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S. HRG . 100-905 PROVISIONS AIMED AT STRENGTHENING THE HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING , AND URBAN AFFAIRS ONE HUNDREDTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT, CHECK CASHING , LIFELINE BANKING SEPTEMBER 8 AND 9, 1988 Printed for the use of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 90-163 WASHINGTON : 1988 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office → 了 1 COMMITTEE ON BANKING , HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS 1 1 ( II ) 1 1 CONTENTS CO 00 voor THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 Page Opening statement of Chairman Proxmire ........ ........................................ Robert L. Clarke, Comptroller, Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, DC .. 7 9 ............................ 24 29 44 125 135 154 177 ( III ) IV Page John M.Kolesar, president and CEO , AmeriTrust Development Bank, Cleve land, OH ... 184 184 185 1 187 205 205 207 220 254 259 261 264 267 5 269 273 274 275 287 288 290 1 292 294 ? FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1988 Opening statement of Chairman Proxmire......... Opening statements of: 303 304 305 349 351 WITNESSES Jonathan Brown, BankWatch, Washington , DC ........ 1 305V 306 312 307 307 312 309 309 312 7 345 346 353 362 364 367 368 369 372 373 375 # + 380 381 4 V ADDITIONAL MATERIAL SUPPLIED FOR THE RECORD Page “ New Initiatives in Banking Regulation : 1988 ,” by Robert L. Clarke, Comp 10 152 460 464 342 356 357 457 384 456 1 + 1 PROVISIONS AIMED AT STRENGTHENING THE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON BANKING , HOUSING , AND URBAN AFFAIRS, OPENING STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PROXMIRE The CHAIRMAN. The committee will come to order. ( 1) 2 1977 worried that mybill would lead to Government- imposed credit allocation . I assured them then - and I quote what I said : 1 1 3 STATEMENT OF THE HONORABLE JOHN HEINZ BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING , HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS MR . CHAIRMAN , I JOIN YOU IN WELCOMING OUR DISTINGUISHED WITNESSES AS THIS COMMITTEE EXAMINES AMENDMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT AND OTHER CONSUMER-RELATED PROVISIONS PROPOSED RECENTLY BY THE HOUSE BANKING COMMITTEE IN H.R. 5094 . LAST MARCH , THIS COMMITTEE INVITED COMMUNITY GROUPS TO EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FEDERAL BANKING AGENCIES ' ENFORCEMENT OF THE COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT ( THE " CRA " ) . THESE GROUPS WERE TOUGH GRADERS . EACH OF THE BANK REGULATORS WERE GIVEN FAILING GRADES . THE COMMUNITY GROUPS ALSO COMPLAINED THAT THE BANK REGULATORS WERE EASY GRADERS WHEN IT CAME TO TESTING THE BANKING INDUSTRY'S COMPLIANCE WITH THE CRA . THESE GROUPS NOTED THAT 98 % OF ALL BANKS RECEIVE PASSING GRADES WHEN , IN FACT , THE PERFORMANCE OF . MANY BANKS SIMPLY DID NOT MEASURE SCHOOL IS NOW BACK IN SESSION . UP . THE SCHOOL SUPERVISORS ON THE HOUSE BANKING COMMITTEE HAVE PROPOSED A BRAND NEW CURRICULUM , WITH LOTS OF REMEDIAL COURSES , A TOUGHER GRADING SYSTEM AND MANDATORY EXAMINATIONS EVERY TWO YEARS . MOST IMPORTANTLY , UNDER THESE NEW RULES , THE BANKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENGAGE IN EXTRA - CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES , SUCH AS STARTING A SECURITIES BUSINESS , UNLESS THEY GET BETTER THAN AVERAGE GRADES ON THEIR CRA EXAMS . 1 4 THE BANKING INDUSTRY SAYS THAT THE NEW CURRICULUM IS TOO TOUGH . THEY DON'T MIND HAVING TO PASS A CRA EXAM , BUT FEEL THAT THE GRADING CURVE IS TOO HIGH . BE AT THE HEAD OF THE CLASS . THEY SAY THAT NOT EVERY STUDENT CAN IF THEY WORK HARD AND PASS THE CRA EXAM , THEY WANT TO BE ABLE TO ENJOY THE OTHER ACTIVITIES AVAILABLE UNDER GLASS - STEAGALL REFORM . THE BANKS ALSO WANT TO DO AWAY WITH THE " POP - QUIZ " SYSTEM . THEY SAY THAT IF THEY PASS THE CRA EXAM , THAT IT IS UNFAIR TO BE RE GRADED EVERY TIME THEY APPLY TO ENGAGE IN AN EXTRA - CURRICULAR ACTIVITY . GOOD GRADES , IN THEIR VIEW I, SHOULD BE REWARDED WITH THE FREEDOM TO DO OTHER THINGS WITHOUT CHALLENGE , UNTIL THE NEXT EXAM . MR . CHAIRMAN , THE GOALS OF THE CRA , ENACTED REMAIN IMPORTANT TODAY . TEN YEARS AGO , NO DOUBT , THE CURRICULUM SHOULD BE RE EXAMINED AND , IF WARRANTED , UPDATED TO REFLECT CHANGES OVER THE PAST THE DECADE . HOWEVER , AS WE EXAMINE THE HOUSE PROPOSAL , WE SHOULD BEAR IN MIND THAT CRA IS NOT THE ONLY COURSE IN OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM . WE WANT OUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TO BE WELL - ROUNDED , RESPONSIBLE , AND OF COURSE , HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE MEMBERS OF THE FINANCIAL SERVICE COMMUNITY . THE NEW EXTRA - CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AVAILABLE TO BANKS ARE IMPORTANT TO THEIR DEVELOPMENT . THESE ACTIVITIES SHOULD NOT BE PUT OUT OF THE REACH OF THOSE BANKS THAT ADEQUATELY MEET THEIR CRA RESPONSIBILITIES . 5 OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR GARN Senator GARN. Mr. Chairman, as you mentioned, today the com mittee starts 2 days of hearings on the consumer provisions of the banking bill passed by the House Banking Committee. 6 They should only be passed as a part of a larger package in which all important banking issues are addressed. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR BOND Senator BOND. Thank you , Mr. Chairman . OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR WIRTH Senator WIRTH . Thank you, Mr. Chairman . 7 I want to thank you for having this hearing. I think it begins in a positive way to set us up for the potential of a constructive con ference with the Senate and the passage of the legislation that I think all of us want to see happen. On a > OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR SASSER Senator SASSER . Thank you , Mr. Chairman . 8 Well, I am not persuaded that new powers in and of themselves does mean more profits for banks. In fact, it can in the long run mean more risk, and greater losses, as we saw with the legislation dealing with the thrift industry. 9 This committee has approved good laws: the Equal Credit Oppor tunity Act, the Community Reinvestment Act, and the Home Mort gage Disclosure Act, which supplement our civil rights laws. It is time we enforced them and made any necessary improvements. STATEMENT OF ROBERT L. CLARKE, COMPTROLLER , BANKS PERFORMANCE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MANAGEMENT Our approach - for both safety and soundness and compliance su pervision - is built around the principle that a bank's performance is — first and foremost — the responsibility of its management. We can best supervise national banks by insisting that their manage ments put in place effective compliance policies, that they establish accountability, and that they develop systems and controls to moni tor performance. We insist that national bank management take those actions, and we insist that the policies are followed and that the systems and controls in fact work. / 12 approach an undertook OCC the ago months Sixteen compliance to ew .supervision objectives complementary two first ,aThe with approach n supervision .time more compliance on spend to was objective second The between balance right the strike to was safety and supervision compliance .and mission ,our supervision soundness principal supervision ,w objectives two these meet To ac developed ompliance e with and law compliance which focuses the on by process program achieved .T be is regulation encourages adopt to banks process his activities compliance in conducted are their all that ensure to systems the that both have officers bank clearly establishes It . law with abank's .responsibility efforts compliance for accountability the and And their is it that management bank senior to emphasizes day every -working are systems bank that ensure to responsibility Remarks by Conference the :before Initiatives "New Regulation Banking :in " 1988 Washington ,D.C. . bank the in are we not or whether ,fet Occ For as taking meant has process the on of ocusing to monitor and compliance promote both designed actions complementary banks . national of performance the different ,c way tend ritics anything approach you Whenever n a in and ew .In past of experience the by efforts your judge to doing ,they so : included have actions These .,t efforts your of point the miss often Ashey ar nd esult .as fashion what misinterpret or fad mere being do you 10 a,Nyears such made Gould Jack today critic Times York -tew Thirty ago wo had nationwide on appeared ,Emistake before evening The Presley . lvis performance Presley's of wrote critic Times The :television ."Mr. rhythm is specialty is Presley singing discernible .Hno has ability whine undistinguished an in renders he w .Fhich ea the or songs ,he through ,b efforts these we if ut compliance improve to is objective Our ,we desire we results the achieve don't noncompliance deter also can bore ."is unutterable an .through action appropriate corrective : questions simple two you ask me Let ,our technique of terms In ad is program compliance revised from eparture its of most know t ,you hroughout Athe .s past in things did we way scheduled almost regularly on exclusively ,t history relied OCC he soundness and safety promote responsibility our meet to examinations the .bank law monitor with compliance the In and promote to AND examinations to regularly scheduled ,e area wcompliance these used them we would a found when noncompliance ofnd ,identify areas any Presley ? Elvis have heard ever you of many How ?heard Gould Jack of ever have you many How theory art fine student no I'm Now Presley's ,a of most probably nd ,ewasn't scholars such weren't following .devoted Pither resley Proust appreciated that audience an in ,interested P a nd icasso appreciate would that audience an in interested was He . Paderewski . management bank to remedies appropriate recommend rock blues rhythm ,a roll .and Presley nd this call might One s the ."a compliance to tick pproach find would We . them fix to bankers force and faults what redefined different .He rules And he process the in by played wnd be to music popular American ,a goal his was he one hich trhat ,oUnfortunately compliance to approach of part other any problems with dealt directly major :ione drawback ,htad supervision successfully . met .after fact the only al is There new Presley's of review Gould's Jack in critic any for esson be should haste in judges who critic any that me to seems It approach . least ,aat reassess .to leisure ,ifthen prepared t repent not / 14 /3 are company lead holding the bank activities :and compliance Daily legal housed bank's the in Section ,w is hich C administered aompliance by ,.Inime addition full officers -t staffed four by is and division location or area each designated for officers been have compliance responsible officers are T compliance . he company holding the throughout bankers fix to force and faults approach find still will revised our while ats them Is ,i before compliance promoting in purpose principal tressed s faults first the in systems avoid to bankers create encourage is Iplace ,i words other through compliance promoting to addition .n OCC's approach imposing ,t found is noncompliance where remedies he just other the like amanagerial function as compliance elevates b .in ank look for awe functions managerial taking by And s a ystems revised our that believe compliance ,w ourselves e monitoring to approach effectively .track more noncompliance to us allow will program compliance correcting and audits to rtimplementing ,new raining esponding laws for Compliance c developed ahas also company The . omprehensive violations this a supplements it nd compliance guide ,an as overall serve to Manual has Manual procedural .manual manuals The Compliance departmental with .company's locations company The and departments all to distributed been w being also are hich compliance ,performs reviews Department Audit l og Compliance maintains .T Officer Review acompany the by conducted he company the has areas and .A trends problem identify violations ofnd to 1,400 than ore ,alendar 1987 Over .of training c compliance am developed under sessions training attended various holding company the of officers importance ,t he significant aeffort Finally of nd .its compliance compliance awareness maintain newsletter to publishes c acompany ompliance ,weigher importantly ahMost to lead will it believe compliance of level the industry .in past ,to the in was it what from now different is approach our Because m .be istake experience U ,o the of would ajudge ne nfortunately past by it Ihave misconceptions that is program compliance our concerning observed scarce of problem our solution at is it believe people some to emporary is misconception .Another banks problem of numbers large and resources responsibility compliance to hat our tipping only are we that in -- . employees and officers its among major management this of than the and -words louder speak Actions to committed is it that concerned all telling company banking direction to necessary leadership and eager the provide compliance Nick case the either ,lis words other ap .and romise supervision ar is ecognition ,our Rather compliance to approach revised to failed increasingly techniques supervision bank traditional that . responsibilities supervisory our fulfilling of means best the provide asuccess effort compliance its .make it and here is stay .to change to is supervisors as mission our that said been often has It behavior change that show to is ,and changing in step first the program compliance revised the with experience personal My . reasonable is . goal achieve to beginning already is it that indicates 11 of level that evidence to were banks all national at management senior If ,and direction leadership provide to of willingness ,that commitment national by compliance of level overall the enhance would efforts their ensure to remedies he act t -fafter imposing our than more far banks eadership and l ,could commitment Fostering .ever do to hope compliance he ,t ultimate herefore is management senior of part the on direction After ,Ic approach revised the development and testing of months 16 an methodology objectives new about conclusions two our meets t :idraw objective our of . program objective is ultimate this that aware are time however ,w e same the At revised our components five Sof the one .both ideal and -toerm long . deter noncompliance continues be to approach the supervisory our of target -Itravel As ,b country around ankers lof .efforts them to sense a ot makes program revised our that me tell -- wnder e compliance supervision approach to uour revised ,do know you As ,it hoped had we As the of bankers among awareness increasing is every examine not year .bank .they it on place we importance the and compliance for have responsibility ?with law the are complying visit not do we banks that ensure How : promote to intended we efforts making by responding are bankers And accountability internal delineate clearly that systems compliance creating in help our that and most comply to want banks assume we First developing assisting in them and -are expectations our what telling of level overall higher result an in -will techniques compliance compliance .activities law with b in aank's operating for midwestern holding bank management am of ajor ,the example For senior compliance comprehensive c -w orporation ide implemented year acompany last their violations prompts and which identifies -system management our revised embodies of objectives the asystem -correction that c policy statement that aapproach developed management The . orporate responsibilities ,a ond system compliance bank's the describes utlines .communicates Directors of senior Board the and management support represents the aChich includes program bank's The ,w Committee ompliance efforts enforcement of r ,. egardless compliance incorporates deterrence that of strategy on ac lassic rely ,we But also subject law to or that firms are i , three First . ndividuals elements they will beeasonable ris chance there abelieve must regulation . compliance for monitored Exchange .This operates Commission and Securities the how is /15 167 examination found Our bank's the that taken had management to steps no afwritten .create institution the at system compliance ormal no had It Revenue Internal the how is .This operates Service consumer onome decisions credit for standards ,h installment improvement had The training .bank applications loan purchase home or formal no A.for taking in interest no evidenced management compliance nd program acompliance creating by performance compliance its improve to steps any ,system so doing for need the understand not could simply management The . alarge found examination our when even number and law consumer of Highway the how is operates Patrol .This .,it works Generally uhere so Even ,t approach revised our r a than more is nder easonable r a-is there -easonable expectation national individual an that chance for examined be will .bank compliance violations : regulation substantive found examination The Equal of violations Opportunity Credit regulations inending Truth and -L aAct evidenced that and regional all of half one in examinations conduct we year Each affiliates their and appropriate as multinational holding companies well as ,as institution the in violations of practice or pattern random a and largest the in not are that banks other all of sample .Tn companies holding o sample random ,i average of percent 16 his ncludes $1bhis under banks assets in illion ,tF for sample .all urthermore banks the from information of analysis that so enough large is examination all about conclusions valid statistically provide can examined are that ill Iwan that point national in banks the important system banking -- Community the of violations various and Act Reinvestment housing other related .rules : was violations those to response management's The "We will get better forms . moment a in to .return quick was response Our ,for Second av be should there work to deterrence of strategy our high ery will .chance detected be that noncompliance any that of measure One over that fact is work at element ,r year last the to devoted esources . direct and csystem create *Yompliance ou ."awill ,we short :In them told .examinations dramatically increased have compliance 12 million $1bank this with agreement our Under ,t1he institution developed implemented w aand ritten program compliance days 45 .within and third The ,e final the that is strategy compliance our in lement included : program That individual corrective appropriate require will we that believe must bank noncompliance detect we action .when believe ? that it should Why to continue will we and -require such Because require do we .corrective action agreement ,s example For af signed we ago $1months an with 1ormal everal million the out laid that midwest in bank this insisted we steps . act compliance its up clean to take . there problems financial no up turned bank the of monitoring Our bank ,t condition financial of terms In was and -his is . categories size and region its in banks rated highest the among collected Aago Im information the analyzing are we that oment entioned identify to hope We of sample the common examining are we banks .from compliance have to likely banks of characteristics the and -problems financial ,iBecause condition been have would t sterling bank's the of performed -site on an there examination have would we that unlikely the time did we .at routinely problems .those analysis that conducting in statistical of benefit One that is analysis identifying in help may it components particularly seems compliance which with regulations of random in banks the of institution one as chosen was ,the However it examined we when and -year this compliance for be to sample flawed . considerably performance compliance its found we difficult . /8 / 17 Manual around completed finally And ,w Compliance OCC an have to intend e itself information The ac our that sheet data from comes ompliance 1989 . of beginning the examination . each during complete examiners examinations several of quarters ,w conducted have e During three last the have so collected we information the of some ,and banks national hundred draw cannot we point this though ,e interesting quite is far at ven awhole as system .statistically it from the for conclusions valid wast :l thought one this with today you leave to like Ib year ought ould in W ?NIi glasses nterested as of three .pairs wo. I as seeing in .interested supervisory m are glasses as Just s end an to t ,a o oo re eans techniques matters well how is that standard only ,the them judging In 'own banks where cases the of percent 95 in that found We've systems violations ,the routinely banks Act Secrecy Bank revealed controls of mission . accomplishing supervisor's the in work they violation . he banks T consumer corrected routinely the law with compliance bank of level the raise to is mission supervisory Our O the remedy to us allowed approach compliance old . ur regulation and .violations banks in present found we O compliance new approach ur for incentives greater end ,b adds it believe we ut same the accomplishes from .bankers place first the in happening violations prevent to is It corrective better and the offers approach this that me to clear percent 90 about systems own their by revealed were they when violations violations or laws trust of time the percent 93 And . time the of and 'internal banks the through of revealed regulation own systems .were banks the by routinely corrected external controls news the .But good isn't all .prescription preventative ,consumer Act Secrecy Bank found examined we banks the of many In and technical by detected not were that -substantive and violations trust Than k you . .controls bank of the ,inystem words other In s where cases of majority vast athe found cthe abank triggered it problem corrected orrect response asystem wasn't there either time of much But didn't system the or problem .when existed find problem a the otfherefore were and technical problems these ,m course Of of any violations would .substantive be than us to concern less ,while Nevertheless clearly show survey our from results preliminary the for ,t valid room is here approach compliance to system the that control now banks that performance systems the of in improvement . have from go we do ?Where here improve of performance the banks to supervise we expect as Just effectiveness and the improve are to working of ,w control e systems their . approach compliance revised our of efficiency the examination compliance our in field -t changes esting currently are We . procedures data results compliance the from quarter latest have we as soon As analysis statistical our begin examiners ,w prepare will e that sheets . year over collected have we that information pool the of further .allow approach our refine inill analysis This ,w turn to us 13 . there got we before 14 Mr. CLARKE. Mr. Chairman, I am here this morning to discuss title IV of H.R. 5094, which is part of the banking reform legisla tion that the House Banking Committee approved in July. CONCERNS ABOUT ENACTMENT OF TITLE IV The OCC has five serious concerns about title IV of that bill. Our concerns lead us to the conclusion that it would be unwise and un warranted to enact title IV. What are our five concerns? The legis lation's consequences; its inflexibility; its costs; its effects on super vision ; and its effects on Glass -Steagall Act reform . Now, let's look at each of those concerns in turn . ary role . INFLEXIBILITY The OCC's second concern with title IV is that it would prescribe in unprecedented and unwarranted - detail how the Federal bank regulatory agencies must enforce consumer laws. COSTS Our thirdconcern is that it wouldimpose a costly and inefficient system of administering those laws. The legislation's provisions dis miss concerns about cost and efficiency by attempting to shift the burden of collecting compliance data to the bank supervisors. That 15 dismissal ignores reality. Whether the banks collect the data orthe supervisors do, the banks will wind up paying for it. If the OCC does the data collection work as title IV envisions, we will charge the banks for the extra time we spend through increased assess ments . EFFECTS ON SUPERVISION Our fourth concern is that in calling for increased disclosure, title IV would subject examiners to undesirable pressures - a con cern which I have discussed in detail in my written statement. EFFECTS ON GLASS -STEAGALL REFORM When you introduced financial reform legislation in November of last year, Mr. Chairman , you characterized the Glass-Steagall Act's restrictions on competition between investment banks andcommer cial banks as " a protectionist dinosaur" from a bygone era" and concluded that " and the American people deserve better.” ership , this committee, and subsequently and " a fossil held over [ t] he American economy Amen. Under your lead the Senate, approved S. 1886 , which would provide the basis for the modernization of the Nation's financial services industry. It would permit needed compe tition between commercial and investment banks. 16 1 cannot afford to delay Glass-Steagall reform , particularly to solve } unrelated - although important - problems. 1 1 1 1 -2 diversification for .The opportunities their will banks all of survival the -Steagall Glass by assured be not ,b repeal ut in competitors successful make would market new the industry aslonger Ttronger wait we he .banking -She Glass achieve ,t repeal to banks for be will it harder teagall . market services financial the of share their retain to compete release For :on 8,a.m. September ;1 988 0:00 OF STATEMENT ROBERT CLARKE L. Before the 5094 ,H.R. Unfortunately full the achieve to impossible it make would Committee -Steagall Glass of benefits ,w reform this hich long so worked has structured limit to T is legislation proposed . he about bring hard and COMMITTEE ON H BANKING OUSING ,A ND AFFAIRS URBAN banks of number the could that new use actually .It powers this do would l requiring by b a between rating CRA its of approval the and ank's inkage nonbanking permissible in engage to applications company's holding Uactivities ,a system proposed the use to permission for nder . pplications companies holding bank by powers nonbank the ratings CRA average even with have necessarily not would companies holding These . denied be would meet help to failed .T needs credit community have not would merely hey holding bank other some much as done ar on .companies scale elative INTRODUCTION members and Chairman Mr. Committee the of this ,Ia here tom morning of IVart Title discuss ,p 5094 H.R. legislation reform banking the that F ,Urban Banking on Committee the ainance of Affairs nd House relative powers Linking expanded limits ratings CRA and .powers banks of group Ibpecific this elieve asthat to be would effect harmful is it commitment s unnecessary as improved Congress to I hare :have performance CRA ine ,w years two last the important made . CRA under responsibilities its of performance OCC's the in improvements for need Recognizing the and improvement resources our on demands ,w e compliance our revised have a in program examination m we that anner the strikes believe between balance right safety for supervision and soundness compliance Aur unlike nd for 5094 H.R. approach ,o .and and powers new in interested are that banks by both compliance encourages conversations We from know with our .bankers not are that those by and program revised attracted have matters compliance on focus our the attention industry the of will changes These ,r planned s awe in esult compliance level higher of .much we that aware are Bankers serious believe ,and compliance about we motivated has this their take to them Representatives in approved serious .The July has OCC this about concerns ,a bill the of portion would it think we nd unwarranted unwise be and to .pass provisions its troubling The most bill this of part linkage the is S -RA Glass between teagall the and reform Reinvestment (CCommunity ).Act ,it things other Among have to likely is changing of effect the al from CRA of purpose that aw credit community balance to seeks and needs soundness and safety that one concerns allocate to .attempts credit It prescribe also would unprecedented in detail regulatory bank how agencies consumer enforce laws i mposing ,would ac inefficient and ostly system of 17 . laws those administering financial introduced you When legislation reform November in last of Chairman Mr. year characterized ,y ou Glass the Act's -S teagall restrictions competition on investment between commercial and banks p ... as rotectionist dinosaur nd held ossil b a"[]f from over ygone concluded and era that "[t]h e economy American and people the leadership your Under better ." nd deserve Committee his a subsequently ,t a Senate the pproved ,provide s.1 886 w would hich basis for modernization financial nation's the services industry .of would It competition needed permit commercial between investment and ,a banks nd likely would improvement an result selection a the in , vailability nd financial of i ncluding products those ,quality produced the by .Mtith banks commercial of icompetitors ,w provide would oreover administrative simplicity directness and a protection , dequate to insulate most from deposits bank associated be may that risks activities new .with . seriously more responsibilities complaints of view In community by press and groups on reports the areas inf inadequacies some activity ,o lending local depository by institutions p , erhaps improvements further methods our to compliance of .case beneficial be would supervision Ho ,n the for made been has owever dramatic of kinds mandated changes legislation proposed the by which aorce would things other mong ,f the replace to us made have we reforms results the before even be can reforms those of . measured keep ,we end the In must banks that mind in operate not do Although Glass S - teagall will p arepeal be not anacea for banking the industry's problems warticularly can e -a ill to fford reform p this ,delay unrelated pursue a important lbeit g Aoals It estified s .,to this before , ven May Committee earnings e though banks national of in stabilized profitability ,declining 1987 been has phenomenon ap ersistent the during 1980s return The for assets on national median the . bank percent .79 was c , ompared 1987 most the to of peak recent in percent .1.11 1980 Permitting banks those in compete to which from markets now are they prohibited would create new opportunities income for expand and banks that markets protected more earn to them allow rate competitive a than of If make cannot banks of rate adequate an investors for return . ,return investors will the uses other find capital their for .O of providers ther services financial subject not are requirements same the to and limitations expansion on opportunities of that in proposed are this legislation . specific my to turn me let Now Title contains IV .six comments new .and provisions regulatory Savings Two in Truth -provisions the of Home examined been have -requirements Loan Equity and House the hearings in My major the on focus will today statement 1886 s in included .are provisions Ihave objections the .with new are that IV Title in They sł iste Sen. TEIDI... - Dronen: mm all imp SAHAN Sen I he be pre Iw that 1 that t in lo ness cant : 1 -2 .The their diversification for opportunities banks all of survival will Sin - teagall Glass by assured be not competitors ,b repeal successful the ut would market new s athe make industry .banking Ttronger wait we longer he repeal -She Glass achieve teagall for ,t be will it harder to banks retain to competo the of share their services .financial market HUnfortunately , .R. would 5094 make impossible it achieve to full the benefits glass s teagail reform w ,-of hich Committee this worked has so long into the examiner 'b est s 5094 H.R. of Implications po publication for collect to requirement with banks national 1,300 the excess in assets examiners .change our of focus the materially Contrary ,we bill Committee's Banking House of summary staff the in e00 banks most that ven $1believe over assets with ,those million required the maintain sophisticated on computer .data systems Wi .it ltis un CN der . N that ,c involved be would what illustrate To to order in onsider delineated bank's the in located businesses small to loans identify community each from loans of listings obtain to have would examiners department llending A for each necessary be would . isting asmall because the from issued be would loan capital working business boan department loan commercial l ad for f ,truck example or ut elivery loan installment the in carried be ,might department al finance to nd oan located be might plant business the department loan estate real in . rating The in would bill House the in proposed system distributional b rating Aank's standard would on compa the .depend banks other of performance .not category size its in clear is It exactly .very practice in work would process rating the how However ,g iven ,and amendment CRA proposed by imposed requirements data specific the ,we requirements disclosure public that expect to reasonable is it believe certain for quotas to evolve actually will standards performance these contain wre listings the Once not or may hich ,a addresses street would ,e obtained obtain to need xaminers loan each for file credit the determine to order in listed a is loan the small ,if and business address .possibly ,iExaminers ts the if determine to need then would . activity loan of types the in located is address community delineated of all after .Only portfolio inould loans accounted been had examiners ,c for the attempt neighborhoods particular if determine to arbitrarily been had excluded to powers new ties legislation the Since ,the nature relative ratings soundness and safety undermine could standard performance the of u. or enough good be not would It ,f legislation the to banks nder needs credit to helping satisfactorily of test current the meet competition aof would They their against ,measured .s communities their banks than ratings performance higher receive to required be part are that other holding banks companies T encourage would requirement his see to .of has that incentive an -types certain of loans most the make could who had bank's from the area .lending currently examiners Our ,b precise use ut less necessarily not e ,p Initially xaminers reports review rocedures previous of .effective examinations working and consumer other from papers programs -r elated examination -gExamples on the during conducted oing .compliance include inhe Truth the with compliance evaluate to programs -L ,t Act Equal ending TReporting the aAct , ypically Opportunity nd Credit Fair .the compiled data analyze also will examiners Home the with accordance in Consumer (HMDA Act Disclosure Mortgage ),t OCC's he Information Complaint Information ,and Examination Consumer our from .reports System management interview also Examiners files internal review and determine to lowin lending of extent neighborhoods -i moderate ncome the and those extend failed have may bank the which to extent credit .in areas satisfied those in Only examiners where not cases are bank's the with amore will needs credit local meet to helping in performance technical . contexts other in consequences disastrous relative on system rating proposed the of reliance The and performance the could public made be factors evaluation and ratings that requirement ,due CRA of objectives change unintended an in result also the to .underlying performance quantify to pressure Because rating the publicly be to need would methodology agencies ,r defensible egulatory . factors assessment quantifiable easily more the on rely to tend might performance CRA indicators the of all not Because readily are quantifiable ,s indicators important or efforts marketing as ome uch ,could policies formulating in participation director little too given be . undertaken be data loan specific of analysis weight assessment in process .the -4 -3 AGENCY AND CHANGES CRA REFORM POSITION OCC'S THE AND CHANGES CRA ON REFORM AGENCY awould mandate And Subtitles of passage the With B,C ongress Provisions the of Summary T he CRA that p a to .solution defined clearly not has it amendment , roblem amendment Act Company Holding Bank the ,and provisions reform agency lending change would certainly 5094 H.R. of ,but practices that the alter to designed are IV Title of subtitles two first The .and CRA of implementation would A Subtitle CRA amend Holding Bank the achieved be would avery high .at cost . ways important several in Act Company into this put me .Let perspective for needs legitimate are There sensitivity and lending increased some in needs credit to it First a mandate would ,n for standard defined ew arrowly depository .the CRA under institutions evaluating of performance The ratings similar with banks to relative performance CRA reflect would rohrough 1resources excellent 3,tfrom 5.average ()poor anging that T believes OCC . he communities serve must banks ,these ,bWe law the only .not business good is it because also ut that h believe not do ,t legislation owever inhat could a effect llocate appropriate is Icredit ,s occurs that soundness and . fafety c"would ,ibenefits Second as establish trict rtommunity equirement holding and institutions depository for or expansion seeking companies additional U ,t legislation proposed the Reserve Federal powers nder . he unrestricted Board final give unable be would bank most to approval nonbanking in engage to or acquisition an for applications company holding a2.Together least at is rating company holding the unless activities ,this system rating proposed the with ab that mean would requirement ank engage order in average above rated be to have would company holding to permissible into enter expansion novo de or acquisition an activities nonbanking ,.S b aof than other by ank imilarly cquisition acommitment with only allowed be would company holding bank maintain to considerations may secondary .become idea an you give to order In would of changes proposed the how alter explain ,Iwould process assessment like involved steps the you to ache of portion CRA the in .C examination ,t ompliance urrently of premise fundamental Compliance OCC's the compliance that Program is responsibility the Ahe ,t focus ccordingly management bank .of this taken has bank the that ensure to is activity supervisory accountability and seriously responsibility has procedures the ahigh ensure to .necessary performance of level a2. to rating bank's the raise or 18 many ,S Third w A place ubtitle ould concerning requirements specific administration regulatory federal the on CRA .of agencies The CRA five on data performance of collection the require would legislation evaluated is bank The determining performance its on in credit the 1. publish to required be would agencies The .otices factors assessment of newspapers examinations CRA of commencement the in mail prepare and community its of needs marketing in and services . ,abulletin it requests who anyone to charge without updated -. week that published been had notice which for banks all listing -weekly the review Examiners of amounts and types credit made loans . 2 extended the and which to degree are they meet helping examination each of conclusion the At required ,agencies be would to evaluation aw prepare make to and record CRA institution's the of ritten and ,including evaluation of portions certain public rating the data T to required be would agencies . he performance jointly work . 3 ,and rating publish and develop guidelines these review to . needs credit community's geographic the at look Examiners of distribution real bank's and loans estate meant practices any applications adiscourage ,to s impact as well and opening of offices closing the and of . facilities those at offered services expanding or terminating annually . require Bwould Subtitle bank federal the agencies regulatory adopt to aprescribed 4. handling for structure organizational and approach consumer banking federal Each ,including .issues CRA required be would agency to very asonsumer establish c "m division eparate eeting criteria specific . The legislation the in described . 5 :c would division consumer aonduct -site on separate 24 every once least at bank each of examination consumer months ac by staffed of adre b examiners consumer ;specialist e career snd training responsible ,a developing upervising for paths ;and examiners ,e complaints to respond consumer nforce community and laws policies develop reinvestment r ,a nd egulations with d compliance bank's iscrimination and -The anti laws credit other . evaluated is Examiners assess participation bank's the community in development and meeting related factors other to needs credit .local procedures current the Under ,national banks for responsible are with examiners providing demonstrate that data the each in performance evidence this of absence An the that indication an is bank's category and inadequate be may efforts its that indicates certainly need procedures concerning . laws those procedures . formalized more be to -6 -5 addition In practical the to . 5094 H.R. by Created Concerns Policy above discussed implementation ,Is problems major other three ee provisions proposed .Fhe ,t irst approach new the by presented to changing of effect the have would enforcement and assessment amounts what to goals competing balancing from CRA of objectives .change allocation credit legislative This combined the from result would ,which system rating CRA proposed the of aeffects on banks rank would , he basis relative "t benefits community the of application for est information on ,and powers expanded and acquisitions of publication the twelve on based performance CRA assess Examiners ,each factors of related ,iwhich turn n performance five the of one .to categories (As factors assessment 12 of list corresponding the with examination Istatement forming n this to appended is factors those for .)procedures abxaminers regarding conclusions erely ,their performance CRA ank's on anumerical assign judgment and expertise their each for score the form to used then are scores five Those CRA overall bank's category exists Nrating formula translating ratings the .o category each for overall .into summary R ,t the reflects rating he ather 'best examiners judgment performance CRA overall .of assessment CRA .the uniform ,t Currently the uses OCC he for system rating interagency .is banks national assigned be to rating CRA the determining rating A national each to assigned in performance institution's the on based bank community .helping needs credit meet to given Banks be may ratings CRA 1tsoating from ranging r A 3i5. of CRA whose banks to given mneaning satisfactory than less is ,iperformance that of judgment the adequately ,t examiner the not is bank he needs credit meet to helping ;5rating community the of as represents record inadequate ubstantially . atings needs credit community meet to helping of R assigned are banks other performance the of independently ,that to regard without is expected any achieving ,w ratings of context the distribution ithin Implications H.R. of Assessment for 5094 .The Performance CRA publication for collect to requirement data performance ,p in articularly banks national 1,300 the of00 excess in assets with $1million ,w ould .to examiners our of focus the change materially Contrary assertions bill Committee's Banking House of summary staff the in ,we not do e banks most that ven 1 $believe over assets with 00 ,those million maintain required the sophisticated on data computer systems . what illustrate To ,consider involved be would order in that to identify the in located businesses small to loans delineated bank's have would examiners community from loans of listings obtain to each market it serves . rating aThe impose would bill House the in proposed system rating bdistributional A depend would . ank's standard comparative the on performance of banks other category size its clear not It is .in exactly process rating the practice in work would .how H g iven , owever very the by imposed requirements data specific ,and amendment CRA proposed the requirements disclosure public reasonable ,w is it believe e that expect to performance standards these actually will for quotas to evolve certain 19 .A lending department listing each for necessary be would be asmall because would loan capital working business the from issued department loan commercial b l ad for oan ut example f or elivery ,truck installment in carried be loan the ,might department nd al finance to oan plant business located be might estate real the in department loan . listings the Once or may hich wre street contain not ,a addresses ,e obtained xaminers obtain to need would file credit the loan each for determine order in listed loan the if business s a to is , mall and .,i address possibly need Ets then would xaminers the if determine to activity loan of types address located is the delineated in community of all after .Only portfolio inould loans accounted been had for examiners ,c the attempt determine particular to if neighborhoods had arbitrarily been excluded ties legislation the Since t ,new ratings to powers he nature relative standard performance the safety undermine could of soundness and banks enough good be not would It legislation u the . or nder ,f to banks satisfactorily of test current the meet to helping needs credit measured acommunities would They their s competition their .of ,against receive to required be performance higher banks than ratings part are that other holding companies requirement .of This encourage would see to banks most the make could who types certain of loans has that incentive an -had bank's the from lending area . examiners currently Our less use necessarily not ,b precise ut effective p rocedures I nitially e ,. xaminers reports review previous of examinations papers working and consumer other r -from elated programs compliance -g on the during .conducted examination include Eoing xamples with compliance evaluate to Equal iprograms Truth the -L ,t Act nhe ending Opportunity Act Credit ,and Fair Typically the .the Act Reporting examiners also will data analyze accordance in compiled the with Home (OCC's Act Disclosure Mortgage HMDA ),t Consumer he Information Complaint Consumer ,and our from .reports System Information Examination interview also Examiners management internal review and determine to files lending of extent the moderate and lowin neighborhoods -income bank the which extent failed have may those extend to credit .in areas other in disastrous .consequences contexts proposed the of reliance The rating system performance relative on and evaluation and ratings that requirement the could public made be factors unintended an result also objectives in change ,d CRA of the to ue ecause underlying quantify to pressure .B performance rating the methodology would defensible publicly be to r egulatory agencies ,need more the on rely to tend might assessment quantifiable easily . factors the all not Because performance CRA of indicators readily are quantifiable important ome ,s indicators marketing as uch or efforts in participation director c , ould policies formulating little too given be the where cases those in Only satisfied not are examiners bank's with credit local meet to helping in performance more a will needs technical . undertaken be data loan specific of analysis weight assessment the in process . -7 -8 perverse A by created incentives the of result obtain to esire ad ratings CRA high relatively burden the that is proposed of data requirements would heavily more borne be better performers the by .CRA Iam would that bill of provisions the about concerned also .might ratings CRA of disclosure require Fhere ,t irst public be rating Iis CRA the misinterpreted an as .f over confusion ,confidence health bank's of indicator be could bank the in assessment ,S. n accurate econd performance ab of CRA jeopardized ank's better with Banks records CRA have would cooperate incentive more to with do and examiners the groundwork make to .necessary available data records CRA worse with Banks such have not .would incentive an result The work more be would examiners higher banks the for costs .and A bankers .exchange examiners the and aclthough on depends between andid disclosure public hope would we ,h candor that diminish not uman has ,o is it what being nature some be will there that believe to ne . he effect T t ,w litigation of threat would hird hich likely negative increase ,c ratings of disclosure public the threaten also with ould 'edisclosure examiners of .thoroughness Fvaluations ,p could inally ublic bank's 'efforts groups community of focus shift the from performance , rating numerical needs credit community's the meet to helping in important ,there Ironically one is and banks the which in sense their :iap .supervisors reforms of cost entire the bear not All s ractical have ,t matter will agencies regulatory he costs the of some absorb to reforms agency proposed diverting of costs the -resources management reorganization to agencies the of existing ,of using resources staffing initiate implementing ,a of nd policies new .the resources The have would tasks those accomplish to necessary our from diverted be responsibilities soundness and at worst the of one ,safety possible times record time when banks numbers failed have number al and arge of agency che and ,t onsequently .supervisory to OCC the cause would it that is 5094 H.R. with concern major Another w ould inefficiently .T a A Subtitles in Bprovisions he nd resources use in agencies banking the tell ,h detail fine very on laws administer to ow attention supervisory need banks .problem rin ,change issues aconsumer adical esulting system current the from -dflearly calendar mandate .and banks all of examinations riven ,iC we schedule aregular on banks all examined exhaustively ,w most catch would e c overhaul Aomplete our compliance of system supervision as -proposed the by mandated considerable at come would -bill to sacrifice effective adequate soundness and supervision .safety the of view In current our of success supervision compliance to ,approach w that believe e ,aBut laws banking consumer of .violators fact the after least t to abetter is there have not do we -way application intensive an such use s aacrifice is this should that and made be -not .need resources limited our of ,t Instead relies OCC c a on .of he ombination evaluations on -s off and activities abite of procedures ank's .Moreover laws consumer with compliance bank assess to policies ,the would implications bill's request to banks encourage CRA updated an application ,iC,inorporate assessment ac of t .anticipation urrently 20 not We do introduce to need into banking the system destabilizing any especially -forces when concerned is public about of safety the parts services financial the r aindustry Such .of estructuring impose would on at public the large associated costs with banking risky ore system ,am unintended outcome an would that inconsistent be clearly the with with requests those meet to us for impossible be would limited our resources . intentions the of Banking Committee .House OCC's of heart The the assessing to approach compliance level Compliance tshe regulations and laws all ,iwith Program of selection the as sample tratified d national -random in an for banks epth of review BRANCH OF NOTICE CLOSURE would 5094 require n aH.R. that ational bank customers its notify and p OCC the roposed s aclosing either of taffed branch at ATM an or days 90 least proposed to prior closing date .the receives OCC the If a complaint valid the aabout of closing b ,t he ranch required be would bank d aetailed provide to analysis activity of at preceding the for branch p ,wrojection athree years ith level expected the if activity of branch remained would T open OCC required be determine to . he the if would sof aclosure result erious reduction availability the in their accomplishments and efforts compliance .uncertainty The associated in selected being with an provides sample the compliance for incentive , regularly on rely to having without examinations ,ischeduled same the n incentive an provides IRS by audited being of possibility the that way . his laws tax income the with compliance described in Tfor is process Office our report the detail Committee this to submitted of January in this year . reforms proposed the that is concern policy major final The based are burden cost the of understatement an on . The compliance CRA banks to concerns dismiss to try provisions proposed and cost about by efficiency of burden shifting collecting banking the to data compliance .agencies unrealistic simply is That ,banks another or way one In .will . If examinations compliance increased of cost the paying up wind OCC the will ,w work the does ultimately e through time our for banks charge ,assessments efficient more clearly is It ab of indication etter . nd data ,for commitment management's bank provide to banks the support in needs credit the meet to helping are they that contention their of community ,otheir Realistically data basic provide can banks the . nly approach .This performance their evaluate to necessary is the that encourages .OCC services d I a such . fhe etermination made is would ,t OCC look to have feasibility into the replacing of other with ,branch facilities including establishing c development ommunity .aThese union credit provisions would apply not the in emergency of acquisitions .case Notification On Position OCC's The Prior believes The occ that should banks the notify of public close to plans currently ,and branches we national encourage the advise to banks close plans their of community services reduce to or .branches Through Circular Banking ofssistance a ,issuance 189 No. trade to writing groups programs such on handbooks ,a means other by nd t fostered OCC has he national banks to 'efforts implement and develop policies notify the -10 -9 their of community the help and services eliminate or reduce to plans ordinarily that institutions Depository accounts maintain checking would $1,000 with customers service checking provide to required be or .less deposit on T opened be could aaccount with maintained and he ten $25nd of balance ,a least at be would there per transactions free .month account the on interest pay to have not would Banks .The although offer institution ,d require not could it of deposit irect It the restrict not could also to customer payments government .recurring machines .using teller automatic The authorized be would Reserve Federal .community alternative services of sources secure hor appropriate not is It ,f governmental other any or -OCC the owever body banking of location the regarding judgment its substitute to -owners the that for abfacilities of .managers and Bank anks are offices made be must an with ,a businesses private locate to decisions nd branch of efficiency the and towards eye ap profitability articular .Although bank of operations overall the not would 5094 H.R. require somewhat its that concerned ,Iam closures branch of approval OCC position in us putting of effect the have would language imprecise . account this for charges service establish to that Depository of course ordinary the in checks cash institutions business Service Cashing Check Government the offer to required be would m .-,p decisions private rofit gotivated second uessing s,500 federal for ,a $1 to up of checks government local .When nd tate provision ,t Similarly look to us require would that bill the of he would services sources alternative establishing of feasibility the into be the by taken should that actions into occ insert inappropriately . check .private community affected ,ientrepreneurs sector the ncluding some If amarket profitably serve to opportunities are there believe has that ,there others by abandoned been on act to them for opportunities ample are ,mthat Typically new attract will underserved are that . arkets belief designate where branches three to up ,the registering would customer allowed tchecks A -d be would fee service ollar per . wo cashed be could ,c services these of each For would ustomers provide to required be signature their bearing identification .photo data basic other and The provision Reserve Federal to subject be would services these of safeguards ,and regulation certain provides bill the or fraud against of establishment the against and abuse continuing for prerequisite any and lowagainst discriminate would that account the opening individuals -income moderate account other without those .or relationships branches or charters novo de from either services .banking competitors of acommunity in entities private of initiatives The ,i its ncluding government cnd citizens ,a groups of not businesses ommunity the are -acommunity's serving to solutions of source best financial for needs notification W advance that believe the and customers to .e services encourage to sufficient is community affected would and initiatives such avoid and banks the both on burdens administrative unnecessary imposing position OCC mandate not should Government that services be to have ,j offered ust 21 agencies .the should it as firms services of kinds the to barriers artificial create not closure Iam branch the that concerned also 5094 H.R. of provisions 'b banks that fact the ignore apparently am reflect decisions ore ranching markets .general financial of restructuring As between distinctions ,aIn offer can of area the in date to it s .has insurance and securities services ,t run long of level the lower requirements ahese nd ,iconsumer importantly More Congressional that clear not is .t loses ensure to needed is action are services banking that . available widely av offer now banks Many low of ariety -cost ,b .T services banking he asic .OCC it do to them encouraged has this Much given been attention . 987 communities in 1need A Association Bankers American the by study banking basic offers already banks two every of one that shows , services $1bIn over with banks ten every of seven .including assets in illion six ,the addition another that found survey to plan banks all of percent ,banks eroded have institutions financial specialized formerly other and forced have services financial of providers means the reconsider to been .they services the to use iTdeliver changes ,s part large from nhose tem technology new of use innovative the services financial supplying in and .from firms financial among competition of patterns changing New alternatives develop institutions financial enabled has technology to the for branches of delivery and brick expensive on -mrelying ortar . TMs services ,Afinancial example For their to access consumers offer now locations avcannot in and clock the around accounts .of ,oariety Thus ne c aommercial that assume the are branches bank's suppliers efficient only . services these offering start CONCLUSION to services financial of without that and areas local s , ervices branches .will available not be goals ,Ibelieve Chairman Mr. the by attained be could that importance -S Glass the repeal Act such of are teagall attention our that closing ,l Finally branch on wimitations indirect or direct hether withdraw to harder it make am from .,s failing of Sarket hort uch measures -p counter always are ,m more marginally profitable branches roductive aking from diverted be not should .want task this We benefits consumer the I, ndeed m a by .provided industry services financial competitive ore amore creating by -1886 S. with industry services financial competitive tbill is -products securities to respect -cIruly onsumer of however reiterate w sale the to respect ith ,b products insurance oth and House the are bills Senate -c anti terribly onsumer i ,and addition n . ventures risky SERVICES BANKING BASIC discriminatory . a"H.R. establish to banks require would 5094 Services Financial asic B "f Account or i -lowmoderate Tncome would account his .and customers transaction ab asic service : nd services separate two government ,entail . services cashing check -11 bank need we nd ,a industry banking efficient and ealthy h We the in inefficiencies reduce that structures and policies regulatory and safety while assuring competitors efficient reward market athey are ,b well as important needs credit Community . ut soundness banking m alimit of attainment our not must We . odern matter separate objectives CRA of meet can We achievement the to it linking by system .would provide 5094 H.R. that structure the under not ut ,b goals both new utilize could that banks of number the limit would 5094 H.R. create would .-S repeal teagall Glass of benefits the educing r ,It powers It would .make sense no costs added such when banks all for new and of safety protection the from resources divert regulators bank make i ,change CRA of objectives the would it And . ncreasing soundness ,that would w a ay in decisions lending private interference regulatory .and annot ,Icndermine reasons these soundness safety bank u ,For fear we .of 5094 H.R. IV Title provisions the many support 23 APPENDIX Assessment Factors & TWELVE ASSESSMENT 1) TACTORS Bank activities that ascertain the credit needs of its local community . Examination Procedures EXAMINATION PROCEDURES Obtain Information from a review of bank records and interviews with bank statt . ( Studios /customers / neighborhood groupe / local government ) 2) 3) The extent of the bank ' , marketing and special credit - related programs to make community members aware of credit services available . The extent of participation by the Roview bank's marketing prograa . ( RE brokers /mtg counsellng programul advertising / convenient hours /brochureo ) Review minutes of board of directors meetings and any other bank documentation available . ( Bank otatt avareness of CRA ) 5) Any practices intended to discourage applications for credit listed in the bank ' , au otat cuent . Review other fair lending armination The geographic distribution of the Initially rely on discussion with programs ( DCOA and Fair Housing Act ) . ( Bank staft awareness of Cw / proscreening ) bank ' . credit ont ensions , credit applications and credit denials . 6) Evidence of discriminatory or other illegal credit practices . Review prior reports of examination and other examination programs currently being performed . 7) The bank's record of opening and closing offices and providing Obtain information from the flold or district office or from the bank ' , records . services at offices . Review any public comments . TEELVE ASSESSMENT TACTORS 9) 10 ) EXAMINATION PROCEDURES Bank participation in local community development and redevelopment projects or programs . Review written lending policy and procedure manualo . Interview londing offloori . The bank's origination of Review bank financial statcounts , MIDA disclosures , lending policy and procedure manuals . Intervlow bank statt . Bank participation in governmentally Inoured , guaranteed , or subsidized loan program for housing , small businesses or email tam . ( HUD ' , community development block grant program / local neighborhood preservation efforts / CDCo / neighborhood housing servicos ) Raviow bank financial statemente , DA disclosures , lending policy and procedure manual.. Interview bank statt . (mm / 11 ) The bank ' , ability to meet community Review examination workpapers and reports . Consider safety and soundness . ( Small banks may lack resources ) 12 ) Other factors that boar upon the Consider factors such as bank purchases of state and municipal bondo , secondary mortgage market securities or whether the art ont to which I national bank is helping to meet the credit needs of its entire community . bank's policies promote afforts to assist existing residents in neighborhoods undergoing reinvestment and change . 24 The CHAIRMAN . Well, thank you very much, Comptroller Clarke. 25 expand and provides a vehicle for public participation in the review of the institutions' CRA performance. 26 of accomplishment in meeting their responsibilities under the CRA on a regular basis. This approach also has the advantage of simplicity and could TITLE IV HAS FOUR BASIC PROVISIONS Title IV of the House bill establishes a framework that includes four basic parts: 27 and would result in an excessively protracted administrative proc ess . ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS First, the specific data collection requirements of the bill should not be implemented. In place of this rigid format which has the effect of limiting lending flexibility , financial institutions should be permitted to collect and make publicly available whatever data is appropriate to demonstrate their record of meeting the credit needs of the community that the institution has identified and targeted . 90-163 0 - 88 - 2 28 local communities in a manner that is nondiscriminatory and con sistent with the principles of safe and sound banking practice. Thank you. 1 delivery on release For ,E.D.T. a.m. 10:00 1 8, 988 September ,Iappreciate Chairman Mr. appear to opportunity this various the address to Committee Banking Senate before reported IV ,r 5094 H.R. of ecently Title provisions consumer .by Committee Banking House the place ill ,Iw testimony my In ,which 1977 Reinvestment of Act Community the on focus special Statement by and implemented CRA ",h CRA been has ow Iw t as to refer he ill .its administration improve can we how Johnson H. Manuel ,giving testimony my to emphasis this In System Reserve Federal the of Governors oard ,B Vice Chairman Ido not other about n ,iIV which bill the of Title in included were that provisions 29 concern of degree lesser any convey to intend the before aimpose new regulatory , lso CRA the affecting those to addition Affairs Urban and ousing ,H Banking on Committee asic ,b cashing check of government areas the in requirements bfinancial eank closings branch qual ,credit accounts services the of loan requirements . equity home and opportunity , Senate S. U. Taken a as burden on m constitute awhole provisions new ,tassive hese the banks without smaller on p , articularly system banking 1 , 988 8 September w requirements .to I ill regulatory these handle resources address our serious about concerns extensive these new ,of testimony my conclusion the at requirements regulatory as astaff in as .well appendix -2 -3 FRAMEWORK CURRENT THE CRA meaningful efforts assure to local that communities aware are available of credit facilities and steps take meet to local Before discussing suggestions that have been for made credit needs n a ondiscriminatory in manner compatible with safe tbe I hink would it helpful to outline revising ,the CRA sound operation .and Board The fully supports the purposes of strongly ,and CRA believes that depository all institutions responsibilities the briefly established under current the provisions of and CRA discuss to steps taken the by implement to Board policies .these should meaningful make efforts meet to these .objectives will provide u aThis seful perspective types on programs CRA bank of Board the that BOARD'S THE IMPLEMENTATION THE OF CRA believes effective are will and g aserve as uide organizing for ameaningful discussion of House the bill other and programs Board The has taken three broad steps to implement suggested been have that revising for in CRA future .the CRA The gives agencies Federal the asignificant role financial These steps include conducting specialized policies CRA .these supervisory assuring in that performance examinations p ,aCRA rogram informing for banks of financial for program their of communities .local reviewing applications includes that consideration the of CRA particular In ,t he provides CRA Federal the that financial supervisory agencies assess must the performance records of banks the and holding bank companies involved . Board's The performance examinations establish aCRA record of institution each under supervision their meeting in credit needs of the 30 responsibilities theirthe CRA under anda , institutions identify take and to steps credit the meet needs framework regularly for assessing performance the of state institution's entire community ,the member banks meeting in the credit their of communities .needs including lowmoderate and neighborhoods ncome c ,-i onsistent outreach The program inform helps banks regarding effective and safe with operation sound institution the .of CRA the requires that take agencies , addition In Federal the financial supervisory record this an account into evaluating in methods for assessing the of needs communities their and methods that are available to meet applicat ions process acts as an those needs . application institution by the d eposit facility .afor performance banks of holding bank and companies that to seek not The does CRA specifir any impose lending or .the institutions financial on requirements purpose , Instead depository encourage is CRA the of make to institutions The effective check the on provides and v aexpand ehicle public participation for the in review institution's the of performance .CRA has public The increasingly advantage taken of ability its participate to in -5 number involving cases of ,with process applications the examination also focuses on The geographic the ,and extensions credit bank's of distribution existence the .1984 1987 in 35 to 3in only from increasing comments CRA discriminatory or of evidence any of credit illegal other ,the Finally into take examiners the .by bank practices Process Bxamination CRA Board's The of record bank's the to relates that information other account examination involves program CRA our of part first The , community entire its of needs and convenience the meeting . offices closing and opening of record bank's the including banks .of records member state performance CRA the These specifically who examiners by out carried are examinations complianceand CRA in trained issues , and Board's the in incorporated been have factors assessment These governing BB .Regulation matters CRA are examination As of part the ,process eighteen ,conducted cases most in months every approximately less satisfactory with banks of case the in frequently more and records . ,small agencies government local including examinations on a focus Board the by conducted examinations CRA gnd businesses ,a organizations community others rassroots that recognize They bank community of needs the understand to attempt an in of The performance the discuss then examiners State serves . bank's with CRA the under banks member light in management credit meet to flexibility the permitted be must banks ,and community with contact examiner's the of both provide the compatible is with away in community of needs that community's .the needs ,and strategy business overall bank's oral and written management the to .reports institution's CRA financial of weaknesses and strengths the -related credit special marketing implement to and programs services community credit the of members inform to and efforts compliance management may taketo ,the addition In the examines Board and -income moderate neighborhoods , the and bank's development ,and projects community local in participation programs g loan subsidized uaranteed ,or insured governmentally that enhance that particular steps suggest to . performance Where ,the examination the in noted are deficiencies Bank Reserve supervisory continues has improvement until attention been community ,including within its of loans making record bank's low examination These both of management bank's the inform to intended are reports bank's the examined are Board by factors Among ,efforts community its needs credit the of aware become to . bank the by offered 31 general the identify are ,and factors of number to designed effective CRA program .an of framework examiners our conduct they which in communities the of members contact . achieved by performance CRA to attention continued Board's The banks member Ibelieve has examiners our ,e state to mphasized -6 -7 rehabilitation financing . these to banks expect and CRA about serious are we that responsible .maintain programs CRA Reserve at staff the 1987 During before more than 100 spoke Banks these believe also We effective the designing in banks to useful been have efforts which of most , groups CRA oncerning c ,.the bankers represented additional undertaken also have Banks Reserve The local in to benefits resulted ave t and ,h herefore programs CRA ,such initiatives with deal that periodicals publishing as communities . ,producing lending community for programs the on books resource abank which in lending development community to wish might Programs Outreach Community forums mutual provide to ,forming participate lenders community opportunities development community and education about implement to Board the by taken step second The ,and techniques help to designed profiles community producing Reserve each at establishment is CRA the of policies information provide who Officers Affairs Community of Banks , are needs what know community the in others and lenders various available the contribution and are resources what ,community banks to techniques and strategies development about ,and companies holding .bank others .might make participants goals the of One the in areas tnd cities of needs credit ,a rural owns particularly Iwould that area this in activity One liketo development community with work is mention our . corporations those to outreach through districts Reserve Federal areas . identified ,Once needs these having our 32 with familiar become to is program affairs community System's ,the CRA of advent the before well Since Federal and of allowed have Currency Comptroller the Reserve affairs community companies national and holding bank by creation the encouraged programs identify will that construct to banks help officers banksof . needs credit community address and -hyears one and three ,oalf example For last the ver seminars on conferences and sponsored 120 has program the community development Community corporations . CsDCs "aor -called are they corporations -development chartered bring the corporations to , lending banker on bear to special the of talents other and packaging lending development community for techniques and opportunities ,the alone Community . subjects related other and 1987 In Affairs Officers the at Banks Reserve workshops a explored that and seminars . projects community specific community such as needs special d 60 over ) Sponsore topics of variety revitalization ,arelated nd c ommunity investment community to are financial fnor focus may ,oCDCs example -income low housing small . revitalization business have corporations These making for potential the revitalization ,iimportant part n community to contributions -9 -8 to authority uch ,s as unusual given are they because Reserve Federal The . 