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Rand McNally List of B O N D ED A ttorneys-at-L aw January 1918 Edition Supersedes All Previous Issues Issued Semi-Annually—January and July BONDED BY The American Surety Company o f New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rand M cNally & Company, Publishers Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. Branches at New York City and Los Angeles Co p y r ig h t , 1918, by B a n d M cN a l l y & Co. EXPLANATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COUPONS M UST BE USED A ll business forwarded to attorneys m u st be accom panied by th e coupon provided for th a t purpose, opposite beginning of the L ist, and th e notification coupon m u st be properly filled ou t and forwarded to th e Publishers at Chicago w ithin thirty days after the forw arding of the claim to th e Attorney» A dditional books o f coupons furnished upon request, free of charge. NATURE OF BOND AMOUNT OF BOND THE SURETY The Publishers of this Directory have paid for and have in their possession a Surety Bond of The American Surety Company of New York on all Attorneys whose names appear in the following List (excepting those listed under the heading “ Foreign Attorneys” ), made to them as Trustee for the Forwarders of Business to Bonded Attor neys in the Rand M cNally List of Attorneys. A copy of the bond appears immediately hereafter. Every effort has been made'' to make the bond simple in its phraseology and clear as to its meaning. Neither the Publishers nor The American Surety Company of New York wish to have any misunderstandings as to the nature of this bond. Each attorney in this List (excepting those listed under heading “ Foreign Attor n eys” ) is bonded by The American Surety Company of New York for the sum of two thousand dollars. In some instances the bond is in excess of two thousand dollars. The amount of the bond in thousands in such cases is designated by a figure preceding the name of the attorney. Any one having business to forward to any attorney in excess of the amount of the bond on said attorney, may upon application in writing have said attorney’s bond increased without cost to the forwarder. The Publishers have caused this bond to be taken out with a Surety Company, because, on account of the nature of its business, it is in a better position than are the Publishers to protect subscribers in case of embezzlement of moneys collected by Attorneys. The American Surety Company of New York (Capital and Surplus over $6,000,000) has been chosen because of its exceptional strength and its promptness in meeting just claims. Rand M cNally & Company is a corporation under the laws of the State of Illinois This Company is your THE (capital fully paid $1,000,000), whose head office is in Chicago. TRUSTEE representative and will always act in your interests. COM PLAINTS IN CASE OF LOSS In case of complaints about service, we will endeavor to adjust the difficulties, but when we write to a lawyer about a complaint, he must remember that We have not taken the side of the complainant, but, having heard only one side of the case, are asking for his. In case of loss, subscribers must forward a statement of their loss, showing items, dates, etc., direct to the Chicago branch of The American Surety Company of New York, Continental and Commercial National Bank Building, Chicago, notifying the Publishers at Chicago at the same time that they have done so and sending copy of the statement to the Surety at 100 Broadway, New York City. PAYMENT Payment for losses under these bonds will be made by the Surety to the Trustee. FOR The Trustee will immediately forward to the Subscriber the full amount of such payment. LOSSES TIME LIMIT OF BONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Each attorney whose name is published in th is ed ition o f th e D irectory (excepting those listed under heading “ Foreign Attorneys ” ) is bonded until his name shall be eliminated from any subsequent edition /and three months thereafter), and anyone making use of this List after a new edition is published will be doing so on his own responsibility and without any liability on the part of T h e A m erican Surety C om p a n y o f New York under the bond, unless the attorney’s name appears in such subsequent edition. 1444 In no case does The American Surety Company of New York nor the Publishers endeavor to enter into any contract with forwarders to regulate fees, to make any special arrangements with attorneys, nor to guarantee against errors in judgment, etc., on the part of attorneys. W e have endeavored to give you a high-class list of attorneys, who we have reason to believe will be fair in their charges and above the ordinary ability in caring for any legal business that may be sent to them. When money is once collected by an attorney and it is not properly accounted for, this bond is intended to reimburse the forwarder for moneys lost, according to the terms thereof. W e suggest to our lawyers the rates recommended by The Commercial Law League of America as fair and equitable under ordinary conditions. They are as follows: 15 per cent on the first $300; 8 per cent on the excess of $300 to $1,000; 4 per cent on the excess of $1,000; minimum fee of $5.00; on items of $10.00 or less, 50 per cent; minimum fee for suit, $7.50 in addition to the percentage fee. FEES When asking for a credit report, subscribers should always enclose at least fifty cents such request. Our attorneys do not make free credit reports. C R E D IT REPORTS An effort has been made to give a good lawyer at every important County Seat because as a general rule the best lawyers reside at County Seats and are in the best position to handle all business throughout the county. This List covers all towns with banks. Towns having no banks are carried in the “ Accessible’ ’ list in a separate part of the Bankers’ Directory. BANK TOWNS ONLY The next edition of this List will be that of “ July, 1918” and it will contain a revision CHANGES of this list. Anyone receiving a later edition of the List or a special notice of any AN® change in this List must be guided by such changes as this later edition may give or as “ may be furnished by special notice. The Publishers may discontinue the name of any attorney at any time upon notice to the subscribers. Every effort will be made to advise and protect forwarders. Lawyers are urged to acknowledge claims promptly and to advise forwarders occasionally of what is being done with claim or what the chances áre for collection, because LAWYERS the forwarder is far away and being human, likes to keep in touch with his affairs. Remem ber he is your client and a reputation among your clients for good, thoughtful service builds up a business. Neglect of correspondenice affects your professional standing. If you do not reply to letters promptly, your client guesses at the reason, and his guess may not be pleasant. TO OUR Remember that your business is not the only business that the lawyer has. Be cop^ siderate. He cannot spend all his time writing to you. Don’t forget that some collections require time and patience and tact on the part of the lawyer. Be explicit in your instrucWARDERS £*ons an<j remember that the “ laborer is worthy of his hire.” TO The Rand-M cNally Bankers’ Directory and List of Attorneys has the largest paid subscription list of any similar publication. Its subscribers represent more capital than those of all other lists combined. W e hope to be able to bring our lawyers, our banks, and our commercial houses together and to build up a big community of interest to the mutual benefit of all. OUR AIM T o this end, we earnestly hope all our subscribers will use these bonded lawyers whénever it is possible. Business begets business, and lawyers should co-operate with each other. The number of bonded lawyers will be increased in each edition. USE THIS UIST SUGGESTIONS Suggestions which will cause an increase in the value of this List to subscribers will be welcomed by the publishers. v , . ■ ; - ' RAND McNALLY & COMPANY Publishers New Y ork Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C H IC A G O 1445 Los A ngeles COPY OF BOND issued by The American Surety Company of New York to Rand M cN ally & C om p an y, listed in Trustee The for th e R a n d -M cN a lly Forwarders o f business B ankers’ to Directory and Bonded List Lawyers of Attorneys. T H E A M E R IC A N SU R E T Y C O M PA N Y OF N EW Y O R K , a corporation organized under the laws o f the State of New York, as Surety, binds itself to pay R A N D M cN A L L Y & COM PANY, of the City of Chicago, Illinois, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, as Trustee for all parties forwarding business to attorneys listed in the C U R R E N T ISSUE of RAN D -M cN ALLY B A N K E R S’ D IR E C T O R Y A N D LIST OF A TTO R N E Y S (hereinafter known as “ TH E T R U ST E E ” ), such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to reimburse all Forwarders of Business (hereinafter known as F O R W A R D E R S ” ), to all A TTO R N E Y S listed in R A N D -M cN A L L Y BANKERS’ D IR E C T O R Y A N D LIST o f A T T O R N E Y S a s ' bonded: b y ' TH E 'A M E R IC A N - S U R E T Y COM PA N Y, for each and every pecuniary loss which the said Forwarders, or any of them, may sustain through embezzlement committed by any of the A TTO R N E Y S named in the current issue of RAN DM cN A L L Y B A N K E R S D IR E C T O R Y A N D LIST OF ATTO RN EY S, or through fraudulent failure on the part of any such A T T O R N E Y to account to said FO RW ARDERS, or any of them, for moneys collected by him on claims forwarded to him by said FO RW ARD ERS in accordance herewith, provided that the total sum of all such losses for which T H E SU RETY shall be liable shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in any one year and shall not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) for any A T T O R N E Y or firm of Attorneys as the case may be, unless TH E SU RETY has specifically bound itself in individual cases to a larger amount, in which event the limit so fixed is indicated by the figure set opposite the Attorney’s name in the List of Attorneys in the current edition of the D IR E C T O R Y . This Suretyship shall begin on the first day of March, 1917, and shall end as to any A T T O R N E Y when his name shall be eliminated from the list of BO N D ED ATTO R N E Y S published in the D IR E C T O R Y or upon the cancellation of this Suretyship by TH E TRU STEE or by THE SU R E TY, as hereinafter provided, or upon payment of loss hereunder. 'P R O V ID E D , H O W E V ER : First: That the loss be discovered during the continuation of this Suretyship or within three months next after its termination, and that written notice thereof be delivered to TH E SU RETY at its Branch Office in the City of Chicago within ten days after such discovery and copy of said notice sent by registered mail to T H E SU R E T Y at 100 Broadway, New York City. Second: That the statement of loss or losses showing the items and dates of the same be submitted in writing by T H E TR U STE E to T H E SU R E TY at its Branch Office in the City of Chicago within three months after the discovery of such loss and that T H E S U R E T Y shall have sixty days after pres entation of such statement of loss to it in which to verify the same and to make payment to T H E T R U STE E for said loss or losses, and that no suit, action or proceeding at Law shall be brought against T H E SU R E T Y on account of said claim during said sixty days nor after the expiration of twelve months after the delivery of such statement of claim to TH E SU RETY. Third: This Suretyship may be terminated on any A T T O R N E Y by T H E SU R E TY upon thirty days previous notice in writing to T H E TR U STE E or by T H E TRU STEE upon notice in writing to T H E SU RETY, specifying the date of termination. Thereupon TH E SU R E TY shall refund the unearned premium for such Suretyship, providing no claim has been paid. Fourth: This Suretyship shall not cover losses incurred by FO RW ARD ERS unless TH E TRUSTEE shall have received at its office in the City of Chicago, within thirty days of the date on which the col lection was forwarded to the A T T O R N E Y , written notice from the F O R W A R D E R on the coupon provided for that purpose;in said D IR E C T O R Y . Fifth: It is expressly -understood that this Suretyship protects TH E TRU STEE only against fraudulent failure to account, or embezzlement of moneys by BO N D ED A TTO R N E Y S as herein before recited, but not against alleged excessive fees or breach of contract on the part of said BONDED A T TO R N E Y S. • Sixth: That the amount of Suretyship on behalf of any A T T O R N E Y hereunder may, on written application of T H E TRU STEE, be increased or decreased by TH E SU R E TY without impairing the continuity thereof. Seventh: That this Suretyship does not cover any lawyers listed in the Current Edition of the D IR E C T O R Y as “ FO REIG N A T T O R N E Y S ” . SIG N ED A N D SEALED, t h i s . . . . . . . . . . . ......... day o f . ............................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .A. D. 1917. A M E R IC A N SU R E T Y C O M PA N Y OF N EW Y O R K B y . ...................................................... Resident Vice-President. A ttest.......... ...................................••I • y Resident Asst. Secretary. 1446 Additional Books of Coupons furnished on request Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Carbon Copies— Preserve for your Records Additional Books of Coupons furnished on request LIST OF ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW BONDED. . by The American Surety Company of New York 2000 Bridgeport*«!___ Jackson To Scottsboro. 1000 Brundidge*«t__ „ — Pike T aT roy. 250 «Butler*!________Choctaw O. L. GRAY. This information will be of value to those interested In Bank 1500 Calera*«!____ ____ Shelby To Clanton. ruptcy matters. Alabama is divided in three Federal Districts; namely Northern, 1500 «Camden*«!_______Wilcox BONNER & MILLER. Middle and Southern. 1200 Camp Hill*«!— Tallapoosa To Dadeville. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has seven divisions; the Northeastern, 1627 Carbon H ill*«!-— Walker To Jasper. with court at Huntsville (1), first Tuesday in April and second Tuesday 800 «Carrollton*______ Pickens PATTON & PATTON. in October; the Northwestern with court at Florence (2), second Tuesday 300 Castleberry*«!__ Conecuh To Evergreen. in February and third Tuesday in October; the Southern, with court 400 Cedar Bluff*«!— Cherokee To Center. at Birmingham (3), the first Mondays in March and September; the 450 «Center*_____ — Cherokee Hugh Reed. Eastern with court at Anniston (4), first Mondays in M ay and Novem ber; the Western, with court at Tuscaloosa (5), first Tuesdays in 1000 «Centerville*«!---------- Bibb LAVENDER & 'THOMPSON. January and June; the Middle, with court at Gadsden (6), first Tuesdays 350 «Chatom*«........Washington GRANADE & GRANADE. in February and August; and the Jasper with court at Jasper (7), second 556 Cherokee*«!........—Colbert To Tuscumbia. Tuesdays in January and June. 500 Childersburg *•! Talladega To Anniston. The MIDDLE DISTRICT has three divisions; the Northern, with J. B. ATKINSON. 1500 «Clanton*«!_______Chilton court at Montgomery (8), first Tuesdays in M ay and December; the G. W. PEACH. 1500 «Clayton*«!______ Barbour Southern, with court at Dothan (9), first Mondays in June and Decem 1000 Clio*«!.... ...............Barbour To Clayton. ber; the Eastern, with court at Opelika (10), first Mondays in April See Geneva. h 503 Coffee Springs*«!—Geneva and November. 11850 Collinsville*«!____ Dekalb To Ft. Payne. The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions; the Northern, with court at Selma (11), first Mondays in May and November; the Southern, 1122 Columbia*«!_____ Houston . LEE & TOMPKINS. See also at Dothan. with court at Mobile (12), fourth Mondays of May fand November. For convenience, each county is numbered and the counties returnable 1200 «Columbiana*«!------ Shelby To Clanton. to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. 1747 Cordova*«!—--------Walker To Jasper. 478 Courtland*«!——Lawrence To New Decatur. Counties are: Autauga (8), Baldwin (12), Barbour (8), Bibb (5), 200 Cragford*«!— — Clay To Ashland Blount (3), Bullock (8), Butler (8), Calhoun (4), Chambers (10), Chero 350 Crossville*____ — Dekalb To Ft. Payne. kee (6), Chilton (8), Choctaw (12), Clarke (12), Clay (4), Cleburne (4), See Livingston. 800 Cuba*«!_____Sumter Coffee (9), Colbert (2), Conecuh (12), Coosa (8), Covington (8), Cren •4000 «Cullman*«!...........Cullman To New Decatur. shaw (8), Cullman (1), Dale (9), Dallas (11), Dekalb (6), Elmore (81, Escambia (12), Etowah (6), Fayette (7), Franklin (2), Geneva (9), 1400 «Dadeville*«!__ Tallapoosa JERE C. DENNIS. Greene (5), Hale (11), Henry (9), Houston (9), Jackson (1), Jefferson 500 Daleville*«!_________ Dale To Ozark. (3), Lamar (7), Lauderdale (2), Lawrence (1), Lee (10), Limestone (1), 5000 «Decatur*«!.... ........Morgan To New Decatur. Lowndes (8), Macon (10), Madison (1), Marengo (11), Marion (7), 2500 Demopolis*«!—.. Marengo L. R. WILSON. Marshall (6), Mobile (12), Monroe (12), Montgomery (8), Morgan (1), To Jasper. 916 Dora*«!— ........ __Walker Perry (11), Pickens (5), Pike (8), Randolph (10), Russell (10), St. Clair (6), Shelby (3), Sumter (5), Talladega (4), Tallapoosa (10), 10000 «Dothan*«!—— __Houston LEE & TOMPKINS, See also at Tuscaloosa (5), Walker (7), Washington (12), Wilcox (11), Winston (7). Abbeville & Columbia, 500 «Double Springs * .Winston To Haleyville. 288 Dozier*«______ .Crenshaw See Luverne. REFERENCE KEY Elmore To Tallasee. 315 1079 «Elba*«!............. ____ Coffee To Enterprise. sCounty Seat. ' * Money Order Office. • Express Office. 188 Elkmont*«!----- Limestone To Athens. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 9000 Ensley*«!......... Jefferson To Birmingham. 3500 Enterprise*«! -........Coffee CHAS. O. STOKES. 374 Epes*«!............ ___Sumter See Livingston. 1500 «A bbevilleM — . . — Henry LEE & TOMPKINS. See also at Dothan. 6100 Eufaula*«!___ __Barbour To Clayton. 8000 A lbanyM ________ Morgan G. O. CHENAULT. 1500 «Eutaw*«!— - —___ Greene HARWOOD, McKINLEY, 2000 Albertville*«!___ Marshall To Guntersville. McQUEEN & ALDRIDGE. Alexander City*«! Talla’sa To Dadeville. 640 Aliceville*«______ Pickens To Carrollton. 2000 «Evergreen*«!..__ Conecuh E. C. FAGE. 1071 Altoona*«!—_____ Etowah To Gadsden. 1350 Fairfield*_____ . Jefferson To Birmingham. 2480 «Andalusia*«!— Covington JONES & POWELL. 800 Fairhope_____ — Baldwin To Bay Minette. 335 Falkville*«!___ ___Morgan To New Decatur. 14112 «Anniston*«!___ — Calhoun W I L L E T T , W I L L E T T & WALKER. 353 Faunsdale*«!___Marengo To Linden. 250 Arab*________ - Marshall T o Guntersville. Fayette BEASLEY & W RIGHT. 2000 «Fayette*«!-i—. 700 A riton*«!_____ - __ — Dale To Ozark. 400 Fivepoints*«__..Chambers To Lafayette. 479 Ashford*«!__...H ouston See Dothan. 700 Flomaton*«!—... Escambia To Brewton 1500 «Ashland*«!..................Clay LACKEY & ROWLAND. 4000 Fiorala*«!------ ^Covington To Andalusia. 278 «Ashville*---------St. Clair EMBRY & EMBRY. 8000 «Florence*«! — Lauderdale ASHCRAFT & BRADSHAW. 500 Foley*«!---------__ Baldwin To Bay Minette. 2685 «Athens*«!_____ Limestone J. G. RANKIN. 1000 Fort Deposit*«^L-Lowndes To Montgomery. 1500 Atmore*«!_____ Escambia To Brewton. 3500 Attalla*«t________ Etowah To Gadsden. 2500 «Fort Payne*«.........Dekalb HUNT & WOLFES. 1408 Auburn*«!___________ Lee See Opelika. «Gadsden*«!— — Etowah INZER & INZER. 14642 CHARLES HALL. 749 «Bay Minette*«!— Baldwin 400 Gantt*«!....... _ .Covington See Andalusia. 400 Beatrice*«!-____ Monroe To Monroeville. , 204 Gaylesville*— . Cherokee To Gadsden. 150 Belle Mina*«! —Limestone To Athens. Geneva To Dothan. 2000 «Geneva*«!-----600 )Berry*«!____ ,____ Fayette See Fayette. To Greenville. ....... Butler Georgiana*«!.. 999 16556 Bessemer*«! — Jefferson To Birmingham. 740 Good Water*«! __ „.C o o sa CHAS. S. BENTLEY. 181762*Birmingham*«!. Jefferson RITTER & WYNN. 610-11,12-13-14 707 Gordo*«!__ —- — Pickens To Carrollton. First National Bank Bldg. ( Claude 293 G ordon*«____ — Houston See Dothan. D . B itter, William J. W ynn, C. L . Phillips, C. J. Schuster, 350 Grand Bay*«!- ____ Mobile See Mobile. 2048 «Greensboro*«!— — Hale THOS. E. KNIGHT. A . A . D yer.) Represent National ' List, Mercantile Adjuster, Mer 4000 «Greenville*«!___ _— Butler LANE & LANE. chant’s Bank Directory and other 500 «Grove Hill*.... ........Clarke T . J. BEDSOLE. bonded Law Lists. All business, 500 Guin*«!_____ - — -M arion See Russellville.' legal or commercial, litigated or 2000 «Guntersville*«!^- Marshall JOHN A. LUSK & SON otherwise, referred to this office 750 Gurley*«!__ - — Madison To Huntsville. will be attended to promptly and 350 Hackleburg*«!------ Marion See Russellville. efficiently by competent and ex perienced attorneys and adjusters. 1500 Haleyville*«!____ Winston R . L. BLANTON. Local reference, Traders National 700 «Hamilton*________ Marion C. E. MITCHELL. Bank and any judge in this city. 464 Hanceville*«!____ Cullman To New Decatur. Reference in other cities upon 1159 H artford*«!__ . — Geneva See Dothan. request. Depositions taken by 2000 Hartsells*«!...........Morgan To New Decatur. Wm. Milliken, Notary Public. 1090 Headland*«!— ....... Henry To Abbeville. (Compilers of the Alabama laws 839 «Heflin*«!_______ Cleburne To Anniston. for the Rand-McNally Bankers' 202 H illsboro*«!___ Lawrence To New Decatur. Directory.) 8000 «Huntsville*«!------ Madison DAVID A. GRAYSON. 1010 Boaz*«!_______ —Marshall To Guntersyille, 1600 Hurtsboro*«!--------Russell See Opelika. 802 Brantley*«!____ Crenshaw See Luverne. 2000 Jackson*«!_____ — Glarke See Grove Hill. 300 B rent*«!__________„ B ib b T o Centerville. 2500 Jacksonville*«!— Calhoun To Anniston. 2500 «Brewton*«!____Escambia HAMILTON & LEIGH. ALABAM A M A T E 1 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. I y V / 1 8** See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1447 1448 A L A B A M A , A L A S K A , A R IZ O N A Popo laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 700 Jam es*«__ ______ Bullock See Union Springs. 3000 «Jasper*«!_____ *___Walker BANKHEAD & BANKHEAD. 350 Kennedy*«t___ ___ Lamar See Sulligent. 200 Kinston*--------- ----- Coffee To Enterprise. 2000 «Lafayette*«!___ Chambers HINES A FULLER. 350 Lapine*«t_____ Crenshaw To Luverne. 240 Larkinsville*«!...Jackson To Scottsboro. 1200 L eeds*«!_______Jefferson To Birmingham. 540 Leighton*«!_____ Colbert To Tuscumbia. 300 Lexington*___Lauderdale To Florence. 500 Lincoln*«!--------Talladega To Anniston. 600 «Linden*«!___ .__ Marengo To Selma. 2000 Lineville*«t_________ Clay To Ashland. 877 «Livingston*«!_____Sumter JAMES A. MITCHELL. 483 Louisville*«_____ Barbour To Clayton. 2000 «Luverne*»!____ Crenshaw F. B. BRICKEN. 426 Madison*«!___ __ Madison To Huntsville. 125 Madrid*«t_______ Houston See Dothan. 600 Mar bury * « t _____ Autauga To Prattville. 2000 «Marion*«!_____ ____ Perry JESSE C. FOSTER. 400 Marion Junction*«t.Dallas See Selma. 250 McKenzie *«t______ Butler See Greenville. 750 Midland City*«!_____ Dale See Ozark. 750 M illport*«!._______ Lamar See Columbus, Miss. 58221 «Mobile*«!_________ Mobile G R E G O R Y L . & H. H. S M IT H . Attorneys for First National Bank, Louisville and Nashville R. R. Co., and City Bank & Trust Co. 1000 «Monroeville*!____ Monroe BARNETT, BUGG A LEE. 1000 Montevallo*«t____ Shelby To Clanton. 43285 ^Montgomery *•!_.Mont’y W E IL ', S T A K E L Y A V A R D A MAN, Attorneys at Law, practice in all courts, both State and Federal. Specially equipped department for handling commercial matters under the direct supervision o f a member' o f the firm. R ef erences—First Na tional Bank, Fourth National Bank, Exchange National Bank, and New Farley National Bank. v 700 «Moulton*______ Lawrence To New Decatur. 700 Moundville*«!_______Hale To Greensboro. 600 Newbern*«t_________Hale To Greensboro. 500 New Brockton*!___ Coffee See Elba. 400 New Hope*______ Madison To Huntsville. 500 New Market*«!.—Madison To Huntsville. 522 Newville*_________ Henry To Abbeville. 7500 N.Birmin’m*«__ Jefferson To Birmingham. 500 Northport*«t ..Tuscaloosa See Tuscaloosa. 800 Notasulga*«!____ ..M acon To Tuskegee. 1000 Oakman*«t............ Walker See Carbon Hill. 300 Odenville*«t_____ St.Clair To Ashville. 2000 «Oneonta*«!....... .... Blount KELTON & SON. 4832 «Opelika*«!______ j___ Lee DICKINSON & DICKINSON. 1500 Opp*«t-------------Covington To Andalusia. 510 Orrville*«!________ Dallas See Selma. 1090 O xford*«!_______Calhoun To Anniston. 3000 «Ozark*«!____________ Dale J .E .Z . RILEY. 534 Paint R ock*«!___ Jackson Scottsboro. 530 «Pell C ity*«!.__— St. Clair To Ashville. 250 Peterm an*«!.. „__ Monroe To Monroeville. 5500 Phoenix*«___________ Lee See Opelika. 2226 Piedmont*«!____ Calhoun To Anniston. 757 Pinckard*«t_____ ___ Dale To Ozark. 627 Pine Apple*______Wilcox To Camden. 400 Pine Hill*«!__ . . . . Wilcox See Camden. 220 Pittsview *«t_____ Russell See Opelika. 599 Pollard*«!____ ..Escambia See Brewton. 2222 «Prattville*«!__ I ..Autauga EUGENE BALLARD. 1500 Ragland*«! St. Clair To Ashville. 472 Red Bay*«!_____ Franklin To Tuscumbia. 317 Red Level*«!__ Covington See Andalusia. 750 Reform *«!__ ____ Pickens To Carrollton. 550 R epton*«!______ Conecuh To Evergreen. 3600 Roanoke*«!___ .Randolph W . L. WILSON. 400 Robertsdale*«!__ Baldwin To Bay Minette. 500 «Rockford*_________ Coosa See Good Water. 400 Rogersville* ..Lauderdale To Florence. 448 Roy*-------___ ____ Monroe To Monroeville. 2046 «Russellville « ! ..Franklin To Tuscumbia. 1350 Sam son!__ ______ Geneva To Dothan. 1200 «Scottsboro*«!___ Jackson VIRGIL BOULDIN. 500 «S ea le*«!........... Eussell See Opelika. . 15626 «Selm a*«!__________Dallas MALLORY & MALLORY. 4865 Sheffield*«!___ ...C olbert To Tuscumbia. 1000 Slocomb*«! ______ Geneva See Dothan. 600 Springville*«!___ St. Clair To Ashville. 700 Standing Rock*«!Chamb’s To Lafayette. 1000 Stevenson*«!.....Jackson To Scottsboro. 1500 Sulligent*«!_______Lamar To Vernon. 180 Sweet Water*.__ Marengo To Selma. 3000 Sylacauga*«!___ Talladega To Anniston. 6000 «Talladega*«!___ Talladega M . N. MANNING. 500 Talladega Springs*«!Tall ’a To Anniston. 2000 Tallassee*«!______ Elmore To Wetnmpka. 309 Thomaston*«!__ Marengo To Selma. 1181 Thom asville*«!___ Clarke See Grove Hill. 344 Town Creek*«! Lawrence To New Decatur. 7500 «Troy*«! ____________Pike A. G. SEAY. 10488 «Tuscaloosa*«!. Tuscaloosa SMITH & VAN DEGRAAFF. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) P opu la TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 4000 «Tuscumbia*«!____ Colbert KIRK & RATHER. 2800 «Tuskegee*«!__ ___ Macon W M . VARNER. 4055 1836 500 800 995 500 500 1000 700 «Union Springs*«!.Bullock Uniontown*«!__ . —Perry Valley Head*«!__ .Dekalb «V ernon*________—Lamar V in cen t*«!_______Shelby Vinegar Bend*«! Wash’t’n W adley*«!_____ Randolph W arrior*«!_____ Jefferson W aterloo*____ Lauderdale 500 892 1103 1000 600 3000 710 «Wedowee* —. . . Randolph West B locton*_____ Bibb «W etum pka*«!..—.Elmore W ilsonville*«!____ Shelby Winfield*«!__ ____ Marion Wylam*«!______ Jefferson Y ork *«!_________ Sumter R. E. L. COPE. To Marion. T o Ft. Payne. NESMITH & YOUNG. To Clanton. To Ghatom. To Wedowee. To Birmingham. To Florence. H. T . BURNS. To Centerville. F. W . LULL. To Clanton. See Moulton. To Birmingham. See Livingston. ALASKA This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. Alaska is divided Into four divisions: In the FIRST DIVISION one general term of court shall be held each year at Juneau. In the SECOND DIVISION, one general term of court shall be held each year at Nome. In the THIRD DIVISION one general term of court shall be held each year at Valdez. In the FOURTH DIVISION, one general term of court, shall be held each year at Fairbanks. Additional terms In other places In the four districts may be held as the Attorney General may direct. REFERENCE KEY «County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 6000 1500 825 7500 1000 6000 2500 2600 650 1100 1500 3117 1500 743 Anchorage!—___ Cordova*«! — Douglas*«!___ ___ Fairbanks*«! Iditarod*«!_____ ___ §Juneau * « !—_•_............. ___ Ketchikan*«! _______ — N o m e * «!___________ —. . To Valdez. See Juneau. McGOWAN & CLARK. See Fairbanks. GUNNISON & ROBERTSON. To Juneau. O. D . COCHRAN. Compiler of the Alaska laws fo r this pub lication. Petersburg*«!...........—— To Juneau. R u b y*«!____________ ----- To Fairbanks. Seward*«! .. ............... — To Valdez. Skagw ay*«!_________ — To Juneau. Valdez*«!..............’___ ___ T . J. DONAHOE. W rangell*«!_________ — To Juneau. ARIZONA This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One FEDERAL DISTRICT comprises entire state with court at Tucson, first Mondays in May and November; at Phoenix, first Mondays in April and October; at Prescott, first Mondays in March and September; and at Globe, first Mondays in June and December. Counties: Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, Yavapai, and Yuma.______________________________________________________ ________ REFERENCE KEY « County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 3000 A jo * !__ ____________ Pima To Tucson. 800 Benson*«! ---------- Cochise To Douglas. 15000 Bisbee*«! _______Cochise To Douglas. 400 B ow ie*«!________ Cochise To Douglas. 1500 Buckeye*!______Maricopa See Phoenix. 250 Camp Verde*____ Yavapai To Prescott. 475 Casa Grande*«!_____ Pinal To Florence. 1000 Chandler*!_____ Maricopa See Mesa. 1000 Chloride*«!______ Mohave To Kingman. ____ _ Clarkdale*«!—i __ Yavapai See Flagstaff. 6000 «Clifton*«! „ ——.Greenlee 3[C. HOOKER. 13000 Douglas*«!!__. . ___Cochise DAVID BENSHIMOL. To Clifton. 700 Duncan*«!.__Greenlee 2500 «Flagstaff*«! ___ Coconino C. B. WILSON & GERARD T. WALL, Compilers o f the A rizona laws fo r this publication. 1500 «F lorence*«!------------ Pinal BAILEY P . WOOTTON. 50 Gilbert Ï — Maricopa To Phoenix. ________ 1500 Glendale*«!___-Maricopa ‘See Phoenix. N O T P " USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. l l \ / 1 Ju See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W A R IZ O N A , A R K A N S A S (B o n d e d ) POPU LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION.__________________ __________ NAME. P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. TION. SAMUEL M . BONE. To Benton. To Camden. To Searcy. To Dardaneiie. I W . D. BROUSE. To Rogers. To Eureka Springs. See Perry ville. See Pocahontas. To Jonesboro. To Walnut Ridge. To Hope. To Osceola. To Fort Smith. T o Fort Smith. To Lewisville. To Fort Smith. To Lrttle Rock. To Jonesboro. T o Lewisville. To Little Rock. To Melbourne. 800 Pima*»!-............— Graham To Safford. 5000 ¿Camden*»!_____ Ouacfuta A. M . MEEK. 6653 ¿P rescott*»!_____ Yavapai NORRIS & MITCHELL. 400 C anehill*___ Washington To Fayetteville. 7000 R ay *!—— ................ Pinal To Florence. 1200 Carlisle*»!______.Lonoke To Lonoke. 386 Carthage*»! — . —Dallas To Fordyce. 2000 Safford*»!---------- Graham LEE N. STRATTON. 278 Cave City*______ ...Sharp To Walnut Ridge. 300 San Simon*»_____ Cochise To Douglas. 500 Cave Springs*»___ Benton To Rogers. 700 Snowflake*!— — Navajo To Holbrook. 300 C enterton *»....__ Benton To Rogers. 300 Somerton*_________ Yuma To Yuma. 576 ¿Charleston*»! ...Franklin To Fort Smith 1500 ¿St. Johns*____ ...A pache See Holbrook. 400 Cherry Valley*»! ... Cross To Wynne. 750 Superior*------------ —Pinal To Florence. 300 Chidester*»!___ .Ouachita To.Camden. 2000 Tem pe*»!______ Maricopa See Phoenix. 1500 Thatcher*»!_____ Graham To Safford. 3500 ¿Clarendon *•!........Monroe MANNING & EMERSON. 2000 ¿Tombstone*»!— Cochise To Douglas. See also at L ittle Bock. 16750 ¿Tucson*»! ------------- Pima BEN C. HILL. 2500 ¿Clarksville*»!___ Johnson ATKINSON & BROCK. 600 Wickenburg*»! .Maricopa To Phoenix. 500 ¿Clinton*.........Van Buren To Marshall. 1000 W illcox*»! — < ___Cochise To Douglas. 1229 Coal Hill*»!_____ Johnson To Clarksville. 2000 Williams*»!....... Coconino See Flagstaff. 200 C olum bus*__ Hempstead To Hope. 1500 W inkelm an*»!...........Gila To Globe. 4000 W inslow *»!______ Navajo To Holbrook. 4500 ¿Conway*»!_____ Faulkner A. L. BARBER. 1439 ¿Corning*»!___!______ Clay To Paragould. 5000 ¿Yum a*»!.................. Yuma WUPPERMAN & WUPPERMAN. 894 Cotter*»! ................Baxter See Mountain Home. 1500 Cotton Plant*»t.Woodruff To Augusta. 500 Cove*»_____________ Polk To Mena. 400 Crawf’dville*»t.Critt’nd’n See Memphis, Tenn. 2500 Orossett*»t . . . ___ Ashley To Hamburg, 500 Dalark*»..................Dallas To Fordyce. 803 ¿Danville*»t__________Yell To Dardaneiie. This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. 2000 ¿Dardaneiie*»________ Yell H. M . JACOWAY. 244 Datto*» — ----------------Clay To Paragould. Arkansas Is divided into two Federal Districts; namely, Eastern and 600 Decatur*»!_______ Benton To Rogers. Western. 750 D elight*»t____ _____ Pike To Murfreesboro. The EASTERN DISTRICT has four divisions; the Eastern with 3000 ¿DeQueen*»t— ___ Sevier B. L. ISBELL. court at Helena. (1), second Monday in March and first Monday in 2500 D erm ott*»!_______Chicot To Lake Village. October; the Western with court at Little Rock (%), first Monday in 2500 ¿Des A rc*»!___ ____ Prairie To Hazen. April and third Monday in October, the Northern with court at Bates1000 ¿Devall Bluff*»!___ Prairie To Hazen. vllle (3), fourth Monday in May and second Monday in December; the 1500 ¿De W itt*»!_____ Arkansas To Stuttgart. Jonesboro with court at Jonesboro (4), first Monday in M ay and fourth 400 Dierks*__________Howard To Hope. Monday in November. 500 D over*__ _____ Pope To Russellville. 170 Drakes Creek*__ Madison See Huntsville. The WESTERN DIVISION has three divisions; the Fort Smith with court at Fort Smith (5), the second Mondays in January and June; the 1000 Dumas*»! — _____ Desha T . R . JACOBS. Texarkana with court at Texarkana (6), second Mondays in M ay and 555 Dyer*» . . . _____ Crawford To Van Buren. November; the Harrison with court at Harrison (7), second Mondays 2500 E arl*»!__ - ___ Crittenden See Memphis, Tenn. in April and October. 5000 ¿El Dorado*»t_____ Union W . E. PATTERSON. 78 Elkins*»_____ Washington To Fayetteville. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable 300 Elm Springs* .Washington To Fayetteville. to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. 507 El Paso*__________ W hite' To Searcy. Counties: Arkansas (2), Ashley (2), Baxter (7), Benton (5), Boone 600 Emerson*»!—__ Columbia To Magnolia. (7), Bradley (2), Calhoun (6), Carroll (7), Chicot (2), Clark (2), Clay 270 Emmet*»t_______.Nevada -To Prescott. (4), Cleburne (3), Cleveland (2), Columbia (6); Conway (2), Craighead 2500 England*»!______ Lonoke To Lonoke. (4), Crawford (5), Crittenden (4); Cross (1), Dallas (2), Desha (2), 1500 E udora*»!________Chicot To Lake1Village. Drew (2), Faulkner (2), Franklin (5), Fulton (4), Garland (2), Grant 3228 ¿Eureka Springs*»! Carroll F. O. BUTT. (2), Greene (4), Hempstead (6), Hot Spring (2), Howard (6), Inde 289 ¿Evening Shade* ..„S h a r p To Walnut Ridge. pendence (3), Izard (3), Jackson (3), Jefferson (2), Johnson (5), Lafayette To Harrison. 500 Everton*»!__ _Boone (8) , Lawrence (4), Lee (1), Lincoln (2). Little River (6), Logan (5), Lonoke (2), Madison (7), Marion (7), Muler (6), Mississippi (4), Monroe 7500 ¿Fayetteville*»! .W ash’ton O. P. MCDONALD. (1) , Montgomery (2), Nevada (6), Newton (7). Ouachita (6), Perry 150 Flippin*»!__ ......M a r io n See Harrison. (2), Phillips (1), Pike (6), Poinsett (4), Polk (5), Pope (2), Prairie (2), Pulaski (2), Randolph (4), St. Francis (1), Saline (2), Scott (5), Searcy 3000 ¿Fordyce*»t_____ ¿—Dallas WYNNE & HARRISON. (7), Sebastian (5), Sevier (6), Sharp (3), Stone (3), Union (6), van Buren 1100 Foreman*»!..Little River T o Ashdown. (2), Washington (5), White (2), Woodruff (1), Yell (5). 3500 ¿Forrest City*»tSt. Francis MANN, BUSSEY & MANN. 28638 ¿Fort Smith*»! ..Sebastian C. R . BARRY. REFERENCE KEY Fust' Nat. Bk. Bldg. 300 F ou ke*»!____ _____ Miller To Texarkana. LCounty Seat.. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. 350 Fountain Hill*____,Ashley To Hamburg. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 200 Franklin*___ ______Izard See Melbourne. 647 Fulton*»! ____ Hempstead To Ashdown. 668 Gentry*»!____ — Benton To Rogers. ' 300 Alicia*»!'______ Lawrence To Walnut Ridge. 1200 Gillett*»!..____ Arkansas To Stuttgart. 565 Alma*»! .......... Crawford To Fort Smith. 500 Gillham*»!________ Sevier To De Queen. 400 A lm y ra »!_____Arkansas To Stuttgart, i 1500 Glenwood*»t_— Pike To Murfreesboro. 300 Alpena Pass*_____ Boone See Harrison. 180 G rady*»!-------------Lincoln To Pine Bluff. 350 Altheimer*»!__ Jefferson To Pine Bluff. 1000 Gravette*»! 2 1 ___ Benton To Rogers. 659 Altus*»! — . — Franklin See Ozark. 1200 Green Forest*»!__ Carroll To Eureka Springs. 813 A m ity*»!_________ Clark To Arkadelphia. . To Paragould. 390 Green way*»!__ ... . __ Clay 14907 Argenta»! ............. Pulaski To Little Rock. 1200 ¿Greenwood*»! ..Sebastian To Fort Smith,. 202 Griffithville*»_____ White To Searcy. 2745 ¿Arkadelphia*»!____ Clark McMILLAN & McMILLAN. 400 Grubbs*__ s ....... .Jackson To Newport. 1485 ¿Arkansas City*»!— Desha To Dumas. 500 Guion*»!____ ______ Izard To Melbourne. 1500 ¿A sh d ow n *»!„L ittle R iver JUNE R . MORRELL. 1284 Gurdon*»t .............. Clark To Arkadelphia. 350 Ash Flat*________ ..Sharp To Walnut Ridge. F40 Hackett*»!_____ Sebastian To Fort Smith. 11500 Atkins*»t___________Pope To Russellville. 2000 ¿Hamburg*»!______ Ashley G. P. GEORGE. 2000 ¿Augusta*»!____ Woodruff HARRY M . WOODS. 353 ¿Hampton*—.........Calhoun To Fordyce. -000 Bald Knob*»! _____ White To Searcy. 329 ¿Hardy*»! . . . _______ Sharp To Walnut Ridge. 10000 ¿Globe*»!-— . — — Gila RAWLINS & LITTLE. 2000 Hayden*!----------_r— Gila To Globe. 1500 ¿Holbrook*»! — „N av ajo C. H. JORDAN. 6000 Jerome*............... Yavapai See Flagstaff. 2500 ¿Kingman*»! ....„ M o h a v e C. W. HERNDON. 8500 Lowell»!-------- ...C ochise To Douglas. 600 Mayer*»!------- — Yavapai To Prescott. 1692 M e sa * »!...........Maricopa G. W . SELVERTHORN. 2500 Metcalf*_______ Greenlee To Clifton. Gila To Globe. 8000 Miami*»! — ;----7000J Morenci *•!____ Greenlee To Clifton. 8000 ¿Nogales*»! — Santa Cruz BARRY & BARRY. 5000 Oatman*!---------- Mohave To Kingman. 420 P arker*»!________ Yuma See Yuma. 250 Payson*---- --------------Gila To Globe. 18621 §*Phcenix*»!------ Maricopa JOHN L. GUST. Fleming Block. Refers to Phoenix.National Bank, Special attention to Commercial, Corporation and Real Estate law. 5000 ¿Batesville*»t —Indep'ence 3000 B auxite*»!____ . — Saline 1000 Bearded*»!_____ Ouachita 873 Beebe*»! — ____ White 335 Belleville*»!-....... — Yell 3000 ¿Benton*»!— ____ Saline 3000 ¿Bentonville*»! Benton 1500 ¿Berry v ille*»!---— Carroll 350 B igelow *»!_______ .Perry 435 Biggers*»!_____ Randolph 125 Black Oak*!___ Craighead 1078 Black Rock*»!..Lawrence 500 Blevins*»___ ..Hempstead’ 3849 Blytheville*»t .Mississippi 811 Bonanza*»!____ Sebastian 3500 ¿Booneville*»t „ -----Logan 200 Bradley*»!— ..Lafayette 400 B ranch*»!______Franklin 2500 Brinkley*»!___ ...M onroe 500 Brookland*»!__ Craighead 400 Buckner*»!____ Lafayette 1000 C a b ot*»________ Lonoke 600 Calico R ock*!______ Izard ARKANSAS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis USE .COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1449 1450 ARKAN SAS A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 250 Harrell**!-------- ..Calhoun ToFordyce. 1500 ‘ Harrisburg**!.— Poinsett To Jonesboro. 4000 ‘ Harrison**!---------- Boone CRÌJMP & CRUMP. 2000 Hartford**!. — Sebastian To Fort Smith. 600 Hartman**t-------- Johnson To Russellville. 500 Hatfield**!— ............. Polk To Mena. 821 Havana**!------------ — Yell To Dardanelle. 400 Haynes**!------------ ...L e e To Marianna. 1000 Hazen**!--------- ...P rairie GREGORY & HOLTZENDOREF. 2000 ‘ Heber Sp’g s**!.. Cleburne M . E. VINSON. 10796 850 175 100 280 536 ‘ Helena**!__ _____ Phillips Hermitage**! ___ Bradley Hickory Ridge**!— Cross Hindsville*_____ Madison Hiwasse**______ ..Benton Holly G rove**!__ Monroe W . G. DINNING. To Fordyce. To Wynne. To Fayetteville. To Rogers. To Clarendon. 6500 H ope**!..........Hempstead McMILLAN & GENTRY. 800 H oratio**!--------- — Sevier To De Queen. 17238 400 1400 380 508 2000 700 2500 600 242 200 ‘ Hot Springs**! — Garland Houston**! . . . . . . . . .Perry H ox ie**!______ Lawrence Hum phrey**!... Jefferson H unter**!_____ Woodruff Huntington**! -Sebastian ‘ Huntsville*_____ Madison Huttig**!__________Union Im boden**!___ Lawrence ‘ Jasper*___ s___ __ Newton Joiner** ------- Mississippi C. FLOYD HUFF. To Perryville. To Walnut Ridge. To Stuttgart. See Cotton Plant. To Fort Smith. To Rogers. To El Dorado. To Walnut Ridge. See Harrison. To Osceola. 12000 1200 2165 225 600 200 500 700 1074 600 400 54 580 1000 2500 ‘ Jonesboro**!—.Craighead J udsonia**!_______White Junction City**!___ Union Kensett**!____ __ .W hite Kingsland**! ..Cleveland Kingston*— — Madison Knobel**!____ ______ Clay ‘ Lake City** — Craighead ‘ Lake Village**!__ <.Chicot Lamar*!— ____ Johnson Lavaca**!______ Sebastian Leachville**...Mississippi Lead Hill*__ ______ Boone Lepanto*________ Poinsett Leslie**!__________Searcy W M . CARROLL. To Searcy. To El Dorado. To Searcy. To Fordyce. See Huntsville. To Paragould. To Jonesboro. To Hamburg. To Clarksville. To Fort Smith. To Osceola. To Harrison. To Marked Tree. To Marshall. 1200 ‘ Lewisville**!___ Lafayette SEARCY & PARKS. 600 L incoln**!__ Washington To Fayetteville. 57343 §*Little R o c k * * !.. Pulaski M ANNING & EM ERSON. Prac tice in all courts. Specialty: Com mercial Law, Corporations and Fed eral Courts. Reference: Southern Trust Co. and Union Trust Co. Compilers o f the Arkansas laws fo r this publication. ( See also at Clarendon.). 748 Lockesburg*______ Sevier To De Queen. 600 London**.___ j____—Pope To Russellville. 2500 193 677 968 ‘ Lonoke**!_______Lonoke Lowell**.... ..........-Benton Luxora**! ___ Mississippi Magazine**!__ —__ Logan 2500 5000 817 562 1000 ‘ Magnolia**!____ Columbia KILGORE & JOINER ‘ Malvern**!___ Hot Spring To Arkadelphia. Mammoth Sp’g.**! Fulton To'Salem. Manila*--------- Mississippi To Osceola. Mansfield**! —.Sebastian To Fort Smith. 6000 500 3000 900 1000 1000 500 1000 3000 482 600 ‘ Marianna**!......... —..L ee D. S. PLUMMER. »Marion**_____ Crittenden See Memphis, Tenn. Marked Tree**!..Poinsett J. G. WASKOM. Marmaduke**!___ Greene To Paragould. ‘ Marshall**! -______Searcy W M . T . MILLS. Marvell**! ______ Phillips To Helena. Maynard*______ Randolph To Walnut Ridge. McCrory**!___ '.Woodruff See Augusta. McGehee**!.... ........Desha To Dumas. McNeil**! _____ Columbia See Magnolia. McRae** ................. White To Searcy. 500 3953 639 750 1600 ‘ Melbourne*......... .... Izard ‘ Mena**!___________ Polk Midland*«!--------Sebastian Mineral Sp’gs**— Howard Monette*--------- Craighead TRIMBLE & WILLIAMS. To Rogers. To Osceola. To Fort Smith. GOODW IN & H A R R IS . W . P R IC K E T T . To Fort Smith. To Hope. To Jonesboro. 3000 ‘ M onticello**!______ Drew R . W . WILSON. 300 Montrose**!_____ .Ashley To Hamburg. 400 M oro**!_______ Lee To Marianna. 3000 ‘ Morrillton**!____ Conway J. W . JOHNSTON 200 Mountainburg**!Crawf’rd To Fort Smith. 800 ‘ Mountain Home*..Baxter S. W . WOODS. 500 ‘ Mountain View*___ Stone See Marshall. 450 ‘ Mount Ida*—Montgomery G. H. SPEER, JR. 200 Mount Pleasant* ___ Izard To Melbourne. 1200 M ulberry**!___ Crawford To Fort Smith. 1400 ‘ Murfreesboro**—___ Pike LANGLEY & STEEL. 2374 ‘ Nashville**!_____ Howard To Hope. 1080 Nettleton**!___ Craighead To Jonesboro. 800 Newark**! .Independence To Batesville. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 400 NewEdinburg*.Cleveland ToFordyce. 5000 ‘ N ewport**!_____ Jackson 200 Nimmons*..... ...........Clay 300 Norfork**!_______ Baxter 600 Okolona**!________Clark 600 Ola**!_____ ________ Yell 300 Olvey*!.__________ Boone 350 Omaha*__________ Boone IRA J. MACK. To Paragould. See Mountain Home. To Arkadelphia. To Dardanelle. See Harrison. See Harrison. 2500 200 129 1200 800 ‘ Osceola**!....... Mississippi Ouachita............ .— Dallas Ozan**! --------Hempstead ‘ Ozark**!-----------Franklin Pangburn *•!-----— White LAMB & RHODES. ToFordyce. To Hope. To Fort Smith. To Searcy. 18500 2000 383 1500 450 300 400 450 2500 ‘ Paragould**! i —i —Gteene ‘ Paris**!....................Logan Parkdale**! ...........Ashley Parkin**!_____ ____ Cross Peach Orchard**!....Clay Pea Ridge*_______ Benton P erry**!.._______ —Perry Pettigrew**!____ Madison ‘ Piggott**!_________ ..Clay LUNA & BRATTON. To Fort Smith. To Hamburg. To Wynne. To Paragould. To Rogers. See Perryville. To Fayetteville. , To Paragould. 17447 ‘ Pine Bluff**!___ Jefferson TAYLOR, JONES & TAYLOR. Attorneys for Citizens Banjr. 853 495 2107 450 823 205 1000 Plainview** ................Yell Plumerville**!___ Conway ‘ Pocahontas**!..Randolph Portia**! —____ Lawrence Portland**!.... ........Ashley Pottsville*__________Pope Prairie Grove**tWash’ton To Dardanelle. To Morrillton. To Walnut Ridge. To Walnut Ridge. To Hamburg. To Russellville. To Fayetteville. 3500 60 471 175 350 500 3000 400 900 ‘ P rescott**! ____ Nevada Pyatt**! ----------;__ Marion ; Quitman* ______ Cleburne Ratcliff**____ ___ ..Logan Ravenden* •!— Lawrence Ravenden Spgs.*Randolph R ector**!___________Clay Reyno**!--------- Randolph ‘ Rison**!_______Cleveland H. E. ROUSE. See Harrison. To Heber Springs. To Fort Smith. To Walnut Ridge. To Pocahontas. To Paragould. To Walnut Ridge. To Fordyce. 4000 Rogers**! ___ Benton 93 Rudy**!------ . Crawford SIKES & SIKES. To Van Buren. 4000 ‘ Russellville**!........... Pope BROWN ROGERS. 1000 ‘ Salem*.... ................ Fulton G. T. HUMPHRIES. 350 Scotland*_____ Van Buren To Marshall. 350 Scranton *•...............Logan To Fort Smith. 3500 ‘ Searcy**!__ _____ .White MILLER & YINGLING. 1000 ‘ Sheridan**! ............ Grant To Pine Bluff. 350 Sherrill**! _____ Jefferson See Pine Bluff. 500 Shirley**!____ Van Buren To Marshall. 125 Sidney*____________Sharp To Walnut Ridge. 4000 Siloam Springs**!.Benton To Rogers. 300 Smithville*____ Lawrence To Walnut Ridge. 800 Sparkman**____ ... Dallas To Fordyce. 2000 Springdale**! Washington To Fayetteville. 2316 Skim ps**!_____Lafayette To Lewisville. 700 ‘ Star City**— _i__.Lincoln To Pine Bluff. 800 Stephens**! ___ Ouachita To Camden. , 700 St. Francis**!___ . —.Clay To Paragould. 159 St. J o e * * !________ Searcy To Marshall. 430 St. Paul**_______Madison To Fayetteville. , 465 S trong**!__ ’______Union To El Dorado. 5000 Stuttgart**!____ Arkansas O. M . YOUNG. 379 Success**!_____,____ Clay To Paragould. 800 Sulphur Springs**!Benton To Rogers. 600 Swifton**_______Jackson To Newport. 100 T aylor**!..........Columbia To Magnolia. 5655 ‘ Texarkana**!____Miller ROLLIN W . RODGERS. 1000 Thornton**!____ Calhoun To Fordyce. 500 Tillar**!___________Drew See Monticello. 1500 Trum ann**!____ Poinsett To Marked Tree. 1200 Tuckerman**! ...Jackson To Newport. 200 /Tyronza**!_____ Poinsett To Marked Tree. ( 6000 ‘ Van Buren**!.. .Crawford SOUTHMAYD & SOUTHMAYD. 400 Vandervoort*«!——. . Polk To Mena. 500 Vanndale**_______-Cross To Wynne. 241 V iola *__ _________ Fulton See Russellville. 450 Wabbaseka** _ .. J efferson To Pine Bluff . 250 W alcott*_________Greene To Paragould. 700 W aldo**!______Columbia See Magnolia. 1500 ‘ W aldron**___ _____ Scott To Fort Smith. 2500 ‘ Walnut Ridge**!. Lawr’ce PONDER & PONDER. 6000 ‘ Warren**!_______Bradley To Fordyce. 399 ‘ Washington**! Hempstead To Hope. 300 Watson**!_____ ___ Desha To Dumas. 600 Weiner**!_______Poinsett To Jonesboro. 350 West Fork**! Washington To Fayetteville. 600 Wheetley*____ St. Francis To Forrest City. 300 W illiford**!_______ Sharp To Walnut Ridge. 929 W ilm ar**!__ ______ Drew See Monticello. 1100 Wilmot**! ............ Ashley To Hamburg. 100 Wilson**! ___ Mississippi To Osceola. 294 Wilton**!___ Little River To Ashdown. 400 . Winchester *•!_____ Drew See Monticello. 289 Winslow**! —Washington To Fayetteville. 655 Winthrop**!..Little River To Ashdown. 552 Womble**! —Montgomery To Mount Ida. 2353 ‘ W ynne**!_____ i____Cross OGAN & ARGABRIGHT. See Harrison. 1000 ‘ Yellville**_______Marion M O T r USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. l l V / 1 JCj See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) POPO LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. tion.___________ ____________ __ C A L IF O R N IA NAME. CALIFORNIA This Inform ation w ill be o f value to those interested in Bank ruptcy m atters. California is divided into two Federal Districts; the NORTHERN DISTRICT with court at San Francisco (1), the first Monday in March, the second Monday in July, and the first Monday in November; at Sacramento (1), on the second Monday in April; at Eureka (1), on the third Monday in July. P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. *Colusa*»t_______ —Colusa Compton*»t ..L os Angeles Concord*»!. -Contra Costa Corcoran*»!_______ Kings Corning*»! . — Tehama Corona*»!______ Riverside Coronado*»!___ SaD Diego ( San Diego P. O.) 2000 Covina*»!___ Los Angeles 2200 1000 1500 750 2000 4000 4500 1114 »Crescent City*».Del Norte 892 Crockett*»!—Contra Costa 250 Crows Landing*»!_Stan’us The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions, namely; the Northern 2300 Cucamonga*»!. .S, Ber’d’o with court at Fresno (2), on the first Monday in M ay and the second 500 Culver City»—Los Angeles Monday in November; the Southern with courts at Los Angeles (3), 300 Danville*»t —Contra Costa on the second Mondays in January and July and at San Diego (3), 1500 Davis*»! —___ Yolo on the second Mondays in March and September.. 600 Delano*»! . ______ .Kern 350 Del R ey *»t~ ____ ¿Fresno 110 D enair*»!_____ Stanislaus For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable 2250 Dinuba*»!_________ Tulare to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. 827 Dixon*»!__________ Solano 214 D orris*»!_______ Siskiyou Counties: Alameda (1), Alpine (1), Amador (1), Butte (1), Calaveras 400 Dos Palos*_______ Merced (1) , Colusa (1), Contra Costa (1), Del Norte (1), Eldorado (1), Fresno 2000 Downey*»!— Los Angeles (2) , Glenn (1), Humboldt (1), Imperial (3), Inyo (2), Kern (2), Kings 508 Ducor*»!__________Tulare (2), Lake (1), Lassen (1), Los Angeles (3), Madera (2), Marin (1), Mari 2200 Dunsmuir*»!__ _ Siskiyou posa (2), Mendocino (1), Merced (2), M odoc (1), M ono (1), Monterey 250 Durham*»!_________ Butte (1), Napa (1), Nevada (1), Orange (3), Placer (1), Plumas (1), Riverside 600 East Auburn*!____ Placer (3), Sacramento (1), San Benito (1), San Bernardino (3), San Diego 5000 East San Diego*_San Diego (3), San Francisco (1), San Joaquin (1), San Luis Obispo (3), San Mateo (San Diego P. O. ) (1), Santa Barbara (3), Santa Clara (1), Santa Cruz (1), Shasta (1), 500 El C ajon *»!___ San Diego Siena (1), Siskiyou (1), Solano (1), Sonoma (1), Stanislaus (1), Sutter (1), Tehama (1), Trinity (1), Tulare (2), Tuolumne Q ), Ventura (3), 6500 *E1 Oemtro*»!....... Imperial Yolo (1), Yosemite National Park, Yuba (1). 500 Elk Grove*»!-Sacramento 5000 Elm hurst»!_____ Alameda (Oakland, P. O.) 1000 El Monte*!— Los Angeles 1200 El Segundo*».Los Angeles 1500 Elsinore*»!___ ¿Riverside 2613 Emeryville*!____ Alameda REFERENCE KEY 500 Escalon *•!__ San Joaquin 2000 Escondido*»! ...S an Diego 250 Esparto*»!__________Yolo * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. 618 Etna M ills*»____ Siskiyou ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 27732 Alameda*»! ____ Alameda To Oakland. 10000 Alhambra*»!.Los Angeles To Los Angeles. 1200 »Alturas*»t________ Modoc 1000 Alvarado*»!_____ Alameda 5500 Anaheim*»!______ Orange 1400 Anderson*»!______Shasta 2000 Angels Camp*!..Calaveras 2500 Antioch*»!..Contra Costa 600 Arhuckle*»t______ Colusa 1800 Areata*»______ Humboldt 1500 A rlin gton »!___ Riverside 900 Arroyo Grande*»! S. L. Ob. 500 Artesia*»!___ Los Angeles 300 Atwater*»!_______ Merced 3000 »Auburn*»!________ Placer 2000 Azusa*»!....... Los Angeles E. C. BONNER. To Oakland. To Santa Ana. See Redding. To Stockton. To Berkeley, To Colusa. To Eureka.' See Riverside. To San Luis Obispo. To Los Angeles. To Merced. To Sacramento. To South Pasadena. *Bakersfield*»t______ Kern BaldwinPark*»LosAngeles Banning*»!__ ..Riverside Beaumont*»!... Riverside Benecia*»!________ Solano Berkeley*»! „ ___ Alameda Bieber*! _________ Lassen Biggs*»!___________Butte Bigpine*»___________Inyo Bishop*»!_________ —Inyo Blythe*________Riverside Brawley*»!_____ Imperial Brea»________ l__ Orange Brentwood*»!ContraCosta Buena Park*»!___ Orange Burbank*»!...Los Angeles Burlingame*»!..San Mateo 200 Butte City*._______ Glenn 500 Byron*_____Contra Costa 4500 Calexico*»!____ Imperial 1000 Calipatria!____ _ Imperial 1100 Calistoga*»!.... ......... Napa .100 •Camarillo*»!____ Ventura 400 Cambria*— San L. Obispo 825 Gampbell*»t— Santa Clara 1500 Carpintería*»! —S. Barbara Cedarville*!_______ Modoc Centerville*»____ Alameda 500 Ceres*»!____ ...Stanislaus 10000 Chico*»!___________Butte 4000 Chino*»!..San Bernardino 400 Chowchilla»!____ Madera 2000 Chula Vista*»— San Diego 1500 Claremont*»!.Los Angeles 823 Cloverdale * » t ___ Sonoma 1200 Clovis*»!_____ .__ Fresno 300 Coachella*»!___ Riverside 4500 Coalinga*«!_____ ..Fresno 800 Colfax *•+_________Placer 5000 Colton*»!. San Bernardino T. N. HARVEY. To Los Angeles. See Riverside.. See Riverside. To Vallejo. To Oakland. To Susanville. To Oroville. See Visalia. To Independence. See Riverside. To El Centro. To Santa Ana. To Berkeley. To Santa Ana. To Los Angeles. To San Francisco. See Willow. To Berkeley. To El Centro. To El Centro. To Napa. To Ventura. See San Luis Obispo. To San Jose. To Santa Barbara. To Alturas. » To Oakland. See Modesto. To Oroville. To San Bernardino. To Fresno. To San Diego. To Los Angeles, See Santa Rosa. To Fresno. See Riverside. To Fresno. To Auburn. To San Bernardino. 1500 1200 2360 65000 513 403 500 1800 1250 3500 700 200 115 2500 1565 M H T 1 7 I lV J 1 £4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAME. P. B. ARNOLD. To Los Angeles, To Berkeley. See Hanford. To Red Bluff. See Riverside. To San Diego. To Los Angeles. G. A. WEBB. To Berkeley. See Modesto. To San Bernardino. To Los Angeles. To Berkèley. To Sacramento. To Bakersfield, To Fresno. See Modesto. To Visalia, To Vallejo. To Yreka. See Merced. To Los Angeles. See Visalia. To Yreka. See Oroville. To Auburn. To San Diego. To San Diego. CHAS, L. CHILDERS. To Sacramento. To Oakland. To Los Angeles. To Los Angeles. See Riyerside. To Oakland. See Stockton. To San Diego. To Sacramento. To Yreka. 20000 »Eureka*»t_____ Humboldt SEVIER, COONAN & RICKS. 2000 E xeter*»t.............. Tulare To Visalia. 834 1000 300 310 1000 1800 221. 1500 1845 400 3500 500 1200 1500 Fairfield*! — — Solano Fairoaks*»!__ Sacramento Fall Brook*»!__ San Diego Fall River Mills'.__ Shasta Ferndale*»!___ Humboldt Fillmore*»!______ Ventura Firebaugh*»t_____ Fresno Folsom City*»tSacramento Forestville*______ Sonoma Fort Bidwell*»t___ Modoc Fort Bragg*»t. Mendocino Fort Jones*»____ Siskiyou Fortuna*»t........Humboldt F ow ler*»!...............Fresno To Vallejo. To Sacramento. See San Diego. To Redding. To*Eureka. To Ventura. To Fresno. To Sacramento. See Santa Rosa. To Alturas, To Ukiah. To Yreka. To Eureka. See Fresno. 5000 3500 985 800 500 500 2437 10250 1800 600 6000 500 2000 350 500 800 550 1500 Fruit v a le » !......... Alameda Fullerton*»!____ —Orange G alt*»!______Sacramento Gardena*»___ Los Angeles Garden Grove*»t —Orange Geyserville*»!___ Sonoma Gilroy*»!_____Santa Clara Glendale*»!__ Los Angeles Glendora*»!..Los Angeles Gonzales*»!____ Monterey Grass V alley*»!..-Nevada Greenville*»!_____ Plumas G ridley*»!...... MSB Butte Grimes* —_____ Colusa Guadal ape*»t_. S. Barbara Guerneville*»____ Sonoma Gustine*»!_______ Merced. Half MoonBay*»!San Mateo BARNARD & WATTERS, Union Natl. Bk. Bldg. To Oakland. To Santa Ana. To Sacramento. To Los Angeles, To Santa Ana. See Santa Rosa. To San Jose. To Los Angeles. To Los Angeles. See Salinas. To Nevada City. To Quincy. To Oroville. See Colusa. See Santa Barbara. See Santa Rosa. See Merced. To San Francisco. 6500 200 3500 3500 200 1200 679 1600 »H anford*»!________Kings H ardw ick*»!.._____Kings Hayward*»!_____ Alameda Healdsburg*»!___ Sonoma Heber*»_________Imperial Hem et*»!...........Riverside Hermosa Beach*»_LosAng. Highland*»!San Bernardino F. E. KILPATRICK. See Hanford. To Oakland. See Santa Rosa. To El Centro. See Riverside. To Los Angeles. To San Bernardino. 50000 »F resno*»!.............. Fresno 3000 »Hollister*»!— San Benito 10000 Hollywood*»..Los Angeles 2500 Holtville*! ______ Imperial 500 Hopland*»!___ Mendocino 650 Hueneme*___ j___Ventura 500 Hughson*»t___ Stanislaus 3000 HuntingtonBeach*»!Orange 3500 Huntington Park*»tL. Ang. 600 Hynes*»t____ Los Angeles 1257 Im perial*»!___ ..Im perial 407 »Independence*»! „ —.Inyo 1000 Inglewood*»t-Los Angeles •876 lone*»! — ______ Amador 750 Irvington*»____ ¡.Alameda _____ Irw in *..._________ Merced 2035 »Jackson*»t______ Amador GEO. W . JEAN. To Los Angeles. To El Centro. See Ukiah. See Ventura. To Modesto, To Santa Ana. To Los Angeles. To Los Angeles. To El Centro. See Fresno. To Lös Angeles. To Sacramento. To Oakland. Tp Merced, To Sacramento. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1451 1452 C A L IF O R N IA A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 1000 J amestown*»— Tuolumne 1800 Kennett*»t____ ....S h asta 800 Kerm an*»!___ „ ..F r e s n o Kern K ern *-----------Keyes*»-----------Stanislaus 1000 King Oity*»t— Monterey 1000 Kingsburg*»!.........Fresno 320 Knights Landing!___ Yolo ( Grafton P. O.) •550 La Habra*»______ Orange 1100 La Jolla*»t------ San Diego See Sonora. To Redding. See Fresno. To Bakersfield. To Modesto. To Salinas. To Fresno. To Sacramento. 1000 2000 .... 1200 400 1000 400 300 1000 1402 3000 278 2500 250 612 3800 400 2000 H. V. KEELING. »Lakeport*»_________Lake La Manda Park*»t Los Angeles La Mesa*»t____ San Diego Lancaster*»t .Los Angeles Lankershim*»!LosAngeles L aton*»t_________ Fresno Le Grand*»!___ _ Merced Lemoore*»t........... ..Kings Lincoln*»! ..............Placer Lindsay*»!...............Tulare Live Oak *•!______ Sutter Liverm ore*»!___ Alameda Livingston*»!....... Merced Lockeford*»!.San Joaquin Lodi*»!--------- San Joaquin Loleta*»_______ Humboldt Lompoc*»! .Santa Barbara . To Santa Ana. To San Diego To Los Angeles. To San Diego. To Los Angeles. To Los Angeles. See Fresno. See Merced. To Hanford. To Auburn. To Visalia. See Colusa. To Oakland. See Merced. See Stockton. See Stockton. See Eureka. To Santa Barbara. 27587 Long Beach*»!. L. Angeles SKINNER & JAQUES. ,600 Loom is*»!.— ------- Placer To Auburn. 1600 Lordsburg*»!.. L. Angeles To Los Angeles. 500 Los Alamos*»! S. Barbara To Santa Barbara. 503812»Los Angeles*»t.L. Angeles S mCKSLER, SMITH & PARKE, W. S. B ick sler,W . G. Smith cmd Dale H. Parke, Citizens National Bank Building, R efer to The Preferred Accident Insurance Company of New York; Maryland Casualty Company o f Baltimore; Carson Pirie Scott & Company and John V. Farwell Company, Chicago; Security Trust & Savings Bank o f Los Angeles; and to all offices o f the Bradstreet Company. 3-BENNETT, TURNBULL & THOMPSON. Washington Bldg. General practice in all courts. - Corporation, banking probate, insurance, and commercial law. The interest of non-residents given personal, prompt,.and efficient attention not only at Los Angeles but throughout Southern Cali fornia. _ Depositions before Raymond G. Thompson, Notary Public in and fo r Los Angeles County. Department for commercial collections under expert management. R efer ences; Citizens National Bank, Security Trust & Savings Bank, and Hibernian Savings Bank, R. G. Dun & Co. at aQy o f their offices. R eferences in any city upon request. Cable address: Nodrog.” 2000 Los Banos*»!___ ¿.Merced To Merced. 2500 Los Gatos*»!..Santa Clara To San Jose. 983 Loyalton*»........ ....S ierra To Downieville. 3000 »M adera*»!_______Madera T o Fresno. 350 Manteca*»! . . .San Joaquin See Stockton. 2500 M aricopa*»!.._____ .Kern To Bakersfield. .3500 »Martinez*»!..Contra Costa To Berkeley. 7000 »Marysville*»!______..Yuba W . Pi r i c h . 300 Maxwell*»! ............ Colusa See Colusa. 1041 M ayfield*»!__ Santa Clara To San Jose. 2500 M cCloud*»!._____Siskiyou To Yreka. 50 M cFarland*»!______Kern .. To Bakersfield. 300 Melrose!------------ Alameda To Oakland. (Oakland P. O.) 1200 Mendocino*» ..M endocino See Ukiah. 4500 »Merced*»!__ ......M e r c e d ERNEST E. WOOD. 3500 Mill V alley*»!_____ Marin See San Francisco. 400 Milpitas*»! r__ Santa Clara To San Jose. 7500 »M odesto*»!.___ Stanislaus BROWN & HINDMAN. 500 Moneta*». . . . .Los Angeles To Los Angeles. 5000 M onrovia*»!..Los Angeles To Los Angeles. 550 Montague*»!____ Siskiyou To Yreka. 400 Montebello*!.Los Angeles To Los Angeles. 5000 Monterey*»! ¿...M onterey To Salinas. ----- - i M oorpark*»t____ Ventura To Santa Barbara. 800 Morgan Hill*»!Santa Clara To San Jose. 2000 Mountain View*».Santa C. To San Jose. 7500 »N apa*»!____________ Napa C. N. RIGGINS. 2500 National City*»!San Diego To San Diego. 4000 Needles*»!San Bernardino W . J. BAILEY. 3000 503 1400 885 1800 400 400 1800 »Nevada C ity*»!__ Nevada Newcastle*»!. ____ Placer Newman*»! ....Stanislaus Newport Beach*»!.Orange Niles*»!_____ ¿__ Alameda Norwalk*»!. ..L os Angeles N ovato*»!_______ ..Marin Oakdale*»!____ Stanislaus I. C. LENDLEY. To Auburn. To Modesto. To Santa Ana. To Oakland. To Los Angeles. See San Rafael. To Modesto. 198604»Oakland*»t--------Alameda FRED. B. HART, Oakland Bank of Savings Building. Oceanpark*»!.Los Angeles To Los. Angeles. 1200 Oceanside*»t...San Diego T-o San Diego. 400 O jai*»!-----------. . . V entura Seé Ventura. 300 “Olive*»------- s____Grange To Santa Ana. 8000 Ontario*,»!San Bernardino To San Bernardino. 5000 Grange*»! — __ Orango To Santa Ana. 1500 Orland*»! ..........¿.G lenn To Willow. 500 Orosi*! .: _______ Tulare To Visalia. 4000 »Oroville*»t________ .Butte G. F. JONES. 12000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTF ^ ™^ P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. --------Owensmouth*»!L’sAngeles 4000 Oxnard*»! ______ Ventura 3000 Pacific Grove*»! Monterey 60 Palmdale*»!_Los Angeles 250 Palms*»t------ Los Angeles 6000 Palo Alto*»t__ Santa Clara 1000 Parlier*!»________ Fresno 46450 Pasadena*»!..Los Angeles 1441 Paso Robles*-.Sam L. Ob. 800 Patterson*»!___Stanislaus 500 P erris*»!____ ..Riverside 8000 Petaluma*»! ......S o n o m a 1200 Pinole*»!___ Contra Costa 5000 Pittsburg*»!.Contra Costa 1500 Placentia*:•!______ Orange To Los Angeles. To Ventura. To Salinas. To Los Angeles. To Los Angeles. To San Jose. To Fresno. To Los Angeles. To San Luis Obispo. To Modesto. See Riverside. See Santa Rosa. To Berkeley. To Berkeley. To Santa Ana. 2000 1254 768 497 100 13150 5000 300 500 FRED IRWIN. To Oakland. To Sacramento. See Ukiah. To San Francisco. To Los Angeles. To Visalia. See Colusa. To Los Angeles. »Placerville*»t-.E1 Dorado Pleasanton*»!.-...Alameda Plymouth *______ Amador Point Arena*».Mendocino PointReyesStation*»Marin Pom ona*»t...Los Angeles Porterville*»t .....T u la r e Princeton*________ Colusa Puente*»!— Los Angeles 900 »Q uincy*»!---------- Plumas 500 Ramona*______San Diego 3500 »Red Bluff*»!___ ..Tehama 3572 14000 3500 2442 2500 2000 15000 884 500 300 1300 500 »R edding*»!--------..Shasta Redlands*»! S.Bernardino Redondo Beach*»!.Los A. »Redwood City*»!.S. Mateo R eedley*»!.... ........Fresno Rialto*»!..San Bernardino Richmond*»!Contra Costa Rio V ista*»...____ Solano Ripon*»!____ San Joaquin Rivera*»!___ Los Angeles Riverbank*»!__ Stanislaus Riverdale*t...........Fresno 19763 »Riverside*»!___ Riverside 3500 Roseville*»!_______ Placet (B O N D E D ) L. N. PETER. To San Diego. W . A. FISH, Attorney for The Red Bluff National Bank, OSCAR GEBALLE. To San Bernardino. To Los Angeles,' To San Francisco. To Fresno. To San Bernardino. To Berkeley. To Vallejo. See Stockton. To Los Angeles. See Modesto. See Fresno. A. H . W I N D E R , 201-2 Loring Block. Attorney for Union Title & Abstract Co., Riverside, Cali fornia. General practice; probate and land titles a specialty. To Auburn. 66895 §»Sacramento *•! Sacram’to DRIVER & DRIVER, Farmers & Mechanics Bank Building. Attorneys for the Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank. R efer to any bank or banker in Sacramento. Corporation, Probate and Commercial Law. 5000 »Salinas*»!______Monterey CHAS. B. ROSENDALE. ,2500 San Anselmo*»!— Marin To San Francisco. 16945 »San Bernardino*»!.San B. To Riverside. 53330 »San Diego*»! ..San Diego „ 909 Am erican 1200 San Dimas*»!Los Angeles 2000 San Fernando*»!— Los A. F. L. RICHARDSON, Nat'l B ank Bldg. To Los Angeles. To South Pasadena. 463516*San Francisco*»! ...S an F. fi-R. H. CROSS, 645 Mills Building. Cable address.“ Crosslaw," Western Union Code. General practice in Federal and State Courts. Depositions attended to. Hortense Gardner, Notary. Attorney for the San Leandro State Bank. Refer ences; Sherman Clay & Co., Harris Automatic Press Co., Atkins Kroll & Co. and any bank in Alameda County or San Francisco. «-H E N R Y G. W . D IN K E L SP IE L , 412-16 Chronicle Building. Cable address “ Gesdin” Western Union Code used. General practice in all State and Federal Courts. Col lection Department under special management. Depositions carefully attended to, J. D. Brown, Notary Public. Refer ences: Anglo & London Paris National Bank, Union Trust Co., Bank o f Italy, all o f San Francisco; National Surety Co. o f N. Y. (Department o f Bonded Attys.); Martindale Mer cantile Agency; American Lawyers Quarterly (Cleveland); Wilber Mercantile Agency (Chicago); Attorneys National Clearing House (Minneapolis). Compiler o f the law» of the State o f California for this publication. 1600 San Gabriel*»!Los Angeles To Los Angeles. 2000 Sänger*»!________Fresno To Fresno. 1500 San Jacinto*»! ..Riverside See Riverside. 38902>San Jose*»!. ..Santa Clara C. L . W I T T E N , General Law Practice. Depositions taken. Re fers to banks and business houses generally. 5000 San Leandro*»! . . Alameda To Oakland. 6000 6000 500 10000 7000 »San Luis ObispoMS.L.Ob. San Mateo*»t..San Mateo San Miguel*»!— S. L. Ob. San Pedro*»!.Los Angeles »San Rafael*»!— — Marin L. A . ENOS. To San Francisco. See San Luis Obispo. See Los Angeles. To San Francisco. 10627 »Santa Ana*»!_____ Orange WILLIAMS & RUTAN. 14846 »Santa. Barbara*»!S. Bar’ba FRED H . SCHAUER. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to' Attorney List. a t t o r n é y s-a t -l a w C A L IF O R N IA , C O L O R A D O (b o n d e d ) 1453 5000 Santa Glara*«!Santa Clara To San José. 14594 »Santa Cruz*«!-Santa Cruz NET HERTON & JOHNSON. 7817 »Santa Rosa*«!___ Sonoma PHILIP WARE. Counties: Adams, Alamosa, Arapahoe, Archuleta, Baca, Bent, Boulder, Chaffee, Cheyenne, Clear Creek, Conejos, Costilla Crowley, Custer, Delta, Denver, Dolores, Douglas, Eagle, Elbert, El Paso, Fre mont, Garfield, Gilpin, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Huerfano, Jackson, Jefferson, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Lake, La Plata, Larimer, Las Animas, Lincoln, Logan, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Morgan, Otero, Ouray, Park, Phillips. Pitkin, Prowers, Pueblo, Rio Blanco, Rio Grande, Routt, Saguache, San Juan, San Miguel, Sedgwick, Summit, Teller, Washington, Weld, Yuma. 1200 Saratoga*«___ Santa Clara See Santa Clara. Saticoy*«!______ Ventura Sausalito*«t_______ Marin Sawtelle*«!.— Los Angeles Scotia*«__ i ___ Humboldt Sebastopol*«t____ Sonoma Seeley*«________ Imperial Selm a*«!_________Fresno Sherman*«t —Los Angeles Sierra Madre*«.L. Angeles Soledad*«t_____ Monterey Solvang*— Santa Barbara Sonoma*«!_______ Sonoma 1500 2250 1700 2010 550 “ 951 See Ventura. See San Francisco. To Los Angeles. To Eureka. To Santa Rosa. To El Centro. To Fresno. To Los Angeles. To Los Angeles. See Salinas. See Santa Barbara. See Santa Rosa. REFERENCE KEY County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. »Sonora*«!__ — Tuolumne J. C. WEBSTER. 8000 4800 130 1603 South Pasadena*«! Los A ’s To Los Angeles. S. San Fr’sco*«!San Mateo To San Francisco. Standish*................ Lassen To Susanville. St. Helena*«t__ ____ Napa See Napa. 15358 »Stockton*«!—San Joaquin 80 641 1200 W EB STE R ,' W E B S T E R & BLEWETT. Bank Attorneys. Commercial Lawyers. United States Commissioner. Reference: Stockton Sav. & Loan Society. Strathmore*«!___ Tulare See Visalia. Suisun City*«____ Solano To Vallejo. Sunnyvale*«!- Santa Clara See San J ase. 1200 »Susanville*«t_____ Lassen PARDEE & PARDEE. 1400 300 385 290 500 425 1000 3000 2500 3500 3500 1500 Sutter Creek*«!— Amador Taft*«!........... : -------- Kern Tehachapi*«!----------- Kern Temecula*«! — Riverside Terra Bella*«!____ Tulare Tómales*«!------------ Marin Torrance*«!—Los Angeles Tracy*«!____ San Joaquin Tropico«!___ Los Angeles Tulare*«!................ Tulare Turlock*«!____ Stanislaus Tustin*«!_______ —Orange To Sacramento. To Bakersfield. See Bakersfield. See Riverside. See Visalia. To San Francisco. To Los Angeles. To Stockton. To Los Angeles. To Visalia. To Modesto. To Santa Ana. 2400 »Ukiah*«!_____ Mendocino MANNON & M ANNON. 3500 Upland*«t San Bernardino To San Bernardino. 1500 Vacaville*«!_____ Solano To Vallejo. 13461 V allejo*«!_______ Solano JOS. M . RAINES. 100 Valley Ford*«!__ Sonoma 1500 Van Nuys*«!.Los Angeles 6000 Venice*«!___ Los Angeles 4000 »Ventura*«!______ Ventura 1000 Vernon_____ Los Angeles (Los Angeles P. O.) 800 Victorville*«! San Bernardino See Santa Rosa. To Los Angeles. To Los Angeles. To Santa Barbara. To Los Angeles. 3500 W eed*«!_________ Siskiyou 600 Wheatland*«!__ ,____ Yuba 7000 W hittier*«!—-L os Angeles 1000 Williams*«!_____ —Colusa 1153 Willits*«!_____ Mendocino To Berkeley. To Sacramento. To Bakersfield. To Santa Cruz. To Los Angeles.' See Redding. To Yreka.i To Marysville. To Los Angeles. See Colusa. To Ukiah. ' 4000 »Willows*« —_____ Glenn A. J. ZUMWALT. 2200 Wiimington*«t.L. Angeles 1000 Winters*«!__________Yolo 250 Woodlake*!_______ Tulare 5500 »Woodland*«!_______..Yolo 250 Yorba Linda*«____Orange 2000 »Yreka*«!. 1000 Aguilar*!___ Las Animas 1200 »A k ron *«!___ Washington 4000 »Alamosa*«! —___ Alamosa 301 A lm a*«!.................... Park 90 Amherst*«! — Phillips 700 Antonito*«!—____Conejos 800 A rriba*«!____— Lincoln 1000 Arvada*«!—, ___ Jefferson 2000 «Aspen*«!____ ____ Pitkins \ 1000 Ault*«!____________ Weld 1000 Aurora*—____ Adams 100 Austin*«!._________ Delta 227 Bayfield*.;_______La Plata 100 B ennett*«!---------- Adams 1000 Berthoud*«t_____ Larimer 500 Blanca*«!________ Costilla 11669 »B oulder*«!_____ Boulder 200 Brandon*_________ Kiowa 834 »Breckenridge*«!—Summit 200 Briggsdale*«t______ Weld 1500 »Brighton*«!__ _ Adams 250 Bristol*«!— ___ Prowers , 2000 Brush*«!_________Morgan ___ Buckingham* , —4—.W eld 1041 »Buena Vista*«!— Chaffee 700 »Burlington*«!—Kit Carson 200 Byers*«!__ i ___ Arapahoe 300 Calhan*«!_______El Paso 7500 »Canon Oity*«t —.Fremont 300 Carbondale*«!___ Garfield 500 »Castle R ock*«!— Douglas 450 Cedaredge*__ — — -Delta 385 Center*_________Saguache 1782 »Central City*«!— , -Gilpin 200 C heraw «!__________Otero 500 »Cheyenne Wells*«tChey’n 400 Clifton*«t..........—— Mesa 156 Collbran*__________ ..Mesa 200 Coloflats......... Las Animas 32971 »Colorado Springs*«!ElPaso To Riverside. 6000 »Visalia*«!_________ Tulare BRADLEY & BRADLEY. 1250 Walnut Creek*«tContra C. 500 WalnutGrove*«!Sacram’to 1000 Wasco*«!____ Kern 6000 Watsonville*«!Santa Cruz 1922 Watts*«!____ Los Angeles 1100 »Weaverville*«____ Trinity COLORADO This information will be of value to those Interested In Bank* ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire state, and district court is held at Denver, first Tuesdays in M ay and November; at Pueblo, the first Tuesday in April rand at Montrose, bn the second Tuesday In September. 3000 Santa Maria*«t.S. Barbara T o Santa Barbara. 7500 Santa Monica*«t.Los Ang. To Los Angeles. 3000 Santa Paula*«!__ Ventura To Ventura. To Los Angeles. To Sacramento. Site Visalia. T o‘Sacramento. To Santa Ana. — __ Siskiyou B. K . COLLIER. 1700 »Yuba1City*«!______ Sutter To Colusa. 565 »Cortez*______ Montezuma 1200 »Craig*_____________Moffat 300 Crawford*—.___—.— Delta 741 »Creede*«!------ -— Mineral 950 Crested ButteMGunnison 6206 »Cripple Creek*«! — Teller 200 Crook*«!__________ Logan 300 De Beque*«!-—__ — Mesa 300 Deertrail*«!___ .Arapahoe 1200 »Del Norte*«!—Rio Grande 3000 »Delta*«!____________Delta 260800 »Denver*«t___ !___ Denver, To Trinidad. CHALKLEY A. WILSON. JOHN T . ADAM S. To Leadville. To -Sterling. See Alamosa. To Limon. To Golden. To Glenwood Springs. To Greeley. To Brighton. To Delta. To Durango. To Brighton. To Loveland. To San Acacio. A. M . BERESFORD. To Eads. B. L. WHATLEY. To Greeley. HARRY BEHM. To Lamar. To Fort Morgan. To Greeley. FRANK SWANCARA. A. P. TONE WILSON, Jr. To Littleton. To Colorado Springs. JEFFREY & STINEMEYER. To Glenwood Springs. To Denver. To Montrose. See Monte Vista. JAMES M . SERIGHT. To Rocky Ford. A. E. BOWE. To Grand Junction. To Grand J unction. To Trinidad. McINTYRE & McINTYRE. Refer to First National Bank and R. G. Dun & Co. W . F.M OWRY. GEO. A. PDGHE. To Montrose. To Monte Vista. T o Gunnison. MERLE WILSON. To Sterling.: To Grand Junction. To Littleton. See Monte Vista. To Montrose. GARWOOD & GARWOOD, E. & C. Building. General Practice in State and Federal Courts. Commercial Law Department. Burton A. Smead, Notary Public. Reference: First National Bank. Attorneys for Silver, State Bank. Compilers o f the Colorado laws fo r this publication. QUAINT AN CE, KING & QUAINTANCE, E. & C. Bldg, (A lvin H. Pickens, A rthu r D. Qucuintance, Wm. B . K in g , Cregar B .-Q uaintance). General practice in State and Federal Courts. Commercial Dept, (no matters under $100 at C. L. L. rates). R eference: White Automobile Co., Underwood Typewriter Co., Bradstreet, Merchants Bank, Denver. Matters given prompt attention. WALTER C. HECKENDORF, Symes Bldg. References, Colorado National Batik and United States National Bank. ROGERS, ELLIS & JOHNSON, A. C. Foster Building. R efer to United States National Bank, Denver; United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co.; Mercantile Adjuster; American Lawyers Quarterly; Central Trust Company o f New York; R. G. Dun & Co., New York. Give special attention to corporation, commercial and bankruptcy liti gation in State and Federal Courts. 500 D olores*«t___ Montezuma To Cortez. T V T /^ T 1 7 1 \ U 1 Li Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1454 C O L O R A D O , C O N N E C T IC U T P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 6000 »Durango*«! A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) Popu la TOWN AND COUNTY. tion . NAME. —La Plata MOLLETTE& CLEMENTS. References: First National and Burns National Banks. 400 «E a d s M ___________Kiowa A. T . CHERRY. 350 E agle*«!__________ Eagle To Leadville. 100 Eastlake*«________ Adams To Brighton. 2000 E aton*«!___________ Weld To Greeley. 350 Eckley*«!__________ Yuma To Wray. 200 Elbert*«!_________ .Elbert To Limon. 250 Elizabeth*«!_______Elbert To Limon. 4000 Englewood*!— Arapahoe To Denver. 596 Erie*«!-.______ ;_____ Weld To Greeley. 250 Estes Park* ____ Larimer To Loveland. 600 Evans*«!___________ Weld To Greeley. 300 «Fair Play*«t_____ __ Park To Leadville. 650 Flagler*«!____Kit Carson To Burlington. 250 Fleming*__ jgSH___ Logan See Sterling. 3000 Florence*«!_____ Fremont To Canon City. 11451 «Fort Collins*«!— Larimer To Loveland. 1000 Fort Lupton*!______ Weld To Greeley. 4000 «Fort Morgan*«!...Morgan 431 F ountain*«!--------El Paso 1500 Fowler*«!_________ Òtero 300 Frederick*«!—____ Weld 1000 Fruita*«!__________ Mesa 200 Genoa*«! — __. —Lincoln , JOHNSON & ROBISON To Colorado Springs. T o Rocky Ford. To Greeley To Grand Junction. To Limon. 1000 «Georgetown*«tClear Creek HERMAN E. CRIST. 265 Gilcrest*«t____ ____ Weld To Greeley. 2019 «Glenwood Sp’gs*«!.G arf'd A . L. BEARDSLEY. 2300 «Golden*«t._____ Jefferson QUAINTANCE, KING &QUAINTANCE. 100 G oodrich________ Morgan To Ft. Morgan. 359 Granada*«t._____ Prowers To Lamar. 8000 «Grand Junction*«!—.Mesa HENRY TUPPER. 268 Grand Valley*«!—Garfield To Glenwood1Springs. 11420 «G reeley*«!______ —.Weld 300 G rover*«!_____ ____ .W eld E. T . SNYDER. To Greeley. 1200 300 300 C 250 700 600 300 1200 1000 150 800 E. M . NOURSE. To Leadville. To Lamar. To Eads. To Sterling. To Steamboat Springs. To Fort Morgan. To Lamar. To Sterling. To Alamosa. To Montrose. «Gunnison*«! — .Gunnison Gypsum * ! — -Eagle Hartman*«!__ _Prowers H aswell*«!________Kiowa Haxtum*«!_______ Phillips Hayden*______ ____ Routt Hillrose*«!— ___ Morgan Holly*«t_________Prowers «H olyoke*«t....... —Phillips H oop er*«!______ Alamosa Hotchkiss*«!.___ __ Delta DAVID P. HOWARD. To Greeley. To Limon. To Georgetown. To Wray 300 Ignacio*«!—_____ La Plata To Durango. 300 I liff* « !........... ._____Logan See Sterling. 400 Johnstown*« ..______ Weld To Greeley. 300 250 1000 3000 «Hot Sulphur Springs* Gr’d Hudson*«t______ ___ Weld «Hugo*«! E p l __ —Lincoln Idaho Sp’gs*«!Clear Creek 1000 «Julesburg*«t—. . Sedgwick 55 Keenesburg .._____ Weld 75' K eota*«!_____ _____ Weld 304 Kersey*«t------ .........W eld 200 «Kiowa*__ ____ 100 Kirk*________ 150 Kit Carson*«!... Cheyenne i 35(1 Kremmling*«!._____Grand 7000 Lafavette*«!__ ___ Boulder .. ..Yuma, 201 600 La J ará*«!..—___ Conejos 7000 «La Junta*«!__ _____ Otero 3500 600 3000 800 GORDON & GORDON. «Lamar*«!— __ La Salle*«!___ _____ Weld To Greeley. «Las Animas*«!______ Bent To Lamar. La Veta*«!— ..Huerfano See Walsenburg. 8000 «Leadville*«! ~ ______Lake 700 1400 5500 1800 5000 633 1000 800 3500 500 1500 200 250 1200 250 150 250 300 W . H. POUND. To Greeley. To Greeley. To Greeley. To Limon. To Wray. To Cheyenne Wells. See Sulphur Springs. . To Boulder. To Wray. See Alamosa. To Rocky Ford. Loveland*«!...___ Larimer L y o n s* «!------ — Boulder Manassa*________Conejos M ancos*«!___ Montezuma Manitou*«!— ____ElPaso Manzanola*«! _____ Otero Marble*!--------_Gunnison Matheson*«!—____ Elbert Mead*«___ ;— _____Weld «Meeker*_____ .Rio Blanca M erino*«!----- ____ .Logan Mesita*«-------- . Costilla Milliken*«!— ______Weld Moffat*«!_____.—Saguache Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3000 Monte Vista*«tRio Grande R. R. MITCHELL. 3700 «Montrose*«!____ Montrose JOHN L. STIVERS. Practice in all courts. Five years’ active banking experience. Personal responsibility $25,000. I Attorney for Montrose National Bank. Notary. Deposi tions. 150 •Monument*«!....... El Paso To Colorado Springs. 446 N ederland*t _____ Boulder To Boulder. 493 New Castle*«!___ Garfield To Glenwood Springs. 150 New Raymer*......... Weld To Greeley. 125 Niwot*«!— ...........Boulder To Boulder 600 Norwood*____ San Miguel See Telluride. 143 Nunn*«!____ . ______ Weld To Greeley. * 500 Oak C reek*«!______ Routt To Steamboat Springs. 500 Olathe*«!_______Montrose To Montrose. 200 Olney Springs*«! Crowley To Ordway. 100 Orchard*«!__ ___ Morgan To Fort Morgan. ,1200 «Ordway*«!______Crowley T . H. THOM AS. 300 Otis*«!______ .Washington To Akron. 1600 «Ouray*«!___ _____ Ouray To Montrose. 100 Padroni*________..Logan To Sterling. ' . 669 «Pagosa Sp’gs*•t.Archuleta A. M . E M IG H . 900 Palisades*«!..............Mesa To Grand Junction. 50 P a o li* « !___ _____Phillip To Sterling. 800 Paonia*«!___ ....... — Delta To Montrose. 200 Parker*«!___ ____ Douglas To Denver. 120 Peetz*«!........._____ Logan To Sterling. 150 Peyton*«!___ ___ El Paso To Colorado Springs. 400 Pierce*«! ____...........W eld To Greeley. 450 Platteville*«!.______ Weld To Greeley. 100 Proctor*«!_________Logan See Sterling. 54462 «Pueblo*«!___ _____ Pueblo W ILLIAM B . VATES. 150 Ramah*«!___ ____ El Paso To Colorado Springs. 1000 «Redcliff *•+-.. ______ Eagle To Leadville. 376 Ridgway*«!..._____ Ouray To Montrose. 1000 R ifle*«!_____ ____ jiar field To Glenwood Springs. 3230 Rocky Ford*«! . . . . I.O tero JOHN H. SCHULTZ. 120 Roggen*«!__ ..........-W eld To Greeley. 1000 «Saguache*___ „ Saguache PALM ER & TRUE. 4500 Salida*«!____ ____ Chaffee To Buena Vista. 150 San Acacio*«.____ Costilla G . W . BLARBAUER. 200 Sedgwick*«!..__Sedgwick See Julesburg. 250 Seibert*«!— ..K it Carson To Burlington. 155 Severance*«.............Weld To Greeley. 250 Silt*«!_______ ___ Garfield To Glenwood Springs. 2200 «Silverton*«!. .___San Juan H. E. CURRAN. 300 Simla*«!_____.......... Elbert To Limon. 300 «Springfield* . .............Baca To Lamar. i 2000 Steamboat Sp’gs*«! .Routt GOODIN G & G OODIN G. 5500 «Sterling*«!_______ Logan S. E. NAUGLE. 100 Stoneham*«!. ...........Weld To Greeley. To Lamar. 65 Stonington* . ______ Baca 200 Strasburg*«! — Arapahoe To Littleton. 300 Stratton*«! . . ..K it Carson To Burlington. 1000 Sugar City*«t ___ Crowley To Ordway. 300 Swink*«!....... ...........Otero To Rocky Ford. 2000 «Telluride*«! -...San Miguel ALLEN & W O Y. 150 Tim nath*«!...____Larimer To Loveland. 150 T ow n er*«!_______ Kiowa To Eads. 13875 «Trinidad*«!....Las Animas McCHESNEY & McCHESN E Y. 150 Two Buttes* _______ Baca To Lamar. 90 Vernon*____ _____ Yuma To Wray. 3000 V ictor*«t___ _____ .Teller To Cripple Creek. 175 Vona*«!_____ ..Kit Carson To Burlington. 300 «Walden*« __ ____ Jackson GEO. J. BAILEY. 3500 «Walsenburg*«! —Huerfano R . E. FOOTE. 200 W eldona*___......... Morgan To Fort Morgan. 600 Wellington*«! ___ Larimer To Loveland. 400 W estcliffe*«!.___— Custer See Canon City. 300 Wiggins*«! — ____ Morgan To Fort Morgan. 500 W iley*«!____ ....... Prowers To Lamar. 935 Windsor*«!__............Weld To Greeley. 1600 «W ray*«!____ ______ Yuma M . M . BULKELEY. 400 Yampd*«! — ......... Routt To Steamboat Springs. 1200 Yum a*«!------ ____ — Yuma To Wray. CONNECTICUT Q. D. BONNER. Limon*«!____ ___ Lincoln C. M . SOMERVILLE. «Littleton*«! — . .Arapahoe To Denver. Longmont*«! . ___ Boulder To Boulder. Louisville*«!.. ___ Boulder To Boulder. JOHN H. SIMPSON. To Boulder. See Alamosa. To Cortez. To Colorado Springs. To Rocky Ford. To Gunnison. To Denver. To Greeley. P. DELANCY. To Sterling. To San Acacio. To Greeley. See Monte Vista. NAME. This Information will be of value to those interested in Bank« ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire state with courts at New Haven, on the fourth Tuesdays in February and September and at Hartford, on the fourth Tuesday in M ay and the first Tuesday in December. Counties: Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London, Tolland, Windham. REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office, • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 16704 A nsonia*«t--N ew Haven To New Haven. 3041 Bethel—________ Fairfield To Bridgeport. 6047 B ranford*»!..New Haven To New Haven. 121579«Bridgeport* __Fairfield 15927 Bristol*«! __Hartford SHAPIRO & SHAPIRO 312-14 Meigs Bldg. ____ I To Hartford. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. I l l V / 1 H i See complete information in preface t«» Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) Popu la TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. i - ■ '. -1000 Canaan*«t____ „Litchfield 1600 Chester*»t - ___ Middlesex 1274 Clinton*«!_____ Middlesex 3000 Collinsville*«! ...H artford 2188 Cromwell*«!___ Middlesex 22556 «Danbury*«!_____ Fairfield 3000 Danielson*«!___ Windham 4500 Darien*«!_______Fairfield 2200 Deep River*«!..M iddlesex 9655 Derby *•!____ New Haven 2482 East Haddam*«.Middlesex 3000 EastHampton*«!Middlesex 9225 East Hartford*«!Hartford 2800 Essex*!_______ Middlesex 800 Falls Village*«! .Litchfield 3478 Farmington*!__ Hartford 19159 Greenwich*«!___ Fairfield 3001 Guilford*«!__ New Haven 110900§«Hartford*«t___ Hartford 1000 Higganum*«!__ Middlesex 3023 Jewett City*«!..N ew Lon. 3600 Kensington*!___ Hartford 1200 Lakeville*«!____Litchfield 3005 «Litchfield*«!___Litchfield 29130 M eriden*«!... New Haven 20749 «Middletown*«! .Middlesex 5000 M ilford*«!....N ew Haven 1200 Moodus*______ Middlesex 2000 M oosup*«!_____ Windham 4500 M ystic*«!™ N ew London 14093 Naugatuck*«!.New Haven 53794 New Britain*«!..Hartford 4000 New Canaan*«!.. Fairfield 2144 New Hartford*«!Litchfield C O N N E C T IC U T , C U B A , D E L A W A R E , D IS T R IC T O F C O L U M B IA I. NAME. To Winsted. To Middletown. To Middletown. To Hartford. To Middletown. To Bridgeport. To Putnam. To Bridgeport. To Middletown. To New Haven. To Middletown. To Middletown. To Hartford. To Middletown. To Winsted. To Hartford. To Bridgeport. To New Haven. BROTT & S T O N E R , (G eorgeO. Brott, George J. Stoner) 26 State St. To Middletown. To Norwich. To Hartford. To Winsted. To Torrington. A. R . C H A M B E R L A IN . General Practice. ¡Refers to Home National Bank or any Meriden bank. LEONARD O. RYAN. To New Haven. To Middletown. See Putnam. To New London. To Waterbury. GEORGE W. ANDREW. Practices in all courts. Collections a specialty. Refers to all banks. To Bridgeport. To Winsted. 149685*New Haven*«!New Haven L O U I S M . R O S E N B L U T H , Second National Bank Building, . 129 Church Street. General Law Practice. Refers to any Bank in New1Haven. Compiler o f the Gonnfipticut laws for this publication. '¿ M M . A. W R IG H T & SON, Sec\ ond National Bank Building. R efer aa® to any bank in New Haven, C onn . 20985 «New London*«t.New L on./IP tflL IP Z . HANKEY. 5010 «NewMilford*®!.Litchfield0 ToTorringon. 3012 Newtown*«t____ Fairfield -ToBridgeport. 1541 Norfolk*«!_____ Litchfield ’*f’o Winsted. 26899 Nerwalk*«!—____ Fairfield To Bridgeport. 21274 «N orwich*«t„N ew London HENRY H. PETTIS. 6719 Plainfield*«!___ Windham To Putnam. 2882 Plainville*«!____ Hartford To Hartford. 3425 Portland*«!___ Middlesex To Middletown. 6637 «Putnam*«!_____ Windham ERNEST C. M ORSE. 3118 Ridgefield*«!____ Fairfield To Bridgeport. 8000 Rockville*«!____ - Tolland To Hartford. 4786 Seymour*«!__ New Haven To Waterbury. 4807 Shelton*!____ —.Fairfield To Bridgeport. 9000 Southington*«!— Hartford To Hartford. 15000 So. Manchester*«!__ Hart. To Hartford. 26000 So. N orwalk*«!.. Fairfield To Bridgeport. 5000 Southport*«!____ Fairfield To Bridgeport. 5000 Stafford Sp’gs*«!—Tolland To N orw ich.... 30884 Stamford*«!_____Fairfield To Bridgeport. 9539 Stonington*«! —New Lon. To New London. 9000 Stratio rd * «!____ Fairfield To Bridgeport. 3481 Suffleld*«!__ ___ Hartford To Hartford 5000 Terryville*!____ Litchfield To Torrington. 3533 Thomaston*«t„.Litchfield To Torrington. 4000 Thompsonvilie*«t— Hart. To Hartford. 1126 «Tolland*____ _____Tolland To Norwich. 18018 Torrington*«!..-Litchfield THOM AS J . W ALL. 9917 Wallingford*«!. New Hav. To New Haven. 86973 «Waterbury*«!.New Haven HERM AN J. W EISMAN, Lilley Building. 3850 Watertown*«— Litchfield To Torrington. 8543 West Haven*«!.New Hav. To New Haven. 5000 Westport*_______ Fairfield To Bridgeport. 12670 «Willimantic*«t—Windham T O R R EY & GEISSLER. 5000 W indsor*«!......... Hartford To Hartford. 5000 Windsor Locks*«! —Hart. To Hartford. 9000 «W insted*«t____ Litchfield ROSWELL J. HALLENBECK. 1860 Woodbury* . ___ Litchfield To Torrington. CUBA * REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. I ! Telegraph Station. § Capital. 24280 Cardenas*_____ __________ To Havana. 30100 Cienfuegos a__ —_____ — To Havana. 5Ó0Ò00 SHavana*— ____ —Havana HUGH GROSVENOR & CO., Chamber of Commerce. Col lection Rates: 25% Net on Claims in Havana. 30% Net in the remainder o f Cuba. Minimum-Fee, $5.00. Send to HAVANA Attorney Claims fo r all points in Cuba. Cable Address “ Interlaw.” Compilers o f the Cuba laws fo r this publication. M O T 17 V i/ 1 i l l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis POPU LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1455 NAME. 36009 Matanzas*____ __________ To Havana 10634 Pinar del R io * ___________ To Havana 45470 Santiago de Cuba*_______ To Havana DELAWARE This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District with court at Wilmington, the second Tuesdays in March, June, September and December. Counties: Kent, New Castle, Sussex. REFERENCE KEY « County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 939 553 764 300 1132 2000 Bridgeville*«t .....S u ssex Camden*__ ______ .Kent Clayton*«!_________ Kent Dagsboro*«!______ Sussex DelawareC’y*«!NewCastie Delmar*«t_____ — Sussex See Georgetown. To Dover. To Doper. See Georgetown. See Wilmington. To Salisbury, Md. 4200 |«Dover*«t._________Kent RICHARD R . KENNEY, Central Law Bldg. Corporation and Com mercial Law. Refers to all banks in city. 451 Felton*»!__ :____ _— Kent To Dover. 500 Frankford*«!___ —Sussex To Georgetown. 659 Frederica*----- -------- Kent To Dover. 1609 «Georgetown*«!— Sussex ANDREW J. LYNCH. 362 Greenwood*«!____ Sussex See Georgetown. , 1500 Harrington*«!,------ .Kent To Dover. 172 Hartly*«!------ --------- Kent To Dover. 3500 Laurel*«! — 4 -----Sussex See Georgetown. 2500 L ew es*«!_________ Sussex See Georgetown. 1500 Middletown*«! New Castle See Wilmington. 3200 Milford*«t----- ..— Sussex To Georgetown. 451 Millsboro*®!. — — Sussex See Georgetown. 1038 Milton*«!____ ____ Sussex To Georgetown. 1913 Newark*«!— New Castle See Wilmington. 5000 New Castle*«t -New Castle See Wilmington. 722 Newport*«___ New Castle See Wilmington. 585 Odessa*______ New Castle See Wilmington. 2108 Seaford*«!------------ Sussex See Georgetown. 500 Selbyville*«!.--------Sussex See Georgetown. 1843 Smyrna*«t—.— ------- Kent To Dover. 94265 «Wilmington*«t New Castle TOWNSEND & TOPKIS, Ford Building. Attorneys at Law, R efer to any bank in Wilmington. General Practice in State and Federal Courts. Commercial Adjustments anywhere in Delaware. Incorporation o f Companies under Delaware Laws. Act as Registration Agents fo r Foreign Corporations doing business in Delaware. Compilers o f the Delaware laws fo r this publication. Wyoming*«!_______ Kent To Dover. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprising all the District. District court is held the first Mondays in January and July at Washington. REFEREN CE KEY « County Seat. * Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. • Express Office, 363980«Washington*«!—-----D. C. RICHARD D. DANIELS, 520 Woodward Bldg. Practices before the Supreme Court o f the United States; all local Courts, Court of Claims and Executive Departments. Long distance telephone, stenographer and Notary. Depositions carefully prepared. Collections promptly attended to. FREDERICK A. FENNING, Evans Bldg., 1420 New Y ork Ave., N. W . General practice, corporation, commercial and testamentary law Practice before Government Depart ments, including Patent Office. Collections in charge of Charles A. Kelley; depositions taken before Josephine A. Alexander, Notary Public. Reference: any bank or trust company in Washington; references in other parts o f U. S. on request. WATSON E. COLEMAN, Pacific Bldg., 624 F Street, N .W . Patents and Patent Law. Attorneys havjng clients who wish to patent inventions are respectfully requested to write for particulars and information. Highest references in all parts o f the United States. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1456 F L O R ID A A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W P opüLA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. FLORIDA This Information will he of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. Florida is divided into two Federal Districts; namely Northern and Southern. The NORTHERN DISTRICT (1) with courts at Tallahassee (1), the second Monday in January; at Pensacola (i), the first Mondays in M ay and November; at Marianna (1), the first Monday in April; at Gainesville (1), the second Mondays in June and December. The SOUTHERN D IS T R IC T S ) with courts at Tampa (2), second Monday in February; at Key West (2), first Mondays in M ay and November; at Jacksonville (2), first Monday in December; at Ocala (2), third Monday in January; at Miami (2), fourth Monday in April, and at Fernandina (2), first Monday in April. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Alucha (1), Baker (2), Bay (1), Bradford (2), Brevard (2), Broward (2), Calhoun (1). Citrus (2), Clay (2), Columbia (2), Dade te). DeSoto (2), Duval (2), Escambia (1). Flagler (2), Franklin (1), Gadsden (1), Hamilton(2), Hernando (2). Hillsboro (2), Holmes (1 ). Jackson (1), Jefferson (1), Lafayette (1), Lake (2), Lee (2), Leon (1 )' Levy (1), Liberty (1), Madison (2), Manatee (2), Marion (2), Monroe (2), Nassau(2), Okaloosa (1), Okeechobee (2). Orange (2), Osceola (2), Palm Beach (2), Pasco (2), Pinellas (2), Polk (2), Putnam (2), St. John (2), St. Lucie (2), Santa Rosa (1), Seminole (2); Sumter (2), Suwanee (2), Taylor (1), Volusia (2), Wakulla (1), Walton (1), Washington (1). REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 900 Alachua*»!______ Alachua To Gainesville. 3500 »Apalachicola*»!—Franklin To Tallahassee. : 410 A popka*»!_______ Orange See Orlando. 4000 »Arcadia*»!_______ DeSoto TREADWELL & TREADWELL. 468 Archer*»!............ Alachua See Gainesville. 750 Auburndale*»t_____ Polk To Bartow. 1000 Avon Park*»..:___ De Soto See Arcadia. 300 Baker*_______ ..Okaloosa To Macclenny. l 4500 »B artow *»!__________ Polk HUFF AKER & HOLLAND. 546 »Blountstown*____ Calhoun To Marianna. 500 Bocagrande*»t______ .Lee See Arcadia. 1200 »Bonifay*»!_______ Holmes J. A. HATHAWAY. 422 Bowling Green*»!_De Soto See Arcadia. f 900 Boynton*»t._.Palm Beach To West Palm Beach. 3500 »Bradentown*»!— Manatee G. P. SMYTHE. 400 Bradley Junction*»t.Polk See Bartow. 350 Branford*»t___ Suwannee See Live Oak. 796 »Bristol*______ ___ Liberty See Tallahassee. 300 »Bronson*»!_________ Levy To Gainesville. 1500 *Brooksville*»t—Hernando F. B. COOGLER. 500 »B unnell*»t~.____ Flagler See St. Augustine. 939. Bushnell*»t______ Sumter See Brooksville. 500 Callahan*»t---------- Nassau To Jacksonville. 300 Campbellton*»t— Jackson To Marianna. 864 Cedar Kevs*»t______ Levy To Gainesville. 800 Center Hill*t»____ Sumter See Wildwood. 2000 Chipley*»t___ Washington H . H. WELLS. 5000 »Clearwater*»!— .Pinellas M . N. DUNN. (See also at Tampa.) ; 500 Clermont*»t_______ Lake To Leesburg. 1500 Cocoa*»t . . . _____ Brevard GUS C. EDWARDS. 387 Coleman*»!— . __ Sumter See Brooksville. 250 Cottondale*»!___ Jackson To Marianna. 1000 Crescent City*___ Putnam To Palatka. 1000 Crystal R iver*»!___ Citrus To Inverness. 1066 »Dade City*»t_______ Pasco A. L. AUVIL. 750 Dania*»t____ ___Broward To Fort Lauderdale. 5000 Daytona*»t_______ Volusia To De Land. 3000 Daytona Beach*!.. Volusia To De Land. 3000 »De Funiak Sp’gs*»tWalt’n D . S. GILLIS. 4000 »De Land*»t.______Volusia HAMLIN & HAMLIN. 1200 Delray*®t . — Palm Beach See West Palm Beach. _____Dundee»__________ ...P o lk See Bartow. 500 Dunedin*»t_____ Pinnelas See Clearwater. 1200 Dunnellon*»t_____ Marion See Ocala. 329 Eau Gallie*»!___ Brevard To Cocoa. 800 E llenton*»!_____ Manatee To Bradentown. 2500 Eustis*»t___________ Lake To Leesburg. 1000 Fellsmere*t____ St. Lucie To Fort Pierce. 3482 »Fernandina*»t____ Nassau To Jacksonville. 3000 »Fort Lauderdale*»t Bro’rd BULLOCK & EVANS. 2000 Fort Meade*»t ...........Polk To Bartow. 2463 »Fort Myers*»t _______ Lee CYRUS Q. STEWART. 500 Fort O gden*»f... De Soto See Arcadia. 1333 »Fort Pierce*»t— St. Lucie FRED FEE. 400 F rostp roof*»_______ Polk See Bartow. 10000 »Gainesville*»t___ Alachua T. B. ELLIS, Jr.,' Attorney. 734 Graceville*»t....... Jackson To Marianna. 2500 »Green Cove Sp’gs*»t. Clay GEO. W . GEIGER. 175 G reensboro*»!.—Gadsden To Quincy. 751 Greenville*»t........Madison See Madison. 300 Greenwood*_____ Jackson To Marianna. 500 Groveland*»t............ Lake To Leesburg. 500 Haines C ity*»!______ Polk See Bartow. 265 Hampton*»!___ .Bradford To Gainesville. 399 Hastings*»t____St. Johns See St. Augustine. 800 Havana*»t______ Gadsden To Quincy. 324 Hawthorn*»t____ Alachua See Gainesville. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N O T E * 1I V I E i P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. (B O N D E D ) NAME. 1800 High Springs*»!..Alachua See Gainesville. 1500 Homestead*»!---------- Dade To Miami. 2500 »Inverness*»!------ - Citrus G . W . SCOFIELD. 76101 »Jacksonville*»!___ Duval HALEY & HEINTZ. 2500 »Jasper*»!--------- Hamilton C . A . STEPHENS. 480 Jennings*»!.....Ham ilton To Jasper. 250 Kathleen*»!— ............Polk To Bartow. 100 Kenansville • !____Osceola To Kissimmee. 21724 »Key West*»!— ...M onroe H. H. T A YLO R . 4500 »K issim m ee*»!___ Osceola W . B. CRAW FORD. 375 Labelle*»----------— Lee See Fort Meyers. 1000 Lake Butler*»t..Bradford To Gainesville. 6000 »Lake City*»!___ Columbia A . B . & C. C. SM ALL. 800 Lake Helen*»! — Volusia See De Land. 8000 Lakeland*»! Polk To Bartow. 800 Lake W ales»------ .___ Polk See Bartow. 1250 Lake Worth*! Palm Beach See West Palm Beach. 600 Largo*»!--------- — Pinellas To Clearwater. 400 Laurelhill*»! — Okaloosa See De Funiak Springs. 800 Lawtey*»!--------- Bradford To Gainesville. 300 Lee *• ! ---------------Madison See Madison. 2000 Leesburg*»!________ Lake G. T . FUTCH. 5000 »Live Oak*»!........ Suwanee C. A . HARDEE 500 »Macclenny*»!-----— Baker To Lake City. 1800 »Madison*»!.— Madison CHAS. E. DAVIS. — . . . Malone*--------------Jackson To Marianna. 988 Manatee*»!..__ _ Manatee See Brandentown. 3500 »Marianna*»!_____ Jackson J. H. FINCH. 1200 »M ayo*»!......... ^.Lafayette To Live Oak. 200 McIntosh*»! ______ Marion See Ocala. 1000 M elbourne*»!___ Brevard To Cocoa. 17000 »Miami*»!.................... Dade A . J. ROSE. 700 Micanopy*»!— ..Alachua See Gainesville. 2000 »Milton*»!--------Santa Rosa W . W. CLARK. 800 Molino*»!--------- Escambia See Pensacola. 2500 »M onticello*»!— Jefferson B. J H A M R IC K . 500 Moore H aven___ DeSot o To Arcadia. 2000 Mount Dora*»!.........Lake To ,Leesburg. 1300 Mulberry*»!________ Polk To Bartow. 816 N ewberry*»!__ .Alachua See Gainesville. 2000 New Smyrna*»!...Volusia T o De Land. 211 Oakland*»! ------ .Orange See Orlando. Marion L . N . GREEN. 7500 »Ocala*»!__ ____ 1200 »Okeechobee* Okeechobee To Fort Pierce. 9000 »O rlando*»!.._____ Orange V . S. STARBUCK. 500 O viedo*»!------ —Seminole See Sanford. 6000 »Palatka*»!_______ Putnam L. W . NELSON. 2000 Palm etto*»!....... Manatee To Bradentown. 2500 »Panama Gity*»t_____ Bay J. R . W ELLS. 26272 »Pensacola*»!___ Escambia M . E. M O R E Y . General JLaw Practice. Prompt service and prompt reports. Refer to American Nat’l .Bank. Compiler o f the Florida laws fo r this publication. 3000 »Perry*»!__________ Taylor W . B . DAVIS. 200 Pinetta*»!----------Madison See Madison. 4000 Plant City*»! Hillsborough To Tampa. 1700 Punta Gorda*»!— De Soto See Arcadia. 5000 »Quincy*»!_______ Gadsden E. C. LOVE. 500 R a iford *»!-----...Bradford To Gainesville. 600 River June.*»!__ Gadsden To Quincy. 6000 »Sanford*»!..____ Seminole G. A. DeCOTTES. 2000 Sarasota*»!--------Manatee To Bradentown. 800 Sebring»!.............De Soto See Arcadia. 1600 S. Jacksonville*»!..Duval To Jacksonville. 1500 St. Andrew*t---- - — Bay To Panama City. 1265 »Starke**!.______ Bradford To Gainesville, i 6000 *St. Augustine*»! St. Johns L. W . NELSON. 5000 St. Cloud*!---------- Osceola To Kissimmee.' 4127 St. Petersb’g*»! —Pinellas To Clearwater. 900 Stuart *•!------ Palm Beach To West Palm Beach. 6000 §»Tallahassee*»t_____ Leon W. J. OVEN. 53886 *Tampa*»t ...H illsborough M . N. DUNN. Attorney and Coun selor at Law. Bank of Commerce Building. Specialty: Commercial Collections and Real Estate Titles. References: Bank o f Commerce and Latin-American Bank. (See also at Clearwater.) 3000 Tarpon Sp’gs*»! ..Pinellas To Clearwater. 400 »Tavares*»!------------- Lake To Leesburg. ------- Terra Ceia*»____ Manatee See Bradentown. 1200 »Titusville*»!--------Brevard To Cocoa. 500 Trenton*»!--------- Alachua See Gainesville. 600 Trilby*»t---------------- Pasco To Dade City. 500 Umatilla*»! —______ Lake SeeEustis. 70 Vero*»------------ .St. Lucie To Fort Pierce. 540 W aldo*»!..— — Alachua See Gainesville. 800 Watertown*»!__ Columbia To Lake City. 1099 Wauchula*»!———DeSotoi To Arcadia. 301 Webster*»!______Sumter To Wildwood. 247 W ellborn*»!____ Suwanee To Live Oak. 9000 »West Palm Beach*»t.P. B. M . D. CARMICHAEL. 11968 West TampalHillsborough To Tampa. 1177 White Sp’gs*»!—Hamilton See Jasper. 500 Wildwood*»!_____ Sumter To Ocala. 650 Williston*»! ________ Levy To Gainesville. 600 Winter Garden*»!.Orange See Orlando. 2600 Winterhaven*»! ___ Polk To Bartow. 900 Winter Park*»!— Orange To Orlando. --------Ybor City»! .Hillsborough To Tampa. 1500 Zephyrhills*»!—. __ Pasco To Dade City. 500 Z olfo*»!_____ !— De Soto See Arcadia. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. G E O R G IA A T T O R N E Y S -A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) POPOLA- tion. P opu ' NAME. TOWN AND COUNTY. ________________________ la t io n . TOWN AND COUNTY. 1457 NAME. 50245 »Augusta*«!____ Richmond C. H E N R Y & R O D N E Y S. COH EN, Attorneys for Union Savings Bank. Practice in State and Federal Courts Georgia This Information will be of value to those interested In Bank and South Carolina. Commercial Corporation Law, Real ruptcy matters. Estate, and General Law Practice. Refer to any bank in Georgia Is divided into two Federal Districts; namely, Northern and the city o f Augusta. Southern. 755 Austell*«!_____ __ „C o b b To Marietta. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has four divisions; the Northern, with 228 Avera*«!_______ Jefferson See Louisville. court at Atlanta (1), second Monday in March and first Monday in 391 Baconton*«!.____ Mitchell To Camilla. October; and, at Gainesville on the fourth Mondays in April and 4220 »Bainbridge*«!___ Decatur JOHN R. WILSON. November; the Western, with court at Columbus (2), on the first M on 280 Baldwin*«____ Habersham To Toccoa. days in May and December; the Northwestern, with court at Rome 800 Ball Ground*«!_ Cherokee See Canton. (3) , on the third Mondays in M ay and November; and the Eastern, 3068 Barnesville*«!......... .Pike CURTIS BARRETT. with court at A thens (4), on the second Monday of April and the first 550 Barney*«.— , ____ Brooks To Valdosta. Monday in November. 500 Bartow*« . __ — Jefferson To Wrightsville. . The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has five divisions; the Eastern with 500 Barwick*«!__ . . — Brooks To Valdosta. court at Savannah (5), on the second Tuesdays in February, May, 1000 »B axley*«!______ Appling ALVIN W . SELLERS. August and November; the Westeripat Macon (6), on the first Mondays 500 Benevolence*«!-Randolph To Cuthbert. In May and October; the Northeastern, with court at Augusta, (7), on 400 Berlin*__________ Colquitt To Moultrie. the first Monday in April and the third Monday in November; the 209 Bethlehem*« . . . . ..Barrow To Winder. Southwestern, with court at Valdosta (8), on the second Mondays in 268 Bishop*«_________ Oconee To Atkins. June and December; and the Albany with court at Albany (9), on the 1565 »Blackshear*«!_____ Pierce To Waycross. third Mondays in June and December. 203 »Blairsville*____ . . . Union To Toccoa. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable 1838 »Blakely*«!.............. -Early GLESSNER & COLLINS. to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. 898 »Blue Ridge*«!__ ..Fannin WILLIAM BUTT Counties: Appling (5), Bacon (5), Baker (9), Baldwin (6), Banks (4), 300 B lyth e*«!_____Richmond See Augusta. Barrow (1), Bartow (3), Ben Hill (9), Berrien (8), Bibb (6), Bleckley 500 Bogart*«!________ Oconee To Athens. Brooks (8), Bryan (5), Bulloch (5), Burke (7), Butts (6), Calhoun (9), 1800 Boston*«! — . . . . . Thomas To Thomasville. y Camden (5), Campbell (1), Candler <5), Carroll (1), Catoosa (3), 500 Bostwick*_______ -Morgan To Madison. Charlton (8), Chatham (5), Chattahoochee (2), Chattooga (3), Cher 400 Bowdon*«. . . . ____ Carroll To Carrollton. okee (1), Clarke (4), Clay (2), Clayton (1), Clinch (8), Cobb (1), 500 Bowersville*«!______ Hart To Hartwell. Coffee (8), Colquitt (9), Columbia (7), Coweta (1), Crawford (6), 738 B owm an*«!_______Elbert To Elberton. Crisp (9), Dade (3), Dawson (1), Decatur (8), Dekalfc (8), Dodge (6), f 450 Braselton*_______Jackson To Commercé. Dooly (6), Dougherty (9), Douglas (1), Early (2), Echols (8), 1000 Brem en*«!_____ Haralson To Buchanan. Effingham (5), Elbert (4), Emanuel (5), Evans (5), Fanfiin (1), Fayette 214 Brewton*«!__ ___ Laurens To Dublin. (1), Floyd (3), Forsyth (1), Franklin (4), Fulton ( l ) r Gilmer (1), Glas 1000 Brinson*«!______ Decatur To Bainbridge. cock (7), Glynn (5), Gordon (3), Grady (8), Greene (4), Gwinnett (1), 465 Br.onwood*«!____ Terrell To Dawson. Habersham (4), Hall (1), Hancock (6), Haralson (3), Harris (2), Hart 361 Brooklet*«_______Bulloch To Statesboro. (4) , Heard (2), Henry (1), Houston (6), Irwin (8), Jackson (4), Jasper 350 Brooks*«!___ _____Fa y ette To Griffin. (6), Jeff Davis (5), Jefferson (7), Jenkins (7), Johnson (7), Jones (6), 1040 Broxton*«— _____ Coffee See Douglas. Laurens (6), Lee (9), Liberty (5), Lincoln (7), Lowndes (8), Lumpkin (1) , McDuffie (7), McIntosh (5), Macon (6), Madison (4), Marion (2), 10872 »Brunswick*«!_____ Glynn C. B. CONYERS. Meriwether (2), Miller (9), Milton (1), Mitchell (9), Monroe (6), Mont 700 »Buchanan*«!___ Haralson C. B. WEATHERLY. gomery (5), Morgan (4), Murray (3), Muscogee (2), Newton (1), Oconee 384 Buckhead*«—____ Morgan To Madison. (4) , Ogelthorpe (4), Paulding (3), Pickens (1), Pierce (8), Pike (6), 1250 »Buena Vista*«!___ Marion GEO. P. MUNRO. Polk (3), Pulaski (6), Putnam (6), Quitman (2), Rabun (4), Randolph 2000 Buford*«!______ Gwinnett To Lawrenceville. (2) , Richmond (7), Rockdale (1), Schley (2), Screven (5), Spalding (1), 204 Bullochville*«!Meriwether To Manchester. Stephens (4), Stewart (2), Sumter (6), Talbot (2), Taliaferro (7), Tatt 800 »B utler*«!_________ Taylor W . E. STEED. nall (5), Taylor (2), Telfair (61, Terrell (2), Thomas (8), Tift (9), Toombs 300 Byrom ville*«!_____ Dooly To Vienna. (5) , Towns (1), Troup (2), Turner (9), Twiggs. (6), Union (1), Upson 219 Byron*«!— _____ Houston To Fort Valley. (6) , Walker (3), Walton (4), Ware (8), Warren (7),. Washington (7), 154 Cadwell*«!______ Laurens To Dublin. Wayne (5), Webster (2), wheeler (6), White (4), Whitfield (3), Wilcox 2000 »Cairo*«!___________Grady To Bainbridge. (6), Wilkes (7), Wilkinson (6), Worth (9). 2500 »Calhoun*«!______ Gordon To Rome. 225 Calvary*_________ ..Grady See Bainbridge. REFERENCE KEY 2500 »Camilla*«!.__ ___ Mitchell PEACOCK & GARDNER. * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, (See also at A lbany) 1000 Canon*«!............ Franklin To Toccoa. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 2500 »C anton*«!_____ Cherokee G. I. TEASLEY. 500 Carlton*________ Madison To Elberton. 1800 »Abbeville*«!_____ W ilcox To Cordele. 300 Carnegie*«!...—Randolph To Cuthbert. 1043 Acworth*«!.... ........ Cobb To Marietta. 500 »Carnesville*____ Franklin To Toccoa. 1000 Adairsville*«!____ Bartow To Cartersville. 5500 »Carrollton*«!____ .Carroll BUFORD F. BOYKIN. 2000 Adel*«!__________ Berrien To Nashville. 4067 »Cartersville*«!___ Bartow PAUL F. AKIN. 816 Adrian*«!______ Emanuel To Wrightsville. 250 Cassville*________ Bartow See Cartersville. 250 Ailey*«t____ Montgomery See Mt. Vernon. 805 Cave Spring*«!.— .Floyd See Rome. 249 »Alamo*«!________ Wheeler To McRae. 354 Cecil*«!.._________ Berrien To Nashville. 532 Alapaha*«! ._ ____ Berrien See Nashville. 6000 »Cedartown*«!__ Polk AULT & WRIGHT. 10604 »Albany*«!____ Dougherty PEACOCK & GARDNER. 129 Chamblee.__ ____ Dekalb To Decatur. ( See also at Camilla) 125 Charing*«.._______ Taylor See Butler. 900 »A lm a *«!...— ____ Bacon See Douglas. 700 »Chatsworth*«!___ Murray See Dalton. 352 »Alpharetta*_______Milton G. B. WALKER 550 Chauncey*«!___ ...D od ge See Eastman. 300 Alston*«!___Montgomery To Mount Vernon. 278 Chester*«! ..............Dodge To Eastman. 350 Ambrose*«!_______ Coffee T o Douglas. 1500 Ohickamauga*«!— Walker See La Fayette. 8305 »Americus*«!_____ Sumter H. O. JONES. 1200 Chipley*«! ______ ..Harris To Hamilton. 433 A rabi*«!______ ____ Crisp To Cordele. . 800 »Clarkesville *«!Habersh’m To Toccoa. 2000 Arlington*«!____ Calhoun To Albany. 1500 »C laxton*«!________ Evans To Statesboro. 2214 »Ashburn*«! . . . . . . . Turner E. A. ROGERS. 541 »Clayton*«!__ ___ Rabun To Toccoa. 17846 »Athens*«!...............Clarke COBB, ERWIN & RUCKER. 572 Clermont«___________Hall To Gainesville. 190558§*Atlanta*«!______ Ful to n 350 »Cleveland*« — ____ White To Gainesville. 328 C lim ax*«!_______ Decatur To Bainbridge. ÁNDERSON & SLATE, Hurt Building. Practice in State 200 C lyo*«!_______ Effingham To Savannah. and,Federal Courts. Specialties: Commercial, Corporation, 254 Cobbtown*«_____ Tattnall See Reidsville. Real Estate and Bankruptcy." Thoroughly equipped and 1638 »Cochran*«!— . . Bleckley H. F. LAWSON. organized Collection Department under personal supervi Send 25ç for each CommerciaVhResion, Depositions taken before C., N. Anderson or W. O. . port. (See also at HawhinsviUe) Slate. References: The Third National Bank, King Hard 400 Cohutta*«!_____ Whitfield See Dalton. ware Co., Blount Carriage & Buggy Co., S. P. Richards Co., 355 Colbert__________Madison To Danielsville. Atlanta, Ga. 354 Coleman*«! — —Randolph To Cuthbert. B R O W N & R A N D O L P H , P a r k e r & S cott, Brown2173 Collegepark*«!____ Fulton To Atlanta. RandolphBldg. Division Counsel, Seaboard Air Line Ry. 750 C ollins*«!_______Tattnall To Reidsville. Corporation and General Law. General Counsel Federal 1000 »Colquitt*«!_______ .Miller N. L. STAPLETON. Reserve Bank o f Atlanta, also Atlanta Savings Bank. Facili 25950 »Columbus*«!— -Muscogee McCUTCHEN & BOWDEN. ties for Collections. Compilers o f the ■Georgia laws fo r 1000 C om er*«!______ Madison To Danielsville. this publication. 3000 Commerce*«!____Jackson R. L. J. & S. J. SMITH, Jr. TYE, PEEPLES & TYE , John L . Tye, H enry C. Peeples, 450 Concord*«!_________ Pike To Barnesville. Benjam in TV. Tye, John L . Tye, Jr. Trust Company of 2000 »Conyers*«!_____ Rockdale To Covington. Georgia Building. General practice in all Courts. Corpo 700 Coolidge*«!— ___ Thomas To Thomasville. ration, Probate and Bankruptcy Law. Commercial De 8000 »C ordele*«!_________ Crisp WHIPPLE & MCKENZIE. partment. General Counsel for Western & Atlantic Rail 2000 Cornelia*«! — Habersham To Toccoa. road Co. District Attorneys for Louisville & Nashville 2697 »Covington*«!— ..Newton KING & JOHNSON. Railroad Co. Attorneys for Ga. Savings Bank & Trust Co. 900 Crawford*«! ..Oglethorpe To Athens. ■N. C. & St. L. Ry., Swift & Co., F. E. C. Ry. (Flager’s 1000 »Orawfordville*«! Taliafe’o HAWES CLOUD. i Systems), Sciple Sons, Receivers St. L. & S. F. Ry., J. W. 365 Culloden*«!_____ Monroe To Macon. Patterson Commission Co. R efer to Lowry National Bank, 750 »Cummmg*__ ____ Forsyth To Gainesville. Third National Bank, or any Bank in Atlanta. The Securi 341 *Cusseta*«!.Chattahoochee To Columbus. ties Co., 24 Broad St., New York; Blawett Lee, General 3500 »C uthbert*«!___ Randolph JAS. W . HARRIS. Counsel I. C. R. E., Chicago. Any principal city upon 169 Dacula*«! . . . ___Gwinnett To Lawrenceville. request. ■ < 829 »Dahlonega*.........Lumpkin To Gainesville. 800 Attapulgus*«!— Decatur To Bainbridge. 1259 »Dallas*«!________Paulding To Cedartown. Auburn*«!.._____ Barrow To W inder._____________________ 7500 »D alton*«!______ Whitfield FRANK K . McCUTCHEN. GEORGIA NOTF ilW 93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond, Jl £ i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1458 G E O R G IA ATTORNEYS AT L A W IA - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 323 ‘ Danielsville*____ Madison 350 Danville**!------ — Twiggs 1500 ‘ Darien**!____ -.M cIntosh 700 Davisboro**! .Washington 4200 ‘ Dawson**! ............ Terrel! 179 ‘ Dawsonville*____ Dawson 400 Dearing**!_____ McDuffie 5000 ‘ Decatur**!---------- Dekalb 760 Demorest**!--Habersnam 450 Devereux**!—— Hancock 1000 Dexter**!_____ ..Laurens 1000 Doerun**!_______Colquitt 747 Donalsonville**!..Decatur NAME. C. E. ADAM S. To Macon. To Brunswick. To Wrightsville. PARK S & PA RK S. To Gainesville. To Thomson. To Atlanta. To Toccoa. See Sparta. To Dublin. To Moultrie. To Bainbridge. 5000 ‘ Douglas**! „ ........... Coffee J . W . Q U IN C E Y . 2000 ‘ Douglasville**!__ Douglas To Atlanta. 200 D over**!----- . . . ..Screven To Sylvania. 8000 ‘ Dublin**! ........L a u r e n s M . H . BLACKSHEAR. 400 Dudley**!-----------Laurens To Dublin. 469 Duluth**!______ Gwinnett To Lawrenceville. 175 Durand** ____ Meriwether See Greenville. 2530 ‘ Eastman**!_______Dodge J. H. M ILN ER. 3682 East P oint**!..___ Fulton To Atlanta. 2250 ‘ Eatonton**!_____ Putnam W . F . JENKINS. 841 Edison**! . . . . ___ Calhoun To Albany. 6483 ‘ Elberton*®!_______Elbert Z . B . R O G E R S. 273 E lk o**!-. ...H ouston To Fort Valley., 672 ‘ Ellaville**! ........S c h l e y To Americas. 250 Ellenton**_______ Colquitt To Moultrie. 200 Ellenwood**! ____ Clayton To Atlanta. 659 * E l l i j a y * * ! . G i l m e r See Spring Place. 500 Enigma**___ ___Berrien To Nashville. 750 Eton**!------. . . ____Murray To Spring Place. 1395 ‘ Fairburn**!____ Campbell J. F . G O L IG H T L Y . 550 Fair M ount**!___ Gordon To Eome. 1000 ‘ Fayetteville**!___ Fayette W . B . H OLLIN GSW ORTH . 232 Finleyson**!____—Pulaski To Hawkinsville. 8000 ‘ Fitzgerald**!____ Ben Hill MCDONALD & BENNETT. 495 Flovilla**! . . . ____ ..Butts To Jackson. 373 Flowery. Branch**!...Hall To Gainesville. 600 ‘ Folkston**!_____Charlton To Waycross. 2208 ‘ Forsyth*®!— ___ Monroe To Macon. . 1000 ‘ Fort G ain es**!.......C lay ZA C K ARNOLD. 2697 Fort Valley**! ...H ouston C. L . SHEPARD. 340 ‘ Franklin*---------------Heard T o Carrollton. 10000 ‘ Gainesville**!_______.Hall W M . M . JOHNSON. 475 Garfield**!— — Emanuel To Swamsboro. 210 Gay**!_______Meriwether To Manchester. 367 ‘ G ibson**!_____ Glasscock J. C . NEWSOME. 300 Gillsville**! . . . __ ....H a ll To Gainesville. 227 Girard*-------------- Burke To Waynesboro. lOOO Glennville**!____ Tattnall See Reidsville. 500 Glenwood**!____ Wheeler To McRae. 200 G odfrey**!______ Morgan To Madison. 702 G ordon**!------ Wilkinson To Irwinton. 400 Gough**!___ __ ____ Burke To Waynesboro. 1132 Grantville**!_____Coweta To Newnan. 500 ‘ Gray**!____________ Jones See Macon. 417 Graym ont**!___ Emanuel To Statesboro. 500 Grayson*«..—...Gwinnett To Lawrenceville. 2120 ‘ Greensboro**!___ Greene NOEL P . PA R K . 1000 ‘ Greenville**! .Meriwether To Manchester. 12000 ‘ Griffin**!_____ ..Spalding CLEVELAND & GOODRICH. 545 Guyton*!.___ —Effingham To Savannah. 325 Haddock**!_____ — Jones To Macon. 784 Hagan**!.......... Evans To Reidsville. 1000, H ahira*«!______ Lowndes To Valdosta. 403 ‘ Hamilton**!___ __ Harris To Columbus. 1200 Hampton*®!__ '„.I— Henry See McDonough. 800 Hapeville**!____ ... Fulton To Atlanta. 800 H arlem **!———Columbia To Augusta. 383 Harrison**!.. Washington To Wrightsville. 3000 ‘ Hartwell**!.............. Hart A . G . & JULIAN B . M cC U R R Y . ' Practice in all Courts o f Northern Circuit, to-wit, Hart,; Madison, Franklin, Oglethorpe and Elbert. 4000 ‘ Hawkinsville**!...Pulaski H. F. LAWSON. Send 25c fo r each Commercial Report. (See also at Cochran) 2000 ‘ Haxlehurst**!..Jeff Davis NEWTON GASKINS. 250 H elen*______ White To Cleveland. 890 Helena**!____. . . . .Telfair See McRae. 450 ‘ Hiawassee* — _Towns To Toccoa. 250 Hillsboro**!______ Jasper To Covington. 300 ‘ H inesville*....___ Liberty NEWTON J. N ORM AN. 350 Hiram**!— ut.. Paulding To Dallas. 2000 Hogans ville**!— Troup To La Grange. 328 ‘ H om er*------------- Banks To Toccoa. 600 ‘ Homerville**! — Clinch To Valdosta. 429 Hoschton*®____Jackson T o Commerce. 186 Ideal**!____i_i_-_L.Macon To Americus. 28 Ila — ------Madison To Danielsville. 459 Iron C ity **!......D eca tu r To Bainbridge. 249 ‘ Irwinton*___ ...W ilkinson To Milledgeville. 300 Irwinville**________ Irwin To Ocilla. 2500 ‘ Jackson**!...... .......... Butts W . E. W ATKIN S. 622 Ja k in **!..________ Early See Blakely. 332 ‘ Jasper**!______ Pickens HOW ARD TA TE . 1207 ‘ J e f fe r s o n * * ..__Jackson To Commerce. 1000 *J effersonville**! ..Twiggs To Macon. 237 Jenkinsburg*»!____Butts To Jackson. 225 Jersey*__________ Walton To Covington. 1800 *Jesup**!___ ______ Wayne J. H . THOM AS._________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N O T F I n a Lj P opu la TOWN AND COUNTY. tion . 970 400 573 500 (B O N D E D ) NAME. ‘ Jonesboro*®!------ Clayton To Atlanta. Junction City**!— Talbot See Talbotton. Kennesaw**t---------- Cobb To Atlanta. K estler*!--------------- Early See Blakely. (Damascus P. O.) 400 Kingsland**!____ Camden To Brunswick. 600 Kingston**!--------- Bartow To Cartersville. 325 Kite**--------------- Johnson To Wrightsville. 3500 ‘ La Fayette**!------ Walker J. P . SHATTUCK. 10000 ‘ Lagrange**!______ Troup DUKE DAVIS. 285 Lake Park**!— Lowndes To Valdosta. 1712 Lavonia**!_____ Franklin To Toccoa. 1518 *Lawrenceville**!Gwinnett J. A. PERRY. 500 Leary**! — — Calhoun To Albany. 1000 ‘ Leesburg**! . . . . — — Lee To Albany. 350 L enox**!------------ Berrien »See Nashville. 500 Leslie**!--------— .Sumter §& Americus. 545 ‘ Lexington**— Oglethorpe To Athens. 200 Lilburn**! — — Gwinnett See Lawrenceville. 4a0 Lilly**!— ;---------- .Dooly To Cordele. 500 ‘ Lincolnton*_____ Lincoln C . G . PERRYMAN. 1428 Lithonia**!...........Dekalb To Atlanta. 716 Locust G rove**!__ Henry See McDonough. 600 Loganville**......... Walton To Covington. 1200 ‘ Louisville**___ .Jefferson To Wrightsville. 300 Lovejoys Stat’n** Clayton To Atlanta. 200 Lovett**!------------ Laurens To Dublin. 800 Ludow ici**!--------Liberty To Hinesville. 309 Lula**!,-----...H all To Gainesville. 1250 Lumber City**! ...T elfa ir See McRae. 1140 ‘ Lum pkin**!_____ Stewart T. T . JAMES. 400 Luthersville**r__ Meriw’r To Manchester. 322 L y erly**!.........Chattooga To Rome. 1200 ‘ Lyons**!-----Toombs THOS. J. PARRISH. H A L L , JR. 45757 ‘ Macon**!__________ Bibb C H A R L E S H . 507-508-509 Georgia Life Building. General practice in State and Federal Courts. Commercial, Cor poration and Real Estate Law. Refer to any Bank in Macon, 3000 ‘ Madison**!______ Morgan W ILLIFO R D & LAM BERT. 2000 Manchester**!Meriwether W . E. SM ITH . 800 Mansfield**!-------- Newton To Covington. 6500 ‘ Marietta**!________ Cobb > J. GLENN GILES. 1500 Marshallville*®!__ Macon To Americus. 377 Martin**_______ Stephens To Toccoa. 150 Matthews**!___ Jefferson See Louisville. 200 Mauk**!---------------Taylor See Reynolds. 334 M axeys**!_Oglethorpe To Athens. 805 M aysville**!___ Banks See Gainesville. 3000 McCaysville........... Fannin To Blue Ridge. (Copperhill, Tenn., P. O.) 1500 ‘ McDonough**!____Henry E. J. REAGAN. 2200 ‘ M cRae**!________ Telfair W . B. SM ITH . /300 Meansville**! ____ — Pike To Barnesville. 1200 Meigs**!------------- Thomas To Thomasville. 376 Menlo**!------ Chattooga To Rome. 314 Metcalf**! —-------- Thomas To Thomasville. 800 ‘ M etier**!...____ .Candler To Statesboro. 800 Midville**!____ ____Burke To Waynesboro. 700 Milan**!--------- — Telfair See McRae. 7000 ‘ Milledgeville**!.. Baldwin D. B . SANFORD & D. S. SANFORD. 2500 ‘ Millen**!-------------Jenkins To Waynesboro. 1500 Milltown*— ;____.Berrien See Nashville. 400 Milner*®!---------------- Pike To Barnesville. 338 Mineralbluff**!___ Fannin See Blue Ridge. 212 M itchell**!____ Glasscock See Sparta. 398 Molena**!---------Pike To Barnesville. 4000 ‘ Monroe**! — — Walton To Covington. 2500 Montezuma**!___ Macon To Americus. 1508 ‘ Monticello**!--------Jasper To Covington. 300 Montrose**!___ ..Laurens See Dublin. 500 M oreland**!_____ Coweta To Newnan. 600 ‘ Morgan*------------.Calhoun To Albany. 383 M orven— . . . . . . . Brooks To Valdosta. 5660 ‘ Moultrie**!_______Colquitt ERLE B . ASKEW . 200 Mt. A iry**!__ Habersham See Clarksville. 605 ‘ Mt. \ ernon**t Montgom’y M . B . CALHOUN. 1500 ‘ Nashville**! .........Berrien J. A. ALEXANDER. 538 Naylor**!. — — Lowndes To Valdosta. 475 Newborn**!___ Newton To Covington. 6500 ‘ Newnan**!_______ Coweta W . G. POST. 600 ‘ Newton* -------Baker To Camilla. 1200 Nicholls**!________ Coffee See Douglas. 968 Norcross**!— .Gwinnett To Lawrenceville. 648 Norman Park**! .Colquitt To Moultrie. 200 Norristown**!...Emanuel See Swainsboro. 340 Norwood**!.___ Warren See Warrenton. 174 Nunez**!..;___ Emanuel See Swainsboro. 276 Oakfield**!_______Worth To Albany. 350 Ochlochnee**!___ Thomas To Thomasville. 2017 ‘ Ocilla**!................... Irwin QUINCEY & RICE. 400 Odum**!__ __ — Wayne See Jesup. 1000 ‘ Oglethorpe**!______ Macon To Americus. 243 Oliver**!______ Screven To Sylvania. 209 Omaha**! ;_Stewart See Lumpkin. 500 Omega**!____________ T ift To Tifton. 300 Osierfield**!..!______Irwin To Ocilla. 922 Palmetto**!__ ..Campbell To Fairburn. 400 Parrott**!________ Terrell To Dawson. 264 Patterson**!______ Pierce To Blackshear. 1500 P av o**!______ ..Thomas To Thomasville. 558 Pearson**!_________Coffee To Douglas. 3000 Pelham**!—____ ^Mitchell To Camilla. 700 Pembroke**!______ Bryan To Savannah. 239 Pendergrass**_Jackson To Commerce. I__ ■ USE c o UPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W POPU LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. vTION. _________ G E O R G IA , H A W A II (B O N D E D ) NAME. '________ :____________________ ' 649 ‘ P erry**!______Houston To Fort Valley. 600 Pinehurst**! ...........Dooly To Vienna. 100 Pineora**_____ Effingham To Springfield. 708 Pineview**!......... „ W ilc o x To Cordele. 279 P itts**!__________ W ilcox To Cordele. 200 Plainfield**!_______ Dodge See Eastman. 600 Plains**!__________Sumter To Americus. 148 Plainville**!...........Gordon To Rome. 500 Portal**___- ______ Bulloch To Statesboro. 652 Poulan**!_________ Worth See Sylvester. 500 Powder Springs**! - -Cobb To Marietta. • 259 ‘ Preston**!_______ Webster To Americus. 207 Pulaski**!_______Candler To Statesboro. 5000 ‘ Quitman**! _____ Brooks To Valdosta. 800 Ray City**!______ Berrien See Nashville. 150 Raym ond**!..........Coweta See Newnan. 252 Rebecca**!............ Turner To Ashburn. 300 Register**!_______ Bulloch To Statesboro. 600 ‘ Reidsville**!____ Tattnall To Statesboro. 500 Rentz**!—_______Laurens To Dublin. 150 Rex**.— ________ Clayton To Atlanta. 1000 Reynolds*«! ...... ...Taylor To Butler. 400 R hine***.._____ ...D od g e See Eastman. 2000 Richland**! ___ _Stewart See Lumpkin. 398 ‘ Ringgold**! ______Catoosa To Dalton. 139 R iverdale_— .Clayton To Atlanta. 500 Roberta**!_____Crawford To Macon. 1000 Rochelle**! .......... W ilcox To Cordele.. 152 Rockledge**!____ Laurens To Dublin. 2000 Rock Mart**!—___ —Polk To Cedartown. 600 Rocky Ford**!__ Screven To Sylvania. 15120 ‘ Rome**!.................. Floyd WRIGHT WILLINGHAM. 300 1059 1158 2256 696 402 3000 500 800 Roopville* .........— Carroll To Carrollton. Rossville**!______ Walker See La Fayette. Roswell**! —______ .Cobb To Marietta. Royston**!_____ Franklin To Toccoa. Rutledge**!— ___ Morgan To Madison. Sale City**.......... Mitchell To Camilla. ‘ Sandersville**! .Wash'ton To Wrightsville. Sardis**___________ Burke To Waynesboro. Sasser**!._________Terrell To Dawson. 68805 ‘ Savannah**t____ Chatham H E R S C H E L P. C O B B , 24 E. President Street. Commercial and Corporation Practice. References: Merchants National Bank; Citi zens Trust Company. 500 212 276 1111 193 344 350 175 1200 500 400 750 1000 1590 1000 1000 Scotland**!_______ Telfair Scott**_____ — Johnson Screven**!___ r _— Wayne Senoia**! ..............Coweta Seville**!________ W ilcox Shady Dale**_____ Jasper Sharon**!..——Taliaferro Sharpsburg*____Coweta Shellman**! — Randolph Shiloh**!_______—Harris Siloam**_________ Greene Smithville**!.... ......... Lee Smyrna**!.... ........... Cobb Social Circle**!--.W alton Soperton*! —Montgomery Sparks**!.............. Berrien See McRae. To Wrightsville. . To Jesup. To Newnan. To Cordele. See Monticello. To Crawfordsville. To Newnan. To Cuthbert. To Columbus. To Greensboro. To Albany. To Marietta. To Monroe. To Mount Vernon. To Nashville. 2500 ‘ Sparta**!..*_____Hancock B C R WELL & FLEM ING. 504 ‘ Springfield** ...Effingham To Savannah. ■500 Stapleton**!— Jefferson See Louisville. 700 ‘ Statenville*______ .Echols To Valdosta. 3500 ‘ Statesboro**!-___ Bulloch ERED T . LANIER. 1000 Statham**!_______ Barrow 250 Stephens**___ Oglethorpe 645 Stillmore**! — Emanuel 900 *St. Mary’s*______ Camden 600 Stockbridge**!