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Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ authority of The American Bankers Ass’n.________________________________________________ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- MINNESOTA dexed Acces), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this _______________________________________________________________ volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. fiOfi t0 each bank in U. S. wu Directory, under the town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. »County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond No.9Fed.Bes.Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. Capital LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars Resources. Und.Prof. Loans Other Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals & Due Securi- Securi- & DisReserves counts bilities fromBks ties ties ‘Ada__________ 1285 Ada National Bank...d®t'14 W. G. Hadler______ Henry Ruebke ____ A. A. Habedank__ L. J. Peterson------- $ Jun’34Stmt 75-1192 Norman G3 A. J. Johnson, Ch. 25 $ CL L. HANSON.— FIRST STATE BARK—d®l’90 j THE PIONEER Jun’34Stmt 75-282 (.Send us your It Adams 574 Farmers State Bank N. V. Torgerson ... Mower R18 Jun’34Stmt 75-1190 d®»t5'14 PETER SHARPE------- O.C. OGARD------------ LEO. H. SCHERF--— CARL H. SHARPE BANK OF NORM AN COUNTY. ems direct for pr ompt attention. N. V. Torgerson__ J. F. Tillman 25 Adrian 1000 Adrian State Bank.d®»t5’84 Edwin Brickson... Nobles R5 Jun’34Stmt 75-328 Joseph L. Lais___ ** ______ M First State Bank.__ d®t5’96 Jun’34Stmt 75-632 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK 75-102 3 458 ______ 511 133 93 11 264 25 5 19 363 412 76 34 33 262 20 4 6 160 190 34 39 105 138 $ (Incl. U. S.) 320 25 400 109 81 130 80 35 35 3 876 25 974 228 56 295 368 30 G. M. Schaefer___ Peter K raker______ Andrew Feternell. J. A. Wellenstein.. Deb. 20 R. A. Jesh 11 2 489 552 78 36 56 362 25 25 7 459 516 125 24 112 230 10 2 1 31 44 7 17 14 50 10 41 1,652 2,003 527 543 498 alfc6ristopherson B. H. Beuning____ R. H. Silvers J. F. D. MEIGHEN— WM, A. GRAY_______ C. 0. VANGEN............ J. I. JOHNSON 50 75-105 J. L. SORENSON______ J. C. NELSON------------ L. H. PETERSON------- l E.JERGEN----------b. 5. niiuuM N. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 100 20 8 1,053 1,181 323 Edw. Campion, Sec, F. B. Reese. TV.__ (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 30 5 11 197 30 ______ J. F. Greeley FARMERS NAT. BK. IN ALEXANDRIA 30 A. L. Hillmond ____ Deb. Edith E. Johnson 105 B. O. Sampson 8 (With Surp.) 960 Nation 273 38 1,103 202 36 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 665 800 184 Almelund..........125 Farmers State Bank.. ®t5’14 A. R. Peterson — C. A. Melander—— A. H. Lindquist— Lydia Lindquist.__ 10 Chisago L18 Jun’34Stmt 75-1148 Cap. 199 234 53 165 ..............1 205 35 58 83 8 198 258 95 d®»t’25 ) (_ A. C. SCHNEIDERHAN 65 27 137 373 505 Alpha__________ 209 Farmers & Merch. State Bank H. L. Strom________ P. C. Verdick............ Jackson R9 Jun’34Stmt 75 1024 d®Tt5'll ?5fi Altura State Bank...d®t5'10 Jun’34Stmt 75-635 Amboy ______ 593 ^Security National Bank O. K. Olson Blue Earth Q12 Jun’34Stmt 75-539 d@*l'34 M. Timm________ C. H. G. Hazel____ Herbert Dredge___ 4 5 10 20 4 1 20 10 P/.30 23 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Minn. N„ Duluth; Am. N., St. P. 73 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Minpls.;lstN., St. P. 215 65 110 6 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. and St. P. 75 20 75 3 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; lstN.,St.P.; Midland N„ Minpls. 10 60 30 133 Ch. of Bd. 6 6 1st N„ St. P. U. S.) 168 160 AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COR PORATION Notes 15 25 Total (Incl. 10 LT. A. AAL-.............. ) P. J. NOONAN. Private Banks, al. Stat e and 25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 185 AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION 100 Minnesota Map on index 284 d@T*'30 Alden______ 53? R. T. Amel________ B. M. Hall. Freeborn RIB Dec’33Stmt 75-504 T. A. Syvrnd______ A. L. Solum............... •Alexandria ..3876 Alexandria State Bank Douglas K7 •lun’34Stmt 75-1446 d®t5’19 Jun’34Stmt 75-159 353 Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports. 25c TRY US. (M embers indicated by a *) __ 122 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Pf. 200 Albert Lea Clearing House. J. C. Nelson.............. Winona P22 27 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N., St.P.jNorthw. N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; Northern N„ Duluth. 20 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 25 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 6 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION BANK Altura 313 Principal Correspondents. 16 Chase N„ N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. and Am. N„ St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 10 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont.Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 7 1st N., Chi. and St. Paul; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 12 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N„ Minpls. 1st and Am. N., Duluth; 1st N„ St. P. Send ns your business direct. Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items given prompt attention. d®T»t'67 Enclose with Plain Sight Drafts, 18c; Credit Reports, 28c. TRY US. 'FREEBORN COUNTY NATIONAL — 116 $ 10 Jun’34Stmt Jun’34Stmt 25 $ 20 •• •« vr. H. Nett . Stearns County State Bank W. J. Bohmer, Dec’33Stmt 75-1045 dBtS’12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Alberta 153 Alberta State Bank—d®§’12 Stevens L5 Jun’34Stmt 75-1058 ‘Albert Lea.10,169 Freeborn R15 482 86 $ 422 3 25 $ 126 8 5 $ 25 ‘Aitkin 1545 Farmers National Bank W. T. Mount______ F. H. Osterhout—. H. D. McNeil______ Thornton Getting, Aitkin 114 V. P. and A. Cash. Jun’34Stmt 75-1163 dB©»l’14 B. W. Kelly, Ch. J. J. Ratcliffe F. R. Nichols M II FIRST NATIONAL BANK P,LARSON.CA.o/b<j. B. R. HASSMAN------- R N HASLIN6 T. R. HASSMAN............ OTTO H.ELLIG Jun’34Stmt 75-261 d®»t’03 P. LARSON A. ZEESE Albany ___ 851 Stearns Lll 5 8 Other Resources 2 Winona; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving Banks and Bankers in the Northwest Northwestern national AND TRUST COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA • bank Affiliated with Northwest Bancorporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Complete New Columnar Style Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in this edition of your Blue Book You now have eleven columns of data on every American bank—three more than in former editions of vour Blue Book. amount of funds invested in United States Government securities and the other showing the amount invested in other securities. Figures in Thousands of Dollars You will find all statements in this and subsequent editions listed in thousands of dollars only. A bank with $100,000 capital is shown as $100. An institution with $1,250,101 in deposits is listed as $1,250. This makes possible a quicker and easier reading and comparison of bank statements. Totals Column A“totals” column—separates the liabilities from the resources and shows at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any American bank. No other bank directory embodies this essential index figure. • Undivided Profits and Reserves Surplus and undivided profits now occupy two columns: “surplus” and “undivided profits and/or reserves.” U. S. Government Securities Likewise, bonds and investments are divided into two columns, one showing the r« • • This new Blue Book revolutionizes all former methods of presenting banking data. Its four major improvements give you added figures on each bank—more conveniently arranged, permitting you to quickly compare the relative conditions as to each item of all banks in any given state or city. CHEQUES Rand MMly Bankers Directory The Bankers Blue Book 611 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Liabilities. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.»New JStatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. ♦Fed. Res.Depts'.T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res. Dis. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Capital Ralph Sather........... $ G. G. Sawyer_____ Colin McDonald... Annandale___ 663 Annandale State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-461 d®t5’93 A. H. Lotstrom Wright M12 25 $ 5 $ 5 $ 258 66 99 97 10 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Northw. 278 56 68 51 96 390 55 Q7 129 98 11 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. 518 569 112 27 101 315 l 14 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. 52 65 21 12 186 ............. 219 3, 292 20 4 6 238 5 14 311 30 6 15 10 2 i 25 5 3 ITH THE NORT HWEST 452 ! Cap, Notes 10 25 SI BERT JOHNSON.— 25 Pf. 10 BANCO BPORATION. rc. F. MAUBER— -- WM. R. MUELLER— N. A. WELLE............... 0. H. MEYEN- - OSCAR SCHWIRTZ Arlington____ 915 ARLINGTON STATE BANK r j JACOB SCHWIRTZ Jun’34Stmt 75-432 dB®»t§ 95 H.P. TIERNEY Sibley 013 ) 15 CENTS sent t o us with each gig ht draft for prese ntation, and (.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, p ersonal attention • Armstrong____ 30 Armstrong State Bank Louis Schmidt____ Jun’34Stmt 75-1398 ®»’18 Freeborn R15 Elmer Foisam.__ Ashby________ .358 First State Bank ..d®t§1900 Jun'34Stmt 75-638 Qrant J6 V. R. Hauge. Atwater______ 694 Atwater State Bank.d®t§’32 Jun’34Stmt 75-1605 Kandiyohi M10 A. 0. Stromseth 20 4 6 224 254 45 Carl J. Lehne____ G. Bjornstad_____ 20 5 5 216 246 1 316 12 14 854 200 100 21 3,096 Peter T. Kost____ E. J. Diedrich........ Avon__________ 362 Avon State Bank___ d®t8’06 Frank Schmid. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. N. F. Thielman Jun’34Stmt 76-642 Stearns Lll 12 5 2 Backus_______ 314 Backus State Bank_d®tS’07 Aaron Zaffke. 10 7 4 Audubon_____ 278 First State Bank_____ d®5'96 Ole A. Netland.__ Jun’34Stmt 75-639 Becker H5 A, 0. Netland, G. G. Haight — Julia Teisburg......... 32 ___ J. C. Schmid . L. F. Severnisen .. J, A. Aspie________ 25 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. N. Bk. & Tr., and Mid land N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Am. N„ St. P. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. andNorthw.N.,Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Freeborn Co. N. Bk. & Tr., Albert Lea; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 6 Chase N„ N. Y.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Northern Tr.,Chi.; IstN. 4 Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Secur. N., Willmar. 86 90 73 103 29 36 81 45 80 4 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., 367 130 20 73 121 23 City N., Duluth; Northw. 955 235 170 300 201 49 Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Min pls.; Empire N. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. P. 3,567 385 942 1,005 1,035 200 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr.Co., Minpls. 10 69 16 Northw. N„ Minpls. ;Am. 14 65 5 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ch. of Bd. Aurora.............1463 State Bank of Aurora F. S. Colvin.. Jun’34Stmt ♦75-640 d®*J5‘06 St. Louis F20 Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 63 3 Cash, and Sec. 11 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., 335 10 d©t’82 (affiliated w 175 S 21 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 30 A. B. SLOSS________ A. 0. KREBS, 22 $ 91 B. F. Swanson, James B. Berry___ Paul C. Heard......... M. Grace Erickson d®»t§ 92 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. fC. M. KREBS, 27 3 Principal Correspondents. 108 354 $ ) Ch.ofBd.and Pres. 58 $ Other Re sources 91 8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK • 30 $ 293 Loans 4 Dis counts 141 10 Appleton____ 1625 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. K. J. Fletcher____ 0. B. Carlson______ A. E. Arntzen____ Florence Sallen— Jun’34Stmt 75-1196 dB®t§'15 Otto Bremer Swift M5 $ Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other 4 Due Securi Securi ties fromBks ties Totals ............. 50 STATE BANK OF ANOKA c Jun’34Stmt 75-314 (In Thousands of Dollars) Other Und.Prof. Lia Surplus and or Deposits Reserves bilities T. M. Olsen.______ A. L. Lindman____ ‘Anoka______ 4851 First National Bk. in Anoka Jun’34Stmt 75-1599 d®t’Sl Anoka L22 Jun’34Stmt 75-142 !4«n-Bank T«wn« with Nearest Benklac Feint (Iddexed Acccs.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Cap. Notes N. Y.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. N. Bk. Minpls. & Tr. Co., 20 ‘Austin____ 12,276 Mower R17 AUSTIN STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-93 d®»t§’30 FIRST NAT’L BANK OF AUSTIN Jun’34Stmt 75-91 dB®T*t 68 P.D. BEAULIEU- - - - - - GEORGE HIRSH- - - - - - - L H. WILLIAMS- - - - - - E. L. LINDSLEY- - - - GEORGE HIRSH. Ch.o/Bd. 50 Deb.25 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION. Send Us Tour Austin Items Direct. Bill of Lading Drafts, Casb and Time Items Given Prompt Attention. N. F..MNFIELDj. JR. PARK DOUGHERTY... PARK DOUGHERTY— GEO. H. EWOLDT — G.• L. JEJ JENNINGS j. C. HORMEL, Ch. E. G. BANFIELD B. W. KOUGH 150 OVER 65 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BANKING Collections, Commercial, Savings, Insurance and Trust Departments YOUR AUSTIN BUSINESS IS SOLICITED. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION 1 Jun’34Stmt 75-643 121 ............. s I- MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis o^ Cass Hll Frank Reynold!__ G. H. Murphy_____ D. T. Bailey______ 88 ............. 12 142 48 10 N., St. Cloud. Minpls.; Minn. N„ Duluth; 1st N.,Walker. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 612 “n1de'N»me of Bank Is the New Transit Number given elc,uslyely by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. m •“? bank *5 Town and Countt. ^County Seats. Entire State in No.D Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.»New S State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Tnist B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws* MINNESQTA—Continued ‘Barley---------- 885 First National Bank. d®»t'OI A. Kaiser_____ Clearwater F7 Jun’34Stmt 75-408 Vice-President. O. A. Boalt. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. Capital G. B. Courtney___ A. F. Kaiser— O. Nelson Surplus Ond.Prof. Other and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities 25 $ Baker___ ______ 85 Baker State Bank__ ®»t| l2 Geo. W. McEvers.. Walter Cook_____ Oscar Barness__ Olay HI •Jun’34Stmt 75-1088 Balaton_____ .605 Far. & Merch. State Bank Lyon PS Jun’34Stmt 75-1555 d®t|'24 Bameavllle ...1279 First National Bank. Clay It Jun’34Stmt 75-290 F. A. Timm____ -•i’88 L. L. Olson___ Barnum______ 271 First National Bank-d®l'04 H. C. Hanson... Carlton 118 (In Thousands of Dollars) LIABILITIES. president. Jun’34Stmt 75-644 Hilding Miller___ F. A. Timm____ Bertha Loveland.. G. W. Wilhelm 25 S. O. Solnm.__ J. H. Eld ridge George H. Felde.. 50 Melvin Hanson _ Hugo Anderson__ Henry Johnson.. Angie Robison__ 10 339 $ 391 80 $ 32 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. State, Moorhead. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N.Citiz., Man kato. 27 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N , Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. and Fargo. 320 68 58 45 131 508 95 202 29 155 227 35 50 90 15 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Northern N Duluth. Am. N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ Still water; 1st N., St. P. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co, Minpls.; 1st N., Graceville. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Secur. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F. Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Pf. B Barrett_______ 858 Citizens State Bank_d®«tJ’08 H. Sampson_____ P. O. Holland__ Grant K5 Jun’34Stmt 75-645 M. R. Fuglie____ Battle Lake ...552 First National Bank..d®t'07 Martin Huseby .... J. S. Peterson.. Otter Tail J6 Jun’34Stmt 75-489 J. S. Peterson__ ‘Bandette____ 822 Lake of the Woods, Oil Bayport............ 2590 Washington N18 Beardsley_____ 406 Bigstone L2 First National Bank d®«t'06 R. M. Skinner.. Jun’34Stmt 75-647 E. C. Malmgren... 1 10 (Cap. Notes M. A. Ranstad.... T. M. Partridge__ W. J. Orr________ C. O. Stone___ H. C. Hanson Frank G. Haag 84 15) Bearer Creek..224 Beaver Creek State Bank Geo. Dunbar, Geo. Sanditede... H. W. Peters_____ Mable Dohl Rock R3 Jun 34Stmt 75-1370 d©»t$T7 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Belgrade______508 North American State Bank H. G. Borgerding.. Wm. Nelson........... A. J. Borgerding. Stearns L9 Jun’34Stmt 75-650 d®tS’89 25 339 70 48 19 25 278 25 245 305 72 76 134 155 42 30 20 89 114 25 34 15 131 157 38 20 225 272 34 52 423 70 140 395 39 First 8tate Bank___ d®J|’14 Fred C. Andersen. K. M. Lavine.......... R. G. McPherson. C. E. Alvin___ Jun’34Stmt 75-1155 Security State Bank.d®t5’S0 Fred Dittos_______ D. P. Jenk________ F. L. Collins_____ Laura Johnson.. Jun 34Stmt 75-1593 113 Cap. 25 63 150 34 46 48 24 181 Notes Belleplalne...l236 FIRST NATIONAL Scott 014 Jun 34Stmt 75-317 BANK d®t’04 BELLE Jun’34Stn?v o; ®-t06 20 G. C. HAHN. 348 M. M. GAFFNEY. 30 346 A. A. WARFIELD _ F.S. LYCAN- - - - - - - - - H.R. HENDERSON— R. H. WELLE— 50 1,040 50 1,157 237 318 50 435 231 (.AFFILIATED W J. S. EFFERTZ. Pf. 25 J. H. STRATTON---- W.J.GATZ_ _ _ _ PAUL HOWE........... 50 15 Northern Minnesota Clearing Al. Hole. House________________ ... (Membership indicated by a*) C. J. Elsenpeter. Paul Howe, Sec.__ (See pa ges 61- 62-63 1 or Num ber of Tr Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) G. H. Murphy. NATIONAL BANK fF. W. RIEGGER— OF BENSON (. AFFILIATED W ITH COiS'RADTMAA iuiTji; 178 167 385 324 158 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr„ Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 53 Chase N.,N. Y.;Cont.Ill N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi ; 1st N. Bk. & Tr Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.’ 88 170 66 108 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth. 30 193 29 30 70 26 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. 50 10 12 334 Nation 406 al, Stat e and 95 141 Private Banks, 59 87 Total N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 24 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION Swift County Bank. Inc. Oluf Gandrud____ H. E. Brom. Jun’34Stmt 75-253 dB®»’07 J. I. Davis. Ch, J. J. Lang MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, 15 c minimum: 25c min imum charge if paid, (.Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. H. B. Swenson___ V. J. Schulke.......... ®f29 87 “FIRST” IN N AME AS WELL A S “STRENGTH.” Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MLS T be accompanied by FEE IN ADV ANCE: Plain eight drafts 25c. Credit R eports, 50c. ♦Security State Bankd®tl’09 H. O. Baer_______ Ed. N. Ebert.__ Jun’34Stmt 75-125 Jun’34Stmt 75-1591 115 ITH THE NORTH WEST BANCORP ORATION NORTHERN NAT’L f W. L. BROOKS_ _ _ C. M. BACON.......... J. A.FORESTER.75-124 Jun’34Stmt BANK ‘Benson_____2095 Swift 116 d®«t’98 F. H. GROSSER- 25 5 .® tl'82 Ch. of Bd, and Free, BBeltranaiF9 "TFIRSTNAT’LBANK Jun’34Stmt 75-123 f E. 0. PETERSON— EMIL RIEDER. Principal Correspondents. Minn. N„ Duluth; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 286 30 Other Re sources 112 85 171 Pf. A 8 Loans & Dis counts 72 393 25 25 Totals RESOURCES. Cash,Ei. D.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi fromBks ties ties ...... C. A. Larson............ James H. Grina ... . 50 20 ‘ 439 527 123 134 254 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N., Minpls.;Am. Am.N., N.,St. St.pP.! Minpls.; Banks Advertising m this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 613 Number under Name of Bank is the New TraiisttJNumber' gWen to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n MINNESOTA —Continued Non*Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Principal Correspondents. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State tPrlv. ♦Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. aCounty Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings No. 9Fed.Kes.Dist. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Beroun.......... . .125 State Bank of Beroun Jun’34Stmt 75-1189 d®5’14 Pine K17 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Bertha_______ 490 First National Bk,..dB®,t’98 Todd J9 Jun’34Stmt 75-654 IstN.Bk. &Tr„ Minpls.; Minn. N„ Duluth; 1st N„ Int’l Falls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr Co., Minpls.; 1st N., G. Rap. and Deer River. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. City N. Bk. & Tr , Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Mankato. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.: IstN.Bk. & Tr, Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; IstN.Bk. & Tr., Minpls. _ 1st N. Bk. & Tr Co , Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 1st N„ Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Big Falls............440 First State Bank______ tl’07 Koochiching D14 Jun’34Strat 75-657 (Member of Northern Minnr Blgfork..............295 First State Bank.......... ®JS’13 Jun’34Stmt 75-1074 Itasca F14 Big Lake______ 417 Citizens State Bank d®«t$’25 Sherburne M14 Jun’34Stmt 75-1565 Bingham Lake243 First State Bank... d®»J5’04 Cottonw d Q8 Jun’34Stmt 75-659 Bird Island...1004 State Bk. of Bird Island Renville N9 Jun’34Stmt 75-369 d©t§'99 Blxby.... ........... .90 State Bank of Bixby_.®tJ’14 Steele Q17 Jun’34Stmt 75-1162 Blackduek___ 704 Blackduek State Bank Beltrami Fll Blomkest____ 70 Kandiyohi N9 Jun’34Stmt 75-1352 dB®tS’17 (Member Northern Minnesota State Bank of Blomkest Jun’34Stmt 75-951 t§'10 Blooming Prairie FARMERS & MERCH. STATE Steele Q17 1046 BANK___ 75-386...d®»tS 05 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont.Ill. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; IstN , St. P., Owatonna, and Austin. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Manka to. 1st N„ Chi., St. P„ and Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Jun’34Stmt FIRST N AT'L BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-385 d®t’75 ‘Blue Earth..2884 BLUE EARTH STATE BANK Faribault RI3 Jun’34Stmt 75-193 d®»t5 05 FIRST & FARMERS NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 71-191 Bongards.___ Carver N1 d®tl900 Northw. Nv Minpls. Farmers State Bank 34Stmt 75-1235 dB®tS'15 Borup............ .150 Security State Bank___ t5’08 C. I. Mattison Norman G3 Jun’34Stmt 75-663 , Erik Johnson__ Bovey______ .1248 First National Bank..d®t)05 j£n’34SJint 75-664 Itasca G15 Braham .......579 First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-665 dB®»t'04 Isanti L16 tBralnerd...10,221 Citizens State Bank d®»t&’89 Crow Wing J12 Jun’34Stmt 75-63 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-62 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis y <T~ /~/0 Northw. N. Bkf&Tr.; 1st Knrt, k N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st and Am. N. and Minn. N„ Duluth; IstN. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Minn. N„ Duluth. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; IstN., Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st and Am. N., Duluth. d®»t’81 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence fil4 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given U* each bank In u- 8- exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, •Mem.A.B.A.nNew 5 State fPriv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estah. PRESIDENT. Entire State in Vice-President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Cashier. Ass't Cashier. No.9 Fed. Res. Dist, d-Safe Deposit © Savings Brandon_____311 Citizens State Bk.. -d®t§’27 H. Sampson_______ P. O. Holland___ O. W. Harrison ___ R. A. Mohr. Douglas K7 Jun’34Stmt 75-1580 »BreckenrIdge2264 Wilkin J3 FARMERS & MERCH. STATE BANK — 75-1484..d©«t5'19 Jun’34stmt FIRST NATIONAL BANK LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus IJnd.Prof. and or Reserves $ 20 Deb. 20 Louis Gewalt____ I. C. Larsen. I. C. Larsen Other Lia bilities $ Philip M. Boll____ Tony Hiksche____ Geo. E. Buscher... Cyril Wenner. H. L. Shirley. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. MIN NESOT A—Continued 192 663 $ Halbert Shirley__ 416 Brewster..........396 First National Bk...d®»t’17 Adam Bauchle___ A. C. Severson___ A. J. Kane_______ W. G. Quarnstrom. Jun’34Stmt 75-1217 Nobles R7 P. W. Doeden Fred Koster 322 Brlcelyn_____ 509 State Bank of Bricelyn E. O. Lund_______ L. I. Flo__________ P. J. Flo_________ C.C.Gerzema. Jun’34Stmt 75-578 d®t§'99 W. E. C. Ross. Ch. Faribault R14 365 Jun’34Stmt 75-221 d®»t’85 Brooten______604 Stearns L9 Browervllle___709 Todd J10 State Bank of Brooten John Bohmer____ W. J. Bohmer____ H. O. Imsdahl____ Edwin Sandvig—. Jun’34Stmt 75-492 diS’09 C. A. Nelson First National Bank__ d®’04 Harry Lee_______ G. R. Christie____ Robt. J. Hollg........ E. W. Eickschen.. Jun’34Stmt 75-457 Brownsdale ...273 Mower R18 BrownsValley 981 Traverse L2 Brownton____ 632 McLeod Oil State Bank of Brownsdale ■Iun’34Stmt 75-670 d®t5'08 Union State Bank.......... t§'26 Jun’34Stmt 75-339 First state Bank_____»t5’02 Jun’34Stmt 75-514 N. E. Hessenius. F. E. Gerbig______ H. G. Hill.... Ch. of Bd. and Pres, D. L. Quinlan____ L. C. Bigelow_____ K. P. Doffing . R. J. Mann_______ L. G. Prahl_______ Frank Mann.. E.J.Mann______ Bernard Streich Bruno________ 167 State Bank of Bruno.d®t5’10 J. H. Lingren_____ Abe Markus______ W. M. Englund.__ Jun’34Stmt 75—672 Pine J18 ‘Buffalo_____1409 Buffalo National Bank d®t'27 O. W. Lundsten, Albert Westrup Jun’34Slpit 75-J5^r Wright M13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Buffalo Lake..545 State Rank of Buffalo Lake Jun’34Stmt 75-673 d®«’93 Renville 010 Buhl________ 1634 Buhl State Bank... d®»t§'19 Jun’34Stmt 75-1443 St. Louis F18 First National Bank.d®«t’22 Jun’34Stmt 75-674 Butterfield ___412 State Bankof Butterfield Watonwan Q10 Jun’34Stmt 75-569 d®t§’04 M. L. Lundsten... H. O. Wolff______ W. D. Oakley, S. A. Johnsoi Ch. of Bd, and Pres. E. L. ler H. M. remplin Howard E. Gould.. Eugene Eiseleln... F. N. Prelvitx.__ Ruth Kirchner.... Wm. McKinney.. F. M. Malley_____ F. S. Malley____ Edith Rosati______ 8 5 6 238 Cash,Ex. OS. Gov, & Due Securi fromBks ties $ 50 Other Securi Loans & Dis counts ties 8 106 (Incl. 82 25 807 144 8 157 489 65 382 57 414 195 25 462 25 196 235 118 153 124 40 185 17 124 180 160 76 90 9 34 237 268 66 96 221 254 79 65 78 98 M0 24 732 ........... 36 36 I 39 330 93 108 36 79 837 242 216 196 171 10 25 82 116 26 20 Deb. 10 F. H. Cash________ T. G. Flynn______ J. I. Anderson____ 35 64 107 7 53 29 230 270 44 138 64 J. Brogger_______ P. A. Friesen____ E. Brogger______ 85 101 20 Byron................. 323 State Bk. of Byron. . d®*t8’04 F. M. Williams ___ H. P. Whitcomb— D. E. Whitcomb. Olmsted Q19 Jun’34Stmt 75-676 151 174 33 25 293 330 29 25 280 347 121 20 86 107 940 1,057 246 60 269 452 G. A. Wellner____ ‘Caledonia ...1554 Caledonia Stale Bank O. E. Burtness ___ N. C. Koel.... .......... A. M. Eiken... Houston R23 Jun’34Stint 75-1073 ®t5’13 First National Bank____*t’99 H. J. Blexrud____ W. E. McNelly___ L. J. Beddow. Jim’34Stmt 75-289 Alice Sargeant____ W. A. King______ Pf. 25 Sprague State Bk. _dB®»t5’75 E. A. Sprague........ R. E. Sprague_____ D. O. Merlo__ Jun’34Stmt ♦ 75-288 H. E. Wisland... Geo. H. Norum 60 Calumet_____ 805 Calumet State Bank.d®t5T9 C. R. Alaniva____ J. Jaffe..................... W. C. Holt... Itasca G16 Jun’34Stmt 75-1461 Cambria_____ 125 Cambria State Bankd®15’19 Dan W. Harrli___ F. H. Krook______ H. H. Prahl. . Blue Earth PI2 Jun’34Stmt 75-1448 ‘Cambridge ..1183 Cambridge State Bank Erick Erickson. ‘Ksom . E. R. V. v. Jiricksjm.... Erickson... H. A- Jir Isanti L16 75-1L * 75-1140 dB®T*t§'14 Ch. of Bd. kerlik— oSsf^ittelL^ H. B. Lu P. W, Dahlgren__ 25 40 73 68 66 (,Incl. U. S. Secur.) 34 170 Other Re sources Principal Correspondents. N. City, N. Y.: Am. N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. U.S. Secur.) 164 399 Totals 97 75 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N„ St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. ChaseN., N.Y.; Cont.Ill. N.Bk.&Tr.Co ,Chi.;lst N„ St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Worthington N., Worthington. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr.,Minpls. ;lstN.,St.P. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Austin. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N., St. P. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. City N. Bk. &Tr., Chi.; 1st and Am. N.,Duluth. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; Minn. N., Duluth. Cont. Ill. N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. and Rochester. 1st N„ Chi.; State Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse, Wis.; Merch., Winona. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 30 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st and Am. N. and Minn. N„ Duluth; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Northw. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; N. Citiz., Mankato. ^ Chase N.-iN.Y.; Northw. JurrslSrart--— Canby______ 1738 National Citizens Bank Wm. Kankerlik. Yellow Medicine Jun’34Stmt 75—273 d®‘t'94 04 Minnesota Map on mao, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . Lueders..! 25 Pf. 40 N.City.N.Y. (.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr.,Chi.; Northw. N.Bk.&Tr. Co..Minpls. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ""— Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given cid to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* O10 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.«New {State tPriv. tMem. State B. Aas’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Barings Liabilities. President. C. W. Gress, Goodhue 017 Jun’34Stmt 75-284 d®»t’78 Security State Bank Jun'34Stmt^75-1238 d®tS’27 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, MINNESOTA—Continued Vice-President. A. T. Scriver... Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Albert Scriver A. W. Swanson---- Eldridge L. Peters Capital 8 $ 60 S 12 Totals 672 $ 756 Resources. Other loans Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Re Securi 4 Dis Securi& Due ties ties counts sources IromBks i 362 3 180 S 108 {One Branch) D. Fay Case_____ J. A. Anderson.... D. Fay Case_____ W. L. Eiler______ R. O. Underdahl Carlos.... ..........178 First State Bank....d®t5’04 Jas. B. Hove____ A. M. Kohlhaas__ Samuel Myers___ Hazel Myers. Jun’34Stmt 75—679 Douglas E8 (Member of Northern Minuet ota Clearing House, Bemidji, Minn.) Castle Rock___ 84 First State Bank ..d®»t§’16 D. A. Wallace___ H. A. Danm-------- P. C. Records__ Jun’34Stmt 75-1314 Dakota 016 Stanley P. Billey— 104 134 25 25 30 331 419 212 25 10 303 10 60 80 35 48 4 27 281 346 204 78 150 186 54 75 23 178 375 J. G. McGlashen— Wm. Kooiman. Charles Degen — R. W. Dols. A, C. First State Bank—d©*t{'56 G. A. Hajen___ *_ M. D. Bolginger__M. D. Bolsinger/s. <rVwtml‘75-U0'; L.._ .......___ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Choklo........... 386 Stevens L4 Clara City___ 730 Chippewa N7 Clarissa____ .444 Todd J9 Clarkfleld____ 802 Yellow Medicine N5 Clarks Grove.. 180 Freeborn Q16 ' A 12 Deb. 42 2 115 28 45 7 10 70 84 11 45 25 30 556 619 82 119 247 153 50 1,400 25 1,558 106 724 490 223 725 50 902 175 80 296 320 435 100 252 r- fG.L.TRAIN------- R. MATURI- j. OSBOLT. 1,191 276 103 BethOnstine------Walter Kretzschmar Catharine Howard. A M. Schilling 50 5:»co"--- 100 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and Jun’34Stmt 75-73 d®»f05 (25 I15 CENTS for ea ch credit report nsures prompt,pe rsonal attention. O. L. Baldrica-----L. O. Kirby______ Frank Gouzu ._ Miners State Bank.d®»+§’05 S. R. Kirby, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 75-74 Chokio State Bank___®t5’01 L.O.Dorweiler.__ L. C. Dorweiler. Jr. A. J. Reichmuth.. W. A. Grossman— Jun’34Stmt 75-589 Citizens State Bank—®t}’02 W. D. Grashnis.__ J. P. Berghuis____ J. B. Stager, Jr.— John Caspers... Jun’34Stmt 75-485 P. J. Thein______ P. A. Sanderson— H. G. Rostomily__ B. A. Behrends — Clara City State Bank M. S. Carl Jun’34Stmt 75-484 d®t§'92 Farmers State Bank d®tS'15 O. K. Forberge.__ O. P. Shelstad------ J. A. Setterman — R. M. Lundquist .. Jun’34Strat 75-1242 J. W. Frantz------- R. R. Anderson ... Farmers & Merch. State Bank T. F. Sprieter____ G. Grinager........ Jun’34Stmt 75-1447 d®«t§'19 Statr bank of Clarks Grove J. C. Johnson____ Andrew Hanson— A. J. Lageson----- R. B. Johnson-----Jun’34Stmt 75-687 d®*t5'03 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 46 75-214 Cbatfleld___ 1886 First N ational Bank. d©Tt’03 Joseph Underleak. F. G. Stoudt, Act... A. O. Kroeen... R. J. Halloran. Jun’34Stmt 75-311 T. W. Pease Fillmore Q20 Chisholm___ 8308 St. Louis F17 74 67 Cap. Notes Cbanbassen...l28 State Bank of Chanhassen D. W. Du Toil....... A. M. Pauly_____ E. F. Kelm___ Carver N15 Jun’34Stmt 75-1458 d®tS'19 Mrs. G. A. DuToit. K. K. Klammer.. D. W. Du Tolt___ ‘Chaska____ 1901 Carver County State Bank W. H, Burkhart Carver N15 Jun’34Stmt 75-213 d®tS‘70 Jun’34Stmt 33 20 5 First National Bank____ ‘06 C. H. Klein______ C. P. Klein. 102 88 10 Cedar_______ 64 Farmers State Bank. d©t§'17 N. A. Johnson___ W. C. Hicks_____ H. J. McClintick Jim’34Stmt 75-1368 Anoka M16 50 ‘Center City ..285 Chisago County State Bank J. E. Melin_____ J. C. Carlson___ Everett 8tromrren Chisago L18 Jun’34Stmt 75-683 d©»t§’03 \. E. F. Vollratb-----20 Ceylon............475 State Bank of Ceylon....tS'Ol H. A. Saggau.—T H. Schuoler_____ O. E. Champi Deb. 10 Jun’34Stmt 75-586 Martin RIO Chandler____ 250 State Bank of Chandler R. Fitzpatrick----- H. C. Conradi_ Murray Q6 Jun’34Stmt 75-684 d®l§’02 20 70 15 Ernest Flemming.. E. R. Hall.............. Bertha Peterson— Pf. F. W. Christensen 36 244 Cap. Notes 10 O. F. Walters___ Ray A. Butts____ Hilda R. Larson — ‘Carlton........... 687 First National Bank d©*t'03 J. F. Hynes, Pf. Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Jun’34Stmt 75-680 Carlton 119 78 211 25 Henry Haldorson.. Oscar Swensoi___ Carlisle_______ 40 Farmers State Bank__»tS’15 H. G. Dahl. Ch. of Bd. and Pret. Albert Hexum Jun’34Stmt 75-1227 Otter Tail J4 Cass Lake ___ 1409 First National Bank.d®»t’02 A. J. Hole_____ Jun’34Stmt 75—682 Cass Gil (in Thousands of Dollars) Ond.ProI. Other lia Surplus and or Deposits Reserves bilities ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier. 75 391 25 40 1,013 25 74 595 145 25 493 552 97 298 147 15 108 129 32 15 58 25 156 189 60 12 27 144 175 40 30 85 343 370 33 150 178 196 231 42 93 57 256 37 47 155 25 240 Principal Correspondents. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,St.P.; IstN.Bk. &Tr.,Minpls, Fergus Falls, N., Fergus Falls; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st and Am. N., Duluth. Chase N., N. Y.; Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N„ St. P.; Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Live Stk. N., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Merch. N., Ced. R. Midland N. Bk. & Tr, Co., Minpls.; 1st N.. Pipestone. 3 Northw. N., Minpls. 18 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 31 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Drovers N., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. N. City, N. Y.; City N., Duluth; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; N., 1st & Am. N„ Duluth. 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. & Am. N., St. P. 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., & Am. N.,St. P. 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Am. N., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N.. Chi., Albert Lea and St. P.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Owatonna. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. ci c UJ.U Town and County. *County Seats. Entire State in No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. Clearbrook___ 401 Clearwater F7 •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. }Mem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. PRESIDENT. ♦Fed. Res.DeptsiT-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings First State Bank.........®t5’10 L.Jenseu. Jun’34Stmt 75-688 Liabilities. Vice-President. J. Strommer.. E. P. Pevey Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Principal Loans Other Other A Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Re Correspondents. fromBks ties ties counts sources S 73 16 3 8 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. 28 $ 91 $ Cash,Ei. U.S.Gov. Totals 15 $ 3 S 10 2 10 130 152 22 $ 20 4 3 100 127 17 25 5 5 163 198 23 100 50 37 2,094 $ 108 2,389 423 30 10 3 338 20 401 44 30 47 53 950 1,080 100 25 5 11 229 10 280 92 66 6 25 445 3 $ 195 $ 216 A. Henderson Cleveland........ 290 Peoples State Bank—d©i§’31 A. Rohlflng_______ Carl G. W. Grnhfir . Le Suenr P14 Jun’34Stmt 75-691 Wendelschafer Clinton .537 Clinton State Bank__ ®J5’03 Big Stone L3 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 75-565 C. L. Wolf O. T. Harrison____ Leona Larson____ M. F. M. PRINCE FIRST NAT’L BANK |(R. WEYERHAEUSER d®«J1900 OndJrof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities $ _ Clearwater. ...212 Clearwater State Bank..tS'05 W. A. Shaw______ . D. I. Phillips........... D.W. Palmer... Wright M13 Jun’34Stmt 75-590 Cloquet. 6782 Carlton 119 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. MINNESOTA—Continued - GUY C. SMITH W N CAMPBELL 6 40 20 73 90 20 146 749 934 232 22 140 170 321 615 10 43 130 17 36 48 40 285 42 231 30 44 63 87 219 40 10 10 152 20 30 55 Jun’34Stmt 75-87 Cokato.............1125 First National Bank ®»t’l6 O. A. Holmer__ C. E. Harkman — Wright N12 Jun’34Stmt 75-1317 John Werness, Ch. Carl Titrnd C. J. Eklund, Luther C. Peterson A. Cash. „ •• STATE BANK OF COKATO R. M. Peterson.... C. E. Oiterberg ... Jun'34Stmt 75-434 dB®«tS’92 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. B. A. Bonstrom Cold Spring. .1147 First National Bank ...®t’06 Anton E. Mnggli.. Fred V. Stein____ Fred V. Stein . Stearns L12 Jun’34Stmt 75—482 Fred V. Stein. Ch. Agnes M. Stein •• _____ Ida Muggli________ •• 10 2 25 25 5 365 Cologne.............355 State Bank of Cologne L.J. Dols.................. John Knotz.............. H. 8 Dols Carver N14 Jun’34Stmt 75-697 d®5’03 33 7 10 181 Conger................. 87 State Bank of Conger Fred Behrends.__ Chas. Sprenger.... John G. Walk____ Agatha Carstensen Freeborn R15 Jun’34Stmt 75-699 d®*tJ’07 10 8 2 198 Cook...................272 Farmers & Merchants State Fred Anderson.... St. Lonis E18 Bank Inc..75-1403.d®*»’17 15 3 2 121 141 28 10 H. L. Swanson____ Eleanore G. Koch . Cap. 2 42 59 5 State Bank of Cold Spring N. C. Wenner.. Jun’34Stmt 75-483 d®«’08 Coleraine 1243 First National Bk,..d®»t’06 F. E. King________ S. S. Blacklock.__ D. M. Vermilyea.. Itasca G15 Jun’34Stmt 75-696 Cosmos 239 Meeker Nil Jun’34Stmt First State Bank.—d®t8’14 Jun’34Stmt 75-1133 F. W. Rowbottom. A. C. Refsdal 54 1 49 Notes Cottonwood___615 Empire State Bank—d®t§*16 T. F. Spreiter.......... C. O. Sather______ R. A. Gluth. . Lyon P6 Jun’34Stmt 75-1308 Courtland.... 260 Nicholas Reinhart. H. H. Berg___ _. Nicollet P12 Jun’34Stmt 75-701 dB©ti'05 25 5 2 315 347 95 10 3 1 86 100 27 50 10 133 193 44 38 15 1,516 238 40 8 298 78 108 15 10 25 5 22 373 450 60 46 Currie_______ 435 Currie State Bank__ d©t§’31 Henry Paal, Sr.. W. F. Sweetman__ H. G. Eiselein____ M. H. Keary______ Murray Q6 Jun’34Stmt 75-1598 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 20 4 5 140 169 53 Cyrus-------------- 386 Farmers State Bk,..d®t5’15 Jnlius Halvorsou.. L. M. Meckelson „ C. O. Ofsthnn____ F. T. Olson Jun’34Stmt 75-1261 Pope L6 .... 15 3 i 68 87 O. E. Bjorgaard—. C. W. Sagvold------ 20 4 123 149 W. E. Eckhardt— .Crookston ...6321 Crookston Trust Co. G. O. Hage, V. L. MacGregor.. E. M. Lonne, Sec... A. M. Hage, A. Sec. Polk E3 Jun’34Stmt 75-82 dB®Tt5’17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. M _____ M FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( H. L. MARSH - S.A. WALLACE- H i wii tns M. E. WALKER — L. R. ERICKSOR ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and ®»t’81 U5 CENTS for ea ch credit report In sures prompt, per sonal attention. Polk County State Bank Chas. K. Kiewei__ J. J. Medved_____ W. S. Ericson.. _ .[. R. Lowham Jun’34Stmt 76-81 d®»t5T3 Pf. 62 22 38 36 " Crosby 3451 First National Bank—d®»’10 E.W.Hallett____ E. R. Burns______ R. G. Harte_ Crow Wing 113 Jun’34Stmt 75-702 F. E. Murphy •• •* State Bank of Cyrus. d®t5’01 P. O. Lee_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-705 Minnesota Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .. A. H. Toftner 235 Cap. Notes 25 44 1st N„ Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. &Tr„ IstN. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 5 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 30 Chase N., N. Y.; Minn. N.t Duluth; North. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 7 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Minpls. 7 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Al bert Lea; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 8 Minn. N„ Duluth; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.; Am. Ex. N., Va. 5 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Citiz., Hutchinson. 92 111 9 60 42 19 345 270 41 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 17 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. N. Y.; Am. N„ St. P.; 1st N„ Grand Forks. 234 82 28 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Minn. N., 7 10 93 6 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. ;N. Citiz.,Man- 18 10 8 44 29 9 29 72 7 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ st. r. 10 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Am. N„ St. P. 35 13 Am. N.,St. P. 4 N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 53 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Jun’34Stmt 75-78 ____ & Tr., Minpls.; Minn. N.. Duluth. 11 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr.. Chi.: Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 51 Chase N, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. 25 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; Am. N.. St. P. Duluth. kato. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence fz-i >7 01/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings *County Seats. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Darfur_______ 101 State Bank of Darfur Watonwan Q10 Jun’34Stmt 75-700 dB®«tl’03 Meeker M12 Ass’t Cashier. Julia Connolly___ D. L. Connolly. .. M. H. Cny State Bank of Danvers d®t§'01 Jun’34Stmt 75-708 Swift M6 Cashier. O. T. Lien_______ A. L. Hanson Dalton________ 182 Jun’34Stmt 75-706 OtteT Tail J5 Farmers State Bank.d®t§’14 Jun’34Stmt 75-1130 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Resources. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Other Loans Other Und.Prof. & Due Securi- Securi- 4 DisReTotals Capital Surplus and or Deposits LitfromBks ties ties counts sources bilities Reserves $ Pkin C1PAL Correspondents. 18 $ 11 $ 70 $ 50 $ 5 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 159 34 28 28 64 5 IstN., St. P.; Northw. N. 298 316 100 48 37 126 5 Northern Tr. Co.. Chi.; 161 174 72 21 10 $ 2 $ 4 % 138 15 3 1 130 4 % 154 $ Cap. Notes Charles Elg______ H. O. Johnson___ 10 10 4 J. A. McRaith 10 3 25 5 2 221 $ 27 285 51 94 Minpls.; Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. and N. Citiz., Mankato. 66 15 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Northw. N., Litchfield. 64 62 14 Northw. N., Minpls. O. S. Knudsen......... Glenn E. Blomquist Elmer Bratsch___ C. M. Johnson. Dawson 13KR Northwestern National Bank....75-1602__ d®*m Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Henry Goldstein Lac aui Parle N5 Pf. 5 C. G. Miller........... 25 5 4 100 25 159 17 40 9 80 13 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25 5 1 274 30 335 27 134 72 70 32 City N. and Minn. N., Duluth. Deerwood........552 First National Bank d®»t'10 F. W. Schwanke— B. Magoffin, Jr.___ O. N. Nelson____ Arnold Newstrom. Crow Wing 113 Jun’34Stmt 75-712 30 6 2 178 41 257 27 30 56 123 21 Am. N., St. P.; Minn. N„ Duluth; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. C. J. Buckley____ Bert Gilmer_____ Harry Kuka_____ Gertrude M. Stoltz Delano 914 STATE BANK OF DELANO C. W. Eppel Jun’34Stmt 75-344 d©»tl'08 Wright N14 20 5 5 268 298 26 54 67 146 5 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 10 2 7 148 167 17 38 75 35 2 1st N., Albert Lea; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 10 3 4 227 244 51 32 58 99 4 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 12 4 2 144 66 55 9 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 366 228 40 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Fargo. 6 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. Jun’34Stmt B. A. Hompe ___ Deer Creek ___337 First National Bank in Deer Creek.— 75-710.... d®t‘29 Otter Tail J8 Theo. L. Lee ___ Jun’34Stmt M. R. Adams G. H.Herreid____ Deer River___ 832 First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-711 dBS>«t'08 Itasca G14 Edward Hahn... Farmers State Bank dB®J5'09 Faribault Q13 Jun’34Stmt 75-599 Goodhue 017 Jun’34Stmt Otter Tail I« Jun’34Stmt 7577*7 State Bank of Dennison 75-716 d®tS’08 P. G. Hauge_____ Albert Running... P. G. Hange R. Hauge ■T. .Tr TforrTis Farmers State Bank___ t|’08 — AXHkAAA A K /TW __ iwtr Jf, J Edw. J. Stoll____ 1uj» r r 1 v 102 608 241 415 72 281 47 15 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 105 134 30 5 88 11 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1 35 48 8 6 5 156 186 47 820 25 J. K. McCarthy___ Geo. J. Haas_____ J. L. Gunhus-------Deb At) C. C. Williams P. E. Sanford 25 6 861 Theo. Albrecht, H. T. Heley_____ H. R. Whitney___ A. E. Stockman... 25 Dodge Center .854 Dodge Center State Bank V. C. Crouch Deb. 25 Jun’34Stmt 75-1545 ®JS’22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Dodge Q18 5 6 353 15 3 1 10 2 20 5 Stevens L5 Detroit State Bank d®#tl’19 Jun’34Stmt 75-1480 Farmers & Merchants State J. H. Holdgrafer _ Bank........75-1046_____t§’12 i 957 18 •• -32 / J r 93 f •• ff62 <\L w 948 50 ‘Detroit P. S. Peterson___ M. J. Reilly_____ Alden Pearson___ W. B.Sch wants.__ Becker County Nat. Bank F. J, Rogstad Lakes 3675 Jun’34Stmt 75-1576 d®*J’27 Becker H6 n 50 1 221 Deb. 10 Jun’34Stmt Farmers State Bank.d®t}’16 A. H. Waive Hubbard H9 Jun’34Stmt 76-1475 Olmsted Q21 Jim’34Stmt' 75-723"" MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ” Peter Avenson.... B. B. Rank______ D. M. Robertson.. H. Brown . ____ M. E. Comingore .. 2 26 6 1st N„ St. P. 44 89 6 Drov. N„ Chi.; Merch., Winona; 1st N., 1 Rochester. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence fi 1 8 _ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given eac“ bank *3 U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire S_tate_in No.9Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.p.A.»New 1 State tPrlv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Eitab. ♦Fed.Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. {In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. MINNESOTA—Continued LIABILITIES. President. ^Duluth ...101,463 Bank of Commerce & Sav Jay E. Markle. St. Louis H21 ings ------ 75-10_____ ®T$'15 Vice-President. R. Graham. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Capital C. W. McLyman__ Alice C. Carlson... 8 Surplus 100 $ Dad.Prof. and or Deposits Reserves 20 $ $ Other Lia bilities 330 Totals Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other Securi Securi ties ties j A Due fromBks $ 455 8 80 $ 50 8 Loans & Dis counts 10:8 Other Re sources 30 Mnfrs. Tr. Co.,N.Y.;lst N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 58 15 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 53 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. City N. and Northern N., Duluth. Bkrs. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 285 8 Jun’iMStmt Central State Bank __d®t5’ll H. H. Peyton. 75-8 (New Duluth P. O.) D. H. Lewis______ Lester Johnson. John Borich_____ 25 109 140 66 5,942 2,235 Jun’34Stmt *CITY NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-3 1dB®T»t'02 Duluth Morris Flan Co. Jun’34Stmt 75-1553 R. M. Sellwood. H. S. Macgregor__ H. C. Matzke_____ R. H. Magle. 600 250 155 4,612 $ J. G. Williams F. W. Buck. A. C. Weiss L. W. B. Hegg____ P. C. Pichetti____ T. W. Hoopes, K. S. Cant. A. Tr. V. P. and Tr. 125 25 118 241 N. Eytcheson_____ 3. V. Hagberg. R. S. Carlson 200 51 1,359 99 1,724 531 23,821 1,250 ®»J5’17 A. C. Armstrong, Exec. V. P. *Duluth National Bank W. J. Eklund_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-7 d®»t'10 ’FIRST AND AMERICAN NATIONAL DANK Jun’34Stmt 75-1 1dB®T»t’81 ’MINNESOTA NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-15 75-4 COLLECTIONS AND ACCOUNTS OF 397 240 147 526 604 207 29,102 12,494 6,364 2,982 6,485 777 1,975 768 892 233 N. Y. Tr.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk.&Tr.Co.,Minpls.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 3,033 3,175 107 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st Wls. N., Mil.; 1st N., St. P. 122 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st & Am. N., Duluth. 20 N. Y. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Minn. N., Duluth. PS. 1,500 A,Tr’0ff’ 60 65 4,173 454 5,352 1,484 B. L. GRIGGS- - - - - - - - S. R, KIRBY- - - - - - - - - - LEWIS 0. CASTLE — L. 0. ANDERSON J. 8. WILLIAMS, J. if. LYOER, W.W.SMIMG.A.V.P. P R PA.W Ch. of Bd. V. P. andTr. Off. A. B. MILLER. ^ M. D. GALLEHER. LEWIS G. CASTLE Sec. and A. Tr. Off. A. Sec 1,000 200 173 6,743 751 8367 2,552 Quick returns on all collections. dB®T»t’09 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) WE INVITE YOUR DULUTH BUSINESS. SEND US YOUR ITEMS DIRECT. 50 147 100 715 d®tl’87 Fred B. Britts... 100 338 E. E. Webber. M. J. Solberg D. O. Wakeman . 150 599 W. P. Mahoney___ Duluth Clearing House____ I. S. Moore_______ W. F. McLean____ W. J. Eklund, I. S. Moore, Mgr.. (Members indicated by a*) Sec. and Tr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58 600 Western National Bank Alfred Hoel____ 75-6 d®t’27 (.West Duluth P.O.) MINNESOTA Map on Index 31 509 B. M. PEYTON- - - - - - - CAV0UR HARTLEY - W F. McLEAN_ _ _ _ _ J. R. C0LBECK, i Tr. Off. H. S..PEYTON, PEYTON, a A. Tr. Off. J. E. BROWN St. Louis County State Bank Chas. A. Britts ___ Jun’34Stmt 1,724 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION. Pioneer National Bank H. H. Peyton_____ T.G. Bell.................. J.L. Peyton.__ Jun’34Stmt 75-0 d®»t’27 Louis Ramstad 75-5 500 631 BANKS SOLICITED. Park State Bank____ d®t#'16 D. H. Lewis______ Oliver Renstrom.. Oliver Renstrom _ H. E. Halvorson... Jun’34Stmt 75-11 | Jun’34Stmt 1,500 1,299 d®T»t'20 ’NORTHERN NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt ISAAC S.M0°RE— J. D. MAHONEY- - - - - W. A. PUTMAN. G. W. RONALD V. P. and Cash. H. t, GRIEl G. P. TWEED. Ch. of Bd. E L. PALMER. R. W. HOTCHKISS. W. K. ALFORD V0ff' u „ v• p‘ COLIN THOMSON W. G. HEGARDT. Tr n H. U. MOORE. _ JOHN L. EVANS, And. A.V.P. A. V.P, and Tr. Off. JOHN C. DWAN, 325 100 149 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Principal Correspondents. 206 48 938 128 478 164 909 118 265 208 Nation al, Stat e and Chase N., Irv. Tr,, and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mlnpls. ;MarineTr.,Buff.; Phil. N„ Phil.; Mel lon N., Pitt.; 2d N., Bos.; N. Bk. of Det., Det.; 1st Wls. N., Mllw.; Dom. Bk. of Can., Winnipeg; Im perial Bk. of Can., Toronto. 36 346 179 100 162 52 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st & Am. N., Duluth. 368 85 130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Private Banks, Total Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 619 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McN ally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Liabilities. Town and Coontt. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §8tate fPrlv. ^County Seats. Entire State in {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PaasiDiNT. Vioi-Pmsidbnt. Ass’t Cabhiib Cabhiib. Geo. R. Christie Eagle Bend....575 First National Bank......... ©’02 Jun’34Stmt 75-500 Todd J0 Polk El Faribault Q13 Jun’34Stmt 75-1592 5 30 ». E. Heyman.. C. J. Benson_____ E. N. Scott. W. B. Bergstrom lergstrom.. , F. Abbott 50 30 244 258 25 319 28 119 155 25 3 l^r 45 V^L.0 10 380 70 135 124 41 Jacob Bischof. M. E. Finken_____ 115 144 30 25 J. B. Doornwaard M. L. Vanderbush . 182 213 50 43 127 157 43 39 282 114 60 335 50 77 94 97 479 98 86 141 135 108 129 102 17 110 46 87 F. H. Fruechte — Herbert H. Bank of Elbow Lake_-dBt§’87 H. Sampson _ Jun’34Stmt 75-418 G. V. Sampson____ Lynka Sampson... E. J. Feldman P. O. Holland____ Fruechte 25 First National Bk.........d®»'91 Panl Hanson_____ H. A. Pikop---------- W. H. Goetzinger— A.M. Nelson— Marjory Blomsness Pf. 25 Jun’34Stmt 75-419 255 20 J. H. Romdenne__ Charles H. Bade... M.C.Tesch---------H. M. Stanz Cap. 404 20 Notes First National Bk...d®»t’07 L. K. Houlton___ S. R. Houlton____ R. A. Ellingson.__ C. M. Bressler------Jun’34Stmt 75-384 J. F. Schneider ... G. S. Hanson_____ Elkton________ 91 Farmers State Bank. d®t§’13 Samuel Swenson__ Mower R19 Jun’34Stmt 75-1111 Ellendale..........385 Ellendale State Bank M. P. Miller. Jim’34Stmt 75-1280 d®*t5’16 Steele Q16 L. J. Brynestad S. J. Sande— Security State Bk.—d®151900 C. J. Aronson____ H. M. Anderson__ W. E. steeie. Jun’34Stmt 75-735 Milford Lageson Ch. of Bd Elmore_______ 744 First National Bank—.11900 C. F. Henkel.. Jun’34Stmt 75-414 Faribault R13 C. F. B. Weyer___ A. F. Weyer.. Elrosa________ 197 Elrosa State Bank______ S’19 C. Borgerding___ Jun’34Stmt 75-1306 Steams L9 H. G. Borgerding.. M. Bauer. Ely__________ 6156 First National Bank .d®»t’07 R. M. Sellwood___ Geo. T. Ayres____ G. T. Somero. Jun’34Stmt 75-736 St. Louis E21 Wm. Warburton.. A.J. Long-----Elyslan.... ......... 388 Elysian State Bank ...d»tS’07 J. R. Clarke. Jun’34Stmt 75-737 Le Sueur P14 Nick Nelson_____ T. K. Troe------Emmons_____292 First National BankdB®»t’03 W.L. Menge. Jun’34Stmt 75-738 Freeborn R15 Erhard State Bank....dtS’13 H. H. KnobelJun’34Stmt 75-1090 Amei.can State Bank__ t§’29 C. M. Berg______ Jun’34Stmt 75-1587 25 25 347 409 50 10 148 164 32 10 178 208 20 Deb. 15 160 204 20 152 179 50 216 20 Deb.15 Sedate Finch------- P. Hickman_______ E. A. Nelson, Act... L. N. Riley— Ellsworth___ 644 Ellsworth State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-508 d®«tf’93 E. A. Brown, Nobles R5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 R. S. Schmid ... Eitzen State Bank---------- tl'09 H. H. Fruechte-__ H. E. Deters. Jun’34Stmt 75-731 MINNESOTA Map On Index 33 85 Eltzen_______ 136 Houston R24 ‘Elbow Lake.. .903 Grant E5 Jun’34Stmt 75-383 Minpls.; N orthfleld N., Northfield. WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COR PORATION E. A. Arnold.. State Bk. in Eden Valley .Jun’34Stmt 75-428 d®t5’32 A. H. Jansen. State Bank of Edgerton Jun’34Stmt 75-730 d®‘t5'08 Erhard_______ 121 Otter Tall 15 Ersklne_______511 Polk F5 10 176 W. C. Ascheman . A. J. Ramspott___ T. W. Loonan__ State Bank of Easton Aug’34Stmt 75-1608 d®t§’34 ‘Elk River__ 1026 Bank of Elk River.d®«t5’85 C. M. Babcock.. & Due Securi ties fromBks 98 u vW Eden Valley ...612 Meeker Mil Edgerton......... 627 Pipestone Q4 Sherburne M15 -42-0 ----- ~~ - V- l AFFILIATED ,-s25 i St _ H. G. GIESE- - - - - - - - R. M. LOCKWOOD — E.GrandForks2922 MINNESOTA NATIONAL BK. 80 10 Resources. Principal Other Loans Other Correspondents. ReSecuri & Dis sonroes counts ties 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 50 Cash.Ei. O.S.Gov. Totals Cap. Notes . Wv Bouslougt/. H, H. E. Walseth—T. Jun’34Stmt y75~a Easton_______ 297 S (in Thousands of Dollars) Dnd.Prof. Other Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities Capital No.8Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Dundao______ 377 Duunas .State HauK ...d®J’12 L. F. Shandorf ___ R. L. Shandorf— J. A. Conrad. Jiui’34Stmt 75-1043 Rice 016 J. C. Bliesmer. Dunnell____ ..237 First National Bank dB®tl900 G. L. Larson, Ch. ofBd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 75-727 Martin RIO Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see laws. MINNESOTA—Continued C. J. Katzenmeyer. E. A. Strom Wm. J. Mudge ... Frank Roemhildt. 17 20 301 128 45 68 (Incl. U.S.) 58 28 26 173 97 318 100 14 89 50 37 119 35 54 708 812 284 111 131 26 210 280 61 M. I. Grina_______ Edward Thompson 111 128 18 24 60 Geo. A. Beito_____ 1.1. Stenerson— Brown Duckstad 240 270 63 99 61 Reidar Bjornstad.. 28 Merch. N„ Ced. R.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Stk. Yds. N„ So. St. P. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpis.; .Minn. . Duluth. ^ TCity-N., Chi.; 1st N„ #. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 10 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Min pls.; 1st N., St. P.; Red River N. Bk. & Tr., Grand Forks, N. D. N.Citiz., Mankato; IstN. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. &Tr„ Minpls. 3 Northw. N., Minpls. and Litchfield. 8 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Pipestone Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Cont.Ill.N.Bk.&Tr.,Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. N„ St. P. 17 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., andlst N. Bk. &Tr.Co., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 19 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Austin State, Austin; Midland N. Minpls. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; Sec. Bk. & Tr., Owatonna. 1st N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; Secur. N. Bk. & Tr., Sioux F., S. D. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Met. N., Minpls. 10 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; North Am. State, Belgrade. Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N„ Duluth. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., Albert Lea; Merch. N., Ced. Rap. IstN., Fergus Falls. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Minn. N., Duluth. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by Tbe Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. con Town and oountt. eMem.A.B.A. ANew {State tPrlr. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Evan___ Brown P10 131 State Bank of Evan____ t|’04 Jun’34Stmt 75-742 PRESIDENT. W. W. Vice-President. L. O. Larson. Eveleth. __7484 First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-88 d®T»J1900 St. Louis F19 R. M. II Miners National Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-84 d®»t’08 G. A. Cashier. ASS'T Smith____ Christ Moeensen.. Wm. G. McPhee__ K. Evansville.__ 897 Fanners State Bank.... t|’07 K. O. Sattre... Jun’34Stmt 75-560 Douglas K6 Whitman__ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Y. cashier. McPhee___ I. S. Sattre______ V. M. Meissner.__ Cornwell__ A. I. Nailund Jas. A. Robb_____ Alfred Hoel... „ J. R. Schuknecht. E. A. Kefgen L. G. Castle Capital LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Ond.Prof. Loans Other Gash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Surplus and or Deposits Lia k Dae Securi Securi- k Dis Totals Reserves ties bilities fromBks ties counts 2 $ 2 $ 15 De&.lO 3 2 156 100 100 3 1,487 8 25 10 8 402 8 10 S $ 43 57 $ 24 $ $ 15 Other Re sources 15 } Principal Correspondents. 3 41 111 2 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Mlnpls.; Minn. N., Duluth. 480 647 202 45 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. 74 110 237 29 186 23 25 1,715 341 25 490 9 $ N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N., Duluth. Pf. 20 Excelsior___ 1072 Minnetonka State Bank O. W. Lundsten, D. W. DnToit . .. I. O. Kragness__ E. W. Dawson ____ Hennepin N15 Jun’34Stmt 75-850 d®t*'06 Ch. of Bd. and Pro*. D. B. Lundsten 25 10 10 450 495 97 103 106 167 Eyota________404 Farmers State Bank-d®t{'13 20 4 4 96 124 22 0 9 87 20 4 2 251 277 81 38 19 133 6 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25 10 3 305 25 368 80 37 84 150 17 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 50 10 8 730 20 818 179 51 292 240 56 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 30 9 868 100 1,107 191 411 263 155 87 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 2 550 85 717 114 145 35 332 91 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 414 73 26 118 144 53 1st N„ Chi.; Am. N„ St. P.; Marquette N„ Min pls. ; Merch., Winona. 2,485 533 472 636 766 78 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Empire N. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Olmsted Q20 Louis Hammel____ T. F. Frauke____ Elizabeth A. Steichen Jun’34Stmt 75-1108 Fairfax_____ 916 Citizens State Bank-d®t5'01 Reuben SelL„___ Ernest Luedtke__ A. R. Quast............ W. B. Frank Jun’34Stmt 75-400 Renville OlO .. First National Bank...d®'10 Mrs. E. F. Sell___ A. G. Briese. Jun’34Stmt 75-401 iMrmont__ 5521 Martin Rll Jun’34Stmt •e fA. R. FANCHER— H. E. WADE_ _ _ J. F. HAECKEL < For Quick Servl ce Send Vs Your Items ) Remitted For on Day of Payme nt. d®«t'07 yPlmin Sight Dr aftt lSe. Credit Raportt IS*. FAIRMONT NATIONAL BANK 75-164 ii FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt M M r”*~ 75-168 di®K’94 L n.t. run i tii-——— FRED L PORTER — A. a’.Vroye* MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis d|®T*J’94 Prof.) Louise Wohlheter. 75 Wm. F. Hopke.__ 50 10 14 340 6E0R6E E. KAUL— ;has. mac kenzieR06EI W. PEAYEY. LOUIS PEAYEY. ^ 100 40 58 2,137 •Faribault ..12,767 Faribault State Bk. & Tr. Co. A. B. Larson .. Rice Pit Jun’34Stmt 75-55 d®T15’19 Jun’34Stmt 75-58 (Incl. AFFILIATE D WITH FIRSTS ANK STOCK CO RPORATION Martin County Nat’l Bank Elmore 75-162 d®«t’89 Houghtaling SECURITY NAT’L BANK & TRUST COMPANY 100 LYNN PEAYEY, Ch, of Bd, and Pro*. ■AM*- Tr. Off. 50 A. Tr. Off. Pf. 100 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Live Stock N„ Chi.; Merch. Bk., Winona; 1st N., Rochester. Und. Jun’34Stmt .. W. H. NORMAN ----HARRIET FILLMORE 22 1 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 621 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. •Mem.A.B. A. "New §8tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. •County Seats. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* ;T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No.9Fed.Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings pkesidhht. Farmington.. 1342 First National Bank d®»t'04 G. R. Taylor, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 75-346 Dakota 017 •Fergus Falls 9389 Otter Tail J& ‘FERGUS FALLS NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Vick-President. Oashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Capital Bernice Whittier.. $ C. E. Cadwell_____ J. S. ULLAND _ _ - V. C. JERSEH -...... H. G. DAHL_ _ _ _ _ _ E. C. BEIMER- - - - - - IELD, V. P. J.F.SHAY ARTHUR DRAXTON^ A.I MILLER Liabilities. (fn Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Loans Other Ond.Prof. Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Lia Totals 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Surplus and or Deposits ties counts ties bilities fromBks Reserves 25 $ 100 15 S 6 $ 503 S 25 8 574 $ 117 S 85 $ 242 $ 110 S 20 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. 50 41 1,944 126 2,286 343 995 494 364 Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 90 Chase N., N. Y.;lstN., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Min neapolis. 100 38 1,923 100 (Circal at ion) 2,261 363 420 919 502 57 P/25 Complete Banking and Trust Service. Prompt Attention Given Collections. AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION 75-97 d®T«t’82 *First National Bk.__d©t'72 Rimer K. Adams .. M. T. McMahon... R. R. Lincoln___ H. E. Swenson____ Jun’34Stmt 75-96 S. P. Adams Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources Jun’34Stmt (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Fereus Falls Clearing House. H.«. Dahl______ R. R. Lincoln____ R. M. Anderson. (Members indicated by a *) 100 Sec. and Tr. Fertile______ 800 First State Bank_____ «tl'87 Rimer B. Hanson.. Nels Vansenden .. H. A. Malmberg__ G. O. Hanson____ Jun’34Stmt 75-468 Polk F4 25 10 Finlay son___ 241 First State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75—747 Pine J17 20 4 d®tl'08 H. R. Shafer____ 0. J. Hoelond_____ V. E. Shafer____ Floodwood ___343 First State Bank..... d®§'08 Jun’34Stmt 75—749 St. Louis H17 T. J. Doyle, Ch, 0] Bd. and Pres. •Foley________ 798 First-National Bank.d®'85 J.F.Hall. 75-437 Benton L18 State Bank of Foley d®tl'03 John E. Parent^..^ Jun’34Stnit 75-436 George Regan___ Forest Lake.. 916 Forest Lake State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-751 d®tl’03 W. J. Regan, Ch, Wash. M17 Fosston___ Fosston.__ oik F6 fS.J. MAURER- - - - - 189 30 26 6 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 9 109 15 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Minn. N., Du luth. Chase N., N.Y.; Northern N. and Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 99 21 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and iw C 4 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., 60 100 8 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1 25 84 3 22 13 102 23 61 81 3 7 219 26 12 49 1 23 36 204 10 35 2 56 100 10 1 190 246 35 20 4 6 3U 341 K W?9 > 3 220 245 50 10 3 2 119 134 21 25 5 8 143 181 21 25 5 3 139 172 27 25 25 10 568 628 86 20 4 53 77 15 327 365 92 190 203 21 . E. Bysom_______ Joseph Ricker .... J. C. Harren__ I VV' J. M. Rieland. J. H. Mehl_______ Clifford Kittlesen. fcfclHRh l.M. NELSON.— D. W. FENSKE---JOHN ESTENSON Thomas Bakke. Reuben Bullemer. A. P. Rlschmlller. John Templin, State Bankof Gibbon O. H. Templin Jun’34Stmt ♦75-496 dB©t§’04 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Gilbert_____ 2722 First National Bank .d®«t’08 Alfred Hoel_____ R. L. Griggs------- C. A. Palmer. Jun’34Stmt 75-248 St. Louis F19 70 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Deb. 25 George Eckert___ J. A. Kiecker__ Gibbon_____ 612 Citizens State Bank___t§’06 Louis Isakson, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 75-497 Sibley Oil Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 106 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) Surp.) 5 25 Elmer B. Johnson. ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentation, and Jun’34Stmt 75-473 d®*t5'04 (.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report in sures prompt, pc A. C. Thompson... L. W. Johnson . Genera______ 245 Geneva State Bank..d®t§T5 M. F. J. Wayne. Jun’34Stmt 75-1257 Freeborn Q17 MINNESOTA MAP on Index 163 175 63 Total 1st & Am. N., Duluth. J. Houle______ Fulda. _ .818 Oitisens State Bank.. ®»tl'08 Jas. McCrea_____ M. J. Dickson___ B. W. Lloyd______ F.W. Penrod Jun’34Stmt 76-426 Murray Q6 Garvin______ 350 Farmers State Bank-d®tl’08 N. G. Nelson------ T. P. Lien_______ H. A. Rasmussen Jun’34Stmt 75-760 Lyon P6 CITIZENS STATE BANK 350 Private Banks, 10 33 20 7 95 2 63 25 15 3 Cap. Notes 12 —M. Brenny__^_. (Opera tiny on restrict ed basi s unde r Cons ervator O. A. Ol in, a%ypoi nted by the Comptroller of the “*Y ' 206 106 9 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 240 73 52 ter ell jv- S. H. Wisniewski.. H. A. Latterell—. Marquette N., Minpls.; E. C. Moody---------- M. H/Dayton Fountain.. nson Fountain......... 303 First State Bank____ ®§ i’01 Hiram Johns Jun’34Stmt 75-753 Fillmore 11 more R21 Freeborn_____ 252 First State Bank------- ®JJ’O0 Geo. P. Lattin____ A. T. Schoen_____ R. S. Doherty. Jun’34Stmt 75-756 Freeborn Q15 •Gaylord____ 812 8ibley 012 315 al, Stat e and L. M. Severeid.... M. W. Raihala......... I. A. Hackman___ .978 Farmers State Bk._d®#t§’Q8 lAllen Sather*____ E. G. Eklund____ Jmi’34Stmt 75-387 Freeport_____ 456 Freeoort State Bank.d®tl'08 H. B. Thelen___ Jun’34Stmt 75-757 Stearns L10 J. H. Gunderson. Frost________ 233 State Bank of Frost Jun’34Stmt 75-758 d®»tl'99 H. J. Frundt, Ch. Faribaalt R13 Nation Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.: 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Lillian H. Carlson. 164 / 'u jl4 \JLas •A, 290 Surp.) 25 5 8 10 3 12 2 2 148 164 30 15 16 99 4 30 6 9 290 335 55 20 40 210 10 30 P/.20 20 7 513 620 126 105 345 12 32 30 giv<5 Prom]>t Aitten tlon to Col!e<ctio ns and ( Chi.; Northw. N., Min pls.; Minn. N., Duluth. Minpls.;lstN.,Winona. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Chase N., N.Y.; N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N. Citiz..Man kato. 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Freeborn Co. N. Bk. & Tr., Albert Lea; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1stN. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. City N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr.. Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Chase N„ N. Y ; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; North. N., Duluth. ____ , Nui!lb5r anderName of Bank la the New Tnuutt Number rl tod bank l“ u- S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County eMem. A.B. A. *New §St*te tPriv. ‘County Seats. tUem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. PKBSIDINT. V ick-Presidknt. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings 622 Gilman---------140 First State Bank of Gilman, Benton E14 Inc------ 75-1289 ......... tJ'16 Jun’34Stmt ‘Glencoe ___1925 First National Bank —d®t’81 McLeod N12 Jun’34Stmt 75-235 Glenvllle__,..449 Citizens State Bank.d®tS'09 Freeborn R16 Jun’34Stmt 75-573 ‘Glen wood ...2220 Glen wood State Bank...t|’07 Pod6 L7 Jun’34Stmt 75-202 J. H. Niedzielski . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOT A—Continued OASHin. Ass t Cashier. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Ond.Prof Other Cash,Ex U.S.Gov Other | Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Re Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources C. A. Niedzielski.. A. J. Bandura___ Roman Niedzielski'®$ 10 5 Henry A. Thoeny.. E. J. Mielke_____ J. F. Klobe______ Elsie M. Roder__ F. H. Hatz R. Wendt______ L. J. Chrs_____ B. R. Miller_____ Arleigh Miller—„ 10 Theo. Anne__ J. O. Haugen__ J. 0. Haugen____ Louis Robards___ Pope County State Bank E. A. Gandrud.. Jun’34Stmt 75-203 d®t§’08 J. E. Griffith — T. R. Thompson.. 50 2 $ 10 $ 132 3 440 I 3 3 123 25 5 4 25 5 5 4 16 Gonvlck____ 292 Northern State Bank.d®t§’28 Geo. A. Beito____ C. M. Berg______ S. G. Birkeland—_ 20 Myrtle A. Horn__ Clearwater E7 .Iun’34Stmt 75-1581 Goodhue____467 Goodhue State Bank—®t|'14 W. R. Sawyer .. John H. Diercks—. C. W. Goodsell.__ F. B. Johnson. 12 Goodhue 019 Jun’34Stmt 75-1160 Cap. E. L. Sawyer 4 3 $ 144 -S 22 50 553 1 140 56 266 300 87 316 351 406 ............ 446 229 127 $ 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 123 182 96 8 73 19 56 124 91 31 93 123 88 136 110 108 263 43 7 84 118 180 1 30 65 85 552 71 206 153 91 200 28 1 14 144 789 64 123 445 102 i 25 Gty.Tr.,N.Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Albert Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N., Duluth. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Notes Good Thunder 452 First National Bank._d©tT9 Blue Earth Q13 Jun’34Stmt 75-1486 Graceyllle___ 9f FIRST NATIONAL BANK Big Stone L3 Jun 34Stmt 75-357 d®t’04 ‘Grand Marals618 Grand Marais State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-1331 d®»t5'16 Cook B22 R. L. Houk, Ch, of Bd. and Pres, W. O. Pommerenke Callx F. Bauer___ R. L. Myers f R. J. MoRAE — J. A. McRAE— ARGUS McRAE S. R. HAMMER... (AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. J.G. Scott____ John Nelson____ A. M. Anderson__ C. E, Anderson.... ‘GrandRapIds3206 First National Bank _d®»t’02 F. E. King____ Jun’34Stmt 75-199 Itasca G15 C.E. Aiken______ G. P. Mitchell.... C. K. Andrews N. A. Bauer _____ H. I. Bastien Granger_____ 160 Granger State Bank C. M. Tierney___ M. A. Bronner___ S. R. Reynolds— Jun’34Stint 75-1423 dB®«tl’17 Fillmore R21 Gertrude Miller.— ‘Granite Fallsl791 Granite Falls Bank—d®H'78 J. S. Johnson____ G. H. Wilson____ A. J. Johnson —__ H. G. Hamre _ Yellow Med. N7 Jun’34Stmt 75-279 R. C. Johnson Yellow Medicine Co. Bank M. S. Orwoll____ L. S. Orwoll_____ M. G. Moe_______ O. J. Knutson___ Jun’34Stmt 75-280 J|'87 Grasston____ 229 First State Bank__ Jun’34Stmt 75-772 Kanabec K16 -•tl’08 A. T. Weitroa__ G. A. Larson_ Emil Johnson B. J. Muus............ M. A. Erickson.... Green Isie__ 300 Citizens State Bank dB®tl’02 Herman Schwartz. Gust Ehlers_____ J. F. Mullen.... Jun’34Stmt 75-773 Sibley 013 F. P. Michaletz. EdythE. Joyce Greenwald 237 State Bank of Greenwald T. G. Wurst_____ J. J. Winter_____ H. A. Behnea__ Stearns L10 Jun’34Stmt 75-774 t|'10 15 15 2 3 160 25 15 4 479 2 168 20 Cap. Notes 17 687 15 2 2 144 163 33 10 10 104 1st N„ Chi.; IstN.Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 20 4 11 256 291 32 79 27 142 25 5 4 175 209 39 5 62 93 10 2 52 74 8 21 34 1st N„ Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N. and Am. N., St. P. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 44 122 Cap. Notes 427 453 66 6 211 247 14 50 21 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. 129 141 53 22 300 346 66 Northw. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.; Bk. of Long Prairie, Long Prairie. 19 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N„ Minpls., Northw. N., Litchfield. 32 49 5 239 39 60 55 75; 387 120 82 108 53 53 25 10 10 2 Grove City 372 First State Bank____ dll’07 Louis Johnson— Meeker M10 Jun’34Stmt 75-581 O. P. Wllner___ W m. Carlson 23 5 A. G. Kuhlman — MINNESOTA Map on Index 210 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Am.N„ St. P. and 1st N., Minpls. Cap. Notes 10 10 8 42 10 1 209 • 9 Deb. 5 20 4 5 210 25 5 2 344 20 4 4 120 11 148; 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1st N., St. P.; Minn. N„ Duluth. 6 Peter P. Klick___ Aug. N. Anderson. W. W. Lindquist.. Hamburg____ 195 State Bank of Hambarg A. T. Radke. F. 0. Proehl ... Carver 013 Jun’34Stmt 75-778 d®tl'04 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 55 10 5 (Member of Northern Minnes ota Clearing House, Bemidji, Minn,) 25 10 10 25 ‘Hallock_____ 869 State Bank of Hallock Edward Florance . G. S. Wass______ R. G. Florance.__ F. C. Erickson___ Kittson B2 Jun’34Stmt 75-799 dB®t§’04 H. H. Clapp Halstad______ 535 First National Bk.„.d®*t’*4 C. J. Ickler_____ C. L. Thorson___ A. I. Engebretson. L. B. Engebretson. Jun’34Stmt 75-519 Norman G2 Northern N., Duluth, 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 10 Alice Wurst_____ Guthrie______ 92 Farmers State Bank—d®|’17 R. R. Wolf______ A. J. Waldon____ Oscar Dahl______ Jun’34Stmt 75-1412 Hubbard G10 Northw. N., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 10 50 Grey Eagle.__363 State Bank of Grey Eagle Rudolph Lee... Aug 34Stmt 75-1556 §’34 Todd K10 A. A. Miller______ F. A. Schmidt. W. L. Miller 29 Principal Correspondents . 1 32 60 . 1 Northw.N.Bk. &Tr.,Min pls. ; Northern N., Bem idji. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Chase N„ N. Y.; Am. N., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co, Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 623 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Town urn Ootncrr. •Mem.A.B.A.«New SStete tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estah. ‘Gouty Seats. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond B&tlre State In No, > ged.Bes.Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings .250 Farmers 8tate Bank—©tl’19 Hamel. Jun’34Stmt 76-1465 Hennepin M15 Wabasha P20 Security State Bank—__tS’24 Jun'34Stmt 75-779 President. L. O. N. Vice-President. Hancock_____ 8tevens L6 Jun’34Stmt Hanska______ 3i Brown Pll Jun’34Stmt Hardwick_____24 Rock Q4 Jun’34Stmt Harmony_____82 Fillmore R21 Jun’34Stmt H. E. Hanson______ Chas. McKay Harmony State Bank 75-446 d®*tS’93 C. W. Hill P. J. Doffing Hancock National Bk. 75-510 dB®«t’99 A. 75-783 F. Friibee___ E. A. Grunklee___ First National Bank-®»f07 A. G. 75-447 Johnson.......... Dakota 018 State Bank of Harris d®tl'08 75-784 A. O. R. Anderson___ 2 $ 96 ............. 20 4 5 76 20 4 .............. 66 Hayward 1 Freeborn R16 Jun’34Stmt 75-786 Hector..............8 Renville N10 Security State Bank—d©t§'31 Otto Bremer Jun’34Stmt 75-1603 Henderson ___672 Sibley 013 SIBLEY COUNTY BANK C. 417 73 65 70 186 330 388; 84 51 35 210 2 92 118 32 3 5 71 1 1 224 296' 57 50 15 158 4 3 270 297 114 40 72 60 28 24 89 21 50 10 40 8 10 20 4 25 25 192 232 85 Ole A.HorDedahl— J. M. Skophammer. Agnes Christopherson 75 90 14 H. P. Schoen______ 50 25 8 916 1,019 202 97 330 330 20 (Circu lation) 10 12 605 51 758 131 121 266 200 25 5 8 308 25 371 66 83 85 110 GEORGE WASTVEDT— 1. B. LEVERSON_____ 35 7 7 360 149 80 65 106 C. H. Finseth 15 25 21 491 552 92 56 78 299 10 2 2 78 107 33 5 2 62 7 3 302 332 110 70 91 53 5 1 268 289 66 23 32 161 30 5 8 275 318 93 59 101 58 25 8 (With 259 25 317 57 55 107 92 3 37 25 82 156 353 142 Edna L. Darling___ Gilbert S. Skaug— Thos. Thompson _____ Thos. Larson______ T.Z. Marshall. A.C. O. E. Grovdahl H. R. Lexvold_____ 50 Pf. 30 i T. F. SDreiter — . A. E. B. Dahlgren.___ 15 20 R. R. Patterson .. Herman_____ 518 First National Bank. d®t'06 A. D. Larson____ T. W. Fickes____ Jun'34Stmt 75-475 Grant E4 G. C. Clement V. L. Gullickson... F. Principal Correspondents. 4 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 3 1st N„ Wabasha and Ro chester; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 23 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P. 8 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Rock Co. Bk., Luverne. 16 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr.Co., Minpls.;N. Bk. of LaCrosse, LaCrosse. 11 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 6 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co..Minpls. 5 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ Albert Lea. 60 1st N„ N. Y„ Chi., and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 40 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 27 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. &Tr.,Minpls.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. 9 Chase N„ N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi., and St. P.;lstN. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 27 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 5 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 8 Am. N., St. P. H. Hagquist ("GILBERT NEYi 15 E. H. SCHRUPP .... R. M. CROSBY.............. ) Ch.of Bd.andPres. C. F. WHITFORD___ 75-788 dB®»tS’93 ) Save time and get service ou Col lections and Cre dlt Reports by se nding Henning____ 731 First National Bank—d©t’02 Jun’34Stmt 75-476 Otter Tail J7 409! Cap. Notes (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight draftt. 15c: Crad it Raportt. 25c. Hendrum........326 Norman County State Bank L. H. Ickler_____ A. I. Engebretson.. A. M. Lee________ Miss J. Freestad — Jun’34Stmt 75-1560 d®t§’25 Norman 02 <"!. Fatnn J. E. Peck fJ. 0. BONDHUS—. ERNEST WINZER J H MEYER 0 H BONDHUS Heron Lake ...786 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ) W. H. JARMUTH. Ch. Jun’34Stmt 75-406 d©t’92 ) Jackson Q8 (.AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION. Hewitt_______ 309 First State Bank. _ d®i|'Q3 E. Thompson------- F. W- Werner Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 3 H. Finseth______ D. B. Brakke______ Farmers State BankdB®t8'04 Charles Nelson.... MINNESOTA Map on Index 59 3 d®»t5’92 Citizens State Bk._„d®tS’10 75-487 75-790 4 7 JH.F. MENSING___ S. A. TORGERSON— D. G. JOHNSON______ G.GUNDERSON Jun’34Stmt Jun’34Stmt 1 d®t’05 ( AFFILIATED WITH THE NOR THWEST BANCO RPORATION. Hayfleld_____7 Dodge Q18 Jun’34Stmt 63 2 STATE BANK OF HAWLEY H. P. GUNDERSON.- F T. THY$F|I 75-410 8 10 Theo. Cook________ Charles Doffing 75-411 66 $ 30 Hastings National Bank 75-140 d®*t'82 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 19 $ | Other Re sources 9 $ $ 31 105 90 31 LaverneL. Carlson W. F. Reerse Jun’34Stmt ! $ 110 20 H. S. Cole.................. First National Bank 75-139 d®T»t'56 L. P. Kingston ____ $ ......... 342 $ 40 Jun’34Stmt Jun’34Stmt Todd J9 2 $ Pf. 20 Jun’34Stmt Hawley____ Clay H4 10 3 Horace Olson______ Stark______ Alfred Christopher son 76-1037 L. P. M. Oistad_______ Jun’34Stmt Jun’34Stmt Schonweiler. A. M. Paulson____ Ole Berrum, A. C, A. L. Haugan d®«'25 LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars Resources. [ Cash,Ex. U.S.Sov. Other Und.Prof. Loans Other & Due Securi Securi & Dis Totals Lia Capital Surplus and or Deposits Reserves fromBks counts bilities ties ties S Overstad__ G. Anderson.... Jun’34Stmt Harris_______ 5 Chisago L17 Hartland____ 2 Freeborn Q15 Dorweiler... L, A. State Bank of Hampton H. Muellerleile... 75-780 d®«’99 State Bankof Hanska d®tJ02 A. 75-592 J. Schonweiler.__ Jun’34Stmt H. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Dorweiler.__ Eugene Morin____ H. Hampton......... Dakota 017 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volome. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued TRY US. Surp.) 314 236 25 35 35 10 544 35 659 99 15 3 3 44 8 73 9 25 7 N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Pf. 25 1 ' (Inch U. S. Secur.) 9 52 7 Am. N., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 6 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 14 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 65 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P„ and Mankato. 3 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Wa dena. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 624 Number under Name of Bank Is the Mew Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrlf. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Deptf :T-Trust B-Bond No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Bibbing........15.666 ♦FIRST NATIONAL St. Louis F17 Jun’34Stmt 75-^7 BANK ®«t’02 PRESIDENT. {S. R. KIRBY----- Vice-President. D. e. R00I------------ L. C. HEWC0MBE Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass L. 0. KIRBY- - - - - - - - t Cashier. Capital RY- 3 Liabilities. (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Und.Prof. 1 : Cash,Ex. IU.Gov. Other Other Loans Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals A Dne Seonri- Secnri- A DisReserves bilities IfromBks ties ties counts 100 1 300 3 68 8 2,437 3 Special attentlo n given Bill or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Pleate tend 15c tr* th each eight draft fo r presentation and 50c for Credit Repor is. ♦Merch. & Miners State Bk. A. L. Egge________ M. H. Barber_____ s. J. Egge_______ A. o. Hulstrand... Jun’34Stmt 76-58 d®«t§'04 C. C. Edwards E. R. Sundberg ♦Security State Bank W. J. Ryder_____ F. L. Coventry.... W. R. Spensley— E. Salminen............. Jun’34Stmt 75-59 d®»tl'll A. A. Koskinen 99 (Circulation) M. T. 50 25 7 865 25 30 18 908 3 3,004 8 840 8 100 3 1,092 8 Resources 834 3 138 1 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of L. O. Kirby. Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Sec. and Tr. L. H. Bock_______ A. O.Rortvet_____ 25 1 5 94 BInckley........ 682 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. H. M. Dempsey___ Isaac Hazlett__ Jun’34Stmt 75-445 d||®t§’08 Pine K17 A. E. Eddy______ R. A. Nelson_____ Lucille Williams Boffman_____ .468 Farmers State Bank___ till F. E. Griswold ___ Karl Skoglund.. Jun’34Stmt 75-557 Grant K6 G. A. Lofgren___ C. A. Lofgren____ Bokah________452 Union State Bank ...d®il'10 C. A. Darival.......... R. H. Hoffman.. Jun’34Stmt 75-793 Houston Q24 A. L. Higgins......... Bold Ingford... 477 Security State Bank___ d§'10 J. B. Klasen______ Jos. Klasen.._ .Iun’34Stmt 75-571 Stearns Lll A. F. Klasen____ 982: 358 306 283 401 94 402 Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 125 33 20 7 60 5 5 47 82 6 65 95 16 47 118 2 66 2 20 4 2 137 163 23 20 5 14 162 216 40 25 5 4 214 248 44 12 2 1 61 76 8 Deb.15 85 37 Hollandale___ 212 Produce State Bank___t§’26 Arie Grotenhuis... Case Kraay........ B. I. Buley____ 10 2 1 58 71 35 6 ii 4 Holt__________ 193 Marshall County State Bank Arvid Carlson....... C. L. Carlson... Jun’34Stmt 75-1543 ®t§’22 Marshall D5 Geo. Fricker__ 10 3 2 113 128 20 61 42 5 Hope_________ 125 Farmers State Bk.__d®tl'15 C. E. Srsen_______ L. E. Bailey........ Jun’34Stmt 75-1236 Steele Q16 A. M. Ellingson. 10 3 142 160 38 33 82 Hopkins..........3834 First National Bk,..d®»t’05 Hilmer Olson, Emil G.Souba— Hennepin N15 Jun’34Stmt 75-160 Ch, of Bd, and Pree, F. H. Krix O. G. Cermak____ S. H. Severson. Jun’34Stmt 75-1572 SECURITY NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-161 f Ckjof^d^andPres. Deb. 5 6 637 49 787 81 220 337 139 10 50 10 6 488 50 629 79 141 232 163 14 25 5 2 355 387 66 35 216 10 25 8 4 554 613 113 178 128 187 7 22 10 3 3 71 87 13 1 8 57 8 1st N., St. P. 10 5 5 104 ----- 124 28 10 5 76 5 Henry Braun, Jr— Geo. Umland____ A. H. Stegmeier... 100 J. J. Drahos, A. C. E. A. Jensen Cap. H. R. Jensen Notes 20 16 1,260 8 1,504 182 106 118 1,032 66 Drov. N., Chi.; N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls N. City.N.Y.; Northw.N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 402 177 18 68 82 27 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 885 122 104 428 217 14 Chase N„ N. Y.: Northw. N.,Minpls.; 1st Duluth. 819 179 228 268 100 44 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. N„ St. P. 6.J. ALBRECHT. . F.F.SEFCIK---- Sis*50"- Security State Bank.d®tl’ll L. H. Briggs______ A. O. Evan son____ O. S. Johnson____ C. P. Wahl___ Jun’34Stmt ♦ 75^1031 S'Z Hugo________ 303 First State Bank------ d®tl’10 H. A. Warner. Washington L25 Jun’34Stmt 75-798 - Hugo Gessner. P. J. Honle______ E. J. Letourneau.. Huntley______100 Farmers State Bank.d©tl’16 H. R. White. F. L. Norman____ Leonard Nelson... W. J. Chance__ Faribault R12 Jun’34Stmt 75-1285 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Hutchinson ..3406 CITIZENS BANK~dB®KS'92 H. R. Earth_____ McLeod Nil Jun’34Stmt 75-186 C. E. Kester. Ch. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-1035 •International Falls 5036 Koochiching C15 Jun’34Stmt 75-275 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. IstN.Bk. &Tr., Minpls.; N. Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse. 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st and Am. N., Duluth. Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Albert Lea. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Thief River Falls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Owatonna. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Northw. N., Minpls. 5 WITH THE NOR THWEST BANC ORPORATION. Houston 7 94 Houston State Bank__ .dtS'03 J. C. Kelly_______ C. J. Swenson____ W. McMillan_____ P. F. Johnson. Jim’34Stmt 75-797 Houston Q23 J. J. Kelly $ Jf 15 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Chase N.t N. Y.; 1st and Am. N., Duluth; 1st N., St. P. 50 Pf. 40 d®»JT0 I AFFILIATED ‘ Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Northw. N., Duluth. 9471 Hibbing Clearing House_____ A. L. Egge_______ W. R. Spensley. (Membera indicated by a *) Bills_________ 407 Exchange State Bank M. G. Edmonds.__ L. H. Bock____ Jun’34Stmt 75-944 d®JS1900 Rock R 3 Freeborn R16 Principal Correspondents . F. W. Luedtke .... Henry Knehl_____ J. H. Julig. d®t’34 S. S. Beach. Ch. FIRST NAT’L BK. Mi AMt d®<07 (Send Vs Tour I IS WELL ^‘STRENGTH terns Direct for P rompt Attention. J. A. Kreil Pf. 25 Cap. Notes 100 20 10 342 Pf. 30 HORDAHL OLSON. 50 10 15 760 50 13 656 50 Cont.Ill.N.Bk.&Tr.,Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. &Tr., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. Cont. Ill. N.Bk. &Tr.Co„ Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minn. 10 International State Bank N. L. Olson______ F. H. Keyes_____ B. B. Kotilnek____ L. P. Sheehy_____ 50 d@«tl'08 Cap. Jun’34Stmt 75-276 Notes 50 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 625 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number (Iren to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. *County Seats. (Men. State B. Ass’n. [Egtab. President, ASS’T GASHIWt. Capital VlClPRESIDEfT. CA.SHISS. Entire State in No. ♦Fed. Res.Dept»:T-Trust B-Bond 9 Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Sayings 20 Isanti________ 871 First State Bank ___d®»S’01 F. W. Goodwin__ Peter Eastlund._ J. B. Steffenson .. Geneva Peterson.. $ P. A. Bergdahl Jun’34Stmt 75-802 Isanti L16 20 H. W. Haverstock. Philip Little, Jr... E. J. Thompson.. L. R. Ohslund____ Isle__________ 523 Lakeside State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-1359 d®»t5'30 Mille Lacs J15 IN IVANH0E _ 75-521 d®t’02 ‘Jackson....... 2206 Jackson R9 Janesville____1184 Waseca P14 H. J. TlLLEMANS— HENRY STRANSKY-. L. Y. WIDMARK — FARMERS & MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN jACKSON-75-216—d©»t’27 JANESVILLE STATE BANK tl Surplus Other Ond.Prof. Lia and or Deposits bilities Reserves % 25 75-324 NATIONAL Bi OF DODGE COUNTY (Please send 15c w ith each sight draft Jo fj. H. MURPHY — E. 6. ZIMMERMAN. 115 421 470 148 $ 506 563 475 58 33 45 20 112 109 89 12 152 117 79 192 23 551 120 70 95 222 44 156 186 65 10 24 80 7 400 454 108 8 50 273 15 494 69 130 176 108 11 79 22 3 50 4 27 87 5 60 133 17 17 mm 30 20 r presentation and 25 efor Credit Reports) 0. H. TOLLEFSON — WM. STRUNK, JR_ _ _ Cap. 40 25 Wm. Beckman. PanlTJntiedt. Ch. of Bd. and Pres O. R. Duroe____ J. H. Breunig.. Gerhard Schwingler A. P. Wiese______ J. M. Baker----- L. V. Lund______ C. J. Net: (JACOB LEUTHDLD. J. L. CURTIS_ _ _ _ _ ‘OLDEST1 EST ABLISHED BAN Send Us Your I terns Direct For '«• in Advance Plain Sight Dra C. L. Palmer... R. M. Oiseth____ 25 H. F. Jeske.. A. P. Schaar Earl Bigalke____ L. Schneiderhan M. B. Baker_____ 'Pf. 25 25 25 404 10 65 * 25 Wm. Nagel agel__J.— — C. L WILLYARD 198 17 32 312 54 48 u J. C. HELLIE- - - - - - - - 225 30 K. OVER 60 YEA RS OF SERVICE, Prompt Attentlo n. fta ISc. Credit Re ports SSe.Try Ue. C. G. Palmer.... G. Skogsmark....... 40 288 377 106 50 61 144 16 Generoso Conte... F. V. Wakklnen... 25 270 329 40 26 225 20 18 I. O. Rustin-------- 10 42 54 7 6 11 12 18 Carl E. Olson......... 20 210 242 25 33 51 125 8 15 First State Bank ___d©t5’98 H. Sampson_____ P. O. Holland____ H. A. Smith_____ Nels Lee________ Cap. 75-813 Notes 158 194 28 11 42 91 22 17 17 53 53 L. Latterell. Kelliher______370 Citizens State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-1303 dB©t5’16 Beltrami Ell I. O. Rustin. (Member of Northern Minnes ota Clearing House, Bemidji, Minn.) Kennetb______U8 Kenneth State Bankd®15’07 John Engebretson B. Halverson.__ Jun’34Stmt 75-812 Rock Q4 283 88 S Notes 75-366 ®»f National Farmers Bank Jun'34Stmt 75-367 d®»t’02 First National Bank..d®t’10 E. W. Leach. Jun’34Stmt 75-809 .Iim’34Stmt Kensington . Douglas K6 129 d®tl’08 Jordan______ 1119 First National Bank _d©t’14 Jun’34Stmt 75-1195 Scott 014 Kanaranxl____loo Farmers State Bank_._dti'15 Jun’34Stmt 75—1260 Rock R4 Kandiyohi____192 Home State Bank__d®t§’26 Jun’34Stmt 75-1567 Kandiyohi M9 Keewatln____2134 Itasca G17 101 Other Loans Other Re Securi & Dis counts sources ties $ 12 $ 56 $ 3 )SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIREC T FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. F.E. Dnroe............ L. A. Dnroe. Jeffers_______ 434 State Bank of Jeffers Cottonwood Q8 Jun’34Stmt 75-803 d®*5 51900 Kasson_____ 1019 Dodee Q18 RESOURCES. Gash,Ex. U.S.Goy. & Due Securi fromBks ties SKI SEND US YOU R JANESVILLE I TEMS DIRECT F OR PROMPT AT TENT ION. I FEE IN ADYAN CE: Plain eight d rafts. I Set Credit Reports. 25c. T BY U S. 24 5 T. H. Arp, Jasper...............769 Jasper State Bank—dB®t§’03 Jos. Evenson....... W. A. Eikmeier R. L. Palmer, Ch. 1st V. P. and Cash. Jun’34Stmt 75-800 Pipestone Q3 Jun’34Stmt tals Jun’34Stmt Kent_________ 137 Kent State Bank_____ tl’02 L. L. Olson_______ Olaf Smernd_____ O. L. Olson---------- J. L. Wicklein____ Olaf Smerud, Ch. Jun’34Stmt 75-814 Wilklh 13 Kenyon......... 1382 nSecurity State Bk. _d®t§’34 J. A. Langemo___ H. E. Lee................ B. G. Berg.............. H. F. Held______ Jul’34Stmt 75-1609 Goodhue P17 Kerkhoven ___553 Security State Bank .d®ti*07 W. H. Merryman.. H. A. Hogluud____ J, J. Johnson__ Jun’34Stmt 75-541 Swift M8 State Bk. of Kerkhoven Jim’34Stmt 75-540 d®tl'05 Kerrlck______100 Kerrick State Bank_d®t5’ 15 Jun’34Stmt 75-1210 Pine 119 Klester______ 286 First National Bank—©»tT4 Jun’34Stmt 75-815 Faribault R14 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. &Tr. and Marquette N., Minpls. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO RPORATION j G. A. ALBERTUS H. M. BURNHAM - H. M. BURNHAM1 Jun’34Stmt (In Thousands of Dollars) LIABILITIES. TOW* AJTD OOtTSTTT. eMem. A.B. A. "New §StatetPriv. tlvanboe_____ 556 Lincoln 04 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aoces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued O. G. Hough....__ J. F. Millard____ C, E. Melbye.__ Jas. H. Hogan, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. E. Sordhamer . W. P. Hogan____ Louis K. Hogan. A. H. Elvebak___ C. H. Schneider... B. A. Talle____ Samuel Beatty O. B. Hermundstad 10 10 6 1 8585 102 102 25 5 1........................ 31 31 20 128 40 264 ............... 10 106 ............... 132 132 35 433 539 539 35 316316 55 24 24 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; Merch. N„ Ced. R. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., Pipe stone. Northern Tr. Chi.; Mid land N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.-.N.Citiz., Man kato. Northw. N., Minpls. Midland N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F. N. City, N. Y.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N.,St. P.; Secur. N., Willmar. 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st & Am. N., Duluth. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Northern N., Bemidji. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Am. N., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. &Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 33 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. 31.................................................. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. 31 and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 8 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. 34 5 2 79 Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 20 43 33 20 200 20 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 43 33 20 200 Ill.N. Bk.&Tr.Co.,Chi. 30 30 21 30 30 42 21 42 99 U. S. N., Superior, Wis.; 1st N„ St. P. 115 _____ 129 288 7 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Banks Advertising In this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I? each bank ln u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. ft1? Ft ^w Town and Oouxtt. *Coonty Seats. Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §8tate fPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’u. [Eet»t>. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President, Vice-President. Martin Walsh Nicollet 012 Juss'T Cashier. S. F. Kehrer_____ Liabilities. {In Thoi. Und.Prof. Other Capital Surplus 8 State Bank of Kimball'Ol Leonhard Engel__ E. C. French_____ C. D. Brower Deposits Lia- 25 $ 5 a 9 $ 259 Resources. Totals $ 291 Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other Loans Other & Due Securi Securi .4 Dis Re fromBks ties ties counts sources $ 63 25 Deb.25 12 2 i 220 273 58 3 3 122 140 28 8 ---- J. W. McCaffrey... J A. Billy 20 4 5 159 188 35 380 Citizens State Bank—®t§*01 T. F. Bergquist___ H. N. Nelson........ . Henry Johnson___ V. F.rQiiist 15 Deb.20 3 2 166 206 34 Alfred Soderllnd.. Ernest Osbeck____ O. M. Soderlind__ W. A. Soderlind— 25 d®t§’06 Christ Olsen, Ch. M. I. Kirkeeng Deb. 15 5 2 140 1871 50 10 19 845 25 Pf. 25 10 25 7 3 25 10 25 5 10 2 25 Deb. 25 2 Jun’34Stmt 75-817 Klossner State Bank F. H. Krook.. __ Jun’34Stmt 75-1449 B®tS’l9 Geo. H. Vetter___ La Crescent.__ 520 La Orescent State Bank J. W. Welch______ A. Lilly Houston Q24 Jun’34Stmt 75-1068 d®t*12 Lafayette- Oashier. Reserves Kilkenny_____ 227 First National Bank —d©t’ll L. A. Lamport. Le Sueur P16 Jun’34Stmt 75-816 Kimball,____ 495 Stearns M12 Klossner.. 62 Nicollet F12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Jun’34Stmt 75-620 Lake Benton ..903 Farmers State Bank Lincoln P3 ... 75-394 Jun’34Stmt Lake City____ 3210 Lake City Bank & Trust Co. Horace F. Johns .. Wm. J. Cochrane.. M. L. Erickson___ R. J. Wittenborg— Wabasha 020 Jun’34Stmt 75-150 d®T«tl’67 M. L. Erickson John W. Lamb, Kenneth B. Law 8 116 8 111 8 Blue Earth P12 Jun’34Stmt 75-340 d©t’34 S. L. Sherwin, Ch. W. E. Thomas rr. A. STEVENS — R.G. KERN — - E. A. BEUTEL--------- H. J. KERN - ........ 218 STATE BK. OF LAKE ELMO J Jun'34Stmt 75-1019 ©J§*11 Iaffiliated w ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. LakeOeld____ 1349 FARMERS STATE fH. W. VOEHL- ... JAMES ROST____ W. T. PAYNE--------- P. W. LUNGREN........ Jackson R8 1 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 34 170 49 53 76 76 10 28 129 47 9 15 108 924 184 84 322 309 503 146 75 57 212 240 275 19 102 35 107 11 387 433 65 113 131 106 18 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Mankato. 8 200 238 44 66 72 14 14 36 14 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 3 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Secur. N., Wilmar. 15 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 5 A. C. W. F. Sprague Lake Crystal. 1173 Lake Crystal National Bank C. H. Keller............ G. E. Austin______ Clayton Jones____ Principal Correspondents. 418 $ 25 11 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 5 Citiz. State, New Ulm; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr.. Chi.; IstN.Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 5 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 8 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 13 1st N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; N. Citiz. and 1st N„ Mankato. 12 1st N„ St. P. Washington N18 BANK M " __ Iaffiliated w ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. d®J*'12 Jun’34Stmt 75-1076 First National Bank in Lake- August Pohlman... S. M. Richards____ field------ 75-371 _____d®'02 Orton Richards Jun’34Stmt Lake Lillian...206 First State Bank____©t§’14 Chas. S. Flann........ Wm. R. Johnson— I. T. Strom Kandiyohi N10 Jun’34Stmt 75-1131 H. R. Mattson, Lake Park........ 624 State Bank of Lake Park J. F. Millard___ Becker H5 Jun’34Stmt 75-1574 ©ti'26 Lakeville______522 First National Bank.d®i’99 W. H. Samels. Jun,34Stmt 75-820 Dakota 016 O. Wangensteen.. R. A. Clemens____ M, A. Rogness___ 35 Paul Hammer Lake Wilson...329 First National Bank___ ®19 J. F. Nepp............... J. J. Mihin_______ 25 20 Redwood P8 Jun’34Stmt 75-1470 Bank. ...75-1566 Jun’34Stmt d®t§'26 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. J. E. Morten .......... T. E. Kuehl______ F. A. Fenriek . Lanes boro.__ 1014 Scanlan-Habberstad Bank & O. M. Habherstad, Fillmore R21 Trust Co-75-358—d®Ttl'07 Ch. ofBd, and Pres. Jim’34Stmt Laporte « _____ .. dB®« 03 FIRST STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-426 d®J'02 Polk F6 Jun’34Stmt 75-1147 MINNESOTA Mfcp on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 215 254 56 42 213 59 25 107 24 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 7 Northw.N.Bk.&Tr., Minpis.; 1st N., Mankato. 185 241 34 100 10 72 250 49 68 20 106 34 1,254 1,538 100 511 293 458 3 1 36 55 8 8 33 10 6 307 348 91 22 69 157 9 Stk. Yds. N„ So. St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25 Pf. 20 10 4 375 6 440 81 8 66 255 25 Cap. Notes 15 5 237 7 289 46 45 30 157 10 2 10 23 30 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; N. Citiz., Man kato; Northw. N„ Min pls. 11 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mankato; 1st N., St. P. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 5 O. U. Habberstad.. 0. T. Simonson ___ 50 Deb. L. Galligan Frank H. Traxler. George Shippman.. C. C. Traxler_____ A. F. Meyer N. Weber, Sr.. .. A. O. Tambornino. W. H. Ebert . Lengby..............144 Farmers State Bank..®tl'14 Geo. O. Lillo______ O.J.Borud— 55 217 185 First State Bank ___ d®tf'09 Knute Gladen........ T. A. Larsen. J. Score.. ______ 15 Jim’34Stmt 75-822 (Member of Northern Minnes ota Clearing House, Bemxdji, Minn.) LaSalle_______ 121 State Bank of La Salle T. O. Hovde_____ A. H. Shellum........ O. E. Sundt 20 P. S. Blackstad — Watonwan Pll Jun’34Stmt 75-823 ®il'06 Deb. 5 Jun’34Stmt 75-427 342 8 Hubbard G10 Le Sueur P14 286 1 200 *Le Center ....948 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4 Adon A. Zimmer Lamberton___ 782 Farmers & Merchants State Wm. Raveline, Murray Q6 55 — i 63 25 43 176 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 6 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. f. 07 34 Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State+Priv. tMem. State.]?. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond Entire State in No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President, Vice-President. Cashier. Le Boy________ 661 First National Bank .dB®’04 F. W. Sprung...... J. F. Hale_________ C. O. Strom.. Jun’34Stmt 75-441 Mower R19 C. B. Hall, Ch. John Miller FIRST STATE BK. Jun’34Stmt 75-440 C F.T. YOUNG_ _ _ _ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MINNESOTA—Continued Ass t Cashier. ___ L. J. Kivell.. . (In Thousands of Dollars LIABILITIES. Resources. i Other Oash.Ex. O.S.Gov. Other j Loans Cnd.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi 1 & Dis ReliromBks ties bilities Reserves ties counts | souroes $ 25 3 3 $ 263 $ $ 25 316 8 59 $ 55 S 41 $ ! ROBERT DICK_ _ _ _ HAGBABTH HAWKINS LULUE.RUNESTRAND G. A. HALVER B. S. LARSON d®t§’93 } Collections and Bequest for Credl t Reports MUST be accompanied (.fee in advan CE: Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 50c. 25 $ 6 3 154 188 8 44 130 $ Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. and Austin; Northw. N , Minpls. 4 4 131 159 18 57 Le Sueur 1897 State Bank of Le Sueur A. P. Garnatz.......... Jun’34Stmt 75-1607 d®t§’33 Le Sueur P14 25 5 2 206 238 125 52 Lewiston______656 Security State Bank.d®T§'05 .1. W. Koepsell, John H. Neumann. F. H, Fritz............... H. J. Litcher_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-525 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Winona Q22 40 10 17 440 507 89 142 56 204 Lewisville .305 Merchants State Bank W. C. Kietzer........... Roy F. Crowley... Adolph Sucker ___ Jun’34Stmt 75-825 d®*tS’02 Watonwan Qll 20 4 5 178 207 47 15 23 116 369 63 32 150 106 143 21 11 36 69 1,247! 120 369 402 314 1,079 321 171 229 296 Evelyn D. Nelson F. R. Victor... R. R. Sell____ ‘Litchfield___ 2880 Northwestern National Bank Wm. S. McGee___ H. J. Minar_______ H. A. Becklund—. A. L. Tostenrud— Jun’34Stmt 75-188 d®t’30 Meeker Mil Jun,34Stmt 75-189 ‘Little Falls..5014 Morrison E12 d®*»*29 30 9 7 323 20 4 4 115 ]fL. W. SCH0LES— - C. W. WAGNER -...... A. E. PFIFFNER, V. P. and Cash. A. H. Y0UNGSTR0M-D. N. THARALSON 75 44 (With Pf. 50 Surp.) _____ •• ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. C. PATIENCE...... 4: v.weWel R. H. ROHDE.......... P. S. GILLESPIE. V, P. and Cash. J. HOLOWICZ CHAS. JENSEN, A. c. »|ByisT ■ Austin Kosloskv . W. Gibson E. W. Kaliher J. K. Martin d®T»t’89 E. W. Kaliher, Little Falls Clearing House. (Members indicated by a*) A. J. Falk Hilda Schlax L. F. Martin Ch. of Bd. 100 25 20 934 Abe Olson ................ A. Orleheke Ruth Orleheke___ Mildred Orleheke .. Ed. Thorstad........... A. J. Andersen.... London________ 77 London State Bank____ t§'08 J. P. Goslee............. Oscar Bellemans. Geo. Funda_______ Jun’34Stnit 75-828 Freeborn R17 Long Lake........ 207 State Bk. of Long Lake John Smith_____ Hennepin N15 Jun’34Strat 75-829 d®tl'05; H, O. Berklund___ K. M. Bollum PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 75-307 dB®»t’03 A. A. Linderud-... M. O. Scow_______ H. Everett R. Lux W. G. C. Mach&cek.... _ ‘Long Prairle.1854 Bank of LongPrairie.d®8’81 G. R. Christie......... Raymond A. Lee.. Harrv Lee Todd K10 Jun’34Stmt 75-305 Jim’34Stnit 62, • 100 25 105 50 10 2,024 8 (<Circu lation) 1 100 2,362 50 557 447 1 188 799 817 488 N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 70 N. Bk. & Tr„ Chi.; 1st N., St. P.;lstN. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 56 60 134 259 48 N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Depo sits by Cities, Lockhart........... .95 First State Bank .-._d®t§’15 Ed. Hekman... Jun’34Stmt 75-1222 Norman F3 *• 76 Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. and Glencoe. 4 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 16 Cont. Ill. N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Merch., Winona. 6 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mankato. 18 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 6 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 42 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N„ Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. &nks, Llttlefork_____474 State Bank of Littlefork G. N. Millard d®t§’25 Koochiching C15 Jun’34Stmt 75-827 " 57 5 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., L AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COB PORATION fR.D. MUSSER...... 'AMERICAN A. A. BARTON, V.P. NATIONAL BANK J •Jiin’34Stmt 75-108 ....... 1,002 J “OLDEST AND IN LITTLE FALLS LARGEST BANK IN MORRISON COUNTY” Jun’34Stmt 75-109 d®»t'83 (.AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION •• ............ 46 I. M. Andrews Llsmore_______325 State Bk. of Lismore »t§ 1900 A. J. Rice_________ Jun’34Stmt 75-606 Nobles Q5 STATE BANK OF LITCHFIELD 33 i A. T. Victor. _ 9 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. by 20 LIndstrom___ 561 Security State Bank.d®t§’15 A. F. Oberg_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-1252 Chisago MIS 31 Ced. R.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 127 Lester Prairie.442 Farmers State Bank___ I§’13 .T. B. Clement. Henry Emme____ Harold O. Milbrath Frank Reimers___ Jun’34Stmt 75-1100 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. McLeod N 13 J. T. Peterson____ Principal Correspondents . Peter P. Klick . A. J. Rhoda Schroeder. States, etc.) 10 1 75 10 4 (With Surp.) 71 10 2 1 88 10 4 1 25 15 Cap. Notes 25 25: 10 911 16 42 22 14 19 45 101 47 7 44 121 136 14 H 8 95 760; 820 175 10 140 440 55 149 174 295 107 < 640 1 85j ......... 10 st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Minn. N., Du luth; 1st N„ Int’l Falls. Minpls. 7251 25 A.F.Bokinskie Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Lyle and Albert Lea. forthw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N„ Minpls. lont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. t MINNESOTA MAP on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising In this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. fiOQ Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. Lonsdale............508 Rice 6 15 •Mem. A.B.A.nNew I State tPrlr. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Pknumt. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings State Bank of Lonsdale .Iun’34Stmt 75-830 d©«'08 J. J. Rachac. Ch. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this MINNESOTA—Continued Liabilities. (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Und.Prof. Other Loans Oash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Totals Re Reserves fromBks ties ties bilities counts sources !S 282 20 $ 13 ............ 3 248 3 67 3 $ 33 3 37 3 125 3 20 1 F. J. Machacek___ T. R. Sklnzacek__ $ J. J. Jirik oassixs. Asa’T Cashike. Loretto 149 State Bk. of Loretto -d®tl’10 A. Van Beusekom.. Joseph Klaers......... R. C. Nathe______ Hennepin N 14 Jun’34Stmt 75-831 10 Pbincipal Correspondents . st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 2 3 2 98 122 14 1 8 93 6 Northw. N., Minpls. 190 38 45 30 72 5 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Cap. Notes 10 Lowry _ 272 Lowry State Bank .d©«t8'99 I. M. Engebretson. E. A. Engebretson. H. F. Engebretson. M. E. Mclver_____ Pope L7 Jim’34Stmt 75-833 25 5 3 157 ‘Luverne____ 2644 Rock R4 50 10 1 399 4 464 Ill 110 71 119 53 R. A. SHERMAN------- A. G. SUURMEYER— 50 Cap. E. E. NUFFER 10 15 567 2 654 203 79 205 141 26 15 3 2 144 164 57 15 11 77 4 25 4 1 157 17 204 54 40 76 30 4 25 5 2 407 24 463 62 167 129 97 8 25 Deb.lo 10 1 205 256 75 25 148 8 50 10 7 279 396 64 103 50 172 7 Northw. N„ Minpls.; N. Farmers State Bank of S. D. Noonan____ John L. Johnson .. H. C. Gunderson.. M. K Cnltvet Madelia, Inc..............®*tl’16 .Iim’34Stmt 75-1309 ‘Madison.........1916 Klein National Bank .d®t’3I C. H. Klein............... Grant Jacobson___ L, A. Nikolai Lac aui Parle N4 .Iun’34Stmt 75-1601 25 5 6 203 239; 77 27 127 8 50 10 6 421 537 118 249 63 96 Madison Lake.365 Peonies State Bank__d®tS’06 Frank Daschner .. Jack Brown______ W. J. Ries Blue Earth P14 Jim’34Stmt 75-837 George Schaub *Mahnomen.._989 First National Bank in M. H. Hanson......... F. J. Rogstad_____ B. O. Ness. Mahnomen 05 Mahnomen.75-1571. d©*t’26 Jun’34Stmt 10 4 2 117 133 21 16 31 61 25 4 3 224 281 57 55 98 60 3 8 35 8 39 170 316 712 862 LUVERNE NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-1600 " -------- " rCHRIS FITZER......... 1- 1 ) d®*J’31 l AFFILIATED TTHE0. ALBRECHTROCK COUNTY BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-175 d®«5’82 L AFFILIATED GOFMBFI niRi nMnm GEORGE S. HENRY A. A. ANDERSON WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO RPORATION WITH THE NOR THWEST BANCO RPORATION. Lyle...................... 453 Farmers State Bank d®t§’15 R. C. Rustad______ Ed. D. Nelson......... H. E. Lernd______ Mabel Lillegaard.. Mower R17 Jun’34Stmt 75-1212 " , ,,u " First National Bank___ ®'01 Jun’34Stmt 75-835 F. M. Beach.. ... R. A. Anderson.__ R. A. Anderson___ A. W. Buehrer Mabel................ 686 First National Bank__ d®’93 Betsey Tollefson, A. T. White______ O. M. White. . Fillmore R22 Jun’34Stmt 75—502 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. L. Tollefson " _____ *• First State Bank___ ®*§’07 N. H. Nelson___ K. Olson_________ Jun’34Stmt 75-503 __ Rert White _ Madelia 1397 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK W. J. McCarthy... G. V. Christiansen J. G. Olson_______ E. E. Mitchell____ Watonwan Qll .Iun’34Stmt 75-299 d®»i’86 “ _____ , ** Mahtowa.. I5n State Bank of Mahtowa V. J. Michaelson, Carlton 118 Jim’34Stmt 75-1172 d®JS'14 Carl H. Borgen.__ E. L, Losensky.__ Manchester ...100 Manchester State Bank O. M. Olson............ G. Haakenson _ . Freeborn Q15 ■Iun’34Stmt 75-839 ®t|'06 »Mankato._.14,038 ’AMERICAN STATE BANK Blue Earth PI3 Jun 34Stmt 75-38 d®»tS’06 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-33 (Mankato banks con tinned on next page) MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis d®»t’68 John Ellingson.. f L. HENLINE_____ J. A. HIELSCHER- F. W. DARS0W ED. LARGES......... 10 50 50 25 10 2 2 50 64 14 10 2 2 68 82 30 40 8 9 615 672 j 147 27 26 2,893 3,357 792 823 - (.THIS BANK GI YES PROMPT, P ERSONAL ATTE NTION TO COLL ECTI ONS. G.M. PALMER-___ fs'e F. G.WALSER----T. C. MICKELS0N 250 50 138 1 SEND US YOUR MANKATO ITEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F„ S. Dak. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and Mid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; Secur. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F. Drov. N., Chi.; IstN.Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.: 1st N., Austin. N. Y. Tr,. N. Y; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls. Citiz., Mankato. N.Y.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 11 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 4 N. Citiz., Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls. 11 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st and Am. N., Duluth. 4 Northw. N., Minpls.; Northern N., Duluth. IstN.Bk. &Tr„Minpls.; Freeborn Co. N. Bk. & Tr., Albert Lea. 12 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 5 168 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. AFFILIATED WITH FIBST BANK STOCK CORPORATION. 1 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 629 Number under Name or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State fPriv. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. *Mankato_..l4,038 (Continued) tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond President. Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Principal Loans Other Und.Prof. Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Other Correspondents . Re Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia & Due Securi Securi & Dis Totals ties fromBks ties counts sources _____________________ Reserves bilities 4 Am. N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. 50 $ 64 $ 321S 49 $ 20 $ 13 $ 254 $ 10 $ 397 $ 248 $ Oscar Schmidt.... F. A. Buscher____ D. C. Stockman___ $ & Tr., Minpls. Pf. 50 O. Borgmeier Vice-President. d-Safe Deposit © Savings ♦^National Bank of Com Otto Lamm. . merce inMankato.dB®*t'34 T. J. McGovern, Jul’34Stmt. 75-37 Ch. of Bd. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. H. W. PRIBN0W— H. V. BULL............ V. A. BATZNER, A. E.QBIMBY-------H. A. PATTERSON, V. P. and Cash. £ J Ch.ofBd. • gruenfelder ELMER PHILIPS0N 100 50 73 3,942 100 Largest Bank in Southwestern Minnesota Pf. 250 Collections made by personal presentation Jun’34Stmt 75-34 d@«t‘72 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION. *• _____ •• Mankato Clearing House.__ F. W. Darsow____ J. G. Brauch........... H. W. Pribnow. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of I (Members indicated by a*) Sec. and Tr. Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Maple Lake 660 Security State Bank dB®t§’07 J. A. Elsenpeter.. Albert Westrnp__ A. H. Ney_______ H. O. Bolduan. io 4 10 251 Wright M13 Jun’34Stmt 75-513 'NATIONAL CITIZENS BANK Maple Plain,..288 Hennepin N14 Mapleton_____862 Blue Earth Q13 Marble_______ 738 Itasca 616 Marine on St. Croix........ 297 Washington M18 ‘.Marshall ___ 3250 Lyon 06 State Bk. of Maple Plain F. V. Halgren......... H. V. Miller_____ Jun’348tmt 75-841 d©*t§'05 O. Styner T. J. Burns___ _ FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ .Jun’34Stmt 75-405 d®«+03 First National Bank .d®»t'09 P. F. Lindkolm. F. M. James... 15 2 3 D, G. Argetsinger. C. M. Credicott. W. F. Borchert A. B. Borchert 25 13 i 1 Lit H. Barber.......... G. P. Mitchell & 100 364 * ’I f Ka«qai 22 4,515 Nation 948 848 817 1,659 Stat e and Private Banks, Total s 275 61 79: 120 15 13 72 425 120 19 207 138 52 6 29 45 972 149 345 245 189 131 azel BCrge .Hazel Berger--- 25 2 Olga L. Zimmer... 12 3 3 120 50 10 7 799 25 5 16 330 376 114 361 223 10 2 1 42 60 11 201 25 5 30 7 12 489 563 116 125 200 Walter H. Diers__ 10 3 4 118 135 36 J. H. Nathe______ E. Ortmaon______ Metre Grove...176 Meire Grove Farmers State J. H. Lnetmer, Bank_____ 75-846____ 1511 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (Melrose P. O.) Jun’34Stmt Stearns L10 Melrose___ ___1801 Melrose State Bank. d®t§’07 H. F. Loosbroek__ J. H. Welle_______ H. C. Stalboerger.. Jun’34Stmt 75-170 Stearns L10 10 2 2 9 23 5 .... 17 25 15 2 363 405 53 92 236 G. R. Lee................... W. Jarvinen______ A. F. Ristinen. First National Bank.d®»t’98 M. Ristinen, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Mendnta State Bank.d®5’17 S. A. Netland_____ S. W. Netland......... H. M. Hammer.... Jun’34Stmt 75-1372 25 5 First State Bank _...d®t§'15 J. H. O. Scheldt, H. H. Wicklow ___ W. P. Jones______ A. W. Schuldt____ Ch. of Bd. aiyd Pres, Jun’34Stmt 75-1204 (See St. Paul) J. A. Allen_______ M. K. Rudd______ G. W. Kirkeby___ First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-331 d®»t'98 25 Jun’34Stmt 75-842 Security State Bank of Ma R. E. Strand______ R. G. Thoreen____ Joka Rosell__ rine_____ 75-1456.. d®t§'19 H. H. Gleseke____ J.M. Shrader, K. X. Sheffield. 1. M. Evans ______ oteBank McGregor____ 216 hJcGre Jun’34Stmt 75-1248 Aitkin 116 d®t*'16 _E.M. Reiter.......... F Mille Lacs K14 Jun’34Stmt 75-456 K. K. Hoffard____ G. A. Beito_______ Ingeman Aaseng. Alfred Zakrison 25 108 41 [ 53 Milan. ..548 Peoples State Bank____t§’15 N. A. Pederson Jun’34Stmt 75-1258 Chippewa M5 423 479 65 94 167 141 158 51 15 15 5 9 156 195 51 104 73 25 20 14 482 567 133 204 84 20 7 2 160 199 38 4 2 73 114 79 7 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 2 1 77 92 55 3 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; State Bk. of Northfleld, Northfleld. 25 Milton a_______89 Miltona State Bank—d®tS’17 Leo Blank.,__ Jun’34Stmt 75-1345 Douglas K8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26 9! 108 Cap. Notes State Bank of Milan—.®tf’91 T. Anderson_____ C. R. C. Blom__ __ M, A. Anderson... L. S. Oppegaard — Jim’34Stmt 75-851 J. A. Swenson.. W. F. Malm______ A. J. Johnson.. 13 i Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. ;lstN.,St.P. 301 IstN. Bk. &Tr. Co., Min pls.; 1st N., Wadena. 61 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr.Co., N. Y.; State Bk. of Northfield, Northfleld. 3jSecur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Owatonna; 1st N., St.. P.; 1st. N., Waseca. 26 City N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 61 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and Mid. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 1 15 P. A. Pederson.__ C. A. Bystrom____ I. M. Thompson 14iNorthw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; Minn. N., Duluth. SjSecur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Owatonna; Northw.N., Minpls. 1 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., | Minpls. 2 Jun’34Stmt 75-847 MINNESOTA Map onlndex 6 1st N„ St. P.; Far. & Merch. State and 1st N., Stillwater. 44! Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr„ N. Y.;lstN.,Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 3 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Union N., Rochester. 2 Am. N„ St. P. Notes Harlan Pye.... Medford______ 350 First State Bank___ dB®l'12 William W. Pye, Jim’34Stmt 75-1066 Ch. of Bd. and Pres Robert E. Pye Steele P16 Meriden______ 108 Steele P16 Merrlam ParkN24 .Milaca______1318 H. W. Reiter_____ 4 Coat. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. S andNorthw.N.,Minpls. 7 IstN.Bk. &Tr. and Mid. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 18 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. i Co., Chi.; Northw. N„ 1 Minpls. ;N.Citiz.,Man kato. 10 Minn. N„ Duluth. Cap. McIntosh___..688 First National Bank .d®*2'88 C. M. Berg- Menahga_____ 486 Wadena HO Mendota_____ 173 Dakota N16 ’ G. Reiter. A. 56 Pf. 50 ... Fred Gross bach__ . A. Hodge_____ Ven V. Maas______ Mazeppa...........450 Peoples State Bank _..di§'00 G. H. Sqnlrc-------Jun’34Stmt 76-627 A. 4. J. Hodge, Sec. Loretta M.Huberty Wabasha P19 / Polk F6 25 Jun’34Stmt First National Bank. d®*3’91 H. W. Addison. .Jun’34Stmt 75-207 243 Chase N., N, Y.; Cont. _ Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Empire N. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. P. 10 20 Cap. Notes 15 10 2 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number gives fiqn to each bank hi U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. »Mem.A.B.A.nNew SSUtetfriv. t-Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estjb. ♦Fed. Re*.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-gafe Deposit ® Barings ___ President. Vice-President. OASHIXB. MINNEAPOLIS— Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 9) ASS’T CASHIER. Capital E. PETERSON- - - - - A. S. NEWCOMB- - - - - - L. R. 01ERG1-LAKE HAT’L fj. S. POMEROY — S.‘ S. NEWCOMB 8 County, M 23) County Seat. Pop. 464,356 LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources, Und.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Reserves bilities ties counts fromBks ties 200 $ 72 S 1,378 % 25 $ 200 S 1,875 $ 912 8 276 $ 45 8 Other Re sources 602 8 $ __ 17-70____d®»*'26 l AFFILIATED (1527 E. Lake) Minpls. Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown by* ____________ Affiliated Banks by+____________ Principal correspondents. 40 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. • WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO RPORATION + Camden Park State Bank G. B. Sigurdscc, H. G. Fredin____ R. R. Nelson____ Jim’34Stmt 17-67 d®«t§'10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (4171 Lyndale Ave. No.) Jun’34Stmt + Central National Bank ( John Schmidler.. E. L. Forsythe ___ 17-60 d®J’07 1 AFFILIATED WITH THE NOR (2329 Central Are.) + Chieago-Lake State Bank M. H. Manuel, E. S. Jones______ Jun’34Stmt 17-94 d®t§'17 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. (741E. Lake) Farmers & Mechanics Sayings T. F. Wallace_____ C. S. Langdon___ Bank____ 17-51____ ®»J§'74 A. F. Pillsbury Jul’34Stmt (115 S. 4th) John Crosby Jun’34Stmt. T. W. LarsoD._ 40 25 100 H. M. Brunsell__ ; THWEST BANCO RPORATION. L. O. Munson____ G. E- Larkin.... 