1 to procedures include that programs outreach maintain communication meaningful and o , ngoing regular permit and bank the of management levels all between 1 .real estate own and positions equity take c August in onference cosponsored aoffice Comptroller's the and ased b -members community the of others and agencies ocal ,lusinesses b organizations credit local and ascertaining of purpose the for he tncluding articularly p ,icredit needs deposit ;-iand neighborhoods ncome moderate lowof needs 200 about by attended hich w was ,of CDCs with dealing 1987 that of proceedings the containing pamphlet bankers . .and distributed widely produced was conference that Since the incorporating for methods formalized establish gathered needs credit community regarding findings the institution's into efforts outreach these through to services and products of delivery development . 2 the in particularly interest reat of deal g awe seen have time .of banks national formation ;of community the segments all theseare such efforts Outreach Community as , we programs lending innovative opportunities study for ,-for ncluding i neighborhoods ncome moderate and low- . 3 to CRA the under charge our of element an essential believe , home of needs credit the meet to institutions financial encourage , such projects development community support as and develop Programs ,Services Housing Neighborhood . 4 . communities their 33 low of needs dentified i ,to specific meet policies moderate -and i persons ; ncome Process Applications the in Performance CRA of Consideration specifically designed marketing and through awareness public s ,oftimulate programs advertising community ,bank's throughout services the ilow- ncome moderate to and targeted efforts including 5. CRA implementing approach to our of facet third The ; groups and neighborhoods banks of records performance CRA the consideration involves institution's the monitoring for systems establish and levels senior management performance at ,;a nd for improvement areas assessing periodically . 6 the under Board by received applications with in connection Holding Bank .the Act Merger CRA Bank and Act Company opportunities lending the regarding employees train well the institution the as through offered development and availability local community of . 7 ,with s financial along account into taken isafety performance hen w the ,a factors competitive nd anagerial m soundness and . programs applications the in practice Board's been has It applications . these reviews Board its Through in ce experien , process as examining the CRA that found has Board he t ,of banks performance institutions critical umber of n aCRA share programs effective most the with . elements :These institutions ,ageneral matter .CRA performance their improve to institutions with work been has experience Board's The holding bank banks of number growing sand a ignificant that -10 11 companies have adopted formal and detailed internal policies essential An part of process this are affirmative the programs and address to their responsibilities under CRA .the that steps Board the takes assure to institutions fulfill Board the found has inadequacies in bank a holding company's performance program or the in context of an Where application before Board ,the commitments designed to commitme made nts Board the often requires special periodic reports particular , the from applicant regarding progress implementing in the institut CRAion's raised by public comments , wellas as expressed Board the by similar in .applications banks .member those addition In Board ,t he will check adherence for the to commitme nts -- take and into account efforts fulfill to these commitments While commitments the vary from case to depending particular the ,facts Board The examiners also review compliance with commitments the during periodic examinations CRA state of commitme nts . performance and to permit Board the proceed review to Usually these commitments have addressed many of . application on applications . process In these institutions made have improve the the concerns duringthe next time institution the submits an . application commitments generally relate to establishing or improving programs ascertaining for credit the 34 needs of communit the ying i ; mplement programs communit y more aware fact In ,w e observed banks that have improved the attention resources and devoted to credit the needs their of make to the communities , ncome ncluding lowiand neighborhoods .-moderate example For mortgage ,h ome lending lowin moderate i -and ncome institution's the of credit services through newspaper radio advertisements b rochures p osters ,and increased has steadily substantially and during this areas officer programs call i ;or mproving internal procedures for Despite increasing competition by financial other decade . reviewing implementing policies CRA a ;and inally ,if nnd some service providers b , anks have maintained predominant their improving certain types lending of where record the cases , position inutstripping field the small business olending ,of service other financial providers by .wide margin indicated that applicant the had been not active making in ineed loans where areas applicant the itself had identified an its in CRA Although .statemen t protesta sometime nts request s banks have consistently been predominant the Furthermore , lenders in the Small Business lending Administration's applican the that reduce also t interest rates relax or credit fbank Forty our fifty the national -of ive and . programs standards , he Community t Reinvestment Act Bank and the Holding do Act Company authorize not establish Board to terms the conditions oror loans of ,n does believe Board the that this intent was the Congress of enacting .in CRA holding company community development Corporatinns been have formed since CRA the enacted was 1977 .in been have Banks primary among lenders projects for undertaken the under 1 -3 -12 Development Development's Urban and Housing of Department may to that obstacles administrative tend erase substantial financial ,and been have program Grant Action Services programs Housing Neighborhood the to contributors Board the that perspective this from is It believes around country .the . viewed be must CRA the of modifications ,the view In efforts our through achieved results implement the to of provisions the CRA current CRA Board ,t mind in he initiated ongoing an this earlier study year identify model to programs CRA factors and necessary are that perspective from Viewed objectives the of outlined this thatI morning , the these objectives With s , taff programs CRA Board's the of a established nd force task are . substantial the the gains the .already CRA by achieved of implementation the for Board's s a ound program .CRA believes that evaluation self this ,w hich 10 on based is years viewed . successful as be must program implementation s I aid As ,will CRA the with experience of lead in improvement further to ,the outset at banks that assure to is CRA the of purpose ,make community of needs credit the identify to steps take . CRA of implementation Board's the facilities credit aware community the of segments all considered also has Board The law the in changes that anondiscriminatory in community the segments all of members important made has program CRA our that believe We believe that changes We improve would current the process .CRA existing the of criticisms two CRA should CRA in on focus 35 needs ,and bank by offered credit the meet creditworthy of . manner Board The individuals for opportunity enough not is there that : process contributions achieving to goals .these evaluation CRA of the into input have to groups community and of performance THE CRA IN IMPROVEMENTS RECOMMENDED institutions , examination CRA high that and . commonplace are ratings these that believe We criticisms amechanism providing by met fully be could permit would that implementation the in improvements that recognize We assessment in participate to public the CRA the of institutions . records financial of performance ,but made be can CRA the of an see not do we major for eed . CRA the of revision framework and are policies CRA current the that believe We sound fundamentally communities and local of needs between balance the upset safe and operation soundof banks , or to raise through accomplished effectively could be . workable and Any not tailored carefully be must system that to modification the This atwo of stage .establishment procedure Federal financial supervisoryagencies should , years two every approximately appropriate ,the First publishe financial each of an evaluation under performance of record institution's CRA .the This -14 -15 evaluation would provide public with the basis for policy explains and areas the that Board believes could be regulatory agency's analysis the of performance CRA each financial institution . . improved Iwould like to turn now d a iscussion to of the provisio ns Title IV H.R. of 5094 and the Board's concerns Second public ,the should invited be to submit comments regarding evaluation this the and institution's regardin gns likely the effect of these provisio the on existing an As essentia part l of program ,this t he Federal financial supervisory agencies would required be to take these public comments into account reviewing in expansion performance record . framework .CRA Ihake ope the Committe will e bear with me while aIt minutes few to explain complexi ties the House Bill ,of . institution the by proposals because it so is important that Congress understand the full our Inhis t ,view approach provide m awould eaningful highly and effective method communication among banks ,for ramifications Bill's of exceedingly the complex and procedurally burdensome framework data of collection ,CRA performance a,evaluation administrative new requirements . nd communities a,regulators , nd regarding the community's needs institution's the CRA plans and goals address those needs ,to Summary Title of IV the and institut ion's record accompli of shment in meeting their Title IV the of House Bill establis hes f a ramework responsi under the r aCRA egular bilities basis .on that four basic parts .includes 36 These parts :include would It also assure advantage the increased of public participation establishing c omplex awithout system that relies credit on allocation intricate or administrative procedures that are designed enforce to compliance CRA by imposing the possibility costly delays .of Moreover approach ,this has the collection data lending areas ; . 1 requirements in three . 2 . 3 advantage simplicity could a,ofnd be incorporated into the numerica l rating ;CRA a nd existing framework established by CRA the as effective an specified c a omparative evaluation the of resources devoted by banks comparable of size these three lending areas ;to limitati imposed ons both on banking and nonbanki ng expansio proposal n s institut based ion's on an establishment the of 4 substitute for many provisions Title of IV House the Bill . first part of the The ANALYSIS TITLE OF IV O HR F094 .5 House proposal requires institutions collect to data regarding their housing loans in lowmoderate and ncome neighborhoods s ,-i mall business loans small and tried Ihackground ave paint b ato describes that current policy CRA Board's and the implementation of that farm loans , wellas as investments community in -17 -16 these associated and projects development in activities three . areas specific While data collection alone Institutions abelow with CRA average . commitments these financial other prohibited acquiring from be would rating is only burdensome whese hen other with combined bill the of parts ,t their expanding from or basis interstate an on institutions .activities nonbanking from away CRA the emphasis present its on requirements move extended detailed A and would process permit institutions acquire these to established be to opportunities granting credit of awareness expanding toward directed lending specific purposes .for commit they provided state home their within banks additional . performance CRA their improve to that ,t Second requires bill he financial Federal the institutions supervisory agencies make and prepare to available revise bill would ,the Finally applications the evaluations public the depository record of institutions credit the meeting in communities their of needs p , lacing Company key several in Act Holding Bank the under process during period the days 45 to extend would bill The . respects proposal any regarding comments submit may public the which data which for loans of types specific the on emphasis special set are requirements .collection bill the under Act Company Holding Bank the under approval Board requiring proposal The ,the addition In would bill devote to size same the of institutions requires that system years formidable establish ac spanning procedure two of ourse ainvolving and review comment ,two Board of stages public investment community to resources .comparable activities The includes system categories five :rating acquisitions by in involving cases hearing public mandatory above a -two verage ,ratings rating average -a below .two nverage nd bill ,trerequisite Third he p aHouse as require would to banking any CRA average below or an with companies holding bank . rating performance holding bank that expansion nonbanking or a on average above is that rating CRA imputed an have companies ive with comparatbasis 37 . reorganizations simple except current the revises system rating CRA c a omparative provide to institutions of CONCERN OP MAJORAREAS s similar . ize rating CRA average an with Institutions granted be could Committee athe adopted has Banking House Although interstate and nonbanking their expand to approval preliminary commit they that provided activities banking to . performance CRA their improve will that policies made reflect comments Title that IV improvements to of number believos Board he ,tand others agencies banking federal the by implement with exist to problems continue of significant anumber that bill The acomplex establishes with compliance monitoring for procedure . bill House the : concern major of areas five are There -18 -19 1. establish s a ystem credit allocation .of provisions The the of bill will work together to three to specific types loans of which for data is be to collected . extended The comment period required in Bill the for applicat all ions submitte d under Bank the Holding Company Act will impose unnecess ary costs and burdens applican on ts with no practica benefit l the to public . comparat The ive rating system has the anamo lous putting ofeffect riate banks in inapprop an competit ive CRA performa nce race a , nd by complex procedur prevents es c - alled a "so verage rs performe from undertak ing any 2. . 3 tying By the data collecti on rating and system to three specific categori ,loan es bill t he departs from the existing CRA philosophy w , hich permits banks meet to the needs the of communit y v ain ariety ng ways f ,of rom purchasi low .expansion income housing bonds to making business loans minority in protract The prelimin ary review post a pproval ed -and hearing procedur establis hed by the Bill arees . 4 excessiv ely burdenso me . . areas will ,It thus , ability the financial of stifle institut ions speciali to ze certain in particul ar banking areas contrast In existing to CRA provisio ns ,many parts of .5 the new to shoulder their CRA responsi bility mand a anner nt in consiste the of Our with their business Strategy . staff has prepared a more are We also concerne that d credit needs of the communit y in other areas may largely go unmet banks by because resource commitments these in other the in see areas clearly given are only minor significance under the implementation Title IV .of rating system established House the .in bill h I ave stressed ,As major t he defect of Bill the is proposed its information collection requirements , CRA rating system ,of limitati a nd ons on approval the expansio nary that flexibility that banks currently have to special needs their of communit ymannerthat ain an above average to an rating institut ion has committe an d above ge avera vel of takes .banks This system made is worse the by Bill's of ause comparative rating CRA system that institution unless the identify meet and advantage of special the skills and resources individual of devote increasing amounts resources of to areas for which data This because u ,isnder system the containe in d House bill ,ithe tank impossib is le for ab regulato give to r , he Thus effect t the of bill will to be establis Congress hionally mandated directio n credit of for specific purposes and remove to the programs banks by bank and holding companies t ,will aken aas whole h , ave effect the requiring of financial institutions to collected .is 38 detailed Appendix discussing nwe a umber other of difficulties that limits the ability of institut ions House with average an rating CRA to .expand The teso11 CP bill requires agencies the grade to financial institutions by -20 -21 community to institution by devoted resources the comparing ,have practice in institution preventing of result same the p , articularly activities investment specified three the in new into expand to opportunities of advantage taking from . areas nonbanking new and locations geographic ,to collected is data which for areas resources committed the concerned also is Board The ,t that aken together he . institutions size similar by also establishes Bill The rating b ase a verage "of scale and comparative this on ability the of limits atax as act will Bill this of impact institutions financial on that institutions p with rating a erformance or average of below will of ability the reduce institutions compete to regulated services and products similar provide that This .entities "aas verage setting By arating of centerpiece the an . public consuming the of segments all hurt ultimately would ,the system comparative financial force effectively will Bill institutions bid to similarly against sized institutions for the House The Bill also establishes an financial . institutions financial of records CRA the activities under nonbanking expand to 3 Section under or the that assure to order in soundness and safety of principles the 4of section Holding .Bank Act Company ,the addition In House the by established procedures Bill's the to comparison areas lending specified three in peer's their to with companies holding bank by applications reviewing for Bill obtain to order average above rating CRA .an complex would and are exceedingly also rating CRA average an defective also is system this that believes Board The the House bill for established by application protracted process proposals withan companies holding bank by acquisitions involving meaningful respects .all CRA Any that rating . process administrative protracted excessively an establish In these establishes Bill the cases , "above not is whether will , r a ating is it average of poor or apreliminary approval acquiring the which in holding bank is company process improve designed proposals specific commit to permitted CRA average in insatisfactory average the makes effectively rating " average 39 banks acquire Board the to submitted notices or applications institutions financial force credit extend to regard without and complex would Bill The days aminimum establish 45 of period comment public all for Board The rating comparative this that concerned very is will system institution devoted has resources sufficient excessively considering and evaluating for procedures of system elaborate that are ratings CRA average above . proposals expansion of approval gain to necessary the because unregulated against effectively . activities nonbanking or banking their expanding from average financial . performance CRA its comment public initial to addition In A ,the commitments CRA and proposal the of .review imposes Bill months commitments and six acquisition of the -review re process -23 -22 however bill House the ,in proposed been have that proposals aafter nd ,mandates consummated been has acquisition the vitiate largely would the after acquisition the years two proposal on hearing public expedited the by made gains 1886 s .in process established procedures . completed been has IV Title of Modification for Suggestions number small very the that believe not does Board The of CRA which in cases Ihave suggestions the with Along increasing for made warrants received a comments are , banks of performance CRA the assessing in participation public cases all period comment public the in increase significant Ihave problems the with deal to needed are improvements other p added of view articularly ,in Board the by reviewed .would impose delay extended this that burden and expense The ,the First of requirements collection data specific . raised authority existing its use to directed be simply could Board ,place format rigid this of In . eliminated be should Bill the ,financial flexibility lending limiting of effect the has which comment the to time additional public of members permit both is data whatever collect to permitted be should institutions and commitments that assure to on Board the before applications their credit the meeting of record demonstrate to appropriate are .by met process that during companies holding bank made institution and identified has that community the of needs approval the into uncertainty substantial introduces Bill 40 procedure the by established -review re protracted The data this make to required be could institution The . targeted part as public the by inspection for form summary in available process far review regulatory that extend could and investors .of horizon most time the beyond our In institution's the of program .CRA view , the CRA assessing in public participate to permitting of nce performa in company holding bank the rating comparative the for substitute Second , as a ,the Bill in proposed system I manner the adopt should Bill the in examining for process the participation public procedure permitting b for vehicle etter would aproposed provide earlier h ave Iof that institutions financial performance CRA the commitments .of enforcement CRA the in participation public centered on system is that r ,the Clearly a ating . outlined devoted resources asnd defined ",a ac on of omparison verage Company process Holding Bank under review the streamlining .by eliminated institutions be should financial applications the with associated costs reducing and Act process . bill Senate of the these provisions fully supported has Board The and period comment the of extension needless The expansion for certain established review procedures complex the permit banksto to changed be must Bill ,the Moreover their rorngnize and safe consistent decisions with make credit obligation to to agencies permit federal the practice must and banking sound -24 -25 principles these take account into evaluating in CRA the these believe We constituted ,a boards s re not . CRA the of institutions financial of performance . the suited well assigned mission to them , would and ,a45ay Third -d comment public should period be not reviewed case every in required . Board the by Instead ,the already work duplicate existing the by done Advisory Consumer . Council could Board instructed be grant to extensions the of public these of focus regional The boards review too is whenever period acomment additional r for equest time been has standards examination on advice meaningful provide to narrow ran a easonable and made showing been has extension that w , hich We practices and uniform be must country the .across appropriate .is the Board's the believe Advisory Consumer Council already serves complex and burdensome procedural . function this Bill the impose would on holding bank that requirements sto - uited ill also review These boards are Banks Reserve the advise on ,which can be issues local companies achieve not do that average above an performance CRA by only surveyed effectively program outreach extensive an that should rating by s replaced pecific direction abe the to Board .as contact includes possible communities many as with The Community existing its that believes Board and Officers Affairs companies holding their improve to performance CRA in offered 41 existing its use enforce commitments to authority bank by methods provide effective most the programs outreach of connection applications with notices and submitted under the . needs varied these assessing ,we regard this In the that note Holding Company .Bank Act Act Committee Advisory Federal acongressional embodies policy Committees where the advisory new of creation the avoid to COMMUNITY REVIEW BOARDS performed be could functions advisory an by already Committee existence .in House The Bill nin aalso makes umber changes of other like Iwew ould discuss ato only these f .of areas . , First CASHING CHECK GOVERNMENT would the bill each require Reserve Federal establish to aBank community that board eview each advise would Federal the of to institutions financial require would Bill House The regulators institutions depository needs the of consumers communities the within district Bank Reserve and would review agencies 'the performance implementing in the policies aprogram .establish checks government cashing for Board The ,favor principle in as requirement tatutory that does ,not services certain of provision the mandates at a specified -26 -27 price . Board The recogniz es that many the of changes made in final the version of Bill the BASIC BANKING helpful are reducing in the potential for fraud that is associat ed with these .programs Similarl y tit , he Board believes that is inapprop riate require to deposito institut ry ions offer to basic transaction the But risk fraud remains aof r eal concern s ain ituation which banks are required provide to immediat cash e where to the authenti of check the being offered may difficul be tcation to verify a ,abuse nd the identifi cation procedur are es subject .to The questions however , , Board whether believe We that electron ic alternat ives represent m a erm uch better t solution -long to problems this in transaction fee account requirements will be extremely difficul implemen to tons in regulati . problems , the light In these of Board that believes voluntary efforts by financia l institut ions offer to basic c ost -low accounts are the appropri ate response . Surveys indicate that 50 many as financia of institut l ions voluntar ily offer basic banking services a , nd that more institutions establish these percent types programs every year .of Board The believes that the trend will increase and can encourag be ed without legislat ion government payments . example c ,For onsideration should given be to the mandating s a pecific program services of fees .and developm ent and arrangem ents whereby federal s ,oftate local benefit payments could be volunt ary progra m . electronically transferred to deposito ry institut that ions have agreed particip to ate a in The cost the to banking industry process to EXPEDITED FUNDS AVAILABILITY AMENDMENTS AND OTHER PROVISIONS House The bill contains n a umber ts amendmen of to the electron an payment ic much is a nd c ,lower onsequen tly the fee charged to individual the would probably considerably be less Expedited Funds .Availability Act the most part t ,For hese amendmen ts facilitaents complian te with ce Act's the requirem reduce and risk the fraud of acceptin in checks g that must be than 2 $the the charge permitted now in.00 for House bill cashing g a overnment .check given -next availability ay .d The Board ts these amendments ,and believes that Congress should act them on ומיומי . quickly 42 legislat Any ion on subject the should provide some sort encouragement of develop to more innovative ways of delivering .area Our concern is that any mandator y both be static inflexible and that focusing exclusiv ely on check cashing the is best approach to the problem of delivering government payments rin aand eliable efficient manner . accounts at g price .a iven arrangement will -29 -28 continues Board The concerned be h ,to aowever bout CONCLUSION payable of treatment throughThe .drafts Act the under Title provisions the some of today criticism Our contains bill House amendment an would explicitly athat codify judgment our from stems Bill House of IV policies the that Court District U.S. the by decision recent union credit that the by established .framework workable and sound are CRA are that drafts share payable another through treated be bank The basic the supports fully Board purpose CRA of checks nonlocal or local as location on based credit the of of needs credit the meet to institutions financial encouraging ,r union than the ather through payable .bank is amanner in communities local their of segments all that believes Board The approach this under that ,it is nondiscriminatory consistent and principles the with safe of consumers for difficult understand to proceeds the when of banking practice sound .and credit through payable union for available are drafts share believe We current our that system examinations c Outreach programs ,ofommunity difficult ,it withdrawal is depository institutions for to applications for suited well is been has and purpose this Act comply associated ,a risk the nd accepting with 43 increased is deposit for drafts these . of commitment their increase to banks encouraging in successful ,the Therefore Board -income moderate and lowincluding needs community to resources an adopt Congress that recommends Act the clarifying amendment ,in provide to case the that drafts through payable of are adepository by ,payable institution of review and . neighborhoods House proposed are that CRA the in changes The determination the of be can believe we that alterations the beyond far go Bill nonlocal or local is draft whether location the on based be reviewing and administering in experience our by justified of through payable the bank . the .with CRA compliance provisions the to With ,regard Savings in Truth on balance the upset changes These financial of responsibility between CRA the in established credit ofnd lines equity home ,a Credit Equal the Opportunity discussed whe Act are hich Appendix attached the in ,t Board institutions to their segments all of needs the serve . banking sound safe of principles the and communities In about consumers to disclosure full for need the supports f tends that establishes aHouse Bill ,tramework process the he question ,but accounts credit and deposit their of terms we the allocation credit toward . practices institutinns on limitations substantive for need . obstacles erects and al procediu formidable -30 improvements some that recognize We still can made be implementation the in of , particular we of policies the . CRA the detailed offered have In recommendations that public participation of system new assessing in a include a bank's performance ,CRA elimination collection data of rigid requirements a , doption provisions of granting for requests by members extensions for public the of comment to Appendix applications on period ,and use Board's the of to authority Statement the by enforce bank commitments improve to performance The .CRA Johnson H. Manuel objective of suggestions these improve communication to is between banks segments all and of communities the ,they serve Chairman Vice ,B oard Federal the of Governors System Reserve nondiscriminatory the before basis creditworthy customers .to to ready stand We assistance any can provide we that BD available is credit that assure to and on ,Housing Banking on Committee Affairs Urban and in this area . the of Senate U.S. 8,1988 September -2 no provides Bill the for exception similar cases However , 1September 8, 988 managerial significant involving c ,fompetitive inancial or . comment substantial of subject the are issuesthat other TESTIMONY JOHNSON'S GOVERNOR TO APPENDIX uhe Thus ,t Bill the of section this Board nder be would regarding findings make to required m financial anagerial ,the contains 5094 H.R. of IV Title technical numerous that are provisions and problems cumberso me , an complex ,i cases .several nd nconsistent consider must Board factors other and competitive the under excessively within Act BHC the days 15 of close period comment in This appendix have that fact of spite may Board the substantial received . areas problem these identify to attempts comments simply period short This not does . issues these on sufficient Board the permit analyze and consider to time these Subtitle A issues in r .a esponsible way , addition In a (a)3Bin 11 Section 403 Section 1. that requirement issue Board the written its to addition findings the in statement section this of provisions The require bill the A. 45 the regarding order final needless cause would case duplication public issue to Board the regarding findings written all litigation untimely disruptive encourage may and regarding account into take to required is Board the that factors in order final its issued has Board the before findings these applications all considering Holding Bank the under Act Company application of merits deciding .the notice or make to Board the require would provision That ").(BHC Act public of close the following days 15 within findings these within act to Board the requires also Bill The B. public no which in notice or application any on period comment which cases in comment public start the of days 90 are received by regarding Board the CRA apublic holds Board the .hearing matters CRA on This day 90 holding or bank of performance the in involved company time of short unreasonably an only permits also period . acquisition for time processing additional permits Bill The public afull holding .for hearing often are comments Because regarding comments receives Board the which in cases CRA end the at received ,the period comment provisions of . notice or application the in involved banks of performance require would Bill oBoard ,the investigate to rganize and hsearing ,ahold well hearing w , ithin days .45 the following findings its issue as -3 Section ).a(111 . 2 proposals d a omestic by holding bank company make to an investment entirely outside of United the States under section provisions The the of apply Bill only acquisitions to subject are the Holding Bank that Company ,ato Act nd not do 1the )o4(c3f addition would i,In t require application the oforeign CRA rules to application f aan by Act .BHC apply acquisitions to are subject that the to Merger .Bank Act Consequently ,another may bank a control acquire of bank organization exemption for under section o(c)94an the f BHC through merger without complying with CRA provisions the of from Act nonbanki the restrict ng ions of the BHC Act engage to nonbanking in activities outside United States .the provisions of a1The if section o)(Ai11 Title . IV wto , hich 403 apply applications bank any by acquire control another w-tnot ,of reach bbank ank oould mergers because mergers those subject not are section the 3oto f Holding Bank Section a 3)(1611 . 4 A. section That Title of would IV apply only the in event were itself to bthat holding abecome ank company . Act Company TWO provisions of section 11 imply that applications required are under BHC the where Act fact in no application required .is aSection )B(111 . 3 sBHC c)(2 ection o the f Act section the o)(2cin fanks BHC are not fAct "b or purposes section This applies provisions the Title of any to IV application notice b aorank by holding company acquire to any section 3oof f BHC the Act adefinition ,by nd application no under required i3(a)section sank by b holding company to engage or company activity any described paragraph in any of section ) 4(c of the BHC ". Act reaches inappropriately but proposals other 46 First s ection 11 a (i)1A, pplies provisions CRA the application any under section "t3(a)to o acquire control another ofther bank (o than described ab ank in shares acquiring .by bank another of matters as This institutions these .acquire provision . well Rather acquisition t, he these of institutions subject isf section the o4to .Act acquisitions only not and expansion provision read be may apply to provisions CRA the IV Title of section T (1)a,11itle implies IV these that institutions rfank equest holding abto by company section 4(c)2ounder bAct s ubject section oto 3"are fanks BHC .the Act BHC the extension an for of to time shares retain stock acquired satisfaction inebt previously contracted .adof This would require also Board apply to CRA the provisions an giving By express exemption to acquisition the of institutions these in ,this example For B. -6 -5 the under activities box deposit safe or servicing bank certain hearing acquisition an regarding ,requiring Moreover ap ublic of eliminates ability the consummation its following years two companies holding Bank expressly are . regulations Board's that evidence introduce to public the of members interested 4(c)of section by authorized Act BHC the these in engage to approval Board prior without .activities . application the of denial permit would Inclusion of an be would that companies holding bank discourage to likely and cases these in application an require should Board the because the beginning ever from process this to subject factors -CRA non other the review should ,w cases these in hen that no provides already statute the fact is application a of prospect The extended also is time of period an such after hearing public that suggests provisions these for title CRA the from exemption to subject be may transaction that implication the of aprotracted over review .continued time of period .in activities these engage to required that believes Board The procedures existing its are Section 11 (b) .5 . area this in adequate experience ,the First long has Board in improve to offered commitments of adequacy the reviewing (b)permit 11 section of provisions The to Board the proposal expansion an in involved organizations of record .CRA to performance CRA its improve 47 applicationsinvolving preliminaryapproval of grant imputed an with companies holding bank by 3acquisitions of CRA enhanced ability Board's The not is commitments these review to would that commitments made has company holding bank the where days ,tby apart these review o 180 opportunities two having the of one average above . commitments ,the Second enforce to authority ample has Board review re must Board The the at determination this ratings . preliminary following period day 180 the of ,end approval connection an with in Board the by accepted commitments apublic hold must and two application the regarding hearing preliminary .years approval the following into the uncertainty and burdens severe introduces applications process . requiring for the Board to originally reviewed these approved and . commitments Board's the with reports ,coupled special These purpose useful no be to appears There ,are Act BHC the under authority enforcement assure to adequate -review re of sufficiency the have with made they commitments comply organizations that performance Board the after days 180 CRA improve to commitments has regularly Board The requires special submit to commitments compliance with demonstrating their Board the to reports , protracted and complex excessively is procedure This and .the Act BHC under application CRA make that organizations . commitments . Board the -8 -7 Section 11 7)(a . 6 development ,c lending consumer ommunity leasing similar and A. (a)7establishes 11 Section ,mank activities that vehicles provide ay would abassist procedure a for . record CRA its improving in company holding banks involving acquisitions certain less of ratings CRA with subsection (B)ofny Paragraph "athis permit would . 3 than sIn ,that addition (7)pubsection rovides an C. acquire holding (tbank company o with any of acontrol application by abank holding an with company CRA imputed rating reinvestment community 3",if than less of the acquiring than less of rating approved 3m be ust primary bank's the by would holding bank that commitments provides company improve . organization of rating CRA the regulator federal addition in by approval to . Board the bits ,y provision This applications ,t Currently hese subject are the by approval to ,wank terms literal ould holding abcompany permit with C RA consultation in Board with bank acquire to average below is that rating aC with RA adprocess Imposing approval ual lengthen greatly will the that ,while average below is rating prohibiting bank same administrative and process costs application increase ,without abCRA acquiring from company holding excellent an with ank .rating .any benefit perceivable rating by subjecting them 48 penalize also would It companies holding bank the with highest CRA protracted to preliminary iprocedures ncluding administrative ,review -rwo re at of end at hearing public and Board the by eview Section c )(1.11 . 7 requires section This the disapprove to Board A. BHC under submitted notices and applications the if Act seeks ,icompany period year holding bank f athat acquire to opening apattern exhibits applicant of deposit closing or CRA a with than less rating facilities depository insured chartering acquiring or , (7)also subsection of provisions The bank permit B. aCoRA with companies 3tholding than less of rating acquire neighborhoods -income .moderate 3ofut section under permit ,bbanks Act BHC the not do these 4of section institutions and lowexclude to tends ,ithat n manner a Institutions should permitted be to . Act the appropriate if activities nonbanking their expand commitments . performance CRA their improve to made are ,approvedsuch activities nonbanking devote their that banks activities at to resources Commercial banking do single a and location provide not a services banking retail of amount significant sector any to the of Many , banking mortgage as provision This the require may applications of denial automatic bank by companies holding and nonbanking their expand to activities under institutions primary federal regulator .the community .the -9 -10 Section ( 1)11 banks These companies holding bank and to able are responsibilities their meet under providing by CRA the business bank holding companie s . particular innd credit business small ,a loans by acquiring this provision Under ,m ost bank bonds housing community of shares or development corporations holding companies would receive rating CRA assigned to the housing provide that credit other and community the .to subsidiary bank with least the favorable CRA .rating An they ,because However banking their alimit to activities exception for made is holding bank companies with or five more that location cis asingle in often ommercial and district depository institutions asingle .in state limited only institutions ,provide operations retail these may These bank holding companies receive aCRA that rating grade one is than higher deemed be established p attern ahave refusing of open to lowest the rating of subsidiary p banks rovided ,their not that offices branch lowin moderate and ncome .-i areas 80igher than less all percent of subsidiaries bank the have ah bank largest the in holding rating CRA that and draft This the of u bill nlike predecessor ,its ahigher has .company rating CRA companies holding Bank with 60 B. safety take to Board the permits issues soundness and into closin gs . subsidiaries bank more or five several in receive also astates branch of record applicant's an considering when account enough far go not may This .,however that rating CRA grade one is lowest the above received subsidiaries p , rovided the that bank of any by , example Por clear not is it or abank whether company holding bank be would subsidiaries representing 93 percent 1/2 assets the of costly closing in justified branches unprofitable or even have company holding that ratings CRA than greater are the threaten they before the safety of soundness and or bank rating CRA bank subsidiaries their of any .lowest holding .parent company unfair inherently is It CRA lowest the attribute to ,Pinally this to n provisio appears received m arating by ulti holding -b ank to company bank the establish an application an an of approval to involving bar absolute penalizes system This companies holding bank holding company institution that exhibited has ap attern closings branch .of m a ajority have that excellent banks of with and ratings CRA supercede thus would fact This must Board the that factors consider under the Act BHC financial s uch m anagerial ,as ,and .competitive factors legal that rewards banks have banks . their of all at rating average an -11 is no There B. -12 bank between distinguish to reason Section )(f511 .10 several own that companies holding asingle in banks and state that own companies holding bank severalbanks scope would provision exclude the rating of agricultural banks 5 $ 0,000,000 under assets in rating the and banks all than 2 less with 5,000,000 $of from assets in being increasingly system banking Our is national becoming states . in This several in with most states permitting determining in imputed rating of the account into taken interstate bank Distinguishing between holding . acquisitions company holding .parent companies number the to according subsidiaries in own they that aof the in include would provision This definition of a " gricultural makes that bank ny 25 preference single gives state companies holding bank to located of percent estate its in real .loans area market states banking unit in branching bank where prohibited been has awould ,ibank "consequently as define tgricultural that ny bank penalizes and companies holding where states in located meets even criteria percent 25 the amajor in located is it if prevalent less are acquisitions -wide state because branching is . area metropolitan . permitted Section 11 (9) . 11 of notice publish to Board the requires provision This provides section This from exemption an imputed the application an of submission the under notice or Act BHC thrifts for system rating bank by acquired companies holding in ,fror transactions emergency ac with 4obanks of rating amel "in by regulations in prescribed manner the 5,1985. June on affect "in Board as this of effect The texemption ,ishe case each In ,a less de .for banks novo nd Board's the adopt to is provision requiring for procedures available only acquiring the if holding bank acompany submits areas local in notice newspaper register federal well as ,90 Board the to plan acquisition following w days ofithin such an receive a institution will ,that permit the reinvestmentrating community of one or abank of acquisition involving case each for notice the or anonbanking of establishment .activity Act BHC the under institution to reference This statute the in permit not does . two Permitting submission pthe a lan of cases these in following for followed should procedures what of certain be to public transaction the consummation and approval little very of is . purpose 50 Section f (4)B11 . 9 . Act BHC the under submitted notices and applications In , addition it removes from flexibility all procedures conform to its adjusting in Board the in experience its exengencies in arise may that applications to and processing . cases particular -13 -14 . 12 Section (b)11 notice public requires of section CRA section requires This the to Board provide public establishes arating that system federal the agencies banking -f forty least at which inive days comme submit to regarding nts for rating setting in the follow must the under notice or application .any Act BHC examinations and This public financial each institution under supervision .its following begin would period comment date of later the that 405 amend would (a 807 Section )o CRA the f to regarding published oapplication ,isr notice or the Board publishes the date bulletin weekly its identifying that provide depository the Federal institutions regulatory any of notice publish agency examination the CRA contemplated . notice or application a ive Imposing -f comment day orty that day same the on scheduled examination .is begin to This section 3athe under case every in period 4oBHC fnd problems logistical presents federal the both for banking impose would Act arbitrary and costly delays time vast the on members and agencies public the of interested are that in . benefit public no with applications of majority .in examination the participating experience Board's The that been has comments public ,it First for difficult is coordinate to Board the examination with day exact in received are percent five than less applications all of and publication newspaper p the notice articularly in ,of exam m a ember Where public the of adaily is newspaper where areas interest expressed has commenti in on ng or application an ,publishing importantly notice the rtime a easonable provided and notice additional that showing same the that day institution's the regarding information assemble to opportunity additional granted has which in time comments submit to . This permits procedure . circulated not Most examination begins not does public the give notice adequate or that on comment to which in warranted is application ,the Board in Commenters 51 notices considered . Board the by . examination the to relevant be may that performance CRA additional grant timeto to Board the is there where cases and interest public a 808 Section .14 process to otherwise efficiently the of majority vast in cases establishes section This f a ramework data for A. public no which is expressed .comment the by collection requires that banks maintain to CRA demonstrating data performance amthe ,t inimum of amount .13 405 Section resources has institution the in loans housing to committed low Title of 405 Section amendments involves IV the to business ,small neighborhoods income moderate small and Act Reinvestment Community . 1977 of ,this particular In loans ,farm well as financial investments as community in -15 -16 these in projectsthree development areas . the place emphasis special on required to allow or communities their needs .of thes consider to Board the is Board The of commitment the evaluating in principles depository credit serving record institution's needs of the a by resources institution financial these in loans .to areas areas three these in community rating CRA the establishing a on based also is rating CRA The .for institution the B. of section This attempts Bill the to a make seems several in mark the miss to distinction between small and large imposing in banks data this three these in devoted resources amount the of comparison institutions with institution the by areas , size similar of collection . burden It a ase with rating b average .of This makes Report Committee The most that assertion the . respects entrench housing , loans small system will ,and loans business small banks larger perferred the as loans farm a , nd data such on sophisticated computer maintain ." systems that clear It .not true is this those in Even ,means acceptable only perhaps requirements CRA the meeting of institutions that computerized have do systems data ,the requirements collection data These coupled BHC the of .Act to unlikely is or provision this by required is that format the in be to developed . three these in credit allocate to banks require effectively ,there Purther uniform be to have ultimately will standards edefinitions .g. ,(and what devoted exceed will that amounts areas these in constitutes a mall s ,in size similar of institutions by areas three the that order institution may )imposed loan business the make to making in useful data CRA the gain to rating necessary obtain Home the for costs collection data of Analysis ons . comparis expansion its conduct to .approval plans in banks to cost the that suggests Act Disclosure Mortgage data maintaining and collecting public the to counter and undesirable is system This the regarding location individual of loans expensive very .is thave , his addition In may system perverse the interest . 52 c ab with average of rating would ase omparative data the retrieve easily to organized be financial devote to not banks encouraging of result resources geographic example ,Por $7toillion about costs collection data HMDA .9m areas other in community the of needs legitimate to not and bank the unless rating CRA average above an obtain to attempt . 15 809 Section proposals . mind in expansion has agencies the require would section This their make to into take to banks permit not does system rating This credit the serving in principles soundness and safety account . public ratings and reports examination Examination reports the regarding information financial confidential contain often -18 -17 not . The public made be individuals should that and company .17 411 Section each by establishment the require would section This Chairman to letter Greenspan's in contained recommendation division "aconsumer the d as known be to ivision ofnd agency 1or 21 July of Germain St ,fChairman assessment an making 988 .would division responsibilities this for specific stipulate this ,aummary information to vailable s a include would which of "develop agencies the all to charge The regulations proposed public for interest same accommodate would public the the evaluation without information performance CRA to access applicable all laws implement to to relating consumer responsibility Board's "is protection the given inappropriate examination confidentiality of principles the violating Lending in Truth rules writing for E ,eH tc. MDA COA PTA . materials This an prescribe would section examination frequency left to the best seem subjects Such .for examinations consumer 812 Section inflexibly being to opposed as agencies the of Judgment annual submit requires to agencies the provision This permits asection ,this Finally federal a in .codified statute data the on year 1oby each March Congress tof reports scheduled containing ,aonth things other mong 6m at reports intervals applicat to ion next the before examination ion . This applicat expedite an seriously 'provision agencies the impair to potential has that not had of institutions number the for reasons detailed orderly the meet to way an in examinations schedule ability number of and enactment date the since examined been Further requirement . frequency examination year two bills , ,It t hhat seems owever . granted been had that extensions some of company examination an request al should holding arge relevant only two after are questions these bill this under to timpossible be simply may he ,request banks its of all or been not have all institutions if only and passed years passed ,the answer has years two Before constraints . resource to due accommodate the to the awill one "nalways bend extensions regarding question will examinations the of some completed having not for reason not yet completed be to due are they that typically they late be not will ."u passed has years two ntil 53 request to company holding an also section This requires . Bill House the under collected I Title of 106 Section . 18 A. that amendments anumber technical of There are other areas .should Bill the of in made be example ,Por establishes expedited 1of Bill the Title of 106 section to approval companies seeking holding bank procedures for -19 -20 nonbanking in engage activities under BHC .the Act Section wthat (a) ould 106 amend the BHC adding by Act section an ew subject are to concentration the resources of competitive and safety and soundness analysis that Board the must conduct under provides that bank "nirectly o holding shall engage d ,company provisions the Title 1.of indirectly any ,in activity acquire or shares the any of (c)which subsection of paragraph any to pursuant company provisions The section of B. application an requires notice or to Board the other than ede (15ither ),paragraph novo the given been 60 prior days written . notice authorizes section under 4o f the BHC Act to engage of acquisition the shares of qualified securities subsidiaries . nonbanki in ng activities provided that information the relevant is at to Section 102 Title 1of least one list the criteria of specified paragraph ).(16in would amend section the 5ofo BHC provide to Act bank "nthat list The criteria of paragraph (i)6in not d oes include consideration performance CRA parent the of bank holding company c amay ompany acquire ,oform r any of shares purpose the for establishing aof qualified security subsidiary unless Board the a approves holdiny g compan its or subsidiaries bank other those than involved in proposed acquisition .the Board rhe a As ,t esult written application prohibited is under amendments the contained section in 106 of combination The exclusion an of section in for 106 Title requesting fI rom additional information regarding the applications under paragraph a )(15nd limited the application performance CRA of holding bank company involved in the requirement section in has 102 affect the providing that aof holding bank company obtain must Board's the approval prior to establishing q ualified security subsidiary ,ba ut not need Board's approval if that obtain the qualified security subsidiary subsequently acquires shares of an additional securities company acquires or the an additional of assets securi y .companties provisions These not do that clear make additional acquisitions securities of companies by holding bank companies concerns going of require prior approval Board and expansion proposal obtaining from or extension an of in time which consider to information CRA provided connection in with application .that 54 existing any ,company also 106 amend the the Board may request additional information connection n ainotice with submitted that provide to acquisition an by ,or unless Board has Paragraph )(15 notice procedures 21 - 22 CASHING CHECK GOVERNMENT ON COMMENTS )of 5094 H.R. f o IV title ( ubtitle C S individual would service The the allow . bill House the under period payment per once least funds withdraw to or ATM an at S<he ,insured S federally banks requires bill House . station teller staffed of amount an in checks government cash to unions credit and dccount A -a non for alternative deposit holding irect ,500 the 1$or that rovided ,non p holders ccount -a for less provide . benefits many would payments government of recipients .that institution depository with registered is individual payments would check by receive currently that recipients The recipients that concerns to response in are requirements These banking established an have not do that payments of government lost ,os tolen acrheck having about worry to have longer no . delayed The from potential problems cash to fees excessive unfair pay often relationship or check the limit would bill House The . checks nt governme electronically payment from than fewer far are adirect transmitting deposit mailing a information virtually routing Accurate . check consider could Cthan .00 .$2more noongress to charge cashing bank correct the payment at deposited be will that assures readily to able be payments government of recipients that Bill their .and payments ,cash cost reasonable at 55 the objective of meet would that approach alternative an account correct the in .and Direct availabl on e also deposit that assures . date payment the In work to Reserve Federal the direct could The Congress , industry banking the with consumer groups or lost .for stolen be to potential checks the always The for payments 1,000 every that reported has Department Treasury b,Under apanks such rogram b.will amade by reported be ,peneficiary check roblem In tate nd s ,a federal for service deposit irect d provide could an hold not do that individuals to payments government local at account . bank the payments for reported is problem 9,000 in ,only contrast one .by deposit direct made payments amade to be would deposit The that afand charge would banks account bearing nterest -iee non permitted maximum fee than $2 the considerably less be.00 would ,delays contrast in is there and uncommon not are mail the in checks receiving government and could banks which in program am toodel develop agencies . participate to agree voluntarily payments are the reducing to addition In direct delayed ,p roblems be will ayment likelihood awith that .much faster corrected are deposit direct to related Problems .five days within resolved generally are payments deposit hake payments check to related Problems ,t of average an owever -19 be is data which for loans of types specific three to and inn rating system to the 25 - Bills Savings in Truth the on Comments ,recipients System EPPT the using funds their to access obtain (Tf ;S 1886 8. VI o )B 5094 B.R. of IV Title ubtitle itle amigned s encoded ,w card identification photo hich agnetically in inserted is operated at erminal cash .by teller The (a)of 608 Section bill Senate the that depository provides . 1 credit (ehall institutions xcept calculate )s unions interest -bank non in located generally are .machines locations .using method balance daily average the The plans Treasury to pilot two start for programs be should provision This Substantive regulation deposit of ,such accounts as . deleted similar Security Social payments BPPT City's York New the to determining of method the mandating which on balance interest ,one fact In the onto piggyback will program pilot . program New York .program best ,is calculated is area .an states the to suited pilot other the Under will ,which program be conducted Baltimore m ,inaster into accounts payments which calculation ,the Furthermore balance several of one but is method comparing in examine may consumers features ,and accounts will deposited be participating at banks .established will institution an by used method particular the of disclosure their withdraw to able be will payments these of Recipients the for shop to consumers permit meets best which account their funds at .ATM8 57 . needs o a3 f 443 Section and bill House (a)3the 604 section . 2 amended be should bill Senate the of references delete to percentage annual one than more yield ).(A PY ,these written As asecond providing require provisions advertising for APY lower pay that accounts am if interest of rate balance inimum met .requirement not is asecond require also provisions These is APYs multiple Requiring time a if .APY met not is requirement asingle since consumers confuse to likely best the is figure . accounts deposit for shopping comparison of means whe Similarly ,t disclosures regard to reference ith "1ifnd paragraph 7a (c)9osections 444 House the n "1ind paragraph to reference the and bill sections n (c)6a 605 -27 -28 (c)8ibe 605 should bill Senate .the deleted n These provisions enacted regulation the of tations ,such Board by been has as multiple .contemplate APY8 . legislation credit consumer in done a such of absence The require would provision the interpretations issue to Board House (a)8of 443 Section the that provides bill . 3 procedure atime through -c cumbersome onsuming .and advertisements for s a tated having accounts date maturity less of must year one than e an provide percentage "iffective yield n the . ad . deleted be should provision This R ) -eliance (e Board -Rulings this of provision No .on imposing section liability apply shall done any to act omitted or conformity in faith good ,with rule any regulation thereof ,ointerpretation Board the by in r conformity with interpretation any approval or an by employee or official Federal the of System Reserve duly conflict direct in is It concept basic the with as APY an of snd instrument hopping ,a authorized Board the by issue to interpretation such or likely would confuse and mislead consumers to the as an on return procedures prescribed under ,approval Board the by notwithstanding that fact the omission or act after such occurred has r s egulation i nterpretation o,rule ruch rby amended is escinded determined ,oapproval r judicial authority other or to invalid be any .for reason Consumers should be able one compare APY (tto he )term . account This section read to amended be should : of types all for accounts a,including have that less of maturity and year one than m a aturity with those more the that is APY an of assumption underlying The House 3f 453 603 section and bill (3)oSection the . 5 be would yield the realized on stay funds fdeposit aif for ull define bill Senate include "taoccount offered account any to applicable the at year interest compounding and frequency .rate individuals more or c aone which into ustomer funds .deposits As othat (c)6f 444 Section requires bill House the account would legislation the written with individuals cover business disclosures must effective the state percentage yield for provisions These modified be should cover to only . accounts accounts having s maturity atated This than less of year .one bills of purpose the since accounts consumer ,as in stated be should provision the for .deleted reason same purpose and findings the consumers ,is section assist to in . accounts comparing (e)of 450 Section bill House the that liability provides . 4 attach not shall act any for conformity in done with of rule . 6 .the Board a1and 446 Section bill House the ()of 607 section provision This modified should (tbe parallel o the institutions require bill Senate the of s achedule mail to section in contained language o (e 611 bill Senate the f )t o disclosures within days 90 Board the after regulations .adopts permit to Board the official an authorize interpre issue inadequate is period time This institutions for and prepare to 58 than one .year 29 •30 - 90-163 0 - 88 - 3 m six onth period -A . holders account to disclosures the mail . sufficient be would Senate (a)6o 604 Section the sf requires bill tatement . 8 would time lead This set parallel the withdrawal . required early for penalty any of Section 443 )a(7 in Truth under forth creditors for Lending new with comply to bill House the of s a tatement requires interest an that penalty have to wishes Congress the If disclosure requirements . . withdrawal early for required is enactment of months 15 within disclosures receive consumers bill the in provided currently is as bill the -- .is better believe We approach House the the alerted be to need may consumers While p a enalty of existence advertisements greater ,in roviding time the in Board the to provided regulations enact which be could this about detail likely would feature complexity unneeded add to advertisements . months from shortened nine one year .to Furthermore disclosure ,t he schedules to given detailed contain will consumers any about information penalty House (a)1obill 444 Section the f that states also schedule shall included be r any in egularly scheduled "m ailing the of holders to . account . account the against assessed be may that restrictive more is provision This an that provide to modified be should and necessary is than . 9 a)4of 610 Section (b bill Senate not ut House the r (w aprovided egularly hether sin or pecial ),scheduled mailing . bill Senate the in forth set is as Trade Federal under the by Act Commission c - hartered state of case the in .Commission unions credit We approach Senate the believe enforcement ,since better is an section and bill House 452 Section the of 614 . 7 set bill Senate effect forth legislation of law state on .the authorizes bill Senate The determine to Board the s a whether tate act the with inconsistent is .law believe ,we issue this On the ,since better is approach Senate with Board the provide would it the with Act Savings in Truth compare to ability potentially the ,as state conflicting laws credit consumer with case .is with Board the Providing would authority this uncertainty remove greater ,and laws conflicting to as ensure of uniformity disclosu res . . institutions these for designated be should agency 59 )provides bill enforced be shall title the with compliance that institution mail shall within schedule period time the -19 ans 1 for be to is data which -34 -•33 versions disclosure for call minimum the of periodic payment would it time the and for take repay to consumer entire based 1 balance 0,000 r a$on and ecent annual percentage as rate making $10,000 by minimum the .payments payment the as well that corresponds maximum to annual requirement This deleted should it since confusing be may misleading .or percentage that rate under imposed These be .may plan the -e Open nd sontemplate plans uch ccredit lines equity home ,as payment disclosures should adequately alert consumer the to which advances repeated applicable the change will minimum possibility of fluctuations payment due plan the under rate to outstanding balance and amount payment .periodic plan the on changes . consumer ,t addition In he pay to free is minimum the than more .any time at payment 127A Section the a)(1Bi n version Senate section and ()6Cisclosure 127A version House i n d that arequire the )2B (b 127A Section version in House the requires . 7 consumer should retain or make the disclosures ac opy .of is It . information other all from disclosures the of segregation This understanding our disclosure that this required is since the standard should modified be elaboration permit to any of the sFor ,a127A example ()7rection equires disclosed items . disclosures a orm in that f consumer the keep .may The bills should modified be provide to that creditor must the give u that statement nder circumstances certain creditor ,t he may Creditors should permitted ,be list to . account the terminate disclosures f ato in orm consumer the that keep .may disclosures the with circumstances ,the under may they which consistent be would This similar other the with disclosure requirements currently the Lending in .Truth law 61 creditor required not isarly to the e ,give new equity home terminate account .the provision current The not would permit )3in (b 127A section in language The the . elaboration such the If law ensure not does consumer the will c athat have opy of version Senate preferable .is disclosures required questionable ,it is much how the value extensive disclosures will consumers to .be section )in (C 127A Section and version House the . 8 require in )1C (b 127A to appear version Senate the third . 