____ Hehry 1062 Stone Mount’n**!. Dekalb 100 Stovall**!____ Meriwether 125 Summertown**— Emanuel 657 ‘ Summerville**! Chattooga 700 Summit**!______ Emanuel 500 Surrency**!_____ Appling 250 Suwanee**t___ -Gw innett 1313 ‘ Swainsboro**!...Emanuel 150 Swords.____ _ ...M organ 296 Sycam ore**!......... Turner To Winder. See Lexington. To Swainsboro. To Brunswick. See McDonough. To Atlanta. To Manchester. See Swainsboro. To Rome. To Statesboro. See Baxley. See Lawrenceville.' To Statesboro. To Madison. To Ashburn. 1400 ‘ Sylvania**_______ Screven W H ITE & LO VETT. 2000 ‘ Sylvester**! ______ Worth To Albany. 1200 ‘ Talbotton**! . . . ___Talbot J. A . SM ITH . 3000 300 197 711 1622 Tallapoosa**!.__ Haralson Tarry town**!Montgomery Taylorsville**!___ Bartow Temple**!________ Carroll Tennille**!— Washington To Buchanan. To Mount Vet non. See Cartersville. To Carrollton. . To Wrightsville. 2500 ‘ Thom aston**!___ .Upson H U GH TH U RSTO N. 8000 ‘ Thomasville**! — Thomas P . C. ANDREWS. 2151 ‘ Thomson**!____ McDuffie J. GLENN STOVALL. P opu TOWN AND COUNTY. la tion . NAME. GEO. G . ALLEN. 4000 ‘ T occoa**!_____ .Stephens 500 800 1750 263 276 1500 . 534 2000 750 Toom sboro**!.. W ilkinson ‘ Trenton**!________ Dade Trion**!_______<Chattooga T urin**!______ ...Coweta. Ty T y **i__ _________Tift Unadilla**!____ ___Dooly Union City**!— Campbell Union Point**t.....Greene Uvalda**! — .Montgomery To Irwinton. To La Fayette. To Rome. To Newnan. To Tifton. To Vienna. To Fairburn. To Greensboro. To Mt. Vernon. 9500 ‘ Valdosta**t..........Lowndes GEO. E. SIM PSON. 3000 Vidalia**!_____ —Toombs To Lyons. To Waynesboro. 75 Vidette**!_____ 2000 ‘ Vienna**t_____ ___ Dooly 1500 400 1000 112 ; 1800 275 400 Villa Rica**! — -- Carroll W aco**!............ ..Haralson W adley**!____ .Jefferson Walnutgrove*__ ... Walton ‘ Warrenton**!__ ..W arren Warthen*!* —Washington Warwick**!_______Worth 4000 ‘ Washington**!. ...W ilk es L. L . WOODWARD. To Carrollton. To Buchanan. To Wrightsville. To Covington. To Thomson. To Wrightsville. To Albany. I. T . IR V IN , Jr. 483 ‘ Watkinsville**!....O conee To Atkins. 600 Waverly Hall**! — Harris To Columbus. 19869 ‘ W aycross**!. . . ....... Ware 3250 ‘ Waynesboro**!.___ Burke 500 2200 .800 200 407 600 1600 300 Weston*!* :------- ..Webster West Point**! —___Troup W higham **!__ ___ Grady W h ite * * !_____ __ Bartow White Plains**..... Greene Whitesburg**! .— Carroll Willacoochee**t ___ Coffee Williamson**! . _____ Pike D. T. DEEN. M em ber G. ■ BRINSON & HATCHER. To Americus. To LaGrange. To Bainbridge. To Cartersville. To Greensboro. To Carrollton. To Douglas. To Barnesville. 2443 ‘ Winder**f......... . . Barrow W . H. QUAK. TERM AN. 465 1000 200 400 442 500 162 1000 Winterville**!—__ Clarke Woodbury**! .Meriwether Woodcliff**!___.. .Screven W oodland**!... ___Talbot W oodstock**!.. .Cherokee W oodville**!____ Greene Woolsey**!____ ... Fayette W ren s**!......... .Jefferson 1500 ‘ Wrightsville**! „Johnson To Athens To Manchester. To Sylvania. See Talbotton. See'Canton. To Greensboro. To Fayetteville. To Wrightsville. A. L. HATCHER. 500 Yatesville**!__ ___ Upson 283 Young Harris*..___Towns To Thomaston. To Toccoa. 800 ‘ Zebulon**! ____.........Pike To Barnesville. H AW AIIAN ISLANDS This Information will be of value to those Interested in Bank ruptcy matters. District consists of the islands o f Hawaii, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu, and a number of uninhabited islands. District court is held at Honolulu, the second Mondays in April and October, and at Hilo the last Wednesday in January. Special terms may be held at such times and places as the judges may deem expedient. REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. • Express Office. § Capital. 8000 *Hilo*______________Hawaii CARLSMITH& ROLPH. 128 Honokaa*............... Hawaii To Hilo. 60000 §‘ Honolulu*______ Honolulu THOMPSON, MILVERTON CATHCART, 210 Kahului*..______ .Maui 50 Kealakekua*____ ..Hawaii 550 Kohala* —____ ^.Hawaii 1000 Lahaina*....... ...........Maui 425 ‘ Lihue*......... ............. Kauai 4000 Paia*______________ Maui 965 Schofield Barracks* ' Honolulu To Wailuka. To Hilo. To Hilo. See Wailuku. See Honolulu. To Wailuku. To Honolulu. 4000 ‘ Wailuku* ______ Maui D. H. CASE. 450 W aim ea*_____ _ Kauai See Honolulu. 85 Waipahu*_____ Honolulú To Honolulu. ____________ 4500 vTifton**!..................... Tift ELLIS & ELLIS. 700 Tignall*____ _i___ Wilkes See Washington. TW J/-yT, | 7 A I V / '1 H i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1459 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. ■ & 1460 ID A H O A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) Popu l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TI0N. P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. !300 250 500 300 IDAHO This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. One federal District comprises entire state and has four divisions: namely, the Northern with court at Coeur d’Alene (1), on the fourth Monday in M ay and the third Monday in November; the Central, with court at Moscow (2), on the second Monday in M ay and the first Monday in November; the Southern with court at Boise City (3), on the second Mondays in February and September; and the Eastern with court at Pocatello (4), on the.second Mondays in March and October. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Ada (3) Adams (3), Bannock (4), Bear Lake (4), Bene wah (1), Bingham (4), Blaine (3), Boise (3), Bonner (1), Bonneville (4), Boundary (1), Butte (4), Camas (3), Canyon (3), Cassia (3), Clear water (2), Custer (4)v Elmore (3), Franklin (4), Fremont (4), Gem (3), Gooding (3), Idaho (2), Jefferson (4), Kootenai (1), Latah (2), Lemhi i W l Lincoln (3). Madison (4), Minidoka (3), Nez Perce (2), ? ^ eI£ a*(4H £ w&he.e (3), Payette (3), Power (4). Selway (2), Shoshone (1), Teton (4), Twin Falls (3), Valley (3), Washington (3). REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 500 »Challis*...................Custer A. J. HIGGINS. 8000 »Cœur d ’A lene*»!.. Koot’ai EDWARD H. BERG. Refers to R. G. Dun & Co. and any local bank and Judges o f the Supreme and District Courts. To Grangeville. FREEHAFER & STINSON. To Lewiston. See Moscow. See Burley. To Idaho City. See Pocatello. See Rexbury. To St. Anthony. See Boise. To Rupert. To Orofino. To Caldwell. To Hailey. To Grangeville. See Twin Falls. See Caldwell. See Moscow. To Lewiston. See Salmon. See Mountain Home. A. F. JAMES. See Pocatello. See Twin Falls. A. S. HARDY. To Gooding. SULLIVAN, BAKER. 200__Hansen*»!------ Twin Falls See Twin Falls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTF 1200 1500 75 500 1000 600 500 1924 M ackay*»!.............. Custer To Blackfoot. »Malad City*»t _■— Oneida To Preston. May— j------------------Lemhi To Salmon. McCammon*»t— Bannock See Pocatello. Meridian*»t.................Ada See Boise. Middleton*»t_____ Canyon See Caldwell. Midvale*»! — Washington See Weiser. Montpelier*»! —Bear Lake To Paris. SULLIVAN • 1000 »Orofino*»t____ Clearwater J. L. F ITZGERALD. 1200 »Paris*»!----------Bear Lake 850 Parm a*»!________ Canyon 300 Paul------------------ Minidoka 3000 »Payette*»!.............Payette 300 P eck *»!______ Nez Perce 600 Plummer*»!____ Benewah 12293 »P ocatello*»!____ Bannock CURTIS HAYDON. References: E. L. Bryon, District Judge: D. D. Harger, Probate Judge: Western National Bank; Caldwell Ice& Cold Storage Co.: C. H. Turner, Mayor, all o f Caldwell. 349 Cambridge*»! Washington See Weiser. i 800 Carey*------------------Blaine To Hailey. 400 »C ascade*___ __ ...V a lley To Idaho City. 1231 »H ailey*»!..----------- Blaine 8000 »Lewiston*»t— Nez Perce EUGENE A . CO X . 1500 Oakiey*»t..................Cassia See Burley. 4000 B u rley*»!................Cassia T . B. LEE. 1600 »Grangeville*»__ ....Id a h o 601 Hagerman*_____ Gooding, To Nezperce. To Shoshone. See Kendrick. To Nezperce. See Wallace. See Moscow. See Twin Falls. To Grangeville. To Boise. To Lewiston. See Pocatello. 1000 »N ezp erce*»-........... Lewis S. O. TANNAHILL. R IC H A R D S & H A G A . Refer to Boise City National Bank. Com pilers o f the Idaho la/ws fo r this publication. »Bonners Ferry*»!Bound’y To Sand Point. Bovili*»!............ ...... Latah See Moscow. Bruneau*—.......... Owyhee To Mountain Home. Bühl*»!_______Twin Falls See Twin Falls. 2000 »G ooding*»!_____ Gooding 75 Grace*--------- —..Bannock 300 Grand View* . ___ Owyhee 400 Ilo*----------------------- Lewis 1200 Jerom e*»!---------- Lincoln 414 Juliaetta*»!..............Latah 758 Kamiah*»t_________Lewis 3500 Kellogg*!--------- Shoshone 700 K endrick*»!_______Latah 300 Kimberly*»!__Twin Falls 550 »K ooskia*»!________ Idaho 250 Kuna*»!____________ Ada 420 Lapwai*.............Nez Perce 800 Lava Hot Springs»!Bannock 300 Newdale------------ Fremont To Rexburg. 300 New Meadows*»!—Adams To Council. 274 New Plymouth*»..Payette See Caldwell. 33846 § »B oise*»!..., ____ ..A da 700 Cottonw ood*»!—...Id a h o ST. CLAIR & HASBROUCK. Re fer to any bank in Idaho Falls. 1667 Muilan*»!--------- Shoshone See Wallace. 4480 »Blackfoot*»!------ Bingham A. S. DICKINSON. 800 B liss*»!--------------Gooding To Gooding. 500 »Council*»!—........... Adams 436 Ouldesac*»!___ Nez Perce 300 D eary*»____ ______ Latah ------ D eclo-----------------...Cassia 200 Donnelly»!...............Valley 600 Downey*»!--------- Bannock 1000 »Driggs*»!.................Teton 275 Dubois*»!. ......F r e m o n t 200 Eagle*---------- ---------- Ada 250 Eden*»!------------ Minidoka 800 Elk River*»!—.Clearwater 2500 »Emmett*»'!_________ Gem 300 »Fairfield*»! ....... Camas 225 Ferdinand*—. . ____ Idaho 500 Filer*»!----------Twin Falls 300 , Fruitland*»______ Payette 1000 G enesee*»!.............. Latah 250 Gifford*______ Nez Perce 500 Gilmore*__________ Lemhi 800 Glenns Ferry*»t ..Elm ore 300 »Idaho City*................Boise D. L. RHODES. 7000 »Idaho Falls*»!.Bonneville 4000 Nampa*»!------------ Canyon O ’ CONNOR & ANDERSON. »A rco * »!_______ ...B u tte To Hailey. Ashton*»t . . . ___ Fremont To St. Anthony. Bancroft*»!_____Bannock See Pocatello. B ellevue*»!....... Blaine To Hailey. 5000 »Caldwell*»!______Canyon See Cœur d ’Alene. To Rupert. See Rupert. See Twin Falls. 5000 »Moscow*»!— --------- Latah GEO. G. P IC K E TT. 1800 »American Falls*»!—Power SPENCER L. BAIRD. 1500 400 400 1800 Harrison*»!------- Kootenai Hazelton*»!-------Minidoka Heyburn*»!.Minidoka Holhster*»t__„ Twin Falls 2000 »Mountain Home*»!Elmore DAN’ L M cLAUGHLIN. 350 Aberdeen*»!— .Bingham See Blackfoot. 500 »A lbion*..-----. . . —..Cassia See Burley. 450 1000 500 600 nam e. 600 Post Falls*»_____Kootenai 1500 Potlatch*» ........— Latah JESSE P. RICH. See Caldwell. To Rupert. See Caldwell. To Lewiston. See Cœur d ’Alene. W. H. W ITTY. Refers to Bannock Nat’l and First Nat’l Banks. See Cœur d ’Alene. See Moscow. 3200 »Preston*»!--------- Franklin A. C. SMITH. 800 Priest R iver*»!___ Bonner To Sand Point. 725 Rathdrum*»!___ Kootenai See Cœur d ’Alene. 250 Reubens*»................ Lewis To Nezperce. 3500 »Rexburg*«!.____ Madison T . W . SMITH. 158 Richfield*»!—........Lincoln To Shoshone. 1500 kR igby*»!-----------Jefferson A. C. CORDON. Ririe*»!-------------Jefferson To Rigby. (L orenzo P. O.) 350 R oberts*»!_____ Jefferson To Rigby. 400 Rockland*_________Power To American Falls. 200 Rogerson*»! „ .T w in Falls See Twin Falls. 2000 »R upert*»!_____ ..Minidoka E. R. DAMPIER. 1434 »Salm on*................. Lemhi ARIEL C. CHERRY. 2993 »Sandpoint*»!......... Bonner E. W. WHEELAN. 600 Shelley*»!---------Bingham See Blackfoot. 1500 »Shoshone*»t_____ Lincoln 800 Soda Springs*»!—Bannock 907 Spirit Lake*»t.„K ootenai 2500 »St. Anthony*»! ..Fremont 300 Star*_______________ Ada 400 Stites*»!...................Idaho 400 St. Joe*»t_..Benewah 2500 »St. M aries*»!___ Benewah 800 Sugar*«!________ Madison 200 Sweet*_______ _____ Gem 700 Troy*«!—. ___. . . __ Latah 7000 »Twin Falls*«!..Twin Falls 200 332 3000 1369 V ictor*»!__________ Teton V ollm er*»____ ___ ‘ Lewis »Wallace*»!_____ Shoshone Wardner*»!____ Shoshone 5000 »W eiser*»!___Washington & P. S. HADDOCK. See Pocatello. See Cœur d ’Alene. To Rexburg. See Boise. To Grangeville. See Cœur d ’Alene. See Cœur d'Alene. See Rexburg. To Idaho City. To Moscow. ASHER B. WILSON. To Rexburg. To Nezperce. C. W . BEALE. See Wallace. FRAN K D. R Y A N . 482 Wendell*»! _____ Gooding To Gooding. 356 White Bird* ______ .Idaho To Grangeville. 150 Wilder___________ Canyon To Caldwell. 750 W inchester*..—____Lewis To Nezperce. 200 Worley*________ Kootenai See Cceur d ’Alene. USE COUPONS a® instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. JL’IV-r JL Ha See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W IL L IN O IS (B O N D E D ) POPU TOWN AND COUNTY. LA TION. NAME. P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1461 NAME. 34204 Aurora*«! ——™ __ Kane PEFFERS & W ING. ILLINOIS This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. >_ ' Illinois is divided into three Federal Districts; namely Northern, Southern, and Eastern. > ¿2, The NORTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions; the Eastern with court at Chicago (1), on the first Mondays in February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, and November and the third Monday in December; the Western with court at Freeport (2), on the third Mondays in April and October. _ ^ The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions; namely, the Northern with court at Peoria (3), on the third Mondays in April and October; the Southern with courts at Springfield (4), on the first Mondays in January and June, and at Quincy (4), on the first Mondays in March and September. The EASTERN DISTRICT with courts at Danville (5), first Mondays in March and September; at Cairo (5), the first Mondays in April and October; and at East St. Louis (5), the first Mondays in M ay and November. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Adams (4), Alexander (5), Bond (4), Boone (2), Brown (4), Bureau (3), Calhoun (4), Carroll (2), Cass (4), Champaign (5), Christian (4), Clark (5), Clay (5), Clinton (5), Coles (5), Cook (1), Crawford (5), Cumberland (5), Dekalb (1), Dewitt (4), Douglas (5), Dupage (1), Edgar (5), Edwards (5), Effingham (5), Fayette (5), Ford (5), Franklin (5), Fulton (3), Gallatin (5), Greene (4), Grundy (1), Hamilton (5), Hancock (4), Hardin (5), Henderson (3), Henry (3), Iroquois (5), Jackson (5), Jasper (5), Jefferson (5), Jersey (4), Jo Daviess (2), Johnson (5), Kane (1), Kankakee (5), Kendall (1), Knox (3), Lake (1), LaSalle (1), Lawrence (5), Lee (2), Livingston (3), Logan (4), McDonough (3), McHenry (1), McLean (4), Macon (4), Macoupin (4), Madison (4), Marion (5), Marshall (3), Mason (4), Massac (5), Menard (4), Mercer (3), Monroe (5), Montgomery (4), Morgan (4), Moultrie (5), Ogle (2), Peoria (3), Perry (5), Piatt (5), Pike (4), Pope (5), Pulaski (5), Putnam 3), Randolph (5), Richland (5), Rock Island (3), St. Clair (5), Saline (5), Sangamon (4), Schuyler (4), Scott (4), Shelby (5), Stark (3), Stephen son (2), Tazewell (3), Union (5), Vermilion (5), Wabash (5), Warren (3), Washington *(5), Wayne (5), White (5), Whiteside (2), Will (1), Williamson (5), Winnebago (2), Woodford (3). REFERENCE KEY County Seat. * Money Order Office. » Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 2464 Abingdon*«!— - — Knox 300 Adair*«!..........McDonough 579 Addison*«!............ Dupage 250 Akin*................... Franklin 618 A lbany«!______ WhiteSide Clinton 170 A lbers*«!____ 1500 «Albion*«t.......... ..Edwards 2500 «Aledo*«!______ 200 Alexander*«!__ ... Morgan 1000 A lexis*«!_____ —Warren 800 Algonquin*«!__..McHenry 433 Alhambra*«! ... __Madison 500 Allendale*«! . . . ...W abash 245 Allenville*«!. . . ..Moultrie 364 Allerton*«!....... .Vermilion 880 Alma*«!----------___ Marion 858 Alpha*«!.......... ........Henry 1328 Altamont*«!__ .Effingham 22874 A lton *«!______ Madison 528 551 319 1749 207 3000 800 398 800 581 2300 500 518 519 5000 370 1943 327 300 366 1200 500 1096 913 511 850 1918 1600 1340 1000 1367 659 2500 1146 Altona*«!......... Alto Pass*«!.—.____Union Alvin*«!______ .Vermilion Amboy*«!___________ Lee A nchor*«!........ __ McLean Anna*«!______ ____ Union Annapolis*------ ..Crawford Annawan*«!__ ____Henry A ntioch*«!___ .........Lake Annie River*«! Jo Daviess Areola*«!— Area*___ ._____ ..:___ Lake Arenzville*«! - ______Cass Argenta*«!____ Argo*! _______ Argo-fay ___ ___ Carroll {M t. Carroll P. O.) Arlington*«! —___ Bureau Arlington Hgts.,*«t ..C ook Armington*«t.—Tazewell Armstrong*« . . .Vermilion Arrowsmith*«t __ McLean Arthur*«! ____ — Douglas Ashkum*«!___ ...Iroquois Ashland*«!___ ______ Cass A shley*«!___ Washington Ashmore*«! . . . _____ Coles Ashton*«!____ Assumption*«! —Christian A storia*«!___ ____ Fulton Athens*«!____ ___ Menard Atkinson*«!__ .....H e n r y Atlanta*«!__... ____ Logan Atwood*«t_. —.______Piatt Auburn*«!___ .Sangamon Augusta*«!__ .—Hancock See Galesburg. To Bushnell. To Elgin. See Benton. See Sterling. To Carlyle. JOEL C. FITCH. JOHN M . WILSON. See Jacksonville. See Monmouth. See Woodstock. See Edwardsville. To Mt. Carmel; See Sullivan. To Danville. See Salem. To Galva. See Effingham. GILSON BROWN. 306-7 Commercial Bldg. See Galesburg. To Anna. To Danville. See Dixon. To Bloomington. J. E. N. EDWARDS. To Robinson. To Atkinson. See Waukegan. See Galena. To Tuscola. See Libertyville. To Virginia. See Decatur. To Chicago. To Mt. Carroll. See Princeton. To Chicago. To Pekin. To Danville. To Bloomington. To Tuscola. See Watseka. To Virginia. To Nashville. See Mattoon. See Dixon. See Taylorville. See Lewistown. To Petersburg. ARTHUR H. DeROO. To Lincoln. See Monticello. See Springfield. S. P. LEMMON. NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _____ Austin«!___________—Cook 800 A v a *«!____ _____ Jacksb» 4000 Averyville!--- . ----- Peoria {Peoria P. O.) 397 A viston*«!____ ...Clinton 1000 A von *«t_________.Fulton 358 Baldwin*«!_____ Randolph 188 Bardolph*«!. . McDonough 1500 Barrington*«!______ Cook 2000 Barry*«!___________ Pike 344 Bartelso*«!___ ....C lin ton 500 Bartlett*«!__________Cook 255 Basco*«!________Hancock 5000 Batavia*«!__________Kane 300 Batchtown*_____Calhoun 475 B ath*«!__________ Mason 385 Baylis*«!___________ Pike T o Chicago. To Murphysboro. T o Peoria, To Carlyle. See Lewistown. To Sparta. To Bushnell. To Chicago. To Pittsfield. To Carlyle. To Chicago,. See Carthage. To Aurora. See Hardin. To Havana. See Pittsfield. 7562 Beardstown*«!____ ..Cass LLOYD M . McCLITRE. 300 Beason*«!------------- Logan See Lincoln. 500 Beaverville*«!___ Iroquois See Watseka. 764 Beckemeyer*»!___ Clinton To Carlyle. 543 Beecher*«!________ —Will To Joliet. 355 Beecher City*« .Effingham See Effingham. 90 Bellair*________Crawford To Robinson. 87 Belle Prairie* — Hamilton See McLeansboro. 400 Belle Rive*«t___ Jefferson To Mount Vernon. 21149 «Belleville*«!____ St. Clair WEBB & ZERWECK. 1500 Bellewood*—..............Cook To Chicago. 394 Bellflower*«!____ McLean To Bloomington. 550 Bellmpnt*«! . . —..W abash To Mt. Carmel. 7253 «Belvidere*«!--------..B oone ERNEST C. GRIDLEY. 1530 Bement*«!——______ Piatt See Monticello. 3000 Benld*«___ . . —.Macoupin To Staunton; 600 Bensenviile*«!___ Dupage To Elgin. ■ 500, Benson*«!—___ Woodford To Eureka. 6000 «B enton*«!_____ Franklin HICKMAN & HICKMAN. 200 Berwick*«! . . . . . —Warren See Monmouth. 5841 B erw yn*«!_________Cook To Chicago. 1000 Bethany*«t_____ Moultrie See Sullivan. 100 Beverly*._____ ——■ Adams To Quincy. 400 Bible G rove*------------Clay To Louisville, 400 Biggsville*«!—-Henderson To Monmouth. 382' B irds*«!_______Lawrence See Lawrenceville. 289 Bishop Hill*«!____ Henry To Galva. 230 Bismarck*«!___ Vermilion To Danville. 987 Blandinsville*«! .M cDon’h To Bushnell. 27258 «Bloomington*«!.. McLean COSTIGAN & WOLLRAB, R efer ences: First Nat’l or Peoples Bank. 9254 Blue Island*«!..------ Cook To Chicago. 1000 Blue Mound*«!—...M acon See Decatur. 766 B luffs*«!__________ -Scott To Winchester. 250 Bluford*« ______ Jefferson To Mt. Vernon. 200 Bondville*«t—.Champaign See Champaign. 517 Bone Gap*«! .....E d w ard s To Albion. 500 Bonnie*«!______J efferson To Mount Vernon. 606 Bowen*«!............ Hancock See Carthage. 700 Braceville*«!_____ Grundy To Morris. 800 Bradford*«!.... ........Stark To Galva. 3000 Bradley *•!____ Kankakee See Kankakee. 1958 Braidwood*«! — . — Will To Joliet. 2500 B reese*«!________ Clinton To Carlyle. 3000 Bridgeport*«!...Lawrence See Lawrenceville. 567 Brighton*«!____ Macoupin To Carlinville. 576 Brimfleld*«!— ........Peoria See Peoria. 480 Broadlands*«!.Champaign See Champaign. 558 Brocton*«! - — . — Edgar To Paris. 4000 Brookfield*«!--------- Cook To Chicago. 1443 Brookport*«!..’__..Massac To Metropolis. 470 Broughton*«!__ Hamilton See McLeansboro. 125 Brownfield*«________Pope To Golconda. 551 Browning*«!____ Schuyler To Rushville. 419 Browns*«!— -Edwards See Albion. 600 Brownstown*«!— Fayette See Vandalia. 283 Brussels*________ Calhoun See Hardin. 200 Buckingham*«t.Kankakee See Kankakee. 495 Buckley*«!______ Iroquois See Watseka. 900 Buda*«! —____ .„.B u reau See Princeton. 475 Buffalo*«!_____ Sangamon See Springfield. 50 BuffaloPrairie Rock Island To Rock Island. 1000 Bulpitt__ ______ Christian To Taylorville. {K incaid P. O.) 350 Buncom be*«!___ Johnson See Vienna, n 1046 Bunker Hill*«!..Macoupin To Staunton! 100 Burgess«_________Mercer , See Aledo. 300 Burnside*«!____ Hancock See Carthage. 450 Burnt Prairie*_____ White To Carmi. 3000 Bushnell*«t -M cDonough SCOFIELD, HELFRICH & CAL1FF. 932 Byron*«!— -----Ogle To Rochelle. 321 Cabery*«! — ------ —Ford See Paxton. 15794 «Cairo*«!_______ Alexander H E E D G R E E N . 300 Caledonia*«! . —-----Boone To Belvidere. 250 Calhoun*«!___ —Richland To Olney. 323 Camargo*«!__ —..Douglas To Tuscola. 700 Cambria*«!__ .Williamson See Marion. 1500 «Cambridge*«! ------- Henry To Galva. 250 Camden*_______ Schuyler To Rushville. 300 Cameron*«!____—Vvarren See Monmouth. 414 Campbell Hill*«! .Jackson See Murphysboro. 300 Campgrove*«! .„M arshall To Lacon, 1200 Camp Point*«!____ Adams To Quincy. 300 Campus*«!------ Livingston To Pontiac. 13262 Canton*«!.— — ...F ulton See Lewistown. 562 Capron**! —______ .Boone See Belvidere, 7000 Carbondale*«!— -Jackson To Murphysboro. ' ________ _ 1031 Cardiff *«t. . . . ..Livingston To Pontiac. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1462 IL L IN O IS A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D P opu LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 5000 «Carlinville*«!__ Macoupin 163 Oarlock*«!— ____ McLean 1982 «Carlyle*«!_______..Clinton 3000 «Carm i*«!__________White 2500 Carriers Mills *•! ..Saline 2323 «Carrollton*«! ____ Greene 4000 Carterville*«! -Williamson NAME. THOMAS ItIN AKER. To Bloomington. HERVEY O. JONES. JOE A. PEARCE. See Harrisburg. U. W . WRIGHT. See Marion. 2373 «Carthage*«!.......... Hancock MACK & MACK. J79 2500 201 952 .J0 6 »1 1 i000 127 300 Cary Station*«!-McHenry O a s e y M ..................Clark C astleton M .............stark Catlin*«!— Vermilion Cavern Rock*-------Hardin Centralia*«!...........Marion Cerro Gordo*«t......... Piatt Chadwick*«!-------- Carroll Chambersburg*.........Pike To Woodstock. To Marshall. To Galva. To Danville. To Elizabethtown. To Salem. See Monticello. To Savanna. See Pittsfield. 14508 Ohampaign*«t—Champ’gn L . F . W IN G A B D . Refers to any bank in the city. 300 1000 552 ,5884 666 1112 600 100 1314 2500 500 3000 400 300 To Rochelle. To Virginia. See Jacksonville. See Mattoon. See Springfield. To Pontiac. See Watseka. To Danville. To Bloomington. To Princeton. See Rockford. To Sparta. See Carlinville. See Lincoln. Chana*«t_____,____ —Ogle C handlerville*«!___Cass Chapin*«!______ —Morgan «Charleston*«!_____ Coles Chatham*«! „„S an gam on Chatsworth*« -Livingston Chebanse*«!____ Iroquois Cheney ville*«! - Vermilion Chenoa*«!_______McLean C herry*«!________ Bureau Cherry Valley*«! W inn’go «Chester*«!_____ Randolph Chesterfield*«!..Macoupin Chestnut*«! —......... Logan 2497722*Chicago*«!________ Cook. * HOLDER, (John E . Baker and L eroy W . Holder) 834 First National Bank Bldg. General Practice. Special •Attention given to interests o f Non-Resident clients; Depart ment fo r collections: Notice Depositions before George R. Collins or William F, Schmidt, Notary Public. R eference: Standard Trust & Savings Bank, or First National Bank of Chicago. MUSGRAVE, OPPENHEIM & LEE, Attorneys & Coun sellors, First National Bank Building. (H arrison Musgrave, William, S. Oppenheim, John H . S. Lee, James B . Gascoigne, John A .M cK eever.) General Practice. Depositions may be taken before Ida M. Turnbull, Notary Public and Stenographer. Compilers of the Illinois laws for this publication. BACON & CORNWELL (H enry M. Bacon cmd Willett H. Cornwell) 1430 First National Bank Building, General Practice in State and Federal Courts. Probate, Corporation, Keal Estate Law. Prompt personal attention given Commercial Collections. Notice Depositions before W. H. Cornwell, Notary Public. Long Dist. Ph. Randolph 3426. Refer, ences: Corn Exch. Nat’l Bank, Fort Dearborn Nat’l Bank, Chicago. Other references furnished if desired. HINER» BUNCH & LATIMER, 1713-1717 Harris Trust Bldg. Corporation, Commercial, Real Estate, Probate and Generai Civil Practice. Local Attorneys fo r the M. St. P. & S. o Jr’ Co., Central. Terminal Ry. Co., Carson Pirie Scott & Co., W. D. Allen Mfg. Co., Louis Hanson & Co., Carter & Holmes, Kansas Employers Inter-Insurers Exchange, Illi nois Indemhity Exchange, Estate o f John K. Harmon. References: Harris Trust g,nd Savings Bank and .Corn Ex change National Bank, CHARLES KRAMER, Harris Trust Bldg. J.Fay Philbin, Assistant, Special attention to Banking, Bankruptcy, Corporation Matters, Commercial Collections, Real Estate, Insurance and Probate Law. Depositions before M. -E. Black, Court Reporter and Commissioner. Attorney for Ogden Avenue State Bank, Central Trust Co. o f 111.; Bayne, Hine & Co.; Holbrook. Corey & Co.; Curtis Johnson Pub. Co., Depositary Continental & Commercial National Bank. McCULLOCH & McCULLOCH, Room 616, Merchants Loan and Trust Bldg. Attorneys fo r the Merchants Loan & Trust Company, Chicago,. (See also at Evanston.) MILLER, GORHAM & WALES, 1018-1022 New York Life Bldg; (Am os C.Miller, Sidney S. Gorham, H enry W. Wales, Gilbert N oxon .) Corporation Law and General Civil Practice. Mercantile collections not desired. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 21693 3000 1500 6000 i9974 405 373 652 186 200 637 040 800 NAME. Chicago Heights*«t„Cook To Chicago. Chilhcothe*«!— — Peoria See Peoria. Chnsman*«t_______ Edgar To Paris. Christopher*«! ..Franklin See Benton. C icero*!— ---------- Cook To Chicago. Cisco*«! .................... Piatt See Monticello. Cisne*«!. . . Wayne To Fairfield. Cissna Park*«!— Iroquois See Watseka. Claremont*«!.— Richland To Olney. Clarence*«!-.............-Ford See Paxton. C ay C ity*«!.— .........Clay To Louisville. C ajton *«!------------Adams To Quincy, Clifton*«! . . . ------ Iroquois See Watseka. 7000 «Clinton*«t.............. Dewitt GEO. B. MARVEL. 3000 262 4500 •.??? 1445 1522 '478 125 2076 387 112 332 324 536 1200 ,222 1222 600 400 840 Coal C ity*«t--------Grundy To Morris. Coatsburg*«!--------Adams To Quincy. Cobden*«t................ Union To Anna. Coffeen*«!.. Montgomery To Hillsboro. Colchester*«!.McDonough To Bushnell. Colfax*«!— -----McLean To Bloomington. CollinsvilleM — . Madison To Edwardsville. Collison « t ------ Vermilion To Danville. Columbia*«!----- ..M onroe ToW atetloo. Compton*«!................ Lee See Dixon. Concord*«!..--------Morgan See Jacksonville. Cooksville*«!---- McLean To Bloomington. C ordova*«!...Rock Island To Rock Island. Cornell*«!------ Livingston To Pontiac. Coulterville*«t-.Randolph To Sparta. Cowden*«!— . — Shelby To Shelby ville. Creal Sp’gs*«t. Williamson See Marion. Orescent City*«t__Iroquois See Watseka. C reston M ...................Ogle To Rochelle. Crete*«!........................Will To Joliet. 200 574 2500 2000 700 400 1222 227 1250 400 254 aOO 593 Cropsey*«! — — McLean To Bloomington. Crossville*«---------White To Carmi. Crystal Lake*! ..M cHenry To Woodstock. Cuba*«!---------------- Fulton See Lewistown. C ullom *«!------Livingston To Pontiac. Cypress*«!----------Johnson See Vienna. Dahlgren*«---------Hamilton See McLeansboro. Dakota*«!------ Stephenson See Freeport. Dallas City**!— Hancock See Carthage. Dalton City*«! ...M oultrie See Sullivan. Dana* « ! — > 4....... LaSalle ToStreator. Danforth*«!--------Iroquois See Watseka. Danvers*«!--------- McLean To Bloomington. 32261 «Danville*«t____ Vermilion RALPH B . HOLMES. 352 Davis*«!---------Stephenson See Freeport. 39631 «D ecatur*«!............Macon O U T T E N , E W I N G , M cCU LLOUGH & W IERM AN. National B ank Bldg. 332 Deer Creek*«! — Tazewell To Pekin. 9482 De Kalb*«!.—— _Dekalb See Sycamore. 503 D eLand*«!................ Piatt See Monticello. 1175 Delavan*«!--------Tazewell J. O. JONES. 85 200 3000 700 2994 173 250 493 1700 25 Delrey*«! — — Iroquois See Watseka. Denver*«!----------Hancock See Carthage. Depue*«!--------------Bureau See Princeton. D eS oto*«!--------- Jackson To Murphysboro. DesPlaines *•!...........Cook To Chicago. Dewey*«! — Champaign See Champaign. Dewitt*«!------------- Dewitt See Clinton. Dieterich*«!— Effingham See Effingham. Divernon*«t___ Sangamon See Springfield. Divide-------------- Jefferson See Mount Vernon. ( ifcictco JP O ) 229 D ix * « !----- ------ Jefferson To Mt. Vernon. 10000 «Dixon*«!------------------ Lee D IX O N & D IX O N . General Law Practice. Reference: Dixon Na tional Bank. 1800 702 405 500 3500 300 351 125 4500 300 1200 Dolton*«!------------- ..C ook To Chicago. Dongola*«! ________ Union See Anna. Donnellson*«! Montgo’ery To Hillsboro. Donovan*«! „ ___ Iroquois See Watseka. Downers Grove*«! Dupage To Elgin. Downs*«!________ McLean To Bloomington. Dubois*--------- Washington To Nashville. Duncan*«!__ ..Stark To Galva. Dundee*«!__________ Kane To Elgin. Dunlap*«!_________Peoria See Peoria. Dupo*«!---------- ..S t. Clair See Belleville. 5000 D u quoin *«!.............Perry 527 2500 1059 584 1253 300 6000 600 2000 GEO. W . DOWELL. D urand*«!__Winnebago See Rockford. D wight*«!___ .Livingston To Pontiac. Earlville*«!_____ La Salle To LaSalle. East A lton *«!___ Madison To Alton. East Dubuque*«!-Jo Dav. See Galena. East Lynn*«t...Verm ilion To Danville. East Moline*«!.Rock Isl’d See Moline. Easton*«! .____ Mason To Havana. East Peoria*!___ Tazewell To Pekin. 74708 East St. L ouisM .St. Clair S H E R I D A N & S H E R I D A N , 533-534 Murphy Bldg. (Ma/in Office, St. Louis, M o.) References: Illinois State Bank, East St. Louis, 111.;, National Bank o f Commerce, St. Louis, Mo. ¡U r jT C USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. A * VJ' 1 SLs See complete information in preface to Attorney List. IL L IN O IS A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) W P TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. tion. _______!________________ ________________________ 145 Eddyville*.............P op e SeeGolconda. 419 Edgewood*»t— Effingham See Effingham. 1000 Edinburg*»!____ Christian See Taylorville. 6600 ‘ Edwardsville*»! „Madison ARTHUR U. BARCO. £a - t o w n a n d c o u n t y . nam e. TION, ___________________________________ _______ 3700 Glencoe*»!___ _____ Cook To Evanston. 3000 G lenellyn*»!.— ~Dupage To Elgin. 1500 ‘ Golconda*»!______ ..P o p e 4000 ‘ Effingham*»!__ Effingham PARKER & RICKLEMAN. 579 Golden*»!____ ___ Adams 613 300 3366 241 311 125 361 100 600 Elburn*»! ...........Kane ElDara*_____ _____ Pike Eldorado*»!...........-Saline Eldred*»t.............Greene To Aurora. See Pittsfield. To Harrisburg. To Carrollton. 28203 Elgin*»t______ . ____ Kane FR AN K A . M CCARTHY. 703 Elizabeth*»!...Jo Daviess See Galena. 633 ‘ Elizabethtown*___ Hardin To Golconda. 700 Elkhart*»!_________ Logan See Lincoln. 732 E lkville*»!_____ .Jackson To Murphysboro. 371 Elliott*»!___ ____ ..F ord See Paxton. 252 Ellisgrove*___ .Randolph To Sparta. 218 Ellisville*!— . . — Fulton See Lewiston. 275 Ellsworth*»! ___ ___________McLean To Bloomington. 5000 Elmhurst*»!.........Dupage To Elgin. 1400 Elm w ood*»!___ ...P eoria See Peoria. 1500 El P a so * »!____Woodford To Eureka. 300 E lv a sto n * »!..... Hancock See Carthage. 211 Elwood*»!................... Will To Joliet. 411 Emden*»+_________Logan To Delavan. 190 Emington*»!— Livingston To Pontiac. 927 Enfield*»!.............. .White To Carmi. 1180 Equality*»!...........Gallatin To Harrisburg. 900 Erie*»t.............. Whiteside See Sterling. 60 Esmond*»!_______Dekalb See Sycamore.. 342 Essex*»! — ...Kankakee See Kankakee. 1661 ‘ Eureka*»!_____ Woodford ED. E. ROBESON. & M cCUL28591 Evanston*«!________ Cook M c C U L L O C H LOCH. (See also at Chicago) Attorneys for the State Bank of Evanston. 562 Evansville*»! — Randolph To Sparta. 317 Ewing*___ ____ Franklin See Benton. 3000 Fairbury*»!__ Livingston To Pontiac. 2479 ‘ Fairfield*»!_______Wayne CREIGHTON & THOMAS. 847 482 l00 774 1700 700 2421 299 2ll 227 499 1000 850 450 590 900 4000 162 306 9857 967 1100 450 800 572 1500 1500 Fairmount*»! „V erm ilion To Danville. Fairview *»!__ ; „ Fulton See Lewistown. Fancy Prairie*»t—Menard To Petersburg. Farina*»!____ — Fayette See Vandalia. Farmer City*»!___ Dewitt See Clinton. Farmersville*»!—Montg’y To Hillsboro. Farmington*»!___ Fulton See Lewistown. Ferris*»t_______ Hancock See Carthage. Fidelity*»_________Jersey See Jerseyville. Fieldon*__________ Jersey See Jerseyville. Fillmore*»t„Montgomery To Hillsboro. Findlay*»T_______ Shelby To Shelbyville. Fisher*»!___ _ Champaign See Champaign. Fithian*»!____ Vermilion To Danville. Flanagan*»!— Livingston To Pontiac. Flat R ock*»t— Crawford To Robinson. Flora*»t__________ Clay To Louisville. Foosland*»!_Champaign See Champaign. Forest City*»t___Mason To Havana. Forest Park*»!_____ Cook To Chicago. Forrest*»!_Livingstoii To Pontiac. Forreston*»t________Ogle To Rochelle. Frankfort*»t________Will To Joliet. Franklin*»!_____ Morgan See Jacksonville. Franklin G rove*»!___ Lee See Dixon. ’ Franklin Park*»!___ Cook To Chicago. Freeburg*»!_____St. Clair To Belleville. 19568 ‘ Freeport*»!.. Stephenson D O U G L A S PATTISON. Refer ences: First National Bank and Charles D. Knowlton, Banker of Freeport. 2174 F u lton *»t„— .W hiteside See Sterling. 800 Galatia*»!__ _____ Saline See Harrisburg. 6000 ‘ Galena*»!_____ Jo Daviess P. KERTZ. CARNEY, CARNEY & NELSON. Collections less than fifty dollars • not desired. 24276 ‘ Galesburg*»!______ Knox 3000 Galva*»t__________Henry LAWRENCE C. JOHNSON. 946 Gardner*»!_______ Grundy To Morris. 290 Garrett*»!_______ Douglas To Tuscola. 322 Gays*»!_________ Moultrie See Sullivan. 237 Geffl*.____________ Wayne To Fairfield. •199 Geneseo*»!_______ Henry To Atkinson. 2451 «Geneva*»!___ - _____ Kane To Aurora. 1257 Genoa*»!...... ..........Dekalb See Sycamore. 3000 Georgetown*»!.Vermilion To Danville. <11 Germantown*»!...Clinton To Carlyle. 188 German Valley*»!St’p’son See Freeport. 2500 Gibson City*»t_____ Ford See Paxton. 600 Gifford*»!____ Champaign See Champaign. 4500 Gillespie*»!..__ Macoupin To Staunton. 1300 Gilman*»t______ Iroquois See Watseka. • 2000 Girard*»!______ Macoupin See Carlinville. 400 Gladstone*»! „H enderson To Monmouth. 625 Glasford*»t____ ___Peoria See Peoria. ________________________ |WJir*|,T , |7 I n v / JL L i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500 1116 500 403 873 15142 692 2000 150 60S 2000 1161 1300 J . W . BROW NING. To Quincy. Goldengate*»!........Wayne To Fairfield. Goodfield*»!.. . W oodford To Eureka. Good Hope*»!McDonough To Busnnell. Goodwine*»!..__ Iroquois See Watseka. G oreville*»!...... Johnson See Vienna. Gorham *•!__ — Jackson To Murphysboro. Grafton*»!___ ___ Jersey See Jerseyville. Grand Chain*»! . . . Pulaski To Mound City. Grand Ridge*»! . . La Salle To LaSalle. Grand Tower*'»!. Jackson To Murphysboro. Granite City*» ! . . Madison See East St. Louis. Grant Park*»! —Kankakee See Kankakee. Granville*»!_____Putnam G. W . HUNT. Graymont*»! . .Livingston To Pontiac. g Grayslake*»!.._____ Lake See Waukegan. Gray ville*»1 —.____ White To Carmi. Greenfield*»!..____Greene To Carrollton. Greenup*»!.. <Cumberland To Toledo. r 400 Green Valley*«»!. Tazewell To Pekin. 921 Greenview**!.___ Menard To Petersburg. 3178 ‘ Greenville*»!. ______ Bond C. E. HOILES. 750 Gridley*»!___ ___McLean To Bloomington. 1200 119 80 335 Griggsville*»!.______ Pike Grove City*...__Christian Guthrie*»!___ ............ Ford Hamburg*__ . __Calhoun See Pittsfield. See Taylorville. See Paxton. See Hardin. 1627 Hamilton*»!_. . . Hancock See Carthage. 492 Hammond*»!..______Piatt See Monticello. 697 Hampshire*»!._____ Kane To Elgin. 500 800 900 200 8500 400 3500 396 8500 Hanna City*»! ____Peoria See Peoria. Hanover*»___ .J o Daviess See Galena. To Jerseyville. ‘ Hardin*_____ See Dixon. Harmon*»!__ _______Lee »Harrisburg*»! J____ Saline K . C. RONALDS. Hartsburg*»!- _____ Logan See Lincoln. Harvard*»!__ . . McHenry To Woodstock. Harvel*»!___ Montgomery To Hillsboro. Harvey*»t— ...........Cook To Chicago. 5000 ‘ Havana*»!— ____ Mason BARNES & BARNES. 159 Hazel Dell*»! Cumberland To Toledo. 895 Hebron*»!___... McHenry To Woodstock. 187 H ecker*------- ____Monroe To Waterloo. . Hegewisch»!............ Cook To Chicago. 500 500 1800 618 6861 600 ‘ Hennepin*_______Putnam Henning*»!__ .. Vermilion Henry*»!....... ___ Marshall Herrick*»!_______Shelby Herrin*»!____. Williamson Herscher*»!—. . Kankakee 306 800 300 3000 Hettick*»!___ „ Macoupin Hey worth*»!. ___ McLean Hidalgo*»!— _____Jasper Highland*»!,..___ Madison 7000 6000 300 400 700 Highland Park*»! . . . Lake ‘ Hillsboro*»!. Montgomery Hillsdale*»!— Rock Island Hillview*»!_______Greene H in c k le y * » !-.___ Dekalb To Granville, 1 To Danville. To Streator. To Shelbyville. See Marion. See Kankakee. See Carlinville. To Bloomington. See Newton. See Edwardsville. To Waukegan. ■ ____ LANE, DRYER & BROWN. See Moline. To Carrollton. See Sycamore. 498 Hindsboro*»!___Douglas To Tuscola. 4321 Hinsdale*»!— — Dupage To Elgin. 300 Hoffman*»_______ Clinton To Carlyle. 150 Holcom b*»!______ .—Ogle To Rochelle. . - 125 Holder*»!_______ McLean To Bloomington. 1086 Homer*»!........Champaign See Champaign. 1250 Homewood*»!______ Cook To Chicago. 5000 Hoopestoh*»!— Vermilion To Danville. 150 Hooppole*________Henry To Atkinson. 700 Hopedale*»!.........Tazewell To Delavan. 500 Hoyleton*»!..Washington To Nashville. 375 Hudson*»!______ .McLean To Bloomington. 541 490 800 Hull*»t____ ______ . P i k e See Pittsfield. Humboldt*»!_______ Coles SeeMattoon. Hume*»!... ........ Edgar To Paris. 800 H uht*»!__________ Jasper To Newton. 900 Huntley*»!_____ McHenry To Woodstock. 345 Hurst*............. Williamson See Marion. 722 Hutsonville*»!— Crawford See Robinson. 400 Uliana__ ___ Vermilion To Danville. ( State I i/ne, Ind., P. O.)_______ USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1463 1464 IL L IN O IS A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W PopuLA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION.___________________________ 900 484 365 580 400 400 , 652 286 678 223 100 ,200 400 750 450 Illiopolis*»t___ Sangamon lna*»t--------------- Jefferson Indianola*»t___ Vermilion Industry*___ McDonough Ingraham* _______ Clay Iola*»_________ Clay Ipava*»!— ........ _r.Fulton Iroqu ois*»!...__ .Iroquois Ir v in g * »!.... Montgomery Irvington*»!. Washington Irw in M — ____ Kankakee Isa b el*»!_________ .Edgar Itasca*»!.............. Dupage Iuka*»!................. Marion Ivesdale*»!— Champaign 15481 »Jacksonville*»!—-Morgan NAME. See Springfield. To Mount Vernon. To Danville. To Bushnell. To Louisville. To Louisville. See Lewistown. See Watseka. To Hillsboro. To Mount Vernon. See Kankakee. , To Paris, To Elgin. See Salem. See Champaign. B E L L A T T I , B E L L AT T I MORIARTY. 300 Jamaica*»!------ Vermilion To Danville. 150 Janesville*»!. Cumberland To Toledo. 5000 ‘ Jerseyville*»!.-----Jersey HAMILTON & HAMILTON. 366 Jewett*»!___Cumberland To Toledo. 225 John sonville*____ Wayne To Fairfield. 3248 Johnston C’y*»!Williamson See Marion. 38010 ‘ Joliet*»!______ _____ Will 1169 ‘ Jonesboro*»! J_____Union 800 Joppa *•!_--------*__Massac 516 Joy*»!__________ Mercer 400 . Junction*»! ____Gallatin 506 Kampsville*..___Calhoun 521 Kane*»!__________Greene HIGGINS & WALTER. To Anna. To Metropolis. See Aledo. To Shawneetown. See Hardin. To Carrollton. 14230 ‘ Kankakee*»!__ Kankakee H . K . A H . H . W H E E L E R . 1000 Kansas*»!_________ Edgar To Paris. 400 1515 300 269 570 13561 600 424 3500 150 294 997 219 1000 926 Keenes*»______ __ W ayne Keithsburg*»!____ Mercer Kell*»!----------------- Marion Kempton*»!........... . Ford Kenney*»!.... ........Dewitt Kewanee*»!.______ Henry Keyesport*»t__ _ Clinton Kilbourne*»!__ ....M ason Kincaid»------------ Christian K ings*»!......................Ogle Kingston*»!______ Dekalb Kinmundy*»!____ Marion Kinsman*»!______ Grundy Kirkland*»!__ ___ Dekalb Kirkwood**!. ___ Warren 2000 Knoxville*»! i_______Knox 222 La Clede*»! . . . __ Fayette P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. To Fairfield. See Aledo. See Salem. See Paxton. See Clinton. To Galva. To Carlyle. To Havana. To Taylorville. To Rochelle. See Sycamore. See Salem. To Morris. See Sycamore. See Monmouth. See Galesburg. See Vandalia. NAME. 210 Lima * —------ -------- Adams To Quincy. 11838 *Lincoln*»t.............. Logan COVEY & WOODS. A 5971 400 400 1092 530 3500 603 500 600 883 555 239 300 200 417 458 Litchfleld*»!.Montgomery Littleton*______ Schuyler Little York*»t___ Warren Livingston*»____ Madison L oam i*»!..__ ;..Sangamon Lockport*»t_________ Will Loda*»t-------------- Iroquois Logan*»!---------- Franklin Lomax*»!___ .Henderson Lom bard*»!..____ Dupage London M ills*»!... Fulton Long Point*»t. Livingston Longview*»t.. Champaign Loogootee*»!____ Fayette Loraine*»!________ Adams Lostant*»!............ La Salle 1200 1011 70 305 390 285 1000 7000 832 6000 368 565 400 255 450 480 443 696 250 800 1250 389 472 2000 685 ‘ Louisville*»!..______ Clay Lovington*»!___ Moultrie Lowpoint*»t... W oodford Ludlow*»t— Champaign L yndon*»!____ Whiteside Macedonia*____ Hamilton Mackinaw*»t___ Tazewell »M acomb*»!...McDonough Macon*»!_________ Macon Madison*»!........... Madison Magnolia*»!.......... Putnam Mahomet*»t...Champaign Makanda*»!____ .Jackson Malden*»!_____ 1__ Bureau Malta*»!---------------Dekalb Manchester*»!__ . . . Scott Manhattan*»!..__ . . . Will Manito*»!............... Mason Manlius*»!_______ Bureau Mansfield*»!____ Piatt Manteno*»!__ Kankakee Maple Park*»t______Kane Maquon*»!_________Knox Marengo*»t____ McHenry Marine*»!______ Madison 8000 ‘ Marion*»!____ Williamson 2004 H60 3291 To Staunton. To Rushville. See Monmouth. To Staunton. See Springfield. . To J o lie t.: See Watseka. See Benton. To Monmouth. To Elgin. See Lewistown. To Pontiac. See Champaign. To Vandalia, To Quincy. To Streator. EMERY E. CALHOON. See Sullivan. See Eureka. See Champaign. To Sterling. See McLeansboro. To Pekin. To Bushnell. See Decatur. See East St. Louis. To Granville. See Champaign. See Murphysboro. See Prinòeton. See Sycamore. To Winchester. To Joliet. To Havana. See Princeton. See Monticello. See Kankakee. See Aurora. See Galesburg, To Woodstock. See Edwardsville. GEO. R . STONE. M a rissa *»!....... St. Clair To Belleville. Maroa*»!--------------- Macon See Decatur. M arseilles*»!..... La Salle To La Salle. 3000 ‘ M arshall*»!............ Clark SAM UELM .SCHOLFIELD. 1500 312 2500 345 2000 1200 500 Martinsville*»!.____ Clark See Marshall. Martinton*»!_____Iroquois See Watseka. Mascoutah*»!._St. Clair To Belleville. Mason*»!-Effingham See Effingham. Mason City*»!_____Mason To Havana. Matherville*»_____Mercer See Aiedo. Matteson*»!...............Cook To Chicago. 1600 ‘ Lacon*»!— — Marshall E. D. RICHMOND. 3500 287 6500 1800 100 250 4000 342 350 304 555 1300 200 1500 300 187 150 L a d d * »!..._______ Bureau La Fayette*»!____ ..Stark LaGrange*»!............ Cook La Harpe*»!_____Hancock La Hogue*»!___ Iroquois Lake City*»! ....M ou ltrie Lake F orest*»t„_...L ak e Lake Villa*»!_______ Lake Lakewood*»______ Shelby Lake Zurich*»____ k e Lam oille*»!.._____ Bureau Lanark*»!________ Carroll Lane*»------------------ Dewitt Lansing*»t_________ Cook La Place*»!_________ Piatt La Prairie*»!. ... Adams La Rose*»!______ Marshall 12582 See Princeton. To Galva. To Cnicago. See Carthage. See Watseka. To Sullivan. To Waukegan. See Waukegan. To Shelbyville. To Waukegan. See Princeton. To Mount Carroll. See Clinton. To Chicago. See Monticello. To Quincy. To Lacon. 12221 La Salle*»!_______LaSalle J. E. MALONE, JR. 500 Latham*»!______ Logan 80 Laura*»!__ . . . . ___ Peoria See Lincoln. See Peoria. 5000 ‘ Lawrenceville*»t Lawr’ce GEO. W . LACKEY. 600 1907 303 545 2284 1168 463 203 391 2000 To Rochelle. To Belleville. See Dixon. To La Salle. To Chicago. See Freeport. T o Belleville. To Streator. See Mattoon. To Bloomington. Leaf River*»!______ .Ogle Lebanon*»!____ St. Clair Lee*»___________ . . . . Lee Leland*»t _______LaSalle Lemont*»!.____ . . . . Cook Lena*»!______ Stephenson Lenzburg*«! ...Saint Clair Leonore*»!.;_____La Salle Lerna*»t.....................Coles LeR oy*«!________ McLean 2500 ‘ Lewistown*»!. . . . . . Fulton HARVEY H. ATHERTON. 1400 Lexington*®!........McLean To Bloomington. 300 L ib e rty * ....___ ...A d am s To Quincy. 2500 Libertyville*»!___ _ Lake To Waukegan. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (B O N D E D ) Mattoon*»!------------- Coles CRAIG A K IN Z E L . 512 Maunie*»!_________White 10529 Maywood*»!_______ Cook 471 Mazon*»!------------ Grundy 300 McClure*»!___ Alexander 200 McConnel*»!..Stephenson 1031 M c H e n r y * » !M c H e n r y 707 McLean*»!_____ .' McLean To Carmi. To Chicago. To Morris. To Cairo. See Freeport. To Woodstock. To Bloomington. 2000 ‘ McLeansboro*»t Hamilton J. H. LANE; 150 200 417 226 444 6006 600 700 4000 951 694 500 McNabb*»!_____ Putnam M eadow s*»!...__ McLean Mechanicsburg*».. Sang’n Media*»!------- Henderson Medora*»!.........Macoupin Melrose Park*»!....... Cook Melvin*»!___________Ford M endon*»!..______ Adams Mendota*»! .........La Salle Meredosia*»!......... Morgan Metamora*»!.-.. Woodford Metcalf*«!_________ Edgar To Granville. To Bloomington. See Springfield. To Monmouth. See Carlinville. To Chicago. See Paxton. To Quincy. To La Salle. See Jacksonville. See Eureka. To Paris. 6000 ‘ Metropolis*»!.........Massac WALTER ROBERTS. 300 Middlegrove*»!___ Fulton 751 Middletown*»t____ Logan 1316 M ilford*»!.— ___ Iroquois 140 M illbrook *»!..... Kendall 630 Milledgeville*»!___ Carroll 223 Millington*»!____ Kendall 700 - Mill Shoals*»........... White 1140 Millstadt*»______ St. Clair 160 Milmine*»!______ __ Piatt 330 Milton*_____________ Pike 349 Mineral*»!__ .¿....B u reau 690 Minier*»!______ I Tazewell 2400 Minonk*»!____ Woodford 500 Minooka*»!_____ , Grundy 298 Modesto*»!____Macoupin 359 M okena*»!___ 5__— . Will See Lewistown. To Lincoln. See Watseka. To Aurora. To Savanna. To Aurora. To Carmi. See East St. Louis. See Monticello. See Pittsfield. See Princeton. To Delavah. To Eureka. To Morris. See Carlinville. To Joiiet. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) NAME. P£ D' TOWN AND COUNTY. tion.______ __________________ 27451 Moline*«!___ Rock Island IL L IN O IS SHALLBERG & HARPER, Attor neys for Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co. 2201 Momence*«!.__ Kankakee See Kankakee. 500 Monee*«!____________Will To Joliet. 150 Monica*«!— ..-___ Peoria See Peoria. 10177 ¿Monmouth*«!____ Warren SAFFO R D & G R A H A M . Refers to National Bank o f Monmouth. Monroe Center*«!___ Ogle To Rochelle. 2500 ¿Monticello*«!— - — Piatt CARL S. REED. 347 Montrose*«!__ Effingham See Effingham. 3694 Morgan Park*«!— Cook To Chicago. 5000 ¿Morris*«!.............. Grundy 3000 ¿Morrison*«!___ Whiteside 1126 Morrisonville*«! Christian 1004 Morton*«!______ Tazewell 836 Morton G rove*«!___ Cook CORNELIUS REARDON. See Sterling. See Taylorville. To Pekin. To Chicago. 2837 ¿Mound City*«!— . Pulaski MILLER & BRITTON. 2000 Mounds*«!—___ ..Pulaski To Mound City. 463 Mt. Auburn*«t.. Christian See Taylorville. P opo laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. C .'E . STUART. To Fairfield. To Rochelle. To Staunton. To Chicago. See Lincoln. ¿Mt. Sterling*«!___ Brown J. F. REGAN. 9760 ¿Mt. Vernon*«t_.Jefferson 330 Mt. Zion*«t.......— Macon 1800 Moweaqua*«t____ Shelby 716 Mulberry Grove*«t—Bond 175 Murdock*«t_____ Douglas GEO. L. ORE. See Decatur. To Decatur. To Greenville. To Tuscola. 10000 ¿Murphysboro*«!. Jackson L. R . STEWART. 500 Murrayville*«t__ Morgan See Jacksonville. 3449 Naperville*«t___ Dupage To Elgin. OLIVER G. MAXWELL. See East St. Louis. See Carthage. See Pittsfield. To Toledo. See Princeton. To Aurora. To Belleville. To Carlyle. See Springfield. See Aledo. So Vienna. See Pittsfield. See Edwardsville. To Shawneetown. See Lincoln. To Tuscola. 2108 ¿Newton*«!______ ..Jasper ISLEY, JACK & ISLEY. 100 New Windsor*«*—Mercer See Aledo. 185 Niant.ii»«»» Macon See Decatur. W0 Niles Center*«!__ _ Cook To Chicago. $1 sNilwood*«!____ Macoupin See Carlinville. 18 Nobis“" ____ Richland To Olney. 3600 Nokomis*«!..Montgomery To Hillsboro, 4500 Normal*«!_______McLean To Bloomington. 1400 Norris City*«!_____ White To Carmi. 5000 North Chicago*«!___ Lake See Waukegan. — . . . ^o.Crystal Lake*McHenry To Woodstock. 300 No. Henderson*«!.Mercer To Aledo. 75 Norwood«..............Mercer * See Aledo. 400 Oakdale*«!__ Washington To Mt. Vernon. 317 Oakford*«!______ Menard To Petersburg. 1200 Oakland*«!— _____ Coles See Mattoon. 26654 Oak Park*«!________ Cook To Chicago. 423 Oakwood*«!___ Vermilion To Danville. 1482 Oblong*«!_____ Crawford To Robinson. 293 Oconee*«!________ Shelby To Shelbyville. 1035 Odell*«!______Livingston To Pontiac. 1400 Odin*«!_________ Marion See Salem. 2018 O’Fallon*«!___ - St. Clair To Belleville. 428 Ogden*«t_____ Champaign See Champaign. 4700 Oglesby*«!______ La Salle To La Salle. 527 Ohio*«!— ______ Bureau See Princeton. 200 Ohlman*«!...Montgomery To Hillsboro. 579 Okawville*— Washington To Mt. Vernon. 250 Olive Branch*«!Alexander See Cairo. 5000 ¿Olney*«!___ ___ Richland JOHN A. MacNEIL. 586 Omaha*«......... . Gallatin To Shawneetown. 1273 Onarga*«!_______Iroquois See Watseka. 589 Oneida*«!__ _______ Knox See Galesburg. 300 Opdyke*«______ Jefferson To Mt. Vernon. 200 Ophiem*«!________ Henry To Galva. 1000 ¿Oquawka*«!__ Henderson To Monmouth. 370 Orangeville*«! Stephenson See Freeport. „„71 Orchardville* — W ayne To Fairfield. 3000 ¿Oregon*«!___________Ogle To Rochelle. ,700 Orion*«!__________ Henry TO Galva. WOO Osco*«!___________ Henry To Galva. 600 Oswego*«!_______ Kendall To Aurora. 9535 ¿Ottawa*«!__ ____ LaSalle R E C T O R C. H IT T . Reference: Any bank in Ottawa, 111. 2135 ¿Nashville*«!.. Washington 1000 Nat. Stock Yards*«t St. C. 1200 Nauvoo*«t______ Hancock 600 Nebo*«t____________ Pike 1200 Neoga*«+____ Cumberland 542 Neponset*«t______ Bureau 406 Newark*________ Kendall 1131 New Athens*«!— St. Clair 1682 New Baden*«t___ Clinton 690 New Berlin*__ Sangamon 718 New Boston*«t___Mercer 369 New Burnside— Johnson 473 New Canton*«t_____ Pike 499 New Douglas*«!. Madison 514 New Haven*_____ Gallatin 450 New Holland*«!___ Logan 1300 Newman*«t_____ Douglas T ^y-'vnp 'r* 1^1 J, H i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAME. 365 1144 1800 404 873 100 8000 1500 Owaneco*«!—__ Christian Palatine*«!___ ____.. Cook Palestine*«!___ Crawford Palmer*«!___ Christian Palmyra*«!____ Macoupin Paloma*«!___ ____ Adams Pana*«!_____ — Christian Panama*«!.—Montgomery 7664 238 3000 676 1500 800 ¿Paris*«!___________ Edgar Parkersburg*«!—Richland Park Ridge*«!_____ ¿Cook Patoka*«!________ Marion Pawnee*«_____ Sangamon Pawpaw*«!__ ____ Lee HARVEY GROSS. To Olney. To Chicago. See Salem. See Springfield. See Dixon. 3000 467 842 485 1022 ¿Paxton*«!__ ;_______Ford Payson*___ ______; Adams Pearl*«!_____________Pike Pearl C ity*«!. Stephenson Pecatonica*«!. Winnebago H. E. DUFFIELD. To Quincy. See Pittsfield. See Freeport. See Rockford. See Taylorville. To Chicago. To Robinson. See Taylorville. See Carlinville. To Quincy. See Taylorville. p b Hillsboro. 10823 ¿Pekin*«!________ Tazewell W M . J. REARDON 247 Penfield*«!___ Champaign See Champaign. TICHENOR, TODD & WIL SON, Suite 319 Central National Bank Building. General Counsel: Central National Bank o f Peoria, Keystone Steel & Wire Company, Avery Company. Peotone*«!__________ Will To Joliet. Percy*«!— —__ Randolph To Sparta. Perry*— . — ._ Pike See Pittsfield. Peru*«!__— La Salle To La Salle. Pesotum*«!__ Champaign See Champaign. 71458 ¿Peoria*«!. *Mt. Carmel*«t___.Wabash HOWARD P. FRENCH. 1800 ¿Mt. Carroll*«t____ Carroll 299 Mount Erie*_____ s. Wayne 1132 Mt. Morris*«t—_____ Ogle 3500 Mt. 01ive*«t__ Macoupin 250 Mt. Prospect*«_____Cook 1600 Mt. Pulaski*«t____Logan 1465 1207 1200 649 8749 500 -P eoria 3000 562 130 200 3000 663 ¿Petersburg*«!____ Menard Philo*«!______ Champaign P iasa*«!---------- Macoupin Pierson Station*«!... Piatt ¿Pinckneyville*«t— .Perry Piper Oity*«t_______Ford T. W . McNEELY. See Champaign. See Carlinville. See Monticello. To Duquoin. See Paxton. 3500 1019 160 300 1627 576 700 ¿Pittsfleld*«t________ .Pike Plainfield*«!________ .W ill Plainview*«!___ Macoupin Plainville*________ Adams Plano*«!_________ Kendall Pleasant Hill*«t_____ Pike Pleasant Plains*«..Sang’n WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS. To Joliet. See Carlinville. Tp Quincy. To Aurora. See Pittsfield. See Springfield. 1000 Plymouth*«!____ Hancock 749 Pocahontas*«!— ___ Bond 2000 P olo*«!_______ _____ Ogle S. S. GROVES. See Greenville. To Rochelle. 6500 *Pontiac*«f........Livingston TUESBURG, ARMSTRONG. See Bélvidere. See Moline. To Danville. To Bushnell. 400 642 1000 719 600 Poplar Grove*«!— Boone Port Byron*«!Rock Island Potomac*«t___ Vermilion Prairie City*«!. McDon’gh Prairie du Rocher*«! Randolph 200 Preemption*«!___ Mercer W IL S O N & To Sparta. See Aledo. WATTS A. JOHNSON & CAREY R . JOHNSON. PrlnceviUe*«!..___ Peoria See Peoria. Prophetstown*«! Whites’e See Sterling. Pulaski*«!.__ ____ Pulaski To Mound City. iruiimant.— —-C ook To Chicago. 5000 ¿Princeton*«t_____ Bureau 982 1200 592 ____ _ 36798 ¿Quincy*«!.. 238 900 858 370 1384 177 1000 881 1240 288 240 950 367 554 366 1000 1054 200 200 300 1500 2600 1911 1500 466 .Adams W M . G . F E I G E N S P A N . R ef erences: American Surety Co., Ricker National Bank, and Quincy Show Case Works. Raleigh*«— _______ Saline Ramsey*«!____ ...F ayette Rankin*«t____ V ermilion R a n som *«!....__ La Salle Rantoul*«!.. — Champaign R ardin*«!_____ ____ Coles Raritan*______ Henderson Ravmond*«t.Montgomery Red Bud*«!...... Randolph* Reddick*«!____ Kankakee Redmon*«!_____ __ Edgar Rend*.,_________Franklin Reynolds*«!—Rock Island Richmond*«!__ McHenry Richview*«!—Washington Ridge Farm*«!. Vermilion Ridgway*«!_____ Gallatin Rinard*«.._____ ...W ayne Ring wood*«!___ McHenry Rio*«!_________ ..K n ox Riverdale«!—______ Cook River F orest«___ ...C o o k ( Oak P arkP . 0 .) Riverside*«!________ Cook R iverton*«!__ .Sangamon R oanoke*«!___ Woodford Roberts*«!__ ...___ —Ford 5000 ¿R obinson *«!_C rawford 2732 590 400 See Harrisburg. See Vandalia. To Danville. To Streator. See Champaign. See Mattoon. To Monmouth. To Hillsboro. To Sparta. See Kankakee. To Paris. See Benton. See Rock Island. To Woodstock. To Nashville. To Danville, x To Shawneetown. To Fairfield. To Woodstock. See Galesburg. To Chicago. To Chicago. To Chicago. See Springfield. See Eureka. See Paxton. WESNEtt & WESNEE. Rochelle*«! _______ —Ogle JOHN B. HAYES. Rochester**!!..Sangamon See Springfield. Rockbridge*«!____Greene To Carrollton._________ __ USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1466 IL L IN O IS Popu la TOW N/AND COUNTY. tion . NAME. „î?? 5 ° ° ^ City*»t Stephenson See F reeport. 3500 Rock Falls*»!.. Whiteside See Sterling. 55185 »R o ck fo rd * »! ..W in n eb ag o CARPENTER & ST. JOHN. 28926 »Rock Island*»!.Rock Isl’d C U R T I S & S IM O N S O N , Attorneys for the Rock Island N atl and Central Trust and Savings Bank. 300 R ockport*»!_____ Pike See Pittsfield. 2900 R oodhouse*»!------ Greene To Carrollton. 400 Rose Hill*»! . . . __ Jasper See Newton. 300 R oselleM _____ _ Dupage To Elgin. 300 Rosemond*»f_...Christian To Taylorville. !000 Roseville*»! . . . . ..W arren To Monmouth. 009 R osiclare*.............Hardin To Elizabethtown. 14 RossviUe*»!-----Vermilion To Danville. i o l § oun.* Lake*»t— ...L a k e See Waukegan. 125 R oyal*»!.--------Champaign See Champaign. 357 .Royal t o n -----------Franklin See Benton. 2422 J54 inn 400 oU0 »Rushville*»!.-----Schuyler Rutland*»!--------La Salle § a<4°rus •! — Champaign Sailor Springs*...........Clay Sainte Marie*®____ Jasper B. O. WILLARD. To Streator. See Champaign. To Louisville. See Newton. 4500 innn 3000 12? .357 5000 4000 388 125 » S a le m * »!------------ Marion --------- Marion S a n d w ich * »!...... Dekalb t an Jos?*#t — — Mason Saunemm*»! — Livingston Savanna*»! „ — ...C arroll Saybrook*»! ......M cL e a n Scales Mound*»!. Jo Dav’s Schaumberg___ .....C o o k (Palatine P. O.) S ciota*»!.— .McDonough Scottville* — ..Macoupin S e a ton * »!..... . Mercer Seatonville *•!— ..Bureau Secor*»!---------- W oodford Seneca*»!.............. LaSalle Serena*»!.............. LaSalle Sesser*»!............ Franklin Seymour*»!— Champaign Shabbona*»! — LDekalb Shannon*»!____ ...Carroll K A G Y & VANDERVORT. See Salem. See Sycamore. To Delavan. To Pontiac. C. M . WALTER. To Bloomington. 225 121 326 !370 358 4005 i 9o? 1292 ill |04 o33 See Galena. To Chicago. i o Bushnell. See Carlinville. See Aledo. See Princeton. See Eureka. To LaSalle. To LaSalle. See Benton. See Champaign. See Sycam ore. To ML Carroll. J§63 »Shawneetown*»!„Gallatin ' MARCH WISE HEART. 1009 Sheffield*»!_____ ..Bureau See Princeton. 4000 »Shelbyville*»! .....S h e lb y CHAFEE, CHEW & BAKER. 1143 Sheldon*»!......... .Iroquois See Watseka. 506 Sheridan*»!.... ...L a Salle To LaSalle. 441 Shermerville*®! — .Cook To Chicago. 627 Sherrard*»!. . — . ..M ercer See Aledo. 392 Shipman*»!— ..Macoupin 291 Shumway*»!.— Effingham See Carlinville. See Effingham. 385 Sihiey*»!— --------- ...F o rd See Paxton. 800 S idell*»!--------- Vermilion To Danville. 481 Sidney*»!..-----Champaign See Urbana. 308 Sigel*»!------ --------- Shelby Shelbyville. 161 Simpson*«t------ -Johnson To See Vienna. 500 Sims*»------------------ Wayne To Fairfield. 389 Smithfleld*»!_____ Fulton See Lewistown. 250 Smithshire*»!____ Warren See Monmouth. 591 Som onauk*»!..— . Dekalb See Sycam ore. 1018 S o r e n to * »!............. Bond To Greenville. 1299 South Holland*»____ Cook To Chicago. 2403 So. Wilmington*._Grundy To Morris. 550 •Sparland*»t........ Marshall To Lacon. 2000 Sparta*»!— . . . . Randolph JOHN W . TWEED. 100 Speer*»! ................... stark To Galva. 418 Sprm gerton*»....L; White To Carmi. 61120 §*Springfield*»l Sangamon CHAPIN & CHAPIN. R e fe r to any 203 7035 525 6000 1200 300 5000 J50 3500 1500 Spring¡Grove*»! McHenry Springvalley*»!___ Bureau Stanford*»! — ..McLean StauntOB*»!------ Macoupin St. Anne*»! — Kankakee St. Augustine*»t___ Knox St. Charles*»t......... .Kane Steeleville*»! ...R andolph Steger*»!......... _.........W ill St. Elm o*»!___ — Fayette 8000 353 720 1891 400 150 .534 4000 ,155 1096 479 1118 313 600 277 Sterling*»!------ Whiteside S tew ard*»!...____ ___ Lee Stewardson*»!— Shelby St.Francisville*»!Lawrence Stillman Valley*»!___ Ogle Stillwell*»!.___ Hancock' St. Jacob*®!------- Madison St. Joseph*»!__Champaign Stockland*»__ _.Iroquois Stockton*»t___ Jo Daviess Stonefort*»!------ ...Saline Stonington*»!__ Christian St. Peter*»t--------- Fayette Strasburg*»!___ ...S h elby Strawn*»t_____ Livingston bank in Springfield. To Woodstock. See Princeton. See Bloom ington. PAUL J, LUKER. See Kankakee. See Galesburg. To Elgin. Tqtf parta. To™oliet. See Vandalia. A. A. WOLFERSPERGER. See Dixon. To Shelbyville. To Lawrenceville. To Rochelle. See Carthage. To East St. Louis. See Champaign. See Watseka. See Galèna. See Harrisburg. See Taylorville. See Vandalia. T o S helbyville. To Pontiac. 14304 Streator*»!--------- La Salle BOYS, OSBORN & GRIGGS. 762 Stronghurst*»! Henderson To Monmouth. 287 Sublette*»!________— Lee See Dixon. 2621 »Sullivan*»!____ Moultrie W . G. COCHRAN. 2500 Summit*»! — ____ Cook To Chicago. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTE A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. TION. 1413 Sumner*»!--------Lawrence o Lawrenceville. 121 Swan Creek*»!___ Warren T See Monmouth. 3926 »Sycamore*»!______ Dekalb 800 40 700 910 849 100 Table G rove*»!__ -Fulton Tabor — --------------Dewitt Tallula*»!------------Menard Tamaroa*»! .. ........... Perry Tampico*»!.-----Whiteside Taylor Ridge*»!Rock Isf d 2100 Taylor Spgs.*Montgomery F A IS S L E R , F U L T O N ROBERTS. See Lewistown. To Clinton. To Petersburg. To Duquoin. See Sterling. To Rock Island. To Hillsboro. 10000 »Taylorville*»! — Christian J 0H ? E- H O G A N . First National Bank. 592 Teutopolis*»! —Effingham See Effingham. 16 Texico*»!--------- Jefferson To Mount Vernon. 318 Thawville*»!.— Iroquois See Watseka. 717 Thebes*»!------- Alexander See Cairo. 321 Thomasboro*»!Champaign Champaign. 573 Thompsonville*»! Frank’n See See Benton. 487 Thom son*»!...........Carrol] To Savanna. 1030 T hornton*»!_______ Cook To Chicago. 774 Tilden*»!— . — Randolph To Sparta. 300 Timewell*»_______ Brown To Mt. Sterling. 500 Tinley Park*»! . „ __ Cook To Chicago. 857 Tiskilwa*»!.............Bureau See Princeton. 950 i?22 2407 483 1400 404 1040 782 1694 165 123 4400 289 »Toledo*»! — Cumberland T olono**!------ Champaign Toluca*»!--------„Marshall Tonica*»!.-----------LaSalle »Toulon*»!_________ Stark Towanda**!--------McLean Tower Hill*»!— — Shelby Tremont*»!------- Tazewell Trenton*»!---------- Clinton Triumph*»!--------- LaSalle Trivoli*»!________ _ Peoria T roy *»!------------- Madison Troy Grove*»!___ La Salle CHAS. M . CONNOR. See Champaign. To Lacon. To LaSalle. To Galva. To Bloomington. To Shelbyville. To Pekin. To Carlyle. To LaSalle. See Peoria. See Edwardsville. To LaSalle. 2453 670 400 9889 500 1200 300 »Tuseola*»!___ :___ Douglas Ullin*»!--------------- Pulaski Union*»!— „M cH enry »Urbana*»!____ Champaign Ursa* •!—------ — —Adams Utica*»!-------------- LaSalle Valmeyer*»!_____ Monrbe S. S. DUHAMEL. To Mound City. To Woodstock. See Champaign. To Quincy. To LaSalle. To Waterloo. 3000 406 342 287 1118 333 350 557 400 »Vandalia*»!______ Fayette V arna*»!-----------Marshall V ergennes*»!___ Jackson Verm ilion*»!______ Edgar Vermont*»!— ___ Fulton Vernon*»_________ Marion V erona*»!_______Grundy Versailles*»!____ „B row n Victoria*_____ _____ Knox ARTHUR ROE. To Lacon. See Murphysboro. To Paris. See Lewistown. See Salem. To Morris. To Quincy. See Galesburg. 1124 »Vienna*»!_______ Johnson 1828 Villa Grove*»!___ Douglas 770 Viola*»!---------- „.M e r c e r 5000 Virden*»!______ Macoupin 150 V irgil*»!-----------------Kane 1600 »Virginia*»!__________Cass 270 Waggoner*»! Montgomery 900 Walnut*»!________ Bureau 138 Walnut H ill*»!___ Marion 105 Walpole*-----------Hamilton 400 W altonville*»t„ J efferson 498 •W apella*»!_______ Dewitt 1331 Warren*»!....... Jo Daviess 504 Warrensburg*»!. . . Macon 2254 W arsaw *»!__ )__ Hancock 777 Washburn*»!__ W oodford 2000 Washington*»! „Tazewell 444 Wataga*»!_________ Knox JNO. O. COWAN. To Tuscola. To Aledo. To Carlinville. To Elgin. To Beardstown. To Hillsboro. See Princeton. See Salem. See McLeansboro. To Mt. Vernon. See Clinton. See Galena. See Decatur. See Carthage. To Eureka. To Pekin. See Galesburg. 2091 »W aterloo*»!_____ Monroe 450 Waterman*»!__ — Dekalb A. C. BOLLINGER. See Sycamore. & Refers 3000 *Watseka*»t______Iroquois * W. S. K A Y . 330 Watson*»!--------- Effingham See Effingham 368 W auconda*»____. — Lake See Waukegan. 20244 »Waukegan*»!_______ Lake CLARENCE W . DIVER, Attor ney for Waukegan National Bank. 1538 W averly*»!______ Morgan See Jacksonville. 620 Wayne C ity*»!__ -Wayne To Fairfield. 546 Waynesville*»!___ Dewitt See Clinton. 521 Weldon*»!________ Dewitt See Clinton. 276 Wellington*»!___ Iroquois See Watseka. 11500 Wenona*»!______ Marshall To Lacon. 266 W est Brooklyn*»!____ Lee See Dixon. 3000 West Chicago*»!—Dupage To Elgin, 275 West E nd*»___ ___ Saline See Harrisburg. * 905 Western Springs*»!- Cook To Chicago. 180 W estervelt»!____ -Shelby To Shelbyville. 927 W estfield*»!__ — Clark See Marshall. 8000 W. Frankfort*»! Franklin See Benton. 7500 W . Hatnmond!.____ Cook To Chicago. (Hammond, Ind., P. O.) 450 W. McHenry*!..McHenry To Woodstock. 300 W eston ______ — McLean To Bloomington. 292 West P oint*»!— Hancock See Carthage. „ „ West Pullm an»!____ Cook To Chicago. 1000 West Salem*»!— Edwards To Albion. 500 West Union*»______ Clark See Marshall. 3000 Westville*»!——Vermilion To Danville. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. to A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W Popu, LA- TQWN AND COUNTY. tion. IL L IN O IS , IN D I A N A (B O N D E D ) NAME. ___________________ 274 West York*»!__ Crawford 3600 »Wheaton*»!------- Dupage 255 Wheeler*»! . . . ------ Jasper 3000 White Hall*»! — . .Greene 180 White Heath*»!_____ Piatt 175 Whittington*»!..Franklin 480 Williamsfleld*»!____ Knox 600 WilliamsvilleMSangamon 1082 W illisville*»!--------- Perry 444 Willow Hill*»!....... Jasper 8000 Wilmette*»!------------ Cook 1500 Wilmington*«!--------- Will 1639 »Winchester*»!______ Scott 987 Windsor*»!;_______ Shelby 110 W ing*»!_____ Livingston 415 Winnebago*»! Winnebago 6000 Winnetka*»!------------ Cook 500 Winslow*»!— .Stephenson 2170 Witt*»!_____ Montgomery 900 W oodhull*»!........... Henry 295 Woodland*»!____ Iroquois 315 Woodlawn*»___ Jeff erson 1600 Woodriver*»!— Madison 257 W oodson *»!_____ Morgan 5000 »W oodstock*»!.—McHenry 1082 W o rd e n * »!.------ Madison 872 W yanet*»!_______Bureau 1506 W yom ing*»!------ ...Stark 634 Xenia*»!--------- --------- Clay 350 Y a le * »!____ , ____ Jasper 586 Yates City*»! .......... Knox 1000 »Yorkville*»!____ Kendall 5000 Zion City*»!— ......... Lake To Robinson. To Elgin. See Newton. To Carrollton. See Monticello. To Benton. Seé Galesburg. Se? Springfield. To Duquoin. See Newton. To Evanston. To Joligt. J. M . BIGGS. To Shelbyville. To Pontiac. See Rockford. To Evanston. See Ereeport. To Hillsboro. To Galva. See Watseka. To Mt. Vernon. To Alton. See Jacksonville. MULLEN & HOY. See Edwardsville. See Princeton. To Galva. To Louisville. See Newton. See Galesburg. To Aurora. See Waukegan. INDIANA This Inform ation will be o f value to those Interested in B ank ruptcy m atters. One Federal District comprises the entire state. The District Court sits at Indianapolis, on the first Tuesdays in M ay and November; at New Albany, on the first Mondays in January and July; at Evans ville on the first Mondays in April and October; at Fort W ayne, the second Tuesdays in June and December; and at H am m ond,, the third Tuesdays in April and October. Counties: Adams, Allen, Bartholomew, Benton, Blackford, Boone, Brown, Carroll, Cass, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Daviess, Dear born, Decatur, Dekalb, Delaware, Dubois, Elkhart, Fayette, Floyd, Fountain, Franklin, Fulton, Gibson, Grant, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Harrison, Hendricks, Henry, Howard, Huntington, Jackson, Jasper, Jay, Jefferson, Jennings, Johnson, Knox, Kosciusko, Lagrange, Lake, Laporte, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Martin, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Newton, Noble, Ohio, Orange, Owen, Parke, Perry, Pike, Porter, Posey, Pulaski, Putnam, Randolph, Ripley, Rush, St. Joseph, Scott, Shelby, Spencer, Starke, Steuben, Sullivan, Switzer land, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Union, Vanderburg, Vermilion, Vigo, Wabash, Warren, Warrick, Washington, Wayne, Wells, White, Whitley. REFERENCE K EY * County Seat. * Money Order. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 700 A cton *»!_____ ___Marion 416 Advance*»!___ ___ Boone 1000 A kron*»!_____ ___ Fulton 1400 Albany*»!____ ..Delaware 1300 »Alhion*»! ___ Noble 100 Alert»!_______ __Decatur 6000 Alexandria*»!..__Madison bOO Ambia*»!_____ Benton 521 Amboy*»!_________Miami 325 Amo*»!_______ Hendricks 23996 »A nderson*»!... ..Madison 1200 Andrews*»!—.Huntington 2610 »Angola*»!____ ...Steuben 1200 Arcadia*»!____ . Hamilton 300 Areola,*»! _____Allen 1300 Argos*»!______ —Marshall 500 Arlington*»! ____ Rush 639 Ashley*»! __Steuben 876 Atlanta*»! .Hamilton 4000 Attica*»! ....... Fountain 5000 »Auburn*»! ....D ekalb 5000 Aurora*«t .Dearborn 600 Austin*»_____ _____Scott 579 Avilla*»!......... .____ Noble 449 Bainbridge*»t. — Putnam 300 Bargersville*»t „John son 2500 Batesville*»! ___ Ripley 443 Battle Ground*«»! Tipp’noe 10349 »Bedforrl*»!__ .Lawrence 1200 Beech Grove*t.___Marion 150 Bentonville*»..__Fayette 1400 Berne*»t ___ Adams 8500 Bicknell*«! ____ Knox 350 Bippus*»t Huntington 439 Birdseye**! ___ Dubois 2500 »Bloomfield*«! ___ Greene 528 Bloomingdttle*«»!.._ Parke 11383 »Bloomington*»! ..M onroe 400 Blountsville*»! ____ Henry 4987 »Blufften*«! ____ Wells 4500 »Boonville*«!..., Warrick 500 Borden*#f _____Clark To Indianapolis. To Lebanon. To Rochester. To Muncie. To Kendallville. To Greensburg. To Anderson. To Fowler. See Peru. To Danville. FR ANK E. KIMBLE. See Huntington. BEST & YOTTER. To Noblesville. See Ft. Wayne. To Plymouth. To Rushville. To Angola. To Noblesville. FRED S. PURNELL. JAMES E. POMEROY. To Lawrenceburg. To Scottsburg. To Kendallville. To Greencastle. To Franklin. To Versailles. See LaFayette. PEARSON & MARTIN. To Indianapolis. To Connersville. See Decatur. To Vincennes. See Huntington. To Jasper. GUY H. HUMPHREYS. To Rockville. JESS B. FIELDS. To Newcastle. FRANK W . GORDON. NAT. H. YOUNGBLOOD. To Jeffersonville. NOTF 11 V / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JL L i ropifLA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. ' - /_________ ,___________ 1467 NAME. .____________ 350 Boston*»_________ Wayne To Richmond. 814 Boswell*»t_______Benton To Fowler. .1500 Bourbon*»*_____ Marshall To Plymouth. 10315 »Brazil*»!— , ____ — Clay CURTIS G. SCOFIELD. 2200 Bremen*»!___ ...Marshall To Plymouth. 535 B ristol*»!_______Elkhart See Elkhart. 770 Broad Ripple*»!__ Marion To Indianapolis. 1200 B rook *»!...............Newton To Kentland. 572 B rooklyn*»!___ —Morgan To Martinsville. 907 B rookston*»!_____ White To Monticello. 2200 »Brookville*»!___ Franklin I. N. M cCABTY. 1000 Brownsburg*»! Hendricks To Danville. 1492 »Brownstown*»!..Jackson To Seymour. 120 Browns Valley*» Montg’y To Crawl ordsville; 1000 Bruceville*»! —------ Knox To Vincennes. 469 Bryant*.............11. — Jay To Portland. 750 Bunker Hill*»!. . . —Miami See Peru. 400 Burket*»!_____ Kosciusko See Warsaw. 789 Burlington*______ Carroll To Delphi. 489 Burnettsville»!..—. White To Monticello. (BurneMs Creek P. O.) 200 Burney*»!__ —/— Decatur To Greensburg. 2000 Butler*»t................ Dekalb To Auburn. 400 Butlerville*»! — Jennings To North Vernon. 2500 Cambridge City*»!.Wayne To Richmond. 800 Camden*»!_______ Carroll To Delphi. 800 Campbellsburg*»!Wash’t’n See Salem. 2500 »Cannelton*»!...........Perry W M . M . WALDSCHMIDT. 492 Carbon*»! _______ .Clay To Brazil. 1200 Carlisle*»!______ Sullivan To Sullivan. 300 Carlos*»!______ Randolph To Ridgeville. 626 Carm el*»!_____ Hamilton To Noblesville. 1000 Carthage*»!________ Rush To Rushville. 200 Cates*»!______ „Fountain To Veedersburg. 911 Cayuga*»!— V ermilion To Newport. 414 Genterpoint*«!_____ .Clay To Brazil. 1019 Centerville*»!____ Wayne To Richmond. 700 Chalmers*»!______ White To Monticello. 864 Charlestown*»!------ Clark To Jeffersonville. 500 Charlottesville*».Hancock To Greenfield. • 1400 Chesterton*»!......... Porter To Valparaiso. 600 Chrisney*»!_____Spencer To Boonville. 1000 Churubusco*»! — Whitley See Columbia City. 1500 Cicero*»!______ Hamilton To Noblesville. 500 Clarksburg*;____ .Decatur To Greensburg. 700 Clarkshill*»t—Tippecanoe See La Eayette. 1213 Clay City*»t--------------Clay To Brazil. 408 Claypool*»!___ Kosciusko See Warsaw. 600 Clayton*»!____ Hendricks To Danville. 6229 Clinton*»!— — Vermilion To Terre Haute. 624 C loverdale*»!___ Putnam To Greencastle. 472 Coatesville*»!..Hendricks To Danville. 801 Colfax*»!____ ___ Clinton To Frankfort. 4000 »Columbia City*»!.Whitley^ E. K . STRONG. (See also 9241 »Columbus*»!Barthol’mew JOHN RYNERSON. North Vernon and Seymour) 150 Commiskey*»!— Jennings To North Vernon. 10000 »Connersville*»!__ Fayette B. S. SPRINGER. 1164 Converse*»!_______ Miami See Peru. 318 Corunna*»!___ ...Dekalb. To Auburn. 200 Cory*»! —........—........Clay See Brazil. 1703 »Corydon*!._____ Harrison CLYDE R. LOTTICK. 2500 »Covington*»!___ Fountain To Veedersburg. 150 Craigville*»!_______ Wells To Bluff ton. 11164 »Crawfordsville*»!Montg’v RISTINE & RISTINE. 520 Cromwell*»..............Noble To Kendallville. - 160 Cross Plains *_____ Ripley See Versailles. 1500 Crothersville*»!—Jackson To Seymour. 3500 »Crown P oin t*»!____ Lake KNIGHT & BROWN. 1000. Culver*»!.............Marshall To Plymouth. 700 Cumberland*»! — Marion To Indianapolis. 610 Cynthiana*»!____...Posey To Mt. Vernon. 800 D ale*»!.................Spencer To Boonville. - 750 Daleville*»!....... Delaware To Muncie. 850 Dana*»!__ .....V erm ilion To Newport. 2000 »D anville*»!___ Hendricks Z. E. DOUGAN. 1000 Darlington*»!Montgom’ry To Crawfordsville. 450 Dayton*»!— ..Tippecanoe See La Fayette. 5000 »Decatur*»! ___ . . . Adapts HELLER, SUTTON & HELLER. 700 Decker*»!_________ Knox See Vincennes. 2161 »Delphi*»!................ Carroll HANNA & HALL. 200 Dem otte*»!_______Jasper To Rensselaer. 800 Denver*»!______ . . . Miami See Peru. 250 D eputy*»!_____ Jefferson To Madison. 500 D illsboro*»!__ -Dearborn To Lawrenceburg. 704 Dublin*»................Wayne To Richmond. 500 Dubois*»! _____ . —Dubois See Jasper, 2000 Dugger*»!........— Sullivan To Sullivan 3500 Dunkirk*»!__________ Jay To Portland. 450 Dupont*»!______ Jefferson To Madison. 392 Dyer*»! — — ------ ¿.Lake See Hammond. 800 Earl P ark*»!-----—Benton To Fowler. 28743 East Chicago*»!------ Lake To Indiana Harbor. 150 E.Enterprise* Switzerland See Vevay. 1428 Eaton*»!—......... Delaware To Muncie. 400 Economy*»!______ Wayne To Richmond. 2500 Edinburg*»*........Johnson To Franklin. 670 Edwardsport*»!..— Knox To Vincennes. 438 Elberfeld*»!------ Warrick To Boonville. 300 Elizabeth* ---------Harrison To Corydon. 350 Elizabethtown*»! Barth’w To Columbus. 21858 Elkhart*»!_______ Elkhart EDWARD B. ZIGLER. 676 E llettsville*»!___ Monroe To Bloomington. 1000 Elnora*»!—_____ Daviess To Odon. 11028 Elwood*»!.— . . . . Madison To Anderson. 250 Eminence*. -_____ Morgan To Martinsville. 800 »English*»!.........Crawford J. H. LUCKETT. _______ 431 Etna Green*.*! .Kosciusko See Warsaw._____ ■ USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1468 IN D IA N A A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) Popu l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 76078 ‘ Evansville**! Vanderburg WALKER & WALKER, General Civil Practice in all Courts. Collection Department. Depositions. Attorneys for Peoples Savings Bank. Old State National Bank, R. G. Dun & Co., New York Central Lines, American Surety Go. and Pacific 1 Mutual Life Insurance Co. 2000 Ewing*— ----------Jackson To Seymour. 111 Fairbanks*-------- Sullivan To Sullivan. 700 Fairland**!...........-Shelby To Shelbyville. 3000 Fairmount**!—........Grant To Marion. 1 200 Falmouth**!— ..F ayette To Rushville. 1115 Farmersburg*®!..Sullivan To Sullivan. 1100 Farmland**!-----Randolph To Winchester. 1000 Ferdinand*!........... Dubois See Jasper. 500 Fillmore**!------- -Putnam To Greencastle. 188 Fishers**!--------Hamilton To Noblesville. 350 Flat R o ck * * !--------Shelby To Shelby ville. 1800 Flora**!--------------- Carroll To Delphi. 300 Florence*___ Switzerland See Vevay. 400 F orest**!________ Clinton To Frankfort. 1182 Fort Branch**t— Gibson To Princeton. 1174 Fortville**t — —Hancock To Greenfield. 76183 ¿Fort Wayne**!__ — Allen VESEY & 'VESEY, 204-9 Bass Block. W. J. Y. ’57-’78, A. J. V. ’60-’82, D. M. Y. ’86-’ 08, D. S. V. ’91-T3. Attorneys for First National Bank, Tri-State Loan & Trust Co. General Practice. Active collection department. 448 Fountain City**t „W a y n e T o Richmond. 350 Fountaiptown**__ Shelby To Shelbyville. 1491 ‘ Fowler**!________ Benton LEE DINWIDDIE. 350 FowJerton**_______ Grant To Marion. 729 Francesville**!__ Pulaski To Winamac. 407 Francisco**t_____ Gibson To Princeton. , 9596 ‘ Frankfort**!_____ Clinton SHERIDAN & GRUBER. 5000 ‘ Franklin**! „ — Johnson MILLER & WHITE. 936 Frankton**!....... Madison To Anderson. 271 Fredericksburg Washington To Salem. 250 Freeland Park**! .Benton To Fowler. 800 Freelandville*......... Knox To Vincennes. 500 Freetown**!____ Jackson To Seymour. 694 Fremont**! „ „ „ S t e u b e n To Angola. 1803 French Lick**!___ Orange To Paoli. 250 Friendship*_______Ripley To Versailles. 500 Fulton**!_________ Fulton To Rochester. 700 Galveston**!— ______Cass To Logansport. 4149 Garrett**!............. Dekalb To Auburn. 65000 G ary**!____________Lake HODGES & RIDGELY. 3000 Gas City**!________ Grant To Marion. 638 Gaston**!........... Delaware To Muncie. 1140 Geneva**! ..............Adams See Decatur. 500 Georgetown**!____ Floyd To New Albany. 266 Glenwood**!___ ___ Rush To Rushville. 1105 G oodland**!____ Newton To Kentland. 8955 ‘ Goshen** ! — . __ Elkhart To Elkhart. 776 G osport**!..____ .„O w e n To Spencer. 500 Grabill**!— _______ Allen See Fort Wayne. 1000 Grand View*—;__Spencer Te Boonville. 4000 ‘ Greencastle**!___ Putnam ANDREW E. DURHAM. 4500 *Greenfleld**t— . Hancock COOK & WALKER. 6000 ‘ Greensburg**! „.D ecatu r GODDARD & CRAIG. 400 Greens Fork**! — Wayne To Richmond. 1500 Greentown**!___ Howard To Kokomo. 1600 Greenwood**!— Johnson To Frhnklin. 300 Gwynneville**____ Shelby To Shelbyville. 1000 Hagerstown**!...1Wayne To Richmond. 510 Hamilton**!____ .Steuben To Angola. 700 Hamlet**!________ Starke To Knox. 26171 Hammond**!______ Lake C R U M P A C K E R & C R U M PACKER. Attorneys for Citizens German National Bank. 400 Hanna**!_____ — Laporte See Laporte. 356 HanoVer* *____ ¡.Jefferson To Madison. 325 Hardinsburg* Washington See Salem. 500 Harlan*___ ________ Allen See Fort Wayne. 8000 ‘ Hartford City**! Blackf’d WALTZ & EMSHWELLER. 358 Hartsville* .Bartholomew To Columbus. 600 Haubstadt**!____ .Gibson To Princeton. 100 Hazelwood*___ Hendricks To Danville. 800 Hazleton**!___ — Gibson To Pripceton. 1000 H ebron**!________ Porter To Valparaiso. 500 Henryville**___ „ „ C l a r k To Jeffersonville. 350 Highland*»!____ h__ Lake See Hammond. 280 Hillisburg**!_____ Clinton To Frankfort. 528 Hillsboro**!____ Fountain To Veedersburg. 250 Hoagland**!_______ Allen See Fort Wayne. 2500 Hobart**!...................Lake See Gary. 225 Hobbs**!______ .¡„T ipton To Tipton. 400 Holland* — _____ Dubois See Jasper. 500 Holton**t_________ Ripley To Osgood. 1400 H ope**!___ Bartholomew To Columbusv 800 Howe**!_____ —Lagrange To Fremont. 390 H udson*!_______Steuben To Angola. 500 Huntertown**!____ Allen See Fort Wayne. 3000 Huntingburg**!__ Dubois To Jasper. 10880 ‘ Huntington**! .Hunt’gton CHAS. A. BUTLER. 1800 Hymera**!______ Sullivan To Sullivan. 500 Idaville**!____ „ „ W h i t e To Monticello. 15000 Indiana Harbor**! „L a k e WILLARD B. VAN HORNE. 271708§‘ Indianapolis**!„ Marion. P IC K E N S , M O O R E S , DAVIDSON & PICKENS. Suite 1300. Fletcher Sav. & Trust Bldg. R efer to any bank or trust company; Pennsylvania Railway Lines; Pullman Company; Western Union Telegraph Company: Postal Tele graph-Cable Co.: American Surety Co.: United States Fidel ity & Guaranty Co.; Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corpora tion, Ltd.; Central Union Telephone Company. General practice. Compilers o f Indiana laws f o r this publication. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTE P opuLA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. §‘ Indianapolis**!„Marion ( Continued) BERRY HILL & REMY, Suite 805, Fletcher Sayings & Trust Bldg. General Practice in all Courts. Commercial, Corporation. Insurance and Probate Law. R efer to National City Bank, Fletcher Savings & Trust Company and Security Trust Company. Collection Department under charge of competent Attorney. HOLTZMAN & COLEMAN, 115 N. Penn Street, Attorneys , for Continental National Bank. Aetna Trust & Savings Company, American Mortgage Guarantee Company, Sterling Fire Insurance Company and Indianapolis News. JO N E S , H A M M O N D &, JO N E S . Odd Fellow Bldg. General Civil Practice. Collection Department. Attorneys for Indiana National Bank, Indiana Bankers’ Association and Farmers’ Trust-Company. MATSON, KANE & ROSS, (Frederick E . Matson, Ralph K . Ka/ne, James A . Ross, Robert D. McCord, L . Roy Zapf) 947-955 Lemcke Annex. Attorneys for Fletcher American National Bank, Bond Department: Miller & Company, Investment Brokers: Breed, Elliott & Harrison, Investment Brokers. Special attention to law of investment securities, and to corporation law generally. Boone To Lebanon. 690 Jamestown**t 3295 Jasonville**!_____ Greene To Bloomfield. 2500 ‘ Jasper**!_________Dubois BOMAR TRAYLOR. 10412 ‘ Jeffersonville**!___ Clark WILMER T. FOX. 1782 Jonesboro**!--------- Grant To Marion. 300 Jonesville*t Bartholomew To Columbus. 800 Kempton**t___ _ Tipton To Tipton. 4981 Kendallville**!____ Noble REDMOND & EMERICK. 449 Kennard *•!_______ Henry To Newcastle. 1600 *Kentland**t_____ Newton H. L. SAMMONS. 800 Kewanna**!______ Fulton To Rochester. 242 Keystone**!_______ Wells To Bluffton. 300 Kimmell**! _____ Noble To Kendallville. 600 Kingman**!____ Fountain To Veedersburg. 1200 Kirklin**!________ Clinton To Frankfort. 100 Kirkpatrick**! Montgom ’y To Crawfordsville. 2008 Knightstown**t___ Henry To Newcastle. 1644 ‘ Knox**f-___ ............ Starke JAMES C. FLETCHER. 20930 800 600 1148 21286 683 JESSUP & GWARTNEY. To Valparaiso. See La Porte. To Crawfordsville. *La Fayette**!—"Tippecanoe FLANAGAN & HENNEGAR. La Fontaine**!__ Wabash See Wabash. ‘ Kokomo**t_____ Howard Kouts**!—______ .Porter Lacrosse**!-____ Laporte Ladoga**!__ Montgomery 1772 ‘ Lagrange**!____ Lagrange 600 L ag ro**!___ ____ Wabash ___ Lake*____ __ . - Spencer 600 Laketon**!_____ .Wabash 340 Lakeville**!___ St. Joseph 290 Lanesville*......... Harrison 300 Laotto**!_________ .N oble 340 Lapaz**!___ 1____ Marshall 1045 Lapel**!................ Madison WADE & WADE. See Wabash. To Boonville. See Wabash. See South Bend. To Corydon. To Kendallville. To Plymouth. To Anderson. ‘ Laporte**!_______ Laporte OSBORN & OSBORN. Larwill**!_____ _ Whitley See Columbia City. Laurel**t_____ — Franklin To Brookville. Lawrence**!_____ Marion To Indianapolis. 5000 ‘ Lawrenceburg**!. Dearb’n ESTAL G. BIELBY. 690 Leavenworth*__ Crawford See English. 6000 ‘ Lebanon**!............. Boone ROGERS & SMITH. 401 Leesburg**!___ Kosciusko See Warsaw. 200 Leiters Ford*.— —Fulton To Rochester. To Greensburg. 300 Letts*.____ - __ Decatur 446 Lewisville**t— . . . Henry To Newcastle. 400 Lexington**t__ _— Scott To Scottsburg. 1537 ‘ Liberty**!_________ Union PIGMAN & ROBERTS. 400 Liberty Center**t— Wells To Bluff ton. 2173 Ligonier**t............... Noble To Kendallville 600 Linden**!___ Montgomery To Crawfordsville. 300 Linngrove**______ Adams See Decatur. 150 Linnsburg*!. Montgomery To Crawfordsville. 10000 Linton**!______— Greene To Bloomfield. 224 Lizton**!______ Hendricks To Danville. 21046 ‘ Logansport**!--------- -Cass THOMAS C. BRADFIELD. 2353 Loogootee**!__ — Martin To Shoals. 500 Losantville**!— Randolph To Ridgeville. 1235 Lowell**t---------- „ „ L a k e To Crown Point. 250 Lucerne**! _________ Cass To Logansport. 917 Lynn**!_______ Randolph To Ridgeville. 297 Lynnville*!____ _ Warrick To Boonville. 993 Lyons**!................. Greene To Bloomfield. 320 Macy**!__ |_______ Miami See Peru. 8000 ‘ Madison’ *t. — „ Jefferson SIMEON E. LELAND. 400 Manilla**!............ ...R u sh To Rushville. 300 Marco**!_________ Greene To Bloomfield. 1000 Marengo**!__ - - Crawford See English. 19834 ‘ Marion**!--------— Grant CONDO & BROWNE. 820 Markle**!— —Huntington See Huntington. 225 Markleville**!___ Madison To Anderson. 334 Marshall**!—,------ -Parke To Rockville. 5200 ‘ Martinsville**!— -Morgan R ARIDEN & SMITH. 800 Matthews**!------— Grant To Marion. 200 Mays**!...............— Rush To Rushville. 1350 Mecca**!-------------- Parke To Rockville. 13202 450 503 600 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See 1 complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W ® tion. IN D IA N A (B O N D E D ) TOWN AND COUNTY. ______________ _ 900 Medaryville*»! „..P u la sk i 800 Medora*»!_______ Jackson 872 Mellott*»!--------- Fountain 728 Mentone*»t____ Kosciusko 600 Merom*»t_______Sullivan 588 Metamora*»t___ Franklin 521 Mexico*»!_________ Miami 300 Miami*»t--------------- Miami 21512 Michigan Oity*»!~Laporte 395 Michigantown*»t._ Clinton 600 Middlebury*»!___ Elkhart 1500 Middletown*»t— ..H en ry 557 Milan*»t-------------- Ripley 1000 Milford*»t____ Kosciusko 520 Millersburg*»t— Elkhart 586 Milltown*»!___ .Crawford 750 M ilroy*»!.................. Rush 700 Milton*»t____ ____ Wayne 16385 Mishawaka*»t..St. Joseph 4500 Mitchell*»t____ Lawrence 400 Modoc*»t._........Randolph 200 Mohawk*»____ _ Hancock 300 Mongo*»_______Lagrange 1500 Monon*»!------------ White 500 M onroe*»!............. Adams 630 Monroe City*______ Knox 910 Monroeville*»!.........Allen 500 Monrovia*_______ Morgan 400 Monterey*»! _____ Pulaski 1600 Montezuma*»!_____ Parke 511 Montgomery*»!...Daviess 2108 *Monticello*»!-.........White 300 Montmorenci*»!.Tippeca’e 2786 Montpelier*»!.. Blackford 455 M ooreland*»!___ ..H enry 424 Moores Hill*»_Dearborn 2160 Mooresville*»!___ Morgan 667 Morgantown*»!... Morgan 1000 M orocco*»!......... Newton 622 M orristown*»!..__ Shelby 231 Mount Ayr*»!____ Newton 400 Mount Summit*»!..Henry 6000 *Mount Vernon*»!— Posey 900 Mulberry*»! .......... Clinton 35085 ‘ Muncie*»!____ _ Delaware NAME. To Winamac. To Seymour. To Veedersburg. See Warsaw. To Sullivan. To Brookville. See Peru. See Peru. To La Porte. To Frankfort. T o Elkhart. To Newcastle. To Osgood. See Warsaw. To Elkhart. To English. To Rushville. To Richmond. To South Bend. To Bedford. To Winchester. To Greenfield. To Lagrange. To Monticello. See Decatur. To Vincennes. See Fort Wayne. To Martinsville. See Winamac. To Rockville. See Washington. SILLS & SILLS. See LaFayette. To Hartford City. To Newcastle. See Lawrenceburg. To Martinsville. To Martinsville. To Kentland. To Shelbyville. See Kentland. To Newcastle. TRIMBLE & TRIMBLE. To Frankfort. M cCl e l l a n , h e n s e l & GUTHRIE. References: Mer chants National Bank, Union Na tional Bank. Peoples Trust CO., and Muncie Trust Company. 440 N a p o le o n i_______ Ripley See Versailles. 3000 Nappanee*»!..___ Elkhart To Elkhart. 500 ‘ Nashville*_________Brown J. M . JONES. 30000 ‘ New Albany*»t........ Floyd D. KIRKE HEDDEN. 300 New Augusta*»!— Marion To Indianapolis. 500 Newberry*»!_____ Greene To Bloomfield. 1371 Newburg*»!_____ Warrick To Boonville. 612 New Carlisle*»!.St.Joseph See South Bend. 1B241 ‘ Newcastle*»!........... Henry BUNDY & JONES. 1227 New Harmony*»!__ Posey To Mt. Vernon. 1038 New Haven*»!.____ Allen See Fort Wayne. 250 New Lisbon*»!.___ Henry To New Castle. 334 New Market*»!.Montg’ery To Grawfordsville. 550 New Palestine*»!.Hancock To Greenfield. 450 New P aris*»!____ Elkhart To Elkhart. 400 New Point*»!____ Decatur To Greensburg. CONLEY & CONLEY. 732 ‘ Newport*»!___ Vermilion 464 New Richmond*»! .M ’tg’y To Grawfordsville. 400 New Ross*»! Montgomery See Grawfordsville. 300 New Salem *.... ........Rush To Rushville. 400 Newtown*______ Fountain To Veedersburg. 271 New Washington*.. ClarkTo Jeffersonville. 7000 ‘ Noblesville*»! ..Hamilton J. F. & N. C. NEAL. 300 Northgrove*»!__ ..M iam i See Peru. 1200 North Judson*»t... Starke To Knox. 681 North Liberty*»!St. Joseph See South Bend. 850 North Madison*»! Jeffer’n To Madison. 2428 No. Manchester*»tWabash See Wabash. 569 North Salem*»!. Hendr’ks To Danville. 2915 North Vernon*»! Jennings JOHN RYNERSON. ( See also Columbus and Seymour) 350 North W ebster*Kosciusko To Warsaw. 2370 Oakland City*»!— Gibson To Princeton. Oaklandon*»!___ ..Marion To Indianapolis. Oaktown*»!________ Knox T o Vincennes. 175 Oakville*^!_____ Delaware To Muncie. 1200 Odon*»!________ Daviess E. T . LAUGHL1N. 956 Oldenburg*_____ Franklin To Brookville. 300 Onward*»___ _______ Cass To Logansport. 513 Orland*»_________Steuben To Angola. 1500 Orleans*»!__ ___ ..Orange To Paoli. ' 1200 Osgood*»!______1 ..R ipley W . S. HUNTINGTON. 661 Ossian*»!____ _____ Wells To Bluffton. 1000 Otterbein*»!______ Benton To Fowler. 600 Otwell*................. Pike To Petersburg. 1400 Owensville*»!____ Gibson To Princeton. 1010 Oxford*»t________ Benton To Fowler. 252 Palmyra*_______Harrison To Corydon. 1500 ‘ Paoli*»!................ Orange OSCAR RATTS. 409 Paragon*»!______ Morgan To Martinsville. 1* 200 Paris Crossing*».Jennings To North Vernon. 800 Parker*»! .......... Randolph To Winchester. 657 Patoka*»!____ . . . . Gibson To Princeton. 500 Patricksburg*»!____ Owen See Spencer. 340 Patriot*..— _ Switzerland See Vevay. 400 Pekin*»........ Washington See Salem. 200 Pence*»!_________ Warren To Williamsport. 1293 Pendleton*»!....... Madison To Anderson. 1000 Pennville*»___ ______ Jay To Portland. 600 Perrysville*»!— Vermilion See Newport. 325 Pershing*_____ Wayne To Richmond. 12410 ‘ Peru*»!.................. Miami COX & ANDREWS. NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 3000 ‘ Petersburg*»!__ J ___ Pike 150 Petroleum*»— ____ Wells 10OO Pierceton*»!__ Kosciusko 352 Pine Village*»!— Warren 500 Pittsboro*»!__ Hendricks 1500 Plainfield*»!__ Hendricks 550 Plainville*»!_____ Daviess 600 Pleasant Lake*»!-Steuben 4000 ‘ Plymouth*»!____ Marshall 150 Poland*___ ______ — Clay 308 Poneto*»!________ Wells 7000 ‘ Portland*»!............ .....Jay 1000 Poseyville*»!______ Posey 250 Preble*»!_________ Adams 8000 ‘ Princeton*»!..____ Gibson 150 Raub *•!_________Benton 800 Ray*»!...... ........... Steuben 1800 Redkey*»t~!____ . . . . . . Jay 982 Remington*»!_____ Jasper 3000 ‘ Rensselaer*»!_____ Jasper 377 Reynolds*»!______White 450 Richland»!_____ .Spencer (L ake P. O.) 24697 ‘ Richmond*»!_____ Wayne 1302 Ridgeville*»!__ Randolph 1513 ‘ Rising Sun*________ -Ohio 849 Roachdale*»!____ Putnam 447 Roann*»!.__ ____ Wabash 800 R oanoke*»!... Huntington 3364 ‘ Rochester*»!______ Fulton 317 Rockfleld*»! ......... Carroll 2700 ‘ Rockport*»!.____ Spencer 2500 ‘ Rockville*»!_______ Parke 446 Rolling Prairie*»! Laporte 300 Romney*»!___ Tippecanoe 1166 Rosedale*»!...............Parke 677 Rossville*»!______ Clinton 1000 Royal Center*»!.____ Cass 6000 ‘ Rushville*»!._______ Rush 443 Russellville*»!___ Putnam 1000 Russiaville*»!____ Howard 2500 ‘ Salem*»!____ Washington 500 Sandborn*»t_______Knox 350 San Pierre*»!_____ Starke 410 Saratoga*»!____ Randolph 800 Scipio*»..______ Jennings 167 Scircieville*»____Clinton 2000 ‘ Scottsburg*»!______ -Scott 360 Sedalia*»!________ Clinton 676 Sellersburg*»_____ ..Clark 450 Selma*»_______ -Delaware 9000 Seymour*»!_____ Jackson 600 2055 10965 200 2000 400 1519 1015 300 493 68946 450 500 1176 250 Sharpsville*»!____ .Tipton Shelburn*»!.........Sullivan ‘ Shelbyville*»!____ Shelby Sheldon*»t— ........... Allen Sheridan*»!____ Hamilton Shipshewana*»t. Lagrange Shirley*»!____ ... Hancock ‘ Shoals*»!_________ Martin Sidney*»!-------- Kosciusko Silverlake*»!— Kosciusko ‘ South Bend*»!. St. Joseph 1469 NAME. W . D. CURLL. To Bluffton. See Warsaw. To Williamsport. To Danville. To Danville. See Washington. To Angola. HARRY L. UNGER. To Brazil. To Bluffton, JOHN M . SMITH. To Mt. Vernon. To Decatur. MARSH T. LEWIS. To Fowler, To Angola. To Portland. To Rensselaer. JOHN A. DUNLAP. To Monticello. To Rockport. KELLEY & KELLEY. NELSON W . FERGUSON. CHAS. B. MATSON. To Greencastle. See Wabash. See Huntington. HOLM AN, BERNETHA & BRYANT. To Delphi. ARCH. STEVENSON. WHITE & HENDERSON. See LaPorte. See La Fayette. To Rockville. To Frankfort. To Logansport. JOHN Q. TH O M A S. To Greencastle. To Kokomo. W .W . h o t T e l . To Vincennes. To Knox. To Winchester. To North Vernon. To Frankfort. B. M . OWENS. To Frankfort. To Jeffersonville. To Muncie, JOHN RYNERSON. (See also Columbus and North V ernon) To Tipton. To Sullivan. W RAY & CAMPBELL. See Fort Wayne. To Noblesville. See Lagrange. To Greenfield. C. T . McCARTY. See Warsaw. See Warsaw. DEAHL & HAMM ERS C H M ID T . See Lagrange. T.o Indianapolis. See Columbia City. To Muncie. South Milford*»!Lagrange Southport*»!_____ Marion South Whitley*»!.Whitley Spartanburg.— Randolph (Crete P. O.) 2500 ‘ Spencer*»!.... ...........Owen HICK AN & HICKAN. 310 Spencerville*»!— Dekalb To Auburn. 622 Spiceland*»!.., ___ Henry To Newcastle. 500 Star City*»!______ Pulaski See Winamac. 194 State L in e*»!..— Warren To Williamsport. 450 St. Bernice*!__ Vermilion See Newport. 400 Stilesville*____ Hendricks To Danville. » 450 St. Joe*»!_________ Dekalb To Auburn. 450 Stockwell*»!.. Tippecanoe See La Fayette. 1200 St. Paul*»!_______Decatur To Greensburg. 350 Straughn*»________ Henry To Anderson. 350 Stroh*»!__ ____ Lagrange To Lagrange. 5000 ‘ Sullivan*»!______ Sullivan HAYS & HAYS. 3Ô0 Sulphur Springs*»! Henry To Newcastle. 1387 Summitville*»!— Madison To Anderson. 400 Sunman*»!.___ :.__ Ripley See Versailles. 836 Swayzee*»!________ Grant To Marion. 600 Sweetsers*»!.... ........Grant To Marion. 1379 Syracuse*»!__ .Kosciusko See Warsaw. 150 Tab*»!--------------..W arren To Williamsport, 40ÔO Tell City*»!:__ ......P e r r y To Cannelton. 371 Tennyson*»!— Warrick To Boonville. 66083 ‘ Terre Haute*»!____ _ Vigo STIM SO N , STIM SO N , H AM ILL & DAVIS, Attorneys and Counsellors. R obert B . Stimson (Y a le 1874). Samuel C. SUmson (M ichigan L aw 1872). Chalmers M. Hamill (Harvard. L aw 1911): Miller Davis (University o f Chi cago L a w 1912). References: Terre Haute National Bank,, - First National Bank, Terre Haute Commercial Club. 1508 Thorntown*»t___—Boone To Lebanon. 400 Tippecanoe*»!.— Marshall To Plymouth. 5000 ‘ Tipton*»!— . —I——Tipton KEM P & KEM P. 200 Tocsin*»!.— — . Wells To Bluffton. To Gary. 2000 Tolleston*»!......... „L a k e USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1470 IN D IA N A , IO W A 700 500 510 400 6000 350 430 Topeka*»t „ ____ Lagrange See Lagrange. Trafalgar*»______Johnson To Franklin. Tro£*»t___ ________Perry To Cannelton. Twelve Mile*»t........—Cass To Logansport. Union Oity*»t__ Randolph To Ridgeville. Uniondale*»t___ .„ .W e lls To Bluffton. Union Mi'ls______ Laporte To Laporte. 1200 Upland*»!................Grant To Marion. 600 Urbana*»t___ ___ Wabash See Wabash. 500 Vallonia*»!-_____ Jackson To Seymour. 9000 »Valparaiso*»!__ . . . Porter DALY & FREUND. 1189 Vanburen*»!_______Grant To Marion. 1750 Veedersburg*»!..Fountain NOAH M . TEEGARDEN. 453 »Vernon*»_______Jennings To North Vernon. 600 »Versailles*............. Ripley To Osgood. 1500 »V evay*»... . . . Switzerland F. M . LONG. 17645 »Vincennes*»!___ . . . Knox JAM ES WADE EM ISON. 8730 »Wabash*»!--------- Wabash TODD & PLUMMER. 300 Wadesville*«!...........Posey To Mt. Vernon. 859 Wakarusa*»!......... Elkhart To Elkhart. 450 W aldron*»!_______Shelby To Shelbyville. 1003 W alkerton*»!.. St. Joseph See South Bend. 116 W allace*________ Fountain To Veedersburg. 579 W al ton*»!___________ Cass To Logansport. 800 Wanatah*»!______ Laporte See LaPorte. 1189 Warren*»!___ Huntington See Huntington. 6000 »Warsaw*»!___Fj Kosciusko F R A Z E B & FRAZER. 10000 »Washington*»!___ Daviess HASTINGS, ALLEN& HASTINGS 1200 W aterloo*»!.......... Dekalb To Auburn. 800 Waveland*»!.Montgomery To Crawfordsville. 350 Wawaka*»!________ Noble To Kendallville. 734 Waynetown*»! M’tgomery To Crawfordsville. 746 - West Baden*»!___ Orange To Paoli. ' , 700 Westfield*»!____ Hamilton To Noblesville. 3867 West Lafayette*» Tipp’noe See La Fayette. 800 West Lebanon*»!. Warren To Williamsport. 900 Westport*»!_____ Decatur To Greensburg. 3083 West Terre Haute*!.. Vigo To Terre Haute. 503 W estville*»!.........Laporte See Laporte. 357 Wheatfleld*»!_____ Jasper To Rensselaer. 700 Wheatland*»!______ Knox To Vincennes. 500 Whiteland*»_____J ohnson To Franklin. 700 Whitestown*»!____ Boone To Lebanon. 8000 Whiting*»!,________ Lake GAVIT, HALL & SMITH. Attor neys for the First Nat’l Bank, First Trust & Sav. Bank, and Bank o f Whiting. 400 Wilkinson*»____ Hancock To Greenfield. 400 Williamsburg*»!... Wayne To Richmond. 1300 »Williamsport*»!.. Warren BILLINGS & MEHAFFEY. 1800 »Winamac*»!____ ..Pulaski harry w. McDowell . 4266 »W inchester*»!.. Randolph B. F. MARSH. 899 W indfall*»!_______Tipton To Tipton. 446 W ingate*»!.. Montgomery To Crawfordsville. 932 Winslow*»!_________ Pike To Petersburg. 1000 W olcott*»!................White To Monticello. 1000 W olcottville*»!. Lagrange See^Lagrange. 450 W oodburn*»!.......... Allen See Fort Wayne. 1732 W orthington*»!... Greene To Bloomfield. 140 Wyatt— ..........S t. Joseph To South Bend. 200 Yeoman*_________ Carroll To Delphi. 1200 Yorktown*»!___ Delaware To Muncie. 450 Young America*_____ Cass To Logansport. 314 Zanesville*_________ Wells To Bluffton. 840 Z ion sville*»!-—. . . Boone To Lebanon. Pocahontas (4), Polk (5), Pottawattamie (7), Poweshiek (51 Rin^niri (8), Sac (3), Scott (9), Shelby (7), Sioux (3), S to r y (5 Taylor (8), Union (8), Van Buren (6), Wapello (10) Warren3 (9 );W a y n e (8 ), Webster (4), Winnebago (4), Winnesliiek (1), Woodbury (3), Worth (4), Wright (4). w wmnesmejc REFERENCE KEY » County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office ____________fT elegraph Station. § state Capital. ° ffl 1300 Ackley*»!________ Hardin 1010 Adair*»!___________ Adair 1438 »Adel*»!..................... Dallas 1014 A ft o n * » !„ ......... Union 322 Agency*»!---------- Wapello 408 Ainsworth*»!.Washington 1300 Akron*»!--------- Plymouth 416 Albert City*»! Buena Vista 5200 »Albia*»!_____ ____ Monroe 457 Albion*»!_______Marshall 200 Alburnett*»!_______ Linn 780 Alden*»!__ _____ Hardin 262 Alexander*»!___Franklin 4000 »Algona*»!—_____ Kossuth 26 Alleman*»__________ Polk 50 Allendorf*»!_____ Osceola 1015 Allerton*»!_______ Wayne 600 »Allison*»!_________Butler 1078 Alta*»!--------- Buena Vista 356 Alta Vista*»t.„Chickasaw 1046 Alton*»!_________ Sioux 600 Altoona*»!________ Polk 384 Alvord*»!... ............. Lyon 100 Amber*»__________ Jones 5500 Ames*»!___________Story F. J. McGREEVY. To Creston. To Perry. See Creston. To Ottumwa. To Washington. To Le Mars. To Storm Lake. D. W. BATES. To Marshalltown. See Cedar Rapids. To Ackley. To Hampton. HARRINGTON & DICKINSON. Attorneys for the First National Bank.. To Des Moines. To Sibley. See Seymour. To Waverly. To Storm Lake. To New Hampton, t To Sheldon. To Des Moines. To Rock Rapids. To Anamosa. To Nevada. »Anamosa*»!_______Jones REMLEY & REMLEY. Anderson*»!....... Fremont To Shenandoah. A ndrew*------------ Jackson To Maquoketa. Anita*»!____________ Cass To Atlantic. Ankeny*»!__________ Polk To Des Moines. Anthon*»!—— Woodbury To Sioux City. Aplington*»!...........Butler To Waverly. Arcadia*»!.... ..........Carroll To Carroll. Archer*»!_______O’Brien To Sheldon. Aredale*»!___ ____ Butler To Waverly. Argyle*»!_____ ______ Lee To Fort Madison. A rion*»!--------- Crawford To Denison. Arispe*»! — — ___ Union See Creston. Arlington*»!— — Fayette To West Union. Armstrong*»!— Emmett Tq Estherville. Arthur*»!____________ Ida To Idagrove. Ashton*»!________ Osceola To Sibley. 220 Atalissa*»!____ Muscatine See Muscatine. 170 Athelstan*»......... Taylor See Bedford. 200 Atkins*»!------------- Benton To Cedar Rapids. 5000 »Atlantic*»!_____ Cass H. M . BOORMAN. 500 Auburn*.»!_______ Sac To Sac City. 2085 »Audubon*»!_____Audubon To Atlantic. 625 Aurelia*»!........... Cherokee To Cherokee. 287 Aurora*»!_____ Buchanan To Independence. 75 Austinville*»!_____ Butler To Waverly. 1700 Avoca*»!__ Pottawattamie To Council Bluffs. 400 Ayrshire*»!____Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. 212 Badger*»!.._____ Webster To Fort Dodge. 488 Bagley*»!— ___ i Guthrie To Guthrie Center. 300 Baldwin*»!______ Jackson To Maquoketa. 1000 Bancroft*»!.........Kossuth To Algona. This information will be of value to those interested in Bank 500 Barnes City*»!__ Mahaska To Oskaloosa. ruptcy matters. 154 Bar num*»!---------W ebster To Ft. Dodge. Iowa is divided into two Federal Districts: Northern and Southern. 110 Bartlett*»!______ Fremont To Shenandoah. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has four divisions: the Eastern, with 130 Bassett*»!------- Chickasaw To New Hampton. court at Dubuque (1), on the fourth Tuesday in April and first Tuesday 700 Batavia*»!......... J efferson To Fairfield. in December, and at Waterloo (1), second Tuesdays in M ay and Sep 681 Battle Creek*»!____ . . . Ida To Idagrove. tember; the Cedar Rapids at Cedar Rapids (3), on the first Tuesday in 623 Baxter*»!— --------Jasper To Newton. April and the fourth Tuesday in September; the Western, with court at 800 Bayard*»!............ Guthrie To Guthrie Center. Sioux City (a), on the fourth Tuesday in M ay and the third Tuesday 148 Beaconsfleld*»!.. Ringgold To Mount Ayr. in October; the Central with court at Fort Dodge (4), on the second 220 Beaman*»!.------ - Grundy See Grundy Center. Tuesdays in June and November. 140 Beaver*»!— ______ Boone To Boone. 2500 Bedford*»!— Taylor FRANK WISDOM. The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has six divisions: the Central with court 200 Beech»----------------Warren To Des Moines. at Des Moines (5), second Tuesday in May and third Tuesday in 3121 Belle Plaine*»!___ Benton To Cedar Rapids. November; the Eastern, with court at K eokuk (6), second Tuesday in 1776 Bellevue*»!______Jackson To Maquoketa. April and third Tuesday in October; the Western with court at Council 1600 Belmond*»!____ _ Wright To Clarion. Bluffs (7), the second Tuesday in March and the third Tuesday in 243 Bennett*»!.... ...........Cedar To Tipton. September; the Southern with court at Creston (8), on the fourth 125 Bentley*»!. Pottawattamie To Council Bluffs. Tuesday in March and the first Tuesday in November; the Davenport 250 Benton*»!______ Ringgold See Mount Ayr. with court at Davenport (9), on the fourth Tuesday in April and the 91 Berkley*»!..............Boone To Boone. first Tuesday in October; and the Ottumwa with court at Ottumwa 200 Berlin*»!____ ______ Tama To Toledo. (10), on the first Monday after fourth Tuesday in March and first Monday after third Tuesday in October. 95 Bernard*»!_____ Dubuque See Dubuque. 909 Bettendorf*»_______ Scott To Davenport. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable 167 Bevington*»!____ Madison To Winterset. to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. 572 Birmingham*»!.VanBuren See Keosauqua. C ou n ties: Adair (8), Adams (8), Allamakee (1), Appanoose (10). 241 Blairsburg*»!__ Hamilton To Webster City. Audubon (7), Benton (2), Blackhawk (1), Boone (5), Bremer (1), Buch 532 Blairstown*»!____ Benton To Cedar Rapids. anan (1),: Buena Vista (3), Butler (4), Calhoun (4), Carroll (4), Cass 344 Blakesburg*»!___ Wapello To Ottumwa. ffm Cedar (2), Cerro Gordo (4), Cherokee (3), Chickasaw (1), Clarke 700 Blanchard*.!.... ........Page See Clarinda. (8 ) , Clay (3), Clayton (1), Clinton (9), Crawford (7), Dallas (5), Davis 325 Blencoe*»!______ Monona To Mapleton. (lOLDecatur (8), Delaware (1), Des Moines (6), Dickinson (3), Dubuque 1000 Blockton*»!_______Taylor To Bedford. (1). Emmet (4), Fayette (1), Floyd (1), Franklin (4), Fremont (8), Greene 2500 »Bloomfield*»!______ Davis PAYNE & GOODSON. (5), Grundy (2), Guthrie (5), Hamilton (4), Hancock (4), Hardin (2), 223 Blue Grass*»!. . . ___ Scott To Davenport. Harrison (7), Henry (6), Howard (1), Humboldt (4), Ida (3), Iowa (2), 550 Bode*»!_______Humboldt To Humboldt. Jackson (1), Jasper (5), Jefferson (10), Johnson (2), Jones (2), Keokuk 597 Bonaparte*»!.. Van Buren See Keosauqua. (10), Kossuth (4), Lee (6), Linn (2), Louisa (6), Lucas (8), Lyon (3), 287 Bondurant*»!.._____ Polk To Des Moines. Madison (5), Mahaska (10), Marion (5), Marshall (5), Mills (7), 11185 »B oone*»!_____ ____ Boone F. W . GANOE, Attorney for Boone Mitchell ( i ) , Monona (3), Monroe (10), Montgomery (7), Muscatine National Bank. (9 ) , O’Brien (3), Osceola (3), Page (8). Palo Alto (4). Plymouth (3), 143 Booneville*»!. . Dallas To Perry. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3000 120 307 1500 600 715 514 390 200 200 75 300 155 800 800 300 518 IOW A NOTF * * 'Z “ USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. ATTORN E Y S - A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) P Î fT O W N AND COUNTY. IO W A NAME. TiON.____________________________________________________________________ '__________ BOO Bouton*«!_____ . . . . Dallas To Perry. ¡00 Boxholm*«________ Boone To Boone. 364 Boyden*«t--------------- Sioux See Sheldon. 75 Boyer*«!---- ....C raw ford To Denison. 350 Braddyville*«!_____ .Page SeeClarinda. 150 Bradford*«_____ Franklin To Hampton. 175 Bradgate*«!__ Humboldt To Humboldt. 400 Brandon*---------Buchanan To Independence. 250 Brayton*«!______Audubon To Atlantic. 418 Breda*«!--------------- Carroll To Carroll. 75 Bremer«!________ Bremer To Waverly. 365 Bridgewater*«!______ Adair See Creston. 1200 Brighton*«!.. Washington To Washington. 291 Bristow*«!.— . ___ Butler To Waverly. 2000 Britt*«!— ........... Hancock To Forest City. v 150 Bronson*«!___ Woodbury To Sioux City. 1526 Brooklyn*«!__ Poweshiek ToGrinnell. 250 Brooks*«!________ Adams To Corning. 115 Brunsville*«!.— Plymouth t To Le Mars. 5# Bryantburg«... Buchanan To Independence. 200 Buckeye*«!_______ Hardin See Ackley. 87 Buckgrove*«t...Crawford To Denison. 150 Buckingham*«!____ Tama To Toledo. 456 Buffalo*«!___ ,______ Scott To Davenport. 1000 Buffalo Cent’r*«! W in’b’go To Forest City. 25030 ‘ Burlington*«!. Des Moines SE E R L E Y A C L A R K . General Law Practice. Attorneys for Na tional State Bank, Burlington Sav. Bank and West Burlington (Iowa) SaVi Bank. 100 Burnside*«!____ Webster To Fort Dodge. 275 Burroak*____ Winneshiek To Decorah. 700 Burt*«!.. . i . . _ . . . Kossuth To Algona. 669 Bussey*«t________ Marion To Knoxville. 2500 Buxton*«!_______Monroe To Albia. 400 Calamus*«!......... Clinton To Clinton. 321 Callender*«t____ Webster To Fort Dodge. 1000 Calmar*«!___ Winneshiek To Decorah. 242 Calumet*«!______ O’Brien To Sheldon. 112 Cambria*«!_____ Wayne See Corydon. 750 Cambridge*«!.___ . . . Story To Nevada. 445 Cantril*«!.... . Van Buren See Keosauqua. 632 Carlisle*«!_______Warren To Des Moines. 121 Carpenter*«!...... Mitchell See Osage. 4200 *Carroll*«t—______ Carroll W . C. SAUL & W . I. SAUL. Probate matters a Specialty—Ab stracts o f Carroll County—Attorney for Peoples Trust & Savings Bank. 640 Carson*«!.. Pottawattamie To Council Bluffs. 200 Cartersville*«tCerroGordo To Mason City. 1268 Cascade*«!_____Dubuque See Dubuque. 735 Casey*«!_____ __ ,. Guthrie To Guthrie Center. 360 Castalia*«!___ Winneshiek To Decorah. 500 Castana*«!_______Monona ToMapleton. 50 Cedar*«!_______Mahaska To Oskaloosa. 6000 Cedar Falls*«!.Blackhawk See Waterlog. 37308 Cedar Rapids*«t____ Linn F R A N K C . B Y E R S , 609-13 Am. erican Trust Building. Commer cial Law, General Practice. Notary in Office. References: Merchants Nat’l Bank, Cedar Rapids Nat’l Bank, Peoples Savings Bank, and ' American Trust & Savings Bank. 199 Center Junction*«! .Jones See Anamosa. 000 Center Point*«!_____Linn See Cedar Rapids. 8000 »Centerville*!__ Appanoose „ 558 Central City*«!......... Linn 200 Chapin*«t______ Franklin 5235 »Chariton*«!_______Lucas PORTER & GREENLEAF. Attorneys for Centerville Nat’l Bank. See Cedar Rapids. To Hampton. E. A . ANDERSON. 7000 ‘ Charles City*«!____ Floyd F. K . NIES. , 500 Charlotte*«!______ Clinton To Clinton. 1000 Charter Oak*«!. Crawford To Denison. 131 Chatsworth*«!__ ...S io u x To Sheldon. 600 Chelsea*«!..._______ Tama To Toledo. 5500 ‘ Cherokee*«! — Cherokee HERRICK HERRICK. Attor... ■ neys for the Cherokee State Bank. 266 Chester*«!_______ Howard To Cresco. 181 Chiliicothe*«!____Wapello To Ottumwa. »67 Churdan*«!...........Greene To Jefferson. mm Cincinnati*«!..Appanoose To Centerville. ¿99 Clare*«!-------- ...W ebster To Fort Dodge. 662 Clarence*«!_______ Cedar To Tipton. 5000 ‘ Clarinda*«!___ ____ .Page See Shenandoah. 2750 ‘ Clarion*«!............... Wright NAGLE & NAGLE. 895 Clarksville*«!______ Butler To Waverly. " Clayton*«!....:___ Clayton ToElkader. 625 Clearfield*«!... Z „ Taylor To Bedford. io2 Q!®0, Lake*«t-Cerro Gordo To Mason City. 91 s £}e2horn*«t_Cherokee To Cherokee. Clemons*---------- Marshall To Marshalltown. 690 Clermont*«!_____ Fayette To West Union. 50f Cleves*«!.... ........... Hardin To Ackley. 83 Climbing Hill ..W oodbury To Sioux City. 27?86 ‘ Clinton*«!__ _____ Clinton GEO. B . PHELPS. Sjf ----------------- Wayne See Seymour. iw Tama To Toledo. il! Coburg *•!— Montgomery See Shenandoah. Coggon*«!...................Linn See Cedar Rapids. 591 Coin*«!...................... Page See Clarinda. ¿,11 Coiesburg*------- Delaware To Manchester. W Co fax*«!.................Jasper To Newton. sS Col ege Springs*.;___ Page See Shenandoah. l i CollmS*.t__............... Story To Nevada. lift £ 0 0 *+--------Story To Nevada. Columbia*...............Marion To Knoxville. NOTF P opu l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 1185 Columbus Junc.*«!.Louisa -To Muscatine. — Colwell----------- — .Floyd To Charles City. ( Charles City P. O.) 347 Conesville*——-Muscatine See Muscatine. 606 Conrad*«!---------- Grundy To Grundy Center. 125 C onroy*«!_______...Io w a To Marengo. . 283 Conway*«!— .____ Taylor See Bedford. 1200 Coon Rapids*«!__ Carroll To Carroll. 90 Cooper*«!-----. Greene To Jefferson. 80 Corley*«--------------Shelby To Harlan. 2000 ‘ Corning*«!_______Adams To Creston. 1200 CorrectionvilleMWoodb’y To Sioux City. 455 Corwith*«!____Hancock To Forest City. 2000 ‘ Corydon*«!......... L. Wayne See Seymour. 200 Cotter*«!............... Louisa To Muscatine. 198 Coulter*«!— ...F ran k lin To Hampton. 31484 ‘ Council Bluffs*«!.Pottaw’e FLICK1NGER & FLICKINGER, 212-214 Rogers Bldg. General Prac tice in all Courts. References upon request. n 150 C raig*«!...—. „ Plymouth To Le Mars. ' 322 Crawfordsville*«!—Wash. To Washington. 3300 ‘ Cresco*«!___ ___ Howard J. A. CUTTING. 7572 208 250 552 150 161 254 129 400 769 183 650 286 ‘ Creston*«!............. Union KENNETH M . DAVENPORT. Cromwell*«!— — Union See Creston. Crystal Lake*«!—Hancock To Forest City. Cumberland*«!____ —Cass To Atlantic. Cumming*«!_____ Warren To Des Moines. Curlew*«!_____ Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. Cushing*«!____ Woodbury To Sioux City. Cylinder*«!___ Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. Dallas*___ _______ Marion To Knoxville. Dallas Center*«!___ Dallas Tp Perry. Dana*«!_________ Greene To Jefferson. Danbury*«!__Woodbury To Sioux CityDanville*«!_Des Moines To Burlington. 48811 ‘ Davenport*«!...........Scott CHAS. B . K A U F M A N N , Fifth Floor, Security Building, 115 West Third Street. A ssociate A ttorneys: E. C. Willis, Joseph Foran, J. G. Emersons ’ A ssistants: F. Schulz, A. H. Peter sen, H. Pulver, H. .Budelier, J. Estess. .B ran ch O ffices: Rock Island, 111. Moline, 111. -100 636 275 822 75 500 4021 355 467 411 300 425 650 208 728 David«__________ Mitchell See Osage. : Davis City*«t— Decatur To Leon. Dawson*»!________ Dallas To Perry. Dayton*«!— — Webster To Fort Dodge. Dean*«___ .____Appanoose' To Centerville. Decatur*«!______ Decatur To Leon. ‘ Decorah*«!__ Winneshiek HOW ARD F . BARTHELL. Dedham*«!—____ Carroll To Carroll. Deep R iver*«!. Poweshiek To Grinnell. Defiance*«!______ Shelby To Harlan. D elaw are...___ Delaware To Manchester. Delhi*«!— _..Delaware To Manchester. Delmar*«t________ Clinton To Clinton. D eloit*«!______ Crawford To Denison. Delta*«t_____ —. Keokuk To Sigourney. 3500 ‘ Denison*«!____ Crawford 273 Denmark*.._______ ... Lee 600 D enver*«..____.—'Bremer 325 D erby*«!._____ .. Lucas GEO. M cH E N RY . To Keokuk. To Waverly. See Chariton. 101598§*Des Moines*«!_____ Polk 356 1875 1000 509 350 425 125 198 107 100 500 581 90 400 300 600 104 1000 249 39873 550 52 418 200 276 1500 720 3-B. J. CAVANAGH, Suite 600 Fleming Building. General Prac tice in all Courts. Corporation, Probate, Insurance, Real Estate, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law. Special Collection Department. Attorney for Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore. References: Iowa National Bank, Peoples Sav ings Bank, Central State Bank, or any other bank or bus iness institution in Des Moines. Cable address Cavbar. Compiler o f the Iowa laws for this publication. De Soto*«!_________Dallas To Perry. Dewitt*«!________ Clinton To Clinton. Dexter*«!__________Dallas To Perry. Diagonal*«!_____ Ringgold See Mount Ayr. Dickens*«t_______ — Clay See Spencer. Dike*«t________ Grundy See Grundy Center. Dinsdale*«!___ Tama To Toledo. Dixon*«t___________ Scott To Davenport. D olliver*«!_______Emmet To Estherville. Donahue*«!_________Scott To Davenport. Donnellson*«t _____ Lee To Keokuk. D o o n * «!__________ Lyon See Rock Rapids. Dorchester*___ Allamakee See Waukon. Douds*.____ .__ VanBur’n See Keosauqua. Dougherty*«! Cerro Gordo To Mason City. Dow City*«t___ Crawford To Denison. Downey*«!________ Cedar To Tipton. Dows*«!_________ Wright To Clarion. Drakesville*«t_____ Davis To Bloomfield. ‘ Dubuque*«!____ Dubuque M ULLANY & STUART. Dumont*« t _______Butler To Waverly. Dunbar*«!______ Marshall To Marshalltown. Duncombe*«!___ Webster To Fort Dodge. Dundee*«t — Delaware To Manchester. Dunkerton*«!. Blackhawk See Waterloo. Dunlap*«!______ Harrison To Logan. Durant*«!.— __ Cedar To Tipton.____________ . USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. l l V y 1 H i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1471 1472 IO W A Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 2000 806 4047 1000 323 SS2 500 371 250 1085 555 336 2024 2800 217 700 Dyersville*»! ....D ubuque Dysart*»t________ Tama Eagle Grove*»!___ Wright Earlham*»!_____ Madison Earling*»!— ....... Shelby Earlville*»!.___ Delaware E arly*»!_____________ Sac East Peru*______ Madison East Pleasant Plain*»!Jeff. Eddyville*»!_____ Wapello Edgewood*»!____ Clayton Elberon*»!_____ ;___ Tama Eldon*»!________ Wapello »Eldora*»!_____!___ Hardin Eldridge*»!_____ ....S c o tt Elgin*»!________ Fayette A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) NAME. To Dubuque. To Toledo. To Clarion. To Winterset. To Harlan. To Manchester. To Sac City. To Winterset. To Fairfield. To Ottumwa. To Elkader. To Toledo. To Ottumwa. To Ackley. To Davenport. See West Union. 1300 »Elkader*»!..........Clayton W . A. PRESTON. 132 Elkhart*»!................. Polk To Des Moines. 550 Elk Horn*»_______ Shelby To Harlan. 210 Elkport*»:_______ Clayton To Elkader. 528 Elliott*»!__Montgomery To Red Oak. 205 Ellston*»!____ _ Ringgold To Mount Ayr. 600 Ellsworth*»!___ Hamilton To Webster City. 872 Elma*»!___ _____ Howard See Cresco. 200- Elwood*»t_______Clinton To Clinton. 161 E ly*»!._____________ Linn See Cedar Rapids. 478 Emerson*»t________ Mills To Glenwood. 2800 »Emmetsburg*»!. Palo Alto MORLING & MORLING. 520 Epworth*»t_____ Dubuque See Dubuque. 776 Essex*»t____________ Page See Shenandoah. 4500 »Estherville*»!____ Emmet MORSE & KENNEDY. Attor neys for the First National Bank. 500 Everly*»!_____\____ Clay See Spencer. 787 Exira*»!________ Audubon To Atlantic. 750 Exline*»t____ _ Appanoose To Centerville. 618 Fairbank*»t___ Buchanan To Independence. 225 F a ir fa x * »!.__ _____ Linn See Cedar Rapids. 8 6100 »Fairfield*»!____ Jefferson THOMA & THOMA. 676 Farley*»!_______Dubuque See Dubuque. 57 Farlin*»!-------------- Greene To Jefferson. 259 Farmersburg*»! ..ClaytonTo Elkader. 1200 Farmington*»!. VanBuren To Keosauqua. 332 Farnhamville*»!. Calhoun To Rockwell City. 600 Farragut*»!..____ Fremont To Shenandoah. 150 Farson*»!__ . . . . . Wapello To Ottumwa. 1250 Fayette*»!_______Fayette To West Union. 350 F en ton *»!___,__Kossuth To Algona. 150 Ferguson*»! IS__ Marshall To Marshalltown. 100 Fernald*»__________ Story To Nevada.. 207 Fertile*___________ Worth To Mason City. 350 Floris*»!___________Davis To Bloomfield. 332 F loyd*»!....................Floyd To Charles City. 1200 F onda*»!..___ Pocahontas To»Pocahontas. 789 Fontanelle*»!___ —. Adair To Creston. 2300 »Forest City*»!.Winnebago BURT J. THOMPSON. 289 Ft.Atkinson*»!Win’eshi’k To Decorah. District 20648 »Fort Dodge*»!__ Webster HELSELL & HELSELL. Attorneys 111. Cent. R. R. Go. R ef erence: First Nat’l Bank. 12000 »Fort Madison*»!_____ Lee R . N- JOHNSON. Attorney for the German-American State Bank. 200 Fostoria*»!__ f l . ___ Clay See Spencer. 100 Frankville ...W inneshiek To Decorah. 558 Fredericksb’g* »!. Chick’w To New Hampton. 149 Frederika*........ — Bremer To Waverly. 501 Fremont*»!_____ Mahaska To Oskaloosa. 200 G alt*»!___ - . I - . . . Wright To Clarion. 500 G alva*»!................... Ida To Idagrove. 131 Garber*»!________ Clayton To Elkader. 125 Garden City*»____ Hardin To Ackley. 800 Garden Grove*»!. Decatur To Leon. 15 Gardiner*________ _ Dallas To Perry. (B outon P .O .) 342 Garnavillo*--____ Clayton To Elkader. 1400 »Garner*»!........... Hancock To Forest City. 438 Garrison*»!._____ Benton To Cedar Rapids. 513 Garwin*»!_____ \____ Tama To Toledo. 160 Gaza*»!__ ____ O’Brien To Sheldon. 199 Geneva*»!______ Franklin To Hampton. 800' G eorge*»!........... ...L y o n To Rock Rapids. 436 Germania*»!____ Kossuth To Algona. To Sigourney. 100 Gibson*».—......... Keokuk 235 Gilbert!.................. ..Story To Nevada. 200 Gilbertville*—. Blackhawk See Waterloo. 150 Giliett Grove*»! — L . Clay See Spencer. 430 Gilman*»!.........Marshall To Marshalltown. 689 Gilmore City*»! Pocahon’s See Pocahontas. 869 Gladbrook*»!___ . . . Tama To Toledo. E. DEAN. 4052 »Glenwood*»!_____ — Mills C. 970 Glidden*»!___ . . . . Carroll To Carroll. 800 Goldfield*»!______ Wright To Clarion. 320 G öodell*»!_____ Hancock To Forest City. 110 Gooselake*»!......... Clinton To Clinton. 951 Gowrie*»!............Webster To Fort Dodge. 800 Graettinger*»!.. Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. 188 Grafton*»!..............Worth To Mason City. 1012 Grand Junction*»! Greene To Jefferson. 482 Grandmound*»!__ Clinton To Clinton. 333 Grand River*»!—-Decatur To Leon. 374 Grandview*»!_. . . Louisa To Muscatine. 350 Granger*»!.__ I___ Dallas To Perry. 250 G rant*.......M ontgom ery To Red Oak. 450 Granville*»t........— Sioux To Sheldon. 475 Gravity*»!........... — Taylor See Bedford. 148 Gray*»!________ Audubon To Atlantic. 383 Greeley*»!_____ Delaware To Manchester. 1400 Greene*»!........... ...B utler To Waverly. To Creston. 1800 »Greenfield*»!...........Adair 115 GreenMount’n*»!Marshall To Marshalltown Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 500 5200 1250 1626 175 143 100 ,’enville*»!________ Clay Grimes*»t_____ ____ Polk Grinnell*»t___ Poweshiek Griswold*»!_________ Cass »Grundy Center*»!.Grundy Gruver*»!________ Emmet Guernsey*»!— Poweshiek Gunwald*___ _____ Lucas 1800 »Guthrie Center*»! Guthrie 2000 Guttenberg*»!___ Clayton 147 Halbur*»!________ Carroll 2300 Hamburg*»t____ Fremont 100 Hamlin*»t______ Audubon 3000 »Hampton*»!___Franklin 250 Haucock*»! Pottawattamie 200 Hanlontown*»!___ Worth 150 Hansell*»!_____ Franklin 303 Harcourt*»!_____ Webster 160 H ardy*»t_____ Humboldt 3000 »Harlan*»t________ Shelby 232 H arper*»!..—— Keokuk 297 Harpers Fy.*»!.Allamakee 350 Harris*»!________ Osceola 300 Hartford*»___ L__ Warren 1106 Hartley*»!.,______O’Brien 150 Hartwick*»!.— Poweshiek 346 Harvey*»t._______Marion 100 Haskins*»!__ Washington 394 Hastings*»!...............Mills 241 Havelock*»!.. Pocahontas 150 Haverhill*»t____ Marshall 2200 Hawarden*»!______ Sioux 700 Hawkeye*»!_____ Fayette 150 Hayesville*»t____ Keokuk 125 Hayfield*»t_____ Hancock 518 Hazleton*»t__ _ Buchanan 1100 Hedrick*»t______ Keokuk 240 Henderson*»!_____Mills 110 H epburn*»!__ ____ .Page 200 Herndon*»!______ Guthrie 195 Hills*»!_____ . . . 5 ohnson 500 Hillsboro*»!_______Henry 329 Hinton*»!____Plymouth 1500 Hiteman*!______ Monroe 168 Holland*»!______Grundy 75 H olm es*»!_______Wright 1138 H olstein*»!..—____ Ida 143 Holy Cross_____ Dubuque (NorthBuema VistaP. O.) 100 Honey Creek*»! Pottawattamie 850 Hopkinton*»t__ Delaware 445 Hornick*»!___ Woodbury 581 Hospers*»t________ Sioux 750 Hubbard*»!_____ .. Hardin 372 Hudson*»!___ Blackhawk 900 Hull*»!.....................Sioux 2000 Hum boldt*»!... Humboldt 1006 100 400 2500 341 4000 3500 700 298 11413 Humeston*»t_____ Wayne Huntington*»t___ Emmet Huxley*»!— ... ........Story »ldagrove*»t-—............ Ida Im ogene*t____ Fremont *Independence*»tBuchan’n *Indianola*»t____ Warren Inwood*»t........... Lyon Ionia*»t___— Chickasaw »Iowa C ity *»!___ Johnson 3710 150 800 350 379 400 3000 300 697 1100 200 250 600 400 600 600 231 610 460 158 376 14008 Iowa Falls*»!--------Hardin Ira*»!............ Jasper Ireton*»!____ 4____ Sioux Irw in *»!_________ Shelby Jamaica*»!______ Guthrie Janesville*»!_____Bremer »Jefferson*»!_____.Greene Jerom e*»!___ Appanoose Jesup*»!_______Buchanan J e w e ll!________Hamilton Joice*»!__________ Worth Jolley*»t______ Calhoun K alona*»!__Washington Kam rar*»!____ Hamilton Kanawha*»!____ Hancock Kellerton*»!____Ringgold Kelley*»!__________ Story K ellogg*»!_______ Jasper K ensett*»!_____- Worth Kent*»t......... - ........Union Kenwood Park*t — Linn » K e o k u k * » t ___ _ Lee 1200 »Keosauqua*»!. Van Buren 1066 K eota*«!.............. Keokuk 200 Kesley*»!................. Butler 350 Keswick*»t - ........Keokuk 494 Keystone*»!_____ .Benton 70 Killduff *»t________ Jasper 271 Kimballton*». . . Audubon 1200 Kingsley*»! — Plymouth 100 Kingston»____ Des Moines 142 Kinross*»! —;____Keokuk NAME. See Spencer. To Des Moines. HAROLD L. BEYER. To Atlantic. C. T . ROGERS. To Estherville. To Grinnell. To Chariton. BROWN & BATSCHELET. To Elkader. To Carroll. CARROLL H . WRIGHT. To Atlantic. R . R . STUART. To Council Bluffs. To Mason City. To Hampton. To Fort Dodge. To Humboldt. BYERS & BYERS. To Sigourney. See Waukon. To Sibley. To Des Moines. To Sheldon. To Grinnell. To Knoxville. To Washington. To Glenwood. See Pocahontas. To Marshalltown. To Sheldon. See West Union. To Sigourney. To Forest City. To Independence. T o Sigourney. To Glenwood. See Shenandoah. See Guthrie Center « To Iowa City. To Mt. Pleasant. To Le Mars. See Albia. See Eldora. To Clarion. To Idagrove. To Dubuque. To Council Bluffs. To Manchester. To Sioux City. See Sheldon. To Ackley. See Waterloo. See Sheldon. LOVRIEN & LOYRIEN. R efer to Peoples State cmd First Nat’ l Berniks. See Seymour. To Estherville. To Nevada. SNELL BROS. To Shenandoah. R. J. O ’BRIEN. To Des Moines. To Rock Rapids. To New Hampton. OTTO & OTTO. Commercial, Corporation and Probate Law. Depositions taken. Refer to J ohn son Co. Savings, First National, and Iowa City State Banks. To Ackley. To Newton. To Sheldon. To Harlan. To Guthrie Center. To Waverly. HOWARD & SAYERS. To Centerville. To Independence. To Webster City. To Mason City. To Rockwell City. To Washington. To Webster City. To Forest City. See Mount Ayr. To Nevada. To Newton. To Mason City. See Creston. To Cedar R a p id s . J „ CRAIG & SPROWLS. Refer to Keokuk National Bank. Attorneys for Dupont de Nemour Powder Co. J. W . HARWOOD. To Sigourney. To Waverly. To Sigourney. To Cedar Rapids. To Newton. To Atlantic. To Le Mars. To Burlington. To Sigourney._________________ _— USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. IO W A A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) I f f ? ' TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. T I O N . ______________________________________________ I-----180 299 207 600 220 20 Kirkman*»t............ Shelby To Harlan. Kirkville*________Wapello To Ottumwa. Kiron*»!_______ Crawford To Denison. Klemme*»! - ____ Hancock To Forest City. Knierim*»!______ Calhoun To Rockwell City. Knoke»__ ______ Calhoun To Rockwell City. 3541 »Knoxville*»!..___ Marion W ILLARD H. LYON* 517 Lacona*»!__ —___ Warren To Des Moines. 260 Ladora*»!._____ _— Iowa To Marengo. 2043 Lake C ity *»!___ Calhoun To Rockwell City. 1600 Lake Mills*»!. Winnebago To Forest City. 800 Lake Park*»!— Dickinson To Estherville. 800 Lake View*»!............... Sac To Sac City. 1800 Lamoni*»!—......... Decatur T o Leon. 571 Lamont*»!_____ Buchanan To Independence. 300 Lamotte*»!______ Jackson To Maquoketo. 400 Lanesboro*»!_____ Carroll To Carroll. 100 Langdon*»!.... ........... Clay To Spencer. 1542 Lansing*»!