5 200 278 63 39 17 151 I 10 36 1,261 1,607 277 263 510 464 10 4 255 294 45 24 118 100 7 2,854 s no co llection 60,157 63,011 6,626 8,109 32,477 14,548 1,251 50 Pf. 150 25 (Four H.S. Kingman. Tr,. A. H. Crosby, Sec. .jj (Make H. E. Cobb, A. Tr. W. A. Kramer, A, Sec. A. W. Geggie, A.Tr. J. L. Larson.A.Sec. H. J. Landquist, Federal Reserve Bank —Dist.9» (See page 43 for com plete information) A. Sec. 17-8 + Fidelity State Bank—d®i§‘l7 A. N. Kylander. 40 Emil Gustafson.__ V. E. Mikkelson. i Cap. 17-92 (2338 Central N.E.) Jun’34Stmt 8 8 Cap. Notes 93 931N. Branc hes) +EKV4tl!KV!IIM (3006Hennepin Ave.) m. McDonough. 25 100 !ont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Marquette N., Minpls. 10 6 544 625 54 27 217 310 17 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 10 12 878 1,000 836 23 3 130 8 N. City. N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls. AFFILIATED WITH THE NOR THWEST BANCO RPORATION Jun’34Stmt City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls. and 1st N.. Ohi.; 1st N.Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Phil. N., and Market St. N„ Phil. Notes C. E. HILL.......... H. H. SIVRIGHT...... fl.0.THAYER- - - - - - - r. City, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mar quette N., Minpls. Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co. New York Bankers Trust Co.__________ __ New York Chase National Bank........._.... ............ New York Manufacturers Trust Co.__________ New York First National Bank_______________New York *St. Anthony Falls Office, (17-6) East Hennepin Ave. at Fourth St. Guaranty Trust Co............. ................ New York WM. E. NEUDECK, Mgr.; CHARLES A. PALMER, A. Mgr.; EDWIN R. WISTRAND, A. Mgr.-, Irving Trust Co._____ ___ ________ New York National City Bank_______________ New York J. M. DOWNES, A. Mgr. Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co. ★West Broadway Office, (17-111) West Broadway at Emerson, Chicago First National Bank___________ Chicago C. G. HABERLAND, Mgr.; F. R. SLEAVIN, A. Mgr. Commerce Trust Co....... ...... ............ Kansas City ♦North Side Office (17-66), West Broadway at Washington. First National Bank In St. Louis____ St. Louis B. W. L0HMAR, Mgr.; WALTER FAFR0, A. Mgr. Security First National Bank_____ Los Angeles Anglo California National Bank.San Francisco Trust Department OTHER MINNEAPOLIS BANKS IN THE FIRST NATIONAL GROUP Philadelphia National Bank_____ Philadelphia R. W. WEBB, Ch. of Trust Comm, B. V. MOORE, V. P. Mellon National Bank____________ Pittsburgh Bloomington-Lake National Bank Canadian Bank of Commerce................Montreal A. B. WHITNEY, HENRY V. A. W. L. WALLGREN, C. R. MILLER, A. Sec. Imperial Bank of Canada________ Toronto Hennepin State Bank V. P. & Tr. Off. BRUCHHOLZ, Sec. A.Sec.andA. Tr.Off. LEW WALLACE, A.Sec. 17-2 dB®T»*’64 Royal Bank of Canada......................... Winnipeg Minnehaha National Bank WM. J. STEVENSON, PAUL REYERSON, D. E. KULP. A.Compt. A. C. REGAN, A. Sec. (Marquetteat 5tb) Jnn'34Stmt V. P. & Tr. Off. A.Sec.andA. Tr.Off. Produce State Bank FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND L. E. WAKEFIELD.— J. S. POMEROY- - - - - - S. H. BEZ01ER- - - - - - - J. G. MACLEAN— F. M. PRINCE, J. G. BYAM „ M unRRI.nH C. B. BR0MBACH Ch. Of Bd. A. Mcc. WASHBURN, *' "“cwrolfar J- A- MURPHY A. CHAMBERLAIN, V.P.&Gen’ICounsel p G. W. SMITH Ch. Exec. Comm. A. P. KEMP W. A. V0LKMANN W. F. McLANE J. A. DAVIS V. F. ROTERING A. H. QUAY J. CLAYTON VINCENT McLANE M.0.GRANGAAR0 C. L. LAMM G. W. LA LONE C. W. HILLBERG A. H. T0WLER 6,000 5,000 1,488 114,765 6,286 133,539 35,170 35,090 11,827 48,014 3,438 TRUST CO. Investment Department, HENRY E. ATWOOD, V. P. +F0URTH NORTHWESTERM RAT’L BANK-17-55... d@»t’99 (401 Cedar Ave.) Jun’34Stmt r A. A. McRAE........ C. M. JORGENSEN— C. M. JORGENSEN — C. P. ANDERSON— c'laudiaIahl (.AFFILIATED |V. F. ROTERING—- G. 0. LEE- - - - - - - - - - - A. H. TIMMERMAN— Jun’34Stmt 17-79 d®+§’29 (Hennepin at Washington) \ AFFILIATED WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO RPORATION. (R. W. MANUEL__ E. S. JONES............ G. E. LARKIN-........ M. E. M0RTENS0N— WM. F. KUN2E, 0. H. ODIN, J V. P. and Tr. Off. 100 Pf. 25 100 2,091 2,353 1,493 82 100 20 662 805 366 126 300 100 3,522 939 698 714 47 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. N. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 186 123 4 Chase N., N.Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 489 1,117 279 Empire Tr. Co. and N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Mellon N., Pitt. WITH THE NOR THWEST BANC ORPORATION +HENNEPIN STATE BANK "MARQUETTE NATIONAL BANK AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION V. P. and Tr. Off. Pf. 100 114 2,610 298 M. H. MANUEL 17-4 T»t'20 F. F. ZANDER (517 Marquette Ave.) I PROMPT ATT ENTION TO ALL COLLECTIONS Jun’34Stmt MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 631 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. 9) Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. tMem. 8tata B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Capital $ ‘MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK & TRUST GO. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNEAPOLIS—Continued—Reserve City Irniii f Pin 4«n 03'E-v- ILOOMQUIST, L. 0. OLSON ARN0LF UELAND. Sw. CALV|H w AURAND L.L.D. STARK, F. W.PETERSON, Tr. Off. Surplus 500 $ (In Thousands of Dollars) Und.Prof. Other and or Deposits lia Reserves bilities 200 $ 285 $12,234 $ Totals Resources. Loans i Oash.Ix. U.S.Gov. Other Securi Securi & Dis . & Due ties ties counts fromBks Other Re sources 506 1$14,225 $ 5,037 $ 3,313 $ 1,459 $ 4,202 $ 214 l"™ Pf. 500 Auditor AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION 418 1,472 25 349 225 1,512 39 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. + MIKNEHAHA NATIONAL BK. Jun’34Stmt 17-66 d®f27 (2716 E. Lake St.) AFFILIATED WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO RPORATION. THEODORE WOLD. Asst.Vice Presidents 6UY E. MASTERS, H. J. RILEY_ _ _ _ _ 5,000 WILLIAM A.DURST J. W. GROVES v. P. and Cash. r. t. SWANSON Ch. Exec. Comm. j. A. KUSS F. J. MULCAHY, FREDH.SANDBERG Pf.5,000 — D .. , J. D. HUSBANDS Sec. h. H. SIVRIGHT Vice President* J. R. SMITH, J. R. BYERS A. A. RICKAt Trust Officers Comvtroller p p BURGI R. E. MACGREGOR and Asst. Secretaries Asst. Secretaries e* uj AunrDCnM C.V. c.E. GEO. V0LLMER c ROSE C. E. SMITH HILL M K DRAKE MARK J- B. ALLEN c H »• R0SE W. 0. JOHNSON H. A. HILLGREN WM W. H. S. QUIG6LE M D. IMOHNSON CHANDLE°RN r- n- GESME, 4 ^ |. T. «• BURNS COLBURN H. L. BERGQUIST JOHN BURGESS E.J. HUGHES F. C. O’BRIEN F. W. CONRAD Accounts of Banks, Bankers, and others received on the most liberal terms. Correspondence solicited. 1,000 1,752 98,725 1,077 112,554 (Offices) ★Lake Street Office (17-63). Lake and Nicollet; A. W. SMITH, and L. L. BERGLUND, Ass’t Mgr*. C. R. SHERIDAN, L. H. BERG, W. A. BENSON and R. B. GROSS, Ass’t Mgrs. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON MINN. INDEX. 1,188 1,584 170 10 G. W. LaLONE — G. F. JENSEN- - - - - - - - G. F. JENSEN -......... S. 0. HUSO............ 100 20 21 1,007 1,148 807 83 50 15 12 870 977 734 451 25 29 981 1,245 541 203 10 13 723 846 292 123 I.17-100.d®t§’25 <1300 2d St.. N. E.) Jun’34Stmt Mar.; ★North American Office (17-5), Plymouth and Washington /JACOB A,KUNZ«Afpr.; 66 { f, Gty. T Bankers Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. IU. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 2d N. and 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N. and Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. ★Lincoln Office (17-99), Hennepin and Eighth. E. J. OLSON, Mgr.; J. R. WREN and J. E. WILLIAMS. Ass’t Mgrt. 30 +PR0DUCE STATE BANK 2,398 AFFILIATED WITH NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION 300 Cashier 9,343 34,960 31,945 33,908 A. P. Smith_______ Chas. L. Harris___ B. E. Forster, Tr... M. L. Dean.Sec.__ Northwest Morris Plan Co. Frank L. Blewett, E. L. Strom, A.Sec, Jun’34Stmt 17-113 *t'17 B. E. Forster. V.P. E. L. Lambert MildredM.Sargent,, A. Tr. D. C. Smith, (116IS0.6th St.) Jun’34Stmt 17-110 d®»ti’28 (100 No. 7th) N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. Minne&polis-Trnst Joint Stock O. M. Corwin_____ E. J. Grimes_____ E. J. Grimes, Treat. H. Henretta, Sec.__| 3,490' 450 ......... 152 2,888 88 C. T. Jaffray Land Bank..17-112_____t’22 (.Territory of North Dakot a and | Minne\ sota.) B. V. Moore (115 So. 5th) Jun’34Stmt J. G. BYAM- - - - - - - G. W. LA LONE-....... A. H. ELMQUIST ARVID A. LUND— 100 20 1,083 100 1,323 20 685 Jun’34Stmt 17-1 B®«t'72 (620 Marquette) Principal Correspondents^ You mako no mistake In selecting this bank to handle your MINNEAPOLIS business. Jun’34Stmt 17-3 d®T«i’09 (405 Second Ave., So.) NORTH WESTERN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Minpls. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by-t- 1,352 52 Industrial Finance Corp., N. Y. Comptroller 216 3 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 178 15 Mnfrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls. 47 434 20 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. 98 322 11 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Marqnette N., Minpls. 39 AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORPO RATION. fR. E. MACGREGOR. R. F. BERTCH- - - - - - - C. P. GERBER- - - - - - AFFILIATED WITH THE NOB THWEST tMHF1- Deb. 30 BANC ORPORATION E. MACGREGOR. G.M.CHRISTOFERSON G.M.CHRISTOFERSON J.E. ENERSON- - - - - - 150 Pf. 50 _______________ —dB®«'16 AFFILIATED WITH THE NOR THWEST BANC ORPORATION Jun'34Stmt 17-86 (430 E. Hennepin Are.) 50 A. J. Veigel______ F. J. Pesek_______F. J. Pesek................ H. R. Higley______ +University State Bank Cap. Jun’34Stmt 17-77 dB®«tS’15 A. B. Wilder. Ch. Notes (724 Washington Ave., S. E.) Minneapolis Clearing House.. L. E. Wakefield ... K. W. Manuel........ J.S.Pomeroy,Mgr. W. J. Regan. 10 50 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Y.; 1st N., Chi. Total C. U. Examiner (Members indicated by * affilia ted Banks by +) MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 632 Minneapolis—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. • Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. v lr> JL" Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships wished. TELMER L. WILLIAMS, ALLISON-WILUAMS COMPANY±T80 JIV. J. ALLISON, V.p'. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. I. D. OWEN. Tr. C.0.BJ0R_ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. ear tMem. State Bks. Assn, EYstab HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. TTcnWT, ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. LISHaD Northw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Minpls. (1245 Northw. Bk. Building) A. Sec. and A. Tr. I Dealers In Municipal, Government, RailL road, Industrial, Public Utility Bonds. J. S. BACHE & CO......................... 92 G. A. SAUNDERS, Mg*.............................. Partners ) (Chamber of Commerce Bldg.) J. S. Bache & Co., N. Y. and Chi. Members Principal Stock Exchanges Brown Harriman & Co. Incorporated (Northwestern Bank Bldg.) Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships PIPER, JAFFRAY & H0PW00D (529 Second Ave„ So.) New York Office: 63 Wail Street. Chicago Office: 331 South La Salle Street. D. F. GOODMAN, Manager Engaged in the general investment business as underwriters of capital issues and as dealers in U. S. Government, State, county and municipal bonds, and in railroad, public utility, industrial and other investment securities. ±*tT95 KJXy New York Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange (Assoc.) Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Curb Exchange (Assoc.) Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Minneapolls-St. Paul Stock Exchange THE FIRST BOSTON Exec. Offices: N. Y. and Boston. Other Offices: St. Louis, Kans. City, Cleveland, Phila., Balt., Pittsburgh, Washington, Buffalo, Hartford^ Atlanta. Scranton, Los A., San F„ Port., Ore.. Seattle, Worcester, Springfield, Mass., Providence and Rutland. United States Government, Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad, and other Investment CORPORATION 1 Bonds and Notes; Bankers’ Acceptances, Bank, Insurance Company and other Invest (Northwestern Bank Bldg.) ment Stocks, Direct Private Wires to Principal Cities Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER1 (Rand Tower) MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE •County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Mlnneota____ 918 Lyon 05 President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. H. J. TILLEMANS— JOHN TILLEMANS — S. B. ERICKSON- FARMERS & MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-398 Vice-President. A. E. DE SUTTER— Chippewa N6 d®»t'27 l ' L. E. CAMPBELL— C. A. FOSNES IG— M. A. FLAA_ _ _ .1. D. H. ARNESON 62 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. and Mankato; 1st N.t St. P. 25 18 N. Citiz. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls. 4 Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & TX Co., M Uh pj s . ; ■ 1 ft N*, Und. Prof.) iu 50 50 Montgomery. 1570 Citizens State Bank.d®tS'05 H. H. Westerman. E. E. Westerman.. Wm. M. Kozel___ Geo. Benesh_____ 15 LeSueur 015 Jun'34Stmt 75-302 Wm. P. Murphy Deb. 15 ^ First National Bank.d®«t'92 F. M. Pexa_______ F. J. Kotek_______ J. J. Petricka___ T. N. Havel______ MINNESOTA MAP on Intfex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis z J) 10 l19 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, ISc; Credi t Reports, 25c. Union State Bank~d®»t§'30i.T. F. Millard_____ C. D. Bensel_____ C. C. Elkjer______ B. E. Bonn_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-1579 W. F. Schwagerl - Principal Correspondents . 40 S 51 (Incl. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO RPORATION. SECURITY NATIONAL BANK J Jun’34Stmt 75-1578 Liabilities. Und.Prof, Capital Surplus and or Deposits Reserves Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. d®t'03 Minnesota Lake Farmers National Bank E. F. Stephan, G. A. Beske______ E. W. Tolzmann... E. L. Kauffman___ Faribault Q14 435 Jun’34Stmt 75-535 d®»t’02 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. G. F. Wrucke Monterey____ Monterey _____ 183 Farmers State Bank ,d®tl’13 _d®tl’13 C. B. Landin__ E. Petersoji__ _ ___ _________________ QIO^ Jun’.r 75-1076 ------------ Martin Martin Q10 Jun’34Stmt i \ ~ * •Montevideo .4319 U. S. Government Securities, Home Owners’ Loan Corpo ration Bonds, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Bonds, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Debentures, Federal Land Bank Bonds, Municipal Bonds and Notes, Bank and Bankers’ Acceptances. Railroad Bonds, Equipment Trust Certificates, Public Utility and Industrial Bonds, Cana dian Government, Provincial, and Municipal Bonds, Foreign Government Securities. Offices: Neu) York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and Cleveland. Bond Salesmen’s Headquarters in San Francisco, Atlanta and Dallas. MINNESOTA—Continued Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. 0 Mfrs. Tr. Co. and Winthrop Mit chell & Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Fuller, Cruttenden & Co., and C. F. Childs & Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; 1st N., St. Paul. (Investment Securities, Commercial Paper) DISCOUNT HOUSE OF President: ALLAN M. POPE, New York Representative: G. G. WALDO, Minneapolis INVESTMENT BANKERS..... , _ ...................... Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. 25 Pf. A 5 20 1,025 Dent. Han.’"Bk^sTTr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 27 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Stk. Yds. N„ So. St. P. 15 1st N. and Am. N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 7 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northwr. N., Minpls. Practically all Leading Investment Dealers Advertise in this Directory CQ3 Ooo Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. ^County Seats. Entire State in »Moorhead .. Clay H2 •Mem. A.B. A. "New IState tPnv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts-.T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings tMora_______ 1( Kanabec K16 Cashier. Dnd.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia bilities Reserves 10 $ 624 100 Pf. 25 25 41 936 $ IN MOORHEAD (.AFFILIATED W ITH THE NORT HWEST BANCO RPORATION. Jun’34Stmt 75-130 dB®*t’29 M. B. Lewis ... . First National Bank. d®t'26 V. J. Michaelson... F. A. Schweiger... L. S. Rantio Jun’34Stmt 75-1482 25 Pf. 25 5 6 348 R. P. Campbell___ E. M. Shanks____ 25 10 11 490 20 4 2 217 f 1 H nFFMS MAX GOLDBERG_ _ _ Kanabec State Bank -d®t§’17 F. P. Powers . 0. B. RUSNESS_ _ _ _ Mabel I. Nelson... State Bank of Mora..©t§'03 Jun’34Stmt 75-380 Chas. Swenson State Bank of Morgan d®t§’92 Joseph Kraus____ W. P. Netzke___ Jun’34Stmt 75-251 MAURITSON L. H. Ickler, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Wm. w Py« State Bank of Morristown Jim’34Stmt 75-1583 d®t§’28 W. G. Goldsmith Jim’34Stmt Richard Jacobson . R. V. Pye....... ........ N.M. Mahlum___ G. A. Johnson___ 183 $ 16 rorthw. N and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 203 250 299 376 99 hase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Empire N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Fargo. 25 434 80 44 158 133 19 536 55 100 206 165 10 263 87 70 88 18 Northern N„ Duluth; Northw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Mid. N. Bk. & Tl. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. rorthw. N. Bk, & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 449 87 141 48 163 10 275 210 10S 19 5 20 408 16 (Incl. . Prof.) 5 15 557 612: 20 4 1 176 201 40 36 67 51 7 10 3 194 10 34 53 15 15 10 20 1 311 94 87 123 21 280 _____ cur. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Faribault. 139 182 28 5 34 105 25 15 14 514 568 84 97 74 306 20 4 3 115 ...... i 142 26 18 27 61 25 Pf. 18 11 3 150 20 227 30 35 107 25 150 72 295 35 D. G. Hiebert First State Bank____ d®5’84 O. E. Erickson___ Patrick Reynolds. Wm. T, Estrem___ Virgil Ness_______ Geo. L. Engh Jun’34Stmt 75-861 J. CL Malloy First National Bank. d®»t’03 A. G. Larson____ 25 50 8 Farmers StateBank d®»T5’06 C. Bollenbach____ K. A. Finseth____ L. C. Bollenbach— 10 4 1 10 2 471 25^ Co., Minpls. 5 • • !ont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. (Incl. U. S. Bds.) Deb. 15 3 579 . 143 158 34 46 15 58 71 93 18 38 5 28 10 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.Co., N. Y.; Minn. N„ Du luth. 7 Chase N„ N. Y.; IstN.. St. P.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls. 10 Mid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Bk. of Willmar, Willmar. 30 Mid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 27 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls. 5 Jun’34Stmt 75-866 New Brlghton.5 Ramsey M24 First State Bank----- d®t§’12 E. L. Haglund___ F. Beisswenger__ F. M. Searles Jim’34Stmt 75-1047 New Germany.2 Carver N13 Jun’34Stmt 75-870 Farmers State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75—1115 dB®*t§’14 Wm. H. Grell___ 10 25 3 1 213 242 17 5 76 136 8 F. H. Smithson.... Alvin Ness . ____ 15 3 2 120 150 13 2 36 95 4 10 25 5 5 274 10 8 2 75 15 9 2 120 A. n. Wall Julius A. Coller — John P. Baltes__ Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. N„ St. P.; Bk. of Willmar, Willmar. Cap. Notes 65 21 95 12 20 146 24 23 77 140 6 50 7 55 6; 6 Am. N. and 1st N., St. P. Jun’34Stmt 75-872 Newport_____ 541 Farmers Terminal State Bk. A. F. Noltimier.__ T, F. Spreiter___ Washington N17 Jun’34Stmt 75-1483 d®t§’20 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 1st N„ St. P. Cap. Notes W. F. Stender ___ Alfred Anderson.. A, W, Hnpsp State Bank of New London J. M. Bolstad____ Jun’34Stmt 75-871 dB®t§’90 Scott 016 276 $ 1,227 Jun’34Stmt 75-863 New London ..4 Kandiyohi MS 123 $ 15 E. M. Moline____ P. A. Peterson___ Hilda J. Mattson— Deb. 20 N. A. Moline Nashwauk___2555 American National Bank Itasca 016 Jun’34Stmt 75-1496 ®»t’20 Rice P17 156 $ Cap. Notes John Behrends.... D. J. Schroeder... Farmers StateBank Jun'34Stmt 75-1462 d®*tl'19 Principal Correspondents . Other Re sources 100 15 Mountain Lake..1388 Cottonwood Q9 Murdock______ 326 Swift M7 $ Loaus & Dis counts Cap. Notes 15 25 O. L, Thorson____ E. J. La Pave____ A. L. Neumam....... Farmers State Bank._.dt5’14 Jun’34Stmt 75-1149 W. H. A. Koehler— State Bank of Mound Jun’34Stmt 75-860 d®*tS’09 Mountain Iron Mountain Iron First State St.Lonis F18 1349 Bank.... 75-1356 -d®t§’16 754 Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi fromBks ties ties A. R. Woodbeck Jun’34Stmt 75-1360 orris ______; Stevens L5 l Totals $ 20 $ Redwood 09 Morton______ 756 Renville OH Mound_______ 668 Hennepin N 14 ass’t S 50 S Pf. 50 Jun’34Stmt 75-494 Rice F15 Cashier. Vice-President. American State Bank Theo. Gulickson.._ H. J. Harris Jun’34Stmt 75-1468 dB@t§’27 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Carlton 118 PRESIDENT. Non>Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Helen Kersten ___ 38 Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. st N., St. P.; Northw.N., Minpls. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence fi.'ZA ' Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWH AND COUNTY. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrii. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab. Entire State in No. ♦Fed. Re8.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond 9 Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. New Prague..1543 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. T. Topka. . LeSneur 015 Jun’34Stmt 75-271 dB©»t’03 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (In Thousands of Dollars Resources. MINNESOTA—Continued CASHIER. ASST 0A8HIER. VV. J. Topka............. W. J. Tnpkra LIABILITIES. Und.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits lia Reserves bilities $ 50 $ Pf. 30 5 * 10 $ 561 8 56 Totals 8 712 Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Loans 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis tromBks ties ties counts 8 115 8 18 11 473 589 35 5 6 302 338 70 (F. H. RETZLAFF — ADOLPH G. MEILE — F. H. KROOK----------- W. F. HUEVELMANN100 E. H. STELUES < OLDEST ESTA BLISHED BANK, ORGANIZED 1 875. BANK 1 Special attentio n given Bill of Lad ing drafts, Cash a nd Time Items. KPlease send 15c wi th each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor to. Jun’34Stmt 75-119 d®»tl’75 20 19 1,083 1,222 236 fEMIL MUELLER— J. H. VOGEL_______ H. E. FAY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS ) EFFICIENT PE RSONAL SERVI CE. STATE BANK—-d®*« 14 ^Special attentl on given to colle ctlons. Jun’34Stmt 75-121 10 CITIZENS STATE fANDREW SAFFERT. FRED J. BACKER — STATE BANK OF NEW ULM j Send Us Tour Collections, BUI Jun’34Stmt 75-120 d®»tl’01 Cfor Prompt Att entlon. Plain si LI; Mi— 50 E. A. STOLL----------- Mr40 F. J. SCHDGEL. A. c. of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time I terns ght drafts 15c, cr edit reports 25c. 40 20 18 468 .......... - 1,559 548 1,657 (H. N. Somsen___ A. J. Vogel............... T. H. Schonlau, T. H.Furth, A. Sec. (Resou rces ov er Two and T hree-qu arters C. G. Stevenson Sec. and Treae. K. K. Clay, A. Sec. L Municipal Bonds Mortgage Bonds a nd Reserve Fund Bo nds. Farmers AMerch.State Bank A. T. Morstad, Wm. Oman_______ E. H. Buerkle____ W. H.Tikkanen.__ 5 4 20 241 275 Jun’34Stmt 75-1272 d®Tt§’16 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Deb. 5 Nicollet______ 434 Nicollet State Bank... ®ti’03 Ed. H. Olson______ F. D. Currier_____ E. O. Johannes Jim’34Stmt 75-876 Nicollet P12 W. E. Jenson. 25 North Branch.800 Merchants State Bank E. G. Magnuon___ Elias Nordgren.— A. F. Johnson_____ C. T. Brad________ 50 Chisago L17 Jun’34Stmt 75-879 dB®»tl’04 Deb. 15 Northfleld__ 4153 f J.D. NUTTING........ ALEX. MACKAY------- H. 0. DILLEY- - E. H. WATSON - 75 FIRST NATIONAL Rice 016 L. S. MARKO <OLDEST ESTA BLISHED BANK ORGANIZED 187 2. BANK j Special attentl on given BUI of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. Jun’34Stmt 75-147 d®»t’72 v_Please send 25c wi th each eight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor to. rM. M. HAYDEN-— S. L. MANHART........... F. V, NELSON «ElTDRUS?yo!°"U Jun’34Stmt 75-148 d®T»t'29 l State Bank of Northfleld Jun’34Stmt 75-149 AFFILIATED A. O. Netland . d®§'10 1 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 39 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. 114 358 15 30 208 410 73 468 82 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 15 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Min pls.; 1st N., Waseca. 35 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25 12 25 50 ii 8 20 2 380 374 1,050 718 441 15 74 108 474 1,244 978 72 276 70 270 117 19 416 526 418 21 Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr! Co. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; N.Citiz.,Man kato. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Am. N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N., Minpls. Offices: Des Moines and Sioux City, Iowa and Minneapolis, Minn. Millio n Doll • 47 39 77 70 104 15 Minn. N., Duluth. 24 296 44 23 195 160 38 245 393 334 24l 193 305 282 148 51 69 434 354 146 22 58 248 Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. & Tr. Co. and Northw’. N., Minpls. F. .T. Tschann . S. A. NTetlanrt . 50 A. M. Peterson.__ A. N. Persons, A. C. P. A. Netland Deb. 50 Henry Roehler____ H. C. Mielke 20 6 871 28 1,025 10 2 2 40 54 9 18 24 15 10 4 80 109 23 23 59 N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COB POBATION. Northome___ 258 First State Bank_____ ®J§’03 L. Latterall, M.J. Latterall- .. E. O. Lukkasson— Koochiching E12 Jun’34Stmt 75-880 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. {Member Northern Minnesota Clearing House, Be midji, Minn.) Northrop____ 130 Northrop People's State Bank F. C. Snyder____ Martin Rll Jun’34Stmt 75-1380 d®t|T7 C. E. GESME P. M. ODEGAARD 241 $ • STATE B0NB & MORTGAGE (jn............. 'ii Otter Tall 18 183 8 Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;Nortkw.N.,Minpls. STATE BK. OF NEW PRAGUE f J. W. MACH, Sr.— J. PROSHEK...............- A. G.SIREK________ I. J. MACH................... 37 Jun’34Stmt 75-270 d®ti’83 I First and Oldest Cap. N. H. SCHREINER established Bank In City. Notes 50 New Richland.777 State Bank of New Richland 25 Earl Lange................ Waseca Q15 Jun’34Stmt 75-874 d®tl'99 J. W. Romine____ Harold Sunde......... Geo. Hovig «New Ulm ___7308 Brown Pll 134 8 Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. Northw. N., Minpls. 1 3 3 Northw. N„ Minpls. ' Edwin Laeth-------- N. Citiz., Mankato. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. co c OOD Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. rBstah. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings North St.Paul 2915 Ramsey M25 Norwood _fi07 Carver N13 First State Bank —d®t§’10 C. R. McKenney... P. S. Wick................ Jun’34Stmt 75-882 Citizens State Bk.—d®t|'14 H. Q. Lenzen.......... Jun’34Stmt 75-1157 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. LIABILITIES. (.In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Other j Und.Prof. Totals | & Due Securi- Securi- & DisReCapital Surplus and or Deposits LiafromBks ties biiities ! ties counts sources Reserves Wm. Pfeifer_____ $ 15 $ F. A. Kelirer 15 15$ 3 $ 305 S 38 $ 5 S 270 2 116 136 36 97 124 22 Principal Correspondents. 31 $ 110 $ 118 $ 8 1st N. and Am. N„ St.P. 4 16 72 25 77 8 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.,St.P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., Albert Lea and Austin. 10 Alfred Oakland 70 State Bk. of Oakland A. A. Sorenson.__ A. A. Sorenson___ Bertena Sorenson. Cap. Ohriitopherion Jun’34Stmt 75-884 d®t|’ll Freeborn R17 Notes 15 20 H. R. Berdell........ Odin 1 qd M, T. Laingen____ Jun’34Stmt 75-885 Watonwan Q10 2_____ 2 53 79 — 55 10 3........... 99 112| 40 1 5 59 20 Deb. 5 4' 4 76 ______ 109 22 15 31 32 10 15| 2 157 184 20 38 108 25 10 4 332 $ 396’ 110 33 160 81 15 2 2 78 97 13 10 6 62 10 61 2 110 128 24 12 30 59 5 7 253 295 58 118 51 58 5............ 371 441 45 42 109 198 Chas. Hechtman ... J. W. Hamilton___ A. P. Hechtman___ W. M. Neumann__ 25 Osseo.__ ___ 561 Farmers State Bank Joseph Chouinard Deb. 50 Jim’34Stmt 75-559 dB®tS'09 Hennepin M15 5 13 649 742 192 110 121 301 10 2 1 130 143 16 6 38 75 10 2 1 51 64 16 8 7 28 100 25 19 1,564 1,808 397 529 462 324 96 N. City, N. Y.; Cont, Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Austin. 2,060 2,326 605 568 641 430 82 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N.Bk.&Tr. Co.,Chi.; Northw'. N., Minpls. 70 82 18 8 5 46 5 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N,. Aitkin. 20 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Farmers N„ Alexandria. 18 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 12 Minn. N., Duluth; IstN., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Ogema State Bk. .... ®»t§’07 Frances Tembrock. Jun’34Stint 75-622 Becker Q5 Oeilvle 341 Jun’34Stmt 75-1582 Kanabec K15 Okahena Jackson R8 ,011 via J. H. Tembrock__ Martha Tembrock . 41 20 A. M. Tembrock M. F. Skoglund.__ J, Hanenhnrg Chas. Swenson____ 9.9A First State Rank . ..d®tS’06 H. L. Mikelson.— E. J. Hartman____ S. Frederickson___ Jun’34Stmt 75-887 1175 Citizens National Bank Frank Kircher, Geo. Kircher ___ Jun’34Stmt 75-1577 d®t’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H, W. Schroer------ 25 Renville N9 Onamla............. 514 First State Bank.__ d®t5’07 W. A. Benzie.. Jun’34Stmt 75-888 Mine Lacs K14 Henry Goulet____ W. A. Lipetzky.... Ormsby______ 107 Farmers State BankdB®tI'01 Ed. Kuehl________ H. E. Meier Watonwan Qll Jun’34Stmt 75-890 ‘Ortonvllle ...2017 ■vn?.cHLm« J0. B.SCHNECK— J. ROY GEIER............. A. H. ERICKSON - - BENJ.T. ZIMMERMAN 25 Big Stone M3 Cap. (AFFILIATED WITH THE NOR THWEST BANCO RPORATION Jim’34Sfmt Notes Osakls illk Douglas K8 Ostrander..........151 Fillmore R20 Otlsco________ 100 Waseca Q16 ‘Owatonna ...7654 Steele P16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. M. Evenson, Geo. Herbereer... d®t'03 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. A. Peterson Jun’34Stmt 75-353 Ostrander State Bank Otto Hanson______ C. L. Christenson . Elmer Anderson__ Evelyn Vreeman.. Jun’34Stmt 75-891 d®t§’03 Otisco State Bank—d®5'14 B. J. Paulson Jun’34Stmt 75-1141 FIRST NATIONAL Lewis Gehring.__ Emer J, Hanson 25 E. H. Holtz R. S. BANFIELD. H M MUNSON M. E. BREWSTER, N L. WICKIOW_____ M. E. BREWSTER A. Tr. Off. j. A. WONDRA BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-U3 25 Pf. 15 H. L. Fearing (One 100 Branch) Oldest Banking Houise in Steele County. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION dB®T’66 EVANS-— T. R. KELLY.............. 20 10 21 .T. F. Ost_________ 25 10 10 276 25 346 95 40 90 101 4Park Rapids.2081 Citizens National Bank H. W. Ressler......... W. M. Taber........... C. A. Fuller______ H. F. Hoffman......... Emma Boyer Jun’34Stmt 75-232 d®t'33 Hubbard H9 25 5 2 164 25. 221: 50 58 65 30 20 4 2 253 279 62 52 20 133 M SECURITY BANK & TRUST CO............75-115..d©T»I»'96 Jun’34Stmt f PAUL H. ) ( Mr- Tr. Off. R. K.fVJUIS A. A. ENDBES —- AFFILIATED WITH THE NOR THWEST BANCO RPORATION Palisade.__ ___162 Palisade State Bank.d®«t§'12 J. E. Lawrence.—. Gnstaf Berglnnd__ O. A. Olion_______ O. Pearson Jun’34Stmt 75-1052 Aitkin H15 Parkers Prairie 631 First National Bank.d©»t'0Z H, J. Westlund.__ H. H. Leibold____ E. C. Bergquiit. Jun’34Stmt 75-567 Otter Tail J8 J. E. Flynn, J. A. McKay______ State Bk. of Park Rapids d®*t8'02 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun'34Stmt 75-233 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 1st N.,St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 6 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Elk River. 3 N. Citiz., Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls.; Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P. 10 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 47 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 18 Cont. Ill. N.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 8 1st N., St. P. and Spring Valley. 5 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. and Waseca; Am. N., St. P. | 100 Deb. 100 M 4 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi. ;lstN.and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.i 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Det. State, Det. Lakes. 9 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 18 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Heron Lake. Ben Haberer______ 46 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ^u Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. town and county. •Mem.A.B.A. "New §3tate tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Paynesvllle.. .1121 St tarns M10 (In Thousands of Dollars) LIABILITIES. President. Vice-President. | ANSON EVANS-—, N. H. DREIS- - - - - t AFFILIATED Jun’34Stmt 75-375 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. H. J. SAUER .. Ass’t Cashier. E. J. NEHRING........ Und.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities $ 25 8 10 3 5 $ 414 S Totals RESOURCES. Cash,Ex. Other Loans Other & Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Re fromBks ties ties counts sources 460 $ 52 8 184 239 35 29 23 137 6 8 111 8 217 8 55 8 FeIlcanRapIdsl365 Otter Tail County State Bk. C. D. Hangen_____ O. M. Haugrud. Otter Tail 16 Jun'34Stmt 75-349 dB®l§1900 J. P. Wallace State Bank Cecil W. Sherin Jun'34Stmt 75-848 d®«tS’82 H. O. Wagner— 25 Walter Holmgren R. W. Sherin____ A. C. Meland .. Deb.30 25 10 2 318 355 41 16 40 237 10 2 2 76 90 36 13 4 33 15 Gladys Aas ___ .. Jun’34Stmt 75-1156 Perham_____ 14H Perham State Bank—d®t§’ll Harry Lee........... . R. L. Christie____ D. R. Christie___ John Helms............ 25 Otter Tail 17 Jun’34Stmt 75-1007 Wm. E. Lee Deb. 15 Pier*_____ ____ 634 Farmers & Merch. State Bk, A. P. Stoll_______ P. A. Hartmann__ R. M. Stoll__ A. H. Flicker_____ 10 Morrison K12 Jun’34Stmt 75-898 ®t§’02 4 1 228 248 77 79 80 3 1 178 222 106 31 66 10 6 360 386 10S Pennock_____ 191 State Bank of Pennock Kandiyohi M8 Jun’34Stmt 75-894 25 WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COR PORATION. d®tS'01 H. L. Larson A. J. Jacobson G. C. Haug_______ Herman Edman... W. E. Berglnnd__ M. R. Berglund— Pequot.._____ 488 Farmers State Bank.dB©5’14 J. C. Nelson_____ L. Mathieson_____ A. C. Larson____ Crow Wing 112 28 Principal Correspondents. st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; N. Shaw., Bos. 15 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co'., Minpls. 21 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 4 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Bk. of Willmar Willmar; 1st N., St. P. 12 1st N., Brainerd; Northw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 19 Northw. N., Minpls.; Minn. N„ Duluth; Bk. of Long Prairie, Long Prairie. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Pillager.......... .296 Security State Bank d®»tS’ll W. J. Lewis______ Frank Swanson___ G. E. Parsons. Cass Jll 15 3 2 67 87 38 *Pine City___1343 Farmers & Merchants State W. A. Sauser_____ E. J. Pehler........... C. M. Pennington. G. C. Daley............. Pine K17 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 30 6 13 174 223 25 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. First National Bank—d©t’96 John C. Carlson... George Dorr______ J. D. Boyle______ 1. R. Melin______ Jun’34Stmt 75-303 R, P. Allen M. B. Baron 50 Pf. 30 10 7 454 576 97 30 6 1 346 433 37 25 1 1,104 1,230 161 Jun’34Stmt 75-899 Bank------ 75-304. _.d®I§’04 Jun’34Stmt Pine Island.__961 Security State Bank.d®»t§’31 J. A. Bringgold.__ J. H. Diercks_____ H. H. Billings____ Leo Stucky........ . Goodhue P19 Jun’34Stmt 75-396 R. J. Baumgartner Cap. ‘Pipestone___3489 Pipestone Q3 E. J. FELDMAN - TH0S. LOWE- - - - - - A. H. JANSEN-- FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-181 SlAaW11- 25 (drewlation) 99 116 230 20 349 34 Chase N.t N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 27 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N„ Rochester; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 553 379 51 Notes 50 50 50 86 STANNARD _ | Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and TimeMORGAN items. ®«{’89 N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. f 15 CENTS sent t o us with eacb slg bt draft for prese ntatlon, and .25 CENTS for ea ch credit report in sures prompt, per sonal attention. THE PIPESTONE NATIONAL BANK Jun'34Stmt 75-180 |A.C. WALKER— MAX MENZEL— W.R.LANGE- - - - - - M, H.BRITT l AFFILIATE d®t'79 J. 1. Vermilya, Ch, Anne Bergene W. Harrington Peoples State Bank.d®t§’25 W. R. Zabel______ C. H. Zabel_______ M. T. Duerre_____ G. F.T. McGough____ Jun’34Stmt ♦ 75-1561 H. W. Zabel ‘Preston_____1214 Farmers & Merch. State Bank Henry A. Larson.. A. H. Langum........ D. E. Broadwater. Fillmore R21 Jun'34Stmt 75-319 d®»+§’ll Florence K. Soffa First National Bank.. d®t’02 Thomas J. Meiehen Joseph T. Meighen T. Schoenbaum J. F. Anderson ___ Jun’34Stmt 75-318 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Frank Gartner Mille Lacs L15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-265 jS‘S’ PEJ^S0N--j^NESR ©J’87 ) l A. F. MEYER- - - - - - - - - FKD^C. KEITH-------- MINNESOTA Map on Index 7 664 5! 776 152 239 221 118 46 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 35 5 3 527 351 605 72 50 123 348 12 25 5 1 330 9 370 53 132 105 58 22 50 10 8 368 436 84 106 228 18 25 15 (With 295 50 34 31 161 472 60 174 173 38 Winona. 50 lJ ‘ Surp.) 3r 230 25 380 30 1 * AFFILIATE D WITH FIRST 1 - BANK STOCK C ORPORATION Princeton State Bank W. H. Smith______ H. E. Milbrath___ Ruth V. Herdliska. Ben R. Whitney.— Jun’34Stmt 75-266 d®t§’08 Prinsburg........ 100 Prinsburg State Bank .®|’16 A. E. Reetz______ John Bonnema, Jr. Geo. H. Wahler. Kandiyohi N8 Jun’34Stmt 75-1318 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 D WITH FIRST BANK STOCK C ORPORATION Plain view........1233 First National Bank.. dJ’02 W. H. Harrington. Earl W. Harrington A. W. Wempner... Wright Miller____ Wabasha P20 Jun’34Stmt 75-323 Princeton........ 1636 75 20 5 2 220 247 51 10 2 3 48 63 13 ........... 1 33 P. and St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 19 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 27 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 127 12 1st N., St. Rochester. 4 st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 'orthw. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Willmar. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 637 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and Count*. I eMem. A.B. A. «New §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. iMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab President. Vice-President. Cashier. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Prior Lake____266 Dennis Murphy. J. H. Oleary___ A. P. Groth___ Scott 015 Jun’34Stmt 75-905 James Costello Proctor_____ 2521 First National Bank H. H. Peyton____ Andrew Johnson .. F. C. Mitchell St. Lonis H20 Jun’34Strat 75-906 d Randall______ 302 Morrison Jll Jun’34Stmt 75-908 Rapldan............100 Farmers State Bank Blue Earth 013 J. K. Martin_____ E. A. Rebischke.. F. A. Schwanke__ Raymond____450 Kandiyohi N8 H. O. Feig.............. F. R. Hier........... . W. J.Johnson___ 75-1071 Jun’34Stmt a Red Lake Falls Red Lake E41386 Jun’34Stmt 75-1588 *Red Wing... 9629 ♦First National Bank Goodhue 019 Carl Flo.. O. C. Kunkel........... Sam’l H. Lockin... B.G. Featherstone Aug. H. Lidberg... fB. M.BOXRUD-___ NATIONAL BANK 75-49 .Jun’34Stmt d®T«t’78 "RED WING NAT. BANK&TRUST CO. Liabilities. (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources Principal Ond.Prof. Other 1 11 Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals & Due Seouri- Securi- & DisReCorrespondents. Reserves bilities fromBks ties tie 8 counts sources $ 20 S 4 $ 1 $ 57 82 $ 23 $ 17 S 39 $ 3 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 50 Ivor F. Anderson— 9 435 $ 549 50 7* $ 106 122 214 33 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Cont.lll. Roy Carlson N. Bk. & Tr„ Chi.; Minn. N„ Duluth. 10 Mae J. Schwanke, 2 49 61 13 1 23 21 3 1st N. Bk.&Tr„ Minpls.; Sec. 1st N„ Little Falls. 10 3 113 i 142 12 19 1st N„ Chi.; N. Bk. of 107 Deb. 15 Com., Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 15 3 3 118 149 18 46 17 61 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 7 Cap. Minpls.; Bk. of WillNotes mar, Willmar. 10 25 5 241 5 Clarence W. Orr„ 276 48 88 90 42 8 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; City N. and Northern N., Duluth. 50 17 J. C. Johnson____ 23 1,096 501 87 331 645 1st 206 17 Chase N„ N. Y.; Pf. 50 (lncl. N„ Chi.; Northw. N., Undiv. Minpls. Ass’t Cashier. 5 4 J. L. Pete.............. J. .T. Asiala . Jos. J. Helm 0. G. JONES-........... ) E. H. FOOT. Ch.ofBd. N. C. LIEN- _____ H. J. CROKE E. A. NORDLY COMPLETE BAN KING SERVICE. fH. M. GRIFFITH, J Ch.of Bd.andPres. V. L. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNKSOTA—Continued JOHNSON......... C. L. SKOGLUND----- 1 F. FRR Prof.) 100 47 17 1,993 Pf. 100 (In cl. Und. Prof.) 100 50 50 - 35 857 106 1,148 388 198 799 835 87 Chase N..N.Y.; Cont.lll. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 126 337 358 241 86 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. [affiliated w ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. 75-47 dB®T*t’68 S. H. Lockin_____ B. M. Boxrud____ H. M. Griffith, Red Wing Clearing House V. L. Johnson, Afgr. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of (Members indicated by a*) Sec.’and Tr, Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) * Red wood Falls Citizens State Bankd®»t§’28 W. W. Klingman.. J. A. Hartigan___ 25 5 10 600 L. R. Ewart Redwood 08 2552 Jun’34Stmt 75-1584 Jun’34Stmt Remer_______ 263 Security State Bank-.d®§’20 W. B. Russell....... H. A. W. Kasper.. Gotfred Nicklason Geo. R. Kelley___ Jun’34Stmt 75-1516 Cass H13 Renville____ 1064 O’Connor Bros. State Bank Timothy O’Connor C. D. Beck___ .. T. G. O’Connor.... Jun’34Stmt 75-1062 d®t§’12 Renville N8 N.L. Billig Frank Kiewel....... J. N. Terhaar___ Rice__________314 First State Bank___d®J§’16 L. H. Clepper, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 75-1338 Benton L13 John Lane. . . Frank Fienhage... Jos. J. Doll . Richmond___ 603 State Bank of Richmond Jun’34Stmt 75-490 d®t§*04 Stearns Lll Robblnsdale. 4427 Hennepin N16 Jun’34Stmt 75-1444 10 6 16 68 5 “ 89 64 242 16 2 4 SO 2 410 15 3 2 55 21 32 23 4 3 1 284 30 50 70 148 10 5 3 256 289 52 66 84 80 7 Cont. Ill. N.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 4,479 1,136 1,413 939 108 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. 122 446 10 1 462 Cap. Notes A. C.GOODING—BURT W. EATON... R. A. BEZOIER— E. A. CEGAL .. J. FIEGEL IstN., Chi.; Am. N. and 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. IstN. Bk. &Tr.,Minpls.; Far. N„ Aitkin. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; IstN. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Am. N., St. Paul; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 20 Deb. 5 HOWARD-___ J. W. ROCHE______ J. W. ROCHE __ - E. A. JAENISCH-----L. J. CHOUINARD 128 30 Pf. 5 10 25 200 Prompt attention to Southern Minnesota collections and items. Special facilities for your clients coming to Rochester. Put them in touch d®»t’64 with us. Direct foreign connections. 130 3,949 2C0 CO 75-68 105 300 d®t§’18 l AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt H. P. Private Banks, Total 212 oo oo ‘Rochester. 20,621 Olmsted Q19 SECURITY STATE BANK 13 al, Stat e and 640 Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. Paul. (lncl. Und. Prof.) AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION A. R. Cunningham. ♦Olmsted County Bank & Tr. C. F. Dabelstein— J. F. Cooke Co........75-1467...d®T*t§’19 E. C. Green, Ch. Jun’34Stmt W. W. Chnrchill.. Geo. M. Lowry, ♦ROCHESTER LOAN & TR. ChristopherGraham R. W. Chadwick Sec. and Tr. CO_____ 75-71....B®n§’13 Jun’34Stmt ♦UNION NATIONAL BARK Jun’34Stmt 75-09 d®»t’68 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Vera R. Lehner, WE INVITE 75 15 (25 Ca p. Not es) 6 703 1 825 170 35 50 10 2 152 135 349 22 56 74 125 50 20 29 1,258 49 1,406 443 157 524 241 A. Sec. and A. Tr. C. E. KNOWLTON.. CHRISTOPHER A. C. BURGAN- - - - - - E. C. WEINHOLD—. „ „ „ GRAHAM W. W. CHURCHILL YOUR BUS I NESS. Rochester Clearing House.. R. W. Chadwick... C. F. Dabelstein... W. W. Churchill, (Members indicated by a ♦) L. J. Fiegel Sec. and Tr. MINNESOTA Map on Index S. J. Condron_ W. F. Sperting (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) | al, Stat e and 52 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 72 Northw. N., Minpls.; Un. N„ Rochester. 41 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Am. N„ St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. Private Banks, Total Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rmnd-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. iroo l»«jo Town and County. ♦County Seats. Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. eMem.A.B.A.wNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Barings President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in pack of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Loans Other Ond.Prof. Other I Cash,Ex. O.S.Oov. Other Re & Due Securi Securi & Dis Totals Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia counts sources Reserves fromBk3 ties ties bilities 11 Northw. N„ Minpls. Rockville .......... 294 State Bk. of Rockville Francis R. Ash.__ C. F. Eickhoff____ Aug. T. Meyer____ S John Welsman, Jun’34Stmt 75-917 dB®tl’10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Stearns L12 10 S 5 Rogers.................222 State Bank of Rogers H. V. Dehn............... T.en Wfihftr . Jun'34Stmt 75-918 d®tl’09 Hennepin L 21 W. A. Kinghorn HoraceE.Danielson 14 2 8 2 50 68 22 1 5 37 3 Northw. N., Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Rolllngstone.,289 First State Bank____ d@t|’05 H. Choate. Jr.____ Ed Schell . . Jun’34Stmt 75-919 Winona P22 A.A.Walch. ___ 5 3 246 284 49 28 28 157 22 Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 4 Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Cold Spring. S 155 $ 12 8 36 $ 39 $ 57 $ Principal Correspondents. ■ 20 Cap. Notes 10 20 4 1 111 136 36 23 7 66 Citizens State Bank__ ®t|’06 J. R. Chappell____ Olaf Holdahl______ 0. B. Dahlquist.__ Margaret E. Rice.. Jun’34Stmt 75-452 J. L. Delmore 25 5 1 263 294 50 32 43 149 20 First National Bank.d®*t’96 L. H. Ickler ... Jun’34Stmt 75-450 25 5 3 327 $ 385 65 91 108 96 25 E. O. Johnson____ 20 5 5 145 175 33 16 65 56 5 Ralph M. Toombs. 25 5 7 386 423 82 75 202 55 9 15 10 15 130 173 22 97 33 12 9 10 10 3 225 248 47 29 22 147 3 State Bk. of Worthington, Worthington; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 20 4 1 143 168 44 5 70 44 5 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 60 Rush City. 9Q8 STATE BARK OF RUSH CITY John O. Carlson__ James J. Flynn.... Carl H. Sommer__ Jean McCormack— Deb. 30 Chisago Li7 Jun’34Stmt 75-360 d®»J|'82 W. A. Johnson Hjalmar Anderson 12 5 788 895 185 95 224 343 35 10 6 321 35 407 66 69 126 132 48 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St.P.;Northw. N„ 1st N. Bk. & Tr., and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 14 1st N„ St. P. and Winona. 30 10 10 519 ........... 569 116 64 91 291 7 1st N„ Chi.; Merch., Winona; Am. N„ St. Paul. 30 4 2 ....... 263 71 8 35 141 8 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Roscoe 7.n? First State Bank_______ tl’07 Joseph Weis_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-100O Stearns L10 ♦Roseau_____ 1028 Roseau B6 Rose Creek__ 210 Mower R18 Peter Roeder_____ .. State Bk. of Rose Greek Jun’34Stmt 75-920 d®tl'02 W. S. Bell................. BARK f J. P. BAKKEN...... LAWRENCE PAULSON LAWRENCE PAULSON RICHARD M. GATLIN- d®tl'15 (affiliated w H, O. Miller tS’27 A. H. Elasen_____ Wm. F. Ahlbrecht. Rushford__ _ 1125 First National Bank—d®i’02 O. M. Habberstad. Geo. H. Julsrud—. Elvin Humble.___ Wm. A. Smaby___ Fillmore Q22 Jun’34Stmt 75-355 Kathleen Habberstad “ ...__ " Ruahmore.__ 832 Nobles R5 Russell __ Lyon P5 Rushford State Bank J. G. Roberton.__ L. J. Roberton____ J. A. Frisvold____ J. E. Anderson.... Jun’34Stmt 75-354 d®t|’06 Oscar Hanson A. B. Olson First State Bank __ Jun’34Stmt ♦75-610 ®«J5’26 F. J. Johnson, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. R. McLeod____ R. G. Rhodes 358 New Farmers & Merchants E. F. Oberg, G. A. Brinkmeyer. State Bank.75-924 .d®ti’03 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. S. Purdy Jun’34Stmt Ruthton s«7 Farmers ftMorchants State R. E. Rogde Pipestone P4 Bank.—75-1354. .d®»t*’17 Jun’34Stmt 221 Minpls.; Worthington N„ Worthington. Deb. 6 20 V. L. Peterson ___ Cap. H. M. Haakenson 6 2 104 137 33 18 10 64 20 Z)e6.10 10 5 215 Sacred Heart..685 Farmers & Merchants State H. A. Wiglund .... E. H. Evenson____ H. C. Omholt_____ Renville N7 Oscar Davidson Bank..♦75-927............*:§’88 H. C. Omholt 35 Deb. 15 7 6 223 25 7 10 155 H. Dahl 12 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Mankato. Notes H. C. Pedersen - - 3 1st N„ St. P.; Merch., Winona; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Am. N., St. P.; Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Cont. Ill.N.Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Northwestern N., Minpls.; 1st N., Austin. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;lstN.,St.P.;lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Minp. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N„ Fergus Falls. ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. Round Lake. 403 Farmers State Bank_d®ti'll A. F. Diehn_______ Nobles R7 Jun’34Stmt 75-1017 Royalton __ sis Royalton State Bank. Morrison K12 Jun’34Stmt 75-1575 25 W. H. Dean Rosemount 294 First State Bank....d®t{'09 F. A. Ruhr_______ Jun’34Stmt 75-921 Dakota 017 Rothsay___ 386 FARMERS STATE Wilkin 14 Jun’34Stmt 75-1228 N. and Merch.,Winona. j Tr. Co., 260 89 17 20 122 12 Northw. N., Minpls. 286 48 24 39 160 15 1st N„ St. P.; IstN. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 200 42 35 115 8 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr„ Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. Jun’34Stmt Sanborn.... 518 Sanborn State Bank.d®*t5'01 Redwood P8 Jun’34Stmt 75-928 Chas.Goehring.__ W. D. Yaeger_____ A. O. Dietz_______ 3 ! mi nnesota Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 639 town and county. eMem.A.B.A.wNew {State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. *County Seats. Entire State in No. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings 9 Fed. Res. Dist. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Cash,Ex. D.S.Oov. Other Ond.Prof. Other Other Loans 4 Due Securi- Securi- 4 DisTotals ReCapital Surplus and or Deposits LiafromBks ties Reserves bilities ties counts sources 25 $ Sandstone___1083 First National Bank.........t’08 R. W. Barstow ___ 0. J. Pearson.......... C. J. Gjerston____ V- A. Mullholland. $ A. PS. A. S. Larson Jun’34Stmt 75-226 Pine J17 5 8 2 8 351 8 25 54 13 8 428 8 47 8 25 8 82 15 15 273 31 90 18 5 307 84 4 862 125 183 8 156 8 17 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; North. N., Duluth. 37 15 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 140 7 1st N. Bk. &Tr., Minpls.; 15 it •« Sherburne L14 Mower Q19 Sauk Center.2716 Stearns L9 " B.Pf.b Harry Madison___ B. Hurley... J. F. Hawley Security State Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-225 d®tS'02 15 F. B. Hurley------- Santiago 8tateBankd®»tl’21 J. E. Odegard........... O. A. Odegard____ R. M. Storlie............. Jun’34Stmt 75—1520 15 10 Albert Gronseth.. Theo. Knutson.__ 10 Cap. Notes 4 Geo. Bartle.. . State Bank of Sargeant Jun’34Stmt 75-929 ®t§’06 J. A. Du Bois_____ B. F. Dn Bois_____ F. S. Cooper H. M. Hedin____ Jun’34Stmt 75-204 MERCHANTS j&MBSL G. R. BRUCE_______ NATIONAL BANK -------- Jun’34Stmt 75-206 d®t’02 L 10 25 50 J. H. HANSEN______ C. S. BJONE................. E. J. RATHE 65 5 1 251 28 13 746 1 95 IstN., Princeton. 64 3 Midland N. Bk. & Tr.Co., Minpls; Austin State, Austin. 21 184 492 197 14 Minn.N.,Duluth;Northw. N„ Minpls.; Am. N„ St. Paul. 48 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25 163 75 N„ Minpls. 19 Northw. Empire N., St. P. 32 31 9 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth. (Incl. U. S. Bds.) 10 7 378 5 20 4 4 102 50 50 5 980 E. Engelstad 15 3 8 187 B. B. Johnson. 20 10 4 215 222 L. D. Croswell. Inactive First National Bank__d®t’8S Julius A. Ooller... John H. Moore.__ C. Theo.Welland.. B. J. Haber.............. 434 80 130 58 1,123 108 224 514 247 30 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 213 25 49 73 66 Am. N„ St. P.;lstN. Bk. Tr. Co., Minpls.; Dak. N., Fargo. 1 250 56 22 45 110 17 N. Citiz., Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Austin. 24 271 29 31 97 89 /V ^ 21 4 38 97 Jun’34Stmt 75-194 Norman F2 State Bank of Shelly...t§’01 E. C. Hopkins____ Jun’34Stmt 75-935 J. H. Munzey_____ Sherburn.......... 860 Farmers State Bank M. N. Johnson Jun’34Stmt 75-1378 dB®tS'80 Martin RIO •« 237 (Incl. Und. Prof.) AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COR PORATION. Sebeka..............548 Security State Bank.d®t5’30 Jun’34Stmt 75-1596 Wadena 19 11 Deb. 25 30 Sauk Rapids.2656 Union State Bank.__d®t§’29 Fred Agather_____ M. A. Bauman____ Oscar Krieg______ Robert P. Hose__ Cap. Jun’34Stmt 75-1586 Benton L12 Notes Scott N15 •• C. E. Landin............ Aug. Filberg.......... Leo Howard............ C. W. Larsen.......... Sherburn National Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-403 ®t'02 C. A. Heuueman ' J dlTitl'H Nic Schermer..Z.. Peter Schermer__ I Silver Creek___ 65. Fll il nUiiliirTTTnli .Tim’34Stmt 75-1152 Wright L13 Citizens State Bank .d®JI’19 F. J. Burich ____ Joseph Kasper____ J. E. Zavoral........... McLeod N12 Jun’34Stmt 75-1479 Frank Korista Murray Q6 ■ukjhuwi Sleepy Eye___2576 Brown P10 Principal Correspondents. Jun’34Stmt FIRST NATIONAL BANK o®*‘b (H. C. D0MS-......... t AFFILIATED W l:)£ 4 Della liutler______ P.R. KENEFICK_ _ _ C. J. LIESER HWEST BANCO BPORATION. rC.D. GRIFFITH _ C. T. JAFFRAY-— H. C. D0MEIER-— P. E. WILMS------- , / 25 : W. Ud'i f f 7 1 (A XA' 14/ 1/ UJ Z ^taplSi & JtvL ft 85 60 Midland N Bk Tr ~*andTst~N.~Bk. & Tr! Co., Minpls. 54 122 10 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; IstN., St.Paul. i 209 240 54 11 9 475 550 211 55 40 221 23 Northw. N„ Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato; Secur. N., Sioux F. 765 175 143 282 152 13 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; IstN. Bk. &Tr., Minpls. 346 117 47 62 106 14 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. Cap. (.Incl. Notes Und. 30 Prof.) 50 173 25 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.;< l^t N. Bk. yr. Co., 5 20 Cap. Notes 5 25 156 & 25 640 50 I Save time and get service on Co lleetlons and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng iFEE in ad van CEi Plain tight draftt, 75c; Crcd it Report*. 25c. TRY US. Jun’34Stmt 75-197 .. E. H. Snow ______ F. F. Romberg___ Mary A. Wooldrik. A. A. Manderfeld . State Bank of Sleepy Eye Jun’34Stmt 75-196 d®t§ 80 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 5 8 308 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence fidH 'J‘tU Number under Name ef Bank Is the New Transit Number given to 630,1 ban]c 111 u- 8- exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tow* and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ats’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Bes.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No-9.Ffid.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings So. St. Paul 10,009 Dakota N17 *DR0VERSEXCHANGE STATE BANK .Tim’34Stmt 75-1041 d®»t*'32 STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-939 d®»t’97 President. Vice-President. rOTTO BREMER — C. A. ROBERTSON— F. R. SCHLICHTING Cashier. H. G. SWANSON, Ass’t Cashier. Capital M. V. CHOBAN_______ S V. P. and Cash. A. J. ROSZAK sim ) We specialize in handling Stock Yards Business, '-Personal Attent ion and Remlttan ce on day of pay meat. F. A. BIRCH---------- J. C. KOHL............... J. C. KOHL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. W, RAYNUM —- A. A. HSUS H. 0. WENZ Direct your Stock Tarda business to the Stock Tards National Bank. Pioneer Live Stock Bank of the Northwest . AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION. South St.Paul ClearingHouse F. A. Birch_______ C. Robertson.......... O. W. Raynum, (Members indicated by a*) Sec. and Mgr. Spicer________ 290 Green Lake State Bank L. E. Coveil____ Jun’34Stmt 75-940 d©I§’04 Kandiyohi M9 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volnme. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other Und.Prof. Loans Other & Dne Securi Securi & Dis and or Deposits Lia Totals fromBks ties ties counts Reserves bilities Surplus 100 $ 20 $ 13 $ 1,596 25 78 $ 1,904 369 $ 418 $ 370 S 722 S 25 Cap. Notes 175 200 3,516 $ 150 4,219 1,382 1,013 711 1,076 37 Pf. 250 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Fredolf Hultgren.. E. J.Rykken_____ Minnie Rykken. S Other Re sources Nation 2 4 77 93 15 7 24 47 40 8 17 386 451 122 11 56 247 15 fGEO. P FORSTER - J. C. ROTHENBURG- E. L. NIPPOLT- - - - - - - - M. J. FOY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. C. ROTHENBURG, WALTER W. FRANK A. S. BiRKEMEYER WM. A. KUEHL 50 10 19 360 439 150 70 16 180 23 Spring Grove—867 Onsgard State Bank d®»t§’07 O. E. Hallan______ O. N. Onsgard____ B. N. Onsgard____ A. A. Thompson__ Jun’34Stmt 75-463 Houston R23 30 6 8 282 30 /W^25 /6 4 116 STATE BANK OF SPRINGFIELD Jun’34Stmt^75-277 J Ch.ofBd I OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK I Send us your 1 terns direct for p rompt, persona] d©»t§’91 l FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight dr aft*. 15c; Credit Rep State Bank of Spring Grove O. B. Nelson............ J. J. Schansb^e... C. JJ^chansberg. Jun’34Stmt 75-464 d©t§’04 C. O. Flodqutst.^ Spring Lake__ 100 Jun°34Stmt 75-1321 ystrom..—. c. gTgusm! (North BranehP.O.) Isanti L17 f LYLE HAHLIN- Tor GEO. C. GULLICKSON C. J. BOWERS. RAYA. HOLD 15 1 770 Stacy_________143 First State Bank______J§’11 J. A. Lindquist.... A. D. Anderson ... F. E. Warner_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-1012 Chisago LI8 10 2 1 124 Stanton______ 100 State Bank of Stanton, Inc W. W. Pye, W. H. Pye................ Robert E. Pye....... G. M. Pye____ Jun'34Stmt 75-1282 d®t§’15 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Goodhue 018 10 2 25 5 25 5 Starbuck_____ 781 First National Bank—®t’98 G. I. Engebretson. O. S. Ronnie______ E. S. Olson______ O. S. Kyvig_______ Jun’34Stmt 75-516 Pope L7 25 6 (With St. Charles__ 1311 Citizens State Bank—d©t§’95 T. S. Wilson...... Otto Pfeflerkorn.. Jno. Reiland Jun’34Stmt ♦75-326 Winona Q21 Jno. Reiland 25 5 19 20 Pf. 30 5 4 Fillmore R20 FIRST NAT’L BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-228 PeoplesState Bank.d®»t§’20 R. N. Gardner____ Joseph Wolf_____ J. F. Griep.............. E. N. Johnson .... Jun’34Stmt 75-1488 H. J. Dower, Jr. First Nat’l Bk. in St. Charles F. J. Kramer____ Jun’34Stmt 75-327 d®t’S4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 181 5^88* 58 27 291 8 20 153 8 S 38 9 2 41 894 119 294 219 209 53 137 38 2 28 66 3 d®t’02 L AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. Staples______ 2667 First National Bank__ ©$’02 J. R. Nims ............. W. J. Lewis.............. K. T. Barrett_____ K. R. Johnson. Jim’34Stmt 75-172 Todd J10 MINNESOTA Map on Index 326 il ------- t 50 Spring Valley.1712 F. J. Thul. Qeo. Eckles. Marguerite Seoling Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N. Bk.&Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N. and Empire N. Bk. & Tr., St. Paul. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Bk.ofWillmar, Willmar. 1st N„ CM. and St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and Midland N„ Min pls. ;N. Citiz., Mankato. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. attention. arts, 25c. TRY US. E. N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. and Drov. N., Chi.; Am. N. and 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Merch. N., Ced. R. al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 10 Springfield ...2049 Farmers & Merch. State Bank August Niemann.. Albert Radtke____ F. E. Pieschel___ N. V. Swanbeck— Jun’34Stmt ♦75-1433 dB©t§’18 Brown P9 H. A. Dahmer S. M. Augustin Principal Correspondents. 92 3 107 21 10 22 46 8 7 374 25 456 77 29 124 200 26 10 353 8 401 103 62 46 148 42 25 339 49 70 33 177 10 278 327 54 35 163 67 8 326 385 83 33 93 169, 7 Pf. 20 283 Surp.) (Circulation) N. Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Tr. Co., Minpls.; Am. N., St. Paul, st N., St. P. and Northfield. N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. i.m. N„St.Paul;Nortlw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Lin. N„ St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. out. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., Winona; 1st N.Bk.&Tr.,Minpls. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number nn^gr Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 641 LIABILITIES. Tow* akd County. •County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.»New 5SUt«tPri»tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts;T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings pt- riilr Bine Earth Q13 St. Clair State Bank.d®t§'07 H. Thielman Jun’34Stmt 75-943 President. Vice-President. Cashier. ass't Cashier. J. H. Bestmann__ u GUARANTY STATE BANK & TRUST CO_____ d©Tt§’27 Jun’34Stmt 75-1557 25 $ Steen „ ___ 1,520 S 50 L. H. Rice_______ H. W. Riley______ A. A. Weber_____ J. A. Henry, See,.. Deb A0 C. F. Ladner 10 5 767 5 2 20 Trene Parent _ _ 25 f EDWARD ZAPP-- H G YOUNG ** ------- ” d©t5'01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75 465 McLeod Oil BANK a 87 S 8 100 872 155 214 358' 132 13 135 177 24 19 57 64 13 53 1,418 1,591 544 198 333 483 33 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 243 66 40 49 82 6 282 73 40 16 141 12 Cont. Ill. N.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N., Minpls. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; IstN. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 160 28 13 111 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 11 97 5 Live Stk. N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Un. N., Rochester. 53 76 9 1st N., Rochester; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1,733 99 US. 5 1 212 TH. 1. YETTER-— J. J. SINCLAIR — J. FORREST , „ ELLEN SABRAW YETTER 25 5 1 226 Cash and Time 1 Items for pr ompt attention. V.FEE IN AD FAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 2Sc: Credi t Reports. 25c. First State Bank. dB®tS1900 E. N. Schmitz____ E. M. Hanson_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-546 25 (Circu lation) TRY US. 25 5 N. Citiz. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr.Co.,Mankato;lstN. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 100 ®»{’88 \ Send us your C ollectlons. Bill of Lading Drafts, 3 127 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 4 1 175 C. E. Fawcett____ E. J. Schatz_____ HomerWooldridge Reinhard Fitting . 35 10 6 238 Lyman Sutton____ J. F. Loeber_____ A. G. McCormick.. G. C. Welshons___ •Stillwater ...7173 Cosmopolitan State Bank d®t§’19 Washington N18 Jun’34Stmt 75-44 50 10 10 75 10 200 200 STEWARTVILLE NATIONAL BANK—-25-1606.... d»t’32 70 S 332 20 •• 8 361 E, W. Blomberg__ •» 41 461 25 St«wartvllle._.793 First State Bank...d®«t5’06 M. J. Dixon______ S. Harrington___ H. N. Lenton.. Jun’34Stmt 75-417 Theo. Nelson Olmsted Q19 $ Principal Correspondents. Other Resources Cap. Notes JOHN BUETTNER - OTTO ZAPP ODIN T. OLSEN------- nniN t m sfn 206 Loans 4 Discount? 479 $ J. RASMUSSEN------- THOMAS OLSEN....... Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other 4 Due Securi- SecurifromBks ties ties Totals $ 170 4 W. F. ZAPP ZAPP STATE BANK ) OLDEST BANK IN STEARNS C OUNTY. Jun’34Stmt 75-23 d®t§’07 ) Save time and g et service on Coll ections and Credl t Reports by send ing TRY (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. . (See Hills) Stephen___ __474 FARMERS STATE Jim’34Stmt 75-466 Marshall C2 5 $ 10 10 •• 6 $ 100 St. Cloud State Bank-d®t§’17 D. J. Fouquette... Irene Wilson____ E. W. Wendt......... Juii’34Stmt 75-27 »• (In Thousands of Dollars) Other Und.Prof. Capital Surplus and or Deposits Liabilities Reserves S C. C. Schoener____ Otto Bremer_____ G. J. Meinz.............. T. P. Galarneault. •St. Cloud„21,000 American National Bank C.E.Schoener, A.C. A. J. Eveslage Jiin’34Stmt 75-28 dB®*J’20 Stearns LIZ •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued N.City,N.Y.;lst N.,Chi.; Northern N„ Duluth; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 200 87 324 109 274 344 25 83 230 6 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 9 468 562 86 226 242 8 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 43 3,455 4,112 779 943 1,470 813 107 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 160 38 229 188 12 11 222 13 1st N., St .P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 62 3 190 17 35 77 Jun’34Stmt .. » FAR. & MERCH. STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt “------- “ 75-43 d®t§’09 FIRST NATIONAL BANK f A. J. MULVEY------- H. H. GILLEN-------- W 0 KROG K. M. LAVINE G E NELSON < Send ns your It ems direct for pr ompt attention. 1 Remitted for on day of payment. LFeein advance: Plain sight draf ts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c. (A. J. LEHMICKE— H. 6. ROBERTSON— R. D. MASBONALB — F. E. HOLCOMBE — \ J. 0. BRONSON, G. A. GOGGIN { Ch. of Bd. j Send us/dlreet yourB-L drafts, collections and c a^ Items. a SSL It* Jun’34Stmt 75-41 d®T*t'65 IW^ Wllyglve yo u prompt and^ffl clent service. , Lj j £.4’Lange—/./^ 8 40 •St. James ...2808 ,hfe?TSt 75 1427 d®t§’18 C. A. Torkelsop, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. R. Schoflman Watonwan Q10 St. Joseph.__1009 First State Bank____d®t§’04 J. O. Grever______ F. J. Schroeder... Jun’34Stmt 75-946 Stearns L12 St. Leo_______ 125 YellowMedicine 05 Jun’34Stmt 75-1123 Cottonwood Q7 J. Stork- L. P. Funke______ F. G. Roske______ H. H. Peterson.__ S. Anderson______ R. B. Hage_______ First State Bank —d©»t§'04 W. J. Clark, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Adolph Ruhberg L. M. Tjentland Jun’34Stmt 75-948 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 8 LJ / fff 214 SU i „ ' 627*"** 29 550 4 211 278 25 7 104 118 28 25 272 306 72 Cap. Notes 30 10 4 25 5 .. ... 4 27 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.: Far. & Merch. N., Minneota. N. Citiz., Mankato; Nor thern N., Minpls.; Am. N„ St. P. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given ea<lh b3nk U-118' exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. fi4? •Mem.A.B.A. «New § State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice-President cashes. ST. PAUL—Reserve City Ass’t Cashier. L.JL ICKLER---------jj. B.HUMAS0N , Exec, p, A, 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OTTO BREMER'. Ch.ofBd. G" J. JOHNSON G.E. DAILEY,A.V.P. Comptroller Q. A .MALEY Mgr. Cr. Dept. Capital Li DORAN A. M DUBORD Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Dnd.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Surplus and or Deposits lia Totals A Due ! Seeuri- Securi A Dis Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts 500 $ $ ODE. PHILIP J. GEIB, (Ramsey, N 17) County Seat. Pop. 271,606 (Federal Reserve District No. 9) 100 $ 243 $19,058 ------- St. Paul Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal correspondents. $22,399 $ 6,584 $ 5,296 $ 5,381 $ 4,761 $ 375 N. City, Chase N., and Mnrrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.t Cont. HI. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St. L.; Phil. N., Phil.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; N. Shawmut, Bos. Pf. 2,000 22-7 dB®T*t'03 We cordially Invite Correspondence relative to the opening of accounts. (Seventh and Robert Sts.) Send cash Items and collections DIRECT TO US for best results. + Cherokee State Bk._.d®t5’20 Chas. W. Sterling Herman Resting-. R. M. Gesell. 25; G. E. Maier__ Jun’34Stmt 22-51 R. M. Gesell Cap. E. R. Carlson (607 S. Smith Ave.) Notes Jun’34Stmt COMMERCIAL E- G. BREMER........ H. M. KALSCHEUER - L. L. DICKMAN —- A. J. HELGETSTATE BANK.®., Collections carefully made and proceeds promptly Ccil accounted for on moderate terms. 344 51! 18 162 94 City N. Bk. A Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. N.. St. P. 25' 150 IN ST. PAUL S 33 283 50 60 3,270 3,630 687 506 1,397 965 75 N. City and 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N. and 1st N., St. P. 20 13! 1,596 1,904 369 418 370 722 25 N. City. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. 100 22-02 (6th at Washington) Jun’34Strat DROVERSEXCHANGE STATE BANK 75-1041 (So. St. Paul) Jun’34Stmt '0TT0 BREMER...... F: t: BlUk H. G. SWANSON, V. P. and Cash. H. E. SLOAN C. E. TEMPLE We specialize In handllng Stock Y ards business, . Personal attentl on and remlttanc e on day of payme nt. d®»t§’32 EMPIRE NATIONAL BANK 100 I Cap. I Notes 175 N.. Chi.; Am. N.. and 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., Ced. R. 0. C. SHEPARD- - - - - - C. E. JOHNSON_ _ _ _ C. T. DED0N .......... A. W. WARN— H. W. BLAKE, D.L. CARROLL, V. P. and Tr. Off. Mgr. of Credit Dept. GEORGE E. GERE. ou/e Dep. Mgr. RICHARD G. EGAN, Pf LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THEDept. BUSINESS DISTRICT. AND TRUST CO. OF ST. PAUL 22-10 dB®T»t’26 (360 Robert) Jun’34Stmt 250 50 88 5,585 199 6,422 1,437 924 151 1,059 914 2,961 163 500 51 Gty. Tr. Co. and Chase N. and Northern Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN COBPOB ATI ON + FAR. & MERCH. STATE BK. i R. W. LINDEKE— Jun 34Stmt 22—72 d®*tl'10 MW*""- JOHN ENTENMANN. F. E. M0RR0SETTE _ 50 ' 20 838! 1 AFFILIATED WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK C RPOBATION (7th and Minnehaha) Federal Intermediate Credit (See page 57 for inf ormation) Bank______ 22-00___________ Federal Land Bank, Dist.7— (See page 50 for com plete information) 27 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P. 22-89 First National Bank of St. Paul RICHARD C. LILLY JOHN A. OACE- - H. R. FAIRCHILD- H. D. TURNQUIST L. W. HILL, 0. M. KELSON M. J. CONWAY Ch.ofBd. PHILIP L. RAY C. H. CARPENDER A. W. McNEE N. P. DELANDER R. F. STURLEY FReDEll&"iow. I. E. HANSEN R. C. LILLIBRIDGE Ch. Exec. Comm. A. B. LATHR0P M. J. WARN R. W. LINDEKE D. K. PATTERSON -— A. H. KENNEDY D. M. ROBBINS W. H. H0NEBRINK OVAN Vice-President E. C. BROWN and General Counsel F. J. GIFFORD F.B. KELLOGG F. H. DELANEY 6,900 4,000 1,294 101,852 5,166 118,312 24,960 40,473 AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION. 5,325 42,554 5,000 1st N., J. P. Morgan & Co., Chase N„ N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Cana dian Bk. of Com., Winnipeg, Canada; J. P. Morgan & Co., Paris, France; Westminster Bk., Ltd., London, Eng. . .................. . Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Others Solicited. Jun’34Stmt 22-1 dB®T*t’53 Collections a Specialty and Remitted (New First Nat’l Bank Bldg.) on Day of Payment. SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. (St. Paul banks continued on n ext page) ST. PAUL Map opposite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence A sound man Public confidence have made National Bank of Saint one financial institutions in the United States. With Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis outstanding size and most com plete banking facilities, 6‘First” correspondent for Ninth District other Banks and Bankers, FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Saint Paul A. S. Pratt & Sons, i»c-Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis See Back of Washington, D. C. Map A Complete New Columnar Style * of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank in this edition of your Blue Book You now have eleven columns of data on every American bank—three more than in former editions of your Blue Book. amount of funds invested in United States Government securities and the other showing the amount invested in other securities. Figures in Thousands of Dollars You will find all statements in this and subsequent editions listed in thousands of dollars only. A bank with $100,000 capital is shown as $100. An institution with $1,250,101 in deposits is listed as $1,250. This makes possible a quicker and easier reading and comparison of bank statements. Totals Column A “totals” column—separates the liabilities from the resources and shows at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any American bank. No other bank directory embodies this essential index figure. • Undivided Profits and Reserves Surplus and undivided profits now occupy two columns: “surplus” and “undivided profits and//or reserves.” U. S. Government Securities of hTtioxai ™uit *' 4t0 BRANCHES Likewise, bonds and investments are divided into two columns, one showing the • • This new Blue Book revolutionizes all former methods of presenting banking data. Its four major improvements give you added figures on each bank—more conveniently arranged, permitting you to quickly compare the relative conditions as to each item of all banks in any given state or city. Ualifatm*. sWSS&S^U Rand McNally Bankers Directory The Bankers Blue Book Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 647 •Mem.A.B.A.^New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. Cl. +FIRST STATE BANK C. TURNQUIST — LEWIS SWENSON E. W. OSTERGREN, Adv. V. P. _ „ Jun’34Stmt 22—55 d®»t§’30 (Payne Ave. & Case St.) Vice-Pkesident. L ST. PAUL—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (FederalReserve District No. 9) Liabilities. 'In Thousands of Dollars) Oashiek. Ass t cashier. HARRY L. JOHNSON- W. E. OLSON.......... ELLERT AHL Und.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits lia Reserves bilities 11 $ 1,648 S $ 100 $ 50 $ 20 RESOURCES. St. Panl Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Loans Cash, Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Other Affiliated Bks. by 4Re Totals & Due Securi Securi A Dis Principal Correspondents. ties counts sources fromBks ties $ 1,829 $ 193 $ 158 $ 376 $ 1,020 $ 82 N. City. N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COR POBATION First Trust Co. of St. Paul Philip L. Ray........... L. S. Headley_____ G. M. Brack, P. E. Thayer, A.Sec. Jun’34Stmt 22—69 T»§’03 Prank B. Kellogg. R. C. Lilly Sec. and Tr. L, E. Dunn, Ch. J. B. Baird A. Tr. Off. (4th & Minn. Sts.) W. E. Kunze, K. F. Dreher, U. C. Scott, H. P. Fish, A. Tr. Off. Tr. Officers M. B. Palmer, R. M. Collins. R. E. Off. Inv. Off. A. T. Stolpestad, 1,000 100 256 2,478 22 3,856 2,572 548 420 82 1 678 81 118 136 336 358 96 25 106 118 13 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P. 2,318 396 496 627 755 44 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. P. 677 60 199 161 235 22 Chase N., N. Y.: City N. Bk. A Tr. Co.. Chi.; Empire N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. Panl; Northw. N., Bk. & Tr. Co. Minpls. 166 45 5 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; A Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. N.. St. P. 55 8 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N.. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. (Trust Dep.) 234 Bkrs. Tr. Co,. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. St. P. A.R.E.Off. +6RAND AVENUE STATE BK. fR. C. LILLY_ _ _ _ FRANK SCHLICK------- H. W. WALLIN_ _ _ _ 25 20 9 623 4-Liberty State Bank..d®t§’17 H. H. Lampert____ 0. Lampland_____ N. H. Skoglund.__ Jun’34Stmt 22-75 (1577 Selby Ave.) 25 5 9 319 ♦Midway National Bank A. L. Ritt................. M. F. Ernst______ H. G. Hettwer ___ Jun’34Stmt 22-60 d®«t’l0 R. P. Galloway (1587 University Ave.) 200 50 27 1,944 25 4-Northwestern State Bank D. C. Shepard........... F. M. Blomauist. W. V. Dorle_______ R. C. Stoeckmann _ Deb. 25 Jim’34Stmt 22-73 d®«t§’16 J. A. Seeger, Ch. Exec. Philip C. Hoefer (919 E. 7th St.) 5 4 618 Jun’34Stmt 22-91 d®t§’23 l (861 Grand) J. G. GOBLISCH........... Northwest Morris Plan Co._.’30 (76 E. 5th St.) M. L. Dean, Mgr. +Produce Exchange Bank S. Speranza_______ Jun’34Stmt 22-68 d®»§’15 (10th and Jackson) A. H. Pioske 4-SECURITY STATE BANK re. STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK J. GIFFORD...... hugSchroekenstein A. R. Mickelson... J. H. BROGMUS. V. P. and Cash. 97 (Bran ch of Minne apolis, Minn .) 4-Saint Anthony ParkState Bk. Andrew Boss____ A. F. Evenson____ G. H. Greavei___ John DeVere Hunt Jun’34Stmt 22-70 d®«t§’16 (Carter and Como) Jun’34Stmt 22-63 d®»t§’12 (478 So. Robert) L CLARENCE H. GIESKE 5 20 203 268 52 30 7 2 176 215 46 106 60 20 19 590 689 53 360 123 97 200 25 78 3,516 150 4,219 1,382 1,013 711 1,076 37 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N. and Empire N. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. P. 100 1,065 233 125 343 293 71 Irv. Tr. Co..N. Y.: Midway N., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 574 146 36 181 176 35 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. 1st N. and Midway N., St. P. al, Sta te and Private Banks, 56 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COR POBATION F. A. BIRCH------------ J. C. KOHL------------- J. 1. KOHL Q. W. RAYNUM----- A. A, BIBUS Direct your Stock Tarda business to the Stock Yards' National Bank. Pf. 250 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION. (P. 0. South St. Paul) A. T.. Pitt 4-Twin Cities National Bank Jun’34Stmt 22-57 d®»t’20 (1959 University) +WESTERN STATE BANK 22-66 d@*t§T6 City N. Bk. 25 Deb. 15 Jun'34Stmt 76-939 d®*t’97 Pioneer Livestock Bank of the Northwest. (220 Exchange Bldg.) Jun’34Stmt 7 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COB POBATION M. F. Ernst C. A. Lund T. H. Magee______ 100 20 8 837 J. Brooks _ 25 25 13 511 A. L. Ritt................. M. F. Ernst______ S. R. P. Galloway & Tr. Co.. Chi.; (639 University) St. Panl Clearing House______ - W. J. L. H. Ickler . Regan. Exa miner (Members indicatedby a* Af filiated Bk*. by (St. Paul banka continued on n ext page) MINNESOTA Map on Inde* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis +) __ O.M. Nelson, Mgr. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Nation Total 1 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 648 St. Paul—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabfMem. Inv. Bks, Asn. uished. ±Mem.. Minpls.-St. P. Stock Ex. ALLISON-WILLIAMS COMPANY...... ± (First Nat’l Bank Bldg.) JACOB BACKER........... 16 (716 New York Bldg.) Name Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships J. S. GRAHAM, Representative............................ ....... Branch o-f Minneapolis. ( Jacob Backer. Pres.. ______ \ (Bank Broker) “ BUYS ANDSELLS < CONTROL OF BANES AND INDUS TRIAL CORPORATIONS ON l COMMISSION.” Merch. Tr. Co.. St. P.; Phil. N..Phil. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number glveD to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. GATES »St. Peter___4811 Nicollet P13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-133 NICOLLET COUNTY Jun’34Stmt 75-134 Strandqulst...l39 Marshall C4 St. Stephen.__229 (Rice P. O.) Stearns K12 Sturgeon Lake.210 PineJ18 President. & Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. .. State Bank of Strandquist Carl Hjelle, R. J. Spiede______ N. O. Folland_____ E. E. Carlson. Jun’34Stmt 75-1558 d®t§'25 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. St. SteDhen State Bank F. T. Peterneil -__ Tom Peterneil__ J. F. Lipinski------Jun’34Stmt 75-1531 ®§’20 32 H. O. Esping . ^ Jessie Jensen.. 1 A.^RU^D---- A. SKARSTAD_ _ _ _ _ LAURA LUNO_ _ _ -— O. L. Johnson____ C. C. Cook. Triumph 292 Triumph State Bank_d®tS'01 Arthur J. Peterson James Meehan___ E. A. Edman_____ A. E. Anderson___ Martin Q10 Jun’34Stmt 75-959 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 58 S 325 S 230 $ 11 21 61 75 7 38 85 113 25 30 1st N„ St. P.; City N„ Duluth; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls. 166 194 32 57 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Bk. of Long Prairie, Long Prairie. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill.N.Bk.&Tr.Co.. Chi. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; N.Citiz.,Man kato. Live Stk. N., Chi.; 1st N., Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. N.,St. P. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northwestern N., Minpls.; IstN., St. P. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Chase N„ N. Y.; City N. and 1st & Am. N„ Du luth; IstN., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 10 63 76 29 758 864 157 25 291 332 75 50 628 723 108 135 164 52 207 251 57 232 292 26 Cap. 138 147 449 12 30 390 133 182 60 118 300 Notes 30 20 20 78 35 127 38 127 25 H. L. Peterson____ 101 79 94 15 0. E. Peterson— B. L. Howard_____ 25 186 241 71 97 556 600 147 10 266 164 945 156 158 339 256 FIRST RATIONAL BANX IN f A‘E> HAUGAN...... TWOIndex HARBORS—-d®»t’02) MINNESOTA MapJuu’34Stmt on 75-129 I (.AFFILIATED THOS OWENS........... W. G. PETERSON 251 CLARENCE A. LUND E. J. NAUHA- - - - - - - - WITH NORTHW EST BANCORP© RATION. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Mankato and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi., St. P., and Man kato; Northw. N., Min pls. Twin Cities N.,St. P.; 1st N.Bk.& Tr. Co..Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 72 83 69 i^ouecuons, hui of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items given prom pt att e ntio n. Collections Bill CEl Plain tight draftt. ISe: Cre dlt Reports, 25c. TRY US. FEE IN ADVAN 55 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont.Ill. 56 89 Roy L. White__ P. A. ESSEN- - - - - - - - IDA M. ERICKSON_ _ Principal Correspondents. 10 50 {R. M. SELLWOOD- R. L. BURNS_ _ _ Other Re sources 10 Truman National Bank G. M.Seaberg____ R. Q. Vandrey____ J. E. Metz_______ R. L. Krause_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-533 d®Tt'02 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 212 Loans & Dis counts 313 20 ‘Two Harbors 4425 Lake H22 $ Other Securi ties 952 Truman,_____ 730 Peoples State Bank.d®»tl’16 J. E. Stockman.... August Ebert_____ B. J. Dallman____ E. G. Breuning.__ Jun’34Stmt 75-1286 Martin Qll W. G. Arndt Twin Lakes State Bank F. L. White........ Jun’34Stmt 75-1049 d®tl'12 First National Bank__ d»t’02 A. L. Hanson__ .Jun’34Stmt 75-506 880 Cask,Ex. D.S.Gov & Due Securi from Bks ties 50 Deb. 25 TH THE NORTH WEST BANCORP ORATION. W. G. Pryor______ J. O. Mike. A. D. Hoidale. T. A. Nelson Totals 860 Sturgeon Lake State Bank 10 J. H. Cunningham. Chas. Olson_______ Kenneth Gay____ Dorothy Gilbert _. Jun’34Stmt 75-1205 d®t§'15 Cap. Notes 7 Swanvtlle_____ 435 First State Bank______ ®J’07 Rudolph Lee____ Robt. L. Christie.. W. A. Lindquist__ 15! Morrison E10 Jun’34Stmt 75-552 Deb. 10 Twin Lakes___150 Freeborn R16 Twin Talley ...657 Norman 04 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc... see Laws. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Pf. 30 50 Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories | INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIABILITIES. tJnd.Prof. j j Other Capital | Surplus and or Deposits Lia bilities $ 501 $ 10 $ 5$ 770| S 15 d®Tt57 \ c°,lec*,ons» E*11 of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems given prompt 1 attention. Fee In Advance: Plal n Sight Drafts, 15 c;Credli Reports, L26c. Try us. BANK L. J. Gault_______ H. L. Stark______ E. H. Lindberg___ H. C. Filler_______ d®5’83 Taunton---------211 State Bank of Taunton R. N. Anderson. Lyon 06 !.Jun’34Stmt 75-953 d®»tl'03 ‘Thief River Falls UNION STATE BANKd®«tS’3o|/THE0- ALBREC Pennington D4.4268 Jun’34Stmt 75-143 (. AFFILIATED Tower_______ 801 First State Bank.__ ®»J§’88 Q. A. Whitman.... St. Louis E20 Jun’34Stmt 75-958 Tracy............... 2570 Farmers & Merchants State W. D. James.. . Lyon P6 Bank---- 75-220 _d®»tS’05 Jun’34Stmt Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships CO.. STANLEY- - - - - - - *T18 MINNESOTA—Continued fC. A. BENSON-— R.W. MALTBY_ _ _ _ CLANE D. MOLL_ _ _ C. T. OLSEN- - - - - - - - J Banker. (1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.) Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings of •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabYMqm. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem„ Minpls.-St. P. Stock Ex. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories 50 Pf. 25 1 782 57 N. City, N. Y.; 1st & Am. N„ Duluth; Northw. N„ Minpls. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 649 TOWS AND COUNTY •Mem.A.B.A.»New SStatetPriv. ‘County Seats. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Citizens State Bank_.®«t§T7 H.Lanritsen____ Lincoln F4 .Iun’34Stmt 75-1387 Otter Tall J6 •Iun’34Stmt 75-1268 Farmers State Bank F. Utoft. .. _ Cashier. Urbank______ 1 (Parkere Prairie P.0.) Otter Tail J7 Verdi________ Lincoln P3 ASS'T CASHIER. C. A. Lauritsen___ A. R. Larson Jack Donahue M. J. Moen, C. J. Moen________ H. M. Gronner.__ P. B. Franze. d®t5'15 Ch. of Bd. and Pree. First State Bank___ d®t§’08 F. E. Salomonsen.. Henry Robertson. Ole Tnrvik Jun’34Stmt 75-961 IJpsala------- S Morrison Ell Farmers State Bank-..-t5’14 Peter Viehouser. Gust Nelson . Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. E. Salomonsen.. A. M. Borgstrom _ 5 $ 12 $ 2 1 $ 381 128 S 1 144 d®t§'09 State Bank of VerdLd®t5’08 75-963 E. J. Mueller Jun’34Stmt Jun’34Stmt 75-1437 Jun’34Stmt 75-965 B. H. Pettit Otto Garnatz.__ _ Vernon Center 306 State Bank of Vernon Center -75-1589 __ d®t§’30 Blue Earth Q13 L. K. Perkins. 162 S 24 106 $ * 18 S 144 3 19 78 1 10 2 4 178 194 15 1 1 117 134 E. W. Orr. 43 15 73 53 29 15 25 59 8 28 ♦First National Bank. d®t’92 S. R. Eirby___ Jun’34Stmt 75-29 .. B F. Britts *$TATE BANK OF VIRGINIA Jun’34Stmt 75-51 G. A. Whitman___ W. K. Martin_____ D. W. Stebbins H. H. Horrigan d®»J§Tl fJ.E. HANSON, \ Ch.ofBd.andPres. (.AFFILIATED W Virginia Clearing House___ A. E. Shipley (Members indicated by ib 3 44 67 10 188 42 2 2 135 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Hast ings. 211 29 39 51 79 13 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co , Minpls. 3 1st N., St. P.; N. Citiz., Mankato; Northw. N„ Minpls. 49 A ‘Wabasha ___2212 FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. B. Webb______ L. Whitmore_____ L. Whitmore ___ H. H. Whitmore. Jun’34Stmt 75-168 d@»t’83 Wabasha P21 Wm.H.Witte, A.C C. M. Whitmore -0 ’m~' mAhm/^ /( 1 ur A14 (l VV'aconla____ 1291 First National Bank ..d®’19 C. H. Klein.............. H. A. Stahlke____ Jun’34Stmt 75-1474 Carver N14 ‘Wadena. ___ 2512 First National Bank in T. C, Davis. T. L. Davis_______ Wadena._75-223 ............t’24 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Joseph Mettel Ben H. Hartmann B. E. Parker_____ 157 12 1 148 10 2 1 183 196 48 79 3 63 15 3 3 184 215 72 13 45 78 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 100 150 9 1,168 1,427 308 319 568 195 100 300 104 2,548 3,152 667 164 1,563 670 50 20 42 823 945 178 400 352 37 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St. P. ;Northw. N., Minpls. ;lstN., Mil. 88 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk & Tr., Chi.; Northern N., Duluth. 15 Chase N., N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N. and 1st & Am. N., Duluth; Northw. N., and 1st N.,Minpls. 50 M 1,459 63 (Incl. Und. Prof.) 25 3y : / 3 • 205 25 16 673 30 10 4 480 ‘Walker______ B18 First National Bank..d®J’06 Ed. I. P. StaedP—. R. F. Ross________ C. J. Elsenpeter__ Jun’34Stmt 75-975 Cass Gil 25 10 17 296 Wanamingo-._471 Security State Bankd®»tS’17 N. O. Romness___ E. E. Sevareid____ C. D. Olson______ O. E. Naeseth____ Goodhue P18 Jun’34Stmt 75-1425 A. K. Syverson, Ch, P. J.Langeness 40 Wadena County State Bank W. J. Browne____ Jesse W. Aldrich. J. A. Otte Jun’34Stmt^75-1383 d®tl’17 F. E. Breher Anton Peterson Vincent B. Smyth. 25 ___ 100 50 Nation 1,622 al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 662 414 544 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) X 25 355 59 95 71 99 50 814 180 264 175 184 524 200 147 174 373 122 89 72 25 80 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. and Winona. 31 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 11 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. 3 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 10 Chi.; Northw. N., Min pls.; Minn. N., Duluth. (Member of Northern Minnes ota Clearing House, Bemidji, Minn.) MINNESOTA Map on Index & Tr. 1 50 Wadena 18 8 Northw. N. Bk. Co., Minpls. 5 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Sec. and Tr. Falls; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 10 1st N., Fergus Falls; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 6 Am. N. and 1st N., Little Falls; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 6 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. Cap. Notes 10 10 Cap. Notes 15 25 Deb. 10 E. Martin_____ J. E. Takkinen, 5 7 ITH THE NORT HWEST BANCOR PORATION. W. a*) Co., 49 F. W. Potter, A. C. F. H. Castren THEO. ALBRECHT_ _ J. E. TAKKINEN- - - - - - Tr. 32 Deb. 10 D. B. McDonald. Virginia___ 11,963 ♦American Ex. Nat’l Bank Jun’34Stmt 75-30 d®«t’04 St. Louis F19 & 2 Jun’34Stmt Victoria_____ 240 Victoria State Bank____ §12 C. H. Elein_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-1032 Carver N14 11 10 Cap. Notes E. Nickel, Tr. A. P. Garnatz_____ Principal Correspondents. N. Bk. Minpls. 1 Urbank Farmers State Bank G. J. Eraemer____ Mary Eraemer____ Jun’34Stmt 75-1450 $ 423 Jun’34Stmt 75-1135 Verndale____ 424 First National Bank„d®t’82 D. L. Case________ L. D. Frazier.__ Wadena 19 [In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Liabilities. UncLProf Other loans Cash,Ex. |U.S.Oov. Other Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits liaTotals & Due Seouri- Securi- & DisReReserves bilities fromBks ties I ties counts sources $ 15 S Cap. Notes 10 12 ___ Vermillion State Bk. d®t5’18 M. A. Doffing_____ Barbara Heinen__ N. H. Marschall... Dakota 018 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued 8 6 564 618 123 17 65 386 27 Mid. N. Bk. & Tr., and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. frrrj UJU •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. | tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Barings town and County. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this MINNESOTA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Wanda__ __ 151 Wanda State Bank.___ «tP02 Christ Leuther___ S. A. Bellie Jun’34Stmt 75-979 Redwood P8 LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Und.Prof. Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Loaus Other Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia& Due Securi- Securi- & DisReTotals Reserves bilities j fromBks ties ties counts sources $ 15 $ 3 $ 2 $ $ 124 144 10 2 2 76 90 25 GEO. C. MAGORIS — C. G. NYBAKKEN — ‘Warren.......... 1472 PEOPLES STATE BANK Cap. 0. L. MELGAARD Jun’34Stmt 75-1570 «t§'26 ) Notes Marshall D2 (.affiliated w ITH THE NORT HWEST BANCOR PORATION 25 5 8 347 410 25 Deb. 25 5 “ fO.H. TARALSETH STATE BANK OF WARREN < US YOUR Jun’34Stmt 75-262 d®‘t8'92 ) SEND FOR PROMPT. (.FEE IN ADVAN Warroad.........1184 Security State Bank. d®tl’12 A. M. Landby __ Jun’34Stmt 75-1054 Roseau B8 ‘Waseca_____ 3815 Waseca Q15 FAHMtHS NATIONAL BaNK Jun’34Stmt 75-155 it •• IS _ " R.B. TARALSETH- W. R. HOLBROOK. R.J. SCHIRBER— WARREN ITEMS DIRECT; PERSONAL ATT ENTION CE: Plain light d rafts, 15c; Credit reports, 50c. TRY G. J. Anderson .... H. M. Heneman.... Elmer Brandli E. C. WARD________ C. W. SPAULDING, JR. E. J. PRIEBE_______ t»P- •• 92 $ 3 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. 12 39 34 171 91 5 Minn. N., Duluth; IstN., 65 $ 67 16 Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 6 285 — 62 346 74 83 125 2 Tr. Co., Minpls.; Am. N., St. Paul. US. 15 Deb. 10 3 100 25 3 184 72 215 13 45 78 7 Minpls.; Duluth. 1 775 $ 62 S63 161 155 233 263 Minn. N„ 121 Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk.&Tr.Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Limv- rC.P.SOMMERSTAD E. 0. HERTER............. J.E. FARRELL100 J. L. HANSON FIRST NATIONAL BARK Jun’34Stmt 75-156 d®l’02 J Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. (.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. 20 Security State Bank.d®t5’15 Jun’34Stmt 75-1250 50 10 6 294 360 94 29 45 178 14 Cont. Ill.N. Bk.& Tr. Co., 20 4 1 238 288 55 55 41 128 9 N. City. N. Y.; Am. N„ Herman W. C. Manthey.... Mittelstaedt 15 Cap. Notes Waubun___ 337 Farmers State Bank of J. R. Blomquist... H. B. Gunderson — S. J. Schafer........... L. C. Hemmelgarn Mahnomen G5 Waubun, Inc............d®t§’17 Jun’34Stmt 75-1367 Waverly ___ __458 Citizens State Bank _.dtS'07 W. H. Boland. M. J. Boland........... W. H. Boland_____ P. A. Cosgrove___ Wright N13 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, Jun’34Stmt 75-529 __ Wayzata— 1100 Wayzata State Bk..d®»t5'08 Wm. E. Dahl............. W. A. Zastrow. Hennepin N15 Jun’34Stmt 75-984 P. W. Tibbetts. Ch. I. Brandon __ Welcome 519 Welcome State Bank d©t§’13 G. H. Mussmann .. E. W. Mussmann... Martin RIO Jun’34Stmt 75-1099 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ...... A. H. Bjorlee 186 1,118 166 274 433 59 N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Chi.; IstN. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.: 1st N.. St. P. St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Minpls. 94 25 Gerald Ley _ 100 Northw. N. Bk. &Tr.Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 34 P. H. Weber.. __ N.H. Ley_______ Welch ______ 100 Farmers StateBk....d®t8’15 Samuel Nelson, A.G. Swanson. Goodhue 019 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 75-1254 887 Pf.b Security State Bank.d®t§’08 L. A. Lampert____ G. J. Dressel_____ H. L. Sargent_____ Jun’34Stmt 75-298 Watkins _ _ 518 Farmers State Bank d®t5'14 Meeker Mil Jun’34Stmt 75-1179 11 Cap. Notes 25 rGEO. E. GREENE - EMIL GREGOR______ A. E. ROBSON............. F. A. DREWS A. J. KOELZER” Watervllle___ 1419 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Le Sueur P15 d®#t’04 (.AFFILIATED W Jun’34Stmt 75-297 ITH THE NORT HWEST BANCOR PORATION ...... 15 $ First and Oldest Established Bank. FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and FIFTY CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attennon. d®W81 AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION Watertown.__ 594 American State Bank H. J. Steffen............. Alois Segner........... Wm. F. Maas.......... Heury Laasch Carver N14 Jim’34Stmt 75-1310 d©t§’16 •• % G. Rap. f THEO. ALBRECHT- 1. 1 AMRFR.CflN -------- 34 Minpls. War ha 154 Warba State Bank_d®tS'14 Albert Erlandson.. A. A. Ball Jun’34Stmt 75-1117 Itasca G18 '* $ Principal Correspondents. ..... Helen Carlson 10 295 10 73 ............ ............ ....j 130 37 22 65 337 81 120 109 23 34 26 228 73 6 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 2 80 146 87 i 10 10 4 204 25 7 19 235 286 23 15 3 4 151 173 38 12 20 Cap. Notes 10 8 4 270 312 6! 1 1 1st N. Mankato; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 22 IstN., St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Det. State, Detroit Lakes. 3 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 171 10 48 72 3 40 190 20 and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. :ed Wing N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Red Wing; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. [orthw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N. Citiz. Mankato. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 651 Number under Name of Bank is the New to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Liabilities. Tows and County. oMem.A.B.A.wNevr S State tPrtv tMem. State B. Am’n. [Estah ASS’T CASHIER. CASHIER. ‘County Seats. Vice-President. President. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res, Bist. d-Safe Deposit © Barings M. E. Oeeen............. F. J. Werner-------Wells________ 1795 Peoples state Bank_d®»t§'24 Wm. H. Barr...........Jacob Ruffing Jun’34Stmt 75-1552 Faribault Q14 Security State Bank.®*t§’25 Wm. F. Rosenow.. B. 0. Ensrud____ M. E. Kalton-------- Val Yokiel----------- (In Thousands of Dollars)____Resources. Principal Correspondents. Dnd.Prof. I Capital , Surplus and or Deposits Reserves 7 S 35 $ 6 $ 25 Jun’34Stmt 75-1562 25 Alice M. Robert* Westbrook ___610 Citizens State Bank..d®tl'02 J. E. Villa________ Christ Ewy_______ T. V. Peterson------ Glen R. Villa Cottonwood Q7 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 75-545 West Concord .613 Farmers State Bank. d®t§'30 C. C. LawsonJun’34Stmt 75-1513 Dodge P18 Grover Dingier Albert Bringgold 10 Traverse K3 Walter Bartsch.. State Bank of Wheaton Jun’34Stmt 75-294 75-989 BANK OFWILLMAR Jun’34Stmt 75-187 d®|’76 SECURITY NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-1590 d®»t’29 Wllmont_____ 374 Farmers State Bank d®t$’12 Dec’33Stmt 75-1067 Nbbies Q5 Cottonwood Q8 FIRST NATIONAL 229 S4 56 5 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 12 22 94 7 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N. i Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 25 Cap. Notes' 10 50 5 2 212......... -1 254 45 31 67 108 3 Cont. Ill. N.Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Empire N„ St. P. 10 15 398 -------- 473 80 118 77 145 53 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 13 City N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 9 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N.t St. P. . 25 10 2 235______ 272 98 30 2 129 25 5 246 -........ 284 84 23 71 97 E. Keller_________ H. A. Warner. Jr. F. J. Taylor---------- 8 H. A. Warner... 10 2 3 69_____ | 84 20 15 2 43 10 2 6 154........... 172 17 33 75 40 28 100 Deb.50 CIncl. Und. Prof. 16 1,185_____ 1,379 354 388 (Incl. V. S. Govt. Secur.) 582 100 20 3 824 _____ 947 205 249 129 49 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; 20 3 3 12 S6 5 19 58 25 2 2 130 ........... 159 44 40 22 38 75 25 32 773 85 990 120 47C 160 lot 3: 3. 615 35 725 215 5(, 192 221 4 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N„ Min pls.; 1st N., Mankato. 15 City N. Bk. & Tr„ Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 84 ChaseN.,N. Y.;Cont.Ill. N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Mankato. 38 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & | Tr.,Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. J. F. BRANTON— EOWIN SELVI6---- N. H. TALLAKSON- A. E. NORDSTROM—E. H. BROGREN LILLIEB. HOREN. OTTO IREHEB. Ch Aud. ADELINE SUNDBERG A. STRUXNESS 1 4 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., Can non Falls. 7 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Baudette; Minn. N„ Duluth. 55 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. Paul. LARGEST BANK IN THE COUNT T. n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items th each eight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. OLDEST AND E.T. SLETTEN- - - - - - - G.W. ODELL- - - - - - - - - E. T. FRIDNER Special attentio Please send 15c tot ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK COBP ORATION. CH. 0. GRAN6AARD. J. I AFFILIATED W Scholtes- H. J. Murphy-------- Gost Grant_______ C. W. Becker, 48 8 315 Acting J. Remacke) — CARL NELSON — O. J. NELSON----- ith first ban K STOCK CORP d®t'81 C. W. Becker. Ch. of Bd. and Pree. J. B. Benton . M. L. Ftsch............. F. L. Parso---------- John J. Rupp Windom National Bank (T.A. PERKINS M. O. Laneley Jun’34Stmt 75-246 dR®t'02 P. *1J.• vjrinaui r. Gillam (AFFILIATED W Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 169 74 10 75-245 RANK Jun’34Stmt DHI,r' MINNESOTA Map on Index 60 J. B. Bruns_______ C. G. Leaman--------- Madge Block-------Alvin R. Quast First National Bank d©tl900 Jun’34Stmt 75-992 ‘Wlndom___ 2123 198 222 d®«t*'02 Woods. B9 Kandiyohi M9 158 26 36 20 Pf. 30 P. A. Peterson— E. P. Erickson— E. Erickson---------- 0. E. Swanson. . White Bock 75 White Rock State Bank G. B. Gustafson (CannonF'ls P.0.) Jun’34Stmt 75-1233 d®t§’15 Goodhue 018 J. W. Johnson.. Williams_____ 262 First State Bank-------d®tl’14 Carl Lnndsten----- Albert Ohilgren— W. R. Siems---------Jun’34Stmt 75-1186 Lake of the ‘Wlllmar ....6173 74 T. Heggen-------- d®tl’99 I FIRST STATE BANK l’34Stmt Ramsey M17 2600 Jul’34St 373 d®t'31 (.AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP Jun’34Stmt 75-295 White Bear Lake L. Matczynskl------- Edwin Ehlers. G. I. KRISTENSEN— J. T. SANGER- - - - - FIRST NATIONAL TF. W. MURPHY- - - - - jacobheidelberger LEONA PEYTON Reports 2Se. BK. IN WHEATON J FEE IN ADVAN CEj Plain Sight Drafts lSe; Cred it ORATION. ‘Wheaton ___1279 20 Cap. Notes j W. E. Glarner. nFirst National Bank in VVest A. W. Schmidt. Concord-75-988------- d®’34 Jun’34Stmt (See Hopkins) West Mlnpl’s HenneDin N16 Henry Ehlers.. West St. Paul.4463 West St. Paul State Bank (St. Paul P. O.) Jun’34Stmt 75-1547 d®I§’23 Dakota N17 A. O. Iverson-------- C. S. Sorn................ 339 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 20 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. Paul. 15,1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. i 1 >j 1 i i 1 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 652 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust E No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. 1 Vice-President. Winger ............ 25s Farmers State Bank.d®tl'04 Olaf Berge............. T. J. Haugen Polk F5 Jun’34Stmt 75-993 Winnebago.. 1701 Faribault Q12 BLUEEARTH VALLEY NAT’L BANK—75-1092.. d®*}'13 Jun’34Stmt ‘Winona.__20.850 Winona Q23 TIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 75-16 Jun’34Stmt O. B. GJerdiBeea— H. 0. Hatleberg__ Liabilities. {In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Und.Prof Other Cash,Ex U.S.Gov Other Loans Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Reserves bilities fromBk ties ties counts S 20 $ Cap. Notes 2 8 246 25 5 10 200 100 134 6,022 200 Deb. 200 50 60 3,733 200 300 44 4,196 $ 436 $ 25 501 197 7 003 J. R. CHAPPELL_ _ _ H. A. TORNOW_____ V. H. KAHL- r! h. tolleson E. L. KING________ nmr™ W.F. QUEISSER— JOHN AMBROSENC Uf Mil 1 CD Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st & Am. N., Duluth. 108 159 35 N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. ChaseN.,N. Y. ;Cont.III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. Paul. 200 4,243 899 579 1,020 4,940 1,356 927 957 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Mid. N. Bk. & Tr., and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Can. Bk.Com., Winnipeg. 1,490 >ty. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 210 FINEST INSTITUTIONAL BANKING HOME IN AMERICA. BEST ATTENTION TO ALL BUSINESS. Woodlake____ 391 State Bank of Wood Lake W. C. Frank______ J. P. Hauck_____ W. O. Sohre Jun’34Stmt 75-996 ®tS'02 Yel. Med. 07 Julius Alke A 1 mSON ___ ‘Wortbington3878 State Bank of Worthington Ned Jones______ Donald Vincent... L. O. Patterson ... Jun’34Stmt 75-183 d®»ti’73 Nobles R6 WORTHINGTON NAT’L BANK d®»t’08 \ E. W. Kane.____ A..T. Goff C. E. Mobeclr.^ ^ ^ 1 d®t§’16 S. O. Ilstrup,'^ E. C. Ilstrup_____ E, 0. Ilstrup. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. .. Wykoff_______ 426 First State Bank___ d®t§’05 John Vehrenkamp Wm, Kohlmeyer _. G. F. Ziemer_____ S. E. Peterson Fillmore R20 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 75-531 First State Bank____ dt5’14 G. Carlson_______ Luke Stannard__ E. R. McOlintick.. A. A. Richner, Jr,. W. J. Hoffman. Ch. State Bank of Young America C. H. Klein......... ..... William Mau. Jr. .. F. S. Mayer Jun’34Stmt 75-998 d®J1900 Jun’34Stmt 75-1154 Zu mb rota 1350 Farmers Security State Bank C. K. Clementson. J. D. Grover........... Baldwin Reppe___ Walter Grimm.... Goodhne P18 Jim’34Stmt 75-1002 d®»t§’25 A. J. Rockne, Map on Index MINNESOTA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 132 4 1 Nation al, Stat e and 29 59 82 4 263 90 20 54 fit) 30 10 20 4 1 174 199 68 20 50 10 11 723 794 92 429 15 Total 19 20 Pf. 30 188 Private Banks, 193 Co., Minpls. & Tr. Northw. N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls. LZS CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, pe rsonal attention. Jun’34Stmt Wyoming_____214 Chisago M17 YoungAmerica296 Carver N13 67 41 w.Gb. watkins HANNAH C. MALM F|RST NATIONAL bank in WINTHROP—75-343. d®t’34 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for pre sentation, and Wright............. 191 Carlton 117 Jun’34Stmt 75-1341 51 $ AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION fj. A. SWANSON—- H. C. STRESEMANN— E. W. OLSON............ Jun 34Stmt 75-184 $ Pf. 350 Winona Clearing House....... W. A. Mahl............... W. F. Queisser, Tr. J. R. Chappell, Sec. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f (Members indicated by a +) Dep osits by Cities, States , etc.) D. Allen Theo. Heck, A. Tr. Wlnsted____ 482 Citizens State Bk.—d©»t§'32 J. J. Sterner........... L. 25 2 1 D. E. Campbell___ Alfons Fasching... 165 McLeod N18 Jun’34Stmt 75-1604 Wlnthrop___ 1037 Sibley 0 11 283 Principal Correspondents. Other Re- A. C. and Mgr. Inn. Dept. 75-19 dB®T*tS’75 75-21 dB®T"t'16 Ass’t Cashier. FRANK HORTON....... W. A. MAHL............ C. F. WITT............. JOHN G. LIBERA_ _ _ F F SHFPiRn U 1 HiRRINfiTflM F. A. LEMME THEO. HECK V'.P. and Tr. Of. C. TARRAS, ®»t’55 'WINONA NATIONAL AND SAVINGS BANK . Cashier. H. S. Muir________ G. H. Andrews___ E. F. Arndt______ F. A. Babcock___ E. F. Arndt Lura Ritchie 'MERCHANTS BANK S. A. STEFFEN_ _ _ _ Jun’34Stmt Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Ch. of Bd. 50 Pf-. 60 * >*4o 10 i. 691 5 3 215 85 5 246 27 117 226 296 30 "™l22 33 6 15 62 6 248 54 71 16 102 5 Deb. 15 25 21 Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls. ent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N.Y.; IstN.Bk.&Tr., Minpls. and Sioux F. 10 2 2 60 74 19 11 40 4 30 6 3 253 292 22 176 55 32 71 50 10 18 645 723 77 95 46 497 ( 8 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. (orthw. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Spring Valley, st N„ St. P.; Mid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Minpls. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr.. 1 Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and C ■ IN JACKSON, MISS. DEPOSIT GUARANTY BANK & TRUST CO. OFFICERS Lee R. Hart Chairman of Board Geo. L. Donald - - - President Joe K. Armstrong - - Vice Pres. James H. Swann - Cashier W.M.Mounger - - Trust Officer Jackson is so cent rally locatecfe^dthat we can handle on all parts of the state and save you time. Capital Paid in Surplus - - DIRECTORS LEE R. HART GEO. L. DONALD MYER A. LEWIS W. G. PLUMMER GEORGE E. SHAW J. A. MOSAL WM. O. LITTLE FRED L. NELSON DAVID H. RICE JOE K. ARMSTRONG J. M. HOLMAN W. A. DAVENPORT JAS. H. SWANN J. R. MITCHELL $665,000 $16,250 We Solicit Your Mississippi Business and Will Give Prompt Attention to All Items Sent Us. Progressive, Modern, Hustling for Business. Try Our Service. Thousands of Dollars.... In this and all subsequent editions of your Blue Book you will find the latest statements of all American banks listed in thousands of dollars only. For example, a bank with $100,000 capital is shown in the “capital” column as $100. An institution with $1,431,113 in deposits is listed in the “deposits” column as $1,431. Eleven Columns Replace Eight You now have eleven columns of data on each bank—three columns more than in former editions of the Blue Book. New Figures These new columns permit the following important changes: a division of sur plus and undivided profits into “surplus” and “undivided profits and/or reserves;” a break down of bonds and securities into “U. S. Government securities” and “other securities.” Totals at a Glance A “totals” column now separates the liabilities from the resources and enables you to tell at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any American bank. No other directory has this feature. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Always first with timely improvements, your Blue Book continues to set the pace for all bank directories. The Blue Book Mississippi. W ASHINGTON, D> C« See B a ck o f W a sh in g to n , D . C. M ap Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Save Money on Your Addressing Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We E keep an accurate, up-to-date addressograph list of all the banks in the United States, corrected weekly. This list is at your service. If we can address your circulars, envelopes, fill in letters or “pull a proof” of it, you can have the service at a reasonable price and be assured that there will be no “come back” mail. Every name is live, active and kept so by careful attention. If interested we should be glad to hear from you and to quote prices and give other information. Write to Addressing section of --------- ►Rand McNally & Company**--------536 S. Clark Street, Chicago 657 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number siren to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ ------ Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fit. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond H.Q.N.Or.MMemp. d-Safe Deposit © Savings ^Aberdeen___3925 8M Monroe B21 FIRST NATIONAL BANK President. Vice-President. .. , Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.l, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI LIABILITIES. Cashier. 1 ass't Cashier. E. L. SYKES--------- C. E. HAMILTON....... C. C. BROWN——- (In Thousands of Dollars) Other tJnd.Prof. Capital Surplus and or Deposits Liabilities deserves $ 100 $ 15 $ 1 $ 280 $ 132 $ Resources. Cash,Ex. O.S.Sov. Other & Due Securi- SecurifromBks ties ties Totals Loans & Discounts Other Resources 118 $ 216 $ 157 314 266 853 140 226 297 543 150 121 220 140 49 3 82 528 $ Collections hare the personal attention of an effleer of the bank. Vigorous attention given same. Proceeds promptly aeeountod for. Send ISc with mil tight drafts; 25c for credit reports. 56 $ 125 $ 1 Principal Correspondents. 13 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Hibernia N., N. O.; 1st N., Memp. Jun’34Stmt 85-131 Monroe Banking & Tr. Co. W. H. Carlisle___ Geo. J. Leftwich.. Henry D"ga"„ Jun’34Stmt 85-133 T»tS'04 a Ackerman__1169 8M Choctaw G17 Bank of Ackerman ....t5’B9 J. T. Thomas____ W. B. Colbert 85-200 R. B. Fulcher------ Amory______ 3214 Bank of Amory.........dT»t$'97 C. M. Harrison___ S. J. Collier_____ E. C. Bourland.... E. H. Wiygul 8M Monroe 1)21 Jun’34Stmt 85-169 n. K. Pugh A. M. Green. L. B. Roberts Security Bank______ d*t8’12 T. J. Cole Jun’34Stmt 85-430 W. B. Crockett__ G. C. Fields___ Anguilla_____ 467 Bank ot Anguilla.__©•tl’04 W.C. H. McKinney 6 N.O. Sharkey H7 Jun’34Stmt 85-267 Artesla_______ 612 Artesia State Bank....©t5’08 J. N. Roberts____ J. W. Slaughter... n (i MnTIwaln 8M Lowndes F21 Jun’34Stmt 85-268 J. W. Gresham, ^Ashland_____228 Ashland Branch Bank Mgr, 85-269 ®t$’06 8M Benton A17 A. L. Coggins____ Juanita Adair-------Forest Prather.__ Baldwyn_____1106 Bank of Baldwyn ~d©,t§’97 Jun’34Stmt 85-240 8M Lee B20 H. E. Herron____ J. W. Whitten____ ABatesvIUe ...1062 Bank of Batesville d©T»t§’97 8M Panola C12 Jun’34Stmt 85-271 »Bay Springs..927 Bay Springs Bank---- ®»{§'04 J. B. Thigpen___ 6N. 0. Jasper L17 Jun’34Stmt 85-272 »Bay St.Louls 3724 6N0.UancockR17 SEAL C.EN6MAN. HANCOCK COUNTY LEOW. BANK R. 85-134 Jun’34Stmt S. L. ENGMAH........... CHAS. J. MITCHELL— PETER TUoNnY. A.c. W.V. ROBINSON G. E. ESTES ---------- Ch.o/Bd. 3 100 Deb.75 755 577 (Bran ch of G renada Bank, Grena da, Mi 45 6 619 148 Deb. 35 30 30 15 Deb. 15 14 Deb. 7 3 15 1 483 100 6 3 1 43 {Bran ch of B ank of > 19 190 261 26 3 26 25 257 54 15 13 161 85 152 85 180 6 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O. 984 976 167 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Whitney N., N. O.; 1st N., St. L. 65 187 61 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Whitney N„ N. O. ii 42 4 1st N., Birin, and Memp.; Iuka Gty., Iuka. 342 67 (Incl. U. S.) 55 5 14 327 401 106 310 100 7 2,120 2,537 410 24 (Co nso lid ated st atemen j t of G ul fpor t, Pass Christ tan an d Bay St. Lo uis.) Special attention given BUI of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight draft/or presentation and 50c for Credit Report*. & Tr. 10 Deb.50 (Cavand Surp.) 3 Mtle.-Com. Bk. Co., St. L. 1st N., Memp. 67 Mount 1 18 Chase N., N. Y.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. and N. Bk. Com., Memp. Whitney N.,N. O.; On. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 190 N. City, N. Y.; MtleCom. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; 1st N., Memp. 33 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Memp. 6 1st N„ Vicksburg. 14 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., Memp.; Bk. of Tupelo, Tupelo. 38 N. Bk. of Com. and Un. Plan. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Memp. (Main Office) MERCHANTS BANKS TRUST Chas. G. Moreau... Emilio Cue Geo. T. Herlihy, Company Jun’34Stmt 85-135 dB®T»{$’03 Belmont____ 703 Bank of Belmont_____•T5’I9 8MTishomingoB23 Jun’34Stmt 85-478 Ch. of Bd. W. V. Yates. Joe B. Burrow___ R. A. McRee, Jr. .. 35 Deb. 50 40 10 251 386 73 10 10 2 84 106 34 •Belzonl____ 2735 Bank of Belzoni ___ ®T*t8’04 85-225 8‘MHumphreysG9 R. P. Ellis.... .......... {Bran chofG renada V. B. Montgomery. T. L. Gilmer___ E. W. Williams... Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Paul Townsend, ©TJS'OB Act. Benoit _______ 438 Bank of Benoit______ •i5'04 W. W. Dabney, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 85-274 8M Bolivar F6 Beulah______ 506 Bank of Beulah______ »t8’07 W. T. Cassity____ B. Wolf Jun’34Stmt 85-275 8M Bolivar G6 A, (4. Gnrenfln . . E. C. Tonsmeire__ Biloxi______14,850 First National Bank E. L. Dukate, 8N.0.HarrisonR19 Ch. of Bd. Peonies Bank____d®T»{§'06 L. N. Dantzler ___ T. H. Gleason___ O. G. Swetman. V. P. and Cash T. H. Gleason, Jun’34Stmt 85-/5 Ch. of Bd. Blountvllle_____ (See Prentiss) A. A. Graham___ BlueMountain569 Bank of Blue Mountain 8M Tippah B18 Jun’34Stmt 85-277 d®o J. L. Gaddis. Jr.__ TV. W fJraham Bolton ........441 Merchants Bank. .dB®«'10 G. G. Williams. 6 N.O. Hinds K9 Jun’34Stmt 85-279 J. C. Higdon. Jr.... 15 Bank , Gren ada,M iss.) .. 110 15 19 439 10 12 4 88 94 677 92 114 27 50 158 337 50 29 Jun’34Stmt 85-226 a Brandon____ 692 6 N.O. Rankin E12 10 15 59 3 84 19 125 50 9 1,030 86 1,300 89 97 50 13 949 1,159 122 10 J. W. Gresham, Mgr. Deb.20 1 6 117 154 40 2 15 5 219 40 31 586 83 A. St. Amant____ G. L. Swetman Cap. Notes 50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 Pf. 40 10 2 ! 504 8 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. 3 Co., Memp. Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., 199 N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 10 52 464 388 611 249 177 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Whitney N., N. O. 45 46 18 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Memp. 88 53 260 228 7 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Whitney N.,N.O.;Jackson-State N., Jackson. 15 Chase N„ N. Y.; Hib. N. and Whitney N., N. O. (Incl. V. S. Secur.) Pf. 15 30 Jun’34Stmt 85-247 178 160 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; 1st N„ St. L. Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. 40 Co., Memp. ceo Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TownandCounty ^County Seats. Pig. is F. Res.Diu. N.O.N.Or.M.Memp, 6N.0. Lincoln N9 o.Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings BR00KHAVENBANK&TR.C0. Jun’34Stmt 85-282 Bruce. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. C. M. HIGDON, Jun’34Stmt 85-103 d®T«tl'01 < BANK OF BR00KSVILLE ®»t|’99 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSISSIPPI—Continued Send us i Prompt and Ca l Old T. W. Madison ___ Active V.P. and Sec. your BUI of Ladln reful attention gl est and Largest ba J. L. S. Peterson.. Cashier. S. A. Ass’t Cashier, WALKER......... H.F.BRENNANri-— $ 100 $ T. t. APPLEWHITE g Drafts and Coll ectlons. ven all Items entr listed to ns. nk In this section. C.H. Hudson____ Bank of Brnce........... d«tS’28 T. R. Davis______ G.M. Rogers_____ W. J. Davis Maudie Crocker... Byhalia Bank________ ®|’03 85-283 Citizens Bank________ •tl’19 E. B. Horn ___ Jun’34Stmt 85-492 J. T. Myers. Jr„ Jun’34Stmt 85-552 W. M. Nichols, 15 $ 32 $ 1,757 30 30 12 10 2 Totals RESOURCES. Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov Other i Loans Sc Due Securi Securi & Dis fromBks ties ties counts 1$ 2,054 $ 633 $ 202 $ 375 $ .......... 9 Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. k, Holl y Spri ngs, M iss.) — Un. Plan. N.Bk. & Tr.and N. Bk. of Com., Memp. 10 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; IstN., Memp. ;Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 62 79 37 !........... 213 12 | CANTON EXCHANGE BANK 6N.0.Madison J12 Jun’34Stmt 85-124 221 66 272 F. SIMPSON....... 1 79 116 25 5 Deb. 511 $ J 54 attention given al 1 collections sent ns If accompanied ce. Plain sight dr afts 15c; Credit Reports 25c. solicited. C. J. Gee................ J. R. Fan cher___ T .T O* a Coahoma County Bank & Trust Co.—85-560 dBWJ’31 E. L. Anderson.__ 0. G. Smith, Exec. . ‘Cleveland.__3240 Bank of Cleveland__ d»t5'24 85-258 8 M Bolivar Eg Cleveland State Bank Edgar Brown -__ Jun’34Stmt 85-228 d®»M'68 Clinton______ 912 Bank of Clinton____ ®t§’05 J. T. Wallace.__ 6 N O. Hinds K10 .Iun’34Stmt 85-288 ‘Coffee vllle;___ 456 nBank of Water Valley. §’34 549 65 122 14 233 335 704 232 105 142 177 348 109 2 230 107 40 148 7 10 63 37 126 67 44 da, Mi 364 9 483 153 3,956 4,644 1,724 479 646 267 Cap. Notes {Bran ch of G 1 1 38 256 655 497 1,547 20 65 292 and 1st N., Memp.; 1st N., St. L. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; IstN., Memp.; Hib.N., N.O. 48 210 159 287 17 16 36 F. P. and Cash. 3 594 695 54 {Office of Ban k of W 82 3 3i 75 94 15 19 58; 10 Deb. 10 50 2 5 39 66 21 8 35 514 568 172 33 177 152! 851 992 304 q 340 307 35 4 (W ith 5 76 talN., Jackson. 11 Vhitney N„ N. O.; Loui siana N., Baton Rouge.; Capital N., Jackson, st N„ St. L.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 36 )hase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Un. & Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 221 Ihem Bk. & Tr. and N. City., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N .Bk. & Tr.,Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; Un. Plan N. Bk. &Tr., Memp.; Whitney N., N. O. 9. Ity. Tr., N. Y.; Hib.N., N. O., N. Bk.. Com. and 1st N., Memp.. 41 39 N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. lent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; N .Bk. Com., Memp. 13 I Valley , Miss • ) alley, 13 Pf. 60 16 1st N„ Memp. Bank, Grena da, Mi 1 Surp.) G. C. Maxwell, | 52 190 S. W. Whitmire... 200 E. P. Peacock. Jr. Deb. 300 50 Deb. 50 15 Deb. 10 8 M Yalobusha D14 221 6 (Bran ch of G renada Bank, 75 32 5 10 (4. M. Mnnre E. C. Coleman, Mgr. 12 100 R. N. Baltzer____ T. R. Fleming 112 62 20 Miss Mae Neely.__ Cold water___ 664 Citizens Bank______ dt§'27 O. W. Veazey____ 8M TateA12 |.Iun’34Stmt 85-549 ‘Collins_______ 935 Bank of Seminary___ ®t§’05 W. L. Cranford__ A., 6N.0.CovingtonM15 Jun'34Stmt 85-390 ‘Columbia.__4833 Citizens Bank____ d®«tST3 J. T. Rankin ___ S. E. Lawrence__ 6 N. 0. Marion 013 Jun’34Stmt 85-438 N. H. Rankin 1 750 N.,N.O.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 15 20 J. O. Wallis Jul’34Stmt Columbia Bank....... d®«t§’98 .lun’34Stmt 85-171 .......... Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. I- 8 Deb. 35 Pf. 50 W. W. Woods.__ E. P. Peacock... . C. Sykes_____ _ J.W.Gray 85-121 d®T<#1900 Jun’34Stmt | .......... Ch, of Bd, ‘Charleston 2014 Bank of Charleston___dS'Ol 85-187 8M Tal'chie D12 Tallahatchie Home Bank N. R. Rice, C. E. Anderson ___ Jun’34Stmt 85-189 dB®t§’13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. BANK OF CLARKSDALE da, Mi j ss.) 100 Leake County Bank H. M. Allen Joseph Sanders.