6 an 127A House (9)iSection the requires creditors version example an0,000 disclose to ,b on ased outstanding a$1 balance disclosures make addition ,iparties n provided those to the by . creditor light in unnecessary seems provision This the of interest anhowing and recently rate effect in plan the under ,s monthly minimum periodic or required payment the under plan disclosures same give must creditor the that requirement . rules timing same the under generally -19 be to is datah whic for loans of types spec threeific :܀na to system -•38 -37 policies availability bank payable these to respect with through number ,c union routing the on rely cannot ustomers determine to based checks holds place that Institutions whether on drafts . is check the whether nonlocal or local determine ,and cannot thus describe either must nonlocal or local are checks the to how . check that to applicable hold the are There practical other no por a ayable whether determine local is draft ,through nonlocal whether disclosing of methods .acheck An nonlocal or local is inform or customers their they that inquire may regarding the simply cannot institution states which disclose in contained are availability particular of are that checks through payable region processing check its ,because 48 the of 44 include regions . bank another particular . states of portions only to disclose order In the recognized Board The this that not does approach institution aphe in locations ,t region articular to have would aready with customers provide the determine to means all ,but region its in states only not list also cities the through payable of availability their to deposit they drafts only For states and in contained partially .towns region the considered Board The disclosure ,alternative schemes accounts . ,this regions some hundreds of listing the entail would schemes alternative the that concluded .but workable be not would Under required rule by the alternative disclosure This made is the and order urt House more even not do unions credit some that fact the by unworkable disclose ,icustomers amendment to impractical is t how their of face the on location .include drafts share payable whether determine through checks other and drafts share benefits The expedited availability of are greatly through payable and institution one at account an on written determine to unable are customers if diminished may they when ,and nonlocal or local are institution depository another . funds their withdraw court The amendment House the and order available for funds be will the those time consequently disclosures fashion to difficult it make clearly and fully that withdrawal . nonlocal and local defines Act The Federal on based . Act the under rights their of customers inform processing check .Reserve regions addition In to practical The only way to disclosure ,b House and order court the difficulties oth aparticular whether determine by nonlocal or local is check to institutions depository many for difficult it make amendment the ,which check indicates on number routing to referring inherent accepting in ,and Act with comply risk the increase . payment for sent is the which to region processing check through payable .certain drafts share through payable on number routing the Because House and ruling court the in taken approach The through payable of that is drafts ,a bank credit the not nd depository for difficulties operational cause amendment 63 different municipalities . -39 -•40 institutions their in with availability comply to efforts the located is union credit the institution's receiving in check routing ,because Act of requirements the on reliance number . region processing a whether determine to used be can that mechanism only the is credit that requirement The share through payable union nonlocal or local is check automated an in ,a manner nd thus or local considered be drafts location the on based nonlocal of means efficient only the to institutions for length ascertain rbank , ather union credit through payable the than which to under hold permissible institution .of Act the an If that for sent is draft the ,may collection to risk increase deposits 'check customers its on holds places to able not were institution . receiving ,payable Today are drafts share through of length determine to number routing the on rely nonlocal as treated often the ,d checks to beue must they fact d ,of hold permissible etermination may that the on placed be bank ad to sent istant , nd collection for take generally thus acather to have heck rthan ,would manually made be an on it institution receiving the return and collect to longer . basis automated deposited drafts share through payable Since most in . unpaid institution The have would separate first to the returned not are institutions receiving availability the within tmay , hey checks local for schedules vehicles attractive become checks ,from drafts other all number routing the which for can determine still to used be availability . . fraud check for m aanual is ,This urges ,the reasons these For Board not to Congress the -cince time ,s procedure accounts on written checks other onsuming (section bill House in contained amendment the ),adopt 471 as number routing same bear may bank through payable the at Expedited the to amendment an adopt instead but Funds payable draftsIn share union .credit bank that through District U.S. of decision the overturning Act Availability through payable ,certain addition the on indicate not do drafts : that provide should amendment an Such . Court face through payable is it that draft the of ,adding bank another task .to this of complexity the 64 through ,and drafts share payable other certain depository 'The institution "omeans term riginating the dheck of branch ac which on institution is epository cdrawn ais which at through or ,aheck payable s information the on ,the Moreover . Board the of regulations by prescribed a will for sufficient be not often through payable drafts share Amendments Other Act the to nonlocal or local is union credit the whether determine to person several contains bill House the of 472 Section ;the institution receiving the to may employees institution's .amendments Act Availability Funds Expedited the to important whether alist refer have determine to municipalities of ! : amendments These -.42 -41 of applicability Expand to exceptions the ) (a flexibility greater Provide manner the in of )(c availability schedules toay that checks given be must -d next availability . d ,amust Act the Under epository institution make notice the to giving exception an that depositor been has invoked . proceeds entire the certain of available deposits check for notice requires Act The provided be to customer the . invoked is exception an time each certain In would ,i cases t be withdrawal at of start business next the following day ideposit , rrespectiof the deposit the of mount ,t he that fact and efficient depository to costly less institutions ,amore s well more as ,if customer to eful had Board the being check the deposited previously been returned ,ohad unpaid r case (ehe in xcept checks depository of that )t fact the flexibility tailor to requirement notice the exception amendment ,u example For the nder asingle to notice . invoked institution reasonable has believe to cause check the is describing overdrafters repeated applicable schedules special the believes Board The that exceptions the to uncollectible . the for account to exception that time may effect in is schedules w hich available are other for deposits s ,check hould checks -day next apply also risks the control to order in of appropriate .be and state subject Explicitly on governments local ) (d liability to drawn are checks which the of violations for rules collection check Board's and requirements return and State . exceptions availability - ay next the Limit requirement d for ) (b on directly drawn warrants issue often governments local oat and checks "Treasury us deposited cnhecks ato staffed teller facility . v,themselves pay to employees endors p a those nd ensioners Congress other most and cash required . assistance public receiving ,However clearly not does Act the in facilities teller staffed at deposited be deposits to order ,such losses for liability allocate to Board the authorize as bit -decause next ,receive availability ay the recognized a,rmong of mishandling the from resulting those check eturned difficulties ascertaining in contents the deposits of and ATMs at facilities unstaffed other time d ain update to epository states as such entities governments local .or ) (e funds make can it that so books institution's for available withdrawal at of start the business .next day These same considerations to apply should checks Treasury "o and us n checks . 65 result may that fraud unavailability the from these of Act's the of violations for liability civil Defer from requirements notice and disclosure 1,1988 September to .1, 989 1January from time lead short relatively the Given day effective to May in regulations final the of adoption 1,and September on Act availability of complexity the -44 -43 Opportunity on Comments Credit Equal the to Amendments Act the is it Board ,believes disclosed be must that requirements aseveral provide to appropriate civil from period grace month them ,to institutions depository for liability provide additional are they that ensure to needed time the with compliance in . Regulation and Act the of requirements ,transaction race of basis the on s and prescribed other ex amendments these of adoption the supports Board ,The House the of 472 section in .contained bill factors . (a)of 703 Section Board's establishes ECOA the authorizes ,and act the implementing for authority rulewriting the of 907 Section for provide to Board the from exceptions . coverage act's to similar amendment an contains bill Senate the () f o a ,e bill House the of applicability exceptions toxpanding any ,the particular In ECOA the from exempt may Board of class must that checks to schedules availability -d next given ay .be consumer for primarily not transactions ,if purposes Board the h ,the amendment Senate The expand dowever fully not oes of use application the that finding express an makes aprovision of or availability . carrying purposes its .out all that believes Board The to exceptions the of ,the authority that to Pursuant Board some from exemptions limited provided has ECOA'S the of available be should schedules the that deposits check all to are -day next to .subject availability . transactions other certain and credit business for requirements ,the addition In Senate $481 H Subtitle ,o Board's the modify would IV Title f the to requirement notice additional an provides amendment (a). 703 section under authority rulewriting (wfho )opurchaser depositor the not often is ,ad check epository excess in check of amount that fact the disclosing period .hold $5,000 al to subject be may onger proposed The the that provides amendment to continue could Board exempt from transactions ;hhe requirements act's the t ,certain owever Board The apublic hold to have would Board the with accordance in hearing will to benefit little of be notice additional this that believes . checks these of depositors the 66 substantially contribute not would act the of provisions to check every to exceptions the of all -day next subject deposit Administrative Procedures to (Arior Act )p PA an granting Board he ,t reasons these For business or transactions credit consumer to applicable exemption this . amendment of version House the prefers .loans purpose (In s of absence the a for requirement tatutory ,anotice hearing APA the satisfies ordinarily period comment and ). requirements the and years five after end would exemption An -46 -.45 conducting Board after only it extend could public another regulations apolicy place in of reevaluation the for five at hearing . . intervals year specific two establish would also amendments proposed The ,if finally And enacts Congress record proposed the the by exempted not transactions loan business for requirements notification and retention requirements certain for business maintain to have would Creditors loan business on records . Board addressed h a earing .in would ,little transactions to ain have aminimum for applications would and year one of period to awritten applicants loan rejected give to right their of notice regulatory other two The applicable now exceptions business to furnishing on rules the information credit third to credit wredit receive a for reasons the of statement ritten .denial c (wnd parties not are hich business the in relevant )a context requirement procedural the opposes Board The apublic of marital concerning rule inquiries status the prerequisite as hearing ato for exemption an of granting number reasons .of under Board notice the procedures comment and customarily followed the in rulemaking .process ,while First h a attention focus might earing business small on generally lending eliminated be can by ,it this all of light In area the of primary more even appears the in procedures administrative that unlikely ahearing hearings public form of would any significant in add an to way evaluation exemptions of business for purpose that ,o loans r they be cannot that purpose rulemaking any serve to likely not is public and notice written APA's the by well as just satisfied . procedures comment provide m effective awould ore rulemaking process .for the ,although area Second sponsors bill of . bill the from requirement hearing would )also drafted is bill the exemptions existing other affect hand other the On ,t Board he particular objection no has Bfor Regulation in ,p securities -u credit ublic tilities substantive bill the of provisions record to relative credit credit consumer incidental and by extended (or ad octor retention notification and requirements long ,so an as treatment whose categories are These which in transactions for provided be can exemption appropriate regulatory current the .under issue at been never has exceptions sunset ,t Third he provision Board The strongly therefore elimination the recommends public of hearing ,t credit business to relates concern (ashe requirement dentist example ).,for 67 proposed amendments of sponsors the to concern the provisions these of application contribute not would hearing public another requiring effecting substantially .to ECOA the of purposes For ac for need the determine to years five after exemption ontinued ,an example notification and retention record the from exemption already has Board the that given procedure unnecessary an is -- business for provided be could requirements dollar on based loans amounts . establish could Congres6 The astatutory limitation of •48 - -47 amount c a dollar ertain (s loans as uch o $1 ).under r 00,000 it the cutoff a set could on .based borrower of size this to rise not significance of i ndeed inclusion ,;level ts instead If pense among "w bases as in the belittle rohibited ould determination that leave chooses Congress the by made be to . factors existing the of importance implementing through Board the regulations ,it be would helpful Board The believes also amendment the unnecessary .is the for legislative delineate to record factors clearly be g a spring Last reat media of deal given was attention card one to account into taken the setting .in cutoff of practice issuer's s a tudent's taking study course into believes Finally Board matter that she echnical ,at . needed is amendments proposed the of redrafting some For creditor's the about Stories rejection liberal of arts . account circulation received students .wide creditor publicity abandonment the announced soon this of record ,the example with dealing requirements substantive retention written and notice appropriately more part as belong of the of 701 section rather ECOA provision in than on Based the on negative believes ,and policy Board the unlikely is it other that creditors would adopt .now it rulemaking authority . unlawful it makes ECOA the ,Sfection (a)oCurrently 701 ECOA . discriminate for to reditor transaction c a in redit the on race of basis n ,c ational olor r origin eligion a s ge ex ,and status marital bases other .certain the of 804 Section Act the amend would bill House a for unlawful it make also to discriminate to creditor basis "on the course any of study ." applicant the by be to intended or pursued not does Board The amendment support this . ECOA ,The i n other of tradition the legislation rights civil o , utlaws credit discrimination m a atter that as national of Congress the policy offensive be to found has on based is it because as such factors .race religion and Board's the In ,c ourse dof "view study oes 68 H.R. of VIII Title would 5094 coverage expand the . 2 69 HowTo GetA Cash Refund Apply at First Union. Loans are designed for low- tomoderate incomefamilieswhoqualify. Borrow from $ 1,500 to $ 15,000.Useitto improve,protect, ormake your home more energyefficient. Get up to five years to pay. Benefit from our favorable, variable rates. Make all payments allor visit First Union and ask about ourVery you service that'sfast. Uncomplicated. Convenient. And very personal. T FIRS . M 1987First Union Corporation First Union NationalBank of Georgia 70 No Minimum Checking. N BE N O T N paU Vow you don't have to keep a large minimum balance in your checking account just to avoid high service charges. You can open our No Minimum minimum benefits. In fact, • Free First Union 24 Hour we've added plenty: • No minimum balance . • Low $ 3.50 monthly main Checking, pay only a low $ 3.50 monthly inaintenance fee and have full use of all your money. And at First Union , no minimum balance doesn't mean *11 you wnile mure than ten checks per T FIRS . slutementperiod, acharge of Artycenas peradditional check will be assessed. Member FDIC New Banking Power ForYou ." First Union National Bank of doorgia 1988 First Incon Corpuratiun Runs 6/2 and 1616 issues Atlanta Inquirer, Augusta Focus, Acx 15 " BW 1 71 CHECKING PERSONAL Description - NO MINIMUM CHECKING A No Minimum Checking account is : . Eligibility Requirement Account available for personal accounts only . 125 Features . Minimum deposit required to open account is $ 50 . No minimum or average balance required . No charge Accidental Death Insurance Coverage of $ 1,000 . Deposits and withdrawals can be made through a 24 Hour Banking Machine free of charge using a First Union Banking Card . Instant Cash Reserve may be affiliated with account to . provide overdraft protection , if customer qualifies . May have automatic settlement of First Union Brokerage Service transactions through this account . Monthly detailed statement of account transactions . May be linked to a personal savings account for a combined statement . 10 free posted checks per statement period . ( No charge for drafts . ) . Check Safekeeping is required . . 3 free check copies per statement cycle if customer needs copies . May not be used as collateral on loans . . Prospects Monthly Individuals with minimum check writing needs such as This account is subject to two types of monthly charges . Service Charge • • A 3.00 maintenance fee, regardless of account balance , and $ .50 per check after the tenth posted check in a statement There are no charges for First Union Banking Machine withdrawals . However , the account will be charged for each Relay transaction , regardless of the number of posted checks . RSPM - 3/88 118.40 - 1 HR 509 CHECKING MINIMUM NO Description is Checking Minimum o alANimited account transaction funds customer accept designed to and amount any in .by demand customer's the upon available monies these make withdrawn Fheck be may unds time any c aat writing Banking (1may )o period statement per a.Fchecks using by Union r t0oirst .Card Bank Mini the access be unds through mail by Mini .deposited office Union First any at and Bank rendered Dthe are escriptive ,statements monthly describing and order numerical in checks .listing items posted electronically required Check is Safekeeping No for cpaid ;tnot accounts Checking ,dMinimum have which checks and (tickets ancelled eposit herefore )abeen to returned re customer .the Prospect check minimum with Individuals pwriting ,needs students ersons uch household asas need econd ,who account those or . accounts checking have not do who or because charges of requirements balance minimum high .service Benefits and Features $50 is account open to required deposit Minimum 72 balance average or minimum .No required 1Coverage Accidental Free $Insurance of ,000 .Death . checks free .)($.10 period statement posted tenth after check per 50 aFUnlimited through made be can withdrawals .and charge of free Bank Mini Union deposits irst fcopies (3 ree check per checks .by space cancelled maintain bank having •Check and time customer saves Safekeeping provide to account checking the with affiliated be may Reserve Instant .Cash protection overdraft . C*ost 3the is There regardless fee of50 .00 after a$.maintenance and balance account per charge check poste tenth check withdrawals .no are Bank Mini Union First for charges ashere Hin ,tperiod owever tatement a2.3 )(10/86 73 N O N Two Great Services to Make First Union First With You ! Checking with No Minimum Balance ✓ ✓ The Loan that's on the House 74 You CAN BANK ON FIRST UNION TO With your First Union 24 -Hour Banking Card, you've got a key to the bank that you can use any day, any time, almost anywhere. Through out Georgia , First Union has over 100 24 Hour Banking machines as well as over 1200 AVAIL SM locations where you can use your 24 Hour Banking card . There is a minimal AVAIL S service charge of 75€ per withdrawal and 45 ° per inquiry at automated teller machines other than First Union . As an added con Now you can enjoy all the convenience of a First Union checking account and a First Union 24 - Hour Banking Card . . . for an unbelievable $ 3.50 a month ! No minimum balance required — yet you can write ten venience, you can also use your 24 Hour Banking card at over 1800 Relay locations throughout Georgia, North and South Carolina and Virginia. checks every statement period at no charge ! No Minimum Checking ... and 24 -Hour Banking! A Very Special Loan On the House 75 MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK FOR You all the payments you've made during a calendar year if, during that year, you were not 30 days late on making any payment. Howcan you find out if you qualify for this Very Special Home Improve ment Loan? Just visit your nearest First Union office and talk to the Loan Officer. He has a listing of the maximum allowable family income for this loan in your county so he'll very quickly be able to tell you whether your income allows you to qualify for First Union's Very Special You've got a new source of funds, $ 1,500... $ 15,000... or more, that you can use for remodeling. - Home Improvement Loan! Don't wait the faster you come to First Union , the faster you could have a more comfortable home to live in! - - Let a First Union banker work with you to meet your financial needs. 76 First Union Banking Locations Nearest You COLUMBUS 404-571-6500 HAMILTON 404-628-4221 Main Office , 101 13th St. Benning Park Ofc. 2406 Cusseta Rd . Buena Vista Office, 4902 Buena MACON 912-742-6361 Vista Rd Main Office , 455 Walnut St. Columbus Square Otc., 3054 Macon Rd Medical Center Otc ., 10th Ave. & 18th St North Columbus Ofc . 1914 Airport Thruway Peachtree Office. 3471 Courtyard Way St. Francis Office , 1969 Manchester Hamilton Office , Hwy. 27 Eisenhower Office , 1489 Eisenhower Parkway First Central Office, 756 Poplar St. Kroger Supermarket, 3670 Eisenhower Parkway Kroger Supermarket, 4650 Forsyth Rd . Kroger Supermarket, 660 North Ave. Expressway Northside Office 3998 Northside Dr. Wynnton Office , 2450 Wynnton Ad . ATM Kroger Supermarket, ATM Allendale , 5840 Moon Rd ATM Reese Road , 4410 Macon Rd Broad St. 3076 Riverside Dr. PINE MOUNTAIN 404-663-2221 102 Broad St. WAVERLY HALL 404-582-2666 FORT BENNING Jordan St. ATM St. Mary's. 96 North Oakley Dr. CUSSETA 404-989-3636 Cusseta Office. Anderson St. & Waverly Hall Otc ., O'Neal Dr. & 404-682-1135 Ft. Benning Mall Otc.. 9230 Marne Rd. Ft. Benning Office , 109 Wold Ave. ATM Building Four , Eckel St. ATM Sand Hill, 3218 1st Airborne Div . Rd T FIRNSIO. N U First Union National Bank of Georgia Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender Equal Opportunity Lender BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE 77 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK needs of our various communities. This will include, from time to time, formal and informal research , sponsorship of surveys and studies, meetings and /or discussions with neighborhood associations, community based groups, development corporations, local and regional govern The Board of Directors of First Union National Bank of North Carolina recognizes the Bank's continuing and af firmative obligation to help meet the credit needs of its community, including low and moderate income neigh borhoods, consistent with the safe and sound operation of the Bank as set forth in the Community Reinvestment ment agency officials, religious associations, real estate brokers, and other community related groups that repre sent the needs of low and moderate income individuals Act of 1977 and the implementing regulations. In order to implement this policy, the Board of Directors has adopted the following statement: ANNUAL REVIEW OF COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT LOCAL COMMUNITY The local community served by this office is delineated as the entire county in which this office is located . CREDITS The Bank offers the following types of credit services to qualified applicants in this community: COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT You Should Know That: DETERMINING COMMUNITY 78 community credit needs to : WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU First Union always welcomes your opinions on how we're meeting the needs of this community, and sugges tions for new ways to serve you. After writing your com ments below , please sign your name, detach this card , and mail it to us. Abank representative will respond And to the directly to you about your ideas. COMMENTS Your letter together with any responses by us, may be made public. HOME MORTGAGE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE ZIP 79 A Very Special Loan ON THE HOUSE 01 T FIRNSION : U First Union National Bank of South Carolina First Union offers Home Improvement Loans for low to moderate income families ** Secured and unsecured loans, if you cmber FDIC Equal Housing Lender Equal Opportunity Lencer RO LENDER qualify, Borrow from $ 1,500 to $ 15,000. Use the money to improve your home. Pay from 1.25% to 2.5% over the current Prime Rate : Get a 1.5% refund for keeping up payments. Take from five years to 12 years to repay. " Do you qualify ? See the back page! 80 A Very Special Loan Interest rates ? More good news. On loans under $ 6,500 you pay just 2.5% over Prime Rate And on loans of $ 6,501 and up, you pay just 1.25 % over Prime Rate ( The Prime Rate* may vary from time to time.) ON THE HOUSE If you live in your own single family home and have a low to moderate family income, ( no more than 80 % of the median in your county - see the back page) First Union has a Very Special Home Improvement Loan from $ 1,500 to $ 15,000, subject to basic qualification guidelines — a loan that you can use for alterations, repairs, or improvements to your home! ( Note: Loans may not exceed 85 % of the value of the property after improvements and - less any mortgages .) - * First Union National Bank of South 81 A Very You qualify if: Special Loan ON THE HOUSE You can borrow on your signature: COUNTY MAXIMUM FAMILY INCOME TO QUALIFY ( 80 % OF COUNTY MEDIAN ) Abbeville Alken $ 20,276.3 15,068.5 Anderson 21,820.2 Bamberg 16,403.3 21,613.7 26,040.1 19,187.4 Beaufort Berkeley Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Chester Chesterfield Clarendon Colleton Darlington You can take a mortgage: Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown - Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Loe Lexington REWARD ! McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry You get back 1.5% of what you've paid in any year that you've kept up the payments — that is, haven't become 30 days delinquent. 23,041.6 Allendale Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union Williamsburg Yo: k 22,139.6 21,741.0 20,804.3 18,348.4 16,397.2 16,951.2 19,425.5 16,324,4 22,489.4 18,242,1 19,483,8 19,743.3 23,174.0 23,915.2 22,294.9 16,928.0 19,651.0 18,355.0 21,710.2 22,270.1 21,580.6 17,650.4 28,884.0 17,978.5 16,954.0 17,297,6 17,297.6 20,886.1 17,092.5 24,214.3 23,258.2 17,935.5 22,119.6 17,660.1 20,437.6 16,938.7 23,184.8 82 4522D DRAFT Tentative Effective Date 11/1/87 FIRST UNION CORPORATION GEORGIA CRA UNDERTAKING First Union hereby affirms its dedication and commitment to the communities in which it does business and to the Community Reinvestment Act . First Union has a long and proud tradition of active leadership in the communities and states in which its offices are located . As First Union expands into Georgia , it believes it is important to carry forward its tradition of meeting the credit needs of its entire community , including low and moderate income neighborhoods , consistent with the safe and sound banking operations , and to that end makes the following statement : 1. Determining Community Needs First Union , through its Georgia subsidiary bank , from time to time will conduct community needs studies in metropolitan areas 2. assessment Outreach and Marketing First Union , through its subsidiary bank , will use its best efforts to inform low and moderate income groups and minority businesses of and communities its basic lending programs and other services . For instance , the commercial call program of the Georgia subsidiary bank will include minority businesses and community development agencies and corporations . First banking , Union will endeavor to employ minority advertising marketing firms to assist it in these efforts . 3. or Innovative Lending Programs ( a) First Union further acknowledges the need for innovative lending programs for low and moderate income individuals and groups and minority busi ness enterprises , including home mortgage lending and neighborhood and residential rehabilitation lending . First Union has long supported such programs in North Carolina and pledges to provide such support itself and through its subsidiary bank in Georgia . This type of community support 83 is indicative of First Union's commitment to its communities and with which it has a long history in the State of North Carolina . First Union will seek opportunities in its market area in Georgia to provide similar community support . ( b) First Union agrees to make every reasonable effort to conduct a loan program which is responsive to the growing credit needs of the low and moderate income areas its of subsidiary bank's market This program is intended to provide loans for low and moderate real incomeestate housingprojects , small . busi and commercial ness areas . use as ( i) ( ii ) 1 to 4 family structures home improvement loans , Housing Development rehabilitation home mortgages , loans loans and construction and permanent mortgage financing to be made available to non- profit and other developers for new construction and rehabilitation of housing for low and moder ate income and minority residents in qualify ing areas . ( iii ) ( c) Small Business loans for businesses with First Union recognizes the importance of community development corporations or other similar organi zations and will provide both financial support 2 84 and technical assistance to such corporations or organizations . Such support may be in conjunction other banks or companies , or in cooperation with non - profit organizations or state and local with agencies . Financial support may be in the form of investment or contributions . ( d) Supplementing the effort will be a minority enter prises lending policy providing that any lending officer may approve a minority enterprise loan his or her lending limit with the further proviso that in order for a minority enterprise loan request to be turned down the concurrence of at least two lending officers will be required . In addition , each regional office in Georgia will designate or have access to at least one lending within officer ( e) to The bank's credit training programs will include pertaining to its policy regarding low and moderate income groups and to minority businesses SO that appropriate personnel will be aware of the bank's objectives in this information loans to Through education and information programs loan officers and other bank officers will be kept advised of their responsibilities under the Com munity Reinvestment Act and fair lending practices area . laws . ( f) Each regional office will have access to a lending resource person whose principal responsibility is to assist and inform bank lending officers , and to assist customers and potential customers with such programs as : ( i) Small Business Administration loan programs and certified development company programs ; ( ii ) Neighborhood Housing Services Programs ; ( iii ) Urban Development Action Grants ; ( iv ) Community Development Block Grant Programs for housing and economic development ; ( v) state Specialized programs ; and ( vi ) Other available and minority , county low and moderate income , and government loan programs . 3 mortgage 85 4 . Local Boards In an effort to further improve communications between First Union's subsidiary bank and low and moderate income groups and minorities , the subsidiary bank will seek individuals to elect to its local boards from low and moderate income groups , minority groups or other community involved groups which are representative of low and moderate income groups and minority groups . It shall be the goal of the subsidiary bank in Georgia to place one such individual on each of its local boards as soon as is reasonably practical . 5 . Annual Reviews of CRA Compliance It shall be the policy of the Georgia subsidiary bank to have annual reviews of its Community Act Statement , policies and procedures . review shall be 6. Reinvestment Such annual Charitable Contributions First Union will continue the same commitment towards charitable giving that 7. Basic Banking Services First Union supports the concept of providing basic banking services on a reduced cost basis , directed towards low and moderate income groups and will intro duce such basic banking services in its markets in Georgia as soon as reasonably practical . 8. Counseling First Union believes that financial institutions can properly and usefully play an important role in assist ing low and moderate income borrowers and customers 86 through the support of credit counseling and similar First consumer services offered by third parties . Union will seek ways to support community based non counseling financially profit services 9 . Communication Process First Union and acknowledges dialogue meetings , group increased conferences , an usefulness of open produced seminars and other forms First Union is interested communication . maintaining the understanding by of in open a 5 87 Commercial Loans Section Minority Business Loans Subject Policy Summary : First Union National Bank is committed to assisting minority businesses be viable , profitable and valuable members of our various communities . This commitment is best demonstrated by aggressive and innovative support of the credit and management assistance needs of minority businesses . 1. Background Since 1973, First Union has had in place a written Minority Loan Policy . As the result of continuing changes in the Bank and the communities we serve , it is appropriate that this policy be revised and expanded to comply with the Bank's commitment to serve the convenience and needs of the entire community without regard for race , creed , sex , national origin or economic status of the customer . Minority Business Defined The term " Minority Business" refers to those businesses owned by Native Americans , Blacks , Orientals , Hispanics and low and moderate income individuals . Ill . Loan Approvals IV . Loan Declines V. Communication With the Applicant In those cases when a loan is declined , it is the responsibility of the lending officer to fully explain to the applicant the reasons for the decline . If possible , the applicant should also be shown those factors , which , if improved , would enhance the application . VI . Greater Than Usual Risk Historic experience has shown that regardless of ownership , loans to small and new businesses have a higher - than -average degree of risk . Within credit policy and prudent lending practices , the loan officer is encouraged to take an innovative approach to these credits in order to develop a loan structure where the risk is acceptable . This should include a plan for proper account servicing . 88 VII . Assistance to Minority Business VIII . Each city office will designate or have access to at least one 89 3090D PIRST UNION CORPORATION NORTH CAROLINA CRA UNDERTAKING In response to expressed concerns of certain individuals and community groups , First Union renews its dedication and commit ment to the communities in which it does business and to the Community Relovestment Act . First Union has a long and proud tradition of active leadership in the communities and states in which its offices are As located . First Union expands , it belleves 1t 16 laportaat to carry forward this tradition in North Carolina of Reeting the credit needs of its entire con Buaity. lacluding low and noderate income neighborhoods . Con sistent with the safe and sound banking operations , and to that end makes the followlag statement : 1. Determining connunity Needs first Union , through its North Carolina subsidiary bank , from time to tine will conduct community needs assessneat studies 10 metropolitan areas of North Carolina where it conducts its banking operations , seeking to determine banking product and credit reeds of low and moderate income groups and niporities within these areas . The bank's studies will laclude those portions of municipalities and counties in the bank's market areas which have median household incones equal to or less than 80% of the median household lacone for the SMSA or county in which the household is located . These studies will be conducted by First Union or by third party consultants under contract to First Union . The order of priority for these studies will be deter ained by First Union and the studies will include input from community based organizations , community develop nent organization s and other interested parties . The studies will or concerned commence within the second and third calendar quarters of 1986 and will be con pleted within a reasonable period of time thereafter . 2. Outreach and Marketing First Union , through its subsidiary bank , will use its best efforts to inform low and moderate income groups and the minority connunities of its basic banking , leading programs and other services . This effort will laclude innovative advertising , and marketing efforts of programs directed toward low and moderate income groups and minority connunities . Por instance , the 90 connercial call program of the North Carolina subsid lary bank will include minority businesses and com First munity development agencies and corporations . Union will use its best efforts to employ minority advertising of marketing firms to assist in implement ing these advertising and marketing efforts with the goal that no less than 10% of the contracts to outside suppliers used by the subsidiary bank in these efforts be awarded to minority advertising or marketing firms . . 3. Innovative Lending Programs ( a) First Union further acknowledges ex concerns for innovative and for income noderate low and groups minority business pressed with respect to leading programs the need individuals and enterprises , including home mortgage lending and and neighborhood residential lending . First Union has long rehabilitation supported such programs in North Carolina and pledges to continue such support with leadership . volunteer commit and funding in partnership with community development Corporations , state and local develop ment agencies and other representative groups and agencies . This type of community support is indi ment , cative of First Union's connitnent to its communi ties and with which it has a long history in the State of North Carolina . First Union will seek new opportunities in North Carolina to continue to provide sinilar community support . ( b) First Union agrees to make every reasonable effort to conduct a loan program which is responsive to the growing credit needs of the low and moderate income areas of its subsidiary bank's market areas . This program is intended to provide loans which are targeted for low and moderate income housing . small business and commercial real estate projects . The program will include those portions of municipalities or counties of North Carolina which have median household incomes equal to or less than 80% of the median household income for the county of SMSA in which such municipality is located . The bank will use 1ts general under writing criteria , terms and conditions 10 this program and will use its best efforts to be as innovative and flexible as possible in applying prudent banking lending practices and safe operations , the bank will make reasonable efforts to qualify loan requests presented to the bank pursuant to this program . with respect to small such standards . Within 2 the bounds of and sound 91 business loans which are ( 1) . ( 111 ) Small Business loans for businesses with under $ 5 million in annual sales in qualify areas . Loan categories will include building construction , building improvement , machinery / equipment, and working capital . ing The bank will endeavor to make favorable pricing available on loans under this program . As a part of this program , the bank may seek other banks to participate with it and may seek government and other alternative resources . This program may provide grants , loan guarantees or interest write downs . ) (c First Union recognizes the importance of community development Corporations and intermediary develop nent organizations and will provide both financial support and technical assistance to such corpora or organizations . Such support may be in tions conjunction with other banks of companies , or in cooperation with non - profit organizations or state and local agencies . Financial support may be in the form of investment or contributions . ( d) Supplementing the effort will be a ninority enter 3 90-163 О - 88 - 4 92 at least two leading officers will be required . In addition , each city office 10 North Carolina will designate or have access to at least one lending officer to be responsible for monitoring the availability of minority loan programs to assist the bank or minority businesses . ( e) The bank's credit training programs will include ( f) Managenent assistance , such is ( g) Each ( 1) city office will to have access Small Business Administration loan programs and certified development company programs ; ( 11 ) Neighborhood Housing Services Programs ; ( 111 ) Urban Development Action Grants ; ( iv) Community Developaent Block Grant Programs for housing and econonic development ; ( v) Specialized programs ; ( vi ) state and county mortgage and Other available minority . low and noderate lacone , and government loan programs . 93 Local Advisory Boards In an effort to further improve communications between First Union's subsidiary bank and low and moderate income groups and minorities , the subsidiary bank will seek individuals to elect to its city advisory boards from low and moderate income groups , minority groups or other community involved groups , which are representa tive of low and moderate income groups and minority These efforts will begin within two months and groups . a minimum of one such individual will be elected to the advisory boards 10 Charlotte , Raleigh , Wilmington , Winston- Salen , Greensboro , and Asheville with a goal of accomplishing this by December 31 , 1987 . It shall also be the goal of the subsidiary bank in North Carolina to place one such individual on each of its other city advisory boards as 80on as 5. Annual Reviews of CRA Compliance It shall be the policy of the North Carolina subsidiary bank to have annual reviews of its Community Reinvest Statement , policies and Act nent be 6. Charitable contributions First Union will continue the same commitment towards charitable giving that it has employed in North Carolina for many years . First Union evaluates indi vidual applications for contributions and makes deci sions regarding then after considering need and potential for positive impact , financial responsibility and similar related factors . An important part of First Union's commitnent to community services is its desire to assist the needy and handicapped and to pay particular attention to the needs of community oriented and community based organizations . 7. Basic Banking Services First Union supports baoking services On the concept of a reduced cost providing basic basis , directed towards low income groups and senior citizens and will continue its efforts to services to narket.. 5 bring such basic banking 94 8. Evaluation of Underwriting Criteria First Union will engage in an . evaluation of its credit and underwriting criteria and the credit needs of the CORRunities in its market First areas . Union's evaluation of the criteria will be based upon its own past experience in establishing and implementing such criteria , safe and sound banking practices, and will reflect laput from the connunities served by the bank through the connunity needs assessments perforned by first Union . 9. Counseling First Union believes that financial institutions can properly and usefully play an important role in assist ing low and moderate lacone borrowers and customers through the support of credit counseling and similar services offered by third parties .. First Union will seek ways to support community based non counseling profit services financially consumer 10 . CORRunication Process First acknowledges Union and increased . dialogue 11. the usefulness understanding of open by Monitoring First Union will hold quarterly meetings for one year with counsel for the concerned groups and individuals to monitor læplementation of this undertaking. If the needs assessments provided for in Paragraph 1 of this undertaking are not substantially completed at the expiration of a one year period , then the monitoring period will be extended for one additional quarterly neeting . Such representatives will a8818t First Union 10 presenting its compliance efforts to other concerned groups or parties should further questions be expressed with respect to First Union's CRĀ Carolina . 6 compliance in North 95 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To Distribution John R. Georgius Office Office Subject From Community Reinvestment Act ( CRA ) Date Jeg December 18 , 1986 All of you are aware of the Community Reinvestment Act ( CRA ) and First Union's recent " Undertaking" that reaffirms the Bank's commitment to the principles and requirements of CRA . The success of First Union's efforts to support the principles and requirements of CRA and the Undertaking is dependent on your commitment to implementation . Successful implementation means that you must be responsive to inquiries con cerning CRA and maintain a positive attitude toward these responsibilities . Recently the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency conducted an examination that focused on our CRA compliance . We were judged in compliance , confirming our prior history and commitment to serving all segments of our communities . CRA will continue to get special emphasis from examiners as well as consumer activist groups . Less than full compliance could hinder efforts to expand our interstate banking network . This makes our commitment to comply with the Act and the Undertaking all the more important. Also , it is increasingly important that we be able to document our CRA related activities whether they be loans, volunteer work in our communities or contributions. To assist us in compliance with the Undertaking and CRA , First Union is unique among North Carolina banks in developing innovative banking products . No Minimum Checking and our low /moderate income home improve ment loan program were developed to insure that we have products available for all economic segments of our communities. The Undertaking speaks directly to the need for innovative lending programs for low and moderate income individuals and minority business enterprises . First Union has had a minority business loan policy since 1973. To comply with the Undertaking , this policy has been updated with expanded responsibilities for our loan officers and managers. A copy is enclosed . Compliance with our minority business loan policy and the spirit of the Under taking means that you should : Be certain that your lending personnel know their responsibilities. Assist your area of responsibility in ensuring that calling officer programs include efforts to develop minority business loans. . Encourage development of management assistance teams that would be available to assist minority businesses and community based organizations in such areas as loan packaging , market analysis and financially related areas . FUNB 1500 96 Distribution Page Two December 18, 1986 When opportunities arise , encourage bank officers to be available to minority business groups , community based organizations and similar groups to discuss the criteria and requirements for obtaining bank credit . CRA is consistent with our Purpose Statement of Community Service and our continuing commitment to provide Quality Customer Service. Attitude is just as important as any element of our policy. Distribution : Group Executives Regional Executives City Executives Commercial Banking Managers Consumer Banking Managers Group Consumer Banking Directors Group Credit Administrators CC : T. V. Adams Marion Cowell Barbara Massa Bill McDuffie John Morrison Mal Murray Bill Randle Tom Ridenhour Tom Rideout Al Sale Lenny Springs Ann Thomas Steve Woody 97 Commercial Loans Section Minority Business Loans Subject Policy Summary : First Union National Bank is committed to assisting minority businesses be viable, profitable and valuable members of our various communities . This commitment is best demonstrated by aggressive and innovative support of the credit and management assistance needs of minority businesses . 1. Background Since 1973, First Union has had in place a written Minority Loan Policy . As the result of continuing changes in the Bank and the communities we serve , it is appropriate that this policy be revised and expanded to comply with the Bank's commitment to serve the convenience and needs of the entire community without regard for race , creed , sex , national origin or economic status of the customer . Il . Minority Business Defined The term " Minority Business" refers to those businesses owned by Native Americans , Blacks , Orientals , Hispanics and low and moderate income individuals . 111 . Loan Approvals All minority business loan requests should receive the fullest consideration . A loan officer may approve a minority business loan application within the officer's designated lending limit . Requests in excess of the officer's lending limit would need to be approved in accordance with regular approval policies. IV . Loan Declines If it is the decision of the loan officer to decline a minority business request , then the officer must consult with and obtain written concurrence with the decision to decline from a lending officer of higher authority . V. Communication With the Applicant In those cases when a loan is declined , it is the responsibility of the lending officer to fully explain to the applicant the reasons for the decline . If possible, the applicant should also be shown those factors, which , if improved , would enhance the application . VI . Greater Than Usual Risk Historic experience has shown that regardless of ownership , loans to small and new businesses have a higher - than -average degree of risk . Within credit policy and prudent lending practices , the loan officer is encouraged to take an innovative approach to these credits in order to develop a loan structure where the risk is acceptable . This should include a plan for proper account servicing . 98 VII . Assistance to Minority Business VIII . Each city office will designate or have access to at least one 99 30640 FIRST UNION CORPORATION SOUTH CAROLINA CRA UNDERTAKING In response to expressed concerns of certain community groups , First Union renews its dedication and commitment to the communities in which it does business and to the Community Reinvestment Act . First Union has a long and proud tradition of active leadership in the communities and states in which its offices are located . As First Union expands into South Carolina , it believes it is important to carry forward this tradition and to that end makes the following statement : 1 . First Union , through its subsidiary bank , will conduct community needs assessment studies in certain metropolitan areas of South Carolina where it conducts its banking operations ou into which it expands in South Carolina , seeking to determine banking product and credit neccs oi low and overate income groups and These studies will be minorities within these areas . -conducted by First Union or by third party consultants under contract to 1:31 inion . The order of priority for these studies will be determined by Firsi Union ang the studies will include input izom community based organizations , community developmeni organizations and other interested or concerne parties . The studies will commence within our enths of the effectile cate oi dirsi Unior's acquisition of Souther? Bancorporation ( the " Effeciive Date " ) and will be completed within û reasonable period of time thereafter . 2 . First Union , through its subsidiary baak , will use its best efforts to inform low and moderate income groups and the minority communities of its basic banking , lending programs and other services . This effort wili include innovative advertising and marketing efforts directed toward 10: and moderate income groups and minority communities . For instance , the commercial call program of the South Carolina subsidiary bank will include minority businesses and community development agencies and corporations . First Union will use its best efforts to employ minority advertising or marketing firms to assist in implementing these advertising and marketing efforts with the goal that no less than 10 % of the contracts to outside suppliers used by the subsidiary bank in these efforts be awarded 100 to minority advertising or marketing firms . ( a) First Union further acknowledges concerns ( b) First Union agrees to make every reasonable effort to conduct a loan program which is responsive to the growing credit needs of the low and moderate income areas of its South Carolina subsidiary bank's market areas . This program is intendes to provide loans which are targeted for low and moderate income nousing , small business and commercial real estate projects . The program will include , but not be limited to , those portions of municipalities of South Carolina which have median household incomes equal to or less than 80 % of the median household income for the SMSA in which such municipality is located . The bank will use its general underwriting criteria , terms and conditions in this program and will use its best efforts to be as flexible as possible in applying such standards . within the bounds of prudent lending practices and safe and sound banking operations , the bank will make reasonable efforts to qualify loan requests presented to the Bank pursuant to this program . Elements of a successful program will include : ( i) 1 to 4 family structures home improvement loans , ( ii ) Housing Development loans N 3 . - home mortgages , construction 101 and rehabilitation loans and permanent mortgage financing to be made available to non - profit and other developers for new construction and rehabilitation of housing for low and moderate income and minority residents in qualifying areas . Every effort will be made to approve loan requests under this program only for developments that do not displace residents without offering suitable replacement housing . ( iii ) Small Business loans for businesses with under $ 5 million in annual sales in qualifying areas . Loan categories will include building construction , building improvement , machinery / equipment , and working capital . The bank will endeavor to make favorable pricing available on loans under this program . The bank may seek other banks to participate in the program and seek government and alternative resources such as grants , loan guarantees or interest write downs in this program . ( c) First Union recognizes the importance of community development corporations and such othe : intermediarý development organizations , such as the Charlotte , North Carolina , Neighborhood Housing Services , to the economic development of South Carolina and will provide both financial support and technical assistance to such corporations . Such support may be in conjunction with other banks or companies , or in cooperation with non - profit organizations or state and local agencies . Financial support may be in the form of investment or contributions by First Union of its bank subsidiary in South Carolina . Supplementing the effort will be a minority enterprises lending policy providing that any lending officer loan within his further proviso enterprise loan may approve a minority enterprise or her lending limit with the that in order for a minority request to be turned down the concurrence of at least two lending officers will be required . In addition , each city office in South Carolina will designate or have access to at least one lending officer to be responsible for monitoring the availability of minority loan 3 الي ( d) 102 programs to assist the bank or minority Further , the banks credit training programs will include information pertaining to its policy regarding loans to minority businesses so that appropriate personnel will be aware of the bank's objectives in this area . Through affirmative education and information programs loan officers and other bank officers will be kept advised of their responsibilities under the Community Reinvestment Act and fair lending businesses . practices laws . ( e) Management assistance , such as legal advice , account services and technical expertise from private industry is essential to continued viability of borrowers . Bank officers will be encouraged to develop management assistance teams in their communities to assist minority business enterprises . In addition , technical assistance will be provided by bank personnel to community development corporations in areas such as loan packaging , market analysis and financially related areas . ( 1) Each city office will have access to a lending resource person whose principal responsibility is to assist bank lending officers , customers and potential customers with such programs as : ( i) Small business Administration loan programs and certified development company procräms ; ( ii ) Neighborhood housing Services Programs ; ( iii ) Urban Development Action Grants ; ( iv ) Community Development Block Grant Programs for housing and economic development ; ( v) Specialized state and county mortgage programs ; ( vi ) and Other minority or government loan programs available to the bank's customers . 4 . In an effort to further improve communications between First Union's subsidiary bank in South Carolina and low and moderate income groups and minorities , the subsidiary bank will seek individuals to elect to its city advisory boards from low and moderate income groups , minority groups or other community involved 4 103 groups , which are representative of low and moderate income groups and minority groups . These efforts will begin within two months of the Effective Date and a minimum of two such individuals will be elected to the advisory boards in Greenville , Columbia , Orangeburg . and Charleston with a goal of accomplishing this within 18 months of the Effective Date . It shall also be the goal of the subsidiary bank in South Carolina to place one such individual on each of its other city advisory boards . . 5 . It shall be the policy of the South Carolina subsidiary bank to have annual reviews of its Community Reinvestment Act Statement , policies and procedures . Such annual review shall be an agenda item on each city advisory board's agenda at least three months before such statement , policies and procedures are to be reviewed for annual implementation by the subsidiary bank's general board of directors and management . 6. First Union will continue the same commitment towards charitable giving that it has employed in North Carolina . First Union evaluates individual applications for contributions and makes decisions regarding them after considering need and potential for positive impact , financial responsibility and similar related factors . an important part of first Union's commitment to community services is its desire to assist the needy . and handicapped and to pay particula : attention to the needs of community oriented and community based organizations . 7 . First Union supports the concept of providing basic banking services on a reduced cost basis , directed towards low income groups and senior citizens and will continue its efforts to bring such basic banking services to market . 8 . As First Union expands into South Carolina by acquisition , First Union will engage in an evaluaiion of the credit and underwriting criteria of the acquired bank and the credit needs of the community in which the First Union's evaluation of the bank is located . criteria will be based upon its own past experience in establishing and implementing such criteria , safe and sound banking practices , and will reflect the input and experience of the acquired bank , as well as input from the communities served by the bank through the community needs assessments performed by First Union . 9. First Union believes that financial institutions can 5 104 properly and usefully play an important role in assisting low and moderate income borrowers and customers through the support of credit counseling and similar consumer services offered by third parties . First Union will seek ways to support community based non - profit counseling services financially and with volunteers . 10 . First Union acknowledges the usefulness of open dialogue and increased understanding produced by meetings , conferences , seminars and other forms of group communication . First Union is interested in maintaining an open and continuing dialogue with community groups and others following its expansion into South Carolina . To facilitate the communication process , the bank will provide a publicly disclosed system by which individuals , community oriented groups low and moderate income groups and minorities can communicate their concerns directly to a bank officer with the responsibility for making these concerns known at appropriate levels of management within the bank . 11 . First Union or its South Carolina subsidiary bank will hold quarterly meetings for one year beginning six months after the Effective Date with representatives of the concerned groups to monitor implementation of this undertaking . If the needs assessments provided for in Paragraph 1 of this undertaking are not substantially completed at the expiration of a one year period beginning six months following the Effective Date , then the monitoring period will be extended for one additional quarterly meeting . Such representatives will respond to any inquiries from the Federal Reserve Board , community based organizations or any other persons or groups regarding first Union CRA compliance efforts as embodied in this undertaking . 6 105 Annex 1 to Undertaking by First Union 1. North Carolina Housing Finance Agency /Home Mortgage Loan Program This program is for improvements in homes 15 to 20 years old secured by second mortgages . First Union buys an N.C. Housing Finance Agency Bond , the agency makes loans, processes the loans and services them . Loan amounts range from $ 5,000 to $ 15,000 over three year periods. · The funds are utilized for low to moderate income families to purchase the homes or improve them . Various cities in the state can and do participate and reduce the Interest rates on loans with federal funds . As of September 1984 approximately 30 loans totaling $ 2.3 million in bonds had been issued under the Home Mortgage Loan Program . In addition , First Union has outstanding with the agency $ 3.8 million for constructing or renovating multi- family rental housing complexes 20 % of such housing having been allocated to low and moderate income families . 2. First Union is involved in several neighborhood housing service This is a cooperative city -neighbortiood business group for home improvement lending to low and moderate income families . One such projeca , Plaza /Midwood in Charlotte groups in North Carolina . in which First Union worked with two other banks and committed $ 3 million to the project . Loans were below market rates and were available to first time homeowners . 3. Approximately 10 years ago First Union joined with 19 other companies in the Greensboro , North Caroline community and formed the Greater Greensboro Housing Foundation to develop low income housing as an alternative to public housing . Firsi Union also provided some of the capital to the foundation . First Union's regional executive in the Greensboro area has served as a director of the foundation since its inception , and served as an officer as well for five years . That foundation has developed more than 3,000 living units in Greensboro and surrounding areas . 4. In Winston Salen , North Carolina First Union has committed seed money and loans to a newly organized non - profit organization to provide financing and other assistance for low income housing . . s Financing was arranged through Cameron - Brown Company , a First Union subsidiary , in 1983 for $ 14.6 million tax -exempt finandng for two apartment complexes being rehabilitated in Charlotte , North Carolina . These are the first 100% for income housing projectsin North Carolina Insured by the Federal Housing Administration ( FHA ) that were not federally subsidized . First Unfon approached the City of Charlotte which was very interested In finding a way to save Double Oaks Apartments and Tryon Hills Apartments and still keep rents relatively low . The Chariotic City Council acted as redevelopment commission and issued tax - exempt bonds based on 9.58 morigage rate for Double Oaks and a 9.258 rate for Tryon Hills . The term of the mortgages is 40 years . 106 Double Oaks is a 570 unit complex . The mortgage of $ 9.68 million is insured under FHA Section 221 ( d ) ( 4) of the National Housing Act and is scheduled for completion in 1986. Tryon Hills is a 257 unit complex . The mortgage of $ 4.9 million is also FHA insured and the complex was completed in 1984 . 6. 7. First Union has provided urban development loans to 22 cities in North Carolina, totaling $ 23 million . First Union has participated in 13 Farmers Hor ... Administration apartment complexes , totaling $ 1.7 million . 8. Outstanding industrial revenue bond financing within the State of North Carolina originated within the last two years, totaled $ 66.7 million . 9. These foregoing are but a very few examples of First Union's efforts in community support in the lending areas it services , 107 UNDERTAKING In response to expressed concerns of certain community groups , First Union renews its dedication and commitment to the communities in which it does business and to the Community Reir 2013 Act . First Union has a long and proud tradition of active leadership in the communities and state in which its offices are located . As First Union expands into Florida , it believes it is important to carry forward this tradition and to that end makes the following statement : 1. First Union , through its subsidiary bank , will conduct community needs assessment studies in certain metropolitan areas of Florida where it conducts its banking operations or into which it expands in Florida , seeking to determine banking product and credit needs of low and moderate income groups and minorities within these areas . These studies will be conducted by First Union or by third party consultants under contract to First Union . The order of priority for these studies will be determined by First Union and the studies will include input from community based organizations , community development organizations and other interested or concerned parties . The studies will commence within four months of the effective date of First Union's acquisition of Atlantic Bancorporation ( the " Effective Date " ) and will be completed within a reasonable period of time thereafter . areas for needs studies are the Tampa - Targeted St. Petersburg area , 108 the Orlando area , the Daytona Beach area and Broward and Northern Dade Counties . 2. First Union , through its subsidiary bank , will use its best efforts to inform low and moderate income groups and the minority communities of its basic banking , lending programs and other services . This effort will include innovative advertising and marketing efforts directed toward low and moderate income groups and minority communities . For instance , the commercial call program of the Florida subsidiary bank will include minority businesses and community development agencies and corporations . First Union will use its best efforts to employ minority advertising or marketing firms to assist in implementing these advertising and marketing efforts with the goal that no less than 10% of the contracts to outside suppliers used by the subsidiary bank in these efforts be awarded to minority advertising or marketing firms . 3 3. ( a) First Union further acknowledges concerns expressed with respect to the need for innovative lending programs for minority business enterprises , home mortgage lending and neighborhood and residential rehabilitation lending . First Union has long supported such programs in North Carolina and pledges to provide support for such programs itself or through its 109 subsidiary bank in Florida . The projects listed on Annex 1 are examples of the types of programs First Union has supported with leadership , volunteer commitment and funding in partnership with community development corporations, state and local development agencies and other representative groups and agencies . This type of community support is indicative of First Union's commitment to its communities and with which it has a long history in the State North Carolina First Union will seek opportunities in its market area in Florida to provide similar community support . ( b) First Union agrees to make every reasonable effort to conduct a loan program which is responsive to the growing credit needs of the low and moderate income areas of its Florida subsidiary bank's market areas . This program is intended to provide loans which are targeted for low and moderate income housing , small business and commercial real estate projects. The program will be active within those portions of municipalities of Florida which have median household incomes equal to or less than 80% of the median household income for the SMSA in which such municipality is located . The bank will use its general underwriting criteria , terms and conditions in this program and will use its best efforts to be as flexible as possible in applying -3 110 such standards . Within the bounds of prudent lending practices and safe and sound banking operations, the bank will make reasonable efforts to c : ualify loan requests presented to the Bank pursuant to this program . Elements of a successful program will include : ( i) home mortgages , 1 to 4 family structures home improvement loans , ( ii ) Housing Development loans construction and rehabilitation loans and permanent mortgage financing to be made available to non - profit and other developers for new construction and rehabilitation of housing for low and moderate income and minority residents in qualifying areas . Every effort will be made to approve loan requests under this program only for developments that do not displace residents without offering suitable replacement housing . ( iii ) Small Business loans For businesses with under $ 5 million in annual sales in qualifying areas . Loan categories will include building construction , building improvement , machinery / equipment, and working capital . The bank will endeavor to make favorable pricing available on loans under this program . The bank may seek other banks to participate in the program and seek government and alternative resources such as grants , loan guarantees or interest write downs in this program . -4 111 ( c) First Union recognizes the importance of community development corporations to the economic development of Florid and will provide both financial support and technical assistance to such corporations. Such support may be in conjunction with other banks or companies , or in cooperation with non -profit organizations or state and local agencies . Financial support may be in the form of investment or contributions by First Union or its bank subsidiary in Florida . ( d) Supplementing the effort will be a minority enterprises lending policy providing that any lending officer may approve a minority enterprise loan within his or her lending limit with the further proviso that in order for a minority enterprise loan request to be turned down the concurrence of at least two lending officers will be required . In addition , each city office in Florida will designate at least one lending officer to be responsible for monitoring the availability of minority loan programs to assist the bank or minority businesses . Further , the banks credit training programs will include information pertaining to its policy regarding loans to minority businesses so that appropriate personnel will be aware of the bank's objectives in this area . Through affirmative education and information programs loan officers and other bank officers will be kept advised of their responsibilities under the Community Reinvestment Act and fair lending practices laws . -5 112 ( e) Management assistance , such as legal advice , account services and technical expertise from private industry is essential to continued viability of borrowers . Bank officers will be encouraged to develop management assistance teams in their communities to assist minority business enterprises . In addition , technical assistance will be provided by bank personnel to community development corporations in areas such as loan packaging , market analysis and financially related areas . ( f) Each city office will have access to a lending resource person whose principal responsibility is to assist bank lending officers , customers and potential customers with such programs as : ( i) Small Business Administration loan programs and certified development company programs ; ( ii ) Neighborhood Housing Services Programs; ( iii ) Urban Development Action Grants ; ( iv ) Community Development Block Grant Programs for housing and economic development ; ( v) Specialized state and county mortgage programs; and ( vi ) Other minority or government loan programs available to the bank's customers . -6 113 4. In an effort to further improve communications between First Union's subsidiary bank in Florida and low and moderate income groups and minorities, tie subsidiary bank will seek individuals to elect to its city advisory !wards from low and moderate income groups , minority groups or other community involved groups, which are re; 'esentative o ' low and moderaie income groups and mino.ity groups . These efforts will begin within four months of the Effective Date and at least one such individual will be elected to each advisory board with a goal of accomplishing this within 18 months of the Effective Date . 