____ Allamakee ToWaukon. 43 T,anvon*»..............Webster To Fort Dodge. 1547 LaporteCity*»tBlackhawk See Waterloo. 434 Larchwood*»t_____Lyon To Rock Rapids. 158 Larrabee*»t___ Cherokee To Cherokee. 378 Latimer*»t_____ Franklin To Hampton. 179 Laurel*»!.... ........Marshall To Marshalltown. 817 Laurens*»t___ Pocahontas To Pocahontas. 100 Lavinia*»t______ Calhoun To Rockwell City. 700 Lawler*»!____ Chickasaw To New Hampton. 138 Lawton*»t____ Woodbury To Sioux City. 690 Le Claire*»t________ Scott To Davenport. 222 Ledyard*»t______Kossuth To Algona. 338 Legrand*»!_____Marshall To Marshalltown. 1500 Lehigh*»!_______Webster To-Fort Dodge. 200 Leighton*»t____ Mahaska To Oskaloosa. 188 Leiand*»!____ Winnebago See Forest City. 5000 *Le Mars*»t____ Plymouth , E. T . BEDELL. 1400 Lenox*»t_________ Taylor To Bedford. 2200 »Leon*»!_________ Decatur G . W. BAKER. 185 Le R o y * »t______ Decatur To Leon. 244 Lester*»t____ - ____ Lyon See Rock Rapids. 433 Letts*»t____ _____ Louisa To Muscatine 603 Lewis*»!___________ Cass To Atlantic. 75 Liberty Center*t- Warren To Des Moines. 331 Libertyville*»t . J efferson To Fairfield. 114 Lidderdale*»!____ Carroll To Carroll. 550 Lime Spring*»t— Howard To Cresco. 100 L inby*»!__ ____ Jefferson To Fairfield. 315 Linden*»t................. Dallas To Perry. 800 Lineville*»!______ Wayne SeeSeymour. 400 LinnGrove*»!.BuenaV ista To Storm Lake. 1000 Lisbon*»!__________ Linn See Cedar Rapids. 354 Liscomb*»!—. __ Marshall See Marshalltown. 130 Little Cedar*»___ Mitchell See Osage. 800 Littleport*»!_____ Clayton To Elkader. 650 Little R ock*»!___ — Lyon See Sibley. 390 Little Sioux*___ Harrison To Logan. 700 Livermore*»!.. Humboldt To Humboldt. 200 Lockridge*»!___ Jefferson To Fairfield. 1633 »Logan*»!_______ Harrison COCHRAN & B A R R ET T . 674 Lohrville*»!_____ Calhoun To Rockwell City. 150 L onerock*»!____ Kossuth To Algona. 900 Lone T ree*»!___ Johnson To Iowa City. 200 Long Grove*»!_____ Scott To Davenport. 800 Lorim or*»!_______ Union See Creston. 523 Lost Nation*»!___ Clinton To Clinton. 900 Lovilia*»!._______ Monroe See Albia. 584 Lowden*»t___ Cedar To Tipton. 350 Low Moor*»! ¿Clinton To Clinton. 150 Luana*»t________Clayton To Elkader. 666 Lucas*»!__________ Lucas To Chariton. 130 Luther*»!_________Boone To Boone. 501 Luverne*»!______ Kossuth To Algona. 192 Luxemburg_____ Dubuque See Dyersville.. : • (New Vienna P. O.) 160 Luzerne*»!_.____ Benton To Cedar Rapids. 370 Lynnville*»!______ Jasper To Newton. 7000 Lyons*»!.._______ Clinton To Clinton. 250 Lytton*»t___________ Sac To Sac City. 357 Macedonia*»!Pottaw,t,mie To Council Bluffs. 197 Macks burg*____ Madison To Winterset. 1500 Madrid*»!_____„ .B o o n e To Boone. 415 Magnolia*_____ ^Harrison To Logan. 500 Malcom*»!____ Poweshiek To Grinnell. 331 Mallard*»!_____ Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. 127 Maloy *»t_______ Ringgold See Mt. Ayr. 1300 Malvern*»! ______ —Mills To Glenwood. 3200 »Manchester*»!— Delaware YORAN & YORAN. 1124 Manilla*»!_____ Crawford To Denison. 1200 Manly*»!_________.W orth To Mason City. 1614 Manning*»!______ .Carroll To Carroll. 1300 Manson*»!______ Calhoun To Rockwell City. 1400 Mapleton*»!_____Monona GEO. A . R IC E . 3570 »Maquoketa*»!___ Jackson- W ALTER KECK. 532 Marathon*»! .Buena Vista To Storm Lake; 480 Marble Rock*»!....... Floyd To Charles City. 1000 Marcus*»!..—— Cherokee To Cherokee. 2050 *M arengo*»t.„___ „ .I o w a ' POPHAM & HAVNER. 5000 »Marion*»!__________Linn See Cedar Rapids. , 410 Marne*»! ___________ Cass To Atlantic. 14360 *Marshalltown*»t.Marshall E. N. FARBER. 178 Martelle*»!________ J ones See Anamosa. ,«0 Martensdale*____ Warren To Des Moines. ¿oo Martmsburg*»! . . Keokuk To Sigourney. 14457 »Mason City*»!.Cerro G’do HUGH H . SHEPARD, First Na tional Bank Building. References; Security National and City National — . Banks. P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION.____________________ . NAME. # __________________ 282 600 250 290 920 382 309 106 134 -1500 487 817 1000 423 1030 459 30 278 382 246 520 257 103 334 900 150 250 200 620 913 388 423 150 246 4000 500 869 419 420 150 221 1000 800 200 1500 75 100 M asonville*»!... Delaware To Manbhester. Massena*»!..._______ Cass To Atlantic. Matlock*»!__ _____ Sioux See Sheldon. Maurice*»!_________ Sioux To Sheldon. Maxwell*»!_________Story To Nevada. Maynard*»!__ „ „ F a y e t t e See West Union. McCallsburg*»! — Story To Nevada. McCausland*»! - ____ Scott To Davenport. McClelland*»!.Pottawat’ie To Council Bluffs. McGregor*»!_____ Clayton To Elkader. Mclntire*»!______Mitchell See Osage. Mechanicsville*»!— Cedar To Tipton. Mediapolis*»t.Des Moines To Burlington. Melbourne*»!——Marshall To Marshalltown. M elcher*»____ . . . .Marion To Knoxville. Melrose*»!______ Monroe See Albia. Meltonville*»!.____ Worth To Mason City. Melvip*»!______ „O sceola To Sibley. Menlo*»!—_______Guthrie See Guthrie Center. Meriden*»!____ Cherokee To Cherokee. Merrill*»!______ Plymouth To Le Mars. Meservey*»t.Cerro Gordo TÖ Mason City. Middletown*»!Des Moines To Burlington. Miles*»!_______ ..Jackson To Maquoketa. M ilford*»!.____ Dickinson To Estheryille. Miller*»!_______ Hancock To Forest City. Millersburg*»t______ Iowa To Marengo. Millerton*»_______ Wayne To Seymour. Milo*»!_____ ____ Warren To Des Moines. Milton*»!_____ Van Buren To Keosauqua. Minburn*»!_______ Dallas To Perry. Minden*»!. Pottawattamie To Council Bluffs. M inebla*!._________ Mills To Glenwood. Mingo*»!__________Jasper To Newton. Missouri ValIey*»!Har’s’n To Logan. M itchell*»!_____Mitchell To Osage. Mitchefiville*»!_____ Polk To Des Moines. Modale*»t______ Harrison To Logan. Mondamin*»!___ Harrison To Logan. Moneta*»________ O’ Brien To Sheldon. Monmouth*»!___ Jackson To Moquoketa. Monona*»!____ ...C layton To Elkader. Monroe*»!________ Jasper To Newton. M onteith*»!_____ Guthrie To Guthrie Center. *Montezuma*»!.Poweshiek To Grinnell. Montgomery*»! Dickinson To Estherville. M onti_________Buchanan To Waterloo. (M asonville P. O.) 2043 Monticello*»!______ Jones To Anamosa. 383 Montour*»!________ Tama To Toledo. 708 Montrose*»!______.__ Lee To Keokuk. 366 Moorhead*»!____Monona To Mapleton. 137 M oorland*»!..__ Webster To Fort Dodge. 800 Moravia*»!___ Appanoose To Centerville. 100 M o n ey *»!____ ____ Jones See Anamosa. 1000 Morning Sun*»!___ Louisa, To Muscatine. 220 Morrison*»!_____ Grundy See Grundy Center. ___ Morton Mills*Montgomery To Red Oak. 1233 Moulton*»!___ Appanoose To Centerville. 282 Mount Auburn*»!.Benton To Cedar Rapids. 2000 »Mount Ayr*»!__ Ringgold SPENCE, BEARD & HAYES, Attorneys for Mt. Ayr State Bank and C. B. & Q. Ry., 100 Mount Hamill*.............Lee To Keokuk. 4000 »Mount Pleasant*»!.Henry GALER & GALER. 232 Mt. Sterling*»!..V. Buren See Keosauqua. 195 Mount Union*»!___ Henry To Mount Pleasant. 1560 Mount V ernon*»!..—Linn See Cedar Rapids. 808 Moville*»!—___Woodbury To Sioux City. 796 Murray*»!________ Clarke See Osceola. 17500 »Muscatine*»! — Muscatine F . L . B I H L M E 1 E B . General Practice. References: First Na tional Bank and First Trust & Sav ings Bank. 2663 Mystic*»!—___ Appanoose To Centerville. 1300 Nashua*»!____ Chickasaw To New Hampton. 200 Nemaha*»!______ . —„ S a c To Sac City. 926 Neola*»!.-.Pottawattamie To Council Bluffs. 3000 »Nevada*»!..__ ______ Story J. R . LARSON. .Refers to the First National Bank. 115 Nevinville*_____Adams To Corning. 588 New Albin*»!..Allamakee To Waukon. 150 Newburg*»t__ ____ Jasper To Newton. 900 N ewell*»!.— Buena Vista To Storm Lake. 250 Newhall*»!_______ Benton To Cedar Rapids. 2800 »New Hampton*»!.Ch’kasa M . E. GEISER. 482 New Hartford*»!...Butler To Waverly. 115 New Liberty*»!____ Scott To Davenport. 1200 New London*»!——Henry To Mount Pleasant. 800 New Market*»!___ Taylor To Bedford. 246 New Providence*..Hardin To Ackley. 1230 New Sharon*»!.. Mahaska To Oskaloosa. . 5200 »N ew ton*»!_______ Jasper J. E. CROSS. 200 New Vienna*» ...Dubuque See Dubuque. 600 New Virginia*»!—Warren To Des'Moines. 396 Nichols*»!____ .Muscatine See Muscatine. 323 Nodaway*»!_____ _ Adams To Shenandoah. 1300 Nora Springs*»!___ Floyd To Charles City. 197 Northboro*»!____ — Page See Shenandoah. 1000 North English*»!___ Iowa To Marengo. 400 North Liberty*»..J ohnson To Iowa City. 588 No. McGregor*»! .Clayton To Elkader. 1635 »N orthwood*»!___ .W orth To Mason City. 315 Norwalk*»! gij____ Warren To Des Moines. 479 Norway*»!._____ -Benton To Cedar Rapids. 659 Numa*»!_____ Appanoose To Centerville. 1300 Oakland*»!..Pottawatta’ie To Council Bluffs. 389 Oakville*»!_______Louisa To Muscatine. 700 Ocheyedan*»!—_. Osceola To Sibley. JVJ/^Vrr , p USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. l l \ / 1 J—« See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 94 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1473 1474 A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (BOND ED ^ IO W A P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TXON. NAME. 1400 Odebolt*«!___ ----------- Sac To Sac City. 7500 Oelwein*«!_____ „F ayette To West Union. 1298 Ogden*«t___ — __ -Boone To Boone. To Mount Pleasant. 165 01ds*«t____ ____ Henry 659 Olin*«!.___________Jones To Anamosa. 289 011ie*«t_________ Keokuk To Sigourney. 2026 »Onawa*«!___ ____ Monona To Mapleton. 87 Oneida*«!_____ - Delaware To Manchester. , 214 Onslow*«!—- — —-Jones See Anamosa. See West Union. 100 Oran*«! -------- 1Fayette 1500 »Orange City*«!--------Sioux To Sheldon. 250 Orchard*«!__ - — Mitchell See Osage. 500 Orient*«t__ — — Adair See Creston. 3000 »Osage*«!________ Mitchell H. L. STOUGHTON. 3000 »Osceola*«! - ....... — Clarke LLOYD THURSTON. 9624 »Oskaloosa*«!— - Mahaska IRVING C. JOHNSON. 850 Ossian*«!- -„-W inneshiek To Decorah. 200 Otho*«_____ - ___ Webster To Fort Dodge. 271 O tleyM ______ „ „M a r io n T o Knoxville. 368 Oto*«t_______ .Woodbury- To Sioux City. 147 Ottosen*«t_— . Humboldt To Humboldt. 24334 »Ottumwa*«!-------- Wapello W. S. ASBURY. 100 Owasa*«-___ - _---Hardin To Ackley. 614 Oxford*«t--i____ Johnson To Iowa City. 822 Oxford Junction*«t-Jones To Anamosa. 94 Oyens*«t______ Plymouth T o Le Mars. 653 Pacific Junction*«!—Mills To Glenwood. 264 Packwood*«!.__ Jefferson See Fairfield. 235 Palmer*«!____ Pocahontas See Pocahontas. See Cedar Rapids. 208 300 Panama*«!------ __ Shelby To Harlan. To Guthrie Center. — Guthrie 1190 Panora*«!-------938 Parkersburg*«!.___Butler To Waverly. To Marengo. ____ Iowa 500 Parnell*«!_____ 358 P aton*«!_________Greene To Jefferson. To Winterset. „ Madison 200 Patterson*«----900 Paullina*«t____ „ O’Brien To Sheldon. To Sigourney. 47 Pekin*«!--------3500 Pella*«!--------- - — Marion To Knoxville. 160 Peosta*«!_____ Dubuque See Dubuque. 150 Percival*«!____ _ Fremont To Shenandoah. 100 P ercy*«!--------- __ Marion To Knoxville 5500 Perry*«—-------- ___ Dallas WM. H. WTNEGAR. 358 Persia*«+--------- Harrison To Logan. See Spencer. 575 Peterson*«!— 550 Pierson*«!------ Woodbury To Sioux City. 100 Pilot Grove*«! .______ Lee To Fort Madison. ; 347 Pilot Mound*«!........ Boone To Boone. 92 P ioneer*«!------ . Humboldt To Humboldt. To Logan. —Harrison 400 Pisgah*«!-------Bremer To Waverly. 328 Plainfield*«!— Appanoose To Centerville.. 300 Plano*«!— To Leon. 200 Pleasanton*«!..__Decatur 691 Pleasantville*«! . Marion See Knoxville. 187 Plover*«!........Pocahontas See Pocahontas. 358 Ply mouth*«!-Cerro Gordo To Mason City. 1200 »Pocahontas*«! Pocahontas RALSTON & SHAW. Polk To Des Moines. 400 Polk*«________ 1000 Pom eroy*«!-____ Calhoun To Rockwell City. 200 Popejoy*«!_____ Franklin To Hampton. 347 Portsmouth*«!____ Shelby To Harlan. 1000 Postville*«!___ Allamakee To Waukon. 187 Prairieburg*«—-------- Linn See Cedar Rapids. 764 Prairie City*«!------ Jasper To Newton. 426 Prescott*«!_______Adams To Corning. „ „ Preston*«!___ — Jackson To Maquoka. 900 913 »Primghar*«!-------- O’Brien To Sheldon. To Davenport. 379 Princeton*«!________Scott ' ..... 274 Promise City*«!— Wayne See Seymour. See Cresco. — Howard Protivin*--___ 163 382 Pulaski*«!_________ Davis To Bloomfield. To Independence. Quasqueton*«— Buchanan 500 268 Quimby*«!___ „C h erokee To Cherokee. To Ackley. 660 Radcliffe*«!______ Hardin 275 Rake*«!______W innebago See Forest City. 175 Ralston*«!------------ Carroll To Carroll. 123 Randalia*«!-;__.— Fayette See West Union. , 250 Randall*«!_____ Hamilton To Webster City. 304 Randolph*«! . — Fremont To Shenandoah. 227 KeadlynM -----------Bremer See Waverly. 250 Reasnor*«. ______ J asper To Newton. 269 R edding*«!___ a Ringgold To Mount Ayr. 659 Redfield*«!-------------Dallas To Perry. 5500 »Red Oak*«!~Montgomery P. W. RICHARDS. 1205 Reinbeck*«!-......... Grundy To Grundy Center. 128 RembrandtMBuena Vista To Storm Lake. 1200 Remsen*«!— - - Plymouth To Le Mars. 500 Renwick*«t;___Humboldt To Humboldt. 500 Rhodes*«!_____ .» Marshall See Marshalltown. 1000 Riceville*«!______Mitchell. To Osage. 600 Richland*«!__ — Keokuk To Sigourney. 160 Ricketts*«!— -. Crawford To Denison. 354 Ridgeway*«!- Winneshiek To Decorah. 100 Rinard*«!__ - — Calhoun To Rockwell City. 500 Ringsted*«!______ Emmet To Estherville. Greene To Jefferson. 407 Rippey*«!----- 652 Riverside*« t- - W ashington To Washington. 50 River Sioux *«!„H arrison To Logan. 583 Riverton*«! „ — Fremont To Shenandoah. 250 R obinson*«__ ...Delaware To Manchester. (R y a n P .O .) 125 Rock Falls—. Cerro Gordo To Mason City. 1100 R ockford*«! — -----Floyd To Charles City. 2055 »Rock Rapids*«!--— Lyon S. D. R IN K E R . 1198 Rock Valley*«!— -S io u x To Sheldon. 800 Rockwell*«!. Cerro Gordo To Mason City. 2000 »Rockwell City*«!-Calhoun E. C. STEVENSON 131 Rodman*«!......... Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. , , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis POPULATOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. Rodney*«t______ Monona To Mapleton. Roland*«t_____— - Story To Nevada. Rolfe*«t_____ Pocahontas To Pocahontas. Rom e*«!__________ Henry To Mount Pleasant. Roscoe*«____ Des Moines To Burlington. Rose Hill*«!—— Mahaska To Oskaloosa. R ossie*«!_________ '-Clay See Spencer. R ossville___ ..Allamakee To Waukon. ( W aukon P. O.) 256 Rowan*«!________ Wright To Clarion. 200 Rowley*«t_____ Buchanan To Independence. 350 Royal*«! — _________ Clay See Spencer. 100 R u b io*«!— - Washington To Washington. 400 R u d d *«!____ - _____ Floyd To Charles City. 428 R unnells*!._________Polk To Des Moines. 612 Russell*«!_____ .— Lucas See Chariton. 800 Ruthven*«!— —Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. 212 Rutland*«!_— Humboldt To Humboldt. 511 Ryan*«!_______ -Delaware To Manchester. •18 Sabula*«!________ Jackson To Maquoketa. 3000 »Sac City*«!— — -----Sac CHAS. D. GOLDSMITH. 501 Salem*«!__________ Henry To Mount Pleasant. 590 Salix*«!__ ___ Woodbury To Sioux City. 1450 Sanborn*«!______ O’Brien To Sheldon. 129 Scarville*«!— Winnebago See Forest City. 820 Schaller*«!__ - _______ Sac To Sac City. 650 SchlesWig*«!___ Crawford To Denison. 900 Scranton*«!______ Greene To Jefferson. 226 Searsboro*«!— Poweshiek To Grinnell. 200 Selma*«!_____Van Buren See Kebsauqua. 525 Sergeant Bluff*t-Woodb’y To Sioux City. 200 Sewal*«t__ j______ Wayne See Seymour. 100 Sexton*«t____— Kossuth To Algona2290 Seym our*«!___ — Wayne ALBERT M. JACKLEY. 245' Shambaugh*«!--------- Page See Shenandoah. 382 Shannon City*«!— Union See Creston. 300 Sharpsburg*«!........Taylor To Bedford. 1000 Sheffield*«!_____ Franklin To Hampton. 586 S h elb y*«!..:--------- Shelby To Harlan. 250 Sheldahl*«!______— Polk To Des Moines. 3321 Sheldon*«!______ O’Brien T. E. DIAMOND. 900 Shellrock*«!______Butler To W averly.. 615 Shellsburg*«!-----Benton To Cedar Rapids.__ Reference: 6021 Shenandoah*«!------- Page G. W. B R O WN. Security Tr. & Sav. Bank, Shenan doah; Battle Creek Savings Bank, Battle Creek. Iowa250 Sherrill________ Dubuque To Dubuque. ( Spechts F erry P. O.) 1800 »Sibley*«!_________Osceola E. H. KOOPMAN. 1200 »Sidney*«!-______ Fremont To Shenandoah. 2300 »Sigourney*«!------ Keokuk WAGNER & UPDEGRAFF. 416 Silver City*!.............Mills To Glenwood. 1209 Sioux Center*«!— Sioux T o Sheldon. 57078 »Sipux City*«!--Woodbury ROBERT H. MUNGER, 617-621 Iowa Bldg. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Commercial real estate and corporation law. Fully equipped legal and commer cial departments. Bank references: First National Bank, Northwestern National Bank, and Farmers Loan & Trust Co. y To Storm Lake. 1000 Sioux Rapids*«!.Buena V . 670 Slater*«!---------------- Story To Nevada. 100 S lifer«..................Webster To Ft. Dodge. 650 Sloan*«t______ Woodbury To Sioux City. 334 Smithland*«t„ Woodbury To Sioux City. 167 Soldier*«!_______ Monona To Mapleton. 450 Solon*»!________ Johnson To Iowa City. 169 Somers*«!______ Calhoun To Rockwell City. 338 South English*«!.Keokuk To Sigourney. _ ,____ _ _ 75 Spaulding*«!--------- Union See Creston. 4300 »Spencer*«! ________ Clay B U C K & K I R K P A T R I C K . General Practice, Estates, Collec tions. Associated Clay County Ab stract Co. R efer to any bank in county. 60 Sperry*«!— —Des Moines To Burlington. 320 Spillville*___ Winneshiek To Decorah. 1650 »Spirit Lake*«!—Dickinson To Estherville. 100 Spragueville*____J ackson To Preston. 94 Spring H ill______ Warren To Des Moines. 588 Springville*«!--------- ..Linn To Marion. 600 Stacyville*«!------ Mitchell See Osage. 400 Stanhope*«!___ Hamilton To Webster City. 200 Stanley*«!_____ Buchanan To Independence. 853 St. Ansgar*«t— Mitchell To Osage. 199 St. Anthony*«!—Marshall See Marshalltown. ■ 653 Stanton*«!— Montgomery To Red 0 a k . 511 Stanwood*«t---------- Cedar To Tipton. 1037 State Center*«!—Marshall See Marshalltown. 200 St. Benedict*«!__ Kossuth To Algona. 500 St. Charles*«!__ -Madison To Winterset. 378 Steamboat Rock*«tHardin To Ackley. 200 St. Lucas*_______ Fayette See West Union. 365 Stockport*«t__ Van Buren See Keosauqua. 138 S tocktonM ___ Muscatine T i Muscatine. S fxL .170 . . St. 01af*«t_______ Clayton To Elkader. 3500 »Storm Lake*«t-Buena V. T. H. CHAPMAN. Refers to the Commercial National Bank. 1700 Story C ity*«!--------- Story To Nevada. , 100 Stout*«t—...............Grundy See Grundy Center. 554, Stratford*«t—— Hamilton To Webster City. 1052 Strawberry Point*«! Clayton To Elkader. 327 Struble*«!—___ Plymouth To Le Mars. 2200 Stuart*«!— --------Guthrie To Guthrie Center. 350 Sully*«t— ------------ Jasper To Newton. 1585 Sumner*«! — — Bremer To Waverly. ______ 163 700 1200 155 25 269 100 109 USE COUPONS a* instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond, information in preface to Attorney List. NOTE SZ complete A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) IO W A , K A N SA S Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 100 Sun bury*•!......■........Cedar 154 Superior*»!____ Dickinson 900 Sutherland*»!___ .O ’Brien 235 Swaledale*»!. Cerro Gordo 292 Swan*»!__________Marion 610 Swea City*»!____ Kossuth ■100 Sweedesburg______ Henry 75 .Swisher*»__,____ Johnson 1200 T a b o r * »!....__ ..Fremont 100 Taintor*»!__ ___ Mahaska 2600 Tama,*»!__ ______ ..Tama 55 Teeds Grove*»!...Clinton 278 Templeton*»!..:___ Carroll 200 Tennant*»!.._____ Shelby 500 Terril*»!______ Dickinson 250 Thayer*»! . . Union 500 Thpmpson*»t—Winnebago 400 T h o r * »!...____ Humboldt 300 Thornburg*»!____ Keokuk 271 Thorn ton*»! .Cerro Gordo 450 Thurman* ~ ____ Fremont 176 Tiffin*»!_______ Johnson 380 Tingley*»!...........Ringgold 2300 »Tipton*»!__________Cedar 400 Titonka»!______ ..Kossuth 231 T oeteiville_____ .Mitchell 1626 »Toledo*»!—____— . Tama 150 Toronto*»!_______Clinton 300 Tracy*»!________ Marion 1500 Traer*»!.... ............ Tama 122 Treynor*__ Pottawattamie 900 Tripoli*»!_______ Bremer 200 Troy Mills*_________ Linn 125 Truesdale*»!..Buena Vista 310 Truro*»!_______ Madison 154 Turin*»!_________ Monona 186 Udell*»!______Appanoose 75 U lm er*»!..___________ Sac 400 Underwood*»!.Pottawat’ie 540 Union*»!____ ____ Hardin 300 Unionville*»!— Appanoose 306 Urbana*__________ Benton 650 U te*»!__________ Monona 631 Vail*»t—............ Crawford 250 Valeria*»t___ _____ Jasper 3000 Valley Junction*»!...Polk 125 Van cl e v e _______ Marshall 444 Van H orn*»!.. ....B en ton 500 Van Meter*»!...........Dallas 461 Van W ert*»!___Decatur 245 Varina*»!___Pocahontas 250 Ventura*»!...Cerro Gordo 884 V ictor*»!_____<_____ Iowa 2300 Villisca*»!__ Montgomery 215 Vincent*»!_____ Webster 200 Vining *»t__________Tama 4000 »Vinton*»!________ Benton 500 Volga*»!_________ Clayton 100 V oorhies*»!... Blackhawk 253 Wadena*»t___... Fayette 416 Walcott*»!_________ Scott 90 Walford*»______ —Benton 517 Walker*»!__________ Linn 250 Wallingford*» .....E m m et 800 Wall Lake*»t................Sac 950 Walnut*»t—Pottawattamie 1528 »Wapello*»!______ ..Louisa 100 Ware*»__ ____ Pocahontas 5000 »Washington*»!—Wash’ton 410 Washta*»!______ Cherokee 35559 »Waterloo*»!...Blackhawk To Tipton. To Estherville. To Sheldon. To Mason City. To Oskaloosa. To Algona. To Mt. Pleasant. To Iowa City. To Shenandoah. To Oskaloosa. To Toledo. To Clinton. To Carroll. To Harlan. To Estherville. See Creston. To Forest City. To Humboldt. To Sigourney. To Mason City. To Shenandoah. To Iowa City. See Mount Ayr. HAMIEL & MATHER o To Algona. To Osage'. C. E. WALTERS. To Clinton. To Knoxville. To Toledo. To Council Bluffs. To Waverly. To Marion. To Storm Lake. To Winterset. To Mapleton. To Centerville. To Sac City. To Council Bluffs. To Ackley. To Centerville. To Cedar Rapids. To Mapleton. To Denison. To Newton. To Des Moines. To Marshalltown. To Cedar Rapids. To Perry. To Leon. To Pocahontas. To Mason City. To Marengo. To Red Oak. To Fort Dodge. To Toledo. To Cedar Rapids. To Elkader. See Waterloo. See West Union. To Davenport. To Cedar Rapids. To Cedar Rapids. To Estherville. To Sac City. To Council Bluffs. , To Muscatine. See Pocahontas. W. M . KEELEY. To Cherokee. PICKETT & SWISHER. Attor neys for the Leavitt & Johnson Na tional Bank o f Waterloo. Refer to the Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago. Genera! Counsel for the Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern Ry. Co. 200 Waterville*»___ Allamakee See Waukon. 100 Watkins *• !.._—— Benton To Cedar Rapids. 433 Waucoma*»!.. . . . . Fayette See West Union. 340 Waukee*»!_________Dallas To Perry. 2500 »W aukon*»!___ Allamakee D. J. MURPHY. 4000»Waverly*»!___. . . Bremer M . M . KINGSLEY. 550 Wayland*»!___ ___ Henry To Mount Pleasant. 250 Webb*»t____ ___ Clay See Spencer. 127 W ebster*»!__ . . . Keokuk To Sigourney. 6000 »Webster City*»!.Hamilton WESLEY MARTIN. 400 Weldon*»'!_______Decatur To Leon. 724 Wellman*»!.. Washington To Washington. 400 W ellsburg*»!.... . Grundy See Grundy Center. ------- Wellston_____ Washington To Washington. 69 Welton*»!__ ’_____ Clinton To Clinton. 457 W esley*»!.______Kossuth To Algona. 800 West Bend*»!___ Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. 800 West Branch*»t___ ..Cedar To Tipton. 1206 West Burlington*»t Des M. To Burlington. 222 West Chester*»! Wash’ton To Washington. 250 Westfield*»!.__ Plymouth T o Le Mars. 232 Westgate*»t_____ Fayette See West Union. 250 West Grove*»!_____ Davis To Bloomfield. 1800 West Liberty*»tMuscatine See Muscatine. 109 Weston*»!. Pottawattamie To Council .Bluffs. 700 West P oint*»t____ ...L e e To Fort Madison. 267 Westside*»t___ Crawford To Denison. 1652 »West U nion*»!__ Fayette H. P. HANCOCK. onnn W ever*»!--------- -. . . . .Lee To Fort Madison. 2600 WhatCheer*»t___ Keokuk To Sigourney. 539 Wheatland*»! . . . . Clinton To Clinton. §76 Whiting*»t___ . . . Monona To Mapleton. "18 Whittemore*»!__ Kossuth To Algona. -219 Whitten*»!_______ Hardin To Arkley. NOTF Il Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \J Jl Hi 557 1200 1300 1000 3000 529 239 162 1600 420 821 264 314 200 80 900 273 100 107 228 461 69 W illiams*»t___ Hamilton Williamsburg*»! . . . . Iowa Wilton J c .* ___ Muscatine Winfield*»!_____ _ Henry »W interset*»!___ Madison Winthrop*»!___ Buchanan W iota*»!...........s ___ Cass W oden *»!...........Hancock Woodbine*»!— Harrison Woodburn*»!_____ Clarke Woodward*»!_____ Dallas W oolstock*»!____ Wright Worthington*»!—Im b’que W right................Mahaska Wyraan*»!—_______Louisa W yom ing*»!...........Jones Yale*»!.______Guthrie Yarmouth*»t..Des Moines Y etter*»!__ ____ Calhoun Y orktow n *»!............ Page Zearing*»!_________ Story Zwingle*»!_____ Dubuque 1475 NAME. To Webster City. To Marengo. See Muscatine. To Mount PleasantJ. P. STEELE. To Independence. To Atlantic. To Forest City. To Logan. To Osceola. T oP erry, To Clarion, See Dubucme, To Oskaloosa. To Muscatine. To. Anamosa. , To Guthrie Center. To Burlington. To Rockwell City. See Shenandoah. To Nevada, To Dubuque. KANSAS Tbls Information will be of value to those Interested in Bank ruptcy matters. The Federal District comprises the entire state, and has three divisions: the FIRST DIVISION (1) with court at Leavenworth, the second Monday in October; at Topeka, second Monday in April; at Kansas City, second Monday in January and first Monday in October; and at Salina, second Monday in May. The SECOND DIVISION with court at Wichita (2), the second Mondays in March and September; and the THIRD DIVISION with1 court at Fort Scott (3), the first Monday in M ay and the second* Monday in November. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable’ to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Allen (3), Anderson (3), Atchison (1), Barber (2), Barton* (2), Bourbon (3), Brown (1), Butler (2), Chase ( i f Chautauqua i3),. Cherokee (3), Cheyenne (1), Clark (2), Clay (1), Cloud (1), Coffey (3)V Comanche (2), Cowley (2), Crawford (3), Decatur (1), Dickinson (1), Doniphan (1), Douglas (1), Edwards (2), Elk (3), Ellis (1), Ellsworth (2), Finney (2), Ford (2), Franklin (1), Geary (1), Gove (1), Graham (1), Grant (2), Gray (2), Greeley (2), Greenwood (3), Hamilton (2), Harper (2 ) , Harvey (2), Haskell (2), Hodgeman (2), Jackson (1), Jefferson (1), Jewell (1), Johnson (1), Kearny (2), Kingman (2), Kiowa (2), Labette (3) , Lane (2), Leavenworth (1), Lincoln (1), Linn (3), Logan (1), Lyon (1), McPherson (2), Marion (1), Marshall (1), Meade (2), Miami (3), Mitchell (1), Montgomery (3), Morris (1), Morton (2), Nemaha (1), Neosho (3), Ness (2), Norton (1), Osage (1), Osborne (1), Ottawa (1), Pawnee (2), Phillips (1), Pottawatomie (1), Pratt (2), Rawlins (1), Reno (2), Republic (1), Rice (2), Riley (1), Rooks (1), Rush (2), Russell , Saline (1), Scott. (2), Sedgwick (2), Seward (2), Shawnee (1), Sherii (1), Sherman (1), Smith (1), Stafford‘(2), Stanton (2), Stevens (2), Sumner (2), Thomas (1), Trego (1), Wabaunsee (1), Wallace (1), Wash ington (1), Wichita (2), Wilson (3), Woodson (3), Wyandotte (1). S REFERENCE K EY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. Reno To Hutchinson. 200 Abbyville*»t___ 5000 »A b ilen e*»!_Dickinson C. E. RUGH. 200 Ada*»!___________ Ottawa To Minneapolis. 20 Adams*---- ------ Kingman To Kingman. 250 Admire*»r...... ..........Lyon To Emporia. 250 Agenda*»! ------ Republic To Belleville. 347 Agra*»! ————— Phillips To Phillipsburg. 200 Albert*»!_________Barton See Phillipsburg. 400 Alden*»t ______ Rice To Lyons. 200 Alexander*»_______ Rush See La Crosse. 100 A l i c e v i l l e * » C o f f e y To Burlington. 286 A llen *»!___________ Lyon To Emporia. 1010 »Alma*»! — Wabaunsee C. E. CARROLL. 1000 Almena*»!______ . Norton To Norton. 606 Altamont*»!_____ Labette . To Oswego. 499 Alta Vista*»!..Wabaunsee To Alma. 414 A lto n *»!..._____ Osborne To Osborne. 1800 A ltoona*»!______ Wilson To Fredonia. , 451 Americus*»!.__ ____ Lyon To Emporia. Cloud To Concordia. | 150 Ames*»!.... .......... 237 A ndale*»!_____ Sedgwick To Wichita. 130 Andover ........... Butler To Eldorado. 75 Angola*»!.... ..........Labette To Parsons. 100 Anson*»!________ Sumner To Wellington. 2800 »Anthony*»!_______ Harper NOFTZGER & DAY. 1200 Arcadia*»! — Crawford To Pittsburg. 466 Argonia*»!__ ___ Sumner To Wellington. 9500 Arkansas City*»!..Cowley FAULCONER & W RIGH T. 450 A rlington*»!.... ........Reno To Hutchinson. 2000 Anna*»!—___ ..C raw ford To Pittsburg. 48 Arnold*»_______ ____ Ness See Ness City. 350 Arrington*»!___ Atchison See Atchison. 1000 Asherville*»!.___ Mitchell To Beloit. 100 Ash Grove--------- -L incoln To Lincoln. 1200 »A shland*»!...______ Clark W . W . HARVEY. 75 Ashton*»!_______ Sumner To Wellington. 246 Assaria*»! ___ J__ _ Saline To Salina. 16735 »A tch ison *»!____ Atchison CHARLES J. CONLON. 350 Athol*»! __________ Smith To Smith Center. 330 A tlanta*»!....—„.C ow ley To Arkansas City. ‘ 737 Attica*»!.... .......... Harper !To Anthony. 825 »A tw o o d * »!______Rawlins C. A. P. FALCONER. 3500 Augusta*»!_______Butler To Eldorado. 200 Aulne*»!_________ Marion To Maron. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1476 KANSAS A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 269 Aurora*«! . . . _____ Cloud 748 A x tell*«!--------- Marshall 200 Bailey v ille*«!___ Nemaha 1500 Baldwin C ity*«!.. Douglas 150 Bancroft*«!__Nemaha 500 Barnard*«t_____ Lincoln 454 Barnes*«t___ Washington 349 Bartlett*«!______ Labette 200 Basehor*«! _ Leavenworth 2000 Baxter Springs*! -Chero’e 200 Bazine*«___________ Ness 250 Beagle*«!_____ ___ Miami 497 Beattie*«!______ .Marshall 400 Beaumont*!_______ Butler 75 Beeler*«_____ '______Ness 150 Bellaire*«!________ Smith 800 Belle P laine*«!... Sumner 3000 «Belleville*«!____ Republic 150 Belmont*«______ Kingman 4000 «Beloit*«!________ Mitchell 500 B elpre*«!___ . . . Edwards 200 Belvue*«!...Pottawatomie 20Ö Bendena*«!___ Doniphan 215 B enedict*«!____ .. Wilson 386 Bennington*«! Ottawa 250 Bentley*«!___ _ Sedgwick 300 Benton*«! Butler 300 Bern*«!_________ Nemaha 85 Berryton*______ Shawnee 335 Beverly*«!______Lincoln 250 Bigelow*«_______Marshall 350 ■Bird City*«!___ Cheyenne 400 Bison*«! __________ Rush 245 Blaine*«!__ Pottawatomie 150 B loom *«!___ . . . ____ Ford 88 Bloom ington*«!.. Osborne 700 Blue Mound*«!_____ Linn 1756 Blue Rapids*«!.. Marshall 307 Bluff City*«!____Harper 125 B ogue*«!..______ Graham 2100 BonnerSprings*«!Wy’nd’t 106 Brazilton*«!___ Crawford 100 Bremen*«!_____ ¿.Marshall 300 Brewster*«!_____ Thomas 650 B ronson*«!____ Bourbon 280 B^ookville*«!__...Saline 150 Broughton*«________ Clay 250 Brownell*«!_______.Ness 1000 Bucklin*«!__________Ford 150 Bucyrus*«____— . Miami 807 Buffalo*«!____ ... Wilson 425 B u h le r* «!...._____ .Reno 400 Bunkerhill*«!____ Russell 424 Burden*«!________ Cowley 250 Burdett*«____ ___ Pawnee 100 Burdick*«!________ Morris 1422 Burlingame*«!____ Osage 2500 «Burlington*«!...__ Coffey 489 Burns*«!_________ Marion 800 Burr Oak*«!_______Jewell 689 Burrton*«!_______Harvey 125 Bushong*«!___ Lyon 250 Bush ton*«!__________ Rice 200 B y e rS ....___ ______ Pratt 2500 Caldwell*«! . . . . . . Sumner 200 Cambridge*«!____ Cowley 3597 Caney*«f___ Montgomery 684 Canton*«!___ McPherson 461 Carbondale*«!_____ Osage 250 Carlton*«!_____ Dickinson 300 Cassoday*__ _____ Butler 200 Castleton*«!.____ ...R e n o 870 Cawker City*«!__ Mitchell 250 C edar*«!.._____ ___ Smith 125 Cedar Bluffs*«! _. Decatur 180 Cedar Point*«!____ Chase 1200 Cedar Vale*«!.Chautauqua 35 Centerview----- -- Edwards 200 Centerville*«!__ ____ Linn 665 CeDtralia*« . . . . . . Nemaha 117 Centropolis*___ ..Franklin 12455 Chanute*«!_______Neosho 781 Chapman*«!___ Dickinson 263 C hase*«!___________ Rice 450 Chautauqua*« Chautauqua 734 Cheney*«!_____ Sedgwick 1452 Cherokee*«!___ Crawford 4779 Cherryvale*«!..Montg’ery 1548 Chetopa*«!______ Labette 800 «Cim arron*«!______ Gray 265 Circleville*«!____ Jackson 800 Claflin*«!. . . . . . — . Barton 50 Claudell*«——_____ Smith 4500 «Clay Center*«!___ . . . Clay 191 Clayton*«!_______Norton 569 Clearwater*«!...Sedgwick 250 Cleburne*«! _____. . . R iley. 150 Clements*«!____ Chase 614 C lifto n * «!.... Washington 100 C lim ax*«...__ Greenwood 1200 C lyde*«!______;_ ... Cloud 450 Coats*«!__ ___ j_____ Pratt Rooks 100 Codel 1*«!...... 17548 Coffeyville*«!.. Montg’ery _____Thomas 1130 Colby*«! 1470 «Coldwater*«!...Comanche 250 Collyer*«!_______ Trego 700 Colony*«!______ Anderson 4462 «Columbus*«!. . . . Cherokee 258 Colwich*«!_____ Sedgwick 5500 «Concordia*«!____ . . Cloud Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAME. To Concordia. To Marysville. T o Seneca. To Lawrence. To Seneca.' See Lincoln. To Washington. To Oswego. To Leavenworth. To Galena. See Ness City. To Paola. To Marysville. To Eldorado. To Ness City. To Smith Center. To Wellington. N. J. WARD. To Kingman. KAGEY & ANDERSON. To Kinsley. See Westmoreland. To Troy. To Fredonia. To Minneapolis. To Wichita. To Eldorado. To Seneca. To Topeka. To Lincoln. To Marysville. See St. Francis. See La Crosse. See Westmoreland. To Dodge City. To Osborne. To Pleasanton. To Marysville. To Anthony. To Hill City. To Kansas City. To Pittsburg. To Marysville. To Colby. To Fort Scott. To Salina. To Clay Center. See Ness City. To Dodge City. To Paola. To Fredonia. To Hutchinson. See Russell. To Arkansas City. To Larned. To Council Grove. To Lyndon. JOE ROLSTON. To Marion. To Mankato. To Newton. To Emporia. To Lyons. To Pratt. To Wellington. To Arkansas City. To Coffeyville. To McPherson. To Lyndon. To Abilene. To Eldorado. To Hutchinson. To Beloit. To Smith Center. To Norton. To Cottonwood Falls. To Coffeyville. To Kinsley. To Pleasanton. To Seneca. To Ottawa. To Erie. To Abilene. To Lyons. To Sedan. To Wichita. To Pittsburg. To Independence. To Oswego. JOHN HARPER. To Holton. To Great Bend. To Smith Center. C. VINCENT JONES. To Norton. To Wichita. To Manhattan. To Cottonwood Falls. To Belleville. See Eureka. 'To Concordia. To Pratt. To Stockton.__ CHAS. D. WELCH. E. H. BENSON. C. E. BAKER. See Wakeeney.. . To Garnett. McNEILL & ARMSTRONG. To Wichita. STURGES & STURGES. NOTE P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 125 1292 200 200 500 200 1000 2600 750 75 227 50 466 250 326 100 500 200 200 250 152 95 200 900 295 100 Conway*«!___ McPherson Conway Springs*«!Sumner Copeland *__________Gray Corbin*«!____ ___ Sumner Corning*«!______ Nemaha Corwin*«!________ Harper «Cottonwood Falls*«!Chase «Council G rove*«!.. Morris Courtland*«!___ Republic Covert*— . . . . ..Osborne Coyville*«. . . . ____ Wilson Crystalsprings___ Harper Cuba*«!/---------- Republic Cullison*«!_________ Pratt Culver*«!_________ Ottawa Cummings*«____ Atchison Cunningham*«!..Kingman Damar*«__ ;_______Rooks D anville*«!______ Harper Dearing*___ .Montgomery Deerfield*«!,_____Kearny Delavan*«!.._____ Morris D elia*«!------------- Jackson D elphos*«!____ _ Ottawa D enison*«!_____ Jackson Denmark______... Lincoln 200 Dennis*«___ ____ Labette 100 Densmore* •______ Norton 337 Denton*«!__ . . . Doniphan 350 D e r b y * « !.....__ Sedgwick 400 DeSoto*«!______ J ohnson 150 Devon*«!_______ Bourbon 512 D e x te r* «!___ ___ Cowley 500 «Dighton*«!.............. Lane 5000 «Dodge City*«!______ Ford 300 Dorrance*«!______ Russell 1000 Douglass*«!_______Butler 150 Dover*________ Shawnee 1795 D ow ns*«!.._____ Osborne 200 Dresden*«!______ Decatur 85 Dunavant*«!___ Jefferson 333 Dunlap*«!________ Morris 75 Duquoin*«________ Harper 268 Durham *«!______ Marion 298 Dwight*«!__ _____ Morris 200 Earleton*«_______Neosho 310 E aston*«!... Leavenworth 443 Edgerton*«!____ Johnson 500 Edmond*!___ ____ N orton 800 Edna*«!.-— ......... Labette 300 Edwardsville*«!. W y’nd’t 674 Effingham*«!___ Atchison 150 Elbing*«! ________ Butler 6000 «E ldorado*«!______ Butler 500 Elgin*«! . . . __ Chautauqua 800 Elk C ity*«!.. Montgomery 271 Elk Falls*«!.............. Elk 600 Elkhart* ___ Mortbn 1200 Ellinwood*«!_____ Barton 1550 Ellis*«!........................ Ellis 2100 «E llsw orth*«!... Ellsworth 253 Elmdale*«!________ Chase 125 E lm o*«t______Dickinson 350 Elsmore*«! . . . . . . . . . Allen --------E ly .---------------- ..-Pawnee (L arned P. O.) 100 E lyria*«_____ McPherson 200 Emmett*«!. Pottawatomie 9622 «Emporia*«!................ Lyon 518 Englewood*«!_____ Clark 200 Ensign*___ |________Gray 706 Enterprise*«!.. Dickinson 1300 *Erie*«t__________ Neosho 500 Esbon*«!_____ L-----J ewell 1025 E/kridge*«!__ Wabaunsee 640 Eudora*«!__ ____ Douglas 2500 «Eureka*«!___ Greenwood 436 E verest*«!_______Brown 386 Fairview *«!........... Brown 383 Fall R iver*«!. Greenwood 100 Falun*«___________ Saline 150 Farlington*«!. -Crawford 200 Fellsburg*...___ Edwards 1168 Florence*«!______ Marion 246 Fontana*«!......... . Miami 300 F ord *«!___________ Ford 453 Formoso*«!_______ Jewell 2000 Fort Leavenworth*«!Leav. 10550 «Fort Scott*«t___ Bourbon 125 900 1600 151 4000 161 3000 416 75 200 6096 183 350 4000 296 600 333 250 2334 308 Fostoria*«!. Pottawatomie Fowler*«!_________ Meade Frankfort*«!___ Marshall Frederick*«!_______Rice «Fredonia*«!_______Wilson Freeport*«!--------- Harper Frontenac*«!__ Crawford Fulton*«_____ _ Bourbon Furley*«!______ Sedgwick Galatia*______ ____ Barton Galena*«! _____ Cherokee Galesburg*«!__ 1. Neosho Galva*«!_____ McPherson «Garden City*«! . . . Finney Garden Plain*«! Sedgwick Gardner*«!_____ Johnson Garfield*«!__....P aw nee Garland*«!_____ Bourbon «Garnett*«!____ Anderson Gaylord*«!___ ;. . . Smith NAME. To McPherson. To Wellington. To Cimarron. To Wellington. To Seneca. To Anthony. CHAS. E. DAVIS. HARRY E. SNYDER. To Belleville. To Osborne. To Fredonia. To Anthony. . To Belleville. To Pratt. To Minneapolis. See Atchison. To Kingman. To Stockton. To Anthony. To Coffeyville. To Syracuse. To Council Grove. To Holton. To Minneapolis. To Holton. To Lincoln. To Parsons. To Norton. To Troy. To Wichita. To Olathe. To Fort Scott. To Arkansas City. J. A. SIMMONS. C. W . MILTON. See Russell. To Eldorado. To Topeka. To Osborne. To Norton. To Oskaloosa. To Council Grove. To Anthony. To Marion. To Council Grove. To Erie. To Leavenworth. To Olathe. To Norton. To Oswego. To Kansas City. See Atchison. To Eldorado. C. L. HARRIS. To Coffeyville. To Independence. To Howard. To Johnson. See Great Bend. To Hays. SAMUEL E. BARTLETT. To Cottonwood Fails. To Abilene. To lola. To Larned. To McPherson. See Westmoreland. W. S. KRETSINGER. To Ashland. To Cimarron. To Abilene. W . R. CLINE. To Mankato. To Alma. To Lawrence. HOWARD J. HODGSON. To Hiawatha. To Hiawatha. See Eureka. To Salina. To Pittsburg. To Kinsley. To Marion. To Paola. To Dodge City. To Mankato. To Leavenworth. A. M . KEENE. Reference: R. G. Dun & Co. and all Ft. Scott banks. See Westmoreland. To Meade. To Marysville. To Lyons. E. D. MIKSELL. To Anthony. To Pittsburg. To Fort Scott. To Wichita. To Great, Bend. A. S. WILSON. To Erie. • To McPherson. H. O. TRINKLE. To Wichita. To Olathe. See Larned. To Fort Scott. W . O. KNIGHT. To Smith Center. ' USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W KANSAS (B O N D E D ) POPU LA- t o w n a n d c o u n t y . tion. . ______ , NAME. 250 Gern*«!------------- Thomas To Colby. 800 Geneseo*«t.... .........._• Rice To Lyons. 20 Gerlane*«------------- Barber To Medicine Lodge. 75 Germantown*«____ Brown To Hiawatha. 350 Geuda SpringsM . Sumner To Arkansas City. 3500 «Girard*«t— —. Crawford To Pittsburg. 250 Glade*«!------------ Phillips To Phiiiipsburg. 720 Glasco*«t— - __ — Cloud To Concordia. 10 Glendale__________Saline To Salina. (Brookville P. O.) 715 Glen Elder*«!___ Mitchell To Beloit. 225 Goddard*«!____ Sedgwick To Wichita. 100 Goessel*-— ______ Marion To Marion. 422 Goff*«!__________Nemaha To Seneca. 2204 «Goodland*«!___ Sherman E. F. MURPHY. 175 Gorham*«!_______ Russell See Russell. 196 «Gove*........... —..........Gove O. B. JONES. 309 Grainfleld*«!_____ Gove See Gove. 5000 «Great B end *«!___ Barton RUSSELL & RUSSELL. 492 Greeley*«!_____ Anderson To Garnett. •289 G reen*«!---------------- Clay To Clay Center. 780 Greenleaf*«!. Washington To Washington. 1485 «Greensburg*«!____ Kiowa C. H. BISSITT. 532 Grenola*«t__________Elk To Howard. 75 Gretna*«!.—____ Phillips To Phiiiipsburg. 400 Gridley*«!__ _____ Coffey To Burlington. 200 Grinnell*«!—.............Gove To Gove. 623 Gypsum*«_______ Saline To Salina. 408 Haddam*«! — Washington To Washington. 210 Hallowell*«____ Cherokee To Galena. 150 Halls Summit*«___ Coffey To Burlington. 1004 Halstead*«!______ Harvey To Newton. 325 Hamilton*«!— Greenwood See Eureka. 300 Hamlin*«!________Brown To Hiawatha. 1039 Hanover*«!—.Washington To Washington. 250 Hanston*«!___ Hodgeman See Smith Center. 300 Hardtner*«!______ Barber See Jetmore. 150 Harlan*«!__________Smith To Smith Center. 1800 Harper*«! — ........Harper To Anthony. 250 H arris*«!_____ Anderson To Garnett. 800 Hartford*«!________Lyon To Emporia. 400 Harveyville*«! Wabaunsee To Alma.. 75 Haskell*—_____ Anderson To Garnett. 280 Havana*«! — Montgomery To Coffeyville. 528 Haven*«!—................ Reno To Hutchinson. 412 Havensville*«! - Potta’mie To Westmoreland. 568 Haviland*«!____ __ Kiowa To Greensburg. 3003 «Hays*«!____________ Ellis C. M . HOLMQUIST. 370 Hazelton*«!______ Barber To Medicine Lodge. 200 Healy*«!.... ........... .... Lane See Dighton. 25 Hedville____ _____ Saline To Salina. (Salifia P. O.) 200 Heizer*«!_________Barton See Great Bend. 276 Hepler*«!______ Crawford To Pittsburg. 4500 Herington*«!__ Dickinson To Abilene. 125 Herkimer*«!____ Marshall To Marysville. 324 Herndon*«!____Rawlins See Atwood. 300 H esston *«!..____ Harvey To Newton. 250 Hewins*«!___ Chautauqua To Coffeyville. 186 Hiattville*«t____ Bourbon To Fort Scott. 4000,«Hiawatha*«!______ Brown W . F. MEANS. 900 Highland*«!___ Doniphan To Troy. W . L . SA Y E R S. 983 «Hill C ity*«!____ Graham 1400 Hillsboro*«!_____ Marion To Marion. 300 Hillsdale*«!____ — Miami To Paola. 2500 Hoisington*«!____ Barton To Great Bend. 150 H olcom b*«!______ Finney To Garden City. 100 Holland_______Dickinson To Abilene. (Carleton P. O.) 150 Hollenberg*«! Washington To Washington. 100 Hollis*«! _______ __ Cloud To Concordia. 4000 «Holton*«!_____ _ Jackson BENDER & HOBBS. 361 Holyrood*«!___ Ellsworth To Ellsworth. 200 Home*«!________Marshall To Marysville. 75 Homewood*«___ Franklin To Ottawa. 567 H op e*«!______Dickinson To Abilene. 4000 Horton*«!_________Brown To Hiawatha. 1163 «Howard*«!___ _______ Elk A. F. SIMS. 532 «Hoxie*«!_______ Sheridan C. L. THOMPSON. 350 Hoyt*«!—, ______ Jackson To Holton. 300 Hudson*«!..______ Stafford To St. John. 500 «Hugoton*«______ Stevens W . E. EDDY. 2548 Humboldt*«!_______Allen To lola. 208 Hunpewell*«!___ Sumner To Wellington. 50 Hunter*_______ „M itchell To Beloit. | 200 H uron*«!______ Atchison See Atchison. 20753 «Hutchinson*«!_____ Reno SIMMONS & SIMMONS. 200 Idana*«!......... ........... Clay To Clay Center. 14506 «Independence *•+ Montg’y BANKS & O’BRIEN. 200 Industry ____________ Clay See Clay Center. „„ (Wakefield P. O.) 200 Ingalls*«!________ — Gray To Cimarron. . 507 Inman*«!____ McPherson To McPherson. 11068 «lola*«!—___ ——___ Allen APT & APT. 200 Ionia*____________ Jewell To Mankato. 409 Irving*«!______ _ Marshall To Marysville. 220 Isabel*«!________ Barber See Medicine Lodge. 228 Iuka*«!___________ Pratt To Pratt. 560 Jamestown*«!_____ Cloud To Concordia. 100 Jarbalo*« — Leavenworth To Leavenworth. 55 Jefferson*« —Montgomery To Independence. 259 Jennings*«!_____ Decatur To Norton. 500 «Jetmore*«!___ Hodgeman R . H. WILSON. 839 Jewell*«!_________ Jewell To Mankato. »8 «Johnson*________ Stanton BURTON & KOEHL. (See also Syracuse) 6500 «Junction City*«!___ Geary HELVERING & HELVERN. 120 Kackley*«!-.— Republic To Belleville. ¿00 Kanona__________ Decatur To Norton. 360 Kanopolis*«!— Ellsworth To Ellsworth. - 125 Kanorarto*«!__ „Sherman See Goodland. M O T F 11 1 Hi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1477 NAME. 99487 «Kansas City*«!. Wyand’te KRAUTHOFF, McCLINTOCK & QUANT, 307 Husted Bldg;; Special attention to Bank, Insurance, Surety Foreclosure, and Bankruptcy Litigation. R efer to any bank in Kansas City. Efficient Collection Department. Our adjusters will adjust your claims anywhere in Kansas. Compilers o f the Kansas laws fo r this publication. 150 K eats*«!____________Riley To Manhattan. 150 Kechi*«_______-.Sedgwick To Wichita. 200 K elly *«!.................Nemaha To Seneca. 700 Kensington*«!_____ Smith To Smith Center. 175 Kimbal*«_________Neosho To Erie. 500 Kincaid*«!_____ Anderson To Garnett. 3000 «Kingman*«!____ Kingman CLARK A. WALLACE. 100 Kingsdown*«!______ Ford To Dodge City. 2000 «Kinsley*«!_____ .Edwards DYER & MOFFAT. 1520 Kiowa*«!_________ Barber To Medicine Lodge;- , 60 Kipp*«!___ %_______ Saline To Salina. 626 Kirwin*«!________ Phillips To Phiiiipsburg. 200 Kismet*«!............ .Seward To Liberal. 261 Labette*«!______Labette *To Oswego. 1000 «La Crosse*«!-_______Rush H. L. ANDERSON. 1200 La Cygne*«!________ Linn To Pleasanton. 1 215 Lafontaine*«!-—¿.¡—Wilson To Fredonia. 2080 La H arpe*«!__ ¿.li__Allen To lola. 250 Lake City*«!...........Barber See Medicine Lodge. 500 «L akin*«!_________ Kearny To Syracuse. 100 Lamont*_____Green wood See Eureka. 220 Lancaster*«_____ Atchison See Atchison. 350 Lane*«t___ *____ Franklin To Ottawa. 200 Langdon*«!_________ Reno To Hutchinson. 800 Lansing*«!.. Leavenworth To Leavenworth. 3500 «Larned*«t________ Pawnee G. P. CLINE. 364 Latham *«!.!_____ „B u tler To Eldorado. 125 L atim er*«!............Morris To Council Grove. 13324 «Lawrence*«!_____ Douglas ORD CLINGMAN. 19363 «Leavenworth*«!.Leaven’h M . N. McNAUGHTOÑ. 1000 Lebanon*«!____ .„ .S m it h To Smith Center. 560 Lebo*«!............... Coffey To Burlington. 386 Lecompton*«t___ Douglas To Lawrence. 385 Lehigh*«!__ _ Marion To Marion. 100 Le Loup*«!_____ Franklin To Ottawa. 383 Lenexa*«___ — Johnson To Olathe. 550 Lenora*«!________ Norton T o Norton. 494 Leon*«!....................Butler To Wichita. 250 Leona*«!— ___ .Doniphan To Troy. 376 Leonardville*«!— .Riley To Manhattan. 288 «Leoti*«!_________ Wichita To Tribune. 861 Le R oy *«!.__ _____ Coffey To Burlington. 25 Levant*«! ____ — Thomas To Colby. 800 Lewis*«!— - — ..Edwards T o Kinsley. S. M ACY. 3400 «Liberal*«!___ ____ Seward F. 385 Liberty*«___ Montgomery To Coffeyville. 500 Liebenthal________. Rush To LaCrosse. 150 Lillis*«!_________ Marshall See Marysville. 2000 «Lincoln*_______ Lincoln E. a . M cFa r l a n d . 450 Lincoln ville*«!___ Marion To Marion. 2100 Lindsborg*«!..McPherson To McPherson. 400 Linn*«!____„W ashington To Washington. 50Q Linwood*«t. Leavenworth To Leavenworth. 661 Little R iver*«t_____ Rice To Lyons. 800 Logan*«!_________ Phillips To Phiiiipsburg, 150 Lone E lm *«___ Anderson To Garnett. ■ 75 Lone Star_______Douglas To Lawrence. 250 Longford*«!________ Clay To Concordia. 291 Long Island*«!__ -Phillips To Phiiiipsburg. 750 Longton*«!__________ Elk To Howard. 200 Lorraine*«!....... Ellsworth To Ellsworth. 276 Lost Springs*«t___Marion To Marion. 603 Louisburg*«! _____ Miami To Paola. 150 Lovewell*«!__ ____ Jewell To Mankato. 573 L ucas*«t„._______Russell To Russell. See Atwood. 150 Ludell*«t_______Rawlins 341 Luray*«!_________ Russell To Russell. A. B. CRUM. 763 «L y n d on *«t.„____ —Osage 2500 *Lyons*«t______I ____Rice H. C. CRANDALL. 725 Macksviile*«!___ Stafford To St. John. 721 Madison*«t___ Greenwood See Eureka. 246 Mahaska*«!.. Washington To Washington. 200 Maize*«t_______Sedgwick To Wichita. 250 Manchester*«!. Dickinson To Abilene. P. EVANS. 7500 «Manhattan*«!______ Riley R. W . TURNER. 1155 «M ankato*«!............ Jewell R. 350 Maplehill*«!...Wabaunsee To Alma. 300 Mapleton*«!____ .Bourbon To Fort Scott. 100 Marietta*«!.____ Marshall To Marysville. 2800 «Marion*«!________ Marion STANLEY W. HOWE. 800 Marquette*«!..McPherson To McPherson. L. HELVERING. 2260 «Marysville*«! . . . Marshall R . 200 Matfleld Green*____ Chase To Cottonwood Falls. 337 Mayetta*«!______ Jackson To Holton. 200 Mayfield*«! — . Sumner To Wellington. 500 McCracken*«!______ Rush See LaCrosse. 736 McOune*«!___ _ Crawford To Pittsburg. 300 M cD onald*«!___ Rawlins See Atwood. 388 McFarland*«! .Wabaunsee To Alma. 571 M cLouth*«!___ Jefferson To Oskaloosa. 4300 «McPherson*«!.McPherson GEO. W . ALLISON. 1000 «Meade*«T................. Meade H. LLEWELYN JONES. 1500 «Medicine Lodge*«! Barber SEWARD I. FIELD. 505 Melvern*«!— — —. Osage To Lyndon. 100 M enlo*«!_____ __ Thomas To Colby. 467 Meriden*«!_____ Jefferson To Oskaloosa. 400 Merriam________ Johnson To Olathe 100 Michigan Valley*!^. Osage To Lyndon. 300 Milan*«!— - . ——. Sumner To Wellington. 300 Mildred*«!_________ Allen To lola. 250 M ilford*«!_________ Geary To Junction City. 100 M iller*«!___________ Lyon To Emporia.. 150 M ilton*«!..______ Sumner To Wellington. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1478 KANSAS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 1000 Milton vale*«!______ Cloud To Concordia. 1895 ¿Minneapolis*«!____Ottawa E. C. SWEET. 648 Mmneola*«t________ Clark To Ashland. 100 Mitchell*«!__ ___ ___ Rice To Lyons. Scott To Scott City. 30 Modoc-----_i_____ 840 Moline*«!--------..._____ Eljk To Howard. 250 Montezuma*________ Gray To Cimarron. 140 Mont Ida*«!___Anderson To Garnett. 150 Montrose*«!_______ Jewell To Mankato. 150 M onument*«!___ —Logan To Russell Springs. 700 Moran*«!___________ Allen To Iola. 150 Moreiiead*«______ Neoslio To Erie. 850 Morganville*«!______ Clay To Concordia. 237 Morland*«!______ Graham To Hill City, 5Ö0 Morrill*«!_________ Brown i To Hiawatha. 200 Morrowville* .Washington To Washington. 51 Morse*«! - — .____ J ohnson To Olathe. 80 M oscow-— —___ Stevens To Hugoton. 800 ¿Mound City*«!______ Linn To Pleasanton. 626 Moundridge*«! McPherson To McPherson. 956 Mound Valley*«!—Labette To Parsons. 519 Mount Hope*«!. Sedgwick To Wichita. 2800 M ulberry*«!___ Crawford To Pittsburg. 500 Mullinville*«! „ . — Kiowa To Greensburg. 1084 Mulvane*«! - _____S umner To Wellington. 275 Munden*«! ____ Republic To Belleville. 200 M urdock*«!____ Kingman To Kingman. 491 Muscotah*«!___Atchison To Atchison. 278 N arka*«!_______ Republic To Belleville. 200 Nashville*«!__ „Kingm an To Kingman. 407 N atom a*«t___ —Osborne To Osborne. 200 Navarre*«! ____ Dickinson To Abilene. 150 Neal*«!______ Greenwood To Eureka. 75 Nekoma*«__________Rush To La Crosse. 3800> Neodesha*«! _____ Wilson To Fredonia. 571 Neosho Falls*«!. Woodson To Yates Center. 256 Neosho Rapids*«!__ Lyon To Emporia. W . WILSON. 750 ¿Ness City*«!________ Ness A. 250 Netawaka*«!____ Jackson To Holton. 213 New Albany*«___ Wilson To Fredonia. 225 New Cambria*«!___ Saline To Salina. 150 New Salem*«.____ Cowley To Arkansas City. 8500 ¿N ewton*«!_______ Harvey VON DEB HEIDEN & MORGAN. 100 ¿New Ulysses*______ Grant To Johnson. 1195 Nickerson*«!_______ Reno To Huttehinson. 200 N iies*«!___- _____ Ottawa. To Minneapolis. 317 Niotaze*«t___ Chautauqua To Coffeyville. 600 N orcatur*«!_____ Decatur To Norton. ___ _ North Topeka«! -Shawnee To Topeka. 2500 ¿N orton*«!________ Norton L. H. THOMPSON. 638 Nortonvilie*«t —Jefferson To Oskaloosa. 100 N orw ay*«__ ___ Republic To Belleville. 500 Norwich*«! — Kingman To Kingman. 200 Oakhili*«!__________ Clay To Clay Center. 1000 Oakley*«!____ ____ Logan To Russell Springs. 1500 ¿O berlin *«!______ Decatur To Norton. 250 Offerte*«!_______ Edwards To Kinsley. 150 O gallah*«t...... ........Trego See Wakeeney. 230 Ogden*____________-Riley To Manhattan. 258 Oketo*«!________ Marshall To Marysville. 3400 ¿Olathe*«!_______ Johnson W . D. MORRISON. 150 O livet*«!_______ „.O sa g e To Lyndon. 200 Olmitz*«!____ ____ Barton T o Great Bend. 375 01pe*«t____________Lyon To Emporia.200 Olsburg*«!. Pottawatomie See Westmoreland. 759 Onaga*«! — Pottawatomie To Westmoreland. 300 O n e id a * «!___ — Nemaha T oSeneca. 200 Oronoque*«!_____ Norton To Norton. 3031 Osage City*«!______ Osage To Lyndon. 4046 Osawatomie*«!___ .Miami To Paola. 1800 ¿Osborne*«!._____ Osborne J. K . MITCHELL. 1000 ¿Oskaloosa*«!___ Jefferson H . T . PHINNEY. 2500 ¿Oswego*«!_______ Labette STANTON J. M ATTOX. 135 Otego*«!_________J ewell To Mankato. 150 O tis*«!—___________ Rush See La Crosse. . 9000 ¿Ottawa*«!______ Franklin J. L. SHELDEN. 550 Overbrook*«!____ !..Osage To Lyndon. 500 Overland Park * „ Johnson To Olathe. 624 O x fo rd * «!____ L. Sumner To Wellington. 200 Ozawkie*«_____ Jefferson To Oskaloosa. 75 Page* — t--------------- Logan To Russell Springs. - ___ .Rooks To Stockton. 400 Palco*«!— 250 Palmer*«!___ Washington To Washington. 3500 ¿Paola*«!___________Miami SHERIDAN & SHERIDAN. 200 Paradise*«!— — Russell See Russell. 75 Park*---------------------- Gove To Gove. . 500 P arker*«!.-__ ____ Linn To Pleasanton. 157 Parkerville*«!____ Morris To Council Grove. 15468 Parsons*«! ______ Labette J. D. PETERS. 246 Partridge*«!.---------- Reno To Hutchinson. 480 Pawnee R ock*»!__ Barton See Great Bend. 350 P ax ico*«!____ Wabaunsee To Alma. 1416 Peabody*«!_______ Marion To Marion. 150 Peck*«!—____ —Sedgwick To Wichita. 125 Penalosa*«!____ Kingman To Kingman. 1O0 Penokee___ - __ —Graham 1To Hill City. 400 P erry *«!__ ____ Jefferson To Oskaloosa. 200 Perth*«!—______ -Sumner To Wellington. 575 Peru*«!______ Chautauqua See Sedan. 1600 ¿Phillipsburg*«! — Phillips C. MANSFIELD MILLS. 200 Piedmont*«! —Greenwood See Eureka. 100 P ierceville---------- Finney To Garden City. ilOO Pilsen____________Marion To Marion. 100 Piper*« L-—__ Wyandotte To Kansas City. 250 Piqua*«!________ Woodson To Yates Center. 17832 Pittsburg*«! ..„C ra w fo rd GEO. H . STUESSI. 400 Plains*«fi„.... ..........Meade To Meade. 1200 Plainville*«!_____ .Rooks To Stockton. 1600 Pleasanton*«!— ------ Linn JOHN A. HALL. 150 Plevna*«! —_______ Reno To Hutchinson. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 523 Pom ona*«!_____ Franklin To Ottawa. 400 Portis*«!________ Osborne To Osborne. 175 Potter*«!------ — Atchison See Atchison. 249 Potwin*«!___ _____ Butler To Wichita. 216 Powhattan*«!____Brown To Hiawatha. 300 Prairie View*«!— Phillips To Phillipsburg. 4500 ¿Pratt*«!_______ — Pratt BARRETT & TURNER. 325 Prescott*« ! ____jj___ Linn To Pleasanton. 278 Preston*«! —..... Pratt To Pratt. 327 Pretty Prairie*«!__Reno To Hutchinson. 200 Princeton*«!____ Franklin To Ottawa. 1200 Protection*«! —Comanche To Cold water. 100 P u rcell*«!_____ Doniphan To Troy. 800 Quenemo*«!_______ Osage To Lyndon. 250 Quincy*«_____ Greenwood See Eureka. 450 Quinter*«! „ ;_______Gove To Gove. 50 Radium *______ ¿.Stafford To St. John. 265 Ramona*«!_— „M arion To Marion. 325 Randall*«!_______ .Jewell To Mankato. 455 Randolph*«t_______ Riley To Manhattan. 204 R ansom *«!____ _____Ness See Ness City. 250 Rantoul*«!_____ Franklin To Ottawa. 130 R aym ond*«!________Rice To Lyons. 400 Reading*«!_____ :__ .Lyon To Emporia. 300 Redfleld*«! _____ Bourbon To Fori Scott. 55 Redwing*_________Barton To Great Bend. 100 Reece *•!_____ Greenwood See Eureka. 450 Republic*_______ Republic To Belleville. 200 R eserve*«!__ .____ Brown To Hiawatha. 210 R exford*«!______ Thomas T o Colby. 60 ¿Richfield*________ Morton To Johnson. 250 R ichland*«!____ Shawnee To Topeka. 400 Richm ond*«!___ Franklin To Ottawa. 343 Riley*«!_________ - —Riley To Manhattan. 492 R obinson*«!_____Brown To Hiawatha. 150 R ock *«!.______ __ Cowley To Arkansas City. 200 Rock Creek*«! „Jefferson To Oskaloosa. 125 Rolla*«______ .___ Morton To Johnson. 150 Rosalia*«!_________Butler To Wichita. 7500 Rosedale*«!___Wyandotte To Kansas City. 150 Rose Hill*«!_______ Butler To Wichita. 750 R ossville*«!____ Shawnee To Topeka. 75 Roxbury*____ McPherson To McPherson. 200 R ozel*«!_________ Pawnee See Larned. 19 Runnym ede*«!___ Harper To Anthony. 200 Rushcenter*«!____ —Rush To La Crosse. 2000 ¿Russell*«!________ Russell GEO. W . HOLLAND. 100 ¿Russell Springs*«— Logan W . H. WAGNER. 2000 Sabetha*«!__ ___ Nemaha To Seneca. 125 Saffordville*«!_____ Chase To Cottonwood Falls. 15000 ¿Salina*«! _____ - __ Saline BURCH, LITOWICH & BOYCE. 250 Satanta *_________ Haskell To Hugoton. 257 Savonburg*«!______ Allen To Iola. 250 Sawyer*«!_______ —.Pratt To Pratt. 100 Saxman*«___ _______ Rice To Lyons. 2500 Scammon*«!___ Cherokee To Columbus. 579 Scandia*«!______ Republic To Belleville. 70 Schulte_________Sedgwick To Wichita. A. RUSSELL. 12Ö0 ¿Scott C ity*«!____ ...S cott B . 248 Scottsville*«!____ Mitchell To Beloit. 770 Scranton*«!_______ Osage To Lyndon. 1800 ¿Sedan*«!_____ Chautauqua To Coffeyville. 626 Sedgwick*«! —- — Harvey To Newton. 325 Seiden*«!_______ Sheridan To Hoxie. 2000 ¿Seneca*«!_______ Nemaha H. M . BALDWIN. 383 Severance*«! — Doniphan To Troy. 608 Severy*«!____ Greenwood To Eureka. 100 Seward*«!_______ Stafford To St. John. 350 Sharon*«!___ ____ Barber See Medicine Lodge. 800 ¿Sharon Springs*«! Wallace W . E. WARD. 450 Shawnee*_______ Johnson To Olathe. 100 Shields*«!______ !___ Lane To Dighton. 250 Silverdale*«!_____ Cowley To Arkansas City., 260 Silver Lake*«!—-Shawnee To Topeka. 350 Simpson*«!— ___ Mitchell To Beloit. 200 Si tka*«!__________— Clark To Ashland. 1592 ¿Smith Center*«!___ Smith RICE & RICE. 100 Smolan*«!____ ____ Saline To Salina. 358 Soldier*«!_______ Jackson To Holton. 1200 Solom on *«!___ Dickinson To Abilene. 483 South Haven*«! —Sumner To Wellington. 100 South Mound*«!— Neosho To Erie. 100 Sparks*«!—____ Doniphan To Troy. 800 Spearville*«!____ ..¿F ord To Dodge City. 100 Speed*___________Phillips To Phillipsburg. > 252 Spivey*«!______ Kingman To Kingman. 605 Spring Hill*«!___ Johnson To Olathe. 1927 Stafford*«!__ — Stafford To St. John. 300 Stanley*«!______ Johnson To Olathe. 191 Stark*«!_______.Neosho To Erie. 2133 Sterling*«!____ —- — Rice To Lyofis. 492 ¿St. Francis*«! —Cheyenne See Atwood. 257 St. George*«! .Potfawato’e See Westmoreland. 200 Stilweil*«!______ Johnson To Olathe. 1785 ¿St. J oh n * «!..— —Stafford PAUL R . NAGLE. 1600 St. Marys*«!~Pottawato’e See Westmoreland. 80 Stockdale*«!_______ Riley To Manhattan. O. OSBORN. 1520 ¿Stockton*«!_______ Rooks O. 1000 St. Paul*«!_______ Neosho To Erie. 125 Strawn*«!________ .Coffey To Burlington. 1000 Strong*«!__________Chase To Cottonwood Falls. 75 S tu dley*«!_____ Sheridan To Hoxie. 100 Stuttgart*«!.— — Phillips To Phillipsburg. 200 Sublette*____ ____ Haskell To Hugoton. 554 Summerfield*«! ..Marshall To Marysville. 150 Sun City*«!_______Barber See Medicine Lodge. 650 Sylvan Grove*«! „L in coln See Lincoln. 500 Svivia*«!_____ _____ Reno To Hutchinson. 1500 ¿Syracuse*«!____ Hamilton BURTON & KOEHL. (See also Johnson) To Abilene. ■ 150 Talmage*«!___ Dickinson N O T F USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 1 V / I L i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T - L A W KANSAS, KENTUCKY (B O N D E D ) P opu la tion . To Belleville. Talmo*«t_. ..R epublic Tampa*«!___ —.......Marion To Marion. * 421 Tescott*«! _______ Ottawa To Minneapolis. 542 Thayer*«!___ __..N eosho To Pittsburg. 150 Timken*» __________ Rush See La Crosse. 400 Tipton*— :___i___ Mitchell To Beloit. 1018 Tonganoxie*«!Leavenw’th To Leavenworth. 48726 §*Topeka*«t____ Shawnee NEWELL & WALLACE, Attorneys fo r the Bradstreet Com pany. R efer to any Bank in Topeka. General practice. Prompt Collections. Depositions. Notariés in office. 800 T oro n to * «!____ Woodson T o Yates Center. 275 Towanda*«!-----------Butler To Wichita. 200 Traer*«! — ,--------Decatur To Oberlin. 158 »Tribune*«! „ — ..Greeley GE O . L . R E ID . ___ Trousdale..............Edwards To Kinsley. 1500 *Troy*«i------ ....D oniphan 450 1400 50 130 Turner*«!....... Wyandotte Turon*«!__________ Reno Tyro*«!_____ Montgomery Udall*«!__________ Cowley Uniontown*«! ...B ourbon Utica*«!---------------—Ness Valeda*«___ »____Labette Valley Center*«t Sedgwick Valley Falls*«! ..Jefferson Varner*«_______ Kingman Vassar*«!--------- ...O sage Vermillion*«!___ Marshall V esper*«!________ Lincoln Victoria*«!____ _____ Ellis Vinland__________Douglas V iola*«!_______ Sedgwick Virgil*«!_____ Greenwood Vliets*«!____ ___ Marshall Wakarusa*«!____ Shawnee 1200 100 156 170 200 75 1200 »Wakeeney*«!______ Trego 700 Wakefield*«!-.____— Clay Waldo*«!_________ Russell 262 W aldron*«!______ Harper 110 W alker*«!.................. Ellis 75 Wallace*«!_______W allace 700 Walnut*«!_____ Crawford 225 Walton*«!_____ „¡.Harvey Wamego*«!. Pottawatomie 2000 »Washington*«! Washingt’n 704 Waterville*«!___ Marshall 777 Wathena*«!____ Doniphan 751 Wavefly*«! ______ Coffey 200 W ayne*«!______ Republic 200 Wayside*«__ Montgomery 250 Webber*«!....... ...... Jewell 290 Webster*____ ____ Rooks 2400 W eir*«!________ Cherokee 250 W elda*«!______ Anderson HORACE MERRITT. A d d r e s s Corby -F orsee Bldg., St. Joseph, M o. See also at Savannah, M o. To Kansas City. To' Hutchinson. To Coffeyville. To Arkansas City. To Fort Scott. See Ness City. To Oswego. To Wichita. To Oskaloosa. To Kingman. To Lyndon. To Marysville. See Lincoln. See Hays. To Lawrence. To Wichita. See Eureka. To Marysville. To Topeka. I. T . PURCELL. To Clay Center. See Russell. / To Anthony. To Hays. See Sharon Springs. To Pittsburg. To Newton. To Westmoreland. A. J. FREEBORN. To Marysville. To Troy. To Burlington. To Belleville. To Independence. To Mankato. To Stockton. To Columbus. To Garnett. C . E . E L L I O T T . Reference: Farmers State Bank. Local Attor ney for Chicago, R. I. & P. Ry. Co. 100 Wells*«—_________ Ottawa To Minneapolis. 200 W ellsford*«!______ Kiowa To Greensburg. 815 W ellsville*«!___ Franklin To Ottawa. 30 Weskan*«!_______Wallace To Sharon Springs. 50' Westfall_________ Lincoln To Lincoln. 1500 West Mineral*! -Cherokee To Columbus 484 »Westmoreland* Poitawa’ie W . F. CHALLIS. 500 Westphalia*«! „Anderson To Garnett. 483 Wetmore*«!_____ Nemaha To Seneca. 190 Wheaton*«!.Pottawatomie See Westmoreland. 700 White City*«!___ -.M orris To Council Grove. 1119 White Cloud*«!-Doniphan To Troy. 518 W hiteW ater*«!___ Butler To Wichita. 426 Whiting*«!______ Jackson To Holton. , ( 70722 »W ichita*«!____ Sedgwick DALE, AM IDON & BUCKLAND (S. B . Amidon, D. M. Dale, S. A . Buckland, A drian S. Houck, W. B . Sproat). Suite 610, A, B, C, D, E, and F, Schweiter Building. Par, ticular Attention to Commercial Business. Refers to any Bank or well known business corporation. 250 Willard*«!_____ -Shawnee To Topeka. 399 Williamsburg*«! -Franklin To Ottawa. 125 Williamstown*«! Jefferson To Oskaloosa. 188 Willis*«__ :________ Brown To Hiawatha. 265 Wilmore*«! „„C o m a n ch e To Coldwater. • 150 W ilm ot*«!_______ Cowley To Arkansas City. 500 Wilsey*«! -________ Morris To Council Grove. 1000 W ilson*«!_____ Ellsworth To Ellsworth. 550 Winchester*«! „Jefferson To Oskaloosa. 176 Windom*«! __ ____ ________ _______ To McPherson. — McPherson 8500 »Winfield*«!______ Cowley To Arkansas City. 100 Winifred*«!. _— Marshall To Marysville. 300 Winona*«!__ ___ „L og an See Oakley. Woodbine*«! — Dickinson To Abilene. 200 W oodruff*«!_____ Phillips To Phillipsburg. 450 Woodston*«!____ _ -Rooks To Stockton. 100 Wright*«!__________ Ford To Dodge City. 2500 »Yates Center*«! .Woodson LAM B & HOGUELAND. 55 Yoder*«______ _•____ Reno To Hutchinson. 350 Zenda*«!_______ Kingman To Kingman. JO. Zenith*«!_______Stafford To St. John. .250 Zurich*«!_________ Rooks To Stockton. '6500 »Wellington*«!___ Sumner NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1479 NAME. TOWN AND COUNTY. KENTUCKY This Information will be of yalue to those interested In Bank ruptcy matters. ) . Kentucky is divided into two Federal Districts: the Eastern and the Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT with court at Frankfort (1), the second Monday in March and the fourth Monday in September; at Covington (1) , on the first Monday in April and the third Monday in October; at Richmond (1), on the fourth Monday in April and the second Monday in November; at London (1), on the second Monday in M ay and the fourth Monday in November; at Catlettsburg (1), on the fourth Monday in M ay and the second Monday in December; and. at Jackson (1), on the first Monday in March and the third Monday in September. The WESTERN DISTRICT with court at Louisville (2), the second Monday in March and the second Monday in October; at Paducah (2), the third Mondays in April and November; at Owensboro (2), first Monday in M ay and fourth Monday in November; at Bowling Green (2) , the third Monday in M ay and second Monday in December. For convenience, each court is numbered and the cpunties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Adair (2), Allen (2), Anderson (1), Ballard (2), Barren (2), Bath (1), Bell (1), Boone (1), Bourbon (1), Boyd (1), Boyle (1), Bracken (1 ) , Breathitt (1), Breckinridge (2), Bullitt (2), Butler (2), Caldwell (2), Calloway (2), Campbell (1), Carlisle (2), Carroll (1), Carter (1), Casey (2) , Christian (2), Clark (1), Clay (1), Clinton (2), Crittenden (21, Cumberland (2), Daviess (2), Edmonson (2), Elliott (1), Estill (1), Fayette (1), Fleming (1), Floyd (1), Franklin (1), Fulton (2), Gallatin (1), Garrard (1), Grant (1), Graves (2), Grayson (2), Green (2), Greenup (1) , Hancock (2), Hardin (2), Harlan (1), Harrison (1), Hart (2), Hender son (2), Henry (1), Hickman (2), Hopkins (2), Jackson (1), Jefferson (21, Jessamine (11, Johnson (1), Kenton (1), Knott (1), Knox (1), Larue (21, Laurel (1), Lawrence (1), Lee (1), Leslie (1), Letcher (1), Lewis (11, Lincoln (1), Livingston (2), Logan (2), Lyon (2), McCracken (2), M cCreary(l),McLean(2),Madison(l),Magoffin (1), Marion (2), Marshall (2 ) , Martin (1), Mason (1), Meade (2), Menifee (1), Mercer (11, Metcalfe (2), Monroe (2), Montgomery (1), Morgan (1), Muhlenberg (2), Nelson (2), Nicholas (1), Ohio (2), Oldham (21, Owen (1), Owsley (1), Pendleton (1), Perry (1), Pike (1), Powell (1), Pulaski (1), Robertson (1), Rock castle (1), Rowan (1), Russell (2), Scott (1), Shelby (1), Simpson (2), Spencer (2), Taylor (2), Todd (2), Trigg (2), Trimble (1), Union (21, Warren (2), Washington (2), Wayne (1), Webster (2), Whitley (1), Wolfe (1), Woodford (1). REFERENCE KEY Express Office. Money Order Office. County Seat. § State Capital. t Telegraph Station. Adairville*«t--------- Logan »Albany*......... ....... Clinton Alexandria*____ Campbell Allensville*«! —------ Todd A rlington*«!_____Carlisle Ashland*«!_________ Boyd Auburn*«! — —— Logan Augusta*«!___ — Bracken Bagdad*«_________ Shelby »Barbourville*«!_____Knox »Bardstown*«!-------Nelson »Bardwell*«!—____ Carlisle Barlow*«!___ ____ Ballard »Beattyville*«!------------Lee Beaver Dam*«!— — Ohio »Bedford*________ Trimble Beech G rov e* ___ McLean Belleview__________Boone (G rant P. O.) 6683 Bellevue«______ Campbell (Newport P .O .) 41 Benham_________ -Harlan 1000 Benton*«!_______Marshall 1510 Berea*«!____ . — Madison 500 Berry*«!________ Harrison 200 Bethel* — ..................Bath 400 Big O lifty*«!....... Grayson 75 Birdsville* „ — Livingston 349 Birmingham* „„M arsh a ll 449 Blackford*«! — W ebster 136 Blaine*_____ — Lawrence 800 Bloomfield*«!--------Nelson Jackson 300 Bond* — ..... 236 »Booneville*..........-Owsley 168 B oston*«_________ Nelson 9799 »Bowling Green*«t.Warren 330 Bradfordsville*— -Marion 800 »Brandenberg*__ — Meade 477 Brodhead*«!__ Rockcastle 750 »Brooksviile*«___ Bracken 313 »Brownsville*— Edmonson 85 Bryantsville* „ -- -Garrard 300 Buechel*______ -Jefferson 298 Buffalo*___ . . . _____ Larue 699 Burgin*«! __ -__ Mercer 1000 »Burkesville*—Cumberland 172 »Burlington*____ — Boone 1117 Burnside*«!______ Pulaski 426 Butler*«! _____ Pendleton 1200 »C a d iz *«__ P-----------Trigg 742 »Calhoun*________ McLean 200 Calvert City*«— -Marshall 269 CampbellsburgM—Henry 1800 »Campbellsville*« „-T a y lor 1000 700 353 436 555 9874 1000 1787 184 1633 2500 1710 532 1360 762 269 208 120 To Russellville. E. BERTRAM. To Newport. T o Elkton. To Wickliffe. CLYDE R. LEVI. To Russellville. HARGETT. To Shelbyville. Go l d e n & l a y . R . C. CHERRY. To Wickliffe. To Wickliffe. To Richmond. To Hartford. To Carrollton. To Owensboro. See Burlington. To Newport. To Harlan. To Paducah. To Richmond. To Cynthiana. To Owingsville. To Elizabethtown. To Paducah. : To Paducah. To Providence. To Louisa. To Bardstown. To London. To Beattyville. To Bardstown. N. P. SIMS. To Lebanon. J. D. HARDIN. To Mt. Vernon, To Augusta. S. B. JOHNSON. To Danville. To Louisville. To Elizabethtown. To Harrodsburg. J. O. EWING. N. E. RIDDELL. To Somerset. To Ealmouth. ROBERT CRENSHAW. W . B. NOE. To Paducah. See New Castle. J. T . MOSS USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1480 KENTUCKY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POFÜ- LAi TOWN AND COUNTY. TIOK. 500 600 300 1000 NAME. »Campton*_______ W olfe Caneyville*»!___Grayson Canmer*___________ Hart Cannel C ity*»!___Morgan LEEBORN ALLEN. 'To Elizabethtown. To Elizabethtown. To SalyerSville. 1500 »Carlisle*»!--------- Nicholas HOLMES & ROSS. 1000 »Hardinsburg*»!. Bre’ridge JESSE R. ESKRIDGE. 300 Hardyville*_____ J___ Hart To Elizabethtown. 3000 »Carrollton*»______ Carroll 298 Carrsville*------ Livingston 125 Casey Creek*______Adair 4500 »Catlettsburg*»!___ ..B oyd 645 Cave C ity*»!.__ „.B arren 700 Cecilia*»! „_______Hardin 400 Centertown*» _______ Ohio 3000 Central City*»tMuhl’nberg 400 Cerulean*». _______ Trigg 170 Chaplin*— , ----- Nelson 500 C larkson*.......... Grayson 1098 C lay*»t------------- Webster 750 Clay City*»t.:____ Powell 3500 »Harrodsburg*»!__ Mercer 2000 250 1800 325 1022 970 2589 500 300 1200 »Clinton*»!___ 1__ Hickman Clintonville*____ Bourbon Cloverport*»!.Breck’ridge Cold Spring*___ Campbell »Columbia*___ ...„ .A d a i r Columbus*»!------Hickman C orbin*»f_______ Whitley Corinth*»t_____ ___ Grant Cornishville* ____ Mercer Corydon*»t___ Henderson WINSLOW & HOWE. To Paducah. See Columbia. To Ashland. To Glasgow. To Elizabethtown. To Hartford. To Greenville* See Cadiz. To Bards town. To Elizabethtown. To iProvidence. To Stanton. J. W . BENNETT. To Paris. To Hawesville. See Newport. To Danville. To Clinton. To Barboursville. See Williamstown. To Harrodsburg. See Henderson. 57144 »Covington*»!......... Kenton BURCH, PETERS & CON NOLLY. General Law Practice. (See also at Cincinnati, O.) 467 Crab Orchard*»t ..Lincoln To Danville. 150 Crestwood*»_____ Oldham To La Grange. 189 Crittenden*»t______ .Grant See Williamstown. 500 C rofton *»!_____ Christian To Hopkinsville. 300 Cropper*» . . . _____ Shelby To Shelbyville. 4000 »Cynthiana*»! ...¡.Harrison HANSON PETERSON. 6000 »Danville*»!__ _____ B oy le. C. C. BAGBY. 1350 Dawsonsprings*.-Hopkins To Madisonville. 6979 Dayton*»! „ „..C a m p b e ll To Newport. 800 »D ix o n * »!..______ Webster To Providence. . 550 Dover*»!__________ Mason To Maysville. 1200 Drakesboro*»!Muhl’nberg T q Greenville. 1000 Dry R idge*»!______ Grant See Williamstown. 239 Dunnville*_________ Casey To Danville. 3931 Earlington*»!___ Hopkins To Madisonville. 698 East Bernstadt*»! u rel To London. 1442 »E ddyville*»!_______ Lyon To Paducah. 400 »Edmonton* _____ Metcalfe To Glasgow. 3000 »Elizabethtown*»!„Hardin D. M . COOPER. 500 Elk Horn C ity » !____ Pike To Pikeville. (.Praise P. O.) 1228 »Elkton*»! . . . ____ ...T o d d JAS. R . MALLORY. 1275 Eminence*»!____ ..H enry To New Castle. 2500 Erlanger*»! .„ „ „ .K e n t o n To Covington. 400 Eubank*»! „ „ : ___ Pulaski See Somerset. > 500 E w ing*»!..._____ Fleming To Plemingsburg. 292 Fairfield*___ _____ Nelson To Bardstown. 1500 »Falmouth*»! ...Pendleton GUY H . FOSSITT. 500 Fancy Farm* ..'___ Graves To Mayfield. 136 Farmington* ...^ ..Graves To Mayfield. 50 Finchville*» _____ Shelby To Shelbyville. 3000 F le m in g * »!.......L e tch e r To Whitesbury. 1219 »Flemingsburg*»! .Fleming PAUL HEFLIN. 250 Florence* . „ „ . ___ Boone See Burlington. 700 Fordsville*»!_______ Ohio To Hartford. 158 F oster*»!_______ Bracken To Augusta. | 188 Fountain Run*___ Monroe To Glasgow. 11080 §»Frankfort*»t ...Franklin ELI. H. BROW N, Jr., Attorney.; Among my clients are: Illinois Surety Co., Maryland Casualty Co., Title Guaranty & Surety Co., Armour & Co.. Aetna Life Insurance Co., National Surety Co., Prudential Casualty Co., Kentucky Distilleries & Warehouse Co., State Journal Co., American National Bank. London Guaranty and Accident Co. R efer ences: Capital Trust Co.; State National Bank, Frankfort, Ky. 3400 »Franklin*»!_____ Simpson E. S. BRADSHAW. 100 Franklin ton*.__ ...H en ry See New Castle. 600 Fredonia*»t_____ Caldwell To Princeton. 6000 Fulton*»!_________ Fulton To Hickman. 125 Gamaliel*_____ ...M o n ro e To Glasgow. 4533 »Georgetown*»! _____ Scott BRADLEY & BRADLEY. 287 Germantown*___.Mason To Maysville. 500 Ghent*»__________ Carroll To Carrollton. 458 Gilbertsville*» ...Marshall To Paducah. 4000 »Glasgow*»! _______ Barren PAUL GREER. 300 Glasgow J unct’n*»!Barren To Glasgow. 237 Glencoe*»! „.¡.„.G a lla tin See Warsaw. 300 Glendale*»!_______Hardin To Elizabethtown. 250 Glensboro_____ Anderson See Lawrenceburg. (Lawrenceburg P. O.) 175 Golden Pond*______ Trigg See Cadiz. 200 Gradyville*________ Adair See Columbia. 300 Gratz*________j____ Owen See Owenton. 78 Gravel Switch*»__ Marion To Lebanon. 1000 »Graysop*»!_______ .Carter J. W . LUSBY. 450 »Greensburg*»!__ .__ Green To Campbellsville. 1000 »Greenup*»! _____ Greenup To Ashland. 2500 »Greenville*»!.Muhlenberg HOWARD & GRAY. 1096 Guthrie*»!_________ Todd To Elkton. 509 Hanson*»_______ Hopkins To Madisonville. 600 Hardin*»!_______ Marshall To Paducah. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTP 1^1 A Li 657 »Harlan*»!--------------Harlan 976 »H artford*»!________ Ohio 1500 4000 800 257 ACREE & POPE. C. E. RANKIN. GLENN & SIMMERMAN. »Hawesville*»!. . . Hancock JOHN D. KELLY. »Hazard*»__________Perry To Hyden. Hazel*»--------- -- Calloway To Padueah. Hazel Green*______ W olfe See Campton. 12192 »Henderson*»! .Henderson HENSON & TAYLOR. 5000 »Hickm an*»!______ Fulton J. W . RONEY. 700'»Hindman* „ — ____ Knott SMITH & COMBS. 179 Hiseville*________ Barren To Glasgow. 1000 »Hodgenville*»!___ Larue To Elizabethtown. 10762 »Hopkinsville*»! .Christian TRIMBLE & BELL. 1000 Horse Cave*»!______ Hart To Elizabethtown. 500 Hustonville* . . . . „ Lincoln To Danville. 316 »Hyden*------------------Leslie EDGAR H. DUNN. 153 412 4785 1000 647 Independence*___ Kenton »Inez*_____________Martin »Irym e*»!_______ ___ Estill Irvington*»!Breckenridge Island*»!________ McLean To Covington. To Louisa. 1 To Richmond. See Hardinsburg. To Owensboro. 2500 »Jackson*»!___ „Breathitt W . H. HOLLIDAY. 500 800 1500 198 747 300 250 200 175 1000 700 266 »Jamestown*______ Russell Jeffersontown*»tJefferson Jenkins *•!______ Letcher Jonesville*__ _____ Owen J unction City*»!..__Boyle Kevil*»!__________Ballard Kirkmansville*.____ Todd K irksey*_______Calloway Kirksville*______ Madison Kuttawa*»!________ Lyon La Center*»!_____ Ballard LaFayette*____ Christian To Danville. To Louisville. To Whitesburg. See Owenton. To Danville. To Wickliffe. To Elkton. To Paducah. To Richmond. To Paducah. To Wickliffe. To Hopkinsville. 1800 *LaGrange*»t____ Oldham ROBERT T. CROWE. 1562 »Lancaster*»! Garrard To Danville. 7000 Latonia Station»! .Kenton To Covington. (Covington P. O.) 2500 »Lawrenceburg*»! And’son LILLARD CARTER. 4000 »L ebanon*»!______ Marion 1200 1053 750 596 41097 »Lexington*»!........ Fayette 700 1220 685 153 henry s. M c e l r o y . Lebanon June.*»!..Bullitt To Bardstown. »Leitchfleld*»t___ Grayson To Elizabethtown. Lewisburg*»!_____ Logan To Russeiville. Lewisport*»!___ Hancock To Hawesville. D A IL Y D . B E R R Y . Refer? to Phoenix & Third National Bank. »L ib erty *...________ Casey Livermore*»!____ McLean Livingston*».. Rockcastle Lockport*_________ Henry To Danville. To Owensboro. To Mt. Yernon. See New Castle. 1638 »London*»t__ ._____ Laurel J. R. BOREING. 1356 »Louisa*»!______.Lawrence C. F. SEE, Jr. 238910»Louisville*»!___ Jefferson WALSH and GODFROY, Walker Bldg. Practice in State and Federal Court. Depositions taken before W. M. Sale. Notary Public', State o f Kentucky, County o f Jefferson. Reference: Any bank or trust company in Louisville, Kentucky. General Counsel Snow, Church & Co. Compilers o f the Kentucky laws for this publication. 400 250 5000 300 Lovelaceville*____ Ballard Lowes*____ ____ Graves Ludlow»_________ Kenton Mackville* ...W ashington To Wickliffe. To Mayfield. To Covington. To Bardstown. 6000 »Madisonville*»! „H opkins LAFFOON & W A 1)DILL. 626 »Manchester* . . . __ .__ Clay 2500 »M arion*»t....... Crittenden M . L. ANDERSON. (Pineville. K y . P. O.) MOORE & MOORE. 100 Marrowbone* Cumberland See Burkesville. 10000 »Mayfield*»!_______ Graves LUCIAN R. SMITH. 8000 »Maysville*»! ——__ Mason To Maysville. FRANK P. O’DONNELL. 250 450 2000 98 8000 400 1200 300 176 To London. To Danville. See Whitesburg. To Danville. To Pineville. • To Louisville. To Lawrenceburg. To Wickliffe. To Augusta. 308 Mays L ick *_______ Mason »McJtee* _________ Jackson McKinney*»! .....L in co ln McRoberts*»___ - Letcher M iddleburg*.._____ Casey Middlesboro*»!______ Bell Middletown*___ Jefferson M idway*»!........Woodford Milburn*_________ Carlisle M ilford*________ Bracken USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. ___ K E N T U C K Y , L O U IS IA N A A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TIOÍÍ. 1000 Millefsburg**!— Bourbon To Paris. 355 Milton*__________Trimble To Carrollton. 260 Monterey*_________ Owen SeeOwenton. 1500 »Monticello*_______ Wayne O. B. BERTRAM. 200 Moorefleld*_____ Nicholas To Carlisle. 1800 »Morehead**+_____ Rowan J. W . RILEY. 300 Moreland**t_____ Lincoln To Danville. 50 Morgan**____ ..Pendleton To Falmouth. 3000 »Morganfield**! . . — Union THOS. S. WALLER, JR. Reference:, Bank o f Union County. 850 »Morgantown* _____ Butler 1266 Mortons'Gan* — Hopkins 200 Mortonsville* ..W oodford 250 Moscow**t_____ Hickman 300 Mt. Eden*—......S p e n c e r 321 »Mt. Olivet*.——Robertson W . A. HELM. To Madisonville. To Lawrenceburg. To Clinton. To Shelbyville. To Carlisle. »Mt. Sterling**t-Montg’ery R . A . CHILES. J. W . BROWN. To Bardstown. See WilUamstown. 1200 »Mt. Vernon**! Rockcastle 400 Mt. Washington*...Bullitt 50 Mt. Zion*__________Grant (Drhj Ridge P. O.) 550 »Munfordvilie**t____ Hart 3200 »Murray**!— ___ Calloway 400 Nebo**____ - ___ Hopkins 468 »New Castle**___ —Henry 500 New Haven**t------Nelson 200 New Hope**t........ Nelson 214 New Liberty*---------Owen 31927 »Newport**! . — Campbell 2935 »Nicholasville**! -Jes’mine 500 No. Middletown*.Bourbon 390 Oakland**_______ Warren 3000 Olive Hill**t_____ .Carter 17784 »Owensboro**!___ Daviess 1400 »Owenton**______ ...O w en 1200 »Owingsville**__ ____ Bath 24842 »Paducah**! ...M cCracken 350 Paint Lick**_____ Garrard 1674 »Paintsville**!___ Johnson 10000 »Paris**!_________ Bourbon 800 Pembroke**!___ Christian 407 Perryvilie*_________ Boyle 393 Petersburg*_______ Boone 651 Pewee Valley**!—Oldham 1280 »Pikeville**!________ -Pike 2500 Pine Knot**! — McCreary 3500 »Pineville**!__________Bell 522 Pleasureville**____ Henry 500 Poole*________—Webster 152 Port Royal*_______ Henry 2000 »Prestonsburg**....... Floyd 5000 »Princeton**!____ Caldwell 100 Prospect*______ Jefferson 4000 Providence**,!___ Webster 182 Raywick*___ ____ Marion 6000 »Richmond**!___ Madison 437 Rochester*________Butler 658 Rockport**!________ Ohio 400 R ’ky Hill St’n** Edm’ns’n 1200 Russell**_______ Greenup 104 Russell Springs* „R ussell 3111 »Russellville**! .....L o g a n 438 Sacramento*____ McLean 467 Sadievilie**! — — Scott 320 Salem*___;____ Livingston/ 532 Salt L ick **!________ Bath 300 Salvisa**! —___ „¿M ercer 310 »Salyersville* ____ Magoffin 200 Sanders**_____ i__ Carroll 148 »Sandy Hook*______ Elliott 350 Science Hill**!___ Pulaski WATKINS & CARDEN. To Paducah. To Madisonville. H. K . BOURNE. To Bardstown. To Bardstown. To Owenton. B U R C H , P ETE R S & CON NOLLY. General Law Practice. (See also at Cincinnati, O.) JOHN H. WELCH. To Paris. See Bowling Green. To Grayson. C. W . WELLS. Refers to United States Nat’l Bank. H . G. BOTTS. G. C. EWING. EATON & BOYD. To Danville. To Louisa. O. T . HINTON. To Hopkinsville. To Danville. See Burlington. To LaGrange. R . H . COOPER. To Somerset. N. R. PATTERSON. See New Castle. To Sebree. See New Castle. FERGUSON & JAMES. S. D. HODGE. To Louisville. J. C. CANNADAY. To Lebanon. CHENAULT & WALLACE. See Morgantown. To Hartford. To Brownsville. To Ashland. To Jamestown, WESLEY TICK PERRY. To Owensboro. To Georgetown. To Paducah. To Owingsville. To Harrodsburg. ' J. H. GARDNER. See Carrollton. See Morehead. See Somerset. 3500 »Scottsviile**!______ Allen N. F. HARPER. 1700 Sebree**!_______ Webster To Madisonville. 410 Sharpsburg* ________ Bath To Owingsville. 4000 »Shelbyville**! .....S h e lb y WILLIS, TODD & BOND. 500 »Shepherdsville**!—Bullitt To Bardstown. 500 Shively*!______ Jefferson To Louisville. 185 Simpsonville**___ Shelby .T o Shelbyville. 443 Slaughters*____ .Webster To Sebree. 300 Smithfleld*!—_____ Henry To New Castle. 557 »Smithiand*___ Livingston To Paducah. 300 Smith Mills*...Henderson See Henderson. 1000 Smiths G rove**!.. Warren See.Bowling Green. 5000 »Somerset**!— Pulaski O. H. WADDLE & SON. 500 Sonora**! — _____ Hardin To Elizabethtown. 365 SouthCarrolt’n** .Muh’b ’g To Greenville. .300 Sparta**!________ Gallatin See Warsaw. 2000 »Springfield**! Washington To Bardstown. 381 Stamping Ground**! Scott To Georgetown. ,2000 »Stanford**!..____ Lincoln To Danville. M H T IT I l V / A £4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1481 NAME. 278 .»Stanton**!-____ .Powell A . T . STEWART. 400 200 2000 255 300 150 622 50 250 250 1000 653 175 . 250 ___ 1500 400 500 100 Stithton** _____ .— Hardin St. Matthews**!.Jefferson Sturgis**!_________Union Sulphur**______ __ Henry Summer Shade*—Metcalfe Sunrise*.—_____ Harrison »Taylorsville**!__ Spencer Tiline*________Livingston Tollesboro*________ Lewis T olu *_________ Crittenden »Tompkinsville*. . . Monroe Trenton**!____ _____Todd Turners Station** —Henry U nion*____ _______ Boone Uniontown**!_____ Union U p ton **!_________Hardin Utica*!________ ;__ Daviess VanbureD*_____ Anderson 1141 *Vanceburg**+----- ...L ew is 200 Verona**! — -Boone 3000 »Versailles**! — W oodford 900 Vine Grove**!.— Hardin 210 W a c o * __________Madison 254 W ad d y **!------------ Shelby 750 W alton**!_________Boone 900 400 311 2000 450 592 192 1200 75 281 »Warsaw*________ .Gallatin Water Valley**! ...Graves Waver ly**!------------ Union Way land**------- — Floyd Wayn^sburg**! ...L incoln »West Liberty*----- .Morgan West Louisville* —Daviess West P oint**!____ Hardin W heatley*______ — Owen White Plains**!.-Hopkins 650 »Whitesburg**t.—>_ Letcher 452 Whitesville**! . — Daviess 1600 »W ickliffe**!........ ..Ballard 2004 »Williamsburg**!—Whitley 1000 150 1200 9000 500 217 173 326 »W illiamstown**!... . Grant Willisburg*__ Washington Wilmore**!........Jessamine »W inchester**!------ .Clark W ingo**!_________ Graves W oodburn**!____ Warren Woodbury* ________ Butler Worthville**!_____Carroll To Elizabethtown. To Louisville. To Morganfield. See New Castle. To Glasgow. To Cynthiana. To Shelbyville. To Paducah. To Vanceburg. To Marion. To Glasgow. To Elkton. To New Castle. To Burlington. To Morganfield. To Elizabethtown. Seé Owensboro. To Lawrenceburg. J. P. STROTHER. See Burlington. To Lawrenceburg. To Elizabethtown. To Richmond. To Shelbyville. To Burlington. R . H. BROWN. To Mayfield, To Morganfield. To Prestonsburg. To Danville. To Salyersville. See Owensboro. To Elizabethtown. See Owenton. To Madisonville. LEWIS & COOK. See Owensboro. HENRY F . TURNER. To Barboursyille. . R . L. WEBB. To Bardstown. To Nicholasville. A- HOOD HAMPTON, JR. To Mayfield. See Bowling Green. See Morgantown. See Carrollton. _____ LOUISIANA This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. Louisiana is divided into two Federal Districts; Eastern and Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT has two divisions; the New Orleans divi sion with court at New Orleans (1), third Mondays in February, May, and November; the Baton Rouge division with court at Baton Rouge (2), second Mondays in April and November. The WESTERN DISTRICT has five divisions; the Alexandria divi sion With court at Alexandria (3), fourth Mondays in January and June: the Monroe division with court at Monroe (4), first Mondays in Aj)rU and October; the Opelousas division with court at Opelousas (5), first Mondays in January and June; the Shreveport division with court at Shreveport (6), the third Mondays in February and October; and the Lake Charles division with court at Lake Charles (7), third Mondays in M ay and December. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Acadia (7), Allen (7), Ascension (2), Assumption (1), Avoyelles (3), Beauregard (7), BienvilleJ6), Bossier ( 6 ) , Caddo -(6), Calcasieu (7), Caldwell (4), Cameron (7), Catahoula (3), Claiborne (6), Concordia (4), DeSoto (6), East Baton Rouge (2), East Carroll (4) , East Feliciana (2), Evangeline (5), Franklin (4 ), Grant (3), Iberia (1). Iberville (2), Jackson (4), Jefferson (1), Jefferson Davis (7), Lafayette (5) Lafourche (1), LaSalle (3), Lincoln (4), Livingston (2), Madison (4), Morehouse (4), Natchitoches (6), Orleans (1), Ouachita (4), Plaquemines (1), Pointe Coupee (2), Rapides (3), Red River (6), Richland (4), Sabtae (6) , St. Bernard (1), St. Charles M g St. Helena (2), St James (1), St. John the Baptist (1), St. Landry (5), St. Martin (5), St. Mary .(1), St. Tammany (1), Tangipahoa (1), Tensas (4), Terrebonne (l) , Union (4), Vermilion (5), Vernon (7), Washington (1), Webster (6), West Baton Rouge (2), West Carroll (4), West Feliciana (2), Winn (3), REFERENCE KEY County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express" Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 5000 »Abbeville**! — Vermilion JOHN NUGDER. 15333 »Alexandria**! — Rapides 2500' »Amite**!_____ Tangipahoa 346 A ngie**!____ Washington 250 Arabi*:_______St. Bernard R . C. & S. REID. To Covington. To New Orleans. HUNDLEY & HAWTHORN. USE COUPONS as Instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete Information in preface to Attorney List. 1482 LOUISIANA ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) P opu la TOWN AND COUNTY. tion . NAME. 1500 *Arcadia*«t__ ___ Bienville 279 Arnaudvilie*«t.St. Landry 500 Athens*«!--------Claiborne 1300 Baldwin*«!______ St. Mary 200 Basile*«!--------Evangeline 854 «Bastrop*«!___ .Morehouse 17176 §«Baton Rouge*«TE. Ba. R. 200 Belcher*«!_________ Caddo 318 «B entonM ________ Bossier 781 Bernice*«!------ -------Union 2183 Berwick*«_______ St.Mary 606 Bienville*«______ Bienville 11000 Bogalusa*«! ..Washington 150 Bordelonville*«t Avoyelles 865 Boyce*«! . . . ___ Rapides 1339 BreauxBridge*«!St.Martin 499 Broussard*«!__ Lafayette 300 Bryceland*_____ Bienville 2200 Bunkie*«t_____ Avoyelles 664 Campti*«!. ..Natchitoches 609 Carencro*«t___ Lafavette 50 Carroll------------ Red River 150 Castor*«!— ____ Bienville 500 C enterville*«.... St. Mary 250 ChataignierM.Evähgeline 181 Chatham*«______ Jackson 498 Cheneyville*«!__ Rapides 250 Ghoudrant*«t____.Lincoln 481 Church Point*«! __.Acadia 1000 «Clinton*«!..East Feliciana 2000 «C olfax*«!--------------- Grant 333 Collinston*«! ..Morehouse 700 «Columbia*«!____Caldwell 200 Converse*«— ........Sabine 1000 Cottonport*«!...Avoyelles 750 Cotton Valley*«t-Webster 564 *Coushatta*«!...Red River 2500 «Covington*«!..St Tam'any 5099 «Crowley*«! _______ Acadia 450 Cut Off*______ Lafourche 308 Delcambre*«__ Vermilion 685 D elh i*«!.!.......... Richland 750 DenhamSp’gs*«Livingston 1800 DeQ uincy*«!__ Calcasieu 5000 «DeRidder*«! ..Beauregard 845 D odson*«!_________ Winn 4090 *Donaldsonville*«!.Asc’n’n 200 Doyle*«------- ..Livingston 714 Dubach*«t_______ Lincoln 1000 Elton*«! _.Jefferson Davis 800 Erath*« ___ Vermilion 1684 E unice*«!____ St. Landry 900 «Farmerville*«t. . . r.Union 200 Florien*«!--------------Sabine 300 Forest--------- West Carroll 3857 «Franklin*«!_____ St. Mary 814 «Franklinton*«!Washin’tön 1238 Fullerton*«! ......V e r n o n 3500 Garyville*«! St. John the Baptist 1065 Gibsland*«!_____ Bienville 1852 Glenm ora*«!__ ..Rapides 485 Grand Cane*«!___ De Soto 300 Grayson*«!____ ..Caldwell 268 «Greensburg*___St. Helena 8000 «Gretna*«t ___ ...Jefferson 1200 Gueydan*«!___ Vermilion 5000 Hammond*«! -Tangipahoa 425 «Harrisonburg*.. Catahoula 1200 Haynesville*t... Claiborne 100 Hessm er*«!___ Avoyelles 2500 «Homer*!............ Claiborne 459 H ornbeck*«!.___ Vernon 5024 «Houma*«! ...Terrebonne 500 Id a --------- . . . . ____ .Caddo 20p0 Independence*«! Tang’hoa 1000 Iota *«!..— -----------Acadia 2146 Jackson*! ..East Feliciana 2500 Jeanerette*«!.;___ ..Iberia 1500 «Jena*«!___ ______ La Salle 5000 «Jennings*«! ..J e ff’n Davis 1100 Jonesboro*«!____ Jackson 1017 Jonesville*____ Catahoula 500 Kaplan*«t....... Vermilion 2500 K en n er*«!..,__ .Jefferson 3609 Kentwood*«! .Tangipahoa 1500 Kinder*«!__ _______ Allen 500 Labadieville*«! As’umpt’n 9000 «La Fayette*«! ...Lafayette 1093 Lake Arthur*«! Jefferson Davis 14447 «Lake Char les*«!. Calcasieu 1800 «Lake Providence*«!E.Car’l 1500 Lecompte*«!_____ Rapides 4000 «Leesville*«!_____.Vernon 1500 Lockport*«___ Lafourche 1000 Logansport*«!___ De Soto 500 L on gstreet*«!..... DeSoto 291 Loreauville* « . . . ___ Iberia 45 Lottie*«t—.Pointe Coupee 2500 Lutcher*«!_____ St. James REYNOLDS & WILLIAMS. See Opelousas. To Homer To Franklin. To Ville Platte. To Monroe. TAYLOR & PORTER. To Shreveport. To Shreveport. See Farmervilie. To Franklin. See Arcadia. To Covington. To Ville Platte. See Alexandria. To New Iberia. See La Fayette. See Arcadia. To Ville Platte. See Natchitoches. See La Fayette. To Coushatta. See Arcadia. To Franklin. To Ville Platte. To Jonesboro. See Alexandria. To Arcadia. To Crowley. To Baton Rouge. To Alexandria. To Bastrop. To Monroe. To Many. To Ville Platte. To Minden. THOS. W . NETTLES. ARTHUR L. BEAR. CHAPPUIS & HOLT. . To Thibodaux. To Abbeville. To Rayville. To Baton Rouge. See Lake Charles. STEWART, POWELL & FER GUSON. To Winnfleld. C. V. ST. AMANT. To Baton Rouge. To Arcadia. To Jennings. To Abbeville. ToOpelousas. ' H. G. FIELDS. To Many. To Rayville. CAFFERY, QUINTERO & BRUMBY. To Covington. See Leesville. To New Orleans. See Arcadia. See Alexandria. See Mansfield. To Columbia. W . T . HOLLAND. To New Orleans. To Abbeville. To Amite. To Vidalia. To Arcadia. . To Ville Platte. To Arcadia. To, Leesville. CAILLOUET & CAILLOUET. (See also Thibodaux.) To Shreveport. To Amite. To Minden. To Baton Rouge. To New Iberia. F. E. JONES. W . E. GORHAM. W . J. HAMMON. To Vidalia. To Abbeville. To New Orleans. To Amite. To Lake Charles. See Napoleonville. J. J. FOURNET. To Jennings. M cCOY & MOSS. J. H. GILFOIL, JR. See Alexandria. ISAAC C. BOYD. See Thibodaux. To Mapsfield. To Mansfield. To New Iberia. To Baton Rouge. GOUION, L A M B R E M O N T & HEBERT. 1200 Madisonville*St.Tamm’ny To Covington. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M A T U A1 V / 1 L i P opu la TOWN AND COUNTY. tion . NAME. 750 Mamou*«!____ Evangeline To Ville Platte. 1166 Mandeville*«t St. Tamm ’ny To Covington. 470 Mangham*«t___ Richland See Rayville. 4300 «Mansfleld*«t_____ De Soto CRAIG & BOLIN. 800 Mansura*«!____ Avoyelles To Ville Platte. 900 «M any*«t__________Sabine J. H. BOONE. 447 Maringouin*«! ...Iberville To Plaquemine. 226 Marion*«t_________ Union See Farmervilie. 1500 «Marksville*«t__ Avoyelles To Ville Platte. 285 Marthaville*«t...Nat’ ches See Natchitoches. 12ÖÖ Melville*«!....... St. Landry See Opelousas. 536 Mer Rouge*«! .Morehouse To Bastrop. 600 Merryville* *!.Beauregard See Lake Charles. 3005 «Minden *•!_____ Webster L. K . WATKINS. 13214 «M on roe*«!...— Ouachita STUBBS, THEUS & GRISHAM. 300 Montgomery*«!____ Grant To Colfax. 300 Montpelier*«.. St. Helena To Greensburg. 1500 Mooringsport * • ! „ .Caddo See Shreveport. 728 Moreauville*«t.. Avoyelles To Ville Platte. 6000 Morgan City*«! ..St. Mary To Franklin. 1201 «Napoleonville*«! As’mpt’n S. A. LE BLANC. 5000 «Natchitoches*«! .Nat’ches J. D. RUSCA. 424 Newellton*« ! _____ Tensas See St. Joseph. 7499 «New Ib e r ia * «!..___ Iberia B U R K E , B U R K E & SMITH. 371747«New Orleans*«!...Orleans * D A R T , K E R N A N & D A R T , Canal Bank Building. Cor porations. .land law. bankruptcy, admiralty, depositions collections. Attorneys for City Bank. Canal Bank, Jackson Loan Co., New Orleans Railway Co., Leyland Line, Elder Dempster Line, I. Newman & Sons. Miles Planting Co Lafayette Fire Insurance Co.. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co.! Jahncke Navigation Co., etc. SPECIAL COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. M E RR IC K , GENSLER & S C H W A R Z , (E dw in T. Merrick Philip Gensler, Jr., Ralph J. Schwarz, W. J. Guste, Herm an L . B arn ett), Title Guarantee Building. Attor neys for Louisiana Bankers Association, New Orleans Clearing House Association, Commercial National Banir, Commercial Germania Trust & Savings Bank. Armour & Co., Morris & Co. Compilers o f the L ouisiana laws for this publication. 1500 «New Roads *•! Pointe Coupee To Baton Rouge. 500 Noble*«t--------------- Sabine To Many. 150 Norwood*«!...E.Feliciana To Baton Rouge. Allen See Oberlin. 4000 Oakdale *«t........... 398 «Oak G rove*«t..W . Carroll To Rayville. 332 Oak Ridge*«!.-Morehouse To Bastrop. 1000 «O berlin*«!..-____ ...A llen S. N. YOUNG. 1500 Oil City *«t...............Caddo See Shreveport. 300 011a*«t ____ La Salle See Harrisburg. 4623 *Opelousas*«!...St. Landry W . J. SANDOZ. 550 Paincourtville*«t.As’mp'n To' Napoleonville. 3000 Patterson*«!___ .St. Mary To Franklin. 300 Pelican*«t_______De Soto .See Mansfield. 474 Plain Dealing*«!.._Bossier To Shreveport. 4955 *Plaquemine*«t. . Iberville JULES A. CARVILLE. 380 Plaucheville*____Avoyelles To Ville Platte. ; 442 Pleasant Hill*«!___ Sabine To Many. 675 P ollock*«!_________Grant To Colfax. 1200 Ponchatoula*«!. Tangi’hoa To Amite. 200 «Port Allen*«+_W. Baton R. To Baton Rouge. 700 Saceland*«____ Lafourche See Thibodaux. 2500 Rayne*«! _____ —Acadia To Minden. 1200 «Rayville*«!_____ Richland ELLIS & ELLIS. 400 Reserve*«! St. John the Bap. To New Orleans. 400 Ringgold*...........Bienville See Arcadia. 438 Robeline*«t .Natchitoches See Natchitoches. 750 Roseland*«!—.Tangipahoa To Amite. 4000 «Ruston*«!.... .........Lincoln To Arcadia. 450 Saline*«!_______Bienville See Arcadia. 370 Scott*«!------------ Lafayette See La Fayette. 40000 «Shreveport*«!.____ Caddo JOHN F. PHILLIPS. First Nat. Bank Bldg. 400 Sim sboro*«!...___ Lincoln To Arcadia. 287 Slaughter*«!..E. Feliciana To Baton Rouge. 2188 Slidell*«!___ St. Tammany To Covington. 1500 Springhill*«------- Webster To Minden. 966 *St. Francisvjlle West Feliciana To Baton Rouge. 740 «St. Joseph*«t___ Tensas G. H. CLINTON. 2318 «St. Martinville*«!St.M’rtin To New Iberia. 2000 S ulphur *«t....... .Calcasieu See Lake Charles. 377 Sunset*«!........St. Landry See Opelousas. 1000 «Tallulah*«! __ Madison To Rayville. 3824 «Thibodaux*«!. . Lafourche CAILLOUET & CAILLOUET. See also Houma. 350 Vacherie_______ St. James To Lutcher. (St. Patricks P. O.) 1345 «Vidalia*«!_____ Concordia THOS. M . WADE, Jr. 1500 «Ville Plâtte*«l.Evangeline S. W . GARDINER. 2000 Vinton*«!______ Calcasieu See Lake Charles. 826 Vivian*»!____ _____ Caddo To Shreveport. 1258 Washington*«!. St. Landry See Opelousas. 445 Water P roof * • !.. .Tensas See St. Joseph. 1250 W elsh*«!.. Jefferson Davis To Jennings. 1500 West Monroe *«!.Ouachita See Monroe. 2289 White Castle*«! —Iberville To Plaquemine. 2925 «Winnfleld*«!_______ Winn J. J. PETERS, JR. 1200 «Winnsboro*«!___Franklin To Rayville 328 Youngsville*« ...Lafayette See La Fayette. 419 Zachary*«! E. Bat’n Rouge To Baton Rouge. 973 Z w olle*«!_________ Sabine To Many, USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. M A IN E , M A R Y L A N D A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) POPOuTOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. T I O N .__________ i____________________ ,______________ MAINE This information will be of value to tbose Interested in Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises the entire state; with court at Port land, on the first Tuesday in April; on the third Tuesday in September, and on the second Tuesday in December; and at Bangor, on the first Tuesday in June. Counties: Androscoggin, Aroostook, Cumberland, Franklin, Hancock, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Oxford, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Sagadahoc, Somerset, Waldo, Washington, York. REFERENCE K EY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 2500 Ashland*»!....... Aroostook To Houlton. 16393 »Auburn*»! ..Androscoggin To Lewiston. 14170 §*Augusta*»!___ Kennebec A N D R E W S & NELSON. 26659 »Bangor*»!____ Penobscot JAMES A. C A H N E R S , Pearl Building. 3500 Bar Harbor*»! ...H ancock To Ellsworth. 9396 »Bath*»! _______ Sagadahoc JOHN J. KEEGAN. 4618 »Belfast*»! ________ Waldo DUNTON & M ORSE. 1930 Bethel*»!______ — Oxford To Auburn. 17665 5000 5667 2660 7000 1050 2339 8000 3015 6000 900 3530 1000 Biddeford*»!______ York JOHN A. SNOW. BoothbayHarbor*»! Linc’n To Bath. Brewer*_______ Penobscot To Bangor. Bridgton*»t— Cumberland To Portland. Brunswick*»!.Cumberland To Portland. Buckfleld*»t—____ Oxford To Auburn. Bucksport*»!____ Hancock To Ellsworth. Calais*»!_Washington To Machias. Camden*»!_________ Knox To Rockland. Caribou*»!_____Aroostook To Houlton. Damariscotta*»t— Lincoln To Bath. D exter*»!_____ Penobscot To Bangor. Dixfleld*»t_______ Oxford To Auburn. 2091 »Dover*»!_____ Piscataquis R O B E R T E. HALL. 4961 Eastport*»t— Washington To Machias, 3549 »Ellsworth*»!____ Hancock FULTON J. R EDM AN . 4435 Fairfield*»!_____ Somerset To Augusta. 3500'»Farmington*»!—-Franklin 2500 Freeport*»!...Cumberland 540 Fryeburg*»!____ Oxford 5000 Ft. Fairfleld*»t.Aroostook 4000 Ft. Kent*»!____ Aroostook 5900 Gardiner*»!____ Kennebec 2822 Gorham*»! ...Cumberland 1400 Greenville* ! — Piscataquis 2000 Guilford*»!___ Piscataquis 2864 Hallowell*»!___ Kennebec R ICH ARDS & ROLLIN S. See Portland. See Auburn. To Houlton. To Houlton. See Augusta. To Portland. To Dover. To Dover. To Augusta. 6000 3500 1000 1000 »Houlton*»!____ Aroostook Kennebunk*»!______ York Kezar Falls*_______.York Kingfield*»______ Franklin DOH ERTY & TO M PK IN S. To Biddeford. To Biddeford. To Farmington. 27809 966 1293 1167 Lewiston*»!..Androscog’n Limerick*___ ______ York Limestone......... Aroostook Lincoln*»!_____ Penobscot NEWELL & W OODSIDE. To Biddeford. To Houlton. To Bangor. 2200 Lisbon Falls*»! „ And’c’gn To Lewiston. 3500 Livermore Falls*»! A ’d’gin To Lewiston. 3300 Lubec*»! —.„W ashington To Machias. 2200 »Machias*»! ...W ashington 3379 Madison*»t_____ Somerset 2000 Mars Hill*»t___ Aroostook 1200 McKinley*___ ...H ancock 1600 Mechanic Falls*»! .And’g’n 3368 Millinockett*»t .Penobscot 2556 M ilo*»!_______ Piscataquis 1800 N ewport*»!___ Penobscot 1800 North B erw ick *»!.—York 3000 N orway*»!_______ Oxford 2400 Oakland*»!....... Kennebec 7000 Oldtown*»!____ Penobscot ... Orono*»!._____ Penobscot 1500 Phillips*»t__ ___.Franklin 3000 Pittsfleld*»t____ Somerset C . B. & E . C. DON W ORTH . To Augusta. To Houlton. To Ellsworth. To Lewiston. To Bangor. To Dover. To Bangor. To Biddeford. To Auburn. See Augusta. To Bangor. To Bangor. T o Farmington. To Augusta. 63867 »Portland*»!...Cumberland S E T H L . A N D S Y D N E Y B . L A R R A B E E , 102 Ex change St. General Law Practice. Attorneys for Union Safe Dep. & Tr. Co.: Mercantile Trust Co., Portland Nat’l Bank and Casco and Portland Loan & Building Associa tions. Compilers o f the M aine laws fo r this publication. 5179 Presque Isle*»!.Aroostook 1200 Rangeley*»!____ Franklin 2049 Richmond*»! —Sagadahoc 8186 »Rockland**!........— Knox 2314 Rockport*»! ______ Knox 6777 R um ford*!___ ..„ O x fo r d 6583 S aco*»t..i__________York 10916 Sanford*»t_________York 1500 Searsport*»t______ Waldo To HoultOn. See Farmington. See Bath. A RTH U R S. LITTLEFIELD. To Packland. To Auburn. To Biddeford. To Biddeford. To Belfast. , _______ _ LATION. i4 83 TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. ________________________ ■: -V-,_______________ 5341 *Skowhegan*»t ...Somerset 3000 South B erw ick*»!__ York 3600 »South P aris*»t___ Oxford 3000 Springvale*»t_______ York 1100 Stockton Springs*»tWaldo 2500 Thomaston*»!______ Knox _____ U n ity*»!___________ Waldo 4000 Van Buren*»! ..Aroostook 2358 Vinal Haven*__ . — Knox 2500 Waldoboro*»!____ Lincoln 1812 Warren*»__ _______ Knox 1582 Washburn*»! ..A roostook 12702 W aterville*»!.—Kennebec 8908 Westbrook*»!.Cumb’rland 861 West Buxton*........... York 2000 W ilton*»!___ \___ Franklin 2709 Winthrop*»!___ Kennebec 1287 »Wiscasset*»!_____ Lincoln 2802 York Village*!______ York To Augusta. See Biddeford. To Auburn. To Biddeford. To Belfast. To Rockland. To Belfast. To Houlton. To Rockland. To Bath. To Rockland. See Houlton. To Augusta. To Portland. To Biddeford. To Farmington. See Augusta. To Bath. To Biddeford. MARYLAND This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises the entire state; with courts at Balti more, the first Tuesdays in March, June, September, and December; and at Cumberland, the second Monday in M ay and last Monday in September. Counties: Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince Georges, Queen Annes, St. Marys, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, Worcester. REFERENCE K EY * County Seat. . * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. 616 Aberdeen*»!__ „H arford • Express Office. § State Capital., See Bel Air. 8760 §*AnnapoliS*«fAnne Ar’d ’l WINSON G. GOTT. 1000 Arlington*»!__ Baltimore See Baltimore. ( Baltimore P. O.) 589621 Baltimore*»!__ Balto. City 3-T . HOWARD EMBERT, 211 N. Calvert Street. Prac tice in all State and Federal Courts. Corporation, Mercan tile and Probate Law. Collections handled. Counsel for Crane Company, O’Neill & Company, Adjustment Corpora tion, and The Lord Calvert-Theatres Company. Compiler o f the M aryland laws fo r this publication. 3-MUSGRAVE, BOWLING & HALL, 15th Floor, Fidelity Bldg. General practice. Special attention to Commercial, Corporation and Bankruptcy cases. Accountancy Depart ment in charge C. O. Hall. C. P. A. 3 -EUGENE O’DUNNE, 54 Central Sav. Bank Bldg. Deputy State’s Attorney. Baltimore, 1903-10. President Bar Associa tion, Baltimore City, 1915. Lecturer University Maryland Law Dept. References: Munsey Trust Co., Fidelity Trust Co., Safe Deposit and Trust Co., or any Baltimore Bank. Attor ney, DiGiorgio Fruit Co., Baltimore Fruit Exchange, The C. D. Kenny Co. (75 stores), etc. Commercial Law and Practice in all Courts. Cable Address, “ Iregan.” 1200 Bartoh*»t.............Allegany To Cumberland. 1500 »Bel Air*»! — — -H arford W . WORTHINGTON HOPKINS. 1500 Berlin*»!____ —Worcester To Pocomoke City. 308 Betterton* —............ Kent To Chestertown. 262 Bishopville*___ Worcester To Pocomoke City. 759 Boonsboro*»..Washington To Hagerstown. 500 Brandywine*»!..Prince Georges To Upper Marlboro. 1000 Brooklyn*!..AnneArundel To Annapolis. 5000 Brunswick*»!— Frederick To Frederick. 8160'»Cambridge*»!-.Dorchester H A R R I N G T O N , J O Y C E & JONES. 5000 Catonsville*®t— Baltimore See Baltimore. 518 Cecilton*___________Cecil To Elkton. 2000 »Centerville*»! Queen Annes T . J. KEATING . 1016 Chesapeake City*! . —Cecil To Elkton. 2735 »Chestertown*»!..___ Kent LEWIN W . WICKES. 306 Church Hill*_Queen Annes To Centerville. 521 Clear Spring*...W ash’gt’n To Hagerstown. 1500 Cockevsville*»! -Baltimore See Baltimore. 300 Cordova*»!_______ Talbot To Easton. . 4000 Crisfleld*»t_____ Somerset To Princess Anne. 26074 »Cumberland*»! ..Allegany W M . M . SOMERVILLE. 205 Darlington*____ Harford To Bel Air. 2000 Deal Island*»..'..Somerset To Princess Anne. 1481 »D enton*»!..— ;__Caroline FRED R. OWENS. 280 East New Market*»! Dorchester See Cambridge, 5000 3000 1500 1054 1050 500 11112 466 6028 *Easton*»t_________ Talbot »Elkton*»!___________Cecil »Ellicott City*»! — Howard Em m itsburg*!...Fr’d’rick Federalsburg*»!..Caroline Forest Hill*»........Harford »Frederick*»!___ Frederick Friendsville*»!___ Garrett Frostburg*»t____ Allegany T. HUGHLETT HENRY. JOSHUA CLAYTON. REUBEN D. ROGERS. To Frederick. To Denton. See,Bel Air. ALBERT S. BROWN. To Oakland. To Cumberland.__________________ _ M r i T I T USË CÔÜPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond, i v V / 1 L i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1484 M A R Y L A N D , M ASSACH U SETTS P opu LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TIQN. _______________ 450 900 262 ------ •. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W NAME. Fruitland*»!___ Wicomico To Salisbury. Gaithersburg*»!__ M’tg’rv See Rockville. Galena*...___ t ......... Kent See Chestertown. Galesville ..A n ne Arundel To Annapolis. (Galloways P .O .) 325 Girdletree*»t— Worcester To Pocomoke City. 201 Goldsboro*»!—— Caroline To Deiiton. 5000 Govans*t--------- Baltimore See Baltimore. (Baltimore P. O.) 300 Grantsville*!— —Garrett To Oakland. 609 Greensboro*»! ...Caroline To Denton. i ----- Gwynn Oak Junction Baltimore City To Baltimore. (A rlington P. O.) 25679 »Hagerstown*»! .W ash’gt’n ALEX . A R M STR O N G . 5000 Hamilton*!___ .Baltimore To Baltimore. 555 Hampstead*»_____ Carroll To Westminster. 1 893 Hancock*»!. ..Washington See Hagerstown. 4000 Havre de Grace*»!Harford To Bel Air. 750 Hebron *•!------ .W icomico To Salisbury. 58 Highland*---------- Howard See Ellicott City. 500 Hillsboro*»!_____ Caroline To Denton. 250 Hughesville*»....... Charles See La Plata. 800 Hurlock*»!___ Dorchester To Cambridge. 2500 Hyattsville*»—Prince Geo. See Upper Marlboro. 200 Indianhead...___ .Charles To La Plata. 275 Jarrettsville*___ Harford To Bel Air. 425' Jefferson*»— Frederick To Frederick. 367 Keedysville*»!Washington To Hagerstown. 689 Kensington*» Montgomery To Rockville. 1500 K itzm iller*_____ iGarrett To Oakland. 350 »La Plata*»! . . . ___ Charles W. M . D1GGES. 2000 Laurel*»!..Prince Georges See Upper Marlboro. 526 ALeonardtown*»..St. Marys J. H . CH IN G.. 500 Libertytown*—.Frederick To Frederick. 5000 Lonaconing*»! ...Allegany To Cumberland. 800 Manchester*______ Carroll To Westminster. 375 Mardela Sp’gs*»!Wicomico To Salisbury. 500 Marion Sta’n*»t .Somerset To Princess Anne. 120 Massey*»!__________ Kent To Chestertown. 400 Mechanicsville*» St. Marys See Leonard town. 800. Middletown*»!..Frederick To Frederick. 1173 Midland*»!______ Allegany To Cumberland. 399 M illington*»!_______ Kent See Chestertown. 70 Monrovia*»........Frederick To Frederick. 800 Mount A,iry*»_____ Carroll To Westminster. 3000 Mount Savage*»!.Allegany To Cumberland. 300 Myersville*»___ Frederick To Frederick. 300 Nanticoke*«___ Wicomico To Salisbury. 446 New Windsor*»___ Carroll To Westminster. 974 North East*»t______ Cecil To Elkton. 1700 »Oakland*»!_______ Garrett REN1NGER & OFFUTT. 900 Ocean City*»!—Worcester To Snow Hill. 150 Odenton —.Anne Arundel To Annapolis. 1000 Overlea*!_____ Baltimore To Baltimore ■ 100 Owm gs*»____ ;___ Calvert See Leonardtown. 1191 Oxford*»!_________ Talbot To Easton. 500 Parkton*»!_____ Baltimore See Baltimore. 1500 Pikesville*_____ Baltimore See Baltimore. 300 Pittsville*»!____ Wicomico To Salisbury. 2369 Pocomoke City*»! Worcester CROCKETT & CROCKETT. 175 Poolesville*—Montgomery To Rockville. 1310 Port D ep osit*»!...__ Cecil To Elkton. 288 Preston*»!_____ .Caroline To Denton. 157 »Prince Frederick* Calvert See Leonardtown. 1006 »PrincessAnne*»!-Som’rset GORDON TU LL. 400 Queenstown*»!QueenAn’es To Centerville. 1000 Reisterstown* ..Baltimore See Baltimore. 943 R idgely*»!______ Caroline To Denton. 500 Rising Sun*»!_______ Cecil To Elkton. 781 Rock Hall*»___ ____ Kent To Chestertown. 1181 »Rockville*» ..Montgomery JOHN A. G A R R E TT. 10000 »Salisbury*»!___ Wicomico W ILLIAM S & W ILLIAM S. 100 Sandy Spring*!_Montg’ery To Rockville. 5000 Seat Pleasant*_Pr. Georges See Upper Marlboro. 960 Sharpsburg*!___ Wash’ton See Hagerstown. 722 Sharpto wn*____W icomico To Salisbury. 500 Silver Spring*»! Montg’ery To Rockville. 481 Smithsburg*»! ..W ash’ton To Hagerstown. 2000 »Snow H ill*»___ Worcester To Pocomoke City. 318 Solomons*_______ Calvert See Leonardtown. 5500 Sparrows Point*»! Baltimore To Baltimore. (Baltim ore P. O.) 350 Stevensville*»!Qu’n Annes To Centerville. 2000 St. Michaels*»!____ Talbot To Easton. 252 Stockton*!........Worcester To Pocomoke City. 247 Sudlersville*»! Qu’nAnnes To Centerville. 565 Sykesville*»! ......C a r ro ll To Westminster. 1000 Taneytown*»! .....C a rro ll To Westminster. 1000 Thurmont*! ....F red erick To Frederick. 1200 Tilghman*.______ .T albot To Easton, 2500 »Towson*»!_____ Baltimore See Baltimore. 273 Trappe*»t------------- Tal bot To Easton. 1000 Union Bridge*»....Carroll To Westminster. 250 Union M ills______ Carroll To Westminster. 309 Union to w n ______-Carroll To Westminster. 361 »Upper Marlboro*»! Prince Georges T . VAN CLAG ETT. 500 Vienna*»!____ Dorchester To Cambridge. 582 Walkersville*»!.Frederick To Frederick. 2702 Western Port*»! .Allegany To Cumberland. 4000 »Westminster*»!___ Carroll CHAS. O. CLEMSON. 3000 W estP ort*!___ Baltimore To Baltimore. 300 White Hall*»!__ Baltimore To Baltimore. 2000 Williamsport*»!.Wash’ton To Hagerstown. 325 Wingate*-----—Dorchester To Cambridge. 125 W oodbine*»______ Carroll To Westminster. 600 W oodsboro*»! ..Frederick To Frederick. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTE P opu la TOWN AND COUNTY/ tion . (B O N D E D ) NAME. M ASSACH U SETTS ruptey matters.**0*1 WiU b ® ° f vaIue to those lnterested in Bank- T h ^ ^ y s^ M a y ^ n d ^ D ecem b e^ .^ 606111^61’ “ d at Springfleld’ C oun ties: Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Dukes, Essex. Franklin S u S eworceasTerShire’ MlddIesex> Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth! REFERENCE KEY » County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ------- ---------- * Telegraph Station,__________ § State Capital. 5455 Abrngton*»! — Plymouth To Brockton. 14214 Adams*»!--------- Berkshire To Pittsfield. 10157 Amesbury » t --------- Essex To Lawrence. 5300 Amherst •!— Hampshire To Northampton. 7900 Andover •!—------- __ Essex To Lawrence. 12811 Arlington*»! — Middlesex To Cambridge. 9783 Athol • !........—Worcester To Worcester. 19282 Attleboro*»!--------- Bristol To Taunton. 3685 Auburndale*»t .Middlesex To Lowell. 2797 A y er*»!---------- Middlesex To Lowell. 3750 Baldwinsville*»! W orc’st’r To Worcester. 3500 B arre*»!--------- Worcester To Worcester. 8081 Belmont*»!------ Middlesex See Cambridge. 25000 Beverly*»!--------------Essex To Lawrence. 900 Beverly „ la Farms*!—-Essex „ , - ..........~~~ To Lawrence. 756476 §»Boston*»t _____ Suffolk S a V E R EMERSON, Counsellor-at-Law, 18 Tremont Street. Rooms 1028, 1029, 1030. Special attention to Pro bate, Corporation, Bankruptcy and Real Estate law. De positions. Collections. References: Chas. B. Jopp, Presi dent of Beacon Trust Co., Boston: Commonwealth Trust Co.. Boston; Eli W. Hall, President of Board of Trustees Soldiers Home m Chelsea, Mass.; Wrenn Bros. & Co., Stock Brokers, ,, O ^ erreferen ces upon request. 3-ARTHUR G. FERDINAND. Attorney and Counsellorat-Law, Suite 521-523 Scollay Building, 40 Court Street. General practice in all City, State and Federal Courts. Special Department of Collections since 1895. ReferenceNational Union Bank, others on request. (See also at Cambridge.) 3’ i 1*I' ® J 1i 1M A ? ? p E A C E ) Attorney-at-Law, 35 Congress Street. General Practice. Special attention to Probate, Corporation, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, and Insurance Liti gation. Depositions carefully taken. Collection and Re porting Department. This department is thoroughly organized and equipped to handle all classes of business from the smallest collection to the largest, including Bank ruptcy litigation'. References: Boston, New England Trust Co., Beacon Trust Co.; Malden, Malden Trust Co. Com piler of the Massachusetts laws for this publication. (A lso at 58 D exter Street, Malden.) 3-SW IFT, FRIEDMAN & ATHERTON, Attorneys and Counsel lors-at-Law, 30 State Street, Merchants Bank Build ing. James M. Swift, L ee M . Friedman, Percy A. A therton. 9000 Bridgewater*»! -Plymouth To Brockton.. 67449 B rockton*»!___ Plymouth NUTTER, K IN G & KEITH. 32730 B rookline*»t____ Norfolk To Cambridge. 11298I*Cambridge*»t__ Middlesex 3 -ARTHUR G. FERDINAND, 24 Prentiss Street. Refers to National Union Bank and Charles F. Wood man Sub-Treasury, both o f Boston. BOSTON address, 40 Court Street. (See also at Boston.) Cambridgeport»!Middles’x To Cambridge. 5606 C an ton M -----------Norfolk See Dedham. Charlestown»t— .Suffolk To Boston. ¡6192' Chelsea*»t________ Suffolk To Malden. 29319 Chicopee*»!------ Hampden To Holyoke. 8000 Chicopee Fails*»!Hampd’n To Holyoke. 13075 Clinton*»!_____ Worcester To Worcester. 2700 Cohasset*»!_____ Norfolk To Cambridge. 6421 Concord*»!____ Middlesex To Cambridge. 1230 Conway*»-----------Franklin To Greenfield. 9949 Danvers*»!________ Essex To Lawrence. 10433 »Dedham*»!______ Norfolk To Cambridge. 3500 EastBridgewater*»!Ply’th To Brockton. 70028 East Cambridge»!-Mid’sex To Cambridge. (Cambridge P. O.) 10360 Easthampton*»!.Hamps’re To Northampton. 3000 East Pepperell*!—Mid’sex To Lowell. 3540 East W eym outh*»!.Norf’k See Dedham. 1175 »Edgartown*»!___ _ Dukes See Tisbury. 39233 Everett*®!_____ Middlesex ToMalden. 6200 Fairhaven*»! —___ Bristol To Fall River. 128366*Fall River*»!—____ Bristol B O R D E N , KENTON & H A W E S . Attorneys for Fall River National and Fall River Five Cent Savings Bks.andR.G.Dun&Co. 3917 Falmouth*»!.—Barnstable JOHN P . SYLV IA , JR . 41781 »Fitchburg*»!__ Worcester To Worcester. 1500 F loren ce»!___ Hampshire To Northampton. 3863 Foxboro*»!______ N orfolk To Cambridge. 13982 Framingham*»!__ Mid’l’x To Lowell, t 6500 F ranklin*»!____ Norfolk A . T . M A RTIN . .7140 Gardner*»!.— Worcester To Worcester. 1958 Georgetow n*»!____ Essex To Lawrence. ,4398 Gloucester*»! — — Essex To Lawrence. *5705 Grafton*»! ____ Worcester To Worcester. 5926 GreatBarrin’n *»!-B ’kshire To Pittsfield. --------G reendale_____ Worcester To Worcester. ( W orcester P. O.) 11998 *Greenfield*»t . — Franklin T IM O T H Y M . HAYES. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. ATTjO R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) MASSACHUSETTS, MICHIGAN Popo la- TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. tion. ____________________________________________ Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 2115 48477 1200 4965 2711 Harwich*»!' „.Barnstable Haverhill*»!-----------Essex Haydenville*»!..Hamps’re Hingham*»!-----Plymouth Hollis to n * »!___ Middlesex To To To To To 5115 4800 1100 12733 65286 2452 6743 1264 __ 6200 H olyoke*»!....... Hampden Hopkinton*»! ..Middlesex H udson*»!____ Middlesex Hyannis*»t —^.Barnstable Hyde P a r k * »!___ Norfolk Ipswich*»!________ Essex WILLIAM T. DILLON. To Framingham. To Framingham. To Falmouth. To Cambridge. To Lawrence. 100560»Lawrence*»!......... —Essex 4106 3237 3060 20839 5500 L ee*»!_________Berkshire Leicester*!------ Worcester L en ox*»!______ Berkshire Leominster*»! .Worcester Lexington*»!... Middlesex Falmouth. Lynn. Northampton. Brockton. Framingham. 4892 Walpole*»! — Norfolk 30570 Waltham*»!___ Middlesex 9094 W are*»!______Hampshire 4850 Wareham*»t___ Plymouth ,4188 W arren *»!.——Worcester W . C. & E. J. FORD, Bay State Building. To Pittsfield. To Worcester. To Pittsfield. To Worcester. To Cambridge. HAVEN G. H I L L , Hildreth Building. Corporation, Commercial, and Probate Practice. Depositions taken. Attorney for Mechanics Savings Bank. Refers to Old Low ell National Bank and Union National Bank. 4948 Ludlow*»!_____ Hampden To Holyoke.. 102425 L ynn*»!.__________ Essex To Lawrence. 113245*Lowell*»!......... Middlesex 51155 Malden*»!_____ Middlesex 3000 5183 7338 15187 1750 6390 26234 2696 17445 2202 13921 9048 14110 5000 Manchester*»!___ ..E ssex Mansfield*»'!______ Bristol Marblehead*»!_____ Essex Marlboro*»!___ Middlesex Marshfield*»!...Plymouth Maynard*»!___ Middlesex M edford»!....... Middlesex Medway*»!______Norfolk Melrose*»!____ Middlesex Merrimac*»!.______ Essex Methuen*! ________ Essex Middieboro*»!—Plymouth Milford*»!____ Worcester 'M illbury*»!___ Worcester 3-LLOYD MAKEPEACE, 58 Dexter Street. (See also at Boston) To Lynn. » To Taunton. To Lynn. To Framingham. To Brockton. To Cambridge. To Malden. To Cambridge. To Malden. To Lawrence. To Lawrence. To Brockton. To Worcester. To Worcester. 8600 M ilton*»t______ Norfolk 4350 Monson*»!_____Hampden 2962 »Nantucket*»! —Nantucket 10102 Natick*»!_____Middlesex 5026 Needham*»!__ !—Norfolk To Cambridge. To Springfield. To Tisbury. To Framingham. See Dedham. 118158*New Bedford*»!— Bristol 5243 »Newburyport*»!___Essex 43715 Newton*»!____ Middlesex 3500 Newton Center*»!Mid’sex 5500 Newtonville*!—Middlesex 22019 North Adams*»!.Berks’re GARDINER & MILLIKEN. To Lawrence. To Cambridge. To Cambridge. To Cambridge. To Pittsfield. - 19926 1014 1713 3000 3000 1410 9605 5282 9119 8360 2953 COOLIDGE & HEMENWAY. To Taunton. To Worcester. To Worcester. To Taunton. To Brockton. To Cambridge, To Greenfield. To Springfield. To Lawrence. To Cambridge. *Northampton*»!Hamps’re No. Attleboro*»! —Bristol Northboro*»!—Worcester No. Brookfield*»! W o’ster North Easton*»!— Bristol N orwell*»t____ Plymouth N orwood*»!_____ Norfolk Orange*»!______Franklin Palm er*»!_____ Hampden Peabody*»!________ Essex Pepperell*»!__ Middlesex H. R . TALBOT. To Falmouth. To Cambridge. To Cambridge. To-Cambridge. To Cambridge; To Brockton. To Lawrence. To Lawrence. To Greenfield. 87039 9323 14205 1230 12948 To Cambridge. See Dedham. To Worcester. To Greenfield. Somerville*»! —Middlesex South Braintree*®!.Nor’k Southbridge*»t Worcester So. Deerfleld*»!_Franklin South Framingham»! Middlesex 12895 So. Weymouth*»..Norfolk 590 S. Yarmouth*..Barnstable 6740 Spencer*»!___ Worcester RAYMOND A. BID WELL. collections not solicited. 1933 Stockbridge*»!IBerkshire To Pittsfield. 7200 Stoneham*»!— Middlesex To Cambridge. 6316 Stoughton*»!..__ Norfolk To Cambridge. 36283 »Taunton*»!_______Bristol WILLIAM S. WOODS. 1800 Tisbury______ !____ Dukes To Hyannis. (Vineyard H aven P. O.) 17Q1 Townsend*»! —Middlesex To Cambridge. _______ _ 1S IO T F . To Cambridge. To Cambridge. To Northampton. To Brockton. To Worcester. 14867 Watertown*»! —Middlesex jf ToCambridge. 13210 W ebster*»!___ Worcester To Worcester. 5413 W ellesley*»t____ Norfolk ToCambridge. 2464 Wellesley H ills*!.N orfolk To Cambridge. 1022 Wellfleet*»!___ Barnstable To Falmouth. 5446 Westboro*»! — Worcester To Worcester. 18391 W estfield*»!___ Hampden To Holyoke. 1353 Westminster*!-Worcester To Worcester. 5000 West Newton*»!..M id’sex To Cambridge. ------- W. Somerville*»!.Mid’sex ToCambridge. 13882 W eym outh*»!___ Norfolk See Boston. 5000 Whitinsville*»! —W or’ster To Worcester. 8000 W hitm an*»!___ Plymouth To Brockton. 3708 Williamstown*t-Berkshire To Pittsfield. 6000 Winchendon*»! Worcester To Worcester. 10603 Winchester*»! -Middlesex To Cambridge. 12692 W inthrop*_______Suffolk To Cambridge. 15969 W oburn*»!____ Middlesex To Cambridge. ------ Wollaston____ j__Norfolk T o Dedham. 163314*Worcester*»t —Worcester. ’ H ARRISON W . BOW KER, 731 Slater Bldg. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. General Practice. Specia.1 attentioh to Probate, Corporation, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, and Insurance Litigation, Depositions carefully taken. Collection and Reporting Department. This department is thoroughly organized and equipped to handle all classes of business from the smallest collection to the largest, including Bankruptcy litigation. References: Park Trust Co. Any Judge in Worcester. Other references upon request. Represents all the leading Law Lists. Member of Worcester and National Credit Men’s Associations. 1743 W rentham *»!----- Norfolk To Cambridge. 600 Yarmouth Port*!Barns’ble To Falmouth. The EASTERN DISTRICT has two divisions; the Northern with court at Bay City (1), first Tuesdays in M ay and October; also at Port Huron (1), in the discretion of the judge of said court and at such times as he shall appoint therefor. The Southern division with court at Detroit (2), first Tuesdays in March, June and November. The WESTERN DISTRICT has two divisions; the Northern division with court at Marquette (3), second Tuesdays in April and September and at Sauit Ste. Marie (3), second Tuesdays in January and July; the Southern division, with court at Grand R apids (4), first Tuesdays in March, June, October and December. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Alcona (1), Alger (3), Allegan (4), Alpena (1), Antrim (4), Arenac (1), Baraga (3), Barry (4), Bay (1), Benzie (4), Berrien (4), Branch (2), Calhoun (2), Cass (4), Charlevoix (4), Cheboygan (1), Chippewa (3), Clare (1), Clinton (2), Crawford (1), Delta (3), Dickinson (3) , Eaton (4), Emmet (4), Genesee (1), Gladwin (1), Gogebic (3), Grand Traverse (4), Gratiot (1), Hillsdale (2), Houghton (3), Huron (1), Ingham (2), Ionia (4), Iosco (1), Iron (3), Isabella (1), Jackson (2), Kalamazcto (4), Kalkaska (4), Rent (4), Kewenaw (3), Lake (4), Lapeer (2), Leelanau (4), Lenawee (2), Livingston (2), Luce (3), Mackinac (3), Macomb (2), Manistee (4), Marquette (3), Mason (4), Mecosta (4), Menominee (3), Midland (1), Missaukee (4), Monroe (2), Montcalm (4) , Montmorency (1), Muskegon (4), Newaygo (4), Oakland (2), Oceana (4), Ogemaw (1), Ontonagon (3), Osceola (4), Oscoda (1), Otsego (1), Ottawa (4), Presque Isle (1), Roscommon (1), Saginaw (1), St. Clair (2), St. Joseph (4), Sanilac (2), Schoolcraft (3), Shiawassee (1), Tuscola (1), Van Buren (4), Washtenaw (2), Wayne (2), Wexford (4). REFERENCE j KEY » County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ____________ t Telegraph Station.________ § State Capital. Petty 700 Ada*----------------------Kent To Grand Rapids. 700 Addison*»t „ : Lenawee To Adrian. 11458»Adrian*» t .............Lenawee h . r . c l a r k : 500 Akron*»! ________ Tuscola See Caro. 600 Alanson*»!—_____Emmet To Petoskey. 600 A lb a *»!_____ ___ Antrim To Bellaire. 8000 A lbion *»!____ l.C alhoun To Battle Creek. 300 Alden*»!—_____ ___________.Antrim To Bellaire. 1204 Algonac*»_______ St. Clair To Port Huron. 4000 »Allegan*»!__ r____Allegan CHAS. THEW. 560 A llen*»!_______ Hillsdale To Hillsdale. 6500 Alma*»!____ —___Gratiot To Ithaca. 820 Almont*»!____ __ Lapeer To Lapeer. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. complete information in preface to Attorney List. A w 1 Ju« See Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To Greenfield. To Worcester. See Tisbury. To Malden. MICHIGAN To Framingham. To Cambridge. To Falmouth. To Worcester. 105942*Springfleld*»t— Hampden NAME. This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. Michigan is divided into two Federal Districts: The Eastern and the Western. 38629 *Pittsfleld*»t— Berkshire NORMAN C. HULL. 13743 »‘Plymouth*»! — Plymouth 4369 Provincetown*»t-Barn’ble 38136 Quincy*»!_______N orfolk 4600 Randolph*»!__ —N orfolk 6796 Reading*»!____ Middlesex 23136 Revere*»!______ - Suffolk 6928 Rockland*»!-__ Plymouth 4500 Rockport*»!___ ——Essex 48562 »Salem *»!___ . . . — Essex 1841 Shelburne Falls*»! Fra’lin Turner’s Falls*»!Franklin U xbridge*»!__ Worcester Vineyard Haven*»! Dukes Wakefield*»!—-Middlesex 1485 1486 M IC H IG A N A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (BONDED) P opu LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. _______________________ 1B273 ¿Alpena**t_____ «.—Alpena JOSEPH H . COBB. 1000 Alpha*!__ IfE ______ .Iron To Iron River. 300 Alto**t...... .................Kent To Grand Rapids. 160 A m b le**---------Montcalm To Stanton. 15010 ¿Ann Arbor**t.Washtenaw FRANK A. STIVERS. 250 Applegate**t--------Sanilac To Bad Axe. 900 Arcadia**-----------Manistee To Manistee. 250 Argyle* -----Sanilac To Bad Axe. 900 Armada**t..........Macomb To Mount Clemens. 513 A shley**!--------- —Gratiot To Ithaca. 631 Athens**!___ ....C alhoun To Battle Creek. 200 ¿Atlanta*— Montmorency To Gaylord. 300 Auburn**............. — Bay To Bay City. 252 AuGres** ............Arenac To Standish. 594 Augusta**!— Kalamazoo To Kalamazoo. 648 Au Sable**------------- Iosco To Tawas City. (.Oscoda P. O.) 250 A v o ca * * !............ St. Clair To Port Huron. . 250 Bach**!.............— Huron See Bad Axe. 2500 ¿Bad Axe**! — .....H u r o n W . T . BOPE. 150 Bailey**!--------- Muskegon To Muskegon. 502 ¿Baldwin**!................ Lake RAY TRUCKS. 543 Bancroft**! ...Shiawassee To Owosso. 1158 Bangor**!------- Van Buren To Paw Paw. 400 Bannister**!----------Gratiot To Ithaca. 1071 Baraga**!........... — Baraga To Houghton. 250 Bark River**!------- —Delta To Escanaba. 300 Baroda**!------------ Berrien To St. Joseph. 500 Barryton**!...........Mecosta To Big Rapids. 400 Bath**!--------- -— Clinton To St. Johns. 29480 Battle Creek**! ..Calhoun CYRUS J. GOODRICH (Successor to Prescott & Good rich). Attorney fo r The Old National Bank o f Battle Creek. Issue commissions to Katherine M. Johnston, Notary Public. (See also at Marshall.) 47942 ¿Bay City**t--------------- Bay ROBT. H. LANE. 300 Bay Port**!------ ...H uron See Bad Axe. 504 Bear Lake*!____Manistee See Manistee. 600 Beaverton**........Gladwin To Gladwin. 5000 Belding**!______ ...Ion ia To Ionia. 1050 ¿Bellaire**!......... —Antrim To Traverse City. 486 Belleville**!______Wayne See Detroit. 1200 Bellevue**!