Nicholu---- F. P. Dewey ______ J amea T. Garrett._  50,000  11,220  237,980  205,580  90,250 Kountze Bros .. N. 1st N., Den.  --------------  80,000  24,520  91,460  125,985  10,000  600  35,000  40.000  22,102,Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Oh1.:lst Den. 20,0tl0 Pioneer State, Den.  --------------  15,000  2,500  44,000  32,000  A. J. Wirth.----· _ J. F. Gre2ory _____  56,770  492,260  607,89U  100,000  Herbert R. Tubbs.  FOWL ER STATE BAIK.•H'80  Fi·ni a ______ MesaF 2 FIRST BAH OF FRUITA .Pop, 1183  82-1'5  •H'04  FIRST IAT1f:1AL IAll-•l'07 Z-lff  F,  y - ---{ ~are p. PJE~, ----- oK. a lKELL a entlo easonable  !  11111.fD• IAII If 1\Ell 2-117 '79  BAH If &EIIIITIWI  l  ~ '"1  r+  46,000 Mech.&MetalsN., N. Y.; U. 8. N., Den.  84,050 Han. N,, N. Y.: Den. N,, Den.  All eolleetlona and corresponde nee l\•en the penonal atten tton or an officer or t • bank.  M. Seifried-McFar- Fred P. Johnson __ J. B. Jl'oley -----82-118 •il'82 land Gilcrest _______ Weld CH Gilcre st State Bank __ -•1'13 W. K. Gilcrest _____ P. W. Allen ____ R.H. P. Keller ___ 82-247 Pop. 222 GUI------ _____ Weld B 15 Farmers State Bank ..... 1'19 K. J. Decker ______ S. O. Nelson ______ C. W. Husenetter. 82-410 Poo. 250 c·ti ... GlenwoodSp'gs,Garfleld i zen s National Bank •t•oa O. W. Taylor _____ G. H. Bell - - - G. H. BelL---82-109 Pop. 2073 .. E 7 First N ational Bank--•t"87 0. O. Parka ____ E.E. Lucas ________ 0. R. KcOarth.y --82-108 J. S. Hunn B. K. Babey ______ G. W. Parfet ______ H. W. Pr&tt _______ •Golden ___ Jefferson D 13 ROBEY IIATIOIAL BAIi 82-96 ~·111 L. T. Criley, J. W. Rubey Pop. 2500 A. Caah. John Wyckoff E. C. Shumaker _____ ____ R. A. :Martinson ___ ch State Bank---tl'l7 Goodrich---- organ O Ii Goodri g2-381 Pop. 100 Granada ____ P!'owers I 22 meri can SH!;,r,nk-~1'15 0. F. Horner ______ S. B. Gee _____ E. C. Gee----Pop. 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  20,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hamilton N,andColo.N.,Den.  I  to all matters entrusted to us at Fruita or Vicinity  Genoa------Lincoln F 18 Genoa State Bank-·----·•l'OU H. A. Johnson ____ 82-246 Pop. 200 ...Georretown-OlearOreek Pop. 703 D 11  &A·  MEIRIELL -- H. G. McELFRESH-  .  20,660 1st N., Den.; :Mid,,•. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.  5?  'I.:  ~  I))  50,000  lll,950 1.076,960 1,215,960  Grover Taylor ___ H. R. Greene •  50,000  56,500  000,100  880,030  ---- ---- ---- ---- ---  10,000  2,000  110,000  68,000  W. D. Rider _______  I0,000  6,220  209,100  Den. N .. Colo. N., and  .  N  o. I))  1  43,200 Union N •• Greeley; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., _ Den.; Drov . .i: .. Kan. C. r g.J,400 1Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Colo. N .• Den.; Drov. N .• Kan. C. 166,940 Ohem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan.C. 177,470 Seab. N., N. Y.; Den. N., Den.; N, Bk. Com., Kan. C. 77,700 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den. 40,8001 ~•ew En~ ... • .. Kai;. C.: C~nt: Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den.: Am. :state. W1ch1ta.  r;:;  • ·on-Bank Towns with Nea  dexed Ac  A  Number - • Name of Bank ia the New Tramlt Number liven  QT('  COLORADO  to each bank in U. B. e:1eluslvel1 by The Rand-McNaU1 Bankers' ~!J'eeto_!J, t_lDd.!r the authorl!! of The American Bankers Ass'n. ----========-==.... N.uui: OF BANK. TOWN .urn oouNTY. CASHIJ:ll. VIClt-PREBIDKNT. PllKSIDDT. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. lS t~te .&.Count:, Seats.  138  Entire State in No. IO Ulem.Siate Bks.A.ssn.tPr1v. Fed.Re .Dist.Denver Br. ~ e 1 . Res :..__[ Estab. •Grand Junct ion .•. Mesa F 2 Pop. 8665  - - - - - -1  ------1  T~ A~  A  C  t•  O_n 10UC __ _ __ :.._-  -  No -Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inuexed cces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back or thl _ volumP. F~r_ In._t_e~resi _!lates! Holidays, etc., see La ..  d  LIABILITIES. A.88'T CASHIJ:Jl.  PAI~-UP 8UBPLU8 AND L  C  -------~PROFITS  DEPOS-  ITS ---  R:ESOURCES. Lo4s1&D11- Cun a: Jl!x-  IC'TR.  82-41  Den.; Comw.  • ..§ 15  a\\~1:il r:  *UNITED STATES  BANK & TR • CO · 82-40  •il'03  lD. T.STONE-----  i:l:8f~TH------- E.W.DINWIDDIE .. G.H.McCUIDY----  Weld B 14  ·  '  FIRST NATIONAL BANK 82-38  •i'84  i  0. B. WYATT  539,500 Ban. N .. N.Y.: Cont. & Com'lN., Chi.; U.S. •. and 1st N., Den.; 1st N., Kan. C.  125,000  38,630 1,163,140  961.150  366,440 Mech. & Met3Js N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Pueblo; Hamilton N., Colo. N., and 1st N., Den.:Fld.N.Bk.&Tr.,Kan.C.;Cont. N., Salt Lake C.  (')  UNION NATIONAL BANK•t'?0 82-32  GrorPr ________ \Yeld 16 Pop. 195 •Gunni on.Gunni on II 7 Pop. 1329 " " Gyp 11m ________ Eagl • E Poo.l6t Ilartman ___ Prowers I 22 Pop. 175 Ha ty __________ flent I 20 Poo. 100 ILi wcl1.. ____ Kiowa H 19 Pop , 2;;0  Weld County Sav. Bk .• •U'04 82-5' Grover State Bank----•U'0D 82-251 First National Bank _____ .i'8Z 82-126 Gunnison Bank & Trust Oo. •1'10 82-127 Bank of G:,ps11m _________ u,11 82-252 Hartman State Bank ___ •it•og 82-253 Ila ·ty tate Bank-----•ti'18 82-393 Colorado State Bank ___ •U'0II 82- 254  11"1. tum ••.. Phillios B 20 FARMERS STATE BANK•U'00 Pop. 111  82-100  Fir t ·ation, l Bank ____ •1'17 82-180 Ila. tun State Bank -•t§'lO 82-419  50,000 150.000 50,000  J.B. Gale __________ R. JI'. Graham _____ A. W. Feri;~uson -- E. L. Gordon ______ _  100,000  i  C.  H. W. McGilo  . Jackson  140,000  185.960 2,084,130 2,012,640  56,820  10,0CO _ _ _  170,370 2,007,170 2,288,970 13,870  235,340  215,140  U0,000 1.450,000 1,510,000  963.020  767,490  10.000  6,500  100,000  80.000  50,000  71,820  683,560  565,550  C. W. Winslow ____ H. C. Bartlett ______ W.W. KcKee ____ A. E. Winslow ____ _  50.000  30.010  449,350  381,000  H. E. Chatfield ___ Sam Oleson----- -- J.P. Oleson------ -----------------  25,000  7,000  120,()00  115.600  G. W. Sherman ____ C. E. Zink _________ J. L. Zink _________ --------------------  15,000  4,770  104,000  Edna Steeves _____ _  10,000  1.200  60,000  48,000  Boon Best _________ D. L. Beer _ _ _ F. P. January----- J.P. Allen _____ _  10,000  19.400  185,000  195,000  D. W. SCOTT---- EMtLiR!ON----- JOHN E. RUGG----- B. S. FAIRBANKS .. ... . S E LUIID  25,000  28,460  .'4.010  { Prompt attentl on as. end us your b uslne  c. C. McCune ______ w. c. Krue!ler ____  :!;  30,000 Mech: & Metals N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Glenwood Sorm£s, Colo.: Stock Yds. N., Den.: Fid. "-I ~ N. Bk. &Tr., Kan. C., Mo. 442,450 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Ohi.; Oma. f/.i N., Oma.; 1st N. and Colo. N., Den.  b I~:s ~  3,490 Greeley rT., Greeley.  0.  481,060 Han. N., N. Y.: Ooat. & Oom'l N., Ohi.: U. ". ~ c:: N. and Den. N., Den. 79.050 Oma. N., Oma.; Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr. Co., Den. ::,  n  400,000 N.Part, lf. Y.: 1st N., Ohl. and Oma.; 1st  T ..  o·::,  and Den. N ., Den.  ... 0  59,100  Samuel P. Soencer J. A.. Steele _____ J. J. Mlller _____ C. F. Spencer _____ _  o. W. Steeves ___  ~  0 tl1  R. E. Taylor _______ H.B. Wilson _ _ E. 0. Abbe:,, Jr, __ J. R. Hick --------  J.M. Williams ____ D. D. Amis ________  1.  0  r+  100,000  I  I  92,000  396.840  429,640 N. Oity, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N. and :::r:l Colo. •• Den.: Stock Growers N .. Cheyenne. f).) 20,000 1st N., Ohe:,enne. K 287,030 N. City, N.Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; 1st N.' . Den. 142,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; lstN., Chi.; 1 t N. and Colo. N .. Den. 36,400 N. Bk. Com .. N .Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den.: Am. N .. Leadville. 28,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.: Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: Am. State, Wichita. H,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & 'fr. Co •• Den.; Citiz. State, Lamar. 37,500 Oomw. N .. Kan. 0.: 1st N., Den. and Pueblo.  C  3  sii"  118,320 Mech. If.. Metals N.. . Y.; 1st N., Oma. and ::, Sterhnll: Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.  ankfug matters.  i::  ~  >;  J. :M.Delander ____ H. w. Hartman ____ E, V.Bentson - F. W. Grippi ,,1.C. D. Banister E.G. F..aton N. II. Bentsen ___ G. W. Gordon.---- C. L. Reynolds ___ _ Ira J. Taylor  BANKEKSllUJSTCbMPANY Of DfNVER, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  100,000  W. H. FARR------- L. E. WYATT---------- G. A. SPEAR-------GEO. 0. STATLER Intelligent attent Ion to all bankln g matters. cited at reasona ble rates.  B. F. JOHNSON----CoUJ'teous and Collectlons soll  8 > t,  First and oldest established Bank • Collections asp eclaley and remit ted on d ay of pa yment. Prompt attentl on to all Banking matters entruste d to us.  Greeley Loan&Trust Co.•§'20 R. A. Hofrman ____ C. F. Mason _______ Alfred Riley ________________________ _ 82-38 Greeley National Bank-•t·oo C. H. Wheeler ___ H. D. Parker ______ C. T. Neill ______ L. B. CarreL _____ W. G. Hayden 82-35 'orthern Bank Trust Co. N. D. Bartholomew E. L. Carson ______ W. R. Patterson __ H. A. Wilson-----•t§'l8 82- 87  c.  65,000 1,850,000 1,496,400  Conducts a gen eral Banking and Trust buslneH. Largest Capital or an7 Bank In Western Colorad o. Collectlon1 and cash letters sin n apeelal atten tlon.  J.M. B. PETRIKIN R.F.GRAHAM------- J.S.OAYIS-------- C.J.SEEM--------  ., Kan.  100,000  Mesa County Clearini: House Beman c. Fox._ J.C. Smith _______ Mark R. Bunting, B. G. McElfresh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Su. Association________________ (.llemllers indicated bu a,*) Clrancl YallPY Gartit•ld E4 Garfteld Oo. State Bank •U'08 J. B. Wallace ______ J. J. OonnelL _____ J.E. SiopreJle _________________ _ 17,500 25,000 130,000 i2 250 Pop. 2:i7  P<>P- io 883  ----------------1  *BAIK OF GRAND JUNCJl.9N A. M. Schmidt _____ Wm. E. Dudley---- A. C. Milne __ ---- Mark R. Bunting __ S 40,000 S 14.250 S 427 .000 S 334 000 S 128,000 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.: 1st N. and Colo .• , .. W. J. MOYER------ WM. WEISER..------ BEMAN C. FOX------ A. E. BORSCHELL.-*GRAND VALLEY NAT'L BANK A thoroughly o rganlzed collectl on d"epartment. { !OJ'~~:arr!!r-:. matters. •i·o2 ro:r:o~ 82-39  •Greell-v  Bo!fua, OB4I<0a8,Dua rao1<Bu1r1.  ~  ~  PKINCIPAL OoRKESPONDJ:N'T'S,  50,000  20,000  300.000  40,000  12,020  177,730  l  ~  -  38:5.000  50,000 U.S. N .• Den.; 1st N., Lin.  171.200  54,170 N. Park,~- Y.: U: S. N. and Stock Yds, N,, ~ _ Den,; City N ., Lm.  BONDS-NOT[S-rJ\ M LOJ\Ns ·  139 __ _  .Number under Name of Bank is the New Trana!& Number 1t1Vt,o to each bauk io U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallJ Bankers' Dlr~c~ry.!._under the authority of 'J.'_he American Bankers'n. NAME OF BANK. • tern. Am. Bks. Assn. §State iMem. State Bks . .Assn. tPriv.  Tow~ AND COUNTY. •County Seats. Entire State in To.10.  I VICE-PRESIDENT.  PRESIDENT,  1  CASHlER.  I  -,Ass'T CASHIER.  A. P. Wood 82-llhl !Yampa Valley Bank ___ •U'02 Alva Jones ____ G. W. Harris------ 1rl.  LIABJLlTlES.  PAID-UP  :::::::_~_:;.::::; :::m~:=~~:~k__: : : : J.C. Temple _______ Jas. M. Whetstone USlieKimsey _____ 'uodersoo _______ i'op. 455 --------  Non-Bank Towns with Ne.arest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this,_ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays,~~_. ~  C t·lnued COLORADO --=-on  w.  SURPLUS  A.ND  I  :":.,:,:B:::::  I  1 8  S 2::120  $  c  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES.  ~~.:~·:,~~::  DEPOS-  ~  o~:i:.:.t:·.  ~  ~  : : ; 0 ;•3:~: N. Park, N. Y.: Den. N., Den: Rawlins N .• t-=> Rawlins, Wyo.; Craig N., Craig. 40,790 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Colo. N. and U.S. N., 282,020 Den. 15,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Stock Growers N., 35,000 Cheyenne, Wyo. 30,000 Oma. N., Oma.: U.S. N .• Den.; Far. & llerch., 90,000 I Ashland, Neb.  30,000  21,130  248,6!J0  15,000  1,500  35,000  15,000  8,000  ll0,000  25,000  5,000  302,4701  249.610  G. W. Stevens _____ J. A. Pierce _____ E. D. Shirley______ __________  30,000  9,220  164,330  126,680  Otto Fulscher _____ C. E. Paul _________ G. B. Heginbotham __________________  50.000  5,000  250,0001197,000  S.S. Worley ______ F. P. O'Neal ______ c. P. Peterson _____ Willa Webermeier Fred Borland J. H. Painter _ _ Geo. A. Henderson W. S. Johnson ____ J. W. Weiand_____ C. W. ederburg R. L. Johnson F. L. Tilton Hooper-•• Alamosa K 12 Hooper State Bank _____ tf'l2 N. E. Mornn _____ W. D. Sisemore ___ D, E. McIntosh____ __________________ · iZ-322 Pop. 156 Uotchki. ______ Delta G 5 Bank of North Fork __ et'D3 S. B. Hartman ___________________ G. H. Duke ______ Jean Duke________ 82-170 Pop. 572  50,000  20,370  459,060  457,190  25,000  35,140  832,860/  541,100  10,000  6,500  100,000  80,000  10,000  700  67,080  41.670  First Natioii~mnk ----•t"0l E. E. Wilson------ R. B. Rupard ______ E. F. Paxson _________________________ _  25,000  7,600  350,000  250,000  First State Bank or Sulphur F. C. Jone _________ L. W. Kennedy_ R. \V. Arm trong __ A. T. Morgan _____ _ •Jiot Bul1>hur Springs, prin~s __ sz-2gg ______ •U·08 Grand. Pop. 300_.o JO  10,000  7,460  144,2601 124,370  llud ·on _____ __ Weld D 15 Hudson State Bank----•U•og B. E. Timbers _____ J.B. Cuvkendall _ F. W, Clark _______ Vera M. Paige ____ _ 82-2511 Pop. 322  15,000  11,000  100,000j  K. I. Thompson __ J. P. Dickinson ___ H. G. Hayward ____ W. D. Owen------L. M. Laurie •t'03  25,000  57,840  654,9201 661,070  Hugo Natio f~s~tnk ____ •t'l5 E. H. Wooldridge __ J.P. Iseman _______ Harry E. Tandy ___ -------------------p'g· ___ Clear Or'k Bank ofldaho Springs.•U'l8 D. J. Donnelly ____ John Atcheson, Jr. o. I. Spessard ________________________ _ 82-105 E 12 Pop. 1192  35,000  20,000  175,000  200,000  20,000 Chase N., N.  25,000  12,430  100,000  100,000  25,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Interstate Tr. Co.,~ and Am. Bk. & Tr. Co .• Den.  50,000  15,690  355,350  397,430  54.870 N. City, N. Y.; Den. N. and 18' N., Den.  Smith_ M. Burch ____ Mrs. G. ·• " 82-198 Hereford -----Weld A 16 Hereford State Bank ___ t§'!9 Sumner Miller --- H.B. Werder ______ J. D. McFarland__ _______________ 82-418 Pop. 125 . H1llro e _____ Morgan C 18,First St·te Bank ______ U'08 E. A. Wiggenhorn, V. R. Towne _____ R. A. Towne ____ Chas. s. Billings___ Jr. 12-255 Po». 300 Holly ________ Power I 22 First National Bank-•t'05 82-157 Pop. ll!O Holly State Bank _____ •U-07 " ------" 82-158 •Holyoke __ Phillips B 21 Citizens State Bank ---•t§'lll 82-416 Po1>. 1205 First National Bank ___ •t·ss " " 82-165 Phillips County State Bank •t§·oo 82-188  •llugo ______ Lincoln F 19 Pop. 838 1<1' ho  Geo. B. Dugan ___ F. H. Allen _______ E. J. Thayer  ------1E. A. Northrup____  FIRST NATIONAL BANK 82-257  8  H.P. McCLELLAND ___ J.M. FREEMAN-----FIRST NAT'L BANK {"· E. MACHOL----- V. C. EARLL ________ or an au  •'80 82-l0S Idalia ________ Yuma D 22 First State Bank_______ ei§'l6 82-357 Pop, 350 Ignacio _____ La Plata L 5 Ignacio State Ba n k ----•U'l0 82-258 Pop. 200 Iliff ________ Lo~an A 19 1First Bank of Iliff _____ .i§·07 82-25D 238 Pop. Jaros 0 _____ Costilla L 12 Farmers & Me r cha nts 1flnk 82- 409 +§'19 Pop. 200 Joes __________ Yuma E 21 First tate .Bank ________ §'20 . 82- 443 Pop.100 Johnstown ____ Weld C 14 First Nat1oi~1zf:nk ____ •t'04 Ba N .. . Pop. 274 •Julesburg ____ Sedewick: C1t1zens a t 1on~1 nk -•t'SG . 82- 1o 5 A 22 Pop. 1320 First Natiei~l t&-nk----•t•os " ________ ..  I  I  Laftea& and Old el& National Ban k In Clear Creek Count7. the Bank. offle er entlon of Colfeetlons bav e the p !'IOnal  1  1  100,000  C. .A. Puderbaugh __ T. H. Fox_ ________ M. Finch ________ , _______________ _  10,000  i,500  140,000  25,000  5,800  125,0oo  J.P. Dillon _______ J.M. Cunningham W. F. Alexander __ Sylvia Walker ____ _  30,000  6,000  125,0001 155,000  L. D. Ha.rvey ______ , ____________________ D. K. Haryey __________________ _  10,000  1,000 I_  60,000  60,000  nyder ______ G. F. Hudson ______ :Y. M. Hudson ____ _  15,000  7,500  17,620  27,850  T . .M. Callahan ____ H. J. Parish.. ____ P. w. Reel ________ K. K. Barnard.---W. E. Letford Chas. Peterson ____ c. s. Deily ____________________ _ W. W. Vaught  50,000  28,210  577,600  543,480  25,000  11,450  314,370  345,480  50,000  13,000  475.000  550.000  25,000  3,940  51,540  55,010  10,000  3,000  85.000  80.000  10.000 I  4,500  i0,000  65,000  w. G.  1  75,000 130,000  1  ----1  J. Frickel, Jr. _____ c. F. Parker _______ c. F. Schroeder ___ E. S. Eastlack. ___ _  c. w. White , . -1 . Frrst Nation a~ Ba nk ______ 19 W. D. Bish _______ Michael Milan _____  . A. L. Austin _______ Mary I. Austin----  I  0 t"I 0  336,940 Han. N., N. Y.; U.S. N., Oma. and Den.  32,000 March. N., Lawrence, Kan.: U. 8. N., Den.: :-c, Alamosa N., Alamosa. 27,840 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Ohi.: 1st N,, t-e ,v Den.  >  125,000 0. S. N., Den.; Comw. N., Kan, 0, 57,820 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Cent. Sn.Bk. &Tr. Oo .. Den.  10 ' tlJ  > Z  20,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Den.: Merch, N .. Oma, :.,;::  cl=  99,090 Seab. N., N. Y.: U.S. N., Den.; 1st N., Kan.C.  Y,; lstN., Den.  ~  1  O  'X (D  R. M. Shultz _______ Emmet Wirt _______ J. D. Turner ______________  Jacob Burkart_ ___  1  99,510 N. City, N. Y.: Kan. N., Wichita: 1st N., ' Pueblo. 73.430 N. OitJ•, N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. 0,; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 60,000 Den. N., Den.; Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. (') 74,580 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. and Lin.  en  Superior 8eme e. Send ua your bu1lne11 direct.  Keenesbur~---' eld C 15 82 421 Pop.164 IKeene Valli!-mnk. 11 __ i§'l7 B. E. Timbers _____ J, H. Beggs ________ L. E. Timbers _____ -----------------" 1 Keota _________ Weld Il 16 Farmers Stat ~ Ba nk ____ i§'15 S. D. Markley _____ D. G. Olson ________ F. S. Markley ____ _ 82 340 Pop. 120 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  1 44,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Drov. N., Kan. O.: lst ~ ~ N .. Den. .. .1.· . Yds Stock and N. Globe Durango; N., 1st 30,000 Den. 27,000 ILogan Co. .. Sterling; Live Stock N., Oma.  10,000 Colo. Springs N . .__ Colo. Springs.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C. 9,860 1 Hamilton ., Den. 137,000 lllan. N .• N. Y.; Colo. N .. Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0. 57,340 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oma.; 1st N., Den. 100,ooo lGuar?,nty Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Northern Tr. Co.,r Chi.; Oma. N,, Oma.; U.S. N., Den. • 10,450 1st N., Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C.  I  15,600 Cent. Sav: Bk. & _Tr. Co .. Den.: Merch . .1. · . , Oma.; City .. Lm. 18.00o cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr.Co., Den.:lstN.,Cheyenne. 1  ~  '°  ARK A N~A~-rnnHn,,~r-1  140  .Number and• ame of Bank ui the .New Tranal& Number given  COLORADO-Continued  u. 8. eHluslvely by The Rand-McNall' Bankers• Directory, under &be authority of The American Ban ers Ass'::::n-=·=====--=- - - --=---TowN UD CouNTY. , --N.urEOP BA. K. v lCJC. p Rl:SIDENT. p •Mem. Am. Bks.A.ssn. iState •County Seats OA.SBIJ:a. JtJ:SIDICNT. Entire State in N'o.10_ flilem.State Bks.A.ssn . t Priv. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( Estab. Fed. Res.Dist. Denv11r B..£: ♦1!em. Fed. Res. to ea~h bank in  p  Kirk __________ Yuma E 21 Pop. 100 KitC:irson,OheyenneG 21 Pop. 350 Kremmlinf ___ Grand o 9 Pop, 200 L1f1yette __ Boulder D 13 Poo. 1800 " "  ,\.ID-UP  SURPLUS  DEPOS-  PRINCIPAL  0RRESP0ND&NTS,  Laua& D,.;:-c.;-11 &: E:r:-  ":,~~-;~:: "~':~u:::::• -- ---,--------------------· _ ______ ,___ - - - - - - CAPlTAL PR~1;.~TB  10,000 $  1TB  10.000 $ 100.000 $  Sa.000 $  15,000  1.500  25,000  20,000  D. Reilly _____ Jas. Ringold _______ A.. ll. Rex-·------ _________ _  10,000  6,500  130,000  120,000  E. R. Mourning ____ W. F.AhL ________ J.J.Kruse __________________ _ R. H. Denny J.E. Wrape _______ G. I. Idler------- E.W. Stevens ____________________ _  15,000  2,500  86,310  10,000  10,000  106,910  97,580  0. E. Collins _____ Charles Scott ____ J. G. Mccomish __ Frank Jelinek ____ _ Miriam H. Nye F. C. Jones ________ Peter Engle _____ H. o. Gray _________________ _ _  10,000  20,500  190,000  185,000 1  10,000  11,710  169,120  126,360  KIOWA STATE BANK--•U-08 W. 82-262 tockgrowersStateBank:l:§'19 82-422 Kirk State Bank ________ :j:§'l7 82-365 Kit Carson State Bank __ :§•09 82-309 Bank of Kremmling ___ •+f '05 82-263 Farmers State Bank ____ • '2() 82-442 First National Bank ·---•:•07  RESOURCES,  LIABILITIES. ASS'T 0ASHlll.  Kersey ______ Weld Bl5 Kersey State Bank _____ if'08 Carle H. Smith ____ E. C. Shumaker_ __ V. M. Sheeley ____ H. E. Woolsey _____ $ 82-261 Pop. 319 Kim ____ Las Animas L 15 Farmers State Bank ---•"'20 J. D. McArthur ____ S. J. Collins _______ A. J. Werner _________________ _ 82-441 Pop. 100 •Kiowa ______ Elbert F 16 Pop. 148 ________ " "  on-Bank To ns Wlth Neare t Banking Point (Index:ed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of thi · vol um~. .For lntere t R te ~ Ilolldar!_, etc,, see_ La • ~  __ _  65,360 '1  25,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. co., Den.: Oma. N., Oma. 21,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. Tr. Co., Deu. 30,000 U. S. N .. Den. 36.940 Den. N. and Stock Yds. N., Den. 24,390 1st N ., Den. 44,000 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Comw. N., Kan. C. 63,270 1st N., Den.; Am. N., St. Jo.  __I--------- lrech. & 'Metals N., N. Y.: 1st  'rr.  Co .. Den.;  1  IO  g"  W. L. McOaslin ___ W. C. Coulehan ___ F, A. Bullock______ -----------·---·---  15,000  3,1)00 --------- _______  AI. Schofield ______ Jas. Simpson ______ A.. O. Howe ______ ___ _______________ _  25,000  4,500  223,580  2-17,350  John Brown ______ Thomas Ashton ____ Buffer Roberts ___________________ _  15,000  10,300  95,500  72,000  42,800 1st N., Oma.:  C. C. Carlsen ______ G. H. Whitman ___ M. J. Martin ______ Howard Hinds ____ _  25,000  2,500  69,000  47,000  36,000 1st  J. A. McDanieL ___ S. Epsteen -------- I. W. Vea ey _____ H. C. Hall ________ _ W. A. Braiden J. L. Gilliland _____ Fred A. Sabin ____ E.G. Woodbridge_ W. C. Moore ____ __ A. S. Mar hall  40,000  20,000  300,000  250,000  75.000  37,920  599,780  721,680  146,460 N. Bk. Com, N. Y.: 1st N., Pueblo: U. S. N., en.: luter-State N .. Kan. C.  R. Phillips _______ Ed. Marshall------ H.B. Richardson_ D. A. Norton _____ _ S.S. Stalter 82~5 La Junta State Bank.-•U'll3 R. A.. Steen _______ A. C. Draper ___ C. C. Buchanan ______________________ _ 82~6 •I.au11r ____ Prowers I 22 Citizens State Bank ____ e+f'08 J.M. Williams ____ Charles Maxwell_ L. J. Borinr------- J. D. Spooner ___ _  50,000  112,900  974,000  834,810  50,000  15,380  426,770  416,270  35,000  29,600  615,000  490,000  299,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; Com. Ti. Co., rt) Kan. U.: 1st ••• Den. 84,440 Bk,. 9f I.he :Manhattan Co .. / . Y.; N. Bk Rep .. j Ch1.; Den. N., Den.; 1st.,_., Pueblo. 165,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Oent. Sav. Bk_.& '.fr. ~ Co .. Den.:Comw.N .. Kan.C. ; lst N.• \ 1ch1ta. ,p  50,000  63,000  675,000  450.000  290.000 N. Bk. Com., .... Y.; ·. Bk. Com. and Drnv. ~ r., Kan. C.; 1st ... and v estern ..... , Pueblo. '<  B. T. McOiave _____ R. E. Adams ____ W.W. Cooper ____ _  60,000  50,730  783,900  723,120  tate Bank ______ §'20 F. L. Harri _______ Cora R. Strain ____ J. Y. Sayler _______ R. L. Christy _____ _ 82-432 La :tll• _______ Weld C 15 LaSalleStateBank __ •:t§'08 J.C. Hubbard _____ J. A. Behren _____ T. F. Dobbs _______ Herbert H. Dobbs_ 82-2~6 Pop. 460  25,000  5,000  55,000  45,000  288,350 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Inter-State N., Kan. 0.: U.S. N .• Den. 40,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Stock Yds.; r., Den.  10,000  10,000  150,000  143,000  55,000 U. S. N., Oma.: Cent. Sav. Bk. & 'l'r, Oo •• ~ ~ Den.  A.  s. Booth ________ W. J. A.. Scott _ _ II. H. Schumann __ _ E. J, Rahn A.. W. Johnston __ L. B. Herron ___________________ _  30,000  80,000  830,000  840,000  50,000  14.000  215,000  212.000  C. A. Thomas ______ E. W. ewon ______ --------- ---------  50,000  52,250  588,380  786,190  140,000 1st N., N. Y. and Pueblo; Inter State N. and 0 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. ::l 65,000 Mech. & Metal. N .. •. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Colo. r •• Den. 131,460 Drov. ., Kan. C.: tockYds. N., Den.  82-114  Laird---------) uma O 22 Laird State Bank _______ tf'OO 82-264 Pop. 200 La Jar:i _____ Oonefos L 10 Conejos County State Bank •§'20 82-439 Pop. 521 First National Bank ----•:t'I0 " ________ " 82-182 •L:lJunfa ____ otero J 18 Colorado Sav., Tr. Co. •ti'07 82~7 Pop. 496-1  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:·oo  h~ ~2  ·  ~  FIRST NATIONAL BANK•:t'87 A. N.  Piirri<;h _____ J. ll. Thatcher ____ J. F. Maurer_ _____ P. c. Goethe. _____ _  82-86  LAMAR NAT'L BANK--•:tlO00 o. M. Lee--------82-87 \'alloy  •J...,~Anama ---Rent I 19 BENT COUNTY BANK -- •:tl'75 P. G. Scott _ _ _ 82-110 Pop. 2252 Farmers StateBank ______ f'lO T.J. Herron _______ " " 82-112 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•'01 John McIntosh ____ 82-111 f,a V ta ___ Huerfano K 14 La Veta State Bank ____ etf '06 B. ll. Stockwell __ 82-267 Pop. 737 •I,~auville _____ Lake F 10 American National Bk,-•i'88 J. II'. McDonald ___ 82-H Pop. 4959 CARBONATE NAT'L BANK A. . V. Hunter. ___ •i'87 82-43 Leuwu ______ Lfncoln F 18 First 'ationrtl Bauk ____ •t"l7 G. A. rennedy ____ 82 370 Pop. 1047 Limon .·ational Bank ___•:t·ux l'. A. 'rhomp ·on ___ " "  82-177  O. L. Martin _______ W. L. Warner ---- ---- ---------- ----  15,000  10,500  275,000  250,000  M.A. Nichol on ___ B. D. Leonard---- W. G. Harrinrton_ T. A. Goldner John Harvey------ c. L. Wilson------ ------------------11'. L. mith R. T. Gate· ________ A. C. Sinclair ______ C. S. Davis _______ _ J. 'l'. Osborne J. D. essinger ____ John C. Kirkner-· -----------------  100,000  38,660  710,880  686,230  100,000  39,790 1.471,710  724,720  •l~ittlPtou_Arapahoe E 14 ld1 t 'ational I ·mk ____ •t·os am lirasier. ____ __ II. F. IcArthur _ OasperBroemmel_ J. 0, White ____ _ 82-1111 Pop. 16:lli Littleton State Bank --•:1'10 W, .. •. Ickes ____ __ _ s. ll. Uourue ______ Willard 'r lier -- -- Geo. Malcolm -----  I  82-120  BANKE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  lkUST<bMPANY or DENVER  25,000  5,000  130,000  130,000  30,000  33,730  167,080  247,870  N .. Den.: Far.  N., Long-mont. 47,530 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N ., Den.  .LT.,  I  0  U.S. N., Den.; Oity N., Lin.  Den.; .Am .... :• Alamosa.  75,000 U. S. N., Den.  ~  t, 0 ~  ~  0  r, rl'  &I  75,000 Mech. & Metals ., N. Y.: Cent. Sav. Rk. Tr. Co., Den.; Western N .• Pueblo. 262,060 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; Colo. N. and Den. N., Den. 986,280 Kountze Bros. and I ·t N .. N. Y.; 1st.· .. Chi. and Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Western N,, Pueblo. 35,000 N.,Pa_rk, N. Y.; Drov. N., Den.: 1st N .. Colo, pnngs. 77,610 r, Park, r, Y,J 1st N., Oolo. Springs:] t ., Den.; ew Eng. .• Kan. C.  25,000  55, 90  719.470  763,360  61,590 Seab. N., N. Y. ; U.S. N ., Den.  25,000  9,000  250,000  210.000 1  60.000 :\lerh . and .i, lctals . '., N. Y.: I t Globe N ., Den.  ._ n,  ::l  ~  Dl '"1  -  '.:<  -  • and~  BONDS-NOT[S~f J\ M LOJ\NS-~·- . -~  141  Number under Name of Bank ia the New TramH Number si,ven to each bank in U. S. excluslvelJ by The ltand-McNallT Bao.11:ers' under the authority of The ~ c a n ~o.11:era Aas'n.  D lfte_ Cor,, _.::::=.~..:_  TOWN .urn- COUNTY.  NA.HE OP .BA.NK. - -  •Mem. Am. Bks.Assu. §State •County Seats. Entire State in No.10 :t:Mem.State Bks. !ssn.tPriv. [Estab. Fed.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦.!em. Fed. Res.  ______ ,_______ - PRSSIDUT.  LongmonL_Boulder C 13 American Xat. Bank ____ •t·71 D. C. Donovan _____ 82~2 Pop. 5848 Colorado Bank & Trnst Co. v. H. Hamilton ____ " " §'20 82-125 Farmers National Bank_•:'81 W. L. lfcOaslin ___ 82-& Lonrmont ... ~~4°alBank•t•o5 J. W. Denio ______ 8 Louisvilte __ Boulder D 13 First State Bank _______ eif'15 L. E. ChenanJt _____ 82-333 Pop. 1799 LoTeland ___ Larimer B lS First National Bank ----•l'05 I. J, Henderson __ 82-70 Pop. 5279  arvCL-------- Ca Plata (Kline P. U,) L 5 Pop.175 lathe on ____ Elbort F 16 Poo. 200 Maybell ----- ofl'at B 4 Pop. 200 M Clave _______ Bent I 20 Pop, 200 Mead __________ Weld C 14 Pop, 145 • eeker __ Rio Blanco C 5 PoD. 035  TICl:-PRESIDDT.  T. M. Callahan ____ W. L. McCaslin 0. Mnth ________ w. Wm. Pughe J. H. Jones _______ J. R. Forsyth E. L. Montgomery_  CASHIER.  ASS'T CA.SHIER .  PAID-UP  u:1::;us1 DEPOS- ~~:·:?:.-, :;:::G...7~  C.\.PIT •.\.L PROFITS  S&euamu  ITS  Rae H. Kiteley ___ R. K. Pierson _____ _ R. L. Hudson Homer A. Handy ___ E. s. Agnew, Jr. __ . W. T. Coon ________ W. c. Coulehan ___ _  50,000  261,890 2,336,280 2,290,090  Charles Kistler ____ C, A. Flander ----·  75,000  60,640 1,106,310 1.012,430  60,000 $ 400,000 $ 550,000 50,000  5,000  63,000  72,000  FM)t(  "'1  ::=  B.uru.  50,000 Atlantic N., N.Y.: Cont.& Com'lN.,Chi.: Colo. ~ .tv N. and Den. N •• Den. 32,000 llidw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; 1st N., Den . ..,.  J. R. Thirlaway ___ J.E. Park _________ R. N. Austin- _____ _  15,000  5,000  165,000  130,000  G. A.. Hamilton ____ Jno. R. Handy ____ Wm. M. Ward ____ _ Adolf Donath  50,000  91,140  923,380  798,950  232,360 Irving N., N. Y.: U.S. N., Den.; 1st N., St. I,, ()  LAllMH IIIITY lllll I 1.11. Ounninrh&m A. A. Ferruson ____ L.B. Blair _____ T. H. HilL--------  100,000  54,660  722.100  768.030  Loveland NationalBank•i•s2 W. 0. Vorreiter ___ 82~8 State Bank of Lrons--•U'08 W.R. Kincaid----· 82-2119 Colonial StateBant ______ f'l2 Chri ten Jensen___ 82-310 First National Bant-----•'10 G. T. Cline-------82-176 Bank of 11anitoo _______ eif'08 H.11. Orilbee----82-270 J. N. Beaty&Oo., Bkr.. U'D7 W. 0. Beaty ______ 82-271 Mamanola State Bank •• •§'20 J, B. Mccarley---82-429 lfar\'el tate Bank _____ t§'20 M. Lester, Jr .. ____ 82-440  100,000  41,220 1.023,880 1.093,960  J. W. Jones B. R. BonnelL ____ H. D. Henry _______ D. F. Scott-------A. V. Benson M. w. Turner ______ M. W. Torner ____ 0. J. Ramey _____ _  amuel Jackson ___ G. A.. Van Fraden- -------------------barf J.B. Ptolemy ____ w. E. Faris ________ F. M. Shideler-- --J. A. Frink .A. 11. Wilson ______ J. 11'. Campbell ____ - - - - - - - C. A, Gregory _____ _ R.R. Reaty _______ J. L. Hobert . Acti11a F. H. Mccarley ___ W.R. Means ______ ---------------. E, E. 'T'aJhot_____ E. C. Jame·_______ . F. \ddy - --·· ----·  Matheson State Bank __ •tf'l7 82-361 Bank of Maybell _______ et§'l8 82-401 .IcClave StateBank _____ §'20 82-434 First National Bank ___ •t'l6 82-347 First National Bank _____ et•o, 82-154 First State~ ------•t1'19  O. M. White _____ Fleda Lee Norris __ M. W,  Aerino------LoPn B 11> Pop. 263 Mesita ______ ooatWa L 12 Pop. 2.50 .Mtlliken. ____ Weld O 14 Pop. 872 .Ioffat_ ___ s~uache J 10 Pop. 300  Merino State Bant----•U'08 82-273 l'irst State Bank---1'10 82-274 First State Bank--------tl'l0 82-276 Bank of Koffat ---------tl'l0 82-278  T. K. Propst__ _____ L.  Monte Vi ta_RiO Grate9 Po~. 2367  BAH FIIST IATIIJIAl 82 95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --  576,030 Han. N .• N.Y.: lstN., Chi,; Den. N., 1st ·., and U.S. N .• Den. 408,160 N. Park, N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; U. S. N. and Colo. r ., Den. 5-5,000 U. s. N., Den.: 1st N., Boulde~.  TRUST C0.-.82-fL •it'Dl  Lyon, __ ___ Boolder O 13 Pop. 570 nasc;;a ____ Oonejos L 11 Pop. 006 anco __ lontezuma K 3 Pop, 682 a nil on ____ .El Paso G 14 Pop. 1099 f nzanoJa ___ Otero I 17 Pop. 562  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest B nklng Point (Indexed Acces.), Law;rer , Laws (indexed) In back of thlii ' - - volume. ~ r lntercs!._ Rates, Holidays, etc., see La!"s. ~ C l'.t'1NCIPA.L OOXRESPONDENT~. Ill _ ___c..;;,_;;:.;c...;;.;~-.."-'--- ---ifESOURCES.-  COLORADO-Continued  -  •l'04  W. T. Smith _______ Z. B.  orris ______ --------------------  audlin ______ J. B. Wills--------- -----· -----· --------  STATE BANK  2,500  110,000  80,000  10,000  -l.000  55,000  50.000  15,000 West Side State, Den.; Am. N .. Alamosa.  50,000  35,070  525,6:50  471.620  20,000  8.070  -148,280  353,490  20,000  14,610  326.460  255,170  20,000  4,6!J0  23,040  31,880  10,000  1,200  28,000  28,6 '0  10,000  3,550  99,030  86,180  ., Den.  S  40,000  41.000  1.500  42,000  41,000  A. F. Peters _______ W. E. Letford _____ J.E. Kitts _________ -------------------  25.000  6,830  219,730  151.020  R. Oldland -------- L. B. Walbridre ___ J. E. Oldland ______ J. A. Rea --- ------  40,000  70,850  655,260  879,110  65,910 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N,. Den.  J. N. Neal-------- Edmund Pauls. ____ L. P. Creaehe _____ ------ --------------  30,000  3,000  190,000  167,2!)0  49,770 Han. N., N. Y.; Com'l N., Kan. C.; U.S. N., Den.; 1st N., Colo. Spring . 95,000 Cent.Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: 1st N., Sterling; Packers . , Oma. 23,970 1st N .. Den.; Am. N., Alamosa; Far. r., Longmont. 34,610 Hamilton N .. Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.  L.B. Propst-------  20,000  8,000  232,000  171,000  tella ~I. Lewis ___ Orla A. Garris _____ --------------------  10,000  10,240  61,010  67.450  C. E. ¥arch ___ .... J.M. Shultz _______ J. H. Wilson _______ --------------  10,000  6,800  96,890  77,770  Tho11. Saffell ______ G. E. Shearer·----- E.G. Hall _________ -------------------  10,000  2,?00  20,000  25,000  100,000  9,400  434,000  550.000  J. W. SHAFF----- W. F. FARREN ____ C. W. DORNEY---- A.G. HAGADORN..  l  ColleeUou ha n the . .nonal attentlo• of an offleer of thJs ba Dk, We remit on d ate of pa7111ent. 8ead u■ your b u■lneN dlreet.  U:.\\'c'k\\\ios~ iEhfl'lkiiicr--- R. J. KAvmc _______ 1. F. cAssm.______  l  10,000  198,'701143,060  99,440 Cont. & Com. N., Chi.; Oomw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & 'l'r. Co., Den.  100.000  22,150  115.oao  I  177,610 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; 1st N., Pueblo: Colo. ·.andlstN., Den.;N.Bk. Com.,Kan.C.  Ch. of Bd.  Laneat Capital of any Bank In Sa n Luis Valley. I'd- IN ADV A. N'CE: ight draft. . 15c minimum; 2:5c minimum charg,  ltellable Credit Reports, Zoe.  T RY US.  i f JH!id.  0  a;:  0 :, ,..,.  <:  ......  ~  18,040 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; .im. N .• Ala- Jll mosa. 65,000 Mech. &Metals N., N Y.; 1st N .. Pueblo; Hamilton N., Den.; Oent. Ex. N., Kan. C.  50,000  134,510  ~  8,400 Cent. av. Bk. ·Tr.Co., Den.; 1 t,. ., Craig; O Mid v. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C. 13,300 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr, Co., Den.; Comw, N., ::J ,..,. Kan.C. 100,140 Colo. N., Den.; Far. N •• Longmont  1,700  v. Propst ______ c. R. Johnson _____  >  g  0  25,210 Live Stock State, Kan. C,; Drov.  10,000  H. G. Wetherell___  ~  I  15,000  w. c. Bourne ______  0  r-4 Q  161,040 N. City, N. Y.: U.S. N .. Den, Oj 125,810 Chase N .. N. Y. ; Colo. Sav., Oolo. Sprinfs: !> Z Drov. . and N. Bk. Com .• Kan. C. 105,040 Han.N.,N. Y.:Cont.&Com'IN .• Ohi.; lstN., ~ . VJ Pueblo; Inter-State N., Kan. o. • 10,180 Cent. Sav, Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; 1st N., Wichita; onthern Colo., Pueblo. r-4 7,920 Durango Tr. Oo., Duraneo.  ------------------  Daniel CarL ______ L. H. Cline ________  M. T. Hancock, _An k&'frusrno. Chas. 'T'ruehlood .• Jas. H. Neeley ____ J. H. Smith, MonteVista Ba 82-..13 A, Ste. Sec. and Tr. +ll l9 J. W. Rawlij~sSi:c.  WALLACE  12,000  228,240 llech, & Metals N., N. Y.: Oont. & Oom'l N .. Oh~.; Den. N., Colo. N., and 1st N., Den. 349,980 N. O1ty, N. Y.; Oolo. N., lst N., and Den. N .. Den. 22,500 Han. N .. N. Y.: Colo. N .• Den.  ARKANSAS-Contim1Prt  142  am• of Bank la the Ne Tran H Number afven a ■11111 d COLORADO C t· eaoh bank in U. 8. uelaalYelJ by The Rand-McNallr Banli:ers• '°Dlreetor,, On lOUe under tbe autborlt~_?f ~Amerlc n ~ • _A_ '_n-=•=====;:---=  To1'1f ilD OOUll'TY,  I  N.uni:  OP-BANI.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer·, Law (indexed) in back of this =======;:=::::;::;:=v=o=lu=m=r·==F=or;::=In=-te_r_est Rate, Holidays, etc., e  t  PRINCIPAL CoRRESPOND~Ts~-  RESOURCES.  -LIABILITIES,  ......... Im- 0 n • •• SURPLUS A. • 0 0 HIE VICJC·PRESIDB:NT. PRESIDENT •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te ..oountJ Seats. DmPos- ,._ ao...... ...:.,..,».;. AXD PAID-UP ss T .!SHIER. R. AS • Entire tate in No.10 Ulem.State Bks.A.ssn. tPriv. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __.. e_llGlnUTI _ _ _ _ITII _P_n_o_rr_T_e _L A _c_AP_lT_ · I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~F~ed~-~R~e:.:'..!.!·D~i=.:st~.D~en~v~e:.:.r=.B.:.;r•,:-•~M;.;;e.;;;;m;;.;.. .=.F..::.ed_._R_e.:..;__._--=-[E~ta_b_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 1 •.Iontro~e .Yontro~t• LI 4 First National Bank ••••• •'811 T. B. Townsend._ 0. B. Akard_. __ T. B.Townsend,Jr. Edna Hunt. ••·--· S 100,000 S 611,310 SI,260,880 Sl,232,580 S 383,410 N. Ol~, N. Y.: 1st N., Ohi,; N. Bk, com., Kan. C.; 1st .. Den. D. R. Grant 82-71 Pop. 3581  __ -_1wnu  HomeStateBank ...••• •!1'011 82-74 Montrose National Bk .. •i·o1 82-72 Monument~.El Paso F H Monument tate Bank .• •§'17 82-372 Pop 9i Mt. streeter_.Moff'at B 4 Mt. Streeter State Bankt§'20 82.427 (Axial P, O.) Pop. 300 Nederland .• Boulder D 12 First State Bank ••••••••. §'15 82-344 Pop. 291 New Ca tle __ Garfleld E 5 New Castle State Bank .il'OII 82-278 Pop. 447  C. O. Earnest. •••.. F. J.Krebs.--···-- J. 8. Hill--···-·· LE.Clark.-----· E. V. Hill, .1. Cash, M. J. Seeley Jos. Zick·--- J.C. BelL .•. ·-··· R.R. Gowdy·-···· ····-·-······-······  60,000  17,5CO  -150,000  400,000  85,000 Mech. & Metals N .• N.Y.; Stock Yds, •., Den.  60,000  58,510  541,260  512,240  Chas. H. Allis ··-·· C. B. Taylo1· .• _..•• C. B. Taylor._···-· · - - - - · · - - -  New Raymer .• Weld B 17 Farm. & Merch. State Rank t§'18 82-386 Pop. 267 fmer.•:W15 tat Bank " 3 Niwot .•. -Boalder O 18 NI Wot State Bank .... WOO 82-279 Pop. 150 • 'orwood.San ~leuel I 3 Norwood State Bank ••. •U'16 82-352 Pop. 505 'ucla •••.•• Montro,c l 3 ucla tate Bank .••••• •:l:§ '18 82-383 Pop. 2i5 ~·unn ••••••••. Weld B 14 First State Bank_ ••••• •tl'08 82-281 Pop. 149 Oak Crcek ••••• Routt O 7 Routt County Bank •••• •U-10 82-282 Pop. 967  10,000  2,500  100,000  80,000  L. H. Friend·-··-·· W. N. Fancier .•••• - - - · · - · - - -  10,000  1.000  14.290  10,330  132,710 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont.&Com'IN., Chi.: 1 ·t N., Den,; Comw. N., Kan. C. 25,000 Drover N., Den.; Colo. Sprinrs r., Colo. , 81>rings. 12,390 1st N •• Den. and Meeker; 1st N. and Craig T.,  W. L. Armstroni.: •• J. G. Clark.·-··-·· H. H. Hoyt-····-·- -········-·-·····-··  10,000  1.550  48,000  39,850  14.000 U.S. N., Den.: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Boulder.  --------·  10,000  16,000  150,000  130.000  E. M, Gillett·-·--- C. L. Snyder .••••.• Webb D. Martin .•• ·----·····--······  20,000  2,810  40,000  58,000  J. H. Beson. _____ • 0. E. Carl on •• _ •• J. N. Quinn·-·--·· E. F. Tii.:he ••...•..  10,000  6,420  83,540  85,540  11,620 U, S. N., Den.; 1st N., Sterling.  J.  0. 0. Parks. ____ J.  ~f_f  OJa•lu.'.-.••.Montrose H 5 Pop. 491  Olney pri!lf •• ro lc>y l 17 Pop. 240 Orchard ••••. lorl!an 16 Pop, 531 •Ordway . CrowlPy 117 Pop. 1186  s. Collom .•.• --.  w.  Ritter •••...• E. E. Rwin2 ...•• -  30,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Den. and Glenwood O ~ Springs. 8.000 Logan Co. N., Sterltng; Stock Yd:;. N,, Oma.  ~  O tJl  4,860  84.000  80,750  25,000  8.810  235,500  219.250  C. 0. Earne L·-·-· C.R. Hender ·on •• Ada Henderson._. ············--···-  10,000  4,000  100,000  80,000  15,500 U. S. N., Den.: Far. N., Longmont: 1st ,. .. Boulder. 56,660 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Den.; Bk • .., ~ of Telluride, Telluride. ~ 27,000 U.S. .. Den., Home State, Montrose.  B. 11'. Clark:_ ••.•••• ··--·-··-··-·····--· A.mos Entwistle ... _ _ _ _ _ __  10,000  10,650  83.050  77,920  25,180 Oma N., Oma.: Colo. State., Den.  E. L. Prentiss···- J.C. Burger ..••-•• Allen Cliff •• ---·· H. G. Cliff ••••..•..  15,000  4,150  226,480  146,520  89,580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Hamilton N., Den,  FIRST NATIONAL BANK ._;\:'10  H.B. Perkins--·· C. P. Foster •.• _... Jas. E. McWilliams .Te. ie .M. Warren _  25.000  15.410  259.1601  288,850  46,00  Olathe State Bank ...•. •U'0-1 82-179 tate Dank Olney pring •t '16 82-349 Orchard tate Bank •.•• • t."'17 82·367 Citizen -.tate Bank ••. •!§'13 82-162  T. B. Townsend ••• C. B. kard·-······ .i.:T, J. Darrow •••.•• Ruth Tague.-..••• 1'.B.'rown.-end,Jr. J. H. Cowden •.•• -. H. T. raig··-·---· Thos. L. Estes ••.•. J.C. Buell, Jr .•-  60,000  6,500  200.0001  180,000  25,000  6,560  136.5001 138,080  60,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N .. M:ontr'tlse; Den. N. ~ and I t N .. Den. 28.220 1st N., Pueblo: N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.  II. Girardot.._•..•• Wm. Butter· ··-·-- I. L. Ro enbaum •• ---··-···---·  10,000  2,340  117,9601  96,110  elson •• W. O. Walker .... -. Everett Nelson •••• L. M. Gallavan •••• A. R. Widick Peter Kai~er A. F. Enyart ...• _ A.M. Want. _____ E. A. Barker ••••••. Mabel C. Thoma ... Edd Whitney  25,000  9.000  250,000j  250.000  25,000  43,100  450,000  335,000  110,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Pueblo: N. Bk. Com., 0. ~ Kan. C. 100,000 1st N., Drov. N .. and Den. N., Den.: Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. o. 37,500 Han. N., . Y.: 1st N., Oma.: U.S. N., Den.; City N., Lin. 82,160 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Colo. N .. Den.; 1st N,, Montrose.  82-18C  Martin T.  1  MINERS & MERCH. BANK 82-284  > I  Vl ~  0  82-1111  •ll'78  M.  n.  Thatcher._ J. ll. Thatcher--·· 0. F . Jordan-·····  O\•id ••• ·-··· edgwick A 21 tato Bank or Ovid ---- · •§'19 Thomas Wild---·· 82-4,6 h1>. 100 Pallroui •.•••. Loean A 1 l'adroni tate Bank .••• •t§'l7 .. A. Richerson ••• 82-377 l'op. 200 prim: Ar!'hu• Oltizens Bank ·····-···•U'08 Fred Catcht><>le __ . •l'·•~o82-286 I• •• l'o • 1 30 ••• • . I, 8 I<ir t at ion I lllnk • • t'lO E. D. Hollowell • •• " " 82 00 G. W. Bowman __ 'ational ll. nk Pall.sades--.-•t·os 82-144 Pop. 55  i  u. s. N., Den.;  Comw. N., Kan. C.; Delta  T ..  Delta.  a ti O  35,740 Cent. Bav. Bk. & Tr. Co. and U.S. N .. Den.; ""O P-> Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O. 55,000 Mech. & Metals N., . Y.: WesternN., Pueblo: =: en Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr. Co .. Den. p,)  25,000  20,000  800,000  260,000  40,000  27,500  225,000  210,000  15,000  14.820  248,550  196,140  25,000  11,000  220,000  100,000  50,000 Ohase N .. N. Y.:lstN .• Den .. Montrose, and Pueblo.  s. N .. Oma. and Den.  su"  Adolf Jankovsky •• R. J. McCulloui.:h .. ········-········· . 0. M. Harris .•••••• D. 0. Harris·-····----·---····-···-···  15,000  3,000  105,130  51.ti60  68,210 U.  10,000  2.150  64,100  59,600  U,080 Far.  J . S. Hatcher ...... R. \ . mith .•.••.• Jay Catchpole .•.••  G0,000  30,000  400,000  375 000  75,000 Ban. N .. N. Y.: U. S.N.,Den. ; 1 ·t  Paul riardl'Y ••.•••• •. IL Hohert:. -··· --·--·-······-·· •.•• \\ al t•r Zahri kic J. . mith ·-·-·-·· s. IT. Ilrown ••••••• Uuth Pryor •••••.••  2;;,000  ti.000  105,000  100,000  2:;,000  U.!JOO  398.000  265.000  • and 1 ·t. "... 3 .000 Irvin~ • "., N. Y.: ~ tock Yd . ~ Den.; 1 t .. '., Duraneo. 161.600 • Hk. Com., Kan. ' .; tock Yd . N., Den.; N Grand Valley N •• Grand Junct.  BANKE STRJJST<bMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  10,000  20 FarmersStateBank ••• •t§'l7 Tho·.P. Rehder._. Cloyd O. Fisch.-•. AlbertV.Andcrson II.J.Ewing ••...•.. 82-376 Fir t ational Bank •••• • t'lO F. 8. Huston •..• -•• Lon Felkey •••..... Geo. N. Hutto ••••- \V. W. Woodward .. n. wicegood 82-283 •Ouray··-· •••. Ouray I 5 Citizens State Bank •••• •ts·ta T. A. Mostyn .. ·-· E. E. Wheeler.··-· D. S. Boyd •.•••.••• R. E. l{ullerstrand. 82-325 l'OL>, 1165  -  10  E. B. Adams.·-·--· Thornton Harmon. J. R. Baily .•••••.• -  . M. Henry •..•.• A. M. Dodd·-··--· Guy Dodd ••.•.•••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _  o. D. Waggoner·-··  FIRST NATIONAL BANK•t'07 Oti •..• \Va bington l'OJ>. 467  ~~~  .. terlinl!,  ::s c::  p,)  or DENVER. BONDS-NOT[S-f /\ M .LO/\NS  ., Durango,~  ■ Number under Name or Bank ii the New Transit Number given  143 ___  d • COLORADO- COn tln Ue  to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers• Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Towx AND Cou TY, "County eats.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRE ' !DENT,  CASHIER,  I  LIABILITIES.  ,  NA:ME OF BANK.  •~em. Am. Bks. Assn.§ tate Ulem. tate Bks.Assn. tPriv. Fed. Res. Dist. Den. Br. ♦ Mero. Fed. Res. _LEstab.  Eu tire, tate in No. IO  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), LaW}'ers, Laws (indexed) tn back of thls 1._ volume. For Int~~t Ra~Ho~~• ~et c. , see~ws. 1~  AND CAPITAL PROFITS  l  ;  E:r-  c'Ts. Bot<Da, cs.a.J!'o1111,DUB tl1c=1Ttu raoM Bun - - - -- -- --  ITS  -·-1 - 10,000$168.000 $ 72,300 $ 14.600 Hau. N., 3,800 PaolL ______ Phillips B 21 Paoli State Bank _______ •i§'16 R. L. Johnson---- S. D. Goddard _____ F. A. Johnson _____ Vera O'Mara ______ $  82-354 Pop. 150 Paonia ________ Delta G 8 First National Bank: ___ •t'03 82-1211 Pop. 925 Fruit Rx. State Bank-•:1:1'81 82-lZS Parker _____ Doarlaa 11: 14 Parker State.Bank ___ -•U'll 82-311 POD, 200 Peetz _________ Logan A 19 Farmers State Bank _____ §'20 82-433 Pop. 322  25,000  1  13,120  I 415,410  297,370  438,000 I 190,000 ,  150,000  ~  PRI cIPAL CoRREBPONDE. ·Ts.  RE::;ouacEs.  p AID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- . I.oANa & Dr•• I CAoe &  Ass'T CASHIER,  ~  \ '< ~ - - - - - - - ..  -  Y.; 1st ., Sterling; U. S. N., ~ .1. • 1 .,_.. . Den. and Oma. 142,370 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: U.S. N., Den.  C. C. Hawkins ____ W.R. Crook _______ M. H. Crissman____ __________________ __ K. T. Lamb Weldon Hammond. H. L. Curtiss ____ W. Thomas ________ H. H. Addams_____  30,000  5,000  0. B. Ames ______ H. A. Senter ______ F. B. Hood ________ M. L. O'Brien _____  10,0001  5,000  F. E. Hoover ______ Robt. Wood ________ C. E. Wood ________ A. L. Wood______ __  25,000  2,500  First National Bank ___ .i•15 T. J. Hansen---- M.A. Shipman, Jr. M.A. Shipman, Jr. M. W. Trumble___ 82-342 Peyton _____ El Paso G 16 Farmers State Bank ___ •*f'l8 J. J. Eubank ______ F. M. Townsend ___ J. W. Howitt_ _____ A. L. Pieper_______ 82-858 Pop. 75  25,000  5,000  200,000  I 160,000  10,000  3,660  87,000  80,000  17.460 1st. N., Colo. Springs; Drov. N., Den.: Ficl. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C.  G. W. Gordon _____ J. R. Shafer ______ L. E. TroxeL _____ B. A. Shafer______  10,000  1,500  80,000 1  50.000  30.000 Stock Yds. N., Den.  R. E. Haverland. __ John H. Hay _______ M. L. Stephens---- ______________  10,000  1,520  '8,930  56,050  4-U 20 1st N., Den.  100,720  71.070  , 270.000j  170.000  42,070 Hamilton N. and Globe N .. Den.; Citiz . . _ ., :::t, Cheyenne, \\'yo. Com., N . Y.; Colo. •. and U. S. N .. t:, 90.000  Pie r ce _________ Weld B 14 Pop. 327 Platner_ Washineton O 19 Pop. 100 Plat tevill e> ____ Weld OH Pop. 479 " ··  Pierce Exch&nee Ball.k_•U'll 12-IZS Farmers State Bank -----1'19 82-415 B'armers State Bank ___ •tf'l7 82-878 PlaUMille ,;~i;al Bank:•03  c. F. Strauss----  1  _____________  10,000  3,000  W. A. Thomson. ___ J. W. Birkle _______ J. F. Gleason ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  25,000  7,800  A. B. Mitchel'----- l!ay J. heedy ____  1  57,000 1  I  ',I I ;I  2\J0,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Delta N., Delta.; Colo. N. 1 and Stock Yds. N ., Den. 50,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Colo. N.and Cent.Sav. Bk.&Tr.Oo., Den. 26,750 • . N., Den. and Oma.  273,000 49,800  24.700 Packers N .. Oma.  n 0 l°4  O  >  Nb~!:  0 25,000 1st N., Sterline- and Den. 73.000I,. 65,000 Proc to r _____ Lo.ran A. 20 Proetor State Bant ____ tf•et G . .!. Henderson ___ J. D. Blae. Jr. __ W. L. trickland _ _________ 7,000 10,000 _ _L__ _..:..__ _ _.!...._ _---1.~--;____ _ __:___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _-I tx, 82-2118 , POP.:..100 _ _ _..;.._;  PUEBLO  -  - -  -- A  -  (~enJ  _1~~ Br.)(Pueblo, 1 15)  E 01" BA.NX.  •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. ISt~te  Ulem.  ~em.~  B!aene Dlatrld No.  tate Bks. Assn. tPnv. [K tab. e.  County ~eat Pop. 75,000-=Reserve City  PRltSIDltNT.  VICJC ·PRESIDDT.  CA.SHIU.  Ass'T OA.SHlll ~--  - - - --  I  I s:  i· BJH~IL,----THoMhoN E:A.  C lHATCHER M D THATCHEI --- H.J. SMITH------OOTII e:c.'THATCHER, -- :  ,2-1  Ch. of Bd.  42-2 • I  • 'I  I  • •  • , .  =  '  •  I  •t"81 I  ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  '·'  BONDS, OJ.NS & D11t- S11cUJUCOUNTS TI:IIS, IITO.  I  .Ml8Cll: L-  LANmous  I  I  _I  CA.SH RmsoURcEB  82.000 S  8,000 S  G. F. TROTTER -- W. L. BRAHAM ____ C. E. SAXTON _____ H. M. MERTZ______  -  96,120  100,000  197,440  75,000  7,500  100.000  84,850  1  Collections and! requeats for rat lqs will receive prompt personal attentlo n and 16c must aeeompany d1bt drafts and 26c w Ith requeats for r atlnss. 1 Theae charges do not apply to B-L drarts or cojrres1,cmdeot Item s.  I  Z  ~  I  .  ll>  50,000 Mech. & .Metals N .• N. Y.: C?,nt. £. Sav. Bk. and Tr. Co.,Den.::M1dw. I ....  --- ------ N!11s~rt~':ii; c1i·i KA~: 0ouarant1l 5  I  S0,000  PIUNi,;lPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  >  R•SOUROll: 81 - - - - -- - -- - - -- -~,I .,,  500,000 1.203,280 10,853.950 ---------- 5,485,600 4.697,940 ~ I~ Eatabllahed 1871. FacllUlea for any bmlD ... tn the Uae of banking. Collectlona a epeclaUy. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON MAP OF COLO&ADO. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - -1-- --•- - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  1 ... ~innequa Bank- - --- ----•t1'02 M. D. Thatcher ____ R. C. Thatcher ____ '.H. E. Wheeler _____ Geo. H. Hubbard__ , H. E. Wheeler 42- 4 Alva Adams _______ M. D. Thatcher ___ ,W, K. Dudley _____ Edw. McCabe______ *PUEBLO SAVINGS & NY W. c. Smart TRUSJ C-60MPA ••••og +it 42 SOUTHERN COLORADO BA~, A. McGovern, Jr._ Martin Walter, Jr. R. L. Phillips ______ D. P. Duey_________ + 20 42- 9  NATIONAL BANK  I  RESOURCES.  200,000 __ ________ S 260,000 S  I  •-  ~  *WESTERN  T-  PAID-UP f SURPLUS INDIVII>- r D ■POBIT8 OJ' , UAL AND PITAL P:aOFITS DIIPOSITII ~.unr;:a A  c  8,000$ *Bank of Pue blo ------•i§'l6 D. A. Kendall__ ____ F. E. Olin----- H. 0. Palmer ______ D. M. KendalL ___ $ 50,000 S , ____ ___ _ Joseph Ross 42- 7 1  *f IRST NAT'L BANK  ·.  LIABILITIES.  ___:===---_:  -====-=--~==:;:=~-:::  Tr. Co., and N. City, N. l'.; r N. City, 1st N., and Cont. &1.,,  f.~m~~. 1t";o!:~:: ~in1!.~N~=a1E:g  Inter-Sta v N., Kan. C~ 1st N,, St. L.; 1st N., Colo. N., mt'I Tr. O Co., and Den. N.t:en.; McCor-  or nclclkN& CAo.,SaSal~ ou., a. . ., n •. ; tsketCN.;., BHk. Oma.,andSt.P.;MellonN.,Pltt. 399,730 Chase N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 469,360 __________ 1,655.510$ H,880 1 927,410 1 ls N., Den. and Pueblo. , 32,060 1379 910 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co. 853,450 103,820 , 2.421,380 4.2.U.690 N. Y.: Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.: Int'l Tr. ' ' Co., Den.; 146,000 Mech. & Metals N,, N. Y.; Liberty 8,000 13,000 172,000 257,000 _________ Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: Cent. av. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. ' 527,010 1st N..:tN. Y •• Chi., St.L., and Sao 2.200 988,790 ....!§L!!! 233.950 1.647.240 - - - - •,- • F.;u.S.N.andtstN.,Den.;Fld. l N. Bk.& Tr•• Kan. C. ,  I  :f I  I.  • •i  ,  ''  lf. D. Thatcher --- --------------- W. K. Dudley, Sec.  ____________________  1  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  , \I I,  !  j }  I'·, r  "  'on-Bank Towns '\\Ith Nea dexed Acces > J ... •n  ARKANSAS-Continued  ... __ ---·· ---·-Number under ame or Bank ie th e  ..,.:  ___ _  ew Tran s it Number given  to each bank in U.S. e elusively by The Rand-McNall{ Bankers' 144 - - ~ t o r y ~ e r ~ authority of The Amerlean Ban ers As~  I  Nnn-F  LIABILITIES.  NAIIE OF BANK. OOUNTT. CASHIER. VICJC-PIUtSIDXNT. PRESIDE.NT. Bks. Assn. IB~te •Oounty Seats. Entire state In No.10 Ulem. State Bks.Assn. tPnv. Fed.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. ll'ed. Hes. _ [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ TOWN .&.ND  1•Jlem.Am.  'on-lfank Tow11c· with Nearest Banking 1•otut (ln<lex,•d Acces.), Lawyers, Law {indexed) in back of thl ,... ~unie_._F_or_!!lterest Hate, Boli~s!..~tc., _,e_•e L, ws.  COLORADO C t" _ ~~n lnue d =====:::__ ASS'T CASHIER.  I  •U-08  Rocky Ford Nat. Bank .•!'08 82-77 Rouen---·-· Weld C 15 Ro1n~en State Bank ----•U-16 82-355 Pop. 150 Rye ____ pueblo JU Bank of Rye __________ §'l9 82-428 Pop, 150 " a£:auche_Sa2uache J 10 First National Bank----•!'11 82-160 Pop. 948 Saeuache County Baok•U'80 82-151>  COMMERCIAL  alida _______ Ohatree B 11 Pop. 4689  82--tl0  AT'L BAik •'07  CORRESPONDENTS,  5.000 S 110,0001$ 95.000 $  25,000 1st N .• Den. and Colo. Springs.  157,7501 140,340  15,000  2,250  144,920  103,700  50.000  75,000  450.000  496,000  25,000  9,480  156,140,1  159,510  60,000  45,?:90  476,000  420,000  135,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N .• Chi. and Pueblo; Glohe ~ O N., Den.; New Eng. N., Kan. C.  L. N. CALLISON --· A•• DU_ DPEAKLM._E_R___ ---- J. V. THOMPSON----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---0 { B-L and Col W lection Bank of Rocky Fo rd  30,000  17 280  275,5001  237.960  76.530 Western N .• Pueblo: Lawrence N., Lawrence, ~ )> I Kan.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. O.  F. Y. Haock ------ ---------------- ---- H.B. llendenhalL F. R. Kelly _______ _  50,000  51,flO0  771,00011  669,000 84.560  I  I  37,660 Chem. '., N. Y.; lst N., Den. and Glenwood Springs; 1st N. Bk. of Eagle Co .. E~le. 44,140 1st N .• Den. and Montrose. 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N .• Kan. 1st N. and U. s. N., Den. 36,670 1st N., Den.; Drov. N .. Kan.  o(')  c.  ·  259,510 Colo.N .. Den.; Inter- tate N .• Kan, C.: 1st N .. Pueblo. 21,640 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.  10,000  3,000  ll0,000  15,000  2,300  48,000  40,500  Horace B. Means_ R. W. hellabareer Dallas Stubbs ______ W. P. Williams ••..  60,000  46,J00  180,000  268,000  59,000 Irving N., N. Y.; U.S. N., Den.  w. Jf. Bo:,d _ _ _ w. L. Hammond ___  30,000  59,970  241.620  316.000  83.230 Atlantic N .• N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., Pueblo, and ~ Den.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.  D. P. Oook -------- F. N. Oochems ---- R. J. Pendergrast_ George Lines _____ _ R. G. Tanton  50,000  21.420  583,400  491,2i0  160,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Cola. N. and 1st N., Den.; SU 3 1st N., Pueblo.  8, W. Sandusky ___ F. 0. Woody _____ Wm. N. Baird. ___ _ R. M. English C. C. Rockafellow_ 0. 0. Rockafellow_ G, E. Barnes _____ _  100,000  23,000  900,000  8-17,000  197.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .• Den. and Pueblo.  43,000 .Am. N .• Alamosa: Colo. Sprinis N.. Colo. Springs • . 33,500 1st N .. Den.: Am, N., Alamosa; . Iidw. Re;· serve Tr. Co., Kan. C. ;:, 15,000 Globe N. ane1 Colo. N ., Den.  E.G. Gotthelf. __ Leopold Mayer ____ Charles Tarbell  10,000  13,000  150,000  130,000  4,500  123,700  117,900  A. W. Hamilton ___ G. O. Tannehill ___ ----------------  10,000  1.000  • Welnsheim. ___________________ _  15,000  J. W. Broadhead __ Glen B. McKinstry __________________ _  Soib rt •• Kit Car on F 20 \ Seibert State Bank----•tl'l0 A. V. Je ee _______ Warren hamburg S, W. Abbott_ ____ Carrie Abbott__ ___ _ 82-21111 Pop. an everance ___ Weld B u 1Farmer Bank _________ •t '16 C. A. ixon ________ E. C. Shumaker ___ C. F. Toroblom. __________ _ 82-351 Pop. 155  J.  s.  Garcia. ______ H, G. Wetherell ______________ _  John Raschke. ____ B.  I  17,0IJ0 Minnequa. Pueblo.; U. s. N,, Denver.  I  30,000  1.500  39,000' I  63,000  25,000  12,000  I ~ 26.,,0001  306,000  77,970 U. 8. N., Den.:Live Stock N.,Oma.  10,000  10,000  143.150  I  122,430  24,500 1st N., Oolo. Springs: Drov. Den.  10,000  57,820  2.470  I  I  42,410 Logan Co. N., t rling: Am. Bk. · Tr. Co., Den.: 1st .• Oma.  40.200  28,590 Han. 1 .. N. Y.; Cent. 1st N., Eaton.  Sav. Bk. &Tr.Co., Den.;  10,000  5,0001  35,000  40,000  11,000 Hamilton N,, Den,; Drov. N,, Kan. C.  cCarthy ___ L. H. Hall. _______ ,·----------------- _  10,000  2,500  i2,000 I  52,840  17,530 1st N., Glenwood 8prin2s and Den.  o. W. Nybere _____ _  50,000  41,570  518, 20  519,020  imla ________ Elh rt F ltllFlrst National Bank------'19 o. S. Steinmetz ___ l<'. M. Butcher _____ S. o. WiJJl1 ________ - - - - - - - - 82-405 Pop. 387 tat Bank of imla--•t1'14 W, H. Wells·-·- L. E. Burnett______ M, R. Dubach. _____________________ _ .. 82-332  25,000  5,000  40,000t  60,000  15.000  8,500  120,000  100,000  lit ____ Garfleld E II Firat State Bank-------•Wll 1C. C. Parks ________ C. ' 82-315 Pop. 300  1 •  •'80 Harlan J. Smith __ -- J. H. Werkheiser_ B. B. Allen ------  82-106  I  BANKER_STRUST<bMPANY or DENVER, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1I  ~  .. Kan, C. and  1---------· ----------  ecuri ty 8 tate Bank ____ §' 10 He rm:in Lind______ A. Levie___________ H. H. Harlan ______ 82-431  ll.)  :;:J"  0 en  87,700  I  z►~  en  I  15,000  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-  0 0 to  ichol ____ _  C. L. Waite ________ B. E. Timbers _____ H.F. Timbers. ____ Floyd  ational B:ink __ . • t'89 H. Preston ________ 82-511 an Acacio . Co tilla L 12 Oostilla Oounty Bank -•U'J0 A. A. Salazar-----, 82-2114 Pop. 175 .'.in Lui ___ Costilla L 12 San Luis State Bank ____ t '20 W. s. Parrish. ____ 82-423 Pop, 800 edalia _____ Douelas E 14 Sedalia State Bank. ____ t§'19 J. L. Tannehill ____ 82-411 Pop. 150 edewick-8ed1nvick A 21 Farmers State Bank ____ •§'20 F. H. Hendrickson 82-436 Pop. 380 First National Bank ____ •!'0tl 0. B. McKinstry ___ •• ____ ____ " 82-2115  " ilverton __ San Juan J 6 Pop. ltl'iO  c.:  R. B. Crozier ______ P. G. Little _______ M. C. Knox _________________________ _  1Fir t  'heridan Lake. __ .Kiowa H 22 Pop. 100  ',..  1,250  Rideway _______ Ouray I 5 Bank of Ridgway ------•!§"ll2 R. E. IsraeL ______ W. D. Jay--------- C. M. Stanwood___ _____________ 82-292 Pop. 400 Rifle. _______ Gartleld E5 J'irst National Bank ____ •!'02 Gordon Hollis _____ G. M. Howard __ Ward Johnston ___ L. W. Clough______ 82-1113 Pop. 885 Union State Bank _______ tf'l0 Eph Prefontaine •• Bert Ellis __________ Lynn Kennedy ___ E. E. Fordham____ 82-m Rocky Ford ___ Otero J 17 First Tational Bank ----•!'04 Porter A. ThomP- Boon Best _________ John Richert ______ A. R. BLh. ____ ____ son 82-711 I Pop. 3746  82-78  PRINCIP&.L  ltESUUl:{Cf£8.  PAID-UP SURPLus Dl!lPOl!I...,.._ 11oima OIUJlou »"" AND 1 8 _ _11_90lf&m. _ _ _ _ __ ... _B_;_ _ _•_· _..... _1_T_l!l1_1_T_ o:r T_"-_L _P_a_ ·_c_"-_Pi_  Ramah _____ lU Paso G 16 State Bank of Ramah ____ f'08 ,Lemuel Gammon __ .Mate Gammon.---- A. J. Elsner------- _______________ S 10,000 S 82-291 Pop. 150 10,000 __ _p___ ,.AEa.f! le E 9 Red Cliff Sta t~ Bank --•t§'l5 C. C. Parks-------- Frank Doll-------- L. C. Summers____ ____________ •Redcli1fp 82 337 7 0 O':t  PEOPLES HOME BANK  !  I <>•••.,».;Io...~  I  106,270 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo.  -'°  10,000 Stock Yds. N .. Den.; Ex. N., Colo.  30,000 State Sav •• Colo. Sprin2s: Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. ~ ,.. Co .• Den.  BQN_PS-::NOT[S-FJ\ M LO/\NS Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Bankln1.r Point  (In-  145  Namlter under Name of Bank ia &be New TnJUI& Number a;iven M> each bank in U. S. e:s:elual'fel~ by Tbe Band-MeNa117 Rauen' DlnetorF~der _&be -•~~orlt,- ~ Tbe .&m~ean Banken A.a'n.  COLORADO -Contt•nued  I  NAME OF' BANK.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  •Hem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State Oounty Seats. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire State in No. IO. tM:em.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Fed.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. -------1  •  O.A.SHIER.  _  I  CAPITAL P:O~~TB  15,000  5,780  t roud ______ J. A. Spikes _______ Frances Spike. ___ _  25,000  5,000  First State Bank------•U-14 C. G. Eckles.------ Laura Holt ________ D. P. Younf------- Lloyd Cole _______ _ Hannah Herbert Sam Holt 82-330  25,000  17,530  319,070  25,000  3,500  275.000  • prine:fleld ___ Baca K 21 Farmers State Bank ... •U-17 J, A. Stinson ____ Charles Maxwe!L. N. K. Bickford ____ Anna E. Alexander 82-369 Pop. 285  teamboat Sprinrs-Routt Bank of Steamboat Springs Chas. S. Stone ____ R. B. Stone _______ L. S. Davi•------J. L tone •tl.118 82-122 B7 Pop. 1249  Carrie A. Stone ___ _  46,340  826.780  • Sander ______ Ethel M. Shadowen  25,000  13.090  171,040  ational Bank •• •tlD00 E. M. Kelsey ______ A. L. Johnson _____ F. D.Weidenhamer c. H. Woodard ___ _ J. G. Hammond Daniel Regan . 82-82 R. L. Ritchey Lo~n County National Bank ------------------- 0. M. Thomas. ____ P. M, Fouts ______ L. C. ~'oreman ___ _ R. M. Be • on John F. Lotin •t'IIS 82-81  100,000  . Sanders ______ E.T. Conque  t_ ___  .T.  First  toneham _____ Weld B 18 Stoneham State Bank.-•U'l6 J. O. Peterson _____ R. K. Niederjohn 82-363 Pop, 100  R. K, Niederjohn __ Frank W. Peter.. on  132,180  10,000  .,..  r., Den.  1  r-c  1  0 ~  186,070lOhase N., N. Y.; Colo. N. and l. t N., Den.  ~  51,580 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Globe N .. Dcn.J O 1st N .• Sterlin!?.  05,130 2,01;;,820 1,606,400  776,500 Atlantic N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'I N., Chi.; 1st ti, N. and U.S. N., Oma.: Oolo. N .. Den.  1  >  1  600,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Den.: Stock Yds. r,. I Oma,; Drov. N., Kan. C.  100,000 1,200.000 1.150,000 3,200  10,000  trasburg _.Arapahoe E 15 First rational Bank._ - .•!'17 Gordon Hollis ______ ---------- __________ G. E. Totten ______ C. E. Hat f ery _____ _ 82-366 Pop, 200  25,000  6,530  25,ooo E, W. TtRRANl--- E. lllcCHESNEY ----- J. 8. FORD _________ --------··----------tra.tton_KitOarson F 21 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .i·1s { Speela attentlo n &fven Bill of La ding dntta, Cash and Time Items • .  7,500  12,110  48,000  55,0001  I 03,850  I  08,070 I  I · comw. N .. Kan. c.: Far. N., Sterlin~: I Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. •  nt.  17,900 Com'! N .. Kan. C.:.lst N., Wichita; Gent. 8av. ~ O. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den. 12,260 Chatham & Pheni.- ~ ·..  . Y.: Drov. N., Den.  132,640  14,400 1st N., Colo. Sprin2s.; Peoples State, Kans.  alina, ~ O  250,180  57,500 Cont.&; Oom'I N., Chi.: 1st N., Oolo. Sprin&?s.  30,000  20,320  114,240  140,170  40,740 1st N .. Pueblo; Hamilton  Swink ________ qtero J 18 First State ~~~ ~ ------•§·12 0. A. Reynolda_ R. R. Beaty _______ O. W. Bundy---·-- -----------------8 Pop. 46;> a.Telluride ____ sanMieuel BankotTelluride-----•tl'III 0. D. Warroner __ E. B. Adams _______ Vernon Koontz_ ___ E. J. 'rracy. ______ _ 82-117 J 5 Pop. 1618  .20,000  7,030  123,000  100,000  112.520 Cont & Com'! N., Obi.; Den. N .. Den.: 1st r., Pueblo and La Junta.  50,000  56.600  735,080  694,440  196,510 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N., •. Y.; r, Bk. Rep .. Salt Lake C.; Den. N .. Den.; 1st N., Pueblo.  First Natioj~ l3:nk----•i·ao Bulkeley Wells ___ L. W. Allen ______ Aylmer Reeves, Jr. Edw. Hendrickson. 1  75,000  34,430  661,130  584,360  235,900 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Colo. N., DPn.: Drov. N.• Kan. O.· McCornick & Co.. Bkrs .. Salt Lake C.; 1st.•., .Montrose and Durango,  Timpa _______ Otero J 18 T"mpas Stai~-~nk ____ •tf'lD D. W. Wills _________________________ W. Lucas Woodall. _______________ _ Pop. 100 Towner _____ Kiowa B 23 Peoples State Bank ____ -1'08 a. S. Hammitt _____________________ Louis Willie. ______ c. E. Heaney ____ _ 82-302 Pop.150  10,000  1,000  30,000  30.000  10,000 1st N., Rocky Ford; New Eng. N.• 1·an. C.  10,000  3,000  75,000  6G,000  11,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: llaruilton ... , Den.  s. Howard ____ _  0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  ::, 275,450  E.  "'1 r+  0  96,220  11,500  uiar Oit:,_Orowley I 18 StateBankofSuurOityU'lO -,, S. Howard ____ J.M. Cravens ____ _ 82-152 Pop. 836  ~  C/ll  C/l  25,000  8  Z  (n  101,730 I 157,530  Pl~ase send 15c witl~ each s~:;;ht dr aft for presentatio n and 50c for C1·ed 1t Repor ts.  Stratton Sta tf_f:fk----•t1'09 J.E. Holtz _ _ _ 0, H. Holtz ________ W.R. Kinf ________ J, L. Dage _______ _  1~_  27,630 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.  106,680 lst N .. Wichita. Kan,; Cent. Sav. Bk. c Tr. Co., Den.: 1st N., Lamar: Ft. Scott State, Ft. Scott.; Com'l N., Kan. c., Kan. 0 108,000 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: O Oma. N., Oma.  I  150,000  "'1  --------I U, S.  175,000  761.060  g  20,130 1 Comw. N.~ ~an. C.: Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den.: C1tiz. State. Lamar. 1  284,910  I I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  153,780  tonin~ton _____ liaca L 22 Colorado State Bank ----•1'16 0, G, Eckles _______ Maude Holt ________ R. B. Holt _________ J. K. McKinnls ___ _ Sam Holt 82-359 Pop. 100  82-392  45.780 $  25,000 !---------  25,000  • terlinl! _____ Loian B 19 Commercial Savings Bank J. •ts'18 82-385 .Pop. 6415  1  143,040  First National Bank----•t'02 Richard Jones ____ .A. H. Poppen ______ A. R. Brown ______ L. L. Brown ______ _  82-123  Pop , 421  62,800 I  1,150!  I  =•~~~ue~1----------------::.  Lo•"•• DIO•  ~~ Ic:;;,,,,!';".:•  10,000 $  First National Bank _____ '20 W. A. Thompson .• W. A. 82-437  _!!:ESOURCES. 0••n & Ex-  LIAB_!L~T_IE~~, ASS'T CASHIER . \ PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS-  nydcr _____ Morgan B 18 Snyder tate Bank _____ e§'l8 N. R. Lindburi---- ------------- P. V. Barth ________ C. O. Sanda!L ____ I 82-884 Pop. 150  thlsl~S  Non-Bank Towns v. lth Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), l.awyer., Laws (indexed) In back of volume. Fo~ Intere~ Raks, Holl~ ~c., ~ee Laws.  .  .. Den.  ~  : :  I  I '  t :  '  ARKANSAS-Continued ...  N11111._ ..._ Kame of Bank ia \be New Tnml& Numt:n~•ea  146  en• uelml elf by The lland-lleNallJ Dlne&or,, under &be authority of The American Banke-n Au'"n.  to •cla bank in U. 8.  TOWN AND COUN~-  •OountJ Seats.  Non-B  - - - -----·· w ........ ..;,. __  NAHi: OP BANK.  •Jlem. Am. Bk:s.A.ssn. §Sta:te  -.=:- - - - - - - -  p  R&SIDJ:"iT. EntireStateinNo.10 :Mem.StateBk:s ..A.ssn.tPr1v. [Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Fed. Res.DU.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  V  Non-Dank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyersz.. Laws (indexed) in back of this volu~ For Interest K~_!es. Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  COLORADO - COnt·tnued  _______  -=----  P  ICE- R.ESIDJCNT.  -  --  CAsR111:11..  --- --  RESOURCES.  LIABIL~.  ASS'T CASHIER.  P,uo-u; SURPLUS  DEPOB-  CA.PITAL PRt~~TB  ITS  ~~•&  - - PRINCJP.A.L CORRESPONDENTS.  -  D11- C.on&J!:r-  ~:';'_:!:,~  0 ';"~ 0 : : : : •  ------1---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----------------, •Trinidad ____ LasAnimas Commercial av. Bank-•U-05 F. R. Wood _______ O. C. SamueJ ______ R. S. Gregory _________________________ $ 100,000$ 52,000 $1730000 $1400000 $ 325,000 N. City and 1st N., N. Y.: 1st N., Pueblo and Den. 82-15 Pop. 10,906 L Hi First National Bank ____ •i•75 J. C. Hudelson ____ F. G. Bloom _______ Eli Jefl'ryes _______ w. s. Keeney _____ _ 767,000 1st N; N. Y .. 1st •• and Cont. & Com'l •. , 200,000 227,000 3,082,000 2,907,000 G. P. Prager Chi.;lst •. and • Bk. Com .• Kan. C.;lst N,, J.H. !'hatcher 82-13 !Jen. s. A. Morse John Aiello ______ A. W. McHendrie __ W. G. Plested _____ R. T. Fuller ______ _ 100,000 International State Bank 40,000 1,150,000 895,000 402,500 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: U.S. N., Den. •U'll 82-16 --- --- --- ---  TRINIDAD  G. T. HINE---------- E. D. WIGHL------ C.R. RAPP--------- F. B. STONE--------GEO. HAUSMAN, V.P ROY COX  OUT BANK NATIONAL •t'86 82-14  OF TOWN BUSINESS CAREFULLY HANDLED  •  Two Buttes ____ Baca K 22 Bank of Baca County __ •t '12 Charles Maxwell ___ J.M. Williams _____ N. G. Jones _ _ _ Ruby Mathews ___ _ 82-318 Pop. 93 ernon _______ Yuma D 22 Vernon State Bank ____ •t§'17 J. H. Dickson ____ W. D. McGinnis ___ E.W. Stevens ____________________ _ G. B. Ward 82-374 Pop. 80 Yictor ________ Teller H 13 Pop. 1777  BANK OF VICTOR -----•U'87  A. E. Carlton _____ J.  82-79  . immon ____ Gretchen Delahoyde M.  w. Kassey  Vona---- Kit Carson F 21 Vona State Bank ______ •i§'15 A. V. Je ce_______ • W Abbott ______ :Marc Waynick ____ Clair E. HilL ____ _ 82-343 Pop. 268 .. waiden ____ Jack:son A 10 First National Bank ----•i"l6 C. _ . Jackson _____ W. H. Slee _______ J.E. Milner ____________ ________ _ 82-362 Pop. 260 North Park Bank ----•tU900 K. J. MacOallum __ Owen S. Case ______ W. E. Viner __________________________ _ " "  6,500  103,740  97,080  19,540 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., , Den.;  10.000  4.450  60,750  59.030  rn,010  30,000  9.350 1,434.060 1,205,040  10,000  9,000  100,000  90,000  8,000  135,000  125,000  216,970  289,340  "Wal.'enburg __ Huerfano First National Bank-----•'03 Fred 0. Roof _____ James B. Dick _____ R. L. Snod2rass ___ .M.. E. Oowlnf ____ _ 82-08 K 15 Pop. 3142  60,000  90,000 1,500,000  900.000  ,i~Bank--•il'09 Ralph Stanley _____ T. M. Hudson _____ A. P. Atencio _________________ _  30,000  11,300  490,320  396,970  -·------------------ E. C. Shumaker ___________________ _  10,000  4.000  150,000  120,000  W. L. Ilauptli_ _____ G. A. Etter _______ L. :M. \ ilson _____ _  25,000  12,300  211,820  272,610  II. B. Persons _____ II. B. Per ons _____ B. E. Johnson ____ _  15,000  4,000  70,000  60,000  John Meyer _______ Floyd A. Thompson ___________________ _  25,000  16,000  250,000  Wig •in. _____ Morun O 16 First State Bank ------•U'09 G. L. Shaw ________ J .• I. Cobb _______ G. L. Cobb-------- Hazel NeiJ _____ _ 82-308 Pop.250 \\'iley _______ Prowers I 21 State Bank of Wiley ___ .i5•07 J.B. Esgar _____ Harry Cline ______ E. H. Tempet__ ____ Gale A. Loe _______ _ . F. Esgar 82-310 Pov. 565 Wind ·or _______ Weld B 14 Farmer. Sta t e_ ~ nk--•U'08 J.M. Allam ________ J. S. Cable _______ J. N. Akey _________ L. R. 01 en _______ _ 82 1• 0 Pop.12110 First National Bank----•t•0ff Harrison Teller ____ R. E. Hanna _______ W.E. Hickman ____ E. P. Hickman ____ _ E. C. Hickman W. H. Rice 82-131> •Wray ________ Yuma O 22 First National Bank: ____ .i•o7 M. B. Holland _____ P. J. Sullivan _____ J. J. Bryan ________ E. F. Hilbert_ ____ _ L. L. Evans 82-131 Pop 153 ational Bank of Wray_•i"87 W. D. llcGlnnb __ T. B. Groves ______ W. T. Di S-------- :B'. • Haye ______ _ W. C. Grig by 82-l3C Peoples State Bank: _____ tf'n John Whyte ______ u. E. Hizer ________ W. T. Fair _________ Lena L. Buchanan. 82-132 Y mpa ________ Routt O 7 Bank: of Yampa ______ e:f'O! Arnold Powell _____ Chas. J. Wheeler_ M. S. Wheeler _____ ---------------82-194 Pop. 200 Yuma _________ Yuma O 21 Farmers State Bank ----•I'll G.A.. Dodd _ _ _ W. II. Gerdt ______ Roy Shepherd _____ I. L. Rising _______ _ J. Jl'. Heiserman 82-314 Pop.1177 First National Bank: ----•t'll W. A. heedy ____ H. 0. Hoch---- G. H. mith _______ F. H. Harris. _____ _ II. 11. :McKinney 82-102 l nion tate B:mk _______ e§ '20 E. W. t~ven .• ____ J. G. Lane ____ • ____ H. . Bcarclsley ____ ---- ----- ----------2 130  10,000  2,250  25,000  82-304  Guaranty  ·. BANKE  lkUSTCbMPANY or DENVER, ' Federal Reserve Bank of St.Number Louis u~det Name of Bank is _the New Transit Number given ~  -  I 15,000  ◄  l  15,000  38,000  ,, 'l >  18 b  --- --- --- ---  25,000  ~  >  310,870 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; Comw. N. and Fld. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  84.427 1,267,000 1,200,590  100,000  30,000  Wcltlona..---~lorgan B 17 WeldonValleyStateBk:.•.U-08 John Wyckoff _____ 82-305 fop. 150 Wellington_farimer B 13 First National Bank----•i'05 W. L. Tanner. ____ 82-306 Pop. 1311 Wellin~ton tate Bank •i§'I9 A. J. Piatt. ________ " " 82-407 We. tclit"fe _____ custer I 12 \\ e ·tclilfe tat l"' Bank.•t§'90 G. B. Beardsley ____ 82-307 Pop. 33  -  ·- - - -  >  a  . Bk. of Wray, Wray.  I~  t, 0  268,360 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N., Den. N., U.S. N .. and Colo. N., Den.  0,  >  25,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.  38,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Stock Grower.i N., 2! ~ Cheyenne, Wyo,; Den. N., Den. 50,0C0 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.: f/l 1st N .. Laramie, Wyo.; Live Stock N., Oma. 400,000 1st N., N. Y., Chi., and Pueblo; Trinidad N., Trinidad; Den. N., 1st N., and Colo. N .. ~ .., Den.; Minnequa. Pueblo. 