5. It will be the policy for annual reviews of the Florida subsidiary bank's Community Reinvestment Act Statements to be an agenda item on each city advisory board agenda at least three months before such statements are reviewed for annual re- implementation by the subsidiary bank's general board of directors and management . 6. First Union will continue the same commitment towards charitable giving that it has employed in North Carolina . First Union evaluates individual applications for contributions and makes decisions regarding them after considering need and potential for positive impact , financial responsibility and similar related factors . An important part of First Union's commitment to community services is a desire to assist the needy and handicapped , paying particular attention to the needs of community oriented and community based organizations . -7 114 7. First Union supports the concept of providing " life - line " or basic banking services on a reduced cost basis , directed towards low income groups and senior citizens and will continue its efforts to bring " life - line" or basic banking services to market . 8. As First Union expands into Florida by acquisition , First Union will engage in an evaluation of the credit and underwriting criteria of the acquired bank and the credit needs of the community in which the bank is located . First Union's evaluation of the criteria will be based upon its own past experience in establishing and implementing such criteria , safe and sound banking practices and will reflect the input and experience of the acquired bank as well as input from the communities served by the bank through the community needs assessments performed by First Union . First Union believes that financial institutions can properly and usefully play an important role in assisting low and moderate income borrowers and customers through the support of credit counseling and similar consumer services offered by third parties . First Union will seek ways to support community based non- profit counseling services financially and with volunteers . 10. First Union acknowledges the usefulness of open dialogue and increased understanding produced by meetings , -8 115 conferences, seminars and other forms of group communication . First Union is interested in maintaining an open and continuing dialogue with community groups and others following its To facilitate the communication process , expansion into Florida . the bank will provide a publicly disclosed system by which individuals , community oriented groups , low and moderate income groups and minorities can communicate their concerns directly to a bank officer with the responsibility for making these concerns known at appropriate levels of management within the bank . 11 . First Union or its Florida subsidiary bank will hold quarterly meetings for one year after the Effective Date with representatives of the concerned groups to monitor implementation of this undertaking . If the needs assessments provided for in Paragraph 1 of this undertaking are not substantially completed at the expiration of one year following the Effective Date then the monitoring period will be extended for one additional quarterly meeting . Such representatives will assist First Union in presenting its compliance efforts to other concerned groups or parties should further questions be expressed with respect to First Union's or its subsidiary bank's CRA compliance in Florida . -g 116 Annex 1 to Undertaking by First Union 1. North Carolina Housing Finance Agency !Home Mortgage Loan Program This program is for improvements in huines 15 to 20 years old secured by second mortgages . First Union buys an N.C. Housing Finance Agency Bond , the agency makes loans , processes the loans and services them . Loan an: ounts range from $ 5,000 to $ 15,000 over three year periods . The funds are utilized for Ic moderate incrime families to purcha : 2 thu homes or improve them . Various cities in the state can and do participate and recuce . the interest rates on loans with federal funds . to As of September 1984 approximately 30 loans totaling $ 2.3 million in bonds had been issued under the Home Mortgage Lean Program . In addition , First Union has outstanding with the agency $ 3.8 million for constructing or renovating multi- family rental housing complexes 20 % of such housing having been allocated to low and moderate income families . 2. First Union is involved in several neighborhood housing service groups in North Carolina . This is a cooperative city -neighborhood business group for home improvement lending to low and moderate income families . One such project , Plaza / Midwood in Charlotte in which First Union worked with two other banks and committed $ 3 million to the project . Loans were below market rates and were available to first time homeowners . 3. Approximately 10 years ago First Union joined with 19 other companies in the Greensboro , North Carolina community and formed the Greater Greensboro Housing Foundation to develop low income housing as an alternative to public housing . First Union also provided some of the capital to the foundation . First Union's regional executive in the Greensboro area has served as a director of the foundation since its inception , and served as an officer as well for five years . That foundation has developed more than 3,000 living units in Greensboro and surrounding areas . 4. 5. In Winston- Salem , North Carolina First Union has committed seed money and loans to a newly organized non -profit organization to provide financing and other assistance for low income housing . Financing was arranged through Cameron-Brown Company , a First Union subsidiary , in 1983 for $ 14.6 million tax - exempt financing for two apartment complexes being rehabilitated in Charlotte , North Carolina . These are the first 100% low income housing projects in North Carolina insured by the Federal Housing Administration ( FHA ) that were not federally subsidized . First Union approached the City of Charlotte which was very interested in finding a way to save Double Oaks Apartments and Tryon Hills Apartments and still keep rents relatively low . The Charlotte City Council acted as redevelopment commission and issued tax - exempt bonds based on 9.5 % mortgage rate for Double Oaks and a 9.25 % rate for Tryon Hills . The term of the mortgages is 40 years . 117 Double Oaks is a 570 unit complex . The mortgage of $ 9.68 million is insured under FHA Section 221 ( d ) ( 4 ) of ihre National Housing Act and is scheduled for completion in 1986. Tryon Hills is a 257 unit complex . The mortgage of $ 4.9 million is also FHA insured and the complex was completed in 1984 . . 6 First Union has provided urban development loans to 22 citius in North Carolina, totaling $ 23 million . 7. First Union has participui.d in 13 Farmers Home Administration apartment complexes , totaling $ 1.7 million . 8. Outstanding industrial revenue bond financing within the State of North Carolina originated within the last two years , totaled $ 66.7 million . . 9 These foregoing are but a very few examples of First Union's efforts in community support in the lending areas it services . 118 ATLANTA MORTGAGE CONSORTIUM Contact : For Immediate Release : Jim Mynatt June 17 , 1988 588-8737 MORTGAGE CONSORTIUM READY FOR BUSINESS ; TWO PROJECTS , ADVISORY BOARD ANNOUNCED ATLANTA , GA . The Atlanta Mortgage Consortium ( AMC) will be ready to receive and process mortgage loan applications starting Monday , June 20 at 55 locations , 23 with Saturday hours . Formed by nine Atlanta financial institu tions , which together have committed a mortgage loan pool of $ 20 million , AMC has completed its start up preparations and the training of personnel to handle applications . subdivision . 119 ATLANTA MORTGAGE CONSORTIUM 2 June 17 , 1988 " These two programs represent a major commitment by the Consortium to apply its $ 20 million in resources to upgrade deteriorating housing in some areas of the city , as well as to develop new housing to make home ownership more affordable for more of our citizens, " said James G. Mynatt , spokesman for the Consortium . 120 ATLANTA MORTGAGE CONSORTIUM - 3 - June 17 , 1988 of Atlanta Department of Community Development ; Fulton County Commissioner Michael Hightower ; Jonathon Jones , Executive Director , S.E. Reinvestment Ventures , Inc .; Noel Kahil , President , Gibraltar Land Inc .; Robert D. Lupton , Executive Director , Family Consultation Services , Inc .; Craig Taylor , South Atlanta Land Trust , and two representatives from DeKalb County to be named . 121 ATLANTA MORTGAGE CONSORTIUM Locations Accepting AMC Mortgage Loan Applications * indicates Saturday hours BANK SOUTH , N.A. Main Office , 55 Marietta Street Contact : Carey Russell , 529-4821 * East Point Office , 1733 Washington Avenue * West End Office , 638 Evans Street , S.W. * Decatur Office , 163 Clairmont Road East Atlanta Office , 411 Flat Shoals Avenue , S.E. Contact : Diane Robinson , 584-6705 THE CITIZENS & SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANK * South DeKalb Office , 2850 Candler Road East Point Office , 2818 East Point Street Contact : Charles Sweat , 763-0381 * Cascade Heights Office , 2358 Cascade Road , S.W. CITIZENS TRUST BANK Main Office , 75 Piedmont Avenue Contact : Alan Bouknight or Joan Sarden , 653-2708 FIRST AMERICAN BANK OF GEORGIA West End Office , 874 Gordon Street Contact : Wyatt Davis or Stephanie Willians , 752-8400 * Old National Office , 4803 old National Highway Five Points Office , 34 Peachtree Street , N.W. Contact : Elaine Hamby , 584-1500 * Wesley Chapel Office , 2555 Wesley Chapel Road Moreland Office , 1401 Moreland Avenue , S.E. Contact : Joe Dunaway , 624–7500 122 - 2 - THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA * Campbellton Plaza Office . 2098 Campbellton Road , S.W. * Greenrbiar Office , 2841 Greenbriar Parkway , S.W. * South DeKalb Office , 2782 Candler Road * Stewart - Lakewood Office , 2891 Lakewood Avenue , S.W. * West End Office , 612 Lee Street , S.W. Buckhead Office , 3040 Peachtree Road , N.W. Contact : Sharon Schafer , 841-7941 Gwinnett Place Office , 2170 Pleasant Hill Road , Duluth Contact : Jane Ferguson , 476-0472 Lawrenceville Office , 279 W. Crogan Street Contact : Mary Luweli , 963-8111 Main Office , 2 Peachtree Street , N.W. Contact : Gladiola Worthem , 332-6355 Mansell Road Office , 10825 Alpharetta Highway , Roswell Contact : Billie Adsher , 642-8384 Peachtree Corners Office , 6925 Jimmy Carter Blvd. , Norcross Contact : Jane Ferguson , 368-1523 Riverdale Office , 591 Valley Hill Road , Riverdale Contact : William Kramer , 994-0380 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF GEORGIA * East Point Office , 2791 East Point Street , S.W. Airport Office , 1001 Virginia Avenue , Hapeville Contact : Brend Darnell , 766-6200 * Hapeville Office , 590 s . Central Avenue Chapel Square Office , 4825 Flat Shoals Road , Decatur Contact : Dave Neal , 987-1222 old National Office , 5120 old National Highway , College Park Contact : Jo Anderson , 761-8031 123 - 3 - FULTON FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Main Office , 21 Edgewood Avenue Contact : Henry Armstrong , 586-7073 East Point Office , 2860 East Point Street Contact : Ronnie Burch , 763-4910 * Old National Office , 5440 Old National Highway , College Park * Fayetteville Office , 685 North Jeff Davis Drive GEORGIA FEDERAL BANK * College Park Office , 3581 Main Street Five Points Office , 20 Marietta Street , N.W. Conact : Nancy Hill , 588-2660 * Greenbriar Office , 3080 Campbellton Road , S.W. Midtown Office , 1124 Peachtree Street , N.E. Contact : Tim Fitzgerald , 898-1710 Peachtree Center Office , 241 Peachtree Street , N.W. Contact : Angie Woodward , 588-2488 * South DeKalb Office , 2851 Candler Road , Decatur * Stewart - Lakewood Office , 2085 Stewart Avenue West End Office , 921 Gordon Street Contact : Clyde Mitchell , 752-1800 TRUST COMPANY BANK Chattahoochee Office , 1221 Chattahoochee Avenue , N.W. Contact : Jean Wilson , 350-5101 . * Forest Park Office , 3900 Jonesboro Road , S.E. Executive Park Office , 1 Executive Park Drive , N.E. Contact : Diane Baker , 728-1212 Fulton Industrial Office , 711 Fulton Industrial Blvd. , N.W. Contact : Margie Elliott , 699-3991 Greenbriar Office , 3170 Greenbriar Parkway , S.W. Contact : Cynthia Hall , 344-8401 o ga 124 - 4 TRUST COMPANY BANK ( Continued ) Lakewood Office , 1700 Lakewood Avenue , S.E. Contact : Leon Norton , 624-2982 Main Office , I Park Place , N.E. Contact : Martha Simmons , 588-8286 Mortgage Loan Division , 5008 Buford Highway , Chamblee Contact : Sharon Clark or Charles Williams , 454-3566 Panola Road Office , 2843 Panola Road , Lithonia Contact : Dan Bailey , 593-5451 * South DeKalb Office , 2731 Candler Road , Decatur * South Fulton Office , 5150 Old National Highway , College Park West End Office , 670 Stweart Avenue , s.w. Contact : Linda McAdoo , 752-1991 125 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you very much, Governor Johnson. STATEMENT OF ROGER F. MARTIN , BOARD MEMBER, FEDERAL SPECIALIZED EXAMINERS We definitely support, and I personally support, the idea of spe cialized examiners . We are currently evaluating that approach . We are concerned about — or actually are opposed to the comparative rating system . This provision would require a comparison of simi larly sized institutions serving very different communities. Need 126 less to say , a $ 100 million asset institution in McLean , VA is differ ent than an Oshkosh , WI -- our home State, Senator — thrift. > > > INTRODUCTION Bank Loan Home Federal The the have to pleased is Board protection consumer the on testify to opportunity provisions DInstitutions ,the 5094 H.R. of IV Title in "found epository Act ,s.1 bill Senate ,t 886 wof know you As the hile " he 1988. Modernization ,"F 1988 of Act ainancial bill House the nd disclosure addressing provisions protection consumer contain ,Title loans equity home and instruments savings for requirements subtitles additional several contains also bill House the of IV provisions These address . mong bill Senate the in found ,anot process ,revisions things other application the to regard with Reinvestment Community of consideration the (CRA Act ,)f actors aules CRA the to amendments r ,reforms closings branch for gency services financial basic ,a accounts the nd government of cashing . checks the .intent bill support of ,wThe Generally e additional STATEMENT OF community in increase the and foster may it that investment are provide would it that services and protections consumer ideals .Hur social important ,o the by tempered is support owever MEMBER ,BOARD MARTIN F. ROGER need continuing our by and bill in provisions the of extent BANK LOAN HOME FEDERAL THE OF BOARD healthy of soundness and safety the maintaining on focus to BEFORE ,H BANKING ON COMMITTEE AND THE OUSING e - ffective manner .cost 127 Federal the resolving and regulate we institutions Savings .in caseload Corporation's Insurance Loan and expeditious an AFFAIRS URBAN ,this years several past the For to able been not has agency consumer the of enforcement to resources many as devote regulations and laws protection necessary be would as CRA the assure to Wolid this before testified have e program .as CRA the during point this on committee past held hearings abMarch developing of process the in now are We . etter SENATE U.S. ,1988 8 SEPTEMBER experienced an hired have and approach examination our in staff Activities Regulatory of Office purpose sole whose to is c ahave establish ompliance for program revised .We System our examiners that procedures examination our checking in use to are ,including regulations and laws consumer the with compliance We our institution each to distributed also have handbook . CRA :to Compliance in institutions assist Self A Guide ssessment cdeveloping an have to objective our is ompliance t .aI program , year this of end the by established program examination expanded of the ,s C . ome 1989 for expected implementation with onsequently ,most 5094 H.R. of breadth the to contributing factors underlying ,significantly general in area consumer the to inattention agency .addressed us by being already are -2 -3 inignificant place would IV Title ,as view our on burden FSLIC Concerns C institutions ,.on ollectively and financial agencies regulatory effect is section this aspects important most the of One operations on subtitles various of effect the authority FSLIC's on have will it acquisitions approve to of would agencies The substantial .financial be will institutions responsibilities arhave as esult administrative new significant ,branch applications handling for procedures new the of closing tBoards rules Review ,aCommunity in participation public he nd The and mission FSLIC's recognizes bill . thrifts troubled section (m)o 408 the f under transactions exempts therefore exemption 12he Act Housing National a(m).T 1730 ,U.S.C. ,iSection .however problem the address fully to sufficient not s the as such )provides (m 408 limitations override to authority situations emergency in banking interstate on prohibition Many : caseload FSLIC's in institutions acquisitions the of i -i.e. RAP are that nsolvent nstitutions ,a under arranged re examination CRA process .the provisions of those on focuses testimony my remainder The . significant considers Board Bank the which IV Title A Subtitle of 12 NHA 406 section .F 1729 U.S.c. the ,n example or one transactions have Plan Southwest the in far thus consummated that involved T ,w recommend would hus section a (m) e uthority .408 Benefits Community ,as authority 406 section to extended be exemption .the well paragraphs that out point to like also would We 5d4(B)aond not Savings to Relating LHolding &Amendments oan 404 Section companies by transactions supervisory for exemption an contain that companies holding loan and savings presently not are or institutions .insured of acquirers potential many that Given Companies institutions troubled presently not are loan and savings holding Applications Process on Provisions CRA of Impact the through imposing uncertainties and process application . included be 128 (oror f companies holding bank ),a matter that n should (1)A paragraph in provided one the to similar exemption ,by section this of provisions The the to requirements new adding based the and ,hiindustry part nave of sector unhealthy .strategy theory this upon Plan Southwest the for same the At ,this time of sector healthy the by growth inhibit may section on requirements additional imposing by industry the . cases supervisory of acquisition Section House the that 404 overall of thrust from appears It bill application in CRA of role the shift to attempting is direction ,C has RA ,aprocess Historically legislative by nd opposed c ,been process the in afactor to sontributory . his Tprimary shifting and emphasis anticipated determinant important impacting considerations anumber neglect to appears of bill F ,t example any provide not does or he the process .on for ability other if even provisions these override to FSLIC the atransaction that indicate factors the to beneficial be may FSLIC .community the or impose Inhe ,t addition would bill aresult as industry and agency the on costs additional of :These costs include needed to amendments r esources .these implementation of documentation ;d elayed review and prepare cases ;a dnd reorganizations FSLIC of resolution elayed associated costs intangible element the with uncertainty of concerning business decisions industry the in - that market forces frustrate to approvals ,may serve preliminary consolidation .trend industry toward current the driving are We the decrease will consolidation toward trend this believe frames Time Processing -day 45 The bill proposed the by anticipated period comment public .might process review application the prolong significantly This the of intent Congressional to contradictory appears result required Board the (CEBA Act Banking Equality Competitive )w hich frames time set to application processing Board's The ,for already p staff ,h CEBA to frames time promulgated as ursuant F applications .regarding of processing the ahor olding company there application ap is ,w days 20 of period comment hich ublic .the days 20 additional an to up extended be may after Ten ,the period comment public the of aend make must staff Board's completeness regarding .determination application the of ,the complete deemed is application an Once take must Board within application the on action extended (9f 60 ,i days 0 within 30 first the period of . Such )days have frames time this submitted been to and Banking on the ,Committee Affairs Urban and Finance Representatives House the of (c)oe .pursuant CEBA f recommend T ,w 410 section to herefore that the used that beyond lengthened be not period comment . today -5 -4 concerned also are We requiring that impact the by afinding on Reinvestment Community the to Amendments of Act 405 Section CRA will application of rest on decision the to prior saction aRhave equiring . eparate frames time processing the on the on solely taken be to will issue CRA make more process ,without resources additional require and complex the expediting 1977 Examination of Notice application decision ultimate the on . into input community greater obtaining of concept the support We examination process procedures Our new direct .the Preliminary Approval conduct to examiners with interviews representatives community as bCRA ralanced of apart gain to order in examination egular approval p of concept "The reliminary add that will one is applications . lthough transactions most to Auncertainty many under institution services credit the about perspective community the in others and examination ,and providing are F perception .will needs credit of community's ,wurther e arrange who persons with interviews special ad expressed have to esire performance CRA institution's an discuss credit community or cuch ,receive approval "s onditional conditions not are -end ,asopen reversal to continually possibly ubject nded all the -o of percent inety .Nne requirements changing currently examine we institutions rating a"3C RA .have The mfor aneeds provides CRA The through comment public . echanism likelihood ,itshen nearly that company applications holding all ppublic a he involve will reliminary and onsequently tc ,approval hearing review processes .and that file public CRA the institution an both regulator its and this ,a maintain to required are routinely is information nd . considered believe we unnecessary is it that these require reasons to ,For n ofewspaper day the on anotice publish to agency an indicated ,a .difficulties below s 129 commencement C examination a RA the for informing of purpose submit to right its of public the comments written or .oral the ,p Further administrative several poses notice roviding increase also may provisions enforcement continuing The the ,and process applications of uncertainty the decrease .Acquirers institutions thrift of marketability perpetually will ,and Act of penalties the subject be possible to unwinding all not Since cities or towns newspaper ad have aily ,the . transactions completed of . applied uniformly be cannot provision notice proposed Additional Comments ,the Essentially the with accordance in published be could notice daily with towns in located institutions for only bill proposed applicable are provisions The ,and companies holding to only not w , ho acquirers individual to amount same the exercise may of these . institution insured the over control requirements If are The to difficult be may bill the of requirements . newspapers located are institutions when meet no is there where towns in publication . newspaper daily exercised uniformly be tohey throughout industry should ,tthe addition Inhere instances ,t be an where wish may agency to aseparate conduct institution an of examination affairs consumer section in imposed be also Housing National the of 407 (12 Act ). 1730 U.S.c. conducting is it time same at and safety traditional the an that requirement apThe submit acquirer lan to target the get announcement I.soundness ,a instances these examination n to examination an that public underway is the frustrate may up institution's "2,or the maintain to at rating make "2,does not acquirer an for sense am seeking inority stock of percentage control to acquirer the enable not would that . examination soundness and safety the of goals institution of policies CRA .the For ,w above expressed reasons same the that believe also e proposed all of notices weekly regional for requirement public significant provide not may ced examinati comme benefit . -7 -6 Collection Data Performance dependent are Examinations from af upon anorthrightness ratings management Iinstitution's either reports or were .f to ,the public made be from examiners by gathered information .an candid less examination be could during management the be with work to inclined less ,management Basically may sources the unearthing in .examiner problems of focus entire The substance concern from shift may examination the of afor to concerned are We on what that surface the provide to appears a performance CRA for tool fact in evaluation significant creates new .W institutions financial for burdens paragraph reporting hile that (a)r 808 for format develop agencies the only equires ,the fall would data these collecting of burden would result sThe ainstitutions be ignificant financial the .on now cost and effort the of multiplication by expended H ( We Act Disclosure Mortgage Home the under MDA ").institutions data existing the that believe , HMDA under process collection numeric aparticular about .concern rating which in position precarious the to sensitive particularly are We examiners of release public the by placed be would our ratings 'CRA agencies regulatory the by accompanied when examination examination and reports Examiners low defend to have .would high defend and .institution public the to ratings structure ,even Consequently rating elaborate an with as procedures ,i activities credit other many evaluate which s enable to sufficient realistically agencies the assess CRA ,and bill by contemplated best even of development the institutions . performance of to controls internal implementation monitor rating the of ,it system ratings that expect to unreasonable not is reports and addition lies CRA the to proposed this over concern Part of our particularly mask extent some to buffered be may critical collection data the that belief our in do enumerated categories the of all recognize not that types credit to necessary be may p aWe of needs credit the meet articular .help community believe alimited only for collection data that credit of number importance relative the distorts categories those of every u presumes ,tand credit community's hat nrealistically issues that likely are to any outcry raise . Performance Rating System 130 services met substantially be will needs same .the by few the ,e However data to subject categories credit of list xpanding collection aranswer since of list complete easonably not is the CRA auniform of concept The system rating performance developed all by such support would we and sound is agencies regulatory the participation public that by W h . e endeavor an owever ,believe ap requiring c notice ,a would hearing and delay nd omment ublic would data categories credit ah even in result collection eavier institutions financial for .burden complicate the process . Evaluations Written substantive ame As ore question ,w matter system rating the to institution an provide practice regulatory customary is It arite with -s on an of conclusion the after findings eport and examination of intent the support we section proposed c ithe are ,We fact possibility the . nonsidering bill of . tbill bill proposed the by anticipated methodology , he First resulting the that mandates system rating comparable factor resource size same the within institutions from commitments testified Wall Chairman that March in to objected he category comparisons and differ needs community because primarily this of institution one well how area an in community its serves as similar to opposed ad serving institution sized ifferent .W make to impossible are community see not do in logic the e rating ahaving of commitment resource the compares that system million rural $1 00 institution savings b ac -with ased ity institution $1n00 savings different ,imillion or same the either institution examined the providing examiner's .with rating examiner's ,w However the making object to continue e rating a for public to available report of section open the and disclosure of ,pnumber importantly Most ublic of reasons . a have also and misinterpreted be can findings examination -p counter on effect damaging byroductive process examination the an of ability the institution's and examiner management to open an have dialogue frank .and astate of .part country the or -8 -9 incorporating of approach the tried already has Board Bank The ,the Second that indicates also methodology system rating distressed in located institutions areas are needs credit where resource of levels equivalent held be to are extreme more commitments institutions as communities in stronger with and examination within the consumer issues of handling processes .Bank Ahe ,t experience that reviewing fter supervisory ,except activities that decided Board and examination for believe that We expect to comparability this type of economies . rights and affairs ,cto ivil rsupervision consumer elated .CRA itself CRA of grain the against cuts As of part one centralized in focused and be should investment community required activities these that concluded Board Bank The office . ,an factors assessment light in measured is record institution's on based needs credit various meet to ability of its aseparate by performed better was which advocacy .an office condition impediments ,lfinancial size egal economic and conditions reflect A t record institution's ,s .n hould herefore in specializing examiners whether of issue the studying are We constraints . these within perform to ability its -related .consumer examinations conduct should activities The and consumer that been has approach Board Bank traditional soundness conducted and safety of part as are examinations CRA Subsidiaries Nonbank of Activities conduct to utilizing specialists that recognize We . examinations rWe inegulator consider to a of ability the support subsidiaries .by undertaken nonbank process applications efforts B -Subtitle -related ,consumer are we and advantages many has examinations d has ecision studying ,b approach athat cut therefore arefully ,wyet adopted be approach this Should would .not e made been System's Reserve Federal the mirror would it that envision model proposed the for ,which program as serves understand we Reforms Agency bill . 411 Section supports Board Bank The specializing of concept the its 131 be consumer examinations that requires bill proposed The the y way .than intervals ,(Bmonth greater 24 no at conducted m onth w 24 the within , ell months 18 is cycle current our interval w .)would ,than schedule andated He r am ather owever Divisions Consumer resources enables direct to us that schedule afrequency prefer . to institutions performing poorly to most them need we where established r consumer and functions two has elated to offices responsibilities . its out carry flexibility the extend to have us sense makes It 1960s the Since Board ,t he an had has with office primary . the issues consumer for responsibility in ,Then 1970s late Federal (f)of 18 section the Commission Trade Act Executive and mandated 12160 Order establishment the offices such of all in agencies federal departments .and ,section fact In H.R. of 411 overlaps wppears hich existing these statutes and a ,5094 orders outstanding have that institutions those for cycle examination and community affairs consumer the in records performance examination for cycle the shorten can we so reinvestment areas , have that institutions those in performers poor historically been "The rthese to is flexibility the of intention eward areas ,ainstitutions us allowing while records excellent having for s enforcement strengths vigilant more to ,to regulators our devote with inconsistent may and duplicative unnecessarily be to them . . most needed is it where Bank the Within ,t Board he Community of Office Investment has responsibility for complaints consumer d ,handling eveloping regulations p , olicies procedures and consumer regarding protection reinvestment community and preparing ,a laws nd relevant annual reports the of Division ,w year created ast .Le which Activities Regulatory of office our in Programs Compliance responsibility for has emphasis renewed placing the on examination supervision and consumer of aspects including matters education ,as CRA the well institutions as of regarding those issues . ah permits also bill proposed The an request to company olding regularly scheduled examination next the of advance in an of processing the that determines it if examination .unexpected expedited be demands application might Meeting these administrative the undermine may that burden could an be to prove . schedule regular examination completion the of timely -11 -10 supported always has Board Bank The provide to programs voluntary Board ,iBank ,tFsuch . nhe public the to services example or Financial on Federal the agencies other conjunction with adopted ,firmly Council Examination Institutions and asupported Review -Community 412 Section Boards understand the We Congress of desire participation encourage to financial of performance assessing in public the by out under responsibilities their carrying in agencies regulatory .Policy Services Financial Basic on Statement Joint doubt e h ,Wowever .CRA statutes protection consumer other and Boards Review Community the that can 412 section under for called ,the powers limited and structure its of Because industry thrift avwould have Basic the with complying problem serious ery objectives achieve .the Congress by intended draft the of 422 section in required Accounts Service Financial bill thrifts F c state some ,and institutions . ederal hartered boards c word "iThe review the to reference a nommunity be may categories of each from representatives four Only misnomer . Reserve Federal entire an for reviews provide to contemplated are District Bank an covering generally ,iarea states of number diversified .many area geographic and wide extremely an instances local the expected of all represent to agroup Such be not could advarious throughout spread .communities istrict the Since rules which ,are banks commercial unlike certain to subject .Home accounts demand of offering the restrict ,the fact In only may associations federal that prescribes Act Loan Owners with have entities and persons to accounts demand offer they whom alTo relationship 1 (b).$U.S.C. other all 2464 oan b orders negotiable only -may interest offer ,tearing consumers hey district or regional differing have agencies regulatory federal w ,specific Therefore (Nithout withdrawal of OW .")a ccounts ,tinstitutions authorization potentially would hrift compelled be -bearing interest provide requirements the satisfy to accounts ,establishing boundaries Federal to according boards review the leaves districts Bank Reserve potentially with agencies other of .Federal legislation proposed the be thus would associations . divisions jurisdictional difficult costs greater far incurring of position inequitable highly the in it impact the on emphasis an with provision this review Congress Financial Services to Access C Subtitle industry thrift the have .on will 132 order the fulfill to in institutions financial other than t ,would herefore hat section W urge .of e this requirements government and accounts financial basic both to regard With check rthan ,cashing Board Bank the wather that recommend e provisions ,bgiven Board Reserve Federal prescribe to authority the e Sections 421 427 through . member institutions regulations for implementing institution The depository each that mandate would bill at offer services would that account least financial basic of type one institution and relationship the with account other no require against discriminate might that prerequisites no impose would Notice D Subtitle Thrift and Bank By closure Branch of would It appear also require to -income .low individuals this provide to cashing check offer that institutions depository $1500 of checks government for service individuals to less or abasic for .registered account services financial the of section This two combines bill separate formerly sections banking lifeline to relating bill draft previous the of and 433 Section Institutions Thrift for Requirements Notice relationship H ,t the between owever . he cashing check government services financial basic and account check government the cashing . bill current the in unclear is service closings branch for requirements notice regarding provision The would Owner's Home the amend applies ,w Act Loan hich to only institutions c -.creates federally Thartered his aapproach institutions their on based among inequity reporting material charter .W be either should provision this that believe ofe type financial . institutions all apply to made or dropped -13 -12 requirements notice the While paragraphs (b)aunder nd be not should legislation Savings in Truth of coverage The dut ",blimited institutions to expanded be should epository that institutions other include ,ithe of course regular n reporting the (c)w paragraph aunder be requirements ill institutions those upon burden significant them meet to ,required Board Bank the on burden administrative amendment's proposed this ,act business and intermediaries investment or financial as solicit ,d interest pay and funds investment or savings eposits Dearnings for compete institutions . epository funds those on in Truth with funds -d .non institutions many epository A pplying be A ction ntitled P"(d),esubstantially greater aragraph .will "inot Board of Required protested to limited ,bsut closings whether determine Board Bank the that requires as ignificant reduction services of will community the in result for every institutions depository to only requirements legislative Savings branch closing reduction ignificant .Where ,as anticipated is , nd unfair patently ad be would consumers to isservice solicitations and depository by compare to attempting (1)consult then must Board Bank affected the of leaders with ,(2)cwith area community onsult depository appropriate other ,and (3)einstitutions xplore replacing of feasibility the W hile facilities banking adequate other with .branch we support ithem , mplementing requirements these of intent the connection in institutions d -. epository non to matter leaves bill Senate the even that note We discretion and Securities the of (S Commission ),Exchange EC and SEC the and between consultation regular requires only atremendous require would closing branch every with of amount provision ab If notice closing ranch is be to resources Wcommend .e Board Reserve Federal for Senate the that recognizing ,we enacted the in located branches to limited be it that suggest requirements aproblem is there these making in to only apply .urge institutions depository We step one this carry to you legislation the make and further all to evenhandedly apply moderate or low areas .income Congress by recognition the appreciate do We of kind any that advance office regarding provision notice have would closings institutions related offering . services or products financial potentially FSLIC of ability the for implications devastating insolvent and deteriorating with dealing in quickly act to ame At ,w level technical no have ore to of concept the objection 133 tool au percentage annual shopping primary the yield niform .as institutions E "in entitled subsection The of case . xception ,b situation this aut Acquisition Emergency of "part ddresses FSLIC some leaves unprotected actions with .As recommended we ,any 404 section to respect an include should provision notice our this ,w However note ac is from e hange regulations existing annual and interest simple to prominence equal give which yield .Hthange ,i ac necessitate will in ence percentage requiring .W expectation that believe customer e prominence equal percentage for simple of rate annual the and yield )actions (m 408 and 406 both for .exemption adequate provide would interest an requiring without disclosure . practices advertising existing of reversal abrupt Subtitle - ruth E Savings T in Sections 441 through 453 Subtitle --Home Loan Requirements Equity consistently Board Bank The supported has the objectives overall current Our regulations truth of incorporate savings in many . of 443 sections of bill (c)oa.provisions 444 House the fnd Sections through 461 467 Bank ,since Furthermore the 1969 required prescribed has Board demonstrated has Board Bank The commitment its adequate to of lines equity home regarding disclosure including by credit certificate savings for .disclosures forms 11 substantially Eisimilar Subtitle s VI Title to s.1886 of the F inancial Modernization Act H ,w one believe " e 1988. of owever House the between difference is versions Senate and extremely addressed .needs ,athe important be to nd of VI Title Senate entitled is bill "T ruth Investments and Savings in contains and Disclosure -"R of eview Requirements 613 Esection Open for nd ."Tdoes Companies Investment Management bill House not he non ofepository issue the address institutions .-d all at initial its in loans 5,1such February of proposal for 987 S,mortgage ubsequently m -rany .adjustable disclosures ate institutions commented difficulties the on applying in inherent requirements closed the open -e .to loans nd both Since the and Board Reserve Federal been had Congress the on working bodies these to deferred ,we requirements equity home separate final . rule our from lines equity home exempted and -14 ,w1987 ver our of principles the by stand to continue e ,timplementation view our aIn such for schedule she ignificant .This ler.gthened be should provision based is recommendation with institutions working experience recent our on directly Act and Availability Funds Expedited the with comply to preparing adjustable for disclosures governing .-rregulations mortgages ate ,a institution each For pplying own its to regulation implementation ainto takes steps for place putting and programs considerable ,t addition In all that fact amount he time of oferiod ap within enacted being are regulations these 18 to 12 aconsiderable puts months on burden administrative cumulative institutions .financial Technical Matters be to need believe we which matters technical several are There discussed be will addressed with .These staff your . 134 135 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you, Mr. Martin . Mr. Martin , don't you come originally from Columbus, WI ? Mr. MARTIN . Cincinnati. STATEMENT OF L. WILLIAM SEIDMAN, CHAIRMAN , FEDERAL MIRAGE CONSUMERISM First, we believe a good part of the H.R. 5094 really represents mirage consumerism , and that is defined as an effort to correct a problem that doesn't exist. This is so at least as to almost all the banks for which we are the principal regulator. 136 In the Community Reinvestment Act area, our experience and record shows that banks have complied , to a very significant extent, with existing law . The small number of consumer com plaints and protests we have received and few public comments we have found in the banks' CRA public files support this finding. 137 Our third point, Mr. Chairman , is that many of the title provi sions would place banks in an unfair position vis - a -vis financial service competitors by requiring banks to incur costs not required by their competitors. Mr. morning .Good Committee the of members and Chairman Iam pleased to TESTIMONY OF views offer Deposit of Federal Corporation Insurance the on various provisions -related consumer IV Title in Institutions Depository the of Act TIV ,Hitle (1969 .R. ").5094 SEIDMAN WILLIAM L. Introduction several amend would IV Title consumer banking existing -related and laws ON Samend anTitle .establish ones new of pecifically umber would ,the Reinvestment Community the substantially (CRA 1977 ");rAct of each equire to agencies regulatory bank federal the aseparate establish division DH.R. OF IV ,TITLE 5094 EPOSITORY 1988 ACT INSTITUTIONS applicable with compliance nforce protection ;consumer laws and examine offer to banks require prescribed for account an check and checking -cashing requirements ,and services notice impose national of closing the on bank THE BEFORE branches . includes also IV Title previously bills two the by passed of House AFFAIRS ,HOUSING BANKING ON COMMITTEE URBAN AND banks on requirements additional imposes 3011 (H.R. loans equity home ).making below discussed As sympathetic ,we are objectives social the to through sought . IV Title of provisions various the provisions those concerns serious have We ,thhat owever particularly when might aggregate the in taken many and safe -sjeopardize of operation ound the where banks smaller 10:00 a.m. Further these of costs implementation quite be could provisions , .new onerous on costs additional these imposing especially be would industry banking the financial the in competitors bank since unfair be not would Industry services 138 till the savings in ruth )(H"that ab176 .R. nd Representatives : -2 -3 .Mertain requirements same the to ,csubject IV Title of provisions oreover annual the that estimated is boverhead ,It salaries for costs tenefits ravel dof existing tand ,asare extent ouplicative ignificant effective largely separate two operating of items administrative other and at be would divisions and federal .regulations procedures examination $1million least compliance consumer the retaining than more .Ahere Supervision Bank of Division our in ,tprogram additional be would lso the ,the "paFurthermore Iwreform Title of eliminate ould rovisions gency of aresult as banks to costs significant by caused disruption the potentially and banks the in teams examination separate two of presence the toffective essential is that operation -eflexibility cost and efficient of ,without FDIC effectiveness the improving compliance our the both in supervision of success and effectiveness diminished elaborated as -reasons these For We below on cannot support . supervision and .-ssafety areas consumer and oundness .the IV Title of provisions and compliance consumer between interrelationship important an is There examinations s nd aoundness -safety banks between correlation some with -- Reforms ."Mandated Agency compliance . nd aproblems -ssafety with those and concerns oundness a As is both ,itnified result that auimportant in managed be functions and the on .effect functions supervisory and examination FDIC's examination enforcement and a pecial ,sMandating eparate consistent manner . its structure to needed flexibility of FDIC the deprive would division section This asdivision of creation the mandate "icwould federal each nonsumer eparate compliance -e cost most the ain impose would and manner operations ffective examination -related consumer of enforcement and the oversee to agency banking ,including regulations and .laws CRA the inefficient . and ineffectual be would believe we that structure staffed be would division new Each conducting charged examiners compliance consumer of corps own its with Title changes The impose would IV unnecessary .are -site on separate with compliance for institutions insured of examinations FDIC ,the 1986 December In reports director whose Affairs Consumer of Office independent an established -related .consumer regulations and laws .One Chairman Office to directly responsibilities the of Affairs Consumer of Office independently monitor to is the and progress compliance consumer our of effectiveness enforcement and examination program aseparate of creation the believes FDIC The division examination additional inefficient costly prove ,pwould counterproductive and our in articularly Directors : recommendations of Board FDIC the to appropriate make and This the monitoring in Supervision Bank of Division our with closely works office rotur .Iwould banks small ?of splithousands supervises which agency the requiring by efforts examination of aparallel establishment corps consumer to solely devoted .examiners compliance 139 rreforms IV Title of 411 ,"aSection gency equiring dwould have isruptive " examiners of corps Two . administer to expensive be would divisions separate by supervised . program examination compliance consumer -5 4 . eight FDIC's the of each In ,tis offices regional here Consumer one least at appropriate the when reduce to decision ,examiner made was force Specialist /Civil Affairs Rights for responsible examination the overseeing conditions changed .Over past the have we years three increased our staff . so do to continue will and substantially have .Wcadre regions respective the in program to continue also e asmall of particular dedicated ,wIne are to who examiners field consumer in specialize examinations .compliance reestablishing credible sa trong and for program compliance consumer examinations enforcement and within supervision established division .our Office ,the addition In Washington Supervision Bank Division our of was .The recently reorganized in changes administrative included reorganization matters -related consumer of handling .the insufficient Despite and staffing record recent the bank of ,numbers failures able areesult ,wAs are provide to consumer the in oversight regulatory .improved area compliance the increased have we consumer of number examinations compliance examiner and over programs training years two past .the These various enhanced have collectively taken efforts to ability FDIC's the substantially ,the fact In examinations of number percent 97 by increased past the .during alone year of number the expect We responsibilities enforcement and examination its discharge consumer for examinations compliance approximately by increase to percent 60 another in . regulations and laws compliance have We at1988. gone wo examination compliance ear y-to 1,consumer for cycle rleast 5-ated and Fourwill banks at examined abe once 3-r2aated nd .banks 140 to presented testimony CRA our in detailed 1988 March Committee this ,As . year had has FDIC past recent the in specialty from away examiners draw to compliance ,iaddress areas consumer toncluding serious very the -a safety nd to continuing are We enforcement our evaluate program rcompliance a.Aesult s industry the in problems soundness number ,tar.Ahe s esult consumer of evaluation plan ,wthis e strengthen further to our consumer of cadre compliance examination ,aspecialists as well s enhanced provide consumer . declined examinations compliance to training compliance ssafety -aour oundness nd that so examiners may they shortfall examiner The substantially only not attributable was the to increased supplement effectively more compliance consumer of work .the specialists fully is program this When ,wwill have implemented aceonsumer compliance an ,bFDIC banks problem of number to also ut reduce 1978 in decision policy At it time that thought was regulatory our . examiners bank of number its field of each in coordinator our offices 94 numbering currently in SO Consumer more or one the to addition Specialists /Civil Affairs Rights in now -site on traditional fewer with accomplished be could responsibilities banks ,especially examinations ratings satisfactory with .for supplement To . offices regional eight our of each specialists These compliance are ,experts wbe will .who charge ith responsibility acto ontinuing maintain ompliance surveillance ,wberief efforts examination reduced our offsite increased used rnd visitations state on eliance awhere ,increased appropriate regulators Abeen . lthough discipline market supervision of level this have may . effective and timely both is which program enforcement ..1 -6 to efforts continuing our and progress this of light In that on improve abank's of disclosure public require would also bill .The rating numerical examination ,weegislatively alrecord believe consumer mandated division function : by impair examination the could ratings of release The been have hearings No the in held counterproductive and unwarranted be .would . issue this on House afinancial between discussions frank and open Deterring institution cand , osts structure the When of benefits an such analyzed thoroughly are that ,tapproach show facts he is measure the regulator :it relationship adversarial an create and Consequently ,we Congress urge to for especially .inappropriate FDIC the within functions enforcement and examination the manage to effort this reject acompliance have that institutions effecting Adversely but problem • nd ;ato it correct trying are . FDIC the 1977 of Act Reinvestment Community the to Amendments afederal as ratings the use to institutions Causing endorsement . advertising in .standard 5094 H.R. of IV Title significant make would changes -reaching far and the in weor which most fchanges believe ,athe part re Act Reinvestment Community of method internal an as ratings examination numerical uses currently FDIC The accountability and requirements of context the in holding bank company . applications its soundness and safety bit ,asummarizing performance CRA in does sank's rating bank's asEach is for FDIC the by made judgment ubjective . supervision those of most that believe We be to prove would requirements banks not provide to intended only .Tsupervisory are ratings hose purposes those .Hince counterproductive and ,scostly the within are provisions owever will we Board Reserve Federal the of .purview them address not approval aGood with of seal ."Housekeeping Instead w ,e other to comments our will .limit bill the in contained changes CRA performance CRA aggregate release currently regulators bank federal The Examination .Talso Council FDIC provides he through public the to ratings reports under institutions to examination of section open the and ratings its require .Title Evaluations Written would IV examination CRA each after that agencies banking federal evaluation awthe prepare ritten , nd of attach . supervision its record ,tnumerical to institution's rating he of needs credit the meeting in public CRA of .S community its ap now are assessments the ummary inart file . request upon public community and Consumer an monitor can groups . tables aggregation HMDA of practice current FDIC's the to comments and ratings providing institutions statement CRA the obtaining by performance institution's -1f,torms HMDA and he addition in ,we Po IV Title in provision the to alternative an As that suggest connection FDIC the to submitted applications with and provided are sthe .wummary ithout aassessment prepare also regulators .the required file CRA public its in include to ,which rating be would bank 141 significantly CRA increased .Many unnecessary entail provisions the of 8 - -9 evaluations that important is performance bfocus aon of ank's dcIt areful Because agencies dhave uniform athe efined system already ,rating place in msummary arating in done be cannot that -dechanical single igit .shorthand evidence with that inadequate it wis e reason no see nintroduce ew ,ato statutorily mandated rating .CRA system IV Title would require also the that System Rating Performance .Mandated review plan We to system that and revisions consider acpossible basis ontinuous .on regulators bank adopt numerical rescribed system -rapfederal ating .CRA The t"ratings l-eor from range would xcellent 5-pooor substantial . collection Data Performance also IV Title require would that banking the . noncompliance jdata a oint develop agencies collecting for format depository from connection in institutions examinations CRA .with have already agencies jThe assessment CRA oint provides that system arating and uniform comprehensive regulatory for means subjective to agencies f,ain investments loans inancial community local development projects nd performance the institution inancial explanation .Acafevaluate an of opy rating current The developed was system jointly .of attached is system that the . Council Examination through agencies by would data ,iThis include n ihousing lsmall -part moderate ncome owbusiness ,sand loans mall farm participation government in insurance loan private and housing for .programs businesses .small farms and after only adopted was It requirement would s aThis impose erious regulators upon burden examiners and ssystem ,wtatutorily aThus that believe e rating CRA mandated not is would burden The institutions financial to over carry regulators the as eupervisory swfundamentally a,More whether question as such tool necessary burden That particularly would . data the submit to them request be onerous if should arating system legislated be left better is or design agency for and revisions necessary as . institutions those develop must adata capture maintenance and system order in information the have readily available .to Committee Banking House The alleges Report current ,under that the rating CRA inflated been ,rbecause system have atings percent 98 depository the of institutions are two the in categories highest performance believe .of ,We the ,tis however reason hat high ratings aggregate are banks because substantial compliance inhe regulation the .Twith consumer of number small the received protests and complaints have we comments public few banks the in found 'CRA files public finding this .support would provision This the prescribed that require adata in collected wbe ay under that to similar Disclosure Mortgage Home the ( MDA ").HAct has and costly very be to proven agencies the for consuming time ,and data collected under have HMDA A moderately only been useful consumers .to Federal the by survey 1984-1985 Examination Institutions Financial Council Edata Council ( xamination ")o f depositories central use the on HMDA of approximately that showed responding the of percent 64 depositories said HMDA their been had data the used .by Tpublic depositories he that kept 142 considered ,rpublic sought agencies the carefully and oneceived comments . system -10 -11 the on records of number reported data only five requests to one in a.Tbe , nd comments interim counterproductive thus particularly would his aggregation HMDA The presently project agencies the costs two years . existence the because unfortunate comments public of in use we factor one is approximately $180,000 per and administer year predicted is cost this to considerably next year .rise aCRA .scheduling examination such collections of costs The increase would significantly ifackdoor is HMOA bexpanded the "-through - the ,with namely regulatory ,tagencies addition In and complainthave -phe CRA rotest collection data new the under requirements .proposed CRA indicate that place in procedures consumers whom to and where write may .Thus performance institution's an on comment ,w CRA the believe e no been has There justification -benefit cost provision this for relative to publication requirements unnecessary .are to or consumers either banking federal the tagencies ,.Inhis addition requirement -collection data conflict would the Congressional with to mandate Boards Review Community of Establishment institutions financial on burden paperwork the .reduce require would IV Title of 412 Section Reserve each that Federal establish Bank Examination of Notice .Srequire 405 ection would IV Title the that federal representatives . the Governors of Board The System Reserve Federal abalanced has m-3presently with Council Advisory Consumer 0ore ember unlikely is ,ithree Thus publication that .t banks smaller in days the on . consumers and institutions financial of representation proposed The commences examination date would public for allow to comments the reach ,but costly prove only not would .legislation duplicative largely time inhere examiner respond to examination the during .them A ,t are lso examinations when times must rescheduled be very .on notice short advisory FDIC acThe have not Federal the to similar Council does onsumer ;heowever Board's ,wReserve both to efforts outreach our up stepped have allows system present The comments public CRA our reach to .Wfor examiners e .Dwith bankers ,wconsumers 1988 and 1987 sessions two held euring organizations community and consumer encourage to comments -related CRA submit in organizations rights civil protection consumer and groups community regulatory the te banks agencies ongoing on basis and not an when only other and reinvestment community on views of exchange an for Washington tohich about wexamination ,is occur only be may every once years .Otwo ur these productive -reelated .Wconsumer issues found meetings to plan an regulations require that pbank aeach maintain ublic comments of file its on performance .CRA . examination an of course various .Wparts events such continue in conduct also e Country the of Abank's CRA reviewed file is examiners our by during the publication proposed The requirement discourage may regulations CRA where seminars -rcompliance consumer other and laws elated .are addressed 143 provide agencies banking notice public examination aCon of RA day same the he examination Cduration review aTbegins of RA .the usually is one only to "taCconsumer Board Review with weighted heavily -ois hat riented ommunity -12 -13 Account Services Financial Equity and Savings in Iruth Home the Requirements Lean Title of 422 Section require would IV establish to Financial a"Bbanks asic supports FDIC The disclosures uniform clear and connection in with making the Services Account hat tincludes a" ransaction component permitting ten to up withdrawals gper a overnment and check feature generally .W-cmonth eashing loans bank offering the and deposit Hproducts owever concerned ,w.of are e shome :when navings he rut requirements -e"alittha nd quity oan layered such ofine offering the encourage to efforts ."s-lfavor ife ervices In IV Title in provisions other the of top on significant impose and ,would -- the ,the 1986 joined FDIC regulators bank federal other adopting in November industry ,unmanageable banks many for the on burdens .new Statement "Joint Council's Examination the Policy Financial Basic on ." Services is .statement attached Ac of that opy l"-siIf tshould ntegislation avings , ruth enacted be is all to apply financial ientities investment companies consumers .M, ncluding any have today be to appears and place in is statement policy .The successful American An ew rfunds -mthe money in savings ,their arket .Ifather institutions banking than shows survey Association Bankers 52 banks all of percent that 70 and from benefit to is public the of disclosures savings terms and cost - some offer basic type of $1billion assets with those of percent -more or is This percent 44 from up year .one ago be cot onsumers savings all compare to able ,n-tmust accounts ype aThus , lthough we furnishing accounts ife ofine banking ,"g-lfavor the iven industry's financial bye offered those therefore .Wjust institutions to 1507 S. prefer .counterpart IV Title in its ,wetandardized addition asIn believe of method regulators the to adherence current ,l'pegislation statement olicy seems unnecessary . asould interest calculating the in proposed ,wmake 6111 Senate disclosures . voluminous and confusing less ,we cashing check government regard with of extent the question to continue problems this .in area home the to regard emany -lWith disclosures oan quity ,tbill in parallels his indicate not do records Our asignificant of number government concerning inquiries or complaints . cashing check requirements the respects adjustable uniform FDIC's of mortgage rate we .Although rule objective the endorse providing of with consumers pertinent the believe We afor , dditional disclosures unnecessarily be may confusing a be would account customer the establish to necessary process registration ,adding institutions burden paperwork to on passed ultimately costs the 144 . account banking costly unduly and .consumers banks to consumers . Opportunity Credit Equal Act Amendments Title ofCOA 481 Section amend would IV Credit Opportunity Equal the ")(EAct business subject specifically to loans commercial and recordkeeping the .1-5 -14 notices action adverse and .requirements ECOA under imposed Banks Falling and Failed for Exception Branch .Closing concerned are We proposed of notice provide Comptroller the to closing Currency that .Aetinimum industry the upon impose ,wamwould suggest be banks small Comptroller Wperiods the defer e his to as time specified .within .Inrovision requirement this from ,apexempted addition of VIII Title in amend would 5094 H.R. ECOA the denied not is credit that ensure to similar to immediately our .But provision this on comments substantive preceding Title the of 403 Section on comment specified that request we -- any of basis the on Oindividuals . ur pursued study course not do records aproblem .reveal area this in of 432 Section national require would IV Title close to propose that banks abranch burdens administrative and recordkeeping additional the about provision this be title in requirement notification closing branch the to exceptions ,we Therefore question of necessity the .We situations bank failing and failed all include to expanded request also . provision organized bhich ,"wthat banks national are ridge operate to FDIC the by ,also sold can they until banks .closed excluded be Provisions Other .Section Banks Falling and Failed for Exception CRA would IV Title of 403 Conclusion Board Reserve Federal the prohibit applications certain approving from bank by exceptions specified with -- 145 unless companies holding ,we conclusion In unreasonable impose would 5094 H.R. of IV Title that believe holding bank the -- when atime at regulators institutions financial on burdens new costly and obetter "2community under ifrmputed an has company rating reinvestment apressures .