______ Eaton To Lansing. 200 Bentley**________ .Bay To Bay City. 10833 Benton Harbor**!.Berrien To St. Joseph. 563 Benzonia*________ Benzie To Traverse City. 300 Berlin**!-------------- Ottawa To Grand Haven. 880 Berrien Springs**!Berrien To St. Joseph. 5000 ¿Bessemer’ * !......... Gogebic W . S. BAIRD. 400 Beulah**!____ ___ Benzie To Traverse City. 6000 ¿Big R apids**!___ Mecosta JOHN E. DUMON. 400 Birch Run**!___ Saginaw To Saginaw. 2500 Birmingham**! —Oakland To Pontiac. 75 Biteley**! — ._ _Newaygo To Big Rapids. 400 Blanchard**!. . . . . Isabella To Mt. Pleasant. 1800 Blissfleld**!____ Lenawee To Adrian. 501 Bloomingdale**!.Van Bur. To Paw Paw. 5218 Boyne City**!. Charlevoix H A R R I S & R U E G S E G G E R . Fees fo r collection are subject to local bar rules. 350 Boyne Falls**!.Charlevoix To Boyne City. 595 Breckenridge**!...Gratiot To Ithaca. 450 Bridgman**!. ....B e rrie n To St. Joseph. 767 Brighton**!....Livingston To Howell. 250 B rim ley**!____ Chippewa See Sault Ste. Marie. 500 B ritton**!______ Lenawee To Adrian. 1200 Bronson**!_______Branch To Coldwater. 602 Brooklyn**!_____ Jackson To Jackson. 900 Brown City**!___ Sanilac To Sandusky. 2500 Buchanan**!_____ Berrien To St. Joseph. i 464 Buckley**!_____ W exford To Cadillac. 237 Burlington______ Calhoun To Marshall. 752 Burr O a k * !___ St. Joseph To Three Rivers. 200 Butternut**!___ Montcalm To Stanton, 427 B yron**!_____ Shiawassee To Owosso. i 300 Byron Center**!____ Kent To Grand Rapids. 9915 ¿Cadillac**!_____ Wexford" A . W . PENNY. 500 Caledonia**!— ____ Kent To Grand Rapids. 35000 Calumet**! ___ .Houghton G A L B R A IT H & McCORMACK. 392 Camden*___ __ Hillsdale To Hillsdale. 900 Capac**!______ .St. Clair To Port Huron. 600 Carleton**! . . . ___ Monroe To Monroe. 2300 ¿Caro**!________ —Tuscola To Saginaw. 1000 * Carson City**!..Montcalm To Stanton. 401 Carsonville**!___ Sanilac To Sandusky. 442 Caseville**!_______Huron To Bad Axe. 308 Casnovia**!___ Muskegon To Muskegon. 1300 Cass City**!_____ Tuscola To Saginaw. 1500 ¿Cassopolis**!____ — Cass To Dowagiac. 400 Cedar**!.............. Leelanau To Traverse City. 947 Cedar Springs**! - —Kent See Grand Rapids. 613 ¿Centerville**!—St. Joseph To Three Rivers. 813 Central Lake**!— Antrim To Bellaire. 2500 ¿Charlevoix**!. Charlevoix R . W . KANE. 5000 ¿Charlotte**! Eaton To Lansing. 1000 Chassell**!.— Houghton See Houghton. 6859 ¿Cheboygan**! .Cheboygan JAMES F. SHEPHERD. 2000 Chelsea**!___ Washtenaw To Ann Arbor. 1500 Chesaning**!.___ Saginaw To Saginaw. 1350 Clare**!_____ ______ Clare To Harrison. 500 Glarkston*_____ .Oakland To Pontiac. 400 Clarksville**! . . . ___ Ionia To Ionia, 450 Clayton**!.____ -Lenawee To Adrian. 308 Clifford**!________ Lapeer To Lapeer. 425 Climax**!____ Kalamazoo To Kalamazoo. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N O T F See USEcomplete * 1200 Clinton**!...........Lenawee To Adrian. 810 Clio**! .............Genesee To Flint. 100 f Cohoctah**!__ Livingston To Howell. ¿Coldwater**!____ Branch Coleman**!______ Midland Coloma**!_______Berrien Colon**!_____ St. Joseph Columbiaville**!__ Lapeer Colwood_________Tuscola ( Collings P. O.) 275 Comstock P a r k .___ Kent 543 C oncordat______Jackson 300 Conklin**!_______Ottawa 1244 Constantine**!.St. Joseph 814 Coopersville**t——Ottawa 700 Copemish**!____ Manistee 400 Coral**!_______Montcalm 1500 ¿Corunna**! ...Shiawassee 400 Covert**!_____Van Buren 1500 Croswell**!______ Sanilac 300 Crump*_____________ Bay 400 Crystal* ............ Montcalm 5000 ¿Crystal Falls**! .Iron 200 Crystal Valley*___ Oceana 277 Custer**! _______ ..Mason 228 Daggett**!___ Menominee 673 Davison**!______ Genesee 2000 Dearborn**!______ Wayne 1500 Decatur**____ Van Buren 200 Decker**__ _____ Sanilac 628 Deckerville**!___ Sanilac 443 Deerfield**!____ Lenawee 200 D eford**!_______ Tuscola 300 Delton**.._________ Barry 571784*Detroit**!_______ Wayne 5945 909 701 853 500 —— H. H. BARLOW & B. E. BABLOW To Midland. To St. Joseph. To Three Rivers. To Lapeer. To Saginaw. To Grand Rapids. To Jackson. To Grand Haven. . To Three Rivers. To Grand Haven. See Manistee. To Stanton. To Flint. To Paw Paw. To Bad Axe. To Bay City. To Stanton. To Iron River. To Hart. To Ludington. To Menominee. To Flint. To Detroit. To Paw Paw. To Sandusky. To Bad Axe. To Adrian. To Saginaw. To Hastings. FRANK LAWHEAD, 426-430 Dime Bank Bldg. Attorney-atLaw. R efer to First and Old Detroit National Bank. 1 Cor poration, Commercial and General Practice. Special Collec tion and Forwarding Departments. SELLING & BRAND, 502-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Hammond Building. Attorneys for American Radiator Co., Prudential Insurance Co. Reference: 1st & Old Detroit National Bank, Detroit, Michigan. Corporation. Insurance, Bankruptcy and Mer cantile Litigation Specialties. HENRY & EDWARD F. WUNSCH, Moffat Bldg.. Practice in all Courts. Corporation, Insurance and Probate Law. Efficient Collection Department. Depositions taken; issue Commission to either member. Refer to Dime Savings Bank, John L. Harper & Co., or any Detroit bank. Compil ers o f the Michigan laws for this publication. 500 De W itt**---------- Clinton To St. Johns. 726 Dexter**!------ Washtenaw To Ann Arbor. 450 Dighton**!............ Osceola To Big Rapids. 500 Dimondale**!______ Eaton To Lansing. 400 D orr**!..................Allegan To Allegan. 485 Douglas*................ Allegan To Allegan. 5163 Dowagiac**!..............Cass E. BRUCE LAING. 500 Dryden**!________ Lapeer To Lapeer. 1070 Dundee**!_______Monroe To Monroe. 3000 Durand**!___ Shiawassee To Owosso. 2500 East Jordan** .Charlevoix To Charlevoix. 802 East Lansing_____ Tngham To Lansing. 1452 East Tawas**!. _____ Iosco To Tawas City. 2500 Eaton Rapids**!___ Eaton To Lansing. 500 Eau Claire**!____ Berrien To St. Joseph. 1000 Edmore**!_____ Montcalm To Stanton. 500 Edwardsburg**!....... Cass TO Dowagiac. 639 Elberta* — ............ Benzie To Traverse City. 1200 Elk Rapids**!____ Antrim To Bellaire. 553 Elkton**! _________ Huron See Bad Axe. 350 Ellsworth**!___ _ Antrim To Bellaire. 500 Elmira**!....... ....... Otsego To Gaylord. 850 Elsie**!--------------- Clinton To St. Johns. 250 Elwell**!................ Gratiot To Ithaca. 292 Emmett**!...........St. Clair To Port Huron. 578 Empire**---------Leelanau To Traverse City. 300 Engadine**! — Mackinac See St. Ignace. 350 Erie**.................... Monroe To Monroe. 15485 ¿Escanaba**!___ Delta RUSHTON & RILEY. 1500 Essexville*!.........—— Bay To Bay City. 1386 Evart**!................ Osceola To Big Rapids. 900 Ewen**!------ ..Ontonagon See Ontonagon. 437 Fairgrove**!_____ Tuscola To Saginaw. 200 Fairview*________ Oscoda See Mio. 300 Falmouth**___ Missaukee To Cadillac. 800 Farmington**___ Oakland To Pontiac. 522 Farwell**!___ _____ Clare To Harrison. 533 Fennville**!___ —Allegan To Allegan. 2500 Fenton**!_______Genesee To Flint. 250 Fenwick**....... Montcalm To Stanton. 500 Fife Lake**!.Grand Trav. To Traverse City. 600 Flat Rock**! ......W a y n e See Detroit. 54772 ¿Flint**!______ — Genesee NEITHERCUT & NEITHERCUT. 201 Patterson Bldg. 1000 Flushing**! _____ Genesee To Flint. 234 Forestville*__...Sanilac To Bad Axe. 400 Fostoria**!______ Tuscola To Caro. 350 Fountain**!............ Mason To Ludington. 476 Fowler**!_______ Clinton To St. Johns. 905 Fowlerville**! -Livingston To Howell. 693 Frankenmuth* ...Saginaw To Saginaw. 1555 Frankfort**!______Benzie To Traverse City. 250 F raser**!_____ —Macomb To Mt. Clemens. 500, Frederic**!____ Crawford To Grayling. 500 Freeland**!......... Saginaw To Saginaw. 460 F reep ort**!_____ —Barry To Hastings. instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. information in preface to Attorney List. C O U P O N S . a s A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W 306 Free S o ilM _______ Mason To Ludington. 2500 Fremont *•!------ Newaygo To Big Rapids. 350 Fulton*t______ Kalamazoo To Kalamazoo. 358 Gagetown**t_____ Tuscola To Saginaw. 238 Gaines**!— ......... Genesee To Flint. 800 Galesburg**! ..Kalamazoo To Kalamazoo. 405 Galien**! — --------Berrien To St. Joseph. 497 Garden *t-----------------Delta To Escanaba. 1800 ¿Gaylord**!------------ Otsego W . L. TOWNSEND. 1301 Gilford**! — ------ Tuscola To Saginaw. , 5000 Gladstone**!............ Delta To Escanaba. 1200 ¿Gladwin**— — Gladwin J. C. SHAFFER. To Holland. 300 Glenn*______ — Allegan 65 Glennie*— ............. Alcona To Harrisville,. 600 Gobi evil le *___ Van Buren To Paw Paw. 300 Goodells**t--------- St. Clair T o Port Huron. son Goodrich**______ Genesee To Flint. „ 450 Grand Blanc**t ..Genesee To Flint. ¿Grand Haven**!— Ottawa LILLIE, LILLIE & LILLIE. 3500 Grand Ledge**t — Eaton To Lansing. l28291*Grand Rapids**t — Kent BOLTWOOD & BOLTWOOD. 601-607 Michigan Trust Co. Bldg. Refer to Old National Bank. Specialty: Commer cial Law and Collections. Practice in all Courts. Corre spondence Solicited. EASTMAN & EASTMAN. Attorneys at Law. 531-534 Michigan Trust Co. Bldg. General Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Corporation Law, Bankruptcy Law, Col lections, Adjustments. Collection Department thoroughly organized and equipped for prompt handling o f business. References: City Trust & Savings Bank and Grand Rapids Savings Bank. HOLDING & HILDING. 323-4-5 Grand Rapids National City Bank Building. General practice in all Courts. Collection department under supervision o f a member of the firm. Prompt attention to matters in any part of Michigan. Depositions to L. N. Atwater, Notary Public. References; Bradstreets Agency. Grand Rapids National City Bank. EDGAR H. JOHNSON. (Successor to Taggart, Denison & Wilson.) References: Kent State Bank, Grand Rapids National City Bank, and Michigan Trust Company. Grandville**t_______Kent To Grand Rapids. 500 Grant**t.... ........Newaygo To Big Rapids. 760 Grass Lake**t___ Jackson To JacKSon. 200 Grawn**t-Grand Traverse To Traverse City. 1775 ¿Grayiing**t____Crawford Glen Smith. * “ H 1 See Ontonagon. 1500 Greenland**!..Ontonagon 4045 Greenville**t— Montcalm To Stanton. 350 Gregory**t___ Livingston To Howell. 862 Grosse Pointe* — Wayne To Detroit. 2500 Gwinn**t - ____ Marquette See Marquette. 400 H a d l e y * i — — Lapeer To Lapeer. 300 Hale**____________ Iosco To Tawas City. Halfway*------------Macomb To Mt. Clemens. Allegan To Allegan. 1ÔD flamilton**t— 25000 Hamtramck*! —— Wayne See Detroit. To Houghton. Hancock**! . — Houghton 12079 364 Hanover**t_____ Jackson To Jackson. To Bad Axe. Harbor Beach**t__ Huron 2200 1805 Harbor Springs**t Emmet To Petoskev. 700 ¿Harrison**! — --------Clare G. J. CUMMINS. 444 ¿Harrisville**t_____ Alcona O. H. SMITH. 1800 ¿Hart**t................... Oceana LESLIE E. GREENE. 1300 Hartford**! — Van Buren To Paw Paw. 300 Haslett**!.... ........Ingham See Lansing. 5000 ¿Hastings**!------------ Barry COLGROVE & POTTER. 300 Hemlock**! ____ Saginaw To Saginaw. 250 Henderson**! Shiawassee To Corunna. 310 ¿Hersey**!— , ....... usceoia To Big Rapids. 462 Hesperia*______...Oceana To Hart. 25000 Highland Park*! 2.Wayne See Detroit. 500 Hillman** ..Montmorency To Alpena. 6000 ¿Hillsdale**!____ Hillsdale PAUL W . CHASE. 12185 Holland**!............ Ottawa VISSCHER & ROBINSON. 2000 H olly**t......... ...Oakland To Pontiac. 300 Holton**t_____ Muskegon To Muskegon. 1200 Homer**!____ ...Calhoun T o Marshall. 450 ¿Honor**!_________Benzie To Traverse City. \ 600 Hopkm s**!______Allegan To Grand Rapids. 6000 ¿Houghton**!___ Houghton STONE, WIEDER & SCHULTE. To Stanton. 1100 Howard City**t Montcalm 2800 ¿Howell**!____ Livingston R . D. ROCHE. 450 Hubbardston*______ Ionia To Ionia. 1500 Hubbell** .........Houghton To Calumet. Hudson**!______ Lenawee To Adrian. 400 Hudson ville**!___ Ottawa To Holland. 400 Id a * * !____,.........: Monroe To Monroe. 1200 Imlay City**!.........Lapeer To Lapeer. 8000 ¿Ionia**!____ _______ Ionia NICHOLS & NICHOLS. 9216 ¿Iron Mountain**! .Dicki’n JAMES R- SPENCER. 4000 Iron R iver**!____ s Iron FRED F. MURPHY. 14779 Ironwood**!_____ Gogebic To Bessemer. 12448 Ishpeming**! ..Marquette To Marquette. 2000 ¿Ithaca**!_________ Gratiot O. G. TUTTLE. 35363 ¿Jackson**!______ Jackson FORREST C. BADGLEY. Refers to any Bank in Jackson. Jamestown— ........ Ottawa To Holland. 251 Jasper**!______ _ Lenawee To Adrian. 200 Jeddo**!___ __ .. St. Clair To Port Huron. 328 Jones**______ ______ Cass To Dowagiac. 1500 Jones v ille**!___ Hillsdale To Hillsdale. ¿Kalamazoo**! .Kalamazoo JOHN M . ALEXANDER. McNair Bldg, ______________ 200 Kaleva**!______Manistee See Manistee NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MICHIGAN (B O N D E D ) 1487 ¿Kalkaska**!.....Kalkaska E. C. SMITH. Kawkawlin**------------ Bay To Bay City. Kent City**!______ ..K ent To Grand Rapids. K ilm an a gh .........H u ron See Bad Axe. ( SebewcUng P. O.) 500 Kinde**t_____ ____ Huron To Bad Axe. 497 Kingsley**! Grand Trav’se To Traverse City. 400 K in g ston **!..__,-Tuscola To Caro. 500 Lachine**________Alpena To Alpena. 703 Laingsburg**!.Shiawassee To Owosso. 740 ¿Lake City**! — Missaukee To Cadillac. 2500 Lake Linden**!.Houghton To Calumet. 1300 Lake Odessa**!-........Ionia To Ionia. 1000 Lakeview**!— Montcalm To Stanton. 300 Lamb**_________St. Clair To Port Huron. 708 ¿L ’Anse**! ......... Baraga To Houghton. 40498 §Lansing**t. _____Ingham CUMMINS & NICHOLS. Tussing Building. Corpora tion and Insurance' Law, the settlement o f estates and trial o f causes given special attention. Commercial de partment under charge o f competent attorney. 3946 ¿Lapeer**!________Lapeer W. E. BROWN. 10356 Laurium**t____ Houghton To Calumet. 663 Lawrence**t...Van Buren To Paw Paw. 1042 Lawton**!____ Van Buren To Paw Paw. 200 Lennon**!___ Shiawassee To Owosso. 1500 Lenox*!______ ...M acom b To Mount Clemens. 313 Leonard**!...........Oakland To Pontiac. 278 Leonidas**!___ St. Joseph To Three Rivers. 331 Le R oy **t______ .Osceola To Big Rapids. 1032 Leslie**t.... ........... Ingham See Lansing. 350 Levering**!......... Emmett See Petoskey 300 Lewiston**. Montmorency See Atlanta. 519 Lexington*___ ___ Sanilac To Sandusky. 250 Lincoln**_________Alcona See Mio. 550 Linden**!_______Genesee To Flint. 350 Linwood**!__________Bay To Bay City. 877 Litchfield**!.— .Hillsdale To Hillsdale. 2000 Lowell**!__________ Kent To Grand Rapids. 10367 *Ludington*«t_____ Mason ROBERT J. QUAIL. 300 Lum**!__________ Lapeer To Lapeer. 300 Lupton**________Ogemaw See West Branch. 626 L uther**!...________Lake To Baldwin. 611 L yons**!___ I --------- Ionia To Ionia. 697 Mackinaw**! ..Cheboygan To Cheboygan. 1200 Mancelona**!------ Antrim To Bellaire. 1500 Manchester**! Wgshtenaw To Ann Arbor. E. NEAL. 12381 *Manistee**t_____ Manistee M . 5000 *Manistique**!.Schoolcrait JAS. C. WOOD. To Cadillac. 1069 Manton**!........... Wexford 529 Maple Rapids*___ Clinton To St. Johns. 1200 Marcellus**!_____ ...C ass To Dowagiac. 3800 Marine City**!__ St.Clair To Port Huron. 767 Marion**!...............Osceola To Big Rapids. 1062 Marlette**! —......... Sanilac To Sandusky. 12409 ¿Marquette**!...Marquette BALL & GARVIN. 4360 ¿Marshall**! .........Calhoun CYRUS J. GOODRICH. (See also at Battle Creek.) 1185 Martin**!.............. Allegan To Kalamazoo. 1800 ¿M ason**!....... ...... Ingham See Lansing 310 M aybee**!_______Monroe To Monroe. 900 Mayv ille*!____ ...T uscola To Saginaw. 546 M cBain**!........Missaukee To Cadillac. 325 McBrides**!___ Montcalm To Stanton. 100 McCords**.._______Kent To Grand Rapids. 250 McGregor**t —___ Sanilac To Bad Axe. 450 Mears**!_________ Oceana To Hart. 506 M ecosta**!______Mecosta To Big Rapids. 242 M elvin**!________Sanilac To Bad Axe. 557 Memphis**!_____ Macomb To Port Huron. 768 Mendon**!..,— St. Joseph To Three Rivers.__ 10507 ¿Menominee**! Menominee SAWYER & SAWYER. 600 Merrill**!______„Saginaw To Saginaw. 510 Mesick**!______ Wexford To Cadillac. 276 Metamora**!--------Lapeer To Lapeer. 500 Middleton**!_____ Gratiot To Ithaca. 804 Middleville**! — — Barry To Hastings. 4500 ¿Midland**! —. — .Midland GEO. B. STANFORD. 100 Mikado**........... — Alcona See Mio. 1500 Milan**!_____ Washtenaw To Ann Arbor. 973 Milford**!______ Oakland To Pontiac. 519 MillersburgMPresquelsle To Rogers. 623 Millington**!....... Tuscola To Saginaw. 332 Minden City**!___ Sanilac To Bad Axe. 200 ¿M io*........................Oscoda To Grayling. 5000 Mohawk**!___ Keweenaw To Calumet. 300 M oline**!________ Allegan To Grand Rapids. 10000 ¿M onroe**!_______ Monroe THORNTON DIXON. 942 Montague**! ...M uskegon To Muskegon.600 Montgomery**!—Hillsdale To Hillsdale. 500 Montrose**!_____ Genesee To Flint. 1800 M orenci**!_____ Lenawee To Adrian. 337 M orley**!_______Mecosta To Big Rapids. 470 M orrice**!___ Shiawassee To Owosso. 8000 ¿Mt. Clemens**! ..Macomb LUNGERHAUSEN & LUNGERHAUSEN. 100 Mountforest**-----------Bay To Bay City. 513 Mt. M orris**!___ Genesee To Flint. A. SANFORD. 5000 'Mt, Pleasant**!.—Isabella H. 463 M uir**!________i — Ionia To Ionia. 400 Mtilliken**! ------- ¿.Eaton To Lansing. _). Munger**!— -----------Bay To Bay City. 200 _ __ 8 3500 ¿Munising**!.........— Alger See Marquette. ' 26100 ¿Muskegon**!— Muskegon CROSS, FOOTE & SESSIONS. 7000 Muskegon Heights**! Muskegon To Muskegon. 1500 Nashville**! ---------B a rry To Hastings. 9416 Negaunee**! — Marquette To Marquette. 1200 ¿N ewaygo**!. N eway go To Big Rapids. 920 New Baltimore**-Macomb To Mount Clemens. 1421 ¿N ew berry**!---------- Luce To Sault Ste. Marie. 1415 250 467 250 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1488 M IC H IG A N A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (BONDED) P opo l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 400 225 inn 500 300 6000 440 717 ~— ~ 524 5,00 1700 4974 400 400 1500 .800 367 8000 324 398 New B oston *»!.... Wayne N e w l r a M ......... .Oceana irew Y ---Macomb New Lothrop*.Shiawassee Newport*»!------ ..M onroe N iles*»!._____ -...B errien North Adams*»!_Hillsdale North Branch*»! ..Lapeer North Lansing!. ...Ingham (La/nsing P. O.) Northport*»____ Leelanau Northstar*»!......... Gratiot Northville*»!_____ Wayne N orw ay*»!— Dickinson Nunica*»!________ Ottawa Oakley*»! --------- Saginaw O ak w ood...._____ Wayne (Navarre P. O.) Olivet*..----- — L ...E aton Omer*»!----------- ..Arenac Onaway*»!...Presque Isle Onekama*»!........Manistee Onsted*»!--------- Lenawee 2000 ¿Ontonagon*»t -Ontonagon 1000 Orion*»! — .....O aklan d 300 450 864 400 3000 200 273 1500 500 Orleans*»!________ Ionia Ortonville*»_____ Oakland Oscoda*»! —. . . . . . „ . I o s c o Otisville*»!—__..Genesee Otsego*»!---------- .Allegan Ottawa Lake*»!__ Monroe Otter L a k e*»!__ ¿.Lapeer Ovid*»! — .............Clinton Oweudale*»! —..„ .H u r o n 10230 Owosso*»! ....Shiawassee 1500 Oxford*»! .. ........ Oakland 100 Palms*»! — — „..S an ila c 350 P alo*..--------------- .„'.Ionia 509 Parma*»!— —.¿.Jackson 1643 274 1089 1000 400 1000 700 5500 400 400 687 477 800 • 500 1493 2500 ^300 ¿Paw P aw *»!... Yan Buren Peck* ------------------Sanilac Pellston*»!______ Emmet Pentwater*»!_____ Oceana Perrinton*»! __ Gratiot P e rry * »!------ -Shiawassee Petersburg*»!..—.Monroe ¿Petoskey*»t______ Emmet Pewam o*»!....... ........Ionia Pickford*!___ —Chippewa Pigeon*»!--------—..H uron Pinckney*«! — Livingston Pinconning*»!----- ----- Bay P ittsford *»!... . . Hillsdale Plainwell*»! _____ Allegan Plymouth*»!_____ Wayne Pompeii*»!_______ Gratiot 17524 ¿Pontiac*»!______ Oakland 600 Port Austin*»!____ Huron 400 Port Hope*»!____ ...Huron NAME. To Detroit. To Hart. To Mount Clemens. To Owosso. To Monroe. WILBUR N. BURNS. To Hillsdale. To Lapeer. See Lansing. To Traverse City. To Ithaca. See Detroit. To Iron Mountain. To Grand Haven. To Saginaw. To Detroit". To Lansing. To Standish. To Rogers. See Manistee. To Adrian. JOHN JONES. To Pontiac. To Ionia. To Pontiac. To Tawas City. To Flint. To Allegan. To Monroe. To Lapeer. To St. Johns. To Bad Axe. MATTHEWS & CLARKE. To Pontiac. To Bad Axe. To Ionia. To Jackson. THOS. J. CAVANAUGH. To Bad Axe. See Petoskey. To Hart. To Ithaca. To Owosso. To Monroe B. H. HALSTEAD. T o Ionia. See Sault Ste. Marie. To Bad Axe. To Howell. To Bay City. To Hillsdale. To Allegan. See Detroit. To Ithaca. ELMER R . WEBSTER. To Bad Axe. To Bad Axe. 18863 ¿Port Huron*»! ...S t . Clair F R A N K R . SC H E L L; Stewart ’ Block. Reference: First National Exchange Bank. 1832 Portland*»!__ . . —„Io n ia To Ionia. 300 Port Sanilac*.— Sanilac To Bad Axe. 263 Posen*»t____ Presque Isle To Rogers. 500 Powers*»! — Menominee To Menominee. 500 Prescott*»! *____ Ogemaw See West Branch. 150 Provemont*»!...Leelanau To Traverse City. 1500 Q uincy*»!....... ...... Branch To Cold water. 200 Rapid C ity*»!__ Kalkaska To Kalkaska. 350 Ravenna*»!___ Muskegon To Muskegon. 1102 R eading*»!_____ Hillsdale To Hillsdale. • 1200 Redford^»_______.Wayne See Detroit. 2200 Reed City*»!___ —Osceola To Big Rapids, 465 Reese*»!___ ____ Tuscbla To Saginaw. 500 R em u s*»!_______Mecosta To Big Rapids, s 2300 Republic*»!. .Marquette See Marquette. 47 Rhodes*»..___ ___Gladwin To Gladwin. 350 Richland*»___ Kalamazoo To Kalamazoo. 1277 Richmond*»! —..Macomb To Mt. Clemens. 300 Richville*»___ Tuscola To Saginaw. 250 Riga*»!----- — Lenawee To Adrian. ' 300 R iverdale*»!......... Gratiot To Ithaca. 6000 River Rouge*»!___ Wayne See Detroit. 2500 Rochester*»!____ Oakland To Pontiac. 1200 R o ck fo rd * »!..— Kent To Grand Rapids. 1000 Rockland*»!...Ontonagon See Ontonagon. 400 Rockwood*»t_____ Wayne See Detroit. 705 ¿R ogers*..— .Presaue Isle To Alpena. 2000 Romeo*»! _____ -Macomb To Mt. Clemens. 300 Romulus*»!_______ Wayne See Detroit. 425 ¿Roscommon*»! Roscom’on H . R . SMITH. — R osebu rg------------ Sanilac To Bad Axe. (Y a le P. O.) 300 Rosebush*»!_____ Isabella To Mt. Pleasant. 542 Rose City*»_____ Ogemaw See West Branch. 5500 Royal Oak*»!.....Oakland To Pontiac. 250 Rudyard*»!— .Chippewa See Sault Ste. Marie. 150 R uth*»!________ Huron To Bad Axe. 55642 ¿Saginaw*»!______ Saginaw ROBERT H . COOK. 1000 Saline*»! —__ Washtenaw To Ann Arbor. 370 Sand Lake*»!_______Kent To Grand Rapids. 1000 ¿Sandusky*»!_____ Sanilac To Bad Axe. 250 Sanford*»!—— .Midland To Midland. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ’M / r^ rT | 7 ¿ ’ V / A Li P opu la TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 845 Saranac*»t___ _____ Ionia To Ioniá. 621 Saugatuck*»!------ Allegan To Holland. 13919 816 350 891 1300 150 1260 1200 500 346 200 200 250 300 250 700 4000 615 2000 316 1500 802 584 2000 ¿Sault Ste.Marie*»tChip’wa Schoolcraft*»t. Kalamazoo Scotts*»t------- Kalamazoo Scottville*»t___ — Mason Sebewaing*»!_____Huron Shabbona*_____ —Sanilac (Decker P. O.) Shelby*»! —__ ....O ceana Shepherd*»!—— .Isabella Sheridan*»!___ Montcalm Sherwood*»........... Branch Sidney*»t--------Montcalm Silverwood*»! ....T u scola Sixlakes*—_____Montcalm Smiths Creek*»! .St. Clair Snover*..................Sanilac So. Boardman*»!Kalkaska South Haven*»!Van Buren South Lyon*»! — Oakland South Range*»! Houghton South Rockw’d*» .Monroe Sparta*»!.__________Kent Spring Lake*»!..¿..Ottawa Springport*»! — Jackson Stambaugh*»!......... ..Iron DAVIDSON & HUDSON. To To To To To Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo. Lndington. Bad Axe. Bad Axe. To Hart. To Mt. Pleasant. To Stanton. To Coldwater. To Stanton. To Saginaw. To Stanton. To Port Huron. To Bad Axe. To Kalkaska. To Paw Paw. To Pontiac. See Houghton. To Monroe. To Grand Rapids. To Grand Haven. To Jackson. To Iron River. 900 ¿Standish*»!...........Arenac S. E. HAYES. 1012 ¿Stanton*»!........ Montcalm F. A . M ILLER. 185 1451 2633 10000 527 350 2118 Stanw ood*»!____ Mecosta St. Charles*»!....Saginaw St. C lair*»!...L _.S t. Clair St. Clair Heights*! Wayne Stephenson*»! Menominee Sterling*»!__. . . —Arenac ¿St. Ignace*»!___ Mackinac To Big Rapids. To Saginaw. To Port Huron. To Detroit. To Menominee. To Standish. To Sault Ste. Marie. 4000 ¿St. Joh ns*»!........-Clinton EDWARD M . WHITLOCK. 5936 1940 663 6130 385 600 300 *St. Joseph*»!— Berrien St. Louis*»!______ Gratiot Stockbridge*»!!— Ingham S turgis*»!____ St. Joseph Sunfleld*»!...............Eaton Suttons Bay*»__ Leelanau Swartz Creek*»! .Genesee O’ HARA & O’ HARA. To Ithaca. See Lansing. To Three Rivers. To Lansing. To Traverse City. To Flint. 1061 2500 573 300 815 1500 ¿Tawas City*»!...........Iosco Tecum seh*»!___ Lenawee Tekonsha*»!____ Calhoun Temperance* Monroe Thompsonville*»!..Benzie Three Oaks*»!___ Berrien N. C. HARTINGH. To Adrian. T o Battle Creek. To Monroe. To Traverse City. To St. Joseph. 5072 Three Rivers*»!St. Joseph 545 tTower*»!------- Cheboygan 13818 ¿Traverse City*»! Grand Traverse. 1500 Trenton*»!......... —Wayne 250 Trout Lake*»!..Chippewa 400 Trufant*»!____ Montcalm. 350 Turner*»! ________ Arenac 371 Tustin*»! — ____ Osceola 267 Twining*»!............Arenac 442 U bly*»!.... ........— Huron 1500 Union C ity * » !___ Branch 600 Unionville*»!....... Tuscola 496 Utica*»!— . . . . ___Macomb 371 Vandalia*»!.........— Cass 523. Vanderbilt*»! _____ Otsego 2000 Vassar*»!.............. Tuscola 700 Vermontville*»!___ Eaton 280 Vestaburg*»!__ Montcalm 2000 Vicksburg*»! —Kalamazoo 1500 W akefield*»!____ Gogebic 600 Waldron*»!_____ Hillsdale 371 Walkerville*......... Oceana 350 Warren*»! — . ..Macomb 350 W ashington*»!. „M acom b 1200 Watervliet*»t____ Berrien 800 W ayland*»!...........Allegan 2000 Wayne*»! ............ .W ayne 600 W ebberville*»!__ Ingham 500 W eidm an*»!......... Isabella 1500 275 366 500 800 1600 -700 218 150 1042 100 250 794 500 9609 1500 8000 2500 ¿West Branch*»!..Ogemaw Weston*»t— / —_ Lenawee Westphalia*______Clinton W heeler*»!___ ___ Gratiot White Cloud*»!..Newaygo Whitehall*»! — Muskegon White Pigeon*»!St.Joseph W hittem ore*»!... . . . Iosco Williamsburg Grand Traverse Williamston*»! ...Ingham Willis*»!_____ Washtenaw W inn*____ ______ Isabella Wolverine*»!..Cheboygan W oodland*»____ — Barry W yandotte*»!____ Wayne Yale*»!___;— . . . .St. Clair Ypsilanti*»! —Washtenaw Zeeland*»!____ — Ottawa ANDREWS & ANDREWS. To Cheboygan. PATCHIN & DUNCAN. See Detroit. To Sault Ste. Marie. To Stanton. To Standish. To Big Rapids. To Standish. See Bad Axe. To Coldwater. See Caro. To Mount Clemens. To Dowagiac. To Gaylord. To Caro. To Lansing. To Stanton. To Kalamazoo. To Bessemer. To Hillsdale. To Hart. To Mount Clemens. To Mount Clemens. To St. Joseph. To Allegan. See Detroit. See Lansing. To Mt. Pleasant. HARRIS & CHAPIN. To Adrian. To Saint Johns. To Ithaca. To Big Rapids. To Muskegon. To Three Rivers. To Tawas City. To Traverse City. See Lansing. To Ann Arbor. To Mount Pleasant. To Cheboygan. To Hastings. See Detroit. To Port Huron. To Ann Arbor. To Holland. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. M IN N E S O T A ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) P opu TOWN AND COUNTY. la tion . MINNESOTA This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises the entire state and is divided into six divisions: the First division with court at Winona (1), on the third Tues days in May apd November; the Second division with court at Mankato (2), on the fourth Tuesdays in April and October; the Third division with court at St. Paul (3), on the first Tuesdays in June and December; the Fourth division with court at Minneapolis (4), the first Tuesdays in April and October; the Fifth division with court at Duluth (5), second Tuesdays in January and July; and the Sixth division with court at Fergus Falls (6), the first Tuesday in M ay and second Tuesday in November. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Aitkin (5), Anoka (4), Becker (6), Beltramie (6), Benton (5), Bigstone (6), Blue Earth (2), Brown (2), Carlton (5), Carver (4), Cass (5), Chippewa (4), Chisago (3), Clay (6), Clearwater (6), Cook (5), Cottonwood (2), Crow Wing (5), Dakota (3), Dodge (1), Douglas (6), Faribault (2), Fillmore (1), Freeborn (2), Goodhue (3), Grant (6), Hennepin (4), Houston (1), Hubbard (6), Isanti (4), Itasca (5), Jackson (2), Kanabec (5), Kandiyohi (4), Kittson (6), Koochiching (5), Lac QUi Parle (2), Lake (5), Lesueur (2), Lincoln (2), Lyon (2), McLeod (4), Mahnomen (6), Marshall (6), Martin (2), Meeker (4), Millelacs (3), Morrison (5), Mower (1), Murray (2), Nicollet (2), Nobles (2), Norman (6), Olmsted (1), Ottertail (6), Pennington (6), Pine (5), Pipestone (2), Polk (6), Pope (6), Ramsey (3), Red Lake (6), Redwood (2), Renville (4) Rice (3), Rock (2), Roseau (6), St. Louis (5), Scott (3), Sherburne (4), Sibley (2), Stearns (6), Steele (1), Stevens (6), Swift (4), Todd (6), Traverse (6), Wabasha (1), Wadena (6), Waseca (2), Washington (3), Watonwan (2), Wilkin (6), Winona (1), Wright (4), Yellow Medicine (2). REFERENCE KEY »County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 2000 »A da*»!----------- ..Norman, 750 Adams*»!________ Mower 1112 A drian *»!_______ Nobles 200 A fto n * »!____ Washington 2500 »Aitkin*»!______— .Aitkin 1685 Akely*»t________Hubbard 800 Albany*»t______ .Stearns 150 Alberta*»!____...Stevens 11487 »Albert Lea*»t ...F reeborn 250 650 125 4000 Albertville*»t____ Wright A lden*»!_______Freeborn Aldrich*»!_______Wadena »Alexandria*»!___ Douglas 50 Almelund________ Chisago ( Center City P. O.) 175 Almora»______Otter Tail 223 Alpha*»_________ Jackson 200 Altura*__________ Winona 300 Alvarado*»t~____Marshall 800 Amboy*»t . . —.Blue Earth 81 Amiret*»!______ — Lyon lOo Angus*»!___ ____ Polk 624 Annandale*»!___Wright 5000 »A noka*»!_______Anoka 1500 Appleton*»!. . . . . . . . . Swift 275 Arco*»t__________ Lincoln 1100 Argyle*»!_______Marshall 733 Arlington*»! „ ____ Sibley 50 Armstrong__ ...F reeborn 375 A shby*»!__. __ . . . Grant 50 Ashcreek*»!_____ ...R o c k 200 Askov*».____________Pine 700 Atwater*»!____ Kandiyohi 300 Audubon*»!_____ .B ecker 40 Augusta___ ______ ICarver Tn(Chaska P. O.) 1919 Aurora*»!___ ...S t. Louis 8000 »Austin*»! — . . . .¿ —Mower 212 Avoca*»!________ Murray 277 A v o n * »!___ _____ Stearns 184 Backus*»!____ . . —Cass 500 Badger*»! ______ ...Roseau 801 »Bagley*»!_____ Clearwater 150 Baker*»!____ _ Clay 522 Balaton*»!-;_________Lyon 1850 Barnesville*»!_______Clay 262 Barnum*»!______-Carlton 278 Barrett*»t.... ........ —Grant 200 Barrows*....... Grow Wing 105 Barry*»!________ Bigstone (50 Battle Lake*»t -Otter Tail 1500 Baudette*_____ —Beltrami 487 Beardsley*»!____ Bigstone 195 Beaver Creek*»t— Rock 210 Becker*»!_____ Sherburne 200 Bejou*» . . . ___ Mahnomen «00 Belgrade*»!____ —Stearns 125 Bellechester___ _ Goodhue _ (Goodhue P. O.) 1400 Belleplaine*»!______ Scott «59 Bellingham*»t_Lac-qui-P’e 500 Beltrami*»!................ Polk —2£5Belview*»!_____Redwood BRATTLAND & ANDREWS. To Austin. To Worthington. To Stillwater. J. C. HESSIAN. To Bemidji. To St. Cloud. To Morris. A. W . JOHNSON. Refers to First National Bank o f Albert Lea and Citizens National Bank o f Albert Lea. To Buffalo. See Albert Lea. To Wadena. GE O. L. T R E A T . Attorney for Douglas Co. State Bank. To Center City. To Fergus Falls. To Jackson. To Winona. To Warren. To Mankato. To Marshall. To Crookston. To Buffalo. J. P. COLEMAN. To Benson,. See Ivanhoe. To Warren. To Gaylord. T o Albert Lea. To Elbow*Lake. To Luverne. To Pine City. To Willmar. To Detroit. To Chaska. To Virginia. J. N. NICHOLSEN* To Slayton. To St. Cloud. To Bemidji. To Thief River Falls. To Bemidji. To Moorhead. To Marshall. To Moorhead. To Cloquet. To Elbow Lake. To Brainerd. See Ortonville. To Fergus Falls. To Bemidji. See Ortonville. To Luverne. To Elk River. To Detroit. To St. Cloud. To Red Wing. To Shakopee. To Madison. See Crookston. To Redwood Falls. NOTE 95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1489 NAME. G R A H A M M. T O R R A N C E . Attorney for the Northern Nat’l Bank. ' • 2500 »Benson*»!.— . ___ Swift C. L. KANE. To Pine City. 100 Beroun*»__ Pine 500 Bertha*»! — — — .Todd To Wadena. 300 B ethel*»!_____ ,'M_Anoka To Anoka. 47 Big B en d ....... —Chippewa To Montevideo. (M ilcm P .O .) 250 B igelow *»!____ __ Nobles To Worthington. 325 Big Falls*»!—Koochiching To International Falls. o Grand Rapids. 250 Bigfork*.:__—'_____ Itasca o Elk River. 350 Big Lake*»!——Sherburne 285 Bingham Lake*»!Cot’nw’d To Windom. 1030. Bird Island*»!___ Renville To Olivia. 100 Biscay*»_________ McLeod To Glencoe. 2000 Biw abik*»!_____ St. Louis* To Virginia. 125 B ix b y * »............. - __Steele To Owatonna. 1000 Blackduck*»t . —.Beltrami To Bemidji. ___ Scott To Shakopee. 200 Blakeley*»! 1200 Blooming Prairie*»t Steele To Owatonna. 3000 »Blue Earth*»!__ Faribault FRUNDT & MORSE. 148 Bluffton*»t Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 100 B ock»-___ - _____ Millelacs To Princeton. 25 Bongards»_______Carver To Chaska. 150 Borup*»! ________ Norman To Ada. 1000 Bovey*»! ___ . . . ——Itasca To Grand Rapids. 200 Bowlus*»!______ Morrison To Brainerd. 550 B oyd*»!....... Lac-qui-Parle To Madison. To Cambridge. 406 Braham*»!____ Isanti 9154 »Brainerd*»!— Crow Wing ALDERMAN & CLARK. 276 Brandon*»!.___ ..Douglas To Alexandria. 2500 »Breckenridge*»!.—Wilkin GEORGE D. SMITH, Attorney for the Breckenridge Nat’l Bank. 350 Brewster*»!......... .Nobles To Worthington. ' 600 B ricely n *»!____ Faribault To Blue Earth. 150 Bronson*»t .......... Kittson To Hallock. 200 Brookpark*»!......... —Pine To Pine City. 200 Brooks*»!__ __ Red Lake To Thief River Falls. 250 B rookston*»!__ .St. Louis To Duluth. Q50 B rooten *»!..i____ Stearns To Saint Cloud. 900 Brow erville*»!_____ Todd To Wadena. 264 Brownsdale*»!____ Mower To Austin. 361 Brownsville*»!— Houston See Caledonia. 509 Brownton*»!____ McLeod To Glencoe. 1058 Brown Valley*»t-Traverse See Wheaton. 229 Bruno*»t_________ .Pine To Pine City. 200 Buckm an______ Morrison To Brainerd. ( Pierz P. O.) 1300 »Buffalo*»!____ . . . _Wright H. C. WEST. 371 Buffalo Lake*»!¿.Renville To Olivia. 1005 B u h l* »!............. St. Louis To Virginia. 217 B urtrum *»!_____ __ Todd To Wadena. 500 Butterfield*»!..Watonwan To St. James. 272 B yron*»!_____ ...Olm sted To Rochester. 1700 »Caledonia*»! . . —.Houston To La Crosse, Wis,.. .; 276 Callaway*»!__ ___ Becker To Detroit. 1100 »C a m brid ge*»!.....—Isanti PAUL W . MARTIN. 303 Campbell*»!__ ....W ilk in To Breckenridge. 2000 Canby*»! Yellow Medicine To Granite Falls. 1500 Cannon Falls*»!. Goodhue To Red Wing. © 345 Canton*»!.............Fillmore To Preston. 50 Carlisle*»_____ Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 200 Carlos*»!________ Douglas To Alexandria. 700 »Carlton*»!____....Carlton To Cloquet. 571 Carver*»!___ _____ Carver To Chaska. 2011 Cass Lake*»!.___ ___ Cass To Bemidji. 60 Castle R o ck * »!___ Dakota To Hastings. 50 Cedar*»..___ _____ Anoka To Anoka. 252 »Center City*»!___ Chisago ALFRED P. STOLBERG. 650 Ceylon*»!.— —— Martin To Fairmont. 400 Champlin*!____ Hennepin To Minneapolis.' > 225 Chandler*»!___ ...M urray To Slayton. 164 Chanhassen*»!___ Carver To Chaska. .Carver To Minneapolis. 2100 »Chaska*»! 1300 Chatfield*»!_____ Fillmore ; To Br©St6n. 400 Chisago City*»!...Chisago To Center City. 9000 Chisholm*»!..___St. Louis To Hibbing. 500 Choki'o*»!_____ — Stevens To Morris. 800 Clara City*»!__ .Chippewa See Montevideo. 275 Claremont*»!______ Dodge To Mantorville. 364 Clarissa*»! ............ —Todd To Wadena. 700 Clarkfield*»! .Yello’Medi’e See Granite Falls. 100 Clark’s Grove*»! Freeborn To Albert Lea. 350 Clear brook*»! .Clq^rwater To Bemidji. 263 Clear Lake*»!..Sherburne To Elk River. 312 Clear Water*»!___ Wright To Buffalo. 160 Clements*»!____ Redwood To Redwood Falls. 400 Cleveland*»!____ Lesueur To Mankato. 269 Climax*®!— — — Polk See Crookston. 600 Clinton*®!____ —Bigstone To Ortonville. 250 Glitherall*»! . . . Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 153 C lon tarf*»!..._____ Swift To Benson. T. PERSINGER. 8500 Cloquet*»!.___ .j x Carlton F. 200 Cloverton*»!___ .____ Pine To Pine City. 87 Cobden*»! _______ Brown To New Ulm. 521 C ohasset*»!....____ Itasca To Grand Rapids. 800 Cokato * • !_____ —Wright To Buffalo. 700 Cold Spring*®!___ Stearns To St. Cloud. 1700 Coleraine*»!____ — Itasca To Grand Rapids. 390 Cologne*»! . — ___ Carver To Chaska. 400 C om frey*»!______ Brown Tp New Ulm. 173 Comstock*»!________ Clay To Moorhead. 100 C onger*»!_____ Freeborn To Albert Lea. 200 Cook*»!........... — St. Louis To Virginia. 200 Correll*»t_______ Bigstone See Ortonville. 50 Cosmos_____L____ Meeker To Litchfield. (Buffalo Lake P. O.) 5099 »Bemidji*»!______ Beltrami ? USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d . See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. 1490 M IN N E S O T A A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W P opo laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1000 208 200 8000 2500 450 50 500 272 250 100 175 217 320 104 100 892 1700 343 400 1200 586 225 1100 300 100 Cottonwood*»t__ — Lyon Courtland*»t. . . . . Nicollet Cromwell*»!__ . . . Carlton »Crookston*»!_______ Polk Crosby*»!____ Crow Wing Currie*»!_________ Murray Cushing*»!—___ Morrison Cuyuna*»!__ .Crow Wing Cyrus*»!— ___3_____ Pope __ Winona Dakota*»! Dalbo*___________..Isanti D alton*»!..___ Otter Tail Danube*»!..__MSS Renville Danvers*»t________ Swift Darfur*»!.____ Watonwan Darwin*»! v______ Meeker D assel*»!_______ Meeker Dawson*»! . Lac qui Parle D ayton*»!--------Hennepin Deer Creek*»!. Otter Tail Deer River*»!_____ Itasca Deer W ood*»!.Crow Wing De Graff*»!________ Swift Delano*»!_____ . . . Wright Delavan*»!_____ Faribault D elft»! ______ Cottonwood ( Windom P. O.) 200 Delhi*»!________ Redwood 25 Denham*»!_____ ____ Pine 200 Dennison*»!____ Goodhue 350 Dent*»!______ Otter Tail 4000 »Detroit*»!________Becker 281 Dexter*»!______ Mower 850 D ilw orth *»!__ . . . . . . Clay 957 Dodge Center*»!__ Dodge f 132 D on aldson*»!..... Kittson 276 Donnelly*»!_____ Stevens 175 Doran*»!__ . . __ ..W ilk in 50 D o tso n __________ Brown (Springfield P. O.) 100 Douglas*»_______ Olmsted 233 Dover*»!............... Olmsted 25 Dovray*»!________ Murray 94495 »Duluth*»!___ ___ St. Louis NAME. To Marshall. To Mankato. To Cloquet. W. A. MARIN. To Brainerd. To Slayton. To Little Falls. To Brainerd. To Glenwood. To Winona. To Cambridge. To Fergus Falls. To Olivia. To Benson. To St. James. To Litchfield. To Litchfield. To Madison. To Minneapolis. To Fergus Falls. To Grand Rapids. To Brainerd. To Benson. To BuffaloTo Blue Earth. To Windom. To Redwood Falls. To Pine City. To Red Wing. To Fergus Falls. FRED DENNIS. To Austin. T o Moorhead. To Mantorville. To Ha/llock. To Morris. To Breckenridge. To New Ulm. To Rochester. To Rochester. To Slayton. COURTNEY & COURTNEY, First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Prac tice in State and Federal Courts. We have special facilities for' handling Commercial Litigation, Bankruptcy Matters, and operate a vigorous Collection Department in connection with our practice. References: First National Bank, Stone Ordean Wells Co. and Marshall Wells Hardware Co., all of Duluth, Minn. 188 Dumont*»_____ Traverse See Wheaton. 500 D undas*»!_______...R ic e To Faribault. 200 Dundee*»!________ Nobles To Worthington. 300 Dunnell*»!.;_______Martin To Fairmont. 551 Eagle Bend*»!______ Todd To Wadena. 300 Eagle Lake*»!.Blue Earth To Mankato. 150 East Chain____ . . . Martin To Fairmont. (Fairm ont P. O.) 3000 East Grand Forks*»!.Polk To Crookston. 262 Easton*»t______Faribault To Blue Earth. 500 Echo*»!—Yellow Medicine See Granite Falls. 800 Een Valley*»!___ Meeker To Litchfield. 500 Edgerton*»!___ Pipestone To Pipestone. 150 Eitzen* ________ Houston See Caledonia. 1000 »Elbow Lake*»!_____ Grant E. J. SCOFIELD. 150 El red*»___ _________Polk See Crookston. 500 Elgin*»!._______ Wabasha To Wabasha. 225 Elizabeth*»!___ Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 109 E lko*»!___________ Seott To Shakopee. 1000 »Elk River*»!—.Sherburne GEO. H. TYLER. 86 E lkton *»!________Mower To Austin. 350 Ellendale*»!____ Steele To Owatonna. 700 Ellsworth*»!_____ Nobles To Worthington. 1000 Elmore*»!_____-Faribault To Blue Earth. 125 Elrosa»!._________Stearns To St. Cloud. 3571 Ely*»!_________ St. Louis To Virginia. 400 E lysian*»!______ Lesueur To Mankato. 223 Emmons*!_____ Freeborp To Albert Lea. 150 Erdahl*».________ —Grant To Elbow Lake. 60 Erhard*............. Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 500 Erskine*»!__________Polk See Crookston. 1 50 Essig*»!__________ Brown To New Ulm. 150 Euclid*»!— — __Polk See Crookston. 112 Evan*»!_____ — .__ Brown To New Ulm. 400 Evansville*»!____ Douglas To Alexandria. 8000 Eveleth*»!_____St. Louis To Virginia. 1015 Excelsior*»!___ Hennepin To Minneapolis. 500 Eyota*»!—;______Olmsted To Rochester. 1000 F airfax*»!______ Renville To Olivia. 4500 »Fairmont*»!—____ Martin BALLOU & BALLOU. 9712 »Faribault*»!------—___ Rice E. H. GIBSON. 1500 Farmington*»!___ Dakota To Hastings. 141 Farwell*»!— ___ .Pope To Glenwood. 149 Felton*»! ____________Clay To Moorhead. 8500 »Fergus Falls*»! Otter Tail HILTON & THOMPSON, Attor neys for the First National Bank. 800 Fertile*»!_______ __ _ Polk To Crookston. 300 Finlayson*»!_____ — Pine To Pine City. 328 Fisher*»!__ —______ Polk See Crookston. 150 Flensburg»_____ Morrison To Brainerd. 100 F lom *___________Norman To Ada. 481 Floodwood*»!_St. Louis To Duluth. 175 Florence*»!____—. Lyon To Marshall. 1000 »Foley*»!___ —___ Benton To St. Cloud. 66 Forada*»!____ — Douglas To Alexandria. 1000 Forest Lake*»!Wash’gton To Stillwater. 304 Foreston*»!_____ Millelacs . To,Princeton. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTF Popu l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. (B O N D E D ) NAME. 125 Fort Ripley*»!.Crow Wing To Brainerd. 1250 Fosston*»!— _____ Polk See Crookston. 321 Fountain*»!_____Fillmore To Preston. 206 Foxhom e*»!--------- Wilkin To Breckenridge. 78 F oxlake*»!---------- Martin To Fairmont. 600 Franklin*»!__. . . Renville To Olivia. 1645 Frazee*»!-----Becker To Detroit. 200 Freeborn*»........ Freeborn To Albert Lea. 200 Freeburg----------- Houston To La Crosse, Wis. 550 Freeport*»!----------Stearns To St. Cloud. 50 French Lake------- Wright To Minneapolis. (Annandale P. O.) 230 Frontenac*»!___ Goodhue To Red Wing. 200 Frost*»!------------Faribault To Blue Earth. 1000 Fulda*»!— . . . . . . . Murray To Slayton. 263 Garden City*»! Blue Earth To Mankato. 160 Garfield*»!— t----- Douglas To Alexandria. 250 Garvin*»!------ <_____ Lyon To Marshall. 400 Gary*»!-------------- Norman To Ada. 50 Gatzke*------------------------------ Marshall To Thief River Falls. 1000 »Gaylord*»!____ . . . . Sibley C. H . M cK EN ZIE. 140 Geneva*--------- Freeborn To Albert Lea. 200 Genola*— ___ Morrison To Brainerd. 100 Gentilly*------------------Polk To Crookston. 182 Georgetown*»!______ Clay To Moorhead. 300 Ghent*»!_______ . . Lyon To Marshall. 600 Gibbon*»!_________ Sibley To Gaylord. 2500 Gilbert*»!----------St. Louis To Virginia. 125 Gilman*---------------Benton To Foley. 2000 »Glencoe*»!______ McLeod 368 Glenville*»!___ .Freeborn 2500 »Glenwood*»!____ __ Pope 295 Glyndon*»t_________ Clay 400 Gonviek*»!___ Clearwater 600 Goodhue*»!......... Goodhue 250 Goodridge» — Pennington 419 Good Thunder*».BlueE’th 400 Gordonsville*»!. Freeborn 75 Graceton_______Beltrami 1200 Graceville*»!___ Bigstone 400 Granada*»!_______Martin 500 »Grand Marais*!_____ Cook 700 Grand Meadow*»!. Mower 2230 »Grand Rapids*»!___ Itasca F. R . ALLEN. See Albert Lea. H. T . RONNING. To Moorhead. To Bemidji. To Red Wing. To Thief River Falls. To Mankato. To Albert Lea. To Ortonville. To Fairmont. To Duluth. To Austin. R A L P H A . S T O N E , Attorney for First State Banks o f Grand Rapids, Bovey and Keewatin; Farmers State Bank o f Deer River and Warba State Bank o f Warba. 200 Grandy*»!------------- Isanti To Cambridge. 1800 »Granite Falls*»!.Yel. Med. B ERT O . LOE. Attorney for Bank ®y o f Granite Falls. 250 Grasston*»!......... Kanabec To Mora. 400 Greenbush*»!___ _ Roseau To Roseau. 256 Green Isle*»!...........Sibley To Gaylord. 100 Green Valley*»!— Lyon T.o Marshall. 150 Greenwald*»_____ Stearns To St. Cloud. 500 Grey Eagle*»!______ Todd To Wadena. 50 Groningen»!________ Pine To Mora. 351 Grove City*»!___ Meeker To Litchfield. 200 Grygla*------------- Marshall To Thief River Falls. 100 G uckeen*»!........Faribault To Blue Earth. 225 G ully*»!------ -------— Polk See Crookston. 84 Hackensack*»!______Cass To Bemidji. 136 Hadley*»!— ;— Murray To Slayton. 1000 »flallock*»!__ . . . . Kittson R . V . BLETHEN. 200 Halma*»!________ Kittson To Hallock. 600 Halstad*»!_______ Norman To Ada. 153 Hamburg*»!______ Carver To Chaska. 150 Hamel*»!--------- Hennepin See Minneapolis. 241 Hammond*»!__Wabasha To Wabasha. 190 Hampton*»!__ . __ Dakota To Hastings. 750 Hancock*»!_____ . Stevens To Morris. 350 Hanley Falls*»!.Yel. Med. See Granite Falls. 267 Hanover*________Wright To Buffalo. 500 Hanska*!______. . . Brown To New Ulm. 292 Hardwick*»!_______ Rock To Luverne. 800 Harm ony*»!____ Fillmore To Preston. 673 Harris*»!________ Chisago To Center City. 300 Hartland*»!__ ..F reeborn See Albert Lea. 4000 »Hastings*»!...........Dakota W . H. GILLETT. 120 Hatfield*»--------Pipestbne To Pipestone. 125 Hawick........— Kandiyohi To Willmar. 800 Hawley*»!------ ------ Clay To Moorhead. 800 Hayfield*»!...'_____ Dodge To Mantorville. 100 Hayward*»!------ Freeborn To Albert Lea. 75 Hazel*»--------- Pennington To Thief River Falls. 150 Hazel Run*»tYellow Med. See Granite Falls. 1034 Hector*»!_______Renville To Olivia. 900 »Henderson*!_______ Sibley To Gaylord. 700 H endricks*»!____ Lincoln To Watertown, S. Dak. 355 Hendrum*»!..;___ Norman To Ada. 603 Henning*»!..—.Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 300 Henriette* •___ Pine To Pine City. 800 Herman*»!_________Grant To Elbow lak e. 1000 Heron L ake*»!... Jackson To Jackson. 322 Hewitt*»!_________ Todd To Wadena. 16412 H ibbing*»!_____St. Louis T . S. SILLIMAN. 900 Hill City*__________Aitkin To Aitkin. 500 Hills*»!—— ____ _ Rock To Luverne. 900 Hinckley*»!__ . . . ___ Pine To Pine City. 200 Hitterdal*»!_______ ;.Clay To Moorhead. ‘ 450 Hoffman*»!________ Grant To Alexandria. 400 Hokah*»!_______Houston See Caledonia. 600 Holdingford*»!— Stearns To St. Cloud. 293 Holland*»!..:___ Pipestone To Pipestone. 350 Holloway*»!_______ Swift To Benson. 200 Holmes City*__ — Douglas To Alexandria. 200 H oit*»!________ Marshall To Thief River Falls. ____ USE COUPONS, as in stru cted to BE PROTECTED by bon d , i l V / A JLf See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorn ey List. MINNESOTA A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) tow n an d county! tion. name. ______ '_______________________________________ Hope*»!— - - ______ Steele To Owatonna. '5000 Hopkins*»!_____ Hennepin To Minneapolis. 700 Houston*»!._____ Houston To La Grosse, Wis. 800 Howard Lake*»!-. Wright To Buffalo. 500 Hugo*»!_____ Washington To Stillwater. 130 Humboldt*»!_____ Kittson To Hallock. ISO Huntley*»______ Faribault To Blue Earth. 3000 Hutchinson*»t___ McLeod To Glencoe. 100 Ihlen*»t___ - __ Pipestone To Pipestone. 4500 ¿International Falls*»tKoo. F . J. M cP A R T LIN . 350 Iona*____________ Murray To Slayton. 1500 Ironton*—,___ Crow'Wing To Brainerd. 500 Isanti*»!__________ Isanti To Cambridge. 240 Isle*__ ________ Millelacs To Princeton. 650 ¿Ivanhoe*»!________Lincoln To Watertown, S. Dak. 2000 ¿Jackson*»!_______ Jackson F . B . FABER. 1173 Janesville*»!_____ Waseca To Waseca. 1000 Jasper*»!___ — Pipestone To Pipestone. 450 Jeffers*»!___ Cottonwood To Windom. 130 Jenkins*»____ Crow Wing To Brainerd. 192 Johnson*»t___ Bigstone See Ortonville. 1311 Jordan*»t............ Scott To Shakopee. 120 Judson*»!--.— Blue Earth To Mankato. 100 Kanaranzi*»t......... „ R o c k To Luverne. 185 Kandiyohi*»!_Kandiyohi See Willmar. 300 Karlstad*»!:_______Kittson To Hallock. 700 Kasota*»!________ Lesueur To Mankato. 1200 Kasson*»!_________ Dodge To Mantorville. 695 Keewatin*»t_______ Itasca To Grand Rapids. 500 Kelliher*»!— . . . Beltrami To Bemidji. 5W Kellogg*»t______ Wabasha To Wabasha. 300 Kennedy*»!______ Kittson To Hallock. 100 Kenneth*»!________ Rock To Luverne. 244 Kensington*»!___ Douglas To Alexandria. 150 Kent*»!___________Wilkin To Breckenridge. 1500 Kenyon*»!______ Goodhue To Red Wing. 500 Kerkhoven*»! _____ Swift To Benson. 300 Kerrick*»t_________ -Pine To Pine City. ____ Kettle R iver*»!— Carlton To Carlton. 258 Kiester*»!______ Faribault To Blue Earth. 208 Kilkenny*»!_____ Lesueur To Mankato." 500 Kimball*»!_______Stearns To St. Cloud. 137 Kinbrae*»— ......... Nobles To Worthington. 150 Kingston_________ Meeker To Litchfield. (Dassel P. O.) 1500 Kinney*....... ——St. Louis To Duluth. 125 Kragnes*»__________Clay To Moorhead. 372 La Crescent*»t— Houston To La Crosse, Wis. 400 Lafayette*»!.____ Nicollet To Manxato. 1000 Lake Benton*»!— Lincoln . To Watertown, S. Dak. 3142 Lake C ity *»t___ Wabasha To Wabasha. 1500 Lake Crystal*»tBlueEarth To Mankato. 250 Lake Elmo*»t.Washington To Stillwater. 1500 Lakefleld*»t____ Jackson To Jackson. 60 Lake Henry ___ Stearn To.St. Cloud. (Paynesvitle P. O.) 1000 Lake Park*»!_____ Becker To Detroit. 385 Lakeville*»t...........Dakota To Hastings. 300 Lake Wilson*»t__ Murray To Slayton. 1100 Lamberton*»t__ Redwood To Redwood Falls. 450 Lancaster*!_____ Kittson To Hallock. 987 Lanesboro*»!.— Fillmore To Preston. 200 Lansing*»________ Mower To Austin. 225 Laoorte*»_______ Hubbard See Park Rapids. 100 LaSalle*»t___ Watonwan To St. James. 150 Lastrup________ Morrison To Little Falls. (P ierz P. O.) ------ Lawler*»!_________ Aitkin To Aitkin. 20 Lawndale*.............. Wilkin To Breckenridge. 180 Lengby*»t_____ _____ Polk To Crookston. 100 Leonard*»!___ Clearwater To Bagley. 702 Le R oy *»t________ Mower To Austin. 500 Lester Prairie*»t—McLeod To Glencoe. 2000 Le Sueur*»!......... Lesueur To Mankato. 900 ¿Lesueur Center*»t Lesueur To Mankato. 600 Lewiston*»t__ — Winona To Winona. S50 Lewisville*»t— Watonwan To St. James. 700 Lindstrom*»!____ Chisago To Center City. 500 Lismore*»!—___ Nobles To Worthington. 2333 ¿Litchfield*»!_____ Meeker R . H. DA R T. 7000 ¿Little Falls*»!— Morrison To Brainerd. 450 Littlefork*»t.Koochiching To International Falls. 50 Little Sauk*»............ Todd To Wadena. 75 Lockhart*»______ Norman To Ada. 80 London*»t_____ Freeborn To Albert Lea. 161 Long Lake*»!— Hennepin To Minneapolis. 1100 ¿Long Prairie*»!___ - Todd To Wadena. 75 Long Siding*»—-Millelacs To Princeton. 500 Lonsdale*»t_________ Rice To Faribault. 90 Loretto*»!___ —Hennepin See Minneapolis. 88 Louisburg*»fLac qui Parle To Madison. 252 Lowry*»!___________ Pope ToGlenwood. 98 Lucan*»t_______Redwood To Redwood Falls. 3000 ¿Luverne*»t_______ „ R o c k A. J. DALEY. 600 Lyle*»!___________ Mower To Austin. 200 Lynd*»t_______ i____ Lyon To Marshall. 75 Lyndale»______Hennepin To Minneapolis. 600 Mabel*»t......... — Fillmore To Preston. 1500 Madelia*»!___ .Watonwan To St. James. 2000 ¿Madison*»t„Lac qui Parle N . F . SODERBERG. 100 Madison Lake*»!Blue E’th To Mankato. 189 Magnolia*»!— ____Rock To Luverne. 1000 ¿Mahnomen*»!. Mahnomen To Detroit. .50 Mahtowa*»!......... Carlton To Cloquet. 100 Manchester*»___Freeborn To Albert Lea. Manganese . —Crow Wing To Brainerd. 10365 *Mankato*»t„. Blue Earth IVAN BOWEN. 410 ¿Mantorville*»!____ Dodge NORTON & NORTON. »00 Maple Lake*»!— Wright To Buffalo. . 2 Maple Plain*»!..Hennepin See Minneapolis. .1000 Mapleton*»!.,_ Bine Earth To Mankato. I\ J n X F I lV / A L j Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu TOWN AND COUNTY. la* TION. 1Ò00 Marble*»t_________Itasca 400 Marietta*»!—Lac qui Parle 491 Marine on Saint Croix* Washington 200 Markville*»! - ............ Pine 1491 NAME. To Grand Rapids. To Madison. To Stillwater. To Pine City. 3500 ¿Marshall*»!_______ Lyon CHARLES L . DE REU. 50 Matawan*»__ ____Waseca To Waseca. Mavie_______ .Pennington To Thief River Falls. 200 Mayer*»t____ ____ Carver To Chaska. 600 Maynard*»t—.-.Chippewa See Montevideo. 471 Mazeppa*»!_____Wabasha To Wabasha. 150 McGrath*»t „ _____ Aitkin To Aitkin. 150 McGregor*»!- _____ Aitkin To Aitkin. 900 McIntosh*»t_.______ Polk To Crookston. 100 Meadowlands’‘•t.St. LOuis To Duluth. 400 Medford*»t_______ Steele To Owatonna. 163 Meire G rove..------ Stearns To St. Cloud. (Melrose P. O.) 100 Melby*»_____ ___ Douglas To Alexandria. 2591 Melrose*»t______ L Stearns To St. Cloud. 346 Menahga*»!—___ Wadena To Wadena. 200 Mendota____ ____ Dakota To Hastings. 400 Mentor*»!_________ Polk See Crookston. 175 Meriden*»!_______ Steele To Owatonna. 500 Middle River* •!. Marshall To Warren. 1500 Milaca*»!....... __ Millelacs To Princeton. 600 M ilan*»!____ — Chippewa See Montevideo. 150 Millèrville._____ Douglas To Alexandria. (B randon P, O.) 156 Millville*»!— ...W abasha To Wabasha. 137 Milroy*»!____ Redwood To Redwood Falls. 100 Miltona_____ ____Douglas To Alexandria. 363454»Minneapolis*»t- Hennepin 3-JOSS and OHMAN, 311 Nicollet Avenue. General Prac tice, Settlement of Estates, Corporation apd Commercial Law. W e maintain an efficient collection department. References: Minnesota Loan & Trust Company, Western Electric Company, Robert A. Johnston Company, Milwau kee, Wis., Continental Paper Bag Company, New York, N. Y. Depositions before W. G. Parker, Notary Public. 3-KOON , WHELAN & HEMPSTEAD, Minnesota Loan & Trust Building. Corporation and General Law Practice. Trial Lawyers. Practice in all CPurts. Attorneys for NorthWestern National Bank of Minneapolis. 3-STEVENS & STEVENS, (F. JET. Stevens, H . H, Stevens, E . P. Mahoney, H. A . Stevens) Suite 529, Palace Building. General Practice in all United States and State Courts. Specialize: Commercial, Corporation, Real Estate Law. Corporations organized; depositions taken: all members Notaries Public. Organized Collection Department to handle such claims as lawyers can afford to give attention to. General Counsel for Minneapolis, Anoka & Cuyuna Range Railway Company. Minneapolis, Chicago, New York and Canadian references upon application. 395 M inneiska..____ Wabasha To Wabasha. 950 Minneota*»t.............. Lyon To Marshall. 500 Minnesota Lake*»! F ’ri’blt To Blue Earth. 200 Mizpah*»!— Koochiching See International Falls. 350 Monterey*»!______ Martin To Fairmont. 4000 ¿Montevideo*»!.. Chippewa FOSNES & FOSNES. Attorneys for First National Bank. 1500 Montgomery*»! ..Lesueur To Mankato. 1000 Monticello*»!_____ Wright To Buffalo. 284 Montrose*»t______ Wright To Buffalo. 5500 ¿M o o r h e a d * » t...........Clay EDGAR E. SHARP. Attorney for the First National Bank. 700 Moose Lake*»!__ .Carlton To Cloquet. 1000 ¿Mora*»!............... Kanabec J. C. KING. 800 M organ*»!......... Redwood To Redwood Falls. 2500 ¿Morris*»t________Stevens W . H. CHERRY. 592 Morristown*»!........„ R ic e To Faribault. 761 Morton*»!_______Renville To Olivia. 428 Motley*»! - _____ Morrison To Brainerd. 200 Mound*»!______ Hennepin See Minneapolis. 1343 Mountain Iron —St. Louis To Duluth. 1200 Mt’n Lake*»t— Cottonw’d To Windom. 288 M urdock*»!_____— Swift To Benson. 50 M yrtle*»!______ Freeborn To Albert Lea. 271 Nashua *•!_______ Wilkins To Breckenridge. 2080 Nashwauk*»!_____ Itasca To Grand Rapids. 213 Nassau*»!__ Lac qui Parle To Madison. 157 N elson*»t_______Douglas To Alexandria. 292 Nerstrand*»t-„......... Rice ToFaribault. 400 Nevis*»t..........— Hubbard To Bemidji. '261 New Auburn*— SiJbey To Gaylord, 375 New Brighton*!— Ramsey See St, Paul. 250 Newfolden*»! — Marshall To Warren. 210 New Germany*»!..Carver To Chaska. 500 New London*»!.Kandiyo’ See Willmar. 250 Newmarket* —......... Scott To Shakopee. 190 New Munich*»!..„Stearns To St. Cloud. 2000 New Prague*»!— Lesueur To Mankato. ____ New Prairie_________ Pope To Glenwood. (Starbuck P. Ö.) 800 New Richland*»!.Waseca To Waseca. 6000 ¿New Ulm*»!— S i-B row n S O M S E N , D E M P S E Y & MUELLER. Attorneys for the Citizens State Bant. 700 New York Mills *•!Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 500 N icollet*»!______ Nicollet To Mankato. 110 Nielsville*»t____ ___ Polk See Crookston. 177 Norcross*»t - __ Grant To Elbow Lake. 642 North Branch*»!..Chisago To Center City, 3500 Northfield*»!-— ........Rice To Faribault. 1600 l^orthM ankato..-Nicollet To Mankato. ______ (Mankctto P, O.) USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED b y bon d . See com p lete in form ation in preface to A ttorney List. 1492 LATION. MINNESOTA TOWN AND COUNTY. ATTO R N EY S-A T-LA W (BONDED) NAME. 325 Northome*»! Koochiching To International Falls. 143 N. Redwood*f__ Redwood See Redwood Falls. 100 N o rth ro p * »!...___Martin To Fairmont. 2000 North St. Paui*»t. Ramsey See St. Paul. 522 N orw ood*»!_______Carver To Chaska. 75 Oakland *•!_____ Freeborn To Albert Lea. 125 Oak Park*»_______Benton To Foley. 400 Odessa*»!______ Bigstone See Ortonville. 139 O din*»!.— ___ Watonwan To St. James. 250 Ogema*»!-------------- Becker To Detroit. 500 Ogilvie*»!______ Kanabec To Mora. 150 Okabena*» ______ Jackson To Jackson. 300 Oklee*»!______ Red Lake To Thief River Falls. 1200 »O livia*»!_____ ... Renville J. M . FREEMAN. 314 Onamia*»! _____ Millelacs To Princeton. 100 Orleans*»!________Kittson To Hallock. 112 Ormsby*»!________ Martin To Fairmont. 225 O ronoco*________Olmsted To Rochester. 150 Orr______ ______ St. Louis To Duluth. 2000 »Ortonville*»! . . . .Bigstone CHAS. E. CHRJSMAN. Attorney for Citizens Nat’l and Ortonville State Banks. { 1200 Osakis*»!..— ——Douglas To Alexandria. 400 Oslo*»_________ ..Marshall To Thief River Falls. 500 Osseo*»!_______ Hennepin To Minneapolis. 200 Ostrander*»_____Fillmore To Preston. 100 Otisco*»!_____ i___ Waseca To Waseca. 176 Ottertail*»!..__Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 5658 »Owatonna*»t......... . Steele • NELSON & NELSON. R efer to National Farmers Bank. 200 Palisade*»—— —— Aitkin To Aitkin. 750 Parkers Prairie*»! Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 2000 »Park Rapids*»! —Hubbard To Bemidji 1200 Paynesville*»!____Stearns To St. Cloud. 50 Pease*»_________ Millelacs To Princeton. 1019 Pelican Rapids*»! Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 100 Pemberton*» —Blue Earth See Mankato. 189 Pennock*»! — Kandiyohi See Willmar. 500 Pequot*»!____ Crow Wing To. Brainerd. 1376 Perham*»t———Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 188 Perley*»!.—.......Norman To Ada. 266 Peterson**!-.___ Fillmore To Preston. 700 P ierz*t________ Morrison To Brainerd. 216 Pillager*»!_____ ____ Cass To Bemidji. 1300 »Pine City*»!_________ Pine To Mora. 1000 Pine Island*»!— Goodhue To Red Wing. 750 Pine River*»!— ____Cass To Bemidji. 3500 »Pipestone*»!___ Pipestone HOW ARD & GU RLEY. 1175 Plainview*«!___ Wabasha To Wabasha. 238 P lato*»!________McLeod To Glencoe. 250 Plummer*»! — Red Lake To Thief River Falls. 100 Ponsford* —......... Becker To Detroit. 253 - Porter*»! Yellow Medicine See Granite Falls. 1500 *Preston*t...........Fillmore G R A Y & THOM PSON. 2000 »Princeton*»!— , Millelacs E. L . M cM ILLAN . 25 Prinsburg______Kandiyohi To Willmar. (R aym ond P. O.) . 162 Prior Lake*»! — — Scott To Shakopee. 2500 Proctor*»!— — St. Louis To Duluth. 100 Prosper*»!___...F illm ore To Preston. 25 Quamba*.... ........ Kanabec To Mora. 300 Racine*»__________Mower To Austin. 125 Radium*»t_______Marshall To Thief River'Falls. 195 Randall*»!_____ Morrison To Brainerd. 200 R andolph*»!_____ Dakota To Hastings. ■ 300 Ranier*»!____Koochiching To International Falls. 2000 Rapidan*»_____ Blue Earth To Mankato. 250 R ay*»!—_____Koochiching To International Falls. 334 Raymond*»! —.Kandiyohi See Willmar. 200 R eading*»!_______ Nobles To Worthington. 2000 »Red Lake Falls*»! Red Lake To Thief River Falls. 10004.»Red W in g * »!___ Goodhue G R E E N & P U T N A M . Attor neys for the Bank o f Pierce Sim mons & Co. 2200 »Redwood Falls*»!.Redw’d A . R . A . LAUDON. i 400 R em er*»!_______ —.Gass To Bemidji. 1300 Renville*»!__ - __ Renville To Olivia. 134 R evere*»!....... 4 Redwood To Redwood Falls. 262 R ice*»!___________Benton To Foley. 650 Richmond*»! __ Stearns To St. Cloud. 360 Richville*»t___Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 500 R iverton»!.__ Crow Wing To Brainerd. 1000 Robbinsdale*»! .Hennepin To Minneapolis. 7844 »Rochester*»!____ Olmsted BU R T E LLIOTT EATO N. 150 Rockcreek*»i-_______ Pine To Pine City. 287 R ockford*»! ____ Wright To Buffalo. 127 R ockville*»!___ .Stearns To St. Cloud. 200 Rogers*»!______ Hennepin See Minneapolis. 205 Rolling Stone*»!—Winona To Winona. 150 Ronneb’7________ .Benton To St. Cloud. 252 Roosevelt*»t___ . . Roseau To Roseau. 350 Roscoe»____ _____ Stearns To St. Cloud. 1000 »Roseau*»!— ;____Roseau M . J. HEGLAND. 250 Rose Greek*»!____ Mower To Austin. 238 Rosemount*»!____ Dakota To Hastings. 343 R oth say*»!_____... Wilkin To Breckenridge. 400 Round Lake*»! .¿..N obles To Worthington. 200 Round Prairie*»— Todd To Wadena. 1000 R oyalton*»!___ Morrison To Brainerd. 1200 Rush City*»!_____Chisago To Center City. 1100 R u sh ford *»!___ Fillmore To Preston. 400 Rushmore*»!_____ Nobles To Worthington. 400 Russell*»!. — ____ Lyon To Marshall. 290 R uthton*»!___ .Pipestone To Pipestone. 89 Rutledge......... ..........P in e To Mora. 300 Sabin*»!_______ _____Clay To Moorhead. 600 Sacred Heart*»!..Renville To Olivia. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N O T F I l A Li P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 550 1818 76 2500 2200 354 50 152 100 500 127 120 . NAME. Sanborn*»!_____ Redwood Sandstone*»!.______ Pine Sargeant*»T—_____ Mower Sauk Center*«•t — Stearns Sauk Rapids*«»!___ Benton Savage*»!___ _____ i Scott Scandia........ .Washington (Copas P. O.) Seaforth*»! ..___Redwood Searles*».___ Sebeka*»!__ ____Wadena Sedan*»!____ ............ Pope Shafer*»!.___ ____ Ghisagb To Redwood Falls. To Pine City. To Austin. To St. Cloud. To Foley. To Shakopee. To St. Paul. To Redwood Falls. To New Ulm. To Wadena. To Glenwood. To Center City. 3000 »Shakopee*»!..............Scott J. A. COLLER. 300 Shelly*»!___ 1000 Sherburn*»! .._____Martin 172 Shevlin*»!___ ..Clearwater 100 . Shovel Lake*»1____ Aitkin Silver Creek—____ Wright (H asty P. O.) 382 Silver Lake*!.___ McLeod 200- Simpson*»! ___Olmsted 100 Skyberg*»f__ ...Goodhue To Ada.To Fairmont. To Bemidji. To Aitkin. To Minneapolis. 'T o Glencoe. To Rochester. To Red Wing. 1000 »Slayton*»!__ ____ Murray M . J. HARRINGTON. 2247 85 400 1343 To New Ulm. To Bemidji. To Buffalo. 7000 400 700 2000 620 Sleepy Eye*»! ____ Brown Solway*»!___ —. Beltrami South Haven*«»! ...W righ t South Stillwater*»! Washington South St. Paul*»!..Dakota Spicer*»!____ . Kandiyohi Spooner*___ ___Beltrami Springfield*»!..........Brown Spring Grove* •t.Houston To Stillwater. To Hastings. See Willmar. To Bemidji. To New Ulm. See Caledonia. 2000 200 175 200 3000 700 275 1500 323 (North Branch P. O.) Spring Valley*•!. Fillmore S tacy*»!________ Chisago Stanchfield*»_-------- Isanti Stanton*»!___ __Goodhue Staples*»!___ _____ Todd Starbuck*»! „ ______ Pope St. Bonifacius* •tHennepin St. Charles*»!.___Winona St. Clair*»___ .Blue Earth To Preston. To Rush City. To Cambridge. To Red Wing. To Wadena. To Glenwood. See Minneapolis. To Winona. To Mankato. 11817 *St. Cloud*»!........... Stearns JENKS and QUIGLEY. 100 700 600 1114 400 468 Steen*«!......... ........... Rock Stephen*»!______ Marshall Stewart*»!........... McLeod Stewartville*»!__ Olmsted St. Francis*............Anoka St. Hilaire*»! .Pennington 10198 »Stillwater*»! -Washington 3000 *St. James*»!__ Watonwan 800 125 2800 200 St. Joseph*«!____ Stearns St. Leo* .Yellow Medicine St.Louis Park*»!Henbepin St. Martin------ . — Stearns (Roscoe P. O.) 401 St. Michael*______ Wright 180 Stockton*»t--------Winona 200 Storden*»! — Cottonwood 247232§»St. Paul*»!_____ (.Ramsey To Luverne. To Warren To Glencoe. To Rochester. To Minneapolis. To Thief River Falls. COM FORT & COM FORT. J. L. LOBBEN. To St. Cloud. See Granite Falls. To Minneapolis. To St. Cloud. To Buffalo. To Winona. To Windom. 3-HENDERSON & M ILLER, Commerce Building. Practice State and Federal courts. Commercial Litigation a specialty. Able adjusters furnished on short notice. Efficient Collec tion Department. Reference: Scandinavian American Bank and National Bank of Commerce. Depositions maysbe taken before John A. Thompson, Notary Public. 3 - M O O B E , O P P EN H E IM E R & PETERSON, 1015 Merchants National Bank Bldg. General Practice in all branches, including Corporation, Commercial, Insurance. Real Estate, and litigated work. Attorneys for Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee: Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, Philadelphia; American Nat. Bank. St. Paul: Archer-Daniels Linseed Company, Minne apolis; Geo. G. Wright Company, Kansas City. Compiles o f the M innesota la/ws fo r this publication. 4500 150 50 350 328 35 . 150 '75 500 40 100 200 2ÖQ 205 700 185 250 100 *St. Peter * • !____ -Nicollet) Strandquist*»!— Marshall Strathcona*»!____ Roseau Sturgeon Lake*»!— Pine St. Vincent*»t___ Kittson Sunburg —........Kandiyohi (Kerhhoven P. O.) Sunrise*________ .Chisago Svea*_________ Kandiyohi Swanville*»t___ Morrison Swift Falls_____ ___ Swift (Benson P. O.) Tabor*_____________ -Polk Tam arack*»!_____ Aitkin Taopi*»!._______ ..M ower Taunton*»!.... ........ „L y o n Taylors Falls*»!..Chisago Tenney*»!___ _____ Wilkin Tenstrike*»!____ Beltrami Theilman*»t___ -Wabasha To Mankato. , To Warren. To Roseau. To Pine City. To Thief River Falls. See Benson. To Center City. See Willmar. To Brainerd. To Benson. To To To To To To To To Crookston. Aitkin. Austin. Marshall. Center City. Breckenridge. Bemidji. Wabasha. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. M I N N E S O T A , M IS S IS S IP P I ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) l| f tow n an d co u n ty. name. Tjoy. _______________________ ._________:-----------—----------------- — 0000 »Thief River Falls*«! THEO. QUALE. Pennington 50 Thorpe________Kandiyohi To Willmar. (A tw ater P. O.) 300 Tintah*»!______ Traverse See Wheaton. 1000 Tower*»!______ St. Louis To Virginia. 2500 T racy*»!_________ „ L y o n To Marshall. 200 Trail*»_____________ Polk See Crookston. 500 Triumph*»!_____ „M artin To Fairmont. Trommald___ Crow Wing To Brainerd. '250 Trosky*»t___ _ Pipestone To Pipestone. 700 Truman*»t.............Martín To Fairmont. 75 Twin Lakes*»!—Freeborn To Albert Lea. 1200 Twin Valley*»!— Norman To Ada. 4990 »Two Harbors*»!— —Lake To Duluth. 800 Tyler*»! — .......Lincoln To Watertown, S. Dak. 438 U len*»!__ _____ Clay To Moorhead. 250 Underwood*»!. Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 200 Upsála__________Morrison To Little Falls. 172 Utica*»+_________ Winona To Winona. 250 V erdi*»!_________Lincoln To Watertown, S. Dak. 237 Vergas*»!_____ Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 000 Verndale*»!_____ Wadena To Wadena. 400 VernonCent’r*»!BlueE’rth To Mankato. 400 V esta*»!_______Redwood To Redwood Falls. 225 Victoria*»_________Carver To Chaska. 200 Viking*?!_______Marshall To Warren. 400 V illard*»!____ - ____Pope To Glenwood. 212 V ining*»!_____Otter Tail To Fergus Falls. 15193 Virginia*»!_____ St. Louis E. J. LARSEN. Refers to First National Bank and Farmers & Merchants State Bank. 2981 »Wabasha*»!____ Wabasha JNO. R . FOLEY. 500 W abasso*»!____ Redwood To Redwood Falls. 1000 Waconia*»!.... ........Carver Tp Chaska. 2500 »Wadena*»!______ Wadena JOHN H. M A R K . 450 Wahkon*»! — __ Millelacs To Princeton. 50 W aldorf*»_____ „W aseca To Waseca. 1000 »W alker*»!..........— Cass To Bemidji. 625 Walnut Grove*»!—Redw’d To Redwood Falls. 150 Walters*»! „ „ „ F a r ib a u lt To Blue Earth. 170 Waltham*»!____ „M ow er To Austin. 310 Wanamingo*» — Goodhue To Red Wing. 120 W anda*»!_______ Redwood To Redwood Falls. 50 Wannaska*_______ Roseau To Thief River Falls. 150 Warba*!___________ -Itasca To Grand Rapids. 2000 »Warren*»!_______ Marshall A. N. E C KSTROM . 1500 W arroad*»!______ Roseau To Roseau. 3500 »Waseca*»!________ Waseca HENRY M . GALLAGHER. 800 Watertown*______ Carver To Chaska. 1273 Waterville*»!____ Lesueur To Mankato. 400 Watkins*»! - ......... Meeker To Litchfield. 152 Watson*»!____Chippewa See Montevideo. 375 Waubun*»!_Mahnomen To Detroit. 462 W averly*»!____ Wright To Buffalo. 969 Way zata*»!_Hennepin See Minneapolis. . 125 Weaver*»!______ Wabasha To Wabasha. 150 Webster*».................. Rice To Faribault. 100 Wegdah!*»!_____ Chippewa See Montevideo. 100 Welch*»!____ .„G o o d h u e To Red Wing. 750 W elcom e*»!______ Martin To Fairmont. 2000 W ells*»!_______Faribault To Blue Earth. 200 W endell*»!_____ — Grant To Elbow Lake. 600 Westbrook*»! Cottonwood To Windom. 150 W estbury*»______Becker To Detroit. 800 West Concord*»t__ Dodge To Mantorville. 125 Westport *•!________ Pope To Glenwood. 175 West U nion*»!____ ..Todd To Wadena. 121 Whalen*»!______ Fillmore To Preston. 1300 »Wheaton*»!_____ Traverse 2000 White BearLake*!Ramsey ------ White R ock______Goodhue (.Cannon Falls P .O .) 95 W ilder*»!__ ____ Jackson 200 Williams*»!-.____ Beltrami CHARLES E. HOUSTON. See St. Paul. To Red Wing. LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. j_______: NAME. I______________________¿________________ I M IS S IS S IP P I This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. Mississippi is divided into two Federal Districts; Northern and Southern. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has three divisions: the Eastern with court at Aberdeen (1), first Mondays in April and October; and Western with court at Oxford (8), first Mondays in June and December; and the Delta division, with court at Clarksdale (3), fourth Mondays in January and July. | The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has four divisions: the Jackson division with court at Jackson (4), first Mondays in M ay and November; the Eastern division with court at Meridian (5), second Mondays in March and September; the Western division with court at Vicksburg (6), first Mondays in January and July; and the Southern division with court at Biloxi (7), third Mondays in February and August. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Adams (4), Alcorn (1), Amite (4), Attala (1), Benton (2), Bolivar (3). Calhoun (2). Carroll (2), Chickasaw (1), Choctaw (1), Claiborne (6), Clarke (5), Clay (1), Coahoma (3), Copiah (4), Covington (4 ) . DeSoto (2), Forrest (7), Franklin (4), George (7), Greene (7), Grenada (2). Hancock (7), Harrison (7), Hinds (4), Holmes (4), Issaquena (6), Itawamba (1), Jackson (7), Jasper (5), Jefferson (4), Jefferson Davis (4), Jones (5), Kemper (5), Lafayette (2), Lamar (7), Lauderdale (5) , Lawrence (4), Leake (5), Lee (1), Leflore (3), Lincoln (4), Lowndes (1 ) , Madison (4), Marion (7), Marshall (2), Monroe (1), Montgomery (2 ) , Neshoba (5), Newton (5), Noxubee (5), Oktibbeha (1), Panola (2), Pearl River (7), Perry (7), Pike (4), Pontotoc (1), Prentiss (1), Quitman (3) , Rankin (4), Scott (4), Sharkey (6), Simpson (4), Smith (4), Stone (7 ), Sunflower (3), Tallahatchie (3), Tate (2), Tippah (2), Tishomingo (1), Tunica (3), Union (2), Walthall (4), Warren (6), Washington (6), Wayne (5), Webster (2), Wilkinson (4), Winston (1), Yalobusha (2), Yazoo (4). REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. • Express Office. § State Capital. See Jackson. To Bemidji. 4135 »Willmar*»!____ Kandiyohi R . W . S T A N F O R D . 212 Willow R iver*»!____ Pine To Pine City. 400 Wilmont*»!_______Nobles To Worthington. 2000 »Windom*»t„-Cottonwood REDDIN G & REDDIN G. 200 W inger*»!.......... — Polk See Crookston. 1554 Winnebago*»t— Faribault To Blue Earth. 18583 *Winona*»t.______ WiDona H ERBERT M . BIERCE. 450 Winsted*—____ „M cL eod To Glencoe. 1043 W inthrop*»!___ — Sibley To Gaylord. 250 Winton*»!.......... St. Louis To Virginia*. 100 W ithrow*»!.. Washington To Stillwater. 200 Wolverton*»! ....... Wilkin To Breckenridge. 400 W oodlake*»!..Yel’w Med. See Granite Falls. 300 W oodstock*»t„ Pipestone To Pipestone. 3234 »Worthington*»! — Nobles S. S. SM ITH . §§0 Wrenshall - ______ Carlton To Cloquet. 100 W right*»!_______ Carlton To Cloquet. 456 Wykoff*»!—___ Fillmore To Preston. ’§0 Wylie*___ - Red Lake To Thief River Falls. 450 Wyoming*»!____ Chisago To Center City. 350 Young America*«tt-Carver To Chaska. »00 Zimmerman*». Sherburne To Elk River. 450 Zumbro Falls*»! Wabasha To Wabasha. Jf50 Zumbrota*»t___ Goodhue To Red Wing, W H T IT i l v */ 1 £ 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1493 3708 »Aberdeen*»! . ........Monroe G. M . HOLMES. 1500 »Ackerman*»! ___ Choctaw 2500 Amory*»!----- ____ Monroe 500 Anguilla*»!— ___ Sharkey 535 Artesia*»!___ — Lowndes 200 »Ashland*________ Benton 1000 Baldwyn*»! „ „ „P r e n t is s 774 »Batesville*»!. „ . — Panola 836 Bay Springs*»! ....... Jasper 5000 »Bay St. Louis *»!.Hancock 2500 Belzoni*»!___.Washington 412 Benoit*»!___ _____Bolivar 369 Beulah*»! — _____ Bolivar Harrison 9670 B ilox i*»!----79 Black Hawk* ____ Carroll 650 Blue Mountain*»!. Tippah 841 Bogue Chitto* • ! „ Lincoln 800 Bolton*»!___ ______Hinds To Eupora. To Aberdeen. To Rolling Fork. To Columbus. To New Albany. To Tupelo*. To Senatobia. To Laurel. To Gulfport. To Greenville. See Cleveland. See Cleveland. To Gulfport. To Carrollton. To Ripley. To Brookhaven. See Jackson. 2000 »Booneville*»! ___ Prentiss W . V . DRAFFEN. 1000 Boyle*»! ._____ Bolivar To Cleveland. 720 »Brandon*»! —.........Rankin To Jackson. 500 B raxton*»!...___ Simpson To Mendenhall. 5500 »Brookhaven*«*!— Lincoln LUTHER L . TYLER, USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond, See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1494 MISSISSIPPI LATION. TOWN AND COUNTY. A TTO R N EYS-A T-LA W (BONDED) NAME. 850 B rookville*»!. . . Noxubee 511 Byhalia*»!--------Marshall 477 Calhoun City*»!..Calhoun 5500 ¿Canton*»!.............Madison 75u ¿Carrollton*»!. . . . . Carroll 500 ¿Carthage*_____ ___ Leake 865 Centerville*»!—Wilkinson ------- Chalybeate------------ Tippah (W a ln u tP . O.) 2500 *Charleston*»!Tallahatchie To Columbus. To Holly Springs. To Houston. T IP R A Y . To Greenwood. To Kosciusko. See Woodville. To Ripley. 9500 ¿Clarksdale*»!___ Coahoma R . L . BURNS. See Sumner. ¿Cleveland*»!_____ Bolivar SOM ERVILLE & SOMERVILLE. C linton*»!._______ .Hinds See Jackson. ¿Coffeeville*»!.. Yalobusha To Water Valley. Coldwater*»!_______ Tate To Senatobia. 2581 ¿Collins*»!___ —Covington G . H . MEUR ELL. 1500 767 800 774 3000 ¿Columbia*»!_____ [ Marion M OUNGER & FORD. 10561 ¿Columbus*»!___ Lowndes 1000 Com o*»!.__ ;______ Panola 5020 ¿Corinth*»!________Alcorn 350 Courtland*»!______ Panola 396 Crawford*»!____ Lowndes 500' Crenshaw*»!— ;-----Panola 700 Crowder------------ Quitman H Cruger*»!-----------Holmes 1800 Crystal Springs*»!.Copiah 283 ¿Decatur*»!_______ Newton 500 *De Kalb*------ -----Kemper 300 Derm a*»!-----------Calhoun 1500 D ’lo*»!--------------- Simpson 1200 D rew *»!------ ...Sunflower . Duck Hill*»! .Montgomery 1881 Durant*»!-------------Holmes 600 E cru *»!-------- . . . Pontotoc 589 E dw ards*»!___ 9__ Hinds 2446 ¿Ellisville*»!________ Jones 215 Enid*»!-------- Tallahatchie 350 Ethel*»! — ____ Atalla 1500 775 747 $260 1800 1000 194 600 1500 603 E upora*»!...__—Webster ¿Payette*»! . . — Jefferson Plora*»!----------- .Madison F lorence*»!---------Rankin ¿Forest*»!.................... Scott ¿Friar Point*»!...Coahoma ¿Fulton* -----------Itawamba Georgetown*»! ....C op iah Gloster*»!________k_ Amite Goodman*»!_____ Holmes FRIERSON & HALE. See Batesville. W . H . K IE R . To Senatobia. To Columbus. See Batesville. To Marks. To Kosciusko. To Hazlehurst. To Union. To Meridian. To Houston. To Jackson. To Indianoia. To Eupora. To Kosciusko. To Pontotoc. See Jackson. See Laurel. To Sumner. To Kosciusko. LA M B & POGUE. See Meadville. To Jackson. To Jackson. To Jackson. See Clarksdale. To Tupelo. To Hazlehurst. See Liberty. To Kosciusko. 10846 ¿Greenville*»! .Washington P E RC Y BELL. 8600 ¿Greenwood*»! — . Leflore W H ITTIN G TO N & OSBORN. 2814 ¿Grenada*»!.--------Grenada W . S. P. D O TY. 8000 ¿Gulfport*»!------ ;Harrison W . ESTOPINAL. 515 Gunnison*»!--------- Bolivar See Cleveland. 330 Guntown*»!................ .Lee To Tupelo. 16482 ¿Hattiesburg*»! ..„ F o r r e s t T . C. HANNAH. 2600 ¿Hazlehurst*»! . . . . Copiah To Jackson. 660 600 261 750 481 ¿H ernando*»!...__ DeSoto HOLMES & LOGAN. Hickory*»!-----------Newton To Union. Hickory F la t* »!... Benton To Ashland. H olcom b*»!-------- Grenada To Grenada. Hollandale*»t.Washington To Greenville. 4000 ¿Holly Springs*»! Marshall L. A . SM ITH . 389 Houlka*— ------ Chickasaw To Houston. 2000 ¿H ouston*»!___ Chickasaw JOE H. F O R D . 1098 ¿Indianoia*»!.... Sunflower CHAPMAN & JOHNSON. 221 Inverness*»!——Sunflower To Indianoia. 2000 Ittabena*»!----------- Leflore See Greenwood. 1221 ¿Iuka*»! -Tishomingo T o Corinth. 29737 §»Jackson*»t„— _ .Hinds CHAM BERS & TRENHOLM , Cap ital Nat’l Bank Building. Attor« neys for the Capital National Bank, ■ Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Company. Corporation and Com mercial law a specialty. Com pilers o f the M ississippi laws fo r this publication. 367 Jonestown*» — Coahoma See Clarksdale. 540 Kilmichael*»!Montgomery To Eupora. 2385 ¿Kosciusko*»!_____ Attala T . P. GUYTON. 429 Lake*»!--------- 1------- Scott To Forest. 573 Lambert*»!--------Quitman To Marks. 11779 466 2500 2750 556 1800 797 160 2122 1000 2025 600 1000 ¿Laurel*»!__________Jones . W E L C H & STREET. *Leakesville*t_____ Greene See Lucedale. . Leland*»!------ Washington To Greenville. ¿Lexington*»!--------Holmes To Kosciusko. ¿Liberty*» „ — -------- Amite To Brookhaven. ¿Louisville*»!------ Winston To Union. ¿Lucedale*»! _____ George O. F. MOSS. L ula*»!--------- - Coahoma See Clarksdale. Lumberton*»!---------Lamar To Hattiesburg. Mabén*»!___ _ Oktibbeha To Columbus. ¿M acon*»!_______ Noxubee To Columbus. Madison Sta’n*»!.Madisoh See Canton. Magee*»!________ Simpson To Mendenhall._________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu la TOWN AND COUNTY. tion . NAME; 2000 ¿Magnolia*»!________ Pike 222 Mantee*»_______ W ebstei E. J. SIM MONS. See Winona. 1500 500 8000 422 750 500 600 606 ¿Marks*»!________ Quitman Mathiston*»!____ Webster McComb*»!_________ Pike M cC ool*»!_________Attala M cH enry*»!_______ Stone McLain*»!___ ____ Greene ¿Meadville*»!____ Franklin ¿Mendenhall*»! ._ Simpson WEAVER E. GORE. To Eupora. To Magnolia. See Kosciusko. To Gulfport. See Lucedale. To Brookhaven. To Jackson. 21818 700 321 450 506 374 3054 137 1077 450 ¿Meridian*»!__ Lauderdale Merigold*»!______ Bolivar Mize*»!------------------Smith ¿Monticello*»! . . Lawrence Moorhead*»!__ Sunflower Scott M orton*»!___ „— Moss Point*»!___ Jackson Mound Bayou___ Bolivar Mt. Oliv e *»!.— Covington Myrtle*»!...... ........... Union AKIN BROOKE. See Cleveland. To Laurel. To Brookhaven. To Indianoia. To Forest. To Gulfport. To Cleveland. To Collins. To New Albany. 11791 ¿Natchez*»!_______ Adams L. T . KENNEDY. 733 Nettleton*»!__________Lee To Tupelo. 3000 300 191 2000 400 450 500 400 2000 3000 500 824 ¿New Albany*»*___ Union ¿New Augusta*»!___ Perry Newhebron*»!.. Lawrence N ewton*»!_____ Newton Northcarrollton*!. Carroll Noxapater*»!____ Winston Oakland*»!___ Yalobusha Oak Vale*»!____ Lawrence Ocean Springs*»!.Jackson ¿Okolona*»!___ Chickasaw Olive Branch*»!— DeSoto Osyka*»!................... Pike B A XTE R N. K N O X . To Laurel. To Brookhaven. To Union. To Carrollton. See Louisville. To Water Valley. To Brookhaven. To Gulfport. To Houston. To Hernando. .To Magnolia. 2500 187 3500 2458 600 1250 282 2500 275 1100 619 ¿Oxford*»!_____ Lafayette Pachuta*»!________ Clarke ¿Pascagoula*»!___ Jackson Pass Christian*»! Harrison Pearlington*___ Hancock Pelahatchee*»!___ Rankin Pheba*»!................... Clay ¿Philadelphia*»!.. Neshoba Philipp*»!___ Tallahatchie" Picayune*»t__ Pearl River Pickens*»!_______ Holmes JAS. STONE & SON. To Quitman. To Gulfport. To Gulfport. To Gulfport. To Jackson. See West Point. To Union. See Sumner. To Poplarville. To Kosciusko. 2000 300 1272 500 ¿Pontotoc*»! :___Pontotoc P ope*»t__________ Panola ¿Poplarville*»!. Pearl River Potts Cam p*!..—Marshall M ITCH ELL & ROBERSON. To Senatobia. To Hattiesburg. To Holly Springs. 2252 ¿Port Gibson*»!..Claiborne J. N. BRASHEAR. 600 ¿Prentiss*»!Jefferson Davis C. E. THOM PSON. 800 ¿Purvis*»!_________ Lamar To Hattiesburg. 950 ¿Quitman**!_______ Clarke S. H. TERRAL. 300 579 1250 500 ¿Raleigh*___________ Smith ¿Raym ond*»!_______Hinds R ichton*»!..____ ...P erry Rienzi*»!_________ Alcorn 767 ¿R ipley*»!_____ ....T ip pah 800 1103 1200 306 1 604 1406 250 600 300 To Laurel. See Jackson. To New Augusta. See Corinth. SPIGHT & STREET. ¿Rolling F ork*»!.. Sharkey W . H. CLEMENTS. ¿Rosedale*»!—____ Bolivar See Cleveland. Ruleville*»!____ Sunflower To Indianoia. Saltillo*»!___________ Lee To Tupelo. Sandersville*»!......... Jones See Laurel. ¿Sardis*»! —_______Panola To Senatobia. Schlater*»!..______Leflore See Greenwood. Scooba*»!............. Kemper To De Kalb. Seminary*»!....Covington See Collins. 1500 564 850 1200 500 1168 636 200 2698 363 321 1471 ¿Senatobia*»!.... .........Tate D. C. LAUDERDALE. Shannon*»!______—. . Lee To Tupelo. Shaw*»!__________Bolivar See Cleveland. Shelby*»!_______ Bolivar See Cleveland. Sherman*»t_<____ Pontotoc To Pontotoc. Shubuta*»!________ Clarke To Quitman. Shuqualak*»t____Noxubee To Columbus. Sledge*»t_Quitman i To Marks. ¿Starkville*»!... Oktibbeha To Columbus. State Line*»!..__ — Wayne See Waynesboro. Sturgis*»!___ Oktibbeha To Columbus. Summit*»t— ——. . . . Pike To Magnolia. 364 2046 450 622 478 500 233 800 »Sumner*»!__ Tallahatchie W ARD <& W ARD. Sumrall*»t.____ —. Lamar To Hattiesburg. 'Sunflower*»!.—Sunflower To Indianoia. Taylorsville*»!_____ Smith To Laurel. Tchula*»!________ Holmes To Kosciusko. T erry *»!..—___ Hinds See Jackson. Toccopola*!____ Pontotoc To Pontotoc. ¿Tunifca*»!................ Tunica M ON TG OM ERY & MONTGOM ERY. ¿Tupelo*»!____ i — - — Lee BOGGAN & LEAKE. Tutwiler*»!.. Tallahatchie See Sumner. ¿Tylertown*»!___ Wzfftliall To Brookhaven. Union*»!______ — Newton WILSON & JOHNSON. Utica*»!.:____ Hinds See Jackson. ¿Vaiden*»!_____ __ Carroll To Carrollton. Vardaman*»!___ Calhoun To Houston. Verona*»!___________ Lee To Tupelo.__________ ________ 6000 1000 795 1200 500 713 439 700 N O T F USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. J. £1« See complete information in preface to Attorney List. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (b o n d e d ) popu la- TOWN AND COUNTY. tion. ____________________ M IS S IS S IP P I, M IS S O U R I NAME. 22816 *Vicksburg*»t— _ Warren DABNEY & DABNEY. Corpora tion, Insurance and Commercial Law. Collections and Reporting. Attorneys for: The Pullman Com pany, The Texas Oil Company, The Texas Company, The Standard Accident Ins. Co., Houston Broth ers, The Liquid Carbonic Company, Miss., Yazoo & Sunflower River Tran. Co. Representing A.A. Directory,Sharp & Alleman, Martindale’s Directory, Lane’s Blue Book, Columbia Direc tory. Member Commercial Law League o f America. 500 Walnut*»t..............Tippah To Ripley. 5000 *Water Valley*»t— Yalob’a B . F. KIMMONS. 1000 *Waynesboro*»t— Wayne 1000 Webb*»t____Tallahatchie 2024 Wesson*»t—...........Copiah 276 West*»!................. Holmes M . L. HEIDELBERG. See Sumner. To Jackson. To Kosciusko. 5000 ‘ West P oin t*»!______ Clay ROBERDS & BECKETT. 980 ‘ Wiggins*»!--------------Stone To Gulfport. 2512 ‘ Winona*»!__ Montgomery To Eupora. 400 Woodland*»! ~ Chickasaw See Houston. 1233 ‘ W oodville*»!— Wilkinson W . F. TUCKER. 9000 ‘ Yazoo City*»t......... Yazoo BARBOUR & HENRY. M IS S O U R I This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. Missouri Is divided into two Federal Districts: the Eastern and Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT has three divisions: the Eastern division with court at St. Louis (1), third Mondays in March and September and at Rolla (I), the second Mondays in January and June; the Northern division with court at Hannibal (2), fourth Monday in May and first Monday in December; the Southeastern division with court at Cape Girardeau (3), second Mondays in April and October. The WESTERN DISTRICT has five divisions; the Western with court at Kansas City (4), fourth Monday in April and first Monday in November, and at Chillicothe (4), on the fourth Monday in M ay and first Monday in December; the Southwestern division with court at Joplin (5), second Mondays In January and June; the St. Joseph division with court at St. Joseph (6), first Monday in March and third Monday in September; the Central division with court at Jeffer son City (7), third Mondays in March and October; the Southern division with court at Springfield (8), first Mondays in April and October. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. PopuLA- TION. _______ 319 A lm a*»t.... ........Lafayette 270 Altamont*»t .........Daviess 279 Altenburg*________ Perry * County Seat. * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. 929 1000 $1© 1200 »Express Office. § State Capital. Adrian*»!__________ Bates T o Butler. Advance*»! ____ Stoddard To Bloomfield. Agency* _______ ___________BuchananSee St. Joseph. Alba*t______ ____ Jasper To Carthage. See Lexington. To Gallatin. To Cape Girardeau. 484 456 180 173 307 162 ‘ Alton* . ..............Oregon Amazonia*»!____ Andrew Americus*— Montgomery Amity*»! - ...............Dekalb Am oret*»t................Bates Amsterdam*»t_..Bates E. P. DORRIS. To Savannah. See Bellflower., ToiMaysville. To' Rich Hill. See Butler. 721 150 364 150 1300 131 350 300 300 300 150 Anderson*»t ...M cDonald Annada*»t___ i _____ Pike Anniston*»___ Mississippi Anutt*_____________.Dent Appleton City*»t.St. Clair Arbela*»!____ Scotland Arcadia *»t___ -_____ Iron A rch ie*»!__________ Cass A reola*________ :___ Dade A rgyie*»!_______- Osage Arkoe*»!___ ____Nodaway To Pineville. To Bowling Green. To Charleston. See Salem. To Cape Girardeau. See Memphis. | See Ironton. See Harrisonville. To Greenfield. To Linn. To Maryville. 700 400 300 1800 400 400 100 523 267 166 Armstrong*»t___ Howard Arrow Rock*______ Saline Asbury*»t___ ____ Jasper Ash G rove*»t____ Greene Ashland*.... ............. Boone A sh ley *......... ........... Pike Atherton*»!_____ Jackson Atlanta*»!...............Macon Augusta*»t___ St. Charles Aullville*»!____ Lafayette To Fayette. See Marshall. To Joplin. To Springfield. See Columbia. To Bowling Green. To Kansas City. To Macon. See St. Charles. See Lexington. 7000 Aurora*»! ____ Lawrence 550 Auxvasse*»!____ Callaway JAMES A. POTTER. To Fulton. 1000 400 75 175 250 500 500 118 50 150 100 56 200 200 250 400 700 200 500 1000 ‘ Ava* ...................Douglas Avalon*_______Livingston Avilla*____________ Jasper Bagnall*»t_______..M iller Bakersfield*_______Ozark Baring*»!................K n o x Barnard*»!.___ ¿Nodaway Barnett*»!___ ___ Morgan Barnhart*»!____ Jefferson Bates C ity*»t... Lafayette Battlefield*............ Greene Bay*__________ Gasconade Beaufort*»______ Franklin B edford*___ —Livingston Belgrade*___ Washington Bell C ity*»_____ Stoddard Belle*»!....................Maries Belleview*______ — Iron Bellflower*»! Montgomery B elton *»!....................Cass 400 233 400 1200 346 ‘ Benton*»!................ Scott Benton City*»t__ Audrain Berger*»!___ ___ Franklin Bernie*»!___ ___ Stoddard Bertrand*»! ...Mississippi J. S. CLARKE. See Chillicothe. To Carthage. To Jefferson City. See Gainesville. To Kirksville. To Maryville. See Versailles. To De Soto. See Lexington. To Springfield. See Herman. To Union. See Chillicothe. i See Potosi. To Bloomfield. To Rolla. See-Ironton. To Mexico. , To Harrisonville. B. HUGH SMITH. To Mexico. To Union. To Bloomfield. To Charleston. Counties: Adair (2), Andrew (6), Atchison (6), Audrain (1), Barry 2500 ‘ Bethany*»!_____ Harrison (5) , Barton (5), Bates (4), Benton (7), Bollinger (3), Boone (7), Buchanan 235 Bethel*................S h elby (6) , Butler (3), Caldwell (4), Callaway (7), «Camden (7), Cape Girardeau 200 Beulah*___________ Phelps (3), Carroll (4), Carter (3), Cass (4), Cedar (8), Chariton (2), Christian 2200 B e v i e r * » ! M a c o n (8), Clark (2), Clay (4), Clinton (6), Cole (7), Cooper (7), Crawford (1), 156 Bigelow*»t.......... .....H o lt Dade (8), Dallas. (8), Daviess (6), Dekalb (6), Dent (1), Douglas (8), 760 B illings*»!___ ..Christian Dunklin (3), Franklin (1), Gasconade (1), Gentry (6), Greene (8), 700 Birch Tree*»!___ Shannon Grundy (4), Harrison (6), Henry (4), Hickory (7), Holt (6), Howard (7), 848 Bismarck*»!..St. Francois Howell (8), Iron (1), Jackson (4), Jasper (5), Jefferson (1), Johnson (4), 500 Blackburn*»!. .1___ Saline Knox (2), Laclede (8), Lafayette (4), Lawrence (5), Lewis (2), Lincoln 500 Blackwater*»!__ ..C oop er (1), Linn (2), Livingston (4), McDonald (5), Macon (2), Madison (3), 100 Blackwell*»!—St. Francois Maries (1), Marion (2), Mercer (4), Miller (7), Mississippi (3), Moniteau 500 Blairstown*»!.........Henry (71, Monroe (2), Montgomery (1), Morgan (7), New Madrid (3), Newton 359 Bland*»!__...Gasconade (5), Nodaway (6), Oregon (8), Osage (7), Ozark (8), Pemiscot (3), Perry 500 Blodgett*»!................Scott (3), Pettis (7), Phelps (1), Pike (2), Platte (6), Polk (8), Pulaski (8), 100 Bloodland*..1........Pulaski Putnam (4), Ralls (2), Randolph (2), Ray (4), Reynolds (3), Ripley (3), St. Charles (1), St. Clair (4), Ste. Genevieve (1), St. Francois (1) 1500 ‘ Bloomfield*»t ...Stoddard St. Louis (1), St. Louis City (1), Saline (4), Schuyler (2), Scotland (2), 250 Bloomsdale*Ste.Geneviev1e Scott (3), Shannon (3), Shelby (2), Stoddard (3), Stone (5), Sullivan. (4), 800 Blue Springs*»!— Jackson Taney (8), Texas (8), Vernon (5), Warren (1), Washington (1), Wayne 345 Blythedale*»!___ Harrison (3), Webster (8), Worth (6), Wright (8). 500 Bogard*»!............. -Carroll 300 Bois D’A rc*»!........Greene 376 Bolckow*®!____ -Andrew REFERENCE KEY NAME. TOWN AND COUNTY. FRISBY & FRISBY. To Macon. See Rolla. To Mapon. To Mound City. To Springfield. To Mountain View. See Farmington. To Marshall. To Boonville. To Farmington. To Windsor. To Hermann. To Benton. See Waynesville. W AMMACK & WELBORN. To Ste. Genevieve. See Independence. To Bethany. See Carrollton. See Springfield. To Savannah. 2500 ‘ B olivar*»!____ _____ Polk L. CUNNINGHAM .. 5000 Bonne Terre*»!St. Franc’s To Farmington, 125 Bonnots Mill*»!........Osage To Linn. 4252 ‘ Boonville*»!______ Cooper 900 B osw orth*»!..____ Carroll 500 B ourbon*»!..___ Crawford 82 Bower Mills*___ Lawrence 2000 ‘ Bowling Green*»!——Pike 50 Boynton*»!______ Sullivan 100 Bradleyville*.—— Taney 200 Braggadocio*___Pemiscot 2500 ‘ Albany*»! - _______Gentry W* Y. DALBEY. 350 B randsville*»t..—Howell 1200 Branson*»t.............T an ey 225 Aldrich*»! .........—Polk To Bolivar. 458 Brashear*»!_______ Adair 500 Alexandria*»!____ Clark To Kahoka. 1027 Braymer*»!___ —Caldwell 400 Allendale* —___ 'W orth See Grant City. 1100 Breckenridge*»! .Caldwell 200 A llenton*»!____ St. Louis To St. Louis. 250 Brimson*»!.’ _____ Grundy 257 Allenville*»! 400 Bronaugh*»+_____ ________________Cape Girardeau To Cape Girardeau, ____________________________ ___ ____________Vernon J. S. UNDERWOOD. To Carrollton. To Steelville. To Aurora. J- S. FITZGERRELL. To Milan. To Forsyth. To Caruthersville. ' To Westplains. . See Forsyth. To Kirksville. See Chillicothe. See Chillicothe. To Trenton. To Nevada. A T / N n p r 1 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. I l U I L i See complète information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1495 1495 M IS S O U R I Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 7500 Brookfield**!__ ____ Linn 175 Brookline Station**______ Greene 1000 Browning**!_______.Linn 348 Brownington**!— Henry 200 Brumley*__________Miller 1606 Brunswick**!__ .Chariton 1000 Bucklin**!___ 1......... Linn 500 200 1000 788 800 1025 B uckner**!__ ...Jackson Buell**!_____Montgomery ‘ Buffalo* . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas Bunceton**!______ Cooper Bunker*---------- Reynolds Burlington Jet.**!Nod’way A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W NAME. B A IL E Y & H A R T . To Springfield. See Brookfield. To Windsor. To Versailles. To Keytesville. R . S. KATHAN, See Independence. To Mexico. To Lebanon. To Boonville. See Centerville. To Maryville. 4000 ‘ Butler**!.................. Bates C. A. D E N T O N . Peoples Bank. 75 1000 1500 300 128 800 To Keytesville. See Houston. To Bethany. To Moberly. To De Soto. To Windsor. Bynumville*— . -Chariton Cabool**!_______...T ex as Cainesyille**!___ Harrison Cairo**------------Randolph Caledonia* ...W ashington Calhoun**t......... .... Henry 2154 ‘ California**!___ Moniteau 700 477 300 3000 2500 600 2500 Callao**!____ _____ Macon Camden *•!________ Ray Camden Point**!...Platte Cameron**t___ __ Clinton Campbell**! _____ Dunklin Canalou**-----New Madrid Canton**!____ ____ Lewis 1013 1500 5000 6000 Cardwell**!_____ Dunklin Carl Junction**!...Jasper ‘ Carrollton**! . . . ...C arroll Carterville*T —____ Jasper Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. Tion. Refers R. M . EMBBEY. To Macon. See Richmond. To Kansas City. To Plattsburg. To Kennett. To New Madrid. To Kahoka. 10775 Cape Girardeau**!..C. Gir. OLIVER & OLIVER. / To Kennett. To Joplin. S. J. & G. C. JONES. To Joplin. 9524 ‘ Carthage**! . . . ____ Jasper B. H. ESTEBLY. 6000 ‘ Caruthersville**!Pemiscot 40 Cascade*_________ Wayne 1000 ‘ Cassville**_________ Barry 110 Catawissa**!____ Franklin 600 Center**!____ i______Ralls 285 Centertown**t______ Cole 300 Centerview**!..—Johnson 350 2500 150 3000 650 100 ‘ Centerville*_____Reynolds Centralia**!_______ Boone Chadwick**!__..Christian .Chaffee**!_____ ____ Scott Chamois**!,________ Osage Chaonia**_________Wayne 4000 *Charleston**!..Mississippi 125 Chesterfield**!..St. Louis 425 Chilhowee**! ....J o h n so n 10000 600 1500 400 399 416 1000 1000 2000 263 250 400 300 400 150 5500 350 140 390 23 1200 230 400 *Chillicothe**t—Livingston Chula**t______Livingston Clarence**!__ _ ...-.Shelby Clark**!......... ..Randolph Clarksburg**! ...Moniteau Clarksdale**!_____ Dekalb Clarksville**! . ______ Pike Clarkton**! _____ Dunklin ‘ Clayton**!.___ ..S t. Louis Clearmont**!___ Nodaway Cleveland**! . . . . . ____Cass Clever**!_______Christian Clifton City**!___ Cooper Clifton Hill**t._Randolph Climax Springs*..Camden ‘ Clinton**!_________ Henry Clyde**________ Nodaway Coatsville**!____ Schuyler Coffey**!— . . _Daviess Coffman**SainteGenevie’e Cole Camp**!_____ Benton College Mound*— Macon Collins**t St. Clair 12530 ‘ Columbia**!__ ...„ B o o n e 544 Commerce**!_______Scott 50 Competition *........Laclede 700 Cbnc’p'n Jct.**t.Nodaway 931 Concordia**!___ Lafayette 652 Connelsville**!— . . . Adair 650 Conway**!__ _ . . . . Laclede 100 Cook Station**..Crawford 300 Oooter*.._______ Peiniscot 649 Corder**!______ Lafayette 300 Corning**!_______ ;._.Holt 170 Cosby**! ________ Andrew 363 Cowgill**! . . ____ Caldwell 750 Craig***.... ______ Holt 1002 Crane**!___________Stone 400 Creighton**!.____ ...C ass 400 Creve Coeur**!..St. Louis 750 Crocker**!__ .....P u lask i 500 Cross Timbers*.. Hickory 2500 Crystal City**!..Jefferson 800 Cuba**!—. _____ Crawford 238 Curryville**!________ Pike 45 Daisy**...Cape Girardeau Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ROBERT L. WARD. To Greenville. To Monett. To Union. To Perry. To Jefferson City. See Warrensburg. C. M . BUFORD. See Columbia. To Springfield. To Benton. To Linn. To Poplar Bluff. FRANK M . SEE. To St. Louis. See Warrensburg. J. M . DAVIS & SON. See Chillicothe. To Macon. To Moberly. To California. To Maysville. To Bowling Green. To Kennett. See St. Louis. To Maryville. See Harrisonville. To Springfield. To Boonville. To Moberly. To Lebanon. To Windsor. To Maryville. To Kirksville. To Gallatin. See Ste. Genevieve. To Warsaw. To Macon. To Oseeola. 3 RUSSELL E. HOLLOWAY. To Benton. To Lebanon. To Maryville. See Lexington. To Kirksville. To Lebanon. See Steelville. To Garuthersville. See Lexington. To Mound City. To Savannah. See Chillicothe. To Mound City. To Galena. To Harrisonville. See St. Louis. BOY W . BEED. To Hermitage. To De Soto. • See Steelville. To Bowling Green. To Cape Girardeau. to 300 400 100 350 926 1398 129 63 391 250 350 4000 Dalton**!__.. ....Chariton Darlington**!_____ Gentry Davis**!_____ . — Lincoln Dawn**!______ Livingston Dearborn**!_______Platte Deepwater**t .........Henry D eerfield...____Vernon Defiance**.'___ St. Charles DeKalb**!____ Buchanan D enver*________ ..W orth Des A rc**!__________Iron Desloge**!. „ S t . Francois 5000 423 3500 400 715 200 De Soto**! _____ Jefferson De Witt**! — ___ Carroll D exter**!______ Stoddard Diamond*__ ___ ..Newton Dixon**!------ ------ Pulaski Dodson**!_______ Jackson 1450 214 800 700 500 2500 150 150 200 150 330 277 225 1500 200 700 1625 2500 2500 150 500 350 512 450 1200 2000 100 350 150 100 400 1000 600 195 500 522 500 7000 375 800 200 300 421 100 400 305 125 ‘ Doniphan**!..____ : Ripley Dover**!_____ Lafayette Downing**! ...^.Schuyler Drexel**!___________Cass Dudley**!______ Stoddard Duenweg**!_______ Jasper Dunlan**t_______Grundy Dunnegan**! _______ Polk Durham**! j _____ ..Lewis Dutzow**!_______ Warren Eagleville*--.___ Harrison East L ynne**t_____Cass Easton**!______Buchanan E. Prairie**!— Mississippi Edgar Springs*___ Phelps Edgerton**!____ ...Platte ‘ Edina**!___ ______ .Knox Eldon**! W ,__. . . ___ Miller Eldorado Springs**. Cedar Elkland*._______Webster Ellington*___ 1__ Reynolds Ellsinore*_________ Carter Elmer**!__________Macon Elm o**!________ Nodaway Elsberry*•!_..___ Lincoln Elvins**!___ St. Francois Emden*__________ Shelby ‘ Eminence*_____.Shannon Emma**_______ Lafayette Enon**_________Moniteau Eolia**!__________ ...Pike Essex**t__ i____ Stoddard Ethel**!..____ i____Macon Eugene**!___________Cole Eureka**!_____ St. Louis Everton**!___ ______ Dade Ewing**!________ Lewis Excelsior Springs**!.Clay Exeter**!__________Barry F a irfax**!.......A tch ison Fairfield*_________Benton Fair Grove*______ Greene Fair Play**!_______ Polk Fairport*__...____ Dekalb Fairview**!.____ Newton Färber**!_______Audrain Farley**!_____| platte (BOND ED ) NAME. 3000 ‘ Farmington**!St.Francois 175 Faucett**-— -Buchanan To Keytesville. To Albany. . To Bowling Green. See Chillicothe. To Kansas City. To Windsor. To Nevada. To St. Charles. Ì See St. Joseph. To Grant City. See Ironton. TO Farmington. E. C. EDGAR. See Carrollton. To Bloomfield. See Neosho. See Crocker. To Independence. J. F. FULBRIGHT. See Lexington. To Kirksville. To Harrisonville. To Poplar Bluff. To Joplin. To Trenton. To Bolivari See Monticello. See Warrenton. To Bethany. See Harrisonville. See St. Joseph. To Charleston. To Rolla. To Kansas City. To Kirksville. To Versailles. To Nevada. To Marshfield. To Centerville. See Van Buren. To Macon. v To Maryville. To Bowling Green. To Farmington. To Macon. j n o . w. M cCl e l l a n . See Lexington To California. To Bowling Green. To Bloomfield. To Macon. To Jefferson City. See St. Louis. To Greenfield. To Monticello. To Liberty. See Cassville. See Rockport. To Warsaw. See Springfield. To Bolivar. To Maysville. To Neosho. To Mexico. See Platte City. J. P. CAYCE. See St. Joseph. 3000 200 2000 150 JASPER THOMPSON. See St. Louis. See St. Louis. To Platte City. 2556 232 550 6000 400 150 100 765 200 150 300 800 100 250 1300 ‘ Fayette**t ______ Howard Fenton*_______ St. Louis Ferguson**t____St. Louis F errelview ............ Platte (Smithville P. O.) Festus**!______ J eff erson Fillmore*..............Andrew F is k * * !____ ______ Butler Flat River**!St. Francois Flemington**.... ........Polk Flinthill*.____St. Charles Florida*_________ Monroe Florissant*!— St. Louis Forbes**!___________ Holt Ford City**!____ ..Gentry Fordland**!_____ Webster Forest City**!_____ _ Holt Forest Green**.. Chariton Foristeil**!___ St. Charles Fornfelt*___________Scott 187 125 350 318 793 ‘ Forsyth*__________ Taney Fortescue*«t___ _— Holt For tuna**! . . . . . . Moniteau Foster**!_________ Bates Frankford**!— ..... P i k e 3500 331 251 175 250 ‘ Fredericktown**! Madison Freeburg**t_______Osage Freeman**t_________ Cass Fremont**_______ .Carter Frohna*_______ — Perry 6000 ‘ Fulton**!............Callaway To De Soto. To Savannah. To Poplar Bluff. To Farmington. T o Bolivar. To St. Charles. To Hannibal. See St. Louis. To Mound City. To Albany. To Marshfield. To Mound City. To Keytesville. To St. Charles. . To Benton. D. F. McCONKEY. To Mound City. To* California." To Rich Hill. To Bowling Green. CHAS. P. DAMRON. To Linn. See Harrisonville. To Poplar Bluff. To Perryville. C. P. LE MIRE. 300 ‘ Gainesville*___ Ozark T . J. LUNA. 600 ‘ Galena**!^______ . . Stone To Aurora. 2000 ‘ Gallatin**!._____ Daviess DUDLEY & SELBY. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface tb Attorney List. M IS S O U R I A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. T I O N . -------------------------------------------------------------------- 583 900 226 400 250 226 205 500 700 1600 106 375 900 150 500 170 1000 100 N 370 365 400 3500 505 200 270 250 P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. ________ _______________ 1497 NAME. 11672 »Independence*»!.Jackson JOHN F. THICE. _____ Inza*________ __ Buchanan See St. Joseph. 150 Ionia*»!__________ Benton To Warsaw. 450 Irondale*!— .Washington To DeSoto. Galt*—___________Grundy To Trenton. Garden City*»t...........Cass To Harrisonville. Gentry*»t— ------ Gentry To Albany. Gerald*»t____ Franklin To Union. Gerster*»_____ — St. Clair To Osceola. Gibbs*»t___________ Adair To Kirksville. Gifford*»t— — Macon To Macon. Gilliam*»t_________ Saline To Marshall. Gilman City*»— Harrisoii To Bethany. Glasgow*»t______ Howard To Fayette. Glenallen*»t____ Bollinger To Marble Hill. Glenwood*»t___ Schuyler To Kirksville. Golden City*»t___ Barton To Lamar. Goldsberry*_______ Macon To Macon. Goodman*»!___ McDonald ToPineville. Gordonville*»tCape Gir’au To Cape Girardeau. Gorin*»t___ - ___ Scotland See Memphis. Gosneyville____ ____ Clay See Liberty. ( Smithville P. O.) Gower*»t________ Clinton See Plattsburg. Graham*_______ Nodaway To Maryville. Grain Valley*»!—'Jackson See Independence. Granby*»!_______ Newton See Neosho. Grandin*»!________ Carter SeeVanBuren. Grand Pass*»!_____ Saline See Marshall. Grandview*»!___ Jackson See Independence. Granger*»!_____ Scotland See Memphis. 1200 2500 250 500 611 305 1000 »Ironton*»!_______ i „ I r o n *Jackson*»!Cape Girardeau Jacksonville*»!. Randolph Jameson*»!______ Daviess Jamesport*»!____ Daviess Jamestown*____ Moniteau Jasper*»! _____ .—..Jasper 13484 §»Jefferson City*»!___ Cole JNO. H. KEITH. To Cape Girardeau. To Moberly. To Gallatin. T o Gallatin. To California. To Carthage. POPE & LOHMAN. 395 Jerico Springs*____ Cedar To Nevada. 456 Jonesburg*»! Montgomery To Mexico. 33216 Joplin*»!_________ Jasper R . M . SHEPPARD. Frisco Bldg. Practice in all courts, both State and Federal. References: Joplin State Bank; Cunningham National Bank. 1900 »Kahoka*»!_________Clark T . L. M ONTGOMERY. 297847 Kansas City*»!__ Jackson. A S H L E Y & G I L B E R T , Rialto Building. ' General Law Business. General Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Commercial Litigation. Attorneys for North-western Mutual Life Insurance Co. and American Express Co. R efer to any Bank or Trust Company in Kansas City; Strong, Sturgis & Co., N. Y.; Walter Hunnewell, 87 Milk Si., Boston. 1500 »Grant City*»!_____ Worth KELSO & KELSO. 100 Granville_________ Monroe To Hannibal. (Parte P. O.) 250 Gray Summit*»!.Franklin To Union. 454 Green Castle*!—. Sullivan To Milan. 1000 Green City*»!— Sullivan To Milan. 1600 »Greenfield*»!_______Dade BEN M . NEALE. GAGE, LADD & SMALL, Rooms 605, 606, 607, and 608 New York Life Bldg. Attorneys for Traders National Bank, Produce Ex. Bank, and United States Trust Co. Compilers o f the Missouri laues fo r this publication. ‘ 600 Green Ridge*»!____ Pettis ToSedalia. 275 Greentop*»t........Schuyler To Kirksville. 1000 »Greenville*________ Wayne To Poplar Bluff. 400 Greenwood*»!____ Jackson See Independence. 100 Grovespring*______ Wright To Mountain Grove. 207 Guilford*»!____ Nodaway To Maryville. 175 G uthrie*»!_____ Callaway To Fulton. 1000 Hale*»!______ .....C a rro ll To Carrollton. 195 Hallsville*»________Boone See Columbia. 150 Halltown*_____ Lawrence To Aurora. 125 Hamburg*»!__ St. Charles To St. Charles. 2000 Hamilton*»!— — Caldwell See Chillicothe. 25 Hammond*______ Ozark See Gainesville. 100 Hancock*»__ ____ Pulaski See Waynesville. 21836 750 500 200 Hannibal*»!—__ ..M arion Hardin*»!____ : ......... Ray Harris*»!________ Sullivan Harrisburg*_______ Boone KRAUTHOFF, McCLINTOCK & QUANT, Republic Bldg. R efer to any bank in Kansas City. Special attention given to business for Banks and Corporations. Efficient Collec tion Department. CARL H. LANGKNECHT. Fidelity Trust. Building.^General practice in all Courts. Activé Collection Department. Depositions before Harold E. Fredman. References by permission:—-Fidelity Trust Company, German-American Bank, and William Volker & Company. References in any City upon request. F . W . NEEPER. See Richmond. To Milan. See Columbia. 700 Kearney*»!—_____ ...C lay See Liberty. 26 Kelso*»!_____ ______ Scott To Benton. 2360 »Harrisonville*»!....... Cass W . L . P . BURNEY. 250 Hartsburg*»!_____ Boone See Columbia. 800 »Hariville*_________ Wright To Mountain Grove. 201 Harviell*______ ..Butler , To Poplar Bluff. 208 Harwood*»!_____ ..Vernon To Nevada. 200 Hatfield*________ Harrison To Bethany. 299 Hawk Point*»!___ Lincoln To Bowling Green. 1250 Hayti*»!_______ Pemiscot To Caruthersville. 50 Hazelgreen*_____ Laclede To Springfield. 200 Helena*»!________ Andrew To Savannah. 150 Hemple*»!__ ____ Clinton See Plattsburg. 200 Henley*»____ _______ Cole To Jefferson City. 443 Henrietta* . Ray See Richmond. 3000 Herculaneum*»t Jefferson To Desoto. 1800 »Hermann*»t... Gasconade E . W ALKEE. 300 »Hermitage*.—. __ Hickory J. W . M O N TG O M E R Y . 100 Hickory*________ Grundy 1800 Higbee*»!______ Randolph 2800 Higginsville*»!. Lafayette 300 High Hill*»!. Montgomery 261 »Hillsboro*_____ Jefferson 135 Hoberg*»______ Lawrence 400 Holcomb*»!_____ Dunklin 2500 Holden*»!____ —.Johnson 200 Holland*»!_____ Pemiscot 262 500 150 336 909 600 79 Holliday*»t______ Monroe Hollister *»t_______ Taney Hollywood*»!___ Dunklin Holt*»!__________ —Clay H opkins*»!.... . . Nodaway Hornersville*»!~ Dunklin House Springs*.. Jefferson To Trenton. To Moberly. To Lexington. To Mexico. To DeSoto. To Aurora. To Kennett. To Warrensburg. To Caruthersville. , To Hannibal. To Forsyth. To Kennett. To Liberty. To Maryville. To Kennett. See De Soto. 1000 »Houston*__________ Texas BARTON & IM PE Y . 450 Houstonia*»t______ Pettis See Sedalia. 200 Hughesville*»!_____ Pettis See Sedalia. 1100 Humansville*»!.— —Polk To Bolivar. 800 Hume*»t__________-Bates To Rich Hill. 400 Humphreys*»!... Sullivan To Milan. 406 Hunnewell*»!_____ Shelby To Macon. 600 Hunter*!__ _ ; i ___ Carter ' To Van Buren. 2247 »Huntsville*»!—, Randolph To Moberly. 500 Hurdland*»!.____ _ Knox To Kirksville. 250 Hurley*»___________ Stone See Galena." »00 Iantha*»!_________ Barton To Lamar. J28 Iberia*.._______ ...M ille r To Versailles. 2000 .Illmo*»!_________ Scott To Benton. 200 I m p e r i a l » . .J e f f e r s o n To Hiillsboro. g______ (Kimmswick P. O.) __ _______________________ 5000 »Kennett*»t______ Dunklin J. P. TRIBBLE. 150 Kenoma*»_____ ...B arton To Lam ar.. 963 306 335 1150 535 238 *Keytesville*»t__ Chariton Kidder*»!____ !__ Caldwell Kim mswick*»t„ Jefferson King City*»t______ Gentry »Kingston*______ Caldwell Kingsville*»t____ Johnson J. E. MONTGOMERY. See Chillicothe. See De Soto. To Albany. To Chillicothe. To Warrensburg. 8000 5000 670 500 452 »Kirksville*»!_______ Adair Kirkwood*»!___ St. Louis Knobnoster*»!__ Johnson Knox Oity*»t___ . . . Knox Koshkonong*»t... Oregon CAMPBELL & ELLISON. See St. Louis. To Warrensburg. To Kirksville. See Alton. 69 Labaddie*»! .....F ra n k lin 1200 La Belle*»!_______ - Lewis 740 Laclede*»!__________ Linn 700 Laddonia*»!_____ Audrain 250 La Due*»!_____ •___ Henry 1360 La Grange*»!______ Lewis 137 Lakenan*»!_______Shelby 2600 »Lamar*»! . . . . . . . Barton 800 Lamonte*»!________ Pettis 1200 »Lancaster*»!___ Schuyler 1605 La Plata*»!________ Macon 1000 Laredo*»!________ Grundy 261 Larussel*________ Jasper . 250 Latham*____I__Moniteau 1500 Lathrop*»t_______ Clinton 100 Latour*».._______Johnson 700 Lawson*»t___________ Ray 1800 Leadwood*»t.St. Francois 300 Leasburg*»t___Crawford 3000 »Lebanon*»!______ Laclede 100 Lecoma*_____. . . „ —Dent 1000 L eeds*»!..............Jackson 1600 Lees Summit*»! .Jackson 600 Leeton*»!_______ Johnson 250 Lemons*___ _____ Putnam 70 Lenox*__ ___ Dent 61 Lentner*»!_______ Shelby 300 Leonard*___ a____.Shelby 150 Leslie*»! —- ____ Franklin 150 Lesterville*___ -Reynolds 100 Levasy*»......... .... Jackson 405 Lewistown*»t_____ Lewis To Union. To Kahoka. See Brookfield. To Mexico. To Windsor. To Monticello. To Maçon. H . W . TIM M ONDS. See Sedalia. To Kirksville. To Macon. TO Trenton. To Joplin. To California. To Plattsburg. To Warrensburg. To Richmond. See Farmington. See Steelville. PH IL. M . DONNELLY. See Salem. See Independence. See Independence. To Warrensburg. To Unionville. See Salem. To Macon. To Macon. To Union. See Centerville. See Independence. To Monticello. 6000 »Lexington *»t— Lafayette CHILES & CHILES. 1500 Liberal*»t________ Bartdn To Lamar.______ ________ N i n T F ' USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. I l V / JL Ju See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1498 M IS S O U R I 3000 »Liberty*®! . . . . . . . . . . . C l a y MARTIN E. LAWSON. - 500 Licking*________ ...T ex as See Houston. 1800 Lilbourn*®! ..N ew Madrid To New Madrid. 336 L incoln**!............Benton To Warsaw. 529 t— .— ----------Osage VOSHOLL & MONROE. 435 *Linn Oreek*______Camden To Lebanon. 1000 »Linneus*®!___ ____ .Linn See'Brookflela. 300 Livonia**!........... Putnam To Unionville. 255 Lock Spring*®!— Datfiefes'To Gallatin. 1000 Lockwood**!_____ ..Dade To Greenfield. 200 Lohman*®______ .....C o le To Jefferson City. 200 Lonejack*.............Jackson See Independence. 120 Long L a n e * ........D a lla s To Lebanon. 158 Longtown *_______ Perry To Perryville. 200 Longwood*________ Pettis See Sedalia. 125 Loose Creek*___ __ Osage To Linn. 5000 ; Louisiana**!............P ike To Bowling Green. 100 Lowndes*________ Wayne To Poplar Bluff. 462 Lowry C ity**!__ St. Clair To Osceola. 400 Lucerne**!------.Putnam To Unionville. 400 Ludlow**!------ Livingston See Chillicothe. 164 Lupus**!.......... Moniteau To California. 163 /Luray*®!................Clark To Kalioka. 800 Lutesville**!.. ..Bollinger To Marble Hill. 153 Macks Creek*___ Camden To Lebanon. 3500 »Macon*®!. . . . . . -----Macon JUDGE B. R . WILLIAMS. 750 Madison**!..____ Monroe To Hannibal. 70 M agnolia**.......Johnson See Warrensburg. 736 Maitland**!_______ Holt To Mound City. 3000 Malden**!-----— .Dunklin Td Kennett. 490 Malta Bend**!._....Saline See Marshall. 700 Manchester**!__ St. Louis See St. Louis. 200 Manes*____ = ______ Wright To Mountain Grove. 800 Mansfield**!______ Wright To Mountain Grove. 8000 Maplewood**!__ St. Louis See St. Louis. 700 »Marble Hill*®....Bollinger To Cape Girardeau. 3920 M arcelin e**!.....___ Linn To Bucklin. 1272 Marionville**!..Lawrence To Aurora. 14 Marling*------ Montgomery To Mexico. 500 Marquand*®!____ Madison See Fredericktown. 5500 »M arshall**!............ Saline W . H. MESCHEDE. 1600 »Marshfield**!___ Webster SMITH & SHELTON. 643 Marston**! ..N ew Madrid To New Madrid. 500 Marthasville**!__ Warren See Warrenton. 400 Martin City**! ...Jackson See Independence. 436 Martinsburg**!...Audrain To Mexico. 125 Martinsville*___ Harrison To Bethany. 476^ »Maryville**! — Nodaway CHAS. E. STILWELL. 450 Matthews**! .New Madrid To New Madrid. HO Max ville— — Jefferson To St. Louis. (K im m sw ick P. O.) 1100 308 250 100 450 127 760 175 200 »Maysville**!______ Dekalb May view**!------ Lafayette Maywood**!_______ Lewis McCredie**!....... Callaway McFall**! .............. Gentry McKittrick**!Montgom’ry Meadville**!______ ..L inn Medili**!....................Clark Melbourne**!___ Harrison HEWITT & HEWITT. See Lexington. See Monticello. To Fulton. To Albany. To Mexico. See Brookfield. To Memphis. See Bethany. 2200 »Memphis**!.......... Scotland BIRNEY O. REEVES. 408 M endon**!-------- Chariton To Keytesville. MO Mendota**!— — Putnam To Unionville. M enfro*®!----------- -P e r r y To Perryville. 620 Mercer**! ........ ..M ercer To Trenton. 300 Merwm**! . — Bates To Butler. 500 Meta**!..................... Osage To Linn. 240 Metz**!------------- 7Vernon See Nevada. 6000 »Mexico**! ............ Audrain A. C. WHITSON. 431 332 Miami*------------ ....S a lin e To Marshall. Middletown*Montgomery To Mexico. 2500 »M ilan**!................Sullivan D. M . WILSON. 800 300 350 128 591 128 150 559 M iller**!--------- Lawrence Mill G rove**!....... Mercer Mill Spring**!____ Wayne Milo**----------------- Vernon Mindenmines*____ Barton Mineola*____ Montgomery Mirabile*---------- Caldwell Missouri City**! .....C la y To Aurora. To Trenton. To Greenville. See Nevada. To Lamar. To Mexico. « T o Kingston. To Liberty. 12752 Moberly**! . . — Randolph EDWIN O. DOYLE. 200 Modena__________ Mercer To Trenton. 800 Mokane*®! _____ Callaway To Fulton. 50 M olino*--------------Audriah To Mexico. 6000 M oneti**!____ ____ Barry JAMES E. SATER. 2200 Monroe City*®!...Monroe To Hannibal. 1789 Montgomery City**!Mont. To Mexico. 283 »Monticello*......... .... Lewis THOS. I. JOHNSON. 1000 Montrose*®! . . . ___ Henry To Windsor. 250 Moody* — --------- Howell See Mountain View. 205 Mooresville**! Livingston See Chillicothe. 1636 Morehouse**!New Madrid To New Madrid. 494 M orley**!.... ............Scott To Benton. 257 Morrison**! ...Gasconade See Hermann. 360 M orrisville**!..____Polk To Bolivar, 395 Moscow Mills**!..Lincoln To Bowling Green. 148 Moselle**!______Franklin To Union. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2000 Mound City**!______Holt W. E. STUBBS. 247 Moundville**!__Vernon See Nevada. 2500 Mountain Grove**!. Wright CHAS. W . EVANS. 800 250 400 1161 3000 200 250 150 600 500 276 480 Mountain View**!_HoweIl Mount Leonard**!..Saline Mt. Moriah*____ Harrison »Mt. Vernon**t..Lawrence Mt. Washington*! Jackson Napoleon**!___ Lafayette Napton*!.................. Saline Nashua**! ..................Clay Naylor**!................ Ripley N eck *!.................... Jasper Neelyville**!______ Butler N elson**!.... ........... Saline JOHN P. SWAIM. See Marshall. See Bethany. To Aurora. See Independence. See Lexington. See Marshall. To Liberty. To Doniphan. To Carthage. To Poplar Bluff. See Marshall. 4500 »Neosho**!.............Newton DANIEL STRA TTO N . 150 Nettleton**!. . . ..Caldwell To Chillicothe. 9000 999 500 100 1100 400 424 1000 120 600 855 1100 »Nevada**!---------- Vernon Newark*---------------- Knox New Bloomfleld**!Callaw’ New Boston* ............ Linn N ewburg**!...........Phelps New Cambria**!__ Macon New Florence**!.. Mont’y New Franklin**! .Howard New Hamburg*........Scott New Hampton**!Harrison New Haven**! ..Franklin »New L ondon**!....... Ralls 2000 250 261 50 350 276 150 500 1500 1200 100 78 500 300 2000 800 97 256 1000 2000 700 150 »New Madrid**!.New Mad. R IL E Y & R IL E Y . New Melle*— -St. Charles See St. Charles. New tow n**!....... Sullivan To Milan. New Truxton**!..W arren See Warrenton. Niangua**t...........Webster To Marshfield. Nixa* ..................Christian To Springfield. Nodaway**!.........Andrew To Savannah. N oel**!-----------McDonald To Pineville. Norborne**!...........Carroll To Carrollton. North Kansas City* ..Clay To Liberty. North Salem*---------- Linn See Brookfield. Northview**------ Webster To Marshfield. Norwood**!--------- Wright To Mountain Grove. Novelty*.....................Knox To Kirksville. N ovinger**!________Adair To Kirksville. Oak Grove**! — Jackson See Independence. Oak Hill*....... . Crawford See Steelville. Oak Ridge**Cape Girard’u To Cape Girardeau. .Oakwood*...............Marion To Hannibal. Odessa**!...........Lafayette To Lexington. 0 ’F allon**!....S t. Charles To St. Charles. Old Appleton* •' Cape Girardeau To Cape Girardeau. Old Monroe**!___ Lincoln To Bowling Green. Olean**!-------------- Miller To Versailles. Oran**!------------------- Scott To Benton. »Oregon**---------- .....H o lt To Mound City. Oronogo**------------ Jasper To Joplin. Orrick**!..................... Ray See Richmond. Osage City**!---------- Cole To Jefferson City. Osborn**!................ Dekalb To Maysville. »Osceola**! .......... St. Clair LEE E. CROOK. Osgood**!------------Sullivan To Milan. O tterville**!.......C ooper To Boonville. Overland*............ St. Louis See St. Louis. Owensville**t—Gasconade To Hermann. 251 214 1200 1002 1912 600 250 400 1200 •300 600 1500 900 950 .»Ozark**!---------- Christian 1500 Pacific**!_______Franklin 2149 »P alm yra**!...:— Marion 1700 »Paris**!---------- — Monroe 900* Parkville**!---------- Platte 1500 Parma**! . — lNew Madrid 600 Parnell**!..------ Nodaway 150 Patton*--------------Bollinger 1200 Pattonsburg**! ...Daviess 205 Peculiar**!.................Cass 52 Pennsboro**------------ Dade 150 Perrin**!— -----Clinton W . H . H ALLETT. To Kirksville. To Fulton. See Brookfield. See Rolla. To Macon. To Mexico. To Fayette. To Benton. To Bethanj>. To Union. To Perry. To Springfield. To Union. To Hannibal. To Hannibal. To Kansas City. To New Madrid. To Maryville. To Marble Hill. To Gallatin. See Harrisonville. To Greenfield. See Plattsburg. 1000 P erry **!..._________ Ralls E. L. ALFORD. EDWARD ROBB. To De Soto. To Hannibal. To Lebanon. To Maryville. To Greenville. To Aurora. To Boonville. 500 »Pineville*.........McDonald O. R . PUCKETT. 100 Plato*-----------------..Texas To Houston. 2000 135 250 250 400 1500 2300 800 »Perryville**.............. Perry P evely**!______ Jefferson Philadelphia*_____.Marion Phillipsburg*®___ Laclede Pickering*®!___ Nodaway Piedmont*®!______ Wayne Pierce City®!___ Lawrence Pilot Grove*®!____ Cooper 1000 »Platte City*®!......... Platte WILSON & WILSON. 2000 125 2001 350 250 250 42 200 700 150 250 »Plattsburg*®!........Clinton Pleasant Green*®!.Cooper Pleasant Hill*®!_____Gass Pleasant Hope!*_____Polk Plevna*____________Knox Pocahont’s*®CapeGirard’u Polk* — ......................Polk Pollock*®!_______Sullivan Polo*®! _____ Caldwell Pomona*®! _______ Howell Ponce de Leon .....S t o n e W . S. HERNDON. To Boonville. To Harrisonville. To Bolivar. To Kirksville. ’ To Cape Girardeau. To Bolivar. To Milan. See Chillicothe. See West Plains. To Aurora. I ' C 1 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond, v / J| L j See complete information in preface to Attorney List. M IS S O U R I A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) 11)1)00 ¿Poplar — Butler 256 Portage Des Sioux* m St. Charles 1500 Portageville*«t.N. Madrid 500 Portland*«!......... Callaway 1100 ¿Potosi*«t------Washington 500 Powersville*«t— Putnam 250 Prairie Hill*— — Charitan 184 Prairie Home*.——Cooper 1700 ¿Princeton*«!......... Mercer 100 Protein*—- ..............Taney 1200 Purcell*«!— — —Jasper 336 Purdin*«!—............. ..Linn 459 Purdy*«! - ................Barry 1000 Puxico*«!........... Stoddard 800 Queen City*«t — Schuyler 231 Quitman*«!------ Nodaway 500 Qulin*....................... Butler 251 Ravanna*— ........—Mercer 341 Ravenwood*«!.. Nodaway 100 Raymondville*--------Texas 218 Raymore*«t— --------- Cass 150 Raytown« — ........Jackson SHEPPARD & SHEPPARD. 350 200 400 300 250 300 1100 196 190 303 75 To Richmond. To Savannah. To Carthage. T9 Galena. To Milan. 1To Moberly. To Springfield. To Kahoka. To Mexico. See Nevada. To Linn. H. E. SHEPPARD. See Crocker. A. M . CLARK. To De Soto. See Bethany. See Neosho. To Union. See Columbia. See Gainesville. HUNT, BAILEY & HUNT. To Rich Hill. To Pineville. To Marshfield. Rayville*«!.................Ray Rea*«!....................Andrew Reeds*«!.................Jasper Reeds Spring*«!— Stone Reger*«t________ Sullivan Renick*«! — —Randolph Republic*«!-----------Greene Revere*«!..i.---------- Clark Rhineland*«! Montgomery Richards*«!...........Vernon Rich Fountain*____ Osage 2700 Rich Hill*«!.............. Bates 1000 Richland*«!______Pulaski 5000 ¿Richmond*«!_______.Ray 200 Richwoods*..Washington 1000 Ridgeway*«t___ Harrison 250 Ritchey*«________ Newton 150 Robertsville*«— Franklin 600 Rocheport*«!______ Boone 50 Rockbridge*_____ —Ozark 1300 ¿Rockport*«!____ Atchison 566 Rockville*«*_______Bates 500 RockyComfort*McDonald 500 Rogersville*«!__ Webster 2261 ¿Rolla*«!_______— Phelps R oscoe*.............. St. Clair Rosebud*«t___ Gasconade Rosendale*«t....... Andrew Rothville*«!____ Chariton Rush H ill*«t........Audrain Rushville*«!___ Buchanan Russellville*«!______ Cole Rutledge*«!— .Scotland To St. Charles. To New Madrid. See Fulton. To De Soto. T9 Unionville. To Keytesville. To Boonville. To Trenton. See Forsyth. To Carthage. See Brookfield. To Monett. To Poplar Bluff. To Kirksville. To Maryville. To Popular Bluff. To Trenton. To Maryville. See Houston. See Harrisonville. See Independence. JONES BROTHERS. To Osceola. To Hermann. To Savannah. To Keytesville. To Mexico. See St. Joseph. To Jefferson Oily. See Memphis. ¿Salem*«!.... .................Dent G. C. DALTON.* 125 Saline*«________ Mercer To Trenton. To Keytesville. 71 Sandyhook*«! . . -Moni teau To California. 200 Santa Fe*.............. Monroe To Hannibal. 210 Santa Rosa*«t....... Dekalb To Maysville. 1500 Sarcoxie*«t_______Jasper To Carthage. ¿Savannah*«! .....A n d re w HORACE MERRITT. Address: • Corby-Forsee Bldg., St. Joseph, Missouri. See also at Troy, Kans. 2000 Salisbury*«!____ Chariton Schell City*«!....... Vernon To Nevada. 19449 ¿Sedalia*«!_______ Pettis 300 Seligman*«t______ Barry 1500 Senath*«!______ Dunklin 1200 Seneca*«!______ Newton 1100 Seymour*«t____ Webster 2300 Shelbina*«!___ ....Shelby 1000 ¿Shelby ville*«_____Shelby 561 Sheldon*«t ______ _*Vernon 500 Sheridan*«t______ Worth 500 Sibley*«!............ Jackson Sikeston*«!.____ — 3-JNO. T. READY. To Monett. To Kennett. To Neosho. To Marshfield; To Macon. To Macon. See Nevada. To Grant City. See Independence. Scott To Benton. 276 50 800 3500 60 346 Silex*«t________ —Lincoln Simmons* - ________ Texas Skidmore*«!__ -Nodaway Slater*«!__________ Saline Sleeper*«! - ______ Laclede Smithton*«! ______ Pettis To Bowling Green. See Houston. To Maryville. To Marshall. To Lebanon. See Sedalia. 208 274 77403 800 500 250 Smithville*«!________ Clay South Gifford_____ Macon South Greenfield*«! .Dade Sq. St.Joseph*«!Buchanan So.-WestCity*«tMcDonald Sparta*«!i ______Christian Speed*«_______ _ Cooper Spickard*«! — __ Grundy To Liberty. To Macon. To Greenfield. To St. Joseph. To Pineville To Springfield. To Boonville. To Trenton. 40341 ¿Springfleld*«t____Greene M . H. GALT, Woodruff'Bldg. 4121 Stanberry*«t_____Gentry To Albany. 350 Stark City *•!— Newton See Neosho. 10350 ¿St. Charles*«t. St. Charles CHARLES J. DAUDT. 007 St. Clair*«!____ Franklin _ 50 Steedman*«____ Callaway To Union. To Fulton. Steele*«!............ Pemiscot To Caruthersville. 1200 ¿Steelville*«t___ Crawford 300 Steffenville*__ £.___ Lewis W M . R. LAY. See Monticello. 1900 200 200 100 543 1200 C. J. STANTON. To, Jefferson City. To Neosho. To Fulton. To Maysville. To Rolla. ¿Ste.Genevieve*«t S.Genev. St. Elizabeth*— — Miller Stella*—_________Newton Stephens*______ Callaway Stewartsville*«! . —Dekalb St. James*«t____ —Phelps 85236 *St. Joseph*«!.—Buchanan. SPENCER & L A N D IS, 1113-1116 Corby-Forsee Bldg. Attorneys for Burnes National Bank, General Civil Practice in State and Federal courts ivith special attention to Corpo ration and Commercial Law. Well equipped collection department maintained under the management o f Guy C. Barr. Representing the American Lawyers’ Co.,, the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co.. Clearing House Quarterly, Martindale’s Guide. Russell List.' the Mercantile Adjuster, and others. References: any local bank or jobber, and references furnished in any city upon request. 757309 St. Louis*«t. St. Louis City. A BBOTT & E D W A R D S , 1120 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Augustus L . Abbott, John B. Edwards, Ralph J. Boeder, Edwin O. Euedde, James S, Gray, Bobert J, Schroeder, John B . A bbott; Attorneys for Boatmen’s Bank and R. G. Dun & Co. LEWIS & RICE, Joseph W. Lewis, Charles M. Bice. Suite 1205 Federal Reserve Bank Building. References: International Bank. Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co.,' Graham Paper Co., St. Louis Cotton Compress Co., Lesser-Goldman Cotton Co., Smith, Moore & Co., Ft. Smith Compress Co., Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co., Laclede Steel Co., Adler-Goldman Commission Co. WILFLEY, McINTYRE & N A R D I N , X enophon P. W ilfley, Joseph S. M cIntyre, William T. Nardin. 1608-14 Boatmens Bank Building. Attorneys for American Trust Company, Title Guaranty Trust Company. General Prac tice. 702 St.Marys*«t Ste.Genevieve 600 ¿Stockton*__ — — Cedar 200 Stotesbury*«!____ Vernon 600 Stotts City*«!