129.580 Mech: & Metals N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I N., 1 Oh1.; U. S. N .. Den.: Western N .. Pueblo ..... 50,000 U. s. N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.  I  5'  Ifr  .i: .... City, N. Y.; Lt N., Den.; Stock Grower N .. Cheyenne, Wyo. 25,000 1st N., Den.  0..  208,000  75,000 1st N .• Chi., Pueblo, and Den.  ..,<  85,000  76,000  20,000 Cent, Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Den.  B D>  16,260  ,265,300  231,230  70,370 Drov. N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; Cent. Sav. Bk:. & Tr. Co., Den.  24,680  6,200  400,000  172,500  40.000  32.890  920,940  519,270  250,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Hamilton N .. Den.; Drov. ., Kan. C. 512 740 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: 1st N., and U.S. N.,Den.;  50,000  3t560  463.940  430,040  138,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Colo. N., Den.; City N., Lin,  30,000  36,000  387,000  364,000  83,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: 1st N., Den: Ntb. N., Oma.  15,000  39,170  143,930  159,230  27,610 U.S. N., Den.: New Ene. N., Kan. 0.  15,000  15,700  183,020  144,140  69,570 Den. N. and Colo. N., Den.  25,000  58,600  405,000  438,000  40,000  30,000  400,000  475,000  50,000  10,000  53,320  65,570  0 "'  C:  c_  l»  ::,  C l» 83,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N., Den.: 1st N.and Stock Yds. N., Oma. '< 82,000 Colo. N., Den.: City N., Lin.; N. Bk. Com.,• Kan. C. \0 40,690 1 t N., Den.; Neb. N,, Oma. J:v  BONDS-NOT[S-rJ\ M LOJ\NS  =----, ___  N n-Bank Towns with Nea e t Ban1dne: Point <In-  ..,  -  -  >  ,◄  ◄  147  CONNECTICUT  Number under Name of Bank is Ule New TraulS Number dven to each bank in U. S. excluslvel7 by Tbe Band-MeNaJ11 Bani:ers• Dlreeto~ under the authority ~f_ _'.!!1_!_.!merl~~_!lkers .us•n.  ToWN ~ND O0UNTY.  •County Seats. Figure under town is Federal Reserve District. Ansonia-New Haven I 8 1 Po1>. 17.643 .. ..  ~  -  NillE OP BANK.  •Kem . .Am. Bks . .Assn. IState i»em.State Bks . .Assn. t Prlv. [Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Ansonia National Bank-•:"111 51-1411 tJ1sonia•U'll2 Savinrs Bk 5 1 Bethel National Bank __ •t'l2 51-2G8 Branford Saviors Bank•t§'87 51-267 Bruford Trust Oo. _____ f'll f>l- 2112 · American Buk & Trust Co.  i!  BetheL _____ Fairfleld I 4 2 Pop. 21>55 Branford_NewHavenJ 11 1 Pop. 6627 ________ " Fairfield •Bridge~ort 2 op. 143•-51,. 5 L II •tl'll il-18 .. .. Bridieport Savinrs Bk.•U•n ---- ---51-27 Bridgeport Trust Company •U-811 51-31 ♦ • CITY NATIOIAL BANK-•t"54 51-29 City Sninrs Bank _____ e*f"511 51-30 Commercial Bank & Tr. •§ 19 51-41  qo.  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  PRESIDE...'i'T.  (Sanass Banb do not handle eolleetlons)  - -  VICE-PRESIOICNT.  Ass'T CASHI1CR.  OA.SHill.  RESOURCE_S_.LIABILITIES. - - - -- - - - - - 11 - - - - - - - 1 PAID-UP 8 u_:;~us DEPOS- ~~-:,~~:  190,000 5,300,000 5,464,000  I. F. Terry ________ H. L. Shepard ____ H.11. Judd _____________________ _  25,000  w. R. Foote, A. Tr. CharlesF. Bradley_ Lester J, Tichols __ W. H. Foote, Su. and Tr. Wallace H. Foote, Richard Bradley ___ Henry Jr.Jourdan_ W.R. Foote,  25,000  .  A. W. Trema10 ____ Martin Lee, Asst. to Pres. A. W. Burritt _____  .  R. J. ~lackenz1e ___ E. L. Sullivan L. Kutscher, Jr. E. W. Bassick _____ J. S. Pullman Eiz-bert Karsh _____ E. H. Judson Horace B. Merwm L. • Catlin _______  C. B. Seeley------R. E. ~1C'Eldowney, ,iss't. to Pres. Charles E. Houiz-h __ Frank: Miller, Ch. of Bd. Benjamin .ll'letcher S. W. HubbelL ____ E.W. Button A. W. Tremain ____ R. J. Mac Kenzie.  A.  ec. and Tr.  G. H. Williams,  ec.  H. H. Poole, Tr. __ Su. Wm. W. Beardsley A. Tr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  Sacuamu  --  g  PKINCIPA.L CORRESPONlJ.ltNTS.  su  ~u·::a':.~~~RO.II  "'1  '<  -  n..~u.  200,000 S 255,430 $1936 440 $1873 950 $ 560,480 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y .: 1st N .. Bos.  326,000  9,800  296,000  103,0!J0 1,173,670 1,258,000  200,000  28,500  267,900  296.830  81,400 4,727.290 4,311,610  97,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; AnsoniaN., Ansonia: ~  -  1st N., Bos.  44.000 Nassau N .. Brooklyn. 17,160 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Branford Tr. Co .. Branford. 24,410 N. City, N, Y.; Union & New Haven Tr. CJo .. New Haven. 633,350 Equitable Tr, Co. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.  I I  I  S. M. Hawley, Tr ..  (') 335,680 N. City, Chem. N., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.;IQ 1st N ., Bridgeport. 541,720 8,174,650 9,345,490 1,128,190 Liberty N., N. City, and N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 707,690 13218840 13640850  IZ  K. H. Judson. Tr ,_ H. L. Morehouse, 1,000,000 ec. R. D. Goddard, A. Tr. 1z H.B. TerriJL ____ C. N. Gardner ____ _ 1,000,000 771,630 9,002,550 8,800,330 1.968,660 N. Park, Guaranty Tr. Uo., and Irving N .,N. Y.; tXl H. S. Hawkins () GirardN., Phil.: N, Shawmut, Bos. Richard W. Cog . _________________ _ 231.910 1st N ., N. Y .; 1st N ., and City N., Bridiz-eport. ~ 1,057,470 13 931050 14 756 610 well, "ec. and Tr. ______________ _ 150,000 A. J. Endean, () 276,840 Am. Ex. N., N, Y. 488,160 676,770 37,500 Sec. ~ Tr.  C:  -- -- -- --  E. S. WOLFE------ L. 8. POWE __________ R. A. BEER$ . _______ H C. WOODWORTH __ 2,000,000 2,000,000 13129 000 14800 ooo 2,500,000 Chem ...... City, T.Bk.Com.,Cha-eN.,.Iech. ~ C. G. SANFORD, Ch. of Bd.  & Meta'! 1 ., and Bkr . Tr., • Y.; :B't. Dear tx, ~· .• Chi., Isl , r,, ancl N. hawmut, Bo·.; Phil. N .. l'hil.; 1 , Y. tate N., All>, 1  F. N BENHAM, JR. M. S. SISTRAND J. 11. MERWIN  P. W. WREN W. 8. USHAR S. SIMPSON  Collectlons aspeelalty. Personal attention glvt.'n. Prompt remittance and reasonable charces. TBY US. J. L. Wessels _____ J. W. Knowlton ___ L. 8. Oatlin, Sec. and Tr. I{. T. Whiting Arthur F. Connor. W. I. Nichols ____ George Hugo, Sec. and Tr. Hob't N. Blakeslee W. F. Severn ______ H. 0. Godfrey _____ H. L. O'Brien, Sec. and Tr. , Henry Atwater ____ M. B. Beardsley ____ ,W. H. Lyon, Tr. ___ J. A. Ruslinit W. P. Kirk ________ T. J. Pardy ________ Geo. L. Moore _____ John Dezso, V, P. 0. E. Bilton ___________ ______________ _________________  ~  ~  . ---------  :, 'u,  690,000 10875000 11200000 100,000  25,000  A. J. Noel, A. Tr._  100,000  25,000  Frank Hubbard, See. ---------·. ________ _______________  1st N. and Conn. 133-160 Mech. & Metals N .• N. . N., Bridgeport. • 43,400 1,366,000 ., 1,319,000 162,000 .Mech. & Metals .. N. .: 1st N .. Bridgeport. 100,000 ________ 1st N. and Winslow. Lanier & Co., N. Y. _ ______ · ______ ·  I  638,000  684,000  555,160  304,980  716.750 8,472,050 9,262,910  863,310  Chas. T. Treadway Wm. J. Tracy _____ Earle E. Edwards, M. L. Tiffany, Sec. Tr. . W.P.Oaider, V.P. Alexander Harper 0. T. Treadway __ W. A.. InrraJwn ___ K. L. Tdfany ______ E. E. Edwards___ W. P. Calder H . .&.. Warner ___ W. A. Ingraham __ Kiles L. Peet. n-._ E. K. Peet • .A. n-.  100,000 200,000  191150 2.483,470 2,288,380  l  100,000  158,190 5,475,620 5,672,230  us.  I  1  IO  (')  Y.:  $ll  :::,  llJ  su :,  _ ________________________ Chase N. and Atlantic N .. N. Y.  --------------- ________________ ______________ ___________  I  g  3i3.000 Met._ Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; City T.,: .... Bridgeport. 70,000 Mech. & Metals N., N- Y.; 1st N., Bridge- 1» 1 .... . I>Ort. 65,670 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bridgeport.  J. M. Otis. A. Sec. and A. Tr. ________  BEACH------- G. S. BEACH, Tr ... C.N.GORDON, J.B. SESSIONS-ec. ama A. Tr. . L. WOODING  z> fl)  60,580  717,180  437,500 5,81)0.150 6,218,220  rts a speelaH y. Cash and time Item.a. Bills of ladln1 tie must be se nt with eaeh slg ht draft for pres entatlon and -ol-155 2le with each request for repor t or rating. SEN D US YOUR BB ISTOL ITEMS. 2;;,000 Broad Brook ___ Hart ford I Broad Brook Bk. & Tru t Co. H. C. Brook _______ H. A. Middleton •A. H. Keeney, Tr,_ G. L. Goettler. Sec. §'21 ~1-311 E 11 1 Pop. 2000 50,000 Canaan ____ Litcb.fleld A. 4 Canaan Nal1~f~Bant __ •n7 G. 8. l'QJler ____ A. c. Lockwood___ W. s. Smart_______ __________________ 561 Ba n k --tl'72 G . 8. ll'uller ____ Allyn Fuller _______ J.B. Reed, n-, ____ 11.1'. R. OoUins. Sec. . Oanaan Savm~~li .. ______ •J Pop. 111-.. . . . . , J.S.Reed • .A.Tr. ) ,_..,.._...,_._.,.,....~..-~~51~-~T.~ ,..... .~. .,..N BRISTOL TRUST CO. ---•*1'07  ITS  CAPITAL PROFITS  Chas . .If. Brooker __ F. M. Drew ________ R. E. Chambers_ __ H. W. Case_____ w. H. Joy Wm. A. Nelson __ . W. mith _______ Fred'kT.Rolfe.Tr. __________________ _  51-32 .lfechanics & Farm. Sav. Bk. •*1'71 51-M Newfield Bank and Trust Co. •§·19 51-40 North End Bank & Trust Co. 51 _42 •§'!9 Peoples Savinru Bank.•H'IIO 51-111 West Side Bank -------•t1'18 51-39 James Staples & Oo, ___ •it•74 51-35 T. L. Watson & Co, ____ •it·ll6 51-33 Hartford E 10 American Trust Co _____ tf' 9 Bri to! , 51-156 ·1 Pop. 20,620 BRISTOL NATIONAL BK.•i 75 .. 51-154 Bristol Savt!hfanlc ___ 1'70  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this'volume. For".Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SU  14,460 Han. N., N. Y.; Bristol N., Bristol. 662,250 Chem. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 109,440 Hart.-Aetna N. and State & Bk. Tr. Co., Hart. 233 090 Bk. of Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, j Bos.: Girard N .. Phil. ' I  343,750  61,170 N. Oity, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 28,220 Cent.Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Canaan N., Canaan. :; ...:J  •  •  •:-  ARKANSAS-Continued  I  ...._ ___ .... ..,. __ .., __ --=----  CONNECTICUT  148  C on  t• Number under Name of Bank ia tbe New Transit Number aiven lOUC to each bank in u. s. excllul,el1 by The Rand-McNan1 Bankers' (S=•=vl_n s Banks do not handle conectton") Directory, und~ authority of The ~ n ~ ' ! ! ! A--:-s-=s•=n=·======  -TOWN AND OOUNTY.  1.Count1 Seats. Fi1?ure under town is Federal Reserve District. Chester •• Middle,ex I 15 1 Pop. 1675 .. Clinton .•• Middle-cx J 14 1 Poo. 1217 Collinsvme •••.• Hartford D 10 l Pop. 3500 Cromwell.Middlesei:F 13 1 Pop. 2454 •Danbury ·--·Fairfteld I 3 2 Pop. 22.325  ..  D nieL·on. Windham D 22 1 Pop. 3130 "  •  d  t;  LIABILITIES.  .NAME OF BANK.  Ass'T O.&.SHI&R. PAID·UP SURPLUS DE;Os• O.&.SHIJ:R. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Ilks.Assn. ISt3:te AND :Mero.State Bks.Assn.tPnv. 0 Al'ITAL PROFITS ITS [Estab., _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , _ _ _ _ _ _ ♦Mero. Fed. Res. ••-••-_-_-.-._--_-.==$ 75,310 $ 773,880 Ohester Suinrs Bank •U'71 B. O. Brooks_ .... J. S. Deuse •••••••• J.C. Edwards, Tr.-_, 51-269 ······-·····-······ S 25,000 173,080 13,100 Chester Trust Co .••••• •U U H. C. Brooks •••••• C. J. Bates._ ••..•. J. C. F.<lwards, Sec. and Tr. 51-S00 Olin ton National Bank.-•t"56 H. C. Hull---· S. G. Redfield .•••• S. B. Reed _ _ _ · - _ _ _ _ _ 75,000 520,620 43,910 , . 51-270 . . Oolhnsv1lle Sav.Soc1ety•if 54 O. A. Farnham.-. M. H. Upson •••••• H. L. Sanborn. 220,040 1,510,360 S~c. and Tr. W. M. Reed 5~-257 . 65,000 581,000 Cromwell Dime Savmis Bk. E. S. Ooe ········-· T. W. Beaumont •• R. S. Griswold, Tr. T. w. Beaumont, Sec. 1'71 51-271 250,000 Redfield···H. W. .••.• 158,120 2,135,540 City N:itional Bank. ·-··•t"54 A. N. Wildman .... ............ -·· .... M. H. Griffln2 . 51-127 DANBURY NATIONAL BANK T. o. !rhllard ••••• John McCarthy. ___ F. c. Brown •••• - •• ··········-····-···· 218,000 287,000 2,314,000 •t'24 51-126 680,501 6,444,500 Savinis Bk. ofDanbury•U'49 G. !rl. Rundle •••••• H. H. Woodman •• H. T. Hoyt, Sec. and Tr. F.K. Hartwell 61-1211 235,000 3,951,500 Union Savin2s Bank.-.•U'lltl G. B. Fairchild ••• ;. S. H. Fanton •••••• L. L. Hnbbell, Tr .• G. F. Lyon. A. Tr . ••••••... 51-128 242,910 3,403,320 --··-······-········ ···-··--· Brooklyn SavilliS Bank.•1'72 J. A. Atwood •••••• Wm. H. Burnham. c. A. Potter, w. and Tr. • 51-268 '5,000 500,000 100,000 --········--····Danielson Trust Co. ··-•U"l4 J. A. Atwood·-··- F. A. Jacobs---···· c. Starkweather, '1.'r. 51-803 25,000 59,680 11,650 ·-·---···-·- •••• Klllinrl:v Trust Co .•••• _t§ '14 W. A. Gaston ··-··· T. E. Hopkins • •••• N. D. Prince, Sec. and Tr. 51-801 50,000 80,000 1,542,000 Bank•t·22 T. E. Hopkins_ .... N. D. Prince ..•••• F. E. Storer·-·-··· F. J. G. Bailey ••••• Windham  ofi-fs\t·  Darien •••• _Falrfteld d 3 Home Bk. & Tr. Oo.-.•U'12 H. S. Neilson •••••• 51-294 2 Pop. 4184 Deep River-••• Middlesei: Deep River Nat. Bank •• •t"49 H.J. Brooks-···· 51-250 I 15 1 Pop. 2500 Deei, River Sav. Bank.•tl'61 R. U. Tyler .... - .. " " 51-260 Dcrby •• _New Haven J 7 BIRMINGHAM NAT'L BANK 0. B. Nettleton •••• •1'48 51-lH& 1 Pop, 11.238 Derby Savinrs Bank •• •U'4!1 Georre E. Barber •• " .. 51-182 Home Trust Oo. ···-····•1'93 0. N. Downs-····51-18' East Haddam-Middlesex National Bk. of New Enrland A. E. Purple ••••••• •:t'05 51-272 HH 1 Pop. 2312 East Hampton.Middlesex East Hampton Bank & Trust T. s. Brown·-·-··· G 14 Co .•••••• 51-30L •• ___ •:t§'l5 1 POD, 2394 East Hartford •• Hartford East Hartford Trust Co.•+§'16 E. E. Kinf••··-·-·· 51-305 1 Pop. 11 648 D 12 E E'x ••••• Middl ex I 16 Basex National Bank .. -•t·o7 o. G. Ohene1 ..... . 61-2511 1 Pop. 2815 Essex Savinrs Bank: ..•.. S"51 1N. H. Williams ..... .. . 61-255 Fairfleld_ •• Fairlleld L 6 Fairfield Trust Co .•••• •!, '20 Oliver G, Jennings 51·310 2 Pop. 11,475 Fall Villai:e._.Lftchffeld Falls Villare SaT. Bauk•U-54 H. Goodwin ....... il-264 B 5 1 Pop. 560 National Iron Bank •• -.• •i-47 H. O. Gaylord . -•• " ........ •· 61·263  Fa1 mini:tou - •• Hartford .li'armin2ton Savi nits Bank :U-51 51-273 . E 11 1 Pop. 3 44 Glastonbury .•• ·Hartford Glastonbury Bank & Tr~st E 11 Co ••••••• 61-309 -··•····* 19 1 Pop. 6592 Greenwich.-l'airleld K 1 Greenwich Nat. Bank ... •:•05 51-146 2 Pop. 22,120 Greenwich Trust Oo,-•• •U'87 .. " il-146 Putnam Tru t Oo . ••••• •t§'l4 51-147 'uill ord .... 'l' llavt 1 Pop. 2 ·o:J  11  J.E. Pratt, A. Tr .. A. W. Comstock ••• H.J. Brooks. Su. and Tr. H.F. Wannini ···- F. M. Clark ..••••.• c. A. Po L •.•. -.. B. \V. Wheeler 0. H. Nettleton_ ••• H. s. Birdseye, Tr. P. I. Kennedy,  $  29,560 Phoenix N. and Colonial N., Hart. 38,000 N. City, N. Y.; Riverside Tr. Co., Hart.  595,930  113,750 Ohase N., Irvin~ N., and N. City, N. Y.: N. Shawmut. Bos. 80,390 State Rk. & Tr. Co. and Hart.-Aetna N .. Hart.  1,650,020 632,000  15,000 Middletown N. and Cent. N., Middletown.  2,626,070  327,440 N. Park, N. Y.  2,400,CO0  531),000 Imo. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.: 1st 1 ., Chi.; (') Q : N. Y. State N .. Alb.; N. Shawmut. Bos. 146,220 N. Park and Guaranty Tr, Co., N. Y.; Danbury "' ~ N., Danbury, 190,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Danbury N., Danbury.  6,779,000  Z  3,915,000  121,590 1st N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Bos.; Danielson Tr. t1'l Co., Danielson. 112,000 Chase N .• N. Y.; Merch. N. and 1st N., Bos . .....,  3,524,630  g  a  460,000 41,100 1,607,500  65,280  922,320  881,550  350,000  430,000  >  106,050 N. Park, N. Y.: Deep River N., Deep River.  417,680 2,239,720 3,0U520  473,330 1st N., Irvinl? N.,and N. Bk.Qom., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. (') 145,530 Birm. N., Derby: Ansonia N., Ansoma.  I  (.I)  48,760  790,760  905,360  50,000  27,800  204,000  223,370  20,670  501,230  474,230  25,000  E. s. Goodwin ••••. Charles A. Renner. F. E. Fuller. Sec.. 100,000 Tr. R. D. Olm ted, A. Tr. 25,000 C. J. Bates .••••••. _ H.B. Barnes...... ....................  90,780 1,432,590 1,571,9(0  W. H. Parmelee ... E. A.. Bailey,  99,110 1,145,050 1,214,460  14,060  2-12,310  256,H0  ::::r-  ro  37,260 Ohase N., N. Y.  en 87,340 Bk. of the.Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N . Shawmut, ~ I~ B~s.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co,, Alb. 66,490 lrvmg N., N. Y.: Hart.-Aetna N., Hart.; Ceni. ,... O N., .Middletown. 51,410 Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; City Bk. 1""\ i.c• & Tr. Co., Hart. 49,670 Ohase N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Bos.: Phil.,. ,. Phil. C:: 27,060 Han. N .• N. Y.; ~art. Conn. Tr. Co., Hart.  100,000  28,670  35-1,450  48,660  658,li0  ~91,680  52.500 Liberty N. an_d -. Bk. Com., r .Y.; Bridgeport Tr. Co., Bmlgeport. 15,140 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Iron, Falls Village.  ····-·············- D. E. Dean .• _••••. W.R. Hubbell.-..  100,000  34,530  169,740  190,810  53,500 N. Park, N.Y.: N.Y. State N., Alb.  228,ll00  :t  779,350 5,284,090 5,908,160 50,000  James E. Quan .•.. R. :\1. Wilcox-••••• R. M. Wilcox •• -·-· .A. II'. Rippel.......  200,000  141,000 1,987,440 2.263,070  U.S. Tenney ••••• .A. W.W. Marshall E. R. Mulcock, Tr .A. W.W. llarshall. Ste. E. R. Mulcock A. B. Stanton, Sec . R. L. Chamberlain. John D. Chapman. W. H. Brettman.  400,000  389,000 5,286.690 6.070.990  100,000  90,090 l,978,4i0 1.957,100  14,620  179,550  ~ 3,  1  Sec. and Tr. De erH. Warner. K Ellis Dilli tin,1. D. H. S. Hunting. ton, A. Tr. Sec. and 1.·r. H.B. Merwin J. 8. Tracy_-·- H. 0. Gaylord. Tr . J. L. E sign,  Sec. and A . Tr.  X  156,700 2,567,000 2,598,700  50,000  Sec.  1,160 N. Shawmut, Bos.: Windham Co. N., Daniel"-' son. 173,900 Han. :r .. N.Y.:N.Shawmut,Bos.:lstN .• Phil. i-¾ 114,070 Met. Tr., Lin. Tr., and Fidelity Tr. Cos., 1tJj N. Y.: 1st Stamford N., Stamford. 145,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N, Shawmut, Bos. 'Z  339,800 7,129,100 6,468,350  I. L. Carpenter,  Du•  raol!B~.-u 1- ----------:-...,......-::-::---::---  168,900  135,000  300,000  r11A,.0ER  807,360 $  75,000  A. Tr.  'l'r.  no  ~a,.::::,  150,000  O. N. Downs. Tr ... H.F. Wanninr •••• D. B. Giddinrs, Sec. and A. 'l'r. A. H. Dayton •. -.•. E. . Peck··-- ••.••••.•••• -··- •••••••• Ii'. H. Dunham •..• • O. W. Burnham.  0,  ----··---·-·· T. H. Root _ _ _ II. K. Smith·-····· E. H. Demini. ec. cind Tr. G. G. Williams L. W. Howe ••••••. H. H, Hunt••• ·-··· B. F. Turner, Tr ..• W. E. Gates, Sec •.•  'I  119,230  "  ! I  e  Tr.  .J l  :  :  j  B. M. Ballard, Mark W. Norman - G. F. Bearse, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. Alfred Morehouse w. A. BrothwelL. R. L. Selden._ •••• ··-···········--····  on-Bank Town ~1th Nearest Bankln Point (ln• tiexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) ln back of this volume. For Interest Rates,_Bolldays, etc., seo La,•s. PRINCIPAL CO.KRESPONDENTS~ RESQURCES.1.o..... n, •. c..RotE1:-  •  ..  •  FOR BRIDGEPORT ITEMS  t  I  ..  :  '.  ,  I  1.03t.:i30  f  f  'THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL   Number under Name of Bank is the New TransU; Number given t.o each bank in U. S. excluslveJy by The Band-.HcNally Bankers' 149 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers .Ass'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  HARTFORD ,~ . .. I  Feder~IR  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In  '.  I'  : .  •  :  ''  dexed Acccs.), La~yers, Laws Jl!1,1~~.?}  ill_bac!' o_f  th( ';::'  149  HARTFORD  umber under Name of Bank is the New Tra.aaH Number dven The Band-MeNallJ Banlcers• Directory, under the authority of The American Ba!lkers A.Bs'n.  t.o each bank in U. S. es:cluslv If by AME OF BANK.  ;:::: t:ie it~•.1!!~: iii:;~~  - ---  ·"·:·c11te1Nttab.  PRESIDENT.  F. p. NOLT-·--··  VICJC,PRJ:SIDICNT.  ,---  I  -  OA.SBl&R,  A.Sl'l'T 0ASBIER.  N: l: tem1cH.-.. A. w. JACOBS.•••••. ~: Viltikn--  "The Bank to be With" . Collecti~ns a ipecialty. Prompt service, reaSQpable r~fes. We remit on day ~.!_p_aym~~ Send us y_ou!._!tartford items.  & TRUST COMPANY 51 _50  I  (Federal Resene ~lstrl~No. 1)  •U'Sl  i  (Barcterd. D 11) CounJT Seat Population 138,036 ~!n~ Banks d~ n ~ l e collectlons) LIABILITIE .  PAID-UP  su:;;us  CAPITAL  PROFITS n.~~~1'1'8  $  600,000  -  S  l.NDIVID-  Dapo■JT8  B::u  ii  -LO.&.NS •  co~~s  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In_ dexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (index d) in back of thl ';:;:-" volume. ~or lnte_rest Rates, B~liday , etc., see L"~.  5  BONDS. : MJ.SCEL-  I ____ --~ ___  ,____ ,  17,790· 2,094,860  782,180 ______  2,599,230  283,450  6,434,800 _ _ _ _  3,095,170  2,261,920  136,100  •Fidelity Trust Oompany•U"85 F. L. Wilcox _____ R. B. 'ewell ------ R. B. Newell, Tr._. T. J.. Shannon.Su. 2  200,000  210,720  2,757,030  2,070  2,039,970  398,710  150,000  White _____ _ 1,150,000 Knirht_ W.W. Jacobs_ ___ K. F. Harrinrton __ B. R. A. Boardman E. C. Johnson S. G. Pierce H. M. Sperry  1,360,640  7,834,650  373,760  7,672,470  1,446,370  270,050  *HARTFORD-AETNA  l  NATIONAL BANK 51...C4  1  D. W. HUBBARD E.M.CIAMPTON  H. T. NIL T  Ch.oflJd,  541.940 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Tradesmens N., erch. Phil.: .1:·. Shawmut, Bos.: N •• Balt. 225,060 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 587,380 N. Y. Tr. Co., N.Y.: Phil. N .. Phil.; Merch. N., Bos, 2,135,710 N. Oity and Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N,, 0 0 Chi. and Bos.: 4th St. N., Phil,  z z  N. Park, Chase N., Bk. of the t1j  Manhattan Co •. Irving N., and Nllt Ns·· N. Y.; N.BBk. Rep., Ch11,.; os.; Fran n hawmut, N., Phil.  1---..1-,··----1-,1----1- .  1.000,0IO 2,800,000 U,600,000  Oldeat and Sb'onareat Bank la Hartford and 1n Connecticut.  '681lII.  960,000j lU00,000  3,460,000  650,000  4,65U00  ff. ff, PEASE ff. WHAPLES, Ch.o/Bd,ARTffURP.0AY  {ARTHUR H,  COOLEY!  TRUST COMPANY  JOS. P. TUTTLE  Park Street  51-45  •:U814I  ---  J. WM.  A. Tr.  NEAL, Sec. and Tr.  J. W. BUSCH, JR.,  A.Tr.  300,000  15,060,  324,310 Mech. & Metal N., N. Y.: 1 t N. X (J') and Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart.  74,990  1,037,370 __________  1,125,450 _________  239,710  100,8101st •• · N. Y. and Bos.; Hart.-Aetna ..,.. ~ N,, Hart,  I  I  1,000,000  Tr,____________________  150,000  •Rivedde T[l~i Co. ----•U-07 Albert P. Day----- -------------- R. O. Glazier,  il-49  100,000  L. P. Broadhurst_ W. B. Bassett ____ A. D. Johnson ____ B. B. Walkley____ W.N. cott,Auditor F. R. Lawrence  •Security Trust Company•:f '75 Atwood Collins ___ 51-5 Society for Savin(:. ----•:11819 C. P. Cooley _______ 51-41 • fate Bank & Trust Oo.-•:1'411 Georre H. Burt ____  300,000 Chas. E. Prior _____ Chas. E. Prior, Jr,, E. E. Dimon,A,Sec. Sec.and Tr.Geo.F.Kane,A.Tr. Francis Parsons _______ A.Tr, F.1.Prentice, Crotut. W. S. Atwood Collins Sec. and Tr, J. R. Kane, A. Tr. M. H. Whaple 400,000 0. A.. Lillie ____ A. c. Mason _______ H. T. Nearing_____  412,360  323,920  48,250  700,000 11,579,620  2,732,&;0  275,000  97,000j 1,906,790  125,940  166,370  3,502,940  444,020  41.800  2,312,070 44,237,470 __________ 14,930,210 29,787,390  76,000  397,040  100,000  31,270  743,710 __________  1,637,950 12,638,140 247,840 1,745,700 472,130  814,950  3,548,010  6,983,910  295,080'  38,970  5,737,340  10,000 551,810 8,279,190 ---------- 5,307,070 3,352,100 State Savings Ihnk-----H'58 0. A.. Goodwin---- Henry Hobefts ____ W. B. Champlin, G.B.Stou~hton, Tr.__________ Sec. 51-M 118,020 2,779,800 __________ 1,221,120 1,662,880 _________ _ 100,000 _______________ L. F. Butler------- 0. L. Spencer------ Martin Welles, Traveler· Bank · Trost Co. 1 1 • Sec. and Tr. , .tl'l3 5l-70 892,700 15,800 3,055,500 430,000 4,130,000 100,000 82,600 •United States Bank --•*1"72 J. O. Enders _______ 8. G. Dunham _____ W. B. Rowley _____ 'R. D. Chapin______ M. Sperry, Sec, ____________________ _________________________________________ _ Hou e_ --- , I. II. Whaples ____ rtfonl (Members indicated by a *) 1 For balanu of Hartford ban kJJ au following 1>«ae'I),._......,..,......  n  m!!;,~g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  c::  z  Co. ___ ;t§'20 Dominick F. Burns Fred P. Holt------ R. M. O'Brie.,, Tr. ,T. M. Bayes, A. Tr. J:~~i F. C, Loeser 61-51  •PHOENIX NATIONAL BANK  ~  _ (')  3,750,950  995,4 0 10,011,480 __________ 1 6,929,640  Hartford's New Progre sive Bank. Specializing In Trade Aceeptanc e Collectlons. 1 •§·20 51-72 Pallottf Andretta & Co. _____ t'D8 Antonio Andretta_ E. M. Buck ________ M. Zimmerman ________________ --------------------· ------ __ ------ --------- - - - -  oc.  ()  303,700 3,939,800 !Ian. N,, Cheru. N., ~.Dk.of Com. ~ 64!;,480 148,190 13,804,610 1,250,000 2,004.730 15,204,430 and J.P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; Ft. LETT, Sec. A. ff. NE TO , A. Tr. Thoroughly equipped to handle au matter"entrw;t.edtous, Dear.N.,Chi.:N,Shawmut,lstN., a, C,A.ffU TE ,.t.Tr.f.T.DEWEY,A.Sec. Tran.acts a cene ral trust business. We solf cit your Hartford and Merch_. N., Bos.; Girard N. and ), • J, ROGERS, A. Su. 1st N•• Phli. buslne ss. • G. BLYDENBURGH, A. Su.  F, C. SUMNER----- N. 0. PRINCE------- ff. P. RIDFlf LO, Tr. WARREN T, BART-  Jiauic SavinrsBank_•U,61 J.M. Holcombe --- J.B. Moore------- W. S. Buckley, Tr. W. A.. Willard. Sec. ________ W. II. chrivener. J. H. Kni2ht, V. P. h'. C. 'umner 51--55  *MUTUAL BANK o.  c. E. CHASE,  i  .  A. IPEIICER, a.--F. P. FURLOH----·"• s. BHIIIERD----•.s. ANDREWS-- - - - - - -  •U7112  *HARTFORD-CONNECTICUT •t TRUST COMPANY 51-57 -----  w.  ---------  i:::  e;  37'1.810 $14534030 S 641,000 $10799430 $3,589,360$ 434.200 $1,329.850 IrvlngN., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil.; 4th Atlantic N., Bos. ' 579,280  51-51  CA'!!;-  ~~.~8;~.I~~~~, '.:._-==  150,000 *Connecticut River Bkf. Co. 0. L. Spencer ______ Martin Welles ____ ll'. F. Fisher ___ B. J. Maercklein__ B. W. Ervinr •U'25 51-47 ___________ -------Dime Savinfs Bank ______ etf'70 R. W. Huntin~ton_ E. B. Batch _____ R. W. D,ryer, Sec. and Tr. J, 0. Enders 51-58  *FIRST NATl:: LBANK-•t'll4\I James B.  PRINCIPAL COKl<iSPONDltNT . -  REWURCES.  --------------------,H,  90,440 Irving N., N. Y.; City Bk, & 'l'r. Co., Hart. 2,364,410 .Mech. & Me_tals N., and N. Bk. Co~ .. N. \':.: Co~~- & Com'}~ •• Chi.: 1st N ., Bos.: Girard ., I h1I. 113,920 \,:!~irtfno;:,it11.: Tist°l{~•Bo~·. Y.: 634,070 Jst N. and N. Bk. Com., N. 'i .: 2d N .• Bos.: Hart.-AetnaN., Hart. 1,751,030 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A .. N. Y.;. erch. N., Bos. 2,056,090 Mech. & Ii~etals N. anq . B -. Com., N. Y.: Girard N., Phil.; March • .1. .. Bos. 161,820 Am. Ex. N ., N. Y, 141,020 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 643,000 ChaseN.Chem. N., andlst N •• N. Y.; N. hawmut, Bos.; Phil. ., Phil.  "1  ::t.  a o  •A  .... _ _ _ , . . , . _  ..,:,.. __ _  Non-Bank Towns "ith 'ea  dexed Acee Number uuder Naane of Baak ia New Trandt N · to each hank in U 8 esclushely by The Rand M umber civen _ _ _n_1___r~ _e_tor~. u!'_'.!~«' ~~rlty of Th~merlc~n c;;;ie:S'l~~::  , ., • ·  -  76  a.£.  Selected List  150  .,,. _ _ .._ _ _  ,...t ___ _  HARTFORD-Continued  INVESTMENT DEALERS  ~lem. Inv. Uks, ,bsn. ___ __ ___ __ __ __ _  ARKANSAS-Continued  _  ___ _  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldor Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of this ..... volume. For Jnterest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  g;  (Federal &e,iene DlstrlcC No. 1)  -  - NA.MK 011' BOK. LIABILJTJES. RESOURCJ:S. PRINCIPAL OORRESPOND&NTS. •Jlem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. stsP~te PlUtSID.JtNT. VICE-PRESIDENT, OASHIER. ASS'T OASHIEB.. PA.ID-UP SURPLUS INDIVU>- D•POSlTB LOA.KS ,a !3_O.!!?!,~•- ; !'!~OIIUL-8 CASH Uilem. State Bks. Assn. riv• Alfi> UAL Dia~-~ ... - .. ~ +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ______ _ _ , - - - - - - - - , C.u>ITU PaonTS DEP08IT8 ~ COUNTS Tma, JIITC. R:msounc1:s R1:sotmc1:s &EORGfH-:-BURR & CO. __ ;-05 { Commercial Paper_ -=--· ---------------- R. B. Piper, . - - - - - - - - ---------- ---------- ·-------- _____________________________________ -__-__-_-___-__- 1a=_eo_r_g_e...,H• ....,,B,-u_rr_&_C_o.-.-N-.-Y-.,-0-h-i-., 1 18 A•ylum St. [ntJestment Securi ties Representative Bos .• San F., Scranton, Phil., Atl., • Pitt., Cleve.. t. L .. Dallas, Rich., 8Pattle, Los A .• and Port. FRANCIS R.COOLEY & Co.-•'91 <Investment Securities ) --------------- A>. A. Matthews --- ------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---- --- ---------- ---------- -------------------Parkinson & Burr, N. Y.; Parkinson GUARANTY COMPANY OF { John c. Je s up,. ~epresentative ----- ------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ________________________________________ ---------- ---------- G!r~~t;• 8i.sof N. Y., N. Y. NEW YORK_____________ '20 Investment 8 ecun ties. • (Hart ford-Aetna Bldg.) . . . . A B. LEA HP&earc o.,tl.NC•.. ____ (Investment Secunt ies) ---------------- C. T. Kmg, ,1-fgr . . . --·. ------- --------- (Branch olf N. Y. C zty, l\.7 Y. __________________________________________________ A. B. Leach & Co.,Inc .. N .Y., Chi.,and 18 principal cities. (See Adv. Page 5) 111 LEE HIGGINSON & CO. ___ '48 (Bonda) - - - - - ------------- G. S. Stevenson. - - - - - - - - (Brooeh of Boston, Mass.) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- Leaen,dHB1ogsg.inson & Oo., N. Y., Chi., _ ' -(36 Pearl St.) Mgr. \~ NATIONAL CITY COMPANY-'16 (Investment Bonds>------------- K. G. Herold, -------------------- __________ __________ N. City Co .. N. Y. and correspondent 0 conn. Mutual Bldg. Dist. Sa.Us Mgr. offices. (See Adv. Page 3) E. Naumbarl? & Co. _________ •94 (Commercial Paper) ______ ------- L.A.Partridge,Mor , _______ ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ ------- ------- - - - - ------- E. Naumburg & Co•• N. Y., Ohl., .-, 18 A,vlum St. 1 13os.,Phil.,Pitt.,San F., and Seattle. "4 Rhoade. c· co. _____________ •10 (Invutmont Suur iUu) ------------ J.T. Robens,Mc,r. -------------------- (Branch of N. Y. Oit11, N. Y.) ______ ---------- ------- -------------------Rhoades & Co .• N. Y. , tz:l (36 Pearl St.) , 0 RICNTH & COMPANY----•'06 (Brokers) _________ ------------------- H.P. Spafford------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------- -------------------Post & Flal?'g and Potter, Ohoate & ~ Prentice. N. Y.: Curtis & San~er, ~ Bos. O ITEDMAI & REDflELD-•t·ss (Commercial Paper>--------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ---------- --------- --------- ------N. Bk. Com •• Mech. & Metals N., N. C: 18 A111lum St. I Park, ~nd Chas~ N .• N. Y.; Cont• ...:r & Com 1 N .• Ch1.: Hart.-Aetna N. ---J  o•  c  ----------1---------- --------- ------- ------ ---------  Z  ------T-- ----------  CONNECTICUT-Continued  and Phoenix N .• Ha.I.  I~  (Sa'flns• Bank• do not handle Collections)  NAME OF BANK. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bk .Assn. State ,county Seats. Figure under town is tMem.State Bks.Assn. Priv. [Estab. E_ederal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res.  f  Jewett City_N.Lond.F 21 Jewett City Sav. Bk. --•t1'73 51-275 1 Pop. 3l!l6 Ken inatonllartford ~~ 11 Berlin Savinl?'S Bank ____ U'73 51-276 1 Pop. 3600 L:.tkPvillo •. Litchfteld B 3 Robbins.Burrall Tr.Co.•U'74 51-262 Pop.1200 Salisbury Sav. Society --•1'48 51-261 •Lil chfielcl.Litchfteld E 6 First National Bank ____ et'H 61-250 Pop. 3180 Litchfteld Sav. Society .•U"50 51-249 ~f Priden_New Haven G 11 City SaTiDl?'s Bank--.•H'74 51-101 Pop. 3-t,76-1 1  ,.  ,.  -------  ..  ------ ..  .. ---- .. .. ---- ..  .  ..  ---. .. ---.. ---- .. . . --------  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t"64 51-100  HOME NATIONAL BANK  51-911 •t'55 MERIDEi NATIONAL BAH  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  ~88 'T 0.UBID.  0-'.SBlll,  --·  PAID-UP CAPITAL  su:~us  DEPOl!I-  PROFITS  ITS  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDJCNTS.  Oun .t ExBmma, ewuo•11,Dua  Lo~.tDr•· c'T&.  11.acuanua  ------ ---  ROMB.un,s.  en  I  :I: I»  -....  "1 E. M. Anthony ____ J. C. Hawkins _____ 11'. E. Robinson, --------- $ 130,990 $1733 950 $1812 260 $ 60,570 1st N .• Bos.: Thames N .• Norwich. Su. and Tr. D. L. Phillips 0 William Bulkeley __ E. W. Mildrum ____ Francis Deminl?'. J. J. Fitzsimons, "1 --------- 146,900 3,157,57( 3,231.070 73,400 Oonn. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co .. Bart. Q. A. Tr. Tr. Robert Scoville ____ B. F. Landon ____ W.W. Norton, Tr. H.B.Oallender. Su. $ 30,000 15,500 172,000 184.G00 56,100 Ohase N .. N. Y.: N. Shawmut.Bos.; N. Y. State N.,Alb. 0 William Kane_---- H.F. Landon ______ W. W. Norton • --------- 45,000 1,130,000 1,150,000 25,000 Chase N., N. Y. ec. and Tr. J. . Perkin , V.-P. II. L. Barnett nan. N. and Imp. G . .M. Wood.ruff __ Charles H. Coit ___ Philip P. Hubbard. --& Tra. 31,140 N .• N.Y.; lstN.,Bos .• 100,000 92,460 486.24( 524,920 and New Haven. G. ll. Wood.ruff ___ J.P. Woodruff __ 0. H. Ooit, 271,420 2,018,030 2,245,590 43.870 1st N .. Litchfield; Colonial Tr, <.,o .. Waterbury. ----------------Su. and Tr. 0. L. Rockwell __ Geo. H. Wilcox ____ H. L. WheaUey, ------------- --------- 115,000 4,863,960 4,983,080 42,250 1st N .. Meriden. C. L. Upham. V.P. Floyd Curtis Su. a,na Tr. C. F. Lin ley, H. White 200,000 323,300 1,364,860 1,882,560 304,820 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.: Merch. 0. L. Rockwell __ - - - - - - - - - - Floyd Curtis ____ N.,Bos.  -------  ....  ---------- -- ------  -  V.P.,J.  -----------  E. J. DOOLITTLE-- ARTHUI S. LAIL C. S. PERKIIS----- GEO. J. SOKEL ---  I  I  Herman Hess ___ Harris S. Bartlett- Ilarris S. Bartlett_ J. E. Raven ____  51-97 • •:t"33 Meriden Saviors Bank-•U-51 Eafene A. HalL ___ H. Wales Lines ____ W. H. Catlm • •J. G. Narel. A. Tr. 51- 98 BenJ. Pai!O 'ec. and Tr. Me,id•• T,. & Sale Dep. Co. o. L. Rockwe!L___ C. t. Linsley ------ H. H. Smith. To-. -· Wm. B. Chmh. 51-102 •!§'811 Su. PURITAN TRUST CO.--•:tl'12 c. E. chunack---- ,------------------ W ... Alexander 1 51 - 03 7r.   Number under Name or Bank ia the New TramH Number given to eaoh ban.le in U. S. excJualvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dir~~~• un<!_e!_ the authorlty_of The AmeJ'lcao Bankera'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  151  ~  RESOURCES,  LIABILITIE~.--  I  1---------------- ·---  _,_.  --- --- --- ---  -  4.00,000  200,000  - - --- 211,750 1.947,300 1.639,850 :-  134,850  673,730  ---  767,910  348,620 9,496,160 9,800.160 50,000  31,620  ---------  81.350  54,300  23,520  923,690  880,920  CONNECTICUT-Continued (E,lavlngs Banks do not handle collections)  202.070 Mech. &MetalsN.,N. Y.:lstN.,Ohi.andBos.  185,610 Han. N., N. Y. ; 1st N .. Phil.: 2d N., Bos. 142,450 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 2,110 143.090 Irving N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmat. Bos.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Ill  Number under Name or Bank i8 ill• New Traaal& Namt:' ~ven to each bank in U. 8. ucJaal.ely by Tbe &and-llcNallJ' 0 era• ~lrec&ory. under tbe autbol'ltJ of The American Bankers A11•n.  151  u  -~- -  -  D OOUNTY.  (!laYlnga Banks do not handle collections)  --  NA.ME OF-BANK. •Kem. Am. Bks.Assn. fState Fi2ure 110der town is iMem.State Bks ..bsn. Priv. [Estab. !e~~l Res erve District. • llem. Fed. Res. ·ro wN  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of this ...... volume For Interest Rates , Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  CONNECTICUT-Continued  •Co11oty Beata.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  0.A.SHill.  Ass'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP SURPLUS CAPITAL PR~~fTs  •"Middletown __ Middlesex Oentral National Bank __ i•51 R. 0. Markham __ Frank: A. Coles ____ H. H. Warner ___ E. F. Slavin ----- S 150,000 $ 1 Pop. 22,130 GlZ 51-165 T. M. Russell  --·  .  ----  . ..  --  Oity Savinrs Banlc _______ f'03 William E. Stroud_ P. J. Stueck _____ Walter O.J ones. 51-169 Sec. and Tr .  Earle O. Butler ___ O. H. Leach. _______ Edward G. Camp __  51-167  ..  ---  MIDDLETOWN NATIONAL BANK 51-162  ..  --  -- ..  .  F. A. BEACH------- W.W. WILIOX ---- GEORGE A. CRAIi- B. J. NALE------••,. HOLIES L. • MAI HAM  •U801 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  no11B.a.sq.  -------,~  --- ---  99,700 $2,518 600 $2,6fl8.640 $ 247,700 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.: N Alb,; Corn Ex. N., Phil •  14,790  227,340  230,960  11.150 Cent. N., Middletown.  318,470 5,331.860 5,652,970  n  88,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.  0  200,000  90,490  ---  618,340  758,550  --- ---  249,180 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. , and Hart.  Isl N., Bos., Phil.,!  - - - ·- 381,300  29%,1'10 Z,841,150 a,456,m  '181,540 Irving N., N. Y.; N. S hawmut, Bos.  --- ---  ----  101.000  18.000 Oent. N., Middletown.  ------------ ---· - -- ---------  83,780  894,530  947,900  44,470 N.Park., N. Y,; N. Tradesmens, New Haven.  ------------  49,700 1,070,500 1,168,000  w. Ohaffee _____  E. W. Chaffee,  Su. and Tr.  ------- ------- ---------  Nau1ratuck: rf-is:ank  1,008,060 10 648 300 11385 570  65,900  778,500  809,440  ----------- ---------- E. A. Salisbury ____ E. E. Salisbury,Jr. --------- --------- ----- ---- ----- ---Sec. and Tr.  Mystic River Nat. Bant•i•51 B. D. Knu ____  51-231  25,000  ---- ---- ---- -------  H. B. Noyes ____  -•ino L. 8. Beardsley ___ E. E. Hotchkiss ___  271.690 N. Park .. Imp. & Tra . N .• and Libeny N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.  47,400 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st  N. , Bridgeport,  29,980 1st N,, Bos.; N. Bk:. of Ne  -·-----  1st N., Plainlleld,  ----------- ---------  181,640 1,746,870 1,909,640  18,870 Mystic River N ., Mystic.  -----------  100,000  205,350  559,880  142,760 Chase N. and Cent. Union N .. Bos.: Phil. N .• Phil  100,000  275,000 1,200,000 1,617,000  ---------  250,000 4,800,000 5,030.000  H. A.. Dalby, Tr, ___ A.H. Dayton, Sec.  313,660  i n ~ n c:: -,  ---  33,000  Milford Trust Oo-------•U'll A. B. Clark _______ B. L. CornwalL __ W. G. Bissell, 51-Z9S Sec. and Tr.  ~  "1  50,000  61-212  ..  s.,,,,,m..  C:  PRINCIPAL OORRES PONDENTS.  A. R. Tuttle, A. Tr. Middletown Trust Oo, ___ f'09 R. 0. Markham ___ F. A, Coles ________ H. H. Warner. Su. and Tr. 51-170  augatuck_N .BavenH 8 Nauiratuck Nat. Bank __ -i•u J. W. Tolle, ____ A.. H. Dayton _____ G. :M. Rumney _____ B. N. Wilmot-- 51-168 H.B. Tuttle 1 Pop.I5,051  --  C••n Ao ExCBA.NGB11,Do•  ---------  Mystic __ New London 122 Groton Savinrs Banlc ___ if'5t H.B. Noyes ______ C. H. Latham ______ I. O. Noyes,  - ..  ~  Lo,N1.tDt1C'T& Bo!'t'Dlt  Middletown Sav. Bank-•U'25 F. B. Weeks ______ H. C. Whittlesey __ A.rthur L. Allin. Tr. 0. H. Oolea. Su. __ E. 0. Butler 51-161  .Moosup ___ W1"ndham E 22 E. E. Salisbury's Bankinr House ____ 51-2111 _____ et1100 1 Pop. 2000  Pop. 4800  DEPOS-  --- ---  A. IoodUS-- Mi ddlesex H16 Moodus Savinrs Bank -•il'70 Albert B. Purple _ 51-278 1 Pop. 1200  1  -----------  --------  ---  G. H. Furman _____ H. O. Peck. filford-- e w Haven K8 Milford Savinrs Bank --•I '75 Georre II. Gunn __ 51-277 ec. and Tr. 1 Pop. 10,103  ----  ------- ----- ----  Farmers & Mech. Sav. Bank James K. Guy _____ Joseph Merriam ___ C. H. Leach. Tr, ___ Au2ust Schaub, Bu. it-HI •H'58  FIRST NlTIOIIAL BAIK •i•H  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES. PRESIDDT.  367,000 1st N. and N. City, N. Y; N. Shawmui. Ho:..:, Phil. N .. Phil. 20,000  .-  , . . , ... 11  ~  •  II ,  I  I  .urn COUNTY. NAME OF BANK. •County Beats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. State Figure under town is tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. F_~eral Reserve Di trict. •~e!!l· !<'ed. Re·. [ E~tab. -TOWN  Pu.a:srnENT.  •  ________ .,. • ,,. 'am :in ____ Jiairtl •Id  ··2  Pop.3895 ---·----  "  L3  'cw Bartford_Litchflcld 1 POIJ. 1.781 C8  ... 1 ·ew  Haven _ ·ew Ha t>n .J ll "  1 Pop. 162,537 "  51-111  •U'87  People Savin~s Bank __ •§'07 51-93 . . Sav1nn Bank of New Britain . . 51-90 •U'IIZ First National Bank--•t'e5 New Canaan51-240 Sn. Bank.-1"511 61-239 New Hartford Sn. Bll:.•llllOO 51-280 .Adler, alzman &Adler_•f'20 . 51-19 American Tru~\Rf,i - 7 n  I I VICE-PRESIDENT.  I  I. :: . .  LIABILITIES.  CASHIER.  \ .lss'T OUHIKR,  PAID-U'PISURPLUB CAP.IT~ PR~~~TB  :.  -  I  11;. I I •  $ 200,000  5, 50 2, 53,(60 1,65 , 10  A. S. Parsons ____ _ W. B. Judd C. L. Sheldon  310,000  476, 10 3,90 ,170 4,354,400  W. E. ATTWOOD- F. G. VIBBERTS --- F. G. VIBBERTS8"~ F. W. MACO~~~~:  400,000  347,540 3,406,940 3,6 3,700  !  W• are equlpp ed to haadle Co naectteut  bu■tn  A Tr.  O. W. BO<lres ____ J. H. Behre _______ G. J'. Lockwood, ,__________ Sec. and Tr. Georre W.Bancroft JI. M. Ohapin ______ o. K. Jone1. Tr.___ ______________ Ji'. B. Jones (J. Adler, H. Salzm an and I. M. dler) E. I. Hasting , Tr. _________________  Myron R. Durham_ Jno. B. Shaw _____ Frank B. 'ichols, H. W. O'Brien, G. C. Foote ..::ec. and Tr. A.Tr. G. Emanuel·on Wm.Treloar,A.'.fr. Broadway Bk.&Tr.Oo.•n•13 John B. Kennedy __ R. o. Lirhtbourn __ wm. M. Par ons. ________ 51-18 Cha.c;. G. Morris ec. and Tr. T 'I ru t ' •---- -++•21 C. 13. D,lnn _______ II. II. P. age ______ E . .M. Levy, Sec. ___ O. I. •e1 011, Tr._. 1 1z n \Y. Urake 51-20 .ii. \V. H.<wley _____ v • H . .I.1'ro. t, ,1. T. . .U • .Mc Ia thew on Connect1cu\f~~- Bank•tl'57 Burton M.ansneJd __ li. F. English ______ s. F. Strone, Tr. __ William R. White,  •FIRST N-AT BANK lJOHN T, IIANSON--,&J: 15hiisr---- t."tj~~l~J~8r;~: ;: i: H~L~ll -~~: ool~cr.m? of  o. CHAMBERi~~,~ 1:.hlh~~~AWFORD c. Usher-  F. A. BUNNELL  R . .E.Herman _____ G. B. Brethauer W. E. Frisbie B. B. Mathew on  H. V. WHIPPLE---- H. C. WARREN----- J. F. STAIHRD--- R.  8 8,380  •t'5S  F. C. Burrou~h  f  tt I :  I  I  • I  •  t  • .• . . • t ft  , I  t '  FOR BRIDGEPORT ITEMS  Nn11 -  I • : ; • • I  I :~  :  • Y.;  Tew Britain Tr. Oo.,  60.000 75,00 200,000  z z  t1'J  535,620 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.  n  8-  ·2,360 Com'! Tr. Co., Tew Britain.  553,150 12856 470 13,491.020 100,000  n  0  54,960  406,470  505,840  67,070  850,850  846,570  10,760  252,920  253.lZ0  3,500  141,000  165,000  35.900 1,464.250 1.468,280  ~  216,050 N. Y. Tr. Co .• N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 1  I  144,520 Atlantic N., N.Y.;  . Oom'I Bk. ·Tr.Co,, Alt,  71,350 Atlantic N,, N, Y.  j  >  Z ~  n 10.530 Bkr . Tr. Oo. and N. City. N. Y .; Hurlbut Clll N .. Winsted; 1. t N .• Bos . 25,100 Irvin~ • and ~nauth, ·achod • Kuhne. 1 .'x .; )Iech., ~ ew Haven. IU. 80,lrving N., N.Y.: .Merch. N., . . ew Haven; lJ. rt .. ~ Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. <:  z  ,.,,.  106,430 2,481,010 2,764,030 1 136,300 Irvin~ N., N. Y.: Hart. Tr. Co., Hart.  w  I  :;·  100 ,000 -------- --------- ------- --------2,516,530 21,820,450: 23,873,320  to..c VJ  I» ~·  463,650 Bk. of America. N. Y.; 1st N., Bos .  Z,067,490 1st N., Han. N., N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., Z 1.000,000 1.Z'TZ,500 1155907011001rno and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; lit N. Chi.; o l\lerch. N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; PhD. ~ N.,Phll. 300.000  I  767,020 ',334,320 8,444,440  969.970 Irv~n~N.,N. Y.: lstN.andN.Shawm_ut,Bo .; L1bertr. Buffalo; Market St. N., Phil.  ~  < (D ::s  s. SHEPARD--  0. Burronch!-- Jno. E. CoburnM. . Pratt f  •  266,260 Chase N., Irving ... • .•• •. City. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: .Merch .•.• Hos.; City Bk. · '11 r. Co., Hart.; h,t N., Phil. 765,490 Chem. N., N. City, and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 1st ., Obi. and Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.  23,360  1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  :  L. H. ENGLISH R. L. HOLBROOK, AD.FC.VTAEXNIDAOSSE 500,000 640,800 6.865,580 6,707.230 1,454.010 N.C1t1 and Send us your collectlons. A. Caah. • • T L __ __ _ Quick returns. Reasonable rat••· Prompt attention. •t'51 Send us your BILL OF LADING drafts direct. SEE ADVERT ISEMEI T ON OPPOSITE PAGE:_  *NAT. TRADESMENS BAH G. M. Gunn ______ Geo. '1'. Bradlpy __ F.  '  ~  1 ,810  ational Savinrs Bank•U'611 J.B. Carriniton ___ J. T. Manson ____ F. G. Botchki s, J.P. Kimberly, 51-11 F. 0. Earle Su. and Tr. A. Tr.  51-8  ' l  •  129,920 3138130 $3 230 600 $ 37,450 N. Park. 1 Britain.  NATIONAL BANK 51-5  '  eaa promptl7 at loweat ratea.  Andrulewicz_ B. F. Gaffney ____ Leo Bojnowski. Tr. W. Samorajczyk, J. O. Loomis Paul urczyk, ,"ec. A. Grecki A. Tr. K. B. Davison ___ c. II'. Smith ____ R. N. Stanley, Tr._ 0. B. Oldershaw. Noah Lucas, A. Tr. See. and A. Tr. G . .F. Lockwood_ T. c. Rockwell ____ Gardner Beath__ __________  1 Collections asp L. •t"63 Remitted ror day payment. *Mechanics Bank --~-- •t1'24 F. B. Frisbie ___________________________ Harry 51-2  •  C. J. LAW, A. Tr.  s.  I  t  '  '  Korey Borlen,  ,J°J  *MERCHANTS  '  -------- $  51-f  1.:  f  (Savl~1• Banks do ~ot handle collt'etlons)  F. G. Vibberts, Su.  A,  I·  CONNECTICUT-Continued  ew Britain ___ lfartforrl Burritt Savinis Bank __ •tl'89 J. E Cooper _____ W. L. Damon ___ W. E. Attwood, Tr. 1 Pop. 59,316 l!' 12 51---02 Walter Meyer. A. Tr. Commercial Trust Co,_•t§'l5 J.M. Curtin _______ E. E. Linke ________ John C. Loomis, Tr, 51-94 Fred Beloin E. R. Snelgrove, A. Tr. New Britain Nat'l Bank-•t"80 A. J. Sloper ____ E. N. Stanley _____ II'. 8. Ohamberlatn_ 51-ID F. S. Chamberlain  NEW BRITAIN TRUST CO.  I  ARKANSAS-Continued  ·  Numb r uod r am of Bank 111 th New Tran11U. Number given to each Li nk an U. ' t"Uluslvt>lf by The Rand-McNally Bankt"rs' Dir ctory, under the authority of 'rhe Amt'rlcan Bankers As •n.  152  J.  :  : .  •  • ·•  I  II  I  t  500,000  60 ,720 2,067,010 3,067,940  1,200,000 1,785,920 5,854,980  ' ...  • ,  332,340 4.900,050 5,0"' ,380  !  I  I  1  1.;  ,ti  •.••  :.  ,, .  597.100 N. Park anu N. City, N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.  I  I  I  ,.  .  t  t I  ti.  '  .... : ...  '  ;  eab. N •• N. Y.; ... Cit>, Chi.  f  • I  It  11 • I  .  '  •  I  I ""I,., II  I  t :  THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK  '  Nuo·  ;111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n111111111m111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u111111n111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ummm111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U11111111111111m1111•,  II  i  i =  = = §  i=  !  I  I  THE  MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK  ______  l _  New Haven, Connecticut  A COMMERCIAL  ;;=_-  I i  I  1851  OFFICER& H. L. D. R.  V. H. C. L.  WHIPPLE, President ENGLISH, Vice-President TEXID~, Ass't Cashier HOLBROOK, Ass't Cashier  J. F. STANNARD, Cashier A. F. VAN TASSEL, Ass't Cashier  Capital  Re ources  Surplus and Profits  $500,000  $8,000,000  $650,000  Yeara of experience make us the safest and beat place to aend your collections We invite your cash items, B /L Drafts on N ew H aven an d v1c1n1 • · 't y  PROMPT PRESENTATION  I  ESTABLISHED  BANK H. C. WARREN, Vice-President R. S. SHEPARD, A s't Cashier  I  ______  I  We make a specialty of collection• of all kind• and guarantee prompt service and aatiafaction Quick collection service .,___ _ _ _and _ _effective ____ ____ _ _ __.  IMMEDIATE RETURNS  LOWEST RATES  I =-==  i §  I______________________________________________________________ i111111umm1111mm1111111111111111m1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mm111111m1111111111111111mmn1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111wuwmu11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  / Connecticut.  1  INDEX ,  13  12  11  10  g  8  7  6  5  4  2  16  17  18  19  23  20  A  'IO  COUNTIES.  42°  Fairfield ___ K 5  B  Hartford ___ D 12 Litcbfteld .. D  6  )ilddlesex .. H 14  C  ew Haven_ I 10 NewLondonG 19 'lelland _____ c 17 ~  D  ui  ~'§  -:,l>  Wtlldham_ .•O 9l  D  ~  ':i:  E 0  E  v,  ::, ; ' ....c.::~ c.:: :  F  l-  "'O  F  '~  ....  .::i  G  0  u.  I ~· ::> .  G  u  H  lo-(  ~  u  H  t1:l  z z0 u  I I  J  0•  ~t .,~  u e == : ~ -~ "' i  J  ~= s=•  K  >  ,.....  :c  C l  K  Q /  J-,  .. 4  z~ 1l~  s  I  .. = !: ..!  L  .:ill"  :I:  :a~  -=~ ;:  M  scALE  ii  .. -g.  tatuie~me•, 8 •4 d 1 JD~  z  0 I 2 H  4'  = ..  .  1= z  s  i  6---4  ~ of Cooneetlaut4  0  Rmd )lo:Sall7'a ll ~i:;:.~allr tr<>C01>yr\cbt bJ  12  ~o  1  2  73 30  g  4  5  6  7  8  73  g  10  '  11  ...-=.ii  N  41°  20  22  23 2S4D  r.nNNF.C:TTr.T TT-r.nntin11Pn  THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK NEW HAVEN, CONN. CAPITAL  SURPLUS  $750,000  $950,000  .•  .  A  The Savings and Trust Departments recently added enable us to offer as complete and broad a service as any bank in the country.  I  •  --·  -.,  ~  si  it !I  I:  !i I  •  JI  _;.~  , --•-• •' -- .. •• -•• -• • -•• • -• • . -• -· ' •• • -• • • •• -- ti • • J--  MODERN BANK under conservative management.  PROFITS  ANo  OVER  I  .....  ~  ,;.:.:...:--  ~--~  __.·  ;; -~  I  I  I  :-.-  I  ti  I  I I  DIRECTORS  :.-,..:--  I  It is a pleasure to us to erve our out of town friends.  Samuel Hemingway Alfred E. Hammer James S. Hemingway Winston J. Trowbridge Frederick F. Brewster Richard G. Davis James A. Hamilton Leonard M. Daggett Eugene G. Allyn David S. Walton, Jr. Thomas B. Osborne Archer J. Smith John L. Gilson Herbert Barnes Henry A. L. Hall  FOUNDED 1855  Special Equipment for Collections Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Prompt Returns  Lowest Rates  Try Us  -  ··- - --- - - - - - - - -  -  ---------------------  ~-.  Number under Name of 8ank ia ~• New Tran11& Number given  153  to each bank in U. 8. exclualnly by Tbe Band-MeNally Bankers• Dlreetory. under the authority of The American Bankers•n. .  TOWN A.ND OOUNTY.  si:i8---------t"82  *SECOND  NATIONAL BANK  I  LIABILITIES.  PRESIDENT.  ... ~ew Have~-New Haven New Haven Su. Bank•it·sa L. H. Knrlish ___ G. T. Bradley, V.P. 51-11 1 (Gontmuw) J 9 * PEOPLES BAH I Tl. CO. 1. E. H•biarer __ •:1'05 51-1' Paul Russo  §  (SaYlncs Banks do not handle collections)  NAME OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. Fi~ure under town is iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. F~deral Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  Non-Bank Towns with Neare ·t Banking Point Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws ln (lnacxed)back or his'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  CONNECTICUT-Continued  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER,  Ass'T CASHIER.  ~  PRINCIP.A.L OORRESPONDENTS,  RESOURCES.  "'1 ~'::°o!,~ no•B.._...l----------------t~ - - - --s- --s- --s- - - PAID-UP SU~UB  DEPOS-  ~~:::  CAPITAL PRO:l'ITB  IT8  BNwwnra  1,610,670 24 061360 24793690 S 878,070 N. Park and 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. E.G. Btoddaro _____ J. S. Heminrway, W. J. Trowbridre, A. Tr. Tr. Walter B. Law Samuel Hemin2way N. S. Lippitt _______ N. S. Lippitt. Tr,_ T. W. Eyley, Su._ S 300,000 228,960 5,056,530 5,748,650 171,150 Chase N., N. T.: 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. F. B. Holt, A. Tr. C. M. Wellman, A.  ec.  --------1----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- Banca Oommerciale ltaliana, Naples, Italy, 1----------------------------1 --- - - - - - - - - - - - -------  SAMUEL HEMINGWAY- J. S. HEMINGWAY----- EUGENE G. ALLYN--- L. L. HEMINGWAY---A. P. HALL, A. C. D. H. HEMINGWAY EUGENE G. ALLYN Send us your business for Connecticut. We have the facllltlee to handle it to your satisfaction.  ()  z0  995.780 5,90Ul0 5,780,050 1,890.780 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., 11(. Y .; Cont.~ Com'l N., Chi.; Phil. N., PhD.; tat N., .., _ _  750,000  __ -  Boa.  '4  ~ SEE ADVERT ISEMEN T 011 0 PPOSIT E PAGE. TEST THEM. •t·S5 51_7 650,000 809,860 3,672,940 4,922,810 710,1160 N. Park and lat N., N. Y.· Kerch. N., Bos. i--3 *Union & New Haven Tr. Co. W. P. Ourtiss ______ lH. L. Galpin _______ lD . .II. Lyman, Tr, __ ,Osborne A. Day. _ Su. F. E. Tester, H. L. Hotchkiss •t1'70 Eli Whitney, • 51-10 () A. Tr. E. L. Roth, A. Sec. Ch. of Bd. ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~:,J:;,e~J~~rb!°ao:1 S. Heminrway ___ _ _ _ _ _ G. S.Stirlin2 .----- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _________ ________ _____ ________ ·J  rom.  Inv. Ilks. A  sn.  Seiected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  •. ew Haven.N w Haven H•• f. Byllesby & Co. ____ '20 (Public Utility Inrie 1tment1) ___________ 1 (Ou11ii1m ctl) (2dN. Bk, Bl~.) JO •·  ..  ..  --------- --------- .. ------  ---,.-  -  --- --------- - .... ----- ---- -----  H. :.\1. Byllcsby & Co., N, Y. and Chi.  z°'~  - >  Fields, Tr, __ T. Irvini Boynton, (In vest ment Se curitiu) --------- - - - Prince & Whitely, N. Y.; Peo. Bk. & Tr. Oo. en I ------------ T.w.D.T.Brown, and 1 t N .. New HaveD. A.Tr. ec. Goodrich & Co., lnc,. _____ '10 W. B. Goodrich-(Invest ment Se curitiu) --- ------- lstN., New Haven. W. B. Goodrich, Tr. G. A. Perrin, z ------Sec. and.A. Tr. Secur itus) __________________  W. T. FIELDS C!·• THE---'07 W. T. Fields ___ (152 Tempe St.>  H. C. WARREii & co ____:t·III  ---- ----------------' ------ - --  ( Investment  -----  ----  ---  -  F. B. Keech & Co .. N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co .. BOS,  -I  CONNECTICUT-Continued  C,  ~  ::i:  -.-,H-_-H___s_m_i_tb.-.-..._-,Tr-.-_-_--_-_-_----__,..,---,-,-,---,-,:-6-=-11-:-9-0=50:--::-s-=1,.,..9:::--7,-::-co6::::0-:B=-:k:-.-o--::f--=N-=-.--::y=,-:N:-::--.B=-.A-:--.,-;;N;;-.-:Y;;;;--.:-:-ls--:t-;:N:;-.-.-;;Bos:--·. - - i ~ __- __ p-_-L_e_R_o_y_H_a-rw_o_ od London .N. London Mariners-Sav--i-nr_s_Ba_n_k_•i-,--s-7-J-.-l '-.J_o_b._n-st_o_n __- _-_-=-1:::_-:_-=_-_-_-_-_c, Tr. 51-118 I 19 1 Pop. 25,688  ..... 'W  NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE  ::, ,... M. M. BAKER------- - - - - - - - - - ¼25,000 1,600.000 1.800,000 575.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 2d N., Bos.; Uh St, N., O $ IOO,OIO Special attention 91~en ufn~;Ladlng drafts, Cash and Time Items.  a. A. ARMSTRONG -- !t"· ~~1v~s------  G.  a. PREST--------  Pleasesend15cwit1 w.chsioht_draftforpresentationand 25c for Credit R.eports.  Prompt service. We get resulta.  51-135  -  -  -  PhD.  -  -  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  Z ~  ~  ,+  National WJ1t_~°f4r Bank_t•u B. A. Oopp ______ S. H.lliner. _____ H. G. Pond _______ ------·-----William Belcher ___ New London Oity N. Bank •U807 51-132 Sav.Bk.of New London•U'Z7 Wm. Belcher ____ 51-13&  {C.H. KLINCK--- ALFRED COIT----- CARLOS BARRY --- EDWARD BULL, JR. UNION BANK & JOS A STANIIERS TRUST COMPANY toffectlons • S peclalty. 51-lil  •*117112  150,000  493,640  520,27011,087 ,140  200,000 123,510 1,501,100 1,202,690 H. L. Orandall ____ J. R. Latham _____ Ira S. Avery______ W. H. Rowe Alfred Coit_ _______ C. E. White, Tr. __ Alfred Coit, Su. __ --------- 1,531,790 14 462 370 116 618 340 Horace c. Learned G. Whittlesey, A. Tr. Belton A. Copp  em clent aervlce. Re asonabl• cbarcea. SEND US YOU I& NEW WNDO N' ITEMS.  Promp& and  soo,ooo  259,880 1,505,390 1,816,640  FIRST-BH~U._litl'UK I NA IIUNAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  375,830 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Bos.  ~  '  I :,J: .  _. J,  ' !: : ' - ◄  ·; \j"r_I:  :,  ,1  ; .  --------1  BRIDGEPORT, CONN.- Complete  ,,:.,  43,870 Cent. Union Tr. Co. andN, Bk. Com., N. Y.: V1 1st N., Bridieport.  Foreign and Domestic Banking  w  I .. l.  I  I j,  ·' : !•  ;  159,400 IrviniN.,N. Y.; lstN.,Bos.; N. Y.State N., Alb. 99,000 1st N., N. Y.  .  ·: I .  !: 298,040 N. Oity, Am. Ex. N., and Mech. & M_etals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.  '!  i .  t  r I  · •  200,00ol 62,000 800,000 1,114,000 •New Miltord __ Litchfteld First National Bank ___ e§"52 J. I.Bates _ _ _ C. W. Bodie ______ R. E. Murphy _____ W. B. Bull_________ , 51-223 . G4 4781 1 Pop. ew M1lforf ~~- Bk. __ ., 58 Turney Soule ____ c. M. Beach _______ E. J. Emmons. Tr. ___________________ _ 204,000 3,235,000 3 237,800 " ______ •· 1 _________________ 155,560 1,532,450] 1.658.240 Fairfteldl5 ewtown Savin~s Bk.•U'55 DavidO.Peck ____ CorneliusB.Taylor A. T. Nettleton. Newtown Sec. and Tr. John B. Wheeler 51-281 2751 2 ..... T. K. Pjialatt 1 11111111911  Pop.-  70,410 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Com'J ~ <; Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. :, 440,740 Han. N., N. T.: lat N., Bos.  i  !  ·1 . ' ·!  '  ·:: I  '  'I. I  I  • 1  ,,  .t  . ,  .  1S4  CONNECTICUT - C OD t•1DUC d  Number under Name of Bank Is the New Tranalt Number siven t.o each bank in U. 8. Nein lvely by The Rand-MeNally Bankers• Directory, under &be aut~rlty of The American Bankers Ass•n.  NAME OF  ~ A . N D OOUNTY.  PRESIDENT.  BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. iSt~te •County Seats. . Figure under town 1. Ulem.State Bks.A.ssn. tPnv. CE tab. ~ - - - - - ~'ederalReserveD~ ~ 1em:..Fed.Res.:  VtcB:-PRESIDENT.  I  CA.SHIER.  Ass'T O.4SRlJCR.  ---  I  ----  _LI A.BILITIES . ___ -  S. A. ehlru ________________ M. N. Olark. J..·orfolk ___ Litehtteld Bff Norfolk Savinis Banlc•:U'60 Horace A. Stanard_ Wm. O'Connor Sec. and Tr. 51-282 1 Pop. 1229 100,000 Fairfield L 4 Oentral Trust Co, ______ •i§'17 J. T. Prowitt ------ John CaYanagh ____ G. S. Raymond, Tr. ____________ - 0 rwalk I C. c. Whitehead 51-208 ... 2 Pop. 27,743  s  Fairfield County Nat'l Bank E. O. Keeler _______ C. F. Tri tram ____ •'24 51-204  s. L. Weed _______ _  200,000  Fairtleld Oounty Savings Bk. Asa B. Woodward_ James G. Greiory _ Seymour Ourtls. Sec. and Tr. •U'74 51-207 A0,000  Norwalk Sav. Society •:U'49 H.F. Coleburn ____ A. R. ?ifalkin ______ F. A. Elli", Sec. arid Tr, 61-205  s  791.260  15,630  637,980  81,980  919,820 1,082,830  116,390  918.550 1,233,500  iG-1,410 10 104 610 10 731 600  Dime Savings Bank ____ •U'69 F. J. Leavens _____ Gardiner Greene __ Jl'. L. Woodard.Tr. J . H. Perkins. Se-c. and A.. Tr. R. S. Bartlett 51-121 • • D. Sevin • Merchants National Bk.•t·ss Oostello Lippitt ____ F. L. Woodard ___ Ohas. H. Phelps ___ A. E. Story________ 51-117  1:;2,890 3,674,040 3,70-1,-170  Plaintrt'ld • Windham E 22 First National Bank _______ '12 Everett A. Greene_ W. Kingsley _______ ll. F. Dawson __________ ________________ 1 . 'r. Butt~rwortil il-296 1 l'ov. 7026  .u·og  F. J. H. 'rrambu lL __ A.H. Condell _____ A. A. MacLeod, Sec. and Tr.  Portland __ !i[lddle ex G13 First National Bank ____ et'e5 J. II . .._age ______ -51-.244 1 Pop. 3644 FreestoneSavmes Bk.-•:U'65 ,A. . Shepard _____ ·· _______ .. 51-243 •Putnam __ Winrtham B 22 First National Bank----•*'64 Charles H . Brown 51-212 1 Pop. 307 Putnam Savin~s Bank ___ .5•52 Lebb us E. Smith_ " .. 51-211 J{itll!Pflt•ltL __ Fairfleld J 2 First National Bank Tr.Co. Geo. G. Sh •I ton --•U900 51-246 2iUi 2 Pop. Ridrefleld Savines Bank 1'71 Samuel Keeler ____ ________ " 51-245 J o ·kvill ____ Tolland O 15 First National Bank ____ •t•H J. G. •ralcott -----51-19' Pop. 7726  'r.  Wheeler,  55,540  447,340  452,510  1,238,750 19 352 230 20 023 390  t•  , ..  :  I  I'  'I  ·,  •t  f l  ;-  I  f  I .••  -  PRINCIPAL O0RRESPONDBNT8. _ _ __ __ 1  _  106,930 Irving ...r .• -. Y.; .C., Phila.  .i.·,  hawmut, Bos.: 4th St.  361,590 Liberty N., N. Y.: Girard N., Phil.  28,260 Far. Lo. & Tr. Oo., N. Y. 240,420 Atlantic N., N. Y.: 1st N., Alb. 95,200 N. Park. N. Y. 137,440 ,N. Bk. Com .. N. Y,: Thames N. and UncasN .. Norwich.  . HalL ________ J.  50,000 50,000 .00,000  150,000  Ernest B. Kent ____ Daniel J, Byrne,  66:;,020 3,098,660 4,414,480 47,160  627,660  650,2i0  20,000  634,850  365,860  750,000  700,000  78.920  267.390  346.580  46,000  870,000  863,750  33,000  145,000 1,300,000 1.565,000 192,910 2,427,710 2,536,820  Tr·. c. P. Dixon _______ A. V. Davis ________ A.G. Seymour ____ _ 50,000 )!frhael Connery E. A. Hoyt ________ Geo. E. Benedict, _______________________ _ ee. and Tr. R. W. Osborn J. E Fi k _________ Charles M. Squires ________________ 200,000  107,580 1,321,510 1,362,750  . A. M.illlard, 'ec,_ ---------  191.500 1,985,770 2,136,270  People's Saviors Bank: ___ 5•79 J.E. Fisk------- F. A. Randall __ ·--- K. 8. Henry, Tr,___ 51-195  z zt%l  0 ➔  0 C:  Tra. N .• N. Y.: Thames N., Norwich.; ➔ 54,450 Imp, N. hawmut. Bos. 227,220 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 567,590 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.  0,  >  z~  763,060 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.:lst N., Bos. 1  153, 40 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. N., Bo1. 93,110 Chase N., N.Y.: Old Colony Tr. Co.,Bos.  I  z..,0 0  ~  I,...  rr.  ~e. 'ro. and Tr. ___________________ G. H. Gilpatric____ ____________  0  0  (/)  .A. Tr.  R. H. Pascall ______ G. F. Cramer______ ______________ ____ ',  ,  •  Thames National Bant -•t•25 Arthur H. Brewer - Oliver L. Johnson_ N. A. Gibbs-------- William T. Crandall 1,000,000 w. "M. Buckingham L. P. Church, 51-116 A.. Cash. H. L. Bennett 100,000 Uncu National Bant ___ et"52 W. II. Allen_------ O. H. Frisbie _____ B. L. ll'rlsbie _____ C. D. Greenman___ 51-UI  l'lainvillc __ Hartford 11' 11 Plainville Trust Co. ____ 51-2&S 1 Pop. 411-1  :  : : I,  •·  ',  '  • ',.  57,060 S 462,970 $ 497,880 S 22.140 Bk. of the Manhattan Co,. N. Y.: 1st N., Winsted and Bos.  .. ·orwich ___ New London Chelsea Savin2sBank __ •U'58 Chas. E. Chandler - Henry G. Peck ___ Frank Hempstead, James Dana Coit. A. 'l'r. "ec . ltnd Tr. O. L. Johnson 61- 119 1 Pop. 29,6 5 G 19  C.R. Butts, Norwich Sav. Societ7 .. •U'24 .A.H. Brewer ______ Luciu · Brown ____ Costello Lippitt, Sec.a11dTr. A.Sec.arid~LTr. C.D. ·oy 61-115  '  Bo=•·  362,730 4,739,5.50 5,007,0 0  100,000  I  --  RESOURCES.  114,150 1,936,450 2,025,610  Na1.ional Bk. of Norwalk •t'57 J.P. Treadwell ___ G. L. Woodward ___ H.P. Price ______ C. W. Gager______ 51-206  0  I  I  I  "  ••  II~  PAID-UP SuRPLUB DEPOS- ~-m&Dt8• O.un&Excuno ,n... cT.. ITS AND CAPITAL PROFITS _ _ _ _ ...... »...n.1  __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _____  •  •1  'I  I  ; ; I .  11  t•  (Sannga Bank! d~~ot handle eollecttons~ _  200,000 Rockville National Bk,-•t"H F. T. Maxwell _____ Chas. Phelp ------ Jl'. H . Holt_________ 61-195 E. o. Hutlrr, ,1.Tr. ________ _ avine Bk. or Rockvillel '5 Wm. Ma welJ ______ P. n. Leonard ____ A. T. Bissell. Sec. and Tr. U. G. ~mith, A.Tr. / 51-192  35,500  86,000  130,000  370,100  4S0,230  476,000  414.460  700,700  661,000  300,000 6.716,95016,907,4601  100,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Oorn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos., O ~ ,o () 108.250 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N ., Phil.  ~  ~-  54,220  303,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.: 4th ~ St. N., Phil. 86,000 IBk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: Merch. N., Bos.: 1 1st~-• Putnam. 105,300 Atlant1cN., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. I 29,670 AtlanticN .. N.Y.: N.Bk.of Norwalk,Norwalk. 121.280 N. Park, N. Y.: Oorn Ex. N., Phil.: 1st N.,' '-4 Bos. 0) ::l 36,6 0 C 251.000 JHan. N .. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.  I I  1C9,400 Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co .. Hart.  0) >;  -  ~  1-.:>  , CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, BRIDGEPORT-Thoroughly Equipped---PrDmptServicQ--~~Hs2:ttsLE · Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I  II  I  J f I  ff;.  I  :  I  .  I.  .  ..  '  I  .  ti  I  '  .  ••  I  t  \0  :~  4j,.,,{  J . •  ,•-:. -~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-...._. "  .  Namber ander Name of Bank ia the New Truuts Namber pven to eaob bank in U. 8. HclualvelJ by Tbe Band-llleNall7 Bankers• Dlree&ory, under tbe authorH7 of The American Hanken•n. N ..uu: OF BANK. 'l'OlJN AND COUNT¥. •llem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •Oollllt7 Seats.  155  CONNECTICUT- COQt•lllUe d  C. Seymour_ New Haven I 7 8e:,mour Trust Oo. ____ eif'06 G. K. Matthies ___ W. L. Ward _______ C. S. Boies, ec. and Tr. 51-284 1 Pop. 67 1  c. Cornforth,  s 101,170  25,000  18,120  Southinrton sa v1·nrsBk.U'6() 11. H. Holcomb ____ E.G. Lewis _______ L.B. Neal.Tr. ___ _ J. H. Pratt 51- 215 .• Ian~oe;.tm~artrgrf4 Home Ban\t-1'liu tCo,:l:§'20 H. A • .Allen ________ - - - - - - - - w. L. Red, Tr, __ _ Manchester Trust Oo.-•H'O-l R. La Motte Russell J. T. Robertson __ H. C. Alvord, Tr ... W. c. Cheney ♦ 61-220 Saviors Bk51~l19llanc~n~; Frank Oheuey, Jr,_ W. J. llcGurt ____ R. LaM. RussellTr.  51-188  e nd us your  o. R. PettyJ *FIDELITY TITLE & TRUST Louis J. Curtis ____ J. J. Cloonan·----- K. N. Fast. Bee. and Tr. A. Sec. an A. Tr. W. E. Houghton COMPANY .51-lll ____ eif'OZ S. Merritt _________ c. w. Bell _________ c. w. Bell _______ A. D. Mead_______ *FIRST-STAMFORD HT'l H. Bell BANl( ____ 5l-108.. _____ .i•sa  217.750 2,127,380 2,263,230 201,600 213,090 35,390  50,000  1  Walton Ferrusoo __ W. D. Daskam __ Olinton R, Fisher, __________  113,620 1,382,540 l,-117,220  Tr  14,310  599,720  594,310  200,000  175,000 3,600,000 3,6:13,000 75,620 1,015,980 l,07i ,520  25,000  14,420  146,080  141,630  50,000  9-1,760  551,210  636,180  119,840 1,652,580 1,698,170 390,170 6,079,810 6,272.820 100,000 400,000  300,000  144,860 2,527,370 2,370,810  203,720 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Phoenix N., Hart. 81,900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hart-Conn. Tr. Co .. Hart.  0  41,570 Manchester Tr. Oo., So. Manchester; 1st N., Bos.  n  Jr._  ~I '  j: L  >-i  276,9-10 Hanover N., N. Y.: N. Com'I Bk, & Tr. Co,, () C Alli..  73,970 Guaranty Tr. and Met. Tr. Oo"s., N. Y.: Corn.> . Ex . . . Phil. 54,700 Far.Ln.&Tr. Oo., N. Y.;C1tyN.,So.Norwalk. ~  z  330,000 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Liborty .. :\Icch. Mota ls ., and Irving N ., N. Y.; .\lercll. N., Phil. 14,0 0  en I en (1)  100,000 100,000  W J Wilson D S Faller S. R. Soeucer · · Su. nr:n Tr. ---- vi. s·. Fuller______  BRID6EPORT, CONN.  I  I  245,140 5,503,910 5,424,870 141,800  178,580  : !  299,880  l'I  I I II  1  !  : I  I  I:  I  ,, :  [, ·I,  jl'  1·  i  8  0  0  261,510 N. Park and N. Oity, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Phil. N., Phil.  445,870 7,533,100 7,582,580  !~i i I  I  12,850 Ohase N .• N. Y.  130,9-10 1st N .• N. Y.: 4th Atlantic N .• Bos.; Hart.- C >1 Aetna ., Hart. 71,110 Springfield Safe Dep. & Tr. Oo., Sprin1.?fleld; Hart.-Aetna N., Hart.; 1st N., Statrord, en Sprlnes. 116,420 Liberty N. and Guarap.ty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st- c: :ti Stamford N., Stamfc,rd.  317,480 Ohase • N. and Bk. of the .Manhattan Oo., N. Y.; 1st-Stamford N., Stamford.  52,760 1,035,670 1,096,5-10  s. N. Reid _________ c. L. Spencer,  I.  z 2 2,660 Mech. & N.,N. Y.; 1st N .. Bos.; State z Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. t'-1  880,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Atlantic N,, N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.: N. Shawmut, Bos.  :e:. w. Peet: _ _ s. w. Hubbell _____  Su. and Tr.  n  35,S90 Irving N., N. Y.; City Bk. &Tr. Co., Hart,  457,000 4,590,000 4,6-10,000  w. E. Houghton.  Walter E. Goddard, - - - - - - - - -  I  '<  53,610  B. C. Warner 0. 8. :railer - - - Oharles L. Spencer  65,760 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Hart.-Aetna N, and Se cur. Tr. Co .. Hart.  tx,  · ____________________________ _ Bee, and Tr. OharlesP. Wfiliams II . .l. Pendleton ___ 11:. N. Pendleton __ H. •·Pendleton___ 100,000 W. D. Daskam ______________________  FIRST-BRIDGtt'UK I NA IIUNAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  125,000 1,415,000 1.827,500 144,100 3,397,700 3;500,240  15-1,000 3,500,000 3,676,000  W. W. Skiddy . _________________ _ 0. H. Lounsbury __ A.. w. Dater ______ J. H. Borardus. *Stamford Saviors Bank Sec, and Tr. •U'51 51-107  ,ank ____  533,680  50,000  tamford ___ Fairfleld M 2 Citizens Saviors Bank •H'89 0. D. Lockwood ___ Hezekiah Weed ___ C. • Purdy, Sec, __ W. 11:. Hourhton, Tr. fil-109 2 Pop. 40,067  tonington_New London 1 Pop. 10,236 J 22 tratford ___ Fairfleld L 6 Z Pop. 12.347 'ufflcld __ __ Hartrord B 13 I Pop. 4070  567,490  ~  5r:  51- 11[o •if •89 ta,m forbd OI_cadi:ingt dHbouse*) 1 (. em ei:s in 11:a e Ya •51 First Nat1oi:1 -2 Stratford T~rlo~O----•U'l6 :• B k: . First Natioif Jn ----• 14 2 Suffield Savin;s Bank--•*1'19 51-236  2 458 010 $2 087170 $ 629,810 Han. N., Equitable Tr. Co .. and Bk. of the ~ ,Manhattan Co., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.  o. Norwalk Items.  Peo.Tr.Oo. of Norwalk •U-14 Charles F. Mills ___ .M. M. Lee _________ LeroyMon~omery, _______________ Su. and Tr. · 51-190 South Norw~ tf"·Bk.•H'80 Alden Solmans ____ John H. Knapp ____ G. L. Woodwar~. 1 . . ,\dams, A. Tr. South Norwalll: Tr. Oo. •H"Ql Richard H. Golden Edwin 0. Keeler __ Obi. B. Bon. B~. and Tr. 61-1111 out11port __ Fafrfleld r, 6 Southport8avinr1Bk. -•U'W John B. Perr:, ____ W. H. Burr ________ Chas. B. le-hll's, See. and Tr. . C. Bradley 51-227 2 Pop. 5000 J. W. Perry Southport Trust Oo. --•U'OI D. B. Bullard ______ C. B. Jeunin1rs ____ R. G. Demarest.Tr. H. II. Rennell 61-228 ~nk----•t•sa Ohristopher Allen_ F. F. Patten _______ F. G. Sanford ____ H. R. Wirhtman __ .._ atr<\~"J~:iij f Toll~~, First Natio 2 Stafford Saviors Bank-•!1'06 Christopher Allen_ J. H. Reed _______ C. 11'. Chandler, " Su. mid Tr. 0. B. Pinney 51-2'8  *ITAMFDl D TRUST II,  ':;in!'.::::• c::,,;•:~::  78,350 1,152,230 1,136,720  100,000  PJUNCIP.AL CORRESPONDENT_S_--- ;  Lo•"••l>I••  100,000  200,000  ff. S. LOCKWOOD .. J. ff. KNAPP-------- C. 0. FITCH------ ----------F. ff. ROWAN Complete equip ment to handle all matters entr u ted to u •  ~ "ROLL 01' DO NOR BANK."  -- RESOURCES.  1  0 ••a&:E~' <'"" DEPOS- 0 urn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,:,. _ITS PROFITS  BUBPLua  S 100,0vO  A.. Tr.  im!"bury __ Hartford C 11 Simsbury Bank & Trust Co. W.W. Chandler._ S. T. Welden ______ Geo. E. Pattison, H. E. Ellsworth, Tr. •:l:§'17 51-308 1 Pop. 295 Sec. Wm.P. Lamb, A. Tr. . O. B. Kilbourn, ~ou hmgton ____ Hartford Southinrton Bk. & Trust Co. C.H. Clark _______ ~ m. Hutton ______ Chas. E. Smith, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. •1'16 51-216 F 11 1 Pop. 8440  CITY NATIONAL BANK .. •t'82  'i»  LIABILI'l'IES.  PAm-uP .lss'T CAeu1n. CASIIIJ:R. V1c11:-PR.11:srn.1tNT. PRESIDL'.T. .Fiiure under town is Ulmn.StateBks.Assa.tPriv. CAPITAL [E b . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fed . R es. u . t •=em. F ed eraIR eserve ff1str1c. __ ~ 1 1 1  outh ... Torw·tlk.Fairffeld 2 Pop. 'd7 7-13 M 4 '  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest~~ Holidays, etc., see L ws. ::,  (SaYlnp Banka do not handle eolleetlons)  ~  o.  626,840 Bk. of the Manhattan Oo., N. Y.; 1st N •• Bos.; Phil, N., Phil. 43,250 Mech. & .Metals N., N. Y.; Phil. N.,Phil.: Mer ch. N., Bos. 76,690 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; lst-N. and Bridgeport Tr. Co., Bridgeport. 92,810 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Hart.-Aetna N., Hart. 16,890 1st N .. Suffield: Hart.-Aetna N. and Hart. Tr. ~ u, Co .• Hart. 0  SPECIAL FACILITlt:.~ l"' 0R HANDLING YOUR CONNECTICUT BUSINEss··  ,i  ?  .•  i,  I  I.,  ,:  I  f •  !  l_'  '  I ,I  •  1·  i ' ' ' ::  J  I  I .  r ~'  ;  '  :  '  '  '  I 1'  '  J  I  i ·:  'I: i  :  ,,  \'.'  I  I:, a  I  .  b,  Numbu GDdel' l'(am• of .llaak la lb• .New Tran■ll Nu1ober _.,._ The Band-McNally Hanken' The A.merlcan Hanken An'••  each buk la 17.1. e:zela.■l't'ely Dtrect~ry, UBdel' &he au&borUy o 156 '° TOWN AND OOUNTT,  Non-Bank To us with earest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyer , L ws (Indexed) in back of thl volume. For lntere t Rates, Holidays, etc., s e Laws.  CONNECTICUT-Continued (SaTlnss Bankl do not handle  collectton■)  N.UlE OP BANK.  _ R ] ! : ~S.  LIABILITIES.  •Kem. Am. Bks.Assn. IS~te ~oooNTT Seats. Fiiure nnder town is tllem.State Bks.Assn.tPr1v. [Estab. Federal Reserve Distm,t. ♦Mero. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  Ass 'T OA.SHill.  CASHIER.  liu:;;ue  PAID-UP CAPITAL PROFITS  D~  to...,a.Dto-  ITS  o~,  c..... a.Ex,  ~.u;,o:;:i,•  1------- --- --- --- --- --- --------------  Thompston.Litchfleld"87 ThomastonN ational Bk.•i'88 11'. I. Roberts ___ S. K. Plume ______ .M. o. Gnernse:, ___________________ S 50,000 $ 56,100 S 196,350 244.080 $ 65,040 1st N .. N. Y. • 61-242 1 Pop. 3993 Thomaston Saviors Bk.•1'74 E. o. Sto~hton __ L. D. Kenea ______ H. K. Stourhton, ________ _ 54,000 974.870 1,075,370 S7,Z40 Ohase N., N. Y.: Oolonial Tr. Co., Waterbury. Su. and Tr. il-2'1 -----_________ _ 528,130 21'>,000 81,360 Thomp •onv'le.H'rt'd B1' Thompsonville Tr. Oo.-•U'71 L.A. Upson----- Tudor Gowdy ____ Willis Gowdy, 78,530 Chem. N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 522,890 Sec. and Tr. 61-288 1 Pop !WOO ___________________ _ •Tolland ___: Tolland O 18 Saviors Bank of Tollandil'41 P. L. Lathrop _____ E. S. Aeard _ _ _ I. Tilden Jewett, 98,950 1,195,790 1,258,090 35,750 City Bk. & Tr. Oo.. Hart. Sec, and Tr. , M. Laubsch~r 51-289 1 Pop. 1040 J. N. Brooks _______ 0. L. McNeil----- H.K. llunson, Tr._ Ella A. Blakeslee._ Torrineton.Lttchfteld D7 Brooks Bank & Trust Co. 605,940 Han. N .. N.Y.: 1st N., Ohi.: N, Shawmut, Bos.: 958,950 100,000 125,650 1,249,330 A. F. Austin.A.Tr. 4th St. N •• Phil. •U'72 51-141 1 Pop. 22,055  II'. 11'. Fuessenich ._ Chas. G . .ieard __ J. H. Seaton _______ F. Earle Joyce-Torrlneton National Bank •t•gg 51-140 ___________________ _ Torrinrton Savinl?S Bk.•!1'88 J. N. Brooks •• ____ 0. L. KcN eil _____ J .11. Wadhams, Sec. and Tr. 51-lag Torrineton Trust Co.