-ssafety concern particular of are nd oundness general .One system rating prescribed the from exclusion specific rule ,we Thus cannot .Inegency IV Title in provisions ,wsupport "aparticular the believe (f)of 13 Section under companies holding bank by acquired banks to apply would "would reforms and efficient an to essential is that flexibility the eliminate Act Insurance Deposit Federal ").the (Act effective supervisory our in improvement for need the acknowledge program .We (f). nvolves 13 aiemergency -Section FDIC only ssisted Interstate acquisitions this that prefer We exclusion not clarify to broadened be banks only .Heowever operations compliance ,wconsumer our bolster to steps taken have . programs (f)out 13 Section under acquired the f banks ,bAct failing or failed all .Title IV of objectives social positive the recognize We Section under transactions through companies holding bank by (6)oacquired 13 f However are ,we about would concerned aggregate in provisions those effect the on have ,wmputed Act the excluded ould company's abrating from holding ank ."ibe ultimately would who consumer and industry .banking costs the bear affording of objective the with consistent be would amendment suggested This fservices ,tinancial 'Moreover banks to apply not would requirements hese failed involving transactions to treatment CRA and .relaxed banks failing would providers service financial of treatment inconsistent This . competitors - ompetitive anti and unfair -16 tAdditionally , here no been has or review major cost the of bstudy urdens the of benefits and consumer proposed numerous or laws protection past over enacted laws urge .W years 20 e committees appropriate the of eprovide ,Congress reviews such for specially respect with the to of impact CUT.Clative on laws various the institutions financial industry public general the and ending such of s.Petudy a,wcompletion urge moratorium further on initiatives new broad consumer the in area protection . IV Title in contained those as such Committee the of members and Chairman Mr. you Thank ,for an FDIC giving . issues these on views our express to opportunity will We pleased be to . questions any to respond 146 Attachments 147 A Aboardix a UNIFORM INTE ENCY Rating ( 1) – The institutions in this group have a strong COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT ( CRA) ASSESSMENT RATING SYSTEM record of meeting community credit needs. Born tne board of directors and management take an active pan in the process and demonstrate an affirmative commit ment to the community. Institutions receiving this rating normally rank high in all performance categories. Such Introduction The purpose of the rating system is to provide a uniform means for regulatory agencies to identity quickly those institutions which require varying degrees of en. couragement in helping to meet community credit needs. This provides a comprehensive and unitorm institutions have a commendable record and need no turther encouragement. Rating ( 2 ) - Institutions in this group have a satisfac . tory record of helping to meet comriunity credit needs Institutions receiving this rating normally are ranked in the satisfactory levels of the pertormance categories Institutions in this category may require some en . couragement to help meet community credit needs. Rating ( 3 ) - Institutions in this group have a less than satisfactory record of helping to meet community credit needs. The board of directors and management have not placed strong emphasis on the credit needs of the community. Institutions receiving this rating have mixed rankings surrounding the mid -range levels of the per . formance categories. Such institutions require en . couragement to help most community credit needs. system for evaluating theperformance of federally regu . lated financial institutions examined under the various assessmeni factors of the Community Reinvestment Act and facilitates more unitorm and objective CRA ratings. The rating system ranks financial institutions on a scale from 1 through 5 with a " 5" representing the lowest level of portormance under the Act and, therefore, the high est degree of concern . Lovel 3 reflects portormance which is less than satistactory. This system furthor omploys fivo “ performance cat. Rating ( 1) - Institutions in this group have an un. egories' or components from which the overall com satisfactory record of helping to meet community credit noods. The board of directors and management give posite CRA rating is derived . The portormanco cat. ogonios represent a grouping of the various assessment factors contained in the implementing regulation for the inadequato consideration to the credit needs of the institution's community. Institutions receiving this rating generally rank below satistactory in the majority of the performanco categorios. Such institutions require Act. Each portormance category is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 with a '5' representing the lowest level and thorofore the worst portormance. As explained lator, each portormance category includes a narrative strong encouragement to help meet community credit noods. description for oach rating lovel. Institutions in this group have a sub Rating ( 5 ) stantally inadoquate record of helping to meet commu noods. The board of directors and manage credit nity mont appear to give little consideration to the credit needs ofthe institution's community. Institutions receiv . Overview Each financial institution is assigned a composito CRA rating that is based upon the institution's portormance in mooting various community credit noods.An examiner ing this rating generally rank in the lowest levels of the portormanco Catogorios. Such institutions require the strongest encouragement to be responsive to commu. begins to ovaluate the institution's record in mooting financial community credit noods by first reviewing its local acon condition and size, logal impodimonts, and nity credit noods. omic conditions, including the competitive environment in which it operates. The type of community in which the Portormance Categories For purposes of evaluating an institution's CRA per. institution is located will also have a significant bearing on how the institution fulfills its obligations to the com formance the various assessment factors and criteria aro grouped into the following " portormance cat munity. Community credit noods will ohon ditter with the specific characteristics of onch local community, ro sulting in a variety of ways an institution may most those noods. To maintain a balanced perspective examinars must carotully consider intormation provided by both the institution and the community . egories " : I. Community Credit Noods and Merketing Composite Rating The pertormance categories are individually assigned a numeric rating . In assigning the overall composito CRA rating, the performance categories will be weighod and ovaluated according to howwell the institution moats the doscnptive characteristics listed below . Appendix A 5 Raong Systems ( 12-86 ) 148 А Adoondiz types and amounts of credit extended to the com . reach all segments of its community. Community munity and the degree to which those extensions segments should include low• and moderate . are , in fact , helping to meet the community s needs. Included in this category are assessment factors ( i ) income residents . small businesses and . where applicable. owners of small farms . Management has also established working relationships with real estate brokers and others who serve low . and moderate -income areas and who may provide as . sistance for small or minority businesses. There is evidence that senior management is awa'e c community concerns and activities. The institution has undertaken Rating Level 2 activities to determine its community's credit needs As a result of these activities, the institution is gen . erally aware of the credit needs within its commu. nity, including low , and moderate - income areas . The institution has initiated a dialogue with commu . nity representatives such as local government . noighborhood , religious, and minority organ . izations, or small business and small farm organ izations. The institution has undertaken marketing and credit related programs but the programs are not ongoing or comprehensive. Senior manage mont demonstrates an awareness of community concerns and activities. Rating Lovol 3 - The institution's activities to de tormine community credit noods are limited. The institution's employoos may serve as volunteers on Portormance Category Ratings 1. Community Credit Needs and Marketing community organization boards and committees. Howover, the institution has notestablished a syste matic method to determine how or ii its employees volunteerism assists the institution in meeting its CRA goals. The institution's advertising may be principally deposit oriented. In addition , the insti tution generally has made no ottons to market its services on an equal basis to all segments of its community. Marketing and credit related programs do not include a mechanism for roaching low . End modorate-incomo areas within the dolinoated . community . The institution's marketing effort does not adequately focus on marketing the types of credit for which the institution has identified a neod ( or a neod is otherwise apparent) . There may also be somo concern about the community delineation . Rating Lovel 4 – The institution's efforts to deter. mino community credit noods are very limited and fail to address major segments of its community . Management has not established a dialogue with organizations roprosentative of the community, in. cluding any which represent low- and moderato income or minortty neighborhoods within the do lineatod community. The institution's marketing and credit related programs are limited or poorly con ceived. There may also be some concom about the community dolineation. Senior managemont is un awaro of special noods of low- and moderate income residents, small business and small farms. Rating Lovel5 - Tho institution has not undertaken any moaningtui offorts to determine community Appendur A Radng Systems ( 12-46 ) 149 A Appercix credit needs. Management has limited knowledge regarding the community's demographic charac teristics. The institution's marketing and credit re lated programs are either non -existent or have re peatedly excluded low. and moderate - income ar. eas within the delineated community. There may also be some concern about the community de moderate -income areas. Its participation in private . as well as government insured. guaranteed or sub sidy loan programs is either pretunctory or none . xistent, under circumstances where the need for such loans has been idenufied and the lender can articulate no objective supportable reason for its iow level of participation . Rating Level 5 The institution is unwilling to adapt its credit offerings to serve demonstrated unmet credit needs in its community . Daticularly for hous . ing . small business or small farm credit. This raling would be particularly appropriate where the lende ! s failure to meet these needs was cited in a previous Appendur A Rading Systems ( 12-46 ) 150 A Apoondix Rating Level 3 – The geographic distribution of the - Rating Level 3 The institution is in less than institution's credit extensions, applications and den . satisfactory compliance with antidiscrimination and ials may suggest unreasonable lending patterns. Management has not antempted to review its lend . ing policies and procedures or to analyze the insti . tution's lending patterns within its community . Tlie institution s reco's of opening and closing offices ar d its provision for services at its offices may indicate a disparity of treatmeni between contain areas within ! s community. Such a disparity is iso other credit laws . Rating Level 4 lated and not an overall intentional pattern or prac. tice. Management has plans to undertake immedi ate steps to restore reasonably equal service to any attected areas . The geographic distribution of Rating Level 4 credit extensions, applications and denials reveal unreasonable lending patterns. particularly in low and moderate - income neighborhoods or areas of racial/ethnic concentration . The geographic dis. tribution of applications may indicate a possible pattern or practice of discouraging or illegally pre screening applications. The institution's record of opening and closing offices and the provisions of services at its offices may suggest a pattern of disparate treatment of minority or low . and moderate - income neighborhoods . The record might portray an institution that has systematically sought to close or curtail services at offices serving minority or less affluent neighborhoods while open ing new offices in developing, majority or upper. income areas . The geographic distribution of Rating Level 5 credit extensions, applications and denials rovoals - extensive , systematic, and unreasonable londing patterns. The institution has adopted loan policios and procedures. Such as unjustifiably high minimum mortgage amounts or down payments or restric. tions based on the age of property , which have or can reasonably be expected to have a significantly adverso impact on loan availability in low- and moderato -income or minority neighborhoods.The institution's record of opening and closing offices and the provision of services at its offices suggest a continuing pattern of disparato treatment of minority or low. and moderato -income neighborhoods. Where this was proviously cited , management has Appendix A Rating Systems ( 12-46 ) 151 A Appendix covered previously, to help meet community credit Rating Level 5 noods. Management may be unaware of the CRA regulations ' encouragement of institution in. volvement in community developmentir @ . development programs. Appender a Rating Systems ( 12-46 ) Council Eumination Institutions Financial Federal -2 adaptation suchU While be may to response necessary competitive ,considerable markets concern developed has potential the about of impact 2000 D Guite 1776 .WSN ,701 treet ashington WC effectively changes these in or denying convenient reducing access many of individuals to payments the and system depositories safe small for Services Financial Basic on Statement Policy Joint availability credit Because savings dependent often is on . account an inancial afrelationship ,or institution ccess low for credit to -iwith ncome ,Federal System Reserve Federal the Governors of Board The Deposit State Bank Supervisors National , Associatio n State of .may affected adversely be also consumers young Board ,NHome Union Credit Fational Corporation Insurance Bank Loan ederal ishad While ignificant consumers of number have never deposit Office ,CAdministration currency Comptroller the of onference research ,some studies declines reflect ownership account in may that Credit Union bexample ,For etween 1977 concern for cause proportion 1983 and .be the of National Loan ,and and Savings State of Association Supervisors by headed having •yfamilies person accounts ,ichecking decreased sounger tride of efforts the encourage to statement policy joint this 1ssuing are number families lowest the rfrom ,did group income egardless age .of individual and associations of offering the regarding institutions depository young of proportion The having or isfamilies either Icavings hecking cause the while . declined also account declines these of always not is ,the asclear that suggest do surveys or individuals of number ignificant increased from competition years ,dchanged to part in ue few past the over 152 financial services "b.' asic dfamilles aeposit have not relationship kind any of .do ,increased structure Institution depository traditional the outside of cost ,and rates of deregulation following .funds volatility rate interest strategies institutions to had have new adopt aconsequence As ,m ny federal the both level state arand as esult concerns these .of The industr y tly also ns independen financial has institutio responded .M have any gnd services their mmarket ,aincome .Srisk costs reduce ome enerate anage undertake to develop implement and measures new meet aininum consumer n their price explicitly to begun have ,cinstitutions products or onsolidate n uch needs ,sand services basic offering are -cThey low transactio as .ost .elimina offices ,and unprofitable be branch close to believe they services te instances many ,iIn charges service increased have new mposeú nstitutions balance ,arequirements fees minimum raised . nd low with accounts auvings , ccounts balances minimum no or who consumers for checks limited use of ,anumber drafts or other nd minimal which on accounts made are charges Iwintenance .account nstitutions have that years for Tanking abV issued previously Currency the of Comptroller circular he . •3 offered services such particular to groups customers of are advertising now availability their widely institutions .Omore ther exploring are and finding ways to maintain physical in presence low and :could usefully programs These Encourage members and offer to appropriately publicize 1. moderate i - ncome neighborhoods reducing while even expense the normally associated full with .branch too Tfacilities groups rade joined have efforts these in to above . offering the encourage services such of prices affordable .at American The Consumer and Bankers Association example or ,hfave availability current the Survey services such of among 2. institutions .member members available Make to providing not services such 3. their upon called members continuing the address to interest besic in banking services . reflecting material experiences successful the of organizations .other agencies member The Federal the of Institutions Financial Examination Council and associations the of supervisors state wish encourage to such efforts trade by associations individual and depository Institutions that business specific Wpractices the type .sound oservices ,of will fhile ,vary course of because needs local differences characteristics the in and individual institutions encourage ,wofe efforts certain meet to minimum consumers all of particular n :,ineeds 153 offering the promote baste cfinancial ,of services onsistent safe with and 154 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you very much, Chairman Seidman . DELAY IN ESTABLISHING SECURITIES SUBSIDIARIES According to an ABA Commission analysis, the House bill would delay the ability of bank holding companies from establishing secu rities subsidiaries by as much as 2 years. This stems from the rule making process required for adopting new CRA rating standards and from the subsequent exams. ess . There is a 45 -day comment period that only begins after exami nations have taken place and after the applicant has had to under take newspaper advertising in various local communities. In some cases this may mean a prolonged period before the comment period could even start. Then there is the 45 -day public comment period, and then beyond that there is the possibility of extensions on com ments. Once that process has been finished and the application has been reviewed and decided, there is still a follow -up process for cer tain cases which could extend easily into a 2 -year period before ev erything is final. 155 We are sympathetic to the social objectives sought through the various provisions of title IV . We have serious concerns, however, that those provisions, particularly when taken in the aggregate, might jeopardize the safe and sound operation of many smaller banks where the implementation costs of these new provisions could be quite onerous. EXEMPTIONS FROM CERTAIN EQUAL CREDIT OPPORTUNITY ACT > 90-163 0 - 88 - 6 156 rights every time a transaction takes place, especially in the busi ness creditarea, because of things like trade financing and special large transactions. 157 As I mentioned in my opening statement, doesn't a rating system like that sort of guarantee that you get put in the old bell curve? Some of them you just simplyhave to say are not performing be cause they are not doing as well as some others; they are still doing a good job but you may get half of them on the bottom of that bell curve ? DECLINE IN NUMBER OF FAMILIES USING THE BANKING SYSTEM Mr. Johnson , I wonder if that statement coincides with informa tion available to the Federal Reserve System and, if so, what is the explanation for that declining percentage of American families using the banking system ? 158 have constantly resisted the notion of a specific requirement at a fixed price. a 159 As I stated in my testimony, I believe our examinations involve looking at both; that is, both process and performance. However, it is not our policy to require banks to make particular kindsof loans or specified amounts in a given area in some rela tionship to the demographic makeup of that area. That, in my opinion , would be a form of credit allocation, which the Board has long held is properly a legislative function rather than a function of this or any other agency to take upon itself. 160 As I said , we have not completed the Detroit assessment, and we would be happy to communicate our findings when we do. OPPOSITION TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF CRA RATINGS Mr. Seidman , in your testimony, you oppose public disclosure of the Community Reinvestment Act ratings because you indicate, and I quote, " institutions would use the ratings as a Federal en dorsement in advertising," close quote. > 161 That seems to me to be a much more equitable way to deal with the situation and make it possible then to have a seal of approval. 162 I frankly think that safety and soundness in this environment we're operating should be the overriding criteria in looking at these provisions. a Senator SASSER . Mr. Chairman . The CHAIRMAN . I beg your pardon. SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS OF INSTITUTIONS Mr. CLARKE . To get to your question of what would have the least impact on the safety and soundness of institutions, that would 163 the disclosure provisions already incorporated in the Senate bill with respect to home equity lending and truth -in -savings. We prob ably would also not have any particular objection to requiring that banks provide some kind of notice of branch closings. We've al ready encouraged banks to do that voluntarily. But I think it ought to stop there. That should be a business decision made by the fi nancial institution itself. 164 think the situation in Milwaukee is about the same and it's likely to be about the same elsewhere. 1 165 Mr. CLARKE. Mr. Chairman , we are against disclosure, too , let me explain . 166 that triumvirate - the part charged with the responsibility of as sessing the extent to which banks are meeting the credit needs of their community . STATEMENT OF KENT CARRUTHERS, PRESIDENT, THE CITIZENS CREDIT UNIONS EXEMPTED We are dismayed that the Senate bill exempted credit unions from specific parts of this bill . Community bankers strongly sup port the technical amendments to the Expedited Funds Availability Act, although we are adamantly opposed to the provisions in the House bill that give special treatment to credit union payable through drafts. 167 utilities which should provide congressionally mandated banking services at set prices. SOME SERIOUS DEFICIENCIES First, it does not establish a true account relationship between the bank and the customer. An account relationship, even a life line or basic account, provides the bank and the consumer with the opportunity to develop a banking relationship. 168 Title IV imposes stringent new burdens on banks and bank hold ing companies but does not touch the operations of nonbank banks, securities firms, insurance companies and other companies which also provide financial services. Kent is name y m,Committee the of members and Chairman Mr. m ,iIaPresident Clovis Bank Citizens The of .n Carruthers ew mnd N ,Clovis IaMexico appearing this of behalf on morning .The America of Association Bankers Independent the the is IBAA only that association trade national the represents exclusively TESTIMONY . banks community independent of interests Iappreciate concerns serious present to opportunity the Title in provisions consumer various the about have bankers community ounded awIV with me provides background My -r . ell H.R.5094 of the over issues M.on ab as experience officer these y ank perspective abank as half and two includes years ten past compliance of examiner I ,Iw addition ac bank national for as ommissioned .n officer Comptroller the of several for .Currency years CARRUTHERS KENT OF PRESIDENT consumer the addressing Before Ir. to like 'd ,Missues you thank ,for Chairman in Board Reserve Federal the to letter strong very your regulations .support banks nonbank on IBAA the of know ,t Ahe you s 7 delays which bill House %strongly in provision the opposes BANK CITIZENS THE CLOVIS OF two for cap growth .hope years We idea bad that kill will Senate the Congress considering atime At when is bank new all putting powers except holding bank the in banking to related closely very those , concerns soundness and safety of because structure company MEXICO ,NEW CLOVIS continue to encouraged be not should banks nonbank grandfathered THE OF BEHALF ON Act Company Holding Bank the .circumventing Chairman Fed by stated best was IV Title about concern major Our tranking alhe in Greenspan ,Alan Wylie Congressman to etter minority House the of member :Chairman wrote Greenspan Committee .Banking regulatory "Coming major after soon so the by imposed burden t,w Act Availability Funds his .Expedited atitle as taken ill hole mnew a articularly assive the on burden p ,constitute system banking without banks smaller to resources the regulatory these handle AMERICA OF ASSOCIATION BANKERS INDEPENDENT 169 ON -CONSUMER 5094 H.R. OF PROVISIONS PROTECTION TITLE IV . requirements f , irst Chairman Mr. like Iw ould the on focus to consumer provisions the by supported bill bankers community .of the support We -peassed home .House bill equity Wwould of streamlining some prefer able be to provisions these sand a impler with customers our provide bill Senate the that dismayed are We understandable disclosure .more parts specific from unions credit exempted .Credit bill this of and lending equity home in active very been have special no deserve THE BEFORE ,HOUSING BANKING ON COMMITTEE AFFAIRS URBAN AND STATES UNITED SENATE interest exception .As ,credit consumers entitled are customers union customers .Why disclosures same the to union credit should able be not under would they information same the receive to abank from ?circumstances S988 THURSDAY ,1 8 EPTEMBER , amendments technical the support strongly bankers Community BUILDING SENATE DIRKSEN 538 ROOM OFFICE WASHINGTON ,D.C. ,t bills House and Senate the in o included Funds Expedited .effect Act Availability Till law into went hich hat ,w week last and -k check for opportunities ideal provide take to others iters will Tadvantage changes technical protect help . he system the of the to ,winstitutions Again ada are .e fraud from ntly opposed credit to treatment special gives that bill House the in provision share .union drafts -the payable hrough T availablity funds of success -3 -2 ,if costs and conditions the by determined are accounts these of any processing expedited the to tied is . utilizing checks of Credit unions banks -t payable nonlocal disbursement remote from benefiting and hrough .now local as treated be to items their want nevertheless is Ae it s ,w bank .In customers local its of demands and interests the meet to November an with banking basic of version our created bank my 1986 .Checking "Account ersonal EWe -P , cono balance minimum no set am established $2 of fee for and checks twelve first the .00 onthly ¢fThe 50 .charge cycle the during written check additional each or process .cannot drafts share these to systems automated our on rely We -through payable local of use mandate to either Senate the urge items these handle industry the permit to or unions credit by banks of location processed t ,l is the to ook hat are they where by abank's eliminate would bill House ability as account an establish to I federal into conditions and terms account write would .we t did law ishis .T Board Reserve Federal by set charges and fees the with the with interference government of example excellent an certainly .- hrough bank t payable it because troublesome is legislation savings in truth The inappropriate for alaundry requires disclosures of list balance daily average the about concerned very are We advertisements . .(attachment 1)market # Presently basic utilize 35 only accounts DDA 7400 our of Abanking the about know representatives account new our . ll have just We . it describes literature new our all and account credit union the Senate and bill by required calculation the Federal and requirement that We support .Reserve exemption SEC disclosures adequate receive consumers that insure to together work taken recently has SEC the understanding our is It . funds mutual about .steps industry fund require to mutual the by disclosure complete more interest much had .not it in guarantee There no ais with -designed government meet would account our than success greater . has account Checking Econo . efforts its continue to SEC the urge should Senate The bill House the with problems specific very other several are There .Much IV Title of provisions remaining the oppose strongly We of premise on based is title the essentially are banks that public on the institutions depository gives only bill The banking basic :authority conditions two on account banking basic the close to banking ,w utilities -m Congressionally provide should hich andated ,tservices Unfortunately not does premise at prices set . his ;1cnd overdrafts 2)ap fraudulent of attern onsistent activity .strongly account the involving government Me ,w Chairman protest r community of thousands and banks urban large between differentiate instance apattern tolerate to banks "orequiring .A fraud single fny banks . sufficient be also should activity fraudulent suspected of pattern like We ,r Congress institutions financial large that ecognize account .reason requiring consider even Congress would Why an close to .e fail to allowed be not will But ;W different are banks community bThis ap itself expose ?to fraud of the contradicts ank attern the under outside fall operate utility "p W system eublic upport .s . Some fail to allowed are and system market free the of discipline 150 .banks pace 1987 disturbing the matching , 1988 in far so failed have consumer onerous these consider as mind in this keep to you ask We uprovisions public -lImposing community on requirements tility . ike profit reduce further and costs our increase simply will banks .Omargins community local our is base market only ur serve must We 170 of to reason sufficient than more be should fraud .A account an close . soundness and safety of tenets basic ,the Chairman Mr. IV Title in provision cashing check government still h proposals earlier over improvement an a,iis has towever does ,i First t a establish not rue .t deficiencies serious of number .,t consumer and bank the between relationship account Ihe ndeed cannot bank the that provides bill account other require well it survive to prosper and relationships A.basic ,e relationship account "al nven ifeline or with ,p account consumer and bank the torovides opportunity sets relationship ab develop ,tS bill anking econd . he s tatutory $2per of fee maximum bank costs the address to fails and check of parts three the on comments specific some to now turn me Let bTitle :1)taccount most the us concern which "IV anking asic ;2 he government a service 3tcashing the in );changes check he nd .This checks government cashing in $2fee of costs the cover not would (CRA Act Reinvestment ).Community needed personnel bank additional larger having in expenses the or does ,tvolumes Third bill address adequately not . he hand on cash of the banks that fraud of risk increased all cashing in face would government and account banking basic the drafted presently As the address to fail check bill House in required service cashing population u the of needs "c onsumer nbanked .goal If policy individuals do who those of needs banking the address to is Congress m ac service cashing heck bandating have presently ,not account ank .Those problem this solve not does remain will individuals unbanked should .Congress services banking of mainstream the outside be voluntarily the into population unbanked this bring to ways seeking . checks government checks ,my 1986 November In government cashing began bank 100 approximately cash presently We a$2.00 noncustomers for fee from $1 were months 12 last the over losses My month per checks . 212 IThe checks five ,f instance .each loss for reason the was nraud $1.00 about is cashing the from income bank's ,n check per of et banking system . ,b losses for account not does this check with associated costs the ut banks offer to government all mandating the opposed is IBAA The their own M offer already banks any account .-a overnment d bank esigned g avterms on account banking basic of .version basis oluntary ,The . fee costs or overhead any processing $2.00 the see can you So a is does which charge minimum actual our cover effectively not .bare costs a 2 # )( ttachment -5 -4 'ability agencies the affect could that pressures additional add would that the problem require to is address fraud way best The an into deposit direct government by checks receive their consumers between compromise arbank is deposit Direct easonable .at the account consumer .and the of industry those It banking concerns on withdrawal for availability with -d same ay consumer the provide would lost the being check possibility of day ,eliminate designated potential about concerned also are e soundness .W safety and protect to conflicts for examiners separate have banks when arise could that soundness .consumer safety and issues all bank b that essential is it afelieve ,IAs examiner ormer a of operations and activities commercial the understand examiners safety soundness and conducting in experience Without . bank ,compliance examinations ap overlook easily could .examiner roblem .It bank to is fraud of risk a greatly the reduce and stolen or .F money ,their urthermore aconsumer deliver to means reliable and safe If .there consumer the for relationship account an establishes it are a to training excellent provide examinations soundness and Safety Congress should u ,w"c believe nbanked ofeonsumers numbers significant relationships .of establishment banking encourage the to ways seek believe we which CRA of contains am expansion assive also IV Title all .has about gho "w examiner is banking what of knowledge no reen examiners teach ,consumer Unfortunately not do examinations compliance training examiner's every to essential is This .about .what is banking soundness and the on based is CRA expense safety of the at be would acredit establishing to close uncomfortably comes also IV Title ,which scheme allocation in intent Congressional to contrary clearly is compliance W ab evaluating new the with hen . ank's CRA establishing directs ,the CRA specifically bill emphasize to agency the types three the meet help to premise obligation affirmative an have banks that which .of located are they credit in communities the needs their By have meeting and premise this cbeen support banks , ommunity nature very ,long years for communities their of needs credit the before h :"persons credit of -iousing moderate and low,needs ncome L ." egislation farm and needs credit business small . CRA the of enactment .fAinancial credit of types specific emphasize not should needs credit community its meet to is responsibility institution's CRA were provisions ,Im Chairman Mr. the that acknowledge ust There are Banking .during markup Committee somewhat House the improved this .bill include in elaborated those There not or may which loan to ab on pressure considerable be could its structure ank cafety in portfolio ah get to way ,s rating CRA and ertain igh notwithstanding considerations soundness .believe We CRA of focus the individual of needs credit the meeting on be to continue should community . also bill The entirely an establishes process collection data new holding banks bank and new on burdens significant imposes IV Title million $1 than more with institutions financial for . 00 assets in on information provide to required be would Banks areas specific five credit in result could of types specific on focus This . credit of to CRA achieve order in loans those make banks on pressure great banks nonbank of operations not the touch does ut companies ,b companies also which other and securities ,insurance firms other services ,T deposits take companies . hese financial provide T hese communities .oftentimes firms of out funds the taking may CRA they existing the escape completely ,but credit local some provide without ,p 'compliance applicant an to consideration due Sossibly mcreditworthiness Furthermore ,u required already are banks nder . ost Disclosure Mortgage census (HoMDA Act )tHome by report the tract dollar total number purchase of amount improvement home and originated loans year .each redundant requirement is reporting new A completes annually bank My .aH report MDA efforts these have We .to asingle had not Ih since report this for request consumer ave at been . ew bank report Iqthe an whether uestion more any of be would to use of business doing from away time precious take just or public the . onerous CRA new requirements and bank and acquisitions on primarily focuses activity CRA Currently applications branch .T expand greatly would bill House to review CRA he activities .business ab ank's application affecting almost cover every ,tCRA example For onerous the to apply would process review he holding ab of application permissible in engage to company ank activities have processing ,e those though ven data as such . community bank's in credit of granting the with do to nothing expansions bank most to costs significant add will requirements Such 171 million or assets in $2two under 5 exemptions banks for specific are companies holding $50heir under banks agricultural :(1)t million applications nonbanking for restrictions on new the from exempt ahe Act Company Holding Bank the under 2tactivities ();new nd extensive .are banks less small these requirements for recordkeeping community .level banks exemption for promoted ah igher strongly had We banking ,we Finally agencies by disclosure public the to opposed are transactions and . We at come will process CRA expanded this that concerned very are .and soundness safety a for calls bill House The of expense the agencies and hiring regulatory bank the of reorganization massive examine consumer for examiners exclusively to new numbers large of have agencies the of resources human The regulations . compliance and troubled failed of numbers strained increased the by been already examiners new found recruit to easy it not have agencies The banks . .safety examinations soundness bill House The for and needed urgently rating ab of CRA evaluation and .disclosure Pank's specific ublic meaning little have would ratings CRA of dislosure and reviews agency be could information his to negatively used public general the for .T hold the soundness to or institution of and safety impair .a demands unreasonable to hostage institution PRA ,C requires resently their of public informing lobby bank's the in posted be to notice file .right CRA our inspect to Aot ,n the at time my during once gain asingle has bank file or statement CRA our either see to request existing of advantage taking not are Consumers . received been -6 demanding represent are consumers they say that groups yet information a#3)( more .ttachment not will year this passed legislation any that hope we While urge consideration your CRA ,winclude changes strongly e onerous these banks . agricultural or small exemption for levels higher of built adjustment be inflation type annual of suggest some that ,we Also .into such provision any the to objections serious have we ,In Chairman Mr. conclusion availability .you IV funds Title A ,t know he s of provisions pages of banks 650 over have and week last effect took just legislation with .to comply add would IV Title regulations consumer new six that to Add .protection regulations hundreds more pages of and laws and p a credit ossible regulators for powers enforcement enhanced the with new community swamped be will banks and bill disclosure card regulations . deposit and banks the serve nature ,c ommunity very their By Their directly is success .credit communities their of needs towns .of I rge home their u -b well the and health dependent oneing as banks community of role unique the mind in keep to you . issues these consider 172 173 ATTACH MENT # 1 AROMA MAI THE CITIZENS BANK OF CLOVIS THE CITIZENS BANK OF CLOVIS SERVICE CHARGE AND FEE SCHEDULE REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNT -PERSONAL. Average Daily Balance ECONO CHECKING -PERSONAL A monthly fee of $ 2.00, for the first 12 checks; 50 € for each additional check written during cycle. No balance requirement. Availability of funds is determined by origin of deposited item ( s) . Current availability schedule and bank poliey will govern . See bank for details . NEGOTIABLE ORDER OF WITHDRAWAL ACCOUNT " NOW ACCOUNT " Personal ( Non -Business ) Minimum required balance: $ 500.00 $ 500.00 and over Business Interest earned on the average daily collected balance, payable on cycle date . Regardless of balance, a service charge of 1sc per check , 250 each deposit and $ 3.00 each item charged back . If statement balance falls below $ 3,000.00 at any time during the monthly cycle, preceeding charges plus maintenance fee of $ 10.00 . MMDA - MONEY MARKET DEPOSIT ACCOUNT Interest can change every Tuesday, Compounded daily , Interesi earned on the average daily collected balance , payable on cycle date. Three withdrawals and three dratis allowed per month . Should withdrawals exceed the maximum number , the bank may either close account or take away accounts ' transfer and draft capacities. Unlimited transactions at bank . Should halance fall to below $ 2.500 but above $ .00 , interest will be paid at " NOW ACCOUNT " rate for cycle period. Below $ 900 at any time during cycle period , account will be charged $ 6.00 maintenance fee plus 20c per check . SAVINGS ACCOUNT Interest compounded daily, minimum balance to open is 5100.00 . Interest paid if account carns 40€ or more per month . $ 1.00 per month charge on accounts with less than $ 100.00 . Two withdrawals per monthly cycle period, withdrawals in excess of two will be charged $ 1.00 cach . Dormant Account Status: A demnand deposit account will become dormant after 180 days without customer generated ac finity. A $ 10.00 charge will he assessed when account goes dormant plus a $ 5.00 per month fee regardless ot balance. A Time Account ( savings ) becomes dormant afier three years of no customer generated activity . A $ 10.00 charge will be assessed when account goes dormant plus a $ 1.00 per month lee regardless of balance . All dormant accounts turned over to the state alier statuatory time period . 174 ATTACHMENT # 2 $ 2.00 Fee For Cashing Non - customer Check . Effective 11/1/86 Note : sikinis that these are light cardboard signs posted at the teller station . 175 ATTACHMENT # 3 KENT CARRUTHERS PRESIDENT mo P n. The Citizens Bank of Clovis COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-ACT NOTICE NOTICE : The Federal Community Reinvestment Act ( CRA) requires the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to evaluate our perfor mance in helping to meet the credit needs of this community , and to take this evaluation into account when the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation decides on certain applications submitted by us . Your involvement is encouraged . YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT You may obtain our current CRA Statement for this community in this office . ( Current CRA Statements for other communities served by us are available at our head office , located at 5th and Pile Streets , Clovis , New Mexico) . You may send signed , written comments about our CRA Statement ( s ) or our performance in helping to meet community credit needs to the office of the President , The Citizens Bank of Clovis , P. O. Box 1629 , Clovis , New Mexico 88102-1629 and to community Reinvestment officer of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , 1910 Pacific Avenue , Suite 1900 , Dallas , Texas 75201 . Your letter together with any responses by us , may be made public . You may look at a file of all signed , written comments received by us within the past two years , any respon ses we have made to the comments , and all CRA State ments in effect during the past two years at our office located at 5th and Pile Streets , clovis , New Mexico . ( You may also look at the file about this community at The Citizens Bank of Clovis , Main Office , 5th and Pile Streets , Clovis , New Mexico ) . You may ask to look at any comments received by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's regional office at 1910 Pacific Avenue , Suite 1900 , Dallas , Texas 75201 . You may also request from the Federal Deposit Insur ance Corporation , Bank Supervision Division , Office of Consumer and Compliance Programs , 550 17th Street N.W. , Washington , D.C. 20429 , an announcement of ap plications coveredby the CRA filed with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . BOX 1 6 2 9 CLOVIS . NEW MEXICO 8 8 1 0 1 PHONE 5051769-19 11 176 ATACHMENT # 3 KENT CARRUTHERS PRESIDENT The AVISO Citizens Bank of Clovis SOBRE LA LEY DE REINVERSION EN LA COMUNIDAD La Ley Federal de la Reinversion de la Comunidad ( " The Federal Community Reinvestment Act : ( CRA ) requiere que la Corpor acion ( FDIC ) ) evalue nuestras actuaciones encaminadas a ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de credito de esta comunidad , y que considere esta evaluacion cuando el FDIC vaya a decidir sobre ciertas solicitudes nuestras . Su envolvimiento se favorece . " Usted debe saber que : -Usted puede obtener nuestra Declaracion de CRA para esta -Usted puede enviarnos sus comentarios escritos firma dos acerca de nuestras Declaraciones sobre el CRA , O sobre nuestras actuaciones para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de credito de la comunidad a ( Presi dente de el Banco de Citizens de Clovis , 5th and Pile Street , Clovis , New Mexico . ) ya ( ofical de La Rein version De La Communidad , corporacion Federal de Seguro De Deposito , 1910 Pacific Avenue , Suite 1900 , Dallas , Texas 75201 . Su carta , asi como cualquier respuesta nuestra podra hacerse publica . -Usted puede indagar en un expediente sobre todos los comentarios firmados recibidos por nosotros durante los pasados dos anos , cualquier respuesta que hayamos hecho a los comentarios y todas las Declaraciones de CRA en efecto durante los ultimos dos anos en nuestra oficina principal localizada en ( 5th and Pile Street , Clovis , New Mexico ) . ( Usted tambien puede ver el expediente sobre esta comunidad en ( oficial De La Reinversion De La Comminidad , El Banco de Citizens de Clovis , 5th and Pile Street , Clovis , New Mexico ) . -Usted tambien puede ver cualquier comentario recibido por la Oficina Regional de FDIC en la oficina de 1910 Pacific Avenue , Suite 1900 , Dallas , Texas 75201 . -Usted tambien puede requerir de la Corporacion Federal de Seguro de Deposito ( FDIC ) , 550 17th Street , N.W. , Washington , D.C. 20429 caulquier anuncio de solicitud cubierto por el CRA , BOX 1 6 2 9 CLOVIS . NEW MEXICO radicadas en el FDIC . 8 8 1 0 1 PHONE 5 05 / 769.19 1 1 177 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you very much, Mr. Carruthers. STATEMENT OF J. BLAIR CULPEPPER, PRESIDENT AND CEO, a 178 PROBLEMS WITH THE CHECK CASHING PROVISIONS We also have practical problems with the Government check cashing portion of the basic services bill. 2 Financial Services Access_te frequently presents H.R.5094 is what in proposals two "termed ltransaction banking ab ifeline asic and account benefit checks .government for privilege cashing U.S. The to provisions these of authors of desire the shares League federally -i nsured the utilize to Americans all encourage depository -p bill basic their meeting .for needs system aying -kur safe of terms ,oIn practices financial personal and eeping financial family fulfilling in unsurpassed is system depository Statement of Culpepper Blair J. Institutions Savings League U.S. the of behalf On HAffairs , ousing Banking on Committee Senate the To &U rban oservices insurance government's federal The a ccounts .f our at choices of variety wide ,c programs the with ombined -sssures private 30,000 roughly nation's ,a adepositories ector funds .convenient household keep to place safe and Yet w ,e asubstrata remains there that ,recognize is which society of .CHAIRMAN :MR COMMITTEE THE OF MEMBERS AND thrift ,intimidated reason whatever for and banking by ,FIalorida Clearwater of Culpepper Blair is name .My m Bank Pioneer of Officer Executive Chief and President Savings . opportunities these of themselves avail not does and procedures Savings of League U.S. the behalf on today appear and while service transaction basic of intent the ,t laudable is bill contains drafted as language House he . Institutions by represented institutions savings the for problems several The institutions savings member 3,100 its and League several matters appreciate address to opportunity this ,the 5094 H.R. of IV Title in appearing Institutions Depository Committee T House he contemplates report .our organization -i,000 non $1 of balances with deposits demand bearing or nterest those ,f less am transactions 10 than (i at ewer ncluding onth ),and machines teller automated balance minimum or opening an $2o5nrills than more ,nino mandatory this of design its -f Committee .by ,r Act Banking House the These eported areas were Proxmire ,t s.1886 in addressed similarly not Financial he p trior developed ,ac otherwise or hrough onference the to conclusion Congress 100th this provisions S -o add the n ince .of Committee's House the IV Title of and several are bill distinct ,Iwill discuss separately .them Savings of League U.S. The the serves Institutions than more -i.4 member 3,000 $1 the up make which trillion nstitutions .League businesses bank savings and association and Federal -institutions of types all includes membership T officers principal -che State .,s mutual and tock hartered : r. N Jinclude Pitt H. Theo C ,R Mount orth ocky hairman ;B.eeksma (Carolina R. )B V O arney ak ice ,Chairman Harbor Wllinois Washington P O'Connell B. C ;,I resident hicago illiam ,Executive Gasteyer Philip of Director and President Vice ;a Operations Washington Brian ,S President Vice Smith nd enior .headquarters Operations Regulatory League East 111 at are Che Drive Wacker .,I 60601 llinois hicago T Office Washington Washington ,D .C. NW Avenue York New 1709 at located .,is Telephone :.)6 (2 . 02 20006 37-8900 . account 179 ,developed Act Modernization by Committee distinguished your may but -31 March on Senate the by passed and subject be legislative ac when and if scrutiny your of is product ommon ,under aware well is Committee distinguished your As the Home 'Lchartered Owners ,f Act ederally oan institutions savings interest non offer not may -b demand or accounts checking earing oror individuals deposits f businesses ,to matter (that ).(During relationship loan established an is there unless Pitt s.2r. on panel your before April in ,Mhearings Theo 073 regarding testified your under statutes the in anachronism this incredible situation an years eight after jurisdiction lack of c - omparable so d .")A deregulation alled eposit interest non offer to authority -b exists accounts demand earing state .-c hartered offer Ithrifts ,w for States most in nstead e NOW (n of order egotiable -paying interest customers our .meet )accounts withdrawal needs transactions their to ,uasic Thus b the "p services transaction set nder attern ,the H.R.5094 in forth institutions member our of majority vast than less of accounts NOW provide to upon called be would $1do "f balances charges service which aor exceed not ,000 as amount minimal Reserve Federal the by )"(determined -3 amhe ,tAs proposition general above forth set problems ore could language by addressed be federally exempting chartered offer to permitted not institutions thrift other and exemption ifuch non -b .S deposits nterest earing ,odemand ,would course has Congress the when disappear opportunity While to responsibilities service our acknowledge we ,and communities the welcome may circumstances some in indeed new loan to products other and -sell cross opportunity service " transaction the basic attracted by customers by adopted pattern the that ,it accounts unlikely seems on institutions our at practice in well work will bill House lack demand full of s ,g basis our iven a ubsidized than other demand full denying law federal of anachronism the rectify to .would business our to opportunities deposit Fe ,w urthermore basic with proceeds "suggest Congress the if that "rteans service transaction ,i am impose on test equirement -cost low such of themselves avail to seeking individuals Committee Y in examined recently has . our authority account considerable currently difficulties operating the detail institutions .confronting nationwide -iwith FSLIC nsured the 1%F 178 special ,m members our of assessment already ost SLIC and two pay -ah of premiums insurance deposit the times alf .,bTo competitors sized comparably asut add ubsidized forth H.R.5094 in service "asasic set b transaction mandatory . accounts Checks Government of Cashing banking l H.R.5094's of portion second "The ifeline financial basic with depositories that mandates provisions operational . burdens these compound would We providing for formula the that concerned also are lifeline a contains bill House the in accounts banking federal cash accounts service government ,aS local nd tate of amounts in accountholder identified an by presented checks 1tor $2pfup exceed to not ,afees check er ,500 or three Reserve T.more Federal he directed is locations implement to the no of income to reference -sut deposit ,b limitation ize of members that possibility the raises This . depositor substantial account with and means of public general might institutions financial relationships other at avail transaction "a service to ccounts basic open deliberately requirement .this appreciate ,w Again about concerns public the e difficulty for coin and currency receiving promptly in -cost below of themselves other and ours at required services depositories .Note the of because that .safety checks benefit government The of convenience and ,many payments government beneficiaries or infirm them of problem ,iin elderly as national psignificant articularly encouraged T be should public -ihe .lower communities ncome to supervised and insured federally use basic for depositories . customers these for exist would products some still are there that observe also would We NOW offer not do that membership our within institutions normal their in all at transaction other or accounts -business of course passbook certificate and to sticking services .is ,(This small some for only not true deposit larger institutions ,bfor neighborhood some ut transaction -benefit cost by found have which that analysis Reserve ,d balances fit not wo accounts Federal attendant ith plans business .)their than rather services or stores liquor exchang currency S. Some institutions will opportunity the welcome acquaint to persons aaccount establishing -c products other with heck ashing and services . ,we However the with problems practical some foresee .asor drafted F ,m example do institutions savings any language on coin and currency of quantities large keep customarily not hand transactions the service not do they because part in -a accounts noted o r stores )(,convenience above s f estaurants the would it bill House 422 Section of language From offering NOW nhese that appear ,t not institutions onetheless or an provide to have would presently accounts transaction withdrawals .account month per 10 least at permitting 180 b "of asic criteria bill's House the l$1ess o -d r,000 n eposit deposit opportunity -s cross to other ,noell pattern account deposit routinely might which customers business other and ,wform Currently aS Security ocial hen that in .funds m amanagers presents ,beneficiary check any onthly are 200 perhaps distributing to accustomed $3 or and cash in ,wavings coin as in deposited balance the ith account $1,500 up amounts that require to seems H.R.5094 have would . presentment check on coin and currency in disbursed be to -6 Notice Branch of closures mandated cashing The government of also present may checks institutions for problems offices branch with close in proximity to agencies other or welfare periodically which service T benefit such imely other to .distribute checks and significantly disrupted be could customers /aee $2foperating the exceed well could costs dministrative legislative the in .specified proposal indeed would It be counterproductive checks government of cashing the if of locations service fewer in resulted requirement ,pities depositories -c inner .in articularly authorizes bill House The Federal the issue to Reserve regulations prescribing involved details opening the with service cashing check the of maintenance and those for services financial basic for .registered accounts also It cashing suspend to Fed the permits where checks of classes for of levels unacceptable experiencing are depositories W hile we rery .check abuses similar and elated have v afraud Reserve's Federal the for regard high handle to ability ,we assignments suspect regulatory the that -through follow these requirements legislative aon be not will ... task simple rival complexity could and recently the of Regulation implemented cc Funds ,g Expedited overning skeptical generally are we While workability the about of cashing mandatory requirements checks Government the of iarea Congress ,f bill Nouse the legislate to wishes this in we This provision retards that process . at recommend would refinements two least irst .F all i ,of n recognition significant the of differences at found savings deposit o -a,wriented institutions thrift suggest would e provision similar already that to expressly provided credit for o ,H.R. is That nly savings those in institutions .unions 5094 cash routinely which accountholders regular for checks should cash government toasic required be checks authorized the for "b lRep ahe In etter d Chalmers Wylie to applaude FHLBB ,t the supervis c exceptio - ase necessar as ory accompli to n y of shment consolid its for program ation thrifts troubled in S outhwest Plan . that I h ,noted owever is t "i not necessar enough broad ily transact cover to all involvin ions g .failing thrifts League T he support would e "U.S. an xpanded exemptio "afs by n Congress the ,isought agency chooses to financial services "accountholders distribution and -cash of limitations coin and should apply equally both categories ,to determined aserious management S ,s consideration .by econdly given be should government from exempting to the -c check ashing service those obligation depositories all of locations with of bases deposit an than less prescribed be to amount the by Federal Home Bank Loan Board appropriate other or regulatory H.R. the adopt provisio .5094 n Reforms Agency directs 5094 H.R. federal financial each institutions establish to agency bc ,regulatory 1991 s eparate a onsumer " y division conduct "reviews compliance to consumer of protection community and reinvestment no laws frequently less every than federally all at years two depositories insured under their agencies . study Deposit Direct service ,t view our In greatest athe rendered be can that recipients time present the government checks of to is encourage direct of use programs deposit .their were We House see to pleased astudy include Committee the of feasibility desirability and requiring direct deposit of Government U.S. checks entitlement for programs the among .of 5094 H.R. IV Title proposals 181 proposition ageneral As the endorse cannot we of notice provisions closings branch of Committee's House the since bill interferes it fundamental with managerial decisions our at institutions chartered federally .C ertainly period this in of economic stress the for industry m ,thrift beanagement to ought encouraged trim to operational excess whenever possible .costs Availability . . jurisdictions respective -7 -8 Your Committee should apprised be significant of progress undertaken by Federal the Home Bank Loan Board in area .this tSpring ,This he Board Bank recruited Federal the Reserve's expert to a reated head c -n ewly Compliance Programs Division responsible examinations for consumer r elated .-of laws the the of end tstaffed ,be year hat By division will .fully The While other witnesses will evaluate these major portions of Title IV greater in detail would ,w e like make several to observations : Congress considers If existing enforcement CRA by the various banking agencies inadequate bexpanding to e ,or laz the scope of that law 1977 necessarily not is the correct .response division already has S a"published elf -A ssessment Guide to assist members our consumer in sAcompliance .law pecial team examiners of skilled in intricacies the these of laws being is obtain To routine approvals holding for company applications under applicant ,tH.R. 5094 he attain must an fulfilling specified credit eneeds (CRA .g. h ome s ,loans mall business , -arm there but -loans )f may other factors ,be developed training and will given be District the at Bank Moreover e ,level . ach the of twelve FHLBanks had has place in either office an community of investment housing or which received has additional funding increase to staff and compliance monitoring .activities of All this has been accomplished the at initiative Board's w additional ,Bank ithout statutory direction demonstration or decline any of in e xcellent oating r r "g ood on -af ive scale t ier for aslso such economic local conditions relevant ,a FSLIC to evaluations applications .of compliance savings the industry .in designated The system imposes c omparative ,arating rather than objective an standard contrasting -the applicant's performance depositories other .with Holding companies institutions rated a verage c "with an only get applications approved commit they if efforts achieve to gxcellent ood e r w ithin years two constant ,"o ith pressure maintain to lending CRA surpasses which that the of Similarly ,we no see need additional for statutory direction to FHLBB the for establishment Community of Review Boards ,s a called for Section in 412 legislation the of under consideration detailed today he .T selection of . trust Community Benefits House The bill would impose complex significant and modifications Community the to Reinvestment Act depository and holding company i , ncluding laws elaborate rating system ,an public notice examinations CRA disclosure p aand of ortion examination reports ,of compliance a nd obligations holding on companies including civil money .penalties The portion of our membership primarily affected provisions the by are or 250 registered so savings loan and holding companies .The specified ratings H.R. of would 5094 have met be to for applications : HCS of approval by acquire S&L to another FSLIC -ipplications nsured institution or a company by ;holding insured one institution acquire to thus another creating an ; HCS HC applications nd of L S&a engage to nonbanking in services activities and permissible for holding firms .bank institution's peer creates his t readmill effect "aT .group which could distort investment financial and decisions leading safety to soundness and concerns for institution's the management regulators and .its 182 participants and duties the outlined suggest considerable interference with ongoing supervisory c , ompliance and enforcement functions and .responsibilities It not is inconceivable that diversion the agency of resources and attention the to operation of Community such Review Boards could detract foremost assignment professional the of examination and supervisory staff assuring -safety the and soundness insured of institutions which merit public's the elaborate The revisions CRA particularly are awkward applied companies to which seek become L S&when HCS through acquisition the savings institutions .of need The attract to fresh outside capital industry our to documented been has repeatedly hearings other inpplicants before Committee .this A created newly for holding companies must commit attain to one the of two top ratings CRA within years a ,fail ithey fnd do to t ,d so hey would subject 1 ,000 -p$abe er ay civil money penalty u ,.Tnder hus the comparative rating scheme of H.R.5094 would ,h t hey always required be to a igher CRA standard performance of than most their peers .This is time discourage to not fresh capital thrift the industry .for extra the If burdens these of CRA provisions to acts discourage potential cquirers ia would m unfortunate a,. tost result .be -9 ܐܘ s.1886 ,s Also passed Senate the ince the Banking House and Committee House full the separately have Representatives of disapprove must agencies regulatory other and FSLIC The applicant its or mentioned the where above applications w is hich disclosure ,H bill .R.3011 ahome approved equity of ap has or opening attern subsidiary institution insured and "laiclosing exclude m to tends that anner facilities nowlanguage his vague unduly is .-Tncome i neighborhoods moderate details the to technical several n preferable ,i view our panel your by approved version .earlier might factors which other contemplate to not appear does and discontinue to decision make b alead usiness management time the for effort ,iand Frankly considerable take will t to institutions depository nation's our and agencies regulatory digest Loan Equity Home Savings in Truth the implement and csoming provisions ,astatutory the of top on do they start Availability Funds iwith ,p mind in that t .-uExpedited H.R. of IV Title in topics remaining the defer to best be might counterproductive if locations be would It service this of because locations uneconomic preserved institutions business depository the into entrants new provision or and -i moderate lowin locate toncome plans abandoned flexibility in limiting future for of fear neighborhoods ,so Congress next the until 5094 and refined be might they that . expansion ,the institutions depository of benefit mutual the for improved FSLIC supervisory appropriately exempts #-The bill financial .of services consumers ,and agencies National Section )othe (m 408 f under transactions acquisition letter FHLBB out an in a pointed ;to Act s h ,Housing owever involving transactions covering exemption b,a .Wroader Rep ylie Section i those under ncluding institutions ,failing failed or desirable .be ,would 406 .Act year last Banking Equality Disclosures Loan Equity inavings Truth -S Home and previously processed Senate the and Committee This have advertising products savings of concerning H.R.5094 portions "-L T the ito nending ruth amendments )a( nd Savings in loans . disclosures equity home of provide to law panel your before year last testified League U.S. the When was l ,o concern major ur Tnegislation ion "-S avings ruth offered the l products ike deposit -for treatment comparable similar funds and market from money public investing language your in addressed been has That . instruments Exchange m and Securities the of - aking rule by 1886 S. and performance the past of disclosure governing Commission yet not is task .SEC's the that note He ,w would owever yields the governing pending p still is a roposal and completed of mutual expenses distribution and advertising disclosure rule 12b -1.funds under 183 great made has FHLBB ,t above a#-she Though noted and CRA for capabilities examinations its upgrading in strides in contained procedures he ,t laws protection other consumer remendous at place will 5094 H.R. of 405 and 404 Sections preliminary The . resources its on burden administrative for periods time review ear -y two nd ,ainal order f approval the with variance some re vorage "rated at a applications Competitive the of part as mandated applications -up speed in .This League U.S. of testimony the completes have I on views League's the present to opportunity this appreciated month last reported Act Institutions Depository the of IV Title ,Finance Banking House the .by Committee Affairs Urban and 184 The CHAIRMAN. Thank you , Mr. Culpepper. STATEMENT OF JOHN M. KOLESAR, PRESIDENT AND CEO, CUSTOMERS WOULD BE THE LOSERS Instead of complementing the Senate's procompetitive reforms, title IV promotes a scheme of punitive interference in our joint ef forts to serve our customers and your constituents. Except for a small subset of the population, customers would be the losers, not the beneficiaries of title IV's formula for credit allocation and sub sidized entitlements . 1 1 185 CBA finds title IV's CRA provisions in particular to be fatally flawed . Notwithstanding this view , we do suggest, as Senator Bond has requested, certain refinements to the existing Community Re investment Act and we will offer additional ideas that may merit the committee's consideration . RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING CRA Let me move, Mr. Chairman , to the specific recommendations that we might make for improvements in the existing Community Reinvestment Act. 186 We would support public notification of branch closings and we would encourage a scheme of CRA credit, if you will, for voluntary basic banking and government check cashing services. Thank you . [ The complete prepared statement of John M. Kolesar follows:] deen be Congress cannot refinerents should effected after appropriate it CBA .Ihe deliberation ,tdue fact n along suggestions certain offer will all .Wsowever lines these h monent the at critical ,iis for hat OF TESTIMONY after learned have we what to us understanding aclear parties road the unfortunate what and experience CRA of years eleven ASSOCIATION BANKERS CONSUMER THE BEFORE ON COMMITTEE THE HOUSING BANKING ,A ATAIRS URBAN ND SENATE STATES UNITED OF PROVISIONS CONSUMER THE CONCERNING I. nay in proposals 5094 .R. down econony the lead it importantly most and ,First that recall to critical is despite ,the groups interest special sone of proposals the was never CRA asystem create intended and lowto allocation credit forced of -incone Roderate the from benefits subsidized mandate or neighborhoods sfor .Tubstitute sector aprivate as envisioned not was CRA he poor CRA t.Ifor ,the hrough nstead programs funded government Introduction institutions financial encourage to regulators bank instructed Congress ,but needs credit community meet help efforts faith good make to ahsuspect as allocation credit forced rejected expressly ighly .To narkets credit nation's this of operation in interference the (Cppreciates Association Bankers Consumer The ")1a the BA ,which session Senate U.S. the of efforts country this brought has amodernization brink the to s .T laws banking our of he ignificant 1988 of886 Act Modernization Financial ,ps.1Proxire the by assed the rin acthat consensus epresents ritical March ,Senate general the financial and industry services competitiveness our of ,it allocation credit in resulted has CRA the extent of because only is have who those by of abuse to act the under leverage their used extort regulatory their in delays afford cannot who banks from money wEacontrast institutionalize ould bapproval ,5094 y . .R. processes that increased breaking by barriers the down welfare be consumer will the financial all serve to competing from thrifts and banks prevent well as insurance (snfave ,i)oneeds custoners their securities the allocation . credit of scheme ,because Second low of subsidization bank mandates 5094 H.R. traditional aore banking M ,w competitive the oreover . hile areas stimulate will environnent financial lower and services better ,this consumers prices ab be could also consumer for year anner in law availability funds expedited ,with legislation protection new the pending and month this effect home governing 1886 S. in provisions the .loan disclosures savings in truth and equity being , 886 threatened is s.1 by represented consensus The bnd ihhowever ,a-controversial set insupportable ll dvised y ighly Depository - onsumer so cof "m the in contained alled easures Hunder 1988 of Act ,cInstitutions 5094 in consideration .R. urrently Dbill .Tfnd House ,sathe particular oAtin Title hat ubtitles hrough head ,bE.Ion 5094 nstead yoal h.R. 'gIV Congress turned its ave Reinvestment ,1radically 1977 of Act U.S.C. 2 Comaunity the expanding ,Rany Third to apply 5094 H.R. by created burdens new the of ,Rbank companies .Tholding themselves banks incurred are burdens ot hese as such areas new enter to attempt companies holding bank when only not ,but field securities athe which in activity any virtually to apply .Proponents engage to seeks company holding bank provisions these of on action this justify of basis "tbothe foanks bligation without drawn are deposits their which from community the in reinvest banks longer no (1) aking that "a-tdconsidering of he ctivities eposit (CRA 2901-05 sections ")i am ,w entitlements specific of nto ould enu bureaucracy -t,r interference and ed new awape promulgate of level hole .Except services financial for market of operation efficient the in of aet -sfor csub interests ,special losers the be would mall onsumers beneficiaries the not proposals .of , testimony this in later detailed reasons other and these For unique seposit constitute d the from -t "a many of aking ctivities ervice the provisions reinvestaent community that subnits respectfully CBA This CRA nodest that say to not .is flawed fatally are IV Title in 2 uch and accounts market aoney or ()other ,sas entities funds mutual securities nonbanking other or into companies holding of entry the deposit ."f-tthe aking ranchise with do to bank's little has activities 1The to 1919 in founded was Association Bankers Consumer p a for .voice industry banking provide the retail rogressive ,CBA banks insured federally 700 approximately represents 80 than more hold that unions credit loans and savings ,and deposits consumer all of percent 70 than more depository insured federally by held credit consumer all of -bre ,aNon deposits collect do affiliates and subsidiaries not ank privilege of insurance ,dprotected the have not o deposit federal by C Subpart o ,A IV Title Sfommunity 2 on Comments taff Greenspan the to ,atnclosure Benefits (E 4 Alan of Letter J988 Germain St J. Fernand Honorable ,1 )21 uly . institutions 2 187 incone because and burdens aslending imposes it regulatory of that et complex (FRB Board Reserve Federal "u)hthe terned and as nusually completely the undercuts ,"2the costly and lengthy unnecessarily bill on ISof banks placing nstead .purpose reforms -anteagall Glass the additional burdens ,H.R. firms securities with footing equal heaps 5094 their ,while field securities the enter to desire that banks on ,or unaffected operate to continue competitors securities minimally only bhose .Baffected burdens tsuch ,contrast firms securities same y -buch non other many with ,salong competitors money of offerors as ank banks nonbank and accounts ,aRarket for with compete ggressively related .and amendaents CRA "adeposit the by unhaapered ccounts inner cities disinvestment the in of proble social complex that that group believed ,Cany ongress on particular blamed be not could service window ,aborrowing institutional primarily re discount the at ,and public consuming the with providers directly deal seldon which in assist to responsibility and capacity the had institutions financial community .We the bank's affiliate also would are often in situated not anote Modernization aakes 1988 of Act Financial Proxmire the that .similar IX Title of 914 section at direction this in -step mis the .of cities revitalization social at ained progra -baroad ased ion : ncluding ,This presumptions several predicated was position their institutions financial (1) vestaent by ain by will 5094 borne be not H.R. ,tbanks Fourth of burdens he sor acand creates 5094 H.R. regulatory ass . ostly alone customers their with to ability their agencies interfere will which the for regulatory maintaining and safety the other in goals policy their of many pursue than greater rists involve not dood communities ,a lenders prudent bynd taken normally those often leader's the of because risk involves less .firsthand community of knowledge his (A)public econonic sumorous conveys charter and system banking nation's the of .soundness economy consunity in organizations ,by Fifth of powers the expanding exemplary CRA with banks even subject ,H.R. proceedings vill 5094 ,H.R. sixth And .5094 challenges constant of possibility the to records benefits for legitimate is it return in and require to practice regulatory and policy public costly for need ithout ,vsone the purpose public subsidies ,or sandatory quotas credit .3bureaucratic schone allocation check governaent basic "a banking and ccounts provide to banks requires which entitlenents for need the prices ,tcashing costly wo minimal at m .as record of atter established ahas to yet be 'econonic banks the wong "wChief benefits thought were hich obligation rjustify "fto the in unds aneinvest of formulation -duniqueness pre was communities 'local banks the of eregulation tother franchise .deposit that -,uwas Iaking argued tnlike ,baking adiastitutions -tpossessed then enabled that power eposit anks highly these critical of relationship obviously the Despite only viability ,t bill banking any of he the to provisions objectionable and Housing held were provisions these on House hearings the in Select ,Consumer Aging on Connittee House the of Subcommittee Interests quite is This jurisdiction 5094. H.R. over with entity an no ,unfortunate issues policy aajor present provisions the because in moving is U.S. whether question fundamental including the at and competition little with public general the from funds collect to the r low artificially an .T cost ,s position took one herefore egulated to sector private the requiring by planning central state of direction through funds those of some return to obligated be could banks that .Ione community local the in ,sleading denanded CRA of proponents ndeed . services subsidized provide franchise has h ,tdiscussed that of value owever .Ahe below s with .decreased 1977 since uniqueness its of decline the of allocation discriaisatory the with concerned Although based credit of creditworthiness the about presuaptions unwarranted on unintended the on based or people of particular groups areas and credit qualification certain of application the consequences credit governmental ,Congress criteria proposed the of wary raained credit on allocation banks purpose forcing by that pervert to ends H.R. of 5094 provisions CRA the .wishing expand to Neext ,w on consent bsyster credit for ,surdensone aitself contenplate they that howing purposes original to antithetical completely allocation the ,of CRA ,areforn policy -Ssound Glass of purposes current .the nd teagall We and several pose refinements possible some offer then law existing to ,additional banking basic the to objections our address also .We ideas awell our as ,s IV Title of provisions closing branch and cashing check credit availability ,d and isclosure funds the to respect with concerns 188 low -income based neighborhoods and allocation credit to subsidies other ton - aking deposit fron banks to benefits competitive asserted the record .to straight opportunity the set this appreciate We setting briefly by begins testimony This of purpose original the forth focus helped has CRA then We the although that show . CRA the needs has and communities their of credit the on banks attention salutory stimulated groups community and banks between relationships own the their to CRA groups used have needs ,p rotest those regarding allocation credit regarding concerns the of Sone .. schen allocation the from Boasures allocation credit proposed remove to Congress led that he ,tacting Bloon Robert of testimony the in were CRA summarized : Currency the of Comptroller based is credit allocation of system present Our competition among vigorous upon reasure large in or the .Fnumerous most internediaries financial . bill House the in provisions discrimination Reinvestnent Act Community the Lisited The I. of Purpose .,ibill's well works narrow ,tthe However part retail focus encourage may markets upon most the of one ignore to agencies regulatory 1970s in -over mid concern the genesis its had CRA The (raedlining credit of "),discrimination granting the in rbitrary lending and areas -i moderate lowin ncone (b)the deposits of taking elsewhere funds "athose (c)texportation process general nd he redit and ac both as the of effect ,wause decay urban perceived was hich concluded neighborhoods Congress .A lthough poorer from flight credit 3 Before the :H s.4 on 06 earings needs C 3 ommunity_credit Urban .9 Arroirs Banking ,H and ousing on5th Comm Senate 4st 06 pening 1on s.)