— Lawrence 400 Stoutland*«t— . —Camden 500 Stoutsville*«!— Monroe 600 Stover*«t......... — Morgan 100 St. Paul*—___ St. Charles To Ste. Genevieve. To Nevada. See Nevada. To Aurora. To Lebanon. To Hannibal. See Versailles. To St. Charles. 350 St. Peters*«! —St. Charles • T — — — Greene V jl C CU C 200 Strafford*«!______ 350 Strasburg*«!..........— Cass 200 St. Thomas*................ Cole 663 Sturgeon*«t.............Boone 75 Sturges*«!........Livingston 300 Sugar C reekM —Jackson 1000 Sullivan*«!......... Franklin 50 Summerfield*«____ Maries 236 Summersville*_____Texas 500 Sum nerM ___ — Chariton 200 Swedeborg*«t____ Pulaski 1150 Sweet Springs*«!— Saline 250 Syracuse*«!.......... Morgan 1966 Tarkio*«!_______Atchison Marion 50 Taylor*« ........... 200 Tebbetts*«!_____Callaway Thayer*«!________ Oregon 1800 57 Tiff City*_____ .McDonald 304 Tina*«t..............„C a rro ll 200 Tindall*«!.............. Grundy 1600 T ipton*«!...........Moniteau 60 T reloar*«!___ ___ Warren To St. Charles. To JLU Springfield. lU w U V iw . See Harrisonville. To Jefferson City. To Columbia. See Chillicothe. To Independence. To Uniop. To Rolla. See Houston. To Keytesville. See Waynesville. See Marshall. See Versailles. To Rockport. To Hannibal. To Fulton. To Alton. To Pineville. See Carrollton. To Trenton. To California. See Warrenton. 1600 ¿U nion*«!___ „..F ra n k lin 500 Union Star*«!------ Dekalb ROBINSON & GARVIN. See Plattsburg. To Keytesville. To Bowling Green. To Bowling Green. See Plattsburg. To Versailles.To Versailles. W . L. COLE. To Maysville. 2500 150 650 500 2500 ¿Unionville*«!------ Putnam U rbana*___________Dallas Urich*«t__ — Henry Utica*«t...........Livingston Valley Park*«! —St. Louis N. A. FRANKLIN. To Lebanon. To Windsor. See Chillicothe. See St. Louis. 500 2000 388 446 ¿Van Buren*!........... Carter G. H. YOUNT. Vandalia*«t.........Audrain To Mexico. Vanduser*«t — ------ Scott To Benton. V erona*«!___ „Lawrence To Aurora. 1600 150 600 200 175 279 200 364 ¿Versailles*«!.------ Morgan Vicby*.... ............. — Maries ¿Vienna*-------------- -Maries Villa R idge*«!—-Franklin Vista*«!— __ - Saint Clair Wakenda*«!--------- Carroll W aldron*«t-----------Platte Walker*«! ...........-Vernon 6000 250 473 1200 200 212 285 120 *Trenton*«t.............Grundy Trimble*«!—-----—Clinton Triplett*«!...........Chariton ¿Troy*«!...... ........... Lincoln Truxton*___ i------ Lincoln Turney*«!-......... -C linton ¿Tuscumbia*——------ Miller Uiman*— _______ —Miller SAMUEL DANIELS. See Rolla. To Rolla. To Union. To Osceola. See Carrollton. To Kansas City. See Nevada. W O T 17 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 1 \ / JL L i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1499 1500 MISSOURI,MONTANA P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. A TTO R N EYS-A T-LA W (BONDED) . NAME. 100 Wallace*»!____ .Buchanan See St. Joseph. 750 Walnut Grove*»!..Greene To Springfield. 5000 »Warrensburg*»!. Johnson N ICK M . BRADLEY. 790 824 219 4000 245 777 384 328 171 600 »Warrenton*»..___ Warren »W arsaw*»!_____ ¿..Benton W ashburn*»..;_____ Barry Washington*»-!.. Franklin Watson*»t______ Atchison Waverly*»t____ Lafayette W ayland*»!......... .... Clark »Waynesville*—— Pulaski Weatherby*»t .....D e k a lb Weaubleau*»!___ Hickory EM IL RO E H R IG . H. P . L A Y. To Cassville. To Union. See Rockport. To Lexington. To Kahoka. Seè Crocker. To Maysville. See Hermitage. 13821 Webb City*»t_____ Jasper R O Y R . COYNE, 50c should be sent w ith each request fo r rep ort or fo r in form a tion . 10000 Webster G roves*»!.. St.L. Sep St. Louis. 800 Wellington*»!___Lafayette See Lexington. 10000 W ellston!...S t. Louis City See St. Louis. (St. L ouis P. O.) 1250 Wellsville*»t.Montgomery To Mexico. 300 Wentworth*»!___ Newton To Neosho. 539 Wentzville*»! .St. Charles To St. Charles. 333 W estboro*»!____ Atchison To Rockport. 120 West Line*»!________ Cass See Harrisonville. 1500 W eston*»!__ ...____ Platte To Kansas City. 321 Westphalia*_______ Osage To Lynn. 3100 »Westplains*»!____ Howell G . H. COBB. 500 Wheatland*____ .Hickory To Hermitage. 600 W heaton*»t_______Barry To Monett, 500 W heeling*»!.__Livingston See Ghillicothe. 150 Whiteside*»!.:___ Lincoln To Bowling Green. 225 Whitesville*_____ Andrew To Savannah. .300 Whitewater*»!CapeG’deau To Cape Girardeau. 50 Whitham*»! . . . . .Chariton See Keytesville. 300 Willard*»!________ Greene To Springfield. 100 Williamsburg*...Callaway To Fulton. 204 Williamstown*____ Lewis See Monticello. 477 Williamsville *• !_..Wayne To Poplar Bluff. 1600 Willow Springs*»l-Howell To Mountain View. 2800 W indsor*»!___ —_. Henry W . G . DAVIS. 422 Winfield*»! .......... Lincoln To Bowling Green. 200 Winigan*________ Sullivan To Milan. 444 Winona*»!______ Shannon To Mountain View. 350 Winston*»!_____ _ Daviess To Gallatin. 250 Wittenberg*» . . . ___ Perry To Perryville. 119 W ooldridge*»!"___ Cooper To Boònville. 350 W orth*»!_________ Worth See Grjant City. 400 W orthington*»!.. Putnam To Unionville. 377 Wright C ity * »!... Warren See Warren ton. 700 W yaconda*»!.. ___ Clark To Kahoka. 150 W ya tt*!____ ..Mississippi To Charleston. 200 Yates*»!_______ Randolph To Moberly. 350 Zalma*»!____ . . . Bollinger See Marblehill. MONTANA This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire state, and has five divisions: First Division with court at Helena, first Mondays in April and Novem ber; the second division with court at Butte, the first Tuesdays in February and September; the third division with court at Great Falls, first Mondays in M ay and October; the fourth division with court at Missoula, first Mondays in January and June; and the fifth division with court at Billings, first Mondays in March and August. Counties: Beaverhead, Big Horn, Blaine, Broadwater, Carbon, Carter, Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Dawson, Deerlodge. Fallon, Fergus, Flathead, Gallatin, Glacier National Park. Granite, Hill, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Madison, Meagher, Mineral, Missoula, Musselshell, Park, Phillips. Powell, Prairie, Ravalli, Richland. Rosebud, Sanders, Sheridan, Silverbow, Stillwater, Sweetgrass, Teton, Toole, Valley .Wheatland, Wibaux, Yellowstone. Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1000 Big Sandy*»!__ .Chouteau To Fort BentoJ). 1200 »Bigtimber*»! Sweet Grass JOHN B. SELTERS. 14422 »Billings*»!___ Yellowstone DILLAVOU & MOORE. 75 B ole»!_____________ Teton To Choteau. 600 »Boulder*»r___ ..Jefferson M . H . P A RK ER . 400 B ow doin_______ Phillips To Malta. 200 Box Elder*»!.._______Hill To Havre. 8000 »Bozeman*»! . ..__ Gallatin KEISTER & BATH . 250 Brady*»______ _____Teton To Choteau. 600 Bridger*»!____----- Carbon To Red Lodge. 400 Broadview*»! Yellowstone To Billings. 50 Brockton*»! ...—Sheridan To Plentywood. 6200 Brockway___ ...D aw son To Glendive. 225 Browning*»!. .____ Teton To Choteau. 130 Buffalo*»!____------Fergus See Lewistown. 43425 »B u tte*»!_____ Silver Bow LOUIS E. HAVEN, Daly Bank & Trust Building. 200 Bynum*______ ____ Teton To Choteau. 150 Camas*______ ___ Sanders To Thompson Falls. 150 Carlyle*______ ------ Fallon To Baker. 250 Carter*»!.____ .. Chouteau To Ft. Benton. 600 Cascade*»!___ ...C ascade See Great Falls. 600 Chester*»!____ ______ Hill To Havre. 1500 »Chinook*»!___ ____ Blaine R U H R & KUHR. 1500 300 400 200 200 601 »Choteau*___ — .Teton Circle*__________ Dawson Clydepark*»! .._____ Park Coburg*»! . . . . . ____Blaine Coffe Creek*»!.— Fergus Columbia Falls*»t.Flath’d * County Seat. * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. • Express Office. § State Capital. 400 Absarokee*!— -Stillwater To Columbus. »Anaconda*»!__ Deerlodge T . P . STEW ART. Antelope*»! ____ Sheridan See Plentywood. Ashland*________ Rosebud To Forsyth. Augusta*.Lewis and Clark See Helena. Bainville*»!____ Sheridan See Plentywood. 1600 »B a k e r* »!...___ ___ Fallon JOSEPH HODGSON. 500 Ballantine*»! .Yellowstone To Billings. — as B arber*_____ Musselshell To Roundup. 100 B aylor*!..___ ?____Valley To Glasgow. 500 Bearcreek*______Carbon To Red Lodge. 250 B elfry *..___ _____ Carbon To Red Lodge. 600 Belgrade*»!— "^—Gallatin To Bozeman. 100 Belm ont*»!__ Musselshell To Roundup. 1300 Belt*»!__________ Cascade See Great Falls. 150 Benchland*»!— Fergus See Lewistown. 200 Bigfoj-k*_____ __ Flathead See Kalispel. 10562 100 200 325 300 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTF P H IL. I . COLE. See Glendive. To Bozeman. To Chinook. To Lewistown. See Kalispell. 1000 1500 400 600 200 1000 400 100 »Columbus*»!__. Stillwater G E ORGE A . W EST O V ER . C onrad*»!____ .........Teton To Choteau. Corvallis*________Ravalli See Hamilton. Culbertson*»! . ..Sheridan See Plentywood. Custer*»!____ Yellowstone To Billings. Cut Bank*»!....____ Teton To Choteau. Darby*»!_____ ___Ravalli See Hamilton. Dayton*_____ __Flathead See Kalispell. F . SH E A . 3500 »Deer Lodge*»! ___ Powell T . 600 Denton*_____ ___ Fergus See Lewistown. 300 D evon*»!_____ .........Toole To Shelby. 2500 150 275 300 350 300 275 1500 »Dillon*»!_____ :Beaverhead D ix o n * »!_______ Sanders Dodson*»!____ . . . Phillips D ooley*»!....... ... Sheridan Drummond*»! ___Granite Dunkirk*_____------- T oole Dutton*»______.......Teton East Helena*»! Lewis & Clark 150 E d ga r*!..__ -----Carbon 400 »Ekalaka*......... ____ Carter 100 E n id *__ ___ Richland 200 Ennis*!_______ 1300 Eureka*»!....... .___Lincoln . Fairfield*____ ....... Teton 1100 Fairview*____ .. Richland 150 Fallon*»!_____ ----- Prairie ‘ 150 Flaxville*»!___.. Sheridan 2000 »Forsyth*»!____...Rosebud 1500 »Fort Benton*»! .Chouteau 200 Frazer*............ ___ Valley Fresno _______ ____ ..H ill 500 Froid*»!______ ..Sheridan 600 Fromberg*»! . . ___ Carbon 30(1 Galata*» ! ____ _____ Toole 350 Gardiner*»!___ ...........Park 25 Genoa*.._____ ..Chouteau 500 Geraldine*»!.....Chouteau 350 Geyser*»!_____ __ Cascaae 300 Gildford*»!___ ______ Hill 300 Gilman»..Lewis and Clark 3500 »Glasgow*»!___ ____ Valley REFERENCE KEY NAME. 5000 »Glendive*»!.........Dawson 65 Glentana*!______ Valley 350 Grassrange*!____ Fergus 40000 »Great F alls*»!___ Cascade 200 H a ll* »!.................Granite 2240 »Hamilton*»!_____ Ravalli R ODGE R S ;& GILBERT. See Ronan. To Malta. To Plentywood. See Philipsburg. To Shelby. To Choteau. To Helena. To Red Lodge. To Baker. To Glendive. \ See Virginia City. To Libby. To Choteau. To Glendive. To Terry. See Plentywood. GEORGE A. HORKAN. H . F . M ILLE R . To Glasgow. To Havre. To Plentywood. To Red Lodge. To Shelby. To Livingston. To Ft. Benton. To Fort Benton. See Great Falls. See Fort Benton. See Helena. 1 PARK ER & M U R PH Y. DESMOND J. O’ NEIL. To Glasgow. See Lewistown. R . M . A R M O U R , 505-506 First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Refers to 1st National Bank, Great Falls, and Stone-Ordean-Wells Co., Duluth. See Philipsburg. O’ HARA & MADEEN. C. F . GILLETTE. Attorney for First National Bank. 700 Harlem*»! ______ BL Blaine To Chinook. 2000 »Harlowton*»t_.Wheatland W . C. HUSBAND. , 500 Harrison*»!___ —Madison To Virginià City. 6000 »H avre*»!______ _____ Hill H E N R Y S. K L IN E . Attorney' for the Havre Nat’l Bank. 300 Hedgesville * ..Wheatland See White Sulphur Springs. W IG H T & PEW . Compilers of 13612 i»Helena*»!.Lewis & Clark the laws o f Monta/na for this pub lica tion . ■ — 1200 »Hardin*»!___ ...B ig Horn USE COUPONS as in stru cted to BE PROTECTED by bond. I v v / 1 JEj See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. M O N TA N A , N EBRASKA A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) POPUNAME. ‘T TOWN AND COUNTY. WON. _______________ 175 150 850 300 300 200 500 200 100 200 400 500 500 250 400 Helmville*...............Powell Highwood*_____ Chouteau Hilger*«..— — — Fergus Hingham *«!-------------Hill Hinsdale*«!_______ Valley Hobson *«t------ -— Fergus Homestead*«t~ .Sheridan Hot Springs--------Sanders Huntley*«!__ Yellowstone Hysham*«!______ Rosebud Ingomàr*«!_____ Rosebud Intake*«!_____ ..Dawson Inverness*«!------------- Hill Ismay*«!--------------- Custer Joliet*«!__________Carbon Joplin*«!-------------------Hill Jordan*-------------- Dawson Judith Gap*«!. -Wheatland 8000 »Kalispell*«! — .Flathead 50 Kolin*!----------------Fergus 300 Kremlin*..-----------------Hill 500 Lambert*«_____ Richland ___ Laredo_____________ —Hill 2000 Laurel*«! ..'..Yellowstone 150 Lavina*«!____Musselshell ..... Lehigh---------- „ —Fergus See Deer Lodge. See Fort Benton. See Lewistown. To Havre. To Glasgow. To Lewistown. See Plentywood. To Thompson Falls. To Billings. To Forsyth. To Forsyth. To Glendive. To Havre. To Miles City. To Red Lodge. To Havre. \ See Glendive. To Harlowton. G. H. GRUBB. Attorney] for the Conrad National Bank. To Lewistown. To Havre. T.o Glendive. To Havre. To Billings. * To Roundup. To Lewistown. 7000 »Lewistown*«!____ Fergus B E L D E N & D e K A L B . R ef erence: Bank o f Fergus County, Lewistown State Bank. 2000 »Libby*«!_________Lincoln' C. A . G R IF FIN . 5359 »Livingston*«!_______Park M ILLER & O’ CONNOR, Attorneys \ for Northwestern National Bank. To Chinook. To Fort Benton. To Havre. . To Plentywood. ____ Lohman_____ ______ Blaine 200 Loma*«________Chouteau 50 Lothair*«!___________Hill 250 Madoc*«!_______Sheridan 1600 »Malta*«! —........... Phillips FRED C. GABRIEL. 600 200. 450 450 300 Manhattan*«!---- Gallatin To Bozeman. Martinsdale*«!__ Meagher See White Sulphur Springs. Medicine Lake*«!Sheridan To Plentywood. Melstone*«t__ Musselshell See Roundup. Mildred*«!_______Prairie To Terry. 8000 »Miles City*«!______ Custer G E O . W . F A R R . Attorney for the First National Bank. 18214 »Missoula*«!____ Missoula W OODY & W OODY. 250 Moccasin*«!____ ..Fergus 50 Molt____ — Stillwater ( St/Lclf'l&u JP O ) 300 Mondak*«t_____ Sheridan 100 Montague______ Chouteau 573 Moore*«!_________ Fergus , 200 Musselshell*«! Musselshell 350 Nashua*«!________ Valley 268 Neihart*«!__ ____ Cascade 175 Ollie*_____________Fallon 250 Opheim*!*.__ — Valley 300 Oswego*«!__ _____ Valley 300 Outlook*_______ Sheridan 100 Ovando*,— ___ — Powell 300 Park City*«t__ .Stillwater 50 Pendroy___ _______ Teton See Lewistown. To Columbus. To Plentywood. To Ft. Benton. To Lewistown. See Roundup. To Glasgow. See Great Falls. To Baker. To Glasgow. To Glasgow. See Plentywood. See Deer Lodge. To Columbus. To Choteau. 1109 »Philipsburg*«! __Granite GEO. A . M AYW OOD. L ocal bar rates.’ 50 Piniele*_____ ____ Carter To Baker. 700 Plains*«!________ Sanders To Thompson Falls. 1500 »Plentywood*«! ..Sheridan J . J . G U N T H E R . 300 Plevna*«!____ .____ Fallon 1500 Poison*_________Flathead 100 Pompeys Pillar*«! Yellow stone 400 Pony*«!._______ Madison 1100 Poplar*«!...... .....Sheridan 100 Power*«!______ ..T eton 200 R apelje_______Stillwater (Lake Basin P .O .) 150 Raymond—____ Sheridan «0 Raynesford*«! ...Cascade To Baker. See Kalispell. To Billings. To Virginia City. See Glasgow. To Choteau. To Columbus. To Plentywood. To Great Falls. 1501 NAME. LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 200 Salesville*«!—__ ___________Gallatin To Bozeman. 300 Savage*«!______ Richland To Glendive. 1200 Scobey*«!_____.. Sheridan To Plentywood, 50 Shawmut*«!__ Wheatland To White Sulphur Springs. 800 »Shelby*«!_____ — Toole W . M . BLACK. 50 Shepherd— Yellowstone To Billings. 600 Sheridan*«! . . . . „ Madison See V irginia City, 1800 »Sidney*«!______ Richland ToGlendiye. 25 Simms*«_________ Cascade To Great Falls. 800 Somers*«!_______Flathead See Kalispell. 150 Square Butte*«! Chouteau To Fort Benton. 600 Stanford*«!______ Fergus See Lewistown. 1000 Stevensville*«!____ Ravalli See Hamilton. 300 St. Ignatius*!____Missoula See Ronan. 1500 Stockett*«!______ Cascade See Great Falls. 150 Sumatra*«!_____ Rosebud To Forsyth. 25 Sunburst— _______ Toole To Shelby. 306 »Superior*«!_____ Mineral To Missoula. 600 Sweetgrass*«!______ Toole To Shelby. 50 T errace________ Richland To Glendive. 800 »Terry*«!________ Prairie JOHN C. TOPE. 1000 «Thompson Falls«! Sanders |A . S. AINSW ORTH . 2000 Three Forks*«!__ Gallatin To Bozeman. 200 T oston *«!..__ Broadwater To Townsend. 1200 600 50 491 200 1000 25 374 20 »Townsend*«!. Broadwater Troy*«!___ ______ Lincoln Blaine Turner*___ __ Twin Bridges*«!. Madison Twodot*«!___ .Wheatland Valier*___ l______ „ Teton Vananda*«!_____ Rosebud V ictor*«!_________ Ravalli Virgelle*«______ Chouteau KAN OUSE & SC H M ITZ. See Libby. To Chinook. See Virginia City. See White Sulphur Springs. To Choteau. To Forsyth, i See Hamilton. To Ft. Benton. 467 400 25 2000 600 492 »Virginia City*___ Madison Westby*«!__ - __ Sheridan West F o r k ._______Valley Whitefish*«!____Flathead Whitehall*«!___ Jefferson »White Sulphur Spgs.*«! Meagher 300 W hitetail*«!.,— Sheridan 1000 »W ibaux*«!_______ Wibaux _____ W illiams___________ Teton 200 Willow Creek*«!. Gallatin 400 Wilsall*«!___________Park 200 Windham*«!—. ___ Fergus 300 W inifred*«!______ Fergus 250 .Winnett*_________ Fergus 500 'W isdom*____ Beavernead 750 W olf Point*«!— Sheridan 100 W orden*«!__ Yellowstone 150 Z u rich *«__________Blaine M . M . DUNCAN. To Plentywood. To Glasgow. See Kalispell. To Boulder. ______ FORD & LINN. To Plentywood. STEPHEN J. LEAH Y. To Choteau. To Bozeman. To Bozeman. See Lewistown. See Lewistown. To Lewistown. To Dillon. To Glasgow. To Billings. - To Chinook.__________ ■ NEBRASKA This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire State with courts at Chadron (1) . the second Monday in September; at Grand Island (2), the second Monday in January; at Hastings (3), the second Monday in March; at Lincoln (4), the second Monday in May and first Monday in October; at McCook (S), the first Monday in March; at Norfolk (6), third Monday in September; at North Platte (7), the second Monday in June, and at Omaha (8), the first Monday in April and fourth Monday in September. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. C ou n ties: Adams (3), Antelope (6), Arthur (7), Banner (7), Blaine (2 ) , Boone (8), Boxbutte (1), Boyd (6), Brown (6), Buffalo (2), Burt (8), Butler (4), Cass (4), Cedar (8), Chase (5), Cherry (1), Cheyenne (7), Clay (3), Colfax (8), Cuming (8), Custer (2), Dakota (8), Dawes (1), Dawson (7), Deuel (7), Dixon (8), Dodge (8), Douglas (8), Dundy (5), Fillmore (4), Franklin (3), Frontier (5), Furnas (5), Gage (4), Garden (7), Garfield (2), Gosper (5), Grant (2), Greeley (2), Hall (2), Hamilton (4), Harlan (3), Hayes (5), Hitchcock (5), Holt (6), Hooker (2), Howard (2), Jefferson (4), Johnson (4), Kearney (3), Keith (7), Keyapaha (6), Kimball (7), Knox (6), Lancaster (4), Lincoln (7), Logan (7), Loup (2), McPherson (7), Madison (6), Merrick (2), Morrill (7), Nance (8), Nemaha (4), Nuckolls (3), Otoe (4), Pawnee (4), Perkins (5), Phelps (3), Pierce (6), Platte (8), Polk (4), Red willow (5), Richardson (4), Rock (6), Saline (4), Sarpy (8), Saunders (4), Scotts Bluff (7), Seward (4), Sheridan (1), Sherman (2), Sioux (1), Stanton (6), Thayer (4), Thomas, (2) Thurston (8), Valley (2), Washington (8), Wayne (6), Webster (3), Wheeler (8), York (4). 5000 »Red Lodge*«!......... Carbon R . G. WIGGENHORN. 300 300 ----500 50 100 500 450 Redstone*_____ Sheridan See Plenty Wood. Reedpoint*«!.—Stillwater To Columbus. Reserve------------Sheridan To Plentywood. Richey--------------- Dawson To GlendiVe. Ringling*«t__ ___ Meagher To White Sulphur Springs. Roberts*«!______ .Carbon To Red Lodge. Ronan*______ Missoula See Missoula. Rosebud*«! ......R o s e b u d To Forsyth. 2500 »Roundup*«!...Musselshell V E R N E D. D U S E N B E R Y , Refers to Citizens State Bank. 5 0y* ------------ . - . F e r g u s See Lewistown. 103 Rudyard*«!..— . . ___ Hill To Havre. ;50 Ryegate*«!___ Musselshell See Roundup. _500 Saco*«!____ ____ Philips To Malta. _________■ N in T C llV / 1 L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REFERENCE K EY » County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 210 647 Abie*«!___________ Butler To David City. Adams*«!__ _____ —Gage To Beatrice. 1045 »Ainsworth*«!.____ Brown W M , M. ELY. 2000 »Albion*«! Boone 80 Alda*«!_____ >________Hall 447 Alexandria*«!__ ..Thayer 500 A lle n * «!™ .._____..Dixon A . E. GARTEN. To Grand Island. To Hebron. To Ponca. 5000 »A llian ce*«!.....B ox Butte LEE BASYE.______ , USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. i502 N EBRASKA A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (BONDED) P o pu la TOWN AND COUNTY. t io n . NAME. 1200 »Alm a*»t__ . ______ Harlan D. S. HARDIN. 100 Altona*___________ Wayne To Wayne. 225 A lvo*»!_____ —. ____Cass To Plattsmouth. 70 A m e s* »!___ _______ Dodge To Fremont. 450 Amherst*»!—......... Buffalo To Kearney. ,75 Angora*»!________ Morrill To Bridgeport. 125 Angus*»! ______ Nuckolls To Nelson. 145 Anoka*»!___________ Boyd To Blair. 351 Anselm o*»!_______ Custer See Broken Bow. 900 Ansley*»!_________ Custer See Broken Bow. 1000 Arapahoe*»!______ Furnas To Beaver City, t 1000 Arcadia*»!________ Valley To Ord. 75 A rcher*»!.______ Merrick To Central City. 800 Arlington*»!__WaShington To Blair. 700 Arnold*»!— . _____ Custer See Broken Bow. 100 »A rth u r...____ ’ ___ Arthur To Tryon. 125 Ashby*»!__________ Grant ; See Hyannis. 1500 Ashland*»!_____ Saunders W ah oo., 510 Ashton*»!______ Sherman To Loup City. Holt To O’Neill. 1130 Atkinson*»!____ 300 Atlanta*»!______ Phelps To Holdrege. 3000 »Auburn*»!______Nemaha LAMBERT & ARMSTRONG. 3500 »Aurora*»!__ ...Ham ilton SMITH & HARE. 249 A voca*»!_____ Cass T o Plattsmouth. 500 Axtell*»!________ Kearney To Minden. 142 A yr*»!------------------Adams To Hastings. 900 Bancroft*»!__ . . . . . Cuming To Stanton. 118 Barada*______ Richardson To Falls City. 228 Barnston*»!________ Gage To Beatrice. 125 »Bartlett*_______ Wheeler A. L. BISHOP. 511 Bartley*»!____ Red willow See McCook. 500 »Bassett*»!___. . . 1 . . . Rock To Ainsworth. 800 Battle Creek*»!.. Madison To Norfolk. 1565 Bayard*»!..............Morrill To Bridgeport. 103 Bazile Mills*______ .K nox To Creighton. 10287 »Beatrice*»!.._______ Gage RINAKER & KIDD. 1000 »Beaver C ity * »!.... Furnas E. J. LAMBE. 800 Beaver Crossing*»!S’w ’rd To Seward. 207 Bee*»!____ ___ . . . Seward To Seward. 494 Beemer*»!___ Cuming To Stanton. 400 Belden*»!______....C ed ar To Hartington. 500, Belgrade*»!.!__— . Nance To Fullerton. 397 Bellwood*»!__ .Butler To David City. 600 Belvidere*»!_____ Thayer To Hebron. 336 Benedict*»!.__ York To York. 800 »Benkelman*»!__ _ Dundy RATCLIFFE & RATCLIFFE. 457 Bennet*»!...........Lancaster To Lincoln. 276 Bennington*»t— Douglas See Omaha. 250 Berlin*»t____________Otoe To Nebraska City. 643 Bertrand*»!_______ Phelps To Holdrege. 100 Berwyn*»!________ Custer See Brpken Bow. 1100 Bethany*!----- Lancaster To Lincoln. 35 Beverly*--------- Hitchcock To McCook. 250 Bigspring*»! ............ Deuel To Chappell. 494 Bladen*»!..............Webster To Red Cloud. 3000 »Blair*»!_____ Washington CLARK O’HANLON. 1500 Bloomfield*»!______ Knox To Creighton 700 *Bloomington*»!_.FrankliD I. E. MONTGOMERY. 1000 Blue Hill*»!_____ Webster To Red Cloud. 712 Blue Springs*»!_____ Gage To Beatrice. 233 Boelus*»!—...........Howard To St. Paul. 150 Boone*»!________ ..B oone To Albion. 250 B ostwick*»!........Nuckolls To Nelson. 359 Bradshaw*»!— _____ York To York. 308 Brady* |________ ..Lincoln See North Platte. 600 Brainard*»!.... ........Butler To David City. 80 Brayton*.»!............Greeley See Greeley. 46 Breslau!..________ -Pierce To Pierce. 100 »Brewster*_____ —. . Blaine E. H. RIGGS. 1200 »Bridgeport*»!___ _ Morrill G. J. HUNT. 300 Bristow*»!_________Boyd To Creighton. 248 Broadwater*»!___Morrill t To Bridgeport. 434 B rock*»!._______ Nemaha To Auburn. 3000 »Broken Bow*»!— ’Custer H. L. WILSON. 85 Brownlee*________ Cherry To Valentine. 457 Brownville*»!___ Nemaha To Auburn. 120 Brule*»!.__ _______ Keith To North Platte. 353 Bruning*»!.._____ Thayer To Hebron. 300 Bruno*»!__________ Butler To David City. 500 Brunswick*»!___Antelope To Neligh. 315 Burchard*»!_____ Pawnee To Pawnee City. 200 Burr*»t______ ______ Otoe To Nebraska City. 95 Burton*--------. . . Keyapaha See Springview. 1200 »Burwell*»!— ___ Garfield E. M . WHITE. . 250 Bushnell*»!_____ Kimball To Kimball. 550 »Butte*___ a_________ Boyd JNO. A. DAVIES. 300 Byron*»!___ ^___ Thayer To Hebron. 100 Cadams*»!_____ Nuckolls To Nelson. 600 Cairo*»!____ ;_____ ...H a ll To Grand Island. 1000 Callaway*»!___ ___ Custer See Broken Bow. 1500 Cambridge*»!_____ Furnas To Beaver City. 700 Campbell*»!____ Franklin To Bloomington. 393 Carleton*»!_2___ Thayer To Hebron. 450 Carroll*»!___ ____ Wayne To Wayne. 600 , Cedar Bluffs*»!..Saunders To Wahoo. 97 Cedar Creek__ ...___ Cass To Plattsmouth. 700 Cedar Rapids*»!___ Boone To Albion. | 250 »Center*______ _____ Knox To Creighton. 3000 »Central City*»! ...M errick E. E. ROSS. 400 Ceresco*«!___ _. Saunders To Wahoo. 3500 »Chadron*»!_______ Dawes To Crawford. 175 C haleo*»!..._______ Sarpy To Papillion. 250 Chambers*.______ ...H o lt To O’Neill. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTF P o pu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 266 Chapman*»!..___ Merrick To Central City. 800 »Chappell*»!........ Deuel L. O. PFEIFFER. 100 Cheney*»!-------- Lancaster To Lincoln. 560 700 900 233 1250 414 30 185 800 Chester*»!________Thayer To Hebron. Clarks*»!............... Merrick To Central City. Clarkson*»! ............ Colfax To Schuyler. Clatonia*»!.__ —___ Gage To Beatrice. »Clay Center*»!______ Clay AMBROSE C. EPPERSON Clearwater*»!... Antelope To Neligh. Clinton— ........... Sheridan To Rushville. Cody*»!---------------- Cherry To Valentine. Coleridge*»!_______ Cedar To Hartington. 2000 Collegeview»!— Lancaster To Lincoln. 160 Colon*»!------------Saunders To Wahoo. 6000 »Columbus*»!........... Platte REEDER & LIGHTNER. 500 Comstock*»ti_____ Custer See Broken Bow. 200 Concord*»!___ — Dixon To Ponca. 387 Cook*»!__ ______ Johnson To Tecumseh. 201 Cordova*»!_____ ..Seward To Seward. 90 Cornlea*»!— ...........Platte Tb Columbus. 450 Cortland*»!..............Gage To Beatrice. 200 Cotesfield*»!-.___ Howard To St. Paul. 240 Cowles*»!....... .... Webster To Red Cloud. 1096 C ozad*»!...1_____Dawson To Lexington. 274 Crab Orchard*»!. Johnson To Tecumseh. 600 Craig*»!.._______ — Burt To Tekamah. 1700 Crawford*»!____ _ Dawes J. E. PORTER. 1600 Creighton*»!_______ Knox W . A. MESERVE. 338 Creston*»!____ ;____ Platte To Columbus. 3000 Crete*»! __________ Saline To Wilber. 700 Crofton*»!_________ Knox To Hartington. 350 Crookston*»!_____ Cherry To Valentine. 580 Culbertson*»!.. Hitchcock See Trenton. 1000 Curtis*»!.............. Frontier To Stockville. 100 Cushing*»!______ Howard To St. Paul. 474 »Dakota City *»t-___Dakota S. T . FRUM. 350 Dalton*»t______ Cheyenne To Sidney. 268 Danbury*»t__ Redwillow, , See McCook. 380 Dannebrog*»!:____Howard To St. Paul. 700 Davenport*»!____ Thayer To Hebron. 175 Davey*»!______ Lancaster To Lincoln. 2500 »David City*»!____ .Butler R. C. ROPER. 340 D aw son*»!.... Richardson To Falls City. 220 Daykin*»t______ Jefferson To Fairbury. 850 Decatur*____________ Burt To Tekamah. 230 Denton*»!_____ Lancaster To Lincoln. 900 Deshler*»!________ Thayer To Clay Center. 400 Deweese*»!_________ Clay To Clay Center. 800 De W itt*»!..____ Saline To Wilber. 200 Dickens*»!........... Lincoln To North Platte. 506 Diller*»!_______ Jefferson To Fairbury. 26 D ix*!----------------- Kimball To Kimball. 300 D ixon*»!._________ Dixon To Ponca. 800 Dodge*»!..... .......... Dodge To Fremont. 500 Doniphan*»!________ Hall To Grand Island. 610 Dorchester*»!____ Saline To Wilber. 305 Douglas*»!__________ Otoe To Nebraska City. 329 Du Bois*»t______ Pawnee To Pawnee City. 350 Dunbar*»!__________Otoe To,Nebraska City. 200 Duncan*»!_________Platte To Columbus. 120 Dunning*»!.............Blaine To Brewster. 184 Dwight*»!............... Butler To David City. 360 Eagle*»!____________Cass To Plattsmouth. 254 Eddyville*»!____ Dawson To Lexington. 1500 Edgar*»!___________ Clay To Clay Center. 334 Edison*»!________ Furnas To Beaver City. 400 Elba*»!--------------- Howard To St. Paul. 100 Eldorado*»!________ Clay To Clay Center. 1000 Elgin*»!----------- Antelope To Neligh. 25 Eli*________;_____ Cherry To Valentine. 240 Elk Creek*»t___ .Johnson To Tecumseh. 291 Elkhorn*»!______ Douglas See Omaha. 100 Ellis*»!____________ Gage To Beatrice. 620 Elm Creek*»!_____Buffalo To Kearney. 800 Elmwood*»!________ Cass To Plattsmouth. 159 Elsie*»!_________ Perkins See Grant. 600 »Elwood*»!________ Gosper To Holdrege. 110 Elyria*»!_________ Valley See Ord. 27 Emerald*--------- Lancaster To Lincoln. 1000 Emerson*»!_______ Dixon To Ponca. 150 Emmet*»!_______ ...H o lt To O’Neill. 50 E n d ers*...__ ......C h a s e To Imperial. 1 204 Endicott*»!___-Jefferson To Fairbury. 30 Enola*»!-------- ...Madison To Madison. 200 Ericson*»!______ Wheeler To Bartlett. 403 Eustis*»!............Frontier To Stockville. j 600 Ewing*»!___________ Holt To O’Neill. 1100 Exeter*»!_______Fillmore To Geneva. 5294 »Fairbury*»!........Jefferson HEASTY & BARNES. 1200 Fairfield*»!_______ Clay To Clay Center. 1000 Fairmont*»!____ Fillmore To Geneva. 5000 »Falls C ity*»!.. Richardson J. B. CAIN. 550 Farnam*»!______ Dawson To Lexington. 360 Farwell*»!____ l__ Howard To St. Paul. 194 Filley*»!___________ Gage To Beatrice. 343 Firth*»!_______ Lancaster To Lincoln. 150 Fordyce*»!____ — . Cedar To Hartington. 324 Fort Calhoun*»!Wash’gt’n To Blair, 122 Foster*»!___ ______ Pierce To Pierce. 949 Franklin*»!......Franklin To Bloomington. 9925 »Fremont*»!____ . . . Dodge C. E . A B B O T T , City Attorney. 1400 Friend*»!__ . Saline To Wilber. 1800 »Fullerton*»!.______ Nance 'J. H. KEMP. 175 Funk*»!____ _____ Phelps To Holdrege. 300 »Gandy*..-____ _____ Logan See Broken Bow. 177 Garrison*»!______ Butler To David City. 1741 »Geneva*»!._____ Fillmore JOHN BARSBY. ___ o SE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 M-4 See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) P0PÜLA- TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. . TJON. __________________________________________ ' __________ 1500 Genoa*»t__________ Nance To Fullerton, 2700 »Gering*»!___ Scotts Bluff To Scotts Bluff. 275 Germantown*»!__ Seward To Seward. 800 Gibbon*»t___ ____ Buffalo T o Kearney. 181 Gilead*»!.._______ Thayer To Clay Center. 550 Giltner*»!______ Hamilton To Aurora. 500 G len v iT »!___ ______ Clay To Clay Center. 180 Goehner*»!____ Seward To Seward. 920 Gordon*»!———.Sheridan To Rushville. 2000 Gothenburg*»!__ Dawson To Lexington. 63 Graf*»!_______ — Johnson To Tecumseh. 353 Grafton*»!____„.F illm o re To Geneva. 12826 »Grand Island*»!..___ Hall B. J. CUNNINGHAM. NEBRASKA POPU LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION, 400 »Harrison*»!—. . . ___ Sioux F . S. BAKER. 1800 »Hartington*»!_____ Cedar B . READY. 1102 Harvard*»!__ >._____ ..Clay To Clay Center. 11021 »Hastings*»!—._____Adams M . A . H A B T I G A N , I X . B ., Prosecuting Attorney. 3400 Havelock*»t___ Lancaster To Lincoln. 250 20 408 175 200 »Hayes Center*_____ Hayes M . F . WASSON. H ayland»!________ Adams To Hastings. Hay Sprmgs*»!..Sheridan To Rushville. Hazard*»!_______Sherman To Loup City. Heartwell*»!_____Kearney To Minden. 1778 »Hebron*»t________ Thayer J. P. BALDW IN. 100 Helvey*»t_______Jefferson ToFairbury. . 500 Hemingford*»!TBox Butte To Alliance. , 391 Henderson*»!______York To York. 300 Hendley*»!......... ..Furnas To Beaver City. 100 Henry*»!____ Scotts Bluff To Scotts Bluff. 500 Herman*»t__ Washington To Blair. 470 Hershey*»!______ Lincoln See North Platte. 500 Hickman*»t___ Lancaster To Lincoln. 600 Hildreth*»t_____Franklin To Bloomington. 414 H olbrook*»!_____ Furnas To Beaver City. 3500 »Holdrege*»!______Phelps G . NORBERG. 168 Holmesville*»!______ Gage To Beatrice. 323 Holstein*»!._______Adams T o Hastings. 600 Homer*»t_______ Dakota. To Dakota. 100Q Hooper*»!____ i___ .Dodge To Fremont. 47 Horace__________ Greeley To Greeley 125 Hordville*»!___Hamilton To Aurora. 350 Hoskins*»!________ Wayne To Wayne. 200 Howe*»!_________Nemaha To Auburn. 1000 Howell*»!_________ Colfax To Schuyler. 150 Hubbard*»! ...........Dakota To Dakota. 295 Hubbell*»t__ ____ Thayer To Hebron. 1300 Humboldt*»!..Richardson To Falls City. 1000 Humphrey*»!______ Platte To Columbus. 250 Huntley*»!_____ Harlan See Alma. 350 »Hyannis*»!____ \___ Grant To Mullen. 600 »Imperial*»!—.______Chase P . W . SCO TT. 250 lnavale*»!_______Webster To Red Cloud. 681 lndianola*»!... Redwillow To McCook. 100 Inland*»t___________ Clay To Clay Center. 225 Inman*»!_____ ____ Holt To O’Neill. 171 Ithaca*»t— _____Saunders To Wahoo. 290 Jackson*»t_______ Dakota To Dakota. 308 Jansen*»t______Jefferson ToFairbury. 273 Johnson*»!._____ Nemaha To Auburn. 200 Johnstown*»!_____ Brown To Ainsworth. 168 Julian*»!...... ...... Nemaha To Auburn. 471 Juniata*»!_________ Adams To Hastings. 6500 *Kearney*»t_______Buffalo JO H N A . M I L L E R . 92 Keene*»!________ Kearney To Minden. 650 Kenesaw*»!.______ Adams To Hastings. 319 Kennard*»!.. Washington To Blair. 150 Keystone*»!________ Keith To North Platte. 300 Kilgore*»t_______ Cherry To Valentine. 1000 »Kimball*»!___ __ Kimball W . J. BALLARD. 181 Kramer*»!_____ Lancaster To Lincoln. 300 Lakeside*»!_____ Sheridan To Rushville. 67 Lamar*__________ Chase To Imperial. 150 Lanham*»!_____ Gage To Beatrice. (Lanham , K a n . P. O.) «00 Laurel*»!_____ . . . . . Cedar To Hartington. 475 Lawrence*»!____ Nuckolls To Nelson. 400 Lebanon*»!____ Redwillow See McCook. 567 Leigh*»!_______ _- Colfax To Schulyer. 50 L em oyn e*»!.._____ Keith To North Platte. 100 Leshara*»!____ Saunders To Wahoo. 200 Lewellen*»!........— Garden To Oskosh. 125 Lewiston*»t______ Pawnee To Pawnee City. N H 1^1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAME. 3500 »Lexmgton*»+....... Dawson H . D . RHEA. 394 Liberty*»!_. . . —— Gage To Beatrice. 46515§»Lincoln*»t____ .Lancaster B U R K E TT, W ILSON & BROWN, Attorneys and Coun selors at Law. General Civil Practice in State and Federal Courts. Twenty-five Years’ Exp. in Nebraska Courts. Cor poration and Commercial Law, Adjustments, Bankruptcy Proceedings, and Probate Matters given Special Attention. References Lincoln—Any of the Judges of the Supreme Court, the Federal Court or the District Courts in the i State of Nebraska, and any Bank or Wholesale House in the City of Lincoln. References furnished in any of the larger cities upon request. 500 »Grant*»!_______ ..Perkins B . F . HASTIN GS. 1100 »Greeley*___ - ____ Greeley JAMES P . BOLER. ’ 500 Greenwood*»!____ ...C ass To Plattsmouth. 500 Gresham*»!_________York To York. 484 Gretna*»!__________ Sarpy To Papillion. Ill Gross*____________..B oyd To Creighton. 800 Guide R ock*»!—. Webster To Red Cloud. 75 Gurley»------------Cheyenne To Sidney. 150 Hadar*»t................Pierce To Pierce. 70 Haig.________ Scotts Bluff To Scdtts Bluff. (Haigvüle P. O.) 350 Haigler*»t_________Dundy To Benkelman. To Lincoln. 168 Hallam*»!_— Lancaster 100 Hamlet*___________ Hayes To Hayes Center. 383 Hampton*»!____ Hamilton To Aurora. 89 Hansen*»!________ Adams To Hastings. 225 Harbine*»!_____ Jefferson 'ToF airbury. 496 Hardy*»t_._____ Nuckolls To Nelson. 125 »Harrisburg*_____ .Banner See Kimball. 1503 465 329 100 500 500 50 1032 284 150 115 778 Lindsay*»!__—LI— Platte Linwood*»!______Butler Lisco»t__________ .Garden Litchfield*»!____ Sherman Lodgepole*»!—. Cheyenne Loma*»t__ ._______Butler Long Pine*»t____ _ Brown Loomis*»t—...........Phelps Loretto*»!— _____ Boone Lorton*»!___________ Otoe Louisville*»t___ _ . . . . pass To Columbus. To David City. To Oshkosh. To Loup City. To Sidney. To David City. To Ainsworth. To Holdrege. To Albion. To Creighton. To Plattsmouth. 1600 205 678 1000 50 2000 124 178 150 214 150 100 400 200 50 125 150 600 150 400 600 »Loup City*»!.__ Sherman Lushton*»!_________ York Lynch*»!______ ____ Boyd L y on s*»!... 1__ ..B urt Macon*__ . „ ——Franklin »Madison*»!._____ Madison M adrid*»!.._____ Perkins Magnet*»!..i______Cedar Malcolm*»t____ Lancaster Malmo*»!______ Saunders Manley*»!—.... ........... Cass M arion*»!..___ Redwillow Marquette*»!___ Hamilton Marsland*»!............ Dawes Martel*»!___ ...Lancaster Martinsburg*______ Dixon Masked*»!..............D ix o n Mason City*»!......... Custer M a x * »!______ ___ Dundy Maxwell*»!______Lincoln Maywood*»!____ Frontier J . S. P E D L E R . To York. To Creighton. To Tekamah. To Bloomington. To Norfolk. See Grant. To Hartington. See Lincoln. To Wahoo. To Plattsmouth. To McCook. To Aurora. To Crawford To Lincoln. To Ponca. To Ponca. To Broken Bow. To Benkelman. To North Platte. To Stockville. . 5000 525 100 100 287 500 100 162 459 254 1000 260 500 336 500 »McCook*»!—...R edw illow J. L . R IC E , McCool Junction*»!.York To York. McGrew*»! _. .Scotts Bluff To Scotts Bluff, McLean*»!........... ... Pierce To Pierce. Mead*»!______ — Saunders To Wahoo. Meadow Grove*»!Madison To Norfolk. M elbeta*»!.— Scotts Bluff To Scotts Bluff. Memphis*»!........Saunders To Wahoo. Merna*»!_________ Custer See Broken Bow. Merriman*»! . . . . —Cherry To Valentine. M iltord *»!.............Seward To Seward. Millard*»!________Douglas See Omaha. Miller*»!_________ Buffalo To Kearney. Milligan*»!...........Fillmore To Geneva. Minatare*»!— Scotts Bluff To Gering. 2000 1000 109 282 200 600 196 175 »Minden*»!______ Kearney Mitchell*»t— Scotts Bluff M onow i*»!_________Boyd Monroe*!________ Platte Moorefleld*»t—— Frontier Morrill*»!— Scotts Bluff Morse Bluff *»t— Saunders Mount Clare*»t—Nuckolls LEWIS C. PAULSON. To Scotts Bluff. To Creighton, i To Columbus. See Stockville, To Scotts Bluff. To Wahoo. To Nelson. 500 »Mullen*»!________ Hooker A . 222 Murdock*»! Cass To 30 Murphy________ Hamilton To 168 M urray*»!___ ,______ Cass To 50 N acora*»!............—Dakota To 300 Naper*.....................Boyd To 350 Naponee*»!_____ Franklin To G . H UM PHREY. Plattsmouth. Aurora Plattsmouth. Dakota City, Creighton. Bloomington. 5488 »Nebraska City*»!___ Otoe PAUL JESSEN. Cass To Plattsmouth. 150 Nehawka*»t.......... 2500 »Neligh*»!_______Antelope W ILLIAM S & K R Y G E R . 978 »Nelson*»t_______ Nuckolls R . D ,S U T H E R L A N D . 400 Nemaha*»!..____ Nemaha To Auburn. 42 NenzeT»—________Cherry To Valentine. 600 Newcastle*»!______ Dixon To Ponca. ' 1200 'Newman Grove*»!Madison To Norfolk. 268 Newport*»!_________ Rock To Ainsworth. 175 Nickerson**!............Dodge To Fremont. 822 Niobrara*»!.......... ...K n o x To Creighton. 200 N ora*»!.________ Nuckolls To Nelson. 150 Norden*_Keyapaha See Springview. 8000 125 1300 519 7000 237 800 1200 75 245 200 427 1000 500 N o rfo lk * »!___ ...’ Madison MAPES & M cFA R LAN D . Norman*»!............Kearney To Minden. North B en d *»!...—Dodge To Fremont. North Loup*»t.— Valley To Ord. »North Platte*»!..-Lincoln C. LESLIE BASKINS. Oak*»!................ Nuckolls To Nelson. Oakdale*»!...___ Antelope To Neligh. Oakland*»!__________ Burt T o Tekamah. Obert*»!________ — Cedar To Hartington. Oconto*»!................ Custer See Broken Bow. Octavia*»!_________ Butler To David City. Odell* » ! .. a______ —. Gage To Beatrice. *Ogallala*»t______ ...K eith To North Platte. Ohiowa*»+„____ Fillmore To Geneva._________ . T r USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. JL JCi See complete information in preface to/ Attorney List. 1504 N EBRASKA P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W NAME. 165470«Omaha*«t—_____ Douglas M O N T G O M E R Y , H A L L & Y OUN G. Carroll S. Mont gomery. ’51-72; Matthew A. Hall, ’62-’88; Raymond G. Young, '85—’08; Harland L. Mossman, ’84—’09; Suite 619-629 Omaha National Bank Building. Local Attorneys for Mary land Casualty Co., Baltimore; Marshal] Field & Co., Chicago; American Surety Co., The Mutual Life Insurance Co., Union Trust Co., Chemical National Bank, Globe Indemnity Co., and U. S. Rubber Company, New York; The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.. Philadelphia. Compilers of Nebraska Laws for this publication. 2500 * 0 ’N eill*«t__________Holt W . K . HODGKIN. 285 Ong*«t......... Clay To Clay Center. 700 Orchard*«!—. __ Antelope To Neligh. 2200 «Ord*«!____ Valley Clements Bros. 1000 Orleans*«! . . . . ___ Harlan To Alma. 1250 «Osceola*«!___ _____ Polk K ING, BITTNER & CAMPBELL. 500 «Oshkosh*«! ____ Garden F. R . DUTTON. 800 O sm ond*«!_______ Pierce To Pierce. 574 Overton*«!______ Dawson To Lexington. 1000 Oxford*«!________Furnas To Beaver City. 400 Page*«!_____________ Holt To O’Neill. 500 Palisade*«!____Hitchcock To Trenton. 665 Palmer*«t_______Merrick To Central City. 334 Palmyra*«!___ _____ Otoe To Nebraska City. 230 Panama*«!_____ Lancaster To Lincoln. 800 «Papillion*«!________ Sarpy See South Omaha. _____ P ark s...___________Dundy To Benkelman. 800 Pauline*«t________ Adams To Hastings. 2000 «Pawnee City*«t__ Pawnee FRANK A . B A R T O N . 200 Paxton*«!___ _____ Keith To North Platte. 1200 «Pender*«!_____ .Thurston MARK J. RYAN. 950 Peru*«!.... ...........Nemaha To Auburn. 783 Petersburg*«!___ _ Boone To Albion. 274 Phillips*«!_____ Hamilton To Aurora. 160 Pickrell*«!.......... ...... Gage See Wymore. 1400 «Pierce*«!___ . . . . __ Pierce O. S. SPILLMAN. 471 Pilger*«!_________Stanton To Stanton. 1400 Plainview*«!._____ Pierce To Pierce. 500 Platte Center*«!___ Platte To Columbus. 5000 «Plattsmouth*«!______ Cass A. L. TIDD. 257 Pleasant D ale*«!.. Seward To Seward. 400 Pleasanton*«! . ___ Buffalo To Kearney. 438 P lym outh*«!___ Jefferson To Fairbury. 600 P olk*___ ____________Polk To Osceola. 1200 «Ponca*«! —_________ Dixon w. d . M cCa r t h y . 100 Poole*«!___ — — Buffalo To Kearney. 250 Potter*«!______ Cheyenne To Sidney. 500 Prague*«!--------- Saunders To Wahoo. 65 Prairie Home*«! Lancaster To Lincoln. 158 P rim rose*«!........... Boone To Albion. 100 P rinceton*«!..—Lancaster To Lincoln. 163 Prosser*«!............. Adams To Hastings. 25 Purdum*------------ Blaine To Brewster. 250 Ragan*«!.—_____ _ Harlan See Alma. 550 Ralston*«!—___ „D ouglas See Omaha. 1500 Randolph*«! ____ Cedar To Hartington. 1500 Ravenna*«!_______Buffalo To Kearney. 236 Raymond*«!.__ Lancaster To Lincoln. 2000 «Red Cloud*«!___ Webster FRED MAURER. 476 Republican City*«! Harlan See Alma. 246 Reynolds*«!—__Jefferson To Fairbury. 156 Richland*«!,___ ....C o lfa x To Schuyler. 600 Rising City*«!......... Butler To David City. 90 Riverdale*«!___ _ Buffalo To Kearney. 400 Riverton*«!_____ Franklin To Bloomington. 50 R oca*«!________ Lancaster To Lincoln. 201 Rockville*«!____ Sherman To Loup City. 155 Rogers*«!_________ Colfax To Schuyler. 8 R ohrs_____ _— N emaha To Auburn. • 400 Rosalie*«!______ Thurston To Pender. 249 Roseland*«!..;____ Adams To Hastings. 100 Rosemont*«!____ Webster To Red Cloud. 250 R oy al*«!___ __ _ Antelope To Neligh. 750 R u lo * «!______ Richardson To Falls City. 633 «Rushville*«! Sheridan A. C. PLANTZ. 339 Ruskin*«!__ ___ Nuckolls To Nelson. 391 Salem*«!_____ Richardson To Falls City. 100 Santee— __________ Knox To Creighton. _____ Sarben*— ......... ...... Keith To Ogallala. 1000 Sargent*«!______ _ Custer See Broken Bow. 185 Saronville*«!________Clay To Clay Center. 3500 «Schuyler*«!—......C o lfa x W . C. HRONEK. 328 Scotia*«!___ _____ Greeley To Greeley. 5000 Scottsbluff*«!.Scotts Bluff c h a s . c. M c e l r o y . 891 Scribner*«!_______Dodge To Fremont. 450 Seneca*«!-...______Thomas To Thedford. 2260 «Seward*«!_______.Seward L. B. McKILLIP. 623 S helby*«!__________ Polk To Osceola. 1000 Shelton*«!______ ;.Buffalo To Kearney. 550 Shickley*«!— . . Fillmore To Geneva. 150 Sholes*«!__ ______ Wayne To Wayne. 311 Shubert*«!___ Richardson To Falls City. 2000 «S idney*«!_____ Cheyenne RADCLIFFE & TEWELL. 700 Silver Creek*«!...M errick To Centra] City. 190 Smithfield*«!_____ Gosper To Holdredge. 450 Snyder*«!___ DSu_ Dodge To Fremont. 1196 South Sioux City*«!Dakota To Dakota. 800 S palding*«!__ ___ Greeley To Greeley. 1000 Spencer*«!___ Eli;___Boyd To Butte. 200 Sprague *•!....... Lancaster To Lincoln. 463 Springfield*«!— —i.Sarpy See South Omaha. 75 Springranch* • !—. . . . Olay To Clay Center. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N O T^ F * ’ P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY, TION. (BONDED) NAME. 601 232 «Springview*___ Keyapaha Stamford*«t._____ Harlan «Stanton*«t______ Stanton Staplehurst*«!___ Seward Stapleton*«!______:_Logan St. Edward*«t_____ Boone Steele City*«t.„Jefferson Steinauer*«!..___ Pawnee Stella*«!_____ Richardson Sterling*«!_____ Johnson Saint Libory*«!__ Howard St. Mary*.______ Johnson Stockham*«t___ Hamilton «Stockville*______Frontier LEAR & LEAR. See Alma. GEO. A. EBERLY. To Seward. To Gandy. To Albion. To Fairbury^ To Pawnee City. To Fails City. To Tecumseh, To St. Paul. To Tecumseh. To Aurora. To McCook. 1800 238 500 1500 1000 400 75 3000 323 447 2000 285 100 100 842 900 461 205 202 «St. Paul*«!______ Howard Strang*«! . . . ____ Fillmore Stratton*«!____ Hitchcock Stromsburg*«t_____ Polk Siuart*«t____________Holt Sumner*«t______ Dawson Sunol*«!_______Cheyenne 8uperior*«t____ .Nuckolls Surprise*«!____ „..B u tle r Sutherland*«!____ Lincoln Sutton*«!_______£__ Clay Swanton*«!________ Saline Swedeburg*«!__ ; Saunders Sweetwater*«!____ Buffalo Syracuse*«!________ Otoe Table R ock*«!___ Pawnee Talmage*«!_________ Otoe Tamora*«!_______Seward Tarnov*«!_________ Platte FRANK J. TAYLOR. To Geneva. See Trenton. To Osceola. To O'Neill. To Lexington. To Sidney. To Nelson. To David City. See North Platte. To Clay Center. To Wilber. To Wahoo. To Kearney. To Nebraska City. To Pawnee City. To Nebraska City. To Seward. To Columbus. 400 301 1342 228 500 1006 500 248 430 1200 125 100 150 «Taylor*____________ Loup A . S. MOON. 2000 «Tecumseh*«!;___ Johnson A. N. DAFOE. .1800 «Tekamah*«!____ Burt B. € . ENYART. 200 Thayer*«!__________ York To York. 300 225 1100 445 35 497 250 «T hedford*«!_____ Thomas Thurston*«!____ Thurston Tilden*«!________Madison Tobias*«t—.............. Saline T ouh y*«!______ Saunders «Trenton*«!____ Hitchcock Trumbull*«!________ Olay 50 228 551 209 400. 3800 525 520 «Tryon*__ ___ McPherson Uehling*«!_______ Dodge Ulysses*«!________.Butler Unadilla*«!_________ Otoe U nion*«!___________ Cass University Pl.*..Lancaster Upland*«!______ Franklin Utica*«!_________ Seward JOHN H. EVANS. To Pender. To Norfolk. / To Wilber. To Wahoo. To McCook. TO Clay Center. 2600 1067 150 499 432 2000 125 75 «Wayne*«!_________ Wayne Weeping Water*«!__ Cass Wellfleet*«! _____ Lincoln W estern*«!..........„Saline Weston*«!______ Saunders «W estpoint*«!..__ Cuming Whitman *«t_____ „G rant W hitn ey*«!............Dawes W . E. FLYNN. To Fremont. To David City. To Nebraska City. To Plattsmouth. To Lincoln. To Bloomington. To Seward. WALCOTT & WALCOTT. See Omaha. To Wahoo. See Grant. To Creighton. To Creighton. To Falls City. To Clay Center. To Tecumseh. To Beatrice. To Plattsmouth. To York. B. E. HENDRICKS. To Ponca. See North Platte. To Pender. To Lincoln, To Wahoo. To Blair. To Ponca. See Omaha. See Imperial. To Creighton. To Lincoln. FRED S. BERRY. To Plattsmouth. See North Platte. To Wilber. To Wahoo. To Stanton. See Hyannis. To Crawford. 2000 382 500 500 220 450 300 1081 800 198 1000 2613 500 «W ilber*«!...:______ Saline W ilcox*«!_______Kearney W ilsonville*«!___ Furnas Winnebago*«! . . Thurston W innetoon*«!..____ Knox Winside*«!_______ Wayne Winslow*«!________ Dodge W isner*«!._____ —Cuming W olbach*«!______ Greeley Wood Lake*«!____ Cherry Wood R iv er*«!..— Hall Wymore*«!_________ Gage W y n o t* «!..._______ Cedar BENJ. V. KAHOLT. To Minden. To Beaver City. To Pender. To Creighton. To Wayne. To Fremont. To Stanton. See Greeley. To Valentine. To Grand Island. To Beatrice. To Hartington. 1500 «Valentine*«! Cherry 1000 Valley*«!_____ Douglas 800 Valparaiso*«!___Saunders 100 V enango*«!_____ Perkins 300 Verdel*«!__________Knox 600 Verdigre*«!_______ Knox 406 V erdon*«!___ Richardson 60 Verona*«!__________ Clay 175 Vesta*«!___ ___ Johnson 154 Virginia*«!________ Gage 200 Wabash*«!__________Cass 293 W aco*«!________ York 2900 1000 175 1100 150 «W ah oo*«!______Saunders Wakefield*«!____ Dixon Wallace*«!_______ Lincoln Walthill*«!_____ Th urston Walton*«______ Lancaster W ann *«!-----------Saunders *12§" Washington*«!. Wash’gt’n 199 W aterbury*«!__ Dixon 402 W aterloo*«!..._ Douglas 327 Wauneta*«!________ Chase 800 Wausa*«+______ Knox 297 Waverly*«!____ Lancaster 7000 «York*«!___________ York GEO. W . FRANCE. 353 Yutan*«!______ _ Saunders To Wahoo. o SE COU^ ONS. as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. NEVADA, N EW A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) POPO LA. NAME. TOWN AND COUNTY. TION._______ ' ’ ■ __________ NEVADA This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire State. District Court sits at Carson City the first Mondays in February, M ay, and October. Counties: Churchill, Clark, Douglas, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, Ormsby, Storey, Washoe, White Pine. __________________ REFERENCE K EY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. A. J. MAESTRETTI. To Winnemucca. To Reno. To Ely. -Elko JAMES DYSART. »Elko*»t. »Ely*»!__ __ — White Pine CHANDLER & QUAYLE. »Fallon*»!______ _ Churchill To Reno. Gardnerville*»!___ Douglas To Reno. 500 *Austin*»t------- 1— Lander 365 Battle Mount’n*»!.Lander 2466 §*Carson Gity*»t— Ormsby 2000 East Ely*»t— White Pine i »Goldfield*»!__ _ Esmeralda THOMPSON & THOMPSON. »Las Vegas*»t____ i__ Clark BREEZE & BENNETT. Lovelocks*»!__ Humboldt To Winnemucca. Mason*»!___ —_____ Lyon To Reno. McDermitt*___ Humboldt To Winnemucca. McGill*»!_____White Pine See Ely. Minden*»!____ — Douglas To Reno. 3348 3765 3500 2500 2079 2200 11666 9119 1701 7800 2800 1866 2668 2000 1800 2500 2500 1700 Washoe AYRES & G A R D I N E R , Nixon Bldg. Compilers o f the Nevada j laws fo r this publication. 2500 Sparks*»!_______ .Washoe To Reno. 3900 »Tonopah*»!_________ Nye To Goldfield. 500 W ells*»!____________Elko To Elko. — N E W HAMPSHIRE This information will be o f value to those Interested in Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire State, with court at Portsmouth, last Tuesday in October; at Concord, last Tuesday in April and second Tuesday in December; and at Littleton, the third Tuesday in September. Counties: Belknap, Carroll, Cheshire, Coos, Grafton, Hillsboro, Merrimack, Rockingham, Strafford, Sullivan. REFERENCE K EY Gounty Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 1289 Ashland*»!__ - __ Grafton To Littleton. 13599 Berlin*»r.____ _____ Coos HARRY G. NOYES. 1600 Bristol*»!____ - __ Grafton To Littleton. 1000 Charlestown*»!—.Sullivan To Keene. 9000 Claremont*»!____ Sullivan To Keene. 1876 Coiebrook*»!—_____ Coos To Berlin. l»Concord*»t — Merrimack ROBERT JACKSON. 3413 Conway*»! — l Carroll J. C. L . WOOD. 5123 Derry*»!J___ Rockingham To Portsmouth. MfHITTEMORE & KEEFE. To Keene. To Portsmouth. T o Dover. To Concord. To Berlin. To Nashua. To Berlin. To Littleton. To Nashua. H. FAU LK N ER . 10633 »Keene*»!— ____ Cheshire P H IL IP General Practice. Refer to Cheshire Nat. Bank and Ashuelot Nat. Bank. 11528 »Laconia*»!______ Belknap To Franklin. 2500 Lakeport»! - ____ Belknap To Laconia. 3054 »Lancaster*»!____ ___ Coos To Berlin. 6000 Lebanon*»!—___ Grafton To Littleton. 2460 Lisbon*»!_______ —Grafton To Littleton. 13272 »Dover*»!____ — Strafford 2000 East Jaffrey*»!—Cheshire 4897 »Exeter*»!___ Rockingham 2621 Farmington*»!— Strafford 6132 Franklin*»t___ Merrimack 2500 Gorham*»!__________Coos 1608 Greenville*»! Hillsborough 2500 Groveton*»! —— __ -Coos 2075 Hanover*»! —___ Grafton 2500 Hillsboro*»!. Hillsborough 5000 Littleton*»!_____ Grafton EDWARD J. CUMMINGS. 78283 Manchester*»! Hillsborough T H O R P & A B B O T T . Amoskeag Bank Bldg. Corporation and I Commercial Law. Refer to First National Bank and Manchester Na tional Bank. 1700 Meredith*»!____ Belknap To Laconia. 4000 Milford*»!— Hillsborough To Nashua. 27327 »Nashua*»! — Hillsborough JOHN R . SPRING, Nutt Block. Compiler o f the New Hampsh/ire laws fo r this publication. NOTE 96 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1505 NAME. To Portsmouth. To Keene. W . D. H. HILL. To Nashua. £ ;1 To Concord. To Littleton. ALBERT R. HATCH. To Dover. To Dover. To Dover. To Concord. To Laconia.. To Keene. To Portsmouth. To Berlin. To Keene. W M. J. BRITTON. To Littleton. N E W JERSEY * County Seat. REFERENCE K EY * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. . 3000 »Winnemucca*»!—Humb’dt L. G. CAMPBELL. 1500 »Yerington*»!_____ — Lyon To Reno. New Market*»!Rock’ham »Newport*»! Sullivan North Conway*»!—Carroll Peterboro*»! Hillsborough Pittsfield*»!__ Merrimack Plymouth*»!_____ Grafton Portsmouth*»!, Rock’ham Rochester*»!___ Strafford Salmon Falls*»f.Strafford Somersworth*»!..Strafford Suncook*»!___ Merrimack T ilton *»!_______Belknap Walpole*»!____ _ Cheshire West Derry—Rockingham Whitefleld*»!______ _ Coos Winchester*»!— Cheshire W olfeboro*»! ___ _ Carroll »W oodsville*»!— Grafton JERSEY This information will be of value to those interested lit Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire state, with district court at Newark, the first Tuesdays in April and November; and at Trenton, thé third Tuesday in January and second Tuesday in September. Counties: Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape M ay, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, Warren. »P ioche*»!_______Lincoln W M . E. ORR. »Reno»! H A M P S H IR E , N E W POPU LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1190 634 18000 14007 Absecon*»!___ ___ Atlantic To Atlantic City. Allentown*___ Monmouth To Freehold. Arlington*»!__ _ Hudson To Newark. Asbury Park*»!. Monm’th To Freehold. 57660 Atlantic City*»!— Atlantic 1645 1000 69893 12393 2500 Atlantic Highl’ds*»! Mon. Barneeat*»!— ___ Ocean Bayonne*»t—— —Hudson Belleville*»!____ — Essex Belmar*»!—__ Monmouth 1764 »Belvidere*»!— Warren 1800 Berlin*»!—______ Camden 2000 Bernardsville*»!.Somerset 2140 Bevérly*»!____ Burlington 750 Blackwood*»!___ Camden 800 Blairstown*»!____ Warren 18466 ; Bloomfield*»!___ ...E ssex 850 Bloomsbury*»!.Hunterd’n 5200 Boonton*»!___ ___ Morris 4500 5000 1807 713 Express Office. § State Capital. Bordentown*»!- Bnrling’n Boundbrook*»!—Somerset BradleyBeach*iMonmouth Branchville*»!___.Sussex E D M U N D C. G A S K IL L , JR., 604-606-608 Bartlett Building. R ef erence: Guarantee Trust Company. Notary Public. T o Freehold. To Toms River. To Jersey City. To East Orange. T o Freehold. GEO. M . SHIPMAN. To Camden. To Somerville. To Mt. Holly. To Camden. To Belvidere. To East Orange. To Lambertville. To Morristown. JOHN P . H U TCH IN SO N. To Somerville. See Freehold. To Newton. JOHN G . MITCHELL. To Mt. Holly. To Morristown. To East Orange. To Lambertville. 14395 »Bridgeton*»!. Cumberland 8928 Burlington*»!. Burlington 3000 Butler*»!_________ Morris 2236 Caldwell*»!_______Essex 50(1 Califon*»!— Hunterdon 106233*Camden*»t— — - Camden ALBERT S. WOODRUFF, 319 Market Street. Practice in ali Courts. Commercial, Corporation, Probate, Bankruptcy, and Real Estate Law. Modern Collection Methods. Refers to West Jersey Trust Company, or any Bank or Trust Co. in Camden. 2500 Cape May*»!___ Cape May To Cape May Court House. 1000 »Cape MayC.H.*»!.Cape M. JOSEPH DOUGLASS, JR. 5000 Carlstadt*»!___ . . . Bergen To Hackensack. 1926 Clayton*»!— Gloucester To Woodbury. 500 C lifton*»!______ -.Passaic To Paterson. 836 Clinton*»!.— Hunterdon To Lambertville. 2000 Closter*»! — ------ Bergen To Hackensack. 4795 Cbllingswood*»!—Camden To Camden. 700 Cranbury*t — Middlesex To Perth Amboy. 5400 C ranford*»!_____ _ Union To Plainfield. 9000 D over*»!_________ Morris To Morristown., 1990 Dunellen*»!__ Middlesex To Perth Amboy. 3163 East Newark»!. —..Essex See Newark. 1 (Newark P. O.) 42458 East O ran ge*»!..... Essex EDWARD R . McGLYNN. Com p iler o f the New Jersey laws for this publicaUon. See also at Newark. 2076 Eatontown*»!—Monmouth See Freehold. 3275 Edgewater*! — — Bergen To Hackensack. 2181 Egg Harbor City*»!.Atlan. See Atlantic City. 86690 »Elizabeth*»!— .....U n io n HOBART L . BENEDICT. . . 1167 Elmer*»!______ . . . . Salem To Salem. 12231 Englewood*»!___ _ Bergen To Hackensack. 468 Englishtown*»!Monmouth See Freehold. 1000 Farmingdale*»!Monmouth To Freehold. 2693 »Flemington*»!_HuntërdOn To Lambertville. 3000 Florence*____ Burlington To Mt. Holly . To Hackensack. 7500 . Fort L ee*»!__ _— Bergen USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1506 N E W JERSEY, N EW MEXICO P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 5000 984 14429 2700 4156 11109 5647 «F reehold*«!... Monmouth. Frenchtown*«t Hunterd’n Garfleld*t____ ___ Bergen Glassboro*«t— Gloucester Glen R idge*«t_____ Essex Gloucester City*«tCamden Guttenberg*«! — Hudson 16945 «Hackensack*«!— Bergen 2715 Hackettstown*«t„Warren 4142 Haddopfleld*«!__ Camden 1452 Haddon H ’ghts*«tCamden 1200 Ham burg*«!__ . . . Sussex 6000 Hammonton*«t__ Atlantic 16950 Harrison*«!_____ Hudson 1700 High Bridge*«! Hunterdon 1879 Hightstown*«!___ Mercer 77214 Hoboken*«t.____ Hudson 400 Hope*t____ ____ Warren 1078 Hopewell*!_______ Mercer 16039 lrvington*t.... ......... Essex 2075 Jamesburg*«!.. Middlesex 306345«Jersey City*«t___ Hudson NAME. ANDREW J. CONOVER. To Lambertville. To Hackensack. To Woodbury. To East Orange. To Camden. To Jersey City. ARTHUR TAN BIJSKIRK. To Belvidere. To Camden. To Camden. To Newton. See Atlantic City, i To Newark. To Lambertville. To Trenton. To West Hoboken. To Belvidere. To Trenton. To East Orange. To Perth Amboy. HARTSHORNE. ISLET & LEAKE, 239 Washington Street. General Practice. Counsel’ to Provident Institution for Sav ings, Trust Company o f New Jersey, West Side Building & Loan Association, New York & Texas Steamship Co. 150 Keansburg*«!—Monmouth See Freehold. 4000 Key port*-Ml— Monmouth See Freehold. 5000 Lakewood*«!__ . . . . Ocean To Toms River. 4657 3000 6400 15305 7000 6000 1806 1646 1359 1275 1996 2138 Lambertville*«! Hunterd ’n Little F alls*«!___ Passaic Lodi*«_________j__ Bergen Long Branch*«!. Monm’th Lyndhurst*«t_____Bergen (Rutherford P. O.) Madison*«t_______Morris Manasquan*«!. Monmouth Matawan*«!... Monmouth «May’sLanding*«f-Atlantic M edford*«!___ Burlington Merchantville*«!. Camden Metuchen*«!__ Middlesex Milford*«t___ .Hunterdon Millburn*«t________ Essex Milltown*«!.___Middlesex Millville*«!__ Cumberland M inotola*«!_____ Atlantic M o n t c la ir * « !..— Essex Moorestown*«t.Burlingt’n WALTER F. HAYHURST. To Paterson. To Hackensack. To Freehold. To Hackensack. To Morristown. To Freehold. To Freehold. See Atlantic City. To Mt. Holly. To Camden. To Perth Amboy. 1000 To Lambertville. 2762 To East Orange. 1584 To Perth Amboy. 13624 To Bridgeton. 1500 See Atlantic City. 26318 To East Orange. 5000 To Mt. Holly. 13284 «Morristown*«!____ Morris FREELAND & WILSON. 6000 «Mount Holly*«tBurlingt’n V. CLAUDE PALMER. 600 Mullica Hill*«t.Gloucester To Woodbury. 1532 Neteong*«t.... ........ Morris To Morristown. 408894«Newark*«t____ u__ Essex EDWARD R . McGLYNN, 810 Broad St. Attorney for Union National Bank. Practice in all courts. Compiler o f the New Jersey laws tor this publication. (See also at E ast Orcmge.) 25512 «New Brunswi’k*«t.M id’ex To Perth Amboy. 1000 New E gypt*«!— ..O ce a n See Toms River. 4650 6009 3100 3000 33080 71744 «Newton*«t_______ Sussex N utley*«t________ Essex Ocean City*«!...Cape May Ocean Grove*«! Monmouth Orange*«!______ — Essex Passaic*«t_—____Passaic 138443«Paterson*«t______ Passaic 4500 600 900 7225000 Paulsboro*«!—.Gloucester Pedr ickto w n*«!*.. . Salem Pemberton*«!. Burlington Pennington*«!.....M ercer Penns Grove*«!____ Salem ACKERSON J. MACKERLEY. To East Orange. To Cape May C. H. See Freehold. To East Orange. To Paterson. FREEMAN & WELTERIIOFF, 301-302 Colt Building. To Woodbury. To Salem. To Mt. Holly. To Trenton. To Salem. 41185 Perth Amboy*«!Middlesex LEO GOLDBERGER. 15605 Phillipsburg*«!__ Warren To Belvidere. To Woodbury. - 2000 Pitman*«!_G loucester 23805 Plainfield*«!.i—L—-Union W I L L I A M N E W C O R N , 119 West Front Street. Reference: State Trust Co., or any other bank ing institution in Plainfield. 5000 Pleasantville*«! ..Atlantic See Atlantic City. 1003 Point, Pleasant*«!. . Ocean To Toms River. 4000 Pompton Lakes*«!Passaic To Paterson. 1800 PortNorris*«!Cumberland To Bridgeton. 6000 Princeton*«! . . . . __ Mercer T o Trenton. 10219 R ahw ay*«!--------- - Union To Elizabeth. 2000 R am sey*«!...........Bergen To Hackensack. 3672 R aritan*«!..__ g Somerset To Somerville. 8631 Red B ank*«!.. Monmouth To Freehold. 7000 Rideefield Park*«t.Bergen To Hackensack. 7000 Ridgewood*«!____ Bergen To Hackensack. 736 Riverside*«!__ Burlington To Mt. Holly. 1788 R iverton *«!... Burlington To Mt. Holly. 1902 Rockaway*«!__ — Morris To Morristown. 5786 Roosevelt____ i Middlesex To Perth Amboy. ( Chrome P. O.) 4000 Roselle*«! — ...• ___ Union To Elizabeth. 8300 Rutherford*«t__jd Bergen To Hackensack. 8000 «Salem*«!___________Salem 1220 Sea Bright*«! . Monmouth 4740 Secaucus*«!__ . . . Hudson 6038 «Som erville*«!.. - Somerset Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) W . A. W . GRIER. See Red Bank. To Jersey City. M . M . STEELE. N i n T f i l V / JL JLj 7007 6614 7000 853 9000 1312 1477 3000 SouthAmboy*«! Middlesex South Orange*«!___ Essex South River*«—Middlesex Spring Lake«!_Monmouth (S pring L ak e Beach P. O.) Summit*«!________ Union Sussex*«!________ Sussex Swedesboro*«!.Gloucester Tenafly*«t________ Bergen 2500 «Toms River*«t___ Ocean 23588 Town of Union__ Hudson ( Weehawken P. O.) 111593§«Trenton*«!_____ Mercer See Perth Amboy. To East Orange. To Perth Amboy. See Freehold. To Plainfield. To Newton. To Woodbury. To Hackensack. DAVID A. VEEDER. To West Hoboken. E R W IN E. M A R S H A L L , 306-7 Commonwealth Bldg. Refers to Trenton Trust & Safe Deposit Co. See Wildwood. See Toms River. See Atlantic City. 1000 Tuckahoe*«!___ Cape May 1600 Tuckerton*«!..____ Ocean 2169 Ventnor C ity!___ Atlantic (A tlantic City P. O.) 2500 V erona*«__________Essex To Newark. 700 Vincentown*«t Burlington To Mt. Holly. 5282 Vineland*«t. Cumberland HERBERT C. BARTLETT. 3567 W ashington*«!... Warren To Belvidere. 1518 Weehawken*«!__ Hudson To West Hoboken. 8000 Westfield*«! .......... Union To Plainfield. 43139 West Hoboken*«!.Hudson 18773 West New Y ork !—Hudson ( Weehawken P. O. ) 13550 West Orange*«t___ Essex 2000 Westville*«t— Gloucester 2217 Westwood*«t_____ Bergen 400 WhiteHouseStation*«Hun 898 Wildwood*«!—. Cape May 2000 Williamstown*«!Glou’ster 7000 Woodbridge*«!.Middlesex ISADOR HABER, 718 Angélique St, To West Hoboken. To To To To To To To East Orange. Woodbury. Hackensack. Lambertville. Cape May C. H. Woodbury. Perth Amboy. 5000 «Woodbury*«t ..Gloucester ERNEST REDFIELD. 132 S. Broad St. 1613 Woods town*«!___ ..Salem To Salem. 237 Wrightown — Burlington To Mt. Holly. N E W M E X IC O This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises the entire State. District court sits at Santa Fe, the first Monday in April and the first Monday in October. Counties: Bernalillo, Chaves, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Dona Ana, Eddy, Grant, Guadalupe, Lea, Lincoln, Luna, McKinley, Mora, Otero, Quay, Rio Arriba, Roosevelt, Sandoval, San Juan, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Sierra, Socorro, Taos, Torrance, Union, Valencia. REFERENCE KEY « County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 2500 «Alamogordo*«!____ Otero 14025 «Albuquerque*«t.Bernalillo 800 2000 509 2500 450 Anthony*!_____ Dona Ana A rtesia*«!____ ____ Eddy «A ztec*«!_______ San Juan Belen*«!____ ■___ Valencia Bernalillo*«!___ .Sand oral 2500 «Carlsbad*«!— _____ Eddy 1200 Carrizozo*«!____ Lincoln 940 Cimarron*«!_____ Colfax 1500 «Clayton*«!________ Union 5000 «C lovis*«t_______ — Curry 600 Colum bus*«!_______Luna 500 Corona*«!_______ _ Lincoln 350C D aw son*«!..______ Colfax 5000 «Deming*«!_____ — Luna 600 Des Moines*«!____ .Union 500 Dexter*«t___ ____ Chaves 10000 700 200 400 517 E.Las Vegas*«!San Miguel Elida*«!____ i__ Roosevelt Encino_______.¿.Torrance Española*«!__ Rio Arriba «Estancia*«t____ _ Torrance 1200 1000 4000 800 200 500 1000 1000 100 344 300 Farmington*«! . San Juan «Ft. Sumner*«!__ De Baca «Gallup*«!_____ McKinley Hagerman*«!_____ Chaves Hatch*«__ ____ Dona Ana «Hillsboro*- j--------^.Sierra H ope*___ -L----------- Eddy Hot Springs*______ Sierra K enna*«!.._______ Chaves Lake Arthur*«t__ Chaves Lakewood*«!______ Eddy 5000 3755 1323 1000 2000 250 «Las Cruces*«!.. Dona Ana «Las Vegas*«!— San Miguel Lordsburg*«! — . . Grant Lovington*---------------Lea Magdalena*«t____ Socorro Maxwell*«!---------- Colfax DEAN SHERRY. GEORGE C. TAYLOR. General Law Practice. Compiler o f the New M exico laws fo r this publication. To Las Cruces. To Carlsbad. To Farmington. To Albuquerque. To Albuquerque. JOHN W . ARMSTRONG. To Alamogordo. To Raton. O. P. EASTER WOOD. HARRY L. PATTON. To Deming. To Alamogordo. To Raton. A . W . POLLARD. To Clayton. To Roswell. HUNKER & HEDGCOCK. To Portales. To Santa Ee. To Santa Fe. To Santa Ee. J. M . PALMER. To Santa Rosa. A. T . HANNETT. To Roswell. To Las Cruces. To Deming. To Artesia. To Deming. To Roswell. To Roswell. See Carlsbad. YOUNG & YOUNG. To East Las Vegas. T o Silver City. See Carlsbad. To Albuquerque. _________ ________ To Raton. USE COUPONS as in stru cted to BE PROTECTED by bon d . See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A X -L A W Pr NEW (B O N D E D ) NAME. TOWN AND COUNTY. tion._______________________ 500 Melrose*«!------------- Curry 200 Mills*«!...................... Mora 500 Mountainair*«! .Torrance 500 Nara V isa*«!_______Quay Roosevelt 1500 «Portâtes*«!— «Raton*«!— ------ —-Colfax 150 Reserve*------------ ^Socorro 8500 «Roswell*«!— - — Chaves 500 R oy*«!------ . - — „.M o r a 400 San A ntonio*«!.. .Socorro 1018 San Marcial*«t— Socorro 5072 §«Santa Pe*«!——.Santa Fe 1000 «Santa Rosa*«!—Guadalupe 4000 «Silver City*«!--------- Grant 1560 «Socorro*«!-----------Socorro 550 Springer*«!— : — Colfax 500 T aiba n M -----------DeBaca 1800 «Taos*—....................... Taos ___ Tatum .— — —---------- Lea 1000 T exico*«!-------------- Curry 3000 «Tucumcari*«!----------- Quay 1300 Tularosa*«!-------------Otera 3500 Tyrone*«!--------------Grant 1000 Vaughn ---------- Guadalupe 1500 Wagon Mound*«!— Mora 500 Willard*«!___ __ Torrapce To Clovis. To East Las Vegas. To Santa Fe. To Tucumcari. G. 1,■ REESE. E . C. C R A M F T O N . General Law Practice in State and Federal Courts. Special attention to Irri gation, Corporation and Realty Law. Refers to First Nat’l Bank. To Albuquerque. H I R A M M. D O W . 19-20 First National Bank Building . To East Las Vegas. To Albuquerque. To Albuquerque. CATRON & CA TR O N . C. E. McGINNIS. ALVAN N. WHITE. R eference: Any bank or banker in New Mex ico. To Albuquerque. To Raton. To Portales. To Santa Fe. To Roswell. To Clovis. MYRON B. KEATOR. See Alamogordo. To Silver City. To Santa Rosa. To East Las Vegas. To Santa Fe. N E W YORK This information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. New York is divided into four federal districts: Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western. In. the NORTHERN DISTRICT (1), court sits at Albany, the second Tuesday in February; at Utica, the first Tuesday in December; at Binghamton, the second Tuesday in June: at Auburn, first Tuesday in October; at Syracuse, the first Tuesday In April; and in the discretion o f the judge o f the court, one term annually, at such time and place within the counties of Saratoga, Onondaga, St. Lawrence, Clinton, Jefferson, Oswego, and Franklin, as he may from time to time appoint. In the SOUTHERN DISTRICT (2), court sits at New York City, first Tuesday in each month. In the EASTERN DISTRICT (3), district court sits at BROOKLYN, first Wednesday in every month. In the WESTERN DISTRICT (4), court sits at Elmira, second Tuesday in January; at Buffalo, the second Tuesdays in March and November; at Rochester, second Tuesday in M ay; at Jamestown, second Tuesday in July; at Lockport, second Tuesday in October, and at Canandaigua, second Tuesday in September. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Albany (1), Allegany (4), Broome (1), Cattaraugus (4), Cayuga (1), Chautauqua (4), Chemung (4), Chenango (1), Clinton (1), Columbia (2), Cortland (1), Delaware (1), Dutchess (2), Erie (4), Essex (1), Franklin (1), Fulton (1). Genesee (4), Greene (2), Hamilton (1), Herkimer (1), Jefferson (1), Kings (3), Lewis (1), Livingston (41, Madison (1), Monroe (4), Montgomery (1), Nassau (3), New York (2), Niagara (4), Oneida (1), Onondaga (1), Ontario (4), Orange (2), Orleans (4), Oswego (1), Otsego (1), Putnam (2), Queens (3), Rensselaer (1), Richmond (3), Rockland (2), St. Lawrence (1), Saratoga (1), Schenec tady (1), Schoharie (1), Schuyler (4), Seneca (4), Steuben (4), Suffolk (3), Sullivan (2), Tioga (1), Tompkins (1), Ulster (2), Warren Q ), Washington (1), Wayne (4), Westchester (2), Wyoming (4), Yates (4). REFERENCE K EY « County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 1600 Adam s*«!______Jefferson 2004 Addison*«!______ Steuben 752 Afton*«!_______Chenango 1677 A kron*«!_______>___Erie 1041991«A lbany*«!______ .Albany 6000 «A lbion*«!_______Orleans 828 Alden*«!____________Erie 1899 Alexandria Bay*«! Jeff'rs’n 759 Alfred*!_____ ...A llegany 1288 Allegany*«!— Cattaraugus 750 Altamont*«!______ Albany 1200 Amenia*«!—'____ Dutchess 2517 Amityville*«!—___ Suffolk 37103 Amsterdam*«!__ Montg’y 414 Andes*«!______ Delaware 1200 Andover*«!...'...Allegany 1056 Angelica*«!____ Allegany 1200 Angola*«! —- _______ Erie 1057 Antwerp*«!— Jefferson 1500 Arcade*«!._____ Wyoming 1680 Argyle*____ _ Washington 850 Arkport*«!______ Steuben ---- A storia «!..._____ Queens 1956 Athens*!_________ Greene lllU Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To Watertown. To Corning. To Norwich. See Buffalo. G E O R G E J. H A T T , 2D, 74 Chapel Street. General law practice. Refers to N. Y. State Nat’l Bank, fu lly ¿quipped collec tion department. Compiler o f the N. Y . laws fo r this publication. To Medina. To Buffalo. To Watertown. See Belmont. ToOlean. To Albany. To Poughkeepsie. To Freeport. S. K . VVARMCK. To Delhi. To Belmont. See Belmont. See Buffalo. To Watertown. To Attica. To Glens Falls. To Corning. To Brooklyn. To Catskill._______________ M E X IC O , N E W Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 2000 Attica*«!—........Wyoming 37385 «Auburn*«!____ ... Cayuga 493 A urora*«!__ - ___ Cayuga 2000 Au Sable Forks*!— Essex 1057 Avoca*«! . . . ------ Steuben 2552 Avon*«!______ Livingston . 3100 Babylon*«!______ Suffolk 1159 Bainbridge*«!__ Chenango 3099 Baldwinsville*«! -Onond’a 4138 «Ballston Spa*!...Saratoga 441 Barker*«!______ . Niagara 13350 «Batavia*«t.___ ...Genesee 5000 «Bath*«!_____ ___ Steuben 3000 Bay Shore*«!___ -S u ffolk _____ Bay Side*«!_______ Queens 11555 B eacon«!____ t—Dutchess 1000 Belfast*«!........— Allegany 1031 «Belmont*«!_____ Allegany 637 B ergen*«!______ Genesee 1677 Berlin*«!_____ Rensselaer 53973 «Binghamton*«!__ Broome 400 B liss*«!________Wyoming 1818 Bolivar*«! _____ Allegany 1800 Boonville*«!______ Oneida 570 Brasher Falls* St.Law’nce 1296 Brewster*«!_____ Putnam 1800 Bridgehampton*«!.Suffolk 4000 Brockport*«!_____ Monroe 1300 Brocton*«!___ Chautauqua 2500 Bronxville*«! Westchester YORK 1507 NAME. CLARENCE H . BEANE. E L D R IC H J . W IL L IS , 131 Genessee St. General Practice. Refer ences: National Bank of Auburn and Wm. H. Seward & Co. See Auburn. To Ticonderoga, To Corning. To Geneseo. To Freeport. To Norwich. To Syracuse. To Saratoga Springs. See Lockport. B. J. STEDMAN. To Corning. To Freeport. To Brooklyn. To Poughkeepsie. To Belmont. REYNOLDS & ACKERMAN. To Batavia. To Troy. PAGE & HAYS. To Attica. To Belmont. To Utica. To Ogdensburg. To Carmel. To Freeport. To Rochester. To Jamestown. To Pleasantville. 1928734 Brooklyn*«! ____ —Kings 3-EDW ARD B. L E V Y ,, Attorney and Counselor at Law at 200 Fifth Avenue, Borough o f Manhattan, N. Y. City. Commercial Collections and Adjustments and General Prac tice in City, State ancT Federal Courts. Brooklyn matters receive daily personal attention. Issue depositions to H. E. Pelikan, Commissioner o f Deeds, New York City. R efer to Credit Clearing House of New York, Wholesale Men’s Furnishings Association, Chas L. Eline & Co., Commercial Collection and Adjustment Company, Garfield National Bank and Lincoln Trust Company. (See also at New York City) 750 Brushton*«!___Franklin To Malone. 468558«Buffalo*«t___________Erie F R E D ’ K O . B IS S E L L , 110 Pearl St. (Dun Bldg.) Col lections, Depositions, Commercial, Probate, and General Practice. Refers to R. G. Dun & Co.. Fidelity Trust Go. Manufacturers & Traders National Bank, W M . B. FR YE , 424 Main Street. Trust officer for City Trust Co. General law practice. Collections given prompt attention. Reference: City Trust Co., Buffalo Trust Co., and German-American Bank. 1290 Caledonia*«! Livingston To Rochester. 800 Oallicoon*«!_____ Sullivan To Monticello. 1725 Cambridge*«!.Washington To Glens Falls. 2200 Camden*«!___ ____ Oneida To Utica. 1350 Campbell*«!____ - Steuben To Corning. 2273 Canajoharie*«!— Montg’y To Amsterdam. 7500 «Canandaigua*«! —u Ontario MYRON D. SHORT. 754 Canaseraga*«t — Allegany To Belmont. 4000 Canastota*«!— Madison »To Oneida. 737 Candor*«!--- ---------- Tioga To Owego. 2259 Canisteo*«!______ Steuben To Corning. 2701 «Canton*«!__ St. Lawrence To Ogdensburg. 600 «Carmel*«!_______ .Putnam To Poughkeepsie. 6000 Carthage*«! „ — Jefferson To Watertown. 1040 Castile*«!____ — Wyoming To Attica. 1393 Castleton*«!__ Rensselaer To Troy. 374 Cato*«!___________Cayuga To Auburn. 6000 «Catskill*«!—--------- Greene OSBORN, BLOODGOOD & WIL BUR. 1300 Cattaraugus*«!— Catt’gus To Olean. 1861 Cazenovia*«!____ Madison To Oneida. 1000 Center Moriches*«!Suffolk To Freeport. 450 Central Square*«!.Oswego To Oswego. 1000 Central Valley*«! .Orange To Newburgh. <1280 Champlain*«!------ Clinton See Plattsburg. 1045 Ohateaugay*«!— Franklin To Malone. 2400 Chatham*«!..— Columbia To Hudson. 606 Cherry Creek*«!—Cha’qua To Jamestown. 792 Cherry Valley*«!— Otsego To Oneonta. 1210 Chester*«!.— ------ Orange To Newburgh. 565 Ohurchville*«!— Monroe To Rochester. 600 Cincinnatus*«-----Cortland To Cortland. 1941 Clayton*«!_____ Jefferson To Watertown. 1900 Clifton Springs*«! Ontario To Canandaigua. 1236 Clinton*«!________ Oneida To Utica. 2700 Clyde*«!— -----------Wayne To Newark. 454 Clymer*«—— Chautauqua To Jamestown. 2088 Cobleskill*«!___ Schoharie W M . H. GOLDING. 838 Oohocton*«!------ .Steuben . To Corning. 25211 Cohoes*«!________ Albany To Albany. 1500 Cold Spring*«!— .Putnam To Carmel. 6127 College Point*«— Queens To Brooklyn. 250 Conewango Valley*! Cattaraugus To Olean. T o New York'Gity. ____ Coney Island«!— .Kings 2800 «Cooperstown*«!— Otsego To Oneonta. 585 Copenhagen*«--------Lewis See Lowville. 513 Corfu*«!____ *___ Genesee To Batavia. 2500 Corinth*«!___ — Saratoga To Saratoga Springs. 15406 C orn in g * «!-.— Steuben JUSTIN V. PURCELL. ____________ j 2685 Cornwall*_____ — Orange To Newburgh. HP 17 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 H* See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1508 NEW YORK A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) P opu l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 2658 Cornwall on H.**t_Orange To Newburgh. 13069 ‘ Cortland**!—___ Cortland JT. T . & c . H. GARDNER. 2494 Coxsackie**!......... Greene. To Catskill. 621 Croghan* -Lewis To Lowville. 1806 Croton-on-Hudson**! iâ .W estchester To PleasantVille. 1500 Crown Point**!____ Essex See Keeseville 2000 Cuba**!.— --------Allegany To Olean. 600 Dalton**!_____ Livingston See Geneseo. 3938 Dansville**!__ Livingston To Geneseo. 800 Delevan**! — Cattaraugus To Olean. 1736 ‘ Delhi**!— __ Delaware HAMILTON J. HEWITT. 1864 Deposit**!__ | B r o o m e To Binghamton. 588 DeRuyter**!..__ Madison To Oneida. 1100 Dexter**!— . Jefferson To Watertown. 3800 Dobbs Ferry**!. Westch’r To Pleasantville; 3500 Dolgeville**___ Herkimer To Herkimer. 797 Dover Plains**!. Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. 600 Downsville**!__ Delaware To Delhi. 709 D ryden**t„____Tompkins To Ithaca. 1228 Dundee**!..—— . . Yates To Penn Yan. 20743 Dunkirk**!— Chautauqua To Jamestown. 874 Earlville**!--------Madison To Oneida. 3500 East Aurora**!____ Erie See Buffalo. 2000 East Hampton**!.. Suffolk To Freeport. 1000 East Islip*__ i ___ .Suffolk To Freeport. 593 E. Randolph*. Cattaraugus To Olean. 3500 East Rochester**t Monroe To Rochester. 800 Edmeston**!..____ Otsego To Oneonta. 600 Edwards**. . St. Lawrence To Ogdensburg, 500 Elba**!------------ . Genesee To Batavia. 3114 Ellenville**!__ _.Ulster To Kingston. 985 Ellicottville**!— Catta’gus To Olean. --------Elmhurst*!...... ........Queens To Brooklyn. (Flushing P. O.) 38120 ‘ Elmira**!______ Chemung M AN DEVILLE, PERSONIUS & NEWMAN. 3500 Fair port**!______ Monroe To Rochester. 2342 Falconer**!__ Chautauqua To Jamestown. 1567 Farmingdale**!___ Nassau To Freeport. ------ - Far Rockaway**! .Queens To Brooklyn. 500 Fillmore**!......... Allegany To Belmont. 516 Fishkill**!_____ Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. 3902 Fishkill on Huds’n*!D ut’s To Poughkeepsie. 950 Fleischmanns*! .Delaware To Delhi. 2Ò00 Floral Park**!____ Nassau To Freeport. 1000 Florida**!________ Orange To Newburgh. --------Flushing**!-----------Queèns To Brooklyn. 1100 ‘ Fonda**!___ Montgomery To Amsterdam. 721 Forestville**!. Chautauqua To Jamestown. 877 Ft. Covington**! Franklin See Malone. 4500 Fort Edward**!.Wash’ton To Glens Falls. 2762 Fort Plain**! Montgomery To Amsterdam. 4200 Frankfort**!___ Herkimer To Herkimer. 473 Franklin*______ Delaware To Delhi. 1568 Franklinville**!. Cattar’us To Olean. 5285 Fredonia**!.. Chautauqua To Jamestown.: 4836 1218 11908 975 327 Freeport**!..____ Nassau Friendship**!__ Allegany Fulton**!________ Oswego Fultonville**!. Montgom’y Gainesville**!.. Wyoming 1000 Gasport**!-----------Niagara 2300 13711 437 455 9600 ‘ Geneseo*!.___ Livingston Geneva**!__ ,____ Ontario Genoa**!_________ Cayuga Gilbertsville*!____ Otsego Glen Cove**!.—__ Nassau 16894 22082 3511 4128 3960 350 3920 1935 3000 5669 4964 Glens Falls**!___ Warren Gloversville**!— ..Fulton ‘ Goshen**!________Orange Gouverneur**!. St.Law’ce Gowanda**!.. Cattaraugus Grand Gorge**!. Delaware Granville**!.. Washington Great N eck*!_____ Nassau Great Neck Station** Nassau Greene**!_____ Chenango Greenport**!____ Suffolk Greenwich**! Washington Greenwood**____ Steuben Groton**!____ ..Tom pkins Hamburg**!______ ...E r ie Hamilton**!__ ...M adison Hammond**!St. Lawrence Hammondsport**!. Steu’n Hancock**!____ Delaware Harrisville**...—. . Lewis Hartwick**_______Otsego Hastings upon Hudson**t Westchester Haverstraw**!.. Rockland Hempstead**!__ —Nassau 587 560 1900 1300 2470 627 600 215 854 337 Herman**—.S t. Lawrence Heuvelton**!.St Lawrence Hicksvilie**!.___ _ Nassau Highland**!_____ —Ulster Highland Falls**!. Orange Hilton**!______ ..M o n ro e Hobart**!______ Delaware Holcom b**!._____ Ontario Holland**!...^__. . . . . Erie Holland Patent**!. Oneida 1275 i 3700 2314 1082 1260 3500 1689 404 1254 1329 921 600 4552 C. M . FLINT. To Belmont. , To Oswego. To Amsterdam. To Attica. To Lockport. G. B. ADAMS. To Canandaigua. See Auburn. To Oneonta. To Freeport. JENKINS & BARKER. To Johnstown. To Newburgh. To Ogdensburg. To Olean. See Delhi. To Glens Falls. To Freeport. To Mineola. To Norwich. To Freeport. To Glens Falls. To Corning. To Itha'ca. See Buffalo. To Oneida. ■ To Ogdensburg. To Corning. See Delhi. To Lowville. To Oneonta. See White Plains. To Nyaek. To Freeport. 9500 ‘ Herkimer**!___ Herkimer PRESCOTT & HENDERSON. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To Ogdensburg. To Ogdensburg. To Freeport. To Kingston. To Newburgh. To Rochester. See Delhi. * To Geneva. See Buffalo. To Utica. N ilT F * * v / I Li P opu laTION. TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. 1679 Holley**!— ......... Orleans 2695 Hotiaer**!— — Cortland 1169 Honeoye Falls**!. Monroe 5532 Hoosick Falls**!. Rensse’r 14685 Hornell**!---------- Steuben 1960 Horseheads**!.. Chemung 42705 ‘ Hudson**!.— Columbia 7169 ‘ Hudson Falls**!Wa’hi’gt’n 6000 Huntington**! . — Suffolk ® Hion**!-------------Herkimer 800 Interlaken**!_____ Seneca wnn w l i É Westchester 2200 Islip**!---------- ..„ S u ffo lk 15848 ‘ Ithaca**!— . . . Tompkins --------‘ Jamaica**!_______ Queens 36580 400 5400 10646 wn 2250 §00 800 Jamestown**!.. Chautau’a Jeffersonville*— Sullivan Johnson City*®t~ Broome ‘ Johnstown**!___ —Fulton | eesevillf * * t ...........Essex Kenmore*!________ Erie Kerhonkson**!------ Ulster Kmderhook**! ..Columbia 26771 ‘ Kingston**!___ ___ Ulster 15987 443 2000 5200 2800 1189 4070 2072 1100 2200 329 13451 1368 1600 864 Lackawanna**! _____ Erie Lacona * • !_____ Oswego A£ a^e Warren Lake Placid**!_____ Essex Lancaster**!_________Erie Larchmont*!. Westchester Lawrence**t______ Nassau Le Roy**!--------- £ Genesee Liberty**!............ Sullivan Lima**!— . — Livingston Lindenhurst**!.... Suffolk Disle**!— --------- Broome Little Falls**!— Herkimer ‘ Little Valley**!.. Cattar’us Livingston Manor**!S’lv’n Livonia**!—. . . Livingston Locke**!_________ Cayuga TO Medina. To Cortland. To Rochester. To,Troy. To Corning. To Elmira. EDW. G. Mac ARTHUR. To Glens Falls. To Riverhead. To Herkimer. To Seneca'Falls. To Pleasantville. To Riverhead. LAWRENCE Mi MINTZ. To Brooklyn. L. W . WILTSIE. See Liberty. To Binghampton. ALFRED D. DENNISON. To Ticonderoga. See Buffalo. To Kingston. To Hudson. J^ H E S A. BETTS. Attorney for Kingston Savings Bank and Na tional Ulster County Bank. Gen eral Practice. See Buffalo. To Oswego. To Glens Falls. To Ticonderoga. See Buffalo. To Pleasantville. To Freeport. To Batavia. To Monticello. To Geneseo. To Freeport. To Binghampton. To Herkimer. To Olean. To Monticello. To Geneseo. See Auburn. 19879 ‘ Loçkport**!__ . . . Niagara --------Long Is. City**!...Queens 4000 ‘ Lowville**! j. ......... Lewi« 4000 Lynbrook**!--------Nassau 900 Lyndonville**!___ Orleans 4700 ‘ Lyons**!__________Wayne 800 Madrid*®!— St. Lawrence DONALD S. MOORE. To Brooklyn. 7000 ‘ Malone**!______ Franklin 5699 Mamaroneck**!.Westc’ter ,§81 Manchester**!— Ontario 1079 Marathon**!___.Cortland 9171 Marcellus** — Onondaga 659 Margaretville**! Delaware Mariners Har b’r*!Richm’d 1000 M arion*--------------- Wayne 1000 Marlboro**!......... Ulster 2951 Massena**!__St. Lawrence 6727 Matteawan*!___ Dutchess 1200 Mattituck**!______ Suffolk snnn A^ J7 ill?**+-,v Chautauqua 8000 Mechamcsville**! Saratoga 5683 Medina**!..—. — Orleans 1233 -Oswego 1114 Middleburg**... Schoharie 1530 Middleport**! — Niagara 15810 Middletown**!___ Orange GEO. J. MOORE. To Pleasantville. To Canandaigua. To Cortland. To Syracuse. See Delhi. See New York City. To Newark. To Kingston. To Ogdensburg. To Poughkeepsie. ««J B II To »Freeport. To Jamestown. To Saratoga Springs. FRED B. SKINNER. To Oswego. To Cobleskill. To Lockport. C. S. MERENESS. To Freeport. See Medina. To Newark. To Ogdensburg. Attorneys for First National ’ N- Y v Orange County Trust Company Erie.Railroad Company and New York, Ontario & Western itailway Company. 511 M ilford**!____. . . . Otsego To Oneonta. 1500 M illbrook**!... . Dutchess To Poughkeepsie; 858 Millerton**! .....D u tch ess To Poughkeepsie. 3000 ‘ Mineola**!_____ —Nassau To Freeport. 2079 Mohawk**!____ Herkimer To Herkimer. 1508 M on roe**!....____ Orange To Newburgh. 941 Montgomery**!__ Orange To Newburgh. 1941 ‘ Monticello**!___Sullivan JOHN D. LYONS. 1300 Montour Falls**! Schuyler To Watkins. 1423 Moravia**!_____ _ Cayuga See Auburn. 535 Morris*!_.________Otsego To Oneonta. 540 Morristown**!St.Lawr’nce To Ogdensburg. 500 Morrisville**____ Madison To Oneida. 2802 Mt. Kisco**!. Westchester To Pleasantville. 2782 Mt. M orris**!.. Livingston To Geneseo. 37009 Mt. Yernon**!Westchester JAS. H. CAVANAUGH. 1093 Naples**!__ _____ Ontario .To Canandaigua. 6227 Newark**!..__ . . . Wayne ERNEST F. FOX. First National Bank Bldg. 2000 Newark Valley**!__ Tioga To Owego. 1200 New Berlin**!.. Chenango To Norwich. _____ New Brighton*!Richmond See New York City. 29603 Newburgh**!_____Orange W . F. CASSEDY. Attorney for the Quassaick National Bank. 1000 Newfane*!____ ..Niagara To Lockport. 1230 New Paltz**!______ Ulster To Kingston. 583 Newport**!____ Herkimer To Herkimer. 37759 New Rochelle**! .W estc’r To Pleasantville. USE COUP°N S as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete, information in preface to Attorney List. NEW A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) TU ? ‘ TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. __________ _________________________ i----------------- ,--------------- — 5602841 »New York City**!—N. Y. 3-EDW ARD B. LEVY, Attorney and Counselor at Law. 200 Fifth Ave. Commercial collections and -adjustments and general practice in City, State and Federal Courts. Brooklyn matters receive daily personal attention. Issue depositions to H. E. Pelikan, Commissioner o f Deeds, New York City. R efer to Credit Clearing House o f New York, WholesaleMen’ .<■Furnishing Association, Chas. L. Eline & Co., Commercial Collection and Adjustment Company, Gar field National Bank, and Lincoln Trust Company. See also at Brooklyn. 3-RICH ARD E. WELDON, Woolworth Building. General Practice. Modern Collection Department. Litigation prose cuted promptly and vigorously. Reference: Lawyers Title & Trust Company. 3-YOUNG & HUGHES. (William Wallace Young, James; A. Hughes, John B. Kelly, Thomas F. Kennedy) Two Rector Street, Attorneys and Counselors at Law; Practice, m all Courts; Depositions to Loretta F. Delaney. Notary Public. R efer toN . I. duPont de Nemours Powder Co., Wilmington, Del.; Morse Twist Drill & Machine Co., New Bedford, Mass.; Lawyers Title & Trust Co., 160 Broadway, N. Y., and Brown Bros. & Co., Bankers, 59 Wall Street, N. Y'. 87353 533 1500 700 600 400 2500 700 13768 1130 Niagara Falls**! „ Niagara Nichols**!---------— Tioga Norfolk**.. St. Lawrence North Collins**t.........Erie North Oreek**t— Warren North Java**t~ Wyoming Northport**!------- Suffolk North Rose**t------ Wayne N. Tonawanda**t. Niagara Northville**t— — Fulton See Lockport. To Owego. To Ogdensburg. See Buffalo. To Glens Falls. To Attica. To Freeport. To Newark. See Lockport. To Johnstown. JOSEPH M . FORSYTHE. To Ogdensburg. To Geneseo. BENJAMIN HAAS. To Batavia. To Watkins. D. B. LUCEY. To Herkimer. C. S. ANDREWS. COYILLE & MOORE. OWEN C. BECKER, Main and Dietz Bldg. 3000 Onondaga Val’y*t—Onond. To Syracuse. To Newark. 742 Ontario**!............. .Wayne 800 Orchard Park**t------ Efrie To Buffalo. 892 Oriskany Falls**!—Oneida See Utica. 13705 Ossining**!.. Westchester MILTON C. PALMER. 24101 »Oswego**!— - —-- Oswego THOMAS L. M cKAY. R efer ences: First National and Second National- Bants, Oswego. Also R. G. Dun & Company, 700 *Ovid**t_____ _____ Seneca To Seneca Falls. 4633 »Owego**!—............ Tioga JOHN T . GORM AN . 1763 Oxford**!______Chenango To Norwich. 5000 Oyster Bay**!____ Nassau To Freeport. ____ Ozone P ark *!____ Queens To Brooklyn. 2268 Palmyra**!_______ Wayne To Newark. 3824 Patchogue**!_____ Suffolk To Freeport. 500 Pavilion**!______ Genesee To Batavia. 1050 Pawling**!______Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. 2300 Pear! River**!—Rockland To Nyack. 18530 Peekskill**!—Westchester To Pleasantville. 4597 »Penn Yan**!_______Yates CHARLES W . KIM B A LL. 4388 Perry**!_______ Wyoming T o Attica. 1354 Phelps**!________ Ontario To Canandaigua. 842 Philadelphia**!—Jefferson To Watertown. 1813 Philmont**!____ Columbia To Hudson. 1988 Phoenix**!... ........Oswego To Oswego. 422 Pike*!— - ___ - Wyoming To Attica. 600 Pine Bush**!_____ Orange To Newburgh. 1500 Pine Plains**!—-Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. 12837 »Plattsburgh*!_____ Clinton P A TR IC K J . TIERN EY. 2800 Pleasantville**!Westc’ht’r W ILSON R . Y A R D . Collections . > from agencies not handled. 332 Poland**!______ Herkimer To Herkimer. 16183 Port Chester**! W ’s’ch’ter To Pleasantville. 2400 Port Henry**!—•___ Essex To Ticonderoga. 2300 Port Jefferson**__ Suffolk To Freeport. 9676 Port Jervis**!__ —Orange ALFRED M ARVIN . ------ Port Richmond*— Rich’nd See New York City. 5000 Port Washington**tNas’au To Freeport. 4036 Potsdam**!—St. Lawrence To Ogdensburg. 30390 *Poughkeepsie**!-Dutchess JOHN B . BALL. 684 Prattsburg**!.___ Steuben To Corning. 1788 »Pulaski**!_______Oswego To Oswego. 1298 Randolph**!.. Cattaraugus To Olean. 600 Ransomyille**!— Niagara See Lockport. 1800 Ravena**!________Albany To Albany. 457 Red Creek**!___ Wayne To Newark. 1200 Red Hook**!___ Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. 500 Redwood**!__ --Jefferson To Watertown. , 421 Remsen**!.... ........Oneida To Utica. 11177 Rensselaer*__ Rensselaer To Troy. 1548 Rhinebeck**!__ Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. 1503 Richfield Springs**! O’ego ToOneonta. - - - - - Richmond Hill**!.Queens To Brooklyn. 599 Richmondvilie**! „ S’h ’rie To Cobleskill. 599 Ridgewood_______ Queens To Brooklyn. 1000 Ripley*»!_____ Chautauqua To Jamestown. J500 »Riverhead**!___ —Suffolk To Freeport. 8342 »Norwich**!------ Chenango 1993 Norwood**!-St. Lawrence 1100 Nunda**t_____ Livingston 1619 Nyack**t---------Rockland 1400 Oakfleld**!— - — Genesee 330 OdessaM__- — Schuyler 16718 Ogdensburg**t.St.L’w ’nce 600 Old Forge-----..H erkim er 16624 01ean**t_____ Cattaraugus 8805 Oneida**t---------- Madison 10962 Oneonta**t--------- - Otsego la TOWN AND COUNTY. t ip s ._______________(_________ ;____________ YORK 1509 NAME. * ____________ 256417*Rochester**!------ Monroe E D N O B A . M A R S H , 713-714 Powers Bldg. Corporation Law. Collections and all legal business promptly attended to. References: Union Trust Co. or any Rochester bank. SMITH & MOSHER, 50 Ttust Building. Reference: Fidelity Trust Company, or any bank in Rochester. General practice in all courts. Rockaway Beach*! Queens To Brooklyn. 5300 Rockville Center**! Nas’u To Freeport. 23737 R om e**!__ - _____ Oneida To Utica. 1000 R oscoe**!_______Sullivan To Monticello. 2700 R oslyn**!__ _____ Nassau To Freeport. 1000 R oxbury**!..___ Delaware To Delhi. 600 Rushford**!____ Allegany To Belmont. 575 Rushville**!.______ Yates To Penn Yan. 8964 Rye**!______ Westchester To Pleasantville. 3408 Sag H arbor**!___ Suffolk To Freeport. 8500 Salamanca**!—Catt’augus To Olean. 1250 Salem**!___ .Washington To Glens Falls. 4983 Saranac Lake**!-Franklin To Malone. 13821 Saratoga Sp’gs**tSaratoga BUTLER, KILMER & CORBIN. 3929 Saugerties**! ...........Ulster To Kingston. 3000 Sayville**t______Suffolk See New York City. 99519 »Schenectady**!—Sc’n’t’dy JAMES W . LIDDLE. 576 Schenevus**!____ Otsego To Oneonta. 2500 »Schoharie**! — Schoharie To Cobleskill. 300 Schuyler Lake**__ Otsego To Oneonta. 1614 Schuylerville**!-Saratoga To Saratoga Springs. _____ Seaside!______ —Richmond To Brooklyn. 7000 Seneca Falls**!— Seneca CHARLES F. HAMMOND. 600 Sharon SpringsM -Sch’rie To Cobleskill. 1050 Sherburne**!__ Chenango To Norwich. 836 Sherman**! —Chautauqua To Jamestown. 1112 Shortsville**!__ .Ontario To Canandaigua. 2507 Sidney**!______ Delaware To Delhi. 2512 Silver Creek**!.Ch’ta’qua To Jamestown. 900 SilverSprings**!Wyoming To Attica. 542 Sinclairville**! -Ch’ta’qua To Jamestown. 1615 Skaneateles**!..Onond’ga To Syracuse. 850 Smithtown Branch*Suffolk To Freeport. 1400 S odus**!___ - ____ Wayne To Newark. 5139 Solvay— ____ -Onondaga To Syracùsè. 2509 Southampton**! „S u ffolk To Freeport. 800 South Dayton**!.Catt’gus To Olean. 2247 South Glens Fall?Saratoga To Saratoga Springs. 1200 Southold**!____ —Suffolk To Freeport., 300 South Otselic*—Chenango To Norwich. 500 Sparkill**!_____ Rockland To Nyack. 569 Spencer**!_________ Tioga To Owego. 1000 Spencerport**!__ Monroe To Rochester. 2353 Spring Valley**!Rockland To Nyack. 500 Springwater __ Livingston To Geneseo. 2500 Springville**t _— — Erie See Buffalo. 973 Stam ford**!___ Delaware To Delhi. __ _ Stapleton*—. __ Richmond To New York City. 2536 St. Johnsville**tMtg’m’ ry To Amsterdam. 600 Stockton* — Chautauqua To Jamestown. 750 Stony Brook**! — Suffolk To Freeport. 1500 St. Regis Falls**!Franklin To Malone. 2663 Suffern**t—___ Rockland To Nyack. 155624»Syracuse**t__ -Onondaga W IL SO N , COBB * R Y A N , Third National Bank Bldg. General Practice. Mercantile, Insurance, and Corporation Law. Attorneys fo r Third National Bank. WATERS & HODGES, First National. Bank Building. General practiçe in all courts. Mercantile, Insurance and Corporation Law. R efer to First National Bank or any bank in Syracuse. 660 Tannersville**!-—Greene To Catskill. 5600 Tarrytown**t-_-Westch’r To Pleasantville. 932 Theresa**!---— Jefferson To Watertown. 5000 Ticonderoga**!___ Essex ROY LOCKWOOD. 8836 Tonawanda**! ——— Erie See Buffalo. _____ Tottenville*!___ Richmond To New York City. 77916 »Troy**t__ ___ Rensselaer F. E. BOWEN. National State Bank Building. 1188 Trumansburg**!. Tom ’k ’s To Ithaca. 500 Truxton**!____ Cortland To Cortland. 3500 Tuckahoe**!-Westchester To White Plains. 551 Tully *•!______ Onondaga To Syracuse. . 4500 Tupper Lake*!—Franklin To Malone. 1200 Unadilla**t---------- Otsego To Oneonta. 1544 Union**!— _____ Broome To Binghamton. 798 Union Springs**t.Cayuga See Auburn. 85692 »U tica**!______ . . . Oneida \f n.TJU & HUBBELL. Attorneys for the Utica Trust & Dep. Go., Oneida National, Second National, and the Savings Bank o f Utica. 451 V ernon**!__ — .Oneida .To Utica. 881 V ictor**!-J______ Ontario To Canandaigua. 5196 W alden**!__ - ___ Orange To Newburgh. •600 Wallkill**!-____ — Ulster To Kingston. 3103 W alton**!— —Delaware To Delhi. 3195 Wappingers FallsM D uc’s To Poughkeepsie. 2100 Warrensburg**!—Warren To Glens Falls. 3500 »W arsaw**!____ Wyoming To Attica. 2600 W arw ick**!_____ Orange To Newburgh. 631 Washing’nv’lle**!-Orange To Newburgh. 5000 »W aterloo**!__ — Seneca To Seneca Falls. 29894 »Watertown**! —Jefferson ROBERT I. INGLEHART, Savings Bank Bldg. 1410 Waterville**!— — Oneida See Utica.___________ _______ K TJ~\*T'rf USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. l l V / JL L j See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1510 N E W YORK, NORTH CAROLINA Popo l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TIPS._________________ _____________________ 15546 Watervliet*t —___ Albany 2817 »W atkins**!_____ Schuyler 5000 W averly**!________ Tioga 1800 W ayland**!_____ Steuben 1032 W ebster**!______ Monroe 1344 Weedsport**!____ Cayuga 4382 Wells ville**!___ Allegany 1500 West bury**!______ Nassau 3500 Westfield**!..Chautauqua 1500 W.Hampton B’ch*!Suffolk „ ___ W. New Brighton*!Rich’d 692 Westport**!_______ Essex 726 West W infleld**!.H’kim’r 5000 Whitehall**! Washington 22465 »White Plains**!.W ’ch’st’r 5500- W hitestone*!____ Queens 500 Whitesville**__ ^.Allegany 744 Whitney Point**!.Broome 1000 Williamson**!____ Wayne 1250 Wiliiamsville**!_____ Erie 655 W ilson *!________ Niagara 637 Windsor**!______ Broome 361 Winthrop**! St.Lawrence 1500 W olcott**!_______Wayne _____ Woodhaven**!____ Queens . . . __ Woodridge—„ — Sullivan 1200 W orcester**!..;— Otsego 500 W yoming*!____ Wyoming 99838 Yonkers**!..W estchester 500 Y o rk * _____ __ Livingston NAME. To Albany. O. T . NYE. To Owego. To Corning. To Rochester. See Auburn. To Belmont. To Freeport. To Jamestown. To Freeport. To New York City. To Ticonderoga. To Herkimer. To Glens Falls. BARNUM & BARNUM. To Brooklyn. To Belmont. To Binghamton. To Newark. To Buffalo. See Lockport. To Binghamton. To Canton. To Newark. To Brooklyn. To Monticello. To Oneonta. To Attica. BE&NABD E. BEABDON. See Geneseo. N O R T H C A R O L IN A This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. North Carolina is divided into two Federal Districts; Eastern and Western. In the EASTERN DISTRICT (1), court sits at Elizabeth City, second Mondays in April and October; at Washington, third Mondays in April and October; at Newbern, fourth Mondays in April and October; at Wilmington, second Mondays after the fourth Mondays in April and October; at Raleigh, fourth Mondays after the fourth Mondays in April and October; at Laurinburg, last Mondays in March and Sep tember; and at Wilson, first Mondays in April and October. In the WESTERN DISTRICT (2), court sits at Asheville, first Mondays in May and November; at Charlottes first Mondays in April and October; at Greensboro, first Mondays in June and December; at Salisbury, fourth Mondays in April and October; at Statesville, third Mondays in April and October; and at Wilkesboro, fourth Mon days in May and November. For convenience, each court Is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Alamance (2), Alexander (2), Alleghany (2), Anson (2), Ashe (2), Avery (2), Beaufort (1), Bertie (1), Bladen (1), Brunswick (1), Buncombe (2), Burke (2), Cabarrus (2), Caldwell (2), Camden (1), Carteret (1), Caswell (2), Catawba (2), Chatham (1), Cherokee (2), Chowan (1), Clay (2), Cleveland (2), Columbus (1), Craven (1), Cum berland (1), Currituck (1), Dare (1), Davidson (2), Davie (2), Duplin (1), Durham (1), Edgecombe (1), Forsyth (2), Franklin (1), Gaston (2), Gates (1), Graham (2), Granville (1), Greene (1), Guilford (2), Halifax (1), Harnett (1), Haywood (2), Henderson (2), Hertford (1), Hoke (2), Hyde (1), Iredell (2), Jackson (2), Johnston (1), Jones (1), Lee (1), Lenoir (1), Lincoln (2), McDowell (2), Macon (2), Madison (2), Martin (1), Mecklenburg (2), Mitchell (2), Montgomery (2), Moore (1), Nash (1) , New Hanover (1), Northampton (1), Onslow (1), Orange (2), Pamlico (l), Tasquotank (1), Pender (1), Perquimans (1), Person (1), Pitt (1), Polk (2), Randolph (2), Richmond (1), Robeson (1), Rocking ham (2), Rowan (2), Rutherford (2), Sampson (1), Scotland (1), Stanly (2) , Stokes (2), Surry (2), Swain (2), Transylvania (2), Tyrrell (1), Union (2), Vance (1), Wake (1), Warren (1), Washington (1), Watauga (2), Wayne (1), Wilkes (2), Wilson (1), Yadkin (2), Yancey (2). REFERENCE KEy * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § state Capital. 794 Aberdeen**!______ Moore 1500 Ahoskie**!— —Hertford 2500 »Albemarle**t_____ Stanly 1500 Andrews**!— .Cherokee 325 Angier**! J______ Harnett 800 Ansonville**t__ ....A n so n 1250 Apex**t__________ .W ake 2500 »Ashboro**t____ Randolph 20823 »Asheville**! ...B uncom be 115 1000 440 1800 3000 500 416 265 370 2483 2863 3000 1500 1529 800 200 650 276 400 Atkinson**!______Pender Aulander**!___ ___ Bertie Aurora**! ______ Beaufort Ayden**!________ !___ Pitt Badin_________..— Stanly Bailey**!______ _Nash »Bakersville* . . . . . Mitchell Battleboro**t_______Nash »Bayboro**!--____ Pamlico »Beaufort**!_____ Carteret Belhaven**t__ ..Beaufort Belmont**!_______ Gaston Benson**! _____ Johnston Bessemer City**t .Gaston Belhel**t____ ...¿ ....P i t t Beulaville*---------- Duplin Black M’t’n**t.Buncombe Bladenboro**!____ Bladen Blowing Rock*!.W atauga Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To Sanford. To Winton. To Concord. To Murphy. To Lillington. To Wadesboro. To Raleigh. To High Point. L E E St F O R D , Attorneys for Battery Park Bank. To Wilmington. To Windsor. To Washington. To Greenville. To Concord. To Rocky Mount. C. E. GBEENE. See Nashville. To Newbern. To Newbern. To Washington. To Gastonia. To Smithfleld. To Gastonia. To Greenville. To Goldsboro. See Asheville. See Elizabethtown. See Boone. NOTP lY w JL L i ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPO LATOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. TION._________________________________________ \_________ 1000 Boiling Springs*Cleveland To Shelby. 250 Bonlee**f______ Chatham To Sanford. E. BINGHAM. 179 »Boone*_____...Watauga T . 350 Boonville*________ Yadkin To Yadkinvilie. 2500 *Brevard**!..Transylvania WELCH GALLOWAY. 300 Broadway*__________ Lee To Sanford. 800 »Bryson City**!____ Swain BBYSON & BLACK. 300 B u n n *..._______Franklin To Louisburg. 1200 »Burgaw**! . . . . ___ Pender To Wilmington. 6500 Burlington**! ..Alamance To Graham. 1000 »Burnsville*______ Yancey J. B. B A Y . 500 Calypso**!___ ___ Duplin To Goldsboro. 160 C andor**!... Montgomery To Troy. A. CLABK. 4000 C anton**!_____ Haywood T . 1892 Caroleen**!___ Rutherford To Rutherford ton. 863 »Oarthage**t_______ Moore To Sanford. 383 Cary**!_____ ;______ Wake To Raleigh. 219 Castalia*_________ Nash To Rocky Mount. 400 Catawba**!_____ Catawba To Hickory. 323 Cerro Gordo**!.Columbus See Whiteville. 1242 Chadbourn**! ..Columbus To Whiteville. 1149 Chapel H ill**t___ Orange To Hillsboro. 39823 »Gharlotte**!.Mecklenburg EDGAR W . PHABB, 309 Law Bide. • 2500 Cherryville**t____ Gaston To Gastonia. 852 China Grove**____ Rowan To Salisbury. 500 Clarkton**t___ \__ Bladen See Elizabethtown. 1441 Clayton**!_____ Johnston To Smithfleld. 426 Cleveland**!_____ Rowan To Salisbury. 900 Cliffside**___ Rutherford To Rutherfordton. 1800 »Clinton**t______ Sampson C. M . FAIBCLOTH. 500 Clyde *•!_______Haywood To Canton. 400 Coats**t— _____ 'Harnett To Fayetteville. 250 Golerain*__________Bertie See Windsor. 1000 »Columbia**!______ Tyrrell T . H. WOODLEY. 9219 »Concord**!__ ...Cabarrus MANESS & ARMFIELD. 158 Conetoe**!___ Edgecombe To Rocky Mount. 800 Conover**.______ Catawba To Hickory. 500 Conway**t ..Northampton To Jackson. 2000 Cooleemee**t______ Davie To Mocksville. 833 Cornelius**! Mecklenburg To Charlotte. 500 Creedmoor**!...Granville To Oxford. 600 Creswell**! ..Washington To Plymouth. 1065 Dallas**t_________ Gaston To Gastonia. 400 »Danbury*_________ Stokes J. D. HUMPHREYS. 1056 Davidson**!.Mecklenburg To Charlotte. 320 Denton* — — .Davidson See Lexington. 282 Denver*___ _____ Lincoln To Lincolnton. 360 »Dobson*___________ Surry To Mount Airy. 737 Dover**t_________ Craven To Newbern. 2000 Duke**!____ ____ Harnett To Lillington. 3500 Dunn**!_________ Harnett To Lillington. 25061 »Durham**!__ ___ Durham ROBERT H. SYKES. 522 East Bend*_______ Yadkin To Yadkinvilie. 4000 East Durham*t— Durham See Durham. 2789 »Edenton**t______ Chowan PRUDEN & PRUDEN. 9710 »Elizabeth City**t.Pasqu’k W . A. WORTH. 117 »Elizabethtown**t..Bladen J. B. CLARK. 886 Elkin**t................... Surry To Mount Airy. j 377 Elk Park*!_______ Avery To Newland. 293 Ellenboro**!..Rutherford To Rutherfordton. 100 Ellerbe**!.____ Richmond To Hamlet. 800 Elm C ity**!______ Wilson To Wilson. 200 Elon College**!.Alamance To Graham. 1250 Enfield**!.;______ Halifax To Halifax. 200 Eure**!____________ Gates To Gatesville. 325 Everetts**!______ .Martin To Williamston. 441 Fair B luff**!__ Columbus See Chadbourn. 730 Fairmont**!____ Robeson To Lumberton. 519 Faison**!_________Duplin To Goldsboro. 1300 Farmville**!................Pitt To Greenville. 7045 *Fayetteville**t.Cumber)’d COOK & COOK. 500 Fletcher**!— .Henderson To Hendersonville. 1592 Forest City**t Rutherford To Rutherfordton. 250 Fountain**___________Pitt To Greenville. 329 Four Oaks**!__ Johnston To Smithfleld. 1000 »Franklin**________ Macon JOHNSTON & HORN. 1000 Franklinton**t ..Franklin To Louisburg. 951 Frem ont**!______ Wayne To Goldsboro. 127 Fuquay Springs**! .Wake To Raleigh. 284 G arner**!...__ ____ Wake To Raleigh. 169 Garysburg*!- Northamp’n To Jackson. W . GARLAND. 5750 »Gastonia**!_____ ..Gaston P. 150 Gates**!....... _ ..___ Gates To Gatesville.1 350 »Gatesville*_________Gates SMITH & BANKS. 600 Gibson**!_______ Scotland To Laurinberg. 1162 G ibsonville**!... Guilford See Greensboro. 6107 »Goldsboro**!_____ Wayne H . B . P A R K E R , JB. 600 G oldston**!____ Chatham To Sanford. 2504 »Graham **!____ Alamance PARKER & LONG. 381 Granite Falls**t.Caldwell See Lenoir. 363 Granite Quarry**t.Rowan To Salisbury. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS, Attor 19577 »Greensboro**!...Guilford neys for G r e e n s b o r o Loan & Trust Company. J. EVERETT. 4101 »Greenville**! . . . ____ Pitt S. 700 G rifton **t____ . . . __ Pitt To Greenville. 330 Grimesland**! . . . . . . . Pitt To Greenville. 209 G rover**!____Cleveland See Shelby. 500 »Halifax**! ..._____ Halifax To Weldon. 452 Hamilton*_______ Martin To Williamston. 5000 Hamlet**!____..Richmond WADE H. SANDERS. 48 Harrellsville*___ Hertford See Winton. 2000 Haw River**!__ Alamance To Graham. JraS 400 »Hayesville*______.....C lay O. L. ANDERSON. 8000 »Henderson**!_____ Yance ZOLLI COFFER & ZOLLI COFFER USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W POPTJU- NORTH CAROLINA (B O N D E D ) TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. T I O N ._______________________ :_________ :________ W . MARSHALL BRIDGES. To Rutherfordton. CHAS. WHEDBEE. SELF & BAGBY. See Taylorsville. WALTER ROYAL. Reference: Commercial National Bank and Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. M . GATTIS. 1200 *Hillsboro*»t______ Orange S. 200 Hobbsville*»_______ Gates See Gatesville. 165 Hobgood *•!______ Halifax To Weldon. 400 Hollister____ ____ Halifax To Weldon. 261 Holly 8prings*»t__-Wake To Raleigh. 204 Hookerton*»t____ Greene See Snow Hill. 443 Hot Springs*»!__ Madison To Marshall. 1000 Huntersville*»!.Meckl’b'g To Charlotte. 527 *Jackson*__ Northampton GAY & MIDYETTE. 505 ‘ Jacksonville*»!__ Onslow F. W . K . KELLUM. 500 Jamesville*»!-------- Martin See Williamston. 500 ‘ Jefferson*— ______ Ashe G . L. PARK. 799 Jonesboro*«t_________ Lee To Sanford. 5000 Kannapolis*»___ Cabarrus See Concord. 500 K elford*»!________ Bertie See Windsor. 1000 Kenly*»t_______Johnston To Smithfleld. 1128 Kernersville*»t__ Forsyth To Winston-Salem. 300 King*»_______r.___Stokes To Danbury. .3500 Kings Mountain*»tClevl’d See Shelby. V. COWPER. 9567 ‘ Kinston*»!.___ ___ Lenoir G. 242 Kittrell*»!.—_____Yance See Henderson. 1007 LaGrange*»t__ ___ Lenoir To Kinston. 1000 Landis*»_________Rowan To Salisbury. 175 Lansing*__________.A she To Jefferson. 297 Lattimore ......C le v e la n d To Shelby. 3000 ‘ Laurinburg*»t ...Scotland E. H. GIBSON. 1127 Leaksville*»t Rockingham See Reidsville. 153 Leicester *__._ .Buncombe To Asheville. 4000 ‘ Lenoir*»t_______ Caldwell SQUIRES & WHISNANT. 262 Lewiston*»!______Bertie See Windsor. 7000 ‘ Lexington*»t___ Davidson L. A. MARTIN. 474 Liberty*»!_____ Randolph To Greensboro. 386 Lilesvflle*»t______Anson To Wadesboro. 380 *Lillington*»t_____ Harnett To Fayetteville. 2413 ‘ Lincolnton*»t____ Lincoln CHILDS & CHILDS. 2000 Littleton*»!_____ -Halifax To Weldon. 1775 *Louisburg*»t___ Franklin W M . H. RUFFIN. 266 Lncama*»t____ ___ Wilson To Wilson. 5000 *Lumberton*»t___ Robeson McNEILL & SINGLETON. 265 Macclesfleld*t Edgecombe To Tarboro. 189 Macon*»t________ Warren To Warrenton. 1200 Madison*»t..Rockingham See Reidsville. 700 Magnolia*»t______ Duplin To Goldsboro. 664 M aiden*»t...____ Catawba To Hickory. 700 *Manteo*»t____ ¿Dare B. G. CRISP. 2000 ‘ Marion*»t_____ McDowell PLESS & WINBORNE. 802 ‘ Marshall*»t_____ Madison C. B. MASHBURN. 301 Mars Hill*_______ Madison To Marshall. 499 Marshville*»t______ Union To Monroe. 396 Matthews*»t Mecklenburg To Charlotte. 1321 Maxton*»t______ Robeson To Lumberton. 1500 Mayodan___ Rockingham To Reidsville. 600 Maysville*»t_______ Jones To Trenton. 100 McDonalds *».___Robeson To Fayetteville. 1000 Mebane*»t_____ Alamance To Graham. 300 Micro*»t_______ Johnston To Smithfleld. 467 Middlesex*»!_______ Nash To Rocky Mount. 1063 ‘ Mocksville*»!______ Davie E. L. GAITHER. 2000 ‘ Monroe*»t_________ Union MANESS, ARMFIELD & VANN. ' 350 Mooresboro*»— Cleveland See Shelby. 4500 Mooresville*»!____ Iredell To Statesville. 3000 Morehead City*»t Carteret T o Newbern. . AVERY & HUFFMAN. 3000 *Morganton*»t_____ Burke • 750 M orven*»!________ Anson To Wadesboro. 3844 Mount A iry*»t_____ Surry CARTER & CARTER. 1000 Mt. Gilead*»! Montgomery To Troy. 526 Mount Holly*»!___ Gaston To Gastonia. 2500 Mount Olive*»!___ Wayner To Goldsboro. 753 Mount Pleasant*.Cabarrus See Concord. 809 Murfreesboro*— Hertford To Winton. 977 ‘ Murphy*»!_____ Cherokee DILLARD & HILL. 1000 ‘ Nashville*»!________ Nash To Rocky Mount. 10433 ‘ N ew bern*»!_____ Craven R . A. NXJNN. 500 ‘ Newland*_________ Avery J. W . RAGLAND. 3300 ‘ Newton*»!___ __ Catawba See Hickory. 700 Norlina*»!___ ___ Warren To Warrenton. 3000 Northwilkesboro*»! Wilkes To Wilke,sboro. 1500 Norwood*»!_______ Stanly See Concord. 50 Oakboro-------. . . __ Stanly To Concord. 350 Oak C ity*»!.._____ Martin See Williamston. 778 Old F o rt* »!___ McDowell To Marion. „645 Oriental*»!..___ .Pamlico To Newbern. 5000 ‘ Oxford*»!__ .___ Granville JOHN W . HESTER. 400 Parkton*»!__ .___ Robeson To Lumberton. 258 Pembroke*»!____ Robeson To Lumberton. 210 Pikeville*»!..........W ayne To Goldsboro. 800 Pilot Mountain*»!...Surry To Mount Airy. 400 Pinehurs**»! . . . ___ Moore To Sanford. 800 Pine Level*»___ Johnston To Smithfleld. 211 Pinetops*»! .1 .Edgecombe To Rocky Mount. 688 Pineville*»!..Mecklenburg To Charlotte. ‘ 500 Pink H ill*___...__ .Lenoir To Kinston. 502 ‘ Pittsboro*»!____ Chatham T o Sanford. 2j65 ‘ Plymouth*»!..Washington W . M . BOND, JR. 490 Polkton*»!____ ___ Anson To Wadesboro. 350 Polloksville*»!_____ Jones To Trenton. 500 Princeton*»!___ Johnston To Smithfleld. - 125 Proctorville»t ...R obeson To Fayetteville. 4000 *Hendersonville*»t-Hend'n 1856 Henrietta*t__Rutherford 2500 *Hertford*»t ..Perquimans 9000 H ickory*»t------- Catawba 800 Hiddenite*»__ Alexander 12896 High Point*»t ...G u ilford TVT/^VrT , |7 l l V / A Li Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Popo la TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. ___________ 1511 NAME. J. W . CURRIE. A . B . A N D R E W S , 237 Fayette ville Street. Counsel for Southern Railway Company. Refers to Citizins National Bank or any bank in Raleigh. Compiler o f the North Carolina laws for this publica tion. 1500 Ramseur*»!____ Randolph To Greensboro. 1950i Randleman*»! ..Randolph To High Point. 1500 Red Springs*»! ..Robeson To Lumberton. 6000 Reidsville*»!.Rockingham IRA R. HUMPHREYS. 600 Richlands*__ ____ Onslow To Jacksonville. 850 Rich Square*»! -N ’ampton See Halifax. 5000 RoanokeRapids*! .Halifax To Weldon. 616 Robersonville*»!— Martin To Williamston. 3000 ‘ Rockingham*»! Richmond To Hamlet. 600 Rockwell*»!______ Rowan To Salisbury. 12067 Rocky M ount*»!.Edg’mbe BUNN & SPRUILL. 819 Roper*»!____ Washington To Plymouth. 405 Roseboro*»! ____ Sampson See Clinton. 364 R osehill*»!___ ___Duplin To Goldsboro. 175 Rosemary*!______ Halifax To Weldon. 1000 Rowland*»!_____ Robeson To Lumberton. 1425 ‘ R oxboro*»!__ ___ Person LUTHER M . CARLTON. 491 Roxobel*»! — _____ Bertie See Windsor. 500 Rural Hall*»!____ Forsyth To Winston-Salem. 1062 ‘ Rutherfordton*»!RuthTd QUINN, HAMRICK & HARRIS. 12000 ‘ Salisbury*»!______ Rowan CRAIGE & CRAIGE. 600 Saluda*»!______ ____ Polk To Hendersonville. 4000 ‘ Sanford*»!.__________ Lee WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS. 2000 Scotland Neck*»!.Halifax To Weldon. 280 Seaboard*»!. Northampton To Jackcon. 1331 S elm a *»!__ a__ Johnston To Smithfleld. 200 Severn,____ Northampton To Jackson. 250 Shallotte*_____ Brunswick To Wilmington. 200 Sharpsburg*»!........Wilson See Nashville. 3127 ‘ S h e lb v * »!.____ Cleveland O. M A X GARDNER. 4000 Siler City*»t____ Chatham To Sanford. 2700 ‘ Smithfleld*»!___ Johnston FRED’K H . BROOKS. 450 ‘ Snow Hill*_______ Greene L. V. MORRILL. 542 Southern Pines*»! .Moore To Sanford. 1484 ‘ Southport*»! ..Brunswick CRANMER & DAVIS. 199 ‘ Sparta*________ Alleghany R . A. DOUGHTEN. 5000 Spencer*»! — .Rowan To Salisbury. 8000 Spray*»!____ Rockingham See Reidsville. 1246 Spring H o p e * »!....... Nash To Rocky Mount. 800 Spruce Pine*»!—Mitchell To Bakersville. 321 Stanley* • !________ Gaston To Gastonia. 204 Stantonsburg*»!__ Wilson See Wilson. 239 Star*»!___ ..Montgomery See Troy. 8000 ‘ Statesville*»! *____ Iredell R . T . WEATHERMAN. 200 Stem*»! . . . . . . __ Granville To Oxford. 200 Stokes*___________..—Pitt To Greenville. 159 Stokesdale*»!__ Guilford See Greensboro. 404 Stoneville*»!.Rockingham See Reidsville. 148 Stony Point*»—Alexander See Taylorsville. 305 Stovall*»!______ Granville To Oxford. 1000 St. P auls*»_____ Robeson To Lumberton. 200 Sunbury*»!________ Gates See Gatesville. 185 ‘ Swanquarter*______ Hyde MANN & JONES. 1500 ‘ Sylva*»!____ ____ Jackson SUTTON & STILLWELL. 600 Tabor*___ .....C olu m bus See Whiteville. 5000 ‘ Tarboro*»!___ Edgecombe To Rocky Mount. 1000 ‘ Taylorsville*»!.Alexander J. H. BURKE. 5000 Thomasville*»!—Davidson See Lexington. 200 Townsville*_______ Yance See Henderson. 331 ‘ Trenton* . . . . ! __ ..Jones J. K . WARREN. 1055 ‘ T r o y * » !____ Montgomery R . T . POOLE. 1000 T r y o n * » !___________Polk To Hendersonville. 291 Union Mills*»!Rutherford To Rutherfordton. 700 Yalle Cruces*___ Watauga See Boone. 500 Yanceboro*»!_____ Craven To Newbern. 400 Varina»!___________ Wake To Raleigh. 563 Vass*»!___________ Moore To Sanford. 185 Waco*»_____ !__.Cleveland See Shelby. 3000 ‘ W adesboro*»!_____ Anson FRED J. COXE. 50 Wagram*»!_____ Scotland See Laurinburg. 1443 Wake Forest*»!____ Wake To Raleigh. 622 W allace*»!..—. . —-Duplin To Goldsboro. 1000 Walnut Cove*»!— Stokes To Danbury. 807 »Warrenton*»!—...W arren W M . W . TAYLOR. 723 Warsaw*»! ——___ Duplin R. D. JOHNSON. 8000 ‘ Washington*»! —Beaufort SIMMONS & VAUGHAN. 602 Waxhaw*»! . . . __ —Union To Monroe. 2008 ‘ Waynesville*»! .Haywood To Canton. 500 Weaverville*—.Buncombe To Asheville. 3000 W eldon*»!____ ...H alifax GEO- C. GREEN. 1200 W endell*»!________ Wake To Raleigh. 3500 West Asheville.Buncombe To Asheville. (Asheville P. O.) 400 West J e ffe rson !.....A sh e To Jefferson. 755 Whitakers*»!. Edgecombe To Rocky Mount. 2000 ‘ Whiteville*»!...Columbus IRVIN B. TUCKER. 799 ‘ Wilkesboro*!— __ Wilkes FINLEY & HENDREN. R. DUNNING. 2000 ‘ Williamston*»! .¿..M artin A. 29892 ‘ Wilmington*»! New Han’r KENAN & STACY. M . HILL. 6717 ‘ W ilson*»!___ .....W ils o n D. 684 ‘ Windsor*»_______ Bertie WINSTON & MATHEWS. 353 W ingate*»!__ _____ Union To Monroe. 81155 ‘ Winston-Salem*»! Forsyth LOUIS M . SWINK. 600 W interville*»!—¿¿— Pitt To Greenville. 580 ,‘ R a e fo r d * » !________Hoke 20127 §‘ Raleigh*»t_____ — Wake USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond, See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1512 624 312 500 338 431 1500 N O R T H C A R O L IN A , N O R T H D A K O T A «Win ton*— -----Hertford Woodland* .Northampton «Yadkinville*--------- Yadkin «Yanceyville* . . . — Caswell Youngsville*«! „Franklin Zebulon*«! ---------- .W ake NORTH J. E. VANN. To Jackson. S. G. WILLIAMS. CARLTON & UPCHURCH. To Louisburg. To Raleigh. DAKOTA This Information will be of value to those interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire State, and has five divisions: the Southeastern division with court at Fargo (1), third Tuesday in M ay; the Southwestern division with court at Bismarck (8), first Tuesday in March; the Northeastern division with court at Grand Forks (3), second. Tuesday in November; the Northwestern division with court at Devils Lake (4), the first Tuesday in July; and the Western division with court at Minot (5), second Tuesday in October. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Adams (2), Barnes (1), Benson (4), Billings (2), Bottineau (4 ) , Bowman.(2), Burke (5), Burleigh (2), Cass (1), Cavalier (3), Diyide (5), Dunn (2), Eddy (4), Emmons (2), Foster (2), Golden Valley (2), Grand Forks (3), Grant (2), Griggs (1), Hettinger (2), Kid der (2), L a m o u re ( l ) , Logan (2), McHenry (4), McIntosh (2), McKen1M (2), McLean (2), Mercer (2), Morton (2), Mountrail (5), Nelson (3), Oliver (2), Pembina (3), Pierce (4), Ramsey (4), Ransom (1), Renville (5) , Richland (1), R olettef4), Sargent (1), Sheridan (2), Sioux (2), Slope (2 1 Stark (2), Steele (1), Stutsman (2), Towner (4), Traill (3), Walsh (3), Ward (5), Wells (2), Williams (5). REFERENCE K EY County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 350 400 150 800 400 ' 100 250 50 150 150 600 200 669 800 160 510 100 300 200 200 300 100 200 Abercrombie*«! .Richland ■Adams*«! _________ Walsh Adrian*«!_k___ La Moure Alamo . . . _______Williams Alexander*____ McKenzie A lfr e d * « !..........La Moure Alice*«! . . . . __ ______ Cass Alkabo*«___ ______ Divide Almont*«! _____ ...M orton Alsen*«!________ Cavalier A m b rose**!___ ...D ivide Amidon*.__ ..„ - ...'S l o p e Anamoose*«!___ McHenry Aneta*«! . . . . . ____ Nelson A nselm *«!.___ ...R ansom A ntler*«!_____..Bottineau A p pam ...___ !___ Williams A rdoch*«!._______ Walsh Arena*______ Burleigh Argusville*«!.___ ___ Cass A rn eg a rd *...... McKenzie A rthur*«!__________ .Cass Arvilla*«!.__ Grand Forks 900 150 200 100 150 125 600 150 50 250 150 300 ,120 250 338 100 «Ashley*«! . . . __ McIntosh Aurelia*«t_________ Ward A y r* «!____ _____ ....C a ss B ackoo*«!____ ..Pembina Baker*«!_________ Benson Baldwin*«!______ Burleigh B alfour*«!_____ McHenry Balta«!___________ Pietee Banks*.— —— McKenzie Bantry*«r______ McHenry Barlow*«!_____ ___ Foster Barney*«!___ ___Richland Bartlett*»!_______ Ramsey Barton*«!__ ______ Pierce Bathgate*«!_____ Pembina Battleview*«______ Burke 2000 500 250 150 150 137 600 250 400 400 500 «Beach*«! ...G olden Valley Belfield*«! ..... .....S t a r k Benedict*«!______ McLean Bentley*«!— . . . Hettinger Bergen*«!__ — McHenry Berlin*«! . ¿ .. . . . La Moure Berthold*«!__ — Ward B erw ick *«!____ McHenry Beulah*«!.________Mercer B inford*«!______ ..Griggs Bisbee*«! .. . 1 ___ .Towner 7500 §«Bismarck*«!___ Burleigh 150 150 75 50 125 1500 800 450 175 1000 150 100 200 B labon *«!_____ ....S te e le Blaisdell*«!___ .Mountrail Blanchard*«!______ Traill Bonetraill*___ .’.W illiams Bordulac*«!— .¿¿.Foster *Bottineau*«!|-._.Bottineau «B ow bells*«!_______Burke Bowdon*«! . . . — ..W ells Bowesmont*«!— Pembina «B ow m an *«!...__ Bowman Braddock*«! ____ Emmons Brantford *•!----------- Eddy Bremen*«!. . . . . . __..W ells Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To Wahpeton. To Grafton. To La Moure. To Williston. To Watford City. To La Moure. See Fargo 1 To Crosby. See Mandan. To Langdon. To Crosby. To Beach. To Drake. To Dakota. To Lisbon. See Bottineau. To Williston. To Grafton. See Bismarck. See Fargo. To Watford City. See Fargo. To Grand Forks. M . J. GEORGE. See Minot. See Fargo. To Grafton. To Minnewaukan. See Bismarck. To Drake. To Rugby. To Watford City. ,To Drake. To Carrington. To Wahpeton. T o Devils Lake. To Rugby. To Grafton. To Bowbells. KEOHANE & JONES. See Dickinson. To Minot. To New England. To Drake. To La Moure. See Minot. To Drake. To Stanton. To Cooperstown. To Gando. NEWTON, DULLAM & YOUNG. Attorneys for City National Bank. See Finley. See Stanley. To Hillsboro. To Williston. To Carrington. JOHN H. KIRK. H. A. HANSON. To Carrington. To Grafton. To Hettinger. To Linton. To New Rockford. To New Rockford. 203 Brinsmade*«!____ Benson To Minnewaukan. 100 Brisbane*----- ----Grant See Mandan. 225 B rock et*«!______ Ramsey To Devils Lake. 100 Buchanan*«!.— Stutsman See Jamestown. 100 Bucyrus*«! — ____ Adams To Hettinger. 500 Buffalo*«!— __ ,_____ Cass See Fargo. 100 Buffalo Springs*. Bowman To Hettinger. 150 Buford*«! — ___ Williams See Williston. 250 Burlington*«!___ — Ward See Minot. 200 Burnstad*«!_______Logan To Napoleon. 250 Burt*«__ ______ Hettinger To New England. 200 Buttzville*«!___ _ Ransom To Lisbon. 400 Buxton*«! - ________ Traill To Hillsboro. 200 Calio*«!--------- Cavalier To Langdon. 250 Calvin*«!____ - Cavalier To Langdon. 1500 «Cando*«! — . — Towner KEHOE & MOSELEY 150 Carbury*«.____ Bottineau T o Bottineau. Ward 257 Carpio*«! ______ ___________— See Minot. 1500 «Carrington*«!_____ Foster C. B. CRAVEN. 150 «Carson*«!___ — — Grant See Mandan. 200 Cartwright*«!.-McKenzie^ To Watford City. 1553 Casselton*«!___ — Cass To Fargo. 225 Cathay*«!__________Wells To Fessenden. 1000 «Cavalier*«!_____ Pembina To Grafton. Dickey 175 Cayuga*«!------ — Sargent To Wahpeton. 150 «Center* ____ Oliver To Mandan. 150 Chaffee*«-— *___ :___ Cass See Fargo. , 125 Charbonneau*«!McKenzie To Watford City. 100 Charlson* — ...M cK enzie To Watford City. 150 Chaseley*«! _______ Wells To Carrington. 200 Christine*«t — Richland To Wahpeton. 400 Churchs Ferry*«! Ramsey To Devils Lake. 100 Olementsville*«! Stutsman See Jamestown. 125 Cleveland*«? — Stutsman See Jamestown. 175 C lifford*«!_____ ___ Traill To Hillsboro. 200 C lyde*«!________ Cavalier To Langdon. 125 Coal Harbor*____ McLean To Washburn. 500 C ogsw ell*«!...___ Sargent To Wahpeton. 125 Colfax*«!_______Richland To Wahpeton. 100 Colgan*«__________Divide To Crosby. 125 Colgate*«!___1____ Steele See Finley. 500 Columbus*«!___ . . . Burke To Minot. 75 Concrete*_______Pembina To Grafton. 300 Conway*«!..............Walsh To Grafton. 1100 «Cooperstown*«!..__Griggs A. M . BALDWIN. 60 Corinth________ Williams To Williston. 200 Coteau*«t_______ Burke To Bowbells, 75 Coulee*«!______Mountrail See Ross. 700 Courtenay*«! — Stutsman TSee Jamestown. 400 C ra ry *«!..............Ramsey To Devils Lake. 125 Crete*«!_________ Sargent To Wahpeton. 100 Crocus*_________ Towner To Cando. 1500 «Crosby*«t_____ — Divide SMITH & KAMPLIN. R efer to Security State Bank. 376 Crystal*«!_____ Pembina To Grafton. 100 Crystal Springs*«..Kidder To Steele. 150 Cumings*«!.______ Traill To Hillsboro. 100 D ahlen«!________ Nelson To Lakota. 53 Danzig«_______ McIntosh See Ashley. 226 Davenport*«!_______ Cass SeeFlargo. 200 D aw son*«!______ Kidder To Steele. 265 D azey*«!_________ Barnes To Valley City. 200 Deering*«!_____McHenry To Drake. 300 De Lam ere*«!__ Sargent To Wahpeton. 300 D enbigh*«!___ McHenry To Drake. 300 D enhoff*«!___ Sheridan To Carrington. 50 De Sart*__________ Slope To Beach. 200 Deslacs*«!_____ — Ward See Minot. 5000 «Devils'Lake*«! .--Ramsey FLYNN & TRAYNOR. 250 Dickey*«!____ La Moure To La Moure. 6000 «Dickinson*«!_______Stark CASEY & BURGESON. 135 D od ge_____________Dunn To Manning. 320 Dogden*«!_____ McLean See Minot. 297 Donnybrook*«!____ Ward See Minot. 350 Douglas*«t__ _— —Ward See Minot. 200 Doyon*«! '_______Ramsey To Devils Lake. 800 Drake*«!—^____ McHenry JOHN F. SELB. 625 D rayton*«!___ —Pembina To Grafton. 350 Dresden*«!__ i___Cavalier To Langdon. 175 Driscoll*«!______ Burleigh See Bismarck. 300 Dunn Center*«!___ -Dunn See Manning. 478 Dunseith*«!_____Rolette To Rolla. 150 Dwight*«t______ Richland To Wahpeton. 75 Easby*«!.............. Cavalier To Langdon. _____ East Fairview— McKenzie To Watford City. (Fairview Mont. P. O.) 400 East Westby______ Divide To Crosby. ( Westby. M ont. P. O.) 100 Eckelson*«!___ — Barnes To Valley City. 150 E ckm an*«!____ Bottineau See Bottineau. 1000 Edgeley*«!___ La Moure To La Moure. 300 Edinburg*«!.... ........Walsh To Grafton. 500 E dm ore*«!__ ___ Ramsey To Devils Lake. 223 Edm unds*«!___ Stutsman See Jamestown. 266 Egeland*«!______ Towner To Cando. 65 Eldridge«!-____ Stutsman To Jamestown. 600 Elgin*«! — ___ ...G ran t See Mandan. F. J. GRAHAM. 2000 «Ellendale*«!____.Dickey 110 Elliott*«!________ Ransom TO Lisbon. 35 Embden*«! ____ - ___ Cass See Fargo. 800 Emerado*«!..Grand Forks See Grand,Forks. 2000 E nderlin*«!_____ Ransom To Lisbon. 75 Englevale*«!____ Ransom To Lisbon. 150 Epping*«! — __ Williams To Williston. 200 Erie*«!______________Cass See Fargo. 400 Esmond*«!_______Benson To Minnewaukan. 50 Expansion*______ Mercer To Stanton. 200 Fairdale*«!________ Walsh To Grafton. __________ 800 Fairmount*«! — Richland To Wahpeton. 1 S I O T F USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. I l V / I L i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W NORTH DAKOTA (B O N D E D ) Popu la TOWN AND COUNTY. tion. P opu NAME. 15 Falkirk------------ ¿.McLean To Washburn. 75 Falsen**_______ McHenry To Drake. 17389 »Fargo**! — . . . ------ -Cass PIERCE, TENNESON & CUT LER. Attorneys fo r Northern Savings Bank, Scan. Am. Bank, and Northern Trust C o.. Compilers o f the N orth Dakota laws f o r this publication. 1000 »Fessenden**t__ ;— Wells b . f . W h i p p l e . 25 Fillmore**t----------Benson To Minnewaukan. 500 Fingal**! — ---- Barnes To Valley City. 650 Finley**!-............ ..Steele To Sherbrooke. 400 Flasher**!______.M orton See Mandan. 400 Flaxton**! — ......... Burke To Bowbells. 75 Flora**!________..Benson To Warwick. 221 F orbes**!_______ Dickey To Ellendale. 450 Fordville**— -------- Walsh To Grafton. 300 Forest River**! ....W a lsh To Grafton. 352 »Forman**!,___.Sargent To Wahpeton. 200 Fort Clark**!------- Oliver To Mandan. 150 Foit Ransom*___Ransom To Lisbon. 100 Fort Rice*___— Morton To Mandan. 250 Fortuna**!------------Divide See Crosby. 300 »Fort Yates*________Sioux To Mandan. ,200 Foxholm**t___ Ward See Minot. 100 Freda**!__________ Grant To Mandan. 350 Fredonia**!—.......... Logan To Napoleon. 100 Fryburg*________Billings See Medora. 206 Fullerton**!______ Dickey To Ellendale. 450 Gackle**t------------- Logan To Napoleon. To Wahpeton. 100 Galchutt**!—____ ___________Richland 300 Galesburg**!---------- Traill To Hillsboro. 65 Gardar*____ ____ Pembina To Grafton. 119 Gardena**! ,*__ Bottineau See Bottineau. 130 G ardner**!___— . . . Cass See Fargo. 650 Garrison**!------- McLean To Washburn. 