--•Wlll H. J, Wylie ______ ---·---------------- F. M. Balctwm. Tr._ c. F, Cooper. Sec._ 51-1'2  200,000  184,200 3,998,000 3,768,800 109,500 2,869,000 2,900,000  100,000  _____________ _ Wa11ingfonLNew Haven Dime Saviors Bank ____ •U'71 0. B. Yale ________ 0. D. Morris ______ W. J. Lnm, Su. and Tr. G.D. Munson 51-178 1 Pop. 12,010 H 10  34,000  940,000  882,000  144,810 1,893,600 1,981,780  First National Bank----•*'81 F.A. Wallace ___ 0. H. Tibbi~ ----- F. M. Oowles ______ Wm. R. Dunn. ___ _ 51-17g  150,000  Wallineford Trust Co.-•U'l6 L. M. Phelps ______ J. A. Hartin _______ P. N. Prlor, Tr,- __ _________________ _ 51-180  50,000  90,000 1,017,000 1,223,000 12,500  670,000  502,710 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  *CITIZENS  E. 0. GOSS-- E. S. HUIIT ------- H. A. HOADLEY--- E. I. HUDSOI-----  NATIONAL BANK  A tborouchlf organbed collection department. We remit on daJ or paJIDen&. Send u1 JOUI' WaterburJ Item,.  51-76  Z  85,000 Irvini N., N. Y.;4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 56,630 Far. Ln. & Tr. Oo,, N. Y.  H. W, Tripp, A. Tr. L.S.Andrew,A.Tr.  ~  254,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N .• Bos. and Phil. 82,330 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y,; N. Shawmut, Bos.  R.Preusser, A. Tr, O. D. T7ack ______ _  L. S. Reed  E. F. Koran, A. Tr. *Merchants TrustOo.--•U'lO Henr:, We,and ____ J.S.Nea2le _______ J.B. Bulrer. Sec. and Tr. L 1~ Sen 1ck. 51-81 :l. ,') t. , *Waterbur1NatlonalBk.•''8 Irvini: H. Chase ___ A. J, Blakesley __ F. W. Judson _____ A. $,Backus _____ _ 51-7' A. B. Da:,ton, WaterburySavinrs Bk.•U'50 G. E. Terry ________ R. I!'. Gril~l?S------- E. B. Hunt, ..t. Tr. Su. and Tr. 51-75 w. 8. Bnkenrldl?e, A,8,e.  1VATEHBURY  TRUST COMPANY 51- 2  We t Sid  avinr  (  C. L. HOLf.lES ---- H. S. SEELEY _______ W.11. USSFORD,Tr. H. S. SEELEY, Sec._ E.l.TUTTLE, A.Sec. T. H. HEWITT  200,000 200,000 500,000  I  ~ ::r  0  a  ·---  875,390 5,989,380 5,680,190 1,821,570 Mech . & Metals N .. and Guara1!tY Tr. Co., N. : cj Y.: 1st N., Bos.: Guard N., Phil. 352,750 8,952,970 8,846,860  294,740 Irvine N., N. Y.: Waterbury N. and Colonial ::, ,... Tr., Waterbury.  247,730 4,1101,940 3,507,160  816,380 N. Parle and N. Oity, N. Y.: 1st N .. Bos.  . Y.: 4th-Atlantic  O  ~  N., Bos.; ,th St, D>  215,690 2,898,140 3,129,320  285,910 N. Cit,, N. N. and 1st N., Phil.  522,860 2,907,320 3,475,310  601,200 11.ech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Zd N., Bos.;Phil. S: N.,Phil. ~ 258,010 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.  761),980 12 615 720 13127 680  300,000  ta  > Z ~  N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N .• Phil.; 1st 3.82%.210 ,_1,183,Z50 Irving 3,514,750 _ 25U30 _ 300, 0 _ N.,Bos. _  500,000  ~  n C:::  (fl  --- - - -  *Oolonial Trust Oo. ---•U'99 Ilarris Whittemore G. M. Woodruff' ___ W. P. Bryan. ec.and'l'r. J.P. Elton 51- 80 • J. B. Ells, A. Sec. Dime Savinrs Bank.--•*1'70 John P. Elton ____ M. L. Sperry ______ E. C. Northrop, Tr. A. o. Shepardson 51-77 . A. R. Kimball *Manufacturers National Bk. Ohas. F. Kitchell._ W. E. Fulton ______ R, H. Leach _______ B. L. Ooe •t'80 51-78  8z  520,900 Ohase N .• N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: Phil. N,. t:rJ Phil, (') 59,000 Union Tr. Co .. N. Y.  ~-'------- - - -  •Waterbury.New Haven 1 Pop. 01,715 G 7  ~  l'RINCIPAL COJlRUPONDJl'.NTS.  143,970 8,325,380 3,165,720  ~  ti"  213,670 Ohase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.: N. Y. State N .. Alb,  Send us your C oll ctlon direct. Special attenti on to Collections for Grain, Producel Lumber and Met al Tradea. We remit prom ptly and cu ran ee aatlafactloo. 207,220 3,650.780 3,057,660  29,730 N. City, N. Y.; Waterbury N., Waterbury.  Non-Ban~ Towns with Neares~ Bank,n~ Point. (l~- _  Non-Bank Towns wtth Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this C_volume. F~...!_n_!ere t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ RESOURCES, - ---PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, ~  IABlLITIES. 11:,  SURPLUS AJn> CAPITAL PRO'.P'ITS PAID-UP  I" I  ,. I  ;, II  ~I  11;, t  I" I  ,I  1  DEPOS1TB  I  Lo•,r1ol,D10-,1, Ex-  C'TL Bo'Sl>I,  CllilOu,Dn  8..,,,.ITISS  --- --- --- --:  $ 50,000 $  "III•·  I  D) "'1  -  ~  no><B.uwu  ---  640,160 $ 47,370 Chase N., N. Y.; Waterbury Tr. Co., Water- ~ bury; Bridireport Tr. Co., Bride-eport. 35,110 1.409,500 1,350,030 140,660 Irving N .. N. Y.; Mech., New Haven. 13,320 $ 621,070  $  WestHaven __ NewHaven Oranre Bank & Trust Co. W. S. Woodruff·- Lucien Sanderson. Paul M. Smith, H. G. Griswold, 1 Pop. 12,369 J 10 51-286 •U'12 Geo. L. Peck Sec, and Tr, A. Tr.  50,000  WestPorL. Fairfteld L 6 WestPort Bank & Tr, Co. D. B. Bradley_ •••• W. H. Saxton-•••• C. P. Harris, ·----··-----Z Pop. 5114 51-213 •U'l3 F. M. Salmon Sec, and Tr,  100,000  106,9i0 1,318,490 1,424,390  •Wi1limantic •• _Windham Willimantic Sav. Institute Frank Larrabee-·- H. R. Chappell.-••• N. D. Webster. -----·----Pop. 12,300 E 19 51-174 •*1''2 Sec. and Tr.  ----·---  70,070 1,342,800 1,370,560  42,310 Ban. N. and Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A .. N. Y.  Willimantic Trust Co ••• •*1'11 F. D. Jordan •••••• W. H. Hall •••••••_. H. W. Huber, Tr,._ i K. W. Reynolds.1. 51-175 E. F. Buirbee , ,:jec.  75,000  61,560 1,327,050 1,385,370  75,130 I rvinir N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos,; Girard N.,Phil, 0  ··-····· " WIIDHIM IATIOIAL BANK Guilford Smith •• _ H. c. Lathrop····- E. E. D. Pollard -··-· 51-173 •:•12 A. W. Buchanan. . Jr, Wind or ••• Hartford O 12 Windsor Tr. & Safe Del)osit G. R. Ford--···-- J.E. Ransom ••• ___ Edward T. Gan·in, R. D. Warner, 1 Pop. 5620 Company.51-299.-·--•♦1'14 Sec, and Tr. .d. Tr,  100,000  22f},730 1,258,440 1,323,010  50,000  49,450  872,370  Wind or Locks_Hartrord Windsor Locks Trust& Safe J. M. Morse ••• ___ J. de F. Phelps •• _. Y. L. Mather, Tr .• . -····-··----·· 1 Pop. 3554 B12 DePosit Oo. ···--·--·••·os 51-238 •Win. ted ••• LitchfteldO8 First National Bant.- .. •t'79 L. 11.Blake--···- J, A. Norton--·-·· 11'. D. Hallett •• --·- OharlesP.HalletL 1 Pop. 8248 61-Z0I Wm. ll'. Peetz  25,000  82,710  704,500  41,420  0  Bass.--·--1H.  "  205,000  Mechanics Savincs Bk. •U'75 G. W. Utton.·-···- L. M. Blake-····-·- C, H. Bunnell,"' cc. L. B. Hurlbut, Tr .•  --------  Winsted SavinrsBant.•it•eo D. L. Vaill .• _ ••••. S. Landon Alvord_ J. A. Smith, Tr .•. H. N. Goodwin, 51-199 A. Tr. Woodbury .Litchfteld G 6 WoodburySavincsBanktl'72 W. G. Ward ____ F. F. Hitchcock S. c. Tomlinson. ··--·---·---····-·-- -1- Po-p. I~L 51-290 _______ Tr. ._c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  n :j  C i-i  273,420 Liberty N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 41,660 1rvine- N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Bos.: PhoenlxN.and Hart.-Aetna N .. Hart. I  z>  I  749,070  41,100 N. L City, N. Y.: Riverside Tr. Oo .• Hart.  0  ,I  262,000  317,640  83,380 Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Irvine N., Y.: Oorn Ex. N., Phil.: Merch, N., Bos.  239,280 · 889,3001  967,660  318,910 l mp, & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.: Girard ~ N .• Phil.: N. Shawmut, Bos. <;  308,960 2,103,590 2,351.3-10  18,110 Bkrs. Tr. Oo .. N. Y.: Beacon Tr. Co .. Bos.: 1st N .. Winsted. :;t:,  I  I  ----------- -----  1  1  401,610 2,829,570 3,192,190 519,980  I  I  I  t-4  >  I  21,990  506,4201  38,990 Bkrs.Tr.Oo .. N~ Y.; HurlbutN., Winsted: 1st t%3 ~ .. Bos. t:13 32,830 Mnfrs. N .. Waterbury; 1st N., Bos.  >  Brideeville ___ sassexI24 BaltimoreTraatOo.-.•U'04 - - - - Pop, g45 12--61 CamdeD-----·--KentF24 BaltimoreTruatOo.-.•il'Ga----·-·· Pop. 531 62--62 Clayton--------Kent D23 Clayton Ban k •.,-.,--•t1'13 Abel SeviL---· Pop. 872 . 62..,,., Dag boro •• -.Snssex J 27 First National Bank ___ •o7 '&. D.Linro ____ Pop. 223 52-51 DelawareCity,NewOastle Delaware0i1:, ~Jt.Bant•i•G Henry Cleaver. __ Pop. 1064 B 24 u 2-.,.. , Delmar ___ .SassexK 24 Bank of DeAr~;·----•illl7 JI'. E. Lynch---·-·· 78 Pop. First Natio;:1Jant--•*'°' 8. N. Culver----···  z~ . :l  °  C/l  j  k !  'l.  --------------~----=---------:--- ----------------1 p, _ _ _ _ _ _ o.'H. Rawlins ____ --------------- (Branch o/Selbv mlle,Del .)-----1-------IOornBx.N., Phil. __________ E.L.Stubbs ______ - - - - - - - - (Branch ofSelbV viU.e.Del .) _____ .•______ CornEx.N., Phil.  0 ~  1  R. Y, Wallen---··- H. O, Jones---··-· A. Gooding ________ S 25,000 S 18,800 S 202,700 S 231,130$ 84,420 CornEx.N., Phil.; Secur.Tr.&Safe l>ep. Co., Wil. D. B. Hazzard--· James Williams •••. J. F. Johnson-··-· 25,000 18,090 195,780 230,860 lll,730 4th St. N., Phil, ----··----··  c. Earl Baum---···  ::J  I8'  t:,  ·--·------·--  60,000  54,630  456,960  608,460  w. Freeny -···-· J. G. W. Perdae .•. s. }(. Ellis--··-· w. w. Anderson __ s. K. Blemons ___ A. w. Ellis.-··---  25,000  43,390  343,000  395,560  21.650 4th N .• Phil.: Drov. &llech. N., Bait  0 :  50,000  20,710  240,130  281,150  35,380 Ohase N., N. Y.: N. Ex., Balt.  .,..  J.  50,980 Bk. of No. America, Phil.  •Dover_ •• ___ KentE25 Delaware Tr. Oo.·---•tf'00 1- - - - - - · · - - - - - - · - H. M. Buckson, J. L. Scotton, (Branch of Wilm inoton. Del.)-·· - - - Columbia Tr. Co., N~ Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.: Pop. 4042 62-28 Mor. A, Mgr, _ • _ , Del. Tr. Co., Wll.: C1tz. N .. _Balt. " " Farmers _B;1~r-·--•H~7 Henry Bidcely ·-·· -·--·-·--·--···- Walter Morris •. ___ Geo. R. Dawson •• _ 500,000 9()6,170 9,836,430 10 ,-13n40 974,010!' Han. N., N. Y.: Oent. N., Phil. . _ 1 First Natioitl:ant .---i 15 John BllllD-·--- G. M. Jones··----· J. s. Collins ---·--·IE. P. Horsey·-·-·-! 100,000 169,700 736,990 980,890 1 lll.850 Han. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. 1~ 1 1  DBLAWARB Map on Index to Marylalld Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,\<  1.:  . !I'  DELAWARE  Entire State In ,·o. 3  I  N,j ttl  CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven  Federal Reserve District.  I  I  995,410  It:, 100,000  Hurlbut National Bant.•i•54 W. B. Phelps··-·- L. W. Tiffany .. - .. G. L.Smith •• ---·· - - - - - - · 61-198 61-200  z0 ztzJ  101,070 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.  For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Lepl Work to BONDED LAWYERS (Sn lndu to  UWJWI)  !  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Law1ers, Laws (indexed) in ba<.k of thi -  DELAWARE-Continued  _ _ v~ume. Fo~ lnteres_!_!ta~s~ Solldays, etc., see I,aws. RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  PKUID.s.NT.  V lCJC-Pk!i:SlDENT.  C..\SHIJCB.  _______ , Felton Bank ___________ •U'08 F.L.Hardesty ____ John Heyd ________ 62--55 First National Bank ____ •t '08 Everett Hickman __ Robert Wil~us _____ J. H. Lone 62-56 Delaware Trust Co. _____ §"21) ---------· _____________________________ _ 62-57 Delaware Trus\ Co. --- •t§'l8 ------------- -----------------62-42 Pop. mo ~r-----•tU807 R. G. Paynter----- Joseph L. Cahall __ Farmers " 2 Greenwood __ Sussex H 24 Greenwood Trust Co. --•il'll J. W. Todd------ C. W. Parker ______ 62~4 Pop. 500 Harrineton ___ Kent G 2, First National Bank ____ •.t'88 J. W. Powell ______ John P.Masten ---62-43 Pop. 1617 Peoples Bank ___________ •S'05 0. 0. Sapp _________ Jas. Town end---··  Felton _________ Kent Ji' 24 Pop. 771 Frankford ___ sussex J 27 Pop. 443 Frederil'a. ____ .Ken• F 24 Pof. 650 •Georgetown.Sussex 1 Z.'l  Ba:  ASS'T 0..\SBlJtR.  PAID-UP SURPLUS  OEPOS-  ~~=• - - -  ~•H11&D1•• 1 c:;n&E1::-  - - - - - - - - - - - - -CAPITAL PR~~~TS  C. M. Simpler _____ L.P.Keller_ _______ $ 25,000 C. R. Davis ______ T. M. Heath.______  25,0CO  ITS  ~  PRINCIP..LL O0RR1CSPONDENT8.  c  ~~.,~~=  9,000$ 289.000 $40,000$ : 281,220 26J,620 20,6-10  22,000 CornEx.N .. Phil. 29,040 Corn Ex. N .. Phil.  . Y.; Corn F,x:. • .. Phil.; J.E. :\IcBride, },/gr. J.C. Darby, A . Mgr . (Branch of Wilmi noton, D el. ) ______________ Columbia Tr., Citizen N ., Balt: (Branch of Wilm ing um Del.) __ _ _________ Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .. Phil.: G. Roland Messick. F. L. Joseph. A.. Mgr. Mgr. Citz. _T ., Bait. 500,000 906,170 10311410 10 i43540 974.020 Han. N .. N. Y.: Cent. N .. Phil. W.W. Rawlins ____ Wm. D. Adam ____ li,500 4th St. N ., Phil. 259,560 15,950 245,110 16,000 W. 8. Lord _________ R. 0. MaL________ D. B. Tharp______ __________________  50,000  31,220  65.000 4th St. N .• Phil.  358,970  408,000  35,850 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.: Oorn Ex. N., Phil.: t:, Wil. Tr. Co., Wil. 62 -44 t1l 7,900 Cent. N .• Phil.: Far., Dover. 83,000 68,000 3,000 20,000 Hartly _________ Kent E 23 West Dover Trust Co. -•t5'17 Henry Williams ___ E. C. Daly-------- Harry D. Jones ____ R. W. Davi _______ t"'4 ~~7 ~~005 :J;:,, . Y.: ~'N,, Chem. and Co. Tr. Columbia ·__ Del.) • minoton Wil of h (Brane Laurel ______ Sussex J 25 Delaware Trust Co. ____ •t§'l6 ------------- -------------------- W. H. Cook, Mor._ Milton Cannon. Union Bk. of Md. and Citiz. N,, Balt.: Corn A.Mor. 62-66 Pop. 2253 Ex. .. Cent . .1. · ., and Mh . t. ~T·• Phil.; Far., )> \Vil. Peoples National Bank -•t·os Daniel Short ______ H. 0. Lewis _____ E. E. Wootten _____ A . E. Culver ______ _ 50,000 58,300 1st N. and Girard N .. Phil.: Uitiz. r •• Dalt. ~ 70,500 520,710 696,600 G. S. Wind or 62-32  F. L. Masten _____ W. F. Turner____  20,000  39.410  45-1.120  432,810  ~ t:r:1  SIS El TRUST CO.----•U'DD  R. E. Quillin______ 150,000 160,540 2,114,480 2,831.250 115,150 Phil. N., Phil.: Merch. N., Bait.; Wil. Tr. Co., t-,,t . w • , Wil. . . . Robert Arne11, Tr. · .• Phil.; (Branch of Wilmi 11oton, D el,) _______________ Columbia Tr. Co., N, Y.; Corn Ex:. J.M. Metcalf, ,Z Citiz. N., Balt. . 1sst, M{JT, ..,. ------------------- (See Laurel) ___________ ------· -- _________ Phil. N.,Phil. n (B ranc h of Wil mington . Del.) __ _________ Col!JI?1bi~ Tr. Co .• N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil, Vll C. P. We lier. C1hz. ~ ., Balt. 1 A. Mgr, "%j 40,350 380,;;:-..iO 5 3,690 1 43,000 ~. Citv, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Sccur. Tr. 0.000 F. R. PooL_____ 1 '> . Safe Dep. Co.,Wi.l . .. 62-46 Phil. 83,1ilO Han. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., 121.600 283.370 1,163,910 w,014.HO Fir ·t "ational Bank----•t'76 R.H. Williams---- ------------------· J.B. Smith ________ ------------------- 62-29 0 72.880 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 951.160 699,170 89,870 50,000 Milford TrustOo. -----•:S-01 G. H. Hall _________ • J. Abbott_ ______ G. T. Reed-------- W. G. ammons... =, 62-80 ♦ (Branc 11 of WiL mingt-0n , Del.• ) __ ·-------- Corn Ex. and Columbia ~r. Co., N~ Y.: Corn Delaware Tru~t Co. ____ _•§'18 -------------------- ---------- ------ ---- W. L. Parker. Mgr. W. H. Ellis. Ai;i;t. Mgr. Ex. • and Cent. N., Phil.: N. Umon Bk. of 62~8 UJ :Md., Balt. ('I) 14'.illsboro Trust & Safe H. A.. Houston _____ \V. J.P. White ____ J.C . Ellis ______ H.P. Quattlander _ 40,SSO Corn Ex. N., Phil.: Far .. Georeetown. 29.900 70,610 306.360 344.290 John Lingo, Sec. Theo. Burton, r. Deposit Oo, _________ •tf'08 62-58 (Brun ch of Wilmi noton, D el,) ______________ Columbia 'Ir. Co., N. Y.; Corn E.·. ~?., Phil.; < Delaware Trust C0,---- -•'20 ------------------- ___________________ T. H. Douglas, Mor. II. B. Ca. ey. ..... Cit iz. ~ .. Balt. A. Mgr, 62 70 ~ Laurel) ____ _________________________ Phil. N., Phil. (See Sussex Trust uo. _____ tf'95 \Vm. P. Orr, Jr. ___ C. F. Lacey ________ Jos. M. Lank ______ Layton Reed-----1 I 62-59 61.610 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil,; Equitable 7i,670 1.04i.060 1,113,120 ------------------50,00 Farmers Trust Oo,-----•t1'56 A. A. Curtis _______ E. B. Frazer. ______ J.E. Dougherty. 'l'r. Co., Wil. Tr. I 62-37 50,000 872.000 132,000 Oorn Ex. N. and 1st N ., Phil.; Wil. Tr. Co. and 94.000 860.000 Newark Tr. & Sare Dep. Co. 0. B. Evans ____ ___ H. G. M. Kollock __ W. A. Sineles. Tr,_ David C. Ro c, Sec. ecur. Tr. & afe Dep, Co., Wil. •:1'05 62-88 469,070 60. 920 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N .. Phil.: Wil. Tr. Co. and 50,000 34.060 487,660 e Oastle Trust Co,--•:1'08 John E. Taylor ____ F. de II. Janvier __ John F. Cloud, Wil. Far., See. and Tr. 62~0 22, 390 Union N., Phtl; Wil. Tr. Co., Wil. 214,381, 50 ,000 35,220 160,810 New1>ort National Dank •t'60 J. P Groome ___ __ John A.. Cranston_ Joseph C. Slack ___ --------------62-61 ...... 34,840 Phil. N., Phil. 75,000 61,470 151,180 231,420 Daniel W. Corbit._ M. N. Willits ____ J. G. Brown _______ -------------$1) New Castle County N. Bk. •t'65 62-62 :, T . i::: Y.:CornEx. .• co., •• r CornEx.andColumb½l _________ _ __ Del.) i11ut011, JVilm uf nc11 (Bra Huston, I. Glen __ lgr. Lee, Martin Delaware 'l'ru. t o,----•1§'87 -------------------- ----------- ·-------· . and Cent. ., Phil.; . Umon Bk. of Md., $1> .11. Mgr. 62-38 ""' Balt. 225.000 N. Oity. N. Y.: Phil. N .. Phil.; ~Ierch ... ., '< 863.000 l:i0,000 183.000 855.000 First ational Bank ____ •t'65 P. L. Cannon ___ _ II. W. Baker _____ Madison Willln ___ C. J. West ________ _ .. Bait. 152·35 919,370 805,050 289,180 Corn Ex. N .• Phil.: Far .. Georeetown, Del. 92,000 82.250 Baltimore Trust Oo._ •• •1'03 J. G. Townsend, Jr. I.\\", Long ________ I. L. Lon£--- ___ _ 62 9 !:: 28,000 Girard N .• Phil. 50,000 550,000 38,500 4i5.000 elbyville D nk· -------•*1 '03 W.R. McCabe _____ D. W. Campbell.___ E. V. Baker ______ W B. Derrickson_ 62-50  W. P. Orr, Jr, _____ W. T. Records ___ P. E. Wootten _____ Jos. L. Cahall. Sec. Chas. F. Lacey ,# 62-31 Lewes _______ Sussex H 28 Delaware Trust Co. ____ •:::§'15 -------------------- -------------------- J. L. Marshall.Mor. 62-34 Poo. 2074 Suc,sex Trust Co. _______ tS'98 W.P. Orr.Jr. ____ C.F.Lacey ________ T.R.In~ram ______ W. T. Records 62-33 )Iiddlotown __ New Oastle DELAWARE TRU T CO.•t§'63 ________________________________ A. W. Porter, Mgr. 62-45 0 22 Pop. 1260 Peoples National Bank -•t"83 J. F. Eliason - - - L.L. Maloney ____ __ W. K. Bett ------· " " ii ford------ n ex G 25  Pop. 2753  Iillsboro ___ sussex J 26 Pop. 432  >  I  __  -.... 8'  q  Miltou _______ sussex H 26 Pop. 9 " " ·cwark-New Castle A 22 Pop. 21 3  '·w Ca ·tl .New O. A 2-& Pop. 3854 wport. _New Oas . A 24 Pop. 676 Odo·. a__ ew Castle C 23 Pop. 435 'laford _____ su x I 24 Pop. 2141 II>  u ex K 27 Pop. 02  \'illt __  DELAWARE Map on Index to Maryland  I~  I  l  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name or Bank. 1.a the New Tranalt Number givtm Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in U. S. excluslvel b The Rand-McNall Bankers'  Non-Bank Towns with Neare ·t Banking Point an-'-' dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi ~  159  br  .Numlter under .Name of Bank each bank in u. s. exclustvel1  ia t.he .New Tranal& .Number g1ven Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-«The .B.and-McNally Bankers' dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi $1) D ~ y , ~4!!!_J~ authority_ o The A.merlc!-n Bankers ~:-:....A_s_•_ ..s n _ • .:. .-_:-_ _....:-,=:c:...:.::::....::::.._;;_-=:......::..--==:===0=-l----' l lll = U = e==::::::::;=========v=o=l=um=e.=F=o=r=In=t=e=re=s=t::cR=t=e==s,=H=-colldays, etc see Law • :,  t,o  TOWN A.ND  cou.  TY.  DELAWARE  NA.ME-OF BANK-:--  C  t·  d  --  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. fState Entire State in No. 3 fMem. StateBks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab  PRESIDE.NT.  LIA.BILITIES.  VICE-PRESIDENT.'  OA.SHIJ:.R.  Ass'T OASHlBK.  PAID·UP SURPLUS A.ND  CAPITAL PROFITS  DEPOS-  ~  RESOURCES. cLo•r"-•".•Bo•~.oas-, cca..~N,.o•••E,nx."" •  Ssauamu  PRINCIPAL CORRE;;ONDENTS.  -  ~~  "'1  -  .... _ 0_.._B"_"_u_, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  myrna ···-···KentD 24 Fruit Growers Nat. Bk.•t'76 W. 0. Hoffecker ••. ··----····--·· E . .M. Fowler ...•.. ··--··--········ $ 50,00u $ 130,140$ 677,610 $ 905,580 $ 51,870 Phil. N., Phil. Pop. 1953 62-39 National Bk.of Smyrna •:·18 Eugene Davis··-·- ---·------·- O. J. Sudler··-···- --·-···---·--·· 62-40  Townsend __ .New Castle Townse d Trust Co .•• • t§'l9 Thomas Lattomus. L. L. Maloney _____ Levi Lattomus, Tr. W. Pop 453 C 23 62-69  c. .Money,  Sec.  100,000  94,550  642,170  866,020  102,760 Girard N .• Phil.; Merch. N .. Bait.  25,000  7,300  68,990  97,730  17,730 ISccur. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co., \Vil.  • Wilmington_New Castle Artisans'Savings Bank •t§'61 Robert D. Kemp_ Edgar L. Haynes __ J. W. Boyer.' -·-····-···-·---· -··----Pop. 110.168 A 24 62-11 A. D. Poole Sec. and Tr.  5.53,520 4,872,230 5,128,740  297,020 Oent. N., Phil.  *Central National Bank •t"85 Robt. P. Robinson_ P. J. Carpenter ___ Geo. F. Baird .•.... ·-----·······-·--··· 62-6  210,000  161.580 1,642,630 2,109,670  355,910 Han. N .. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.  /WILLIAM du PONT -- CHAS. C. DICltSOL.• H. N. JEFFERSON, S.S. BAKER, ec. __ _ )ALFRED I. du PONT, ROBT. mlNGTON Tr. T. C. COOPER, V:-P C. E. DAVIS A. Sec, and A. Tr. w. G. TAYLOR,v:-P: S.S. HARRY R. DOBLER BAKER  86%.900  354,800 5,261,280 7,813,340  781,420 Columbia Tr, Co., Chem. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com EI. N. and Cent. N.  *O ELAW ARE  TRUST COMPANY 62-13  C o II ectlons 10Uc ·tied and prompt I:, remitted on da y or payment.  •U'99  *EQUITABLE TR. CO. -•t1'89 Otho Nowland ••••• Richard Reese .•••• H. T. Springer, •  Phll.;N. Union Bk.o!Md., Bait.  62-7  II. T . .'pringC'r  N. 0. Lackland.  Tr. D. M. Hilleea.•  300,000  800,ooo a,653,620 4.20-1,8-10  547,450 Ohase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co .• N. Y.; Brown Bros. & Oo .• Phil.  500,000  906,7-10 0.626,020 104 00-10  610,290 N. City and Atlantic N .. N. Y.: Cent. N., Phil,; ,1ercl1. N ., Bait.  'ec .  .A. Tr. E. D. Princ';i, Sec  *Farmers Bank--·--- •11813 O. R. Miller •••••• __ ------··-·--·· Ezekiel Cooper •••• W. N. Ralston- •••• 62-4 T. B. Donahoe  w.  843,450  57,580 Irving .... , •. Y.; Phil. •., Phil.; ~ecur. Tr.,· Safe Dep. Co .. \Yil.  192,040 1,481.700 1.687,530  423,430 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.; Bk. of No. A.merica, Phil.: N. Ex .. B:ilt.  851,400 5,059,620 6,443.800  696,9-10 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Irving N., N. Y.; Drexe & Co•• Phil.: Union Tr. Co. of Md., Bait.  839,180 4,484,520 4,819,210  805,170 1st N .• N. Y.; 4th St. N .. Phil.  Wilmington Sav. Fund Soc. Frederick K. Stone F. Bringhurst••••• S. J. Horn, H.B.Money, A, Sec. ····--·· 1,780,530 14728840 16009220 62-10 •U'32 See. and Tr. F.F.Hickman,A.T1.  500,1501N. City, N. Y.: Phil. N .• Phil.  Industrial Trust Co ....• H'20 Willard oringcr •• .,\. Y. Hughe ·-··-- L. 62-U II. O. • tout  tout, ~1ary H. tuAar_t , ec. 1.250,000 8 'ec. and Tr. \Y. C. ~lcClurt>,,1 Tr *Nat. Bk. of Delaware •U795 John Richardson. Frederic Pyle ••••• Jolin Hare. Jr ..••. E. w. Smith....... 110,000 62-1 Jr. H.W. Hargadine  J. S. ROSSELL--·-- C. B. EVANS ........ L. L. MALONEY.  *SECURl!lPTO~~fTc~tiJ~IY ♦  62-8  <  •I "85  Tr. H. J. ELLISON. Sec._  1·• T.P. SCOTT BUCK. A. A. Tr. Tr. A.Q.MOWBRAY,A.Tr. Speclal attentlo n given BW of La Ing diatls, Cash and Time Items.  600,000  L. L. MALONEY WILLARD SPRINGER  Please send 15c u· it11 each sight drat  Prompt Service on all Items.  t for  presentation and 50c for Oredit Reports.  *Union NatA~~f Bant ___ .,311 John H. Danby •••• ·······-·--···-···· J. Cheater Gibson_ Augustus E.Jefferis · 203,175  *1111 LM IN GJO N ff  TR UST C0 1  ♦  82-9  !  102,820 -· •·-····  J.P. WINCHESTER--.--.P,S. DU PONl--.•..••D. C. ASPRl~;z1r·-· ---HENRY BUWiH,Sw.__ -- -- -- -G. S. CAPELL~ C. C. kURTZ OSCAR O. GuuERT, H. R. CRAI ~\A. Sec. Ch. of Bd. C. M. SHEWARD .A. Tr. W. S. TO nSEND. 1,000,000 1,025,110 14481280 11544450 5,347,840 U.S. Mtire. &Tr. Co., Chase N., and Chat(One Branch) W.W. LAIRD H. 8. MEARNS A. Tr. A. Sec. ham & PhenlI N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. T. JOHNSTON ' S. D. TOWNSEND  •U'0S Qeneral banking business transacted.  LA I HO& C0.  Liberal terms extended to Banks and Ba nkers. Collect Ions on (Branchesatl0thand ..lfarketSts., 2dandMarketSts.) this City and State remltt ed for p romptl yat low est rat es,  ·u <1NVESTMENT  (DuPont Bids.)  BANKERS>--··-  I····-···-·-·-·-- ···--··--·······- ___________  Wilmington Olearine House_ J, H. Danby_··--·- Otho Nowland···- John Hare, Jr.. ---·-···-···-·-··· ---·-·- ··--···· -···-·-·(Members indicaud b11 a*) Sec, & Mor. \Vyomin2"--· Kent F H First National Bank •••• •i•og 0. K. WetzeL ____ F. O. Bancroft·-·· B. K. Oubb~e •• -•• W.R. Brown...... Pop. 661 G2--63  OBLA WARE Map oa Index to Maryland Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  50,000  25,000  250,000  265,000  29,500 1st N ., Phil. and Dover.  For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Le1al Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See lndei to Lawyers)  ---  c::  '<  Number •nder Name ol Baak ii the New Transit Number IPTe.11 to •ch baDk in U. 8. eseluahel.7 by Tbe Rand-MeNaU1 Banken• Dtre.&or,, 11.Dd!r tbe aatborlt~ Tbe American Bankers Asa'n.  158 'I' n  N  • 11111  DELAWARE-Continued  nnr1N1·v  WASHINGTON  Number under Name or Bank ii the New Transit Number give11 to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankera• ____ Dlr_ectory, u~de~e ~~horlty of_The Amerl~,!! Bal!_l!ers_ ~ ~ (Federal Reserve District No. 5)  160  N~UOFBANK.  ---  •Mem . .Am. Bks . .A.Assn. iSP~te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ulem. State Bks. ssn. t riv. +Yem. Fed. Res. [E tab. _______1 *American ational Bank.•'0S W. T. Galliher ___ 0 . .H: Livin~stone. W. J. Waller ______ _ 15-0 Wilham Sf'lby I 03fa-F SL, N. W'.) CHAS. J. BELL ------CORCORAN THOM --- C. E. HOWE, Tr, ____ H. REESIDE W.W. lfECK, A. Tr. B. , SAUL J. L FUGITT. A, Tr. (3 Branche.) 110 ARD MORAN E. E. SWAN, A. Tr,  i·  AMERICAN  SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY  -Ll&BILlTtllS.  P4ID-;P'T CASHIER.  C  -  ISuBPLUa INDmoilf1> u.u.  UIT.u.  P:aoJ'ITS  D ■POBITS  -  -  Non-Hank Tonns with , earest n:uiklng 1•o1nt (Iud1•xed Arces.), La\\)'ers, 1,aws (indexed) in back o1 this _ volum~ ~or lntcr<•st Rate-, Holidays, etr.., soo l,a ~-:  g  RJDBOUBCBS.- - -  LoAN■ & BoNDa, D1&Sllcum-  D•roana or  c  -  PkINCIPAL CORRESPONDE! TS.  Mrsc•1r-, LA-N11ovs R A'<H cOVMfl TI&S,JDTC. R11sotr11a1111 11sounc11Js  BANJLS  -~ L. Mi~yh_ell ----- S 600,000 S 328,350 S 4,4-15,440 S 599.110 S 2,779,2-10 S 1,767,920$ 455.000 S l,.5i6,210 17M7"e-c7""h-.-&-M.,...e-ta_Js_N=-.-a-n_d_C_ha_se-N-.·, J. W. Wilham~ N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .• Chi.; H. II. Shackle~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ Merch.-Lac. N., f. L. J. f. HOODT ·ec.____ 3,400.000 2,604,950 22.581,680 53.150 17,568,350 5.678,920 1,767,550 3,933,670 Chase N., Liberty N., and N. M. R. WES , A. Sec. City, N. Y.; Cltlz. N.1..Balt.; Uh A. B. LEET, T1. 0.ffec er St. N., Phil.; Old uolony Tr, W. L. BEALE.Real Estate Officer. Co •• Bos. H.W. IRELANO,A.Tr. J. G. HOLDEN, Audi tor. R. E. HARRIS, A. Tr. J. ,. BENTON. Asst. Auditor. P. C. BRADY, A. Tr. A.• FLATHER,.M(JT ,NewBm inessDept. H.P. WHITE, A. Tr. D. • HOUSTON, A. Tr. Offi,CfJr T. . HOLLAND, A.Tr, Officer,  • • •1'89 We pay pec1al attention to the Accounts, Trust and other business of out-of-town patrons. Correspondence invited.  15-55  - -  (Di . f C atrtct o olumbia, E 6) ~o_pulati~ 437,571-R~e~ City  ~  1-------.-------;-------;-------:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Anacostia Bank ___________ .1·10 Maurice Otterback -------------------- Raymond E. Huntt 15-71 (2021 Nichol Av ., . E.) (..4.nacoatia P. 0.) Bank of Commerce & 8av1 11;r' M. D. Rosenberi .. W.~.Ben~etL _____ J.M. Riordon ___ _ Frank Owings ____ _ 8t n~•)1 0 Joseph 'anders. lrv1n Owmgs ,J .H. Milans. Sec. (7t h an d lEn-6 . 8 s., ... n. V, P.  {L. E.  50,000  23,000  845,220 . ----- ---·  450,420  375,660  13,800  100,000  64,000  1,240.000 ----------  725,000  290,000  200,000  •Columbia National Bank.•t"87 Albert F . Fox _____ Oharles B. Bailey_ Clarence Oorson __ A. N. Mitchell ____ _  250,000  N \T• )  YO,,  ' ,, '  "Bank of the People."  16--1  anJ°ef~t., ·. \V.) •·0 4  ontinenhl Tru -t 0 0 , ____ .5•12 + 15-75  *DISTRICT NATIONAL BANK 1G-12  (1 06G Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  t .. •• W.)  639.050  52,500  1,220  •·oo  225,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.  ~  (')  540,840  1-13,390  c:: 108,210 N. City, N. Y.; District N.and Rigi:s :J:  171,240  N., Wash.. D. 0,  c.  tJl  33 , 740  ROLFE E. BOLLING_. J. A. CAHILL------- JAS. H. BADEN------ F. E. GHISELLI-- --- - - R. G. DONALDSON, W. J. HARRISON, h tt • BV.RHTUNTCISSEL 1,000.000 0 th.otmz. A.caa ·lFfNDAhCAIN  2,173,130  290,510  I,81:;,770  826,440  :!:  80,000  575,280 1st ~-. N. Y. and Chi.: tth St. N .• Phil.; Merch. N., Bait,; N. Shaw- " mut, Bos. ~  --- --- --- ---  • B. cott  470.400 10.02Z.4SO  1,255,070  for Service.  --------10.Bates W. Warde=----IM. J. Winfree, Su.IE. L. Norris, 'l.'r.. . Warren  8,120,320  3,503,660  _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 1.000,000  2tJO.OOO  550,000  452.920  ROB'T N. HARPfR ----W. P. !IPSCOML--- H. L OFFUTT, JR. ----T, $.MASON-------,---,LEWI HOLMES WILLIAM C. LOOKER C. J. OCKELER Try US for quick service at a reaaonable charge,  2,498,600  -  U nusual  ,- - - 11 -  S-  1,304,800 809,400 520,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cr.nt. Tr. Co. of ::, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ill., Chi.  5.318,770  1.980.050 -  921,210 -  collec tion fa cilitles  CO RR ES POND ENCE  I  S'  380,800 2,946,000 ___ ___  6,328,090 ________  CfJ  CbaseN.and Chatham&Phenb: 1,842.820 UOZ,520 N .• N. Y.;Cont.&Com'IN.,Clll.; ~ :~•~llnN.,PhU.;N.Shawmut, ~  - -,- --1- - - - -  Organized, Equipped and Conducted  -  t]j  > --- - - - ---  NATIONAL BANK 04 th  Washington. D.  B. W. GUJ'  ·coMMERCIAL  80,160 ChaseN.,N. Y.: Cont. Tr. Co., Wash., ~ D.C. Q  ~  200,000  • y k 0 335 l w or  0  0  BREUNINGER W~. LD.NW~E11SHTA._U_S_E_R_ FERNAND PETIT, R. M. WOLFE ------• • I Caah. &: Sec. • s. p I LL PS  BANK• .19 CITIZENS SAVINGS 15 63  t,  l~  K. f, BROOKS, A. Tr • Officer J. E. MORAN, A. Tr. Officer  INVITED.  -  1,579.330 Met. Tr. Co. and Mech. & Metala N .• N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; tth t. N., PhD.; 1st N., st. r,.  /c  ...,0  "DUPONT SERVICE"  1:11 C  THE DUPONT National Bank  ■-  .c  Cl)  ta  • C  upon  Circle at Connecticut Avenue  WASHINGTON, D. C.  Capital  •  •  •  •  $  Surplus and Undivide Prof ts • Depos ts  •  •  •  •  200,000 · 50,000 1,600,000  SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTION ITEMS FOREIGNt EXCHANGE "DUPONT SERVICE"  ta  ..J  I  ~  z C m  FRANKLIN NATIONAL BANK w A The Great Pennsylvania Avenue Bank s In the Heart of the Wholesale District  H I  C L CT NS-a kinds-SOLICITED  ~  ..,.  T 0 N  I  LOCATED-PENN. AVENUE AT TENTH STREET, N.  I-  ~  z  Char e  Cl)  c., c.,  1/10 of  1%.  w.  Minimum 2 c  MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME DIRE T YOUR CLIENTS TO US JOHN B. COCHRAN President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THOS. P. HICKMAN Vice-President and Cashier  D. C.  p  I .'  '  . ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INTERNATIONAL BANK  PUBLISHERS OF PRATTS DIGEST 0 F FEDER AL BANKING LAW  AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS FOR OVER 4500 NATIONAL BANKS  A. S. PRATT & SONS, Inc. C  B  D  wAs~~~~roN  represE;nt the business and_ ~nancial ~nterests . of its ~atrons everywhere. Its connections place it in an exceptionally favorable ppsitton to assist Amencan business men at the National Capital.  r  E  D. C.  LARGEST ST ATE BANK AT THE NATIONAL CAPJT AL The lnternatio~al Bank Speci_a l ~ervice DeJ:»artment with its elaborate organization , is equipped to  See our larger advertisement on page opposite Index to Lawyers in this book  A  WASH NGTON  G  L  K  H  2  3  3  tlL  6a,  ...  U.S.NA\'AL  4  MUSEU>I  4  0  ., • • f8ii.•.. :_:.~mrl=I--•II■-~ • _ _  -~  0  ■-■ -  . /II ...  ~:J  // WASH! GTO , D. C. (MAIN PORTION)  SCALE  ,.  }{  Rand ?d0Na1l7'1 ?ie1r 11 ;a 14 Map of Wublngton, I>. C. ( Portloa) OopJrl&bt b.T 1lan4 XcSally I: Co.  A  B  /  l'I  .  ,  I ._ ._ -·•• a 1 •lllill 111 • - I . --. ■•• fol  ■  ·,  ., . . . • • ·1'  •■ :I --= ·:• ■,  -··  "~  .·  llll  - -  :  -  :/·_:>-:-,:, • :-, . -  .  •  I  • •  :1:. :.~ II: •••• I  \  !!  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  hy  es'  e  0  e y  Helps You to Look Ahead  Deals with Practical Problems  Shows Better Ways to Advertia1t  Management is const.a.ntlY Improving. Planning for to-day and looking ahead is the banker's biggest Job. Through THE BANKERS' MONTHLY you get the best ldeaa on m&nagement trom many or the ablest bankers. They are worth reading.  EIIectlve bank management depends on systematic planning. The above chart shows how one bank met Its problem or Judging credits. THE BANKERS' MONTHLY shows many Interesting ways to use charts to get better control of business.  Does It pay to advertise? Here Is a window dlsplay that made good In the biggest kind of way. Every Is.rue or THE BANKERS' MONTHLY gives you new sugizestlonq on how to make all adverttslng more effPctlvP. Yes, advertising pays but It m\18t be done right.  You Can Use These Plans  Stop and Figure it Out  Every month we have letters from bankers askin_g whether we can supply copies of previous issues of THE BANKERS' MONTHLY. And almost invariably our answer is "No, we are sold out." Why is it that the few extra copies of each issue of THE BANKERS' MONTHLY sell out so quickly? Only the banker who knows this magazine can give the r_isht answer. It is because THE BANKERS' MONTHLY is not a magazine merely. It is a genuine bank service, a practical and profitable aid to better banking. It is not mere news, or personals, or entertaining stories. What bankers get in this magazine-and what YOU can get-is new banking ideas, new plans and policies, im_proved bank methods that have been tried out and PROVED in many banks and that you can apply or adapt in your own. Why not try these plans? You will find in every issue of THE BANKERS' MONTHLY something worth much more than its trifling cost.  Stop a moment and figure it out for yourself. There ar e approximately 30,000 banks in the United State· . In control and direction of these banks there are nearly 200,000 officers and directors, working, planning, trying out new ideas and methods. Some of thetie methods prove to be failures; some are no better than the methods used before; but others result in definite improvements and scores of banks, large and small, by adapting and applying these methods have attained remarkable success. Our editors are constantly 1n touch with these banks. They are continually collecting the facts. studying them, analyzing them, and in every issue o' THE BANKERS' MONTHLY they tell you clearly, painstakingly, and without frills or technicalities just what these banks do step by step to attain their remarkable success and you by studying the,ie ideas and plans will be able to increase the efficiency and profits of your own bank.  What About Ten Years from Now Probably one of the greate.~t if not the greatest factor in success is looking ahead. The vast majority of business failures when carefully analyzed show that the men in charge were depending entirely too much on their own limited point of view. They failed to look broadly and to look ahead. The successful banker, more than any other man, needs to focus a searchlight on the future. Not that failure is a danger. That isn't the point. The vital thing is that looking ahead means better banking, more business, more profits, and vastly better service to the community. Stop any subscriber to THE BANKERS' MONTHLY and ask him why he reads the magazine. In ninety-nine cases out of every hundred the answer will be, "Because it shows me what other progressive bankers are thinking and domg: 1t gives me a keener mental attitude toward my work, and. help~. me therefore constantly to improve my banking business.  Every Issue Give Something Ne In every issue THE BANKERS' MONTHLY brings to your desk the latest and best banking information, new ideas on the problems you have to solve, how other banks and bankers have faced and solved already the very difficulties that confront you, and how they !'Ire building business and winning greater profits. Many of the most successful banks in the country are contributors to THE BANKERS' MONTHLY through one or more of their members. Every article and report therefore is reliable and in every case is based on years of successfu: banking experience. It is this down-to-bed-rock policy of the magazine that gives it its unique value, that makes it an actual HELP to bankers and leads many of them tu consider it a bank necessity. We are sure you also will agree with _this point of ~iew when you have had a chance to examine the magazine.  Let u end you the current i ue on trial. No money is a ked for unle you are atisfied. The co t i only 5.00 a year - twelve i u  THE BANKERS' MONTHLY 536 So. Clark St., Chicago, Ill.  Helps to Sirnplify Day's Work THE BANKERS' MONTHLY will help you to keep your fingers on the day's work, show You the best ways to keep ~:~f~~• a~d 1~m~~~w r~ftin~rt~ntc~a;t any time Just whPre your bank stands and what your costs are.  Shows How to Cut Costa Unwatch d costs creep up. THE BA KER ' , 10 THLY will help you io watch c , give you ores or Ideas for reduotng expenses and Improving your bank showing. All element.fl that enter Into the finding and controlling or eoete are treated wtth PartlcuJar care.  Helps to Meet Competition Every ban has Its problem or mcetln comi>etJtion, 1n city or country. rvl sonewayt.o olveoompetttlon and t<rd y bank rv1ce 1s king on a new m lnJ?. Lei THE BANK.ER ' 10. THLY help you meet competition  161  Number under Name of Bank is the New Tranel& Number given to each bank in U. B. excluslvelf by The Band-McNal17 Bankers' Dlredory under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  I  ~  NA.IIJt 01.1' BA.NK. b:> •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState\ tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. (E tab. ♦Mero. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PR:&,IDKNT.  I  I  g Point (InNon-Bank Towns with Nearest B dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, e~c~~ ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES.  WASHINGTON, D. C.-Continued  I  CA.SHIER.  (Federal Besene Dl1trld No. 5 )-Besene Cit, LIA.BILITIJl:S.  Ass'T OA.SHIER.  '  SuaP1.u1 INDITID- D11Po11Ta OJ' UAL AND 0 -~APITAL PaoJ'ITS D ■PO!_I~ BANJ:.a PAID•U.P  LOAN■• D11-  ~  3,800  3,770  4,000  133,280  432,850  61,560  69,9001Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt.,[ t, cj, Balt,: Com'l N .. Wash •• D. 0,  1,224.350 1,674,370  145,200  816,1150 N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co .. and Am. ~ Ex. N., ~. Y.; Mereh, N •• Bait.; ·~ 3dN., Phil. ___  15,630  30,870 _- -  EXCHANGE BANK --------•1'14  Finley _______ Elmer Sothoron __ Wm. R. Na1?eL ••• E. Gerstenberl?---W. K. Reeve  50,000  15,800  631,290 - - - -  c. T. Cropley _____ _  252,000  379,880  t., N, W.)  *f EDE ft AL  JOHN POOLE------ WM. J. EYNON---- C. B. LYDDANL •• F,,J~STRYKER---Cnb. D. BOYER WM. C. JOHNSON,  NATIONAL BANK  •t'l3  15-79 (14th and G)  *f nANK11 N  JOHN  NATIONA L BANK  •.  (7th and Eye t .. N. W,)  2,101.570$  40,760  -  ____ ___ _ _ _  573,000 195,000 3.054,00 342. 00 4,289,000 11- - - • 1• - - -1-  Actg.  I  1  I  J. H. LAWRENCE .•••• C. C. ECKLOFF------ C. H. DORCH  512, 00 1.351.0 0 -  O  Chase N.l...Llbert7 N., and Han. N., N. i::.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; FrankllnN.,Phll.; N. Bk.  Com,, Bait.  74_0,, __2_08_·5_5_01_ _ _ _ 1 1-·3_7_4_·28_0,1_1_·8_8_8·_ 10 1s._o_!~---------·,11,__2_25_.ooo_; _ _  ------1'  B. 1. BOUDl!EN  CHAS. SONNE LOUIS ROSENBERG  ·~  I  e. COCHRAN THos. P. HICKMAN THos. P. HICKMAN ,~rHUMillt&~T  E.W. BRADFORD,  HAMILTON SAVINGS BAN~'17  500,000  -  We peclallzt' Oil Collections. ('harges }' ceedlnKlf lloderate. Make Thi· Bank Your Bu. Ines· Home when In Washington, ..,El\'D \'UTOlt · TO i; •.  (Penn , v~~!iloth t .. N.~?~  liH)II  I  _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  Aaat. to Pm. Give your patron• coming here a letter to us. Courteous and efficient service guaranteed.  I:_.  I~-  56,120  25,000  •Farmers & MechanicsNat. Bk. H. V. Haynes •••••• R. D. Weaver _____ H. L. Selby ______ G. L. Nicolson •1814 16-8 (31st and M) (Gwraetown P.O.)  g  «'""  CAsa  10,200  EQ.uity Savinl?S Ba.nk----•1'16 J. Rozier Bi2'1?S---- G. R. Perry ---- I. s. D. Sauls, Tr. A.. C. Shepherd, Sec. G. R. Perry .. Mgr. 15-D0 15-88 (Pa. Ave. and 20th  I  67,020$  36,700$ 523,510 ____ $ 493,950$  4•.  M1sc11x.-  88,970$  East Washinrton Bavines Bk. J.C. Yost _________ S. H. Walker ______ Chas.A. McCarthy,-------$ 100,000 Sec. and Tr. Lewis Flemer •H'05 1H2  M.  BoNDs.  LANxcous R1:eouBcxcs Bzcua1TJH, aTc. IasoUBcics _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - -  1  109,610  23,040  e::: ~.:.:  n  9  C t N., Phll.;N.  ~ ,,.--  SEE ADV ERTISEM ENT ON D. C. IND EX.  tD  - IIU60 Cha. e N., N, Y. 263,1110 184,700 356,730 670,000 ________  > Z loir4  n C/l  Mor.(' rdral Br.  IF. AULDRIDGE,  (1 Branch) { "The rvfce," avlng Bank or General Se1  o"Il  I  A • .lJ(lr. <.:e11tral Br. . Modem, Progrelsslve, Hustling fo r Bu lne • WE WANT YOUR •  ~  LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK-•·17 Geo. 0. Walson •••• Wm. L. Robins •••• /E.J. McQuade ____ . J.B. Skinner______  126,860 Liberty N .• N. Y.: Federal N .. Wash., i» 224,830 263,820 846,350 12,850 33,040 1,165,990 250,000 rJJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ _ D. C.;Merch, Bk, of Oan.,Montreal. ::r  F. E. DAVIS------ S. D. LINCOLN---- A. S. GATLEY----- W. Melt STOWELL H. E. WILSON P. T. MORAN J. E. BAIRD Send ua your Washington items direct.  Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and lnlng Ei' N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., G'Q 235,000 1.Z39.470 Chi.; G ard N. and Phil, N., 204,830 3,004,540 1,359.090 335,780 4.897,280 300,000 0 PhD.; 1'lerch. N. and • Bk.... - - - -1---1----1 Com., Bait.  LINC OLN  NATIONAL BANK lH ( 7th and D ts •• N,  M. F. Calnan  G, W. Taylor  and Eye St,) (15th 15-114  w.)  •. 90  Prompt remittances at moderate rates. We collect and remit for Bill of Lading Drafts amounting to $500.00 or more at 1 /10 of 1 %,  p  McLachlen B k fl . corp,_.•t§"87 A. M. McLachlen .• F. AR. or~er _____ 1 , , ,,1ass1e 15- 59 10th and G t.,;. , W.  M.cLachlen. lJ. A.. Massie, Tr••• L. P. Sec, and A. Tr. 1  P.A. DRURY------ JE. A. BHEERRBRERLILCH---- F. P. HARMAN, Jr•... E.W. POPKINS------  MERCHANTS IANK-------•§'16 { 15~88 N ,u ) (1413-15 G t., , n,  E s' 'A.N'S BANK"  9 Largest Capita) and Surplus of an y "THE BUSINl,S  __-__-_ -41-9,-54-0 -4-5-6,-25-0 --5-1,-88-0 -11-0.-85-0 ImR~· &NTra.dNA·m· NS.ecYu.r: &ATmr. N ., 150,000 --9-2,-84-0 --80--1,-68-0 -_-_, 0 0 .. . .. 11?1!S ., an Wash., D. C.; FidP.htyTr.Co., Bait. N .N. N. dYR.:.,oh., BaDICt.: 101,000 1,495,000 _______ 1.(30,000 64,500 __________ 337,000 Han. 1ggs ,, s ,, , • Com' 1 . an  tate Bank In t be District of Co lumbla.  ---- W.R. BAUM--------- ---------------· ---f·t, DAJOYHNSSTON S VBANK20 {fMo· ·,ii1mtE1" R. T. tllGHFIELO •••. I ON ch. 01 Bd.  MOUNT VER\g.!t 7 A •  I  n  •§'  Special A.ttentto n Gl,en Collectlo ns. TR y us. (9th and K) Munsey Tru tCompanY---•1'13 F. A. Munsey ____ W. J. Lambert.. ••. C, H, Pope, Tr. ___ T. 0, Willis, Sec.__ P, J, McMahon, C. D. Ratcliffe, o. HD. Pope 15-81 0 • , Ratcliff'e A. Tr A. Tr. (Munsey Bldg.) C, Frank Keane,  160,000  59,000 1,262,0-10  10,040  1,375,820  2,000,000  !17,870 8,7113,240  9.470  2,696,010  65,000  78,910  106,310  1  .A. Tr.  527,140 2,857,690  :1:  •:  f , II  f  • •  I  I  •I:,  I •  I  •  .  · THE ·R .,;~Gs"NATIONAL BANK-Largest National Bank in Washington Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  ~-  ::, i:: n,  ,.. -  ~ •umber under Name of Bank 1 th ew 'J'rauslt umber giun to each bank in u. S. c rluslvely by The Rand-1\lcNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The Amerkan Bankers Ass'n.  lfiZ  NA.Ml-J OF BANK. •.Mem. Am. Bks. A ssn. §• state - . :t:.Mem. State Bks. Assn. "Pnv, ♦ ~tern. Fed. Res. [~stab~  PRESIDE  ·T  • ·  I  \  , ICE-PRE .IDE. .T.  I  _.  WASHINGTON , D • C. - Continued  CA.SHIER  ·  ·  Non-Bank Towns with Nearei,t Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this (Federal Reserve District No. 6)-~eservc Cl~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ volume. For Interest Rate., Holidays, etc., sro Laws. ~ LIABILITIEFI. RESOURCES. ·• ----PRINCIPAL CORRESPO 'DE."TS. lNDIVIDLoANs Miscmr.Ai,;,, T CAsBIER. ~ Arn-uP I SuRPLus, AND UAL iDEPOSITS ~F Drs- & sBoNDs, ECURI- LANEous CAsll CAPIT L " R s . • A \ Pao FIT~ DEPosrTs! BA .. xs couNTs TIES, :Tc. REsouacl!ls E ~ua:Es • .  I  .,,  1  *National Bank of Washmeton C. F. Norment ____ Damel Fraser----- --------------------JW. W. Nairn____ $1,050,000 15-7 •!1809 ~- L. Starkey J. Frank White Geo. P. Sacks  766,580$ 7,445,330 S  *NATIONAL CAPITAL BANK  255,560  H. H. McKee ______ Albert Carry ------ H. C. Stewart----- ' D. D. Walker______ 15-5 •!'89 S. H. Walker (316PennsrlvaniaA\'e ... E.) _ _ _ _ _ - --------··  *NATIONAL METRO  I  I  200,000  ! 1,579,090  104,310  857,910  I  NATIONAL SAVINGS .t. TRUST COMPANY--15-52 ______ •:tl'67  W. D. Hoover _____ Woodbury Bla1r:-=-o. C. Lamborn:--Tr. . F. W. S_tone F.R. Ullmer. A.1'r. North Capitol Sa vines Bank Theodore M1chaeL V. C. Dickey ______ E. S. Bunrnss. Sec._ 15-78 •5'12 B. L. Grove (731 N. Capitol) George Clagett . Northeast Saving Bank-•!§'16, L. P. Steuart----- C.R. Talbert------ W.R. Lewis _______ 15-89 . Geo. F. Hoover Northwest Savine-s Bank-•t§'l5 1Francis M. Savage_ Jas. ~1. Beall ______ Gregg. C. Burns __ _ t5-81i I Frank S. Bright \Y.T.Fitzgerald,Tr (18th and Columbia Road) . Park savings Bank: ______ ef'09 Thomas Somerville L. E. Breuninger __ R. S. Stunz _______ 15-70 W. H. Klopfer (14th and Kenyon t., •. \Y.) G. F.. Walker  lcn .,_,  I(') c1  4•812•2401 z•1"4 490 ~ •  I  OLDE T l\ATIONAL BANK IN THE DI TRICT OF COLUMBIA. Loeated directl opposite United tate Trea ury. Aceount ', Collctions and Correspondence Invited.  2 (613-1:ith t .. ~·· \\',)  3,47u,380 $ 202,500$ l,a81.u20 ,\m. Ex .•. , Irvmg N .. _.. . City and 1 C!i~se N., N. Y.; M_erch ••. , Rich.; Cit1z. N .. Balt.; Girald N .. Phil.; I N. Shawmut, Ros. 820,930 66,880 536,620 N . .Bk. Com., N. y .: Merch. N., Balt.; C::, 1 Fifth-ThirdN .• Cin,;Phil,N.,Phil. -  I ------------11>----11----j---1----- -  GEORGE W. WHITE -- 0. H.P. JOHNSON.,_ C. F. JACOBSEN----- C. E. BRIGHT--- ---J. G. MOORE, Auditor A. A. ttOEttLING, JR., A.H. BEDFORD r· Tr. Officer C. L. ECKLOFF • C. F. R.A. OGILBY, _aoo.oooJ_aza.ozo '_a.785,470 ,,_ssuso Tr. Office,  BANK POLITAN l:i01814  1  15,380 $5,042,580  1  l  I  I  -  ftAD  700 4· 014 •880 N.Y.; Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. ➔ 1st N., Chi. and Bos.; Corn Ex.N.andl\-farketSt.N. Phll.·10  1n0,  ,- - -  Cltiz. N., Bait.  '  ' (')~  11  E.P. Wilson, Su. __  1,000,000I 1,794,850 9,058,730  .  E. B. Auldridge____  90,000  12.600 1  1  5,960  843,000 '! --------  508,760  1---------------- ----  50,000  12,0001  350,000 --------  80,000  w. H. Browne_____  75,000  19,090  456,530 -------  153,010  . B. McNeil-----W. B. Toctd, Sec. 1  50,000  70..790  I  l  1,685,9601----· ----11,195,170  I  316,050  ~  .:::i.  to  ►  ttl  ►  ll0,080 j  185,450 N. Park, N. Y .; Am. N ., Wash., D, C. ~  I  ~  -  -1------------------------1.H. ,  ~ C::  1 1,314,420 1,400,450 Chase~ .• Cent. Tr., Guaranty Tr. Co., and E<1uitable Tr. Co .. N. Y. 341.610 68,540 . 113,230 Mech. & Metals N ., N .Y.: District N ., Wash D C ·• · · 275,000 ______ ' 55,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Wash .. D. O. 244.290 85,090 68,210 Chase N .. N. Y.: Com·I N., Wash., D. C.  7,515,430 1,654,250  "'-  j  Peop!O Commercial • :wing-: John T. Clancy ____ :: '~ ·u~g~:;ia_~~---- I . ll. Whitehau t_ 100,000 ------ ---- ----------,----------'. ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ---Bank ----- 15 -rno _________ §'ZO G. W. OFFUTT ___ A. M. BAER-------- R E BOGLEY ec.. 100 ,000 91 ,o"40 2, 453 , 920 --------- 1, 57 2, 140 .A m BOWLtf 622,250 121,820 329,060 Bkrs. Tr. Oo .. N. Y.; N. ~et., Wash., ~ POTOMAC SAVINGS BANK OF , . "· OFFU Tr. D C · 1st N Alexandria Va GEORGETOWN-----·---•t1'03 JWe have the loc atlon, facllltle a nd equipment to handle your busl ness promptly and sattsf aetorlly. · · ·• ·• ' · A) 15-60 I Personal attent Jlon given collectl ons of Bill of Lad lo~ Drafts, Notes, etc. f} , l GIVE US A TRI AL. _ _ _ .... _ _ _ - - -,----i----'  5·  *RIGG  s NATIONAL  BANK  •t ... 'o" u  15-3  ~ §  CHAS. C. GLllVER--- M. E. AILES--------- R. V. FLEMING------ A. M. NEVIUS -----\  folHJt~tl~t  JR. E. M. AMICK, Auditor G. o. VASS Largest National Bank in Washington.  Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms  1.000,000 2,435,000 18.279. 00 3,903,000 16.432,000 4,210,000 - - -1  t  "'  ( a09-7th  15-f  t .. '. W.)  {C.H. RUDOLPH---- l~odk P/EJ.C~[fw-· v. ej,~g_a;~J Cash. 1w:-w. MARLOW __:-=l-500,000  301,000  We bal'e 1operl or racl'u~fe■ Por ob I talnJq prompt re ports and returns for 7oarltem1 and eolleeUon1ro r Wasbln1ton. ,  SECURITY SAVINGS & COM'L  ~Juliu · I. Poy -er ___ Frc<l McKee _______ , • R. Baulsir -----BAltK ----- 15-R0 ________ •i'IS 1~. G. Addison, Jr. (IJ' h · ll(l G t .. N. W .) 1 Seventh 'trePt avines Bank S. R. Waters _______ A.H. Ploege _______ J. D. Howard ______ 16-77 •tl'12 llarry Kaufman (7th and • . ._ ... '. W.) mlarcl . avinl? n:mk ____ '20 • ~- <rarrlincr _____ E. n. \\'illicrns ____ D. • Venables ____ 15-!l J{. lligg (9th and.' w York) I ( JViu fl inoton H<lnk continue d nu ,1e.rt P<tO )  IJ•  ~  2,938,180 l---r79,570 -2,444,570  1,103,800  118,6801  1::t 732,860 1st N., N. Y. and San F.; Girard N., C Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. , g. I  1  Latrobe Owens ___ _ J. L. Shipley  200,000  ----------------  50,000  I 1  I --------------------  Y.;Cont.&Com'IN.,Chl.:N.O Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N. aud o Phil. N., Phll. ::S  I  and lndiv"duals cordially invited.  *SECOND NATIONAL BK. -•:"72  192,130  121,1'0 3,127,540  i----------  33,430  1.300,440,---- -  ... 840  258. 730 _________  i  773,580  20,1801  672,9801  378,640  47,890  3,180,240  274.,70  i _______ _ 31.06l  I  385,630 N. Park and Seab. N., N. Y.: Riges N .• Wash., D. C.; Fidelity Tr. Co .• Bait. 287,360 Ohase N. and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt.  ~  P> ::, C P>  ~  85,700 N. Park .. N. Y.; DUrict '., Wa~h., ~ D.C.  '°  l...:)  THE RIGGS NATIONAL;tBANK ~ .L ,rgest National Bank in Washingt0n ·  163 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  647,000 4.871,000 N. City and Bk. of Ameriea, r •  - - - - -, -  I  WASHING-TON, D. C.-Continued (Federal Reser  Dlstd  n n .......  163  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclushely by The Rand-McNally Banker ' D!J'~f.or!_, under "!1~ authority ~ The Ame~can Ban~rs~ss•n.  -  _  PRESIDE.'i'T.  §tSPt<1;te riv.  ♦ :\Iem. ·F'ed. Res.  /  I  '.-L'IIE OF BANK.  !Miem. Atmt. HB~-· AA. n. a e ,;: • ssn. oh em.  VICE·P-RESIDE.'.T.  I  Ass'T Oe\SHIER •  _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _  Not to big to be small enough to ene e,·ery cu tomer per ·onallf, courteou Iy and efficiently. TRY oUR coLLECTION smncE.  •·20  F. P. MIiburn ______ A. R. Holden~-=--=-rf L. ·chreiner____ 1 I H. B. Denham  -I  AID-UP OAPITAL  _  C. A. PFAU  & SAVINGS BANK  -P- -  •  - JOHN BROSNAN, JR,- C. M, TOWERS------- SIDNEY THOMPSON----------------------  TERMINAL  COMMERCIAL  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-......, dexed Acee:; ) , Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in IJaC'k of th~ :» ~!um~ _For_ Interest Kate_!,_ Hollda!:"• etc .• see Laws. ::J ~ PRINCIPAL OORREsPo_ nE::-.Ts. RESOURCES.  (Federal Reserve Dls!rlct No. li)-Rcserve C!~Y  CASHIER.  [Estab.  l'3B m1.5s\~~ •·. w.)  WASHINGTON, D • C, -COll t'lll Ue d LIAB1LITJEs.  • CAsH M1sc11LBONDS, .SURPLUS I lND1vI:o- DEPOSITS ILoANs & LANEous R11:souncEs 8EcuR1DisoF UAL AND couNTs TIES, ETC. R11souncEs _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ PR0F1T~ DEPos1Ts BANKS  103.040 ---------- I  6,710  50,949  -  -  -  ,-  47,4ZO ---- -  -  -  1.400,000  185,000  900,000  500,000  250,000  G.E. Hamilton _____ E. L. Hillyer. See._ Edson B . Olds, Tr. 2,000,000 W. F. D. Herron, Irving Ziroel, G. E. Fleming A. Tr. .·1. Sec,' W. S. Barban R. Rutherford, A. Tr. 100,000 nitcd States Savings Bk.•1'06 Wade H. Cooper_ __ W. D. Barry _______ w. R. De Lashmutt John F. Cook______ \V. H. Zepp llHi4 1 t ....:.w.) 1 - - - ~ - - ' ,-::-=:-::-,=-:-=:-::-:=-=-----':-'-:---::c--:c=-::c=--=-=--.....:..,,,.=-c=:-=-:...,.,.,...c-=,--- I (14thand  6i3,910  5,591,380,  87,500  4,644.460  1,899,680  1,197,400  2,000,8701 _________ _  1.040,820  LOAN & TRUST  t  I I  J. 8. LARNER-----ANDREW PARKER--- H. G. MEEll,Tr. ____ BOYD TAYLOR.A.Tr. C.R. GRANT, A. Tr. C.H. DOING, JR., H. G. MEEM Cl Branch, A. 1'r. THOMAS BRADLEY Co • ) Send your Washington collections to us. 9 •§'8 lAccounts accepted on favorable terms and interest paid thereon.  S  •  § Guaranty Tr. Co.,.·. Y.; Com'! Wash., D. c.  i.:' ..  J  56,000  WASHINGTON  '<  7.890  6,910 $ 133,680$  200,000  uion Savin~s Bank ______ ef'91 Wade H. Cooper ___ 15-56 (710 14th t .. T. \Y.) E. J. Stellwa~en. __ UNION TRUST COMPANY •U1900 15-58  ,;  I  88,450  ---- ---  -  I  •  T  200,000 Han. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. 1 .: Cont. c· Oom'l N .. Chi.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. 663,400 N. Oity and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.  0  VJ  i,  ;:tj  n  -  266,170 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Di - '"'l trict N .. Wash., D. 0.: .r. Bk. _(Jf Q - ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bait .. Bait.: Am. Bk.&Tr.Co.,,\tl. "'Ij 894,430  87,910  0 ,Chase N.: N. Y.: Marine ~r. Co., Q 897,500 ~ 8Z.350 ~ ~ Buffalo, !th St. N., Phil., 1 t N., r4 st C: · L. Executes trusts of _ ~Y ~es cription. _ _ _ _ _ _  1,000,000 ~ ~  _ _ _ __ _  rn a~5 1h> ~ 75,000 OhaseN. anu Irving .. '., N. Y. 260,000 _________ 244.540 26,670 1,080.000 _ _ _ _ 50,000 Washineton lt•ch. sav. Bank Ezra Gou1a ________ ,J, C. Pylc: _________ , R, H. llafby ______ J. P. Casbarion ____ , to , . , , . , •tf'06 15-£6 ,let., N. Y,; N. co., Tr. Equ1table 64,390 66,490 225,840 222,liOO ---------'166,840 16.6001 76,000 WASHINGTON SAVINGS BAflK W. M. PHELAN---- J.D. LEONARD-----1J. D. LEONARD, Tr. R. l. EARNSHAW, ), Wash,, D. c. , A. Tr. G. B. 8RYAN • §'17 J. F. BRENNAN lfi 91 1H. G. REAGAN. Sec. arid A.Tr. V. l'. S. J. VENABLE (10.11 and Grant, •. W.) to McKee, Sec.,u. ~. Hneht,.lJgr._ j---------- _________ ---------- ---------- - - - - ---------- 1----------1---------H. ---------------,H, WashmKton Clearing Hou,~--- c. H. Rudolph, ___________ ► _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ ____ ____ Chafrm,rn <; Ic11111 rs iurlicatetl 1111 a*) 1 1  ..  CRANE, PAR!!~1t CO.-•nt·ss { = ~ = " ~ A J. L. Edwards  ----  I  Securities.  I  -  --:  I  .T  "N. Y.  •  I  I  S 48,000 $  ~rte!~•3~~-;~r  INTERNATIONAL { BANK  --- - -  VJ}ice, 923 East Ma.t ,~ St.Rich mond, Va.)_ ________ ____________________ Hornblower & Weeks and Harris, Winthrop & co .• N. Y. , ' 1 18,500$  21,000  •  I  ,  '  REDMOND & COM~AN\Y --- - - { il27 15th t .• N •  •  •  w.  SWARTZELL, RHEEM & • HENSEY COMPANY------- 69 727 15th St., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l:~m;:fs! R~ ~=:;,  1  I  0.  ____________________ (lnvestm ent Bond 11) __________________ 1______ ----,------ ________________________ N, City Co.,N .Y .• and corrrspuudent offices. See Adv. pat.?e 3. • j Diat. Saka M(JT. d Incftisiilai,s;-Piiiiiic-iTiftiiie s:----------------·- --------- --------- ------- . ------ -------- -------- -------- ------- ~::::~~~~: Redmou &  r,  wartzell. ,T. H. Uulmca~. __ ______ ·--- ________ _ • SwartzelL E. D. Rheem. ,. John .a. 1 r. I. P. and Sec. V. P. and 1 r. G.1''. Huut, A, ...~cc First Mortga2e Notes. L.  o  (l'Q  I  '20  •  ~  5·  N. Y.; Logan & ('") Bryan, Chi.: Bright, Sears & Co •• o or11: ao«I Washlnst on Stock Exchao ges. :J Bos. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1\l<•rch. ::!'. ecretary and Resident Co.unscl. _______________________ _ 3,000,000 ______________________________________________________________________ Guaranty ::, Bank, Washington, D. C. nker ·• Bond an d Investment·. Keal E ·tate. c:: See A ,dv. on Washi ngton, D. C. Map. urance. Foreign F..xchange. Finan clog Indu tries. (1) elgn Corporations and Steamship Line •  ~ATIONAL CITY COMP,A,,NY1'l 6 -------- -- ---------- --------------------_, R. W. llyn:.on, i4115th St..  ~  S 12,500 Oom'IN, and Munsey Tr.Co., Wash., ::, D. o.  1 ___________________ s. B. Chapin & Co., --------!---------  W 8. HIBBS & CO.--------•:•sg { CW.B'-HIBBSand W\_W.SPAID>------ __________________ I _________________________________________________ Memuen New Y John R. Waller, Investment Ba Exchange. In Agents for For  -  I  Exchanges. Me~bers_ New York, Wa shington and Richmond Stock 1426 N. -Y. Ave .• Nor we Frazier & Company ___________ (Consolidated with Redmond & Compan 1y.) WM E FOWLER & COMPANY {f~K~~er_<f ------ -------------J.B. Thomas ______ -------------------- S 100,000 - - - - --------- - - - 1f:a~!e!!I #~~~ gton Real Estate.I '17 We buy and se~ • • 819 15th treet ·  VJ  ::;-;~;s·sro CK EXCHANGE.-------------------- ---------- ----------1---------- ---------- 1----------1----------I---------- -·--·----· Seab. N. and L>be,ty  ---IA• P. Madei,a ______ W.ThompsonBurcJ __________________I(Branch  JOHN L. EQWARD S & Co •---'12 { Investment th st  (McL1chlC'n Bldg.)  z~  Selected List-INVESTMENT BANKERS and DEALERS  Mew. Inv. Ilks. Assn.  Other oFfice•. N. Y. and Bait. , __________________________________________________________ Ferleral .i.Tational, \rash .. ll. <..  •  JnnhPr 1nder  164  of  nlc i  1h  ..  'l'POH .. lf-  ., ... 11hn .. - · ·  ...  !fum1ta UDW Name of Bank is the New Transit Number J!1veu to eaoh bank in U. 8. escluslvely by The Rand-McNally Banker • Dlreetor,. ander &be authority of The American Bankers A s'n.  TOWN ~D COUNTY.  •Oounty Seau. ll'ed. Res. Dist. No. 6 ~onville Branch.  -  NA.ME OP B  K.  •Mem. J.m. Bks.Assn. iS t ate Ulem.8tate Bies. J.ssn.tPriv. ~Mem. f Pd. Res. [ Estab.  Alachua .•••• Alachaa Ka Bank of ..Uachua •••• --U'04 Pop. 778 63-U8 .. ·• First ,.ational Bank •••• •t'08 6S-139 •A1>alarhicola .• Franklin American Exchan,e Rank Pop. 3066 E3 63-93 tl'll " -·-··-· " A1>alaehicolaStateBank•U'07 63-92 Apopka .••••• Oranre L 5 State Bank or J.popka •••1'12 Pop. 798 63-223 •Arcadia •• _.DeSoto LI De Soto National Bank.•t'07 Pop. 3479 63-116  - --  PRESlDJt.NT.  -=--  I VICE-PRESIDENT.  53-114  Arrhcr •••••• AlachuaK « Bank or A.rcher .••••• - •• 1'13 Pop, 420 63-278 Auburndale ..•.• Polk L 6 State Bk. or Auburndaleetl'l2 Pop. 715 63-257 Avon Park •• De Soto L 7 First National Bank ··-·•t'll Pop. 890 68-212 FirstTrust&Savin,sCo. 63-213 •t.''lC B. i'. West BankineCo .• U'IHi 61-1(0 Baker •• ·-·-·OkaloosaB 1 Bank or Baker.·--·---1'16 Pop. 300 63-S09 •llartow ••••••••• Polk L 7 Polk Co, National Bank •t"91 Pop. C203 Q-91  STATE BAIK OF BARTOW 63-i7  •:1"07 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis'T 0.lSHill.  LIABILITIES.  Non-Bank To na with Ne est B nklng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers!.. Laws !Indexed) ln back of this vol~me For Interest Kates, Holidays, e ~ see La .  i  -~ESOURCES. Lo• u• Dia- c.uo&Ez.  PIUNCIP.A.L O0RR1CSPONDJCNT8.  PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS· CAPITAL AND c•n. llo,ruo, oe ..ou,Dua _ _ _ PROFIT» ~ ~ ~ • · _ _ _  s  25,000 S  1,000 S 150.000 S 80,000 S 90,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N .. JacksoDTille.  s. Traxler _____  25,000  9.000  195,000  170.000  70,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Barnett N.. Jacksonville.  J. P, Coombs·----· B. D. Morris ••••••• F. B. Wakefield_. F. B. Moody~--·  50,000  15,000  100,000  140,000  40,000 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  S. E. Teaeue_. __ N. R. Hays .••• ____ H. L. Oliver ____ • __ H. G. Fannin._. __ _ J. M. Fowler W.R. O'NeaL •• _. A, 0,Starbird •••••• W. G, Talton ____ ···-·--·-·--··. W. G. Welles •• __ B. i'. Welles.·-·--· H, L. Carlton ••...• L. Holtzendorff •••• R.R. Murray  25,000  10,600  535,100  418.330  l.52,360 Han. N •• N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  15,000  10,630  219,090  163,940  81,140 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  75,000  52,840  913,480  858,430  2M,770 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N. and Oitiz, Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tam1>a; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  T. B. KING ----- J. G. KING-·····-·· R. 0. TURNER ...... E. K. BUTLER.----· C. E. GIBSON  100,000  74.060  885.000  949,360  179,200 Chase N., N. T .: Merch. N .. Balt.: Fla. N., Jacksonville; Ex. N. and 1st ., Tampa.  W. H. Traxler.·--· C. A. Williams.....  l  . C. Dell •..•.•• - •. E.  ding Drafts and Cash Uem,. Draft for preaen utlon aad tor Katine.  J. S. Floyd-·---··· L. H. Treadwell •••  50,000  6,230  208,210  Paul C. Smith_ ••••• B. T. Fleminf••- •• R. P. Perkins---·-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \V, H. Po ell John L. Fouts..... amuel Jackson ••• P. E. Braddock •.•• B. L. Braddock •.•  15.000  640  34.570  85.200 171,440  O. A. Skipper •• ___ 0. E. Lanier.·--·· J.  v. Chapman ••••  M. T. Whidden •. _.  A. V. Anderson ••. R. I. Harris •••.••. U, M. Wiggins, ------·----··· D, A. Sapp Sec, and Tr,  J. W, White ____ D. G. Godwiu ___ M. T. Whidden ___________ _ J.  w. Ba1?1?ett, Jr .•  W. E. Moore.---·· B. Robi 'on ·-··---  o. c.  Eiland. Jr .•••  I  193,010  15,000  6.230  294,180  25,000  12,560  229,580  260,680  50,000 ·-------·  101.000  140,440  20,000 - - · - 15,000 1,000  15,000  5.400  63,000  60,000  T. L. Wilson .• - •• J. M, Oglesby-··· E. L. Win--·-- Geo. Seymour, Jr •• J. • Hooker J.B. Pylant, Jr.  100,000  John L. Fouts ••••• J. J, Sweariueen •• T. W. Gary ____ George R, PylanL  50,000  12,510  536,730  27,360 1,169,200 11)07,990 362,910  H.B. Gaskin ·-··-- D. F. StanfllL •••• M. M. Brinson, Jr .•  17,110  ,s,,120 1 2{15,830  Jchn R. Jack •••••• H. C. Gearin1: ···-- ·---···-··--·-·-··· 0. E. Lanier W. 0. Butler~ Jr ••• 0. A.. Prim _____ - - - - - - - - · · -  15,000  1, fOO  100,390  15,000  10,500  135,000  M. ll. Owens·--·- W. B. Hammond •• _ _ _ _ _ __  15,000  20,000  J. H. Dnrrance ___ W.R. llinor - - - H, H. Bryan·--·--·  20,000  U,910  C. W. Pierce-·-··· Chas. Petrie •.••• _ D. :-;, Hudson •••••• ····---··----··----·  15,000  3,500  88,8110  70,930  L.A. Bize ••••.•••• A. 'l. Cornwell •• _. M. B. J.Jderman .._ J.B. Gre~I! W. L Taliaferro ••.Tno. F. Vanderipe. J. T. Campbell --J. '1'. ampbell S. )(, Martin·--··- J. J. Dempsey ••••• F. D. Phillips·--·-  M. K. Herrin •• - H. D. Borney R. B, Balis ___ _  50,000  15,550  777.~70  668,280  40.000  81.690 1,012,590  863,290  ····--··-·~--  15,000  177,000  135,400  •Bloun'. town._. Calhoun BAIK OF BLOUNTSTOWN A. Pick Hie1?ins ••• Pop. 863 E2 65-141 •:W07 Boca,zraude •••••• Lee K 9 tate Bank of Boca Grande Ira H1guon ··-·-··· Pop. 500 63-142 •+5'15 •Bonifay .•••• Holmes D 1 Bant: or Bonifay --·-•:it'Ofi J.. Sessoms---·Pop. 1030 63-141 HOLMES CO. BAH.-•tl'll D. L. Green .• ---·-· 63-210 Bowling Grccn •• De Soto State Bit. of Bowling Green G. H.GilL-·-·--Pop. 692 L7 6S-l« •U'l0 Boynton. Palm Beach O 9 Bank of Boynton •• -··•1'15 Pop. 600 63-303 •Bradentown •••• llanatce Braden town Bk. & Trust Co. Pop. 3 68 K & 63-100 •U'l3 First National Bant:-•• •UOOO M-108 Branford ••• Suwanee J 3 Branford State Bank ••••tl'll Pop, 1000 63-145 •Bri tol-••••• Llberty JI' Z Bristol State Bank ••••• •tl'07 Pop. rge 63-146 •Bron on ••• - •• Levy J 4 Bank or Levy OountJ-•• !1'11 Poo. aoo 63-147 •Brook vilJe ••• Herna.ndo First Nation I Bank --•t"lO Pop, 1011 K6 63-185 Hernando State nan -•U'05 63-184  0.A.SHIJ:lt,  - - --  -:-==-===::=====~--=-==-=-  F. B. Godfrey_._ J. L. Matthews ••.• ----·-···----- - · - - - - - -  Special attentlo n ctven Bill or La Send toe with each plain Sigh& 2ie with each request for Reper Florida Trust & Bankine Co. J. G. King ···-··-- J.E. Rauler on •.• 63-318 •!i'l7 T. B. King  FIRST NATIONAL BANK•U900  FLORIDA  60.890 125,000  I  248,000  353,120 l  280,800  350.000  ;3 i  0  ~ 2,650 Chase .. . Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .• Chi.: 1st ~"iiv1fi~~dia and Tampa; Atlantic ...' .. Jae • ls.BOO Mech, & Metals N., N. Y.; Fla. N., Jackson- t:e ville. 142,770 Han. ., N. Y.; Citiz. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Tampa; ..,, 1st N ., Lakeland. "'4 33,540 N. City, N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt.; AtlanticN •• X Jacksonville: Ex. ~ .•Tampa. rJ'J 6,990 :Yerch, N., Bait.; C1tiz••Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tampa. 28,000 N. Bk.Oom •• N. Y.: Barue« N .. JacksonTille:j Bx. N., Tam:oa.. 15.000 Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Bkir. Sav. & '.I'r. Oo., 1~ Pensacola. . . ::r' 251,490 ~m. Ex. N .. N. Y.: Atlantic N .• Jacksonville: i::: Ex. N •• Tampa. ~  8  > >  I >  174,470 N. Park, N.Y.: 1st N.and Citiz .•Am. Ilk. & Tr.,,... Co .. Tampa. · 0 140,050 N. Bk. of Com .. N. Y.: Atlantic ...' .. JacksonJ tD ville: Peo., Marianna. . . 60,930 March, N .. Balt.: De Soto N., Arcadia; At0 lantic N ., ~acksonville. :,;25,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: J.m. N., Pensacola. en  8  198,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic Jackson- ~ ville; 1st N ., Andalusia. ;105,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Merch. N., Dalt.; E.. N., Tampa; Atlantic N,, Jacksonville. T ..  18,270 N. Park. N. Y.: Peo .. Jack onville; Palm Beach Bk. & Tr. Co,, West Palm Beach. 169,740 Seab. N., N. Y.: Ex. N., Tampa,  . Shuler ____ - - - - - - - -  20,000  8,080  78,450  89,270  303,680 AtlanticN .. N.Y.: 1.stN.,Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 61,900 Chatham & PhenixN. and N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; ._ Atlantic N. and Barnett N .• Jacl,<:onville. PJ 26,190 N. Bk. Com., :N. Y.; Atlantic N,, Jac.,.sonville. ~  W. J. Epperson.-•. J. U. Willis .••••••• E. A. 'l'urnipseed .• - - - · · - - -· Chas. 1, Prico ___ P. L. Weeks-·--·-· · - - - · ·- - ---·- Il, H. Robison ••••_ a. . Lock. . W. M.. M.cKethan •• J. . Jeumn~s ••• - R. 0, Ill - - s. R. Collins ••••••  17,000  14,SlO  132,910  141,300  19,900 Atlantic N., Jacksonville: 1st N., Gainesville, ~  50,000  17,460  15.000  16,280  R.H. Tuten._. __ E. O. Herndon·-·· T.  ••••  8,000  833.100 284,320  l I  351.100  74.560 ChaseN., N. Y.; Citiz. Bk, & Tr. Co., Tampa.  :::  242.250  76,IH0 N. Park, N. Y.: Ex. N., Tampa: Barnett N. and 1na. N., Jacksonville.  I!:::  :i;  PROTECTED BY  SURETY BOND c(  ID  za:_  The attorneys listed in the Rand McN ally Bankers Directory are bonded by the American Surety Company.  L&J  :c. 1-  :,  What Some Attorneys Say:  0  -"Am pleased with my connection. It is proving profitable." (Penna.)  (/)  -"We are much pleased with the results obtained from our contract with you and consider it a good investment." (Wisconsin.)  -"I value my representation very  (/)  ,  z  L&J  --1-0  N Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  highly and I am sending all my out-oftown business to your lawy rs." (Io n,a.) -"Our confidence in your list is being ju tified and we desire to continue a your representative in this community." (South Da~ota.)  -" ! have gotten so much good busin s through your list in th last thre . At month that I am much plea fir t I thought I was stuck again." (Texa&.)  -"In our judgment it is superior to any List of Attorneys our long experince has brought u in contact with. B-'ld in addition to this is proving a very fruitful source of business to us." (Kentuch.) -"The business I receive is of a firstclass nature and I usually get results for clients nd make good fees out of claim forwarded• me through your Ii t." (South Carolina.) - " In the last few months, we have everal good fees from your 11 ceived Li t. Last week we received a mortgage to foreclose which provide for a fee of seven hundred dollars. You can e why I want to stay with you."  (O~lahoma.)  i-  Send Your Lega Business to  onded Attorneys  I  la  r lJ ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THE  First National Ban MIAMI, FLORIDA OFFICERS E. C. RO. IFH - - - - - Pre ·ident W. JI. , 'PITZER - - \'ice-Pre idc>nt C,. B. RO IFH Yice-Prc>:ident  b. . W. DDELL - - Vice-Pr ident W. W. C'{;LBERTSO,. a hier T. F. ::\Ic.\rIJFl E - - .\ ·t. Ca hier T  -  -  (  NOVEMBER 15, 1920 (Comptroller's Call)  RESOURCES Loan and Di count::, ............................................... 2,72 ,745.42 Overdraft ·........ ... ................... . .... .. ............ . .. 2,626.51 Bankincr Hou ·e .... ......: ....... ....... .......... ... ..... ...... .... 11.3,504.7H Unit d , tate Bond· (2' par) . . ........... ........... 151,000.00 Liberty and Victory Bond. (Market) . ... ... ...... ... 174,237. 6 Other Marketable Bond ............ ..... . .... .......... :l07,91G.00 C. , . Trea,·ury Certificates ...................... - · . . . . 306,;'500.00 Note' ecured by U., . Bond: .................. ... .. ..... 141,333. 5 Commercial Paper and cceptances . ;j31, ,;3.35 CA, H RE, ERVE........ .. ............... .. . . 1,19,j,922.34 :\ ft55,noo.10  LIABILITIES  Capital ,··tock............ .................... . . ...... ................ . :wo,oo .00 , urplu::; and Profit· ... . . ........ ............. . ................. 200,60;'5.7 . . ~ational Currency I ued ...................................... . 14 ,600.00 140,G00.00 Bank Acceptance , olcl ...... Bill, Payable-Govcrnmc>nt , ecuritic ····················- 237.0 0.0 66,79-j,Q0 Liberty Bond Note: - R<'-di ·,•ounted ....... DEPO. IT, ................................... ····-- -· .. . . 4,562,0-'>9.32  5,G,>~,uno.10  DEPOSITORY United States  Postal Savings  Dade County  State of Florida  City of Miami  THE SERVICE BANK OF MIAMI When your friends visit MIAMI give them a letter to us Every courtesy shown them tj  "  ,..  --  ~  _ :'  •  •  :  •  •  • •  .-  -  •• , , ~ , . - - ~ ~ • • •  • ~ I  TAMPA, FLORIDA A progre ive bank in a progres ive town.  We furni h painstaking, personal Bill of Ladin  ervic  Drafts especially desired.  BANK OF COMMERCE  11111111------------------~-11·, St. Petersburg, Florida Send your Collections to  FIRST NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  For Prompt and Efficient Service Capital Surplus & Profits Resources over -  $200,000.00 125,000.00 3,000,000.00  OFFICERS T. CHA CELLOR, Pre ident MAX A. H. FITZ, Cashier C. W. PR! G TEAD, ice-Pre . P. V. CUNNINGHA I, i\.~ t. Ca h. R. J .• lcC TCHEO •, Jr., ~ t. Cash.  ACCOUNTS OF FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS INVITED  l"lortda.  F  INDEX  I  H  G  J  K  L  M  N  0  80°  TO  81°  COUNTIES. Alachua ...• &: s Raker ....•. K Bay ......... D Br•dford .• K Brevard .... N Broward ... F andN  2  2  s  e  7 10  "'3  Calhonn .... E 2 Cltrus ..... . K II Clay ..• L s Columbia ... J J  t-..  Dade •..•.... F 8 De Soro .... M 8 Uu,al ..•.... L 2  ~  2  Escambla .• A 1 Flal!'ler ...... M 4 Franklin .•. F s  2 5 7  3  3 "'---1  (")  .Jefferaon ... H 2  (  (  ~ I-  ~  '  r  C. ~  ...~  ~  CJ  ....< I< I"'  B 5 10  2  "2  Jdad!son .•... 1 2 Mana1ee .. K 8 Marlon ..... K .l!onroe ..••. E 8  "  {)kA]ooaa ... ·B OktwcbobeeN Orange .•.. M Osccola .... M  1 8  Palm Beacb.O Pasco ....... K Pinellas .... J Polk ...... L Pumam •.. L  10  6  '1  4  4  29•  29•  u  G  L·  F  ri 0  6  .F  6  ~  6  '1 '1  ~  3  s  8 1  5 5 2  6  ~  Taylor ..•.. R 2 Volusia .... M 4  ~  +  6  28'  28°  Wakulla ... G 2 Walton ..... C 1  0  Waah!ngtonD 1  7  7  C  c.,  6a,  a  Nassau ..... L 1  t. John ... M St. Lucie .N Santa Hosa.A t•minole ... M SumL r ..... K Suwanee .... I  so•  ~  1 .Jacl<son .... E 1 1,ar,yette ... 1 Lake ........ L Lee ........ M Leon ....... G Le,·y ....... J Llberty •.... F  2  '<.  30  Gadsden .••.F 1 Ham!lton ... J H,•r1,a11do .. K lIJllsb'l!h. K holllles ...• .D  1  ~  1  0  .::  .. :.,  s =:  ii!: ,  ::'  .="'=·'"  8  B  ,II •  s:  :.,  z  <> E  :rr  27°  RA  -5 !l  ...  .:ic;  :'c  ...=o,:  FLORIDA  1,1 ►  ~  10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  C  .. I.  J~  40  50  60  70  80  100  00  Rand t .:'..\'a11T's Newll 'il◄ lhp of-Plo ridL c.pj-JigLl b' II.and )ld<all1 !.: Co.  :., .t:I  :::,  1 Inch.  Statute )Illes, 39  :.,  =~ z  s.  SCALE  ~  -c:,c  g  POPULAR MAP OF  9  a IIOC  .... =·"' =~ .'  D M9NALLY  A  87"  B  0  86.  D  E  85°  H F  G  ------  83"  J  M  s1•  I  N  0  I  ~:i  o\  I  i$ i i  ' ,.,,, ;  :;  :,''  ,''  FLORIDA A IO A  j  ,  ,,''  '  r'' ,'  ,.  I  -~ ·  ll1111111111111' 1111111111111111' 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111! l!IIIIII '11111 1 111111 111111  it ii.'  111111  111111  111111, !11111  111111 111111  lllllli.  ,; ,': I: ;1 ,, ,  llllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllll, 111111, ,111111 111111 111111' 1111111 11111111 ,11111 1!111111 1111111 ,1111111 llllllllilllllllll 11111111 11111111•  ;:  OFFICERS  :,; ,-,'  ARTHUR F. PERRY. President CHAS. B. CAMPBELL. Cashier GILES L. WILSON. Vice-Pres. JOHN A. NEWSOM, Ass 't Cashier W. A. REDDING. Vice-Pres. N. A. WAKEFIELD, ABB 't Cashier GEO. J. AVENT. Vice-Pres. B. S. WEATHERS. Ass 't Cashier F. W. BEIDLEMAN. Ass 't Cashier  ,_  , '$ I  I I  :  --  1;  Reso rces over $16~000~000  if ii :  I  J  ,;  , ,1',  it, ,;  -.. -  '';  OF JACKSONVILLE  :~ '.  -  i' :$  -,  '; $' i  ''' $  •  ,'' ,' ;  •  , I  j  'i;  ,,'  •  i ;  ;I  ;I  •  #I  ;1  $  #1  ,,. I  Collects A I Florida Direct at  '$  Lowest Rates  ,,,$ ,., ,,'  ;;  ' I  I  '; ' ' ,;'  Your Items are treated as we would wish you to treat ours  !1  :;  ''  ,;  ''  ,,'' ;$  }  I  I  '  '#;  II i  '' ''  '$,  CORRESPONDENCE INVITED  i: ·~ ''  't  I '1  ,,:1 '''  'i !'  ,:  .-  Ii  ,t 1  ;'  i' I  . "  ~ "·' -n1• ~  ""'  1  ... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  ! ' I  .  165  umb r under Name of B nk is the N w Tran It Number given to each bank in U. S. exclu ·lvely by The B.aod-McNally Banker ' Dl~tory, under the a~thorlt>· of The American Banker A 'n.  'Iow.=- A.·n- 0UNTY.  .t.County eats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch.  0  .L  AME 01<· BA,K.  • lem.Am.Bks.Assu. 8tate tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPrh'. [Estab. ♦Mero. Fed. Res.  I  ·  LI~~;~.-  Ass'T CASHIER.  ~5,;0  W. A. Collins ___ R. F. Collins------ Mary K. Potter.-..  15,000  8.800  185,330  166,.,.60  L. L. Owens·-··--- E. L. Jones ••• _____ ··---···----···-----  15,000  4,000  88,000  100,000  1  50-1,420  J. H. Fears _______ J. H. Fears____ __________  15,000  3,000  69,000  41,000  15,000  2,450  00,330  58,410  15,000  5,250  134,130  64,890  M. M. Clyatt·-- O. J. Huber·----- - - - - - - - · -  16,000 -·--·-·  41,470  33,000  S. A. Alford.____ 0. V.Royster ___ A. R. Williams....  25,000  9,000  200,000  196,000  8. A.. Alford ____ W. 0. Bntler._·•-- IJ, M. Grace·---  50,000  20,000  353,630  451,480  J. J. Kldridre --· H. W. BiYlna ___ L. E. Johnson_____ H. W. Bivins A, W. Gage ___ ._ F. L, Hendrix._ L. T. Gregory, Jr.,  100,000  60,000 1,200,000  800,000  75,000  39,850  82,460  Sec. and Tr.  15,980  Prompt remltta nee for all  U-ZOO  eollectll  702,230  847,520  z>  240,590 N. City, N. Y.; tat N., Tampa; AtlantlcN., ~  .Jack1om1lle;Phll.N.,Phll.  13,250 ·····---· _  C  168,270  83,950  25,000  6,420  381,700  318,6110  25,000  12.000  900,000  720,000  Ol'oanut Grm a . Dade F 6 Bank of Coconut Grove.•§'20 A. W. Sander ----- Irvin~ .J. Thoma __ Geo. L. Reynolds __ \\ m. V. Little . , 63-345 Pop. 200 Ooleman _____ sumter K 4 OoJemau Bankmr Oo,-.. 111 1D. W. 8w1corcL_ ... F. L. Rutland .. - .. Alto .Marsh _______ _ 113-155 Pop. 640  15,000 --·-----9,500 15.000  103,280  18,550  93,300  72,950  oottondale_ • .Tackson E 1 Planters Bank·--·---···•1'16 J. W. Hinson .. _._ H. W. Mercer ·--· H. E. Williams.--. 63-310 Pop. 438  15,000  2,460  90,200  74,760  OrescentOity_PutnamL, Bank of Crescent Oity •• t§'OO K. Borson __ • __ K. M. White. ____ W. A. Warner·--·- ·----------··-·---· , 113-!57 Pop. 838 ... Crestview _Okaloosa C 1 Bank of Crestv1ew •• - •• •t 18 0. G. Rh-es, Jr•••• c. B. Ferdon ______ H. E. Wilhams •••• O. B. Ferdon, Jr. __ _ _ . , 63-322 . Pop. 500. Crystal River-- 01trus J 5 Bank of Crystal R1nr .• t§ 07 0. E. Allen ·-·----· 0. A. Miller. ______ C. A.. Miller.·-----· __ _____ _-· ---·----·1 63-158 Pop. 1000  15,000  19,000  205,000  175,000  46,000 Ban. N .. N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 20,000 Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O.; Am. N .. Pensacola. 40,000 Seab. N .. .N. Y.: Fla. N .. Jacksonville.  BREVARD CO. STATE BAH 63-154  •Dade City --- Pasco K 6 Pop. l20G  B A N K Of  DADE CITY  •il'89  {J. R. ANTHONY, JR. R. B. HOLMES·----· ALBERT L. McGLAUN. G. E. SPIRES--·- •••• Special attentlo n given BID of La ding drafts and c ash lterua, Send 11 Cents r or each plain dn ft for pre1entatlo n.  f J. R. ANTHONY----Special attentt The onl7 bank lnlunnce on  1  I  99.690 Am. Ex. N., ~- Y.; Pco., Sanford; Atlantir- ~ =2 N., Jark.-onnlle. 76,980 N. fark, N. Y,; l'eo. and Atlantic .... Jackson• Pl v1lle.  7,500  "  rn  tD  ···-·-- ---·--·-·  15,000  "  § _  40,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N .. Pensacola; Atlantic~ N .. Jacksonville. 63,130 N. Oity, N. Y.: Am. N .• Pensacola; Barnett t:, )> N., Jack onville. 400,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Ex. N., Tampa. "'" w 23,450 Iech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Peo. and Bk, of Clearwater, Clearwater.  ona a& lowea& ra iea.  w-354 First State Bank:.---·-U'lB O. 0. Roe ••••• ___ C.H. Wilson .••••• o. W. Roe·-·----· F. B. Roe_____ 113-2511 cocoa __• ____ Breord NII Bank of Cocoa •••• - •• •U'l2 L. S. Andrews--·· W. G. Paterson_ J. o. McLeod-----· ·-----· - - - - IIS-248 Pop. 1445  .Jatk:onville;  138,590 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fla. N. and Atlantic N., Jacksonville• 39,740 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Bk.I of Com .. Tampa. 5,000 U. 8. Mtre. & Tr. Oo•• N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 39,000 Han. N., N. Y.  45,770 .Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Fla. N., Gaines1 ville. 84,520 N. Bk. Oom., N Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; ~ r-4 Cont. Tr. Co., Bait. O 22,450 ~.Bk.Com., N. Y,; Fla. N., Jacksonville,  BAYLY ·-PEOPLES BANK•it'll {L.B. SKIIINEI.- --------···-··--···· J.C. KINGSBURY .• TAVER E.C.SHOEMAKER - , - - -135,300  Ill  ~ -  -·-  N .. N. Y.; Barnett N., I~- 1,500 ---;;O Irdn; Miami Bk. & Tr. Co .. Miami.  D. A. Andrews·-·- R. B. Kirchhain __ - - - · · - · - - A. P. Schlemmer H. F. Harkness ••• W. J. Hooten _____ • A. E. Orocker____  OI r moJ1 t _______ Lake L 8 First Nation:J Ba nlr ••••••• '21 H.W. Fenker ---·· C.H. Goodenough .• H.L. House ••_••••• ----·-- ·-----·-·---  Pop. 496 __ ______  ·-  -  671,150  60,000  ••  ·  10,000  M. ~arsh  ~  C  PRL"CIPAL C0 RRESP0. "DE."TS.  I.OAl<B&Drs- 1  -----=  15,000 __  SU  c'Tt1••~ 0 a11olT.1 ~:·, c.!!",.0Bu:!~  15,000  -----------·----=  J. R. Hughes •••• -- J. L. Grice. -·-··-·Herma Kauz 0. G. Yarn------ W. B. Joiner------ --------------  j  RESOURCES.  DEPOSIT::!  1;--:;D-UP SUARNPLDUS CAPITAL PROFITS 1  Buena Vista_._.Dade F 7 Bank of Buena Yi ta. ___ §'20 ·--- ---- ··-- -·-- --·63-344 Pop. 100 .t.BunnelL •••• Flagler M 4 Bunnell State !iank: •••• •U'll J.11'. Lambert-·--63-148 Pop. 183 ... Bushnell ____ 8umter J 4 Citizens Bank: •••••• --•il'06 J. K. Harvey ___ 63-1411 Pop. 400 C:1.ll:lhan _ _ Nusau Lt Oall&han State Bank ••• •!1'10 P.A. Wilson. _ _ 83-150 Pop. 5ll Campbellton.Jackson El Central State Bank ---•U'07 J. W. White------83-151 Pop. 277 Cedar Keys ___ .Levy I 4 Cedar Key State Bank-.U'l2 J. W. Turner ____ 113-247 Pop. 8154 Center am ___ sumter L 3 Bank of Center Hill •••••t§'ll D. O. Smith.-•••• 61-217 Pop. 574 Chiefland---·-- Levy J 4 Bank of Chiefland •• --•• t§'20 o. N. Harper ______ M-333 Pop. 350 Chiplcy __ Washinllton DI Chipley State Bank-..•U'OII 0. B. Dunn ____ 113-1211 Pop. 1806 First National Bant--•:•05 K. N. Dekle-·-.. 113-127 •Clca rw1ter.Pinellas J 7 Bank of Olearwater •••• •.U'OG A.O. Clewis •• _____ &3-15S Pop. 2427 Guaranty Title & Trost Co. H. W. Bivins----·.. •§'19 63-328  - ----·  CASHIER.  PRESIDENT.  I  Non-Ban ... 'owns with Neare ·t Banking Point (In• de. ed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, llollda~ _etc., see Law .  <  250 000 Irving N., N.Y.: Peo. and Barnett ~• .. Jackrnnville; C1tiz. & Southern, Atl. '  cii' S' r+  S. F. HUCKABAY- IT. CLINTON BEAVERS- GLADYS E. BEAVERS  on Khen to colle ctlons. In Pasco County cauyJnc their depoalton• money.  -  15,000  3,500  106,600  110,000  15,000  6,500  100,000  60,000  25,000  -  4.000  -  250.0  o 230,000  61 360 N. Park, . Y.; Barnett ., Jacksonville; O .Miami Bk. & Tr. Oo., Miami. ' 34 250 N. Hk. Com., N. Y .: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville; t:, SI> Oitiz. Am. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Tampa. ' 35,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Peo. N., Pensacola; Oitiz. State, Marianna.  -  -  ::s  p;·  50.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Peo., Jack onvllle; 1st N., T mpa.  63-308  s. Porter·-·  60,000  21,000  501,800  403,000  s. Parker--·-·  15,000  10,470  350,000  m,ooo i  Bank of Pai~~l~~untr.•il'19 L.A. Bize ...·--·-· John Raymond._._ .A. 11', Price _____ Laura  Dam,a. ____ .Broward J/7 Bank of DanJa ze•·--·--•1'12 11. 0. Hardee•• ___ • M. C. Frost_ _____ • I. T. Parker--··· W. 6 2 Pop. 750 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  _..._,_."-,--."911--,.-..._"9...  173,200 1N . .P.ark. N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Jacksouille; C1t1z. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa, 1  172 500 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; ~ u, 1st N., Miami. '  I  mmiii  umb r under Name of Bank i lh 1 ' :1 • 'I ...  166  ,.  ..  'cw 'l'ran It 'umber gh en  ii  Number ander .Nam• •f Bank ia th• lfew Trand& lfumber ,inn to each bank in U. 8. HcluslYely by Tb• Band-McNallJ Bankera' !)lrectory, under the authorlt~f The A~rlean Ban~n Ass'n.  row:; A.·n CoUN'l'L  'A:llE OF B,L K. V1CE l'Rlr.SIDENT. I  PRESWENT.  _ ___  NAT'L BANK {w. M. HANKINS-•• / 63-91  RESOURci-;, PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- 1-!'"""'Dt•• 1C••n&Ez LlABlLITIES,  •County Seats. •Mcm.Am.JJks.Assu. § 'tato J.'etl. Hes. Dist. No. 6 tMem.StateJJks.Assn. tl'riv. Jac~om:_illo Branch"- ♦Mem. F~. Hes. [Estab. Dartona VolusiaM4 / FIRST Pop~5445  63-110  Ass'T CASHIER.  OASBIER,  _  A. CLARK •••••••• C. D. DYAL-··--···-  _ __ __ __  m~  h~Ef~rafLL...... ~:~~~ I~ N. Park, N. Y.;  I  "  ----  "  Delray __ ppaim Be_a ch O 10 op. 10" 1 Uundee •••• ---·- Polk L 7 Pop. 200 Dun •din.p···· P mellas J 7 op. 6J 2 Dunnellon ·--Marion K 4 Pop. 11 5  •!'10  Barnett N., Jacksonvllle.  1  l  I  Tourists accou nts solicited. Col lectlon Departme nt equipped handle Items promptly. Kem ltted for on daJ of payment. courtesy 1 to Tlal tor■ •  to  Barnett N., .Jacksonville; Southern, Atlanta,  Evel'J'  l  J. H. TATUM ••••• Jra .P.C. MACE-···-··· D. B. TUTEN·-·-·-JACKSON  A. B. PRATHER.---  The oldest and ar&est National Bank In Volusia county. Careful attentl on given to every department of ba nklns.  Volu ia County Bank --•U-89 S. A. Wood .• _.•• _ F. '.Conrad--··-· R.H. Boyd·---···· ♦ 63-g,t A. D. 1cBride. , F. R. 0 borne Ch, nf Bd, Bank of Delray --- · --·-•1'12 J. L. I.ove _ _ _ J. J . chabinger ••. W. B. Joiner--···· M-231 I tate Bank of Dnndee.•t§'15 E. E. kipper •• --•- G. B. kipper--··- R. E. Waterman·1 63-270 Dank of Dunedin •••.•• •!5"13 H. W. Bivins •.•••• J, M. McClunir •••• L. C. Ray ____ 63 - 265 Bank of Dunnellon •••• •tl'O-i J. G. Baskin·--·· Geo. J. Boswell·-- G. \V. Neville •••••• 63-160 Citizens Bank_·-··--··· -•§'20 R. L. Bryan .••••••• J. ~-Fennell-···- E. A. Turnip eed __ 63-335 B. J. Benson • tate Bank of Eau Gallie•§'l5 W. H. H. Gleason •• J.M. Law----····· II. M. Jernh:a.n •••• 63-301 '  &•  9,270  2o.OOO  16,060  388,840  500,0901 ,  382,940 1 148,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: ~t~antic N .. Jacksonville: "%l Merch., Daytona; ,C1tiz. & Southern. Atl. 1 r-4 310 ,200 117,580 Han. N .• N.Y.:C1tiz. & Peo.N.and Am.N .• 0 Pensacola; Florida N .• JacksonYille. :,::,  35,ooo '  30,840  323.000  352,810 1  ~  11,-iil!iR'if.rJJEtYr:· W. 0. CAMPBELL •••• -···------·-····-  Cltlz.  25,0oo l  Prompt per on al attention give n Bill of Lading Draft , Ca hand time Item , a11nd remitted for p romptly on d y of payment.  NAT'L BANK 63-115  AND IT8 e ra. Boane, ICH•!<GU,Dlf• ~ROPITS _ _ _ ~ no .. u~ ... 1  F. 11. COIIIIAD--. S. A. WOOD·--···-· F. J. NIVER ••••••• A. N. OTIS--·--·--- 100.000 ! 91,820 2,440,640 1,906,360 1 726,090 Am. Ex. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st C. M. BINGHAM 1N., Chi.; Atlantic N., Florida N., and  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t·o, {g~~APft~Ji-  Pop.  I  CAPITAL 1  Dayt-Ona Beach •• Volusia East Ooast State Bank .. •:t1·12 F. N. Conrad __ --·· 1F, J. Niver ···- ···- C, A.RandalL.---- D. A. Weston---·-· Pop. 825 Nf 63-259 , 1 . •De:VunialcBp~s .• Walton CawthonStateBank--•t103 1W. L.Cawthon •••• H.L. Cawthon ••••• A. L. H1IL--- 1----··--·--·Pop. 200U OI 63-104 C.H. Gordon , 6lH05  °' °'  l'RINC'IPH. CORHE PO DK TS,  Only National B ank between St. Augustine and P aim Beaco. CoUJ'teous atte ntlon to visitors. Collectlons rem ltted promptly on date paid.  •t'l 7  IMERCHANTS BANK •tl'06  •De Land ••• Volusia ll f FIRST  Non-Bank Towns with Neared Ban Ing Point (Indexed Acccs.), Law>·er • L w (indexed) in hack of th! volumC'. _F or lntere. t Ratt's, Holidays, etc., e  FLORIDA- - COll t·lllUe d  8  71,180 N. City, N. Y.: Am. N., Pensacola.  ►  I - l-  20,000  -  700,000  609,140 -  -  I  ~Z  1 142.820 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N. and Barnett N •• JacksonvUle; PbU. N., Phil.  ~  1  E. L, Mickle.·-·-··  II B.F.SundY--··--·G. F. Kletzin-···-·  100,000  I  r.n  135,970 1,791,380 1,682,820  15,000  UOO  100,000 1  80,000  15,000  3,000  65,000  52,000 1  344,540 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N. and Fla. Jacksonville.  ~ '.,  I  t, PJ  20,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Peo., Jacksonville. 1  '<:  I  ,. . g  28,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; Polk Co. N., Bartow, AtIan tic N .• Jacksonville. ll> 23,710 Han. N .• N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa; Bk. of Clear•! water. Clearwater. . . ,.... 249,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.:A.tlant1cN.,Jacksonv1lle.  -···---····--··---·-  20,000  5,670  128,620  P.H. Brinson.---·-  30,000  4,580  499,440  270,590  ----·-·-·····  30,000  7,020 ,  85,610  46,400  ---·---····  15,000 ____  80,000  82,000  42,840 N. Bk. Com., . Y.; Fla. N., .Jacksonville nncl j 1-Il Gainesville. . 20,000 Hitn. N .. N. Y.: Peo., Jacksonv1lle: Ilr<narcl r-tCo. S tato. Cocoa. Ei:  Ellenton •• -Manatee K 8 ELLENTON STATE BANK s. L. Tyler--·-···- D. F. Richard -···· Grady Smith •••••• ···-·······-·-··-··· POD, 66 63-295 i§'l5 1  15,000  4,800  65.000 '  91,000 I  28,000 Am. Ex. N .• N. Y.; Citiz. Am. Bk. & Tr. Oo., ~ Tampa, ll>  Kasti ·---·-·-·- Lake L 5 CITIZENS BANK-··---- •t '12 M. V. Pop. 1193 63-239  25,000  13,350  330,000  25.000  55,000  850,000  Eau Gallie ••• Brevard N 6 Pop. 507  impson •.• - E • . Burleigh _. ___ J.M. Young ___ •••• O. R. PhilliI> ····-- ' L. J. Taylor  FIRST STATE BANK ... •tl'96 W . . McClelland •• E. L. Ferran.-·-··· Charles Iste<L- •• IH. E. Iorse 63-161  Fullsmere •. St. Lucie 7 tate Bank ot Fell.mere ,O. H. Pitl.'ard .•••••• Pop. 333 63·269 •t§'l3 •F rnandina.Nassaa LI ll"irst National Bank •••• •l'91 Everett Mizell. •••• Pop. 5!57 63-162 F. Hoyt, Ch. of Bd. • J't. Lauderdale. Broward Ft. Lauderdale • tate Bank W. C. Kyle--····-· Pop. 206;, 010 63·164 •tl'lO  w.  --·-··-1  R. A. Conklin!?-··- B. D. Atkisson···- ······--··-····-·-·B. D. Atkis on Cha .. J. Davi _____ c. S. Binnicker-··- Fred C. Winton___  100,000  F. tranahan -···-· C. J. Joiner ••••••• J. N. Cain _________  2;j()00  -10, T. HART·-··- -·--· J, S. HINTON •••.••• W. L. DILLARD--·--· YO R ITEM. DIREC IT.  C. J. HECTOR .•.•  25,000  ll0,000  1.600  Fort \leadf' •• ___ Polk K 7 FIRST STATE BANK -- -•t1'07 L. A. Ilize......... . II. Brown ·· ····- L. L. Ban - ·-··-_! . G. Turnley..... Pop. 202< 6:i•l2i Vernon Clyatt 1B. L. Keen  I  200,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Fla. N. and Atlantic N .. , Jacksonville.  102,000 lN, City, N. Y.: Atlantic N. and Fla. N., Jacksonville. 177,360 ', Bk, Com. and .i:T, City, ,._ , Y.; I1 ldl • • ' .. Phil.; A ltnti!' N .• Jarksonvillc; Citiz. & outhern, Savan. 363,280 • Park, N. Y.; Cont.<.. Com'l N .. Chi,; BarnettN •• Pe().,andAtlantic .. Jacksonville; Bk. of Bay Biscayne ancl 1st ~· .• Mi.ami. 150,000 .... City.N, Y.; Fla.N .. Ja('ksonville: 1st \Iiami.  547,790  25,000 ·····--·- 1 175,000  60,000  I  25.000 1  g  6-15,000  893,360  50,000 1  1  77,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  I  15,250  Io  270,000  79,8!!0 1,112,660 1,231,120  SECURITY STATE BK . • •, '20 { 'E 'D {fl' 63· 3.ll Colle<'tlon .• HIii of I, ding Draft., Ca h and Time I tem receive pro mpt att entton. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 167  119,820  1  I  0. rD  ....., ~  ::,  ~T·· '<~i::  150,000 IN. Bk, Com., N. Y.; Citiz.-Am. Bk. & Tr. Co,,~ ~m~  -  167  Number under Name of Bank is the New Tramlt Number given to each bank in U.S. exeluslvP.lf by The Band-MeNallJ Bankers' Directory, un~el'____!!1~~horltf of The American Bankers Ass'n.  acksonville Branch.  A.ME OF Bu."K. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [K'tab. ♦ Iem. Fed. Res.  p  V  RJCSIDL'Q'T.  FLQRIDA-C 00 t•lllUe d .. ~  O  p  a.,S'T  A.SHIU.  ICE• RESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-'dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law (indexed) in back of this llJ  _____________ 2o!u~~ For Interest _Rates, )!olldays, etc., see Laws. ::,  ~.A.Bi~ 0  ASHIER.  !SURPLUS  AND  PAID-UP  Lo.t!<l  c·n.  l  D111-  no,.,,,,  ~~  1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -' CAPITAL PROFITS  - ~  PRINCIPAL C0RRESP0 DE,.~TS. -  .RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  '"I '< ,I: KxCJU.1'ou,Daa  -~  ROIi B.uru 1- - - - - - - - - - - - --  •Fort Myers ______ LeeL 0\ Bank of Fort Myers.--•U'Ol H. E. Heitman _____ J.E. Foxworthy •. J. E. ll'oxworthy_ J. K. Woolslair ____ $ 100,000 $ 101,220 $ 822,100 $ 856,700 $ 207,620 N. Bk. of Com .• N. Y.; Oitiz. Bk. & Tr. Oo .• Tampa; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 63-100 Pop. 3678  I  F. C. Alderman ____ Geo. Kineston _____ C. c. Pursley ____ c. Gonzalpz__ ______ H. A. Stahn 63-101 Lee County Bank.Title & Tr. A. L. White _______ Amos Bolick ______ J. w. Blandin2"---- ___________________ _ " ----" G. A. Arndt Company __ 63-329 _____ •§'10 Fort Oeden __ ne Soto L 8 Security ~tate Bank ----•1'13 J. Henry Johnson_ W. A. Johnson ____ J, Henry Johnson ____________________ _ 63-277 Pop. 500 • If rt Pierce ___ st. Lucie Bank of Fort Pierce ____ •U '03 1C. M. Horton ___ E. D. Anthony ____ E. L. Price ________ 1 T. o. Nicholson __ 63-120 . C8 Pop. 2115 St, Lucie County Bank__ •§'08 F. G. McMullen ___ Edgar Lewis _______ Edgar Lewis _______ 1_________________ _ -------G. b. Tucker 63-121 Fort White.Columbia J 3' Fort White Bank ______ t§'20 J.M. Sikes ________ M. P. Moyer ______ L. E. McCall _________________________ _ W. E. Whitlock 63-331 Pop. 400 Fro tproof. _____ Polk K 6 Citizens Bank __________ t§'20 T. C. Banks------- R. W. A. Duncan __ A.O . .Mathews ______________ L. Maxcy 63-340 Pop. 1000 Frostproof State Bank •ts•o5/ E. L. WirL------- , T. L. Wilson _______ O. E. Reed, Jr, ____ F. L. Holland ____ _ ,. ___ ____ •• 63-232 •G·,inesville _____ AJachua *First National Bank ___ .:·88/ H. E. Taylor _____ E. Baird ___________ Lee Graham ______ w. R. McKinstry_ w. W. Hampton 63-46 K 3 Pop. 5286 *Florida National Bank•:•10, J. J, Haymans----- 1J.M. FenneII,Actioe J.M. Fennell ______ c. s. Nibl!)-------" ____ ____ " II. P. Robm on T. J. Cone J. H. Hodees, 63-40 Ch. of Bd. *Phifer State Bank-----U'07: W. B. Phifer ____ J. A. Phifer _______ H. L. Phifer _______ ______________ _ W. M. Johnson 63-48 Gaine ville_Clearinlf House -l II. E. Taylor ________________________ J. M. Fenn 11, ec. _________________ _ #  "  --------  ..  FIRST NATIONAL BAIK •t'07  (Jlem11er 111di~lled lr11 n *)  1  First National Bank ____ .:•04 A. D. Campbell---- 1J. B. Kelly ________ I 83-1115 Bank of Green Cove Springs M. W. Griffis _______ G. W. Geieer ______ •:t·o4 1 63-163 Bank of Greensboro _____ f'l4 O. W. Gardner ____ J. W. Green _______ 63-28~ Bank of Greenv11Ie ______ f'OS o. Bosh _______ c. L. LPgeett ______ Z. M. McLeod 63-167 Bank of Greenwoo<L.•tl'08 R. A. Willis _______ LouisB. Smith _____ 113-224 BankofGroveland _____ •tf'l2 E. E. Edge _____ J. R. Arnold ______ A. w. Newett 113-258 1  :  A. D. Campbell. Jr. J. I ·-·----------------- J.  w. Prim _______ _ o. Hall ________ _  100,000 15,000 45,000 35,000 15,000 25,000  ---- ----  200,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  30,590 N. Bk, Com .. T, Y,: Citiz.-Am. Bk, &Tr. Co .. Q Tampa; Lowry N ., At!.; Barnett ,.. ., Jack- ~ ..,.. sonville. Ex. N., N. Y.; Polk Co. N .. Bartow; t::j Am. 30,730 126,420' 7,il0 187,960 1 ~ Atlantic N ., Jacksonville. 134,810 1,400,840 1,495,8701 237, 60 . Park. N. Y.: GifclrdN .. Phil.:D_rov. · Ii ch.I ~ N., Dalt.: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville. 246,6101)1.flch. & )1etal~ N. a_nd N. C_ity, . Y.: Fla.,~ 57,530 1.430,960 1,9(,9,970 N .. Jacksonville; Phil N., Phil.: N. Bk. Com .. .,,,  640  72,220  15,000  330,000  -;~;~ -~;,500  -~~;~~~ 270,830  50,000  72,830  285,000  St. L.  .  .  95,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  ) I  236,900  57,580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N ., Jacksonville.  J. Vickers _______________________ _ Louis B. Smith _______________________ _  16,000  0,000  15,000  7,500  200,000  125,000  30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  ~  15,000  9,720  261,460  235,720  "'  30,000. ________ I--------  -------  49,190 N, Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! T., Chi.; Atlantic N ., Jacksonville; Citiz.-Am. Bk. •' Tr. Co., Tampa. 30,000 Am. F'x • .i: ., N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville:Citiz .• Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. 69,480 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; tlantic N. Jackson ille.  80,000 1  I I I  . !l  g  7,600  70,000  ,  ~  5,000  110,000  I; i  rn ~~-~~~;~Han. N., N. Y.; Am .• T., Pensacola.  I  \ l  :i  ~  25,000  65,000I  I  Z  15,000  rl  it  40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atlantic.\, Jack- ~ .:::.. sonville. 26,000 N. Bk. Com., N .. Y.: Atlantic N.,Jacksonville. ~  , I  '!, !  I  A. W.Newett_ _____ MissE. Etha Hart. ley  Items and rec elve prompt and personal attentl on. Hampton.- lJradford K 3 Hampton Sta.,te Ba nk ____ §'07 W. G. Seals _________________________ A. A.. ll'utch _____________________ _ 6v~16 8 Pop. 286 Hastings __ St. Johns L 3 Bank of Ha s~m it~------•tl'OII J.B. Huehes _____ A. S. Maltby _______ Carl Warfield _______________________ , 6v·16 • Pop. 761 Ila vana _Pop:f.fsdsen G 1 Havana Sta:i.ffonk ____ tf '07 E. H. Slappey _____ E. B. Shelter ____ F. D. Miller _______ •------------------- 1  6  60,000 - - - - _ _ _ - - - Met. Tr. Co., N, Y.; u. S. Tr. Co., JackLonville: 1st N., Tampa. 19,000 Chase N ., N. Y.: De Soto N. and 1st~ T .. Arca63,750 8,000 I 70,000I dia; 1st N.. Tampa 67,000 1,000.000 670,000 360.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fla. N. and Peo .. Jacksonville. 65,050 N. _Bk. Com., ?f. '¥,; Atlantic N .• Jackson260,0001 211,200 ; 11,320 1 "Il . ville; 1st N .• ~1lam1. 17,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville .. t'"' 56,430 2.Gto l 60.200  R. L. Green ___________________ _  -------- LISLE W. SMITH----- ------ -------------STATE BK OF HAINES CITY ~J. T. MILLER------! C. C. YiUNG LISLE • SMITH •63-263 •:1'13 Send us your CI oHect oni;i, bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time  IIawthorne ___ AJachua K3 Hawthorne ~:" te Bank_•tf'll 6v 171 Pop. 543 lli~h Sprinrs----Aiachua 1Hieh Spring ~~B ank _____ if'03 6 .,17 2 JS Pop. 1719 Homestead ••••• Dade E 8 Bank of Hofse\t:r1----•U'l2 B ank- -- --------• ,20 . Pop. 1307 " Citizens 63- 343 . . •Jm•Prne _____ Oitrus K 5 C1tiZens Ba1ra-: -------t1'12 244 •t B k Pop. 1132 Citrus Cou V-. :n ----+ '16 17  100,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Tampa.  I  25,000 100,000  _ ______________ _ Haines City _____ Polk L 6 Grower Comm ercial Bank T. H. Atkinson ____ ~I. ample _________ R.H. Prine________ -'J. P. And r en •§'20 63-340 Pop. 6:il  "  750,000  1  I  ,rac1•ville ••• Jackson E 1 . Pop. 40 •Gr en Cove Sprmes, Clay __ Pop. 2093 _____ L S r nsboro_.GadsdenF2 Pop. 302. Gr<' nville •• Mad1son H 2 Pop. 668 Ore• nwood •• Ja~kson E 1 Pop. 500 Groveland ••••• Lake L5 Pop. 1000  650,000  100,000 , 100,000  ~  '  13,000  260,000  223,410  15,000  740  28.200  25.410  15,000  7,440  275,000  190,000  180,000  135,000  07,820  114,620  2s.000 1  20,000  12.450 8,750  J. A. Stephens __ IH. McL. Grady ____ G. W. McCalL ____ E. P. Ellis----10. G. Nisi W. D. Horne------ 0. T. Fuchs, Sr. ___ W. M. Bradley ____ Geo. L. Reynolds __ A. 0. Graw ________ Wm. J. Carter____ . a. Ball ____________________________ _ T. A. Collins 0. B. A.lieu ____ G. H. Scofield. ___ I. o. Fender _______ A. C. Scofield _____ _  15,000 1:.:i,000  5,480 1 245,430 1 197,190 1 202,370 257,110 6,210  25,000  7,000  J.M. Haney---· __ H. A. Reaves _____ _ G. I. Singleton ___ --------------------  111  :I  o. llahin ______  Lottie E. Mahin----  \  _  I  ' '  ;j  ',I  <  ..,B ::s  15,000  F. J. Hammond ____ P. O'Brien ________ W.  ·,'  0  I  (I) Cl) Cl)  12,740 Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 106,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville; 1st N ., St. Augustine. 39,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Bainbridge tato, Bainbridge, Ga. 28,790 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville .. I  68,730,Atl. N., Jacksonvi!le..  .  .  41,970 Han. N ... N. Y.: Miami ~k. & Tr. Oo., Miami; Atlantic N .• JacK. onnlle. 25,000 _______________________ ------IN, City,N. Y.; 1 t T., Miami. 185,000 •I  I  235,000 116,6 O  50,520 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville: Ex. N., Tampa. 50,270 Bk. of Com., Tamoa: Atlantic N.,Jacksonville, 0\ ---i 1 Union Tr. Co. of )Id.,Balt.  :·  r.  i:  I  ,  I  I  Ulllb  168  ••  •r under Name of Bank i th  ...... ,  'l'rsan.H  -=·  n•  Number under Name or Bank i11 the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. excluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  To--;;•County  I  I  I st Duvall7MERICAN NAME OF BANK. -  A.ND- couNTT.  on-Bank To ns with Nearest Banldo Point (Indexed Acee .), Lawy rsR Laws (indexed) in I.Jack of thts volumo. For lntere t ates, Ilolldays, etc.,_ ee Laws.  FLORIDA-Continued  g;  -  I  LIABILITIES.  ·1  =~  RESOURCES.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENT •  I  VICE-PRESIDENT PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. , ~te Seats. Cu11~ A.SS'T OASHIJl:R. PAID-UP rlu:~us Dm•os- to,~. ;;_-, 0ASBill. 1 · Fed, Rec:. Dist. No. 6 tMem,Statf> Bks. Assn .tprn·. ITS CAPITAL! PRO.FITS rn~tab. Jacksonville Branch. ♦ hlem. Fed. He,;. - F. W. HOYT--=---- ARCHERS. HUBBARD~llW~O~Tr, ____ A. T. WILLIAMS 1 Sec, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •Jack~onvi!le. ____ 2 I$ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 700.000 $ 750.000 $ 150,000 N. Uk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., JacksonW. H(;_Pi~~~LR (R~~i'..v~1 11 ) L  -!tf  fff USf COMPANY +  •tf'l3  63-18  o;:~~~;:•  We want your JACKSONVILLE COLLECTIONS. 1 o - Try our service once and we will get them regularly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  vme.  *.Atlantic National Bank •t'03 E.W. Lane _____ T. P. Denham _____ W. I. Coleman ___ J.M. QuinCY------ 1 350,000 I.050,230 20 239220 16680120 5,889,330 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N, Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; M. M. 1st N,, Bait. C. W. Wandell D. K. Catherwood, F. W. Hoyt. 63-2 0. 0. Little V.-P. D. D. Upchurch --------'--G_._E_i._T_h_e_rr_Y_ _ , ~ ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _  I  *BARNETT  B. H. BARNETT----- COURTS P. KENDALL C. S. L'ENGLE------ D. M. BARNETT----f. H. FARWELL G. A. KIRK, W. R.McQUAIO  NATIONAL BANK  PH~k~INS, JR. • aah, ~~fiecttons direct. Send The bet facllltles for handling bill of lading dr:afts on Jacksonville.  •i'77  63-4  1Rc  J; ~;J'f  *CITIZENS BANK ----- •%1'05 63-10  I ______  '153,000 115462'10 11495730 2,448 ,370 Seab. N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. &  750.000  C: f:  50,000  157,810  62,450 1,286,58011,237,210  0  Bk. Com .. N. Y. and Bait.: 1st N., Phil.: Canal Oom 'I Tr. &Sa\'., N. 0.  lJ,  Ch, of Bd.  ( fl'or cum plctc information, see paoe 25)_ _______ -------- -------- -------- • ------ _____ _  to  ---- - - -  --------'------ ---  >  z  ~  A. F. PERIIY ------ G. L. WILSON------C. B.CAMPBELL--- - J.A. IEWiljOM ----- -.--- - - - - - - - -  *FLORIDA NAT'L BANK  N. A.WA E,~LD ,: ,.,uDhrllN  W. A. REDDING G. J. AVENT  •t·os  ~  O  )>  rve Bank of (Branch of Atlcrnt a, Ga.) *Federal R Atlanta __ -63-19 ________ --•  113-5  Chi.; Franklin N., Phil.; 1st I~  ___  _ _ _ _ _ _ __  C.H. Ohesnut__ ____ F. G. Yerkes------ W. H. Johnson ____ A. A. Tooke ______ _ P. B. Wood C. H. Mann,  i~~~~~-•  •-  -  •-  -  ,_  500.000 -  Jacksonvllle la the clearlng point for your Florlda and Southeaatern Georgia Items and Collections-BIii of Lading drafts our specialty. _REMIT p~tLY-~ Invite YOU to try our superior faol_!ltle .  438.280 11335240 1164..5760 2,932,390 N. CltJ' and N. Park, N. Y.; Co,n -  N •• Chi.  -  -  SEE A DV. OPP OSITE P AGE 165  EJ<.11 C")  --- --- ~--  I  ~  0  0  --- -~- --~-M. BOSTWICK JR •• A. R. MERRILL----- J.E. MADIGAN------ w. E. LANSDELL---GUARANTY TRUST w.R.E.WHE~,LER, 100.000 ., T.W.BISHOP,Sec. &. SAVINGS BANK I· - 1 - - .-.-.---1 . _ n_  *  <'11.ofBd.  SEND U, YOUR JACK ONVILLE ITEM DmECT. BIii of Lading Draft , Ca h and Time em · receive prompt and careful ______ . ~•tl'0S _ a_t~~n and re~e~o!..!_n_~y of payment.:_  113- 9  * PED PLES  BANK  63-11  A. P. AHTH OHY------ THURSTON ROBERTS -- l. P. cCORO.---- ~-  t. lmmoN---  An Officer of this Bank has the Colle~tton Department under his personal ~up~rVISIQfl. Direct Connections with all Banking Points in the State.  •if'06  H, L. Blagf! ________ /Kay Di. on _________ *Unitoo States Trn t Co. I W ..\!. Ball •U-12 63-17 II. H.• linium  '1-- -- -- -- --1 1·-  SEC UR IT I ES e. H. coLUNS ---- F. w. ttop --------- r. s. s. DENHAM. ------------------- SALES GO, OF FLA, SEE ADVE~,;~~L~=~NT OUTS:;; :~CK COVER. (ll!l ;  t  I  W. For yth I •.  i  '  ~ Federal Reserve Bank offl St. Louis I  ;.;  1:,.  I  t  I  :  t  I  I  ~  urc  I  I  f  f  ' I  t.)  I •  I. •  t .: •  .•  f • •• •  ~  '  f  ;  II •  In. and Tr. j L. JJ1•1g~-------- lw. 0. Boozcr,Mor.lW. o. Boozer. ..:tc,  I '  :.◄  ' ••  100,000  35,000 1.800.000 1,553.000  -  -  385,000 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.: Cont. "  ---·  Com'IN .• Chl.; Girard N., Phil.  _I  I lF· W. Rivers, Tr,__ IBelton W. Lanier, A. Tr.  nd  39,050 1.255,990 1.323,790 1 181.360,I\lech.&MetalsN.andBkrs.Tr.Co., •. Y.: Cent. Tr.Co.of ID. nd Cont • . Com'I N Chi 1 • ·• __ 1____ __  700,000--;,; 1~077.030 '  I  915,750  341,130 N, City, . Y.; Mtle. Tr. co., Tbiru ...... Cin.  ===== SO,OOO ~;:::;:.;,:;;  =.=::;;;;.;;;;;;  Ha)·den,  t. L.; Fifth  st one& Co., N. Y.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-  :I < :::: ci°  169  Number under Name of Bank i11 the New Transit Number given to each bank in U S excluslvelJ by The &and-HcNally Bankers'  Dlreetor7, under the authorltJ of The American Bankers Ass•n.  ToWN illD OOUNTT.  •OounbSeats. Fed. Res. Dist. o.6 Jacksonville Branch.  I  •m  --------  "  Farmers & ij!fif"nts  Ba~1l  c~:.-:· =·~  W. B. Lewis ______ J, H. Peeples ____ L.  s. Leach ________  R. M. Sweet _______ $ 15,000 $ 50,000  10.000  S. E. Hewitt ____ J. L. McDaniel ____ S. B. Hewitt_ ___ J. A, Zipperer._  15,000  M. M. Smith ___ A. L. Hunt _ _ B. F. Roe____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GeorceW.Allfll ._ G. B. Patterson __ R.H. Kemp ____ J. F. Uhrbach___ T. K. Warren Wm. R. Porter  iT. M. RIVER~----- 6. T. SINGELTARY---- L. H. 6ED6E ----- 0. J. R0UNTREE----  Grace G. Bekemcyer _ ___ ,  IHl  :I 90  Lake Wales ____ Polk L 7 CITIZENS BAH-------- §'21 6"3-350 Pop. W6 Lake Wales sta te Bank•U'15 •• ________ .. 63-306 :tth-•U'U Lake Worth-Palm Beach Bank of f . 9 0 .. 1106 Pop. First Na iog:,_ Ba n k -----+.,., 20 ________ .. 348 Peoples Baiit..:-ais-- ----•1'20 " ---- --••  La.ft  1  84,550'  71,190  11.480:  11,020  32,770 1,908,460 1,620,880  w.  1  1811,600 Chatham & Phenix N ., N. Y.: Peo. and Fla. N., Jacksonville;Citiz.-Am. Bk.&Tr.Co.,Tampa.  I --------  .  .  14,000 Merch. N .. Bait.: Atlantic N., Jacksonv1lle; 1st N. Ft. Myers. 8,640 Liberty N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jackso11ville.  ~ tot  1,250  43,030  60,630  T, M. Rihard _____ _  25,000  7,000  1110,000  W,00IJ  78,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  D, T. McGilL.....  15,000  5,760  158,6110  138,330  31,1160 Blc. of America, N. Y.; Barnett N., Jackson-  o. Green _______ _  50,000  10,550  271,380  273,540  --------·-----------  50,000  311.280  487,630  540,430  45,770 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Barnett •• and tJj ~ Fla. N., Jacksonville. 78,760 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: .UlanticN.,Jacksonvme. Z  _________ _  50,000  111.000  350,000  287,000  ____________ _  25,000  1,600 1'  ---,----------  15,000  L.  P. J. ammon _____  41,1401  20,870  8,050  133,050i  811.610  100,000 - - -  325,000 j  200,000  100,000  300,000  r.·  50,000  .Reed------ R. E. Conn _______ _ E. L. Sampson _ Clark _____________________  i~~;~ii------ c. ~· .Smith _______ A. L, Hills. - - ---.McMullen- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J.,A. Wal ·ingham. J M W. Ulmer ·-------------- s. A. Steele ______ _ J. H. Givens_______ Miss A.L.Campbell W. Barber _________________ _ L. H. HilL______  52,920 1,348,2110 1,262,000  ville.  O  -> ~  t,  103,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville: 4th ~ (I) N .• Atl. . Y.; Fla. N,, Jacksonville; 1<;x. 37,360 Irving ., N., Tampa. ';' 66,480 N. Blc. Com .• N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville.  I  2;:5,GOOIN, Park,,:. Y.: Fla. N. and Peo., J ck on-~ ~ ville. 310,210 Han. N., N, Y.;·N. City and Citiz.-Am. Bk:, & ,; Tr. Co .. Tampa, ,,  75,000  g: l  ~  25,000  B. H. Alexander __ J.  A. O. Thullbery Orrin Randolph __ WatdRandolph ____ E. Alex Nisbet _______ A. J. W, Means _______ D. L. D~ake  1711,350  24,360 Irving N .. N. Y.: Oitiz. and 1st N., Valdosta, Ga.; Barnett N .. Jacksonville. 2,1160 Barnett N., Jacksonville; Bk:. of Orange, Orlando. 438,660 N. Bk. Com. and IrvingN.,N. Y.  -  68,600  s. Whitehurst __  v. Tillman ______  I  50,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  57,8001  T. J. Parker _______ J, A. Curtis _______ J. G. Gornto ______ G. L. Edwards ____ _  E. o. Stuart__ ____ G,  392,000  25,000 ------  F.NEff.Ef_____ 100,000 A. H. DE VANE-- A. E. SLOAN------- w. CHASE-----Tourlata• accou nta stnn persona J attenUon bJ' an oideerAof thb bank. Special attentl on stnn eollect Ions.  E. c. Davis ________ Largo •••. ___ Pinellas J 7 Pinena County Bank __ il'l& J.S. Taylor _____ . , 63-171 . Pop. 599 LaureJhilL.Okaloosa B 1 Bank of La~;et Hin __ 11 J. A. Gaskm _______ __. 177 Pop 291 Lawtey _____ Bradford L 2 ILawtey Stala~ik---ll'l2 W. •· Godwin._ Pop. 372  u  S: Tm , Savings, tie Insurance.  ________________ , _ 1  3,000  FIRIT IATl?lf} BAH •:· 05 { Year eo11e:1°uon I sollcUe4. &emlUaneea m ade on da)' of pa )'1Dent. A.H. DE HIE--- {T. L. WILSON ____ J. L. DAVIS, •';:3·T C. D. JUDSON, Tr. Officer r. a E. L. MACK POLK COUNTY TRUST CO. DF.PARTHENT { Safe Deposit, Tl  e; ~  •  15,000  JOHN L ,FOUTS. MORRIS G. MUNN- W. B. SEWELL----- JOHN PATTERSON6 W. P. GRAY J. W. BcYANT.Bd  STATE BANK OF LAKELflP  7,070  15,000 _ _ _  ~~  n  '21  170.000  Collections rece Ive personal atte ntlon of an offlc er of this bank. Send your Item s direct. Corresp ondence Invited from prospective customers, J. F. Ange ________ R, D. Waring ______ R. A. Gates _________________________ _  BUTlff_ ,fH ..  63-352  225,0001  100,000  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPOND.ICNTS  2,300 S 151,420: $ 124,0110 $ 32,740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Barnett...' .. Jacksonville.  W. H. Green ____ P. D. Sandlin ___ S. M. Perkins-- _________  Labelle-----Lee M 9 Bank of La Belle -----•t'13 D. G. McCormick. F. W. Hall.- .... J. R. Doty _______ 63-273 Pop. 377 Lake lfre<L ••• Polk L 7 Lake Alfred State Bank•§'20 J, M. Critchlow ___ G. H. Ilollister ••• _ F. L. Froemke_____ John Morley 63-337 Pop. 317 Lake Butler ___ Bradford Farmers&DealersBank•U'll J. W. To,rnsend._ w. H. Lee _________ Wm.Johnson ______ 63-236 .. K 3 Pop. 756 .. •U·Ia Seeber Kinr ---- M.A. Dukes ______ J, T. Smith ________ LAKE -------1 •Lake City, Oolumbia J 2 Columbia County Bank. tl'12 F. P. Cone------- J.M. Sikes _______ s. D. Summers ____ H. P. Cason 81--M Pop. 3341 First Natio~rnk---•*'05 1. 0. ShefllekL-- J. L. Niblack ____ H. W. llarkham." -----.. State Excha:a~ Bant.•U'H J.B. Perry ____ E. S. Futch ________ "I. B. JTes ____ " ____ .. 2 L:lke Hamilton.Polk L 7 First National Bank ••••• •'20 Chas. B. Anderson. Osle V. Stilwell._ F. A. Holmes-63-342 Ion-Volusia ll 5 Bank of Lake Helen ---•1'12 G. W. Buttorfl' ___ w. J. Todd ________ T. w. Byrd ________ Lake J.P. Mace 113-2'1 Pop. 978 Lakeland ________ Polk L 6 Central Stale Bank _____ §'20 A. F. Pickard _____ C. I. Dwiggins _____ H. o. Dwiggins •••• E. N. Good 63-347 Pop. 7062 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces) Lawyers Law (indexed) 1n back of this ._ volume. For 'Interest Rates, HolldaJ·s, etc., see Lall'S_. ~  RESOURCES. LIABILITIJCS. NAKE OF Bilfl:. .Ass'TO.A.BBID. PA.m-UP SURPLUS' DsPos- Lo.o,1•1m-•i::1:OilllID. VICK-PRaIDENT. PKJ:SIDENT. •Mem.A.m.Bks.A.ssn. IState ITS CAPITAL PB.~T8 tllem.StateBks.A.ssn. tPriT,1 (Rstab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ +:Mem. Fed. Res.  •Jasper ____ Hamilton J 2 Commercial Bank ____ •U'14 h~llW First Natio~ r:nk ___ i•os " ----" 1 JenniHs-_Hamilton I 1 BAIK OF JENNIN8$ ••• •U'07 &a-114 Pop. 628 Kenansville-Osceola M6 First State Bank------1'15 63-304 Pop. 100 •Key West •• Monroe C 10 i'irstNational Bank----•i'Ul 63-41 Pop. 18749 •Kissimmee.Osceola K 6 BAIK OF OSCEOLA COUNTY •U'09 M-10& Po11. 2722 ..  FLORIDA- Con t 1nued  15,000 30,000 15,_GOO 25,000  280  28,820  108,1160  33,180 1,256,740, 1,100,630  157,7110 N. City, Tampa; Polk Co. N., Bartow; State Bk. of Lakeland, Lakeland.  I  I,  i  I  \  ' i  i ;i  266,370 J.m. Rx. N., N. T.: J.tlantie N., Jacksonville: Ex. N., Tampa.  5,000 --------- --------- --------351,3110 125,700 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Polk Co. N., Bartow; At.. 15,620 390,310 !antic N .. Jacksonville. 6-J,000 Han. N .. N.Y.: Peo .. Jacksonville.:Palm Beach 14,000 348,000 2118,000 Bk. & Tr. Co., West Palm Beach. t0,000 87,000 3,000 110,000 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N. W., Palm Beach. ________ _ 102,360 46,950 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Atlantic N •• Jacksonville; 511,760 Far. Bk. & Tr. Co .. W. Palm Beach. 7,630 194,270 168,1100 77,510 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Atlantic ·., Jacksonville.I  20,000  1,200  60,010  28,260  6,980 Am. N .. Pensacola; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  15,000  850  34,550  ?4,2110  5,860 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Atlantic N .. Jack-I son ville.  , ' : :•  I'  I  1:, ·. I. i  I  I.  !  I  :  ,. J.  i,,  i  ,j  'uinbcr under Name of Bank i, th  170  "  ,.,..., .. .,u  h•••••·~-  ·  Numb• 11Dder Name or Bank ii the New Transit Number ~ven to eaob bank in U. B. Hcluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  NAME OF' BA. K. Tow.· AND Cou.sTY. •County ~eat~. . :*em.SAtmt. BBkks. AAssn. §tSP~te s. ssn. riv. a e +"'em. 6 o. D1:;t. . Re li'ed. [Estab. Jack onvilleBranch._ ♦ Mem.F ed.Res.  PRESIDENT. ____ _  FLORIDA - - Contt"nued I  I  VICE-PRESIDENT. __  -  Leesbure _______ Lake L5 FirstNational Bank ----•:i:·06 63-133 Pop. 1835 Leesburg State Bank __ •:l:§'86 " •. 63-132 •Live Oak __ suwanee I 2 Commerc1al Bank ______ •t§'17 . 63-315 . Pop. 3103 First National Bank ____ •t'Ol ________ " " 63-86 •Macclenny ___ Baker K 21Baker County State Bk.•:::f '07 63-179 Pop. 350 •Madison ____ Madison I 2 Citizens Bank __________ •t§'05 63-119 Pop. 1952 First National Bank ____ •t'95 " ____ ____ 63-118 :Malone______ Jarkson E 1 Bank of Malone ________ ei§'l2 63-233 Pop. 633 Manatee•••• Manatee K 8 Citizens Bank __________ ;t§'l9 , 63-324 .. . Pop.1075 •.Mananna ___ Jarkson E 1 Citizens State Bank----•:::§ 04 63-107 Pop. 2499  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •:::·02  -------  63-106  Peoples Bank ___________ t§'l2 63-262 •hlayo __Pop.L:[ryette 13 Citizens Ba~~isi·-----•tl'05 McIntosh ____ Marion K 4 First State Bank _______ •t§'lO 63-182 • Pop. 300 Melbourne •• Brevard N 6 Melbourne StatP Bank. •t§'l5 63-290 Pop. 533 ·•  ---- ----  "  •Miamif>t)p.--io:5~~de F  7  BAYBABNIKSCOAYFNE  _ __ 1  _ _ __  _ _ __  _ _  j  LIABILITIES.  PAID-UP I SURPLU!! AND CAPITAL ! PxoFrTs _ _ _  Ass'T OASHII!:R.  CASHIER.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers?.. Laws (indexed) In back of this _ v~ume. ~or _Interest .«ates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. --.J DEP~. s-  ITS_  t  G. G. Ware ________ T. J. Linton. ______ J. F. StunkeL ____ Christine MacKep.Zie R. F. E. Cooke ____ F. P. Webster _____ G. W. Webster---- E. S. MacKenzie --  $  J. R. Anthony----- W.R. Dorman ____ H. L. Donald ______ W. T. Adams______  50,000  Cary A. Hardee ____ W. J. Hillman _____ S. B.Conner _______ E. S. Conner_______ P. V. Summers J. C. Sheffield _____ T. L Dorman _____ E. M. Goodbread __ J.C. Thompson____ T. R. Henderson A. Livingston _____ C. L. Morrow ______ c. D. Tomlinson___ ____________________  50,000 30,000 50,000  10,000  570,570  579,400 ,  25.000 1 400,000  675,000  1  169,690  138,670  50,000 N. City, N. Y .: Atlantic N., Jacksonville., Hib., Savan. "2' 29,760 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan, Ala.  130,000  125,000  27,000 1Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Tampa and Braden  0  287,310  304,930  49,040 jHan. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  -  8,000  L. A. Fraleigh _____ T. C. Smith ________ \Y. D. Gray ________ R. E. Cowart______ , D. G. Smith E. L. Marbury _____ G. P. Davis ________ J.B. Garrett. _____ --------------------  75,000 25,000  2,500  Jno. T. Campbell.. H.J. English ______ Claude Hebb_______ ____________________ • I . D. A. McKmnon ___ J. c. Folsom _______ J. A. Ormond ______ A. I. Neannl?------,  16,500  3,000  30,000  11,450  1  I  71,000  I  1  52,200  562,580  29,640 1  ci,,,....  416,990 $ 66,620 N. Bk. Com. and N, City, N. Y.: Atlantic N, ' ' Jacksonville. 471,500 130,220 Bk. of the Manhattan Co .. N. Y.: Barnett N .. I Jacksonville. I 65,000 jN. Park. N. Y.: Peo. and Barnett N. Jack350,000 300,000 • sonville; Citiz. & Sou., Atl. 700.000 635,000 160.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N, and Fla. N .. Jacksonville. 90,000 IN. Bk. Com., N. y .: A.tlantic N., Jacksonville. 200,000 250.000  25,0001$ 19,680$ 393,960 30,000  0  PRIN-~IP;L C~R~SPONDJCNTS. -  RESOURCES. -  ~ D • • · 0 •m & Jl!x,n,,. c'To. Bo?<D■, SIIOoBJn• raoxll•""'· _  1  93,380 N. Park:, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  ~  ~  ~w~  C,  1  C. C. LIDO OH------ M. L. DEKLE---- ____ F. M. GOLSON------- · ______________ ------  i  I 'END  382,000  580,oOO  22,000  50,000  C. L. Wilson _______ J. W. Russ ________  w. J. DanieL _____  to  >  •  136,000  215,000  155,000  4,000  Z0,000  H. L. Ewing _______ F. L. Bills _________ Mary E. Marsh ____ _____________ --1 Ed. Shannon  z  70,680 N. Bk. Com .. N. y .: Cont. & Com'l ... , ., Chi.; ~ en Fla. N .. Jacksonville: Am. N ., Pensacola. 101,740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N ., Jacksonville. 29,000 N. Bk:, Com,, N. Y.: Barnett N,, Jacksonville. ~  212,700  286,920 , 8 0 , 319 980 10 13.,0~0 144,000  10,500  35,000 B0,000 16,000  J. F. Davis. -------  L. G. Carter-------- 1'fheo. Williams --- R. 0. Kelly-------- ------.. --- ---------H. L. Dickson _____ W. M. Gist. _______ L. w. Traxler_____ ____________ ________ 1  >  121.300 ·Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. and Peo. N., Pensacola; Barnett N., Jacksonville.  YOUR ITEMS DIRECT. Prompt per on lal attention given Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and time Items an d remitted for pr omptly on day of payment. U  I  2571890  (t)  ~  75,000 Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.: Fla, N., Jacksonville.  C-  ~  ,-  -  I  J. H. GILMAN------- F. w. FUZZARD -~---- T. E. JAMES-------- M. w. HALLAM-----: 150,000 171,930 8.049.940 I4.509,100 1.688.490 Chaae 1'., !If. Y.: Cont.• Com-J !If., Chi.; J.E. LIND JAS. M. JACKSON, E. P. DUNCAN Phil. N., Phil.; Barnett !If., laek1on- C> Ch, of Bd. E. B. DOUGLAS •We. SEE ,ADV. 0 PPOSIT E PA.G E 179. S. A, BELCHER 1  . Oldest Bank in Miami. Send us all yo~r Southern Florida Collections. Prompt remittance.  63-57  _  _  ~  _  I  ___ ___ ___  1  ~ iii'  1  L. T. HIGHLEYMAN--  FIDELITY  BANK& TRUSTCO. 63 ·312  •i§'l6  BUSCH- ----- -- R. w. McLEHDOH---- A.H. THOMPSON, Ic:E.G.M. SEWELL Sec. ana Tr.  Careful and prompt attention given to collection In this vicinity. Fourpercentlntere tpaldon avlngsand Tlmedeposlts. end us your Collections. fully equipped Commercial Bank. Total re ource , over '3,000,000.00.  -  I  I  ..  ________  "  13-·  87,000 Z,800,000 j 2,415,000 834,000 U. • Mtge. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. 1 · Y.; CornE .N.,Phll.;A.tlantleN.,.Jackonvllle. SEE ADV. O IN OPP OSITE PAGE. -  _ __ -~--  --1  I  193,340 15,808.820 4,761,520 1,676.730 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Corn Ex. N.,i~ I ::l Phil.; Atlantic N., .Jacksonvllle. FLORI DA IND EX. SEE AD v. opp ' osITE Give your patrons coming here a letter to us. 1~ .., _ __ _ _ _ ___ ____ Courteous attention.  Idrst Tru·t ,· avini!~ Bank W.H.Spit1er _____ _ l C. E.Oak------ ---- 10,::M.Terrell,Tr. __ u. Houst1r •:tf'IO E. . Homfh, 63-59  (\l 'm11 ' conti11, don ncxtpag) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •:t·o 2  ----  150,000  ___  w. W.CULBERTSON - T. F. McAULIFFL S Al ZERL IFIRST NAT'L BANKIEDWARD C. ROMFH WE.G.. B.H.A.RwmH-----0IEL 68 _58  -- -  ('/i.11/ IJtf.  IT.  l · - L Lin<lhlom, A. Tr.  300,000  100,000  12,370 1 1,111,860  8,U,610  421,120  . Bk. Com. and N. City. N. Y.:Atlantic •.. ; N Jacksonville; fat . \Iiami.  .....  IAMI, FLO IDA  MIA _ I, FLO IDA $ 150,000 93,000 3,000,000  Capital Paid In Surplus and rofits Resources over OFFICERS .. L. T. HIGHLEYMA CLARENCE M. BUSCH E. C. SEWELL - - - R. W. McLE DO A. H. THOMPSO 1 - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - - President - Vice-President - Vice-President - - - Cashier Sec. and Treas.  Our Transit Department is equipped and organized to handle your Collections · promptly and efficiently  1  We make a specialty of Collections on MIAMI and vicinity  Every Consideration Accorded Tourists Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  a,  Number under Name of Bank i  • ""  Nllmber IUld  .... ••--'- h •  .,_1,.  a- n  1h  N.-  .......... -1-  t...  •  -  •  ame of Bank la the New Transit Number oven a  .... _, .... ■--•-  .L.-  ,.,...,_  . . _ _ ,..  ••  ,.  ••  -  •  •  BANK OF BAY BISCAY E  MIAMI, FLORIDA  Oldest Bank in Miami  RESOURCES  ESTABUSBED 1896  LIABILITIES  Loans and Discounts, $3,893, 756,31 Overdrafts, $  Capital Stock,  $ 150,000.00  405.38  Banking House and Office Building $ 173,872.86  Surplus and Undivided Profits  U.S. Liberty BondsMkt . Value$ 84,875.27  $ 111,932.95  Bonds and other Securities $ 530,472.20  DEPOSITS  $6,049,941.77 Total $6,371,874.72  CASH RESERVE $1,688,492.70  TOTAL  $6,371,874.72  DIRECTORS  OFFICERS E. S. F. E. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  B. A. W. P.  DOUGLAS BELCHER FUZZARD DUNCAN  -  JA Vice Vice Vice Vice  . H. GILMAN, President President T. E. JAMES - President President M. W. HALLAM Pre ident J. E. LIND - - -  -  -  Cashier  Asst. Cashier Asst Cashier  JAS. M. JACKSON, Chairman of the Board JAS. H. GILMAN E. B. DOUGLAS S. A. BELCHER F. W. FUZZARD F. L. CHURCH JNO. B. REILLY  WE CORDIALLY I VITE YOU TO MAKE USE OF OUR FACILITIES AND SERVICE COLLECTIO SWILL RECEIVE OUR CAREF L ATIE TIO  umber under  171  to each bank in U.  ame of Bank is the  ew Tran It umber ·ven . e clu. hely by Tbe Rand-McNally Ban ers'  Directory, under the authority of The  me~can Banker Ass'n.  FLORIDA-Continued  .. TAME OF BA."K.  PRE IDE~T,  ♦ Mem.F ed.Res._[Est~.  )liamL.. -• •••. Dade F 7  MIAMI BANK  (Continued)  A TRUST CO. Ga~l  °VICE·PRESIDE. "T,  Ass'T CASHIER.  PAIO-UP,SURPLUS CAPITAL: AND _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PROFl'£S  _ _ _ __  I  CASHIER,  Trust matters and collections given immediate and efficient attention.  •Wl2 \  __  R~sou~cEs. _  PR1. •crPAL CoRRESPo. DE. •Ts .  Lo«s1&Dt.•1  DEPOS-  O«aa&Exca.urou,Dtr11 8•cuamsa , ~ B ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  lc'Ts. llo"o ,  ITS  - - -1--  C. D. LEFFLER ...... ft. M. PRICE·-··-···· ft. H. DANIEL ..... VINCENT ft. BRICE •• J.C.GIFFOftD  1  l-_  LrABILITIEI'. _ _  I  •Mem. Am Bks. \s n. §State tMem. tateBks.Assn. tPriv.  Non-Bank Towns ~ith Nearest Banking Point (In· dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi:s '-; volume. For Intere t Rates, Hol!days, etc., ·po Law . ~  $  50.000 $ 25,940 U 150040'  I_______  Miami Exchangt• Bank .. §·20 \ . J. Thorp •••••.•• F. R. Knigbt -·--·· G. L. Browning •••. ····-····-·· ••••••·• 1 63-339 Geo. Whitmer  50,000  14,000  876,010;  ♦  U-tO  I  Send ua your M I A M I business. You wlll find ua liberal and prompt.  •1'12  N.,1acksonvme.  ficanopy ••• .Alachua K • l)IicanopJ Bantinr Oo .. •1'06 J. J. Pop. 546 U-IH  Barr---····/' J.  1  _  _ _ _ _ _ _ __  250,000  185,000  150,000 Irving N. and N. City, .. '. Y.; J>eo., Jackson ville; 1st N •• Miami.  'Tl t""'  0 :-0  243.090 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonvllle. -  - - ---- ---- ---- -----  0  >  tl:1  D. Watkins ••••• JJ. D.  Watk:,.=-- - - - · - - -  -1-5-,000- - 12- ,-96-0 - 1-16-.-38-0 - 36- ,40-0 - 90- .19-0 N. Park, N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville.  1 Fir t ... ational Bank •.•. •l'03 D. Faircloth •••••.• ··--···---···-·· •.•• 0. W. Oobb. ____ ···-····-·-- ·--·-···, 1  •~Iouticcllo.JeffersonB Pop. I 70~  i  IHSI  50,000  20,090  627,290  tate Bank of lilton ••.• §·20,J. D. Turner ••.•••• ,J. II. Harvell. •••.. 63-336 I W. A. McLeod  •. • Elder-·--··-  ···--··-············I  iii'  §.  0  Bank or .Monticello •••• •tl'l5 H.K. Miller .••.••• R. 63-305  c. Simpson ••.••  C. E. Dean-·---- - - - - - · - - - - -  25,000  7,250  175,000  Farmers&Merch. Bank S. D. Olarte_ ••• _ F. J. Sattler •...... J. G. Anderson •••• 63-111 •t§'07 R. J. Carroll  25,000  25,000  440,000  FIRST BK. OF MOORE HAVEN  25,000  22,500  307,740  6lH116  •tl'l7  Marian N. O'Brien D. W. S'cvenson •• J. 0. Carr, Jr ..•••••••. ··-····· •••••••• ·  v. Cartledge __  Pietett--·1W. H. Tucker  ·-·· W. G. Ohapmu · -  68-187  • '06  ----------1  {J, T, HAIHIOflD.._ W. P. WILKINSON-·· M. W. ASHTON··-·-- N. S. COLEE·-·-.... You SEN 0 U  1  Z  I  105,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  334,8301 I  105,710 1N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville: ; Ex, N,, Tampa. 0,> .  35,000  15,000  4,850  16:5,040  111,010  73,880 N. Park. N. Y.; Barnett N .• Jacksonville.  7,000  366,000  333,910  60,590 Chase N., N · Y.; Fla. N .. Jacksonville.  16,000  400,000  320.000  15,000  !  350,oool  50,000  .yew ruyrna. Volusia N 4 /FIDELITY 1Allll ....... •il'lz T. L. Howell.. ••••• D. P. Smith ••••.•.• E. M. Webster ••••• Clanton Scaff·...... 6a-zzz Pop. 2001 ,E. ~I. Web-ter Gladys Smith  STATE Bil. GF IEW IMJIIA  63,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Peo., Jacksonville.  Mary M. True ••••. (Branch jot Oitiz ens Ban k of Emltis,Fl.a.) N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; 1 Citiz., Eustis. •  I  Bant of NewberrJ .--•U'OI B. •· 63-181  122,000  (I  fulberrY--···--Polk L 7 Bant of KulberrJ.--•il'07 L. N. Pipkin ___ Lyle O. Pierce •••• A. D. Denham .•••• ------··· - - · - Pop. 1499 63-185 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  ,..  Mount Dora----Lake L 51Bank of lU. Dora ••••••• •l'lS -·-···-···--····· ---··-···--·-···-·· E. Pop. 725 63-2711  s  217,230 N. City, N.Y.: Am. N., Pensacola,  15,000 ······--· ·····-·-· - - - - : -··-··--· Am ... r ., Pt>nsacola: Comw ...... Kan. 0.  1  .. • •wben·y ••• Alachua J Pop. 917  566,470  5:  ti  )loore Haven. De Soto L 8 Pop. 623  1  z>~ r.n  I  .. :\Iilton-- San ta Rosa Pop. 1»91  !::  '  100,000 - - - 1,3%8,580 1,185,490  ·  ~ '-<  :..  \C  281,850 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Atlantic  SOUTHERN BANKIJ. E. LUMMUS .... ...... :............. M. L. SPALDING ... J. N. LUMMUS, Jr.. A TRUST CO.  C  475,000 [ 399,000  138,000 N. Bk. Com., -. Y.: Citiz .•Am. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Ex. N ., Tampa .  I  R NEW SMYRNA BUSINESS DIRECT. BUI or Lading Drafts, Ca h and Time Item given prompt atteutlo n and r emitted for on d, ay of pa yment.  K. and Barnett  3  Number under Name of Bank i th  172  ,.,..u, ,., ......, .. 11-  r...... , .. __  .  Number under Name of Bank la the New TranaH Numbernfiven to each bank in u. 8. exeJuslv l7 by The Kand-MeNaU7 Ba en• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankera A.a 'n. NAME OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tate Ulem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. ♦.llem. };'ed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _______  Non-Bank Town with Neare t Banking olnt (Indexed Acces.), LawyersLLaws \indexed) in back of thi -  FLORIDA- Cont1·nued  1  ~~ ____volu~e. _For _!nterest Rates, Holidays, etc., see La  _ _ LIABILITIES. CASHIER. 1  Ass'T CASHIER.  _______ _______ 1  •Ocala_Pop~-Nrrn K '  *C OMMERCIAL BANK  •  110 •• '  C.u-IT.u p ~8  E. A. OSBORNE----- ROGER DODD------- ROGER DODD------- J.C. McNEIL_______  c~":· ~':.  ITS  p  RINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  • .....,  -  , ,  I  ~  6,570 S 260,000 S 125,000 S 100,000 N. Bk. Oom .• N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville· Orlando Bk. & Tr. Co., Orlando. ·  50,000 ---------  -  D111Pos- 1• 1.o..... »... c..,.,.ih:0  PAID-UP SURPLUS  Oakland ______ Qranie L6 Bank of Oakland ______ etf'l2 J. H. Sadler _______ C.H. Tilden _______ J.E. Clonts _____________ S 15,000 S 63- 261 Pop. 323  RESOURCES.  I  -  550,000  120,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N •• Ja~k-  425.000  -  -  -  IODYl.lle.  83-72  Metropolita~Sa vings Ban~ .. If. P. Gadson _ _ R.R. Williams ____ A.St.Geo. Richard- J. S. La Rocheu ..- 285 •11 1~ L. R. Hampton son  25,000  *MUNROE & T. T. MUNROE--- .I. M. TIIOMAS------ DE WITT GRIFFIN CHAMBLISS First and old eat establlshe d bank. NATIONAL BANK Prompt atten tlon to all bank ing matters en trusted to ue. sa-n •i·o1 *OCALA NAT'L BK {J.Careful L. EDWARDS------ CHARLES S. CULLEN-- H. 0. STOKES-------- ________________ atte ntion given to collectlons an d remittances __________  50.000  -  83-71  • •i"ll  Ocala Clearing House. _____ (Members indicaud b11 a  *>  made In e very oaae In NEW YORK EXCHANGE on day  z. o. OhambliSS----  63-215  •t'll  w. R. Gary ________  L. J. Harper ______ _ B. w. SharbrOUih  F. M. Elledge ______ M. E. Skipper ·---- J. T. Hancock ____ _ Lytle Hull John L. Fouts _____ Irving Trask. ______________  C. D. Christ------- John H. W. E. Martin  Baas------  R. A. Gates _______ _  25,160 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville.  ,~  ~ 50,000 1,200,000 1,100,000 250,000 Ban. N., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jackson- r-1 vllJe; FultonN., Atl.  ,a 75,000  -  32.090  -  91U20  ,  956,200  >  -  138,220 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. or Bait., Ba1t.;I td Atlantic N., Jacksonvme.  25,000  3,360  81,930  54.630  25,000  12,000  600,000  500,000  ,~  z>  ,~ VJ  40,050 Bk. of Oran:?e & Tr. Co., Orlando.  = :,;"'  150,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Fla. N.; Jacksonville.  '1,)  0.  25,000 --- ------ ------- ----- ----15,000 200,000  870  M,410  48,930  25,000 1,100,000 1,000,000  rt'  0  30,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. Ex. N,, Tampa. 400,000 N. Bk. COm., N.Y.; Citiz. Com'l Tr. CO., Buffalo; Atlantic N •• Jacksonville.  0  < ;;·  g-  THOMAS HOPKINS_ I. W. PHILLIPS------- E.G. HAUSELL----- I. L. COOK.________ 50,000 32.630 792,490. 865,610 144.520 Han. N. and Chatham & Phenb N., N. Y.; M.O.OVERSTREET, LEROY B. GILES M. E.FOX 1BarnettN.,J'acksonvlUe;Ex.N.,Tampa.  (  Ch,o/Bd.  I  .  THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN OBANGB  COUNTY.  Orlando Bk. & Tr. Oo,-•tl'08 H. L. Beeman ___ W. M. Davis _______ G. H. Strickland .• _ R. A. Scarboro---15-71 Geo. E. Nolan, V,P, R. L. Hyer  STATE BANK OF  120,110  -----· - - D.O.Stiles,Jr•• Sec. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - -  -'OkeechopbeeOk eechobee Bank of Okeechobee-•• •U'l5 D. E. Austin ______ L. M. Raulerson ___ op. 900 N8 83-300  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  -  115,1160  of payment.  Ocoee______ Qrange M 6 Bank of Ocoee ______ e§'lll F. H. M~uire ____ B. E. Ewing _______ N. N. Jensen __ E.G. Dann.-----~Pop. 830 ♦ 63-327  People Bank ___________ §"21 G. B. Skipper _____ 63-353 Oldsmarp___ ~1"n ellas J 7 Oldsmar State Bank ••• •Wlll R. E. Olds ______ op. u 00 63-323 Ona-------- De Soto L 8 ( 'et Wauchula) Pop. 200 •Orl&ndop___ 0 ranre M 5 BANK OF ORANGE & TR. CO. J. F. An2'e--------op. 92 2 + 63-lU3 •:l:§'16 G. E. Currier, V. P.  4,300  100,000  64,060 2,001,830 1,383,300  782,710 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville: Citiz. & Southern and Atl. N., At!.  s. w. HOWE------- i· l}lNfld-k1;--- - - - - - - - - - . , [ . of the S tate. Located Int h e - 50.000 - 80.000 -3.000,000 -2.200.000 - 900,000 N.Atlantic Park, N. Y., Cont. & Com I N., Chi.; t:: • • The largest bank in the Interior N., ORLANDO J'acksonvllle; •th st. N., ~ &TR •:t§'llS Co Orange section. Makes a specialty of GS-i7 L. c. MASSEY----- T. P. WARLOW---  Florida collectlona.  Oviedo. ___ Seminole)( 5 Bank or Oviedo-------•1'121B. G.Smlth ______ /T. w. La.wton.. ____ jT. L. Lingo·-------1-----------Pop. 52 63-2!7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Phil.; Cltlz. &  15,000  14.000  146,640  127,940 - - -  T.  outhern, Atl.  Bk. Com., N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville.  '<  ~ -  173  Number auder Kame el Bank ia t.h• New Tramlt Kumber sivea to eaoh bank in U. 8. esdu1lnlr by The Ba.nd-MeNaDr Banken' Dlreetory, under tlae authority of Tbe American Hanken Ass•n.  Tow. A.ND COUNTY. •Count, Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. o. 6 Jacksonville Branch  . ·-  A.ME OF BANK.  •Mem.Am. Bk: .Assn. IStaie :Mem. State Bks. A.ssn. tPriv. [E tab. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res.  PKBSIDKNT.  VICE-PRESIDENT,  A.SS'T C.A.SRID  OJ.SBlD.  6'-80  •;"02  E. R. MALONE  n-311  •tl900  C I»  PlUNCIPAL COR.IUCSPONDENTS,  Cilll•••·  '"'I  c.::  c'ft. Bone, <milf•-.Dn bennllna no•Lm  ITS  t tJ'c'J-18~KLiN___  s  50,000 S 16.450 $ 663,830 $ 654.980 $ 81.120 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville; 4th St N .. Phil.  50,000 107,350 1020,600 1.018,800 R. L. WRIGHT··---- Wallace Griggs •• ·US YOUR lTEMS 1)f.&EC T. S Bill or Lading Drafts. Cash an d Time Items Rec elve promp an d persona I attent Ion.  {G.ENDE.WELCH------  J. R. Anthony __ F. E. Mobley. _____ L. B.Bush _ _ _ W, H. Crowell J. H. Millican A. K. Lamb ___ T . .l. Howze ___ _ _ _ _ _  -  D. M. Courtney ___ P. J. Hackne:r--··- 0. C. McLean ___ _ P. J. Hackney 63-251 •Panama City ___ Bay D 2 Firsi National Bank-•. •:•1a A. S. Hill ___ • _____ W. c. Sherman •• _ T. c. Payne _______ c. o. Mc Clure _ .. J. s. Mc Ree A. A. Payne J .R. Faircloth, 68-266 Pop. 2500 Ch.of Bd.  *AMERICAN IIATIONAL BK.  Lo.u-o• Dia-  DaPoa-  --- --- --- ---  State Bank of Palatka_•t§'12 J. A, Gladn6Y -·-·----&l-24S Palmetto ___ llanatee K 8 Manatee Co. State Bant-tl'D9 T. O. Taliaferro __ 6!-188 Pop. 2046 Palmetto State Ba.nk.---•t1'12 I.E. Springstead " --·----••  •Pensacc,Ia.Escambia.A. 2 Pop. 31,035  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  P.u»-UP ~ U S CUITil PBOJ'IT8  •Palacka __ .Pntnam LS East Florida Su. I: Tr. Oo. R. F. Adams ___ • __ J. A. OrosbY------· E. P. Ross----·---· W.8.Burdette.Sec . R. JJ'. Adams. Tr, __ J. F. Tenney •H'89 U-79 Pop. 5102  PUTNAM NATIONAL BANK  n Ing Point (InNon-Bank Towr.., with Nearest dexed Acces.,. Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday , etc., see Laws. ~  F.LORIDA-Continued  --  J. W. IULOtlf _____ • C. W. LAMAR ... ____ J. W. ANDREWS .-· 1· S. LEONARD MORRIS IEAR  • F. QUINA { B. L. and other mercantlle drafts handled by es.per enced colJectlo n  30,000  10,130  625,000  527,450  16,000  73,740  870,830  357,050  880,000  137,880  18,000 250,000 500,000  2,500  246,790 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. Phil.: March. N., Bait.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 151.480 Ban. N .. N. Y.: Atlantic N. and Fla. N .. Jack. sonville: Atla N: AtJ. 167,720 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N., Tampa; Atlantic ., Jacksonville. 247,100 Chase N .. N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa.  350,000 Mech.& MetalsN., N.Y.; Citiz.& Southern,; Dothan N .. Dothan. Ala.: Am. N .. Pensacola:N. City, Tampa: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville 155,010 4,213.080 4.170,660 1,331,000 N. City and Han. N.. . Y.; Cont. & Com'1 N., Chi,; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., J:, 0. 75,000  050,000 1,000,000  depart ment, u nder su pervlslo nor an offleer or the Bank.  Our dJl'ect conn ecttons In South Alabama and We st Florida Insure prompt and effl clent se nice.  E. R. MALONE-- ~-  w. MALONk--·-· G. c. ROJINSON,  *BAIIIUl8SAVIHS&TRUST  Onl7TrustCom p~'!W!"Jes'"v.~ rlda. COMPAIY--.63-4L•U'U { Special attentto n pven collection s.  ·--··--··---··-·  «. arnl Tr.  100,000  21,000  538,000  604,000  '  185,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N .. N. N,,Pensacola; Oitiz. & Sou •• Atl.  Y.:  Am.  Prompt aemce, and prompt reml ttance.  *Citizens & Peoples Nat. Bk. J, S. Ree e·----··· H. M.Cary_. _ _ J. W. Dorr------·- s. M. hackleford T. O, Finch •t'04 63-55 M. Moreno Pensacola Olearine House. __ -----······-····· -------·-···------- J. w. Dorr, ,Jgr,_ ··--------·---___ ( fcmb8rs ,,ldiooted by a*} D. JI'. Blanton __ _ •Perry ____ Taylor B 2 J!'irat National Bant ___ .i•oa S. B. Peacock, Sr •• J. H. Loufhridfe __ w. L. Weanr. _ E. F. Strickland 6S-1S0 Pop. 3000 Perr:, Banll:inr Oo .. -.•ll'07 D. G. llallo:, ___ J. H. Scales ____ L. G. Blue·---·-·· G. W. Harmony. " S. J. Faircloth 83-lSl Plant City.Hillsborough Banko! Plant Oitr--•:1'06 Wm. Schneider---· E.W. Wiggin ---· W.1. KcDonaJcL_ R. M. Morgan .•• 83-911 K 8 Pop. 3720  200,000  --  137,000 t,610,000 2,508,000  569,000 Han. N., Seab. N., and N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N •• Chi.: 4th St. N. and Girard N., Phi: '  ·--- --- --- --- ---  -~  50,000  45,000  660,000  600,000  -·  100,000  30.000  650,000  650,000  60,000  60,000 1.100,000  800,000  J, L. YOUNG---·---- S. E. MAYS ----··-- M. E. 11000 Y ·----· T. E. MOODY ____ _-V. B. COLLINS E.T. ROUX  50,000  90,500 1,250,000  700,000  350,000 N. Bll:.Com.,N. Y.;Ex.N .• Tampa; AtlanticN.. Jacksonville.  -----·----- --·- Punta Gorda.De Soto L II Fidelity Trust Co •.•••• •i§'20 F. M. Cooper •.•••• H. R. Drifgors-·-· J.E. Skipper, Bee. and Tr. 63-341 Pop. 1295  50,000  40,000  10,000 Merch. N .• Balt.; 1st N., Tampa aud Punta Gorda  HILLSBORO STATE BANK 6!--118  •U'82  --------  55,000  100,000 N. Bk. Com., N_, Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 150,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch, N .. Balt.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 293,000 N. City, N. Y.: Citfz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa; Barnett N. and Fla, N •• Jacksonville.  46,110 N. City, N. Y.: Merch. N .• Ba1t,; Atlantic N .. Jacksonville: Ex. N., Tampa. BUI or Lading D rafts, Cash and T lme Item receive prompt personal attentl on and remJtte d for on day or payment. 49.070 .lm. Bz. N., N. Y.: Peo .. Jacksonville: Oitlz .• 160,870 118,350 15,000 PUNTA GORDA STATE BAH W. L. Koon ••••••• _ T. P. Douglass __ W.R. DeLoach __ MissGraceLaubac h .. Am. Bk, & Tr. Co., Tampa, :Mrs. M. A, M c.Adow •:1'17 61-191 N .. N. Y.: Fulton N., Atl.: Atlantic N.,' Irving 125,640 020,330 100,000 . 761,410 46,200 •Quincy ____ Gadsden G 2 FIRST NATIONAL IANl-•l'04 S. B. Key _ _ _ o. R. Shaw--·· J. o. Scarboroueh. --·-----·---J ack:sonTille. u-89 Pop. 2540 100,000 153,110 1,282,220 1 1,179,580 355,750 Seab.N., N. Y.: AtlaDtie N. and1'ane&t "·a.JORDAN-··---- H. ou1NcY STATE BANK--•H·so •• Jacksonville; Oitiz. & Southern, Sann. prompt Jy on day or payment. Prompt person al attention give n Bill or Lading Drafts, Ca h and Time It ems, an d remit 63-88  SMITH------- D. N. MC QUEEN .•••• J. T. SWIICHEY .--·- C. F. CURRY---···- FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'l2 {E.W. SEND -YOUR ITEMS DmECT.  25,000  63 227  10.710  260,240  274,080  I  --··--- --  {HM>W'lrt~oE 11:tl\iOAth:crrr:  I  Bag:,_  w.  --•-·--1'10 T. B. Handle:,·-- O. B. Gordon. ___ Geo. O. Jacobs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 Oitizens Raiiford ____ Brad!ord 192 Pop. 412 BL•tl'07 B. B. Bo7tfll ___ Jl. llorru ____ J. B. KeDcmakL _ _________ River Junction __ Gad e IG dsden C0 ,S 6.,-1 E 1 Pop. 1000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~i8  ..I  cuRTJs .......  lted for  15,000 15,000  4,250 11,700  53,000  82,500  I  186,230 I  150,620;  50,250 Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 65,500 Chase N ., N. Y.: Fla. N. and Atlantic N.. ·1 . • N. Pensacola.  ~ .. n,hPr 11,ut,•r  4  amP. nf Hanle i 1h  T,u•r ,., ..............  , ... - .  -  •  N ber ander Name of Bank la the New Transit Numberntiven t.n .u~ h,u,lir in TT Fl. esr.JnalnlY hv The &and-McNally Ba en' Kwnbel ud• Kame of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank iD u. 8. exeluslveJy by The Band-McNally Bankers• Director,, ~under the auth_!)!lt! of The American Ba!!_ker A__•n.  ,.,,..  174 TOWN  AND COUNT"°v.  -  1  AME 011' BANK.  A.OountJ Seats. •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn.~ st ~te Fed. Res. Dist. No, 6 tMem.State Bks.Assn.t,Priv. Jacksonville Branc~:,_ ♦)Iem. F_!ltl. Hes. [Estal>.  I  PRESIDENT.  ~  ___  1P  r1  FLORIDA- Con ti n ued  VICE-l'RESIDENT.  _  l'n.-,+1n  'C'T /"\DTT\ A  CASHIER.  _____  -  Ass'T CASHIER.  _  ------  __  LIA~TIES. SURPLUS DEPO"'-  PAID-UP  CAPITAL  _  _  I  •Sanford ___ seminole 115 First National Bank -·-·•! '87 ,F. P. Forster--·- ' L. A. ~rumley ··-- B. F. Whitner--·- A. L. Betts-·-·-· $ 50,000 Pop. 5588 63-83 T. J. Miller 1  AND  Sarasota ____ Manatee K 8 Pop. 2149  COUNTY !A~ K 63- 282 if 13  BANK OF SARASOTA--•:tl'll BS-104  First 'ational nank .•• _.•'13 63-208  ••••••••  "  Sneads _______ Jadcson F 1 Pop. 492 South Jacksonville.Duval Pop. 2i75 L2 St. Andrew.-•••• Bay D 2 Pop. 1310 •arke •••• Bradford K 3 Pop . 2500  Highlands Bk. & Trust Co. 63-830 •U'Hl \1errhants & Planters Bank 63.846 §"20 BankofSo.Jacksonville•tl'l2 63-235 Bank of St. Andrews __ •tf'07 63 1 95 Bank of Starke·--·--··-•1'06 63-125  er-  HESO.!]RCES. r,, ..,.,&Dt•• o.rn&Ezc'T8. &.o•,  SECU~~  CD.ll<GS,,Du■  ~  PRI CIPAL C0RRL'IP0NVltNTS. _  74,000 $975,890 $ 957,59( $ 131,200 N. Park, N. Y.: Fla. X. and Barnett N., Jacksonville. 750,00C,  580,000  155,000 N . Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Barnett r., Jacksom•ille.  FORRESTLAKE- A. V/ \EY-----·--·- A. R. KEY-········ R. W. DEANE •...•• 6 Send us yow sanrof.f N8!lJecu  50,000  21,380  850,000  836,310  130,000 Chase N,, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville,  T.C.TALIAFERRO J. T. CAMPBELL ••• I C. E. HITCHINIS ••• IRON ROSS •••••••• Special attentlo n 11Yen to Collec tlona. Prompt B emlttanee. lnteW1en& naa ont itnn for non -payment. TBY US.  25,000  25,000  600,000  500,000  150,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: lat N., Tampa.  25,000  2,500  200,000  125,000  60,000 Han, N., N. Y.: Ex. N,, Tampa,  00  10,000  232,000  233,000  58.9 0 N. Bk. Com•• N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville: Ex. N,, Tampa.  50,000  2,050  164,930  14-1,140  15,000 ··---·25,000 3.960  10,000  53,530 N. City, N, Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville, Polk Oo. N., Bartow. 80,000 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; Peo, Marianna.  41D,650  286,470  l l  ons. They will recel ve prompt atten tlon by an officer or the bank.  o. B. Wilson •• - ••••  T. A. Albritton •••• A. L. Joiner •• ·-·-· Alice R. Howard ••  ebrini••••• DeSoto M 8 BAIIK OF SEBRING-"· · •t§'14 H. 0. SEBRING--···· /E. O. DOUGLAS-·--·· P. Pop. 812 63-272 "  1TB  Pno.!!!!_ ---,.--  H. R. STEVENS---- , H.P. SMITH-----·-- C. D. COUCH----·-·- :--.---·········-··-30,000 16,000 BANK PEOPLES SEND us YOU i ~~Y8nD ITE MS DIRECT. 63-84 •:W06 {Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems receive prom pt atten tlon. TOURISTS AC COUNTS SOLICI TED. SEMINOLE  Non-Bank To n with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.J, Lawyers, Laws (inde.ted) in back of this volume. For Intere t RaJes, Bollc!aYs, etc., e.La~. ~  _  Geo. E. Sebrini  so,  J. RIPPBERGER ••• ············-··-····  ···/Ira Rigdon  • -··--·- 1Ira Rigdon ······-- ·---·--------John H. Garst , J. W. Gibson •••••• L. C. Butlor __ ••••. R. R. Carpenter··- -·--·--·-·-····· •••• H.B. Philips .••••• lR. O. Moore _____ • __ Cecil Brown -•····- · - · - - · · - - - - L.A. Usina J. H. Drummond •• F. Bullock-·--·-··- F. Bullock.---- A. M. Douglas •••••  tD  273,2901 162,590 101,000 100,800  ~  "4  @ I  01,080 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State Bk. of Ohl., Chi.· ~ Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Corn Ex. \, Phil. ;;, 141,420 Ohase N .• N. Y.: Am. N., Pensacola: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville. ... 22,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. ci.  cf  25,000  17,370  E. S. Matthews ••• _ A. M. DarbJ ••• - - Geo. O. White ••••• · - - - - - - - · - · ·  15,000  5,000  BRADFORD CO. BANl--•t1'811 N. T. Ritch •••• - - W. T. Weeks·-···· J. H. Ritch----··· S. L. Peek ·--···· 63-124 W. C. MIDDLETON. A. E. BAVA.·-···--- C. GILBERT ••••••••• A. J. SOLANA--····· •St. Auru ttne_St . John,s 0  25,000  25,000  420,000  363,390  D0,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. 0  30,000  5,080  512,420  439,170  97,330 N,Bk.Com. N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  Pop. 6192  M. 3  us vou!tt ~Ti~" ~mEC T. COMMERCIAL {SEND Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items rece Ive prompt and careful attent and remitted for on day or pa yment. BANK •H'09  (j  0  I  0.  s::  130,000  I  •t"86  B. LAMAR-·-··- GEO. L. ESTES •••••• GEO. l. ESTES ••••• _ F. F. HARROLD •••••• ST AUGUSTINE {G.They Direct your frle nd to u when t hey vi Florida. will recdv every courtesy. , 1  63-55  •t'19  It  PECIALIZED  SE.•RVI E IN HANDLING B-L DR AFT •  t. Cloud •••• O ceola M 6 Hank of 8t. loud •••••• •t§'I J. K. Conn •••• - ••• W. 11. 'Punnecliff(• C. D. Dyal. ••• ----- J.C. Mc-Leod---·-Pop. 2011 63 321 Peoples Bank •••••••••• •t '19 B'. I•. II. Pope ••• _. Levi bamho .••• _._ II. J. Ilillel>randt._ --·-·-·---·--··-·-63·325 W. R. Godwin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  H6,000 1,785,280 1,562,080  628,900 Chase N., N, Y.; Phil. N., Phil.  The Olde t Nat llonal Bank In th e tate of Florida . 'END US YOUR ITEM ON STI. AUGU TINE.  Peoples Bank for Savings J. T. Dismukea._ lw. J. Sanchez·-··· J. D. Puller---·· Jas. A. Colee •••••• 63-53 •:S'Oi Ray L. Hendricks  NATIONAL BANK  ~  1100  FIRST NAT BANK {J. T. DISMUKES.•• J. 0. PULLER -·-··--1 REGINALD WHITE-·- ROBT. B. MESERVE•• 63-52  ....  25,000  43,210  846,900  106,740 1st N., St. Augustine.  50,000  17,010  741,040  183,110 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N ••.Tacksonville; ._ Lowry N., Atl. l'.ll ~  I  i::  n>  "'1  Iri,000  I  1,500  120,000  '<  47,770 Han. ., . Y,; Peo .• Jacksonville. I ,_. 53,900,N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N •• Jacksonville. ~  Number under Name of Bank is the ew Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banker·• Directory, under the authority of The American Banker. A s'n.  175  A.Nu Cou.'TY. • -AME OF BANK. ... county Seats. •t*em, Am. BBkks. 4ssn.§t.Ptate 8 tate S.•-..SSn. riv, Fed. Res. Dist. o. 6 ,uem. [Estt.b. Jac~onville Branch. •~em.Fed._R~s.  TowN  St. Petersburg __ Pinellas Pop. 14,237 J 7  AMERICAN BANK I,, TRUST  PRESIDEXT.  I  YicE-PRESrnE::-;T.  _ __ _ _ _ _: __ _ _ __ 1  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acee .;, Lawyers, Law (Indexed) in back of thi t..-4 volume. For Intere ' t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law . I»  FLORIDA-Continued  j  C.-1.sHIER.  ~ ~ -- - - -__.;.._  A. P. AVERY----- r.i·HU\\aio-- D. E. BEACH-------  _  _  = s::  --  j Ass'T CA.SHIER.  =o~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO ·oE. ·Ts. DEPOS- 1.o..... a: n,.. oua a: El<· ITS CAPITAL PRAONDFITS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  p AID-UP ISURPLUS  o. G. HIESTAND--- 1  ci!irra~=•  SI) ~  --  §  I  $ 200.000 $ 87,000 $1500000 $1073000 $ 520,000 Seab. N., 1'. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Prank• Transient Tomlst Accounts welcomed Un N., Phil.; lat N., Tampa. ,and ctHn the personal attention of an officer of this bank. _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ •U'lO We make a apeelalt.!. of collections., and remit on date of paJ'ment. _  COMP'Y  G3-7G  --1--  1  - .-D.-S-II-IT-H---------~- S. HANNA~-------- -W-. L-. W~S-ON- ------- H CENTRAL -F.A. FA.