(H 977 earings .,o 9Cong Sess Proxmire ). Senator of remarks commercial nation's the of roles important ."6Tather ,rgoal the that demand than hus lending subsidize industry in moderate to credit allocate or and ,C-ilowneighborhoods ncome ongress ensure anechanisa created be vould areas such that not .to overlooked on Report House the even ,tAs recognizes 5094 R.R. "legislative he vere 1977 of Act Reinvestment Community the underlying "(1)premises deciding in flexibility given be should institutions marshall to how local serve to resources rtheir ;(2) egulatory needs credit community key the is ;ajudgment iaplenentation CRA (3)Cin be not should RA nd institutions any iapose to used banking on scheme allocation ."7credit ajor mserve a,t.e. as o isystea banking credit -tand internediate shortofern supplier wbusiness he ,t.Tand bill hus industry tohile ould -intentioned ,cwell short force conceivably impact have could which actions regulatory tera nd aemployment ,services unicipal upon essential interests economic other innumerable the eing ibto ,tand - ondeed well nation's the which customers retail very of welfare benefit .We serious have to designed is bill any whether to as reservations agency regulatory ,the addition In clear makes CRA the of distory legislative not intended wus CRA the that of costs conpliance increase to financial burden regulatory the or iastitutions .Concerns agencies federal on proliferate would CRA that red already -tthe un in ape beavily often were industry regulated Senate in consent of subject the .The bill the on bearings record legislative assurances with replete is administer to necessary wisdon the have could benefit maximun the to sof aystem such a. uch S interests econonic conpeting the from departure encouraged governmentally reporting ser no that proponents CRA's the by be would requirements our of aechanisas established credit complex extrene with approached be should economy institutions financial on :inposed CRA the under caution.4 bill whether question The the increase will regulatory on burden was institutions financial was ,"this debated stated bill the when Pronaire Senator As by considered .thoroughly Connittee the ,s.4RA introduced originally (CAs )w 06 ould cand .Iallocation way that it see don't a ertainly not was plan redit allocation IWhatever bill acredit being from it prevent to do can we additional certain of filing the required have to ."5 do want . material ,the Instead to regulators federal the instructed CRA needs of hinstitutions "nto the elp eet fecredit inancial ncourage as with consistent ander in chartered are they which communities the comentator described aptly practices .A one s banking sound and safe nelenent 1ew inject or regulators to authority deposit the into facility application process . when clear aade Proxairo Senator bill the introducing would CRA that "provide not new any authority different followed av ery timetables ,Cuotas .R.A. q nd requirenents regulatory bank the to agencies ": allowed dprivate goal ,aand then nd .Itirection model established nethods the attain to in choosing discretion and latitude industry and Brandel generally .,a 13 See H06 s4 on tearings Reinvestment Act Community the C Guide for ,A ompliance Large Assoc ).1 978 (CConvinced 17-21 Bankers onsumer the that uses best was productive most its to credit of allocation market ,C therefore ongress free the through achieved m gandated a -the overnment rejected of concept emphatically passed ,v CRA the down itoting when scheme allocation credit certain banks make to would have required that proposals primary .commitments areas service their in lend to f (id urther ,9 2 also .a S ee Ht 5 s4 on 154 06 earings Community );Che Proxmire ,T anner Senator of comments R.Fed ,6ASReinvestment Report 7econd Progress : es Act "t he emphasizing that 1 )(F study staff RB . 981 Bull ,8 13 believe CRA the repeatedly not does it that noted has Board institutions allocate to require lending intended was would bill The inject not significantly any den deposit the into olenent application facility process .Iapproval place in ,ialready tnstead the waplifies 'cnerely need ommunity riteria regulation and law existing in contained already amore provides and statutory explicit statement Coommunity constitutes what ,'tof need make credit includes it that .9clear needs Bank 6A ,S in Responsibility rt ocial :The Decisions Credit Pac ,1 Later Decade One Act Reinvestment Community .L8 .J. , 987 1071 ).(1 073 Sess Ho. 7 N Rep 822 .,2 Cong (1 )127 .R. 988 00th 0 ).(emphasis added S.o. 8 N Rep 9 ,175 Cong 5th 3 Sess ).(1 4 st 977 H earings 9 on 10 s4 06 .,a St t Congressional he imilarly that reported office Budget regulatory additional the since be would CRA by posed burden the to incidental significant "n cost additional o regulator's burdens ,current "). credit 5 189 understood ,it Likewise was CRA the that provide not would new and rthe principles over dispute esolved ,"TRA schene )(Cthis he in .Ito practices age an efforts lending inprove -fnaith good required detailed the of fora commonly took regulation government which 6 groups had ,the Unwittingly CRA these provided to capacity the ,ddelay charters for applications bank of consideration eposit deposit branches insurance other oor ,facilities relocations ffice those to ,padBergers consequence rovided acquisitions or snd irect aprerequisite as to banks fron payment demand ability the groups disruptive to .Such delay the removing and expensive very are delays their cbanks ,aemployees shareholders and they public the nd reditors can .Delays atserve of failure the aean ,peven ransaction articularly Groups Interest Special .NCRA II the of by isuse achieving successful at CRA been has aghe ,tTo extent reat and .There goals its banks that doubt no is have groups community country the regarding across dialogues productive into entered banks have communities ,n.Fcredit urthermore any local of needs the to of segments those out reach attenpt that prograns instituted environment interstate current the in wong acquisitions and sergers of isolated been have that Consunity .F mainstrean the ,from example or created have banks some express the for subsidiary new entirely an ilending .1in areas ncone 0 -purpose moderate and lowdeveloping of of aillions lent Asuch ,hinstitution Bank Development meritrust as One financial .institutions and on rely than ,robtain agTherefore record CRA ather • ood are ,banks delay of months after only approval regulatory frequently low provide danands concede to forced avariety and loans cost of enven programs ,isubsidized grants cash aoutright as vier sany what "tpoayoff legitimate their with proceed to nerely banks the enable evaluations ,n was it because ot market own its of basis the on dollars planning .M aechanism banks other any central a through so do to forced Bankshares ,Osuch hio (including Comnerce as organizations diverse ,National Corporation Mmeritrust Trust Citizens A ichigan instituted )have others many and Corporation Boston National First operations.13 low in services advertising credit their of the increase to programs ,to areas incone consumer in personnel their of training the intensity regularly of representatives with ,and matters compliance interact to ;when siaple quite is protestors CRA the of strategy aThe bank activities above the of one in engage to application an ,tfiles he uprotest to threaten14 or file groups alleged an on based awareness increas to order in communities .their needs community of deficiency its of needs credit meeting of history bank's the in .Regardless ,community sot or seritorious is challenge the whether of been ,these Indeed have factors approval regulatory the to central engendering to attention the precisely ,thereby 11 CRA under process . CRA the by sought needs credit connunity notification ,iosften delay substantial because inevitable .15 triggered are review regulatory rigorous more and periods Tor Hibernia ,although example approved eventually FRB the Corporation's over Bancshares Southwest with ,Rerger groups various of objection the were protestors adthe delay to application Hibernia's on able ecision the to CRA this of policy clear success Despite community without institution's local in f"leancourage inancial eading has by abuse to fallen or ,tmandating aix product Act eghe eographic iaposing asocial asool CRA the see tspecial for who groups interest .protestors rejected bad Congress that policies stated have ,CRA Indeed denands.16 their to in cave not did Hibernia because months eight for sore or 6monetines delayed are typically ),(s year over for onths approval for needed typically less or days 40 average the of instead .17ummary application asan As protests CRA all of the in lodged pressing ,applications offices per for legitimate whose banks be and 190 ,protested Indeed Systen Reserve Federal the within applications been "'T openly .W honey housing federal in cutbacks tranendous here's e turned E "h to out 2lsewhere as look .'1have financing for elsewhere Reserve 1Federal Septeaber through Systen ,o reveals 19 of 981 ut have costly with threatened been acquisitions and ,v branches ergers 11fonths applications 6mprotested over for delayed ,7owere which protestors CRA by .delays 14 8t8 from delayed were .1 months o e.g. See 13 M &F ,H in Example Sets ibernia annion aber Community Banker A Protest Act ,Reinvestment merican September S No is Pain CRA Avoiding also ee 5 1 ,a 986 .t 4 ,Aecember Thing Simple D 6 Journal (Banking BA )(che 1987 e as "t to delay of threat haracterizing xtortion Community and Housing the of Compilation . incurred be will oSubcomm Community and Housing .Development n 1977. of Act F Urban and ,oDevelopment Banking . ninance Comm House the of ).(1 977 ,Affairs 3 Sess 46 9st Cong 5th ). banks from concessions extract :Hearings Act Reinvestment Community 10 Senate the Before 100th Affairs Urban and ,H Banking on Committee ousing st Ansberry See 14 a ,c 64 (m .3 CRA of threat ol upra ere );protest table bargaining banks force to enough is &Faber Mannion ,(d Bank's Manhattan Chase of escription of filing the prevent to groups community with negotiations .Sess 1Hearings ")(C RA 20988 ,Cong 72-83 Pt Canner see 11 s Report ,a 815 upra rogress CRA )a protest Ansberry Ambitions challenged are 12 Interstate with Banks St. W ,Lending J. all Local to Commitment Requiring Low by of (q Shea Michael -6 uoting 1t 26 June a ,c 64 .5 986 ols group ,a ACORN protests CRA in involved been has which 'B The also M aking lackmail .See country the )throughout ,1 a t 988 B A 15 Week ugust usiness Neighbors Better Banks . 101 7 1 .1101 27 st Art See 15 ,a n upra Mannion F ,&16 . aber supro Art See 17 .1 n 1101 ;S s Comments ,a t 27 taff upra . 15 Ptupra Canner See 18 s Report .,a 819-23 rogress CRA 10 ani s org act tivegzation pos ane RN the of o'you 're ACO henkin of Wtal ve ",,, old ati ers ent ort res rep tpop I.oft'ssoy ntry cou the 2fig "'.to5 nht ate tha neg to aper cheoti be not should delay to ability this of nce iaporta The these during costs heavy ncur iour nd a.,society anks B timated underes the to ing ofncludin costs ory regulat the g irespond ,periods protest the and ent investm an up bolding of g costs carryin t, he s protest respect with larly Particu snities.19 opportu busines al of loss potenti be elays ingly can darea tions ,and acquisi aergers active increas the to tion will be ood transac ng the that likelih , ecreasiting ddevasta s ated ng ustomeres employe of ,cmorale the consumn affecti sharply and ting rs he Bank ,talike example For devasta Irving on effect credito .and tions rving es York employe New ongoing the -Iof negotia Corp. Bank es the to letters actual in seen be can employe from for fear who TRB lot ossts ts acr cos tes del pro of day y veray odser ger ar n -, oll lio bil RA cal allyce Gexpe .C, ener typi is rien 's Bank inia Virg ed g,the Unit sdles 'ood bank s egar rof ys dela cept unac aten thre iesable , prot unit comm loca their slt ests of need credi the meet to effo faithrts ages pack cati allo cred ous vari acce spt on to it bank the ing forc eby ther even make to ed forc been s rs have bank Oby . therosed esto prot the prop egre most the ple snts i,exam one Fof itme .nor giou ter comm grea ern ngs cati s t don Savi West reatmpte ,Gcredi date to allo ance atte inst of nd ciatdion este .25ion in exte $1to bill Asso Loan and requ was e ial dent earsrity ncom our resi loan mino -iin low and afarea -yover sod tional hase loan of fron 00 ion $1addi aill peri purc to and an tion rted rity sngs ondi 6erge aas cand .2to It pera -oaino savi loan ld dntly eque elle shourer wond no be merg the that subs canc was unde their jobs .20 ,tCRA Consequently tenptation irresistiblo an proved has he iapose can who groups interest special for on delays "expensive "that agreements extricate to order in applicants their subsidize ne ensons 7 eisio thes burd .2prov efforts the with inconsistent are that policies social affect to inhe set to elected those of ,tpolicies case this bas This States.21 United the of Congress in true particularly been the begun bave U.S. of institutions financial as years recent ,when Similarly to attempted Chicago of Bank National First of American acquire ,aBank 1984 in Chicago group activist National n $500 make connitted in million bank the unless protest to threatened negotiations ,tweeks afloans of fter ew .Ahat neighborhoods poor to and mergers bank through units efficient more into reorganizing opportunities new ,wfor acquisitions presented have hich groups protest .As situations sensitive particularly in leverage their use to Governor $120 down whittled was figure -i low to loans in ,million groups ncome avnromise ,iplus concessions other 'pof groups the for exchange ariety .28 application bank's the protest to not representative Other earlier Senate before testimony her in noted TRB the of Seger Martha of number the in ,TRB year atthis seen has -falone increase en old he country M :comnitments include idlantic the across banks from extracted protests CRA fornal 1987.22 and 1984 between filed variety avheir underwrite .T programs of been has goal primary ide explicit ,drejection allocation credit the inespite concept that of denand "GCRA often to institutions lending from comitaents . roups 191 $8acquisition -in million 5 , nc. .IBanks Bankcorp Continental of reinvestment ;Clow package First alifornia neighborhood income small $84elated -Bank Union of -racquisition housing in million and communities ;business -incone low and ainority in years two over loans this of outset the at noted As groups ,community testimony been bave econonically banks force to CRA the of use their in open local bank $6maller -of 0 asmillion of acquisition N.A. Bank Fidelity $50leet -banks two of acquisition ;F lending targeted Group Pinancial -i9ncone noderate and lowfor lending to comitaent .2million housing paneighborhood loans estate real in rescribed articular prov drawn to orrescribed apamount accept deposits of percentage that from example ."23hen neighborhood for community ac;wgroups of oalition United protested and Savings National of acquisition Bank's Virginia Credit concessions only the been not have connitaents cannot who banks from CRA by iaposed delays the afford extracted allocation low to success credit enforcing at .With protests their to ,t0hey Trust able $1were aake conait Virginia United force neighborhoods -ian lov to loans in ncone .million for the A attorney s ,"it adoitted coalition wien only was had bank the pending appeal an subsidization other of denanding begun have ,protest areas incone groups grants an in of umber cash ,including well as services outright on rates interest arket below .Tdemands instances included -mhave ypical accounts ,abasic check governaent free fnd aortgages hone banking ree basic entire the of review recent .IFRB ,tcashing staff's ndeed he had )t(fSimilarly acquisition the we or ."2hat leverage ,areal 4 processing ("Tt 1102 in delay he .eA See 19 s ,a rt upra :issue noted banking the for arrangements cause may real of acquisition planned pr lapse estate ,o disrupted be to construction lanned ,Demands Gourevitch 25 Bank More Shape Credit Local for Flex ,Community Promises Loan win to Law Mergersi Activists .") arise to institutions other from competition Banking Rehm See ,20 Fed to Appeals from Absent 19 Industry Jt Banker American 1 2 .,a 17 une 986 Ft Banker American ebruary 16 2 1 .,a 4 988 Ctredit Canner G. See 26 s Allocation 7.,a upra ,The Canner G. See 21 Credit and Act Reinvestment Community G 22 ,n 5 Allocation (B ovs d Study F R .S taff ed ys es .3 n 8 at Id 7,27 Gourevitch 28 .,s upra 1anner (117 ").,C Allocation 982 redit N eighborhood c ,.2;P ol ierce stupra Ansberry See 29 a 64 Mergers .,N ,J 18 at'l ournal uly Bank Big to Challenges Hearings CRA 22 . 209 at stupra Art ,23 1099 .a st Ansberry 24 a ,c 64 .2 ol upra .1862 ,at 1987 10 aformal in results actually that ,mapplication protest result more any forestall .Aapin filed being laost torotest banks the by connitaents allocation or involve credit of element sono comitaents these all protestor bank of expense the at goals local subsidization other ,an protests toraal filing Besides increasing informally been have community groups of Duaber services with denands basic for their pressing . custoners paying its and applications .bants The considering are that agreenents which in several been bas result transaction connitted offer to bave banks that complain to continue groups ,although Thus protest the moderate ,t-ilowgroups ncome hey enough lending not are "banks and o comaitments low for billion loan of estimated $5are an.2 that proud CRA to attributable directly projects other and housing incone pactions.37 aredictable had has country our of banks the on tax This banks to caused has CRA the research that ;eshown result mpirical government ,to prices reduced at accounts cash lower for fees boncustoners ,a to nd checks checks . governaent cashing reviewed by 16 22 In of out recently agreenents the of because areas -incone low in facilities establishing fron retreat states that study issue the of operating .O there ne burden added banking ,basic staff Reserve aFederal was consideration (inot the nignificant asincore was "low although enactaent b1977 ,"testablishaent CRA the and he ) efore branches bank of into dretarded -iCRA low efined "hncona the of activity branching as issue.30 negotiated grants .cash extensive quite become have ,outright Moreover concludes :The ."38 areas report aore $5 than grants in aade ,in00,000 instance for Chicago First 1987 the to grant National ,i0,000 activities community for a$3 ncluding :31ajor protests CRA of ,amorganizer Center Information and Training 15Siailarly to -iaddition low ,Billion package $loan 0nncone intent ,contrary that indicate results The to the of -ioncome low in generated areas CRA ,t deposits that assure ,the there loaned would that be to appears impact actual these both by areas being in generated are deposits less .For associations loan savings and banks commercial suggest ,enpirical population 100,000 each results loan one and savings less approximately bank Louis banking basic to connitted St. of Bank National Boataen's a$1,outright grant 00,000 fnd accounts cashing check government ree order ac get to group ommunity , ll organizations comunity in serger Bancshares General with off call bank's the of protest its Manhattan Corporation Chase by aade was comnitaent Asiailar Corp.32 ,iost Arizona -cof lov ncluding Bank Continental acquired it when reduction T -Che non to opposed as CRA for .branch areas RA areas these provided services in directly be to appears and -i moderate bone lovfor loans aortgage ,$2bncone checking in illion Reinvestment .39 Act Community the to related .33 orqanizations this ,embodied situation in to reaction their course of banks to the force CRA pused have also , rotestors Finally allegedly become have that offices neighborhoods in new open ,ab."3u4nderbanted example For Philadelphia North in opened was ranch Philadelphit.35 Pittsburgh into Roved Equibank when of regulation further -planners central all of ,is 5094 H.R. reaction the to open areas then force and -incone low leaving from banks prevent 192 nonprofit ,and a$1housing Arizona to qrant outright 00,000 b"p5094 attern a,Hbranches makes .R. hus .Tank's locations those in facilities closing deposit cor ,o hartering pening acquiring of tmoderate decisive he ,-iin areas ncome institutions and lowdepository rejection bank any of .The apfactor such existence requires attern favorable matter how FRB the ,nby o application company holding bank or central of .This community type to be may application overall the issues .social addressing discredited anplanning as of ethod been has allocate to result attenpt 5094's H.R. fron may that distortions Obvious the are facilities deposit from away resources bank of direction of branch single number the in increase an activities nonbanking and CRA ,an focus to intended act the that doubt no be can There local of needs credit regulatory the on attention and industry been ,hOut .Comunities recognition beyond virtually twisted 92 as of ,7considered 0 TRB 1987 of September by the applications protested banks seet to by cowaitaents or settlenents negotiated in resulted avarious ,fgendas.36 Moreover or 'each protestors the of olments 2 .8 n R58 Fed 8 ull es 55 B Canner 30 ,7 Banking asic affluent .Many areas nay distortions aore in solely located institutions ).(1987 T J. Allen of estimony s (,a 149 t upra Hearings CRA 37 B to Pressed anks ,Public Schmitt ?31 Blackmail or Service Community Change ).for Counsel ,C enter General Fishbein 1eptember .10 987 S St. ,W J. Projects all Local Finance &She Booth 38 ,T Reinvestment Community the of Impact mith ,15 Financial Institutions of Activity Branching on Act Gourevitch 32 .,s upra F & aber Mannion See 33 .,s upra stupra Banking Basic See 34 .,a 258 Pierce See ,supra .35 1 ).(123 984 Research ,Journal 28 Bank of allocation market free the with ,b Thus interfering y Id .39 that p a rocess initiated have groups ,t credit of protest he ,Protests Newman 36 Mergersi Bank Stopped Haven't Influence ,to Policies Used Mainly 1977 of Act Reinvestment ,at Banker .American 10 11 to intended people was CRA the very of harms many benefit . 12 ,consumers firms business State and new interference the of escalation follow say distortions Bore each as only syster earket free of functioning efficient the with increases .42 governaents local .,tforequently help intended is it those and society to costs the that was originally it should ,the Instead CRA effect the given be ,allowing have intended credit community legitimate neet to banks the reflect .S. Vail to continues 1886 inproving of goals the for consumers ,quality price services financial of convenience and h.R. competition increased ,Hthrough in then abandoned bas 5094 owever financial and regulated ahighly of tavor for narketplace subsidized .through marketplace the of operation Deeds history to response appropriate nore the that suggest We allocation sandated /interest governnent and services .group credit of ,the Indeed to conparison by pales years over CRA the of abuse the Congress linit law that aend to for be would CRA abuse of delays credit and noney extort to costly use protestors of ability expedited to an require approach would ,obe example For . ne banks fron The 5094. 1.R. IV Title of industry banking the on effect potential stand on to wish banks that so complaints CRA for process hearing on C IV's title of iapact "p Benefits overall the ommunity rovisions .R094's ! that extensive so is bill banking .5 be will effect chief b anks without .O cost ,prohibitive therwise so do can records CRA their increasingly denands excessive of be continue will the to subject industry banking the for efficiency decreased and regulation beightened federal the for burden oversight regulatory and cost increased an .Glass regulators -S af is alaost left be will retorn to teagall ootnote r educe "gone banks that demand have to as far so even who protestors declaring .F)p(their loss of point the to ,wnargins are rofit erankly (fthat aonconpliance alleged apor banks against assessed be Rust enalty pattern overall .an overkill regulatory of have with do to nothing )."40 CRA the actions and attitudes Such future .and enforcenent CRA for ill bode its of purposes actual the Allocation Credit Mandated Tederally A. ,in fundanentally most and First 5094's I.R. of spite The :Conaunity 5094 H.R. and Act Reinvestment . III Subsidized Entitlenents AFormula and Allocation Credit for used to purported "CRA that principle the adherence be not should institutions ,"4iapose B.R. 3 banking on schene allocation credit any 'decision Congress repudiate attempt an is 5094 inpose to not 1977 in .Aassyster banks pation's this on allocation credit ,of Greenspan Alan athe l886 5094 ,.1R.R. as out s for forward ike tarted tep to access banks commercial allowing by industry services financial Tederal Governors Board the of Chairaan ,wrote Systen Reserve .As activities banking investment various 5094 8.R. on Report House the ,1988 21 July on Germain St Representative :to investment ccommercial "ocurrent and fhe ,tompartmentalization notes )i(to CRA require Tshe the of purpose and real make to institutions depository gfforts ,eaeaningful faith that assure to ood : unequivocally 'local banks the that aware are communities serve to available are facilities credit those ,and discrimination without communities for needs seet seek to institutions those to 886 s.1 of is purpose aajor The financial the within competition strengthen ound services as under and industry .consistent framework regulatory . operation sound and safe their with consistent Allowing to companies holding bank affiliates the under securities establish level increase the will safeguards proper who others are ,bThere Iearnestly ut believe ,have aistakenly in CRA that view the within investaent the competition of enhanced of level industry .Tbanking his adoirective constitutes effect ,t regulators should ,that banks to and banks certain sake and tno loans of kinds areas ,ispecific some competition financing lower in result will to by capital access greater and costs ,oconcern .Mcases teras concessionary is yn of provisions reinvestment community the that unintentionally pnerhaps far too go IV ,iTitle interpretation latter of direction the by ,establishing collection data new elaborate aonparative exaination .,c rating pplication P Organizing Fresno the of , resident Lincoln Bob Letter 40 and Project ,C Inuwa Rosa Division CRA the of hairperson tohairman Committee Reinvestment ,C Pinola J. Joseph the of No. Rep S. 42 1 ,305 Cong .2 Sess 0 -3 00th Interstate First of Officer Executive Chief and Board (1 ). 988 1 .21 A987 ,Bancorp ugust 1 ).(Sess 988 ,2 Cong 00th 0 02 No. Rep H.R. 41 822 13 No. Rep H.R. 43 ,a .822 127 t 14 193 service of needs step financial the with "out are banking ."4Report ,tconsumers Similarly Senate states 1886 S. on 1he (6)Participation sponsored privately or governaentally in programs ,subsidy housing for gruarantee insurance oloan have cumulative the that systeas evaluation and above anount average an requiring of effect ,or .businesses taras shall order obtain to specific in purposes for lending mall and housing market to efforts (5)The of scope will to bank the perait aCRA that rating -incone moderate lovin loans business and neighborhoods expand.44 .48 neighborhoods ainority only evaluated fully be can syste this of effect The the in context engage to companies holding bank and banks for set standards of .U1.R. activities various in the to unendaents proposed 5094's nder holding igrequired bank for "eoof rating xcellent ,arsood BHCA oro ,tcompanies subsidiaries their Donbanking any virtually in engage ,ifactivity example banking ndustrial parties or ncluding third for lvarious ,cadvice ommunity feasing functions company trust inancial underwriting cinsurance and dertain ,development processing ata creation ade of facto 5094's R. I. in factor central The anew comparative iaplenentation its is of schene allocation credit of for types consideration special ccertain oabined ,with system rating system ,bUnder be will grading point five new the . anks lending r"e15,vtassigned epresenting xcellent hrough ith trou grades verage rp"e,3gperformance erfornance epresenting 2ood oor r"p5effort ,alperformance nd iaited 4epresenting insists that Report House the noncompliance ."A substantial orlthough rating bverage It activities.49 conpany's holding bank or a ,"is ank automatically curve 'tthis would a"bhat create ell not does system rungs ,"4the it into bottom institutions percentage of ac5ertain push ,unless holding or bank the application reject must FRB "company papproval complex the through proceed to choses reliainary increase to rating company's the ,which process comaitaents requires lasting ac1ornd process 2yreview least at ontinuing ears.50 the any "ia of sense literal 3tnoverage category for that clear is be 3agnd rade banks given be fact in will ,lthat terı of nuabers arge . that below graded be will banks of numbers substantial above only and comparative is system ,because Thus rating the entity banking pernit sufficient is performance ,average expand to insured n "ato on based is be grades these of The calculation its of needs credit the aeeting in performance institution's depository ncone neighborhoods moderate ncluding and i,"-lowcommunity entire seeking concluded bas TRB "Ithe ,t effect institution an requires nhis resources comaunity for devotes it the that ensure expand to practices.46 those of soundness and safety the to reference any without their of needs credit the meeting p in ' erformance banks evaluating for of performance CRA evaluations written FRB's the ,but Communities insured the on depository emphasis "special place must banks specific and lowof needs credit housing the serving record institution's fara small abusiness ,smoderate needs credit mall persons ncome -ind of collection the require provisions ,ocredit Siailarly ."47ther needs :regulatory regarding agencies federal "bpyerformance data the attempting in task Sisyphean alaost an with faced are banks Individual the ponly standards that find to erformance above "meet average . as industry of efforts cumulative the changed "ha to due verage neighborhoods -i noderate lowin and ousing (1)Hncone loans . areas equivalent or s ,a 405 CRA proposed ection dding .t Id 48 (H 37 5094 .R. concentration ).T (c 808 section of types specific on his has :led conclude to FRB the activities other and lending report the by the covered lending of types "specified (gncome -i moderate and lowin loans ,housing areas enerally ,and loans farm and business small community related proposed the )in projects development with combination comparative rating and evaluation CRA the of requirements mandating of effect unintended the have to tend would system .business loans fara (2)Saall small and local to contributions (3)Financial and in investaents projects redevelopment or developnent community entities Fernand J. Greenspan Honorable the to Alan of Letter 44 , 988 effect In ).(21 added 1 e mphasis ,J uly Germain St current scheme regulatory of the replace would 5094 H.R. community meet efforts to faith good banks of evaluation financial service and specific ,m andated with needs credit to order in requirements lending increasing and specific rating as attain .Staff ,aatisfactory Comments upra t . 17 s ,.5 403 ection No. Rep H.R. 49 a 822 (H 22-27 t 094 R commitments . Act (BHCA ")s ection Bank Company Holding proposed adding No. Rep H.R. 45 ,a .822 129 t a dding s ,5094 405 ection 822 (H 38 t .R. .N Rep H.R. 46 o. ). (a 11 5094 ,proposed st a 403 dding ection .a Id 50 (H 27-28 .R. 1.CRA ) (a 810 section proposed section a CRA proposed dding s ,5094 405 ection .(H.R. Id 47 ). (b 11 section BHCA Comments Staff 51 a upra .,st 3 .(b 2 ) 809 15 16 194 housing -iparticularly moderate and lovto , ncome reinvestnent ncluding related ,apersons activities re loans far business mall and ,tcreating group peer its by devoted those than greater an hereby ."5of 1 allocation louns particular these for system escalating credit criteria the further detail system not do rating on The provisions deadline of granting the on ao involve would which applicants ,Irinitial later "af180 inal nd approval days eview preliminary rthe (wfequires ,iapproval granted not hich that after days 30 another to subject ),which unraveled be transaction is approval final bank application ,c;aafter by nd omitaents initial the years two review "denter iainish securities to not field seeking the companies bolding for moderate and lowservices deposit credit of availability the rulo "vould bill that contends Report House the While not "the levels 2-rating and 1percentage to rising banks 1hof out igh performance ,"biaprovenent definition yido -vunder industry an CRA in "baverage constantly the neeting of incapable be would still ank lhow it ending -imatter low ,ruch nncon standards industry increasing o authors CRA the of intent was apparently This did . stated introduction the upon .of provisions As Kennedy Representative (i"Uthose bill our 8.R. into ncorporated : nder House the in provisions -incone within moderate and lovmall or businesses persons incone equivalent ."54 arous neighborhoods or down ),the 5094 scaled be to have would present the of ratings inflated Nbanks 'ato be can ot bove .all syster rating conparative confora add CRA ,unlike Thus original the to intended not was which ,H5094 increase will 'b.R. banks the compliance regulatory of urden den sof establishaent the only not trangling -tape red ,significantly establishment ,also facilities nonbanking of but deposit the establishment securities qualified of mhe ,tincluding notably ost has TRB ,tthe noted .Ahese companies holding bank of subsidiaries s expedited 60 apparent the with conflict in are requirements procedural established Ioday Title by f nonbanking proposals for procedure notice provisions ,these fundanentally More 5094. H.R. completely almost allowing financial Glass -SRegate -refora ofteagall purpose the securities by -firus insurance and with compete to institutions will regulators the so which about decisions make to have , average .Only others than better perfor banks to allowed be should best the interstate ."5activities 2 bbanking and - anking non in lovolved get H.R. ,there Thus by inposed schono the that doubt no be can allocation credit of one 5094 , effect to required be will nanks certain be nornal undertake or lending of types nost trou forbidden .This growth avenues 'd Congress of face the in flies to ecision this in credit of allocation best determine narket tree the allow even ,and country many of soundness and safety the endanger say entering acompetitive at companies holding bank placing on disadvantage financial institutions . fields .those Unconpetitive Banks Making B. . Regulators the Burdening . c intended l886 5094 1.R. ,os.1Although was to riginally ike entities are and companies Banks holding bank only the not called the that .The 5094 1.R. by burdened over be would has TRB legislation ,"eregulatory complex xtremely that by created norass ito ,tdifficult inpossible not disproportionately and adainister complexity that fact the is expense and ."55 expensive this of cause One complete virtually given been has TRB the for responsibility institution's fact an that the ,dofespite Act iaplenentation institution's the with failiar generally aore be will regulator primary -irespect moderate lowservices deposit and credit to ncone .Tanking -b,uneighborhoods non various in engage who firns hus nlike -lite bank and securities burdens the without activities by iaposed 8.R. activities ,banks 5094 these in engage to vish that the carry will compliance of cost -uadditional stepped p ,t.OCRA hese bviously .The record compliance CRA unnecessary this of nature pressing by understood be nay responsibility regulatory of duplication wFRB of evaluation ritten that aconsidering prepare requirenent the company seeks that by owned bank every of record CRA abthe holding ank and securities of cost the in reflected be will burdens additional consumers offer can banks services other to ,thereby bank the saking securities . tiras by offered those against competitive less products coupany holding or bank another acquire to :.T warns TRB he allocation credit of burden the only not include costs These cplace onsiderable would requirement aThis tout ussets less productive ,b regulatory of costs substantial the also .For compliance ,t exaaple day 45 the by created delay additional he strain would and resources Board's the on bank fron resources divert to Board the require order CRA the exanine to in soundness and safety public for tine approval the double nearly will requirement notice raise ."This applications company bolding bank routine needlessly will Board requiring transactions of companies holding bank to cost the record organization banking every virtually of another acquire to application an subuits that present in banks 14,000 over .There bank at are adverse have could and Act BBC under approval effects public the to ."53nong interest include provisions burdensone and costly Other (a aany notice ):190ranch others abday close to ;cprovision onvoluted pholding aapproval "bfor conpany ank reliminary verage rocess o00 States United 1,1the are which of nly direct Board's subject the to currently (Ht 5094 .R. a ,4 27-29 6-49 .N Rep H.R. See 34 822 o. 52 before II Kennedy P. Joseph Honorable the of Statement and Housing Subcommittee Aging on Committee Select the BHCA )a (d 11 section 4nd 403 ,sections proposed 31-34 dding 1988 ). Thrift of Act closure and Bank Notice the Mt Interests Consumer 1 22 988 arch 3 .,a Staff Comments s a tupra .,55 6 Staff 53 Comments s upra ,16 .at 17 18 195 b consumers ,a by governments local and state benefit usiness nd ,Title services banking investaent in competition increasing ensures IV ties .Title areas those in conpetitive be not will banks that IV the with -average above an to Act the under powers new any of exercise rating convenience the of needs and elements iaportant other against factors mor competitive ,community financial of avanagerial ariety not is Board he .Tand exanization supervision many of history operating the with tuiliar of standards critical the subordinate aust relevant .It be may that and examined currently are ,which banks these should to judged be financial institutions by bealth which . community aspects certain needs the of considerations Darrow r the vith oor ,FDIC occ by supervised these which in communities the of many needs 6 bapts .5other operate Additional laposing for Justification of Lack D. Activities CODPADY Holding Bant and Bank on Restraints :OCC has stated t, he Similarly with industry banking saddle to rush In of burden the fund ,fhas have eu government to unwilling been the policies social on .Relying out it singling for justification the consider to stopped onoeinvest an have banks that phrase "irtcatch the bligation the questioned not have pCRA ascommunity of tronger , roponents the for costs increase greatly ould (H.R. )v 5094 of because agencies regulatory other OCC and the that connitaent resource bunan extensive the statutory the meet to required be would . requirenents .As statenent that of validity ,continuing outset the at mentioned reinvest clear bas community the in , ohe "tohowever bligation case of ,many underpinnings conceptual the in apply longer no which of most and .banks activities company holding to applied never which resources exaniner shift to have would OCC The exaas bank and soundness safety fron the other handle to areas from analysts volune increased e examinations ,of valuations in CRA the introduced he when clear Rade Proxaire Senator As ,the "(a)p1971 that was CRA the of prenise underlying for charter ublic benefits numerous abank conveys institution savings or fair is it and e ratings , tc.57 anong ."59 return in something ask to public for Primary the give said were that benefits vas reinvest obligation the to rise on burden acomplex add 5094 H.R. does only Not new costly and deposit avirtual had still banks 1977 in that fact the on monopoly .It public general from taking banks enables government federal the ctommunity from funds extract arto iat ,cost argued was egulated benefit of some that require can also government federal the to creates ,it FRB also ability agency's the impediment an pursue ,mits importantly most -and safety the aintaining goals other noted in industry ,u.IStates sndeed United 'bsoundness anking the of CPP ,tquotation above the of complexity he from staft FRB -cost lov .those community the into reinvested get funds asuperficial had have may argument that While in attraction substitutes 1970's late the since ,the 1977 deposit bank of explosion has altered dramatically industry banking of deregulation the and Rust .Banks based is argument now this which on presumptions the Rfunds ,Dcompete utual onbank funds market money aggressive against concern :OCC issue this on FRB ,tthe voiced has .Lhe institutions ike allocate OCC's to ability statute the limit would "The proposed national ."58 banks soundness of safety and ensure the resources to hinder further the of sAct provisions , pecific Moreover office with dealing section . he regard this in ,texample or Fregulators substitutes ,fother of dollars the ahor and banks deposit ost by .Bhe tdepositors this ,m funds deposited of cost ecause easured has applicant the if application requires closings an deny to TRB closing pening ,oof cpor attern acquiring aengaged inhartering facilities ain deposit or institutions depository insured federally are ,no depositors to paid rates interest the longer artificially at set the .Instead rates ,Clow let to decided has set market free ongress (ethat funds deposit of ),sprice accounts deposit denand for xcept o T, hus to able are .banks rates best the depositors offer compete 'cost banks depositor's the for competition new with risen have funds of or neighborhoods ncone -i noderate and lowexclude to tends that Ranner hus ,tT factor this weighing fror foreclosed is FRB . he arous equivalent has .I dollar ,d sus uniqueness the decreased dramatically neregulation that argument the Atfranchise of part important .deposit - naking e (,a ). tupra added mphasis 12-13 s Comments Staff 56 ,57 Comptroller Clarke L. Robert Letter currency the of Jt Wylie P. Chalmers Honorable the to 1 22 .,a 4 988 uly is time a hardship fiscal of in Overkill regulatory Such example ,t he Title i IV f or ncluding throughout compounded i federal each " n divisions consumer new of creation of source the yet mention no heard have We body . regulatory .If so do longer no should 1977 in day the acarried is there deposit the bank to benefits comparative of lessening substantial -avis vis franchise -taking deposit ,tnonbank enterprises can here aking no that loans make to other banks asking for justification be would entity .commercial make needed .of divisions these fund to be will that money the to history nation's our in scarcely time the .This 58_Id is critical 5094 the for narrow H.R. of goals substitute must assume regulate they banks the and agencies those roles S. on Hearings 59 st 406 1.,a upra healthy .to economy our keep 19 20 196 regulators resources scarce divert to force vill provisions federal the soundness regulated their of fundamental and safety the supervising fron organizations , 62 (a)"cgroups .rights ivil nd Thus ,onsumer regulatory "icommunity bank the nput nto bave to appears process virtual into Ucontrol .blossoned protestors for ndoubtedly of grant the have already successful so been to powers new these that groups sue the ,1the Moreover beyond well go burdens 5094's deposit .R. unreasonable holding the to companies exposing bank relationship by .In activities nonbanking of costs pursuit the in delays and aBtank's ,iconsidering facilities deposit new for application made attempting in record applicant's the consider to regulators for sense .Wolding community its of needs credit the hen abmeet to seeks company -banking non other in engage or business securities the ,enter activities ,the however holding to related community the of needs credit is should subsidiary bank .Wcompany's at be not issue this hen , insurance deposit value alleged of perspective the from viewed on burden of iaposition ahthe olding ,baving company direct no the business using at legitimate stall to CRA result will transactions from extortion further in . industry banking the .CRA IV Refindent for reasons the detail in underscores analysis foregoing The general .5094. 8.2 to opposition ,rindustry scope of terms In ationale the effect ,and unprecedented are bill the of provisions CRA and bank its of base deposit between whatsoever relationship the . unworkable and justifiable un ,produces activities companies holding the of size or range aajor distortions . however testimony our in earlier stated ve As ,o ur views us preclude not do 5094 1.R. aspect this of nature irreparable the to ANew 3. Hisuse for fornula .Specific lan existing to refinerents certain for support our (and past the in advocated have we which refinerents to continue aonly ,tThus deteraine to able been have we as far she bank when issue into conpliance CRA bringing for reason perceptible i): nclude support give is activities bonbanking in engage to want coapanies holding unifornity (i)Randatory interagency data to respect with protest of pursuit the with interfere to opportunity another groups credit ,thereby econony our in activities productive the reinforcing (isf requirenents reporting and )agathering any to respect with as well , standards rating and procedures exuaination Iallocation ,n in interfere they can only . ndeed bill the of aspect ot have aalso will pursuit ,twthe activities of category new hey hole .By delay capacity augmented an public for days 45 requiring on 90 to ,pconnent application (uany tine additional the if days plus needs services financial community of studies regulatory )(ii assessing in sector private the assist would which and identifying ies nd opportunit service community ,aspecific virtually bolding ),A.R. contested is application 5094 bank that assures negotiate even bave with companies will records exemplary to application the process .during ,the Moreover other in protestors these insinuates Act recomendations these To ,w subuit respectfully would e that options :following consideration Comittee's the aerit .For ways unprecedented ,s example pernit 5094 8.R. of provisions everal of course the over performance its iaprove comait to institution an two years . )(iv which to extent the of studies regulatory secondary (eHae practices underwriting TFmarket ,.NMac UD aani reddie ,egy )uS.D.A. incone moderate and lowfor lending bank frustrate tc. ,cpurposes housing business mall and ;sdevelopment studies uch omaunity particular the on also focus should insurance bortgege private of inpact address also night and lending mortgage bank on practices underwriting -bfinancial non by ,idisiavestaent providers services ank ncluding nsinsurance ,ptirns and funds conpanies utual ecurities ension sinilar corporato noney managers , the contains even 5094 unwarranted and novel a1.R. of concept cfederal randated "wfederally oversee to group onsumer atchdog (v)subject resolution satisfactory to expressed concerns the of ,sationale 'rbelow regulators the disclosure public of for one by .T regulators C Review "w created be each Boards hese ould onsunity 4each ofepresentatives conprised be would and Bank Reserve rTederal corganizations afommunity (b)"tron inancial ,institutions )(c assigned rating CRA ,the ,and plans closing branch of notification public advance )(vi .8t Rep H.R. 60 (H 28 s 5094 ,a 403 .R. 22 ection dding section 11 (b)6.proposed BHCA 405 .N Rep H.R. 61 a 822 (H 39 s ,5094 o. t .R. ection dding section CRA .proposed )5 (a 810 412 ).5094 at Id 62 (H 41-42 ,s .R. ection 21 22 197 public -r CRA on lisits tine involvement (ielated )naxinun ii . delays costly avoid to order in protestors processes satisfactorily are rating and exas CRA the If to addressed behe above ,t concerns of scope outlined us reforned regulatory laundry CRA of ilist any in )(vnclusion ii othe /r and banking provision basic of voluntary criterii assessRent activities of proactive services the well us cushing government check bearing and CRA consent -rin elated involvement all public through appreciably .If perceived are ratings the narrowed be should processes service bave opportunities accurate community and comparable be to be are ,there defined been should grades when discuss to little and good Unifornity Interagency A. tranes .Maxinua bad are grades tine it address to issues specific c.should aontext such interest public's the upon infringe way no in performance CRA the concerning protocols interagency Unifora rating vould perfornances CRA ,conducting data and exazinations ank -BD. Igpact of Studies Underwriting Non the Regulatory to us iastitutions depository guidance needed ruch provide involving concerns address also would .It expectations performance ratings CRA the of comparability and consistency interagency Issues Disinvestment und and collateral market secondary that role significant The investeent abank's in and lending play considerations insurance Sand ,astrategies stated ssets . imply overenphasized be cannot are which investments prompt of capable and transferable readily and flexibility the institutions financial provide liquidation competitive volatile often and highly today's in necessary protection Institutions he .T Financial Federal regulators rendered by different various the from representatives omprised ,c)Exan of (ITIEC Council .labe group ogical coordinating ould ,vtederal agencies regulatory Needs Services Financial Community of Study Regulatory B. receivable securitization .The marketplace or asset in interest growing An groups consuner both by law existing of criticin cited oft to as guidance particular of the industry banking absence is and that significance strategic exemplifies industry banking the in binvestaent - ank's non of practices aunderwriting in play way anks .Tystem ardecisions "s-badvent capitalization bank of he ased isk Iconfidential ,o and source ne . ndeed address to designed is CRA Deeds Ksuggested "ithat afkaesque n is law the has authority CRA provinent a of charges from themselves defending forever are bank's that sense the . factors these of significance the heighten further will quite never is which .criae defined have for but control little banks which over are Another communities .different of needs varied the acknowledges do we But 1defacto becone to not is CRA 11 addressed be must for substitute governsent aid to private of role appropriate the is it that believe benefit from enterprises which rightfully all by shared responsibilities opportunities which services identifying financial community in sector activities their in investacats community's .the all . concerned to of benefit the addressed be can for such body coordinating ogical ,the Again al be would ITIEC be could which studies qualified other and universities to subcontracted Disclosure CRA the of Rating Public for Song . 3 Rationale research groups . abcontroversial is This find to tends which issue ighly vithin ,unease agencies regulatory within disfavor significant the provides 8for 5094 .R. connunity by support strong and .industry groups elated -r CRA in Involvement . ine tc Public for frues Maxinu Processes Bearing and Coment , process examination CRA connencenent the of disclosure public lav the with existing to respect Imis concern industry ajor -enature .open processes regulatory in participation public of nded provided public that guidelines generally tenporal Existing 198 propositions which increasingly the hold to seem 5094 I.R. us such competing -bcommunity non financial ,isank accountable by disinvestaent providers ,sservices companies insurance us and firus ecurities uch money .Tservice managers issue his -like deposit other and providers legislative criteria regulatory or that propose not do We financial .CRA institutions the of obligation detail in specity should which law existing in flexibility purposeful the defeat would This CRA and rating which upon evaluation regulatory written the ,trating such us and overkill clearly This based.63 is otally . Unsupportable periods time of specified ainiaun be for permitted participation aust -H.. tine not runes axinua consent ,t(i.are ).public period he of disclosure the that concerned are agencies regulatory The with asnay the of -rtatement CRA numerical confused be ating (1... condition financial ).T,tinstitution's rating canel are he hey ,even in intiaidation interference public of notion the by troubled also h mandated ,. owever undermines appreciably limitations latter these of absence The preparations discouraging concrete involvement public by of process the Don -pto iand ,tThis turn foster nroductive . ends debate focused consuaer and industry both part the on frustration of level 405 H s (a),5094 .R. ection .8t Rep H.R. 63 a 37-38 22 this is ,i.Iin tndeed situation protest the eparticipants specially CRA . above outlined of abuses group peraits community the that feature 8 ).sections 809 and 08 CRA ,adding 807 proposed 24 -ehey CRA .Fthe ,tprocess public that concerned are inally xuination -ratings CRA underlying reports exaaination specific the of disclosure Adainistrative the under challenge to decisions their subject could nandate afar is this Although statutory the frou cry of ,vspecific 5094 1.R. in outlined services that submit respectfully e , proaction sector private to inducerent appropriate more the is this entitlement of the unprecedented nature view in especially the and IV Title in arprescriptions of absence supporting ecord in ssection ./o,aet courts the eq 5Urnd Act Procedure 101 .S.C. do ,w However there that believe .e concerns these shares CBA such services .need for disclosure conclusions sunnary of public for sone in nerit be may rendered .it institution's when -rconcerning CRA is anating .Basic VI Cashing Check Governsent And Banking amore persons interested provide vould This timely ,Sfubtitle IV Title Co ap contains 65 5094 R. I. that rovision require would ab offer to institutions depository all financial asic and account checks who services governnent cash to persons for register than concerns an to as record institution's opportunity their express could .I lan current by accorded usis strealine help ubsequent t .Ftinally debate focusing by process ,iapplication tine justify would more providing by state application the at involvement public on lisits . account this under institution the with would the ,thave provision this Under account banking basic he earlier -related CRA an at persons interested to information in point : features following preparations .This tine advance facilitato should . stage application the at negotiations and $1000 have who individuals to available on less or O deposit ; . Closings Branch of Notification Public Advance . 1 which routine for tees and charges service o inconvenience occasioned is that custouer the acknowledges CBA .For facilities banking of closure or relocation the ,wby reason this e of branch planned notification public advance forn sone support would on ,such closures notices posting us facility of site the iniaal aaount aB exceed not can ;transactions requirement aBibinun with balance or opening aore not of o than $ 5 ;2 closed . being the supporting to extended be night consideration Sone pinclusion , rovided statenents account customer branch in notice such of withdrawals other or checks 10 least at allows that per o ; Bonth etailed monthly ad via activity account shows that O authority . apassbook or ;statement S.R. in requiresents notification closure branch the Because the for requirenent no has that to holder account teller ;machines services non other or automated use exclusively O Opposes hBA guidelines basic these exceed greatly 64 ,C5094 owever . then repeated be say which a closed ,d notice to fter ue o : activity fraudulent or overdrafts ion of Considerat CRA Voluntary and Banking Basic G. ctivities -AGovernaent CRA Affiliate and Services Cashing Check . required relationships account other no o IV Title subtitle's four first ,The are bill House the of ,an account banking basic this to addition In rust institution ,reries effect asin into CRA the expansion specific of adical through available nake ,g account .this services cashing check overnnent ,EF5094 alone reason this is or . .R. entitlements services financial cashing of 8.R. the for 5094 parusters in outlined are following The . unacceptable : checks governnent hhat say to not is This t ,g banking basic owever overnment services abank by rendered its comaunity other or cashing check acould of context the in considered be not company ,holding affiliates more no for to could cashed be checks government the O $1500 ;than be ,cexamination )m(oIndeed criticisn well under due rredit ay .CRA be aneed and established Consunity where CRA can services such for $2Ifee ;of check each cash to charged be could .00 o (orddressed bank )a not .has need that three or branches designate many as could custoners O ; checks cash could she or he wbich at offices No. Rep a 822 (H 46-8 .5 T ,S IV t 094 itle ubtitle R H.R. 64 .No. Rep H.R. 65 822 ) D 25 26 199 that dispensed be can and content in discretionary largely is disclosure regulatory under acquisitions energency of instance the in with busic accounts litolino or banking offer currently may institutions the into fit not do people ,bto which ut targeted incono low are .institutions 5094 Those to have vould in B.R. outlined paruaeters .to 5094 R. compliance I. with order in be accounts their redesign beo would there requirenent balance or opening biniau so this for account ; any the by issued check as defined are checks Governaent -s any of agency ain States United ,o ntate r o beaks offer ,lifeline accounts that mandating opposes CBA The parameters such of specific the strongly aandating oppose most we and government .alocal Association's Bankers Consumer The positions . accounts docuaented .are banking well lifeline check and cashing governaent on Committee's Banking Senate the before May last hearings During to any ,CBA Affairs Consumer or Subcomittee opposition its stated institutions such provide depository that requirenents mandatory mile iaprovenent an represents provision House current the us requirement ,CBA proposals this opposes over cashing check previous .Mandated drafted currently and unnecessary are services cashing check person a has who any because 5094 H.R. of context the in redundant services .66 would ctherefore and institution an of austomer is account lifeline and CBA any oppose to continue senbers its legislative offered other all to cashing services the check same access have fraud and consideration ,o aside about concerns .Tur customers his ,for board the across all bank specific sets that provision policy types (fon liaitations the .Tederal stand still he operational expense the -sf,500 ain local ($1and )oamount less or governaent nd tate proprietary for the as issues business ,on institutions depository such institution pricing .and offerings product aof makes depository A decision by accounts cashing check or lifeline offer to whether on :fconsidering institution to unique are aDor that factors of uaber checks right the steps significant 5094 S.R. in are that Ishould allowed be ,bnstitutions .direction enough far go not do ut those will and needs their fit design that accounts to discretion more significant other for while ,the exaaple banks sone is fraud of risk .Breat ainiaal be likely will it institutions ag are there ecause Duaber into taken be must that factors institutional individual of offer asinstitution ,isuch is dtervice before account can epository institutions all that require to irresponsible indeed and iapractical allow ,tabnot or ank does .Ahrift customers their of that provision ny particular circuastances its consideration into take to union credit policy and at is safety to shreat developing when custoner pecific soundness . service .product aunifora provide or 'dunderstand Congress services cashing check to access iaprove esire leow elderly .Wfor individuals needy other and ,incone question contained s.of in lines one the ,along option deposit direct is future the for option an still deposit direct Although 2110. cashing services ,whether however check governaent or lifeline aandating 200 however arous these in act ,It to necessary it deens Congress the of protective are policies formulate it that essential is initiative is policy such One . alike banks and consumers of interests institutions neaber The Association Bankers Consumer the of iteural would see to like institutions ,wrBany saaller our of conjunction ain with possible ,pencouraged articularly wherever governnent cashing of purpose the for used is that account lifeline .is this meet to way appropriate host the need Position Cashing Check benefits paynents . individuals bring to ways best the of one that asserted is It of deposit direct that believe we why reasons many are There rom the both Fencouraged .should be paynents benefit government irect dagencies erspectives ,'pand issuing the institutions depository his .Twith theft has and fraud probleas eliminates virtually deposit city on issued losses ,wcertainly York New City inhere case the been city the when significantly reduced were payments assistance public system who urnbanked iare banking lthe through "ois ifeline nto accessible needs the neet and be to designed accounts banking basic outlined income moderate and low .Tof people account banking basic he type 8.R. this inut to approach one represents 5094 ,b account of . approach only the not certainly country basic offering are the across institutions Depository numbers ,m.Core half than urrently increasing ever in accounts banking with Manufacturers into entered syster disbursement funds electronic an less also is deposit .Hanover cashers Direct check local and Co. Trust direct where .and checks paper areas In expensive than efficient more governaent for payment of method the as aandated been has deposit ecipient ,rCounty been has Mapproval uch sinnesota benefits Raasay as deposit adare towards w,as aoving Technologically . eirect 888 high banks consercial of m .A accounts such offer US the in problem ajor banking basic provide institutions mandating with that is accounts that possible Inany entirely is .t accounts such defining of society . ,wLosses checks hile forging stolen and schenes check trou undeniably of parts some in higher be ,vthe predict to difficult ill May on Heuer Alan Mr. of testimony the to refer Please 66 areas the choose to high in risk others A banks .than llowing country . 18 institutions this reduce greatly to these enables option deposit direct 27 28 would service cashing check the offer also to then R. eguiring rist and fraud of terns in deposit direct benefits the degate virtually able uaquantifi an point this at are losses Such . losses check stolen Funds Expedited the of inpact ss he .Tvery problem real but neverthele and be to yet deterained has fraud of incidence Availability the on Act chec rklable othe for hichptio ware s rrol ,avai dule sche the to the cont to exce orde in ks ayns sits next to yd also houl schec ,-dappl depo e thes y use to ilit inab the from resu my lt that ds frau of risk . ptions exce udepository pernit would anendaent second The to institution if "cTreasury us only onhecks and availability for day next provide that teller .Cthey facilities required ongress statted at deposited are facilities in teller staffed at deposits deposited be all and cash other s before awhile for regulation place in these see to like would We rs .checks aandated is for noncustome government of cashing the issuing agencies benefits to addition In it the recognized -decause next receive to order ,b availability ay also d,paynents is deposit irect institutions depository the and and other contents ATMs at deposits of the veritying in difficulties institution's books adin update epository facilities to unstafted time the beneficial This reduces vastly paynent of aethod consumers .to asuch ,clikelihood lost or stolen of being are paynents nd heck they "land get to the in happen ost eusily more if tracell quickly of start the at funds withdrawal for available make could it that so sane apply These should considerations Treasury to . day business next ". systen us onhecks and checks ."c .Expedited VII Availability Funds allow would arendaent third The to institutions depository overdrawn their have repeatedly notice who custoners to asingle issue redeposited ,a who customers to tond accounts checks have custoners Act into )6(Bfunds went 7TM Expedited The Availability September eftect s.1 tine the At ,T financial Promire 988. 886 he ,wUany Act the nder henever ad,000 5aate than more $.of eposit must institution depository ,the invoked is schedule the to exception (Afct Act ,C)oHodernization passed 1988 sone of aware was ongress next on available funds nating to related problens the .A itens aday s being .While used such that is exception the custoner notify ,the .result ETAA the aaended Act reasonable of case the in appropriate be may notices individual appropriate -dare large the for ,tollar exception cause not hey overdraft repeated redeposited ,otrhe exception check the as 1Board ,tSubsequent Federal 886 he $Reserve of passage to anendaents additional include to House asked industry the as well found section in arendnents following we the include you that ask and exception overdraft (in period tine repeated of case ).Ithe these depository ,it cases to costly less and efficient aore be would institutions notice tailor to flexibility the had they if financial :pernit to institutions would amendments The must be next given that checks to exceptions the Apply availability :day would exception .T invoked anendaent proposed he requirement the to .fthe result this accomplish ,u example as arendaent or ingle nder customers aaking ad aore of eposit or overdrafters repeated to notice institution a oay -dPerait next provide to epository nanned at deposited are they if only checks for funds of availability schedules $5,000 -dthan special account the to applicable escribing -is effect in is exception that tine the .for appropriate aore facilities ;teller clearly would anendaent fourth The Federal the permit Reserve Board payment the in entities all anong losses for liability allocate to entities all to apply rules liability the that Clarify O nd participating ;a systes payments the in in involved besides are institutions depository .Other syster entities These states include entities .the checks of payaent and collection liability civil certain in flexibility Provide O wtheir issue "doften rawn , arrants subdivisions political hich thenselves . subdivisions states political or the on directly provisions . applicability the expands anendaent first The of Under be availability must that checks to -dexceptions next .given ay ,adinstitution Act proceeds entire the make must ofepository next of start the at withdrawal for available deposits check certain following the day business ,i deposit amount of rrespective deposited ;or deposit being check that fact the been previously had fact ;or unpaid returned of reasonable has institution the that .The uncollectible is deposited being check the that believe to cause delay the months four by would amendment fifth The sections Funds Expedited the of liability civil iaplenentation certain relating Act the of sections to applies it as Availability of VI Title 67 .L Pub 100-86 . 29 30 201 :deposits for ainvoked over .Tll exception be nay exceptions hese (ill amount specified -d large of case );athe exception checks nollar all sone during deposits ;or exception check redeposited the by covered . 