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Oil Prices Rise as Natural Gas Retreats
April 2, 2010
Oil prices averaged just over $62 per barrel in 2009 but climbed
above $80 per barrel in March. The Energy Information Administration’s 2010 average price estimate remains unchanged at
$80. The futures strip remains in contango—the spot price of
crude oil is lower than the price of oil delivered at a future
date—with prices rising to $84 by year-end (Chart 1).
Natural gas prices hit their high early in 2010 as cold weather
drove up heating demand throughout the country. Prices have
since fallen back to under $4 per MMBtu.
Oil Demand Rises
Worldwide oil demand has been revised upward again. The International Energy Agency estimate for 2010 demand now
stands at 86.6 million barrels per day (mb/d), a 1.8 percent increase over 2009. The most recent data confirm that world consumption grew in fourth quarter 2009 after five straight quarters
of decline (Chart 2).
While world demand is expected to grow this year, Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) demand is
expected to decline slightly to 45.4 mb/d, or 0.3 percent. Despite expected positive GDP growth, oil consumption is projected
to stagnate due to structural changes—such as oil being displaced by natural gas and nuclear power in electricity generation
and heating. Fuel used for transportation is still likely to grow in
With OECD demand holding steady, non-OECD countries account
for the total anticipated consumption growth in 2010, over half
of which is attributable to non-OECD Asia. In total, non-OECD
demand will likely grow 4 percent or more, generating an additional 1.7 mb/d of demand in 2010.
The non-OECD share of total demand has grown from 38 percent
in 2000 to 46 percent in 2009. Since 2000, non-OECD demand
growth has far outpaced that of developed nations (Chart 3).
U.S. Energy Consumption Weak
Oil consumption declined 1.9 percent in January year-over-year.
The decline is evident in all products, from gasoline to jet kerosene. Electricity generation followed the same path, falling in
March, likely as a result of easing cold winter weather (Chart 4).
Supplies Rise with Demand
World oil supplies rose by 0.9 mb/d in February. Growth is coming from both OPEC and non-OPEC suppliers (Chart 5). OPEC is
now producing at its highest level in over a year and 1.8 mb/d
above its quota of 24.85 mb/d. Compliance fell to 56 percent in
February, down from 58 percent in January. At the March 17
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Quarterly Energy Update


meeting, OPEC ministers left quota levels unchanged.
Inventories Rise Modestly
In the week ending March 26, oil inventories increased modestly from 25.1 days of forward supply to 25.2 days. The
OECD experienced a similar uptick in January to 59.2 days of
cover from 58.3 days in December. Total U.S. crude oil stocks
are now 6 percent above the seasonal average (Chart 6).
Natural gas inventories had drawn down due to increasing
demand during the harsh winter, but recently inventories rose
on the back of warmer weather. Even after the significant winter drawdown, inventories are still 10 percent above the seasonal average.
Gasoline Prices Rise
Gasoline prices hit their highest level in over a year in March.
The nationwide average touched $2.87 per gallon for the week

of March 22. Gasoline inventories at 25 days of supply are
marginally higher than the prior-year level of 24.
Natural Gas Prices Recede
After climbing above $6 in January, natural gas prices fell
back to $4 in the final week in March. The futures market is
not expecting much of an increase, with December 2010 contracts rising to $5.20.
Warmer weather and increased production from shale gas
fields are the likely causes of price declines. Many producers
continue to drill in shale gas regions in order to maintain their
leases. Since bottoming out in July 2008, the rig count has
increased 52 percent, with 63 percent of that increase attributable to horizontal rigs (Chart 7).
—Jackson Thies and Mine Yücel

About the Authors
Thies is a research analyst and Yücel is a vice president and senior economist in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of
The Quarterly Energy Update can be found online at
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Quarterly Energy Update