__ Jun’34Stmt 85-287 dB®«t§1900 Farmers Exchange Bank E. B. Robinson.... K. R. Ewald......... Omer Carroll...... Jun’34Stmt 85-541 ®»t§’24 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55 1 fifteen cen TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for presentation, and It WENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report insur es prompt person al att entlo "• 65 17 [lp.'hossIey. J.S. WEATHERBY—l.P. HOSSLEY - C. K. WOHNER— ) Prompt, careful 85126 / by Fee In advan Jun’34StmtM,,,,,* d®«’03 LYour business ‘Carrollton_____ Carroll County Bank ...J§'23 O. K. Gee, 8M Carroll F13 Jun’34Stmt 85-587 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ‘Clarksdale.10.043 8 M Coahoma C9 M. d®*I§’13 1 Special attentlo n given to Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ‘Carthage___ 998 6N.0. Leake 115 Centrevllle...1344 6N.0.Wilkin son Pa F. GARRETT ney N„ N. O.; Un. Plan., Memp. Co., Memp. Farme 2 21 81 (Bran ch of 6 6 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.;Whit- 412 (Bran ch of G renada Bank, Grena 0. 152 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Whitney N., N. O. Deb. 5 25 E. ALLEN......... 0 0 BFII G. BELL. Ch. sources 112 340 18 fF. 1C. Re 150 Cap. Notes Calhoun County Bank..Tt5'06 J. T. Thomas____ 85-284 Principal Correspondents. Other 692 |$ Cap. Notes A. Mgr. Mgr. „ {In Thousands of Dollars) Und.Prof Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities 2 C N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 2 1 st N. and Citiz., Hatties burg. 34 c Ihem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St.L.;Whitney N..N.O. 32 C ihase N., N. Y.; Whit ney N., N. O.; 1st N. St. L. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 659 Town and county. ‘County Seats Fig. isF. Res. Dist. N.O.N.Or.MMemp. ‘Columbus .10,743 8M LowndesF22 •* “ FIRST-COLUMBUS NATIONAL BANK PKIAIDINT. VICK-PRMIDINT. rj. W. SLAUGHTER- G. P. WALLER____ CASHIKK. ASS’T CASHIKK. G.P. WALLER— - T. E. PATTON........... A. B. LAWRENCE, „ H. V. WINGFIELD Liabilities. {In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Other 1 Und.Prof. A Due Seouri- Seeuri- A DisReCapital Surplus and or Deposits Lia- i Totals IromBks ties counts sources ties Reserves bilities $ 150 $ Oldest Bank 1 n Mississippi, 1 Largest In this section. Special attention given c ollectlons, d®T*i’52 l. sight drafts, b Ills of lading, etc. Outside corresp ondence invited. _____________ MERCH. & FARMERS BANK C. H. Reeves........... T. H. Henrv •Iun’34Stmt 85 65 d®T*t§’02 NATIONAL BANK OF GOMMERGE " Jun’34Stmt 85-67 W. N.PUCKETT........... J. I. SANFORD........... WILLIS POPE---------- F. M. DRAKE-.........- 76 (Incl. Tirol Prof.) 1 813 100 50 20 1,054 — 35 35 Bank of Crawford______ §'08 Q. W. Hairston___ L. S. Ledbetter.__ A. J. Ervin, Jr— 10 Jun’34Stmt 85-107 d®T‘t§’05 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. V. P. Ecru_________ 560 8 M Pontotoc C18 Edwards 456 6 N.O. Hinds K8 ‘FJHsvIUe____2127 6 N.O. JonesM17 Ethel.................571 8M Attala H16 Rnpora 1092 8M Webster F17 Ealkner_______ 275 8M Tippah A19 ‘Fayette______ 848 6N.0.JeffersonM5 “ ___ " 343 $ 374 $ 300 $ 855 $ 955 221 138 355 197 44 Chase N„ N Y.; 1st N. St. L. and Memp. 100 1,324 373 136 464 285 66 Chase N., N. Y.; IstN., Bank of Crenshaw—d®»J5'03 C. S. Miller_______ H. D. Crenshaw___ W. U. Fox.. Jun’34Stmt 85-293 A. 20 10 2 347 11 316 5 341 B. Archer........... S. F. Buchanan.... W. R. King A. D. Breland Otho Messer Truckers Exchange Bank Jun’34Stmt ♦85-562 d®*t§’32 Commercial Bank.........•tj'14 T. A. Stennis ___ Jun’34Stmt 85-296 10 W. D. Carmichael. 3 11 112 159 372 49 20 36 188 391 178 54 38 119 43 56 7 1 16 32 166 211 60 3 64 67 137 14 4 106 20 Deb.15 10 30 Deb. 50 8 8 25 1 228 254 192 10 28 20 25 Deb. 15 5 3 284 332 141 5 115 63 224 48 27 115 154 22 81 47 119 23 42 34 237' 66 51 107 41 ......... 136 5 8 50 R. C. SMITH................. | (V KF|TH______ T. C. O'NEAL-......... Deb. 25 Send us your “Dr ew” Items direct. ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentatlou, and (.35 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. 119 5 (4. Y. Gillespie.... 15 Duck Hill Bank .. *tl'06 W. A. Oliver Deb. 15 Jun’34Stmt 85-299 2 76 W. M. Taylor Eugene Colo 6 30 Merchants & Farmers Bank Eugene Cole. C. G. Mansfield {Cap. Notes 5) Jun’34Stmt 85-518 ®T»t|’20 190 4 17 26 J. L. Longinotti ... W. E. Gulledge___ Peonies Bank . _ *181900 R. L. Cooper. Jun’34Stmt 85-184 Merchants & Farmers Bank 27 1 T>Roy Garrett... 10 J. H. Milam Jun’34Stmt 85-301 ®t§'18 Deb. 5 Bank of Edwards.__ ®*tl'04 P, C. Bankston___ W. G. Redfleld___ W. A. Montgomery Mrs.LucilleL.Moore 199 1 5 15 Jun’34Stmt 85-302 Deb. 10 Merchants & Mnfrs. Bk. 596 24 22 48 30 F, S. Senton______ W. H. Ellsworth.. J. C. Austin. Jun’34Stmt 85-156 B®t§'02 P. M.Ikeler W. H. Ellsworth 56 Bank of Ethel......... ......... t§'10 10 3 R. L. Crosthwait Jun’34Stmt 85-304 Deb. 25 Z. Akins {Bran chofG renada Bk.,Gr enada, T. F. Taylor______ B. C. Adams______ (FRED 131 419 V. P. and Sec. Jun’34Stmt 85-292 Drew_________ 1373 MERCHANTS & PLANTERS 8M Sunflower £9 BANK—-85-298 — -®*t§T0 Jun’34Stmt —553 L. E. Watson. Security Bank_______ d*j§’32 R. C. Liddon______ W. L. McPeters — J. T. Maxedon____ W. C. Stevenson... R. C. Liddon, Jr.. W. W. King, Jun’34Stmt 85—112 Corinth Bank & Trust Co. 8 M Montgomery F14 Durant______ 2510 8 M Holmes H13 $ 167 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. d®*M3 Crueer 409 Bank of Cruger..... ......... *ti’04 8H Holmes Oil Jun’34Stmt 85-294 Duck Hill $ 2,039 N. O. *Cor!nth„ Crystal Springs 6N.O.ConiahL10 2257 *De Kalb___ ___888 6 N.O. Kemper 120 150 Principal Correspondents. F. P. PHILLIPS 50 Crawford _ 349 8M Lowndes Q21 Crenshaw_____ 575 8 M Panola Bll 6 $ 1,618 $ 65 Como _ 8nl State Bank of Oomo...»t|'16 David Pointer, Sr.. F. W. Taylor______ R. H. Lipscomb___ David Pointer. Jr.. Jun’34Stmt 85-229 8 M Panola B18 Minnie Davis 8M Alcorn A21 15 $ Pf. 100 Tr. Off. and A. C. Jun’34Strat 85-63 •• -------- •Mem.A.B.A.»New {State tPri»tMem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued GRITTMAN — 6 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., Memp. 79 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Memp.; 1st N., St. L. 2 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Memp.; Whitney N., N.O. M tie.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.;lst-Col. N.,Col. 17 Chem. Bk. & Tr , N. Y.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp.;lstN.,St.L. 13 Chase N., N. Y.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 4 Cap. N., Jackson; Hib.N., N.O. 8 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. & Far. and 1st N., Meridian. 34 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St.L. and Memp. 43 8 1 26 4 Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 20 1st N. and Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 6 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com.. N. O. 8 IstN., Memp. 230 25 9 114 74 8 MerchantsN., Vicksburg; 720 124 47 89 436 Whitney N., N. O. 24 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Whitney N., N. O. 94 46 6 37 7 5 Miss.) 85-231 Rank of Falkner........... t§’23 Jun’34Stmt 85-583 Jefferson County Bank Jun’34Stmt 85—305 d*§’01 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. A. Krauss... Jun’34Stmt 85-520 d®T«t§’20 Flora____ .... 513 6N.0.Madison J10 Jun’34Stmt 85-306 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W- McMillin 18 22 3 174 53 (Incl. Fed. Ag'cy. 49 47 171 81 4 23 9 18 52 2 62 79 36 392 432 120 10 10 25 L. J. Guice............... R, L. Corban, Jr., Sec. ! {Cap. Notes i5) 239 299 3 (With Surp.) 55 86 *. R. R. Liddell.. T. R. Dunbar, See. G. Krauss... 10 i (6 Cap. Notes) 25 12 3 28 8 6 * Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Jackson State N., Jackson. 1st N„ Memp.; Peoples, Ripley. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Britton & Koontz N., Natchez. 1st N., St. L.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Natchez; Hi bernia N., N. O. Capital N. and 1st N.. Jackson; N. Bk. of Com., N. O. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 660 TOWN AND County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetlTiv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. ‘County Seats. ►Fed. Kes. Depts :T-Trust B-Bonti I Fig. is F. Res. Dist. N.U.N.Or. M.Memp. d-Safe Deposit ©Savings LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Principal Other l Loans Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Other 1 Und.Prof. Re Correspondents. Securi & Dis & Due 1 SecuriTotals Capital Surplus and or ' Deposits Lia- 1 ties counts sources fromBks ties bilities Reserves 4i 13 $ 54 S 27 S 3 S ______$ 81 S 101 S 10 W. a. Rogers, M. L. Barlow______ W. a. Rogers______ Mary Lowther — $ Jackson. Deb. 10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 38! 174 9 Gty.Tr. Co., N. Y. 209 24 454 3 414 — 12 $ 25 $ J. R. McCravey____ D. G. Allen______ L. E. Graham______ President. Vice-President, Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. 6 N.O.Rankm Ell Jun’34Strat 85—307 ‘Forest______ 2176 Bank of Forest—d©T#t8’l 6N.0.Scott E15 J un’34Stmt ♦ 85-218 O. B. Triplett, Jr. 30 W. A. Davenport— R. L. Goodwin____ H. E. Bishop_______ R. L. Thompson— Farmers & Merch. Bank Cap. Jun’34Stmt 85-219 ©•tS'Oo O. R. Stuart H. J. Landry______ E. M. Suddoth.......... Sol Hirsberg »Frlar Point...988 Commercial & Savings Bk. SM Coahoma C8 ! Jun’ 85-540 ©«t§'24 ‘Fulton..............927 Fulton Bank__________ ®I§’04 J. C. Whitehead, A. R. Senter, A. Mgr. Mgr. 8M ItawambaC22 85-309 ff, G. Allen Georgetown 303 Georgetown Bank....©»t§'10 L. D. Spell................. C. A. Shoemaker.. W. S. Allen 6 N.0. Copiah Lll j Jun’34Stmt 85-310 Glen Allan___ 275 Washington & Issaquena Bk. P. Sharkey________ W. H. Brown, Sr— O. R. Lewis_______ 8MWashingtonH6 Jim’34Stmt 85-482 ®t§'19 Gloster_______ 1139 Amite County Bk.. __®»i5'14 C. E. Bates________ W. L. Tatum______ T. J. Breed___ 6 N. 0. Amite O 6 j Jun’34Stmt 85-451 Goodman 8M Holmes 608 Commercial State Bank 13 Jun’34Stmt 85-524 d®t§'21 H E M BURTON - •• ______ “ 85-56 26 Deb. 6 15 Deb A0 2 20 0 120 20 100 50 60 5 153 9 79 321 381 66 88 988 50 40 .......... - Greenville Clearing House „ F. L. Harbison____ W. P. Kretschmer N. P. Adams, Mgr.. (With ' 1,331 10............ 21 40 8 8 88 210 24! 51 41 17 23 ______ ( Incl.U .S.) 7 100 1,581 504 330 183 539 (Bns.& Inv.) 25 3 11 555 5 674 150 3 149 341 31 Nation (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) al, Stat e and 1,776 0 2,026 688 33! 800 1 1,114 301 24' 4,192 36 5,102 94!_______ 20 850 — 20 30 3 334 387' 310 100 7 2,120 2,537 Jun’34Stmt UHIlH d®»t§’99 (Head Office) 'CITIZENS BANK Jun’34Stmt 85-49 dB®T»tS’02 'FIRST NATIONAL ** bank Jun’34Stmt un,m d®T*t’9a ______ ** R. Semmes................. W. K. Hufflngton LEO W. SEAL.......... -....... ........ ........... S. L. ENGMAN_ _ _ _ CHAS. J. MITCHELLPETER TUDURY. A. C. w. gjtMNSON R. C. ENGMAN. R A|\| Ch.of Bd. Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. W. 0. TATUM----------6. M. MeWILLIAMS. T. J. WALKER............. ............... Act, We offer Banks,Wholesalers and Jobbers,superior service in the collection and prompt remittance of all commercial collections, drafts with bill of lading attached, etc. try us. F.W. F00TE- -G. J. HAUENSTEIN- W.P. JONES — __ J. L. MIXONW. P. JONES First and oldest established Bank In county. We solicit your collections. Correspondence invited. Hattiesburg Clearing House. G. M. McWilliams. G. J. Hanenstein _ Emilie Clemens, Mgr, (Members indicated by a *) W. B. Alford--------- S. C. Caldwell_____ R. L. CoviDgton, ‘Hazlehurst. 2447 BANK OF HAZLEHURST . 6N.0.Copiah M10 Jun’34Stmt 85-174 dB©*t8’91 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. " ____ “ Merchants & Planters Bank H. R. Ellis................... Newton Ellis--------- Newton Ellis______ Jun’34Stmt 85-173 ®T»t§'82 F. W. Ellis, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Private Banks, 804 345 156 48 286 442 839 ______ 556 3,256 132 150 984 976 ' Grenada Tr. & Bkg. Co..t5’03 Ff. .T. Rav |jun’34Stmt 85-142 ‘Gulfport__ 12,547 SN.0.HarrisonR18 " 8 46 260 “ ‘Hattiesburg 18.601 6H.G.Forrest 017 40 10 482 Bank of Greenwood B. F. Dulweber ... W. R. Humphrey— F. R. McGeoy, Jr.. P. S. Stubblefield . Jun’34Stmt 85-563 dB®T»t§’33 ‘Grenada_____ 4349 Grenada Bank--------- ®T*IS'90 J.T. Thomas ___ T,t .T, T)oalr B. C. Adams_______ A. N. Rayburn — 8 M Grenada E13 Jun’34Stmt 85-141 Bank of Commerce..dT»tS'04 R. 0. King_________ 85-368 3 ............ 23............ 8 M Leflore F 11 Jun’34Stmt 85-98 •• 40 — 324 99 ______ 1031 283 ----------- 45 •* 70 233 1,135 100 *• 125 2 J, H. Peebles______ C. F. Allen________ ‘Greenwood 170 elo, M\ iss.).. .......... 81 38 3 681 Surp.) 50 Deb.50 Fred Schelben___ ®t§’25 (Members indicated by a *) 11,123 32 (-Send us your G reenvllle Items f or quick returns. *Greenville Bank & Trust Co. Jun’34Stmt •• 1 7 1 (12 Cap.N otes) - ♦First National Bank.dT»t’87 W. H. Negus, A. B. Nance_______ W. F. Carnahan— N, P. Adams_______ Jun’34Stmt 85-54 Ch.of Bd. and Pres. _ 532 8 17 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL J A modern, prog resslve bank dol ng a commercial business. BANK____85-59____ d®»t’21 j Bills of Lading, Cash letters and Collections have prompt attentlo n. Jun’34Stmt •• 30 Notes 40 ' 2 120 ID 11 Pf. 10 (Bran ch of B ank of Tupel o, Tup W. R. Ellis................ J. S. Kealhofer—. fW. P. KRETSGHMAR HARLEY METCALFE— A M LYELl ‘Greenville. 14.807 8M WashingtonF6 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued Ch. of Bd. (Conso lidated statem j ent of Gulfpo 410_______ I rt, Pa ss Chr istian Total 33 | Gty. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Mtle.-Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 37 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk., Memp. and St. L. 451 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; 1st N., St. L. 11 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Whit ney N.,N. 0.;Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 167 and B ay St. Louis) 1 ■ 63 10 14 1,138 70 38 3,708 ....... 1,375 220 175 454 397 129 4,516 919 804 940 1,670 183 \Pf. 150 100 100 \Pf. 500 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 100 75 ; Deb. 50 43 7 6 ....... 1,203 1 Nation 1,353 681 550 1 al, Stat e and Private Banks, St. L.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; Jackson State N., Jackson, n. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. and N.Bk.Com..Memp. Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Tupelo, Tupelo, Miss, lap. N. and Dep. Gty. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson, Miss. VThitney N., N. 0.;Com’l N., Greenville. )haseN.,N.Y.; Whitney N„ N. O.; Cap. N„ Jackson. 1. Bk. of Com., Memp., Holmes Co. Bk. & Tr., Lexington. Chase N.,N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Hiber nia N„ N. O.; 1st N. and Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. and Memp. Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hibernia N., N. O.; N. Bk. of Com., Memp. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Whitney N. and N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; 1st N., St. L. lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Whitney N., N. O.; 1st N., St. L. Ihem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Whit ney N., N. O. Total 20 815 185 28 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 150........... 278 198 55 305 N., N. O.; Uu. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 661 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Kes. Dist. B.U. N.Or.g.Memp. ‘Hernando___ 938 8M De Soto A12 •Msm.A.B.A.^New § state TPriv. IMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estah. President. Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. CASHIER. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d -Safe Deposit ® Savings Hernando Bank____ d®<8'90 R. P. Cooke______ A. J. Weissinger .. T. P. Flinn_______ E. W. Smith........ Jun’34Stmt 85-316 R. P. Cooke. Jr. Holcomb__ __ 229 Bank of Holcomb______TS'14 J. H. Harris______ J. M. Fancher____ 8M Grenada E12 | Jun’34Stmt 85-319 Hollandale... 1211 Bank of Holiandale___•JS’02 Paul Holland_____ E. C. Shackleford. Duncan Cope_____ 8M Washing’n G7 Jun’34Stmt 85-320 »HollySprinKs2271 Bank of Holly Springs L. G. Fant W. B. Bradberry.. J. F. Daniel______ Harris Gholson ___ 8M Marshall A16 Jun’34Stmt 85-166 d®»t§’69 Liabilities. (in Thousands of Und.Prof. Other Totals Surplus and or Deposits Lia bilities Reserves $ 50 $ $ 644 25 $ 1 $ 518 Deb. 50 Capital 10 41 28 Deb.3 50 Deb.40 60 206 8 25 60 2 323 825 Dollars) Resources. Principal Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov, Other Loans Other & Due | Securi- Securi & Dis Re Correspondents. fromBks ties ties counts sources $ 69............ $ 240 S 313 $ 22 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st Memp. and St. L.; Bk. Com., N. O. 3 Un Plan N Bk. & 18______ 20 Co., Memp. 85$ 13 30 158 37 1st N., Memp.; Hib. N. O. 118 ......... 183 524 Memp. (Incl. 59 646 7 200 13 300 73 21 820 54 998 1 19 35 65 12 5 2 132 172 47 1 12 329 392 93 3 2 276 N., N. Tr. N., U. S. First State Bank___ ®»i5'16 W. H. Fant__ ..... R. J. Barnett........... C. D. Collins____ J. R. Owen. Mercnaais & Farmers Bank Jun’34Stmt 85-167 ®T«tS’99 Bank of Houlka............. ®|'05 Jun’34Stmt 85—i21 Bank of Houston.. — T«H’30 Jun’34Stmt 85-198 Houston State Bank.__ d§’20 Jim’34Stmt 85-495 Peoples Bank_________<§’32 D. W. Greer__ C. L. Robinson Jun’34Stmt 85-462 Houlka..............579 8MCbickasawD18 ‘Houston___ 1477 8 M Chickasaw E18 ‘Indianola.__3116 8M Sunflower E8 Inverness. 683 8M Sunflower G9 ***» —.1370 8M Leflore Flo S. W. Mullins_____ H. A. Harris______ H. T. Powers____ 50 (Cap. Notes 30) 30 65*............ Bds.) 65 180 21 3 1 45 10 27 73 15 N. Bk. of Com., Memp. 46 143 85 25 Cent.Han.Bk.&Tr.,N.Y.; N. Bk. of Com., Memp. 306 112______ 154 40 Bank of Inverness. dB®t8’04 J. F. Jones ______ W. B. Oatlfitte 15 163 10 20 238 C. K. Wallace____ M. M. Coleman.__ .Tun’34Stmt 85-322 Deb. 30 Bank of Itta Bena.d®T<§'90 J. T. Thomas_____ L. J. Doak________ J. L. McCracken... ch of G renada Bank, Grena da. Mi (Bran 85-452 35______ 113 77 122 168 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 85-223 R. K. Atwell . __ J. M. Hnnrt _ _ Mrs. C. P. Dodds. 10 Ashton Toomer.... J. L. Smith_______ R. E. Atwell_____ W. H. Jones. Jr.__ 13 V. B. Philpot Deb. 20 J. H. Tahh______ A. M. Harley 25 P. Dulaney______ Louise Evans_____ J. H. Tabb, Ch.ofBd. Deb. 25 M. W. Swartz_____ H. M. Trice______ M. A. Moore_____ 25 8M Tishom’goA23 Mar’34Stmt 85-422 L. T. Gaines. J. C. Jourd&n R. A. McRee, Jr... J. A. Roane. Jr.. 25 17 1 606 649 (Incl. Und. Prof.) 178 178 JACKSON •Mem.A.B.A.^New §State fPriv. IMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK IN JACKSON _ ^ p-L. 00NALB------ J. K. ARHSTR0N6— JAS. H. LEE R. HART. , Capital $ 350 $ 50 $ 55 $ 4,272 $ 150 $ 4,877 $ 1,913 $ 1,063 $ 1,095 $ Principal Correspondents. 105 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and 701 $ St. L.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Meinp.; Hib. N. and Whitney N., N. O. SWAIN........ J. E. HEIDELBERG, W. M. MOUNGER. „ Ch. of Bd. Tr.Off. 665 MYER A. LEWIS. Excellent facilities for handling items on Jackson and all parts of Mississippi. Prompt, careful attention given Collections and Bill of Lading Drafts. LELAND SPEED. M R. E. TATUM. Asst. ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Stocks - B S. P. McRae______ W. A. Connley. V. P. and Cash. J. M. Jolley T. H. Kendall, Jr., A. C. W. A. Connley___ Geo. B, Power. Mgr. anager____________ Manager onds - Secu rities J. M. Quin___ A. R. Tillman R. L. Hagaman. Jr. M. E. Collum. Jr. 54 11 (Incl. Und. Prof.) Ch. Exec. Comm. Jackson Clearing House Ass'n T. W. Yates. (Members indicated by a *) COMPANY Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Und.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. [U.S.Gov. Other Loans 1 Other & Due ; Securi- Securi & LisLia Totals Surplus and or Deposits Re bilities fromBks ties ties Reserves counts sources Direct Connections. Careful Attention. Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates. Send Your Mississippi Collections to Us. dB®T<§’25 Unincorporated (2nd Floor Merchants Bank Bldg.) Cashier. A ♦Jackson-State National Bk. L. M. Gaddis... Jun’34Stmt 85-29 dB©T<’89 LELAND SPEED Vice-President. J. T. BROWN........... S. 0. HART, T. W. YATES. E. E. LAIRD— T. B. LAMPTON. Ch. V. P. and Tr. Off. P. and Cash - W. C. ALLEN B. C. WALLACE dB®T<’33 ‘DEPOSIT GUARANTY BANK & TRUST GO. Jun’34Stmt 85-543 President. N..N.O.; lstN.,Memp. 13 Chase N.,N.Y.;Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. Gty Tr , N Y • Un Plan Memp.; Whitney N., N. O. 3 1st N„ Birin.; N. Bk. of Com., Memp. (Hinds J 11) County Seat—Pop. 48,282 (Federal Reserve District 6, N. O.) *6-27 20 N. City, N. Y.: Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 7 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 4 N. Bk. of Com., Memp. 307 4*S*W*———1441 Iuka Guaranty Bank...<S’12 Jun 34Stmt 150 483 300 193 5,562 SEE ADV. 28 5,634 (Incl. Und. Prof.) (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 6,292 2,499 986 ON M ISSIS SIPPI ,155 Nation 3,044 1,720 al, Stat e and 1,340 1,380 87 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Gty. Tr., N. City, and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Un. Plan Bk. & Tr. Co., Memphis; Hib. N., N. Bk. Com., and W hitney N., N. O.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Atl. INDE X 568 671 Private Banks, 152 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Hib. N., N. O.; 1st N.. Memo, and St. L. Total Capital National Bank and Deposit Guaranty Bank & Trust Co.. Jackson. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. p.p. o Town AND COUNTY. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. N.u.N.Or.M.,Memp. eMem.A.B.A.u-New § State tPrif. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Jonestown ....506 Peoples Bank.......................5’12 8M Coahoma C9 Jun’34Stmt 85-429 6N.0. 25 50 A. E. Atkinson___ Jun’34Stmt .. 85-70 dB®T»t'05 S. M. 6 50 10 75 12 Deb. 10 1 25 5 Deb. 20 JONES............. fcl-HBh- D. 8. MADDOX-------H. H. CHAMBLISS H. H. CHAMBLISS. J. J. 100 6 $ 10 Cap. Notes -®t5’05 Floyd Loper____ J. E. Welch........... W. P. McMnllin D. McMullin COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. $ 25 $ Cap. Notes Lambert_____ 800 Bank of Lambert........©t§’20 J. S. Allen. Sr.___ Jun’34Stmt 85-508 8M Quitman C9 ‘Laurel.........18,017 Jones M18 10 Deb. 8 ‘Kosciusko ...3237 Merchants & Farmers Bank Warren Potts_____ S. P. Rimmer Jun’34Stmt 85-162 d®»t§’90 8M Attala HK 6N.0. Liabilities. Und.Prof. Other Capital Snrplns and or Deposits LiaReserves bilities $ Kilmlckael.__ 577 Bank of Kilmichae) ~®»t§'04 H. J. Flowers. A. E. Wilsoa. Ch. of Bd. and, Pres. 8M Montg'y F15 Jun’34Stmt 85-325 Lake .................... 376 Bank of Lake____ Jun’34Stmt 85-326 Scott K16 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. MISSISSIPPI—Continued 100 39 S 204. 1,113 % 6 1,304; 70 2 3 144 30 2,350 100 S 63 . .. 138 Cash.Ei. D.S.Gov. Other A Due Securi- Securities IfromBks ties Totals $ 14 52 S 8 Loans Other & DisRecounts sources 11 $ 32 $ 58 75 6 11 son; Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 288 85 698 201 32 4 95 17 25 197 53 45 80 13 2,680 942 363 1,100 142 133 49 100 400 8 2,461 100 3,069 361 207 334 1,955 Leakesville__ 662 Bank of Leakesville. ©t§'03 J. W. Backstrom.. O. G. Rounsaville. O. G. Rounsaville. Green 021 Jun’34Stmt 85-329 15 2 11 100 7 135 37 20 20 58 75 125 26 785 1,011 312 1 404 247 47 29 48 6 13 17 12 669 757 264 309 158 26 165 21 24 34 115 223 47 Leland _ . 24?fi Bank of Leland ...dB<V*tl’90 B. O. McGee_____ O.O. Dean... 8M Wash ton G7 Jun’34Stmt 85-330 H. C. Crosby Bank of Lena . Jun’34Stmt 85-547 212 P. S. Gardiner A. F. Chisholm 6N.0. is?. __ J. G. Tucker............. W. A. Stanton, Jr.. ___ _15’25 J. T. Gilbert_____ P. C. Lyle................. R. B. Stovall_____ 12 {Cap. ‘Lexington ...2590 First National BankdB®»t‘29 W. O. Barrett. W. E. Jones........... 8M Holmes H12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 85-555 M. A. Scobey_____ W. B. Barrett_____ 50 Notes 5) 10 28 1 (Incl. ...... U. S. » Secur.) Holmes County Bk. &Tr. Co. W. R. Ellis............. G. H. McMorrough. J. W. Latham___ Jun’34Stmt 85-561 ®M§’32 50 ‘Lucedale____ 834 Bank of Lucedale___ d*if 03 J. H. Luce.............. R. F. Ratliff. 6 H. O.Georee P21 Jun’34Stmt 85-332 G. M. Luce, Ch. Bank of Lula Jun’34Stmt 85-333 Maben .508 Maben Home Bank 8M OktibbehaF18 Jun'34Stmt 85-335 ‘Macon______ 2198 Bank of Macon 8 M Noxubee H21 Jun’34Stmt 85-179 « . W. A. DeMonbrnn. d®tj’08 E. L. Anderson.— W. H. Brahan____ O. W. Poland. 50 333 30 84' Grena da, Mi | 32 65 16 \ 42 9 440 516 77 8 1 87 126 23 14 76 13 5 37 29 116 12 6 83 15 30 30 43 482 585 132 223 202 28 90 60 {With 1,729 579 230 315 507 25 25 -T 199 42 ___1«’07 W. D. Johnson .... W. C. Sanders......... J. H. Douglas........... James Hankins.... 15 D .M. Bland, Ch, De6.20 d»t8'99 W. B. Patty............. W. L. Shannon___ J. E. Boggess 24 (Bran ch of G renada Bank, {Cap. Merchants & Farmers Bank N. H. Harrison___ E. T. George Jun’34Stmt 85-178 d»tS’88 E. V. Yates. Acme Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. M. Ferrill 10 Deb. 50 Louln______ 583 Peoples Bank________ ®tl’23 T. L. Wilkins____ G. L. Boyd R. A. Foster ___ Miss Wilma Ravnls 6 N.O. Jasper L17 Jiin’34Stmt 85-535 ‘Louisville___ 3013 Bank of Louisville____ dtl’04 J. T. Thomas____ F. L. Fair_______ G. W. Patty_____ 8M Winston H18 85-216 Lula.....................448 8M Coahoma B9 Merch. & Far., Merid ian. N. Y.;N.Bk. of Com.; Memp. N. Y.; Whitney N., N. O.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Tr. Off. MUNDELL, And. McWhorter Beers. 6N.0. ney N., N. O.; 1st N. St. L. Unexcelled service on Bill of Lading Drafts and all collections. Prompt careful attention to all items entrusted to us. Send us your Laurel business. F. Cl. Wisner First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 85-69 dB®T«i'99 Lena ... Leake J15 Principal Correspondents. Notes 5) Surp.) 1,111 10 468 54 98 r. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Hib. N„ N. O. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N. and 1st N., Mobile, rty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O. & Merch., Forest. Y.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Com., Memp.; Whitney N„ N. O. Citiz. Bk., Newton. Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Whitney N.,N. 0.;Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. ihase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Mobile; Capital N., Jackson. lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. of Com., Memp. Khitney N„ N. 0.;Bk. of West Point,West Point. son-State N., Jackson; 1st N., Memp. ihem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Atl. and Memp. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given cco to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' OOO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fie. is F. Res. Dist. N.0.N.Or.M..Memp. Magee_______ 964 6N-0. Simpson L14 •Mem. A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Cashier. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Mims Williams___ C. J. Kees................ C J. Kees................ State Guaranty Bank R. L. Everett Jun’34Stmt 85-531 dB®T»ti'23 ‘Magnolia___1660 Citizens Savings Bk.._®t§’13 6 H.O. Pike 09 Jun’34Stmt 85-440 Magnolia Bank_____ ®»t5’95 Jun’34Stmt 85-338 X. A. Kramer L. Lampton_____ D. Lampton ... O. P. M. B. Self, Citizens Bank & Tr. Co. Jun’34Stmt 85-470 d®T«t§'17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Merchants & Farmers Bank L. H. Hester_____ Jun’34Stmt 85-455 tj’14 McComb___10.057 FIRST NATIONAL 6 N. 0. Pike 09 Jun’34Stmt 85-91 BANK d8®T*t’04 MECHANICSSTATE BANK M. T». Rrett . $ 40 S A. Cash, and Sec. Deb. 40 C. _ _ Lampton_____ C. E. CARNES............... J.V.KOHMAN.JW rWM NEVILLE W. T. DENMAN P. J. ABRIGHT P J ABRIGHT E. 0. WILLIAMS, \ 1 cComb Items dir ties for handling eclalty. Prompt r LAMAR RAMSAY T.J. QUIGLEY R 0. BROCK, „ „ ect. all out of town It ems. emlttance. Beaso nable rates. S. S. STEBB1NS______ F 0 MURRELL ‘CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 85-21 dB®T»t'88 j Ch. of Bd. 12 15 40 6 67 6 10 Cap. Notes 1 1 50 50 7 8 240 ........... 305 88 96 18 Cont. Ill. N.Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Whitney N..N.O. Co., Memp. 51 67 79 11 60 20 10 Deb. 30 5 1 38 12 50 Pf. 125 50 16 610 90 941 173 220 254 231 N., Memp. st N., (Memp. Br.,) Memp.; Dep. Gty. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson, 63 r. Bk. of Com. and Whitney N„ N. O.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 29 Pf. 60 10 10 687 39 835 123 98 272 249 93 43 12 1 2 25 3 110 168 7 Y.; Whitney N„ N. O. 32 1 /lldOO AN ., AN . 1 . J AVAUAVM. N„ Mobile, Ala.; 1st N„ Hattiesburg, 311 ihem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Whitney N..N.O.; Capital N., Jackson. 24 1 280 ............ 380 71 5 3 234 292 58 4 144 78 8 150 150 16 2,432 150 2,898 847 341 475 915 320 400 100 37 2,401 100 1 3,038 534 890 1,292 322 Chase N., N. Y.;Whltney N., N. O.: Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 961 109 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., Atl. and St. L.; Whitney N.,N. O. ney N., N. 6. ;Dep. Gty. Bk. & Tr., Jackson. f. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; N. Bk. of Com., Memp. and N. O. S l and all coll ections. Ou r rates most reasonable. “TRY US.” (Incl. U. S. Secur.) TEST OUR FACILITIES. 100 50 16 2,049 2,215 666 ' C. W. Lawrence___ Mrs. A. B. Wiggins S. A. Roberts------- Mrs. S. A. Roberts 479 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) Send your Meridian Items direct to us lor prompt returns. We give special attention to Bill of Lading Drafts. Meridian Clearing House... C. M. Lawrence ... (Members indicated by a*} Merlgold_____804 Merigold Bank................+§'27 Edgar Brown---------Jun’34Stmt 85-550 8M Bolivar E8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 132 1 27: 392 and Mgr. Bd. Dept. I We give sp ecial attenti on to Bill off Lading Draft d®»t'31 d®<5’07 173 157 17 R. L. BLANKS, A C. ‘MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK 85-23 22 N. Bk. of Com., N. O. 501 35 7 Y PAUL BROWN. E. L. GASTON------------ C. L. HUGHES................ E. B. MILLER.—— L. L. D0WLIN6 1 Ch.of Bd.andPres. B.J. GARTER. Jr._ ...................................... C. H. KING----------------- C. R. LEWIS------------ Jun’34Stmt 92 ital N., Jackson. 12 Act. V. P. ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK„ IN MERIDIAN 85-20 1 3 168 Principal Correspondents. 13 h 50 30 Other Re sources 76 $ 225 $ 49 $ Sec. Send us your M Excellent faclll V.Collections a sp /|. 7 niOKFY [P. H. ENOCHS. L. ROTHENBERG------- W. D. COOK. Exec. .. C. M. LAWRENCE—. F. Y. WHITFIELD------HILLMAN TAYLOR W. 0. CHIPMAN STELLA A. ELSON We invite the business of Banks, Bankers and Merchants desiring PROMPT and SATISFACTORY service. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS OUR SPECIALTY. Jun’34Stmt 86 S Loans & Dis counts 20 $ 3831 $ $ 291 5 M.D Brett, Tr.Off. Bertha Norris 6 S Totals RESOURCES. Gash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi ties fromBks ties 15 £><*.20 50 JALL out of TOWN ITEMS G IVEN PROMPT CAREFUL ATTE NTIO N. Jun’34Stmt 85-92 dB®T#t§’08 I Collections and Bequests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanic d by \FEE IN ADVA NCF: Plain siaht drafts. 15c: Credit R eports, 25c. O. B. Bowen.. ... 10 McLain______ 350 Bank of McLain.......... ®t§’06 F. T,. ■Rackstroru . 6N.0. Greene 020 Jun’34Stmt 85-345 25 •Meadville___ 341 Bank of Franklin...d®«tj'12 D. R. McGehee.___ V. H. Torrey___ _ H. R. Babington... Laney Pannell____ Cap. 6 H.O. Franklin N7 Jun’34Stmt 85-432 Notes 50 Alex M. Hinton ... Alice E. Davis____ 15 •Mendenhall.. 919 Peoples Bank______ d®»t§’08 A. W. Brewer Deb. 35 6 H.O. Simpson L13 Jun’34Stmt 85-346 •Meridian... 31.954 6N.0. Lauderdale K20 6 $ J. Kees. Jr. C. L. Lampton____ T. D. .T. T. Mack__ Capital Other Und.Prof. lia Surplus and or Deposits bilities Reserves Wylie Kees, J. E. Logan_______ L. L. George, Mantee_______219 Bank of Mantee________t5’07 A. M. Harley, Cash, and Sec. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8M Webster E18 Jun’34Stmt 85-339 •Marks______ 1258 8M Quitman C9 Mathlston___484 8M Webster F 18 (In Thousands of Dollars) LIABILITIES. Ass’t Cashier. B. C. Weeks H. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Dep osits by Cities, States , etc.) 1 60 15 15 Nation 91 al, Sta te and Private Banks, 21 16 39 Total 15 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com. Memp. w * Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number give* i? each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Kand-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, unrfp.r the anflmHfv nf Tho A mnplaan Oonlmso Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. K.Q.N.Or.M.iMemp. Michigan City .5 8M Benton A17 A no In JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. cashier. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Bank of MlchiganCity.®JS’19 J. M. Aldrich_____ Ed Parham __ J. E. Halo Jun’34Stmt 85-483 ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Und.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits LiaReserves bilities $ 10 3 2 ............ $ 54 S 1 J. W. Hardoway, Sec. Cap. Notes Totals $ 72 Principal Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other & Dne Securi Securi & Dis Re Correspondents . fromBks ties ties counts sources 8 $ 12 $ % 11 8 35 3 6 1st N. and Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 5 Monticello___ 606 Newhebron State Bank_.§'34 (Bran ch Offi ceof N ewhebr on Sta te Ban Vernon L. Riley, Mgr. 6N. 0. Lawrence N12 ivloorhead.... 1553 Bank of Moorhead.d©Tt5’94 8M Sunflower F9 85-S51 Citizens State Bank—®*t8’19 C. M. Davis, J. R. Hervey___ Jun’34Stmt 85-491 Ch. of Bd. and Fres. k, New hebron , Miss .) (Bran ch of O renada Bank, Grena da, Mi ss.)_ _ W. A. Topp Morton__ ____ 955 Bank of Morton___ d©*t§’04 W. D. Cook, W, S. still. Act....... W. G. Walter_____ Ch, of Bd, and Pres. D. R. Ott 6 8.0, Scott El4 .Iun’34Stmt 85-352 Moss Point...2453 Merchants & Marine Bank of 6 8.0. Jackson R22 Pascagoula.. 85-139 ___§’32 Pascagoula National Bank Jim'34Stmt 85-140 ®»t'07 Mt. Olive____ 812 6N.0.CovingtonM14 Jun’34Stmt 85-354 Myrtle_______ 313 Bank of Myrtle................J§’04 8M Union B18 Jun’34Stmt 85-355 ‘Natchez___13,422 Britton & Koontz Nat. Bk. in 6 N. 0. Adams N3 Natchez..85-40.......d®»’33 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Inwyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources. MISSISSIPPI—Continued 25 25 $ 5 77 132 20 12 26 60 21 4 2 361 413 75 18 194 110 Cap. Notes 25 (Bran ch of W. B. Herring........ A. F. Dantzler____ T. L. DeLashmet— A. F. Johnson A. W. Evans_____ E. L. Calhoun. 45 Pf. 75 25 M erch ants a nd Ma vine B ank of 25 (With 874 78 Surp.) 13 155 Pasca goula, Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Whituey N., N. O.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 14 N. Bk. of Com. and 1st N., Memp.; N. Bk. of Com., N. 6. 16 Whitney N„ N. O.; Jack son-State N., Jackson; 1st N., Meridian. Pasca goula, Miss.) 1,097 143 74 568 260 52 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. and 193 35 4 67 72 15 Chase N., N. Y.; Capital Chem. Bk. & Tr., N.Y. N., Jackson. J. A. Bateman ___ A. D. Durman____ .T. T. Miller 10 22 Deb. 10 A. B. Learned........ W. H. Berdon........ C. B. Richardson.. 100 15 6 100 491 42 9 2 1 22 712 194 264 127 119 8 8 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Hibernia N., N. O.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Jun'34Stmt CITY BANK TRUST GO. N. M. ALEXANDER J. B. KELLOGG, Act. C. H. PERRAULT, L. R. MARTIN— 100 J.N. CARPENTER Jl_ .. C. B. SHERR0USE Pf. 100 Collections given special attention and remitted on day of payment. .Jun’34Stmt 86-46 dB®T*tS’14 26 2,116 12 2,354 Ncttleton_____834 Bank of Nettleton...®Tt§’05 (Bran ch of B ank of Tupel \ o, Tup J. A. Wiygul, Jr., 85-245 8 M Lee 1)21 Mgr. ‘N ew Albany. 3187 *Bk. of Commerce...(a 7441 15 R. L. Smallwood .. W. E. Fife________ A. L. Rogers_____ R. W. Wiseman... 100 10 10 Jun’34Stmt 85-176 8 M Union B18 T. H. Hamilton M. W. Smallwood ♦Bank of New Albany J. F. Hall_______ S. D. Owen_______ J. L. Spence______ H. P. Dillard_____ 60 14 403 .lun’34Stmt 85-175 d®l D. H. Hall, Ch. (Incl. \ Und. Prof.) i New Albany Clearing House R. L. Smallwood ~ J. L. Spence............ A. L. Rogers. Sec... (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num her of (Members indicated by a * ) Oepo sits by Cities, States, etc.) ‘New Augusta. 350 Perry County Bank____ tj’07 J. A. Kennedy___ H. B. Hinton_____ W. L. Gallaspy.... 16 1 87.......... 6 N.0. Perry 018 Jun’34Stmt 85-357 Newhebron___306 Newhebron State Bank Jeff D. Riley, Vernon L. Riley... J. K. Riley .......... 1 85 6N.0.LawrenceM12 Jun’34Stmt 85-358 ®»5’18 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. elo, M L. . . . . Newton_____ 2011 NEWTON COUNTY 6 N.0. NewtonK17 Jun’34Stint 85-436 BANK ®»i§’13 W. A. Davenport.. Walter Sciva_____ C. E. Summer . 30 Cap. Notes N or th Carrollton 8 M Carroll F13 394 Oakland______428 8 M YalobushaD13 Ocean Sprlngsl663 6 N. 0. Jackson R20 Peonies Bank & Tr. Co.®§’l8 G. I. Redditt.......... W. C. Neill_______ J. A. Shackelford. Jun’34Stmt 85-359 Bank ot Oakland........................t5’27 A. P. Herron_____ J. H. Parrish_____ J. M. Clark, Jun’34Stmt 85-361 G. E. Calloway, Ch. G. C. Pritchard Cash, and Sec. Ocean Springs State Bank O. L. Bailey A. C. Gottsehe___ A. L. Gottsehe___ Jun’34Stmt 85-868 d®*t§’05 V. G. Humphrey ‘Okolona___ 2235 8 M Chickasaw D20 Olive Branch..336 8 M DeSoto A13 Bank of Okolona_____ dt§’31 Jun’34Stmt 85-559 Bank of Olive Branch Jun’34Stmt 85-466 ®tS’17 C. A. LaGorne____ G. H. Shelton........ J. E. McCain . R. C. Stovall. Ch. T. H. Norvell, H. A. Stuart .. A. U. Council. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. E. Birmingham Jun’34Stmt 85-182 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E, S. Bramlett—. . J. E. Avent______ 2 35I 25............ ,............. Pf. 80 10:............... .. 2 426 142 641 Deb. 8 15 161 fj. R. Payne _ _ ‘Oxford______2890 Bank of Oxford___ d®»t§’72 G, G. Woodward „ H. E. Denton_____ 8 M Lafayette C15 .Jun’34Stmt 85-180 J. A. Parks_____ l1 J. W. T. Falkner. C. Longest, Sec. Tr. Off. 15 Deb.2o 343 1,043 183 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Whitney N., N. O. 367 181 45 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mtle.- 164 160 19 N. City, N. Y.; Mtle.- Chase N„ N. Y. 879 119 477 134 Nation 785 167 al, Stat e and Private Banks, Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. Total 104 25 1 49 23 6 1st N., Hattiesburg and 99 34 8 11 37 9 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; 499 103 12 78 266 40 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 42 49 86 132 4 Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. 113 86 35 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ 296 75 13 1st N., Memp. 38 45 138 89 14 13 62 205 33 14 127 99 131 30 212 267 37 243 282 48 501 608 117 8 107 Whitney N. and Hiber nia N„ N. O. Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr„ Memp.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O. 26 1st N„ Memp.; Whitney N„ N. O. Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 25 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Hib. N„ N. O.; 1st N., Mobile. 10 1st N., Memp. 247 6 Mobile. Co. and N.Bk. of Com., Memp. Memp.; N.Bk.of Com., N. O. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given aa to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. c uuj Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State tPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. lEstab. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Capital H.O. N.Or.M. Memp. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Pace............ ......... 34!)|nValley Bank____________§’34 _ D. C. Shepherd. (Teller 8 M Bolivar E7 Mgr. ‘Pascagoula..4339 Merchants and Marine Bank Edmond J. Jane__ Fred Taylor. IS 25 P. W. Cox_____ Odus Lynd. ( N. 0. Jackson R22 of Pascagoula___ d©«t§'32 \{Cap. Jun’34Stmt 85-136 ” _____ “ Pascagoula National Bk. *t'971______ ______ _____ {Bran 85-137 Pass Christian 6N.0. 3004 Harrison R17 Pelahatcbee..1599 6 H.O. Rankin K13 Hancock County Bank Leo W. Seal______ Jun’34Stmt 85-367 d®»*§'02 R. C. Engman, Ch. Peoples Bank_________ »i§’20 S. L. McLaurin___ E. N. Ross. Jun’34Stmt 85-519 ‘Philadelphia 2560 6N.0 Neshoba 118 ri. H. HESTER...... BANK OF PHILADELPHIA Jun’34Stmt 85-214 •JS'04 CITIZENS BANK Jun’34Stmt 85-215 ‘Pontotoc ___ 2018 8 III Pontotoc C18 Pope_________ 190 8M PanolaC12 ‘Poplarvllle ..1498 S 25 $ 61 $ Notes 50) ch of Moss 30 ENTIOlP GIVEN \ SPECIAL ATT BILL OP LADI NG DRAFTS. I Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr aft*. Vic; Credit Rep orte, 25c. TRY US. W.M. PRINCE----- 34 370 $ 644 T. V. 6AMBLIN........ {With 110 22 Surp.) Bank of Pontotoc____ dt§'89|o. J. Knox_______ R. P. Donaldson . L. G. Simmons ___ Jun’34Stmt 85-206 First National Bank._®tl900 j. h. Salmon ____ M. T. Adams____ F. A. Furr_____ Jun’34Stmt 85-207 Bank of Pope......... —®§'03_______ ___________ 85-374 Bank of Commerce ~®»t5’14 r, m. Newton_____ J. A. Moody______ G. E. Menetre___ Jun’34Stmt 85-210 614 J. E. Mayo Ethel Pyle_______ 100 25 D. L. Wesley_____ 147 11 ‘Prentiss............655 Bank of Bionntville.-®*tl’02 G. C. Terrell_____ W. A. Brinson.__ R. C. Williams—.. J. W. Burrow. 6N.0.Jef.Dav. N13 j Jun’34Stmt 85-376 40 Deb A0 d. ■Rosedale____2117 Valley Bank__________•j|’98 J. L. Wilson.. S. D. Rnowlton 290 347 14 7 1 101 135 137 98 249 10 80 109 e, Mis s.) 66 111 207 542 606 193 144 245 4 255 280 161 41 72 10 6 254 350 56 67 201 3 1 177 196 52 10 63 59 i 290 336 126 5 115 75 Notes 91 5 25) 15 1 1 85 25 10 2 275 5 200 13 J. L. Wilson. Jr. .. 685 atesvill 20 491 Pf. 15 {Bran ch of P eoples Bank Mgr. J. K. McBride____ Jun’34Stmt 85-545 357 79 Cap. Notes {Cap. B.S.StevensIwaclwe T. J. Bentley, Act. C. N. Pooley_____ ®t§’32 C. S. Bentley, Ch. C. S. Bentley E. M. Perry, Jr., RlenzI................. 500 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 8 M Alcorn A 21 85-382 §’04 ‘Ripley--------- 1468 Peoples Bank------------------ 25 F. B. Smith .. 154 301 15 Rlchton______ 950 Richton Bank & Trust Co. 181 $ 70) 20 Bank of Raleigh_______ <§’28 T. A. Ford________ W. D. Crout______ F. S. HufT_________ H. J. Headrick—. Jun’34Stmt 85-553 Merchants & Planters Bank J. L. Gaddis. Sr— J. L. Gaddis, Jr., Norwood Spann... W. P. Taylor_____ Jun’34Stmt 85-380 ®»t5'06 Act. BANK OF RULEVILLE t 30 5 Notes J. T. Drake *Purvls---------- 881 Lamar County Bank. ®«J8’04 F. W. Foote_____ F. H. Jordan_____ C. E. Wilson_____ 6N.0. Lamar 016 Jun’34Stmt 85-377 ‘Quitman— 1872 Bank of Quitman...d®»t!’02 B. H. Carter______ W. C. Couch______ W. O. Conch______ 6 N.0. Clarke L20 : Jun’34Stmt 85-378 15 7 50 15 374 1 249 102 34 4 13 42 19 331 73 21 102 121 35 4 169 25 & Tru st Co., 8 404 135 7 169 89 315 92 72 120 528 138 78 268 457 119 55 226 233 Tupel 0.) W. C. Roberts T, H. Edmondson.. A. L. Pentecost, Act. J. Levingston____ Mrs. G. D. Jun’34Stmt 85-256 d®«t§ 03 C. W. Beck Planters Bank & Trust Co. O. H. Levingston.. D. B. Turner_____ Herman Moore ___ Jun’34Stmt 85-507 d®T*ti’20( Billingsley Other Re sources 210 $ {Incl. U. S. Secur.) 104 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 205 5 R. A. Greer______ Faye V. Peel „ Jim’34Stmt 85-221 746 13 25 {Cap. fS. BERNHEIMER J.M. TAYLOR_____ H. W. M. DRAKE— MRS. MARY D. ... J SAMUEL WEIL „ ) Send os your Items on Port Gibson direct, (.Prompt and per sonal attention g uaranteed. Corre r, d. Gage_______ J. W. Person_____ R. D. Gage. Jr..__ M. M. Crisler. Potts Camp...326 Potts Camp State Bk. .®J8’16 B. A. Edwards____ 8 M Marshall B16 Jun’34Stmt 85-456 SunflowerES ............ J. W. Moor_______ 125 410 25 125 J. T. Wilson Eunice W. Shinn... {Bran ch of B ank of Batesv ille, B 4 8M 803 169 10 8 M Bolivar E6 176 $ Loans 4 Dis counts Principal Correspondents. 53 Gty. Tr. Co„ N. Y.; Hib. N„ N. O.; 1st N„ Mo bile. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 410 984 976 167 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. s Chri stian a nd Ba y St. L ouis) Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Whitney N„ N.O. 54 47 S 60 14 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. 1 of Com., N. O.; Cap. N.t Jackson. 222 29 151 355 46 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Whitney N., N. O. 926 20 50 RulevIUe..........1181 2,537 rt, Pas 95 738 337 8M Tippah A18 ___ $ 8 3 Jun’34Stmt 85-381 ale, M iss.) 539 30 10 ■■■ni.iri.inni cnni-urnli •Pt. Gibson ..1861 MISSISSIPPI SOUTHERN 6 N.0. Claib’neLe BANK—85-165---- ®«t§’07 Jun’34Stmt " _____ ” Port Gibson Bank___ ®»t5’S6 Jun’34Stmt 85-164 6 N.0. Perry N19 Rosed $ < SPECIAL ATT ENTION GIVEN BILL OF LAD ING DRAFTS, jSave time and get service on Col lections and Cre dlt Reports by send! ng •ti'08 (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr ofis. 15c; Credit Rep orts,25c. TRY US. 199 ‘Raleigh--------- 219 6 H.O. Smith L15 ‘Raymond.— 547 6 N.0. Hinds K10 Totals Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other 4 Due Securi Securi fromBks ties ties ding 2 6N.0. PearlRiver Q15 8 Point, Miss.) 10 Resources. (in Thousands of Dollars) Other Und.Prof. Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities s wind ow of Valley Bank, Deb. 85 Picayune.........4698 Bank ot Picayune ._d®*t§’04 VV. E. Tate. Horatio Stewart... W. E. Tate, P. C. Byrd................. 53 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cash, and Sec T. S. Ross 6N.0. Pearl River Jun’34Stmt 85-371 Deb. R14 Liabilities. 310 100 S. L. Engman... 7 2,120 — Chas. J. Mitchell.. Peter Tudury.A.C. W. V. Robinson {Conso lidated staiem ent of Gulfpo G. E. Estes 15 1 1 H. H. Fox________ 144 Deb. 15 J.M. LOFTON____ LAMAR 0LIPHANT — LG. W. MARS- - - - - - - Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc.., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued 50 40 5 427 50 28 11 368 6 30 30 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hibernia N. and N. Bk. of Com., N. O. 103 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; N. Bk. of Com., N O. 24 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Memp. 66 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;N. Bk. of Com., Memp. 23 Chase N.,N.Y.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; Un. Plan. N.Bk.& Tr.Co.,Memp. 107 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; 1st N., Memp. 24 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. Plan. N, Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 1 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. & Far., Holly Springs. 26 N.Bk. of Com., N.O.; 1st N.,Hattiesburg;Merch. Bk. & Tr. .Jackson. 12 1st N., Hattiesburg; Whit ney N., N. O. 15 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Whitney N„ N. O.; 1st N., Mobile. 9 N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; Capital N., Jackson. 14 Chase N..N.Y.; Whitney N., N. O.; Jackson State N., Jackson. 1st N., Mobile and Hat tiesburg; Gty. Bk. & Tr., Alexandria, La. 4 1st N., Memp. 31 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.;N.Bk.Com., Memp. 44 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; N.Bk. Com., Memp. 27 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Memp.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers' uuu Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. N.O.N.Or.M. Memp. Saltillo 4S2 8 M Lee C20 •Sardis_______ 1298 8 M Panola B13 eMem.A.B. A. nNew §St»te fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice-President. Peoples Bank & Trust Co—§’04 85-244 Bank of Sardis dtl'76 E. L. Howry.. Jun’34Stmt 85-196 Panola County Bank___ J|'04 C.B. Young.. Jun’34Slmt 85-197 CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. •• Shannon K24 8 M Lee D19 Shaw.................. 1612 8 M Bolivar F7 Shelby .1811 8 M Bolivar D8 Sherman ______ 464 8M Pontotoc C1B Shubuta 72n 6 N.O. Clarke M20 Shuqualak___ 810 8 M Noxubee H21 Sliver Creek___341 6 N.O. Law'ce N12 •Starkville.__ 3612 8 M Oktibbeha F19 W. T. Burkhalter.. J M Kyln S S. R. Patton_______ J. H. Wilborn 85-360 R. T. Mitchell_____ T. E. McCrary — P L Wphh Bank of Sherman __d(s>t§T3 S. C. McNiel.............. W. F. Reagh 30 S'* 10 10 2 20 Pf. 17 13 40 4 8 274 & Tru st Co., 2 165 12 George 8. Weems.. and F armers 81 $ 14 & 240 36 32 Bank, (Bran ch of ihr 8 85 82 Maco n. Mis 113 18 11 69 240 295 115 120 60 349 409 140 120 117 101 61 da, Mi 5 infi & 101 {Bran chof G renada Bank, Grena Other Re sources Principal Correspondents. Tupel o. Mis S.) 318 $ da. Mi 20 P. P. Kellis, Mgr.. 5 $ 7 3 (With 84 Deb 7 (Bran ch of G renada Bank, Grena 15 .Iun’34Stmt 85-265 W. R. Raw Is, SfiiS chants J. R. Johnson.......... Senatobia Bank ®t§1900 W. G. Cocke_______ ClaudeVeazey____ H. T. Perkins_____ Jim’34Stmt 85-208 Bank of Shannon...............t§’32 M. A. Cowden_____ R. G. Dahhs W. r. Wehh Jun’34Stmt 85-391 Bank of Shaw................ .®t§’02 85-233 nBank of Shelby............. §’34 Bank of Shubuta_______ •ti’02 .hm’34Stmt 85-392 Merchants & Farmers Bank 85-393 «t§'06 Silver Creek State Bank Jim’34Stmt 85-474 »t§'18 Merch. & Farmers Bank Jun’34Stmt 85-146 d®t§’08 Peoples Savings Bank Jun’34Stint 85-144 d®*t§’89 Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Dnd.Prol Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Surplus and or Deposits Totals 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Lia Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts Mgr. Scooba_____ 933 Scooba Branch Office of MerJ. G. Horton, Mgr. 6 N. 0. Kemper 122 chants & Farmers Bk. t§’30 85-558 Sebastopol___ 355 Bank of Sebastopol.__ e+J'20 W. A. Hataway____ L. R. Anthony .... B. F. Underwood— 6 N.O. Scott 116 Jun’34Stmt 85-514 11 Capital {Bran ch of P eoples Bank W. W. Thompson, G. W. Ballentine.. J. O. Wfilt •Senatobla... 1264 Peoples Bank _______ ®tl'i6 J. H. Crow.. Jun’34Stmt 85-465 8M Tate B12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued 20 35 * UR ^ 1 74 95 26 1 80 104 24 54 32 36 Macon , Miss 14 L.; Hib. N„ N. 0.‘ un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.,Memp. Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Merch. & Far., Macon. 15 Whitney N., N. O.; Cap ital N„ Jackson; Far. and Merch., Forest. N.Bk. Com.,N.O.;N.Bk. Coin., 1st N., and Un. Plan.N.Bk.&Tr., Memp. 12 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., N. O. Gty.Tr.,N\ Y. ;lst N.,Bos.; N. Bk. Com., N. O. Gty.&Tr.Co.,N.Y.;N.Bk. Com.,N.O.; lstN.,St.L. N.Bk. Com.,Memp.;Bk.. of New Alb., New Alb. 9 Chase N„ N. Y.; Whitney N„ N. O. Chase N„ N. Y. 10 1 1 R 65 9 1 4 43 N. Bk. of Com., N. O. 15 Deb 50 Walter Page_______ S. F. Blumenfeld.. Frank Cooper______ A. H. Ames.............. .. 25 “ „____ “ M. A. Saunders. J. L. Martin Deb. 50 Ch.o/Bd. " ______ *' Wirt Carpenter, SECURITY STATE BANK R. K. Wier................ H. P. Castles______ J. C. Nash_________ 100 .Jun’34Stmt 85-145 d®«t§’98 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Stonewall.__ 2048 Stonewall Bank______®t§'25 Oscar Berman____ A. C. Frank_______ J. CL Oliver ______ 15 6N.0.Clarke K20 Jun’34Stmt 85-546 Chas. Kramer, Chas. Kramer Ch. of Bd. 6 2 155 43 271 55 9 1 169 10 4 360 95 544 87 11 78 264 749 927 252 2 199 418 5 1 65 86 21 2 22 40 37 Dep. Gty. Bk. & Tr., Jackson. 104 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 56 Chase N„ N. Y; Cont. Ill. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 1 Citiz. N., Meridian; Cent. Tr. Co., Cin. • 367 432 86 51 114 153 ii 55 Summit . 1157 6 N.O. Pike 09 •Sumner............618 8M Tallahatchie DIO Sumrall_____ .1364 6 N.O Lamar N15 Sunflower......... 530 8M 8unflower F9 Taylorsville.—805 6N.O. Smith M16 Tchula 8M . 907 Holmes Gil Tunica A10 •Tupelo_______ 6361 8M Lee C20 ___ H. C. Bush.. _____ Leon Tyrone______ J. V. Winhnrn D. E. Slaughter.... R. P. Washington. Jessie B. Crigler.. Progressive Bank______"tS'lS J.T. Covington.__ J. L. Jackson . _. K. M. H»in Jim’34Stmt 85-190 Bank of Sumner. ...d®tl’88 J. T. Thomas______ J. D. Biles _ 85-262 Sumrall Bank Dura Mae Haynes.. 15 Bank, Grena da, Mi ®«tS’05 W, P. Jones.............. J. K. Denham_____ 15 2 2 103 122 11 15 4 1 24 59 16 i 12 215 258 70 12 15 Jun’34Stint 85-522 Smith County Bank..®»tl’02 J. T. Ford_________ J. H. Eaton............ Jun’34Stmt 85-402 T. A. Ford_________ Z. Deh 10 Hosier Merchants & Planters Bank O. W. Nixon.............. R. L. Peaster______ Geo. Buck__ Jiin’34Stmt 85-261 ®*t§’04 E. Mayfield -d®.«’l2 •Iim’34Stmt 85-425 BANK OF TUPELO Jun*34Stmt 85-127 d®T»t§’76 fM. G. BURROW. L. E. MITCHELL_ _ _ GLENN STEPHENSON. M. D. BUCKELSJR. — ) Ch.ofBd.andPres. ) Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. (.All banking ma tters entrusted to us receive prompt attention. f J. P. NANNEY_____ J. R. ANDERSON- - - - - J. R. HORTON F. N. JOHNSON. Ch. H. S. ROBINSON < SEND US YOU B ITEMS ON TU PELO AND VICIN ITY DIRECT. j Prompt, careful attention given c oUectlons, Bill of Lading Drafts (. and all Items entrusted to us. Citizens State Bank B. A. Rogers______ L.T. Wesson______ d®»t§'22 R. F. Reed PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST GO. rV. S. WHITESIDES- ft. W.CARRUTH_____ W. W. PATTON....... IF. L. SPIGHT, Ch. E. M. PERRY C. C. EASON J We invite the B uslness of Banks, Bankers and Mer chants Desiring 1 prompt and s atisfactory servlc e. Jim’34Stmt 85-129 d©T*t§’04 \Bill of Lading Drafts our specta ity. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 Deb. 15 Jun’34Stmt 85-130 .. 50 {Bran ch of G ........ Sam Futhey .. 45 $ Citizens Bank________ ®»t§'21 O. S. Cantwell.......... J. T. Lancaster.___ •hin’34Stmt 85-401 » Tun lea______ 1043 PLANTERS BANK 8M Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25 16 2 130 6 179 26 75 Deb. 75 30 8 788 6 982 332 200 25 17 1,041 1,283 338 5 50 {Cap. Notes) 30 55 35 1 201 289 25 415 530 204 40 28 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com., N. 0. Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Whit ney N., N.O.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 1st N., Hattiesburg; Whit ney N„ N. 0. 31 75 47 120 36 96 328 290 256 581 31 96 45 207 9 1st N., Laurel; N. Bk. Com., N. 0.; Dep. Gty. Bk. & Tr., Jackson. N. Bk. of Com., Memp. 32 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Un.Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp.; Hib. N„ N. O. 33 ChaseN.,N.Y.;lstN.,Chi. and St. L.; Hib. N„ N. O.; N.Bk.Com., Memp.; 1st N., Atl.; Dep. Gty. Bk. & Tr., Jackson. 59 1st N., Birm.; 1st N„ Memp.;Mtle.-Com.Bk. & Tr., St, L. 74 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.. N. Y.; Un. Plan N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Memp.; 1st N., Atl. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. OO/ Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. N.O.NOr.H.Memp. ‘Tyieriowu.. .1102 •N.0.WalthallOll MISSISSIPPI—Continued ! •Mem.a.B.A “New SSUMTPrn. {Mem. State B. Aw n. [Estab. PUSIDENT. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* ;T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Barings TyirrtowD ttiuik..—d®‘J|U6 B. W. Said.. Jun’34Stmt *5-406 Vice-President. . O. k m-® T. A. McDonald j Resources. Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Loans Other Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Goy. Other tJnd.Prof. ReTotals A Due Seouri- Seouri- A DisCapital Surplus and or Deposits Liaties counts ties soiiroe8 ! fromBks Restryes bilities % is! 3 352 $ 140 3 618 1,194 $ 1,294 $ 166 $ 50 50 S Robert bamngton. H. P. Mosley_____ $ Cashier. S. A. Pool J. L. Lewis Union_______ 1705 Peoples Bank--------d®*tl’10 W. P. Cassel. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. J. L. Lewis SILO. Newton J18 Jun’34Stmt 85-485 J. S. Luke Utica_____ ___ 052 Bank of Utica_____ ®*2!‘M J. D. Carmichael.. D. A. uarmiehael _ IN.O. Hinds L8 Jun’34Stmt 85-252 ASS’T CASHIER. 25 W. P. Howie_____ Dei. 90 W. R. Rivers 15 Deb. 25 3 348 4 8 2 466 262 308 (Bran ch Offl ce of B anlcof West, A. J. Stevens, Mgr. Carroll G13 55 U. M. Enochs . 5 1 5 M. F. Young. R. A. Enochs Vardauian... 027 Merchants A Farmers Bank Deb. 5 tl'23 IN Galkoaa E17 Jun’34Stmt 85-250 200 100 50 4,369 $ 1,274 Geo. Williamson .. W. T. Burnett____ R. J. Cashman........ S. E. Treanor, First National Bank&Trast Pf. 500 V. P. and Cash. E. S. Butts C. L. Warner. IN 0. Warren K7 Co............. ©-1___d|®T‘XM Exec. V. P. B. H. Colmery, Tr.O Jun’34Stmt ff. •» " _____ M M ’MERCHANTS T. W. NcCOY______ J. 0. RAWQRTH_____ R. P. WAILES--------- C. E. DOWNING.......... NATIONAL BANK &TRUSTCOMPANY THE BANK ON SCFEKIOB SERVICE. Jun’34Stmt 85-2 Hd|®T«t'86 Vicksburg Clearing Home__ (Member* indicated bv a *) Bank of Walnut_____ ®tl'12 Jun’34Stmt 85-424 Bank of Walnnt Grove -21*23 Jun’34Stmt 85-532 Bank or Water Valley d»21’82 Jun’348tmt 85-117 Walnut.......... 219 IN Tippah A19 Walnut Grove.753 IN.O. Leake J16 ‘Water Valley 373s IN YalobnshaDlt » Mechanics Savings Bk. Jun’34Stmt 85-U8 d‘tl'02 300 W. B. Blackmnr__ H. P. Scott - J. W. Mauldin.. . 20 Deb. 15 8 V. B. McWhorter, V. P. and Cash. 20 Pf. 30 10 W. H. Webb_____ H. S. Potts, Mgr,__ Roht. K. Rea First National Bank.dlT*t’73 Arthur Dugan____ R. H. Chandler.... P. B. Dugan_____ J. H. Ervin .. .. J. A. Crawford, Ch. Jun’34Stmt 85-113 A. B. Cottrell ®*t|T6 8. B. Dunlap. 10 {Cap. Notes Jun’34Stmt Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis __ HERBERT HOLMES. F M PATTY Act. BEND US YOUR YAZOO CITY ITEMS DIRECT. Only National Bank In County. Prompt Attention and Remittance. 216 231 lhase N., N. Y.; Whit 73 74 181 lhase N., N. Y.; IstN., Memp. and St. L.; Dep. Gty.Bk. &Tr.,Jackson. ney N., N. O. 15 6,493 870 4,845 832 ....... 378 7 1st N., Memp. 31 18 2,378 {Incl. u. s. 2,847 398 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 1,006 2,452 177 Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 35 25 112 3 1st N„ Memp.; Bk. of 95 37 30 21 7 Whitney N., N. 0.;Mer. 966 94 681 175 16 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mtle.- 241 36 2 82 96 25 Gty. Tr.,N.Y.;lstN.,St. 153 103 21 10 4 15 Whitney N., N. 0.; Am. 25 34 13 31 & Far mersB ank,K OSCIU8 ko, Mi as.) 472 532 122 117 142 27 Com., New Alb. & Far., Meridian. Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. L. and Memp.; Whit ney N., N. O. N. Bk. & Tr., Mobile; 1st N., Meridian. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., 7 N. Y.;N.Bk. of Com., Memp. 4 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 199 207 21 12 73 9 10) 401 2 535 69 30 111 298 27 125 25 14 1,017 99 1,280 246 118 414 449 53 30 5 6 299 340 93 42 7 445 562 81 11 2 280 336 104 100 18 874 1,107 165 150 16 3,415 3,831 610 50 {Cap. Notes 150 Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Whitney N., N. O.; Un. Plan.N.Bk.&Tr.,Memp. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; IstN., Memp. N. Y. Tr., N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr., St.L.; N. Bk. of Com., N. 0. Whitney N. and N. Bk. of Com., N. O. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. PlanN. Bk. & Tr., Memp. Empire Tr.,N.Y.; Whit ney N., N. O. Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; 1st N., Phil, and Memp. 91 109 5 109 313 59 11 96 119 6 16 460 479 47 1,178 1,265 761 17 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.;Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. ;Whitney N., N. O. 60) 100 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Whitney N., N. O.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.;Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 188 2 18 Commercial Bank.. ‘tl’13 D. H. Wallace____ R. A. J. Sessions .. S. C. Bull_____ . Dannie Miller Deb. 25 Jun’348tmt 85-442 175 Bank of Yazoo City.®W§’76 H. M. Love P. C. Williams___ C. H. Williams. Jr. Jun’34Stmt 85-79 P. C. Williams i.F.IANN0NR 5 Gty.Tr.,N.Y.; Cont.Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 109 Miss.) 71 97 of Mer chants 138 34 20 ‘WoodvlUe.. .1113 IN.O. Wilkinson P4 ifaioo City— 5579 IN.O. Yaxoo 110 DELTA NATIONAL BANK<w®sf»* 5 77 60 Bank of Wiggins.. .Jun’34Stmt 85-467 Rang of Winona. Jun’34Stmt 65-152 ss 300 183 88 {Depo sitory Office ‘Wiggins 1074 IN.O. stone Pis ‘Winona_____2607 IN Montgomery^ Geo. J. Hauenstein M, B. Cooper vi. B. Cooper *{§’85 Henry Hart______ W. F. Blackston... W. S. Webster ___ W. L. Shelton____ 15 7 13 50 ‘West Point.. 4677 Bank of West Point. ®»tl*96 L. W. Yeates. . F. G. Hawkins.... R. L.Ballard______ J. T. Davidson ___ C. C. Ivy. Ch. o/Bd. Dei.60 Jun’34Stmt 85-114 IN Clay F 20 as 4,025 F. H. Andrews, (See pa ges 01- 02-63 f or Num ber of Mgr. Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Howard Unna LntherUnna. 2 10 3 173 Mrs. Avie Luna, Ch. M. M. Pigott_____ P. K. Chadwick.... J. H. Sasser............ Mrs. J. E. Grimes. 10 75 Deb. 10 1 W. T. Trusty_____ G. A. Wagner_____ W. B. Mauldin____ S. N. Berryhill.__ 40 825 {Cap. Notes 100) West.................... 370 Bank of West______®*tl'14 A. J. Stevens_____ Morris Lewis, Jr.. A. J. Stevens, Jr. . IN HolmesG14 Jun’34Stmt 85-457 as 20 Geo. Williamson .. Waynesboro..1120 "First National Bank in Robert Golden ___ J. T. Burney....__ W ay nesboro-85-408d®‘t'34 I H.O. Wayne M21 Jun’34Stmt Webb ___ 531 T. B. Abbey_______ Mrs. J. C. Abbey .. IN Tallahatchie Jun’34Stmt 85-409 Dl<> Weir_________ 570 "Merchants & Farmers Bank §'34 8 M Choctaw G17 »truS T. B. Lampion___ G. G. Lyell Wesson ___—799 Bank of Wesson . ll.o. Copiah M10 Jun’34Stmt 85-410 m 200 West, 84 Pbincipal Correspondents. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number {Iren 668 to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.rvNew {State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Gstab. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Fed. Res. Dist. Adrian________ 934 10 Bates J8 Advance. __ 579 8 Stoddard 021 Alba.__ . 354 10 Jasper 06 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. MISSOURI CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. Adrian Bank.......................t§’32 Chas. Timmons___ H. R. Butcher......... Leo H. Freund___ % Jun’34Stmt 80-1785 J C Prather Bank ot Advance ... d®t{'02 Jim’34Stmt 80-652 '' W. W. Jackson. O. A. Weaver------- Emma Jackson.... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 80-85* ‘Albany__ ___ 1858 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mrs. R. L. Whaley M. W. Magee........... M. P. Whaley 10 Gentry B7 3Jun’jl4St$t **’03 •• •• •ENTRY COUNTY BARK ». W. Reed.............. Dale 8. Flowers... Wallace Applegate Jun’34Stmt 80-357 ®»tl’70 V. L. Shelby Aldrich_____ 283 Bank of Aldrich I Polk NS Jim’34Stmt 80-854 Alma Sfti Alma Bank . 8 Lafayette GO Jun’34Stmt 80-857 A1 ten burg......... 289 Bank of Altenburg 8 Perry M 23 .Iun’34Stmt 80-858 ‘Alton________439 8 Oregon Q16 tl’iK Fred Franz... T. O. Marshall.... F. G. Becker ___ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 3 S 20 15 3 2 $ 145 94 $ 42 $ 4 108 152 35 10 60 78 13 S 165 $ Alton Bank...................... •tj’24 B. A. Young_____ Jun’34Stmt 80-860 J. B. Gum, Ch. 30 50 1 37 25 15 25 22 $ 4 1st N„ Kan. C. 99 125 $ 30 552 2 8 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. 54 9 Cent.N„Carthage; Drov. E. J. Poppitz 15 N. B. Key................. 20 10 10 5 186 56 55 12 48 664 208 161 99 176 20 1st N„ Chi.; Am. N„ St. 1 110 136 34 2 95 132 19 85 35 13 58 Jo.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ St. L. 17 Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C.; Un. N., Springfield. 7 1st N„ St. L.; Com. Tr. 10 3 10 5 J. A. Frank, 10 3 CHAS. MORGAN........... TRAVIS PAYNE. JR... MERRILL PEELER 25 25 13 Pf. 12 5 20 271 326 45 29 25 225 172 202 63 22 20 78 79 95 25 9 45 58 19 1 66 85 12 16 29 3 377 432 151 33 94 124 38 25 63 78 44 3 2 1st N„ St. L. 19 Union N., Springfield; 1st N„ St. L. R. R. Hamilton.__ 1 57 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. A. H. Hall. Mabel E. Evens ... E. J. Evens Ch, of Bd. and Pres, Fred H. Heiligtag. Herman W. Martin A. G. Miller. 4 4 1st N., Kan. C. 34 4 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 62 2 1st N., St. L. 21 5 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. 20 101 127 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. 10 41 10 Miss. Valley Tr. and Mtle- 29 2 Un.N.and Com.Tr.Co., 9 Cash, and Sec. Appleton City 1136 CITIZENS BANK...............t§'32 M. D. GRIDER............. 1 6 HILLER Jun’34Stmt 80-500 8 St. Clair K7 GEO. W. BURNS J. M. BURNS, Ch. Arcadia 273 nArcadia Valley Bank —.§'34 D. E. Fletcher, Jim’34Stmt 80-1349 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Iron M19 Archie State Bank______tl'02 Jun’34Stmt 80-868 Ill. N., Kan. C.; Com’l, Lexington. 15 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr.Co., St. L.; 1st N., St. Jo. Co., Kan. C. 10 20 C. 8. Gohn____ 3 S Principal Correspondents. Yds., Cap. Notes tl'10 E. J. Fischer_____ Ohas. A. Boehme.. L. H. Lottes . .. Bank of Amoret____ ®*tl'02 Jun’34Stmt 80-864 Citizens Bank______ d®15’26 Jun’34Stmt 80-1751 Farmers Bank________ tS’28 (Kimmswick P. O.) Jim’34Stmt 80-1734 8 Jefferson J19 Anutt _ ... 150 8 Dent M15 Jun’34Stmt 80 1380 15 $ 20 no Cooper Jones_____ d»t|’84 E. B. Becker, Amoret 344 10 Bates K6 Amsterdam _ 179 10 Bates J6 Antonia. ..30 10 OassJ6 LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars] Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Ond.Prof. Other Other Loans & Due Seouri- Securi- & DisCapital Surplus and or Deposits liaTotals RefromBks ties ties bilities counts sources Reserves O. R. Robinson___ 5 10 Greeley Croson ... B. B. Tout, Sec. {Cap. Notes 5) Yds., Ill.; Dent County, Salem. Yds., Ill.; 1st N., St. L.; Com.Tr.Co.,Kan.C. Com.Bk.&Tr.,St.L.; N. Stk.Yds.N. ,N.Stk.Yds. Kan. C. 12 28 19 172 231 66 24 8 111 22 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. 25 Ash Grove___ 1107 Bank of Ash Grove—-dt5'83 O. B. Comegys____ T. K. Chandler .... J. H. Perryman.__ Nora Anglum____ Cap. 8 Greene 09 Jun’34Stmt 80-483 v */" Notes (See Fairmount) Athol_____ Y- r ^ v . 43 25 Atlanta. . 497 Atlanta StattfUSEiTL__ t§’93 W. J. Dearing____ C. W. Davisson___ 25 Macon D12 Jun’34Stmt 80-701 V. D. Goodding, Sec- 3 2 341 396 145 37 37 165 12 Gty.Tr.,N.Y.; Com. Tr., Armstrong___ 548 Bank of Armstrong___ »tr99 R. B. Hume. _ Jiin’34Stmt 80-676 8 Howard F12 W. C. Denny_____ J. A. Denny, Jr. _ D. W. Bradsher___ 25 Aurora.............. 3875 Aurora Bank.........................§'34 H. W. Putnan, Jr.. H. W. Putnan 8 Lawrence P8 80-1795 Auxvasse 433 Security Bank______ d®t§’30 J.M. Motley . Hughes Maupin___ G. C. Motley_____ Lutie E. Motley —. Jun’34Stmt 80-1772 »Ava..................... 1041 Citizens Bank__________ J{'05 W. C. Darrow____ O. C. Reynolds___ Jun’34Stmt 80-609 8 Douglas P12 25 5 15 3 Avilla...................165 10 Jasper 07 Bakersfield___ 181 8 Ozark R14 Bay------------------ 138 8 Gasconade J16 Belgrade . 979 8 Washington M18 Belle 630 8 Maries K15 10 Bank of Avilla -t§’14 Jun’34Stmt 80-1495 Bakersfield State Bank„t{'05 Jun’34Stmt 80-877 State Bank of Ray •tfll Jun’34Stmt 80-1312 Belgrade State Bank—.•J5'06 Jun’34Stmt 80-883 Belle Bank <5'01 Jun’34Stmt 80 885 S. X. Cordonnier.. H. O. Dintaman... Ivy E. Ruiieil___ E. A. Meyer, Ch. of Bd .and Pres. A Satisfactory 466 163 30 30 2 131 151 46 40 200 238 58 32 83 23 60 5 294 53 13 {With A T) Walker H. O. Travis______ 10 10 20 10 20 (With 68 Surp.) 33 8 2 263 1 10 1 48 71 10 135 157 53 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 9 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. 51 5 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. 132 15 Union N., Springfield; N. Yds., Ill. ' J. G. Tellman 210 87 Surp.) 5 J. W. Andes Kan.C.; 1st N„ St. L.; Un. N., Springfield. “VO 7 409 7 A. W. Morris Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 and 1st N„ St. L.; Un. N„ Kan. C. 10 43 50 30 1 5 32 168 7 42 6 81 Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Bk. of Carthage, Car thage. 5 Union N., Springfield; 1st N„ West Plains. 11 No. St. L. Tr. Co., St. L. 11 12 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds.N.,N.Stk. Yds.,Ill. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Thousands of Dollars... OR increased speed and facility of reading, you will find the latest statements of all United States banks shown in this and subsequent editions of your Blue Book in thousands of dollars only. Thus, a bank with $200,000 capital is shown as $200, one with $1,421,118 in deposits is shown as $1,421. Complete New Columnar Style Eleven columns of figures in this edition replace eight in former ones. This new style, more costly to the publisher, but more valuable to the user, gives you three new columns of figures on every bank in the United States. Important New Figures Surplus and undivided profits are now divid ed into two columns, “Surplus” and “Undivided Profits and/or Reserves.” Bond and invest ments are also broken down into two columns, “U. S. Government Securities” and “Other Securities.” Totals at a Glance A “Totals” column separating the liabilities from the resources enables you to tell at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any bank in the country. No other directory embodies this feature. • • • With these four major advances your Blue Book emphasizes its position as “America’s Standard Financial Reference.” Rand McNally Bankers Directory Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Standard the World Over Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis !^ejf Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Tmst Company r “Large Enough to Serve Any------------Strong Enough to Protect All” Locust ~ Eighth ~ St. Charles St. Louis Missouri INDEX TO COUNTIES. Adair............C 12 Andrew...........C 5 Atchison. ...A3 Audrain .. .G 15 Barry...................Q8 Barton............N 6 Bates....................J6 Benton......... J 10 Bollinger . .O 21 Boone..........H 13 Buchanan.. . E 5 Butler.H22,Q 20 Caldwell... J8 Callaway . .H 14 Camden .. .L 11 Cape Girar deau ....N 22 Carroll............ F 9 Carter..........P 18 Cass................. 16 Cedar............. M 8 Chariton... E 11 Christian.. .P 10 Clark............B 14 Clay......................F6 Clinton...........E 6 Cole...............J 13 Cooper. . . .H 12 Crawford. .K 17 Dade................... N8 Dallas.........M 11 Daviess...........C 6 De Kalb.. . .D 6 Dent........... M 16 Douglas.... P 12 Dunklin J 24, R 21 Franklin... .J 17 Gasconade.. J 16 Gentry...........B 6 Greene...........N 9 Grundy...........C 9 Harrison.... B 8 Henry...................J8 Hickory... .L 10 Holt......................C4 Howard.... G 12 Howell.........Q 14 Iron.............M 18 Jackson..........H i Jasper..............O 6 Jefferson .. . J 19 Johnson. ...H8 Knox............ C 14 Laclede ...M 12 Lafayette... G 8 Lawrence ...08 Lewis............C 15 Lincoln. . . .G 18 Linn.............D 11 Livingston. . D 9 McDonald ,.Q6 Macon.... D 12 Madison.. ,N 20 Maries ... .K 14 Marion.... D 16 Mercer...........A 9 Miller..........K 13 Mississippi.P 24 Moniteau.. .1 12 Monroe.. . .E 14 Montgomery H 16 Morgan. ...J 11 New MadridR23 Newton.......... Q 6 Nodaway .. .A 5 Oregon . . . .c 16 Osage............ J 15 Ozark..........Q 13 Pemiscot. . .J 24 Perry.......... M 22 Pettis............ I 10 Phelps..........L 15 Pike.............. F 17 Platte.............. F 5 Polk.................... M9 Pulaski.... M 13 Putnam... .A 11 Ralls.............F 16 Randolph. .F 12 Ray...................... F8 Reynolds. .N 18 Ripley......... Q 18 St. Charles .1 18 St. Clair... ,K 8 Ste. Genevieve L 21 St. FrancolsM 20 St. Louis... .1 20 St. Louis City I 20 Saline.......... G 10 Schuyler... A 12 Scotland.. .B 14 Scott.............P 23 Shannon...O 16 Shelby.........D 14 Stoddard.. .P 21 Stone................... Q9 Sullivan .. .B 11 Taney..........Q 11 Texas............O 14 Vernon............L 6 Warren......... I 17 Washington L 18 Wayne......... O 20 Webster .. - O 11 Worth................. A6 Wright......... O 12 A. S. Pratt & Sons, me.—Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. See Back of Washington, D. C. Map Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STANDARDIZE ON THE BANKERS DIRECTORY equipment means efficiency and economy in bank operation. You probably know that every officer and employee of your bank who uses a bankers directory wants The Bankers Directory—Rand M9Nally’s Blue Book. You will be following the precedent set by Executives of practically all important American banks when you standardize on the Bankers Directory for inside equipment, outside information and inter-bank publicity. S TANDARDIZED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. #Mem.A.B.A.«New SStatetPnv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Fed. Res. Dist. President. Ass'T Cashier. Belton_______ 992 Bank of Belton______ d»t5'84 R. C. Wilson.......... E. R. O’Dell........... J. L. Phillips. 10 Dollars) Resources. Cash.Ex. U.S.Goy. Other Loans Other Re j & Due Securi Securi & Dis ties counts sources fromBks ties 8 $ 1 $ 16 5 2 Cap. Notes 8 50 Frank Blair, Jr.__ 25 1 131 207 37 $ W. A. Townsend — V. O. Sutton______ Jun’34Stmt 80-1395 Bell Bower____ 246 Bank of Bellflower_____ $§'03 W. T. Harman____ J. F. Ahmann----- George Obersmith. E. W. Ramsay____ 8 Montgomery H16 Jun’34Stmt 80-795 Liabilities. {in Thousands of Other Ond.Prof. Totals Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities -• 8 41 $ 60 90 S $ 12 $ 5 15 3 87 125 22 10 17 3 32 62 24 Berger..............231 Bank of Berger______ dt5'03 Otto Schmidt, 25 9 199 15 15 15 168 199 14 29 54 13 419 74 23 373 Jun’34Stmt 80-888 Franklin 117 W. D. Schaffner, Ch. of Bd. and Pres Cash, and Sec. Peoples Bank_________ dtS'll H. Wedepohl.------Jun’34Stmt 80-1302 M. L. Tngel............. . 155 $ 1 10 2 Mary Walker... 24 72 4 35 3 21 115 48 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N„ St. L. 49 103 31 12 29 62 194 66 78 208 20 67 71 19 46 4 LaFayette-So. Side and 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N.Stk. Yds.,111. N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; State, Poplar Bluff. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N„ St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., K.C. 1st N„ St. Jo.; Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C. Boatmens N„ St. L.; Un. N., Springfield. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. C. Mtle.-Com.Bk. &Tr.Co„ St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Tra.GateCityN ..Kan.C. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. C. 2 50 8 1 306 54 First National Bank.. ®f»t’05 Olin Kies_________ J. C. Ray_________ W. M. Planck.____ O. E. Poland______ Jun’34Stmt 80-356 J. F. Yoachnm____ A. J. Howard_____ K. P. Howard____ 8 Christian P9 Jun’34Stmt 80-598 Birch Tree____ 505 Bank of Birch Tree___ dt§’12 W. M. Carter, 6. H. King_______ Chas. Bowden.. Mary Thomas_____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Shannon P16 Jun'34Stmt 80-1393 40 15 7 749 40 851 172 2 174 201 44 15 1 62 78 28 Bismarck____ 1185 Bank or Bismarck___ d»t5’02 O. W. Ramsey ___ C. H. Lucy________ A. L. Bond, J. N. Adams______ 25 30 2 209 271 44 — 5 192 30 Blackburn___ .292 Bank of Blackburn___ •t§'82 J. H. Brunkhorst. Maud E. Davis......... H. 6. Koenig........... Jas. A. Hunter____ 50 15 3 97 165 53 20 10 78 4 13 Cap. Notes 12 20 5 1 62 93 21 10 1 48 13 20 19 265 324 94 15 9 202 4 10 6 2 108 13 5 77 3 20 3 1 20 4 8 Harrison B8 J. S. Nally, Tr------ J. C. Thompson, W. C. Cole________ Jun’34Stmt 80-1630 ®T«t5’19 Sec. Billings_______ 472 Bank ol Billings.____ •t5'89 J. J. Pearce .. 8 St. Francois M19 8 Jun’34Stmt 80-893 Jun’34Stmt 80-894 Saline 69 Farmers Bank ......... dt§’17 E. J. Knipmeyer.. Jun’34Stmt 80-1538 Blackwater___ 506 Farmers Stock Bank_d®t5’85 0. B. Steele.... 8 Jun'34Stmt 80-787 Farmers Bank________$§’0g Jun’34Stmt 80-824 Cooper Hll Blairstown.__237 8 Cash, and Sec. 6. S. Matkin Henry I 8 Blodgett..____252 8 Scott P 23 tiloomsdale.__210 8 8te.6eneviev«L20 Blue Springs.. 706 10 Jackson 07 L. M. Chiswell___ L. M. Chiswell.. E. O. Brunkhorst.. S. C. Thornton— F. W. Marshall. W. W. Johnston .. J. R. Wall_______ H. 0. Whitaker Blodgett Bank________dtS’01 George Buchanan— B. F. Marshall___ 6. W. Pearman. Jun’34Stmt 80-896 Bank of Bloomsdale—_dtj’14 P. E. Carron John N. Kertz____ R. P. Oarron___ Jun’34Stmt 80-1481 Blue Springs State Bank E. E. Montgomery. W. I. Thomason... R. W. McGuire un’34Stmt 80-681 O' - iItfj/'v’h # vrT —_Z_$5'06 W. J. Brinigar, J. 0. Reed______ BlythedaTe.__253 Citizens T. B. White ___ __ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Harrison A8 Jun’34Stmt 80-798 Bogard______ 329 THE FARMERS BARK—$§*08 Thomas Knott___ T. J.Sugg________ W. M. Henderson. I Carroll F6 8 Polk M9 »Bolivar____ 2256 Jun’34Stmt 80-898 POLK COUNTY BANK T. H. I. DUNNEGAN GUY Q. MCDANIEL— JOHN DUNNE6AN — 25 15 Cap. Notes 10 15 7 10 10 50 8 J15 Jun’34Stmt 80-900 •Boonville.__ 6435 Kemper state Bk.-dB®»+§’28 W. T. Kemper, Jr._ C. H. Schupp........... C. H. Schupp_____ 8 Cooper H12 .MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Jun’34Stmt 80-1766 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 126 28 63 19 39 3 130 23 6 96 5 184 20 8 156 Tower Grove Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 1st N. and Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C. 55 7 49 10 1st N„ and Tootle-Lacey N., St. Jo. Un. N., Kan. C.; Carroll Co. Tr. Co., Carrollton. 2 137 1 60 83 7 14 78 98 32 7 — 645 157 6 68 354 296 56 171 22 47 7 9 1 283 41 415 5 10 580 4 236 1 60 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Un. N., Springfield. IstN., St. L. • 10 Pf. 10 50 57 10 28 1,155 771 — H. J. Miller MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Mtle.-Com.Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. Drov. N„ Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1st N., St. L. 39 20 2 and Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. C. 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 106 I Unsurpassed Co flection Service — Bill or Lading Dr afts a Specialty. Bonnots Mill ..250 Bank of Bonnots Mill d»t§’05 Ferd. J. Meyer___ J. Koetting............... A. P. Mertens____ Osage — OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK I N POLK COUNT ^Please tend 15c tot th each tight draft fo r presentation and 25 efor Credit Report!. 80-342 Jun'34Stmtun,m d®»t5'72 Bonne Terre..4021 First State Bank— — d«t§’33 J. S. Towl________ J. A. Wells............... K. R. Adams_____ 3. M. Fraser.. 8St. FrancoisL19 Jun’34Stint 80-145 M. W. Ringer 8 5 1st N.t St. L.; N. Stock Yds.N.,N.StockYds.,Ill. 144 j 25 Bernle______1031 .—dtS’29 Joseph Tutte 8 Stoddard Q22 Jun’34Stmt 80-1659 » Bethany___ 2209 Bethany Trust Company JoyK. Schaffner.. 25 1st N„ St. L. 14 2 20 Principal Correspondents. 40 Jun’34Strat 80-536 Cass H6 Citizens Bank_______ ®»tS’08 J. B. Mullen F. R. Twente_____ W. F. Burkhart .. J. S. Miller... Jim’34Stmt 80-537 Benton City...120 Citizens Bank................... $§’06 E. W. Rockwell... W. H. Hutcherson W. H. Coil______ 8 Audrain 615 Jun’34Stmt 80-887 8 5 16 20 C O Iron M19 Cashier. 00 8 Vice-President. m Bellevlew_____ 143 Belleview Valley Bank_t5’12 H. L. Bell________ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (.In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued O fi'io Vi D 1,243 6 478 26 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds.N.,N.Stk.Yds., Ill. Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere v MISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank la the New Ynuult Number riven to each bank In U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the anthorlty of The American Bankers Ass’n. f.’jA Town AMD OOUNTT. *County Seats. Pig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Bos norm_____ 012 I Carroll F10 ** ____ *• Rourtwn 170 Bank of Bourbon. | CrmwfordK17 Jun’34Stmt 80-001 __ atl'04 •Bowling Green Farmers Bank.__ I Pike F17 1855 Jun’34Stmt 80-405 _.d»ti’75 Braggadocio.. .800 Farmers Bank______ Jun’34Stmt 80-908 I Pemiscot J24 it'll Branson ___ 968 ’‘Security Bank______ stS’S! Jun’34Stmt 80-004 I Tanev Q10 Braymer______ 988 First National Bank__ ®t’04 Jun’34Stmt 80-600 I Caldwell K8 75 Rrarnan Rank Jun’34Stmt 80-1082 Braaeau I Perry U22 BreckenHdge 828 Jun’34Stmt 86-508 1 Caldwell D8 ff’19 J1’84 Brookfield ..6428 Brownlee-Moore Bankine On. Jun’34Stmt 80-154 ®*t|*33 1 Linn DU Browning 1 Linn CIO " _____ San Browning Savings Bank»tl’84 Jun’34Stmt 80-647 •• Citizens State Bank ..dIS'24 Jun’34Stmt 80-649 Brownlngton. 266 Statp Rank of Brownington 8 Henry K8 Jun’34Stmt 80-900 tS'OO Brumley______ 121 Bank of Brumley_____ dtj’06 I Miller K12 Jun’34Stmt 80-907 Brunswick ...1715 8 Chariton Flo ' Liabilities. {In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Principal Ond.Prot Other ! Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals & Due Seouri- Securi- & DisReCorrespondents. Reserves bilities tromBks ties ties counts sources $ 25 $ 70 7 8 $ 102 $ . 38 . H. F. uabbell.$ 52 3 12 City N. Bk. & Tr. and ............ Drov N.. Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 50 20 $ 50 9 138 $ 267 52 $ 115 $ Raymond Groves. H. S. Pinney______ L. B. Willis . 87 n Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., M. E. Cumbo____ 2 Ch.o/Bd. and Pres. Chi.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 10 17 159 186 79 L. D. Viemann.__ 10 1st N. and Miss. Valley 11 86 W. L. Kimberlin.. Tr., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. John Rohrer, See. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 20 5 11 540 194 10 606 162 137 113 V. S. Smith............... Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. J. T. McCune, Cap. Ch. ofBd. and Pres. J. B. Biggs Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Notes Tr., Chi.; Miss. Valley 20 Tr., St. L. 1 .T. D, Huffman 10 5 73 89 2 25 61 1 K. C. Speer. Frank L. Long .... Cap. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ruthersvllle, CaruthersNotes ville; 1st N., Memp. 10 72 5 103 91 10 1 2 Union N„ Springfield; B. A. Parnell_____ R. O. Whelchel.__ Pf. 15 Com. Tr., Kan. C.: ! Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. 282 120 9 16 506 79 75 88 51 W. R Shively 259 33 Com. Tr. Co. and InterM. D. Tait............... S. R. Thomas State N„ Kan. C.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 1 15 29 10 4 3 20 5 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. A. W. Clfne_______ S. A. Priee. li. Ch. of Bd. and Pre*. Yds., Ill.; Bk. of PerryA / 1V *** ville, Perryville. D O . Wall A. j r 5 ,25 88 118 38 41 — —---- i---- ------------------------- r 39 Citiz. N., Chillicothe; n. 0 noil-------------............ Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 865 50 10 1 926 84 140 100 569 33 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; E. C. Brownlee.__ H. J. Moore______ R. H. Brownlee----- H. W. Thrasher... Com. Tr. Co. and Tra. R. 8. JUrown ie#-. J. W. Moore. H. E. Smart Gate C. N„ Kan. C. Ch. of Bd. Ch. of Exee, Comm. 10 150 186 25 1 50 9 100 27 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. J. B. Harmon. N, W, Phillips Yds.,Ill.; Com.Tr. Co., Ch.ofBd.andPres. Kan. C. 20 73 101 22 1 7 2 63 14 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. M. L. Hanlnp. Joe Nickell, Yds., Ill.; Drov. N„ Ch. of Bd. and Pree. J. R. Keniey Kan. C. 106 10 10 129 3 51 31 44 3 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; T. J. Rogers______ R. L. Thompson... S. W. Whitaker Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 4 102 15 10 127 31 83 9 lstN.,St. L.;N.Stk.Yds. E. 0. Thompson__ Lee Thornsberry.. J. M. Hawkins____ O. R. Hawkins------N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Bk of Eldon, Eldon. ijta 1 B Un’KPIIIY 21 20 404 456 27 185 11 55 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1ILILL 1 ————— rWM. MIGHT. W. D. MA6RUDER— L» ) Ch.ofBd.andPres. Miss. Valley Tr. Co., j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time items. St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Please send 15c un th each eight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Rtpor ts. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 10 86 10 116 34 73 9 1st N., St L.; Tra. Gate W. G. Hughes____ P. E. Rouse______ O. E. Rouse----------Cap. C. N„ Kan. C. R. L. Stone •Mem. A.B. A.'‘New J State TPrl*. tMen. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Boud d-8afe Deposit © Savings Citizens Bank _______ tfc'M Geo. 0. Miller. Jun’34Stmt 80-598 First National Bank___ Tt'88 Jun’34Stmt 80-592 CHARITON COUNTY EXCH. BANK —80-898_____ dtl’77 Jun'34Stmt 8 Burklln_______ M2 Bucklin State Bank..®t§’25 Linn Dll Jun’34Stmt 80-580 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI-Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ....... ....... nnwr- Notes 10 10 8 24 4 15 16 3 25 25 257 Bunceton___ 693 Bunceton State Bank—dt8'23 Tom D. Briscoe.__ D. 0. Hardv . Karl Scntt... __ 1 15 W. B. Layne_ 8 Cooper HU Jun’34Stmt 80-448 '.1 rtun. ___ •tJ'H J. B. Gordon_____ R. H. Highley......... I. A. Hnlsey______ June M. Hulsey__ 2 Bunker_______ 250 10 8 Ri>>nniH( V17 Jun’348tmt 80-1313 {Cap. Notes') 106 .. Citizens Bank_______ ®t|’08 F. C. Shoemaker- 3 A Hess Jun’34Stmt 80-581 K B Redman Buckner __ 529 FIRST STATE BANK ®«il’28 C. A Winfrey____ Neal Chiles------------ R. V. Hedrick, R. S. Phillips____ 10 Jackson G6 Jun’34Stmt 80-755 Cash, and See. J. G. Burnley, Ch. •Buffalo 835 Bank of Buffalo____ d®tl’91 F. M. Self. J. M. Alexander... J. 0. Butler, Jun’348tmt 80-509 8 Dallas M10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cash, and Sec. Helen Howser O'Bannon Banking Co. W. C. Hawkins, G. 1. Davies______ Jun’34Stmt 80-570 d*tl'05 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W* H. Nelson P. H. Hawkins, Cap. Notes 95 113 15 1 107 151 34 1 143 165 46 317 84 122 35 2 See. Cap. Notes 10 49 ......... MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS j •! 11 10 16 77 17 73 3 101 26 1 196 3 .0 1 1 77 36 5 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St L. 17 Com. Tr. Co., Drovers N„ and Columbia N„ Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 15 Union N., Springfield; Columbia N., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 11 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Union N„ Kan.C. and Springfield. 7 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.,Ill. :1st N.,Kan.C. 3 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N„ St. L. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. U/,J Town and Countt •Mem.A.B.A.nNew {State TPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estao. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦ Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Barings Fed. Res. Dist. ‘Bullet_____ 2706 Duvall Trust Co...............t4'07 Jun’34Stmt 80-259 10 Bates J6 wFirst National Bank..dT’34 Jun’34Stmt 80-1/92 DENTON-GOLEMAN LOAN & TITLE GO. Jun’34Stmt (Incorporated) '15 Bynumville ...102 Bank of Bynumville..._t§'08 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier. W. F. Duvall, J. B. Duvall______ R. F. Lisle. Tr____ C. J. Henry, Gus Kienberter... H. H. Lisle. 25 C. HARPER, Tr... C. 93 NO BETTER INVESTMENT. J. F. Wilson_____ G. F. Ireland____ B. 0- Jackson . .Iun’34Stmt 80-WOV Cabool_______908 Cabool State Bank__ dRi§’13 S. P. Lindsey, Sr. . S. P. Lindsey. Jr. . Jun’34Stmt 80-1405 D. M. Wofford, Ch. H. £. McKinney 8 Texas 014 Glaze______ Frank Peshek___ K. L. Weary____ C. C. Thompson__ Caledonia___ 143 Bank of Caledonia..d®*tS'05 W. J. Dent. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Washington M18 Jun’34Stmt 80-911 B. P. Sinclair____ S. M. Rathbnn Calhoun_____501 Citizens State Bank.. ®!S'31 C. L. Wiley______ H. C. Fewel.............. O. S. Morrow.......... M. L. George___ _ Jun’34Stmt 80-617 A. F. Parks. Ch. 8 Henry JB T. G. Ehrhardt.__ A. W. Yarnell____ H. W. Kuhn........... T. A. Harvey, ‘California ...2384 Farmers & Traders Bank A. C. and Sec. 8 Monitean 112 Jun’34Strat 80-310 d©»t§’85 L. M. Gray______ T,. W. Hurt Moniteau National Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-309 d®«f67 Camden Point 192 Bank of Camden Point 10 Platte F6 Jun’34Stmt 80-912 E. P. Wheat. W. K. Bywaters__ G. F.. Smith «i{'89 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Ousley Clalborn__ Russell Foster ‘Camdenton_ 200 Camden County Bank d«t§'94 J. V. Foster 8 Camden K 11 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-741 Cameron........ 3507 18 OUnton D7 FARMERS STATE RANK Jun’34Stmt 80-250 dB®‘tl'34 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-261 V. F. Carpenter__ W. j, N. EIIIS ___ .. J. Bonner W. H. KIMES........... E. 6. URBAN- S. D. THOMPSON, Sec. C. C. DE SHON. KEMPER- - - - - - R. C. PRICE............ W. A. LIVERS i Cape Girardeau Jun’34Stmt 80-105 dB®»t’91 C.D. HARRIS. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (Member* indicated by a *1 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 3 39 61 1 Salisbury Sav., Salisbury. 121 7 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Union N„ 18 Ia.-Des Moines N. Bk. & Tr.Co.,DesM ; TootleLacy N„ St. Jo. 2 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., III. 5 United Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 29 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Hi. 10 3 76 99 37 5 6 280 316 115 73 25 5 2 119 189 57 “ 4 75 10 20 14 155 199 31 69 15 82 10 6 2 55 73 7 8 1 182 230 80 36 710 190 503 108 60 4 6 Notes 15 75 50 75 25 25 22 Cap. 585 5 378 20 ........... 46 2 83 125 365 97 213 10 3 57 72 11 — 3 53 25 5 5 151 186 30 56 12 75 25 7 3 254 180 ........... 149 48 88 402 1 W.O. BOWMAN— H. BREMERMANN- MESIE ASTH0LZ . ALBERT SCHULTZ, Send your Southeast Missouri Items direct to us. We specialize on Bill of Lading Drafts. 1 Sec.| 10 1 349 50 460 107 92 8 133 33 50 56 26 1,268 1,400 ! 192 1,765 1 336 1 1 | 100 26 2 1.537 Bank, 30 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.and Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N.,Kan. C. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. 25 Co. and 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 5 Com. Tr. Co., Kan C.; 1st N„ St. Jo. 13 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 25 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 151 83 92 (Ind. Und. Prof.) (See pa gee 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 1 66 257 281 590 208 497 677 27 Cont. Ill. N.Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 34 1st N„ St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 80 N.Y.Tr. Co.,N. Y.;Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 1 1001 | MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 102 First National Mtle.-Com, Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. N., St. Jo. 3 Jr. Cape Girardeau CTrg House Robert Vogelsang . 6 $ 10 O. McCatchen . Robt. Vogelsang... Albert Kempe____ W. H. Oberheiae Jun’34Stmt "FIRST NATIONAL BANK 144 Co., Kan. C! j R. A. Whiteaker .. J. T. Ponder— H. A. Nussbaum... 16.227 8 C.Girard. 023 71 4 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. 273 $ 25 50 0. S. W. A. Gehrig./.. Campbell___ 1592 IttrstStaie Bank........dtl’15 8 Dunklin 123 Jun*31sFmT 80-1508 2 Pf. 25 15 cents sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and 25 cents for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attention. d®I*I’90 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $ Pf. 13 G. G. Wright Cairo________250 Bank of Cairo_________ t§'05 D. G. Day_______ 8 Randolph E13 Jun’34Stmt 80-910 18 366 Pf. 23 8 Chariton E12 E. 311 A. ALLEN, Sec.... First Farm Mortgage Loans for sale, secured by Improved Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma terms. Correspondence Invited. Calnsvtlle____ 765 Firsl National Bank .. ®«t’06 C. 8 Harrison A 8 Jun’34Stmt 80-551 5 Pf. 25 Cash, and Sec. WESLEY DENTON-— E. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Principal Und.Prol. Other | Oash.Ei. O.S.Goy. Other Loans Other Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals Correspondents. Re4 Due Seeuri- Secnri- 4 DisReserves bilitiss counts sources fromBks ties tie 8 100 % $ 43 $ 144 $ 82 $ 31 1st N., Butler. 29 1 3 2 $ Capital { Ch. of Till, and Pres. Arthur Duvall Ch. of Bd and Pres. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 47 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number el yen to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 676 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ' ................. " '1 ■ ' 1 In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Liabilities. Principal Cashjt. U.S.Gov. Other Other Ond.Prof. Loans Other & Dna Secnri- Secnri- & DisTotals Correspondents. Capital Surplus and or Deposits LiaRe- MISSO URI—Continued ----------------------- Town and County. eMem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. Slate B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fie. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Prrsidknt. Vice-President. W. H. Conley r «« t Cashier $ 15 Cap. Notes 'W. H. Clark, Cash, and Sec. C. W. Roney. Ch. ‘Carrollton... 4058 CARROLL CO. TRUST CO. J. W. Higginbottom 8 Carroll FW Earl Johnson Jim’34Stmt 80-1576 ®T»t§’19 •• Ass Otto Hale E. D. Ash brook---- CARROLL EXCHANGE BANK Jim’34Stmt 80-235 ®T*t§’70 Edwin Peltier rW.E. HUDSON- J. T. GARNER......... H. B. AUSTIN........... A. C. LUEDERS— FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-236 ®T»t’89 1 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentatlon, and $ 60 S 15 100 1 25 $ 100 54 (With 838 175 100 42 ( With 560 150 50 $ Cap. Notes 11 fromBka biiities Reserves Carl Junction 1042 10 Jasper 06 .Tun’34Stmt 80-478 .. Oashier. $ 5 807 _____ Surp.) Surp,) 80! 1 101 $ ties ties 9 $ 10 8 943 268 1,167 250 782 199 1,513 396 202 counts 3 $ 63 $ 315 41 Chase N„ N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 83 600 234 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Inter-State N„ Kan. City. 49 424 30 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 475 593 49 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. (.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, p ersonal attention * ‘Carthage ....9736 10 Jasper 06 “------- " ‘BANK OF CARTHAGE W. E. CARTER-— F. B. WILLIAMS - J. N. MARSH_____ R. L. BROWN-------- Jun’34Stmt ♦80-92 dB®T*J5’68 OLDEST BANK IN SOUTHWESTERN MISSOURI. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK fW. W. PATTERSON- G. M. CALHOON —- G. E. HOUGH. Cash., N. G. JONES----------Sec. and Tr. Off. J “HOME OF SA VERS” Jun’34Stmt 80-95 .. 43 1,270 {Incl. U. S. Secur.) Special attention given collections and all business entrusted to us. Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items our specialty. 100 Carthage Clearing House.... W. E. Carter........... (4. E. Hough J. N. Marsh. Mgr.. N. G. Jones, M. R. Rowland.... W. E. Smith............. Iverson Michie, nFirst State Bank... d*t§’34 R. r,. Ward A. Cash, and Sec. 4781 Jun’34Stmt 80-1790 8 ^Pemiscot J25 nNationaI Bank of Caruthers- E. L. Abington .... G. W. Cooke........... A. B. Rhodes, L. A. Ferguson___ Cash, and Sec. ville-------80-1791____®»$’34 Jun’34Stmt ‘Cassvllle___ 1016 Barry County Bank...d*t8'87 H. M. Allen, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 0 Barry Q8 Jun’34Stmt 80-586 •• .. S. W. Chandler.... J. F. Black_______ W. T. Priest FIRST NATIONALBANKd«ro8 S. W. Chandler, Jun’34Stmt 80-587 Chl.; Mtle.-Coin. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1,378 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 20 4j 10 218 Pf. 30 Nation 282, 136 31 12 86 17 Chase N. ,N. Y.; Boatmens N.,St. L.;lst N.,Memp. 50 403 114 122 32 107 108 20 5 372 44 127 89 101 107 21 10 1 71 129 85 7 35 43 69 28 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 23 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Union N„ Springfield. 11 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Un. N., Springfield. 4 IstN.,Kan.C.and St.L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 2 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Miss. Valley Tr St L 12 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Un. N„ Kan. C. 5 Union N., Springfield. 1,097 459 260 160 467 S. n. Rail R. ‘Centerville ...300 Reynolds County Sa v. Bank. J§’01 R. Reed, Ch. of Bd. 8 Reynolds N18 Jul’34Stmt 80-917 Centralis ___ 2009 First National Bank—®»t’03 ft R. Mayes Jun’34Stmt 80-316 8 Boone 014 Chadwick____ 250 J7 dl LUCrS DdilK .... .... 8 Christian P10 Jun’34Stmt 80-1671 8 Osage 115 M M Jun’34Stmt 80-919 S.T. Dawson . .. R. Reed J. R. Edwards____ G. D. Dawson_____ 292 50 10 1 25 3 25 10 5 307 15 15 4 73 13 5 3 96 ______ 80 25 al, Stat e and Pf. 12 Private Banks, 60 98 15l 149 8 530 578 3 138 28 1,166 10 .......... F. F. Cutllph_____ G.N. Whitt............... EveSettele 30 6 12 Edw. Burkhardt __ E. F. Hackman n__ Chesterfield... 139 Farmers State Bank dB®tS'14 H. P. Kerth Wm. H. Bayer Jtm'34Stmt 80-1463 8 St. Louis 119 E. O. Welch............. H. W.Shiflet.......... Ira 9. Hedrick___ E. O. Welch • ChUllcothe. .8177 Citizens National Bank 10 6 100 50 8 Livingston D9 .Iun’34Stmt 80-189 y MISSISSIPPI/ \ valley / \ TRUST / dB®«’89 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I 99 E. J. Saale MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 103 1 18 7 296 26 T. L. Hndpp.s J. J. Tlapek 30 17 P. J. Paalsmeyer .. S. P. T.nehe ‘Charleston.. 3357 First Security State Bank 8 Mississippi P24 Jun’34Stmt 80-1778 dBt§’30 96 204 25 E. J. Hempelmann J. F. Siebern H. C. Merten* 25 i 15 50 O. R. Maranand___ A. A. Schmudde... R. H. Pahmeier___ Bank of Chamois.. dBOtS’90 W. D. Townley, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Adam Townley Jun’34Stmt 80-1426 240 8 25 3231 Pf. 25 15 F E Wall £>U Ray Rozell, Ch. of Bd. and Pros. IM• r*9 lsl St. L.; IstN., Kan. C. (With Surp. Ch. of Bd. Centerrlew___ 175 Bank of Centerview___ "tS Bl Jun’34Stmt 80-916 8 Johnson 18 32 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. 100 81 j SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN C OLLECTI ON S. dB®T»i’90 (.Please send 25c with each credit report. ‘Caruthersvllle 16 Joplin N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Joplin. 117 (Incl. U. S. Secur ) 80 sources 37 ______ 41 174 2 28 90 165 130! 601 223 1571 25 ll| 11 107 1,443 564 230 34 1 604 1 Total 44 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. and 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 21 1st N. and Lafayette So. Side, St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 1st N. and Boatmen’s N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 3 St. L. County, Clayton. 11 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \TRUST / 677 Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Coontt. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dlst. Clarence____ .1286 8 Shelby D13 Clark_________334 8 Randolph F13 Clarksdale____ 302 10 DeKalb D6 Clarksville.........739 8 Pike 718 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law*. MISSOURI -Continued PRESIDENT. Vice-President. ass’t OASIIER. Cashier. Other Unci.Prof. Lia Surplus and or Deposits bilities Reserves 25 8 5 % 5 $ 260 Totals Capital $ Jun’34Stmt 80-442 H. R. Combs______ B. P. Rutledge — B. P. Rutledge, Ch. oj Bd. Bank of Clark..................J5’30 S. P. Hulen_______ Ray Truschell ___ R. D. Collingham— 15 2 ........... The Clarksdale Bank.. *tS'27 T. A. McManus. Geo. W. Marks ___ J. W. Allison.__ Ch, of Bd, and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 80-1763 Clifford Banking Co—tl’71 3. R. Oarroil_____ R. C. Carroll_____ W. A. Wells______ 15 6 Jun’34Stmt 80-922 (In Thousands of Dollars)__ Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §Staie fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Dept.s:T-TrustB-Boml d-Safe Deposit ® Savings 1 28 $ $ 13 295 RESOURCES. Cash,Ex. iU.S.&ov. j Other j Loans j Other & Due Securi- Secnri- 4 DisRefromBks ties ties counts sources 8 621 $ 45; $ 631 $ 1191 $ 6 58 192 43 1,310 100 1,603 319, 726 391 8 16 1,283 100 1,657 221 496 396 100 Pf. 150 50 52 2,638 2,840 308 474 310 134 16 16 5 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr., and 1st N„ St. L. Mfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L. 40 15 25 237 Jun’34Stmt 80-538 100 EMT— JOHN F. LILLY-........ Pf. 50 ‘Clayton_____ 9613 CLAYTON NATIONAL BANK < V. P. 8 St. Louis I 20 Jun’34Stmt 80-1806 d®»t’30 ) 15 CENTS sentt o us with each gig ht draft for prese ntatlon, and 125 CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 ngures prompt, p ersonal attention 100 W, D. Lindemau— J, L. Boland______ Carl Brinkman____ Harold Wittmeyer First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-460 d®»t’2S Christ Ruehl, Ch. ST. LOUIS COUNTY BANK d®*ti’9o DAVID SCHMID— MtVflfar- C. A. 0LIVEI------ Jun’34Stmt 80-459 Trust Co. of St. Louis County James M. Rohan... Christ Ruehl.......... F. R. Armstrong, R.L. Schwenck.See. Tr. T§’02 J. A. Jacobsmeyer, J. V. Rohau V. P. Clever_________334 Peoples Bank.......... .........tS’17 3, E. French.......... Martin Meacheam. G. W. Estes______ Howard Allen........ Jun’34Stmt 80-1546 8 Christian P# CHfton Hill ...264 Farmers Savings Bank.tS’25 J. W. Ingram . .. 8 Randolph F12 Jun’34Stmt 80-770 160 120 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L. 1,529 219 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 64 374 542 376 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1st N„ St. L. Am. N„ St. Jo. 83 61 Principal Correspondents. Jun’34Stmt 80-1755 10 6 15 2 91 107 15 65 9 Union N., Springfield. 1 66 84 22 58 4 Salisbury Sav., Salisbury; Mech. Bk. & Tr. Co., Moberly. 8 j 1st N., St. L. and Linn 10 598 10 6 Anna Wirth______ 15 3 Bank of Coffey________ tl'97 80-932 W. T. Siple______ 30 8 (With Jacob Brunjes-----Cole Camp ___ 932 Citizens-Farmers Bank 8 Benton J10 .luii’34Stmt 80-544 d»tl’29 F. J. Eickhofl____ Jun’34Stmt 80-545 . .. rp R RR|fiF ‘Columbia. .14,967 ^ OLDEST BANK 8 Boone H18 O.Riemenschnitter W. H. Lnmpe____ J.L. Schnakenberg E. H. Preuitt_____ Dorothy Trangott. 25 5 25 14 C. B. ROLLINS______ A. G. SfENCER_____ ttwarIN BOONE COC NTY. 100 200 75 100 Clyde_________184 10 Nodaway B6 Cotfey________ 275 8 Daviess C8 A. S. Cline._____ H. D. Mansi Citizens Bank________ dtl'07 Helen M. Jackson.. Jun’34Stmt 80-929 Union State Bank— d®»5’32 Emory Hurt______ J. J. Price________ H. C. McDowell... , 664 4 203: 31 81 297 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-1782 Bank of Conception------tl’95 C. A. Teson_______ Jun’34Stmt 80-930 E.F. WHETHER. C.T. WILLIAMjO|^ ALEX.ISADFORB— S.F.C0NLET. Sec. and Tr. R. K- REID. A. Tr"' V. P. and Tr. Off. G. L. WILLIAMSON. Ch. of Bd. F. M. BRIGHT) A. Tr. Off. “•anaral Banking and Trust Buslnass" EFFICIENT 8 KB VICE ON COLLECTIONS AT REASONABLE RATES. dBT»«’03 Try Us. Jun’34Stmt 80-88 COLUMBIA SAVUI6S BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-87 H. H. Banks______ T. W. Whittle____ H. G. Banks______ ’ 54 14 j 2 34; 152 39 43 55 11 22 121 165 10 216 124 22 185 37 1,452 100 1,889 362 100 62 1,143 111 1,491 352 To 3 479 177 163 751 683 401 592 502 70 393 dT'tt’88 Dulcie M. Creasy, G. B. Sap*............... 8. M. Myen . Conley-MyersBank...T»tS'll W. T. Conley, A. C. and Sec. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. M. F. THURSTON. C C. B. BOWLING — J. L LYNES -__ Jun’34Stmt 80-90 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 80—86 dT*t’65 )STRONG—CON (.Send us your b Concordia.__1140 Concordia Bank........ d®t§’32 G. A. Sievers------H. R. Lebrecht. Ch. 8 Lafayette H9 Jmi’34Stmt 80-1784 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 114 Surp.) Jun’34Stmt BOONE COUNTY TRUST COMPANY ‘MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 43 23 10 50 Climax Springs 8 Camden Ell 264 ‘Clinton_____ 5744 8 Henry J8 SERVATTVB—PR OGRES SITE. uslness for prom pt and efficient service. J. A. Siemon_____ Otto Brackman----- E. E. Sievers_____ J. D. Freund 100 100 50 121 (With 353 94 597 68 4 874 100 1,195 359 198 224 96 524 Surp.) 25 5 3 191 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 301 96 90 4 Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 4 Am. N., St. Jo. 15 Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. G.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 12 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.; 3rd N., Sedalia. 10 Sedalia Bk. &Tr. Co., Se dalia; N. Stk. Yds. N„ ; N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 120 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 53 Chase N., N. Y.; Mtle.— Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 28 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N. and City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 224 1st N„ St. L. 18 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. __ Merch. Bk., Mtle. Home Bk. & Tr., and South east State, Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere fi78 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given eacb bank ln u s exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ags*n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dtst. Corder_______ 610 I Lafayette GO tMem. 8tate B. Ass’n. [1 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Uud.Proi Surplus and or Eesorvts Capital R. C. Frerking ___ C. G. Kleinschmidt O. J. Wollenman Jun’34Stmt 80-939~ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources. MISSOURI—Continued S 30 % Other Lia bilities Cash,Ex. U.S.Oov.' Other & Cue Seouri- ; Securi fromBks ties ties Totals 30 20 S 215 295 70 Tra. Gate City N. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 101 24 Stk. Yds. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 27 146 1121 32 109 Too tie-Lacy N. and Com. Tr, Kan. C.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 10 Un. N„ Springfield: City Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: N. Stk.Yds.N.,N.Stk.Yds 5 Tra. Gate City N. and Un. N., Kan. C. 18 St. L. Co., Clayton; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 9 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.. Ill 22 1st N„ St. L.; Osage Val ley, Warsaw; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 37 i Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Mellon N„ Pitt. John Farmer......... W. J. Waggoner__ S. K. Van Trump.. R. L. Hatfield 30 6 4j 129 169 33 Oral*_________ 626 Bank of Craig ... 10 Bolt B3 Jun’34Stmt 80-651 R. W. Holt______ Wayne A. Sharp.. Lena Lawrence.__ 25 15 6j 273 337 164 •t|'04 Lola G. Nelson ___ L. L. Rnssell____ L. A. Gatton____ W. O. Cope.............; 32 8 4 219 263 Creighton____ 289 10 Cass J7 Creve Coeur.__650 8 St. Lonis 119 Crocker_____ 522 8 Pulaski L13 Cross Tlmbers.250 8 Hickory L10 Jun’34Stmt 80-941 F. E. Coe. W. H. Wehmeyer. E. D. Anderson__ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Wm. Dierherg___ Wm. Meier______ R. F. Bloom_____ B. D. Rausch_____ d®t*'0i R. B. Denny J. I* Hoops______ H. L. Shelton____ Crpvt- coHur Farmers Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-942 Jun’34Stmt 80-1292 Farmers. Jun’34Stmt 10 n ®tr: Crystal City _3057 Crystal City State Bank t. A. Downs7_._^__ aton____ 20 , 10 W. W. Bradley. E. B. Blake______ 20 Cap. Notes 5 Cuba_________ 814 8 Crawford E16 Jun’34Stmt 80-655 A. J. Barnett.__ E. P. Sebastian___ Jean Bass.............. 25 15 Curryvllle____236 Bank of Curryville. Jun’34Stmt 80-944 8 Pike F16 W. G. Caldwell. T. F. Brown_____ O. B. Hawkins___ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Dawn________ 168 Community Bank.. 8 Livingston E9 Jun’34Stmt 80-1647 J. L. Condron___ James Baxter___ Abner Canningham A. J. Riedel_____ Pf. 20 Dearborn_____549 10 Platte £6 Deo eric*______ 62 10 Vernon L7 Deepwater___ 1093 8 Henry J8 De Soto_____ 5069 8 Jefferson K20 De Witt______ 371 8 Carroll F10 Dexter_______2714 8 Stoddard Q22 Jun’34Stmt 80-1788 Farmer* BauK-__ Jun’34Stmt 80-1564 ’’ Jun’34Stmt 80-1286 AMERICAN BANK. Jun’34Stmt 80-192 Jun’34Stmt 80-053 CITIZENS BANKJun’34Stmt 80-284 Downing_____514 8 Schuyler A13 Drexel —. 553 10 Cass Jb Dnenweg_____500 10 Jasper 06 Durham _____210 8 Lewis OI6 Dntzow _ 73 8 Warren 118 111 38; 20 48 306 358 40 10 290 147 27: 17 175 19 588 132 961$ 379 132 j 28 80 105 34 20! 114 144 28; 20 127 I 0 129 16 4621 301 32 94 2...........| 132 247| 76 37 1331 49 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. 44 Drov. N., Chi.; Miss. Val ley Tr, St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. Cltiz. N., Chillicothe; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. N., St. Jo. 1st N. and Thornton N., Nevada. Drov. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 29 1st N„ St. L. L. 2 E. P. Wheat_____ H. E. Smith T . W. R. Huffman. 44 57 14 Mrs. A. B. Strode.. W. Gough - R. O. Strode___ 35 46 21 Karl Wittig 20 j M. A. Douglass___ Chas. E. Leach___ 43' J. J. CUND1FF_____ C. W. HAVERSTICK — J. J. SCHMIDT— Anna McKinny.__ E. E. Lewellen___ J. J. McKinny.. SAMUELULEN_____ WM. RINGER - Mary R. McKinny. THOS. L. KENNEDY - G. S. ULEN---------- 361 10 10 88 110 55 35 10 693 756 172 50 123 10 4 47 61 26 15 5 11 40 10 368 424 88 164 52 86 382 4 1st N., St. L.; Drov. N., J£an 34 1st and Mtle.-Com. Bk. Jun’34Stmt 80-1322 PeoDl es State Bank.. d B©ti' 11 A. E. Ellis.............. Edward H. Stahl.. A. W. Ellis... Bank of Doniphan........ »t§’31 H. E. Thaxton____ P. J. Bnrfnrd J.M. Wright. 10! 4! 1 46 61 26 1 4 20 Jun’34Stmt 80-1776 25 3 5 134 167 61 66 6 27 7 Jun’34Stmt 80-1680 Bank ot Dora_________ $§’20 E. A. Denpree. A. P. Sweeton ___ C. Mayberry.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 10 2i.......... ■ 16 28 9 16 3 Bank of Downing_____ tl’30 John McWilliam- H. W. Lockett.__ H. E. Potter____ Stanley Fogle. Bank ot Drexel...........•tl'lO F. M. Elliott .. .. C. F. Fenton........... A. H. Kohlenberg, Jim’34Stmt 80-708 Sec. Dnenweg state Bank.__JS’12 H. W. Sterling__ J. C. Manning____ 20; 107 133 23 31 9 70 15 152 175 70 18 1 67 19 Drov. N. and Com. Tr., 10 26 44 8 27 8 Joplin N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lois Brookshire... A. P. Hill T. B. Douthitt. P. A. Christeson... Ida V. Rollins____ D. R. Stevens. Chas. C. Smith.__ Jun’34Stmt 80-1835 Durham State Bank.—_t5’22 L. H. Gnuse, J. W. Shackleford. Jim’34Stmt 80-1716 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Bank of Dntzow.... ........ t§’31 John Paul__ A. C. Dickhaus.__ A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 77 103 16 14 j 63 10 205 252 54 26 12 147 13 10 Pf. 6 16 83 100 19 235 270 47 j Notes 16 W. H. 8chader___ 10 E. H. Stonestreet, j Sec. 156 198 49 Isabelle Roesner..i Jun’34Stmt 80-958 10! 30 Jun’34Stmt 80-706 | Cap. Fast Lynne _ .257 Farmers State Bank___»Ji’02 J. E. Spencer____ P. D. Kircher____ B. M. Stonestreet Jun’34Stmt *n-«S« 10 Cass 17 1 MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ 93 2 & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill Joplin N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Joplin. Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L ; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1st N„ Un. N., and Park N„ Kan. C. 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Union N., Springfleld;Bk. of Gainesville, Gaines ville. 1st N., St. L. Diamond.____ 486 Jun’34Stmt 80-954 10 Newton P6 Dixon ___ 721 The state Bank______ Jun’34Stmt 80-1861 I Pnlaski L14 Dodson______ 250 10 JacksonG6 ‘Donlpban. 1398 0 Ripley Q18 Dora--------------100 8 Ozark Qll (With Surp.) 10:.........J G. W. Oakes____ E. J. Fallert.. $ Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources 205 Cowglll_______368 First National Bk. 8 Caldwell E8 Jun’34Stmt 80-789 Crane_______ 1030 Bank of Crane... 8 Stone P9 Jun’34Stmt 80-940 Loans A Dis counts Kan. C. 78 24 4 192 .......... 142 . MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 1 Joplin. 3 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 3 1st N„ St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 7 Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere t MISSISSIPPI t \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / fi7Q Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given eacb bank ln u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Pig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. eMem.A.B. A. wNew §State tPri*. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Easton________214 10 Buchanan DA East Prairie ..1385 I Mississippi Q24 Farmers State Bank _»tS19 Michael Wogan___ H. M. McLarney... Albert Krofft__ Jim’34Stmt 80-1609 First Bank of East Prairie W. H. Danforth__ Donald Danforth.. J. R. Presson... Jun’34Stmt 80-1778 J§’31 Edgerton_____ 427 10 Piatte E6 ‘Edina_______1532 I Knox 014 Bank of Edgerton_____•15,88 A. J. Elliott______ W. W. Lott_______ Burr Elliott______ F. M. Dick_______ 20 Jun’34Stmt 80-982 Geo. Morrison Citizens Bank____ d©*t5'14 John McGraw, 25 T. B. Anderson... J.W. Hayes____ Thos. O’Donnell... Jun’34Stnit 80-417 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Cap. Liabilities. President. , ’31 Gus D Vice-President. y?Ch... Vess Delaney ..:.. Eldon............... 8171 BANK OF ELDON - dB»«1900 HI \.ofBd.andPres. I Miller J12 Jun’34Stmt 80-JB7 I FEE IN ADVA asvr*- ASS’T CASHIER. CASHIER. C $ Eber Whiteman R. N. Turner nTri-County State Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-1794 d*t§’34 Antin’ ttUUAswofe—ts 19 Jun’34Stmt 80-1605 Bllingion Bank______ d®lS'05 Jun’34Stmt 80-711 Capital P. H. Carmichael.. $ L:_ 0 . 20 $ 4 25 3 $ \ 25 4 15 gssjhi ■P'M 79 $ 13 280 105 600 656 200 3 130 Elvlns —............ 2403 Bank of Elvins______ *211900 8 St.Francois L19 Jun’34Stmt 80-967 G. Jack Jones_____ W. A. Ulery______ E.jTl^wncis, ^ . Hulsey_____ Cash, and See. W. H. Tlmmure__ 3 10 ‘Eminence___ 417 8 Shannon 017 Ethel_________ 359 8 Macon D12 A./, Hawkins. Shannon Oouaty^Bank—ti'Oa Jun’34Stmt 80-819 Fartnwrr'Ar Merchants Bank M.D_______ M. D. Lynch. tl’12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 80-1344 ton*—__ B^F. Nelson Llle O. L. poison. r Laura Moon Hershel Lynch / Eugene---------- 201 Eugene State Bank____ t5’27 T.W. Bond. C. W. Harbison ... J. M. Logrbrinck— 8 Cole J13 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, J.P. Miller iJun’34Stmt 80-1760 10 10 Cap. Notes 10 Cap. Notes 12 15 J. M. Boland_____ J. W. Thee_______ P. T. Bienmueller. Enreka............... 530 Bank of Eureka_____ ®tS’04 W. W. Maupin____ Julius Gutman____C. W. Roques______ Garnet B. Sturgis . 8 St. Louis J19 Jun’34Stmt 80-972 J. O. Ficke Farmers & Merchants Bank Henry Heitmann, Jun’34Stmt 80-1369 }’12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Excelsior Springs Clay County State Bank W. B. Catterlin.__ T. E. Crawford___ E. H. Cravens.......... F. L. Kimber. 10 Olay F7 4565 Jun’34Stmt 80-216 d®*tS’94 E. H. Cravens S. C. Sherwood. Edna Eastin 38 170 60 120 \ J 3 161 32 4 3 276 120 5 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 157 228 15 1st N. and Miss, Valley Tr. Co.,St. L.;Com.Tr. Co., Kan. C. 6 2 114 137 15 20 27 64 11 Mtle.-Com.Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 2 N. Stk. Yds., N. Stk. Yds., 3 3 47 90 4 q 1 35 3 123 15 k' HaJ 15 l\ 3 7 r ^ 6 62 55 32 7 85 18 80 23 1 39 126 50 12 64 ’ 7 23 2 2 15 ’ rr sj 60 26 87 52 21 191 26 153 40 135 14 5 93 3 47 72 22 12 Ill. 18 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr.,St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds ,111. 17 1st N., St. L. Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.^gtk. Yds., HI. Mtle.-COm. Bk. &Tr., St. L.jN.Stk. Yds. N„N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 4 Hannibal N„ Hannibal; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. % Q ; AW- < 95 ■ 45 22 5 3 10 107 96 120 00 1st N., St. L. 7 Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. C.;N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1 Ex. N., Jefferson; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N„ St. L. 5 22 17 89 9 483 259 88 23 Int’l, St. L.; Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.;Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. i 158 179 47 10 39 850 999 169 5 (With Surp.) 454 564 172 31 49 250 62 10 7 3 113 133 34 23 6 65 5 15 25 10 226 276 118 152 6 17 A.C. C. A. Risley______ George E. Wilson.. O. 0. Risley, Excelsior Trust Co. F. R. Hull. A. Tr. . 40 Jun’34Stmt 80-1580 d®T*t5T9 J. M. Summers Sec, and Tr, J. E.Weitzel. Cap. W. A. Craven, A. Sec. Notes Tr. Off. Exeter________ .323 Bank of Exeter_______*t5'02 C. N. Ellston, J. W. McClure.__ J. 0. Ellston______ 8 Barry Q8 Jun’34Stmt 80—973 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Fair rax______ 852 Exchange Bank 10 Atchison B3 .Iun’34Stmt 80-627 , MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ d®*t8’92 R. C. Whitford.__ W. G. Creed______ F. C. Whitford.... G. E. McDonald ... W. A. Carmean A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40 25 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS N.t St. Jo. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 5 100 Am. 14 1st N., St. L. and Memp.; N. Stk, Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 5 1st N., St. Jo. and Kan. C. 33 Emden.... ...........119 Farmers Bank_______ ®tl’04 D. J. Davis. 8 W. M. Glasscock— H. H. Rice, J. R. Davis, Tr......... 8 Shelby D15 Jun’34Stmt 80-968 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Cap. Cash, and Sec. Notes 8 50 58 8 146 5 Elsberry_____ 1204 Bank of Lincoln County Clarence Cannon.. 8 Lincoln 018 Jul’34Stmt 80-508 dB®«tS’88 1 $ 579 25 Farmers State Bank L. B. Balls. E. C. Bowers____ W. M. Satterfield Irene B. Macy____ Jun’34Stmt 80-712 dB©*t5'09 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Elmo_________ 313 Farmers & Merchants Bank G. P. Shoptaugh__ 30 Z. R. Alexander... 10 Nodaway A4 Jun’34Stmt 80-966 Cap. *tS'89 Notes $ 501 50 Ch. of Bd. and Pres 4 18 9 10 C. M. Buford, Sec... S Principal Correspondents. Other Resources 4 25 N. B. George........... R. G. Ca 48 233 15 J. H. Buford. 52 118 7 32 T. Dunaway.. R. B. Grisham__ h 118 $ 5 5 Ch. of Bd. and Pr 8 6 4 O. W. Anson. $ 94 Bfr- W. II. HARRISON__ J. W. McFarland— $ 3 Totals RESOURCES. Cash,Hi. D.S.Gov. Other Loans & Due Securi- Securi- & DisiromBks ties counts ties 20 Notes al.Arwr.. (In Thousands of Dollars) Other Ond.Prof. Surplus and or Deposits Liabilities Reserves 40 Cap. GEO. F. CARNEY Notes NCE: Plain tight drafts, IS c; Crs dit Reports 2Se. 25 E. T. COLLIN! Citizens Bank____ dB©*tS'05 W. M. Haynes____ W. M. Greenway.. G. W. Smith___ Jun’34Stmt 80-338 Eldorado Springs 8 Cedar L7 1917 Elk Creek____ 19 8 Texas 014 Ellington_____655 8 Reynolds 018 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) ln back of this g, Holidays, etc., see Laws. volume. For Interest Rates, MISSOURI—Continued 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. City. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr.. Chi.: 1st N„ Un. N„ Stk. Yds. N., and Tra.Gate City N„ Kan. C. Un. N., Springfield; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr.. St. L. Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Am. N., St. Jo.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere [.MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / co Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. a Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Liabilities. (In Thousands of Ond.Prol. Other and or Deposits Totals Lia Reserves bilities $ 2 $ 95 S 107 Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. «New §State tl’riv. tMem. 8tate B. Ass’n. TEstab. ‘County Seats. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. Capital Snrplus Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Fed. Res. Dist. Falrmouni ...2505 Standard State bank $ 10 Otto P. Higgins... C. R. Davis............... 10 Jackson G6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1703 d®*t§’21 Harvey Roney, Ch. (10200 Independence Ave.) Fair Play......... 454 Citizens State Bank—•t§’ll H. N. Paynter......... F. W, Barker. H. Cunningham.... Forrest Beason — 20 $ 2 8 Polk M9 Jun’34Stmt 80-752 Cap. Notes Falrport______ 263 Bank of Fairport......... _t5’09 John Halter. 10 DeKalb C7 C. E. Estes______ B. N. Burnham.__ A. J. Hitt. iJun’34Stmt 80-976 Farley________ 111 Farley State Bank_______ 5’07 Fritz Oberdiek, J. W. Farley______ W. J. Farley. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Henry Wiehe 10 Platte F5 Jun’34Stmt 80-979 ‘Farmlngton.3001 8 St.Francois M20 fW.M. HARLAN. ARMIF Jim’34Stmt I Ch. of Bd. & Pres. Howard G12 “_____ " Fenton______237 8 St. Louis I 20 Ferguson........3798 8 St. Louis 120 Sec. 80-268 Jim’34Stmt 80-273 dB®Tt8'03 E. J. Bedford____ 84 $ 31 147 52 1 7 52 35 7 10 21 87 128 46 2 4 72 4 10 36 2 360 408 39 54 65 232 18 1,802 263 69 199 532 739 284 .42 56 .............. 153 33 236' 61 146 21 20 1,662 Pf. 60 ) Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. V.Please tend ]5c tcti th each sioht draft fo r presentation and 26c for Credit Repor ts. L. W. Jacobs, Jr.. Jasper Thompson.. S. H. Brown, Sec... R. L. Burnham, Fayette Bank.................. d»t8'71 J. B. Denneny, H. A. Davis. Jun’34Stmt 80-272 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Independence. 2 8 10 60 A. Sec. Resources. Principal Cash, Ex. D.S.Gov. Other Loans Other 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Correspondents. Re(romBks counts sonroes ties ties $ 40 $ 30 $ 20 $ 15 $ 2 1st N., Kan. C. and s L. H. WILLIAMS...... C. W. GEARING........ iTON—-d®»tJ’34 < Oldest Bank In the County - Str ong - Conservatt ve - Progressive, ^Fayette_____ 2630 Commercial Trust Co. 8 F. Niemann, Jr., Dollars) 50 6 i 227 6 1 i 209 40 9 445 5 405 27 13 2 291 406 57 40 135 137 37 40 28 500 603 52 50 213 237 51 313 385 60 16 37 217 55 .......... ! 8 Cap. Notes 19 Farmers & Merchants bank Chas. F. Rott_____ Joseph Mraz______ Richard Dalton, Isabel Wilson____ 10 Jun’34Stmt 80-1332 d®»tS’ll Cash, and Sec. Eleanor Chott Chas. F. Eime Bank of Ferguson. d®«JS’06 H. C. Pixley______ T. H. Thatcher.... F. J. Bindbeutel.. R. E. Sudekum__ 50 Jun’34Stmt 80—981 Cap. Notes 1 504 67 Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Un. N„ Springfield. m. N., St. Jo.; InterState N., Kan. C. st N. and Mtle. Home Bk. &Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Leav. lont.Ill.N.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N. St. L. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. llss. Valley Tr. Co., St, L.; 1st N„ Kan. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Itle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 50 Festus______ 4085 8 Jefferson E20 CITIZENS BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-274 "--------“ N.W. BRIGKEY- F. J. SEWALD- - - - - - - CHAS. PORTER- 35 CJ. F. DONNELL— R.E.BYRD- - - - - - - - - - W. L. T0WNSENI— HELEN GUTHREL— 15 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK—80-275 __d®« tS03 ) Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be aeeompanle d by ; Jun’34Stmt ' 15 42 Co., and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. (.FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Re ports 25c. Butler Q2 8 3337 St. Francois L19 FLAT RIVER FERD. W. HEMKER. FLORENCE 5 30 ITZ/ _VV 33 2 2 17 34 121 45 ii 2 196 228 28 28 10 3 1 53 72 16 .......... 1 94 111 32 6 95 120 Jun’34Stmt 80-696 nState Bank of Forest City O.E. Emery______ R. W. Fowks__ Jun’34Stmt 80-695 t§'34 Forest Green...95 Farmers Bank_______ ®t5’03 F. C. Gebhardt___ F. E. Heiman__ 8 Chariton F12 Jun’34Stmt 80-988 66 120 149 65 59 79 20 22 1 31 110 120 16 33 12 55 Holt C4 Forlstell......... 178 Foristell Bank_________ t§’09 P. O. Foristell___ J. H. Ellis________ J. T. Cannon_____ Curtis Cannon------Jun’34Stmt 80-989 12 Pf. 12 10 5 Cap. Notes 5 5 8 2 ■ MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 6 3d N„ Sedalia. 17 N. Stk. Yds. N.,N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 52 4 Am. N., St. Jo. 11 59 3 Union N., Springfield; N. 50 4 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 47 5 1st N. and St. Jo. Stk. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Surp.) M. L. Emery-------- Lavere North-----Reed Bailey, Sec. R. H. Bentley____ 28 Itle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Pop lar Bluff, Poplar Bluff. Fritted Bk. & Tr. Co. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Cap. Notes 5 (With Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 5 160 i Jim’34Stmt 80-987 A Satisfactory Correspondent 87 5 20 .MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 4 4 10 Forest City___504 Home State Bank........... dtS’10 Walter Beck______ George Cotton......... A. M. Brown-------- B. W. Brown. 8 St. Charles H18 .**334 pT 27 25 6 10 271 .......... ......................... ----- 5 10 WebsterOll 17 Robert Millmann.. Fordland...........327 Bank of Fordland____ *15*05 W. J. Callender... J. W. Sherrow____ O. M. Toppass ___ Susie O. Bench___ 8 48 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatfon, and ersonal attention. d»J§'33 135 CJBNTS for e ach credit report iinsures prompt, J. ^anfels...' Florence------------ 78 Bank of Florence ___ dtS'18 . P. Stephens.__ E. R. Evans_______ 8 Morgan Ill Jun’34Stmt 80-1562 Florissant____ 787 Citizens Bank______d©»t§'04 Oscar O. Aydt____ Joseph Paters. Jr. Al. Nick_______ 8 St. Louis H20 Jun’34Stmt 80-985 Jos. H. Niehoff Ford City____ 83 Ford City State Bank...t|’14 Thos. Beaslin-------- O. R. Gordon......... P. D. A. Duncan 10 Gentry C6 Mun’34Stmt 80-1479 Jun’34Stmt 80-1786 10 C\ Jl Flat River j Jun’34Stmt 80-1357 .. Fisk...................... 3871 State Bank of Fisk____dt5'12 J. C. Corrigan____ J. W. Manion_____ M. S. Shaia______ 8 Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. ®«t§'89 OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY - STRONG - CONSERVATIVE - PRO G RE SSIV E. Special attention given BUI of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each tight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 1 . ....... Burnes N„ St. Jo. 32 Yds., St. Jo. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Glasgow Sav., Glasgow. 4 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Si. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 5 Mtle.-Com. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere t MISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. coi Town and countt. »Mem. A.B.A. }1New §State tl’riv. •County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Vice-President. Ass Cashier t Cashier LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Other Cash,Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Other Loans Und.Prof. Totals Re& Due Securi- Secnri- & DisCapital Surplus and or Deposits Liabilities counts souroes Reserves fromBks ties ties A. Baudendistel— Emil Steck______ W. L. Tomlinson _ W. A. Georger....... S 25 $ 8 Fortescue,____141 Jun’34Stmt 80-1699 10 Holt C3 Geo. W. Hinkle ... Geo. F, Hopper.... Joe Catron.............. 10 7 Foster 382 Jun’34Stmt 80-993 10 Bates K6 H. A. Rhoades, *Frederlcktown 2954 Jul’34Stmt 80-263 8 Madison M20 Freeh urg 436 Jun’34Stmt 80-995 8 Osage J14 L. D. Whitener ... John L. Schulte... L. O. Whitworth.. A. H. Thost_____ Scott 023 8 $ 112 $ 2 8 147 8 50 S 3 8 9 $ 85 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 37 Burnes N. and 1st N., St. Jun’34Stmt 80-990 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 66 83 36 107 138 31 350 410 235 137 23 1,375 357 154 181 10 Jo. R. J. Laughlin ___ W. H. Nisely 15 5 $ (Cap. Notes 10) 25 Pf. 25 Ben Hilkemeyer, M.S. Plassmeyer.. J, H. Willibrand .. Ann M. Willibrand Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 1 10 ( With 12 90 s 5 172 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; 5 16 84 9 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. 152 269 508 89 47 10 113 11 2 39 8 6 72 12 216 27 50 9 121 18 20 3 104 100 •Fulton.____ 6105 THE CALLAWAY BANK W. C. Harris_____ D, P. Bartley, T. H. Van Sant, J. M, Davis............ Cap. V. P. and Tr. Off. Cash, and A. Tr.Off. Lola E. Keith 8 Callaway H14 Jun’34Stmt 80-169 dB®T<5’57 Notes T.C. Harris R. N. Bloom 50 2 1,126 25 2 16 1 1 39 57 8 1201 25 5 441 108 90 47 Yds., Ill. ;lst N„ St. L. 50 E. W. Ehrite •Galena______508 Bank of Galena....... ...<§’04 W. D. Craig, J. W. Jennings ... G. W. Hendricks .. Ethel Doggett___ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Stone Q9 Jun’34Stmt 80-998 •Gallatin....... 1504 8 Daviess D8 Jun'34Stmt 80-1761 •• •• R, M. Poolr I. E. Gaskill. Ch. First National Bank---- <’01 Jun’34Stmt 80-368 H. J. Lynch. F. M. Harrison, A. j. Place_____ .T. R. Scott 25 5 2 88 H. .T. Lynch F. S. Tuggle 25 J. T. Witten........... Pf. 10 Chas. E. Hemry 22 1 358 V. P. and Sec. Ch. Galt................... 467 Cook & Vencill Bank...<|’87 J. T. Vencill____ E. T. Proctor 8 Grundy CIO Jim’34Stmt 80-671 25 i 25 7 82 119 17 31 30 10 170 210 46 25 Gerald_______ 344 8 Franklin J17 Jun’34Strat 80-1440 J. W. Vossbrink, O. W. Westerman. T. H. Vossbrink, O. H. Bleckman... 20 Cash, and Sec. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Pf. 15 5 6 236 282 59 15 25 178 Gideon ___ 1315 Commercial Bank.. d®<§’20 8 New Madrid 124 Jun’34Stmt 80-1687 /? V ft*-w jglt* Gilman City...535 FasaiecsAu .Merchants Bank 8 Harrison C8 Jun’34Stmt 80-093 d<§’97 Leona King______ M. S. Anderson___ W. P. Anderson, Ch. ofBd. and Prep., -TV. ~~ a/ x —t ,4 i' E. Eber^art .... Of H. Neff__ ... Helen M. Doherty. C. F. Oram J. I. Ray, Ch. 13 76 114 23 25 8 50 147 172 i 65 1 655 j 217 176 63 23 10 177 22 5 39 103 722| 150 184 153 229 76 10 7 67: i 13 G. E. Vencill____ Byron Jones... — Pf. 5 Garden City...632 Garden City Bank dB®<5'28 E. B. Morlan____ A. W. Wilhite, A. L. Burch______ P. J. Shepp______ V. P. and Sec. 10 Cass 17 Jun’34Strat 80-610 Glasgow____ 1409 GLASGOW SAVINGS BANK ,T. IT. Jackson 8 Howard Gil Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80—421 @<§’71 .. ” .. •• \ rmiulesnumi Jun’34Stmt 80-423 1 A. E. 25 W. B. Kitchen..^ R. T. Bentley....... Geo, E. Meyer___ L. S. Haring "7^ < ]/ — Hawkins^— R. L. Wells-jfc^ HeleryDautel____ 20 5 75 75 20 485 4 1 47 75 8 Golden City.. .828 First National Bank.d®<’05 G. W. Kolterman.. C. W. Sheppard.__ G. L. Kolterman... H. C. Viets - 10 Barton N7 Jun’34Stmt 80-558 50 H. M. Phillips....... W. T. Williams___ W. K. Williams__ Goodman State Bank__ti ll Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Margaret Williams, 10 McDonald Q6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1320 Sec. W. S. Poe. . .. Gordon vllle... .129 Bank of Qordonville ..<§’04 H. W. Bangert. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Cane Girardeau Jun’34Stmt 80-1006 022 J. M. Jayne_____ U. M. Jayne_____ W. E. Shannon ___ Lelia Jayne Gorin . 386 Jayne Banking Company Shannon 8 Scotland B14 Jun’34Stmt 80-1746 d®t§'25 16 (Incl. Und. Prof.) 10 Trl-Connty Trust Co.__ T§’20 A. R, Kallmeyer... A. S. Kallmeyer... V A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 60 11 198 4 22 • 93 8 599 8 1 57 10 8 1 48 20 4 1 144 49 ___ MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 169 56 9 59 24 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; IstN., and Com. Tr, Kan. C. 1st N., West Plains; 1st N„ St. L. Union N„ Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Drov. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Tootle Lacy N„ St. Jo. 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., So. St. Jo. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 1st N„ City N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. C. 5 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 8 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 95 (/ Jun’34Stmt 80-422 • MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / TRUST / 1 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C., Mo. 3 Surp.) 10 •Gainesville 235 Bank of Gainesville__dtl’01 8 Ozark R13 Jun’34Stmt 80-997 Principal Correspondents. St. Jo. Stk. Yds. and Am. N„ St. Jo.; Mtle.Home Bk. &Tr.,Kan. C. Co. and 1st N., Si. L.; IstN. and Com. Tr., Kan. C. 8 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 8 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk Yds., Ill.; City N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. 6 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tra. Gate City N. and 1st N„ Kan. C.; 1st N„ St. L. Bk. of Neosho and 1st N., Neosho. 50 4 1st N., St. L.; Cape Co. Sav., Jackson. 72 8 Cont.Ill.N.Bk. &Tr. Co. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere k MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / too U04 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (in Thousands of Dollars) Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A."New §StatetPriv. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Gower______ 378 10 Clinton E6 Grain Valley...358 10 Jackson G7 Granby_____ 1445 10 Newton PO Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Pbisidbnt. Cabhihb, Vice-President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Fanners Bank_______ •IS' 17 T. A. Hawkins___ E. 8. Horn_______ B. F. Moore_____ Ond.Prof. Other Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities Abb’t Cabhibb, 90 Jun’34Stmt 80-1545 BaoK oi Grain Valley—*13’05 W. D. Warren___ W. L. Cannon____ Grace Hoehn___ Jun’34Stmt 80-1009 Julian Conrteol ... Jno. F. Spangle, Grannv Miners Bank...t§’99 G. M. Spangle, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cash, and A. Sec. Jun’34Stmt 80-279 (With Surp.) Resources. 111 130; | 35 43 ............ .. 1 45 140 163 24 31 33; 64 State Bank of Granby.-t§’24 J. R. Underwood, N. Y. Davis______ W. A. Hendon.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 80-1739 46! 70 i 29 10 3 22 i Grandin_____ 309 8 Carter Q18 Grandview___707 10 Jackson HR ‘Grant City.. 1126 10 Worth A6 Bank of Grandin_______ tJ’13 Jun’34Stmt 80-1396 Farmers bank____d®»tS’07 Jun’34Stmt 80-1011 Citizens Bank............®*t§’81 Jun’34Stmt 80-457 37 -....... 54 15 110...... 130 30 14 321L....... 354. 72 39 Granville_____98 (Paris P.O.) 8 Monroe E14 Gray Summit. 215 8 Franklin J18 ‘Greenfield... 1304 8 Dade N8 Graov mtrBatrfc........ • 13 T 2 T. E. Bierl Ch.ofBd. aiid Pr'i Jun’34Stmt 80-1389 36 3 3 J. M. McGhee. H. A. McKinney... W. E. McKinney... Adina McKinney.. Ch. ofBd, and Pres, F. H. Botts______ J. D. Clements ___ J. W. Major......... Pansy Perkins____ Abbie E. Dawson.. J. T. Duncan___, J. C. Lutes f. Heathma . M. O. Dawson.. Ophelia Cunning ham m Osborn ^ in---------- ijHrte V. Jacksro. / ^To 2 8 5 Bank of Gray Summit, •tl’05 Floras Muehler ... J. F. Disharoon... (Cap. Notes .Iun’34Stmt 80-1013 10 25 R. S. Jacobs Banking Co. Leon M. Hall......... Harold McKinley Ben M. Neale____ R. H. Merrill. Exec. Jun’34Stmt 80-432 d»«'92 Benton Wilson, Ch. ofBd. Green R!dge.._358 Farmers & Merchants Bank D, R. Elliot........... Jacob Arnett. C. A. Wisdom....... Carl L. Sims_____ Jun’34Stmt 80-737 •tS'OO 8 Pettis 19 ‘Greenville.... 506 Citizens Bank......... ........ t§’07 J. F. Wagner. Ch... J. F. Wagner .. 8 Wayne 020 .Jun’34Stmt 80-541 Wayne County State Bank J. U. White ___ D. W. McGee .. Jun’34Stmt 80-540 t§’25 J. E. Garrison J. S. Marsh, K. E. Barrow____ Cash, and Sec. F. W. Carlton___ A. Herndon-------- W. K. Hobbs---Joseph Bassen. W. E. Treat O. A. Browa, C. H. F. Bangert, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. ♦FARMERS & MERCHANTS J. T. Holme_____ H. E. Jenkins____ F.T. Hodgdon___ E. F. Mangels BANK & TRUST CO. Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-47 d®»t§’70 W. L. Weaver___ J. A. Ihrig____ ♦HANNIBAL NATIONAL BANK W. B. Pettibone, J. N. Basket! Jun’34Stmt 80-48 d®T«l’«8 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. P. Richards 6 32 5 4 .......... | 128 43 158 . 192 53 20 10 101 10 56 136 44 Nellie B. Hobbs.... Bank of Hammond____ t5'09 E. P. Johnson .. Jun’34Stmt 80-1017 ♦American Trust Co. _®t8’90 J. C. Raible___ Jun’34Stmt 80-49 14 52 Hammond___ 42 8 Ozark Q12 Hannibal... 22.761 8 Marion E1Q | 115 . 15 14 40 (Ind. Vnd. Prof.) 100 145 (With Surp.) 60 200 100 84 54 . 73 520 . 655 Jim’34Stmt 80-353 k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / d®*t’02 F. E. Runnenburger, Ch. 457 571 j 203 1,302 ! 378 2,813 200: 3611 50 5 26! 5 66 14 721 40 _______ 6 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 9 421 67 52 3 66 264 38 200 174 457! 93 987 1,023 607 654 126 145 10 41 197 3,397!! 419 Nation 1 Stat e and Private Banks, 268 55 7 13 176 198 81 23 2 90 H. S. Voile ............ 25 17 305 357 106 85 31 129 H. G. Glenn.. Joel R. Ewing----- 25 16 (Ind. Und. 372 421 164 111 26 119 IstN., St. L. Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C.; Union N., Springfield. 8 IstN., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Com. Tr., Kan. C,. Mo. 6 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 15 lstN.,St. L.;N. Stk.Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 51 J. L. White... 26 Total 17 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr.Co.. St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr.Co., St. L.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Bk. of Ava, Ava; N. Stk. Yds. N.,N. Stk. Yds..Ill. Bk. of the Manhattan Co. N. Y.; Cont. Ill Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN., St. L. Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 1st N„ Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., HI.: Boatmens N., St. L. City Bk. & Tr. Co., Drov. N., and Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. C. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Gty. Tr. Co , N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; IstN., K.C. 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Prof.) A Satisfactory MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY Correspondent SAINT LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 127 ....... 9 (See pa ges 61Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) (Members indicated by a ♦) Sec. 194' 30 fROBERT ESLINGER 0. C. GRIMES--------- 6E0.F. MANSUR.Tr Hardin______ 821 HARDIN TRUST COMPANY ) W. F. ROBINSON. Cap. Jun’34Stmt 80-644 d®tST9 ] Ch A. Tr. Notes 8 Ray F8 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. 30 Harris_______ 313 Harris Banking Co....... »tl‘88 A. W. Harris__ 170 20 Gird McCullough.. Noble Norman .... G. H. McCullough. 8 Sullivan BIO Jun’34Stmt 80-1018 CO. R. W. Adams__ d®»tl’84 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK M. E. Halcomb ___ John M. Deane. J 641 4 10 13 44 1,053 37 3! W. C. Roesler C. R. Ringer, ♦MARK TWAIN BANK Eber Whiteman .. O. J. Morris......... . F. B. Hodson____ Jun’34Stmt 80-51 d®»t§’26 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Hannmai Clearing House__ W, L. Weaver___ O. A. Brown......... F. T. Hodgdon. ‘Harrlsonvllle 2306 ALLEN BANKING Jun’34Stmt 80-351 10 Cass 16 321 48 179| 120 Grace Burnett___ J. P. Jones. A. Tr. Cap. Notes 54 60 40 . Hamilton____1572 First Bank & Trust Co. True D. Parr-------- C. A. Dovenspike. ®»t5’30 8 Caldwell D8 Jun’34Stmt 80-377 82;;. 223 164 . Hallsvllle_____ 212 State-Bank of Hallsville W. F. Robinson... W. R. Caldwell — D. B. Carpenter... V. G. Caldwell <5'95 8 Boone G13 Jun’34Stmt 80-1016 36 45 5 5 4i .......... ! 20 Hale_________ 574 Farmers & Merchants Bank Geo. McDonald, J. W. Higginbottom R. T. Haynes__ 8 Carroll E10 Jun’34Stmt 80-1765 d®«t§’28 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, | Am. N. and Burnes N„ St. Jo. 1st N„ Drov. N„ and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1st N„ Neosho and Kan. C.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. IstN., St. L.; N. Stk.Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Kan. C. 13 Cont.Ill.N.Bk.&Tr.,Chi.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., So. St. Jo.; Un. N., Kan. C. 1 Paris N., Paris. 179 10 Cap. Notes Principal Correspondents. hjx. tLS.Gov. Other 1 Loans ! Other Securi Securi & DisRe ties counts sources ______j fre mRks ties $ 120 $ 17 8 8 8 81 8 3; & Due Totals For Banks and Bankers Everywhere fioo uod Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Town AND COUNTY. aMem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. LIABILITIES. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Eslab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed.Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings {In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. h,Bi. D.S.Gov. Other Due Securi Securi mBks ties ties Hartsburg ___ 155 8 Boone 113 ‘HartvUle____ 453 8 Wright 012 22 ___ 96 $ Harvlell______158 8 Butler H22 $ 23 3 8 4 Harwood____ 159 10 Vernon L7 Hawk Point ...311 8 Lincoln H17 Haytl_______1620 8 Pemiscot J24 231 3 24 132 11 16 3 2 33 2 64 38 18 58 2 29 (Incl. 4 59 7 34 3 83 5 41 214 10 214 171 65 155 295 39 104 14 Fed. Ag’cy) 12 17 6 50 20 40 & d lV / 98 3 72 31 14 ................... 6 45 6 55 21 42 38 6 1 182 38 68 210 18 23 726 23 14 10 — 57 6 26 4 15 141 40 18 196 9 5 40 2 12 62 17 2 18 10 38 40 19 16 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources 27 102 Helena______ 210 10 Andrew D6 Henley______ 117 8 Cole K13 ‘Hermann.__2063 8 Gasconade 116 , MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Loans & Dis counts 47 11 35 239 20 37 16 5 208 24 34 85 15 75 8 Columbia; 1st N„ St. L. rnion N., Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N„ N.Stock Yds., Ill.; 1st N., St. L. st N., St. L.; State Bk. of Poplar Bluff, Poplar Bluff. Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. Bk. & Tr Co., St. L.; 1st N., Memp. Stock Yds., Ill. lhase N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. lhase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St.L.; N.Stock Yds.,N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Kan. C.; Union N. Springfield. City Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. and Un. N., Kan. C. 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; City Bk. & Tr., Kan.C. st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Far. & Merch. and Un. N., Springfield; 1st N., Mt. Vernon. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr.Co., St. L.; Sturdivant,Cape Girardeau. Com. Tr. and Un. N.,Kan. C.; Miss. Valley Tr.Co., St. L. Tra. Gate City and 1st N., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. N„ St. L. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere i Mississippiy VVALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank Is toe New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. CQA Town and County. *County Seats, 's’ie. under town is Fp'1 Res Uisi •Mem.A.B.A. "New §State tFriv tMem State 6 Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice-President. rtornersvllle 877 M^rfh^nt^ & Planters Bank 8 Dunklin K23 Jun’34Stmt 80-1487 d»t5T5 ‘Houston_____690 Bank of Houston_____ •t5'89 C. R. Covert 8 Texas 014 Jun’34Stmt 80-635 Ass’t Cashier. 25 S 4 $ 2 $ 111 135 17 W. S. Lilly. Ruth Smith______ Pf. 25 Cap. H. W. Morgan Notes 8 5 203 251 66 S Arthur Bender. Sec. 25 3 4 42 74 R. C. Pratt M. W. Bagley 25 14 ( With Surp.) 78 2 56 13 Pf. 12 1 Iberia_________539 Bank of Iberia_______ t5’99 J. L. Irwin______ M. J Davidson___ Geo. I. Farnham _ F. L. Hedge _____ 25 8 Miller K12 Jun’34Stmt 80-747 R. H. Irwin Cap. Notes 5 190 Hlmo________1129 Bank of Illmo............d®t§'24 Theo. Horn, John J. Miller____ Chas. J. Palisch... W. H. Delsmann... 8 Scott 023 Jun’34Stmt 80-1040 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. H. Moore 25 4 94 ‘Independence ‘BANK OF INDEPENDENCE JOHN A. SEA.............. F. W. PENDLETON— W. C. DUNN. JR......... H. 0. HALLETT_____ 15.296 Jun’34Stmt 80-80 d@‘IS'88 H. L. FISHER 10 Jackson G6 R. M. HockerOeL. L. H. Sawyer_____ C. R. Layland____ ★Chnsman-Sawyer BkUBJHtti A. M. Ott.......... Jun’34Stmt 80-78 d®tS'77 O. H. Gentry, Jr. 125 25 ‘Huntsville .1897 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. M. Evans, C. C. Johnson____ 8 Randolph F12 Jun’34Stmt 80-292 t% 1900 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. / •• ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK R. Jun’34Stmt 80-79 dBST*t’89 H IndependenceClearingHouse A. M. ntt (Members indicated by a ‘) Ionia_________ 135 Bank of Ionia . 8 Benton J10 Jun’34Stmt 80-1042 27 2 t§’28 Peter Rasmussen.. •• ? 12 3 ___ __ 101 10 Fern K. Franz.___ 5 Cap. Notes •• $ 70 C. KEMPER--------- S E. GREGG---------- 1. H. PETERS ELLAB.ALLEN.......... Stanley Gregg, Sec. Mtle.-Com.Bk.& Tr. Co., St. L. 16 120 24 Union N., Springfield;lst N.,St. L.;N.Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 29 35 10 Com. Tr., Kan. C.; 3d N„ Sedalia. 117 30 75 76 8 19 12 Inter-State N., Kan C ; Jefferson Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; St. Jo. Stk.Yds., St. Jo. 5 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill.; Hanni bal N., Hannibal. 88 S 10 3 117 63 1 2 125 920 t 100 36 100 40 514 25 1,959 100 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num her of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 1,080 ^ 653 & 2,224 26 10 10 3 89 112 14 ‘I ronton_____ 974 nIron County Security Bank Wm. R. Edgar Iron M19 Jun’34Stmt 80-604 •Ji’34 H. L. Bell................ W. C. Mabrev. 13 Pf. 17 5 1 260 286 171 •Jackson......... 2465 Cape County Savings Bank 8 Cape Girar. N22 Jun’34Stmt 80-319 d®»tS’88 Henry Puls_______ A. G. Penzel______ 50 85 12 900 1,047 25 25 4 319 20 10 2 30 8 G. D. Harris______ J. E. Tye . 8 Jasner____ 751 First National Bank____ t’02 G. W. Weatherly_ H. G. Griffin. Ch. 10 Jasper N6 Jun’34Stmt 80-629 \ Mississippi/ \ valley / \ trust/ \co / A Satisfactory Correspondedt Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis x9/ H. P. Weatherly_ 25 50 30 1st N., St. L.; Sturdivant, Cape Girardeau. 353 62 Gty.Tr. Co.,?L Y.; Mtle.Corn. 5*. & Tr. Co., ' 1st JST., Kan. C. 76 GtjyTr., N. Y.;Cont. Ill. Jn. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Co-'lumbla N., Kan. C. 243 11 325 106 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co. and City N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 42 11 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 16 70 U. S. and 1st N„ St. L. 10 65 38 195 130 50 672 373 48 35 18 246 160 192 62 29 11 90 1 188 227 20 2 1 165 216 42 37 C. I. Jordin, Sec. Jamestown___ 273 Bank of Jamestown___ •T5’91 Jacob Weisser .... 8 Moniteau 112 Jun’34Stmt 80-1046 Jacob Weisser, Ch. 19 Mtle.-Corn. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.;N. Stock Yds.N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total J. P. Yeargain____ W. H. Jamison___ Jamesport____839 Home Exchange Bank Daviess C 8 Jun’34Stmt 80-1317 ®«t§’25 155 773 Irondale. 395 Irondale Bank______®»i§’01 Washington L19 Jun’34Stmt 80-1043 F. W. Elbrecht___ 15 350 29 L. F. Wagner 8 1st N„ St. L. and Kan.C. 752 87 W, H, Wagner 43 vfjY 59 Jackson Exchange Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-320 d®«t§’94 2 217 3 •* 44 134 < 24 5 Kathleen Marr ___ 25 30 20 " 13 1st N„ St. L. 115 Henry Knoop____ Clarence Schnabel. 8 3 61 $ 3 JJ'OR 8 $ Principal Correspondents. Frank Votaw Humphreys _ 249 Farmers Exchange Bk.- tS’90 8 Sullivan CIO Jim’34Stmt 80-1037 J. A. HutnDnrevN Ch.o/Bd. . LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Other Ond.Prof. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Re Reserves fromBks ties bilities ties counts sources $ J. T. Patterson.... G. H. Tevebaugh.. Jun’34Stmt 80-1034 Hunnewell 342 Rank of Hunnewell. 8 Shelby E15 Jun’34Stmt 80-761 Cashier. R. P. Parks House springs 95 Bank of House Springs_»t§'12 John Heller__ 8 Jefferson JIK Jun*34Stmt 80-1364 Houstonla___346 8 Pettis H10 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InMTCCnT TT?T___ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this IVilOOUUIVt V,/Uinuiucu ____ _______ _____ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 25 2 1st N., St. L. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., St.L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 26 1st N„ St. L.; Far. & Merch., Cape Girar deau. 193 40 92 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS i' ’ . ' Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Trenton Tr. Co., Tren ton; Am. N„ St. Jo. 12 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 5 Columbia N., Kan. C.; Cent. N., Carthage. 1 F“or Banks <and Banker 5 Everywhere \ MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \^/ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 685 Town and Liabilities. Und.Prof. Capital Surplus, and or I Reserves County. •Mem.A.B.A. «New §State fPriv. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. .County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. .Jefferson City 50 Central Missouri Trust Co. Howard Cook___ Cletus V. Zuber... P. A. Schaefer. Tr. G. E. Haigh. Sec— Pf. 200 21.596 Jun’34Stmt 80-63 dB@T*t§'02 L.W. Weiler, H. G. Landwehr, 8 Cole 114 A. Sec. A. Tr. S. G. Gove, A. Tr. EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK Jim’34Stmt 80-60 dB®T»t’64 $ 6,259 300 A. JJALLMEYER,-. TJJPS..L PRICE -— 0. W. RAITHEL....... PA 1UGH STEPHENS. Ch. JpO. BHLLE ..... JK RAILTQN V.L. HAGER. R. E. DALLMEYER (.In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Other Cash,Ex. O.S.Sov. Other Loans Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Lia bilities fromBks ties counts ties 103 S 1,775 S 610 S 3,299 3 5,586 1,259 1,057 151 196 37 19 10; 90 106 28 25 Cap.N 324 383 87 4,586 297 1,217 855 8 6! 1,712 341 84 j 41 15 22 50; Pf. 300 V. P. and Tr. Off Oldest Bank in Cole County Established 1864 Superior Collection Facilities Jennings.............. North Side Bank........ ©5’25 Frank J. Gram.__ F. Henry Koch.... E. J. Gieselman.... M. R. Tuschhoff... (Pine Lawn Sla. Jun’34Stmt 80-1742 G. Edw. Fix 251 $ St. L. P.O.) 8 St. Louis 120 'CITIZENS STATE 80-39 BANK Jun’34Stmt Jun’34Stmt 80-40 rGEO N. SPIYA------ H. L. PATE.................. T.E.MARTINIE, Tr. J. W. MARET, Sec.... GEO. A. WADLEIGH S. R. FILLINGHAM, GEO. A. SPIVA Tr. Off. (.“ACTS IN AL T§’05 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF JOPLIN Jun’34Stmt 80-45 rW.J.J. LEFFEN___ C. S. POOLE_______ J. A. BECKER............. D. R. WARREN_____ ®*tS01 ) We have the exp erlence, facilities and desire to ren der satlsfactcr y s 1 Bill of Lading Drafts and other Collections solid ted. (.Personal Presen tation — Prompt Remittance—Sea sons given for No THE CONQUEROR TRUST COMPANY Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com.Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C., Mo.; N. Stk. Yds. N., E. St. L. St. L. H. A. RICHARDSON_ J.W.RATCLIFFE........ A. G. C0FER---------- TILLIEM. ADE------GEO. N. SPIVA. Ch. V. H. BOARD R. A. EVANS A.C.JUNGE R. D. MILLER H. J. EISENBACH Jun’34Stmt 80-38 dB®T*t’90 J.-A. I’E. WnrfD-------lC. G. LEONARDSPENCER, HENDERSON F. H. CRAVEN______ V. P. and Cash. G. J. BUZZARD Ch.o/Bd. GUY MCHENRY Collections Given Prompt Attention. “THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN JOPLIN.” - tKahoka.........1507 Exchange Bank______ «iS'94 E. H. Martin !Jun’34Stmt 80-381 8 Clark B15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45 157 65 46 39 20 N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Un. N„ Kan. C. ment. 100 5 45 150 250 4,030 3911st N., Joplin. 39 | (With 250 139 iSurp.) 3,391 100 20 344 220 F, P. GILTRER. Joplin Clearing House_____ J. A. Becker______ A. G. Cofer.............. F. P. Giltner. !(Members Indicated by a* Affiliated Banka by o +) Sec. and Mgr. A Satisfactory Correspondent 55 Yds., Ill. 933 1,089 187 1,618 203 54 39 9 187 55; 838 583 380 460 COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE d®*t’05 JOPLIN NATIONAL BK. & TRUST CO. i 6 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. L TRUST CAPA CITIES” ♦First State Bank ..d®t§’25 P. A. Christman... C. A. Bradford ___ H. B. Sanders____ Edgar T. Parker .. ! Jun’34Stmt 80-44 a MISSISSIPPI/ V VALLEY / \ TRUST / Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. (6804 W. Florissant Ave.) Jonesburg......... 410 JonesbnrgState Bk. .d®ti’21 G. E. Elmnrn---- . S. W. Wyatt............ W. C. Dothage____ 8 Montgomery H16 Jun’34Stmt 80-1694 W. E. Engel Jasper 06 Principal Correspondents. Other Re- ; sources Charles Hiller____ Harrod E. Hiller.. Robert G. Hiller.. 250 59 19 2,340 250 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f orNum ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 20 13 489 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 1 Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cbl.;lstN.and Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; 1st N., Joplin. 648 Chase N., N. Y.;lstN., Chi.; Mtle.-Com.Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan.C. Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 522 131 120; 19 242 10 Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere A MISSISSIPPI J \ valley / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank ln u- s- exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ uou Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. KANSAS CITY—Reserve City Jackson County, G. 6 LIABILITIES. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice-President. CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. ... + BALTIMORE BANK .. - . ,1- 'CITY NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY R C. KEMPER- - - - - - - W. 0. THOMAS. S. 0. SLAUGHTER. L.G.. LOSCHKE _ _ _ GEO. C. K0PP. V. P. and Tr. Off. A. Tr. Off. J. F. MCPHERSON V. P. and Cash. p. Q. FARRELL R.RHODESMSWELL, H. K. BRADLEY J. S. NEELY. V.P. RNEY W0RNALL HARRY KLAPMEYER, . Investment Securities poratlons. Trusts” Loans 4 Dis counts Other Re sources Principal Correspondents. 100 $ 22 $ 12 $ 1,030 $ 1,164 S 63 $ 386 3 147 3 654 3 14 Chase N.. N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Com. Tr. Co., and Columbia N., Kan. C. 600 400 428 14,586 $ 50 16,064 5,207 788 5,468 4,397 204 1,438 1,342 283 1,530 36 44,209 26,079 21,552 30,587 4,454 Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Pitt.; N. Bk. of Det., Det. - CHAS. Le AYLWARu (With 500 We cordially invite accounts. Send us your collections. We give service. W. H. POTTS- - - - - - - MISS EMMA M. HALL GERALD PARKER Trust Officer M. BINGHAM ni|C||o poncay J-C. WILLIAMS R. L. ADAMS RUFUS CROSBY J0 ZACH FILLER III W. R. TATE Asst, Trust Officer R. L DUNLAP EARL BAUER C. H. OWENS --------F.B. BRADY W. C. WANN Vice Presidents H< C. SCHWITZGEBEL CARL A. CHARLS0N A. NEWMAN, JOHN N. McLUCAS Bxec. V.P. F. C. MARQUA E. G. ARMSTRONG, Aud. — ♦ 18-1 1®J»«'06 J.E. GOODRICH, J. M. KEMPER- - - - - - - GEO, W. DILLON, u/ t V. P, and Sec, vrunrp V. P. and Oen’l Asst, V.-Presidents Counsel (10th and Walnut) Cashji. U.S.Goy. Other 4 Dne Securi Securi ties ties fromBks FRED M. STAKER F. W. HARPST A. 6. FROST H Surp.) 3,925 150 1,133 115,700 48 N. City, N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Oma. N. Oma.; Mellon N.,Pttt. E. P. WHEAT 6,000 2,000 126,881 5&> 2,000 ACCOUNTS OF BANKS INVITED. Guaranty Trust Co._______________New York National City Bank________________ New York Chase National Bank__ _______ NewYork First National Bank_______________ New York Chemical Bank & Trust Co..............New York Continental Illinois National Bank & Tr. Co. _________________ Chicago First National Bank________________ Chicago Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Tr. Co. St. Louis First National Bank________________ St.Louis First National Bank_________________ Boston First National Bank____________ Philadelphia CAREFUL ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS. 24 HOUR TRANSIT SERVICE. (.Kansas City continued on next page) i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Pop. 399,746 Kansas C. Clear. House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + THORNTON COOKE— S. K. COOKES. M. COOKE- - - - - - - - G. W. FARRAR - Jun’34Stmt 18-30 dR®T»t'19 (R. A. Long Bldg., 10th & Grand Ave.) Commerce Trust Company Totals A.V.P. Jun’34Stmt 18-89 dB®T»t’13 (1801 Grand Ave.) ’COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK Und.Prof. Other Surplus and or Deposits lia Reserves bilities Resources. . f G. H. Buecking.. G. E. Powell______ G. E. Powell............ Novel B. Evans__ $ Jun’34Stmt 18-120 dB®»t§'21 1 Prompt Colleetl on Service. (1022 Baltimore Ave.) Jun’34Stmt Capital (In Thousands of Dollars) MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere co>7 OO / •Mem.A.B.A.nNew {State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.DeptsiT-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. Vice-President. (federal Reserve City No. 10) Cashier. Ass't Cashier. LIABILITIES. {In Thousands of_________ Dollars)RESOURCES. __________ Kan. C. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Und.Prof. ] (Cash,Ex. U-S.Gov., Other Loans | Other ! Affiliated Banks by + Other Capital Surplus and or i Deposits Lia- | ! Totals & Due | Secnri- j Secnri- & Dis- j Rebilities I 1 ! IfromBksj ties | ties counts ] sonroes Principal Correspondents. Reserves Geo. B. Fagan___ W. J. Knlpmeyer— $ Alexander Rieger. E. C. Mason . -(-Community State Bank Jack Rieger Jun’34Stmt 18-48 d@X{’19 (3181 Troost) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, KANSAS CITY—Continued—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number siren to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. //. 100 27 3 818 508 $ 44 i 687 $ 79$ 126 8 146 $ 333;$ 3 N. City. N. Y.: Mtle. Home Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Drovers National Bank?ftr*~'H. L. Jarboe. Eansas City .18-22__®T»t’09 (16th & Genesee) Jun’34Stmt George Young------ Dean T. Davis........ D. K. Snydef 600 + East Side Bank of Commerce G. W. Dillon.. Jun’34Stmt 18-77 d®t5’16 (15th & Prospect) E. G. McMonigle— J. P. Jordan 2001 43 2,000 1,000 2,391 101,400 500 500 168 10,639 1,000 200 352 200 181; 7 I (Ind. ! Und. Prof.) 9,525 10,506 4,776 , 3,340 132 ! 2,258;. 1,177 1,427 303 432 146 543 3 Chase N.. N.Y.; 1st N..Chi.; lstN..St.L.; Com. Tr., Kan. O. 619 107,410 54,130 28,750 5,575 17,966 989 Chase N.. Guaranty Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co., and 1st N.. Chi.; 2d N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N.. Phil.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., Miss. Valley Tr. Co., and 1st N.. St. L. 50 11,857 5,541 3,183 321 2,812 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. ¥.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 2d N. and Merch. N., Bos.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 113 1,665 129 844 622 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co. Kan. O. 862 201 233 212 40 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; Oont.IIl. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 455!' 121 77 189 151 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Columbia N., Kan. C. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N.Y.;Drov. N„ and N., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.. St. L.; Phil. N.. Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N., Bos. ♦Federal Reserve Bk.. Dist. 10 (See page 43 for co mplete information) 18-4 (10th and Grand Ave.) ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK THY. C. W. ALLENDOERFER w.lmHthy Y.CA. G.P REICHEL V. P. and Tr. Off. SIDNEY SILVERMAN T. S. BURCH, And. T.S.ABERNATHY F. S. RILEY, A. Tr.O GUY H. JAMES, A. V. P. B. S. HEDDENS, A.V. P. Jun’34Stmt 18-3 d®T»t’86 (10th & Balt.) >1NTER-STATE NATIONAL BANK Mir1-- » x vmm — A. I. CHAIRMAN. . . . . . J. J. NOONE. . G. s. BRADBURY r F. I. MOORE, A. Cosh. PHIL. G. HOVEY GEORGE S. HOVEY- Jun’34Stmt 18-2 ®T«t’90 (Live Stock Ex. Bide.) John Henry Smith Lex McDaniel ___ W. E. Glenn, Kansas City Title & Tr. Co. Sec. and Tr. E. J. Eisenman. Jun’34Stmt 18-74 T’15 A. V. P. G. R. Baldridge, (112 East 10th) A. Tr. W. J. Franey. Tr. Off. J. P. Gilmer, Oen’l Cou. A. T. Smith, J. C. Armstrong.... Walter Parkins, J. W. Mach. Frank D.McMullen, j ff. 701 Asst. Secretaries A. Tr. Off. C. H. Price---------- Wm.T.Kemper.Jr. John Lawson. + Llnwood State Bank H. T. Redd Jun'34Stmt 18-72 d®«tl'22 (8105 Troost) Chester Cooke. -(-Manufacturers & Mech. Bank S. K. Cooke, Jun’34Stmt 18-60 d®»«’ll Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (6807 Winner Road) John F. Miller.__ 100 729 29 176 (Incl. Und. Prof.) L. F. Brown. ; 1 25 20 200 _______ _—_ BARK & S. M. Woodson.... Nathan Rieger... C. S. Metzler, Tr... C. A. Brockhouse, Sec. j Cap. _____ i0.-18-18-dlJ®T«tS'33 A.Rieger.Cfe.o/Bd. S. C. Walker Leo Mandl, A. Sec. I Notes LeClair Lambert Jun’34Stmt(1117-1119 Walnut St.) 200 J. A. Siemon 150 103 5,726 6,379 2,445 885 619 2,205 225 N. Y. Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Chase N.. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Boatmen’s N. and Miss. Val. Tr., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. 1st N„ Un. N„ InterState N„ Merch., and Stk.Yds. N„ Kan. C.: N. Bk. of Det.. Det. ♦Merchants Bank...d®T»tl'16 H. R. Lebrecht-..- A. M. Hughes......... R. A. Edlund____ O. D. Novo-Gradac. Edward Aaron, Jun’34Stmt ♦ 18-34 Ch. of Bd. (Wtlnnt and 5th St.) 100 37 2,251 2,588!| 1,027: 161 248; 1,077 75iChaseN..N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 40 .......... . 1,005 1,245 459 264 197 321 D. R. Harrison ♦Missouri Bank & Trust Co. Jun’34Stmt 18-15 dB®T«M’33 (920 Walnut) Watt Webb. Jr., F. P. and Cash. Jesse A. Buxton .. 200, 80 Pf 120 409 4 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Com. Tr., Kan. C. ( Kansas City continued, on next page) 1 MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere fiRR Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given JP. ea<Lh bank i? u: s- exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab KANSAS CITY—Continued—Reserve City Liabilities. President. Vice President. CASHIER. ass’t Cashier. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Morris Plan Co.......... ..... ®t§16 J. F. Green........ Jul’34Stmt 18-123 L. H. Fisher, Ch. (902 Grand Ave.) Capital J. H. Wiles............. F. A. Parker, Tr... C. J. Jedlicka, Sec. $ 150 $ J. 0. Starkey_____ 50 9 Phoenix Joint Stock Land Bk. A. O. Stewart........ E. C. Aldwell____ W.L. Montgomery, J. T. Barnes. Sec... Dec’33Stmt 18-121 *31 J. C. Morrow G. 0. Duncan, (15 W. 10th St.) J. T. Barnes A. Sec. 1,650 2,622 (With Surp.) + PI a za Bank o f Commerce James Ketner, John N. McLucas, John O’Keefe____ Dunlap Vanice, Jr. Jun’34Stmt 18-124 d®5’30 Inactive Inactive (Central and Alameda) 200 10 30 (Incl. Und. Prof) 100 105 ♦Produce Exchange Bank J. R. Dominiek.__ J. C. English_____ J. G. Hall ............... Jun’34Stmt 18-25 d®»t§’08 Henry Hanssen (Mo. Ave. and Walnut) A. C. Dominick + Southeast State Bank G. A. Sievers_____ E. H. Kinney_____ R. H. Wlttig . Jun’34Stmt 18-65 d®»5’19 J. B. Wechsler (3040 Prospect) + South Side Bank ...d®«J8T8 M. J. McNeills___ W. D. Bovle Jun’34Stmt 18-57 (8888 Main St.) Roy W. Crimm + Stock Yards Nat’l Bk.®T«tT2 Norris Broaddns. E. B. Bradbury... E. B. Bradbury.... Jun’34Stmt 18-52 (1533 Genesee) Chas. E. Waite. Ch. TRADERS GATE CITY NATIONAL BANK J.R. DOMINICK_ _ _ W.B.PLANCK,l*i F.P. K. A. ROBERTSON_ _ F. L. ALEXANDER— J. C. ENGLISH A. H. ELLIOTT F. H. WOODBURY, Jr. W. A. BISHOP R. L. DOMINICK 'UNION NATIONAL BANK 126 $ 577 $ (Sav. and Cert.) 3 755 from Bks 31 S 1,134 j$ 30 50 867 317 17,424 j 21,696 1,331 ties 517 508 Other Re- ties $ 73 5 1,029 307 217 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 165 $ 1,656 398 17,610 1,571 222 297 Ran. City.Mo., Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Bks by + Principal Correspondents. City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 26 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Kan. C.; Com’l N.. Kan. C„ Kan. 1,867 27 Chi.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 13 2,130 2,348 1 420 719 852 186 340 71 4,640 2,256 100 33 50 PS. 50 18 6 216 300 200 64 (Incl. Res.) 4,026 400 124 22 6,925 11 877 ....... 5 50' 1 7,471 | 1,803 603 72 1,063 190 Mnfrs. Tr. Do.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; 1st N.. Bos.; Tradesmens N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phil. 261 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 33 25 356 49 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. and Mtle. Home Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C.. 140 71 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 845 53 1,474 12 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Drov. N., Ohi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 1,771 1,440 2,339 118 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. 418 76 — 102 (Incl. Und. Prof.) Jim’34Stmt 18-12 d©T»t'08 Located In the very heart of the business district. Offers a personal and (1111 Grand Ave.) complete banking service to Banks, Business Firms and Individuals. -t-Union Ave. Bk.of Commerce A. Newman_______ A. A. Kramer_____ F. L. Church_____ 18-51 '1231 Union Ave.) ®t5’84 J. E. Powell Jun’34Stmt (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. j Cash,Ex. O.S.Oov. Other Loans Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis- Ond.Prol. Other Surplus and or Deposits lia Reserves bilities 250 8 +Park National Bank _.d®»’09 S. Hunter Davis... W. A. Smith______ Jun’34Stmt 18-61 W. H. Wood, Ch. (4632 Troost Ave.) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve City No. 10) 100 108 000 260 297 20,600 232 1,096 500 — N. City, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. — G. R. HICKS.......... D. A. MCDONALD. V. P, v. p. G. G. MOORE, R. J. CAMPBELL...... E. J. MCCREARY. Jr. A. H. SMITH R. B. HEWITT. DOUGLAS WALLACE. R. J. BUSHMAN V. P. and Tr. Off. A.V.P. 0. M. CONNOR R. H. THOMAS. E. E. MORRIS. A. to Pres. Mgr. Sav. Dept. R.D. SLAYMAKER. Mgr. Un. Safe Dep 23,412| 10,621 4,954 1,974 5,801 339 48 91 13 183 Pf. 1,350 Co. 62 Guaranty Trust Co.......... New York New York Trust Co....................................New York Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company.................. ....................... Chicago First National Bank........ ......................... __st. Louis IN KANSAS CITY Jun’34Stmt 18-9 d®T»f33 (Ninth and Walnut) •(-University Bank____d®:§'19 lo-eo 174o7 Broadway) Jun’34Stmt + w^iuuri Ave. Bk...d®»t5 06 Jun’34Stmt 18 55 (331 Westport Ave.) ■jW^i •'laenaua oi commerce '5un’34Stmt 18-44 d®tS'23 <1122 Broadway' Kansas City Clearing House.. Mem here Indicated hy a * (Kansan City continued on next ( i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / J. R. Breed____ W.M. Halliburton. L. F. Wyrick_____ 100 7 W. M. Dyer______ R. L. Ricketts___ C. L. Wiberg_____ Hugh C. Moore___ Don Ricksecker.CA. J. B. Wornall Elizabeth Porter 100 100 68 1,171 1,439 389 207 107 654 82 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. James Ketner____ G. W. Dillon_____ Raymond Ramsey. 100 30 7 557 694 110 352 116 112 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav., Ohi.; Com. Tr.Co., Kan. C. *i hyps' Geo. O. Hovey .... J J. M. Kemper_____ A. G. Biggerstaff, H. R. Lebrecht, (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of 1 ffdintcd Panic* hy a +) Ex. Sec. and Mgr. Dep osits by Cities, States , etc.) Tr. pane.) A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nation al, Sta t e and Private Banks, Total MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Kan. 0. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere t MISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Kansas City—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 689 Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIfMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year +Mem. State Bks. Assn. EstabHMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, correspondents and Bank Depositories. | ALEXANDER, McARTHUR & GO. (100 W. 10th St.) f Branch Office at Topeka, Kansas CHARLES «• »»*»• “ Tax Exempt Bond Dealers j Municipal, State, County, Land Bank, GERTLER & COMPANY------------ --------- < U. S. Territorial, Home Owners Loan UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS (21 W. 10th St.) Corporation, Federal Farm Mortgage OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Corporation Bonds. MCARTHUR*. V. P. W. L. HARRISON. Sec. KNEELAND JONES. Treat. J[ Offices New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City Private Wire System *29 J.S.BACHE&C0...........-.......................... 92 (1000 Baltimore Ave.) BAUM, BERNHEIMER GO. {H-HHB™}*'"1. . . . . . . . . . . . . & (■ (Thomas O. MacLaughlin and William H 1st N., Kan. O. ■< MacLaughlin) BROS. CO................ 20 J. S. Bache & Co.. N. Y. and Chicago. MacLAUGHLIN (916 Baltimore Ave.) (INVESTMENT BONDS. ( Member* of Principal Stock Exchanges CWinCB Pfl PRESCOTT, WRI JUT llllj omucn UUi T BANKERS T28 EARLE J. BERNHEIMER, President GEO K BAUM, Secretary CHAS E LEWIS. Cashier GEORGEIMUHW,Mgr.MunicipalDept. Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma Municipals (1016 Baltimore Ave.) Tel. Harrison 2090 President: ALLAN M. POPE. New York Manager: J, C. WARD THE FIRST BOSTON CORPORATION—^ i (Insurance Exchange Building) investment BANKERS First Nat’l Bank, Kansas City Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City First Nat’l Bank, Chicago Nat’* City Bank’ New ¥ork INVESTMEN Bkrs.Tr.Co.,N. v.;lst N. and PAUL ARBENZ. V. P. Cont.m.N.Bk.& Tr,Co.,Chl.; 1st {;• "• H. TINSMAH, Sec. N.,Com.Tr.Co., Kan. C. tTK (918 Baltim ore Avenue) Municipal and Corporation Bi>nds and Investment Stocks. Paid Up Capital $530,000.00 Active Traders in Local Securitie S. Exec. Offices, N. Y. and Boston. Other Offices, Chi.. Phil.. Cleve., Balt., St. L., Minpls., Wash., Atl.. Pitts., Scranton, Buffalo, Port.. J<)HN J. SEERLEY & CO.* INC. (1006 Baltimore Ave.) Ore., Hart., San F., Los Angeles. Seattle, Worcester, Springfield. Mass., Prov., and Rutland. JOHN A. PRESCOTT. Pres. J. G. CALLAWAY. j; T1‘ rJOHN J. SEERLEY, Pres.................. ........................... Head Office: Chicago. Other Offices, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Peoria, St. R.R. MALLARD, Vice Pres. ) J. G. PARKER, Vice Pres. Joseph, Mo. Correspondents: Harris Tr. & Sav.. 1 D. G. HILL, Vice Pres. Chi.; Central N. Bk. & Tr.. Peoria; JOHN LACY, Treat. U W. MCDONALD, Secy. 1st N., Kan. C.. St. L„ and Minpls. United States Government* Municipal* Public Utility. Railroad* and other Investment :■ ; iO ■ Bonds and Notes; Bankers’ Acceptances* Ban k> Insurance Company and other In- H P. WRIGHT -...............................’87 INVESTMENT BANKER......................... .............. Un. N., Kan. O.; Cont.Ill. N. Bk. & (.vestment Stocks.—Direct Private Wires to Principal Cities. Tr. Co., Chi.; Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y. (Land Bank Bldg.) Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers9 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. tMem. State B Ass’n. TEstab. »County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Fed. Res. Dist. Kearney_____ 523 Kearney Commercial Bank 10 Clay F6 Jun'34Stmt 80-646 President, Vice-President. S. T. Kelly. Jr. / R |R| lOMFS COTTON EXCHANGE BANK Jun'34Stmt 80-246 d<§>2§1900 H. 16 (With $ A. MCHANEY----- G- 0 TRAVIS 179 $ S 36 29 $ 108 $ 75 10 $ 3 115 203 18 545 627 178 278 20 $ 99 29 146 55 248 24 196 ... 25 27 30 E. H. RANDOL_______ W. G. MCHANEY 50 1 4 208 20 21 4 193 238 108 12 10 4 227 288 77 198 15 17 122 165 25 131 W. E. Hunter. G. M. Smith $ 15 given prompt personal atte nticn \and remitted for on day of payment. M. W. Anderson... A. T. West Farmers Bk. of Chariton Co. Jun’34Stmt 80-521 •tl’80 25’03 John Arnold, A Satisfactory Correspondent $ 103 Sxirp.) j Collections »Keytesvllle ..738 Bank of Keytesville.. *2572 8 Chariton Fll Jun’34Stmt 80-520 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . C. L. Turnage____ Hal. H. McHaney.. J. C. Welman. A. L. Davidson Jun’34Stmt 80-245 Klmmswlck ...172 Bank of Kimmswick Jun’34Stmt 80-1050 8 JeffersonJ20 60 S Ch. of Bd, and Pres. ‘Kennett___ 4128 ------ M Resources. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Loans Other | | Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Ond.Prof. Other Re & Due Securi Securi & Dis Totals Capital Surplus and or Deposits lia ties counts sources from Bks ties Reserves bilities Charles Riley_____ $ J. S. Greenfield — Conrad Hessel ____ Louis Hessel__ " Asst cashier. CASHIER. t§’87 Jun’34Stmt 80-645 8 Dunklin J23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Emily A. Gerard__ W J Hook Ch, of Bd, and Pres. F J ZieelPr, 21 105 Cap. Notes 35 10 1 6 Un. N., City Bk. & Tr. Co., and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 10 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 47 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Co., Chi.; IstN., St. L.: Un. & Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 38 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp., Tenn.; N. Bk. Com., Paragould, Ark. 4 1st N., Kan. C.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 13 1stN.,St. L.; IstN., Kan. C.;N. Stk. Yds. N..N, Stk. Yds., Ill. 9 IstN., St. L. A. Cash, and Sec. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Principal Correspondents. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 eacb bank In u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. fiQn U3U MISSOURI—Continued Town and county. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew {State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. cashier. 1 Und.Prof. Capital Surplus and or Deposits Reserves "J.F. MoKENNY- 0. M. SIMM0NS1 . 1 YOUR BUSINE TH0S. BEASLIN SS APPRECIATE D. | Special attentio n given BUI of La ding drarts, Cash and Time Items. ,.Please send 15c m th each sight draft fo r presentation and ts. LELIA BARBOUR- '$S 50$ 1 5 $ flf.l. OWENS----- J. A. WALTEMATH— 0.1. OLIVER, 50 j 4 LON C. FRANK OF KING CITY Ass’t Tr.... 4 8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. J Principal Cash.Ex. U.S.Sov. Other Loans Other Lia bilities 207 ® Totals 50 8 316 & Due Securi fromBks ties $ 123 8 Securi ties 111 8 & Dis Recounts : sources 3 8 75 ¥ 4 9 150 213 38 20 1 132 v^ui.; 22 Cont. IU. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cht.; 1st N. and St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo.; Drov. N., Kan. C. ; Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Cred Lfee in advan ~!IJ; Plain sight drafts, lSe; Cred it Reports, 2Se. ding TRY J. W. Howard J]^ -A E. L. Angell______ Vesta L. Angell__ (g.b Klngsvlll Bank of Kingsville......... tS’90 Baker. 20 Ch. of Bd. <fc Pres. 8 Johnson H7 Jun’34Stmt 80-1052 W.B. Wallace. Sec. •Klrksvllle___8293 BANK OF KIRKSVILLE F. S. Fechtling—. H. B. Young 50 C. G. Young______ 8 Adair 012 Jun’34Stmt 80-134 d®«t5'14 si N., St. Jo. “Complete Banking Ser vice.” Jun’34Stmt #80-516 d®*$S’80 Correspondents. US. 2 49 76 6 33 (With Surp.) 586 669 270 5 15 ,8 68 328 77 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 3 Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Mnfrs. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Miss. Valley Tr. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. Boatmens N., St. L. H.«. Wellman___ Laura Schmitz 100 60 5 1,113 98; 1,376 283 461 146 442 44 Horace Mills_____ Roy Omer________ NATIONAL BANK OF KIRKS- Warner Mills, VILLE —80-131.........®»t’98 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt Kirkwood___ 9169 Kirkwood Bank____d®»J5'20 A. S. Kinyon, Henry Osdieck.__ E. R. Riemeier.__ N.W. Riemeier... 8 St. Louis 120 Jun’34Stmt 80-1676 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. C. Hoffmann 50 25 15 700 50 840 295 156 87 301 1 50 10 8 507 575 128 108 170 130 39 25 Pf. 25 10 365 425 83 20 199 113 10 159 257 53 26 155 74 97 31 5 36 51 13 1 32 23 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. 11 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.; Tra. Gate City N., and 1st N., Kan. C. 5 Drov. N., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1 1st N„ St. L. M. D. Campbell.... E. Conner........... H. M. Still. Citizens National Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-132 d@r*i'04 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. "TRUST COMPANY OF KIRKWOOD f F. T. ROTT- - - - - - - - usir**-- R. V. NICHOLAS, Tr.. A.S. CERNY, Sec.... H.D. DONOVAN* „ A. Sec. \ TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS, I Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred Jun’34Stmt 80-210 d®T»tr 4 L fee in advan CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 25c. Knohnoster...( 8 Johnson H9 ding TRY US. Bank of Knob Noster ..JS’75 W. H. Shernaman. H. A. Wimer_____ J. M. Kendrick.__ F. B. Shepherd.__ Jun’34Stmt 80-622 L. P. Lay Peomes state Bank__ dt#'ll J. O. McDonald, J. W. Sibert______ Frame Jenks_____ Jun’34Stmt 80-623 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 20 Koshkonong.. 358 Koshkonong State Bk,..t{’06 J. M. Huff_______ J. S. Holloway ___ J. S. Holloway.. 8 Oregon R15 Jun’34Stmt 80-1058 Labadle_____ 300 8 68 (With Surp.) 1 2 30 10 4 10 10 15 3 10 10 25; 3 nFirst Nat’l Bank in Lamar C. B. Edwards____ W. B. Dimond____ J. E. Krebs---------- Margaret Arndt__ 25 Jun'34Stmt 80-286 d*’34 Pf. 25 LAMAR TRUST CO.—d®T§’25 Cornelius Snip___ E. Thiebaud—____ D.B. O’Neal______ 50 Jun’34Stmt 80-287 10 Franklin J18 Bank of Labaddie_____ t{’18 Charles Becker.__ L. F. Strieker_____ H.W.Dornan_____ Jun’34Stmt 80-1391 Laddonla_____576 Laddonla State Bank__ t§'31 H. P. French_____ F. S. Johnsten____ Edw. P. French... 8 Audrain 015 Jun'34Stmt 80-1777 La Grange.__1160 Farmers & Merchants Bank S. G. Lewis............ . D. A. Childers____ Carroll Bozarth.__ R. L. McLeod— Jun’34Stmt 80-441 d®t§’04 8 Lewis 0 16 L. W. Bozarth fW. E. SLUDER. ALBERT KUHN- - - - - - J. H. WA6AMAN---- ‘Lamar______ 2381 BARTON COUNTY STATE BK. ) Ch.of Bd.andPres. Jun’34Stmt 80-1657 d®tt§’20 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and 10 Barton N7 34 1 3 14 70 91 12 2 4 72 150 168 78 10 30 50 3 212 235 73 43 41 69 2 301 331 115 ii 29 167 258 148 40 - 53 12 10 293 361 121 11 14 206 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 9 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy; 1st N., St. L. 9 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 125 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentio n. ‘Lancaster___ 807 Bank of Lancaster______§’28 R. W. Briggs.. 8 Schuyler A12 Jun’34Stmt 80-1764 SCHUYLER COUNTY STATE BANK—.♦80-518.........tS’76 W. A. Higbee. Chas. Wirth. Sr.... T. E.Mitchell____ Geo, Ami_________ R. L. Burkland.__ H. C. Burkland-__ 8 172 26 15 2 (Cap. Notes 15) so.......... 2 108 142 64 2 19 47 8 483 541 247 126 73 78 50....... . 29 886 965 i * 406 109 20 266 Jun’34Stmt La Plata........ 1406 La Plata State Bankd®»t§’32 H. C. Surbeck. 8 Macon 012 Jun’34Stmt 80-395 R. E. Goodding.__ L. E. Tansil______ P. M. Wilgus.......... W. W. Wilkinson ’ |, . 1 t MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 5 Un. N„ Kan. C. 9 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 10 1st N„ St. L.; Secur.State Bk., Keokuk. 17 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St.L.; State Cent.Sav., Keokuk, la.; N. Stk. Yds.N.,N.Stk.Yds„ Ill. 164 stN. and Cont.Ill.N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. St. L.; Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N.,Kan.C.;N. Stk. Yds. N.t N. Stk. Yds., Ill. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere i MISSISSIPPI t \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 691 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. oMem.A.B.A.H'New JStatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Laredo_______ 578 Bank of Laredo_______ tt’13 8 4 Grundy 09^ Jun’34Stmt 80-598 Citizen' Hank________ atl'O! Jun’34Stmt 80-599 Latham______ 181 Bank of Latham-------- dt5’06 8 Moniteau 112 Jun’34Stmt 80-1056 President. Vice-President. R. M. Cook______ J. F. Murphy. Ch. ofBd. and Pres. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Cashier. Ass t Cashier. 10 $ $ J. S. Baldridge — J. W. Drinkard.__ E. Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Und.Prof. Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Capital Surplus and or Deposits bilities counts Reserves fromBks ties ties M. Wilson------ 12 ___ 11 s $ 2 Addie E. Scott ___ 13 12 2 Latbrop_____ 940 First State Bank____ •t5'1900 W. C. Young_____ O. B. Fagin______ Joe T. Doherty___ J. B. Nicholas____ Jun’34Stmt 80-496 Anna Andrews 10 Clinton E7 Lathrop Bank______ d»t5’79 E. D. Rogers------- F.L. Porter_____ R. M. Harrington— Jun’34Stmt 80-495 35 32 40 10 Bank of Latour----------BtS'95 Jun’34Stmt 80-1057 Lawson Bank--------------tS'83 Jun’34Stmt 80-660 Bank of Leadwood ..- _*+s .•t5’05 oo 8 St.FrancoisL19 Jun’34Stmt 80-1058 Leasburg____ 130 BanteHtftrasbujrg 8 Crawford K17 Jun’34Stmt 80-1059 ‘Lebanon___ 3562 First National bank—d»t'13 8 Laclede M12 Jun’34Stmt 80-1414 La tour_______ 100 8 Johnson 17 Lawson______ 590 8 Ray F7 Lead wood___1133 J. N. viedlin, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. M. Bayne_____ F. W. Scott. Cash, and Sec. S 8 16 $ 37 16 $ 80 58 8 $ 4 67 6 176 249 29 205 7 133 190 50 125 10 68 89 27 T C smith, D. T. Zimmerman _ J. E. Deacy______ 25 5 6 91 127 32 6 jo John H. B. & 10 15 12 305 342 122 50 1 3 . M. F^zebralh. * M Ms lills----- E. W. Gravatt — Roth Gravatt____ Tra. Gate City N. and Drovers N., Kan. C. Cent. Mo. Tr. Co., Jeffer son City; Far. & Tra., Calif. Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; City Bk. & Tr., Kan.C. Stk. Yds. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan.C.; Am. N., St. Jo. Un. N„ Kan. C. | 11 B. F. Towl______ Wm. Towl_______ 14 1st N., Kan. C. 48 40 John Sheller____ A. L. Peeback___ G. Elliott. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 2 $ Jess Elliott, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 15 40 16 4 Un. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1st N., St. L. 81 30 135 71 156 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.,N. Stk.Yds.,111. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N„ St. L.; Un. N., Springfield. 10 7 J. E. Millsap------- J. H. Caufield.. E. S. Coffman A. E. Oliver____ J. L. Winfrey------F. J. Lewis, A. C. 30 22 (Incl. Und. Prof.) E. L. Vernon____ L. D. Hartley. J. A. McComb Chas. Hughes____ A. E. Hartzog____ E. H. Draper, A. C. A. P. Draper 30 30 6 395 461 85 32 63 273 I. T. Curry, 25 18 3 309 3551 84 115 9 130 30 20 8 288 346 78 8 17 206 37 John Langsford, W. W. Browning., W.F. Bell______ E. C. Falk. Cash., Sec. and Tr. A. C. and A. Sec. E. P. Mulligan C. O. Maxwell, Ch. of Bd, J. W. Williams, 50 10 3 282 345 110 14 193 28 J. R. Grinstead — Rolla Stacy_____ P. W. Baker-------Wm. Cox 25 5 11 124 1651 49 18 Lenox_________ 50 Bank of Lenox_______ t!’ll W. W. Hedrick___ G. H. O'Malley— F. W. Carney......... J. A. Eaves 8 Dent M15 Jun’34Stmt 80-1280 10 10 2 8 30! 2 2 State Bank of Lebanon *tS'05 Jun’34Stmt 80-282 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. State Savings Bank _d®t§'17 E. B. Eellerman - M. H, Franke.. Leeds________ 515 Lees Summit 2035 10 Jackson H6 F. H. Stith_____ C. R. Willard M. V. Martin Jun’34Stmt ♦80-281 (See Kansas City) BANK OF LEE’S SUMMIT Jun’34Stmt 80-428 d®T»«’89 E. W. COOPER------- Oldest Establls bed Bank. An H onor Roll Bank, Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 6c for Credit Report d@*t5’68 Farmers Trust Company Jun’34Stmt 80-429 {R. I. HOWARD— F. B. CAMPBELL .... First National Bank—®«t’87 A. B. Crawford ... M. E. Lawson. Ella M. Parrott— Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .................. 95 19 1st N., Com. Tr. Co., and Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C. Drov. N. and Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds.N.,N.Stk.Yds. Merch. & Far., Rolla; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. Mtle.-Com.Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.; Inter-State N. and 1st N„ Kan. C. N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yards, Ill. Gty. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Com. Tr. and 1st N„ Kan. C.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. Chase N.,N. Y.;CityBk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.t Kan. C.; 1st N„ St. L. 1 2 38 56 19 1 1 64 S3 25 10 8 36 15 5 124 144 21 11 4 101 75 100 1,228 1,465 237 514 682 657 122 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 89 91 326 472 59 52 5 284 72 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ ! St. L ■ City Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan.C. 801 123 174 111 312 721 223 138 138 193 SI Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Com. Tr., and 1st N., Kan. C. 29 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.;lst N.,Kan.C. 50 25 62 18 564 31 (Incl. Und. Prof.) 75 322 25 Cap. ....... Notes G. G. Cooper.__ 1st N., St. L.jN.Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.;Union N., Springfield. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.;Union N.,SprIngfield; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Miss. Valley Tr., St. L.; City N. Bank & Tr. and Com. Tr., Kan. C. 8 R. F. Gnuse_____ L. B. Dougherty, Jr. R. A. Main.............. NATI0NALC0MMERCIALBK. Frank Hughes... F. D. Hamilton, Exec. V. P. 80—247 d®»l'67 J. M. Sandusky, Ch. A ................... 50 50 50 16 673 $ 100 20 12 589 12 80-248 ’ .)un’34Stmt ‘MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Bds.) d®T*«'28 ‘Liberty____ 3516 Citizens Bank......... d®»t§'06 Wm. F. Norton.__ J. C. Boggess— Burton Maltby.CA, W. P. Downing Jun’34Strat 80-249 10 Clay F6 Jun’34Stmt (Incl. U. S. 8 Pf. 7 10 fF. LEE WALLACE~ J. L. MANN--------- W. W. BARNETT, LEXINGTON A. Tr. SAVINGS TR. CO. LOfters Complete B ankingand Trust C ompany Service. W e make collections Jun’34Stmt 80-163 19 77 ■ Leonard_____ 198 FarmersBank________tl’06 Thos. J. Davis, N. W. Peoples___ Leo Hardy_______ Laurina Hardy. Ch. of Bd . and Pres. 8 Shelby D14 Jun’34Stmt 80-1064 Julius Welter----- E. F. Borgman, Levasy_______ 215 Bank of Levasy-----------tS'07 A. M. Ott, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cash, and Sec. 10 Jackson G7 Jun’34Stmt 80-1067 Lewlstown____494 Lewistown State Bank ©t§'28 G. W. Vance ... W. T. Van Meter.. L. H. Gnuse.. 8 Lewis CIS Jun’34Stmt 80-1767 ‘Lexington —.4595 COMMERCIAL BARK _ , Chas. Lyons-------- W. J. Bandon____ R. F. Jackson. B. M. Little 8 Lafayette G8 Jun’34Stmt 80-165 dB®*t§ 84 70 333 s. A. C. and A. Sec. Leeton_______ 416 Bank of Leeton______ »tS'9 8 Johnson 18 Jun’34Stmt 80-1061 52 281 Principal Correspondents. Other Re- J. S. Simrall MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere f ‘MISSISSIPPI \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Licking______ 435 Peodes Savings Bank L. V. De Forest ... Leslie Randall.. 8 Texas N15 Dec’33Stmt 80-794 ®«tS'24 Cashier. Aug. Keseman.... ASS’T CASHIER. Otto A. Johnson__ L. W. Austin__ Lincoln______ 338 Farmers Bank................J5 90 Joe Hunt________ J. A. Autrieth___ S. O. Brill____ 8 Benton J10 Jun’34Stmt 80-803 Peoples Bank________ dt§’08 H. B. Straley— Jun’34Stmt 80-804 Capital $ Liabilities. Ond.Prof. Other Surplus and or Deposits lia Reserves bilities 25 A. D. Hunt------ $ 25 A. A. Boehmer.__ W. J. Lnmpe... ‘Linn ________ 555 Farmers & Merchants Bank H. M. Lueckenhoff. Henry Hnndepohl. Aug. Gove.............. J. W. Vogel.— 8 Osage J15 Jun’34Stmt 80-1450 t§’13 Linn Creek___553 First National Bank____t'05 W. F. Claiborne _. 8 Camden £12 Jun’34Stmt 80-742 Geo. W. Garrett, Ch.ofBd. ‘Llnneus_____ 760 Moore & Mullins Bankin Co. Greely Moon 8 Linn DIO Jun’34Stint 80-551 ____ Lock Springs..209 _ Irings—_5’95 J. E. Gibson 8 DaviessD 8 un’34Stmt 80-1072 Lockwood____823 Farmers State Bank—d»i§04 U. S. Reran, 8 Dade N8 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, Jun’34Stmt 80-523 Lohman____ 107 Farmers Bank.................*5’09 John Seidel.... 8 Cole J13 Jun’34Stmt 80-1073 Lonejack____ 350 Bank of Lone Jack____ t§’09 J. R. Burns___ 10 Jackson H7 Jun’34Stmt 80-1074 Long Lane__ 100 First State Bank............. tS’10 I. N. Miller______ 8 Dallas Mil Jun’34Stmt 80-1075 Louisiana 3549 Bank of Louisiana __d®«t5’87 C. G. BuSum 8 Pike F17 Jun’34Stmt 80-201 E. W. Stark, V.P, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. MISSOU R1—Continued Ohas. Anderson... J. S. McCrory.. 3 Cap. Notes Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi fromBks ties ties Totals 111 141 213 2581 86 121 183 212 S 50 Loans & Dis counts $ $ 23 O Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •M em. A. B. A.rl New § State t Priv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings fzQip 20 16 164 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 219 $ 25 240 269 28 40 435 510 36 200 25 10 40 62; 16 4 13 27 7 25 532 615 114 160 Mercantile Bank ....d®t§’91 Jun’34Stmt 80-200 Lowry City.__549 Lowry City Bank______ t§'03 8 St. Clair £8 Jun’34Stmt 80-1078 Ludlow______ 299 Ludlow National Bank—*t’29 8 Livingston E9 Jun’34Stmt 80-767 Lupus_______ 185 Bank of Lupus_______ t5’04 8 Moniteau H13 Jun’34Stmt 80-1080 J. W. Rule............ G. E. Lynott____ J. W. Crewdson P. C. Stark J. H. McCune._ E. B. Rule______ 10 250 312 71 C.H. Green........ Wm. C. Lucas, Ch. of Bd. R. J. Lee____ _ I. G. Hedrick____ J. E. McNabb.__ Victor McNabb__ 10 117 143 32 10 149 210 56 A. J. Wilson_____ T. E. Clay_______ C. S. Dale_______ 10 48 70 7 Lutesvllle_____582 8 Bollinger 021 Macks Creek ..167 8 Camden Lll J. J. Chandler, H. A. Clark........... W. W. Sample. Jr.. H. D. Chandler.... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cash, and Sec. C. Garrett, W. L. Moulder ___ Elden Young.. Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 15 186 228 67 33 9 73 93 30 BROWN--^- 1(V -so. 95 222 395 Bollinger County Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-685 d»J5’92 Bank ot Macks Creek__ij’ll Jun’34Stmt 80-1283 W. B. Haley____ J. H. Glllman___ J. T. Billingsley... v ■ > J 50 Wm. J. J. Glover_____ W. F. Walter. Nlederwimmer J. A. N. Linhardt, Sec. Frank Cave. A. L. Cave____ Rayetta Brain____ L. C. Burtin. M. Bledsoe______ Mae Bledsoe_____ L. O. Marsh______ J. E.Schroeder H.J.Schroeder W. A. Reineking.. Lloyd Waugh Wm. C. Lucas....... H. L.Pritchard___ E. H. Disney_____ ‘Macon...........3851 8 Macon D13 25 25 ft 49 3 113 .............. 25 124 65 35 Cdwin Bassett. Cash, and Sec. Madison Bank...........d®t§’88 Jun’34Stmt 80-639 Arthur Dry. C. Atterbury ___ J.C. Atterbury.... Bess Baker...____ Manes_______ 103 Bank of Manes---Jiin’34Stmt 80-1085 8 Wright N13 .MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / M. Hutsell, . of Bd. and Pres. % Cash, and Sec. 20 Cap. Notes 22 179 16 33 224 67 12 136 10 26 63 84 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 26 Mnfrs. Tr.,N. Y.; IstN., Chi. ;BoatmensN.,St. L. 12 1st N„ Kan. C. 61 6 76 11 Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Tootle- 4 4 51 1 108 12 47 Lacy N., St. Jo. 4 Ex. N„ Jefferson C.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 19 IstN., St. L. 4 Un.N., Springfield; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr„ St. L. 129 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N; Bk. & Tr Co., ''l 12 IstN.,St. L.;N. Stk.Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 10 30 20 25 4 110 61 48 V> 138 2 25 128 19 m 35 A Satisfactory MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY Correspondent SAINT LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 301 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.,St. L.; Am. N„ St. Jo. Citiz. N., Chillicothe: N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., IU. 1st N., St. L.; Tra. Gate City N. and 1st N.,Kan. C.; Un. N„ Springfield. 32 Ex. N„ Jefferson City; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 4 1st N. and Far. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 4 Union N„ Springfield. O 10 10 Magnolia............40 8 Johnson 18 Maitland ___ 576 10 Holt B4 Bank of Magnolia........ »t§’05 G. B. Graham____ F. P. Parrott____ G. V. Raker_____ Guy R. GrahamJun’34Stmt 80-1082 Farmers Bank _d®»fS‘8l C. G. Hooper......... L. M. Thompson... J. E. Weller..::... H. A. Lyle.... Jun’34Stmt 80-602 C. W. Hooper Malden_____ 2025 Malden State Bank.dB®tS’03 S. G. Downing____ James Barber___ J. D. Ellis_____ W. C. Wade... 8 Dunklin R22 Jun’34Stmt 80-318 Manchester ...600 ^Manchester Community Bk. O. L. Shot well____ Otto Stoeck J. Wm. MacKay 8 St. Louis I iu Jul’34Stmt 80-1084 d®§'34 E. L. Free 3 42 K IN MACON CO INTY” etlons and Credit Reports by send! ts, 15c {Credit Reports, 25c. TR Madison_____ 664 8 Monroe F13 104 19 52 1st N., St. L.;N. Stk.Yds. N..N. Stock Yds., IU. Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., IU. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Cent. Mo. Tr. Co., Jefferson City. 21 L. W. Farmer. .4yL~:~ 16 77 25 a...... ^ Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L. 83 157 Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources 1 1st N., St. L.; Hannibal N„ Hannibal; N. Stk. Yds. N.,N. Stk. Yds.,Ill. Tffst. Gate City N.t Kan. AK^WvSr^Jo. Stock Yds., and Burnes N„ St. Jo. 1st N„ St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. Mutual Bk. & Tr., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Union N„ Springfield. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere A MISSISSIPPI j \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / AQQ u -7vJ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. ^’’lg. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Mansfield____ 861 8 Wright 012 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ( In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. MISSOURI—Continued Liabilities. Mem.A.B.A.nNew§SiatetPriv. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Peesili*nt. Vicb-Pbbbidbnt. Cashikb. Ass’t Cashibb. Bank of Mansfield........dt§'92 G. W. Freeman__ G. B. Freeman, C. N. Clark. Cash, and Sec, E. R. Luna Jun’34Stmt 80-723 S. R. Craig______ J. E. Craig_______ Mary Craig. Farmers & Merchants Bank N. J. Craig, Jun’34Stmt 80-724 tS’08 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. P. W. Newton Capital Surplus 1 8 156 10 8 118 $ 100 25 17 901 121 Dan Sheerin____ R. F. Townsend— E. W. Wallen brock 100 Emil L.Schiedt Pf. 100 D. B. Lichtenstein. Wm. J. Westphale E. B. Steffen____ 100 20 8 373 99 20 5 378 15 4 172 2 H. E. Trader......... G. W. Bailey_____ E. B. Moorman, 20 Marcellne___8555 Marceline State Bank Lucille Myers ..... Cap. Jun’34Stmt 80-215 ®*t§’07 A. Cash, and Sec. 8 Linn Dll Notes 0C li 5 M arlon vllle.. .1227 Bank of Marionville .d«t5’86 0. H. Gardner— B.M. Carver. (Cap. Notes 8 Lawrence P9 Jun’34Stmt 80-449 A and B 30) [.^5. Henry..___, H 15 Citizens Bank.— 5 H/C. -till J. R. W Jim’34Stmt 80-450 / / -r* As 10 4 Marquand....... 429 Bank of Marquand... dX§’05 H. E. Homan____ E. E. Moyers annie E. Lett Fai 8 Madison N21 Jun’34Stmt 80-1089 1 243 E. H. Rabenberg.. OF MAPLEWOOD & _R. 00. ♦ 80-1086—d®T»t5’03 Jun’34Stmt J. R. Holekamp__ Citizens National Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-1521 d©«t’15 Peonies State Bk._d®T»t§’23 H. O. Kirchner.__ J. J. Luechtefeld, Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-1727 Ch. ‘Marble Hill..421 Bank of Marble Hill .d»t}’05 C. A. Sander, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Bollinger 021 Jun’34Stmt 80-1087 Chas. N. Gilles ___ J. M. Lukens____ W. H. Hellwege ... 8 5 $ Totals 20 Maplewood. 12,657 8 St. Louis 120 30 $ Other Und.Prof. and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities WOOD & HUSTON BANK F. C. BARNHILL — J. P. HUST0N- J. C. LAMKIN- Ch. CARY HUSTON ♦ 80-188 d®»«’74 Jun’34Stmt ‘Marshfield...1378 ^Citizens State Bank.d»t§’34 B. F. Julian_____ Lola Nelson........... W. B. Miller. 8 Webster Nil Jun’34Stmt 80-463 J. M. Williams, Exec. Marston____ _550 8 NewMadridR23 Martlnsburg ..530 8 Audrain G15 Bank of Marston____ dtl’04 Ed. Biship_______ Jun’34Stmt 80—1090 Martinsburg Bank____ •tS’93 G. F. Fennewald .. Walter Hale. Jun’34Stmt 80-1093 ‘Maryville___5217 CITIZENS STATE BANK JOSEPH JACKSON. 10 Nodaway B5 Jun’34Stmt 80-187 dB®»t§'31 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. P. ROBINSON. NODAWAY VALLEY BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-186 ®*t§'68 Maxvllle______ 50 (Kimmswick P. O.) 8 Jefferson J19 ‘Maysvllle___ 946 10 De Ealb D6 Bank of Maxville__d(g>t§T3 Jun’34Stmt 80-1420 Mayview_____ 822 8 Lafayette G8 McKlttrlck ....151 8 MontgomeryI16 Farmers Bank. — ©t§'Q5 Jun’34Stmt 80-1095 lloKfttntk Bank §’05 Jun’34Stmt 80-1098 { Ch. of Bd. & Pres. ““Wafer O. E.W.Schowe D. Kochan, ardt Daniel Hoefer—... O. J. Stratman. t Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jacob Karl A. M. Haf kerJ. E. Lavender__ Arley Scharnhorst Ch. of Bd.. and Pres. I Mead vllle____ 540 Bank of Meadville...........tS'91 W. L. Botts_____ F. J. Black .... Jun’34Stmt 80—678 8 Linn DIO L. S. Tharp____ Herbert Tharp— ‘Memphis ___ 1728 Bank of Memphis......... t§’28 S. C. Adams_____ W. A. Southerland. T. C. Smith______ E. F. Eierman. 8 Scotland A14 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-1769 P. M. Bradley Scotland Co. National Bank J. M. Jayne Jiin’34Stmt 80-3:tH i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / d‘t’72 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___ D. W. Payne______ R. M. Barnes . 279 154 172 175 206 106 1 8 84 273 71 4 55 inj 143 189 76 7 * 16 52 3 140 163 59 4 12 80 1 110 125 23 20 16 66 20 2 775 897 226 34 16 552 200 14 1,202 1,606 519 84 74 879 130 190 103 50 9 14 2 59 76 27 7 1 35 1 74 115 36 100 59 (With Surp.) 673 832 269 235 100 34 (With Surp.) 1,403 1,537 400 318 15 50: Cap. Notes 50 100 10 30 2i 42 696 36 15 1 240 185 65 25 1 100 33 177 7 7 2 166 *■•'80 8 •^20 rr- 20 15 2 145 182 56 63 16 25 5 4 264 298 86 115 22 50 10 2 209 293 122 48 44 62 6 22 50 N. City, N. Y.; Miss.Val ley Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 14 City N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.;Un. N„Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 6 1st N„ St. L. 384 10 144 38 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.;Un.N„ Springfield. 8 Union N., Springfield; N. StockYds.N.,N. Stock Yds., Ill. 1st N., St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 69 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Kan. C.;Miss, Val ley Tr. Co., St. L. 26 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., Kan. C., and St. Jo. 15 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Com. Tr.Co., Kan. Co.: Burnes N., Stk. Yds. Bk., and Am. N., St. Jo.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 26 1st N. and Mnfrs. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 270 7 7 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 32 Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. 234 7 . 145 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 109 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 62 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L. 68 10 "n} 15 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 9 Union N„ Springfield. 1 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stk.Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 30 1 Principal Correspondents. 78 - MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 435 156 10 Mrs. H. M. Hewitt H. C. Kochan, Kochan Banking Co. _ •ti’IS C. J. Siedler, Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Cash, and Sec. Jun’34Stmt 80-491 115 17 1,055 Other Re sources 141 8 175 H. M. Fennewald.. Oldest Bank In Anton Kohler........ Louis J. Roesch.__ B. J. Kohler-----Special attentlo 25 1 8 11 90 15 Nodaway County, n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. % 93 N. F. Hagood____ W. H. Coats.. H. G. BLANCHARD— 35 700 25 Pf. 25 _ _ _ JN ROBINSON— J. D. RICHEY _ _ _ LB. ROBINSON, JR. 160 503 G. W. Dailey . R. J. CURFMAN. . . . . . . . V. E. BIRD. . . . . . . . . . . . 192 $ Loans & Dis counts 54 H. F. Williams.__ Geo. W. Bidewell, Eugene J. Taylor.. Cash. Sec. and Tr. W. B. Hupp_____ F. L. Pelot_____ Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi fromBks ties ties 142 $ tU-fflL ‘Marshall ___8103 FARMERS SAVINGS BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-182 d®T»t§’70 8 Saline Q10 8 4 j 91 1 88 1 6 1st N. and Am. N„ St. Jo.; 1st N. and Un. N. Kan. C. 3 Un. N.j Kan. C.; Com’l 64 Bk., Lexington. 64 15 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 47 :---------- Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 66 9 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N.,St. L.; State Cent. Sav., Keo kuk. 54 25 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere t MISSISSIPPI / yVALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. f.Q4. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Ites.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc d-Safe Deposit © Savings Menfro_______ 79 Bank of Menfro 8 Perry M22 Jim’34Stmt 80-1371 President. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Liabilities. In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. I Und.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov Other Loans ASS’T CASHIER. | Capital 1 Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals 4 Dne Securi Securi 4 DisReserves I bilities fromBks ties ties > counts U’12 James F. Duvall__ Amond Schindler. _ t5’25 'Herbert Evans.... James Alley______ J. L. Lowry_______ G. A.GIoshen_____ Dee’33Stmt 80—146 “ _____ BANK 44 2 1 10 10 8 TR. R. ARNOLD........ GFfl. 1FF W. ) R. D. RODGERS. C. ILATTNER — 50 50 29 100 50 6 J. F. COOPER.............. WINFIELD SWORD ®«t5'61 A. P. Green............. W. A. Shaw. Exec. W. A. Shaw.............. W. Y. Borns.. Mexico Clearing House_____ (Members indicated by a *) 25 ° 10 7 1 10 - 3 3 ‘Milan 2002 First National Bank d®»t’84 R. B. Ash Sullivan BIO Jun’34Stmt 80-299 _____ M. U. Davidson... T. O. Bartlett . — Lenny Baldridge.. John Rogers 75 Moberly___ 13,772 Bank of Moberly____ d®S'95 8 Randolph F13 Jun’34Stmt 80-74 ** 8 Barry P8 3 229 50 S. 571 IS 102 15 257 80 $ $ - W. T. Smart 84 120 Nation al, Stat e and 53 81 28 20 200 112 130 38 City Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Kan. C. 158 309 27 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.;Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N.,St.L.;lstN.,Kan.C. 112 372 39 N. City, N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr.Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 174 24 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr* Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 205 75 18 17 89 6 1st N„ Kan. C.: Un. N„ 61 81 14 6 6 60 76; 21 — 98 11 526; 129 3 2 82 8 418 1 1 49 (TFitA 2,633 2,882 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill.; 1st N„ St. L. 51 Thornton N„ Nevada; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1 85 1 1st N„ Kan. C.;N. Bk.of . 106 231 55 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 55 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Kan. C.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 113 1,056 368 187 1 13 10 4 72 14 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 37i: 87 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Un. N., Springfield. 197 49 Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and N. Stk. Yds. N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C 31 686’ 60 82ll 211 152 311 16 387: 49 41 check for TRY US. 25 Pf. 30 5 l MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 37 1,216 12 A Satisfactory Correspondent 17 Pitt., Pitt., Kan. 60 Walter Reynaud__ Stock Yds., Ill.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 129 C. W. LEHNHARD ... C. C. MILLS............ W. V. DAVIS HUBERT KAISER__ FIRST NATIONAL r $. A. CHAPELL. Ch. ^TlSjflSjyiANK” < ••OLDEST AND LARGEST BAN K”. “ONLY NA BANK J Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding 8 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. 25 63 Chas. A. Rose 84 45 4 .Tnhn E. Crnh ........... ColumbiaN., Kan. C. 168 8 wGilIioz Bank & Trust Co. M. E. Gillioz Jun’34Stmt 80-208 ®T»t§’34 A. A. Speer, Ch. Private Banks, Total 391 5 Burp.) d®T«t’92 (.FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain tigh t drafts, 25c; Cre dit Reports, 60c. 3 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Am. N.. St. Jo. 64 44 38 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Boatmens N. and U. S., 40 $ 121 1,416 727 1 i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 10 Miller______ Henry Schmidt.__ Jesse F. McCreery G. H. Blackmore .. T. F. Hafner, Sec. Jun’34Stmt 80-207 ••_____ •• $ Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N.,N.Stk. Yds. 100 F. B. Harvey Mechanics Bank & Trust Co. J. B. Jennings____ V. W. Wilhite. Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-73 T»t8'72 H. P. Jennings, Ch. B. A. Glassen Mokane_______ 575 Farmers Bank________ «tj’97 J. 8 Callaway 115 Jun’34Stmt 80-1110 Monett.............4099 51 . Miller . _ 57fi Peonies Rank of Miller J. E. Adamson____ W. D, Arthur____ M. E. Morris______ C. D. Berry, Sec... 15 8 Lawrence 08 Jun’34Stmt 80-1768 ®»1§'28 Cap. Notes 10 Mill Spring._275 Bank of Mill Spring___ t§’16 J. R. Carnahan ___ S. L. Deeper______ W. R. Rhodes____ 10 8 Wayne P18 Jim’34Stmt 80-1527 Cap. Notes 5 Milo.. 111 Bank of Mllo._......... ,.t5'08 G. A. Darling___ M. A. Pinkerton—. B. H. Hart, Mary D. Hart____ 10 10 Vernon M6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1107 Cash, and Sec. M Indenmlnes _ 787 Bank of Minden......... d®t§'12 W. E. Barkley...... Eugene Smith____ M. A. Caslavka ___ Greta Polston-----10 10 Barton N6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1367 ------ 76 $ (See pa ges 01- 02-63 f or Num her of Deoo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Sec. and Tr. Middletown.. 235 Bank of Middletown...t§’86 H. O. Robinson__ J. H. Rice. 8 Montg. G16 Jun’34Stmt 80-1105 “ $ j Miami...... ..... 347 Miami Savings Bank—15’74 J. O. Haynie______ F. R. McDaniel.__ F. M. Bnrrnas____ J. E. Burruss_____ 8 Saline F10 Jun’34Stmt 80-1104 8 32 d®»t'83 ) Ch.ofBd. (.FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain tight d rafts, ISc; Credit Reports, 60c. ‘MEXICO SAVINGS BANK ------- 5 S 20 1 Met*_________ 185 Metz Ranking Company.tS’06 Beula Melick_____ A. P. Smith______ Irl. D. Hudson ___ Harry Finch_____ Jun’34Stmt 80-1108 10 Vernon Lfi “ 4 $ 10 $ $ Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources St. L. Mercer___ 364 PeoDle’s Bank ... . I Mercer AB Jun’34Stmt 80-1101 ‘Mexico ... 9290 ♦FIRST NATIONAL 8 Audrain G15 Jim’34Stmt 80-148 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In —.. Acces.). ------- Lawyers, .Laws (Indexed) ................................of dozed in back tr his MISSOURI—Continued 51 For Banks and Bankers Everywhere t MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / cqc O-'" Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankiera Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Liabilities, Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A «New §State tPrir *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Fed. Res. Dist. (in Thousands of Dollars)Resources . O.S.Gov. i Other ■ Loans Seouri-, Seonri- ; 4 Disties i tits j counts Monroe CIty..l820 Monroe City Bk.___d®»*S’75 M. B. Proctor___ 8 Monroe E15 Jun’34Stmt ♦80-34# Principal Correspondents. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr, and 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., HI. 1st N„ St. L. First National Bank... »t'18 ‘Montgomery City.............1510 Jun’34Stmt 80-374 8 Montg. Hlfi Montgomery County Bank Jun’34Stmt 80-373 d‘tt'73 ‘Montlcello ...202 Bank of MonticelIo.d@»}§’28 Jun’34Stmt 80-1111 8 Lewis CIS N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N„ St. L. Montrose____ 531 Montrose Saving Bank. •t5'#5 Jun’34Stmt 80-824 8 Henry K8 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Morehouse ...1165 Morehouse Trust Co.-d®tl’26 8 NewMadridQ22 Jun’34Stmt 80-1113 1st N„ St. L. Morrison____ 359 MorrisenBaak..;..d®til800 H 8 Gasconade 115 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Morrlsvllle___340 8 PolkN# | Jun’34Strat Moselle______ 125 8 Franklin J18 Un. N., Springfield; Polk Co., Bolivar-Miss. Val ley Tr„ St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Mound Clty..l525 10 Ho#C4 1st N„ Stk. Yds. N., and Tootle-Lacy N„ St. Mountain View Bank of Mountain View i M. L. Landrum 8 Howell P15 783 Jun’34Stmt 80-683 d®»lS’04 11 N. Stk. Yds N„ N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.: 1st N. St. L.; 1st N„ West Plains. Peoples Bank________»tlT0 Jun’34Stmt 80-684 23 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co , St. L. N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. aMt. Vernon.. 1342 First National Bank..®»l'30 8 Lawrence 08 Jun’34Stmt 80-1774 10 1st N., St. L.; 1st N„ Un. N„ Kan. C. Napoleon____ 131 Napoleon Bank____ d«JS’02 8 Lafayette 07 Jun’34Stmt 80-1122 Produce Ex., Kan. C. Nashua______ 126 Bank of Nashua......... ®tS’05 10 Clay F6 Jim’34Stmt 80-1124 1st N. and Stk. Yds. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Plattsburg. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. ‘Neosho_____ 4485 10 Newton P6 BANK OF NEOSHO Jun’34Stmt 80-225 d®»t|’84 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C. and St. L. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jim’34Stint 80-227 v MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / d®T»t’02 (.FEE IN ADVAN A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere (.MISSISSIPPI f \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / cqc UbJU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND COUNTY. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District • vlem.A.B.A '‘New §cstaieTPrlv tMem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Vice-President. ‘Nevada_____ 7448 First National Bank____t’89 F. H. Glenn_____ R. L. Ward in. 10 Vernon L6 Jun’34Stmt 80-116 Nevada Trust Company C. H. Howard, J. A. Fryer. Jun’34Stmt 80-117 d®T5'18! Ch. of Bd. and Pre». THORNTON NATIONAL BANK » Jun'34Stmt 80-115 Z. A. LOGAN_ _ _ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSOURI—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. W. Swearingen... J. R. Rinehart ___ Capital $ Liabilities. (.In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Und.Prot. Other Cash,Ex. Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Reserves bilities fromBks ties counts ties 100 8 4 S 1,041 $ 100 !$ 1,245 S 326 8 E. M. GeorgeGrace E. Parke .... Howard H. L. Hamer J. M. BALE....... 50 100 $ 55 1 181 1 233 1 869 98 1,123 446 Incl Und. Prof.) 15 3 1 109 128 56 $ New Frankllnl210 Exchange Bank_____ ®t§’27 Webb S. Alsop. 8 Howard G12 Jun’34Stmt 80-1762 James Wissman... 20 10 3 99 132 56 Ethel Clabaugh__ 25 6 Fred Smith______ C. S. Buchanan-__ Robt. Meyer____ 50 10 Newtown____ 284 Farmers Bank______ dtS’19 J. L. Tucker_____ F. J. Miller............ C. B. Holt________ J. Jas. Vinson.__ 8 Sullivan B10 Jun’34Stmt 80-1623 25 4 10 Fritz Herding___ C. L. Painter___ N. B. Williams ... W. L. Boehmer... G. H. Cope______ D. G. Hackamack— Nlangua_____ 253 Citizens State Bank........t§'07 J. V. Elmore____ D. A. Williams ___ Charles E. Elkins. O. P. Elmore____ 8 Webster Nil .Jun’34Stmt 80-1138 Noel_________ 431 nThe Bank of Noel d®»ti'34 E. A. Schifferli, S. L. Shaw............ E. C. Williams....... M. P. Williams ... 10 McDonald R 6 Jun’34Stmt 80-2507 ! Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. Strathman____ G. D. Viles............. R. H. Viles... J. W. Burton 1 126 510 570 269 67 97 32 5 10 56 781 19 5 10 6 114 10 3 52 1 .......... 130 30 80! 23 147 ^ 2 19 .......... 5 65 27 Tootle-Lacy N. and Am. N., St Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 153 1 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., and 1st N„ St. L. 44 16 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Chillicothe. 22 13 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 91 7 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Un. N„ Springfield. City N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Bk. of Neosho, Neosho. 52 i 316 74 139 74 29 1st N„ St. L. 12 578 154 60 216; 13 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;Com.Tr.Co., Kan. C. 28 43 28 125 146 68 50 5 5 506 Novlnger_____ 846 Bank of Novinger____ t§’32 Marion Shoop, J. E. Novineer ___ Ora E. Novinger .. O. M. Blackorby— Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Adair B12 Jun’34Stmt 80-384 15 Oak Grove........702 Commercial Bank 10 Jackson G7 .Iun’34Stmt 80-638 20 1 26 Tra. Gate City N., Kan. City. R. F. Poynter____ ; .... i . r MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 8 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. 26 267 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66 144 3 A Satisfactory Correspondent N. Stk. Yds. N , N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 42 15 ‘MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 7 212; 30 D. F. Trigg............. T. C. Mabry_____ Harvey Grayson... 25 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., 1st N., and Un. N., Kan. C. 147 d©»t5'07 F. M. Frick- Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; 1st N. and Un. N., Kan. C. 11 2 V. P. and Cash. 49 185 3 NJjPL.BANK IN NO. KANSAS i Nathan Reiger.... E. E. Davidson.... A. E. Keeney, 146 49 60 JlTY— .80-1407 ...dB®»’13! Jun’34Stmt 482 245 181 No. Kansas City 10 Olay G6 2574 11 Pf. 15 4 Normandy.__2500 Normandy State Bank Wm. MacDonald, A. W. Frazier......... Geo. D. Able. H. H. Seib__ 8 St. Louis I 20 ♦ 80-1771 d®«75’29 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cash, and Sec. Jun’34Stmt 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 2 51 20 E. B. Wright......... J. A. Coffman, Sec. ii 40 169 40 Norborne Trust Co...©Tt§’21 T. O. Wright. Ch.of Bd.and Pres. Jim’34Stmt 80-1709 68 Yds., Ill.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.,St. L. Cap. Notes Norborne___ 1190 Citizens Bank.... ..........•t§’95 E. O. Belt. 8 Carroll F6 Jun’34Stmt 80-452 G. D. Viles. Ch. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr„ N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. (Incl. U. S. Bds.) C B. J. Billeter____ New Truxton .76 Farmers Bank_______dS’i 8 Warren H16 Jun’34Stmt 80-1137 39 106 48 .............. New Cambria .360 Bank of New Cambria L. M. Thomas, E. W. Embleton... Sam C. Killam. Jun’34Stmt 80-1787 d»75’33 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 8 Macon D12 New Haven.__876 nCitizens Bank............... t§’34 W. F. Eimbeck. 8 Franklin 117 Jun’34Stmt 80-559 171 $ (Incl. U. S. Secur.) d <'69 D OLDEST OLDEST BANK 1 IN VERNON COU NTT. .Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. NewHamptou.449 First State Bank ___ ®»t§'28 J. G. Wilson, F. O. Peasley... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Harrison B 7 Jun’34Stmt 80-731 709 8 Principal, Correspondents. Re sources 135 15 i ..... _____ 1st N., St. L. 4 67 7 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Drov. N., and Un. N., Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere V MISSISSIPPIy \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given MISSOURI—Continued ■ Town and county. • Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •County Seats. Fig, under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Fed. Res. District. O’Fallon.............594 8 C. CALFEE. . . . . . . . . 1 BANK OF ODESSA....... *1S 80 J. BANK OF O’FALLON ) Ch.of Bd.andPrea. Jun’34Stmt 80-418 St. Charles H19 Jun’34Stmt 80-574 Vice-President. J. F. Ferris______ H. E. Allison____ Oak Hill______ 300 8 Crawford K16 Jun’34Stmt 80-1143 8 Lafayette G 8 President. f E. A. KEITHLY. MARTIN LIABILITIES. Cashier. Le Roy Leezy-------- Carrie Leezy it Orrlck. 8 «• Osborn 1 ? 38 $ 12 $ 12 776 888 228 4 151 190 45 141 54 5 Loans Other & Dis Recounts sonroes $ 67 41 13 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Boatmen’s N., St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 53 74 14 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 84 21 61 2 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 234 266 98 23 125 6 Am. N. and 1st N., St. Jo. 199 229 60 35 156 13 25 9 106 15 15 20 ii 18 5 A. G. Gattermeir— H. P. Allee, 24 R. S. Hornecker, A. Cash, and Sec. 14 118 16 1st N„ St. Jo. 125 18 Cont. Ill.N.Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 80 13 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 104 10 IstN., Plattsburg; IstN., Kan.C.jAm. N.,St. Jo. 124 105 8 Mtle.-Com.Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N. and Tin. N„ Kan. C., Mo. Pf. 7 20 W. C. Williams.... Jun’34Stmt 80-740 30 2 102 2 7 183 210 19 Ethel M. Brasher 20 Citizens Exchange Bank.t$’90 Jun’34Stmt 80-739 V. N. Remley, Ch. 331 Bank of Oshnrn 1 J. R. Byers IT S Offutt 636 1 Cash, and Sec. W. P. Schulte ___ & Tr. 16 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C.; 1st N„ St. L. 10 B. O. Hemmersmeyer 4 Mtle.-Com. Bk. Co., St. L. 643 25 $ 17 ? Principal Correspondents . 1 MARCUS HENKE- - - - N. 1. SCHWENDEMAN GHAS.SCHWENDEMAN nZook & Roecker State Bank Guy Cummins, Jun'34Stmt 80-512 *§’34 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. •• 24 $ 50 S Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 80-513 Ray G7 i 3 50 George Lehmer, <• 10 i S Totals Resources. Cashji. D.S.Sov. Other & Due Securi Securi IromBks ties ties dB®*t§’03 ) Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. send 15c wit h each sioht draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Olean_________ 160 Miller Co. Exchange Bank 8 Miller J13 Jim’34Stmt 80-1147 d«t5'89 Holt 04 (In Thousands of Dollars) Other Dud.Prof. Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia bilities Reserves WALTER POWELL — F Henry Wehde, Jr. Old Monroe...271 Bank of OldMonroe__ *25 06 W. H. Dyer. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Lincoln H19 Jun’34Stmt 80-1146 10 ASS’T CASHIER. d+5'83 Ira James_________ J. W. Johnson___ 10 De Kalb D6 Jun’34Stmt 80-791 8 St. Clair L8 Johnson-Lucas Banking Co. Mrs. Lula L. Linney T. H. Whitaker.... Mrs. Augusta H. Graham, •Jun’34Stmt 80-479 B®§’95 Wm. O. Lucas, Ch. Chas. H. Green 8 Sullivan B10 Osgood Banking Co____ t5'98 G. M. Anderson__ J. A. Caldwell . Jim’34Stmt 80-1150 98 10 27 227 264 54 10 20 271 301 64 1 5 2 105 133 32 14 2 78 7 Live Stk. N„ Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Chillicothe. 10 7 103 130 46 2 4 57 21 1st N., St. L. and Kan. C.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 3 225 295 91 3 198 3 Union N., Springfield; Inter-State N.,Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 58 72 38 96 A. J. Hitt Cash, and Sec. Jas. M. Smith, Cash, and Sec. Cap. Notes 20 10 Ottervllle 421 Bank of Otterville—-®»t§’94 G. W. Harlan, H. R. Starke Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Cooper 111 Jun’34Stmt 80-1151 / 41 — •Ozark. 8 8X5 Christian P10 .. » MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ ) S5. ■■ * t %,U (LYMAN J. KERR — J. EMMETT KERR— JOHN S. TAYLOR— 0. C. LEONARD—- ) Oldest and Larg est Bank, t§'86 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si gbt draft for pres entatlon. and CHRISTIAN COUNTY BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-571 . -* 26 125 CENTS for e acb credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention. 35 Ozark Savings Bank—®J§'06 E. A. Harrington.. Chas. Rathbun____ D. F. Hedgpeth... B. L. Hedgpeth... Jun’34Stmt 80-573 10 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis < Cap. Notes 4 (With MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 25 9 Union N„ Springfield. Surp.) For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Ranke kers Ass’n. cqo Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A. «New 5State tPriv. Liabilities. •County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts-T-Trust B-Bonc Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Pacific_______ 1456 Citizens Bank. 8 Franklin J19 Marion D16 Jul’34Stmt 80-1793 Cashier. Vice-President. 15 $ ®t§’34 G. V. Saflarrans... J. F. Wilson______ Van B. Wilson .... (CLARENCE EVANS- T. A. McGEE.......... \ I H. 25 .. R. B. Spronl____ Jun’34Stmt 80-493 6. WARREN VIRGINIA NEWTON - 8 Ralls F15 5 i 50 15 20 Id 20 5 3 128 25 5 2 82 14 $ 56 $ 59 33 31 $ 138 $ 11 142 12 1st N. and Boatmens N., Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 261 110 22 (With Surp.) 533 % 72 402 ®»t§’82 Henry H. Green__ Joseph S. Nalle—„ O. O. Minter______ R. A. Dtz, Sec. ___ 270 43 St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Bk. of Wash., Wash. 6 Hannibal N„ Hannibal; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 48 1st N„ St. L. 1 3 137 70 361 114 65 49 225 28 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1stN.,St.L.; N. Stk.Yds. N.,N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 47 59 14 186 Com. Tr. Co., St. ¥ds. N„ and 1st N., Kan. C„ Mo. 24 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. Jo.;N.8tk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Inter-State N.and City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 141 131 697 81 481 ........... ' E. P. Schug_______ PERRY STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-549 238 A Strong Bank, offering an efflcle nt Personal Send ce. Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Peculiar______ 227 Cass County Bank____dtl‘02 J. M. Knight.......... H. M. Davis............. G. O. Bishop Jun’34Stmt 80-1166 10 Cass 16 Perry_________ 976 277 3 D. E. Waterston... Lamar Dtterback.. Malone Gill d®*t5’28 M. T. Gill, Ch.of Bd. 9 | 1651 54 iu| .......... 275 306: 103 42 560 7021 272 5 87 11 163 79 75 272 84 27 Notes 24 rW. •Perryvllle ___ 2964 8 Perry M22 ----- — «• Fiist National Bank d®»t’19 Jun’34Stmt 80-1614 — Home Trust Company Jun’34Stmt 80-388 d®T»tS'09 Pejely________274 Bank oi Pevely________ tl’07 8 Jtfflersuu K<>0 Jun’34Stmt 80-1158 Pickering_____ 316 Bank ot Pickering.--®»tS’07 10 Nodaway A5 Jun'34Stmt 80-1161 Piedmont.......... 916 Bank ot Piedmont.. d,t1'02 $ Wayne 019 Jun’34Stmt 80-469 Pierce City ...1135 First National Bank 8 Lawrence P7 H. R. PHILLIPS - Jun’34Stmt 80-328 A E- D0EHR............. “bum, 50 50 4 d®»«'91 ) OLDEST AND STRONGEST BA NK IN PERRY C OUNTY I „ E. URBAN......... JOHN TLAPEK____ BARK OF PERRYVILLE Jun’34Stmt 80-386 C. E. Kiefner, W. Huber J. F. Meier.. J, E. Washer Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. L. Robb. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. M. Luna........... M. F. Robb. J. F. Geile, Sec.__ Cleta A. Govro, K. H. Biehle,A. Sec. A. Sec. 25 8 6 211 250 59 50 15 3 172 242: 42 49 66 11 10 . E. C. Berryman.. . D.W. Robb C. W. Lee per_____ 10 1 4 (With 25 5 108 122: 28 283 321 46 Surp.) 3 .......... 7 22 Cap. Notes S. J. Douthitt, T. S. Waddell____ A. J. Forsythe____ E. T, Bcroyd_____ d®T»t'92 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. H. A. Moore H. A. Seltsam__ _ 78 161 31 62 81 154 2 Mtle.-Com. Bk. Co.. St. L. 39 Mtle.-Com. Bk. Co., St. L. 6 1st N„ St. L. •• Pilot Grove Bank....d®M,84 ■ R. A. Harriman, Jun’348tmt 80-633 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Pine Lawn. 8 St.Louis 120 •Plnevllle. A?.?. 10 McDonald OR .200 8 Texas N13 •Platte City .587 10 Platte F5 Plato. MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Pine Lawn Bank... d®*t5’20 ♦ 80-1693 Jun’34Stmt McDonald County Bank tS’97 Dec’33Stmt 80-1162 Bank oi Plato_________ t}07 Jun’34Stmt 80-1 IRS Wens Bank of Platte City Jim’34Stmt 80-594 »t§’34 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O. M. Shepherd__ Beulah Goode___ 13 1 345 20 7 1 131 174 149 182 5 1 1st N„ St. Jo. 49 4581 97 55 137 31 ............. 22 114 2> 68 156 13 Kan. C.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. Itle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St. L.; 3d N., Sedalia. 1 . 34 Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. liss. Valley Tr. Co , St. cZb, 20 J. B. Elliott, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Arthur Pierce Elliott Arnoldy__ Thomas Francis. L. R. Smith............ Hubert Lamb_____ A. P. Smith 10 R. B. Tilley______ Otto McLaughlin .. W. L. Tilley______ Grace L. Tilly____ Chris. A.Skillman, Jas. H. Hnll______ W. G. Wells____ Ch. of Bd, and Bres, 30 Sec. (Cap. Acct.) Florence M. Stapp. Pf. 5 18 243: 1 34' 294 81 87 L. 5 10 10 10 2 2 E 60! ! ej 13 81 101 16 12 200 229 85 20 Pf. 15 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS & Tr. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 50 15 & Tr. io Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., Notes _____ Hannibal N. and Far. & Merch., Hannibal; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. Gty.Tr. Co., N. Y.; Coat. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Special attentl on given Bill of Lading drafts, Ca sb and Time Ite ms. V. Please send 15c wit h each sioht draft for presentation and 25 H. F. Guemmer___ E. R. Hu her. Mary C. Frioux.... Arthur Guemmer.. Pilot Grove....654 Citizens Bank________ JS’13 Wm, H. Deck......... 8 Cooper Hll Jun’34Stmt 80-1428 •• Principal Correspondents. Cash.Ei. D.S.Gov. Other Loans | Other 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis | Re fromBks ties ties counts sources Totals d®»t5'85 \Please send 15c wit h each sight draft for ■presentation and 25c far Credit Reports. Pattonsburg._ 1009 Pattonsburg Sav. Bank Daviess C7 3 * 70 Pauline Brayton Parkvllle______ 636 Farmers Exchange Bank O. P. Breen............ E. N. Breen . .... E. J, Breen 10 Platte F5 Jim’34Stmt 80-1293 ®*tSTl 8 15 $ 10 Cap. Notes ' 10 PARIS SAVINGS BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-427 % A. C„ Sec., and Tr. •Parts________ 1367 Paris National Bk...d®»t'71 J. E. Deaver, M. E. Buerk______ J. L. Krnmmel 8 Monroe F14 Jun’34Stmt 80-426 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. “-------- " Und.Proi. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities Ass’t Cashier. O. W. Arcnlarius.. E. A. Roemer_____ Palmyra_____ 1967 nPalmyra State Bank 8 President. James Booth____ L. P. Brennan____ John J. Mauthe__ A R. Leber. Jun’34Stmt 80-434 Paciflr Bank .......... Jun’34Stmt 80-433 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. In Thousands of Dollars ) Resources. MISSOURI—Continued 37 Bk. of Neosho, Neosho. 71 43 70 11 Yds., Ill. st N. and Com. Tr., Kan. C.; IstN., Leav.; lstN. and Burnes N„ St. Jo. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere £QQ U37 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under tbe anthority of Tbe American Bankers Ass'n. Town and 0»v*tt. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Bes. Dtst. • Vlem.A.B.A. nNew|8t»te tPrn tMen. SUte B. Ass’n. [fctab. ♦Fsd. Re*. D«pt»-T-Trust B-Bond d-8afe Deposit ® Savings FIRST RATIONAL BANK d®*2’90 (In Thousands of Dollars) Liabilities. President. ‘Plattsburg.. 1072 Clinton County Trnst Co. L. M. Atchison. 10 Clinton E6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1563 d®Til’17 Jun’34Stmt 80-890 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Vice-President, R. A. Shoemaker H. B. BILEY- - - - - - - - N. T. PORTER----- Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Capital Fred Williams-__ H. L. Blggerstaff .. 8 Other 0nd.Prof. Lia Surplus and or Deposits ReBe ms bilities 50 $ Pleasant HII1.8330 Citizen* State Bank. ...dil’33 Wm. C. Knorpp, J. R. Knorpp____ G. D. Freund____ A. C. Morton...... 10 Cass H7 Rice Brannock,Sec. Ch. ofBd, and Pres, Jun’34Stmt 80-324 165 463 $ 50 100 J. R. FUNKHOUSER. t 5 8 Totals S 08 Resources. Gash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi fromBks ties ties 227 S 49 $ 25 $ Loans & Dis counts 25 $ 112 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. N., St. Jo. 65 Live Stk. N., Chi.; IstN., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N„ St. Jo.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 8 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 734 184 233 252 25 286 323 67 44 204 A. L. Gosch______ T. B. Byram-------Claude Henden, 26 Pf. 25 336 391; 177 10 191 M. T. Prater_____ J. W. Adams____ E. J. Adams_____ F. P. Slagle--------J. W. Adams, CA. of Bd. Polk. ..50 Bank of Polk_____ .—»'08 W. H. McPheeters, W. B. Payne___ T. N. Payne____ Mittie Pitts. Sec— 0 PolkMIO Jun’34Stmt 80-1168 CA. of Bd. and Pro*. Pollock______ 202 Farmers Bank_____ .-•il’08 I. T. Page. Ray Leman......... W. A. Hawkins— A. L. Glidewell ._ 0 Sullivan Bll Jun’348tmt 80-817 10 124 1521 18 1 119 Pleasant Hill Bank. d®t5’34 George Gosch___ D. L. Lain_____ Jun’34Stmt 80-325 Godfrey Kircher W. S. Swift. Ch. Sec. Pleasant Hope. 200 Pleasant Hope Bank 0 PolkNIO Jun’34Stmt 80-1185 Polo. .584 Farmers Bank____ .d*il'U2 9. R. Arnote____ R. F. Thompson__ J.G. Withers------ K. R. Hauser— 0 Caldwell E7 Jun’34Stmt 80-697 B. Zimmerman E. L. ABINGTOM — G- L. SARACIN!fM. C. HORTON. mm „ Ch.ofBd.andPres. •Poplar Bluff. 7551 BANK OF POPLAR _ I Butler Q20 Jun’34Stmt 80-124 dB®»H'88 | OLDEST AND L ABGEST BANK I N BUTLER COU Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ^Please send 15c wi th each eight draft fo r presentation and 5 Qc for Credit Report ill™ |J. 6. C0RRI8AN — JOS. ASNCROFT— P. 8. HAYS- - - - - - - - __ANK OF U. HEARNE FF~. 80-126. .d®iioi l PEE IN ADVAN 3EQ. CE: Stght drafts, 15c minimum; 25e Jun’ Stmt Portagevllle ..1202 Farmers Bank___ I New Madrid R23 Jun’34Stmt 80-015 .Reliable Credit Reports, 25c. T BY US. minimum .©•tl’05 Sam Pikey----------- W.V. Conran------- R. D. Ellington— Mary M. Secoy.— W. R. Secoy Portland_____ 200 Bank at Portland.____•ii’89 C. 8. Garrett. 8 Callaway L15 Jun’348tmt 80-1170 •Potosl______ 127# 0 Washington L18 tUBP—r charge if WASHINGTON COUNTY COM MERCIAL BANK—d®*2S 34 Jun’34Strot 80-590 , Ch. O. A. Binggeli------ D. O. Gilman------- Ottilie Bridges. R. A. Davis J. A. Garrett W.J. EVANS. W. F. BOND. J„ Cash, and Sec. IWP-j 33 49 j 13 33 10 101 115 68 39 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N„ St. L. 131 (Jn. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Princeton State Bank Fred Bedard_____ J. R. Buren_____ J. T. Robbins. Jun’34Stmt 80-417. d®tl'S0 Purdln_______ Ml Bank of Purdin_______ 2|’94 T. M. Sayers_____ J. M. Cornett------- H. G. Johnson.. Jun’34Stmt 80-801 0 Linn CIO Purdy______ .438 First National Bank _d*2’03 A. M. Gurley, Malone Cox. 8 Barry Q8 Jun’34Stmt 80-1175 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (With Surp.) 26 150 I 43 57 1,065 247 88| 119 536 75 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ 1 Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: IstN., Memp. 210 245 827 70! 62 j 518 790! 127 42: 369: 189 IN. City, N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co and 1st N., St. L. 26 25! 10! 331 391 118 9U 40 132 10|Mtle.-Com.Bk.&Tr. Co. ! and 1st N., St. L. 20 30; 196 251 j 651 25! 82 440 503' 99! 35! 261 4list N„ St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Calloway B., ; Fulton. 261 Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and Mtle.-Com. Bk & Tr. 1 Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. 1 N.. N. Stk. Yds.. III. 10 131 1671 10 210 270 j 35 168 230! 77 22! 196 263! 58 185! 48 1501 paid. 50 82! Save time and r et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send jlng TRY| US. FEE IN ADVAN CEi Plain sight drafts, 15e: Credi t Reports, Me. •Princeton ...1509 FarmersState Bk..d®T*i5'22 J. E. Fuller, W. A. Constable .. Perry P. Coon, Gerald N. Martin . Cash., Sec., and Tr, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 80-489 I Mercer C9 50 A. B. Hoover__ 25 C. H. Tribble. A, Cash, and Sec. 32! Bert Catron_____ Raymond Brite. 50 32| 3! 102 25!! MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 11 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 14 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Citiz. Spring, field. Mo. 3 Union N., Springfield. 10 Powersvtlle__ 285 Farmers Bank___ ____ t|'99 Carl S. Allen____ John 8. Boland— G. P. Allen_.------ Oscar Norman — Jun’34Stmt 80-714 0 Putnam A10 A Satisfactory Correspondent ! Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources 4!.......... 104 18! Marshall N., Unionville; Stk. Yds. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 20 181 23 Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Kan. C. 24 90 17 Drov. N. and Un. N., Kan. C. 46 140 19 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.: City Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Am. N., St. Jo. 34 63 40 Union N., Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere k MISSISSIPPI / \ valley / \ TRUST/ Town and County. •Mem. A.B.A. wNew §State t Priv.: ___ __ PRESIDENT. Liabilities. VlCE^PRESIDENTt } 1 'r'" (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Loans Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other LiaTotals & Due Securi- Securi- & Disbilities counts fromBks ties ties ........... Ravenwood.__336 Platte Valley Bank .d®t5’04 Isaac A. Barton___ G. H. Null................ Fay H. Casteel, F. W. Null. 10 Nodaway B6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1179 Cash, and Sec. 10 $ 5 166 3 Gulin________236 Bank of Qulin_________ JS’12 J./A. Hefner.__ ... Charles Penney— Irvin Waller_____ 8 Butler R21 Jun’34Stmt 80-1399 4* ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trustjl-Bond Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Sav Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 206 35 B ay mond vllle .128 Bank of Raymondville..+5’13 J. E. Richardson, A. O. Hobbs............ J. S. King 8 Texas 015 Jun’34Stmt 80-1290 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, 10 23 1 Raytown____ 500 Raytown Bank........... d®tS’10 H.T. Grubb. 10 Jackson H6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1181 20 10 1 J. L. Cox____ ____ Andrew Smith. Reeds Spring..313 Shepherd of the Hills Bank L. S. Shumate, R.H. Sharp._____ C. D. Jenkins____ Hazel Morrill____ Jun’34Stmt 80-1616 •tS’lfl Ch.of Bd.andPres, 8 Stone Q9 Republic .......... 841 8 Greene 09 Tryant.__ $ % 10 \V. P. Anclerfon^ Revere................ 182 Bank of Revere...........dt§’09 C. I. Thome________ O. L. Riley............. 8 Clark A15 Jun’34Stmt 80-1188 R. N. Nelson, June I. Thome.. Rhineland____ 194 Farmers Savings Bank..tJ'10 B. H. Eldringhoff. 8 Montg'ry 116 Jun’34Stmt 80-846 Henry Grotewiel. J. E. Meritt______ Rich Fountain 300 Rich Fountain Bank__ t5’13 John Klebba. 8 Osage J15 Jim’34Stmt 80-1401 Herman Fick, Sr. Frank Rndrofl H. J. Fick.. Rich Hill____ 2118 Security Bank...___ d®t§’31 J. P. Klumpp. 10 Bates K6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1775 W. G. Myerley___ R. W. Trefz. 146 109 8 3 177 67 6 125 21 110 39 17 Raymore___ _222 Bank of Raymore—d«t§’95 Morris Huxtable.. G. H. Allen............ S. E. Dowden.......... C. G. Webb............... 10 Cass H6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1180 R. A. Simeral, Sec. — Cap. Notes ! 5 14 20 10 20 Alphonse Fick .... Geo. Holtschneider 25 Richland_____ 945 Pulaski County Bank W. C. Cowan........... E. K. Morgan_____ H. E. Warren, Jr.. H. R. Cowan 8 Pulaski L13 Jun’34Stmt 80-552 d®»«’89 18 3 1st N„ Kan. C. 95 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1st N., St. L.; Union N., Springfield; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 22 31 3 151 ........... 1 58 16 2 34 277 329 61 3 $ 109 143 8 219 2521 55 Union N., Springfield. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.; State Cent. Sav. and Keokuk N., Keo kuk. 1st N„ St. I,.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 117 138 1 7 126 56 80 31 78 432 72 10 52 232 Mtle.-Com. Bk.&Tr. Co., St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.; Un. N., Springfield. 302 1st N. and City Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ St. L. Notes 31 •Richmond__ 4129 Bkg. House of J.S. Hughes Burnett Hughes .. F. R. Duncan. 8 Ray F8 & Company.80-222 ._®t§’59 22 Am. N., St. Jo. 88 194 Cap. Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Poplar Bluff, Poplar Bluff. Union N., Springfield. 25 10 Ch. of Bd Principal Correspondents. 34 > i/ or*, o"Bryant ___ Other Re- I Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. : 700 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1st N., Kan. C. R. B. Hughes. H. S. Hughes. 50 20 121 470 552 182 33 B. W. Dunn, C. E. Brown. 50 25 7 833 915 157 179 144 403 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; Com. Tr. and 1st N., Kan. C. A. F. Gloriod........... Geo. E. Maness__ J. E. Godat_______ 10 10 3 52 75 16 7 2 47 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Ridgeway____ 676 Farmers National Bank.»t’25 P. F. Emry_______ H. A. Rinehart.__ H. F. McGill_____ D. A. Leazenby.__ 8 Harrison B8 Jun’34Stmt 80-565 25 139 169 50 49 1 56 Am. N„ St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Rocheport____ 455 Rocheport Bank--------- «t5’68 G. W. Hill............. ... iJ. W. Boggs___ Jim’34Stmt 80-743 8 Boone H12 30 8 227 40 4 173 Mtle.-Com. Bk.&Tr. Co., St. L.; Boone Co. Tr. Co., Columbia. C. C. Cline Jun’34Stmt Exchange Bank...........d®5’87 W. F. Yates............. H. B. Smith.. Jun’34Stmt 80-224 Rlchwoods__160 8 Wash’ton K8 ^MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Bank of Rich woods Jun’34Stmt 80-1190 dt§T0 D. W. Doyen, Ch. of Bd. and Pres A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cash, and Sec. G. C. Young 30 10 149 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 701 /V1 town and county. | »Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State fPriv. | ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond i Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings ♦Rockport___ 1162 10 Atchison A3 BANK OF PRTrmTww'r r RESIDENT. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 1 In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Liabilities. Other Ond.Prof | Cash,Ex. U.S.&ov. Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Re bilities Reserves fromBks ties ties counts sources GEO. W. B0ETTKFR GEO. I.IEASING— -JOYCE R. BAILEY— $ AUSTIN MrMIPUAn r.h nf Rd Oldest Bank in Atchison County. 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and d‘tS’71 25 CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attention. (With 40 $ 30 Surp.) $ 628 $ 698 $ 199 $ “ CITIZENS BANK " 26 $ 4an $ 35 1st N., Chi.; TootleLacy and Am. N., St. Jo.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 46 1st N., Stk. Yds. N.,and Am. N., St. Jo.; Drov. N. and Com.Tr.,Kan. C.; Stk. Yds. N.,Oma. (Incl. U. S.) ATCHISON COUNTY Jun’34Stmt 80-487 JOS. DHRFEE______ 20 20 $ JNO. T. WELLS........... J. E. DURFEE---------- JAS. F. GORE. Jr.... JNU. T. WELLS, Sec. (Cap. Uneqiualed facilities for making collections. Notes 30) Prompt attention to all Banking matters entrusted to U s. «t5’87 pleat* tend 15c with each tight droit for presentation and 25c for Credit Reportt. 5 404 479 173 260 83 102 17 72 748 315 OF ATCHISON CO. Jun’34Stmt 80-488 Rogersvllle dfil Citizens Bank ..... 8 Webster Oil Jun’34Stmt 80-716 .I§’0<) F. M. Kessinger... W. L. Rush............... W. T. Breedlove... Florence Barnard.. 10 ‘Kolia.................3670 R0LLA STATE BANK-d<S 94 A. C. Donnan_____ H. A. Buehler____ E. D. Williams___ F. A. Germann.... 8 Phelpi LI5 Jun’34Stnit 80-289 E. J. Campbell 40 Rosendale____ 322 Farmers State Bank___»t5’21 George Fothergiil. M. H. Leweilen___ R. S. Mickey 10 Andrew C5 Jun’34Stmt 80-1195 ■••••• 40 21 647 — 21 10 Union N., Springfield. 56 nase in., in. i .; ivus Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 1 355 9 113 6 Am. N„ St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 95 8 1st N„ Chi.; Drov. N„ Kan. C. 96 Am. N„ St. Jo.; Un. N., Kan. C. Ex. N„ Jefferson City; N. Stock Yds. N„ N.Stock Yds., Ill. 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., St. L. 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. (Incl. H. O. L. C.) 20 5 8 179 222 80 14 10 30 6 4 102 142 34 5 10 (With Surp.) 101 121 20 244 85 28 127 Cap. Notes RothvIUe 183 Bank of Rothville______ tS 04 S. A. Richeson, H. M. Carpenter.. Lee Clair_________ Jean M. Clair.......... 8 Chariton Ell Ch. ofBd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 80-1196 -- •- Principal Correspondents. Rusbvllle 2gs Rushville State Bank...t§’03 A. B. Jones_______ W. W. Harvey____ G. S. Duncan______ 10 Buchanan E4 Jim'34Stmt 80-1198 F. M. Venable. Sec. 10 Russellville___ 313 Community Bank—.d®t8’34 Geo. H. Wyss, C. S. Glover............. Archie Stark_____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 ColeJIS Aug’34Stmt 80-1199 15 Pf. 15 3 25 Cap. Notes 25 25 5 7 119 181 60 23 41 57 9 3 147 179 38 47 79 15 25 Pf. 20 3 346 82 25 193 42 10 4 116 6 56 15 67 (hid. U. S. Secur.) 18 296 6 Un. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 151 25 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 20 102 15 1st N„ Kan. C.;Cent.N„ Carthage ;lst N„Joplin. 57 10 1st N„ St. L.; Joplin N., Joplin. 137 11 Am. N. and St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 77 1st N„ St. L. and Kan.C. ‘Salem 2260 Bank of Salem............. ....dS’83 H. A. Young, B. B. Bennett____ Homer Coiner Ch. of Bd.and Pres. 8 Dent M16 Jun’34Stmt 80-369 I Dent County Bank —dtf’94 Louis Dent, Elizabeth B. Dent. E. R. Bent.. . Ch, of Bd, and Pres, H. A. Bennett Jun’34Stmt 80—370 .. First National Bank.d®«t'05 J. W. Hughes........... W. E. Rudd . Jun’34Stmt 80-371 •• E. F. Dent................ W. C. Whitmire... Helen Elmer J. A. Underwood.. Jiin’34Stmt 80-372 Salisbury___ 1768 Salisbury Savings Bank J. W. Ingram........ B. C. Jackson......... 8 Chariton Fll Jun’34Stmt 80-365 ®»t5'96 Traders Bank_______ ®t§’13 Jun’34Stmt 80-1485 Sarcoxle...........1017 FIRST NATIONAL Jun'34Stmt 80—445 10 Jasper P7 BANK 60 (Incl. Und. Prof.) 14 10 30 0. J. Huber W. E. Sutter______ R. C. Sweeney____ A. T,. Rutter 204 3 285 • 7 13 i 194 209 H3 1 435 516 147 193 5 222 28 167 25 217 42 38 94 24 3 156 73 G. H. Wild............... J. W. Haggard____ H. H. Page________ Bernard Finn 25 State Bk. of Sarcoxie »t51900 W. T. Saberi............. F. S. Parks............... F. S. Parks_______ Jun’34Stmt 80-446 15 ♦Savannah . 1888 The Home Bank... d®»t§’31 P. A. Carter, D. F. Turner........... Benton Van Horn, Ch, of Bd, and Pres, 10 Andrew C5 Jun’34Stmt 80-1779 Cash, and Sec. 25 Cap. Notes 5 2 366 408 25 2 i 122 150 » ®*tl900 Schell City___ 413 Farmers State Bank d®t5'10 A. F. Coble, Fred Maus_______ W. H. McCaffree.. L. C. McCaffree ... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 10 Vernon L7 1 Jun’34Stmt 80-680 i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 76 ‘ MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS J’ 1 4 31 For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Number under Name of Bank Is tbe New Transit Number given to each bank In C. S exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Banker* Ass*n. 7fi9 /u“ Town and Oountt. ‘County Seats. Pig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist, eMem.A.B.A. "NewgBtatetl'riv. IMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ♦Fed. Res.OeptcT-Trust 8-Bond d-Safe Deposit © 8arings ‘ H »» ♦THIRD rational bank Jun’34Stmt 80-55 d®T«2’83 (In Thousands of Dollars) LIABILITIES. President. Vice-President. ‘Sedalla___ 20,806 *Sedalia Bank & Trust Co. John McGrath ___ 1 Pettis 110 Jun’34Stmt ♦804783 d©T‘J5’32 * Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Capital $ W. R. Courtney, J. E. Norlin. Cash, and Tr. A. Cash, and A. Tr. Dnd.Prof.1 Other Surplus and or \ Deposits Lia Reserves bilities 100 13$ 100 41 JH. R. HARRIS___ J. S. IRENMEMAH-— G. L. HANLEY___ E.P. MILLER______ 50 (Incl. t SEND U8 YOU S BUSINESS FO B PROMPT AND ^i^IInt ser Pf. VICE. Und. Prof.) 61 488 1,273 $ 99 606 1,669 $ 266 ....... 