5094 8.R. of 472 to .It requirenents disclosure the effective the affect not does date .The Duaber routing the on based checks sort and read that nachines .of schedules applies the to availability it as liability civil Banks sake -faust time within available .funds statue the by required ranes which during aonths four institutions financial give would aaendaent The processing expeditions the pernits syster collection forward autoasted of use T.main routing ETAA the ,ohe checks in of goals ne part integral an is .Duaber process the of complied with disclosure the have that ensure could they with result this unions credit The h ,w unhappy ere owever . requirenents sbare their of most adbecause through payable are drafts esignated efficient Federal The very been has Reserve for publishing in ,but coanent necessarily are regulations proposed federal Reserve adifferent in located is that bank Conaercial .share region Processing These routing the with encoded are drafts .the union credit ,not bank connercial identifying Dunber voluainous .T complicated published and only were regulations final he and regulations tine 1 Nay in ,l little the review to 988 eaving payable the to sent are rafts ,aost -dAccordingly through payable of nare bank ,athrough collection for union credit the considered ot nd and Act by deranded changes extensive the all inplenent . nonlocal September .,1988 by regulations with consistent is anendaent The as Act the of spirit Credit The (C Association National Union )s Federal the UNA ued bank was check the where it if that believed because Board reserve drawo the in were was draft which on union credit and deposited accorded and check ocal alsue as treated be should ,the region .Because ETM under checks local for time availability shorter the court .T CUNA with sided his ,the ETM the in definitions certain of -i.e. ETKA goals one of face the in tlies decision ,t he -and systea collection check the of iaprovenent inpedes and ignores efficiencies does Ncurrent only and new require it ot the .in syster be drafts ,but disclosures confusing share that requires also it . ID schedules availability the to regard with applies still liability Tederal d ,taddition period month four linited this he uring Reserve it sections these of Donconpliance address to authority full has Board appropriate . Additional have would 5094 1.R. of 471 Section original the changed payable union credit of drafts through ,treatment CC Regulation under .to BFM inplerents which Regulation the Subsequent 8.R. of passage nanually processed the It collection check the .slowing process pal hthe ,et5094 Association National Union .Credit revailed owever coaputer cannot number trouting used vbe high -s,h olune peed he igh this Reserve on Federal against as in Board the and issue uit to Federal CC Regulation mended Board Reserve court the reflect used be not may aachine sorting autonated .controlled ano Ashis r ,t is aaendaent esult longer should and necessary .Tdraft deleted be as drafts share union credit of (treataent he hare drawn a)u check to similar is on c b than rather union ank redit nder hhould Cc Regulation ,s Reserve Federal the and addressed be owever ,drafts sbar union credit treat to authority clear given be should Board goals tae with consistent treated are checks other all that way same the collection check conpleted have checks the before available funds . process We so ITM in definitions the arend you that ask share in drafts treat to authority the has reserve Federal clearly Board .amanner EM of goals the with consistent . BPM the of fraud increase could itself EPM the that recognized Congress . sxceptions institutions financial for the efrom esult Alosses ,ar arge dollar ,l accounts new for schedule were others and deposits .e EAA in Wincluded should exception account new the that believe financial requires Act Availability Funds Expedited The institutions time certain within available funds make to .It frames alonger permits and checks nonlocal fron local distinguishes for tine f,be istorically .Hinancial months six to days thirty from extended new iaposed considered bave institutions have and risky accounts . checks nonlocal New pose .accounts accounts these into deposited itens on restrictions risks or experience no had has institution financial the because their assess can it which on holders account these with relationship nonlocal and local defines Act The the not or whether on based in are pays and check the receives that bank .IFederal region Processing Check sane the in are both Reserve t ore ev .Mimportantly accounts their nanage to desire or ,dability ,it local .region nonlocal is check the not individuals ,b schenes diting check inecause involved often are accounts and law of knowledgeable are who use syster collection check the the that discovers bank before funds withdraw to knowledge their financial he .checks uncollectible Tare will extension perait easonable new aonitor to institutions accounts ar for amour activity deliberation auch After that decided Board Reserve Federal the check or local is whether deternine to nethod practical only athe was quaber each nonlocal routing the use to (w on encoded is check hich indicates check the (HfICR characters nagnetic )oin which processing .Financial check pays that bank the and region computer efficient use institutions -c sorting automated ontrolled 31 tine . 32 202 asthough treating ,eBy local as draft paid is it hare ven nhey ,bthrough ahbank at -tare risk making be say anks onlocal igher decision . .Other VIII concerns on preaised is provision this that submits CBA respectfully wrongful prohibit to fails law existing that iapressions nistaken the Aaendaents ECOA A. is exemption Reserve Federal the that and discrizination credit business 804 Section Credit Equal the wend vould 5094 1.R. of seq ")t.(EU.S.c. prohibit ,1COA Act Opportunity et 1691 section 5o academic of basis the on discrizination credit .We pursuits advised are certain a of conduct the that ,w issuer card credit business favored hich ithe inspringtine najors arts liberal over ,s pronotion card target s uDot and accurate is ,view Nsuch . oither review continued to subject Subtitle I i. s unnecessary Initiatives Disclosure B. views our limit to request Comittee's the acknowledging While unique to .5natters ,C8.2 continuing express compelled is 094 BA disclosure of complexity and volume the to respect with reservations . provision this of .CBA aberration an was question in conduct the that believes deterrine aconfined to .s institution ingle It mus can we for us ,that Further by complaints consumer respond to quick was institution requirenents loan equity hone and account deposit 5094's R.R. in investaent pertinent on focus to ability consumer's The initiatives.69 threatened detail the by /or and severely is information shopping credit policy . the discontinuing pronptly provisions . these by required The the across play sedia substantial received has episode alerted has to CBA as neabers its Congressional the country . Truth -Sinavings the is concern particular of Also panoply i -the Truth of n custoners non to provision initiative's full reedies .This s civil tylod -is Lending the with break unfortunate an that no is there inending Truth -L .C precedent subnits respectfully BA Wherefore t not e .,do natter this to sensitivity a nticipate . policy the of replication observe also would CBA education postsecondary certain that lending and Congress the both by promoted presently policies scope expansive the against directly cut Administration this of -custoners non to protection such offering for rationale .legitimate the of risk substantial to exposed be not should institutions Financial established an not have who persons involving conduct for penalties persons ?have barned been .How relationship account such designed .S proposal ,i governant discourage to nitiatives pecifically rates unreasonably with schools for lending subsidized default high aay Conclusion . proposal ECOA this of afoul run ,s.1886 abrestrictions both is that change for lueprint ECOA under discrinidations prohibited list laundry of focus the (" ex c sr origin n ,o status ace r olor arital eligion ational proconsumer and .proconpetitive question ,t?).F"standard in urther -ahe ... age pursuit academic nd assubjective as part in ,iframed intention the given vague dangerously CRA burdensone The 8.R. in provisions entitlenent related and least portions these so 5094 equation this at reader to us severely skew violations . entail ECOA for which penalties severe actions Senate's with irreconcilable bill House the IV Title of and these -cthat ill onceived alarning especially is It objectives .and highly chief the as regarded be to come have provisions controversial ,and above light In the defending of intention no with proprietary ,Csense question in policy the of BA business or common matter .to conaittee this reject urges respectfully cabodied in financial aodernization on concensus the to threat . bill Proxnire restrict 68 IoWe 5094 H.R. would f note also subtitle that Federal Governors Board of authority the to Systen Reserve nof otification ,provide disclosure complex the some from exeaptions for provision .The ECOA under requirerents recordkeeping and on focuses sunsary Chairsan of views ,CBA light this In the endorse aust Greenspan : Icannot the that strongly too eaphasize awill ,business be to continue nd been has always which credit purpose .would discrimination subject credit on prohibitions ECOA's to It this other and -e re presently to valuate Reserve Federal the require urgently of need in banking is systea to sandate basic its in changes modernizing so doears to and exemptions 5yexisting every least .at acconpetitive adapt to it allow hanged Those changes abroad and bone at .environment Congress by accomplished effectively rost are NO Rep H.R. 69 .8 r 55 and 49 ,at 22 espectively (Subtitles H.R. 68 .No. Rep 63 at 822 33 )F IV ,Tnd itle E a 34 203 supports Association Bankers Consumer The upon course the Senate's to part large in due enbarked is Congress 100th the which ,nWinitiative exceptions some insurance the ith . otably leadership and respectfully w ,Finally question in policy the that subait e rationale ,s the to rise doesn't iaply while perhaps ad lacking esirable ,t contrast precisely is udnhis .Ilevel rights civil of eprivation and the future vitalit the of bankingy system depends upon ad enonstr that congres sation is capable taking of the crucial first steps that will begin process the and establi the sh framewo rk for future change .be would It unfortu nate indeed the if steps that have already been taken this year that seened so promisi did not in the produce end concret eng results.70 204 Greens 70 pan letter s ,.2upra N ote 4 -5 35 205 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you very much , Mr. Kolesar. STATEMENT OF THOMAS P. RIDEOUT, VICE CHAIRMAN , FIRST PROVISIONS OF TITLE IV ARE UNACCEPTABLE While the ABA supports the purposes of the Community Rein vestment Act, we must oppose the CRA provisions in title IV of H.R. 5094. They are unworkable and unacceptable for at least five principal reasons: 206 loans to " meet" low - income, small- farms, and small-business needs — all of this without considering safety and soundness. The proposed scheme would lead to a permanent system of credit allo cation . Contents of Table Page STATEMENT PREPARED 1 Introduction I. of Statement "A Benefit CBSubtitles aommunity A mendments nd . II 2 Needs Credit Community .. A. .of Provisions CRA House Unworkability B Rideout P. Thomas 9 10 10 Chairman Vice 11 14 15 Bank National Union First Carolina North of ,North Charlotte Carolina Government Bnd C. "aSubtitle Banking asic Check . III 15 Elect President Dranch .BSubtitle Notice and Analysis Closing . IV 17 Association Bankers American E Subtitle V. . VI F Subtitle 19 Loan Equity .Home Disclosure 20 .Subtitle Amendments Act Availability Funds Expedited G. 21 . VII . Hnd Banking on ,aCommittee Affairs Urban ousing 22 . Amendments Act Opportunity Credit Equal H .Subtitle VIII States United Senate APPENDICES 1 8, 988 September 1. Provisions Benefit Community the of Analysis Porter and Arnold C,Basic Subtitle of "aAnalysis Banking Check Government nd 2. D,Branch Subtitle of Notice and Analysis Closing . 3 . 4 5. E,Truth Subtitle of Analysis Savings in FEquity Subtitle of ,HAnalysis Disclosure ome . 6 G,Expedited Subtitle of Analysis Amendments Availability Funds 7. Opportunity Amendments Act H,Equal Subtitle of Analysis Credit 207 the Before Truth .. in Savings critically fact This is Without until thorough important today hearings parties affected all involving including ,fconsumer groups community and ederal stnd aagencies governments local ,iand Institutions depository difficult is tate of Statement so what precisely know without do how and addressed be to problems need unintended effects unnecessary regulatory .and costs Rideout P. Thomas Congress ,thas IV Title to addition In 100th he consumer other considered in currently is which Act Disclosure Card Credit the including legislation Availability Funds Expedited the and conference 1987 in passed was which Act piece each While ,e intentioned well is legislation consumer of it with carries ach President E - lect industry obFor and regulations ,iof accourse banking the on fmposes ost ody reported ,tby example as Act Availability Funds Expedited he Banking House the after 1987 in Committee was hearings extensive pages typewritten .T37 long he Association Bankers American the Before Reserve of text typewritten Federal implementing CC Regulation pages 647 was it funds .Imut long the reopen not ention emphasize ,bthis debate availability to that impose can laws these cost substantial and real concepts burdens can legislatively simple relatively appear may which very become the in complex Banking onnd ,aHCommittee Affairs Urban ousing 8,1988 September I. . world real regulation orhe law current one no While unmanageable an poses ,talone burden of effect cumulative body growing the regulations ,ris laws and ules quickly becoming compliance of T. he cost increased overwhelming has regulations these with the for implications serious industry banking of ability small especially .. INTRODUCTION Senate the of Members and Chairman Mr. Committee Banking Thomas is name my IaRídeout -c Vice ,N Charlotte in Bank National Union First of . mhairman orth IaAssociation ,appreciate Carolina -e President Bankers American the lect nd .of financial other with compete to .. banks not are who providers service subject ,tthe important more Perhaps must compliance of costs increased rules same he consumers the by paid be ultimately protect to designed were laws .these is It you before appear to opportunity Bankers American the of behalf on morning this consumer oneported testify to ,rAssociation 5094 H.R. of provisions by the makers policy that important very therefore ab strike actual the between alance Committee Banking .House 28th July on avalanche an trigger will IV Title Enacting .The regulation new of cost .We enormous are Committee this urge of implications the consider to $1he .than 00 assets Tmillion combined members ABA about comprise percent 95 of before carefully very islation this banking the on costs its imposing industry the public .and the commercial of assets banking . industry H.R. of provisions consumer The Tare hese .5094 IV Title in contained your serve de .provisions attention closest many Tvery and complex not are hey the of concerns and position The regarding Association Bankers American each Title of subtitles the IV prepared my in summarized are and statement discussed understood significant ,t enacted if Moreover have could .well hey unintended availability cost the on effects to services deposit and credit of low detail attached the in appendices . communities income moderate of operations the on and banks holding bank . companies . II AND SUBTITLES B AMENDMENTS BENEFIT COMMUNITY 5094 H.R. IV Title subtitles eight contains largest be may and the of body considered ever legislation .consumer Congress by and A Subtitles w B ould thrift bank alter significantly Community the and acts company holding Institutions CwReinvestment Subtitle depository all require offer to Act . ould "abrequire banking government and ccounts checks SDwasic ubtitle .cash ould Aand BcSubtitles amendments ontain thrift and bank the to company holding Care ( RA Act Reinvestment Community and acts )w the increase to intended hich by extended credit of volume and lowin borrowers to banks -income moderate Ccommunities the as to referred generally are ."TThese provisions must . RA hey .have carefully analyzed be There legislative no been until them on hearings provisions the profoundly would ,a today they implications reaching far have nd and banks national savings federal associations loan profit provide to forecasts and bbefore ahistories closing branch notify to ofranch customers closing Eaintended would nd espectively tFrSubtitles "impose in .the ruth of terms and alter .intent Act Reinvestment Community the disclosure "aamend savings loan equity .home requirements wnd G Subtitle the ould ,the Chairman Mr. Association Bankers American the of institutions member Reinvestment .Community Act the believe We of purposes support community in lending small housing for ,f growth business operations arm lending for share revitalize to purposes all our doing in believe we nd .A keeping Hamend ,and Act Availability Funds Expedited wSubtitle record certain ould to relating terms notice denial and Equal the under loans commercial Credit .Act Opportunity -iWe neighborhoods ncome n.lending ,low sound with ondiscriminatory programs been has IV Title in legislation the some of Consideration limited .quite have A,BaThere subtitles in language legislative the on hearings no Dbeen nd 2 208 benefits proposal each of compliance costs the .and Association Bankers American The in ranges membership from size smallest the 85 banks largest very the ,wto ith assets having members its percent less of because development community believe .in communities our are these units government declined has banks by held ,-years 15 past the over steadily and live We strong be to them want We vital .and possible as . them in work by March 29 to 1974 in percent 40 .from 1988 falling The held share ,ffirms minsurance ,scompanies funds other and inance utual ecurities climbed firms financial nonbank same the over percent 51 .to period time none But financial other these providers service of terms current the by covered are ABaCommunity subtitle the by covered be they would nor Act Reinvestment nd Association Bankers American the While CRA IV Title oppose must provisions 1,we Appendix in detailed below summarized reasons the for and interested are astatute it make CRA modify ideas discuss to .bprepared etter for met We matter this on staff and Members Committee Banking House with hours many are the improve staff and Members Senate with closely work to prepared also . requirements of charges ,tmuch months few past the In been has about publicity here ."bbanks cities other and Atlanta in edlining rcomment Icy the on annot cities other ,bcircumstances market Atlanta the in offices has institution my ut . Act Reinvestment Community needs credit Community are direct from complex .this attest Ican to .Mirst experience F bank ,d Bank National Union an each in assessment y oes eeds market from variation great is there that found have We . areas market our of one the in and that communities .to areas market individual up make Iscomment As ag is Atlanta it of example Icee .and there situation the on ood an factors financial and demographic interplay complex of makeup credit the in m .aarket area discuss ,Iwill follow which comments In first lending community the banks other Isee as ,aproblem it and Union First how of examples some give are nd Journal Atlanta The -C were loans improvement home more that found onstitution made meighborhoods banks wby in "nthan that and inority hite T."nmore whe in banks by made were loans eighborhoods hite mortgage of needs nbanks by meighborhoods the "credit .being inority were not but met They competitive offering companies banking mortgage by met being were needs -ithen low meet to working credit .community Iwncome terms the discuss ill specifically Aand subtitles B,fof ocusing that aspects four on them make unworkable unacceptable .and ownpayment ederally bfdmortgages acked .-,low Needs Credit Community A. Ais subtitle the underlying premise -iBpaThe low that nd ncome rovisions requiring byncome revitalized be can -icommunities low meet to banks community premise This inaccurate is important two cneeds redit respects ,credit First .in market mortgage Atlanta The .quite competitive is 400 over are There - nd well community of aspect one is ;a ,b second only the not are anks eing Yellow Atlanta the in listed credit mortgage of "providers Pages making ,banks Atlanta In perhaps were mortgage conventional more in loans undoubtedly availability Credit important an plays community in role deterioration - ut ,bwell the eing neighborhoods city inner of is areas rural and only is of part one interrelated aof to due n umber avLending . ery factors growth community of process .,adcomplex rebirth ecline eterioration nd this In is credit bank process even the not or sole reason neighborhood principal the for hite mnthan ".weighborhoods in inority deterioration recovery or . other of effects The considered be must factors weighed .and carefully expenditures government federal in Decreases -income low for community and housing revitalization b -c acks ut business small federal in a guarantees ,loan nd declines jnd transit mass in -t ,a ob raining spending education secondary and primary levels of vitality the on impact an had undoubtedly -iAlso low .have communities ncome to broader are considered be factors preferences borrowing affecting ,demographic bncome levels population community rural -ir low in irth ates communities ,a nd ,bwant pattern lending causes the of regardless But their do to anks help programs developed have and .share so do to The letter of spirit the immigration .foreign meet to effort affirmative an make banks that mandates Act Reinvestment Community entire their of credit needs the exclude not and area service institutions financial only the not are Banks household receiving business and reinvested be to needing .funds receiving Inanks ,b fact are ad of share eclining investment savings business and household .total dollars total the of volume tnd cities out flowing funds of ,a be to needing and communities owns ,onnly ;ireinvested banks into flows now percent 34 the of years early this Fcommunities bank sMy ,aUnion area Atlanta the erves nd we are -iirst ncome .low of needs meet to efforts making -i low the in well as there communities ncome market other areas serve .we received ,banks almost .decade percent 40 its National announced Georgia of Bank 1988 May ,FDuring Union irst Atlanta banks a$2area in million 0 along other eight with participation .The decreasing also is credit providing in role Banking's of share market financial individuals assets b ,a usinesses nd to loans and investments .. 3 rate reduced provide to is consortium this of purpose The Consortium .Mortgage 4 209 services financial of suppliers becoming ,banks fact in .. are less increasingly an services financial the of component .important industry low of residents the to loans ,home Atlanta in neighborhoods income moderate and commitments at5otal part is $6This of mortgage special in million also statement nRA for has aCUnion established years of or undertaking umber every in which in state rThese Union's First eflection operates it aof are statements ,including we which communities of needs the all serve to philosophy low . time that at bank Atlanta the by announced cwith , onsistent neighborhoods income moderate banking sound and safe loans offer will Consortium The appraised of up 97 to ,wpercent value ith .Uthis insurance mortgage private for requirement ,qno program nder ualified home abofamily ,-mwith elow sarket purchase may borrowers ingle wner ccupied hear one at set loan -yrate 30 standard below two to percent fixed alf and consumer interested with shared are statements These civic operations organizations with ,wear sAdditionally developed have brochure -oatCRA eff pecial .response branches 750 approximately our of all at place in is which card This are points discount No program this in .charged rates . mortgage our inform to purely voluntary .program T brochure this of purpose he is Consortium ,First Union Mortgage Atlanta the in participating to addition In their and our of customers efforts invite to .CRA inquiries two through program reinvestment community aggressive an providing been has came it since people income moderate to low for programs lending specialized efforts CRA Union's First among Important conduct to willingness our is states other ,1986 November in .Atlanta These in available also are programs Snd North include which Union First by served ,a .Carolina Florida outh we where states of areas metropolitan the in studies assessment needs community conduct operations banking determine to is studies assessment these of goal The needs credit and product banking the income moderate low for groups these within minorities useful outreach and products areas design us helps This as known is first The Loan AVFirst Union ery p "Special House the on rogram . markets various our for programs marketing loans improvement special unsecured offers up $5of ,ato home secured ,000 nd origination waive loans These ,oup fees ffer of improvement $1 .to 5,000 our through marketing and outreach stress We using by banks subsidiary various inform to efforts best our groups income moderate low businesses minority and reward ,and criteria underwriting and rates loan special timely for borrower the calendar any in made payments interest all of percent 1.5 rebating by loan awyear and costs closing financing includes program The normal of . aiver programs lending banking basic our of other and .For services instance w ,e these in assist firms marketing or advertising minority employ to endeavor fees . efforts . established ,First addition In aMUnion Loan Enterprise inority 1973 in Policy First of explanation Some organizational on CRA to approach aUnion's implemented it updated continually has and in banking its of all . states -wbasis system in initiatives marketing and product these place will auide seful . context minority two least at of concurrence the down turned be to request loan enterprise officers be will .lending required regional Ioffice ,e addition nach our in involvement CRA Union's First cdirected ais orporate steering -wby ide at states various to access has who officer lending one least for responsible is state corporate top of consisting committee designated well as officers 210 that policy This may officer lending any enterprise amprovides approve inority lending her or his within loan proviso further the with alímit for order in that compliance and CRA for responsible state each in .matters committee This concerns loan minority of availability monitoring bank the assist to programs establishing with itself d policy iscussing innovations product new ,a monitoring nd . businesses minority asbasis on performance .-wCRA ide ystem designed ,the policy this with conjunction In loans business offers bank this to addition establishing w ,In committee e senior aare state each in self the conducts only not which committee but -a studies ssessment $5million than less of sales annual with companies minority small for .especially Amajor be will program enhancement .to month this later announced outreach product -makes tailor decisions marketing low reach to attempt an in and most been also has Union First available make to pleased ab banking asic ,kmonth "Naccount as Checking Minimum onown per checks ten permits account This or with minimum balance average Tno provides account . he required charge moderate consumers income neighborhoods and rotated be will officers Line to mour reans committees these on aserve as basis egular overall increase to experience staff sensitivity .and coverage death accidental insurance access $1,000 our to nd -h,aof 24 banking our place ,First addition In has of aCUnion each in coordinator RA four its ,Line Georgia in regions aCbanking coordinator nd RA city every .for serve we instant machines to ccess accounts reserve detailed ,credit am nd onthly is account this for fee maintenance monthly The transactions account of statement a5,w$30.00 per cents ith tenth the after charge given any in check posted fulfill officers staff and .model function this Once of effectiveness the is likely ,it determined is implemented be states other our in .to statement period . of features Other First include effort CRA Union's development the aCRA the aprice of introduction exploring actively very are We if differential were ,ito instance For ac fustomer up sign have deposit direct uses .customer by viewed be will which video training sthroughout employees -all four our tate check of aShe ,tSecurity account the to directly deposited price this ocial . area CRA with compliance stress manuals operating and procedures branch Our . . lowered be would service -wand corporate our Both the with regularly Interface committees state ide regulators this at effort compliance . in involved are people 35 Approximately which ,First addition In programs other several has Union its to vital are . or region banking its throughout efforts reinvestment community ,F instance irst 5 a.-wcide on Union First basis orporate 6 .minority banks wned -oto ,Since funds available 1973 capital makes that company INBANK .banks States -oMwned minority 17 in invested has MINBANK United the across riented aas -ois corporation on rofit nor to opposed pbusiness government .is organization Tsupported cover to done operating a his provide and expenses ,aond to ,treturn importantly for basis equitable an provide the investors bank's CRA .The Union First at emphasized also is awareness and training lending programs training credit its to pertaining information include policies that low regarding groups income moderate so businesses minority to the and this in objectives bank's the of aware be will personnel .appropriate area pull ,afAs program training Associates Consumer our of devoted is day art to aserve ,gdthe policies our of programs and oals iscussion low needs funds our of distribution among .anumber banks moderate customers income neighborhoods .and bank and Banks ABA the and Union First companies holding not .are alone innovative design to groups community with working are country the across programs will which communities their help afLprosper you give me examples ew et and .grow evaluation ,our Finally personnel managers line for system lending and personnel holds officers these accountable be to .supervisors results CRA for The individual each of success the measure meeting in outreach officer's consumer heard Ihave bankers around country the .from assessment basic twelve regulators the incorporates evaluation This factors . needs where lending oldest the of One Philadelphia in is stories success consistent is and philosophy Union's First with .CRA policies Philadelphia successful highly This 1974. early the in created was Plan Mortgage cooperation of product the is plan neighborhood and banks local .between groups It management overall to respect F ,With banks our of irst process the in is Union low to loans mortgage 11,000 than more in resulted has income moderate and identifying individuals of low from moderate mincome ,and groups ,oinority groups r Each .The loans own its makes bank participating loans the hold banks . residents ,enabling portfolio their in originate they borrower the if flexible be to them have and directors of boards local on serve to groups involved community other . boards on individuals such many placed problems payback .experiences supports also Union First corporations development community and counseling also banks Rehabilitation Philadelphia the in participate services v amoderate in ariety ways .of T latter and low assist groups hese income financing ,which Program provide to designed is rehabilitation and renovation for Philadelphia purchase than Asrather in program loan business generated has . mall jobs additional 1,000 least at marketplace Philadelphia the in .T focus lending he customers borrowers of use the through and counseling credit similar services offered are which parties third .by Union First initiated also Q ahas uality Service Program ")(Customer CS throughout system its bank's the to related directly not is program this While many ,it program compliance CRA has enhance greatly which features Union First under CRA Compliance each QCS The provide to designed is program Union First training increased with employee that so knowledge and better to able be will they . roup itself on builds AgSuccess currently is banks Philadelphia of an,and .initiating Philadelphia North in project developed Tew is his targeted confrontation mutual ,bnot out ut private of concerns ,apthe nd ublic service and to respond needs individual the Union's First m aof in customer anner unequalled is that in industry banking .the part As ,an QCS of -c cross ew ultural communication training being presently course Bank the in developed is which employees teach to designed specifically cultural with empathize the how differences employee develop to building for skills rapport improving and community sectors . right example another is There capital nation's the in here .About three communications relationships and with backgrounds all of .customers This course ago ar,Ayears established Bank Security merican to department lending estate eal have which projects in specialize profitable are and benefit .(Ocommunity of ut o.)Tin , nly made loans foreclosed 1h135 been as department specializes he neighborhood the benefit will which opportunities lending private identifying in apbringing making while the for tangible some rofit like way jobs in differences recognizes r,erace a,sof eligion ex ge background thnic socioeconomic conditions educational QCS .Tlevels of goal he training this and employees Union First develop is program communicate effectively to able are who individual the serve and with needs Union First all regardless customers who of are .they and two last the -hbank one ,tIn years . he alf lending in programs department this have addition to Inany efforts ,mthese of actively banks our participate an in Personal -sEP ABA ponsored Economics help )d(PProgram to esigned the educate banks about services ,bcommunity anking personal and These management .financial bankers local by run offered and are schools or in community to groups are programs between Iof Moines Des ,aIn agreement nitizens Banks and cowa group Iowa chousing aInc in ommitment $1resulted of million 1.7 needy to loans .ONational Vneighborhoods banks company holding ,the Moines Des of ne alley $7program lent the in reinvestment of year first origination ,w50,000 aiving . ast them requesting than L ,m year -h one received students million ore alf local from instruction personalized time bankers their volunteered who teach to students the how of basics open cmaintain hecking ,and ahaccount get to ow imillion -expects low for points and fees .1to borrowers $Income lend t.3 unit the this in ,ysimilarly .Asecond program ear nother holding the of First mcompany Davenport of $5Bank ,aits year first the in target 00,000 et nd sthis imilar Otarget meeting are units ther their year meet .aexpects to Tnd Zimmerman ina establish our ,a loan how from Augusta to in .bank credit students 200 than more reached .personally presentations PEP with individual well as .goals ,tAmerican PEP to addition In established 1973 in Association Bankers he MINBANK Capital Corporation anlosed is MINBANK ,d iversified on .cinvestment -e nd 7 8 211 entrepreneurial small primarily is neighborhoods in activities promote that areas these in employment how examples excellent are programs of Each can groups community and lenders lending effective an develop common of out program and time the pconcerns application -goals awithout ending ressure protest .of after ideas Soon Good contagious Banks are the Iowa program ,.of began independent an Moines Des of Company Trust Bankers ,o bank own its initiative mincome $5 illion invest to agreed moderate and low in neighborhoods at look us Let these of each .in turn 1. Activities Nonbanking to Application Community Apstriking the between another offers artnership .Chicago example Chicago Alliance Reinvestment banks large city's the of three and in resulted performance current Under law RA when considered abCank ,is merger application ,o acquisition r evaluated being is .branch This to CRA of ato facility "dpplications eposit determined was appropriate 1977 in be because state federal charters bank crequire meeting onvenience needs "oand the f over ap73 commitment $1the of million ool and low in lending for years five moderate neighborhoods income . which in area the chartered is bank operate .to Northern Trust Hnd Chicago First -banks The and ,aBank arris -o Trust ffer m.rates - arket below slightly credit good of because But eliminating by points default alhe and ow ,tquality rate operating recover to expect .banks costs onvenience cassociated such no is There "a needs and ssessment nonbank with activities the under Holding Bank Company Act activities nonbank The bank of companies msuch ,holding leasing data ,oas servicing rortgage not are processing Nor . onbanking banks to unique engage can companies federal without them in state company bapproval When ank in engage to anholding ,iapplies activity tonbank the that assumed increase resulting competition in sufficiently itself is Provisions CRA House of Unworkability B. cited examples The above that just are .There literally beneficial the meet to cssessment onvenience needs a "and pspecial programs of ,athousands lending rojects bynd undertaken being efforts institutions member being are they And Association American the Bankers .of performance CRA Linking holding bank to nonbanking company aactivities is significant departure from 1977 enormous ,athe concept nd operating has implications These from range bank -lmore of treatment ike companies holding potential the community for protests group to on aoccur even orank weekly basis abdaily for company holding as .such mine strengthen they because undertaken member our which in communities the live banks . work and institutions member our Though support of purposes the Community ,we Act Reinvestment the oppose vigorously must of IV Title in provisions CRA bill Committee Banking House The significantly would provisions bank alter responsibilities under unworkable and CRA wholly are . Extensions Smphasis -E "C pecial redit 2. Chairman Mr. been ,w have e numerous asked times s provide ummary ato explanation House afew just the why of provisions long pages CRA are contents table The unworkable tAppendix opic summary -ba1pof yrovides where you tells and document the in look to information more for each .Ion topic all that ask you of Appendix way Itull best the is Ik to now afof get way second The provisions CRA the diverge original CRA's from purpose relate potential the to influencing for lending avbank in ery way .direct needs credit ,tcommunity However House he Committee's Banking amendments would 212 CRA existing The depository statute institutions hrequires elp "to meet House grasp operational the .of provisions CRA banks require help only cmnot to but eet ommunity credit ."meet needs Throughout Subtitle nd numerous BtAahere are provisions requiring written that evaluations CRA cperformance ommitments ,aof nd be ratings bbased on ank's ofhis eeting cmaimposes ommunity Tcredit ."record needs standard new provisions CRA The five do would were that things intended not Congress by Community Reinvestment the enacted it .when 1977 in Act qualitatively new obligation different and on banks provisions ,the First would obligations CRA link bank to company holding . activities nonbanking obligation new This reflected also is in requirement bill's that "sthe pecial performance "bend emphasis placed bank on credit the meeting -ain low of needs shift would ,the Second provisions requiring from CRA of mandate the efforts iaffirmative - ncome low meet to credit community lending and needs where moderate i areas .- ncome creditworthiness requiring ,to permits extensions credit specifically for farms -iprogram slow mall ncome ,ahousing businesses small apnd of ermanent Report Committee The says IV Title on not "C that should RA impose to used be allocation credit institutions banking on scheme ."any ,the However bill's substantive provisions .. suggest mandate not if credit af of orm allocation by . allocation credit trequiring on placed be opecial semphasis of record "abthe erving ank's lowof needs .housing ncome sIand ,moderate persons mall credit business small ,auch nd credit emphasis ."farm needs S required is statement the ,in sprepared upporting conclusions ,adiscussion facts nd evaluations written of by provisions ,the Third enforcement CRA alter would rely to community on heavily . protest group CRA maintains bexaminers ank f aUnless avorable actually of record such making collection would ,tresult Fourth provisions data costly require he and efforts doubtful ,itavorable loans is can f ait .earn rating CRA does that information in not picture accurate an provide abank's of overall community lending activity . housing " ncome -iThe low on pecial ,asemphasis farm business small mall nd borrowers deemphasizes forms other which credit actually may value greater of be ,the fifth And limited the on heavily draw would provisions and examiner the resources of atenforcement at agencies banking ime financial important alow i.-to ncome include E community of financing bank xamples soundness concerns . 9 10 -creating job other industrial as such projects development and revitalization .Let means this what just explain me M Fyirst ,institution Corporation Union thousand 20 our a$28he is billion of eing holding bank regional -b well .T company recreational .,a facilities educational h nd ealth projects customers ,a business thousand 500 nd employees 2m household bout illion irow gcustomers adjust to able being Union First on depend ,apart quickly nnd on structure hearings held had Committee Banking House If actual the of from we as credit our ,t needs found have would community hey more or important as credit of forms many are there that assessments .,o loans business small alarm to fimportant housing than community income ow r -related branch 75 about files Union meet .First challenges competitive banks new charter or acquire to aear ,ayand applications 12 bout nonbanking consumer like activities in engage to applications of number similar 2leasing year per notices or applications 100 about servicing mortgage , are lighting and repairs street for c-,dsFinancing ay ewers idewalks omunity Nthe these ot pgiving ,aparks playgrounds ools . nd and on goes list . provisions CRA IV Title the under protested be could that week per equivalent needs credit unacceptable simply is .priority ,mew quickly handled now are applications these of afMost ,within weeks ost expedited ,d provisions CRA proposed the Under under elays procedures agency .are possible costs attendant quite in increases enormous with years into running assessment TThe CRA he .Anyone are protest application an .factors vague can application .costs low are l to an protesting of aTawsuit filing he she the to addition "oIn ,temphasis credit of kinds specific House pecial n Banking -increasing ever require would provisions Committee's CRA of levels and develop to agencies banking federal the require provisions The performance application is .Aapproval low are one if nd agency enjoin an of affected the because subsequent be would applications ,all litigated or protested involved .same period extended an for paralyzed be could bank My be would issues rating guidelines npublish assigning abfor to community umerical ank's reinvestment performance five levels contains scale ,rating Excellent .The holding Acompany ,LGood .IEffort abPoor bank or imited verage ank isfnd levels the inone rated two applications ,nbottom agency its .of approved be can time of kill ,would impossible planning strategic make would delay and protests The applications a3-rts has it ,iIf ating community by delayed be can protests group is of a1for has it 2-rIf ,ior free not .still risk protest over ay ear . .tating leave ,and enthusiasm business would management good time in better for .industries financial regulated less in opportunities "cresource requires methodology rating new The from commitments omparable size same the institutions requires "awithin category specifically nd ratings that ?Swith this against protect do How work to are we community the upposedly the satisfy that them with agreements lending reach and area market our in groups basis "o assigned be ac reinvestment community the to relative nomparative similar with institutions depository other of .performances resources assessment factors .Bare the ut vague similar with banks other expected be will resources better or same the do to ,even local additional no if opportunities lending CRA Community available are groups disputes adjudicate to agencies the on rely we Can ?N examinations CRA if ot 213 This banks in result will methodology increase constantly to required being the in lending their emphasized s CRA its increases bank one If pecially ."a reas minimize to lending application of risk the community from delay protest ,group not can or adinfrequent when conducted be are there because arises ispute lon and examiners few relatively between delays . examinations generous negotiate to able be may holding bank or banks from commitments CRA regulatory needing .companies approvals Such unreasonable create may commitments the ,Iam Chairman Mr. when know not will we afraid are factors assessment satisfied until courts they us .Itell are adjustments ,n meantime the needed however commitments F.standards such match to banks other for ailure downgraded in result would ratings required the under comparative system rating . institution's operations my in been have will prevented or delayed greatly altogether .the And business and household our by born be will this all of costs customers income moderate and low including ,acustomers nd employees of combination lThe emphasis ending pecial "srequirement the and ctandard "s performance CRA Committee's Banking House the causes omparative stockholders . fwas aorm embrace to provisions which allocation credit of rejected specifically ,awould 1977 in CRA enacted Congress when traditional the fundamentally alter nd costs anhe on ,tConsidered scale ational are delay and disruption of terms in difficult 1ocomprehend Table ,tAs shows page next the and bank of number he n .to CRA House the under protested be could that applications company holding bank banks role of the in free U.S. system .enterprise . 3 Reliance Community on Protest , hird 1986 5,657 totalled .Eprovisions 1987 in at5,969 only if such of nd ven will ,Ifind protested are applications agencies the how imagine to difficult it be House way third The CRA Committee's Banking original the alter provisions balance the to relate CRA of workings banks ,abetween gencies nd community provide CRA original The to structured was aclegislation through hannel groups could groups which concerns their abexpress regarding ank's community . burden added the with cope to able competitiveness for this implications The industry banking the of are .Aost substantial In ,m earlier States United in extended credit the of s oted share competitors unregulated the by extended is a ,their banks of growing . nd performance aconstructive establish help to intended was CRA original The operations their adjust to efforts bank hamstring will provisions CRA House The deliberations your .meet challenges competitive Yin effects these weigh must ou leading .Tdialogue cooperation private and public to amendments CRA IV title he for potential this disrupt permitting by cooperation protests group community to disrupt delay and bank holding operations .company 11 implications are The to important too . ignore 12 1 TABLE Burden Collection Data . 4 APPLICATIONS NOTICES FDIC THE O,PBEFORE OR RB 1986 1987 Charter New OOC formations bark ,cIncludes onversions (3)A charters other .from Act CRA House The Reinvestment Community the amend provisions anew add to for aformat of development the requiring 808 section concerning data collecting , uch activities reinvestment community bank S and evaluated be to required is data each with connection in discussed .of examination CRA bank's assets Banks required $100 be will more or million relating data available make the to 89 following : . loans housing income moderate and Low a 244 farm small and business .Small loans . b contributions and Investments community in separate ,with projects development categories C. income moderate and low for small housing 2,838 business projects . Participation government in sponsored privately or gsubsidy insurance uarantee programs ,o,loan r . d 506 businesses ,s housing for mall farms small .or small and housing market to Efforts loans business moderate and low in neighborhoods income 724 neighborhoods minority 4,401 may data required m aThe provide isleading community the of picture only FRB 1842 USC 12 .IIncludes Board ncludes delegated that and action Reserve IBank .to level .3)(BHC Sec ncludes HCA formations mergers ,BBHC subsidiaries nonbank not .are in factored acquisitions bank and accompanying Report Committee The that indicates 5094 H.R. of burden the such collecting rest to intended is data and regulators ,with examiners their required be will ,thBanks oowever expensive develop maintaining for programs such not do accessible C ,m Report the to banks readily in data ontrary . ost form currently maintain data such computer their systems .in 14 13 214 of activities reinvestment because banks many the local of scope and nature credit agcategory in .needs consideration into taken not are area Moreover iven is ,no those than other activities reinvestment community for provided ,such listed as charitable contributions and credit non other community related reinvestment efforts reinvestment Community bank of activities and companies holding their part as accounts ost -care low offering time the all banks more and More the communities all in available services financial keep to effort their of 1986 ,aoffered in 52 accounts serve such percent 4nd 4they Nationwide ,such performance CRA measuring accurately in useful be to order In data voluminous loan involving process extensive an in recoded be must of review may banks of regional size Medium tens review to need . bank each at files number The steadily . is increasing in did .1987 percent expenditure ,iremendous files loan atthousands nvolving and time of in provide able be to order accurately data meaningful resources .of activities reinvestment community their reflecting Because weight the of rating CRA in data such to given importance the and process maintaining activities af normal conduct to order in rating CRA avorable requiring loan will extensive conduct to forced be banks ,most approvals regulatory may .Much efforts ,srecoding effort an that loans reviewing involve oreover been have books bank's on longer no are and past recent the in repaid bank's the of indicative are loans such since reinvestment community repaid on data maintain to need vill as b anks ,commitment ords other In their fully demonstrate to order in loans current as .well performance CRA ainstitutions in The accounts them offering and designing are ,h owever ubtitle .rSCequires services providing of costs the minimizes that way acertain that only and account of kind will the satisfy Program Examination Agency on Impact . 5 provisions CRA House of impact the Regarding safety agency federal on . his regulation many T what than costly more be well may account now are banks net .The doing as be could result offset not are costs increased whose ervice ,the programs examination soundness and bank federal the of testimony .Nhe authority first the is agencies regulatory ,tthrift banking evertheless concerned vwhen has industry ,a very are iew .we tnd a At examiner ime benefits comparable by ,the supply short critically in are resources additional impose provisions CRA reduce will which burdens the resources those of availability and safety for fraud bill House Though the acknowledges provides and problem loss ,they remedies .Tsome applicability restrictive very have fraud of problem he soundness purposes . losses remains acute concern .an services account required the of costs operating branch on impact The Imposition cash and accounts bank basic provide to costs additional of C ash availability excelerate .government situation this clearly will checks ,for expenses teller ,wand example when days those on up go certainly ill 215 .Agreat ignored be .cannot today profitable not are branches many delivered .If could checks on delivered be checks are a agency government ,this basis staggered ab be would .B help and banking basic the if even ut ig ,costs used never are services cashing check .P incurred be will rograms Iam discussion summary this In of range full the cite to able not unacceptable reasons and unworkable are provisions CRA IV Title a .the I sk service account specific the with comply bank every in up set be to have c1my oaontains Appendix in report the read to .Ayou testimony fppendix community Committee's Banking House the of analysis legal thorough "benefit Community Company Holding Bank to amendments the and Act Reinvestment offer to and regulations continuously account .the of group hsmall important ,iMost as that think to realistic it owever the request at prepared of firm law by Association Bankers American legislators asaccount design can Washington in of tens the in use for ingle and Arnold Porter ?thousands serve banks markets individualistic highly of bank basic the Is .SUBTITLE CIII amcity in works which account or reservation Indian an on work to going ajor farm araybe ural Mwe ?in area the is it not maybe mand "tbut hat BASIC "A BANKING CASHING CHECK GOVERNMENT ND .If about worried be should single the does not account nationwide work intended some everywhere groups the ,bof not will reached be to ut Cocredit Subtitle ,t banks requires IV title institutions fhrift and accounts bank basic offer to services cashing check government and .unions increased been have will costs operating branch assure purpose to stated The is requirement the of banking availability toelationship services families which rindividuals aand have now not do with .Wadeepository Institution concern this with sympathetic are must but ,if effects adverse significant for potential the of aBecause is there need offering in participation Institution depository greater stimulate to and -cost low ,accounts legislation through services cashing check government solution .oppose proposed the offering make to is done be should that most the of one services account such Community . Act Reinvestment current under factors assessment the be may there .abBut alternative etter 15 16 and Bank Notice the of provisions The that imply Act Closure Thrift branches profitable close to choosing are .banks not simply is This case the shows ,arecent fact In -A Booz by ABA for conducted study Hamilton and llen percent 40 many as that branches bank the of are today operation in not .estimated profitable An branches boderate.size and small of percent 50 million ($2indicates 0-25 deposits losing .)ain money clearly Tre study his before legally agreat are There answered be should which questions many could that nationwide services specific of provision the mandating -isignificantly low in branches of profitability the impact ncome .Torge neighborhoods ,Iu questions these answers get to Committee this demonstration anationwide establishing consider or pilot involving project depository institutions country across .the profitable closing unnecessarily than rather that ,banks branches tended have unprofitable keep to open ,branches with us Anationwide project of all enable would participation broad to involve important very to answers get issues key questions The s,p-rftypes profitability branch as such ervice and levels raud isk aper government direct versus ,ccheck ,ldeposit utilization onsumer /bocal ank many of profitability declining The bank major the reflects branches in occurred have which changes Industry services financial the during -were 1950's the . 0's 1980's instruments deposit 7In ,b ank closely aregulated financial ,.Banks nd markets segmented were thrifts and used compete to systems branch retail for other each with Today deposits . created have advances technological markets financial .integrated Increased deregulation the and sophistication depositor have rates interest deposit of to customers bank led funds their shift \n rate low of out -i on bearing nterest and rate market accounts can banks products investment into not has shift This offer profitability reduced of as industry the w. hole ,a the of availability want hel to e .Bankers tcetera arrangements , assu .Iconfident services banking ,tahe Association Bankers American the that m associations state individual institutions member ,a our nd will cooperate with pfully roject .asuch establishing and designing In ,Isuggest project the involving who parties the all of :representatives concerns direct have and consumer alocal dnd groups ;fcommunity ,sinstitutions tate ederal epository that agencies rI nd issuers check egulatory .;agovernment Congress s uggest small many of and particular in .branches Reserve Federal of auspices under funded and organized be project the the or be results that and Treasury Accounting General by analyzed subtitles other Several .. IV Title of mandatory the especially provision accounts bank basic of mandatory and government cashing check impose would .. reported Office and Congress to . public the significant additional on costs operations branch the depository of institutions .These would costs exacerbate clearly already the marginal 2ofetailed adAppendix contains statement prepared my the of discussion abasic For C. Subtitle of provisions cashing check government and banking profitability many of and branches bank precipitate actually may branch . closings of review full Bankers American the Association's position these on . IV opportunity anositive has currently contribution apCongress make to profitability the allowing by banking branch offer to banks awof array ider services and products of their through .Not branches persuasive there is only ANALYSIS CLOSING BRANCH NOTICE REQUIREMENT AND SUBTITLE D customers that evidence benefit would lower through increased and costs convenience bexpanding ,the ut products of menu be could that through sold Dof Subtitle H.R. national requires 5094 federal banks and savings associations loan provide notice written appropriate the to regulator of offices encourage would to banks more branch maintain serve systems neighborhoods the their area market .in intention their b abe close to .also Cranch must branch the of ustomers . notified the As tindustry ,services changes he financial of types and produced products delivery of methods the change also .must ,like Banks financial other providers ways ,bservice find ust profitable remain .to acomplex Imposing and analysis financial expensive intended procedure to closings branch bank inhibit help not will and communities local in may fact much ,S DiHowever subtitle notification than more ac ustomer receive If . omplaint the acregulators about requirement proposed institution ,the closing would required be regulator the to provide extensive statistical d ,the etailed information on including activity deposit new opening from banks .discourage branches dollar accounts number volume for loss and profit ,athe deposits of nd ,and years prior three deposit of estimate an future the if activity branch support areas those For cannot which ,avpiable branch rofitable remain to analysis financial swere A activities loan of open would . imilar required be also regulator the .by establishment Oshould is alternative such . ne found be athe of prescribed as union credit community Development Community the in Union Credit analyses required These expensive only provided are and the to aof flready who ,regulator data rom deal gexamination has information reat institution's profitability the about would as loan and deposit its history .outlook subtitle from deleted be requirements analysis the that urge We . . Act discussion further For D,please Subtitle to refer 3.of Appendix required be would regulator The community with consult to find groups determined would closure branch the that is it if community serve to ways financial . services of availability the decrease significantly 17 18 216 reading ,Iurge provisions entirety its in appendix .the requirements disclosure excessive imposing by consumers educate than rather V. .for media advertisements electronic SAVINGS IN TRUTH E SUBTITLE of requires amount the that which provision amending recommend We calculated utilizing by bearing be account on interest an accruing Wfor require to is objective its balance full the computation purposes . hile abank when ,disclosure computation of method balance investable an using is its that misunderstanding some in result may provision this of wording the .Hiseence ,wit to provision the rewriting suggest prohibit purpose aWe full through that .believe obligation disclosure the clarify uniform depository provide to institutions Erequires Subtitle establishes and on fees accounts deposit rates interest of disclosures . accounts deposit advertising for requirements advertising and disclosure Uniform for standards bearing interest agMuch been have the of oal .accounts years several for Congress what of have banks member our proposing has aCongress on undertaking been voluntary .The time some for basis worked has Association Bankers American decision obtain not or whether on informed an make to able be will consumer Truth on Committees Banking Senate and House the both with closely Savings in Much ,alegislation made been has progress of efforts the appreciate we . nd an account such . Committee of members this produce to legislation .workable Truth in uniformity of interest the af,wIn that urge also eederal .This laws state supersede law Savings by protections consumer enhance will disseminated bank the of regardless being information comparable establishing involved would banks that problems compliance the acknowledging while inter their in encounter -sotherwise comply to had they if efforts banking tate to intent legislation's the support we While ensure availability of understandable and simple enhances which 'ainformation consumers bility to that concerns serious ,we accounts among shop comparison intelligently have it this achieve to fails encompassing not by goal funds mutual and union credit draft to Board Association Union Credit National the requiring depository other for those rigorous as are that regulations . institutions state with .various laws that ensuring of goal the achieve to legislation Savings in Truth For their place where about decisions educated make to able be will consumers funds ,s union credit trengthen the money mutual encompass must bill section .requirements this of provisions other some amend and for competitors strong are entities .Both dollars consumer mutual that made be can Arguments legally funds savings and are deposits amutual since products distinct ownership an establishes investment fund deposit account as while relationship in results cavings reditor relationship .funds Hrom f ,m viewpoint consumer's the owever and utual opportunity an :they similar functionally are accounts savings offer to dsetailed iA E Subtitle about concerns our of discussion in contained 217 4. Appendix savings areturn obtain .on dollars . VI LOAN EQUITY HOME DISCLOSURE F SUBTITLE that essential is It institutions financial all same the adopt standards advertising and disclosure for that so comparisons make may consumers not Association Bankers American The Congressional shares about concerns Institutions depository regulated the merely nondepository among but possessions of loss the from consumers protecting precious most their their .. must products financing equity Home wisely used be carefully and . homes institutions financial .mutual well as that It reason this for is must funds Truth the by covered be Act Savings in . .As happen that seeing to committed are we and in Truth with case the is and Senate ,oboth Savings with working been has association House the ur informed and protected fully are consumers that ensure to Committees Banking ,while unions credit of issue On states bill is Board NCUA's that the substantially arultimately draft to is that ,itegulation similar dilutes permitting by obligations union credit to drafting in Board NCUA the into take home when .considering financing equity consideration could jeopardize T his of nature unique .... unions credit "the Fhowever Section of provisions advertising and disclosure The ,w hile the to creditors of ability inhibit may consumers assist attempting credit with dealings their in consumers inasmuch unions may they as be not H ,t should his ence under protected fully Savings in Truth the .loophole Act provision the and removed credit ensure clarified be to held are unions . form current its in product popular very this offer to continue strict standards well .as list ,caundry drafted alAs disclose to obligated be will of reditors individual an takes information aseparate provide and time each booklet advertising ab preclude would provision The from free asank account an -cost no am imposes it if free of number the limits or balance inimum Twould :equity of disclosure include ahhese for form .application loan ome cap of lifetime well as rate interest the on caps annual ;as ource on ;afifteen index the information chart historical year annual how (APRs rates )apercentage repayment each for payments periodic minimum nd to used changes index by affected be would option ; rate the compute party third estimates and creditor all of ;adisclosure fees imposed nd other ,among payments balloon and amortization negative of .explanations items transactions well ,tWhile intentioned the have would proposal . his discouraging of effect unfortunate from banks benefit to products designing segments market have using difficulty banking .which today services should It therefore deleted .be advertising on depend shopping aof mConsumers comparison .Taseans he reduce h section this of provisions ,w advertising bank owever itill because c.imposes -also non advertising for liability civil ompliance will It confuse 20 19 others while deleted be should and unnecessary are required items Some .banks decision Court District the reverse to amendment this Without regulation ,but through payable accepting the under local as classified checks consumer placed the suitably that more be would so booklet in not is ,yet material initial by overwhelmed available readily information the has he before be to them know they anisk ,r institution funds releasing onlocal ,acneeds Otherwise be will he onsumer upon pages with confronted .if it . available ,and disclosures of pages task overwhelming the with faced be will creditors . free error and date to up material the keeping of aregulations addition ,tIn amendment this hinder severely will he bsent be longer no institutions will processing Depository checks of expedited the be on codes ,b checks will instead ut readable machine the rely to able sort to manually S and inevitably would exercise an checks uch .forced those expand also would provisions advertising The terms trigger the of text in explanations include to creditor the obligate which terms increased such include to be would explanations Those . advertisement fees loan as information pand estimates cost eriodic ,aopening rates the nd ,cxpressed processing check down slow 'esignificantly Congress to ontrary Board Reserve Federal that Act the in intent to steps imaginable all take percentage annual lifetime .rate charged be can that modernize accelerate and the payment systems .check ,retention Further to efforts retard will regulation current the of currently is it As should section this that believe We . deleted be encouraging and perpetuating by system processing check the improve pwill carticularly ,proposed advertisements with confused become onsumers the in provided be must disclosures excessive when of format limited television is it because advertising such avoid to decide may Banks radio or burdensome and costly too Board Reserve Federal the As in concluded Lending in Truth the revising ad than less advertisements on section ecade . institutions issuing the to remote areas in funds disbursing of practice iincreased .,aThis costs nefficiency nd delay promotes system bill's The reversing amendment appropriate an and deleted be therefore should provision decision Court District .the adopted reducing ,streamlining ago and advertisements enhances terms trigger understandable advertising creditors encourages and more place to 6cetailed Appendix ad availability funds the on comment ontains amendments . advertisements urge also We preemption federal for provide to legislation this amending disclosure equity home state of . ensure laws advertising and would This that VIII . CREDIT EQUAL AMENDMENTS ACT OPPORTUNITY H SUBTITLE information uniform receive consumers products equity home on would and discrimination perceived eliminate to intended are amendments These their market which institutions financial of effectiveness compliance improve inequires ,rsolution effect automatically send to institutions depository denial credit business of notices written must banks period the extends and discussion detailed A concerns our of other and these with proposed business retain applications loan contained is 5.provisions Appendix in .SUBTITLE VII G The Opportunity Credit Equal of intent the supports Association . Act rthan wather ,However amendments these that believe e of problem the solving AVAILABILITY FUNDS EXPEDITED AMENDMENTS ACT ,wantagonize discrimination credit business perceived the inhibit and ill applicants ,wthe process lending tabusiness credit of detriment oill nd ,the Generally to amendments Availability Funds Expedited the Act included H.R. in particularly We absolutely are necessary and .5094 welcome allow to amendment adoption urge exceptions the all of application costly and burdensome .create banks for paperwork already discrimination credit against ban The and clearly applies Act in contained availability the to day next schedule .amendment The banks relieve will having from unlimited release to large money of amounts on after .day collectible are funds the know they before deposit consumer ,b credit of kinds all to completely .Furthermore business and , oth narrowly are credit business for regulations from exemptions partial the realities business the of recognize to serve drawn carefully and ,cNevertheless regulations current under still must . reditors world credit of treatment to pertaining amendment The through payable contained drafts amendment T his of 471 Section in provides greatly bill that .the us disturbs reasons written supply and action adverse of applicants credit business notify request applicant's the merely .upon local acheck deemed is for nonlocal or availability the of purposes funds and innate the protect recognize to is exemptions of purpose The .distinctions credit consumer and business evaluating of processes the in aapplication ,for lending iConsumer ,Iinstances cases ;smost nnvolves ingle and expressed asfor in tandard reasons usual explained easily are denial form omore credit iBusiness hand other the ,much negotiation n . nvolves -offers counter offers qualitative and quantitative more much requiring on depending schedule check issues institution ,n which to one the ot must it sent be amendment payment W this oppose e strongly very and .for aseparate pass to Congress encourage District recent the reversing amendment amendment the parallels which decision Court H.R. in .contained 5094 A that ensure would amendment revised or are drafts and checks local deemed to institution of location on depending nonlocal or check the which presented be must draft in receive to payment .order and tailored credit are decision business a analysis for reasons The automatic .Requiring applicant and business specific the to particular 21 22 218 The proposed minorities and against commercial women of area the in lending basis .ar on product egional 90-163 О necessitate will notice complex condensing ,written vague into explanations .explanations sentence single ,elimination Indeed business aid than rather harm may exemptions these of applicants credit .C ,b forms standardized adopt could notice the reditors ut bwould adiscussion than helpful or informative less far be . usiness back discussions spontaneous for opportunity the demand negotiations Effective between forth and parties . - 88 - 8 action ,tnotice Moreover adverse he mandated itself may statute the by small business adserve ,p applicants to iscouragement articularly as .counteroffer applicants Uvery ,e bill this an considered be would nder that require would which action adverse sent be .an applicant the to otice send each ,creditor Thus must notice written w a makes it time oral or ritten counteroffer and ,i.Ffor example $1 requests applicant an bank the 00,000 business ecause notice $9t500 agrees ,i0 ad send to have would .B enial counteroffers numerous involve often negotiations credit ,a would applicant n constant by badgered be of dverse d ,"anotices action iscouraging prospect unnecessary an anexercise ,hfor and entrepreneur business opeful ew elarge , stablished company aminor is records of retention concerning exemption second The business of realities to concession .the world credit Business voluminous more far naturally are applications credit consumer than applications involve could months three current the than longer them Storing considerable expense . toor refer Please 7f aAppendix discussion d etailed concerns our of proposed the amendments .about 23 219 working is Association The minority and women help .to owners business assisted have We Federal the drafting Board Reserve pamphlets in explaining Opportunity Credit Equal regulations the and .Act process loan addition ,In Association various of members worked have committees industry other with business women educate to groups on credit the .owners process application 1 APPENDIX CONTENTS OF TABLE THE OF ANALYSIS PORTER AND ARNOLD Page OF PROVISIONS BENEFIT COMMUNITY The Not Does Findings of Statement Substantive Bill's the Support 1. H.R. OF IV TITLE 5094 1 Provisions . The Inaccurately Purposes of Statement Substantive Bill's the Reflects . 2 Provisions .... 3 reinvestment in contained provisions community the analyzes paper This QaThe Establishes Bill ualitatively Obligation CRA New Supported Not by 3. 