100 Garske*!------------- Ramsey To Devils Lake. 150 Gascoyne**!------ Bowman To Hettinger. 150 Geneseo**!_____ .Sargent To Wahpeton. 300 Gilby**!____ Grand Forks See Grand Forks. 220 Gladstone**!_____ ..Stark See Dickinson. 100 Glasston**--------- Pemlbina To Grafton. 268 Glenburn**!_____Renville To Mohall. 100 Glenfleld**!_______Foster See Carrington. 1000 Glen U llin **!____ Morton See Mandan. 125 Glover...... ........... Dickey To Ellendale. 500 Goldenvalley*____ Mercer To Stanton. 300 Golva*____ Golden Valley To Beach. 700 Goodrich**!____ Sheridan To Carrington. 300 Grace City**______ Foster To New Rockford. Attorneys 3000 »Graf ton**!____ .■ ___ Walsh GRAY & MYERS. for First National Bank. 15837 »Grand Forks**!Gr’d F o’ks L. A. CHANCE. Refers to any bank in Grand Forks. ' 200 Grandin**!. . . -----------Cass See Fargo. 100 Grand Rapids**!La Moure To La Moure. 200.$Grano* * l _______ Renville To Mohall. 550G ranville**! ;___McHenry To Drake. 25 lörassy Butte__ McKenzie To Watford City. 191 «Great Bend*!_Richland To Wahpeton. l r Greene**!_______ Renville To Mohall. 0 G renora________ Williams To Williston. 100 Guelph**!________ Dickey To Ellendale. 50 Guthrie *•!_____ McHenry To Drake. 800 Gwinner**t__ ___ Sargent To Wahpeton. 200 Hague**!____ ...E m m ons To Linton. 350 Halliday*__________ .Dunn To Manning. 50 Hamar**!__ _______ Eddy To New Rockford. 300 Hamberg**____ ___ Wells To New Rockford. 250 Hamilton**!____ Pembina To Grafton, See Williston. •> • 59 Hamlet**______ W illiams 200 Hampden**!__ ...R am sey To Devils Lake. 1600 Hankinson**!__ Richland To Wahpeton. 100 Hanks.*_________ Williams To Williston. 400 Hannaford**! ____ Griggs To Cooperstown. 500 Hannah**! __....C avalier To Langdon. , 300 Hansboro*____ ...T ow n er To Cando. 50 Harlow*!_________ Benson To Warwick. 100 Hartland**___ \_____ Ward See Minot. 1600 Harvey**! —- ______ Wells To Fessenden. 125 Hastings**!.—___ -Barnes To Valley City. 800 Hatton**!__________ Traill To Hillsboro. 387 Havana**! i_____ Sargent To Wahpeton. 100 H avelock*..___ Hettinger To New England. 100 Haynes**!_______.Adams To Hettinger. 400 Hazelton** ____ .Emmons To Linton. 500 Hazen*______,____ Mercer To Stanton. l5o Heaton**! ¡.—______ Wells To Carrington. 1500 Hebron**! ........M o r t o n See Mandan. 90 Heil**...................... Grant To Mandan. 100 Heimdal**!____ .___ Wells To New Rockford. • . , 200 Hensel**!_______ Pembina To Grafton. 1200 »Hettinger**!______Adams E. C. WILSON. 89 H ickson**!_________ Cass See Fargo. 1299 »Hillsboro**!_____Traill P. G. SWENSON. ----- Honeyford**.Grand Forks To Grand Forks. 250 H o o p le * * !.......__ Walsh To Grafton. 1000 Hope**!___ - ______ Steele To Sherbrooke. 135 Horace**!___________ Cass See Fargo. 865 Hunter**!___________ Cass See Fargo. 300 Hurdsfleld**!______ Wells To Carrington.500 Inkster**!__ Grand Forks See Grand Forks. 7500 »Jamestown**!...Stutsman OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorney for James River National Bank. 100 Jessie**!__________Griggs To Cooperstown. 150 Juanita *•!__ ______ Foster See Carrington. 200 Jud**!_____ ___ La Moure To La Moure. 200 Judson**!._______Morton To Mandan. 250 Karlsruhe**!__ TMcHenry To Drake. 20 Karnak**!......... . Griggs To Cooperstown. J Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis lar 1513 NAME. TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 300 150 2000 550 108 250 800 350 180 110 330 50 181 1000 Kathryn**!_______Barnes KemptOn**!.Grand Forks Kenmare**t-——— Ward Kensal**!_____ Stutsman Kermit**!-..- - - - - — Divide K ief*»!_______ McHenry Killdeer**!_________ Dunn Kindred**!___ — Cass Kintyre**!______ Emmons Kloten**!________.N elson K n ox **!_________ Benson Kongsberg____ McHenry Kramer**!_____Bottineau Kulm **!______ La Moure 1500 »Lakota**! *________Nelson To Valley City. See Grand Forks. See Min6t. ‘ See Jamestown. \ See Williston. To Drake. To Manning. See Fargo. To Linton. To Lakota. To Warwick. To Drake, See Bottineau. To La Moure, FR ICH & K E L L Y , Attorneys for theNational Bank o f Lakota. 1000 »La Moure**t— La Moure DAVIS & WARREN. See Bottineau. Cavalier E. E. FLETCHER. 400 Lankin**!____ I____ Walsh To Grafton. 550 L ansford**!___ Bottineau To Bottineau. 900 Larimore**! -Grand Forks See Grand Forks. 25 Larson**!_________ Burke To Bowbells. 250 Lawton**!_______ Ramsey To Devils Lake. 150 Leal**!____ (______Barnes To Valley City. 800 Leeds**!_________ Benson To Minnewaukan. 100 L efor*_____________Stark To Dickinson. 350 L e h r * * !___ ___ McIntosh See Ashley. 150 Leith*!____________ Grant See Mandan. 200 Leonard**!_________ Cass See Fargo. 1200 Lidgerwood**!.. Richland To Wahpeton. •200 Lignite**!_________ Burke To Bowbells. 75 Lincoln Valley*—Sheridan See McClusky. 800 »Linton**!_____ ..Emmons CHAS. COVENTRY. 45 Landa**!______ Bottineau 1400 »Langdon**!.. 2500 »L isbon **!_______ Ransom CURTIS & CURTIS. 600 Litchville**!______ Barnes To Valley City. 75 Logan*!_________ — Ward To Minot. 90 Loma**!_______— Cavalier To Langdon. 50 Lonetree**!________ Ward See Minot. 75 Loraine*_____ — Renville To Mohall. 25 Lostwood *•.....M ountrail See Stanley. 100 Lucca**!_____ ___ Barnes To Valley City. 109 Ludden**!_______ .Dickey See Ellendale. 50 Lundsvalley*__ Mountrail To Stanley. 200 Luverne**_____ ....S teele See Hope. 650 Maddock**!__ - — Benson To Minnewaukan. 150 Makoti*!_____ — — Ward See Minot. 5000 »Mandan**t_______ Morton E. A. RIPLEY. To Fessenden. 150 Manfred**!— --- Wells 125 Mannhaven*____ Mercer To Stanton. 15 »Manning* !.— — Dunn W . A . CARNS. 200 187 207 350 790 350 500 500 1200 100 800 i 200 ! 400 ! 100 75 470 600 100 200 100 232 300 550 50 50 641 410 M antador**!___ Richland Manvel**!— .Grand Forks Mapleton**!__. . . . . . Cass Marion**!______ La Moure Marmarth**!.___ ....Slope M artin**!___ ¿..Sheridan Max**!_________ .McLean Maxbass**!____ Bottineau Mayville**!------------ Traill McOanna**!. Grand Forks »McClusky**t___ Sheridan McGregor**!___ Williams McHenry**!______ Foster McKenzie**!____ Burleigh McLeod**!______ Ransom McVille**!________ Nelson Medina**!_____ Stutsman »M edora**!_______Billings Mekinock*— Grand Forks Melville**!_____ ...F oster Mercer**! .;____ —McLean Merricourt**!____ Dickey Michigan**!______ Nelson Midway*.—. _______ Slope Miliar ton ! . _ .__ Stutsman Milnor**!________ Sargent Milton**!________ Cavalier To Wahpeton. See Grand Forks. See Fargo. To La Moure. To Beach. To Fessenden. To Washburn, To Bottineau. To Hillsboro. See Grand Forks. To Carrington. See Williston. To Carrington. See Bismarck. To Lisbon. To Lakota. See Jamestown. To Beach. See Grand Forks. To Carrington. To Washburn. To Ellendale. To Lakota. To Beach. See Jamestown. To Wahpeton. To Langdon. , 560 »Minnewaukan**!. Benson TORGER SINNES*. 10000 »Minot**!________ ¿„W a rd 902 Minto**!____ — ..W alsh 100 Mofflt**—— ___ Burleigh 1000 »Mohall**!——— -Renvillb W . F. DOHERTY. Refer to Union Nat’l and Second Nat’l Bks, ToGrafton. To Bismarck. GRACE & BRYANS. 238 M onan go**!...— Dickey To Ellendale. : 200 Montpelier**!__ Stutsman See Jamestown. 126 Mooreton**t._— Richland To Wahpeton. 1000 »Mott**!________ Hbttinger JACOBSEN & M U R RA V . 150 100 400 150 100 Mountain*______ Pembina To G rafton.. Mowbray*_______ Cavalier To Langdon. Munich**!____ ¿..Cavalier To Langdon. Mylo**!—________ Rolette ToGrafton. Nanson*t__ _____Rolette See Rolla. 400 »Napoleon**!____,__ Logan G . M . M cKENNA. 528 200 N eche**!_____ .Pembina To Grafton. Nekoma**!______Cavalier To Langdon. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 i_j See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1514 NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. HON. 102 700 450 2000 700 50 1S7 250 260 450 Newburg**t___ Bottineau New England*!. Hettinger New Leipzig **t___ Grant »New Rockford**!__ Eddy New Salem**!____ Morton N ew ville*_______Towner Niagara**!.. Grand Forks Niobe**! . . . . ______ Ward N om e**!--------------Barnes Noonan**!____ . . . .Divide 110 Norma**!_______ Renville 200 Nortbgate**!______ Burke 1000 Northwood**! Grand F ’ks 100 N ortonville!___ La Moure 150 N orw ich**!__ ..M cH enry 1499 Oakes**!_______ ..D ickey 298 Oberon**!._____ _ Benson 200 Olga* — I ____ _ Cavalier 50 Olmslead*_______Towner 300 Omemee**!____ Bottineau 250 Oriska**!__ ______ Barnes 150 Orr*t_______ Grand Forks 250 Orrin*!_____ _____ Pierce 500 Osnabrock**!___ Cavalier 70Ó O verly**!...___ Bottineau 500 Page**!_____________Cass 200 Palermo**!____ Mountrail 1200 Park River**!_____ Walsh 500 Parshall**!___ Mountrail 300 Pekin**!__________Nelson 800 Pembina**! —___ Pembina 200 P enn**!__ ______ Ramsey 350 Perth**!_________ Towner 375 Petersburg**!____ Nelson 50 Pettibone**!______ Kidder 100 Pillsbury*!.... ......... Barnes 250 Pingree**!____ .Stutsman 812 Pisek**!______ .....W a ls h 800 Plaza**!_______ Mountrail 100 Pleasant Lake**tl.Benson 600 Portal**!_________ Burke 700 Portland**!________ Traill 850 Powers Lake**!___ Burke 15 Prosper •!_____ ___ Cass 150 R aleig h *!____ ____Grant Raub .... 100 Rawson*______ McKenzie 800 R a y * * !_______ ..Williams 300 R eeder**!____ ___ Adams 250 R egan**!_____ 250 Regent**!__.__ .Hettinger 15 Revere________ ----- Griggs 500 Reynolds**!.Grand Forks 290 Rhame**!_____ —Bowman 750 Richardton**! . 400 R"obinson**t___ ___Kidder 250 Rocklake*____ __Towner 150 R ogers**!____ 475 Rolette**!_____ __ Rolette 800 »Rolla**!_______ ...R olette 20 Roseglen*_____ —McLean 175 Ross**! —......... .Mountrail 15 Roth**_______ . Bottineau 1600 »R u gb y **!_____ 141 R u so**!______ 161 Russell**!_____. Bottineau 224 Rutland**t____ __ Sargent 500 Ryder**!______ -------Ward 390 Sanborn**!___ __ .Barnes 100 Sanger**!_____ 500 Sanish**!_____ -Mountrail 500 Sarles**!____ _ 827 S aw yer**!____ ........Ward 300 Scranton**!___ 2b Self rid g e ___ — 250 S elz**!_______ ____Pierce 500 Sentinel Butte*»>! Gol. Val. 500 Sharon**!____ ....... Steele 858 Sheldon**!____ — Ransom 600 Sherwood**!__— Renville 500 Sheyenne**!_______Eddy 200 Shields * ! —___ ____ Grant 75 Silva*____ ____ . S im coe*!_____ - McHenry 10 Slope Center —___ .Slope 200 Solen**_______ ____ Sioux 335 Souris**!_____ .Bottineau 20 Southam*!____ __ Ramsey 100 South Heart**! ____ Stark 250 Spiritwood**!....Stutsman 100 Spring Brook** ! . Williams 40 Stady*________ ___ Divide 850 »Stanley**!____ .Mountrail 400 »Stanton**!____ __ Mercer 246 Starkweather*..—.Ramsey 600 »Steele**!_____ ___Kidder 100 Sterling*»!.___ —Burleigh 200 Stirum**!_____ ...Sargent 500 St. John**!_______Rolette 500 Strasburg**!__ ..Emmons 750 Streeter**!____ .Stutsman 700 St. Thomas**!. —Pembina 150 Surrey**!_____ ____ Ward 200 Sutton**!____ _ 400 8ykeston**!__ ____ Wells 200 Tfcgus**t______ Mountrail 75 Tappen**!____ ___ Kidder 300 T aylor**!_____ ____ Stark Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) NAME. To Bottineau. CHAS. SIMON. See Mandan. E. P. WILMARTH. See Mandan. To Cando. See Grand Forks. To Minot. To Valley City. To Crosby. To Mohall. To Bowbells. See Grand Forks. To La Moure. To Drake. To Ellendale. T o Warwick. To Langdon. To Cando. See Bottineau. To Valiey City. See Grand Forks. To Rugby. To Langdon. See Bottineau. See Fargo. See Stanley. To Grafton. See Stanley. To Lakota. To Grafton. To Devils Lake/ To Cando. To Nelson. To Steele. See Valley City. See Jamestown. To Grafton. See Stanley. To Warwick. To Bowbells. T o Hillsboro. See Fargo. See Mandan. To Watford City. See Williston. To Hettinger. See Bismarck. To New England. To Cooperstown. See Grand Forks. To Hettinger. See Dickinson. To Steele. To Cando. To Valley City. To Rolla. FBED E. H A R R IS. To Washburn. To Stanley. See Bottineau. R . E. WENZEL. To Washburn. See Bottineau. To Wahpeton. See Minot. To Valley City. To Center To Stanley. To Langdon. See Minot. To Hettinger. To Mandan. To Rugby. To Beach. To Sherbrooke. To Lisbon. To Mohall. To New Rockford. See Mandan. To Rugby. To Drake. To Beach. See Mandan. See Bottineau. To Devils Lake. See Dickinson. See Jamestown. See Williston. See Williston. R A Y O. M IL L E R , ney. H . L . B E R R Y. To Devils Lake. ARNE VINJE. See Bismarck. To Wahpeton. See Rolla. To Linton. See Jamestown. To Grafton. • See Minot. To Cooperstown. To Carrington. To Stanley. To Steele. See Dickinson. Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 75 Temple**_______ Williams 200 Temvik** . . . ___ Emmons 350 Thompson**! Grand Forks 105 Thom e**!________ Rolette 50 Timmer**!__ ___ .Morton 400 Tioga**!________Williams 100 Tokio**!— _____ Benson 350 T olley**!_______ Renvilje 209 Tolna**!________ ..Nelson 452 Tower C ity * * !........C a ss 850 »Towner**!_____ McHenry 331 Trenton**!_____ Williams 500 Turtle Lake**! ...M cLean 350 Tuttle**!_________ Kidder 650 Underwood**!-___ McLean 296 Upham**!______ McHenry 5800 »Valley City**!____ Barnes 500 Van Hook*!. ....M ountrail 1000 Velva**!_______McHenry 250 Venturia**!.;___ McIntosh 235 Verona**!..___ .La Moure 381 Voltaire**!_____ McHenry 100 W abek__ _____ Mountrail (Plaza P. O.) 3000 »Wabpeton**!___ Richland 400 300 592 200 400 657 500 100 100 300 592 300 225 264 100 500 5500 800 710 571 200 1000 475 350 600 600 90 150 200 250 W alcott**!_____ Richland W ales**!________ Cavalier Walhalla**!.____ Pembina Walum**!_________ Griggs Warwick**!_____ .Benson »Washburn**!____ McLean Watford C ity!—McKenzie Webster*________ Ramsey Wellsburg*! . . . ____ Wells Werner*!__________ Dunn Westhope**!___ Bottineau Wheatland**!_______Cass W heelock**!___ Williams White Earth**!.Mountrail W hitman*!_______Nelson W ildrose**!____ Williams »W illiston**!____ Williams Willow Oity**!..Bottineau W ilton **!___ ___ McLean Wimbledon**!____ Barnes Wing**!_________Burleigh W ishek**!_____ McIntosh W olford**!________ Pierce Woodworth**! ..Stutsman Wyndmere**! ...Richland York**!__________ Benson Ypsilanti**!____ Stutsman Zahl*__________ .Williams Z ap*!____________ Mercer Zeeland**!_____ McIntosh NAME. To Williston. To Linton. See Grand Forks. See Rolla. To Mandan. See Williston. To Minnewaukan. To Mohall. To Lakota. See Fargo. To Drake. To Williston. To Washhurn. To Steele. To Bismarck. To Drake. COOMBS & RICHIE. To Stanley. To Drake. See Ashley. To La Moure. To Drake. To Stanley. D A N R . JONES, Attorney for the National Bank o f Wahpeton. To Wahpeton. To Langdon. To Grafton. To Cooperstown. To Minnewaukan. McCULLOCH & McCULLOCH. L. M . BURKEY. To Devils Lake. To Fessenden. To Manning. To Bottineau. To Fargo. See Williston. See Stanley. To Lakota. See Williston. H. W . B R A A T B L IE N . To Bottineau. To Washburn. To Valley City. See Bismarck. To Ashley. To Rugby. See Jamestown. To Wahpeton. To Minnewaukan. See Jamestown. To Williston. To Stanton. ____________ See Ashley. O H IO ■ This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. Ohio Is divided into two Federal Districts: Northern and Southern. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Eastern (1) with court at Cleveland first Tuesdays in February, April, and October. The Western (2) with court at Toledo, last Tuesdays in April and Octo ber, and at Youngstown on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March. ____ The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Western (3), with court at Cincinnati, the first Tuesdays in February, April and October; the Eastern (4), with court at Columbus, first Tuesdays in June and December, and at Steubenville first Tuesdays in March and September. District court is also held at Dayton (3 and 4) the first Mondays in M ay and November (for both divisions). For convenience each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Adams (3), Allen (2), Ashland (1), Ashtabula (1), Athens (4), Auglaize (2), Belmont (4), Brown (3), Butler (3), Carroll (1), Champaign (3), Clark (3), Clermont (3), Clinton (3), Columbiana (1), Coshocton (4), Crawford (1), Cuyahoga (1), Darke (3), Defiance (2), Delaware (4), Erie (2), Fairfield (4), Fayette (4), Franklin (4), Fultoni>, Gallia (4), Geauga (1), Greene (3), Guernsey (4), Hamilton (3), ancock (2), Hardin (2), Harrison (4), Henry (2), Highland (3), Hock ing (4), Holmes (1), Huron (2), Jackson (4), Jefferson (4), Knox (4), Lake (1), Lawrence (3), Licking (4), Logan (4), Lorain (1), Lucas (2), Madison (4), Mahoning (1), Marion (2), Medina (1), Meigs (4), Mercer (2), Miami (3), Monroe (4), Montgomery (3), Morgan (4), Morrow (4), Muskingum (4), Noble (4), Ottawa (2), Paulding (2), Perry (4), Picka way (4), Pike (4), Portage (1), Preble (3), Putnam (2), Richland (1), Ross (4), Sandusky (2), Scioto (3), Seneca (2), Shelby (3), Stark (1), Summit (1), Trumbull (1), Tuscarawas (1), Union (4), Van Wert (2V Vinton (4), Warren (3), Washington (4), Wayne (1), Williams (2), Wood (2), Wyandot (2). g REFERENCE KEY »C ou nty Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 2500 A d a **!__________ Hardin 500 Adel phi*.— ___ Ross 570 Adena**!_______Jefferson 85625 »Akron**! — ......... Summit 546 600 1000 18960 402 484 Albany**!_______ Athens Alexandria**!___Licking Alger**!_________ HardiD Alliance**!—_____—Stark Alvordton**!___Williams Amanda**!____—Fairfield To Kenton. To Chillicothe. To Steubenville. BURCH, ADAMS & REAM. R efer to any Bank in Akron, Ohio. See Athens. To Newark. To Kenton. To Canton. See Bryan. To Lancaster. N O T F USE COUPONS as instru cted to BE PROTECTED by bon d . I v V / 1 JZj See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. OHIO A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) NAME. tow n an d county. non. 417 287 2500 1041 902 460 856 1187 400 500 1361 1100 798 _______ ■ __ ______ Amelia*!__ .....C lerm on t To Cincinnati. Amesville**______ Athens To Athens. A m herstM _______ Lorain To Elyria. Amsterdam**! ..Jefferson To Steubenville. Andover**t____ Ashtabula To Ashtabula. Anna**t_—______ Shelby See Greenville. Ansonia**!________ Darke See Greenville. Antwerp**!_____ Paulding To Paulding. Apple Creek**t___ Wayne To Wooster. Arcadia**!______ Hancock To Findlay. Arcanum**!.— — -Darke To Greenville. Archbold**!______ Fulton To Wauseon. Arlington**!-¿.__ Hancock To Findlay. 8000 »Ashland**! ...____Ashland C . S. HUFFMAN. 800 Ashley**!______ Delaware To Delaware. 21498 Ashtabula**!— Ashtabula M O T T G . S P A U L D IN G . 1000 Ashville**!____ Pickaway To Circleville. 6500 »Athens**!________ Athens E M M E TT KEENAN. 719 Attica**!_________ Seneca To Tiffin. 300 Atwater**!_______ Portage To Ravenna. 1000 Bainbridge**!______ Ross See Chillicothe. 377 Baltic**!_____ Tuscarawas To New Philadelphia. 700 Baltimore**!____ Fairfield To Lancaster. 13210 Barberton**!___ .Summit To Akron. 5000 Barnesville**!__ Belmont J. H. CHANEY. 504 Basil**!_________ Fairfield To Lancaster. 1034 »Batavia**!_____ Clermont To Cincinnati. 871 Beach City**!______ Stark To Canton. 564 Beallsville**!____ Monroe To Woodsfleld. 286 Beaver**!___________Pike SeeWaverly. 455 Beaverdam**!______ Allen To Lima. 1783 B edford**!____ Cuyahoga To Cleveland. 14348 Bellaire**!______ Belmont D. D . DU BOIS. 1000 Belle Center**!____ Logan To Bellefontaine. 9237 »Bellefontaine**!___ Logan EDW ARD K . CAMPBELL. 6000 Bellevue**!_______ Huron To Norwalk. 1056 Bellville**!_____ Richland To Mansfield. 572 Belmont** . . . __ Belmont To Barnesville. T o Ottawa. 298 Belmore**!______ ___________Putnam 2609 Berea**!_______ Cuyahoga T o Cleveland. 1011 Bergholz**!____ Jefferson To Steubenville. 554 Berlin Heights**!___ Erie To Sandusky. 1500 Bethel*.._______ Clermont T o Cincinnati. 1200 Bethesda**!_____ Belmont To Barnesville. 486 Bettsville**!______ Seneca To Tiffin. 300 Beverly*!__ Washington To Marietta. 250 Bigprairie**____ ..H olm es To Wooster. 2000 Blanchester**!___ Clinton To Wilmington. 602 Bloomdale**!______ Wood To Bowling Green. 810 Bloomingburg**!..Fayette 754 Bloomville**!_____ Seneca 1953 Bluffton**!_________ Allen 567 Bolivar**!___ Tuscarawas 579 Botkins**!____ ....S h e lb y 514 Bowerston**!___ Harrison 297 Bowersville**_____ Greene 7000 »Bowling Green**! ..W ood 2200 Bradford**!_______Miami 900 Bradner**!________ Wood 1500 Bremen**!______ Fairfield 6000 Bridgeport**!___ Belmont 1300 Brookville**! Montgomery To Washington, C. H. To Tiffin. To Lima. To New Philadelphia. To Greenville. To Cadiz. To Xenia. EARL D . B LOOM . To Troy. To Bowling Green. To Lancaster. To Bellaire. To Dayton. 4000 »Bryan**!_______Williams NEWCOM ER & GERHARD. 269 Buckeye City*!_____ Knox To Mt. Vernon. 9103 »Bucyrus**t ___ -Crawford LEUTHOLD & M cC A R R O N . 2000 Buffalo**!_____ Guernsey To Cambridge. 400 Burkettsville* —___ Darke See Greenville. 650 Burton*!_________Geauga To Painesville. 200 Bushneli______ Ashtabula See Jefferson. £ (Conneaut P. O.) 800 Butler**!______..Richland To Mansfield. 4000 Byesville**!____ Guernsey To Cambridge. 2500 »Cadiz**!............ Harrison JOHN C. SHARON. 2000 »Caldwell**!-______ Noble 700 Caledonia**!_____ Marion 13483 »Cambridge**!._Guernsey 899 Camden**!_______ Preble 978 Canal Fulton**!____Stark 740 CanalWinchester**!.Fr’in 685 Canfield**!____ Mahoning 60852 »Canton**!__________ Stark H A R R Y SM ITH . To Marion. M ILTON H . TURNER. To Eaton. To Canton. To Columbus. To Youngstown. CLARENCE G . HERBRUCK, Attorney for George D. Har ter Bank, Union Metal, Hoover Suction Sweeper Com pany, American Mine Door Co., Postal Telegraph, Daily News, Canton Stamping, 1349 Cardington**! ___ Morrow 2225 Carey**!_______Wyandot 500 Carroll**t_______Fairfield 1720 »Carrollton**! ____ Carroll 3818 Carthage*______ Hamilton (Cincinnati P. O.) 600 Castalia**!__________Erie 1059 Cedarville**! — Greene 4000 »Celina**! _____ — Mercer 800 Centerburg**! . . ——Knox 2000 Chagrin Falls**!—Cuy’oga 2000 »Chardon**!_______Geauga 300 Chattanooga______ Mercer ... g (R ockford P. O.) *10 Chesterhill*—:____ Morgan To Mt. Gilead. To Upper Sandusky. To Lancaster. FRED. W . McCOY. See Cincinnati. To Sandusky. To Xenia. JOHN KRAMER. To Mt. Vernon. To Cleveland. To Painesville. To Celina. To McConnelsville. W n T I T l l V / Jl L i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis POPU LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. . 1515 NAME. 3200 Cheviot____ ____ Hamilton See Cincinnati. (.Cincinnati P . O.) 4000 Chicago Junction**!Huron To Norwalk. 400 Chickasaw**!_____ Mercer To Celina. 15470 »Chillicothe**!_____ ..R oss WILBY G. HYDE. 500 Ghristiansburg** Champ’n To Urbana. 410476»Cincinnati**!___ Hamilton BURCH, PETERS & CONNOLLY, 703, 704 and 705 First Nat’l Bank Bldg. General Practice in all State and Federal Courts. References: First National Bank, Herrlinger Paper Co., Pickering Hardware Company. References in other cities on application. Local and long distance telephone. (See also at Covington and Newport, K y .) 8000 »Circleville**!__ Pickaway CHRIS A . WELDON. 784 Glarington*! _____ Monroe To Woodsfleld. 558 Clarksburg*________ Ross See Chillicothe. 425 Clarksville**!___ Clinton To Wilmington. 674073*Cleveland**t___ Cuyahoga' STEARNS, CHAMBERLAIN & RO YON, 1505-1510 William son Bldg. Attorneys for the First National Bank, The First Savings & Trust Co., and refer to any Bank or Trust Comany in Cleveland. Compilers o f the Ohio laws fo r this publication. SCHULTZ & SCHULTZ, 917-925 Engineers Building. Cor poration and Commercial Law. General Counsel, Ohio Printers’ Federation. R efer to the First National Bank, the State Banking & Trust Company, and Welsbach Com pany. Issue depositions to R. Hugh Bingham. SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEM PSEY, Leader-News Bldg. Attorneys for Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland, Ohio, Bank of Commerce National Association, the Citizens Sav ings & Trust Co., the Guardian Sav. & Trust Co., the Union National Bank, and the Peoples Savings Bank Co. 2000 Oleves**!______ Hamilton To Cincinnati. 305 Clinton**!______ Summit To Akron. 3000 Clyde**!______ Sandusky To Fremont. 1600 Coldwater**!_____Mercer To Celina. 1000 College Corner** ...B utler To Hamilton. 10000 Collinwood**! .„Cuyahoga To Cleveland. _____ Columbia*............. Williams To Bryan. (E d o n P .O .) . 1800 Columbiana**!..Col’biana To East Palestine. 214878§»Columbus* • ! . . Franklin EAGLESON & EAGLESON. R efer to City National Bank, Citizens Trust & Savings Bank and State Savings Bank and Trust Co. General civil practice in State and Federal courts. M O R T O N , IR V IN E , TURNER A BLANCHARD, 50 East Broad Street. Refer to Huntington Nat’l Bank, and State Savings Bank and Trust Co. FRANK M . RAYMUND, 305 Hayden-Olinton Bank Bldg. R efer to Ohio National Bank and any other bank pr jobber in Columbus. 2000 Columbus Grove**!.Put’m To Ottawa. 234 Com’l Point*___ Pickaway To Circleville. 9064 Conneaut**! ___ Ashtabula To Ashtabula. 1300 Continental**!___ Putnam To Ottawa. 800 Convoy**!_____ Van Wert See Van Wert. 370 Ooolville*!________ Athens See Athens. 1564 Corning**!_________ Perry To Zanesville. 700 Cortland**! —__ Trumbull To Warren. 11570 »Coshocton**! —Coshocton GEO. D. KLEIN. 2000 Covington**!______ Miami To Troy. 4000 Crestline**!____ Crawford To Bucyrus. 1100 Creston**!_______ W ayne To Wooster. 650 Oridersville**!..-Auglaize To Wapakoneta. 3028 Crooksville**!_____ Perry To Zanesville. 500 Croton**! —______ Licking To Newark. 609 Cumberland**!-. Guernsey To Cambridge. 450 Custar**!__________Wood To Bowling Green. 8000 Cuyahoga Falls**! Summit To Akron. 800 C ygnet**!_________ Wood To Bowling Green. 599 Dalton**!_________ Wayne To Wooster. 373 Danville**!________ Knox To Mt. Vernon. 127224»Dayton**t —Montgomery E. H. & W . B. TURNER, Rooms 2 to 7, Beckel Bldg. fer to City, Third, and Fourth National Banks. R e * LEE WARREN JAMES (L , W . James, J. B . Coolidge, H. A , Estabrook), 509-516 U. B. Bldg. Attorney for Winters National and Merchants National Banks, Dayton, Ohio. H. B. MULLHOLAND. 9000 »Defiance**!.____ Defiance 1082 Degraff**!--- --------- Logan To Bellefontaine. 9790 »Delaware**!------ Delaware B. P. BENTON. 5500 Delphos**!_________ Allen To Lima. 2000 Delta**! — — Fulton To Wauseon. 4500 Dennison**!..Tuscarawas To New Philadelphia. 1600 Deshler**! —--------- Henry To Napoleon. 2200 Dillonvale**!___ Jefferson To Steubenville. 7500 D over**!--__ Tuscarawas To New Philadelphia. 877 Doylestown**_____ Wayne To Wooster. 1549 Dresden**!__ Muskingum To Zanesville. 1109 Dunkirk**!............. Hardin To Kenton. 13214 E. Cleveland**!-Cuyahoga To Cleveland. • 500 East Liberty**!------ Logan To Bellefontaine. 22586 East Liverpool**! Columbiana P. L. RIGBY. 5000 East Palestine**! Columbiana LAFAYETTE M . KEYES. 4972 East Youngstown**t Mahoning To Youngstown.______ USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by b o n d . See com p lete in form ation in preface to -A tt o r n e y List, 1516 O H IO A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 4000 »Eaton*» ! __________ Preble 1200 Edgerton*»t ...__Williams 678 E don*»t___ ____ Williams 500 Eldorado*»!_______Preble 500 E lid a * »!______ ____ Allen 937 Elmore*»t . . . . . . . .Ottawa 3423 ElmwoodPlace*»!Hamilt’n 18618 »Elyria*»!__________Lorain 500 Englewood*».Montgomery 437 Farmersville*»!. M ’tg’ery 915 Eayette*»t. . . . . . __ Pulton 370 Fayetteville*!— Brown 800 Felicity*______ -Clermont 14858 »Findlay*»t. . . . . . .Hancock 868 Flushing*»_____ Belmont 1285 Forest*»t__ ______ Hardin 489 Fort Loramie*»— Shelby 1300 Fort Recovery*»!..M ercer 10770 Fostoria*»t.____ __ Seneca 900 Frankfort*»t_______ Ross 3000 Franklin*»t_____ Warren 700 Frazeysburg*»..Musk’g ’m 507 Fredericksburg*»!.Wayne 1100 Fredericktown*»!. __Knox 1000 F re e p o rt* »!.... .Harrison 10882 »Fremont*»! ___ Sandusky 350 Gahanna*._____Franklin { 300 Galena*»! .......D e la w a re 10000 Galion*»! .......C r a w fo r d 6000 »Gallipolis*»!_______ Gallia 537 Gambier*»!________ Knox 1001 Garrettsville*»!__ Portage ,3000 Geneva*»! _ „ i__ Ashtabula 1100 Genoa*»!_________ Ottawa 2000 »Georgetown*!...;__ Brown 1778 Germantown*»!..M’tg’ery 320 Gettsyburg*»!_____ Darke 2000 Gibsonburg*»! ..Sandusky 345 Gilboa*»!________ Putnam 6000 .Girard*»!____ .Trumbull 350 G le n fo rd * »!....____ Perry 269 Glenm ont*»!..___ Holmes 3200 Glouster*»!.._____ Athens 650 Gnadenhuten*».Tusc'was 450 Good Hope*»!..___ Fayette 720 Grand Rapids*»!___ Wood 1600 Granville*»!______ Licking 410 Gratis*------------------ Preble 308 Green Camp*»!___ Marion 5000 Greenfield*»!___ Highland 833 Greenspring*»!___ Seneca NAME. LOWRY & KING. See Bryan. See Bryan. To Eaton. To Lima. To Port Clinton. To Cincinnati. F. A. STETSON. To Dayton. To Dayton. See Delta. See Georgetown. To Cincinnati. JOHN E. PRIDDY. To Bellaire. To Kenton. See Sidney. To Celina. GUERNSEY & GUERNSEY. See Chillicothe. To Lebanon. To Zanesville. To Wooster. To Mt. Vernon. To Cadiz. GARYPR & GARYER. To Columbus. To Delaware. To Bucvrus. EDWIN S. BARGER. To Newark. To Ravenna. To Ashtabula. To Port Clinton. PARKER & MARKLEY. To Dayton. To Greenville. To Fremont. See Ottawa. To Warren. To Zanesville. See Millersburg. To Athens. To Neiy Philadelphia. To Washington C. H. To Bowling Green. To Newark. To Eaton. To Marion. COKE L. DOSTER. To Tiffin. B I C K E L , B A K E R & MUR PHY. Reference: Greenville Nat’l and Second Nat’l Banks. Attor neys for Citizens State Bank. Represent the Big Four Railroad. 1000 Greenwich*»! _____ Huron To Norwalk. 1000 Grove City*»!___Franklin To Columbus. 643 G roveport*»!___Franklin To Columbus. •76 Grover H ill* »!_Paulding To Paulding. 1200 Hamden*»! _______ Vinton To McArthur. 276 Hamersville* ____ Brown To Georgetown. 40496 »Hamilton*»!__ ——.Butler SAM D. FITTON, JR., Rent schler Bldg. Attorney for First National Bank, Hamilton, Ohio. 696 H am ler*»!__ _____ Henry To Napoleon. 300 H arpster*!_____ Wyandot See Upper Sandusky. 286 Harrisburg*_____ Franklin To Columbus. 2500 Harrison*»!____ Hamilton To Cincinnati. 474 H arrod*»!_________ Allen To Lima. 297 Hartville*»!__ ,_____ Stark To Canton. 500 Haskins*»!_________Wood To Bowling Green. 233 Haviland*»!____ Paulding To Paulding. 677 Hebron*»! _Licking To Newark. 305 Helena*»!______ Sandusky See Fremont. 2395 Hicksville*»!.T__ Defiance To Defiance. 450 Higginsport*______ Brown See Georgetown. 272 Highland*»_____ Highland To Greenfield. ' 370 Hilliards*»___ ...Franklin To Columbus. 4700 »H illsboro*»!___ Highland To Greenfield. 1095 Holgate*»!________ Henry To Napoleon. 287 Hollansburg*_____ Darke See Greenville. 230 Holmesville*»!___ Holmes See Millersburg. 450 Hopedale*»!____ Harrison To Cadiz. 400 H oward*»!_____\___ Knox To Mt. Vernon. 404 Hoytville*»!___ ....W o o d To Bowling Green. 2000 Hubbard*»! ___ Trumbull To Warren. 1021 Hudson*»!_______ Summit To Akron. 328 H untsville*»!...___ Logan To Bellefontaine. 1756 Huron*»!___ ___ .....E r ie To Sandusky. 13949 »Tronton*»!__ |__ Lawrence COOPER & RUSSELL. 6000 »Jackson*»!______ Jackson JOHN ROBBINS. 685 Jackson Center*»!.Shelby To Greenville. 1250 Jamestown*»!___ Greene To Xenia. 1500 »Jefferson*»!___ Ashtabula To Ashtabula. 716 Jeffersonville*»!._Fayette To Washington C. H. 360 Jenera*»!_______Hancock To Findlay. 314 Jeromesville*— Ashland To Ashland. 1000 Jewett*»!_____ ..Harrison To Cadiz. 1000 Johnstown*»!____ Licking To Newark. 1200 Junction City*»!___ Perry To Zanesville. 800 Kalida*»_________ Putnam To Ottawa. 500 Kansas»___________Seneca To Tiffin. 1000 Kenm ore*!______ Summit To Akron. 400 Kensington*»!. Columbi’a To East Liverpool. 5000 Kent*»!_____ .....P o rta g e To Ravenna. 8000 »Kenton*»!_______I.Hardin JOHNSON & JOHNSON. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TIQK.__________________________ 400 813 900 300 400 450 Killbuck*»!. .„ .„ H o lm e s Kingston*»!_________Ross Kinsman*»_____ Trumbull Kipton*»!___ _____ Lorain Kirkersville*»____ Licking Kunkle*»!--------- Williams 616 La Fayette*»! ____ A lion 467 Lagrange*»!______ Lorain 528 L akeview *»!.____ -Logan 22615 Lakewood*»!__ Cuyahoga 15670 »Lancaster*»!___ .1 Fairfield 772 Larue*»!_________ Marion 457 Laurelville*» Hocking 2698 »Lebanon*»! . . . __ Warren 873 Leesburg*»!___ Highland 2665 Leetonia*»!__ Columbiana 1773 L eipsic*»!__ -„ „P u tn a m 1100 Lewisburg*»!____ -Preble 200 Lew istow n*»!...__ Logan 291 Lewisville*»! „ ..„ M o n r o e 654 Lexington*»!___Richland 647 Liberty Oenter*»t__Henry 350 Lilly Chapel*»! —Madison 35384 »Lima*»!__________ „A llen (BOND ED ) NAME. To Coshocton. See Chillicothe. To Warren. To Elyria. To Newark. See Bryan. To Lima. To Elyria. To Bellefontaine. To Cleveland. AUGUSTUS W . MITHOFF. To Marion. See Logan. BRANDON & IVINS. To Greenfield. To East Palestine. See Ottawa. To Eaton. To Bellefontaine. To Woodsfield. To Mansfield. See Napoleon. To London. CABLE C A B L E , General practice — State and Federal Courts. Special attention given to Corporation, Commercial and Bankruptcy Matters. See Fremont. To East Palestine. To Cincinnati. To Medina. EUGENE WRIGHT. C. R . HORNBECK. VAN DEUSEN & CALHOUN. To Ashland. To Canton. To Cincinnati. To Marietta. To Youngstown. To Marietta. To Mansfield. To Bowling Green. To Greenfield. See Wauseon. To Painesville. To Cincinnati. To Marysville. To Canton. To Napoleon. To McConnelsville., To West Union. WILLIAM M . WELDON. To Ravenna. To Port Clinton. To Mt. Gilead. J. C. BREN AN. CHARLES C. FISHER. To Bellaire. To Wilmington. CAMERON & CAMERON. To Lebanon. To Canton. To Toledo. To Logan. To Napoleon. To Findlay. M . E. DANFORD. 501 Lindsey*»!—___ Sandusky 3500 »Lisbon*»!___ Columbiana 3439 Lockland*»!..,__ Hamilton 1015 Lodi*»!_______ ___ Medina 7000 »Logan*!___ _____ Hocking 4000 »L ondon *»!______ Madison 36964 Lorain*»!_____ t___Lorain 2000 Loudonville*»!__ Ashland 1678 Louisville*»! . . — .Stark 1421 Loveland*»!____ Clermont 700 Lowell*»!------ Washington 2500 Lowellville*»! —Mahoning 187 Lower Salem* Washington 272 Lucas*»! „ . . . __ Richland 500 L uckey*»!_______ —Wood 922 Lynchburg*»!__ Highland 408 Lyons*»!...............-.Fulton 863 Madison*»!___ _____ Lake 8000 Madisonville*»! .Hamilton 155 Magnetic Springs.-Union 556 Magnolia*»!—!..— .Stark 345 Malinta*»!___ ____ Henry 971 M alta*»!___ _____ Morgan 1966 Manchester*»_____Adams 22734 »Mansfield*»!____ Richland 721 Mantua*»!____ . . . Portage 1204 Marblehead*»!___ Ottawa 283 Marengo*»!__ ___ Morrow 14785 »Marietta*»!.„Washington 23430 »M arion*»!________Marion 9996 Martins Ferry*»!.Belmont 334 Martinsville*»t___ Clinton 3576 »M arysville*»!.......U nion 1000 M ason*»!______ ¿.Warren 17000 M assillon*»!____ „.S ta r k 3000 Maumee*»!_____ __ Lucas 1107 »M cArthur*»!_____ Vinton 600 McClure*»! . . _____ Henry 1088 McComb*»!_____ Hancock 1831 »McConnelsville*!. Morgan 430 McCutchenville*»!_______ , Wyandot To Upper Sandusky. . 1446 Mechanicsburg*»!„Oh’p’n To Urbana. 3000 »Medina*»!__ _____ Medina W . P. AINSWORTH. 621 M endon*»!______ .Mercer To Celina. . 500_ Metamora*»!— Fulton See Napoleon. 4271 Miamisburg*»t. Montg’ery To Dayton. 640 Middlefleld*»!____ Geauga To Painesville. 800 Middle Point*»! Van Wert See Van Wert. 4000 M iddleport*»!_____ Meigs See Pomeroy. 15625 M iddletown*»!___ Butler BOYD & BURKE. 696 M ilan*»!___ - _______ Erie To Sandusky. 1600 M ilford*»!_____ Clermont To Cincinnati. 685 Milford Center*»t„Union To Marysville. 187 Milledgeville*»!__ Fayette To Washington C. H. 2020 »Millersburg*»!__ .Holmes To Coshocton. 450 M illersport*»!..„Fairfield To Lancaster. 1500 Mineral City*»! -Tusc’was To New Philadelphia. 2000 Minerva*»!____ ____ Stark To Canton. 4049 Mingo June.*»! .Jefferson To Steubenville. 1700 Minster*»!____ —Auglaize To Wapakoneta. 255 M onroe*»!__ _____ Butler To Hamilton. 1152 Monroeville*»!____ Huron To Norwalk. 4000 M ontpelier*»!__ Williams To Bryan. 334 M orral*!___ ...____Marion To Marion. 280 Morristown*____ Belmont To Barnesville. 832 Morrow*»! __ .Warren To Lebanon. 327 Moscow*__ ____ Clermont To Cincinnati. 451 Mt. Blanchard*»! Hancock To Findlay. 290 Mt. C ory*»___ —Hancock To Findlay. 1700 »Mt. Gilead*»!____ Morrow BENJ. OLDS. 1799 Mt. Healthy*»__ Hamilton To Cincinnati; 539 Mt. Orab*»t . . . _..B row n See Georgetown. 701 Mt. Pleasant*! —Jefferson To Steubenville. 1200 Mt. Sterling*»!...Madison To London. 10628 »Mt. V ernon*»!_____ Knox H. H. & R. M . GREER. 800 Mt. V ictory *»!___ Hardin See Kenton. 1200 Mt. Washington*Hamilton To Cincinnati. M / V T ' E * USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED By bond: * 'I 1 1-s See complete information in preface to Attorney List. . a T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) Popo laTOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. tiqn. ______ ;_____________________ ;_____________________ 326 Mowrystown*« ..Highland See Hillsboro. 4007 »Napoleon*«! .— .„H e n r y 1357 Navarre*«!_________ Stark 2500 Neffs*«!------------- Belmont 0082 Nelsonville*t_____ Alliens 1000 Nevada*«!____ _W yandot C. P. PRENTISS. To Canton. To Bellaire. To Athens. To Upper Sandusky. 29685 «Newark*«!---------- Licking 865 New B erlin*«!------ -Stark 1850 New Bremen*«t_.Auglaize 1058 New Oarlisle*«t------ Clark 8500 Newcomerstown*«! Tuscarawas 683 NewConcord*«tMusk’g ’m 1000 New Holland*«! Pickaway 487 New Knoxville*—Auglaize 202 New Lebanon*«Montg’ery 2559 «New Lexington*«!—Perry 1557 New London*«!___ Huron 628 New M adison*«!__ Darke 500 New Marshfield*«! Athens 1000 New Matamoras*__ Wash. 1000 New Paris*«! ____ Preble JONES & JONES. To Canton. To Wapakoneta. See Springfield. To New Philadelphia. To Zanesville. To Circleville. To Wapakoneta. To Dayton. To Zanesville. To Norwalk. To Greenville. See Athens. To Marietta. To Eaton. PATRICK & PATRICK. To Cincinnati. To Zanesville. To Warren. To Wilmington. To Bucyrus. To East Palestine. See Defiance. To Warren. To Bowling Green. To Warren. To Norwalk. To Urbana. 8500 *Norwalk*«+_____.—Huron ■j . r . M c k n i g h t . 22286 Norwood*«!____Hamilton To Cincinnati. 300 Nova*«!__ ______Ashland To Ashland. 2000 Oakharbor*«!____Ottawa To Port Clinton. 1000 Oak Hill*«!— ...Jackson To Jackson. 496 Oakwood*«!___ Paulding To Paulding. 5000 Oberlin*«!_______ Lorain To Elyria. 860 Ohio City*«!___Van Wert See Van Wert. 120 Okeana*«________ Butler To Hamilton. 200 Old F ort*«!-_____ Seneca To Fostoria. 294 01msteadFalls*«!C’yahoga To Cleveland. 185 Orangeville*«! —Trumbull To Warren. 4000 C rrville*«!______ Wayne To Wooster. 1200 O rwell*______ Ashtabula To Ashtabula. 866 Osborn*«!_______ Greene To Xenia. 214 Osgood*«_________ Darke To Greenville. 431 Ostrander*«!___Delaware To Delaware. 2500 «Ottawa*«!_______ Putnam BAILEY & LEASURE. 477 Ottoville*«!_____ Putnam See Ottawa. 234 Otway*«!_________ Scioto To Portsmouth. 289 Owensville*i___ Clermont To Cincinnati. 2017 O x ford *«!_______ Butler To Hamilton. 6000 «Painesville*«!______ Lake ALVORD & BLAKELY. 800 Pandora*«!_____ Putnam See Ottawa. 800 Pataskala*«!____ Licking To Newark. 2081 «Paulding*«!_____ Paulding SNOOK & SAVAGE. 1207 Payne*«!______ Paulding To Paulding. 921 Peebles*«!_______ Adams To West Union. 1006 Pemberville*«!___ Wood To Bowling Green. 430 Peninsula*«!____ Summit To Akron. 2000 Perrysburg*«t____ Wood To Bowling Green. 1000 Perrysville*«___.Ashland To Ashland. 450 Pettisville*«!____ Fulton See Napoleon. 342 Phillipsburg*. Montgom’y To Dayton. 810 Pickerington*«!..Fairfield To Lancaster. 275 Piedmont*«!___ Harrison To Cadiz. 668 Piketon«!__________ Pike To Waverly. 800 Pioneer*«!_____ Wiliiams To Bryan. 14152 P iqua*«!_______ —Miami To Troy. 500 Pitsburg*__ _____ .Darke See Greenville. 1500 Plain City*«!__ -Madison To London. 1000 Pleasant City*«! Guernsey To Cambridge. 571 Pleasant Hill*«!___ Miami To Troy. 608 Pleasantville*«!—Fairfield To Lancaster. 1413 Plym outh*«!___ Richland To Mansfield. 300 Polk— - __ ____ —Ashland To Ashland. 4650 «Pom eroy*«!_______Meigs D. CURTIS REED. 450 Portage*«!_________Wood To Bowling Green. 3007 «Port Clinton*«!___ Ottawa R . H . CRAWFORD. 38741 «Portsmouth*«!____ Scioto WILLIAM J. MEYER. 421 PortWash’g ’n*«..Tuscar’s To New Philadelphia. 298 Port William*«___ Clinton To Wilmington, *86 Powhatan Point* Belmont See Saint Clairsville. 900 Prairie Depot*«!___ Wood To Bowling Green. »45 P rospect*«!_____ .Marion To Marion. »00 Quaker City*« —Guernsey To Barnesville. "94 Quincy*!____ _____ Logan To Bellefontaine. "40 R acine*____ __ ___ Meigs See Pomeroy. 6000 «Ravenna*«!______ Portage H . R . LOOMIS. Kaw son*«!--------Hancock To Findlay. Raymond*«!---------- Union To Marysville. 4000 R eading*«!...__ Hamilton To Cincinnati. ... ( Cincinnati P . O.) Republic*«!_______Seneca To Tiffin. M Reynoldsburg*« .Franklin To Columbus. »22 Rich w ood *«!______ Union To Marysville. In« Rifieeville Corners* Henry To Napoleon. Ridueway*«!_____ Hardin To Kenton. 2100 Ripley*«!_____ — Brown To Georgetown. Risingsun*«!____ —Wood To Bowling Green. 9912 «New Phil’d ’ lp’a*«! Tusa’s 1732 New Richmond*«—Cler’nt 3200 New Straitsville*!—Perry 757 Newton Falls*«! Trumbull 793 New Vienna*«!___ Clinton 889 New Washin'n*«! .Craw’d 509 New Waterford*« -Col’b ’a 298 Ney*«!------------- Defiance 8921 Niles*«!________ Trumbull 3000 North Baltimore*«!.Wood 800 No. Bloomfleld*.Trumbull 500 North Fairfield*«__Huron 793 North Lewisb’g*«!.Oh’p’n •»22 OHIO P opu l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION.___________________________ ■ 2500 600 1186 1174 2113 261 500 700 300 438 400 1600 9799 2403 Rittman*«!_______Wayne Rock Creek *• !.Ashtabula R ock ford *«!_____ Mercer Rocky River*«!.Cuyahoga Roseville*«! —Muskingum Rossburg*«!______Darke Rudolph*«!—______ Wood Rushsylvania*«!___ Logan Rushville*«! — Fairfield Russellville*—. ___ Brown Rutland*«!------------- Meigs Sabina*«! i_____.Clinton Salem*«! — .Columbiana Salineville*«!. Columbiana 20193 «Sandusky*«!_____ . —Erie 700 400 262 958 450 800 2104 500 893 340 800 3000 300 600 2280 5000 566 555 1100 8000 1000 447 1286 250 349 1300 500 400 300 1950 355 Sardinia*«!_____— Brown S ardis*«!________ Monroe Savannah*______Ashland S c io * «!_____ ___ Harrison Scott*«! ._ .__ ..V an Wert Seaman*«!________ Adams Sebring*«!__ — Mahoning Sedalia*«________Madison Senecaville*«! —Guernsey Seven Mile*«!— — Butler Seville*«!________ Medina Shadyside*«_____ Belmont Sharon Center*«!. Medina Sharonville * • !..Hamilton Shawnee*«!________Perry S helby*«!______ Richland Sherwood*«!— Defiance Shiloh*«!___ ..'.¡.Richland S hreve*«!____ ___ Wayne «Sidney*«!____ ____ Shelby Smithfleld«!____ Jefferson Smithvilie*«!_____ Wayne Som erset*«!_______Perry Somerton*____ —Belmont Somerville*«!____ Butler South Charleston*«! Clark South Solon*«!__ Madison South Vienna*«____ Clark Spencer*«!_______Medina Spencerviile*«!____ .Allen Springboro*_____ Warren NAME. To Wooster. To Ashtabula. To Celina. To Cleveland. To Zanesville. See Greenville. To Bowling Green, To Bellefontaine. To Lancaster. See Georgetown. See Pomeroy. To Wilmington. To East Palestine. To East Liverpool. i GEO. C. STEINEMANN. R efer ence: Citizens Banking Co. and Third National Exchange Bank. To Georgetown. To Woodsfleld. To Ashland. To Cadiz. See Van Wert. To West Union. To Youngstown. To London. To Cambridge. To Hamilton. To Medina. See St. Clairsville. To Medina. To Cincinnati. To Zanesville. To Mansfield. SeerDeflance. To Mansfield. To Wooster. To Greenville. To Steubenville. To Wooster. To New Lexington. To Barnesville. To Hamilton. See Springfield. To London. See Springfield. To Medina. To Lima. To Lebanon. 51550 «Springfield*«!___ —.Clark 500 5002 1 1893 500 E D W IN S. H O U C K . Attorney for the Citizens National Bank. Spring Valley*«! —Greene To Xenia. St. Bernard*___ Hamilton To Cincinnati. ( Cincinnati P. O.) «St. Clairsville*«! .Belmont To Bellaire. Sterling*«t_______Wayne To Wooster. 27445 «Steubenville*«! .Jefferson 650 6000 438 200 225 556 1261 1000 St. Henry*«! ____ Mercer St. Marys*«!____ Auglaize Stockport*«!_____ Morgan StoneOreek*«!Tuscarawas Stony Ridge*«!_____ Wood Stoutsville*«!___ Fairfield St. Paris*«!___ Champaign Strasburg*«!..Tuscarawas 6000 1026 500 489 485 1058 #77 1002 302 500 12867 1200 2300 500 Strothers*«!___ Mahoning Stryker*«!.__ __ Williams Sugarcreek*«! Tuscarawas 8ummerfleld*«!..__ Noble Sunbury*«!___Delaware Swanton*«!__ ____ Fulton Sycam ore*«!— Wyandot Sylvania*«!________ Lucas Tarlton*«____-Pickaway Thornville*«!______ Perry «Tiffin*«!______ — Seneca Tiltonsville*___ Jefferson Tippecanoe Oity*«t.Miami T ir o * « !__ _____ Crawford 191554«Toledo*«f__ 314 4271 564 1000 JOHN A. HUSTON. To To To To To To To To Celina. Wapakoneta. McConnelsville, New Philadelphia. Bowling Green. Lancaster. Urbana. Dover. To Youngstown. See Bryan. To New Philadelphia. To Caldwell. To Delaware. To Wauseon. To Upper Sandusky. To Toledo. To Circleville.. To Zanesville. To Fostoria. To Steubenville. To Troy. To Bucyrus. .Lucas BROWN, HAHN Nicholas Bldg. & SANGER, F R IT S C H E , K R U S E * W I N C H E STE R , 502 P r o d u c e Ex change Bldg. Tontogany*«!______ Wood See Bowling Green. Toronto*«!_____ Jefferson To Steubenville, Trenton*« _____ Butler To Hamilton. Trotwood*«—Montgomery To Dayton. 7000 *T roy*«t. . . _____ ...M iam i J. C. FULLERTON, JR. 212 Twinsbnrg*«!____ Summit To Akron. 6000 Uhrichsville*«! .Tuscara’s To New Philadelphia. _____Union City«___ |____ Darke To Greenville. ( Union City, Ind., P. O. ) 4000 «Up.Sandusky*«!.Wyandot W . C. HARE. 9000 2000 250 221 400 «Urbana*«t___ .Champaign U tica*«!_____—_. Licking Valley City*«!____ Medina Vandalia*«_Montgomery Vanlue*«t__ ___ Hancock JOHNSON & MILLER. To Newark. To Medina. To Dayton. To Findlay. 7500 »Van W ert* «!__ Van Wert HATHAWAY KEMFER. lV T f'Y T , |7 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 * V / 1 J—i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1517 1518 OHIO, OKLAHOMA ____ P opu l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TXON. 300 1389 450 1500 324 4500 930 319 200 Vaughnsville*»t— Putnam Vermilion*»} _______ Erie Verona*»__ _______ Preble Versailles*»!____ ..Darke Vinton*!..¿-i.____ Gallia Wadsworth*»t....¿Medina Wakeman*»t ....¿..H u ron Waldo*»!_____ ....Marion Walnut Creek*__ Holmes NAME. See Ottawa. To Sandusky. To Eaton. To Greenville. To Gallipolis. To Medina. To Norwalk. To Marion. To Millersburg. 6000 »Wapakoneta*»!__ Auglaize LAYTON & VAUBEL. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED-. P opp LAfPT ATff TOWN AND COUNTY. ' NAME - REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § state Capital. 13059 »Warren*»!............Trumbull W ARREN THOM AS. 600 Warsaw*t______Coshocton To Coshocton. 9000 »Washington G.H .*»!.Fay’e i? 1418 Waterford*»t .Washington 200 Watertown* ..Washington 834 W aterville*»!______ Lucas CREAM ER, CREAMER & THOMPSON. To Marietta. To Marietta. To Toledo. 2650 »W auseon*»!.______ Fulton FILES & P A XSO N . 1803 800 550 705 2121 6875 9000 1030 2500 446 1400 1000 1288 500 913 1350 913 5500 642 2509 »Waverly*»!_____ .....P i k e Waynesburg*»t------ Stark WaynesfleldV___ Auglaize Waynesville*»t___ Warren W ellington*»!_____ Lorain Wellston*»t______ Jackson Wellsville*»t ..Columbiana West Alexandria*»!..Preb. W esterville*»!— Franklin WestFarmington*»t Trum. WestJefferson*»t.Madison W . Lafayette*»!Coshocton West Liberty*»t___ Logan West Manchester*»t.Preb. West Mansfleld*»t~Logan West M ilton*»t.....M iam i Weston*»t —. --------- Wood W estPark*t___ Cuyahoga W estSalem*»t____ Wayne West T o le d o * »t___ Lucas CHAS. M . CALDWELL. To Canton. To Wapakoneta. To Lebanon. To Elyria. To Jackson. . To East Liverpool. To Eaton. To Columbus. See Warren. To London. To Coshocton. To Bellefontaine. To Eaton. To Bellefontaine. To Troy. To Bowling Green. To Cleveland. To Wooster. To Toledo. 1080 980 485 506 1000 536 2072 652 5000 258 987 »West Union*__ ___ Adams West Unity*»t___ Williams W harton*»t_____ Wyandot Whitehouse*»! ___ Lucas Williamsburg*»t .Clermont Williamsport*»t. Pickaway W illoughby*»t__ ___ Lake W illshire*»t___ Van Wert »Wilmington*»t___ Clinton W ilm ot*______. . . . . Stark W inchester*»t____ Adams C. F . M cC O Y . To Bryan. To Upper Sandusky. To Toledo. To Cincinnati. To Circleville. ’ To Painesville. To Van Wert. J. C. LINTON. T o Canton. To West Union. 3000 »Woodsfleld*»t____ Monroe M OORE & DEVAUL. 400 W oodstock*»t. Champaign To Urbana. 1008 W oodville*»t___ Sandusky To Freemont. 8000 »W ooster*»t_______ Wayne KEAN & A D A IR . 647 Worthington*»! ..Franklin To Columbus. 227 W ren*»t _____ Van Wert See Van Wert. 8712 »Xenia*»t__________Greene W . L . M ILLE R . 1360 Yellow Springs*»t .Greene To Xenia. 150 Y orkville—____ Jefferson To Steubenville. 108385 *Youngstown*»t.Mahoning M cK AIN & OHL, Mahoning Bank Bldg. General civil practice. Collec tion Department. Refers to any bank or wholesale house in Youngs town, or any judge o f the district. 30863 »Zanesville*»t. Muskingum H . C. WINE. OKLAHOM A This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. Oklahoma is divided into two Federal Districts: Eastern and Western. In the EASTERN DISTRICT (1), court is held at Muskogee, first Monday in January; at Vinita, first Monday in March; at Tulsa, first Monday in April; at McAlester, first Monday in June; at Ardmore, first Monday in October; and at Chickasha, first Monday in November. In the WESTERN DISTRICT (2), court is held at Guthrie, first Monday in January; at Oklahoma City, first Monday in March; at Enid, the first Monday in June; at Lawton, first Monday in September; and at Woodward, the first Monday in May and second Monday in Noyember. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Adair (1), Alfalfa (2), Atoka (1), Beaver (2), Beckham (2), Blaine (2), Bryan (1), Caddo (2), Canadian (2), Carter (1), Cherokee (1), Choctaw (1), Cimarron (2), Cleveland (2), Coal (1), Comanche (2), Cotton (2), Craig (1), Creek (1), Custer (2), Delaware (1), Dewey (2), Ellis (2), Garfield (2), Garvin (1), Grady (1), Grant (2), Greer (2), Harmon (2), Harper (2), Haskell (1), Hughes (1), Jackson (2), Jefferson (1), Johnston (1), Kay (2), Kingfisher (2), Kiowa (2), Latimer (1), Leflore (1), Lincoln (2), Logan (2T, Love (1), McClain (1), McCurtain i McIntosh (1), Major (2), Marshall (1), Mayes (1), Murray (1), iskogee (1), Noble (2), Nowata (1), Okfuskee (1), Oklahoma (2), Okmulgee (1), Osage (2), Ottawa (1), Pawnee (2), Payne (2), Pittsburg (31. Pontotoc (1), Pottawatomie (2), Pushmataha (1), Roger Mills (2), S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500 A ch ille*»!...---------- Bryan See Durant. 7500 »Ada*»t ................Pontotoc 376 Adair*»!---------------- Mayes 1200 Adamson*»!------ Pittsburg 493 Addington*»t___ Jefferson 1800 A fton *»t------------- Ottawa 366 A gra*»!--------------- Lincoln 500 Albion*»!------ Pushmataha 400 Alex*»!------------------Grady ¿303 A line*»!---------------Alfalfa 1200 Allen*»! ------------Pontotoc 250 Alluwe*------------¿.Nowata B . H . EPPERSON. To Pryor. To McAlester/ T oW aurika.' To Miami. See Chandler. To Antlers. To Chickasha. See Cherokee. See Ada. To Nowata. , 4821 »A ltus*»t___ _____ Jackson EVERETT P E TR Y . 5000 »Alva*»! ...................Woods A . G . SUTTON. 15 Amber*»!---------------Grady See Chickasha. 500 A m es*»!--------- r ....M a jo r To Fairview. 250 Amorita*»! _______ Alfalfa See Cherokee. 4500 »Anadarko*»!______Caddo L . E. M cK N IG H T . 2500 »Antlers*»! ..^.Pushmataha 950 A pache*»!------------- Caddo 713 »Arapaho*»! ..¿ ...___Custer 500 Arcadia*»t_____Oklahoma WELCH & WELCH. To Anadarko. To Clinton. To Oklahoma. 10462 »Ardm ore*»t_______ Carter POTTERF, G R A Y & DISNEY. 511 »Arnett*_____________ Ellis FRAN K E. RANSDELL. 481 250 A sher*»!_Pottawatomie To Tecumseh. Ashland*---------- Pittsburg See McAlester. 3000 »Atoka*»!---------------- Atoka CLARK & HAILE. 300 Atwood*»!----------- Hughes To Holdenville. 300 Avant * • !..------------ Osage See Pawhuska. 250 A v a rd *»!--------------Woods See Alva. 150 Avery*»!-------------Lincoln- See Chandler. 18000 »Bartlesville*»! .W ash’gton P . A . SOM PAYRAC. 1500 1000 1200 300 500 406 500 900 700 280 400 1500 335 »Beaver*___________Beaver GEO. H . HEALY. Beggs*»!.--------- Okmulgee See Okmulgee. Bennington*»! _____ Bryan To Durant. Bernice*!__ ____ Delaware See Vinita. B erw yn*»!— ___Carter See Ardmore. Bessie*»!________ Washita See Cordell. Big Cabin*»!...— ...C raig See Vinita.? Bigheart*»!------------Osage See Pawhuska. Billings*»t_________ Noble To Perry. Binger*»! . . . ------- Caddo To Anadarko. B ison*»!_________ Garfield To Enid. Bixby*»t__________.Tulsa See Tulsa. Blackburn*______ Pawnee To Pawnee. 5000 800 1000 200 508 100 798 1000 2500 1200 1500 174 600 339 200 428 250 2500 B lackw ell*»!_____ ...K a y C. R O B E R T BELLATTI. B la ir*»!_______ ..Jackson To Altus. Blanchard*»!____ McClain To Purcell. Bliss*»!..................... Noble To Perry. Bluejacket*»!______ Craig See Vinita. »Boise City*. . . . . Cimarron To Beaver. B okchito*»!_______Bryan To Durant. B okoshe*»!_____ Le Flore To Poteau. B oley *»!_______Okfuskee To Okemah. B oswell*»!______ Choctaw To Hugo. Boynton*»!____ Muskogee To Muskogee. B radley*»!________ Grady See Chickasha. Braggs*»!__ ___ Muskogee To Muskogee. Braman*»!____ ______ Kay See Blackwell. Breckinridge*»! ..Garfield To Enid. Bridgeport*»!_____ Caddo To Anadarko.. Brinkm an*»!______ Greer ToMangum. B ristow *»!.._______Creek See Sapulpa. 1000 2000 2000 500 800 500 150 1000 750 286 500 1800 575 350 700 350 400 500 500 703 250 B ritton*»t..___ Oklahoma Broken Arrow*»! . . . Tulsa Broken Bow* ~McCurtain Bromide*! .¿.¿..Johnston »Buffalo*_______ ..Harper Burbank*»!________ Osage B urlington*....___ Alfalfa Butler*»__ ________ Custer B yars*»!.._______McClain Byron*»t_________ Alfalfa C ache*»!______ Comanche Caddo*»!_____ ¿ . . —Bryan Oalera*»!__________ Bryan Calumet*»!____ Canadian Calvin*»!_________ Hughes Camargo*»!_______ Dewey Cameron*»!____ Le Flore Canadian*»!____ Pittsburg C aney*»!_________ .Atoka Canton*»t_________ Blaine Canute*»! . . . . . __ Washita To Oklahoma. See Tulsa. To Idabel. See Centrahoma. To Beaver. See Pawhuska. See Cherokee. To Clinton. To Purcell. See Cherokee. To Lawton. To Durant. To Durant. To El Reno. To Holdenville. To Clinton. To Poteau. To McAlester. See Atoka. To Watonga. See Cordell. W O T F USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 l V y 1 £!i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W OKLAHOMA (B O N D E D ) POFU* POP0- LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. \ r io N ._______ ;______________________________________ 7________ 924 500 600 500 400 1800 CO X & COX. To Lawton. To Eufaula. See Claremore. 186 00 500 500 250 316 740 400 15447 »Chickasha*«!______ Grady BAREFOOT & CARMICHAEL. 242 Choctaw*«!___ Oklahoma To Oklahoma. 483 Ohoteau*«!________ Mayes To Pryor. 4500 »Claremore*«!______ Rogers ADAM S & W ILLS. 500 Clarita*«t____________Coai To Coalgate. 587 Oleo Springs**!___ Major To Fairview. 3500 Cleveland*«!____ .¿Pawnee To Pawnee. 4000 »Coalgate*«!—_________Coal FOOSHEE & BRUNSON. 400 Colbert*«!_________ Bryan To Durant. 200 Colem an*«!...__ Johnston See Tishomingo. 7000 Collinsville*«!____ Rogers To Claremore. 150 Colony*_________ Washita See Cordell. 2500 Comanche*«!___ Stephens To Marlow. 5000 Commerce*_______ Ottawa To Miami. 100 Oooperton*________ Kiowa See Hobart. 307 Copan*«!____ Washington To Bartlesville. »Cordell*«!_______ Washita M ASSIN GALE & DUFF. Council Hill*«! .Muskogee To Muskogee. Covington*«!____ Garfield To Enid. Coweta*«!______ Wagoner See Wagoner. C o y le * «!_____ ___ Logan See Guthrie. Crescent*«t________Logan See Guthrie. C row der*«!____ Pittsburg To McAlester. 7500 Cushing*«t________ Payne J. M . GRUBBS. 1000 Custer*«!_________Custer To Clinton. 435 C yril*«!__________ Caddo To Anadarko. 146 Dacoma*«_________Woods See Alva. 250 Dale*«_____ Pottawatomie To Tecumseh. 650 Davenport*«t____ Lincoln See Chandler. 450 Davidson*«!____ ..Tillman See Frederick. 1800 Davis*«!_________Murray To Sulphur. 300 Deer Creek*«.t_____Grant T o Medford. 662 Delaware*«* _____ Nowata To Nowata. 700 Depew*«!__________Creek See Sapulpa. 550 Devol*«t__________ Cotton To Walter. 3000 Dewar*«!______ Okmulgee See Henryetta. 4000 Dewey*«!___ Washington To Bartlesville. 250 Dill*«t___________ Washita See Cordell. 600 Dilworth_____ Kay To Blackwell. 132 Douglas*«!_______ Garfield To Enid. 500 Dover*«!______ Kingfisher See Kingfisher. 100 Driftwood*«!______Alfalfa See Cherokee. 300 Drummond*«!____Garfield To Enid. 7500 Drum right*!______ Creek To Sapulpa. 500 Duke*«t_______ .Jackson To Altus. 3500 »Duncan*«! ______ Stephens To Marlow. To Arnett. See Sallisaw. To Enid. To Idabel. See Beaver. To Watonga. G eronim o*«!... Comanche To Lawton. Gibbon*«__...__ . . . Grant To Medford. Glencoe*«!_________Payne To Cushing. Goltry*«!____ \____ Alfalfa See Cherokee. Goodwell*«!_______Texas To Beaver. Gore*«!_______ Sequoyah To Sallisaw. Gotebo*«!_________ Kiowa See Hobart. G ou ld *«!...___ ...H armon To Hollis. 106 G owen*.......... .... Latimer T o Wilburton. 250 Gracemont*«!_____ Caddo To Anadarko. 300 Grainola*«!________ Osage See Pawhuska. 1200 Grandfleld*«!_____ Tillman To Frederick. 12035 »Guthrie*«!________ Logan 1500 2500 147 800 1437 500 3500 2500 C . G. H O R N O R . »Guymon*«!________ Texas To Beaver. Haileyville*«!___ Pittsburg To McAlester. Halletrt*«!________ Pawnee To Pawnee. Ham m on*«!.. Roger Mills To Clinton. Hanna*«!_______ McIntosh See Holdenville. Harrah*«!______ Oklahoma To Oklahoma. Hartshorne*«!— Pittsburg To McAlester. Haskell*«!__ •>.. Muskogee To Muskogee. 727 Hastings*«!__ .Jefferson See Ringling. 700 Haworth*«!— McCurtain To Idabel. 200 Hayward*«_______ Garfield To Enid. 400 Headrick*«!______Jackson To Altus. 500 Healdton__ l ______ Carter To Ardmore. 1800 Heavener*«+_____ LeFlore ToPoteau. 760 Helena*«!_________ Alfalfa See Cherokee,. 2000 Hennessey*«!—Kingfisher To Kingfisher. 6000 300 350 300 850 275 150 Henryetta*«!__Okmulgee J- H . LINCOLN. Hewitt*___________ Carter See Ardmore. Hickory*«!_______ Murray To Sulphur. H illsdale*«!_____ Garfield To Enid. Hinton*«!__________Caddo To Anadarko. Hitchcock*«!__ t Blaine See Watonga. Hichita*«!_____ McIntosh To Eufaula. 5500 »Hobart*«!_______- Kiowa TO LBE R T & TOLBE R T. 307 Hoffman*«!_____McIntosh T6 Eufaula. ■# I 4000 »Holdenville*«!___ Hughes L YD IC K & L Y D IC K . (See also at Wewoka,ShMJoneeandTecumseh.) • 8000 »Durant*«! _________ Bryan RO B ’ T CROCKETT. 1000 Dustin*«!.________ Hughes To Holdenville. 200 Eagle City*«!______ Blaine See Watonga. 150 Eakly*___ _____ ..Caddo To Anadarko. 388 Earlsboro*«!Pottawatomie To Tecumseh. 3500 Edmond*«!_____Oklahoma See Oklahoma. 926 Eldorado*«t______ Jackson To Altus. 324 Elgin*«*.;______ Comanche To Lawton. 8165 Elk Citv*«t_____ Beckham To Sayre. 500 Elmer*«!_____ Jackson To Altus. 400 Elmore City*_____ Garvin See Pauls Valley. 12000 »El Reno*«!______Canadian F O G G & BENNETT. 20307 »Enid*«t________ Garfield CARL KRUSE. 1500 Erick*«t________ Beckham To Sayre. 3000 »Eufaula*«!_____ McIntosh HARVE L . M ELTON . 1000 Fairfax*«*_________ Osage To Pawhuska. 1200 Fairland*«t_______ Ottawa To Miami. 150 Fairmont*«t______Garfield To Enid. 2020 »Fairview*«t—_______Major F . L . WELLS. 248 Fallis*«*__________ Lincoln See Chandler. 500 Fargo*«*____________ Ellis To A rnett., 300 Faxon*«+______ Comanche To Lawton. 300 Fay*«t___ ________Dewey To Clinton. 300 Fitzhugh*«*_____ Pontotoc See Ada. 500 Fletcher*«t___ .Comanche To Lawton. 415 Foraker*«*_________ Osage See Pawhuska. 200 Forgan*«_______ Beaver See Beaver. 382 Fort Cobb*«t._....... Caddo To Anadarko. 525 Foss*«*_________ Washita See Cordell. 1500 Ft. Gibson*«t__ Muskogee To Muskogee. 697 Ft. Towsdn*«*... Choctaw See Hugo.______ ______________ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gage*«!— . . . . ______ Ellis Gans*«!________ Sequoyah Garber*«!__ _____ Garfield Garvin*«!.____ McCurtain Gate*«!._______ ...B e a v e r Geary*«*__________ Blaine 1500 Granite*«!_________ Greer To Mangum. 416 Grant*«!________ Choctaw See Hugo. 400 Gray*_____________Beaver To Beaver. lOO Greenfield*«!___ . . . Blaine See Watonga. 888 Grove*«!_______ Delaware To Vinita. 4500 Clinton*«t._________Custer PH ILLIPS & MILLS* W n T f 1^1 v / 1 L i * 4000 »Frederick*«!_____ Tillman SEARCY & COUNTS. (See also at Hollis and Mangum.) 2016 »Cherokee*«t._____ Alfalfa A . R . CARPENTER. 468 »Cheyenne*___ Roger Mills To Clinton. 3000 300 500 1200 413 1000 1000 NAME. ______ ____ 200 Foyil*«!-.________ Rogers See Claremore. 1006 Francis*«!— — .Pontotoc See Ada. 500 Gapron*«!________ Woods See Alva. 1000 Carmen*«t________Alfalfa To Cherokee. 1200 Carnegie*«! -_______Caddo To Anadarko. 260 Carney*«!-_______Lincoln See Chandler. 250 Carrier*«! _______ Garfield To Enid. 500 Carter*«!— ____ Beckham To Sayre. 400 Cashion*«!____ Kingfisher See Kingfisher. 500 Castle*«!_______ Okfuskee To Okemah. 404 Catoosa*«!______ ..R ogers See Glaremore. 770 Cement*«!_________Caddo To Anadarko. 500 Gentrahoma*«!______Coal T o Coalgate. 387 Centralia*___________Craig See Yinita. 2400 »Chandler*«!___ ...L in coln 600 Ghattanooea*«t.Comanche 4000 Checotah*«t___ McIntosh 1800 Chelsea*«!—...........R ogers LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. __________________. ■ 1519 2500 »Hollis*«!________Harmon COUNTS & COUNTS. (See also at Frederick and Mangum.) 250 Hollister*«!______ Tillman See Frederick» 200 Homestead*«!..___Blaine To Watonga. 2000 Hominy*«!_________ Osage See Pawhuska. 1000 Hooker*«!_________ Texas To Beaver. , 538 Howe*«!______ ...L eF lore SeePoteau. 7000 »Hugo*«!________ .Choctaw HAM M ONDS & HAM M ONDS. 450 Hulbert*«!—____ Cherokee To Tahlequah. 450 Hunter*«t______ Garfield To Enid. 1000 Hydro*«!_________ Caddo To Anadarko. 3500 »Idabel*«!___ ...McCurtain E. C . A R M ST R O N G . 188 481 253 405 100 600 281 290 1000 500 168 800 500 368 400 700 400 200 350 273 2500 250 216 Indiahoma*«!— Comanche To Lawton. Indianola*«!____ Pittsburg See McAlester. Ingersoll*«!—_____ Alfalfa See Cherokee. Inola*«!______ —— Rogers .See Glaremore. Ivanhoe*________ Beaver See Beaver. »Jay*.________ ...Delaware To Vinita. Jefferson*«!_______ Grant To Medford. Jenks*«!_______ — Tulsa See Tulsa. Jennings*«!.—___ Pawnee To Pawnee. Jet*«!——— _____Alfalfa See Cherokee. Jones*«!_______ Oklahoma See Oklahoma. Kaw*«!____ - ________ Kay To Blackwell. Kellyville*«!_______ Creek See Sapulpa. Kemp City*! _____ Bryan See Durant. (H endrix P . O.) Kendrick*«t;___— Lincoln See Chandler. Kenefic*«!______ .__ Bryan To Durant. Kenton*____—- Cimarron See Beaver. Keota*«!___ - ____ Haskell To Stigler. Ketchum*!_________ Craig See Pryor. Keystone*«!__ — Pawnee To Pawnee. Kiefer*«!________ Creek See Sapulpa. Kiel*__________ Kingfisher See Kingfisher. Kildare*«!___________ Kay T o Blackwell. USE COUPONS as instru cted to BE PROTECTED b y bon d. See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. 1520 OKLAHOM A A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W Popo laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. } NAME. 2588 »Kingfisher*»!.. Kingfisher 1000 K ingston*»!..___Marshall 450 Kinta*»!------------ - Haskell 1000 Kiowa*»!— Pittsburg 850 Knowles?»!___ ....B ea ver 1000 Konawa*»!__ I. . Seminole 225 K o r n * ...------ ....W ash ita 2884 Krebs*»!— ____ Pittsburg 253 K rem lin*»!-..__ .Garfield 3500 v Kusa--------------- Okmulgee 500 Lahoma*»!______ Garfield 300 Lakemn*_______ Beaver 450 Lam ar*»!________Hughes 300 Lambert*».______ Alfalfa 800 Lamont*»!_________Grant 800 Laverne*»!_______Harper 9000 »Lawton*»!____ Comanche 800 Leedey*!__ _____ Dewey 400 Leflore*»________Le Flore 2000 »Lehigh*»!_____ ____ .Coal 412 Lenapah*»!..___ _ Nowata 200 Lenora*__________ Dewey 768 L ex in g ton *!.... Cleveland 2000 Lindsay*»!____._ Garvin 500 Loco*--------------- Stephens 900 Locust Grove*! Mayes 800 Lone W olf*»!_____Kiowa 300 Longdale*»!---------- Blaine 217 Lookeba*»!________ Caddo 500 Loveland*»!_____ Tillman 300 Lovell*»!__________ Logan 250 L ucien*»!.._______ Noble 800 L uther*»!..___ Oklahoma 166 Macomb*»! -Pottawatomie 3000 »Madill*»!____ ;__ Marshall 271 Manchester*»!_____ Grant 5000 »Mangum*»!__ . . . . . . Greer 412 Manitou*»!___ 1__ Tillman 350 Mannford*»!. . . . . . . Creek 515 Mannsville*»!__ Johnston 500 Maramec*»!_____ Pawnee 2500 »Marietta*»!_____ ___ Love 1965 Marlow*»!______ Stephens 800 Marshall*»!________Logan 200 Martha*»!_______Jackson 800 Maud*»!___ Pottawatomie 500 M ay*»!____ ___ __ Harper 800 M aysville*»!..’. ....G arvin 18504 »McAlester*»!___ Pittsburg 1500 M cC urtain*»!..... Haskell 638 M cLoud*»!. Pottawatomie 200 M ead*»!._____ <__ . Bryan .1500 »M edford?»!________ Grant 500 Meeker*»!______ _ Lincoln 69 M eno*»!________ Major 300 Meridian*»!____. . . Logan 6000 »Miami*»t.________ Ottawa 800 Milbilrn*»!_____ Johnston 626 Mill Creek*»!___ Johnston 630 Millerton*»!__ McCurtain 706 M inco*»!__________Grady 225 M oore*»!______ Cleveland 493 Mobreland*»!..Woodward 1500 Morris*»!_____ Okmulgee 327 Morrison*»!_______N oble 900 Mounds*»!___ ____ Creek 449 Mountain Park*»*..Kiowa 855 Mountain V iew *»!. Kiowa 671 Muldrow*»!____ Sequoyah 441 Mulhall*»!____Logan 44218 »Muskogee*»!__ Muskogee 200 Mustang*»!_____ Canadian 264'. .M utual*.... . . . Woodward 277 ' Nardin**!..____ ____ Kay 348 Nash*»!___________ Grant 119 N a v in a *»!....___ Logan 125 Newalla*»t____ Oklahoma 2500 »Newkirk*»!__ I Kay 2000 New Wilson_______Carter 400 Ninnekah*»!__ . . . . Grady 403 N ob le*»!...____ Cleveland 5500 *Norman*»t_____Cleveland 128 North Enid*_____ Garfield 5000 300 500 2000 402 1000 2500 92943 17480 500 1000 180 400 GEORGE L. BOWMAN. To Madill. To Stigler. To McAlester. See Beaver. To Wewoka. See Cordell. To McAlester. To Enid. To Okmulgee. To Enid. See Beaver. See Holdenville. See Cherokee. To Medford. To Beaver. B. M . PARMENTEB. To Clinton. To Poteau. To Coalgate. To Nowata. To Clinton. To Purcell. To Pauls Valley. To Marlow. To Pryor. See Hobart. ToW atonga. To Anadarko. To Frederick. See Guthrie. To Perry. To Oklahoma. To Tecumseh. ANGLEA & ROLLINS. To Medford. COUNTS & COUNTS. (See also at Frederick and H ollis) See Frederick. See Sapulpa. See Tishomingo. To Pawnee. J. C. GRAHAM. MORGAN & BURROWS. See Guthrie. To Altus. To Tecumseh. To Beaver. To Pauls Valley. COUNTS BROTHERS. To Stigler. To Tecumseh. To Durant. E. H. BREEDEN. To Chandler. To Fairview. See Guthrie. RIDDLE, BENNETT & WILSON. (See also at Vinita) See Tishomingo. To Tishomingo. To Idabel. To Chickasha. To Norman. To Woodward. See Okmulgee. To Perry. See Sapulpa. See Hobart. See Hobart. To Sallisaw. See Guthrie. GEO. MILLER, JR., Surety Bldg. • To El Reno. See Woodward. See Blackwell. To Medford. See Guthrie. To Oklahoma. To Blackwell. To Ardmore. See Chickasha. To Norman. To Purcell.. To Enid. GEO. B. SCHWABE. To Clinton. To Bartlesville. To Sapulpa. m , To El Reno. To Watonga. J. B. PATERSON. »Nowata*»!__ _Nowata Oakwood*»!._____ Dewey Ochelata*»!— Washington Oilton!____________ Creek Okarche*»!.____ Canadian Okeene*»!— _____ .Blaine »Okemah*»!____ Okfuskee §*Oklahoma*»!..Oklahoma M O N T F . H IGH LEY, State Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Corporation and Real Estate Law a specialty. Mortgage foreclosures and Estate matters promptly attended to. CARL LEONARD, Patterson Bldg. Commercial, Corpora tion and Probate Law a specialty. Prompt attention given collections. Compiler o f the Oklahoma laws f o r this publication. »Okmulgee*»!___Okmulgee G. R. HORNER. Oktaha*.. . . . __ Muskogee To Muskogee. Olustee*»!._____ Jackson To Altus. Omega*______ Kingfisher To Kingfisher. Oologah*»!_____ Éj Rogers See Claremore. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (BO N D ED ) 200 Optima *•!_________Texas 340 Orlando*»!________ Logan 350 Orr*_. . . . . . . ___ Love 500 Osage*»!_______._i._Osage 373 Owasso*»!_________ Tulsa 800 Paden*»!.;___ ..Okfuskee 239 Paoli*»!_______ Garvin 300 Park Hill*»___ -Cherokee 4000 »Pauls Valley*»!___ Garvin To Guymon. See Guthrie. To Marietta. See Pawhuska. See Tulsa. To Okemah. See Pauls Valley. To Tahleauah. THOMPSON, PATTERSON & FARMER. 5000 »Pawhuska*»!_______Osage 3-ROBERT STUART. 2500 »Pawnee*»!___ . . . Pawnee L. V. ORTON. 400 Peckham*»!_______ ..K a y To Blackwell. 150 Pensacola!________ Mayes To Pryor. 650 P erkin s*»...___ ...P a y n e To Cushing. 4000 »Perry*»!___________ Noble H. A. JOHNSON. 5000 Picher.__.__;___ . . . Ottawa To Miami. 255 Piedmont*»t____ Canadian El Reno. 1000 Pittsburg*»!____ Pittsburg See McAlester. 240 Pleasant Valley*» ..Logan See Guthrie. 40Q Pocasset*»!________Grady See Chickasha. 5000 Ponca C ity*»t___ ___ Kay To Blackwell. 1200 Pondcreek*»! ______ Grant To Medford. 500 Pontotoc*.. . . . . . Johnston See Tishomingo. 500 Porter*»!______ .Wagoner See Wagoner.. 585 Porum*»!__ ■ ___ Muskogee To Muskogee* 3000 »Poteau*»!_______Le Flore CLIFF V. PEERY. : 1700 Prague*».!.... ..........Lincoln See Chandler. 1000 Preston*_______ Okmulgee See Okmulgee. 2000 *Pryor*»t_J__ _______ Mayes R. A. WELKERSONi ' 2800 »Purcell*»!____ ..M cClain S. W . TURK. 150 Putnam*_________ Dewey To Clinton. 1000 Quapaw*»! . . . ____ Ottawa To Miami. 600 Q uay*»--------------- Pawnee To Pawnee. 355 Quinlan*»!___ Woodward See Woodward. 1800 Quinton*»!_____ Pittsburg To McAlester. 750 Ralston*»!_______Pawnee To Pawnee. 725 Ram ona*»!... Washington To Bartlesville. 250 Randlett*_________ Cotton To Walter. 500 Red F ork *»!_______Tulsa See Tulsa. 398 Red Oak*»!____ ..Latimer To Wilbur ton. 378 Redrock*»!________ Noble To Perry. 50 Reeding*»____ Kingfisher To Kingfisher. 207 R enfrow*»!________ Grant To Medford. 200 Richland*»!_...Canadian To El Reno. 60 Richmond*___ Woodward See Woodward. 1500 Ringling*!_____ Jefferson To Waurika. 271 R ingw ood*»!..____ Major To Fairview. 368 R ip le y * » !....______ Payne To Cushing. 878 R ocky*»!____ ^...Washita See Cordell. 1200 R o ff* »!________.Pontotoc See Ada. 500 Roosevelt*»!.......... Kiowa See Hobart. 200 Rosedale*»!_____ McClain To Purcell. 250 R osston*»!_______ Harper To Buffalo. 1000 Rush Springs*»!___ Grady See Chickasha. 1207 Ryan*»!________ Jefferson To Waurika. • 600 Salina*!________ ...M ayes To Pryor. 3500 »Sallisaw*»!____ Sequoyah • CURTIS & PITCHFORD. 200 Saltfork*»________ Grant To Medford. 1200 Sand Springs*»_____ Tulsa See Tulsa. 12929 »Sapulpa*»!________ Creek W . C. HODGES. 450 Sasakwa*»t_____ Seminole See Wewoka. 350 Savanna*»*____ Pittsburg To McAlester. 1881 »Sayre*»!______ Beckham T. R. WISE. 100 Scipio*--------------Pittsburg See McAlester. 500 Seiling*__________.Dewey To Clinton. 1500 Seminole*»!____ Seminole To Wewoka. 1200 Sentinel*»!______ Washita See Cordell. 3000 Shamrock*_______ Creek To Sapulpa. 500 Sl&ron*»!____ .Woodward See Woodward. 1500 Shattuck*»!................Ellis To Arnett 18138 Shawnee*»f.Pottawatomie LYDICK & LYDICK. (See also at Holdenville,, Tecumseh&Wewoka) 289 Skedee*»!_______Pawnee To Pawnee. 1050 Skiatook*»!_____ ...T ulsa See Tulsa. 1800 S nyder*»!________ Kiowa See Hobart. 600 S op er*»!_______Choctaw See Hugo. •700 Sparks*»!___ ____ Lincoln See Chandler. 232 Spencer*»!____ Oklahoma To Oklahoma. 400 Sperry*!___________ Tulsa See Tulsa. 1500 Spiro*»! ------------Le Flore To Poteau. 276 Sterling*--------- Comanche To Lawton. 2500 »Stigler*»!------ ----- Haskell G. A. CURRY. 4500 »Stillwater*»!.__ ____Payne To Cushing. 2200 »Stilw ell*»!_________ Adair E. B. ARNOLD. 1000 Stonewall*»!___ Pontotoc See Ada. 350 Strang*!----------------Mayes To Pryor. 1200 S tratford *»!...___ Garvin To Pauls Valley. 300 Stringtown*»!_____ Atoka See Atoka. 500 Strong City*».Roger Mills To Clinton. 1500 Stroud*»!________ Lincoln See Chandler. 500 Stuart*»!_________ Hughes T o Holdenville. 350 Sugden*»!__ ....Jefferson To Waurika. 4138 »Sulphur*»!______ Murray GEO. M . NICHOLSON. 200 Sumner*»__________Noble To Perry. 300 Supply*»!_____ Woodward To Woodward. 3500 »Tahlequah*»!__ Cherokee J. I. COURSEY. 340 Talala*»!-------------- Rogers See Claremore. 1500 Talihina*»!_____Le Flore To Poteau. 800 »Taloga* |_________ Dewey To Clinton. 750 Tar River -a______ Ottawa To Miami. 2000 »Tecumseh*»t.Pottawato’ie LYDICK & LYDICK. (See also at Holdenville, Shawnee &Wewoka) 852 Temple*»t_____ . . . Cotton To Walter. 500 Terlton*»t_______Pawnee To Pawnee. I V J l 'y T 'E ' USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d. I l V / JL Jus See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorn ey List. OKLAHOMA, OREGON A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) POPU- pr tip s . 873 1200 361 1670 441 town and county. NAME. ___________ - ~ ;____ ___ Terrai*«!--Jefferson Texhoma*«!— — Texas T exola M -.Beckham Thomas*«! ---------- Custer Tipton*«t__- _____Tillman 1408 «Tishomingo*«!— Johnston 2000 Tonkawa*«t— - ..........Kay 156 Trail*«____________ Dewey 400 Tribbey*«!—Pottawatomie 176 Tryon*«t________ Lincoln W M . L . LAWRENCE. To Blackwell. . To Clinton. To Tecumseh. SeeChandler. 30575 «Tulsa*«!_______—— Tulsa 400 Tupelo*«!----------------- Coal Tushka*«!—_______ Atoka Tuskahoma*«!. ..P ush’t’a Tuttle*«!----------------Grady 500 Tyrone*«!-------------- Texas 200 Uncas ---------------------- Kay 200 Union*«!_______ Canadian 1200 Valliant*«!____ McCurtain 300 Vanoss*«!______ Pontotoc 312 Vera*«!______Washington 750 Verden*«! _______ ..Grady 1500 Vian*«!_______ .Sequoyah 700 Vici*«! _____ - __ —Dewey EDMUND LASHLEY. To Coalgate.. See Atoka. To Antlers. See Chickasha. To Beaver. To Blackwell. To El Reno. To Idabel. .See Ada. To Bartlesville. To Chickasha. To Sallisaw. !To.Clinton. 5000 «Vinita*«!___________Craig RIDDLE, BENNETT & W ILSON. (See also at M iam i.) 4500 «W agoner*«!.._W agoner SUMMERS & SUM M ERS. 350 Wainwright*«!—Muskogee To Muskogee. 500 Wakita*«!__________ Grant To Medford. 2000 «Walters*«!_________Cotton 1000 Wanette*«!. Pottawatomie 500 Wann*«t__ —____ Nowata 1500 Wapanucka*«!— Johnston 200 Wardville*«!.______Atoka 700 Warner*«!_____ Muskogee 400 Washington*«!__ McClain A M IL H . JAPP. To Tecumseh. To Nowata. To Tishomingo. See Atoka. To Muskogee. To Purcell. 1800 «Watonga*«!.—_•__ Blaine FOOSE & BROW N . ‘ 500 Watts*!__________ Adair ToStilwell. 600 Waukomis*«!____ Garfield To Enid. 2928 «Waurika*«!.— . Jefferson HAYS D ILLARD. 332 Wayne*«!__ ___ McClain To Purcell. 1500 Waynoka*«!______ Woods See Alva. 3000 Weatherford*«!___ Custer To Clinton. 380 Webbers Falls*.Muskogee To Muskogee. 900 Welch*«!___________Craig See Vinita. 1500 Weleetka*«!— Okfuskee To Okemah. 590 W ellston*«!..____ Lincoln 239 West Tulsa_________ Tulsa 802 Westville*«!_______Adair 1500 Wetumka*«!.____ Hughes 1800 «Wewoka*«!___ —Seminole To Chandler. To Tulsa. To Stilwell. To Holdenville. L YD IC K & L Y D IC K . (See also at Holdenville, Shawnee and Tecumsell.) 200 Wheatland*«!.. Oklahoma To Oklahoma. 2400 «Wilburton*«!____ Latimer IR A C. H AYCOCK. 400 Willow*«!___________ Greer To Mangum. 1500 Wirt*_______ _____ Carter To Ardmore. 498 Wister*«!_______Le Flore See Poteau. 389 Woodville*«!—— Marshall To Madill. 5000 «Woodward*«!..Woodward S. E. GALBREATH. 255 W yandotte*«!___ Ottawa To Miami. 2500 Wynne W ood*«!— Garvin To Pauls Valley. 250 Wynona*«!_____ — Osage SeePawhuska. 3500 Y ale*«!____________ Payne To Cushing. 1018 Yukon*«!________Canadian To El Reno. OREGON This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire state. District court is held at Portland, first Mondays in March, July, and November; at Pendleton, first Tuesdays in April; and at Medford, first Tuesday in October. Counties: Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jackson; Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, Washington, Wheeler, Yamhill. REFERENCE KEY «County Seat. * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. Express Office. § State Capital. 7000 «Albany*«!. ___ Linn H E W ITT & SO X . 600 Amity*«__ _____ Yamhill See McMinnville. .’ 60 Arlington*«!_____ Gilliam To Condon. 5020 Ashland*«!______ Jackson To Grants Pass. Clatsop NORBLAD & HESSE. Attorneys • for Scan.-American Savings Bank. —800 Athena*«!______ Umatilla See Pendleton, 10363 «Astoria*«! NAME. TOWN AND COUNTY. LATION. 250 190 To Waurika. To Beaver. To Sayre. To Clinton. See Frederick. 8000 2500 450 281 500 5000 200 500 919 152Î Aumsville*« .......M a r io n See Salem. Aurora*«!............. Marion To Salem. «Baker *•!______ ....B a k er O . B . M OUNT. Bandon*«..____ . . . . . Coos To Coquille. Banks*«!_____ Washington T o Hillsboro. Bay City*«!____Tillamook See Tillamook. Beaverton*«!- Washington To Hillsboro. «Bend*«! ____ - Deschutes To Prineville. Bonanza*________Klamath To Klamath Falls. Brookings*—__ ___ Curry See Cold Beach. Brownsville*«!— ——Linn To Albany. 1200 «Burns*_________ Harney G . A . REM BOLD. 150 Butte Falls*«— —Jackson To Grants Pass. , 1000 C an by*«!...__Clackamas To Oregon City. 500 386 761 747 150 613 «Canyon City*._____ Grant Carlton*«!___ ___ Yamhill Central P oint*«!.. Jackson Clatskanie*«t__ Columbia Cloverdale*__ . Tillamook Coburg*«!__________ Lane G . H. COTTONACK. See McMinnville. To Grants Pass. To St. Helens. See Tillamook. To Eugene. 1200 «Condon*«!___.____ Gilliam T . A. WEENKIE. 2000 «Coquille*«_________„G oos A. J. SHERW OOD. 500 Cornelius*«"!..Washington To Hillsboro. 6000 «Corvallis*«!_______ Benton E. E. WILSON. 2500 Cottage Grove*«!___ Lane To Eugene. 433 Cove*______________ Union See Lagrande. _____ Crane_____ - ______ Harney To Burns. 600 Oreswell*«!—- ______ Lane To Eugene. 3000 «Dallas*«!— ;..... Polk OSCAR H A Y TE R V 600 Dayton*«________Yamhill See McMinnville. 300 Donald*«!________Marion To Salem. v 400 Drain*«!____ ____ Douglas To Roseburg. 523 Dufur*«_____ _____ Wasco To The Dalles. 400 Eagle P oint*«___ Jackson To Grants Pass. 750 Echo*!__________Umatilla See Pendleton. 1120 E lgin*«!__________Union See La Grande. 2200 «Enterprise*«!____ Wallowa DANIEL BO Y D . 600 Estacada*«_____ Clackamas To Oregon City. 13572 «Eugene*«!___________Lane JESSE G . WELLS. 900 Falls City*«.... ........... Polk To Dallas. 140 Flora*___________Wallowa T o Enterprise. 600 Florence*___________Lane To Eugene. 2500 Forest Grove*«!Wash’gt’n To Hillsboro. 600 «F o ssil*._____ _ — Wheeler H . H . HENDRICKS. 532 Freewater*«!___ Umatilla See Pendleton. 400 Gardiner*_____ _ Douglas To Roseburg. 250 G aston*«!___ Washington To Hillsboro. 350 Gervais*«!________ Marion See Salem. 646 Glendale*«!—. ___ Douglas To Roseburg. 300 «Gold Beach*________Curry W '. A. W OOD. 423 Gold Hill*«!____ -Jackson To Grants P ass.. 4000 «Grants Pass*«! .Josephine O . S . BLANCHARD. 350 Grass Valley*«!—Sherman To Moro. 1000 Gresham*«___ Multnomah See Portland. 600 Haines*«!____L____ Baker See Baker. 186 Halfway*_________ Baker See Baker. 400 Halsey*«!___________Linn See Albany. 800 Harrisburg*«!_______Linn To Albany. 350 H elix*«!......... .... Umatilla See Pendleton. 1200 «Heppner*«!______ Morrow SAM E. VAN V A C TO R . 800 Herm iston*«!___ Umatilla See Pendleton. 3000 «Hillsboro*«! . Washington W ILLIAM G . HARE. Att’y for American Nat’l Bank. / 3000 «Hood River*«!Hood River E. H . H A R T W IG . 500 Hubbard *«t______ Marion See Salem. 1000 Huntington*«!.____ Baker See Baker. 400 Im bler*«!_____ - __ Union See La Grande. 2000 Independence*«! — - Polk To Dallas. 500 lo n e * « !_________ Morrow See Heppner. 700 «Jacksonville*«— .Jackson To Grants Pass. 500 Jefferson*«!_____ Marion See Salem. 400 John Day*_________ Grant See Canyon City. 300 Jordan Valley*__ Malheur To Vale. 1000 Joseph*«!___ ___ Wallowa To Enterprise. 759 Junction City*«!—...L a n e To Eugene. 55 Juntura*________Malheur See Vale. 5000 «Klamath Falls*«! Klamath BERT C. TH O M A S. 500 La Fayette*«!___ Yamhill See McMinnville. 6000 «La Grande*«!— —_Union CHARLES ALBERT SM ALL. 1253 «Lakeview*«!—____ — Lake W . L . TH OM PSO N. \ 126 Lapine*______ Deschutes To Prineville. 2200 Lebanon*«!— ---------Linn To Albany. 300 Lexington*«_____ Morrow To Heppner. 1500 Linnton*«t — Multnomah See Portland. 300 Lostine*«— —- __ Wallowa To Enterprise. 600 «Madras*«!_____ Jefferson To Culver. 4200 Marshfield*«!_______ Coos To Coquille. 250 Maupin*«!___ —___ Wasco To The Dalles. 3500 «McMinnville*«!__ Yamhill R . L. CONNER. 14118 Medford*«!--------- Jackson To Grants Pass. 300 Merrill*— —___ Klamath To Klamath Falls. 300 M etolius*«!____ Jefferson To Culver. 1300 Milton*«!__ 4___ Umatilla To Pendleton. 1500 Milwaukie*!__ Clackamas To Oregon City. 500 Molalla *______ Clackamas To Oregon City. 1000 M onmouth*«!______ Polk See Dallas. 200 Monroe*«____ s ___Benton See Corvallis. 400 «M oro*«!__ - ____ Sherman J . B . H OSFORD. 250 Mosier*«!___ — ___ Wasco See The Dalles. 545 Mt. Angel*«!-_____ Marion See Salem. 500 Myrtle Creek*«!—Douglas To Roseburg. 836 Myrtle Point*«.:_____ Coos To Coquille. 1RIf V T ' T ? USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1^1 V «/ I H i See complete information in préfacé to Attorney Listé 97 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15^2 OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA PopüLA- TOWN AND COUNTY. Tiow._______ 2500 Newberg*«!_____ Yamhill 1200 Newport*«t__ ___ Lincoln 3000 North Bend*«.______ Coos 250 North Plains«—Wash'gton jl----- North Portland Multnomah 700 North Powder*«t__ Union 500 Nyssa*«t-------------Malheur 800 Oakland*«!.—___ Douglas 2500 Ontario*«!______ Malheur ATTORNI EYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. To McMinnville. See Toledo. To Coquille. To Hillsboro. To Portland. See La Grande. To Vale. To Roseburg. To Vale. NAME. Jefferson (3), Juniata (2), Lackawanna (2), Lancaster (1), Lawran™ (3), Lebanon (2), Lehigh (1), Luzerne (2), Lycoming (2), McKean Mercer (3), Mifflin (2). Monroe (2), Montgomery ( l) , Montour fm’ Northampton (1), Northumberland (2), Perry (2). PWladelDhla Vii’ PUce (2). Potter (2) Schuylkill (1), Snyder (2). Somem“ (3) S ifiliS (2), Susquehanna (2), Tioga (2), Union (2), Venango (3), Warren r l f Washington (3), Wayne (2), Westmoreland (3), Wyoming (2), York (2)' 6000 «Oregon Oity*«t.Clackamas C: D. & D. C. LATOURETTE. 400 Paisley *t______ _____ Lake See Lakeview. REFERENCE KEY 7500 «Pendleton*«!__ _ Umatilla RALEY & RALEY. 850 Philomath*«!— __ Benton To Corvallis. 350 Pilot R ock*«!— -Umatilla See Pendleton. « County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § state Capital. 295463«PortIand*«!_— Multnomah BEACH and SIMON. (J. V. Beach, N. D. Sim on.) Attorneys at Law. 709-712 Board o f Trade Bldg. Com pilers o f the Oregon lav) fo r this publication. 1500 P ow ers*«__ _______ Coos To Coquille. 650 Prairie City* ___ Grant To Canyon City. 1500 1359 800 400 450 400 «Prineville*____ .....C r o o k Rainier*«!__ ,___ Columbia Redmond*«t....Deschutes Richland*__________Baker Riddle*«t______ ..Douglas Rogue River*«___ Jackson M . E. BRINK. See St. Helen. To Prineville. See Baker. To Roseburg. To Grants Pass. RICE & ORCUTT. Attorneys fo r Douglas National Bank. 20278§«Salem*«!............. Marion W . C. WINSLOW. R efers to Salem Bank o f Commerce and Ladd & Bush. To Oregon City. See St. Helen. See Albany. See Astoria. See The Dalles. See Albany. To McMinnville. To Hillsboro. To Salem. To Eugene. See Pendleton. To Salem. Sandy*____ ..».Clackamas Scappoose*«!— Columbia Scio*«________ *;_____ Linn Seaside*«!_______ Clatsop Shaniko*«!_______ Wasco Shedd*«!___________ .Linn Sheridan*«!______ Yamhill Sherwood*«!..Washington Silverton*«!_______Marion Springfield*«!_______ Lane Stanfield*«!______Umatilla Stayton*«!________ Marion 2000 5500 200 500 500 «St. Helens*!____ Columbia St. Johns*«!— Multnomah St. Paul*__ ____ ..Marion Sutherlin*«t_.____Douglas Talent*«_________ Jackson J. W . DAY. See Portland. See Salem. To Roseburg. To Grants Pass. T. DAVIS & KESTER. To Enterprise. To Moro. See Vale. See Pendleton. See Tillamook. To McMinnville. To Oregon City. T o Salem. See McMinnville. To Roseburg._______ 63505«Allen tow n*«!.. . . . . .Lehigh M . P. SCHANTZ. Attorney at Law. Rooms 1-2-3-4 Lentz Bldg. 2649 5205 2700 3006 7194 8000 383 766o 5601 660 4500 921 1400 4317 900 796 5000 668 1262 800 660 5500 4000 1057 407 5000 «Bellefonte*«!__ . . . Center ; P E N N S Y L V A N IA This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. Pennsylvania is divided into three Federal Districts: Eastern, Middle, and Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT (1), with court at Philadelphia, the second Mondays in March and June, third Monday in September, and second Monday in December. The MIDDLE DISTRICT (2), with court at Scranton, second Monday in March and third Monday in October; at Harrisburg, first Mondays in M ay and December; at Sunbury, second Monday in January, and at Williamsport, first Monday in June. The WESTERN DISTRICT (3), with court at Pittsburgh, first Monday in M ay and third Monday in October; and at Erie, third Monday in July and second Monday in January. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. 2372 700 7666 2277 355 3060 719 1336 308 5357 1000 14142 386 1032 2930 1560 326 100 3572 Belle Vernon*«___ Fayette Belleville*«.______ Mifflin Bellevue*!____ Allegheny Bellwood*«!________ Blair Bendersville*!____ Adams Bentleyville*« Washington Benton*«_______ Columbia Berlin*«!---------- Somerset Bernville*_________ Berks B erwick*«!.—— Columbia Berwyn*«!____ ...Chester Bethlehem*«!. Northa’ton Biglerville*«!_____ Adams Big Run*«!_____ Jefferson Birdsboro*«!______ Berks Black L ic k * « !___ Indiana Blain*«__________ •_ Perry Blairs MUls*«.Huntington Blairsville*«!___ _ Indiana 8000 2803 { 200 800 2500 3400 3134 21685 «Bloomsburg*«!..Columbia Blossburg*«!_______Tioga Blue Ball*_____ Lancaster Bolivar*«!. Westmoreland Boswell*«———. Somerset Boyertown*«!_____ Berks Brackenridge*«!AUe’heny Braddock*«!__ .Allegheny 14544 3860 1983 10608 1898 Bradford*«!_____ McKean Bridgeport*!.Montgomery Bridgevillp*«!.. Allegheny Bristol*«!——_____Bucks Broekwayville*«!.Jeffer’n 3003 600 9000 800 3000 2500 «Brookville*«!__ Jefferson Brownstown*—.Lancaster Brownsville*«!__ -Fayette Bruin*«____»__;___ Butler Bryn Mawr*«!.Montgo’ry Burgettstown*«— Washt’n Counties: Adams (2), Allegheny (3), Armstrong (3), Beaver (3), 27632 Bedford (3), Berks (1), Blair (3), Bradford (2), Bucks (1), Butler (3), 700 Cambria (3), Cameron (2), Carbon (2), Center (2), Chester (I ), Clarion 2230 (3), Clearfield (3), Clinton (2), Columbia (2), Crawford (3), Cumberland 1514 (2) , Dauphin (2), Delaware (1), Elk (3), Erie (3), Fayette (3), Forest 11000 (3) , Franklin (2), Fulton (2), Greene (3), Huntingdon (2), Indiana (3), 1637 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M A T P * « A m bler*«!... Montgomery Am bridge*«!_____Beaver A nn ville*«!...__ Lebanon Apollo*«!__ . . . Armstrong Archbald*«!. Lackawanna Ardmore*«!—Montgomery Arendtsville*—___ Adams Ashland*«!____ Schuylkill Ashley*«!_______ Luzerne Atglen*«!________ Chester A thens*«!_____ Bradford Auburn*«!____ Schuylkill Austin*«!_________ Potter Avalon«! . . . ___ Allegheny (Allegheny P. O.) Avella*«!____ Washington A v is* «!__________Clinton A voca*«!________Luzerne Avondale*«!_____ Chester Avonm ore*«!.W ’moreland Bainbridge*«!.. Lancaster Bally*_____________ Berks Bangor*«!.. Northampton Barnesboro*«!... Cambria Bath*«!____ Northampton Beallsville*__ Washington 2235 «Bedford*«!_____ Bedford H. GOYNE. 541 «Toledo*«!______ Lincoln G. B. McCLUSKEY. 800 Turner*«!________ Marion See Salem. 1600 Union*«!__________ Union See La Grande. 1200 .«Vale*«!__ — Malheur 1000 Wallowa*«!...___Wallowa 500 Wasco*«!.____ Sherman 140 Westfall*..______ Malheur 800 Weston*«!.______ Umatilla 500 Wheeler*«!..__ Tillamook 506 Willamina*«_____ Yamhill 67 Wilsonville*«!..Clackamas 2000 Woodburn*«!...— Marion 650 Yamhill*«_______ Yamhill 650 Yoncalla*»!___ Douglas T o Somerset. To Lancaster. See Erie. To Beaver, ISAIAH SCHEELINE. Altoona Trust Bldg. To Norristown. To Beaver. To Lebanon. See Kittanning. To Scranton. To Norristown. To Gettysburg. To Pottsville. To Wilkes-Barre. To West Chester. To Towanda. To Pottsville. To Coudersport. To Pittsburgh. \ To Washington. To Lock Haven. To Wilkes-Barre. To West Chester. To Greensburg. To Lancaster. To Reading.1; x To Allentown. To Johnstown. T o Allentown. To Washington. 4000 «Beaver*«!________Beaver DAN H. STONE. 13532 Beaver Falls*«!___ Beaver To Beaver. 450 Beaver Springs*«!^Snyder To Middleburg. 6000 «The Dalles*«!__. . . . Wasco FRANK G. DICK. 2500 «Tillamook*«!__ Tillamook Addison*«!__ — Somerset A k ron *«!_____ Lancaster A lb ion *«!__________ Erie Aliquippa*«___ . . . Beaver 58659 Altoona*«!_________ Blair 5500 * R o s e b u r g * « f D o u g l a s 250 400 500 1121 150 200 1200 600 2100 2000 318 1200 800 719 2000 2500 SIMON H . SELL. GETTIG & BOWER. See Connellsville. To Lewistown. To Pittsburgh. See Altoona. ' To Gettysburg. To Washington. To Bloomsburg. To Somerset. To Reading. To Bloomsburg. To West Chester. To Allentown. To Gettysburg. To Brookville. To Reading. To Indiana. To New Bloomfield. To Huntingdon. To Indiana. H. To To To To To To To MONT. SMITH. Coudersport. Lancaster. Greensburg. Somerset. Reading. Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. JONES & W ICK. To Norristown. To Pittsburgh. To Doylestown. To Brookville. RAYMOND E. BROWN. To Lancaster. See Connellsville. See Butler. To Norristown. To Washington. «Butler*«!— .............Butler W M . G. WILSON. Cairnbrook*«—- Somerset To Somerset. California*«!. Washington To Washington. Cambridge Sp’g sM .C ra ’d. To Meadville. Canonsburg *•!— Washt’n To Washington. Canton*«!._____ Bradford , To Towanda. USE COUPONS as instru cted to BE PROTECTED by bon d. A A-4 See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorn ey List. / • P E N N S Y L V A N IA A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) Carbondale**! Lackaw’na To Scranton. 10726 »CarlisleM— Cumberland 550 Carmichaels*--------Greene 11692 Carnegie**t— Allegheny 15000 Garrickt-----------Allegheny (M t. Oliver P. O.) 1348 Carrolltown** — Cambria 1500 Castle Shannon**tAlleg’ny 5250 Catasauqua**t— — Lehigh 1930 Gatawissa**!. — Columbia 1000 Cecil**!_____ Washington 500 Center Hall**!........Center 3000 Centralia**!— Columbia 12380 »Ohambersburg**!-Fran’in JOSEPH P. McKEEHAN. To Waynesburg. To Pittsburgh. To Pittsburgh. To Johnstown. To Pittsburgh. To Allentown. To Bloomsburg. To Washington. To Bellefonte. To Bloomsburg. J O H N W . H O K E . General practice. Reference: Any bank or business house in the city. . To Washington. Charleroi**!. Washington 11931 439 Cherry Tree**!__ Indiana To Indiana. 41396 Chester**!--------Delaware A L E X A N D E R B. G E A R Y . Rerers to any bank, trust company, or other institution in Delaware County. See Butler. 1100 Chicora**t------ — Butler 1100 Christiana**t__ Lancaster To Lancaster. 4000 Glairton**!. — -Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 3000 »Clarion**!------------Clarion BRUSH & WILSON. 1600 ClarksSummit**!Lack’nna To Scranton. 400 Claysburg*!------------ Blair See Altoona. 1500 Claysville**t-Washington To Washington. 6851 »Clearfield**! — Clearfield LIVERIGHT Sc KREBS. 3155 Clifton Heights*-Del’w’re To Chester. 400 Clintonville*-— Venango See Franklin. 1753 Olymer**________ Indiana To Indiana. 5154 Ooaldale**t------ Schuylkill To Pottsville. 876 Ooalport**!____ Clearfield To Clearfield. < 14455 Coatesville**!------ Chester To West Chester. 695 Cochranton**t„Crawford To Meadville. 475 Oodorus**____ _____ York To York. 621 Collegeville**t Montgom’y To Norristown. 11454 Columbia**t___ Lancaster To Lancaster. 5075 Conemaugh**t__ Cambria To Johnstown. 896 Confluence**! . —Somerset To Somerset. 450 Conneaut Lake**t -Cra’f ’d To Meadville. 867 Conneautville**!Crawford To Meadville. G. M AY. 15455 Connellsville**!— Fayette H. 7800 Oonshohocken**!—Mont’y To Norristown. 900 Coopersburg**!— Lehigh To Allentown. 2670 Coplay**!------------- Lehigh To Allentown. 6000 Coraopolis**! _ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 7000 C orry**!____________Erie T o E rie .. 3100 »Coudersport**!------ Potter JONES & LEWIS. 5000 Crafton**+____ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 3000 Cresson**!--------- Cambria W . L. HIBBS. 1827 Cressona**!___ Schuylkill To Pottsville. 3000 Curwensville**!-01earfleld To Clearfield. 576 Dallas**!________ Luzerne To Wilkes-Barre. 2500 Dallastown**!______ York To York. 300 Dalmatia**!.NorthumbTd To Sunbury. 80Ò Danielsville**!No’thamton To Allentown. 8000 »Danville**!_____ Montour Ralph Kisner. 6305 Darby**!______ Delaware To Chester. 848 Dawson**!___; Fayette See Connellsville. 809 D ayton**!__‘ .Armstrong See Kittanning. 800 Delmont* —Westmoreland To Pittsburgh. 881 Delta**!............. - — York To York. UOO Denver**!__ __ Lancaster To Lancaster. 2954 Derry**!__ Westmoreland To Greensburg. 12086 Dickson City**!Lackaw’na To Scranton. 1000 Dillsburg**!________ York To York. 14500 Donora**!___ Washington To Washington. 600 Dormont______ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. (Pittsburgh P. O.) 576 Dover*_____________York To York. 4500 »Doylestown**!____ Bueks J. K . LEATHERMAN. 1895 Dravosburg**! .Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 175 Dry Run*...,____ Franklin To Chambersburg. 14665 Dubois**!______ Clearfield To Clearfield. 1970 Dunbar**!_______Fayette See Connellsville. 1474 Duncannon**!_____ Perry To New Bloomfield. 20776 Dunmore**!. Lackawanna To Scranton. 19964 Duquesne**!__ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 1000 Dushore**!______ Sullivan To Laporte. 672 East Berlin *•—___ Adams To Gettysburg. 1493 East Brady**!____ Clarion See Clarion. 3500 EastDown’gtown*!Chest'r To West Chester. 1235 East Greenville**! Mon’ty To Norristown. 3800 East Mauch Chunk*tCar’n To Mauch Chunk. 30530 »Easton**!...Northampton KIRKPATRICK & M AXWELL. 5615 E.Pittsburgh**!_AlIegheny To Pittsburgh. 300 E. Smithfleld*— Bradford See Sayre. 3330 E.Stroudsburg**!. Monroe To Stroudsburg. 1978 *Ebensburg**t___ Cambria To Johnstown. 666 Edinboro**__________ Erie To Erie. 10443 Edwardsvillet___ Luzerne To Wilkes-Barre* * ( Wilkes-Barre P. O.) 1235 Eldred**!_______ McKean To Bradford. 2311 Elizabeth**!___ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 3000 Elizabethtown**! .Lanca’r To Lancaster. 1039 Elizabethville**.. Dauphin To Harrisburg. 1800 Elkland**!_________ Tioga To Coudersport. 1200 Elk Lick* . — ..Somerset To Somerset. 2087 Ellsworth**! .Washington T o Washington. 3902 Ellwood City**! Lawrence To New Castle. 350 Elverson**! —___ Chester To West Chester. 400 Elvsburg*— NorthumbTd To Sunbury. M r \ T lT vy £ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1523 Emaus*»!___ - ____ Lehigh To Allentown. Emlenton**!__ ! V enango See Franklin. »Emporium**!___ Cameron J. P. PELT. Ephrata**!_____ Lancaster To Lancaster. 90000 »Erie**!................... ...Erie J. M . S H E R W IN Sc W . S. CARROLL, 682 State Street, General Law Practice in State and Federal courts. Long distance telephone. 5830 Etna*_______-A lleg h en y ( Sharpslturg Sta. P. O.) 2000 Evans City**!--------Butler 2500 Everett**t______ Bedford 250 Exchange*!_____ Montour 3500 Export**...Westmoreland 769 Factoryville**! .Wyoming 1760 Fairchance**!........Fayette 373 Fairfield**!______ .Adams 1204 Falls Creek**!— Clearfield 400 Fannettsburg*!..Franklin 10190 Farrell**!________ Mercer 240 Fawn Grove**.--------York 3000 Fayette City**! ...Fayette 644 Finleyville**!.Washington 1394 Fleetwood**!______ Berks 5000 Ford City**!— Armstrong 5749 Forest Oity**!.Susque’nna 1000 Foxburg**!___ ...Clarion 5100 Frackville**!__ Schuylkill To Pittsburgh. 11307 »Franklin**!— __ Venango 700 Fredericksburg*! Lebanon 2000 Fredericktown**Wash’ton 443 Fredonia**!______ Mercer 400 Freeburg*________Snyder 3500 Freedom **!______ Beaver 6197 Freeland**!_____ Luzerne 2248 Freeport**!__ Armstrong 300 Fryburg*_____ _— Clarion 4027 Galeton**!. . . . ____ Potter 3504 Gallitzin**!______ Cambria 800 Gap**t_________Lancaster 848 Garrett**!— ...Som erset 600 Genesee**!........... -P o tte r A. R . & N. F. OSMER. To Lebanon. To Washington. To Grove City. To Middleburg. To Beaver. To Wilkes-Barre. See Kittanning. See Clarion. To Coudersport. To Cresson. To Lancaster. To Somerset. To Coudersport. 5000 »Gettysburg**!------ Adams 1165 Girard**!....................E rie 5000 Girardville**!— Schuylkill 5540 Glassport**!— Allegheny 1099 Glen Campbell**!.Indiana 3200 Glenlyon*_______Luzerne 1263 Glen R ock**!_______York 2000 Glenside**!.. Montgomery 434 Goldsboro*!-------------York (E tters P. O.) 150 Grantham **t .Cumberland 625 Gratz*__________ Dauphin 1919 Greencastle**!.—Franklin 372 Green Lane**! Montgom’y See Butler. To Bedford. T6 Danville. To Greensburg. To Tunkhannock. See Connellsville. To Gettysburg. To Clearfield. To Chambersburg. To Grove City. To York. See Connellsville. To Washington. To Reading. See Kittanning. To Montrose. To Clarion. To Pottsville. . JOHN D. KEITH. To Erie. To Pottsville. To Pittsburgh. To Indiana. To Wilkes-Barre. To York. To Norristown. To York. To To To To Carlisle. Harrisburg. Chambersburg. Norristown. 15483 »Greensburg**!—Westmo’d A. W . BLACKBURN. 8000 Greenville**!--------Mercer To Grove City. Grove C ity**!____ Mercer Halifax**!____...Dauphin Hallstead**!.Susquehanna Hamburg*!____ :— Berks Hanover**!------ --------York Harleysville* Montgomery M . L. McBRIDE. To Harrisburg. See Montrose. To Reading. To York. To Norristown. 72015 »Harrisburg**!— Dafphin 400 Harrisville* — —*— Butler 963 Hatboro**!— Montgomery 2018 Hawley**!------------ Wayne 1888 Hays**!-----------Allegheny 28491 Hazleton**!_____ Luzerne 2000 Hegins*____ __ Schuylkill 700 Hellam**!...... ........... York 1500 Herminie**!. Westmorel’d 620 Herndon**!,.NorthumbTd 2000 Hershey**!_____ Dauphin 700 Hickory**! ...W ashington 3734 »Hollidaysburg**!-----Blair 600 Hollsopple**___ Somerset 985 Homer City**!-----Indiana 22466 Homestead**! —Allegheny FOX & GEYER. See Butler. To Norristown. To Honesdale. To Pittsburgh. To Wilkes-Barre. To Pottsville. To York. To Greensburg. To Sunbury. To Harrisburg. To Washington. See Altoona. To Somerset. To Indiana. To Pittsburgh. 5000 745 1538 3000 10000 350 y 2945 »Honesdale**!____ .Wayne CHARLES P . SEARLE. 609 Honev Brook**! —Chester To West Chester. 1500 HooversvUle**! .Somerset To Somerset. 364 Hop Bottom*!. Susque’h’a To Montrose. 590 Hopewell**____ —Bedford See Bedford. 900 Houston**___ Washington To Washington. 1434 Houtzdale**!— Clearfield To Clearfield. 657 Howard**!________ Center To Bellefonte. 1650 Hughesville**!- Lycoming To Williamsport. 2128 Hummelstown**!—Da’pi’n To Harrisburg. 8000 »Huntingdon*»!— Hunt’don C. H. WHITTAKER. 1164 Hyndman**! — Bedford To Bedford. 7000 »Indiana**!____ — Indiana PEELOR & FEIT. 400 Intercourse*___ Lancaster To Lancaster. 8000 Irwin**!__ Westmoreland To Pittsburgh. 822 Jamestown**t.— Mercer To Grove City. 9468 Jeannette**! W ’moreland To Greensburg. 3800 Jenkintown**!.M’tgom’ry To Norristown. 3158 Jermyn**! „ Lackawanna To Scranton. 6000 Jersey Shore**! Lycoming To W illiamsport.^___ _ USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by b on d , See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. 1524 P E N N S Y L V A N IA A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (BO N D ED ) Popu la TOWN AND COUNTY. tion . NAME. 7500 J essup*t------ Lackawanna To Scranton. 4334 J ohnsonburg*«!.____ _ Elk To Ridgway. 68529 J ohnstown*«t. . . . Cambria J. W . PRESTON. Johnstown Trust , Building. 800 6000 7000 2049 6449 Jonestown*»t—..Lebanon Juniata* . . . . . . . . __ Blair Kane*«t. . . . . . . __ McKean KennettSquare*«! Chester Kingston*«! _____ Luzerne To Lebanon., See Altoona. To Bradford. To West Chester. To Wilkes-Barre. 4311 «Kittanning*«!..Armstrong C. L . W ALLACE and JOHN W . ROHRER. 800 K nox*«!-----------...Clarion 840 Knoxville*«!___ ___ Tioga 5000 Kulpmont* Northumberland 2360 Kutztown*«! .......B e r k s 749 L acey ville*«!... Wyoming 400 Lake A riel«!_____ .Wayne (A riel P . O.) See Clarion. To Coudersport. To To To To Sunbury. Reading. Tunkhannock. Honesdale. P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. ________________ . TION. NAME. 1700 Mifflinburg*«!— — Union To Lewisburg. 954 *Mifflintown*«t___ Juniata To Lewistown. 800 Mildred*____ . . . . Sullivan To Laporte. 872 «M ilfo rd * «!i...— ....P ik e 2394 Millersburg*«!__ Dauphin 549 Millerstown*— ___ Perry 1800 Millersville*__ _ Lancaster 1200 Mill Hall*«!.. . . . . . Clinton 626 Millheim*_________ Center 1000 Millsboro*«— Washington 9237 Millvale*«!__ _ Allegheny 611 Millville*«!__ _ ..Columbia 1500 M ilroy*«!........... . Mifflin 7460 Milton*«!N orthumberland 7000 Minersville*«!—Schuylkill 2000 M ohnton*...______ Berks 3376 Monaca*«!__ _____ Beaver 21630 Monessen*«!W’stmorernd 9600 Monongahela*«!.. Wash’n 700 Mont A lto ...-----Franklin 1490 Montgomery*«! Lycoming 1904 Montoursville*«! Lycom ’g ALFRED M ARVIN. To Harrisburg. To New Bloomfield. To Lancaster. ¿To Lock Haven. To Bellefonte. To Washington. To Pittsburgh. To Bloomsburg. See Lewistown. To Sunbury. To Pottsville. To Reading. To Beaver. To Greensburg. To Washington. To Chambersburg. To Williamsport. To Williamsport.' 50853 «Lancaster*«!-----Lancaster ESHLEMAN & HQSTERM AN. 3Q0 700 895 5000 4066 10477 500 11393 _25 549 Landisburg*_______Perry Landisville*«!.. Lancaster Langhorne*«!___ ..Bucks Lansdale*«!_.Montgomery Lansdowne*«! ..Delaware L ansford*«!...___ Carbon 1914 «MontroseM.Susquehanna H . A . DENNEY. To To To To To To New Bloomfield. Lancaster. Doylestown. Norristown. Chester. Mauch Chunk. «Lanorte*«_______Sullivan E. J . M ULLEN. ' Latrobe*«!. Westmoreland To Greensburg. Lavery* ______ .Erie See Erie. Lawrenceville*«!___ Tioga To Copdersport. 20779 «Lebanon*«! —.— Lebanon SELTZER & SELTZER. 3624 600 6500 157 3000 326 Leechburg*«!..Armstrong See Kittanning. Leesport*«!______ ...Berks To Reading. L ehighton*«!.:.. ..Carbon To Mauch Chunk. Lemasters*_____ Franklin To Chambersburg. Lemoyne*«t„Cumberland To Carlisle. Le Raysville*___ Bradford See Towànda. 3500 «Lewisburg*«!--------- Union W . R . FOLLM ER. 10733 «Lewistown*«! ......M ifflin 1575 1638 450 833 3500 1500 596 Ligonier*«!. Westmoreland L illy*«!-------------- Cambria Lincoln*......... . . Lancaster Linesville*«!— Crawford Lititz*«!---------- Lancaster Littlestown*«!____ Adams Liverpool*_________ Perry L . J. DURBIN. To Greensburg. To Cresson. To Lancaster. ToMeadville. To Lancaster. To York. To New Bloomfield. 7772 «Lock Haven*«!__ .Clinton R . B . M cC O R M IC K . 375 5426 3400 3000 1000 754 17463 1125 3000 1039 1645 900 2079 500 366 1400 920 1693 890 Loganton*«__ .___ Clinton Luzerne*«t______ Luzerne Lykens*«!_______ Dauphin Lyndora*«!._____...Butler M adera*«!_____ Clearfield Mahaffey*«!___ Clearfield Mahanoy City*«!Sch’ylkill M alvern*«!______ Chester Manheim*«! _v_. Lancaster Manor*«! ..Westmoreland Mansfield*«!.__ 8__ Tioga Marienville*«!____ Forest Marietta*«!____ Lancaster M arion*«__ ____ Franklin Marion Center*«!. Indiana Mars*«!____ ______ Butler M artin sbu rg*«!...... Blair Marysville*«!___ . . . Perry Masontown*«..___Fayette To Lock Haven. To Wilkes-Barre. To Harrisburg, See Butler. To Clearfield. To Clearfield, To Pottsville. To West Chester. To Lancaster. To Greensburg. .>■ To Coudersport. To Tionesta. To Lancaster. To Chambersburg. "To Indiana. See Butler. See Altoona. To New Bloomfield. See Connellsville. 3952 «Mauch Chunk*«!.. Carbon JACOB C. LOOSE. 702 3389 300 600 Maytown*..__Lancaster M cAdoo*«!____ Schuylkill McAlisterville*___ Juniata McClure*«!_______Snyder 579 «McCohnellsburg*!. Fulton 2543 47521 19949 2000 514 McDonald*«!. Washington McKeesport*«!. Allegheny McKeesRocks*«!.AUeg’ny McSherrystown*__ Adams McYeytown*«!------ Mifflin 13802 «Meadville*«!.— Crawford 4469 3800 2026 1410 630 4000 531 5500 6000 941 1000 Mechanicsburg*«! Cum’Pd «Media*«!_______Delaware «Mercer*«!____ SZ Mercer Mercersburg*«!..Franklin Meshoppen*«! ..W yom ing Meyersdale*«!...Somerset «M iddleburg*«!.....Snyder Middletown*«!__ Dauphin Midland*«!___ j Beaver Midway*«___ Washington Mifflin*«!________ Juniata Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To Lancaster. To Pottsvil}e. See Mifflintown. To Middleburg. JOHN P . SIPES. To Washington. To Pittsburgh. To Pittsburgh. To Gettysburg. See Lewistown. CU RTIS L. WEBB. To Carlisle. To Chester. To Grove City. To Chambersburg. To Tunkhannock. To Somerset. To Sunbury. To Harrisburg. To Beaver. To Washington. To MifflintOwn. 1000 20268 1272 2000 2166 382 5812 3338 500 803 3000 Moscow*«!— Lackawanna Mt. Carmel*«!Nor’mberl’d Mt.HollySprings*«!Cumb. Mt. Jewett*«!___McKean Mount Joy*«!.* Lancaster Mt. Morris_______Greene Mt. Pleasant*«! WestmTd Mount Union*«!H’nt’gd’n Mt. W o lf* «.............. York Mountville*«!— Lancaster M uncy*«!..___ LyComing 3000 23126 4000 3978 4000 413 505 527 4000 1625 772 9277 M yerstow n*«!.!. Lebanon Nanticoke*«!____ Luzerne Natrona*«!------ Allegheny Nazareth*«! Northampton Nesquehoning*«!..Carbon New Albany*«!..Bradford New Alexandria*«! West’d New Berlin*_______Union Newberry«!___ Lycoming New Bethlehem*«!Clarion «New Bloomfield*« ..P erry New Brighton*«!..Beaver To Scranton. To Sunbury. To Carlisle. To Bradford. .To Lancaster. To Waynesburg. To Greensburg. To Huntingdon. TO York. To Lancaster. To Williamsport. To Lebanon. To Wilkes-Barre. To Pittsburgh. T o Allentown. To Mauch Chunk. See Towanda. See Greensburg. To Lewisburg. To Williamsport. .To Clarion. To Harrisburg. To Beaver. 41133 «New Castle*«!.. Lawrence J . CLYDE GILFILLAN. 1472 500 900 726 1500 1000 7707 654 838 2009 1000 1800 400 1449 758 852 New Oumberland*«Cumb. New Enterprise*. Bedford New Florence*«! W ’stm’d New Freedom*«!___ York New Holland*«! Lancaster New H6pe*«t_____ Bucks 'NewKensington*«!W’tm’d New Milford*«!.Susq’nna New Oxford*«!___ Adams Newport*«!_____ u. .Perry New Salem*«_____ Fayette Newtown*«!_______Bucks New Tripoli*_____ Lehigh Newville*«!.. Cumberland New Wilmington*«Law’ce Nicholson*«!. . . Wyoming 31401 «Norristown*«!.. M’tgo’ery 8729 2672 4000 1710 1353 3436 19297 14902 514 9964 450 618 1801 591 2500 . 2500 6000 3000 1244 3000 2578 4338 885 3907 5000 3967 1462 1300 2779 600 705 Northampton*«!North’ton North East*«!_______Erie Northumberland*«!North. North Wales*«t_.M’ntg’ry Oakdale*«__ ...A lleghen y Oakmont*«____ Allegheny Oil City*«!...........Venango Old Forge*«!.Lacka wanna Oley*___ i __________Berks Olyphant*«!__ Lac’wanna Orangeville*« — Columbia Orbisonia*«!..Huntingdon Orwigsburg*«! .Schuylkill Osceola*«!_________ Tioga Osceola Mills*«t_Clearfleld O xford*«!_______Chester Palmerton*«!_____ Carbon Palmyra*«!--------Lebanon Parkers L ’d ’g*«! -Amst’ng Parkesburg*«!___ Chester Parnassus*«..Westmorel’d Parsons*«!.__ . . . Luzerne Patterson______ __J uniata (Mifflin P. O.) Patton*«!_______Cambria Peckville*«!..Lackawanna Pen Argyl*«!.Northamp’n Penbrook*______ Dauphin Pennsburg*«!.. Montgo’ry Perkasie*«!_____ ...B u cks Perryopolis*«!___ Fayette Petersburg*«!.Huntingd’n To Carlisle. See Bedford. To Greensburg. To York. To Lancaster.' ’ To Doylestown. To Greensburg. See Montrose. T o Gettysburg. To New Bloomfield. See Connellsville. To Doylestown. To Allentown. To Carlisle. To New Castle. To Tunkhannock. E . L . H A L L M A N , Norristown, Pa. Refers to Peoples National Bank, Norristown: also, National Bank o f Royersford, Royersford. Pa. Commercial and Corporation, Practice a specialty. To Allentown. To Erie. ToSunbury. To Norristown. To Pittsburgh. To Pittsburgh. See Franklin. To Scranton. To Reading. To Scranton. To Bloomsburg. To Huntingdon. To Pottsville. To Coudersport. To Clearfield. To West Chester. T o Mauch Chunk. To Lebanon. See Kittanning. To West Chester. To Greensburg. To Wilkes-Barre. See Mifflintown. To Johnstown. To Scranton. To Allentown. To Harrisburg. To Norristown. To Doylestown. See Connellsville. To Huntingdon. • M /^ T I T USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d . J « J. MZ* See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorn ey List. _______ . P E N N S Y L V A N IA A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) P o pu la- 1525 NAME. TOW N AND COUNTY. TION. 1709518APhiladelphia*«!— Phila. 3-BYR ON , LO N GBOTTOM & PAPE, 620-625 Stephen Gi rard Building:, 21 Sb.jl2th Sti' IM w D epartm ent: Robert J. B yron, A . S. Lohgbottoih, Gi'Laivrence Pape. State and F e d e r a l Court Practice. Trial o f Causes. Corporation, Commercial and Probate Law. Bankruptcy Practice. Dep ositions taken. Issue Commissions to George T. Schieder, Notary Public. Collection Department established 1891. George T. Schieder, David R . B yron. Prompt reports and immediate remittanies. Special facilities for handling cbm: mercial matters in Philadelphia and vicinity. Twenty-two years experience, fully equipped office force,, competent in vestigators, adjusters and collectors, coupled with thorough knowledge o f local trade conditions, insure prompt and effi cient attention to each individual item. References: Market Street National Bank, Continental-Equitable Title and Trust Co., Philadelphia. Others in any line on application. 3-LEVT & M A N D G L , Nos. 1203 to 1212 North American Building, N. E. Cor. Broad and Sansom Streets. Corporation lawyers; bankrupt practitioners. Competent attention given to collections; frequent reports: prompt remittances. Attor neys for Bank o f Commerce, Textile National Bank and Central Trust & Savings Co. References: Fourth Street National Bank, Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Co., Textile National Bank, Land Title & Trust Co. 3585 Philipsburg*«!____ Center 11714 Phœnixville*«!___ Chester 2200 Pine Grove*«t—Schuylkill 7000 Pitcairn*«!____ Allegheny 579090*Pittsburgh*«!.. Allegheny. G E O R G E W . Z E IG L E R . To West Chester. To Pottsville. To Pittsburgh. 3-M O R R IS, W ALKER & BOYLE, 1608 Commonwealth Building. Corporation, Commercial, Insurance and Pro bate Practice. References: Peoples National Bank and Commonwealth Trust Co., Pittsburgh; National Bank o f Commerce, New York; National Bank o f the Republic, Chicago. Compilers o f the Pennsylvania laws fo r this publication. 18599 (25 414 19100 2500 2954 1972 849 535 16794 Pittston*«!______ Luzerne Pleasant Unity*Westmo’ld Plumville*«t_____ Indiana Plymouth*«! .„..L u z e rn e Point Marion*«t__ Fayette Portage*«!__ ____ Cambria Port Allegany*«! .M cKe’n Portland*«t Northampton Port Royal*«t____ Juniata Pottstown*«t ..M ’tgomery To Wilkes-Barre. To Greensburg. To Indiana. To Wilkes-Barre. See Connellsville. To Johnstown. To Bradford. To Allentown. See Mifflintown. To Norristown. 22872 APottsville*«!— -Schuylkill CARL H. W AGNER. 10000 4500‘ 739 1000 Punxsutawney*«t..Jef’s’n Quakertown*«!____ Bucks Quarryville*«t..Lancaster Ralston*«!____ Lycoming 109381*Reading*«!________ Berks 820 3000 1000 4621 1500 3189 671 230 722 Reamstown*__ Lancaster Red Lion*«t________ York Reedsville*«!_____ Mifflin Renovo*«t____ __ Clinton Republic*«_______Fayette Reynoldsville*«!.Jeffers’n Rice’s Landing*«.. Greene Richfield*________J uniata Richland*«! .....L e b a n o n To Brookville. To Doylestown. To Lancaster. To Williamsport.JOHN B. STEVENS, 534 Wash ington St. Counsel fo r Reading National Bank, First National Bank, Berks County Trust Co., Reading Hardware Co., etc. To Lancaster. To York. See Lewistown. To Lock Haven. See Connellsville. To Brookville. To Waynesburg. To Mifflintown. To Lebanon. 5408 àRidgway*«t_________ Elk PAUL T . ARNOLD. 2500 700 855 723 1903 6000 1300 222 1450 763 2000 712 1044 639 1195 6426 1424 283 1000 314 4747 579 5456 RidleytPark*«!. .Delaware Riegelsville*_______ Bucks Rimersburg*«!___ Clarion Ringtown*«!__ Schuylkill Roaring Spring*«!__ Blair Rochester*«!__ ...B eaver R ockwood*«!__ Somerset Rom e*_________ Bradford Roscoe*«!___ Washington Roulette*«_________Potter Royersford*«!..M ’gomery Rural Valley*-.Armstrong Russellton*«!.. Allegheny Saegerstown*«!. Crawford Saltsburg*«!_____ Indiana Sandy Lake*«!___ Mercer Saxton*«____ ;___ Bedford Sayre*«!_______ Bradford Scalp Level*_____ Cambria Windber P. O. Scenery Hill*.. Wash’gton Schaeffqrstown* .Lebanon Schellburg*__ ___ Bedford SchuylkillHaven*«! Sch’kl Schwenkville *•!. Montg’y Scottdale*«!__ Westmo’l’d 14681UScranton*«t. .Lackawanna s&!_____ To Chester. To Doylestown. See Clarion. To Pottsville. See Altoona. To Beaver. To Somerset. See Towanda. To Washington. To Coudersport. To Norristown. See Kittanning. To Pittsburgh. To Meadville. To Indiana. To Grove City. See Bedford To Towanda. To Johnstown. To To To To To To Washington. Lebanon. Bedford. Pottsville. Norristown. Greensburg. RUTHERFORD & BURNS, 1001-2 Mears Bldg. Refers to Traders National Bank and Anthracite Trust Co. 1700 1572 600 4479 21129 18616 8976 5000 3000 Selinsgrove*«!___ -Snyder. To Middleburg. Sellersville*«t___ 1.Bucks ’ To Doylestown. Seven Valleys*_____ York To York. Sewickley*«! ...Allegheny To Pittsburgh. Shamokin*«! .Northumb’d To Sunbury. Sharon*«!___ J. __ Mercer To Grove City. Sharpsburg*«! — Allegh’y To Pittsburgh. Sharpsville*«!____ Mercer To Grove City. Sheffield*«!___ ...W arren To Warren. 29201 Shenandoah*«! ..S c h ’ylk’l L . B . E D W A R D S , Titman Build ing. General Practice. Refers to any bank or trust company in the city.... 1917 1598 4000 378 598 4454 754 1000 1817 749 784 1000 180 3000 2500 24204 451» 3000 460 614 2880 1999 1300 1425 6455 15548 674 6500 1500 350 885 350 Shickshinny*«!...Luzerne Shinglehouse*«! „..P o tt e r Shippensburg*«! ...C u ’b ’d Shippensville*«! ...Clarion Shrewsbury*!______ York Slatington*«!..__ _ Lehigh S ligo*«!_____ ____ Clarion Slippery Rock*____ Butler ASmethport*«!__..McKean Smithfleld*«!_____ Fayette Smithton*«!Westmoreland Snow S h oe*«!____ Center Somerfield*«!__ Somerset ASomerset*«!__ _ Somerset To Wilkes-Barre. Tb Coudersport. To Carlisle. See Clarion. To York. To Allentown. To Clarion. See Butler. To Bradford. See Connellsville. To Greensburg; To Bellefonte. To Somerset. A . C . & F . A . HOLBERT. Souderton*«!.. Montgom’y To Norristown. S. Bethlehem*«!. N o’h’p’n To Allentown. South F o rk * «!... Cambria To Johnstown. 8pangler*«t_____ Cambria To Johnstown. Spartansburg*«t„Cra’f o ’d To Meadville. Springboro*«!„.Crawford To Meadville. Spring City*«____ Chester ) To West Chester. Springdale*«___ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. Spring Grove*«!........York To York. State College*«!___ Center To Bellefonte. St. Clair*«t____ Schuylkill To Pottsville. Steelton*«!______ Dauphin To Harrisburg. Stewartstown*«_____ York To York. St. Mary’s*«t..........— Elk To Ridgway. Stoneboro*«!_____ Mercer To Grove City. Stoyestown*«! . . Somerset To Somerset. Strasburg* ____ Lancaster To Lancaster. Strausstown*_______Berks To Reading. 4379 AStroudsburg*«!___ Monroe EDLENBERGER & HUFFMAN« 500 St. Thomas*—. . . Franklin To Chambersburg. 459 Sugargrove*_____ Warren To Warren. 1200 Summerville*«!-.Jefferson To Brookville. 16260 ASunbüry*«!. Northumb’l’d K N IG H T & T A G G A R T. 3478 Susquehanna*«!.. Susq’h ’a To Montrose. 1000 8utersville*___ WestmTd To Chester. 1899 Swarthmore*«!..Delaware ' To Chester. 400 Swineford*—____ Snyder To Middleburg. 8000 Swissvale*«!___Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 2500 Sykesville*!____Jefferson To Brookville. 10840 Tamaqua*«!___ Schuylkill W . M . PARNELL. 7414 12077 1800 818 293 248 ,1324 600 Tarentum*«!__ Allegheny T aylor*«!___ Lackawanna Telford*«! „ Montgomery Terre H ill*..__Lancaster Thompsontown*«. .Juniata Three Springs*«Hunt’gd’n Tidioute*«!______ Warren Tioga*«!_____ — Ti oga To Pittsburgh. To Scranton. To Norristown. To Lancaster. See Mifflintown. To Huntingdon. To Warren. To Coudersport. 803 ATionesta*«!______ „F orest A . C. BROW N. 8713 Titusville*«!___ Crawford 1000 Topton*«!____ 2____ Berks To Meadville. To Reading. 4281 ATowanda*«!___ _ Bradford C. M . CULVER. 2325 317 1959 2067 3000 1288 Tower City*«!„Schuylkill To Pottsville. Townville*____ Crawford To Meadville. Trafford*«! Westmoreland To Greensburg. Tremont*«r____ Schuylkill To Pottsville. T rev orton *«t„„N orth T d To Sunbury. Troy*«!________ Bradford To Towanda. 2000 ATunkhannock*«t. W yom ’g H . STANLEY HARDING. 365 4995 8000 500 600 4000 20780 950 1198 3876 2849 980 Turbotville*«NorthumbTd Turtle Creek*«! Allegheny T yron e*«!____ i_____ Blair Ulster*«!_______ Bradford Ulysses*«___ ___ „.P o tte r Union City*«!____ _ Erie AUniontown*«!____ Fayette Valley View *_.Schuylkill Vanderbilt*____ Fayette Vandergrift*« -Westmor’d Verona* « !....S i Allegheny Wampum*«!— iLawrence To Sunbury. To Pittsburgh. To Altoona. See Towanda. To Coudersport. To Erie. • See Connellsville. To Pottsville. See Connellsville. To Greensburg. To Pittsburgh. To Green Castle. 14737 AWarren*«! „ „ ¿ — Warren A . G . ELDRED. 21618 «Washington*«! .Washi’g'n 724 1950 5000 7199 JOHN N. PATTERSON . Waterford*! 1-__ L .-,E r ie See Erie'. Watsontown*«! .N orth T d TO Sunbury. W ayne*«!.— __ Delaware T o Chester. Waynesboro*«! ..Franklin To Chambersburg. M H T I 7 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d . i l \ / JL H i See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,, 1526 PENNSYLVANIA, PHILIPPINE IS., PORTO RICO, RHODE IS. P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 7000 »Waynesburg**! ...Greene 2561 1000 638 3500 308 1000 426 Weatherly**!..;__ Carbon Webster**! Westmorel’nd Weissport**!_____ Carbon »Wellsboro**!___ ...Tioga Wellsville* ______ 5__York Wernersville**t___ Berks West Alexander**!.Wash. W. Gonshohocken**t __ : Mont’y Westfleld**t---------- Tioga Westgrove**t__ ..Chester West Hazleton*.. Luzerne West Middlesex*«! Mercer West Newton**t. West’l’d White Haven*«t..Luzerne Wilcox**t------------------Elk NAME. GARRISON & M AR TIN . To Mauch Chunk. To Greensburg. To Mauch Chunk. To Coudersport. To York. To Reading. To Washington. 13176 »West Chester**!. .Chester C. RAYMOND YOUNG. 2202 _ „ 1180 1360 7000 1157 2880 1600 1037 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) PopuLA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. To Norristown. To Coudersport. To West Chester. To Wilkes-Barre. To Grove City. To Greensburg. To Wilkes-Barre. To Ridgway. P O R T O R IC O This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. The District comprises island of Porto Rico (seven Electoral districts and seven local Judicial districts): court is held at San. Juan, April and October: at Ponce, January; and at Mayaguez, special term imme diately following January term at Ponce. Counties: Aguadilla, Ponce, San Juan. Arecibo, Guayama, Humacao, Mayaguez. REFERENCE KEY 76776 *Wilkes-Barre**t..Luzerne W . H. GOODWIN. ' 604 Coal Exchange Bldg. 1County Seat. * Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. 23228 Wilkinsburg**t Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 1523 Williamsburg**t_..Blair See Altoona. • Express Office, § Capital. 33809 *Williamsport**t .Lycom'g OLIVER J. DECKER. 2004 6500 1500 2000 8013 1200 1801 255 1396 2051 680 -5200 1500 894 Williamstown**. .Dauphin Wilmerding*»t. Allegheny Wilson**t_____ Allegheny Winburne**t___ Ciearfleld Windber**t____ Somerset Windgap*»t.M orthampton Woinelsdorf*t_____ Berks Woodbury*:. ..__Bedford Woodlawn **t____ Beaver Wrightsville**t____ York Wyalusing**t__ Bradford Wyoming**!____ Luzerne Wyomissing*_______Berks Yardley**t_______Bucks To Harrisburg. To Pittsburgh. To Pittsburgh. To Clearfield. To Somerset. To Easton. To Reading. See Bedford. To Beaver. To York. To Towanda. To Wilkes-Barre. To Reading. To Norristown. 99645 8008 3414 5334 4428 3714 Aguadilla** . . . __ Arecibo**___________ Fajardo**.................... -----Guayama**................. -----Humaco** - -----Lares*______________ 15187 Mayaguez**________ ___ 1812 Naguabo**__________ ----- See San Juan. See San Juan. See San Juan. B. J. HORTON. See San Juan. 27952 Ponce**____________ ____ JOSE A. POVENTUD. 2531 Sabana Grande*_____------ See San Juan. 3954 San German**______ ------ See San Juan. 32048 »San Juan**_________ ____ FRANCIS E. NEAGLE. 51656 *York**t______ _____ York RAY P. SHERWOOD. 299 1800 1881 2000 1388 York Springs*t__Adams Youngsville**t___ Warren Youngwood*».. Westm’l’d Yukon**!.. Westmoreland Zelienople**t_____ Butler To Gettysburg. To Warren. To Greensburg. To Greensburg. See Butler. R H O D E IS L A N D This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire State; with court at Providence, fourth Tuesday in May and third Tuesday in November. Counties: Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, Washington. REFERENCE KEY » County Seat. * Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. P H IL IP P IN E IS L A N D S REFERENCE KEY ‘ County Seat. * Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. • Express Office, § State Capital. 81079 Cebu_____________ 1____ _ 19054 Iloilo___________________ See Manila. See Manila. 219928 Manila............................... WOLFSON & WOLFSON. At torneys for International Banking Corporation. Manila; North of Eng land Protecting & Indemnity Asso ciation, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng land; United Kingdom Mutual Steamship Assurance Assn., Ltd., London. Practice in all courts. Corporation and commercial law a specialty. Compilers o f the P hilippine Islands’ la/ws fo r this publication. See Manila. 3281 Zamboanga_____ ;___l____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Express Office, § State Capital. 6000 Artic*t____________ Kent* To Providence. 1400 Ashaway*t — Washington See Providence. 13000 »Bristol**!________.Bristol See Providence. 3604 »East Greenwich**! ..Kent To Providence. 500 Esmond**!___ Providence See Providence. 700 Greenville*___ Providence See Providence. 1200 Hope Valley*.Washington See Providence. 550 »Kingston*!__ Washington To Providence. 1200 Narragansett P’r**! Wash. To Providence. 30108 5000 2425 59411 4150 »Newport**!_____ Newport 01neyville**!..Providence Pascoag**!___ Providence Pawtucket**! .Providence Phénix**!__________Kent M A X LEVY. See Providence. See Providence. See Providence. See Providence. 254960§»Providence**!. Provide’e WILSON, GARDNER & CHUR CHILL, 1515 Turks Head Bldg. General Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Petty collections not desired, Refer to any bank. Compilers o f the Rhode Island la/ws fo r this publication. 1500 3000 7204 9442 1050 Slatersville*t..ProVidence Wakefield**!. Washington Warren**!________ Bristol Westerly**! ..Washington Wickford**! .Washington See Providence. To Providence. See Providence. To Providence. See Providence. 44360 Woonsocket**! Providence JAMES H. RICKARD, JR. K T / ^ ' T ' P USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 ’I 1 JZs See complete information in preface to Attorney List. SOUTH CAROLINA ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU NAME. LA TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1527 NAME. B A R R O N , M c K A Y , F R IE R SON A MOFFATT. Attention , given to Collections, Real Estate. Corporation and Commercial Law. References: The National Loan ft Exchange Bank, or any other bank o f Columbia, S. C. ______ Conestee..___ —Greeiiville To Greenville. 1000 Converse*«__ Spartanburg To Spartanburg. 1228 »Conway*«!— ____ -Horry H . H . W O O D W A R D . 418 Cottageville*____ Colleton See Walterboro. 175 Coward*«!. - __ —Florence To Florence. 1500 Cowpens*«!— Spartanb’rg To Spartanburg. 350 Gross Anchor*Spartanb’rg To Spartanburg. 558 Cross Hill*«! — Laurens To Laurens. 6000 «Darlington*«!. Darlington I>Alt GAN & DARGAN. 1200 Denmark*«!___ Bamberg To Bamberg. 3000 «Dillon*«!__________Dillon GIBSON & MULLER. 268 Donalds*«!_____ Abbeville To Abbeville. 672 Due W est*____ Abbeville To Abbeville. 300 Duncan*«!__ Spartanburg To Spartanburg. 4000 Easley*«!__ - ____ Pickens To Pickens. 307 Eastover*«!_____ Richland To Columbia. 34611 §»Colnmbia*«!___ Richland SOUTH C A R O L IN A This information will be of value to those interested In Bank ruptcy matters. South Carolina is divided into two Federal Districts: Eastern and Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT (1), with court at Charleston, first Tuesdays in June and December; at Columbia, third Tuesday in January and first Tuesday in November (the latter term to be solely for trial of civil cases); at Aiken, first Tuesdays in April and October; and at Florence, first Tuesday in March. The WESTERN DISTRICT (2). with court at Greenville, first Tuesdays in April and October; at Rock Hill, second Tuesdays in March and September; and at Greenwood, the first Tuesdays in Feb ruary and November. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Abbeville (2), Aiken (1), Anderson (2), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (1), Berkeley (1), Calhoun (1), Charleston (1), Cherokee (2), Chester (2), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (1), Colleton (1), Darlington (1), Dillon (1), Dorchester (1), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (2), Florence (1), Georgetown (1). Greenville (2), Greenwood (2), Hampton (1), Horry (1), Jasper (1), Kershaw (1), Lancaster (2), Laurens (2), 2000 «Edgefield*«!____ Edgefield Lee(1), Lexington (1), Marion (1), Marlboro (1), McCormick (2), New 600 Ehrhardt*«!___ Bamberg berry (2), Oconee (2), Orangeburg (1), Pickens (2), Richland (1), Saluda 367 Ellenton*«!_____ _ Aiken (2) , Spartanburg (2), Sumter (1), Union (2), Williamsburg (1), York 300 (2). E lliott*«!..................... Lee 540 Elloree*«!___ Orahgeburg 1500 Enoree*«!___ Spartanburg 2500 Estill*«!