260 $ 420 Loans A Dis counts 134 $ 578 (Incl. 169 $ 24 87 Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources 1 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 558 173 133 17 Chase N., N. YCont. Ill. N. Bk. & tfr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O. 206 $ (Inch U. S. Secur.) U. S. Secur. ♦Union Savings Bank Chas. A. McNeil... F. Gehlken______ H W Mason____ F. J. Lewis______ 16 390 Jun’34Stmt 80-58 d®*$l’18 G. E. Montgomery W. I. Kell, Sec. M •• ' Sedalia Clearing House____ H. R. Harris.... W. R, Courtney, !(See pa ges 61- 62-63 f orNum ber of (Members indicated by a*) See. Dep ositsby Cities, States, etc.) Sdlgman_____450 Bank of Seligman____ «t|’06 F. E. Fawver____ J. M. Fawver......... O, O. Fawver W.A. Stapleton . . 1 128 1 Barry R8 Jun'348tmt 86-821 ) Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 145 42 22 53 19 9 Boatmen’s N„ St. L.; 1st N„ Monett. 137 38 11 3 72 13 231 21 4 167 39 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Joplin N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Joplin; Un. N., Kan. C. Union N., Springfield. 485 667 112 151 34 247 23 Mnfrs. Tr., N. Y.; Dro vers N„ Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. 167 190 85 27 6 69 3 1st N., St. L.; Hannibal N„ Hannibal. O. J. Donaldson... R. J. Wise hart__ 59 76 30 10 4 25 6 8heldon State Bank.d®tl’U S. B. Beeay, W. A. Higgins____ R.J. Holmes_____ T. O. Willhite___ Jun’34Stmt 80-1300 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 126 142 76 « 47 8 Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N„ St. L. 1st N„ Nevada; 1st N. and Drovers N., Kan.C. 105 129 48 12 1 63 5 2,458 713 854 586 150 155 Seneca 1063 State Bank of Seneca.d©§*28 P. H. Buzzard____ W. D. Hinton____ S. L. Hughes____ 10 Newton Q6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1203 ✓ , JR. E. MCMAHAN... J. E. JENNINGS. Seymour____ 681 DARK OH SEYM0VR------- I’to {15 CENTS sent I Webster Oil Jun'34Stmt 80-664 to ns with each s ight draft for pre (.25 CENTS for e aeb credit report insures prompt, Sheffield________ (See Kama« City) 10 Jaekson 06 Shelblna_____1826 Shelbina Bank____d|®*tlT8 J. M. Buckman. H. S. Buckman ___ Jun’34Stmt 80-804 0 Shelby H14 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, Sheldon_____ 456 10 Vernon M6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1204 T. B. Willhite____ 12 13 20 251 | Pf. 17 E. R. MAYFIELD___ 124 58 ....... sentatlon, and personal attentlo R. H. Wailes Mayme Bailey ‘Shelbyvllle... 704 The Citizens Bank__ d»t! 94 E. M. Damrell, W. C. Hewitt_____ J. M. Pickett, Jun’34Stmt 80-615 0 Shelby D14 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Cash, and Sec. ------- " Totals RESOURCES. Gash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other A Due Securi Securi from Bits ties ties Sheridan_____341 Farmers Bank......... .... •ti'K 9. F. Stingley___ J. B. Rah.__ 10 Worth A6 Jun’34Stmt 80-767 60 25 20 10 'Ca :ap. Notes Am. N.,St. Jo. 10 Slkeaton_____5676 BANK OF SIKESTOR _ Chas. D. Matthew*. J. L. Matthews _ C. D. Matthews, 3d A. J. Moore............. 0 Scon P23 Jun 34Stnt 80-187 d®»*l’87 L. E. Allard A. A.Harrison Sllex..................251 0 Lincoln G18 Skidmore_____538 10 Nodaway B4 *8ilex Banking Co____‘tl'34 W. E. Williams. . O. H. Damron____ E. C. Teague------Jun'34Stmt 80 827 Ban k of Skidmore. .®*tl’04 W. S. Linvllle___ Aron Linvllle____ Jun’34Stmt 80-678 100 13 Pf. 12 10 Slater_______ 3478 State Bank of Slater Chas. Bolte______ R. C. Rhoades____ H. Kleine. Jr.____ J. W. Jaques......... 100 0 Saline Oil Jun’34Stmt 80-240 d®*t§’S6 Smlthton... ,*40 Community Bank__ d®ti’19 Ernest Selken___ Tra I,. Smith _ 10 0 Pettis 110 Jun’34Stmt 80-1679 | Cop. Notes 15 .. Smithton Bank...........dltl’91 David White 12 W.T.Wagenknecht k. H- g*9V Jun’34Stmt 80-1205 SmlthvUle.......902 Citizens Bank_____ d©25*31 J. T, Duncan, Act.. W. B. Ecton 10 Olay F6 Jun’34Stmt 80-1780 So. Greenfield.233 Farmers State Bank..d«11,06 T. J. Bishop_____ B. M. Marsh. 0 Dade N8 Jun’34Stmt 80-1206 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..... J. E. Kindred W. L. Ferguson__ 100 28; 5 155 239 153 208 238 61 626 631 152 42! 69 18 (With Surp.) 93 115 33 12 12 51 1 144 163 35 59 22 41 6 6 59 16 Surp.) J 6 67 i MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., St. L.; N. Bk. of Com., Memp. 6 l. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N„ St. L. 3 m. N., Tootle-Lacy N„ and 1st N„ St. Jo.;Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 9 st N., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L.;N.Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 13 Itle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 209 20 (With 10 2,075 32 ___ 85 9 40 62 112 16 369 38 (Ind. Fed. Ag’cy) 100 19 , Li 1" i| OOUdlld • il • DtUvK Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. in. N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C.; Am. N„ St.Jo. inion N„ Springfield; Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere V MISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / <7no * Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 38 Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed Res.Bept«:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings So. St. Joseph 10 Buchanan E4 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of ihls volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. MISSOURI— Continued Oashiek. ass’t Cashier. J. A. GREENFIELD,JR. R. W. SNYDER_ _ _ _ V.L. SOMMERS. ST. JOSEPH STOCK (\. A. VANT__ H. H. M0HLER < ACCOUNTS OF BANKS SOLICI TED. YARDS BANK ) PROMPT AND EFFICIENT COL LECTION SEBVI CE. Capital Liabilities. Other Und.Prof. LiaSurplus and or Deposits bilities Reserves Totals Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other & Due Seouri- SecurifromBks ties ties 21 134 20 12 43 11 Union N., Springfield; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Joplin. 6 Union N., Springfield. 54 11 5 2 31 5 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., HI. 82 109 39 27 7 32 4 Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Boat mens N., St. L. 3 154 197 70 10 14 89 14 Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Kan. C. 100 20 Cap. Notes 190 d®»tS'02 FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, and nal a ttenti on. >. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, perso 1,479 33 1,822 389 74 338 851 170 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Union N„ Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 3 236 86 18 123 9 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.;Tra. Gate C. N„ Kan. C. 1,523 290 260 238 693 42 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 10,782 3,438 2,506 866 3,763 209 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.;lst N., Kan. C. 3,930 $ 2,286 $ So. West City..484 Corner Stone Bank____t§’98 G.M. Nichols____ F. M. Lauderdale.. R. V. Smith_____ Ruth H. Stevenson 10 McDonald R5 Jun’34Stmt 80-721 20 5 1 211 237 71 Sparta________243 Citizens Bank.............—$§’19 J. W. Clemens .... G. W. Gibson____ H. L. Jenkins___ 8 Christian P10 Jun’34Stmt 80-1626 10 6 3 62 81 Speed________ 113 Bank of Speed________ t§’09 D. E. McArthur... E. M. Allee......... . C. H. Mitzel_____ 8 Cooper H12 Jun’34Stmt 80-1208 10 5 Cliff Gentry____ 15 11 1 Lenna M. Keith. 28 12 Jun’34Stmt ♦36-6._d©*t$’98 (.UNEQUALLED SERVICE IN HA NDLING LIVE S W. Fred Wolz___ G. M. Wolz______ Splckard_____ 569 Bank of Spickardsville ®tl’88 8 Grundy By Jun’34Stmt 80-641 Peoples State Bank d®t$’16 G. A. Thompson, S. N. Moore_____ G. F. Ledford__ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 80-1520 R. Heck, A. Sec. ‘CITIZENS BANK 80-14 ‘SOUTHERN MISSOURI TRUST COMPANY ' $ 38 25 Cap. Notes 15 1 192 rW.L. C0WDEH W. L. GARRETT- - - - - - V. H. SIMON. H. A. YATES, 50 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Cap. I A. J. EISENMAYER, 1 Ch.ofBd. 29 15 1,379 100 164 9,618 C. L. V. RandelL— C. A. Davis......... . J. W. Chilton. Jr.. Besides general banking Items an d Collections send us matters requiring person al handling by .men of broad tr ust and banking experience. 80-34 d®T»15’13 1 H. B. MCDANIEL, W A .COON.-_ - - - - - - C. F. KNOX -......... - MAIEL A. RATHI0NE of Bd. and Pres. W.’ S.'PETTIT .. PETT T R. N. GRAY. Auditor E. E. ATCHLEY _____ J. WILSON w. A. COON. Tr. Off. ',,unLC' SAM E. TRIMBLE, L.J. Exec. ViP. F. MC ” Tr P. R, R.F. Me VAY V/ " 300 W. N. HACKNEY HACK Pf. 300 Largest Bank in Southwest Missouri. dB®T*t'99 Special attention paid collection department. 300 Springfield Clearing House Tom Watkins____ W. L. Cowden____ O. J. O’Bryant. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Examiner Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Stanberry ___2029 Commercial Bank____ t§’94 W.H. Miller____ C. L. Enyart____ S. M. Hintley___ J. L. Miller........... 121 20 13 1 10 Gentry B6 Jun’34Stmt 80-313 Cap. Notes 35 Farmers State Bank.d®t§’25 L. O. Grantham... J. F. Miller______ C. S. Berndt_____ P. G. Derks_____ 25 5 3 227 Jun’34Stmt 80-1743 ‘St. Charles.10,491 First National Bank J. A. Schreiber.__ Geo. H. Kuhlmann C. B. Mndd______ A. J. Moerschel... 100 75 29 1,986 100 8 St. CharlesH19 Jun’34Stmt 80-98 d®T«t’63 ST. CHARLES SAVINGS BK. T. C. Bruere______ H. C. Sandfort.... R.E. Schnedler.__ Chas. E. Rechtern. Jun’34Stmt 80-99 d®«I§'67 O. H. Will brand, Ch. of Bd. 100 Pf. 80 Union Savings Bank.d®t8’70 J. F. Rauch______ G. H. Wilke_____ Edw. Schnedler ... Mrs. E. R. Emmons 43 Jun’34Stmt 80-100 Cap. Notes 150 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 743 $ 331 $ Notes 50 ’UNION NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-8 $ S. E.V. WILLIAMS. TOM WATKINS. TOM WATKINS— T. W. WATKINS. Exec. J. H. BILLINGS. v. P. C. 0. SPERRY ♦Farmers & Merchants Bank J. W. Chilton. Jun’34Stmt 80-18 ®t5'03 Jun’34Stmt Principal Correspondents. 27 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. <& Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.; 1st N., Kan. C. 1 150 $ Jun’34Stmt Other Resouroes 543 $ 17 $ 3,412 $ 350 $ ‘Springfield .57,527 8 Greene 010 Loans & Discounts 20 190 58 5 110 17 1st N., St. L.; TootleLacy N., St. Jo. 5 Am. N., St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 64 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 49 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Miss. Valley Tr. Co., and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 35 N. City, N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.and Boatmens N., St. L. 260 68 95 6 86 2,290 342 822 576 486 34 759 993 202 164 325 253 10 631 834 262 72 134 331 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 7H4. t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County ‘County Seats. TMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Sond Fed. Res. Dist d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Cashier. Resources. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Loans Other Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other Other Dnd.Prof. ReCapital Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals A Dne Securi- Seonri- & Discounts sources ties Reserves fromBks ties bilities Ass’t Cashier. St. Clair_____ 1135 Farmers ft Merch. Bank«i{'13 William Casey____ Wm. J. Kramme .. M. W. Stahlman.. Herman Krammp, $ 13 $ A. Cash, and Sec. Cap. 8 Franklin J18 Jun’34Stmt 80-1413 91 $ 20 $ 1 $ 170 $ 7 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr.,St. 90 3 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., 2 S 263 10 6 101 127 21 8 30 5 4 198 237 114 13 H. L. Pantler_____ W. K Operle 20 32 526 83 36 115 185 F. A.Vaeth 20 20 43 806 192 83 227 304 St. Elizabeth.. 175 Bank of St. Elizabeth.t§’14 Henry E. Clark___ J. G. SchwleterJ. A. Luetkemeyer Ida Bode-------------Jun’34Stmt 80-1445 8 Miller K14 mann ID 5 1 71 87 9 2 Stewartsvllle.. 520 First National Bank___«t’89 W. D. Snow............ D. P. Pickett_____ Nell Snow------------ Shelby R. Thornton Jun’34Stmt 80-687 F. A. Gantz 10 De Kalb D6 50 10 i 102 213 39 102 Steedman_____ 45 Steedman Bank____dB*t5’15 C. Rpiler. . Jun’34Stmt 80-1517 8 Callaway 115 Notes 10 10 I,. T). Psynp .. . . Frank Hamer a J. H. Walker.. W. H. Harvey____ Guy H. Bezier, Cash, and Sec. Steele_______ 1219 Bank of 8teeie_______ •Xl’04 P. S. Payne . 8 Pemiscot K24 Jun’34Stmt 80-1210 »Ste. Genevieve Bank of Ste. Genevieve C. W. Meyers-8 Ste.Gene.L212662 Dec’33Stmt 80-345 d®»«'02 Wm. C. Boverie. Henry L.Rozier Bank d*t{'91 Francis J. Rozier.. F. A. Weiler Jun’34Stmt 80-344 H. L. Rozier.__ 1 * $ 359 $ 18 97 289 $ (Incl. Res.) Stewart sville State'05 J. T. Baxter............ J. E. Hovenga____ L. G. Ehlers _____ 723 50 5 81 67 3 W. H. Brauneky— Jas. W. Strouse.— H. C. Mummert ‘AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Vice-President. OASHIEK. Ass’t Cashier. 9 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., 84 111 39 23 2 43 25 5 2 193 225 39 64 60 54 8 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. N. and 1st N„ St. Jo. Yds., Ill. (Buchanan D5) 8(5-3 d®T«t'87 R. I. Bergman____ 1 -(-Bank of North St. Joseph Frank Bergman... F. P. Moskan_____ ® tS'03 36-5 9 (With 15 Principal Correspondents. 147 $ 8,130 $ 2,910 S 1,160 y 15 3 3,827 $ 218 Cent. Han. Bk.& Tr. Co., N.T.; IstN., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Oma. N., Oma. j 180 204 42 3,941 1,109 28 Irv.Tr.Co.,N.Y.; 1st N.and Am. N.. St. Jo. 44 90' 678 911 1,242 7 133 ! 332 384 613 1 Surp.) 1 CHAS. J. CALVIN C. BURNES J.J. WALSH______ 0. F. ROTH.........— SCHENECKER J. W. K0ST 200 150 $ 62 3,391 138 1 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. ****** ) Accounts of Ba nks, Bankers, an d others invited, d®T»t'73 ( Collections and all Banking mat ters entrusted to us receive \ prompt attentl on. ESTABLISH ED 1873. 30 i -(■Drovers ft Merchants Bank Fred H. Eyler......... A. L. Guitar______ J. A. Teresinski__ 36-55 d®»tl'04 100 L. E. Stephenson, Chas. E. Wright__ W. F. Enright ____ R. G. Maxwell, ‘EMPIRE TRUST COMPANY A. Sec. Pf. 100 See. and Tr. Jun 34Stmt ♦ 36-57 d|®T«t{’05 is 1 148 194 51 50 37 1,896 2,183 827 Jun’34Stmt + Farmers ft Traders Bank O. O. Cornelius___ W. G. Fogg.............. C. B. Poteet______ Jun’34Strnt 86-54 d®»t5'03 W. K. Monk. Ch. 15 3 2 166 -.......... 186 64 Farmers State Bank of Inza H. H. Mohler_____ R. W. Snyder_____ G. E. Brumbaugh— Jun’34Stmt 80-1041 d®t{'06 10 5 2 193 210 59 1 First National Bank First State Bank............ First Trust Company..!”" Growers Exchange Bank Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-1736 ®JS'23 + Mechanics State Bank Jun’34Stmt 36-62 d®«i5’14 y. MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / St. Joseph Cl earing House Ass’n Members shown by * Affiliated Bks. by + Send us your collections. Prompt service and reasonable rates guaranteed. Jun’34Stmt Jim’34Stmt Other Re sources County Seat—Pop. 80,935 ! 280 Surp.) $ 7,503 $ Juft’34Stmt 36-53 *BURNES NATIONAL BANK N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 5 (With $ Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 9 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 7 Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Loans ! Cash.Ei. D.S.Gov. j Other Other ! Dnd.Prof.' & Due Securi Securi A Dis Totals Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia counts ties fromBks ties bilities Reserves JOHN W.BROADDUS-R. R. CALKINS—-BEVERLY PITTS— A. H. BANSBACHKENRY KRUG, JR., G. U. RICHMOND J. T. RUTHERFORD $ 200 Ch. of Bd. 107 1st N„ St. L. 15 (Federal Reserve District No. 10) president. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 29 1st N. St. L. and Mem phis, Tenn. 4 Stk. Yds., So. St. Jo.; Am. ST. JOSEPH—Reserve City •Mem.A.B.A.nNew {State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Re».Dept»:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 60 Jun’34Stmt 80-688 St. Johns Station St. Johns Community Bank .T. W. Henry.. (Si. Louis P. 0.) 200 Jun’34Stmt 80-1757 |®5’26 8 St. Louis 120 Principal Correspondents. A See Following Pag See Following Pag See Following Pag F. W. Karrasch.__ (Industrial City Jno. J. Downey----A. B. Duncan. Ch. e e e Ernest Mueller ___ Jennie M. Breit— Russel Wilcox, Sec. P.O.) J.A. Muchenberger H. F. Thomson___ F. P. Downey Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 3 31 44 7 50 8 433 492 83 1 1.......... i 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 1 81 30 3 i 27 58 70 233 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 7 St. Jo. Stk. Yds., So. St, Jo. 101 40 3 Oma. N., Oma.: Am. N. and St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 27 | 9 Burnes N., St. Jo 48 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.: Burnes N. and Empire 1 Tr. Co.. St. Jo.’, Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere i MISSISSIPPI f \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ST. JOSEPH—Cont’d—Reserve City 7A C to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ / U O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State fPriv. tMcm. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. THE “FIRST'’ BANKS 'FIRST NATIONAL d«t’94 Jun’34Stmt BANK Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Capital $ 500 $ 376 $ 5 $ 5,688 $ 50 $ 6,619 $ 1,990 5 2,331 $ 240 $ 1,938 (Incl. Und. Prof.) Other Re sources $ 120 Bank of New York & Trust Co._____ New York Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co.----- ------------ __------------------------- Chicago ercantlle-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. St. Louis F. L. FORD- G. E. PORTER......... ROBT. B. ORR. P. H. HOFFMEISTER. R (J RIDGE Secretary Asst. Secretary M. D. ADAMS. ( With 118 Surp.) 100 2,461 2,679 318 1,007 659 645 50 Guaranty Trust Co-------------------------New York mtinental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co.--------------- -------- --------- ------------ Chicago 498 625 136 122 197 170 Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co._-.New York First National Bank.............................St. Joseph 121 368 422 60 N. City, N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 12 1,096 10 1st N.. St. Jo. 15 31 245 61 - J> Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Am. N., and Burnes N.. St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 3,930 2,286 743 331 543 27 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. 7,178 2,290 1,731 2,083 949 125 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. FIRST STATE BANK 100 25 2 *"5““'—i +FIRST STATE BANK d®»}§’27 Jun’34Stmt forous ms attention alien mm given collections ana and remitted on way Day of Payment. Accounts of Banks, Individuals and Corporations ons solicited. Correspondence Invited. Banking Service—Com“ / merclal—Trust—Savings—Safe Deposit Vaults. 'MISSOURI VALLEY BARTLETT BODER— E. V. KIRKPATRICK- A. P. SCHAFF, TRUST GO. Jun’34Stmt 36-52 Morris Plan Go.-_ Jun’34Stmt 36-64 86-51 36-6 d®»tS'98 (So. Si, Joseph P. O.i 'TOOTLE-LACY NATIONAL BANK Jun’348tmt 56-4 100 30 40 50 50 -------V. L. SOMMERS- - - - - - - ACCOUNTS OF BANKS SOLICITED. PROMPT AND EFFICIENT COLLECTION SERVICE. UNEQUALLED SERVICE IN HANDLING LIVE STOCK PROCEEDS. MILTON TOOTLE, JR.- fRJHJM G. LACY— R. E. WALES.......... F. T. RURRIMILTON TOOTLE, III B ,L*CY f Collections a specialty. . Prompt attention to all banking matters. Correspondence invited. 13 50 675 (Inv. 1,137 19 3 350 431 /A* ' f 522 170 $ 1 150 17 3,412 214 23 6,741 lincl. Und. Prof.) (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States. etc.) Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 1st State. St. Jo.; N. Newark & Essex Bkg. CoNewark; 1st N., St. Jo. Sec. and Tr. W.C. BARTLETT— A. L. BARTLETT. Jr.. J. C. CUTLER. Sec... Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 212 1- 200 Tootle-Lacy N., 1st State, and 1st N., St. Jo. NEGOTIATE F ARM AND CITY LOANS IN MISS OURI, KANSAS AND OK I.AHO MA. A 173 Cert.) dB®T»t’02 (815 Felix St.i 912 c __ 150 St. Joseph Clearing House___ H. H. Mohler......... Bartlett Boder__ W.A. P. McDonald. Mgr.__________ (Members indicated by a* Affiliated Banks by + > Wm. N. Bartlett „ C. E. Mahaffey---- D. C. Bermond, (204 First State Bank Bldg.) 62 ,0' Cap. Cap. Notes BANK ♦ LEO E. KNAEBEL, Sec- ____ P. D. Stinson, Exec. Ohas. F. S I. A. VAKT—........ J.A. Jim’34Stmt 7V.___ / f lw ®T*t§’99 ____©’16 George C. Toel ___ Wm. Albrecht___ E. F. Davis, TV___ J. A. Warner G. L. Toel. + Park Bank ...............®»tl’89 C. L.Wi Jun'34Stmt St. Joseph Clear. House Ass n Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. FIRST TRUST COMPANY G. E. PORTER......... F. L. FORD............... L. A. WALKER.......... W. M. FAIRLEIGH_ _ _ .Iun’34Stmt LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Ond.ProI. Other Loans Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals A Due Securi Securi & Dis Reserves ties bilities from Bks ties counts FIRST NATIONAL BANK F. L. FORD-............ G. E. PORTER -......... J. J MCGUIRE............ M. D. ADAMS— MAX ANDRIANO V. P. MEYER R. E. JONES, JR. +FIRST TRUST COMPANY 1B©T«t§’09 Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ‘l _ ___ MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere ST. LOUIS—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given U. 8. exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 706 eacb bank ^ LIABILITIES. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Vice-President. President. American Exchange Natl. Bk. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Armin Pfisterer.. O. E. Ohl................ Capital in St. Louis----------------- d®«’33 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. O. G. Chapman Jun’34Stmt 4-111 (6639 S. Kingshighway Blvd.) Edward Streit___ N. Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-79 J. Townsend— F. R. Baumgartner. H. J. Fischer____ V. P. and Cash. W. H. Kruse (8217 N. Broadway) ♦The Boatmen’s National Bank 4-8 Jun’34Stmt (300 N. TOM K. SMITH-.. F. LEE MAJOR— A. WAGENFUEHR H. T. JOLLEY A. FAIRBANK. L. B00GHER, R. W. STUMPE. W. G. RULE, W. G. MOORE, V. P. and Tr. Off. H. F. HAGEMAN, E L. TAYLORA. Vice Presidents R. D. KERCHEVAL c.c. HAMMERSTEII R. A. BRIDGES 0. w. KNIPPERBER6 RUDOLPH FELSCH H. F. HARRINGTON. $ 108 Pf. 92 (St. Louis City, I 20)—Population 821,960 (In thousands of Dollars) Other Dnd.Prol. Lia Surplus and or Deposits bilities deserves $ 26 $ 5 $ 1,248 215 50 68 2,183 2,000 500 561 33,562 100 32 4,833 $ Totals 167 S 1,646 Resources. Loans Gash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi A Dis fromBks ties ties counts 397 $ 336 2,516 358 37,401 5,665 $ St.Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents 408 8 347 S 158 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Oont. Ill. N. Bk. 5s Tr, Co. Chi.; 1st N.. St.L. 261 793 991 113 Mnfrs. Tr. Co..N. Y.:Cont.Ill.N.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Chi. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St. L. 11,057 13,016 4,220 8,458 021 829 2,726 985 $ (Cap. Acct.) 278 Other Re sources 650 P/.500 Aud. dB@T«t’47 Broadway) Bkrs. Tr. Co., Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. City, Brown Bros. Harrlman & Co., Corn Ex. Bk. Tr., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., Gty. Tr. Co., Chase N.. and Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Cont. HI. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi.: N. Bk. of Com., N. O.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Am. Tr.. San F.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Mellon N., Pitt.; N. Shawmut and N. Rockland, Bos; Phil. N., Phil.; N. Bk. ofDet., Det.; 1st N., Louisville; Mtle. Tr. Co. of Balt, and Md. Tr. Co., Balt.; Morgan & Cie, Paris; Banca Commerciale Italiana. Rome; N. Provincial Bk. Ltd., (Overseas Br.) London. OLDEST BANK IN MISSOURI BREMEN BANK & L. H. PRANGE. H. BAUMAN. TRUST CO. A. H. RELLER......... H. L. PRANGE------- R. A, Sec. and A, Tr. V. P„ Sec. and Tr. ♦ 4-52 d®T»t5'68 (3529 N. Broadway) Jun'34Stmt GASS BANK & TRUST GO. J-c-FL0TTE’r,.o,. J. F. HELLRUN6. Ch. of Bd, and Pres, IMP"- V. P. and Tr. Off. W. H. KRUSE. A. Sec. and A. Tr. V.JLMOEJ.LER,A.rr Munsch____ + Easton J. Taylor Trust Co. ♦ 4-84 d®T»t5Tl (4474 Easton) Jun’34Stmt V. P. and Tr. 18 4,678 5,396 793 375 1,992 1,913 58 Pf. 200 A. Sec. Cap. (Incl. Notes Und. 100 Prof.) 15 1,741 2,114 398 199 317 982 218 N. City. N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. Louis. R. Lanigan____ Wm. L. Igoe_____ Wm. D. Walsh Arthur G. Giles 40 6 1,286 1,648 373 216 374 484 201 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. Cap. Notes 300 Oliver T. Sail. Sec R. C.Wohlwend,Sr. A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Joseph Sperrer, Oliver Cinnater, Guaranty Trust Co._______________ New York Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co....................................................Chicago Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co., St. Louis Mississippi Valley Trust Co._________St. Louis First National Bank....... .........................St. Louis 100 AN HONOR ROLL BANK. MEMBER FEDERAL RES ERVE SYSTEM. ♦ 4-60 d®T«t§’06 Your St. Louis business is assured personal and offlcla 1 attention (1450N. 13th) If entrusted to this bank. E. S. Kan. C.: United Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 300 300 Jun’34Stmt Chippewa Trust Co. -d|®Tt§’24 4-109 (3803 So. Broadway) 204 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.: Com. Tr. Co., Illiffi “In St Louis's most Beautiful »amt dililding” Jun’34Stmt ♦ 400 Cap. Notes L. F.Schneider.TV A. 200 J. Sagner, Sec.. Cap. J. Glennon Notes Schreiber, A. Sec 16 323 100 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere » Mississippiy \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 707 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. tMem. State B. Ass’n [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 8) Dnd.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities Officers $ 10,200 F. 0. WATTS, Chairman of the Board F. E. GUNTER, Vice-Chairman of the Board WALTER W. SMITH, First National Bank IN ST. LOUIS Jun’34Stmt 4-5 d®T*t'19 (Broadway-Locust-Olive) $ 2,550 $ $ 3,647 173,844 $ $ 2,466 196,707 American Bankers Assn. Federal Reserve System Missouri Bankers Assn. Investment Bankers Assn. Commercial Savings Foreign Safe Deposit Trust Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ $ $ $ 59,046 69,996 13,228 51,004 St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. $ 3,433 PRINCIPAL President BANE CORRESPONDENTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vice Presidents RICHARD S. HAWES W. T. RAVENSCROFT F. V. DUBROUILLET JOSEPH S. CALFEE E. C. STUART M. E. HOLDERNESS W. F. 6EPHART F.O. WATTS BERT H. LANG W. C. CONNETT M. R. STURTEVANT C. HOBART CHASE E. 6. COFFMAN G. RIESMEYER, JR. EDW. HORMAN F. G. HUNT WM. C. TOMPKINS, Auditor R. PALMER MCELROY J. N. SOMMER W. A. GORDON JACOB BERGER JAS. L. FORD, JR. C. LEROY SAGER BENJ. S. LANG CHARLES L. ALLEN, Cashier Chairman of the Board THOMAS R. AKIN Pres„Laclede Steel Co. L. RAY CARTER Carter Commission Co. H. F. BOETTLER A. W. HAILL JAS. McCLEAVE H. BISCHOFF C. B. SCHMIDT ELMER VON DOERSTEN ( President, Wrought Iron Range Co. WM. H. DANFORTH WM. C. STAUSS C. H. MORRIS I. W. LONERGAN F. B. EISEMAN Chairman of the Board, Ralston Purina Co. Vice-President, RiceStix Dry Goods Co. J. J. FREY Assistant Auditors C. W. ALLISON Managers, Savings Department H. H. LANGENBERG President, Langenberg Bros. Grain Co. CH. A. LEMP ChairmanoftheBoard, Meyer-Schmid Grocer Co. President, Common wealth Investors Corp, Vice-President and General Manager, Pet Milk Co. E. 0. NIMS ISAAC H. ORR Chairmanof Board, St.Louis Union Tr.Co. H. M. PFLAGER Senior Vice-President, General Steel Casting Corp. JAMES H. GROVER A. H. L. KUHN President, St. Louis Union Trust Co. Credit Department H. L. WELCH, Manager WM. MOELLER, Assistant Manager R. |. HENDERSON, Mgr, Bkg. Dept. J. C. PAULUS, Mgr. Collateral Dept. President, First Na tional Bank WM. T. NARDIN LONA B. JENNINGS WALKER MacMILLAN F. J. HOLLOCHER WALTER W. SMITH GEORGE A. MEYER B. B. CULVER Assistant Vice Presidents E. A. BROOKS J. M. GARESCHE NOBLE R. JONES DEPARTMENTS Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Re & Due Securi Securi & Dis fromBks ties ties counts sources Pf. 4,000 (*Statement as of June 30, 1934) Assistant Cashiers MEMBERS Totals Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ANDREW W.JOHNSON Vice-President, Inter national Shoe Co. FRANK FUCHS, Mgr. Publicity Dept. I. W. LONERGAN, Mgr. Foreign Dept. ROBERT McK. JONES Dry Goods Com mission Commerce Trust Co._______ Kansas City, Mo. FRANK PHILLIPS President, Phillips Petroleum Co. SYDNEY M. SHOENBERG Sydney M. Shoenberg & Co. M. E. SINGLETON JOHN B. STRAUCH Prompt Attention given Collections RESOURCES JOHN B. KENNARD Guaranty Trust Co.____________________ NewYork First National Bank____________________ NewYork National City Bank____________________ NewYork Chase National Bank___________________ NewYork Irving Trust Co.________________________NewYork Bankers Trust Co.______________________ NewYork Chemical Bank & Trust Co._____________ NewYork Manufacturers Trust Co........... .......... New York Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co.__New York New York Trust Co...................... New York Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co._______ Chicago City National Bank & Trust Co.______ Chicago First National Bank_________________ Chicago Harris Trust & Savings Bank____ ____.Chicago Philadelphia National Bank______Philadelphia Corn Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. __________________________ Philadelphia Tradesmens National Bank & Trust Co. __________________________ Philadelphia Market Street National Bank.........Philadelphia First National Bank__________________ Boston National Shawmut Bank_____________ Boston First National Bank.............. Pittsburgh Mellon National Bank____ ________Pittsburgh President, National Bearing Metals Corp. $196,706,970 SERVES CORRESPONDENTS EVERYWHERE Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively _by_ The Rand •McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ' ......... •Mem.A.B.A. nNew SStateTPriv " ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City 708 (Mem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Ftes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by1 Und.Prof. Other Oashji. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other _____________Affiliated banks by + Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia 1 Totals & Due Securi Securi A Dis Re Reserves Principal Correspondents. bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources ASS’T CASHIER. (WOOD NETHER LAND J. R. COSGROVE...... R. E. WALLACE. Tr.. V. W. SPANN. Sec.... $ 5,000 'WslM'-IWI (404 Olive St.) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (For other inform see pa ge 57) DIST RICT 1 Organized unde r authority of agr {cultural credits act of 1923. Disc ounts 1 agricultural pa per for banks, agr icultural credit c orporations, and live (.stock loan com panics, and make s loans to cooper ative marketing assocl ation S. Chase N., N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., Boatmen’s N., and Miss. Yalley Tr. Co., St. L. NO. 6 Illlno Is, MI ssourl , Arka nsas. Federal Land Bank. Dist. S__ (See page 50 for com plete information) 4-105 ‘Federal Reserve Bank, Dist.8* (See page 42 for com plele information) 4-4 411 Locust St. • (See preceding pa ge) flravois Bk.of St.Louis County J. C. Steffen, A. J. Dill............... O. L. Orecelius___ C. M. Paulsmeyer. d®»t5'13 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, (8301 Gravois Ave.) 50 $ Jim’34Stmt ♦ 4-89 Industrial Bank and Trust Co. A. A. Blumeyer... W. F. Carter......... W. E. Burtelow, Jun’34Stmt 4-110 ®§’23 H. L. Cornet. F. B. Eiseman V. P. and Tr. (901 Washington Ave.) Ch. of Bd. L. T. Tune P.J. Walsh, A.V.P. J. C. Seiler, Compt. +JEFFERSON BK. & TR. CO. V. T. M0BERLY......... M. F. BRAUN______ E. H. SPELLMEYERJim’34Stmt ♦ 4-56 U®T»t5'92 (2337 Franklin Ave.) 300 P. W. Herzog, See.. 10 I 200 65 8 249 743 $ 2,937 1,399 879 S 5,085 294 8 60 8 171 A. R. McGowan, 163 8 447 329 8 4,445 I A. Sec. Elizabeth O’Malley (Morr is Pla n Ban k) A. Sec. 11 2,100 130 .......... A. N. BERGFELD----Cap. Notes 250 240 Cap. Notes 400 50 Jefferson-Gravois Bank «eo. A. Held.......... F. J. Riefling____ O. S. Heinecke, C. J. Meyer. Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-65 d®T»t5'19 Fred Wehrenberg V. P, and Cash. C. Winters (2604 S. Jefferson i E. Kramme 9 4,084 2,491 33 Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and South Side N., St. L. 22 1st N.. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Miss. Valley Tr. Co., and Mnfrs. Bk. &Tr., St. L. 409 118 846 910 208 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 5; 4,738 876 444 954 1,946 518 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Oont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Boatmen’s N., St. L. 10 5 300 50 Pf. 50 20 6 686 Lindell Trust Company F. A. Brickenkamp F. A. Sudholt........ F. A. Kaiser, Tr... Harry Graeff, Jr.. 300 ♦ 4-107 d®Tt§’23 Chas. H. Peters.CTn L. E. Dehlendorf Roy E. Ahrens, A. Sec. (2745 No. Grand) A. W. Dehlendorf A. Tr. Notes 100 MANCHESTER BANK d®<{ 02 Jos. E. Muckerman Geo. L. Heil T. H. Sievert____ H. A. Muehling... 500 Jun’34Stmt ♦4-58 J. P. Hickok, Exec. T. H. Sievert F. J. O'Riordan, (4015 Chouteau) Aud. Acct. 100 F. RARNES - P. A. THIAS............ 0. L. KUPFERER. 'MANUFACTURERS ARTHUR ADOLPHUSBUSCH, 1II, EARL M. JOHNSTON BANK & TRUST CO. OF ST. LOUIS 286 B. L. Barhorst.... T. W. Felsch......... T. W. Felsch. 4-120 (152 Lemay Ferry Rd.) (Luxem burg) Lemay Ferry Bank__d®»;5 06 Aug. Boenecke___ H. L. Kerth........... Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-67 J. C. Wind (113 Lemay Ferry Rd.) 11 $ 51 416 81 812 171 3,553 293 3,751 124 79 108 24 85 506 50 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., 1,047 961 905 347 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 534 277 1,027 1,721 192 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 1,448 4,167 922 2,557 465 Mnfrs. Tr. Co. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northw. Tr. Co., Chi. Jun’34Stmt H. 0. Becker......... N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. (Luxemburg St. Lotiis County) Jim’34Stmt Ch. of Bd. Tr. H. 1. ROSE. Sec....... 430 E. A. BIRCHER. Pf. A. Sec. and A, Tr. 51 2,889 55 3,196 76 113 7,552 9,559 ! 1,215 DIRECTORS Adolphus Busch, III Albert E. Black Louis Hager, Jr. +4-27 d®»t§’33 (1731 S. Broadway) M B S S K N& V R U S? °cT E R CE (See page 709) Jun’34Stmt Mercantile-Commerce Nat’l W. L. Hemingway. G. N. Hitchcock... A. H. Hanser, Wm. F. Hucke Bank in St. Louis ®1:'30 J. G. Lonsdale. Cash, and A. Tr.Off. J. A. McCarthy, 4—119 Ch. of Bd. V. P. and Tr. O. Oscar G. Schalk, (701 N. Grand Blvd.) G. W. Wilson. Compt, 350 75 38 1 Arthur F. Barnes Walter L. Freund R. A. Huber Ethan A. H. Shepley 3,353 350 4,166 500 Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Y.; Oont. 111. N. Bk. & Tr. Alfred F. Steiner Richard C. Spackler Arthur E. Wright 2,570 Jun’34Stmt 691 405 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Ch. Exec. Comm. (St. Louie continued on next pag e) i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis l MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given /Uy Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i-ito each bank in U. S exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ (Federal Reserve City No. 8) •Mem.A.B.A.nNew $ State Ti’ri\. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Other Cnd.Proi. lia Surplus and or Deposits bilities Reserves Capital $ $ 10,000 2,000 $ $ 2,053 111,085 $ $ $ 232 Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi ties from Bks ties Totals 125,370 $ $ 19,539 27,064 $ 22,576 51,213 Loans & Dis counts Other Re sources $ 4,978 OFFICERS Mercantile Commerce Bank and Trust Co. John G. Lonsdale, Chairman oj the Board George W. Wilson, Chairman of the Executive Committee W. L. Hemingway, President E. L. Black___________Vice-Pres. F. E. Eaton___________Vice-Pres. Thomas C. Hennings__ Vice-Pres. Leo D. Kelly............-__ Vice-Pres. I. A. Long___________ Vice-Pres_ E. J. Mudd___________ Vice-Pres. Wood Netherland......... Vice-Pres. R. C. Obermann______ Vice-Pres. F. J. Faro____________ Vice-Pres. H. H. Relnhard_______ Vice-Pres. dB©T»t§’57 Oliver F. Richards____ Vice-Pres. Locust, Eighth. St. Charles Jun’34Stmt 1-26 DEPARTMENTS Bond Commercial Foreign Safe Deposit Savings Trust Real Estate A. W. Thlas.................— Vice-Pres. J. C. Walker__________ Vice-Pres. A. L. Welssenborn.......... Vice-Pres. G. H. Klelnschmldt. Asst.Vice-Pres, W. L. Rehfeld____ A«s(. Vice-Pres. X. A. Prevallet___ Asst. Vice-Pres. G. M. Telle______ Asst. Vice-Pres. J. J. Farrell........ .............. Secretary C. R. Jolley__________ Asst. Sec. O. E. Kaiser__________ Asst. Sec. Member of Federal Reserve System American Bankers Assn. Missouri Bankers Assn. Investment Bankers Assn. St. Louis Clearing House J. A. Noonan........ ......... Asst. Sec. A. A. Van Nest________ Asst. Sec. Joseph H. J. Kruse___ Asst. Cash. R. J. Kuns__________ Asst. Cash. L. Wade Childress President, Columbia Terminals Co. H. W. Kroenlng______Asst. Cash. Joseph W. White____ Trust Officer W. B. Cowen J. A. McCarthy.. Associate Tr. Off. Louis H. Egan President, Union Electric Light and John P. Butler...Asst. Trust Officer Power Company Thomas R. Evans, Asst. Trust Officer Edw. A. Faust President, St. Louis Boat and En J. G. Houlihan__Asst. Trust Officer gineering Company Wm. H. Lawrence,Asst. Trust Officer Alexander Fraser Edw. M. Monahan, President, Shell Petroleum Corpora Asst. Trust Officer Cash, and Treas. tion John P. Newell ..Asst. Trust Officer W. L. Hemingway President John J. Rabbltt_.Assf, Trust Officer Douglas C. Sachse, Asst. Trust Officer Thomas C. Hennings Vice-President Geo. F. Torrey...As8f. Trust Officer George O. Wolf__ Ins. Trust Officer Albert M. Keller Paul Brown dt Co. Pierce J. Dooley.__ Mgr. Sav. Dept. L. E. Donahue, Asst. Mgr. Sat. Dept. John G. Lonsdale Chairman of the Board Joseph J. Reynolds, Mgr. Safe Dep. Dept. NEW TORK Bankers Trust Company Chase National Bank Chemical Bank & Trust Company First National Bank Guaranty Trust Company National City Bank New York Trust Company J. P. Morgan & Company Carl F. G. Meyer CHICAGO First National Bank Continental nilnols National Bank and Samuel A. Mitchell Thompson Mitchell Thompson A Trust Co. Young City National Bank & Trust Co. President, Meyer Bros. Drug Co. E. J. Mudd Vice-President James J. Mullen Vice-President, Moloney Electric Company Edgar M. Queeny President, Monsanto Chemical Works BOSTON National Sbawmut Bank NEW ORLEANS Whitney National Bank Frank C. Rand Chairman of the Board, Internation al Shoe Co. PHILADELPHIA Ernest W. Stlx President, Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co. Philadelphia National Bank Pennsylvania Company First National Bank E. H. Thurston Vice-President, Liggett A Myers Tobacco Company F. Aug. Luytles F. W. A. Vesper Walter McKlttrlck James L. Westlake George D. Markham Geo. W. Wilson President, Luyties Pharmacal Co. CORRESPONDENTS PITTSBURGH Union Trust Co. President, Vesper Co., Inc. August Roeder, Asst. Mgr. Safe Dep. Dept. Oscar G. Schalk_____ Comptroller F. W. Heuermann, DI RECTORS W. H. H. Schaefer____ Asst. Cash. Arthur B. Sullivan___ Am!. Cash. St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by+ Geo. H. Streif E. M. Durham, III___ Asst. Cash. Acting Mgr. Real Estate Dept. E. F. Kallemeler_____ Asst. Cash. Hale Towne_________ Statistician “Large Enough To Serve Any Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co, W. H. Markham A Co., Insurance President, Westlake Construction Co. SAN FRANCISCO Chairman of the Executive Committee Anglo-Californla National Bank Crocker First National Bank Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Company Bank of America National Trust and Sav ings Assn. — Strong Enough To Protect All" MERCANTILE-COMMERCE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY — ST. LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 710 * v Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given eaci1 bank *5 u s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i?. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve City No. 8) Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Ond.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Affiliated Bks. by 4Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Re Reserves bilities from Bks ties ties counts sources Principal Correspondents. OFFICERS A. L. SHAPLEIGH, Chairman of the Executive Committee $ 6,000 (Cap, Note) 1,500 $ 1,200 $ $ 904 71,057 $ 528 $ 81,189 $ $ 19,908 22,421 $ $ 9,852 25,922 $ 3,086 (Incl. R.F.C. Deb.) SIDNEY MAESTRE, President Mississippi Valley Trust Company 4-22 HORD HARDIN, Executive Vice-President Judson S. Bemls August A. Busch, Jr. Vice-President and General Mana ger, Anheuser-Busch, Inc. BLASDEL SHAPLEIGH........... Asst. Sec. J. P. BERGS............ _ _ _ _ Vice-Pres. R. W. BUGBEE.......... _ _ _ _ Vice-Pres. JAMES D. SULLIVAN_ _ _ _ __ _ Asst. Sec. John A. Bush, Pres,, Brown Shoe Co• C. M. WALTER.............. _ _ _ Assf. Sec. 0. A. ROWLAND- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice-Pres. L. M. RUMSEY, Jr.---------- Vice-Pres. H. L. STADLER.................. Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. J. A. R0UVEYR0L...... Asst. Vice-Pres. EUGENE J. WALTER- -Mast. Vice-Pres. FRANK C. BALL................. Asst. See' CHARLES G. COBB- - - - - - - - - - - ** VICTOR CULLIN........... ----- Asst. Sec. Benjamin McKeen CHICAGO Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Secretary-Treasurer, Ludlow-Saylor Co. Wire Company First National Bank Northern Trust Company W. H. Moulton Duncan I. Meier CHARLTON ALEXANDER...... Vice-Pres. H. C. IBBOTSON--- _Asst. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President, Bemis Bro. Bag Co. A. HOLT ROUDEBUSH MILTON R. STAHL- - - - - - - - - - - - Vice-Pres. J. A. WEAVER_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice-Pres. W. 0. CRAWFORD-— __Asst. Vice-Pres, MEMBERS American Bankers Assn. Missouri Bankers Assn. Federal Reserve System. Investment Bankers Assn. St. Louis Clearing House. A. 0. WILSON Vice-Pres. and Counsel ♦ BANKING, SAVINGS, TRUST, BOND, REAL ESTATE AND SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENTS DIRECTORS Vice-Presidents W.J. HEIN dB®T»t§’90 WILLIAM R. CADY, Vice-Pres. and R. E. Officer (Broadway and Olive) GUY C. PHILIPS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice-Pres. Jun’34Stmt NEW YORK Chase National Bank Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co. Guaranty Trust Company of New York Irving Trust Company National City Bank New York Trust Company W. J. BRAMMAN, Executive Vice-President Daniel K. Catlfn JOHN F. WIESER........... __ Asst. Sec. President, Security Building Co. __ FRED A. GISSLER--------- Trust Officer ..... , J m CECIL A. TOLIN-Associafe Trust Officer W. Palmer Clarkson President, Pioneer Cooperage Co. pu r* u, .uu. , CHARLES W. ANNA—Asst. Trust Officer m W. C. D’Arcy ROBERT N. ARTHUR—-Asst. Trust Officer President, D’Arcy Advertising Co. nu CHARLES HERMAN—Asst. Trust Officer BEHJflM|N f pR|CK) ^ Flrmln V. Desloge Mgr. Bd. Dept. EDGAR L. ROY— .SalesMgr. Bd. Dept, JAMES F. QUIGG, Mgr. Municipal Bd. Div. Pres,, St, Francois Investment Co, ELMER W. KLEINSCHMIDT-—Assf. Sec. JAMES M. TURLEY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auditor FRED W. KRIEGER............... Asst. Sec. J. F. REUTER...................... Asst. Sec. JULES F. SCHNEIDER--------- Asst. Sec. LOUIS R. ENGEL—...Assistant Auditor G. J. ROTHWEILER—Asst. Credit Mgr. w. A. CROCKETT............ .Savings Mgr. President, Granite City Steel Co, President, Litchfield & Madison Ry. Co. Charles M. Huttig New York Life Insurance Company SAN FRANCISCO American Trust Company Aaron S. Bauh Vice-Pres,, Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co. Boyle O. Bodes F. D. Seward Vice-President, Company National Candy A. L. Shaplelgh Chairman of the Board, Shapleigh Hardware Company, and Chairman of the Executive Committee Joseph L. Werner Investments and Timber Pres,, A, Leschen & Sons Rope Co. Fred G. Zelblg Sidney Maestre, President NEW ORLEANS Whitney National Bank Charles E. Schaff President, St. Louis Lumber Co. Harry J. Leschen BOSTON National Shawmut Bank Second National Bank Dick Oliver John Duncan Mgr. Securities Analysis Dept. HERBERT S. HEIL-So/e Deposit Officer Hayward Nledrlnghaus, W, H. Markham <fc Company nDUll. c PDnlIC .. „ r ORVILLE GROVE-Afffr. Mtge. Ln. Dept. A. B. Ellas GEORGE CLAYES-Mffr. Special TaxDiv. Pres,, Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. JOHN M. BOWLIN-Assf.Mgr. Bd. Dept. Albert P. Greensfelder k. E. PENZLER, Pres. Fruin-Colnon Contracting Co. LINDELL GORDON, Jr............ Asst. Sec. Pres,, International Shoe Co, Cornet & Zeibig PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia National Bank PITTSBURGH Mellon National Bank 711 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number siren to each bank In U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority of Tbe American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond President. Vice-President. Cashier. ST. LOUIS—Continued—Reserve City Ass’t Cashier. Capital d-Safe Deposit ® Barings Mound City Trust Co..d®»tl'20 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-97 (2900 Union Blvd.) ^Mutual Bank & Trust Co. Jun’34Stmt 4-122 d©T»i§’34 (716 Locust) G. W. Clarkson—. J. T. Dodds, Jr., V. P. Byron Moser............ J. J. Griffin, V. P. J. C. Atwood, V.P. J. C. Tobin, V, P. and Counsel G. W. Clarkson, Jr. Wm. P. Gruner— E. A. Schmid C. E. Zelle TRUST NORTH Chas. W. Owen— G. P. Hoffmann Louis Boeger, H. H. Oberschelp Jun’34Stmt +i-U d®T»tl'09 Ch. of Bd. Edw. Pancok (4323 N. Grand) Jos. E. Hanss W.E. Zimmer mann, Sec. and Tr. G. B. Walker,A.Tr. L. S. Haslam, Cash, and Tr. Off. H. D. Ruel. A. Tr. Off. W. H. Hill, Tr____ O.E.Troxler .A.Sec, $ 200 Cap. Acct. 200 J. L. Hauk_______ V. Jacquemin. Jr. A. L. Sautter, A Sec. 300 John R. Bircher, Sec. Cap. Notes 200 Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars') Resources. Ond.Prof. Gash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Loans Other 1 Surplus and or Deposits Lia j Totals A Due Securi Securi & Dis ties Reserves ties [romBks counts bilities 50 nqWER 6R0VE BANK & ALEX W. F. HEINECKE. . . . . . A. L. LOCATELL. .W. RICHMANN.Sec. 1 P. and Tr I. L. GLASER. t MILTENBERGER. C. T. STICKEL Ch. of Bd. and Pres. . W. BERRI. A. Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. L. HORNSBY. . J. NOLAN, Aud. A. GIDIONSEN. Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-18 (8134 So. Grand Ave.) 'UNITED BANK & TRUST CO. OF ST. LOUIS Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-13 d®T«t8’72 (401 Washington Ave.) A. Sec. and A. Tr. CRAIG MacQUAID — CLAUDE A. EATON— FRED J. KURTZ. ADOLPH SCHENK. A.s G. W. NIEMANN V. P. and See. CLAUDE A. EATON. PROMPT AND EFFICIENT COLLECTION SERVICE^ Sixty-two years in business 500 1,387 3,532 43 6,161 324 $ 287 $ 445 496 479 7,279 297 $ 618 $ 26 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 359 87 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi, 172 1,388 1,310 183 Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. III. N. Bk. & 1,135 2,792 2,278 1,074 Mnfrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. A Tr. Co.. Obi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. A Tr. Co. and 1st N.. St. L. 82 2,449 5,000 3,048 150 243 10,377 40 64 2,684 58 2,829 940 13,048 172 339 11,959 1,513 20 3,233 529 179 5,833 774 626 310 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N- Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N.. Phil.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.. Mo.; Boatmens N.. 1st N., and Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. N.. Nash.; Royal Bk. of Canada, Montreal, Que. 76 Bkrs. i r. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. A Sav.. Chi. 12,210 590 2,266 1,764 583 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav„ Chi. 851 1,609 244 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 2,411 134 1,660 10 3,248 2,278 23 321 204 422 Gty. Tr., N. Y. 2,097 577 201 738 448 133 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. A Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Boatmen’s N., St.L. 100 5,319 500 6,470 617 2,859 2,093 568 333 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. A Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 300 89 9,884 Cap. 11.084 1,038 2,564 2,759 4,282 441 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Notes 300 1,000 200 145 6,958 8,313 1,829 1,953 882 3,335 314 Mnfrs. Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cbl. CHARTERED 1872 AS GERMAN AMERICAN BANK. St. Louis Clearing House_____ T. K. Smith______ W. L. Hemingway— R.R. Tillay. Mgr... C .F. Wolfe, (See pa ges 61- 02-63 f or Num ber of (Members indicated by a* V. D. Wall. A. Mgr. Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Affiliated by a +) C. H. Examiner (St. Louis continued on next page ) A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ Principal Correspondents. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 40 TRUST CO____ dB®T«tSil 1,103 2,863 100 100 W. L. Gregory, R. M. Fox_______ Pf. 100 V. P. and Cash. A. E. Moore C. L. Whittemore, Jr.. A. V.P. ' J. H.Grover____ Erastus Wells____ Alex. Hamilton. Tr. S. L. Erwin. A. See. 5,000 Isaac H. Orr, Ch. J. R. Shepley G. O. Thornton, J. A. Nordman, R. C. Behrens A. Sec. J. W. Schutte, ST. LORIS UNION TRUST CO. Geo. M. Pyle, A, Treasurers M. A. Hinton, Jun’34Stmt 4-92 T«tl’89 Viee-Presidenls A. V. P. W. G. Frazier, W. J. McConnell, (S28 N. Broadway) Davis Biggs Towner Phelan, P. V. Sullivan, J. B. Gross, A. V. P. H. J. Miller. A. Tr. Officers - L. C. Post O. F. Miller, Warren McGinnis, Tr, Officers Counsel R. A. Urian. Aud. J. A. Wehmeyer, Real Estate Off. Security National Bank. Sav'gs J. L. Davis, F. L. Denby_ F. L. Denby______ Leo J. Quinn_____ 350 A Trust Company_____ ®T»t’21 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. E. Donovan T. H. Wigge. Pf. 500 Jun’34Stmt 4-99 Tr. Officer (8th between Olive and Locust) A. H. Feuerbacher. J. W. Angenendt — J. W. Angenendt .. A. C. Waldemer ... 200 A. N. Zeiss Cap. Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-55 Notes (7201 So. Broadway) 225 «South Side National Bank F. J. Wiget............. C. W. Sydow.......... Adolph Etling____ A. A. Rehme. 400 in St. Louis...........d®T’34 Fred L. Hofmann Pf. 300 Jun’34Stmt 4-121 (Grand and Gravois) Southwest Bank____d®»t5’20 W. K. Norris_____ F. O. Thompson.. G. R. Fredrick, E. M. Kleinsorge— 40 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-98 P. 8. Trowbridge V. P. and Cash. Pf. 200 (2301S. Kingshighway) P. C. Jones Cap. Notes 185 Telegraphers Nat’l Bank E. J. M&nion........... E. S. Coombs. L. J. Ross, H. W. Kolkmeyer. 500 Jun’34Stmt 1-102 d®»t'23 V. P. and Cash. (120 N. Broadway) smv.°™.EKA $ 1,552 St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 25 PLAZA BANK--------- dB®*t§’33 F. R. H. B. Deal__ Jun’34Stmt ♦ 4-115 von Windegger W. N. Sitton (1230 Olive St.) F. P. Johnson, V.P. $ 1,293 Other Re sources 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 43 40 500 Northwestern Trust Company Chas, Maull_______ G. F. Ellerbrock .. O. H. Lakebrink, H. H. Luebbert, Jun’34Stmt ♦4-6S d®T<l'7S Sic. and Tr, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Cap. E. O. Hanpeter Notes (15th A St. Louis Ave.) J.F. Obernier 550 V. P. and Tr. Off. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces ), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve City No. 8) Nation al, Stat e and MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Private Banks, Total For Banks and Bankers Everywhere St. Louis—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 712 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year {Mem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships other Offices. Correspondents and Bane Depositories. Members ^ A. G. EDWARDS & SONS •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships . . CO. f ELIZABETH HAYS. Pres.. (501 Olive St.) ±t’80 j FOB REST C. DONNELL, Sec Established 1880 } Dealers In Municipal Bonds. Members St. Louie Stock Exchange (^Specialists In local Stocks and Bonds. LITTLE & HATS INVESTMENT Post A Flagg (409 N. 8th St.) ±’*7 IARTIN. JIL' Central 4744 C.T.TOHO ................. Rosenbaum Grain Corp. Branch Offices: 8626 Washington Ave., St. t. Louis; 49 Broad St., New York; 204 E. High St., Jefferson City, Mo.; 406 Guitar Bldg., Columbia, Mo. Members New York, Chicago and St. Louis Stock Exchanges, Chicago Curb Exchange. Associate members New York Curb Exchange. .. 1st N„ St, L, BOND DEPARTMENT BONDS AND STOCKS Board of Trade* Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. MERCANTILE-COMMERCE New York THE FIRST BOSTON CORPORATION 1 (#14 North Broadway) INVESTMENT BANKERS United States Government, Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad, and other Investment Bonds and Rotes; Bankers’ Acceptances, Bank, in surance Company and other Investment Stocks Birect Private Wires to Principal Cities Exec. Offices, N. Y. and Bos.; Other Offices, Chicago, Clereland, Minneapolis., Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Scranton. Buffalo,Washington, Atlanta, Hart ford, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kan. 0„ Seattle, Portland. Ore., Worcester, Springfield, Mass.. Prov., and Rutland. BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Locust-Eighth-St. Charles St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY™ BOND DEPARTMENT Partners J. D. PERRY FRARCIS, RAYID R. FRARCIS, JR„ TALTON T. FRANCIS, Franels, Bro.&Co., JOHR E. RILEY, ANB J. 6ATES WILLIAMS, Tulsa; S.B. Chapin FRANCIS BRO. & GO. (4th ft Olive Sts.) 77 8ERTLER & COMPANY.......... (Boatmen’s Bank Bldg.) HALSEY, STUART A CO.------------108 (INCORPORATED) (311 North Fourth) MEMBER OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE. New York Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee A Sugar Exchange, Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, St. Louis Stock Exchange, St. Louis Merchants Exchange. Tax Exempt Bond Dealers I Municipal, State, County, Land Bank, IU. S. Territorial, Home Owners Loan ' Corporation, Federal Farm Mortgage ■ Corporation Bonds. r Pheae—Garfleld 1410, Investment Bonds (Broadway and Olive) B. F. Frick, Jr„ Manager Orville Grove, Manager Mortgage Loan Division Edgar L. Roy, Sales Manager Geo. Clayes, Manager Special Tax Division James F, Quigg, Manager Municipal Bond Division J. M. Bowlin, Asst. Manager Bond Department * Co., N. Y.; Lamson Bros. * Co., Chicago. Offices New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City Private Wire System Halm Stuart A On, OkL, M. T„ Bos„ Phil., and Det. /"Partners: Frederick M. Simon, John E. Dominick & Dominick, G. M-P 1 Simon, John R. Longmire, Frederick NussMurphy & Co., Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co., Irv. Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr„ N Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk, & Tr. Co. anti Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 1. M. SIMON &C0....... ........... ±T74 J baum, Webster Tilton and I. M. Simon, \ Special. (315 N, Fourth 8t.) j Investment Securities 1 Members New York and St. Louie V Stock Exchanges fARHOLR G. STIFEL, President.............................. Branch Office; 105 W. Adams St.. Chi. 1 LOUIS J. NICOLAUS, Vice-President. (Incorporated) ±{11900 < L. MARQUARI FORSTER, v. P. and Treas. Ohem. Bk. ATr. Co.. N. Y. (314 No, Broadway) JJ. J. HIEMOELLER, Sec. STIFEL, NICOLAUS & COMPANY (Dealers In Investment Securities. EDWARD 0. JONES & GO. MEMBERS St. Louis Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange, Associate. (810 Boatmen’s Bank Bldg.) PARTICIPATING DISTRIBUTORS A DEALERS A BROKERS IN GENERAL MARKET BONDS (TRADING SPECIALISTS) SPECIALIZING IN PUBLIC UTILITIES AND MUNICIPALS. v MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LEWIS W.THOMSON & CO.. INC....... 09 (418 Olive St.) MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS MUNICIPAL BONDS Market for Sonthern Municipals Mtle.-Com. Bk. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere & Tr. Co.. St. L. k MISSISSIPPI J \ VALLEY / \TRUST / St. Louis—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 713 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Tear •Mem. State Bks. Assn. EstabHMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. dished, ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange Members of Firm Branch Managers exchange Memberships WALDHEIM, PLATT & GO. mum (513 Olive St.) Telephone Central 8400 ±t’24 THEODORE YANKAUER, Jr., Other Offices CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories Private Wires to Frazier Jelke & Co. and W. J. Wollman & Co., N. Y. Resident N, Y. Partner Members New York Stock Exchange. Members St. Louis Stock Exchange. (Associate) Members New York Curb. Members Chicago Stock Exchange. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in D. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banters’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPrlr. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [ Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. * ear tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabHMem. lay, Bks. Assn. lishkd, ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange 6. H. WALKER & GO. (Broadway and Locust) Members New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Stock Exchanges OASHI1X. Asb’t Oashiir. Capital •Stockton____647 Sac River Valley Bank _t§'12 E. S. Smith_______ J. W. Willett 8 CedarM8 Jun’34Strat 80-1381 Stotesbury___ 118 Stotesbury State Bank—tS'09 A. L. Morrison___ Ira Wagner 10 Y ernon L5 .Iun’34Stmt 80-1215 Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Loans Cash.Ei. H.S.Gov. Other Ond.Prof. j Other Securi Securi & Dis and or Deposits Totals & Dae Surplus Lia from Bks ties counts Reserves ties bilities 20 W. C. Davis . ___ L.R. Van Bnskirk. 30 Cap. Clyde Wrenn $ 176 $ 51 8 16.8 135 10 487 537 188 38 50 14 Notes 10 10 John Cl. Conn n.t.o«u,:iw...«. Cassatt & Co., n. y. l Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Vice-President. other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories INVESTMENT SECURITIES ±•1111900 St. Marys „ 554 Bank of St. Mary.........dtl’Ol John F. Bartels... John J. Tlapek—— Tobie J. Thomure . Dorothea Bartels.. S 8 Ste. Gen've L21 Jun’34Stmt 80-1214 Chas. R, Bartels, Sec. Stoutland____214 First National Bank 8 Camden L12 Jun’34Stmt 80-1574 Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships 1 $ 18 $ 106 19 275 $ 33 Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources Cont. Ill. N.Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi.; lstN.,St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 55 1st N„ Kan. C.; Union N., Springfield. — 3 Columbia City. . dt’20 0. E. Carlton_____ G. H. Miller_____ L. M. Calkin______ Della Blackburn— Ch. of Bd. and Pres. N., Kan. 81 117 15 4 88 10 125 165 31 12 103 19 135 159 14 139 6 50 65 24 8 20 13 121 138 33 1 59 85 25 1 —1514 H. J. Lueckenhoff. H. J. Ruschjost—. H. J. Lueckenhoff. 75 100 4 6 3 84 3 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Sturgeon_____600 Sturgeon State Bank ..dt§'31 W. S. Dinwiddie__ E. Montgomery... M, G, Spelman ___ Jun’34Stint 80-631 8 Boone G1S 60 79 26 10 1 39 3 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. 321 382 78 23 10 271 172 223 22 18 43 117 H. H. Richards— W. E. Fleming____ T.en Bell .. Summersvllle .316 Summersville State Bank Jnn’34Stn)t 80-1223 •ti’04 8 Texas 015 57 105 13 4 75 13 Sumner______348 Sumner Exchange Bank tl’91 G. T. Txvlnr 8 Chariton E10 .Jim’34Stmt 80-1224 65 92 22 11 54 5 Stover ....____517 Farmers Bank______d®t5’05 Louis Tagtmeyer.. B. T. Vickrey_____ 8 Morgan Jll Jiin’34Stmt 80-1218 .. Stover Bank_________ ®5’12 W. H. Fajen............ FT. F. Bauer _ W. A. Warnke .... Dec’33Stmt 80-1382 St. Paul______162 Bang of St. Paul..............15’13 B. P. McMenamy— H. Johanuesmann.. F. J. Sigmund___ 8 St. Charles H19 Jun’34Stmt 80-1448 15 (With St. Thomas___ 200 Peoples Bank J»n’34Stmt 80-1474 8 Cole K14 Sullivan_____ 2013 BANK OF SULLIVAN—*tf’95 L. A. Fisher. .. 8 Franklin K17 Jim’34Stmt 80-530 .. .. 9 (With Surp.) 4 1 .MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 2 1 T. R. Shaffer_____ Floyd flrnw.. Howard Mason Peoples Bank_______ dt§’04 A. C. Ellison------- J. L. Lapee_______ H. O. Hollow_____ N. W. Shaffer____ •Jim’34Stmt 80-581 A. H. Dotter J. W. Hardy______ J. T. McCormick.. J, B. McCormick — Ross Louden 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Stk. Yds Yds., Ill. Surp.) St. Peters ___ 248 Bank of St. Peters _d®«t$’04 A. B. Iffrig.............. J. G. Auchly_____ Aloys Schneider _ 8 St. Charles H19 .Jun’34Stmt 80-1219 Strafford_____ 175 Bank of Strafford_____ t§’ll Henry Yoeltz____ C. A. Wommack___ L. A. Vneltz _ 8 Greene OlO Jun’34Stmt 80-1220 Yds., Ill. r. 44 53 54 Yds., Ill.; Merch., Kan City. st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 7 .dtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 5 Union N., Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Yds., Ill. Yds., Ill.; 1st N., St. L. .............. 1 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 23 Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Co., St. L. st N„ St, L.; N. Stk Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back erf this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. m Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Sweet Springs 1641 8 Saline H9 •Mem. A.B. A. nN»w JBtste tPrii. IMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Sayings CHEMICAL BARK -•if‘84 Jun’34Stmt 80—474 Syracuse______ 238 8 Morgan 111 .Iun’34Stmt 80-154(1 Tarklo. ____ 2016 FARMERS & VALLEY BANK 10 Atchison A3 Jun’34Stmt 80-346 d»J§’33 •• •« FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i 83 Jun’34Stmt 80-347 Thayer_______ 1632 8 Oregon R16 Tina ?gQ 8 Carroll E9 Tindall..,_____ 134 8 Grundy CD Tipton_______ 1067 8 Moniteau Ill R^nk of Thayer Jun’34Stmt 80-391 d‘t§19f>n .Iun’34Stmt 80-1227 Farmers State Bank....t5’04 Jun’34Stmt 80-1228 Tipton Farmers Bank ©J§’33 Jun’34Stmt 80-447 ‘Trenton____ 6992 Jun’34Stmt 80-160 8 Grundy CO TRENTON NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-158 .. M -®T«r59 TRENTON TRUST COMPANY Jun’34Stmt 80-161 dB®J»t5T5 Truxton. „ 200 Truxton Bank_______ 8 Lincoln H17 Jun’34Stmt 80-1230 MISSOURI—Continued Liabilities. {In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Principal Und.Prof. Loans Gash,Ex. U.S.Goy. Other Other Other Correspondents. & Due SecuriSecuri- & DisReSurplus and or LiaTotals Capital Deposits fromBk3 ties ties counts sources Reserves bilities 45 8 130 3 3 50 $ 7 $ 289 $ 346 $ 114 3 45 3 12 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mtle.L. R. Johnston ___ R L wall Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cap. E. L. Spurgeon, Ch. Willa E. Smith 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Acct. Co., Kan. C. 14 14 10 1st N„ St. L.; 3d N„ 10 S 29 45 7 6 O. H. Phillips Sedalia. (Cap. Notes) 24 335 137 54 1 16 1st N. and Cont. Ill. N. 275 127 30 6 G. J. STEVENSON-— F If Hir.VFTT G. R. WILKINSON— GELVIN STEVENSON. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; BERT VOLKER Am. N., St. Jo. 130 45 6 104 Am. N., St. Jo.; Miss. 58 193 $ 45 296 11 1 F TRAVIS J. D. RANKIN----------- C. A. TEMPLETON — II 1 TlflYFI Valley Tr., St. L.; Com. (Cap. Acct.) E. N. RAINES Tr. Co., Kan. C. 50 239 301 79 1 143 20 22 28 Union N., Springfield. W.J. Hiehflll... {Cap. Notes 20) 4 40 106 73 1 123 6 Drov. N., Kan. C.; N. Stk. 15 1 J.W. Higgiabottom Yds.N., N.Stk.Yds., Ill. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cash and Sec. 20 52 75 1 55 3 Live Stock N„ Chi.; Com. 11 8 C. H. Veneill H. C. Tracy_______ Tr. Co., Kan. C. 82 32 60 316 274 135 7 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. 7 P. C. Flnnd 25 10 A. L. Kuttenkuler. W. P. Kuttenkuler, Yds., Ill.; Mtle.-Com. Cash, and Sec. Harrold Burriss Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 322 75 5 216 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., 234 26 50 18 W. O. Garvin, Chi.; 1st N„ Kan. C. {Cap. Notes 20) Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 232 1,166 180 180 502 {With 100 72 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ 930 100 36 J. N. MARTIN____ C. F. WETTSTEIN-— W. H. SHANKLIN —- W. E. AUSTIN______ Chi.; 1st N. and InterSurp.) H.B. WOODSON. A. C. H. C. BRUMMITT State N„K. C.; 1st N., St. L. and St. Jo. 3 J. B. BROOKS______ W. W. ALEXANDER. 599 91 m 91 L. J. LIMES. Tr._ .. 214 26 Com.Tr., Kan. C.; Am. 521 50 25 A. H. DRUMMOND. tv* n. ruLLiftm A. Sec. St. L. {True t Depa rtment Resou rces__ 3268) “General Banking and Trust Business” President. Vice-President. Oashikk. Ass’t Cashier. “Htvai EFFICIENT SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS AT REASONABLE RATES. tl’04 H. H. Beck_______ Simon Fieth______ Chas. Wombles.— Wm. Scheppman, Sec. »Tuscumbla_._282 Bank of Tuscumbia____ tl'03 W. S. Stillwell.... L. A. Wright Jun’34Stmt 80-1232 8 Miller K13 C. E. Fendorf ._ . B. H. Hix .. . ‘Union.- . 2143 ^United Bank of Union«II’34 L. C. Allersmeyer— Chas. Keymer......... H. C. Vossbrink— L. J. Mintrup, 8 Franklin J18 Jun’34Stmt 80-528 Sec. and A. C. F.H.Muenstermann Union Star.. 414 Farmers State Bank___ tS'90 Hugh Stanton____ Samuel Shepard... E. R. Woolery.__ 10 De Kalb C6 ■Jun’34Stnit 80-777 G. D. Gross — •• Peonies Rank , d*+8’9n D. E. Carpenter... M. T. Cederlind— M. G. Stewart____ Jun’34Stmt 80-778 J. E. Lawhead ‘Unlonvllle. 1811 Farmers Rank 8 Putnam All Jun’34Stmt 80-333 _____ “ •• Urlch d»t’83 West End Bank.__ dB®t5’12 Jun’34Stmt 4-86 Jun’34Stmt 80-719 2 75 97 23 15 15 5 144 179 21 60 15 636 25 5 8 127 15 9 4 15 5 10 2 66 7 15 122 128 73 76 358 165 119 20 23 88 116 42 10 61 4 232 266 131 21 5 99 10 Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C.; 1st N„ St. L. 14 429 528 174 75 179 65 617 137 100 140 159 35 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N.Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Kan. C.: Boatman’s N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 81 1st N„ St. L. 1 78 15 Un.N.,Springfield ;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 16 77 57 1st N„ St. L.; 1st Kan. C. 560 W. .T. Asher W. H. Erwin . Valley Park. ..1772 Meramec Valiev Bank®*tl'18 R. F. Ralph..___ W. J.Vance______ H. B. Vance__ ____ Cap. Notes Jun’34Stmt 80-1553 »Van Buren___345 Cariei county State Bank T. W. Cotton____ D. W. Warner— Geo. S. Clot.ton Jun’34Stmt 80-1237 d»t§’24 8 Carter P18 7 A Satisfactory Corresponden t \CO / \ / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 491 Thos. J. Clark. 26 25 8 1 74 5 113 19 20 3 1 237 49 310 72 88 15 4 95 114 23 20 14 54 3 Boatmens N„ St. L. 14 89 115 35 3 32 39 6 1st N.,Boatmen’sN., and Mtle.-Com. N., St. L. 10 2 A. C. and Sec. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 6 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 14 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1 1st N. and Miss. Valley Tr., St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 3 Cont. Ill N Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 3 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. N. and St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 100 8 St. Louis I 20 \ MISSISSIPPI \ VALLEY / 1 Pf. 25 Bank of Urbana.............. tS’03 B. W. Vaughan, W. D. Vaughan___ E. L. Belknap, W. A. Owensby.... <Iun’34Stmt 80-1235 Ch. of Bd. and Pre*. Cash, and Sec. _ 507 Bank of Urich.................aJS’SS 8 Henry J7 10 10 25 MARSHALL NATI0HAL BANK N. B. Marshall___ W. A. Shelton____ C. L. Crooks Jun’34Stmt 80-331 University City 25.809 8 St. Louis 120 Urbana.__ 375 8 Dallas L10 »t§1900 H. L. Holman......... J. F. Underwood.. A. L. Cassady_____ Abbie Maulsby ___ 10 F:or Banks and Bankers Everywhere N.. \ MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / \^/ Number under Name or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 715 Town and Coontt. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State t Priv. tMem. 8tate B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts-.T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings 8 Audrain F16 Vandalia State Bank—d©§’34 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-1789 President. ‘Versailles ___ 1662 BANK OF VERSAILLES ♦ 80-397 d®t§'82 8 Morgan Jll Jun’34Stmt .Vienna Xif? Maries County Bank...t§1900 Jun’34Stmt 80-1240 8 Maries K14 Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. CASHIER. HUNTER. W. S. WASHBURN— E. W. GUENTHER-— n K.HUNTER J Ch.of Bd.andPres. < Largest Capital and Surplus of an y Bank In Morgan County. - T. J. Terry______ D. T. James W. C. Birmingham C. F. Niewald___ Walker______ 258 Farmers Bank________t§’9l W. W. Evans......... C. O. Prichard___ 10 Vernon L7 Jun’34Stmt 80-1243 ‘ W arrensburg5146 Citizens Bank___dB®*tl’88 M. Youngs. .. 8 Johnson H8 Jun’34Stmt 80-193 M T. B. Cheatham „. A. Lee Smiser___ A. C. Bass. W. H. Cheatham Peoples National Bank B. N. Johnson....... B. F. Tracy______ B. B. Tyler______ Jun’34Stmt 80-194 dB®*’98 L. J. Schofield ‘Warrenton 1250 Commerce Bank______ »t§'30 Otto Eisenstein ... H. H. Reese _. 8 Warren H17 Jun’34Stmt 80-577 .. Warren County Bank.d«t§’34 T. W. Hukriede, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. G. C. Dyer Jun’34Stmt 80-576 J. A. Bebermeyer— M. A. Wehrmann.. J. G. Wessendorf. Mamie Koelling... Cash, and Sec. 118 76 $ 15 S 6 228 289 103 11 14 115 25 25 3 114 167 39 2 7 114 10 3 1 46 60 4 10 8 2 49 14 6 100 136 735 7 978 323 200 149 300 75 25 63 663 75 901 295 272 66 227 30 3 3 402 453 61 95 126 169 5 314 344 45 14 1 121 5 90 11 131 62 1 199 18 256 49 10 29 147 9 1,428 1,560 173 194 341 759 Franklin 118 Jun’34Stmt 80-219 10 8 615 703 93 141 136 318 10 2 118 171 27 5 36 61 21 4 1 26 9 Am. N. and 1st N„ St. Jo.; Drov. N., Kan. C 28 453 541 105 20 92 298 28 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Com. S 150 $ 32 $ 16 $ 29 $ 53 29 Cap. Notes 15 13 Pf. 12 13 66 O.C. Crudginton, Jr. Washington. .5918 BANK OF WASHINGTON 8 5 $ Cap. Acct. ‘Warsaw . 1102 ^Community Bank——dt§’34 C. W. Kennedy, 20 E. M. White... . H. Riemenschnit- Kathryn Heibner.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Pf. 5 ,Jun’34Stmt 80-568 8 Benton K9 ter •• " 25 Osage Valley Bank—d»t§’91 I. W. Lutman O. C. Crudginton.. Jun’34Stmt 80-567 O. W. Arcularius, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. d»M'77 R. W. Stnmpe___ A. C. Bnmpelt----- J. H. Conrads___ 23 •• FranklinCountyBk..d®*tS'09 W. B. Bagby, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt ♦ 80-221 ‘Waynesville.. 392 Waynesville State Bank Dec’33Stmt 80-1641 -tSTO 8 Pulaski L13 Weatherby___ 177 Jun’34Stmt 80-1668 10 DeKalbD7 Webb City....6876 10 Jasper 06 A. E. Ritzmann ... .T. H. Thins 20 C. C. Wright, Sec.. Jno. T. Wright.... 31 6 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., St. L. 41 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. 2 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 163 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.,N. Stock Yds., Ill 3 Mtle. Home Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 21 1st N„ St. L.; Un. N„ Springfleld;lst N.,Kan. 93 Irv. Tr.,N. Y.; IstN. and Boatmens N., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Miss. Valley Tr., St. L. 15 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L. 7 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. Acting Cash. w. E. T. WEBB A. C0RL........... EARL VAN H00SE. BEVERLEY BUNCE FRED R. NELSON. Sec. 50 10 unwxcenea vacuities top nananng your items end Collections on Webb City end vicinity. Bill of Lading Drafts a specialty. d®<5’05 A. D. HATTEN. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. W. C. BURCH____ L d®»«'82 Tr. Co., Kan. C. A. DAUGHERTY- 50 20 21 789 645 COLLECTIONS HANDLED PROMPTLY. 59 238 275 41 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. 50 100 rC. H. HOLEKAMP - W. A.STRAUB......... C. E. KING, Sec......... K.V. HOWE. A. See. A. E. BLACKMER L. F. BOOTH. Tr. HENRY SCHULZ ♦ 80-121 d®T«t5’08 1 Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by 100 128 1,750 107 LFEE IN ADVAN CEs Plain eight dr afte, 25c; Credit Re ports, 25c. Jun’34Stmt (+ Affiliated member of the St. Louis Clearing Hou se Assn.) A Satisfactory Correspondent 176 Cap. +WEBSTER GROVES TR. CO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 137 C. R. Cassity, WEBB CITY BANK Oldest Established Bank. Jun’34Stmt 80-87 Webster Groves 8St.Louisl2016,487 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. MERCHANTS & MINERS BANK Jun’34Stmt 80-69 •• G. B. Lucas. 40 Deb.30 10 W. B. Johnson___ 8. T. Rollins____ Bula Burchard------ p, F. Geisert 46 Mtie.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co., St. L.; Pioneer Tr. Co. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 5 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds, Ill.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L. 3 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr„ St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Un. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N„ Nevada. c Cap. Notes 100 M ii Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 2 $ 40 V Please send 15c w ith each sioht draft J or presentation and 25* for Credit Repor ts. Principal Correspondents. 15 25 $ Items and collections on Ver sallle s. j Unexcelled facll Itles for handling your Villa Ridge.__165 Villa Ridge State Bank.. 5*12 John M. Hellmann John Sieve 8 Franklin J18 Jun’34Stmt 80-1361 •• | LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Ond.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Other Loans ReTotals & Due Securi- Securi- & DisCapital Surplus and or Deposits liaReserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources $ W. H. Ellis............... fW.K. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 2,185 ] 448 471 498 512 256 1st N., St. L. 1 For Banks and Bankers Everywhere ^MISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 71 ‘ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Wellington.__756 WELLINGTON BANK—•*§ 88 J. A. Mann______ 8 Lafayette G8 .Jun’34Stmt 80-1252 LIABILITIES. {In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Dnd.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. D.S.Sov Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Re Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources $ 15 $ Wellston____ 7400 + First National Bank 100 Guy B. Jurden....... H. B. Surkamp___ R. O. Kennard, Jr., John Tschudy___ (Sta. St.Louis P.O.) Jun’34Stmt 80—110 d®»t'05 Pf. 150 V. P. and Cash. F. A. Rot tman 1 St. Louis 120 •• _____ •• Wellsvllle____ 1525 Wellsville Bank........d«tl'80 J. M. White_____ W. H. Reed 1 Montgomery G16 Jun’34Stmt 80-461 Wentzvllle__ 596 Wentzville State Bank.dIS’05 W. F. Karrenbrock Ed. S. Walker........ 8 St. Charles H18 Jun’34Stmt 80-692 »West Plains.3335 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. R. Reed.......... . 8 Howell Q15 Jun’34Stmt 80-255 d®»t’93 J. P. Harlin, Ch. " •• Edw. Sudbrock___ F. M. Riley, Sec. .. R. G.Wilson D. W. Wilson H. C. Kellett.......... H. C. Kellett_____ W. T. Harlin J. O. Carter V. E. Stone WEST PLAINS BANK-d«S 83 R. D. Holt. S. W. Langston___ E. V. Holt............... Jim’34Stmt 80-253 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, 27 $ 6 $ 310 50 19 2,290 S 25 30 835 25 4 2 304 13 Pf. 12 5 + State Bank & Trust Co. 150 W. C. Connett____ F. L. Wuest, A. L. Uebel. Jun’34Stmt 80-111 d®T«t§'30 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. (Cap. (+Affiliated members of the St. Louis Clearing House Assn.) Acct.) Weston_____ 1028 Bank of Weston____ ®»t5’94 E. C. Wilson_____ Jun’34Stmt 80-505 10 Platte F6 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSOURI—Continued S 98 86 $ 10 S 962 566 174 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L. 1,040 209 133 370 262 66 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L. 362 41 64 16 191 50 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. and 1st N., St. L. 30 30 273 99 957 229 188 788S 140 219 86 274 27 50 9 835 60 40 1 687 13 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 52 44 365 20 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N„ Kan. C.; 1st N„ Memp.; Un. N., Springfield. 27 4 42 13 1st N., Neosho; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C ; Joplin N., Joplin. 309 47 66 184 12 1st N„ St. L.; West Plains Bk., WestPlains. 308 355 190 32 112 44 21 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 18 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 25 6e Windsor_____ 1879 Citizens Bank.......... d®*tS’83 E. E. Sutherland.. J. C. Roberts.......... P. H. Lehman____ W. G. Ruffin.......... Jun’34Stmt 80-293 8 Henry 19 40 7 Winfield______386 Winfield Banking Co. _«t8’03 G. F. Trescott____ E. B. Medcalf____ J. W. Spencer____ C. D. Howard, Sec.. 8 Lincoln H18 Jun’34Stmt 80-1265 10 10 3 197 220 31 Wlnlgan______ 129 Citizens Bank_______®t8’04 Jas. Crist. S. M. Routine . Jun’34Stmt 80-1266 8 Sullivan C11 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. W. Milhoan- 10 10 1 48 69 20 Winona_______442 Winona Savings Bank—tl’04 R. R. Rollins_____ 8 Shannon P17 Jun’34Stmt 80-1267 G. G. Rollins . 10 15 8 82 115 39 93 108 29 46 61 17 1 486 105 80 123 55 10 Worth_______ 241 Bank of Worth_____ 10 Worth B6 .Iun’34Stmt 80-1271 7 Cap. Notes 8 10 _J8’02 Eli Jennings_____ Charles Harris .... N. F. Jennings.__ Wright City... 429 Farmers & Merchants Bank E. W. Dlekroeger— Geo. F. Bockhorst. Geo. Blattner____ n. s. Rngfl 8 Warren H18 Jun’34Stmt 80-784 dtS'10 F. R. Strathman Wyaconda___ 544 Peoples Bank................... tS’14 M. Morgan .. 8 Clark B14 Jun’34Stmt 80-1482 i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P. O. Sansberry... A. S Wells Elladel Pitman___ 5 60 (Cap. Acct.) 20 423 4 3 1 3 96 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 8 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N„ Kan. C.; Union N., Springfield. Willow Springs State Bk. of Willow Springs T. R. Burns_____ E. E. Ogden______ C. H. Burchard.__ 8 Howell P14 1430 Jun’34Stmt 80-436 d®*t5’06 $|’17 Alfred Beall______ E. M. Shoemaker.. B. W. Man ring.__ 114 529 15 Winston______314 Winston Bank . 8 Daviess D7 Jun’34Stmt 80-1549 23 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 472 Wheaton_____ 359 Bank of Wheaton.......... tj’10 A. M. Duncan.......... W. C. Chenoweth.. O. S. McCall 8 Barry Q7 Jun’34Stmt 80-1256 O. S. McCall, Ch. of Bd. ... 190 $ 533 50 4 49 $ 2,707 244 25 358 $ Principal Correspondents. 26 101 13 2 139 45 4 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. 0. 63 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N., St. L. 64 13 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 39! 4 Am. N. and 1st N., St. Jo. 153 46 1 90 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 121 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere X MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Thousands of Dollars... OR increased speed and facility of reading, you will find the latest statements of all United States banks shown in this and subsequent editions of your Blue Book in thousands of dollars only. Thus, a bank with $200,000 capital is shown as $200, one with $1,421,118 in deposits is shown as $1,421. Complete New Columnar Style Eleven columns of figures in this edition replace eight in former ones. This new style, more costly to the publisher, but more valuable to the user, gives you three new columns of figures on every bank in the United States. Important New Figures Surplus and undivided profits are now divid ed into two columns, “Surplus” and “Undivided Profits and/or Reserves.” Bond and invest ments are also broken down into two columns, “U. S. Government Securities” and “Other Securities.” Totals at a Glance A “Totals” column separating the liabilities from the resources enables you to tell at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any bank in the country. No other directory embodies this feature. With these four major advances your Blue Book emphasizes its position as “America’s Standard Financial Reference.” Rand McNally Bankers Directory Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Standard the World Over Montana INDEX TO COUNTIES. Beaverhead.. M 6 Big Horn .. .M 17 Blaine.......... D 15 Broadwater.. .J 9 Carbon........ N 14 Carter......... L 24 Cascade.......... H 9 Chouteau... .F 11 Custer........... J 22 Daniels........C 21 Dawson........G 23 Deerlodge... .K 6 Fallon............J 24 Fergus..........H 14 Flathead.........D 4 Gallatin....... M 10 Garfield........G 18 Glacier............ C 6 Golden Valley J14 Granite.............J 5 Hill...............D 12 Jefferson.........K 8 Judith Basin H 12 Lake................F 4 Lewis and Clark H8 Liberty........ D 11 Lincoln......... C 2 McCone........F 21 Madison....... N 8 Meagher....... J 11 Mineral........ H 2 Missoula.......H 4 Musselshell.. J 16 Park............ M 11 Petroleum.. H 16 Phillips.........E 17 Pondera........E 8 Powder River M 22 Powell...........H 6 Prairie..........H 22 Ravalli......... K 4 Richland.... F 24 Roosevelt... D 22 Rosebud.......119 Sanders........ F 2 Sheridan.... C 23 Silverbow.... L 7 Stillwater.. .M 14 Sweet Grass . L 13 Teton........... F 8 Toole............C 9 Treasure....... J 18 Valley.......... E 20 Wheatland... J 13 Wibaux........H 25 Yellowstone. K 16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. Pratt & Sons, inc.—Specialists in Government Bonos WASHINGTON, D. C. See Back of Washington, D. C. Map Save Money on Your Addressing Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We E keep an accurate, up-to-date addressograph list of all the banks in the United States, corrected weekly. This list is at your service. If we can address your circulars, envelopes, fill in letters or “pull a proof” of it, you can have the service at a reasonable price and be assured that there will be no “come back” mail. Every name is live, active and kept so by careful attention. If interested we should be glad to hear from you and to quote prices and give other information. Write to Addressing section of ^Rand Mllt & Company** 536 S. Clark Street, Chicago 721 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Town AMD OOUNTT. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 9 F. R. D. Helena Br. •Mem. A.B.A. "New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Aas’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Deptg:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings ‘Anaconda. .12,494 Deerlodge K6 DALY BANK & TRUST GO. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MONTANA LIABILITIES. President. E. J. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. BOWMAN------- J. A. SANDERSON... E. L. KUNKEL.......... Capital 100 $ HW- $ J. C. HAnniNulUN (In Thousands of Dollars) Other Ond.Prof. Lia Surplus and or Deposits bilities Reserves 25 $ Totals fromBks ties ties Principal Correspondents. Loans Other & Dis Re counts sources $ 1,038 $ $ 1,196 $ 3,338 35 $ 2,678 Resources. : Cash.Ei. D.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi 979 $ Pf. 500 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCO BPOBATION i 125 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr., San F.; Northw. N., Mlnpls. Jun’34Stmt ♦93-34 d|®T«2S'83 25 William Powers__ L. W. Thompson.. E. J. Summers___ Balnvllle........... 400 Farmers State Bank..*tS'll Jun’34Stmt 93-153 Roosevelt D25 4 1 130 $ 15 175 116 36 Northw. N., Mlnpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 43 59 32 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mlnpls.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. 10 13 Helena. 1 L. Price........ ............ T.. V. Burns ‘Baker______ 1212 Baker National Bank Jnn’34Stmt 98-425 d®»t'17 Eph Keirle, Ch. Fallen J2S The Bank of Baker.d®»t§'24 David Bickle____ S. E. Felt Jun’34Stmt 93-510 Belgrade-------- 533 Belgrade State Bank —dt}’02 W. P. Porter. . Jun’34Stmt 93-104 Gallatin L10 PauVJSmiih, (> Blgfork.............250 State Bank oft Bii Bigfork Jun’34Stmt 93-1-168 d®.»’ll Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Flathead E4 E. L. Heidel. — 200 38 1 199 32 47 98 22 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. 180 23 16 115 26 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 63 85 18 7 50 4 1st N. and Conrad N., 208 266 98 60 57 51 Chase N.t N. Y.; 1st N„ 585 736 156 10 447 13 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 3 2 129 15 7 147 1 115 1 28 Pf. 16 L. K. Hills______ 30 C. W. Coon ___ 50 _. . vi » Ck D. MortOD_____ Philip Petersoji f Big Sandy___ 633 Northern Montana State Bk. O. J. McNamara__ 8 A Millar •Iun’34Stmt 98-169 d®«t§’10 T. A. Marlow Chouteau E18 25 251 1 4 20 / 25 W. R Nftwhwll 14 3 6 Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Northw. N., Mlnpls. Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Helena. Kalispell; 1st N.,St. P. Great F. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Helena. Cap. Notes 30 100 ‘Blgtlmber ...1224 CITIZENS BK. & TRUST CO. D. Olaiborn, Henry Schrader... AlvaL. Lamb____ Charles McDonnell Cap. Sweet Grass LIS Jun’34Stmt ♦93-98 d®T«tl'27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Notes 15 n 110 1st N„ St. P. 25 2,997 210 3,533 683 1,187 775 728 160 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 200 __ .T. R. Vogel 150 75 31 1,454 1,710 678 232 49 700 51 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ 100 25 2 1,783 1,985 406 314 594 584 87 Chase N„ N. Y.; City N. A. H. Marble____ ♦Montana National Bank Jun’34Stmt 93-46 d®T*t'12 F. W. Marble W. E. Waldron___ ♦Security Trust & Savings Bank_^93-41..dl®T»t*'16 O. M. Jorgenson.. 75 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) A. R. Hammer____ Billings Clearing House___ (Members indicated by a ♦) __ _ _ _ _ _ _ NATIONAL AN If— -93-58.... d®»t'92 Jun’34Stmt Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. jCH vandenhook l AFFILIATED CLARKE BASSETT J. H. BAKER_ _ _ _ U-EttlP'........ 62! N., Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 482 283 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., 2,347 540 628 414 580 782 224 10 180 265 103 Gty. Tr.,N. Y.jCont. Ill. 401 515 117 135 8 221 34 N. City, N. Y.; Northw. 109 ........... 135 , 1 24 5 16 67 150 100 175 1,860 100 10 17 10 4 N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N.Bk.&Tr. Co. .Minpls. U* A*Trwn WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO BPOBATION. E. S. Edsall Gallatin Tr. & Sav. Bank Jun’34Stmt ♦ 93-59 d®T«tS'02 Chi.; Northw. Minpls. Cap. Deb. Jun’34Stmt ‘Boseman ___6855 Gallatin Lll 100 26 JE. H. Westbrook. J. B. Arnold_____ A. R. Hammer.... ‘BlUlngs ___16,381 ♦Midland National Bank | AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK COBP ORATION Yellowstone L16 Jun’34Stmt 93-38 d®T«t'23 L. C. Bergen------- Cap. Notes N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. 75 SECURITY BANK & TR. CO. <1 G BERTH0T Jun’34Stmt ♦ 93-61 dR®T«tlT9 ^Organised 1916. (send Brldger______ 567 American National Bank Jun’34Stmt 93-854 d®»t’l Carbon N15 us you A. C. ROECHER...... J.D.STREET. - H. C. GOSSACK_ _ O. C. Campbell ___ FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Great Falls, Montana Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 N„ Minpls.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. The New Bank will give prompt attention to your needs • B BUSINESS. 25 1 ESTABLISHED 1886 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $700,000 23 Northw. N., Minpls. . LARGEST BANK IN NORTHERN MONTANA COUNTRY BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED 722 ,ni**£*!!! Hn1<,e?,Ngme °,r Bank 18 th« New Transit Number given fh bank lJ? uexclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and county, •Mem. A.B.A. "New §8tatef Frit. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Aas’n, [Estab. Entire State No. 9 ♦•Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Powder River M22 volume Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. P&wpgR River county f E. LEE WILSON__ G. W. TAYLOR_____ A. W. HFIllFI BANK—-.93-481.__ d©t5’19 Jun’34Stmt (AFFILIATED WITH FIBST BA NK STOCK COB POBATION. 8iiver Bow K7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt ANDREW J. DAVIS— A. J. Dims. JR........ GEORGE U. HILL___ J.F. LOWNEY-------GEORGE U. HILL GEO. F. CASSIDY Established 1877. Unequaled facilities for making collections. d®»t’77 Prompt attention to all Banking matters. 93-2 METALS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Jun’34Stmt ♦ 93-8 d|®T*i|’82 H. A. Kenck. A. Cash, and A. Sec. ’ ^rsfYvm&el Blaine D14 ‘Choteau.........997 Teton F8 IN CHINOOK...........d®»t’33 Jun’34Stmt 93-107 300 450 3 162 $ Totals 1 194 3 227 228 423 11,258 25 RESOURCES. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other & Due Securi Secnri- A Dis- Re ties counts sources ties 3 31 $ 20 $ 91 1 35 $ 62 127 $ 64 12,456 3,470 4,398 3,567 1,021 11,246 3,434 2,688 2,618 2,293 833 249 73 288 144 Minpls. and Helena: 1st N„ Miles City; Live Stk. N., Oma. 10 1st N„ Kalispell, St. P„ and Great Falls. Bk. of N. T. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Crock er 1st N., San F.; Northw. N.» Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. and Merch. N., Bos.; Secur. 1st N., Los A.; N. Bk. of Com., Seat.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port. (Circu lation) (With 525 Surp.) 10.121 F. A. Woehner___ M. M. Moore H. B. Brooks_____ C. D. Miller- 100 M. M. Moore_____ C. S. Moore P. B. McClintock— v 20 719 .. 1 f 25 25 Pf. 25 Citizens State Bank Fred. A. Woehner. P. H. Crossen___ F. C. Barribal. Jun’34Stmt 93-117 d®»tl'09 C. D. McDonald 10 19 (With Surp.) 5 6 30 7 166 539 25 223 Cap. Notes 30 4 210 50 1 213 625 120 287 207 1 195 65 79 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. 89 95 6 1st N., Great Falls. 12 Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hele na; Mont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Great Falls. 8 McCone G22 First National Bank__ »J’18 A. W. Eynon____ Ed. Bioree _ Jun’34Stmt 93-341 M. Lehman ____ Great Falls; Un. Bk. & Tr., Helena. Watt ‘Columbus___834 Stillwater National Bank Stillwater M14 ‘Conrad____ 1499 Pondera E9 Culbertson.__536 Roosevelt D24 25 152 Pf 20 ColumblaFalls 637 Bank of Columbia Falls J. E. Lewis______ O. M. Jon kins___ Geo. D. Flathead D4 Jun’34Stmt 93-180 *t§'23 J. A. Lamb, Ch. Edwin Grosfield.. L. G. Bradbrook__ Louis Grosfield___ J. E. Soderlind___ «’17 Jun’34Stmt 93-428 15 215 120 25 Pf 15 Culbertson State Bank C. L. Schnitzler__ S. B. Wallander__ J. E. Peterson___ Hans Smith_____ Jun’34Stmt 93-513 d»t5’26 K. L. Brujord 25 Cap. ——■■■ ■■■ Notes 156 a ■ a A a ■ a ■ Great Falls, Montana 76 81 46 14 33 63 2 56 Qft 26 13 13 45 1 1 10 411 486 234 91 58 82 21 1 25 88 9 ] Minpls. 15 2 8 108 168 25 1RST NATIONAL BANK, 24 1st N., St. P.; Spok. & Eastern Tr., Spok. 50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34 & Tr. Co., Helena. 30 Farmers State Bank Fred A. Woehner. J. F. Knmpf____ J. I, Knmpf_____ Albert Perry____ d®»t§’17 Jim’34Stmt 93-457 na; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 123 20 ‘Circle______ 519 Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Anglo Cal.N., San F.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Crocker 1st N„ SanF. 20 59 Principal Correspondents. 14 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., ** Yeager Y ‘Chinook___ 1320 19 3 Other Lia- Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Given Prompt Attention AFFILIATED WITH FIBST BANK STOCK CORPORATION. dVU 27 20 3 6 25 600 Hify HalladayC.. Cascade______520 Stockmens Bank__ d®»t§ Cascade H9 Jun’34Stmt 93—248 25 3 J. E. WOODARD... J. T. FIRLEI------- R. W. PLACE____ MINERS BANK& TRUST CO. A. J. Lochrle_____ W. A. Kemper____ •Jun’34Stmt 93-7 d®T.t§'07 D. J. Charles, Ch. ? ..94 First State-Bank liffiSSTnit 93-322 In Thousands of Dollars) Dnd.Prol. Capitol Surplus and or Deposits Reserves 3 First National Bank.d®»t'16 J. H. Sherborne__ J. L. Sherburne— F. R. Hetty_______ Loraine Halseth__ Jun’34Stmt 93-374 F. P. Sherborne Glacier D6 Teton E8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point tin ned Acces.L Lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back of this hot lntere:st Kate didays, etc., see Laws. MONTANA 35 11 Falls; Mid.' N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. ESTABLISHED 1886 LARGEST BANK IN NORTHERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $700,000 COUNTRY BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 723 Town and County. ^County Seats. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatefPriv. }Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Liabilities. president. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. F.R.D., Helena Br. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Denton___________ 345 Farmers State Bankd®«t§’29 A. C. Edwards. Jas. Cunningham— J. H. Koch..._ Fergus G13 Jun’34Stmt ♦03-515 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 93-85 d®* 84 Jun’34Stmt *• M J. H. GILBERT............. 100 $ 50 $ 25 3 1 99 100 40 21 1,860 $ uiaest ana Largest BanK in Southern Montana. Special Attention Given Collections. 2 J. I. O’Donnell_____ Gordon Steele______ A. E. O’Donnell... 30 ‘Ekalaka 475 First National Bank_d®*TT9 Septon Cady______ Geo. A. Hobbs____ H. B. Albert______ Carter K24 Jun’34Stmt 93-487 8. J. Emswiier > 25 2 25 3 Edgar______________111 Edgar State Bank___ d®tS’16 Jun’34Stmt 93-311 Carbon M15 Madison Valley Bank__»$§'10 H. C. Wakefield.— H. W. Buford.__ S. S. Young .. R. M. Stone. _____ Hugh C. Wakefield Cloe M. Hutchins.. Jnn’34Stmt 93-191 Henry R&dcliffe— J. E. Young_______ Fairfield................ 185 First National Bank__®»t’l9 E. J. Hirshberr, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Dec’33Stmt 93-477 Teton F9 25 J. J. Goehring........ C. E. Fjeld............. J. F. Goehring.... 20 fH. H. BRIGHT.......... C.P. KELLY.............. C.P. KELLY.............. 50 250 Daniels County State Bank ‘Forsyth_____ 1591 Rosebud K20 ‘Fort Benton 1109 Chouteau F12 d©t§’14 FORSYTH STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt 93-327 1 AFFILIATED W d®t§’18 CW.P. SULLIVAN— A. H. DAVIS0. G. OSNES - Frold __ 434 First State Bank—.d®*il'U C. L. Schnitzler____ S. B. Wallander— Jun’34Stmt 93-194 Roosevelt D24 T. L. Ryerson Fromberg.__ 550 Carbon M15 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 93-195 d©t§’08 Geraldine____ 279 Chouteau F13 Jun’34Stmt 93-298 Clarks Fork Valley Bank E. R. Dingus................... T. J. Benson.. First National Bank—»J’15 John L. Shellman. W. W. Oarley— „ W. W.Carley________ H. M. Magnuson... FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Great Falls, Montana Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 Principal Correspondents. 635 $ 433 $ 54 43 50 2,521 777 167 69 1,279 229 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Jill* Xw • 1»K. 11 ■ CO., — Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bos. 326 14 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P.; 1st N., Butte. U 11 6 81 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Cont.Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Nortliw. N., Minpls. 605 761 88 110 132 50 333 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 18 39 54 84 24 12 37 11 Mid. N. and Secur. Tr. & Sav., Billings; Northw. N., Minpls. 3 176 206 43 41 117 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; Mom. N., Billings. 5 180 213 84 25 11 89 1st N„ Chi.; Un. Bk. & Tr., Helena; Mid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 3 52 85 12 15 1 55 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Gt. Falls. 128 148 55 11 35 41 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. and Heiena; 1st N., St. P. 425 516 107 66 167 140 30 20 1st N., Minpls. and Gt. Falls. 36 & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hele- ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. F W HARRIS MORRIS W. STEVENS. C. F. ESTABROOKS ) d®»J}'16 (.AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. CHOUTEAU COUNTY BANK Jun’34Stmt 93-379 23 $ $ 450 20 Jul’34Stmt 93-339 575 " David L. Rempel— 350 State Bank of Dutton..*tJT5 L. J. Ringen________ Jun’34Stmt 93-356 Daniels C22 $ 128 Pf. 50 Flaxville $ 1,724 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION R. M. Barrett. State Bank & Trust Co. J. E. Monroe________ Sam Wilkinson Jun’34Stmt 93-86 dB©T»t5’99 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Sam Wilkinson Madison N9 42 $ 1,532 Totals Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other A Dne Securi Securi A Dis Re fromBks ties counts sources ties J.W.IEES----------------- A. M. JONES................ 100 Dutton Teton Ffl (In Thousands of Dollars) Ond.Prol Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities •Deer Lodge..3510 Deer Lodge Bank & Tr. Co. C. H. Williams. Peter Pauly............. J. M. Dietrich. T. C. Laughlin____ $ Powell J7 Jun’34Stmt ♦93-502 d®T«tJ’21 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Cash, and Sec. H. W. Howell * Dillon 2422 Beaverhead N7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MONTANA—Continued na. 40 20 44 421 4 529 176 87 130 103 33 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ivliupisa) 1st 1M • M. & Tr. Co., Helena; 1st N., Gt. Falls and St. P. 20 Cap. Deb. 35 25 Deb. 8 15 29 226 50 375 35 1 63 264 12 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. 5 63 102 22 56 16 Secur. Tr. & Sav.,Billings. 25 5 100 155 38 44 17 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Great Falls. 25 41 15 ESTABLISHED 1886 LARGEST BANK IN NORTHERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $700,000 COUNTRY BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED 724 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 9 ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond jr. R. D. Helena Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Geyser_______ 175 Judith Basin H12 Fi: tional Nan-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MONTANA—Continued ASS'T CASHIER. Resources. Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov.; Other j Loans Other & Due Securi- Secnri- 4 DisRefromBks ties ties 1 counts sources (in Thousands of Dollars) Ond.Prol. Other Capital Surplus, and or Deposits j Lia- ; bilities Reserves Y Totals i I. ArLivingston... $ ik— ®«’17 M. t^Phoiibson fa i 1 S 62 36 Jun’ 429 ^ I 35 $ ‘Glasgow____ 2216 Farmers-Stockgrowers Bank G. R. Jamieson.__ Valley E10 Jun’34Strat ♦ 93-309 d»t#'16 67 (With $ $ 16 32 5 Principal Correspondents. 8 j 1st N., Great Falls. 232 327 89 85 23lCont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.,Great Falls and St. P. 339 139 288 73! Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 22 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 27 Chase N..N.Y.; Drov.N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. Burp.) : FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 93-95 R. M. Lewis............. R. M. Young------ John M. Lewis, A. B. Friedlund... j FIRST NATIONAL C. A. Thurston, M. J. Hughes_____ M. J. Hughes_____ G. P. Drowley. d®*t’04 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. D. J. O’Neil David Rivenes ___ J. P. Schaeffer Glendive State Bank Jnn’34Stmt 93-81 d®*15’09 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt ‘Great Falls 28,822 Cascade G10 98-78 d®»t'83 W. A. BROWN - d®T»t'86 L AFFILIATED 'GREAT FALLS NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 98-17 8 1,192 $ 1 388 49; 1,334 641 $ 142 I. B. ARMSTRONG A. R. MOORE—V. P, and Cash. L. F. CURRY 0. R. STRAIT0N ....... 499 104 GO I 25 1321 4 340 25 2 113 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Stk. Yds. N„ So. St. P.;Mid.N.,Minpls. 97 226 132 41 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. _ Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 50 50 23 501 624 121 30 20 5 130 185 35 40 10 2 769 657 273 Chi.; Northw. Minpls. Pf. 60 200 500 304 6,820 155 175 65 21 1,869 125 6 689 7,979 2,837' 1,221 2,054! SEND US TOUR GREAT FALLS ITEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT, PERSONAL ATTENTION. AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION 1,443 424 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Drov. N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. P., 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. E. M. Larson_____ F. N. Sauer. F. N. Sauer............. C. J. Thronson.__ 693 297 391 549 400 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; — Cont. Ill. N. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr.Co.andNorthw. N., Minpls. 374 140 251 Pf. 75 (Incl. Und. Prof.) 100 25 820 491 6 Jun’34Stmt 93-518^d®T»t§'33 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) R.R. Williams,Afpr. Great Falls Clearing House.. S. Stephenson____ (Members indicated by a*) •Hamilton.__1839 Citizens State Bank O. C. Cooper______ R. A. O'Hara... Jun’34Stmt 93-83 d®«tS'06 Ravalli J4 W. A. McElroy ___ Lysle Cooper. E. C. Conroy 30 6 50 M. A. White............. Wallace McCrackin C. H. Raymond.__ C. H. James______ Ravalli County Bank Deb.50 Geo. McGrath 98-82 dB®«tS’94 ition al, Stat e and 5 322 ........... 363 136 1 316 417 100 Alphia Chapman... E. L. KelleF, Jr. .. Gracia Dillon. 337 871 First National Bank.. d»J’08 J. J. Ping_________ A. H. Roush ............ O. E. Anderson.... F. J. Kopriva 409 63 35 15 5 282 65 12 2 306 25 5 3 186 219 72 50 50 21 440 571 ■90 24 86 j 124! 37 57 196 80 53 86 177! 9li 43 811 84 243! Jun’34Stmt 93-200 Harlem______ 708 Turner State Bank—d»t§’17 H. P. Thronson.__ C. C. Thronson .... K. O. Sattre____ Jun’34Stmt 93-434 K. O. Sattre Blaine D15 (tti TIN. •Harlowton.,.1473 CONTINENTAL NAT’L BANK d®»t'30 L Wheatland J13 .Iun’34Stmt 98-108 r FI RSI N ATI ONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bi Ch. ENRY PUM J. A. Jacobsen. ARNOLD A. STOLL — N. 0. HUSBAND-. AFFI AFFILIATED WITH THE NOR THWEST BANCO RPORATION A NK, G REA'r Fal LS, MONTANi R pf. 10 115 N. City, N. Y.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; Am. N„ St. P. Private Banks, Total Jun’34Stmt •Hardin_____ 1169 BIG HORN COUNTY _ W. E. Warren— Jun’34Stmt 93-605 d®»ti’23 Big Horn L 18 N., WITH FIRST BA NK STOCK COR PORATION LEE M. FORD- - - - - - - J. F. RINGLAND. . . . . . . R. R. WILLIAMS — M. C. ANDERSON d®T»t'91 ^Montana Bank & Trust Co. MP Ch. of Bd. 75 Deb. 35 I J STEPHENSON, 93-15 W. A. Ohristlani... rR. H. WATSON—aw R. A. NELSON. . . . . . . . . II. HOUCK. . . . . . . . . “THE PION ER BANK O F DAWSON COUNTY.” ] Efficient at tention to co llections and all financial (.matters en trusted to u "FIRST NATIONAL BANK J) .lun’34Stmt 35 ®»t’01 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. S. Herrick_____ G. R. Lowe........... .. H. N. Dion________ W. F. Dion .... ‘Glendive .4629 Exchange State Bank C. A. Banker Jun’34Stmt 93-79 d®»ti’01 Dawson H24 Jun’34Stmt 93-80 50 11 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Cont.Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Metals Bk. & Tr., Butte. Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill.N.Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi. 1st N., Chi.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Billings; 1st N„ Butte. Mid.N.,Billings;Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Great Falls; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. IstN., Chi.; Un. Bk.&Tr. Co.,Helena;Norihw.N., Minpls. . ESTABLISHED 1886 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $700,000 LARGEST BANK IN NORTHE.KN iviun 1 ana COUNTRY BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED 79c ' **0 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AMD OOUMTT. ‘County Seats. Entire State inNo. 9 F. R. D. Helena Br. •Mem.A.B.A.»New 8State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings ‘Havre______ 6372 Hill D13 HILL COUNTY STATE BANK ,Iun’34Stmt 93-509 President. Vice-President. WALTER BROWN — d®«{§’24 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see laws. (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Principal Und.Prof. Other Cash,Ei. I U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other 4 Due 1 Seeuri- Securi 4 Dis Surplus and or Deposits Totals Lia ReCorrespondents. Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts MONTANA—Continued Ass't Cashier. Cashier. 0. R. RUBIE AFFILIATED Ll-MF- Capital S 100 251 $ 30 S 582 S 762 S 179$ 119 $ 229 $ 194 41! Chase N„ N. Y.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. i Co., Minpls.; Great Falls N. Bk., Gt. Falls. 214 124 253 106 13 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Gt. Falls. Pf. 25 THWEST BANCO BPOBATION MONTANA (7.1 F. M. COWAN. ofBd.andPres. NATIONAL BANK v.> AAFFILIATED IRL WATSON- - - - - - - 50 fflf- 6221......... I 25 710 ' Jun’348tmt 93-455 ST d®»{’17 BA NK STOCK COB POBATION HELENA—Reserve City (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. I) •Mem. A. B. A. 8State fPrlv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. ♦Federal Reserve Bank— »{’21 (Helena Branch, P ederal Reserve Bank 93-26 (Park and Edwards Sts.) FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY Jun’34Stmt 98-28 ♦UnioD Bank & Trust Co. 0/ Ass’t Cashier. Capital Other Surplus and or Deposits Lia 1 Reserves bilities Cash,Ri. O.S.Gov. Other 4 Due Securi SeourifromBks ties ties Totals (For compl j ete inf ormati on see Minneapolis, M innA (Lewis and Clark J 8) County Seat—Pop. 11,803 Resources. (In Thousands of Dollars) Principal Correspondents. Loans 4 Discounts Other Re sonrces Page 4 4) T. A. MARLOW........ T. 0. HAMMOND...... L. S. HAZARD......... G. E. STABLER........ $ 300 $ 300 $ 192 $ 7,486 $ 223 $ 8,501 $ 3,018 $ 2,160 $2,231$ 708 $ 384 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. FRED HEINECKE WALTER BRUTSCH, FORD JOHNSON Sec. Departments: Commercial - Trust - Savings - Investment. Thoroughly equipped to handle your business. d®T‘t'31 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 93-29 d|®T»tl'98 Cashier. Vice-President. Liabilities. j Und.Prol [ AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION A. T. Hibbard.......... Frank Bogart_____ H. C. Schuyler, J. G. Reitsch, J. W. Chive rs_____ V, P, and Cash, C. E. McGuinness V. P. and Tr. Off. R. C. Hinze. A. Tr. Off. Helena Clearing House................ T. O. Hammond__ R. E. Towle_______ C. J. Larson, (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Mgr. 100 P/.400 50 40 4,610............. 5,200 2,229 157 1,300 1,336 178 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont, Ill, N. Bk. & Tr, Co., Chi.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.: 1st N., Bos. and Seattle; Anglo Calif. N., San. F. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total MONTANA—Continued Town and Oountt. •Mem.A.B.A.»New {State fPrlv. {Mem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 9 ♦Fed. Res.Dept*:T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D. Helena Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Hinsdale.._____ 359 Valley D19 President. First National Bank .d®*+'16 R. R. Blaek___ Dec’33Stmt 93-384 Vice-President. Jnlias Waber____ Cashier. Ass’t cashier. R. E. Hillman____ LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Ond.Prof. Other Cashji. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Capital Surplus and or Deposits Liaj Totals 4 Due ! Securi- Securi 4 Dis Reserves bilities fromBks ties 1 ties counts j $ 1 (With 25 $ $ 46 $ 30 $ 102 Surp.) ‘Hysham _ ------- 258 First National Bank in Hy- J. B. Grierson, L. V. Jenkins____ R. A. Sharp .............. Eva L. Atkins____ Treasure K19 sham___93-207_______ •{'17 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 25' 25 $ 2 177 ....... 1 88 10 $ 12 $ 4 $ 10 $ 46 $ 124 *77 First National Bank___ »{’08 Jun’34Stmt 98-208 David Bickle______ Bertha E. Fulton.. O. O. Ayers________ B. Avers . _ ____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Great Falls, Montana 35........... Principal Correspondents. 30 1st N., St. P. and Great Falls. 229; 60i 112 8 44 5 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mid. N„ Billings. 134 13: 10 36 40 35 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. Jun’34Stmt lamav.. Caster Other Re sources ESTABLISHED 1886 LARGEST BANK IN NORTHERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $700,000 COUNTRY BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED nna. / 4U Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number {Ino to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-MeNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State fPriv. :Mem. State B. AsS’n. [Estab. *County Seats. Entire State in No.9 ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-TrustB-Bond F. R. D. Helena Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Judith Gap ___ 288 First National Bank d®»fl6 n. R. Rtnne Wheatland IIS Jun’34Stmt 98-381 ‘Kallspell____ 6094 Flathead E4 LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Loans Other Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Dnd.Prol. Other ReTotals 4 Due Securi- Securi- 4 DisCapital Surplus and or Deposits LiafromBks ties ties counts sources Reserves bilities $ rC. D. CONRAD------- 1 H, FDWARPS CONRAD Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MONTANA—Continued L. TANSFI_________ HVHP- 25 250 8 $ 4 $ 52 (With Surp.) 44 1,402 8 8 73 8 15 $ 2 8 1 8 41 8 ) Save time and g et service on Coll eetlone and Credl t Reports by send Ing TRY d®»t’92 (.FEE IN ADVAN CEl Plain eight d raft*. 15c; Crcdi t Report*. 50c. rF. M. BURKS_____ W F SCHNFII " -------- FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 93-47 d®T«t'91 W. F. SCHNELL 1,954 465 373 325 640 151 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Am. N., St. P.; 1st N„ Seat. 50 1,394 354 214 340 436 365 146 78 24 102 50 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpis.; Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co., Spok. 15 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. NATIONAL BANK 1,154 289 254 139 454 OF LEWIST0WN Jun’34Stmt 93-73 ••_____ •• US. 50 Pf. 100 20 56 1,118 25 5 3 332 150 30 11 913 50 Pf. 50 10 11 315 436 130 36 117 101 25 13 15 534 587 154 126 134 155 25 1 102 7 29 7 39 100 50 62 1,866 2,078 409 460 713 369 127 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls. and Helena;Crockerlst N„ San F. 50 Pf. 80 15 16 926 1,088 287 62 266 406 67 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N.Y.;Un. Bk. &Tr. Co., Helena; Northw. N„ Minpls. 25 5 2 162 194 53 17 31 55 38 Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; Northw. N., Min pls. 1 125 161 58 10 35 44 14 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. 5 4 61 102 10 3 74 50 Pf. 80 5 8 407 550 134 62 334 150 75 52 1,758 2,185 354 188 665 15 IstN. Bk. &Tr., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Helena. 20 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 115 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN., St. P.; 1st N.Bk.&Tr. Co., Minpls. and Helena; Metals Bk. & Tr. Co., Butte. L AFFILIATED W ITH THE NORTH WEST BANCORP ORATION. Laurel_______ 2558 Yellowstone Bank—d®»t§’26 B.M. Harris, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Yellowstone M15 Jun’34Stmt ♦93-514 »Le Wigtown. 5358 Fergus H14 H 1 HUNT J. G. EDMISTON L. J. Wallace_____ A. E. Alden E. Mae Cram, A.C. J. VV. Fry . . fG. J. WIEDEMAN— P. J. 0SWEILER------- T. J. 0SWEILER- — R. S. BAKER L AFFILIATED W 50 ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. d®»t’24 NORTHWESTERN BANK & TRUST COMPANY rC. G. MANNING-— BROOKE HARTMAN - n | SILVEY (. AFFILIATED W 14 Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. 250 NATIONAL BANK Dec’33Stmt 93-48 Principal Correspondents . 18 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; Metals Bk. & Tr. Co., Butte; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. 52 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Northw. N„ Min pls.; Un. Bk. &Tr. Co., Helena. ITH THE NORTH WEST BANCORP ORATION Jun’34Stmt 93-516 dR®W5’S0 ‘Libby_______ 1752 First State Bank —dR®«J5’13 Jun’34Stmt 93-285 Lincoln D1 G. W. Millett_____ R. W. Smithberger. O. R. Tone_______ f.tma . 45Q First National Bank.d®«t’19 W. B. Gleed, F. M. Merrill. Sr... C. H. Oilhert Dec’33Stmt 93-498 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Beaverhead P7 ‘Livingston.. .6391 Park Ml2 NAT’L PARK BANK IN LIVINGSTON Jun’34Stmt 93-53 ‘Malta 1342 Phillips D17 FIRST STATE BK. Jun’34Stmt 93-136 Manhattan__ 501 Gallatin L10 dB®»t’29 (.AFFILIATED W (f. w HAM T, J WEGENER d®»t|'05 C. E. SECREST_____ HANS MEBUST______ R. G. MONROE rGEO. VERWOLF— MARTIN JACOBY 1 0 M0RIT7 A. D. WINTER William Powers__ Frank P. Sheehy A. C. Grande .. 20 Cap. Notes 15 20 Edw. S. Powers.— , M J FLINH |F. 1. SAVAGE-— A. G. EICHHORN— L.R.GILLETT, •Miles City...7175 BANK OF MILES CITY H KUIEY Coster J22 Jun’34Stmt 93-512 d®*t|’25 t AFFILIATED W ITH THE NORTH WEST BANCORP w* ORATION. — FIRST NATL. BANK flMHL— T. 0. HAMMOND-----Ch.lfBd. IN MILES CITY <(.AFFILIATED W Jun’34Stmt 93-66 d®T«t*82 J. 6. LAISHUN------- itmar- 12 150 A. C. SCHRUMPF ITH FIRST BAN! K STOCK CORP ORATION. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Great Falls, Montana Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 BANCO RPORATION. (.AFFILIATED W ITH THE NORT HWEST BANCO RPORATION. 100 Stockmens Bank........ d«t5’23 S. M. Holliday Jun’34Stmt 93-214 Meagher J12 Martlnsdale Medicine Lake 384 First State Bank.. d®«tl’09 Jun’34Stmt 93-157 Sheridan C24 A G. MILLER______ 25 ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION d®«tS’03 ( AFFILIATED W ITH THE NORT HWEST MANHATTAN STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt 93-213 fL. H. VAN DYCK— L A JACOBSEN\ J. C. VILAS, ch. 51 863 18 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Spok. & Eastern Tr., Spok. 20 1st N., Butte. ESTABLISHED 1886 LARGEST BANK IN NORTHERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $700,000 COUNTRY BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED 727 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. ASS'T CASHIER. Cashier. Vice-President. Resources. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Loans Other Cash,Ii. D.S.Gov. Other tJnd.Prol. Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Capital Surplus aud or Deposits Lia counts ties fromBks ties bilities Resorves $ ‘Missoula...14.657 First National Bk..dB®T«t’72 A. R. Jacobs______ H. R. Greene_____ Theodore Jacobs.. E. R. Anderson.— Jun’34Stmt 93-21 Missoula H5 F S IYTIF-NEWELL GOUGH. W.H CLARK.............. W 1 MURPHY V. P. and Cash. WtSItHN MUNI. NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 93-22 dB®«t’89 uuoi iiAlxil Ail it a9t3ijctniii itavii 0, H. Brocksmith. 1,083 889 018 432 /. 94 37 3 9 29 264 A..A. 297 49 200 100 36 B. Meyer Harris__ 3,373 C. H. Rittenour.CA. 25 25 68 i " „ {With Surp.) 171 1 201 74 49 51 23 R. A. Ruenanver... Jim Innes________ 25 15 2 399 25 466 116 76 116 136 Frank Koester___ 20 Deb. 10 10 89 129 41 18 21 46 10 1 330 378 166 117 80 3 8 172 228 40 41 111 Poplar . _ 1046 TRADERS STATE BANK R. E. PATCH............... FRANK CUSKER........ C. 1 SMITH Jun’34Stmt 93-140 d‘J8'09 Roosevelt E23 0. R. HAGEN -.......... / /$K % 25 Cap. Deb. 12 25 Deb. 20 3 1 24 ‘Red Lodge ..3026 Meyer & Chapman State Bank F. W. Lyle______ Alphia Chapman__ F. H. Alden______ Jun’34Stmt 93-68 d®*t§'12 Carbon N14 .. .. Wm. Larkin. __ J. L. Maryott-----United States Nat'l Bank Jim’34Stmt 93-65 dB®»t’10 50 17 16 278 9 1,005 Reserve 200 First National Bank..— »t'17 W. H. Westergaard Halvor Everson... Geo. N. Lnnd------- Harold Everson _. Jun’34Stmt 93-424 H. L. Lund Sheridan C24 35 135 Oa ^ Phyllis Pearson... Paul Hagan_______ M. J. Hughes_____ Aug. Ritz Roberts_______200 Roberts State Bank____t5'13 Albert Budas------- F. L. Clark Carbon N14 Jun’34Stmt 93-313 Ronan_______537 Ronan State Bank—d®»J|T0 L. F. Bn nee Lake 04 Jun’34Stmt ♦93-147 80 139 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Weils Fargo Bk. y- r* ^ / -J; z 32 51 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 16 1st N„ St. P. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Bk.& Tr.Co., Minpls.; Mid. N.. Billings. 4 Metals Bk. & Tr. Co., Butte; 1st N., St. P. 22 Chase N.,N. Y.;Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; 1st N., Missoula. 3 Northw. N. Bk. &Tr. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Min pls.; Un. Bk. & Tr., Helena. 15 Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; 1st N., Missoula; 1st N„ Butte. 21 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. Tr., Chi.; 1st N. Bk. Tr., Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. Tr., Helena. 4 Mont. Bk. Tr., Great Falls; Un. Bk. Tr. Co., Helena. 42 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Mid. N.,Billings. && & & 48 12 361 141 63 17 98 60 1,154 204 512 259 150 25 200 34 25 79 58 161 216 59 22 2 123 10 1st N., St. P. and Glendive. 18 119 182 35 21 113 13 Northw. N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. 10 216 253 95 77 67 14 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; Western Mont. N., Missoula. 68 {Incl. U. S. Secur.) 50 282 108 27 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Un. Bk. & Tr., Helena. 25 Northw. N.. Minpls.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. 11 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Great Falls. 7 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P., Helena,and Great Falls. & 29 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mid. N„ Billings: Metals Bk. Tr. Co., Butte. 4 1st N. Bk. Tr. Co., Minpls. & Fred Gariepy .. 5 (.Incl■ Und. Prof.) 25 30 {With Surp.) 30 Cap. Notes 15 25 H. E. Olsson______ E. M. Anderson__ i C. K. Hudson , O. M. Penttila........ 2 35 32 (With Surp.) 25 17 109 202 15 11 27 124 R. D. MOUNTAIN— H S POYCF 25 2 334 380 81 118 78 92 WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO RPORATION Nat. Taylor, L. B. O’Neil___ 25 8 418 476 195 35 166 73 ‘Roundup.__2577 Miners & Merchants Bank J. G. Reitsch_____ Musselshell J15 Jun’34Stmt 93-507 d®‘t§’23 ‘Scobey_____1259 Citizens State Bank.d®*l’16 W. T. Stephens, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Daniels C22 Jun’34Stmt 93-226 n N fckfi ___ ) J. Bi SULLIVAN, ‘Shelby.......... 2004 FIRST STATE BANK Ch. of Bd. Toole D9 Jun’34Stmt 93-227 d®‘t§’10 ) 1 AFFILIATED at •s Sunburst State Bank ..•t5’17 F. A. Woehner.... Jun’34Stmt 93-416 ■" 15 J z l1 120" •Power Statu BaflkIIHd»:t8T7 Fred Woehner .— W. E. Daily______ Jun’34Stmt ♦93-369 Principal Correspondents. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 1 Bernice Elkins ___ D. J. Dundas_____ R. L. Sproul T. W. Collinson.__ V. P. and Cash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Great Falls. Montana Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 98 2,939 3 ‘Poison______1455 Security State Bank-d®t§’10 Jim'34Stmt 93-91 Lake F4 Richey . __ 362 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 93-376 Dawson F23 $ 3,099 25 ‘Plentywood. 1226 Security State Bank—.dt§’12 Andrew Ueland, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 93-259 Sheridan C24 Power Teton 9B 185 V W. T. BALLARD____ GEHE WOODS............ - TR W PLACE ‘Phlllpsburg .1300 MONTANA STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt 93-517 d®ti 30 t AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION Granite J5 First National Bank—d®«t’04 457 $ 53 $ 2,561 $ A Ail E. T. Peterson L Jun’34Stmt 93-132 673 3 100 S S 1.254 S Other Re sources 576 $ 200 % Your Business will be appreciated. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION First National Bank—d»t’17 R. W. Putnam-----Jun’34Stmt 93-429 Valley E20 iO Park nty S.'n Park City State Bank d«t5 07 B. M. Harris_____ Jtlif34Stmt ♦ 93-219 Stillwater L15 Sanders G3 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MONTAN A—Continued 19 {Incl. Und. Prof.) 25 468 535 51 & ESTABLISHED 1886 LARGEST BANK IN NORTHERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $700,000 COUNTRY BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED 728 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 9 F. R. D. Helena Br. Sheridan____ 521 Madison M8 Liabilities. *Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Bank of Sheridan___ »t§’03 R. W. Rossiter..