-.THO~IASSON-I WO D, NATIONAL BANK •:•051------------- -------------1--- --h. of Bd.  LA&GEST BANK IN THE COUNTY.  I  1  . -- -  10 ,000 2,500,000 U00,000  II0,000  -  -  -  -  -  1-tl  -  600,000 N. CltJ', N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; _ Atlantic N., lacksonvllle; PhD. N., PhD. " -  Q ~  ->  ------  S!-75  0  .--  ta  >  T. A. CHANCELLOR --- C. W. SPRINGSTEAD - M.A. H. FITZ------ P. Y. CUNNINGHAM ---  z  R. J. rAcCUTCHE0N,Jr. ~ Collections handled and remittances made promptly. 200,000 , 125,000 3,000,000 2,150,000 800,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Cltl.z. Am. C/J Tourists accounts receive special attention. - - - - - Bk.&Tr.Co.,Tampa;Fla.N,,lacksonvllle. Information about St. Petersburg on request. C/J SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON FLORIDA IIDEX. :-t'  FIRST NA63-74T'L BANK  I  I  f tmrt __ . Palm Beach O 8 Bank or Stuart--------• U"l2 E, A. Fu2:e--- /Stanley Kitchinf -- /Percy Fuee __ ________________ ______ ----  ...Tallaha ·ee--Leon G 2 Pop. 5637 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  ss-m  CAPITAL CITY BANK s~  ---  D. M. LOWRY------ O. C. C LLINS.---- A. F. PHILLIPS-----·-----------------G. W. SAXON, Ch. of Ed.  9,000 1 175,000  15,000  ---  ---  -----,  12.980  508,040  50,000  119,550  463.070  58,760 N. Park, N. T.: Peo., Jacksonville.  139, 0 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlantic N., lacksonvUle.  Our Collection Department Under Personal Supervision of an Officer of This Bank. We Actually Remit Day We Collect. •U'95 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- 1- - - - - - - - - - - -  Bao~s.:sg _______ if'l3  J. F. Dorman ______ W, C. Hodges _____ Carl Mitchell. ____ ---------------  50,000  4,000  Exchane-e B;~~,------•U'U 0, L. MizelL ______ E. H. Alford ______ _ John Choate _______ J. W. Collins, Jr.•. J. W. Collins +  50,000  10,000  Oitizens  ______  ,~-1--  -.--~-~ Pop. 778  .  '<  40,000 Han. N., N, Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  253,000  160,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Peo., Atlantic · ., and BarneLt T. , Jackson-,me,  Oharles Munroe  LEWIS STATE BK. j8EORGE LEWIS. !:l:hlldlrisoi{" G. E. LEWIS------ P.B.McDOUGALL- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N~;;8;;1ri~~~~g;~&::!':/~!~~~~i;CA11i~::; •tl'58  l  OLD EST BA N K I N  FLOR I DA.  ,wi... ':-1............ ~...~~;111-"'""...  - -......  'Iniffl~  v,  FT ,ORTD A-Continued  N.lME OP BANK • TOWN .A.ND OoUNTY, •.Mem . .Am. Bks . .As!n. IState .o.Oounty Seats. Fed. Reserve Di t. ~o. 6 tMem. State Bk . .Assn. tPriv. (Estab. Jacksonville B r ~ ♦.\lem. Fed. Res.  .. Tampa ___ Hillsboroueh J7 Pop. 51,608 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  V1cz.Pnsm,NT.1  0 .A.SJ IDCR.  - - - - - - - - - ---,----------------1 D. F. OWEN---W-/- BA'RITT•.••• -N. L PERRY ------E. F. BLAKE---··-··  *BANK OF COMMERCE GMO  I  P&ESIDlE!IT.  ol~EJJS»RAFTS  ESPECU.LLY DESIRED. BILL Personal service by an o c,tr otf the bank. ON TAMPA, ITEMS ALL SEND US WEST TAMPA, AND TISOR CITY.  U-08  ~  $ 23,900 $ 821,350 $ 857.810 $ 114,970 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Fulton N., Atl.; Fla, N,, .Jack onvllle. -  -  SEE ADVERTISE MEIT ON FLORI DA IIIDE _X_ _  *BankofYborOity •••• •t§'05 L.A. Bize ••••••••• P.F.Licata _____ HunterHendell'son N.L.Crowder •• - ••  200,000  490J60 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil ;I ·f Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  60,200 1,381.470 1,356,920  G3-206  *CITIZENS -AMER  1  t.  A. e12E .---·-··- ~-Ale TQ~\\·-·-···· o. "· uKEY•••. ...:•• w0w. eLouNT-.. - ..  •  63-28  420,590 7,837,920 8,503,690 2,131,830 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fla. N.  1,000,000  Send us your South Flor-ida collections. IN__;_:..:..G_I::..:T=-EM=S=-:.;___ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ __o_F_L_AD _ B_ILL _ TI_O_N_T_O .;;.;.._A_TT_EN AL •U·o5, _ _ _:..:. S:.P:::..:..E:..:..C:..:..l.;.;.  A. c. CLEw1s·-·--~J:. 8:_ rl\,~FTHFAr1KNER ..• Jolf'N E. swHsoN.SoftitA/D,yRsRy .:.. A afti  NATIONAL BANK All  t""' 0  1c? l~ 500,370 Ut&.930 U0U70 1,054,780 1st N., N. Y.; Corn EI. N..:! Chi.; Girard N.  ___ ___ ___ ___  Tampa Collections receive our prompt attention and -  will be remitted fo .. on day of payment at lowest rates.  •!'9'  lo:tJ  and Atlantic N., lacksonvtlle.  ~--------- - - - - - - -~- - - - - - -  f  . *EX CHAN 6E Gs-27  E GENE KNIGHT  L. L. BUCHANAN  BANK & TRUST CO.  and PhD. N.,PhU.;tah1.,st.L.  tl:l ~  ~  ~  ,_,I 0l  *FIRST NAT,L BK GI-ZG  T.  c. TALIAFERRO--------- I • .I. BIIIICAEl-1.·.,!MttWFs•~trERo,--1·1·1 _400,000 -  750,000 7,250,000 7,030,000 1,800,000 Am. Es:. 1'., 1'.  tat N .• Chi.; PbU.: Atlantic N,, .Jacksonville.; Com' di;_., Wash., D. c.  -  -  -  9 Y.; Cont. & Com'I N. and 'g Uh St. N. and Phil, N,f  1  Depository of the U.S., State of Florida, County of Hillsboro, and City of Tampa. OLDUT and ~AR G.EST BA NK in...So uth Flori •i·ae Send us your cash items and collections on Tampa, West Tampa, and Ybor City. Special a ttent1on given Bl LL OF L ADIIG d rafts. --- --- --- ---  *First Savini? & Tr. Oo.U'14 A, C. Clewis ••••••• L. L. Snaff'ord •••••• O. H. Clewis, Tr .•• - · · - - - - - - R. M. Clewis 63·32  500,000  *Latin-American Bank .H'l3 N, A. Perry--···- Geo. E. Simpson._ J. H, Steel-----·-- - - - · - · · · · - · 63-271  50,000  21,000 1.128,5~0 1,569,130  12,400  359,630  304,370  ll9,820 Guaranty Tr. Oo., N. Y.  112,760 Met. Tr. Co. and lrvini N'., N. Y.; Union Tr.  Oo,, Bait.; Tr. Co. of Cuba, Havana.  'Jll  ::,  • atlonal City Bank.--•i•17 63-53  c. A. Faircloth ••••  ~  Jaime Pendas ----- ···---··-----·--·- C. B. Dekle ••••• _. C. B. Galloway D. c. Lee J. A.. Porter E. R. Malone  Tampa Olearinr Honse-•• - Chas. A. Faircloth W.W. Trice ••••••• C. B, Wheeler, (Membtn ffld(eated b11 a*)  Mgr.  D. H. T,aney, Su. and Tr.  500,000  _  144,860 1,874,070 2,805,450  596,020 N. City, Ohem. N., and Mech. & Me1als N., N. Jll  __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  q  Y.:. 1st N •• . Coro Ex., Tradesm~ns N., and Phtl. N .. Phil.: Fla. N., Jacksonville; Am. N .... Pensacola.  -  \0  ~  .....  c.o  177  Number 1111der Name or Bank ia the New Tramlt Nambel' a:ina to each bank in U. 8. excluslvelJ by The Baad-lleNallJ Bau..• Dlree&ory, under the author~ty of The American Ban.ken A.u'n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME OP BANK.  AQount:, Seats. Fed. Res. Dist • ..1.To. 6 Jacksonville Branch.  •!rlem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState 1Mem.8tateBks.Assn.tPriv. {Estab. •~em. Fed. Res.  Tarpon Sprin2s. Pinellas JI Pop,2105  VICE-PRJ:SlDDT,  1  04.slll.D.  Aas'T OABJUD.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  (II.A.VAi WIHLE - - - - - - - · W. D. FLETCHER •• ··---------····  BANK Of COMMERCE 6S-ZIG  I  ~IDDT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi ' volume. For Intere t Rates, Holtdays, etc., see La~ ~  FLORIDA- Cofi t•IDUCd  l  '/  LIABILITIES.  P.un-UPISuBPLl781 Oil'ITAL  .A.ND  j _ _ _ PaonTa, _ _ _  ~  · _,. Lm  t::: ~ '<  PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDJCNTS.  .RESOURCJl:S.  D■Po&- · 1.o... aDD- j o....,._ Bone, - - . i m rre 1  :..  _____________  ~  I  12,500 $ 26!,000 $ 211,000 $ 93,500 A.m.• ExN• NTa., N.Y:;FIContN. & CodmBa'I N.,tfblN.; ~ rne., ., mpa, a • • an - - - - - 1•• ., lacklon'fllle. Tourld aceoun ta welcomed and ghen the persona I attention of an officer. We she apeelal attention to cone ctlons and remU on da7 of pa,me nt In New York I unda at Jowett n tea or exehanse.  •:1'12  $ 35,000 $  I  1  ~  I  SPONGE EXCHANGE BANK  kt. ~~dt?:~::-.1.;:~: b !:l:AYfbLrtir· H.w.cu1s.---- -··········-····-·~~I~ ~ ~ c~1:, Tampa.  l  A. M. LOWE ..•.•  ~  8  All collections presented in person and remittances made promptly.  > tx,  >  •Tavares .• -·---·Lake L 5 Bank of Tavares ••• - ••• •U-18 - - - - - - - - - - · · - - - W. J. Rofers •••••• Katherine Booth•• (Branch of Oiti,u m Bank • Eust(s. Fla.)._ N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y,; ~t.lantic N:, Jacksonville: Z ~ Ex. N., Tampa; C1t1z,, Eustis. 6&-276 Pop. 359 C/JI TamOom., ot Bk. Jacksonvme: •• N Atlantic 16.830 71.650 75,800 18,020 15,000 Boyd·····-·· E. B. •••••• Beville R.R. Terra Ceia- Manatee J 7 Bank of Terra Oeia --·-I'll J. JI. Ba"8Y--. pa; Union Tr. Co. or Md., Bait. 83-221 Pop. 800  ';!,  Bank of Tltnsville ··--·•*1'12 Geo. W. Scobie··--, J. O, Spell .••• --··· W. B. Noble•---·-· Lillian Swink._. __ _ M-250  15,000  18,000  250,000  225,000  65,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Barnett N. and Fla. N,, Jack• sonville: 1st N .. St. Aul!ustine and Miami. ..,  ':ate Bk.•tl'89 JameaPritch&nL. Frank T. Bnde-e._ P.H. Odom-·-·-· ·------·----····  25,000 1  5,600  191,000  138,600  65,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  Tr n on. ____ Alachua J 3 Farmers & Merchants Bank 0. 8. Olntt-•• -. 0. A. Faircloth ••••. R. 0. Lane .. ______ C. T. Johnson •• ___ _ R. O. Lani!, Jr. J.B. Stockman •U'll 68-220 Pop, 00  15,000  ll,080  260,540  135,420  TrllbY---·---·-P co K 6 Trilby State Bank·-···-il'14 W. G. De Vane.• -•. W. A. Croft·-····- L. D. Crum •••••••• ·-----·--··--··· L, D. Crum 63-293 Pop. 245  15,000  970  35.070  29,180  •Tit u ville.-Brevard N Pop. 1361 ..  ______  ..  Indian Rlve~ 1  ~  ti!  77,700 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville,  r+  15,000  4,830  202,640  41,250  Louis Harris.·-·-· Wm. Atkin-··---·· ·--·-·---·--·----0. o. Bel~eth•••••• Ralph W. Snoke_ •• ·---·-··-·---·-·-· G. W, WiJlf!lg J. L. Winter-•••••• J. O. Weimer, Jr ••• - - - - - - - - · - -  20,000  3,870  388,150  192,730  25,000  4,410  112.100  162,400  15,000  3,450  149.200  61,250······· Hngh B. Summers.  15,000  C,500  65,000  61,600  J. G. McEwen •••• w_. W. <;llllett.e •••• l11Ss Ed.1th Wilson ,  30,000  21,870  668.060  329,530  245,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N,, Chi.; Atlantic N .. Jacksonville: 1st N., Tampa.  HU8  184,750 Chase N'L: N. Y.; Mereh. N., Bait.; Fla. N., .Jae sonvllle.  wauchula_.De Soto L 8 Bank or Wauchula••••• •tl'07 A, G. Smith_ •••••• D. U-1211 Pop. 2081  CARLTON  NATIONAL BANK 63-128  Webster ·--··Sumter K Pop. 861 Wellborn_.suw ee J Pop.29a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •t'04  o. Ratliff ·-····  60,000 13.880 505.180 ALBERT CARLTON- C. J. CARLTON •••••• C. J. CARLTON- ••••• C. S. CARLTON---·· W. D. MclNNIS J. W. EARNEST Send your Bill of Lading Drarts Cash and Time I terns Direct to us for pro mpt ser vice.  l  Remittance ma de on day  or pay  ::,  s·  11,670 Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  1  Waterto!~~~~~Columbia Watertown Bank ••.••• •tl'l4 R. T. Boozer--· John J_. Paul····- L.B. M. Stem 63-291 J 2 Pop. 1000  'g  110,450 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y,; Fla. N., Gaines- C/J 'O V?-1le and Jackso~ville; N. City, Tampa.  Umatilla ---·-·-·Lake L 5 Bank of U~t~l~··-··· •1'12 G, V. DeVauJL-•• F. L. Ow6Ds_ ---·· J. B. Neal _ _ _ ••••••...•....•••••• VerO----~~~s1~lucie O 7 Farmers Bafl204·--·····••14 J.E. Andrews••-•• 793 First ational Bank •••• •t'l8 D. H. Snoke ••.••.. Pov. 63-320 WaldO---·---Alachua K ! Bank of W~i~ffj"·····•!l'l3 E.W. Millican •••••  1  0  169.400 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. 28,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville.  ~  !!.  ~  71,000 Peo., Jacksonville.  0 26,000 Seab.N., N.Y.: Atlantic N.,Jack:sonville; tate "1 ::J Ex •• Lake Oity.  ment.  J, 0. Qeben • _ _ J, w. J'usell--·--- c. J. Buber•• -··-·- Nellie Bouters-•••• umter Oounty State Bank •11'12 G3-1W Wellborn Bank ·-····--H·lo A. W. llcLeran._ J. B. Pennin~toD •• B. H. Pichard·- - - - - - - - E. B. McLeran a-2ao  15,000 15,000  ---  70,000  18,500  10.160  188,000  105,000  I  60,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Munroe & Chambliss, Ocala. 108.000 N.Bk. Com., N. Y.; AtlanUc N.,Jacksonville.:::;  .....  172  178  ....  n  -,n--•-· .,  .Number aader !fame of Bank la the N w Tranalt Number given to each bank in U. 8. exeJual,elJ by The &and-MeNallJ Banke:-9' n. n era n · ~ - - " " " · · th• •nthn•lhr ,., Th .. AmPl'I I  FLORIDA-Continued  Number under Name of Bank i.a the New Transit Number given to each bank in u. s. excluslYeb' by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of Thf> American Bankers Ass•n. N.~~E  -T~;N AND COUNTY.  ~ B~NK.  -  -  ;~:~J:!1lifs~1:~~-,p~~t [Estab__. F~___:_R~.  Fed.c~~~-tb~f.ts.,o. 6 .Jacksonville Branch.  1 :  ♦.\Iem.  FARMERS BANK  •West Palm neach.Palm Beach __ Pop, 8659 •• o 9  --=--  PRE!SIDE~T.  •:Wl3  63-264  I  PAID-UP SU~us  CAPITAL PROFITS  M. E. GRUBER T. J. CAMPBELL  j  __ _ LlABILITIES. _ _  Ass'T CASHIER,  CASHIER,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  1 T. T. REESE----- H. G. GEER-------- F. A. GUTELIUS, 1  & TRUST CO.  FLORIDA-Continued __ ::::;..:..::.;:;;.:::====-=~~  Ca11h. and T,-.  I  _  on-Bank Towns with Nearest Banlnn Point (In<lexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of tllls volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES.  LO.&lla&D,e- c.... u:x-  DEPOS-  c:~:· c::::,•~";_~:  IT■  S. D. MORRIS---- --! $ 100,000 S 103,420 $21905601$1966400 S 379,660 N. CltF, N. y~~t N.t ~I.; Corn Ex. N., Phll.: Atlantic N., ,1acksonYIUe. 1C. D. REESE, Sec. -  Largest bank lo this county. Special attentto n and prompt re mlttances on all collecUona. TOURIST A.CC OUNTS INVITED •  I  I  , "Xj  ,  FIRST NAT BANK { •t·os 1  63-112  •  PALM BEACH  BANK & TRUST CO 63-113  I  31,130 1,814,100 1,066,720 797,470 N. Par!', N. Y.; Fla. N. and Banwtt .... Jack- O~ 100 000 GGEEOO. WW. J0 NTTAESR___ B.E A. WMAXLFAIIENLHDAh_T___ W. C. CRITTENDEN .. E. C. RUMSEY, A. C a s h . a n d . T r . O f f i c e r - - - - - • , sonv1lle. , 6 0• • •• P0 :;tj Ch. of Bd.  "OLDE T NAT ION.AL BANK IN PALM BEACH C OUNTY." Send us your Bl II of Lading draft s. Tourist ccoun ts Receive pecla I ttentlon.  {  TOURI 'T A.CC OUNT  •:t:§'O~  l;jT2e0r2Bank •:t:1·o 3  .  I  tJj  50,000 1 44,430 1,139,200 952,560 170,'740 Han. N., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonnlle: Mui. )> J. R. ANTHONY --- J.C. STOWERS------ D. L. WILLIAMS---. B. C. TEED---------1st N., Bait.; :.\Iiami Bk. & •rr. · Co., :.\liami. 1-; ORRIN RANDOLPH '4 l END U S YOUR "\VE T "PAUi BE ACH ITEM DIR ECT. ~ I Collections, JUI I or Lading drafts, receive prompt attention.  j  I  OLICIT ED.  W.Tam~~i,~i~~borouj' B nkofW~~t_io1m-pa ____ f'08 .A..C. Ole,ris _____ P.O.Kni~ht ______ R.T. Oullal--- lR.B.Diaz______ While Sprinis- HamiltJon Suwannee 21 Pop. 98 4  -  t, >  ,  W. G. Cate------- T. A. Edwards _____ G. L. Edwards----- 1----------------  40,000  27,940  409,900  321,620  15,000  14,880  140,290  130,950  135,670 OhaseN.,N.Y.  39,230 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. ;  "ti  u,>-  n>  Wildwoo<\ ____ sumter L 61Bank of Wlldwooo _____ !f'08 J. Rutland _________ H. o. comer _______ Johnson :rowen ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 83-20! Pop. 4 0  16,000  S,000  Williston _______ Levr JC Bank of Willi., t ~n-----•U'0G E.A.Osborne ______ T. L. Williams _____ J. A. Harver--- ' A.O.Jackson _____ _ W. M. Barton u,,- 20,. Pop. 823  25,000  10,000  Citizens Bank--------•U'l4 R. Lee WatL------ 1L. c. Hester _______ G. J. Blitch _____ _ 63-289 Wintr.r Garden __ Qrange Bank of Winter Garden•U'08 B. T. Boyd _____ L. F. Tilden _______ Pierce Robertson. ____ _______________ _ G. T. mith 113-205 L fl Pop. 1021  ~  92,7601 258,000  68,220  83,170 Han. N., N. Y.; Monroe & Obambliss N., Ocala.  208,500  57.850 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonyille.  -3 ~  I Dl (')  18,000  4,700  280,940  149,180  25,000  12,300  568,620  320,130  154,470 Chem. N., N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville anct ~ 1..+ Gainesville. 81,040 N. Bk. Oom .. N.Y.; Atlantic N., lacksonville,  ~  lo  ff  -----1-------------  25,000  2,600  140,000  210.000  30,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Atlantic, N .• Jacksonville; Ex. N., Tampa.  Wintcrh:i.vcn ____ Pollc L 6 First State Bank------•il'll Jno. L. Fout.------ W. M. Hampton. __ W. "B. Hutchinson . Is. E. Pa~e----James Hansen 113-225 Pop. 1597  35,000  24,000  959,470  m,160  180,000 Han. N., N.Y.; lstN., Tampa; Peo., Jackson-  w. Snell ____ ----  100,000 ·  82,420  674,590  40,000  14,000  825,000  842,270 1 167,730 Am. Ex. N:-, N. Y.: A.tlantie. ~- and Fla. ..., ~Jacksony1lle: Ex. N. and C1t1z. Am. Bk. & Ul Tr. Oo., Tampa. 300,000 75,000 N. Park:, N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville; State Bk, of Orlando & Tr. Co., Orlamlo.  6,000  375,00:>  \  n. McMillan ____  First National Bank _____ •'l9 J. 63-326  Snell / Winter Park. Oranie M5 BANK Pop. 10i8  ational Bank ----•t'09 H. 63-211  OF WINTER PARK fll-21'  ♦  63- 3111  Yl>Or City __ Htllsboroul!h (..;u, 'J'ompa)  J. H. Ross _________ L. B. Anderson ____  Iw. M. Sensabau~h-  .T. K. LU __________ E.W. Packard _____ R. D. Barze-------- _____________ _ H. A. Ward  •U'll  UNION STATE BANK-----•t"17  II. E. Bumby ______ R. B. Haddon  l{  R. D. MACDONALD- A. SCHULTZ-------- E. F. KEEZEL------ A. C. PETER------HENRY KART l  I  ville.  "1  I  280,000  110,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Atlantic N •• Jacksonville;~ Bk. of Orange & Tr. Co., Orlando: 1st '., n> :, Tampa.  CoUectfon and Ca h letter reml tted for prompt! y. Tourl t Accou nt given . peclal attcmtlon. This Bank Is a l\femb ,er of the Feder al Reserve System.  J7  .g2  i::  ~ "1  Z phyrl1ill ____ Pas('o K 6 American t;: te Bank __ •§· lf> J .• f. Harvey---- -- J. L, Geifer ___ ___ _ L. D. Stapleton ____ 0. S. Stapleton ____ 63-302 Pop. 577  15,000  4,680  161,280  110,51)0  56,170 Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Bk. ot Com.,'rampa; ::; _ Cont. Ti-. Co .. Bait.  Zolfo pring .DeSoto L8 State Bank of Zolfo ___ .u·o7 Ira J{i::cton ------- n. kiPJ)C'r ------11. (, . .\Iurphy 6!-207 Pop. 600  30,000  8,000  102,000  112,000  31,000 N. City, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville: ~ Polk Co. N., Bartow.   umber u~der ame of Bank: s the ·cw Tran ·It :Sumber given The Band-llc.Natly Bankers• t1reactoh bank m U. S. e clu ·fvely byThe American Banker - As ec ry, under the auth~rlty of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •n.  , . Hart-------- - -------------  GEORGIA  Xon-Bank Towns with Neare t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of 1111 • ~  0  .. I  ~:  ... . .  ;  I  11'  '  -  I'  I'  :  ~  Tow. AND Cou.-TY.  I:  I  ,  '  •  '  t  I  : ;  E OF BA.·K.  I._.•  c;~::•1C:::., ~-.= _____ _ __ _ _  PRESIIH.• T.  •_Nem.SAtamt.BBkks.4s n. §tPU!te •County S~tNs. rn·. s.ussn.[Estah. e Res. .,uem. Fed. o. 6 ♦Mem. State mDistrict. Entire Reserve Federal  I  GEORG IA  '  , '  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- Co--4 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back or tbl: A> volume. For Interest Rates, Hollda · . etc., see Laws. :, - ; RESOURCE~-- LIABILITIES '"1 Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SURPLusl DEPos- /½>""'•n... ' o...".tE.1:CASHIER. VH'E-PHE rnK·T. 0 :<_ _ _____ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , CAPITAL £RANDOFITSI ITS _  I  I I  .,.J~~  _  1  •Abbeyville __ Wilcox F 8 Bank of Abbeville-----•tl'04 W. C. Oliver------64-372 Pop. !119 }farmers Bank _________ t§'l9 Os.::ar Cannon _____ 64-986 Acwor!h ________ Cobb O 3 Bank of Acworth ______ •tl'05 H. L Williams ____ 64-39ii Pop. 1117  T. M. IJook, Actfre_ Fred Ewini ------- ------------ ------ $ 15,000 S 34,000 $ 300,000 $ 240,000 $ 70,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: 4th N., Macon: Citiz. & South- ~ ern, Atlanta: Merch., Valdosta. 16,000 Han. N., N, Y.; 4thN.,Atl. 73,000 45,500 1 25,000 ________ 0. F. Paxson ______ B. 0. Smith ________ W. S. Cannon_____ R. P. Brown 15,360 330,780 154,300 188,670 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N., A.ti.; 4th N., Macon. 16,000 R. L. McMillan_--· J.E. O&mes ____ J. H. Harrison_____ 1  S.LemonBankinfCo._.•U,53 J. W. McMillan ____ Orlando Awtrey ___ L. M. Awtrey _____ ---------------I 64-394  30,000  20,500  148,500  210,150  33,200 Han. N., N. Y.; LowrJ N., A.ti.: 1st N., Chattanoora.  Adair_ ville ___ Bartow C 3 Bank of .Adairsville ___ •U"99 J. P. Bowdoin----- E. D. Veach _______ 0. B. Biahop _____ M. A. Perry ______ _ 6.J-525 Pop 814  25,000  48,000  370,000  390,000  38,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N .. A.U.: 1st ·., Chatta noon. ·  •An.eL. _________ Cook F II Bank ot Adel-------- •tl1900 J. F. Lewis ________ M.T. Shaw ________ W. J. lrlcOranie ••• O. C. Wilkes______ W. B. Wilkes 64-285 Pop. 1720  25,000  39,270 1  280,000  350,000  38,000 Han, N., N. Y.; Citiz .. Valdosta: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.: Lowry N., Atl.  50,000  20.000  484,00°'  500,0001  25,000  5,000  2,000  12,000  45,ooo lN. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., O~ ::tl Atl.;lst N., Valdosta. 78,000 :Mech, & Metals N .. N. Y.: ~van. Bk. & Tr. ,.... Co., Savan.; Atl, ., At!.; C1t1z. & outhern, ~ Savan. Park,N. Y.: Olli,.& 8oathe,n, Bann.: 4tJ1 N. 63,000  FIRST BANK OF COOK CO.  "  I  le. c. Giddens _____ s. A. Parrish ______ J • .R. Pitts _________ ,o, Sutton.___  L.B. Parrish Adrian_ •••• Emanuel G II Bank of Adrian --------•tl'll L. O. Benton _______ G. E. Youmans ____ S. H. L7nch ______ R. G. Hutcheson__ •%§'19  64-286 64-811  Pop. 740  3  Alley •••Mont,ome,y G 7 Mont£ome0' Ooonty Bk.•1'08 T. A. Pete.,on •••.. W. J, Pete.,oo •••. •  lam  -~~-~·w ::eler G 1 l Farmers Pop. 563  Ba::~::________ 64-877  11'  1.  H, Peterson •••• -··········---  D8  --  -  *AL 8AN y  15,000 -------- , 30,000  18,000  25,000  U,500  200,000  200,000 I  NATIONAL BANK  82,H0  -  602,760 47,250  40,110  1-  I  .  I > ....,.  ~  ~  557,630  223,640 1 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cltlz. & Southern, :::: ;• Savan. ·"  173,910  13,450 Guaranty Tr. Co,, N. Y.; Cent. Bk, & Tr. Co., O Atl,; Savan. Bk, & Tr. Co., Sayan.  >  g= -- -- -- -EDWIN STERNE----- A. P. VASOH------ J.E. FOY------ P. \· ~ILSMAH------· ' 150,000 170,770 1,701,250 1.722,,770 428,760 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; ~ J. E TULETT J, S. DAVIS Corp., A.ti.; Cltlz. & .... ,We.wanJyourCollections. Sendthem.tousdicect, BANK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ saving time and money. Try us for quick service. •t· 88  I  114_91 *Exchange Bank _______ .u·113 ls.B.Bro,rn ________ A. W. M:use ________ 114-92  ~!fiie~!; tv!!:  Iw. o. Scovill. __________ _  l  Farkas Tri~.QiiTpany __ §'17 L. Fark~-------- M. Farkas --------- , B, W. Simon, Sec •• ________  *GEO R6IA NATIONAL BANK  •!'10  F. F. PUTNEY --- E. B. YOUNG------- , E. B. YOUNG------  w. M. BALDWIN---  Prompt attentl on ci-ven to colle lctlons. Prompt remltt ance, lntelltcent reasons for non- payment.  AlbanybCl e~ridn~_!!?Jsbe ••••-}- Edwin Sterne----- E. B. Young _______ W. ( ...lfem ers in IC<.AM>U u a  THE CITIZENS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  @  50,000 Am. Ex. N ., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl, I  *CITIZENS-FIRST  64-95  ~  25,500  -1  s. B. BROWN----·· A. w. MUSE------- H. E. DAVIS.---------------------  j 50 000 Personal attention given collectfons. Prompt remlttance. ---:..... Progressive banking methods In all departments. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. •UOOO 64_93 .\lbany Tru t & Banking Co. A. P, Yason ________ ,s, B. Brown _______ P. w. Jones _______ jJ, R. Pinkston_____ 100,000 -- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P. w. Jones 1'05 114-94  INATIONAL  >  Y.;  IPnion Bankinl? Co, ______ .''19 L. 0, Benton ____ ~_ J. A. IIinson _____ _ D. W. Wat on_____ __________________ M◄OO • lap;lha _____ Berrien F 9 Banh. of A.lapaha ______ .u·o5 G. A. Paulk ________ /M. J. MclUJlan ___ F. T. Tiller_______ ______________ , 64--527 Pop. 503  Po~.01{Msty  57,000  U0,000  I  Citfz. & Southern, Savan.; f'06 -------------------- ---------------····· W. M. Pope ___________________________ (Branch of GZ,,n wood, Ga,) _________ H:·: :~~o;: ~ 4th N., faron; Fulton N., Atl.  "  .. Jinn  231,0001 181,000 1  57,200  110,000  725,000  524,220  100,0001  50,790  11,000  152,030  200,000  13,800 Ga. N. and Citiz.-lst N., Alb.  187,540 1,858,860 1,866,1901 664,860 ,Chase N., N. Y,; Citiz. & Southern, At!.  TBY US. ·  c. Scovill, Sec._ /n. E. Davis, Mor,_ , _____ __ _  SQ UT H ER N BAN K. SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS ~u:~~T~ 1  ANo  857,980 Bk. of America, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  172  180  Number andet ame of Bank la the New Tran11H Number given to eaah bank in U. 8. e1eloah'el1 by The Kand-MeNallf Banken• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankera Au•n.  FLORIDA-Continued  !IIUllber aader Kame or Bank la ~e New Trana!& Number nTn to eaeh bank in U. 8. exclualYelJ by The Band-McNallJ Banli:era• Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  - ToWN AND O0UNTY.  Nm -OP' BA 'K.  - - - -1-  - -  Non-Bank Towns wtth Nearest Bank.Ing Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this1volume. For !nterest Rates, Holidays, etc., soo Laws.  IA- C 011f lnue d EQRG G__ __ -  gg  P.IUNClP.A.L OoRR.ESPONDltNTS.  LIABlLITl~- - -RESOURCES.--  -  - '"-suRPLue v lCE·PKESIDJ:NT. p •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. §8~~ •Oounty Seats. Dt.. DEPOS- ½'u•• PAID·UP ilS'T 0.l8BID. O.A.s1111:a. BUIDDT. Entire tate in To. 6 Ulem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. 0 Pa_'b_;n_IT_s _ 1_Ts_ _:"_~_!'_.;:_• _.F~ed_._R_e_s_. __[_E_sta_b. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _C_AP_i_T_AL_ _ !ederal Re. erve .Q!_strict. ♦Mam  c ... a1:E1:• 0  ~~ i ; " ~ J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i  •Alma .•••••••• Bacon H 8 Alma State Bank •••••• _. §'18 E. S. Strickland ••• C. L. Sibley ••••••• G. M. Swain ••••••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 15,000 $ 2,890 $ 82,890 $ 98,000 $ 12,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 64-969 Pop. 1061 -----··---- J. Q. Dou2las__ (Brane hot Bax l.t,y Bkg. Co.,Bax le11,Ga.) N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Savan.: ---Bank of Alma •• ·-···-··*''IMI -······-··---··· ·• .. N. Bk. of Brunswick. Brunswick:4th N.,Atl. H. O. Robinson 64-528 1 Y. H. McQ~;1°!fofs Co., B~r:o V. H. McQuarie.._ ·-------····----···- V. H. MoQuarie ••• - · · - - - · - - - · · --·--·· _ _ _ ··----··· ·---···-· - - - · 23,060 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz., Gaines. 48,820 54,650 4,310 15,000 •Alpharetta ••• Milton D 8 Alpharetta Bank .••••••• W18 I. O. Teasley_._ R. C. Nesbit·-- F. L. Williams·-· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ville. 6Hi07 Pop. 379 35,000 Am. Ex. N •• N. Y,: Fulton N .. AU.; 4th N., 21,000 265,000 267,000 16,000 Milton Oounty Bank ••• •tl'l0 G.D. Rucker·----· I. 0. Teasley--··· R. D . .HanniD£ •• __ • Glenn Francis._. " Macon; Citiz., Gainesville. 0. E. Maddox 64-£08 45,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Oitiz. & Southern, Savan. 75,000 500 100,000 15,000 Alston •• Monteomery G 7 Oitizens Bank ••••• - •• U'll E. S. Martin.-•...•• H. G. Martin·--· E. 8. Martin .. __ Alfred Renaldi •••• 64-804 Pop. 300 28,310 Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.; Atl. N., Atl, 63,370 34,130 580 15,000 Ambro e •••• -.Colfee G Bank of Ambrose •••••• :t§'lli W. H, Harper--··· M. C. Jowers •••••• T. H. Collins _ _ -··--······-64-956 Pop. 500 65,000 135,340 907,370 1.014,690 292,580 N. Oity and Guaranty Tr. Oo., N. Y.: Citiz. ,-.. ... Americus ••• Sumter D 7 Bank of Oommerce •••• •:1'91 Frank Sheffield •••• John Sheffield-·-·· Lee Hudson.·---·· · - - - · - - - - - "'"' & Southern, Macon; At!. N .• At!. 64-100 Pop. 9010 50,000 10,000 292,880 210,570 1S7,670 Coal & Iron N. an<1 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 4thN .. tJ:l Commercial OityB nk.•:1'08 OrawfordWheatle:, ······-·---···- E.T. Murray •••• _. Baml. Harrison •••• O Atl.: Oitlz. & Southern. Savan. 114-103 50,000 250,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 300,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 4th St. ;:t, PLANTERS B~NK •••••• •:tl'92 {L. CIIICIL-. C• •• CDUICIL--- C. M. HIIIIL.--· Cl Phil. N., 84  a.  . l: u.•BDR\Jll···--·  I  -  Your bankla la bueln••• re apeotfully lnvl ted.  11V  >  I  Apalachee ••• Mor2an F 5 Bank of Apalachee •••••• §'19 64-991 Poi>, 398 Arco••••••••.. Olynn JD Brunswick Bk. & Trust Oo. f '20 64-1011 Pop. 1000 Arlington •• Oalhoun O 9 Bank of Arlin2ton- •• •*1'01 64-357 Pop. 1331 First National Bank •••••• '06 •• " M-358  Arnoldsville •• O2lethorpe Bank of Arnold ville•••• S'l9 64-993 .1 F 4 Pop. 255 •Ashburn •••• Turner E 8 Ashlam Bank •••• _ ••:11000 64-257 Pop, 2116 Citizens Bank ••••• ---··•tS'05 64-258 Turner Oounty Bank-•tl'l2 H-840 •A'hen •••• _Olarte Pop. 16,748 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  R. W. Wallace •••• R.R. Shockley •••• W. F. Travis •••.•• --------·-·-  IHI  L. o. White.••••••• E.W. Martin.·-··· Chas.  s.  55,000  52,000  50,000  50.000  275,000  350,000  D. B. Davis.____ W. A. M.urra7 ·-·-- E. W, Coney ••••••• Oarmtirinc Hewett e 25,000  35,000  150,000  175,000  J. S. Shingler_ _ • 0. F. Shine-ler •••• R.R. Shineler •••••••••••••••..••••••• G. C. McKinzie  JIO. J. WILIUIS .. B.C. EIWIN .. ---·· I. W. SIZER-·-··-· - - · - - · - · W. C. JORDU -tl'02  2-5,000  27,500  250.000  200,000  100,000  61,000  754,000  782.720  '  I  I  65,500 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; 4th N., Macon and ~ !'.1 Atl.; Citiz. and Southern, Savan. 25,000 Han. N., N.Y.; 4th N., Atl.; 4th N. and Citiz. ;;::> ~ & Southern, Macon. Ir+ S0,640 Mech. & lletals N .. N. Y.; O1tiz. & Southern, o • Atl. 114,000 N. Bk. Com •• N. Y.: 4th Ji,. Atl.; Frankhn N., r+  > tr  Phil.  307,930  793,310 1,301,150  '4-H  NATIONAL BANK  JOIII J. WILlllS r.-,~ncAolMfli •. P.BROOIS ..... t: ¥L: rlNs•,.'s" -···  !  l  W• N1pecUull J lDTtt. 7our n  JOHii W. IIOIITOll •••••  ,ID..._  i.  99,570 Ban. N., N. Y.: Atl. N .. A.ti,  50,000  600,000  756,000  150,000 N. Oib', N. Y.; Lowry N.,; Plan. N., Ric1l.  584,5'50 1,502,330 4,093,100  729,540  NM~?: l.: ./ii4th N •• .AU.: lat N .. Ph:ll.:  lpeelal at&eaUon p't'on to eoD• cUona. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  w/ii.·~~r:1~~w.....A. s. PARIER .•...•. G. F. STEPHENSON •.  ,J. II. Doz~er •• ___ ,J, H. Hubert·-··--· 1- - - -  g  (I)  Willi  All oolleotlona entruated to our care wlll reoelve prompt attention. Remittance• made at loweat rat••· :· 8  oples Bauk: •••••••••• •U'l2 S. Bernstein ••••••. 64·72  400,000  tl1  1> z  60,670 N. Park, ¥~ch. & Met.als N., and N. Bk.Com., 1,re N. Y.; C1tiz. & Southern, Savan. and AU. 25,380 )(ech. & Metals N., N.Y.: Oltiz. & Southern, ~ v.Savan. 13,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl.  Remitted for on day of payment.  IEIIIIA IAT'L BAH .•t·oa  U-H  55,480 Lowry N .. Atl.; Ga. N., Athens.  { Coll ctlon , Bill of Lading Draft , Cash and time Items.  H-70  Of ATHENS  51,410  15,000 - - - · -  Smith •••. - - - - - · - - -  W . .A.. Shinrler - · G. B. GordaY.·--··· J. S. Johnson--·- W. G. Shineler •••.  50,000 M. STER"---- II. a. MICHAEL ... a. Al MELL ........ ············-······ ATHENS SAVll.s ... ,,. IA.I•1-gz { flank and Here antUciC:::Ollectlons reee Ye prompt a nd careful att.ent Ion. Where pa7ment la refused reason • are pYen. Try m. ••-. VT""V 7 ff. ff. GORDON,Jr. C. D. FLANIGEfl .... J.E. PATMAN ..... J. G. HANCOCK .... 100,000 C. M. EYLER A. C. ERWIN CO MERCI AL BANK .. •U"93 " end u your Athen -uem Dire ct" ♦  80,000  -----·-----·· ·-------·--····-··· I, M• .Aiken .• ·-·-·· - - - - - - · - (Branch of Bruns wick, Ga .) . 47,500 185,000 226,500 47,500 W.R. Bostwick.-. R.H. Bostwick •••• H. D. Waeoner •••• - - - - · · · · · - · G. W. Harrison 78,870 D,460 30,000 99,390 W. E. Saunders ... G. M.Sparks •• ·--·· L. 0. Cannin2ham. _ _ _ _  ~, AMEIICAI ITATE BAH ♦  25,000 ---·--  196,880 1,532,180 2,567,050  • I I  • :  I  i i • I  674.810 Hech. • Hetala 111•• •• Y.  l  I I  I  1,  ; , t  1,  ;,  :11  1•  I  :  • . 1  ESTABLISHED 1861  LOWRY NATIONAL BANK Atlanta, Georgia  Send us your items on the Sixth Federal Dis tr· ct. We have direct collection facilities every banking point in the states GEORGIA, FLORIDA, ALABAMA, LOUISIANA, MISSISSIPPI and TENNESSEE  Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Total Resources over •  .  ..  $2,600,000.00 $20,000,000.00  Your Business Solicited OFFICERS JOHN E. MURPHY ..•............................ President HENRY W. DAVIS .........•.......... Vice-President ERNEST A. FOWLER .............. . Auistant Cashier H. WARNER MARTIN ................ Vice-President R. C. HENDERSON ................. Assistant Cashier E. A. BANCKER, Jr ..... ............... Vice-President C. E. ALLEN ............. Manager Credit Department J. H. NUNNALLY ..................... Vice-President MISS JAY SPENCER KNAPP .....•• Assistant Cashier ERNEST W. RAMSPECK .................... Cashier FRED McSWAIN ...•...........•... Assist.ant Cashier HARRY H. JOHNSON .............. . AuistantCas . • G. P. SASSER ................•.•.... Assistant Cashier O. C. BRADFORD, Jr ............•.. . Auistant Cashier J. R. RADFORD, Jr .......................... Auditor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1865  1919  The Oldest National Bank in the Cotton States  The Atlanta National Bank ATLANTA, GA. - 55 years of GOOD SERVICE to Banks an Banker throughout the country. -We collect direct on all point in the Sixth Federal Reserve District.  ~ITY  :  . -=- ~ca.---  1  I I I  IN THE HEART OF ATLANTA - THE HEART OF THE SOUTH  We cordially invite the account and correspondence of Banks and Banker with assurance of prompt service OFFICERS JAS. S. FLOYD CEO. R. DONOVAN THOS. J. PEEPLES J. S. KENNEDY D. B. D eSAUSSUR E  ROBT. F. MADDOX, President Vice-President B. B. CUNNINGHAM Vice-President J. F. ALEXANDER • Vice-President LEO STILLMAN - Cashier A. N. ANDERSON - Assistant Cashier P. M. SMOAK  A.,sistant Assistant Assistant Assistant  Capital and Surplus $ 2,993,519.16 Deposits, Dec. 29, 1920 - 20,169,500.32  Cashier Cashier Cashier Cashier Auditor  181  umber under ame of Bank i the ew Transit Number given to each bank in U. . e elusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers As •n.  . 8.A.tamt.eBBkkS.~ISD. :vl( I.assn. • em.  I  I  N.U(K OP BA.NI..  stsP~te  PRESIDENT.  YICIC-PBESIDJCNT.  -  • N 0. 6. ATLANTA- F e dera 1 R eserve C lty - - ..;::;:;._ _  --=.c..  -  -  --- - -  ---=  !'  LIABIL1T1ES.  PAIJ>-Ul'  .ASS'T OA.SJIID.  OilBill.  I  Sasl~:.s  I1  ROBT. F. MAH0X-.1. S. FLOYD--- J. S. llEIIEIY ___ I. B. De SAUSSUIE I. B. CUHIIGHUI GEO. I. DOIOI Al J. F. ALEUHEI T• .I. PEEPLES LEO STILLMANN I. I. ANDERSO  *ATLANTA NATIONAL  BANK  •t•&o  Member Federal Reserve System. Unsurpassed Facilities for Collections. All branches of Banking and Trust Company business.  Bank ot We t End.-----•tl'l5 W. , Witham, Jr,-jR, l. Barite ________ ,a. T. Kllpattick- •• ,___ _ _  M- 20  H. C. 'I'rout on  1·  CASH  '  _  :::l ~  I  _  ~  '< •  _______  ~ !::  .  70,000 .Atlantic N_. !1nd ech. c · . letal5 \, N. Y.: C1t1z. & South., At l.; Hami1 on, ... Chattanooga.  ·  I 1,314,790  8'15,000 6,313,1'70 - -  Mech. & Metals N., Guarantr Tr. Co., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; ts& N •• st. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; CanalCom'l Tr. and Sav., N. o.  - - - - --  P.H. WINTER, A.Tr. Su:. and Tr. Oifiur T.11. ARMISTEAD, JR. A, Tr. H. 0. REEYE, M qr. Farm Ln. Dept.  64-17  I  ~~---~~-::..-::...-::...-=..-  J.B. WHEAT,  f. S. ETHERIDGE--- SNOWDEN McGAUGHY  *ATLANTA TRUST COMPANY +  MtBC!lL-  22a,000 ---------- ----------  E SEE ADVERT ISEMEIIT! OPPOSIT ~  Your banktns account and A..Uanta. alao Georcta. Helld aad eollectlona lnTlted. We collect direct at a moderate ehaqe.  I  Smcum- LANEous RHouBcEs DiscouNTS TDls. •TC. RasouaOJr:s 1 s 61~,110 s l.580 $ 141,830 s 59,810  ____ 1  I  RESOURCES.  1,000,000 1,639,170 17,422,180 $2.663,660 ,- 21,260.910 -  Depo•ltory of the United States, State ofGeorsta. a11dClt7 of .A.Uaata.  64--1  160,000  15,500  50,000  AtlaDtaComm.9,1:_cial Banlt-U Ia W. B. Chandler ____ H.B. DaVJS ______ Howard Parrish ___ W, A. Cook________ H. M. Pearman Howard Parrish u &O  - -==-=-=-=-=-~~  SUBPLUa 11">IVID• :D•POl!IJT8 Lo.A.Na & I BONDS.  OP I V4.L AXD OUITil r1T. P•or1u· Dm-oeJT111 B..lNJt■ • _______ [Estab. +Mem. Fed. Re . 1 1 Bank--1:37 J. G. St. Amand.~- R. M. Cl~ton ____ Peter 11'. Clarke ____ - - - - - - s 200,000 s 41,050 s 442,9801---A erican  '"~  ·  (Fulton Co., D 4) County, Population 200,616  1  ZOUS0  1,000,000  1,552,000 _________ _ 1 3,141.140  776.600  1----1----1- - • ·- --•.----1- -  J------------  250,000  5,000  25,000  - ---------1----1----1  Aud.tor  0 t1l 0  • Y.  ~  ->  0  -----==  200,000 _________ = = = - -80,000 N. Park, N. Y .: Lowry N., Atl.  - - - - - - r - - - - - , . - 1 --  '1 ASA 6. CAHLER _____ JQHN s. OWENS------CARL ff. LEWIS------A. J. STITL--------*CENTRAL I FONVILLE MCWHORTER WALTER T. CANDLER L. H. PARRIS, _1._ooo_,ooo_:__ THOS. 1. MILLER c. HEINZ BANK & TRUST MEMBER FEDERAL IESEIVE SPECIALTY. CORPORATION TRADE-HCEPTANCES BOUIHT AND IOLD. 8-L DRAFTSATALOWEST RATES. SEIID US YDUR COLLECTIOIS FOi PIOMPT REMITTANCE • MILLS B.~AHE------ T. C. ERWIN -------- W. V. CROWLEY ----HENRY COH~N -----~-J~mcl81 CK J. E.WALLACj *CITIZENS & tl:llnllt{cfrf- J:i:L. munD wi SYMMERS YOUNG 2,001,000 3,027,900 38,531,100 __________ 38,182.070 SOUTHERN BANK FRANRHA!l!",McNAIR, H.  407,2%0 Guaranty Tr. Co.,  190,260  694_._%8_oi1~  1  __________  --  -  ~  txl  .> :z:  ~ Bk. of Am., Guaranty Tr. Co., VJ and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.;1'1ercb. j ...:....;._ Lo. & Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N .• Bos.; ...._ PhD. N •• PbU.; N. tate & City, ,-  I  10,979,230 1.130,760  491920 2 670 360 '  SYSTE ■.  ~ l!i>  Bk~ •  :l r"f'  •*5'06  Pl  .Caah.r:  V.P.H.  V.P.andMgr,BondDept.  84- 5  •t  '96  SEND US YOUR BUSINESS - al•o SA.VANNAH-AUGUSTA-MACON  Colonial Trust Oompany.•tl'12 J. S. S_li~er ________ R. A. Sil';lythe ______ J. C.W1Ihams,V.P. J, H. Williams 64-24 continental Trust Co , ___ •f '13 1Joel Hurt. _ _ _ A. B. Simms _______ . 64-26 Bast Atlanta Bank ____ ____ if'l0 L. L. Marbut------ -------------------64- 19 Empire Trust com pany _•t§ ' l7 W. B. Stovall.. ____ Westervelt Terhune 64- 946 W. D. Manley _____ J. R. Smith _______ Farme 8 & Trad rs Ban k P. J. Baker •iuooo1 64-13 *Federal Reserve Ban k, Dist . 6 .• 1(For complete inf ormation see page 64-14 Atkmta cont. on nea:t paoe ) 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • '  -  -  -  SEE AD VERTIS EMENT O  - - - - -- -- - - - ___________ _  146,400  25,000  D. T. MacKtnnon, Harr:, J. Crider, Sec, Tr. R. C, Billings ______________________ _  600,000  217,680  T. J.  orman,  ec. and Tr.  J. R. Neal,  ec. and Tr.  L. T. Carter _______  1,994,920 1,704,050 13,472,130 N. Bk. Cvm., N. Y. 1 Cont. & Com'I N •• Chl.s N. Shawmut, Bos.; phlJ. N., PhlJ. (Branch o/ Sa1Jannlah, Ga.) I GEO BGIA-A LA.BAM A- FLO BIDA M A.BGINS -  J, B. Lenhardt,  A. Tr. w. o. Suttles______  25,000 1-00,000 25,000  ll0,000 __________ '  5,960 __________ Truat Funds, 165,000 __________ 5,500  20,000 __________ __________ 15,000  480,000 --------  25) _______________________________________ _  342,870 _______  7,960  283,660  31,590  501,200 100,000  60,000 300.000  2,500 ____  I  14.i>l0 .Mech, &MetalsN., N. Y. ; Fulton r., .Atl. 20,680 N. City and Equitable Tr, Co .. N, Y, 80,000 Atl. N., Atl.  I  10,000  15,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fulton N ,,!  53,770 __________  140,230 N. Park and N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.: .Atl. N., .Atl.  40,000  Atl.  Number under Name of Bank i■ the New Transit Number ginn to each bank in U.S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallf Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  182  ATLANTA- C 0 nti•n ue d  Non-Bank Towns \\1th Nearest Banking Point (ludexed Acces.), La yers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For ~~t Rates, Hollda!s~_:_:_~~~ ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES.  ----~~  _ (_!'ede!a! Resene City No. 61 _ _ _ LIABILITIES. -- --N-A.!!IE UFBANK-:- - - , NDIVID• P.UI>-UI' SuaPLUs Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIER, VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks.As n. SS~te UAL , AND !Mem State Bks.Assn. tPnv. [Es tab. - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OAl'ITAL I P&Ol'ITS D•P08JTS Fed. Res.  .  I  • ~em .  Ifir,t Trust & _ avings Corpora-' R. F. l!addox ______ IJas. tion •.... 64-21L------ t§'18  *FOURTH  I  -1--  I  1  JOHN K. OTTLEY -- ••• CHARLES I. RYAH-. .•STEWART MCGINTY •• - F. M. BERRY-- ----· JULIAN CLAYTON JAMES W. ENGLISH, J. 0. ROBINSON W.T.PERKE.RSON, V,Pres,andTr.officer T. W. TOWNSEND Ch.oJBd.  NATIONAL BANK  •:· 96  u-s  *FULTON  Particular attention gi~e~·t:iGo~~ ctions on all __points in this and adjoining States. ___  w.  -  IC. P. Hunter.A.Sec. Georeia Sa vines Bk. & Tr. Oo. Georee M.. lirown. 1J. w:-uranL---=- Jos. E:-Boston. Sec. and Tr., •1'99 64-12 • \V. Hancock ____ -------------------M. Mitcham --Lake\\O0U ~:.~oif··------§'20 Howard Parrish.  *LOW RY  750,000 1  309.1301 5,119,770 __________ ~  I  =------  150,00011,500,000  1  88,290 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr, co., N, Y.; Atl. N., Atl.  5,667,850 Am_. Ex. N., Irving N., and N.  945,790  -  951,000 -  I  - 1-  41,000 1.664,370 N. Park and Mech. & 1'letal - N., Q N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Phll ... ·., t,:j 0 Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  189,000 -  792,000  20-:000 E uitable Tr. Oo. and N. Park. N. Y. 7,140 Atl. Com'I. Atl.  25,070 . ________ - · ______  I  60,000  11,700 __________  1,000,000  1,780,820j 2,176,450  -- -  -  I  >  _ __________ 1 77,700 ____ I ----, -1· 1 983,540 825,710 78,06~0 - 2-,835,810  __  1  1  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  n.  GEO HBURR & Co (II aly Bldl?.)  Q  1  w.  -r  I__  ____  1  12,050 Merch. N .. Rich.; Fulton N., At!.  ··comiiierciarPaper~------------- M s. BJgr~11~i/ztivd ------------------,  .. , 15  In,e hnent 'l'ecurltle .  Y. GUARANTY COMPANY OF N. 41  (Investment Secwiti '20 (,\tlanta .1, • Ilk. llldg.) llarwin H ..Jone ----------•'81 (lnt'estment ccw·i J. H. HILSMAN & CO.---- --·02 .T. H. Ililsman _____ tocks and Bond (601 606 Empire Bldl?.)  -  tic )  .T. D. Lowndes _____ J. F. Settle ________ Henry Wyatt.Jr .•. bouiht and old.  I  ·------- ·-------- - - - - - --------- ---------- - - - - ---------- · --------  es) ----------------- 0. M. Kren on, . --------------------- _____ Repreaental.ive  === ===-- ____ --·----- ====  I > ::!,  792,440 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. co., N. Y.; Mtle. Tr. & Dep. Co., Bait.: SU ::, Lowry N .. Atl.  Atlanta Olearinr House _______ G. H. Donovan ----jH· W. Davis _______ , Darwin G. Jones, ' H. B. Kennedy,T1. ___________________________________________________ 1__________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ~ • _ _ _ _ _ _ 1__ JI_ar. and Sec. _ MtmbtrB indicat«t. bll a*) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  1  ~  >  --- ---,-- - -- - - - - - DAVIS---- E. w. RAMSPECK---- o. c. BRADFORD, JR. JOHN E. MURPHY--:._ HENRY 1 to ' ! FRED Mc&WAlff,A.G. H. H. iOHNSON H. w. MARTIN 1st N., Chase N., Guaranty Tr. 1 I E. A. BANCKER JR. G. P. SASSER,4. C. E. A. OWLER '12,680 4,642,370 Co.,andHan.N.,N.T.;lstN.,.., 1,000.000 1.831,'180 1 10,872,850 Z,486,720 12.893,530 U3Z,780 R.C. ENDERSON C.E.ALLE~, J.H.NUNHALLY Chi.; Franklin N. and PhU. N., "4 - - - - - - - • •---1- - - - - - J.R.RADFORD,JR.,Aud, Mgr. CreditDept. J. S. KNAPP ~ Phll. SEE Al »VERT ISEMEN T ON GEORGIA.' INDEX Atlanta and Georgia cash items collected and remitted on a daily, weekly or semien · , WRITE US FOR TERMS. •t'61 month I y plan. Bill of Lading drafts a specialty.  Security State Bank ________ l'll j. S. Slicer _________ J. H.\Villi~- 1T. J. 'orman ______ -------------------G. R. Houghton 64-22 1 Pritchard, Abort E. Woodruff -- --- W. C. Wardlaw .•.. G. B. Pend 1eton. Trust Company or Georl!ia Sec. and Tr. A. Sec, and A. Tr. J.E. Murphy •:1'91 64-10 ♦ W. L. Pomeroy, J. N. Goddard _A. Sec. _ J. H. Nunnally  1  City, N. Y.  --,--  . I  _8,670 __________  25,000,__________  I  -  -  ,-  BANK NATIONAL u-2  • .\km.Inv. Bk . \  1,139,600$ 782,540  -- - -- ,  200,000 -  P.  --\W.  .  122,140 ---------- $  282,780  -•----;i:~======:---______  -J. BLALOCK----- -- A. 8, SIMMS---- ---- R. G. CLAY---------- J.M. SELMAN~--=- F. w. BLALOCK G. c. EVANS H.B. KENNEDY 8. H. JONES, A. Cash, J. ff. EWING, JR. lh. of Bd.  84-7  ■TC.  SEE ADVERTI SEMENT -;-;;; ~ ~ ___ - ~ -  «: f  NATIONAL BANK  - l\11scELLANJDous R 0 ASH S1:cua1lulsOUBCIIBj EB017BCEB TIJ:S,  1,200,000 2.328,840 14.473,190$3,200,940 18,425,890  f!}J1NO S. J. FULLER  Depository of the United States, State of Georgia, and City of Atlanta. Particular attention paid to all collections. •1'10  1 BoNDB,  ---1---1---·---  14,700 ---------- $  100,000 $ 152,680 $ R. W. Courts, Jr., . Floyd ______ J. S. Kennedy, ~cc. and Tr. 1 A. Sec. and A. Tr. _ _ _ _ _ _  8  II --------1------  D1:Pos1Ta Lo.&Ns • DiaOJ' COUNTS BANX8  :,  ;  A  0  :r,..  6i-ti~·lo~~~ 8'.~:· ~~!.;·u~:::: ~  San F., Seattle, Port., Pitt., 0. cranton and Rieb., Dallas, Los A.  -------·===Guaranty Co. of  . Y., N. Y.  100,000 E. B. Smith & Co., N. Y,: Atl. N., Citiz. & Southern, 4th ...' .. Fulton N., and Cent. Bk. & 'Tr. Corp., Alt .. I • H. Lpwi , · o. _________ '17 (Commercial Paper) --------------- -----·----- ------. -------------------- ___________________________ 1 _________ _ --------- ---------- -------~- --------- '. B. Lewi & Co., .Y., Phil,, Pitt., ...._. 'rranton and Bos. c,tth '. n Bk. Bing.> _______________________________________ _ _____________________________________ N. City Co .. N. Y. and corre ·pendent ~ J. \V. r> as, \\'m. 'illt•r, { Ruwl.~. Sllnrt 'l'rr 111 ;.Y uri.', CITY COMPANY NATIONAL C 3. Page adv. ee offices. A, Gen, Salr. ll!II'. A. Dist. Sales Mgr. :!'16 ,t1·c111lt1ll<'1 · \'C,) (UO p achtr ~ ocuriY.: N. .• Co & Stone Hayden, ________________________________________ Orme, D. C. ell.._ nroad" H. II. 'ollin _____ .J. O. Wl1 atlt•y ___ ~I. II. 500,000 ---------- -------- -- ---------Sec. and 'l'r. ties, Sale~ Co., Birm., .•!. 0., and'< · • onvlllr.. Jae,-: r 100,000  100.000 --------- ---------- _________ ··------·- ---------- ,  1  SECURITIES SALES COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  r  SEE ADV£ RTISEMENT OUTSIDE BAtK COVER. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Fourth National Bank ATLANTA Quick . accurate and skilful hand1ing of all business is ll'lerely the. basis of our '\Videly-known Good Service.  OFFICERS JAMES W. E GLISH JOHN K. OTTLEY CHARLES I. RYAN JAMES D. ROBINSON HATTO B. ROGERS WM. T. PERKERSON STEWART McGINTY FRANK M. BERRY JULIAN CLAYTON T. W. TOWNSEND EDWARD H. DALY HENRY B. LONGINO SAMUEL J. FULLER  - - - Chairman - - - President - - Vice President - - Vice President - - Vice President - V. P. & Trust Off. Cashier - - - Assistant Cashier - Assistant Cashier - Assistant Cashier - Assistar-t Cashier - Assistant Cashier - Assistant Cashier  CAPITAL  $1,200,000.00 SURPLUS  $1,800,000.00  We make our Good Service better by add-ing extra touch-es of personal . attention · to each corres-pondent"s spe-cial needs.  The FOURTH NATIONAL Can Be Useful to You at the ATLANTA End of the Line  lpson.... . DG .. il a \\ 1tlktr.  Wa•hlngton. G G  ~~~r,:~~.,:..:·:.l;  Wnlton .•.... 1.;,  Wu.1·e ••...••.. H !i \\iun,n .... U f•  \\'het>lt·r. _ . G 7 Whitt, ........ E2  . C' 2 8 Wilk<'ti ........ G i V!lklnROll .. .. ~• 6  Whitflt•td.  wu,,ox ........ P'  Worth ........ ~: 8  ;r  I  sr•  K ~  RAND M<;NALLY  1  'POPULAR MAP OF  b  'fO  ~  ~  -....  s·  ,.. a  ri  ~p  "'0::,  ..  Rand McNa1ly'1 New 11 :1 H Map ofOeorpl,o Copyrlcbt by Rand )lcli'olly" Co.  Q  > a:~ < > ~ ·~ r.  "'t  1 Inch,  2  .... ....::,  ~t:111  ?  ....  C1 C  (1)  ::,  ....0 ~ ....  (/J  < > z  =  ~  s:i  ::,  ,=rll  ........  =  ~ f:(  ~  3  (1)  ::,  's:i""'  ~ t::, "'t  s:i  .........  ~  THE  A ERI CAN  AUDIT COMPANY  P UBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  G· 100 BRO~ :J WAY,  Years of EX PERI ENCE has Established us  NEW YORK CITY ATLANTA OFFICE;  as an AUTHORITY in  FOURTH NATI ON AL BANK BLDQ.  COTTON MILL ACCOUNTING  ~&\s.  := --i  = ..► o  .. o > ~ ~;: !:.:.I! ~.  i::  F  ~  ? r.;? I:.,,  s:i  t::, n  E  ~~  ~  0  D  <= .,,.,,  ;ro 7 Ill  ~  -  C  Ill  .. -<  ::,  B  r.  0  ~  z > > ..:I: ~  '0""' ~  l  i'~ 'f'  > f:i > s·  (1)  3  ,.3:::  ► "110 ;; I:"'  n  (1)  SCALE Sta tute. I ll es, 3 1 -  (J'J  t'l 'l:J (1)  ~  GEORGIA  ~  :,3:  lo-I  = 0  !"l ~ ► :.1!  ~g (J'J ~o ~f;; ~ ~-· ri  ea)  0 •  ~  r.  ... g i:....  ~~  ~~· ~  Prompt Returns on Colletion Items. Specializ ed Service on B/L ·Drafts. • ·umber under :Same of Bank is the New Tram.It Number 11:h en . S. e clu ·lvely b Tbe Raud-llcNall Banker·• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in  A Special Department under the direct superv1s1on of officers, personal presentation of items and remittances the date paid, assure prompt returns on collect· on i terns. We specialize on handling Bill of Lading Drafts. Officers CHAS. B. LEWIS EEL JO G. E. PATTERSON W.R. ROGER JR. JA. K. HOGA  President Vice-President Vice-Pre ·ident Vice-President Cashier  FRANK BRANAN PAUL G. HOGAN H. A. KRIEBEL G. F. GILLE LAND J . .T. HOGA  Assistant A sistant Assistant A si ·tant Assi tant  Cashier Cashier Cashier Ca hier Ca bier  Capital and Surplus, $1,100,000  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces. Lawyers, Laws (indexed) tn back of this  ~  183  umber under ame of Bank i the ew Transit Number given . S. exclu ·lvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' lo cnch bunk iu Dl!_ect~ry, under the authority of The A.merlean Bankers Ass'n.  - NAME OF' BANK. TOW1f A.ND COUNTY. •Mero. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •County Seats. PRESIDENT . Entire State in No. 6 tMem .State Bks. Assn.tPriv. (E:.~: _ Fed ~al R~ser'.:_e Qistrict. ♦liem . F~d.:.B:e_._  1• I  84-31  CASHIER.  .  •  •  '  I  BANK le-II  •U'H  W. . LANE, Jr., Asst. to SEND US YOUR BUSINESS  ; :  ..  ' • ;,  '  :  '  ~  .• :  I  'I  See advertisement on Georgia-Alabama-Florida Margins.  I  I'  ALBERTS. HATCH--- W. ff. BARRETT----- 8. H. ELLISON ------ W. H. SHERMAN----E. E. ROSBOROUGH  8eneral Banking Business Tranaaoted. Send us your Items and Colleotlons for Augusta and Vlolnlty. Prompt Attention and Remittance. Reasonable Charge. Qlve us a Trlal.  -  -  5,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bainbridge.  10  t-:>  5,520 .Atl. N., .Atl. ll5,000 Han. N .. N. Y.  avan.,  ,(Branch of Sava nnah, G a.)  C)  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  O ~  JACOB PHINllY----J·l.·a~Al~IER----SAMUEL MARTIN- H. H. SAXON -----1,000,000 C. H. PHINllY  t:i:.1  488,300 7.137,550!' 8,855,690 1,970,160 A.m. Ex• .H., N. Park, N. Bk. Com., Guar- :: anty Tr. Co., and Chase N •• N. Y.; 1st -"' "" N •• Chi.. w 1 -  --- --- ---: --- - --I 200,000 350,000 2.650,000 2,630,000 &t0.000 N. City, N. Y,; itb N., A.ti.  > ~  --- ---  C/ll  - 1- •-  _ _ _ ...___ _ _ _ - - - , - - -  --------1;AbL ,ntfhfTOH-.. w. r. WIGGINS------ -------------------  {P. E. MAY •i-71 The Only  I  t  t  • •  2,000,000 3.027,900 38531100 40176990 12472130 N. City, N. Y.; Cltlz. & Southern, A.ti. and Macon. :  ALSO  Atlanta-Savannah-Macon  *NATIONAL EXCH. BANK M-ss  .  I ; • t I.;  I •  W• Invite th• business of Banks. Bankers, and Merohants dealrlng prompt, efflolent and satisfactory service. Test Our Faollltle&. '92  *MERCHANTS  :  ~  1 - - - - - - ~1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -~-- - - - - - - - - 1------M. 8. LANE----- I. S./ERGUSON --- T. G. TARVER ---- -------------------v. P.  •1'65  114-85  I  I: • :  VI CE-PRESIDENT.  ___________________ S 3,000 $ Attapuhtus-Decatur C 10 Bank or Attapulgus ______ t"l6 P. P. Perkins _________________________ Miss Cornelia I Ill Ill , II Lester ~ 64-939 \ Pop, 300 ,\uburn ______ Barrow K 3 Flanigan Banking Co, __ wo1 T. C. Flanigan. ____ J.E. Anderson ____ A. M. PooL _______ T. G. Etheridge __ _ 2,400 18,000 23,630 54,790 64-530 Pop. 290. • A urusta-.Rlchmond H 5 *Augusta Savings Bank•il'71l P. E. :May _________ T. R. WrighL---- J. G. Weiele ______ L. W. Lyeth ______ _ 100,000 37,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 64-34 Pop. 52,548  CITIZENS & SOUTHERN BANK *GEORG IA RAILROAD BANK •:f  •  I  •  ·,  : : '.  I  GEORGIA-Continued  400,000  334,000 2,113,720: 2,700,270  ~  ~  Ii 1  I I  I I iI I  I  i  ;  I  705,570 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., At!.; Il'rauklin ..... Phil,~  II  :  \  ~  I I  I  I ii  iI  E.  National Ba nk in Augus ta.  IJ'Q  50,000 *Planters Ln.&Sav.Bk.•il"70 L. 0. Hayne _______ ,G. P. Bates_________ G. P . Bate.s ________ H. H. HilL_______ H-32 100,000 *UnionSavlnesBank.-•U'D2 wm. Schwehtert __ .A.8. Korr11 _____ T.8. Gray ________ R,M.R1ley__ ~-·--1 64-36 1  ..  "  r  1  300,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 63,000 1,800,0001 1,600,000  1  200,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 134,000 N, City, N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp.,Atl.: PalmettoN., Columbia, s. C.; Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.  ---------1·--------  c:::  Cl)  o to  ~ E. May _________ A. s. Hatch ________ Rufus H. Bro~ar.• ----- ------ --- --------- ----- ---- --------8,270 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlanta N ., Atlanta, 26,290 14.610 2,180 15,000 1 .\ •1stell ~--------Oobb O 4 Austell Bank-------------1'02 C. F. Benson------ 1J. D. Perkerson._ B. H. VeaL _______ ------------------C") .. • I. • • . , 64-531 Pop. 758 Avera ______ Jefferson G 5 Citizens Bank _________ § 10 ---------------- ___ ___________ O. E. Mathis. ______ ------------- (Branch of Bk.of Louuv,ll e, Lou1B11 1•Ue, Ga.) N. Park, N. Y.; C1tiz. & Southern, Augusta; 01 ..  M~~~r~l1~~f~~~~-a-•5  ..  -------  64-532 Pop. 208 Baconton ••• .Hltcheil D g Bank of Baconton---- -•*1'07 R. P. Jackson _____ J. D. Frozier ____ E. A.McOollum ____ ------------------R. M. Tiller M-533 Pop. 568  15,000  4,000  75,000  50,000  100,000  ll5,000  775,000  800,000  100,000  40,000  375,000  500,000  25,000  20,000  200,000  216,000  70,000 {M. E. NUSSBAUM._ R. F. WHEAT--------1F. S. JONES--------- ------------------- 125,000 ENDtJSYOUR ' BU INES. Prompt persona I attention given BUI of Lading Dr arts, Cash and Tl me Ite ms.  500,000  500,000  •Balnbrf.dee ••• -.De"dur BainbrideeState Bank-•U'91 E. J. PerrJ _______ J. w. Oall~haD ___ J. J. Walters ______ C. F. Crosby ______ _ E. Fenn 64-180 O 10 Pop. !792 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO H.B. Ehrlich ______ H. L. Gans ________ E. F. Vickers ______ E. E. Mayes _____ :_ Max Kwilecki U'll 64-825  IL.  Decatur oo:r-rslank ___ ,.06 M. E. Nussbaum ___ R. F. \Yheat_ ______ F. +  FIR ST NATIONAL BANK -•+'01 64-181  s.  Jon8'------- -----------------  o . Bk. of Lou., Lou., Ga. 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Ga. N., Alb., Ga.; C1tiz, & c:: ::S Southern. At!. 0.. 175,000 ' Han . N .. N, Y.: Citiz. & SoutherD, and avan. Bk, & Tr. Co., Savan.; Lowry • T •• A.ti.; 4th N., Macon. 75,000 Mech.& MetalsN .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; Hibernia, Savan.  ',.  40,000 1st N., Phil. 170,000 N. Park and N. Bk. Com .. N. Y .: 4th N .. Macon: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl.  j  •:  I. .  'r:  e ,  ,  •  • •  II  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  , •· ·  e ,  S~l~sftuk ____ a,07 W. A. Shore_______ . Ii  •  ,,  I  B. W. Graut ______ E.  o. Addy ____  ·.  ;  ____ 'I'. \Y. Price_.  It  hore ••  .15,000 15,000  10,750 6,000  I, 111  HS,340  U.700 1Han. N., N. Y.: All. N., AU. 28,000 N. Bk. Com., '. Y.. Citiz. & Soutllern, Atl.  f ,  THE CITIZENS  , .  i'  1 '  j;,  I'  ·,':,:I 'I  I  AND  SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS  I  \i  I\•,:  :, 1·  ~Iiss Ruth  't  '1,  ;  Halch iu __ Habersham .fi 2 Baldwin Pop. 193  I  '.  •;  j  I  :  it  11; I  •  wr .. ~ ..-  184  nnlll•• Mam,i of  llank la the New J'ransH Number pve~  l'famlMr ander Kame or Bank b the l'few Tranalt !lamber &iTen to •ch bank i.a U. 8. eulu1helJ by The &aad-lleNall,- BaDli:en'  Dlree&or,-, uad• &be au&horltJ' of The A.merleaa Banken Au'n.  ~iD OOUN;;-1- - -N.Ul.E OF BANI[:TOWN •Kem. Alll. Blr.s. Assn. IState ,countJ Seats  -  -  -  P~ID:UT.  Entire State in No. II tMem.State Bk1. Assn. tPriT. ( ;sta~ Federal Reser'fe District, ♦M~m.__!~R_!'s.  VICE-PIMlDDT.  ~-----  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of this . volu~e. ~o.!_lnter~~t Ra~s~ H~~Y~ etc.~~La _'s. ~  G EORGIA-Continucd ~ - -- .. -  LU.BILITIES PAID·UP SURPLUS AND CAPITAL PROFITS  j,l!Jll'T 0.UBID,  0.UllID.  .  -  •BarnesviJle __ Lamar D 5 BARNESVILLE BANK----t1'08 W. A. Prout __ _ 64-214 Pop. 3059 Oitlzens Bank----------•*1'20 L.A. Collier~ •••••• " 64-212 ll'irst National Bank.-•• i ·o2 w. B. Smith._ ••••• 54.213 Barney -·····Brook1 'J' 10 Baru7 Banklnr Oo .••• •!t'06 W. D. Manley·-· 14-631 Pop, 259  D. L. Anderson •••• W, M. Warren- •••• M. P. Owen •••••••• Riley Summers R.A. tafl'ord • ·-·· L. 0. Tyas .• _. _ F. Q, Sims·--·-··  ARTOW IHK ........ •:1·02 T. Y. lmitL _ __  W. L. Harvey··--· J. R.11:arpby ___ L. P. Evans ••••••• _ Hattie Jrlattliew1 W. O. Bvan1  25,000  -------------•Buley ••••• .lpplinr B I HILEY BAIIIUNI CO•.. U'!l4 P. B. Oomu. _ _ 11. Jarman·-·-· 0. C. Johnson-••••• -------M~O Pop. 1142  15,000  Bartow •••• Je~enon I II Pop. 582  1"~11  J, G. Bush.·-··-·- X. Landord-·-· - · - · · - · · - - · - - $ 36,000 $  RESOURCES.  .i:;;,,.." n..:--·c:,11 &: Ex-  DEPOS_  PRINCIPAL O0RRESPOND&NT8.  o'Ta. Bos-111, CJU,NnER, Dti•  lTii  SacvarrIU  •aox. D.10(1.  11,000 $ 210,000 $ 135,000 $ 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N .. J.U.; 4th N., .Macon.  50,000  40,000  400,00 0  340,000  50,000  100,000  600.000  300,000  -------- B.-..Loq _ _ _. Miss Tennys In.gram ---- ---·  32,000  42,000  13,000  175,000  153,750  25,000 N. Park, N. Y.: .A.ti. N., A.ti,; Citiz, &Southern, Savan. and Macon.  8,000  120,000  115,00{1  40,000 ~. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Oltiz. & Southern, Savan.  Barwick--·· .Brooks E 10 Baak of Banrick ••••••• t§'OG D. B. Ohapman -·· K. D. Barrow •••••• lAYNaBardy._. H-637 Pop. 422  o. A. ~ b.itaker ••••  200,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Oent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., AU.; Citiz. & Southern, Macon. 250,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y .: 4UI. N., and Macon. 12,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Bk, of Quitman, Quitman.  I ~  1  60,000  ---··---  20,000  364,210  486,160  46,500 N, Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. and 10,990 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Atlantic N .. Jacksonville,  ~  Cl  >  16,200  4,180  92,190  110,840  --------  15,000  1,000  8.560  15,100  •• J. F. Alderman ••••  15.000  8,500  95,000  70,000  Bi hop •• _•••• Oconee J' 4 Bllhop Bank:inr Oo .••• •U'07 J. J. John•-·--··· O. K. Branch •• ··-· B. Breedlove •• --. C. B. Chandler ··H-640 Pop. 300 •Blackshear ••. PierceH D Blackshear Bank_ .... •U'92 A. P. Brantley._. B. D. BruUey ..... K. 0. Kc.AlpiD.ff-1&5 Pop. 1329 Oitizen1Buk ........... U '05 W. H. Meek•--- W. N. Brown •••••• H. H. Jones .••••••  25,000  24,000  200.00 0  225.000  50,000  72,200  479,550  473,840  17,006  ------  100,000  130,000  E.W. Butt _ __ O.J. Wellborn .•••. Bur~es B. Fite ••••• Zeke Candler·--···  15,000  1,680  56,560  57,520  50,000  7,000  400,00 0  350,000  100,000  32,370  254,080  330,080  15,000  9,000  302.000  138,500  10,000  ---  C5.000  30,000  W.R. Taylor •• - •• E. L. Braswell -- M. Whitaker •• :.._ F. H. Turner W. A. Nunnally-· J. O. Cooper. _ _  15,000  5,880  130,020  42,620  25,000  6,000  88,500  157,000  26,500 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N.,  ------· ---------  26,000  4,800  160,000  151,000  26,450 N. Bk. Oem .. N. T.: 8ann. Bk. & Tr. Oe., ::, Savan.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  50,000  53,000  310,00  300,000  153,86  138,000  49,850 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N.,; Ga. N .. Athens.  320,  365,000  Buley State Bank ••••••• 1'17 Geo.Moody •••••••• W. H. Watson •.•.. 6'-g57  B nevolcnce ••• Randolph Bank of Bennolence •••• 1'11 W. 0. Reddick •••• P. E. Keese ••••• _•. L. L. Wa.  ·e -··· ••••  M-531 0 I Pop, 400 llcrlin .... -·-Ooh1uitt B I Farmers · Merchants Bank O. H. Burney····-· J.E. Nobles ••••••• Orris ~ob • :Wl0 64-539 G. W. Alderman Pull, 450  ~-  -----  ff-BH •Blair:villc •••• Union lll 2 Butt Banking Co. ····-·•t'll M-522 l'op. 230 •Jllakcly __ ••.•• .larly BO Citizens Bank... ·-····--·1'1& 6'-065 Pop. 1985 J'irst National Bant •••• •i•o3 " " 84-291 •llluo Ridie_.lianuiu D 2 Fannin County Bank •• •H'l6 H-425 l'op. 00-l Johnson Bank.I Loan Oo.  M-428  it·  L. G, Neal W. H. Flowers •••. J. J. Hayes ........ R. O. Waters--··-· W. M, Sutton J. S. Sherman·-- M. T. Chipstead ••• R. C. Sherman .•••• H. A. Walton ••••• _ H, E. Hi~htowrr J. ll. Eaton- •••• J. B. Chastain ••••• J. Jl'. Bolden--·· M. Veatel - - - -  ------------ ·------  A. P. Johnson._  nlythe •••• Ric\aend Hi J'armera Bank·-·--·1'00 W. G. i'ord. __ _ H-i'2 Pop. 500 llo~:ut ___ •• Oooaee Y , J'anaera Ballk---•*1'10 L. 0. Bento•····86-W Pop. 430 Bo ton ••••• T•omaa JI: 11 Bank of Boaton •••••••• •U'05 J. E, Noble .•••••• 16--184 Po:p. 1640  MEICHANTS & FAR. IAIIK H--s&a  no. twick._.Vorran Y 4 1'01>. 42,1  •:t•ez  -----------------  J.. P. Johnson.-  II. l{, Nobles •..... S. L, Rogers ••••••• E.Cook  --------------------  1.:ll. Jones._ _ J. A. Mallette. ___ J. A. Mallette ••••• J. R. Carter. Jr •• -  Bank of Bostwlck••••••••1'11 J, ll. Preston ..... . ll. T. Nannally_ B. 8. Ka7lor··-···  M-aat  .  15,000  6,880  --------------  60,000  27,500  l30Wllou ___ Oarroll B 4 Bank of Bowdo11_·-·•:1·os A. E. Flemlnr ••••• J.B. Fowler••••- . K. L. Joblca.64~ Pop.1047 B. J.B Tea-..- G, W. Bur on •••••• W. G. BroW'll · - · W, I. Jenkins. _____ Kercha.nta &PlanteraBt. "' .. J. W. Nunnelley •:1·11 14-121 Bowr.r. ville ..... 11artG I Bank of BowerS'fflle .... U'06 J. A. Estes. _ _ _ R. L. Gaines- ... L. H. Ridfwa7 ·-·· J. O. Starr ••••••••• M-iG Pop. 390 Dow man •••• __ 1',lbert GI Bank of Bowman-·-· •:1'05 L. W. andrielt · - W. A. Teasley._ O. E. T_,lff--• . 14-441 Pop. 730 Farmer Bank •.... - - .H'll L, G. Drown ••• - . J. J, Brown •••••• _. B. .B'. Baraette._ •• ·• 14.447 Bradley••••••••Jon R 5 Rank of llratlloy ..•.••••• §'20 A. L. llarris ·-····· 11. II. Mullikin._ •• A. . LcGuin •••••• 61-100 Pop. 250 lton ..•. Jacluoa E., Bruelton Bankmg Oo .• •tt'll W. H Braselton ·- Green Braselton ·- J. 0. Braselton-· H.F. Braselton-· Br J. A.Davis t14.7g1 1' JI). 451 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -------------·•---  I  ,,  ------  6,850 N. Park, N. Y,; Bk. of Cuthbert, Outhbert.  128,010 lrving N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  I  2l  70,0ot N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N.,; Chatham Bk. "'1 & Tr. Co., Sa van. ::, 10,730 Citiz. & Southern, Atl.  100,0J0 N. Park. N. Y.; Citiz.-lst N., Alb.; Citiz. & ~ < Southern. Atl. :::,: 55,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atl. :r,, Atl.  ~  175,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, 0 ~12,000 Lowry N., 98,790 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, A.Ul?USta.  ~ = B  g  100,000 Ohase N .. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  50,000  21,500  450,00  425,000  87,500 N. Part, 1(. Y.: Lowry N., .ltl.; 4th •., Macon. 70,500 N, Ilk.Com., N. Y.; 4thN,, Atl. and.Macon.  20,000  12,140  108,56  126,640  11,320 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl.  I  to  z>  . Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N,, Jacksonville; 1st N., Valdosta and Moultrie; Peo . .1:',, ~ nuitman. 30,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; A.U. N .• J.U.; Ga. N., Athens. t/J  32,000  """'Ill ~  35,000  35,000  215,000!  240,000  100,000 Ban. N., N. Y.: Lowry N .. ~U.;Ga. N.,Athens. ;  18,400  10,000  800,000  150,000  178,000 N. Park, N. Y.; J.U. N.,  16,000  ----------  12.50 0  12,000  25,000  15,00Q  9  12,500 Macon N,, Macon; 4th N,, Atl.  125,00 0 ··-····- ·---··-·· N. Park,N. Y.; A.ti. N.,; Winder N,, Win•~ 1 der.  ATLANTA  TOWN .A.ND OOUNTY.  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Bank-Ing Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this(,,,_. v~:__Eor •~~t ~ ~ ! ~ ~ e t c . , ~Law~. ~  GEORGIA-Continued  185  LIABILITIES.  NAXK OF BANK.  •County Seats. :,VIC:E-PXL'IIDDT. PKDIDDT. Entire tatein No.6 U,lem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ __ f~deral Reserve District. ♦ Mem. Fed. Re .  su:;.;us  1  0.U ■ ID. 1.SS'T OASRl:ER. PAID·UP _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ __ _ _ CAPITAL PRO.FITS  RESOURCES.  DEPOSITS  ~~:,~~  C  PRINCIPAL CORRUP8ND&NT8.  ~  ~"::G~•.~~  ~ ~  I  $  40,000 $ 30,000 $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 60,000 N. Park, N. Y.: At!. N., ..lti.; 4th N., Macon;.; t..:i Cltiz. & Southern. Savan.  Farmers Bank.·----•tl'll J.P. Boatr~ht ·-•- IJ. W. Wood·--· W. J.. Duncan ___ S. McGukin -·-·--E. C. Wilson M-787 1  17,600  ll,000  80,000  120,000  James L. Keen - I J . H. Curl - - - L. P. Keen. ____ · - - - - - - - · H. T. Bush 8. Briuon _ _ _ W.R. Brown---·- .A. Y. Jones--··-·· ________  15,000  6,200  56,450  100,660  15,000  2,0oo l  22,000  36,000  25,000  5,000  Rrew'.on-----l.etll"ens G 7 f'op. 247 Hl'in, on •• _._Decatur O 10 Pop 470 Bronwood.--.Terrell D 8 Pop. 520 Brooklet -·-··Bulloch I 7 Pop. 600 Brook ______ Fayette D 5 Pop. 266 Brox'on. __ • __ QoffeeG 8 Pop. 696  Farmers & 1lerch't., Bk. U'lO 64-567 Citizens nk----··••10 U-5U Farmers Bank---··-·· u·u M-871 Bank of Brooklet.---•U-07 M--550 BrookaBank •••• -----·1'07 H-551 Broxton Ban.kinr Oo .•••tl'04 M-552  •llrunswick-••• Glynn J 9 Pop. 14,413  *BRUNSWICK  s. W.- Denton ••__  J. Fred Ball •• ·--·· J. R. Holland ••••••  M-INI  -  150.000  -  120,000 1.000,000  -  -  9 8.000  llf-88  *NATIOIAL BAH OF BRUNSWICK •t'94 64-87  train _____ ._ •• .•• •••.• ••••••••• .  j1: ,ll6!!11~ Oh~ ~J"'~T FENDIG--- C.H. SHELDON---· J. H. PARKER---·-  48,300  100,000  578,240  833.750  214,460 1,661,110 1,770,740  150,000  l  -  s. :McClellan •••  ---------·--·  15,000  184,350  65,190  ->  378,840 Equitable Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com. N. Y.; Cltlz. & outhern, Savan.; C 1tlz. · 0:, Southern and 4th N ., Macon.  I  j z> .jl~ 1  95,220 Irvine N. and N. City, ~. Y.; Phil. N .. Phil., ::-: . en Hibernia, Savan.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 397,010 N. Park: and_Ohem. N ., N. Y.: Girard N. and ( Ill 1st N ., Phil.; Merch. N., Bait.  I  ...  153,040 Han.N.,N. Y.:J.owryN.,.!.tl.;4thN'.,Maron. ::l  S. W. Strickland •• H. G. Richardson •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _  15,000  20,000  65,000  105,000  25,000  9,000  60,000  80,150  Obas. W. Lowe_ .. E. B. Reese.----· ---·····--·-J. s. Ro.. ers  30,000  44,290  251.960  250.070  First Natio ¾fnk ••• •:·06 Geo. B. Lowe __ L. O. Benton _ _ H.B. Kauk _ _ _ ____ __ ----·----  50,000  25,660  180,570  220,000  52,350 N. Bk. Oom., N. T.; Lowry N .. Atl.; 4th N,., Macon.  Buford. ___ _Gwfnnett D 3 Bank of Bnfo~,.;---•U'93 L. P. Pattillo ___ Edward .ll'lor ----· Carl Perry·------- L. B. Pattillo·----· 64-.Pop. 2:iOO ShadburnBaJ_1filiirOo.•Ull101 W. B. Shadburn._ J. L. Shadburn •••• T. C. Shadburn •••• W. 0. Shadburn .•. '' ..  25,000  60,000  200.000  334,600  40,000  19,700  213,590  237,800  25,000  11,550  63,300  107,530  14,480 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., ..ltl.; 4th Macon. 35,537 N. Park N. Y.: At!. N., .Atl.; Citiz. • Southern, Macon. 9.550 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., llacon and At!.  64  BullorhYille . Meriwether Bank ofBnlt~ille ... •tl'05 A.. 0. Donn ___ H. E. Bulloch •••• -. J. F. Watkins ••• -. ------·---·--·--, 0 6 Pol). 332 Citizens Ba~~ioog _______ § 20 J.C. Batts •••••••. H. E. -.kelton -·-·· E. H. Boyd •••••••• --· - -------·--·---" " •Butler _______ Ta:,lor D 6 Butler Ban~~n~ oo. -··•H'lO G. 0. Smith _____ . J. T. Hart.---·-·-- W. J. Riley ••••••.• E. L. Rawls--·····.,...,57 Pop. 578 Taylor Cou~~ank ..••tl'06 W.W. Edwards._ A.H. Sealy_. ______ V. I. Butt------·· --····--··-----.. .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  10,200 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. Ntand 4th.N., A.U.  i i II I  I  i  SU  ·--  15,000  4,000  100,000  84.500  40,000  40.000  90,000  :,  17.000  ,.  17.100 Han. N .. N. Y.; 4th N., Macon; Citiz. & South. ern, Atl. 15,000 Han. r., N. \".; Citiz. & Southern , .At!.; 4th · ., :Macon. 29,750 N.Park, ' . Y.;(thN.,Macon;Citiz.&Soathern, SaYan. 8,too 1nan. ·., .r • Y.; 1st N., Dublin.  SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS  :  I I 1.  I  I I  J,  I  ii  :1  I  I!  .'.ii :  ()  25,000 Han. N .• N. Y .: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl.; 3dj o. ~ N., Col.; 4thN., Macon. I~ 76,188 Han. N., N. Y.: 3d N ., Col.  1 15,000 ··-·----· --- ------ ______ ·------·· Han. ., N. Y.; Atl. '., Atl.; 4th N., Macon. N. Y.; 4th N,, .Macon. N., Han. 23,000 147,000 150,000 12,000 15,000  15,000 ·---·---· B •rowville. ___ Dooly E 7 Bank of By~~m v ille ••••• 1'19 E. B. Davis •••••.. J. D. Lester--·-·- s. H. Buxton----·· Miss I. Fokes ••••• ,w978 Fop. 414 9,000 25,000 Byron _____ .Houston E 6 Farmers Bank .. ·----U'lO O. L. Bateman. ___ J. D. Hardison •••• 8. J. Barron ___ . ----··-·----------z. T. Aultman ~7 POJ>. 800 25.000 :1•10 B. B. Bediarleld .. H. C. Burch.·----· J. A. Burch-----· H. H. Burch •• ____ _ Cadwell ____Laure s G 7j 0adwell - ........-ii. . . . .r! Pop. 400  ~:~,00.....  I  I  t  I  :  0  R. N. Pirkle·-·-·-- S. B. Puchal---- ----·------  Haralson Oonnty BanUl'OII J. L. Baves---·114-W Ru ckb eact. __ . Mornn lf 4 Bank of Bnckhead ••• ___ t5•04 J. Hulme Moreau •• . 64-55' Pop. 451 •BuPna Yi ta. Marlo• 0 7 Buena Vista Ln. & Sn. Bk. Wm. 0. Wooten._ n·se 14-400 Pop. 1230  ,i; li !  3  8,000  1il ,1, Iii  0  ~~~'\C::n11 rece hed from banke rs, mercbanta, an d manufactUJ'era 1-i are actuaU1 p resented and re m.Jtted for on da1 of pa,ment. C, Brunswick Olearinr HoHe •• I. B. Kuon ____ G. H. Smith·--..--· O. H. Sheldon, Su. --·-·----·---- ·······-- ---··--· ···------ ·--···--- -··------ Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N .. Atl.: 4th N., Iacon. L. E. Allen (Jtff;mbfJra (ndicaud b1/ a *) C,  •hu rha nan. Haralson B 4 Farmera & Citizen ■ Bk .. U'll W. C. Moore•••.••• W. J. peirhts •••. W. 114-792 Pop. 491  h i:: )i,  10,000 Han. N., N. T.  145,000  •H'88 We 11pecfallze on collections.  *GL YIN COUNTY BANK•:1'07 K. L. Stephens._ II. F. du Bi2non ••• R.H. ♦  125,000  i.  ·:1  8,020 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Dublin.  IF. o. AIKE"--·-·---·L H. HAYM-··--··-·c, z. WALKER------······ ····-·-·· •••••.  presented promptly oa date recel'fed and remitted on day or payment. BANK ••· TRUST CO • /eenecttons ♦  10,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Fulton N., .Atl.: 4th N .. , .Macon.  55,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N ..; Bk. of Dawson. W.W. Massey Dawson: 4thN., .Macon. 77,000 6,000 25,000 9,300 Han. N., N. Y.: Hibernia, Savaa,; 4th N., 111.000 Thos. R. Bryan •••• R. H. Warnock ..• Paul B. Lewis·---· ·--·--·--·-·· Macon. 15,000 11,000 124,650 62,570 Bk. of America. N. Y.: ..ltl. N. and Cent. Bk. 0 K. B. Banks--·-·· F. M. Scott._. ____ I. .A. Scott ••••• ·--· P. E. Arnall···-79,440 tlJ & Tr. Corp., Atl. · - - - - - - - - · - · · · - - - K. L. Moore.·---·- --·---·-··--· (Branch of Unw nBk,g. 0 o., .DCYU4 •l<u, Ga.) N. Bk. Com .. N. T.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Oo .. Q ::0 Savan.: Atl. N., ..ltl. D. B. Hill ••·--·-··  I  I  I  Hremen __ HaralsonB 4 Bank of Bremen-.-·•is·oa W. H. Willlamaon. B. S. Copeland ••••• \V. L. Lenr-------· W. B. Williamson. M-5411 Pop. 917  i  ·~  .  '  I  l  I  _ _.._ __ --"•• • • - • nf ••nlr la th"  l S6  New Tran11lt Number given  Number under Name or Bank is the New Tran It Number given to bank in u. S. euluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authorl!:Y of The A!nerlcan Bankers ~s•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  l  B.C'·K. -  NAME OF'  •County ~eat~. :Nem.SAtmt. BBkk·s:AAss:1, §t~,t:~te En lire tate Ill • o. 6 +.uem. a e s. ssu. nv · Wcderal Rese'rvc Distri.£1: •..-:\Iem. F~c!.:_ ~~ . _ [~a12_: •Cairo.-Pcii>~-~ifdY-~ ..  ·::--·-·-  "  1;---- -  ----~  PRESIDENT.  _  ~  ~  _  . _,..._____  VICE-PRESIDENT.  _ • ____  1  101CAIRO BANfJ_!1i!2 CO.... _§ 'Oi'. O. T. Davis·-······  I  OASHill:K.  I ASS'T CASHIER.  ____ __  ____  '  IPc ..\ID•UP PITAL  I  LIABILITIES,  _ ___  B. Harrison ---·--· Henry Hester _____ - - - - - - - - - $  J.E. FORSYTH-·---· MAXWELL FARMERS & THOS. WIGHT. •••• J.L, l.O.POWELL-·---MERCHANTS BANK {Special attentlo n given of ding drafts, Cash and Time Items.  I  ---·--1  •tl'IO  g:  ---..,.,,...------i,  ____ _  Citizens Bank _______ --•W04 H. G. Cannon •• ---· K. P. Wight .•• ____ W. H. Searcy -···- L. C. Powell _____ ._ 64-333 W. H. Searcy  64-334  Non-Bank Town with Nearest. Banking Point. (Indexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl~ '::_Olu!lle. For Interest _!!,ates, Holldays,_etc.