________ Hampton 405 Eutawville*«!.Orangeburg 750 Fairfax*«!_____ -Barnwell REFERENCE KEY i County Seat. * Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. 5000 «Abbeville*«!____Abbeville 4500 »Aiken*«!___ ______ Aiken 2000 Allendale*«!____ Barnwell 12266 »Anderson*«!___ Anderson 95 Andrews*«! — Georgetown 800 Aynor«_________.__ Horry 1935 »Bamberg*«!____ Bamberg 2500 »Barnwell*«!____ Barnwell 2250 Batesburg*«!__ Lexington 2486 »Beaufort*«!.____ Beaufort 3500 Bellon*«t______ Anderson 2646 »Bennettsville*«!.Marlboro 317 Bethune *•!_____ Kershaw 3000 »Bishopville*«!_______ Lee 1200 Blacksburg *•! —Cherokee 250 Blackstock*«!__ --Chester 1800 Blackville*«!___ Barnwell 850 Bowman*____ Orangeburg 2000 Branchville*«!Orangeburg 700 Brunson*«!_____ Hampton 200 Cades*«!___ Williamsburg 296 Calhoun Falls*«! Abbeville 5500 »Camden*«!_____ Kershaw 685 Cameron*«!_____ Calhoun 255 Campobello*«t.Spart’burg 500 Carlisle*«!__ ______ Union 1200 Central*«!__ ____ Pickens 375 Chapin*«!____ Lexington 200 Chappells*«!__ Newberry • Express Office, § State Capital. D. H. HILL. SAWYER & GYLES. To Barnwell. BONHAM, WATKINS A ALLEN. See Georgetown. See Conway. E. H . HENDERSON. J. E. HARLEY. To Columbia. W . Ji THOMAS. T o Anderson. S. S. TISON. To Camden. McLEOD & DENNIS. To Spartanburg. TO Chester. -s To Barnwell. To Orangeburg. To Orangeburg. ' To Hampton. See Kingstree. To Abbeville. M . M . JOHNSON. To St. Matthews. To Spartanburg. To Spartanburg. To Pickens. To Columbia. See Newberry. 60734 »Charleston*«!—Charleston. 3 - M O B D E C A I A G A D S D E N , A RUTLEDGE, Attorneys and Counselors. The Peoples Office Bldg., Broad and State Sts., Suite 707-714. General, Civil Practice, Corpo ration, Commercial, Insurance and Real Estate Law. Matters in bankruptcy and collections. Counsel in South Carolina fo r1 Association o f Life Insurance Presidents, New York City; American Bonding Company o f Baltimore, Baltimore, Md.: Fidelity & Deposit Company o f Maryland, Baltimore, Md.: United States Casualty Company, New York; Casualty Company o f America, New York: Travellers Insurance Com pany, Hartford, Conn.; Mutual Life Insurance Company, New York: Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, New ark, N. J.: Armour & Company, Chicago, 111.; Swift & Com pany, Chicago, 111.; United Fruit Company, Boston, Mass.; Standard Oil Company, New York and Baltimore, Md.; Counsel for; Enterprise Bank, Charleston. S. O.; State Sav ings Bank, Charleston, S. C.: South Carolina Association o f Life Underwriters. Division Counsel of: Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company. Attorneys for: Southern Express Com pany. Refer to; First National Bank, Charleston, S. C.; Pres ident or Cashier o f any Bank in C harlestons. C.: National Park Bank, New York: Bankers Trust Company, New York; . National Bank o f Commerce, New York. Cable address “ MORDCAIGAD." Long Distance Telephone. Compilers o f the South, Carolina laws fo r this publication. 2873 Cheraw*«!___ Chesterfield 1000 Chesnee*«! . . Spartanburg 5000 »Chester*«!______ Chester ,®00 »Chesterfield*« Chesterfield ■¡000 Clifton*« — Spartanburg in«? Clinton*«!______ Laurens ,2?0 Clio*«!..--------- Marlboro 15QQ Clover*»*_______ ___ York i l U Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis See Chesterfield. To Spartanburg. MARION & MARION. HANNA A HUNLEY. To Spartanburg. To Laurens. See Bennettsville. To Rock Hill. 10000 «Florence*«!—— Florence 360 Fork Shoals__ Greenville (F ountain Inri P. O.) 2000 Fort Mill*«!________ York 500 Fort Motte*«!___ Calhoun 1000 Fountain Inn*«!Greenv’ le 150 Furman*«!_____ Hampton 7000 «Gaffney*«!_____ Cherokee 6000 2500 284 3000 630 «Georgetown*«! -Georget’n Graniteville*«!_____ Aiken Gray Court*«!___ Laurens Great Falls__ — Chester Greelyville*«t Williamsb’g E. H. FOLK. See Bamberg. To Aiken. To Bishopville. To Orangeburg. To Spartanburg. To Hampton. To Orangeburg. See Barnwell. C. W . MULDROW. See Greenville. To R ock Hill. To St. Matthews. See Grèenville, To Hampton. To Spartanburg. M . W . PYATT. To Aiken. To Laurens. To Chéster. See Manning. 18181 »Greenville*«!— Greenville H ENRY K . TOWNES. 10000 *Greenwood*«!.Greenwood TILLMAN & M AYS. 8000 Greer*«t____ _ Greenville To Greenville. 215 Hagood *•!_______ Sumter See Sumter. 1000 »Hampton*«!____ Hampton J . W . YINCENT. * 400 Harleyville*«—Dorchester See St. George. 3000 Hartsville*«! —Darlington To Darlington. 452 Heath Springs*«! Lancaster To Lancaster. 200 Hemingway«Williamsburg To Kingstree. 285 Hickory Grove*«! — York To Rock Hill. 266 Hodges*«!___ Greenwood To Greenwood. 700 Holly Hill*«!—Orangeburg To Orangeburg. 1763 Hone'a Path*«!..Anderson To Anderson. 750 Inman*«!___ Spartanburg To Spartanburg. 1100 Iva*«!__________Anderson To Anderson. 650 Jefferson*« — Chesterfield See Chesterfield. 250 Johnsonville*« W illiamsb’g To Kingstree. 1000 Johnston*«t___ Edgefield To Edgefield. 1250 Jonesville*«!______ Union To Spartanburg. 682 Kershaw*«!____ Kershaw To Camden. 1372 »Kingstree*«!. Williamsb’g LOUIS W . GILL AND. 200 Kline*«!________ Barnwell See Barnwell. 2000 Lake City*«!____ Florence To Florence. 400 Lake View *«!__ !__ Dillon See Dillon. 1000 Lamar*«!_____ Darlington To Darlington. 5000 »Lancaster*«!___ Lancaster W . P. ROBINSON. 1000 Landrum*«!. Spartanburg To Spartanburg. 1358 Latta*«! — — ___ Dillon See Dillon. 5000 »Laurens*«!______Laurens SIMPSON, COOPER & BABB. 980 Leesville*«!___ Lexington To Columbia. 1800 «Lexington*«!__ Lexington To Columbia. 1800 L iberty*«!______ Pickens To Pickens. 440 Little Mountain*«!.N’b’ry To Laurens. See Conway. 300 Little R iver*_____ Horry 99 Little Rock*«— — Dillon See Dillon. 250 L odge*«!________ Colleton To Walterboro. 600 L oris*«!______ — Horry See Conway. 350 Lowndesville*«! Abbeville To Abbeville. 244 L y d ia «___ — Darlington See Darlington. 700 Lynchburg*«t.... ..........Lee To Bishopville. 2000 «Manning*«!___ Clarendon CHARLTON DURANT. ' 5000 «M arion*«!_______ Marion MULLINS & HUGHES. 1500 600 1000 2000 1500 300 150 500 175 2485 143 5028 Mayesville*«!— Sumter McBee*«!—— Chesterfield McOlellanville* Charleston McColl*«!_____ Marlboro «McCormick*«! McCormick *MoncksCorner*«!Berk’ley Mountville*«!____ Laurens Mt. Carmel*«!.McCormick Mt. Croghan*« Chesterfield Mullins*«! |_____—-Marion Neeses*«!___ Orangeburg «Newberry*«!__ Newberry To Sumter. See Chesterfield. To Charleston. See Bennettsville. To Abbeville. To Charleston. To Laurens. To Abbeville. See Chesterfield. To Marion. To Orangeburg. To Laurens. USE COUPQNS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d , 1 L a See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. 1528 SOUTH CAROLINA, SOUTH DAKOTA Popu la - TION. TOWN AND COUNTY. 3000 118 1000 180 1000 1136 500 50 New Brookland* Lexing’n N ichols*»!..____ -.Marion Ninety-Six*»! ..G r e e n w'd N o r r is * » !..P ic k e n s N o r th * »!..... Orangeburg North Augusta*!.__ Aiken Norway*t__ J Orangeburg Oates.--------...D arlin gton (L am ar P. O.) 800 Olanta*»..___ ...F lo re n ce 350 Olar*»! ..._ _ — Bamberg NAME. To Columbia. See Marion. To Greenwood. To Pickens. To Orangeburg. To Aiken. To Orangeburg. To Darlington. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) Popu la TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. Gregory (2), Haakon (3), Hamlin (1), Hand (3), Hanson (21 HartUn« (4), Hjwhes (8) Hutchinson (2), Hyde (3), Lake (2), Lawrence (4), Lincoln (2), Lyman M cCo°k (2), McPherson (1), Marshall (1), Meade (4), Mellette (4? Miner (2), Minnehaha (2), M oody (2), Pennington (4), Perkins (4i Potter (3), Roberts (1), Sanborn (2), Shannon (4), Spink d ì staniti’ (3 , Sully (3), Todd (4L Tripp (4), Turner (2), Uffion (2), Walwort? (1), Washabaugh (4), Washington (4), Yankton (2), Ziebach (3). 0rtb To Florence. See Bamberg. REFERENCE KEY 7500 *Orangeburg*»!_Orangeb'g A. H. MOSS. 175 410 600 500 107 250 6000 1000 Owings*»--------- ..Laurens Pacolet*»!___ Spartanburg Pageland*»__ Chesterfield Pamplico*._2i___ Florence Parksville*»!_.McGormick Pelion*»t__r___ Lexington Pelzer*»!.__ . . . Anderson Pendleton*»t... Anderson To Laurens. To Spartanburg. See Chesterfield. To Florence. To Edgefield. To Columbia. To Anderson. To Anderson. County Seat. * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. 15218»Aberdeen*»t_. __ Brown 1500 »Pickens*_____ ___ Pickens CAREY & CAREY. 2500 P iedm ont*»!... Greenville 424 Pinewood*»!— Clarendon 145 Plum Branch*»!_________ McCormick 200 Pomaria*»t____ Newberry 900 Prosperity*»-)-.. Newberry 305 Reevesville*»!.Dorchester 600 550 350 500 To Greenville. To Manning. To Edgefield. To Laurens. To Laurens. See St. George. »Ridgeland*»!__ ....J a sp er J. P. WISE. Ridge Spring*»!__ Saluda See Saluda. Ridgeville*»t.. Dorchester To Charleston. Ridgeway*»t____ Fairfield To Columbia. 10000 508 194 100 311 Rock H ill*»t___ ....Y o r k Rowesville*»t Orangeburg Ruby*» _____ Chesterfield Ruffin *•_________ Colleton Salley*»t__________ Aiken 2000 200 308 2000 500 150 1000 300 »Saluda*»!___ . . . __Saluda Sandy Springs*» Anderson Scranton*»! .....F lo r e n c e Seneca*»!______ - Oconee Sharon*»!__________ York Shelton*»!._____ Fairfield Simpsonville*»! Greenville Smoaks*__ ___ ...Colleton W M . J. CHERRY. See Orangeburg. See Chesterfield. See Walterboro. To Aiken. B. W . CROUCH. To Anderson. To Florence. T o Walhalla. To Rock Hill. To Columbia. To Greenville. See Walterboro. 21365 »Spartanburg*»! Spart’nb’g J A M E S C. O T T S . Refers to Bank o f Commerce. Practice in State and Federal Courts. 800 Springfield*»! Orangeburg To Orangeburg. 500 S tarr*»!...'____ Anderson To Anderson. 1300 *St.George*»t.. Dorchester To Charleston. 2000 »St.Matthews*»!.. Calhoun 900 Summerton*»!. Clarendon 3000 Summerville*»t.Dorch’ter 9639 »Sumter*»!_______ .Sumter 700 Swansea*»!__ Lexington 250 Taylbrs*______ Greenville 2000 Timmonsville*»!.Florence 255 Townville*____ Anderson 200 TravelersRest*.Greenville 300 Trenton*»t___ -.Edgefield 233 T r o y * » !--------Greenwood 400 Turbeville*...__Clarendon 5623 »U n ion*»!_________ Union 1200 Varnville*»!___ .Hampton 362 Wagener*»!___ . . . . Aiken 1800 »Walhalla*»!______ Oconee 2700 »Walterboro*»!__ Colleton 300 W a rd * »!...;___i___Saluda 50 Ware Shoals*!Gréenwood 191 Waterloo*»!___ — Laurens 2000 W estm inster*»!. . Oconee 1800 Whitmire*»!__ Newberry 2100 Williamston*»!. Anderson 365 Willington*»!.McCormick 1000 W illiston*»!___ Barnwell 2000 »W innsboro*»!___ Fairfield 3000 W oodruff*»!. Spartanburg 250 Yemassee*»! . . . . Hampton 3500 »York*»t___ - ________York SO U TH J. G. STABLER. To Manning. To Charleston. GEO. D. LEVY. To Columbia. To Greenville. To Florence. To Anderson. To Greenville. To Edgefield. To Greenwood. To Manning. To Spartanburg. To Charleston. To Aiken. R . T. JAYNES. To Charleston. To Saluda; To Greenwood. To Laurens. See Walhalla. To Laurens. To Anderson. To Abbeville. See Aiken. To Columbia. To Spartanburg. To Beaufort. To Chester. DAKOTA This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. One Federal D istrict comprises entire state and has four divisions: the NORTHERN with court at Aberdeen (1), first Tuesday in May and second Tuesday in November; the SOUTHERN with court at Sioux Falls (2), first Tuesday in April and third Tuesday in October; the CENTRAL with court at Pierre (3), second Tuesday in June and first Tuesday in October; and the WESTERN with court at Deadwood (4), third Tuesday in M ay and first Tuesday in September. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Aurora (2), Beadle (2), Bennett (4), Bonhomme (2), Brookings (2), Brown (1), Brule (2), Buffalo (3), Butte (4), Campbell (1), Charles Mix (2), Clarke (1), Clay (2), Codington (1), Corson (1), Custer (4), Davison (2), Day (1), Deuel (1), Dewey (3), Douglas (2), Edmunds (1)., Fall River (4), Faulk (3), Grant (1), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAME. 100 Agar*»!____________ Sully 114 Akaska*»______Walworth 131 A lbee*»!__________Grant 425 A lcester*»!_______ Union 955 »Alexandria*»!____ Hanson 417 Alpena*»!_______ Jerauld 110 Altam ont*»!______ Deuel 200 Amherst*»!____ Marshall 500 Andover*»!-________ Day 225 A rdm ore*»!__ Fall River 1000 Arlington*»!_Kingsbury W . F. CORRIGAN, Special atten tion given to Real Estate and Cor poration Law. References; Dakota National Bank, Aberdeen, So Dak.; R. G. Dun & Co. Exclusivi representatives for Brown, Mar shall. Day, Edmonds, McPherson Walworth and Campbell counties South Dakota. Well equipped col lection department. Can handle quickly andj efficiently all legal business fo r any p oin t r ef erred in this Directory to Aberdeen. To Pierre. See Aberdeen. See Watertown. To Vermilion. To Mitchell. To Wessington Springs. See Watertown. To Aberdeen. To Aberdeen. To Hot Springs. To Watertown. 1200 »Armour*»t______ Douglas JOHN W . ADDDB. 300 Artas*»!— — Campbell 583 Artesian*»!--------Sanborn 500 Ashton*»!------ -— Spink 215 A storia*»!------------- Deuel 300 Athol •!---------------- Spink 236 Aurora*»!--------Brookings 600 Avon*»! .:— Bon Homme 125 Badger*»!— . Kingsbury 325 Baltic*»t--------Minnehaha 136 Bancroft*»!..— Kingsbury ------- Barnard------------ . . Brown --------Beardsley____ Hutchinson (Tripp P. O.) 1800 »Belief our ch e*»!.___Butte 200 100 1500 651 100 To Aberdeen. To Woonsocket. To Redfield. To Watertown. See Redfield. To Watertown. To Tyndall. To Watertown. To Sioux Falls. To Watertown. To Aberdeen. To Parker. W . E. BENEDICT. Belvidere*»!_____ Jackson Bemis*»!----------------Deuel B eresford*»!____ _ Union Bigstone Gity*»t..-.Grant Bijou Hills*— ____ Brule To Philip. See Watertown. To Vermilion. To Milbank. To Chamberlain. - 150 »Bison*____ -_____ Perkins 280 B lun t*»!________ Hughes 600 Bonesteel*»!____ Gregory 75 Bonilla*»!—______ Beadle 25 B o v e e --------..Charles Mix 671 Bowdle*»!___ _ Edmunds 351 Bradley*»!_____ ___ Clark 200 B randon*»!... Minnehaha 300 Brandt*»!_________ Deuel 145 Brentford*»! . . . __ Spink 934 Bridgewater*»!.. McCook 600 Bristol*»!________ ....D a y 1000 »Britton*»!____ _ Marshall 150 Broadland*»!___ ..B ead le 4000 »Brookings*»!...Brookings 350 Bruce*»t______ Brookings 645 B ryant*»!____ . . . Hamlin R . F. DREWRY. To Pierre. To Dallas. See Huron. To Armour. To Aberdeen. To Watertown. To Sioux Falls. To Watertown. See Redfield. To Salem. To Aberdeen. To Aberdeen. See Huron. To Watertown. To Watertown. To Watertown. 100 280 200 500 200 200 120 509 311 »B uffalo*...______ Harding Buffalo Gap*»! Custer Burbank*»__________Clay »Burke*»t________ Gregory Bushnell*»! . . . Brookings B utler*»!_________ Day Camp C rook*___ Harding Canastota*_____ McCook Canova*»!_________ Miner W . M . BENNETT. See Custer. To Vermilion. To Dallas. To Watertown. See Aberdeen. See Beliefourche. To Salem. To Howard. 2500 100 100 150 554 594 200 971 »Canton*»!__ ____ Lincoln Capa*»!-______ ____ Jones Carpenter*_______ ..Clark Garter*— ____ ..T r ip p Carthage*»!...___ _ Miner Castlewood*»!___ Hamlin Cavour*»!— ____ Beadle Centerville*»!.— . Turner A. B. CARLSON. To Fort Pierre. See Watertown. To Dallas. To Howard. To Watertown. See Huron. To Parker. 1275 35 225 200 300 100 350 1220 »Chamberlain*»!___ Brule Chance*—___ ____ Perkins Chancellor*»!.___ Turner Chelsea*»— ; - - . . . . . Faulk Chester*»! ______ Lake Claire City— — Roberts Claremont*»!____ Brown »Clark*»!_______ . . . Clark BROWN & BROWN. To Bison. To Parker. To Redfield. To Madison. To Sisseton. To Aberdeen. To Watertown. N d T R See USEcom C O U P O N S . a s instructed to BE PROTECTED b y bon d, p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. i iV / I Li .» Express Office. § State Capital. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W SOUTH D AK O TA (B O N D E D ) NAM E. PS " TOWN AND COUNTY. TTdfc. - --- --------------- ------------ - ¿Clear Lake**t—___ Deuel Colman**t------------ Moody Colome**t_________ Tripp Colton**}_____ Minnehaha Columbia**} - — — Brown Conde**}---------------Spink Corona**_______ - Roberts Oorsica**t_______Douglas Oottonwood**t__ Jackson Crandall**t— I--------- Day Crandon**}---------- Spink Cresbard**}_______ Faulk Crocker**t...... ..........Clark Crooks** —___ Minnehaha ¿Custer**}_______ — Custer Cuthberth*_____ Sanborn 850 Dallas**t_____ — Gregory To Watertown. To Sioux Falls. To Dallas; To Sioux Falls. To Aberdeen. To Redfield. To SissetOn. See Armour. To Philip. To Aberdeen. See Redfield. To Redfield. To Watertown. To Sioux Falls. To Hot Springs. To Woonsocket. E. O . PATTERSON. Dante*______ Charles Mix Davis**t_______ — Turner Daviston*______ ..Perkins *Deadwood**t __ Lawrence 1506 Dell Rapids**t Minnehaha 500 Delmont**}__ _— Douglas 107 Dempster**t . . . . . Hamlin 1063 ¿De Smet**}— ¿Kingsbury 200 Dimoek*— ~ .Hutchinson 100 Dixon*--------------- Gregory 581 Doland**t_________ Spink 147 Dolton**t____ — Turner 211 Draper**}.— ____ _ J ones 150 ¿Dupree*}—— ___ Ziebach 400 Eagle Butte**t____ Dewey 150 Eden*_____ —___ Marshall 816 Edgemont**}— Fall River 600 Egan**}__________ Moody 1500 ¿Elk Point**}__ ___ Union 766 Elkton**t____ Brookings 50 Elrod**}________ ...C lark 525 Emery**} ______ -Hanson 300 Erwin**}_____ Kingsbury 100 Esmond**}____ Kingsbury 700 Estelline**}-_____ Hamlin 500 Ethan**}________ Davison 1100 Eureka**}____ McPherson 60 ' Fairburn**} _______ Custer 500 ¿Fairfax**}— . — Gregory Fairview**} —___ Lincoln 300 Faith*}____________Meade To Armour. To Parker. See Bellefourche. OGDEN & OGDEN. To Sioux Falls. See Armour. To Watertown. To Watertown. To Parker.To Dallas. To Redfield. To Parker. To Fort Pierre. To Faith. To Faith. To Aberdeen. To Hot Springs. To Sioux Falls. To Vermilion. To Watertown. To Watertown. To Mitchell. To Watertown. To Watertown. To Watertown. See Mitchell. To Aberdeen. To Hot Springs. To Dallas. To Canton. 100 Farm er**}........... Hanson 24 FarmingdaleMPen’ington 802 ¿Faulkton**}_______Faulk 225 Fedora**__________Miner 400 Ferney**}____ _— Brown 200 Firesteel*________ Dewey 2000 ¿Flandreau**}_____ Moody 350 Florence**} - __ Codington 200 Forestburg**}___ Sanborn To Mitchell. To Rapid City. To Redfield. To Howard. See Aberdeen. To Timber Lake. To Sioux Falls. See Watertown. To Woonsocket. DAWES E. BRISBANE. PH ILIP & W AG GON ER. (Also see Philip) See Redfield. To Aberdeen. To Parker. To Bellefourche. To Mitcheli. To Mitchell. To Watertown. To Sioux Falls. See Watertown. To Yankton. To Armour. #36 ¿Gettysburg**}—¿ .—Potter D . J. O’ KEEFFE. 150 Glenham**t___Walworth To'Aberdeen. 145 Goodwin**}_______ Deuel To Watertown. 50 Greenway*___McPherson To Aberdeen. 1200 Gregory**}_____ Gregory To Dallas. 150 Grenville*____ - _____ Day To Aberdeen. , 1200 Groton**}_____ Brown To Aberdeen. 75 Grover**}.____Codington See Watertown. 65 Hamill *___ ___ i____ Tripp To Dallas. 75 Hammer________Roberts To Sisseton. 164 Harrisburg**}___Lincoln To Canton. 230 Harrold**}_______Hughes See Pietre. 648 Hartford**}__Minnehaha To Sioux Falls. 300 ¿Hayti**}_________ Hamlin To Watertown. 229 Hazel**}_____ ¿ —Hamlin To Watertown. 600 Hecla**}______ Brown To Aberdeen. 441 Henry**}______Codington See Watertown. 114 Hermosa**}_____ —Custer See Hot Springs. 414 Herreid**}_____Campbell To Aberdeen. 700 Herrick**}___ . . . Gregory To Dallas. 223 Hetland**}___ .Kingsbury To Watertown. 1000 ¿Highmore**}_______ Hyde E. A. SCHENK. 271 Hill C ity**}.« Pennington To Rapid City. ---- Hillsview____ McPherson To Aberdeen. 350 Hitchcock**t_____ Beadle . To Huron. 75 Holabird**t________ Hyde To Highmore. 50 Holmquist**}_______ .Day To Aberdeen. 300 Hosmer**}_____ Edmunds To Aberdeen. 3000 ¿Hot Springs**+ .Fall River JUCKETT & ADAM S. Attorneys for Stockmans Bank and for Bank o f Hot Springs. Special attention given Real Estate and Corpora, tion Law. i Houghton**} ...___Brown To Aberdeen. 209 Hoven**tLL_______Potter To Gettysburg, 800 ¿Fort Pierre**}___ Stanley 450 Frankfort**}______ Spink 500 Frederick**}——)__ Brown 715 Freeman**}— Hutchinson 150 Fruitdale**_________Butte 250 Fulton**}_______ .Hanson 100 ¿Gannvalley*______ Buffalo 450 Garden City**}_____ Clark 950 Garretson**} —Minnehaha 750 Gary**}____ _______ Deuel 257 Gayville**}______Yankton 1000 Geddes**} „¿.C harles Mix M r \ rF E l l i v / I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opo NAME. l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. / 1026 ¿Howard**} — *— Miner BALDW IN & LYONS. First National Bank Bldg. 525 Hudson**} 1__ .¿..L incoln To Canton. 500 Humboldt**}.. Minnehaha To Sioux Falls. 600 Hurley**}________ Turner To Parker. 7000 ¿H uron**}___ — __ Beadle NULL & R O Y H L. 150 Interior**}____ ..Jackson 810 ¿Ipswich**}_____ Edmunds 500 Irene**}________YanktoD 700 Iroquois**}___ Kingsbury 400 Isabel*}__________.Dewey 473 Java**}------------Walworth 500 Jefferson**}_______Union 100 Jordan*___ —--------- Tripp 50 Junius**____________Lake 325 ¿Kadoka**}______ Jackson 200 Kaylor*___ — Hutchinson 252 Kennebec**}--------Lyman 500 Keystone*}__ Pennington 125 Kidder**}_____ ..Marshall 1000 Kimball**t---------- ..Brule 60 Kingsburg*t„Bon Homme 150 Kranzburg**t ..Codington 92 Labolt**}__________Grant 700 . Lake AndesMOharles Mix 50 Lake City*______ Marshall 450 Lake Norden** . —Hamlin 862 LakePreston**}.KiDgsb’y 350 Lane**,____— Jerauld 463 Langford**} — ...Marshall 9763 Lead**}......... .... Lawrence 300 Lebanon**}------ ¿..Potter 1200 Lem m on**}------ ¿Perkins 1000 Lennox**}_______Lincoln 600 ¿Leola**t_____ McPherson 279 Lesterville**}___ Yankton 500 Letcher**}______ Sanborn 175 Lily**} .........................Day lOO Loomis**____ ....D avison lOO Lowry_________ Walworth 75 Loyalton**}____ Edmunds 100 Lucas*__________Gregory 100 Lyons**______ Minnehaha 4000 ¿Madison**}_________Lake To Philip. To Aberdeen. To Yankton. , To Watertown. To Timber Lake; T o Aberdeen. To Vermilion. To Dallas. • To M adison.. To Philip. To Parker. To Fort Pierre. To Rapid City. See Aberdeen. To Chamberlain. To Tyndall. See Watertown. To Watertown. To Armour. To Aberdeen. See Watertown. • To Watertown. To Wessington Springs. See Aberdeen. To Deadwood. To Gettysburg. To Bison. To Canton. To Aberdeen. To Yankton. To Woonsocket. See Aberdeen. See Mitchell. To Aberdeen. To Aberdeen. To Dallas. To Sioux Falls. 140 . 200 20 700 150 To Watertown. See Redfield. To Faith. To Parker. To Milbank. Manchester**}.Kingsbury Mansfield**} —- _____ Spink Marcus*____ s______ Meade M arion*}_________ Turner .Grant M arvin*}. 1000 400 60 100 550 800 210 2200 ¿McIntosh**}____ —Corson McLaughlin*}____ Corson Meadow* ___ „¿..P erk in s Meckling**t— --------Clay Mellette**}................ Spink Menno**}____ Hutchinson M idland**}___ __ Haakon ¿Milbank**} — — Grant 1300 100 100 200 ¿Miller**}....................Hand Mina**t________ Edmunds Miranda**}------------ Faulk Missionhill**}.__ Yankton 8000 ¿Mitchell**}___ — Davison 2400 Mobridge**}___ Walworth 169 Monroe**t......... .... Turner 600 Montrose**t------- McCook 250 Morristown**t — Corson 100 ¿Mound City* — Campbell 700 Mount Vernon**t Davison 500 ¿Murdo**}........ Jones 200 Naples**}____ ____ Clark 150 Newark**_______ Marshall 300 New Efftngton**}.Roberts 500 Newell **t! ________ Butte 250 NewUnderwood*Penn’ton 150 Nisland**}_____ ___ Butte 392 Northville**} —-----.Spink 100 N ow lin**}_______Haakon 200 Nunda*}____________Lake 235 ¿Oacoma**t.... ........Lyman 150 Oelrichs**}____Fall River 125 Okaton**}_________ Jones 500 Oldham**}____ Kingsbury 150 Onaka**__ ________ Faulk 319 O nida**}________ „.S u lly 250 ¿Orient**}_____ ____ Faulk 300 Ortley**t.... ..........Roberts 150 Owanka**}___ Pennington 1500 ¿Parker *•+________ Turner 1200 Parkston**} —Hutchinson 350 Peever**_________ Roberts .578 ¿Philip**} —___ — Haakon 125 314 3500 1000 1115 304 700 180 100 312 4000 Piedmont**},___...M ea d e Pierpoint**}------ ------ Day §*Pierre**t — — Hughes ¿Plankinton**}.— Aurora Platte**} —__ Charles Mix Pollock**} ———Campbell Presho**} . . . ____ -Lyman Pukwana**}...............Brule Quinn**} — Pennington Ramona**}.-------- — Lake ¿Rapid City**l.Pennington D . D. H OLDRIDGE & SON. C . H. BELKNAPP. To McIntosh. To Bison. To Vermilion. To Redfield. To Parker. To Philip. To Watertown. HARLAN J. BUSHFIELD. See Aberdeen. To Redfield. To Yankton. F . H . WINSOR.. To Aberdeen. To Parker. To Salem. To McIntosh. To Aberdeen. See, Mitchell. To Fort Pierre. . See Watertown. To Aberdeen. See Milbank. To Bellefourche. To Rapid City. To Bellefourche. See Redfield. To Philip. To Madison. To Fort Pierre. To Hot Springs. To Fort Pierrë. To Watertown. To Redfield, To Pierre. To Redfield. To Sisseton. To Rapid City. EDW IN L . BROW N. To Parker. To Sisseton. PH ILIP & W AGGONER. (Also see F ort Pierre) To Rapid City. To Aberdeen. SUTHERLAND & PAYNE. To Mitchell. To Armour. To Aberdeen. To Fort Pierre. To Chamberlain. To Rapid City. To Madison. B U E L L & DENU. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d , See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. Ì529 1530 SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE Popo la TION. TOWN AND COUNTY. ■ NAME. ______________ 200 Ravinia*!.__ Charles Mix 275 Raymond*«!_______Clark To Armour. To Watertown. 3060 «Redfleld*«!.-----------i Spink 300 Ree Heights*«!____ Hand 300 Reliance*«!______ Lyman 832 R evillo*«!.............. Grant 400 Rockham*«!_______Faulk 357 R oscoe*«!-------- Edmunds 200 Rosholt*«!______ Roberts 24 Roslyn*— __________ Day 200 Roswell*«!________ Miner 100 Rowena*« — -Minnehaha 150 Rutland*«!_________ r.gfrc See Miller. To Fort Pierre. See Watertown. To Redfleld. To Aberdeen. To Sisseton. To Aberdeen. To Howard. To Sioux Falls. To Madison. STERLING & CLARK. 1132 «Salem*«!------------ McCook E. H . W ILSON. 140 1200 §58 321 300 50 175 S cenic*«!------ Pennington Scotland*«!.. Bon Homme «Selby*«!---------- Walworth Seneca*«!____ _____ Faulk Sherman*«!— Minnehaha Shindler.------------ Lincoln Sinai*«!.._____ Brookings To Rapid City. To Tyndall. To Aberdeen. To Redfleld. To Sioux Falls. To Canton. To Watertown. 16499 «Sioux Falls*«!. Minnehaha Bv iL? Y VOOBHEES. (Charles O. Bailey, Joon H. Voorhees. Peter G. Honegger. Theodore M. Bailey. Charles O. Bailey, Jr.) Attorneys for Sioux Falls National Bank. Co*, W. U. Telegraph Co.. Illinois Central i*- ?• 4,me™ an Express Co., Wells Fargo & Co., C. By- Co., and the American Surely Co. Special attention paid to business o f non-resident clients. Commeraal-department wil! give prompt attention to bankrupt cies, adjustments, collections and all forms o f commercial law business. Compilers o f the South Dakota laws fo r this publication. 1600 «Sisseton*«!______ Roberts To Watertown. 50 Sorum*--------------- Perkins See Bison. 335 South Shore*«!.Codington See Watertown. 970 Spearflsh*«!— Lawrence To Deadwood. 600 Spencer*«!...........McCook To Salem. 675 Springfield*«! Bon Homme To Tyndall. 250 Stickney*«!---------- Aurora To Mitchell. 100 St. Charles*«!___ Gregory To Dallas. 305 St. Lawrence*«!____ Hand See Miller. 140 St. Onge*«!------ Lawrence To Deadwood. 200 Stockholm*«!______ Grant To Watertown. . — — Storla---------------- -Aurora To Mitchell. (L etch er P. O.) 200 Strandburg*«!_____ Grant To Watertown. 300 Stratford*«!______ Brown See Aberdeen. 10? Strool*---------------- Perkins To Bison. 1200 «Sturgis*«!............. - Meade To Rapid City. 600 Summit*«!______ -Roberts To Sisseton. 500 Tabor*«!____ Bon Homme To Tyndall. 242 T e a * «----------------- Lincoln To Canton. 70 Thomas*«---------- -Hamlin To Watertown. 100 Thunder Hawk*! „C orson To McIntosh. 450 «Timber Lake*!— -Dewey |42 500 200 1000 200 300 190 Tolstoy*«!.------------ Potter Toronto*«!--------------Deuel Trent*«!.................. Moody Tripp*«!--------Hutchinson Tulare*«!------------ „ S p in k Turton*«! ^------------ Spink Twin B rook s*«!..— Grant GEO. TH W IN G . To Gettysburg. To Watertown. To Sioux Falls. To Parker. See Redfleld. To Redfleld. To Milbank. 1301 «Tyndall*«!__ Bon Homme W . L. REDDEN. 40 150 450 -5? 500 136 2500 600 50 500 150 200 700 340 1000 500 250 318 125 250 250 200 Unityville*«--------McCook Utica*«!..............Yankton Valley Springs*«! Minn’ha Vayland*«!,------------ Hand Yeblen*—-----------Marshall Verdon*«!— - — Brown To Salem. To Yankton. To Sioux Falls. See Miller. To Aberdeen. See Aberdeen. «V erm ilion*«!— . . . . Clay W . R . CLELAND. Viborg*«!------Turner V ictor«----------- — Roberts Vienna*«t__________ Clark V irgil*«!.,...............Beadle Vivian*«!.............. Lyman Volga*«!.........Brookings V olin*«!................Yankton W agner*«!..„C harles Mix Wakonda*«!_________ Olay W all*«!— Pennington Wallace*«!------- Codington W ard*«!__________ Moody Warner*«................. Brown Wasta*«!--------Pennington Watauga*«!_______ Corson To Parker. To Milbank. To Watertown. See Huron. To Fort Pierre. To Watertown. To Yankton. To Armour. To Vermilion. To Rapid City. See Watertown. To Sioux Falls. See Aberdeen. To Rapid City. To McIntosh. 8485 «Watertown*«!—Codington HAS CUE & FOLEY. (P erry F . Loucks, A rthur H. Hasche, A ndy E . Foley and D. K . Loucks) Practice m all courts. Special attention given to business o f non resident clients. Collection Department in connection, handles all classes collections and adjustment work. Refers to any Judge Supreme Court, Pierre, or any Circuit Court Judge .East o f Missouri River. Canhandle quickly cmd efncim tly all legal business fo r any p oin t referred, in this. Directory to Watertown. 1000 W aubay*«!.— — . „ D a y 125 W averly*»!-— Codington Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * *^ To Aberdeen. See Watertown. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) PoppLA TI ON. TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. 1800 «W ebster*«!._________ Day 150 Wecota*«_____ — Faulk 329 Wentworth*«!______ Lake 600 Wessington*«!____ Beadle 1200 «Wessing’n Sp’g s*«!..Jer’d 105 Westport*«_______Brown 150 Wetonka*«— McPherson 50 Wewela*________ — Tripp 50 «Wheeler*____ Charles Mix 468 White*«! ______ Brookings 600 W hite Lake*«!___ Aurora 400 368 390 500 600 300 1200 250 600 100 «White R iver*___ Mellette White Rock*«!— Roberts Whitewood*«!— Lawrence Willow Lake*«!____ Clark Wilmot*«!_____ — Roberts W infred*«!_________ Lake «Winner*«!_________ Tripp Witten*_________ Tripp W olsey*«!..............Beadle Wood*__________ Mellette 1300 «Woonsocket*«!__ Sanborn 390 Worthing*«!_____ Lincoln 300 Yale*«!-------------- Beadle To Aberdeen. To Redfleld. To Madison. To Huron. To Woonsocket. See Aberdeen. To Aberdeen. To Dallas. To Armour. To Watertown. To Mitchell. C. E. KELL. To Sisseton. To Deadwood. To Watertown. To Sisseton. To Madison. To Dallas. To Dallas. To Huron. See White River. L. L. LAWSON. To Canton. See Huron. 5126 «Yankton*«!_____ Yankton HARRY A. ROBINSON. 200 Zell*«!.------------------ Faulk To Redfleld. TENNESSEE This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. ■ Tennessee is divided into three Federal Districts: Eastern, Miridio and Western. ' ™,Trt6 D IS T B iC T has three divisions: the Northern with court at Knoxville (1), fourth Monday in M ay and first Monday in December; the Southern with court at Chattanooga (2), fourth Monday in April and second Monday in November; and the Northeastern with j^urt^at GreeneviUe (3), first Monday in March and third MondayJn The MIDDLE DISTRICT has two divisions: the Nashville with court at Nashville (4), second Monday in March and fourth Monday in September; and the Northeastern with court at Cookeville (5), third Monday in April and first Monday in November. The WESTERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Eastern with court at Jackson (6), fourth Mondays in April and October; and the Western with court at Memphis (7), fourth Mondays in May and November. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. _ Counties: Anderson (1), Bedford (4), Benton (6), Bledsoe (2), Blount (1), Bradley (2), Campbell (1), Cannon (4), Carroll (6), Carter (3) , Cheatham (4), Chester (6), Claiborne (1), Clay (5), Cocke (3), C°ffee (4), Crockett (6), Cumberland (5), Davidson (4), becatur (6), Dekalb (5), Dickson (4), Dyer (7), Fayette (7), Fentress (5), Franklin (4) , Gibson (6), Giles (4), Grainger ( j ) , Greene (3), Grundy (4), Hamblen (3), Hamilton (2), Hancock (3), Hardeman (6), Hardin (6), Hawkins (3) , Haywood (7), Henderson (6), Henry (6), Hickman (4), Houston (4), Humphreys (4), Jackson (5), James (2), Jefferson (1), Johnson (3), Knox (1), Lake (6), Lauderdale (7), Lawrence (4), Lewis (4), Lincoln (4) , Loudon (1), McMinn (2), McNairy (6), Macon (5), Madison (6), Marion (2), Marshall (4), Maury (4), Meigs (2), Monroe (1), Mont gomery (4), Moore (4), Mlorgan (1), Obion (6), Overton (5), Perry (6), Pickett (5), Polk (2), Putnam (5), Rhea (2), Roane (1), Robertson (4), Rutherford (4), Scott (1), Sequatchie (2), Sevier (1), Shelby (7), Smith (5 ) , Stewart (4), Sullivan (3), Sumner (4), Tipton (7), Trousdale (4), Unicoi (3), Union (1), Van Buren (5), Warren (4), Washington (3), Wayne (4), Weakley (6), White (5), Williamson (4), Wilson (4). REFERENCE KEY « County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 800 500 1000 1000 800 160 600 Adams*«.......... Robertson To Springfield. Adamsville*___ _ McNairy To Jackson. «Alamo*«________Crockett To Brownsville. Alexandria* —........Dekalb To Smithville. Algood*«!---------- Putnam See Cookeville. «Altamont*_______ Grundy To Tracy City. Arlington*«!______ Shelby See Memphis. 641 «Ashland City*«! Cheatham S. A. MARABLE. 4000 400 500 114 «Athens*«!_______ McMinn Atoka*«!__________Tipton Atwood*«____ ____ Carroll Auburn__________ Cannon (W oodbury P. O.) 200 Baileyton*—______ Greene 1000 Baxter*«!________ Putnam 500 Beechgrove*______ Coffee 110 Belfast*«---------- Marshall 1000 Bellbuckle*«!___ Bedford 900 Bells*«!— ___ —Crockett 600 «Benton*«!................. Polk 450 Bethel Springs*. McNairy 700 Bethpage*«____ «—Sumner 200 Big R o c k * ____ — Stewart 380 Big Sandy*«!_____ Benton 350 Blanche—___ ____ Lincoln (T a ft P. O.) 500 «Blountville*___ Sullivan 1009 Bluff City*«!____ Sullivan D. S. STUART. To Ripley. See Huntingdon. See Woodbury. See Greeneville. See Cookeville. See Manchester. To Lewisburg. See Shelbyville. To Brownsville. See Cleveland. To Jackson. To Gallatin. See Dover. To Camden. See Fayetteville. To Kingsport. To Kingsport. USE COUPONS as in stru cted to BE PROTECTED by bon d. See com p lete in form a tion in preface to Attorney List. TENNESSEE A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) P opu la - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. _____________ 1070 *Bolivar*«t------ Hardeman *00 Bradford*«!---------Gibson 106 Bradyville*_____ Cannon 109 Brazil----------------- Gibson (T renton P. O.) 226 Brighton*«_______________ 7140 Bristol*«!— — H . E. CA R TE R . See Trenton. See Woodbury. See Trenton. Tipton To Ripley. Sullivan H E N R Y R O B E R T S . Refer ences: Dominion National Bank, First National Bank and Bank o f Bristol. (Also see Bristol, Va.) 8500 «Brownsville*«!.. Haywood 300 Brush Creek*«------Smith 150 Buffalo Valley*«! .Putnam , 125 Bullsgap*«!--------Hawkins ' 300 Bumpus Mills*___ Stewart 500 Butler*«!— ......... Johnson 87 «Byrdstown*------ Pickett 1100 «Camden*«!--------— Benton 150 Oampbellsville_____ Giles (L ynnville P. O.) 1500 «Carthage*«!---------- Smith 800 Cedar Hill*«t__ Robertson J. T . G R A Y , JR . See Carthage. See Cookeville. See Rogersville. See Dover. To Mountain City. TURNER & KN IG H T. S. L . PEELER. To Columbia. J. N. FISHER. To Springfield. 467 «Celina*---------------------Clay J. J . GORE. 1200 «Centerville*«!__ Hickman J- H . C LA G ITT . 1000 Chapel Hill*____ Marshall To Lewisburg. 500 Charleston*«!__ ..Bradley To Athens. 450 «Charlotte*_______Dickson To Dickson. 60075 *Chattanooga*«t. Hamilton M OORE & DARW IN . (Chas. C. M oore and O. P. Darw in.) Corporation. Insurance, Real Estate and Commercial Law. C ounsel F o r: Southern Railway, Dixie Portland Cement Company, Continental Coal Corporation, Southern Central Life Insurance Company and The Bradstreet Company. R ep resen t: U. S. F. & G. Company, Mercantile Adjuster, Merchants Bank Directory, Sharp & Alleman’s List and other leading Mercantile lists. R efer to any Bank or business house o f Chattanooga. Special Commercial department. Notary in Office. Christiana*«!. Rutherford To Murfreesboro. 100 Church Hill*«! —Hawkins See Rogersville. «Clarksville*«!— Montg’y JNO. T . CUNNINGHAM . «Cleveland«!--------- Bradley To Athens. 711 C lifton*«_________ Wayne See Waynesboro. 1090 «Clinton*«!_____ Anderson SAW YER & UNDERWOOD. 1102 Coal Creek*«t__ Anderson T o Clinton. 50 Coldwater*_______Lincoln See Fayetteville. 200 College Grove* Williamson T o Franklin. 802 Collierville*«!--------Shelby See Memphis. 5754 «Columbia*«!______ Maury PEEBLES & FO R G E Y. 128 Còrno*__________l - Henry To Paris. «Cookeville*«!_____Putnam B O Y D & B O Y D . 1200 Copperhill*«!----------- Polk To Benton. Cordova*«!_______ Shelby See Memphis. 500 Cornersville«___ Marshall To Lewisburg. „ Cottagegrove*-------- Henry To Paris. 215 2990 «Covington*«!______Tipton To Ripley.* 1000 Cowan*«!_______ Franklin To Winchester. 500 Cross Plains*.. R obertson'' To Springfield. 1000 «Crossville*«!. Cumberland 600 Culleoka*!________Maury 600 CumberI’d City*«! Stewart 347 Cumberl’d Gap*«!Claib’ne 447 «Dandridge*__ . . Jefferson 175 Darden*«!__.Henderson 2000 «Dayton*«!__ _______ Rhea 165 «Decatur*________ Meigs 650 «Decaturville*_____Decatur 1100 Decherd*«!_____ Franklin 200 Dellrose*«_______ Lincoln 300 Diana*«.___— ____ Giles 1850 Dickson*«!______ Dickson 200 Dixon Spring*_____ Smith 200 Donelson*«_____ Davidson 700 «Dover*__________ Stewart 200 Dowelltown*..___ Dekalb i 500 Doyle*«!__________ White 708 «Dresden*«!__Weakley 1500 Ducktown*!__ - ____ Polk 300 Dukedom*______ Weakley 1166 Dunlap*«!.___ Sequatchie 1500 Dyer*«!___________ Gibson 4149 «Dyersburg*«!_______ Dyer 400 Eagleville*-.__Rutherford E. Ghattanooga*«!Hamilt’n 300 Eaton*____ . ______ Gibson 200 Edith_________ Lauderdale (R ipley P. O.) 500 Elbridge*__________ Obion 2500 «Elizabethton*«!.... Carter 450 Elkton*_____________Giles 600 Englewood*«!__2 McMinn 250 Enville*___ ____ Chester 943 «Erin*«!.._____ Houston 3000 «Erwin*«!.._________Unicoi 300 Estill Springs*«!. Franklin 600 Ethridge*«!____ Lawrence 5000 Etowah*«!___ ___ McMinn 3439 «Fayetteville*«!——Lincoln . .200 Finger*«!..—___ McNairy i\V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. W . DORTON. See Columbia. See Dover. To Tazewell. To Jefferson City. To Lexington. J. B. SW AFFORD. J. W . LILLARD. To Lexington. See Winchester. To Fayetteville. To Lewisburg. FRAN K FR AZIE R . See Carthage. See Nashville. LEWIS & STOUT. To Smithville. To Cookeville. To Martin. To Benton. T o Martin. STEW ART & STEW ART. To Trenton. R . C. COCHRAN. To Murfreesboro. To Chattanooga. See Trenton. See Ripley. To Union City. M ILLER & SEILER. To Pulaski. To Athens. To Jackson. J. C . HOBBS. To Johnson City. See Winchester. To Columbia. To Athens. HOLM AN & HOLM AN. To Selmer. / J[ Ju 1531 NAME. 87 Flatcreek* ____ Bedford See Shelbyville. 500 Fowlkes*«!_________Dyer See Dyersburg. 8000 400 400 250 600 «Franklin*«!__ Williamson Friendship*!___ 5»Crockett Friendsville*«------ Blount Gadsden*«t.----- .Crockett «Gainesboro*—r™ Jackson 2399 «Gallatin*«!_______ Sumner 150 292 250 1000 600 245 491 234 800 '200 522 Gassaway*— ....C annon Gates*«!____ ..Lauderdale Gibson*«!_________Gibson Gleason*«!______ Weakley Goodlettsville*.. Davidson Gordonsville*«_____ Smith Grand Jct.*«t . Hardeman Granville*_______Jackson Graysville*«!---------- Rhea Greenback*«_____ Loudon Green Brier*«t .Robertson 6000 1600 1000 200 5000 1000 1200 224 582 500 500 250 «Greeneville*«!____ Greene Greenfield*«t___ Weakley Halls*«!______ Lauderdale Hampshire*______ Murray Harriman*«!______ Roane «Hartsville*«!___ Trousdale «Henderson*«!____ Chester Hendersonville*«! Sumner Henning*«!___ Lauderdale Henry*«__________ Henry Hickman*«________ Smith Hickory Valley*«!H’rd’mn 900 «Hohenwald*«!.------- Lewis 250 500 600 3446 1112 400 400 350 J. C. EGGLESTON. To Brownsville. To Maryville. To Brownsville. To Cookeville. BASKERYILLE & M cG LO T U L IN . See Woodbury. See Ripley. See Trenton. To Martin. To Nashville. See Carthage, See Bolivar. See Gainesboro. See Dayton. See Loudon. To Springfield. SUSONG & BIDDLE. To Martin. To Ripley. See Columbia. T o Rockwood. T o Gallatin. To Jackson. To Gallatin. To Ripley. To Paris. See Bolivar. To Bolivar. J . A. W ARF. • To Camden. To Huntingdon. To Union City. To Trenton. «Huntingdon*«!-t— Carroll J. W . M U R PH Y . Huntland*«!____ Franklin To Winchester. «Huntsville*_________ Scott To Oneida. Iron City*«!___ Lawrence See Columbia. Holladay*------------- Benton Hollow Rock*«!__ Carroll Hornbeak*.— . ___ Obion H u m boldt*«!-— Gibson 17807 «Jackson*«!— . — Madison CLAIRE B. N E W M A N .G e n e ra l Practice. Special attention given commercial practice. References: Union Bank & Trust Co. or any wholesale house o f Jackson. To Oneida. 500 «Jamestown*.___ Fentress 1200 «Jasper*«! ........... Marion A . R . H ALL. 1900 Jefferson City*«!Jefferson 3000 10925 1000 125 1250 Jellico*«!_______Campbell JohnsonCity*«!Washing’n «Jonesboro*«!. Washington K elso*«!_________ Lincoln Kenton*«!................. Obion .11000 Kingsport*«!------ Sullivan C. T . RAN KIN . JOHN JENNINGS, JR . TINES & PRICE. To Johnson City. See Fayetteville. To Union City. BANDY & HERNDON. 824 «Kingston*---------— Roane To Rockwood. 250 Kingston Sp’gs*«! Çheat’m To Ashland City. 38676 «Knoxville*«!--- ------ Knox L U C K Y & ANDREW S, Attorneys for CoaL Creek Mining & Manufacturing Company; Black Diamond Coal Company; Southern Extract Company; Sanford-Day Iron Works; Peoples Telephone & Telegraph Company. Refer to Central Trust Company and Knickerbocker Trust Company o f New York, and East Tennessee National Bank of Knoxville, Tenn. 678 «Lafayette*— ......... Macon To Gallatin. 3200 Lafollette*«!— Campbell To Jellico. 308 LaGrange*«t--------Fayette To Somerville. 500 Lancaster*«.!........... Smith See Carthage. 75 Lascassas*___ Rutherford To Murfreesboro. 1687 «Lawrenceburg*«!.Lawr’ce See Columbia. 3969 «Lebanon*«!_______ Wilson A. A . ADAM S. 500 Leipers Fork«.Williamson To Franklin. 3392 Lenoir City*«!—— Loudon To Loudon. 2500 «Lewisburg*«!___ Marshall H . C LAY GATES. 2000 «Lexington*«!.. Henderson W . H. LANCASTER. 800 Liberty*__________Dekalb To Smithville. 600 Limestone*«!- Washington To Johnson City. 500 «Linden*_______.....P e r r y GEO. W . PEARSON. 1421 «Livingston*______ Overton C. J. CULLOM . 400 Lobe! ville*_________ Perry To Linden. 600 Loretto*«!__ . . . Lawrence See Columbia. 1800 «Loudon*«!_______Loudon W R IG H T, JONES & DANNEL. 200 Luray*«!___ — Henderson See Lexington. 500 «Lynchburg*-______ Moore PARK S & BEAN. 700 Lynnville*«!____— .Giles To Pulaski. 500 Madison*«!____ ..Davidson See Nashville. 1000 «Madisonville*«!—- Monroe To Athens. 1 963 «Manchester*«!------ Coffee C. N. TOWNSEND. 4000 Martin*«!— ------ Weakley A. B . ADAM S. 5000 «Maryville*«!— — Blount BROW N & JOHNSON. 891 Mason*«!________« Tipton To Ripley. 35 Mason Hall------ ----- Obion To Union City. (K en ton P. O.) 500 Maury City*—. — Crockett To Brownsville. 661 McEwen*«!__ Humphreys To Waverly. _______ * 2000 McKenzie*«!— — Carroll T o Huntingdon. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED b y b on d . See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorn ey List. 1532 TENNESSEE, TEXAS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) Popu la TOWN AND COU N TY/ tion. NAME. 350 McLemoresville*.. Carroll See Huntingdon. 2500 *McMinnville*«t— Warren SMARTT & TURNER. 320 Medina*«!— — Gibson To Trenton. 148995*Memphis*«!______ Shelby. M A R T I N B O Y D , Exchange Bldg. Commercial Law, specializingjn collections and adjustments. Refers to The Mercantile National Bank. . 1*8 400 4?00 ■700 300 200 250 1107 250 BURKHARDT, DEAN & HAUN, Palls Bldg. P rom pt attention given each item. Can ____send Traveling A djuster to „ any part o f country immediately. Mercer*«! - Madison See Jackson. Middleton*«!— Hardeman See Bolivar. M i l a n * « ! --------Gibson To Trenton. Millington*«!---------Shelby See Memphis. Minor Hdl* -------Giles To Pulaski. Mitchellville*«!__Sumner To Gallatin. M ohaw k*«!.......... Greene To Greeneville, Monterey*«!_____Putnam To Cookeville. Morrison*«!____ Warren See McMinnville. / 5000 «Morristown*«!.. .Hamblen 500 500 800 2500 600 150 McCANLESS, COLEMAN & TAYLOR. Send 25c for reports. Moscow*«!.............Payette To Somerville. Mosheim*«_______Greene To Greenville. «Mountain City*«! Johnson See Elizabethton. Mountpleasant*«!-. Maury To Columbia. Mt. Juliet*«!_____ Wilson T o Lebanon. Mt. Pelia_____ — Weakley To Martin. (M artin P .0 .) > 200 Mulberry* — — Lincoln See Fayetteville. 329 Munford*_________ Tipton To Ripley. 6000 «Murfreesboro*«! Ruther’d RIDLEY & RICHARDSON. 117057§«N ashviile*«!„. Davidson W A L T E R ST O K E S, McGavock Bldg. Compiler o f the Tennessee laws fo r this publica tion. 3000 Newbern*«!.... ........ Dver To Dyersburg. 1000 New Market*«!. Jefferson To Jefferson City. 2003 500 800 150 75 300 2000 200 1293 1000 «Newport*«!_______Cocke New Tazewell*! Claiborne N iota*«!___ — McMinn Nolensville*__ Williamson Norene*— --------Wilson Normandy*«!— Bedford Oakdale*«!___ j___ Morgan Oakland*«!--------- Payette Obion*«!—------------- Obion Oliver Springs*«!— Roane W. O. MIMS. See Cumberland, Gap. To Athens. To Franklin. To Lebanon. To Shelbyville. To Wartburg. To Somerville. To Union City. To Rockwood. ^22 Oneida*«!— — Scott CHAS. H. DAYIS. 222 AOoltewah*« „ — James To Chattanooga. 222 Orlinda* — -Robertson To Springfield. 130 Palmersville* — .Weakley To Martin. 5000 222 750 328 «P a r is* «!------ --------Henry J a son s*«! —----- -Decatur Petersburg*«! — Lincoln Philadelphia*«!— Loudon R . J. JONES. To Lexington. See Payetteville. See Loudon. 700 400 100 350 1200 375 «P ikeville*«t.„___ Bledsoe Pinson*«!_______ Madison Pleasant Shade*— Smith Pleasant View*.Cheatham Portland*«! _____ Sumner Prpspect Station*«!_.Giles L. S. POPE. See Jackson. See Carthage. To Ashland City. To Gallatin. To Pulaski. 2928 500 150 500 519 «Pulaski*«!.... ............. Giles Puryear*«!— -____ Henry Readyville*— — £ Cannon Riceville*«! _____ McMinn Ridgely*!---------------- Lake JNO. B. WILKES. To Paris. See Murfreesboro. To Athens. To Tiptonville. 2011 «Ripley*«!-------- Lauderdale 468 Rives*«!...... ........ --.O bion .400 R obbins*«!_________Scott J. W . WATKINS; To Union City. To Oneida. 4500 Rockwood*«! . . . — Roane WRIGHT & HAGGARD. 1400 «RogersvUle*«!__ Hawkins R . C. COLEMAN. 300 Rome*......... ........... Smith —------Rosemark____ _. . . . Shelby (B runsw ick P . O.) 142 Rossviile*«! —__Payette 500 Russellville*«!— Hamblen 766 Rutherford*«!........Gibson 300 «Rutledge*«!____ Grainger 360 S altillo*«.._______ Hardin 200 Santa Pe*________ Maury 435 Sardis* — Henderson 199 Saulsbury*«!__ Hardeman To Memphis. Sep Morristown. Seè Trenton. To Morristown. See Savannah. To Columbia. To Lexington. To Bolivar. 1800 500 800 800 750 700 A. M . PATTERSON. To Lexington. To Jackson. To Knoxville. To Winchester. To Martin. «Savannah*«______ -Hardin Scotts Hill*___ Henderson «Selmer*«t_______ McNairy «Sevierville*«______ Sevier Sewanee*«!.— —Franklin Sharon**!______ Weakley 500 «S h elbyville*«!....B edford 200 Slayden*«.— ___ Dickson See Carthage. See Memphis. W . P. COOPER. See Dickson. 1200 «Smithville*.._____ Dekalb DRAKE & TURNER. 1000 Sm yrna*«!___ Rutherford To Murfreesboro. 300 «Sneedville*_____ Hancock J. M . HARRIS. 2000 Soddy*!--------- ..Hamilton See Chattanooga. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTF * 1 Ht PopuLA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION._______________ ______ , 1500 «S om erville*«!___ Payette 2106 South Pittsburg*«! Marion 2000 «Sparta*«!_________ White 210 «Spencer* — — Van Buren 1500 Spring City*«!______ Rhea 2085 «Springfield*«! . Robertson 695 Spring Hill*___ i___ Maury 500 Stanton*«!_____ Haywood 100 Stantonville*___ McNairy 300 Statesville*.._____ Wilson 400 Slayton*------ -----Dickson 450 St. Joseph*«!__ .Lawrence 600 Summertown*«! Lawrence 200 Surgomsville*«! .Hawkins 1850 Sweetwater*«!___ Monroe 886 «Tazewell*«_____ Claiborne 2500 Tellico Plains*«— Monroe 250 Temperance Hall.De Kalb (L iberty P. O.) 200 Thompsons Station*« Williamson 1000 «Tiptonville*«_______ Lake 245 Toone*«t------ —Hardeman 3000 Tracy City*«!____ Grundy 3000 «T renton*«!_______ Gibson 1000 Trezevant*«! _____ Carroll 800 T rim ble*«!_________ Dyer 700 Troy*«-----------Obion 4000 Tullahoma*«!_____ Coffee 5000 «Union City*«!___ — Obion 99 Vanleer*«_______ Dickson 200 V iola*______ ____ Warren 250 V on ore*«!_______ Monroe 400 «Wartburg*______ -Morgan 659 Wartrace*«!___ „B ed ford 5J7 Watertown*«!____ Wilson 1100 «Waverly*«! — Humphreys 700 «W aynesboro*..___ Wayne 348 WestmoreIand*«!_Sumner 370 Westpomt*«! ___Lawrence 419 White Bluffs*«! „D ickson 100 White House*—Robertson 900 While Pine*«!— Jefferson 98 Whites Creek*__ Davidson 1000 W hiteville*«!.. Hardeman 75 Whitleyville*___ Jackson 3000 W hitwell*«! _____ Marion 350 Wildersville*«! Henderson 250 Williston*«_______Payette 1351 «Winchester*«!— Franklin 1000 «W oodbury*____ —Cannon 380 Woodland Mills*«— Obion 300 Y orkville__ ____ „G ibson 200 Yuma*«!__________ Carroll NAME. C. W . CRAWFORD. MOORE & KELLY, To Cookeville. To McMinnville. To Dayton. TRUE & DORSEY. See Columbia. To Brownsville. To Jackson. To Lebanon. To Dickson. To Columbia. To Columbia. See Rogersville. To Athens. J. P. DAVIS. To Athens. h To Smithville. To Franklin. CALLAHAN & GRIFFIN. See Bolivar. C. H . GARNER. W . W . HERRON. To Huntingdon. See Dyersburg. To Union City. To Manchester. W . E. HUDGINS. To Dickson. See McMinnville. To Athens. W . Z. STRICKLIN. See Shelbyville. To Lebanon. J. F. SHANNON. FRANK BOYD. To Gallatin. See Columbia. To Dickson. . To Springfield. To Jefferson City. See Nashville. To Bolivar. To Gainesboro. To Jasper. To Lexington. To Somerville. H. M . TEMPLETON. JESSE DAVENPORT. To Union City. See Trenton. See Huntingdon. TEXAS This information will he of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. * Texas is divided into four Federal Districts: the Northern. Southern, Eastern and Western. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has five divisions: the Dallas division with court at Dallas (1), second Monday in January and first Monday in M ay; the Port Worth division with court at Fort Worth (2), second Monday in March and fitot Monday in November; the Abilene division with court at Abilene (3), second Monday in April and first Monday in October; the Amarillo division with court at Amarillo (4), third Monday in April and fourth Monday in September; and the San Angelo division with court at San Angelo (5), fourth Monday in April and third Monday in October. The EASTERN DISTRICT has six divisions: the Tyler division with court at Tyler (6), fourth Monday in January and fourth Monday in April; the Jefferson division with court at Jefferson (7), first Monday in October and third Monday in February; the Beaumont division with court at Beaumont (8), third Monday in November and first Monday in April; the Sherman division with court at Sherman (8), first Monday in January and third Monday in M ay; the Paris division with court at Paris (10), first Monday in March and third Monday in October; and the Texarkana division with court at Texarkana (11), third Monday in March and first Monday in November. The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has six divisions: the Galveston with court at Galveston (12), second Monday in January and first Monday in June; the Houston division with court at Houston (13), fourth Mondays in February and September; the Laredo division with court at Laredo (14), third Monday in April and second Monday in November; the Brownsville division with court at Brownsville (15), second Monday in M ay and the first Monday in December; the Victoria division with court at Victoria (16), fourth Monday in November and first Monday in M ay; and the Corpus Christi division with court at Corpus Christl (17), twice a year, at times fixed by judge. The WESTERN DISTRICT has six divisions: the Austin division with court at Austin (18), fjourth Monday in January and second Monday in June; the Waco division with court at Waco (19), fourth Monday in February and second Monday in November; the El Paso division with court at El Paso (20), first Mondays in April and October; the San Antonio division with court at San Antonio (21), first Monday in M ay and third Monday in December; the Del Rio division with court at Del Rio (22), fourth Monday in October and third Monday in March; and the Pecos division with court at Pecos (23), twice a year at times fixed by judge. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. C ou n ties: Anderson (6), Andrews (23), Angelina (6), Aransas (17), Archer (2), Armstrong (4), Atascosa (21),v Austin (12), Bailey (4). USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List TEXAS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) T30PU* S ' TOWN AND COUNTY. tion.__________________________ NAME. LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1533 NAME. 800 Avoca*»!__ _______ Jones To Anson. Bandera (21), Bastrop (18), Baylor (2), Bee (17), Bell (19), Bexar (21), 500 Bagwell*»!— —Red River To Clarksville. Blanco (15), Borden (3), Bosque (19), Bowie (11), Brazoria (12), Brazos ..Fannin To Bonham. 400 Bailey*»__ — (13). Brewster (20), Briscoe (4), Brooks (17), Brown (5), Burleson (18), 2000 »B aird*»!________ Callahan To Abilene. Burnet (18), Caldwell (18), Calhoun (16), Callahan (3), Cameron (15), Camn (7), Carson (4), Cass (7) .Castro (4), Chambers (12), Cherokee 5000 ‘ Ballinger*»! — Runnels DOSS & BAUGH. (6), Childress (4), Clay (2), Cochran (4), Coke (5), Coleman (5), Collin 400 Balmorhea— - ___ Reeves To Pecos. (9),! Collingsworth (4i. Colorado (13), Comal (21), Comanche (2), _ __ ...Bandera 800 ‘ Bandera*.—_ To San Antonio. Concho (5), Cooke (9), Coryell (19); Cottle (4), Crane (23), Crockett 512 Bangs*»!——. . ____ Brown To Brownwood. (5). Crosby (4), Culberson (20), Dallam (4), Dallas (1), Dawson (3), 500 Bard well*»!.___— __ Ellis To Waxahachie. Deaf Smith (4), Delta (10), Denton (9), Dewitt (16), Dickens (4), 600 Barksdale*______ Edwards See Brackettville. Dimmit (21), Donley (4), Duval (17), Eastland (3), Ector (23), Edwards 500 Barry*» ! _____ ...N avarro To Corsicana. (21). Ellis (1), El Paso (20), Erath (2), Falls (19), Fannin (10), Fayette 700 »Barstow*»! . . . __ ...W a rd To Pecos. (13) , Fisher (3), Floyd (4), Foard (2), Fort Bend (12), Franklin (11), 2500 Bartlett*»!___ Williamson To Georgetown. Freestone (19), Frio (21), Gaines (23), Galveston (12), Garza (3), Gillespie (18), Glasscock (5), Goliad (16), Gonzales (21), Gray (4), 170t,‘ Bastrop*»!_____ —Bastrop P. C. MAYNARD. Grayson (9), Gregg (6), Grimes (13), Guadalupe(21), Hale (4), Hall (4), Hamilton (19), Hansford (4), Hardeman (2), Hardin (8), Harris (13), 400 Batson* . . . . . . .....H a rd in To Beaumont. Harrison (7), Hartley (4) Haskell (3), Hays (18), Hemphill (4), Hender son (6), Hidalgo (15), Hill (19), Hood (2), Hopkins (7), Houston (6), 5000 ‘ Bay C ity*»!.__Matagorda LEWIS & FOULKS.c Boney Bldg. Howard (3), Hudspeth (20), Hunt (1), Hutchinson (4), Irion (5), Jack 79 Beasley_______Fort Bend To Richmond. (2) , Jackson (16), Jasper (8), Jeff Davis (23), Jefferson (8), Jim Hogg (14), Jim Wells 17), Johnson (1), Jones (3), Karnes (21), Kaufman (1), 27711 ‘ Beaumont*»!___ Jefferson CROOK, LORD, LAWHON & Kendall (21), Kent (3), Kerr (21), Kimble (18), King (4), Kinney (22), NEY. Kleberg (17), Knox (3), Lamar (10), Lamb (4), Lampasas (18), Lasalle 606 Beckville*» . — ¿.Panola To Henderson. (14), Lavaca (13), Lee (18), Leon (19), Liberty (8), Limestone (19), Lips 500 Bedias*»!.._____ ..Grim es To Navasota. comb (4), Live Oak (16), Llano (18), Loving (23), Lubbock (4), Lynn (3), McCulloch (18), McLennan (19), McMullen (14), Madison (13), 5000 ‘ Beeville*»!___________Bee DOUGHERTY & DOUGHERTY. Marlon (7), Martin (23), Mason (18), Matagorda (12), Maverick (22), 900 Bellevue*»! ____ . —.Clay To Wichita Falls. Medina (21), Menard (5), Midland (23), Milam (19), Mills (5), Mitchell 496 B ells*»!_____ ——Grayson To Sherman. A (3) , Montague (9), Montgomery (13), Moore (4), Morris (7), Motley (4), Nacogdoches (6), Navarro (1), Newton (8), Nolan (3), Nueces 2500 ‘ Bellville*»t_______ .Austin DUNCAN & DUNCAN. (17), Ochiltree (4), Oldham (4), Orange (8), Palo Pinto (2), Panola (6), 7000 ‘ Belton*»!_________ ...B ell To Temple. Parker (2), Parmer (4), Pecos (22), Polk (13), Potter (4), Presidio (20), 300 Benarnold*»! . . — Milam To Cameron. Rains (6), Randall (4), Reagan (23), Real (22). Red River (10), Reeves 500 Ben Franklin*»,.___ Delta To Cooper. (23), Refugio (16), Roberts (4), Robertson (19), Rockwall (1), Runnels (5), Rusk (6), Sabine (8), San Augustine (8), San Jacinto (13), San 500 ‘ Benjamin*»! _____ Knox W . M . MOORE. Patricio (17), San Saba (18), Schleicher (5), Scurry (3), Shackelford (3 ), 500 | Ben — W heeler*..Van Zandt To Canton. Shelby (8), Sherman (4), Smith (6), Somervell (19), Starr (15), Stephens 500 Berclair *•___ Goliad See Goliad. (3), Sterling (5), Stonewall (3), Sutton (5), Swisher (4), Tarrant (2), 400 Bertram*»!______ .Burnet See Burnet. s Taylor (3)7Terrell (22),_Terry (3), Throckmorton (3), Titus (11), Tom 400 Bettie*»!.______ ..Upshur To Gilmer. Green (5), Travis (18), Trinity (13), Tyler (8), Upshur (7), Upton (23), 200 Big Lake*»!___ ...R eagan See Eldorado. Uvalde (22), Valverde (22) Van Zandt (6), Victoria (16), Walker (13), 1200 Big Sandy*»!..___ Upshur To Gilmer. Waller (13), Ward (23), Washington (18), Webb (14), Wharton (12), 5000 ‘ Big S p rin g*»!.... Howard LITTLER & PENIX. Wheeler (4), Wichita (2), Wilbarger (2), Willacy (17), WUliamson (18), Wilson (21), Winkler (20), Wise (2), Wood (6), Yoakum (3), Young 750 Bigwells*»!..____ Dimmit To Carrizo Springs. (2), Zapata (14), Zavalla (22). 1500 Bishop»!..__. . . . . . Nueces See Corpus Christi. 600 Blackw ell*»!___ — Nolan To Sweetwater. 600 Blanco*.—. . . . . : __ .Bianco To Johnson City. 800 Blanket*»!________ Brown f See Brownwood. 300 Blessing*»!___ Matagorda To Bay City. REFERENCE KEY 198 Bloomburg*»!_______ Cass See Atlanta. 903 Blooming Grove*»!.Nav’o To Corsicana. * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, 600 Bloomington*»!.. Victoria To Victoria. 1200 Blossom*»!__ _____ Lamar To Paris. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 750 Blue Ridge* ______ .Collin To Denison. 450 Bluff D ale*»!__.5__Erath See Stephenville. 350 Abbott*»t_______ s____ Hill To Hillsboro. 500 B lum *»!_____________HU] To Hillsboro. 200 Abernathy *»t— __.Hale ToPlainview. 1100 »B oerne*»! . . . —Kendall To San Antonio. 1200 Bogata*»____ —Red River To Clarksville. 14238 ‘ Abilene*»t_______ Taylor HICKMAN & WHITTEN. 600 Bomarton*»!______Baylor To Wichita Falls. 65 Addison»!-------------- Dallas See Dallas. 6000 ‘ Bonham*»!_____..Fannin THOS. P. STEGER. 250 Alanreed*»!________ Gray To Canadian. 600 Bonita*» ! _____ .Montague See Montague. 2000 Alba*»!-------------------Wood To Quitman. 200 Boonsville*__ ______ Wise See Decatur. 250 Booth * • !.., .—.F ort Bend To Richmond. 1400 ‘ Albany*»!___ Shackleford S. C. COFFEE. 4000 Bowie*»! - ____ .Montague To Montague. 300 Aledo*»!_________ Parker See Weatherford. 300 Boyce*»!— £_______ Ellis To Waxahachie. 500 Alexander*»! —____Erath See Stephenville. 500 B oy d *»!________ — Wise See Decatur. 2136 ‘ Alice*»!______ Jim Wells R. R. MULLEN. 2000 ‘ BrackettvUle* .....K in n e y To Del Rio. 500 Alien*»!_____ _____ Collin To Denison. 200 Bradshaw*»!______ Taylor To Abilene. 300 Alma*»!____ . . . . ____ Ellis To Waxahachie. 3500 ‘ Brady*»!.— McCulloch F. M . NEWMAN. 2500 ‘ Alpine*»!___ . —.Brewster W . VAN SICKLE. 500 Brandon*»!_______ ...H ill To Hillsboro. 300 Alta Loma*»!— Galveston To Galveston. 300 Brashear*»!_____ Hopkins T6 Sulphur Springs. 1500 Alto*»t______ . —Cherokee T o Jacksonville. 800 Brazoria*»!_____ Brazoria To Galveston. 200 Altoga*............ ....... Collin To Denison. 100 Brazos*»!___ —Palo Pinto To Mineral Wells. 1500 Alvarado*»t_____ Johnson To Cleburne. 2500 Alvin*»! . . . . _...Brazoria To Galveston. 800 ‘ Breckenridge*— Stephens W . C. VEALE. 1023 Alvord*»!___________ Wise To Decatur. 1500 Bremond*»!__..Robertson To Hearne. 19124 ‘ Amarillo*»!___ '___ Potter C. E. GUSTAVUS. 6500 ‘ Brenham*»! ..Washington W . J. EMBRY. 250 Ambrose....... ...... Grayson To Sherman. 2000 Bridgeport*»! — — Wise To Decatur. 500 Ammannsville.... Fayette To Lagrange. 300 Briggs* . ——■-— —Burnet See Burnet. (W eim a rP . O.) 300 Britton*»! — —¿— .Ellis To Waxahachie. 500 ‘ Anahuac*______ Chambers To Galveston. 1200 Bronson*»!_____.¿.Sabine To Jasper. 700 ‘ Anderson*»!___ ...Grim es To Navasota. 750 B ron te*»!________ —Coke See San Angelo. 350 *Andrews *______ Andrews To Midland. 500 Brookeland * • !..—. Sabine To Jasper. 1500 ‘ Angleton**!.____ Brazoria To Galveston. 600 Brookshire*»! — Waller To Hempstead. 500 Anna*»!.__ __ . . . . . Collin To Denison. 400 Brookston*»!,_____Lamar See Paris. 750 Annona*»! ___ Red River To Clarksville. 3000 ‘ Anson*»!__ _______ Jones To Abilene, 500 ‘ Brownfield*_______ Terry G. W . NIELL, 400 Brownsboro*»! Henderson To Corsicana. 600 Apple Springs____ Trinity To Trinity. 500 Aqtulla*»!_____ ___ ..H ill To Hillsboro. 13163 ‘ Brownsville*»! —Cameron H. W . WILLIAMS., , 2000 Aransas Pass*»! .... S’n Patricio To Sinton. 10000 ‘ Brownwood*»! .¿..Brown E. J. MILLER, (MILLER & LOW.) ‘ Archer C ity*»!___ Archer To Wichita Falls. 600 Bruceville*»! ..McLennan To Waco. . 500 Argyle*»!______...Denton To Denton. 6500 ‘ Bryan*»! — . . . ----- Brazos To Hearne. »ri Arlington*'»!........Tarrant See Fort Worth. 500 B ryson *»!____ _____ Jack ToJacksboro. wnn 4 rP**t------------------ Smith See Tyler. 2000 Asherton*»______ Dimmit To Carrizo Springs. 900 Buckholts*»!—___ —Milam To Cameron. .. 180 Ashland*»! — ___ Upshur To Gilmer. 500 Buda*»!.__—. . . __ Hays See San Marcos. 100 Buenavista*— ____Pecos To Fort Stockton. }500 ‘ Aspermont*»!., Stonewall J. M . CARTER. 1000 Buffalo*»!____ ____ .Leon To Palestine. ien2 ‘ Athens*»!------ Henderson To Corsicana. 249 Buffalo Gap*»!— —Taylor To Abilene. m Atlanta*»!__________.Cass To Texarkana. 900 Bullard*»!— , ___ ¡. Smith To Tyler . »00 Aubrey*»!_______Denton To Denton. 350 Buna*»!................ Jasper To Jasper. 34814 §*Austin*»t_________Travis f i s e t , 2500 Burkburnett*»!__ Wichita To Wichita Falls. McC l e n d o n & 600 Burleson*»t_____ Johnson TO Cleburne. SHELLEY, 725-730 Littlefield Bldg. 600 Burlington*»!— — Milam To Cameron. Austwell*»!— R ef ugio To Port Lavaca. 278 Avalon— _____.....E llis See Waxahachie. 981 ‘ Burnet*»! . —— Burnet Dayton Moses. 450 Burton*»!— Washington See Brenham. (Italii P. O.) Avery*»!--------- Red River To Clarksville. 700 Byers*--------------- —..C lay : To Wichita Falls. 500 _Avinger*«!_______ ..Cass See Atlanta. 150 B ynum *»!___ ______ .Hill To Hillsboro. 1SIHTF See USE COUPONS as in stru cted to BE PROTECTED by bon d. com plete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. lx \ / JL £1« Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1534 TEXAS > Popu la.TOWN AND COUNTY. TION._______ ___________________ 600 100 3000 2500 Caddo M ills*«!_____ Hunt Cain C ity «______ Gillespie ¿Caldwell*«t_____ Burleson Calvert*«!_____ Robertson NAME. To Greenville. To Fredericksburg. To Cameron. To Hearne. 5000 ¿Cameron*«!_______ Milam H E N D E R S O N , KIDD HENDERSON. 800 Campbell*«!________ Hunt See Greenville. 2500 ¿Canadian*«!____ Hemphill FISHER & PA LM E R . NAME. 1000 Dawson*«!____ „N avarro To Corsicana. 1000 D a y to n * «!.....___ Liberty See Liberty. 2500 ¿Decatur*«! ..............W ise R . E. CARSWELL. 1500 DeKalb*«!_________ Bowie To New Boston. 1500 D eL eon*«!_Comanche To Comanche. & 10000 ¿Del Rio*«!______ Valverde B O G G E S S St S M IT H . 14779 Denison*«!______ Grayson ROSS W . STODDARD. 8000 1200 1500 2000 226 600 143 1500 1200 400 500 500 300 500 1000 200 2500 300 250 300 300 2000 1000 ¿Canton*_______ Van Zandt M . G . SANDERS. 2000 ¿Canyon*«!_______ Randall See Amarillo. 479 Carbon*«!__ „.„E a s tla n d See Eastland. 700 Carlton*«! . ___ .Hamilton To Hamilton. 800 Carmine*«!______ Fayette To Bastrop. 1500 ¿Garrizo Springs*«!Dimmit J. O . ROUSE. 600 Carrollton*«!_____ .Dallas See Dallas. 2000 ¿Cartilage*«-.______ Panola To Henderson. 500 C ason*«!..________ Morris See Daingerfleld. 500 Cat Spring*«!_____ Austin See Bellville. 600 Cedar H ill*«...____ Dallas See Dallas. 1000 Celeste*«!____ - ____ Hunt To Greenville. 1500 Celina*«! __________ Collin To Denison. 1800 ¿C en ter*«!________ Shelby CAR TE R & W ALKER. 800 Center Point*«!____ .Kerr 'T o San Antonio. 400 ¿Centerville*_______ .Leon To Palestine. 700 Chandler*«! ...H enderson To Corsicana. 500 ¿Channing*«!______Hartley T . H . COLLINS. 800 Chapel Hill*«! Washington To Brenham. 500 Charlotte!___ . . . Atascosa To San Antonio. 560 Cherokee* . ____ San Saba To San Saba. 1200 Chico*«!____________Wise See Decatur. 5000 ¿Childress*«!. ___ Childress JOHN W . DAVIDSON. 1207 Ghillicothe*«!—Hardeman To Quanah. 300 Chilton*«!__ . . . . „ „ F a l l s To Marlin. * 500 Chireno*___ Nacogdoches See Nacogdoches. 200 Chisholm_______ Rockwall To Dallas. 400 Ghriesman*«!____ Burleson To Cameron. 300 Cibolo*________ Guadalupe To San Antonio. 3000 C isco*«!________ Eastland To Eastland. 3000 ¿Olairemont*_____ ...K e n t To Snyder. 506 Clairette*«...______ Erath See Stephenville. 3000 ¿Clarendon*«! ___ .Donley To Memphis. 3500 *Clarksville*«!_Red River AUSTIN A. DODD. 1OO0 ¿Claude*«t_____ Armstrong See Amarillo. 12259 ¿Cleburne*«!_____ Johnson M . N . BAULDWIN. 1500 Cleveland*«! . . . ___ Liberty To Liberty. 1500 C lifton*«!________ Bosque To Meridian. 600 Clint*«!_______ ...E l Paso To El Paso. 800 C lyde*«!________ Callahan To Abilene. 306 Coahoma*«!__ .„H o w a rd To Big Spring. 700 ¿Coldspring*__ San Jacinto W . M cM U R R E Y. 4000 ¿Coleman*«!_____ Coleman F. L. SNODGRASS. 1048 Collinsville*«!___ Grayson To Sherman. 632 Colmesneil*«!______ Tyler See Woodville. 3000 ¿C olorado*«!______Mitchell To Snyder. 612 Columbia*«!______Brazoria To Galveston. 1900 ¿Columbus*«!_____ Colorado To Yoakum. 3500 ¿Comanche*«!__ Comanche SM ITH & PALM ER. 700 C om fort*«!_______ Kendall To San Antonio. 4000 Commerce*«!________Hunt T o Greenville. 1000 C om o*«!________ Hopkins To Sulphur Springs. 3000 ¿Conroe*«!___ Montgomery M cC A L L , C R AW FORD & M cC A L L . 500 C ook v ille*«!_______ Titus See Mt. Pleasant. 1000 Cooledge*«!___ Limestone To Mexia. 3000 ¿Cooper*«! ........... Delta Newman Phillips. 400 Copeville*«_____....C o llin To Denison. 500 Coppell*«______ ..„D a lla s See Dallas. 700 Copperas Cove*«! .Coryell See Gatesville. 10432 ¿Corpus Christi*«!.. Nueces E. P . S C O TT. No reports made unless fe e o f 50c ' accompanies inquiry. 700 Corrigan*«!____ - ___ Polk See Livingston. 12000 ¿Corsicana*«!____ Navarro T . W . LOVETT. 300 Cottonwood*.„.-Callahan To Abilene. 1880 ¿Cotulla*«! —........... Lasalle J. W . W ILLSON. 500 Coupland*«!__ Williamson To Georgetown. 400 Covington*«! ______ -Hill To Hillsboro. 1000 Crandall*«!_____ Kaufman To Terrell. 150 Cranfills Gap*_____Bosque See Meridian. 1000 C raw ford*«!__ McLennan To Waco. 3947 ¿C rockett*«!_____ Houston ALDRICH & CROOK. 1000 C rosby*«!------------- Harris To Houston. 800 ¿Crosbyton*«____— Crosby To Lubbock. 800 Cross Plains*«!—Callahan To Abilene. 2000 ¿Crowell*«!— — Foard To Quanah. 200 C row ley*«!____ „Tarrant See Ft. Worth. 1200 Crystal City*«! — Zavalla To Batesville. 4500 ¿O uero*«!..________ Dewitt To Yoakum. 1500 Cum by*«!_______ Hopkins To Sulphur Springs. 1500 Cushing*«! ..Nacogdoches To Nacogdoches. 1200 ¿Daingerfleld*«! — Morris Henderson & Bolin. 3500 ¿Dalhart*«!____ - — Dallam CLIFFORD BRALY: L24527*Dallas*«t___ . — — Dallas DAVIS, JOHNSON, GOLDEN AND HANDLEY. L in z Building. W . B . Handley, J. J. Morcm. John Davis, H . E . Johnson, J, ft. Golden. References; Any bank in Dallas. ^ Padgitt Bros. Co. i Rice, Stix Dg. Co. Y Fisk Co., o f Texas! n - n a s Walker DgE Co. Y-St, Louis Texas Paper Co. ( m Rothchilds Hatt Co. J Epstein & Co. 1 , Carson Pirie Scott & Co., Chicago. _ VIVVO publication Wk-'VVV'IAJV IV«. . . ______ Compilers o f the Texas laws fo r this Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) Popü LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. ¿Denton*«!________Denton SULLIVAN & HILL. Deport*«__________Lamar See Paris. Detroit*«!__...R e d River To Clarksville. Devine*«!________Medina To San Antonio. Dexter*.;__________ Cooke To Gainesville. D ’Hanis*«!_______Medina To San Antonio. $ Dialville*«!_____ Cherokee To Jacksonville. D ickinson*«!__ Galveston To Galveston. Dilley*«! . . . ________ Frio To Sun Antonio. Dime Box___ <_______ Lee Castro M A R K C O W S E R T . ¿Dimmitt*__ __ Dodd City*«! ____ Fannin To Bonham. Dodge*«i_________Walker To Huntsville. Dodsonville*«tColli’gs’rth To Memphis. Donna*«!________ Hidalgo T o Mission. Dorchester*«!.,__ Grayson To Denison. Dublin*«! ________ Erath To Stephenville. D u ffa u * ....________ Erath To Stephenville. ¿Dumas*___________ Moore See Channing. Duncanville*«— — Dallas See Dallas. Dundee*«!________ Archer To Wichita Falls. Eagle L ake*«!___Colorado To Yoakum. 8000 ¿Eagle Pass*«! — Maverick J. R . SANFORD. 500 East Bernard*«!.Wharton To Wharton. 855 ¿Eastland*«! ......E astlan d SCOTT & BRELSFORD. 700 Ector*«!__________Fannin To Bonham. 700 Eddy*«! . . . . __ McLennan To Waco. tOO Eden*!_____ _____ Concho See San Angelo. 1000 Edgewood*«!..Yan Zandt To Canton. 50 ¿Edinburg*«_____ „H idalgo To Mission. 2000 *Edna*«t______ Jackson M cC R A R Y & VANCE. 1778 El Campo*«!.__ Wharton To Wharton. 800 ¿Eldorado*______Schleicher W . F . FOR D. 5000 Electra*«!_______ Wichita To Wichita Falls. 2000 E lgin *«!_________ Bastrop To Bastrop. lOOO Elkhart*«!_____ Anderson To Palestine. 488 Ellinger*«________ Fayette To Bastrop. 590 Elm o*«!________ Kaufman To Terrell. 63705 ¿El Paso*«!.... ........El Paso M cK EN ZIE & LOOM IS. « _____ . . . . . . “ JOS. U. SWEENEY. 300 Elysian Fields*«!Harrison See Marshall. 500 Emhouse*«!_____ Navarro To Corsicana. 1000 ¿Emory*«!___________ Rains To Greenville. 326 Enloe*«!___________ Delta To Cooper. 5669 E nnis*«!________ j__ Ellis To Waxahachie. 1000 Estelline*«! ................Hall To Memphis. 500 Eustace*«____ Henderson To Corsicana. 400 Evant*___________Coryell See Gatesville. 800 ¿Fairfield*_______Freestone To Mexia. 248 Fairlie*«___________Hunt See Greenville. 2500 ¿Falfurrias*«!___ — Brooks To Alice. 350 Falls C ity * « !_____Karnes To Karnes City. 205 Farmers Branch*«„Dallas See Dallas. 2500 Farmersville*«!___ Collin To Denison. 1000 ¿Farw ell*!_________Parmer S. G . BRATTON . 350 F a te*«!________ Rockwall To Rockwall. 500 Fayetteville*«!___ Fayette To Bastrop. 500 Fentress_______Caldwell To Lockhart. 1800 Ferris*«!_____ — ___ Ellis T© Waxahachie. 1200 Flatonia*«! — - __ Fayette To Bastrop. 700 Florence*____ Williamson To Georgetown. 2000 ¿Floresville*«!____ Wilson To San Antonio. 300 Floyd*«!____________Hunt See Greenville. 2000 ¿Floydada*«!__ ____ Floyd To Plainview. 400 Fluvanna*«!__ ___ Scurry To Snyder. 300 Flynn *•!___ s_______Leon To Palestine. 400 Forestburg*___ Montague To Montague. 2000 Forney*«!______ Kaufman To Forney. 400 ForrestonM — ......... Ellis To Waxahachie. 500 ¿Ft. Davis*____ Jeff Davis See Marfa. 2000 ¿Fort Stockton*!___ Pecos WILLIAMS & JACKSON. 104562*Fort W orth*«!___ Tarrant DEDMON, POTTER, FORRESTER & PINNEY, First National Bank Building. Commercial Practice a Specialty. Separate Collection Department. First-Class Law Library. Litigation in State and Federal Courts. Attorneys for Farmers & Mechanics National Bank. R efer to fursi National Bank, Farmers & Mechanics Natipnal, and any other banker, judge or court official. Special references upon request. . . . — .. . , New York Representatives. Members State and National Bar Associations and Commercial Law League of America. 500 300 1200 500 l 2500 1500 250 H. C. RAY, Fort Worth National Bank Building. General Civil Practice. Interests of nun-residents given especial attention. References: Fort Worth Natmnal Bank, Jnrsi National Bank: Farmers’ & Mechanics’ Natioual Bank. Fowlerton«_______ Lasalle HRH— - — J Ü Ü I To Cotulla. “ To Edna. Francitas*«!-------Jackson ¿Franklin*«!___ Robertson To Hearne. Frankston*«!— Anderson To Palestine. ¿Fredericksburg*. Gillespie CLARENCE W . MARTIN. F reep ort*!..------Brazoria To Galveston. Farwell. Friona*«!............ Parmer . ■ See ________________ — — J ------------^¡~ M ^ Y T C USE COUPONS as instru cted to BE PROTECTED by bond. i W - l i ■ -* See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPO- u- TOWN AND COUNTY TEXAS NAME. noN. 1000 Frisco*»t------------ ..Collin 1000 Frost*»!-------------Navarro 400 Fulbright* — Red River 350 »Gail*— - ......... — Borden 8000 »Gainesville*»!— . Cooke 41863 »Galveston*»!— Galveston To Denison. To Corsicana. To Clarksville. To Snyder. DAVIS & DAVIS. CAMPBELL, BEASON & CAMPBELL. To Edna. See Midland. See Dallas. To Nacogdoches. To Yoakum. To Henderson. To Denton. DAYTON BROWN, To Cameron. WILCOX & GRAVES. To San Antonio. RICHARD W . MAYFIELD. WARREN & BRIGGS. To Snyder. To Longview. To Canadian. To W harton. LEVI HERRING. To Cleburne. To Quitman. To Lampasas. G. E. POPE. To San Antonio. To Quanah. See Panhandle. To Houston. To Mineral Wells. To Denison. See Benjamin. To Eastland. To Coleman. To Mineral Wells. F. T . ARNOLD. To Stephenville. See Dallas. To Canton. To Cleburne. To Georgetown. To Crockett. See Fort Worth. HARRY L. CARPENTER See Decatur. To Sinton. To Mexia. See Amarillo. To Trinity. To Sherman. To Comanche. To Denison. To Plainview. To Lampasas. To Yoakum. To Marshall. J. C. SHIPMAN. See Anson. See Ft. Worth. To Ochiltree. To Plainview. See Marshall. See Brownsville. To Houston. 1000 Ganado*»!---------- Jackson 500 »Garden City*__ Glasscock 1500 Garland*»!________ Dallas 1200 Garrison*»!..Nacogdoches 500 Garwood*»______Colorado 341 Gary*»____________Panola Gjrza*»!_________ Denton »Gatesville*»!---------Coryell ... Gause*»t-------------- .Milam 750 3500 »Georgetown*»!__ W ill’son 200 Geronimo*____ Guadalupe Lee 2000 »Giddings*»!-------»Gilmer*»!________ Upshur 60 Girard*»____________Kent 1000 Gladewater*»t—___ Gregg 475 Glazier*»!______ Hemphill 500 Glenflora*»!_____Wharton 1000 »Glen Rose*____ Somervell 600 Godley*»!_______J ohnson 750 Golden*»t._________ Wood 1129 »Goldthwaite*»t______Mills 2500 »Goliad*»!__________ Goliad »Gonzales*»t__ __ Gonzales 200 Goodlett*»!____Hardeman 250 Goodnight*»!__ Armstrong 1500 Goose C reek______ Harris Gordon*»!____ Palo Pinto Gordonville*__ .Grayson Goree*»t___________ Knox 863 Gorman*»t______ Eastland 300 Gouldbusk_____ Coleman 400 G r a f o r d * » t . Palo Pinto »Graham*» t________ Young 1336 *Granbury*»t________Hood 1250 Grand “ “Prairie*»!— .......... Dallas 2000 Grand Saline*»tVan Zandt 1500 Grand View*»t__ Johnson Granger*»t___ Williamson Grapeland*»t____ Houston 1500 Grapevine*»t____ Tarrant 10099 »Greenville*»!_______Hunt 316 Greenwood*_____ i__Wise 500 Gregory*»t. . . San Patricio 1454 »Groesbeck*»t__ Limestone 200 Groom*»t_________ Carson 4500 *Groveton*»t...........Trinity 800 Gunter*»t_______Grayson 600 Gustine*t______ Comanche 250 Hagerman*!____ Grayson 300 Hale Center*»t______ Hale 100 Hall*__________ San Saba 1800 »Hallettsville*»!___ Lavaca 416 Hallsville*»!.___ Harrison 2000 »Hamilton*»!____ Hamilton 1978 Hamlin*»!_____ ___ Jones 1500 Handley*»!. —.;__ Tarrant 250 »Hansford*_____ Hansford 500 Happy*»t________ Swisher 238 Harleton*»t_____ Harrison 1500 Harlingen*»t___ Cameron 563 Harrisburg______ Harris (Houston P. O.) 136 Harper*________ Gillespie To Fredericksburg. 300 Harrold*»t____ Wilbarger See Vernon. „300 Harwood*»t____ Gonzales To Yoakum. 2136 »Haskell*»!_______Haskell h . g . M cCo n n e l l . 175 Haslet*»___ _____ Tarrant To Fort Worth. 500 B a s s e * »!....... Oomanche To Comanche. 400 Hawkins*»t...___ „ W o o d See Quitman. 300 Hawley*»t_________ Jones See Anson. 3250 Hearne*»!_____ Robertson J. FELTON LANE. 200 H ea th ....______ Rockwall To Dallas. (Rockwall P. O.) 1000 »Hebbronville*»t Jim Hogg To Alice. 200 Hebron*_______..Denton To Denton. 800 Hedley*!_______... Donley To Memphis. »00 Heidenheimer*»!____Bell To Temple. ‘ Hemphill*_________ Sabine To Jasper. 3000 »Hempstead*»t____ Waller HARVEY & McDADE. 3000 »Henderson*»t_____ _ Rusk R . T . BROWN. |1| ‘ Henrietta*»!------------- Clay To-'Wichita Falls. 3000 »Hereford*»!.. Deaf-Smith KNIGHT & SLATON. ,™0 Hermleigh*»!_____ Scurry To Snyder. Hjco*»t._---------- Hamilton To Hamilton. 1200 Higgins*»!_____ Lipscomb To Canadian. «115 »Hillsboro*»!_________ Hill N. J. SMITH. ;!« Hitchcock *•!__Galveston To Galveston. Jnn Holland*»!--------. . . Bell ^ To Temple. ,”00 ‘ Hondo*»!___ l____ Medina To San Antonio. *"00 Honey Grove*»!__ Fannin To Bonham. “00 H ooks*!..________ Bowie To New Boston. 112307 »Houston* » !___ Harris A. B. W ILSON, Scanlan Bldg. General Civil Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Corporation Insurance, Land Law. Litigation given careful attention. Refer to First and Union National Rinks and South Texas Commercial National Bank, or any other bank in Houston. Attorney for National Surety Company. 581 H o w e * » !......__ Grayson To Denison. iSS Howland*»!---------- Lamar See Paris. }?£ Hubbard*»!______....H ill To Hillsboro. WÊ Hughes Springs*»!__Cass To Linden. jg»ü Humble*»!— ......... Harris To Houston. NOTF NAME. 1000 Huntington*»!....Angelina 2072 »Huntsville*»!...... Walker 450 Hutchins*»!__ ____ Dallas 800 Hutto*»!......... Williamson 200 Indian Gap*__ ..Hamilton 600 Industry*____ ____ Austin 300 Inez*»_____ . 919 Iola*»t..............___Grimes 800 Iowa Park*»! __ Wichita 750 Iredell*»!________Bosque 300 Ireland*»! Coryell 400 Iren e*»!..____ ........... Hill 32 Irving*»!_____ ____ Dallas 2000 Italy*»!............ _____ Ellis 1356 Itasca*»!_____ ...........Hill 1800 »Jacksboro*»! ______Jack 2875 Jacksonville*»! ..Cherokee 400 Jarrell*______ Williamson 3000 »Jasper*»!____ _ ___ Jasper 700 Jayton*»!_____*--------Kent 3500 »Jefferson*»! ___ Marion 500 Jerm yn*»!____...........Jack 586 Jewett*»!_____ 184 Joaauin*»!_______ Shelby 500 »Johnson City* ........Blanco 500 Josephine*»!._____ Collin 800 Joshua*»!_____ __Johnson 1200 »Jourdanton*»!. . . Atascosa 1000 »Junction*_____ ___ Kimble 600 Justin*»!________ Denton 1000 »Karnes City*»!.___ Karnes 400 K aty*»!______ ____Harris 2500 »Kaufman*»!___..Kaufman 300 Keller*»!______ 1500 Kemp*»!______ . Kaufman 250 K em pn er*»!... -Lampasas 2000 Kenedy*»!____ ___ Karnes 420 K ennard*»___ ... Houston 202 Kenney*»____ 1800 Kerens*»!_____— Navarro 2500 »Kerrville*»!________Kerr 800 Kilgore*»!____ ------ Gregg 1500 Killeen*»!___________Bell 500 Kingsbury*»!.. Guadalupe 5000 »Kingsville*»! . . . . . Kleberg 3000 Kirbyville*»!______Jasper 550 Kirkland*»!___...Childress 750 Kirvin*»!_____ Freestone 100 Kleburg*»_________ Dallas 400 Klondike*»!______ Delta 925 Knox City*»!_____ ..K n ox 350 Kopperl*»!________Bösqüe 1000 Kosse*»!_______Limestone 1000 »Kountze*«!______ Hardin 225 Kress*»!__ __ ...__ Swisher 600 Krum*»!__ ______ Denton 742 Kyle*»!__ — ;_______ Hays 400 Lacoste*»! _______ Medina 2000 Ladonia*»!_______ Fannin 700 La Feria*!______ Cameron 2000 »Lagrange*»!_____ Fayette 400 Lakeview*___________ Hall 1500 »Lamesa*»!_______Dawson 97 Lamkin*»! ____ Comanche 3500 »Lampasas*»!___ Lampasas 1115 Lancaster*»!._____ .Dallas 678 La Porte*»!__ ___ Harris 350 La P ry or*»!____ ..Zavalla 15749 »Laredo*»!..________ Webb 500 Larue*»_______Henderson 500 Lavernia*»!___ — Wilson 178 Lavon*».._______ Collin 150 Lawn*___________ i Taylor 750 League City*»!..Galveston 400 Leesburg*»!.— . . . . Camp 200 Leggett**!--------------- Polk 300 Leming*!_r_____ Atascosa 990 Leonard*»!______ _ Fannin 250 L eroy *»!..____ McLennan 1250 Lewisville*»!.____ Denton 1500 Lexington*»!__ . . . ___ Lee 980 »Liberty*»!....____.Liberty 800 Liberty Hill*»! Williamson 300 Lillian*»!________ Johnson 1000 Lindale*»!__________Smith 600 »Linden*»_________ — Cass 400 Lingleville*________ Erath 500 Lipan*______________Hood 200 »Lipscomb* _____ Lipscomb . . . . . Littlefield*»!_____ ..Lam b 1500 »Livingston*»!_______ Polk 3000 »Llano*»!__ £________ Llano ,2945 »Lockhart*»!_____ Caldwell 2000 Lockney*»!________ Floyd 1500 Lom eta*»!___ —Lampasas 1000 Lone Oak*»!________ Hunt 7000 »Longview*»!._______ Gregg 633 Loraine*»!_______ Mitchell 700 Lorena*»!..___ McLennan 450 Lorenzo*»________ Crosby 1021 L ott*»!..____________Falls 500 Louise*»!_______ Wharton 1000 Lovelady*»t_____ Houston 350 Loving*»!_________ Young 5000 »Lubbock*»!______Lubbock 700 Lueders*»!___ ____ .Jones 2749 »Lufkin*»!_______ Angelina 2000 Luling*»!________Caldwell 250 Lyford*»!______ Cameron See Lufkin. k i l g o r e & M cK i n n e y . See Dallas. To Georgetown. To Stephenville. To Bellville. To Victoria. To Navasota. To Wichita Falls, See Meridian. See Gatesville. To Hillsboro. See Dallas. To Waxahachie. To Hillsboro. s p o r e r & M cCl u r e . B . F . DAVIS. To Georgetown. SM ITH & LANIER. To Snyder. J. H . BENEFIELD To Jacksboro. To Palestine. See Center. V. B. GOAR. To Denison. To Cleburne. To San Antonio. See Menard. To Denton. W ILLIAMSON & KLINGEMANN. To Houston. To Terrell. See Fort Worth. To Terrell. To Lampasas. To Karnes City. To Crockett. See Bellville. To Corsicana. To San Antonio. See Longview. To Temple. To San Antonio. O. S. BAR R ETT. To Jasper. * To Childress. To Mexia. See Dallas. See Cooper. To Benjamin. See Meridian. To Mexia. To Beaumont. See Tulia. Te-Denton. To San Marcos. To San Antonio. To Bonham. See Brownsville. To Bastrop. To Memphis. GARLAND & LOLLAR. To Comanche. MARTIN M . WHITE. See Dallas. To Houston. See Pearsall. T. C. MANN. To Corsicana. To San Antonio. To Denison. To Abilene. To Galveston. See Pittsburg. See Livingston. To San Antonio. To Bonham. To Waco. To Denton. To Giddings. C. R . WILSON. To Georgetown. To Cleburne. To Tyler. See Atlanta. See Stephenville. To Stephenville. To Canadian. .To Olton. HILL & HILL. W . OATMAN. To Bastrop. To Plainview. To Lampasas. To Greenville. W . C. HURST. To Snyder. To Waco. To Lubbock. To Marlin. To Wharton. To Crockett. To Graham. M . FULTON. To Abilene. I. D. FAIRCHILDS. To Bastrop. See Brownsville. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d . I l J L * J E j See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorn ey List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1535 Popo l a - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 1536 TEXAS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 600 Lyons*«!____ ____Burleson To Cameron. 700 L y tle * «!________ Atascosa To San Antonio. 1200 Mabank*«! ____ -Kaufman To Terrell. 2000 ¿Madisonville*«!__ Madison To Navasota. 500 Malakoff*«!___ Henderson To Corsicana. 600 M alone*«!___ ‘Jj.--------Hill To Hillsboro. 1200 Manor*«!______ - —.Travis See Austin. 1250 Mansfield*«!___ — Tarrant See Ft. Worth. 800 Marathon*«!— Brewster See Alpine. 1061 Marble Falls*«!— Burnet To Burnet. 2500 ¿Marfa*«t----- . . — Presidio E. E. MEAD. 400 Marion*«!__ ...Guadalupe To San Antonio. 500 Markham*«!—. Matagorda To Bay City. 5000 ¿Marlin*«!_________ _ Falls To Waco. 1150 Marquez*«!— ——— Leon To Palestine. 18712 ¿Marshall*«!_____ Harrison BIBB & BIBB. 2939 Mart*«!_______McLennan To Waco. 500 Martindale*___ „C aldw ell To Bastrop. 1500 ¿Mason*__ - ____ -Mason CARL RUNGE. 900 ¿Matador*------ s------ Motley G. E. HAMILTON. 1000 Matagorda*«!— Matagorda To Bay City. 450 Mathis*«!— -San Patricio To Sinton. To New Boston. 400 M aud*«!__ Bowie 300 Maxwell*«— ;___ Caldwell To Bastrop. 400 May*«_____________Brown To Brownwood. 150 Maydelle*«_____ Cherokee To Jacksonville. 500 Maypearl*«!----- ------- Ellis To Waxahachie, 600 M cAllen*«!______ Hidalgo To Mission. 800 M cCaulley*«!_____ Fisher To Sweet Water. 500 McDade*«!—__ _ Bastrop To Bastrop. 1864 M cGregor*«!..-McLennan To Waco. 10000 ¿McKinney*«!______ Collin To Denison. 1000 McLean*«!— ------ -Gray To Canadian. 400 Megargel*«!_______Archer To Wichita Falls. 350 M elissa*«!_________ Collin To Denison. 300 Melvin*«______ McCulloch To Brady. 3500 ¿Memphis*«! — .----------Hall ELLIOTT & MOSS. 1200 ¿Menard*«!___ ____ Menard To Brady. 2000 M ercedes*«!_____ Hidalgo To Mission. 300 Mercury*«!____McCulloch To Brady. 1500 ¿Meridian*«!_______ Bosque H. J. CUBETON. 350 Merit*«____ ____ —Hunt See Greeneville. 3000 Merkel*«!______ — Taylor To Abilene. 500 Mertens*«!------ -------„H ill To Hillsboro. 500 M ertzon*«!_________ Irion •See Eldorado. 1000 Mesquite*«!____ — Dallas See Dallas. 4000 Mexia*«!— —. Limestone W . M . W H I T E , Attorney for Prendergast, S m i t h & Go. and Farmers State Bank. 1200 ¿Miami*«!______ — Roberts To Canadian. A. LEAVERTON. 2500 ¿Midland*«!______ Midland H. 868 Midlothian*«!_______Ellis To Waxahachie; To Cameron. 481 M ilano*«!_________ Milam 1200 Miles*«!________ Runhells To Ballinger. 766 M ilford*«!__________ Ellis To Waxahachie. 800 Millsap*«!_____—- Parker See Weatherford. 3000 Mineola*«!__ _______W ood To Quitman. 6000 Min’al Wells*«! Palo Pinto W . PERCY SMITH. 1000 Mingus*«!_____Palo Pinto To Mineral Wells. 4000 Mission*«!:.— — Hidalgo JOHN M . ROWLAND. To Canadian. 300 Mobeetie*______Wheeler 300 ¿Montague*_____ Montague PAUL DONALD. 400 Montgomery*«!— .Montg. To Conroe. 983 M oody*«!.____ McLennan To Waco. 500 M oore*«!--__________ Frio To San Antonio. 700 Moran*«! „ — Shackelford See Albany. 831 Morgan*«!.— — —Bosque See Meridian. 225 Morgan Mill* ____ —Erath See Stephenville. 263 M oscow *«!..____ ___ Polk See Livingston. 700 M oulton*«!.____ — Lavaca To Yoakum. 575 Mount Calm*«!— - — Hill To Hillsboro. 750 Mt. Enterprise*«___ Rusk To Henderson. M . BURFORD. 4000 ¿Mt. Pleasant*«! j— Titus J. 168 Mt. Selman*«!—Cherokee To Jacksonville. 1500 ¿Mt. Vernon*«!— Franklin L . W . D A VID SO N. 1200 Muenster*«!.__ — Cooke To Gainesville. 100 M uleshoe*«!____— Bailey To Farwell. 750 Mullin*_____________ Mills To Goldthwaite. 1500 Munday*«!_____ ___ Knox To Benjamin. 400 Murchison*«!„Henderson To Corsicana. 92 Murphy*« _____ s____ Collin To Denison. 400 ■ Myra*«!— ________ Cooke To Gainesville, 5000 ¿Nacogdoches*«! Na’doches BLOUNT & STRONG. 1178 Naples*«!_____ ____Morris T o Daingerfield. 487 Nash*«! „ ;------------- Bowie To New Boston. 5000 Navasota*«!-____ .. Grimes H. L. LEWIS. 325 Neches*«! . . . _Anderson To Palestine. , 510 Nevada*«!_____ — . Collin To Denison. 300 N ewark*«!i____ — Wise See Decatur. ,1500 N ew B oston*«!____ Bowie JOHNSON & TIDWELL. 4500 ¿New Braunfels*«!— Comal To San Antonio. 1500 Newcastle*«!__ ¡..'..Young To Graham. __ New Hope____ .____Dallas See Dallas. (Mesquite P. O.) 300 Newlin*!-T- _____ — HaU To Memphis. 500 Newport*.______ ___ Clay To Wichita Falls. 600 Newsom e____ — — Camp See Pittsburg. 1800 ¿Newton*«!__ ____ Newton To Jasper. 400 New U lm *«!_____ Austin See BeUville. 400 New Waverley*«! Walker See Huntsville. 1500 N ixon*«! - Gonzales To Yoakum. 1338 Nocona*«!_____ Montague To Montague. 138 Nolanville*«________ Bell' To Temple. 545 Nordheim*«!______ Dewitt TO Yoakum. 1000 Nortaangee*«!— Leon To Palestine. 1000 N. Pleasanton*!—Atascosa To San Antonio. 400 North Zulch*«!..M adison To Navasota. 300 Novice*«!— . . — Coleman See Coleman. 500 Oakhurst*«__ San Jacinto T o Coldspring. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOTE P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 329 1500 300 750 700 500 800 500 300 2000 1000 1500 140 10000 350 250 300 400 500 800 200 1300 2000 467 750 1450 11854 1000 800 1200 521 500 12469 ¿Oakville*_______ Live Oak Oakwood*«t__ _____ Leon O’Brien*«!_____ —Haskell ¿Ochiltree*______ Ochiltree Odell*«!_______ Wilbarger Odem*!— — .San Patricio ¿Odessa*«!— __ | Ector Oglesby*«!— — V . Coryell Oklaunion*«! „ Wilbarger Olney*«!_________ Young Omaha*«!— — Morris Onalaska*«!_____ —„ P o lk Oplin*__________ Callahan ¿Orange*«!__i_____ Orange Orange Grove*--Jim Wells Ore City*_________ Upshur Osceola*«!— — Hill O tto*«!-__ — — Falls O valo*«______ ___ Taylor Overton*«!___ — — Rusk Ovilla_______________Ellis (Midlothian P. O.) ¿Ozona*__________Crockett ¿Paducah*«_________ Cottle Paige*«!____ ___ 4 Bastrop ¿Paint R ock *«.____Concho Palacios*«!.___ Matagorda ¿Palestine*«!____ Anderson Palmer*«!______ - ___ Ellis ¿Palo Pinto*___ Palo Pinto Pampa*«!___ — ____ Gray ¿Panhandle*«!___ ...Carson Paradise*«!___ ______ Wise ¿Paris*«!_________ —Lamar 200 Park Springs*«!____ Wise 300 Pattonville*«-—___ Lamar 250 Peacock*«!____ Stonewall 2500 ¿Pearsall*«!__________Frio 300 Peaster*________ Parker 600 Pecan Gap*«!.,.;____ Delta 2500 ¿Pecos*«!_______ * Reeves 400 Pendleton*«!________ Bell 467 Penelope*«!— ___ ..— Hill 600 Perrin«_________ JJL Jack 214 Perry*«!__________ —Falls 103 Personville*«__ Limestone 200 Petersburg____ s____ Hale 900 Petrolia*«!—_____ Clay 600 Petty*«!________ .„L a m a r 500 Pflugerville*«!__ „ Travis 1000 Pharr*«!______ :__ Hidalgo 600 P ickton*«!___ — Hopkins 1500 Pilot Point*«!__ — Denton 500 Pinehill*«______ ; Rusk 3000 ¿Pittsburg*«!— ____ Camp 150 ¿Plains*___ — - - Yoakum 5000 ¿Plainview*«!______ - Hale 2000, Plano*«!____ - _____ Collin 1800 Pleasanton*!____ Atascosa 700 Point*«t— __ — Rains 150 Ponder*«_______ „D en ton 175 Ponta*«________ Cherokee 400 Poolville*_________ Parker 15000 Port Arthur*«!.. Jeflerson 1699 ¿Port Lavaca*«!__ Calhoun 250 Port 0 ’Connor*«!.Cailhoun 1750 ¿Post*«!__ ___ — Garza 800 Poteet*« — ___— Atascosa 300 Poth*«_________:__ Wilson 313 Pottsboro*«!____ Grayson 500 Powell*«_____ —- Navarro 500 P o y n e r «!-.— -Henderson 200 Prairie H ill___ Limestone (M art P . O.) 1500 Premont*«!____ Jim Wells lOoO Princeton*«!______ -Collin 000 Pritchett*«______ .Upshur 300 Proctor*«!____ Comanche 500 Prosper*«!___ — — Collin 500 Purdon*!«____ — Navarro 500 Putnam*«!_____ Callahan 4000 ¿Quanah*«!——-Hardeman 388 Queen City*«!— — Cass 800 Quinlan*«!_______ — Hunt 05 Quitaque*___ _____ Brisco 1O00 ¿Quitman*_______ __ Wood 1000 Ralls*_________ — Crosby 400 Randolph*«___ — Fannin 1000 Ranger*«!______ Eastland 2000 Ratcliff*«!— — —Houston 450 Ravenna*«!______ Fannin 500 Raymondville*«! Cameron 400 Reagan*«!.__ — ___ Falls 350 Red Oak*«!— ____ Ellis 300 Red R ock*«!____ -Bastrop 260 Redwater*«!.._____ Bowie 500 ¿R efugio*«!__ ___ Refugio 87 Reinhardt*— _____ Dallas 250 Renner*«_______ — Collin 400 R hom e*«!._________ Wise 300 Rhonesboro*«!.:__ Upshur 500 R ice*«!._________ Navarro 500 Richards*«!______Grimes NAME. To Kenedy. To Palestiife. See Haskell. JACK ALLEN. See Vernon. To Sinton. To Midland. See Gatesville. See Vernon. To Graham. See Daingerfield. See Livingston. To Abilene. To Beaumont. To Alice. To Gilmer. See Hillsboro. To Marlin. To Abilene. To Henderson. To Waxahachie. N. W . GRAHAM. To Quanah. To Bastrop. To San Angelo. To Bay City. GREGG & JOHNSON. To Waxahachie. To Mineral Wells. To Canadian. See Amarillo. To Decatur. PEYTON A. ELLISON, Broad Bldg. General civil practice. Thoroughly systematized department for com mercial matters throughout North east Texas. References: any trade center. Notary public. Member C. L. L. A. See Decatur. See Paris. To Aspermont. To San Antonio. To Weatherford. To Cooper. J. A. DRANE. To Temple. T o Hillsboro. To Jacksboro. To Marlin, * To Mexia. To Plainview, To Wichita Falls. See Paris. See Austin. To Mission. To Sulphur Springs. To Denton. To Henderson. BASS & ENGLEDON. See Brownfield. Y . W . HOLMES. To Denison. To San Antonio. / To Emory. To Denton. To Jacksonville.To Weatherford. J. C. REYNOLDS. To Victoria. To Victoria. To Lubbock. To San Antonio. To San Antonio.To Denison. To Corsicana. To Corsicana. See Groesbeck. To Alice. T o Denison. To Gilmer. To Comanche. To Denison. To Corsicana. To Abilene. J. C. MARSHALL. See Texarkana. See Greenville. See Silverton. To Gilmer. To Lubbock. To Bonham. See Eastland. To Crockett. To Bonham. See Brownsville. To Marlin. To Waxahachie. To Bastrop. To New Boston. To Victoria. See Dallas. To Denison. To Decatur. To Gilmer. To Corsicana. To Navasota. USE COUPONS as in stru cted to BE PROTECTED b y b on d . See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List; : .— TEXAS A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) NAME. PLA-Ü TOWÄ AND COUNTY. TTON. ________________ 600 Richardson**!--------Dallas 750 Richland**!--------Navarro 600 Richland Spgs.*!.SanSaba 1371 ‘ Richmond**!— Fort Bend gOO Riesel**!— — McLennan 450 Ringgold**!— Montague 3000 ‘ Riogrande*--------------Starr 300 Riohondo*______Cameron 800 Riovista**!_____ Johnson 1500 Rising Star*«t„.Eastland 400' Riverside**!— „.W a lk e r 300 Riviera**!_______ Kleberg 500 Roanoke**!--- ------Denton Roaring Springs**-Motley “ 750 »Robert Lee*— --------Coke 2500 Robstown**t------- N ueces 1000 *Roby*----------------- Fisher 700 Rochelle**____ McCulloch 600 Rochester*!--------Haskell 3000 Rockdale**! ~ --------Milam 500 Rock Island**!—Colorado 1700 ARockport**t.........Aransas 800 ARocksprings* — Edwards 2000 ‘ Rockwall**!---- Rockwall 200 R o ck w o o d * t.„—Coleman 1500 Rogers**t— ............ Bell - 941 Roscoe**t-------------- Nolan 2000 Rosebua**t—.............Falls 2000 Rosenberg**__ Fort Bend Rosewood**t_____ Upshur 3000 Rotan**t_________ Fisher 900 Round Rock**t.W Tmson 250 Round Top*______ Fayette 400 Rowena**t______ Runnels 100 Rowlett**t________ Dallas 1500 Roxton**!— . — Lamar 1210 Royse City**t— Rockwall 1500 Rule**t_____ _____Haskell 1500 Runge**t_________ Karnes 2500 ‘ Rusk**!.... ..........Cherokee 2500 Sabina)**! -----—. Dvalde 200 Sachse**__________Dallas 300 Sacul**.'___ Nacogdoches 400 Sadler**!_______ Grayson 500 Sagerton**!______Haskell 1200 Saint Jo**t____Montague 500 Salado*_____________ Bell BOO Saltillo**!_______Hopkins See Dallas. To Corsicana. To Lampasas. H . P. DARST. To Waco. To Montague. To Mission. See Brownsville. To Cleburne. To Eastland.' See Huntsville. To Kingsville. To Denton. See Matador. To San Angelo. See Corpus Christi. To Sweet Water. To Brady. See Haskell. To Cameron. To Yoakum. E. GORDON GIBSON. J. E. FRIESTMAN. E. D. FOREE. To Coleman. To Temple, To Sweet Water. To Marlin. To Richmond. To Gilmer; To Sweet Water. To Georgetown. To Bastrop. To. Ballinger. See Dallas. See Paris. To Rockwall. To Haskell. To Karnes City. To Jacksonville. See Uvalde. To Dallas. See Nacogdoches. To Denison. See Haskell. To Montague. To Temple. To Sulphur Springs. 15000 ‘ San Angelo**!.Tom Green HILL, LEE & HILL. 12383lASan Antonio**t------ Bexar HERTZBERG & KERCHEVILLE, 605-10 Brady Building. Attorneysat-Law. Fully equipped commer cial department. R e f e r e n c e s : Local Banks or Judges. 1204 *San Augustine**t San Augustine To Jasper. , 4200 San Benito**t__ Cameron See Brownsville. 1500 ‘ Sanderson**! ___ Terrell A. T . FOLSOM. To Alice. 125 Sandia**t____ Jim Wells 2500 ‘ San D ie g o * * t.„___ Duval To Alice. 1500 Sanger**!___ ____ Denton To Denton. 500 San Juan**t_____ Hidalgo See Edinburg. 6000 *San M arcos**t.„— -Hays T . C. JOHNSON, JR. 2000 *San Saba**t___ .San Saba To Lampasas. v 2000 Santa Anna**t„.Coleman To Coleman. Santo**t_____ Palo Pinto To Mineral Wells. 1000 Saratoga**!___ ___ Hardin To Beaumont. 328 Savoy**t_______ —Fannin To Bonham. To San Antonio. 400 Schertz**!___ Guadalupe 1200 Schulenburg**! __ Fayette To Bastrop. 300 Schwertner*.. Williamson T o Georgetown. 100 Scotland**________ Archer To Wichita Falls. 600 Scurry**!______ Kaufman To Terrell. 1200 Seadrift**!______Calhoun To Port Lavaca. 600 Seagoville** Dallas See Dallas. 500 Seagraves___ : ____ Gaines T o Seminole. (Blythe P. O.) 3000 Sealy**!__________ Austin To Bellville. 5000 ‘ Seguin**!_____ Gaudalupe To San Antonio. 400 ‘ Seminole*________ Gaines N. R. MORGAN. 3000 *Seymour**t_______Baylor To Wichita Falls. 1200 Shamrock**!____ Wheeler To Canadian. 278 Shepherd**!r.San Jacinto See Coldspring. 13667 ASherman**t____ Grayson McREYNOLDS & HAY. 339 »Sherwood*_________ Irion To San Angelo. 1200 Shiner**!.__ ____ Lavaca To Yoakum. 500 Shiro**!__________Grimes To Navasota. 500 ‘ Sierra Blanca...Hudspeth To El Paso. 2500 Silsbee**t ..._:____Hardin To Beaumont. 800 ‘ Silverton_________ Briscoe K . EWING BAIN. 2000 ‘ Sinton**!___ San Patricio J. G. COOK. 500 Sipe Springs**!. Comanche To Comanche. 1000 Skidmore**!........... .... Bee To Beeville. 1500 Slaton**t_______ Lubbock See Lubbock. 150 Slidell*______ ______ Wise See Decatur. 500 Smiley**!_______Gonzales To Yoakum. 4000 Smithville**!____ Bastrop To Bastrop. Innn ‘ Snyder**!...,__ Scurry W . W . HAMILTON. § . __ 3000 Somerville**!__ .Burleson To Cameron. l l f f ‘ Sonora*........______ Sutton CORNELL & WARDLAW. Sourlake**t.___ -1. Hardin To Beaumont. 300 Southmayd**!... Grayson To Denison. 800 Spring**!___ ______ Harris To Houston. 700 Springtown*...___ Parker To Weatherford. 1500 Spur**!...______ Dickens To Dickens. 500 Stamford**!.______ Jones To Abilene. 1000 ‘ Stanton**!__ ____ _Ma rtin To Midland. M ATU J^l 98 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu TOW N AND COUNTY. la tion . 1537 NAME. 300 Star*______ u.jJ____ Mills To Goldthwaite. 3000 ‘ Stephenville**!_____Erath W . W . MOORES, 1000 ‘ Sterling City**t..Sterling To San Angelo. 800 Stockdale**!--___ Wilson To San Antonio* 520 ‘ Stratford**t__...Sherman JOHN. H. H. STAHL. 2500 Strawn**!_____Palo Pinto To Mineral Wells. 750 Streetman**!__ Freestone To Mexia. 1000 Sugar Land**!.Fort Bend To Richmond. 300 Sulphur B luff*__ Hopkins To Sulphur Springs. 8500 ‘ Sulphur Springs**! H ’pk’s FRANK E. SCOTT. 900 Sunset**t______ Montague To Montague. 500 Sutherland Springs**! Wil. To San Antonio, 150 Swearingen**______ Cottle To Quanah. 274 Sweet Home**t___ Lavaca To Yoakum. 7000 ‘ Sweet Water**!____ Nolan HARRY R. BONDIES. 80 Swenson*______ Stonewall See Aspermont. 300 Sylvester**!_______Fisher To Sweet Water. 500 Taft**!_____ San Patricio To Sinton, 1500 ‘ Tahoka**!..________ Lynn To Lubbock. 300 Talco**______ ______ Titus See Mt. Pleasant. 800 Talpa**!........ — Coleman To Coleman. 400 Tatum**___________.Rusk To Henderson. 8000 T aylor**t____ Williamson To Georgetown. . 5000 Teague**!___ ..Freestone To Mexia. 500 'Tehuacana/__ ..Limestone To Mexia. 100 Tell*_______.___ Childress To Childress. 13504 Tem pie**!.— — — - Bell W . S. LEMLY. 491 Tenaha**!________Shelby See Center. 8000 T e rr e ll* * !_____ Kaufman BOND & BOND. 12640 Texarkana**!_____ Bowie SEE TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. 2500 Texas City**!...Galveston To Galveston. 500 Texline**!________Dallam See Daihart. 250 The G rov e_______ Coryell To Gatesville. 1000 Thorndale**!______ Milam To Cameron. 1000 Thornton**!___ Limestone To Mexia. 500 Thrall*.............Williamson To Georgetpwn. 500 Three R ivers!__ Live Oak To Kenedy. 750 ‘ Throckmorton* .T hrock’n T. J. WRIGHT. 2000 Timpson * • !______ Shelby To. Center, 800 Tioga**!........... .....Grayson To Sherman. 300 Tivoli* —________Refugio To Port Lavaca. ’ 455 Tolar**!____________Hood To Stephenville. 150 Tomball**!____ ___ Harris To Houston. 500 Tom Bean * • !___ Grayson To Denison. 1200 Toyah**!______¡. ..Reeves To Pecos. To Marlin. 300 Travis**_______ _— Falls 750 Trent**!.................Taylor To Abilene, 800 T renton*»!_______Fannin To Bonham. 2000 Trinity**!__ _____ Trinity G. C. CLEGG. 1126 T rou p**!__________Smith To Tyler. 500 Troy**!----------------— Bell To Temple. 98 Trumbull**!____ , ----- Ellis To Waxahachie. 150 Truscott**!______ ..K n ox See Benjamin. 1500 ‘ T ulia**!_________ Swisher To Plainview. > 400; Turkey*____________ Hall To Memphis. 250 Turnersville*...— Coryell See Gatesville. 250 Tuscola**!.— — Taylor To Abilene. 11865 ‘ T yler**! ..................Smith S I M P S O N , L A S S E T E R & GENTRY. 5000 ‘ Uvalde**!.___ .....U v a ld e G. B . F E N L E Y . To Coleman. 225 Valera**!______ Coleman 1000 Valley Mills**! — Bosque See Meridian. 600 Valley View **!.-----Cooke To Gainesville. 1441 Van Alstyne**!.—Grayson To Sherman. 1500 ‘ Van H orn**!... Culberson A. L. GREEN. 600 Vega**!__________ Oldham See Amarillo. 1000 Velasco** _______ Brazoria To Galveston. 800 Venus**!— Johnson To Cleburne. 500 Vera*__ _ —— . — Knox See Benjamin. 5500 ‘ Vernon**!_____ Wilbarger BONNER & STOREY. 8000 ‘ Victoria**! —____ Victoria R. L. DANIEL. Suite 33385 *W aco**!__ - — McLennan H A R R Y P. J O R D A N . 801-2 Amicable Bldg. Gen. Atty. for Texas Fidelity & Bonding Co. Special Attention to Banking — Corporation and Insurance Law— Commercial Collections and Ad justments made throughout Central Texas. Reference all Bradstreet offices and Banks o f Waco, Texas. 1100 W aelder**!____ .Gonzales To Yoakum. To Georgetown. 200 Walburg*------ Williamson 500 Waller**!________ .Waller See Hempstead. 1000 Wallis**!.................. Austin I See Bellville, 1340 Walnut Springs**!-Bosque To Meridian. 8000 ‘ Waxahachie**!.--------Ellis J. C. LUMPKINS. 6000 ‘ Weatherford**! ...P arker FRITZ G. LANHAM. 906 Weimar**!— ^— Colorado To Yoakum 300 Weinert**!--- ------ Haskell See Haskell. 300 Weir*! S______Williamson To Georgetown. 242 Welcome*___ _____ Austin To Bellville. 500 W eldon**!.--------Houston To Crockett. 2000 ‘ W ellington**!.. Colling’th To Memphis. 500 W ells**!_______Cherokee To Jacksonville. 2000 West**!.............McLennan To Waco. 500 W esthoff**!.—....... Dewitt To Yoakum. 600 Westminster*______ Collin To Denison. 300 Weston*— ______ Collin To Denison. 2500 ‘ W harton**!____ Wharton HALL & BARCLAY. 50 ‘ Wheeler*_______Wheeler To Canadian. 250 -White Deer**! ..— Carson To Amarillo. 300 W hitehouse**!-.--S m ith See Tyler. 2000 Whitesboro**! ...Grayson To Denison. 1800 Whitewright**! ..Grayson To Sherman. 1200 W hitney**!............ ...H ill To Hillsboro. USE COUPONS as in stru cted to B E ‘PROTECTED by b on d . £ L i See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. 1538 TEXAS, UTAH , VERM ONT P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W NAME. 878 Whitt................ — Parker To Weatherford. 12124 *WiChita Palls*»!~Wichita BONNER & BONNER, Ward Bldg. (.Wm, N . Bonner, W. L , Willie. Jouette M. Bonner, J. B . Ogle, B . J. Neblett.) General Practice in State and Federal Courts. Enclose $1.00 fo r commercial reports. Special attention given to business o f non-residents. Refer to any Bank or Public Official o f Wichita County. 150 Wildorado *•!___ -Oldham See Amarillo. 1000 W illis*»!____ Montgomery To Conroe. 2500 Wills Point*»!—Van Zandt To Canton. 350 W ilmer*»!------ ------ Dallas See Dallas. 400 Winchester*»! -___ Fayette To Bastrop. 400 W indom*»t__ ____ Fannin To Bonham. 800 W infield*»!_________ Titus See Mt. Vernon. 275 Wingate------------- Runnels To Ballinger. 500 Winnie*»___ — Chambers To Galveston. 3000 W innsboro*»!— — . W ood To Quitman. 500 Winona*»t_________ Smith' To Tyler. 2000 Winters*»______.. Runnels To Ballinger. 2500 W olfe City*»! ______ Hunt To Greenville. 325 W oodsboro*»!___ Refugio To Port Lavaca. 750 Woodson* .Throckmorton See Graham. 1200 ‘ Woodville*»t__ Tyler J. W . THOM AS. 899 W ortha m*»t___ ~ ’ ¡ M Freestone V " ■ To Mexia., • 1000 W ylie*»!____ Collin To Denison. 300 Yantis*._____ — _ ..W ood To Quitman. 4657 Yoakum *»!_______ Dewitt o a k m c k e n z i e . 1180 Yorktown*»! — .„D e w itt To Yoakum. 200 Yowell*________ Delta To Cooper. 400 Zephyr*»____ Brown To Brown wood. UTAH Popu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. (B O N D E D ) NAME. 1156 ‘ Parowan*___________ Iron J. F. McGREGOR. 2397 P ayson*»!________ „U tah To Provo. 3000 Pleasant Grove*»! — Utah To Provo. 1021 ‘ Price*»!__________ Carbon L. A. McGEE. 10645 ‘ Provo*»!___________ Utah PARKER & ROBINSON. 533 ‘ Randolph*._________ Rich FRED R. MORGAN. 3000 ‘ Richfield*»!___ ! Sevier E. E. HOFFMANN. 1562 Richm ond*»!___ — Cache To Logan. 1200 Riverton*»!____Salt Lake See Salt Lake City. 1200 Roosevelt*_____ Duchesne To Price. 950 Salina*»! __________ Sevier See Richfield. 117399§‘ Salt Lake City*»!.Salt L’e B 2 ° T HZ A'12?3* B A D G E ® * R IC H . Refer to National Bank of the Republic, U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Company Wilber Mercantile Agency, Nat’ l Shoe and Leather Ex change, and Mercantile Adjuster and Clearing House Quar terly. Prompt attention to all Business. Compilers o f the Utah laws for this publication, 1037 2100 4000 3356 CLARENCE W. COLLINS. Kearns Bldg. Civil practice only. Specialties: Real Estate Titles, Foreclosures. Com mercial Law and Collections, Depositions. Utah attorney for Union Central Life Ins. Co. o f Cincinnati, Ohio, and Miller & Viele, of Salt. Lake City, who are largest farm mortgage loan firm in Intermountain region, loaning in five States Also attorney for Utah Loan and Building Association' References on request. S an dy *»!-,---— Salt Lake , See Salt Lake City. Smithfleld*»!...........Cache To Logan. Spanish Fork*»!____:Utah To Provo. Springville*»!............. Utah To Provo. ‘ SI. George*— Washington D. H. MORRIS. 2000 This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. 3300 ‘ T ooele*»!_______ ..Tooele L. L. BAKER. One Federal District comprises entire State and has two divisions: 750 Tremonton*»! ...B oxelder To Brigham. the NORTHERN with court at Ogden (1), second Mondays in March 2900 Trenton*»!___ ___ ..Cache To Logan. and September; the CENTRAL DIVISION, with court at Salt Lake 1200 ‘ Vernal*!________ Uintah To Price. City (2), second Mondays in April and November. 1500 W ellsville*»!______ Cache To Logan. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable 1999 Woods Cross*»!____ Davis To Farmington. to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. C ou n ties: Beaver (2), Boxelder (1), Cache (1), Carbon (2), Davis (1 ) , Duchesne (2), Emery (2), Garfield (2), Grand (2), Iron (2), Juab (2 ) ,Kane (2), Millard (2), Morgan (1), Piute (2), Rich (1), Salt Lake (2), This information will be of value to those interested in Bank San Juan (2), Sanpete (2), Sevier (2), Summit (2), Tooele (2), Uinta ruptcy matters. (2), Utah (2), Wasatch (2), Washington (2), Wayne (2), Weber (1), One FEDERAL DISTRICT comprises entire State with District courts at Burlington, fourth Tuesday in February; at Windsor, third REFERENCE K E Y Tuesday in May; at Rutland, first Tuesday in October; at Brattleboro, » County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. third Tuesday in December. In each year one of state terms of district ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. court may, when adjourned, be adjourned to meet at Newport and one at Montpelier. Counties: Addison, Bennington; Caledonia, Chittenden, Essex 3000 American Fork*»!...U tah To Provo,. Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington 2500 ‘ Beaver* ___ Beaver W . F. KNOX. Windham, Windsor. 2881 Bingham Canyon*»tS’ltL’e See Salt Lake City. 600 Bland ing*___ — San Juan To Price. REFERENCE K EY 3000 Bountiful*.... ........... Davis To Farmington. ‘ County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. 5000 ‘ Brigham*»!_____ Boxelder LEROY B. YOUNG. 63 Cache Junction*»!..-Cache To Logan. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 693 ‘ Castle D ale*______ Emery To Price. 2000 Cedar City* — __ .Iron To Parowan. 12169 Barre*»t_____ Washington To Montpelier. _____ Clearfield______ ~ -„D a v is To Salt Lake City. 1350 Barton*»t......... .... Orleans To St. Johnsbury. 976 »Coalville*»!______ Summit P. H. NEELEY. 4883 Bellows Falls*»!.. Wind’m To Brattleboro. 1500 Copperfield____ Salt Lake To Salt Lake City. 9114 ‘ Bennington*»! Bennington To Rutland. (Bi/ngham Canyon P. O.) 2500 B ethel*»t_______ Windsor To Brattleboro. 600 Delta*»t______ .„M illard See Richfield. 1400 B radford*»!...........Orange To Montpelier. 600 ‘ Duchesne*____ Duchesne To Price. 2712 Brandon*»!______ Rutland See Rutland. 2296 Ephraim*»!— . __ Sanpete To Manti. 9000 Brattleboro *•! .Windham H. G. & F. E. BARBER. 3500 Eureka*»!__________ J uab To Nephi. 1100 B ristol*!________ Addison To Burlington. 1300 Fairview*»!_____ Sanpete To Manti. 1231 ‘ Farmington*»!—— .Davis To Salt Lake City. 21617 ‘ Burlington*»! .Chittenden GUY B. HORTON. 1500 ‘ Fillm ore*____ 't___ Millard See Richfield. 1075 ‘ Chelsea*______ — Orange To Montpelier. 875 Fountain Green*»Sanpete To Manti. Chester*________ Windsor To Brattleboro. 2000 Garfield*»!___ „S a lt Lake See Salt Lake City. 828 Danville*»t____ Caledonia See St. Johnsbury. 1000 Garland**!_____Boxelder To Brigham. 390 Derby Line*»t___ Orleans To St. Johnsbury. 1154 Grantsville*.______ Tooele To Tooele. 1153 Enosburg Falls*»!Franklin See St. Albans. 800 Greennver*»!—___ Emery To Price. 2714 Essex Junction*____ >950 Gunnison*____Sanpete ___ Chittenden See Burlington, i To Manti. 3095 Fair Haven*»!— .Rutland See Rutland. 2500 ‘ Heber*»t_.______ Wasatch CHASE HATCH. 2500 „ ___ _ Hardwick*»!___ Caledonia To St. Johnsbury. 816 Helper*»!_________Carbon To Price. f 1453 ‘ Hyde Park*»!___ Lamoille To Montpelier. 800 Hurricane*— Washington To St. George. 2000 Island P o n d * »!____ Essex To St. Johnsbury. 1833 H yrum *»!__ ______ Cache To Logan. 716 Jam aica*»!____ Windham To Brattleboro. 1000 Kamas* ..________ Summit To Salt Lake City. 800 Johnson*»!_____ Lamoille To Hyde Park, 733 ‘ K an ab*„...................Kane DAVID L. PUGH. 2200 L udlow *»!______Windsor To Brattleboro. 1500 Kaysville*»t___ ___ Davis To Farmington. 1573 Lyndonvilie*»!—Caledonia To St. Johnsbury. 1100 Layton*»!__________Davis To Farmington. 2000 Manchester Cen.* 2964 L ehi*»!___ _____ „ „ U t a h To Provo. Bennington To Rutland. 1600 Lewiston* ________ Cache To Logan. 2848 ‘ Middlebury*»! „.A d d ison To Burlington. 10000 ‘ Logan*»!__________Cache WALTERS & HARRIS. 9000 ,§‘ M ontpelier*»!„W ash’ton T H E R IA U L T & HUNT. 2500 Magna*»____ __ Salt Lake To Salt Lake City. Compilers o f the Vermont laws 2500 *Manti*»t____ ____ Sanpete DILWORTH WOOLLEY. fo r this publication. 1760 M idvale*»!___ „S a lt Lake See Salt Lake City. 1445 Morrisville*»!___ Lamoille To Montpelier. 2000 M ilford*»!________ Beaver See Beaver. 136 ‘ N ew fa n e*»!___ Windham To Brattleboro. 615 ,‘ Moab*_____________Grand To Price. 3684 »Newport*»!______ Orleans To St. Johnsbury. 1450 Monrtie*__________ Sevier See Richfield. 663 N. Bennington*»!.Ben’g ’n To Rutland. | 8000 ‘ M organ*»!____ .__Morgan To Ogden. 3500 Northfleld*»! .Washington To Montpelier. 1400 M oroni*»______Sanpete See Manti. 771 North T roy*»!— Orleans To St. Johnsbury. 2280! Mt. Pleasant*»!__ Sanpete To Manti. 1131 Orleans*»!— . — .Orleans To St. Johnsbury, 5000 M urray*»!_____Salt Lake See Salt Lake City. 1150 Q rw ell*_________ Addison To Burlington. 600 Myton*______ „Duchesne To Price. 3644 Poultney*»!......... Rutland See Rutland. 3000 Proctor*»!_______Rutland, See Rutland. 2759 ‘ N ep h i*»!____ ______ Juab J. GREENWOOD. v 199 Oasis*»!—, „ ____ —Millard See Richfield. 1250 Proctorsville*»!—Windsor To Brattleboro. 31404 ‘ O gden*»!_________ Weber D A V I D J E N S O N , 515 David 3000 Randolph*»!______ Orange To Montpelier. 2907 Richford*»! ___ Franklin See St. Albans. Eccles Bldg. 1640 ‘ Panguitch*_____ .Garfield See Beaver. 14831 »Rutland*»!______ Rutland VFALTER S. FENTON. 3439 Park C i t y * » ! . . S u m m i t To Coalville. 6000 Springfield*»t___ Windsor To Brattleboro. ____ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VERMONT NO TF USE COUPONS. as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d. A » V / i L i See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorn ey List. V E R M O N T , V IR G IN IA A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) Pu ? ‘ TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. : :_______ :______________ *St. Albans*«t . . —Franklin 8781 *St. Johnsbury*«!Caled’nia 3800 Swanton*«t— ..Franklin 1488 Vergennes*«! — Addison 3273 Water bury *»t Washington 800 Wells River*«! — Orange 3427 West Rutland*«!. Rutland 2500 White River J c.*«!W ’dsor 430 Wilmington*«!—Windham 2500 Windsor*«!......... Windsor 4520 Winooski*«!—-Chittenden 2500 «Woodstock*«!__ Windsor C. G. AUSTIN & SONS. JOSEPH FAIRBANKS. See St. Albans. To Burlington. To Montpelier. To Montpelier. See Rutland. To Brattleboro. To Brattleboro. To Brattleboro. To Burlington. To Brattleboro. Popu la TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 200 Carson*!______Dinwiddie 500 Cartersville*.Cumberland 200 Castlewood*«!____Russell 329 «Charlotte Court House* Charlotte 1539 NAME. See Petersburg. See Cumberland. To Lebanon. To Farmville. 10000 -«Char lottesville*«!.. Albe’le WHITE & LONG. 1662 Chase City**! .Mecklenb’g To Boydton. 1113 «Chatham*«! —Pittsylvania To Danville150 Cheriton*«! .Northampton See Eastville. 700 Chester*«!___ Chesterfield To Richmond. • 400 Chilhowie*«!____ —Smyth To Marion. 3500 Chincoteague Isl.*« A cc’ac See Accomac. 1568 *Christiansburg*t. Mohtg’y M . H. TOMPKINS. 150 Churchville* ____ Augusta See Staunton. V IR G IN IA 400 City Point*«Prince George To Hopewell. 700 Claremont*«! — —Surry W . STANLEY BURT. This Information will be of value to those Interested in Bank 794 Clarksville*«t .Mecklenb’g To Boydtonruptcy matters. 250 Cleveland*«! —¿..—Russell To Lebanon. 6000 Clifton Forge*«t .Allegh’y To Covington. Virginia is divided into two Federal Districts: Eastern and Western. 252 Clinchport*«!____. . . Scott See Gate City. In the EASTERN DISTRICT (1), court sits at Richmond, first P. RIDDLE. 342 «Clintwood* „ . . .Dickenson S. Mondays in April and October; at Norfolk, first Mondays in May and 258 Clover*«! — Halifax To Danville. November; and at Alexandria, first Mondays in January and July. To Norton. 1000 Coeburn*«!_____ ....W is e In the WESTERN DISTRICT (2), court sits at Charlottesville, the 1000 Colon’l B’ch* Westmorel’d To Montross. second Monday in January and first Monday in July; at Roanoke, third 500 Columbia*«! ....Fluvanna See Palmyra. Mondays in February and June; at Lynchburg, on the Tuesdays after 500 «Courtland*«!Southampton To Emporia. the second Mondays in March and September; at Danville, on the 6000 «Covington*«! — Alleghany R. C. STOKES. Tuesdays after the second Mondays in April and November; at Ablng200 Crabbottom*__ _ Highland To Monterey. ton, on Tuesdays after the first Mondays in May and October; at 225 Craigsville*«!__ _ Augusta To Staunton. Harrisonburg, on the Tuesdays after the first Mondays in June and 3000 C rew e*«!__ . . —Nottoway HENRY E. LEE. December; and at Big Stone Gap, fourth Monday in January and 200 Crockett*«! — — Wythe To Wytheville. second Monday in August. 600 Crozet*«!______ Albemarle To Charlottesville. 2500 «Culpeper*«!____ Culpeper E. E. JOHNSON. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable 500 *Cumberland*«!.Cumberrd W M . M . SMITH. to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. 1500 Damascus*!—Washington To Abingdon. . Counties: Accomac (1), Albemarle (2), Alexandria (1), Alleghany 20021 Danville*«! ...Pittsylvania E. WALTON BROWN. (2), Amelia (1), Amherst (2), Appomattox (2), Augusta (2), Bath t.2), 700 Dayton*«___ Rockingham To Harrisonburg. Bedford (2), Bland (2), Botetourt (2), Brunswick (1), Buchanan (2), i 2000 Dendron*....... J__ —Surry To Claremont. Buckingham (2), Campbell (2), Caroline (1), Carroll (2), Charles City 500 Dillwyn*« ...Buckingham To Lynchburg. (1), Charlotte (2), Chesterfield (1), Clarke (2), Craig (2), Culpeper (1), 125 «D inw iddie*«!.. Dinwiddie To Petersburg. Cumberland (2), Dickenson (2), Dinwiddle (1), Elizabeth City (1), 500 Disputanta*«!.Prince Geo. To Hopewell. Essex (1), Fairfax (1), Fauquier (1), Floyd (2), Fluvanna (2), Franklin 703 Drakes Branch*«! Charl’te To Farmville. (2), Frederick (2), Giles (2), Gloucester (1), Goochland (1), Grayson (2), 500 Draper*« — — . — Pulaski To Pulaski. Greene (2), Greenesville (1), Halifax (2), Hanover (1), Henrico (1), 35 Drewryville.Southampton To Emporia. Henry (2), Highland (2), Isle Of Wight (1),. James City (1), King and 300 Dryden*«___________ Lee To Norton, Queen (1), King George (1), King William (1), Lancaster (1), Lee (2), 500 D ubi in*«! ________ Pulaski To Pulaski. Loudoun (1), Louisa (1), Lunenberg (1), Madison (2), Mathews (1), 50 Dundas______ Lunenburg To Danville. Mecklenburg (1), Middlesex (1), Montgomery (2), Nansemond (1), 500 Dungannon*«!______Scott See Gate City. Nelson (2), New Kent (1), Norfolk (1), Northampton (1), Northumber 500 Eagle R o ck * ___ Botetourt' See Covington. land (1), Nottaway (1), Orange (1), Page (2), Patrick (2), Pittsylvania 5000 E. Radford* «tMontgomery To Christiansburg. (2), Powhatan (1), Prince Edward (1), Prince George (1), Prince Wil 322 «Eastville* — Northampton J. T . WILKINS. liam (1), Princess Anne (1), Pulaski (2), Rappahannock (2), Richmond 574 Edinburg*«!..Shenandoah To Woodstock. (1) , Roanoke (2), Rockbridge (2), Rockingham (2), Russell (2), Scott 330 Elba*________ Pittsylvania To Danville.' (2), Shenandoah (2), Smyth (2), Southampton (1), Spotsylvania (1), (G retna P. Q.) Stafford (1), Surry (1), Sussex (1), Tazewell (2), Warren (2), Warwick 160 Elk Creek*_____Grayson To Independence. (1), Washington (2), Westmoreland (1), Wise (2), Wythe (2), York (1). 1000 Elkton*«t — Rockingham Td Harrisonburg. 3500 «Emporia*«! —Greenesville W . W . GREEN. 500 Esmont*«!_____ Albemarle See Charlottesville. 300 Exm ore*«!—Northampton See Nassawadox. REFERENCE K EY 413 «Fairfax*_________ Fairfax To Alexandria. County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. 1351 Falls Church*«!.. .Fairfax To Alexandria. ! Telegraph Station. § State Capital.________ 3000 *Farmville*«!Prmce Edw’d J. T. THOMPSON. 250 F erru m *«!-.___ Franklin To Rockymount. 479 «Fincastle*___-Botetourt To Covington. 4000 «Abingdon*«! .Washington WIDENER & POTTS. 369 «Floyd*............ ...... Floyd J. E. BUR WELL. 712 «Accomac*______ Accomac A. J. TURLINGTON. 106 Fork Union*« . . Fluvanna See Palmyra. 250 Alberta*«!____ Brunswick To Lawrenceville. 2280 Franklin*«! -Southampton To Courtland. 17846 Alexandria*«! -Alexahdria HOWARD W. SMITH. 6000 Fredericksb’g*«t -Spotts’a W M . K . GOOLRICK. ■ 107 N. Fairfax St. 2000 Fries*«!_________ GraysOn To Independence. 1500 Altavista*«!— .Campbell To LynChburg. 1133 «Front Royal*«! —.Warren E. H. JACKSON. 400 «Amelia C. H. * • !...Amelia See Chesterfield. 2000 G alax*«!________Grayson To Independence. 800 «Amherst*«!_____Amherst To Lynchburg. 1000 «Gate City*«t________ Scott COLEMAN & CARTER. 8000 Appalachia*«! — — Wise To Norton. lOOo Glade Spring*«!...W ash’n To Abingdon. 800 «Appomattox*«! Appom’tox To Lynchburg. 407 Glasgow*«!.— Rockbridge To Lexington. 1000 Arvonia*«___ Buckingham To Lynchburg. 250 «Gloucester*! . —Gloucester M . E. BRISTOW. 1824 Ashland*«!___ —Hanover To Richmond. 50 Gloucester Pt.* Gloucester To Gloucester. 2200 B asic*«!...___ ...Augusta To Staunton. 504 G ordonsville*«!.—Orange To Orange. 800 Bassetts**!________ Henry See Martinsville. 1917 Graham*«!______Tazewell To Tazewell. 400 Greenville*«! . . . —Augusta See Staunton. 3000 «Bedford*«!_____ Bedford NELSON SALE. 000 Gretna*«!___ Pittsylvania To Danville. 206 Belle Haven*«! —Accomac See Accomac. 800 Grottoes*«! ..Rockingham To Harrisonburg. 1000 «Berryville*«!..........Clarke To Front Royal. 500 «Grundy*..___ ..Buchanan WILLIAMS & COMBS. 350 Big Island*«!____ Bedford To Bedford City. 500 Hailw ood*«!.___ Accomac See Accomac. 2590 Big Stone Gap*«!— Wise To Norton. 450 Hamilton*!—— Loudoun To Leesburg. 1800 Blacksburg*«! .Montgo’ry To Christiansburg. 5505 «Hampton*«!Elizab’th City JOHN WEYMOUTH. 2000 Blackstone*«! —Nottoway To Crewe. 250 Hare Valley.. N ’thampton See Nassawadox. 250 «Bland*__ __________ Bland A. R. PORTERFIELD. (E xm ore P . O.) 200 Bloxom*«t______ Accomac To Accomac. 5200 «Harrisonburg*«! .R o ’gh’m D. W. EARMAN. 300 Boone Mill*«! ...Franklin To Rockymount. 200 «Heathsville* NorthumbTd E. HUGH SMITH. 350 Boons Path* . . . . _____ Lee To Norton. 1000 Herndon*«!____ —Fairfax To Alexandria. 433 «Bowling Green*..Caroline To Fredericksburg. 288 «Hillsville*.......... .Carroll W . D. TOMPKINS. 300 Boyce*«!________ ¿..Clarke To Front Royal. 236 Holland*«! ...Nansemond To Suffolk. 421 «Boydton*«!..Mecklenburg R. TURNBULL & SON. 869 Honaker*«!______ Russell To Lebanon. 700 Boykins*«l_.Southampton To Courtland. 30000 Hopewell*« Prince George PARTLOW & PRETTYMAN. 239 BranchvilIe*«!S’thampton See Courtland. 60 H orsey*!---------- Accomac To Accomac. 859 Bridgewater*«! Rocking’m To Harrisonburg. 1000 Hot Springs*«!______ Bath To Covington. 800 *Houston*«t______ Halifax To Danville. 18000 Bristol*«!____ Washington HENRY ROBERTS. References: 50 Huddleston*«!__ Bedford To Bedford City. Dominion National Bank. First 200 «Independence* ...Grayson J. C. PADGETT. National Bank, and Bank o f Bris 1000 Irvington*«__ ..Lancaster F. G. NEWBILL. tol. Also see Bristol, Tenn. 600 Ivanhoe*«! _______ Wythe To Wytheville. 416 Broadway*«!.Rockingham To Harrisonburg. 500 Ivor*«!—....Southampton See Courtland. $75 Brodnax*«!___ Brunswick To Lawrenceville. 250 Jarratt*«!___ ____ Sussex To Waverly. 700 Brookneal*«!___ Campbell To Lynchburg. 383 «Jonesville*—. . . . ____Lee To Norton. Brownsburg*. Rockbridge To Lexington. 200 K eller*«!___ — .Accomac To Accomac. i;00 Buchanan*«!___ Botetourt To Covington. 500 Kenbridge*«!—Lunenburg T o Victoria, Beena Vista*«! Rockb’fige To Lexington. 600 Keysville*«!____ Charlotte To Drakes Branch. snn Burkeville*«!...Nottoway See Blackstone. 400 Kilmarnock*__ _ Lancaster To Irvington. ||| Butterworth*«!.Dinwiddie See Petersburg. 240 Kinsale*... Westmoreland See Warsaw. ssaa 2ambria* — Montgomery To Christiansburg. 281 Lacrosse*«!—Mecklenburg To Boydton. kaa 9ape Charles*«! North’ton To Eastville. 2000 «Lawrenceville*«+Bruns’ck TURNBULL & TURNBULL. .JM) Capron*«!...Sonthamnton See Courtland. _________ TATJr'VrT |r » USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. iN V -/ 1 H i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1540 VIRGINIA ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) Popu la tion . TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. P opu la TOWN AND COUNTY. flON. ‘ Lebanon* . . . . . „„R ussell BURNS & KELLY. 1800 ‘ Leesburg**!____ Loudoun MARTIN & MARTIN. 3500 ‘ Lexington**! .Rockbridge FRANK MOORE. 700 ‘ Louisa**!_________ Louisa W . WORTH SMITH, JR. 300 ‘ Lovingston* ...........Nelson L . GRAFTON TUCKER. 2000 ‘ Luray**!_____ . . . ___ Page WALTON & BROTHER. 5000 400 150 1000 500 1200 HAROLD S. BLOOMBERG, 719-720 Mutual Building Cor poration, Commercial, Banking and Real Estate Law Col. lections and Examination of Titles. Refers to M’utnai Savings and Security Corporation, Virginia Railway & Power Company, Dalton Adding Machine Company, Remington Typewriter Company, Central National Bank, Merchants National Bank, or any bank or trust company. 18 107 Machipongo**!N’thampton See Nassawadox. 500 ‘ Madison*__ _____ Madison To Culpeper. SMITH & GORDON, 1003-1006 Travelers Building. Refer to the Planters National Bank and the Singer Sewin? Machine Company. s 1217 ‘ Manassas**t.Prince W il’m THOS. H . LION. 4500 ‘ Martinsville**!__ Henry 80 Massies M ill*_____ Nelson 300 ‘ Mathews*_______ Mathews 200 M cKenney**!.. Dinwiddie 400 Meadowview**!.Wash’ton 97 Mechanicsburg*___ Bland 180 M eherrin**!... Lunenburg 300 Melfa**!__ _____ Accomac 400 Mendota**! . . Washington 450 Middletown**!„Frederick 160 M ilford**!____ ..Caroline 250 M illboro**!_________ Bath 500 Mineral**!.;_______ Louisa 125 Moneta**!_______ Bedford WHITTLE & WHITTLE. To Lovingston. See Gloucester. See Petersburg. To Abingdon. To Bland. See Houston. To Accomac. To Bristol. To Winchester. To Fredericksburg. To Covington. To Louisa. To Bedford City. 240 ‘ M onterey*..____ Highland A . L. JONES. 400 153 479 200 1300 600 733 . 300 106 638 225 ‘ Montross*. Westmoreland Montvale**!_____ Bedford Mt. Jackson**!.Shenand’h Mount Solon**!...Augusta Narrows**!.________ Giles Nassawadox**t Northam’n ‘ Newcastle*!_______ Craig New Church**!..Accomac New Hope*_____ Augusta New Market*!. Shen’doah Newport*________ Giles 20562 225 190 35Q Newport News**! Warw’k Newsoms**! Southampton Nicklesvilie*__ ____ Scott Nokesville**!.Pfince Wm. FRANK STUART. To Bedford City. To Woodstock. See Staunton. See Pearisburg. To Eastville. To Covington. To Accomac. See Staunton. To Woodstock. To Pearisburg. J. WINSTON READ. See Courtland, See Gate City. See Manassas. 89612 N orfolk**!______ Norfolk AGELASTO & MILLER, C. L. L. A. (P. A. Agelasto, Frank C. Miller). Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Board of Trade Building. General practice in all courts, State and Federal. Special attention to Probate, Real Estate. Cor poration, Insolvencies and Commercial Litigation. Thor oughly equipped Collection Department. Depositions taken. Notaries in office. References: Norfolk National Bank; Citizens’ Bank; National Bank of Commerce, or any reputable law list. Compilers o f the Virginia laws fo r this p u b lication. See also at Portsmouth. 