^. J. H. Gilbert......... J. H. Gilbert.. .Jun’34Stmt 93-228 ‘Sidney...........2010 Richland National Bank Richland F24 Jiin’34Stmt 93-511 d*i’25 •• ____ •• Sidney National Bank Jun’34Stmt 93-386 d®»t'16 Simms..............150 SunRiver Valley State Bank Cascade GO Jim’34Stmt 93-287 dB®»t§'13 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MONTAN A—Continued Ass't Cashier. ' J. S. Day________ Axel Nelson_____ G. A. Hall Alex Nelson, Ch. 25 25 J. A.Loken, G. E. Towle_____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres, G. R. Magruder J. E. Jones______ 30 6 Cap. 9 378 150 20 35 Notes Somers_____ 1000 The State Bank of Somers E. N. McDevitt—. Flathead E4 Jim’34Stmt 93-229 d®t§’02 Resources. Principal Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other & Due Seouri- Secari- & DisTotals ReCorrespondents. fromBks ties ties counts sources 44 $ $ 203 1$ 9 $ 29 $ 107 $ 14 1st N., Butte; Un. Bk. & Tr., Helena; Northw. N., Minpls. 437 80 130 186 5 Mid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 36 Minpls.; Merch. N., Glendive. 186 96 7 63 20 1st N. Bk. &Tr., Minpls. (In Thousands of Dollars') Ond.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits liaReserves bilities $ 25 $ 4 $ 2 S 172 .. .. 10 20 Chas. Fleck, 65 5 10 0 15 5 175 215 36 2 2 123 159 133 169 V, P. and Cash. ‘Stanford____ 509 Basin State Bank ...d®15’U M. T. Thompson... W. C. Flitcroft__ N.B. Matthews.__ Virginia Cheney.. 20 Judith Basin H12 Jim’34Stmt 93-244 Cap. .......... j 50 72 98 56 62 31 74 13 70 Notes 12 Stevensvllle ...692 First State Bank... d®»tS'09 Geo. T. Baggi....... D. C. Lockridge... R. B. Robinson.... Oscar E. Enebo.__ 25 Ravalli J4 Jun’34Stmt 93-231 ( Incom e Deb. 10 > i Sweetgrass___356 First International Bank 25 John Mars, W. J. O’Haire....... Douglas Parker.__ C. A. Callan........... Toole B9 .Iun’34Stmt 93-271 d*t$’13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (Cap. Notes) 20 »Terry_______779 State Bank of Terry.d»tS'06 W. A. Brubaker__ Alfred Wright.... W. G. Bartley....... A. S. Brubaker___ 40 40 .Iun’34Stmt ♦ 93-234 Prairie 122 Sam Undem ‘Thompson Falls First State Bank-..d®»J§’06 W. A. Barto........... J.W. Miller______ Jos. I. Bjerke____ 20 Sanders F2 468 Jun’34Stmt 93-235 Deb. 15 ‘Townsend.__743 State Bank of Townsend J. P. Kearns___ Jeff Doggett___ P. H. Murphy____ 50 11 Broadwater J10 Jun’34Stmt ♦93-110 d®«ti’99 N. O. Bowman Troy_________ 498 Kootenai Valley State Bank F. B. Callow___ Lincoln Cl Jun’34Stmt 93-268 d®*t§'13 N. W. Morrison ... EariB.Angell .... H. C. Weidner 5 45 24 645 2 151 6 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 12 95 42 40 134 353 49 48 207 188 72 447 514 74 130 96 182 5 99 144 48 15 31 42 5 2 157 204 59 10 34 70 8 234 25 29 Notes 15 25 Twin Bridges..671 First National Bank d®*t'17 A. R. Smith ........... W. T. Lewis_____ W. C. Jennings___ Madison M8 Jun’34Stmt 93-418 F, Seidensticker Victor............... 350 Ravalli J4 White fish___ 2803 Flathead D4 Whitehall....... 553 Jefferson L8 Farmers State Bank Henry St. John.. Jun’34Stmt ♦93-239 dB®«tS'07 First National Bank .d®»J’07 C. H. Jennings .... Juu’34Stmt 93-240 Whitehall State Bank L. R. Packard....... Jun’34Stmt 93-241 d®»«’04 ‘White Sulphur Springs.__575 Meagher Jll ‘Wibaux_____ 619 Wibaux H25 Williams_____ 27 Pondera D9 First National Bank..d»t’85 James T. Wood.. Jun’34Stnit 93-138 John S. Coad, Ch. H. F. Babbitt......... H C. Groff.. L. J. Sissel ............. P. C. Lilly___ P. C. Lilly A. W. Robert____ A. W. Robert - Pf. 15 H. H. Hoddo. . C. A. Linn_______ P. A. McIntosh.__ John S. Coad 25 15 25 26 (With 25 15 20 415 $ 25 12 Chase N„ N. Y.; West. 1 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Great Falls. 26 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Un. Bk. & Tr., Helena. 19 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N. Bk.&Un.Tr.,Spok.;Un. Bk. & Tr., Helena. 32 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;Cont. Ill. N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 8 Spok. & East. Tr. Co., Spok. 31 Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; Met. Bk. & Tr. Co., Butte. 4 1st N., Missoula. 282 65 84 129 491 123 63 163 103 39 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ 227 45 10 88 62 22 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Surp.) 4 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N., Great Falls; Conrad N., Kalispell. 10 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. Mont. N., Missoula; Spok. &East.Tr.,Spok. 749 ............ • • 1st N., Great Falls. Kalispell. 183 Y.; Un. Bk. & Tr., Helena; 1st N., Butte. 1st N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N„ Butte. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena; Mont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Great Falls. 1st N., Butte. 10 15 333 21 429 105 90 191 32 11 First National Bank d®»J’06 P. A. Fischer____ fi. E. McCann^..... F, M. Elliott......... 11 50 Jun’34Stmt 93-131 H. L. Bar^errrW- (f fe. J. Kelliil-...^ Jl. L. Barber,, Berfiic&b. /ulver, > 90)J f 5 ft Cash, anu Se)t A. Cash^prif A. Sec. ~ J .iun’34Stmt 93-458 Ch, of Ehjt ind'Preh f If Wisdom 387 State Bank of Wisdom Jay Arnold............ Jorgen Jorgenson. Harold Capeliart.. d*tS’14 Beaverhead M5 Jun’34Stmt, 93-328 ‘Wolf Point ..1539 First National Bankd®»J’17 A. T. Listug........... A. W. Huxsol....... Dwight Lohn......... 50 Jun’34Stmt 93-307 Roosevelt E22 “ ____ •• First State Bank...d®«t§’13 F. E. Rathert___ G. H. Flint____ A. V. Appelgren... J. T. Brownlee__ 50 Jun’34Stmt 93-270 H. T. Smith * Inclu des Pr ance C orpora Worden______ 250 Farmers State Bank d*2S'13 D. C. Richards. H. R. Howe_____ Wm. Schenck___ E. M. Reynolds__ 25 6 Yellowstone K16 Jim’34Stmt ♦ 93-286 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, (With Surp.) 2 260 49! 370 78 70 58 144 20 10 2 39 4 1 32 2 40 65 24 5 30 281 50 3911 121 149 101 20 1st N„ St. P.; Un. Bk. & 598 141 133 188 9 N. City, N. Y.; Northw. Pf. 30 Wyola------------ 125 Little Horn State Bank L S. Fuller, E. O. Woodley___ Albert J. Sheets... Mark Kirscher___ 25 Big Horn N18 Jun’34Stmt 93-476 ®»tS’19 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cap. Tr., Helena. 8 540 oceeds of $20, 000.00 tion. 4 113 3 2 142 8 9 80 127 Debent ures so Id to R econstr action Fin- 15 148 31 52 23 29 207 29 43 17 114 120 14 1 l3 86 Notes Zurich_______ 305 First State Bank______ t}'17 John W. Acher.__ Chas. F. Grass___ Jim’34Stmt 93-387 Blaine 015 FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Great Falls. Montana Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ 20 6 Deb AO 1 N., Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Helena. Mid.N.Bk.&Tr.,Minpls.; 13 Mid. N„ Billings. 4 Bk. of Com., Sheridan, Wyo.; Secur. Tr. and Sav., Billings. 6 1st N., St. P.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. ESTABLISHED 1886 LARGEST BANK IN NORTHERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $700,000 COUNTRY BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Direct Collection Service in Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and Western Iowa W. DALE CLARK VICTOR B. SMITH WILLARD B. MILLARD, Jr. Vice-Pres, Vice-Pres. J. R. CAIN Vice-Pres, OTIS T. ALVISON Vice-Pres, JOHN A. CHANGSTROM Vice-Pres, JAMES P. LEE DANIEL J. MONEN - Trust Officer DAVID F. DAVIS Assistant Trust Officer CLYDE O. DARNER Assistant Cashier JAMES H. MOORE The Omaha National Bank Farnam at Seventeenth Omaha, JVehr, TO COUNTIES. Adams........ N 17 Antelope... ,G 18 Arthur............. 18 Banner........... J 2 Blaine.......... H 12 Boone............ I 18 Box Butte... .G 4 Boyd............ E 16 Brown.........G 13 Buffalo..........L 15 Burt. ......... H 22 Butler.......... K 20 Cass...................L24 Cedar............F 20 Chase........... M 7 Cherry........... F 9 Cheyenne .... J 4 Clay............ N 18 Colfax............120 Cuming........H 21 Custer........... J 13 Dakota....... G 22 Dawes........... E 3 Dawson........ L 13 Deuel............ K 6 Dixon...........F 21 Dodge........... J 22 Douglas... .K 23 Dundy...........N 7 Fillmore ... .N 19 Franklin ... .0 15 Frontier... .M 11 Furnas......... 0 13 Gage............N 22 Garden........... J 6 Garfield.......H 15 Gosper........N 13 Grant............H 8 Greeley......... J 16 Hall............. L 16 Hamilton .. .M 18 Harlan....... N 14 Hayes............N 9 Hitchcock. ...09 Holt.............G 15 Hooker..........H 9 Howard....... K 16 Jefferson. .. .0 20 Johnson.......N 23 Kearney ... .N 15 Keith..............K 8 Keyapaha.. .E 13 Kimball......... K 2 Knox............F 18 Lancaster.. .M 22 Lincoln....... L 10 Logan........... J 11 Loup........... H 14 McPherson....J 9 Madison.... I 20 Merrick.......K 18 Morrill............14 Nance...........J 18 Nemaha .... N 24 Nuckolls... .0 18 Otoe............ M 23 Pawnee.... .0 23 Perkins.... 1,8 Phelps......... M 14 Pierce........ .G 19 Platte......... .J 19 Polk............ .K 19 Redwillow.. .0 11 Richardson. .0 25 Rock.......... .F 14 Saline........ N 20 Sarpy......... K 23 Saunders... . K. 22 Scotts Bluff . H 2 Seward....... I, 20 Sheridan. .. K 6 Sherman... .K 15 Sioux.......... . .E 2 Stanton.. .. ,H 20 Thayer....... O 19 Thomas.... H 11 Thurston... .G 22 Valley....... ..J 15 Washington .. J 23 Wayne....... .G 20 Webster...,. .0 17 Wheeler....,.H 16 York......... . .L 19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S ee B a ck of W a sh in g to n , D .C . M ap INDEX WASHINGTON, D. C. Nebraska A Complete New Columnar Style Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in this edition of your Blue Book You now have eleven columns of data on every American bank—three more than in former editions of your Blue Book. amount of funds invested in United States Government securities and the other showing the amount invested in other securities. Figures in Thousands of Dollars You will find all statements in this and subsequent editions listed in thousands of dollars only. A bank with $100,000 capital is shown as $100. An institution with $1,250,101 in deposits is listed as $1,250. This makes possible a quicker and easier reading and comparison of bank statements. Totals Column A“totals” column—separates the liabilities from the resources and shows at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any American bank. No other bank directory embodies this essential index figure • Undivided Profits and Reserves Surplus and undivided profits now occupy two columns: “surplus” and “undivided profits and/or reserves.” U. S. Government Securities Likewise, bonds and investments are divided into two columns, one showing the • • This new Blue Book revolutionizes all former methods of presenting banking data. Its four major improvements give you added figures on each bank—more conveniently arranged, permitting you to quickly compare the relative conditions as to each item of all banks in any given state or city. Rand McNally Bankers Directory The Rankers Blue Book Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 700 / OO (In Thousands of Dollars] Resources. Other Loans Dnd.Prof. Other I I Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other I Totals ReCapital Surplus and or Deposits Lia& Due Securi- Securi- & Dissources ties counts Reserves fromBks ties bilities Liabilities. Town and Countt. oMem.A.B.A.nNew 5 State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State No.10 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Tru8t B-Bond F E. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. Vice-President Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Adams................535 Adams State Bank...d®tl’18 Chris Henniet____ Thole Tholen_____ Henry Gramann... Orville Krueger... 8 Jun’34Stmt 76-1167 Gaee N22 20 $ 50 W. H. Williams.__ G. H. Thorley____ ‘Ainsworth...1378 Commercial National Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-973 d»'13 Brown F12 „ „ 195 4 381 8 226 8 445 54 8 54 8 29 8 129 83 5 81 8 217 10 5 181 8 35 j 266 55 46 25 118 50 15 739 50 904 423 99 6 351 30 5 3 579 30 677 189 76 43 345 25 5 5 115 150 63 14 50 50 5 851 50 1,006 398 249 76 252 C. J. Abbott______ E. H. Boyd_______ LeRoy Abbott____ C. H. Sudman_____ 50 10 2 421 ....... 483 131 20 77 233 A. E. Persons... .. 100 13 16 688 100 917 244 275 62 291 53 1 84 27 8 31 1 476 190 98 179 F. M. Weitzel........ L. .T. Fox . _ _ C. E. Krause J. P. Fox Pf. 30 J. J. Rothmeier__ Nellie M. Moore.. Alexandria ___ 421 State Bank of Alexandria Jun’34Stmt 76-636 t5’84 Thayer 020 ‘Alliance____ 6689 ALLIANCE NATIONAL BANK F. M. Knight ^3K34Stmt 76-86 d®«t’88 Box Butte G4 GUARDIAN STATE BANK 10 7 8 50 First National Bank.d®»t’81 Jun’34Stmt 76-176 •• 4 8 35 Hans Rohwer_____ C. T. Bowen.__ National Bank of Ainsworth Jun’34Stmt 76-255 d©‘t’83 2172 Albion National Bank.®j’89 D. V. Blatter_____ A. W. Ladd. . .. W. S. Price______ G. K. Graham R. I. Blatter Jun’34Stmt 76—175 Boone 118 t Athlon •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA F. E. Holsten____ F. W. Harris._ R. E. Knight _ 68 Junl34Stmt 76-1240 dd)*t§’19 E. M. Eldred.__ H. D. Wells______ NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK W. A. Rose, : 76-87 d®‘t’32 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. R^wfSorter j ____ - “• *2 V ‘Alma______ 1235 C.‘e.‘Alter. Ch." Jun’34Stmt 76-248 Harlan 014 M „ Vesta McKee J. Q. Haskell_____ Harlan County Bank ♦ 76-249 dB®»t§1900 // / i W J w W. G. Haskell____ A. M. Boyles ___ Farmers & Merch. Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-638 *t§02 0. D. Ganz 435 10 3 5 168 3 204 128 5 9 54 8 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Oma. N., Oma. 25 276 140 32 31 71 2 Oma. N., Oma. 169 70 20 68 18 2 11 48 209 70 50 27 55 139 84 3 13 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) Pf. 15 4 5 217 M. Weil................ I. O. Gardner Security State Bank..®»t§’15 J. H. Watts Jun’34Stmt 76-1011 Custer K14 M. R. Williams-__ S. M. Patterson___ Elda T. Magee........ C. A. Patterson ___ Arapahoe State Bank Arapahoe........1017 Jun’34Stmt 76-284 d®t§’99 Furnas N13 20 8 1 140 R. F. Emmett____ C. V. Evans______ Valley J14 M Arlington____622 Arlington State Bank —t§'90 L. D. Spalding, Wash. J22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-359 Jun’34Stmt 76-610 Grant H7 Jun’34Stmt 76-981 Ashby_________ 150 Grant County State Bank : 10 11 13 170 (Incl. Res.) 3 110 1 177 212 104 6 4 53 73 21 W. T. Waldron-— Geo. E. Schoettger 30 10 7 203 250 113 8 25 5 3 158 191 121 15 16 69 102 42 50 10 215 275 75 25 982 15 3 j/ ■hb> Ray Hill—................. B. C. Webrman—.. Geo. Rath............. CJt ,Tt Abbott 83 25 P/.10 10 Arnold_______ 899 Arnold State Bank__ d®t§'30 Ouster J12 57 LeRoy Abbott .... H. E. Lichty______ 2 1786 "CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK J. C. Railsback___ G. J. Railsback.__ Jun’34Stmt 76-192 d®t'34 Saunders K23 M „ FARMERS & MERCH. NAT’L E. A. Wiggenhorn W. E. Harnsberger. K. A.Frickp . BARK------ 76-161-----d®t’M NEBRASKA Map Peter I. Badura— Jun’34Stmt 76-408 on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84 41 5 Chase N„ N. Y.; U. S. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N„ Lin. 4 Live Stk. N., Oma. 11 1st N., Oma.; Cent. City N. and Far. N., Cent. City. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., 17 N. Y.; Oma. N„ Oma.; Stephens N., Fremont. Oma. N. and U. S. N., Oma.; Cont. N., Lin. U. S. N„ Oma. 24 88 10 6 54 2 2 56 207 8 45 5 10 Oma. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 38 1,120 455 167 148 323 27 Chase N.,N.Y.;Oma.N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 175 04 10 89 12 1st N., Lin.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N., Oma. Jun’34Stmt Sherman K16 7 11 Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 4 Oma. N„ Oma.; Cont. N., Lin.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo.; Drov. N., Kan. c 7 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. d®«t*’18 Ashland Ashton______ 435 47 Pf. 15 C. W. Starr.. __ Vftfof Bd. tint?Pres. TV Jun’34Stmt 1 >W. P. Hansen____ First National Bank—d»t’07 M. L. Fries. > ■CK/Sf Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-380 Merrick K18 25 15 711 Arcadia State Bank ..._»tr88 G. H. Kinsey_____ H. S. Kinsey------Jun’34Stmt 76-379 Arcadia M R. J. Finch- __ CITIZENS STATE BANK .Jun’34Stmt 76—285 d®»t8'05 18 Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo., Mo.; Oma. N., Oma.; Cont. N., Lin. 9 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Oma. 5 25 •• 22 U. S. N. and Live Stk. N„ Oma. 25 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma. 24 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi. 5 1st N., St. Jo. and Fairbury; Stk. Yds. N., Kan. City. 31 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Oma. and Lin.: Colo. N„ Den. 22 North. Tr., Chi.;U. S. N. and Live Stk. N.f Oma.; IstN., Den. 45 Oma. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma.; 1st N., Den. 5 J. E. Harris______ A. T. Reynolds.__ A. H. Czenknsch... Amherst _ 2R? First National Bank__ ®t’03 R. L. Hart. Ch. ofBd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-595 Buffalo L14 « 8 N.Bk. Com., Lin.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo.; 1st N., Oma. 11 1st N., Oma. 30 Warren B. Fowler Jun’34Stmt Cass L23 Principal Correspondents. 156 1 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 704 ' Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In 0. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPrlr. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Vice-President. CASHIER. Atkinson____1144 First National Bank___ «t'02 Fred H. Swingley. E. M. Gallagher... I. R. Dickerson. Holt FIS Jun’34Stmt 76-308 H. J. Birmingham Ass’t Cashier. 76-93 CARSON NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 76-91 »t’87 ‘Aurora______2715 Farmers State Bank 50 G. W. Rhodes_____ (FRANK GERLAW— ROSANNA CARSON— R. C. BOYD- - - - - - - - - J T ZACHARIAS_ _ _ CLARENCE CASTNER 1 All Banking nu Surplus 50 Und.Prof. Other and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities 3 608 25 Totals 3 742 Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other I Loans & Due Securi Securi- & DisfromBks ties ties counts Other Re sources 3 3 241 3 f 50 3 51 106 2 3 \ (Ini iquida tion. T o be co mplete d by D ecembe 76-309 ‘Auburn_____ 3068 Aubnrn State Bank.d®‘t§'06 Wm. Bohling_____ Franz Moerer_____ R. W. Dirks___ Nemaha N24 Capital H. A. Snyder. Security State Bank___ t#'14 E. J. Mack_______ H. Hookstra______ J. J. Krska____ Jun’34Stmt (In Thousands of Dollars) Liabilities. President. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond F. R.D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Jun’34Stmt Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued 25 294 332 165 60 594 734 187 141 3 65 3 285 62 r 1,193 56 329 99 10 Chase N„ N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; U. S. N., Oma. 41 Chase N..N.Y.; Oma. N„ Oma. 12 Burnes N., St. Jo.; Cont. N. and 1st N„ Lin. 11 1st N„ Oma.; Com. Tr. 136 tters promptly an d Intelligently ha ndlea. J. A. Isaman, O. F. Hartquest__ George Wanek___ Clayton Wanek. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. H. Wanek Principal Correspondents. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Lin.; Tootle-Lacy N„ St. Jo. 21 Packers N. and 1st N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 17 Live Stk. N. and Oma. N„ Oma. 36 300 350 215 74 11 29 30 20 320 381 162 135 9 58 Avoca---- ---------222 Farmers State Bank—©t5'15 E. R. Straub._____ Louis Cariten_____ Elmer Hallstrom — Cass L23 Jun’34Stmt 76-1025 15 280 317 135 85 85 12 1st N„ Oma. and Lin., Far., Neb. C. Axtell________ 328 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. D. England____ Kearney N16 Jun’34Stmt 76-514 §’07 C. S. England_____ Lome Anderson .. 10 140 164 68 7 52 Bancroft ____ 660 Citizens Bank_____ d®*8'91 Ghas. Graff_______ Wm. Rembe_____ Cuming H22 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 76-330 W. J. Meyer______ M. D. Francis_____ 30 179 221 1 68 Oma. N. and Live Stk. N„ Oma.; City N., Hastings. 10 U. S. N. and Packers N„ Oma. 10 154 Hamilton L18 Jun’34Stmt 76-101 dB®tl’09 First National Bank in F. E. Edgerton___ F. C. Crone, Exec. _ Frank M. Farr ___ Aurora---- 76-98.___ ®»t’34 Pf. Jun’34Stmt First National Bank.d®»f: 76-329 John Mnnderloh. A. G. Zuhlke_____ G. H. Harms-------W. G. Munderloh, Jun’34Stmt ‘Bartlett_____ 133 Bartlett State Bank. Wheeler H16 Jun’34Stmt 76-646 Bartley_______465 Stab* Hank of Bartley Kedwillow Oil Jun’34Stmt 76-647 1 Frank Kailiser-—— Hubert A. BisMp. D. D. Smith_____ A. B. Wood. ‘Bassett ____ 635 Commercial Bank___ dtS'i Rock F14 Jun’34Strat 76-528 lenry Canenbure, O. M. Jeffrey. ~!h. of Bd. and Pres. Battle Creek .755 Madison H19 E. Tanner....__ ... F. C. Pranneri... . J. B. Dnfphey____ Bayard_______1559 First National Bank .d®»f: Morrill I 2 Jun’34Stmt 76-692 H. H Ostenberg. C. W. Foster Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 50 y 77 43 47 74 271 318 5 20 87 116 43 54 25 110 146 35 59 25 25 175 242 80 25 25 112 100 2,839 3,148 456 1,350 361 961 50 566 650 382 102 100 1,198 1,450 520 416 238 240 30 245 278 153 2 20 90 216 59 73 76 Pf. J. A. Stockwell... H. D. Silsby.. Pf. Beatrice State Bank.. d»tl’08 C. G. Baker______ J. T. Harden_____ H. H. Waite_____ L. J. Hobbs______ 76-24 298 15 O. M. Jeffrey____ Winnie Davison__ ‘Beatrice... 10.297 Beatrice National Bank—»i’84 Wallace Robertson H. T. Weston____ E. C. Austin_____ J. H. Doll____ Gage N22 ■Jun’34Stmt 76-21 W.W. Cook D.W. Cook 20 142 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 25 r D. L. Mitchell____ / 219 34 100 38 15 35 1 177 139 Jun’34Stmt First National Bank.d®»t’77 W. Jun’34Stmt 76-20 C. Black............ E. T. Howey_____ H. A. Reeves......... A. G. Kleman.. L. D. Bonham ‘Beaver City .1024 First State Bank...d©»t§’87 A. F. Reiser_____ A. B. Brown______ A. T. Nickerson, G. W. Shafer. Jr... Jun’34Stmt 76-265 Furnas 013 Cash, and Sec. Beemer__ ____ 571 Cuming H21 76-444 f A. C. NELLOR. HENRY BEHRENS— A. J. LEUTHAUSER— F. A. LOHOEFNER... 25 ) Ch. of Bd and Pre s. d®*t’03 ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 25 140 100 25 US. 3 City N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma. Live Stk. N„ Oma. U. S. N„ Oma. Live Stk. N. and Oma. N., Oma. 30 Packers N. and Un. State, Oma.; Sec. N..Norfolk. 1st N., Den.; Oma. N„ Oma.; Scottsbluff N., Scottsbluff. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Lin. and St. Jo.; Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C. 1st N„ N. Y., Chi., and Lin.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. Am. N., St. Jo.; Cont. N„ Lin.; Oma., N., Oma.; Drov. N„ Kan. C. Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oma. N. and Packers N., Oma. Belden_______ 248 First National Bank.d®«i'92 John Beuck, F. E. Harper_____ G. E. Barks_______ R. K. Draper, Sec.. Cedar F20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. K. Draper. Act. Jun’34Stmt 76-650 Pf. 25 15 136 204 55 54 88 Live Stk. N„ Sioux C.; Oma. N., Oma. Benedict_____ 279 First National Bank_____ t’06 J. R. McCloud____ Harley Nettleton . B. B. Crownover Jun’34Stmt 76-653 York L19 25 153 221 117 25 59 13 13 207 237 116 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., York; Stk. Yds. N., Oma. 1st N„ Lin.; 1st N„ Mc Cook and Council Bluff. ‘Benkelman.,1154 State Bank__________ *t§’16 F. G. Stilgebouer. Jun’34Stmt 76-1059 Dundy 08 NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D. E. Gallatin. R. E. Miller______ Pf. 93 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Bennet______ 428 Citizens Bank_________ t|'86 J. S. Wishart____ Peter Olson_____ .Iun’34Stmt 76-468 Lancaster M22 Bennington ...375 Bank of Bennington__ dt§’28 H. E. Roe, •Jun’34Stmt 76-1301 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Douglas J23 Benson____ ____ (See Omaha) Douglas J23 Bethany________ (See Lincoln) Big Spring____595 Farmers State Bank _d»t8’06 AndreasKjeldgaard Jun’34Stmt 76-658 Deuel K8 Capital $ 25 $ M. Splittgerber...„ (In Thousands of Dollars) Liabilities. Und.Prof. Surplus and or Reserves 5 $ $ Other lia bilities 223 Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S. Gov. Other Loans & Due Securi Securi & Dis fromBks ties ties counts Totals GO •Mem. A.B. A. nN«w §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estsb. ^County Seats. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Ov Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued AlQ 7-3C $ 110 132 S 105 20 321 353 168 15 29 48 9 35 507 552 121 114 Bloomfield... 1435 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Wm.Lamprecht.Sr. Adolph Gerdau ___ James A. Cline. Jr. Frank Hughes____ Jun’34Stmt 78-209 d©*t§'90 Knox FIB Pf. 5 20 154 190 116 19 49 Bloomlngton.,431 Bloomington State Bank U. H. Bienhoff___ Jun’34Stmt 76-431 d«t§’88 Franklin 015 15 40 66 35 1 30 Carl Kjeldgaard— W. H. Klindt C. D. Saunders___ G. T. Hedelund... Jun’34Stmt ♦ 76-1316 d®»t§'33 45 55 114 16 1st N„ Oma., Lin. and Den. 33 6 U. S. N. and Live Stk. N„ Oma. 51 261 C. H. Moffett Julia H. Moffett— Pf. 10 25 242 273 113 37 20 94 20 226 260 100 40 40 75 20 125 152 29 26 26 60 25 141 205 63 56 14 70 20 151 177 55 18 86 20 452 495 141 132 117 97 ‘Bridgeport.. 1421 Bridgeport State Bank C. H. Burk_______ J. O. Baker_______ Arthur Erickson... David G. Johnson. Jun’34Stmt 76-1296 B@»t8’27 F. R. Lindberg. Ch. Morrill IS 30 308 361 173 35 9 135 Bristow______183 Nebraska State Bauk-dtS'24 J. E. Olson............ F. Jun’34Stmt 76-1281 Boyd E16 15 48 67 39 9 2 13 Boelus_______ 246 Boelus Sate Bank........ ©§’86 Peter Jensen_____ Mrs. H. Ericksen.. Harry Ericksen__ Elsie Schipman.__ Howard K16 Jun’34Stmt 78-660 N.Jensen C. A. McCloud, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. G. H. Holdemau__ C. B. Palmer......... A. L. Lincoln____ B. R. Kittenbrink, ®. J. Taylor_____ W. O. Collett____ J. D. McCullough.. Ch.of Bd. and Pres. Bralnard_____ 400 Bank of Brainard____®t5’92 E.T. Smith Butler K21 Jun’34Stmt 76-457 ____ Chas. Novak—........ L. F. Novak ______ T. Anderson___ L, W. Hibson ...__ Broadwater___368 Union 8tate Bank.... dtf’17 R. C. Munkrei____ Jun’34Stmt 76-1083 Morrill 14 J. O. Ross 25 107 133 77 Brock................ 328 Bank of Brock______ d»}§'89 E. C. Yont...... —. Jun’34Stmt 76-667 Nemaha N24 K. fl. Ynnt 10 68 94 41 17 ‘Broken Bow.2715 Broken Bow State Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-115 t§’99 Custer J13 E. W. Ra vson. 10 162 202 66 29 T. T. Varney......... M. Weil.................. C. R. Luce, Ch. G. D. Clark. Exec. 6 Stk. Yds. N., Oma.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Drov. N„ Kan. C„ Mo.; Live Stk. N., Oma. 9 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; 1st N„ Oma. 5 Chase N„ N. Y.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., So. St. Jo.; Cont. N„ Lin. Live Stk. N. and U. S. N„ 11 Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin.; 1st N., G. Isl. 2 1st N„ York. 18 1st State, Gothenburg; 1st N. and Packer’s N., Oma. 8 U. S. N„ Oma.; 1st N„ Lin. 9 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr„ Chi.; N. Bk. of Com., Lin.; Oma. N„ Oma. (J. S. N„ Oma. 4 47 9 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Stk. Yds. N., Oma. 10 19 7 1st N„ St. Jo.; Neb. City N„ Neb. City. 16 75 16 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Stk. Yds. N., Oma. 14 U. S. N„ Oma.; 1st N.t Lin. Pf. 23 C. H. Rowan______ 35 474 525 244 87 180 Security State Bank.. d®8'05 Joseph Haumont — 76-117 P. G. Richardson.. 35 246 288 165 51 61 11 Live Stk.N.,Oma.N., and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma. Bank of Brule............ ©*t§’16 G. D. Adams______ G. D. Adams_____ 10 65 93 50 19 24 25 234 277 99 70 99 9 25 62 88 41 4 35 8 25 123 155 56 43 50 6 15 94 119 44 17 26 7 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Live Stk. N. and 1st N„ Oma. ChaseN.,N. Y.; Cont. N., Lin.: 1st N.f Fairbury. Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. and Oma. Inter-State N., Kan. C., Mo.; Cont. N., Lin.; 1st N., Beatrice. 1st N., St. Jo.; Cont. N„ Lin. 76-1091 Jun’34Stmt Keith K7 5 1st N., Oma. Nebraska State Bank—dtl’17 E. S. Holcomb___ Jun’34Stmt Brule____ 9 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Lin.; U.S. N., Oma. N., 1st N„ and Live Stk. N.. Oma. 8 Stk. Yds. N. and U. S. N„ Oma. J. F. Davis Blue Hill____ 669 Commercial Bank —.d®tS’05 Edgar McBride ... Mary McBride____ C. H. Wear............. Webster N17 Jim’34Stmt 76-328 Blue Springs.. 700 Blue Springs State Bank W. O. Black, Sr— Geo. F. Harpster__ F. J. Patton — __ .Jun’34Stmt 76-659 ®t5’01 Gage 022 Bradshaw.__ 340 First National Bank___d»t’06 York LIB Jun’34Stmt 76-663 Brady________ 387 Bank of Brady........ .. d®«tj'04 Lincoln Lll Jun’34Stmt 76-567 Principal Correspondents. 2 Pf. 20 Bingham_____100 Bank of Bingham______tS’lB Cha*. Finegan........ F. M. Gilbaugh—. W. W. Gilbaugh Jun’34Stmt 76-1199 Sheridan H6 Washington J23 10 7 i 77 ‘Blair............... 2791 Washington County Bank 40 $ $ Other Re sources Aug’34Stmt 76-1064 Pf. 15 Brunlng______316 Bruning State Bank.__ »t|'91 G. C. Bruning, Wm. M. Bruning — Fred H. Bruning _ D. G. Redelfs........ Thayer N19 Jun’34Stmt 76-669 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Brunswick........352 Brunswick State Bank.. §'02 W. H. Rose______ John Nothem_____ Leonard Hales____ AnteloDe 018 Jun’34Stmt 76-671 Burcbard____ 275 State Bank of Burchard C. A. Yarpe______ F. A. Sloan_______ A. B. Kammerer.— Pawnee 023 Jun’34Stmt 76-1308 ®t§’28 Burr____ _____ 122 American Bank________tt’95 V. H. Goerke Otoe M23 Jim’34Stmt 76-673 NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis G.J.Kahl. 25 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Toe. /OU Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number Eire* to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TownandCountt. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 10 F. R. D. Omaha Br. eMem.A.B.A.wNew {State tPrir. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings ‘Bur well.......... 1156 nBank of Burwell......t§'34 Garfield 115 Liabilities, President. F. A. Johnson. Vice-President, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. /v NEBRASKA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. H. O. Johnson....... O.W. Johnson__ Everett Johnson.. S 2 25 i S Resources. Lo&us j Cash,Ei. U.S.Gov. Other ! & Due Securi Securi & Dis counts ties fromBks ties (in Thousands of Dollars) Ond.Prol. Surplus aud or Reserves' Capital T bilities j % $ 73 S 51 29 $ 3 Jun’34Stmt 76-1327 *Butte_______ 569 First National Bank ...T»t’02 F. L. Boynton.. .Iun’34Strat 76-414 Boyd D15 M. L. Honke_____ E. R. Johnson___ E. J. Statsmann... J. A. McLaughlin 25 1 171 $ 5 177 25 248! 35 $ 61 42 101 216 71 ............. 48 93 4 5 90 5 10 65 8 80 160 13 7 20 13 26 112 19 23 2 182 15 24 3 37 25 10 318 414 10 ■ 75 8 5 70 32 5 205 40 31 Callaway_____ 833 Seven Valleys State Bank J. I. Christiansen, M. Weil............... E. R. Logan............. Jun’34Stmt 76-324 dtS’87 Ch. of Bd. and Pres Ouster K13 25 1 210 238 10 3 95 128 45 10 i 489 594 279 129 89' 180 212 55 41 59 29 5 721 826 433 61 1211 146 99 20 87 119 47 1,070 1,253 252 Cambridge ...1203 Cambridge State Bank. *t5'07 O. W. Phillips____ C. A. Phillips, Ch. .Iun’34Stmt 76-258 Furnas N12 C. A. Phillips......... FIRST NATIONAL BANK-• 02 O. M. Brown-------- A. A. Mousel_____ .Iun’34Stmt I M. D. Carroll. 76-257 100 38 25 251 62 Pf. 25; W. H. Patterson... H. M. L’Heureux. Carleton_____ 363 Citizens State Bank..d®ti’90 H. B. Jennings.. .Jun’34Stmt 76-676 Thayer N19 ‘Center.............130 Center State Bank_____ t§'31 George Gnewuch— Jun’34Stmt 76-678 Knox F18 Chas. C. McEndree ‘Central Clty.2474 Farmers National Bank .Iun’34Stmt 76-109 d®»*’86 Merrick K18 Luther Bonham___ R. B. Walker____ D. E. Berkey Wm. Von Rentzell C. T. Britt-........... L. L’Heureux. 30! (Incl. Und. Prof.) W. E. Reed............... Eric Wright_____ 25 5 Cecil Tooley------- Ceresco.............391 Farmers & Merchants Bank Frank W.Wedberg Herman Nelson... Fred Mostrom... Fred Mostrom, See. Jun’34Stmt 76-920 ®t§’ll S Saunders K22 (TA^ijjOaj^ycr *Ii merB. Eliason. Union 8tate Bank___ ®t§’21 Olaf Pearson... 20_____ 25 ............. 135 76-1279 FIRST RATIONAL BANK Jim’34Stmt ' ' tint j Pf. 15 Campbell......... 565 Farmers State Bank—dtS’04 A. L’Heureux. •lun’34Stmt 76-402 Franklin N6 .hin’34Strat 9 Pf. 25 Cairo------- ------ 425 State Bank of Cairo.d®»t§’30 W. L. Heupel_____ G.C. Raven_____ W. E. Sorensen__ .lun’34Stmt 76-1319 Hall L16 •Chadron.__ 4606 Dawes E4 22 $ Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources 76-94 dB®«t’87 C. F. COFFEE— 0. F. COFFEE. JR. - J. V. WEBSTER- GRACE MILLER. W. L. GOOD 751 711 (With 259 Surp.) ■ Leo. T. Adams, 9; Cash, and Sec. 5! 122 144 Chapman........ 283 Chapman State Bank..®t|'02 Jun’34Stmt 76-681 Merrick L18 10 40, 134 188 51 ‘Chappell.__ 1061 CHtffELLSTATE .lun’34Stmt 76-948 Deuel K5 50 25: 281 j 360 110 51 91 i 127 91 tl’12 961 141 39 Vincent Douglas. 20 5 65 92 38 20 5 250 295 257 38 2| 98 1231 72 18 9 24 j 186 223 00 13 6 CO 41 30 31 31 19 6 120 157 80 30 47 i 1 98 125 19 3 78 Frank Vidlak.......... Leon J. Petr 2 Ciatonla_____ 242 Farmers Bank.... .d®«'96 C. W. Stelnmeyer. F. C. Chittenden. E. J. Chittenden__ H. J. Riechers.... Jun’34Stmt 76-681 Ch. of Bd.and Pres. Gage N21 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK M. M. Campbell.__ H. H. Johnson___ H. B. Campbell. 76-251 K. R. Anderson.... d®»tl'87 Pf. 20 j 20 10 Pf. 20. J. A. VanKirk____ 10 Frank Mapes____ H. D. Miller. Clearwater___504 Citizens State Bank—dt5’30 J. W. Bennie, Cash, and Sec. Pf. 15 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. .Jun’34Stmt 76-492 Antelope G17 Cody_________ 408 Bank of Cody-------- d®J*'99 H. B. Skeen............ M. E. Skeen______ H. L. Severn;____ L. A. Brooks--------Cherry D9 Jun'34Stmt 76-686 NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 1 Clarkson_____ 918 Clarkson Bank............... _t’34 Emil Petr............. F. B. Schultz------ J. A. Kucera.... Aug’34Stmt 76—357 Colfax 120 Jnn'34Stmt 43 &. D. Van Cleef... 76-408 W. F. Feehan____ Clarks... ____ 540 Farmers State Bank ....dl’14 F. L. West, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Merrick K18 Jun’34Stmt 76-994 ‘CUy Center ..933 Clay N18 »o Jim’TIStmt .............. Drov. N„ Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., Lin.; 1st N., Oma. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N„ Lin.; InterState N.,Kan. C.; Oma. N., Oma. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. Jo.; Live Stk. N., Oma. 1st N„ Falrbury; TootleLacy N„ St. Jo. 1st N„ Lin.; Oma. N„ Oma. Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y ; U. S. N., Oma. Cont.N„Lin.; IstN. and Oma. N„ Oma.; Wahoo State, Wahoo. Live Stk. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Wahoo; 1st N.,Lin. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. U. S. N. and Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N. and O’Neill N„ O’Neill. 1st N. and Packers N„ Oma. Oma. N., Oma.; 1st N„ Lin. Stk. Yds. N„ Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 22 14 1 Chester........... .579 Chester State Bank.... d§’10 A; Richards-------- ------------------------- 5; Pf. 20 1 C. M. Empson___ Deuel County State Bank .Iim’34Stmt 76-1205 d®»tlT6 Thayer 019 2 Pf. 7 O Ch.ftf Bd. and Pres 76-680 CO Jun’34Stmt GO Holt G16 •O Chambers........ 259 Chambers State Bank .dtl'01 Edward Adams, Oma; N. Bk. Com., Lin. Chase N„ N. Y.; U. S. N. and Stk. Yds. N.,Oma.; Norfolk N„ Norfolk, k. Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N., Grand Isl.; Cont. N„ Lin. Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 4 25 Cont. N., Lin.; Stk. Yds. N., Kan. C., Mo.; 1st N., Fairbury. Overland N„ Grand Isl.; N. Bk. of Com., Lin. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Oma. N. and 1st N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. Oma. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin.; Beatrice N„ Bea trice. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Lin.; Oma. N„ Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Live Stk. N. and Oma. N„ Oma. Oma. N.,Live Stk. N., and Stk. Yds. N., Oma. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number givefi to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 737 TOWB AMO COUNTY. ‘County Seat*. Entire State No. 10 V. R. D. Omaha Br. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew jState tPrli. IMen. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Tnut B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, NEBRASKA—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President, Cashier. Ass t Cashier. (In Thousands of Dollars) □ad.Prol. Capital Surplus and or Deposits Reserves Other Lia bilities 3 3 372 10 9 158 50 Pf. 50 10 1 2,209 $ Comstock____ 450 Farmers & Merchants Bank Vencel Krikac. Sr.. E. J, Crawford___ Coster J14 Jun’34Stmt 76-660 dtl'09 25 6 6 Cook_________ 354 Johnson U28 Jun’34Stmt 76-626 18 12 Cedar F29 Colon Saunders K22 T. T. Linkhart —— Wm. C. Mitchell— Geo. R. Stone____ $ COLERIDGE NATIONAL BANK Geo. A. Gray, Jun’34Stmt 78-421 d@»t'02 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Ellen E. Mitchell 40 F. W. Me,Caw State Bank of Colon. d®l{’99 John Murren, Ch. of Bd. and Pro*. Jun’34Stmt 78-688 20 % A. F. Vasina_____ Geo. Orme, Sec. ... ‘Columbus. .6898 Central National Bank R. M. Campbell, Theo. Friedhof ... Platte J 20 Jun’34Stmt 76-87 £B®*t‘p6 Ch. of Bd. arid Pres. M. M. Taylor E. W. North W. O. Tomer. Fred Hnbold_____ P. H. Naeve--------- H. L. Niemann___ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. M $ 415 Resources. Cash.Ei. U.S.Got. Other & Due Securi Securi tromBks ties ties $ 122 $ 11 $ 197 125 2,370 832 721 110 154 75 10 7 193 230 65 36 8 353 386 209 9 415 534 211 228 264 - 25 Gonad_______ 1818 Cozad State Bank... d®tl’05 Dawson L12 Jun’34Stmt 76-237 •• $ Totals 50 ^ f A7 49 $ 242 511 64 60 9 160 12 142 71 94 16 56 38 3 160 7 Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N., 438 277 60 2 90 9 Stk. Yds. N. and Omaha 652 138 76 277 154 7 582 245 108 72 132 25 2 15 388 25 10 8 559 10 11 511 25 13 18 338 394 144 95 153 jC. U. IROWH H. R. WILKINSON. , Curtis_______ 960 CURTIS STATE BARK V, P. and Cash. Frontier MU Jun’34Stmt 76-382 d®«t}'ll | FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight d rrnfts, JSe; Credit Reports, 25 c. 20 1 1 227 249 111 63 66 Cushing____ 141 Cashing State Bank— .tl'06 J.H. Klim___ N. M. McKeevsr .. A. O. Hankins___ LaHnnUns^ Howard K17 Jim’34Stmt 76-697 / ‘Dakota City..417 Bank of Dakota City..® tljW S. H. Biermarn__ H. W. Krumwlede. Dakota F22 Jun’34Stmt 76-698 / 10 3 1 44 58 16 20 10 10 136 177 104 25 5 4 125 159 58 ' Crete-----------2115 City National Bank—d®*t*16 John Rothmuller, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Saline M21 .Iun'34Stmt 76-114 ------- - CRETE STATE BANK Jiin’34Stmtu,1B,,% Clark Weckbach ri. S. COLLETTJ. 8. HILLER ) “THE OLD BK ___ T. J. ARON 10 R RELOHLAVY 25 (Incl. Fed. Ag’cy Secur.) Pf. 40 W. H COLLETT ' O. F. Simon 1 5 » 35 N.,Oma.; Cont.N.,Lin.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N., Lin.; Oma. N„ Oma. Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; U. S. N„ Oma.; 1st N„ Lin. Oma. N., Oma.; 1st N., Oma., Lin., and Mc Cook. 9 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N. Y.; 1st N., Lin.; Oma. N. and Live Stk. N„ Oma. 2 N. Bk. Com., Lin. 18 1st N„ Chi.; Secur. N., Toy N., and 1st N., Sioux C.;Oma.N.,Oma. 19 36 20 1 80 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Oma. N„ Oma. 8 N.Bk. Com., Lin.; IstN., //£> t§’08 J. A. Walford, A. W. Friede ......... R. F. Buchanan-_ F. J. Jennett____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Oma. N. and Packers N., Oma.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N„ Oma.; Cont.N., Lin. Chadron. Pf. 25 LIABLE*'. ESTA BLISHED 1897. I Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding draft*, Cash and Time Items. H-UI KPlsas* tend 15e w»' th each eight draft fo r presentation and l 5ofor Credit Reports Culbertson ___ 820 Culbertson Bank.dR®«tS'86 G. G. Elsenhart.... A. O. Elsenhart___ Jun’34Stmt 76-696 Hitche’k O10 Dalton____ ..453 Dalton State Bank Cheyenne J4 Jun’34Stmt 76-699 D. W. Reynolds— D. A. Van Deveer Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; U. S. N., Oma.; Cont. N„ Lin. 5 10 d®*t'30 and Live Stk. N., Oma. Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Lin.; Oma. N., Oma. 1st N., Lin.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma. 121 25 Jun’34Stmt 76-196 1st N., Oma.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 8 6 Knox F18 Principal Correspondents. 6 1st N., Lin.; Stk. Yds. N. 43 5 S. P. Duncan, Exec. S. P. Duncan.......... E. R. Spray______ Crawford. .1708 CRAWFORD STATE DANK O. R. Ivins, Pf. 25 Jim’34Stmt 76-208 d®.*5’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Dawes B8 Wid. L. Turner— W. C. Hengstler__ J. O. Peck 15 23 10 Crotch ton__ 1881 American National Bank Other Re sources 218 $ 50 First National Bank in Cosad G. A. Matz.............. T. F. So Rasmussen W. T. Thompson _ T. J. Brownfield _ •lun’34Stmt 76-236 ®»t’88 50 h Loans A Dis counts Dannebrog___ 427 State Bank of Dannebrog A. E. Dwehus Howard K16 Jun’34Stmt 76-1300 J§’27 P. M. Pedersen___ 25 4 6 118 153 25 31 13 76 Davenport....... 477 Jennings State Bank—.@§'94 H. B. Jennings, M. M. Jennings.__ M. M. Jennings__ J. W. Sweaney — 25 25 13 422 485 209 15 21 240 15 2 1 108 126 58 9 9 44 6 25 10 294 354 229 90 12 11 12 Live Stk. N., Oma. 754 323 55 187 148 41 Chase N„ N.Y.; Oma. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. Thayer N19 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jim’34Stmt 76-701 Davey ............154 Farmers State Bank...dtS'03 H. R. Hansen____ A. C. Anderson Lancaster L21 Jun’34Stmt 76-702 ‘David City ..2333 nCity Nat’l Bk. in David City Chas. Stoops_____ J. B. Wood, Exec.. Bn tier K20 •e Jun’34Stmt 76-120 ee d®f34 John A. Brym......... Geo. E. Winslade.. First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-U8 dB®T«t’77 M. M. Wolfe, Ch. NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .... ... Grandlsl.; Live Stk. N., Oma. 1st N., Fairbury; TootleLacy N., St. Jo. 1st N„ Lin. Pf. 25 37 Pf. 38 15 4 622 38 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 700 /OO NITTRO a ctf a rv AoJV-TY V^LHlllliLlCU_______________________________________ volume. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. (Mem. State B. Ais'n. [Estab. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D- Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings M. C. Riley Dawson_______ 389 Richardson 024 Jun'34Stmt 76-703 Jefferson County Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-704 Jefferson N20 Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. _____ Dan J. Rilev H. H. Humphrey __ M. C. Wessner. Geo. Apking______ Walter C. Jarchow Otto Pohlmann Ernst Pohlmann, Nebraska Security Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-706 d©t§’32 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Dickens_______ 103 Tim’34Stmt 76-1008 Lincoln L9 Don S. Meltoft— Ollier 405 Jun’34Stmt 76-434 Jefferson 021 A. Mayborn, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 1 130 140 7 5 13 5 1 P. A. Tide . Geo. Werner, Sec. 5 1 30 3 2 2 25 A. F. Harms f 8 156 S 66 S 17 S 5 $ 63 $ 5 Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; 85 7 Cont. N., Lin.; 1st N.. Oma. N., OmahajCont. N„ Lin. 167 34 41 31 28 3 99 130 35 30 9 52 4 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; 1st 307 342 123 67 16 130 6 Beatrice N., Beatrice; Cont. N., Lin. 58 9 5 37 200 35 62 42 22 113 30 100 Fairbury; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. Live Stk. N., Oma. .T. W. Pielst/ek«F .yW.JPielstfckpr * 10 O. J. Mayborn____ W. E. Anderson.__ 20 1 N. Sparks .. .T. H. Clark Eddyvllle_____ 224 Eddyville State Bank .©{§’03 Thos. H. Woodruff. R. F. Studkey Ch. of Bd. and Pres. •Jun’34Stmt 76—597 Dawson L13 G. F,. Stuckey _ Anton SDilinek 3 230 1 274 134 220 5 265 80 15 (With 46 55 Surp.) 1 167 188 59 69 53 11 3 263 302 64 148 85 15 15 5 78 113 30 1 67 10 Pf, 10 5 g 61 94 64 21 3 80 105 44 155 190 77 13 9 7 Oma. N.j Oma. 15 Oma. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. and St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 5 Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N., Oma.; Fremont N., Fremont. 1st N„ Chi.; Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 7 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Far., Neb. City; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 5 St. Jo. Stk. Yds. and Am. N., So. St. Jo.; Cont. N., Lin. 6 Live Stk. N. and 1st N., Oma.;Neb.CityN.,Neb. City. 6 Cont. N. and 1st N.,Lin.; 1st N., Oma. 55 6 1st N., Oma.; N. Bk. of 70 4 Com., Lin. Pf. 12 J. C. Sanderson___ M. R. Garey. Edison _ . 329 Farmers & Merchants Bank G. E. Fritzer, Jnn’34Stmt 76-1136 d®*t§’17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Furnas N13 MS Elba State Bank—d®{§1900 Bertel Leth. L. A. Felker______ 178 25 25 Harry Robertson .. 5 2 10 Max Church_____ DuBols________350 State Bank of Du Bois *tS'86 H. S. Farwell_____ Fred Rohlmeier. L. C. Farwell Jun’34Stmt 76-712 Pawnee 024 \ W. H. Bricknen\... Amalie if. Wei efk _ (s>{§’0(7 Dunbar______ 292 Farmers Bank . A. Weller______ L. I. Kiersey.......... M Jun’34Stmt 76-618 Otoe M24 4 41 S 30 20 A. J. Nelson............ John Peterson N„ Fairbury. . Douglas______ 233 Farmers State Bank — ®{§’19 S. A. Walker_____ Jun’34Stmt 76-1208 Otoe M23 Riba 1 $ 15 $ j\\\ Dorchester___ 579 Citizens State Bank—®»tl'07 W. C. Clark............... Jun’34Stmt 76-385 Saline M20 Eagle________ 309 Jun’34Stmt 76-716 Cass L22 $ Pf. 12 fiq.8 Farmers State Bank.d®t§'89 Herman Holsten.. A. C. Stecher Jun’34Stmt 76-349 Dodge 121 25 Principal Correspondents . ®»t§’92 DeWItt_______ 534 DeWitt State Bank.. ®» {§’33 C. C. Shoemaker.. Wm. H. Snilker J. J. Kreuso.tfer.C7i. Jun’34Stmt 76-346 Saline N21 Dodge LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Loans Other Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Und.Prof. Other Re& Due Secnri- Secnri- & DisTotals Capital Surplus and or Deposits liacounts sources bilities [romBks ties ties Reserves $ G. B. Eagleton Decatur______ 683 ^Citizens State Bank—®§’34 Arthur Gourley, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Aug’34Stmt 76-320 Burt H23 Thayer 019 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Irdexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Prvntir.npri ___ L. A. Bottrell_____ 20 5 10 39 N„ Lin.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Oma. N.,Oma. R. H. Keating____ 10 3 6 113 132 61 32 38 1 Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Elk Creek_____ 260 State Bank of Elk Creek—§’93 R. A. Koy&nda____ Jun’34Stmt 76-718 Johnson N23 R. A. Kovanda____ 15 3 2 127 147 41 59 43 4 Am. N., St. Jo.; Cont. N„ Lin. C. C. Holling.......... W. E. Moor__ Elk horn........ „4H Farmers State Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-1013 d®*{§’15 Douglas K23 E. F. Saeger______ L. R. Suess—........... 5 1 2 235 263 191 13 59 Oma. N., 1st N., and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma.; 1st N„ Cou. B. ElUs___________ 100 Ellis State Bank_____®tl’07 L. D. Bonham_____ J. E. Pierce Jun’34Stmt 76—720 Gage 021 Chas. Rnnha 53 16 6 Jno. P. Cobb, Elmwood _ . 515 American Exchange Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-369 @{§’95 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cass L23 50 Howard K16 Jun’34Stmt 76-571 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Com., Lin. Pf. 20 FlsieRnnham ... 42 1 5 5 O, T,t Clements 25 10 12 272 319 122 Elsie____ 262 Commercial State Banfc.{§’07 S. J. O’Connor.__ Jun’34Stmt 76-631 Perkins L8 W. W. Allen . 20 5 32 312 369 119 ‘El wood___ 509 Gosper M13 M. R, Morgan •• Frank Eland Jun’34Stmt 76-462 Nebraska Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1st N., Beatrice. 46 88 13 N. Bk. Com., Lin. 58 190 2 1st N„ Oma.; N. Bk. of Com., Lin. First National Bank—®«’89 G.E.Shallenberger Jun’34Stmt 76-461 .. 30 1 25 160 25 223 64 85 16 46 Oen. T. Rnrt W. L. Tilden _ R. W. Tilden_____ 5 12 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. and Tr., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.,Lin.; Oma. N., Oma. Pf. 12 6 109 140 77 52 11 Cont. N„ Lin. Pf. 20 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 7on ' Town and county. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 10 F. R. D. Omaha Br. •Mem.A.B.A.oNew }StatetPrir. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Elyria ________ 100 Elyria State Bank.........©tS’10 A. A. Hayek---------Valley Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aoces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Other Loans Und.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Re & Due Securi Securi A Dis Totals Capital Surplus and or Deposits lia ties counts sources Reserves bilities fromBks ties O. H. Oiemny____ 3 10 $ 3 1 38 3 49 3 16 3 3 9 21 3 Principal Correspondents. 3 Cont. N„ Lin. Jun’34Stmt 76-721 115 Emerson_____ 891 Farmers State Bank.d®«t5’90 F. F. Hft&Sft — 118 10 Chase N„ N. Y.; North. Tr. Co., Chi.; U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Sioux C. 11 91 8 Toy N., Sioux C.; 1st N., 221 311 79 122 62 87 37 10 1 50 66 34 6 14 293 338 66 84 20 2 3 212 254 93 16 15 2 (With 97 124 48 1 360 421 270 87 50 68 2,592 3,072 739 736 242 1,150 205 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Tootle-Lacey N., St. Jo.; U. S. N„ Oma.; Cont. N., Lin. 25 4 2 121 152 69 37 12 23 11 N. Bk. of Com., Lin.; 1st N„ Oma.; Am. N., St. Jo. .. . 25 5 3 335 368 192 113 57 6 1st N„ Oma.; 1st N. and W. L. Redwood__ C. W. Thornton... 75 22 14 400 511 177 38 40 239 17 Cont. N., Lin.; Am. N. St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co. Kan. C. 25 14 11 473 573 239 148 48 133 40 9 8 383 440 214 70 15 129 5 1st N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Oma.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N„ St. Jo. 12 Am. N. and 1stN„St. Jo.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., So. Si. Jo.; 1st N., Lin. 50 50 19 1,100 1,219 541 140 77 431 20 5 9 106 140 60 4 70 25 5 3 165 198 86 26 79 Oma. N., Packers N„ and 1st N., Oma. 10 Pf. 15 3 1 143 172 82 5 61 7 Chase N., N. Y.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Cont. N., Lin.; Live Stk. N .,Oma. Geo. H. Haase. First National Bank A. Weinandt_____ F. A. Mieras_____ A. C. Horstman.__ James F. Toy, •Jun’34Stmt 76-305 dOTt'04 Ch. 0/ Bd. and Pres. John Moseman 40 20 $ 30 30 10 15 10 5 25 29 4 386 217 3 30 95 $ 31 475 E. S. Neiswanger Jun’34Stmt 76-304 (Bank in Dixon Co.) Dakota Q21 Oma. (Bank in Dixon Co.) Emmet . Holt .88 H. J. Birmingham. E. M. Gallagher... Jun’34Stmt 76-722 F15 Enders.............. 100 First State Bank Chase ®tS'17 Arthur Luttrs_____ O. W. Pflum Otto Luhrs, Ch. Jun’34Stmt 76-1092 N8 ___ T. L. Darnell___ Eustls__ _____497 Farmers State Bank -.d«t5’8fi G. C. Hueftle. Frontier M12 .. Jun’34Stmt Ch. of Bd. and Pres Walter Hueftle 76-499 Pioneer Bank—........ d‘ti’06 Jun’34Stmt 76-500 Max Hneftle____ Walter Hueftle— K. G. Yentter___ C. G. Yeutter___ Ewing_________ 588 Farmers State Bank....t§’27 H. A. Wegner___ Leo J. Spittler----Holt 017 Pf. 10 Jun’34Stmt 76-1298 Exeter________941 First National Bk. in Exeter H. M. Link______ F. N. Craven Fillmore M19 ‘Falrbury___ 6192 Jefferson 020 Jun’34Stmt 76-280 FIRST NATIONAL BANK L. M. Nelson_____ R. S. Wilfley____ J. E. Knobel____ Luther Bonham, d©»t’82 Ch. o/Bd. and Pres. S. R. Merrell Jun’34Stmt 76-58 Fairfield_____ 757 Fairfield State Bank d©t§’28 E. H. Wilkins. Olay N18 Jun’34Stmt 76-1307 FI. V Al Ann M19 025 « Jun’34Strat 76-81 176 12 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk.Com., Lin.; Oma. N„ Oma. 13 98 34 1st N., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma.; Coni. N., Lin. 5 71 Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma. 10 9 49 Pf. 100 112 C. F. Tous-. L. P. Wirth.. E. H. Towle_____ NEBRASKA STATE BANK John H. Morehead J. S. Lord................ A. D. Cameron ®»t'82 25 RICHARDSON COUNTY BANK Jun’34Stmt 76-79 Farnam Dawson 394 Farnam Rank M12 Jun’34Stmt Harry Richardson. Pf. 25 dB®t§80 $|’04 D. F. Johnston___ 76-464 1 * / Hugh Ralston_i_Y_ B. R. Kittenbrink. C. E. Davidson____ Hugo Blomqnist _L Jun’34Stmt 76-463 ___ (See Omaha) Florence __ N. Bk. N. Bk. Com., Am. N., St. Jo. Jun’34Stmt 76-1222 d®*tS’19 .. 6 1st N„ Oma.; Com., Lin. d®»J5’95 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 76-80 5 Cont. N., Lin.; Wauneta Falls, Wauneta. Shelley Stines, Ch. Jun’34Stmt 76-276 ‘Falls City___ 5787 Falls City State Bank Richardson 150 24 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Fairmont___ 740 Farmers State Bank —«t5’86 F. F Putlitz.__ Fillmore 20 5 U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N„ O'Neill. Surp.) Pf. 30 t’34 17 3 35 Lin.; 30 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Kan. C.; Too tle-Lacy N„ St. Jo.; Oma. N., Oma. 6 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Stk. Yds. N. and Oma. N., Oma. Douglas J24 ‘Franklin____ 1103 Franklin State Bk.-d®»tl’01 Ellis Lester, Franklin 015 Jun’34Stmt 76-270 NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. 8. Yates___ 17 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 eacl1 bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ • “u Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 7d.fl Town and County. oMem.A.B.A.nNew §8ftate tPriv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res.Depts;T-Trust B-Bond F. B. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. Vice President. ‘Fremont__ 11,407 Fremont Joint Stock Land (Legal headquarters. For data see Lincoln. Dodge J22 Bank........ 76-10................ T9 rCHAS. F. DODGE. J. D. MILLIKEN..J. REX HENRY — *FREM0RT NATIONAL BANK C.E,ABBOTT Jun’34Stmt 76—4 d®*t'82 1 25 CENTS sent to us with each 1.50 CENTS for each credit repor M * STEPHENS NATIONAL BK. Dan V. Stephens... J. M. Sorensen ___ Jun’34Stmt 76-7 ®»t’04 Dave Rowe _____ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, NEBRASKA—Continued ASS’T CASHIER. CASHIER. Resources. Liabilities, (in Thou sands of Dollars) Loans Other Gash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other tJnd.Prof. Other Re& Due Seouri- Seouri- A DisCapital Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals counts souroes (romBks ties ties Reserves bilities Nebraska, business address) 75! $ I.McKERRAR------- w.eIkaLlenbach $ Pf. 75' N. M. M0LLER 10 8 38 $ 2,192 $ 75; $ 2,465 $ 498 $ 965 $ W. N. Mitten ___ L. C. Blair _ Fremont Clearing House........ J. D. Milliken, Mgr. and Sec. (Members indicated by a*) Friend_______ 1214 FIRST NATIONAL BANK P. AT. Rogers H. J. Southwlck, P. O. Southwick... A. H. Frantz ___ Saline M 20 Jun’34Stmt 76-212 d®‘t’79 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, H. E. Nunemaker J. T. Calkins 7 1,469 41* 50 Pf. 50 (Incl. ( Und. Prof.) (See pa ges 61- 62-63 1 or Num Dep osits b y Cities , States 50 10 588 6 Sou thwick Loan & Trust Co. H- J. South wick .. P. O. Southwick.. A. H. Frantz, Jun’34Stmt 76-1288 f§’03 Sec. and Tr. Jun’34Stmt 76-171 <’81 50 1,667 800 410 J.T. RUSSELL----- J. H. KEMP----------- E.M. BLACK.......... DILLA BLACK........ J. H. KEMP.CWSd. The Oldest and Largest Bank In Nance County. Established 1881. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts. 50 25 50 25 548 7 298 Chi.; Oma. N., Oma. Cont. N., Lin. ber of , etc.) I 49 Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 703 277 ................... 255 131 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 40 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Oma.; N. Bk. Com. Lin. 8 1st N„ Friend. 35 110 16 86 50 711 264 121 22 281 23 U. S. N., Stk. Yds. N., and Oma. N., Oma. 349 90 108 6 133 12 (Circu lation) . 17 11 221 50 Oma. 10 10 92 112 25 4 34 47 Geneva State Bank d®»t§’99 Earl H. Wilkins... Grady Corbitt____ C. E. Schneider ... M. L. Ralston_____ .Iun’34Stmt 76-159 Chas. H. Sloan. Ch. 100 25 11 865 1,0011 431 263 15 274 Genoa 1089 First National Bank .d®t’99 B. D. Gorman____ W. V. Kenner........ C. E. Pearson_____ C. M. Stenberg___ Jun’34Stmt 76-193 M. I. Welch, CA. Nance J19 50 2 2 380 50 484 180 81 38 167 •> •• Genoa National Bk—d®Tt’03 C. R. Wright -__ W. M, Winell _ O. J. Irwin_____ Jun’34Stmt 76-194 J. W. Kiunamon... F. E. Neeley______ R. G. Harvey........... ‘Gerlng______ 2531 Gering National Bank A. N. Mathers, ScottsBluff H2 Jun’34Stmt 76-376 d®T*t’10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 50 12 2 369 50 483 190 105 17 156 30 35 2 525 25 617 231 143 17 209 Gibbon________ 825 Exchange Bank_____ d©t§’30 S. L. Leas_________ E. E. Carpenter__ Glen T. Gibson___ Robert Woodward. Jun’34Stmt 76-333 W. H. Buck. Ch. Buffalo M16 30 7 163 200 74 37 21 65 3 Geo. Bauer. Jr........ M. Madison_______ Yelma M. Madison. 8 8 5 131 152 71 2 23 50 6 50 50 6 627 50 ( Circu- 783 145 246 74 304 - 14 1 211 262 86 1 140 167 70 268 323 125 454 513 305 Funk.................117 Phelns N14 ‘Geneva 1662 Fillmore M19 <§'05 38 152 Circulation) ( Circu 50 FULLERTON .NATIONAL BK. {(AMHRsr AVSELwa ght draft for pres entklfon^and”*' Jim 3431ml 70 172 J©^11900 l50 CENTS fore ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. Funk State Bank. 25 Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Un. N„ Kan. C.; Oma. N. and Live Stk. N„ Oma. lation) FIRST NATIONAL BANK 601 $ sight draft for pr esentatlon, and t Insures prompt , personal attenti on. " ‘Fullerton.__1680 Nance J 18 376 $ Principal Correspondents. Jun’34Stmt 76-729 Goehner___ __126 Goehner State Bank..®tl’03 T. TT. Wafc-o Jim’34Stmt 76-783 Seward L20 rlee FRITZ- - — B. D. BERKHEIMER — B. D. BERKHEIMER- W. E. MOTE................. ANNA SORENSON { 25 CENTS sent t o us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon and <g>t’89 (.50 CENTS for ea cb credit report 1 nsures prompt, p ersonal attention • Gordon_____ 1958 FIRST RATIONAL BANK Sheridan BB Jun'34Stmt 76-278 . •• M w rv Will Blanche Parker... F. L. Boyles .Iun’34Stmt 76-279 Gothenburg..2322 Farmers State Bank.d®tl'15 E. E. Price_______ Glen Price Jun’34Strat 76-1021 Dawson U2 “ ------ " .. >. FIRST STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt 76-161 ®»M’06 CM. . _ . Glen Price ___ .. lation) 40 15 NEBRASKA Map on Index 74 20 84 67 Pf. 10 KITTENBRINK- G. W. BROADHURST, A. E. SWANSON . Exec - K. J. CATTERS0N_ _ E.J. SPAULDING, Sec. alters. < Careful and Pro mpt attention gl ven all banking m 10 Pf. 40 5 63 120 N., Oma.; 1st N., Grand Isl. ones N„ Seward; N. Bk. of Com., Lin. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Stk. Yds. N„ U. S. N., and Oma. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 18 1st N., N. Y.; Northern Tr., Chi.; 1st N. and Oma. N„ Oma. 10 Oma. N., Oma.; Cont. N., Lin. 15 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi ■ 1st N. and Packers N., Oma. (.FEE IN ADVAN CE; Plain sight dra ft*. 15e; Credit Repo rts, 25e. H. L. Williams___ E. J.Loutzenheiser G. G. Hampton___ R. R. Aden______ Gothenburg State Bank 25 | Jim’34Stmt 76-160 d®»tl’15 F. C. Nelson G. G. Hampton 1 Pf- 25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 2 1st N. and Cont. N., Lin.; 1st N., Holdrege. 18 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N.,Oma.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Lin. 18 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Stk. Yds. N. ,and Oma. N., Oma. 15 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.„ Chi.; U. S. N„ Oma. 17 Oma. N. and Stk. Yds.N., Oma. 5 4 45 156 7 Oma.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Com., Lin. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 741 Town and County. *County Seats. Entire State No. 10 F. R. D. Omaha Br. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPrlv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Eitab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. Grafton..-------Md Grafton State Bank ___ t}’02 Tom Fitzgerald.. Jun’34Stmt 76-735 ♦The Commercial Bank Hall L17 18.041 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 76-15 ®«tV31 \ te f Fillmore M19 V ICE-PRESIDENT. ------ “ 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK M Jun’34Stnit 76-14 M 1. R. ALTER. Exec.. F. J,.CLJEARY.„ M ‘Greeley_____ 357 Greeley J16 Gresham 442 York L20 Otto L. Mattke.— 0. E. Grundy, Sec. B. O. Thompson. B. R. Guendel, Sec.. ♦OVERLAND NATIONAL BANK— -76-18....d®.i’34 Jun’34Stmt H. 6. WELLENSIEK - A. J. DENMAN____ HARALD NOMLAND- R. W. SMITH_ _ _ _ _ G. J. ARMSTRONG Grand Island Clearing House I. R. Alter............... Nuckolls 018 City National Bank.__ d«t’30 Jun’34Stmt 76-1821 J. M. E. Gebhart - E. E. Jackman__ H. G. Brainard___ Dallam Rank Jun’34Stmt 76-741 ' | 4,831 4,196 $ 170 142 45 274 112 1,189 ( Trust 107 8 59 8 762 336 52 8 353 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 973 $ 1,046 d»t'24 C. F. Coffee, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. 37 1,425 J. T. Coffee.. J. Geo. Keasling____ 50 1,014 (Trust Dept.) 50 10 ............ Pf. 50 25 658 548 219 Nation 31 186 1st N. and Com’l, Grand Isl. 1,042 122 1st N. and Overland N., Grand Isl. j 138 9 Cont. Ill. N. B. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. 200 105 35 13 38 76 101 8 Oma. N. and Packers N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 7 48 3 4 90 5 Cont. N., Lin.; 1st N., Oma. and St. Jo.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1st N., Lin.; Oma. N., Oma. 164 49 49 70 194 69 12 37 65 619 149 141 49 268 12 1st N., Chadron; 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. 154 101 ............ 33 18 67 — 4 81 2 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Sioux C.-JOmahaN and Live Stk. N., Omaha. 14 Lin.; 1st N., Oma. 25 10 (Incl. 2 274 25 5 2 152 184 124 10 8 2 217 237 140 30 10 7 265 334 Rosalind M. Griffin 12 13 4 165 Harold Jeffrey____ 35 35 43 491 Lawrence Rossiter 25 197 311 126 (Incl. U. 5. 3 (With 126 5 5 136 10 .. Surp.) 22 15 j 8 Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk of Com., Lin.’; 1st N., Den. 6 U. S. N., Oma.; N. Bk Com., Lin. 30 160 Local Private Banks, Total 11 4 Delma M. Kreutz 116 251 500 ; 176 al, Stat e and 3 Und. Prof.) 23 7 Oma. N., Oma.; Am. N„ St. Jo. 41 Chase N., N. Y.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N., Oma.; N. Bk. of Com., Lin. 207 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N.,Oma.;lstN., Lin.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo., Mo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.,Mo. busine ss only ) 30 R. Simpson____ d®««’03 13 34 Principal Correspondents. 1,180 ( Trust Dept.) 422 F. H. Cox E. W. Rossiter, ‘Hartington__1568 Bank of Hartington Jun’34Stmt 76-1097 d®‘t§'17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cedar F 20 Harvard______ 865 HARVARD STATE BANK 50 18 McQuillan ... Wm. Kennedy___ Frank Horan FarmersState Bank d®»t§’05 H. C. Aurand_____ G. M. Powell_____ Chas. L. Gillilan Jun’34Stmt 76-442 Jiin’34Strat 76-233 " " 8 225 1,492 30 J5’98 F. T. Carsten_____ C. W. Steinmeyer . F. T. Carsten........... Jun’34Stmt 76-1289 Olay M18 $ j 30 Gresham State Bk...d®tS’10 David Yung „ __ H. K. Diers_______ Arthur Watford... Arnold Inner_____ Robert Heineke, Ch. H. I. Hylton •Jun’34Stmt 76-550 ‘Harrison_____ 480 SI00X NATIONAL BANK Sioux El 115 194 . 1,349 (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Sec. and Tr. Hamnton srq First National Bank..d®t’84 Louis D. Otto____ Nellie M. Hamilton L18 Jun’34Stmt 76-742 Houghton, Ch. Hardy________ 399 150 A. Sec, Bock .690 Guide Rock State Bk. d®t§’06 L. H. Hunter_____ I. A. Pace................... S. E. Vogler, O. K. Mitchell Cash, and Sec. Jun’34Stmt 76-342 Webster 017 Lancaster M21 200 9 Clearing Herase rales rsqaira 25c for each credit report. Guide Dallam.............. 193 34 dB®T»t’80 Presentation fee of 25c to accompany each collection. M. D. Keller. _7fls Farmers National Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-1026 d®*t’30 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Perkins L7 1 8 5 $ 100 Oldest and Largest Bank In Hall County. Personal Presentation of collections mads. (Members indicated by a*) .n»»nt..__ , mm Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. Jun’34Stmt BTtS’19 .« 5 $ Pf. 20 Ch. of Bd. II (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Liabilities. Other Dash.Ei. D.S.Gov. Other Other Loans UncLProf. ReTotals 4 Due Securi- Secari- 4. DisCapital Snrplns and or Deposits Liacounts sources Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties $ Edward Huwaldt— ' L'/vll 3^ Leslie Belford V» P• and Cash, Grand Island Trust Co. Jun’34Stmt 76-1163 dBTtJ’17 Otto L. Mattke, t» Ass't Cashier. OASHIER. Wm. A. Stuckey .. ‘Grand Island E. J. ftOLBACH. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued 166 ! 2 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co , N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; U. S. N. and Packers N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. ii Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. R.F.C. ‘Hastings.. 15,490 CITY NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 76-30 Adams U17 S. M NEBRASKA Map on In den Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. C. d®«t’34 ‘HASTINGS NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 76-32 A. J. Koelling------- (H • G. PRATT_ _ _ _ (1. 6. Foote_______ F. A. Hansen_____ ft. E. Oowgill Carrie A. Stone RILEY IVAN |? RILEY IMP— ) d®«t’19 (.AFFILIATED WITH THE NOB THWE8T BANC OBPORATION 10 50 20 3 858 25 53 2,067 50 1,031 388 285 139 216 50 ! 2,370 835 655 252 561 Pf. 50 50 Pf. 125 (Circulation) 3 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Lin.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Oma; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 67 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; U. S. N„ Oma.; Cont. N., Lin.; 1st N„ Kan. C. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 7/10 ' LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Und.Prof. Loans Cash,Ex. U.S.Goy. Other Other A Due Securi Securi & Dis Surplus and or Deposits lia Totals counts Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties Town and County. oMem.A.B.A.ttNew § State tPrii. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Cashier. VICE-PRESIDENT. ‘Hayes Center.229 First National Bank....»t’06 E. A. Wlggenhorn Jun’34Stmt 76-745 Hayes NO R. C. Miller_____ Ass’T Cashier. Capital H. M. Counce______ $ 25 $ 25 JOE MUEKSCH-........ 50 fkyaw L C SI 5 8 138 8 25 8 194 $ 23 $ 75 8 Principal Correspondents. 90 8 6 STIEHL - — R gpufson 15 196 10 246 87 8 25 8 116 10 8 41 83 9 76—494 Louie TTnran Fred P. Abrams__ ‘Hebron ____ 1804 THAYER COUNTY BANK Thayer 010 Jun’34Stmt 76-147 ®»tS’74 229 88 3 3 113 144 66 29 46 3 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Neb. N„ Hast ings; Packers N„ Oma. 4 9 280 343 148 77 106 12 Stk. Yds. N.. Oma.; 1st N„ Fairbury; N. Bk. of Com., Lin. S. T. Davenport... Hendley . __211 Farmers State Bank.. __t5 '05 R. K. Miller Furnas 012 Jun’34Stmt 76-749 15 5 4 65 89 37 12 36 4 Drov. N.,Kan. C.;N.Bk. of Com., Lin. 25 1 11 266 328 150 36 92 14 U. S. N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma. 20 1 2 193 216 92 51 66 7 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; 1st N„ Oma.; Am. N„ St. Jo. Hildreth____.400 Franklin N15 10 7 187 224 57 12 152 3 IstN. and Cont. N., Lin.; Hastings N., Hastings; Oma. N„ Oma. 119 134 62 66 6 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; U. S. N., Oma. 168 193 59 36 11 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Drov. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N„ Oma. 98 335 20 Chase N„ N. Y.; Oma. N.,Oma.;N. Bk. Com., Lin. 15 Pf. 35 Howard Johnson.. R. V. Miller Herman_______ 421 Herman State Bank .. .dtS’07 Howard C. Hanson. Chas. Nelson______ Fred Robertson... T. R. Swanson.__ Washington 123 Jun’34Stmt 76-548 Hickman ____ 302 First State Rank____ Lancaster H22 Jim’34Stmt 76-953 5 Pf. 20 C. E. Green Pf. 25 G. E. Heckman Geo. A. Heupel— M. Weil. Ch. of Bd. F. J^Leffeoftink Johb J. Osterifihr, £ari(Yah steenherg Franklin„Cauntv. JiMir 76 *74Bank . .tS’89 Ed.Van Steenherg. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 20 —WE-----------A-—-f I $ 10 5 Holbrook______ 488 Security State Bank.. dtS'17 P. Phlllipson, August Warner.__ Furnas N12 Jun’34Stmt 76-1128 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Otto Warner G. Haussler, V. P. 20 3 ‘Holdrege____ 3263 60 State Bank of Hildreth.tS'06 Fred Soker________ C. E. Samuelson... Edna Myers_______ Geo. F. Schmidt__ .)uii’34Stmt 76-475 FIRST RATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt Phelps N14 452 Hooper ______ 915 Dodge 122 76—88 G. H. Titus, dB©*t'84 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L. W. Home State Bank____®t§’22 H. C. Hansen, 76-1283 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 76-832 A. M. Tillman______ R. C, Gustafson... E. W. Hahn_______ Edward Lather ... d®»t'01 Hordvllle______175 First State Hamilton K18 Jun’34Stmt Bank............®tS’07 76-756 Howe . . 178 Rannf Nemaha N4 Jun’MStmt 76-768 N. 8. Shaffer______ 0. H. Dahl________ Thayer 020 Humboldt.__ 1435 Home State Bank _____t5’15 Otto Kotonc___ Jun’34Stmt 76-1007 Richardson 024 Humphrey ____854 Platte 110 Farmers State Bank—d*t§’15 76-1033 Jun’34Stmt NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P. 118 25 10 5 582 1 88 20 1 20 W. B. Conklin____ _. L. Kelly_______ Edw. C. Houdek— Wm. H. Hynek—— H. C. Zimbleman Pf. 0. R. Alderson____ 87 50 Secur.) 1,738 884 401 146 49 20 19 50 8 1st N., Oma.; 1st N„ Sioux C.; Cont. N., Lin. 672 236 76 92 249 110 57 4 42 5 19 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oma. N„ 1st N„ and Packers N., Oma. 4 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. N„ Cent. C. and Oma. N.p Oma. 12 1st N„ St. Jo.; Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C. (Circu lation) 1 Pf. 60 Huhhell Bank _ _ d®«t|’81 76-579 1,491 2 21 John T. Oox_____ Jun’34Stmt 37 25 Pf. 25 SST' f Howell____ _ 952 Howells State Bank „B*tS’02 L. R. Confal. Oolfax 121 Jun’34Stmt 76-315 Hubbell................ 233 100 Wm. Lindstrom Jun’34Stmt Jun’34Stmt 2 36 (Incl. TT .8 Titus............... Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr„ Chi.; Stk. Yds. N. and IstN., Oma. Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ U. S. N„ and Live Stk. N., Oma. 165 d®»tS'90 ) Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. {.Please tend 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 50c for Credit Repo ts. Heartwell______ 182 Heartwell State Bank___tl’05 Kearney M16 Jun’34Stmt 76-747 Oma. 14 NORTHWESTERN STATE BK. Jun’34Stmt Homer_____ Dakota 022 1 $ "j Other Re sources (Incl. U. S. Secur.) Hay Springs.. 853 First National Bank _d®»t’07 0. F. Coffee_______ I. B. Richmond.__ I. A. Goff................ T. R. Morrison ___ Jun’34Stmt 76-403 Sheridan E5 •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued 20 25 1 45 25 44 720 844 353 135 179 159 20 10 13 163 206 63 6 25 96 30 10 5 1 400 446 250 10 2 184 10 5 16 206 277 191 30 Pf. 40 51 18 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Oma. N., Oma.; Live Stk. N„ Oma. 16 Oma. N., Oma.; InterState N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Fairbury. 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Cont. N., Lin.; Am. N„ St. Jo. 5 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., and U. S. N„ Oma. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 743 o Liabilities, Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.ttNew SStateTPriv. {Mem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. *Connty Seats. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings VICE-PRESIDENT. president. ‘Hyannls......... 884 Bank of Hyannis....©•tS’97 Jun’34Stmt Grant H7 •• Cashier, ASS’T CASHIER. J. H. Minor_______ Chas. Finegan____ 76-761 $ J. E. Burke_______ - H. T. Fast............. .. Johnson.. 288 First National Bank......... •’06 R. C. Boyd, Franz F. Moerer.. D. Clarke Casey__ Fred H. Holtgrewe Nemaha N24 Jun’34Stmt 76-588 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. First State Bank____ ®»tj'92 A. N. Dafoe -__ Jun’34Stmt 76-587 . ‘Kearney___ 8575 Fort Kearney State Bank Thos. Gass. Jun’34Stmt 76-43 dB®»t§’17 Buffalo M15 R,. H. Rarher Keystone_____ 125 Bank of Keystone —d»t§’09 R. H. Barber _ . Jun’34Stmt 76-773 Keith K8 188 25 3 1 190 $ 10 8 1 20 2 25 3 173 $ 13 244 92 127 146 51 2 46 70 37 5 3 142 199 69 $ 25 24 25 66 58 257 140 6 6 15 16 5 8 1 74 88 33 15 31 9 Cont. N., Lin. 5 5 2 198 230 126 19 21 63 9 80 1 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Cont. N., Lin.: Oma. N.,Oma.; IstN., Cou. B. 6 Live Stk. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 15 6 2 129 152 44 13 15 2 2 100 119 22 26 60 11 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Oma. 100 20 12 785 1,017 433 143 196 215 30 Oma. N„ Oma.; Den. N„ Den. 10 3 63 23 8 6 24 385 150 75 10 150 2 N. Bk. of Com.,Lin.;Crete State, Crete; City N., Hastings. 1st N., Oma.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 25 5 3 350 2 5 6 1 125 1 158 49 16 76 1 74 91 26 24 34 138 60 11 63 4 Live Stk. N„ Oma.; Un. N„ Fremont. 307 57 3 218 19 Stk. Yds. N. and 1st N., Oma. 18 120 15 Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N., Oma. 139 336 8 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. Cont. N., and N. Bk. of Com., Lin.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. Pf. 20 P. H. Kannow......... D. D. Oil* — Earl Schuler____ Leona M. Ostdiek. 100 50 Pf. 20 8 Pf. 8 Oen. 50 10 5 240 15 5 3 232 275 122 7 11 666 759 262 14 95 122 48 26 Jun’34Stmt 76-778 ‘Lexington ...2962 Farmers State Bank—-dt5’16 J. H. Roberts_____ W. H. Wisda_____ Peter Jensen Gage 022 76-1067 Jun’34Stnit 76-780 NEBRASKA MAP on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ®§’97 5 1st N„ St. Jo. and Lin.; U. S. N„ Oma.; N. Bk. of Com.. Lin. 20 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Live Stk. N. and U. S. N„ Oma. 97 C. F. Childs & Co., Chi.; 1st N., Oma.; Ft. Kear ney State, Kearney. 114 Lewellen______ 419 First National Bank—d©t’05 S.P. Delatour_____ B. C. Delatour_____ B. O. Delatour____ Philip Samuelson— Liberty................348 State Bank of Liberty 101 683 107 Lexington State Bank R. F. Stuckey, Jun’34Stmt 76-143 d®t5'86 Ch. ofBd. and Pres. 39 1,132 101 J. V. O’Donnell... E. M. Barr ,Ch____ E. M. Barr______ _ T. .T. Pnagne Pf. 20 20 Sim Bonsall______ 2 10 Pf. 55 Ollie J. Poague ... 25 2 15 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; U. 8. N., Oma.; 1st N„ Lin. 2 Stk. Yds. N. and 1st N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. and Wahoo. 6 1st N„ Fairbury; Cont. N., Lin. 7 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Com.Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Oma. N., Oma. 1,065 4 7 1st N., Chi.; U. S. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma.; N. Bk. of Com., Lin. 31 1st N., Lin., McCook, and St. Jo. 47 4 35 Principal Correspondents. 10 13 5 M 64 50 6 *» 29 AlexanderCameron 20 Jun’34Stmt 56 27 H.P. Haessler____ Stella Dunigan ___ Dawson M13 56 P. H. Kannow, Lebanon. 262 State Bank of Lebanon Ray O. Murphy.... J5’87 Redwillow Oil Jun’34Stmt 76-776 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, 66 76 Richard Frey Jun’34Stmt 76-777 16 221 Lawrence_____ 528 Security State Bankd®t§’89 Henry Buescher— Henry Brockman... H. C. Ostdiek .110 Leshara State Bank—.®t5’06 H. P. Haessler, 111 182 60 Farmers State Bk..d®»t5’ll W. F. Heitman ___ Jacob Schmidt____ B. 0. Bilhorn Jun’34Stmt 76-925 Jun’34Stmt 76-451 224 Sec. and Tr. E. H. Sutherland, C. D. Saunders. Jun’34Stmt 76-1303..d®T*t’28 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Garden J6 236 $ 8 E. E. Rydberg, Laurel________ 864 Security National Bank Saunders J23 $ 6 ‘Kimball.........1711 American National Bank W. M. Rodman___ R. V. Rodman____ J, W. Poynter_____ C. R. 'Rodman Jun’34Stmt 76-1156 d®»t’18 W. S. Rodman, Ch. P. O. Mockett Kimball K2 Leshara . 1 429 25 Kilgore 99.9 Farmers State Bank H. L. Campbell, J. N. Campbell ___ M. G. H. Campbell L. M. Barrett_____ Cherry DIO Jun'34Stmt 76-1238 d®»t§’19 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Nuckolls N17 5 $ John L. Blinde___ Kenesaw______ 614 Adams County Bank.d®tS’78 C. K. Hart, H. G. Pratt_______ S. H. Itzen________ Jun’34Stmt 76-770 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Adams M16 Cedar F20 344 J. P. Kelley Keene_________ 100 Farmers State Bank..®t5’05 Arvid Peterson... P. J. Nelson______ C.E. Nelson............. Jun’34Stmt 76-771 Kearney N15 Lancaster M21 10 $ Loans Other Re & Dis counts sources V. P. and Cash. R. H. Burman Guaranty Trust Co. ____TS'20 F. E. Hollingsworth Jun'34Stmt 76-44 Kramer.. 45 3 10 First National Bank-..d»t’10 C. N. Cottrell........... E. F. Bailey............. E. H. Johnston.... Jun’34Stmt 76-502 Jansen . 264 State Bank of Jansen J. M. Nider............... Jun’34Stmt 76-767 d®M1900 Jefferson 021 .. 30 $ Total! Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Got. Other 4 Duo Securi Securi ties IromBks ties Pf. 20 Ithaca.. .137 Farmers State Bank —.${'02 G. F. Wagner____ F. C. Hanke______ F. W. Wagner. Jun’34Stmt 76-765 Saunders K22 .. (In Thousands of Dollars) OndJ’roi. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities Geo. R. Wheelock ‘Imperial.........946 Farmers AMerch. Bank »tS’86 Emma B. ShallenJun’34Stmt 76-501 Chase N7 berger » Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued 48 17 Hastings N„ Hastings; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 7 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo.; 1st N„ McCook. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 74.4. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' ““ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.”New §State tPriv. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. LINCOLN—Reserve City Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Citizens State Bank—dR®t§’08 L. C. Chapin______ E. B. Stephenson— G. A. Knight Jun’34Stmt 76-83 ’CONTINENTAL E. N. NATIONAL BANK 43-3 dR®T»t’09 VAN HORNE_ _ T, B.. STRAJJir--------- R> d> BAIILT* A. V. P. E. A. (Lancaster, L22) County Seat. Pop. 79,592 (Federal Reserve District No. 10. OMAHA BRANCH) LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars' Resources, Jnd.Prof. Other Cash.Ei. O.S.Ooy. Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia & Due Securi Securi & Dis Totals Re ■leserves bilities ties fromBks ties counts sources $ — BECKER- - - - - - - C. W. BATTEY_ _ _ _ CLfflLn U6ILAI 30 $ 200 6 $ 50 2 $ 97 $ 187 7,915 $ 225 3i i $ 50 $ 34 $ 86 $ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 24 1st N.. Lin. 199 8,761 2,408 3,833 673 1,747 100 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co»j CliL, U» S. N* a till Stk. Yds. Oiu&tj Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. N., St. Jo. 871 18,045 5,249 7,756 866 3,477 697 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Pf. 300 R. C. JOHNSON. A. V. P. The Bank of Friendly Service Efficient Service Given on All Items Jun’34Stmt AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION G. W. HOLMES H.S. FREEMAN. ’FIRST NATIONAL BANK 43-1 _ _ Ch.Jxec. Com. W. B. RYONS.............. L.C. CHAPIN STANLEY MALY ....... '~r"1Exec.’'v\ P. Jun’34Stmt F. 0. STONE. Mgr, Service Dept, mpf1Junior V. P, E. H. MULLOWNEY. “Dependable Since 1871.” land E. C. Yont.. ’10 250 202 15,872 Kan. C. Strength-Safety-Servi ce. First Trnst Co.______ dBT*S’ll G. W. Holmes____ H. S. Freeman____ S. C. Wangh. Exec. F. R. Easterday. Sc V. P. and Tr. Off. A. Suffa, A. Sec. Jun’34Stmt 43-54 B. S. Martin. V. P. P. R. Easterday M. C. Rathburn C. E. Hinds. Tr. G. K. Baumgartner 0. F. Schlaebitz, A. J. 0. Whitten. A. T Fremont Joint Stock Bank------- 7R-10 Jun'34Stmt 850 Junior V. P. W. E. Barkley, W. S. Balduff_____ Katherine Dongan, V. P. and Mgr. Sec. E. H. Backes, Tr. Chas. Hall Havelock Nat. Bank.__ d®t’l0 0. J. Hitchcock. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-97 E.W.Johnson ___ c. 400 200 233 5,243 (Tr. Inv.) 173 146 3,944 (Farm Loan Bds.) 421 2 254 8 , A.Se C. Tr. Off r. Off. 850 25 7 6,249 208 ........... 188 5,668 Chase N. and Gty. Tr.. N. Y.; Harris Tr. A Sav., Chi.; 1st N., Lin. 5,361 13 12 4,203 (Terri tory Io tea an d Nebr aska) 1,133 Chase N. (Equitable Tr. Br.). N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. 296 110 67 185 34 65 20 Oma, N.. Oma.; N. Bk. Com. and 1st N.. Lin. . Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank W. K. Barkley------ J. L. Teeters_____ D. L. Love, Tr.___ Katherine Dongan, Sec. Jun’34Stmt 43-60 ’18 ’NATIONAL BANK M. WEIL_ _ _ _ _ _ OF COMMERCE Jun’34Stmt 43-2 dl®T*t’02 Union Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-1079 d®t§’29 Lineoln Cleanup House . (Member* indicated by *) CARL WEIL_ _ _ _ E. C. FOLSOM BYRON DUNN. ALBERT A. HELD, I 6.CLARK-_ _ _ 0. S. COZAD........... 2,711 300 200 612 17,514 (Form Loan Bds.) 907 127 8,921 299 21,744 360 594 17,235 (Terri tory Io iff cm dNebr askm) 9,847 3,040 88 2,177 302 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. A Tr. Co., Chi.; Uiuii. ri»* ouiiitp inter-scaie ntu* v« 45 72 90 1st N.. N. Bk. Com., and Cont. N.. Lin.; Oma. N„ Oma. ; A. V. P. G. A. Frampton. W. E. Barkley, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. H. Bradley 4,240 3,555 Chase N. (Equitable Tr. Br.). N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr.. Chi. . . R.Unzlcker . . E. N. Van Horne _ L. 0. Chapin______ B. G. Clark. Sec. and Mgr. 25 5 2 307 275 (See pa 868 81- 62-63 f ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Nation 100 al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total • -• THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY 29 rHOWARD HADLEY— FRED S. ALDRICH- ZOE M HELMS. Sec. and Tr. t CORPORATE, NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MUNICIPAL AN D MORTGAGE S ECURITIES. 25 — 40 65 1 64 Cont. N„ Lin. - — Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 74. C to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' 'Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 10 F. R. D. Omaha Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Be*. Dept*:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Lin wood .___235 Farmers* Merch. Bk..®i8’87 J. M. Mundil Butler J21 Jun’34Stmt 76-781 LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars Resources. Cashji. U.S.Goy. Other Other j Ond.Proi. Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Re Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources $ 10 S 15 S 9 S 246 $ 280 $ 99 $ 44 $ Llsco. 238 Lisco State Bank___ d®t8’09 Reuben Lisco, G. W. Sampson___ Garden J4 Jun’34Stmt 76-782 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 20 4 1 102 127 46 Lodgepole____436 First State Bank_____ ®t§'13 O. J. Melton, Emma Lee Rogers A. C. Peterson____ L. L. Spindler____ Jun’34Stmt 76-784 Chey’ne K5 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 20 4 64 32 120 33 18 Loomis . 213 First National Bank.d®tl900 G. H. Titus. . Jun’34Stmt 76-583 Phelps N14 25 25 9 268 $ 345 171 68 20 1 68 89 25 20 2 132 154 62 25 6 414 470 Lorton Otoe M24 W. B. Abrahamson W. H. Swartz____ Delmas Kaufman.. 71 Bank of Lorton_______251900 Jun’34Stmt 76-786 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Louisville Cass L23 orq ‘Loup City ...1446 Sherman K15 Jun’34Stmt 76-226 Lushton 118 Bank of Lushton____ York M19 Jun’34Stmt 76-788 H.B. Knnn FA. 1. OUTHOUSE- W. T. CHASE---------- C. H RYAN L 1. POLSKI______ t5’02 C. A. McCloud____ R. R. Copsey_____ ‘Madison___ 1842 Farmers National Bank MarkO’Shea Thomas O’Shea, Madison 119 Jun’34Stmt 76-164 »t’06 C'h. of Bd. and Pres. L. C. Monl Mark O’Shea.......... Frank Oerney t§’28 E. A. Wiggenhorn . L. C. Churchill ___ F. A. Scheuneman. Harry L! Dresslar— Malmo____ 179 Security Home Bank.d®§’34 Emil Barrv Aug’34Stmt 76-793 Saunders K21 E. S. Schiefelbein. Martell 102 Martell State Bank ....«t§'05 W.H.H. Moore___ Simon Wunderlich Lancaster M21 Jun’34Stmt 76-798 Mason State Bank d§’24 A. B. Turner_____ V. C. Talbot____ J. R. Turner______ •Jun’34Stmt 76-1290 Farmers Security Bank H. Kilburn______ H. Hall.................... Harry Hall _ . B. I. Johnson.__ Jim’34Stmt 76-1048 dB®«tS’16 ‘McCook___ 6688 FIRST NATIONAL BANK A. BARNETT............... H. P. WAITE ........ Redwillow Oil Jun’34Stmt 76-77 d®»t’87 92 7 Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N. 27 35 2 U. S. N., Oma. 21 40 8 Packers N. and 1st N„ 187 80 194 9 Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; 80 35 6 37 2 1st N„ Chi. and York, Stk. N„ Oma. and N. Bk. of Com., Lin. 25 23 ROLLAND LARMON... H. M. KROGH — 25 447 215 115 9 92 16 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. 25 Pf. 12 2 2 298 25 364 141 92 60 43 28 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. 107 48 11 42 6 U. S. N„ Oma.; Far. & 31 29 25 Co., Chi.; U. S. N. and Oma. N., Oma. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N„ Oma. Merch., Ashland; Cont. N., Lin. 5 1 2 1 69 1 83 17 6 (With Surp.) 247 6 284 107 3 259 312 108 70 98 56 5 31 5 1 220 246 110 10 119 7 Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk. 25 16 75 1,408 476 165 202 29 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., 61 90 49 911 25 25 15 Pf. 10 20 3 75 50 R. F. Lord________ Myrtle L.Nahrgang 82 Neb. 10 Pf. 15 McCOOK NATIONAL BANK C J O'RRIFN •!un’34Stmt 76-78 d®«t'07 McCool June. 356 Blue River Bank______ 2§’87 C. A. McCloud T. W. Smith. Jun’34Stmt 76-537 • 4 York M19 • • Farmers & Merchants Bank NinaL. Seng, ................ - Jun’34Stmt 76-538 t§’04 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Oma. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. 345 25 M. C. BRADY_______ G. F. MOSS................ Oma.; Cont. N„ Lin. 17 First Trust Co...................T§’28 J. E. Kelley______ Nora M. Kelley.... Don Kelley, Jun’34Stmt 76-1306 Sec. and Tr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 10 25 First National Bank._d®t'06 M. E.Isaacson____ J. J. Luff .. Jun’34Stmt 76-796 NEBRASKA Map on Index 16 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Live 50 C. N. Turner . •• 53 - 63 Marquette___318 Hamilton L18 _____ 9 N. Bk. of Com., Lin. 1 10 •• 70 6 Wm. J. Ran „ and Oma. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 10 Manley______ 130 Manley State Bank..........tS'06 F. H. Stander____ Cass L23 Jun’34Stmt 76-794 Mason City___ 447 Custer K14 Maywood_____ 525 Frontier Mil 4 1st N. < OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN THE COUNT Y. ] FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum: 25c m inimum charge if pa id. d»P32 L Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR YUS. Lyons. .985 First National Bank...d»t'02 Herbert Rhoades, Matt D. Pond____ W. O. Helntzelman Arthur Behn. . Burt H22 Jun’34Stmt 76-294 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Madrid_______449 State Bank of Madrid Perkins L8 Jun’34Stmt 76-1310 2 95 $ Cash, and Sec. Home State Bank— dB©tS'15 C. J. Pankonin ___ Jun’34Stmt 76-1027 FIRST NAT’L BANK IN LOUP CITY 18 38 $ Principal Correspondents . 15 1,217 4 35 2 U. S. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Wahoo. 30 1 536 4 773 12 126 153 67 1 89 108 38 - • 380 2iL| 17 43 6 1st N. and Live Stk. N., 58 77 12 IstN.,Lin.; lstN.,Grand 103 101 Cont.N. and N.Bk. Com., Lin.; Oma. N., Oma. Oma. Isl.; Oma. N., Oma. 5 N. Bk., Com., Lin, Com., Lin. 21 N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Den. N„ Den. 69 1st N„ McCook. 370 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 134 27 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., 48 31 6 35 --------"l........... Chi.; 1st N. and U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo., Mo. . 7 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., York, Lin., and Oma. 4 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cont. N„ Lin:; Oma. N„ Oma. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 746 Town and county. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 10 F. R. D. Omaha Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStateTPriv. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Re«.Depti:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Bank of Mead_________ tS'85 Jay Willey. —-v— Jun’34Stmt 76-804 R. K. Browi&til? Memphis_____ 149 jun’34Stmt 76-805 Saunders K22 B. F. Cnx Merna________ 439 Jun’34Stmt 76-467 Custer J13 W. A. Metzger ___ Merrtman____ 362 Jiin’34Stmt 76-806 Cherry D8 Farmers & Merchants Bank E. H. Strayer_____ Jun’34Stmt 76-336 dB® tS’03 Seward M21 Saunders K22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. 1 Gash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Ond.Prot Other & Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Totals Re Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia fromBks ties bilities ties counts sources Reserves % 10 $ 4 S Harry Widman___ R.M. Erway______ \jr /Emerson E. Erway Pf. 20 rh ^V-<0 AA E. A. Wiggenhorn . H FT. Fhlfirs 3 8 246 t $ 283 $ 187 ft V,, (X& $ i 5 Stk. Yds. N. and Oma. 124 97 9 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. 42 57 3 U. S. N., Oma. 58 5 1st N. and Live Stk. N„ 17 4 4 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., 35 49 123 5 Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N., 171 54 46 106 8 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. 309 113 71 7 109 9 1st N„ Chi. and Lin.; U. 200 ....... 252 86 58 49 50 9 Oma. N. and. U. S. N„ 810 879 613 5 27 228 6 N. City, N. Y.; Oma. N„ 1 44 9 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; State 45 209 18 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., 1 152 171 80 2 2 133 162 45 W. J. Eigsti______ 10 Pf. 30 8 11 363 422 192 G. E. Nelson______ M. R. Woodling__ 5 Pf. 20 7 193 225 i 109 W. M. Millhouse _. 25 2 47 74 j 11 5 Pf. 20 5 1 125 156 i 121 10 25 * 50 10 2 249 $ 25 311 99 10 7 306 12 385 j 50 10 12 222 15 40 10 2 IT W. Wright_____ V. R. Elliott 50 10 9 John Lammers___ F. C. Harris______ C. L. Larsen______ Monroe_______293 Bank of Monroe____ d®t§'92 R. E. Wiley, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-811 Platte J19 24 2 Morrill_______ 756 FIRST NAT*LBK. IN MORRILL H. M. Springer.... W. R. Preston-----< 24 Scotts Bluff HI Jun’34Stmt 76-545 25 25 Murray_______300 Murray State Bank__ dtJ1900 W. G. Boedeker__ Jun’34Stmt 76-816 Cass L24 15 •Nebraska City ♦Farmers Bank___ d®<5’84 J. H. Catron.__ Otoe M24 7230 Jun’34Stmt 76-64 J. R. Stevenson... M. Fullriede_____ 50 William Kropp____ Geo. M. Lathrop, R. P. Kimmel. Tr.. First Trust Company — T5’2S O. N. Nelson, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Sec. Jun’34Stmt 76-55 25 P. R. Kenney_____ R. W. Johnson ___ -12 34 14 N„ Oma. N., Sioux C. Co., Chi.; U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. Oma.; Far. State,Kear ney. Jun’34Stmt 76-558 Buffalo L14 Milligan 117 Farmers & Merchants Bank V. Y. Smrha. Jun’34Stmt 76-808 il’03 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Fillmore N20 Mina tare____1079 First National Bank_d®»t’29 Glenn A. Etter.__ Scotts Bluff 12 Jun’34Stmt 76-1315 M. Smrha__ ___ Littlejohn D. R. Nichol. . .Minden_____ 1716 First National Bank...®»t’83 Calvin S. Rogers _ H. Hapeman______ E. C. Tidvall H. Hapeman, Ch. Jun’34Stmt 76-182 Kearney N15 M M H. A. Qaarde_____ A. C. Hove — — Mabel E. Johnson. MSS. F. R. Kingsley, Ch. of Bd. ana Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-181 M Y/U. S. N„ Oma.; 1st Lin, Oma. 15 U. S. N., Oma.; Live Stk. 8 25 Millard 921 Farmers State Bank Douglas K23 Jun’34Stmt 76-1071 dB®»t5’16 25 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 74 15 F. O. Wangerin— __ jf51 $ 68 Rnth Reals E. B. Daley___ M. O. Metzger____ 20 $ U Arthur Jensen___ Arthur Jensen ___ Val Jensen NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK Andrew Jensen, Clara Baker Jun’34Stmt 76-993 ®<’14 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Mitchell_____ 2058 First National Bank in Mit- J. L. Sandford.__ Scotts Bluff H2 chell.__ 76-365 .. d®T<’24 H. M. Springer.CA. Jun’34Stmt . Oma.; IstN., Den. 487 215 6 2 233 256 67 18 20 145 6 Drov. N„ Chi.; Live Stk. 35 46 1,171 ........... 1,302 288 772 50 191 1 Tootle-Lacy N„ St. Jo.; .5 3 33 3 17 3 437 50 610 131 224 165 85 .. .. ♦Otoe County National Bank Wm. H. Pitzer___ H. F. Meyer______ J. D. Stocker. _ .. H. H. Teten_____ Jun’34Stmt 76-62 d® <’65 50 30 4 447 50 581 287 93 50 128 .. « NebraskaCity Clearing House (Members indicated by a ♦) NEBRASKA Map on Index. Oma.; Cont. N„ Lin. 428 20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S. N„ Oma. 9 100 •Nellgh______1649 National Bank of Neligh H. C. Cratty______ L. E. Jackson, Fred Penn____ ___ O. E. Krohn____ Jun’34Stmt 76-1324 d®<’30 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Geo. W. Krumm, Antelope Q18 2nd. V. P. I. J. Wehrman— J. F. Murphy Commercial Bank...d®<5’87 J. B. Wehrman___ .Tun’34Stmt 76-264 Roy Brewer Nuckolls 018 Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. Jo. and Oma. 23 A. B. Wilson______ O. N. Nelson_____ O. J. Schneider... G. W. Slack______ ♦Nebraska City Nat. Bank W. L. Wilson Jun’34Stint 76-5S ®T<’58 F. L. Nutzman, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Den. 77j .. Nehawka ...__ 298 Jun’34Strat 76-818 Cats L24 N.Y.jN. Bk. of Com., Lin.; U. S. N., Oma. 51 .. J. R. Stevenson. Sec. Principal Correspondents. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 5 3 151 Bk. of Oma. and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma. Chi.; Oma.N.,Oma.; 1st N., Den. N., Oma. Oma. N., Oma.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. 13 5 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; City 23 Nation alf Stat e and Private , Banks , Total 179 57 565 259 316 136 42 74 6 17 87 24 32 131 17 Pf. 20 50 10 10 445 25 15 11 265 50 N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. ;Live Stk.N.,Oma. 178 Oma. N. and Packers N., Oma.; Otoe Co. N., Nebr. C. Chase N„ N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N. and U. S. N„ Oma.; Cont. N., Lin. Chase N., N. Y.; Oma. N„ Oma.; Am. N. and 1st N„ St. Jo. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 7/i 7 ill Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued Liabilities, •Mem.A.B.A.»Nevr {State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ais’n. TEstab. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Tows and county. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. A. L. Allen Nemabt_____ 296 Bank of Nemaha_____ •tl’01 E. E. Allen... Jun'34Stmt 76-819 Nemaha N26 - Cashier. H. R. Dressier .. Ass’t Cashier. Capital F. H. Kerker. Newcastle___ 446 American State Bank .dtS'22 W. S. Gilman____ N. T. Thomas____ M. M. Nelson— C. A. Kingsbury, .Iun’34Stmt 76-483 Dixon E21 (in Thousands of Dollars) Other Und.Prof. Lia Surplus and or Deposits bilities Reserves 10 $ 90 10 67 Pf. 15! Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis fromBks counts ties ties Totals $ 106 $ 93: 28 40 53 Principal Correspondents. Other I Re sources 33 51 Stk. Yds. N„ Oma.; Stk. ! Yds. N„ Kan. C.; 1st | N.. St. Jo. 22 11 Toy N. and 1st N., Sioux C.; 1st N., Oma. 145 14 Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N., Oma. Ch. Newman Grove First National Bank-«21900 E. H. Gerhart, H. L. Gerhart------ H. L. Gerhart— Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Madison 118 1146 Jun’34Stmt 76-298 J. J. Forsyth Niobrara_____ 761 Bank of Niobrara----- dBt§’31 F. R. Mares. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. H. Lutt Jun’34Stmt 76-1323 Knox E18 Skokan Nora____ ____157 Nora Mlile Bank.—. Nuckolls 018 Jun’34Stmt 76-82* elly, f 25 Pf. W. O. Eichelberger Panl Zutz, A. H. Steffen__ Cash, and Sec. O. W. Gladem 28 29 Donald D. Mapes.. C. A. Lederer. 8ee, and Tr, Pf. 22 50 1C. AFFILIATED W ITH THE NORT HWEST BANCO RPORATION. ■p. Norman Exchange Bank Mabel W. Kingsley F. R. Kingsley, Jr. H. S. Kingsley ~ Norman_____ 107 Jun’34Stmt 76-825 B*t§’06 Kearnev N16 10 76-1272 d®»t§’21 J Ch.ofBd. andPres. 26 89 27 1,645 1,793 848 182 2761 6 644 725 297 93 49 72 34 4 32 262 295 150 48 86 1,529 357 417 595 725 355 161 201 63 37 90 142 60 35 7 35 292 5 182 121 34 6 Oma. N., Oma.; 1st N., | Lin.; DeLay N., Nor| folk. 51 39 18 j Tootle-Lacy N. and Am. ! N.,St. Jo. 1941 412 70 !N. City ,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. I N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma. 190 16 64 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. ! Ill. N. Bk. &Tr„ Chi.; U. S. N„ Oma. 50 266 19 Cent.Han.Bk.&Tr.,N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; U. S. N„ Oma.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C.; Cont. N., Lin.; Northw. N., Minpls. Minden Ex. N., Minden; 1st N., Lin.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 11 Oma. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 54 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma. i ioo: R. E. MONTGOMERY. ROBT. WEIDENBACH- EDGAR SCHEIPS "y 4un’34Stmt 139 25 “I 76-49 " ^SECURITY STATE BARK , fA. G. SAM. jr> ___ 95 $ 107 25 A. L. Pospisil-__ - effc.. Epley 1 . Durland Trust Co.......-TU'86 L. B. Nicols. 409 338 121 \d. andPres. ^ Ch.ofBd, J. J. DeLay! Norfolk____ 10.717 DeLay National Bank JLay, A. R. (Olson___ Jun’34Stmt 76-1322 d©»t’31 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. W. G. Flint Madison H20 Jun’34Stmt Marie Johnson. 31 (Incl. \ Und. i Prof.)\ ( Trust 269 (Tr Secur. Funds 21 I X2/VOC/ North Bend.. 1108 Platte Valley Bank----- 1§’91 Richard McCluhan Phillip Walla, Jr. .]un’34Stmt 76-813 Dodge J21 E. E. Wolf_____ H. C. Thedens.. Thos. N. Eason Keith Neville___ R. C. Langford.__ W. H. Manger___ A. O. Kramph-. ‘North Platte FIRST NATIONAL BANK L. W. Langford d®«t'86 W. R. Maloney Lincoln K10 12.061 Jun’34Stmt 76-72 ___ I ■ McDonald STATE BANK — a Juu’llStmt G. J. Taylor____ 76-71 ^d(5)»l{’78 W. H. McDonald, L. B. Dick_______ W. E. Starr____ M. F. Ralston. 30.. 100 62 (With 1,267 100 119 582 SO, 282 Swjh) 25 Pf. 75 Ch. 13 A. C. Scroggin ___ J. L. Scroggin___ G. G. Scroggin Oak. .218 Scroeein &Oo. Bank—tl’fl B. F. Scroggin. Jun’34Stmt 76-827 Nuckolls 018 2 Oakdale_____ 663 First National Bank_____’29 Geo. W. Hunter__ J. S. Stringfellow. W. H. Morris_____ Jun’34Stmt 76-1317 D. L. Shenefelt, Antelope H18 Ch. Oakland____ 1433 Farmers ft Merch. Nat'l Bank A. L. Neumann.__ E. V. Neumann.... C. C. Neumann. Jun’34St*t 76-244 d*2'92 Burt 122 Oconto _____ Custer K1S T. Dwerlkotte----- J. V. Devine_____ M. D. Berry.. 243Farmers Bank-------- d» tl’65 Frank Devine. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-608 ‘Ogallala___ 1631 Citizens Bank..........d®«tt’J Keith K7 Jun’34Stn)t 76-364 C. L. Onntryman, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. . FeltZ j... Ohlowa______ 394 Home Bank................... »t§'07 F. J. Sieber, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-830 Fillmore N20 NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. G. Geisert, Cast}, and Se$. J. Mr earner___ E. J. Lynn_______ F. J. Sieber. Jr._ 820 975 470 20 111 339 395 134 139 114 277 317; 139 38 125 3 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Stk. Yds. N., Kan. C., Mo. 359 174 138 19 Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk. 1 Com., Lin. ^/7/i 35 7 5 Pf. 20 26 Chase N., N. Y.; Oma.N., I U. S. N„ and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma. 8 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. ! Co., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma. 6 D. M. Contryman.. !. J. Prochaska.... 5 U. S. N., Oma. 50 15! Odell....... ..........472 State Bank of Odell..d*2l’07 T. W. Stanosheck. Ernst Loemker__ W. T. Stanosheck. Ch. of Bd. and Pres Jun’34Stmt 76-490 Qage 021 101 8 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Packers N.,and U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. Oma. N., Oma.; Am. N., St. Jo. 28 • 133, 43 51 33 Stk. Yds. N. and U. S. N., Oma. 198 147 26 IN. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ ! Oma. and St. Jo.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 74.Q to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* / TO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.npilew SStatetPrlT. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Est&b. President. Vice-President. ®»t5’56 W. B. Roberts. R. H. Hall.............. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Bank of Florence Jim’34Stmt 27-69 Cashier. OMAHA—Reserve City (Branch of federal Reserve Bank. District No. 1» LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars Other i Cash,Ex. Ass’t Cashier. Capital Surplus Und.Proi, and or Deposits & Due Lia Totals Reserves $ Douglas Count y Bank.d®»t§'32 C. L. Waldron, E. L. Cook, Exec. .. (Benson Sta.) 27-70 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. U.S.Gov. Other Securi Securi fromBks ties ties bilities 25 8 6 $ 3 $ 263 50 7 8 362 (Douglas, K 24) County Seat, Pop. 214,006 Resources, $ 297 S 427 62 8 117 38 8 46 Loans 4 Dis counts 55 8 159 Other Principal Correspondents. Re sources 142 93 8 1st N., Oma. 12 Oma. N., 1st N„ and Live Stk. N„ Oma. Jim’34Stmt Federal Intermediate Credit (See page 67 for inf ormateon) Bank 27-68..................... Federal Land Bank ___ Dist. 8 (See page 50 for com plete information) 27-68 ♦Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Cltv„27-12. . • (Omaha branch F cderal Reserve Ba nk, Kansas City, Mn ) 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OMAHA T. L. DAVIS............ F. H. DAVIS, Ch. PIF-If# 1:1 27-1 d®T*t'63 (16th and Farnam Sts.) Jun’34Stmt 'LIVE STOCK NATIONAL BANK 27-11 dB®*t'07 (4840 S. 24th) Jun’34Stmt *THE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK 27-2 d®T«t’66 (17th & Farnam Sts.) ALVIN E-JOHNSONn. r. AUMHc* s (For c omplet e infor matio n see p age 45) 250 312 26,376 .......... 450 100 110 1,250 50 250 28,688 7,047 9,123 4,783 6,211 1,524 N. Y. Tr. Co., *. V.: Cont. Ill. N. Bk.& Tr.Co., 1st N., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 9,513 6,330 1,274 57 1,797 46 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi ; Drov. N., Kan. C. 15.676 11,639 1,174 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co., Y.; Cont. HI. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st Pi., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Phil. Pf. 1,500 H. 0. WILSON_ _ _ _ N. H. KROEGEB........ L. V. PULLIAM_____ 8,841 $ 12 rflUL HAnotn Have Your Live Stock Proceeds Deposited With Us. W. DALE CLARK___ VICTOR R. SMITH___ JAMES P. LEE EDWARD NEALE RAY R. RIDGE DANIEL J. MONEN. CLE0 J. FLOWERS Tr. Off. 0. T. ALVISON CLYDE 0. DARNER W.B. MILLARD. Jr. DAVID F. DAVIS. A. Tr. Off. JAMES H. MOORE J. R. CAIN J.A CHAN6STR0M 408 38,447 ' 1,019 42,399 I 13,910 (lncl. U. S. Secur.) Pf. 1,225 SEE ADVE RTISE MENT ON NE BRAS KA IN DEX. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Jun’34Stmt Special facilities for the handling of Omaha and Nebraska collections. ♦ Omaha John F. Coad____ A. L. Coad_______ F. J. McCauley.__ 27-8 d®*8’91 R. E. Kendall (24th &0 Sts.) Jun’34Stmt 100 Pf. 100 20 2,458 51 2,683 864 1,054 127 559 79 Chase N. and N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Oma. 1 915 247 80 212 350 26 9,096 4,367 250 677 3,646 156 South Omaha Savings Bank F. A. Oressey........ A. J. Hallas______ F. J. Kocarnek___ Jun’34Stmt 27-52 d®«’88 25 25 35 829 ♦Stock Yards National Bank Jas. B. Owen. W. A. Sawtel, Exec. W. H. Dressier.__ of South Omaha___ d®«t'll Ch. ofBd. and Pres. F. J. Enerson Jun’34Stmt 27-6 (LiveStockExchange Bldg.) (Omaha continued on next page) 1,000 C. L. Owen______ H. A. Hovey Pf. 250 Otto Smolik E. G. Gehrman 164 50 7,380 Nebraska Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 252 i 1 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C.; Iowa Des M. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., DesM.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Oma. N. and U. S. N., Oma.; Inter-State N., Kan. C., Mo. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence •Mem.A.B.A."New JStatetPriv. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Capital Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Ond.Prof. Loans Other ] Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Surplus and or Deposits & Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Lia Totals ties Reserves counts 1 from Bks ties bilities 6. H. YATES- - - - - - - - - H. M. BUSHHELL. R. E. ROGERS- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E. E.LANDSTR0M— W. B. T. BELT, Exec. 1, B. BAINEY, xr A. L. VICKERY $ 1,100 $ 541 Ch of Bd. T. F. MURPHY Asst. V. P. H. L. SH0LIN R. P. M0RSMAN. P. B. HENDRICKS M. F. BARLOW Ch. of Exee. Com. E. MOSER , H. W. YATES, Tr. Off. PS. 200 (Ind. Und. V. B. CALDWELL Prof.) ’UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK dB®T*t’5€ “THE OLDEST BANK IN NEBRASKA” 27-5 (16th & Farnam) Jun’34Stmt Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc , see Laws. OMAHA—Continued—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ $ Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources $ 8,040 $11223 $ 2,285 $ 2,485 $ 1,007 Chase N., N. Y. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co.,N. Y.; 426 $21,731 $ 1,042 $25,040 Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Kan. C.: Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.: N. Shaw., Bos.; Northw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mlnpls.;Mlss. Yalley Tr. Co., St. L. AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION Hughes, Omaha Clearing House---------- G. H. Yates................. J. B. Owen................ Wm. B.See. and Tr. (Members indicated by a *) — (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f Nation al, Stat e and States, etc.) Cities, or Num ber of Depo sits by Private Banks, Total Omaha—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. OTHER OFFICES. CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Year Established. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. h Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. fE. B. DRAKE. NEBRASKA BOND & MORTGAGE CORP.. C. W. MEAD, Pres. M. L. VAN HORNE, Vice-Pres. C. E. B0AND, Treas. J. W. SEVERNS, Sec. BLANCHE SCHR0EDER, ... ... N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.s 1st Nat’l, Chi.; Omaha Nat’l, Omaha. W. C. RAMSEY. See. Oma. N. and 1st N., Oma. Vice Pres. OMAHA BOND & MORT. CO..............M2 [First Mortgage Farm Loans a specialty. (320-5 Union State Bank Bldg.) (Financial corre8ponc*e<it« for Bankers Paid-up Capital $100,000 Surplus and Profits $30,000 Life Insurant* Co. of Neb. Assets, S42.000.000) Paid up Capital $725,000. Asst. Sec. (424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.) Bank Depositories. E. 6. DRAKE. Pres, and Tr. ... OTHER OFFICES. CORRESPONDENTS AND Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Year Established. .tT21 WACHOB. BENDER & CO... (212 So. 17th St.) JAMES T. WACHOB. President----------------F. J. BENDER. Secretary and Treasurer E. A. FRICKE. Asst. Secretary Oma. N., Oma.; Cont. N.. Lin. Paid-up Capital $200,000 Municipal and Corporation Bonds. NEBRASKA—Continued Town and Resources. County. •Mem.A.B.A. "New §StatetPrir. I tMem. State B. Aas’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Be*. Dept«:T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Barings President Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. tO’Nelll______2019 First National Bank.. d»t’84 John P.Mann__— E. M. Gallagher... Ed. T. Campbell— H. C. Biglin.. H. J. Birmingham Jun'34Stmt 76-130 Holt F16 O’Neill National Bank S. J. Weekes------- F. N. Cronin. 76-140 d»t’01 E. F. Quinn______ Capital $ Other Ond.Prot Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities Totals Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other 4 Due Securi Securi ties from Bks ties Loans 4 Dis counts 209 $ 79 $ FIRST NATIONAL (F-’• MEM~— WENCEL MISKO - JAMES FETSKA, JR. - H. W. TRAVIS PALLET C OUNTY. , IN ORD■JBSS5KSS oKusINwith each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and .Oshkosh____843 Garden J6 BANK S. A. Snider______ J. A. G. Johnston— A. F. Nuquist_____ D. R. Byers. d®*t'01 J. A. C. Johnston, Ch Nebraska State Bk.....«t8'21 G. H. Morris------- C. M. Davis.............. F. L. Ferrell_____ Jun’34Stmt 76-831 NEBRASKA Mop on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 Chase N„ N. Y.: City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Oma. 7 Chase N.. N. Y.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. 234 $ 638 278 199 70 84 531 620 225 20 135 217 23 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 2 300 360 161 5 43 136 25 2 386 463 124 25 151 143 15 14 173 232 88 17 1 108 15 N. City, N. Y.: Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma.: 1st N., Grand Isl. 20 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N. and Stk. Yds. N.,Oma.; N. Bk. Com.. Lin. 18 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Oma. N., Oma. 70 $ 36 $ 567 $ 25 50 50 28 460 50 30 15 14 5 25 30 $ 748 $ PS. 30 Jun o4Stmt 76-146 d®*t 82 CENTS for ea eb credit report I nsures prompt, p ersonal attention 18 Nebraska State Bk........*tl’12 C. J. Mortensen... E. R. Fafeita_____ Pf. 35 Jun’34Stmt 76-942 .Osceola____ 1054 FIRST NATIONAL Jun’34Stmt 76-231 Polk K10 Principal CuRRESPON DENTS. 219 $ 50 $ Jun’34Stmt *Ord................. 2226 Valley 116 Other Re sources 25 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 7CA * Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given i? eacb bank ln U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Count*. *County Seats Entire State No. 10 F.R.D. Omaha Br. Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass Overton_____ 600 Overton National Bank— ?30 J. H. Roberts____ I. F. Borns. Dawson M14 Jun’34Stmt 76-1320 Liabilities. Und.Prof. Capital j Surplus and or Deposits Cashier. / / / L E.TWej/—^ i)r r8 J. L. Carter 25 $ ^80 $ 25 213 150 Oxford______ 1155 Security State Bk—d«t|’92 H. A. Arnsberger— J. H. Sherwood.__ F. P. Nielsen_____ Edna W. Burton... 10; Furnas N1S Jun’34Stmt 76-393 J. H. Fitsimmons Pf. 25! Palisade_____ 731 Hitchcock NO FRENCHMAN L. 6. «t|'87 Farmers 8tate Bk.__ ®«t|’74 H. 0. Yan Horne 76-173 Jun’34Stmt 286 Bruce Gave ..... Perry Herring. T. W. Bell. C. A. Sweet, Jr... C. A. Sweet— | R. F. Clarke K. C. Brown _ . C. R. Pearson 207 118 25 20 126 46 1 i 126 S 2 $ 52 35 Principal Correspondents. Chi.; Toy N., Sioux C.| 1st N., Oma. 9 Oma. N., Oma. 110 .............. 15 Nettle Hanon.__ F. M. Stelnaner. A. O. Van Horne.. | Bank of Paxton..........d®t5'28 C. C. Hendricksen. H. L. Stoll.............. .T. d. Doherty ..... 76-1309 ‘Pender_____ 1006 First National Bank d3®T»’92 John Krusemark— James Lynch.____ H. D, Hancock____ R. K. Kuhn______ Thurston Q21 t~ > iU jj -’Jpw'N 4 n\\\^(U 4 L Pender State Bank—d®tl’15 Gerhard Schntte — P. 7. Simonsen ___ W. F. Wenke____ P. A. Pinion____ _ 76-313 Jun’34Stmt nBank of Peru_________ d§’34 W. H. Hutchinson. Ju!'34Stmt 76-267 W. W. Barnes, Ch. Petersburg.. ..585 Petersburg State’20 F.Jouvenat. Jun’34Stmt 76-1277 Boone 118 343 118 38 178 9 185 46 164 115 ............. in 28 45 1 202 72 75 ............. 54 77 31 21 20 599 300 58 181 236 78 66 82 286 73 102 97 189 57 16 111 309 48 54 28 165 601 180 87 19 294 78 75 212 118 10 20 59 83 23 3 15 37 ■ 13 10 66 203 39 26 90 306 71 50 53 121 322 173 56 20 73 99 63 260 274 50 Pf. 30 25> Jun’34Stmt W. W. Barnes Carroll Lewis____ Anna F. Farley.... E. E. Hall D. L. Jouvenat O. M. Hays. Phillips______ 221 Bank of Phillips___dB(Dt5'84 E. C. Huxtable___ E. C. Arnett. Jun’34Stmt 76—838 Hamilton L17 Plckrell______ 183 Farmers State Bank— ®tl'04 Ed. Bauman J. T. J arge ns Gage N22 Jun’34Stmt 76-839 50 <1 3* * 85 *„ E. C. Huxtable..__ F. L. Pothast__... D. Roll ‘Pierce______ 1271 CONES STATE BANK-d*t('82 Pierce G19 Jun’34Stmt 76-219 (OLDEST BANK IN THECOUNTY PUger-------------578 Farmers National Bank W. R. Chace___ Jun’34Stmt 76-454 ®»J’01 Stanton H20 145 FRED MAAS E. G SCHELLPEPER. Robert Larson. L. E. Bare.__ W. L. Happel . -*• (WOODS CONES 50 Plalnvtew____1216 Plainview State Bank..dJ5'28 J. W. Ransom, <3. J. Hibben........— B. N. Saunders .— L. A. Larson-------Pierce G18 Jun’34Stmt 76-1311 Ch. of Bd. and Prtsl Is. > 1 T W * ‘ ' ‘Plattsmoutb 379 Cass L24 .Jun’34Stmt 76-1146 d®*ti'17 "_____'* Plattsmouth State Bank H. A. Schneider__ Henry Horn_____ F. A. Cloidt_____ Carl J. Schneider.. Jun’34Stmt 76-75 d®t5’04 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 109 $ G. J. Hietbrink.__ M. J. Dickson . ‘Pawnee City.1573 Citizens State Bank d®«t§’27 Joseph Barr___ Jun’34Stmt ♦ 76-1297 Pawnee 023 A. H. Wherry. Ch. NEBRASKA Map on Index Other Resources Pf. 40 Jun’34Stmt Nemaha N24 293 :$ O O ‘PapIUlon____718 Banking Honse of A. W. Mrs. 1. D. Clarke Sarpy K23 Clarke „„ 76-834„d®«t»’80 Peru........................ 835 $ 283 10 This Bank Qivss Real Service In All Banking Matters. Palmyra_____ 344 Bank of Palmyra_____ t|‘00 J. H. Catron. Jun’34Stmt 76-555 Otoe M23 Panama_____ 198 Bank of Panama______ i|’91 E. M. Rteeves. Jun’34Stmt 76-833 Lancaster M22 -507 Loans A Discounts N„ St. Jo.; 1st N„ Oma.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. CHURCHILL-— E. A. WIG6ENH0RN— A. J. BAXTER-------- Wi&tonVrchiCl Palmer______ 588 Loup Valley State Bank M. Y. Lambert, T. R. LambertJun’34Stmt 76-534 t5’07 Merrick E17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Palmer State Bank—®»t|’99 H. J.Templin. W. E. Reed.__ Jun’34Stmt 76-533 Paxton. Keith K8 i Cash.Ei. U.S.Soy. Other & Dno Securi- SecnrifromBks ties ties ' VALLEY BANK Jun’34Stmt 76-882 Totals ^ / A ________________ ational Bk._dB®Tt*27 Jas. F. ifoy.^rT Carl Schumacher — Jun’34Stmt 76-405 t Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources. i Osmond_____ 750 Pierce G19 eMem.A.B.A.wNew S State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Barings NEBRASKA—Continued 128 50 26 794 899' 338 .............. Com., Lin. Grand Isl. Ity. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Far. N„ Cent. C.; 1st N„ Lin.; Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. 1 r. S. N„ Oma.; 1st N„ St. Jo. 5. _st N„ Lin.; Oma. N., Oma. 3 10 st N. and Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. 10 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; 1st N„ St. Jo.; Com. Tr., Kan. C. 14 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi. 5 Live Stk. N. and Oma. N.. Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 14 Chase N.,N. Y.;Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma.; 1st N„ Sioux C. 21 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N„ Oma.; Secur. N„ Sioux C. 3 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Live Stk. N. and Oma. N., Oma. 5 1st N., Lin.; 1st N. and Stk. Yds.N.of So. Oma., Oma. 5 N. Bk. of Com., Lin. 4 trice N„ Beatrice. 42 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N., Lin.; Live Stk. N. and Oma. N., Oma.; Secur. State, Norfolk. 11 Chase N„ N. Y.; Oma.N. and Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. Live Stk. N., Sioux C.; Live Stk. N. and Oma. N., Oma. 20 Live Stk. N. and Oma. N„ Oma. 27 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Oma. N., Oma. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number siren to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. m T President. Vice president. Oashikk. .532 Citizens State Bank — ®t*’19 M. J. Ferguson .— Oscar Strand. Polk........ Jun’34Stmt 76-1219 Polk K19 C. A. Kingsbury------ ,,— __,nk of Dixon County 76-281 d®t§’81 W. S. GRflaan. Ch. A Jun’348tmt . Kingsbi JfarmerxfUateBwfr-.dTtS'17 Jun’34Stmt 76-1123 ass’t Cashier. Capital Other Lia bilities Totals 1 $ 103 3 4 234 15 fi 4 A.Isaacson ______ 25 F. R. Kingsbury... C. Y. / V-— 50 D.H.Meisenbach.. 8 8 | 160_____ ,,229 RESOURCES. Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other & Dne Securi Securi IromBks ties ties $ Loans A Dis counts Other Re sources Cont. N., Lin.; 1st N., Fairbury. 134 U. S. N„ Oma.; 1st N.t Lin.; 1st N„ Grand Isl. 100 -------- 1st N„ Oma.; Toy N„ Sioux C. North. Tr„ Chi.; Secur. N. and Live Stk. N., Sioux C. Prague_______ 421 Bank of Prague...-dB®«tl'06 E. E. Placek______ Jos. Ylasak_______ Max Ylasak--------- Thos. J. Ylasak.__ Jun’34Stmt 76-616 Saunders K21 Pf. Pf. ®S'05 Henry Pothost___ Gay P. Welsh_____ Henry Pothost.... L. A. Westland — Primrose.. 210 First National Bank____ t’03 Jos. Davis_______ Will O. Wicks____ W. E. Wicks Jun’34Stmt 76-846 Boone 117 G. H. Cox___ Principal Correspondents. 41 en McQnillen _ Potter________ 515 Potter State Bank____ wti’CS John Seyfang.......... D. F. Enevoldsen.. D. F. Enevoldsen— M. W. Mayer. Jun’34Stmt 76-843 Cheyenne K3 W. Hagemeister, Ch. Purdum_______ 18 Purdum State Bank___ •JJ’14 J. F. Moody______ G. H. Cox. Jun’34Stmt 76-997 Blaine H12 Ond.Prof. Surplni and or Deposits Reservos 20 8 Plymouth......... 418 Farmers State Bank.®»tl’12 Luther Bonham__ H. B. Jennings____ B. M. Hanson____ Jefferson N21 Jun’34Stmt 76-940 Prairie Home...44 Farmers Bank____ _ Lancaster L22 Jun’34Stmt 76-844 (In Thousands of Dollars) LIABILITIES. own andoountt. •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State fPrtv. {Mem. State B. Ais’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings ‘Ponca_____ Dixon F2 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued Bessie Moody. 5 20 90 122 54 13 12 304 349 84 $ 7 47 57 20 50 266 328 89 10 74 88 20 485 177 383 OOO 23 107 52 Stk. Yds. N„ Oma.; Den. N., Den.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 121 N. City, N. Y.; Oma. N. and 1st N„ Oma.; 1st N., Wahoo. N. Bk. of Com. and 1st N„ Lin. 35 100 26 1st N., Live Stk. N., and Oma. N„ Oma. 106 Live Stk. N., Oma. 64 1st N„ Chi.; Stk. Yds. N., Oma.; Toy N., Sioux C. Randolph —1145 . irst National Bk._.d®T2’04 James F. Toy____ F, S. Stegge_____ Ralph Bacon______ ____________________________ Jun’34Stra(, 76-225 Cedar Q20 Kj (3 ou 50 Ravenna_____ 1559 Ravenna Bank.......... d®t§’32 H. J. Cary_______ Fred Cottrell____ C. E. Clark_______ C. F. Fisher-----Buffalo L15 Jun'34Stmt 76-842 25 368 403 W. A. Sherwood__ S. R. Florance----- C. M. Sherwood__ P. S. Sherwood__ ‘Red Cloud...1519 Peoples-Webster County Retta McDowell Webster 016 Bank ...76-169____ d@t*,93 50 446 506 325 10 152 182 84 Drov. N., Kan. C.; IstN., Lin.; Tootle-Lacy N„ St. Jo. 4 S7 112 54 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; U. S. N., Oma. Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. O \jd oI 25 35 104 196 Live Stk. N. and U. S. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C. and Oma. Jun’34Stmt Republican City Commercial State Bk..dtS’03 M. H. Haskins. Harlan 014 417 Jun’34Stmt 76-850 Richland__ __ 174 Colfax J20 Lewis Prokes. Frank Waggoner- a.. 20 1 Geo. j Oscar Bauer. Rising Clty...l000 Farmers State Bank.d®t§’04 D. J. Smith, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-471 Butler K20 W. H. Pierce_____ H. F. Garhan. 148 189 68 Fred Bargmann, E. L. King__ Rlverdale_____ 129 State Bank of Rlverdale Jun’34Stmt 76-853 dBTtf'07 Ch. of Bd, and Pret, Buffalo MIS C. H. Pratt_______ 148 178 80 Geo. M. Bronn ___ C. A. Keel_____ 41 48 20 Rockford______ 60 Rockford State Bank—tf'19 J. O. Dell_________ Pone Frerichs------ O. 0. Frants----Jun’34Strat 76-1220 Gage N22 59 85 30 Am. N„ St. Jo.; Beatrice N„ Beatrice. 66 90 30 Oma. N., Oma.; Neb. N., Grand Isl. 60 90 31 N. Bk. of Com., Lin. Hastings N„ Hastings. Live Stk. N„ Oma. Roca__________107 Bank of Roca-------------- tl’07 F. G. Keel_____ Jun’34Stmt 76-854 Lancaster M22 John Heil. Rockville_____ 241 Farmers State Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-1258 d®t§’19 Sherman Klb Victor Sorensen... S. B. Sorensen. Leland Hall______ John Klein. Roseland _____ 180 Roseland State Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-857 d®t*'04 Adams N16 NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ed. Hall. Jr.... A. Hansen_______ Pf. 5 20 28 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oma. N„ Oma.; Ft. Kearney St., Kear ney. 1st N., Lin. and Oma.; Far., Neb. C. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 7CO ' ^ Number under Name tf Bank la the New Transit Number (Iren to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. TOWM AND COONTT. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew § Stats tPrlT. tMem. State B. Aas’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Ret. Depti :T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Rr. d-Safe Deposit ® Barings Liabilities. PKHiDnrr. Jun’34Stmt 76-371 d®«t’98 Jim’34Stmt 76-372 Salem________387 Richardson 025 VicxPemidett. C.T. SMITH........... ‘Rushvllle___1006 Sheridan E5 OASHIIK. Und.frot Capital Surplus and or Reserves Ass't Cashier. $ H. A. DALE .............. (FRFNF WARD 35 1 35 $ 2 $ (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Other Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other & Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Re Lia fromBks ties ties counts sources bilities 344 8 I 11 $ 427 S 113 8 62 8 33 $ 214 $ 20 rG E ELLSWORTH. J. W. HANKS.............. R. E. MAREK.............. E 0 OTTEMAN Pf. 20 CHAS. W. BROWN, < Ch. ) 25 CENTS sent to ns with each s Ight draft for pre sentmtlon, and 150 CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsnres rsonal attention. 5 10 30 10 2 25 5 R. B. Hestoa.. 256. 23 136 311 92 48 133: 60 14 172 202: 112 20 60 86 36 Principal Correspondents. 