~ Sl'c I w .•  GEORGIA-Continued  SURPLUS .!.ND  ~  RESOURCES.  DEPOS• ITS  ___  Lon•& D, ..  Cua&Ex,  O'T•.  CHASCE>;,lloa  Boime,  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDICNTS.  ~ ~  co ..  35,000 $  72,500 $ 425,000 $ 440,000 $ 70,000 C\~~an~·• N. Y.: Savan. Bk, & Tr.  50,000  50,870  637,830  559,530  176,970 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Sa van.: 4th N., Macon.  40,000  32,530  653,230  615,970  169,790 Mech. & Metals_ N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Valdosta; N. Bk.of Savan., Savan.: Uh N., At!.  BUI La Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for pre. entati on and 25c for Cre dit Rep arts.  •Oalhoun ••••. Gordon C 3 jca1houn National Bank •. t'05 0. N. Starr _______ IA. B. David._-···-·· 0. 11L David. ______ --··-·---····-······ Pop. 2500 64-306 J. G.B. Erwin  75,000  PEOPLES BANK -------•U'05 W. L. Hines •••• ___ F. L. Hicks .•••. ___ B. W. Blackmon ••• - - - - - - · ·  55,000  0  30,000  425,000  i  100.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 3d N .. At!.; 1st N .. Chatta l:Y'.J  425.000  00~ ♦  64-307  23,000  398,000  479,5.50  I  50,450 N. Park, N. Y.: At!. N .. Atl.: 1st N., Chatta 0 nOOl?a, ~  Calvary ·-··--Grady D 11 Farmers~- Merch. Bk .• t§'l2 -------···--- --·-·····-·-----· Geo. G. Thomas ••. ·····-··-----·· (Branch of Cairo, Ga.) ____ ---1·---···-·'4th N,, Atl.; Far. & Merch., Cairo. Pop. 225 64-788 •Camilla •• _.lilitchell D 9 Bank of Camilla. _____ •• •U'89 w. L. Butler--·- - J.P. Mc Ree --··-- J. J. Wicker.---··- - - - · - - - - Pop. 2136 ♦ 64-294 Laura Bennett, J. L. Palmer V.-Pres. ------·Planters & Citizens Bk .. •t§'13 G. B. Cochran. ____ G. B, Baggs ____ .t. .. A. J, Pinson·-·- H. W. Vann·-----·  ta  ~ 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. &Tr. Corp, and 4th ,Z N.,Atl. X  50,000  65,000  375,000  460,000  50,000  11,100  229,530  245,270  Oanon •••••• Franklin F 3 Canon Bank --··---·-···tl'05 R. H. Bryan •• _____ 0. B. Menees •••• -- 0. B. Menees--·-·· , W. T, Cartledlrn--. Pop. 1250 ♦ 64-450  25,000  15,oool  39,000  112,000  Farmers Bank·-·-··-- .•.t§-19 S. E. Vandiver-·-- W, P. Turman ___ •• W. G, Bowen .• ·-1··········-······-· ♦ 6-1-947  25,000  3,500  83,000  114,250  37,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Lowry N .. Atl. Ga, N., Atlten:. 0  79,920 il,144,920  927,610  393,180 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N., At!.: 1st N., Ch:1.tta· nooi?a: 4th N, and Citiz, & Southern. Macon. (j I» 289,9JO Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. ~  I  ~m  68,090 Han.N.,N. Y.; Citiz. &Southern, Atl.: Ga. N.• Alb,; Bk. of Thomasville. Thoma -rillr.  cn  12,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N .. Atl.  ~  ::;·  1  I  I  Galt.--·-··· ,·-··-··-····-·---·  100,000  Bank of Oherokee •.• --.•:tl'lO G. COl?l?ins. ________ E. E. Field·--··-·· N. A. Thomason .•• ·---··--··-··-···· 64-280 B. F, Coggins  25,000  37,680  538,490  811,230  25,000  23,000  180,000  225.000  •Oanton ..•. Oherokee D 3 Bank of Canton._._ ·-···U'92 R. T. Jones ••. -·-·- !Samuel Tate •• _____ Wm. Pop. 3000 64-21g P. W. Jones, V.-P. B. F. Crisler  IA.  zENS  8 AN K.. •U-06  H-205  A. K. SNEAD.--·· LEWISS. SIMS.-·- GRADY W. COLE.. ---·····-·-----·  LA••  84-203  Collections receive prompt attention of an omeer of  •t'88  25,000  10,000  200,000  200,000  25,000  12,500  210,000  137,000  50,000  35,000  629,000  495,0'lO  Remltondayofp yment.  LOWEST &ATE.  II. ,I, Goodwyn .••: Number under Name of Dank is the New Transit Number iriven to each bank in C. S. xclustvel b The lland-~fcNall Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Q";  la, o.  ::= M'  0  35,000 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; 4th N., .Atl.; Ga, ::S N., Athens. 120,000 ~. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl, 162.000 N. Park and N. Bk Com., N. Y.; Lowry N .. A.ti.: Merrh. N., Bait.  ,  ;.HDEv1LLE.= C!AS. A. LYLE••••••- cHiS. llnE..=' MG:_ STAENWDAIFRETR---·· S FIRST NATIONAL \Le.Oldest, Largest and onlyNatlonal Bank In Carroll County. BANK  0  46,000 N. Park, N. Y.; At!. N .. Atl.  peclar atfentto n given to Bfll of Ladfiiar-drarts, Ca sh and Tlmeltem s. 10c must be i<ent v it11 each sic,ht clr aft for presentati on,  ~ a id 25c wWi eacll reaur11t for report or ·,,  "  .  0  IO.  Carlton •••• __ Madison F S Carlton Bank_······--· •ti '03 J. D. Long .••.••••• L. Deadwyler-·· F. D. Smith.• -·--- Agnes King --·- ••• POI>, 3-12 6-1-560 . , .. ······-· " Planters Bank ····--·-···''ll L. H. Eberhardt. __ T. J. Stevens·-·-·- J.M. Comer.-. - - Miss Clav1s PanL •. , M-818 H. Eberhardt •Carnesville.Franklin F3 Bk.of Franklin County.U,06 B. T. Smith--······ 0, . Stucklorne- .• L. Jf. Lenhardt .... - · · - - - - · · - - - · Pop. 400 64-562 •Ot.rrollton ••• Carroll C 4/CIT I Po1> 4363 ·  1  I  Chi ■  bank.  100,000  100,000  -  ~-.........  OOok••••••••• G •. T. Spene•-·----  I  489,590 1.197,860  -  -  614,450  98,610 Han. N., N. Y.; !th N., Atl.  -  431.110  r,  -  City, N. Y.; Citiz.& ~  Xou-Bank Tonns \\Ith • '('arest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyt>rs, Laws (indexed) in back of th1 ··  187  umber under Name of Bank is the New Tran It Number given to each bank in C. S. exclushely by The lland-McNally Bankers• Directory. undf>r the authority of The Amerlc-,an Ranker• A__!l!il~n. - - - - ~  I  NAME OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY, •Yem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •County Seats. Entire State in ...·o. 6 n1em.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [E~tab. Ferlnal Re erveDistrict. l+Mem. Fed. Res. •Cartersville.Bartow C 3 Pop. 4:l'.50  PRESIDEi.~T.  I  VICE-PRESIDENT.  -  ASS'T CASHIER. _____  OASHIJCR.  "  ••• 89 +  BANK OF CEDARTOWN•t1'02  O. WILLINGHAM -- 1E. C. BE•TON ----- K. H. TURNER ----E. YOUNG----1. lJs Your Cedartowo·Item Direct.ff ·• end  1  I  'N- E. BOWDEN----w. M. SASSER---,• s.A. C.ff. FULMER----LEWIS  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  15.0001  1,000  89,000  100,000 1  12,000 Han. N ., N. Y.: 1st  30,000  250,000  200,000  40,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. City, Rome.  87,000  505,000  580,000  62,000 Ohase N .. N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.: 4th  T .,  Chattanooga.  100.0001  230,000  750,000  750,000  100,0001  20,000  50,870  145,000  t. N .. Phil ;::1:1  150,000 N. Park, N. Y.: M. M. 1st N., Balt.  34,640 Chase N .. N. Y.: Citiz, & Southern, \ti.; :: Hamilton  .. Chattanooga.  25,0001  4,000  80,000  95,000  25.000 Atl. 'I'r, Co., At!.  15,000 1  3,500  25,000  32,000  15,960  460,000  400,000  15,000  6,470  197,160  181,730  '25,000  12,580  114,220  144,080  9,000 Atl. N .. At!.; 4th N .. Macon; Cent • .Bk. · ·1 r. . . Co., Ash~vil!e, N. C; 85,000 Han. N •• • 1.; 1st N ., Chattanooga; C1t11.. , Southern, Atl. 37,030 N.Park.N. Y.: lstN.,DaltonandChattanooea; Citfz. & Southern, At!. 7,370 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Macon.  15,000  22.800  4,500  125,000  80,000  15,000  18,530  259,300  227,340  25,000  30,060  178.100'  205,510  25.000  20,000  200,000  230,000  25,000  12,000  300,000  280,000  4,750  !)6,150  118,310  241.190  275,580  50,000  21,500  173,4601  244,320  T . .A.. Duckett ___ Gu:, Green ___ _  25,000  18,000  250,000  250,000  J, M. Haynes ______ H. M. Gailey _______ W. V. Grant _______________ _  15,000  1,000  T. J ·  cobb _________  o. Dane:, __ _  W. T. Stubbs _______________ _  l  · _______ F. G. :Mauney ________________________ _ T. C. Miller  ~uescy H, .A. , Jarrar d------ F. H. Edwarrls----c. M.  w• L .  T  30,000  • ______ Ella Quinn _______ _ or,on  A. M. Dean ________ J. I{. Telford ______ F. McDowell _________ ________________ _ W.H.Underwood p . H. Trulock: ______ ' J. F. C. Herrine ______ W. B. Johnson __ Sadie Napier _____ _ A. S. Currv K. Daurhtr:, _______ G. W. }lulling ..... P. Q, Oollins ___ H. B. Collins ______ _  70 r11111J1f1f111-.P1•••.......  1 .......... ..................  j  40,000 ·  75,000  ------~-- --------- --------6,oooi  110,000  153,000  15,000  10,000  170,000  165,000  15,000  12,000  110.000  107,000  15,000  ~  X  40,210  J. 0. Dover_. ___  > C/l  :S0,000  v. Overstreet __ W. s. Lon~ ________  0 t1l 0 0  -30,000  First Nat10 ~-4~nk -----• 13 B. G. Tippins _____ M. •Olayton ______ Rabun F 2 Bank of Cl~~~-----•1'04 k" 641 Hall E 3 Clermont B~~-~if Co,-t1'13 ________ ClermontPop. 332 Olcrmont State " Pop. B-HOlRank ____ §'20 2 tl'U _ 1 e E 2 Farmers&MerchantsBank •Cleveland ___ ~ wh·t 885 64 . Pop. ~39 nk _____ u•og White Coun 9 6 l'l Ba - --------- 2 Olimax ______ De~tur D lo F armers 6 865 Pop. 3~.> Cobbtown ___ Ta~tnall H 7 Bank of Ooii!g n _______ f'06  Chattanooga.  Prompt, Person at Attention Give n All Matters, Co llectlon , Bill of Cash and Time I tem · Remitted fo r Promptly TRY U'.  C~axton ~if-¥oz·-----•l:03 C. 8. Grice-------- N. A. ThaHard ____ E. Bullock: ____ K.  1_k  N. and Atl. N., At!.  Lading Draft.,  l  7~  77,190 N.Bk.Com.andBk.ofAmerica,N.Y.: Lowry~  tll  L. M. McGOUIRK--  w.  Pop. 32.>  718,lCO $  _  _  I  ..  6  nows.."°  i::  .::Sil  25.000 50.000 1  •s·oo  "  s■=n  :  1~  _______  ,  ITB  end us your C ollectlon ·, BIU of Lading Drafts. Ca h and time Item dlrectrRemitted for o n day of paymen It.  CoJJection , Bill of Lading Drafts, Ca h and Time Items Remitted for Promptly on Day of Payment. Commercia1 r!ii!------•U'8II R. O.Pitts_________ • W. h1bbs ______ E. L. Henderson __ w. A. Colquitt_ ___ _ 6 64-llH  r  ~~~•:,;>,.~; c~:~"a!.~  I  •i·os 64-192 4 Bank of Oha ~b te e _______ §'I7 s. IL Allen ________ W. D. Wallace _____ Il. A. ~[orris _______ D, T. :MinhinnetL ham bl •e ____ Dekalb 6..- 96 0 \\'. A. Eid ·on # Pop. 350 L. L. Purvis _______ R. o. Roiers ______ , A. M. Halley _________________________ _ Oh rinf? _Pop.-iE8ylor D 7 Farmers & ~~~:ants Ba 2 •Ohat worth. fnrray O 2 Bank or Chatsworth ---•t1'07 A. J. Keith ________ R. :M. Gudeer ______ Horace Dodd _____ Mrs. Horace Dodd_ MissNettCampbell J. Ji'. Hall 64:-564 Pop. 4n C. N. Kini?--------- J. L. Cole __________ T. w. Brooks ______ J. T. cox----· ____ _ Cohutta Ban k mir co ..••. _______ 64- 720 R. . ·teed , ~- il~~:ie: ______ 1J. II . .Johnson _____ W. L. Prickett --·. Obauncei 0 4 8odee B' 7 Bank of Ch:f~t1-----•t1'05 J. J. Cadwell-----Chest r ________ Dodee F 7 Chester Ban ~in e Co. ___ .u•og D. A. Burch ______ J. F. Fordham _____ 1P. M. Burch_______ o. L. Burch _______ _ 6 - 566 J. . Roland ... Pop. 387 Chickamauea- "'!aiker B 2 Bank of Ch1 ck~m aura--•il'l0 D. A. JewelL _____ T. w. Lee _________ c. Dunaway ________________ _ 6. 4-..,67 . Pop. 96,J O'NeaL---Ohipley _______ Harris C 6 Bank or Ch~l~Ir·------1'119 T. Wisdom-------- C. T. HiIL-------- w. B. Wisdom ___ c. · _______ Ro:, Ask:ew ________ J. s. Thom1>son __ _ H , C, K'1m b roug h - J. W. Wh1te .. Pop. -4 • , Farmers&Me~ch.Bank_tf'OD -------64 45 1 •Olarkesville.Hahersh~~ Habersham 6ra56i-------•1'03 J. K. Burns _____ - IJ. ,\. Robertson ___ F. M. Reeves-- I ___________________ _ J. B. Jackson . . Pop. 1274 1 •Ula.~toP<>P~126~:vansl7 Citizens na;l!isir·-----•§'191R.R.Tippins ______ c. M. Rusl!ing,Jr. , J. B. Brewton ___ ---------------..  1·  DEPOS-  62,040$ 5Sl0,230  100,000  g  .P.KHH.:ll'AL liOK.KE..'>.PU:.1,11:.~T::O.  N .• N. Y.: Citiz.-Uniop N .• Lou.: Citi~ • S. CALHOUN B. H,. McGINNIS---- O. W. HANEY------- ,J.B. HOWARD------ _ 100,000 _ 6'1,50 _ '100,000I _ '167,00o l, _ 217,000 Han. {JOS. ., At!.; 1 t ~·•• .,- , outhern and 4th .tfR T AND OLDE TI. TABLIS B.);D BANK.  NATIONAL BANK  nc  .tt.E:SOU.kL:E1:>.  Prompt remltt ance. IDtelltsent reuom for non-p aJment. TaY US.  LIBERTY  i-  Aio  CAPITAL PROFITS  Cassville _____ Bartow C 3 Bank of Ca ville _______ :j:1'12 J.B. Crawford ____ G. W. Battle. ______ Y. J. Stover _______________________ _ W. D. Pittard 64-844 Pop. 2.'iO ca~·eSprin~---,r1oyd BS Bank ofCave Sprine ____ tf'05 A. N. Tumlin ______ B. T. \ il11ams ____ J. F. Hieht___________________________ _ ♦ 64-563 Pop. i,.,8  --------  SUR Lus  PAID-UP  l 'L BANK  64 - 18.,"  "  dex<'d Acee·)  - __rnlume. For '1nt<'re, t." Rates.:_!l~lida)'s,  L1AB1L1T1ES.  J. W. INIGHT--- J. W. VAUGHAN,. C.M.MILAM----- P.C.FIAIIKLIN --Actne BANK OF CARTERSVI\LE ; (One Branch) •t •gs, Speelal attentl on sl..-en to eolle ctlon1. H-184  FIRST NAT •Cectartown _____ Polk B 3 Pop. 4053  Xon-Bank Town with "'(•are ·t nanklng Point (InLaw,·ers s (indexecl> in IJaek of thi ' et<'., ~el''-.  d C t• u_e_____________ GEORGIA --=_o_n ___ ___1n  I  (')  ~  ~  .., en  <:  :::.: ;:;"  o  31,750 Imp. & Tra. N:. N. Y.: 4th N .. Atl.; Lt • .. Dublin: Citiz. & outhern, Savan. 46,340 Irvin~ N., N. Y.: Hamilton N .. Chattanooea. (') 28,250 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Atl. N .• .Atl.: Citiz. , Southern, Sarno. 11,000 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.: At!. N., Atl.  g. o0  60,000 N.J3k. Com .. N. Y.: Jitlz.& S~uthe.rn and 4th~ ::s N., Atl.; Far. & Merch., Gamesv11le.. . 12,940 N. Park, N. Y,; 4th •. , Atl.; C1tiz. & Southern, Savan. 57,410 Han. N .• N. Y .: Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co .. Sa van.; 4th •• .. 'Macon. 22,340 Han. N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk, c· Tr. Co., Savan. 65,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: Atl. N .• A.ti.: 4th T., raron; Cornelia, Cornelia. 7,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz .• Gaine . ville. 30,000 Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; 1st •• , Gams\·iflp, 19,400 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.; AU. N., At!.; 4th N ., Macon; I ·t T ., Gaines\·ille. 30,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Atl. N .• -'.ti.; 4th ' .• Macon. 3G,OOO N. Park, N. Y.: Merch .. Valdosta.  • • - • ,., -.n1r  ___ ._ __ ...... _  I■  t.h•  New Transit Number given  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number oven by The B.and-McNally Bankers' The:_Amerlcan_ !_?kers Ass'o.  to eaeh bank in U. 8. excluslvelf 188 ===D=-lreetory, ~.! tile auth~rlty of  NA.ME OF' BANK.  TOWN AND COUNTY,  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •OonntY Seats. Entire State in No. 6 tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦:Mero. Fed. Res.  PRl:SIDB.NT,  ===========::;:::..-  VICK-PRJCSIDB:NT.  O~SBill,  I  A.sS'T OA.SRIER.  ========::===-  _ _LIABILITIES.  s. Helms ••••••••  R.H. Peacock ••••• E. S. Beasley···--· $  o. Peacock •••••  25,000 $  ITS  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  o.. a • Bi• Lo.&111 & J>t,o. c'TI. Bozm1, Oll.AMou,Do• 8.oovvrra ROlllkJIU  Q,000 $ 343,000 S 357,000 S 150,000 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: 4th N .. Macon; Citiz. Southern, Savan.: Atl. N., Atl.  99,410 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern and 4th N., Macon: Atl. N .. Atl.  7,350  65,000  2.000  200,000  52,0001 125,000  25,000 Saab. N .• N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga; N. Bk. of Savan., Sa van. 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. State, Athens.  96,140  Oohutta ••-. Whitfleld O 2 North Georgia Bankin£' Co. W. E. Nants •••••• _ H. R. McNabb ..... W. E. Nan ts ....... W. H. Pitner •••••• tt'13 64-878 Pop. 400 ColberL •••• Madison F 4 Madison County Bank.•:l:§'16 J. K. Gholston ••••• J. F. Colbert ••••••• J. L. Williams •••• C. Whitworth..•••• 64·952 Pop, 1394  10,000 15,000  j  533,2901  75,000  J.P. Peacock ••• _. W.  &j  394,080  J. A. Walker-·-- H. T. AsbelL-•• J. E. Cook  64-311  RESOURCES,  P A.ID•UP SURPLUS DEPOSCAPITAL PR~TS  Non-Bank To, ns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.>, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in uack of this ... ~oh~~ F~_: Interest Rates, ~ld~y~~ etc., see Laws:,~  -------1-------1-------1---- --- --- --- --- -- --------------  •Oochran •.• Blerk:ley F 7 Citizens Bank ·····-·-·U'l3 J. A. Fisher.- •••• J. G4·87G Pop. 2021  COCHRAN BANKING CO.•Wll2  GEORG IA-Continued  1  ·-······· N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl.: Citiz. &Southern,',...,, i,c.Savan.  Ooleman ••• Randolph O 8 Hammack,Rish & Sons •• t'05 -·-··-····--·-···-· - · · - - - · · - - - · B. W. Rish _ _ _ - - - - - - · · ••••••••• --····-·· 64-572 Pop. 342  'l:11 0  Oolle2epark •.• Fulton D 4 Bank of Colle~e Park.-.U-10 J. H. Loncino -··-· W. S. Oox --····- G. 11'. Lon£'ino, Jr •• Miss Pauline Trim• H. C. Youmans [ble 64-573 Pop. 3622  25,000  15,000  200,000  200,000  40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N .. Atl. and Macon.  Oollins •••••. Tattnall B 7 Bank of Oollins.-·-·-·U'05 L. 0. Benton-···· J. J. Kenned:, •• _. J. L. Mercer·--··· H. 0. Shirah....... 64-574 Pop. 505  25,000  5,000  150,000  125,000  50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan., c;1 , Macon N., Macon.  •Oolqultt •••••• Miller O g OolQuitt Exchange Bankil'17 S. M. Watson __ N. L. Stapleton •••• B. F. Rawls, Jr.... ··--·-·········-···J.M. Shingler 64-475 Pop. 810  15,000  5,000  87,500  73,320  First National Bank •••• •:•02 S. M. Watson--···· 64-474 •Oolumbus.Mascocee B 7 *ColumbusLn.&Bkc.Co.t§'l4 V. A. Cox ••••••••• 64-65 Pop. 31.125 *Columbus Sav.Bk. & Trust W. O. Bradley ••••• " --··-" Co .•·-··· M~O •••••• •U'89  I  N. L. Stapleton •••• H. L. Harrell-.... •••••••• •••••••••••• J.M. Shingler A.H. Bickerstaff •• T. A. Williams •••. W. M. Howard.....  50,000  H.B. Crowell ••••• H.B.Patterson, Tr. G. C. B~te_s. A. Tr. C. C. \"\1lhs,  250,000  ~  >  I  23,500 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N .. Atl.  ~  66,170 N. Park. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. l\nd ''4 Atl. I~ 10,800 226,000 325,000 ·-··-···· Han. N .. N. Y.: 4th N .• Macon. C/l 194,50012,127,400 2,206,000 112,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Park, and Harriman N., N. Y,:j (") 3d N., Col.  50,000  148.590  180,560  19,500  I  A. Tr._______________  lo  I g.  RHODES BRDWIE. H, L, WllllAMI .•• WM, W. HINT .•. F. H. FERRELL .•.• Z00,080 246.%50 1.226,170 1,893,650 1 376,850 Liberty N., N. Y.: 18& N •• Chi.: Girardi~ N. and ,th St. N., Phil.; Ith N., l\lacon., ::l R.H.McCbTCHEN Send us your collections. ..... 0 Prompt and careful returns made. •:'76  *FIRST NAT BANK United St.ates Depository. 1  64 8 -5  *FOURTH  {T. E. B~AHCHARD - T. S. FLEMING-••••• W.R. LUTTRELL =·· ·················-··  NATIONAL BANK 64-61  •i·o2  LARGEST CAPITAL TOCKOF ANY BANK IN COLUMBUS. end :,our Item s direct. Prompt personal attentl on given Bill of Lading Draft s Cash and Time Items.  *Home Savinn Bank •• •U'0! Rhodes Browne ••• H. L. Williams·-· W. B. Lanidon, Tr. • - - · · - - - · · W. B. Langdon M~2  *MERCHANTS & MECH. BK. 64·57  •MUSCOGEE BANK  •:1'72  J. B. KEY ........ S. B. HATCHER .... J. A. HARLEY ••••• K. C. KIERCE ..... . J. B. KET Each collectlon receives peraonal attention or an officer.  i  () 0  175,000 --:.000 1,340,000 - -  ·-  , ,  s. J. Mc  50,000  29,380 1,274,530 1,402,100  200,000  230,000 1.309,000 1,470,000  350,000  365,900  ··--·---····  SD,200  18,440  328,1601  365,580  J.E. no_w_ ERS •••• d:_'-·l.\flff····· *THIRD NAT. BANK w. c. BRADLEY -·· TJwo_·.H_MPIEBAul:··Aao SE j_'  250,000  -  64 511  I  • :,  w. Campbell  Our Collection Department under personal superva ,on of an officer of the bank. 88 "WE ACTUALLY REMIT DAY WE COLLECT"  Oolumbus Ol~rinr House._ G. Gnnb:, Jordan_ Uhodes B;owne •••• (MtmlJe,·s irulicatw b11 a*) Number under Name or Bank is the New TranaJ& Number siven to eaeh bank in U. 8. exclwtnly by The Band-McNally Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  :w.  21.660 N. Bk. Com. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern. Atl. 169,650 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil.: At!. N., Atl.  I 35,500  64· M *Phoenix BU~s·····-•U'05 R. P. Spencer, Jr ••• ··········-·-·--··-- Ohas.  C" C:  (F)  50,000  1ath •••••• J. Douglas Neill ••• - - - - - - - · · - ·  8  I  Remittance ma de day or payme nt. Peraonal pre sentatlon.  -·-•U-13 J. M:. Murrah.---·-  a"  518,900 Ohase N., N. Y.: Phil.; Lowry N., Atl.  l-  68,400 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fulton N., Atl.; 4th N •• Macon. 39,080 Han. N .• N.Y.; N., A.ti.  448,020 1,716,780 i 2,73'1.HO  -  -  -  -  ';4  ::J 710,460 N. Park, N. City, and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.r ~ "" ro, Atl. 1st N., Phil.; Cltla · & ~  ~  l~.....  H. Young, Sec .• Wm. W. Hunt. Tr. ··-·-··· · - · · - - - - - - · - - - - · - - · - ·  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In~'¼~ ba~~" dexed AcC?s.), Lawyers, Laws  <i:1,1~:E!.~  ~.f..~h.!8 'pj'  Number under Name or . .Dk la the New TramH Number sivea to eula bank in U. 8. e.1:clual'fely by The &and-HeNally llaakera•  189 TOYN  GEORGIA-C  DlreetolT, under tile &!J,tborlty~ .lmerlcan ~ e n .l_ s'n. - ~ - ~ NAO OF BANK. .uo OOUNTT.  •Kem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •Oeoty Seats. E•tire State in No. 6 ~em.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [E tab, Iem. Fed. Re . • District. J!'~eral Reserve  -  -  OilBID.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  P&BSIDJCNT.  d  t•  On lfiUC ----,---  -  LIA~ --  - --A.SS'T 0..l.SHIU.  PA;;.:UP SURPLUS CAPITAL p AND  DEPOS1TB  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this'vo~ume. ~ Interest ~ates, Holidays, etc._, _see ~ws~ ~  RESOURCKS.  Lcw,-;&Dr•c•n. Bo,r1>a,  -------1---~---~  Comer ••••• _Madison l!' I Comer Bank _________ •tslDOO J. K. Gholston ____ G. W. Whitehead .. W. E. Henslee••••• 64-412 Pop. 1001 Peoples Ba~~----•U'07 W.A. Rowe ••••••.• D. P. Moon-•••••• o. v. RidewaJ ••••• ·• ·• Oommerce ••• Jackson K J K. B. Anderson, Banker•it•o5 ______________________ - - - · - - - - · H-256 Pop. 2459 Commerce Bank & Trust Oo. G. T. Rice ••••.•.•. W. B. Burns •••••.• o. Walton _ _ _ " " M. T. Sanders •§ •19 64-004  PRI·NCIP.&.L O0KREBP0NDDn'8.  r&OMl4!<■JL__  ~ -  - - -  :mssLolsBirchmore $  25.000 $  50.000 $ 225,000 $ 300,000 $ 35.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl, N .. At!,  H. D. Moon--·-·--  25,000  21,250  210,530  61.230 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N .. At!.: Ga. N .• Athens.  189,6-10  ---·--------  15,000  4,670  30,380  40,470  N. B.Lord •••- -  100,000  3,000  190,000  180,000  75,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, A.ti,; Ga. N ., Athens.  W.W. STARK •••.  J.B. HARDMAN·- 8. L. HUBBARD -- L.A. RICHARDSON. Special a«entto n ch'en to Collect Ions. Please eaclose He for presentl n1.  50,000  42,720  301,270  330,980  55.150 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.:Cth N.,,.Athens.  84!,3Jf- Co ..•U'D2 L. G. Hardman •••. ·······----········· 0. J. Hood••- - A.. M. Shank.le·--OoncordPop~-44/ite D 6 Ooncord BaM~7f Oo .•• •U,03 0. T. Smith.. ____ G. lt Strickland - s. A. Kin~·-······· R. A. Mallory, Jr .•  100,000  60,000  900,000  600,000  25,000  36,000  ll0.000  173,400  ~~JPW~JlfECT. --------····--------  132,964  131,630  5U70  87.800  BAIK.•:• 04 FIIST IATIOflAL 200 M-  !  Northea;ter  J. F. MADDEN  END U-YOU a·coNCORD BU & SONS ... t'05 { Prompt person al attention given blll of Jading dra ts, cash and time  Items.  (Bankers) 64-1002  •Oonyer ••• Boelcdale BC BANI ~ Pop. 1817  OF COIYERS ••• -U'N M-282  BANK OF ROCIDALE ••• •••01 M-281  FIRST NATI BANK 64-97C  '18  Ooolid2'e-----Thomu B 9 ll'armers & :1eif~· Bankel'll * Pop. 485 .owdele ________ Cris1>BS AMERIC¥.11Pc\MPANY •U'04 Pop. 6538 64_144 *Citizens Ba~ ; ---·--·•tl'IID " 2 6.. 1.. Cordele Ba~ rrast 0£§·, 20 · 4  t  II  - - - ·· - - - -  H  60,000  - .  --- .  CHAS. I. GAILEY ••• A· D. jUMf ERS •••.• E. P. McDANIEL .•• - CLAUDE DOWN~·-···  f: f: Ul,orf  380,000  150,0po N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Maco11 and Savan.; .£.ti. N., A.ti.  300.000  31,600  75,000  -  -  ~  0  ~ Z  I  3 ~  >-t  1. 390,000  -1-  r+  0  451,000  25,000  19,000  250,000  196,000  J.W.cannon .. _. F.G.Boatri£ht •••• R. A.. Vinson ___________ J. H. Churchwell J. ll. Hunt. ___ R. E. Harris ______ B. T. Ware----· - - - - - - - - · ·  150,000  30,000  700,000  600,000  25,000  20,000  120,000  160,000,  Jas. A. Otwell .•••• W. P, Flemine •••• K. P. Baker••••••• G, M. Bazemore...  100,000 _ _ _  120,5/0  189,100  -  74,200 N. City, N. Y.; Lowry N., A.ti.  452.280  701,800  65,000 Obase N.• N. Y.; Savan. Bk.& Tr. Oo., Savan, 200,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; ,thN.,Atl. 76,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N .. Macon and s\tl.; Citiz, & Southern, avan.; 1st N., Valdosta. 28,330 Irvini N,, N, Y.; 4th N., Atl.; 4th N., Ma on.  N. D, Black,-V,P. R.R. Harris  110.610  183,090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Savan.: Lowry N.. Atl.  b1toc11Unror postaee to pay for presentation.  -----------------· - - - · · - - - -----· - - - · - - -  Edward Flor _____ C. C, Kimsey •••••• J. J. Lowe____  · 40.000  30,000  425,000  490,000  P. Y. DUCKETT.----- ,J, M. GILLESPIE .••• J.M. CROW.........  30,000  13,250  225,000  270,000  ornelia Items Dir ect. Couectlon., Bill of Lading and TJme Items. Remitted for on j day of payment. I  0  151,180 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; (") O 4th N ., Macon.  377,270  465.730  Send us your ~nyers' and MIistead business direct. Prompt personal attention given Bill of Ladln& Drafts, - - ~ ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cash and Time Items. TRY US. •-- _  s. lloncrief.-1A, P, Me~ahee _  0 til  ~  1- - --- - - -  1  Boykin Harrison_ E. Gibson·------- O.  ~  en  84.610 50,ooo C. E. REAGAN .•••. 8. D. HEW~TT ••.•• G. C. SIMS.---· ··-·····-··---····-J. W. HOLLI ,SWORTH bank. Unequaled raclll ties ror maldnc co llertlon s. Flnt and oldest e tabll b Prompt a&tentJ on to all banklnc matters entruate d to us.  Oorulia-Habersham EZ CORNELIA BA~ K••••• •UHOO J.E. Barr ____ 64-.,85 pc;p.1500 T. H. LITTLE .•••.. Send us your C RST NAlloNAL BAIK •i•09 { Drafts, Cash 64-386 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • Atl,; 4th N,,. aeon.  '°  ~  !·  1 fn1'J?!at~ug:·a·•> J. w. Cannon .••.•• ·--··----·------- J. J. Williams, Sec. Efl~ters  jf  41,600 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz. & outhern, Macon.  --  •  >  jJ, J. WILLIAMS. S. A. ROY,.!-··--- E. F. TISON-----· -------------- 100,000 Pfs11·-··•tl'05 'Careful attentl :n SfuDi,tec~ons. Plain sleht drafts must beaccom panted  *EXCHAN\!.. Cl .  300,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N, and Lowry N., A.ti.  We a ctuaJJy remit day we collect. TRY US.  30,000 J. T. GIBSON------ ft. L. \UFF •••••••••. 11. W. HULL--- - - - - - - - · JurA~~~Jte on collections. We take pride I { If prome_tness, careful attention, and quick remit tance are pleasln I to you THIS IS YOUR B ANK.  1  7,920 Lowry N., Atl.: N. Bk. of A.thens. A.thens,  23.360 Lowry  ~ p)  C,unlt"Ex-  ce.,m,,.,Da ■  50,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern and Atl. N., At!.; Ga. N., .Athens. 38,000 MAecthh.e&nsM. etals N .• N. Y.; 4th N .. A.ti.; Ga. N.,  (")  lg  ~  p;·  • ___ .,._ ...... _  190  • • - • ""' ._nlc I• th111  New TransH Number oven  Number under Name or Bank a the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslveJy by The Rand-McNally Bankt-rs' Directory, under the authority of The American Banker _ .. •n. NAME OF' BA.'K.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •~em. Am. Bks.As n. liState j.County Seats. Entire State in • 'o. 6 t~lem. State Ilks.A ·sn.tPriv. [E~~ _ Federal Reserve ~ c t . +Mem. Fed. Re •  PRESIDltNT,  I:  GEORG IA-Continued -=-~-  _I_ER_,_ SH 0 -AICE-PRESIDENT~ 11-~-  I  I  L ABILITIES. 'T CASHIER.  p AID-UP  SURPLUS  DEPOS-  1-------1 CA.PITAL  PR~~TS  ITS  ~covinfton __ J.'ewton E 4 Bank of Covington ______ t§'Ol R.R. Fowler------ J. L. Stephenson .. J.E. Philips _____________________ _ 64-227 Pop. 2 6 Bank of Newton Co,---•t§'05 M. G. Turner ______ C.H. White _______ J. W. Harwell ___________________ _ 64-228 Farmers B1nking Co, ___ '20 lL II. Smith------, , . 64-1000 First_ at1onal Bank----•i 07 N. Z. Anderson ____ 64-220  _  1  J. ~I. Rogers ______ G. L. Smith ________ F. H. Arkin _______ _ . H. T. Huson. W.B.R.Pennm2ton H. L. H1tchcock ___ 1Jas. C. Anderson __ R. E. tephenson  100,000 $ 80,000  Non-Bank To\\ns with 'earest Bnnklu Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer·, Laws tindex d) in b ck of this volume. For_ lntere !_ Rates, Holiday I etc., et• La s. ~ RESOURCES.  Lou■ 6: Du,  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPOND N'TS.  Cue 6: ;.,~  c;;:.;o!1!.::• ~~~ :;'l~:: 0  I  45,000 $ 725,000 I I 28,380 816,450 14,480  30,000  I  475,000  200.000 Han , N .. N. Y.; Cont.&Oom'l 1 ., Ohi,; 4thN., A.ti. and Macon; Citiz, & Southern, Savan.  488.370  433.260 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry ...'. and Atl. N., Atl.; Oitiz. & Southern, Savan. and Macon.  34,500  8,280 Fulton N., Atl.  50,000  38,000  465,000  468,260  116,200 Chase N .. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. and Atl.: 4th N., Macon; N. Ex., Aufusta.  25,000  10,500  308,270  137,440  107.810 Han. N., N. Y.: Lowry N., A.ti.: lrerch. Bait.  Farmers Bank ___________ §"11 E. 0. VeaJ _________ F. S. Lehane _______ H. T. O'Neal ______ G. A. Howard, Jr,_ 64-703  25,000  20,000  350,000  250,000  140,000 N:Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.: Ga, N .. Athens;I 0 t"..j 4th N., Macon.  •CrawfordvilleTaliaferro Bank of Crawford vil\e ___ §"08 J. F. Holden _______ J. A. Kendrick ____ G. II. :Mitche!L ___________________ ---64-458 G5 Pop. 781  25,000  75,000  850,000  200.000  82,470 Han. N .. N. Y.; Atl. N .. Atl.  --------------------  40,000  18,000  175,000  H0,000  45,400 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl.  B.11. Clements ____ E. S. Winn ________ W. M. Winn, Jr. __ II. D. Fincher  25,000  23,000  128,000 109.890  0,800 At 1• N .. AU.; Citiz. & .'outhern and 4th ...'., tJj )> Macon. 12,500 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th N .. Atl. and Macon. 1  225,000  43,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: A tl. ... , A ti.  BANK OF CRAWFORD---i§'05 John F. Holden ____ I J. A. Roland _______ IW. W. Berry ______ E. H. Furcron ____ _  Crawford_Oglethorpe F 4 Pop. 03  .  M-577  I  IDank of TalA~:mo _______ §'08 J. F. Holden _______ Oulloden _____ Monroe D 6 1 Bank of Oulloden ______ •t§-07 H. L. Dickey ______ 64-505 Poo. 361 Merchants & Plant. Bk._i§'05 j R.H. Holmes ______ " 64-506 •Cumming __ Forsyth D 3 Bank of Cumminf ______ t§'04 ~.Tate ____________ 64-515 Pop. 607 People Ba.nk ____________ f'21 _J. W. Webb _______ 64-lOli  W.  w.  Bird ________  s. w. Wynn-------  .A. J. Johnson ______ F. P. Sullivan _________________________ _  BANK OF DALTON -----•t 1'12 { 64-174  W. C. MARTIN.---- E. P. DAVIS-------- J. J. COPELAND -----,W. A. BROADRICK.--  Collecnons, Bil I of Lading Draft ca n an<l time Item· ent u remltted for pr om1>tly on day o f payment.  First National Bank ••• •t'88 P. B.TrammelL __ W. O. Martin ______ J. G. McLellan----- !P. B. Trammell, Jr. E. P. Davis 64-173 peck ______ _ R. 11. Sapp •tt'73 6-i-172 Bank of Danielsville. __ •:f '08 J. F. Holden-----· G. O. Gritrdh _____ R. o. Griffeth _____ -------------------6~-582 Bank or Danville _______ •tf'05 H. L. D. Huehes ___ G. E. Chapman-· -- c. R. Faulk _______ A. T. Land-------, , 6-1-583 . Darirnlla.nk ___________ •U89 C.M.Tyson _______ .J.G. Forb ···----•J.A. pace _______ D. E. Lane _______ _ 64 084  0. L. Hardwick & Co., Bkr~. ll'. T. Hardwick ____ W. M. Hardwick ___ T. D. Ridley _______ L. Z.  •I> 111i •J-;ville ••• - Madison ft' 3 Pop. 3;;j Danville ______ TWIC'C'S F 6 POJ). 86  •D rlen ____ IC'lnto hJ9 l'oo. 2  Da\'l boro _____ w Pop. 653 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  h.G 6  •rchant , !•arm r Bank W. C. Wilson ______ 0.11. l'. Boall _____ I.\\'. i\rnold ______ ----·---------··---,. '05 6l-585 Planters tate Ilank ••••• U'tl J. W. ldrod _______ I. L. Down _____ .I.E. DanieL •••• --,---·---------------64-795  ~  0 >  z  23,000  so,000  25,000  35,000  225,000  17,000  20,000 _______ -·------ ________ Irving  1  10  1  15,000  I  K. A. Kemp_______ . H. Chadwick- __ ).fa ·nard Mashburn R. L. Baclcy _______ ~. \V. Webb _______ -------------------. J, Green n. ll. Burru s •Ousseta __ Chattahoochee Bank of Cus eta _______ •t§ "07 C. C. Minter ______ 0. O. Stephens ____ W. A. Gayler ______________________ ---6-1-579 C7 Pop. 276 •Cuthbl'rL_Haudolph CS Bank of Cuthbert. _____ •a •s7 E. C.TeeL ________ .". M. \\'t•aver _____ H. L. HiJJ. _________ A. R. Ward-------A. A. Loekett 64-207 Pop. 3022 Georgi Bank Tru t o.t ·02 F. ll. Davis ________ W. J. Wade _______ P. M. Reid _________ R. E. Gormley. ___ _ -------64-209 Dacula _____ Gwinn tt D 4 Dacula Banking Co. ____ t.§'00 A. M. Wilson ______ II. II. Pharr _______ Jno. G. Hood ______ J. V. Hood _______ _ Pop. 24 I 6H80 •Dahlonega_Lumpkin D 2 Bank of Dahloneea _____ t§'02 J. F. Pruett ________ Henry llyers ______ T. F. Jackson ________________________ _ j M-5 1 Po11. 6!JO _ ___________________________ J.S.Speer _______ a.II.Moore _____ H.C.~Ieaders 'll e§ ___ BankofLumpkinCo. " " W. II. JonP 64-794 1 •Dalla _____ Paulcling C 4 \ Bank of Dallas _________ i§'99 R. D. Leonard _____ W. E. Spinks ______ A. M. Kendall _____ ------------------6-1-359 Pop. 1245 W. F. M •ek ________ \\', IL Ilausard ____ D. E. Pinkston---- F. P. Hudson __ ---Commercial- avinfs Bk. " -------" •t '07 64-360 •Dalton ____ Whitfield D 2 Po1>. 5222  60,000I  N.,,  T,,  '~ VJ  If  N. Y.  ()  175,000  15,000  5,000  60,000  18,500  48,300  10,500  106,000  I~  125,000  65,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 3tl. · .. Col.  283,210  28!.360  165,000  259,000  58,160 Ilan . .i:' •• N. Y.; Cent. Ek. & Tr. Corp., Atl.; (1Q Citiz. & Southern, avan. • 28,000 IN. Park. N. Y.; 4th ~., At!. and !aeon; r+ 0 Citiz. & Southern, Savan. ::, 11,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Lowry N .. Atl.  25,000  24,000  40,000  15,000  1,440  61,800 I  15,000  3,500  171,800  154,160  25,000  18,000  200,000  130,000  25.000  14,000  240,000  180,000  50,000  10,000  300,000  350,000  44,110  5•  33,040 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Lowry  15,000 Han. N., N. Y,: Atl. Chattanooga.  100,000  27,240  892,740, 1.097,120  58,240  701,000  15,000  15,000  85,000  85,000  15,000  35,000  140,000'  160,000  20,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N., Macon.  25,000  33,740  155, 60  lV0,740  18,560 Coal & Iron N .• N. Y.: Co .. Savan.  25,000  5,000  20:i,000  15,000  12,500  60.000  915,000  .o ~  < . rii'  r,, At!.; Hamilton .r.,  307,ooo  I  O  ., A.ti.  30,850 N. Park, N. Y.: Lt r., Gainesville; }i'ar. Tra .. Atl. 125,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; N., At!.: hawmut, Bos. 65,000 Han. N .• N.Y.: £owry N .. Atl.  O" 0  d  177,800 Chase N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. 171,000 N. City. N. Y.: 4th St. N .. Phil.: 4th ...'. and .Atl. N., Atl.; 1 ·t N., Chattanoof!a. 12.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atl. N .. AU. I ~  50,0001 150,000 IIlan. N., N. Y.; 4th N., lacon.  I  fiO,O00j  ~  avan. Bk. & Tr. ~  :< '°  30,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, avau . .1ud .All. -1th r .. -lacon.  umber under me of Bank is the e Tran It umb r given on-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Into each bank in u. s. e clu lvely by The Kand-McNally Banker., dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this s» ====D=lre = cto = •=>'~• =u=n=d=e=r::::t=b=e=a=u=t=b=o=rl=t=y=o=f= T=b=e=A=m=e=rl=c=a=n=Ba=n=ke=r=s=A='=n= :: . =============-======================= ==v= o=lu=m=o=·=F=o=r=I=n=te=re=t~ • Holidays, etc., see .Law • :S 1 To~.N AND Com,TY. NAME OF BANK. j LIABILITIES. ' RESOURCES. ~  191  GEORGIA-Continued  •_County _eat.. :~fem.t,\m.Bks.Assn.§ t~tc PRESIDENT. V1cE•PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Entire tate rn o.6. +~fem,..,tate Bks.Assn. tPr1v. Federal Reserve District ♦ )fem.Fed.Rrs. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _  Ass'T _  CASHIER.  ______ ,  •Dawson_•••• TerrellD8 Bank of Daw on .•••••. •U'll M.C.Edwards ...•. J.P.Perry ••.•••••• C.D.Cocke •••••••. lJ.E. King_. ____ $ 100,000$ 41,230 $177,320 Pop. 3504 U-765 Oity National Bank •••••. i·o2 K. 64-1811  s. Worthy_ ••••  G. W. Doiier•••••• W. K. McLain ••••• R.D. Smith·-·····  100,000  90,000  375,700$  375,000 1 495,000 1  DAWSON NATIONAL BANK H-188  l  I  Youl" Item•  and collection• sent ua  I  64-587  I  64·588  s. A. Wesi  '  •is·ujs.  M. McNaiI' •• - •• J. R. Printup •••••• D. A. Ho~d •••••• ········-···-······-  li'red J. Howard  w.  · tur ••••• Dekalb D, DecaturBk.&Tru tCo.•:1'06 J. H, Green ••••••.  H. Weekes ••.. A. R. Almon·-···-· IW, C. McLain ••••• • R. Christie 1 De Kalb Oounty Bank ••• U'll F. T. Hopkins··-·· J. F. Green •••••••. C, II. lllount.-·-··· -······-············ 64-768 J. F. Kelley  Pop. 61~0  ••  •••• ••••  "  .-  200,000  20,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 4th N .. Macon: Fulton N,,Atl.; Fifth-Third N., Cin,  0  350,000  395,000  20,000 Citiz., Gainesville; Atl. N., A.ti.  ~  116,100  73,150  66,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, ~ Aurusta:4thN., Macon. _  95,000 1,250,000 1,328,500  250,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Atl,N. and Fulton N., At!,; 4th> N,, Macon. tJj  50,000  65,UOO  25,000  5,000  15,000  7.100  100,0i>O 25,000  25,000  65,00011  238,000  175,0001  25,ooo; Han. N., N. Y.;,  ~  ti.  I ~  ]) •more L ••• Haberaham Cornelia Bank·-·····--··''14 ---·······-··· ··-····--·-·---·· J, R. Barrett ••••• - ···-········-······· (Branch o/Com eliaBant, Cornelia, Ga.) N. Park, N. Y,: Atl. Tr. Co., Atl. Pop. 686 Jr 2  U-589  ]) xtcr •••••• I urens I!' 7 Dexter Bankinr Oo .•••• U'04 J.E. ·ew ..•..•••• U. G. ll. Hol{an •••• , D. W. KnighL .•-- ----·-···-····Pop. 4 1  I  64-691  D •run ..••.• OOIQuitt E 9 Bank of Doerun ••••••. tl'02 L. 0. Benton •••.••. P. B. Watkins .••.• Pop. g19 64-470 G. W. McWhite  w. M. Smith •.•••••  R. C. Watkins ••••.  Farmers ~~ii-······U'OII J. P. My,:irs •..•••• E. L. Bacon·--····· R. L. Free ••••.•••• J. W. Batts-••••••• •Donalsonville eminole .Bank of Donalsonville.•tl'03 T.J.Shineler .... _. A. R. Benton .. _.. _ Pop. 1031 C9 64-592 I  w.  H. Vanlandin~• I. R. Aultman, Jr .. ham  :PlantersBank _ _ _ .U'14 'J. L. Dickenson ••• P. s. Spooner. •••• J. L. Haralson.•--· D. F. Wurst. •• _••• 64·9111 J. I. Spooner i  25,000  19,000  85,000  40,000  6,800  184,000  i  70,000 109,000  55,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 4~h N., Macon; IMton N., t:, Atl.; 1st ., Dubhn. I» 49,700 N.Park,N. Y.;~thN.,Atl.: Oitiz.&Sonthern, Savan.  •l>ouglai>o-;:·s!Wree G  IH. KIRKLAND ••••• R. G. K!RKLAN8 .... w. C. WOOTEN ..••.• H. C. ROBERTS ...... I,  15,000  250,000  225,000  50,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, ::S .Atl.; 4th N., 1lacon; Citiz., Moultrie.  100,000  86,990  537,760  593,950  15,000  10,120  107,000  135,000  160,910 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Oftiz.& Southern, t:, Savan. and AtJ.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 0 4,320 Han. N., N. Y.; AtI. ., AU. ~  0 ""1  50,000  7,410  366,000  365,640  54,200 Han.N.,N.Y.; City&Southern and 4th •., Atl.; Brunswick Bk. & Tr. Co., Brun_wick.  100,000  50,000  444,6401  587,260  63,820 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; N, City, Chi.;Atl. N .. At!.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.  :McLarty •.•• G. T. McLart7 ••••• ········-··-··-·····  65,000  61,000  428,000  572,500  -92, 000 IN. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N. and Citiz. · Southern, Atl.; 4th N .. }!aeon,  Farmers& 1f:rs''07 K H. Stewart.. •••• R. M. Johnston •.•• N. Ii. Hender~on .• C. G. Brown •••.•• Y. R. ' mith  25,000  14,000  275,000  210,000  50,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl.N., A.ti.; 4th  15,000  2,COO  34,750  58,500  < SEND  II  -···-·  CITIZENS BANK, lBill of usLadingYOU:· tJulJi~s ~::~ ;; Dr afts Cash and Time Items Receive 1 64-lD4  • 1 •• 01 PROMPT AND  PERSONAL AT TENTIO •  Union Bankl:~ ~o. •- •U'99 T. S. Price--·- to~·s 'iJiai~ey~ •••• J. L.Shelton •.••••• R. N, Yeomans •••• 1  •Dougla , vi.le_ ••• Dou1rlas Douelasville B,~f- Oo .• •U'89 J. T. Duncan_. __ A. 64-...... Pop. 2159 0 4 ·•  -···-  "  I  uovcr ···- •••• Screven I 6 Dank of Do Pop. 200 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Ii  DfflECT.  ::ui··· ....  6  w.  U-12 W, A, Wilson •••• - W. M. Howard_....  • ••••••••.•••••••••.  ~ 0  25,000  1  8  _  150,000 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Savan., Savan.; Citiz. & outhern, Atl.  ·  •Daw onville,DawsonE3 Farmers & Oitizens Bk,.*1'12 Hoyt Brannon ..... E. McClure·-······ Hoyt Brannon •••.. Ivan I. Brannon-•• Pop. 256  36,350 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Atl. N., 4th N ., Macon.  WIii have Pl" ompt pel"aona I attention.  64-882  1Jearin2" •••• McDuffie H 5 Bank of Dearinr •• -••••  .,,  R. L. SAVILLE-- ROGERS CARVER. B. C. PERRY ...•.. _ ·····-··--······ 100,000 180,000 300,0081 '185,080 80,000 N.Park,N. Y.: Atl.N.,Atl.: Citiz. &Southern, A. J. HILL ,Savan. and Macon,  •i•sg  64-586  '<  _ __ -  1  First State Bank •••••••. U"87 W. A. Baldwin •••• ·-·····-·····-······ E. J, Pace ··--··--· Pop. 198  ~  PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- l r"'.. "•11:Dra- c ..aa:Ex-1 CAPITAL AND ITS c'T•. no,,,,., ca.. ,..o••,DDX PROFITS _ _ _ ~~~__  I  •  T.,  .Macon.  10,140,Han. N .. N. Y.: Oitiz. & South..-n, Savan.  _ _ _ .__ .. .u1-  192  • - .., . . .1r  1. th"  New -Tranalt Number pven  Number under Name or Bank is tho New Tran ·It Number given to each bank in U. . e cJu ·Ivel)' by The Raud-MeNally llank(•r • Directory, ~oder ~he a_!ltho!_lty of The ~•~rlcau Banker. A •n.  TOWN AND OoUNTT.  GEORGIA-Continued  NAME OP BANK:.  •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. SB~te •Ooont, Beats. PRESIDENT. Entire State in No. 6 Ulem.State Bks . .&.ssn. tPnv. [ E ... ta~. _ __ Federal Reserve Di trict. ♦)Iem. Fed. Hes.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I  I -  PA.JD-UP SURPLUS Cil'IT.A.L P:0~11  tl  RESOURCES.  I  PRINCIPAL OORRlllSPONDENTS.  Lou,• Dia- Cua & ll:l• c•~•  o:;;:.":~  $  375,000 S 350.000 $ 84,000 N. City and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Oitiz. & Southern, SaTU.  irXRAt'h---· J.E. FREEMAN-H. C. O'NEAL ----· 200,000 -  -  We will be glad to serve you In any way you requll'e the aervicea of a bank In Dublin.  H-160  I  D•POSIT8  - - - - - - ·•--------1---- ---- ---- ---- - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  •Dublin _____ Laurens G7 *Citizens Bank ________ •t§"l6 F. H. Rowe----- T. H. Black _______ A.. R. Arnao ______ James B. Jones._ $ 50,000 $ 20,000 :M. H. Blackshear , 64-151 Poo. 7707  *FIRST NAT'LBANK F. e. CORKER------  -  LIABILITIES.'T 0.t.SHIER,  0.ASHlll.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest B nklug Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in ack of this . ~ volun~ For Interest Rates, Holiday 1_etc., see~L  310.630 3,199.000 3,390,290 985,610 Chase 1'. and 1'. Park, 1'. Y.; Merch. N., "" Bau.; 4th N., A.ti.; Cltb. & Southern, '4"' 1:%.l Savan.  ---------*Southern Exch. Bank.•U-14 H-163 Dublin Clearin2 House_. ____ ( embers indicated lJu a*) Dudley ______ Laurens F 7 Bank of Dudley ________ tf'05 64-693 Pop. 227 DuJuth _____ Gwinaett D' Bank of Duluth----- -•U'04 64-405 Poo. 600 •Eastman ______ DodeeF 7 Bank of Eastman ______ et§'lll 64-253 Pop. 2707 Citizens Banking Co. --U'0l " " 64-251  05,680 Han. N., N. T.; Oitiz. & Southern, 5,170 278,350 227,010 50,000 F. B. Reins ________ .LE. Burt.. _______ ,G, L. David------- R.H. En2llsh·._____ N., Atl.: ,th N., Macon. J. II. Witherin~ton ------ ------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - A. W. Garrett ____ A. P. Hilton------ Jas. B. Jone , Su. and '1.'r. J. A.. Ho.ran ______ R. J. Ohappel ----- R. L. Sumner----- ---------------  15,000  4,750  30,000  25,950  L. P. Pattillo ______ J. W. Knox ______ D. W. Wilson ______ ---------------  25,000  20,000  300,000  200,0 0  C. C. Hosford ______ -------··----------- J. D. McLeod ______ J. A. Harren _____ _  60,000  10.000  250,000  218,000  . A. Ragan ______ _  100,000  40,560  461.350  514,700  50,000  38,960 l9,3S0  C. B. Peacock ____ 'l'. ll. Edwards ___ E. IL Ware________  35,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  o  *BK OF ELBERTON W. 0. JONES------ l, \·. \\\'?,,",.------- W. E. BATEL---- L. R. MEWBO RII. 1  64 _127  •ts·os  COLLECTIONS are not a side line with us. We &fve them pcrsl tent, p r ·onal attention, and remit promptly.  ., r,o 29 .. 511  25,000  80.000  300,000  400,000  25,000  8,000  150,000  97.840  112,860  531,470  668,560  40.000  225,000  275,000  11,990  50.680  33,320  6Hl58 Middle Georgia Banll::._•if'Ol B. W. Ilunt. ______ P. P. Ez IL ________ E. \Y. Ingram·---· ------------------50,000 M-270 Edi on ______ Oalhoun O 8 Bank of Edison--------•U'04 0. J. Rambo ______ Henry Turner _____ L. 0. Manry ______ ----------------50,000 64-438 Pop. 885 -------------------_______ Davis 'I'. W. ___ Hammack E. H. __ Hammack Hammack Rish Bank __ tt'07 D. W. 64-439 -----------------1--•Elborton _____ JUbert Pop, 6475  207,520 • , 65 650  335,430  ,.  --- --- '  100,000 ~  -  ~  van,:  ,,,,1. '""  > I  32,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N., AU.; 4th N., Macon; ti N. Bk. of Sa van .• Savan. 87.11 8 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: llerch. N., Rich.; -4,t}, 1 • C and Cent. Bk. & Tr. Coro., Atl.; C1t1z. • tr ....,. Southern, Savan 25 ,400 N. Park, N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & ~r. Corp., Atl.; Bk. and Tr. qo .. Savan. 213 , 000 Am.avan. Ex. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Atl. r+  5• 0  45,000 Han. N., N. N.,.iU.:.MaconN .• Macon. 8,530 Han. N .• N. Y.; Fu.lton N .. A.ti.; Citiz. & South-, ern, Macon.  ..,  c,  I  ---  -  -  ertrl  85,760 Han. N. a~~ Imp, & Tra. N., N. Y.: Lowry N., 1 ::, Atl.: C1t1z. & S<?~thern, Savan. 50 ,000 N. Park, N. Y.: O1t1z. & 8011thern, Savan.; , Cent. Bk. & Tr. Oo~~- and 4th T., 29 •350 N. Bk. Oom .• N. Y.: O1t1z. & Southern, Savan.  460,000  320,000  -  s  1w '2,560 N. Park, N. Y.; Dublin & l'Aurena, D blin;j ~ Oitiz. & Southern. Sann. 145,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Oitiz. & Southern,.Atl.;4th N.,· ~ Cll Macon.  I  Merchants & Far. Bk._•tf'04 E. D. Graham _____ W. P. Cobb ________ T, T. Coleman. ____ T. B. McMichael -· J. B. Roberts 64-252 East Point. ___ Fulton D 4 Ban.Ir of Ea t Point ---•!1'06 R. F. Thompson __ F. J. Allen _ _ _ J. W.• 1atthews ___ B. B. Baker _______ _ 64 ., Pop. 5241 •Eatonton ___ Putnam F 5 Bank of Eatonton ----•t1'03 L. O. Benton------ P. W. Walton ______ P. W. Walton ______ L. N. Treadaway. __ I M-271 Pop, 2500 Citizens Bank __________ • '17 R. K. _1atth w ·____ ~1. Jj'. A1lam ______ 1 Jno. DeJ. Turner _______________ ----  0 ~ 0  Za.79 Han. N. N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; fth I N., A.ti.; Cltlz. & Southern, savan.  - -- - - - --- - - - - - Elbert County Ilank ___ •t "20 P. L Hawe.------ II. E. Hawes ------!H. R~llynum --- H. A. Millican. ___ _ M-130  60,000  4,560  126,000  217,000  av. Bank Z. C. Hayes ________ G. L.A. Almond ___ J. H. Tate--------- D. L. Fortson----•il'87  75,000  38,870  185,320  423,680  8 ,000  31,340 1,035,800  882.870  *Elberton Ln. & M-126  *FIRST NAT'LBANK lf4-l?V lberton Cl  •t·os  l  M. E. MAXWELL  w. T. AR  OLD ·---- H.P. HUNTER---- P. C.  AXWELL ..  33,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y:: Citiz. & Southern and Atl. .,Atl, 34,850 Mech. & Metals N. and N. Bk. Com., Atl. N. and Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 306,880 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., A.U.  Well orsanb:ed collection depwt meat.  Prompt, pvsou al presentation.  Reasonable ratel.  rini: Hous; ____ Z. O. H;\ye _________________ H.P. Hunter,  ( Janbct ind MUd b11ci*)  w. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------  N.  -  '°  I~  Non-Bank Towns v.ith Nearest Banking Point (In•~  n  xed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws Jin.cJ.~x~d) In,_ ba~~~ ~f-~!s ~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) in back of this"= U= e=====:==========vo=..:l::::u:=m=e==.=F=-or_ ~-!_f!~r~st _)!~tes,__~olldays!.. etc., see La~s. ~ = ll= l=ll •n=·==============O =m=e::::rla::ea=n=Ba=n=k=en=::::A::::s::.:s= = d=e=r=tb=e=•=u=t~h:_:o=rl=t=J=o=f=Tb=e~A ====Dlree==to=r,:::!'::,=an - PJUNCIPAL CORRESPO~DENTS. _U_R_CJC_S_._ 1 _ _ _L_I_A_B_ILI_T_IES_._ _ _ 11 _ _R_E_SO N Ull!: OJ.I' BANK. TOWN ilD OOUIITY. •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. iState •Count:, Seats. PRESIDENT. :CSII E:'11 YICE-P "1 DsPoa- 0•,:,.. •• • 1>110.lSBIJ:R. Ass'T CASHIER. P.u1>-t1P Entire State in No. 6 Ulem. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. ~ ;:;,0: : , : • 1ft CA.PIT.U. [E tab. Federal Reserve District. ♦.Mem. Fed. Ues.  193  Ramba' and• Name of Bank i! t.he New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exelualvel1 by Tbe Rand-McNall1 Bankers•  GEQRGIA--C  t"  d  =•~  p:O~a  - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14,230 $ 163,700 $ 115,250 $ 39,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Plan., ..Ellavillpe ____ 6_9S,fbley D 7 BANK OF ELLAVILLE--il'lO J.B. Steven, _____ A. 0. Murru ---- H.F. Dixon ______ H. C. Asher ______ $ 26,000 op.  i)  6'--411 Council Bank ______ §"l8 J.M. Council _____ J.M. Council _ _ J. 6H63  c. Rainey __________________  30,000  5,200  60,000  54,000  R.llentonp____ o~l<Juitt E II Bank c• Ellenton _____ *I'll I. I. Baker-------- B. Baker---------- L. T. Rountree _______________________ _ 04-775 op. 3<> 0  15,000  5,000  25,000  55,000  Callaway_ K. Cowan _____ --------------------  15,000  13,450  75,980  52,500  ..Ellijay ------ G nmer D 2 Bank of Ellijay _________ :U,14 Sam Tate _ _ _ _ R. L. McClain _____ E. '!'.Hudson _____ . Miss Rebie Allen __ 64-59G Pop. 700 Enhrma------ B errienF 9 Bank of Enigma _________ §'15 E. F. Bussey ______ A. ~. Dean ________ P. P. Williams ______________________ _ 64-1112 Pop. 39 0  15,000  8,200  310,000  244,000  15,000 --------  25,000  4,560  Ellen,r°1o;.-~Jtyton D 4 Bau.kofRlleL~~ ____ Jf'l2 G. T. Williamson __  w. G.  ~  74,830  57,260  34,920 .,__ • City, N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., At!.: C. L. Hardwick & Co., Bkrs., Dalton.  25. 000 1 500. 000  530,000  225.000  2:i0,000  18,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N .. Atl.  37,980 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohatta- ::,.: 1(12 noo~a. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl.  J. H. Lon2ino _____ L. M. Ilob2ood-- Geo. Edmondson __ Ruby Edmondson_  50,000  5,000  15,000  18,130  o.  H-455  Jrinle:,son ____ Pulaski F 7 Bank of Finle:,son _______ §'lO J. W. Conner, r. _ H-tOl Pop. 200 .. Fi zgerald.Ben Hill F 8 Exchanre NatlonalBank.•'06 W.R. Bowen ____ M-155 Pop. 6870  FNIRASLTBANK NATIO G4-li4 •UII00  R. L. Scarborourh Olarence Finley on __________ _ W. D. .ll'inle:,son T. S. Price _________ J.D. Dorminey ____ M. M. Stephens __ _ J. E. Turner  {I: it ma~,;~-;~ r11~ir!t:;~----  D. A. BRAGG--------  w. s. WALKER------  .Flovilla--------Butts E 5 Bank of ll'l'!~!1.~-------il'06 B. S. Ktheridre ___ F.11. Lawson ____ J. T. Gibson ______________ _ .,..__. Pop. 371 W. B. Dozi:/ :Uer-•:t•ll5 CW. B. Dozier) ____________________ w. A. Dozier______ L. B. Dozier ___ _ " ..  4  Flower:,- Branch..BallDI BankofFlo~8!7 Br&Dch.. , L. 0. Benton ______ M. L. Lf2ht ________ C. O. Wallis ___________________ ..1 04 ....-vO:2 Pop. 461 •Jrolkston_Oharlton H 10 Citizens Ban k- ••----•U·12 Wm. Mizell, Sr, ____ B. G. McDonald ____ D. 11'. Pearce _______________________ __ .:_  .,..-w  15,000 100,000  125,000  SEND YOUR FITZGERALD ITEMS DIRECT. Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and T lme Items Recel ve Prompt and P ersonal  0 64 ~ Pop. 800 •Forsyth ____ Monroe D 5 Bank of Fo!!Y..1J1 ----•U'll5 B. B. Stephens ____ 11 Pop. 2241 _ _ _ i5•20 H. H. Hardin _____ Citizens Ban k-9_nn " 64 "" Farmers Bao1zaz-----*1'10 B. T. Persona ___  181,280  177,820  170,000  375,000  35,000  150,000  26:l.OOO  13,000  30,000  50,000  153,000 1,038,780  871.120  v.  25,000  15,000 10,000 20,000 15,000  m,210 1,350,320 1.1as,ooo  711,800  ----- ----4,520 1 9,000  50,000  25,000  B. O. Chapman ____ Roland Anderson _____________ _ H. E. Newton R.P. Brooks _____ R, J. Bittick_______ tA., S. Burt_ _______ _  80,000  20,000  50,000  75,000  48,510  51,000  37,600 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y .: 4th N ., Macon.  75,630 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  375,00(,  200,000  80,000  150.000  400,000  300.000  39,980  301,440  326,090  54,000  150,000  215,000  71,000  148.150 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ;=  378,480 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.  175,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: 4th N., Macon; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 25,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. and .. [aeon.  26,000  55,500  I  30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp .. tz:j Atl.: Citiz. ~- "outhern, Savan. 10,000 Mech. & Metals N .. .N. Y.; Fulton N., AU.; ;° < Citiz. & Southern: ~avan. 685,000 Han. N., N. Y.: C1t1z. & Southern, Atl. and .... Sa van.; 4th N., Macon.  14-1,490  108,4701  50,000  Savtn&,.tnt __ .fl'lO E.W. Chambers ___ B. F. Pearce _____ W. A. McAllister __________________ _  a,  ~  SI)  s·  _________ N. Bk.Com. and Chem. N., N. Y.;Lowry N .. R C/l Atl: Citiz & Southern, Macon. 1,1130 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N .• Atlanta. 65,830  rnt_eif '08 W. O. Hill ________ O. B. Bollis ______ o. W. Bill-------- c. F. Heard ______ _  I Union  ~  >  0 11,500  J. J. Oater _________ J. T. Stephens _____ . J. B. HilL _______ _  28 ___ Fou a;1nea  100,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: .AU. N. and Atl. Tr. Co., .AU.  ~  Attentf on.  5·90 0. W. :Morris ____ W. L. Paullin _____ W. L. Paullin __________________ _ •Fort Gaines----Ola:, B 8 Bank of .. -1 Ban'N •f , Pop. 1237 -----♦ -Ol W. A. llcA.llister_ J.M. Culpepper ___ A. W. Holley ____ R. K. Peterson ____ _ First a. o;_a5S • "  Monioe Oou~  20,190 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.  O  100,000  i  6,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Moultrie.  50,000 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; Bk. of Tifton, Tifton.  w. Smith _____ __  •H '91 64-599 Fair lJ.opg~~- ordft O a Fair MountJ~if -----•U'l3 Mrs. Edna F. Tate_ G. W. Hamrick-- Miss Maude Erwin. __________________ _ 7 0 Jone, _______ ____________________ Blalock _____ B. ..FayeUeville-Fa:,ette O 5 Bank of Fa:,etteville.-it·DS S. T. Blalock ______ A. M-454 Pop. 052 Farmers & Kerch. Bank:U'OG I. W. WiJe _____ W. W. Redwine __ o. D. Redwine ____ II. G. IcLucas ___ _ " ..  --  25,000  15,000  FAIRBURI BAHIH CO.  46,550 Am. Ex. N •• N. Y.; Plan., Americus.  80,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Fulton N., .Atl.; 1.::t N ., :Marietta.  Eton ________ Murra:, 0 2 Bank of Eton __________ U'I0 0. 0. Keith ________ S . .i. Brown ____ H. R. James ______ Miss Florida Harris 84-6111 Pop. 313  0. R. Barve:, ______ J. L. Brassell _____ B. W. Jones ______ T. .. Fairburn __ Oampbell O 4 Bank of Campbell Oount,: J . .A. Jones •it'll 14-IIS Pop. 1700  §  o...-.. • ••·  ISUBPLua  93,100 N. Park, N. Y.: Citfz. & Southern and 4th y., Macon; 4th N ., Atl. 56,360 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th N .. Macon; Alt. N .. Atl. 39,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp. and Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 22,790 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. N •• Savan.; Citiz. & Southern, Macon. 18,790 Bk. of America, N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.and.Macon.  Ne.w TransH Number gj.ven  ___ ..__ _ .. ,. ... • • - • ,., 11.nk ;. th ..  194  Num.,_ under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to eaolt bank in U. 8. e.xclustvely by The Rand-Mt'.N Hy Bankers• D!recto~ under the authority of The American Banker Ass•n.  N..uni: OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. ISt.ate Entire 'tate in No. 6. :Kem.State Ilks.Assn. t Priv. Federal Re. erve District. ♦ .\Iem. Ji:ed. Hes. [ E!-taE_:  TOWN AND OoUNTY.  1  PKESIDJC.NT.  Non-Bank Town~ with Nearl' t Hankin,: Point  GEORGIA-Continued  VICJ:·PRJtSlDl:NT.  OA.SHIJCJl.'T 0...SBIU.  I  LUBILITlltS,  PAID·UP  ~us  1  :Fort Yallt'Y.Houston E 6 CITIZENS BANl( ...... -•U-09 I Colleetlon1 nee Pop, 3223 6'-232 promptlJ' and l'nllt drafts st•  1  B. H. FINCHER.-. W -.-R-. F_U_L_LER- ..-..-.  RESOURCES._ . I  DBP~S· ITS  CAPITAL I PR~~~TB  { A. J. EVANS ..... L. L. BROWN.=  {11  clrxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in baek of tin ,olume. For Interest Rates. Bollday1,;. Pte., see l,aw .• PmNCIPAL CO!utESPONDENTS.  ,,,,, . . . DII• CA•n&:Ex-  c'5:;,,,!';;:• c::.:,:o:;~;: j  100,000]---:: $104877Qol1111240:$ '27,71lO JM-ec_h_. _&_M-et-al_s_N___ , -N. Y.: cont. & com'l N.,  C.E. MARTIN  Chi.; Merch. N., Rich.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.· Cent Bk & Tr Corp ltl. 4th T Macon· · · · ·• · ·• ·• ·  IYe penonal atte ntlon or an omce r, remHted for reuon1 for non• payment shen. en 1peelal attentl on.  Exchange Bank·-·····-•U'88 W. c. Wrieht ___ R. E. Brown ..••••• s. B. Brown .•••.•• lD. F. Carter._ .•••. H-230 •Franklin_•••• Heard B5 Bank of Heard County.U'05 11'. S. Loftin ••. _ •• E. E. L~wis .•.•••• E. B. Lewis ........ ·······-··-······-· Pop. 317 6Hi09 " " Peoples Baalc ..... - .....-1'06 A. J. Jackson •.... E. M. Trammell·-· G. A. A.dams ..•••• -··········-···-· H-610  50,000  30,000  275,000 j 501,000  25,000  25,300  165,ooo 1 128,300  25,000  10,000  70,000!  75,000  •Gainc ,illo.-... Hall ES Oitizens Bank •••••••••• •:W13 J. 0. Pruitt.·-····· J. H. Hosch-..••.•• C. L. Newton •••••• J. D. Wilson .•••. Pop. 6m 64-140 M. w. Webb  50,000  40.000  700,000j  600,000  116,000 Ban. N., N. Y.; 4th N. and Fulton N., At!,  750,000  250,000 jBan.N.,N.Y.; Citiz.& ~outhern,Atl. and ttl Savan.; M. M. 1st N., Bait.; N.Bk. ofl)> Athens, Athens.  I  -···-·  0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "  FIRST NATI BANK  J.E. REDWINE ..•.. H. H. DEAN ..•.•-. R. C. MOORE ....... Oldeat  I  8,020  -  1 Gainesville National Bank S. o. Dunlap, Jr .•. .r. A, l'uclolph •••• 1E.E.Kimbroueh,Jr. R. G. McConnell ... M-139 •:•05 Felix Jackson, ,\. G. :.\Iaxwcll F. P. Craig , Ch. of Bd. R. A. Brice State Bankine Oo ..•.• -•U'89 T. E. Atkins_ ..... R. J. Sanders •••••• W.R. Winburn .... ·····-·····-····-·· H-138 J. H. Hunt,J~fs~er ••• -•• t'D3 (J. H. Hunt) ••••.. ··············-···-· •••••••••...•••••••. ··-········-····--  100,00  -  128,000  125,000 --;O~~  Garflcld--Emanuel H 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. A. Chapman ••••• ,H. H. Stewart._ •.. D. M. Cason .••••.• ·---·-············ Pop. 416 M-5H •tl'll  1  800,000,  '  -  - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·  I  A. M. Torbit. ••••.• M.A. Thompson ••. ---··-···-·-·····  ~~-  790,000 j 138,0!i ·1 N. Com., and N. Park, N. Y.; At!. N., ancll C1t1z. ·, outhern, A.ti,  75,000  42,000  496,000  439,000  12,000  80,720  33,580  98,670  15,000  8,050  71,000  1  , . H. Dixon.- .•••• '  150,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. Corp .• Atl. 27,(1•0 Ohase N., N. Y.: At!. N., Atl.  0 ~  <  12,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz, & Southern, Savan. I»  75,000  15,000  4,610  60,090  74,670  25,000  11.780  192,850  195,510  \V. ~\. PosL.·-···- F. T. Meacham ••.• ········-···········  960  21,330  69,650  T. S. Bush •••• ·-·-· J. W. Bonner ••.••. J. H. Busse •••••••• 1  25,000  10,000  90,000  124,000  J. A. Durden·-···· W.  25,000  25.000  200,000  145,000  l.i,.  Gray •••••••• ··-·········-···--- 1  c;')  ~I I & Tr. "ll  510,000  25,000  W. A. Bol1annon ..• J. A. Latimer......  I  z  I  64~0D  I~  ,_  >  Gay ••• _Meriwether C 5 Greenville an kine Co .•. §' 17 -······-·····-·· •••• I-···· ...•.•• -··· ·-·· S. I<'. 0 'Neal .• -· .• •••••••••••. -·· •••. (Branch of Green tJille, Ga .) •.....• _ _ _ N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, At!.; 4th N., Pop. 290 64-951 I Macon. . . 15,000 •Gib.:011 ••. Glas cock G 5 Bank of Gibson·-···--···''05 w. H. Fereuson .•• B. F. Walker _····1J, W. Hughes ••... -·····---···-···· 2,000 118,000 , 35.000 101,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; C1tiz.& Southern, A.uiusta; Pop. 4(12 6•~06 A ti. N .. Atl. . . , • 15,000 GlllsvUle.-•••••• Hall E 3 Bank or Gillsville .--····U'll J. A. Bryan •••••• -. O. J. Meaders.-•.•. John Bryan........ ······-·····-····· 5,680 109,870 98.860 23,280 Han. N .. N. Y.: C1t1z. & outllern, Atl.: Ga . .i: ., Poi,. 225 H-796 · Athens; 1st N .. Gainesville. I <.trard ••• -••••• Burke I 5 Bank or Girard ···-····•is•o5 \\'. v. st •phl•ns •• L.B. Royal ··-···· W. V. Stephens ••• J.B. Buxton ••..•• 15,000 2:i,000 1 Han. N., N. Y.; Chatham Bk. & Tx. Co. and 25,000 l:i0,000 1 Pop. :mo M--607 \\'. P. 'an<l •rs Citiz. & Sou., Sa van.; Citiz. & Sou., August.a. ~0.000 ••••••.•• " 25,000 " 26,000 !~armor -..• lerl'h:mts Bank .J. F. Odom ••• •. J.B. HPath .•••.••.I. I,, Hurl ··-··-··•I••·····--··········· 10,000 lfan .. '.' . \"'.; Jlilwrnia, , a,·an.; Ga. H. IL. Ii.! 1003 t~'20 ,\ngusta. . . Gll'1111ville_.Tattnall BD GlennYille Bank·-·····•:tl·o7 w. F. Darrence -·· C. W.Kicklizhter •• J. A. Jones ••••.••• l L, D. Dubberly .••. 60,000 10,000 367,5001 418,800 411,900 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.: 01t1z. & Southern, Pop. 101i9 64-468 1 ' Savan. 25,000 22,690 222,.t50 .. 241,850 Peoples Bank •••. - •• -•!§'07 S. J. Kicklighter •• I. J. DeLoach ···-· J. W. Delk •• ·--···· R. G. Stanfield ••••• 25,880 Han. N .. N. Y.;Citiz. &Southernand llihernia, 64-4(19 Savan.: At!. N •• At!. Glenwoo<L. Wheeler G 7 Farmers Bank •• ·-·····tl'OII 1J. F. Cook ••..•.••. B. S. Calhoun ••••. W. J. Futral. •••••. J, A. Po11e .•••• - .• 15,000 15,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Savan. 50,000 150.000 Pop. 592 114~08 15,000 24,000 Han. •.• Y.: Macon ~r., Macon; Citiz .• 63,000 Godfrey ··-···Morgan F 5 Bank or Godfrey -·······§'16 . H. Bullorcl •••••• O. E. Danif'L.._ ••. 0. J. Adam: •.•.•.• ···--·-· ·-······-·· 23.000 !.550 Pop. 255 64·926 ::::outhl'rtl, Afl. 17,000 33,620 Han. N .• N. Y.; Citizens & ~outhern, Macon. Gordon ••• Wilk:fll on F 6 Farmers,· Merchants Bank l. B. Stin,on ····-· s. Isenbere••• _•••• F. • Eni:-Ji,h •••••• ·-----·-··-········ 3,750 102,020 82,780 Pop. 1081 64·982 .. §'19 c. H. Richardson 18,800 106,920 Peoples Bank ••••••••••• U'O(I W. A.. Jones-···· J. W. Brooks •••••• c. H. Cates.----·· •••••••..•••.•••..•. 78,180 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl, N .. Atl. 8,950 157,350  Gough •• ~···-·Burke H 5 Bank of Ooueh ••••••••• 1'10 o. W. Kitchens •••• n~~o M--6W <trantfille .... Ooweta O 5 Bank of Grantville •••• •:tl 'Ol c . . Colley ••••••.• Pop. 1'2IO 64--611 Merch. & Farmers Bank.§"19 Il. F. Baxter .••.• 64·9711 •Gray_··-·····Jone G Bank ofGra, ••••••••••• U'09 R. B. Kin~man, r. Pop. 5:;9 &•--612 raymont-Emanuel H ff B&nk or Gra7mont ••••• U'03 'l'. ll. Buttrill----Pop. 429 ~HI ,  0  Park. N. Y.; At!. N., At!.: La Grange Bkg.l t_::tj & Tr. Co., La Grange. 1O  T.  1- - - - - - _ _ _ I  National Bank In Galneavllle. Remit on day of payment. Pereonal presentation.  •:•sg  H-137  P.-f JWRllll."EY ..  25,800 Han. N., N.Y.: 4th N., Macon; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; At!. N., At!. 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., A.ti.  1  ~  '< r+ o  O ~ '<  S  o  ::,  r+  T.  .....  14,s•o Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Oitiz. & Southern, I» . Aueusta; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., At!. I ::J 18,230 Chase N .. N. Y.: Lowry N ., A ti. ~ Ill  7,940 Han. N •. N. Y.; 4th N .. Atl. autl ..\!aeon; New "'1 nan Bkg. Co .. Newnan. ~ 209,000 and Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 4th N., .,.  Htrac~.  N.  -~  105,000 Chatham & Pheni. N. and Hanover ... , N. Y.: ~ I Citiz. & Southern. Savan.  :-:l _· .if;.  I •·.  1  under  II  I  ;  ,  I  ·  I •  ~  '  ... ____ ~-·  f I  .,..  '.,  I  ',  I'  •  1,  , • !  • ~-  11· :  f  I •  .,  ,  •  1  I  I  -  :·-ti'· .. ·\.•  Non-Bank Towus \\1th Nearest Bauklug Point (lnNwnber under Name of Bank I.a the New Transit Number ai.4n dexed Acces.), Lawrers, La,u (indexed) in back of tbi .'•oh bank in u. 8. uelullYely by Tbe &and-MeN-::i Bankers' "~~.,_F~E,..J~~e~_t_!_a~s, Holidays, etc., see Laws. § _____ Dlreetory, a~~r the authority of Tbe A~~rl~~ ~-___!_~I A.81'n. C P&INCIPA.L OORRJ:SPONDKNTS, RESOURCES. LliBlLITIES. NillE OP BANK, TOWN AMD OoUNTY. ~'T OA.SBIU. PAID-11P StJ~usl DIIPOltOA.SBJ.D. PRESIDDT. Enti~st!~es:io. 6 ;:=:t:tll:~:~;sn~. n~~ • • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 CulT.u. PBOl'ITs ~ ..,..__ no• a.... 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . [E ~b. ~_ede:al Reserv~ DLtrict. • .Mem. Fed. Re:.. Gray:,on ·--Gwinnett E 4 Bank of Grayson -------U 06 W. A. Cooper --··- w. J. Tribble·-···- W. T. Roberts .••• _ S. N. Gower·-··-- S 40,000 S 12,820 S 214,200 S 195,280 $ 91,180 Han. N .. N. Y.: Lowry N .. At!.; 4thN .. Macon. 1T. A. Pate · 34~14 Pop. 322 55,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl.; •• Ex., ~ 20,000 150,000 265,000 50,000 •Greensboro._GreeneF 6 Copelan National Bank -•i•o7 E.W. Copelan_ ••• _ N. P. Park-·······- P. F. MerritL .... _ Miss Ida Cawthon_ Augusta. . 64-267 Pop. 2128 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. : 70,000 55,000 &,500 50,000 GreensboroNationalBank'03 L. O. Benton •••••. W. P. Wallace••.•• R. L.McOommons. F. A.. Shipley_···" -··-··· ..  195  GEORGIA-Continued  t.o  ===.;.;===::::::::o=-__::_-.:. _ -~- -~ _____  I  ---  ~i:=: =:..~  I•  '°  64-266 •Greenville .. Meriwether ,GreenvilleBankinrOo,_._f'91 R. J. Atkinson .... J. L. Render··-- W. L. Pinkston •••• ·······-·-·-···-·· 64-422 0 5 Pop. 760 PeoplesBank .. -....... -•1'05 H. W. Hill_·-·-···- A. F. HilL.-----·- H. W. Hill, Jr.···- C.G. Eckford.____ " ··-·-·· .. N. F. Culpepper M-423 •Griffln ••••• Spaldine D 5 City National Bank·-·-·•i'73 R.H. Drake--·-·- J. G. Rhea-··-···- J. Ii:. Drake -··-·-'R. A. Drake-·--··,L. W. Edwards 64-113 ,\ Pop. 8240 1 " " 1Griffin Bankinic Oo .•. --•U'70 \J.P. Nichols·-·-·· ~- R. Bl~kely -···- E. C. Smith •• _._ ••• J.P. Nichols. Jr .. _ ,J. N. Bell E. C. Smith 64-112 Merchants & Planters Bank J.C. Brooks-····-- J. S. Tyus.---·-'0. S. Tyus.·-······-·---· · - - •U-89 M-114 , Saviors Bank of GrifflnU'89 B. R. Blakely-···· J. H. Smith. ___ J. H. Smith ........ E. H. Grillln-·····I 64-m,  65,000  110,280  437,650  476,730 146,250  152,760 N. Park. N. Y.: At!. N. and Citiz. & Southern, Atl.: 4th N .• Macon. 148,720 N. Bk. Oom .• N. Y.: Lowry N., A.ti.; 4th .rT., Macon. 51,230 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, AU,: 4th N., Macon; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 662,160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; AU. N., C) ~ 100,910 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl.; lJitiz. Q ~ & Southern. Savan.; M. M. 1st N ., Bait. 82,000 Bk. of America and N. City, N. Y.: Lowry N . .rv C) and Fulton N .• Atl.; 4th '., Macon.  30,000  31,030  234.740  70,000  75,000  427,000  67UOO  100,000  159,310 I.231,36()  825,520  100,000  170,420  100,000  72,000  ,t:;0,000  510,000  Second • -ational Bank--·· '20 B. Slade-··--···-·- J. E. Elder_.______ I. J. Jancs·-·-···· -·---··· ·-··-----·· 100,000 1 lt,000 C. F. Griffith 64-117 1,250 25,0001 uyton .. --Rfflneham J 7 EfflnehamCountyBank•U'04 B. P. Powers--·-·· J.M. GnanD--·-··· G. s. Cubbedge_ ••• Tho. Shearouse-•• 64-482 1 Pop. 539 laddock •• ____ .Jones F 6 Jones County Bank .••• •U'05 T. R . Turner··-··· D. E. Norris--·· G. A. Smith •• ·-·-·- -···--·-···-··-29,500 25,0001 64-G15 Pop. 336 Ha,. n ·-···-·-·Evans I 7 Evan: County Bank_ ••• _ 1'19 J. A. ikes-····-··· . T. Elli~···-- n. c. Kennedy···- a. ~r. Ru~h11ig_ •••• 1 25,000 - - 64-981 Pop. 356 27,000 35,000 a.Jiir •• _.Lowndes F 10 Bank of Hahira--······•U'08 L. M. Stanfill_._•• W. H. Overstreet._ W. H. McKinnon •• o. Beaty····---I~. ,J. mil h 8Hl7 Pop. 861 25,000 2,500 " -····-·" 1 Citizens Baf!iis-···-··U'l3 J. J. Wctl1cringto11 J. A. Hodires ·--·· D. K. Holli ··-···· ········--·····-·-· 16,200 5,500 •H m1l1011 _ •• Barri O ti Bank of Hamilton •••••• •1'05 O. H. Oook -······· J. F'. O. Williams·- T. W. Telford_ •••• A. Co1>0Janu---··-· J. H. Mobley 84·118 Pop. 37  11, ,270,  260,oooJ  46.870 ~·. City, N. Y.: Lowry£ .. Atl.; th ~T..  162,130  136,8-10  21,520 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; 4th 0:,  165,0001  162,000  28,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Bibb N., Macon.  16,030  28,050  I  BANK OF HAMPTON  Hampton _•••• Henry D 5 Pop. 27  H-«1111  ~·.,  aeon.  ti.  17,090 1Ili!Jorui,1, Savan. 40,000 Me~h;- & M.,tals N .. N. T.: 1st N .. Valdosta: C1t1z. & outhern. Savan.; 4th ., AU.  125,000  34,900 N. Bk. Oom .. N.Y.: Atl. N., A.ti.; 4th N., Macon.  .i. K. Henderson ·-'B. R. Barris. - - - --·-··-···--··  50,000  40,000  216,000  175,000  15,000  13,090  223,750  160,880  ~-  M-27 7  Pop. 2323  •t§"811  Bank  ••  I  *PLANTERS BANK .. ~_  1• A. JELKS-···-  ,  ..  n  • ••1 06  v, 1• 7  12,920 17,600  159.030  J. L. K~sey ·-···· M. H. White •••••••  50,000  50.000  500,000  1  Send  J. I.Jenkins·-·-- w. E. White-----'---·---J. G. Craft M. M. Norman-···- R. c. Thornton __ •. F. S. White---·--·· J. J. WhiUleld---· J. A. Frazier-·---· -·-·-·---·-····--·D. E. Doggan-•• - •. , J. H. OaldwelJ __ ••• ·-----·---··-·· H. F. Lawson  50,000  collec t. Remittances mad eat lowest rates.  ~  0  I 1  75,520 300,000  22,000  125,000 I 250,000  53,000  317,000  : I,  c.  §.:  325,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. 30.000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl.: Ga. N •• Athen ·•  (t  I  •  ,'Ii  4th ·., !aeon. 190,710 Han. N. an~ ;Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Lowry ::, N .. 4t1.; C1t1z. & Southern, Aueusta. Cll 111.280 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; 4,th N., Macon.  ; 1,i  !:  , I  .  I '. I  I  I  ! ·1 I I: ,,  I  60,oool  i  n P. McGIIFF ___ _ PAISONS-•• 1c. H. REYNOLDS -·- fl N.rour collectto us on Hawktnsv 1e.  We actually remit th e day we  g  8,010 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th N., AU. and ::X:: ii> Macon.  I  First ... atioi;1 ~nk ____ •t'l5 C. I. Kidd--··-···9 U B hr ll _ •--·• '87 D. C. Alford_ •• _._. ar • e 64 276 •Hawkiu ville •. -Pulaski •First Nati'!~aI Bank •••. i·os z. V. Peacock •• __ ~-198 . F 7 Pop. 286i *Bawkmsv1Jl~iff & Tr.. ~o. 1.1. BenrY---···· " 1 72 "  w. Brown·-  62.570  245,090  25.000 15,000  s.  125,000 4th N .• A.ti.  ~ Cl)  (Branch of Senoia , Georgia ) •• -•••• - --·--·-- Cha.e .... •. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl.; ~  Harrison.- ····--·------  Wiley Smith--···- J.  I  120,000 236,000  - - - - - - - •• 'E.T. Eelley __ ._. __ ··----··----·-J. T. Barnsby___ W. S. Lazenby_. L. M. Connor ••••• _  ~  VJ  llfi,OOOj  200.000  Zack Adamson --· ·-·-·--·-·--·  > z  130.0001  50,000  o. c. Kidd_._._. __  ->  23,500 Han. N., N. ~-: ~Ierchant_ and Ciliz., Ya!- C) '"' dost a: 4th :to,., Macon. 20,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.:Atl. N., Atl.; M .. Ill  25,000  •HartweIL •••••• Hart G 3/fARMERS & ME RCH. BAIi J, H. Skelton--···· J. A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~-  j  First National Bank_···-·-'11 W. M. Harris--··· I 84-779 apeville ••••• Fulton D 4 Bank of Ha~~'!lll e--·····-''ll J.M. DanieL •. - •• 0 v.-v2 Pop. 1681 H ralsoPop~-Pfteia C5 Redwine B~!ftori8 Bankw1 - - - - - - - H rlem •• _.Oolu!Dbia B5 Bk. of Oolumbia0ounty_f'09 K. D. Olary ••• - •• M--4411 Pop. 798 Harrison.-. Washineto~ Bank of Hani~on --·-···-S'06 J. H. ArnalL.-·-· u•-v 22 Gu Po1>, 345  ·-··---·  200,000  200,000  Rutherford._ - - - · - - - -  ---•U'02 W. P. Wilson. __._ D. J. Arnol<1---··· J. •  --·-·  "  o.  814,630 1,280,570  476.660  'I  36,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N., A.ti.; Ga. N.. Athens.  \  1·,  I  50,000  60,000  250,0001  250.000  50,0001  30,000  250,000.  300,000  50,000  95,800  325,000  I  50.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. .ou1l11•rn, Savan.: 4th , N., Macon; ~ti. N., Atl. 30 000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: M. M. 1st N., Bait.: Oitiz. & Southern, Savan. and At!.  ' I  I  65,000 Ban. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; l\ler<·b. N., Rich.~ Cltlz. & Southern, Macon and ~a,·an •  ;  i  I  I  ~:: I' \  I ;  l  :  • 1,  I'.  ,  •  •  1 ;  ••  .;,.  :  ~; '  :  I . '  '  9  I '  l'  • ,  '  It!' ·, \  I  :  400.000 1  ,  t 1  I I I  •  1Q4.  _._ ,_ .a.  -  Number ~der Name  -  . , _ _ ,...__.,..,,.  or Bank ia  'N1•mb.. • Divan  the New Transit Number · pveo • - T .. PA-.a  to bank ID U. S P.xf'ln ,,.,.,., h~ 'llh ..  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number &iven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by 'l'be Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Rankers AH'n..:._  196  I  .--===--=:,;;  -----  ~-- ---- -  -  -  NAME OF BA. K. COUN'fY. •Mem. Am. Bies.Assn. iState .a.County Seats. PRESIDENT. Entire State in No. 6 :Mem.State Bks.A.ssn. t Priv. [E::;tah. _ ~deral Reserve Distrirt.•+llem. Fed. Res. TOWN AND  ~  --...  VICE-PRESIDENT.  