493 North Emporia*! Greenesville To Emporia. 1866 246 200 1001 350 Norton**!__________ Wise Occoquan**Prince William Odd*_________i ____ York Onancock*______ Accomac Onley**!________ Accomac JOHN R O B E R T S . See Manassas. To Newport News. See Accomac. See Accomac. 1000 ‘ Orange**!...___ .„O r a n g e SHACKELFORD & SHACKELFORD. 300 Painter**!______ Accomac See Accomac. 500 ‘ Palmyra**.!__.„Fluvanna E. A . GRAY. 400 Pamplin**!„.Appomattox To Appomattox. 1000j Parksley**!____ Accomac To Accomac. 470 ‘ Pearisburg*____ ___ Giles W . B. SNIDOW. 500 Pembroke**!_______Giles See Pearisburg. 793 Pennington Gap*!___ Lee To Norton. 25582 Petersburg**!.. Dinwiddie HAMILTON & MANN. 300 P hen ix**!..____ Charlotte See Abilene. £¡00 Phcebus*t ..Elizabeth City To Hampton. 3500 Pocahontas**!__ ¡Tazewell To Tazewell. 39651 ‘ Portsmouth**! ...N o rfo lk AGELASTO & MILLER, C. L. L. A. (P. A. Agelasto, Frank C. Miller). Attorneys and Counselors at law. General practice in all Courts, State and Federal. Special attention to Probate, Réal Estate, Corporation, Insolvencies and Com mercial Litigation. Thoroughly equipped Collection Depart ment. Depositions taken. Notaries in office. References: Norfolk National Bank, Citizens’ Bank, National Bank of Commerce, or any reputable law list. Compilers o f the Vir ginia laws fo r this publication. JSee also at Norfolk,, 6000 ‘ Pulaski**!..!___ ...Pulaski ALLEN T . ESKRIDGE. - 388 Purcellville**!... Loudoun See Leesburg. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To Manassas. To Christianburg. To Lexington. To Orange. To Heathsville. To Culpeper. To Tazewell. 156687 §*Richmond**!...Henrico 32940 Lynchburg**!... Campbell KIRKPATRICK & H O W A R D . Attorneys N. & W. Ry. Co. Refer ences: Peoples National Bank and First National Bank. 3000 ‘ M arion**!.._______ Smytlr BUCHANAN & BUCHANAN. 350 Marshall**!_____ Fauquier See Warrenton. Quantico.-Prince William R adford**!„M ontgom ery Raphine**t__ Rockbridge Rapidan**!_____ Culpeper Reedville**t- Nor’berland Rem ington**!... Fauquier Richlands**!— Tazewell NAME. 393 Ridgeway**!--------- Henry To Martinsville. 150 Riner* ....----- Montgomery To Christiansburg. 43284 Roanoke**!------- Roanoke JOHNSTON & IZARD. 1200 ' 500 1000 4000 2000 300 250 1000 500 350 300 400 1800 ‘ Rockymount**!.. Franklin Rosslyn*------- Alexandria Rural Retreat**!...W ythe ‘ Salem**!________ Roanoke Saltville**!.............Sm yth ‘ Saluda*------------ Middlesex Scottsburg**!____ Halifax Scottsville**!— Albemarle Seaford*_____ ______ York Sedley**..__ Southampton Sharps**— - j. . Richmond Shawsville**! Montgomery Shenandoah**!.........Page 1750 5000 732 200 Smithfleld**.Isle of Wight South Boston**!.. Halifax South Hill**!. Mecklenb’g Speedwell**_______Wythe B. A. DAVIS. To Alexandria. To Wytheville. To Roanoke. To Marion. To West Point. To Danville. To Charlottsville. To Newport News. See Courtland. See Warsaw. To Roanoke. To Luray. GEO. F. WHITLEY. To Danville. To Boydton. To Wytheville. 450 ‘ Stanardsville*-— Greene JOHN E. CHAPMAN. 300 Stanley*!___________ Page To Luray. 11654 ‘ Staunton**!______Augusta A B M I S T E A D C. GORDON. Bank, Real Estate, and Corporation matters. Collections. Refers to any Staunton Bank. 800 Stephens City**!Frederick To Winchester. 500 Stony Creek**!___ Sussex See Waverly. 500 St. Paul**!__________ Wise To Norton. 762 Strasburg**!..Shenandoah To Woodstock. 388 ‘ Stuart**!.................Patrick J. M . HOOKER. 350 Stuarts Draft**!..Augusta See Staunton. \ 10000 ‘ Suffolk**!.__ Nansemond LEE BRITT. ' 500 Sugar G rove*_____ Smyth To Marion. 38 Sulphur Mines___ _ Louisa See Louisa. (M ineral P. O.) 300 ‘ Surry*_____________Surry To Waverly. ‘478 ‘ Tappahannock**___ Essex H . C. DE SHIELDS. 1300 ‘ Tazewell**!____ Tazewell J. POWELL ROYALL. 200 250 240 250 500 1000 400 300 296 700 Temperanceville*Accomac The Plains*. — ~Fauquier Timberville**!Rockingh’m Toano**!____ _ James City Townsend**. Northampton Trout Dale*___ _Grayson Troutville**!___ Botetourt Union Level**.Meck’burg Upperville*____ Fauquier tJrbanna**_____ Middlesex See Accomac. See Warrenton. To Harrisonburg. To Newport News. See Nassawadox. To Independence. See Covington. To Boydton. To Culpeper. See Saluda. 2500 3000 600 800 100 500 1800 Victoria**!___ Lunenburg Vinton**!______ _ Roanoke Virgilina**!........... Halifax Wakefield**!____ ..Sussex Walkerton*.King& Queen ‘ Warm Springs*!_____Bath ‘ W arrenton**!... Fauquier N. S. TURNBULL, Jr. To Roanoke. To Danville. To Waverly. To Westpoint. To Covington. To Culpeper. 300 ‘ Warsaw*______ Richmond A. N. WELLFORD. 300 ‘ Washington*. Rapp’han’ck To Culpeper. 1064 Waverly**t___ ___ Sussex 1389 Waynesboro**!__ Augusta ARNOLD & ARNOLD. To Staunton. 1397 250 500 3000 230 O. L. COLE. See Staunton. To Suffolk. To Newport News. To Floyd. W estpoint**!.. K. William Weyers Cave*! . . .Augusta Whaleyville*! Nansemond ‘ Williamsburg**!. Ja’es C’y Willis*_____ _____ ..F loyd 6500 ‘ Winchester**!.. Frederick JAS. P. REARDON. 400 Windsor**!, isle of Wight To Smithfield. 1200 ‘ Wise*_____ *________ Wise To Norton. 1420 ‘ Woodstock**!. Shenand’h WILLIAMS & BROTHER. 3500 ‘ Wytheville**!____ Wythe 136 »Y orktow n*_________York E. LEE TR INKLE. To Newport News. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d. See com plete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. WASHINGTON A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) TION. TOWN AND COUNTY. *• __________ i______ ' NAME. ’ / W A S H IN G T O N This information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. Washington is divided into two Federal Districts: the Eastern and the Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Northern division (1) , with court at Spokane, the first Tuesdays in April and September; the Southern division (2), with court at Walla Walla, on the first Tues days in June and December; and at North Yakima, the first Tuesdays in May and October. The WESTERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Northern division (3), with court at Seattle, first Tuesdays in M ay and November; and at Bellingham, the first Tuesdays in April and October; and the South ern division (4), with court at Tacoma, the first Tuesdays in February and July. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Popu la TOWN AND COUNTY. ' TION. 300 1000 200 1114 250 330 500 2200 200 474 160 1500 300 600 6000 300 1476 Albion*____ . . . . Whitman Almira*«t________ Lincoln Anacortes*«t______ Skagit Anatone*__________Asotin Arlington*«*.. Snohomish See Colfax. To Davenport. To Mt. Vernon. See Asotin. See Everett. HOMER L. POST. To Seattle. See Seattle. 1200 «Asotin*______ „ ___ Asotin 3000 Auburn*«*.... ........ ...K in g ____ Ballard Station«*......... King (Seattle P. O.) 300 Battle Ground*«t__ Clarke 300 Bellevue* ___________ King See Berry ville. To Seattle. 32985 «Bellingham*«*.. Whatcom 250 Bickleton*___ ¿..Klickitat 1000 Black Diamond*«* ...K in g 3000 Blaine*«t______ Whatcom 500 BothellM __________ King 5000 Bremerton*«t......... Kitsap 296 Brewster*_____ Okanogan 431 Bridgeport*______ Douglas 1272 Buckley*«+ _______ Pierce 1802 Burlington*«*_____ Skagit 1125 Camas*«t_____. . . . Clarke 625 Cashmere*«t______ Chelan 998 Cagtlerock*«*____ Cowlitz WILL J. GRISWOLD. See Goldendale. To Seattle. To Bellingham. See Seattle. To Port Orchard. To Oroville. To Waterville. See Tacoma. To Mt. Vernon. To Vancouver. See Wenatchee. To Kalama. 450 «Cathlamet*__ Wahkiakum W M . STUART. 200 Centerville*«.— .Klickitat To Goldendale. 12000 Centralia*«+._______Léwis WEDMARK & GRIMM (O. T. Wedmark, W. O. Grimm). General practice. Commercial law and Col lections a specialty. 2100 Charleston*«*____ .Kitsap To Port Orchard. 5000 «Chehalis*«t______ Lewis HULL & URQUHART. General law practice. Attorneys for Coff man, Dobson & Co., Bankers. 800 Chelan*____ . . . j __ Chelan 1500 Cheney*«t______ Spokane 250 Chesaw*............Okanogan 1500 Chewelah*«*____ Stevens 1500 Clarkston*__ ____ Asotin 700 Clearlake*«*______ Skagit To Wenatchee. To Spokane. To Oroville. To Colville. To Asotin. To Mt. Vernon. 2749 Cle Elum*«t_____ Kittitas To EUensburg. 3000 *Colfax*«t______ Whitman 393 Colton*«*______ Whitman CHAS. F. YOORHEES. See Colfax. 2000 «Colville*«*_______Stevens STULL, WENTZ & BAILEY. 250 Conconully*___ Okanogan To Oroville. 700 Concrete*«*_______Skagit To Mt. Vernon. 500 Connell*«*______ Franklin To Pasco. 200 Conway*__________ Skagit To Mt. Vernon. 5Q0 Coulee City*«*_____ Grant To Ephrata. 400 «Coupeville*___ i___.Island D. W . CRADDOCK. 400 Oreston*«*_______Lincoln To Davenport. 400 Custer*«.___ .„.W h a tcom To Bellingham. 1229 «Davenport*«*....'.Lincoln FREECE & PETTIJOHN. 2389 «Dayton*«*.... Columbia ROY R . CAHILL. 1400 Deer Park*«*. .Spokane To Hillyard. 400 Duvall*«*___ ___________ ____ King See Seattle. To Everett. To Tacoma. To Mt. Vernon. See Everett. To Spokane. See Colfax. «Ellensburg*«*.___ Kittitas JAY A. WHITFIELD. Elrna*«* ..¿.G rays Harbor See Aberdeen. Eltopia*«*___ ¿..Franklin See Pasco. Endicott*«*___ ¿Whitman See Colfax. Entiat*________ .¿.Chelan See Wenatchee. Enumclaw*«t_______ King See Seattle. ....... Grant 35486 «Everett*«*____Snohomish E verson*«........ Whatcom Fairfield*«* . . . . ..Spokane Farmington*«* ..Whitman Ferndale*«*____ Whatcom «Friday Harbor*..San Juan Garfield*«*_____ Whitman «Goldendale*«*__ Klickitat Grandview*«*—¿—Yakima Granger*«*.__.__ Yakima GraniteFalls*«*Snohomish Hamilton*«*______ Skagit Harrington*«t___ Lincoln Hartline*«* . . . _____ Grant Hatton*«+________Adams Hillyard*«r___ .-.Spokane HoQuiam*«*.Grays Harbor Hunters*_____ __ Stevens Uwaco*«*___ _____ Pacific lone*«*_____ Pend Oreille Issaquah*«*_________ King Johnson*«____Whitman Kahlotus*«*____ Franklin 1400 «Kalama*«*........... Cowlitz 2500 Kelso*«t................Cowlitz 1500 1908 377 2500 150 250 875 800 750 600 275 550 339 2500 1000 500 250 441 1148 700 1400 600 1239 900 500 300 1552 3500 400 Kennewick*«*___ -Benton K en t*«*......... ........... King Kettle Falls*____ Stevens Kirkland*«t_____ ___ King Kittitas*«*_______ Kittitas Krupp*«t_._____ ___ Grant La Center*________ Clarke La Conner*____. . . Skagit Lacrosse*«*____ Whitman Lake Stevens..Snohomish Lamont*«'* — — Whitman Langley**______ _— Island Latah*«*________ Spokane Leavenworth*«* ...Chelan Lind*«* —-----------..Adams Loomis*..............Okanogan Lyle*«*_________ Klickitat Lyman*«t ...........— Skagit Lynden*«...........Whatcom Mabton*«+ . . . ____ Yakima Malden*«*......... Whitman Mansfield*«..........Douglas Marysville*«* -Snohomish Medical Lake*«* .Spokane Metaline Falls *«+Pend Oreille Molson*«*_____ Okanogan Monroe*«*....... Snohomish «Montesano*«t. Grays Har bor Morton* •*_________ Lewis WILLIAM M . CLAPP. LOUIS A. MERRICK. General practice throughout the Pacific Northwest. Depositions carefully taken. See Bellingham. To Spokane. See Colfax. See Bellingham. To Bellingham. To Colfax. J. D. AIKEN. See North Yakima. See North Yakima. See Everett. See Mt. Vernon. To Davenport. To Ephrata. See Ritzville. To Spokane. See Aberdeen. See Colville. To South Bend. To Newport. See Seattle. See Colfax. To Pasco. R . E. TUNSTALL. To Kalama. MOULTON & JEFFREY. To Seattle. To Colville. See Seattle. To Ellensburg. To Ephrata. To Vancouver. See Mount Vernon. See Colfax. To Everett. To Colfax. , To Coupeville. To Spokane. To Wenatchee. To Ritzville. To Oroville. To Goldendale. See Mt. Vernon. See Bellingham. See North Yakima. To Colfax. To Waterville. See Everett. . To Spokane. To Newport. To Oroville. See Everett. See Aberdeen. See Chehalis. HENRY ALBERTS McLEAN. To North Yakima. See North Yakima. See Chehalis. To Spokane. See Seattle. 1 To Colville. To Yakima. To Colfax. To Coupeville. See Aberdeen. To Spokane. To Oroville. 6996 §*01ympia*«t__ ¿'.Thurston R. F. DOTSCH. 450 Ornak**............ Okanogan To Oroville. 250 O rient*«t.................Ferry See Republic. . 3500 300 250 400 1199 500 1500 20951 1000 1097 465 1200 1000 «Mt. Vernon*«*---- Skagit Moxee City*«------ Yakima Naches*«— . . . . . . Yakima Napavine*«+---------- Lewis «Newport*«* ..Pend Oreille Northbend*«*...........King Northport*«*__..Stevens «North Yakima*«+ .Yakima Oakesdale*«*___ Whitman Oak Harbor*...........Island Oakville*«+-Grays Harbor Odessa*«*__ .¿.¿..L in coln Okanogan*------ Okanogan 1000 Oroville*«*.......Okanogan 799 Orting*«*__ _______ Pierce 800 Othello*«*_______ .Adams 200 Outlook*«*__ _— Yakima 1400 Palouse*«*____ Whitman 3500 «Pasco*«+___ ____ Franklin 350 Pateros*— ___ Okanogan 838 Pe Ell*«+.................Lewis 84 Pine City*«*___ Whitman 1800 Pomeroy*«* . . — Garfield 5000 «Port Angeles*«*— Clallam 1200 «Port Orchard*«___ Kitsap 4000 «Port Townsend*«+Jeffer’n 500 Poulsbo*........... Kitsap J. M . ADAMS. See Tacoma. See Ritzville. See North Yakima. To Colfax. DRISCOLL & LEONARD. To Oroville. See Chehalis. To Colfax. KUYKENDALL & McCABE. LINDSAY & REDDEN. To Seattle'. A. R. COLEMAN. See Bremerton. W r ^ T I T USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 t v /J L sI1 i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAME. East Stanwood*Snohomish Eatonville*«t._____ Pierce Edison*. __________ Skagit Edmonds*«*...Snohomish Edwall*«*________ Lincoln Elberton*«t____ Whitman 700 «Ephrata*«t 350 308 489 1200 Counties: Adams (1), Asotin (2>, Benton (2), Chelan (1), Clallam (3), 600 Clarke (4), Columbia (2), Cowlitz (4), Douglas (1), Ferry (1), Franklin 1100 (2) , Garfield (2), Grant (1), Grays Harbor (4), Island (3), Jefferson (3), King (3), Kitsap (3), Kittitas (2), Klickatat (2), Lewis (4), Lincoln 1203 (1), Mason (4), Okanogan (1), Pacific (4), Pend Oreille (1), Pierce (4), 600 San Juan (3), Skagit (3), Skamania (4), Snohomish (3), Spokane (1 ), 453 Stevens (1), Thurston (4), Wahkiakum (4), Walla Walla (2), Whatcom 714 (3), Whitman (2), Yakima (2). 580 1000 350 161 REFERENCE KEY 4000 11666 * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, 100 1200 t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 634 1200 190 20334 Aberdeen*«* Grays Harbor BRIDGES & BRUENER. 300 I 1541 1542 W A S H I N G T O N , W E S T V IR G IN IA POPU' LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 700 Prescott*»!.. .Walla Walla See Walla Walla. 1250 »Prosser*»! ------- Benton To Kennewick. 3500 Pullman*»! — Whitman To Colfax. 4544 Puyallup*»! _---------Pierce To Tacoma. 264 Quincy*»! . . . ----------Grant To Ephrata. 6000 R aym ond*»!.____ .Pacific To South Bend. 527 Reardan*»! ......L in co ln To Davenport. 300 Redmond*»!. ---------- King See Kent; 2740 Renton*»! . . . . . — King See Seattle. 1200 »Republic*»! ----------Ferry SAMUEL PORTER 300 Richland*__ --------Benton See Kennewick. 500 Ridgefield*»!.---------Clarke To Vancouver. 2000 »Ritzville*»! - . . . i — Adams G. E. LOVELL. 300 Riverside* . . ....Okanogan To Oroville. 663 R o ck fo rd * »!......S p okan e To Spokane. 900 Rosalia*»!___ To Colfax. 3126 R oslyn*»!___ .— ..Kittitas To Ellensburg. 400 R oy*»t......... --------- Pierce See Tacoma. 100 R uff*»!_____ To Eplirata. 348639»Seattle*»t— ............ — King King B E E C H L E K & B A T C H E L O R , New York Block (Glenn C. Beechler. Chester A. Batchelor.) Practice in ali Federal and State Courts. Commercial, Corporation. Insurance, Bankruptcy and Beal Estate Law. Depositions and Collections. McCLURE & McCLURE, Attorneys-at-Law, 1509 Hoge Bldg. (H en ry F. McClure, W alter A . McClure, Wm. E . McClure, Jas. E . Seargeant, W alter s . Osborn.). R efer to any bank or business house in Seattle. General Law Practice. Special attention to Collections. 1 \. J. K . McDOWALL, Attorney-at-Law, W hite Bldg. R efer ences: National Bank o f Commerce, Metropolitan Bank. . Corporation. Probate, Bankruptcy and Commercial Law. General Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Special attention given to Collections. 2129 Sedro Woolley*«+ ..Skagit To Mt. Vernon. 300 S elah*»!_________ Yakima See North Yakima. 600 S equim *!________ Clallam To Port Angeles. 1163 .S helton*»_________Mason* To Olympia. 3244 Snohomish*»t .Snohomish To Everett. 4200 »South Bend*»t____ Pacific HERMAN MURRAY. 100000 South Tacoma»t——Pierce See Tacoma. 299 Spangle*»t ______ Spokane To Spokane. 150323»Spokane*»t .Spokane McWlLLIAMS, WELLER & BROWN, Hutton Building, R efer by permission to the Old National Bank and the Wash ington Trust Co. o f Spokane. Compilers o f the Washington laws fo r this publication. 1110 Sprague*»t— ------ Lincoln To Davenport. 300 Springdale*»!____ Stevens See Colville. 1200 Stanwood*»! ..Snohomish See Everett. 700 Starbuck*»t____ Columbia See Dayton. 300 Steptoe*»!_____ Whitman See Colfax. 387 »Stevenson*»!. . . Skamania GEO. E. O’BRYON. 700 St. J o h n * »!____ Whitman See Colfax. 800 Sultan*»!_____ Snohomish See Everett. 902 Sum as*»!______ Whatcom To Bellingham. 1500 Sum ner*»!...............Pierce See Tacoma. 1379 Sunnyside*»!.........Yakima See North Yakima. 112770»Tacoma*»!________Pierce C. M . RIDDELL, Fidelity Bldg. Attorney fo r Fidelity Trust Co., Tacoma. Probate and Bankruptcy matters given particular attention. 1694 Tekoa*»t____ ■■■■■.Whitman To Colfax. 1038 Tenino*»t_____ .Thurston To Olympia. 300 Thornton*»t. . . .Whitman See Colfax. 300 Toledo*t______ ____Lewis See Chehalis. 400 T o lt* »t_______ ------- King See Seattle. 200 Tonasket*_____ Okanogan To Oroville, 2500 Toppenish*»!...... Yakima See North Yakima. 250 Touchet*»!__ Walla Walla See Walla Walla. 450 Twisp*t.... ........ Okanogan To Oroville. 426 Uniontown*»!.. .Whitman See Colfax. 1000 Vader*»t See Chehalis. 400 V alley *»!.........__Stevens To Colville. 350 V alleyford*»!.. —Spokane To Spokane. 13180 »Vancouver*»!.. ___ Clarke MeM ASTER,HALL & DROWLEY. 700 Vashon*_______.........King To Seattle. 1237 Wftitsburg*»! Walla Walla To Dayton. 25136 »Walla W alla*»!.W ’la W ’la RADER & BARKER, Attorneys fo r Peoples State Bank. 500 W apato*»!........ __Yakima See North Yakima. 300 W arden*»!_______ Grant To Ephrata. 500 Washougal*»!—___ Clarke To Vancouver. 500 Washtucna*»!..__ Adams See Ritzville. 1200 »Waterville*»___...Douglas To Wenatchee. 318 W averly*»!......... Spokane To Spokane. 5000 » W enatchee*»t—__ Chelan LUDINGTON & SHINER. 100 Wheeler*»!....... ____Grant To Ephrata. 250 White Bluffs*»t ...B en ton To Kennewick. 1000 White Salmon*»! Klickitat To Goldendale. 110 White Swan*.. ...Yakim a To North Yakima. 1000 W ilbur*»!_____ . . Lincoln To Davenport. 1500 Wilkeson*»!___ ----- Pierce See Tacoma. 500 Wilsoncreek*»!.____Grant To Ephrata. 1500 W inlock*»!....... ____Lewis See Chehalis. 300 W inona*»!____ .Whitman See Colfax. 113 Winthrop_____ Okanogan To Oroville. 200 W ithrow *!______Douglas To Waterville. 600 W oodland*»!__... Cowlitz See Kalama. 800 Y acolt*»!_____ ___Clarke To Vancouver. 20951 »Yakima*»!_____— Yakima C H A S . H . A L L E N . References: Centra) Bank & Trust Co., No. Ya kima, Wash, and any other Bank in Yakima County. Notary and depo sitions taken. A special collector in office. 4 general trial practice. 350 Zillah*»!............__Yakima See North Yakima. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. W EST (B O N D E D ) NAME. V IR G IN IA This Information will be of value to those interested In Bank ruptcy matters. West Virginia is divided into two Federal Districts: Northern and Southern. In the NORTHERN DISTRICT (1), court sits at Martinsburg. first Tuesday in April and third Tuesday in September; at Clarksburg, the second Tuesday in April and first Tuesday in October; at Wheeling the first Tuesday in May and third Tuesday in October; at Philippi, the fourth Tuesday in May and the second Tuesday in November; at Elkins, the first Tuesdays of July and December, and at Parkersburg, the second Tuesday o f January and the second Tuesday in June. In the SOUTHERN DISTRICT (2), court sits at Charleston, on the first Tuesday in June and third Tuesday in November; at Huntington, on the first Tuesday in April and the first Tuesday after the third Monday in September. At Bluefieid, on the first Tuesday in May and the third Tuesday in October; at Williamson, the first Tuesday in October; at Webster Springs, on the first Tuesday in September, and at Lewisburg, on the second Tuesday in July. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Barbour (1), Berkeley (1), Boone (2), Braxton (2). Brooke (1), Cabell (2), Calhoun (1), Clay (2), Doddridge (1), Fayette (2), Gilmer (1), Grant (1), Greenbrier (2), Hampshire (1), Hancock (1), Hardy (1), Harrison (1), Jackson (2), Jefferson (1), Kanawha (2), Lewis (1), Lincoln (2), Logan (2), McDowell (2), Marion (1), Marshall ,(1), Mason (2), Mercer (2), Mineral (1), Mingo (2), Monongalia (1), Monroe (2), Morgan (1), Nicholas (2), Ohio (1), Pendleton (1), Pleasants (1), Pocahontas (2), Preston (1), Putnam (2), Raleigh (2), Randolph (1), Ritchie (1), Roane (2), Summers (2), Taylor (1), Tucker (1), Tyler (1), Upshur.(1), Wayne (2), Webster (2), Wetzel (1), Wirt (1), Wood (1), Wyoming (2). REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 500 1500 175 1030 700 300 907 Albright*»!______ Preston A lderson*»!..— Monroe Ana wait *______ McDowell Ansted*!_________ Fayette Athens*_________ Mercer Auburn*_____ ___ Ritchie Barboursville*»!.__ Cabell 4000 1481 4976 1200 2000 500 400 »Beckley*»— :_____ Raleigh Belington*»!____ Barbour Benwood*»t____ Marshall »Berkeley Sp’gs*»! Morgan Berwind*»!____ McDowell Beverly*»t___— Randolph Blacksville*— Monongalia 15442 1600 1200 116 Bluefieid*»!______ Mercer Bramwell*»!______Mercer Bridgeport*»!— Harrison Bruceton Mills*— Preston 5000 770 668 300 »Buckhannon*»!— Upshur Burnsville*»!__ —Braxton Cairo*»___________Ritchie Camden on Gauley*»! Webster 2500 Cameron*»!_____Marshall 1215 Ceredo*»—.............Wayne To Kingwood. To Lewisburg. See Welch. To Beckley. To Princeton. To Harrisville. To Huntington. C. O. DUNN. See Philippi. To Moundsville. To Martinsburg. See Welch. See Elkins. See Morgantown. A. To To To F. KINGDON. Bluefieid. Clarksburg. Kingwood. J. M . N. DOWNES. To Sutton. To Harrisville. To Webster Springs. To Moundsville. To Wayne. 29941 §»Charlesto’n *»t„Kanawha BR O W N , JACKSON & K N IG H T . (James F. Brown, Malcolm Jackson, Edward W. Knight, V. L , Black, John Wehrte, Angus W. McDonald, George S. Couch, Jr., O. P. Fitzgerald, Jr.) General Practitioners. Corporation, Bankand Insurance laws specialties. Attorneys for Känawha Valley Bank and Virginian Railway Co. Compilers of the W est V irginia laws fo r this publication. 3500 »Charles Town*»t Jeffers’n BECKWITH & BECKWITH. Frank Beckwith, ex-judge 18th Judicial Circuit, W.Va. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Collection Dep’t. 3500 Chester*»t______ Hancock To Wellsburg. 12438 »Clarks burg*»t— Harrison ROBERT R. WILSON. General Practice,. Banking, Cor poration, Mining, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law- Refer ences; Empire National Bank, Clarksburg. Other banks and references on request. 500 »Clay*»t........................Clay 2000 Clendenin*»t____Kanawha 600 Cowen*»!_______ Webster 434 DanvRle*»_________ Boone 2500 Davis*»t__........... Tucker 61 Dunbar*»_______ Kanawha 390 Durbin*»!_____Pocahontas 674 »Elizabeth*»..... .........Wirt 6500 »Elkins*»!____ — Randolph 2500 Elm Grove*»!..... Ohio ? l5506*Fairmon1*»+______Marion B. C. EAKLE. To Charleston. • To Webster Springs. To Madison. See Parsons. To Charleston. To Lewisburg. J. L. SMITH. C. O. STRIEBY. To Wheeling. TREVEY NUTTER. V T ^ \ !T , |7 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 1 v J I J-j See complete information in preface to Attorney List. W E S T V IR G IN IA ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) NAME. Fla?" TOWN ÁND COUNTY. TIONj__ ______;___________ £_____ 1 800 Fairview*___ ____ Marion 800 Farmington*t____Marion 671 ‘ Fayetteville*_____Fayette 800 Flemington*«t____ Taylor 8500 Follansbee*«......... Brooke See Fairmont. To Fairmont. To Beckley. See Grafton. To Wellsburg. 500 ‘ F ranklin*..... . Pendleton H. M . CALHOUN. 1880 Fulton____________ .Ohio ( W heeling P, O.) 1200 Gary*«!..............McDowell 1500 Gassaway*«t------ Braxton 600 Gauley Bridge*«!. Fayette 125 Gilbert*.................M ingo 1500 Glen Jean*«T_____ Fayette 600 ‘ Glenville*________ Gilmer 400 Gormania*_________Grant To Wheeling. See Welch. To Sutton. To Beckley. To Williamson. To Beckley. To Grantsville. To Moorefield. 10000 ‘ Grafton*«!________ Taylor H A R R Y FRIEDMAN. 282 ‘ Grantsville*..___ Calhoun To Spencer. 100 Greenville*......... Monroe To Lewisburg. 200 Griffithsville*____ Lincoln To Hamlin. 700 ‘ Hamlin*.................. Lincoln M O R R IS & YOUNG. 149 Harman*«_____ Randolph See Elkins. 1800 Harpers Ferry*«! Jeff’son To Charles Town. 1000 ,‘ Harrisville*______ Ritchie THOS. J. DAVIS. 640 Hendricks*«!____ Tucker See Parsons. 181 Hillsboro*___ Pocahontas To Lewisburg. 6000 ‘ Hinton*«!______ Summers A. D . D A LY. 800 Hundred*«............ Wetzel To Moundsville. 45629 ‘ Huntington*«!_____ Cabell E N S L O W , F I T Z P A T R I C K & B A K E R . General Attys. in W .' Va. for C. & O. Ry. and Western Union. References: - Huntington Natl. Bank. 600 150 327 992 6000 2047 Hurricane*«!____ Putnam Jacksonburg*«!__ Wetzel Janelew*»t—........... Lewis Kenova*«!________ Wayne »Keyser*«!______ _ Mineral Keystone*«____ McDowell To Winfield. To New Martinsville. See Wpston. To Wayne. To Piedmont. See Welch. 334 ‘ Pineville*______ Wyoming E. W . W ORRELL. 4000 ‘ Point Pleasant*«!.. Mason J . S. S P E N C E R . 3027 ‘ Princeton*«!— 400 350 1800 208 600 270 6000 1500 1000 1500 2500 936 100 3500 1070 2500 Mercer M cN U T T , ELLETT & M cN U T T . Pullman*................ Ritchie Rainelle*«____Greenbrier Ravenswood*«!.. Jackson Reedsville*«!____ Preston Reedy*«___________Roane R enick«!____ „Greenbrier R ichw ood*«!___ Nicholas R idgeleyM _____ Mineral ‘ Ripley*«____ —- Jackson ‘ Romney*«___ .Hampshire Ronceverte*«!.Greenbrier Rowlesburg*«t— Preston Rupert*— — Greenbrier Salem *«!........... Harrison Shepherdstown*«!.Jef’s’n Shinnston*«!___ Harrison To Harrisville. See Lewisburg. To Spencer. To Kingwood. To Spencer. To Lewisburg, To Sutton. To Keyser. To Spencer. To Moorefield. To Lewisburg. To Kingwood. . To Lewisburg. To Clarksburg. To Charles Town. To Clarksburg. 5000 Sistersville*«!—^___ Tvler KIM B A LL & SUGDEN. 2500 So. Charleston—Kanawha To Charleston. 3300 ‘ Spencer*«!______ ..R oa n e CARL C . DOUTHITT. 1208 St. Albans*«!.— Kanawha To Charleston. 2000 ‘ St. Marys*«!___ Pleasants G . D . SM ITH . 300 ‘ Summersville*— Nicholas BROWN & EDDY. 1121 ‘ Sutton*«!________ Braxton H A L L B R O S . 1500 Terra Alta*«!........ Preston To Kingwood. 2354 Thomas*«!_______ Tucker To Parsons. . 500 Thurmond*«!____ Fayette To Beckley. 700 Tunnelton*«!_____Preston To Kingwood. 298 ‘ Union*....................Monroe To Lewisburg. 85 Wadestown*—Monongalia See Morgantown. 800 Wallace*«_______ Harrison To Clarksburg. 250 Walton*__ ____ Roane To Spencer. 3000 W arw ood*«............... Ohio T o Wheeling. 600 «W ayne*«!_______- Wayne J- H- MEEK. 1000 ‘ Kingwood*«!____ Preston P . J. CROGAN. 1000 ‘ Webster Springs*.W’bst’r L. L. DYER. 1500 ‘ Lewisburg*!.. Greenbrier S. N. PACE. 5000 W eirton*«... — Hancock To Wellsburg. 712 Littleton*«t______ Wetzel To Moundsville. 3500 ‘ Logan*«!___ . . . ___ Logan J AS. E. GREEVER. 3000 ‘ W elch*«!........-M cD ow ell 500 Lost C reek*«!__ Harrison To Clarksburg. 656 Lumberport*«!.. Harrison To Clarksburg. 500 ‘ Madison*«.— _____ Boone L E F T W I C H , B R Y N S I D E & SHAFFER. 4000 Mannington*«!___ Marion To Fairmont. 1500 ‘ Marlinton*«!..Pocahontas To Lewisburg. 12666 *Martinsburg*«t~Berkeley D O W N E Y & H E N S O N . Gen eral Practitioners. Especial atten tion to Commercial, Insurance, and Corporation Law. Attorneys for The Peoples Trust Company, The Merchants and Farmers Bank, and The Bank o f Martinsburg. 520 1000 200 4000 1200 740 1000 2084 2000 Mason Town*«t— Preston M atew anM — ___ Mingo Matoaka*«t_______Mercer McMechen*t____ Marshall ‘ Middlebourne*_____ Tyler Mill C reek*«t... Randolph Milton*«!__________Cabell Monongah*«!_____ Marion Montgomery*«!—. Fayette To Kingwood. See Williamson. To Bluefield. To Moundsv'lle. To Sistersville. See Elkins. To Huntington. To Fairmont. To Beckley. A N D E R S O N, S T B O T H E R , HUGHES & CURD. 5000 ‘ Wellsburg*«!_____ Brooke F. A. CHAPMAN. 3000 ‘ W eston*«!—;_______ Lewis ROBERT L . BLAND. 2000 ‘ West Union*«!.Doddridge J. RAMSEY. 43377 ‘ W h eelin g *«!-...........Ohio G E O . J. R O G E R S , 405 German Bank Building. Estates and Real Estate Practice Specialties. R efer ences: Nat’l Exchange Bank and Peoples Bank. 2000 White Sulphur Springs*! Greenbrier To Lewisburg. 6600 ‘ Williamson*«!_____ Mingo GOODYKOONTZ & SCHERR. 291 ‘ Winfield*____ - __ Putnam J. DUDDING. 1500 Winona*________ Fayette To Beckley. 400 Worthington*«__ Marion See Fairmont. 1000 «Moorefield*«______ Hardy G . W . M cCAU LEY. 13709 ‘ Morgantown*«!. Mon’g’l’a EDGAR B. S T E W A R T . 11153 ‘ Moundsville*«!.. Marshall CHAS. A. SHOWACRE. 3000 Mount Hope*____ Fayette To Beckley. 1600 Mullens*«!_____ Wyoming ToPineville. 950 Newburg*«!_____ Preston To Kingwood. 1807 *New Cumberland*«!Han’k To Wellsburg. 3500 ‘ New Martinsv’le*«! W ’tz’l NEWMAN & NEWMAN. 1500 N orthfork*«!...M cDow ell To Welch. 1000 Oak Hill*«___„ __ Fayette To Beckley. 20612 ‘ Parkersburg*«!....... Wood KREPS, RUSSELL & HITESHEW. General* practice. Attorneys for First National Bank and Citizens Trust & Guarantee Co., o f Parkers burg, and American Surety Co., of New York. 1780 ‘ Parsons*«t—_—— Tucker A. JA Y VALENTINE. 674 2300 350 1000 Pax*«!_______ Fayette To Pennsboro*«!..___Ritchie ‘ Petersburg*«___ _Grant Peterstown*_____ Monroe 1543 P opu NAME.laTOWN AND COUNTY. TIQN. ___________ ,_____________ ____________________ t_________ _ Fayetteville. To Harrisville. To Moorefield. To Union. 1500 ‘ Philippi*«!..____ Barbour R . F . STAUBLY. 2400 Piedmont*«!_____ Mineral H . P . W H ITW ORTH . .700 Pine G rove*«!____ Wetzel To New Martinsville._____________ __________ __________________ _____________ j----------- 1VIAT17 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d. il| V / JL L i See 'com plete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 1544 W IS C O N S IN A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY, TION. NAME. W IS C O N S IN This Information will be of value to those interested in Bank ruptcy matters. Wisconsin is divided into two Federal Districts: the Eastern and the w estern. In the EASTERN DISTRICT (1), court sits at Milwaukee, first Mondays in January and October; at O shkosh, second Tuesday in June, and at Green Bay, first Tuesday in April. J In the WESTERN DISTRICT (2), couri sits at Madison, first Tues day in December; at Eau Claire, on the first Tuesday in June; at La Crosse, on the third Tuesday in September; and at Superior, the fourth Tuesday in January and second Tuesday in July. For convenience, each court is numbered and the counties returnable to the respective courts carry corresponding numbers. Counties: Adams (2), A shland-(2), Barron (2). Bavfield C2 ) B u f f a l ^ ) ^ u m e t t (2), Calumet (1), Chippewa^2U Clark (2), Columbia 02), Crawford (2), Dane (2), Dodge (1), Door (1) Douglas i), Dunn (2), Eau Claire (2), Florence (1), Fond du Lac (1), Forest (lL rant (2), Green (2), Green Lake (1), Iowa (2), Iron (2), Jackson (2), i H / uneP , WM Kenosha (1), Kewaunee (1), Lacrosse (2), Lafayette (2), Langlade (1), Lincoln (2), Manitowoc (1), Marathon (2 ).. Marinette (1), Marquette (1), Milwaukee (1), Monroe (2), Oconto h i Oneida (2), Outagamie (1), Ozaukee (1), Pepin (2), Pierce (2) Polk f2l Portage (2), Price (2), Racine (1), Richland (2), Rock (2), Rusk (2) St; Crone (2), Sauk (2), Sawyer (2), Shawano (1), Sheboygan (1), Taylor (2), Trempealeau (2), Vernon (2), Vilas (2), Walworth (1), Washburn w ; A asM^ ° w (1I' Waukesha (1), Waupaca (1), Waushara (1), Winnebago (1), Wood (2). " g REFERENCE KEY ‘ County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station, § State Capital. 947 444 350 1120 260 1000 2200 150 Abbotsford*«*_____ Clark Ableman*«t_________ Sauk Abram s*«t_______Oconto Adams*«*.......... .... Adams Adell*«---------- Sheboygan Albany*«*................. Green Algoma*«t------ Kewaunee Allen— --------- Eau Claire (.Strum P. O.) 325 Allenton*«*.. Washington 1200 417 300 600 1200 629 200 To Neillsville. To Baraboo. To Oconto. To Friendship. To Sheboygan. To Monroe. To Kewaunee. To Eau Claire. To West Bend. «Alma*«*___ . . . __ ..Buffalo Alma Center*«*.. Jackson Almena*«*------------ Barron Almond*«*.............Portage Amery*«*............... Polk Amherst*«t___ ..Portage Amhérst Jct.*«t..Portage To Durand. To Black River Falls. To Barron. To Stevens Point. To Barron. To Stevens Point. To Stevens Point. 8000 «Antigo*«*— — Langlade WHITING & DEMPSEY. 17834 «Appleton*«*__ Outagamie KRUGMEIER & HEINEMANN. 1212 Arcadia*«*— Trempealeau To Whitehall. 350 Arena*«*.................. Iowa To Dodgeville. 700 Argyle*«*.^------Lafayette To Darlington. 200 Arlington*«*___ Columbia To Portage. 150 Arnott*«*----------- Portage To Stevens Point. 300 Arpin*«____ ___ __1 W ood To Grand Rapids. — Ashippun«*— . . __ Dodge To Beaver Dam. (Oconomowoc P.O.) 11594 «Ashland*«*.......... Ashland GEO. F. MERRILL. 904 Athens*«*......... Marathon To Wausau. 350 Auburndale*«*____ Wood To Marshfield. 1500 Augusta*«*___ .Eau Claire To Eau Claire. 500 Avoca*«*__ _______ Iowa To Dodgeville. 398 Bagley*«t— _____ Grant To Lancaster. 800 Baldwin*«*_____ St. Croix To Hudson. 400 «Balsam Lake*........... Polk To Barron. , 325 Bancroft*«*..___ Portage To Stevens Point. 692 Bangor*«*-------- LaCrosse See La Crosse. 6000 «Baraboo*«*_____ _ . . Sauk BENTLEY, KELLEY & w n .I,, 317 Barneveld*«*._i Iowa To Dodgeville. 2000 «Barron*«t.... ..........Barron J. W . SODERBERG. 200 Barronett*«*_____ Barron To Barron. 400 Barton — *«+Washington To West Bend. 275 Bay City*«t---------- Pierce To Hudson. 2000 Bayfield*«*.____ _ Bayfield To Ashland. 500 Bear Creek«*..Outagamie To Appleton. 6758 Beaver Dam*«*____ Dodge CLARON A. MARKHAM. 234 Belgium*«*--------- Ozaukee To Port Washington. ! 500 ^Belleville*«*__,_____ Dane See Madison. 600 Belmont*«*____ Lafayette To Darlington. 18072 Beloit*«*__________ Rock EDGAR & COX. 1200 B e n t o n * « * L a f a y e t t e To Darlington. 5000 Berlin*«*____ Green Lake To Green Lake. 300 Big Bend--------- Waukesha To Waukesha. 225 Big Falls--------— Waupaca To Waupaca, 500 Birchwood*«*.. Washburn To Shell Lake. 800 Birnamwood*«+. Shawano To Shawano. 516 Blackcreek*«*. Outagamie See Appleton. 479 Black Earth*«*_____ Dane See Madison. 100 Black Hawk___ B___ Sauk To Baraboo. (Spring Orem, P. O.) 2000 «Black Riv. Falls*«t Jack’n F. J. RE1CHENBACH. 600 B la ir*«*..... Trempealeau To Whitehall. 643 Blanchardville*«*.Lafay’e To Darlington. 1500 Bloomer*«t____ Chippewa To Chippewa Falls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W f l T p P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 625 375 406 450 1700 250 400 650 684 998 500 1500 362 300 222 565 500 3500 200 800 600 900 50 150 657 507 562 1000 473 200 425 400 2500 700 990 250 250 480 351 1777 700 400 300 1000 200 Bloomington*______ Grant Blue Mounds*«*____Dane Blue River*«*..:____ Grant Bonduel*«*_____ Shawano Boscobel*«t________Grant Bowler*«*--------- Shaw'ano Boyceville*«*______ Dunn Boyd*«*--------- - Chippewa Brandon*«t..Fond du Lac Brillion*«+______ Calumet Bristol*«*........— Kenosha Brodhead*«t............ Green Brooklyn*«*......... . Green Brownsville*«t____ Dodge Browntown*«*____ Green Bruce*«+___________ Rusk Brule*«*------ — Douglas. Burlington*«*____ Racine Burnett*«*________ Dodge Butternut*«t____ Ashland Cable*«*............ -Bayfield Cadott*«*--------- Chippewa Calumet Harbor_.Fond du (Peebles P. O.) Lac CalvaryM — Fond du Lac Cambria*«*.___ Columbia Cambridge**............ Dane Cameron*«t______ Barron Campbellsport*«* F.duLac Camp Douglas*«*.. Juneau Canton*«*_______ Barron Caroline*---------- Shawano Cascade*__ — Sheboygan Casco*«*--------- Kewaunee Cashton*«*............ Monroe Cassville*«_________ Grant Catawba*«*________ Price Cato*«------------ Manitowoc Cazenovia*__ . . . Richland Oecil*«t------------- Shawano Cedarburg*«*___ Ozaukee Cedar Grove*«+Sheboygan Centuria*«t____ ____ Polk Chaseburg*«_____ Vernon Chetek*«t......... .....Barron Chili*«*____________Clark NAME. To Lancaster. See Madison. To Lancaster. To Shawano. To Lancaster. To Shawano. To Menomonie. To Chippewa Falls. To Fond du Lac. To Chilton. To Racine. To Monroe. To Monroe. To Beaver Dam. To Monroe. To Ladysmith. To Superior. To Racine. To Beaver Dam. To Ashland. Tq Ashland. To Chippewa Falls. See Fond du Lac. To Fond du Lac. To Portage. See Madison. To Barron. To Fond du Lac. To Mauston. To Barron. To Shawano. To Sheboygan. To Kewaunee. To Sparta. To Lancaster. To Park Falls. To Manitowoc. To Richland Center. T o Shawano. To Port Washington. To Sheboygan. To Barron. To La Crosse. To Barron. To Neillsville. 1800 «Chilton*«t-„_____ Calumet L. P. FOX. DAYTON E. COOK. 9395 «ChippewaFalis*«* Chip’wa 300 Clayton*«*__ ______ ¿Polk 498 Clear Lake*«*— ____ Polk ------ - Cleghorn— — Eau Claire (E leva P. O.) 250 Cleveland*«*.. Manitowoc 897 Clinton*«t__________Rock 2000 Clintonville*«t__ Waupaca 150 Clyman*« +______ Dodge 230 Cobb*«*____________ Iowa 500 Cochrane*«*______ Buffalo 869 Colby*t---------- .Marathon 436 Coleman*«*____ Marinette 1000 Colfax*«*__________ Dunn 350 Collins*«+--------Manitowoc . 350 Coloma*«*—___ Waushara 2523 Columbus*«*___ Columbia 150 Conrath*«*_________ Rusk 291 Coon Valley*«____ Vernon 525 Corliss*«*.............. Racine 1200 Cornell*«t--------Chippewa 250 Cottage Grove*«+___ Dane 1833 «Crandon*«*_______Forest 400 Crivitz**_______ Marinette 600 Cross Plains*«*.........Dane 1200 Cuba*«*______ ____ Grant 3691 Cudahy*«+____ Milwaukee 1800 Cumberland*«*___ Barron 475 Curtiss *«*..4.___ — Clark 225 Cushing*_________ ...P o lk 200 Cylon*«*----------- SC Croix 500 Dale*«------ ----- Outagamie 450 Dallas*«+________ , Barron 200 Dalton«*_____ Green Lake 300 Danbury*«*.— . Burnett 300 Dane*«*___________ Dane 500 Darien*«+_____ Walworth To Manitowoc. To Beloit. To Waupaca. To Beaver Dam. To Dodgeville. To Alma. To Wausau. To Marinette. To Menomonie. To Manitowoc. To Red Granite. To Portage. To Ladysmith. To La Crosse. To Racine. To Chippewa Falls. See Madison. To Wabeno. To Marinette. See Madison. To Lancaster. To Milwaukee. To Barron. To Neillsville. To Barron. To Hudson. See Appleton. To Barron, To Green Lake. To Grantsburg. See Madison. To Delavan. 1808 «Darlington*«*__ Lafayette 533 Deerfield*«*_____. . . Dane 200 Deer Park*«*___ St. Croix 431 DeFor est*«t 4_______Dane ORTON, OSBORN & McDANIEL. See Madison. To Hudson. See Madison. To Barron. To Barron. To Eau Claire. 2450 Delavan*«*____ Walworth E D W A R D M O R R IS S E Y . 850 5000 331 250 2000 476 300 500 271 259 250 Denmark*«* ......... Brown To Green Bay. De Pere*«+____ __ ..Brown To Green Bay. De Soto*«*_______Vernon To La Crosse. Dodge*«*___ Trempealeau To Whitehall. «Dodgeville*«t_______ Iowa J. O. McGEAYER. Dorchester*«*______ Clark To Neillsville. Dousman*«*... Waukesha See Waukesha. Downing*«*________ DunD To Menomonie. Downsville*___ Dunn To Menomonie. Doylestown*«t_.Columbia To Portage. Dresser Junction*«t.Polk To Barron. 1503 339 1200 300 800 «D urand*«*..... . . . . . Pepin C. M . HILLIARD. Eagle*«*___ — Waukesha To Waukesha. «Eagle River*«t_____ Vilas To Rhinelander. Eastman* — — .Crawford To Prairie du Chien. East Troy*___ _ Walworth To Delavan. USE COUPONS as instru cted to BE PROTECTED by b on d . See com p lete in form a tion in preface to A ttorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (B O N D E D ) POPP- LA- ' „ TOWN AND COUNTY. W IS C O N S IN NAME. T I O N ._________________________________________________________/________ 18807 »Eau Claire*»*—Eau Claire 250 Eden*»*_____ Fond du Lac 746 Edgar*»t_______Marathon 2633 Edgerton*»*— ___ Rock 125 Edmund*»t................Iowa 368 Eland*»t_______ Shawano 500 Elcho*»t_______Langlade 300 Elderon*»--------Marathon 150 El Dorado___Fond du Lac 400 Eleva*»*____ Trempealeau 499 Elkhart Lake*»tSheboyg'n 1800 *Elkhorn*»t____ Walworth 400 Elk Mound*»*______Dunn 1000 *Ellsworth*»t______ Pierce 700 Elmwood*»t_______Pierce 1729 Elroy*»t_________ Juneau 286 Embarrass______ Waupaca 300 Emerald *»t____ St. Croix 500 Endeavor*»___ Marquette 350 Ettrick*____ Trempealeau 2061 Evansville*»t—........Rock 150 Exeland*»_______ Sawyer 678 Fairchild*»t___ Eau Claire 350 FairWater*»t Fond du Lac 523 Fall Creek*»*..Eau Claire 500 Fall River*»t___ Columbia 1159 Fennimore*»t___ ~ Grant 220 Fenwood*».——Marathon 200 Ferryville*»*___ Crawford 500 Fifleld*»*_______ 5__ Price 1850 »Florence*»*____ Florence 21ll3 »Fonddu Lac*»tFond duL’c 450 Footville*»t-_........... Rock 300 Forest Junction*»tCalum’t 350 Forestville*»_______Door 4500 Fort Atkinson*»t Jeffers’n 100 Foster»_______Eau Claire (OsseoP. O.) 1031 Fountain City*»*..Buffalo 851 Foxlake*»_____ ___ Dodge 300 Francis Creek»* Manitowoc STURDEVANT & F A R R . To Fond du Lac. To Wausau. To Beloit. To Dodgeville. To,Shawano. To Antigo. To Wausau. To Fond du Lac. To Whitehall. To Sheboygan. To Delavan. To Menomonie. To Hudson. To Hudson. To Mauston. To Waupaca. To Hudson. To Portage. To Whitehall. To Beloit. To Hayward. To Eau Claire. To Fond du Lac. To Eau Claire. To Portage. To Lancaster. To Wausau. To Prairie du Chien. To Phillips. To Marinette. H . E. SW ETT. See Janesville. To Chilton. To Sturgeon Bay. To Beaver Dam. To Eau Claire. To Alma. To Beaver Dam. To Manitowoc. 700 Frederic*»t.... ...........Polk To Balsam Lake. 800 Fredonia*»______ Ozaukee T o Port Washington. 275 Freedom______Outagamie To Appleton. (Kauhauna P. O.) s * 305 Fremont*_„ ..Waupaca To Waupaca. 500 »Friendship*»*!__ _ Adams C. H. GILM AN. 300 Friesland»_____ Columbia To Portage. 973 Galesville*»t.Trempealeau To Whitehall. 800 Gays Mills*»*__ Crawford To Prairie du Chien. 200 GeneseeDepot*»Wauk’sha See Waukesha. 200 Genoa*»*________ Vernon To La Crosse. 800 Genoa J c t .* » t —Walworth To Delavan. 610 Gillett*»t_________ Oconto To Oconto. 450 Gilman*»____ „ ___ Taylor To Medford. 250 Gilmanton*_______ Buffalo To Alma. 413 Glenbeulah*»..Sheboygan To Sheboygan. 300 Glen Flora*»*..____ Rusk To Ladysmith. 200 Glenhaven*»*______ Grant To Lancaster. 954 Glenwood City*»tSt. Croix To Hudson. 1000 Glidden*»*___ __ Ashland To Ashland. 818 Grafton*»___ ___ Ozaukee To Port Washington. 22 Grandmarsh*»+____ Adams To Friendship. 7500 »Grand Rapids*»+___ Wood C H A S . E. B R I E R E , Attorney for Citizens National and Wood County National Banks. 400 Granton*»*________ Clark To Neillsville. ' 900 *Grantsburg*»t___ Burnett CLIVE J. STRAN G. 368 •Gratiot*»t_____ Lafayette To Darlington. 29353 »Green Bay*»*_____ Brown CA D Y & STREHLOW . 563 »Green Lake*»tGreen Lake To Fond du Lac. 325 Greenleaf*»t______ Brown To Green Bay. 665 Greenwood*»*_____Clark To Neillsville. 350 Gresham*______ Shawano To Shawano. 300 Hales Corners*Milwaukee See Milwaukee. 408 Hammond*»+___ St. Croix To Hudson. 510 Hancock*»*___ Waushara To Red Granite. 3500 Hartford*»*—Washington To West Bend. 728 Hartland*»*___ Waukesha See Waukesha. 300 Hatley*»*______ Marathon To Wausau. 300 Haugen*»*____ _—-Barron To Barron. 75 Haven*»*____ Sheboygan To Sheboygan. 600 Hawkins*»*..... ........ Rusk To Ladysmith. 1500 »Hayward*»t__I___ Sawyer ALVIN M . JOHNSON. 621 Hazel Green*»_____ Grant To Lancaster. 250 Helenville*»*__ Jefferson To Watertown. 1096 Highland*»*...............Iowa Tb Dodgeville. 700 Hilbert*t____ \___ Calumet To Chilton. 1000 H illsboro*.______ Vernon To La Crosse. / 175 Hillsdale*»_______ Barron To Barron. 290 Hixton*»t_______Jackson To Black River Falls. 350 Holcombe*»*___ Chippewa To Chippewa Falls. 265 Hollandale*»*_______ Iowa To Dodgeville. 350 Holmen*_______La Crosse See La Crosse. 300 Honey Creek*»t Walworth To Delavan. 1881 Horicon*»t________ Dodge To Beaver Dam. 1000 Hortonville**» .Outagamie To Appleton. 250 Howards Grove Sheboygan See Sheboygan. „ ( Sheboygan P. O.) 3500 *Hudson*»t*„____ St. Croix SPENCER HAVEN. Refers to any 18 bank in Hudson. Humbird*»t_________ Clark To Neillsville. 2500 »Hurley*»*_________ Iron To Ashland. 615 Hustisford*_______Dodge To Beaver Dam. 200 Hustler*»*............ Juneau To Mauston. 300 Independence*»* ______ Trempealeau To Whitehall. P opu LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. . , _______________ 300 900 300 1200 225 250 Ingram*»t__ ..._____ Rusk Iola*»*_________ Waupaca Iron R idge*»t_____ Dodge Iron R iv er*»* ___Bayfield Ix on ia ..___ ___ Jefferson Jackson*»+__ Washington 1545 V - NAME. ________ To Ladysmith. To Waupaca. To Beaver Dam. To Ashland. To Watertown. To West Bend. 14339 »Janesville*»t_______ R ock J E F F B I S , MOTJAT, O E S T R E IC H & A V E R T . 2800 175 425 291 300 1003 5000 477 350 »Jefferson*»*____ Jefferson To Watertown. Jims Falls__ . . . Chippewa To Chippewa Falls. Johnson Creek*»* Jeff’son To Watertown. Juda*»+ —________Green To Monroe. Junction*»*___ —.Portage To Stevens Point. »Juneau*»t_________ Dodge To Beaver Dam. Kaukauna*»*__ Outagamie To Appleton. Kendall*»*_______ Monroe To Sparta. Kennan*»* __s____ Price To Park Falls. 31576 »Kenosha*»t_____ Kenosha M ITTELSTAED & POWELL. Re fers to Merchants & Savings Bank. 800 Kewaskum*»+Washington To West Bend. 2000 »Kewaunee*»* —Kewaunee W . A . COWELL. 1400 Kiel*»*__ ___ Manitowoc To Manitowoc. 1170 Kilbourn*»t____ Columbia To Portage. 300 Kingston* ___ Green I#ke To Green Lake. 413 Knapp*»*__________Dunn To Menomonie. 275 K now les*»*.._____ Dodge T o Beaver Dam. 31677 »LaCrosse*»t___ La Crosse J E S S E E . H I G B E E , Linker Bldg. Refers to Batavian National Bank; James J. Hogan Grocery Co.; John A. Salzer Seed Company; or any other *iank or business house in the city of La Crosse. 3500 »Ladysmith*»t______ Rusk M cG IL L & W ILLIAM S. 654 LaFarge*»*_____Vernon To La Crosse. 3079 Lake Geneva*»* Walworth To Delavan. 2000 Lakemills*»*___ Jefferson To Watertown. 483 LakeNebagamonMDoug’s To Superior. 2000 1200 100 421 140 450 150 300 600 1700 600 1044 300 529 497 900 383 402 275 400 500 30699 »Lancaster*»*_______Grant FRAN K C. M EYER. Laona*»*__________Forest To Wabeno. Larsen*»__ — Winnebago To Oshkosh. Sauk To Baraboo. Lavalle*»* _____ Lebanon»*________ Dodge To Beaver Dam. Lena*»*___ ______ Oconto To Oconto. Lewist______ —_____ Polk To Barron. Limeridge*_________ Sauk To Baraboo. Linden*»* ..____j____Iowa To Dodgeville. Little Chute*»..Outagamie See Appleton. Livingston*»*_____ Grant To Lancaster. Lodi*»+________ Columbia To Portage. Loganville*_________ Sauk To Baraboo. Lomira*»+_________ Dodge To Beaver Dam. Lone R o ck * »t__ Richland To Richland Center. Loyal*»_________ — Clark To Neillsville. Luck*»t_____________Folk To Barron. Luxembourg*»* Kewaunee To Kewaunee. Lyndon Station*»t. Juneau To Mauston. Lyons*»t ______ Walworth To Delavan. Macfarland»t_______ Dane See Madison. §»M adison*»t.............Dane KELSEY & CA D Y, Attorneys and Counselors. Washington Building. General and civil practice. Vig orous attention to collections. R e f erences: Bank o f Wisconsin, First National Bank, Central Wisconsin Trust Co. 327 Maiden Rock*»+___ Pierce To Hudson. 820 Manawa*»t...___ Waupaca To Waupaca. 13805 »Manitowoc*»* .Manitowoc M A RK H A M & M A R K H A M . 200 M aplewood*»— „ i.D oor To Sturgeon Bay. 656 Marathon*»t___ Marathon To Wausau. 200 Maribel*»*____ Manitowoc To Manitowoc. 14610 »Marinette*»*!___ Marinette L . M . EVERT, Stephenson Bldg. Refers to Farmers Savings & Trust Co. 798 Marion*»* ...........Waupaca To Stevens Point. 1000 Markesan*»*—Green Lake To Green Lake. 459 Marshall*»*___ ____ Dane See Madison. 7000 Marshfield *•*_____ .W ood E. C. PORS. 300 Mason*»t.............. Bayfield To Ashland. 868 Mattoon*»______ Shawano To Shawano. 2200 3000 917 20d0 2300 500 250 7000 1000 5136 8782 »Mauston*»*______ Juneau Mayville*»*......... —Dodge Mazomanie*»t_____ Dane »M edford*»t______ Taylor Mellen*»*_______ Ashland M elrose*...............Jackson M elvina*»t______ Monroe Menasha*»*___Winnebago MenomoneeFalls*»+Wa’ha »Menomonie*»*__ ...D u nn »Merrill*»t______ ...Lincoln 700 312 350 679 200 200 400 833 1000 M e rr illa n * »* -..- Jackson Merrimack*»*______ Sauk Merton*»*_____ Waukesha Middleton*»t — ........Dane Milan________..Marathon Milladore*»*__ ____ Wood Milltown*»*—— ——Polk M ilton*»*________ —Rock Milton Junction*»*—Rock J. A . M cFARLANE. To Beaver Dam. See Madison. HERM AN LEICHT. To Ashland. To Black River Falls. To Sparta. To Oshkosh. To Waukesha. HENRY W . RUDOW . RUNKE & NAFFZ. Refer to German-American State Bank. To Black River Falls. To Baraboo. See Waukesha. See Madison. To Wausau. To Marshfield. To Barron. See Janesville. To Janesville.__________ __________ L N O T F USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 L i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1546 WISCONSIN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) P opu latow n and cou n ty. TION. NAME. 4B6535'»Mil waukee*«t—Milwaukee 5-BLOODGOOD, KEMPER & BLOODGOOD, Mitchell Bldg. References. Milwaukee: Any Bank or Trust Co., New York: Metro politan Life Insurance Co. Chicago: Harris Trust & Savings Bank. Philadelphia: Simpson & Brown. Boston: Choate. Hall & Stewart, Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Co. Cincinnati: Frieburg & Workum. Baltimore: United States Fidelity & Guaranty CoSt. Louis: Samuel Cupples Wooden ware Go. Cleveland: M. A. Hanna & Sons. Pittsburgh i Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Compilers o f the Wisconsin La/ws fo r this publication. 200 Mindoro*______ La Crosse To La Crosse. 3000. Mineral Point*«t____ Iowa To Dodgeville. 500 Minocqua*«!______ Oneida To Rhinelander. 300 M inong*«!____ Washburn To Shell Lake. 400 Mishicot*.__ .aManitowoc To Manitowoc. 150 M odena___ ______ Buifalo To Alma. 1500 M ondovi*«t______ Buffalo To Alma. 5000 «M onroe*«t_„__ !___ Creen JOHN D . DUNWIDDIE. 1250 800 671 200 1200 500 250 1300 115 1000 1000 1200 6500 «M ontello*«!___Marquette M ontfort*t___ a Grant Monticello*«!____ _. Creen Morrisonville*«!____ Dane Mosinee*«t____ Marathon MountCa!vary*FondduLac Mount Hope*______ Grant Mount Horeb*«t____ Dane Mt. St er l i ng*. Cr awf or d Mukwonago*«!. Waukesha Muscoda*«t________ Grant Necedah*«!_______ Juneau N eenah*«!___ Winnebago 1900 450 200 400 379 500 N ekoosa*«!._____—Wood Nelson*«!______ _ Buffalo Nelsonville*._____ Portage Neosho*___________ Dodge N eshkoro*«!... Marquette Neva___________ Langlade (Deerbrooke P. O.) New Auburn*«t.Chippewa Newburg*__ _ Washington New Butler!—. Waukesha New Diggings*.Lafayette New Franken*«t...Brown New G larus*«t.___ Green New Holstein*«! .Calumet New Lisbon*«!___ Juneau New London*«!. Waupaca NewRichmond*«! St.Cr'ix Niagara*!_____ Marinette North Crandon *«!Forest. North Fond duLac*«Fond. NorthFreedom*«!...Sauk North Lake*«!. Waukesha North Milwaukee*«!..Mil. N orw alk*«!_____ Monroe Oakfleld*«! ..F ond du Lac Oconomowoc*«! Wauk’ha To Grand Rapids. To Alma. To Stevens Point. To Beaver Dam. To Portage. To Antigo. Oconto Falls*«! ...O con to Ogdensburg*«!.. Waupaca Ogema*«!.____ .....P r i c e O liver---------------- Douglas ( W. Duluth, M inn. P. O.) Omro*«___ __ .Winnebago Onalaska*«! __._La Crosse Ontario*----- . . . . . . Vernon Oostburg*«!__ Sheboygan Oregon*«! — ......D a n e Orfordville*«!._____ Rock Osceola*«!.;__!_____ Polk To Oconto. To Waupaca. To Park Falls. To Superior. To Portage. To Lancaster. To Montoe. See Madison. To Wausau. To Fond du Lac. , To Lancaster. See Madison. » To Prairie du Chien. To Waukesha. To Lancaster. To Mauston. To Oshkosh. 2200 «Neillsville*«!........... Clark ALFRED L. DEVOS. 364 400 500 500 150 1000 839 1074 3383 2500 425 350 1960 647 150 2200 502 522 3200 To Chippewa Falls. To West Bend. See Waukesha. To Darlington. To Green Bay. To Monroe. To Chilton. To Mauston. To Waupaca. To Hudson. To Marinette. To Wabeno. To Fond du Lac. To Baraboo. See Waukesha. To Milwaukee. To Sparta. To Fond du Lac. To Waukesha. 6000 «Oconto*«! . . . ___ * Oconto J. B. CHASE. 1800 300 300 300 1285 1146 500 380 712 449 800 To Oshkosh. See La Crosse. To La Crosse. To Sheboygan. See Madison. See Janesville. To Barron. 36065 «Oshkosh*«!. ..W innebago W IL L IA M S & W IL L IA M S . 650 1200 500 4000 1000 987 O sseo*«!___ Trempealeau Owen*«!___________Clark O x fo rd * «!...__ Marquette Packwaukee*«!.Marquette Palm yra*«t____ Jefferson Pardeeville*«t— Columbia 3500 Park Falls*«!___ ....P r ic e 200 450 1975 900 2000 500 275 968 4500 305 3500 To Whitehall. To Neillsville. To Portage. To Portage. See Whitewater. To Portage. HOLLAND & LOVETT. Patch G rove*____ _ Grant Pepin*«!— ________ Pepin Peshtigo*«! . . . . Marinette Pewaukee*«!...Waukesha «Phillips*«! _________ Price Pittsville*«_________Wood Plain*—__ „ _________ Sauk Plainfield*«! . . . Waushara Platteville*«! ;___ Grant Plum City*__ _____ Pierce Plymouth*«!— Sheboygan To Lancaster. To Durand. T o Marinette. To Waukesha. To Park Falls. To Grand Rapids. To Baraboo. To Red Granite. To Lancaster. To Hudson. To Sheboygan. 6000 «Portage*«! —....Colum bia E. S. BAKER. 3792 «Pt.Washington*«!Ozaukee A. W . GRADT. 300 75 464 350 Pt. Wing*______ _ Bayfield Poskin___________ Barron Potosi*«!. . . . ______ Grant Pound*«!____ ..Marinette Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To To To To Ashland. Barron. Lancaster. Marinette. M ATC *1 v / I P opu laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. NAME. 656 Poynette*«! ___ Columbia To Portage. 300 Poy Sippi*------ Waushara To Red Granite. 3500 *PrairieduChien*«!Crawf’d GRAVES & EARLL. 900 368 1000 936 1500 900 To To To To To To Prairie du Sac*«! ....S a u k Prairie Farm*____ Barron Prentice*«!_____ ___ Price Prescott*«!________Pierce Princeton*«!..Green Lake Pulaski*«!______ Shawano Baraboo. Barron. Park Falls. Hudson, j Green Lake. Shawano. 46486 «Racine*«!_________Racine GITTINGS, & JANECKT, Com mercial Litigation. Collections and Corporation Law a specialty. Depo sitions taken. Refer to any bank in Racine and J. I. Case Plow Works. _______ Radisson*«!------- Sawyer 1200 R andolph*«!_____ Dodge 600 Random Lake*«! Sheboygan 515 Readstown*«!___ Vernon To Hayward. To Beaver Dam. 1700 3000 550 352 329 Redgranite*«! ..Waushara Reedsburg*«!_______ Sauk Reedsville*«! . Manitowoc Reeseville*«! _____ Dodge Rewey*«!___________ Iowa 7000 Rhinelander*«!__ ..Oneida To Sheboygan, To La Crosse. M . J. PAUL. To Baraboo. To Manitowoc. To Beaver Dam. To Dodgeville. H . L . REEVES. 1018 Rib Lake*«___ ___ Taylor To Medford. 5000 Rice Lake*«!_____ Barron To Barron. 200 Richfield*«!.. Washington To West Bend. 3500 «Richland CenterM Richl’d P . L . LINCOLN. 300 437 704 300 4000 2000 200 300 200 350 383 400 275 1000 400 300 500 450 700 Ridgeland*«! —— —Dunn R idgew ay*«!_______Iowa Rio*«! _______Columbia Rio C reek.___ Kewaunee R ipon *«!___ Fond du Lac River Falls*«!_____ Pierce Roberts*«! . . . __ St. Croix Rockland*«____ La Crosse Rome*_________ Jefferson Rosendale*«! Fond du Lac Rosholt*«!____ ___Portage Rubicon*«! ______Dodge Rudolph ...................Wood Sauk City*«_________ Sauk Saukville*«! — Ozaukee Sawyer*«___________ Door Saxon*«!____________ Iron Scandinavia*«! —Waupaca Schleisingerville*«! Washington 300 Seneca*________ Crawford 1109 Seymour*«!___ Outagamie 1000 Sharon*«!_____ Walworth To Menomonie. To Dodgeville. To Portage. To Kewaunee. To Fond du Lac. To Hudson. To Hudson. See La Crosse. To Watertown. To Fond du Lac. To Stevens Point. To Beaver Dam. To Grand Rapids. To Baraboo. To Port Washington. To Sturgeon Bay. To Ashland. To Waupaca. To West Bend. To Prairie du Chien. To Appleton. To Delavan. 3300 «Shawano*«t____ Shawano DILLETT & W INTER. 28559 «Sheboygan*«!. Sheboygan A . C. PRESCOTT, Attorney for the German Bank. 1630 Sheboygan Falls*«tSh’gan To Sheboygan. 1100 375 500 1200 300 115 667 202 468 200 6000 300 «Shell Lake*«t —Washburn Sherwood*«!-___ Calumet Shiocton*t____ Outagamie Shullsburg*«!__ Lafayette Silverlake*«!__ .Kenosha Siren*«__________ Burnett Soldiers Grove*«!Cr’w fr’d Solon Springs*«t.Douglas Somerset*«!____ St. Croix S. Germantown*!Wash’t’n South Milwaukee*«!.Mil'e South Wayne*«!Lafayette L. H. MEAD. To Chilton. See Appleton. To Darlington. To Racine. \ To Grantsburg. To Prairie du Chien. To East End. To Hudson. To West Bend. To Milwaukee. To Darlington. 3973 «Sparta*«t ---------Monroe 600 2500 250 730 972 3000 253 450 750 600 250 8692 328 300 300 150 5000 763 265 5000 200 1200 T. P. ABEL. Refers to Monroe County and Citizens State Banks. To, Wausau. To Shell Lake. To Shell Lake. To Baraboo. To Hudson. To Chippewa Falls. To Hudson. To Fond du Lac. To Barron. To Manitowoc. To Medford. «Stevens Point*«!..Portage F IS H E R & CA SH IN . Stockbridge*___ Calumet To Chilton. Stockholm*«!_____ Pepin To Durand. Stoddard*«!______ Vernon To La Crosse. Stone Lake*«t___ Sawyer To Hayward. S tou gh ton *«!._____ Dane See Madison. Stratford*«! ....M arathon To Wausau. Strum*«t___Trempealeau To Whitehall. «Sturgeon B a y * « !___ Door W . E. WAGENER. Sullivan*«!____ Jefferson To Watertown. Sun Prairie*«!______ Dane See Madison. Spencer*«!____ Maralbon Spooner*«!.— .Washburn Springbrook*«!Washburn Spring Green*«!.__ .Sauk Spring Valley*«! ...P ierce Stanley*«!_____ Chippewa Star Prairie*___ St. Croix St. Cloud*«!..Fond du Lac St- Croix Falls*«____ Polk St. Nazianz*...Manitowoc Stetsonville*«!____ Taylor 46226 «Superior*«! 350 350 300 345 400 ____ Douglas S u rin g *«!._______Oconto Sussex*«t_____ Waukesha T ay lor*«!_______ Jackson Theresa*!_________ Dodge ,Tbiensville*«— ..Ozaukee V . R . EDWARDS’, 305-6 Hammond Building. To Oconto. See Waukesha. To Black River Falls. To Beaver Dam. To Port Washington. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W (B O N D E D ) POPtJ* u - TOWN AND COUNTY. TION.____________ ;_______ _ T h orp*«t.--------------Clark Three Lakes*«!___ Oneida Tigerton*«!_____ Shawano Tisch Mills*— Manitowoc Tomah*«!. . , ___ ... Monroe Tomahawk*«!___ Lincoln Trego*«!. . . ___ Washburn 585 Trempealeau*«! Trempealeau Turtle L ake*«!___ Barron Two Rivers*«! Manitowoc 616 Union Grove*«!___ Racine 363 Unity*«!___ . . . . Marathon 300 Valders*«!____ Manitowoc 250 Verona*«!________ —Dane 300 Vesper*«t__________ Wood 1000 Viola**! . _______ .Richland 2500 «Viroqua*«!.,_____ -Vernon 1500 Wabeno*«!____ ___ Forest 525 Waldo*«!— — Sheboygan 250 Wales*«!___ ...W aukesha 755 W alworth*«!... Walworth ____ Wanderoos_________ •_ Polk 300 Warrens*«!______ Monroe 6000 «Washburn*«!____ Bayfield 1000 Waterford*_______Racine 1500 Waterloo*«!____ Jefferson 9074 Watertown*«!...Jefferson 9570 «Waukesha*«! ¿.Waukesha 225 Waumandee*_____ Buffalo 700 Waunakee*«t______ Dane 3000 «Waupaca*»!____ Waupaca 3362 Waupun*«!.. Pond du Lac 19239 «Wausau*«!_____ Marathon 500 728 250 341» 1200 Wausaukee*«! ..Marinette 964 «Wautoma*«!___ Waushara 3346 Wauwatosa*«!.Milwaukee 476 W auzeka*«!___ Crawford 350 Whyside*_________ Brown 300 Webster*«! — . — Burnett 9000 West Allis*«!..Milwaukee ,3000 «West Bend*«!..W ash’gton 640 Westboro*«!______ Taylor 1200 W estby*«!_______Vernon ------ West De Pere*«!...Brown 729 Westfield*«!___ Marquette 1000 West Salem*«!—La Crosse 650 W est Wrightstown. Brown 967 Weyauwega*«! ..Waupaca 371 Weyerhauser*«!____ Rusk 800 Wheeler*«!________ Dunn 800 *Whitehall*«!-Tr’mpealeau 4000 Whitewater*«!. Walworth 551 Wild Rose*«!__ Waushara 300 Wilson*«!...........St. Croix 600 Wilton*«!________ Monroe 168 W indsor*«!________ Dane 1000 Winneconne*«t -W in’bago 400 W inter*«!_______Sawyer 443 Withee*«___ ___ Clark 1300 Wittenberg*«! . . Shawano 900 Wonewoc*«! _____ Juneau 157 W oodford*«!__ Lafayette 250 Woodland*«!______Dodge 250 Woodman*«!__ . . . . Grant 350 W oodville*«!___ St. Croix 525 Wrightstown*«! ...B row n 425 Wyocena*«_____Col umbia 200 Zachow*«. . . . . . . Shawano W IS C O N S IN , W Y O M IN G , A L B E R T A NAME. To Neillsville* To Rhinelander. To Shawano. To Manitowoc. To Sparta. To Merrill. To Shell Lake. To Whitehall. To Barron. To Manitowoc. See Racine. To Wausau. To Manitowoc. See Madison. To Grand Rapids. To. Richland Center. To La Crosse. JOSEPH T. SIMS. To Sheboygan. See Waukesha. To Delavan. To Barron. To Sparta. To Ashland. To Racine. To Watertown., ARTHUR MULBERGER. TULLAR & TULLAR. To Alma. See Madison. BROWN & SMITH. To Pond du Lac. KREUTZER, BIRD, OKONESKI & PUCHNER. Attorney^ fo r Nat ional German-Am. Bank. To Marinette. Tp Red Granite. To Milwaukee. To Prairie du Chien. To Green Bay. To Grantsburg. To Milwaukee. O’ MEARA & O’MEARA. To Medford, To La Crosse. To Green Bay. To Portage. See La Crosse. To Green Bay. To Waupaca. To Ladysmith. To Menomonie. R. S. COWIE. To Delavan. To Red Granite. To Hudson. To Sparta. To Madison. See Oshkosh. To Hayward. To Neillsville. To Shawano. To Mauston. To Darlington. To Beaver Dam. T o Lancaster. To Hudson. To Green Bay. To Portage. To Shawano. W Y O M IN G This Information will be of value to those Interested In Bank ruptcy matters. One FEDERAL DISTRICT comprises entire State; also Yellowstone National Park. Court sits at Cheyenne, second Mondays in May and November; at Evanston, second Tuesday in July; at Lander, first Monday in October; and one session annually at Sheridan and Yellow stone National Park, at such dates as the court may order. Counties: Albany, Bighorn, Campbell, Carbon, Converse, Crook, Fremont, Goshen, Hot Springs, Johnson, Laramie, Lincoln, Natrona, Niobrara, Park, Platte, Sheridan, Sweetwater, Uinta, Washakie, Weston, Yellowstone National Park. REFERENCE KEY ‘ County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Teleeranh Station. § State Capital. Afton*—----- —....L in co ln 24 Arvada*«!.--------Sheridan 300 Baggs*___________Carbon 45?sin*«!— ¿— .¿.Bighorn onnn 5 lg P'ney*.--------- Lincoln «Buffalo’ l------— Johnson Burlington*.--------Bighorn onn Burns*«!-----. — „Laramie an«« Carpenter*«!------ Laramie mjoo «Casper*«! . . . . ___ Natrona 11320 §«Cheyenne*«t____Laramie To Kemmerer. To Sheridan. See Rawlins. GILMORE HARTIGAN. To Kemmerer. To Sheridan. See Basin. To Cheyenne. To Cheyenne. GEO. W . FERGUSON. K IN K E A D & HENDERSON. General practice in all Courts and Land Departments, Corporation, Irrigation, Mining, Probate and Commercial Practice. Compiler o f the W yom ing laws fo r this p u b lication. P opo laTOWN AND COUNTY. TION. 300 150 1000 500 574 .313 250 2300 170 Chugwater*«! _____ Platte Clear m ont*«!.___Sheridan «C od y*«!_____.............Park Cokeville*«! ___ Lincoln Cowley*«!___ _ Bighorn Dayton*_____ .„¡Sheridan Dixon*______ ....... Carbon «Douglas*«!— Dubois*_____ . Dwyer______ _.¿.— .Platte 421 Encampment*___ t Carbon 3000 «Evanston*«!.. --------Uinta 410 Freed om 400 Garland*«!___ ______ Park 1100 «Gillette*«t___ — Campbell 100 Glendo«!——..— ._ Platte 500 Glenrock*«! . . -Converse 1313 «Green River*« t.S w ’twater 1400 Greybull*«!...— Bighorn 274 Guernsey*«!.. --------Platte 2000 Hanna*«!____ -----.Carbon 100 Hillsdale*«!...— Laramie 500 Hudson*«!___ . . . Fremont 150 Hulett*______ ......... Crook 230 Jackson*........ 25 Jireh*«______ __ Niobrara 100 Katie* __ -NBighorn 400 Kaycee*_____ ___ Johnson 25 Keeline____ _ . . . Niobrara 2000 «Kemmerer*«!.___ Lincoln 32 Lagrange....... ___ Goshen 2000 «Lander*«!____... Fremont 8256 «Laramie*«!__ ____Albany 100 Lingle*«!................ Goshen 100 Lost Spring — Converse 1600 Lovell*«t.........___Bighorn 600 «Lusk*«!.............. Niobrara 500 Lyman*.......... ........ Uinta 150 Manderson*«! ___ Bighorn 241 Manville*«! — Niobrara 75 Marbleton* ___ Lincoln 150 Medicine Bow**«t—Carbon 400 Meeteetse*___ ______ Park 178 M oorcroft*«! ____ Crook 975 «Newcastle*«!..___Weston 500 Pinebluff*«!__ ___Laramie 150 Pinedale* __ Fremont 600 Powell*«!____ ...........Park 172 Ranchester*«! — Sheridan 4300 «Rawlins*«! ----- Carbon 1500 Riverton*«! __ Fremont 123 Rock River*«!,____ Albany 6000 Rock Springs*«dSweetwa’r 557 Saratoga*____ — Carbon 12713 «Sheridan*«!— . . Sheridan 400 Shoshoni*«!__ ... Fremont 300 South Superior .Sweetwa’r 500 «Sundance*____.........Crook 2500 Superior*«!...!Sweetwater 2000 «Thermopolis*«!Hot Spr’gs 600 -‘ Torrington*«!. ___ Goshen 200 Upton*«!_____ —. Westen 150 Van Tasseti*__...Niobrara 1000 1kWheatland*«!. ____ Platte 900 -kWorland*«!___..Washakie NAME. To Wheatland. See Sheridan. • R . L. DONLEY. To Kemmerer. To Basin. See Sheridan. See Rawlins. C. O. BROW N. See Lander. To Wheatland. To Rawlins. A. C. SLOAN. To Kemmerer. See Cody. D. L. W AKEM AN. To Wheatland. To Douglas. To Rock Springs. See Basin. To Wbeatland. See Rawlins. To Cheyenne. To Lander. To Sundance. To Kemmerer. To Douglas. To Basin. To Sheridan. To Douglas. R . R . ROSE. To Torrington. DILLON & K IM BALL. J. R . SULLIVAN. Laramie Grocery Block. To Torrington. To Douglas. See Basin. To Douglas. To Evanston* To Basin. ' See Douglas. To Kemmerer. See Rawlins. See Cody. To Sundance. D. A. FAKLER. To Cheyenne. See Lander. To Cody. See Sheridan. , L. E. ARM STRON G. To Lander. To Laramie. TALIAFERRO & M U IR . To Rawlins. H. GLENN K IN SLEY. Special attention to commercial business and probate matters. Depositions taken. References: First Nat’l, Sheridan Nat’ !, Sheridan Banking Co., Citizens i State and Bank o f Commerce. To Lander. To Rock Springs, H A R R Y P. ILSLEY. To Rock Springs. C. W . AXTELL. J. L. SAWYER. To Newcastle. To Douglas. K L IN E & N A T W IC K . To Thermopolis. ALBERTA REFEREN CE K EY * District Seat. 181 164 150 267 1000 937 300 200 1000 300 "~463 50 175 1137 178 307 “'486' 150 200 60 * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. ICapital. Acme*«!--------------Calgary Airdrie*«!.----------- Calgary Alderson*«.. Medicine Hat Alix*«t------------ Red Deer Alliance«____ _ Strathcona Athabaska*«! —Edmonton Banff*«t____!____ Calgary Barons*«!— ;___ _ Macleod Bashaw*«!_____ Red Deer Bassano*«!—Medicine Hat B awlf*«!___ _ Strathcona Beiseker *•!______ Calgary Bellevue*«______ Macleod Big Valley*«!— .R ed Beer Blackie*«!____1—Macleod Blairmore*«!____ Macleod Bowden*«!........ Red Deer BowIsland*«!MedicineHat Brant*«!— . . ¿ „ _ Macleod Brooks*«!...M edicine Hat (.Brooks Station P. O.) Bruederhei m *«!. _V ictoria Burdett*«!—Medicine Hat Cadogan*«!.— .R ed Deer To Calgary. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To .Calgary. To Edmonton To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Edmonton. See Calgaiy. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Calgary., To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary. jV J ^ \ rT | 7 USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. 1 L i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1547 1548 ALBERTA, BRITISH COLUMBIA FôPUiiA- P ost Off ic e and D is tr ic t t io n . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) P opu l a - P ost Office and D is tr ic t tion . NAME. 60000’ Calgary*»t___ ___. Calgary TAYLOR, MOFFAT, ALLISON, WHETHAM & CROCK ETT. Solicitors fo r The Bank o f Hamilton, Tlie American Surety Company, Bradstreets, Canadian Mortgage Invest ment Company, Canadian Westingliouse Company, Limited, Edinburgh L ife Assurance Company, etc., etc. Compilers o f the A lberta laws fo r this publication. LOUGHEED, B E N N E T T , McLAWS & CO., Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Clarence Block, 12-2 Eighth Avenue, West. Hon. J. A. Lougheed, P. C., K. C„ K. B. Bennett, K. C., W. H. McLaws, J. C. Brokovski, J. B. Roberts, D. L. Redman, L. M. Roberts, O. E. Culbert, E. A. Dunbar, W. C. Pollard, H. A. Chadwick, H. E. Eorster. Cable Address, “ Loughnett." Private Phone Exchange M. 1115, Drawer 2196. 1550 Camrose*t»___ Strathcona 1407 Oardston*»! .Medicine Hat 586 Carmangay*»!___ Macleod 15 Carseland«t_____ Calgary 270 Carstairs*»!______ Calgary 1659 Castor*»!. — . . Red Deer 126 Cayley*»!_______ Macleod ------ - Cereal*»___ Medicine Hat 200 Champion*»! .....M a cle o d 150 Chauvin*»t___ Strathcona 125 Chinook»...M edicine Hat 60 Chipman»t______ Victoria --------Clairmont . . . —Edmonton 809 Claresholm*»t—. . Macleod 85 C lu n y--------Medicine Hat 500 Coalhurst— Medicine Hat 395 Cochrane*»!_____ Calgary 1557 Coleman*»!______ Macleod 35 Commerce* -Medicine Hat 80 Com peer»!..M edicine Hat 125 Consort»!______ Red Deer 1500 Coronation*»!__ Red Deer 142 COwley*»!_______Macleod 67 Craigmyle • !___ Red Deer 262 Crossfleld*»!_____ Calgary 100 C zar*»!..______ Red Deer 500 Daysland*»!__ Strathcona 130 Delburne*»—. . -Red Deer 100 D e lia » !_______ Red Deer 726 D idsbu ry*»!___Red Deer 125 Donalda»!______ Red Deer 425 Drumheller*»!.. Med. Hat 40 E ckville*»____ .R ed Deer 50 EdgertonSta.*»!Strathc’na To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. See Calgary. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary. C To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. 60000 SEdmonton*»!__ Edmonton H I N D M A N , MATHESON. --------\ Edmonton So.-Strathcona 40 E lnora___ __ .R ed Deer . 225 Empress*»!.Medicine Hat 131 Erskine*»!_____Red Deer 20 Etzikom»__ Medicine Hat 125 Foremost*»! Medicine Hat 10 Forestburg»... Strathcona 900 Ft.Saskatchewan*»! Victoria 213 Gadsby*»!_____ Red Deer 24 G alahad»...i....R ed Deer 583 Gleichen*»!.Medicine Hat -----Grainger____ _____ Calgary 100 Gfcand Prairie*t Edmonton 250 Granum*»!__ ___ Macleod 247 Grassy Lake*»!„M ed. Hat 182 H a lk irk *»!......R ed Deer 300 Hanna»____ Medicine Hat 550 Hardisty*»!__ Strathcona 25 Heisler»..i.___ Strathcona 1882 High River*»t___ Macleod 275 HiUcrest*»t______ Macleod 150 Holden*»!____ Strathcona 125 Hughenden • !. Strathcona 92 Huxley*»____ - Red Deer 602 Innisfail*»!___ Red Deer 175 Innisfree*»!......... Victoria 00 Irma*»!______ Strathcona 372 Irvine*»!___ Medicine Hat 200 Islay * • !...____ Victoria 25 Jenner*»!. ..Medicine Hat 250 Killam*»t____ Strathcona 125 K itscoty*»!..____ Victoria 1700 L acom b e*»!___ Red Deer 20 LakeSaskatoonlEdmonton 200 Lamont*»t_______ Victoria. 159 Langdon*»!______ Calgary 650 Leduc*»!_____ Strathcona 100 Legal*»_______Edmonton 100ZD 10 200 2844 995 200 6 12000 200 170 25 30 225 200 400 Lethbridge*»!MedicineHat Lom ond»!.. Medicine Hat Lougheed*»!__ Strathcona Macleod*»!___ . . . Macleod Magrath*»!..Medicine Hat Mannville*»!___ _ Victoria ManyberriesMedicineHat Medicine Hat*»! Medicine Hat MilkRiver*»!Medicine Hat M illet*»!_____ Strathcona M illicent»—Medicine Hat Minburn*»! — Victoria Monarch*«!—___ Macleod Monitor*»!_____ Red Deer M orinville*»!.. Edmonton Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1^1 MILNER To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To.Edmonton. T o' Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. ToEdmonton. To Edmonton. JOHNSTONS & R IT C H IE . To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Edmonton. & 150 200 800 25 M undare*»!_____Victoria Munson*»!..Medicine Hat Nan ton*»!_______Macleod New Dayton*»! Medicine' Hat 100 New Norway*»! Strathcona 80 Nobleford*»!____ Macleod 516 Okotoks*»!.......... Macleod 917 Olds*»!..............Red Deer Oyen» ......M e d ic in e Hat “ 5ÖÖ' Peace R iv e r !____ _ Edm’n 94 Penhold*»!____ Red Deer 1027 Pincher Creek*»!.Macleod 642 Ponoka*»!_____ Red Deer 350 Provost*»!_____ Red Deer 1465 Raymond* »!Medicine Hat 1200 R edcliff*»!.. Medicine Hat 2118 Red Deer*»!____Red Deer 258 Retlaw*»!„.M edicine Hat 225 Richdale»— Medicine Hat 10 Rimbey*—_____ Red Deer 25 Rocky Ford*»!___ Calgary 58 Rumsey*»______ Red Deer 125 R y le y * »!------- Strathcona 350 Sedgewick*»t- Strathcona Sibbald*»!— Medicine Hat " Ï Ï 7 " Spirit R iv e r!.. Edmonton ' 700 St. Albert*»!...Edm onton 300 St.Paul deM etis*»!V’toria 200 •Standard»t..Medicine Hat 35 Stanmore*»! Medicine Hat 245 Stavely*»!---------- Macleod 1444 Stettler*»!..........Red Deer 265 Stony Plain*»!. Edmonton 530 Strathcona*«! .Strathcona 531 Strathmore*»!___ Calgary 200 Strom e*»!____ Strathcona 40 Swalwell*»..Medicine Hat 2400 Taber*»t____ Medicine Hat 200 Three H ills*»__ Red Deer 550 Tofleld*»!_____ Strathcona 150 Traverse»!____ Red Deer 353 Trochu*»_______ Red Deer 1100 V egreville*»!____ Vi ctoria 850 Vermilion *•!____ Victoria 123 Veteran»!___ __ Red Deer 200 Viking*»!-------- Strathcona 225 Vulcan*»!_______ Macleod 1000 Wainwright*»! Strathcona 321 Warner*»! ..Medicine Hat 3200 Wetaskiwin*»! Strathcona 200 Winnifred*»!Medicine Hat 500 Youngstown»Medicine Hat NAME. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Calgary., To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary, To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Edmonton. To Calgary. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To Edmonton. To Lethbridge. To EdmOnton. To Lethbridge. To Calgary. B R IT IS H C O L U M B IA REFERENCE KEY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. 500 Abbottsford*»! New Westminster 300 Agassiz*»! New W ’minster 500 A lberni*»!... Comox-Atlin 1000 Armstrong*»!Yale-Gariboo 250 Arrowhead*»!.. Kootenay 500 Ashcroft*»! „Yale-Cariboo 20 Athalmer*t____ Kootenay 500 Chase*»!____ Yale-Cariboo 3000 ChiJliwack*»!.N. Westm’r 200 Cloverdale*».New W in 't’r 250 Cobble H ill*»!.. Nanaimo 700 Courtenay*!. Comox-Atlin 3090 Cranbrook*»!__ Kootenay 400 Creston*»!_____ Kootenay 2000 Cumberland*»! Comox-Atlin 1200 Duncan’s Sta.*»!.Nanaimo --------East Vancouver____ Gity of Vancouver 700 Enderby*»t..Yale-Cariboo . . . — Esquimalt*»!___ Nanaimo 5000 Fernie*»!______ Kootenay 1000 Golden*»!_— Kootenay • Express Office. § Capital. To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Victoria. To Grand Forks. To Nelson. To Vancouver. To Nelson. To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Victoria. To Victoria. To Nelson. To Nelson. To Victoria. To Victoria. To Vancouver. To Grand Forks. To Victoria. To Nelson. To Nelson. 2000 Grand Forks*»! Yale-Cariboo MILLER & COCHRANE. 500 Greenwood*»!Yale-Cariboo 200 Hazelton*»!..Comox-Atlin 300 H edley*»!__ Yale-Cariboo _____ Hillcrest*______ Vancouver 25 Invermere*__Kootenay 4000 Kamloops*»!.Yale-Cariboo 500 Kaslo*»!_______ Kootenay To Grand Forks. To Vancouver. To Grand Forks. To Vancouver. To Vancouver, To Vancouver. See Nelson. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. I L i See complete information in preface to Attorney List. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU LA- Post Office and Dist r ic t TION. 2300 Kelowna*«!. Vale-Cariboo 200 Keremeos*«! Yale-Cariboo Kerrisdale*! City o f Vancouver Kitsilano City o f Vancouver Ladner* New Westminster 1000 2000 Ladysmith*«!___ Nanaimo 500 Lillooet*«!. ..Yale-Cariboo Marpole* _______________ McKay*.NewWestm’nst’r 1000 Merritt*«!__ Yale-Cariboo 1000 Mission City*! New Westminster Mt. Pleasant*.. Vancouver 400 Nakusp*«t____ - Kootenay 10000 Nanaimo*«t____ Nanaimo 1000 Natal«!________ Kootenay BRITISH COLUMBIA, MANITOBA NAME. To Grand Forks. To Grand Forks. See Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Victoria. To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To'Vancouver. To Vancouver. To To To To To Vancouver. Vancouver. Nelson. Victoria. Nelson. 250 New Denver*«t.Kootenay 16000 New Westminster*«! New Westminster 9000 North Vancouver*! City o f Vancouver Oak Bay*!--------- Nanaimo 75 150 Mile House*! Yale-Cariboo 200 Parksville*!.. Gomox-A tlin 1500 Penticton*« —Yale-Cariboo 1200 Phoenix*«!.. Yale-Cariboo 1250 Port AJberni*«! Comox-Atlin 1000 Port Coquitlam! New Westminster 250 Port Hammond* New Westminster 200 Port Haney*« New Westminster 500 Port Moody*«! New Westminster 50 Pouce Coupe! Yale Cariboo 1000 Prince George*«!. Cariboo 3500 Prince Rupert*«! Comox-Atlin 600 PrincetonM.Yale-Cariboo 400 Quesnel*t. . Yale-Cariboo 3000 Revelstoke*«!__ Kootenay 3500 Rossland*«t....... Kootenay 250 5o0 918 155 125 878 1266 100 300 150 500 400 205 To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Victoria. 1043 To Nelson. To Vancouver. To Victoria. To Grand Forks. To Grand Forks. To Victoria. ’ To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Vancouver. To Grand Forks. To Vancouver, To Vancouver, To Grand Forks. To Vancouver. See Nelson. To Grand Forks. M A N IT O B A 100 542 782 550 100 820 300 565 623 480 100 105 1010 200 200 100 225 150 481 639 108 690 350 300 1937 150 1438 50Q 326 1863 200 300 449 200 200 458 150 387 5885 580 200 600 650 450 500 250 562 3602 591 150 75 250 2198 100 150 11469 300 150 250 200 REFERENCE KEY * Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. ìli Alexander*«!— Brandon ,5® Altona*« 1-------------- Lisgar 2U8 Arden*«tPortage la Prairie Austin*«fPortagela Prairie «0 Baldur*«!..-----------Souris M Beausejour*«!___ Selkirk Bdmont*«!----- — Souris -gOO Benito*«!----------- Dauphin To To To To To To To To To Brandon. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Brandon. 17000 B r a n d on *«!...... Brandon COLD W ELL, COLEMAN & KERR. 808 200 350 574 250 600 Salmon Arm*«! Yale-Cariboo To Vancouver. 500 Sidney*«-----------Nanaimo To Victoria. 400 Smithers*«!__ . Bulklev To Vancouver. South Hill.* City o f Vancouver To Vancouver. South Vancouver* City o f Vancouver To Vancouver. 15Ó0 Steveston*___ N. Westm’r To Vancouver. 800 Summerland*«! Yale-Cariboo To Grand Forks. 3000 Trail*«!------------ Kootenay To Nelson. 100 Union Bay*«!Comox-Atlin To Victoria. 120000 Vancouver*«! City o f Vancouver MACKENZIE MATHESON, 207 Bank o f Ottawa Building. References; Union Bank o f Canada, Vancouver; Standard Trust Co., Vancouver. Compiler o f the British Columbia tows fo r this publication. Cable address. “ Marter” Western « Union code. 3200 Vernon*«t — Yale-Cariboo To Grand Forks. 40000 §Victoria*«tGity o f Victoria BARNARD. ROBERTSON HEISTERMAN& TAIT, B. C. Permanent Loan Building. Solicitors for Imperial Bank o f Canada, Merchants Bank o f Canada, British Columbia Electric Railway Co., Limited,. Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) Limited. Collections given special attention. -------Victoria West City o f Victoria To Victoria. County Seat. Binscarth*«!__ Marquette Birtle*«t______ Marquette Boissevain*«!___ „ Souris Brad wardine*«!—Brandon Brookdale*«!Port. la Pra’e Carberry*«!.Port. la Pra’e Carman*«!____ Macdonald Carroll*«!-----------Brandon Cartwright*«!__ . . . Souris Crandall*«!____ Marquette Crystal C ity*«!.....L isgar Cypress River*«!.M acd’ld Darlingford*«!.-----Lisgar To Brandon. To Brandon. To Winnipeg. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Portage la Prairie. • Express Office, § Capital. Brandon. Winnipeg. Portage la Prairie. Portage la Prairie. Brandon. Winnepeg. Brandon. Dauphin. 100 1090 200 200 806 1500 4000 585 1550 325 350 100 2990 458 j Deloraine*«!— _— Souris To Brandon. Dunrea*«!------- s___ Souris To Brandon. Elgin*«!---------------- Souris To Brandon. Elkhorn*«!--------Brandon To Brandon., Elm Creek*«!..Macdonald To Winnipeg. Elmwood! City of Winnipeg To Winnipeg. Emerson*«t...Provencher To Winnipeg. Fort Rouge* City of Winnipeg To Winnipeg. Foxwarren*«!..Marquette To Brandon. Gilbert Plains*«!.Dauphin To Dauphin. Gladstone*«!Port. la Pra’e To Portage la Prairie. Glenboro*«! Port, la Pra’e To Brandon. Goodlands*«!...........Souris To Brandon. Grand View*«!...Dauphin To Dauphin. Griswold*«!--------Brandon To Brandon. Hamiota*«!— Marquette To Brandon. Hartney*«!------------ Souris To Brandon, Holland*«!— Macdonald To Portage la Prairie, Kelwood*«!—._ ..Dauphin To Dauphin. Kenton*«t______ Brandon To Brandon. Killarney*«!---------- Souris To Brandon. La R iviere*«!--------Lisgar To Portage la Prairie. Lauder*«!----- ------- .Souris To Brandon. Lenore*«!-----------Brandon To Brandon. Letellier*«! ..P rovencher To Winnipeg. Lyleton*«+------------- Souris To Brandon. Macgregor*«! Port.laPra’e To Portage la Prairie. Manitou*«!------------ Lisgar To Portage la Prairie. McCreary«!_____ Dauphin To Dauphin. Melita*«!------ ;.------ Souris To Brandon. Miami*«!— . — Macdonald To Winnipeg. Miniota*«!------ Marquette To Brandon. Minnedosa*«t.. Marquette To Brandon. Minto*«!-------------- Souris* To Brandon. M orden*«!...-------- Lisgar To Portage la Prairie. Morris*«!------ Provencher To Winnipeg. Napinka*«!--------... Souris To Brandon. Neepawa*«!.Port. la Pra’e To Brandon. Newdale*«t.__ Marquette To Brandon. Ninga*«!-----------i— Souris To Brandon. Oak Lake*«!___ Brandon To Brandon, i Oak River*«!...Marquette To Brandon, Pierson*«!— s-----, . Souris To Brandon. Pjlot Mound*«!— Lisgar To Brandon. Pipestone*«!____ Brandon To Brandon. Plum as*«!...----- .Dauphin See Portage la Prairie. Portage la Prairie*«! Portage la Prairie TA YLO R & COLWELL. Rapid C ity*«!.. Marquette Rathwell*«t— Macdonald Reston*«!___ _— Brandon Rivers*!—'™ -----Brandon Roblin*«!-------- Marquette Roland*«t— Macdonald Rossburn*«t... Marquette Russell*«!--------Marquette S elkirk*«!............. Selkirk Shoal Lake*«!.. Marquette Sidney*«! Portage la Prairie Snow Flake*«!------ Lisgar Som erset*«!... Macdonald Souris*«!------------ Brandon Sperling*«!— Provencher Starbuck*«!__ Macdonald St.Boniface*«!Provencher Ste.Anne des Chenes*«! Provencher Steinbach* __ .Provencher St. Jean Baptiste*«! Provencher St. Pierre-Jolys* Provencher Ste.Rosedu Lac*! Dauphin Stonewall*«! _____ Selkirk Strathclair Station*«! Marquette Swan Lake*«!. Macdonald Swan River*«!__ Dauphin The Pas«.------ ,-Keewatin Transcona*!-----— Selkirk Treherne*«!— Macdonald Virden*«t---------- Brandon Waskada*«t--------- i Souris Wawanesa*«!— Brandon Wellwood*«!Port. la Pra’e West Selkirk..— Selkirk Winkler*«t— ------ Lisgar To Brandon. To Portage la Prairie. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Dauphin. To Portage la Prairie. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Winnipeg. To Brandon. To Portage la Prairie. To Brandon. To Portage la Prairie To Brandon. To Winnipeg. To Winnipeg. To Winnipeg. To Winnipeg. To Winnipeg. To Winnipeg. To Winnipeg. To Dauphin. To Winnipeg. To Brandon. To Portage la Prairie. To Dauphin. To Winnipeg. To Winnipeg. To Portage la Prairie. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Brandon. To Winnipeg. To Portage la Prairie. NOTF USECOUPONS. as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond, u Sep complete information in preface to Attorney List, i « 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAME. 3650 Dauphin*«!_____ Dauphin J. L . BOW M AN. E. A. CREASE. 6000 Nelson*«t______ Kootenay P opu la P ost Office and D ist r ic t tion . 1549 1550 M A N I T O B A , N E W B R U N S W I C K , N E W F O U N D L A N D , N . S C O T IA P opu l a - P ost Officeand D is tr ic t TION. NAME. 203255 §Winnipeg*»t . . Winnipeg 5-K iC H A R D S, SWEATMAN, KEMP & FILLMORE. S. E. Richards, W. A. T. Sweatman, A. G. Kemp, W. P. Fillmore. Solicitors for Royal Bank o f Canada, Phoenix Assurance Company, Limited, Employers’ Liability Assurance Cor poration, The Alliance Trust Company, Limited, The Cana dian & American Mortgage & Trust Company, Limited, The Western & Hawaiian Investment Company, Limited, The Investors' Mortgage Security Company, Limited, o f Edin burgh, Scotland, Scottish, Canadian Trust, Limited. United Trust, Limited, The British American Investment Company, Limited, Commercial Loan & Savings Company, Winnipeg Inland Investment Company, Manitoba Land Company, Limited, Manitoba North West Land Corporation. Dominion Fish Company, Winnipeg Oil Company. Compilers o f the M anitoba laws f o r this publication. NEW B R U N S W IC K REFERENCE K EY * County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § Capital. 400 Bath*»!____ . ___ Carleton To Edmundston. 2300 Bathurst*»!___ Gloucester JAS. P. BYRNE. 800 Buctouche*»!— . Carleton To Fredericton. 3816 Campbell ton*» t__ Rest’che To Bathurst. 2800 Caraauiet*»t ...Gloucester To Bathurst. 600 Centreville*___ .Carleton To Fredericton. 4668 Chatham*»!.. Northumb’d To Bathurst. 350 Chipman*»___ Sunbury & Queens To Fredericton. 1650 Dalhousie*»! -Restigouche To Bathurst. 1080 Dorchester*»! Westmor’d To Moncton. 200 E. Florenceville* Carleton To Fredericton. 1821 Edmundston*»!— Victoria STEVENS & LAWSON. 3200 Fairville*»!____ St. John To St. John. 7208 IFredericton*»!_____ York SLIPP & HANSON. 233 Gagetown*..—.Sunbury & Queens To Fredericton. 1280 Grand F alls*»!... Victoria To Edmundston. 2444 Grand Manan».. Charlotte To St. John. (North Head P. O.) 2544 Hampton*»t___ King’s and Albert To St. John. 844 Hartland*»!____ _ Carleton To Fredericton. 911 Hillsborough*»!__ King’s and Albert To Moncton. 500 Jacquet River*»! Restigouche To Bathurst. 375 Lameque*___ ..Gloucester To Bathurst. 807 McAdam J unction»!.York To Fredericton. _____ Minto*»______ Sunbury and Queens To Fredericton. 11345 M oncton*»!—Westmorel’d FRIEL & CLARK. 2945 Newcastle*»!— N’thumTd Tö Bathurst. , 900 N orton*»! Kings & Albert To Moncton. 200 P erth*»_________ Victoria To Edmundston. 700 Petitcodiac*»!Westm6rel’d To Moncton. 1235 Pt. Elgin*» Westmoreland To Moncton. 600 Rexton*».,__________Kent To Moncton. 871 Richibucto*!_______Kent To Moncton. 225 River Side»... -King’s and Albert To Moncton. 2039 Sackville*»!. Westmorel’d To Moncton. 1442 Shediac*»!. Westmoreland To Moncton. 987 St. Andrews*»!..Charlotte To St. John. 998 St. George*»!—.Charlotte To St. John. 55000 S t.John *»!____ St. John M . & J. TEED, Barristers, Com pilers o f the New Brunstvicklaws fo r this publication. 500 St. Joseph*.W estm orel’d To Moncton. 276 St. Leonards Station*» Victoria To Edmundston. 2536 St. Stephen*»!.. Charlotte To St. John. 1906 Sussex*»!King’s andAlbert To St. John. 3856 W oodstock*»!___ Carleton To Fredericton. NEW FOUNDLAND REFERENCE K EY > County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. § Capital. 2226 Bay Roberts»! Harbor Grace 1000 Bell Island___ 3698 Bonavista»!—. ..Bonavista 1137 Bonne B a y !...__St. Barbe 1162 Brigus»!___ Port de Grave 1026 Burgeo»! Burgeo & LaPoilea 2719 Burin « f ______ 3708 Carbonear»!.....Carbonear 1300 Catalina»!___ ___ Trinity 1280 Channel Burgeo&LaPoilea 1500 Curlingt_____ -St. George 1000 F og o»!____________ Fogo 1200 Grand Bank»!._____ Burin 500 Grand F alls»!..Twillingate 5184 Harbor Grace»! Harbor Grace 1000 Hearts Content»!. Trinity 150 M arystown»!„_____Burin 1315 Placentia»! Placentia & St. Marys 29504 St. J o h n s » !____ St. Johns 1459 Trinity»! — —Trinity 3542 Twillingate»!. Twillingate 400 Wesleyville»——Bonavista Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu ¡LA- Post Office and D istrict tion . REFERENCE K EY County Seat. 8973 Amherst*»!.. Cumberland 1019 Annapolis' Royal*»t Annapolis 1787 Antigonishe*»!Antigonishe 800 Arichat*!___ — Richmond 350 A y le s fo r d * » !..___ Kings 1650 Baddeck*! N. C. Breton & Victoria 700 Barrington*! Shelburne & Queens 500 Barrington Passage*! Shelburne and Queens 1460 Bear River*»!__ . . . Digby 1000 B erw ick*»t_______Kings 996 Bridgetown*»!..Annapolis 2775 Bridgewater*»t. Lunenb’g 1413 Canning*»!_______Kings 1617 Canso*!____ Guysborougn 900 Chester*»!__ _ Lunenburg 5058 Dartmouth*»:_____ Halifax 1246 Digb.v*»+__________ Digby 16561 Glace Bay*»tSo.Cp.Breton 1218 Guysborough*! Guysborough 55000 Halifax*»!_______Halifax 2719 2304 200 284 2109 800 1500 1006 2681 600 800 300 400 100 537 700 1500 6383 5000 1500 2856 3170 450 To St. Johns. See St. Johns. See St. Johns. To St. Johns. T o St. Johns. See St. Johns. 633 700 400 500 200 1435 See St. Johns. See St. Johns. 500 1463 5713 3910 600 1000 lSlOTF * wVy A u * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. 5418 See St. Johns. SQUIRES & WINTER. See St. Johns. See St. Johns. See St, JohDS. NAME. N O V A S C O T IA See St. Johns. See St. Johns. See St. Johns. To St. Johns. See St. Johns. See St. Johns. See St. Johns. To St. Johns. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W (BONDED) 21000 7464 513 1749 Hantsport*»!______ Hants Inverness*»!___ Inverness Kentville*»!_______Kings La Have— — Lunenburg Lawrencetown!— Halifax Liverpool*»! Shelburne & Queens Lockeport* Shelburne & Queens Londonderry*» Colchester Louisburg*»!So.Cp.Breton Lunenburg*»t„ .Lunenb’g Mabou*»!_____ Inverness Mahone Bay*!..Lunenb’g Maitland*!------ ------ Hants Meteghan R iver*... .Digby Middle Musquodoboit* Halifax Middleton*»___Annapolis Mulgrave*»t.Guysborpugh New Germany*! Lunenburg New G lasgow *»!... Pictou New Waterford*» . South Cape Breton N. Sydney*»! N. O. Breton & Victoria O xford*»!___ Cumberland Parrsboro*»!.Cumberland Pictou*»!_______ _ Pictou •Port Greville* Cumberland Pt.Hawkesb’y*»!_lnv’n ’ss Port Hood*»!— Inverness River Hebert»___ Cnmb’d River Joh n *»!.___ .Pictou Riverport* — Lunbnburg Shelburne*»! Shelburne & Queens Sherbrooke*!Guysboro ’gh Shubenacadie*»!___ Hants Springhill*»!. Cumberland Stellarton*»!______ Pictou Stewiacke*»!..Colchester St. Peter’s*»!—Richmond Sydney*»!.So. Cp. Breton Sydney Mines**! N. 0. Breton & Victoria Tatamagouche*»! i Colchester Trenton*»!________ Pictou • Express Office. § Capital. To Moncton, N. B. To To To To Yarmouth. Sydney. Sydney. Halifax. To Sydney. To Yarmouth. To Yarmouth. To Yarmouth. To Halifax. To Yarmouth. To Halifax. To Halifax. To Sydney. To Halifax. ' To Halifax. To Yarmouth. To Sydney. To Sydney. A L F R E D W H IT M A N , B. A., L. L. B., K. C., Barrister, Solicitor.and Notary Public, 8 Prince St. Partic ular attention given to collections, mercantile and admiralty business. References by permission: Royal Bank o f Canada, Halifax: A. & W. Smith & Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia; Knauth. Nachod & Kühne. Bank ers, New York City and Leipzig, Germany: Elder & Whitman. Attorneys-at-Law, Pemberton Bldg., Boston, Mass.. U. S. A.; Lumley & Lumley, 15 Old Jewry Chambers, London, E.C.Correspondents, Baird Smiths, Muirhead & Guthrie Smith, 205 St. Vincent St., Glasgow, Scot land; Falconer, Phelan & Bovey, Barristers, Solicitor, etc., 197 St. James St., Montreal, Canada; Cable address, ' Aftman, Halifax.’ ’ Com p iler o f the Nova Scotia Ums for this publication. To Halifax. To Sydney. To Yarmouth. To Halifax. To Halifax. To Yarmouth. To To To To To To To To Yarmouth. Halifax. Sydney. Halifax. Sydney. Halifax. Halifax. Yarmouth. To Halifax. To Halifax. To Sydney. To Halifax. To Halifax. To Sydney. To To To To Sydney. Moncton, N. B. Moncton, N. B. Halifax. To Moncton, N. B. To Sydney. To Sydney. To Moncton, N. B. To Halifax. To Halifax. To Yarmouth. To Halifax. To Halifax. To Moncton, N. B. To Halifax. To Halifax. To Sydney. ROWLINGS & McCURDY. To Sydney. USE C°U P O N S as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d. See com p lete in form a tion in preface t;o A ttorney List. NOVA SCOTIA, ONTARIO A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L À W (B O N D E D ) POP0- NAME. la- Po st Office and Dis tr ic t TIQN■ , ________________ 5993 Truro*»t...........Colchester 4526 Westville*»t-----------Pictou 1444 Weymouth* . —------ Digby __Whitney Pier*t S.C. Bret’n ’ §398 Windsor*»t...............Hants 1412 W olfville*»t.............Kings 6430 Yarmouth*»! ...Yarm outh To Halifax. To Halifax. To Yarmouth. To Sydney. To Halifax. To Halifax. CHIPMAN & SANDERSON. O N T A R IO REFERENCE KEY County Seat. Acton*»!_________Hal ton Agincourt*»! — ,------York Ailsa Craig*»t—Middlesex Alexandria*»!-.- Glengarry Alfred*»!_______ Prescott Allandale*»t------ - Simcoe 1279 Alliston*»t_______Simcoe 2452 Almopte*»!........... Lanark 600 Alton*»!-------------------Peel 806 Alvinston*»!___Lambton 2560 Amherstburg*»! — Essex 300 Ancaster*____W entworth 150 Appin*»!______Middlesex 300 Apple Hill*»! ..Glengarry 450 Arkona*_______ Lambton 4405 Arnprior*»!____ Renfrew 1035 Arthur*»!____Wellington 800 A th ens*»!...__ Brockville 650 Atwood*»!______ ___Perth A uburn*»!________Huron Ï9ÔÏ" Aurora*»t...........— York 150 Avon______ _________Elgin 400 Avonmore*»t—_ Stormont 2102 Aylmer*»!_________ Elgin 823 Ayr*»!_________ Waterloo 450 Ayton*.... ................... Grey 800 Baden*»!______ Waterloo 625 Bancrof t*»t_____ Hastings 7750 Barrie*»t______ Simcoe ___ _ Barry’s Bay*»t —Renfrew 347 Bath*!Lennox&Addington 447 Bayfield* ................Huron 500 . Beachburg*t____ Renfrew 500 Beachville*»!_____ Oxford 1100 Beamsville*»t------ Lincoln 1015 Beaverton*»t____ Ontario 564 Bee to n * »!..______ Simcoe 200 Belgrave*»t______Huron 520 Belle River*»t.........Essex 9876 Belleville*»!__ _ Hastings 1720 300 568 2323 600 300 200 1387 2000 610 704 1000 712 250 484 800 600 4000 2863 946 4000 26617 300 200 1775 600 450 1320 9372 300 500 300 200 728 902 800 300 976 2500 500 400 400 950 600 225 3051 • Express Office. * Money Order Office, t Telegraph Station. Belmont*»!.:___ Middlesex Bel w ood*»!.__ Wellington Blackstock*------- Durham Blenheim*»!________ Kent Blind River*»!-----Algoma Bloomfl’d*»!Prince Edw’d Blyth*»!................... Huron Bobcaygeon*»! Victoria and Haliburton B olton *»!______ 3— Peel Bondhead*__ - ___ Simcoe Bonfield*»!____ Nipissing Bothwell*»!-_______Kent Bourget*»!..______Russell Bowmanville*»t— Durham Bracebridge*»!.. Muskoka Bradford*»!______ Simcoe Brampton*»!________ Peel Brantford*»!—.Brantford Brechin*»!__ s____ Ontario Breslau*»!_____ Waterloo Bridgeburg*»!— Welland Brigden*»!_____ Lambton Bright*»t________ Oxford Brighton*»!..No’umberl’d Brockville*»!— Brockville Bronte*»!.._______ Halton Brooklin*»!______ Ontario Brownsville*»!..—Oxford Brucefield*»!___ —Huron Bruce Mines*»___ Algoma Brussels*»!_______Huron Burford*»!________ Brant Burgessville*»!.— Oxford Burks F ’ls*»!Parry Sound B urlington*»!..... Halton Cainsville*__ . . . ___ Brant Calabogie*»t____ Renfrew Caledon East*»!_____ Peel Caledonia*»___ Haldimand Camden East*»! Len. and Add’ton Camlachie*»!... Lambton CamDbpllford*»!.N’ hmTd § Capital. To Guelph. To Toronto. To London. To Ottawa. To Ottawa. To Collingwood. To Collingwood. To Ottawa. To Toronto. To London. To Chatham. To Hamilton. To London, To Cornwall. To Sarnia. To Ottawa. To Harriston. * To Brockville. To Harriston. To Goderich. To Toronto. To London. T o Cornwall. To London. To Gueiph. To Harriston. To Stratford. To Belleville. To Collingwood. To Pembroke. To Kingston. To Goderich. To Pembroke. To London. To Hamilton. To Lindsay. To Toronto. , To Goderich. To Chatham. NORTHRUP. PONTON & PONTON. ( W. B. Northrup, K . p | M. P., W. N. Ponton, K . G., cm d R . D. Ponton.) Solicitors for The Bank o f Montreal, Merchants Bank o f Canada and The Town of Deseronto. To London. To Guelph. T o Lindsay. To Chatham. To Sudbury. To Belleville. To Goderich. To Lindsay. To Toronto. To Toronto. To Sudbury. To Chatham. To Ottawa. To Toronto. To Lindsay. To Toronto. To Toronto. To Hamilton. To Lindsay. To Guelph. To Hamilton. To Sarnia. To Stratford. To Belleville. HUTCHESON & DRIVER. To Hamilton. To Toronto. To London. To Goderich. To Sudbury. To Goderich. To Hamilton. To London. To North Bay. To Hamilton. To Hamilton. To Ottawa. To Toronto. To Hamilton. To Kingston. To Sarnia. To Belleville. P0PÜLA- Post Office and D is tr ic t T10N. ______ NAME. Campbellville*»___ Halton To Guelph. Canboro*—___ Haldimand To Hamilton. Canfield*»!___ Haldimand To Hamilton. Cannington*»!— Ontario To Lindsay. Cardinal*»!____ Grenville To Brockville. Cargill*»!_______ ...B ru ce To Harriston. Carleton PlaceM .Lanark To Ottawa. Carp*»!_________ Carleton To Ottawa. Casselman*»!..— Russell To Ottawa. Castleton*__ N ’thumber’d To Belleville. Cayuga*»!___ u Haldimand To Hamilton. Chapleau*»!..__ ..Algom a To Sudbury'. Chatham*»!------------Kent LEWIS & RICHARD. To Owen Sound. Chatsworth*»t_____ Grey Cheltenham*»!______ Pee) To Toronto. Cherry Valiev *Pr. Edward To Belleville. • Chesley*»!_________ Bruce To Owen Sound. Chesterville*»!___ Dundas To Cornwall. Chippawa*»!____ Welland To Hamilton. Claremont*»! —— Ontario To Toronto. Clarence Creek*»! Russell To Ottawa. Clarksburg*!..............Grey To Collingwood. Clarkson*»!_________ Peel To Toronto. Clifford*»!___ Wellington To Harriston. Clinton*»!............. Huron To Goderich. Coatsworth_________Kent To Chatham. Cobalt*»t............ Nipissing To Sudbury. To Pembroke. C obden*»!_____ Renfrew Cobourg*»!. N’thumberl’d To Belleville. Cochrane*»t___ Nipissing To Sudbury. Colborne*»t-N’thumb’rPd To Belleville. Coldwater*»!..—— Simcoe To Collingwood. Collingwood*»!___ Simcoe VVM. T. ALLAN. Comber*»!.____,___Essex To Chatham. • Conestogo*____ Waterloo To Hamilton. Consecou*»!Prince Edw’d To Belleville, i Cookstow n*»!___ Simcoe To Toronto. Cooksville*»!__ _____ Pee) To Toronto. Copper Cliflf*»t___ Algoma To Sudbury. Cornwall*»!____ Stormont To Ottawa. Cottam*»_________ Essex To Chatham. Courtrighl*»t__ .Lambton To Sarnia. Crediton*!__ i ____ Huron To London. Creemore*»t —___ Simcoe To Collingwood. Cresswell*VictoriaandHal. To Lindsay. Crysler*»t‘_____Stormont To Ottawa. Curran* — __ ..Prescott To Ottawa. Dalkeith*»!___ Glengarry To Ottawa. Delaware*»____ Middlesex To London. Delhi*»!_________Norfolk To London. Delta*»! .........—- Leeds To Brockville. Deseronto*»! . . —Hastings To Belleville. Dorchester Station*»! Middlesex To.London. 500 Douglas •_____ u Renfrew To Ottawa. 706 Drayton*»!___ Wellington .To Harriston. 1700 Dresden*!_______ — Kent To Chatham. 500 Drumbo*»t............O xford To Stratford. 1000 D ryden*»t„ Thunder Bay and Rainy River To Ft. William. 350 Dublin*»! — _____ Perth To Stratford, 687 Dundalk*»t ..............Grey To Harriston. 4298 Dundas*»t___ Wentworth To Hamilton. 300 Dungannon*......... Huron To Goderich. ,2854 Dunnville*»!.. Haldimand To Hamilton. 1600 Durham*»t_________ Grey To Harriston. 836 Dutton*»t........... . Elgin To London. 200 Easton’sOorn‘rs*Grenville To Brockville. 100 Edwards»!_______ Russell To Ottawa. 1189 Eganville*»!..— Renfrew To Pembroke. _____ Eglinton*........ ........... York To Toronto. 300 Elgin*»!.....................Leeds To Kingston. 1782 Elmira*»!______ Waterloo To Guelph. 900 Elmvale*»!_______Simcoe To Collingwood. 600 Elmwood*»t___ _— Bruce To Harriston. 1216 Elora*»t______ Wellington To Guelph. 484 Embro*»t__ 1____ Oxford To London. 450 Embrun*»!_____ —Russell To Ottawa. 300 ErnoM ___ —Rainy River To Ft. William. 732 Englehart*»t___ Nipissing To Sudbury. 500 Enterprise*» Lennox and Addington To Ft. William. 511 Erin*»!_____ —Wellington To Guelph. 1353 Essex*»!________— Essex To Chatham. 200 Everett*»f________ Simcoe To Collingwood. 1555 Exeter*»!_________ Huron To London. 1053 Penelon Falls*»!.Victoria and Haliburton To Lindsay. 80 Fenwick*»!_____ Welland To Hamilton. 1776 Fergus*»!____ Wellington To Guelph. 411 Finch*»t_______Stormont To Cornwall. 100 Fishervillè* ...Haldimand To Hamilton. 150 Fitzroy Harbour*Carleton To Ottawa. 437 Flesherton*»!__ — . Grey To Owen Sound. 400 Florence*!—.1__Lambton To Chatham. 600 Fonthill*!_______Welland To Niagara Falls. 2300 F o r d !..™ _______ - Essex To Chatham. 400 Fordwich*»!___ ...H uron To Harriston. 1445 Forest*»! ___ ___ Lam bton To Sarnia. 500 Formosa*——______ Bruce To Harriston. 1147 Fort E rie*t.____ Welland To Buffalo, N. Y. 2500 Ft. Frances *•! Thunder Bay and Rainy River To Fort William. 16498 Ft. William* Thunder Bay and Rainy River DOWLER & DOWLER. _____ Fort William West* Thun* der Bay and Rainy River To Ft. William. 378 Fournier*_______ Prescott To Ottawa. 300 Foxboro*»!———Hastings To Belleville. ... 700 F rankford *»+ „„ Hastings To Belleville, . 200 100 150 948 1111 500 362! 500 1000 450 736 2000 10770 357 256 200 1946 883 707 500 400 700 50 595 2254 100 5638 762 5074 2345 1000 649 7090 500 400 600 600 400 3082 6598 150 500 600 643 27 1090 300 150 300 825 500 2300 500 M H T U USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d. 1 N U I E i See com plete in form a tion in preface to A ttorn ey List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1551 1552 lation . ONTARIO ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) P ost Office and D is tr ic t 250 250 12000 3804 1574 941 250 Frankville *________ Leeds Freelton*____ Wentworth Galt**!_________ Waterloo Gananoque**!_____ Leeds Georgetown**!___ Halton G lencoe**!..__ Middlesex Glen Robertson**! Glengarry 4522 Goderich**!_____ ..H uron NAME. To To To To To To Brockville. Hamilton. Hamilton. Kingston. Guelph. London. Popu l a - P ost Officei and Dis t r ic t tion . NAME. ------ Brockville To Brockville. Lynden**!— Wentworth To Hamilton. Lyndhurst**-----------Leeds To Brockville, Madoc**t-----------Hastings To Belleville. Mallorytown**! Brockville To Brockville. Manilla*____ Victoria and . . Haliburton To Lindsay. To Ottawa. - 450 Manitowanmg*__ Algoma To Sudbury. PROUDFOOT, K I L L O R A N & 350 Manotick*!.------ .Carleton To Ottawa. COOKE. 400 Maple**!---------------- York To Toronto. 222 Markdale**!------ „ ..G r e y To Owen Sound. ■ 703 Gore Bay*_______ Algoma To Owen Sound. 909 Markham**!____ ___ York To Toronto. 550 Gorrie*!__________ Huron To Harriston. 970 Marmora**!------ Hastings To Belleville. 400 Grafton**!North’mberl’nd To Belleville. 150 Marshville*--------Welland To Hamilton. 775 Grand Valley**! -Dufferin To Harriston. 375 Martintown*!.. Glengarry To Cornwall. 300 Granton**!____ Middlesex To Stratford. 864 Massey**!---------- Algoma To Sudbury. 1724 Gravenhurst**!. Muskoka To Lindsay. 1524 Mattawa**!. — Nipissing To North Bay. 1669 Grimsby**!_____ Lincoln To Hamilton. 759 Maxville**!— Glengarry To Ottawa. 16735 Guelph**!____ Wellington C. L. DUNBAR. 2811 Meaford**! . . . --------Grey To Collingwood. 1106 Hagersville**!.Haldimand To Hamilton. 300 Melbourne**__ Middlesex To London. 3874 Haileybury**!.. Nipissing To Sudburv. 300 Merlin**! ................... Kent To Chatham. 991 Merrickville**l..Grenville To Ottawa. 101000 Hamilton**!____ Hamilton CHISHOLM, LOGIE & McQUES1670 Merritton**!.------ Lincoln To Hamilton. TEN. (Jas. Chisholm, W. A. Logie, 400 M etcalfe*!_______Russell To Ottawa. T. B. McQuesten). Solicitors for 6400 Midland**!---------- Simcoe To Collingwood. the Quebec Bank, The Bant of —Bruce To Harriston. 1000 Mildmay**!--------Toronto, &c.) 400 Millbank**! Perth To Goderich. 2342 Hanover**!.... ........... Grey To Harriston. 793 Mill B rook**!-----Durham To Lindsay. 100 Harriettsville**!Middlesex To London. 600 Mjlle Roches*...Stormont To Cornwall. . 1491 Harriston**!.. Wellington To Goderich. 1657 Milton**! ________ Halton To Toronto. 700 Harrow**!................Essex To Chatham. 826 Milverton**!---------- Perth To Stratford. 400 Harrowsmith**!Prontenac To Kingston. 1373 Mimico**!---------------York To Toronto. 883 Hastings**!. Northumber 2000 Mitchell**! ..............Perth To Stratford. land To Belleville. 350 Monkton*----- ---------Perth To Stratford. 1300 Havelock**! Peterborough To Belleville. 300 Moorefleld**!..Wellington To Harriston. 4374 Hawkesbury**!.. Prescott To Ottawa. 400 Moose Creek**!.Stormont To Ottawa. 250 Hawkesville*. . . Waterloo To Guelph. 350 M orewood*..____ Dundas To Ottawa. 150 Heidelberg.:____ Waterloo To Guelph. 1693 Morrisburg**! ....D undas To Cornwall. 792 Hensall**!_______ f Huron To Goderich. 100 Mountain**!_____ Dundas To Ottawa. 650 Hepworth * !_______ Bruce To Owen Sound. 500 Mt. Albert**!---------- York To Toronto. 3086 Hespeler**!____ Waterloo To Guelph. 400 Mt. Brydges**!.Middlesex To London. 200 Hickson**!_______Oxford To Stratford. 3500 Mt. Dennis*_____ . —York To Toronto. 500 Highgate**!—...........Kent To Chatham. 150 Mt. Elgin**!______ Oxford To London. 500 Hiflsburgh**!. Wellington To Guelph. 2200 Mount Forest**!.. Wel’ton To Goderich. 450 Hillsdale*________ Simcoe To Collingwood. 200 Mount Pleasant*. Durham To Lindsay. _____ Hintonburg*!____ Carleton To Ottawa. 100 Muir K irk**!---------- Kent To Belleville. 350 Holstein**!_________ Grey To Harriston. 2807 Napanee**!__ Lennox and 400 Humberstone*__ Welland To Hamilton. Addington To Belleville. 2350 Huntsville**!___ Muskoka To Lindsay. 25 Nashville*__________York To Toronto. 200 Ilderton**!___ Middlesex, To London. 300 Navan**!------------- Russell To Ottawa. 4763 Ingersoll**! ____ Oxford To London. 40 Nestleton Station*Durham To Lindsay. 350 Inglewood**!________ Peel To Toronto. 466 Neustadt**!.............Grey To Harriston. . 300 Inkerman**!____ Dundas To Brockville. 469 N ew boro**!..........Leeds To Brockville. 300 Innerkip**!______ Oxford To Stratford. 465 Newburgh**!.Lennox and 350 Inwood**!______ Lambton To Sarnia. Addington To Kingston. 849 Iroquois**!.... ........Dundas To Brockville. 377 Newbury**! — Middlesex To Chatham. 50 Iroquois Falls*!.Nipissing To Sudbury. 665 Newcastle**!____ Durham To Toronto. 306 Islington**!.......... . York To Toronto. 300 New Dundee*__ Waterloo To Guelph. 510 Jarvis**__ ___ Haldimand To Hamilton. 1484 New Hamburg**!Waterloo To Stratford. 170 Jasper**!______ Grenville To Brockville. 300 Newington**!__ Stormont To Cornwall. 170 Jordan*!_____ ___ Lincoln To Hamilton. 2300 New Liskeard**!Nipissing To North Bay. 200 Jordan Station**..Lincoln To Hamilton. 1 2996 Newmarket**t.......... York To Toronto. 812 Kearney**!—Parry Sound To North Bay. 175 Newtonvilie*!___ Durham To Toronto. 400 K eene*!.__ Peterborough To Lindsay. (Clarke P. O.) 1242 Keewatin**! Thunder Bay 600 New Toronto*_____ York To Toronto. and Rainy River To Fort William. 9245 Niagara Falls**!..Welland To Buffalo, N. Y. 1192 Kemptville**! _. Grenville To Ottawa. --------. Niagara Falls Center**! 300 Kenmore*!_______Russell To Ottawa. Welland To Buffalo, N. Y. I 6152 Kenora**! Thunder Bay — . — Niagara Falls So. **!Well’d To Buffalo, N. Y. and Rainy River To Fort William. 1318 N ’garaontheL’e**tLinc’n To Buffalo, N. Y. 150 Kerrwood**!__ Middlesex To London. 500 No. Augusta*!__ Grenville To Brockville. 100 Killaloe*!__ ____ Renfrew To Pembroke. 10000 North Bay**!___Nipissing A . G . BROW NING. 200 Kinburn**!____ .Carleton To Ottawa. 300 North Gower* Carleton To Ottawa. 2343 Kincardine**! _____ Bruce To Goderich. 406 N orval*!. —. Halton To Guelph. 500 King City__________York To Toronto. (K in g p . O.) 1600 Norwich**!______ Oxford To London. 870 Norwood**!___ Peterboro To Lindsay. 18874 K ingston**!__ _ Kingston NICKLE & FARRELL. 2372 Oakville**!_______Halton To Sarnia. 1427 Kingsville**!___ ...E ssex To Chatham. 250 Oakwood*___ Victoria and J08 Kintore*!________ Oxford To London. Haliburton T o Lindsay. 300 Kirkfield**!..Victoria and 700 Odessa*!------ Lennox and Haliburton To Lindsay. / Addington To Kingston. I . . . . — Kirkland Lake* , 646 Oil Springs**!— Lambton To Sarnia. Timiskaming To Sudbury. 505 Omemee**!—Victoria and 180 Kirkton*__________Huron To Stratford, x■ Haliburton To Lindsay. 19056 K itchener**!__ Waterloo To Guelph. 2340 Orangeville**!__ Dufferin To Harriston. 250 Komoka**!____ Middlesex To London. 7300 Orillia*-?— ; _ _____ Simcoe To Collingwood. 500 Lakefield**! Peterborough To Lindsay. 800 Orono**__ _____ .Durham To Toronto. 500 Lambeth**....... Middlesex To London. 100 Orton**_________Dufferin To Guelph. 560 Lambton Mills*_____ York To Toronto. 80 Osgoode Stat’n**!iRussell To Ottawa. 729 Lanark*..______—Lanark To Ottawa. ; 8235 Oshawa**!______ Ontario To Toronto. 624 Lancaster**!__ Glengarry To Cornwall. 101796 Ottawa**!______ ..Ottawa S M IT H & D T JN L B YIE . So 400 Lansdowne**! — „ Ldeds To Kingston. licitors for The Singer Sewing Ma 100 Lawrence Station*!. Elgin To London. chine Co. and The National Cash 2652 Leamington**!.........Essex To Chatham. Register Co. Reference: The Bank 737 L efroy **!__ " ____ Simcoe To Collingwood. / of Ottawa or any other bank in 6964 Lindsay**!__ Victoria and ( Ottawa. LEIGH R . KNIGHT. Haliburton _____ Ottawa East*!___ Carleton To Ottawa. 450 Linwood**! ____ Waterloo To Stratford. _____ Ottawa South*!..Carleton To Ottawa. 500 Lions Head*!__ !___ Bruce To Owen Sound. , 750 OttervOle**! —___ Oxford To London. 2289 Listowel**!____ .___ Perth To Goderich. 12558 Owen Sound**!____ Grey M IDDLEBRO & SPEREMAN. 250 Little Britain*.—.Victoria and Haliburton To Lindsay. 775 Paisley**!_______ —Bruce To Harriston. 1208 Little Current*!.. .Algoma To Sudbury. 603 Pakenham**!___ ..Lanark To Ottawa. 56358 ■London**! Citv o f London GIBBONS, HARPER & GIBBONS. 180 Palgrave**! —___ ___ Peel To Toronto. _____ London E*C?ty o f London To London. 1700 Palmerston**!.Wellington To Harriston. _____ London So.*______ City o f 4098 Paris*!___________..Brant To Hamilton. London To London. __:__ Parkdale**! Toronto West To Toronto. 1200 L’ Original**! ___ Prescott To Ottawa. 1289 Park Hill**!___ Middlesex To London, 709 Lucan**!_____ Middlesex To London. 3429 Parry Sound**!.Parry S’d To North Bay. 1000 L ucknow **!.. ____ Bruce To Goderich. 157 Pefferlaw**!_______ York To Lindsay. ______ . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NHTF 1 1 V / JL E j 122 500 ,200 S®1 400 250 USE COUPONS as in stru cted to BE PROTECTED by bon d. See com p lete in form a tion in preface to ' A ttorney List. A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W NAME. Pu ^ P ost Of f ic e a n d D is t r i c t T10N. __________________ 650 5622 200 4107 3480 20653 3518 »00 3700 400 600 ÏÏ2Î6" 700 1624 1200 1170 1138 1235 5092 300 500 1148 500 725 891 750 2801 4923 500 150 3846 117 100 1000 1954 800 650 3397 600 676 110 950 2302 9947 15000 300 600 Pelee Island*______ Essex To Detroit, Mich. Pembroke*«!___ Renfrew J. H. REEVES. Pendleton*«t___ Prescott To Ottawa. Penetanguishene*t Simcoe To Collingwood. Perth*«t____ .....L a n a rk To Brockville. Peterborough*«tPeterboro To Lindsay. Petrolia*«!______ Lambton To Sarnia. Pickering*«t_____ Ontario To Toronto. Picton*«t—Prince Edward To Belleville. Plantagenet*«t ~ Prescott To Ottawa. Plattsville*«t_____ Oxford To Stratford. Porcupine*«tTemisk’m’ng To North Bay. Pt. Arthur*«tThunder Bay and Rainy River To Port William. Port Burwell*«t____ Elgin To London. Port Oolborne*«t.Welland To Buffalo, N. Y. Port Credit*«!_______Peel To Toronto. Port Dalhousie*«t.Lincoln To Hamilton. Port Dover*«!___ Norfolk To Hamilton. Port E lgin*«!______ Bruce To Harriston. Port Hope*«!____ Durham To Lindsay. Portland*!—. ...........Leeds To Brockville. Port McNicoll*«!—Simcoe To Collingwood. Port Perry*«!........Ontario To Lindsay. Port Robinson*«t Welland To Hamilton. Port Rowan*«!__ Norfolk To Hamilton. Port Stanley*«!____ Elgin To London. Powassan *•! Parry Sound To North Bay. Prescott*«t_____ Grenville To Brockville. Preston*«t_____ Waterloo To Guelph. Princeton*«t_____ Oxford To Stratford. Putnam «!_____ Middlesex To London. Rainy Riv’r*«tThunder Bay and Rainy River To Port William. Rednersville*..Prince Ed. To Belleville. R enfrew*«!........ Renfrew To Pembroke. Riceville*_______ Prescott To Ottawa. Richmond*_____ Carleton To Ottawa. Richmond Hill*«!___ York To Toronto. Ridgetown*«!—_____ Kent To Chatham. Ridgeway *•! - __ Welland To Buffalo, N. Y. Ripley*«!__________ Bruce To Goderich. Rockland*«t..........Russell To Ottawa. Rockwood*«!..Wellington To Guelph. R odney*«!.... ........... Elgin To Chatham. Roseneath* Northumber’d To Belleville. Russell*«!________ Russell To Ottawa. Sandwich*«!_____ ..E ssex Sarnia.*«!_____...Lambton Sault Ste.Marie*«t Algoma Schomberg*________ York Schreiber*«!____ Thunder Bay and Rainy River ____ Schumacher*«!____ Algoma 400 Scotland*«!___ Brantford 1983 Seaforth*«!_______ Huron 500 Sebringville*«t_____ Perth 350 Seely’s B ay*______ Leeds 400 Selkirk*______ Haldimand '450 Shakespeare*«t------ Perth 400 Shannonville*«t—Hastings 350 Shedden*«t . . . . . Elgin 1113 Shelburne*«!____ Dufferin 3227 Simcoe*«!_______ Norfolk 6370 Smith’s Palls*«t__ Lanark 600 Smithville*«!____ Lincoln 400 Sombra*«!_____ Lambton 1685 Southampton*«!___ Bruce 400 South Mountain*..Dundas 2500 8outh Porcupine*«t Algoma 593 South River*«tParrySo’rid 400 SouthW oodslee*.—Essex 400 Sparta*t___________ Elgin 400 Spencerville*«t - Grenville 200 Springbrook*«__ Hastings 454 Springfield*«!______ Elgin 1039 Stayner*«!________ Simcoe 16000 St. Catharines*«!- Lincoln 350 St. Clements*... Waterloo 200 St. David’s*«_____ Lincoln 5000 Sieelton*t______ ..Algoma 800 Si. Eugene*«t___ Prescott 300 Stevensville*«!__ Welland 950 Si. George*«t______ Brant 950 Stirling*«!___ —- Hastings 225 St. Isidore de Prescott* Prescott 200 StittS'Ville*«!____ Carleton 500 St. Jacobs*«!___ Waterloo .150 St. Joachim«_______ Essex 3388 St. Marys*«!_______ Perth 500 Stony Creek*!. Wentworth 100 Stony Point*«t_— Essex 1034 Stouffville*!________ York 12946 Stratford*«!_______ Perth 2823 Strathroy*«!__ Middlesex 543 Streetsville*t________ Peel •17000 St. Thomas*«t—___ Elgin *199 Sturgeon Falls*«t—Nip’ng 8000 600 753 600 800 __ 551 *1100 ONTARIO (B O N D E D ) To Detroit, Mich. PARDEE, BURNHAM & GURD. To Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. To Toronto. To Pt. William. To North Bay. To Hamilton. To Goderich. To Stratford. To Kingston. To Hamilton. To Stratford. To Belleville. To London. To Harriston. To London. To Brockville. To Hamilton. To Sarnia. To Owen Sound. To Ottawa. To North Bay. To North Bay. To Chatham. To London. To Brockville. To Belleville. To London. To Collingwood. To Hamilton. To Guelph. To Hamilton. To Sudbury. To Ottawa. To Buffalo, N. Y. To Hamilton. To Belleville. To Ottawa. To Ottawa. To Guelph. To Detroit, Mich. To Stratford. To Hamilton. To Chatham. To Toronto. To Goderich. To London. To -Toronto. To London. To North Bay. JOSEPH FOWLER. To Lindsay. To Toronto. To Kingston. Sudbury*«t_____ Nipissing Sunderland*«!___ <Ontario 8utton. W est*______ York Sydenham*«!.. Frontenac Tamworth*«!____ Lennox and Addington To Kingston. Tara*«t____________ Bruce To Owen Sound. Tavistock*!—___ _ Oxford •To Stratford. NOTE 99 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P opu l a * P ost Office and Dis t r ic t 1553 NAME. t io n . 350 854 650 807 559 1945 793 400 850 200 4500 962 3000 3000 342 460 Tecumseh*«!____ _ Essex Teeswater*«!_____ Bruce Thamesford*«!— Oxford Thamesville*«!--------Kent Thedford*«!___ Lambton Thessalon*«!__ __ Algoma Thornbury*«!--------- Grey Thorndale*«!-. Middlesex Thornhill*!________ York T h orn ton *«!...__ Simcoe Thorold*«!______ Welland Tilbury*«!__________ Kent Tillsonburg*«t___ Oxford Timmins*«t______ Algoma Tiverton*;____ —____Bruce Toledo*_________ — Leeds To Detroit, Mich. To Harriston. To London. To Chatham. , To Sarnia. To Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. To Collingwood. To London. See Toronto. To Collingwood. To Hamilton. To Chatham. To London. To North Bay. To Goderich. To Brockville. 470140 Toronto*«!.Toronto South RYCKMAN, DENISON & FOSTER. Toronto General Trusts Bldg., 85 Bay St. General Law Practice. Solicitors fo r the Molsohs Bank. Reference: any bank in Toronto and the American Consul. Com pilers o f the Ontario laws fo r this publication. 517 Tottenham *«!.. „ Simcoe To Toronto. 5000 Trenton*«t____ . Hastings. To Belleville. 1368 Tweed*«!__ - — . Hastings To Belleville. 150 Udora________ _____York 400 Unionville*«t__ ____York 1433 Uxbridge*«t___ __Ontario To Lindsay. To Toronto. To Lindsay. 1700 100 400 1800 260 1485 Vankleek Hill*«! Prescott Varna*________ __ Huron Vars*«!_______ __Russell V erner*«!___ _ ..Nipissing Vernon*.— —..__ Russell Victoria Harb’r *•! Simcoe To Ottawa. To Goderich, To Ottawa. To Sudbury. To Ottawa. To Collingwood. 400 3300 3302 3437 260 800 Wales*«!______ Stormont Walkerton*«!—___ Bruce Walkerville*«!. ____ Essex Wallaceburg*«! .........Kent Wardsville*— Middlesex Warkworth*«t Northumberland Waterdown* „ W entworth W aterford*«!.. . . Norfolk W aterloo*«!___. Waterloo W atford*«!___ —Lambton W e b b w o o d M -__Algoma Welland*«!____.. Welland Welland Port*..__Lincoln Wellesley*____ . Waterloo Wellington*«!. Prince Ed. Wendover*----- ..P rescott Westboro*!___ Carleton West L om e*«!. ____ Elgin Westmeath*!__.. Renfrew W eston*«!____ ____ York Westport*«!___. . . Leeds West Toronto*« ! ___ York W heatley*«!....____ Kent Whitby*«!_____ To To To To To Cornwall. Harriston. Detroit, Mich. Chatham. Chatham. To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To Belleviile. Hamilton. Hamilton. Guelph. Sarnia. Sudbury. Buffalo, N. Y. Hamilton. Stratford. Belleville. Ottawa. Ottawa. Chatham. Pembroke. Toronto. Kingston. Toronto. Chatham. Lindsay. Wiarton*«!____ Williamsburg*.,. . . Dundas Williamstown*. Glengarry W inchester*«!. __ Dundas Windsor*«!----- ___ Essex Wingham*«!__ ___ Huron Winona*«!__ Wentworth Winterbourne* . Waterloo Woodbridge*«t._____ York W oodstock*«t..___Oxford Woodville*«t Victoria and Haliburton W ooler*. Northumberland .. Huron Wyoming*«!— . Lambton Yarker*«t Lennox and Addington Zurich*_______ ___ Huron To To To To To To To To To To Owen Sound. Cornwall. Cornwall. Cornwall. Detroit, Mich. Goderich. Hamilton. Guelph. Toronto. London. 750 1083 4359 1300 657 5311 253 700 785 800 5U0 740 250 2200 803 6091 600 2500 2266 300 600 1500 25000 2238 800 80 607 9321 450 300 345 569 500 600 To Lindsay. To Belleville. To Harriston. To Sarnia. , To Kingston. To Goderich. P R IN C E E D W A R D IS L A N D REFERENCE K EY . County Seat. * Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. < Express Office. § Capital. 698 Albetton*«!------— Prince To Charlottetown. 12080 §Charlottetown*«!.Queen’s M c L E O D & B E N T L E Y . Compilers o f the Prince Edward Island laws fo r this publication. To Charlottetown. 250 Hunter’s River*«! Queen’s 350 Kensington*«!------ Prince To Charlottetown. To Charlottetown. 1200 Montague*«!— -----Kings 125 O’Leary Station*«! Prince To Charlottetown. 1089 Souris«t -------------- Kings To Charlottetown. 2678 Summerside*«t - __ Prince To Charlottetown. 431 Tignish*«!_______ _ Prince To Charlottetown. 200 Tyne V alley*......... Prince To Charlottetown. 400 Victoria* _______ .Queen’s To Charlottetown.________ USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d . See com p lete in form a tion I n preface to A ttorney List. 1554 QUEBEC P o po laP0Ì3T O f f ic e t io n . ATTORNEYS-A T-LÀW (BONDED) an d NAME. D i s t r ic t QUEBEC REFERENCE KEY County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office t Telegraph Station. § Capital. 1402 Acton Vale*»t —___ Bagot 371 Adamsville*»!——. Brome _____ Ahuntsict__________-Laval ____ gj Amost__________ Pontiac 1070 Amqui*»t_____ Rimouski 2740 Ancienne-Lorette*Quebec 2194 Armagh*____ Bellechasse 689 Arthabaska* ~ Drummond and Arthabaska 2600 Asbestos* Richmond and W olfe 316 Ayers Cliff*»t— Stanstead 3205 Aylmer*»t________Wright ! 1600 Bagotville*t Chicoutimi & Saguenay 2305 Baie St. Paui*t Charlevoix 1000 Barachois de Malbai e*»t Gaspe _____ Bassin Chicoutimi and Saguenay ■ 1280 Batiscan*»t___ Champlain 500 Beauceville*»._____Beauce 2015 Beauharnois*»! Beauh’ois 3546 Beauport*t_______ Quebec 950 Beaurivage* ___Lotbiniere 375 Becancour*»!— Nicolet 1432 Bedford*»!___ Missisquoi 808 Beebe*t_____ „.Stanstead 1501 Beloeil*._______ Chambly 928 Berthier* (en Bas) Montmagny 1335 Berthierville___ Berthier 2037 Bic*»t_________Rimouski 1004 B ienville*!.— ._____ Levis _____ Bishops Crossing*»! Richmond and W olfe 3256 Black Lake*»!__ Megantic _____ B ordeaux»!_________ Laval 1097 Bpucherville*»! Chambly & Vercheres 879 Breakeyville*!- — Lévis 548 Brome*»!— _____ Brome 1239 Bromptonville*»t Richmond and W olfe 517 Brownsburg*.. Argenteuil 4000 Buckingham*»!— Labelle 1119 Buckland*— Bellechasse 200 Bury*»!_________ Compton 250 Cabano *•!— Temiscouata 447 Campbell’s Bay*»tPontiac 2101 Cap de la Madeleine Champlain 989 Cap Sante*»__ —Portneuf 3648 Cap St. Ignace*» Montmagny 50 Carleton Centre* Bonaventure 1200 Cartiervillet Jacques Cartier 100 Cazaville— Huntingdon 900 Chambly*! Chambly and Vercheres _____ Chambly Basin Chambley & Vercheres ____ _ Chambord* Chicoutimi and Saguenay 1680 Champlain*»t„Champlain 1200 Chandler*»!______ Gaspe . 2127 Charlesbourg*»!__ Quebec 400 Chateauguay Basin*! Chateauguay ------ - Chateauguay Village Chateauguay 1773 Chateau Richer*! Montmorency 5880 Chicoutimi*»!. Chicoutimi 450 Clarenceville*»tMissisquoi 3165 Coaticook*»t— Stanstead — __ Coleraine Station*» Megantic 382 Compton*______ Compton 624 Contrecoeur*»! Chambly and Vercheres 996 Cookshire*»!___ Compton 428 Coteau du Lae*.Soulanges 643 Coteau Station* Soulanges -------- Côte-des Neiges Ouest*t Jacques Cartier 1------ Cote St. Paul—Hochelaga 1030 Cowansville*»! Missisquoi 450 Dalhousie Station*» Soulanges 1331 Danville*»! Richmond and W olfe 1169 Deschaillons*»!.L’tbini’re 1493 Deschambault*»! Portneuf 1606 D'Israelî*»t Richmond and W olfe 404 Dixville*»t____ Stanstead 50 Donnaconria»!— Portnm f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To Montreal. To Sherbrooke. To Montreal. To Quebec. To Frasérville. To Quebec. To Quebec. To Quebec. To Sherbrooke. To Sherbrooke. To Ottawa. To Chicoutimi. See Quebec. T o Fraserville. To Chicoutimi. To Quebec. To Quebec. To Montreal. To Quebec. To Quebec. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Sherbrooke. To Montreal, a To Montreal. To Montreal. To Fraserville. To Quebec. To Sherbrooke. To Quebec. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Quebec. To Sherbrooke. To Sherbrooke. To Montreal. To Ottawa. To Quebec. To Sherbrooke. To Frasersville. To Ottawa. To Quebec. To Quebec. To Quebec. To Fraserville. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Montreal. To To To To Chicoutimi. Quebec. Fraserville. Quebec. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Quebec. L. ALAIN. To Montreal. To Sherbrooke. To Quebec. • To Sherbrooke. To To To To Montreal. Sherbrooke. Montreal. Montreal. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Sherbrooke. See Quebec. See Quebec. To Sherbrooke. To Sherbrooke. To Quebec. NOTF * l v / 1 lu P o pu l a - P o st O f f ic e t io n . an d D is t r i c t 1005 DorvaI»t. Jacques Cartier 3000 Drummondville*»! ’ Drummond 295 Dunham»!___ _ Missisquoi 1400 East Angus*»!— Compton 1720 East Broughton*»! Beauce East Broughton Station* 1 Beauce East Hatley___ Stanstead 607 Eastman*«!____ ...B rom e 3560 Farnham*»! — Missisquoi 850 Fasse tt*»!__ ..... L a Belle 500 Fitch Bay* ...„S tanstead 811 Ft. Coulonge*»t. Pontiac 200 Foster*»t—._____ Brome 1937 Fram pton*.... Dorchester NAME. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Montreal. To Sherbrooke. To Quebec. To Quebec. To Sherbrooke. To Sherbrooke. To Montreal. To Ottawa. To Sherbrooke. To Ottawa. To Sherbrooke. To Quebec. 7572 Fraserville!—Temiscouata LAPOINTE & STEIN. 282 Frelighsburg*»!..Mis’quoi To Montreal. . . . __ Garthby Station*»! Richmond & W olfe To Sherbrooke. 1072 Gaspe*»!______i___Gaspe To Fraserville. 430 Gentilly*»!_______Nicolet To Quebec. 400 Glen Sutton___ . . . Brome To Sherbrooke. 300 Gracefiejd*»!_____Wright To Ottawa. 4750 Granby*»!__ ___„•Shefford To Sherbrooke. 4783 Grand Mere*»! Champlain To Montreal. 1711 Grand River*»!___ Gaspe To Fraserville. 1383 G renville*»!... Argenteuil To Montreal. 1100 Grondi nes*!____ Portneuf To Quebec. 200 Ham Nord* Richmond and W olfe To Sherbrooke. 737 Hërbertville Station*»! Chicoutimi & Saguenay To Chicoutimi. 313 Hemmingford*»! Hun’don To Montreal. 1000 Henryville*»!— St. John’s and Iberville To Montreal. 56919 Hochelaga*»! Maisonneuve To Montreal. 230 H ow ick*»!.. Chateauguay To Monti eal. 651 H udson*_______ Vaudreuil To Montreal 20000 Hull*»t___________ Wright To Ottawa. 1265 Huntingdon*»!..H unt’don To Montreal. 1905 IbervilJe*»!.St. John ’ s and Iberville To Montreal. 194 Inverness*_____ Megantic To Quebec. 2169 Isle Verte*»!.Temiscouata To Fraserville. Issoudun___ _ Lotbiniere To Quebec. '6346" Joliette*»!_______Joliette To Montreal. 4200 Jonquieres*»! Chicoutimi & Saguenay To Chicoutimi. 519 Kamouraska*! Kamouraska To Quebec. 143 Kenogami!___ Chicoutimi and Saguenay To Chicoutimi. 865 Kno wlton*»! . . . ___ Brome To Sherbrooke. 2200 La Baie*»!___ _Yamaska To Montreal. 10699 Lachine*»!- Jacq's Cartier To Montreal. 2407 Lachute*»!____ Argenteuil To Montreal. 1000 Lacolle*»!____ .St. John’s and Iberville To Montreal. La Durantaye»! Bellechasse To Quebec. 5500 La Malbaie*__ Charlevoix To Quebec. 1993 Lambtoh*_______ .Beauce To Quebec. ____ _ L ’Ange Gardien Montmorency To Quebec. ____ _ L ’Ange Gardient de Rouville To Montreal. 1400 L’ Annonciation*!.Labelle To Ottawa. 600 Lanoraie*—— — Berthier To Montreal. 850 La Patrie*______ Compton To Sherbrooke. 2388 Laprairie*»! Laprairie and Napierville To Montreal. 1747 L’Assomption*»! L’Assomption To Montreal. 3500 La Tuque*»___ Champlain To Quebec. 1128 Laurentides*.L’Assompt’n To Montreal. 399 Laurierville*—_. Megantic To Quebec. 3978 Lauzon*!________ —Levis To Quebec. 100 Laval Rapids»........—Laval To Montreal. 226 Lawrenceville*»! Shefford To Sherbrooke. 1211 Lennox ville*»!Sherbrooke To Sherbrooke. 1675 L ’Epiphanie*»!.L’Ass'pt’n To Montreal. Lesage____ — Terrebonne To Montreal. Les Cedres____ Vaudreuil To Montreal. 2138 Les Eboulements* Charlevoix To Quebec. 949 Les Escoumains* Chicoutimi and Saguenay . To Chicoutimi. 7448 Levis*»t— _________Levi s To Quebec. 900 Limoiliou*— Quebec, East To Quebec. 2411 L ’lslet*!__________ L'lslet To Quebec. 647 Long P o in t»t„'_____Laval To Montreal. 3972 Longueuil*»!____ Ch’mbly and Vercheres ;To Montreal. 1588 Lorettevillet......... Quebec To Quebec. 1500 Lotbiniere*___ Lotbiniere To Quebec. 1675 L6uiseville*»t. Maskino’ge To Montreal. 1696 I.uceviile__ Rimouski To Fraserville.l Lyster ..._______Mega