5 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight d rafts, 2Sei Credit Reports, SOc. M.L. Dowell____ Jim’34Stmt 76-861 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued 12 Chase N.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; U. S. N., Oma. 56 3 Tootle-Lacy N.t St. Jo. 64 3 1st N„ Chi.; Live Stk. N. and U. S. N., Oma. 42 6 Cont. N„ Lin.; Live Stk. N., Oma. 31 9 “ 5 1st N., Lin. and Grand Island; Live Stk. N., Oma. 84 334 172 36 37 Gty. Tr. Co.,N.Y.; North. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Lin. and Den.; Oma.N., Oma. 5 Oma. N., Oma.; Fremont N. and Stephens N„ Fremont. ! TR. L. SWEET_____ Z. 0. AMOS................ iters given Intelll banking ma dtS’10 <1 All Save time and get service on Col (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight Sargent______ 831 FARMERS STATE BANK Ouster 114 Jun 34Stmt 76-354 SaronvUle___ 148 Clay M18 Jun’34Stmt 76-862 E. T. LARSON............ ‘Schuyler___ 2588 Schuyler State Banl .T. A. Vrnkps Frank Krejci, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Scotia................474 nState Bank of Scoi H. L. Miller............ E. L. Vogeltanz ... E. W. Larson_____ Colfax J21 Greeley J16 Jun’34Stmt 76-128 Jun’34Stmt 76-1326 S cottsbluff... 8465 Scotts Bluff H2 Jun’34Stmt -d®»t’Q Scribner_____ 1066 Farmers State Bank Dodge 122 Jun’34Stmt 76-1142 dB®» Jun’34Stmt 76-290 Jun’34Stmt 76-929 10 Pf. 15 — - Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. F. Meyer...1__j E.J. Schwein_____ G. C. Reeves ___ M. J. Cox.............. ... 20 . Pf. 35 92;. 15 1,035; 3* 330! 59 643 412 124 121 69 31 1,229 573 201 377 164 67 (Oper ating 0 n restr icted b asis u nder C onserv ator C harles Arnot, poi nted b y the C omptro ller of the C urrenc y.) 2 116| 148 25 7 110 123 85 662 710 398 Clara Hentzen, A. Sec. 51 9 5 21 {Trust Dept.) 98 26 Jones National Bank _®«t'83 T. H. Wake....................... F. D. Weber------- A. G. Krueger____ T. H. Wake, Jr........ Jun’34Stmt 76-136 F. B. Weber, Ch. A. J.Trute 50 60 17 1,391 1,568 697 176 340 321 J. A. Inks...................... 25 ........... 1 216 267 160 35 1 61 T- 25 4 1 192 222 105 56 5 52 25 5 5 147 182 53 37 34 54 15 5 2 123 145 43 33 3 59 ___ Jun’34Stmt 76-435 Jun’34Stmt 76-1305 _ ff. Hang ... Shlckley_____ 389 Shickley 8tate Bank....t|’87 E. H. Wilkins______ Fillmore N19 Jun’34Stmt 76-487 Shnbert_____ 387 Citizens Bank___ ---------H’08 J. F. Shubert_____ NEBRASKA Map 4 (With Surp.) 581........... 3 Shelton______ 927 First State Bank...............e5'28 L ,J. Hallas....................... A. J. Hallas Richardson N25 2 10 Shelby_____ _630 First National Bank.............’86 G. M. Smith.................... F. E. Smith Buffalo M16 10 35 Jun’34Stmt 76-134 First Trust Company..BTS'19 T. H. Wake..._______ Jun’34Stmt 76-1216 Polk K20 2 . 10 Pf. 15 ‘Seward____ 2737 Cattle National Bank.®»t’72 Robert T. Cattle__ B. W. Cattle_____ A. C. Bek.................. Seward L20 65 Pf. 35 1 eu*. ..d:M Claus Ehleri______ A. E. Romberg — Charles Arnot____ Gesina Sehurmann F. H. Meyer Seneca_______ 272 Stockmens Bank____dtl’12 Barney McNitt, Thomas H10 R. O. Brownell— Jas. L. Hampl____ 15 Jos. M. Rogers Pf. 35 H. H. OSTENBERG— W. J. STAFFORD-— J. L. WITTERS______ A. A. HULSE A. FT Shultz 3 e . gent attention, lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding drafts, lSe; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY US. J. G. Anderson.... M. O. Anderson... C. B. Anderson 10 Pf. 15 Jun’34Stmt 76-566 on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mary E. Scofield Geo. B. Riggs________ Albert M. Shubert _ 94 34 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Oma. N., Oma. ap- 6 1st N.f Oma. 10 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 38 34 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; U. S. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 10 Oma. N. and Stk. Yds.N., Oma.; Cont. N., Lin. 4 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; N. Bk. of Com., Lin.; U. S. N„ Oma. 4 Am. N„ St. Jo.: N. Bk. Com., Lin.; U. S. N„ Oma. 7 1st N.,St. Jo.; Neb.State, Falls City. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 753 Town andCountt. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings PRSSIDSNT. a i micPHsnN ‘Sidney______ 3306 Cheyenne K4 Jun’34Stmt 76-220 Silver Creek ...464 Merrick K19 Jun’34Stmt 76-976 LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Loans Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Und.Prof. Other J & Dne Secnri- Secnri- & DisCapital Surplus and or Deposits Lia- | Totals counts fromBks ties ties Reserves bilities Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. VICE-PRESIDENT. P L Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEBRASKA—Continued * - - R.F. DERRICK____ MARTIN - Mrs. W. P. Logan— C. W. Terry. W. C. Logan-__ — Tillie Mahlin Smlthfleld____ 165 Gosper M13 South Sioux City Dakota F22 3927 Farmers State Bank—„#5’05 Jun’34Stmt 76-865 E. H. Gribble_____ J. Nebraska State Bank Jim’34Stmt 76-1267 d®»tl’20 Spalding______839 Greeley I 17 Spencer______ 653 Boyd D 16 Spalding City Bank------ J5’02 M. M. Sullivan — Jim’34Stmt 76-368 Henry Woidneck — Spencer State Bank.d®t§’32 Hans Storjohann, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jtin’34Stmt 76-1284 J. Elmers______ 25 13 $ 8 675 $ $ 25 291 8 221 8 138 40 14 778 8 53 S 172 . M. J. Youngstrom. J. 8. Bacon, 20 S C. W. Rockwell___ 25 L. F. 8emper 30 112 1 5 1 65 5 3 225 25 ___ 1 70 J. M. A. P. Pllpftr 91 25 25 5 26 10 N. Bk. Com., Lin. 68 91 8 65 27 1st N., Chi.; LiveStk. N„ Sioux C.; Stk. Yds. N., Oma. Packers N. and 1st N.f Oma. Oma. N., Packers N., U. S. N., and Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. 1st N., Oma. 230 283 109 36 3 123 12 25 1 95 123 27 51 7 23 15 25 5 1 144 20 5 1 113 3 158 Surp.) 30 1 1 175 74 16 78 140 56 21 58 191 75 10 15 81 50 100 312 702 50 j 1,214 308 230 281 367 James Zoubek. . George Barr______ R. C. Hoehne_____ H. F. Raumert. .. Stanton National Bank Rose B. Denney Jun’34Stmt 76-203 ®»t’90 Geo. Barr. Ch. , y/ s Fred^tiMTerbusji-Tlfos?^abl Staplehurst__ 254 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 76-870 A Seward L20 50 25 8 409 49 541 161 78 80 202 25 5 122 152 122 5 11 12 25 11 260 303 137 78 82 H. D. Miller______ d*t’85 M ^ ‘Stapleton......... 431 Bank of Stapleton—.ddWS’05 W. H. McDonald— E. Salisbury —.— Jim’34Stmt 76-573 Logan Jll John Link. -.. Steele City___ 295 Farmers State Bank -®»t5'01 C. A. Scharmann — Geo. Patterson Jun’34Stmt 76-871 Jefferson 021 10 2 8 99 119 35 12 13 24 Stelnauer...........172 Bank of Steinauer...........tS’98 F. M. Steinauer... Joe Steinauer......... .. N. A. Steinauer— W. A. Steinauer... B. J. Steinauer Jun’34Stmt 76-872 Pawnee 022 30 6 17 105 158 76 8 44 26 5 5 13 120 163 82 9 67 E. W. James............. Stella_________ 385 Richardson N24 Jun’34Stmt 76-873 Earl Wagner Pf. 20 Citizens State Bank____ tS’08 H. C. Schumann... 10 Jun’34Stmt 76-875 Schumann Schumann Citizens Nat’l Bk. in St. Paul F. J. Taylor ____ C. E. Taylor, Active F. T. Shaughnesiy. L. B. Conklin_____ 35 Jun’34Stmt 76-206 d®t'88 C. E. Taylor, Ch. R. I. Armstrong Peter Jensen James Skrivan St.Paul National Bank 25 N. J. Paul................. C. E. Arterburn, F. R. Haggart, Jun’34Stmt 76-204 ®«t'79 Arterburn V. P. and Cash. Pf. 25 Exec. C.E. Arterburn, Cft, W. S. Paul 30 Wade R. Martin... Louis Stolte_____ Stratton______ 663 Commercial Bkg. Co. Jun’34Stmt 76-879 d®«t5'87 Hitchcock 09 25 Stromsburg ..1320 First National Bank_.©»t’88 T. A. James______ A. V. Kjelson____ Pf. 25 Jun’34Stmt 76-201 (> Polk K19 m 30 Stromsburg Bank—dB®t5’82 Alex Scott Ira Bauta_________ E. O. Nordlund___ Leo V. Carlson.... Doris Noreen Ira Banta. Ch. Jun’34Stmt ♦76-200 Johnson N23 iStt Paul 1521 Howard K17 M M C,. Sfhnlz Holt F15 Nuckolls 018 Geo. J. Criss........... 25 i ' - Farmers State Bank.d®»}5’18 Jun’34Stmt 76-1078 J W, Qogers Off rs ‘ ha J ) W. G. Melton........... J. C. Elliott_______ Q V Barlow Leonard/Watson__ ., Ur -------^--------- ——t 12 t: L. Boersma.__ .. ----- --------' Security National Bank ©t’29 Chas. P. Griffin... Frank Worden____ P.JS. Schmeling—. _________ _ Jun’34Stmt 76-1318 NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 9 102 123 18 76 27 15 2 408 460 135 10 151 158 7 2 324 383 166 10 81 100 8 235 5 11 282 10 4 475 11 55 212 25 25 Oma. N. and Live Stk. N„ Oma. Drov. N., Kan. C.; Oma. N„ Oma.; Cont. N., Lin. 28 Chem. Bk. & Tr„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Oma. N.. Oma. 20 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; U. S. N., Oma. 2 1st N„ Lin.; Live Stk. i N„ Oma.; Tra. Gate City N„ Kan. C. 6 1st N., Stk. Yds. N., and Live Stk. N„ Oma.; McDonald State, No. Plstts 35 Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; 1st N., Fairbury; Oma. N. ,Oma. 4 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. N„ Lin.; Far. Sta., Pawnee C. 5 Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; Oma. N., Oma.; Stk. Yds. N., Kan. C. 2 Chase N., N.Y.; U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 6 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Oma. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. 26 Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 10 273 98 42 121 12 373 152 90 49 62 20 519 130 80 100 203 6 272 78 72 5 117 101 ^y 47 10 5 2 25 5 2 346 2 182 [J ’ 113 * 50 5 49 9 3, 3 28 2 403 195 94 98 16 .234 ... 70 21 ..... 43 . . 25 Pf. 25 _____ .. ‘' ___ .. ... 7 5 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-456 Sumner_______ 297 Jun’34Stmt 76-561 Dawson L14 Sunol_________ 110 Jun’BiStmt 76-983 Cheyenne K4 Oma. N., Oma. 2 23 (With 50 T.„ ....... Oma. 14 259 Leo Nixon________ Leo Pilger FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ . 41 Cash, and Sec. ‘Sprlngvlew ...307 First National Bank.__ d«’10 G. H. Thorley____ M. E. Bailey---------- H. G. Thorley____ J. B. Cowger_____ Jun’34Stmt 76-621 Keyapaha G13 Chas.Henneman... Anna Henneman... E. C. Logan.__ .. Geo. C. Henneman. Jun’34Stmt 76-619 Stamford Bank______ ®tS’90 S. Woodruff............ J. N. Campbell —.. L. B. Oarraher____ B. L. Mohney____ Jun’34Stmt 76-869 Harlan 013 Jun’34Stmt 76-202 8 Pf. 40 Pucelik........... H. J. Woidneck Stanton H20 Principal Correspondents. Other Resources 70 1st N„ Oma.; 1st N., Lin. 1st N.t Oma. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oma. N., Oma.; 1st N„ Lin. Chase N„ N. Y.; Oma. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. State, Kearney. Oma. N. and Packers N„ Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. N. Bk. Com. and Cont. N„ Lin.; Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C. Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; Cont. N., Lin. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 7C4. * Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. LIABILITIES. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrlv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State No.„ ♦Fed. Res.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Surprise____ 257 Butler K20 President, VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier, Ass’t Cashier. T. F. Hattcl State Bank of Surprise Geo. H. Miller.... Jun’34Stmt 76-880 d®$1900 Sutton State Bank__ d©t§’13 Jun’34Stmt 76-979 F. E. Weston, Ch ..... ........ Swan ton_____ 238 Bank of Swanton...........dtl’94 J. D. Pironka____ A. F. Pivonka____ A, F. Pivonka____ Mildred Benjamin. Saline N21 Jun’34Stmt 76-881 Syracuse_____ 947 First National Bank •t’*x E. A. Duff. Eugene Pratt____ Fritz Nicklas_____ James Fairhead, Otoe M23 Jun’34Stmt 76-303 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. H. L. Arends Cash, and Sec. Chas. W. Andrews Tarnov______ .82 Platte J20 Loup 114 State Bk. of Table Rock Mae Bonham, L. J.Dnder_______ Geo. E. Bedea___ G. F. Bonham. ,Iun’34Stmt 76-884 dtl’85 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Bank of Talmage. _ ‘tf’84 Herman Arends. _ Chas. E. Wood____ C. M. Asa................... Jun’34Stmt 76-885 H. E. Renken Farmers State Bank.__ tS’12 .Iun’34Stint 76-946 B. C. Marquardt__ Carrol Osborn..__ E. G. Spencer Bank of Tarnov______ Jim’34Stmt 76-921 G. H. Gray_____ Rank of Taylor Jun,34Stmt 76-887 10 S 3 $ 1 $ 97 8 30 5 2 99 19 186 10 Wm. Lerander____ E. Kirchhefer____ Pf. 20 7 1 113 14 360 5° 25 1 2 117 2 25 16 2 206 6 {With 59 15 3 ............ 20 5 (With Surp.) 88 Pf. 20 6 493 Surp.) 'ekamah___u Burt County State Bank •^S’B2 W. D. Hancock Jun’34Stmt 76-185 30 Jun’34Stmt 76-186 .. Oscar L. Lange ___ R. K. Hancock___ ___________________ STOUT......... E. C. HOUSTON ... Thayer_______ 192 Thayer Bank............. ....... JY90 C. A. McCloud, York LIB Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun*34Stmt 78-888 A. A. Price________ Paul Mueller___ _ Tobias_____ 402 Saline N20 M. McMillan............. Citizens National Bank.dt’87 H. E. Nunemaker .. C. I. Nunemaker.. Jun’34Stmt 76-478 ‘Tryon_______ 198 Tryon State Bank. «M0 McPherson J10 Jun’34Stmt 76-892 Uehllng_____.. 2971 Farmers State Bk.____ dtl’05 Dodge 122 Jun’34Stmt 76-61* Ulysses_______ 492 Ulysses State Bank..d®t§’28 Jun’34Stmt 76-1304 Butler K20 NEBRASKA Map on Indox Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45 S 2 Oma. N., Oma.; Cont. N„ Lin. 49 49 29 9 Cont. N. and 1st N„ Lin.: Oma. N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. 1 Chase N., N.Y.; Oma. N. and U. S., N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 3 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; BeatriceN., Beatrice. 9 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; U. S. N„ Oma.; N. Bk. Com.; Lin. 8 Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; Cont. N„ Lin. 5 Chase N„ N. Y.;Oma.N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. 120 S 131 62 484 193 38 169 83 19 47 22 91 147 70 11 8 50 249 49 92 59 44 ] 1 | 901 18 41 25 6 Oma. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 39 3 ............ 23 118 19 13 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Col.; Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. Oma. N„ 1st N„ and Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. 17 1st N. and N.Bk. of Com., Lin.; 1st N„ St. Jo.; Live Stk. N., Oma. 529 80 11 323 15 174 2 109 31 51 25 3 763 2 2 87 -• 42 359 23 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Oma. N„ Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., and U. S. N„ Oma. 161 54 991 267 106 49 9 45 3 1st N., York, Neb.; Oma. N„ Oma. 40 61 13 1 42 5 Guardian State, Alliance; U. S. N„ Oma. 292 355 124 14 70 135 12 1st N„ Lin.; Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. 11 15 25 9 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., 41 39 N. Y.; Cont. N„ Lin.; 1st N., Friend. 10 N. Bk. Com., Lin. 24 100 1 100 300 L. A. Worden, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 6 13 (With Surp.) 25 5 2 150 182 122 20 5 1 137 163 73 B. G. Shillington.. 25 11 15 195 246 A. C. Hill. Jr. 10 22 32 14 6 11 10 1 115 141 67 12 50 4 158 187 63 29 4 138 172 47 55 34 31 278 155 44 34 35 J. P. Rada................ James Thomas ___ .. Henry VonSeggern Fdw, nehling .. . 15 Edwin A, Krnhn . Helen A. Krohn — 5 Pf. 20 Unadilla______194 First National Bank..©t’88 E. A. Duff. | .Iun’34Stmt 76-893 Otoe M23 Utica.................. 5661 First National Bank.........t’84 Jacob Severin Jun’34Stmt 76-427 20 15 Charles Stuart, J. J. Ryan................. B. E. Graham_____ C. E. Marquardt... 25 ®»t’87 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. R. Kinder Pf. 25 State Bk. of Trenton ..•tJ’17 A, Thum&n Jun’34Stmt 76—1108 Seward L20 15 BANK ‘Trenton_____865 CITIZENS STATE BANK«S’18 J. P. Allen .. .. Hitchcock OB Jun’34Stmt 76-1180 24 $ 1 ‘Tbedford____270 Citizens State Bank..d»t5’17 T. P. Hamilton. Thomas Hll Ch. of Bd. and Pres. .Iun’34Stmt 76-1133 Ttlden______ H06 TILDEN NATIONAL Madison H18 Jun’34Stmt 76-287 242: R. A. Duff. T,. R. T.ull 25 5 30 6 Principal Correspondents. 41 ............ $ (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 100 H. J. WRA6GE____ 0. W. GREENLEAF < Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding ) FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight Drafts, 15c: Cra dit Reports, 26c• d®»t’90 (.Oldest National Bank in Burt Co unty. TRY US. rR. 1. $ (.Tncl. 25 NATIONAL BANK T Prof.) di4'05 Robert Rnsho, Nora D. Scott......... R. C. Rose. Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Cash, and Sec. 112 136 10 Johnson County Bk..®»t|’33 Frank A. Dafoe___ J. V. Johnson, Exec. H. W. Schepman... Al. N. Dafoe Jun’34Stmt 76-154 FIRST . $ . 10 'ecumseh ...ll Johnson N23 Burt 123 Totals 1 50 25 J. W. Hutchison.. J. A. Tnrizan____ C. M. Torizan____ Resources. Other Loans Cash,Ex. U.S.Oov. Other Re4 Due Securi- Securi- 4 Discounts sources fromBks ties ties (In Thousands of Dollars) Und.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia- ! bilities | Reserves $ Sutton______ 1540 City State Bank___ dB©tl*13 J. M. Webber, W. D. Matteson__ S. G. Carney_____ Clay M18 Jun’34Stmt 76-980 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Table Rock___673 Pawnee 024 Talmage_____ 474 Otoe M24 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking rolnt (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, NEBRASKA—Continued 212 30 ' i 103 15 88 25 1st N„ Oma. 4 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Lin.; Oma. N., Oma. 1 Stk. Yds. N. of So. Oma., Oma. ;lst N.,No.Platte. 12 Oma. N„ Oma.; Fremont N., Fremont. 7 Oma. N., Oma. 5 ^lst N„ Syracuse, Neb.; ! U. S. N„ Oma. 10 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Jones N.t Seward. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 7CC / OO County. ^County Seats. Entire State No. 10 F. R. D. Omaha Br. town and •Mem.A.B.A.«New SStstetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Eetab. ♦Fed. Res.Dept»:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Barings Pbbbidint. V icb-Pbbsidbnt. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this NEBRASKA—Continued Asb’t Cabhibb. Cabhibb. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars Resources. Principal OncLProl Cash,Ex. U.S.Got. Other Other Loans Other Capital Surplua and or Deposits Lia 1 Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Re CORRESPONBENTS. Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources " $ 25 8 3 8 2 8 216 8 25 8 296 8 25 8 56 $ 14 $ 181 8 20 Oma. N„ Oma. Pf. 25 I'M. V. NICHOLSON. H. E. SCHOSSER____ H.LKUHN‘Valentine___1672 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Cherry Ell Jun’34Stmt 76-216 »t'02 ) 15 CENTS sent to ns with each si gbt draft for pres entatlon, and 125 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt. personal attentlo n. ( E. C. BAYENPOIT C. D. SAUNDERS......... F-1. (501 BURN_____ NEBRASKA STATE BANK J- F. NORRIS Jun’34Stmt 76-991 d®»tl'15 1 Save time and get service on C ollectlons and Cr edit Reports by l FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain tight draft*, 15c; Cr* dit Report*, 25c. Valley_______ 1039 Bank of Valley.......... d®t|’15 B. C. Whitmore__ B. G. Salford____ Jun’34Stmt ♦ 76-895 Donglas J23 T. V. flrui Valparaiso____523 Oak Creek Valley Bank J. W. Pokorny.yt__ B. G. Gerdes R. E. Novak.. Saunders K21 Jun’34Stmt 76-409 d®t§’30 ' A. Schro^de i^__ Venango______ 286 EATOSrs State Bank___ §'19 O. Wostenbffg .-A. W/H.-Busch____ j 7/ I Perkins L7 •“ jSTfflfStfflf/IF-126 2 Virginia______157 Citizens State Bank...®I*03 G. A. Erickson, Gage N22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. •Iun’34Stmt 76-900 w Joseph Kozak____ John Henzel_____ Cora Rissmann___ 25 8 7 358 398 68 191 221 128 134 47 J 72 36 32 ........... 39 20 244 3 268 130 80 1,363 590 86 232 12 1st N., Chl„ Lin., and Oma.; Packers N.,Oma. 33 19 36 5 U.S.N. and 1st N., Oma.; Fremont N., Fremont. 20 5 53 9 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Stk. Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N., Wahoo. 14 N. Bk. Com., Lin. send lng TRY US. 25 5 10 Pf. 15 5 8 96 15 3 3 50 7 22 Waco_________ 266 Farmers & Traders Bank O. A. McCloud____ Robert Beckord... W. R. Pettee_____ V. R. Mulig _____ York L19 Jun’34Stmt 76-902 d®«tl’84 10 ii ‘ Wahoo_____ 2089 FIRST NATIONAL BANK E. E. Placek______ Saunders E22 Jun’34Stmt 76-123 d®T»t'81 80 40 31 1,132 C. G. Hnbl 40 10 9 394 453 218 75 R. E. Anderson ___ 25 25 3 465 518 197 170 25 13 1 178 217 78 134 160 59 20 303 64 50 40 64 32 368 419 236 23 3 •* “ Wahoo State Bank._d®t§‘32 J. G. Hohl______ Jun’34Stmt ♦ 76-1325 Ernest Hanson___ E, G. Risk_____ Wakefield____1112 Wakefield National Bank J. F. Toy________ Chas. A. Sar______ Dixon G21 Jun’34Stmt 76-1314 d@t’29 Wallace______ 406 Citizens Security Bank dt§'06 F. H. Whit lake ... M.Well. Lincoln L9 Jun’34Stmt 76-903 •» II C. G. Whitlake FARMERS STATE BANK Chas. L. Cooper... P. M. La Velle____ Marie Gooner Jun’34Stmt 76-1176 d®t8’18 13 Pf. 13 Walthill____ 1162 First National Bank.d®»t’06 J. B. Rossiter_____ ELT. Winter____ L P. H. Langenberg. J. J. Costello. Thurston G22 Jun’34Stmt 76-310 Geo. Busselman/ /'& Waterbury__ 204 L. H. Klngshn^T W. S. r Gilman. Dixon F21 •Iun’34Stmt 76-906 iJ r- Wauneta______793 Wauneta Falls Bank...»t§’90 John W. Green.__ R. E. Cockiin Chase N8 Jun’34Stmt 76-907 Jo. Dudek 50 17 (With Surp.) (P* 2 ✓ * f- -+-^5- '-A f y— (r 12 35 4 R, E. Cockiin_____ Milton Kline_____ 186 50 Wausa_______ 754 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK Mrs. A. H. Banks.. G. E. Swanson____ H. J. Bornholdt... Knox F19 Jun’34Stmt 76-390 d®»l5’25 5 Pf. 45 7 256 313 128 Waverly______ 315 Lancaster County Bank C. J. Warner_____ F, E. Peterson____ W. H. Dick Lancaster L22 Aug’34Stmt 76-578 d®«’07 5 Pf. 20 2 ( With Surp.) 83 110 71 19 472 132 1,143 ........... 1,236 295 . .. M. R, Dick ‘Wayne______2381 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. T. Bressler. Jr. . B. F. Strahan____ L. B. McClure____ E. C. Holmberg__ Wayne G21 Jun’34Stmt 76-131 dR®T«t’83 J. T. Bressler, Sr., Ch. “------- “ STATE NATIONAL BANK RoIIie W. Ley, 0. A. Ohace______ Herman Lundberg . H. E. Ley_________ Jun 34Stmt 76-133 dB®*t’92 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. Nina Thompson NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 76 20 4 50 25 18 354 8 6 Beatrice N., Beatrice; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo., Mo. 12 1st N., York and Lin.; Live Stk. N., Oma. ........... 13 50 68 405 301 67 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N„ Oma. 52 89 19 Live Stk. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 142 8 1st N.t Chi.; Toy N., Sioux C.; U. S. N., Oma. 12 N. Bk. Com., Lin.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Oma. 23 8 104 76 5 Oma. N., Oma.; Cont.N., Lin. 170 11 Live Stk. N. and 1st N„ Sioux C.; Oma. N., Oma. 18 1st N., Sioux C. 14 34 116 156 3 23 109 12 206 617 77 235 10 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;U. S. N. and 1st N„ Oma.; Cont. N. and 1st N., Lin. 26 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Oma.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 13 Cont. N. and 1st N., Lin.; Live Stk. N„ Oma. 13 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi.; Stk. Yds. N., Oma.; Live Stk. N. and Toy N„ Sioux C. 12 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* 756 I'irtt utr j 5 u tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Entire State No. 10 ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond F. R. D. Omaha Br. d-Safe Deposit © Sayings PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers^ Laws ^indexed) in back of this volume. NEBRASKA—Continued CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. Weeping Water First National Bank.__ .*’82 T.. p. Wnlcntt (i Cass L28 1029 Jun’34Stmt 76-246 Nebraska State Bank..®8’15 John Domingo. — J. I. Corley______ F. J. Domingo. .. Jun’34Stmt 76-247 F. H. Whitlake.__ Wellfleet______ 178 Lincoln M 10 Jun’34Stmt 76-908 (k J. Collins, / > W. T. Knievel____ * W es tpoln t.. .2225 Farmers & Merchant^ Bank Jun’34Stmt 76-151 dfeni Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cuming 121 L fMBSw GERALD HAEFFELIN. F. H. WACKEL. j o Cash, and Sec. Ass't Cashier. ! Resources. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Loans Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Und.Prof. Other & Due Securi Securi & Dis Totals Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia ties counts fromBks ties Reserves bilities 1 179 $ H. N. Mogensen__ 25 $ 10 2 192 C. V. Harris............ 20 10 5 134 9, K, Report 50 10 13 438 A. F. JOHNSON------J. G. KQUDELE, „ 50 50 5 589 15 10 5 76 9 185 C. V. Wallick. .. $ £ ' 2 50 $ Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources 129 $ 3 1st N. Chi.; Stk. Yds. N„ Oma.; Cont. N„ Lin. 18 U. S. N„ Oma.; N. Bk. of 50 $ 65 $ 33 8 229 55 10 86 60 170 34 12 122 2 Packers N„ Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Lin. 511 178 175 18 126 14 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oma. N., Oma. 12 706 201 154 19 312 20 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock N., Oma. 16 122 14 1 103 4 1st N., Grand Isl.; Live Stock N„ Oma. 214 72 17 54 60 237 100 42 37 46 11 1st N., N. Bk. Com., and Cont. N., Lin.; U. S. N., Oma. 12 Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Oma.;N. Bk. Com., Lin. 290 105 50 60 60 15 1st N., Chi.; Cont.N.and 1st N., Lin. 223 47 99 2 66 216 32 10 156 9 Live Stk. N., Oma.; N Bk. Com., Lin.; Am" N„ St. Jo. 18 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oma. N., Oma.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Cont. N„ Lin. 7 Oma. N. and Stock Yds. N„ Oma. 50 $ 1 280 $ A.Cash, amd A. Sec. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 76-150 d®»t'86 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon. and 125 CENTS for ea ch credit report I nsures prompt, p ersonal attention. Whitman__ ...150 r lfSl Oldie Ddiln Orant H8 Jun’34Stmt 76-949 UvS/t« 1m I. R. Alter, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 20 -Wilber______ 1352 Bank of Wilber______ •t8’02 Adolf Beck_______ p a Berk Saline N21 Jun’34Stmt 76-216 •• •• •• M 5 ("E. W. HISKELL—— S. W. HERMAN............ J. J. NOVAK.............. A. W. FRIDRICH. .. W. J. BORECKY J P/.20 SALINE STATE BANK-®«tS 83 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentatlon, and Jun’34Stmt 76-215 LZS CENTS for each credit repor t Insures prompt, personal attentl on. 5 1 205 F. J. Kohel.............. Cash, and A. Sec. Howard Jelinek 25 3 2 260 First National Bank__ ®t'05 E. A. Halstead .... J. J. Billiar_______ Wm. Halstead____ E. H. Roesler___ John Petteys Wm. Halstead, Jun’34Stmt 76-529 25 13 25 20 4 167 O. F. Paege_______ O. A. Frentzel____ 50 50 37 751 50 938 422 272 4 233 First National Bank...®»t’81 M.E. Schreiber___ Henry Schurman _. Neil D. Saville—. Jun’34Stmt 76-238 50 50 6 383 50 539 168 143 6 209 13 U. S. N. and Packers N„ Oma. 13 2 1 116 145 61 8 29 42 5 Cont. Ill. N.Bk. &Tr.Co., Chi.;lst N..Grand Isl.; Live Stock N., Oma. Wilber State Bank dB®»«'16 Adolph Shimonek. Jun'34Stmt 76-1065 Kearney N16 H. V. Jelinek, Ch. of Bd. C. A. Hall Chas. Mousel-------WUsonvIlle___ 489 Wilsonville State Bank Furnas 012 Jun’34Stmt 76-910 ®«J5*05 Citizens National Bank.®t’88 Jun’34Stmt 76-239 Cuming B21 .. M J. C. Wilson______ Geo. S. Smith, Peoples State Bank. d®{§’14 W. E. McIntyre, V. P. and Sec. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 76-1002 Greeley J17 ■ ■■ Wymore_____ 2680 First National Bank..d®t’86 J. A. Reuling_____ W. A. Stah!______ , J• S. JOliGS Gage 022 76-102 1 160 25 Pf. 13 L. Boyd Rist_____ *Y©rk_______ 5712 City Trust Company.__ TS’16 C, N. Beaver_____ R. F. Brooke _____ J. E. Shrigley. Sec, and Tr. Jun’34Stmt 76-1058 York L19 25 R. R. Copsey.......... J. R. McCloud____ August Zimmerer . First National Bank_-®«t’82 C. A. McCloud, Ch. of Bd, and Pres J. R. McCloud Mamie Wood Jun’34Stmt 76-84 H. E. Nordlund 15 150 150 28 172 (Tr. Fds.) 2 1,971 149 10 214 160 » First State Savings Bank C. A. McCloud .... Geo. H. Holdeman W. E. McCloud ®§T3 15 First Trust Company dTt§’ll O. A. McCloud, G. M. Spurlock Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. R. Copsey 50 3 3 Jun’34Stmt 76-39 M •• Jun’34Stmt 76-38 LeRoy Davis, Tr.. R. R. Copsey, Sec.. Bank of Yutan____ d®*tl'95 Yu tan________ 313 Saunders K22 Jun’34Stmt 76-914 Tr. Funds > 1,032 186 2,448 l NEBRASKA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 215 24 (Trust |) Funds 7 192 60 2 25 1 * 2 22 632 526 72 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi., St. Jo., and Kan. C.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Lin.; Oma. N„ Live Stock N., and Stock Yds. N.t Oma. 18 141 11 1st N„ York. 78 365 1st N., York 20 1st N., York. (In®. . •• . ^—7,—77 . on serv ator J. ating o n restr icted b asis u the Cu rrency. i ' 314 1 236 66 448 5 226 49 1 79 (Incl. U.S. Secur. ) 1st N., Chi. and Oma. 98 i I Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Thousands of Dollars... OR increased speed and facility of reading, you will find the latest statements of all United States banks shown in this and subsequent editions of your Blue Book in thousands of dollars only. Thus, a bank with $200,000 capital is shown as $200, one with $1,421,118 in deposits is shown as $1,421. Complete New Columnar Style Eleven columns of figures in this edition replace eight in former ones. This new style, more costly to the publisher, but more valuable to the user, gives you three new columns of figures on every bank in the United States. Important New Figures Surplus and undivided profits are now divid ed into two columns, “Surplus” and “Undivided Profits and/or Reserves.” Bond and invest ments are also broken down into two columns, “U. S. Government Securities” and “Other Securities.” Totals at a Glance A “Totals” column separating the liabilities from the resources enables you to tell at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any bank in the country. No other directory embodies this feature. • • • With these four major advances your Blue Book emphasizes its position as “America’s Standard Financial Reference.” Rand McNally Bankers Directory Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Standard the World Over S.WASHINGTON, Pratt &D.Sons, inc.—Specialists in Government Bonds C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis See Back of Washington, D. C. Map State Bankers Association Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of State Bankers Associations are all listed in this Directory and this information, like all other contents of the book, is kept scrupu lously accurate and up to date. /^NFFICERS We find these association officers are always ready to be of cordial assistance to us in matters of mutual interest. Our Directory subscribers will doubtless have the same experience. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. / yj± Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this . volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEVADA tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ^County Seats. In No. 12 F. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Dept*:T-Trust B-Bond S.Salt Lake Branch. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Vice-President. Ass’T Cashier. Cashier. ^Austin______ 520 Lander County Bank W. W. Christian.. J. M. Hiskey. Lander Gil Jun’34Stmt #4-30 dB®*t§’63 N.S. Easton, Ch. Chas. L. Dotta, *Carson City. 1596 “First National Bank Ormsby H 3 in Reno.,94-57................ ’34 S. L. Butterfield, a Elko_________ 3217 S Elko D17 First National Bank .d®*2’07 F, E. Swartz, C. E. Kaiser. Clark P20 Jun’34Stmt 94—38 35 I 8 $ 212 8 $ (Bran ch of F \ irst N ationa l Batik C. A. Sewell______ 282 $ 111i8 11 8 101 S Other Re sources 48 $ Principal Correspondents. 11 Chase N„ N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 177 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. and Am. Tr., San F.; 1st N., Reno. Chase N„ N. Y.; Walker Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F. in Re no, Re]no, N ev.) Ch. of Bd. and Pres. N. H. Chapin_____ J. H. Bigger— A. E. Preston dB®*’20 J. B. Biale. Ch. 4 100 1,873 451 391 180 674 1,221 50 1,386 333 i 209 512 326 22 625 50 772 95 101 355 211 10 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., 30 20 538 39 667 146 246 53 212 10 N. City, N. Y. 100 25 58 2,137 2,320 933 670 134 528 55 60 25 729 160 127 147 273 22 N. City, N. Yj W. F. Bk. 100 100 50 10 50 25 40 O. A. Sewell (Incl. Res.) 1,569 • Pf. 50 Lloyd Clark H. B. Bath_______ Roy Musgrove.__ J. E. Brintou, V. P. and Cash. a Eureka______ 600 Farmers&MerchantsNat.Bk. J. Sheehan_______ J. B. Biale______ Jun’34Stmt 94-51 25 Totals Resources. Cash,Ex. j U.S.Gov. Other Loans & Due j Securi- Securi & Dis counts ties f romBks! ties Cash, and Sec. ‘Ely.................3045 Ely National Bank.. d(jX'08 0. G. Bates_______ J. C. Kinnear__ S White Pine H21 Jun’34Strat 94-36 J. M. Lockhart inreka G17 Capital Other Ond.Prof. Lia Surplus and or Deposits bilities Reserves Mgr. First National Bank.d®«f05 E. E. Ennor .. Dec*33Stmt 94-27 Jun’34Stmt 94—24 (in Thousands of Dollars) Liabilities, Town and countt. •Mem.A.B.A."New § State tPrir. C. L. Tobin_______ J. J. Depaoli______ Salt Lake C.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. Walter Handley y. C>V *L S First State Bank —d®T«tl'05 E. W. Clark, W. E. Hawkins. C. 8. Wengert, 1263 First National Bank.d®»t'03 A. Jahn___________ C. Arobio______ Pershing E8 C. C. Carpenter Dec’33Stmt 94-28 a Lovelock.... O. H. Jones_______ L. F. Schmitt____ F. H. Austin A. E. Preston, Mgr. McGill______ 3000 “Ely National Bank.. ®»t’34 S White Pine G21 598 (Bran ch ofE ly Na tional Bank, H. F. Dangberg. W. H. Wennhold, G. W. Dangberg__ 50 25 20 10 (Incl. Und. Prof.) • Reno______ 18,529 First National Bank In Reno Carl F. Wente___ W. J. Harris_____ L. S. Reese............ E. J. Questa. Jun'34Stmt 94-1...........®«t’02 Craig Thorburn, Washoe G3 200 204 Compt and Virginia Branch: (94-2) G. B. Harris, Mgr. and A. Cosh..•■“Richard Mgr. and A. Cg,sh%: ./QailicUgij^uddgnd^H,'[u|My (Incl. Und. una. JJ Prof.) 605 698 154 358 408 53 9,147 2,067 8,488 55 319 58 Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. and Am. Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N., Reno. 200 138 17 Chase N., N. Y.; Walker Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ Reno. 1,624 937 304 N. City, Chase N., and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav., San F. 112 1*The Rath / Bank —d®BT»t§’20 W. S. Lars_. Jim’34Stmt 94-56 J. C. Kinnear. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. B. L. Quayle, . ^ KSlassv' H. G. Lathrop___ 1 , Jun’34Stnit NEVADA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis <rj /QtUso : 156/............... 187 30 101 35 . Xfv— 67 30 ChaseN..N.Y.; Cont. N. Bk. &Tr„ Salt LakeC.; Bk. of Calif., San F. 48! 11 ------- 76 25 Charles Osborn, Yertngton___ 1005 Mason Valley Bank-dT»J§’ll|F. O. Stickney 4,215 lation) / 25 Wells State Bank....dT»§'22 H. H. Cazier, J. F. McElroy____ R. A. Foote. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jun’34Stmt 94—48 AWinneinuccal989 “First National Bank in Reno..94-58 .............. ’34 Humboldt 10 197 ( Circu [man, Jr,* A Lyon H5 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. N„ Salt Lake C.; Anglo Calif. N„ San F. Ely.N ev.). Jun’34Stmt 20 Mgr. J. E. Beaupert........ J. E. Beaupert. Geo. S. Hoskins— (Bran ch of F irst N ationa l Bank 50 10 27 283 N.Y.Tr.,N.Y.;W. F.Bk.& Un. Tr., San F. ;Walker Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. Cash, and Sec. ley. Inc.—94-41 _dB©T*t§’W P. K. H. Bauer. R. A. Bowdle_____ D. J. Ronnow, APIoche.... ........400 BankofPioche,Inc,d®T»t5’07 O. G. Bates, Ch. ofBd. and Pres. Cash., Sec. and Tr. 8 Lincoln K23 Jun’34Stmt 94-42 Wells_________ 655 S Elko C 20 32 94-49 AMlnden.......... 200 Farmers Bank of Carson Val- W. F. Dressier, Douglas I 8 O. L. Ronnow, Cash, and Sec. A. Cash, and A. Sec. ! Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. R. Bracken 43 20 201! 42 in Re no, Re | no, N ev.) 371 58! 21 49 94-47 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 7co / \}tt NEW HAMPSHIRE TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §8tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond 1 Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © 8avings President, Vice-President. Berlin______ 20,018 Berlin City National Bank W. A. Hodgdon.__ Coos F17 Jun’34Stmt 54-42 d«t'91 E. F. Bailey » CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. Capital W. H. Colbath____ H. D. Kilgore..... $ Berlin Savings Bank & Tr.Co. P. E. Beaudoin___ Joseph G. Blais.... A. N. Gendron, Tr. W. B. Gendron, Jun’34Stmt 54-40 d®T«S'90 L. B. Mar con A. Tr. “-------- ** .. 25 City Savings Bank ...B®1'01 W. A. Hodgdon.__ Jun’34Stmt 54-43 E. F. Bailey W. H. Colbath. Tr. H. D. Kilgore. A. Tr. First National Bank.......... *’08 Wm. c. White____ Geo. B. Cavis -___ Jun’34Stmt 54-138 Wm. O. White Charlestown. 1200 Connecticut River Nat. Bank F. W. Hamlin____ G. B. Snowman.__ F. H. Perry Sullivan N6 Jun’34Stmt 54-142 « M “ ------ “ Jun’34Stmt 54-73 dB®Tt’33 F. W. Johnston... R. W. Hopkins____ Geo. N. Barrett__ Geo. E. Wright.__ F. H. Foster Claremont Savings Bank Victor E. Potvin __ H. S. Richardson.. H. C. Hawkins, Tr. Jun’34Stmt 54-75 ®J5’07 Peonies National Bank Geo. A. Tenney.... Geo. Jun’34Stmt 54-74 dB©TC’92 Geo. W. Paul. Ch. P. Tenney.... Ray E. Tenney____ Colebrook ___ 1500 Colebrook Guaranty Sav. Bk. T. F. Johnson_ _ _ •Iun’34Stmt 54-130 Coos D14 •• ___ •• •• __ •• M ‘Concord ...25,228 Merrimack 015 W. R. Willard L. I. Mac Kenzie d®W64 Claremont.. 11,000 Claremont National Bank Sullivan N7 $ 58 $ 108 976 % 51 $ 1,324 $ 650 S 147 $ 14 $ ®t§’89 ............. .. 446 8 67 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 82 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Canadian Bk’. of Com., Montreal. 1,169 1,360 83 501 694 2 970 362 630 1,725 232 2,588 65 15 695 22 797 10 15 266 446 60 1st N„ Bos. and Bristol. 60 50 3 232 50 385 65 60 38 204 18 IstN., Bos.;Phil. N.,Phil. 25 10 10 245 25 315 51 29 59 164 12 1st N., Bos. 100 25 14 585 100 824 162 136 230 228 24 68 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos.; Bk. of Montreal, Montreal. 10 419 453 24 157 267 Clyde L. Brackett. 167 118 19 1,519 100 1,923 206 187 510 935 85 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 100 15 51 849 25 1,040 7 17 455 561 Colebrook N., Colebrook. E. P. Wadsworth, Tr. E. P. Wadsworth.. 75 25 7 123 114 344 32 75 41 185 11 1st N„ ConcordjN. Shawmut, Bos. Farmers & Traders Nat. Bk. Darwin Lombard, L. D. Ripley_ _ _ _ Jun’34Stmt 54—132 d®*t’99 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. A. Covieo, 50 50 10 124 60 294 28 80 16 134 36 1st N.,Concord;N. Shawmut, Bos. Darwin Lombard, Willard Cummings A. A. Covieo, TV.— V ilia W. Harvey, Farmers Guaranty Savings Bank_ _ _ 54-155_ _ _ ®t§'13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. Tr. Jun’34Stmt 75 60 467 3 605 5 16 175 397 12ilstN..Concord:N.Shaw.. Bos. f B. P. H0DGMAN- C.H. FOSTER- - - - - - C.H. FOSTER ___ R. J. JEWELL C. M. DAVIS, A. C. P.H.toUITERFIELD 150 300 40 2,621 162 3,273 419 858 392 1,385 219 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. 400 246 5,508 2,379 2,874 162 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 54-27 Cash, and Sec. J d«t’64 J Special attentlo n given to collectl on* on Concord a nd all other poin ts L throughout N ew Hampshire an d Vermont. 6,154 739 (.Ind. Capital, Concord. U. S. Secur.) > " 200 200 62 1,560 208 2,230 242 647 583 593 Merrimack County Sav. Bank Henry W. Stevens. W. D. Thompson— W. S. Huntington, C. A. Smith, A. Tr. Jun’34Stmt 54-28 ®ti'67 Sec. and Tr. ....... 677 ....... 5,382 ....... 6,059 138 567 2,686 2,560 n. E.FERNALD__ E. S. WILLIS_ _ _ _ _ 1. REED GOURLEY— F. H. GUSTAFSON— < Complete Bank ing Facilities, ) Efficient Service on Collections. 250 300 154 1,814 249 2,767 536 521 395 1,216 99 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Bos. and Phil. New Hampshire Savings Bk. ! E. K. Woodworth. John B. Abbott___ E. P, Roberts. William C.Brunell, ............ Jun’34Stmt 54-25 d®»tS1830j Tr. and Sec, A. Tr. and A. Sec. 2,000 941 23,924 56 26,921 699 2,410 13,011 9,552 1,249 1st N. and Gty. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. 55 170 2,735 3,110 153 415 1,087 1,455 BANK...... 54-26—.dl»t'53 Jun’34Stmt .._ _ _ _ .. 5 Colebrook National Bk. 0. D. Van Dyke... J. H. Finley_ _ _ _ Jun’34Stmt 54-131 d»t’89 national state capital "- - - - - - “ 253 ............. ___ Tr. Officer •• Principal Correspondents. .... 1 Mechanicks National Bank H. H. Dudley_____ H. W. Stevens____ H. L. Alexander__ H. E. Hilton Jun’34Stmt 54-30 dT»t’80 B. W. Couch, M Other Re sources 150 Loan & Trust Savings Bank Fred. N. Ladd____ J. E. Fernald_____ Jun’34Stmt 54-22 ®»J5’72 .. 47 " _ l?nn Bristol Savings Bk........ dt§’72 William 0. White.. Fred H. Ackerman Henry B. Bacon, Tr. Dec’33Stmt 54-137 Grafton LI 2 .. volume. Liabilities. (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources Loans Und.Prot Cash,Ex. U.S.Got. Other Other Surplus and or Deposits & Due Securi Securi A Dis lia Totals ties Reserves counts bilities fromBks ties 250 $ Bristol .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acce8.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) N. 108 Mech. N„ Concord. (.Send Us Your Concord Items. Union Trust Co..__ „®Ttf’87 F. J. Sulloway Jun’34Stint 54-81 A. E. MARTELL CO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 165 Chase N„ N. Y.; Shawmut, Bos. B, P. Hodeman.TV. 100 Pf. 50 keene, n. h. T 1st N., Concord. Labor Saving Forms for Banks Thousands of Dollars... OR increased speed and facility of reading, you will find the latest statements of all United States banks shown in this and subsequent editions of your Blue Book in thousands of dollars only. Thus, a bank with $200,000 capital is shown as $200, one with $1,421,118 in deposits is shown as $1,421. Complete New Columnar Style Eleven columns of figures in this edition replace eight in former ones. This new style, more costly to the publisher, but more valuable to the user, gives you three new columns of figures on every bank in the United States. Important New Figures Surplus and undivided profits are now divid ed into two columns, “Surplus” and “Undivided Profits and/or Reserves.” Bond and invest ments are also broken down into two columns, “U. S. Government Securities” and “Other Securities.” Totals at a Glance A “Totals” column separating the liabilities from the resources enables you to tell at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any bank in the country. No other directory embodies this feature. • • • With these four major advances your Blue Book emphasizes its position as “America’s Standard Financial Reference.” Rand McNally Bankers Directory Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Standard the World Over Op go C £T td S g gh £•§.§§ tfl o S? a o a A. S. Pratt & Sons, me.—Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis See Back of Washington, D. C. Map ~13 ^72° 30i~q~ 9 72°10 12 13 7;°^o' j-yiz! U 2 00 00 00 CO OQO W o <o r S, SS^ C-H tO tO F : * ® • ^ 05 “'4 05 5n a£ O * B m x w h cn 15^ 14 71 ‘sol 5 18 7719 22 2370°3024 25 ?R33 Blue Book Attorneys Cover the World Dunedin is a small town on the east coast of the southern island of New Zealand, the last post of civilization visited by Admiral Byrd in 1928 before leaving on the final lap of his first trip to the south pole. It is an out-of-the-way place to have a collection. But, if you have one there, Messrs. Duncan and MacGregor, Blue Book Attorneys recommended as competent to handle all legal-financial matters referred to that territory, will serve you promptly and efficiently. In fact, there are Blue Book Attor neys all over the world. No matter whether you have pending legal busi ness in Dunedin, New Zealand, Dune din, Fla., or any other place, look for the town in the Bank Recommended Attorney section of your new Blue Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Book and you will find the name of a reliable Attorney who will give you the same kind of service to which you are accustomed at home. The Bank Recommended Attorney section of Rand McNally Bankers Directory is the highest class and most complete law list of its kind in print. Every Attorney listed has been recommended by his bank as reliable and thoroughly seasoned in bank work. Send your next claim to a Blue Book Attorney, attaching one of the blue coupons bound in front of the section. Then the Attorney will rec ognize it as a Blue Book claim and give it preference. Rand M9Nally Bankers Directory Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 7C7 ' (Savings Banks do not handle collections) LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Und.Prof. Other Cash.Ei. U.S.Oov. Other Loans Other ReCapital Surplus and or Deposits Lia& Dae Securi- Secnri- 4 DisTotals Reserves counts sources bilities IromBks ties ties Town and County. • Mem.A.B. A. “New §State tPriv [Estab. ^County Seats. ! tMem. State B. Ass’n. ♦Fed. Res.Depts .T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No. 1 Fed.Rus.Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Vice President. Chas. O. Dahl, Conway______ 1150 Carrol! County Trust Co. W. C. Kennett.__ ♦ 54-156 d®T*J5’23 1 Ch. of Bd. and Pres C. H. Craig Carroll J18 Jun’34Stmt A. E. Kenison G. W. Russell Derry_______ 5131 Derry Savings Bank.d»t5'05 H. L.Grinnell, Jr. | Rockingham Q16 Jun’34Stmt 54-92 '* •* First National Bank .d®»I'06 E. L. Davis............... H. J. Curtis .Iun’34Stmt 54-93 " ______ *• Nuttieid .Savings Bank.«t§'06 J. E. Ray__________ Jun’34Stmt 54-94 .Dover______ 13,573 Merchants National Bank E. S. Shortridge__ Strafford 020 Jun’34Stmt 54-36 d»t’01 T. J. Chesley, Ch. •• •• •• «« M _ " Cashier. Ass t Cashier. A. J. Towle, Tr,... H. C. Churchill, $ A. B. Shepard, Tr.. N. A. Chapman, ______ •• •• II "" " “* " •• M E. L. Davis, Tr____ E. B. Weston, A. Tr. F. R. Draper_____ H. A. Stearns____ H. S. White______ J. G. Townsend, Tr. J. H. Fitzgerald Hervey Kent_____ John Templeton... E. R. Stockbridge. W. A. Young Tr. KEENE NATIONAL BANK .. H d®T«t 65 F. N. Hall................ 113 $ 4! 400 20 i 492 15 17 745 61 923 15 10 236 100 20 17 414 100 651, 141 918 55 1.021 j 21 25 1,714; 644 61 $ 48 100 150 27 1,412 219 209 10,825 25 16 177 134 8 261 11,253 152 R. W. Sulloway.__ F. N. Parsons_____ A. L. Smythe. 9 1st N., Derry; 1st N., Bos. 29 Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Boston. 1 1st N„ Derry. 445 1| 856 217 19 267 231 769 29 93 735 238 721 6,657 3,463 56 75 74 227 13 1st N., Bos.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. Monadnock N., East Jaffrey. 30 65 346 499 2,657 124 75 1,003 1,377 933 205 105 21 580 940; 47l j 35 110 50 5 4 254 50 363 34 202 2 113 12 1st N., Bos. Walter E. Goss ... 100 150 27 699 187! 1,163 1 150 306 87 559 61 1st N„ Bos. 530 325 4,594 5,4491 207 567 3,104 1,354 ............ 50 92 824 966 47 24 426 429 25 25 3 125 60 238' 50 25 87 73 74 14 720 4 812 j 2 43 605 148 Victor L. Parker, Sec. 25 20 2 187 100 37 846 330 ............ 3,291 100 49 25 4 150 1,048 131 45 204 593 3,621 97 137 1,894 1,285 436 99 70 110 130 1,443 61 55 812 515 130 225 204 694 331 856 2,960 375 624 I i 50 15 1 Treas. Ira C. Roach C. M. Harrington, A. Tr. W. H. Goodnow... J. E. Wright______ 50 10 10 316 100 25 65 1,253 200 300 42 566 275 293 3,864 4,432 95 206 7 670 200 1,283; 241 12! 2,030 100 2,367 356 861 2,056( 200 (Inch Und. Prof.) 100 25 H. I. Chandler .... 120 1 : 1 11 217 Franklin N., Franklin; l9t N. and 2d N„ Boston. 40 White Mountain N„ Gorham; 1st N., Concord and Bos. 3 1st N„ Bos.; City N„ Berlin. 14 1st N., Bos. 31 1st N., Bos. 75 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 208 Dartmouth N., Hanover. 27 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N„ Concord. 1st N„ Hillsboro. * 1,332 224 (Incl. U.S. Secur.) 113 357 1,378 • Pf. 100, 1 50 22 N. Shawmut, Bos. i Sec. and Tr. _ 78 2d N. and N. Shaw mut, Bos. 259 Pf. 25 John S. Childs. 213 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Shaw, and 1st N„ Bos. 174 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Strafford N., Dover. 709 Tr. _ L. F. Carter 114 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil.; 1st N„ Concord. 1st N„ Bos. 4 C. N. Batchelder.. C. N. Batchelder.. David C. Rennie.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Alfred W. Gayer A. D. Storrs_____ P. R. Bugbee, L. Mason .. 532 20 Perlev R. Buehee, ! W. 284 128 100 J. M. Lavin______ Norma F.Twitchell J. A. Towle 185 E. G. Macintosh__ C. C. Pease. V. P. E. H. Macloon____ F. H. Wilkinson__ S. M. Emery______ R.G. Smith___ 83 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 2,320 Charles C. Libby.. W. B. Gates______ E. H. Cady, Tr.... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 778 ? 40 Cash., Sec., and Tr. Off. J.S. Childs. 301 $ 150 Frank N. Parsons.. Arthur M. Hancock Arthnr L. Smythe, C. W. Adams, Jr„ * A. Tr. Tr. Myrtle M. Marsh, 21 100 Principal Correspondents. 100 O. N. Hussey_____ F. J. Mooney_____ James E. Thayer.. Keene Savings Bank d®t§'95 LaFell Dickinson.. W. H. Goodnow__ F. D. Rodenbush, Tr. Jun’34Stmt 54-64 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ $ 1,336 31 63 Cheshire County Savings Bk. n. w. n»fn E. A. Jones_______ H. A. Holbrook, Tr. Jim’34Stmt 54-65 d®t5’97 John J. Colony___ H. K. Faulkner.__ W. R. Porter........... Cheshire National Bank Jun’34Stmt 54-60 d®»tl804 .Iun’34Strat 54-62 6 1 White Mountain Nat.Bk.«t’08 A. E. Philbrook ... W. B. Gates ,Iun’34Stmt 54-122 Greenville .... 1300 Mason Village Savings Bank R. D. Pease .Iun’34Stmt 54-143 d®15’70 F. W. Ely. V. P. R. B. Walker Hillsboro R12 Groveton National Bank Jun’34Stmt 54-144 d®'33 Dartmouth National Bank .lun’34Stmt 54-116 dK'65 Dartmouth Savings Bank Jul’34Stmt 54-115 d®»i8’60 Hillsboro __ 1840 First National Bank....*t’68 .Jim’34Stmt 54-117 Hillsboro Oil Hillsboro Guaranty Savings Bank ...54-118 —d®tS'89 Jun’34Stmt tKeene____ .13,794 Ashuelot-Cltizens National Bank.__ 54-61. d«t’24 Cheshire P7 Jun’34Stmt 12 $ 1,121 S 60 Pf. 25 75 •• Grove ton 1023 Coos F14 Hanover_____ 2200 Grafton K7 47 $ A. Tr. W. E. Tewksbury.. M. G. Symonds, East iaffrey ..2110 Monadnock National Bank Jun’34Stmt 54-126 d»t’65 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cheshire Q10 11 75 $ A. Tr. Pf. 75 Merchants Savings Bank Owen Coogan_____ Byron F. Hayes.__ F. R. Draper. Tr... L. P. Swaine. A.Tr. Dec’33Stmt 54-37 ®t5’01 C. S. Cart land _ Strafford National Bank H. W. Brown_____ F. R. Bliss________ G. H. Twombly.... .Iun’34Stmt 54-34 dT»tl803 J. E.Grimes. Tr.Off. H. W. Brown_____ C. S. Cartland......... G. G. Towle. Tr. Strafford Savings Bank Jun’34Stmt 54-35 ®«t§1803 Monadnock Savings Bank Jun’34Stnit 54-127 ®t$ 69 . Exeter 1.50(1 Exeter Banking Co. d®»t§’94 Rockingham P10 Jun’34Strat 54-98 .. .. Rockingham National Bank .Iun’34Stmt 54-158 dB®T» 25 Farmington. 2200 Farmington National Bk. .Iim’34Stmt 54-114 d®«t'33 Strafford NIX Franklin -6576 Franklin National Bank .Iun’34Stmt 54-84 dT»t’79 Merrimack M13 .. Franklin Savings Bank Jun’34Stmt 54-83 ®t5'69 Gorham WfiJ Gorham Savings Bank Jun’34Stmt 54-121 ®<S’72 Coos G17 Non-Bank towns with Nearest Minting roinc (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW HAMPSHIRE—Continued 2,2621 ll 40 1 117 1 734 1 1,302j 79 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N. and Shaw mut N„ Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. 190 1st N., Bos.; AshuelotCitiz. N„ Keene. 43 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Phil. 163 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Merch. N„ and N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. 69 M§rch. N., Bos. 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 768 Town and Oouhtt. oMem.A.B.A.nNewSStstetPri». •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Tnist B-Bond No. 1 Fed.Res.Dist. j d-Safe Deposit ® Ravings a Laconia___ 12,471 City Savings Bank____®J'97 Jun’34Stmt 54-57 Laconia National Bank Jun’34Stmt 54-55 dT»t'65 " - -t-Laconia Savings Bank Jim’34Stmt 54-54 dt!1831 “ - “ Peonies National Bk. _BT»t’89 Jun’34Stmt 54-66 Lake port........2100 Lakeport National Bank Belknap L15 Jun’34Stmt 54-145 d®«t'92 Belknap M15 M ,_____ ** President. “ •• Lancaster Savings Bk. Jul’34Stmt 54-109 d®TT5'68 Lancaster Trust Co...®Ttl'91 Jun’34Stmt 54—112 M _____ “ Siwooganock Gnar. Sav. Bk. Jun’34Stmt 54-111 dtS’87 Lebanon_____ 5500 Mascoma Savings Bk. Grafton Lit Jun’34Stmt 54-88 d®»tl’99 •• _____ •• National Bank of Lebanon Jun’34Stmt 64-87 d«tl829 “ _____ “ Lisbon_______1700 Grafton Hll Littleton____ 4000 Grafton G12 * ------» Manchester,834 Hillsboro P15 .. ss .. ,, M At M ss _ M «e .. » ss ss .. .. SS •• •• •s St Ass't Cashier. W. M. Plummer.„ T. S. Jewett............ A.W.Dinsmoor, Tr. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars', Resources. Principal 0nd.Proi. Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other j Loans Other Other ReCapital Surplus and or Deposits Lia& Due Securi- Securi- : & DisTotals Correspondents. ties | counts sources Reserves fromBks ties bilities j * ! $ 100 8 44 $ 1,647 76 $ 76 $ 1,006$ 620 $ $ 1,791 $ 13 1st N„ Bos.; Laconia N„ Laconia. '■ $ 100 20 90 121 85 291 91 N. Shawmut, Bos. 458 $ 100. 678 W. F. Knight_____ A. D. O'Shea .......... C. J. Hayford, Cash, and Sec. Oscar L. Young.__ Sec. and Tr. 75 G.P. Munsey_____ F. 8. Roberts_____ N. J. Harriman.... C. S. Newell E. D. Munsey 50 C. H. Perkins____ C. G. St. Clair........ W. L. Woodworth Louis Hallas______ D. M. Woodworth Pf. 75 H. A. Moore____ D. A. Sullivan____ Henry P. Kent. Ch. W. H. McCarten.. R. W. Rhodes____ E. G. Fay R. J. Carr, Tr. Chas. L. Hurley... Ned E. Wells Clifton C. Waldo.. Margaret H. Ned E. Wells. Johnston Ch. of Bd. E. H. Hallett_____ C. S. Hoskins_____ G. G. McGregor___ H. T. Stimson____ 2,533 2,021 84 1 190: 345 26 91 140 465; 209 25 81 334 688 166 125 12J 353 59 11 580 650 33 37 19 137 243 22 24 265! 121j 311 73 200 134 2,694 3,028 58 99 1,143| 1,708 70 24 1,198 1,292 53 436i 779 20 Lancaster N„ Lancaster; N. Shawmut, Bos. 24 N. Bk. of Lebanon, Le banon; 1st N„ Bos. 25 45 495 765 106 131 270 61 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 511 1,578 17 556 15 125 50 100 4,540 5,222 6: 585 123 l 100 197 1 100 75 200 177 (With 75 400 1,732 196 2,205 51 52 535 44 781 167 30 624 4,336 4,960 48 408 471 4,277 5,521 1,119 1,743 34,234 768 173 2 700 650 H. L. Davis, Tr. Amoskeag Trust Co.__ T*5'91 Jun’34Stmt 64-12 Hillsborough County Sav.Bk. W. F. Harrington.. .Jun’34Stmt 64-10 ®tl'99 Manchester Morris Plan Bk. A. B. Jenks._____ Albert J. Precourt Jun’34Stmt 54-13 ®JS’17 J. E. Mooney (1038 Elm St.) ^Manchester National Bank N. S. Bean_______ E. B. Stearns_____ Jun’34Stmt 54-7 dT*t’45 H. B. Straw, Tr.__ M. Heard, A. Tr... Manchester Safety Deposit & N. s. Bean Tr. Co.—54-11_____ T« 91 .Iun’34Stmt Manchester Savings Bank J. Brodie Smith.. Jun’34Stmt 54-1 B®tS'46 Mechanics Savings Bank Aretas B.Carpenter ■Iun’34Strat 54-9 ®»t|'77 r H L ADDITOR E. B. Stearns. See. and Tr. ‘MERCHANTS NAT’L BARK 3,200 50 H. L. Additon. Tr.. 50 220 Dana A. Emery, Tr, and Mgr, 75 E. B. Stearns_____ E. W. Moore______ PAUL B. BROWN— F.C. UNDERHILLF. C. LIVINGSTON, 3 1st N., Bos. 65 1st N., Bos. H Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. 1,804 1st N., Bos. 3 N.Y.Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.;N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.; 1st N., Phil. 9,706 558 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Amos keag N„ Manchester. 134 260 101 60 QQ 65 2,456 34 581 894 787 160 Merch. N., Manchester. 92 45 212 4 5 16 184 3,235 779 858 254: 1,286 196 104 5 57 30 24,545 601 3,145 12,807 7,404 3,144 261 1,619 1,261 3,230 774 1,368 364 565 3 Amoskeag N., Merch. N., and Manchester N„ Manchester. 58 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; • 1st N., Bos. Chase N. N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; Manchester N., Manchester. 588 1st N„ Bos.; Manchester N„ Manchester. 3 Amoskeag N„ Man chester. 159 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 580 23 234 306 17 1,672 28 67 399 2,386 50 15 36 95 200 i 41 1st N„ Bos. 2,171 150 Frank P.Carpenter, H. M. Bickford, Tr. A. Tr. 2,085 21,117 42 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. 32 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Concord. 26 150 1,800 { 1,090 29,944 191 N. Shawmut and 1st N , Bos.; Peo. N„ Laconia! 6 N. Shawmut, Bos. 2,006 T«t’64 Amoskeag Savings Bk.®tJ'52 Apr’34Stmt 54-2 150 ' 147 22,598 150 148 2,846 50 64 2,767 150 168 262 67 1,395 I 149 AmoskeagN.,Manchester. Tr. Off. dB®T*t’53 J Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Casta and Time Items. (.SEND US YOU R * ‘MANCHESTE R” ITEMS. Peoples Savings Bank ®tl*74 T. R. Varick. Jun’34Stmt 64-8 __ St. Marv’S Bank____ d®t5’09 A. L. Prince, E. Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Jun’34Stmt 54-14 F. Geoffrion___ O. O. Cote, Sec........ Pf. 39 Albert F. Roy, Cash, and Tr. Manchester Clearing House. R. B. Stearns........ (Member« indicated by a *) A. E. MARTELL CO ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 327 136 6 W. H. McCarten, Tr. B. H. Whittier. Tr. A. H. Hill ___ 150 761 50 (Circu j lation) 947! 731 50 676 J 45 H. P. Kent, Tr........ R. J. Carr. A. Tr... ‘AMOSKEAG ) MARST0N HEARD Prompt and efficient ser vice. NATIONAL BANK ](^Collections handled at m inimum rates e Jun’34Stmt 54-3 H 0A8HI2K. Lisbon Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. 54-146 d®T»iS’89 Littleton NationalBankd»J’71 H. E. Richardson.. E. H. Gould............ R. E. Colby Jun’34Stmt 54-100 Littleton Savings Bank®ti'68 Charles F.Bingham H. E. Richardson.. O. W. Eastman, Tr. H. E. Richardson, Jun’34Stmt 54-99 Sec. ( A. N. HEARD-------- W. 1. KENDALL------ H. ELLIS STRAW.— I-MBAi— Jun’34Stmt 54-6 .. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) VicrPresident. •Lancaster ...2200 Lancaster Nat. Bank„dTt'81 Coos F14 Jun’34Stmt 54-110 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aeces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. ----- ' “' NEW HAMPSHIRE—Continued 171 I (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 1 ^ H. Nation 1 al, Stat e and Amoskeag N„ Man chester. 256 1st N., Bos.; Amoskeag N., Manchester; Pro vincial Bk. of Can., Montreal. Private Banks, Total 261, 1,060 Safe Deposit Vault Forms 769 -° eac^ bank 1? U. S. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No 1 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JSUtetPrlT. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fei. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond .. LIABILITIES. Und.Prof. A8S’T CASHIER. Roseryes Meredith Village Sav. Bank .T. F. Beede___ _ . ®*t§’65 (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Other Loans Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Other Re& Due Seouri- Seouri- & DisTotals Liasources ties counts fromBks ties bilities Capital Surplus and or Deposits 8 Earle A. Welch,Tr. Milford ........ 3000 Sonheean National Bank F. W. Sawyer Hillsboro Q13 Jun’34Stmt 54-101 dB©K’65 Earle A. Welch. Sec. and Tr. G.G. Tolford_____ H.E.Trentini_____ 50 $ 32 $ 9 ? 191 225 31 (With 234 $ 152 $ 102 - 73 43 565 961 $ 146 259 612 649 100 ' M 215 1st N., Bos.; Meredith Tr. Co., Meredith. 55 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 49 2d N., Nashua; 1st N., Bos. 162 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 857! 31 415 362 5,115! 315 831 1,711 2,096 12; 5,840 276 747 2,272 2,412 133 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. 6,430 300: 7,304 1,019 1,377 2,277 2,470 161 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com’IBk. &Tr. Co., Alb.; N. Shawmut, and N. Rockland, Bos. 15 742 206 4,507 ■ J M. J. Christian ___ Nashua Trust Co. dB®T*lS’89 G. E. Harris_____ F. P. Murphy...... R. B. Burnham, Tr. and Sec. A. L. Gaudette, Wm. D. Swart, Ch. J. L. Clough Asst. Treasurers 300 455 92 4,981 fL. F. THURBER - GEO. F. THURBER. J. M. BLAKEY------- CHAS. E. POTTER. F.D.fcROSS. Tr.O0\ SECOND NATIONAL BANK ] Jun’34Stmt 54-18 d®T«t'75 Send us your N ashua Items, 300 200 74 102 Jun’34Stmt 54-19 M Principal Correspondents. N. Rockland, Bos. 1,857 100 O.A.Woodhury, Tr. 18$ 1,721 Surp.) H. A. Gregg______ C. E. Whitney____ E.R. Carver. Exec. E. F. Blakey 53 $ 1,365 S 200 H. T. Lednnic . $ 325 1,666 100 ‘Nashua. . 31.463 Citizens Guaranty Sav. Bk. W. T,. Carter Hillsboro R15 Jun’34Stmt 54-21 d®t81900 II II Sceva Speare Indian Head National Bk. Jun’34Stmt 54-17 d®T»t’51 II CASHIER. d-Safe Deposit ® Sayings Jun’34Stmt 54-147 II dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Vice-President. Itfprnd Ith 1200 Meredith Trust Co.. dT»t§’24 Belknap L14 Jun’34Stmt 54-157 .. NEW HAMPSHIRE—Continued Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given exclusively by_Ttae Band-McNally Bankers' (.Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. New Market..2500 New Market National Bank George L. Chase, Rockingham P18 Jun’34Stmt 54-148 d®»t'65 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. J. Durell. 50 10 18 418 50 546 194 86 45 196 25 1st N., Bos. ‘Newport____ 4200 Citizens National Bank.Tt’85 G. A. Fairbanks__ Sullivan N8 Jun’34Stmt 54—105 II M First National Bank_ d»t'65 John McOrillis____ Jun’34Stmt 54-103 •• •• Newport Savings Bank. tl'69 J. H. Glynn 54-104 M •• George A. Dorr.... Sugar River Savings Bank Jun’34Stmt 54-106 ©tS’95 C. D. Johnson____ C. C. Chase........ 50 50 96 483 70 749 155 92 155 312 35 1st N„ Bos. 50 86 303 103 150 14 N. Shawmut, Bos. S. D. Lewis___ O. E. Varner_____ 100 Geo. B. Lewis, Tr.. 179 C. D. Johnson, Tr. C. C. Chase, A. Tr. 368 Pittsfield 1300 Pittsfield National Bank.t’51 Merrimack N16 Jun’34Stmt 54-123 F. H. Sargent. Pittsfield Savings Bank Jun'33Stmt 54-124 d®tt’55 Ch. of Bd. and Fret. Fay Lewis______ Annie V. Bryant 100 A. H. Spaulding, Tr. J. A. Longley, A, Tr. H. B. Fischer. __ 25 M ll 1,722 2,090 63 82 308 414 1,271 103 821 1,053 32 278 785 46 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 333 414 36 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Rockland, Bos. 1,941 574 67 1st N., Bos. 72 7 1,016 20 1,196 55 50 19 659 981 926 143 245 158 2,875 51 242 104 149 49 35 735 845 6 5 15 110 Tr. 1st N., Newport; Shaw., Bos. 50 Citiz. N„ Newport. 2,472 ........... 43 22 586 233 N. N. Shawmut, Bos. 20 1st N„ Bos.; Amoskeag N., Manchester. Surp.) 42 1st N. and N. Shaw., Bos. 1st N., Concord. 77 Pemigewasset N., Plymouth. 75 125 34 607 79 920 263 79 64 472 100 75 158 2,042 .• 2,375 17 107 1,262 912 57 Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos. 76 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ 250 C J.A.B0RTHWICK R. W. JUNKINS— R.W. JUNKINS— G. A. TREFETHEN ALICE G. MARDEN, ARThUR GORMAN Pf. 250 < 54 0Gty. Fund) Carroll M. Paige, Plymouth.__1800 Pemigewasset National Bank G. H. Bowles_____ G. H. Adams....... R. H. Spaulding... F. H. Foster______ ^Grafton K12 Jun’34Stmt 54-128 dT‘J’81 Dean 8. Carrier. Plymouth Guar. Sav. Bank Sec. and Tr. Jun’34Stmt 54-129 t§’89 Portsmouth 14.495 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rockingham 021 Jun’34Stmt 54-47 d®‘J1824 88 1,739 Surp.) 50 No. Conway ..1600 No. Conway Ln. & Bkg. Co. William Pitman__ Andrew D. Davis.. H. O. Cady, Tr..__ Louise D. Sawyer. A. Tr. Pf. 31 Carroll 118 Jun’34Stmt 54-149 .d®T»t8'91 Peterboro____ 2347 First National Bank dBT*t’65 Hillsboro O10 Jun’34Stmt 54-120 «• •• Eben W. Jones___ Peterborough Sav. Bank .Jun’34Stmt 54-119 ®‘tl'59 642 1,560 ........... ' 77 (With Surp.) 2,776 250 3,603 474 702 1,024 1,346 40 1,162 1001 1,527| 255 180 320 696 2,542 20 2,816 67 33 932 1,657 127 Merch. N„ Bos. 5,665 ........... 6,000 123 298 2,506 2,779 3,273 3,715 177 324 1,311 1,767 294 Gty. Tr. N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; 1st N., Ports mouth. 136 New HampshireN..Portsmouth; Day. Tr. Co., Bos. A. C. 1 Collections a sp ecialty. Special a ttentlon to B.-L. drafts. (.Send us your P orts mouth items. New Hampshire Nat. Bk. *’65 Wm. O. Walton___ Thomas W. Luce.. Wm. L. Oonlon ___ W. N. Rugg______ 200 25 Jun’34Stmt 54-49 M •• Piscataqua Savings Bank d®J8'77 A. D. Foster. Tr... 254 G. B. Lord Portsmouth Savings Bank d®»tfl823 N. E. Rand, Tr.__ 286 Jun’34Stmt 54-51 M „ 49 Jun’34Stmt 54-46 M M Portsmouth Tr. & Guar. Co. J. H. Bartlett____ d®T»t8’71 Jun’34Stmt 54-50 A.E. MARTELL C■^O. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150 Tr. KEENE, N . h. 292 1 1 rMachine Bookkeeping Forms aind Systems Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 770 ' Town andCodnty. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in No. 1 Fed.Res.Dist. d-Safe PRESIDENT. Vice-President. ------— “ " _u 44 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Deposit ® Savings Rochester__10,209 New Public National Bank '33 Wm. M. Lord____ H. N. Spaulding__ Jun’34Stmt 54-71 Strafford N19 " NEW HAMPSHIRE—Cont’d P. H. Safford____ LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. tJnd.Prol. Other Loans Cash,Ex. D.S.Gov. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals & Due Securi Securi & Dis Reserves bilities fromBks ties counts ties i Rochester Trust Co. R. H. Spaulding... P. H. Safford.......... W. A. Bickford__ C. L. Wentworth, May’34Stmt 54-70 d®T»tl’50 B. Q. Bond, Ch. R. H. Britton, A. Tr. V. P. and Tr. B. H. Horne, Tr.Off. Salmon Falls..500 Rollinsford Savings Bk. G. W. Nutter____ C. W. Blaisdell W. S. Leonard. Strafford N20 .Jun’34Stmt 54-133 d@t5’50 R. S. Wentworth Tr, and Sec, Salmon Falls Bank_._ 54-1S4 T»8’51 Jun'34Stmt « ____ » •• ____ •• Somersworth Nat. Bank.d'65 W. S, Mathews___ E. Jun’34Stmt 54-80 D. Royce_____ P. O. Wentworth— R. T. Bates. _ too $ 200 G. W. Nutter____ R. S. Wentworth.. William S. Leonard Lillian A. Winkley So mers worth _ 5680 First National Bank.. d«t’46 F. S. Ricker........... G. F. Symes_____ Strafford N20 Jun’34Stmt 54-79 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Sara Hayes______ 40 8 12 S 1,002 8 50 8 1,204 $ 400 351 6,376 7,327 125 77 1,617 1,819 50 13 8 110 181 100 20 100 26 Somersworth Sav.Bank P. O. Wentworth— F. K. Wentworth. G. F. Svmes, 54-78 d®»tS’45 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. H. Brown Sec, and Tr, 4 * 170 115 408 195 102 427 405 $ 1,140 (Incl. U. S. 120 3 Winchester___900 Winchester National Bank La Fell Dickinson. Wm. F. Perry____ Jun’34Stmt 54-152 d©»r46 Cheshire R6 F. P. Kellom, Jr.. Wolfeboro ....2000 Wolfeboro National Bank Dana J. Brown....... J. C. Avery______ F. A. Stackpole ___ O. M. Ahhntt Carroll L17 Jun’34Stmt 54-158 dB®T*t'06 130 86 842 70 22 9 235 100 40 70 3,765 1,953 469 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; Bk. of Montreal, Montreal. 1,231 358 9 Salmon Falls Bk., Salmon Falls. 68 31 52 2 1st N„ Bos. 12 1st N„ Bos. 167 1ST. SlidWinul, Bos. 87 1st N. and Somersworth N., Somersworth; 1st N„ Bos. 180 Merch. N., Bos.; 1st N., Concord. 69 406 45 104 77 135 N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N„ Concord. 112 1,139 1,251 26 43 356 740 86 Citizens N„ Tilton; N. Shawmut, Bos. 132 1,464 1,700 35 110 678 854 23 Keene N., Keene; 1st N„ Bos. 1,062 28 72 (Incl. U. S.) 183 271 919 43 1st N., Bos. 261 21 1st N., Bos. 116 122 211 1,048 573 28 1st N„ Bos. 633 611 Woodsville N„ Woods ville: Bos. Safe Dep. & Tr. fco., Bos. 17 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 64 ( With Surp.) 947 20 25 19 231 99 499 42 123 Pf. 100 56 1,904 60 2,243 234 1,503 95 100 23 84 1,296 50 50 23 300 Absecon_____ 2158 First National Bank R. L. Babcock____ F. F, Doughty ___ A. W. Townsend — M. S. Sorden ...__ 8 3 Atlantic 015 Jun’34Stmt 55-480 d|®T*t’10 100 8 200 8 Allendale____1730 First National Bank R.J. Christopher.. H. J. Winter____ Edward Hamilton. D. W. Frazer..__ _ 2 Bergen C19 Jun’34Stmt 55-603 d©T»I'25 M. E. Higgins AUenhurst ___ 573 O. E. Thurber........ H. Earl Farry___ Clara J. Brandt.__ 2 Monmouth 121 100 45 9 405 104 100 20 10 791 100 | Allentown....... 706 Farmers National Bank Chas. A. Spaulding R. T. Woodward „ Harry W. Bauer— William C. Smith, 100 2 Monmouth I 14 Jun’34Stmt 55-367 d®T»t’86 A ■ Cash. and Tr ■ Off■ Off. 15 15 1,031 '144 ; Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. 168 2 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 1,108 100 ‘Woodsville. _. 1500 Woodsville Guar. 8av. Bank D. D. Dow_______ E. A. Sargent..—.. H. B. Knight, Tr... Grafton 110 Jun’34Stmt 54-135 d®t§'89 “ ____ " Woodsville Nat. Bank-d«t’97 H. W. Keyes_____ D. D. Dow_______ H. B, Knight H. G. Smith Jun’34Stmt 54-136 420 $ 269 50 31 51 8 164 9.nn Walpole............950 Savings Bk. of Walpole Charles H. Barnes. Cheshire P6 Jun’34Stmt 54-150 d®»J5’75 Sec, and Tr. West Derry______ (See Derry) Whltefleld.__1000 WhltpfleldSav. Bk.&Tr. Co. F. M. Astle______ C. B. Richardson— Wm. H.Weston.Yr. B. S. Richardson, Coos Q13 F. S. Dodge Jun’34Stmt 54-151 d©T«t§’91 A. Tr. Wilton 1690 Wilton National Bank Geo. G. Blanchard. H. D. Cheever___ R. Killkelley____ Hillsboro R12 Jun’34Stmt 54-159 d®T*t'28 101 80 Jun’34Stmt Suncook____ 3000 Suncook Bank__ d®T*t|’16 G. E. Miller_____ Edward M. Fowler Geo. W. Fowler, Merrimack 015 Jun’34Stmt 54-154 Tr. Tilton ............1500 Citizens National Bank J. W. Morrison.__ C. E. Tilton_____ C. E. Smith Belknap M13 Jun’34Stmt 54-139 d®T*t'65 *• _____ “ Iona Savings Bank .d®»t}’70 W. C. Wyatt C. E. Tilton.. G. B. Rogers. Jun’34Stmt 54-140 E. R. Gale Act’g Sec, and Tr. 326 8 Principal Correspondents. Other Re- 60 67 8 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. NEW JERSEY 27 $ 1,301 S 106' $ 1,734 3 352 3 431 3 343 8 552 8 56 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Pa. Co., Phil. 663 85 172 166 190 50 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Paterson. 1,021 203 256 123 377 62 Marine-Midland Tr. Co., N. Y.; Federal Tr. Co., Newark. Ill 201 562 406 25 ! Jun’34Stmt 55-633 dB®T»t’26 (Member of Monmouth Cleari ng House, Asbury P ark, N. J.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • | j 1,305 ! | N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Larges! Bank CHARLES C GLOVER of CHARLES C.CLOVER.JR. K9BE*T V FLO-i*. ,?3. <£. Acknowledging the receipt of your letter of April 2nd, I am delighted to know that you approve of one of ny advertising policies, and that is, to use the Bankers Directory in liberal doses. I am very much pleased with this new contract and believe it is money well invested. I appreciate the kind expressions in your letter, and remain, with cordial regards, Very truly yours, GOV/EL Vice President and Cashier. This letter is in response to thanks we sent Mr. Vass for practically doubling his Blue Book business. T HE Rand M?Nally BANKERS DIRECTORY has more advertisers than its nearest competitor has subscribers. It has more subscribers than all other similar publications combined. The BANKERS DIRECTORY (BLUE BOOK) has the most advertisers because of its overwhelming lead in circula tion— maintained for more than half a century by its unyielding policy of absolute accuracy and dependability. That is why nine out of ten who advertise in a bank directory use Rand M9Nally’s. And why those who advertise in the BLUE BOOK “believe it is money well invested.” Rand M9Nally & Company 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a e 3 a> B aB. 2 P : ifssl| w m P -a- 50 g O 8 2222 00^8 p I P sa&s B'P 5— 2 m* O . gWW C o i*oS.” 2 p c s' g 2 S H 8 s . . OQQ g£g S.O t. g#B ® > g. Pm g m- S22m.p ?• o i? g 51 ZZ _ * 2 Z H □ 3 ^ °ma •*) iso'z; b « O ^^ (X OhM CC 02 CO Oa g m '^'f ha bs w h-O 00 00 COHO COO CO x ■ A. S. Pratt & Sons, me.—Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. See Bach of Washington, D. C. Map The valuable“indirect publicity”obtained by the banks advertising in The Rand McNally Bankers Blue Book Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis actually costs the banks NOTHING HE BANKERS DIRECTORY is used by thousands of Commercial Houses, Security Dealers, Lawyers and Banks to send their business directly to these advertisers, with the results that the advertising banks actually make in profits on the Bill of Lading Drafts, Notes, Collections, etc., etc., sent to them more than they pay for the space itself—the resultant unequaled Prestige, “Indirect Publicity” actually costing nothing. For 61 years, America’s leading Financial Institutions, Country Banks, as well as Reserve City Banks, have advertised regularly and consistently in the Blue Book and the num ber of advertisers increases each year. Your Bank should be prominently displayed and “stand out” among the banks of your city in the Blue Book. Your prospective customers outside of your own locality must necessarily judge and form their opinion of your bank by the way you “show up” in the Blue Book. They naturally do not know you personally or are able to see your attractive Banking Room and Building, which things attract your local patronage. No obligation on your part if you write us to day about “Bold-Faced Type” for your bank in the next edition of the Blue Book. Neither is it necessary to subscribe to the Book in order to advertise in it. Address Advertising Department RAND MCNALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY Since 1 872 —THE 536 S. Clark Street • BANKERS BLUE BOOK CHICAGO, ILL. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ to each bank In (J. S. m LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Other 1 Cash.Ei. TJ.S.Gov. Other Loans Ond.Prof. Totals lia& Due Seonri- Secnri- & Disand or Deposits bilities 1 tromBks counts Reservos ties ties Town and Coonty. * tiem.A.B.A. nNew fState fPriv. t.Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Fed. Res. Dist. Asbury Parkl4.981 2 Monmouth 121 » »• M Vice-President. LH.8URFEIN0,Bxec. I H RiiRmiin H. HAROLD WINSOR ) Jun’34Stmt ♦Asbury ParkNat.Bk.&Tr.Co. Jun’34Stmt 55-244 d|®T»J’ll William J. Couse.. Lee W. Berry___ James Forsyth___ (Z. 1. R SHELLEY jC. I V Ass Cashier. ASBURY PARK AND OCEAN GROVE BANK 55-242 •• President. t Cashier. E T CAUFFMAN JOSEPH THUMMESS, James Forsyth Monmouth Clearing House.. John Hnlsart J. B. Van Mater__ H. Earl Farry ‘EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY " --------- " ‘GUARANTEE TR. COMPANY dSTetl’S? .Iun’34Stmt ‘VENTNOR CITY NATIONAL BANK .Jun’34Stmt 55-147 •a •• it M Hetty A. Morton .. J.F. Mullin, Tr.Off. C. F. Woolley J. M. Couse Irving Newman, Tr. $ 497 S 300 $ (Trust 150 54 3,991 S 94 $ 606 $ 4,505 10 854 1,051 648 1,505 Fund s $1,55 7) James Forsyth. See. (See pa ges Depo sits 61- 62-63 f by Cities, or Num her of States, etc.) al, Stat e and 754 Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y. 157 30 Penn. Co. and 1st N.,Phil. 920 192 687 706 Irv. Tr. Co. and Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Penn. Co., Phil. 797 1,014 1,030 1,063 562 N. City, N. Y.; Pa. Co. for Ins., Phil. 658 477 748 3,704 894 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2,833 8,719 1,823 N. City, Chase N., and 736 2,840 335 3,037 392 4,466 2,135 1,021 1,766 6,481 6,271 2,251 3,899 15,278 I 1,807 242 62 1,337 400 600 37 225 J.W.GWILLIM. (CHARLES S. MOORE A. C. P0FFENBERGER WM. L. DAMBACH, Pf. Sec. and Tr. ] HARRY RARHAKAHH 1,184 Ch.o/Bd. 150 Private Banks, 447 Marine Midland Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. Total 69 31 229 25 Nation 287 3 120 A. W. WESTNEY----- ALLEN WIESENTHAL, Sec. and Tr. 0. G. CORE Wm. Pf. 343 O. Boyer___ H. E. Moore Penn. Co., Prov. Tr. Co., and Girard Tr. Co., Phil. < d@M’12 /C. 0. WHITE------ CLARENCE L. COLE- WM. C. KLINE. JR.. 1 HUGH RIDDLE. H. W. LEEDS j Exec. V. P. 1 jl'f|YCl/i.E|D J S BACHE & CO H.G. SOMERS. , m I UzOs \ TNOS. Y0UN6MAN— R. W. BARTLETT...... G. W. BOND 500 A. Sec. and A. Tr. Asst. Tr. Officers R. P. READ, Tr. Off. Asst. Treasurers jMflih E. G. STOERRLE E.s. turner-^.......... F. a. i. bLtnn, jn., Phil. N., Pa. Co., Tradesmen’s N. Bk. & Tr., and Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. Pf. 2,357 Br anch: Marl ne At lan tic! ; Safe. W. WALTER, Jr.— 100 222 (See pa ges 61Dep osits by 62-63 f 200 2,572 » 3,195 or Num her of States , etc.) Nation 685 726 316 858 .... 610 Chase N. and Cent. Ildhik* Bk. &> Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr., Phil. Tr. Officer Located in the Residential Section, adjoining Atlantic City. SUMMER ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Atlantic City Clearing House David C. Reed ____ Hugh Riddle............ (Members indicated by a ♦) Sec. and Tr. Members Prlnclp al Stock Exchang Atlantic Highlands Nat. Bk. C. Van Mater, Pres, and Tr. O/f. J. B. Van Mater Jim’34Stmt 55-369 d®T*+'8D (Member Monmouth Clearing House, Asbury Par *, N. J.) L. J. Cities, i .............. Goldsmith, 100 100 119 1,366 100 25 4 813 75 1,760 277 T. O. Siphnr 942 129 218 279 901 85 Marine Midland Tr. Co., N. Y. 342 322 95 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Phil. N., Phil. Cash, and A. Tr.Off. Wilbert Davis___ E. Stanley Ployer. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY i NEWARK Total J. S. Bache & Co., N. Y. ............. Mgr. T. M. Maxson, Jr., al, Stat e and Private Banks, 1 l .............. Cha.8. IT. Wise Andnhon 8904 Andubon National Bank .Iim’34Stmt 55-495 d®T«’19 3 Camden K0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 205 8 Pf. 25 _ (Central Her) Atlantic Hl’l’ds 2 Mon th H21 2000 $ 2,156 Principal Correspondents. 55-148 d®T»tlT2 55-143 .. 173 $ 1,083 Pf. 300 5 ♦Boardwalk National Bank Sigmnnd Ojserkis. A. J. Feyl Jun’34Stmt 55-146 dB©t'07 T. J. Lapres, V.P. F. J. McGinnis Jim’34Stmt 8 600 Other Resouroes d®T»t§’89 AtlantlcClty66,198 ♦BANKERS TRUST CO. „ W. L. JEFFERS 3 Atlantic P16 Jun’34Stmt 55-149 d©T«tS 19 M $ Surplus A.C. and A. Tr. Off. Ateo__________ 1500 Atco National Bank ..©•!'25 J. H. Schleinkof er. 3 Camden Lll Jun’34Stmt 55-595 B. A. Hand •* Capital COMPLETE BAN KING FACILITIE S Accounts of corporations a nd Individuals in vlted. 8a rings Accounts - Safe Deposit Vau Its (Members indicated by a *) .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued nircctnrv. mirier the aiithnrltv of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 54 1 ■ New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given nnf. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' ' Vi Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. "New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Egtab. *County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-8afe Deposit ® Savings Barnegat___ 1100 3 Ocean MIS Barrington. ..2252 3 Camden L10 Bay Head 429 3 Ocean K17 President. First National Bk.„d®T«f07 Ezra Parker_____ Jun’34Stmt 55-870 Snbnrban Commercial Bank Alfred P. Page— Jun’34Stmt 55-569 B®t§'2S Bay Head National Bank James H. Chafey.. Jun’34Stmt 55-670 d®t’27 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Principal Und.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits lia Totals & Due Securi Securi Sc Dis Re Correspondents. Reserves bilities counts sources fromBks ties ties NEW JERSEY—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. D. S. Holmes____ A. W. Kelley__ F. N. Bunnell Reese M. Ford... Frank Adams. T. H. Williams Alvah Strickland. S. C. Forsyth.. Bayonne.__88,979 Banca Stabile__________t’32 (Jerome Q. Stabile Dec’33Stmt 2 Hudson E19 ♦Bayonne Trust Co. Eugene Newkirk .. G. H. Sexsmith... ♦ 55-121 d®T»«’02 J. F. Schmidt Jun’34Stmt C. T. Thompson, A. Tr. ♦Hudson Co. National Bank Wm. A. Conway .. 55-122 d®T»t’51 Herman Klein_______ ®t 84 (Herman Klein, Jun’34Stmt 55-125 Owner) Mechanics National Bank H. B. Dembe____ S. Fryczynski____ Jun’34Stmt 55-12? d®Tl’26 Harry Levy Mechanics---Tr. Co. ------------—Frederic 0. Earl O. B. Zabnskie.__ Dec 33Stmt 55-120 dB®T»tS'86 E. S Holman. V. p. De W. Van Buskirk, Jr. (♦Member Northern New Jers ey Clearing House A ssn., S3 Liberty St., Ass’t Cashier. L. B.Frazee. j $ 100 S Pf. 75 50 30 15 $ 9 S 783 9 122 20 (With Surp.) 223 GO (With Surp.) 400 100 3 10 J. F. Schmidt. 7V._ Albert Stanton, 400 See. ( Two A. S. Golubiewski. A. Tr. K. M. Reed, Branc hes) A See. and A. Tr. Henry Wollny ___ (Bran ch of J ersey F. W. Christie 57 A. G. Beckmann... 200 24 M. Moraller, Tr___ Leo Von Schaum burg. Sec. Wm.J. Hunt, Compt. 500 250 $ 1 ,V J 7 7,238 85 S 276 5 557 S 111 28 12 105 62 23 273 106 20 28 86 33 ...... 16 1 42 240 1,313 3,329 410 5 ..... J 67 4 9,440 4,148 — )l 76 2 166 447 24 170 10,061 585 10 2,558 12 942 — 557 30 S 230 — _ City, 1,059 S 1 8,540 ..... $ 77 39 1,516 1 3,731 *Sout h Hud son Br anchs; Waite r Gun ther a nd Jos eph B achrne Asst. *Centr al Bra nch: H . J. He ring, a nd Ge| 0. J. N ageng ast, A sst. M Beach Haven.,715 Beach Haven National Bank Wm. L. Butler ___ M. L. Berry_____ L. 8. Hoft_______ H. B. Conklin___ 150 21 25 610 109 815 109 155 181 327 3 Ocean N18 & Tr. Co. 55-606____©»t’20 Jun’34Stmt Belleville.__26,974 Firs» National Bk._„d®»t’06 Peter Igoe_______ J. F. Condon. John P. Dailey___ F. J. McFadden... 300 45 27 3,151 386 3,909 248 884 1,544 707 2 Essex E19 Jun’34Stmt 55-371 Herman Miller E. A. Rang Peoples National Bank ft N. H. Bereer____ E. H. Yerg... F. L. Wagner____ L. D. Ventura .. 200 30 53 2,047 254 2,584 944 303 463 673 Trust C0..56-626__ d®T»’22 J. T. Boyian, R. K. Rose 1 Jun’34Stmt Ch.ofBd. s Bel mar______ 5491 Belmar National Bk.d®*tl900 Geo. W. Van Note. H. J. Lewis______ J. P. Mulvihill. 100 20 3 1,018 22 25 1,166 482 351 253 2 Monmouth 120 Jun’34Stmt 55-872 - ' 1 (Member of Monmouth Clean ng House, Anbury P ark. N. J.) tBelvidere___ 2073 First National Bank—d®t’32 Clarence Walters. P. M. Miller_____ J. G. Knight.__ H. M. Cooper____ 50 100 32 997 100 1,279 664 126 396 67 Jun’34Stmt 55-708 2 Warren D9 C. H. Knight, Ch. H. H. Rasely Bergenfleld... 8816 Bergentield National Bank Walter Christie__ James M. Willey- James M. Wille ley. Jean Ohovet, 13 1,354 100 25 1,612 45 316 413 671 2 Bergen D21 & Trust Co. 55-494 dB®T»t'19 Cash, and Tr.. Off. A.C. and A. Tr. Off. Pf. A70 Frank Riehl Jun’34Stmt P/.B50 Berlin_______ 1955 Berlin National Bank__»iT0 F. O. Stem______ R. H. Jageard____ J. M. Evans .. Clarence E. Walker 25 175 24 1,285 20 724 1,529 171 583 3 Camden Lll Jim’34Stmt 55-873 L. F. Muller Incl. V. S. BemardsvUle.3336 DERNARDSYILLE RATIONAL A. D. Runyon___ Josiah Meigh_____ E. H. Ammermann 100 40 12 1,381 249 228 568 479 110 1,643 2 Somerset E14 BANK— 55-374_.d®T»t’03 | Jun’34Stmt Beverly___ _ 2864 First National Bank &Tr. Co. F. P. Jones, Jr.__ Wm. T. Kirk. W. S. Brelsford__ E. C. Sever___ 50 100 11 sn 1,012 15 79 157 613 1 81 3 Burlington Jll Jun’34Stmt 55-375 d©Tt’07 D. P. Hopkins, Ch. T. S. Borden Pf. 25 Blackwood—.1000 3 Camden L9 Blairstown... .900 2 Warren CIO New York City, N. Y.) First National Bank &Tr. Co. Oscar B. Redrow, Joseph E. Mathis. A. B. Pratt____ Jun’34Stmt 55—37 6 d®T«t'09 Ch.ofBd. and Pres. First National Bank.d®tl900 T. B. Dawes_____ H. O.Carhart____ N. E. Craig___ .Hm’34Stmt 55-365 I Bloomfield .38,077 BLOOMFIELD BK. & TR. CO 2 Essex E18 55-205 dB®T*:5'02 Jiin’34Stmt m\t SSSS'ch: AY EDGERLEY. Asst, to Pres. . ft. PILC IIEW IEN Bloomfield Sav. Institution Willard W. Miller O. J. Murray__ Jul’34Stmt 55-203 dB®Ttl’71 Otto Billo Community Trust Co. E. L. Cadmus____ ♦ 55-207 d®T*t§’24 R. L. Axt.F. P. Jun’34Stmt Watsessing Bank dB®TaTS'12 Allison Dodd____ ♦ 55-206 Jun’34Stmt BILLINGS. 0LC0TT & C0-— (Bloomfield Bk. & Tr. Co. Bldg.) Howard Peck__ F. C. Smith D. F. O'Brien.. Chas. Bradley 119 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. 82 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Penn. Co. and Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 119 Phil. N. and Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 10 N. City, N. Y. 1 730 172 1,153 60 50 8 977 50 1,135 248 750 F. A. SCHILLING. H. J. .... . V. P , See. and Tr. A, See. and A, Tr. Pf. 750 W. A. ELLIS. V. P 300 214 10,320 8 12,342 1,643 1,221 877 (Incl. Inv.) 3,160 4,802 John Edgerley. Mabel R. See. and Tr. Wiessmann, A, See, and A, Tr, Frank Shay, Charles Zalenskl, A, Tr. Sec. and Tr. 876 10,747 11,623 711 1,198 2,704 6 489 798 960 75 53 71 689 721 2,670 259 186 540 1,497 188 • 714 and Tr. Off. W. J. Ellor______ E. M. Hill_______ JOHN F. FORSYTH. Resident Partner 100 62 200 50 (Mem ( With Surp.) 30 2,386 4 hers N eve Yo rk Sto ck Exe hange) Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Canadian Bk. of Com., Tor. 51 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. J00 249 N., Jersey City; Mellon N„ Pitt. 26 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 167 Chase N., N. Y. 50 11 Y.; Penn. Co., Phil. N. City and Chase N„ N. Y. 3,177 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; N. Shaw., Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. yer. Mgrs. grs. 43 Bk. of N. Y. &Tr. Co.,N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Penn. N„ Phil. 526 Irv. Tr.Co. and Public N., N. Y.; Phil. N.. Phil. 201 Chase N.,N. Y.;N. State, Newark; Paterson N., Paterson. 58 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 150 E. W, Pratt_____ N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 1,516 N. City, Bkrs. Tr., and Marine Midland Tr., N. Y.; N. Newark & Essex Bkg., Newark. 521 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. ' .......... Co., N. Y. N. Y. j FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 7 77 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cNally Bankers’ ' ' _____ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. oMem.A.B.A. wNew §State tPrit. i {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estah. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.DeDts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Liabilities. President. V ICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. I Capital ___ BloomlngdaIe2543 First National Bank_d®*t’25 8. R. Donald____ Ri cha rd D. D rukke r Oscar T. Storch... C. W. Vreeland___ * 2 Passaic C17 Jun’34Stmt 55-592 Harry Babcock ury. 2 Hunterdon erdo FB Citizens National Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-377 d®*t'15 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources. NEW JERSEY—Continued F. C. Hoffman___ W. F. Carling____ Edwin Shipman___ i Dnd.Prof. | [ Other Surplus and or Deposits LiaReserves bilities 100 $ 18............ $ Bogota National Bank Charles L. Pearce. Jun’34Stmt 55-498 ®*t’19 ■oonton_____6866 Boonion National Bank C. G. Dixon______ 2 Morris D16 Jun’34Stmt 55-378 dBSTt'90 Boonron Trust Co.____ «|T2 W. C. Salmon___ ♦ 55-460 50!. E. W. Howell___ F. O. Hordich___ M.M. Welch... 2 $ 837 140 8 123 S 420 100: 50! ioo: 49; 63 (With 49 594 53! 90: 1,069 1,268 j 1361 Other Re sources 164 $ 354 $ 287| 152! • 548 480! | Pf. 60 Bogota______ 7341 Bank of Bogota ...d®T»15'18 H. A. Braumuller.. G. O. Felter, Jr... Anthony Pep#___ Munroe Hamill. 2 Bergen D21 ■Iun’34Stnit ♦55-502 717 S Cash.fe. iD.S.Gov. Other Loans & Duo j Seouri-1 Securi- ; 4 DisfromBks! ties i ties i counts Totals (Incl. U. S.) Principal Correspondents. 56 Marine Midland Tr. Co., N. Y. 104 Marine Midland Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 1,182 1,506 292 854 207! 150! 150 63 2,537 2,936 384 1,006 1,286| 100 100 28 1,330 1,558! 174 339 985 Borden town. .4405 Bordeutown Banking Co. J. H. Hutchinson.. R. H. Aaronson.... W. H. Armstrong, S. E. Sharp______ 100 3 Burlington J13 Jun’34Stmt 55-332 d®T»tl’51 Cash, and Tr. Off. Robert F. Bennett, A. Tr. Off, First National Bank d®T*t’08 Chas. E. Burr____ S. F. Garrison___ G. Oscar Famam, Carlton W. Haines 100 Jun’34Stmt 55-33S J. W. Stone. Ch. Pf. 50 Cash.Sec.andTr.Off. Bound Brook.7372 BOUND BROOK TRUST CO. F. I. Collins_____ R. H. Brokaw____ E, B. Durham, 100 Milton Dutcher, 2 Somerset F15 Jun’34Stmt 55-335 dB®T<§ 16 W. H. WhitinE. Ch. Wm. Schure Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. I. S. Whiting F. I. Collins, Off. Tr. Off. FIRST NATIONAL BANK L. N. Wood_____ David Hastings.__ W. M. Backer____ Jas. J. Capano___ 200: Jun’34Stmt 55-334 d®T«t'88 Mabel S. Blanton, E. C. Stevenson, Gaius Hoffman Mgr. Women's Dept, G. O. Smalley A. C. and Tr. Off. 501 R. C. Carmen Bradley Beach3306 First National Bank.d®»t’12 Charles Wegeman, H. F. Pierce_____ R. F. Johnson____ Andrew Milligan.. 2 Monmouth 121 Jun’34Stmt 55-464 j Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (Member of Monmouth Cleari ng House. Asbury P ark, N. J.) BranchTllle.__665 Branchville National Bank C. J. McCloskey... Boyd S. Ely .... 50 J. K. Showers. I 2 Sussex B13 Jun’34Stmt 55-370 dB®*t’33 Wm. H. Clark ‘Bridgeton. .15.699 Bridgeton National Bank 100 H. J. Garrison____ W. T. Laning__ H. M. Smalley___ C. W. Scull. 3 Cumberland 07 Jun’34Stmt 55-209 dB®T*t’83 H. J. Garrison, Tr. Off. Cumberland National Bank 200 Geo E. Diament, F. E. Riley_____ F. E. Riley_______ L. O. Winn_______ Jun'34Stmt 55-208 d®T<1816 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. C. Woodruff, A. T. Wright Tr. Off. i* » NatJft* Harry H. Hankins, H. M. Loveland__ Archer Platt_____ Edgar R. Tice, 200 Jun 34Stmt 55-211 d®Tt’09 Ch.of Bd.and Pres. Tr. Off. Burlington. 10,844 Robb. 3 Burlington J12 Dec 33Stmt ,55-255 ®*2S 57 ! Walter E. Robb.... W. E. Ridgway.__ W. E. Ridgway, Tr. D. B.Sec. and A. Tr. Mechanics National Bk.Tt’39 Robert Turner____ John J. McCann__ Jos. R. Budd, C. E. Smith, 200 Jun 34Stmt 55-254 Cash, and Tr. Off. A. C. and A. Tr. Off. H. B. Weaver H. F. Lewis Butler______ 3392 Fir?,t,?.at!on41 Bank d®T»t'03 De Gray White.... S. E. Estler______ C. H. Ferguson__ C. S. Harris_____ 100 2 Morris 017 Jun 34Stmt 55-380 Earl Eichin, Ruth C. Decker Assf. to Pres. Caldwell____ 5144 CaidweH National Bank john j. yan 0rder. J. H. Harrison ___ J.H.Coddington.. J. I. Jacobus. 100 2 Essex D17 Jun 34Stmt 55-357 dB©T 04 Theo. W. Dawes Citizens Nat. Bank &Tr. Co. J.S. Throckmorton M. H. Courier____ H. W. Apgar------- H. Quimby, 200 Jun 34Stmt 55-358 dB®T*t'10 A.Cash, and Tr. Off. Callfon.............534 Hunterdon Co. Tr. Co. r n Hoffman Frank Dufford ___ T. G. Hopler. Tr... W. O. Collins, Sec. 100 2 Hunterdon G12 .!un’34Stmt 55-381 d®T«t5'23------- Harmon Sutton ‘Camden... 118.700 ♦American National Bank Elmer E. Long D. L. Pierson____ 300 Raymond Braker.. A. W. Rogers_____ S------3 Camden KB Jun’34Stmt 55-671 dB©T<’27 S. S. Cramer E. G. Van Name. Pf. 50 2001 2,011 130 583 1,105 41 Chase N., N.Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 45 Chase N„ N.Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 91 Chase N. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; ! 1st N„ Phil. Jun’34Stmt D. B. Dawson. J. B. Howell J. V. Beam__ E. J. Cahill E. A. Fisher_____ J. P. Kelley_____ E. J. Bobbins O.P. Myers, Theodore Crane, See. and Tr. A. Sec. and A, Tr. Surp.) pf. 60: 1,619 (Trust 401 ' | 400 164; I 80 1,032 125 426 355 1,402 ............ (Trust j Funds 1,594 196 $393) 413 810 2,612 1,882; 82 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 200 41 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Lin. N„ Newark; 1st N., Phil, 755 50 (Trust 501 Funds j ! $204) 4,176 over 5,040 100 464 ........... Dept. Resou \ rces, o | ver $70 \ 0) 621 Ij 50 802: 156 CIncl. I U. S.) 338 255 499 25 603 ;! 80, 178 j 235 150 1,354 235 1,848! ! 157 ! 200 250 300 4,274 50 4,863 424 ! 304 1,545: 182 5 ; 53!Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 1521 Irv. Tr. and Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.,N.Y. 60 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 1,240;............ 326 2 2,058 100 1,811 122 50 1,477 150 2,099; 30 570 9 25 539 32 188! 25,967 369; i 1,033 is; I 2,404 ! 326!Chase N., N. Y.; Market St.N., Phil.; 1st N.,Bos. 698 j Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. ; N., Phil. 60 383 838! 82 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. 1 N„ Phil. 619; 20 Burlington City Ln. & Tr. Co., Burlington. 179!Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Penn. Co., ; Phil. 46 24 288! 300 279L I 1,081: 2,090 196 165 561 1,067 101 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 100 1,773 152! 193, 533 644 50 2,552 323 125 971 929! 721 68! 214 230; 954 251 92 5751 251 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Montclair Tr. Co., Montclair. 204 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr., Phil. 150 Marine Midland Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 178 1st N„ Phil. 877: 3,925 16,086! l 2,467! | ; Tr. Off. ♦CAMDEN SAFE DEP. & TR. CO___ ♦ 55-87 . d®T*tS’ 73 A Jun’34Stmt (Camden continued on next page) TOWNSEND STITES I0HNH. ANNISi Exec, F. H. FULTON, Tr,... RUSSELL L. SAMMIS. Sec. EPHRAIM ;.S. NORGROSS E. R. TRUDtL.JR..^ TOMLINSON. R. BRIANT, C. M. SCHLOSSER. ’ ' C. Ch. of Bd. 'hIliWlson HOWAKO M. POTTER. Trust Officer Asst. Treasurers R. Y. GARRETT, Jr., Assl. Trust Officer HALFORD RUN6E. R. E. Off. WM. H. BENNETT, 3,183 (With Surp.) Offices: Compt. Send us your C amden Collection s and Cash Items direct for prompt and personal attention. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,200 NEWARK 21,396; 1,866 3,213 N. City and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. ( Trust Department Resources $183,076) Main—Broadway at Market St.* South Broadway—Broadway and Walnut Sts.* East End—2614 Federal St.* Gloucester City, N. J., King and Monmouth Sts.* Cape May City, N. J., Washington and Ocean Sts.* New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 7 70 to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Raud-McNally Bankers’ ' / tJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew§StatetPriv ‘County Seats. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Boud d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Fed. Res. Dist. (Continued) M ** M ______ *• .. Vice President. Cashier. Ass fF. M. ARCHER— B. B.DRAPER ..... S.C. KIMBLE-----ISAAC FERRIS JAY KNOX A. Tr. Off. A. D.AMBRUSTER. ‘Camden ..118,700 *fb»£k Jun’34Stmt President. 55-85 ®T«tl812 \ V. P. and Tr. Off. Cashier. FMP" Mfcwp Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Und.Prof. Other Cash,Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Loans Other & Due j Securi- Seeuri- & DisReCapital Surplus and or Deposits LiaTotals ties Reserves fromBks ties bilities counts sources % 1,500 $ 1,566 (With $19,663 $ Surp.) Downt own B ranch* : 1 Collections hav e the personal at tentlon of an ofll cer of this bank. v We remit on d ay of payment. S end us your Cam den bnslneas. E. L. Bartelt......... W. S. Casselman, E. J. Williams, ♦West Jersey Trust Co. See. and Tr. d®T»t5'06 F.F. Patterson, Jr., V. P. and Tr. Off. Ch. W. E. Barto E. L. Strang, W. C. Coles. V. P. Ludwig A. Kind A. Tr. Off. A. L. Sayers, Frank C. Sayrs A. Sec. and A. Tr. Camden City Clearing Bouse F. Herbert Fulton B. B. Draper____ T. Howard Smith. Sec. and Mgr. (Member1 indicated by a*) W. J. Hayes, P. H. Trueax, S. G. Fletcher, C. B. Crabiel, A. Secretaries and A. Treasurers » 100 $ 3 345 148 796 26 317 370 83 1st N., Phil. 200 10 13 583 30 836 118 310 317 91 Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. 525 525 Raymond Erickson Wm. J. Tyler____ Co., Phil. U. S. Secur.) 11 ; 7,788 571 3,114 3,682 421 Gty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Penn. Co., Phil.; 1st Camden N. & Bk. Tr. Co., Camden. (Three Office s.») (Trust Funds , $9,46, 1) (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 23 844 251 1,293 105 226 411 470 125 26 52 9 412 55 1 87 60 150 9 932 28 1,194 134 60 282 610 (Bran ch of Ruther fordN ationa l Bank 50 Pf. 125 200 75 81 Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr., Co., Phil. 209 Phil. N„ Phil. 18 .......... 507 50 28 498 100 20 19 816 25 23 16 614 100 15 3 134 50 25 4 324 51 I. F. Acheson....... 150 50 10 1,484 150 1,844 265 J. E. McHenry____ W. E. Purcell____ W A. Miller 100 20 21 1,810 100 2,051 281 200 500 211 726 414 2,438 164 25 100 J. M. Christian, Sec. and Tr. H. D. Nelson, A. Sec, and A, Tr. J. A. McWilliams- Walter Du Bois.__ Wilbur Fry______ J. A. Davis .. D. E. Reeves Meade H. Warner, Sec, and Tr. A. .T. Ware. L. J. Heller H. A. Suplee, Jr. SCHMIDT — R. B. RITTENHOUSE* A. L. WHITECROSS. Sec. and Treas. A, Sec. F. M. KLOTZ. A. Sec. lULIvcnfli A. VAN LENTEN. F. A.Tr. 108 Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. , Ruth erford, N. J.) 695 J. J. /special Jun’34Stmt 55-474 d®T«tST4 l 863 87 80 705 66 51! 677 21 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 241 514 148 237 243 Fidelity Union Tr. Co., Newark. 11 Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y. 51 219 106 289 12 MarlneMidlandTr.,N.Y.; 955 103 58 164 495 135 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 711 74 82 359 184 252 35 5 107 90 15 1st N. and Penn. Co., 454 94 210 92 22 36 1st N. and Phil. N., Phil. 535 597 363 84 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 456 597 684 33 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Passaic N. Bk. & Tr. 1,608 500 166 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Montclair Tr., Mont- 33 j Y.; N. Iron, Morristown. 12 1st N„ Phil. Phil. Co., Passaic. Pf. 387 Co., N. Y. NTION GIVEN BI LL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TIME IT EMS. atte ♦First National Bank Qeo. F. Schmidt— F. W. Ainsworth.. H. M. Gilmore___ C. K. Zaleski......... Jun’34Stmt 56-620 d®T«l'21 100 100 50 Clinton M2 Clinton National bank H. K. Lance_____ W. A. Reeves___ E. L. Knight--------E. A. Compton 2 Hunterdon Fll Jun’34Stmt 55-363 d®‘t’56 _____ 83 First National Bank..®«I’76 J. V.Aller_______ A. B. Rittenhouse. J. C. Dairymple__ Cap. Jun’34Stmt 55-364 50 Passaic Clearing House) 1 FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,555 (Incl. 43 GEO. (♦Members 872 Pf. 300 1 Sec. and A. Tr. Clayton.-------2351 Clayton National Bank D. W. Moore, Jr... 3 Gloucester 119 Jun’34Stmt 55-472 d®»l’13 Clayton Title & Tr. Co. Jun’34Stmt 55-624 d®Tt}'25 Clemen ton ...2605 National Bank of Clementon 3 Camden L10 Jun’34Stmt 55-490 d®’34 Cliffside Park 15267 nThe United National bank d®t*34 2 Bergen D21 Jun’34Stmt 56-603 Clifton____ 46,875 ♦Clifton Nat'l Bk..dB®T»t 25 J. C. Barbour____ 2 Passaic D19 Jun’34Stmt 55-604 •• and S ycamo re St. Mgr. Chatham ..3869 Chatham Trust Co. .®TtS*‘21 Geo. S. Pollard-__ M. L. Toms. 2 Morris E16 Jun’34Stmt 65-515 M Bro adway $ 3,246 $ 3,615 $ 3,759 $11,040 $ 1,847 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. (Bran ch of C amden , N. J. )......... Walter H. Savage, J. T. Hewitt____ E. J. Jerrell___ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. S. Rutherford Julius Way______ H.S. Douglass........ C. O. Corson. Tr.. John Sayre. J. W. Mecray. Rutherford National Bank 55-383 dB®Ttl900 Sylvester Gunkel. Carteret Bank & Trust Co. Wm. Lonsdale___ H. 1. Haskins____ T. G. Kenyon. See. and Tr. A. Tr. Jun’34Stmt#55-560 dB®T*tS'23 C. A. Conrad. V. P. Emil Stremlau *CLIFT0N TRUST COMPANY $23,507 200 80 H. D. Clifford Edward J. Heil ... T. M Weiss nFirst National Bank in Pf. 20 Carteret________d®Tt’34 Jun’34Stmt 55-437 50 Cedar Grove..l887 First National Bank—®«t’27 M. Warren Jenkins, J. W. Grissing___ G. F. A. Meier....... Frank E. Delfosse. 2 Essex D18 Jun’34Stmt 55-683 — 778 Principal Correspondents. E. H. EFFING Jun’34Stmt 55-91 Carlstadt....... 5425 2 Bergen D20 Carteret.... 13,339 2 Middlesex F18 M •• t ♦North Camden Tr. Co. J. L. Mahaffey ___ C. C. Heimbach.__ E. B. Mahaffey. Tr. f!t A.Mnyor Dec’33Stmt 55-632 d®Tt§’26 O. H.Higginbotham ♦Third Nat l Bk. &Tr. Co. Louis W. Everly__ R. R. Donges____ W. J. Higbee ___ Jun’34Stmt 55-692 dB®Tt’28 Cape May__ 2637 3 Cape May Rll 55-355 d®T«t5'68 *4 ______ " Merchants National Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-856 dB®«t 08 ‘Cape May C. H. Cape May County Title & 3CapeMayR12 984 Trust Co------------d®Tt§’22 Jun’34Stmt 55-667 •• •• First National Bank._d®t’05 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Acct. - lv JLi W W IVI1 18 24 ___ 2,247' 211 2,676 167 117 1,129 1,133 130 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citlz. Tr., Paterson. 3. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 10 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 747 13: 884 151 103 286 314; 299' 40 422 58 47 185 122; 1 New Jersey’s T Lai ycait Bank ~ Number under Name of Bank ts the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* 779 Liabilities. Town and cobnty. •Mem. A. B. A. "New §State t Pri v. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Fed. Res. Dist. 2 Bergen C21 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Irdexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. (In Thousands of Dollars) Und.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Liabili ties Reserves S 200 $ Closter National Bank & A. T. Sneden_____ D. D. Ackerman... G. J. Taylor---------- C. E. Endres, A. Cash, tfc Tr. Off. P/. 100 H. D. Demarest, TrustCo-55-384 dB®T«J'06 A. Tr. Off. Jun’34Stmt 200 $ 55 $ 1,944 $ Totals 150 $ 2,649 Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other 4 Due Secnri- SeonrifromBks ties ties $ Other Loans Re4 Discounts sources 381 $ 392 S 971 $ 821 S Principal Correspondents. 84 Chase N. and Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y. A. J. Bartlett------- H.S. Hewston......... H. C. Pierson, G. M. Hawn. Colli ngswood Citizens National Bank Cash, and Tr. Off. A.Cash.andA.Tr.Off S Camden KB 12,723 Jun’34Stmt 55-385 d®T<’34 S. M. Swartley, 100 50 9 666 30 855 131 342 208 166 8 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Pa. Co. and Corn Ex. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Phil. E. S. Barclay_____ Andrew Ely _. Cranbury_____ 650 First National Bank Geo. B. Mershon 2 Middlesex H15 Jun’34Stmt 55-386 dB®T«t'84 L. W. Perrine.... 100 50 36 1,175 223 1,584! 124 483 342 613 22 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. W. J. McKee_____ 8. R. Droescher__ Cranford.__ 11,126 CRANFORD TRUST CO. ♦ 55-387 d®f«t§’04 2 Union F17 Jun’34Stmt •• it FirstNational Bank d®T«t‘23 C. P. Buckley . Ira Apgar.. _ .. Jun’34Stmt 55-538 H. W. Whipple. Harolds. Compton, F.P„Sec. ATr.Off. A. Sec. Chas.M. Yeakel. V. C. Conover. 200 100 49 1,895 553 2,797 180 163 846 1,267 H. L. Dimmick____ J. V. Nostrand.... 100 25 11 757 51 944: 93 250 329 200 200 250 77 3,869 4,3961 446 458 1,497 1,818 Sec. of Bd. Tr. fE.G.KATTERMANN, w. j. Mcelroy. ) Ch.of Bd.andPres. femeSec. and Tr. Dover ... ......... 10,031 DOVER TRUST COMPANY Excellent faclllt ollectlons or any ♦ 55-264 d®T»tS'01 )(.SEND 2 Morris D15 US YOU FOB PROMPT S K DOVER ITEMS Jun’34Stmt 341 Chase N., N. Y. A. Tr. C. F. BUCK. A. Sec., and A. Tr. hanking matters ERVICE. 72 Un. Co. Tr., Elizabeth; N. Newark and Essex Bkg., Newark. 177 N. Y. Tr., N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. entru sted t o us. 1 ( CHESTER BA YUS.. WM. F. BIRCH............. CHARLES H. HART, E. J. MALONEY......... 1 WILLIAM 0TT0.CT. F. P. and Cash. F F UiNM 125 E. F. Watson___ W. H. Ellery_____ J»M>h Hill W. H. Krause H. O. Holshue___ 100 10 a. W. Harris------- Jos. Kuldoshes.... Alden Wilmot____ J. F. Mellick_____ 100 30 W. A. Castner____ C. A. Conover. W. A. Craig, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Wm. Sauer 100 D. F. Riordan......... E. A. Riordan. C. W. Holweg. Sec, and Tr, A. Sec. and A.Tr. A. G. H. Reimold 511 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 4,638 6 5,171 651 622 1,324 2,063 1,033 51 1,201 232 100 704 132 33 Chase N.p N. Y. 11 1,135 25 1,301! 126 205 249 632 89 Marine Midland Tr. Co., N. Y.. 50 2 426 34 612 84 27 149 251 101 N. City, N. Y. 200 125 30 1,100 1 1,456 274 80 585 387 130 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fed. Tr. Co., Newark. East Orange 68,020 AMPERE BARK & TRUST CO. Chas.C. Huitt......... H. M. Bradley____ W. L. Van Syckle. Wm. Railton_____ 150 Jun’34Stmt 55-161 d®T»t§’22 F. C. Ferguson, Ch. 2 Essex El8 Pf. 150 100 51 1,686 2,137 210 220 691 756 % 260 Bkrs. Tr., N. Y.; Fed. Tr., Newark; Sav. Inv. & Tr., E. Orange. 350 416 8,906 10,194 1,905 919 2,105 4,444 821 Chase N„ N. Y.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. .. _____ .. Dumont____ 5861 2 Bergen C21 Dunellen___ 5148 2 Middlesex F18 .. _____ dB®*t’19 FIRST HATI0RAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 55-388 d®T»t 07 .. Peoples Trust Co. F. M.Van Blaricom ♦ 55-677 d®T»t§’26 Jun’34Stint East Newark..2686 Harrison-Kearny Trust Co. J. F. O’Neill........... (Harrison P. 0.) Jun’34Stmt 55-661 d®Tt§’26 (Associate Member Newark 2 Essex E1B 108 (Incl. Und. Prof.) NATIONAL UNION BANK L. DAVENPORT. JOSEPH G. BABO Jun’34Stmt 55—263 d®T«t'72 j Send us your D over Items. Tr. Off. (.Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Jun’34Stmt 55-492 294 Clearing House) •• _____ •• ♦ESSEX COUNTY TRUST CO. Ralph Richards__ Wm. Scheerer......... Jun’34Stmt 55-159 d®T*t5’92 O. H. Condit, Herbert Adams, Ch.of Bd. .'d / ^ ’SAVINGS INVESTMENT AND ■1 DAVID A. INGLIS, TRUST COMPANY geo arr br nt, ‘ F.P. ♦ 55-158 dB®T»tVA2 Jun’34Stmt P. H. Condit. Sec, and Tr. V. P. and Tr. Off. T. H. Wood, A. Sec. and A. Tr. LOUIS MC CLOUD, Asst. Treasurers WM. A. KENNY. P. E. LITTLE, CUSBELL,v.i>. W. F. HARDING. GEO. L. MC CLOUD. A. Tr. Officers A, Sec. and A, Tr. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY 500 22 Branc h Offic e: Cen tral A ve. cor. S.H. GORDON. GEO. W. VINCENT. H.N. CONGLETON. i». 2,375 800 622 18.756 18 Clinto n St.e 22,571 1,676 2,551 5,024 11,928 1,392 GEO. 6 ARRAB RANT, F. P„ Sec. ANKE. RUGGL * HoH ywo o d Ate Piffle e.# Ho Ily woo d Ave. and M ain St. .LOUIS MC.P..G EO. W. VINCE NT. A. Sec. H ORACE J. MUR RAY. A . Sec,, *So.O range Office .• 16 S. Orang e Ave. E. 1. BENNETT F.T. CRAMER. A. KP. CHECKS ON T HIS BANK ABE PAYABLE AT PA R IN NEW YORK CITY. (*Members Orange Clearing House Ass'n) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. J. Hooper. Chemical Bk. & Tr. Co., Chase N., and N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil.; Marine Tr. Co., Buff.; N. Newark & Essex Banking Co., Newark. enue Office .•Cent ral Av e. and Harri son St -.DONA LD W. CA MPBEL L. A. S ec. Aven ue O fflce,» LOUIS MCCLO UD, F. p.. C.C . CAMP BELL. F. P. E. 1. RFNNF TT, A. Sec. Oran ge O ffice,* 310 Ma in St., Orang je.FRED ERICK T. CRA MER.A .F.P. Arlin gton NEWARK New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given bank *D U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ to each 780 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NEW JERSEY—Continued LIABILITIES. Town and County. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. Vice-President. Capital Resources. Cash,Ex. D.S.&ov. Other j Loans & Due Securi Securi & Dis ties counts ties fromBks (In Thousands of Dollars) Other Und.Prof. Surplus and or Deposits lia Reserves bilities Totals Other Re sources Principal Correspondents . (East Ruther! ford B ranch of Rut herford , N.J.) East Rutherford 7080 2 Bergen B19 Eaton town 1938 2 Monmouth H20 Rutherford Edgewater.__4089 2 Bergen D21 P. F. O'Rrien Edgewater National Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-351 d®«t'33 National Bank d'34 I. E. Wolcott First National Bank_d®»t’ll Jun’34Stmt 55-461 S. B. Tuthill........... G. B. Whitfield. Cath. and V. P. C. F. MeMenamy.. $ 75 $ 15 $ 8 $ 613 $ 40 8 751 $ 134 $ 388 $ 50 $ 129 $ 50 1st N., Jersey City. (Incl. F?rl Ag’cy) •• Charles S. Egg Harbor City Egg Harbor City Trust Co. George Senn....... 3 Atlantic N14 3478 Jun’34Stmt 55-613 dB®T»t}'25 — ‘Elizabeth. 114.589 2 Union F18 582 146 888 12 5 261 335 6 315 2 488 36 58 68 262 125 44 1,777 274 2,420 121 269 314 1,554 162 Cent. Han. Bk. 34 3 2,559 1 3,097 366 309 555 1,672 195 Chase N„ Cent. Han. Bk. 617 3,573 430 Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 1,130 1,983 530 Chase N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., 15 D. 4 PS. 50 W. J.Theilacker.. Cash, and Tr. Off. Joseph Heitz 100 250 ■ ■ 5,481 24 4,811 500 100 46 D. DOCTOR, T. A. SIMONS_____ T. A. SIMONS-------- A. C. HUSBANDS----ELIZABETHPORT BUG. CO. )r CHASCh.ofBd.and Pres. ♦ 55-100 dB®T«§’89 J Uptown Branch-1 145 East Jersey St. A. C. HUSBAKjlS.^ C. H. MORTON A. W. PFAFF_ Jun’34Stmt Llf yon desire qu Ick and efficient service, send us y our (roilecnom al rect. Corre spond ence 1 nvlte d. 1 BAEKEY ELIZABETH TRUST )(C. H. MEREDITH- A.A.A.C. STEIN ............. „ *, COMPANY Jun’34Stmt .. .. .. .. FRED’C COMELL. W-B-PULLE!W ME ) More than Just the ordinary at tentlon given to collections. 55-102 d®T»t|'ll 1 We remit on da y of payment, Send us your Ite ms. V. Prompt attentl on given to all b usiness snbmltte d. Germania Mntnal Sav. Ass’n Christoph John 8chlenker ... Jun’34Stmt 55-106 §’9C Wittmann Mutual Savings Fund Harmonia... 55-105......... ®§’64 62 275 Chase N. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Newark & Essex Bkg. Co., Newark. 64 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and>Phil. N„ Phil. 150 MLM---- 336 2,490 117 4,117 538 323 474 Y. (Incl. U. S. Bds.) 500 B.PS. 462 205 Or chard Branc hes at 715 El izabeth Are., 609 W estfield Are. 1,631 243 2,001 43 1,400 23,277 1,787 26,464 533 150 105 12,017 164 14,036 3,487 521 5,663 77 6,261 8,197 205 10,045 116 Geo. J.Mauthe.Sec. & Tr., and Marine Midland Tr., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. R. To wnsen d. Mg r. A. PS. Arthur Read, Tr,.. Ernest Miller, Sec. F. H. Hoffmann ... G.L.Heinemeyer. 33 Chase N., N. Y. Pf, 100 PS. 250 (Incl. Und. Prof.) Branc h: Ne wark a nd No rth An es.; W. V.P. and Tr. Off. ‘ 28 100 J. R. Braun, Sec., Tr. and Tr. Off. W. T. Ritchie, Jr.. Tr. and A. Tr. Off. ■ 508 60 CENTRAL NOME TRUST CO. N. R. Leavitt------♦ 55-568 dB®T#t5’23 Jr. 55 100 A. G. Vantrlnot, E. S. Atwater, L. R. Wallack. 128 F. A. Dannen, Edwin Schwenne. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. Egg Harbor Commercial Bk. H.M.Cress man___ Myrtile Frank.— 55-390 d®T*tl’88 Jun’34Stmt 752 25 C. Jun’34Stmt 55 50 Exec.V.P.and Cash. Edgewater Trust Co. Dec’33Stmt 55-352 dB®TtS'07 618 Branigan.......... Hall____ H. C. Holmes. 11 St.and (ElM ora Br anch) 1,659 299 382 21,202 4,347 2,034 3,047 5,169 299 Chase N., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bk. of the Manhattan Co., and 1st N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 450 288 1,506 3,631 386 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 569 283 2,570 5,938 685 Gty. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.;Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N„ Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Coni’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; 1st N., Balt.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. Tr. Phillip Jun’34Stmt Emil Mueller, Wellhausen.A.Sec. A. Tr. F. R. J. Richter. A. Sec. '* ___ " Jun’34Stmt t» M it •• rJOHN KEAN- - - - - - - W.H.WETT0N. NATIONAL STATE BANK F. F. deG. SAPHAR— i, H. GEORGE-........ 700 A.C'Jh.dPit/Tr.Off. 1 Bayway Branch: F. C. Currier. Jr.. Mgr. V.Elmora Branch: Richard Emberly, Mgr, 55-98 dB®T»tl812 Union County Savings Jun’34Stmt 65-99 Bank J. M. J§’83 55-101 Clark_____ John E. Keron.... Edward J.Donahne, S. M. Meeker Sec. and Tr C. CLARENCE '■MIPlK.Tr. /C. McK. R. S. DOUGLAS, ( WHITTEM0RE, COLEMAN, F. P. and Tr. V. P. and Sec. j Pres, and Tr. Off. G. W. BAUER \ Union County C ollecUona a spec! alty. UNION COUNTY TRUST COMPANY Jun’34Stmt P. and Tr. Off. 750 600 293 (Tr ust De partme nt Res ources $14,261 ) i Send us your b usiness. ^We remit on da y of payment. ®«J8’01 1 I FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — New Jersey’s Largeslt Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. m oMem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPri?. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District PRESIDENT. Vice-Pkesident. Asst Cashier. Oashiek. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of 0 tier Ond.Prof. Totals Deposits Liabilities Reserves Capital Surplus Elmer. .1219 Elmer Trust Company P. E. Kramme, George Schalick— Evan S. Frickitt. $ 3 Salem N * Jun’34Stmt 55-562 dB®Tt§'23 Ch. of Bd, and Fret. J. S. Bill See, and Tr. «• _____ •« First National Bank Charles 0. Smith.. J. M. Hitchner.__ W. H. Ward I, R. Wentzell____ Jun’34Strat 55-391 d®T»t'03 100 Englewood.. 17,805 Citizens National Bank ft D. G. Thomson.__ C. H. Blake........ . 2 Bergen D 21 Trust Co._______ dB®T*t'90 E. S. Rudloff Jun’34Stmt 55-246 200 ** _ M Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued J.B. Lewis___ — 8. H. Rngert.. 100 $ $ 6 S $ 208 314 Resources. J Cash,Ex. D.S.Oov. Other Loans Other i & Duo Seouri- Securi- & DisRejfromBks ties ties counts sources $ 45 t 3 $ 36 S 178 $ 300 Principal Correspondents. 52 Phil. N., Phil. 50 44 1,176 $ 130 1,500 103 234 652 467 200 87 5,961 200 6,948 1,381 1,318 2,102 1,755 500 137 5,404 6,341 1,318 299 2,357 1,935 432 Bkrs. Tr. andlstN.,N.Y. 1 253 29 310 45 12 51 180 22 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 43 712 73 50 216 350 23 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; U. S. Tr. Co., Paterson. 424 100 20 32 263 9 Bk. of Manhattan Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. Pf. 300 Palisades Trust ft Guar. Co. Abram DeRonde, E. W. Wakelee___ J. F. McKinney, J.H.VcNabb.A.See. Jun’34Stmt 55-247 dB®T»JS’02 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. B. Westervelt, Tr. A. F. Hill. A. Tr. V. P. and Sec. H.G.Stewart. A. Tr. Engllshtown ..797 First National Bank—®»t’04 H. W. Herbert.... 2 Monmouth H17 Jun’34Stmt 55-392 E. T. Rooney ............ Dollars 44 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 392 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y. Norman Forman.. J. W. McBride, Sec. 25 N. A. Kuiken_____ L. O. Edwards____ Henry Kuiken, L. 0. Edwards, Sec. and Tr. W. P. Alexander, J. E. Thier A. Sec. Ch. Sally Berry, A. Tr. 100 25 13 531 25 10 1 388 100 25 27 1,593 100 1,845 246 262 766 481 90 Marine Midland Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 100 300 22 3,224 100 3,746 300 411 1,920 1,047 25 50 17 462 554 62 43 293 142 25 40 25 280 47 50 29 126 68 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 14 Chase N..N.Y.; Phil. N„ Phil.; Mech. N„ Bur lington. 28 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Perth Amboy. Fort Lee_____ 8759 First National Bank—d®t’C7 William J.Mahoney F. R. Hardman ___ F. R. Hardman.... E.M. Richter_____ (Opera ting on restri cted ha sis un 55-393 2 Bergen D 21 E. M. Richter, the Curren cy.) A. V. P. S. J. Corker . Peter Heft . ... Fort Lee Trust Co. J. G. Ross, 100 50 41 1,144 G. W. Brown. ♦ 55-546dB®T»I5’22 See, and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. William Wunsch Jun’34Stmt der Co FAIRLAWN.RADBURI1 „ TRUST CO—55-705.d®T»t§'30 Fair Lawn.—5990 2 Bergen 019 Jun’34Stmt Farmlngdale. .629 First National Bank____ •t’M C. H. Craig............... J. L. Hall 2 Monmouth 119 Jun’34Stmt 55-481 E. 0. Murphy_____ Warren A. Megill— »Flemlngton .2729 Flemington Nat. Bk.&Tr. Co. A. F. Foran............. W. J. Case................. Nedwill 8utphin— a. R. HaII 2 Hunterdon Q11 Jun’34Stmt 55-350 d®T»t’76 S. Stothofl. Ch. Hunterdon Oonnty Nat. Bank G. K. Large_____ Jun’34Stmt 55-349 d®«l'65 W. E. Treevin, Sr. Florence. . 3850 First National Bank—®*t‘16 Newton Morton... D. W. Ireton 3 Burlington J 12 Jun’34Stmt 55-482 Fords. . . 4746 Fords National Bank d®t’19 Abel Hansen____ R. W. Harris. Ch. 2 Middlesex G17 Jun’34Stmt 55-496 A. H. Rittenhouse. _ H. H. Rittenhouse- —. Wm. H. Bodine — Chas. Schuster___ Theo. J. Brichze. 190 n serva tor II . 0. A rning, appoin ted by the Comptroller of 1,335 301 142 625 141 126 Marine Midland Tr. Co., N. Y. Franklin .4176 Sussex County Trust Co. Bushnell Bigelow- W. S. Brown, Exec. R. L. Martenis, R. C. Shelton, 2 Sussex B15 Jun’34Stmt ♦55-491 d®T»t§T9 V. P. and Tr. Off. See. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. S. T. Munson 150 100 44 2,271 ii 2,576 299 583 747 751 196 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. ^Freehold........ 6894 Central National Bank G. A. Denise-------- H. H. Wainrlght— A. G. Hays — 2 Monmouth 118 Jun’34Stmt 55-342 d®T*t’89 100 75 6 1,168 75 1,424 119 508 402 354 41 1st N„ N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. First National Bank Daniel P. Smith__ Clifford Hance___ E. C. Hall_______ A. S. Applegate— .Jiin’34Stmt 55-341 d®T»t’64 H. A. Sutphen 100 50 32 2,807 100 3,089 449 327 1,016 1,136 The Freehold Trust Co. Joseph McDermott C. A. Baird ______ F. D. Hartman, Tr. Jennie R. Baird. Jun’34Stmt 55-465 d®T«J§'32 Sec. Carl McDermott F. A. Rhodes.A.JV. H. J. Able Frenchtown..ll89 Union National Bank F. H. Decker E. W. Bloom. ... 11. M. Warne 2 Hunterdon G9 Jun’34Stmt 55-394 dB®*t’56 E. D. Opdycke 100 50 26 1,045 1,221 87 182 301 561 75 75 23 1,760 62 1,985 327 117 1,104 403 161 Chase N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phila. Marine Midland Tr., N. 90 Y.; Lin. N., Newark; 1st N„ Phil. 34 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. B. N. Beaumont, Garfield____ 29,739 ★First National Bank in O. A. Kornhoff .... G. A. Lauffer_____ Frank Kavulia 2 Bergen D 20 Garfield. 55-395—dB®»t’34 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Jos. Mihalec, Jr. Jun’34Stmt 200 40 2 1,199 102 1,543 295 454 502 230 62 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. W. A. Dougherty— J. J. Roegner____ J. J. Roegner. Tr.. John Timko. Sec. E. W. Reid J. N. Wright 100 44 3 697 1 845 121 27 228 437 32 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Passaic N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Passaic. 285 49 138 57 41 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. “ •• Jiin’34Stmt 55-810 d®T«t5’25 (*Members Passaic Clearing House) Garwood 3344 First National Bank .®»+’23 P. M. Eriksen____ Max MnTaller 2 Union F17 Jun’34Stmt 55-541 j J. F. Richardson .. 27 Cap. Acct. 258 FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 782 Town and Co ran. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Gladstone_____ 75 2 Somerset B13 eMem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriv. t.Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. ♦Fed. Rea.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Pea pack-O lads tone Bank Ellis Tiger............... G. R. Layton_____ Jun’34Stmt 56-523 d©*t5’21 G. F. Hill Glassboro —4799 First National Bank d®T*t’88 C. E. Synnott____ G. B. Marshall___ 3 Gloucester M9 Jun’34Stmt 55-396 Glen Ridge...7365 Glen Ridge Trust Co. F. D. Brewer_____ E. D. Farmer____ 2 Essex E18 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 55-463 d®T»t*’12 E. T. S. Lord. Ch. Charles L. Doe, V. P. and Tr. Off. Glen Rock___ 4369 Glen Rock National Bank C. H. Ramsey------- C. A. Comstock___ 2 Bergen C19 Jun’34Stmt 55-593 dB®T»t’2a LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources, Loans Ond.Prof. Other Principal Other Cash,Ex. D.S.Oov. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits LiaRe& Due Securi- Securi- & DisCorrespondents. Totals ties counts sources Reserves bilities fromBks ties 15 $ $ 50 $ 26 $ 524 50 $ 174 $ 261 S 7 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. S 615 $ 123 $ Co., N. Y.; N. Iron, Morristown. 150 40 874 $ 1,214 60 336 645 78 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn 100 50 95 O. G. Casperson... C. M. Townsend... Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. and Phil. N„ Phil. 512 200 60 22 28 2,521 264 2,211 727 833 185 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. C. A. Van Der F. T. Kane, Schans, Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. S.D. Graham. Sec. E. A. Rayner.Caun* d 4 100 4 454 100 662 93 125 283 John 0. Stevens, 116 45 Com’l Tr. Co., Jersey C. Nelson M. Park ... V. P. and Cash. (Ind. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Und. Prof.) (Bran chofC amden ,N. J. ).......... Gloucester City J. M. Carrigan. Camden Safe Deposit & Tr. Mgr, 3 Camden E613,796 Co_______ 55-397______ »§’92 •• ___ *• B.B. WEIGHT, J/JT L. A. GOODWIN, F. G. DICKENSHEETS GLOUCESTER CITY TR. CO. Sec. and Tr. ,Iim’34Stmt 55-488 d®T«t§17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. JAMES L. HUGHES Grant wood _ _. 1528 Cliffside Park Title J. A. Preston, (Sta. CUffside Park Guarantee & Trust Co. Ch, of Bd, and Pre*. P. 0.) Jun’34Stmt 55-621 dB®T»t5’26 100 5 John Moles, 100 31 Emil Klein, J. L. Weber, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 100 75 100 26 (With 200 16 York, P. 0.) “ _____ ** •• as aa 249 1,010 C. Plager 30 232 329 122 457 164 1,646 480 52 N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 137 Guaranty Tr., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st Camden N. Bk. & Tr. and W. Jersey Tr., Camden. 379 Chase N„ N. Y.; Tr. Co. of N. J., Union C. 26 2,593 263 2,387 823 98 1,047 235 324 258 146 751 203 1,320 125 501 297 157 240 Chase N„ N. Y. 200 31 75 2,233 — E. L. Clark . . Pf. 150 600 1,000 299 9,676 Geo. Mabie, G. F. Plympton, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. Off. Pf. 300 G. Blanche, Jr.. Joseph Kozlik, A. Tr. Off. A. Tr.Off. 500 626 10,876 750 Frank Vreeland, A. E. Koeppel. V. P. and Tr. Off. Sec. and Tr. V. D. Banta, D. W. Maloney. A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Title Officer Office: Main & Ess ex. O. L. Cassi, Jr.. A. Tr. Off. 202 2,891 462 348 1,472 515 346 12,221 1,921 1,326 3,952 4,583 94 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Fed. Tr., Newark. 439 N. Y. Tr. Co. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 1,758 14,510! 