0.A.SHIER.  A.SS'T 0A.8HIER.  -------- --- --- --- ---  •HazlehursL_Jetr Davis Bank or B.azlehurst ___ W06 T. H. Weatherly_. Wm. Miller __ •••••• J, F. Matthews ___ J, L. Williams ___ S 15,000 64-375 H8 Pop. 1383 50,000 Jeff Davis Banking Co,_U'l8 G. W. Varn _____ •• _ L. W. Johnson •• __ F. M. Haynes_ ••••• -·-···------··--·--" T. R. Knight 64-374 Helen _ _ _ White E 2 Bank of Helen _ _ _ .t§-13 64-879 Pop. 176 Helena_ .. ____ Telfair F 3 Citizens Bank ____ ·-·--•:W05 64-623 Pop. 928 •H1awassee .. -Towns E 2 Bank of Hiawassee .... __ f'09 64-625 Pop. 450 Hillsboro •• ___ Jasper E5 Bank of Hillsboro --·-·--I'll 64-770 Pop. 315 •Hinesville••• Liberty I 8 Hinesville Bank-··-·-·-1'11 64-783 Pop. 315  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer·• Laws (indexed) ln back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1.0 - I 0\ =. - - - - - - - - - ~ - - . - - - - - - -RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS .  GEORGIA-Continued - - - - -------LIABILITIES,  J.E. MitchelL ••• _ Chas.  c. Morse-··--  M. J. Williams·--- _ _ _ _ _ __  $  5,000 $ 130,000 $ 120,000 S 30,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.;• Bkrs. Tr. Co., Atl. 2,370 250,000 172,000 102,300 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.  15,000  6,750  71,930  46,380  O. W. Turner·-·· -····--·-··---·-·· J. T. West ••••• - . ------··-····-·-  15,000  2,070  52,070  48,900  J. F. Johnson ..... J. J. Kimsey·····- W. O. Sparks __ . __ G. w. Franks·-··· J. M. Rice J. T. Garland._. ___ J. H. Barron_. ___ E. B. McOullough_ ········---·-·--·  15,000  3,000  98,000  83,000  15,000  6,190  208.970  215,780  Lewis .Ashmore ... _ -·······--··--···--  15,000  8,800  109,500  80,110  Hiram·--·- Pauldinr C 4 Bank of Hiram_. __ . __ *5'07 W.W. HunL •• ___ J. S. Paris-------·· W. F. Byrd... - - Miss Clara Croker_ 64-6211 Pop, 329 James F. Askew .. W. E. Johnson ••• _. w. K. Johnson ___ ---·-------··---·UoeansviJle ___ Troup O 5 Ilogansville Banking Co. •1''04 114-~8 Pop. 1591  15,000  16.000  201,000  107,000  25,000  45,090  350,840  328,640  15,000  4,330  92,900  100,630  !  T, S. Layton_··---- E.  •Planters Bank ____ ·--•:l:1'15 w. J. Hogan-···-· 64-367 •Homer. __ •• _Banks F 3 Banks Connty Bank.-.. •U'l0 T. M. Cotree ---···· M-627 Pop. 201 •HomervilJe ___ Olinch G 9 Bank of Homerville •••-•:l:1'03 R. G. Dickerson -64-628 Pop, 627 Clinch County Bank _____ §'l9 H. M. Peagler·--·6.t-990 Hoschton •••• Jackson E 3 Bank of Hoschton._ •• __ ;j:f'04 H.P.DeLaPerriere w. M. Smith,V.P. 64-620 Pop. rm De Laperriere Banking Co. H.P.DeLaperriere " " tt·] 2 64-935 IdeaL __ • ____ Macon D 7 Peoples Bank. -------··1''20 A. M. Park----·-·M-937 Pop. 304 Ila ___ ·-··-···Madison F 3 Bank oflla ... _______ .. 1'10 A. S. Westbrook __ 64-631 Pop. 232 Jron CftY ••• 'emiuolo CD Decatur County Bank ____ §'19 ··-·---·------·----6-1-995 Pop. 696 •Inrinton. Wilkinson F6 Irwinton Bank ___ ····--•:1:1'11 G. B. Carswell---·-  o. Miller _______  s. David Young·--  Miss Mabel Jenkins J. S. Jolly_.-·---· J. W. Jolly-·-·--·- ---··----·-------N. C. Brown W. T. Dickerson __ G. A. Gibbs_ •••• _ W. J. Griffls--···-A.H. Jackson ____  15,000  5,000  90,000  90,000  15,000  25,000  330,000  215,000  J. F. BarnhilL-··-- B. A. Brinson ___ · - - · - - - - -  40,470 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Gainesville: 4th N., Atl. 13,310 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan .. Savan.: ,... "4" Macon N., Macon. tll 32,500 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 22,150 4th N., Macon: N. Bk. Oom., Bait.; Atl. N., Atl. 47,460 N. Oity, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  15,000  2,000  65,000  65,000  J. H. llenley ______ J. L. Thompson_. - - · · · - - - · - · ·  15,000  10,000  24,000 1  65,050  > z  25,660 Ban. N., N. Y.: AU. N .• At!.  30,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, At!.: Citiz., p;: en Gainesville. 175,000 N. Bk.Com., N.1:,:.Savan. Bk.&Tr. Co.,Savan.: :X:: 4th·N., Atl.; C1tiz., Valdosta.  I  ll)  N  lb ::r r::'1  18,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Macon.  Cl)  ------·--··---- ---·-----------·- E.G. Rich---····-- (Branch  ~  9,500 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N .. Atl.  ,-+  0  of Bain bridge, G a.) ••• - •• - · - · - - 1st N., Phil. and Bainbridge.  . II. Bacon_·-·-···----·---··-·  15,000  5,000  125,000  115,000  20.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & SouthC'rn, Macon.  Irwfnville ____ ._Jrwin F 8 Bank of Irwinville •••• _if'06 J.B. Clements·-·-- W. R. Bowen--·· ·--------···-·----·- Miss. B. Lawrence 154~34 Pov. soo  25,000  11,200  70,000  101,000  50,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Macon; Atl. Tr. Co., Atla.; Ex. N., Fitzgerald.  · :Merchants Bank J. H. OarmichaeL Geo. E. Mallet_. ___ O. T. Beauchamv .. W. P. Newton_···W, H. Wilson •iS'l9 64-290  125,000  11,500  275,000  473,050  30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl, N., .Atl.; 4th N., Maron,  Jackson Bankinr Co ... •*1'88 F. S. Etheridre .... J.B. Settle ______ W. 0. Ham_ •••• ___ Edwin Bryan--··-M-2811 +  100,000  30,000  250,000  375,000  43,000 Han. N., N. Y.: At!. Tr, Co .. At!,  E. L. SMITH-·--- ,B, A. WRIGHT----·- R. P. SASNETT-·-- W. FURLOW·-----Best Equipped Bank In Dutta Co unty. Careful attentt on &lven to matte rs In trusted to us.  i  75,000  65,000  400,000  450,000  60,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.  0. K. Burnings. ___ O. II. Mosely •••••• R. G. Luke···-··-· --····--·-·--····---  24,600 - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.  6'·1133  Pop, 8711  •Jackion .. _.. _ Butts E 5 Farmer Pop. 2027  •.  "  JACKSON NATIONAL BANK  I  64-201  • i•os  Jakln __________ Early O O Bank of Jakm _____ s•12 64-854 Pop.430 •Jaaper ··-·--Pickens D S Pickens County Bank ••• it·oo 64-635 . Pop. 386 •Jetrerson __.Jackson Fa itizen Bank & 'I'ru t Co. ·~o 64-902 Pop. 16.6 First National Bank·-·-•:l:'06 64-370 •Jetrer onville ••• T insl Fanner &. Merchants Bank U'll 64·771 F G l'op. 42 'l'wiggs County Bank •• •: ·•o:i " -······· " 61-636 J nkin burr ••• Butts 1<; 5 Farmers Ht nk ••••·--··:tl'l0 1\:1-ll!X I Poo. 300  ,v  76,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Atl. N. and AU. Tr. )Co,, At!. 168,560 Chase N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.: 4th N .. Macon. 0:,  00,000 ------ ·-·--·--- ---·-·18,080 52,890 30,000 90,360 J. N. ThomJ>SOn ·- B. F. Wilson.-·-· ---·-··--·--··· 10,030 Han. N., N. Y.: Lowry N., A.ti. H.J. Lott A.L.DeLaperriere H.C.DeLaperriere _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Atl.N.,Atl. J. Il, Kelly ________ H. R. Lane.·-··- R. C. Brooks_.____  9  0  J. ?\I. Hall ••••••• __  Collections a Sp eclalty and remJ tted for on date o f payment.  am Tate--·-···- R. L. McOlain __ • __ --··-········--·---· W. 0. Warlick __ •• _  25,960  5,380  222,640  177,510  . Y, WillhitP,._ •• _ IIomer Hancock_._ S. C. Morrison __ ._  60,000  3,700  178,510  139,600  J. C. 'l'urner----··· IL I. )[olJerly _____ G. D. Appleby·-··- ··-···----·--· ·--··· .J. B. torey \\'. B. Gottys -·-·-· 'l'. '-"· Jones-··-·--· \\'. E. Hoyle_ ••• ___ France White•  200,000  74,170  287,4301  56-1,300  2,000  75,000  50,000  25,000  ,0.0001  225,000  230,000  15,000  2,540  124,000  51.2-10  T. S. Johnson_____  I  burst J.C. Shannon--··· 1 · R. Jones ••••_._ B. R. Jone ·-·--··· P. L. olomon .• __ • I J. G. Rorkmore B. F. A kin_·---···· J ... L Bankston •• -., W. D. Campton, Jr. ·---···-------··- Nnmber under Name of Bank ii the New TnmU Number atvu to each bank in U. 8. excluslYely by The Band-MeNally Banlcera• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  20,000 .  67,450 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Fulton N., AU.; 1st 'N., Marietta. 100,480 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; Ga. N., ~ .., Athens. 49,220 N.Bk.Com., N. Y.: Atl. N.andLowryN,,.Atl.; 35,000 N, Park, N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.; 4th N., Macon.  9  100.000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: 4th N. Macon; _ Citiz. ,· Soutllern. Atl. 10 !::: 61.000 4th N .. Atl. and Macon.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• ~l'l'AA l  T.~  . .,.  _  ,nr  (inrl<>vt>rl\ in  h-,,.Jr "1' .. h l , - 1 ~  197  Number -der Name of Bank la \he New Tlallal& llfam._ dvea to each bank in U. 8. e:s:elaalnlJ by TIie aan•-KeN'aDJ Ban1'en' Dlree&orJ, under the authority of Tile Amerlean Banken A.aa•n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  I  I  NAME OJ!' ll.A.NK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState 1 •County Seats. Entire State in No. 6 :tMem.StateBks . .Assn. tPriv. (Estab. Federal ?teserve District. +:.Mem. Fed. Res.  PREsIDBNT,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., ee L ~ ~  GEORGIA-Continued  I  RESOUR~  LIABILITIES.  OASBIER.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  Ass 'T OASRIER. , P AID•UP  SURPLus  DEPos-  , CAPITAL p,:O~TS  ---  ---  ---  Lo.or,• Du,. CUB .. 0  ~;- c~":• -- -  ITS  :..::-  Jersey _______ WaltonE4 Bankof1ersey _______ tt'04 J,Blasinpme _____ J, A..McGarity ____ J.Blasinirame,Jr,_ J.B.Batchelor_ ___ $ 85,000$ 73,000 S 62,000 $156,000$ Pop. 202  M~37  Pop. 1941  64-343  •Jesup _______ Wayne I II Merchants & Farmers Bank J, E. Harper------ G. B. Wh.&ley ____ A. R. Mann ________ U'05  •Jone.!boro __ Ola.vton D 4 Bank of Olayton County t§'08 14-411 Po1>. 1060 Bank of Jonesboro ____ •tl'03 " -----" 64-410 Junction Oity.Talbot D 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank U'l2 M-827 Pop. 323 Kennesaw ______ Oobb C 3 1Kennesaw State Ban:t: ___ 1•10 64~38 , Pop. 467 Kestler------- Earl:,,,O 9 Bank of Kestler ________ t5•05 64~39 (Damascu8P.O,)Pop.o73 Rln: land ___ Oamden 110 State Bank of Kinirslandtl'l2 64-856 Pop. 266 Kine-ston- ____ :Bartow O a Bank of Kingston _______ u•o4 , 64~40 . Pop. 596 . Kite _______ Johnson G 6 Oitizens Bank ________ t§ 08 64~41 Pop. 344 •L Il'ayette --Walker B 2 Bank of La Fayette •••• •tl'99 64-318 Pop. 2101 Walker County Bank ____ ,,13 " .. , 64-883 •Lae-rani=e ____ Troup B 5 Bank of LaGranire------tl 83 64-161 Pop. 17,038  LA GRANGE BKG,  I  & TRUST CO • M-160  •11'71  ----------------1  L. Z. Gilbert _____ J. 0. Hiehtower,Jr. L. )(. Kinr ------ ___________  I  25,000  10,000  300,000  221,000  25,000  24,740  173,180  214,750  1  25,000  45,000  385,000  260.000  C. W. Moore _______ R. L. McBryde ____ W. E. Greene, Jr,_ _____________ J. T. Hart J. G. Lewi•-------- C. F. Morian ---- R. Russom_______ ________________  15,000  9,200  50,000  55,000  20,000  3,740  79,510  J. A. Hirhtower __ P. H. Keaton----- E. R. SpeiirhL---- __________________ H. E. Hightower w. B. Godley _____ J. H. Grass _______ o. .A. Perry_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  25,000  10,000  125,000  A.O. Blalock _____ ,J.0.Hil!'htower ____ J.B. Pulliam----- L. M. Blalock------ , 1  I  Sheats _______ B. w. Blaet:mon._ H. L. Hare-is------- 1-----------------. D. C. Hamson---- 1. K. Olark ________ J. S. Stephenson_ Q. B. PowelL ______  s. I.  I  110,550 90.000  15,000  7,000  62,000  80,000  25,000  8,150  90.QOO  137,460  15,000  12,000  125,000 715,000  I  150,00'1  w. Massey_____  60,000  80,000  W. 0. Martin ______ J.E. Rosser _______ o. o. Gilbert_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Lewis J. Render ___ J • .M. Barnard ____ Rob't L. Render___ ______________  25,900  9,430  204,9!0  60,000 I  7,500  103,500  l·. ~: ~~Rlo-ir·---- ROBERT HUTCHINSON- o. n. cRossLEY----  250,000  J.P. Shattuck _____ P. D. Fortune __ 1. E. Patton ______ J.  l  J.E. ouNsoN,JR,-  1  589,000  800,000 2,143,000 3,540,000  I  I  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  -  Bx- ,  "'1  ----------------,~  :e  9,000 N.Park,N. Y.:LowryN.,Atl.:Citiz.&Southern, Macon. 67,000IMech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Atl.N .. Atl.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; N. Bk. of Brunswick. · Brunswick. 16,850 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 4th N .• Atl. and 1 Macon. 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Lowry N., At!.: Citiz. & Southern. Sa.van, 15,000 Lowry N., At!.; 4th N., Macon. 8,810 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Marietta; Atl. N., At!. 30,000 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: Ga. Bk. & Tr. ·co., Alb,; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. 8,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksom:ille.  ..  _  14,350 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohattanooira.  c;) tJ:j  2.:i,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; C1t1z. & Southern, O 1 Savan. 220,000 Han. N., N. Y.:lstN., Chattanooira: 4th N.,Atl. ~ 0 · 37,210 Lowry N .. At!.: Hamilton N., Chattanooira. 31.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N .. A.ti. 320,000 Chase N .• N. Y.: 4th N., .Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, avan.  Oldest and atr onseat bank lac oantJ. Colleetlona a ap eelaltJ and remit ted on da1' of pay meat.  ;J>  tJj  I~~ C/l  l  Prompt atleotl ,oo to au baoldDS matters eotruste d tom.  ('I)  La Granl!'e National Bk .• •t·os E. R. Oallaway ---64-162  F. E, Callaway,  Ch. of Bd.  o. V. TrufU_____  •  reil Glass ________ _  300,000  L. H. Adams ______________________ ----  25,000  R.  H. D. Glanton  La Grange Savinl!'s Bk._U'06 E. R. Oallaway ----- O. V. Truitt_ _______ H. D. Glanton 64.-168 Lake Park_Low n des F 10 Lake Park Ba1!~-------•t1'06 Ewell Brown ______ J. K. White _____ 64<N2 Pop. 31 0 Lavonia ____ Franklin F 3 Bank of Lavonia ______ tf'98 S. B. Yow ________ J. H. Burton ____ A. B. Vickery . , . 64-302 . Pop. 1644 .. First Nat10~~sr:nk _____ • 08 0. A. Addington -- J. F. Lee _________  c.  E.  Key________  w. Mason _______________  361,310 1,153,080 1,725,660 56,950  I  752,830 I.038.310  15,000  6,000  62,100  52,760  G. H. Pruitt _________________________ _  40,000  31,240  213,120  268,600  W. N. Harrison ____ E. C. Mauldin __  80,000  58,480  311,800  450,000  •Lawrenceville ___ Gwin'J Brand Bankini Oo. ____ at5•05 L• .M. Brand _______ W. H. Powell ______ G. c. Monte-omery . F. T. Pentecost __ _ 64-827 E • Pop. 2059 Leary __Po-p.-~~houn O 9 Bank of L~7--ff -------t1'09 Harper Daniell ____ R.H. Bostwick_. __ R. B. Whitehead __ 1F. M. Williams __ _ 43 •Leesbure _______ Lee D g Bank of Leesb1irg _____ au•o7 G. A. Nesbit__ _____ o. w. Statham _____ •T. c. Tharp ________ F. s. English _____ _ : J. w. Lyon . , 64-644 Pop. 786 Lenox __________ Cook F 9/ Bank of Lenox.,;,,---------tl 07 J. D. Robmson ____ M. J. L. Griner ____ c. A. Sears _______________________ _ 64-U'N Pop. 339 Lens---- __ Colquitt E fl <See Berlin.) Leslie ________ Sumter D 8 BANK OF LE Sqf------•tl'05 E. L. Wilson _______ IE. B. Wallace ____ W. T. Anderson ___ V. E. Fillinirin-64_~..., , Pop. 470 •Lexme-ton __ Oe-Iethorp~ Bank of Le x i~f t on _____ t5114 N. D. Arnold------ A. A. Rayle _______ w. A. Childs ______ Shelton Bronnen __ 64- .. 84 F • Pop. 469  50,000  77,810  346,000  403,250 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OGLETHOR~~ BAH H'05 Joel Oloud _________ G. A. Barron ______ W. K. Howard _____ , ________________ ---- l  5  18,9501La Granire N., La Granire. 16,690 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: 1st N., Valdosta.  C>  ~  ><  s·  OQ r+  54,0201Han. N., N. Y.; fth N.and Atl,N,.AU.  15,000  2,000  54,000  15,000  17,000  169,500  44,000 Citiz. & Southern, Savan. and At!.: 4th N.. Macon. 23,100 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz.-ls~ N., Alb_'  30,000  8,000  109,000  16,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Tifton, Tifton.  25,000  30,000  219,850  16,500  49,000  25,000  "'1  339,620 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Citiz. & Southern, A.ti.: 4th I'll ~ St. N., Phil.  g  I  97,560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Plan., Americus. 120,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; Ga. N., Athens. 1  12,310 N. Park. N. Y.: A.ti. N., Atl.; Ga. N., Athens; _ 4th N., Macon.  '°  "'-,)  -• ___ ._ •- ,. - w ..-  194  198  11'..n•lt 'N11mhalr oiv"'n  .Numba aad• .Name or Bank ia t.he New Transit Number · bank in U. 8. nclualnil7 by The Rand-Mr. allv Rsnf,:e'! t,.~11  Number ander Name or Bank u the New Transit Number given to each bank iD U. S. eicluslvely by The 11.and-McNally Banker11• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN ANl)  Oou.--;.Y,  •' AME 01<'  BANK.  •Mem. Am . Bks.Assn. i t~te •County Stiats. Entire State i11 .·o. 6 tMem .S tate Ilks.Assn.tPriv. [ R'-tab. FPderal Re:nve 12i.Jri<j; ♦.Mein. l!'ed. He~.  •  80 0  •  VICII: PRl£SIOl£.NT.  PRESIOl£.'T.  l -lA BIL-l'f-JEs.  _  1  -,  Non-Rank Town wlth Nearest Rankin Point (In• dexed Acces), L wyer·, Laws 1ind•xed) ln !Jack of this 'o 1_mR1~.s.For lntere:t R tes, !olldar , etc~: s o La\\s. ~ _RE~  GEORGIA- Continued OASBIJ:R.  Di,:po •  p 11>-llP SURPLUS AND CAPl'l' PROFITS ___  ASS'T CASHIER.  LI  1  2:i,000 S  Lilburn _._.Gwinnett D 4 Bank of Lilburn_ •••••. -.:Wll \Y. II. Toole •• _. __ • L. 0. Garner------ G. W. Na h·--····- L. Phillip ···- -·W. )1. llol. enhel'k 6-1-780 Pop. 300 Lilly -······----Dooly E 7 Lilly Banking o .• _•••••!§'10 ,T. A. I.illy-----·-·- W. T. Riek~-----·- J oc Morgan _______ -----·---·------·- __ 64-985 Pop. 258  l1'S  35,0-10  23,000  9,4001  n. Stevens.-·--  23,000  Lithonia ____ Dekalb D 4 Lithonia Bankine Co .••. U'03 W. :M. Johnson ____ C. J. Tucker •••••• _ A. B. Coffey _______ J. E. Linehan ____ _ J. K. Davidson 64-3311 Pop. 1->-iO  25,000  Farmers State Bank __ .•.t§'ll J. H. Boykin -- ---- W. B. Crawford ___ H. B. PitL--·----· M. T. J. Leverett 64-816  c. B.  ~RlTleH  rno,r  •  l!As'.'.'.'  38,:.iJO  11,iS0 llan .•. ,  40.270  73,540  13,420 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Oitiz. & Southern, Aueusta; • •• Bk. of Wilkes, Wash.  19,890  475,6701  3.i.t,950  175,690 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Aueust..; 4th N., Macon.  15,600  153,700'  136,400  10,000  170.000  75,000  25,000  230,000  65,000  I  .1:·.  Y.; 4th.,.'., .!aeon.  25,990 Han. N ...N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.  I  Peoples Bank ·---·----·-tl'lO A. J. Almand ____ ._ W.R. Watson _____ I. M. Starr_·-----·~1. C . .Moore 154-340 Locust Grove_ Henry D 5 Bank or Locust Grove. •:U-02 F. S. Etheridire ____ A.G. Combs-·-·--· 64- 452 Pop. 5W  «'114"-CiF.M1 llt• ■  4,500 S 125,000 $ 126,500 S 1 • 000 Mech & Metals N N y. AU N Atl. ?o • ·, • .. · .. •• Winder. · a' a. ·, Ir.,·. Bk~. ' Co., 770  •Lfncolnton __ Lincoln II 4 Bank or Lincolnton_. ___ t§'05 . C. L. Groves -- -·-- Benjamin Fortson_ B. R. Coller ______________________ • I M-648 Pop. 65i  ui .. ~•-' I•t•• Umw:-1,  1  l:i,000 I  PRINCIPAL OORKESl'0NDENT:::.  VL',  ,,,.,,.,u;x.  C'J'a.  2s.000  1  23,000  Plexico ___ ··- -······------·--·--  0 t.L1  100,000 N. Park., N. Y.; Atl. N., At!.  I  80,000 At!. Tr. Co., Atl.; 4th  1 r ..  0  :Macon.  ::0  0 >  Citizens Bank---·--·-·· :tS'l0 J. L. Gardner-·---- W. I. Parr-·~·-··-- A. J. 'Thoma~on, Jr. Allie Gardner ____ _ 64·453  30,000  13.000  6 ,ooo:  122,730  '.!0,510 Mech. & Metals .!aeon.  Loran ville __ _• Walton E 4 Farmers & Merch.Bank•U-06 L. 0. Benton --·--· D. Y. Hodres •. _. __ W. '. :\IrKibhen ••• Lottie Floyd ______ _ 64-477 Pop. ill 1  25,000  17,000  250,000  200,000  80,000 Han. N .. 1 • Y.: At!. N .• Atl. and }lal'on; Ga. tl:I> .• Athens.  -------· W. T. Brooks-----· --···-··-···----····  25,000  30.000  150,000  170,000  :->0,000 N. Park.  •Louisville_ Jetrer on H 6 Bank of Louisville---·-•U-113 W. L. Phillips--··- ! L. R. Farmer ••• ___ R. '. Farmer.---·- ·-·-····------···--♦ 64-396 Pop. JOJO  25,000  75,000  300,000  420,000  50,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & 'l'r. Savan.: 4th N., ~lacon; Atl. N., AU.  42,500  50.000  200,000  210,000  !'i6000 Chase N .• N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl .• '.,,\ti.  15,000  !J,000  · 40,000  44,000  16,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. & southern, Atl.  15,000  5,000  ,10,000  5'.i,000  10,000 Han. • .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan .. 0 1 t. ' .. Dulllin; At!. N ,, Ail.  !JG,!'i!JO  8!i,1 0  ,H.fi30 Bk. of AmPrka, N. Y.: Chatham Bk. ·Tr.Co .. ~ o Savan.  :.r. •r. 'l'uck  Loranville Bankinr Oo .• U'02 A. M . Brooks ___ . __ I I 64-476  z~  . Y.: Lowry • .• A.ti.  C/l  Fir t National Bank •••• •! '01 W.W. AbboL ••••• W.R. Sinquefield . C. W. Powers • •••• _ • 64-397 Lovejoy~Station .Clayton Lovejoy Banking Oo .•••!1'09 S. D. Crawford-·-- J. W. Field·-·-··-·- G. P. Babb •• __ --··- ------·-··-···-----· 6-l 6,lg D4 Pop. 300  Lovctt. •••• -.Lauren 06 Bank of Lovett •• ---·---tl'll B.T.Ki2ht ••••••• - W.  1),  'uruner_ ••• _ .T. lJ. Bra \\t•II. •• -- ________  64-7gll  Pop, 23i  •., N. Y.; 4th N., At! . .and  o ..  avan.,  I  r-4  S:  C  3 ....  L4  Ludowici •••• -Liberty 18 IOitizeos Bank·-·-·······:1:1'09 S. H. Howard •• _. __ E. H. Rimes ·--···- D. Lee·-··- ·----·-·-----· 64-489 • Pop. :;1G  2;;,000  . McQueen •••••••. I. B. 1>:1ni ·I ·-·-·· J.B. Daniel ____ ••• --···---··-··-·-··--  25,000  1.000  90,000  lli ,000  10.000 Chatham & PhE>nix N .. N. Y .: Sa van. Bk. & Tr. Co., SavaL.:J.. '.Bk.or llrun wick.Brun wick.  • IL · immon: •••• E. F. Whitworth __ -·······-··--·- ·-·-  15,000 l  210,000  191.500  30,000 Mech.  ---·----1  15,000  4,5001  145,0001  76,000  65,0:J0 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: 4th N., At!. and Macon.  -·---------1  2:i,000  16,000  227,0001  220,000  45,000 Han.N., N. Y.; 4th.·., Atl. anrl .laeon; Sd N., Col.  1:i.oool  12,000 ,  110,000  160,000  40,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont . .,. Com'! ., Chi.;4th N .. Macon: Citiz. & outhern, AU.  Colley --·· ·- ····--········-- ____  25,000  55,000  115,000  J. A. Smith.·-·-··- H . . Carson •••••• --··---··-·-·--··P. II . Willb W. P. '. mith •••• , ~. J. IIP.ncler ·on··- - - - · · - - - · · · -  1:i,000  7.240  154.590  118.450  18,000 Mech.&MetalsN .. N. Y.: Atl.N.,Atl.:4th • .. C: l).) Macon. 58,380 1 N.Park.N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooea,  :!5,000  "·'''°I  200,000  150,000  290,000  225,000  "  -···-···  ·•  Liberty Ban's:ine Co .• - •• !1'03  6H88  Lula.·--··- ..... Hall E 3 Bank of Lula •• ·----···· _5 •04 S.S. Carter--··--·· 64~60 Pop. 36i  .umber Oit:, •• TeltairG8 Farmers & Merchants Bank D. W. Phillip·-··-- E. 'l'. Davis.·-··-·- R.H. Han _____ • ___ i§'14 64-904 Pop. '17 I  •Lumpkin._. tewart07 BankofLumpkin·-·-···ts·o8 E.L. Brawner-·-·- G. W.Puirh-----··· E.E.Humber •• ____ ll4· 382 l op, !134 Farmers Luthersville. Meriwether C5 Pon .• ,i!.I L crly -- •• Ohattooi:a u 3 Pop. !123 .. r,,on •••••• 'I oomb II 7 Pop. 73 " ••••••••  tate Bk,----·-U'll E. L. Carter -----·· W. G. Worthineton A. T. Fort, Jr .••••. M. O. ForL-·-·---· I 114-815  Luthersville Bankine Co.:tl '0li J. o. •orris. __ --·· 6t &52 Bank or Lyerly. ___ • ___ §'04 J. L. Pollock··--·64-653 Fir t ational Bank ••••• :i·o5 J.. o. Benton ••••••• 6,t-414  Toomb County Hank ••• tt·oG 6-1·415  \\'. A.  J. W. Taylor ·-·---  t.  c.  1  I 'lie. ·att ••••• R. L. Pa1rn.·--···-- W. 'I'. China .•• ---· E. L. Thoma:. ____ _   Number un_der Name of Bank i&. ~e New Transit Number civen to each bank m U. 8. exclusl'ft!lly i,snl'he &and-McNalJ7 Bankers• Dlrecto_r7...!.. '!_D~r the authority of The A.merlun Bankers'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  GEORGIA-Cantin  :io,ooo  I  i,fi00  I  I  Cll  · Metals N .. N. Y .: Oitiz. & outhern,  AU.: Lt,· .. Uninesvilll',  l'l).) ::,  '<  Tr.-_ 50,000l~loch.&.lt>tals • ..... -.Y.; avan.llk. Co., Savan.: 4th.·., Atl. 100,000 Han. ' .. '!'. Y .; Citiz. & Southern, avau.; r-..:, Lowry •. , Atl.  '°  .Non-Bank 1'own with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Ace~·.), Lawyer·, Laws (in_~~xed) In back of t Is ~  ATLANTA  Number under Name  199  or Bank i,a_~e New Tranalt Number siven  to each bank in U. 8. ei:elu1lnily ~ h • &and-MeNallJ' Banker•' Dlreeto_!~ 1!_D~er &be authorlt!_?f The A.merlea~Banker• A.u'n.  I  :NAU O.P' BANI.  ToWN illD OOUNTT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law· (indexed) in l>ack of this~ volumo. For lnte_!est Rates!.-H~Jldays!..Jtc., soo ~~s. ~  GEORGIA-Continued  I  I  ·su  LIABJLlTJES.  •Mem. Am. Bks ..A.ssn. lSta&e •Coanb' Seats. :._~us PilD-UP Ass'T 0.&.SHlll. 0.UBIU. VlCJl:-PRUlDUT. Piur.SIDL'IT. Entire Stale in 'o. 6 tMem.Slate Bks. Assn.tPriv. Pa_o_w_iT_s __ [E·tab. - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - _ _ ; _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _cu_n_.i. Federal ReserveDistrict. l ♦Mem. Fed. Re·. 1  *BIBB NAT'L B'NK II  ._!Jibb E 6 •~Iacou ____ Po-p. 5 2,99,>  64-944  1L. P. HILLYER------ T. R. TURNER------ T. R. TURNER------ W.E.BRAKEFIELD LE. FL. GRROABDINDSYON Ca•eful Attent'ion G'iven to Collect·,on· 6 •. ,Remittances Made on Day of Payment.  •!"17  DilP08-  ~~  E -  PRINCIPAL G0RRESP0.NDEr-iTS.  ,..,...... Duo- c ..... &:,:.  _•TS___"~---Bo_-:_·_....,..-_a_::___,Dva_ _  '"1  '<  ______  ~ .tv  S Z00,000 S 60,0~0 Sl0ZS000 U031000 S 254,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Fulton N., A.tJ.; N. E ., Augusta: • aYan. Bk. & Tr. Co., ~a\·an.  LAIE ------ G. B. CLARKE------ A. E. BIRD, Jr.----- -------------------*CITIZENS & M.E. C.B. SCOTT, SEND US. YOUR BUSINESS J. F. BROWN, Jr. SOUTHERN BANK  V.P. 2,000,000 3,027.900 38531100 40176990 12472130 Guaranty Tr. Co. N.Y.; Cont. & Com'J N., al•o ChJ.; Pbll. 4,h St. N., N. ~h;mmut. Ho;. ~ ~ ~ ~ Asst. lo l·. Pres. ATLANTA - A\'ANNAH - AUGU TA ee advertl ·ement on Georgia-Alabama Florida margins. - - - - - - -- - - - -~~ - - --•t§'8 154-45 ♦ R. Rogers, Jr., , ___________________ _ 100,000 Continental Trust Co,-- -~§'10 C. B. Lewis ________ u. E. l'att<'r,011 ____ 21,8'i0 -1th.·., ::\!aeon. 20;;,;;xu 110,930 7.'1~0 &t'. and Tr. 64 -47  0 ti:1 0  1\V.  lOURTH  NATION"~ BA~foe _  *M ACONNAT •BANK H-61  •t·12  E~_A:f>V. o~ BACK oF GEORGIA M P, OPPO  J~B. HART- ---  =--7. P.  ·1T1 i~AE 1 3.  .:AN:R~~  F. Cd DONN~LLY  PERSONAL SERVICE" Send us your Macon busjness direct. We specialize on prompt attention to collections.  "THE  Bkg. ~t!'lO Lather Williams ___ IF. E. Williams ____ 1i'. W. W1lliams ___ A. E. Williams.---Will~:s •!t"07 H-illl  Maron Clearlnr Hoose ______ R. J. Taylor _______ J, B. Hart _ _ _ E. (Membu-s indicated b11 a*)  c. Scott, Su .. __  .Muu he t •r_ reriwether C 8 Pop. 2717  W. P. Wallace _____ B. H. Fitzpatrick_ T . .M. Doactu •• __ _  MORGAN COUNTY BANK  C. L. C. Thomas __ A. E. Dourlas ______ W. G. Thompson __ ' ____________ _  BANK OF MANCHESTEl•U'l0  C. V. Truitt _______ J.  64-1102  •il'14  Pop. til, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "  Peoples Ban ~~i--------1'10 8  118,UO Z,ZIB,240 2.1'15,810  350.010 >lecb. & Metal N.,N. Y.; <th. N.,  I  tt.  SI)  ~ O --68,200  388,430  530.100  n  25,000  14, 70  170,050  181,970  20.000•  55,000 1,300,000 1,100,000  8  27,180:.'IIech, /· ::\letal · N .. N. Y.; :;\Iacon. · ., .\Iacon . 21,0;;0 N. Bk. Oom .. N . .Y.: Macon N .. Macon. 175,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N. an<! At!. N., AU.  ·-------- -------- -------- --------- I  0 E: .Ill  100,000  85,000  500.000  350,000  250.0oolN. Park, N. Y.: 4th N. and At!. N., Atl.; Citiz.! & Southern, Savan. and [aeon.  150,000  65.000  800,000  650,000  300,000 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, \ti,; 4th,'., ~faron; Ga. •., Athens.  I  105,860 Han. N .• N. Y.; Lowry N. and 4th N., Atl.; 4th N., Macon .  mith ___________________ _  50,000  58,010  297,370  367,660  78,170 Han. N .. N. Y.: 4th N .• Macon; .A.ti. N., Atl.; La Gramm_·., La Grama-'.  ~ione!W!~iioiic lfe"J_Y HUDDLESTON-- J. w. PEAVY---------- c. c. WELLS--------  16,000  13,000  160,000  225,000  35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: At!. N,, Atl.; 4th N .. Macon,  41.470 N. Cibr. N. Y.:4th N., Atl. and .\Iacon; Citiz. outhern, ...:avan. 65.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N., At!.; 4th N., llacon: \0 \0 Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Ga. N .. A then::;,  s. Peters. ______  D. H.  FIFTEEN CENT S 1ent to u1 with each slsht draft f or preaentatlon, a nd TWENTY•m·E CENTS for each credU report luau re, prompt; pers onal att entlon.  s.  KcGarity __ \Y. D, Loyd _____ _  25,000  23,000  125.000  16i.000  . Z. Anderson ____ C. c. Lun!,rord ____ Erwin Epps __________________________ _  25.000  5,000  110.000  100,000  A.;  ;1 S:  225,000  '  I  , '!L  i~  291,000  M,111 fif'l<l----~~wton E 4 Bank or Ka~:~~-----t1'05 J . .M. Hurst__ __ ---- E.W. Aclam. ______ ,J. ..  1511,000  23,610  •U'99  STATE BK. OF MANCHESTER  w  >  50,000  M-tM  1  > '""  __ _ Try us O_!! ce.  z;,:::  ____ Frank Branan, Mgr.  .. \fadi •on ____ Mor1i:an F 4 Bank or M:adison _______ !§'DO Lee Trammell _____ G. D. Perry _____ E. G, Atkinson ___ _ M-24' Pop • .!3-1,  114-246  __  --  I  FIRST NATli~~\ BANK .• '04  __  G') -  HEATH-------- H. C. KING- ---------------=--: _______ _  a\'ings Bank ----n4 J.B. Hart _________ J. W. ~nnon ______ : ~faitlancl olomon. C, C. Cunningham_ 64 3 Merchants & Mech. Sav. Bk. W. T . .Morran _____ W. A.. Ta,lor ______ T. W. Hawkes _____ T. F. O'liara _____ _  _1acon  Luther  ~  500,000 - 643,000 10021000 13075600 Z.515,000 " • Bk. ('om., Uuaranty Tr. Co., aud C'hem. CHAS.-B. LEWIS- ---- JOS. N. NEEL:-~---- JAS. K. HOGAN.-:. __ : FRANK BRANAN~ - N., N. Y.; N. Bk. ('om., !oil. I..: N. ,'h:rnPAUL G. HOGAN G. E. PATTERSON ntut. Ho . H. A. KRIEBEL W.R. ROGERS, JR. a SP.ecialtf. ns ,ectio Coll e Mercantil ~- F. GILL~AND Pers on and Remit Promptly. We P resen t Drafts In  i ,\  j 1· l  .  !  1  I I  · .;.  .  ..  i ,  1  i ., \.  t  :  ,.  :1  I;; 'I·.  194 200  umber under Name of ltank is th New Tran. It Number given to e.aC'h Lank in U. S. e elu lvely by The ltand-1\lt-Xally Banker ' Dlredory, under the authority of The Amerkan Banker· As 'n. --  -TOWN--  AND COUNTY.  --'  -- NilfE OF' BA.NK.  I  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te1 Entire State in No. 6 t:Mem. Stats Ilks. Assn. tpr1v., _!l'edera!_!i~erve D~~ +?11ell_!. Fed. Hes.:_ _ [~~ta~.  -  P:a:ama-r,  Non-Rank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisr N rnlt1:ne. l< ?~lnt~e2,t 1!_ate:, HoIJdays, etc., ee Lam,. o  GEORG IA-Continued LlABILlTIES.  VIC:E-PRJtSIDIENT.  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  CASHIER. -  ~ - - _ _ CAPITAL PRO~ITS_  1  l.oA. • k  Dis- Oun J.: Ex-  ITS  10:16520  $  11  100,000  Merchan~ & Farmers Bank R. E. Butler. ______ R. A.. Hill _______ W. E. Schilling ___ _ G4-1M •tl'll  25,000  1  l  500,000 ,  50,000  8,0oo l 250,000  ------------------  100,000  15,000 - - - -  Marsh1lhille __ MaconE7 OitlzensBanJt __________ •.tl'07 J. W. Frederict __ lI.F.Murph ______ C. 0. Haslam _____________ _ Pop. 1150 &4-800 .. ______ " Georva Banking Oo, ____ tf'l0 J, 0. Walker _____ T. S. Taylor _______ H. 0. Ta:,lor _____________ M-mll .Martin ____ S1ep.hens II' 2 Bank of Martin _________ ,,07 W. A.. Kitchell __ G. N. Stovall ______ P.D. Landrum _____ W. P. Garl)er______ Pop. 144 ft4-656  18,000  ..  _______  ..  SESSIONS LOAN & TRU~T COMPANY------------- t 87  JM. M. SESSIONS--- E- R. HUNT: ________ J. H. BOje~!~~,°fr. l Mortgage Loans land Accumulative B onds.  36,630  II  S,000 -------  15,300  5,520  600,000 250,000  OORRES--;ONDENTS- .- - . O  214,600  502,070 N. Park and 1st N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, At!.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 50,000 1Mech. & Metals.N.,N. Y.:Lowr:rN. and 4th N.,  I  58,000 Chase N .• N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.; Hamilton N,, · Chattanooga.  1  75,600 Bk. of the 11:anhattan Co., N. Y.: Weldon N., St. Albans, Vt.: Chittenden Co ..Tr. Co., -Burlington, Vt,: 1st N ., Marietta.  63,000  160,740  30,000  P.IUNCIPAL  c'T tt. } kJ :-,,'1)~ Cll.A.~GEl'l,llC" SECURtTIES l'ROlf ll4SK8.  •1larietta _______ OobbO4 FirstNationalBank ____ •t"88 J.E.Massej ______ J.M.Brown _______ D. R.Litue_____ ---------- - --------- $ 100.000 $ 102,030 $12808-10 Pop. 6l!J0 M-132 MariettaTr.&Bkg.Co.•U'02 J.D.llalone ____ A.H. Gilbert__ __ G.H.Sessions_____ _ _ _ _ _ &4-13S  I  Hl!:SOUkC_!S ,  bt;-!P-;u" I DEPos-  PAm-uP  23,070 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Macon: Lowry .. c;)  tJ:l 0  ------ \Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., Macon.  .  73,480  87,180  23,890 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. y .: Lowry N.,; 1st ~ N., Lavonia. c;)  atthow .. -Jetrerson B5 Jeff'erson Co. Bank ____ tf'lft - - - - - - - -------------------- ----------------- E. )I. Manning ____ (Branch of Wadi ey, Ga.) _________ _______ Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Oitiz. &Southern,' ► Pop. 150 M~56 I Aue-usta. Maxey' __ Orlethorpe F 4 Bank of Kaxeys ________ tf'07 w. T. BriehtwelL W. H. \Yray _______ Geo. P. Bell ____________ 11,000 -1:1,500 8-1,600 15,000 10,000 .N. Park, N. Y.; Ga. N., Athens. I~ Pop. 356 "111 Citizens Bank ___________ ef'lO S. D. DllI'ham ___ H. G. Maxey _______ Jno. L. Copelan __ _ 9,300 65,50!) 27,500 10,250 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N .. Atl.: N. Bk. of Athens. % 15,000 1 M--61Z Athens. ~ May ville _____ Banks E 3 Atkins National &nk--•!'91 P. F. M. Furr ____ M. P. Deadw:,ler ___ Wm. Killer_ _____ F. S. Carr _______ _ 25,000 400,000 35,000 3-13,000 130,000 Mech. & MetalsN., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.: Ga. N .. Clll Pop. 795 64 442 S. K, Carr Athens. ·  .[aysville Bank -------•1"20 J. :M. Eberhart_ ___ G. 0. Castellaw -· R. O. Sligh ________ -----------M-«a . )lcOaysvillc __ Fannin D 2 .Merch. & Miners State Bank E.W. Chapman ___ O. D. McCay _______ II. L. Greenway ___ , ______________ _ (Copperhill, Tr.nr1., l'.O.) 6'-940 §'16 Pop. 2166 • lcDonough __ Hfmry D 5 Bank of Henry Oount:,-_•tf'06 P. W. Pullin _______ H.J. Copeland __ J.B. Dickson ___ 1J. D. Hirhtower __ _ Pop. 1263 M-427 Farmers&'ll H. J, Turner ______ W.D. Tarple:, _____ J.B. Turner _______ H. C. Hightower __ 64-429 First National Bank ____ •t'05 T. A. Sloan ______ R. L. Turner ______ R. L. Turner----- W. J. Greer ______ _ M-428 •::\IcR.1.0 ______ T,•lfair G 8 Citizens BanJc __________ .u·u6 J. F. Cook ______ T. J. Smith ________ J. F. Cook _______ J.B. Brown-------  Pop. 127R  64-378 Merchants Bank _____ •H'l900 0. F. McRae ______ M-377 bf'an ,·ill -- ---- Pike D 5 Bank of Meansville ____ _is·u C.H. Ham{)hrey ___ Pop. 22{) M~~ IC'itr _______ Thomas D 0 Bank of llei2s------..-•l'0S E. M. Smith ______ Pop. 1111 6.1~58 cnlo _____ Ohattoo2a B 2 Dank of Menlo ___________ 1•04 R. A. McWhorter __ Pop. 3i8 M-650 • fotcaJL ___ 'rhmnas D IO Commercial Bank _____ • __ §'16 J. W. Horne _______ Pop. 3:il 64-033 · •M. •tter ______ candler II 7 Bank of Candler Coun1y §'21 Geo. L. William Pop. 008 M-1014 Bank of Me ti~gg-·----•:S·o4 w. D. Kennedy ____ 6 Citiz ns Bank----------•U'l0 A. J. Bird _______  E. D. Graham ' C. A. l{yals ________ 0. F. McRae------ A. V. Whiddon --I L. W. McRae U. L. Taylor. ______ ' H. G. Lanetord ___________ I J. N. Carter ____ Duncan Bickley ___ II. TI. Pilcher _____ _ I O. D. Wyatt ____ J. C. Chamblee ___ H. McGukin -------  II. C. Copeland ---- IJ, T. Holland. _____ ------------------G. W. Hicks 1 .T. L ... 'evie ________ P. Q. Collin~ ______ ------------. · T. Tratinell ___ L. H. SewelL ____ -------·-------·-G. W. Watson---· C. G. ~cLcan ___ --------------------  • M-600 . [idvillt> _______ Burke 116 Hank of Midville ________ 1•04 L. O. Benton ______ R. M. Murphree __ W. D. Drew------- 11. D. Coleman---Pop. !I 5 64 660 I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  crchants Bk. W. A. Law ________ ,s, A. Jon• ________ J.B. Thurman---- -------------------64 806 W13 I B:\Dk of Milan ---------W06 L. O. Benton _____ 1,r. ook ___________ R. o. Chambers --- ----------------Farmers &  1u r,r,1  I  15,000 1  12,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Citiz. & South- ~ ern, A.ti. "'1 20,000 Atl. N ., At!. (i;' 1  4,570  45,000  117,000  15 000 '  1,500  68,000  65,000  50:000 1  39,660  140,310  190,730  I  11.0,000 ;  20,000  230.000  305.000  80,000  66,330  303,550  470,790  50,000  40,950  251,000  242,000  50,000 I  70,200  318,210  291,850  15,020  10,000  101.000  100,000  22,000  245,000  16,000  4,870  48,000  65,000  15,000  10,090  76,660  75,410  25,000 --------- ------ --45,000 255,000 25,000  311.500  30,000  28 950  289.130  25,000  30,000 I 120.000  15,000  16,2 0  _.__.. . . . . . . . . .  127.S00  110,390  190,000 I  ....r+  47,530 N. Park, N. Y.; At!. N. and 3d N .• At!.: 4th N .• ll> Macon: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. r+ 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.: At!. N. and 4th N., Atl.: 4th! o N., Macon. t 79,080 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; 4th N. and Oitiz. & S;:: Southern, Atl.: M. ~I. 1st N .. Bait. I,...· 93,500 Han. N .• N. Y.; 4th N.,Atl.and Macon: Liberty i;;" Bk. & 'rr. Co .• Savan. ::l 159,190 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.; Atl. N., At!.: 4th N., Macon. I 3~,300 Han. N •• N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., At!.  I  5,,,000 Mech. & Yetals N .. N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp .. At!.; Bk. of Thomasville, 'rhomasvlllc. 16,850 N.Bk.Com .. N. Y.: lstN.,Chattanooea. , 23,220 ,~Iech. & MetalsN., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern.I Savan.; Bk. of Thomasville, Thomasville. ' 1 60,450 N. Park, N. Y.: Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Sann.  ~  ::l 22,120 Han. N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern and Iliber- s:: nia, Savan. fl) 50,000 Han. N .• N. "Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.: "'1 4th N .. At!. and ~{aeon. '< 25, 00 ~ - Park. N. Y.: Cit1z. , · ~outhern, Savan.: ~ Atl. N., AU.; 4th N .• Macon. 50.000 Han . N •• N. Y.: -Ith;.:., . lacon. ~  I~  111  201  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Truult Number given to each bank in U. S. e:s:eluslYelJ by The &and-HeNallJ Bankers• Dlrecton,__un_der th~~uthorlty of The A m ~ ~ A s s ' n . NA.MXOP BANK.  . -  I  •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn.§State :tMem.State Bks.Asm. tPriv. [E.~b-1 Fe~eral R~serveDls~rict. +.Yem. Fed. Re·.  •:mnen ______ Jenkins H 6 Pop. 2405  BAIK OF MILLEN-----•U·os 64-2n  -----  VICE-PRESIDENT.  PRESIDENT.  C.A.SHUCR.  ____1  ______ ,  •~hlled.2ev1lleBaldwm F5 Exchanie Bank ________ if 03 John Conn----. . . 64-178 . Pop.4619 .. First National Bank _____ ;t 10 E. N. EnnIS -----t 64-170 .Merch.& Farmers Bank.iS·98 John T. A.l)en ---64-177 I Milled2eville Bkf.Co. ___ tf'84 Miller S. Bell _____ 64-176  GEORGIA  t"  d  - --  00 lllUe _ _ _cc=._:;;;._;;:.::.-~-.::c..-~-~---  ASS'TCA.SHIER. _T_T_  •  o. Benton ------  ~~  . . .  •  .  ~  . ,  T  ------------- L. C. HalL ______ 1no. T. Day____ D.S. Sanford _____ Miller S. BelL ___ C. M. Davis________  I  w.  Johnson _____________ _  50,000  52,000  846,000  518,000  419,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Oitiz. & Southern, Savan.; .Merch.N .• Rich.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp,, Atl.  25,000  15,000  350,000  150,000  25,000  ll,000  216,000  215,000  240,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Savan. _l~k. & 0 Tr. Co., Savan.; N. Ex., Augusta; C1tiz. & ~ 1.•.1 Southern, Macon. 27,500 Han. N .. N. Y.: Hibernia, Savan.: Citiz., O ~ T . I Valdosta. 13,000 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Valdosta, Lowry .. C)  M. C. Lee __________ M. W. Barieron ___ L. C. Rentz ____ _ R. L. Patten S. R. Patten------- R. M. Penland _____ Arthur Register __ _ \Y, L. Miller S. J. Childers ______ G. P. Wheeless ___ J. F. Pre Iey ____ __  25,000  -------------------- B. K. Gibson ________________________ _ J.P. Carriker ____ J.  c. Wilkes ________________________ _  J. E. Wrifht ______ H. D. Spivey _______ ---- ____ ---- ---- ----  o. L. Barrett  {tfa,""t;'iiti !~0iifen11 fc.0 11coi  101,000;  95,000  6,500  150,000  115,000  15,000  10,310  15,370  37,500  15,000  4,500  40,000  44,500  300,000  80,000  600,000  850,000  100,00D  75,000  500,000  490,000  60,000  22,000  100,000  252,000  25,000 --------  75,000  15,000 - - -  . Gallaher ____ Yancey Hill _______ J.M. Miller _____________________ _  Mont zuma ___ Iacon E 7 Bank of Montezuma ---•1'18 H. 64-967 Poo. 1827  "1  t<:  CHA.  I  Farmers Bank __________ :tf•OG J.M. Nowell------ A. B. :Mobley ______ E. D. Newton _____ C.R. Bradford---H. M. Arnold H-221 L.  C0 Ts,  15,000 S 80,000 $ 500,000 $ 600,000 /S 100,000 N. Park, N. Y .. Lowry N ., .Atl., C1t1z. & outh~ em. Macon. 206,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th N., Macon; Lowry 614,080 620,000 76.000 N., Atl • 60,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; 4th N., Macon.; ... T, 486,500 80,000 130,000 376,000 Ex., Augusta. 567,330 300,000 Bk:. of America, N. Y. 50,000 156,000 650,000  B.S. Walker ______ J. H. Radford _____ J. R. Radford _____ J.P . .Adams ______ _  64.846  -I  75,000  U-219  UNION BANKlll8 CO•••• •U'l2  I--  Non-Bank Towns with earest Banking Point ~Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi ._ ~or Interest Rat~• ~Hol!da_ys, ~ . see Laws. ~ ~ PltINCI-.PAL OORRESPONDENTS~ RESOURCES.·_  _volum~:_  -LIABILITIES.---~ 1c...11&:ExDEPOS- IUJA~•&:DrsGE.•,Du• &"'"•  PAID-UPIS'URPLUS  . AND C , 1 s Al~ITAL /PxoFrTs _ _T__  J.P. Applewhite __ R. G. Daniel ______ J. F. Bates _______________________ _ I. O. Parker  •~filltown _____ Lanier 11' 9 Bank of .Milltown _______ :tf'05 J. F. Lewis ______ 64-363 Pop. 60 Farmers & Merch. Bk.•U'07 It N. Burch ______ " 6(-364 Milner ________ Lamar D 5 Farmers Bank --'------:I'll L. 0. Benton ____ 14-759 Pop. 407 itchell ___ Glasscock G 5 Bank ofllitchelL ______ f·os ------------------64--t64 · Pop. 257 [olena __________ Pfke D6 Bank of.Molena _________ 1'119 Z. Lawrence _______ 64--t65 Pop. 411  BAH OF MONROE----•U'91  C  H. D. Allen ____ Otto M. Conn ____ N. Y. Banks______ . , J.E. Pottle ________ Jno.W. Hutchmson J.C. Ingram_____  First National Bank ----•1'08 C. W. Sharpe ______ C. E. Attaway _____ D. 64-273  ronroe _____ Walton E 4 Pop. 3211  •  -  I  85,000  ~• & 1fetals N .• N. Y.: 4th N. and Atl. 50,000 :Yech. I Atl.: 4th N., [aeon. 8,080 Ga. R.R., Aueusta: 4th N., Atl.  T  ..  1  8,500 N. Bk:. Com .. N. Y.; 4th N., Macon.  101,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. and Macon.  1  15,oop Han. N., .N. Y,: Macon N., Macon.  60,000  750,000  500,000  •Monticeno ___ Jasper E 5 Farmers National Bant.ei·oe E. H. Jordan _____ J. A. Kelly ______ Herschel Allen-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D. N. Harvey 64-130 Pop. 1823  50,000  78,ll0  •1•.~I  461,688  71,1~20 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., AU.; 4th N., Macon,  50,000  68,378  382,607  452,990  93,690 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.  111  •I 111  I 111  II 111  ' .  :  "  .. t .  t t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  f  t  •  I  ;.  •  I  '  •  • •  •  : •  I  I.  : I'  : • I  :, I  t  I' • I  :  I . \  I  1  •.  f •  .  ,, • •  I .  I  t  •  f I  •  :  ~  I  I  I  :  ~ I  t  ..  f  I• · ;  :. ,.  I  I  f '  II t  •1  !  ;THE CIT IZENS  •  .,  111  I II I  :  .  ;  ,  236,090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 4th N., A.ti,  I 111  ,I  111  :  'I  111  II I  II  :1 111  t11  >  ~  50,000 Mech.& Metals N.,N. Y.; At!. N., At!.; Ga.~ 0. N ., At hens.  30,000  We remit the day we eollect.  M-814  -  z 140,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., .Atl.: Citiz. &South- ~ j ern, Savan.  ----------------feetJJ~~S-------T&Y US.  FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK-•t·os  >  ..  .. ..  II I  :  ..  : I I  ...• • II  •  I  .,.,  .  .  I  SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS  O'CI (I)  ~ ~  . i  II II I'  'I  Ii  j  II Il i :',  • ---•· , ...... w ..-  194 202  !1'..n•I~ 'Nnmbl!P llrivl'ln  Number aader Name or Bank ia the New Transit. Number given to eacla ban.le in U. B. acluslve)y by The Rand-McNally BankP • Dlrec  ofl •  th  ....  ..  -  Number under Name or Bank 111 the New Transit Number giv~n to each bank in U. S. e1t'l11shely by The Raud-McNally Bankers' Directory, uodt>r the authority of The American BankerM Ass'n.  TOWN A.NO CvUN l'Y.  NAME OF BANK.  •Oonnty Seats. •Mem Am. Hks. Assn.~Statc Entire State in ·o. 6 tMem.State Ilks. Assn.t Priv. Federal Reserve District; ♦ :\lcm. Fe<l. Hes. fEsta!1,  CITIZENS BANK ....... Ul900  •)loultrie_ •. _Colauftt E9 Pop. 67811  64-201  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I  Ass 'T 0.lSHIER.  C.lSRIJ:K,  BANKING CO.  L.·---·· B. F. Hale .••••••••  52,890  100.000  &  D,~.-c••;;-Ex-  Sscu&ITt•  rao111 B•~i.:1.  --- -·  {  490,060  749,8i0  240,000 1,soo,oooj 1.sso,000  -  Bill of Lading Drafts our Specla lty. Prompt Return s. Satisfactory Ra tes.  l  PRiNCIPAL CORRESPONl.lENTS.  -  98,950 Chase N., N. T.: Hibernia, Savan.: 4th N .• Atl. and Macon; Fla. N., Jacksonville.  -  390,000 N. Bk. Com. a~q Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Atl. N., At!.; C1t1z. & Southern, Savan.  Cl  t11 0  l  1  15,000  1,000  15,000  44,790  1  50,000  50,000  262,150  223,200  ~  10,000 Atl. N., Atl.  Cl  ndA~  1.500  75,000  60,000  First Bank ot Nashville:§HI00 J. F. Lewis •••••••• L. A. Carter ....... J. W. E. Powe!L ... C. i\1. Gay ··--·-·-· 1\V. V. Powell 64-406 ·  25,000  39,000  340,000  306,500  15,000  11,880  61,290  35,630  25,000  25,000  200,000  170,000  50,000 Chase N., N. Y.: At!. N., Atl.  15.000  600  30,000  32,600  13,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y: Citiz. &  250,000  419,380  125,000  7;;,000  ..."aylor ..•. Lowndes F 10 1Farmers Bank ••.••••••• U'08 J.P. Carter.·--···· Mrs. 0. F. Whethe- H. D. Robinson •••• Pop. 302 64~69 rington I Perryman Carter • • wborn •••• Newton E 4 IBank of Newborn_ .•... is·os w. P. Wallace ••••. J, M. Loyd·---·-·- H. G. Smith ••- ••• 1 Pop. 409 6 ~70 L. 0. Benton • 'ewin1nou •• Srreveu i 6 Ba11k of Newinl{tou •••. :l:§'19 P.R. Kittle;, ••• ~ •. C. A. Woods. ___ Pop. :S6-1 6-1·961  o. C.  *;\lanufacl un·r. · . ·ational Bk. TI. II 6-H61s !'06  15,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; At• !antic N., Jacksonville; N. Bk. of Tifton, ~ ~ Tifton. . . ~ 8.>,000 Han N.,N. Y.: C1t1z., Valdosta:4th N .. Macon; C/'J Hibernia, Savan.  I  52,040 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Valdosta.  ~  0 I  e.,...,. ~  HusselL •••.  outhern. Savau.  :=;· r+  •. Tt•wnan •••• Coweta O 5 *FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. 'il R. W. Freeman •••• N. E. Powel - ·-·-· J. II. Powell .•••••• J. S. Hardaway, Jr. 64-166  ~  e:;  25,000  ~  ►  67,930 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  tory •• •••••. Mi ·s lua. ,\.skew ••• II. :.\I. Pool -···-·· -  ... \t,..Jt, illt •.• Berrien F 9 Berrien County Bank •.. •§'11 P. II. Askew ..••.•• \\'~. Pop. :w2;:; 64-798  Pop. iO:H  1'-  •U'96  •\It .\'ernon •• Monte. G 7 Mt. Vernon Bank • ••.•.. •§'0l W. T. Mc.Arthur ••• D. A. McRae.·-···· W. .A. Peterson •••• H. L. Wilt-····-·· Pop. ni 64~68  W. C. Wrieht \L Powell orlh .•••• • I'.)). C,o)P. .••••••• W. B. l'ill'k-; •••••.• C . .f., rnith •••••• -.  1*Newnan Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ITS  L. D. Smith  I  • or man Park.ColquittE9 Pop. Gli:i orristown.Emanuel II 7 Pop. li7 Norwood •••• Warrt•n G 5 Pop.81ili Oaktleld •• _._ •• Worth E 8 Pop. 21fi OchlochnM.'I'hornas E 10 Pop. 410  1.0ASO  c'TR. Dosne, CRAlfGEA,Du ■  I  W. H. Barber. •..•• D. A. Autrey-··-· W. S. Stokes •••••• : R. C. Turner •••••. $100,000$ 140,000 $1350000 $1200000 $400,000 N. Bk. Com., N. T.: Savan. Rk. & Tr. Co .• R. M. :Morrison I Savan.: Lowry N., .At!.; 4th N .. Macon.  :\It. ,\iry. Habersham F 2 Bank or Mt. Airy .••••••• I'll 0. Gresham .••.•••• A.. L. Kimsey •••••. R. F. Payne ••••••• , ••••••.••••••••••••• l'op. au st-752  •Newton •••••• Baker D 9 Pop. Sii Nicholls ••••••• Ootree G 9 Pop, 1500 Norcross ••• Gwmnett D 4 Pop. uo:1  RESOURCES.  U:!;Fs I  W. C. VEREEN .. G. F. TAYLOR ..... M. L. LEE ......... M. C. FARLEY.... 200,000 F. R. PIDCOCK -  MOULTRIE  I  1  LIABILITIES. p 1o•uP 8 Df;pos• CAPITAL PROFITS  First National Bank .•.. •:•05 R. J. CorbetL .••.. 1G. F. Taylor.•--·· C. L. We 64-202 · G. E. Smith  64-200  .Non-Bank'J'o\\ns with Nt'are!>f Banking Point {Ill llexed Acres.), Lawyt'rs, Laws (indl'xed) in back of th! volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, otc., i;1 P. I,aws. o  GEORGIA-Continued  Bank &Trnst Co. \, H. l"rm•mau . ••• T. M. Goodrum •••• H. W. Arnall ••• _.. 64-167 tl'8~ H. 'l', Thomp:on, II. . ,\rnall, .Jr. Ch. nf Rd. C. C. J,TcKnight Newnan Clearin~ House •••• H. H. North ....... W. B. Parks.·-···· Hoy l..t~'-ifl:r, Mgr. (.Memher11 indicate{/ b11 a*) Raker County Bank .•••. tl'06 1 J. A. Bowers .. _•••• J, C. Odom·····--· J. H. Hall ••••.•••• 6Hi71 .T. II. Hall Farmers Bank ··-·----·•U'06 D. II. :\I eek..; .••••.• W. CL Meeks •.•.• • John Kirkland •••• 64-672 .J. M:. Jenrette Bank or Gwinnett. ...••• tl'll ~- T. McElroy ...•• J. W. Haynie ••..•• W. L. Ray •••••.• __ 64- 760 Bank or Norcross ••••••. U'04 A. A. Johnson ••.•• c. A . .McDaniel.. .• P. W. Summerour. 64-673 Dank or Norman Park .. U'06 M. D. Norman . ••.. 1H. L. Norman ••••. 0. F. Creech ••••.• 64-674 Rank of Norristom1 • ••• •i'l3 J. . Youman •• •• J.W.Smith •••••••• 1w. L. Crow •.•...• 64-855 llay llaukinf411~.i ··-·--... t"l5 1cu. A. and w. Nay) ················-·· IT. N. Ray •••••••• _ E. rhani:e Bank·--·- ·-···''ll J.E. Campbell •••• J, T. Ross--- 0, H. ,Johnson.-••• 64-805 , I . Bank of Ochlochnec •••• •I 06 n. meletary •••••• D. B. Anderson •••• A. E. peer •••••.•• 64-6i6 I _ 11  I  E. C. Loni! .•••• ••••  96i,070 1.812,220  0  203,380 N. City N. Y.: At!. N., At!.: M. ll. 1st N .. Q Bait,; Ci1 iz. & Soutllrrn ' avan. (j  400,000  r,;;o,ooo  361,000  8116,000 1,085,000  ::r"  82,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern :t)l(l I.own .. ' ,, At!.; 4th N .. 1lacon.  0 n  ::r" 92,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Uuara11t.y 'l'r. Co., ::i N. Y.: 4th N. and 'l'r. Co. ol Ua., Atl.; 2d ~ . ~ ~ Bosto11.  ······-···-·· - ··· · ··  ······-········· ••••  25,000  22,000  .', \V, Carter ••••••  25.000  5,000  225,000  233,000  ··-·················  15,000  4,870  116.000  130,000  73,0G0I  80,560  ····-·········-··  30,000  7,400  109,700  134,600  A. B. Horne •••••••  25,000;  46,ilO  166,37 0,,  216,760  ·---·-··---·  l:i,000 .  J. neese •••••••••••  1,110  32,050  36,630  6.000  117,000  73,000  -------  26,320  11  ············-··-···  15,000  35,280  30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ga. N., Alb. 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cifo:. & ".outltcrn, Savau.; N. Bk. of Brunswick, Brunswick. 28,000 N, Park, N. Y.; At!. N .. At!. 34,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N. and Citiz. & Southern, At!. ~ 21,610 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Cit1z. & Southern, Sa.van.; ll> Moultrie Bkg. Co., Moultrie. ::S 7,480 Ilibernia, Savan.: Dublin & Laurens, Dublin.  g  50,000 Lowry N .. At!.; Citiz. & outhern, Augm,ta; ~ 4th N .• Macon. 9,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th .i.' ,, :Macon; Am. Ilk, & ...,. Tr. Co .. Corc!Plf'. 1.0 20,000. Ban. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Thomasville, Thomas l',J 1 ville; 4th N ., Atl.  mmmii -  u -.J _...,_, '-#' • • • . _ • I • '.i  203  Number DDder Name or Bank ia the New Tra... & N111111Mr sin• to each bank in U. S. e:s:clusiYelJ by The Raod-lleNallJ Banken• Dlrecto!f• under the authorlt!_of The Amerlean Bankers  TOWN A...'iD COUNTY. NA.ME OP' BANK. •OOunty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks . .A.ssn. IState Entire tale in ~·o. 6 !Mem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Fedt>ra_l Reserve D__istrict_. ♦ Mem. Fed. Re:. {I<;statl. •Ocilla __p__o_p____Z_llrowin F 8  PRESIDJtNT.  GEORGIA  C  Wi.J,.... • '11 I ' -  !&s'_cn-=-~==:=..~::..::c...c..:.-===========0=_:..?::. :. :_'--_=1_0=---=U=_=e:c=-==-==-====----· ____ _ VICl:-PRJl:SIDUT.  I  I'T CASHIER  0.&8BIU.  I  •  I  --,!-  DEPOSITS  ~":·  I»  -•~-:_s~  ':<:  ~~•~  ------------1----  flRST NAT'L BANK J. L. PAULI--------J. E. HOWELL-----1.H.JOHISOI-----IOY ClDWELL--64-275  LIABILITIES. PA.ID-UP SURPLUS  C.u>IT.u l paA.ND ___,  M.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inctexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. .For R~tes. Holidays, etc.,_ co La"s• :, RESOURCKS. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. i:: Lou,•»... c....... Bx~ 0  d  t"  I UUI\ IIU\111 l.'1'1  "UL UI I  We want col1ectlone and give prompt attention. --------,,---------,-----------,--------  Odum ________ Wayne H 8 Odum Banking Co, ______ H'l6 W. H. Tyson ______ C. L. Carter------- H. C. Dickerson __ _ Pop. 309 64-800  0 •u. 8  75,0INt  132,780  330,099  --- --- ---  -  70,130 Ran. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & ·outhern, .A.ti.  439,if0  ---- - - - 10,000 Jesup Bkg. Co., Jesup,  15,300  4,500  95,000  75,000  -----------------  15,000  23,000  200,000  170,000  50,000 ·N. Park, N. Y.; At!. N,, .Atl.  ________ Macon County Rant ___ •U,06 D. A. McBride _____ R.H. tubbs ------ J, B. Dodd------- L. M. Hester _____ _ 64-417 Oliver ______ Screven J 6 Peoples Bank----------•U-06 0. H. Marsh _______ W. J • Qoantoct ____ J. I. Marsh ________ -------------------Pop. 2fi 64~78 H. E. Ezell  l'.J,000  3,000  118,000  96,000  23,500 Han. N., N. Y.;4thN., Macon.  22,500  10,000  140,000  102,000  •O~lPthOl'Jl __ Macon D 7 Bank of Oglethorpe ______ 1·02 Pop. 871 64-416  w. H.  Stewart, Sr. D. P. Coogle ______  w. E. Wilburn _____  I  60,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co .. Sa van.  .~_. ,  maha _______ tewart C 7 Bank of Omaha---------!1'12 ------------------- -------------------- J. Gile ------------ J. F. Watkins _____ (Branoll of Pwpl es Bank, d, Ga.)_ Han. N., N. Y. Pop. 26'.! 64~79  OmPi!,l----------- Tift E 9 Bank of Omel?lL---------•1'13 lrnn Willis------- G. M. Roberson_ -- W. 8. Sorrow----- -------------------Pop. aw 64-887 l',llm ,(to ___ Camphell C 4 Bank of PalmettO.-----•H'04 T. P. Bullard------ .I, C. \ atkiu ---- -------------- ~'. L. Brittain______ Pon. 12~0 64--418  I I  I> t I' r  ~'armer Bank -------··•U'l8 L. 0. Benton ------I H. D. Tatum ______ _ B. W. Cochran ___ Ballard Hudson___ 64-971 E. U. Duke t _______ Terrell C 8 Dank of Parrott ______ --•U'06 S. J. Carter-------- ---------------- ---- Roy Pinkston---- __ -------- -------Pop. ~67 114-tSO  J. W. TILLEY---- I. I. COOK-------- MRS.OLLIE 'L\\Wft MISS Jlfl~  PLANTEIS l~llll------•tl'l2 M 851  i  Special attentlo n stYen to coiled Iona. We rem.Ii tbe d a, we collect. T&Y US.  Patterso 0 _____ Pierce H 9 Patterson Bank _________ i5•07 J, M. Thomas ______ Roma 'l'homas _____ B. Pop. 837 • 84---Ml  c.  C  13,000  6,500  3,000  18,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Bk. of Tifton, Tifton,  >  87,670 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N .. Atl. and  >  tx,  25,000  4,210  35,000  12,300  300,000  231,000  l:i,000  6,500  115,000  140,000  274,2301191.140  aeon,  z ~  110,000 llan, N., N, Y,; Atl. N .. ;\ti.  en  18,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Dawson, Dawson.  I Q.  0 2;;,000  17,910  291.980  193,-170  l  p T HARD  Walker _____ _  I  I  15,000  7,870  IE. Jl. Smilh ------- H. 0. Ford _________ ------------------  33,100 :  32,000  Planters Bank _________ U'l2 J. T. Sherrod ___ 1 J. B. Williams _____ C. G. Christian ____ •-------------------~~  15.000 r  tkin:son G 9 Pearson Bankinl!' Co, ___ U'06 H.P. Smith ________ J. 0. White ________ W. J. Tyler _______ L. D. Pearson_____ Pop. 79'.! 64-683 ,  PaVO----Po1tii:iuas E 10 Bank of Pa~l~i------•:1'03 J. 11'. Harris ________  6,000  t!l 0  I 02.uo I  94,070 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., ~- 'outltern, Atl.  Dawson: Citll,  rii' r+  0 86,960  2-1,300 Han. N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Savan.; N. ~ Bk. of Brunswick, Brunswick.  5·  g.  125,000 . 100.000  35,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Thomasville, Thomasville. i::  3.500  100,000  70,000  45,0()1) Bk. of America, N. Y.: 4th Moultrie.  30,000  21,770  155,240  203,500  22,240 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Citiz.& Southern, Savan.  Pelham ______ MitchP.11 D 9 Farmers Bank __________ !1'02 T. P. Hinman ______ 8. U. Onrr7 ________ J. M,.Hurst, Jr, __ J, R. Payne________ 9 640 p 64-287 . .. op.•• " First Natioftz:nk----•1'10 W. ~- Hi.IL _______ W. C. Cooper _______________ W. ~r. Harre!L___  100,000  80.380  6-53,9601  653,780  40,000  20,000  300,0001  250.000  200,!!20 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 4th • .. Atl., tlantie N., Jacksonville. 50,000 Han. N ., N. Y.; Citiz. & outhern, Atl.  l'embroke _____ Bryan J 7 Pembroke National Bank i·o1 Julius M.orpn _____ J. 0. Strickland ___ W. C. Lanier ______ ----------------Pop. 5!ill 64-684  25,000  32,500  150,000  190,000  i  •l'earson ___  Pendergrass_J ac.kson E 3 Pendergrasir~inr Oo.U'05 P. J. Roberts __ ---- W. C. Kennedy ____ Guy Roberts _________________________ _ 2 ·J•er- Pop.H o'~ston E 7 Houston Banking Co, __ e*5'05 J. H. Davis _______ A. A. Smoak _______ B. 0. Holtzclaw ____ E.HoltscJaw _____ _ -  64-465  •.1------ ...)  ..  ~~~~-~:~  .,  Perry Loan  f4~ . Bank•U-89 R. L. Oater-------- F.  I. Hauser ______ L. 11'. Oater ________  s. P.  25,000  9.400  37,120  25,000  25,000  9-l.000  3'.5,860  129,670  31,000  l0i,5:i0  Crowe!L ___ _  W.1:.i0  PirH'hur t_ ____ Dooly E 7 Bank of Pinehur L---•:1'08 J, L. Lee---------- C. A. Thompson ___ A. 11. WIison _____ 0. H. Lewis _______ _ Pop, 5!.lfi 6-t-G87 Farmers & Ranktl'll -------------------- ------------------- O. R. Peavy _______ _____________ (Bran  25,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~:i2r  I  T., :Macon: Citiz.,  ;it  ~  40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hibernia .. Savan.  t  : •  I  t  :: • t  •  I  •  •  11•  :. , I  •  t' 11  •• I  I  I  •  It !  '  I  ·!l' II·  t I  , I ·_'.!  I  194  Num.,_ uder Name or Bank is the New Transit Number ·ven t.o eaoa bank in U. 8. e.1clustvely by The Rand-McN lly Banfe • DJl'6()tor.7. uod r  n♦  th..  ....  ,  •  Numb• oder Name or Ballk is the New Transit NumbH giTU to eaoh bank in U. 8. exclmheJJ by The aand-McNally Ban.kera• D!recto~ under the authority f!.! The Amerf£~ Bankers As 'n.  204  I  TOWN AND O0UNTY.  NA.ME OF BA  Non-Bank Town  1  -  CA.SHIER.  J..sS'T OA.SBIRR  1  ______ ______  1  --  SURPLU■ I  I  •  Pineora ___ Efflngham J 71 alzbur~er Bank-------•t§'l5 R. L. Elkins------ D. II. Dixon _______ J. K. Wilson______ _______________ 64-914 Pop, 500  OF P~Ni V1EW--•t1'04 1J. T. Gammare ----  Pinevfe,r ____ wncox E 7 BANK 1 Pop, 474  6~....... 88  L. J. Mor~an _____ :M. M. Clements __ Mrs. M. M. Clements  Pitts--------- Wilcox F 8 Pitts Bankiif-6~~-------t1'06 L. 0. Benton ______ J.M. Kini--------- A. C. Shell________ ___________________  PAID-UP CAPITAL P:a"'o~Ts  - - -  IA  DIIPOS-  » 'c ...  .- 1  1  21,000  25,000  24,000  50,000  50.000 1 400,000  86,000  101,420 I  110,000 1  51,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.; Atl. N., Atl.  2,000  15,000 !  15,500  120,000  Poulan _______ Worth E 9 Bank of Po u ~~ ------t1'09 ---- -------------- ·- F. M. Kimble ______ H. L. Gary ________ ________________ _ 64 " 2 : W. I. Willis Pop. 586 c. Leake _________________ _ Powder 8prinrs.OobbO4 Bk. of Powi?~~frinrs •U'05 W. E. Butner __ ____ J.B. Orlesb:, _____ : Pop. 8~6  15,000  Ui0  55,000  76,000  25,000  15,000  200,000  250,000  s. M. Bulloch---- --  15,000  800  w. J. Davis _______________  •Preston ____ Webster O 7 Bank of Pr~~t------•t1'06 J. F. Lunsford ____ O. O. Tracy. _______ N. E. Bulloch _____ Pop. 252  s. Brannen ____  J.A..G&rdner _____ _________ _  100,000 N. City, N.Y.: Bk. of Com .. Americus; 4th,..'., . Macon; Atl. N., Atl. 13,060 Mech. & Metals N·., N.Y.: N. City, Rome.  Q.  18,ogo N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Oiti?:. & Southern, Savan. ~  115,Q00 1  w.  Palaski_Poii.¥! ndler I 7 B'armersBa~.: --------1'12 L. 0. Benton ______ J. 857 7  1  97,460  15,000 1  PortaL ______ Bulloch I 6 Bank of Por ~}.,- ------•ti'l0 A. A. Turner ______ J.C. Parrish _____ 6~....... 91 Pop. 700  ~-~  15,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: 1st N., Hawkinsville.  400,000  ~  \  J:• 1  162,000  Pop. 352 Plains ________ sumter D 7 Plains Bank ,-.,nn----•tl'02 R. S. Oliver _______ J. A. McDonald ___ w. L. Thomas _________________ , 6 ~....... "" Pop. 611 Plainville _____ Qordon B 3 Bank of Pl!~nv ilte _____ •ti'l2 L. P.Henley _______ W. B. Floyd _______ C.R. Clonts _______________________ _ O. W. Martin v~-85 2 Pop. 148  ~-  - -PRINCIPAL O0RRESPONDENTS,  8,980 Savan. Bk. & Tr. co., Savan.; Lowry N., Atl.  75,850  100.000  15,0001  ....  ••  "::o:•~= -  c';:.,,,::.,":•  ITS  2,270 $ 58,070  25,000  .....  •  -  I  RESOl!_RCES.  LIABILITIES.  •  V p RESIDENT. •.Mem. Am. Ilks. As n. IS,~te •County Seats. ICE-PRESIDENT. Entire tate in No. 6 i.Mem.StateBks.A sn. tI riv. _____ U:_tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Federal Re.:erve Di trict. •~Iem. Fed. Hes.  with •earest Banking Point (In.  dexed Acces.), Lawyer , Law: (indexed) iu back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday~, etr., ee La • . c  GEORGIA-Continued  20,000 Coal & Iron N. and N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Bl'.. ~ , of Tifton, Tifton; Atlantic N., Jacksonvillo. ~" • I Fla. 35.000 r A.m. Ex. N., N. Y .: Citiz. & Southern and Atl. ► tc N ., A ti.; 1st N ., Chattanoo~a.  I  ~  14,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Plan., Americus.  75,000  60,000 1  1  2,S90  15,000  31,460  8,090  3,420 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. Tr. Oo., savan.  i~  I  ~ I  IO!  •Qaltman ___ Brooks JI' Pop. 4393  E  T  ;· -- -- --, - S.S. ROUNTREE---- H. W. STUBBS-------- H. W. STUBBS------- W. B. HOLWELL----- 965.000 180,000 N. City, N. Y.; l\Ierch. N., Bait.; Atlantlc, nl 100,000 1 11s,000 • 900,000 Send us your Quitman items direct. 1 CJtl.z. and ~outhern, ' N., Personal serv·1ce. Prompt returns. - - - - - -_ , -_ -_• _Savan. and Macon. Atl.,Jacksonville;  BANK OF  I  QUITMAN  0 :~  ----  U-88  64-185  ~  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•f'05  I Ray City ____ JJerrfen F 9 PoD, 700 •  9'1'  I  I Federal Reserve Bank •of..St. Louis • •  :  • ·  l· G. STANLEY-----Y, T. TILLMAN  L. M. BRADFORD---· -----------------  104,540  150,ooo  PEOPLES  NAT IONAL BANK  ecral~:  {M. M. HAYGOOD ___ E. J. PEDRICK ______ J. E. NOBLES------- -----------------W.W. PATRICK  itizens Bank--- - - -•U'll G.  64-75  :  Oitiz. & South~rn. _Sann.; Cent. ~k. & Tr. Corp .. AU.; Atlantic. N., Jack onv1lle.  18,000  0,000  200,000  100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville.  261,400  I  SPECIAL ATTE TION GIVEN co LLECTI ONS,BI LLOFL ADING DRAFT BY ANOFl'IC EROl'THJSBAN KANDREMITTA NCE MADE PROMPTLY ON DAY OF PAYMENT.  w. Varn ________  J.11. Swindle ______ L. M. Marsha.IL ___ John D. Luke_____  £  I  "lVE WANT YO UR JIU 'INES ·"  •'19  64-976  p  104.690 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.: 4th N .. :Macon; o  651.430 1,060,070  ~!d remit ted on day or pay ment. Special attenllo u given Bill of Lad Ing D,art ·, Cash a nd Time Items.  { Collections a ,  6'-IS«I  I  0-. G. ALLOY-----  er (I)  s AND ALL ITE~IS  ';4  g  25,000  14,220  184,560  163,960  29,700 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz., Valdosta; ~ Oitiz. & Southern, Savan.  15,000  10,000  86.000  99,5601  22.200 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern,~ !aeon. At!.: 4th  Ill  II  Ill  T ...  •  I  • •  •  I  •  I  I,  ;  '  • I II I  ii •  1  t  •  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lna s {indoxed) in ba - of is ' w rs  . ..... . I  I  I'  ;  '  I  I I '  TowN A. D CoUNTY.  I  I'  I I  :  9.AME OF  11 '  I :.  t  ~  I  : ,  I  GEORGIA-Continued  "  ·  '  I  BA.·x.  __  -  LIABILITIES.  D SURPLUS P Ass'T CASHIER CASHIER, PRESIDENT, •Mem. Am. Ilk·. A. sn . . tate .oCounty eat·. , ~;~~ AND • Entire tate in No. 6 nrem. tate Bks.Assn. tPriv. 0 --,-[Estah. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1PR0F1Ts ~ederalReserveDistric_t. +Mero.Fed.Res.  ~i~s•  Recister •••••• Bulloch I 7 Farmers State Bank ---*1'12 S. L. Nevil--··---· J. S. Rie-&'s ___ u. D. M:melle. ____ --····-····--·-·- $ 15,000 6'-822 Pop. 500 1 1W. G. Mank-·····15,000 McCali •Reidnille ••• Tattnall I 7 Bank of Reidsville ••• ___ •l'lB R. J. Rorers •• - •• s. B. ---- ·-·-···········L. p. Conley··-···, M·870 Pop. 553  c. Collins_._. __  Tattnall Baf,~ui·--•*11900 J. V. Kelley···---- E.  o. M.  I. J....,n;:ford._•••••  ReX.---Poi>: ~6tyton D 4 Bank of Re:,-=s2s·-·--···1·12 J. 0. Norris--···- :w.  o. Estes--···-- w. E. M.  1 .••• ·-·-····-··-···-  Dod on ••  I  1  Crawford  12,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, savan.  30,000  250,000  245,000  1 45,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern,Savan.; . 4th N .. Atl. 1  -  :  : : : •••• ~:::: ---~~::: ___ •6,500 ____ 4,5t, Pa,k, N. Y,; lstN,. Dnblin. 1  25,000  20,000  200,000  215,000  25,000  7,000  60,000  90,000  25,000 N. Bk. Oom •• N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co .. 0 Savan.: 4th N .. Macon; Cent. Bk. & Tr. )> Corp .. Atl. 10.000 Han.N., N. Y.: Ilibb N., Macon.; Gent. Bk. · ttJ Tr.Corp., Atl.  25,000  140,000  258,000  25,000 llan. N. and Bk. of America, N. Y.: At!, N.,  35.000 i  32,060  295,030  249,420  77,040 N.Bk. Com., N.Y.; Atl. N., At!.; 4th N., facon; Yll Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  25,000  12,400  248,030  200,6401  75,860 N. Bk. Oom .• N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanoora.  -·······-······-- _ _ _  3,000  I oberta.Po·p~r: ford E 6 Bank of Rot~io-·---··U'll K. L. lleGee .--·-- C, S. Fincher·-·· J. H. Lowe·--····· --··---········-···· -·---  10,000  110,000 '.  65,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Macon N. and 4th N., Macon:~ ~ 4thN., Atl.  o. Dixon _____ IA. A. French ·----· I  w. ~I. Huie.-····-·  N  160,000  265,000  .. RfnH01f»oi:>.c,\\oosa B 2 Bank of Ri!J8ld·-·-•*''04 M. w. Murphy •• ___ W. H. Trundle--··· J. T. Loyd-··--·-· ····------····-·II. G. Huie ••••••• _  1  68,330 Han. N., N. Y.; Liberty Bk. & Tr. co., Savan. ~  113,310 $ 72,970  25,000 I 290,000  Peoples Bank ··-·····--•1 '05 R. J. Dixon···-·-· ' E. I. Garter •• - ••••. J. Giles--·---····· ' W. J. SiddalL •• _. . E. J. Burch 6'·362  61~~t~e...... it·07 W. o. Camp •••••••  ,n,,.,  ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ::-  25,000  . J. Brown·-····- H. McCrannie •••• _  Rlcblan1,op:·fJJg"'art O 7 Bank of Ric~~~f·---··•WOO N. C, Coffin_ •• _. __ , J. E. French __ ···- W.  Uiv dalP<>P: 1Jgyton D 4 Bank of Ri  $  1  I  RhJne.-.p··--· D odre F 8 Rhine Bankinl? Companyf'07 \V. P. Cobb·-·····- J. J. Harrel-·-·'"'. J. Ilrown M-700 op. 396  3,450  n,..I  _, s,cva1T1••  !  Reynolds.-••• T a7lor D 6 First National Bank-·--•t'lO F. A. Ricks •••••••• J. N. Bryan····-- H.K. Sealy···-··-- R. L, BeIL._ •.•.. , 6'-492 Pop. 776 E. Marshall-··- L. "Jr. Montfort_. __ T. A. Poots •••••• __ Re:rnolds Bankinr Oo.. •U'97 R. A.. Hinton. __ .·" ---" 64-490  /w.  $  60,000  Copps·-··-·-  Rentz •••P•••• -La urens G 7 Rentz Bankiii-I! c o._ ..... :W14 o. D. Barron_··--·- w. E. Bedindeld •. Theron Woodard •. ··---···········• ! . H. D. Barron I 6,.-g 01 op. 219 1  04  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer. Laws (indexed) Jn back of thisl',olume. For _!ntere t Rate~ ~~days, etc., ~-Law~ § C:: Pm.·crPAL CoRRESPo.·oENTS. R_EsouncEs. Pl c ... ua. Ex1.o.-. &: :J c'n. no~n-. cu...,,a..  I  ·:  og,~g Bank •l'Ol R. E. Avera.• ·-···· Leman Phelan. ___., B. F. Walker·--··· -----··----·-  !t  ••o.p·.· w cox F 8 Bank of Ro ch~~~·······tt•05 H. Mashburn-···- J. D. FitzI!erald ··- L. G. Tippins-·-··· J. s. Richard!'.-on__ RochelleP 10.,. 6 64..._. Brown Ban~~1\ipo. -··06 W. E. Brown •••••. w. A. Nipper_····- -········-·--·-···· J. w. Sellers-····· " .,.........., Rockled1r:oi/t29rens G 7 Bank of Roil~for ····-*''12 c. R. Wllliams._••• ~~E~~faiiis··-- L. J. Flanders_ ••• _ -·-····---····--  60,000  I  '  Atl.  > Z p:::  ~  (IQ  30,000  ui"  40,000  10,000 Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp,, Atl. 21,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., A.ti.; 4th N.,  15,000  8,470  62,170  59,430!  15,000  8,500  42,000  77,0001  ;-  aeon. ::  ~  5,250 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. and Macon.  87,970 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: 4th O .n N., :Macon. I I 25,000I 110,000 121,500 1 23,500 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N. and Lowry .1. ., Atl.: 4th :,,.-15,000 '< :N., Macon; Hibernia, Savan. • 15,000 - - - - - - - - - ----.- H'M1:, ¥;~b~~~,; Oitiz. & Southern, Savan,; 1st ~ 299,150  338,080  25,000  25,000  T  ~  1  I  !  0.  -· C. S. COX----·····- J.F. RBBERTS ••• _ fARMERS & lT. J. FLOURNOY- E.R.R.C. KTEASLEY R. C. J NES NGSBERY MERCH. NAT'L BK. YOU WANT RESULTS A ND WE WAN IT COLLECT IONS. I  Rock :Mart_. __ .• Polk B 4 Pop. 1400  •t•J& GIVE US A TRIAL.  M-938  -·---- -------  &ocl[y  Ford .. Screven 16 Bank of Rocky Ford-.•1'07 Arthur Burke.... _ 64--704 Pop. 522  !~~A:~~~ THE CIT I z ENS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  •-  ~ . I  ---1~  l~  I I-Z00,000  ~ H~r:;at~a'no~ga~·;  Atl. N., Atl.; 1st N.  Best Service, Prompt Returns.  •itloot  ~~;..~· r  59,400 N. City, N. Y.; Cltlz. & Southern, Atl.  .  jw.  ~N(J  \ i l ,. I 1\ I  •  ·; i  I\\ \  ': •  Ii!  I  ROCKMART BANK JAMES HEATON •• -.A. "J!~~!t~~~-;·~ ps~::~!,i;:····-S, BRANNEN-··--·-· ~ 64-198  673,830  564,360  28,670  40,000  :  ,:  H. Parker__ ••• _ iThomas Parker···'···----·-·-·-···___  _._,.._...,..r.  200,000  150,000I  II Ill  : .  • ..  .  •  SOUTH ER N BAN K. SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS  ;  ·,  I  , •  I  ••• '  -  I  '  • • •'-  194 206  w..  -n•lt  NnmMP lnVflD  Number llllder Name or Bank 18 · t.h N to eaola bank in U B ucJu 1 e ew Transit Number given 17 ~y T!-e,. DlrectorJ, under &be Rao!f-M~Nally Bankers•  nth!.!:  umber under or Bank is tho w !l' umber •ivcn to ,ach bank in U. 8. exclu I t>I bv The R'ind-M(•Nally Ban er.• Director)', under the authorlt of The Au1erkan BankCJ' · ·•n.  I!  TowN  AND Co ·rY, NAME OF 13.urn:.. •County seats. •~lem. Am. Bks. ssu. §, ta._te l'm•.::lrn1-J. Entire 'tate in 'o. 6 :Mem. tate Bks.Assu. n~nv. li'edcralReserveDistrict. ♦Mem.:b,ed. Re_. (.!£stab.__  Non-Bank Towns with eare t Bankln Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, .Laws (indexed) in ack of this. rv volume. For Intere •t Rates, Holldays, otc , se L g=:  GEORG IA-Continued  4  LIABILITIES. \ H  'l',  i-:-Pru.  ·111ENT.  A!-<JUEn.  As8'1·  <'t1.i;un.n.  ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,  P.uo-uP SURPLUS CAPITAL P.:oi,,~TS  RESOURCE;.,  D~wosITS  Lo.<Na"'  u  1  ' {WILSON HARDY--- J, H. O'NEILL------ WYATT H. FOSTER-- - ------------------ $ 50,000 $ 21,000 220,000 251,000 40 ARomePoi>:-iaj~oyd B 3 *CITIZENS B~NK------•!§'04. end us your It terns direct. 64 81 1 All collections g lven personal att entlon by an offlc er of the bank an d remit ted sam e day as collecte d. Exchange National Bank J.A.Glover _______ T.J. impson ______ W.W.Berry ______ impson Penney __ 64-80 •t'OO J.M. Berry W. C. McCall  l'm.~-1PAI,  ConRW~Po •n~· ri;.  c::~u~, ?.n,:••. ~:c~...~G~~-JJ::' __ -~ ;;  ooo 1M'ech. & Metals  K.,  i  T.  Y.; Citil. & "outbern  At!.  150,000  308,370 1,156,390 2,133,990  261.640 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third Cin.; Corn E.. r·., Phil.  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK•t'77 B. I. HUGHES-------- B. F. HARRIS------ R. R. HARRIS-----·- C. J. WARNER------64-79 G. F. NIXON  150,000  382.790 1.283,780 1,888,560  260,710 N. Park, N. Y.; 2d N., Bos.; 4th N. and Cltlz. & Southern, Atl.; Hamilton , ., Chattanooga.  Floycl County Bank ____ •t·•17 R. E. KeJiey _______ ------------ _____ G. C. Byars ________ --------------------  50,000  I  290,020  362,890  J. • RA A ------- D. ~- rillllNGHAM-- G. B. S OF RE EN .. L. N. SHAHAN, JR •. • - - - - - - . - - - - - E•• ARVEY  GHIS  *N 'L CITY BANK Send us your Rome collections, for which AT we will remit daily at $1.00 per thousand premium. ·64-85  ,440  •  4  '13  200,000  200,000 1,000,000 1,725,000  ---1  51,730 Bk. of America N. Y.· Ceut Rk & 'l'r Corp 1  zoo ooo  nooi,ville ____ .Carroll B5 Bank of Roopvi1Je ______:l;§'l2 J. W. Pentecost- __ II. J, Goodwyn ____ J. I. Vansant ______ -------------------Pop. 200 64-869 J. T. Yeal  15,000  10,000  100,000  115,000  Atl,  •  •  •  •  .  .,  eab. N., _N. Y.; ht N., Chattanooga; AU.  ---.:... __ __ __ __ __  GIVE US A TRIAL.  r,.  N.,AtJ.;t(bN.,Macon.  ~ :;o  C) ►  to  10,000 Am. Ex. T., N, Y.; Lowry N,, Atl,; 1 t arrollton.  ··> ,z  1  HossviJle _____ WalkerB2 Hamilton Tr. & Savings Bk. ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- W. E. Tomlinson __ (Branch of Chatta noooa, Tenn.) --- --------- Han. ,r:T,, N. Y. ~ Pop.1427 64-705 •!§'07 r.n RoswelL ______ QoblJ D 3 Citizens Bank_ --~- ___ §'10 H.P. Carpenter ___ C. n. Dorris _______ C. C. Fowler _______ T. E. Hawkms ____ _ 21,000 9,710 214,170, 198,840 50,010 Han. l'•, N. Y.; Atl ....'., Atl. Pop. 1227 64-380 j I oswell Ba~ __ ________ §'0l(• O, Fost~r _______ J. J. palding _____ ( FI. Foster _______ C, G. Wchh ______ _ 25,000 34,000 100,000 152,440 9:i,020 N. Bk, Com., T. Y.; Lowry J. .. 