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November 21, 2010

Quarterly Energy Update
Fourth Quarter 2007
Soaring Oil Prices Dominate Energy Markets
Oil Prices Rise Sharply
Since sliding to just under $70 per barrel for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) in
mid-August, oil prices have risen nearly 30 percent in two months. WTI closed at
$92.91 on October 25—within $10 of the all-time inflation-adjusted high of
$101.70 set in April 1980. Prices have been elevated and rising throughout
2007, climbing from $50 in mid-January to over $90 in mid-October, an
astounding 86 percent gain. Oil futures prices remain in fairly sharp
backwardation, which means that the market expects presently high oil prices to
fall in the long term. Although this has been the case through many price spikes
this year, long-term oil price expectations today have strengthened by almost 15
percent since mid-August (Chart 1).

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Escalating tensions in the Middle East, slippage of the U.S. dollar (Chart 2), and
an unexpected drawdown of international crude oil and product inventories
account for the upward pressure on oil prices.

Most news sources have claimed that U.S. oil prices have been pushed up by
reports of low domestic crude oil inventories. According to the U.S. Energy
Information Administration, domestic stocks of crude oil, which had been
slipping throughout September and October—much of it a seasonal decline—
dipped below 317 million barrels in late October, about 5 percent below year-

ago levels. Even so, domestic crude oil inventories are well above their
seasonal average for this time of year, making it unlikely that overall inventories
are contributing to upward pressure on prices (Chart 3).

Oil inventory levels at Cushing, Oklahoma—the official delivery point of the
benchmark WTI and home of 10 percent of U.S. oil inventories in pipelines and
tank farms—were 21 percent below year-ago levels at last count. This
phenomenon could partially explain the current premium that WTI commands
over its European counterpart, Brent, as of October 25. The futures market
expects this premium to dissipate quickly (Chart 4).

Although the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has
expressed concern about the effects that rising oil prices could have on world
economic activity, it has taken little action to stabilize oil prices. OPEC insists
that the world oil market is not necessarily short on supply and that speculative
forces and a weak dollar are actually driving oil price increases.
Gasoline Prices Slow to Rise; Heating Oil Prices Strengthen
Although retail gasoline prices rose to $2.87 per gallon at the end of October,
gasoline prices have responded slowly to rising crude oil prices (Chart 5).

According to the Brown-Virmani gasoline pricing model developed at the Dallas
Fed, sustained crude oil prices above $85 will mean spot gasoline prices will
eventually climb to about $2.25 per gallon, which would push retail prices above
$3 per gallon (Chart 6).

The slow response of gasoline prices is indicative of a squeeze on refiners'
margins—reflecting both normal seasonal weakness in gasoline prices relative
to crude oil and a lagged response to rising crude oil prices. With the driving
season over, low gasoline inventories don't seem to be contributing much
upward pressure on prices.
The price of distillate oil (diesel fuel and heating oil), which hadn't kept pace with
the gains in crude oil, has begun to show increases consistent with a normal
seasonal draw on inventories and increasing demand. As of late October, the
futures market shows expectations for peak-winter distillate prices to be more
than 15 percent higher than about six weeks earlier (Chart 7).

Natural Gas Prices Mired by High Inventories
Natural gas prices briefly climbed above $7 in mid-October before returning to a
familiar level under $6.50 per million Btu for delivery at Henry Hub. Prices slid
downward through much of August in what seems to be a market correction and
were relatively moribund around $5.50 per million Btu into early September.
High inventories continue to depress natural gas prices relative to those for
crude oil. Inventories are currently on a path to reach about 3.5 trillion cubic feet
(Chart 8). Low prices and high inventories have prompted major natural gas
producers to reduce production and keep some of their gas in the ground until
market conditions improve, and that may eventually alleviate some of the
downward pressure on natural gas prices.

—Stephen P. Brown and Raghav Virmani
About the Authors
Brown is director of energy economics and microeconomic analysis and
Virmani is an economic analyst in the Research Department at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.

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