2,896 1,150 4,267 5,549 Surp.) Theo Ackerson, 150 40 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 84 V. P. and Cash. A.A.Altschuler.Ch. J. F. O'Shea_____ H. V. Widmaa. F. B. Plympton___ A. Jones. V. P. and Tr. G. G. Ackerson, Ch. B. A. Eldndge, C. H. Plenty. V. P. and Sec. A.Sec.ana A, Tr. Peoples Trust Co. of Bergen C. E. Blackford, Jr. T. H. Brush______ County^55-216.. d®T*t§T6 A. Z. Bogert Jun’34Stnit F. W. Conger. Title Officer • J. Harold Nunn___ W. M. Wisham. Exec.V.P. and Cash. G. W. Donaldson, Tr. Off. and A. C. 150 75 14 993 53 1,285 198 348 195 492 100 22 205 949 60 1,436 281 389 394 340 96 17 1,621 75 2,109 130 100 528 1,019 so 7 464 242 863 34 183 515 648 Marine Mid. Tr., Mnfrs. Tr., and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Paterson; Passaic N. Bk. & Tr., Passaic. 52 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. W. W. Sutton, A. T. Off. Peoples National Bank J. M. Welsh______ W. Lantexman------Jun’34Stmt 55-348 dB®T*t'06 F. H. Fulton ___ Haddonfield Trnst Co. .hin’34Stmt 55-542 d©Tt§'30 E. T. Gill- G. C. Needham, Cash, and Tr. Haddon Heights First Camden National Bank & Trust Co. .55-707—d©t'31 3 Camden L9 5394 Haledon 4812 Haledon Nat. Bank—d®*t’25 (Paterson P. 0.) Jun’34Stmt 55-615 2 Passaic C 18 Hamburg____ 1160 Hardyston National Bank d®T»t’06 2 Sussex B14 ; Jun’34Strat 55-401 Hamilton Square First National Bank d®*t’25 3 Mercer 114 1558 Jun’34Stnit 55-598 inn (Bran ch of F irst Ca mden M. Friedrich........... 50 20 Nicholas Farber ... B. D. Simmons___ T. D. Edsall______ C. C. Griggs............. J. G. Coleman IT. E. Ropers S. W. Hutchinson.. T.. F. ‘Rnhhinc 100 50 : Pf. 25 P. J. Wood_______ W. J. Maynard.... E. J. Appel M. C. Tamboer, Ch. |e. M. Davis G. D. Collins, Tr. Off. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. Y. Garrett. Jr.. E. H. Effing_______ Wm. J. Smith___ H. K. Spear Hammonton .7656 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 3 Atlantic M12 .Iun’34Stmt 55-308 d®T«§'87 W. L. Black. V, P. G. H. Eckhardt P. A. Colosurdo 32 Pf. 100 Haddonfield—8857 Haddonfield Nat. Bank L. E. Graff................. J.C. Remington, Jr. M. B. Clark. D. I. Taylor, 200 V. P. and Cash. A. C, and Tr. Off. Pf. 100 3 Camden K10 Jun’34Stmt 55-399 dB®W89 J. E. Howard, Ch. Harold L. Watkin aa 630 74 5 D. Herrmann_____ E. B. Hourigan.— E. F. Merlehan___ Hackettstown3033 Hackettstown National Bank C. V. S. Rea 2 Warren Dll Jun’34Stmt 55-347 d®T*t'55 802 663 1 2it Hudson E 21 H. Vanderwart 34 Sec. and Tr. 2 Bergen D21 Guttenberg .6535 Guttenberg Bank&TrustCo. Joseph G- Shannon. (Br. of IF. New Jun’34Stmt 55-398 d®*75’06 J. F. Justin Liberty N. Bk. in Guttenberg .hm’34Stmt 55-611 d®I'25 »Hackensack24.568 Bergen County National 2 Bergen D 20 Bank____ 55-218.__ d®t'30 Jun'34Stmt ** " City National Bk. & Trust Co. Jiin’34Stmt 55-217 d®T»t'21 “___ T. " Hackensack Trnst Company Jun’34Strat 55-215 d®T»t§'99 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Uws. NEW JERSEY—Continued G. D. Collins_____ C. B. Miller 6 737 100 8 691 10 18 385 75 | 64 j ____ 1 I 100 1 \irw ADI/ n iv ii 1,537 Natio nal Ba nk & 50 867 92 47 946 113 55; 543 43 42 1,776 97 31 54 ' Trust 332 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent.Penn. N., Phil.; 1st Camden N. Bk. & Tr., Camden. 131 Camden Safe Dep. & Tr. Co., Camden. Co., C amden ,N.J.) Phil. N„ Phil.; 1st Cam 195 472 436 379 54 354 377 1,070 den N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Camden. 58 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Paterson. 18 N. City, N. Y. ; New Jersey’s 50 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Broad St. N„ Trenton; 1st N„ Phil. 201 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent.i Penn. N. and Phil. N„ 1 Phil. T Lfliycs t Bank Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 700 to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' OJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem. A.B.A. «New §8tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit © Savings Pbxbidxnt. Vice-Pbbsidhnt, Harrison___ 15,601 Harrison National Bank L. R. Buckbee____ P. J. Condon 2 Hudson B19 i.Jun’34Stmt 55-666 d®»J’27 B. J. Keating, Ch. W. R. Davidson *• _____ *• West Hudson County Tr. W. J. Davis Co.......... 55-402 dB®T»ti’02 Jun’34Stmt Ass’t Cashier, Cashixb, .. W. A. Ingram S. M. Buck Highland Prk.8691 First National Bank A. A. Hastings____ H. M. Drake. 2 Middlesex Q16 Jun’34Stmt 55-590 dB®T«t’24 S. B. Sterling 113 $ 56 $ 78 $ 1,502 8 121 $ 1,982 27 185 7,584 $ 356 $ 730 S 337 $ Pf. 112 W. A. Growney, See. of Bd. LIABILITIES. {In Thousands of Dollars Resources. Ond.Prol Other Cash,Ex. D.S.Sov. Other Loans Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Totals [ & Due Securi Securi A Dis bilities | from Bits ties Reserves counts ties $ H. W. Manning.__ W. C. Vaill. A. See. Tr. Wm. Engelhard, A. Tr. Hasbrouck Peoples Trust Co. of Bergen C. W. Heller, G. H. Gray. Heights____ 5658 County.^55-607— d®«t§’20 A. Sec. A. Mgr. 2 Bergen D20 Hawthorne.11,868 Peoples Bank d®*ti’22 James Lappin____ Emil Roetheli____ H. R. Dobler_____ 2 Passaie D19 Dec’33Stmt 55-539 W.D, Dater. V.P. J. P. Hudson J. M. Pianten High Bridge..1880 First National Bank G. R. Hanks 2 Hunterdon Fll Jun’34Stmt 55-403 dB®»tl900 L. N. Aller, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued A. K. Paxsnn 200 988 0. 574 of B ergen 16 2,300 434 $ 4,126 Count y. Hoc kensac k, N. Principal Correspondents. 125 Chase N , N. Y.; Lin. N„ Newark; 1st N., Jersey C. 568 Bkrs. Tr., N. Y.; Fid. Un. Tr., Newark; Girard Tr., Phil. J......... Marine Midland Tr.,N.Y. 100 20 50 1,026 460 1,656 214 100 202 714 426 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Citiz. Tr. and Merch. Tr., Pater- 50 20 24 588 50 732 98 297 309 5 23 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 43 4 822 99 1,068 189 304 272 232 71 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 64 2,027 154 2,495 296 353 941 787 575 127 827 65 208 475 118 Chase N „ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 79 Cent.-Penn N., Phil.; Trenton Tr. Co., Trenton. 100 S. B. Sterling...__ 6,184 {Incl. Und. Prof.) (Offi e of Peo pies T rust C Other Re sources {Incl. Und. Prof.) Hightstown ..5012 First National Bank d®T»t’70 Joseph Holmes___ D. H. Cunningham J. W. Perrine. - K. 6. Stults . . 3 Mercer 116 Jun’34Stmt 55-404 F. A. Updike •« •• Hightstown Trust Co. Wm. H. Thompson Harvey Wyckoff... Abijah Mount. Tr.. Edith G. Walton. Jun’34Stmt ♦56-618 dB®T»’21 See. E. J. Thompson F. W. Malsbury. 150 100 100 25 Hillsdale 2959 Hillsdale Nat. Bank.d®*t'26 F. W. Hunter......... Wm. B. Terry......... W. M. Hoffman, E. J. Hauck, Jr— 2 Bergen C20 Jun’34Stmt 55-634 V. P. and Cash. 50 2 1 411 50 614 49 91 156 202 Hillside......... 17,601 HILLSIDE NATIONAL BANK R. S. Bari H. B. Hail D. W. Wolf (8ta.Eliza.beth P.O.) Jun’34Stmt 56-609 d®T*I’20 L. R. Wallack 2 Onion C20 " . " Hillside Trust Co.. dB®Tt§’26 Harry Schnabel... C. E. McCraith. Jr. F. R. Esty, F. D. Jaeger. Jun’34Stmt 65-660 J. F. Sherman, See. and Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. L. J. Beers 150 125 13 1,582 25 1,895 355 285 561 578 100 25 307 29 30 146 91 100 25 33 1,307 103 77 534 308 625 500 237 11,664 2,059 724 5,411 2,796 Surp.) {Incl. U. S. Secur.) 182 16 Chase N„ N. Y. 116 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. 11 Chase N„ N. Y. V. P. Hoboken___ 59,261 ♦Columbia Trust Co. of N. J. Anthony J. Volk „ Herman Geismar.. E. Bullwinkel, Tr,. V.B.Marcussen. 2 Hudson E20 Jun’34Stmt 55-115 d®T«tS’14 Adolph Rado. Exec. See. •• « ♦First National Bank O, H, Hammond__ H. A. Galde Herman Goelz Jun’34Stmt 65-108 dB®T«t'67 F.T.C. Bartels. Jr„ R. A. Cook, Tr. Off. H ** •• _____ •• - Hoboken Bank for Savings F. J. Meystre____ August Hanniball. W.L. E. Keuffel.JY. P.G. Verdicchio, Jan'34Stmt 56-107 d®Tt§’57 H. E. Pickenbach J. D. Repetto. See. and Tr. Off. " A.See.and A. Tr.Off. ♦HUDSON TRUST CO. / *Newark&Hudso d®T»t5'90 l Fourteenth St. O C. H. Pocht_____ Dec’33Stmt 55-114 dB®T»t5’05 Leo 8tein, V. P. '• ______ H. B. Batchelder.. Wm Muller.Jr Inv. Off. Benj. Benson, Aud. (Upto wn Br anch: nSt.Office»(55-lll) ffice* (55-113) Clare nee G. Meeks, V. P H, W. Schmidt ___ Otto Zaremba, Jr., R. E. Wiese, David Beck S«c. andTr. A, Sec. and A. Tr, ♦Seaboard Trust Co—T»§’33 T. B. Furman_____ Dec’33Stmt 55-119 •• ♦TRUST CO. OF HEW JERSEY August Hormel.TV. W. F. Burke, Sec. Joseph A. Tighe, J. C. Foerch, A.Sec. A. Tr. 1. D. APPLEGATEJR.. 55-112 d®T»tS,99 S. V Van Zandt—. J. B. Hill_________ R. S. Van Dyke__ G. E. Pierson, See. Hopewell National Bank Jun’34Stnit 55-406 d®T«t'89 J. B. Hill. Ch. ofBd. R. K. Metz Chancellor Trust Co..d®T5’29 H. P, Bedford. Gerald Hannay.__ W. H. Franke, J. V. Stark. A. Tr. Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Wm. H. Mautz Jun’34Stmt 55-701 See, and Tr. M. S. Drake. Jr.__ G. H. Denman, Jr.. G. H. Denman, Jr.. F. G. Weber______ Irvington National Bank .)im’34Stmt 55-407 dB®T«'05j Nathaniel Drake J. I. Middleton, •• | ■ 800 400 500 455 9,674 628 141A a nd Bl 26 Huds on Tr ust Co 258 2,488 1,488 132 1.417 1 City, oomfie Id Sts. , A. C. Stout, Mgr.) 30,937 718 3,164 Uni on Cit y, AT. 1 42 2,505 1,621 508[ 94 136 14,530 J.) 826 43 AT. J.) A.Tr. Hope----------------200 First National Bank.d®»t'll L. T. Hildebrant, Walter Storm____ C. R. Westbrooke L. T. Cashier . _ 2 Warren D10 Jun’34Stmt 55-459 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. «• (Bran ches of 107 510 25,910 (Bran ch of J ersey GEO. B. FARQUHARSON. (*Members and + Affiliated b ankt Northern New Jersey Clearing Hou se, S3 Liberty St., N ew York City) Hopewell____ 1467 3 Mercer H12 Irvington ...56,733 2 Essex E18 4,491 1,042 V. P. and Tr. Off. James B. Stout. J. H. Nelles............... Thos. F. Gavin, Tr. H. L. Mason, Sec... .(un’34Stmt 55-551 .d®T»tS’23 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, ,Joseph Walker F. Young. Jr.,A. Tr. Catherine Andreach, A. Sec.! 27 {With 25 Surp.) 431 100 50 44 1,409 100 25 2 335 25 100 j 9 2 132 464 33 2,225 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ 2d Bk. & Tr., and Hudson Tr., Hoboken. Gty. Tr. Co., Corn Ex., ............ and N. Y. Tr. Co.,N.Y. Gty. Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Hoboken. 464 377 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Commonweal thTr., Un. City. — Chase N. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. 405 359 9 Chase N„ N. Y. 695 482 35 Chase N., N.Y.; Phil. N., 245 160 26 2,193 1,919 Phil 5,512 {Incl. Und. Prof.) 10,300 {Lns.& Inv.) 1,703 285 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com’l Tr. Co. of N. J., Jersey City. 674 Gty. Tr. and N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil.; Hudson Tr., Un. C. _ N. Y.; Fed. Tr. Co., Newark. {Irvington Contin ued on next page) FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - NEWARK & Newark Tr. Co., Newark. Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. & Newark Tr. Co.; Newark. New T „ Laryesi 1 oanK n , Number under Name of Bank is tbe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. m Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. •Mem. A. B. A. nNevt §State tPriv. Principal fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estsb. Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Loans | Other , Other President. CASHIER. Ass’t cashier. Capital Surplus Ond.Prof. Vice-President. Correspondents. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond Re Totals & Due Securi Securi & Disand or Deposits Liacounts sources d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Reserves [ bilities fromBks ties ties 28 Chase N., N. Y.; Fed. Tr. 50 8 2 $ 1,359 $ 451 $ 124 8 271 8 485 8 5 8 1,202 8 Peoples Nat’l Bk.&Trust Co. Walter Uomm___ I. J. Casey, Jr. _ H. F. Bonn el_____ J. W. Schilling .... $ 100 $ and Fid. Un. Tr. Co., .Jun’34Stmt 55-623 d®T»t’26 George Fischer Newark. 55 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Jamesburg... 2048 First National Bank_d®»t'64 W. T. Applegate__ L. M. Heckman. 650 122 137 168 9 561 20 168 W. W. Drake____ Fred’k W. Gunson : Y.; 1st N., Phil. 2 Middlesex H16 Jun’34Stmt 55-408 84 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 3401 900 104 587: 21 315 200j 88 57 •Jersey Clty316,715 +Bergen Trust Co. of New M. E. Barison__ F. T. Judge, Tr.__ Frank Cowan, Sec.. H. F. O’Mealia, 4 Tr. Co. of N. J., 2 Hudson E20 Jersey___55-54— ®T«t§'29 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W.T.Thomas.A.Tr. Jersey City. ■Jun’34Stmt WM. J. FIELD — — J. S. PERKINS- - - - - WM. V. TOFFEY, EBEN C. HASLETT. 40 11,815 11,556 13,286 22,581 3,630 Chase N. and Chem. 3,400 4,000 1,407 54,021 See. and Tr. A. Sec and A. Tr. _ Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; R. S. CARMICHAEL Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & H.C. ZIMMER, a. Sec. R. E. KENDALL. EDWARD GROTH J.R. TENNANT. A.Sec. A.Tr, Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. ★Bergen Avenue Office.SPENCER CARPENTER, V.P.-. WILLIAM 0. ELDER, A.Tr. N., Phil.; Bk. of Calif. ★Five Corners Office. EDWARU HENN. V.p.-, FRANK PRATT, A. Tr.-, JOHN E.. N. A., San F.; Mellon BROWN A iSec N., Pitt., and other ★Grove Street Office. SAMUEL L. HETRICK. F. P.; R. 0. HOLCOMB, A. Tr.; banks In principal Trust Department: GEORGE LETTERHOUSE. Tr. Officer; FRED P. GIBBS and ELLIOTT H. ROBERTS, A. See. cities throughout the ♦ 55-41 d®T«t5'99 E. T. PURCELL. Ass’t Tr. Officers. ★Newark Ave. Office. HARRY C.KN00P. v. P.\ HAROLD MULLEN, A. Tr. world. Jun’34Stmt ★U5 Jackson Ave. Office. GEORGE M. PLATT, V. P.\ EDWARD J. LEEKER, A.Tr Town AMD OOUMTY. •County Seats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. Dist. Irvington__56,733 (Continued) o o 100 50 110 288 535 12 4,892 •COMMERCIAL TRUST CO. OF NEW JERSEY Raymond Newman N. J. MacGaffln B. S. Mantz C. S. Carscallen__ Ross Mathews____ Fifth Ward Savings Bank Peter Hoffman Jun’34Stmt 55-36 ®»l’63 Corporation Trust Co.T»t5'04 K. K. McLaren. Jun’34Stmt 55-50 ’FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF JERSEY CITY T. F. Barrett. Tr... J. R. Turner, Sec.. C. J. Skinner. A.Tr. W.P. Powell. A.Sec. Geo. H. Gould, Tr. A. T. Gould, Sec. and A.Tr, F. Peterson. Compt. R. Carey, Counsel KELLEY GRAHAM-- HENRY BROWN, JR— JENRY.BRQWNJR— J. R. D. CHERRY,Tr.i .A. .INNEKIN C. A. SPOERL i. E. BRAUN, And. C. S. Yartlett C. J. YOUNGER 1,600 1,000 222 20,421 5 1,617 F. MAUSCHOTTJr. L.G. HANSEN- - - - - - WM. V. O'DRISCOLL.- L. G. HANSEN. Tr. Off. A. J. GOLDSTEIN 400 WE MAKE A 8P ECIALTY OF CO LLECTIONS IN J EBSEY CITY AND HUDSON COUNTY. 40 6 Jun’34Stmt 55-32 W. A. CONWAY T. H. ECKERSON d©T#t'51 C. A. SMITH , R.T. RAWSON 0. E. EVARTS---G. T. SMITH, J Ch.of Bd, W. P. GARDNER. Sr. V.P. i H. R. CRUSE. *NEW JERSEY TITLE GUAR. & TR.55-38GO.dB®T*t§’88 Jun’34Stmt Ch. of Bd. Vice-Presidents cl MBS E. C. SCHULTZE H.P. WOOD C.J. WADSWORTH, A. H. R0B0TT0M, V. P. and Tr. Off. W. N. CHAPPELL, F. P. and Tr. J. E. WOOLLEY, V. P. and Title Off. F. P. and Sr. Tr. A. C. GREENE, V. P. Off, V. GIANNASIO, V, P. and Mtg. Off. W. M.BROWN V.P.andA.toPres. E. E. GILL, F. P. GENERAL H. R. VREELAND, E. M. KULL...... F. P. and Cash. HENRY WOLLNY M.BERNHARDj, JOHN WHITE junn nm ic Tr. O/r. F.W. CHRISTIE . L. SKINNER, A. C. R. H. BRQCK.MANN R. SALVI, A. C. R. R. DENCKER C.M.H0RT0N. Compt. A sst. Treasurers . DOW RANK ____ IILLER . nAUR LINGSHEAD T. J. HOLLINl J. J. HURLEY 7,105 454 1,031 3,270 452 3,812 8,054 5,097 792 Guarantee & Tr. Co., Jersey City. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 432 2,920 3,798 237 576 1,304 1,221 460 1,250 250 9,138 155 10,369 399 3,392 5,201 774 Jersey City. 892 27,200 983 32,075I 5,641 3,992 8,755 11,652 2,035 2,615 2,155 4,592 23,449 3424 I Pf. 1,500 (4 603 Bra nches i n Jers ey Cit Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Jersey City; N. Ne wark & Essex Bkg. Co., Newark. Phil.; Canadian Bk. of Com., Tor. v) Bk. & Tr. Co., Chase N., Mnfrs. Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.;PhIl. N.,Phil.;N. Shawmut, Bos. A. Sec. - BA NKING; TITLE AND TRUST BU SINESS FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY 24,860 2,035 1,000 1,273 23,069 9,258 36,635 MAY L. SHANNON, Sec. and A. Tr. i J. F. CLYDE. A.Sec. and Cr.Mgr. In Hu dson Coun ty) F. E. GARRY. , „ (Six o fflees A. Tr. and A. Sec. T.J. MCGRATH. „ D. P. Holcomb. Provident Institution for Sav. J. B. Throckmorton W. Robertson------ J. S. Newkirk, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. G. F. Perldns Jul’34Stmt 55-31 •tS’SQ F. H. Bennitt. A. S. C. G. Newkirk, A. Sec. and Aud. (Jersey City contin ued on following page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 232 2 (.Palis ade 0 ffice: P | alisade Ave. a t Ferry St.) (*JFes tern SI ope O ' ffice: B oulevar d and , Thorne St.) Jun’34Stmt 55-53 dB®T»t'22 50 726 -(-Hudson City Savings Bank R. J. Rendall____ Wm. P. Earle____ W. P. Earle. Tr... C. F. Davis. A. Sec. Deb. 300 (ReAnna M. Lyons, R. A. Keller. Jr. E. R. Halsey. Jun’34Stmt 55-85 d®«t9’68 A. Tr. A. Sec. (1 Bra nch) serves)\ V. P. and Sec. F. C. FERGUSON— SAMUEL DRAYTON 5,439 428 428 1 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y. 112 i I 'HUDSON COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 11 Branches—*Hudson City Branch, Orville B. Nesensohn, A. Cash. ★Old Bergen Branch. H. F. Moorhouse, A. Cash. ★Bergen Square Branch. Edwin W. Spoerl. A. F. P. ★Greenville Branch, Charles R. Merwarth, A. Cash. Collections a specialty and remitted promptly at lowest rates. Jun’34Stmt 55-33 d8@T*t'64 •FRANKLIN NATIONAL BANK 553 1 4,213 486 33,365 ■ 38,064 1,428 2,761 18,596 13,614 1,665 AT j NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ycc / Town and County ^County Seats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A.nNew § State tPrir. }Mem. State B. Ass’n, [Estab ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T>Trust B-Bonc d-Safe Deposit ® Savings *JerseyClty316,715 (Continued) 'TRUST CO. OF NEW JERSEY Jun’34Stmt 55-40 •• _____ « Liabilities. (In Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. Principal Dud .Prof Other Cash.Ei U.S.Sov Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits lia & Due Securi Securi & Dis Correspondents. Re Totals Reserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources $ $ $ 16,1)12 R. J. ADAMS. A.V.P. 5 5,700 $ 4,000 $ 3,623 52,276 $ 5,840 71,439 $ 7,620 $ 553 (ffMTlHEIMERJr J. G. PARR, Exec. .. WM. C. VEIT, 38,971 $ 7,783 Chase N., Empire Tr. Sec. and Tr E. KORMAN. A. Sec. WALTER B. FRENCH Co., N. City, Irv. Tr., J E. G. RUHL. Tr o C. E. CLIFTON n F.W. HET2EL. A. Tr. C. E. CLIFTON, Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., < A.V.P M. T. MCDONALD Tr. Off CHARLES SCHLEMM. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. i l ERLE GILBERT A. Tr. WM. TUNIS, Compt. Y.; Fidelity Union Tr. R. J. ADAMS, A.V.P Co., Newark; Phil. Jersey City Jersey City (Cont’d) d®T*ti'99 N., Phil.; Bk. of Tor ♦Peoples Safe Deposit Branch* ♦Newark Ave. Branch onto, Toronto, Can. ♦Bergen & Lafayette Branch* ♦Jersey Ave. Branch ♦Claremont Branch* Union City* ♦Danforth Ave. Branch ♦Town of Union Branch ♦Greenville Branch* Hoboken* ♦Hoboken Branch President. +WEST BERGEN TRUST CO. E. P. STOUT Vice-President. I&MFS ROWFN Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. C. H. THEES, ELSIE L. HUFFMAN, Jun’34Stmt 55-52 dB®T#t§'21 Sec. and Tr (*Members and + affiliated m embers Northern N ew Jersey Clearing House, 33 Liberty St., Hew York City) Keansburg ...2190 Keansburg 2 Monmouth G19 Jun’34Stmt National 55-468 Bank C. R. Snyder_____ C. B. Lohsen______ O. B. Lohsen_____ Frank J. Hanold .. W. H. Anderson, William G. Davey, 100 Cash, and Tr. Off. A, C, and A, Tr, Off. Pf. 140 rC. W. FEIGENSPAN- F. C. MINDNICH........ 1 5 PADUCV + KEARNY NATIONAL BANK < Prompt attenti Jun’34Stmt 55-389 d®*’31 1 A thoroughly or (.Send us your K ( AAssociate Member Newark Clearing House) Keyport_____ 4940 KEYPORT BANKING CO. F. P. Armstrong__ 2 Monmouth G19 .lun’34Stmt 55-338 d®T*t5'84 "" 200 200 26 91 d©*t'13 Kearny____40,716 First National Bk. & Trust A. R. Towers (Sta. Arlington) Co-------- 55-388___d@T*t’07 P. 0.) Jun’34Stmt 2 Hudson E20 «« Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued 1,645 31 2,102 111 65 974 580 372 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. J. Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., Jersey City. 520 50 661 61 146 87 271 180 343 1,230 96 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Market St. N„ Phil. 215 Marine Midland Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Newark & Essex Bkg., Newark. 423 1,541 341 Irv. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Fed. Tr. Co., Newark. 80 439 760 157 Irv. Tr. Co. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Market St. N„ Phil. 119 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. * Marine Midland Tr., N. Y.; City N. Bk. & Tr., Phil. Chase N., N. Y. 48 86 1,699 200 2,273 305 2,786 198 3,344 542 - 1,397 ......... 1,628 192 JOHN J. GERMAIN— CARL RIZZOLO 200 23 137 J.H. Hendrickson- J. S. Matthews, Jr. L. E. Cokelet_____ G. W. Brown, Sec. 100 120 11 1,193 50 1,425 183 90 381 652 25 3 263 24 365 36 83 150 89 25 1 541 667 250 165 69 135 48 Cen. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Pa. Co., Phil. 92 Chase N.,N. Y.;Phll.N., Phil. 60 N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 68 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Market St. N„ Phil. Bk. of the Manhattan 167 Co. and Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 72 . City, N. Y.; bn. Co. Tr. Co., Elizabeth; Fid. Un. Tr., Newark. 89 Chase N„ N. Y.; 2nd N., Paterson. W 1 church on given colleetlo ns. ganized colleetlo n department. earny Items. » _____ .. Peoples National Bank H. E. Ackerson, Jr. H. S. Burrowes.__ Evart V. Silcox . John H, Roberts... 50 Jun’34Stmt 55-339 d®*t'89 J. L. Schanck, Sec. Pf. 125 Lakehurst____947 Firsi National Bank..d®^’24 Fred Forcanser___ L. C. Lillie ............. R.M. Vanhlostrand 25 Jun’34Stmt 55-585 3 Ocean K17 Harold Pittis Pf. 25 Lakewood ___ 5000 Lakewood Trust!Co..d®T§’33 W. S. Sigler............. E. A. Johnson......... Ross E. Miller, 55-317 3 Ocean J18 Peoples National Bank in O. W. Havens____ Chas. Peterson, Jr. R. W. Janvier____ J. W. Mathews.— 50 Lakewood._55-319__ d®’34 Pf. 50 Jun’34Strat LambertvIIIe. 4518 Am well National Bank F. W. Van Hart... John E. Barber.__ E. C. Van Hart.... F. S. Scheetz_____ 100 2 Hunterd’n Hll .!iin’34Stmt 55-325 d®T»t'77 " ______ •• Lambertville Nat'l Bank E. W. Closson____ S. B. Whiteley___ S. R. Whiteley L. N. Young______ 100 -Iun’34Stnit 55-324 d®W57 W. R. Swallow Laurel Sprlngsl343 Laurel SDringsNational Bank R. K. Lippincott.. Louis Fink, Jr........ B. E. Zelley______ 25 3 Camden L10 •Iun’34Stmt 56-526 d®'21 C. J. Rulon Pf. 25 50 3 1,540 100 1,793 205 429 651 416 10 22 1,626 100 1,858 164 365 837 432 25 4 329 25 433 51 68 197 49 195 267 434 652 1,715| Leonla ..5350 Leonia Bank & Trust Co. Theodore Willich. J. B. Edwards........ R. B. Hansen. Ernest Fous, 100 2 Bergen D21 Jun’34Stmt 55-516 dB®T*t§'26 J. I. Easton, Ch. L. O. Binder Sec, and Tr, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Pf. 50 50 29 1,485 1 Linden_____21.206 LINDEN TRUST CO.d®T»t5’26 GEO. W. BAUER, .lun’34Stmt ♦55-641 2 Union F18 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, 200 50 117 2,503 82 2,952 407 309 882 1,282 225 100 16 1,884 7 2,232 555 251 736 601 25 26 9 454 47 561 58 25 176 244 50 8 274 51 383 73 110 107 89 50 4 126 6 193 18 56 100 19 base N.,N.Y.;N. Stab Newark. 710 21 982 197 235 404 116 ublic N. Bk. & Tr., F Y.; Phil. N„ Phil, larine Midland Tr. Co N. Y.: Phil. N„ Phil. JOHN FEDOR- - - - - - - - G. J. ALLES. See. and Tr. H. A. ELSESSER. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Little Falls...4500 Little Falls National Bk. F. C. Hennie_____ F. C. Thompson__ C. W. Dey............... H. A. Stratton, Jr., 2 Passaic D18 Jun’34Stmt 55-409 d®T*f07 A.Cash, and Tr. Off. J. Vandermay Little Ferry...4155 Little Ferry National Bank L. Y. Bunn........ . 2 Bergen D20 Jun’34Stmt 55-555 dB®»t ’23 J. Nally, Jr----------- P. A. Wiseman ___ S’. Wonesh Livingston ...1000 Livingston National Bank R. W. Kean . R. F. Harrison__ 2ti Essex E 17 )un’34Stmt 55-682 ®«t’27 R. D. DeCamp LIVINGSTON STATE BANK F. W. Schlosstein. Meyer Kraemer__ P. J. Grace__ Dec’33Stmt 55-686 d®*|§’28 . Lodi............... 11,549 Lodi Trust Co, d®TS’15 Frank Gugliotti... I. J. Colando.......... B. F. Wehrly, Wm. A. Gras. 2 Bergen D20t )un’34Stmt 55-483 V. P. and Sec, A. Bee. and Tr. V. C. Focarino Peoples Trust Co. of Bergen R. R. Celia, A. Mgr. County...55-689.... ©*f’28 200 7 (Reserves) 50 1 Office of Peo pies T ust Co. ^ of Ber, gen Co unty. 1 30 Hacke ^ nsack, j N. J.) 58 N. Y. 2nd N., Orange. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis nap. / OD Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *Oounty Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond, Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. Capital 0. T. Blaisdell.... 3eo. H. Harvey.__ $ W. P. Fleckner, Wm. Hendrickson, Lang Branchlg.399 Long Branch Banking Co. Jr. 2 Monmouth H21 Jun’34Stmt 55-223 d®T»t|'72 200 Ch. of Bd. 184 1 100 343 3,175 3 100 New Jersey Trust Co. John W. Flock.__ E. C. Hazard_____ James R. Barbour, A. Amanda Brown, Jun’34Stmt 55-226 dB®T»tS'06 See.and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Pf. 75 Harry Truax 20 11 675 A. See. and A. Tr. 2 Resources. Loans lash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other & Due Secari- Securi- & Disties counts fromBks ties 157 $ 1,052 l 1,030 $ 3,720 336 503 881 193 $ Lyndhorst. ,17.362 2 Bergen K19 Madison_____7481 First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-322 d® 2 Morris B18 MADISON TRUST CO. fLyndhurst Branc h No. 1: Ridge Roa d and Valley Broo ILyndhurst Branc h No. 2; 201 Stuyve W. H. Barton Manasquan ..2320 MANASQUAN NAT’L BANK 2 Monmouth J20 Jun’34Stmt 55-411 d©T»X’08 H. 524 378 918 1,230 133 Chase N., Chem. Bk. & E. B. Miller. 100 50 14 1,114 5 1,283 75 91 444 502 171 Chase N„ N. Y.; Corn George H. Gregory H.P. Collins_____ J, W. Brown. 100 50 37 1,092 106 1,385 166 201 378 589 51 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. 50 10 1 217 278 37 15 52 143 31 1st N., Phil. A. B. Gee 3 Atlantic P15 Marlton____ 500 3 Burlington Kll Cash, and Sec. Matawan___ 2264 2 Monmouth G18 468 9 548 140 40 93 186 89 Chase N„ N. Y.; 2d N„ 134 3,020 1 3,493 394 733 149 2,028 189 Chase N. and N. City, N. A.8ec. (Pros pect O S pringfi eld Av 10 359 220 10 100 Pf. 120 e. at P 385 223 Bruce P. Dimon. A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. O. Diggin Jun’34Stmt Christian Heuser.. C. A. Gesswein.__ M. F. Stevenson— F. R. Thompson *Maya Landing A. C. Abbott. 3 Atlantic 013 1868 Jim’34Stmt 56-413 Medford_____1000 Burlington County Nat. Bk. W. D. 3 Burlington K12 .(un’34Stmt 55-414 d®T»t’3' Cow perth wait J. M. Garwood Mercbantvllle3592 3 Camden K6 R. S, Smith Metuehen National Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-416 d®T»t i| E. E. Shumaker, J. A. Applegate__ L. F. Knntz_____ S. R. Manning------- A. S. Arnold, Sec.— Fred’k Yahnel. Millville___14.705 Millville National Bank 3Cumberland Old Jun’34Stmt 55-287 d®l Mlnotola____ 530 3 Atlantic N10 Jun’34Stmt 55-471 819 72 j, w. Griffiths 27 188 16 2 61 106 75 75 31 1,710 75 1,966 288 231 529 840 78 1st N., N. Y.; Phil. N., 75 41 58 661 2 837 83 61 10 450 233 Bk. of the Manhattan 25 35 3 612 35 710 82 165 298 139 26 Chase N„ N. Y. 4 590 67 761 66 104 223 302 66 Phil. N„ PhU. 200 18 930 81 1,454 120 153 191 691 50 7 4 330 ........... 391 51 70 67 145 58 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 100 25 l 458 687 218 145 22 239 61 Irv. Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. 50 5 3 1,415 50 1,648 227 310 677 376 16 2,402 455 400 868 448 115 470 333 Co., Phil. N. Y. Tr. and N. City, N. Y.; Fid. Un. Tr., Newark. 7 Chase N„ N. Y. 1,158 2,102 16- N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N. 11 281 100 PhU. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. den N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Camden. Christian Knhlthau G. B. Worstall___ 3 James Gimino____ f! F Riedel 101 Co., N. Y. Leonie Crane_____ 300 25 18 W. J. Worthge— 100 10 5 896 97 1,108 114 8. W. Hogan ____ V. Sherry, Tr. Of. H.N. Wright 150 450 140 3,032 100 3,881 45’ 50 25 11 30S 50 470 6( E. M. Kuhlthau, N. N. Forney. Ch. 296 Phil. N„ Phil.; 1st Cam Pf. 125 2,043 ......- N. Bk. & Tr., Phil. 3 1st N„ Phil. 128 Pf. 125 G. W. PnR* 139 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Corn Ex. 1 A. See. ___ P. T. Bnegger W. T. Campbell Milford ______933 First National Bank.d®»t'07 W. E. Thomas. J.O. Stem.. Ch. of Bd, and Pres, 2 Hunterdon Ft Jun’34Stmt 55-417 R. F. Smith Mlllburn____2700 T. A, Douglas Jun’34Stmt 55-418 2 Essex E17 Milltown___ 2994 2 Middlesex G16 Jun’34Stmt 55-486 Y.; Merch. & Newark Tr., Newark. rospect St.) 7 Ch. of Bd. R. f!_ Bprr Somerville. 25 100 p. L. Smith............... H. S, Bottomley__ T. W. Fvanl . . ... I. N. Donahue____ Jun’34Stmt 55-415 d®Tt Metuehen.__ 5748 Commonwealth Bk. d®tl 2 Middlesex G17 Jun’34Stmt 55-609 113 S. M. Lightholder, Ch. of Bd. and Pree. MarkLippincott, Sr, 1 50 Pf. 20 225 H. R. Snyder-------- H. C. Wills----------- FlorenceF.Roberts Wm. H. Jones, ITAWAN BANK—d( N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 1 ...__ _ J, F. Stashak_____ H. C. Baxter, A. Tr. Jun’34Stmt 55—476 Ex. N.Bk. &Tr„ Phil. Sec. and Tr. A. See. and A. Treas. W. J. Houpt First National Bank. Jim’34Stmt 55-678 Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y. See. and Tr. W. A. Brygler, L. Q. McCorkle___ (Atlanlie City P.0,) Jun’34Stmt 55-665 /. 3,183 W. 9. Seymour. Margate City .2913 Co., N. Y. 418 it. A. Lee________ F. B. Allen, Kemp 109 Bk. of the Manhattan 2,464 Mantua_____ 1200 National Bank of Mantua John H. Coombs... Chas. E. Gellenthin ®«t’26 1 Gloucester L8 .Iun’34Stmt 55-631 C. Hungerford h. Phil. 101 H. Wainwright, Ch. (Member of Monmouth Cleari ng House, Astrnry Park. N. J.) Manvllle____ 5441 Manville National Bank 2 Somerset GU Jun’34Stmt 55-637 d®»}’26 Maplewood. 21,321 Maplewood Bank & Tr. Co. w 2 Essex BIS 421 144 1st N„ N. Y.; Phil. N„ 100 Frank McEwan.__ Ch, 158 of the Manhattan Co. and Chase N„ N. Y. 100 Alexander Eagles. W. L. Thebault—. Jun’34Stmt 55-323 d®T»tl’10 W. F. Redmond. Branc hes of Ruther ford.N 1,449 148 Bk. (Incl. u. s. Secur.) Gustav Joerg, A. See. and A. Tr. 1,288 Principal Correspondents . Other Resources 254 $ $ 2,641 9 t 2,248 100 Long Branch Trust Co. John Terhnne___ EL 8. Terhnne____ B. R. Woeurn. W. S. Bouse. Jun’34Stmt 55-224 d|®T«t§T6 See. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. W. Slocum S. C. Morris. Totals Incl. Und. Frof.) Tr. Off. W. Sherman. (In Thousands of Dollars) JndJProl. 1 Other surplus and or deposits liaReserves biiities 5f Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. 23 Cash, and Sec Michael Capicoia. 96 and Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr., Phil. 2 Phil. N„ PhU. Pf. 25 FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. non ' Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. LIABILITIES. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Barings Montclair ..42,017 *Bank of Montclair 2 Essex D18 Jun’34Stmt^ 55-184 d®T*t8’89 President. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. G. L. Morse______ J. A. Barben............ P. G. Baldwin____ Emma E. Lange. J. M. Schlegel, Aud, Tr. Off. K.K. Soverel_ _ _ d®»tl'93 E. B. Geodell 500 $ 239 ( With 500 300 $ (1 Bra nch) st. Cas h. 6,751 755 8,580 639 2,421 2,177 2,587 756 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y. 197 1,546 222 227 567 397 133 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., C. F. Cowley, Sec. T. F. Meskill, A.Tr. ............. S. R. Soverel, V. P. and Tr. A. J. Chirk, A. Sec. 877 46 9,706 15 10,644 511 827 2,652 5,947 707 Bkrs. Tr., N. Y ; Bk. of 750 1,350 12,559 1,265 107 10,349 3 C. W. Elling, (Bran ch: Va lley Ro ad and Bellev ue Are nue) Mary K. Hoyt, E. C. Bobbe, R. F. Earle. A. C. Haight, Wm. Yates, A. Secretaries and A. Treasurers 1,378 2,213 5,840 1,863 Chase N., Chem. Bk. & R. K. Seveilie, Tr.. H. M. Quale, Sec. H. M. Burnett. A. V. P. and Compt. A. J, Clark, A. Sec. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f lor Num her of S. R. Soverel______ C. F. Cowley, Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Sec. and Tr. BIRCH- - - - - - - E. J. NEIGHBOUR_ _ G. E. BEDD0W. Sec. and Tr. G. W. MELICK. 113 N.Y. Montclair, Montclair. Tr., and Marine Mid land Tr., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total 217 875 1,770 473 1,122 447 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn 2,239 138 3,490 181 1,243 327 1,877 79 202 6,956 912 1,314 1,371 3,082 277 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. and 17,102 851 1,064 5,528 8,380 1,279 Gty. Tr. and N. City, N. Exch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Phil. N., Phil. 250 300 275 5,929 Morris County Savings Bank P. B. Pierson_____ Edward K. Mills— F. W. Shelley, C. H. Corwin, A. Tr. ............. Jim’34Stmt 55-232 ®T*H'74 Sec. and Tr. R.L. Emery, A. Tr. Lawrence Day Elwyn Durling, A. Sec. Morristown Trust Company Edward K. Mills.. H. N. Card, F. B. Strong, J. S. Heath. 1,000 ♦ 55-238 d®MI#2 J. H. B. Coriel 1, V. P. and Sec. V. P. and Tr. W. McVay, Jun’34Stmt V. P. and Tr. Off. H. L. Baker. George F. Melick, C. S. Carrell, A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Sec., A, Tr. and A. Secretaries and A. Tr. Off. A. Treasurers 1,485 114 15,503 200 203 7,665 19 9,087 1,305 1,262 3,398 2,671 231 1 6,221 10 6,713 1,174 807 1,475 2,933 1,380 108 77 358 736 101 Chase N„ N. Y.; Penn. 1,814 116 N. City, N.Y.; Penn. Co., ®T»t'65 Morse mere_____ (See Palisades Park) F. V. P, and Tr. tmuekr lawre^cesIay Off. A. Tr.Off. GLaDYsKuART' e. c. scon------ Union National Bank & Trust Co_____ 55-290 „.d®T»t'71 Jun’34Stmt FARMERS NATIONAL BANK Gloucester M7 Jun’34Stmt 55-419 d®»i’08 W. B. Tomlinson — Walter I. Dill, Cash, and Tr. Off. Walter I. Dill Harry Hawkins S. M. Carter_____ L. S. Hurff______ A. E. Duffleld____ Neptune______2258 Neptune Bank & Trust Co. Harry Reeves........ Harry Height____ Irving Newman, P. W. Smith, Jun’34Stmt 55-706 dB®T»t§’29 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. (Member of Monmouth Cleari ng House, Asbury P ark, N. J.) Netcong____ 2097 Citizens National Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-420 d®»t’03 D. S. Drake______ H. K. Salmon.......... H. E. Griggs.. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 250 Surp.) Bkrs. Tr., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr„ Phil. 75 18 1,087 200 400 34 2,183 200 3,017 330 467 290 50 20 7 393 48 518 03 86 129 226 874 273 292 77 119 336 264 37 ( With 100 NEWARK 24 737 1,237 324 Chem. Bk. & Tr. and Bk. Co., Phil. Phil. 50 1,461 445 375 14 Cent.-Penn. N., Phil. 113 Marine Midland Tr., N. Y.; N. Newark & Es sex Bkg., Newark. Surp.) 50 Y.; N. Iron, Morris town Tr., and 1st N., Morristown. 451 Gty. Tr. and Chase N., N. Y.; Girard Tr., Phil. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 200 100 203 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Iron, Morris town. {Incl. Und. Prof.) A. Tr. Off. Alt. Holly___ 6573 Farmers Trust Oo. A. B. Walters. M. K. Perinchief— R. W. Carter_____ S. A. Borden, 3 Burlington K12 Jun’34Stmt 55-288 d®T»tS1911 See. and Tr. Tr. Off. and A. Tr. Morris D18 Ketch um.As 274 F. D. Abel), Heury Cory______ K. W. Thompson.. F. Q. Millen____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. D. F. Williamson d®T»t'«5 NATIONAL IRON BANK ^ rr 2 770 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 107 (With Jun’34Stmt 55-231 Monmouth 121 538 8 1,109 $ 3,287 S 200 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 2 730 $ EDITH L. GRIFFITH. .rmi’34Stmt 55-280 3 $ 1,085 500 100) (Pf. B 250) Mullica Hill...600 S 6,434 Surp.) 150 Moorestown. .6500 Burlington County Trust Go. C. H. Laird, Jr........ J. C. Hopkins.......... J. G. Pettit, W.W.Gardiner.Jr., 3 Burlington &10 Jun’34Stmt 55-346 d®T«t§’90 Joseph Stokes, Ch. J. W. Powell V. P. and Tr. Sec. 07. A WM. 813 Principal Correspondents. 14 I. B. Grainger____ J. J. Blondel_____ ♦ 55-186 d®T«t5’01 B. Y. Harrison, F. P. Fiske Jun’34Stmt Ch. of Bd. H. N. Dunham, A. V. P. >Morrlstownl5,197 AMERICAN TRUST CQ. 2 Morris E15 Jun’34Stmt 55-234 dB©T»tlT0 3 4,882 $ Other Resources 50 ♦MONTCLAIR TRUST CO. Montclair Clearing House.— H. R.. Monro___ (Members indicated by a *) 4 Totals Resources. Loans Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other & Due Seouri- Seouri- & DisfromBks ties ties counts 200 ♦Montclair National Bank H. R. Monro______ Geo. H. Griffiths — W. W. Brooks. E. J. Moore.______ V. P. and Cash. HughCurrie, Tr.Off. Jun’34Stmt 55-545 d®T»t'22 O. S. Martin Jun’34Stmt 55-185 Capital {In Thousands of Dollars) Other . lOnd.Prof. LiaSurplus and or Deposits Reserves bilities Groce Office: K. L. ♦First National Bk. & Tr. Co. A. T. Gibbs______ A. W. Ballentine.. H. C. Husk_______ S. J. Mitton... Jun’34Stmt 55-187 d®T»t’09 T. J. McHugh K. W. Grout, Jr., G. D. Hynes ( Upper Montclair P. O.) .4. Cash, and Tr. Off. Alex Weimar ♦MONTCLAIR SAVINGSBANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued 41 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ / OO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 700 1'own and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed Res. Dtst. ‘Newark _442,327 2 Essex E19 Liabilities. OMem.A.B.A. "New §State tPrir. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Capital 50 I Michael Cacchione. $ Anthony Parisi___ |H. L. Huelsenbeck Byron Ober. Central Bank & Trust Co. V. P. and Sec. I Tr. Pf. 50 Jun’34Stmt 55-30 d©Tt§’27 'CLINTON TRUST COMPANY Jun’34Stmt ♦ 55-21 THOS. L. R. CROOKS, C. D. BAUER- - - - - - - - gen E MANSFIELD H. F. FRET. A. Sec... Cap. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. C. GOODEMOOT ' ' Sec. and Tr. C. G. BAUER, Tr. Off. Notes 777 J. L. MADDEN, A. Tr. ‘Fidelity Union Trust Company 226 $ 2,015 512 153 20 $ 526 $ 3,327 $ 45 580 $ 73 $ 49 379 173 439 Other Re Principal Correspondents. sources 172 $ 1,855 236 Chase N„ N. Y.; State, Newark. 464 N. City, N. Y. (Incl. 220 1,084 1,241 299 962 7,026 7,988 252 A. S. Cobb. A. Sec, 4,056 2,000 L. A. Reilly. (2 Bra nches) H. B. Feldman, F. R. Smith, W. S. Cherry. 859 29,390 36,323 5,345 C. C. Lane, Sec. and Tr, T. N. McCARTER. L. G. MCDOUALL, dB®T«t5'87 A*«<. Vice-Pres’ts Asst. Sec’ys and EDWARD L. ARNOLD Astt• Treasurttr» J. H. BACHELLER, L. A. CHAMBLISS R- F- VANDERHOFF _ _ _ _ _ ROY F. DUKE £ LEROY WHITMAN CHAS- F- ELLERY Vice~Presidents CHARLES KAMMER JOHN NEVILLE H. K. CORBIN ROBERT 6.PEACE, 0. H. MERZ A. V.-P.andSec. E. A. PRUDEN. HENRY SCHNEIDER. LeROY F. MURPHY, And. Ch. Of Bd. HOWARD SAVINGS INSTITUTION d©T»t§’57 200 879 34 100 133 18 361 Irv. Tr., Gty. Tr., and Banco di Napoli Tr., N. Y. 332 220 275 2,200 4,841 3,607 5,229 17,984 384 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Banca Salvatore D’Auria & Figli, Naples, Italy; Banco Hispano Ameri cano, Madrid. 420 Fidelity Un. Tr. and Merch. Newark Tr., Newark. 4,158 Correspondents in all principal cities. 5,161 Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Branches: Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; Ironbound Trust Branch North End Branch N. Shawmut, Bos.; Market and Ferry Streets Broadway and Bloomfield Avenue Mellon N., Pitts. Ironbound Ferry Street Branch Citizens Branch Clinton and Chadwick Avenues Ferry Street, near Wilson Avenue North Ward Branch American Branch Springfield and Belmont Avenues Broad and Orange Sts. City Trust Branch* Equitable Branch Orange Street and Roseville Avenue Fleming Avenae and Chapel St. 2,500 127,839 764 143,371 26,289 33,963 38,115 39,843 Tr, Off. Pf. Asst. Trust Officers 7,000 WM. J.CREAN CHAS. F. ELLERY H. R. JACOBUS EDWARD SCHICKHAUS FRANK LOTT V. P. and Tr. Franklin Savings Institution R. L. Ross_______ Jun’34Stmt 55-11 d®l§’84 ♦Franklin W ashington Tr.Co. Clifford F.MacEvoy ♦ 55-19 d®T*+§’28 Jun’34Stmt (4 Branches) 400 A. Secretaries and A. Treasurers H. STACY SMITH Collections a Specialty and remitted on day of payment. Prompt attention to all banking matters entrusted to us. Jay Ten Eyck_____ Wm. G. Brenn, Tr. R. W. Hopper.A. S Frederick Bowden Stanley J. Marek. Sec, and Tr. William Budd Harry J. Stevens Milton M. Unger, Tr. Off. Edward F. Clark Henry Sommerrock, Jr., O.S.Thompson.Jr., ec. See. Asst. Secys, and Asst. Treasurers 1,200 1,558 9,983 100 4,388 8,701 84,134 363 11,541 299 3,783 6,127 1,332 6,061 373 1,124 2,736 1,811 Chase N. Bk. and Marine Midland Tr. Co ,N.Y.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., New ark. 92,839 3,582 7,255 36,802 37,312 7,888 Gty Tr. Co. and Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr.,N. Y.; N. Newark & . ssex Bkg. Co. and Merch. & Newark Tr., Newark. Irving L. Reed L. J. Burnes Edgar H. Douglass H. Arthur Mousley A. Tr. Off., A. Sec. J. G. Knipshild and A. Tr. W. D. VANDERPOOI H. G. ATHA. t Ch. of Bd, F. E. QUINBY, V. P. and Tr. Off. H0WAH0 B|D0ULPH W Vi BIITTFR "• W‘RUTTER G. H. MARKLEY. CHAS.H,NORMAN,See. Compt. J. FRED SINN. A. Sec. G. J. KOECK,Tr. JOHN W. KRESS, H. B. ROY, A. Tr, A. Sec. & A. Tr.Off, A. L. HEDDEN, „ FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ Totals Resources. Loans & Dis counts Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi ties ties fromBks 1,614 Geo. 8. Cooper____ R. J. Goerke____ H. Kilpatrick. E. A. Kirch ( For complete inform ation see page 55) F. C. Mindnich.__ J M. Cavanagh__ A. T. Martin, Sec. and Tr. C. W. Feigenspan. W. E. Selby Ch. Exec. Comm. W. B. Harding C. W. Hummel, C. W. Schumaker Tr. Off. H. P. Lindahury, Ch. of Bd. A. A. Johnson, A. Tr. Off. (Newark continued \on next page) 40 Other Lia bilities d®Ttl’ 09 Dime Savings Institution May’34Stmt 55-5 ®I5’64 Federal Home Loan Bank— ♦Federal Trust Co. ♦ 55-14 dB®T*t§’01 Jun’34Stmt !Jun’34Stmt 55-3 (.In Thousands of Dollars) Ond.Prof. Surplus and or Reserves Und. Prof.) (Bran ch: Ly ons A ve. and Aldin e St.) +Columbus Trust Co. P. Peliecchia.......... Amedeo Turi. Exec. Michael Santoro, E. D. Tedeschi. Mgr. Sec. and Tr. ♦ 55-676 d®W27 M. A. Scatuorchio, Felix Forlenza Ch. of Bd. Joseph Aiello Jun’34Stmt J. La Fera +D’AURIA BANK & TRUST Salvatore D’Auria- Antonio D'Auria.. Joseph D'Auria.__ Henry S. D’Auria.. H. S. D’Auria, CO. 55-27 B®T*+§ 92 A. V. P. Dec’33Stmt ♦ 55-9 Dec’33Stmt Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Mgr.Safe Dep.Dept. (Bloomfield Ave. Branch:* R. F. HEDDFN, Mgr.) (Springfield Ave. Branch: R. g. KITHCART, Mgr.) THE LARGEST SAVINGS BANK IN THE STATE. NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 70Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ • Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND OOUHTT. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. ‘Newark ...442,327 (Continued) •Mem.A.B.A.WNew fState tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings 'LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK President. Vice-President. A. L. BOWERMAN. p 1.1. KESSLER Cashier. Ass’T CASHIER. J. W. ROBERTSON. Q WM. L. JEDEiJROCK Capital $ LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars Resources. (Jnd.Prof. Loans Other Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Surplus and or Deposits liaTotals 4 Dne Secari- Secnri- 4 DisReserves ties ties counts bilities fromBks 600 $ 300 $ Every Banking facility. + MarzanoState Bank & Trust Vito Mariano_ _ _ _ R. D. Marzano_ _ _ E. R. Tortorelli, Louis Marzano___ Co............ 55-28.. d®T»t§’90 T. 0. Marzano Cash, and Sec. Donato Colavita Jun’34Stmt 214 $11,151 $ 602 $12,867 $ 971 $ 4,613 $ 3,093 $ 3,741 Other Resources $ 539 (Colo nial B ranch• 563 B road S t.) (Vail sburg Branc h» 990 So. O range Ave.) (Mel rose B ranch 902 Ei ghteent h Ave. ) WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BANKS, BUSINESS HOUSES AND INDIVIDUALS DESIRING NEWARK CONNECTIONS. Jun’34Stmt 55-584 dB®W’24 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued 150 60 2,500 2,500 830 1 1,103 323 187 150 325 349 15,643 42 21,034 2,881 1,864 6.192 9,948 62 118 • 'MERCHANTS & NEWARK TR. CO. iLH*— os. Ch. of BA. A. Sec. and A. Tr. A, Sec, and A. Tr. (Bloo mfield Ave. B ranch: (Sout hSt.B ranch: South ♦ 55-7 dB®T»«*27 Jun’34Stmt !+flE9E3*hi Jun’34Stmt Alfred L. Dennis.. Wm. H. Bower man 9. W. Poland. W. J. Goodsir, Cash, and Tr. Off. A. C. and A. Tr.Off. Chester R. Hoag rc. L. FARRELL— A. H. BALDWIN_ _ _ _ S.S. MARSH. „ P. and Cash. MUUBET WM. V. E. HOOKER, Tr. Officer H. 1. PARKHURST L. P. DOUGLASS. Assistant 4. Tr. Officer BANKING COMPANY Vice-Presidents R. P. LANE. A. Tr. Officer C. G. HEMINGWAY Jun’34Stmt 55-1 dR®Wl804 J. W. PITTENGER ‘NATIONAL NEWARK & ESSEX 225 C. E. HELWIG. 3,000 1,942 A. C. and Mgr. For. Dept. (With A. G. WIRTZ. And. Surp.) D. E. BROWN. Mgr. Safe Dep. (I Bra nch) Vaults 750 -(-Peoples National Bank R. B. Mayham, F. W. Parisette.__ R. C. Buck______ Robert de B.Nogent Jun’34Stmt 55HS45 dB®»t’26 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, V. A. Padula 300 115 ♦Union Nat. Bank in Newark Arthur A. Quinn__ W. J. Egan__ Jun’34Stmt 55-607 dB®T«t’25 V. J. Murphy 375 25 Jim’34Stmt 55-2 d®T«t!812 W. P. STILLMAN-— A.W. GREASON----- W. A. THEUER......... C. I. MOTT............... W. C. HEATH C. W. CARY. TV. Off. F. J. KUGELMANN F. I. WILSON. G. E. WILLIAMS, WM. S. LEONARD A. Tr. Off. ___ 704 3 953 35,579 267 40,788 OLDE ST N ATIO NAL 500 'NATIONAL STATE BANK 1 20 Bloom field A ve. an d 13 th St. cor ner Da wsonS t.) 667 17,774 BAN K IN 448 95 .............. 9,671 THE 8,949 St.) 265 5,016 16,499 Principal Correspondents. Chase N. and Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. Irv. Tr., N. City, and Bkrs. Tr., N. Y.; Merch. & Newark Tr. Co., Newark. 149 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.Tr.Co.,and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Tradesmens N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phil.; Bank of Toronto, Montreal. 145 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. 653 Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. STAT E. 357 20,048 3,956 5,157 2,999 7,030 A. Tr. Off. 906 Guaranty Trust Co., New York. Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia. 122 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE. Every Banking Facility. William Dunkel__ Henry Carless. Counsel United States Savings Bank Benj. Fairbanks__ H.Bornemann, Jr.. T. A. Longhlin, Jun’34Stmt 55-6 ®»tS’71 W. F. Hoffmann, Sec. and Tr. Ch. of Bd. ♦UNITED STATES ............. 655 2 1,090 236 70 283 315 186 21 2,330 229 2,980 217 254 869 1,184 456 17,632 85 19,492 614 2,080 3,572 10,735 2,491 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Fid. Un. Tr. and N. State, Newark. 2,272 36 3,651 849 281 786 1,367 368 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 8,198 1,251 3,282 3,035 630 Chem. Bk. & Tr. and Chase N., N. Y.; N. Newark & Essex Bkg. and Fid. Un. Tr., Newark. (Re serves) 1,775 .............. J. T. Congleton__ B. T. Ward...___ P. B. Menagh, H. B. Reed, Tr.Off., 600 500 243 Wm. L. Blanchard Sec. and Treas. H. C. Kincs, A. Sec.. A. Tr.and A. Tr.Off Branc h: 122 0 Broa ♦West 8ide Trnst Co. R. E. Mayham___ F. W. Paul.............. F. A. Osten, F.W. Parisette, Sec 254 17 1,075 ♦ 55-16 d|®T»JI’02 C. W. Hendry, R. de B. Nugent. T. C. Wallace, (Incl, I Jun’34Stmt Tr. Off. C. H. Rahb, Compt., A. Sec. Und. J. J. Fitzsimmons, and A. Tr. Prof.) Asst. Treasurers M. J. Feldman, (South Orang e Ave. A. Sec. and A, Tr. (Hawt thorne Ave. B Newark Clearing Honse____J. S. Rippel_______ Horace K. Corbin W. P. Stillman, Tr. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f (Membera indicated by a*; ass ociate members by a +) D. J. Connolly, C. R. Demarest, Depo sits by Cities, Mgr, Examiner A. Mgr. ♦ 55-663 d®T*tf’27 ! Jun’34Stmt Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; West Side Tr. Co., Newark. Gty. Tr. Co. and Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y. 18 d St. a t Mille r 6,755 97 Branc h: Sou th Side ranch: Clinto n Ave. or Num ber of States, etc.) Branc h) Branc h) Nation al, Stat e and Private , Banks Total FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 790 Town AND County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.«New 3state tPriv. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Sayings »New Brunswick 34,555 2 Middlesex G16 NATIONAL BANK OF NEW JERSEY Jun’34Stmt 55-179 dB®T»t!808 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Liabilities. President Vice-President. Cashier, Ass’t Cashier. 250 $ $ W. F. PARKER- - - - - - (DONALD fclHar- H. G. PARKER. JR~. KIRKPATRICK A. Tr. Off. J. K. MAYNARD |H.G. PARKER. R. E. 6RYMES. And. Ch. of Bd. (In Thousands of Dollars) Und.Prof. Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities 200 $ 25 $ 8,362 $ Totals 364 $10,451 $ 2,189 $ 1,030 $ 1,765 $ 4,336 $ 1,131 1,250 291 1,016 2,854 3,154 420 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 546 3,467 270 80 1,186 1,432 499 (1 Bra nche) Tr. Off. L. A. Meser oil. T r. Off., Harry 247 (With 200 5,046 448 A. L. Wycoff____ I. L. Veghte_____ W. Ed 5,941 6,868 311 2,137 N. Y.; 1st N„ L. A. Meseroll, T. E. Schanck___ A. L. Wycoff, Peoples National Bank d®T»t’87 Jun’34Stmt 55-180 New Egypt___ 500 First National Bank in New Harley Henderson 3 Ocean J15 Egypt__ 55-421____®Tt’D6 Chas. O’Rourke, A. Tr. Off, Surp.) Harry Hulse Eugene Compton.. Jun’34Stmt Walter R. Lewis.. Joshua Richmond.. W. Clifford Davis. 400 North Arlington.. North Arlington National Bk. Fred Klein______ (Sta, Arlington P.O.) Jun’34Stmt 55-528 ®t’22 2 BergenE20 8263 Frank R. Austin. No. Bergen_.40,714 First National Bank 2 Hudson E20 Jun’34Stmt 55-601 dB®*t’25 John J. Roe_____ .. ------- ** North Bergen Trust Co. Jun’34Stmt 55-636 d®TJ5'26 Essex E19 BANK OF NUTLEY ♦ 55-422 dB®T*«’05 i Jun'34Stmt **_____“ Albert Ensminger. John J. Roe_____ Herbert Possiel... John J. Roe H. H. Dieckman, Leslie King, Sec. and A. Tr, Curt Thuemmel, 2 Monmouth 121 GO 94 2 156 49 2,822 357 3,589 137 105 122 91 21 74 33 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 10 69 815 1,987 581 AACloC . | is . X . | JL 1111. ll . | Bos. 200 119 4,934 396 6,049 477 728 2,054 2,363 427 Phil. 432 30 537 768 100 115 79 100 39 (W ith 150 30 150 39 (With Surp.) 6 601 1,007 67 787 49 1,129 92 43 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 135 165 217 120 458 145 84 157 278 219 156 656 225 Co. N., Jersey City. A. E. HOWE- - - - - - - W. A. LAMBERT... WMUlhu PERCIVAL S. HILL, Cash, and Tr. Off. COLLECTIONS SINESS ENTRUSTED T O THIS BANK W ILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTE NTION. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY 1 50 863 77 (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 335 26 437 104 35 131 W.N. Y., N. J. 115 52 Camden; Phil. N, Phil 25 ARBATA 200 40 12 100 33 (With 100 25 110 50 50 10 2,728 ___ 276 710 521 1,207 68 268 291 363 266 4or. i 889 131 1,153 14 509 100 748 66 350 66 171 95 2 536 50 748 138 195 50 293 72 469 1 530 437 20 69 4 Surp.) (Bran ch of A sbury H. H. Winsor, Mgr Bank—55-343...dB©Tt§’89 Surp.) Pf. A. Oradell_____ 2500 First National Bank—d®t’28 JohnJ. Knierim... John G. Demarest . H. T. Britten_____ Geo. A. Sundberg.. 2 Bergen C20 Jun’34Stmt 55-680 Geo. Schal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 399 Phil.; Fid. Un. Tr., Newark; N. Shawmut, Tr. Albert E. Howe. W. J. Persch__ “_____“ Franklin National Bank Wm. J. Lee____ •lun’34Stmt 55-606 d®T»t’25 Oaklyn-------- 3843 Oaklyn National Bank J. W. Goldthorp... J. W. Hawthorn .. J. B. Morris___ (Camden P.O.) Jun’34Stmt 55-594 ®»t’25 3 Camden E9 Ocean City ...5525 “NationalBk. of Ocean City A. W. Powell— George S. Groff___ George S. Groff. 3 Cape May P13 Uun’34Stmt 55-572 d®’34 Ocean Grove..1182 Asbury Park & Ocean Grove 50 Sec. and Tr, John S. Gale_____ W. A. Pindar___ Jos. P. Merlehan { Tr.Co., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 284 Pf. 25 First National Bank H. O. Coughlan.__ M. L. Lewis_____ Wm. J. Miller___ E. N. Conley— 55-497 d®T»t’19 0. N. Caldwell Isabelle Philip j .Iim’34Stmt 100 50 Arthur H. Jones__ W. M. Gugelman.. Edwin Sargent N. MerchantvIHe Pennsauken Township Wm. H. Barnard.. H. Mark Reeve__ W. H. Magee. Jr.„ National Bank______t’26 3 Camden K9 Jun'34Stmt 55-627 2 3 Phii. 353 tHCfafA (MerchantvilleP.O.) Nutley......... 20.572 10 H. T. Kays, Exec. V. P. .Iun’34Stmt 55-622 dB®T«JI'21 25 300 W. W. Roe______ Frank B. Boss____ E. M. Quick_____ Sussex* Merchants Nat. BkLeonard Gebhardt Jun’34Stmt 55-829 d®T»tl818 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Frank B. Boss C. L. Inslee, N. H. Hart R.T. Hull.A.Tr.Off. W00DCLIFF TRUST CO. 12 ER—. FRANK E. DUNKER. M. F. GOLDSMITH JR. Tr Sec. and A. Tr. ZUY 11 Hirer Exec. V. P. Ma Tr. Officer, “------- ‘ 50 tar, B r. Mgr . and A, Sec 2,284 901 1,338 1,065 Pf. 25 Newfleld_5o-534___ d©t'34 Aug’34Stmt *Newton... 5401 NEWTON TRUST CO. 2 Sussex C12 : Dec’33Stmt 65-331 d|®T«’02 N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N.Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. 7,735 867 Pf. A. New Brunswick Trust Co. W. H. Fries______ J. H. Hoagland.__ F. B. Whitlock, C. L. Mott. See. and Tr, A. Sec. and A Tr. 473 J. P. Kirkpatrick Mar’34Stmt 55-181 d®T«tS 02 Gloucester M18 Principal CuRRESPONDEN TS. Unexcelled facilities for handling Bill s of Lading. V.P. 3 Loans Other Re & Dis counts sources Pf. New Brunswick Savings Inst. William R. Seed.. James Deshler.__ Nelson Dunham. Sec. and Tr, H. G. Parker .Jun’34Stmt 55-178 ®t§’51 J. F. Anderson, Newfleld-------- 880,nFirst National Bank in Resources. Cash,Ex. D.S.Goy. Other & Due Securi Securi fromBks ties ties 50 NEWARK 15 11 Co., N. Y. 163 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. Co., N. Y. Park 572 & Oce 11 (Lns. and Inv.) an Gro ve Ban k, Asb ury Pa rk) 659 99 95 57 325 and Phil. N., Phil. 83 N. Y. New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. m Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued (In Thousands of Dollars) LIABILITIES. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Capital Und.Prof. Surplus and or Deposits Reserves Other Lia bilities Orange_____35.399 Half Dime Savings Bank T. M. Cusack.......... Abram Mosler____ F. G. Burkardt. Tr. L. F. Darnsteadt. ........... $ 1,049 ........... $ 7,863 $ Jun’34Stmt 55-173 ©»t§’7Q Sec, and A. Tr. 2 Essex E18 Thos. B. Cannon, 15 Totals 8,927 RESOURCES. Cash.Ei. IU.S.Goy. Other & Due j Securi- Securi fromBks ties ties 2891 $ Loans 1 Other & DisRe counts j sources 4,8781S 661 * 2,571 Principal Correspondents. 528 Chase N., N. Y.; 2d N., Orange; Merch. &Newark Tr. Co., Newark. Jr.,A. Sec. F. J. MURRAY. . . . . . . . . CHARLES HASLER—WILLIAM F. REDPATH H. T. VALENTINE— M. R. RILEY, Exec. NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 55-170 R. 1. William*___ Frank G. Coughtry O. 0. F. Brueger, Sec. and A. Tr. d®T»t’#2 Oranges........ ....................... (Member» indicated by a *) Wilbnr Munn____ A. G. Hoffman____ H. M. Roberts. E. H. VolckmannF. P. and Cash. Park........ 55-514 _dB®»t’34 Jun’34Stmt Jun’34Stmt 56-532 Passaic. .62,959 *Passaic Nat'l Bk. & Tr. Co. Passaic D19 Jun’34Stmt 'PASSAIC PARK TRUST GO. J. B. H. Storms ] D. H. Tice W. B. Magee Joseph F. Rean Thomas Rigg M. DeRouville M. H. Scheel H. D. Wright S. E. Lindstamer. A. Tr. Off. L. M. ARBAUGH. . . . . . S. J. KELLEY GEO. S. AL00US FRANK TERHUNE J. F. HANNIGAN, A. Sec. and Tr. T.E. PRESCOTT. T. E. PRESCOTT. Sec. and Tr. 542 974 434 416 8,805 305 601 3,196 4,362 170 128 366 153 Gty. Tr. Co., N. — Phil. N., Phil. 20 26 718 5 341; Gty.Tr.Co.,N.Y.; Orange N. and 2d N., Orange. 92 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 300 100 42 3,958 150 21 4,550 Nation 335 50 506 740 815 al, Stat e and 114 1,548 Private Banks, 121 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. Total 147 34 148 63 Mnfrs. Tr. Co. and Irv. Tr., N. Y. 20 112 323 98! Chase N., N. Y. 9,689 100 3 (With) Surp.) 535 5 643 2,000 1,000 262 27,785 2,021 33,068 3,846 9,462 8,181 200 25 30 1,303 1,558 146 221 582 1,000 50 67 3.980 5,502 933 434 2,475 90: 1,326 1,8901 Chase N.,Bkrs. Tr., Bk. of | the Manhattan Co.,Gty Tr. Co., Mfrs. Tr., and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N„ Phil. 443 166 Chase N., N. Y.; Pas— -in. i saic N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Passaic. Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 25c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Prompt service. We get results. _ _ C, W, GEORGE. SAMUEL BENE. HAJROWLEY - B.. 0.C. BENSON,„ WHITEHEAD. ■p.m .j P. P. and Tr. Off. V. P. and Counsel Sec. 405 1,624 i A.Sec.n A. M. KING. A. Sec.and A. Tr. J. L. WEISS. A. Tr. W. K. MacELHINNEY. Coll ection s or o ther b uslne will receiv e pro mpt a 36 Chase N., Cheui. Bk. & —— Tr. Co., and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; PhU N., Phil. ss ent rus te d to t his b ank nd ca reful atten tion. A. Tr. Off. J. B. Ackerson____ J. A. Crowley. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,519 Trust Officer 55-131 dB®T*tf’89 (j Branch•) (Members indicated by a *) 7,810 Pf. 50 Jas. B. Ackerson „ A. S. Corbin _.......... Carl R. Griffen___ W. H. Gardner, Geo. Young, Jr., Cowels Andrus, A C Exec. V. P. V. Pres, and Tr. Off, Ralph W. Crum, A. C. W. V. Grudzinski, A. C. J. E. Handy, A. C. 'PEOPLES BANK & TRUST GO. Passaic Clearing House____ 75 50 Cash, and Sec, P. W. Friske Jun’34Stmt 55-138 dB®T»tS’27 Jun’34Stmt 1 Wilbur Mann____ H. H. Thomas____ H. H. Taney. Tr. __ H. E. Taney, Sec... (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num her of E. W. Brydon, Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) A. S. and A. Tr. Park Ridge.. 2229 First National Bank d®»t’22 H. 8.Stark______ S. Alexander_____ 2 2,108 A. V. P. PalliadeaPark 7065 ^National Bank of Palisades L. E. Cornell_____ E. B. Armstrong — E. R. Boyd, 2 Bergen G20 50 (Bran ch of S avings Invest ment a nd Tr list Col.,East Orang e, N. J .) •'Wfiiw™ ♦ 55-177 Bergen D21 60 $ 995 A. M. Sautter ....— Wm. Freiday_____ ♦Orange Valley Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-176 dB®'16 2 300 d®T«t 33 Orange Savings Bank.. Jun’34Stmt 55-172 | Jun’34Stmt 55-171 $ We Are Prepared to Render Prompt and Careful Service on All Transactions Directed to Us. G. S. Yerbury. Sec. and Tr. (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) Nation al, Stat 9 and Private Banks, Total NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank 7Q9 • Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. town and Codntt. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPriv. I tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond j d-Safe Deposit ® Savings *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. * Paterson.. 138,513 2 Passaic D16 ‘BROADWAY BANK & TRUST CO. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Asst Oashier. Cashier. Jun 34Stmt 55-64 d®T»tS’01 JuP34Stmt 100 $ Henry F. Bell.. —- W. E. RILEY. d®Tr: Accounts of Banks, Bankers and others solicited. Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment. L.V.HINCHLIFFE— Q. H. TEMPLE_ _ _ _ J.C.MATTHEWS.V.P. ALEXANDER DYKES J. M. DYKES- - - - - - - - 600 500 $ 30 S 978 264 8 Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources 617 9 680 252 9,357 502 13,064 2,571 2,513 3,886 3,507 Pf. 750 (Incl. Und. Prof.) ♦East sldeB ranch , Broa 600 50 10,821 200 575 200 (2 Br anches ) IQper ating o ♦National Bk. of America in A. H. Slater--------- J. T. Doremus____ J. R. Voorhis, J. C. Cotellessa, B. H. Saunders V. P. and Cash. A. C. and. A. Tr Off. Paterson.55-71..dR®T»t'23 Jim’34Stmt _____ SILAS THOMAS — EVARB imvciD c- *■ TSCHOPP— W. G. LIVESEY—URYI*R’PAUL LAFERTY. E. J. FEENEY Exec. Tr. Off. R- whyte. Aud. FRED LABAU6H 305 6,200 ♦Merchants Trust Co. H. R. Dobler------- George Kesse____ J. H. Dobler. Dan Fivehouse, Jun’34Stmt 55-566 d®T*t§’23 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. n 35 1,917 544 3,760 restr icted b 2,752 17 6,745 394 sis u nder C sen 1 610 123 100 462 95 682 88 200 883 200 1,351 213 425 11,976 600 14,801 2.223 600 35 1,666 dway 524 200 and 173 Madi 64 Chase N„ Mnfrs. Tr. Co., and Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 1,306 483 Gty. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y. 2,096 3,067 1,015 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. atorLo uis V. Hinch liffe, a ppointed by the ComptroD ler of the Currency.) 229 172 60 Bk. of Naples Tr., N. Y.; Paterson N., Pat. 80 471 258 337 503 43 Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Citiz. Tr. Co., and Secur. Tr. Co., Paterson. 40 Marine Mid. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Penn. N., Phil. 3,832 3,804 4,029 26 1,000 Established 1889. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY AND REMITTED PROMPTLY AT LOWEST RATES Jun’34Stmt 55-60 ♦Paterson Savings lost. R. J. Nelden---------|A. F. McBride Jan’34Stmt 55-57 dR®T*tSl869 G. A. Hobart W. K. Paton ♦Riverside Trust Co. C. W. Bensen____ E. A. Browne_____ Harry Hoitsma. Jun’34Stmt 55-70 d®T*t5’22 Peter Cimmino Sec. and Tr. ♦Second National Bank S. S. Evans_______ James Wilson____ E. E. Blauvelt, .Jun'34Stmt 55-56 d®T»t’52 R. G. Eves V. P. and Cash. R. G. Eves. Tr. Off. ♦Security Trust Co. H. R. Dobler_____ John P. Hudson__ H. R. Dobler. Tr... Jun’34Stmt 55-651 d®T*t§’26 Daniel Fivehouse, A. Sec and A. Tr. C. W. BENSEN---- 1,000 2,900 27,355 31,255 1,185 40 85 1,393 1,718 179 100 A. J. Baisch, Tr. Off. Pf. 100 40 59 1,237 1,536 233 750 500 262 A. L. Banister, Tr. .1. A. Sweeney Sec. Lee Boydell, A. Tr. J. J. Devlin, J. Van Vlaanderen. A. Tr. Off. Tr Off C. W. Bensen_____ Peter Cimmino.... W. E. Kuipers____ Otto Del Vecchio.. A. H. Bond L. W. Eirich Chas. G. Neil, Sec.. F. E. SMITH, 7>._._ A. J. BAISCH, Tr. Off. and A. Tr. H. C. CHRISTMAN, A.V.P.and A.Sec, J. KHSHNER, A.Sec. HARRY HOITSMA, A. C.K. BARTON. , Solicitor BRUYN A. 6LANN, A. Largest Co mmercial Ba nk in Paters on. hftfUlk G. N. BERLET Jun’34Stmt 55-65 d©T«t*’02 Paterson Clearing House.— Henry F. Bell____ Silas Thomas_____ J. F. Merrill. W. E. Riley. ( M emher* indicated hy n *) H. H. Parmelee l Sec. and Mar, 100 Pf. 100 100 600 1,000 38 617 12,769 15,570 979 1st N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N„ Paterson. 223 472 774 70 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; U. S. Tr. Co.. Paterson. 199 487 530 87 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; U. S. Tr. Co., Paterson. 4,923 6,508 836 1st N„ Irv. Tr., N Y. Tr., and Chase N„ N. Y. Phil. N„ Phil. 55 Chase N„ N. Y.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Paterson. 435 15,736 1,780 St.) 88 276 3,323 8,538 Pf. 750 Tr. Tr. 7V...J (See pa ges 61- 62 63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities, States, etc.) 913 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 13,521 617 18,902 16,773 2,589 4,046 l*Bra nch-.sP ark Av e. & St raight 253 Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil.; 5th-3rd Un. Tr.. Cin. 587 Gty. Tr. Co., Bk. of the Manhattan Co., and 1st N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 833 946 Pf. dB®W89 ‘UNITED STATES TRUST GO. I 1,695 50 ♦Peoples Park Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-69 d®T»t§’22 768 Loans 4 Dis counts 298 Linares & Rescigno Bank Pasquale Rescigno, E. C. Linares_____ S.C. Linares..___ P. J. Beeeigno, Sec. Jun’34Stmt 55-67 dB®§’33 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Peter J. Rescigno 'PATERSON NATIONAL BANK $ 15 Totals Resources. Cash.Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Securi Securi 4 Due ties ties fromBks 1,765 hVDEI6HT0R. RAMSEY tZiGARRISON Cash, and Tr. Off. Henry H. Parmelee, G. A. 8chultze.__ K. L. Jones, ♦Hamilton Trust Co. M. G. Boyd, Tr. and A, Sec. ♦ 55-63 d®T»t81899 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L. Wentink Sec. and A. Tr. .Iun’34Stmt 55-577 Thousands of Dollars) 10,791 J. F. Hammond.... A.D, Chest on. Tr,. A. R. Neale, See... G. S. Zabriskie, G. H. Storms. G. S. Van Auken. A. V. P. A. Tr. Tr. Off. ♦Franklin Trust Co. Chas. A. Bergen... HugoHuettig____ Harry Hellegers. Jno. J. Hall. See. .. F. J. Keller Tr. R. J. Lynch, A. Sec. Jun’34Stmt 55-66 d®Tt5’17 ‘LABOR NATIONAL BANK (Jn Und.Prof. Other Surplus and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities See. 'FIRST NATIONAL JOKHP'"LTO".. 55-55 BAMU®T.t 64 Capital G. W. Renkel_____ F. P. Hofmayer. $ Kent and Kent, Jacob Van Dyke. John McCutcheon, V. P. and Tr. Counsel and Tr, Off. A. Tr. Ch. Herbert E. Draney. Jun’34Stmt 55-605 dB®T*t§’25 ‘CITIZENS TRUST COMPANY Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued 706 Mnfrs. Tr. Co. and N. — City, N. Y.; Phil. N., ; Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Phil. Total FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7nQ / y«J IN umber under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. “County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Fed. Kes. Dist. President. Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier. Capital R. H. Adamson___ S Paulsboro ___7121 First National Bank & Tr.Co. E. P. Henry_____ W. G. Thompson— W. H. Flowers, Jr.. F. S. Flowers 3 Gloucester L7 Jun’34Stmt 55-428 dB®T*t’01 Pedrlcktowu ..200 First National Bank .d®»t’05 Harry M. Green__ Harry W. Spohn— George B. Justice— Jun’34Strat 55-424 3 Salem L5 N., Phil. 18 224 25 327 30 50 70 165 12 68 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 90 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; IstN., Phil. 370 306 F. E. Blackwell.__ R. M. Woolsey— John Hanlon 100 25 5 1,087 58 1,275 121 35 385 644 J.Milton Featherer 100 50 56 1,335 40 1,581 288 235 409 490 159 Irv Tr Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 50 5 5 301 33 394 58 41 88 169 38 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N„ Phil. 600 118 517 4,693 370 6.298 351 844 1,344 3,626 123 Gty. Tr. Co., Irv. Tr. 175 75 45 1,871 190 2,356 582 177 552 887 977 65 7,113 8,155 486 751 2,540 3,877 269 2,095 4,866 206 110 1,120 3,272 H. R. Davis............. . Co., and Mar. Mid. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items, lie must be sent with each sight draft for presentation. Accounts solicited. BUY AND SELL FOREIGN EXCHANGE. ... J. A. Peterson. W. H. Griswold... 0. E. Seaman, Tr.. H. Emmons, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Frank Dorsey Perth Amboy Trust Co. ♦ 55-166 dB®T«t§’02 i Jun’34Stmt Peter C. Olsen W. M. Weiant. Sec. and Tr. 150 W. H. Pullen. 158 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 501 Bkrs. Tr, Irv. Tr. and Cent. Han Bk. & Tr., N. Y.: Fid. Un. Tr., Newark. 158 Chase N., City, and Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil. N.. Phil. Aud. 100 SIDNEY I.R.SOLT, A.6REENBAUM ...... N.E. COMINGS Sec. and Tr. .a. o«h.. and A. Tr. RIDULESTORFFER. ABEL HAHSEN Ch.of Bd.andPres. A.C.CLARK Pf. 50 1 1,982 A. Sec. and A. Tr. Pf. 370 Sidney J. J. Quinn. A. Sec. (Ambo y Aven ue Bra nch: A mboya nd Co mpton Avenu es) Riddlestorffer. G. A. Disbrow, Tr. Off. 70 416 483 1,119 00 118 6S5 246 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. SEND US YOUR PERTH AMBOY ITEMS. SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN B ILL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TIME ITE MS. S S. Young______ H. J. Curry W. H. Walters.__ 200 250 18 2,515 200 3,183 158 597 1,088 1,014 326 Chem Bk. & Tr. Co., Chase N„ and Grace N„ N. Y. 100 25 66 1,219 460 1,870 54 355 939 449 73 Chase N„ N. Y.jPhil.N., Phil. 200 250 66 1,869 100 2,485 270 283 774 1,054 104 Grace N. and Mar. Mid. Tr., N. Y.; Tra. N., Phil. Jun’34Stmt 55-219 J. A. Smith. A Tr., A. L. Reiley........... E. N. Brasefleld__ R. Souders, ♦Phillipsburg Trust Co. Sec, and Tr. Wm. P. Tallman, Jun’34Stmt 55-221 dB®T»t§’16 Tr. Off. G. B. Arnold. A. Sec. and .4. Tr. ^Second National Rank 216 78 . ROBERT CARSON-— JOHN M. O’TOOLE — V. A. COSTELLO-----C. D. SNEDEKER Perth Amboy Sav. Inst. Jul’34Stmt 55-164 ®T«tS'69 *PHILLIPSBURG NAT’L BK & TR.CO....... — dB®T»'56 530 $ 144 J. A. Kozusko Phllllpsburgl9,255 2 Warren E8 10 $ 50 414 $ 124 $ 966 H, H, Fisler A. G. Justice.. ®W99 d®T»tS’16 243 S 13 Jun’34Stmt Peonies Bank___ dB®«tS’15 Jun’34Stmt 55-479 ♦ 55-167 Jun’34Stmt $ 1,527 $ 829 PE&NNS GROVE NAT.BANK R CO. 55-426 d®T«tl900 RARITAN TRUST COMPANY 30 Surp.) 4 Pennington.. 1335 First National Bank 3 Mercer H12 Jun’34Stmt 55-427 d®»J1900 55-165 Jun’34Stmt 187 {With $ 1,210 $ Principal COBRESP..NDENTS. 20 T. TT Tturtd W. H. Hartman FIRST NATIONAL BANK 100 S Other Re sources 100 Pemberton ...-783’ Peoples Nat. Bank & Tr. Co. 3 Burlington K13 Jun’34Stmt 55-425 dB®T,t’06 Perth Amboy 2 43.516 Middlesex G18 (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Cash.Ei. U.S.Gov. Other Loans Other Und.Prof. Totals Lia 4 Due Securi Securi 4 Dis Surplus and or Deposits bilities ties counts fromBks ties Reserves Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew § State tPriv. Penns Grove. 5895 3 Salem M5 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc , see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Peter Kline John 1. Firth (See pa ges 61- 62-63 f or Num ber of Depo sits by Cities. States, etc.) Robert Souders, Sec. and Tr. House Nation al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total (Members indicated by a *) Pitman_____ 5411 Pitmau National Bank & Trust Co...............d®T«t'07 3 Gloucester M8 Jun’34Stmt 55 428 Pitman Title & Trust Co. J. Howard Morris P K. Sentt J.Howard Morris.. P. E. Harris. 125 200 3 1,572 63 1,963 149 Oscar Davenport. 100 100 4 359 99 662 49 R. Thompson. Tr. Title and Tr. Off. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEWARK 246 926 496 146 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk & Tr. and Phil. N.. Phil. 255 226 132 Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk & Tr. Phil. N„ and Penn.. Phil. New Jersey’s Largest Bank ■ 794 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State TPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.DeDts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings Fed. Res. Dist. Plainfield...34,422 2 Union FIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 55-191 d®T»t’64 LIABILITIES. President. Vice-Fresident. ♦ 55-197 Cashier. ass t Cashier. E. F. FEIGKERT...... R. J. SMALLEY......... J. R. HARDEN_ _ _ _ _ F. R. HAYNES_ _ _ _ ........... ........ '.L. Cl-UTHBERT. ------A. A. WHITFORD. A. A. C. and Tr. Off. Capital $ O. E. Loizeaui___ J. A. Oaffnev d®Tt§’25 C. F. Schwep, Ch, Geo. Christensen W. H. Demler. Sec, and Tr. (In Thousands of Dollars) Und.Prof. Other Surplus and or Deposits Lia 1 K»serves bilities 220 $ 21.......... $ 1116 $ 245 $ Resources. Cash.Ei. O.S.Gov. Other & Due Securi Securi fromBks ties ties Totals 4,602 $ 260 $ 542 $ 760 Loans & Dis counts $ 1,838 Principal Correspondents. Other Re sources $ 1,202 A. Tr. Off. Park Ave. Branc h; F. The Oldest Financial Institution in Plainfield Expeditious Handling of Collections MID-CITY TRUST CO. Jun’34Stmt Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, NEW JBRSEY—Continued B. F. Bowling. R. Ha ynes, Branc h Mgr. I 100 100$ 15 673 115 1,003 111 74 240 532 A. Sec, PLAINFIELD NATIONAL BK. Arthur E, Crone... Wm. G. Debele.__ Geo. E. Volk, Edson B. Day......... Jun’34Stmt 55-690 d©T»t’28 Cash, and Tr. Off. Phil. 46, N., Phil. 175 75 i 21 1,423 176 1,870 332 771 250 297 220 Phil. H. D. Davis, Consultant Tr. Off. Plainfield Savings Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-192 d®»tl’fi THE PLAINFIELD TRUST CO. ♦ Jun’34Stmt 55-194 dB®T*t5'02 STATE TRUST COMPANY ♦ Jun’34Stmt 55-195 d®W8'10 352!............ Louis K. Hyde____ Herman Schwed— H. B. MacDonald, A. W. Hutchinson, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Asa F. Randolph 3,243 3,597 217 169 818 1,928 465 field Tr. and 1st N., Plainfield. HURT H. POND--- fitVjj¥H|tBELL F'1 Wfc,"• "• «»»«»• r, , S: M K- 0ff' C. E. MURRAY The largest bank in Union County. F- #“ERT-rai ! (With 650 934 j Surp.) 15,763 31 17,378 2,136 3,117 8,705 592 1,879 371 N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phi!. A. Secretaries and A. Treasurers. ““-aafciWK' ] Tr. Off. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 150 100 53 | 3,147 3,450 507 693 Your commissions In Plainfield and vicinity will have our most careful attention. Pleasantvllle First National Bank—d®t’02 C. S. Adams_____ 55-429 - . 11.580 3 Atlantic 013 Pleasantville Trust Co. R. M. Willis_____ •Jun’34Stmt 55-462 d®»ti’ll 2,828 ----------J- V- TRUMP0RE. r. c. D^ER^GER, Tr. Off. A. P. Risley........... George H. Adams.. Lewis B. Ryon T. B. Wootton A. J. Anderson ___ D. S. LeCompte, G.R. Manning, A. Tr. Japhet Price Sec. and Tr. Point Pleasant Ocean County Nat. Bank of Clarence Chafey... J. W.Johnson___ Joseph Forsyth___ Owen F. Truex. 3 Ocean J20 2058 Point Pleasant Beach____ Anita S. Tilton, A. C. A, C, and Tr, Off. .Tun’34Stmt 55-430 d®T«J’01 Pompton Lakes First Nat. Bank & Trust Co. D. N. Shippee....... A. C. Kluge............. Edwin Merrill___ Q. H. Schmitz. 2 Passaic C17 8104 Jun’34Stmt 55-477 d®T«t’15 F. H. Carr Un. Tr. Co., Newark; Market St. N., Phil. {Incl. U. S.) J . I (Oper ating o n restr icted h asis u 1 nder C on serv ator, the Curre ncy.) 100 50 16 940 1 1,107 252 247,............ 1,738 37 2,172 350 T. B. 72 Wootto 206 376 435 1,317 2011 N. Bk. & Tr.. Phil. 150 (Incl. Prof.) i. of N. Y. & Tr. Co 70 {Incl. V. S. Secur.) 200 150 200 446 Surp.) 31 1,033 ..............j 1 1,414 163 61 263 6,197 7,043 695 2,584 479 N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 865 62 i Chase N., N. Y. Edwin Merrill CHARLES BROWNE-- E. A. FROHLING_ _ R. V. CORTELYOU... JOSEPH S. HOFF V. B. LEIGH W. R. MATTHEWS G.E. GIBSON, Tr.Off. Princeton.... 6992 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 3 Mercer H13 Jun 34Stmt 55-305 d®T*t’93 PRINCETON BK.& TRUST CO. ♦ 55-303 d®T»t§'34 ONLY NATION AL BANK IN TH E CITY. E. L. HOWE. H. M. THOMAS.......... W. M. KARCH. Ch.of Bd.andPres. Jun’34Stmt A. A. HART, A. Sec. Sec. and A. Tr.Off. LILIAN V.S. STOUT, W. P. ARMSTRONG C. A. SE1DENST1CKER. MARGUERITE V. P. and Tr. Off. , „ McCLENAGHAN. T. P. STULTS, A. Tr. I (With 200 j 3,285 ............ | N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 300 110 (With 3,842 Surp.) 26 4,278 900 296 394 2,652 36 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Trenton Tr., Trenton; Fid. Un. Tr., Newark. A.Sec.and A.Tr.Off. Princeton Savings Bank H. D. Eldridge Jun’34Stmt 55-304 ®»t5’73 L. W. Grover_____ H. E. Hutchinson, B. F. Bunn, Sec. Tr. Prospect Park Prospect Park Nat'l Bank John Faber......... . Lambert Steen___ H. J. Van Hook, John Zuidema. Jr. 100 ,„ 5909 Jun’34Stmt 55-620 dB®T»'25 Richard Southman V. P, and Cash. Tunis Breeman Pf. 75 (Paterson P, O.) 2 Passaic D19 456 1 512 45 2,449 100 2,870 536 134 305 28 423 1,358 77 Princeton. 75 71 I 476 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. and Chem. Bk. & Tr., N.Y. 1 FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 795 Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State TPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depta;T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit © Savings President. VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Resources. LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Und .Prof, Oash,Ex. j D.S.Gov. Other j Loans Other Securi Securi & Dis & Due and or Deposits Surplus Lia Totals Capital counts ties fromBks ties Reserves bilities 250 $ 14 $ 3,363 $ 100 8 S 3,777 478 $ 473 $ 1,828 S 905' % ............ Walter Freeman... F. C. Squier, Sr.... WalterFreeman.TV C. J. Schaefer, Rahway Sav. Institution Sec. and A. Tr. F. W. Coles. A. Tr. A. R. Wendell Jun’34Stmt 55-250 d®*t§’51 O. H. Dey. A. Sec. 200 E. H. Ludlum, Rahway Trust Co..d®T»t§’16 J.van Herwerden. H. L. Lamphear... l.O. Potter, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. A. F. Kirstein.F.P. H. T. McClintock Jun’34Stmt ♦55-252 256 14! 2,487 ............ 2,757 166 170 30 1 1,041 ............ 1,272 108 90 526 443 .. J. W. Pulis.............. 1. M. Christopher. 250 100 73 1,463 100 1,986 168 380- 386 897 r AllPn C. L. Voorhees. Sec. and Tr. Dec’33Stmt 55-432 Raritan State Bank d®*t§’26 J. S. Frelinghuysen Herbert VanPelt. W. L. Darrell____ A. C. Van Tine, Jr. W. J. Kirby .Iun’34Stmt 55-643 191 .. 1,072 1,263 37 443 691 75 18 21 775 889 86 435 354 F. E. Price. Tr. Off. 100 A. A. Whiting .. . Ralph S. Pearce. Otto Saalfp.ld E. A. Deyoe . Raritan_____ 4751 Raritan Savings Bk._©»t5’60 E E. N. McClees, Red Bank...11.622 The Merchants Trust Co. 2 Monmouth H20 Jun’34Stmt 55-579 d®T»t§’33 C. R. English. Ch. Second National Bk.& Tr. Co. Frank McMahon... Jun’34Stmt 55—268 d®T»t’75 B. J. Parker. V. P. R. Applegate. V. P. Ridgefield___ 4671 Ridgefield National Bank M. B. Lowe----------Jun’34Stmt 55-524 d®«t'22 2 Bergen D21 C. A. Knox_______ Ridgefield Park Trust Co. Ridgefield Park 2 Bergen D20 10.764 Jsin’34Stn)t ♦ 55-433 d®T»t§'10 C. W. Mergler, Ch. Fred R. Lowe. F. E. Price CITIZENS FIRST NAT. BK.&TR.CO. Jun’34Stmt 55-296 C F. Z. BOARD-------\ H.S. WILLARD,Ch. < J. V. KNOWLTONi j V. P. and Tr. Off. Sec. and Tr. Charles Allen, Jr. H. G. Borden W. L. Pierce_____ C. L. Chilton............ Emil Berger W. B. Richardson. W. C. Carron, Sec. and Tr. C. W. Emerson W. V. Barnett, Principal Correspondents. (Incl. Und. Prof.) 371 6 800 95 6,552 1,284 232 2,194 2,415 427 944 203 121 181 305 134 2,865 257 83 529 1,683 313 2 1,430 1,090 91 5,295 76! C. H. Daly, Jr____ Pf. 169 _ 753 100 72 2,568 25! 84 7,461 102 8,347 mammmmm Wm. P. Jewett, 100 22 1 158 1,198 A.Cash.and Tr.Off. Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. Bkrs. Tr., N. Y.; Un. Co. 136 Tr., Elizabeth; Rahway N„ Rahway. 1051 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 155 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 92 Somerville Tr. Co., Som erville. 14 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. U. S.) 80 50 1,024 93 N.Y.; Lin. N.,Newark.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. &Tr., Phil. ihase N. and N. Y. Tr., N. Y.; Fid. Un. Tr., Newark. Co., N. Y. A. Sec, and A, Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, Ch. of Exec. Comm. 2 Bergen C19 50 $ 1,261 j Ramsey_____ 3258 First Nat. Bank & Trust Co. Jun’34Stmt 55-431 d®T«t’09 2 Bergen C19 Ridgewood. .12,188 Other Re sources — Jan vanHerwerden L. R. Cartwright.. K. S. Simmen------- S Rahway____ 16,011 RAHWAY NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 55-251 d®T»tl900 2 Union F17 2 Somerset F14 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued J, H. GEO. S. B. W. J. 200 DUNNING........... S. S. HAZZARD_____ HENRY E. SGHMULTS 1. KEMBLE W. V. G. WESTERVELT Pf. A. VP. G. H. RATEAU GLASSF0RD 400 FLYNN (Trust | 1,524 1,534 2,525 2,387 377 ------IIHI Depa \rtment | Resou rces $2 ,031) Pf. B. d®T»t’20 Co., Chase N. and Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 100 100 70 9 765 3 947 160 76 255 242 214 100 18 1 494 99 712 57 166 129 264 96 100 100 9 1,273 1,482 562 21 103 646 150 100 100 32 1,046 1 1,279 117 40 435 462 225 50 Joseph J. Stantley. Julius R. Meier___ F. Vom Eyser Jun’34Stmt ♦ 55-697 dB®«t§’28 2 Bergen C19 Rockaway.__ 3132 First National Bank In Rock C. L. Millard_____ J. H. Miller______ F.G. Engleman... W. J. Richards, Jr. Pf. 100 100 away____ 55-436 ...d®»t'31 E. G. Kattermann, H. W. Mutchler 2 Morris D15 Ch. Jun’34Stnit 100 Wm. L. Wilson, Roebllng_____ 8403 First National Bk. &Tr. Co. William Gummere. S. L. Major ._ . Cash, and Tr. Off. 3 Burlington J12 Jun’34Stmt 55-504 d®T«t’20 100 E. H. Warsinski... C. E. Chambers___ E. L. Lillibridge___ P. H. Bennion, Roselle.......... 13,021 First National Bank Cash, and Tr. Off. F. O. Manley Jun’34Stmt 55-438 dB®T»t’07 2 Union F18 30 7 276 363 106 57 59 133 1,165 — 1,414 241 100 28 985 8 N. Y. 60 Irv. Tr. Co. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y. 27 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 102 Marine Midland Tr., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Fid. Un. Tr., Newark. 143 Chase N.,N. Y.; N. State, Elizabeth. W. C. Ely_________ D. E. Roman, North Jersey Trust Co. Sec. and Tr. Jun’34Stmt 55-297 d®T»t§’28 J. J. Newberry, Ch. H. H. Harvey C. D. Hutton P. H. Burk_______ C. S. Goldy............... First National Bank..d®’26 J. JVf. flftant Jun’34Stint 55-654 Olive M. Bishop. ®. J. Pitman_____ Wm. T. Baggs____ H. G. Pancoast. RIVERSIDE TRUST CO. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. H. Rowan Jun’34Stmt ♦ 55-434 d®T»t§ 1/ Riverton.........2483 Cinnamlnson Bk. & Tr. Co. 3 Burlington E10 E. L. Williami. Jun’34Stmt 55-435 d®T«t§'25 E.S. Wood............. H. B. Conover, H. J. Kemmerle, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. C. C. Miller M. DeCoursey, Y.; Girard Tr., Phil.; U. S. Tr., Paterson. Penn N. and Phil. N., Phil. lhase N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. Bk. & Tr., Phil. A. Sec. Rochelle Park 1200 Rochelle Park Bank Roselle Park..8969 Roselle Park Trust Co. 2 Union F18 Jun’34Stmt 55-511 d®T*t§’20 Rutherford. 14.915 RUTHERFORD NAT. BANK 2 Bergen E19 Jun’34Stmt E. Karl Schaffer_____ W. F. Bigelow____ C. E. Allen. Sec. and Tr. V. J. Kersting A. P. Luscombe Heim, A. Tr. ( F. S. DICKINSON M.W. BECT0N .... J. K. WATSON___ J M, HARE E. J. TURNER,( A R. A. BRUNNER C. A R0DENBURG. J. H. PATRICK \ 55-271 dB®T*t’95 ] Collections or other business e Lrecelve prompt and careful atte RUTHERFORD TRUST CO. C. A. Van Winkle. Henry Wagner___ Wm. F. Harvey, ♦ 55-273 dB®T»«T0 V. P. and Tr. Off. J.m’34Stmt 29 40 3 1,172 100 1,415 210 288 642 248 250 18 2,556 49 2,973 262 434 511 1,664 150 50 46 1,249 351 1,846 106 97 1,060 440 500 150 95 5,653 603 7,001 1,764 402 723 3,620 250 300 112 3,314 40 4,016 379 509 974 2,007 a-. A. C. and Tr. Off. ntrusted it this Bank will ntion. C. H. Mier. R. H. Geer, Sec. and Tr. A .Sec. and A. Tr.Off. Richard Conlan, Jr. Harold E. Post, A. Sec. and A. Tr. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. 20 492 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 147IChase N„ N. Y. 147 New Bus Mgr. NEWARK New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 7Qc to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ • -^u Town and Countt. #'iem A.B.A. nNew§SUtetPriv. »Ouuuty seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Pig. under town is ♦ Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safe Deposit ® Savings President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this ’•nb'me For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Vice-President. 0 AS RISE. Ass’T Cashier •Salem______ 8047 City National Bank & Tr. Co B. A. Hilliard Jun’34Stmt 55-277 d®T*t 88 3 Salem N5 LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars Resources. Loans Cash,Ex. U.S.Gov. Other Cnd.Proi. Other 4 Dne Securi- Securi- 4 DisliaTotals Capital Surplus and or Deposits ties connts ties IromBks Reserves bilities 2,141 200 $ 2,797 204 273 606 1,473 Other Resources Principal Correspondents. 241 Cent. Han. Bk & Tr. Co.,N.Y.; Phil.N.,Phil. 100 S 56 150 Pf. 150 150 44 2,351 100 2,945 345 201 489 1,674 100 10 7 521 1 639 68 233 171 115 52 Chase N„ N. Y. 50 Scotch Plains 3500 First State Bank—d®»t§’27 C. R. Vail ___ J. H. Hatfield.__ Sam'l Jun’34Stmt 55-639 2 Onion F16 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Hollingsworth E. H. Goodwin Sea Bright....... 899 nSea Bright National Bank Ira D. Emfirv__ 25 Chester Bowman.. Wm. V. Smith....... R. S. Lockwood.... d®i*34 Pf. 25 2 Monmouth H21 Aug’34Stmt 55-439 38 8 275 90 461 47 211 152 51 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil, and Plainfield. 10 1 220 1 282 156 63 7 23 33 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y. Secaucus 8950 2 Hudson E20 •Somerville .8255 2<<Somerset F14 20 539 393 14 24 102 3,923 665 903 1,196 1,001 2,200 172 101 1,740 M $ Salem National Bank & Trust Wm. H. Hazelton.. C. B. Allen . .. Co--------- 55-276.d®T»tl82S Wm. L. Freeland.. C. M. Keen______ Jun’34Stmt Sayrevllle....... 8658 First National Bank E. F. Lockhart.__ 2 Middlesex Q17 Jun’34Stmt 55-702 dB©T»’29 J. J. W eber “ _ _ nPeoples National Bank Aug’34Scmt 55-710 d®’34 Second National Bank Jun’34Stmt 55 314 dBT*f94 Somerville Savings Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-813 ®i§’71 Geo. W. King, Jr.. Geo.Behrens, Ch. C. L. Voorhees__ D. H. Beekman__ O. G. Allen Louis P. Gaston, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. SomervilleTr. Co..d®T«t§’64 J. G. Gaston____ J. F. Reger______ David T. Lane, Jun’34Stmt 55-312 Sec. and Tr. Wm. H. Taylor. Ch. J. A. Maxwell H. S. Lyon So. Amboy... 8476 First National Bk,.dB®T»+’88 Harry C. Perrine.. Charles Safran.... R. 0. Stephenson.. 2 Middlesex G18 Jun’34Stmt 55-441 •• ____ « South Amboy Trust Oo. H.G.Hoffman.Fxec. Jun’34Stmt 55-493 dB®T»t5'19 J. A. Applegate. Tr. and Tr. Of. W. S. Dey Ch. Samuel Newton South Orange ^SAVINGS INVESTMENT & Harry H. Thomas.. 2 EssexElS 13.630 TRUST CO. ♦ss-zss__-§'97 T. E. Fitzsimmons. S. O. Coeyman, ’South orange tr. co. Mar’34Stmt^ 55-286 dB©T§'25 Sec., Tr.and Tr.Off. S. Schechner (*Member Orange Clearing H ouse Ass’n of the Or anges, Orange.N.J.) •• •* M C. L. Van Cleef__ 200 T. Francis Perrine. A. Cash, and Tr.Off. 100 J. S. Tomaszewski, A. Tr. 100 225 A. Sec. and A. Tr. II 1,974 120 (Incl. Und. Prof.) $ $ 27 4,269 4 4,800 331 792 1,600 1,845 4 2,453 60 2,607 196 561 682 1,004 24 1,612 4 1,790 332 70 353 898 1,523 119 441 798 9 N. J.) 94 1,075 ■ 20 9 230 31 350 40 43 240 200 52 4,208 12 4,822 764 1,775 1,465 653 80 193 2 480 57 70 31 213 523 98 45 209 144 25 1,003 163 289 112 395 7 7 409 25 1 852 1 240 281 44 5 44 152 35 11 1,145 64 1,355 124 131 272 706 19 2,284 211 2,864 341 399 22 6,112 7,041 1,098 100 307 (Incl. Und. Prof.) 150 100 100 P. D. Peterson. M. B. Urion, A. Tr. Pf. 75 Sec. and Tr. H J. Miller F. W. Wetzler___ D. S. Walter____ J.G. Voegtlen. Sec. R. B. Welsh. Tr__ M. P. Stephens A. L. Hellquist, A. Sec. L. Swedesboro Trust Co. H. A. Black______ H. A. Salisbury ♦ 55-473 dB®T*t§’13 A. D. Snelbaker Jun’34Stmt Teaneck ___ 16.513 Peoples Trust Co. of Bergen 2 Bergen 1)21 County. .55-650 d®«t'26 50 148 $ 100 Frank Durand____ J. P. Van Schoi^k, Cash, and Sec. FIRST NAT’L BANK&TR.C0. WILLIAM DARLING... G. H. FOUNTAIN.......... R. P. WILLIAMSON— E. S. BANCROFT Jun’34Stmt 55-259 dB®T«t »7 Sumnm trust Co..d®T*t5'09 Jun’34Stmt-* 55-260 3,429 46 $ 100 N. C. Schmidt....... . 300 $ 419 (Bran ch of E ast Or ange% Lawrence Kerwin. E. R_ Pape 60 Philip Cohen 100 M. R. Warne____ Gustav Gardner... W. C. Rose R. F. Fountain, Jessie B. DeHart. Pf. 250 Tr. Off. .4. C. and A. Tr.Off. 105 South River Trust Co. Edward W. Price, E. D. Mitchell___ Daniel T. Robbins. Sec. and Tr. Pf. 100 Jun’34Stmt 55-475 dB©Tt§'15 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. W. Quackenboss rk. N.J.) Otto Wnndfir 150 $ 226 C. D. Phoenix. .A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. MacGregor__ Wm. S. Porter___ Wm. S. Porter, See. J. S. Byland. G. V. Lum E. P. Patten. Tr. and A. Sec. Tr. Officer Theo. Muchmore. A. Tr. Sussex______ 1415 Farmers National Bank F. W. Margarum— T. M. Holbert, Herbert Pel low.__ 2 Sussex A14 Jun’34Stmt 55-444 ®T«t'49 Cash, and Tr, Off. Beatrice Smith, Jay S. Wilson. A.C. A . C. and A. Tr Off. Swedesboro.. 2123 Swedesboro National Bk. f!. S. Crispin S. S. Conover____ E. F. Hurff W. Lewis Weber— 3 Gloucester M6 Jun’34Stmt 55-445 d®T»t’83 M 150 First National Bankd®*t’20 Patrick McDonough Jun’34Stmt 55-512 N. W. Clayton___ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 55-442 d®T»t’02 R. F. Fountain, Ch. Springfield. ..3600 First National Bank.d®»t'25 Jun’34Stmt 55-616 2 Union E 17 Spring Lake 1745 First National Bank of Spring L. C. Ritchie .. _ Lake___ 55-443.................. 2 Mon’mth 120 Jun’34Stmt (M ember of Monmouth Clearin g House, Asbury Pa Stone Harbor .363 First National Bank ..®t’26 E. O. Howell, Jr. 3 Cape May R13 Jun’34Stmt 55-644 Summit__ 14,556 Citizens Trust Co..d®T*t§’23 John D. Hood ___ Jun’34Stmt 55-557 2 Union E 17 •• 100 Anna V. Huff. H. C. Wagner. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. M South Plainfield 2 Mi< dlea’xP16 5047 south ttiver 10,759 2 Middlesex G17 •* «• 200 $ Pf. 100 Godfrey Budin, J. J. Martin. A. Mgr, A. Sec. 25 Pf. 15 100 200 Pf. 150 600 (Tru st Dep artmen t Fun ds over 158 Chase N. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 187 Somerville Tr. Co. and 2d N.. Somerville; Fid.Un. Tr., Newark. 232 1st N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 164 N. City and Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr.. Phil. 137 Irv Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y. 165 Colonial Tr., N. Y.; Merch. Newark Tr., Newark. 27 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 165 1st N. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 109 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ So. River. 27 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y. 44 Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr., N. Y. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Phil.N.,Phil. Tr., N. Y.; N. Newark andEssexBkg., Newark. 205 N. City, N. Y.; Fid. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. 496 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 36 122 Bkrs. 974 29 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 95 186 109! 634 161 63 180 393 322 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. N. and Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr., Phil. 62 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Pa. Co., Phil. 99 2,865 572 100 9 969 168 1,346 20 14! 650 859 (Bran rh nf P I Bergen $12,00 0) 6 Chase N„ N. Y. 693 2,398 Trust Co. of 1,122 3,124 236IN. City, N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 597 118 1 797 2.323 (Incl. U. S.) $ Count y, Hac kensacJ k, N. J.)-. Marine Mid. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Complete Neve Columnar Style Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in this edition of your Blue Book You now have eleven columns of data on every American bank—three more than in former editions of your Blue Book. amount of ’funds invested in United States Government securities and the other showing the amount invested in other securities. Figures in Thousands of Dollars You will find all statements in this and subsequent editions listed in thousands of dollars only. A bank with $100,000 capital is shown as $100. An institution with $1,250,101 in deposits is listed as $1,250. This makes possible a quicker and easier reading and comparison of bank statements. Totals Column A“totals” column—separates the liabilities from the resources and shows at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any American bank. No other bank directory embodies this essential index figure. Undivided Profits and Reserves Surplus and undivided profits now occupy two columns: “surplus” and “undivided profits and/or reserves.” U. S. Government Securities Likewise, bonds and investments are divided into two columns, one showing the This new Blue Book revolutionizes all former methods of presenting banking data. Its four major improvements give you added figures on each bank—more conveniently arranged, permitting you to quickly compare the relative conditions as to each item of all banks in any given state or city. Rand McNally Bankers Directory The Bankers Blue Book Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Broad Street National Bank <* Trenton EAST STATE STREET AT MONTGOMERY Branch Office: HAMILTON AT SOUTH CLINTON TRENTON, NEW JERSEY 7Q7 ' Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given; to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banker* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'-j Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Tensity_____ 5669 2 Bergen D21 •Mem. A. B. A. "New §State t Priv. {Mem. State B Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings ^.KK. President. Northern ValleyNat'l Bk. E. J. HeppenheinTv. d®T«t*27 Jun’34Stmt 55-657 SMr bi aUk—a___ F. M. Fnlli,?____ tin Thousands of Dollars) RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Principal Ond.Prof. Cashjx. D.S.Sov. Other Other Other Loans -<tal Surplus ! and or Deposits Lia& Due Securi- Securi- & DisTotals Correspondents. Rereserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources 6(1 '3 William Winkel... 3 100 3 3 1,147 $ 228 3 7 3 880 94 $ 379 3 386 3 60 Chase N„ N. Y-. Pf. 100 (.Incl. Ass t Cashier. B. M. Huyler____ J. Ostermann. Jr._ H. R. Murray. Tenafly Trust Company Jun’34Stmt 55-446 d®T»t§'07 W. H. Noyes. Ch, Set. and Tr, Thomas B. Hanson 100 F. W. Sutton, Jr... S. R. Applegate__ Wm. J. Gruler ___ G. G. Pike_______ ‘Toms Blver. 3290 First National Bank Jun’34Stmt 55-353 d®T»t'81 3 Ocean Klw F. W. Sutton. Jr.. R. N. Lane 350 Ocean County Trust Co. G. C. Van Hise, Jun’34Stmt 55-354 d®Tt*'07 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Town of Union... ‘Trenton . 123,356 3 Mercer 113 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. [NEW JERSEY—Continued 66 1,681 3 183 2,105 85 106 342 1,184 388 Irv. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.,N. Y.;Phil.N..Phil. 3,538 350 4,673 412 1,210 844 2,036 1,186 69 1,513 121 33 400 821 171 Chase N. and Marine Mid. Tr., N. Y.; Penn. Co., Phil. Marine Mid. Tr. Co., N. 138 Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 152 18,087 240 19,729 9,095 2,742 935 5,363 1,594 5.195 19,627 4,866 75 435 (With Surp.) Tr. Off. f>cilia B. Bunnell Joseph Grover___ R. H. Tilton, E. C. Terhune, Sec. and Tr. Und. Prof.) 200 40 250 1,000 18 A. Sec. and A. Tr. (See Union City) *BR0AD STREET NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 55-77 6. A. KATZENIACH- A. C. REEVES-------- W. W..ANDERSOJ_ _ J. V. B. WiCOrr G. J. WEISER, JR., FIRST-MECHANICS Ic'h'ofBd^MdPres. {HAROLD RAY, \ n F. W. ROEBLING, JR.. urnt....... uHi . Exec. V. P. A. V. P. Tr. Off H. J. JOHNSON. A. Tr. Off. NATIONAL BANK OF TRENTON Jiin’34Stmt 55-78 dB®T«J1834 Aud. A. Tr. Off. d®T‘t'87 ♦THE B. 1 KLEIN............ J* Ft Ut n IUUI rf L* W to 1 _________ Tr. Off. E. H. BLACKMAAN. Mfer- 2,000 (Bran ches at 2,252 31,996 East State 2,000 Brenn a, Mg •-) 49,248 and 6,001 Olden\ 4,559 South Broad and Libert y) /TRENTON' S LARGEST. 1 Unexcelled Collection S ervice. \Resources $40,247,69 7.07 300 225 13 2,716 200 59 (With Surp.) 415 200 50 10 1,000 1,000 ♦Security National Bank J. Henry Fell___ J. R. Smith______ M. S. Broadt Jun’34Stmt 55-659 d©t'27 ({•o*btcwmhboBelll* IRA FROST............. IRA FROST - - - - - - - H. S. PAYRAN-—— Ht D. LUvAai W« C. MAT LACK * JH., 1 1st V. P. Sec, and A. C, A. Tr. Off. J. L. WILLIAMSON 3,254 77 927 1,492 5 679 66 183 300 540 100 900 89 101 188 340 182 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 325 20,774 12 23,111 7,572 5,004 2,879 6,567 1,089 Bk. of the Manhattan CHAS. M. TITUS. nff /Prompt attentl on to all banning matters. A thoro nghly organized c ollect ion de partm ent. Reasonable cbarg es. We want yon r Trenton buslne ss. Trenton Sav. Fund Society Bruce Bedford.__ R. V. Whitehead.. R. Y. Whitehead, P. A. Green. 1,411 13,087 Jun’34Stmt 55-74 d®<|’44 Joan A. Gampdai , Tr. Sec. and A. Tr, .Jun’34Stmt 55-72 dB®T»t*1804 \ Qnlek service. 132 14,630 360 956 7 25,504 3,455 2,242 6,424 5,367 Ch. H. ARTHUR SMITH — N. L. PETTY* ’TRENTON TRUST COMPANY Jun’34Stmt 55-78 d®T»tl’S V.P, and Tr. Off. A. W. BOWERS. C. R. WHITLOCK. V. P. and Tr. Sec. and A. Tr. Off. F. E. PRESTON. WM. U. ALE, H. F. TOMLINSON A.V.P, A. K. LEUCKEL JOHN W. LOGAN. J. G. f ItRGE. A. V.P. A' Secretaries and WII. J. PIERREPONT 1. C. BAZZEL, A. Treasurers JAS. T. SUTPHEN A. Tr. Off. L „ ROCKHILL, W. H. BLOOR, v. P. Mgr. Safe Dev. Dept. and A. Tr.Off. TreutOD Clearing Honse........ G. A. Katzenbach.. H. Arthur Smith .. H. H.Johnson, Mgr. (Members indicated by a*. As sociate Members by a +) FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Pa. Co., Phil. CHAS. F. STOUT ♦Hanover-Capital Trust Co. James W. West.__ M. H. Marttndell.. W. M. Dennis. C. J. Trier. A. Tr.. Jun’34Stmt 55-83 d®T«t§’22 G. E. Sommers. Sec. and Tr. C. E. Sommers, A, V. P. Tr. Off. ♦Prospect National Bank G. C. Crossley___ Wm. P. Conard.__ F. E. Seaman____ G. S. Pedrielr _ Jun’34Stmt 55—84 ®'26 E. F. Craig ’THE TRENTON BANKING CO. 2,000 iel A. Branc h: Dan (Hami ItonAv enue and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; N. Shawinut, Bos.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 1,400 874 19,223 4,534 11,789 Pf. 4,000 758 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.; 1st Mech. N„ Trenton. 130 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. Co., Gty. Tr. Co., Chem. N. Bk. & Tr., and Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. &Tr., Chi.; Phil. N„ Penn. Co., and Market St. N„ Phil. 1,523 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st Mech. N., Trenton. 3,484 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Co., N. City, and Chase N.,N. Y.;Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Penn. Co., Phil. Mercer Branch:• South Broad and Market Sts. H. F. TOMLINSON. Ch. 1l. K. Colonial Branch:• South Broad and Hudson Sts. LEUCKEL, Ch., f P. REES, P»ee Ch. m. S. COLLIER, Vice Ch, (See pa ges 61Depo sits by i Cities, NEWARK Nation States, etc.) | | al, Stat e and Private Banks, Total New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 7qo ‘ Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Tuckaboe_____ 680 3 Cape May P13 Tucker ton___1429 3 2 Ocean N17 Union______16,472 Union E18 Union (Town of) Union City. 58,659 2 Hudson E20 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings nFirst National BaDk_d®t*34 H. J. Morgan.......... Jun’34Stmt 55-447 Tuckerton Bank....d®»t§’89 D. G. Conrad. .lun’34Stmt 55-448 \ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Union Center National Bk. John R. BuchananJun’34Stmt 55-564 d®«r23 See Union City. Commonwealth Tr. Company Gustav Dopslaff__ Jun’34Stmt 55-152 d®T»t§’05 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 55—200 dB®T*t’091 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Capital $ H. F. Madden....... C. E. Foster, Jr.__ Pf. S. J. Ridgway....... T. W. Speck........... J. H. Webb, Jr. 25 $ 25 25 63 $ 10 760 $ 212 667 5,523 126 Und. Prof.) 300 70 1,000 1,500 E.F.Briggs, Sec. .. C. A. Sturm, A.Sec. G. K. Reilly. A. Sec. M.F.Jackson, A.Sec. E. H. Lewis, A.Sec. 500 341 E.J. Fanning, Tr._ J. B. Feeney. Sec,. + MERCHANTS TRUST CO. F. O. Ferguson___ C. M. Mindnich___ Jun’34Stmt 55-151 dB®T»tS’17 F. W. Hille, Ch. Livingston Willse J. F. Hess. A. Tr. Chas. Bobel, A. Sec. Pf. 700 {Incl. Und. John Bobel. A. Tr. Albert Kerr 306 118 840 755 870 3,300 1,232 320 1,572 1,275 1,944 526 53 51 4,966 (West 1,150 26,696 14 5,703 250 5,637 Hobok en Bra Inch, S ummit Ave. Mgr.) T. Sie bold, 6 & 7th St., 30,352 3,654 4,033 8,888 11,071 7,258 963 425 862 4,131 {Highl and Of fi.ce: S ummit Ave. a t 7th S t.) Prof.) Upper Montclair. Ventnor.......... 6674 R. R. Sievert_____ ♦Weehawken Trust Co. H. J. Gordon Jun’34Stmt 55-199 dB®T»t5'05 (1 Branch) F. A. Berenbroick, C.H.Reinhardt Jr., R. L. Mangels, A. Tr. Tr. V. P. and Sec. C. N. Hubner.A. Tr. 400 800 361 6,303 R. W. Bartlett— E. S. Turner______ F. W. Walter, Jr— A. T. Glenn, Jr., G. W. Bond Tr. Off. H. M. Appleton.—. J. C. Hunter. Jr.. A. H. Brangwin, Tr. and Tr. Off. A. Sec. and. A. Tr, W. P. Johnson 200 100 222 2,572 150 53 {With Surp.) 1,221 W. B. Rosi_______ H. 8. Stackhouse. 100 50 52 335 A. C. Strang, F. C. Bray_______ H. G. Walls. V. P. and Cash. A. C. and Tr. Off. E. R. Johnstone 150 300 102 2,094 150 200 20 2,582 + Affiliated VIncentown ...865 First National Bank__ ®«t'64 Wm. J. Irick____ 3 Burl’ton E12 •Iun’34Stmt 55-449 Vineland____ 7556 TradesmensBank &Trust Co. E. E. Kimble__ Cumb’land 010 .Iun’34Stmt 55-299 d®T»t!'89 VINELAND NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO_____d®T*J 92 Washington.. 4410 2 Warren Elo G. E. Smith .. Jun’34Stmt 55—298 First National Bank d®T»t’C5 H. M. Riddle. .Jim’34Stmt 55-336 Washington Trust Co. C. C. Bowers. Jun’34Stmt 55-618 d®Tt§’26 Weehawken 14,807 Hamilton National Bank A. J. Curtin (Sta, Union City) .lun’34Stmt 55-619 d®T»U25 Hudson E21 W. Colli ngswood (Camden P. O.) E. M. Kimball___ Edgar S. Ale............ J. P. Creamer____ E. E. Tombleson 100 H. P. Humphrey .. A. S. Harle.............. K. F. Skinner, A C. and Tr. Off. Pf. 200 H. M. Jefferson, Exec. A. Davidson______ R. D. Stevens, Winfield Monez, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Edw. Fetterly____ S. K. Sullivan_____ Ivo Catanl, 4-Park Trust Co—dB®Tt§’22 W.C. J. F. Justin_______ Jacob Kraus, Jr., V. P.. Sec. and Tr. A, Sec. and A. Tr. Jun’34Stmt 55-549 Heppenheimer, Jr. F. G. Baumann A. H. Strickland 7,864 642 101 3,195 685 4 1,428 169 {Trust Funds N. Y. 2,706 ity. Tr. Co. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. 877 krs. Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.,Phil. Chase N. and Empire Tr., N. Y.; Fid. Un. Tr., Newark; 1st N., Ho boken. 784 rv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 2,603 3,835 858 316 726 610 157 $200) 365 522 215 Cent.Han.Bk. & Tr.,N. Y.; 100 328 1,752 50 587 2,646* over 95 54 235 197 6 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ 481 1,439 441 Chase N., N. Y.; Penn. 130 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. 285 Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. Montclair Tr., Mont clair. Phil. Co.. Phil. 2,952 488 188 934 1,212 2,580 290 436 1,379 432 N. and 1st N„ Phil. 100 43 N. Y. Tr. Co., N.Y. 72 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y. 100 28 3 569 2 702 81 169 132 248 150 18 {With Surp.) 1,149 285 1,602 95 517 176 561 253 Irv. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. 800 414 Chase N„ N. Y ; Tr. Co. 1,832 158 86 374 Co., N. Y. 350 175 149 1,158 50 George A. Moore.. W. Marshall______ A. V. Farnath, Jr— Pf. 25 Arthur G. Ames 7 15 631 3 731 115 68 206 223 119 ■ 24 4 852 49 979! 118 152 378 164 167 R. L. De Camp ___ M. C. Bradford___ W. M. Townley 100 25 15 1,209 100 1,449 187 214 116 783 149 Phil. N„ Phil. 200 300 217 4,144 .............. 4,861 1,183 887 352 2,281 Jun’34Stmt Helen H. Pierson, C. B. Kellogg------- H. L. Rost_______ G. T. Parry. A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. C. M. Smith D.McDougall. A.Sec WESTFIELD TRUST CO. W. M. Beard--------- J. E. Walsh. W. M. Beard, Tr. Off. A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. M. Hull. Jr., A. Sec. and A. Tr. 300 200 95 3,859 4,454 625 ( + Associate Member Northern New Jersey Cleari ng House) Memorial National Bank of Frank C. Goldner. Col lings wood____ d®«t’20 3 Camden K9 3075 Jun’34Stmt 55-505 W. Englewood 2700 West Englewood Nat’l Bank J. H. Schilling____ 2 Bergen D21 .Jun’34Stmt 55-553 —d ®*J'23 Westfield.__15,801 National Bank of Westfield Lloyd Thompson... 2 Union F17 Jun’34Stmt 55-282 d®T*t’12 PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST CO... ♦—55-281. d®T »t 8'07 West Hoboken ... Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. Northern New Jers ey Clearing House. 33 Liberty 8t„ New York City, N.Y.) ♦VENTNOR CITY NAT’L BANK Thos. Youngman... Jun’34Stmt 55-147 d®T»t’12 3 Atlantic P16 (*Members of Atlantic City Cl earing House) Verona.... ......... 7161 Verona Trust Co,.dB®T»J§’24 R. A. Jacobus____ 2 Essex D18 Jun’34Stmt 55-485 3 {Bran ch of J erseyC ity, N. J.) J. T. Gilligan, A. Tr. ...JST CO. OF NEW *TM! JERSEY-.55-198 d8®T»8’96 (♦Members and (See Montclair1 haseN.,N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil, hase N., N. Y.; Fidel. Un. Tr. Co., Newark. I H. ♦HUDSON TRUST CO. J. H. P. Reilly .... John Stroh______ A. C. Steffan, Tr— Jun'34Stmt 55-150 d©T«tl’90 J. E. Tierney. Asst. Clarence G.Meeks Gustav Helff,A.Tr. Fred J.Wich, A. Tr. to Pres, and Tr. Off. S. F. Hartzel, A. V. P. W. A.Tierney, A. Tr. 80 6,997! 300 81 A. H. Bridges, William F. Burke.. W. A. Halsch, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Pf. 300 {Incl. Fred Brunner Henry P. Staubach 219 126 1 Andrew Seidel. 459 474 1,104 924 W. F. Hofmayer.. James Roe.. G. F. Sauer 205 936 4 RESOURCES. Principal Cash.Ei. U.S.Oov. Other Loans Other Correspondents . Re & Due Securi Securi & Dis ties counts sources fromBks ties 13 1st N., Phil. 81 $ $ 97 1 15 $ 6 $ Totals 78 75 J. M. Wade............. R. J. Shauger_____ R. H. Blair___ H. F. Bonnel 100 (In Thousands of Dollars) Ond.Prol. Other and or Deposits Lia Reserves bilities 10 12 $ 140 $ Surplus Jun’34 Stmt ♦55-28 0dB®T*tS’O21 (See Ritchie Brooks, Jr. F. A. Weber______ G. W. Frutchey W. M. Weldon and A. Tr. Off. Union City) FIDELITY UNION TRUST Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of N. J., Un. City. Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 158 Bkrs. Tr., and Marine Mid. Tr., N. Y. 315 732 2,544 238 & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. ANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 799 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW JERSEY—Continued LIABILITIES. (In Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Cash,Ex. U.S.Sov. Other Loans Other Uud.Prof. Other & Due Securi- Securi- & DisReTotals Capital Surplus and or Deposits LiaReserves bilities fromBks ties ties counts sources Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.'"New§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings 2 HudsonE20 37,107 D. P. Curry_______ A. F. Seuferling—- H. F. Deyerberg— Daniel E. Daume.. (Oper ating o n restr icted b asis u nder C\ on serv ator H . F. De yerber g, app ointed by the Comptroller First National Bank ofth e Curr ency.) 55-527 dB©T+’22 O.L.Auf Der Heide, H. F. Otis Ch.ofBd. (Park Avenu e Bran ch: S. B. C'or ner Pa\ rk Ave . and im St .; Alfr ed Lilt, Mgr.) „ „ PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t CASHIER. ♦The Trust Co. of New Jer- W. C. Heppenheimer, Jr. sey in West New York Jun’34Stmt 55-552 d®T»t§’27 ( Two Offices•) (♦Member—1-Affiliated Memb er Northern New Je $ Joseph G. Parr___ L. J. Asterita. O. J. Hicks, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. R. G. Krieger Jacob Kraus, Jr. 200 $ 100 $ 60 $ 1,537 960 $ 875 94 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Newark & Essex Bkg. Co., Newark. 6 513 105 42 113 194 59 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N„ Phil. 108 i 2,632 340 314 643 1,249 86 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 20 1,034 181 50 300 430 73 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 346 67 10 128 ' 127 14 N. City, N. Y. 2,438 141 265 579 1,242 485 118 75 82 158 114 ............ 268 82 49 86 51 Lin. N., Newark; Prov. Tr., Phil. 356 25 431 45 57 138 154 37 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 33 11 413 200 10 32 2,282 200 36 24 754 50 3 2 291 200 R. W. Ryan______ R. J. Kay..______ C. G, Eldredge.— W. 0. Todd.............. C. G. Eldrege W. C. Todd. R. J. Kay, Tr. Off. Pf. 200 A. Tr. Off. 50 P. M. Way_______ L. S. Caldwell____ M. W. Lamond___ A. ft. Hahn Pf. 50 55-405 100 D. P. Zeller.......... M. R. Daggan, A.S. G. N. Smith, Trust Co. Sec. and Tr. Maurice Taylor, 55-466 dB®T§’33 A. Tr. 25 Wllllamstownl536 First National Bank_.d®*t’04 G. L. Pfeiffer_____ H. J. Tombleson__ R. E. Tice_______ H. J. Tombleson... Pf. 15 3 Glon’ster M10 Jun’34Stmt 55-454 300 31 1,656 25 20 340 G. W. Collignon... A. L. Sunkenberg. K. H. Dickson____ Westwood___4861 First National Bk,..d®T‘t’07 G. N. Ackerman, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. E. Good Jun’34Stmt 55-451 2 Bergen C20 •• •• Westwood Tr. Co..dB®TJ§’22 A. A. Wallace C. M. Christie, See. and Tr. Jun’34Stmt ♦ 55-540 W m. A. Polhemus 51 d@T»t’02 Woodbine___2164 WoodbineNationalBank Wm. Abramson, Joseph Levenson d®»i’26 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Max Cutler 3 Cape May P12 Jun’34Stmt 55-647 C. P. Wood_______ ‘Woodbury...8172 Farmers & Mech. Nat, Bank D. O. Watkins___ d®»t’87 3 Gloucester L8 Jun’34Stmt 55-327 E. H. Davis______ Oscar Ware_______ First National Bank &Tr.Co. O. B. Redrow____ Jun’34Stmt 55-326 dB®T»t’55 Woodbury Tr. Co..d®T«t§'02 Jun’34Stmt 55-328 J. H. Underwood.. Wadsworth Cresse N. A. Denny______ G. R. Krnsen E. H. Davis, H. P. Livermore, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. Wood Ridge..5159 Wood Ridge National Bank Geo. P. Young........ Jno. W. Ford_____ F. E. Stevens_____ J. F. Kurzenknabe. Jun’34Stmt 55-698 dB®»H9 2 Bergen C19 Woodstown ..1832 First National Bank..®T»J’64 Jesse Llppincott .. I. L. Lippincott—. Jun’34Stmt 55-456 3 Salem M6 .. Woodstown Nat’l Bk. & Tr. A. D. Snelbaker... Oscar Ware_______ W. O, DeGrofft, M. H. Iredell. Cash, and Tr. Off. A.C, and A, Tr.Off. Co_____ 55-508—_d®Tt’20 Jun’34Stmt Wyckoff 1500 First National Bank. d®»t’22 J. B. Zabriskie___ Jun’34Stmt 55-547 2 Bergen C19 A. S. Mowerson, Ch, YardvHIe___ 2360 J. R. Hendrickson Jun’34Stmt 55-591 ®1'25 3 Mercer 113 188 Tr. Co. of N. J., Jersey C. 1,106 50 WestvlUe____3462 First National Bank..d®*I’13 E. H. Davis_______ G. L. Barker_____ O. B. Stackhouse.. 3 Gloucester L8 Jun’34Stmt 55—470 M 154 8 516 2,800 $ .. 186 $ 589 5 .. 409 $ 3,180 75 55-453 $ 1,897 S 100 200 Wildwood___ 5330 3 Cape May R12 Jul’34Stmt M M Jun’34Stmt Wildwood Jun’34Stmt ..... rsey Clearing House Ass’n, 33 Liberty 8t., New York City) West Orange24,327 First National Bk._.d®T»t’09 T. H. P. Farr_____ Farnham Yardley. Edward D. Smith.. Wm. A. Oeib_____ E. L. Newhouse Jun’34Stmt 55-450 2 Essex E18 Whippany___1970 First National Bank d®«t’28 R. W. McEwan, Jr Jun’34Stmt 55-695 2 Morris E12 & Tru st Co., Jersey City) (Bran ch Ne w Jers ey Titl e Guar antee ♦New Jersey Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 55-201^..*§T2 Principal Correspondents. 50 4 10 211 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. and Phil. N„ Phil. 52 Penn. Co., Phil. 6 3 246 30 335 54 86 11 176 8 Corn. Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 473 (Ind. Und. Prof.) 450 200 5 2,040 100 2,718 774 192 822 868 62 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N.Bk. & Tr., Phil. 42 2,316 197 3,205 430 1,140 1,450 185 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 5 1,359 1,867 223 158 370 973 143 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Far. & Mech. N., Woodbury. 30 Pf. 20 100 100 403 (.Incl. Und. Prof.) 50 15 •-----9 491 12 577 73 197 52 228 27 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 250 62 1,267 75 1,759 140 198 484 906 31 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 54 (With Surp.) 596 60 860 i 71 51 341 312 85 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 52 611! 128 101 195 89 98 Chase N„ N. Y.; Pater son N., Paterson. 304 32 100 146 26 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Trenton Bkg.Co., Trenton. 105 100 Pf. 50 Fred L. Dooley___ 50 15 4 490 S. B. Lippincott... 50 Pf. 25 11 11 207 ! FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY — NEWARK — New Jersey’s Largest Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. on A town and County. *County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. O.Denver.E.ElPaso ‘Alamogordo 3096 11E Otero M12 ‘Albuquerque 10D 26.570 Bernalillo Gil •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPriT. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-Safe Deposit ® Savings Otero County State Bank R. D. Champion.__ Jun’34Stmt 95-105 d®»t§’12 fG. A. KASEMAN .. | A. G. SIMMS. J Ch.ofBd. \ Send Us Tour 1 For Prompt Pe ALBUQUERQUE NATIONAL TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Jun’34Stmt •• *•; 95-8 Liabilities, (in Thousands of Dollars) Resources. Principal Und.Prof. Cash.Ex. O.S.Gov. Other Other Loans Other Capital Surplus and or Deposits lia& Due Securi- Securi- A DisTotals ReCorrespondents. Reserves fromBks ties bilities ties counts 80UTC6S 25 8 5 8 2 8 329 8 361 8 13S 8 79 8 69 8 P. S. Kirk________ R. T. Spence ...__ Margaret S. Spence 8 71 8 3 State N., El Paso. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. OASHIES. 300 50 39 4,470 $ 300 5,150 j—' 2,029 968 1,038 1,002 122 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. N. Bk. & Tr., Chi.: Com. Tr., Kan. C. ;Den. N. and 1st N., Den.; State N., El Paso; CaL Bk. and Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; 1st N„ Bos.; Bk. of Am., San F. 250 100 50 3,769 250 4,669 1,591 643 923 1,002 510 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. CO*f Ne Ue S* Den.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; 1st N., Kan. C., Mo.; AngloCalif., San F. 10 8 485 49 652 230 143 8 251 6 1 174 11 222 30 9 25 139 25 10 J, H. Becker............. W. L. Davidson... Pf. 25 Paul B. Dalies.V.P. 50 42 E. Birch Harrison. George Brantley .. F. G. Snow_______ Roy H. Carey_____ (Incl. L. H. Pate 3 712 25 800 178 228 117 251 1 538 50 681 369 95 25 149 20 1st N., Roswell and Dal las; Stk.Yds.N.,Kan.C. 19 1st N„ Durango, Colo.; U.S.N., Den 26 1st N. and Albuq. N. T. &S.,Albuq.lstN..Den. 43 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C. and Dallas. FRED LUTHY----------- 0. M. LOVE-----------M.f. OTERO------------FRED A. WHITE R. II. ELDER Albuquerque Ite ms Direct rsonal Attention. (.Plain Sight Dr aft* 25c, Credit Report* 50c. Tr y V*. dB®T*t’24 FIRST NATIONAL BANK C. W. CARSON* JR.— mmt-- W. J. WHITE----------- B. B. HANGER, JR.— IN ALBUQUERQUE Correspondence and Collections have the personal attention of an officer of this bank .Tun’34Stmt 95-1 dB®T‘t'81 Pf. 250 Asst, to Pres. Direct and Quick Service Artesla_____ 2427 11E Eddy M~20 ‘Aztec 740 100 San Juan C5 Helen.__ .. .2116 10D Valencia H10 ‘Carlsbad.........3708 11E Eddy N20 First National Bank.d®»t’03 Jun’34Stmt 95-43 Citizens Bank_____ d®*t5’05 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 95-64 First National Bank _d®»t'03 Jun’34Stmt 95-65 Carlsbad National Bank Jun’34Stmt 95-179 d®*t’24 ‘Carrtzozo.__ 1171 11E Lincoln K14 Chama _ 700 lODRioArriba BJI First National Bank. d®»t’17 David T. Beals ___ Paul Mayer . __ E. M. Brickley___ Ella B. Bell Jun’34Stmt 95-129 Edward Sargent__ Emmet Wirt............ Rio Arriba State Bank Wm. O. Evans Jun’34Stmt 95-154 d«tl’19 ‘Clayton.. 2518 10D Union D24 T. H. Rixey_______ D.W. Priestley.__ F. H. Ohilcnte Bank . ...95-171_____ etS^O J. J. Herinea, Ch.ofBd. Jun’34Stmt 50 Pf. 50 30 T. H. Flint............... H. G. Watson_____ A. G. Ramsower, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. A. Pierce.............. W. M. Linell L. C. Becker. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. P. P. Simmons Und. Prof.) . Frank R. Coon ___ Mimbres Valley Bank Jun’34Stmt ♦ 95-180 d®‘14'25 (See Lae Vegas) J. S. Click................. Jun’34Stmt 95-62 Espanola State Bankd®»t J'16 C. C. Titus............. Jun’34Stmt 95-125 Farmington..1350 First National Bankd®T»t’02 H. B. Sammons___ 10D San Juan C4 Jun’34Stmt 95-54 ‘Dealing_____ 3377 11E Luna 06 E. LasVegas EUda......... ........... 325 IIERoosevelt J22 FIRST STATE BANK Jun’34Stmt 95-187 •• ____ « d®*$’33 MERCHANTS BANK J. J. EMMONS............. 15 1 317 358 96 166 22 74 35 19 1 421 476 147 102 113 96 18 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den., Pueblo, and Kan. C. 128 154 18 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.: Inter-State N„ Kan. C.; 1st N., Den. (Incl. Und. Prof.) 10 (Incl. Und. Prof.) C. K. Brashar____ ....... 346 22 4 668 50 10 27 766 50 25 14 336 25 10 1 100 15 5 2 162 50 Pf. 60 J. G. Moir________ G. C. Trowbridge.. V. F. Tannich____ A. A. Temke, Sec. ....... 25 25 ‘Clovis...............8027 Citizens Bank_______ d«tl'16 S. A. Jones.............. J. E. Lindley........... A. W. Skarda_____ J. A. Gilbert.. Jun’34Stmt 95-121 S. L. Sanders 11E Curry 12b Clovis National Bank__ »t’07 A. W. Hockenhull Robert Stone........... W. 0. Zerwer_____ Daniel Boone_____ Jun’34Stmt 95-30 ‘Gallup______ 5992 10D McKinley F2 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW MEXICO Pf. 10 G. W. Sammons... O. O. Culpepper... W. R. Marshall.__ B. B. Amsden 25 G. L. EMMONS............. R. S. SMITH-.............. 30 45 (With Surp.) 6 1 720 381 25 25 25 1 81 804 170 878 319 425 115 (Incl. U. S. Secur. ) 70 C.; 1st N„ Amarillo. 40 Chase N„ N. Y.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth, Tex. Chase N„ N. Y.; State N., El Paso. 162 98 Inter-State N„ Kan. C. 278 161 25 40 194 37 34 36 75 n Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y. 12 1st N., Santa Fe and Den. 815 219 141 222 213 20 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. 79 Den., West. N., Pueblo. 150 187 97 4 19 60 7 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Albuquerque and Den. Special Attention Given Collections Remittance made same day of payment Credit reports 50c and plain sight drafts 25c In advance rC. N. COTTON......... A. ARNOLD------------- fl.C.SEYMOUR_____ S. R. BELLMAINE-— Send Us Tour G allup Items dlrec t for prompt atte ntlon. Jun’34Stmt 95-124 dB®T«t§’16 )(.Fee In advance: Plain Sight Draft s 25c, Credit Rep orts 50c. 35 7 4 507 553 92 157 TRT U S. 80 195 29 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Albuquerque N. Tr. & Sav., Albuquer que; Com. Tr., Kan. C. ! NEW MEXICO Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Thousands of Dollars... OR increased speed and facility of reading, you will find the latest statements of all United States banks shown in this and subsequent editions of your Blue Book in thousands of dollars only. Thus, a bank with $200,000 capital is shown as $200, one with $1,421,118 in deposits is shown as $1,421. Complete New Columnar Style Eleven columns of figures in this edition replace eight in former ones. This new style, more costly to the publisher, but more valuable to the user, gives you three new columns of figures on every bank in the United States. Important New Figures Surplus and undivided profits are now divid ed into two columns, “Surplus” and “Undivided Profits and/7or Reserves.” Bond and invest ments are also broken down into two columns, “U. S. Government Securities” and “Other Securities.” Totals at a Glance A “Totals” column separating the liabilities from the resources enables you to tell at a glance the combined resources or liabilities of any bank in the country. No other directory embodies this feature. • • • With these four major advances your Blue Book emphasizes its position as “America’s Standard Financial Reference.” Rand McNally Bankers Directory Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Standard the World Over Eddy .......... G rant ........ Guadalupe. Hidalgo .... H arding.... Lincoln L ea ............ McKinley. L una .......... 1! 21 ...J : to to H-*. M ora .......... Otero ........... Quay .......... bizj : w'g De B aca . . . I 1! Dona A na .. ..0 ! .. C urry ........ ..1 2 ' Chaves .... .K Colfax ........ .C C atron . . . . S5 a Rio Arriba Roosevelt.. W ASHINGTON, D. C. S e e B a ck o f W a sh in g to n , D . C. M ap Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ S) Beauty Spot o/ The Southwest CHAVES COUNTY COURT HOUSE ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO COME WEST TO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ROSWELL HAS THOUSANDS OF SHADE TREES MILES OF PAVED STREETS ROSWELL, N. M No Western Trip Is Complete Without Seeing Busy, Beautiful Roswell THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Stands Ready to Finance Ambitious Business Men and Farmers Resources Over $3,000,000 ALFALFA IS BALED IN THE FIELD AT ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO WILLSON HALL, NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO 805 Number under Name of Bank Is tbe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. LIABILITIES. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. MNew §State TPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Be*. Dept* :T-T—--t B-Bond D.Denver E.E1 Paso. d-8afe Deposit © Barings Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking P Int (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in bac of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., se^ Laws. NEW MEXICO—Continued President. Hagcrman___ 609 First National Bank..d»t'40 W. A. Loser__ 11E Chaves L21 Jun’34Stmt 95-74 Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Calvin Graham ___ R. W. Conner____ Mayre Losey____ $ r. First National Bank___ d«’26 B. T. Hall.............. J. E. Brazen B. T. Hall 11E Dona Ana N8 Jun’34Stmt 95-182 Dot Springs..1336 Hot Springs Nat'l Bk. -d»t’30 H. E. James. J. W. Knox............... ILL. Lard Ch, of Bd. and Pres. A. J. Howe 11E Sierra L8 Jun’34Stmt 95-143 A. I. Kelso, ___ 25 % 25 10 $ 1 $ ■5 25 F. M. Hayner____ J. J. Aragon, Jr.__ 100 10 Mesilla Valley Bank P. W. Barker____ P. F. Campbell ___ E. L. Heath, Jun’34Stmt 95-115 d®T«§'22 Cash, and Sec. 25 5 ‘Las Vegas___4719 Las Vegas Savings Bank 25 Wm. G. Haydon... G. A. Fleming___ A. H. Gerdeman... J. Andrew Myers. Pf. 25 10D San Miguel F16 Jun’34Stmt 95-37 dB®T»tS’90 10 2 13 Logan_______ 400 McFarland Bros. Bk._T»t5'20 Sim McFarland, J.H. Shollenbarger J. F. McFarland... J. F. McFarland. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 11E Quay P23 Jun’34Stmt ♦ 95-149 Sec. Pf. 13 5 4 10 ‘Las Cruces..5811 HEDonaAna N10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jun’34Stmt 95-26 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. C. Ozment, Act. 3 182 i $ 25 $ 243 C. L. Creighton-__ 1st N., Roswell; 1st N., Dallas. 105 44 3 \ 45 12 State N., El Paso. 136 161 73 16 8 37 27 429 101 132 149 194 224 50 810 872 292 303 13 Albuquerque. 47 lhase N„ N. 1 N., El Paso. (Incl. U. S. Secur.) 63 .......... 98 j 101 48 25 37 196 314 33 12 6 13 54 13 30 5 235 264 76 47 5 106 30 2