3.1((1 At!. N.,, 79 Atl. I ro Royston ____ Frauklin F3 Farmers Bank __________ :::_ •01 wm. D. Bowers ___ f,, .. '. Tc\Vltorter __ F.. Ji'. Hay __________ -------------------87,430 . Bk. Uom., • Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. so,:rno 15,140 366,6?0: 322,4i0 1 Pop. 1681 64-342 and Savan.  I ::u  a 0  en  ROYSTON BANK--------•t."'01 •Luther nond ______ ------------------- .T. F. Lee __________ J. A. Bond ________ _  64-341 Itutledge _____ Morcan F5 Bank of Rutled1?e. ______t;'98 W. P. ·wallace_____ 1. L. Wallace _____ T. P. Peacock______ R. W. Wallac '- ___ _ Pop. 643 64-706 E. C. Ponder ale Oity ____ Mitchell DD Bank of . ale City _______ §i'l8 L. o. Benton ______ W. 1. Smith __ ---- F. C. Tabor_ ___ ---- ------ _____________ _ Pop. 637 64-068  60,000  40,000  350,000  400,000  50,000  32,000  391,000  143,750  15,000  4,2i0  63,470  80,300  50,000 N. Park, N. Y,; Lowr.v N .. ,\ti.; 4th .Athens.  I  317,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Macon. 16,950 N,Park,  • andersville __ \ a bing- Banking House of Loni Louis Cohen. ______ ------------------ L. K. \ ynne ______ G. K. Malone ______ ---------,--------- -------- --------- ---------fIIan, Pop. 2695 ton G 6 Cohen ___ 64-236 ______ •H'85 ••  ..  Citizens Bank-------•!. '06 C. < • Rawling ____ ------------- H. I. Brid~es ______ D. B. 1itrhi>ll, Jr. 64-235 First  ationa.l Bank _____ .. '01 64 234 George D. Warthen Bank 64-233 • t'71 ardl _________ nurk I 6 l'eopl Rank________ • '11 Pop. 500 ♦ 6-1-i72 a r ________ 'l'err II J) 8 Dank or. ser ________ •! '05 Pop. 02 ♦ 64-708  50,000  50,000  140,550  180,160  Lowry  1  '.,·.\ti.; 4tlt  I»  T ••  ~ (D  '., T  ""\  • Y.; 4th~·,,Atl.  ••p'• Y.:  .ti. T.,,\.tl.; Hibernia, avan.  82,100 N, City, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; 4th N,, Atl. and Macon.  L.B. Holt-. ________ L. H. IloJt _________ S. L Hitchcock ___ Elizabeth Garner_ 50,000 96,310 359,000 539,920 162,110 Mech. & Metals ... ·., N. Y.; 4th .. ·., Iacon and._ I At!. ~ (Geo. D. Warthen) 1___________________ C. Ji'indlay Irwin __ R. S. Harrel!__ ____ (fodivid nal Resp onaibility $600,000) -------- N. Park, Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Aui:usta, i::: r 4th r,, At!. ancl .\Taran. W. 1>. Be!L ________ B. F. Bargeron ____ F. 'f'. Denson _______ ---------· ---------25,000 9,000 56.0001 113,000 15.000 Han. ., ,. •. Y.; Citiz .• · outlt,•rn, ·avan. _  I  1~'....°~  1  O. C. Brim ________ W. R. Brim. _______ B. II. lliIL ________ \V. '.Davis ___ ---- Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by Tile .&and-McNally Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  (Chat~am,  25,000  J  7)  32,000jl  100,00011  County Seat  90,000  65,000 ·.Park, .... Y.  "-'  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- "dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this I»  Number under Name of Bank ia the New TraDBH Number given to each bank in U. 8 . exclusively by Tbe Band-McNally Hanken' -===-='-='»_..,_lftctory~n~ t~ _!uthorl!!'.._of The American ~Dke~••~  207  N.unt OP BANX .  iBtatelI  Am. Bits.Assn . •llem. Wem .State Bits. Assn. t Priv. ♦Mem.  Fed. Res.  (Estab.  *A-MERICAN BANK  -, V1ci:-PRESIDKNT .  PRESIDENT.  ,  I 1  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ~ volume._ For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc.,~ Laws. ::,  SAVANNAH  (Ch at h am, J 7) C ounty S eat i_Federal_!teser.e Dlstrld No. ll_ Populati~• 83,252.=-R.!aer'!~ C:_i!Y _  lsu:ua  LUBlLITIJCS,  0As111n.  IXDrn.-  P•n>-. .  A.H. BERRY ANDERSON .. J. c. BERRY, W:-v. DAVIS-----i"· .4.. ·ec. A. Tr. ec. and Tr. D. STROBHAR A. G.  VAL  Lo~••  1  BoNDa, SIIOUBI-  - - s7.:o.::;:~  Pllol'ITS  OUIT.U.  -----,....  D ■ P08ITS OJ'  -  DUI-  BAN1t8  M1scEL-  I  -  .RESOURCES.  -  -  -  I D»oalft - -------  .iSS'T OUBID.  1  LANEOUS  PRI. CIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  '"'  RESOURCBS  :::  1  ~so2:~::, ~0,950 C~atbam- ~henlI N. and 28,540 IS 564.860 $ 200,000 S We conduct a 1e neral BANKING an.d TB UST bust ness. Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. ,!- ••Collections and ,Caah Letters slve n special attentlo n. •il'la The American B,ank and Trust Co • actually remits on date of payme nt. 88-14 ♦ --- --- --Atlantic Savines & Trust Oo. Jas. M. Ro~ers--- Nathan Godley ____ lJ. E. Carolan. 8,600 32,480 7,270 50,000 250,490== , 281.460 ---------U'l9 -~c--:-:~,..,.,.,.....,.,..,...--'----=-=-~---,,---- - - Sec. and Tr. 38-57 --ISTIAN---CHA M. J. W. F. McCAULEY-- f. W. CLARKE------ J. J. COR-NELL------J. H. CALAIS, LEOPOLD ADLER.._ J. H. CALAIS Ch. of 1:1d. Tr. Officer 470,810 N. Bk. Com., Chase N., and Seab. 348,270 133,540 500,000 128,5101 2,851 ,820 S 130,380 2,658,090 1 N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. - -,- - - -,GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BU SINESS. promp receive will attention. t us sent Collections All 38 6 222,230 r,00.000 ~ mmtham •. aving , Loau Co. •r. :\LCnnningham,jWm. Kohoe=:..___ IGeo. W. Ilu-ut~ S, E. Kraft, Sec. and Tr. Jr. LeH.oy :Mrer '85 3 !i9 _ A. Sec· and .A.:.,_'!_r. F_._G_._n_el_l_ _~ _ 1----------'- ,_ -  Ii TRUST CO.  ,-  co.  -1  I  *CITIZENS & SOUTHERN BANK ♦  5 -2  II. 8. LANE--------- G. L GROOVER ------ W. 8. SPANN, JR ..... A. M. GLOVN:R------ 1 N. City, 'S. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., V. B. JENKI S WM. MURPHEY 1704 oso 1 12 472.130 Chi.; N. 'hawmut, Bo .; Phil. 2,000,000 3,027,900 38,531,100 - -. ff. BOL!HAW, JR. w. B. STRATFORD 38 • 182• 070 1994920 N. and ftb t. N., Phil. ~1 ~ • • • 8. VIN ENT (B,-anch atMonto H. M. GARWES 11 ts.) SEND US YOUR BUSINESS SEE ADVERTI SEMENT ON GEOR GIA, ALA DAMA, FL ORIDA MARGINS.  I  ~1~  Al•o ATLANTA.-A.UGU T - MACON  - --*Ottizens Trut Oo. ______ e*f'06 B . 1. Franlc------ ,Cha'i.-P. Rowland.ID. w. Andrews, Su. i'.ll'ulton, Ch. of Bd. ♦ 38-12 ere I Bank--- --•t1'02 J.B. B. Bntelman. U. H. McLaw, ___ W. P'. Reilley ______ J OS, w. Baughn --I 39-10 *EXCHA18E 8111 ------•tl'Off A.. J. Garfunkel -- John J. Power ___ John J. Powers ____ I l. L. Wightman •••  --  ---------  -Oo  --- --- --- ---  I  I  67,710  71M,l70  53,050  1,291,320  100,000  67,000 1,160,000  ----  1,250,000  2:,0,000  160,650 2,420,100  10,400  2,796,120  22,320  170,860  325,000  618,630 4,552,350 1 ---- ------  4,717,900  107.390  125,220  200,000  103,230  46,050  -- ______ ,_________  1  a  orgia  8  ving tat 3 -52  Henry Blun ------- H. II. Bacon _______ E. B. Patrick, Sec. i' .G. Bush. Tr', ____ " ·n. J. F. Buckner •H'IXl . B. LaFar, A, Tr.  *IUbernfa Bank---------•U'08 M.A. O'Byrne.---- Charles :Ellis ______ .M .A . .._,pellman ____ J . W. Durrett. ____ E. E. Wright, James P, Doolan ♦ 8 o .C.iicCandless,Jr A. Cash. H . H. Crovatt  HENRY BLY" ----- H. tt. BACON--- ---- W. F. HOGAN------ C• A. McCARTHY---J• P. ffOULlltAN *LIBERTY BANK & TRUST ~O. J. H. HA~~- ~j Bd. •U IJO { Accounts of Ba nb, Banken and others sollclt.ed. 38 3  te d to us. Prompt attentl on to all BanldnK matters en W• B. Murphy----A. Rauz\n --------- H. O. 'huptrine --- V. W. Lebey, V. P. and Caah, A. J. Cohen OeletborpeSa .& Tr. Oo .. U'M J. s. Oollins _______ Carl MendeL _____ J. E.Jaudon ______ _ W • 0. Kight _______ R • M. Mell Jos. A. Logan 38 51 J.E. Jaudon PEOPLES BA15--------•H'10 T. J. KcKllinn,Jr. A. E. Pierce _______ ' A.. E.Pierce ___ J . F. Sullivan ______ . C.Titten .M Gross, C . L. Gros • Peoples aviugs ~~ Loan Co. ''88 o. H. Dorsett - - J. H. Furber ______ I1,w. \V. Sec, and Tr, A. Sec. and A, Tr, 38-58 RealtySav.& Tru tOO,-- •U'l6 W. H. Stillwell ____ C.G. Rowland _____ •wm.C.,...Gilbert,Jr., _ ______________ 38-55 1 _ .:,ec. and Tr.  •MERCANTILE BANK &TRUST COMPAJIY+38-56.---•:t:§'17  I  *SAVANNAH B NK  --- -------- ---------  E• M. ,JCHOLS--PAPY -------- C D. THOMPSON I. BELL--------M. W. F. McCAULEY •• C. THORPEJ. H. CIURTIIEY . W. OLIDGE A. Cash.  Account• ef Banks, Bankeral Merchant■ , and CorporatlOIH ■oUcJtecl. Unetaualed facll tlea for makbls collect! ODS. . 8e...!_ ea~ Oil_ma~f Georsla. _ _ _ ~--Savannah OleariDlr Bouse----- G. L. Groover _____ /Courtney Thorpe. C. .A. McCarthy, Tr. and Su. 1 • • • <.Jf.ttJ\bfJ!'• indicated b:&1 a*) .:wi. . .. -. . . .- • -  & TR UST Co • •t§ '69 • 38 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  I---------  *CHATHAM BANK " TRUST  g  CAsH  j- ------  111111  200,000  397,000 5,000,000  7,000,000  --------  7;j0,000  150,000  I  1  2,513,360  132,880 lrvinl? N.,N.Y.: Fulton  '.,AU.  147,000 Chatham ..,. Phenix N .. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; Barnett ·., Jacksonville. 265,170 N.Parkand Bkr . Tr. Oo., N. Y.: P1lil. N .• Phil.:N. Union Bk.of lld .. 8alt 5-15,4 0 EQuitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Interstate Tr. & Bke. Co .. N. O.; Citiz. & Southern and Liberty Bk. & 'l'r. , Co., Savan. 120,000 N. Park, N. Bk. Com.,Am. E.·, N .. ~ech. & Meta.Is . . .. and Bk. «;>f the Manhattan Co .• N. Y.: Phil. N. and 4th St. N .. Phil. 482,500 Han. N .. N. Y.: )ford1. N .. Bait.: 1st N .. Phil.: Interstate Tr.& Bke-. Co .• N.O.  510,830  2,110,940  406,510  300,000  51,290  052,710  ----------  1,647,850  254,090  32,200,  183,120 N. Park, ·. Y.  250,000  247,520 1,4 1,490  -----  1,202,570  583,410  76,780  120,360 Mech. & Metals '. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y .; Hibernia, Savan.  -----439,160 --·-------  1.987,760  169,500  20,000  649,850  t:,,430  9,530  276.550  11,900 ------  225,660 Mech. & Metals N. and Harriman ., N. Y.: 4th N., Macon. 13,G00 Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co., Citiz. &Southern, Com'!, and Am. Bk. &Tr. Co., 13,070 ..,avan.  300,000  100,000  95,530  2,007,590  120,000  43,120  61,000  7,360  700,000  -,--  --  186,430 --- ---  - -  931,210 4,296,320  ----- ----  '  11 -  6·344 '640  839,510  763•940 -  256,7301  l 346 350 802180 ' ' ' _,_ -  -- - ___ -;:--------- --------- ----------1--------  Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Girard N., Pbll.; Lowry N •• 4cth N., and Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl.  Q tx:I 0 ~  Q  > ~ Z  ~ (I)  I  (I)  D>  : ::, ::l P>  ::r  • ---•· •- •L- ~ ..-  ,.,._n•I~ 'NnmbM a:riv1111  NIUDM uder Nam"' nr n ... ., ;•• ll'r n~H  nos ·&.  111nh1>r .,; " '  Number ande, Name or Bank i the cw 'lnnsU. Num~er given to each bank in u. 8. exclo 5 lvelf by The Ra nd -McNally Banker• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A •n.  l  N..ura or BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. •.Mem. J.m. Bks ..A.ssn. i6~te •County Seats. Entire state in 'o. 6 tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPnv. [E tab:I Federal Reserve Di trict. ~_2!em. Fed. He.: ---•  ---  PRJ:SIDUT.  VICJ:-PR:Jr.SIDJ:NT. · - -- -  CASBIJ:R.  I  --  I  - -  Non•Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (In•I dexed Acces.), La,~yers, Laws (lndexod) in bark of this w F or _I n t eres t _Rate:, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ 1 vo ume. _ _ ____ _ .PKINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. REsouac~ · LU.l3.!!£!.!~ n... . o..... ·•· 1 ASS'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SUBPLU8 1 D-Po~ Lo,..... n , Bo .,,._ ... AND c~, ITS Cil'ITA.L PBonTs •  GEORGIA-Continued  I  ---- --- -  S  .••••••tl'121 E. H. Hermann •••• ) . T. Elder ··---· H. G. McAllister -- · - - · - - - - - · Scotland ••••. Telfair G 7 Bank or 8cotland 64 842 · POD. 327 Co .••••••• 1'06 1L. 0. Benton·-··-· 9. W. Brown-····- R.R. Teagle .•••••. ··-··-·---·--·--lcott ...... _.Jobnson GS Scott Bankini 64· 70II • H. Lrnch Pop. 400 lenoia .... OowetaD5 Farmers & Merch. Bk .•• il'89 R. L. .Rardy .• _ _ C. C. McKni2hL. __ H.G. Hutchinson •• P. E.ArnalL •• ___ _ L. L. Hutchinson 64·3117 ··Pop. 906  25,000  s  -- -  a::,,:•:~  -- --- --- • -  15,ooo 1s 100,000 Is  90,000  s  l  73,500  45,000 , Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern . . and 4th N., Macon. 6,000 Han. N ., N. Y.: Chatham Bk. & Tr. co., savan.· ' 1st N. Bk., D ublin.  I  15,000  8,000  54.000  50,000  67,000  780,000  500.000  250,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. and Atl.; 4th N.. Macon.  am Martin·-··--·- J. H. Nations·--· · · --·-·-·  5,500  200,000  110,000  145,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., At!. 4th N., Maron.  16,500  30,000  48,000  25.000  20,000  86,760  172,000  8,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Macon N., Macon; Citiz. & 0 ~ Southern, At!.  M. B. Perry .••••.• - - · - - · · - · - · -  30,000  2,330  65,710  63,770  25,520 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; 4th !)> N., Macon.  Sharon .... Taliaferro G 4 Bank of Sharon-•• ---···••04 G. N. Wrirht--- J. A. Kendrick •••• o. G. Stone-·-· ···---·----· M-71& Pop. 282 Sharpsbure •.• Ooweta 05 Sharpsburr Bankinr Oo,.1'11 J. R. Oole---·-····· w. L. McLean ••. -- W. L. Mc!A:lan _____ ·······-·-··-·  15,000  33,000  69,000  112,000  15,000  11,350  27,500  29,000  w. Walker-·-·-  60,000  22,300  118.030  287,960  36.570 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N .. At!.  J. ll. Wooten •••-- T. R. Arthur--··· J. G. Thompson .•••  25,000  27,000  120.000  110,000  35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Fulton N., Atl.  W. M. Reynolds .•. - - - - · - - - - ·  15,000  15,000  128,000  71,500  65,000 N. Park, N. Y.  A. P. Lane •• ------· R. E. Dean·--·-···  25,000  U,090  75,000  89,500  J. D. Corn · ···-·· ··---·--·--··-·-·  16,300  10.000  200,000  180,000  15,600 N. Park. N. Y.: Plan., Americus; At!. N., Atl.; 0. l"fDa w on ~·.,Da wson. 0 40,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, At!.  H. L. Rowe·-····· B. A. Olel?e .••••••.  75,000  49,500  271,000  448,000  B. P. Loyd •••.•••.• ······-·--··-----·  50,000  30,560  203,130  256,190  Redwine Brothers, Bankers W.W. Redwine ••. H, P. Redwine .•-. c. D. Redwine t'l8 64·900  lnflle .. Poi,:i~ilcox E 8 Walton Bro:~ tnkers.:tt'OII J.B. Walton_.__ A. E. Walton--··· J. A. Thurston •••• -··---·-·-·-·· 7 Shady Dale ••• Jasper E 5 Bank of Shady Dale--.1'07 L. O. Benton •••••• W.  M-712  Pop. 28!  Oitizens Bank ··--·-··§'20 D. N. Harvey•••••61·998  J. Tucter.·-··· T. c. Tucker--·--· J. R. Iver ••.••••••  w. W. Perry ___  64·801  POD, 170  w. R. Ourry ••••-I Shellman Bankinr Oo .•.:U·IJO w. J. Oliver ••• _ ..... 64-408  Shellman •.. Randolph O 8 First National Bank •• •UOOO M-409 Pop, 1074  H.  o. Orittenden-.  J. N. Clements •... J.  .  I  6,910 Han. N., N. Y .; 4th N .. Macon.  0 t:r:l  e  36.000 ChaseN., N. Y.; N.Bk.ot-Wilkes, Wash.  t:t:!  22,000 N. City, N. Y.; Lowr:r N., Atl.  z>  -  ~  ig> o  r+  ooam ....-..-Greene 11' 4  Bank of Siloam •• ----*1'04 John Y. Bold8D-- J.B. Dolvin.. ••- M·71' Pop. 2-13 Smfthvflle.---·--Lee D 8 Bank of 8mithville ••••• •H'03 w. L. Childers •..•• J. n. Fite·-··--·--M·715 Pop. 761 Sm:rrna •• ·--··· ~Cobb C 4 Bank of Bm:rrna ••••••• •:tl'll J. G. Morris.---·· J. N. Brawner .• - •• 64-·716 PO'P. 791 octal Circle •• Walton E 4 Bank ot Social Oircle ••• *1'92 o . .i: • Stanton. ···- l l- N. B. Spence •••• 64·320 Pop. 17 1 Walton County Bank -•*1'05 J. L. Newton-- 1W. H. Stanton .• - •• I M-321 ... operton ·--·Treutlen Bank of Soperton •••• --:i1·oa N. L. GilliB - - - - IJ. B. o·conuer._._ tJ. E. llall M-497 G7 Pop. 1033 Peoples Banlc .• -•--·•1'06 W. T, M:cCrimmon. n. A. Rowe •••..••• .. ····-.. 64-498 1)6rks ... -••-- Cook F 9 Bank of S'Parks.·-·--·•tl'lO B. G. Ethridee •.••• J. S. immons • .•.• M·717 Pop. i92 • p1rta ••••• Bancock G 5 Bank of 8parta •••• - ••• H'04 Robert Holmes···- ·--····-···-···-·· M-300 Pop. I 95 First National Bank •••••1'04 , Rober\ Holmes •• __ n. Ohlman _ _ _ .. 64·299 Savin~s Buik •• •W08 L. C, .lillor• ••••••• R. E. Wheeler .•• -. .. --·-···· .. o. 8. Dunan 64-301 prineneld ••• EfflnehAm Kxchanae Bank ••••••••• U'08 J. W. Reiser .••••• J. ll. Gnann ••••••• , 64·719 J 7 Pop. 377  25,000  28.000  450,000  250,000  15,000  11,500  205,000  160,000  B. F. Gary·-·--·-- T. M. Purdom ••••••  25,000  5,500 1 160,000  165,000  J. D. Burnett..•••• --------·--·· --  25,000  2,430 1  231,370 '  15,000  25,000  7.810  299,060  a. F. Reiser·-··--  15,120  4,000  120,000 I 103,000  15,000  9,500  125.000  75,000  110,000  500,000 t 500 000  100,000  145,000  800,000  765,000  50,000  70.000  800,000  600,000  --····-··-·-··---·- ,  Isl nd Tu nk_··----•U'Ol R.11'. Dona.ldson ••• .J. • Hratinl'II.-- J .G. Wat on--·- - - ---·--···-··· , , . r,. ;iloon~ M-288  38,320 Irving N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern avan. and I Atl.; 4th N., :Macon: N. Rx .. Augusta. 130,000 Mech. & Metals .1. .,N. Y.; Ga. R.R. Augusta: I Atl. N., Atl. 69,390 1Han. N .. N. Y. ; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta; 4th N .. Atl. 30,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Citiz & outh• ...., ern,Savan.  ::::~::1 300,000  50.000  I  3  I  I  pleton_Jetrnr on II 5 Bank of tapleton •••••• •S'06 11David Denton ••.•. IJames Stapleton .•. J.C. Kih?ore -··-·· Mamie Rooks .•.••• I 1 M-718 Pop. 410 tate boro _.Bulloch 17 , Bank of Statesboro--.•U'94 S. O.Groover __ •• F.. L. mith •••• •..• J. o. Johnston •• _. - - · - · - · · - - - · 1 M-237 Pop. a 01 B'irst National Bank •••• •:•03 Brooks Simmons •. F. 'I'. Lanior ••. •••• 1W . • LJohns 111 . - •• L. E. Brannen . •.•. '.E.Groover,l'.P. W.S,Preetorius I 64·239 Number o~der Name of Bank is the New Transit Number pveu Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  225,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Savan. ~ O Fulton N .. Atl. : 1st N .. Dublin. 55,000 Han, N, , N. Y. , 1st N., Dublin; Citiz. & South• ern, Atl. 25,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N .• Jacksonville. Fla.  J.E. Hall.••••••••• I. H. Hall, Jr .•.••-.  ~I. G. Pcund- - -·-·· ·-···-···--·----··· •  262,560 I  I  ::s  36,000 N. City, N. Y.; Lowry N., A.ti.: Citiz. & ~ Ill Southern, Savan. ~ 27,430 Han. N .• N. Y.; 4thN.,Atl.  R. E. Ward.·-····- -···----·-····--·  H. L. Middlebrooks M. E; Morris--··--  iii'  Ill  ::, c::: 120,000 N. City, N. Y.: Oitlz. & Southern, Savan.; At!. Ill l .,Atl. 185,000 Chase N . , N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.;1~ _ Hh ~· .. A tl . 25.000 N. Park, N. Y .; Citiz. & Sou them. Au~usta.  115,000  '<  360,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Clla tllam Bk. & 'l'r. Co., ~ Sa van.: Citiz. & South ern, Atl.  ~  ·on-Bank Town  with Nearest Banking Point (In·nnova.n  in  ho,...l- n.f'.  hi ...~  Numba ander Name of Bank la New Tranllt Namt"  Non-Bank Towns  with Nearest Banking Point (ln09 to eaoh bank in U. 8. uclualvelJ' by The Band•MeN~ 8 era• GEORGIA C t" d de.,:ed Acee.), Lawyer, Laws (Indexed) In back of thi '2=;::=:==Dlreeto=::::::=ry==•=•=n~d.::er=&h===e:::::::a=u::::&h=o=rl-=ty====o=f=Th=•=Am=erl==ean==Ba=nk=en==A::;::sa =•n=.====--========:;==0=0=1=0=U=C=;:==:::;::==========v= -o::::..lume. For !ntere t Rates_, _ff()!.!_<!~Ys,_e~ e Laws. ~ TOWN A.ND OOUNTY.  ~Tu  NAME OJ!' BANK.  s  RESOURCES.  l  toua&D,..  ITS  C  PRINOIPA.-L CORRESPONDENTS.--  ~- --- -- --  UR1:LU8j DEPOS-  CAPITAL PB~t~Ts  P-l  C••u & Ex-  "'1  c ~ , ~~~"~:·~,: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~  '.,<  -  40,000 $ 20,000  210,000/ $ 125,000  $  J. F. Holden _______ W. F. Adkins _____ :M. 0. Hollis _______ -----------------  15,000  16,000  105,0001 114,000  17,700 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.: ~?. Bk. of Athens. Athen .  J. N. Youmans --- C. W. Perkins _____ W.R. Holder ______ C. C. Dekle ______ _  25,000  5,000  200,000  175,000  60,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; Sann. Bk.& Tr. Co .. Savan.  ,-  ot Statham ----•*1'04 L. 0. Benton----- O. B. Chambers __ B. H. Grant____ _ H-721  Stephens _orlethorpe F 4 Bank ot Stephens ____ t§'n Pov. 300 M-808 8tillmore ___ Emanuel H 7 Farmers Bxchange Bk,-t '10 Pop. 916 M-467 Planters Bank-------- 1'19 M-983 •St. Marys __ Camden I 10 Bank ot Camden Co. ----H'll Pop. 1000 114-801 8tockbrid£8-- Henry D 4 Bank ot Stockbridre -•il'OG Pop. 386 114-728 Stone Mountain __ Dekalb Granite Bank.---------•:1'11 Pop. 1266 D4 54-785  PAID-UP  -  ,-  lUatham -----Barrow E 4 Bank Pop. 720  ------,LIABILITJ  •Count:, Seats. •Kem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState Entire State in No. 6 iKem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. PRDIDUT. VICE-PRESIDENT. OA.SBlll. ASS'T CASHIER. ~deral Reserve District. +.Yem. Fed. Res. [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ________  J. N. Youmans -  o. w. Perkin  --------------------  j  50,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N., AU.  15,000 - - -  86,470 1  123,760  15,290 Han. N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., avan.  J. F. Hurhes _________________________ _  15,000  10,430  80,600  108,450  15,520 Han. N .. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Brunswick, Bruns- ,..... wick; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; 4th N,, ti. ~  J. D. Bowen------- W.W. Wan:t _______ O. )(. Power ______________________ ___ _ S. c. Williams  60,000  30,000  400.000  375,000,  J. S. McCurdy _____ V. R. Williams ___ Dean Rhode ______ ____________ ________ .  15,000  24,000  168,000,  213,000  Stone lloun~n ¥&nt __ .i5•05 J.B. Mccurdy---- J. J. Griffin------ E. A. Graham ______ .A. Mccurdy_______ .,..-72'" StovaJL_Meriwether C 5 tovall Bankinr Co, ____ it·I6 J. Cal Harman _____ ChaE. c. Harman __ R.H. Watson______ ____________________ Pop. 100 64-93'  15,000  20,000  85,000  120,000  25,000  13,120  35,520  J. S. N. Davis _____ J.  - - A. E. Ree~e _________________________ I  c. Buie------  ~l  Summlt-----Emanuel Hf! Pop. i:;01 urrency ____ ,Applinr H 8 Pop. !133 nwanc, ___ Gwinnett E3 Pop. 246 in boro ____ Emanuel Pop. 157 H fl  Peoples Bank---------•H'04 J. .l. Jones ________ B. L. Rountree ____ 6'-721  Bank or Sur!Ae_n s?-------tl'l2 .,. 8Dank of Suwanee-----*1'12 114-727 Bank of EmanueL _____ i5•05 M-855 Central §'20  Ba~l='iois_______  s. J. Flanders ___ c. L. Gruver_______  _____________________________________________ H.  o. Robinson ____  1  1  75,050  J. L. Carmichael_ Jesse Thompson. __ J. G. Ma on·------ A.  s. Bradley______ c. Branan ____  w. H. Proctor _____  A. K. Rountree ____ I  R.  w. w. Flander·...  . Flanders----  Frank :Mitchell ____ Otis G. Price ______  25,000 Mech. & lletals N .• N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.: 4th ... Iacon. 1.570 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp,, At!.: 4th N ., lacon.  > z ml  8118 L-6 ~·ational Bank of Sylvania P.R. Kittles _____ A. R. Roberts •:'16  H B Lynch . ---- . . -------  :r.  Dixon _________ _  I  250,000  50,000 1st N., Chattanooea and Rome, Ga.; 3d  30,000  33,420  384,500  383,300  01.110 N. Park, N.Y.: 1st N .• Ohattanoora: 4th N., At!. VJ  25.000  12,500  236,000  236,000  80,000 Ohase N .• N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: 4th '., !aeon.: Atl. ., At!.  At!.  •• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MERCH. BAH D. H. Powell _______ G. W. Price ________ H. O. Camp ________ J. L. Tison.--------  v•-77 8  •••11  50,000  7,500  375,000  175,0ool  H-338  I  24,100  32,000  262,000  H9,GOO  10,000  10,000  11,520  30,000  15,000 ----Q,000 25,000  55,000'  12,500  725,000;  25,000  34,000 110,000  90,000 I  l  I  42,000  10,000  310,000  50,ooo  23,270  148,720:  8aTe time and get aenlce on Col lectlons and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng l'BBL IN ADVANCE: Plain•i11ht draft•, ISc; Credit Report•. SOc. TR YUS. B- draft, s(ven prompt attention and Instructions complied with.  __ .......  ylvester Ba n~ in 2 Co,-•:1'98 T. O. Jeffords ____ c. W. Hillhouse --IJ. H. Westberry ___ M. H. Westberry__ 64 - 0 37 O. H. Straneward C. H. Reynolds  r+  llJ  3  •  o  125,00J N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; At!. N .. Atl.: 4th N .. :Macon. 25,000 --------- -------- -·------- --------- ~?.Park. . Y.; Citiz. & Southern. 'avan. ~  J. W. Sprinr  E. M. JOHISOI-- J. D. HILL ________ I. M. SHIVER------: C. H. HILLHOUSE--  FIR ST NATIONAL BAlll.•i·oz  i»  v Bku. Co., Bax fo11. Ga.) N. Park, N. Y.: Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.: :T  125,000  142,000 Chase N ., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. and N • Bk. of Savan., Savan.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp .. Atl. 21,520 4th N., Atl.: 1st N .. Madison. 24,600' frvinl! Tr. Co.: N. Y.: 4th ~T., :Maron; Citiz. c· southern, At!. 20,000 Mech. & .Metals T., N. Y.; C1tiz. & Southern, At!.: 4th ... Macon. 200.000 Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  I  JA  ~  00.000  I  •Sylvester---- Worth E 8 FARMERS Pop. 1547  N-1  25,000  I  1  § _,,,  20,400  (Branch of Baxle I  words ______ ;:!organ F 5 J.B. Swords Bank _______ t'l4 J.B. Swords ________________________ L. c. Swords ______ J, H. Cochran ____ _ Pop. 13ti 64--4)49 Sycamore ____ Turner E 8 Exchange Bank __________ f'l8 0. W. Smith _______ \V. H. Hay _________ c. P. Kemp ________ )1. :\1. Henderson_ Pop. 562 64-962 Planters ~~~ ------•*1'14 C.T.Maddux ___ B. E. Smith ________ A. J. Biles ___________________________ _ 64-931  22,0001 N. Park, N. Y.; Lowry N .• At!.; Ga. N. Athens.  N. Bk. of Brunswick. Brunswick. ________________________ J.J.Lowe ____________________________ (Branch of Bank of Rufo rd,Bufo rd.Ga.) 4thN.,Atl.  Citizens Bank ---------*11900 J. A.. Coleman _____ F. 64-855  • ylvania ___ Screven Pop. 1413  ~  I  1  •BummerviJle ____ Qhat·ra Bank or Oommerce ----•H"91 o. 0. Olerhorn _____ E. N. llartin _______ N. K. Bittinr _____ J. s. OJei:horn _____ Pop. 1003 3 84-462 " " Ohattoora Bk.-•H'06 John D. Taylor. ___ ------------------- B. w. Farrar _______ Rol!Cr Ea tman---  O  115,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Lowry N. and 4th N .. Atl.  100,000  ._  ~  51.130!'  I  250,960  95,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Savan; 4th N .. Macon.  345,560  23,610 Ga. N .. Alb.; Atlantic N ., Jacksonville; Hiber nia, Savan.  < C'D  rJJ  ;"1  _  210  . . .1r ;.  -•  +h ..  N w Transit Number given  Num'ber under Name of . .nk is the New Tnn11t Number ,:iv n to each bank iD U. B. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Banker ' Dlrectel'f, under the authority of The American Bankers As •n.  - -----= TOWN AND OOUNTT. •Oou.ty  s  t  - -=-=- - - -  - --::;:::=:..... ~ - • NAME OP BANK. •Mem. A.m. Bk:s. A SD, IS~te PIJ:SIDJCNT.  Entire State in No. 6 Ulem. State Bks ...tssn. t Pnv. [ E tah. Federal l!,_~istrict. ♦?liew. Fed. Res.  =----  Non-Bank Town  GEORGIA-Continued . . - - ------==-- -- ...:=:==- -  VICE-PRESIDENT.  0A.SHlSR.  ASS'T OASBIJCK. •  RKSOURCES.~--I LIABILITIES. 1 Dm;o&- l.oAN6 J>sa.  o..,,.-.,-;;  PAID-;;SUBPLU&'JUL PR~~TS  with  •~":'•  l'N  ...  eare t B nklng Point (In•  dexed Acces.), Lawyer , Law. <indexed) in back of th! !Olume. ~!_!ntere~l_!at':_, Hol!d_!IYs,_etr., s c I, , .  _____ _  N  :,  0  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS  ~~•~!:9  -----11-------1------- - - - --- - - - ~-- - - - - ----  •'l'all>otton •••• Talbot D 6 Bank of Talbotton ••••• •U'06 R. G. Jordan •••••• A. J. Perryman •••• J. W. Jordan •••••• .r. IL la hone •••• ... Maxwell 64-393 Pop.10!!3 I Peoples Bank--········-U'Sl T. H. Persons-·-·· R.R . .Mathews••••• A. P. Persons-··- Fannie Mahone_ •• _ I 64-392  25,000 S 20,000 $ 24ii,0O0 $ 232,500  42,500 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. Uitl;,:, .' er11;. a\'an.  "',l)Ut}J  2~00  28,640  m,690  146,690  47,340 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern aud 4tb N., Macon.  W.W. HEATON._ :J.C. TUMLIN •••• -- J.E. DAVIS----···- J. D. WHELCHEL--  2-5,000  50,000  290,000  308,000  27,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Fulton .1.'., At!.  lJ;!~l Bank•U-08 W. \Y. Summerlin. G. B. E\'ans ••••••• G. W. Tatum •••••• F .• L William_____  25,000  7,500  110,000:  173,000  21,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., At!.; 4th r., .. 1acon.  Haralson B 4 BANK OF TALLAPOOSA•U'08 Collectfon11ent u1 wlO reeelve pr ompf attention a nd are remitted .La11 apoosa. ~ on da7 of pa7 ment. 64 - 268 { Your buslnee1 o n Tallapoosa and accessible te'Wlls solicited. Pop. 2718  m.  Farmers&  TalmO--····.racko;on E 3 Murphy Bank -····--·-··t·20 T. W, durphy & OD 64-1006 Pop,125  A. ,J.  urphy ••••• ·--··---······--·--· ·-·-·····--···-----· ···-···-· ··--·····  ·--- -··-- ---- ·--·- Citil.. & outhern .. Atl.; 1st N. ann Oainos. \'ille N ., Haine. Yillc.  Tarrytown. }Iontiomery Bank of Tarrytown--·· t'l7 J. T. Warnock __ ········-··--··-·-·· C.H. Branch •••••• ··········-········· ·----·-·· -------·6-t-778 c;.7 Pop. 2711  'l'aylorsville .. BartowB8 :Bank of Ta:rlorsville •• _•u·os W. F. Gaston ...... J. I. Harris--···· W. M. Dorsey ••••• -···--··--·-·-····-· 6t-729 Pop. 258 Temple ••••••• Oarroll B 4 Farmers State Bank ••••• 1'13 W. L. Ste.adham ••• O. o. KinneY---·-- J. G. mith ····-· _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Adams, Jr. 64-875 Pep. 621  25,000  19,850  137,850  158,780  22,520 Mech. & Metals N .• N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl,  15,000  9,500  75,000  125,000  15.000 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; At!. N., Atl.  s. Dobbs----····  45,000  20,000  175.000  280,000  Tennille ••••• Wash'n G ft Farmers & .Merch. Bk .• 1'114 H. M. Franklin •••• Robert Davis •••••• Paul heppanl •.•• H. O, Gilbert.. ___ • 64-315 Pop. 176 Peoples Exchanie Bk .•• U'09 H. M. Bashinski ••• G. H. Wood-···-·- • L. H. Ledford··-·· ---··--········ " I. ~\. Smith 64-317  25,000  8,000  224,700  103,860  30,000  34,660  279,650  125,310  D. E. McMASTER J. L. KELLEY·-·--· ' H. L. SHANNON·--- ·--- -·-······----·-·  30,000  71,000  530,000  443,000  z. 'r.  ~~i0oo .••••U·os w. L. Kinney ••••• G. 'r. Williams ••••• 8  Temple Ban  TENNILLE BANKING CO. 64-316  •Ull>OO  L. F. West. •••••••• J. 1  l  toe should he 1e nt with each Sigh t Draft for presen tatlon and 26c for each report. HONOR ROLL BANK,  25,000  5,000  50,000  25,000  18,630  182,500'  12,000 N. Park, N. Y.; At!. N., Atl.  90,000  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  >  ◄  tn  z  406,5701  69,000  50,000  ,v..I. nowl'n, .Ir ••  C/J  1  so.ooe r,.;o,ooo  50,000  1  soo.000  i-i  3  482,640  i 100,000  0  27,170 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Lowry N. and Atl. ., Atl.: ::r o Citiz. & Southern. Savan. and lacon. 78,460 Han. N .• N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern and Atl. ., n> At!.; 4th N .• Macon.  284.970  I  .o'l'ltom·1 ville- •• Thomas E 10 Pop. 819  J. T. Culpepper ••• J. H. MerrilL ___ •  >  -  )  :J  I  •U-91  r,  rl-  64-310 Farmers & Merch. Bk .•• U'D3 J. T. Barron •• - •• W. O. Britt. ••••••• J. A. Waller·-···-- J, M. Middlebrooks, Jr. 6,&-308 Upson Bkc. & Trust Oo. S. Y, Pruit'--··-- R. E. Ohatfteld ••••• L. P. Davis··--- Albert Jackson •••• E. D. Wallace •tll900 64-8011  t Oo.  O  :::0 0  @ I  Special attenflo n given Bill or La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items.  t Bank of Thomaston •••••tl'IO W. Y. Daniel.. •••• 0. W. Williams .... G. G. Kine- -- ·-·· •. ·----·- •••. ·-· .••.  Oitizens Bkc. & Tru 64-122  tj )  3::;,000 N. Park, N. Y.: At!. N. and Citlz. & Southern, Atl.: 4th N .. Macon. 43,730 Han. N .. N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co .. avan.: . . i-i A'!. N., AU.: 4th N., ~aeon_. 216,310 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hlberma, Savan.; 01hz. D> _ & Southern. Macon, Atl. and Augu ·ta. 00 200.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Sa.van.: rlr"f' : 4th N., Macon. C:ent. Bk. & 'l'r. Of!),, 11. 0  I  •Thomaston ••• Upson D Pop. 2502 " "  )  ~  !:.  7b7,000  190,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, ~ Savan. and At!.: 1st 1 •• Phil.  500,000  125.000 Ohase N., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., avan.: Citiz. & Southern. At!.  I  W. H. ROCKWELL .. W. H. BRANDON ... -W. S. AIIDERSON .........---·--·--· of P yment. remitted on Collections a specialty FIRST NATI BANK entru ted te attention to •i·s1 nd  ISC- 110  all b nldnc matters  Prompt  .._  108,000  day  80,900  -  _  353,400  ,-  486,000  us.  -  88,500 Imp.& Tra. N .• N. Y.; 4th N., AU.; CIUz. ~ & outhern, Savan. C  0) "'1  '< Orlethorpet.~iztTr.Oo.1'87  ··------------1·--·---······-··-·· . w. Flemine--. ·-··-···-···-·-·· (Branch  I  Peoi,les avlne Ban· •• tl'06 T. J. Ball·---·---· J . .B'. Evan•--··--- R. J. I 64-123  cClenny ••• ····---·-···--··  of Savannah,  25,000  16,350  213,990  l! Ga.) 1  202,960  61,880 Han. N ••  . Y.; Lowry • r •• A ti.  • on-Bank 'l'own  GEORGIA-Continued  '\\Ith Neare. t Banking Point  -  '°  h.)  (ln•  dex ·d Acee·.), Lawyers, Laws (index d) in back of thl :fi'or Interest Rates. B0Uda1· , et· .• ~ •o La ·  ~  ll>  211  umber under ame of Bank is the ew Transit Number given to each bank in U.S. e clu Ivel)' by The Rand-McNaDy Banker' .-•n. Directory, under the authority of The merlcan Bankers  L~w~ S  I  NAME OF BANK.  Am. BB~; AAssn. §t.P~te :.M + em. tate ....s. ssn. nv.  VICE-PRE 'IDE."T. ,  PRESIDE. "T,  m.  +Yem.Fed. Res.  on•Bank Town \\Ith Nearest Banking Potnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer, Laws (indexed) in IJack of thi ';;' ___vol~me. For =-• ~t~res~~~~~llda;rs, etc., ~eo  GEORGIA-Continued  [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  _____  !">O,~,$  •'.rltom~on __ McDuffleG 5 Bu.k of Thomson.--.-•U'Ql J.E. Wilkerson_._ J. R. ~:tuP-·--·- H. A.. BurDside_ •. E. C. Hawes-··-·--$ '4-263 Pop. 2140 90,000 :Virst National Bank ••• -•:·02 B. F. Johnson ___ P. A. Bowden ___ ·-,G, W. Jordan·--··· J. 0. Shields._ •• __ 1· 14-264 25,000 Bank----·--·t1'06 Thos. E. Watson •• Welcome Fannin~- E. M. Miles •• ___ C. P. Watson 64-265  -·-I  Thomso CiJr-9fs'nk •• -•t '15 J. T. Neal--····- Jas. E. Wilson ___ J. T. Neal, Jr·--·-- - - - - - - - , •TiftonPoi-soo5TiftF II  BANK  OF TIFTON{"· H. ~IFT ····-··- w. ~.BfAlE\-·- ----,B, H. McLEOD---··-- J. F. NeSMITH ···--M-247  •tl'96  co •••• Stephens Pop.  567  --------------------! S, A, Wa,e........ , F. s, Fodson ..... ------·-1  Peoples - ~ - : - . I' 14  25,000 1  26,020  148,470  1 8,290 1  10,0001  H0,000  90,000  100,0001 200,000 1,500,000 1,400,000  8,9-10 Han. N .• N. Y.: Ga. R. R .• Aue-usta: Atl.  ti .• ·.,  20,000 N, Pa<k, N, Y,  Q  400,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern . .Atl.  ti:l 0  id  100.000  5(1,000  10uoo  823,740  640,360  141.8-10  3:12,830  13,430 Han. N .. N. Y.; .\ft•rch. N .• Bait.: Lowry Atl.; N. Rk. or Wilkes. Was11., Ga. 2,820 J!'ul!on X .• \ti.; ~'.ilk.of\ 'ilke , \\'a ·h.  i-i  5  12,570  175,000  275.000  25,000 N. City, N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.; Ga. N., Athen . ~  50,000 Special attenUo n pven Bill of L adlns Drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. Proper fee 1bou Id accompaDJ' Sic bi Drafts.  1 .000  275,000  340,000  40,000 N.Park, N. Y.:_Atl. N .. Atl.;Ga .• ~., Ath ns.  l  l:r.  lW. A. Hall--···  E. o. Teastey ••••••  o. A. Teasley --··-  B. Ohambers ••••  25,000  16,500  C. B. Oa erton -··- 1W. I. Bennett-···- W.R. Williams •• __  25,000  Z0,820  --···---------··--1  J.M. Livsey-···-- L. S. Burns-······G. H. Urquhart ___ - - · · - - · - - - -·-----------··  ::,  O  1  o·::J  95,000  117,000'  17,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Oitiz. & Southern, Savan.: ::J ~ 4th N., Macon.  175,850I  199,270  21,210 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N ChattanOOg'a,  15,000  1,2001  39,000  40,000  15,000,  19,550  155,000  152,000  ·-·- ·--· -··- -·-···-- ---· --·-·-·--··-···- J. E . .\f cEiwaney __ (Brnncli of Se,ioi n, Ga. J  I  14,000 N. City,  9.  ::J  . Y.; Lowry N., Atl.  r-i'  28,000 Mech.&MetalsN .. N. Y.; 4th.• .. Atl.  -------· - - - - ·  1  7 IAII OF IIAIILLA---•U·n W. I. Nichols·-·- J. R. Barfield····- - A. R. Ware ··-···· T. E. Woodrutr ·---  50,000  ~  11,500  120,000  112.500  21,850 Han. N.. N. Y.: Bk. of Tifton, Tifton; 4th N., Atl.  25,000  286,000:  287,oool  62,000 Ban- N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp .. Atl., , 4th N .. Macon.  7,630  105,03()1  120.120  70,000  90,000  29,040 N. Park, N. T.; Ciiiz. & Southern. aeon.;' Fulton N., Atl. 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Ga. N .. Athens; Ga. I{. R., rv Augusta; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 15,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Ga. ~ .. .A then ; Ga, R. TL, Au2"usta: Citiz. · Southern, 4tl.  I  o. Grifgs •••••• 1. w. Ivey--······  Commercia~--··-·H'l7 0. A.. Rome ••.• __ W. H. Lamb _____  3  C:  H. E. Stephens·-··  25,000  u~1.feiaL.l'll  lli,860  S::  343,930 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y: Citiz. & outhern, Savao.: ,\ti. ' .. At!.: 4th .. ·., .Jacon.  50,000  c. Edwards··-  I  25,000  15.UOO --·- ••••  Ty TY·---····· Tift EI lluk et T7 Ty ···----•tl'll -,, B. Pickett·-···- H. A. Land-··-·-·- R. . Cornwall-·· C. f. Gay·-·--·--W.R. Park U-7N P••· 403 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  nl!u ta:  At!. ·., At!.  25,000  I  • "6, But of  :3::i,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; Citiz., · :outhern.  10,330 Han. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; Hh .·.,_!aeon.  8  Pe».1126  -150,000  300,000  ~  1~6,250 ~- Park, N. Y.: Ga. R. R .. Au2"usta, Citiz. & ~ .'outhe111, Atl.; 4th _r., Macon.  H7,890  Trion-•• -Ohattoo,:a B Z Bank of Trion •••• ·-·--•U'12 B.D. Riee-el --···· , H-871 Pop. 1r-: 8 'J'ucker •••••• _Dekalb D 4 Bank of Tucker __ • __ §'19 P. K. Burns-······ 64-997 Pop. 175 'J'uriu .. - .. -•0.Ytla O I Tula Bank1nr Oe. --···H'lli, Ed~ar Dominick ___ M-7U PH 239 Tyron,•--··-~ Fayette D 5 Heu wine B~~&f/ Banket~l -·· ···- _ -·· ···-  . ••  r  1  FARMERS I IIEICHAITl l E. E. MITCHELL- CLAUDEBOH ...• _ D. s. WIMMACI-. ····-············· .  Toom boro ••• Willdnson Wilkinson Oounu Bank :1'07 64-71? P' & Pop. 420  Union Pefllt_&H  '<  c'ro. 11o, .. ,. CU.lSGU,DUl! t!scuarn"" no11 B•'""  78,;; $ 6 ll,180 - 6fi7,220 50,000  C::  ~  Ex-  7'.;,000  1  M-711  BANl(. __ 6t-2H-••••• •it·OG  UnadUla •• _•••• D•olJ • Pep. 1103  Dt••1 c ..  6,000  'Jl 2 Bank of Teccc,a __ ···--•tl'll E. Schaefer __ ·--···. W.  ..  ••  1.0 .,e"  Send us your T lfton Items Dbec t. Bill of Lading Draft , Cash and Time Item· rece Ive prompt atten tlon.  ::::1w.  •TO  II  u.  Pm:.CIP ..\L CORRE. PO. DE.·-r,..  REsOURCEs.  Q  J. A.dams ···-·-'Boyce Ficklen, Jr._ o. D. Bolton_ •• _••• L. D. Ware-------Ti •nalL-•••• Wilkes Gt Bank of Tir::: •• ___ M-781 PoP. 6f'>3 Farmer Bank·-·-···-···*'20 J.J. Wilkin~on ___ B. L. Wamsl y. ___ L. n. L Hoy •• --·-···----·-····-·-····" -······· " 64-1010 "  ~,,  I  Of TIFTON  ____ ____  ~  Une1.celled Facl lltles. Uoctern E qufpment. Effie lent ervlce. peclal attentlo n given Bill or La ding Draft , Ca hand Time Item s.  NATIONAL BANK /{'· w. BOWEN •••••• ,r.-ta"ltt"r°lN'c1s .__ M. E. HENDRY ····-· R. M. LANKFORD--·-  "  -  PAID-UP lj SURPLUS I DEPOSITS AND C.-\PITAL PROFITS  Ass'T CARHIER.  CASHIER,  LIABILITIES.  • Manuel, Jr·--·-· C.R. reavY-···-··: R. A. Rhodes_ •• _.  hra:iora Ba:t.f■ ·--·-H'll W. G. Davut . _ B. W. Boyd--·-··- Otis Youne--·-- , _ _ _ _ _ __ T. L. Barnes  50,000  I  13,750 7,500  125,cooll 100,000  1  1a t.h11  J •  • ;  I  :.  I  I  II  • .  • ;  f  I  ;  I  ;.  :  I  I  .  I,  ,~'  I  Tow• .un~ OoUlfTY,  N.uni:  •  . •  I  I  I~  ;.  I~  I  = ' '  'I  I;.  t.,;,  New nan1H Number pnn  ~  I  :  •  I'  :  I  :  I  ;  ti  I  '  ;  I  :.  ~  OP' BANK.  •Mem. Am Hks.Assn. lS t ~te Entire State In o. ~ t)(em, Statt 8'{s,A1sn.tPr1v. Federal ReseruDI tr1ct. ♦ Mem. Ji'ed~.!.!!,tab.  •0eaat7 leatl.  PRESIDENT.  .  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law (indexed) tn tack of this ho:: volume. For Intere t Rates, Holidays, f'tr.., ee La · ,_.  ;. I  •  I  : .:-  GEORGIA-Continued  ' I  •  I  ===z; -  OAl!IBIU. _______  VICE-PRESIDENT.  __  1  ~ a l d a ~ ~ 1 oommercia1 f~~f-······-''l5 - - - - · - - · · · ·--·-·-············· J.B. Brown- .••••• 6 1 235 +••13T • Ms • mi'th, T r .••. · mi'th ····--· J • N, • n r~J•·-------· s · As s ey T rust oo. •···••+• •• Lownlfes ll' 10*Ahl •Valdo. taPop. Bl1t~h 1. J. P. V. Ashley, R. . 114-111 * Poll, 10,783" 1 Bankof\aldosta .••• U20 E.P.Rose.·-··--·· A.L. DaVt·-·-·--·· W.F.Staten .••••• •••••••• " ~filii; 64-!!93 *Citizens Bank ··-·····•*''91 J. II'. Lewis ... ·-··· , T. B. Converse___ R. D. Stevens .•••• ·• ··-····· " G. W. Varn 84-101  q.  b', 1b'.!l'T  _  PAm•UP l ::,--uni·Lus DEPos_I CAl'l'rAL I  - - - ...=:_ - -  --  ;p  LIABILITIES.  ITS A:S D PR0F1~- _ _ _  REsouRcEs. ,.;;:;;;;.: ~ x -  •  j  64-110  ABIAL WINN  -  --  -  ·  llo D. c11.-,, ..,llu1 s.,,uun,1111 ,·ao.. n.-K.  I  •  ~ I ~~  I  ---l . __ ---1  1  ~  456,820 Ohase N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.  120,030 2,001,870 t,973,170  125,000  0  Han•.N., N. Y~; Citlz. & Sou t bern, Savan. t'Ij  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK { •t•eo Collections a sp Ieclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment. 64-107  *Merchants Bank--··--•tl'B8 II. Y. Tillman._. ___ A. Ii. Winn, Jr. ___ IT. I. Denmark ____ • [. H. Tillman_···-E. P., . Denmark 14-lot  to  ~  z 200,000 · 118,200 l 1,624,520 1,588,230 1  -·---1'r.  290.000  70,000 Coal & Iron N .. N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co . .+ ' O Savan.; Fult1Jn .1:· .. AU.; 4th • .• )facon,  *Fir t 'ational B nk--.•:·10 W. 0. Donovan .... J. W. Sharpe •••••. G. S. Rountree •••• T. W. Willet.Jr, ••  35,000  26,500  620,130  648,580  67,440 N. rark, N. Y.; Citiz, & Southern, savan.; 4th ~ .. .Macon.  (JlemlJer, incl teated l111 a*>  'cc.  L. B. Godbee, Tr,_  I  --- ·-·- - - 1- - --15,000  5,290  60,0001  67,450  75,000  25,000  123,000  220,000  Bank ef Vienna ·•-•r-•i1'89 W. 0. Hamilton·- - - - · · · · · · · · · · · W. T. Gilbert, Jr .• ·-·-·---·--···· H-322  50,000  63.050  217,910  230,340  15,000  32.160  Deol:, Savmrs B&nk ...•.•. 05 W. 0. Hamilton •• - ·-··---····-··--··-·  6,-32'  Vienna  tato Bank ••••• t§'D8 \ . P. Heard __ ••.•  o.  I  w. T. Gill crt,  Jr .• · · · - - · - · - · - - -  L. Arnold •••. __ ~. F. Bivin -·-··-- ······-····-·--··-··  U-1121 Villa Rle& •••• Oarroll D 4I Bank or Villa tica •.•• :1·99 W. B. Candler ••••• J. N. Wilson-··-·· S. O. Fielder •••••• R.R. Richardson_ Merchants  • I 64--436 Planters Bank J. M. Moore-···-- J. H. Pope ••••••••• Georie Harper·--- J. W, Hamrick·-·  64-437  •!1'07  Waco •• --.- -Ilar l on B 4 Citiz ns Bank·--··-···-•i§'l4 W.W. Heaton.. • J. W. Word ...••• -. G. L. Jacob ·--···· 64·908 Pop. 333 Wadley ..•. J etrer on H 6 Bank of Wadley -·---- ••il'02 S. O. Evans·-··-·- J. D. Peacock - •••• . . . ♦ 64 30 Pop. 1423 Jeffer on County llank.U'07 G. II. W1lhams •••• R. n. Porter·-···-- \ . C.. larion •.•••• J .•. Hober on 64-431 J.C. Brodnax···Brodnax Banking Co .•• tt'05 . H. Brodnax..... t ' ~ ;. I • f l  64-739 Number under Name of Bank ia the .New Transit Number cinn t.o each bank in U. 8. exclual'fely b:, The aand-HeNall1' Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  16,480 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz.& Southern, Au~usta.  ····---·-·--······  E. I. ~fanning •••• G. E. :\1 cnae H.K. Forr ~ter •.•.  23,930!  65,C60  ~  0 <!  j  T. H. Grerory ••••• J. A. Peavy •••••••• J. ~. Hargrove •••. R. D. Power••••••. merican Banklnl? Corp. WIO 64-125  ~ I).)  aS"  I  1  Vlllette ••• - •••• Burko II 5 Farmers Bank ····-·····''11 L. O. Benton •••.•• - C. I. Belt •.••• _._ J. R. Godbee.-•.. W. C. _JcCarver U-738 Pep. 569  "  40.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern., Savan. ~ and AU.; 4th N., :Macon.  300,000  Vidalia Olearini Hoo!-e •••••• J, E. Schumpert •• ·-·--··-·····-···--- G. S. Rountree,  Pop. 10'7 ••••••••  e_  156,000  11,000  64-~I  "  C: <  ····-···-  50,00J  14-  "  @ I  cArthur .•• - - - · - - · - · - - · J. B. Brewton •.••• H. H. Powell ••.•••  l*Cuizens Bank .•.••••• •U'Ol W. T.  ·---·--  ., '. Y.; Cunt. • Com'!. N., hi.; 207,290 Am: _Ex,. r1tiz. & uuthcrn., Sa van. Atlantic N.,Jack· sonville.  I  Tr ····-···---··--·-----·--··-·-·- I··-······ r. D8enma:.k,; Valdosta Ole&rinr House ••• _ J. Y. Blitch-----·-- R. D. Stevens . ec. a,.... (MtmbtJra indicaud b11 a*) 2,800 182,000 15,000 Vidalia .•••• _Toombs H 7 *Bank of Vidalia -·-···•tl'06 G ... '. a thews •••• E.T. :McBride •••• _ Wm. A. Dickin on. •····-··--···--·· 64-2il7 Pep. 2 60  "  ~ ...._  Prompt attentl on to all banking matters entruste d to us.  •Vienna ••••.•. Doely E 7 Pop. 2019  l"liJ  Ga.)I  J. Y. BLITCH ••••• IT. M. SMITH -······IS.A. SMITH •••• -••• 1........ __ ···-······ I  .,...  P .I UNOIPAL OoRRESPONDnjTs.  - - - - - - - - (Branch of .It. Vernon Bk., Ml. runon, 1~. Bk. com., .i:. Y.; Citiz. & outhern ancl .• Savan.;'., 4t1t~ ville: Jack.. ontaron.l N., Valdosta; Atlantic 12,830 1stSavan.Bk.&Tr.Co $ 619,920 • ~ 3830301 i>, • ~ IQ"780• ,\b'13 lW'inn, s ec .•• •"' 1ooooo<l' Oitiz ..... ontltern. Atl. . '.Y.;Atl.,'.,Atl.;lliberN., 459.900 103,300 1ech.&Metal 490,000 40,000 120,000 J1mT.Blalock._ •• ' nia, Sa van.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. 278.650 Han. N .. N. Y. ; Cont. & com'!, r ., Chi.; .Ierch. 150,000 335,610 1.549,020 2,012,2i0 ·--------I N .. Bait.; 1st N., Phil.  Send us your Valdosta business direct and It will be promptly and carefully attended to.  :l:1'12  -~  Ic:•·  --•r.xcHANGE BANK A. c. MIZELL •••••-- w. ,._ s,Ms·-·-·---· w. o. ROBERTS ••••. --········--·····-·· - - - - - - ~ '~  1[  -  36,500 IHa~ .. N .• N. Y.; Lowry T·• AU.: 4th~·. aud ~ , 01t1z. & Southern, ~lacon. 170,620 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern and 4th N.• Macon. 6,S20 Han.~ .. ~ '. Y.; Bk. or Vienna, Vienna.  25,000 ·····-·· ·-···-·· ···-····· ··-····· N. Park. N. Y. 50,000 75,500 600.000 200,000 N, Park, N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Oorp., Atl.· 500,000 · '4th T. ancl Citiz. & outhern, Iacon. p., 50,000 15,000 N. Oity, N. Y.:4th N., At!. 13,000 120,000 225,000  ::,  15,000  7,030  25,000  2-l.590.  I  !I  30,000  4,000  .  II I  15,000  18. 20  65,630  96.550  c  5,130 Fulton N., Atl.  I),)  1  !'I  I II I  24,700 N. Bk. Com., N.T.; Citiz. & SouthNn, avan.; ~ ~ 4th T., lacon. 78,000 Mech. & Metal: •., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, ~ 8avan.; At!,~· .. At!. ~ 5,4 0 N. Park:, N. Y.; At!. ., .At!.  I  I-'  ·on-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In~1¼- ba~~n ~fn~h!s ~ dexed Ace~.), Lawyers, La'_YS  (in,1~::~)  213  .Number under .Name or Bank ia the .New Tranal& .Number ci"HD to each bank in U. 8. ei:elualYelJ' by Tbe &aad-.HeNallJ' Bankers' Dlree&ory, under the authority of Tbe Amerlean Ban.ken .ua•a.  N .uu: OF HA.NI. \ TOWN ,UUI COUNTY. •Mem.JJn.Bks . .t\.ssn. lState .AQonnty Soat ·. Uilem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Elntire State in No. !I [Estab. Federal Reserve District. \ !'~~m: Fed. Res.  Non-Bank Towns witll Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  GEORGIA - COn t•lnUe d LIABILITIES.  PRESIDENT.  _______  Ass·T CA.SHIER.  OA.SHiltR.  VI~PRESIDENT.  ________ 1  1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITA.L PR~Ts •~ 1  RESOURCES.  '  -  PAID-UP SUBPLus _ D1:P0&-  Lou,& D1a-  l  0  /  c ..... :sz.  PRINCI;AL CORRESPONDENTS.  /  _____  ';:;,..!!..":· ~:':.-!:' _  C:  $1>  ~  :.  £Warrenton .Warren G 5 0itizens Bank ••••••••• •H"OZ C.R. Fitzpatrick •• E. P. Davis ••••• __ R. F. Fowler--···- J. W. Council. .••• $ 50,000 $ 49,430 $ 426,340 $ 409,370 $ 106,410 N. Park, N. Y.; Ga. R.R., Aufusta; Citiz. & ~ 1...,.. Southern, At!. 64-350 Pop. 1407 1 ~1.000 Han. N •. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Au~usta;! 10.000 141,500 111,900 25,000 PLANTERS & MERCH. BANK G. R. Maner- ••••• W.L. Shurley .•••• J. O. Evans. ____ T. W. Youn~...... 1 4th N. and Atl. N., At!. •%1'07 64-351 1  Warthenp.Washine;tonG 5 Farmers &Kerch. Bank.U'!l L. 0, Benton .••••• M. Warthen .••••.• T. W. Benson ••••• -·······-·--··--. 14-82' op. 228  15,000  5,000  150,000  95.000  60,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Atl. N,, Atl.  Warwickp---·- - • Worth D Bank of Wanvick ..... •*I'll A. J. Davis •••••••. A. J. Gaughf ••••.• M. L. Ivey _ _ _ G, H. IveY---······ 64-740 op, 274  25,000  5,000  42,000  75,000  10,000 llech. & Metals N .• N. Y.: Ga. N .. Alb.  .A\Vashi~Jg~ ;rpkes G 4 *Citizens N~~~f:1Bank•i·o7 R . 0. Barksdale ••. E . .A. Barnett__ •• M. H. Barnett. •••• ················--  100,000  60,000  200,000  520,000  *National Bank of Wilkes J . .A. Koss·--·- Boyce Ficklen Sr .• F. H Ficklen •••••• Boyce Ficklen, Jr. •i·os 64-217 *WashinrwnExch.Bk.•!1'89 J. R . .E>yson ····-·- G. Y. Lowe... __ Alexander Irvin •• R. W. Holliday __ ._  50,000  125,930  331,880!  982,000  100,000  60,000  950,000 1,200,000  *Washinrton Ln. & Bkr. Oo. W. T. Johnson •••. T. J. Barksdale •••• T. J. Barksdale ••• _ ·····-······-·-·-··  50,000  70,490  365,040  3  "  -  &4-215  64-211  :1'85  ··--·····--·-· _ __ Washington Clearinf House F.H. Ficklen •••• _ ···---········--· Alexander Irvin, Sec. and Tr. (Members indicaud b11 a*> • • T 37,500 atkmsvllle.OconeeE4 Oconee Oounty Bank .. •U'04 A. W. Ashford-.. J. A. Jones •••••••• C. A. Ashford .•••• _ _ _ _ _ _ 64-741 Pop. 465 40,000 ···---·----··•.•••• DL·son B. T, ---··········-···· ...... Frizzell J.E. :t·oo .... Oo Waverly P!~~l4~crris O 6 Farmers •·······  .A"  B~lf  • \ r.lycro ·-··· Ware Pop. 18,068  D  COMMERCIAL BANK  {LO. BENTON.---··  1'18 64-176 First National Bank ... •i•a4 J. L. Walker .•••••• 64-74 lLahorers Penny Sav. & Loan 0. W. Gaines .••••• " ·--·-··· " Co .•••••• 64-1005 •••••••• t'l8 .A\Vaynesboro •• Burke I 5 Bank of Wa1nesboro-•it•D2 0. W. Skinner ..... 64-222 Pop. 8311 Citizens  rt UfER ........ J. M. NORMAN••.••. -··-··-·-·---··-·1  end U Your Uayeros Items Direct. DIIJ of L adlu11; Drafts, Cash and Time Items Receive prompt and person lal attention.  50,000  !  300,000  18,750  128,310  13,000  300,000  9,000  212,3-10  67,520  B. K. Ohance••• - •• A. J. Herrinrton .• P. C. Kelly •......• ' G. 0. Warnock  50,000  50,000  525,000  535,000  Ba:f_221--.-it·t8 R. 0. Neely·-·---· J. H. Whi~head ••• Henry W. Blount.. -·-···-···-·····-·-  25,000  50,000 I 618.470  493.740  191,110 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 4th N., AU.  348,090 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern and 4th N .. : ~"' Atl. and Macon. · "d 10,220 Citiz., Waynesboro.  800,000  617,090 168,340 I  I 8,5001  120,000  uo.ocol  M, N, ~,;'  Bk. ••  Dawson, Da,.son,  '  ~  ·:::r  ii>  • ~-  ,1  I  I j I  Jl'irst Naiio11al B&nt ·-·•i•oe W. O. Lanier •• __ Harvey .li'leminr ___ Willis Johnson··- ' H. C. Sapp, Jr .•••• R. H. Hodnett Amos Huruley 64-214  100,000  60,04011,043,000 1,775,9;,0  MERCH • & PLANTERS BANK ~T. J. MILLS--····- R. S. KENNEMUR .•.. R. S. KENNEMUR .... E. D. JONES •••.••.• . Whigham .-•• Grady D 10  15,000  217,960  543,020  I  4.400  95,200  5,500 25,000 \Yhi e Plains.Greene Ir 5 Bank of White Plains •••:1'04 W.o. Davidson_ .....••.•..••••••••.. J. M. Marchman __ ······-··- ···--····· • M-744 Pop. 479 Lewis BankJf_2ggo, ••.••. f'l5 F.clward Lewis ••••• --···············- F. A. Tappan ....•..•...•.••.•.•••.•••• ·-·-··· ··--·-'' ..  1111  •U'l8  i:; /  I  22,040 1  64-1117  20,0:r  I  1\  75,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.: Citiz. & Southern, 0 . Savan.; N. Ex., Augnsta.  133,790  I  ;1. '  ~  14,970  I  15,000  :\ ,1·  r+  100,000  W ·t Point •••• Troup B 6 /CITIZENS BANK ..... _. •U'l7 J. A. Avary···-- R. a. Freeman .••.. R. B. Dixon .•••••. J.E. Varnedoe--·, , J. C. Horsley R. B. Dixon 64-948 • Pop, 2138  I  o  62,140  ',J.  I  ~  S00,000 Chatham & Phenix N., .. ~. Y.; At1,.1:r.,Atl,  .  , I  .I  ..,  5,540  ·-•:•06  'I  1  2i .841  95,130  85,600'  47,2tl0  City, N. Y:; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Lowry N .. .Atl.  1:.  I  226,900 1 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, AU.: Shawmut, Bos.; 4th N., Macon.  :  19,900 Irving N .. N. Y.: 4th, Macon.  ~~~so····--··''19 L. J. Grimes_ •••••• C. M. Waddell.. •••  T. C. King_··-- •...  I  I  Send Your Ite ms Direct. Prom pt personal at ten tion given BIIJ of Lading Drafts, Cash, and Time Items.  \:  1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  cn  94,000 Han. N., N. Y.; jth N., Atl.; Cltlz. & ~ lll "outhern, avan.; 1st N., Phil.  265,000  I 60,000 1,500,000 1,250,000  15,000  Planters  r,  200,000  50,000  l  ~  '"'I (\)  15,000  Pop. 662  >  i5,000 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.: 4th N. and Citiz. & Southern, At!.: Ga. N .. Athens. 52,640 Irv~n~ N., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp,, At!.; C1tiz., · outhern, ~!aeon; 3d N., Col,  250,000  I  W. H. Davis •••.•.• Simeon Bell .•••..• Battle Sparks ..•.•• ;M. K. Tucker ..... .  "  >  394,650  J. W. Bellinrer •• _ 0. V. Stanton •••• _ ·---·····-·-···C. Y .• tan ton H. C. carlett ••••• 0. R. Harper··-- -- J.C. McGraw, Tr .•  FirstNatio~~~mnk.  ··-··--·  133,620 Chem. N ... N. Y.: .Mer_cJ:i.. N,.. Bait.; 4th N., At!. Phil. N., Phil. C1hz. &,Southern. Sa van. "4" 200,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N. Ex., Aue-usta: Atl. N .. Atl. 86,360 Chem. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Macon; Merch .. 1-1"1 Aueusta: Citiz. & Southern, Sa van. and Atl. w  ---------  Wanesbor~9Yrc1Bt,.l'll J.B. Whitehead._ R. c. Neely •.•..•• S. A. Gray-·-······ ;······ ·-··-······· H. Bar~e....... . We ton_ •••• Webster O 8 Bank or Weston •• ·-·-•H'l3 G. W. Sims-.. - - A. P. Passmore ••.. S. W. Adams···-· M. J. Leverett 84-8'7 Pop. 208  "  35.000 Han. N., N, Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; Hibernia, Savan.  0 t:EJ 0 ~  :t  ,  I  Ill  111,  ' I : ••  ,  e-,••  '1: l. ii I. ! I,  j  I  I  I \  i  Ii,  ') 1?  ') 14 "  to  d r me or Bank ia the ew Tran It Number gi n unh1bber ukin eU. . e clusl ely by The Rand-Mc Uy Banker , nc an ... •... ~-ur 'l'h.., n1Prll' n nkPr ,, 'n.  GEORGIA-Continued  Nu1nber uader Name of Bank is the New TranaH Number sinn to eaoh bank in U. 8. ellCluslveJy by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlrettor7, under the auth~tr of The American Bankers ~ss•n.  G EQRG IA--C f d =-=====:___~ On lnUe  I  TowN A. u uoc:nr. , .u1x OF BA.ML •County Seat. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State PRUlDENT. VICJt.PRESIDKNT. Entire tate in • 'o. 6 lMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ~' d!lral Re erve m"trict. +Me~. Fed. Re-:. £r>tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _____ WhitP,buri:•• -Oarroll 04 Whitesborr Banki11£Oo.t1·01 Pop. · 6G 114-745  w. T. Jones ... --··  0.lSHill.  T. W. Camp·--· J. A. Jones----·-  Ass'T 0.1s11uta  •  LIABILITIES. ~ PAID-VP SUBPLUS DmPoe-  I  CAPrr.u. Pao:rrre  25,000  teinheimer.-•• P. W. Vaorhn ..... Opal Dingler ··-·-·  • \\'iutler ••••. Barrow RS Farmers Bank-···· ••.• _:§'14 Guy H. Kilgore __ ._ J. L. Harris·-·· --· R. J. Smith ___ ··-· P. C. Penteco. t.-. Pop. :rns:i + 6-1-89-1 J. A. Thompson  No RTH GEORGIA  sen, ua will recehe prompt attention and will be remitted ror promptly. Your business on Winder and accessible towns solicited.  •  M- 903  •:5'14  BANK  • t·oi:  64-241 \\'111,.ton •• -.J>Ou:.!l,1 l llougl. \ ille B nkiug Co. '20 1'011. 16 6i 1007 Win!Pr\'illt• •• Olar e II' 4 Pittard Ban1em1: Oo .•.•• •U'll Pop. 50! ♦ 64·746 Woo<lbury_•• tniwether , Peoples Bank •.••••- •• - •!§'07 1 Pop. 23 C6 61-421 " ··-·-··· " Woodbury Bankinf Co.l5'02 6-1 · 420 \\'ornklitf •..• Screven I 6 Farmers Bank ·--·····-•tl'l2 Pop. 200 64 ·848 \\'oudl incJ.. ___ Talbot O 6 Woodland Bank •••••.•. U'07 Pop . :l;i(j 64-747 Wood 'iOl'k,Cherokee C Bl Bank of Woodstock ••.• •1'05 Pop. 442 6-1-748 ·oo<lvill •.•• Greene F 4 A. ii'. Durham, Bauker •• it•17 Pop. J.'i · 64-749 Woo), y_ •••• Fay tte D 5 Wooley Bank •• ·-----··tl'07 Pop. 14 ' 6-t-750 \\"r1 n ·---·Jetrer on H 5 Citizens Bank.·-··---··•U·07 Pop 1074 64-473 Wrens Bank •• •-··-····•U•o4 64-472 • \\ tight , ilk ••.I ohn. on Bank or Wrightsville •• •tl'117 Pop. I 7 G6 64-3-17 Exchaofe Dank---···--·tl'0D 6-1·349 !•'armer.; Bank •• _•• ______ §'19 6t-9-t \ ,t" ilil' •••• -Up on D6 Yatesville Bankme Co.•U·06 Pop. 00 6-1-503 ) 011111: H rri .'l'own b 2 Farmers Bank-.-•tt·18 l'op. 00 64 ·!177 •Z1•1Jut n ·····-·Pike D 5 Bank of Z hulon •• ---· •U ·o:; Po11. 2 64-7at J nk·-----·· t ·rn 04 9 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  xn  11acnrutu1  _._._,.  105,000  122,000  20,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Oitiz. & Southern, Savan.: 4th N., :Macon.  18,000 1  22,380  150,960  157,400  28,460 Han.N.,N. Y.:Cit1z. & Southern, Savan.: 4th 1 N •• Atl.; Oiti1.., Valdosta.  25,000 1  5,000  93,000  190.200  8,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Atl.: City N., Griffin.  15,000  425,000  375,000  I  I  50,000  0 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Atl. N .. A.ti.; 4th  s ·.,.  ~  lacon.  -1 !200,000  31,890 1,293,010, 1,121,930  -• -• •- 1  WINDER NATIONAL jr. a. MamenJ h!i.5cle1¥~fH·· c. 0• MADoox ..... a. M. oum....:  PRINCIP~L co-;REsPONJraNTs.  10,500 S 70,000j S 45,000 S 38,500 Atl. N .• Atl.  i'le'J:rc····· F. HUBBARD.-•• E. l. SIMS-·------  Collectlon ■  TRUST & BANK 111 G CO.  I  RESOURCES.  ;:;;£.11.,.r,,; c.... •BI· Bo...,..l,...... ..,I>n  .....  7,000 1  :Merchants&B'armersBk:W06 B. G. Oberr:r •• --·· J. :M. Roberts·-·-· Pan y Linder ··-· J. L. Hindman.... 64-41S  A. A. CAMP.·-···- ,: ~--  .um  -------·----~$ 15,000 S  WillacoodH•t•-- \tkin,;on Bank of Wlllacoochee•UlUO0 1J.E. Gaatina ··-·· J. ,\. (~askins .•.•.. J. :\. ?llcGr 'l'Or •• _. Miss Myrtle Ty!-on. Pop. 1m FD 64-tl2  \\'illiam,on •••••• PikeD 5 Bank of Willi&mson ••• •ll'l2 A. P. Dickinson-••• A. Pop. ~4 11 H-872  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest B nklo Polnf, (ln• dt•xed Acces.), l,awyt-rs, l,aws (Indexed) in back of this t-:, Yolume.~r Interest Rate.!!_ H_ollday, eJc.,_•wo Law. :;  ___  -  ~  Cl  88,900 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Uh Bait.Tr.Co., Bait.  ., Atl.; )> Oj  I)>  ,z  100.000  200,000  I~  950,000  750,000  100,000 N. City, N. Y:: At!. N., A.ti.  en  I  ~END U YOU K WINDER ITE I.US DIRECT. Collection , Bill of Lading Draft·, Cash and Time Item · remitted for on day of pay ment.  ---------·--·· - - - - - - - - -  ~  ~  l'. O. John,ton ·--· --······--···-···-·- (Brandi of Dui,yl u mile, G (l.)_. ____ ·--···--·At!.~-., \ti.  r+ ~  34,6 'ON. Park and Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: 4th ~ , I N .. Atl.: Ga. N.. , Athens. . . . t:: 25,000 Ohatham&PhemxN., N.Y.: C1t1z., outhern, '"' Atl.; 4th N., Macon. !JQ 50,000 Hao. N., N. Y.: At!. N., Atl; 4th '., !aeon and At!.: Citiz. ~ .southern, 'a van. 50,000 Hao. N .. N. Y.: C1hz. & Southern, Savan.  J. T. Pittard_·····- D. H. Winter-·--·· II. F. Pittard .••... ·-······--··--··--·  25,000  Ii,-160  .0-10  93,5-10  W. J. Smith-··---· H. \\", Clements_ •. J. H. Dotl<l._____ ·--········-····-··· R. J. Anthony J. D. Sutton·--·--- J. W. Williams·-·- . P. Wilburn •..•• ·-··---·---···-·-·  15,000  10,090  120,000,  210,000  23,400  20,000  200,000:  160,000 1  L. 0, Benton··--·· II. H. Parker-·-··- T. G. Harris··-···- ·-·--·····---·-··-·  W. H. Cohen s. F. Woodall .•-.. \ •. W. Collier .•••• M. H. Kine··-··-·· ··-··---·-·-··-·· u. 'J'. Woodall J. H . Johnston ___ • L. L. John 'too. __ W. L. Duf'ree -···· ··········-·-···--··  15,000  10,000  100,000,  100,000  15,000  12,210  67,05011  75,530  25,000  11,910  76,ooo  88,500  14.180 Hao. N., N.Y.; 4th N .. Macon; Cent. Bk.,· Tr. ~ Corp .. Atl. er 20,000 N. Park, N. Y.: AU. N., At!. t::  A. F. Durham ___ ••.  40,000  30,000  so,000  1  90,000  10,000 AU. N., At!.: Ga. N., Athens.  •. H. Bell _ _ _ R. E. Lewis •••• - - ····----·····-··--  R. P. Minter .••••• C. E. Fortson •••• _ W. L. Burch. _____ • ·····-···········--·  I  1  15,000  10,000  100,000'  100,000  S. M. McNair·-···- James Kinf--•--· Fret! J. Boward ._. Ja .•  I,.  Wimburo __  15,000  21,500  220,000  150,000  Alex A.veva -·----- W. J. Wren •.•.••• R. L. Patrick··---- W.  0  25.000 N. Park, N. Y.: AU. N., At!. 103,600 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Ga. R. R .. Au1:usta: 1 Lowry • ' .. Atl.; 4th N., :Maeon. 15,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.:Citiz.&Southern, Au~i;sta; 4th N., lacon. 50,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Cltiz. & ·ouLhern, avan.  . Parker-----·  15,000  S,500  47,000  48,000  E. A. Lovett •• ·-··· J. H. Rowland ••••• R. L. Kent -·-· •••• 0. H. Tompkins••• W. C. Tompkin P. B. Bedingfield-· J. M. Mason -····· E. E. Daley·····-·· G. E. Fnlford •••  25,000  75.000  2:13,000  222,000  35,000 1  50,000  200,000  200,000  75,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 4th  W. H. RaleY.---·-· \\'. f. ~hurlinl?-·-· it. B. Bryan •• ·---·· W. L. Johnson •••••  47,000  6,000  !J0,000  112.000  10,000  17,500  8,000  126,0001  121,000 I  ('J'nbor and lfoll1 •• - - - · · -----· Z. W. Curtis •••••• - G. C. Barrott . --•·· -----··-· ·------··  20,000  12.000  25,000  1r,o,ooo  _J  P. F. Brown.·----· G. H. fitchelL .-•. R.  n. Higeins.--···  -····-·--·-····--  W. J. Franklin·-·· I'. M.• ullivan ••••• C.R. Gwyn ....... .I. II. llak l'r -··---· R. W.  unn. ______ H. \\'.  I  0 :,  • Park,  ., Atl.  • Y.; Citi1.. ,· Southl'l'll,  \1;1t  on.  I 1  20,000 N. Park,N.Y.: Atl.N., At1.;,1t!11• •• 1:won. ,000 Fulton  ., ,\ti.; Citiz., Gaines\'illc.  I  l;i0,000 i0,000  30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., At!. ancl .Maron. 14,500 Han .. '., .".Y.; Lowry •.. Atl.; tth •••.\!aeon.  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Make Your Collection Department an Income Item LOOK at the advertisement of the First National Bank of El Paso, Ill., The First National of Altamont, Ill., The Bank of Rushville, Rushville, Ill., and hundreds of others throughout the state and other states. Note the advertising for collections. That advertising is part of the RAND McNALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY  Collection SyStem Thousands of banks all over the country have made the collections of drafts, checks, etc., etc., a lively income producer instead of an EXPENSE by using this system. The publishers · will be pleased to explain this system to bankers free of charge at any time and without obligation. Clip the coupon below and we will answer you promptly.  SEND THIS COUPON TODAY  r----------------------------, BANKERS DIRECTORY, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill.  .•..• •. • . • .• . •. .. ................. 1921  Gentlemen : Send me information , without obligation to me, regarding your " Fee In Advan ce S ystem of Collections" as advertised in the BANKERS DIRECTORY. Bank .......... •• • ••·····•·•••···· · ····· · ····· · ····· · · · ··· · ······ · ··· · ······ Officer ........... . . • .. • • ••••••• • •••• • • · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ........... . ........ . C it y ... . .. . ............... ......... . .. State ......... ... ......... . . . ........ .  ._ __________ -------- - -- ---- --1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  6  4  3  6  7  /  ..··  ~ 1  d  /1, , ,. __  C p ..... ··  f, L,  TO  $AUNA CRUZ,  TO ACAPULCO, MEXICO,  a,s,o  IIEZtco,  _J, S80 MfLE8  ·············  MILES  ..  0  ~-~-  .  c>  HONOLULU  ~--"'-...·.  Statute Mile.  -~~.....  D  C  \'  HAWAII  C  Statnte :uu .., 21-1 Jaell, 30  IUJosn.etrea, 3t - 1 111th.  6 1p E  40  30  2p  30  40  50  D  '\\,  SCALES  ►  t p C  t, C:  "  ¾  s ··  \.  70  60 I  I  ;Mabukona  ~-o.-.  ___  J\ucllle~all7'1111 H Map of 111.-U. Copplghl b7 R&ncl llc.'ially t Co.  E  ~--  C  ~-.. -.  ~-  Ka•  160°  20·  ,ic1sco .· ,,~  5  s~II . ~\\.~ ~$.  K  10  A  i,  0&i  Fl  Keahole Point  ra,,, G  Bay  •ook! And,onig,  Pabau Point  C  Ka1onuhul'lM Ba!J  ·-~- .... ·········  K  ................  u  0  Kapa~aJ&O  Paha!& o  WESTERN ISLANDS  H  o~·  o. .  HAW.All T  SA~IE SCALE A 1  L 160°  2  3  5  6  7  -------==  9  10  155°  11  252B Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TTTTTTTTT T  r MAP-TACK SYSTE  T T T T T T T Don't -Theorize-Visualize T T in Your Transit Department T T Use the Rand McNally .Map-Tack T T System by which you can T Cabineta glance the location of your see at T T collecting points. · T They can be so marked by the use of our Tack System that by a T T glance at any State you can get @p any information that you find l T T necessary in routing items. T T Let us tell you all about this valuable labor-saving method of using our ma/JS  T  MANAGER SALES SYSTEMS DEP'T 536 South Clark Street, Chicago • RAND McNALLY & CO.  T  TTTTTTTTT TTTTT  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In· dexed Acee!'.'.), Law)'~rs, Laws (ind.exed) in back of this;-" -::......:-=-=-=-==-=-============;=======:::::;::=====--==:.===:;= ======...:===~r~ol~u~m~e~.~F~o~r~In~t~e~r;:_cst _!_atE>~~ys, etc_:_'._:see  HAW All  215  Law~ ::,  I  I  Ltd.-•§'97 C. ll. Cooke------- E. D. Tenney _____ Roxor Damon ______ G, G. Fuller E. F. Bi hop A. Ca!h, Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. ___ '06 A. \\'. T. Bottomley E. W. utton ______ .r. II. Bole __ Willard E. Brown AMERICAN_ BA~·~ti Tong Phong------- C. Q. Yee Hop····· c. K. Ai.. __________  -------1  carflSE  "1  \0  N. Park, N.Y.;_WellsFargo-Nev.N~,SanF.; ~ Bk. of Hawan, Ltd., Honolulu; :M1tsa Bk .. Ltd., Yokohama, Japan. Union Tr. Co .• San F.; Oakland Ilk. of av .. Oakland, Cal.; Far. & Merch .... T·• Lo· A. Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N.,San F.: 1st T,, Honolulu; Yokohama SJ)ecie, Japan. Peo. Bk,, Ltd., Hilo.  Bankers Tr. Co. and Laidlaw & Co., N .• Chi.; Bk. 8f Cal. N. A .. San F.  1'. Y.; 1st  R. McCorriston ---- 1.000,000 1,:m,:590 li2 :iO:Wi157uH10 3,833,3!!0 N. Bk. Com.andN. Park.~·. Y.: Well ·ev. ~ .. an F.; London Joint City 1 P. G. H. Deverill land, London. .A. B. Clark, 200,000 166,880 Bk. of Bi hop & Co .. Ltd., Honolulu. 447,840 306, '50 120,200 Jas. L. Cockburn.  I  ec.  (Tr11,,~t bUBinegs 011111)  Chas. A. Wong ____ _  Ui0,000  '.-:(  c~-=• --------------==-===  •Yem. Am. Bk . A:~n. § tate VICE-PRESIDENT, CASHIER. Ass 'T CASHIER. p AID•uP SURPLUS -;;-EPOS- Lo.ura 4 -,.. Cua 4 ExPRESIDENT. i !em. State Bks. A· n. tPriv. [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ __ ♦ .1em. Fed. Re_. ~~o~ ITS'IT.U. P ~ T a --------------- ---- (Branch of Honolulu) __ •Hilo ________ Haw ii F 10 Bank: of Bi hOD & Co .•• ---- -------------------- ---- ----. -- ---- ---- A. S. Le Baron Gurney, Mur. Pop. 10,431 First Bank of Hilo, Ltd.•§1900 John T. Moir ______ Wm. Pullar ________ H. V. Patten ______ Geo. Lowson ______ _ 300,0IJO 166.140 6028690 $4207920 $2115470 1 T. R. Saiki John ll. Ross J. Arruda ~ 100.000 H. V. Patten, cc.. 32.950 Fir<st 'T'rust Co. of Hilo, Ltd. J. T. Moir--------- Wm. Pullar ________ H.B. Mariner, 562.910 15.foO 4115,140 Tr. and Mor. (Trust funds) John .\I. Ross •f'lO 180,950 PeoJ)les Bank. Ltd,------•1'16 Wm. Chalmers _____ P. C. Beamer _____ H. A. Truslow _____ Leslie .Forrest..___ 25,430 l.396,120j l,2U,670 358,820 T, Matsui )I. Baptiste, A. Cash. S .Ka~imoto ecurity Tru t Co., Ltd.•§'16 J. W. Rus el!__ ____ Wm. Chalmer ____ T. D. Collin _______ M. de F. Spinola, 200,000 24,040 47,210 1 210.040 33,060 ( Trust funds> Sec. H. A. Truslow, Tr. ________ _ ------Hi.lo) of (Branch _______ Fraser R. F. ____________________ •§ ___ Ltd, H11nokaa ______ flawaii E 9 First Bank of Hilo, I Pop. 128 Peoples Bank ____________ e'16 -------------------- ------- ____________________________________________________ _ (Branch of Hilo) _________ --------•Honolulii==Ho;-olulu B 2 Bank of Bishop & Co., Ltd. A. W. 'I'. Bottomley E. H. Wodebou e __ Geo.S. Waterhouse J. O. Carter- ------ 1,000.000 431.840 15 424 320 12 732180 4,061,770 D. ~I. Thom on A. Baird, A. Caah. J. L. Cockburn, •§1858 Pop. 3,327 Y. P. and' Mor. L.L.Miller, A. Caah. S. J.C. Todd TOWN AND COU."TY. •County eats.  BANK OF HAWAII,  g  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO~DE. TS,  RESOURCES,  LIABILITIES,  ~. AME OF BANK.  56,330 1,4!)9,350 1,265,950  432,8i0 Chase N., N. Y.: Canton. Sau I~.: Uk. or Canton, Ltd., Hone-Kone an<! Shanghai, 1  Hawaiian Trust Co .. I,W.•1'98 E. D. Tenney _____ C. IL Atherton ___ _ ft'. \\'.Jamie on, '1.'r. H. Scott. A. Tr. C. U. Cooke J. R. Galt, V, P. F. Frank , ..rl. T·.-. H. H. Walker. V. P. . W. Berteau.·, A. Tr. Sumitomo Bk. of Hawaii.Ltd. Baron K. umitomo G, .i:Takayama______ o. 'akayama ______  fl6  72,000  :-,00,000  I  303,660 U . . . 1tge. & Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Umon 'l'r. Co .. tI: 747,750 1,463,010 518,920 !",00,000 P. r ..McLean, ec. .... an E'.: Old Colony Tr. Co .. Bos. A. . D_avi_s, A. Sec. (Do not 'tramact a banki no bW:!i.n ess) ..... C. J. Birme, ~1. Sec. 0 ~1.  18.820 1.641.470  100,000  uyama  s. 11ara  I  rohala ________ Hawaii E 8 Fir'>t Bank of Hilo, Ltd .. •§'10 -------------------- _________________ ---------------~~~~~ Geo. Hoss - - - (Branch of Hilo) PeOIJlP'- Ban~ ___________ ·20 _________________________________________________ ___________ Robt.. mythe _____ (Branch o,f Hilo) .. !-:_c~P:.~§_O .. J,ah:ii11a _________ .Maui C 6 Bank of Maui, Ltd, ______ 1'06 -------------------- ____________________ F. A. Lufkin _______ -------------------- (Branch of Wail Pop. 1000 •Lihue _________ Kauai G 4 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. ------•5 ---- ---- _______________________________ Frank Crawford _____________ (Branch of Hon • _ , aunatt.a___ (Rrancl, 1 of H tlo . Lt<'!. ---- ---------------- ____________________________________________ C. \\. , _ o~ Hilo, . Bauk ,. r,-t . . Fi 1500 Pop. _ Ha wa11 __ __ l'a ha fa ____ l'aia ____________ taui C 6 Bank of )lam. Ltd, ______ §'13 -------------------- ____________________ w. o. Aiken _____ ~. K. Ycnoto ______ 1(Bram,ch of Wail I 3000 p 24,530 ·l'hOtrPld g~;·,·aek , Bono- Army Tational Bank ____ e'I7 Henry Holme;; _____ ,J. o. Carter _______ John Macaulay ____ Thos. 8. AbeL____ 100,000 H. G. Dillinfham .. lulu ___ Pop. 1000. ---- 1 Hon of Branch I ______________ G~rdler B. \\'aialua ____ Honolul~ A 1 Bank of Ha~a11. Ltd•-----~-* ------------ - - - - - - . - - - G. -10,000 150,000 • \V:iiluku _____ _ aut o Ci Bank of 1am. Ltd. ______ •§ 01 C. H. Cooke ______ c. D. Lufkm _____ J. Garcia __________ J. Robertson _____ R. A. Wad. worth , . • . Pop. 4000 \\ aime::i ________ Ka 1ia 1 3 Bank of Bishop & Co.,Ltd.t 58 ---- ____________________________________ T. Brandt, Mor. _______________________ (Branch of Hon Pon. 1000 l Rmk of Hawaii, Lhl. ___ §"16 -------------------- ____________________ v. c. Schoenberg ______________________ (Branch of H/)11 \\'; iinltu ___ Honolulu l'Ol), !iOUO  I  T Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  nde  ttJ  Z  881.800 1,067,000  356,920 1,708,500 Sumitomo Bk.: Ltd., N. Y., Seattle, San I•'., I Lon. am! Osaka, 601.790 161,420 Chase N., N. Y.: ~ltle. N., San F. rls) 360,950 Williams Dimond & Co.,~'. Y. and San F. 1,125,020 unds) Japan) - - - 5.'.j,000 Cha~e ~•., ~ . Y.; Am. 1. T., San J.1'.; 1st ... '., Hon181.900 olulu. -------- - - -  521.600 100,000 141,610 Treat Trust Co .• Ltd. ___ •§'Oi R.H. Trent., ______ H. A. Cooke . ______ \Vm. R. \ Tarren ___ I. H. Beadle, See,,__ (Tr. Fun , C.G. Hei er.Jr .. 'J.'r. . R • . 200,000 191,080 1,094,900 Henry\\ aterhouseTrustCo.. , \\. hmgle _____ W.R. Castle _______ A. N. CamDbell. Tr. F. E. Steere, Sec.. (Trust I 1 A. L. Castle Ltd. ------------------•1'02 -------------------- (Branch of Yokohama YokobamaSpPcie Bank .. §'92 -------·------------ ____________________ T I ohe Mar ________ 217,000 10,000 50,000 1·· 1J.ta _________ Kauai G 3 Bank of Kanai. Ltd. ____ • '20 Fred Patterson ___ II. A.. T u low .. ___ Karie B.' :\Iorgau· · -------- -----------· Pop. 2:;00 W. D. Ackerman -- (Branch of Hilo) - - - - - : n•alakekua ___ Hawaii G 8 First Rank of Hilo, Ltd .. •1·10 -------- -------- ____ -------------------- L. llacfarlane, ' Mgr. Pop. 5CO .. Peoples Bank, Ltcl, .. ----•1'18 ----------------- ____________________ w. H. Greenwell, 1 W. V. Lee.-------- (Bmnch of Hilo) ------· - - - ------  HAWAII Map on  ->  28,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Pari . ~ N.,_San F. 40U80 3.216,330 2,73-1,430 1, 71,100 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. Lo. & Tr. Co., Chi.; (fJ 1st . and Anflo & Lon. Paris N.. an JI'.  140,000  L. T. Peck _________ H. :M:. von Holt ____ W. H, Gampbell • __ -------------------First American Saviue-s & R. Bukeley Tr. Co. of Hawaii. L1d,.§"98 First , 'ational Rk. of Hawaii L. T. Peck _________ H. M. von Holt ____ W. H. Campbell ___ J. H. Ellis -----R. • Yillier· Hudolph Bukeley •1000  :t  > Fareo· Mid ~ >  _ _ _ ; _____ ---------  ---------!--···---- ---------  . . ,  rl-  O  ~ Dl  '0°  ID :;,-  i::  T  uku.) ____ - - - - ------ NS. Bk. Com., N. -Y.; \\ells Eargo-.1. ev. N .. an F. olulu) __ ------ ------ • Park, • 1 • Y.; \Yells Fare-o- · ev .... , an F.  , _________ --- -- ---- - -· ----uku) ____ -------- - - - N. Bk. Com .• N.Y.: Wells Fargo .... ev ... , San F; Bk. of Hawaii, Ltd., Ilonolulu. 125,010 N. City and Laidlaw &Co.,~- Y.~ h•t T., Chi.: 984.440 9U6,450 I Bk. of Cal.N,A .. San F.: Riggs ... "ash .. D.C. • • , • olulu) __ -c-,--- - - - T 878.360 •. Bk. Com .. .1. . Y:.• Well::. Farf0·.1. ev, .l •• San 2,202,380 I.4!.12,710 . If.: Bk. of Ha~11. :Ad .. ¥onol.u!u. • olulu) __ ·-------- -------- Laidlaw & Co., •• Y., 1st ., Chi., Bk. of Ela!. rv N._,\.~ s~ F._ , . 1 , ev. ., ,an F., ululu) __ ------- --------- N.park, •.· Y.. \\_~11. F~1ri:o:.1. Vl • Glyn, .Mills. Curt 1e & co., Lon<lou. T  •  •  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collect1ons and Correspondence