5094 A snd Subtitles Bo H.R. of IV ,aTitle House the by approved f . Purposes or Findings the Affairs .Urban Fnd Banking on Committee ,a inance 4 is It this of intent the Aprovisions that Subtitles make technical substantive and highlight to paper The "P Activity of atterns rovision 4. rNew CRA eaching -aFImposes ar ... Requirement 4 .Bobjectionable organizations banking many of view the in unworkable and 5. oform aF Embraces Bill The Credit Unsupported Allocation the by alternatives this or revisions suggest to paper is It of scope the within not . Purposes or Findings 8 acceptable IV of Title provisions reinvestment community the make would that with Needs Money Confuses Bill The 6. . banks to 10 Consumer Affords Bill The Groups Dictate To Leverage Excessive CRA Bank .. Commitments . 7 sections of 1(tas ")aRPart to he nd eport 100-822 Report House in reported ,a nd 1956 .)("B1Act seq et 1841 U.S.c. 2HCA Holding Bank the of Company 220 of sections 5094 H.R. herein referenced citations The various to are 11 Factors Soundness and Safety 8. Are Deemphasized . 13 12sRA 1977 of Act Reinvestment Community .(Cthe seq et 2901 "),aU.S.C. 9. Above Performance CRA Average All BHCS for Mandated Is .by 5094 H.R. amended be to proposed .. Approvals Regulatory Seeking 14 Methodology Rating Comparative The 10. 16 The the Nullify Procedures CRA Established Procedures Expedited . 11 18 .... 1in Title American Bankers Association The the Distort Procedures CRA Process Place and Application CRA on Emphasis Disproportionate . 12 20 Factors .... . .i Page Page Establish To Applications BHC 13. . 25 Commitments Public for Requirement The will Process Commitment the Inhibit Soundness and Safety Cause May 21 39 Problems Unworkable an imposes Bill The . 14 .26 Federal the on Burden Administrative .... Board Reserve The and Commitments CRA for Requirement with Interferes Act BHC the Under Review Primary aBank's by Supervision 23 Significant Imposes Bill The 15. Regulatory Regulator ... 40 을 and Procedures CRA Complex Bill's The . 27 26 Potentially Invite Requirements ..... Litigation Disruptive Routine Transactions Company Holding Bank CRA Complex to Subjected Urnecessarily Are . 16 Requirements and Procedures .. 41 . 28 27 Not May Applicants Rated Average Below Improve by Ratings CRA Their Banks Average Acquiring Above 43 Nonbank control that Companies CRA Similar To Subject Not Are Banks .. Requirements .29 Relating Commitments Additional The Activities Securities To Excessive Are and in Engaged Not BHCS to Apply 29 C18. Creates Bill The aompetitive ... Activities Securities 44 29 . 19 imposes Inappropriately Bill The 47 Period Is -day 45 The 31. Comment Foreign on Procedures CRA Burdensome .. CRA to Subject Not Banks 30 31 Inaccurately Ratings CRA Imputed The 20. 30 . 21 .32 Not Does Requirement Hearing The Specific of Presentation the Require Needs . Unmet Showing Evidence Credit Imputed the from Exemptions The .. Inadequate Are Ratings 49 32 Findings Requirement The Written for . 33 No 22. Provided Is Incentive Harbor Safe CRA Substantive No which Cases in Unnecessary Is Filed Are Comments 50 34 Money Civil for Requirement The 34. Penalties Procedure Approval preliminary The 23. 51 23 . 35 and Unnecessary Are Commitments Repeated 24. of Collection The Performance CRA and Burden Undue an Imposes Data .. Information Misleading Provides 52 38 Assessment Balanced Agency Existing 36. 54 .ii - iii - 221 Companies Holding Bank New Make Must BHCS Existing than Commitments Higher .30 Page . 37 CRA Affiliates Nonbank of Activities Appropriate Accorded Not Are Consideration .... of Statement The Support Not Does Findings Provisions Substantive Bill's the 1. 56 based is 5094 H.R. which upon findings Congressional of statement The Certainty Lack Guidelines Rating The . 38 substantive .does provisions ee bill's ,54(S02 the support not Performance CRA Required to as Levels .. 56 absent ).Noticeably 26 at Report institutions depository that finding any is . 39 . 40 Consumer Separate for Requirement The meet credit the help to law current under obligation their fulfilling not are Examinations Excessive an imposes Detracts and Burden Administrative Soundness .from and Safety 57 Divisions will Separate The Consumer Consumer Existing Confuse and Duplicate Enforcement Law Rulemaking and 58 sound and safe the with consistent communities local their of needs that finding any is absent Also institutions . of operations depository from receive they funds reinvest to failing are institutions depository local are loans that finding no is There .back communities those into communities Are Boards Review Community The 41. 59 and lowin received deposits to proportion reasonable made being not -income neighborhoods .moderate 222 "reduced that based is 5094 H.R. which upon findings key the of One and "toncome access -icredit moderate lowfor services deposit t "small a as omall hreatens business farms nd ,soccur neighborhoods .Towever deregulation institution depository of hresult finding no ,is here likely is or occurred has services deposit and credit to access reduced that . unmet going are needs credit local that or occur to the reduction threatened causes of one that state findings The services deposit and credit powers expanded of form the in deregulation is .for institutions depository restrictions the of view In and insurance on contained activities estate real Vo and III Titles in ,t 5094 H.R. he f comprehensive ,the Moreover CRA .of questioned be may finding this validity on not applies bill the by established framework review with respect to new but future the in approved be may that activities company holding bank to . permissible currently activities -3 -2 ta emphasize findings the While hreatened to access in reduction securities that recognize to fails 5094 H.R. ,insurance firms communities local in services deposit substantive ,nothing or purposes the financial ,and companies nonbank other are providers service suppliers major increased offer to institutions depository encourages 5094 H.R. of provisions . services deposit local credit of in economy .our substantial imposes bill the While community are services factor Deposit C a as mentioned not RA obligation ,no organizations banking on obligations reinvestment such is afavorable receive will institutions depository which .for evaluation CRA . whatsoever extent any to providers credit other these on imposed Moreover toetach threatens deregulation that state findings "dThe epository competitive significant recognize to fails bill the it disadvantage reduce and communities local their from institutions "a credit to ccess aresult as competitors these to relative organizations banking on imposes of with ,thus services deposit and concern Congressional emphasizing banking local discontinuation .of services . bill by created costs and delays procedural substantial the ,provision bill the of Akey reallocation enormous an requires bill The agency banking federal of banking ,may however require affirmatively interpreted be to Organizations application CRA new comprehensive the administer to resources and personnel moderate not -i areas ncome or open and lowin offices banking acquire be must divisions consumer Separate aspecial with along agency each in established examiners consumer of corps bank findings force to need the suggesting any by supported not is provision ban acquire to companies holding new recommending developing for responsible personnel staff and . them by served currently not areas in 223 c"of p - atterns so The alled activity .currently organizations such by served consumer may existing implement to (wregulations laws and duplicate hich ineeded stronger that state findings ncentives "aThe encourage to re with existing conflict ).extensive regulations needs credit community Neither local meet help to institutions .depository findings bill's The not do costly and extensive an such for support or justification any provide provide provisions operative bill's nor purposes of statement the any for .effort reorganization stated ,t"purpose Rather bill's to is rhe equire incentives ."such Inaccurately Purposes of Statement The . 2 community ahigher meet to institutions depository and standard reinvestment Provisions Substantive Bill's the Reflects mnore NO satisfy "ito criteria .rigorous needs credit community meeting institutions depository require to is purposes key bill's the of One used "aippurpose re ncentives this accomplish to rather but system unitive ahigher meet to companies holding their and standard reinvestment community delays and requirements procedural of company holding bank on imposed is performance fail that applicants CRA average above maintain to . expansion interstate for approval seeking .when powers additional or Bank holding ).T(b,R$402 26 at established framework review CRA comprehensive he eport are agood with companies likewise performance CRA excellent or to subjected for rewards or incentives any provided not are and delays procedural afavorable .maintaining performance Intrastate interstate and however bill the ,aby to equally pplies . activities a is expansion interstate to applicable provision only The 5- that banks of acquisitions interstate prohibiting provision minor relatively cnd performance ,CRA ab on based be ratings of record ank's ommitments aCRA 3.have than less of rating needs mommunity "c credit eeting limited ,the Similarly not is framework CRA .new powers expanded to new The that requirement bill's the in reflected is obligation needs "bsepecial emphasis credit the meeting in performance bank on placed .to activities nonbanking applies It permissible currently equally Routine for other and acquisitions applications company holding bank farms -imall moderate and lowof s persons ,a business .small ncome nd The the credit in manifested is needs malso to "cobligation ommunity eet the by covered are transactions .also procedures new encourage to is 5094 H.R. of purpose stated public "Another which -catterns so "p activity of to interpreted be may alled rovision "in .participation performance CRA bank evaluating for process regulatory the and lowin acquire offices banking organizations or open to require $4at ).(b,R 26 eport T beyond far goes bill he hy02 purpose this owever -income .moderate them by served currently not areas new of scope broad and nature The the supported not is obligation CRA bank delay to leverage unprecedented groups community and consumer giving bill's the by findings purposes .or dictate and terms the virtually to transactions company holding almost in involvement active through performance CRA required of conditions afNew -r Requirement CRA ar eaching Imposes Pn "o participation ublic review community . boards review community called limited is boards consumer to of denial mandates 5094 H.R. applicants by notices and applications 224 "PThe Activity of atterns rovision 4. so control process supervisory and regulatory the of phase every enfattern have "iopthat banks chartering or aacquiring stablished No of types other for provided is representation ,for representing organizations moderate and lowneighborhoods -i ncome or "tends exclude to that manner fexample .,oslbusiness governments local rabor mall armers tudents within bank's the closing facilities deposit opening or areas equivalent asimilar in area .service manner exclusionary 51P1roposed (c),BHCA aQualitatively Establishes Bill The 3. CRA New .28 )at Report and pcould term "iThe defined not assattern mean to interpreted be current Under ,d law h to required are "institutions meet elp epository .needs credit community (12 U.S.c. seg et .)2901 Under H.R. b anks ,5094 . instances two as few mcredit ."cmeet needs eet ommunity help only not required be will to but exclusion the that require necessarily does and defined not is similarly obligation on aqand imposes standard This new different ualitatively contemplated or deliberate .be purposes of statement the in embodied is that organizations depository and evaluations provisions written that requiring numerous in bill the throughout exclude "that inanner phrase The am to tends afar imposes provision -rThis banking on obligation CRA new eaching . organizations affirmatively must organizations banking that suggests It moderate -income neighborhoods offices and lowin banking open or acquire .6 -7 efficiently them .more offices pnanner avoid to order such opening or acquiring "iof m a attern relating provisions the Whereas branch to "such exclude to tends .that areas W consolidating from discouraged are also Banks . efficiencies operating achieve to locations existing sopenings ,tervice he "area bank's the to limited are closings and branches closing of patterns Although Board the if excused be may was closing the that determines considerations "occasioned by to relating .relating limited so not are banks chartering or acquiring to provisions adhis of soundness and ,"tsafety institution does relief limited epository its ,by Act Reinvestment Community The word the and terms Cintent ,e"irnongressional title aits einvestment mbodies banking that by dictated are closings branch which in circumstances address not of lack credit where communities the in needs meet help should organizations local soundness do that factors other or profitability and safety threaten not . A pmay "The activity of rovision atterns banks on impose .they located are required be not should bank unprofitable an continue to the until operation threatened . is soundness and safety when point are they where communities in needs credit local meet to obligation an not . located branch ,some Moreover aresult as occur may ,closings facility branch the condemnation of organization's banking the if even exist may obligation This support cannot condition financial such branching state if even and expansion nexpiration a onrenewable of ,olease movement r away community the from opportunities the limits or restricts .law expansion such for ,the "pMoreover activity of be could terms its by rovision atterns requires 5094 H.R. denial mandatory bank the if even evidence presents bank branch and acquisitions past retroactively apply to interpreted numerous that demonstrating serve providers credit other and area the needs credit community the of adequately being .are met to . bill the of enactment Such that closings and openings prior occurred a activities past for organizations banking penalize would effect retroactive reconsider to Board the permits 5094 H.R. notice or application any of ,the interpreted so If "p atterns pdenied was "that on activity during gatterns 90 the rounds -dof period ay of nature the in ex an infirm "provision activity constitutionally be may application denied the reconsider not may after notice -day 90 ,or period Mining ,4Elkhorn 1(1Co. ).U.S. 28 vTS976 Usery ee urner aharsh imposing if result vitiates later company the of pattern its pdiscourages "The activity of rovision atterns acquiring from banks development of detriment to banks profitable the and regional strong organizations banking .national may also It of opening the discourage banks because fear -income moderate and lowin facilities banking areas will that .not enter they once exit to able will be reconsideration The provision that suggests Board the following disapproval . States United of clause process due the facto post contravening law Constitution . Moreover , he provision t banks operate could that selling from discourages community to branches 225 demographic due location branch the to . factors other or changes . activity obtain to order In reconsideration favorable applicant ,t he must that apeasonably submit lan rBoard "the would determines to expected be aimprove -persons low for services -ind ncome The ."moderate neighborhoods and of above scope anature and specified not is plan required the ,noted s wgeographic a ider over services improved encompass to interpreted be could . .8 9 . located is bank the where than area reconsideration -day 90 The period and structure operational its to suited best manner the in obligations protesters afto creates CRA for point ocal tends and demands on insist . banks wholesale penalizes afof embraces 5094 H.R. credit orm specifically was that allocation patterns on denials invite to Board the by grounds activity .of 1 Reinvestment 1977 of Act Community the enacted Congress when rejected The justifying findings of absence the In such a radical expansion CRA resist ,the requirements would hopefully Board interpretation expansive an of atterns the p."of activity rovision discretion to h ,Its so do owever m ay authorize not does CRA the that repeatedly stated has Board Reserve Federal it Judicial to subject be consumer by initiated review groups community .and product abank's dictate to mix (which or credit services deposit a unnecessary activity of patterns The is provision the accomplish to )or emphasize should bank dictate to an of amount or proportion what enhancements of objectives CRA significant other the view in 5094 H.R. institution's funds ,or must even ,ballocated should to e any ,borrower need credit particular or specific ,or neighborhood what on ,including .proposed closings branch on requirements the . extended be should credit terms aform Embraces Bill The of Allocation Credit . 5 Purposes or Findings the by Unsupported view this from significantly departs 5094 .H.R. ,combined bill the by introduced allocation credit of element The with ." institutions land -i moderate ncome mowto obligation CRA new qualitatively "the eet substantive bill's provisions h owever ,The ).(Report 127 at needs ,pcredit of concept traditional the fundamentally alter will otentially not ifpecial ,afsuggest "smandate requiring by allocation credit of orm our in banks enterprise free .system purposes and findings stated The the of toerving emphasis ab on placed be "s of record credit housing the ank's new adramatic such support not do bill community the or banks of concept persons -i moderate and lowof needs ncome small credit business ,a nd ." needs credit farm small P09 $8 (bCRA roposed 38 2,R ).at eport . banks of obligations reinvestment Such business and loans farm ,s housing on emphasis special The mall the in required is emphasis s,d statement upporting iscussion a facts nd efforts reinvestment community other from detracts organizations banking of emphasis ,sis Moreover uch required . evaluations written of conclusions or lowentire the helping effective more be may cases many in which soundness and safety to regard .without considerations borrowers -income For moderate individual to opposed as .neighborhood maintains bank Unless record af avorable for loans making of such on Committee Senate the Berore s.4Credit on Hearings : 06 Needs Community the is ,itavorable purposes f adoubtful earn can bank under rating CRA he 977 Sess st ,Affairs 5th ,9and ousing Urban H"T)(.21Cong Banking credit allocate not would Act Reinvestment Community . bill 226 Report of section Explanation The Committee the "CRA that states impose to used be not should scheme allocation credit any banking on interferes thus bill The flexibility abank's with CRA satisfy to 2 ).(1,BFed 79 978 5 76 ull RI nc 64 .. . es Bancshares Commerce -•10 .11 community of ,bprojects example financing ank development and revitalization ,banks 5094 H.R. Under credit such meeting for accountable held be may recreational hbe educational as ,asuch ealth mnd facilities if equally ay through with consistent loans bank met be cannot such though even needs neighborhoods beneficial more moderate not and lowto -i ncome w a .as hole . practices banking sound and sare of ,tnot Moreover may loans on emphasis numbers large benefit directly he Excessive Groups Consumer Affords Bill The 7. are -income moderate lowin people who neighborhoods not and renters homeowners . community and consumer for leverage unprecedented provides 5094 H.R. commitments banking from community reinvestment extract to groups 6. Credit with Needs Money Confuses Bill The effect the credit allocation contributing to organizations ,tofhereby coney redit mby confuse to appears bill nThe "with eeds .Tthese the distorts bill he giving by input community of idea groups imoderate ncome and lowof needs the credit bank with satisfy to -attempting CRA bank required of level and nature dictate virtually to ability the funds for areas of an .infusion generally phase every almost in participation through performance banking of to as bill the by provided is guidance or definition No what achat "tnconstitutes banks by met be must eed redit satisfy to order in company holding bank of processing agency for procedures The .The obligations reinvestment community their that require not does bill with groups replete are applications consumer for opportunities delay to evidence aneed such specific any demonstrated be normal by justified or activities by CRA increased for commitments extract to and processing of standards c ,ocreditworthiness lending sound other rollateral afforded 45 extended an organizations are .T groups hese banking applicant . requirements applications company holding and bank all on period comment public day The the of appreciation sufficient lacks bill and lowcomplexity on aCRA if application any Aphearing triggered be may ublic asven raises "rcommenter ,eissue performance CRA the if ubstantial egarding through . credit bank needs such satisfy ,aprospective example For small evidence unmet of no if even and excellent is rating imputed applicant's economically an in customer loan business may area depressed satisfy shown .is needs credit community denied be but creditworthiness of standards property the because credit bank company must Abank holding rating CRA average an with applicant make ,without insurance fire for qualify not does collateral as offered the which any obtain order in performance CRA its improve to commitments regulatory unsound be would loan subject .Tofhe approvals the be may and available publicly are commitments . comments public commitments is the fulfill to efforts applicant's The after hearing apreviewed in again and days .180 later years two ublic 227 . regulation and supervision -•12 -•13 ,battern apSimilarly established has that company "oholding ank f community and Consumer similarly groups opportunity an afforded are to offices banking open to -ifailing moderate and lowin of or areas ncome CRA of assignment the influence directly through ratings an and notice public during comment to opportunity each of public making the and examinations CRA regulatory receive may areas such in offices closing after only approval . areas those in performance CRA improve to commitments public making The bank's rating .CRA holding bank such by filed applications of denial initial requires bill participation public of phases all In ,the process regulatory the in aperiod ,f0ay companies -d9by on based reconsideration agency for ollowed . performance CRA improve to applicant the by commitments agencies banking federal of views the account into take to required are The d90 - ay Consumer community and are groups given community and .consumer groups period commitment CRA for groups community and consumer by demands invites CRA over influence enormous agency and performance through procedures . commitments applications of denials possible and delays lengthy avoid To ,bank divisions required established be to banking each .in agency settlements a with applicants company holding negotiate to choose may the in preference such accorded is group interest economic other No supervision bank regulation .and process detriment of other groups community or consumer particular possible the to 228 applicant's . community local the in neighborhoods or groups This process may Deemphasized Are Factors Soundness and Safety 8. groups community specific for preferences in result with inconsistent as sets bill akThe rigorous more of establishment the purpose ey borrowers of treatment evenhanded . community the throughout also Applicants ,"consistent performance CRA evaluating for criteria sound and safe the with that Reserve Federal the Board commitments into enter to pressured be may institutions . depository of operations 10 ).T(b,R$4eport 26 at 02 he not unsafe consider would unsound and an which but impose otherwise and of provisions hoperative bill ,athe safety to as silent owever re acceptable an consider might applicant regulatory timely for pay to price under institutions depository of obligations The soundness .considerations .transaction gaofiven approval tempered not are thus framework CRA new the necessarily such by actively may also groups community and Consumer required the influence . considerations involvement by performance CRA of level rating development the in ,the example For resource comparable requires system rating CRA new . guidelines guidelines CRA reviewing annually and developing In rating ,the size similar of banks from commitments specific and safety to regard without hearings Federal each in ,hold solicit specifically to required are agencies . considerations soundness to emphasis special requires similarly bill The be district ,aReserve consider nd consumer views the of community .and groups consideration safety without necessary types credit of specific on placed is preference similar No banking of views the to given any or organizations factors soundness .and interest other .economic group community meeting of record abank's evaluating In -•15 1.4 ,Ccredit needs RA not are examiners consider to required soundness and safety regulatory CRA new the Under framework bank ,ab or ank company holding must eto agood xcellent rating order "roachieve in operations normal conduct factors . transactions and regulatory which for approval required consequences .Tis he soundness banking on emphasis of lack The and safety bill's the in significantly provisions substantive of policy current the from departs average below or an .of severe are rating CRA aOnly with companies rating average than better regulatory to entitled be .will approvals 1977 of Act Reinvestment Community findings with conflicts and bill's the P1ompanies roposed eport Cmay ).(a,R$1BHCA 27 at average an with rating which .purposes soundness and safety emphasize reliminary tplasting "receive approval hrough process arduous an for Mandated Is Performance CRA Average Above Approvals Regulatory Seeking BHCS All 9. commitments which during year one approximately the increase to made be must dissatisfaction expresses Report Committee The the with CRA current to 2.1ocompany's ar rating $1P ).(b,R 29 at BHCA 1roposed eport currently banks of percent 98 claims it which under system rating have ).(Report 129 at 1or of ratings 2.inflated available isompany provision No c which aunder average below rated replaces bill The current the (although approvals regulatory any for apply may preliminary allows bill the anrade with :5-gsystem scale rating performance CRA ew byank application an of approval company average elow abwith acquire to company not ,cank Similarly abmay become holding the unless ompany will that actions take to commits company CRA bank's acquired the increase ).,R$8(Ceport 39 at RA 10 the that contemplates clearly Report The new a2r to rating within o better years .two acquired the If aC has bank RA result scale rating reduction aswill ubstantial ratings CRA current .in ,the Indeed implies scale rated banks most be will that 3o a "w rverage ith of such ,t2a1orating improve or maintain to commit must company rhe lready 29 P1eport $1rating (e,RBHCA ).at roposed average above banks some below and . Abank its have to commitments violates that company holding ca have will scale rating new the that denying -bIn ell , urve effect maintain orr attain banks is 2osubsidiary of ratings CRA better to subject not "wrule system rating that states Report the ould ahigh out P1roposed penalties money $civil ).(1,RBHCA 31 at eport 2-rlevels and 1the to rising banks of .T"Ipercentage dating his established ,the Thus framework CRA comprehensive clearly 5094 H.R. by that suggests also banks ahstatement of percentage igh expected are have to 2. than less of ratings initial ahat contemplates mandates indeed nd over holding bank all time ,t companies have will an average above rating .CRA 5-grade and Report the While rating banks most that indicate scale be will 3o rated ",s ar rating uch verage .is bill the under acceptable not 229 of 28 3(Rareport than less ).at ating 1-excellent 2 -16 17 - Requires Methodology Rating Comparative The Ever Performance CRA of Levels Increasing . 10 area distressed be not may capable in af condition inancial equal devoting of under may and resources operating be preventing restraints supervisory its agencies banking federal the requires 5094 H.R. publish and develop to devoted being from resources reinvestment community be may It .to purposes acommunity numerical assigning for guidelines to brating ank's weakened a be will areas distressed in banks that anticipated financial at (Peport performance reinvestment S8 CRA ,R ).T 38 new 10 he roposed on .Tequirement generally condition impose ar banks such credit meet to o commitments from cmethodology resource omparable "rating requires sthat muggests "needs extreme ore lower to expected are banks such size same the within ,"ainstitutions category that requires specifically nd generally standards credit their that loans substandard make and further may to community "othe assigned be acratings relative basis nomparative condition financial their .weaken depository similar with institutions other of performances reinvestment constant in result will methodology rating comparative bill's The increases bank one If their . performance CRA among pressure improve to banks applies system rating comparative This unique notwithstanding order in lending CRA its approval regulatory obtain aptoending of as condition financial abuch affecting circumstances ,s performance CRA ank's be ,other application will resources similar with banks the do to expected that states Report Committee the Whereas ,even better or same are opportunities lending CRA local additional no if areas "(i)nhere distressed in located ,w more are needs credit stitutions extensive participation the of view In supervisory in and ,it groups community and consumer to afforded process regulatory be may language 5094 H.R. Rof ),tprosperous 178 at operative he "( eport communities by performance CRA increasing ever demand will groups such that anticipated : latter as level same to held be shall former the that provides performance .comparing another to bank's one "institutions distressed in located credit where more are needs areas extreme extensive it com CRA from ments negotiate to able be may groups Such be (are expected as commitments resource of levels equivalent to held approvals -m expansion regulatory for eager companies holding bank .Sinded uch ." economies stronger with communities in institutions ( roposed PCRA commitments negotiated the of outside occur may process approval regulatory $8eport ).(a2B,R 38 at 10 banks other for standard unreasonable an create may .and match to Failure to area abank for requirement The distressed economically an in located hrating commitments such match owever d a,m in result owngraded ay the under reinvestment abank as same the of community resources equal devote to bill's comparative rating system . . unreasonable is area healthy economically an in size a create could commitments negotiated Such for opportunities The commitment the in uniformity of lack total comparative make and process activities be are to in fewer likely reinvestment community equivalent 'CRA banks of .evaluations best at inaccurate or impossible performance areas distressed economically healthy in .than bank A a in located 230 .location or geographic -19 1-• 8 not 5-gfith wThe scale ,i"ea3brating eing rade verage ncourages of .ratcheting performance CRA required ,upward requires Company under filed notices and Holding Bank the of days 30 within Act banks all If are notice . or application the of receipt 225.14 12nd a (d)1C.F.R. other performance 2,tbanks abrated to relative hen ank's average only is (a)1.A15ay -d225.23 approval acquisitions for available is procedure of ahus to downgraded be should theoretically rating its 3,t"oand rverage $15 of assets with .companies less or million (f)12 C.F.R. .225.23 to performance improved and commitments required of cycle the recommencing procedures Board's The adequate an provide comment -day 30 on period .2regain arating of of .Extensions filing date the from beginning applications most this not and guidelines rating of basis the on assigned are Ratings . commenters CRA by requested if granted routinely are period Comments considerations into take to required soundness and safety .account (Proposed cases than less in received are generally 5p all of . ercent for given is credit CRA most the Because (b1 eport 810 CRA ).at 39 R ,the received are approve to free is Board of end the at application be -income moderate and lowin loans ,b areas will continual under anks maintain afavorable lending to order in activities such increase pressure .CRA rating comparative majority ,which period comment great the does it CRA no which in cases of .comments filed are credit be may standards ac As ,b ank onsequence applications and the of percent 90 for period processing average The 231 loan overall the and reduced bank .of deteriorate may portfolios quality Bank the under filed notices approximately was Act Company Holding in days 31 . 1987 in days 34 and 1986 applications include These acquisitions bank for Nullify Procedures CRA The Expedited the I Title in Established Procedures . 11 comments If no the on activities nonbanking for well as formations bank novo de and and complicated establishes 5094 H.R. procedures application lengthy Ylist .Regulation activities permissible of the reviewing mechanism additional an as companies holding bank for CRA aminimum at would 5094 H.R. by mandated procedures The the double are procedures new The contrary directly to . banks subsidiary of performance holding bank for time processing ,eaverage applications cases in company ven a4ay requires bill -dThe 5 comment period procedures application company holding bank simplify and streamline generally received notices or applications all for Company Holding Bank the ,under Act ,R(Seport )106 at ection .14 bulletin weekly its publishes Board which date the on beginning efforts the of negate considerable ,the Moreover procedures new expedited (BFederal ")oBoard develop to years the Reserve oard ver the in publication Because weekly awbulletin ,ttakes days 10 to close normally he eek of in period comment the the minimize and delays unnecessary avoid that procedures review application . operations company holding bank of costs regulatory . applications of notice containing current Board's The processing applications majority the of expedited for provide procedures . filed is application an after days 55 occur would bill the under cases most each must rating CRA the review of ,the case every In Board the ,even banks subsidiary applicant's not is it which for those primary -•20 -21 whether , nd regulator federal amdetermine rating the of odification is amajor risks and application by process that of breakdown Before Board the may approve . application the with connection in warranted no bear that requirements procedural unworkable and complex introducing findings ,it 5094 H.R. under notice or application an written issue must considered be required factors regulatory traditional the to relation inrated which factors CRA regarding case the 2applicant ,ar1oof re the .under Act BHC of notice public after day 60th by issued be to ,required application the disproportionate places 5094 H.R. empl -related bank on is factors CRA after .or filing days 70 approximately factors benefit public company holding bank of expense the at gains as such a establishing of effect the have will likely practice in bill The all -day 70 minimum for period 1processing by filed notices and applications comments 2r and CRA not or whether applicants . ated filed are ind efficiency in ,a .competition convenience greater ncreased (12 U.S.C. ,it Moreover procedural applicable generally through so does (c)8. 1843 substantive If performance CRA substantive any by than rather requirements process ,textends filed are comments CRA his after days 90 to notice public subsidiaries nonbanking their and companies holding bank on .imposed . filing after days 100 approximately or Securities Qualified Establish To Applications BHC . 13 CRA imputed an with applicants case the 3,tIn of rating he 1991 Until Delayed Be Subsidiaries Will aholding tank establishes bill The allows that brule ransition subsidiary until banks CRA recent its of rating most tne on rely to company ,H.R. records CRA good or excellent with those including the nullifies 5094 Title intent in provided procedures expedited the of effect I,cand an reates of after years two or examination CRA next earlier date the . enactment 40 ,R(Peport 812 CRAS ).at roposed competing organizations banking on disadvantage competitive additional with ,and companies financial unregulated administrative unworkable an imposes . Board the on burden does specifically rule This abank by application an respect with apply not to company holding I SS qTitle Qestablish subsidiary asecurities ")(under ualified uthorized may aQSS for application An applicant's the until proceed not . bill the of under rated are banks subsidiary assigned is applicant and system new the Application the Distort Procedures CRA The 12. Process 1991 the at that until occur not will likely ,aprocess rating CRA imputed an create an H.R. by established procedures comprehensive The 5094 . earliest holding bank of processing the for framework complicated unnecessarily it of lack The t a make will thus applications QSS for rule ransition powers securities new their holding use to companies bank for impossible applications company .B issues CRA no raise that notices and bank the using y primary mechanism enforcing for the as process application company holding distorts ,tthe banks by performance CRA increased bill ofhe purposes effective of date I. Title the after long until 232 approximately ,aapproval year .one below discussed s take will process applicants company holding bank all by proposals delaying ,By -•22 -23 allows bill the of 411 Section to company holding abank file subsidiaries securities with companies be will subjected review rigorous to aCRA for request written regularly next the of advance in examination -annual bi the of examinations CRA with connection in and banks subsidiary cShe 411 ection eport appropriate ).T(3,Rat 41 scheduled examination . .agency owever ar,hequest such grant to required not is comprehensive the under filed notices and applications subsequent CRA new ,the Indeed ,eank bIndeed aQtime with company holding very SS review procedures . timely a on requests such all accommodating of capable be not may agencies ,the bank additional an acquires make to company the requires bill likely companies holding bank number the of view in basis to such make and banking of combination the that ensure to designed commitments securities precondition as aQrequests filing -yto two the and application SS ear credit of availability the diminish not activities .will services deposit and for deadline the under performed be to banks 14,000 all of examinations CRA continuing ,the Moreover establishes bill and procedures enforcement abank if penalties money civil imposes an maintain to fails company holding system .new able CRA conduct ,tto event any In be not will agencies he of rating CRA .imputed average least at rating CRA new the under ratings assign and examinations they until scale Administrative Unworkable an Imposes Bill The . 14 .Before guidelines rating CRA required the promulgated and developed have Board Reserve Burden Federal the on Board the for time little leave 5094 H.R. by mandated procedures The relevant on bank Reserve Federal . issues ). 38-39 Act BHC the under duties required their perform to staff its .and (P10 $8 CRA ,R at roposed eport ,since Moreover responsible is agency each of division consumer the amodification whether determine and banks subsidiary applicant's the of ,including laws consumer all implement to regulations proposed developing for be will guidelines ,the laws reinvestment community rating CRA of development , noted As review each of rating CRA the required is Board case every in . application the with connection in warranted is rating (Proposed CRA be will requirement ,This consuming time at $8 (b)3,R 10 . eport 39 been have divisions consumer such until ,delayed agency each in established 1,1991 January until required not is .which federal primary not is Board the for banks to respect with especially eSection 411 at )(1,R eport .If 13,000 approximately are there which of aregulator assigns Board the the by assigned that from different rating ,CRA regulator primary bank by applications that likely is thus It to companies holding .may needed be negotiations -agency inter be not will subsidiaries securities qualified establish until proceed to able and aQSS controls applicant the If an acquire to applying is ,aprocess implemented fully is framework regulatory CRA the take could that sever al years . ,commitments bank additional accordance in approved and constructed be must .the new with (d)o 11 section BHC Act f applications to essential not is QSS company holding bank of Coverage . 5094 H.R. of objectives the achieve The holdings bank of performance CRA ).at ( eport R29 233 ,the promulgated be may guidelines such provide to agencies the requires bill sconduct ,notice comment apublic eparate nd olicit each at hearing -•25 -24 based ,and hearing of results findings written required the prepare under notice or application any approve may Board the before Moreover CRA addressing ,it 5094 H.R. findings written issue .must factors 11eport h3,RBHCA ).($at 31 (Proposed hearing the .on holding of case the In applicants company the within accomplished be can requirements these that doubtful is It view multitude the of ,e frame time required bill's in specially 1 nr of rating CRA imputed an 2owith are comments substantive no which ,the received days 60 within findings written such issue to required is Board be will that .applications time given any at Board the with pending days (or bulletin weekly the in notice of publication after 70 approximately of Board ,the Moreover duties official permit generally members the eek aw.often twice than more no meetings the after act to which ),leaving filing in days 15 only Board Board's internal The procedures in hours 48 available least at members Board be to documents staff require period (w after days 55 occur will hich -day 45 the of expiration comment ).Inotice filing an of case are procedures expedited the which to aBoard of .advance meeting imposed ,the considerations these of view In requirements procedural of ,the applicable date the after days 60 within findings issue must Board with 5094 2-rH.R. and 1by applications to respect appear applicants ated comment .after closes period ,orays filing 5d within the these time applications within notices and process to order In . unrealistic be to n .Iimposes Board the on burden administrative overwhelming more even an ,the filed are comments CRA If of each and applicant ratings the reviewing to addition subsidiary its have will staff its and Board the evaluate carefully to time insufficient determining ,ebanks modified be should ratings the whether any valuating cubstantial whether determine and comments s a ."raises issue omment is It written comments ppublic ,aholding hearing preparing ublic ossibly nd an be for time will there that unlikely to response applicant's considered ,the factors CRA on findings appropriate establish to required is Board . made is determination the before the a IfRA C that determines Board raises comment "s ubstantial issue , .ahearing required be may applicant's a1or rating The 2. the increase to designed commitments , applicant the with negotiations extensive involve could process commitment at $1P1roposed BHC )(h2,R eport .31 hearing aChe has applicant the 1oIf of 2,trating rRA completed be must regulators banks subsidiary .of ,and protesters CRA primary the -day 90 of end before issued findings written required the and period ,the period time this Within provide must Board Within days 30 ,the adthereafter make must Board applicant's the whether to as etermination likelihood in resulting of have asubstantial programs and policies and ,an hearing notice testimony of preparation the for opportunity ethe cvaluate applicant and protesters CRA by ,evidence hearing onduct Board The implementing for programs and policies applicant's the review then must . approval preliminary the after days 180 within commitments approximately ,or published is application the of notice after days 30 .ahearing requested is 234 3-rated for applicants required process approval preliminary The be findings ,the constraints will staff Board's CRA written prepare to forced . period comment of close the to prior . commitments CRA applicant's the of fulfillment he ,tBoard years later Two 26 .27 apublic hold to required is performance applicant's the concerning hearing . 16 commitments . the fulfilling in Transactions Holding Bank Routine Company CRA complex to Subjected Unnecessarily Are Requirements Procedures and single every for required is process extensive This or application Reinvestment Community the extends 5094 H.R. far its beyond Act there be ofiled notice which ,fwill a3-rmany by the until applicant ated nonbanking their and companies holding bank apply to scope current . ating r obetter arof attains 2applicant that contemplates 5094 H.R. Since and imputed an assigned are companies holding Bank "C rating RA affiliates . bank 3,tmost of rating imputed an with out start will companies holding he nonbanking activities for notices and applications company holding bank all considerable a require will and is process approval preliminary the of burden procedures CRA rigorous the to subjected are transactions other and devoted the to staff Bank Reserve and Board in increase significant . above described requirements performance application process . are requirements Similar holding . companies institution thrift to applicable r elated impose -Other CRA additional extensive bill the of provisions review is conducted Community current the Under ,C Act Reinvestment RA rulemaking CRA of review annual and the on ,stasks Board required as uch the involving directly approvals regulatory and examinations bank during ,examinations a nd the guidelines -performance bi for requirement CRA nnual of activities or .Tafacquisition bank insured scope current ederally he 235 as of establishment the . eparate corps examiner CRA directly in banks involving transactions to limited appropriately is CRA the reinvestment encourage to Act basis theoretical the of view Costs regulatory Significant imposes Bill The . 15 at C BHCs Places ompetitive Disadvantage aand .insured credit of form the communities local in deposits federally Providers Credit Other to Relative review CRA the extends 5094 H.R. company holding bank all to process application CRA lengthy and elaborate The expected be can procedures , required is approval regulatory which for transactions and activities company holding bank costs transactions significantly increase to bankare activities or transactions such whether of regardless Bank ng holdi . opportunities competitive missed in result to and operations involve -related credit .or powers expanded according the to priced and structured are frequently transactions company ,the example For comprehensive review are CRA procedures to applications company holding bank by triggered .Bank approval regulatory for required time estimated companies holding rust such ,tactivities processing data as permissible currently in engage aconsiderable suffer already for bidding when disadvantage competitive securities ,government real uactivities appraisal estate U.S. nderwriting competitors by burdened not nonregulated against opportunities acquisition ability adeal consummate .to their in delays regulatory have granting the to relation no which preparation planning tax and will 5094 H.R. . credit of ,sequest requests company holding bank arRoutine as for uch . disadvantage competitive this exacerbate satisfaction in acquired shares of disposing for time the extend to approval may 1843 (c)2,sU.S.C. imilarly contracted 1previously 2ebt adinvolve of -28 -•29 Bis ( ecause application an required for extensive CRA procedures .review holding costs regulatory bank for administrative the and companies on burden arBHC such equest the ,tunder Act CRA he may procedures review even apply Reserve Federal the minimal with Board compliance CRA in .gain procedures current Federal Reserve application an require not do 12 .though Nonbank control that Companies Are Banks . 17 Requirements CRA Similar to Subject Not (c)1. 225.22 C.F.R. deposit safe for exemption an provides bill The ,p ersonnel control that Companies are which but banks companies holding bank not conferred aresult as rights grandfather of Equality Competitive the by , nd (a)accounting 225.22 C.F.R. 12 in listed activities servicing other at $1P1roposed ).(a3A,RBHCA 27 eport (b). These activities are will 1987 of Act Banking extensive the to subject be not procedures CRA and holding internal to related for operations company regulatory prior no which . Act Company Holding Bank the under required is approval CRA new The 5094. H.R. by established requirements lodged be will framework U.S.C. 12 will and Act Company Holding Bank the of 11 section new proposed in be not intended (c)1CThe no has thus exemption .1843 effect exemptatory these exempting specifically By h activities ,t creates bill he owever that companies to applicable holding as qualify not do bank under Act .the CRA new the whether as doubt intended are procedures review be to be , ill Thus -c so controlling n "w banks to able alled ompanies onbank 236 12 in described transactions and activities nonbanking other to applicable for 225.22 C.F.R. exemption no .which provided is business normal conduct to continue the by unencumbered activities burdensome subsections other The requirements CRA new compliance to applicable companies holding bank . ,trelate example oor acquired securities capacity afvoting in iduciary (Securities other and become that companies holding bank by 12ecurities s225.22 (c)3,C.F.R. property representing 5por ercent under abank acquiring framework CRA new to subject be will future the in c2nd of (c)5,a1less 225.22 C.F.R. acquired assets ompany the in 1ordinary (c)7. 2 225.22 C.F.R. business of course $11he BHCA (e).Tproposed be will companies such by owned banks nonbank Like the servicing other like guidelines performance and scale rating CRA new the to subject aapplication 225.22 C.F.R. 12 in (b),nactivities nd o is for required above ,but banks enforce to designed commitments under operate not will .average performance CRA BHC the under activities .these Act other significant of view In bill the in enhancements CRA ,as well .18 CaThe Creates Bill ompetitive Disadvantage Owned Banks for Holding by Versus Companies current under CRA for opportunities as ,tbanks law of extension review he Banks Independent procedures new elaborate CRA requirements and bank routine to company holding holding bank by owned Banks cwill acompanies at be ompetitive compliance CRA ensure to unnecessary transactions .is transactions Such since banks independent to relative disadvantage commitment CRA new the activities no have often -r credit to connection elated CRA thus and requirements applicable are only context in bank the of company holding increase significantly will transactions such of coverage The -3• 0 -31 forced be not will banks Independent under operate to application process . "5 ating imputed 5-rThe the that notwithstanding apply will ated ."5 of company's asmall represents bank subsidiary fraction holding the total ratings CRA their increase designed acommitments over average above to by . companies holding will as period year two owned banks cgenerally ,sompany above noted aAs uch be will . assets or deposits regulatory for Act BHC the under approvals any obtaining from precluded Imposes Burdensome Inappropriately Bill The 19. . activities and operations normal new proposed in established procedures CRA comprehensive The with company abAspecial of case the in applies rule holding five ank foreign by filed applications to applicable be will Act BHC the of 11 section asingle in subsidiaries bank more .or state imputed company's parent The activities nonbanking certain in engage banks to pursuant the of 80 that provided bank lowest above one is rating percent rating . subsidiaries that above rated are bank company's such though 8,9a3f 4(c1sections )o even Act BHC the nd holding Abank .foreign States United operate the in any not may banks similarly state one than in subsidiaries bank more or five with company International to 1978 of Act Banking the by required are banks Foreign subsidiary bank rated lowest the above one of rating imputed an assigned 1s activities nonbanking in engage to Act BHC the under approval obtain company's have subsidiaries bank of percent 7.5 than more not if the all that rall a"5,ncompany's than otwithstanding 4 ather be would rating Fbank iDIC nsured companies -branches non their and as regulated not holding Reinvestment .to Act subject Community the not are agencies and 237 inhe Thus above example the ,tholding lowest . bank rated of rating the are banks Such branch d a operate they if States United . omestic agency or of Extension banks other its "1.of rated are 5094 to H.R. by established requirements procedural burdensome the treatment banking for favorable more provides rule special The Act is thus under banks foreign such by filed applications BHC the traditionally -borganizations multi allowed have ank that States located abandoned unit have recently than only that states in companies holding .and inappropriate unnecessary inank phasing are or structures banking -b .multi companies holding Ratings CRA Imputed The 20. Reflect Inaccurately abank case either In satisfactory otherwise an with company holding inaccurately bill the by established system rating imputed The be will record as of rating CRA unsatisfactory an for penalized ubsidiary CRA overall reflects holding abperformance of ank basing by company the athat making factors to due be ,even bank may record CRA poor bank's though favorable ratin of least the on rating olding CRA imputed company's a subsidiary .bank banks company's holding ). 29 . impossible rating favorable more ebanks one for xcept subsidiary company's the of all "9If rated are will "5,the rated to happens that bank rating CRA imputed acompany's be an in blocated ,aank example For local credit meet to resources the have not may area distressed economically $1P1eport (f),RBHCA at roposed needs . regional to due condition ,bank Moreover aw in financial eakened federal or state primary its by discouraged be may circumstances economic 3- 2 -33 parent the if only and acquisition their following aplan submits company from supervisor banking devoting lowto resources limited its moderate and community local its in needs credit .income to acquisition of date from days 90 within rating CRA bank's the increase assumes 5094 H.R. all that subsidiaries bank wholly -oare by wned their a1or ,more cases many In such restore to required is years two than habe the ,Under Act BHC owever b may ank to deemed . companies parent one than more of subsidiary . company holding bank bealthy h af earn to ability the with condition CRA ank avorable 5094 H.R. ,tUnder CRA he be abholding of performance may toank imputed though even company affected ,especially record adversely are conditions financial whose banks by distress . economic regional ,the Moreover for available not is exemption December before exist acquired banks 1such an,o31 which that 985 fumber 25 little as controls company bank's the of percent no has and shares reinvestment community the over control activities or .policies bank of . troubled be to continue become subsequently that banks healthy for provided is exemption No the from Exemptions The Ratings Imputed . 21 Inadequate Are economic of areas in located banks for or .troubled distress excludes 5094 H.R. hbanks acertain from olding company's imputed during offered was exemption an such provide to amendment Committee the sgricultural rating uch acertain chartered ,nas troubled ewly very nd -upnd mark a 5094 H.R. ,of to agreed was it that understood observers many fail exceptions The fails .version amendment the include to reported 5094 H.R. of consideration into take to circumstances other cause may which ab have ank aCrAMEL with acquired banks for exemption The 4o of rating less that ,sapoor rating CRA laws state as certain of ability the restrict uch CAMEL asubstantial creates bank's the that likelihood be will rating sexample ,For ome money business small or housing local make to .banks loans section since public the to disclosed CRA that requires 5094 H.R. of 809 companies holding bank center banks operate engage that Delaware in primarily . available publicly made be such for basis the and ratings numerical operations card credit in are which but excluded not from ratings imputed by covered not are they because bill the under -called so "n bank onbank Company Holding Bank the under .exemption Act 238 1P1eport fBHCA roposed ).(4,R$at 30 banks .small Although an atroubled of for basis and exclusion The parent's the from bank .will known become thus rating imputed bank's a of Disclosure CAMEL low These banks prohibited are by adverse have could rating as of soundness and safety the on effect erious local serving from law Delaware needs credit community have not do thus and as with , sonflict company holding parent its and bank acwell raise the anhe earn to ability the rating CRA average parent .Tabove holding ratings CAMEL disclosing not of policy supervisory .current average with banks these of companies above otherwise ratings will CRA thus . penalized unfairly be the exemptions area one In more appear ratings imputed be to .intended been have may than generous with an on Banks acquired banks and basis aemergency CAMEL 4out of less r only ,brating exempted are year two the during period of assets less with $5 or .million 0 banks agricultural exempts 5094 H.R. defined "iAnsgricultural bank aas of agricultural in assets loan its "any more or percent 25 has which bank --34 35 ample provides of CRA process review for opportunity company's the and rating the loans estate real or "m in customers to ade market local bank's "iArseal loan estate could defined not and secured loan any mean by . area its performance CRA of evaluation the into input public affords . banks subsidiary ,including estate real not or whether loans housing other and mortgages home may exemption ,tapply Thus bank agricultural tohe arural in located .area Incentive Harbor Safe No Provided Is for 1and 2R Companies Holding Bank ated examinations CRA be required to are every conducted 24 and criticized be can thus performance CRA in reduction Any . months 3-Rated for Procedure Approval Preliminary The . 23 Delay Excessive Imposes BHCS Uncertainty and to intended is bill that indicates Report Committee the Although alengthy provides 5094 H.R. bank for procedure review CRA arduous and CRA under rating 3ormputed with applicants company "iaholding verage holding sated provide 1a for harbor 2r bank nd afe (R companies at eport ),no 125 is harbor safe such operative bill's the included .in provisions gnd with companies holding "ieaBank are ratings CRA ood xcellent mputed until occur cannot approval final which the after year one approximately .is filed application bank most that contemplate to appears bill the Since procedures review CRA burdensome to subjected notwithstanding 5094 H.R. under 3uhe of rating initial an have will companies holding ,t system new the nder ,the above noted As H.R. by mandated procedures applications for time processing average the double approximately would 5094 number bank asof affect will procedures review preliminary ignificant . companies holding where ,eprotest companies holding bank such by filed cases in ven CRA no is regulatory normal to entitled not are rating average an with Companies may makes but approvals "preceive approval company the reliminary rovided possibility face ,1aof 2rMoreover will companies the nd ated having 1orithin of rating imputed an earn to .2wcommitments years two (Proposed connection modified ratings CRA their in process application the .with The $1commitments BHCA (b,R ).T 27 at required 1ut eport he specified not are bank each and applicant of rating CRA the review to required is Board each with connection in subsidiary such modify may and notice or application account into take to required is Board the commitments such imposing in any . testimony hearing or comments public of differences likely the Given different from originating applications on comments public in opinion application .(P CRA roposed the on acting of purposes for ratings 10 )R(b3,$8eport 39 .at favorable with Companies are ratings CRA ated commitments ,t3-rrequired areas geographic the of nature he from greatly vary expected be may ,capplicants case to ausing they time each commitments CRA make to required if bank additional an acquire securities aqualified control .they subsidiary regulatory obtain necessary requirements the to as .uncertainty approval rbank 1aated subjects thus bill 2The nd to companies holding procedural significant uncertainty and .delays CRA examination public The granting a which order within established is limit time No B oard .preliminary bill under required is the approval apublic that Assuming 239 favorable CRA performance . -36 -37 leaving be to likely is ,ahearing held nd determine Board the for time specifically 5094 H.R. approvides that reliminary shall approval be commitments of scope and nature approval ,apreliminary required not should . days 120 than earlier expected be afinal as treated purposes commencing order the for -dof 30 period ay Department Justice commencement and Judicial of proceedings review preliminary The is approval then until days a180 to -dsubjected final become not does and period review 210 ay . Act BHC the under the under unclear is It w h ,bill owever shether a econd after issuance . -day 30 order Board's of issuance the following commences period review clear Itank not ais bwhether holding could company legally consummate ransaction ptthe on reliminary approval abasis .of . commitments required . approval preliminary the finalizing possibility The separate two of compound could periods review judicial of complexity the litigation any end the At pBoard -dreliminary 180 the aof following ay ,tperiod approval required is he the from result to likely procedures CRA new complicated . requirements and adopted programs and policies the review to implement applicant by with CRA such companies holding Bank average an factor must rating determines Board the Unless policies such that and have programs as and commitments the fulfilling of likelihood ubstantial Holding Bank the under approval requiring transactions all into uncertainty . Act Company Many normal conduct to impossible it find may companies such years ah requires 5094 H.R. two held be to pearing after reliminary final -dreliminary 30 The for period ay p of aapproval assumes groups community and consumer which at approval opportunity an given be must which upon commitments of fulfillment applicant's the concerning testify to because importance critical Board of failure the final a grant to order automatically cancels preliminary the approval opportunity without to the face could pstaff aloss of reliminary approval to due simply agency unexpected of other or error lapse in result would that circumstances the -dinal 30 af of issuance the without .deadline order ay the that require not does 5094 H.R. same the accorded be persons interested other or applicant to opportunity . testify ,although hearing the to attach consequences specified No consideration in testimony into taken be will hearing the presumably rating imputed required earned has applicant the whether 1determining of applicant ,a3-rated Thus final have not will approval regulatory an after year one approximately .until filed is application of Consummation regulatory final to prior transaction acquisition an would approval highly be risky . .preliminary based was approval the Abank holding company without it reinstate application another .filing 240 order af issues approval inal thereafter days 30 within ,t preliminary he .to effective be approval ceases awithout Ifinal f denied is order lapses -d 30 the or period ay being have be order ,tfinal issued would transaction .to unscrambled he participation extensive The 2. or and consumer of groups community the place may organizations banking by participation required similarly of lack record .Board CRA applicant's defend to having of position in the monitoring ongoing of view in unnecessary is requirement hearing The compliance commitments with in supervision the examination process .and 3- 9 -38 And Unnecessary Are Commitments Repeated 24. Cause May modification such that .determined warranted is relief or thus Applicants commitments by bound be may that appropriate longer no are necessary .or applicant a3-rated Until achieves average above an rating ,imputed bank cause may commitments repeated for requirements The holding to subjected is applicant the by filed notice or application every artificial or delay to mpani structure community re tment .The procedure approval preliminary and commitments repeated for requirement order in activities activities such allocate commitment anticipated to punitive and redundant seems delay satisfy will application first the since . applications future in requirements holding bank force objective bill's the to their increase companies commitments 1 rwo to ratings .T-yat2oimputed period ear ver he required will Commitments Public for Requirement The 25. sufficient be should application first the in above required achieve to of or necessity without rating average same the requiring similar " commitments over and . again the "by agreed to pursuant applicant an be procedures approval preliminary applicant extensive The requirements commitment bill the throughout .that public the to available made requirement )T(Report 31 at no is here uncertainty and Confusion as occur may thus to .made available publicly gholding .liven atr by required performance of evel the attain to company proposed applicant's an of disclosure public for requirement The which by process the inhibit and complicate unnecessarily will commitments rating average required .above specific commitments the Because each are and applicant to commitments are . to agreed representing commenters public by influenced interests diverse varying with against held be may later that commitments process commitment the and them may levels performance ,dapply demands CRA of ifferent banks different to comparable for requirement bill's the .notwithstanding performance CRA occurring commitments Negotiated approval regulatory the outside will process and performance CRA of level required to as uncertainty the compound an as process commitment of integrity the compromise method appropriate . performance CRA improved achieving for or modify may Board the that provide not do procedures required The commitments relief provide applicant's the from utpon ,iif review is Applicants will reluctant be propose to workable developing in effective less be will thus community to solutions reinvestment problems ,public Moreover with banks involving commitments of disclosure disclosing that such without possible be not may problems supervisory of ,to exist problems detriment .the operations banking sound and safe 241 Title of provisions other to pursuant made commitments be 5094 H.R. IV redundant are from commitments inconsistent or differing in result could and .application next the to one commitments (i)ror 11 section new Proposed all that "pequires roposed -40 . 26 4 . 1 - ank inter in gency to and conflict uncertainty abresulting attempting The and Commitments CRA for Requirement BHC the Under with interferes Act Review aBank's by Supervision Regulator Primary commitment specific with comply . requirements commitment CRA extensive The new proposed under requirements 5094's H.R. of view In improve to objective performance CRA the bank with interfere may Act BHC the of 11 section regulation and supervision bill's ,the banks the of use holding bank application company process to commitments required The or .,s federal abtate by regulator primary ank's indirectly goal this accomplish the through directly than rather bank subject to banks such and subsidiary applicable directly are may the to objectionable .requirements regulator primary bank's inappropriate seems process regulation complicate unnecessarily to 11kely and commitments The supervision .bank regulation and such for program supervisory regulator's primary the with inconsistent be may . 27 The CRA Complex Bill's Procedures Requirements and Potentially invite abank efforts compliance enforcement regulator's the undermine may and Litigation Disruptive ,commitments example For the under imposed be may .bank such to respect with complex bill's The procedures CRA requirements and litigation invite BHC -m below with loans increased reduced for or rates interest Act arket and unsafe find may regulator primary the that requirements collateral bank individual process .and applicants company holding creates bill The specific to respect with .Sunsound ,acbank for imilarly ommitment and opportunities increased consumer for incentives groups community farm or business small increased primary the with inconsistent be may loans challenging litigation commence to banks CRA of adequacy the rating diversified amore encourage to forts er .regulator's portfolio asset of ,aguidelines banks individual to ratings CRA ssignment dequacy as Board Reserve Federal may the with disagree regulator primary The Reserve ,Fapprovals commitments ederal preliminary of dand enial a1oRA for required performance specific .U2Cto rating the nder r ,and requests .hearing matters CRA otner ,trating bill CRA the review to required is "aBoard of insured ny he significantly ,acank example For could ommunity bgroup frustrate "and application such to respect with involved institution depository may ability company's holding requiring operations conduct to approval regulatory P( roposed . application on acting of purpose the for rating such modify company's the contesting by rating CRA imputed atemporary seeking and 810 b3,RCRA eport ).($at 39 banks an of All subsidiary applicant's may enjoin to order restraining granting from Board the approvals regulatory any with be deemed involved Board the since application an to respect .The rating of basis the on company such company's enter to ability future resources managerial and financial the reviews generally prospects approval regulatory requiring transactions any into virtually be would applications with connection system company holding the in bank each of were action such long as paralyzed Judicial adverse an since pending . Act BHC the under filed sRA to assign may Board aCThe bank ubsidiary different that rating ,from regulator primary bank's the by assigned 242 potentially major with consequences disruptive regulatory the for approval 43 - -42 as commitments negotiated privately on based transactions company holding from disengaging or transactions of unscrambling require could decision commitments such on based ratings CRA of validity the as .well customer of loss with .activities will good because the of will lawsuits encourage comparative The system rating Act BHC using By primary the as increased enforcing for vehicle process ,H.R. performance CRA application the exposes 5094 bank and one measuring in error factual for possibilities and difficulties CRA bank's seeking company holding litigants by disruption major potential to operations in courts the place may litigation Such . others of that versus performance lfor ,rarge cases number ole athe in ratings CRA assigning of position issues and complex the by raised far ahost adjudication Judicial of .CRA framework new reaching interpretation the of aBoard challenge could groups Community . 28 fof abranch example ten least or t provision ,activity requiring as patterns May Applicants Rated Average Below by Ratings CRA Their Improve Not Banks .Above Acquirin Average successful Ifhallenge c a,s uch pto .closings exist for order in aattern precludes generally 5094 H.R. imputed with companies holding bank approving orders Board numerous of invalidation the in result could bank 4orrom of ratings .5f approvals regulatory any obtaining f such ,i Thus so average ,they rating CRA imputed do must above an attain to are companies of alpendency such approving from Board the discourage may awsuit . improvements internal by generally exception an creates 5094 H.R. this to consummating .negotiating transactions from or applicants applications with banks acquire to companies rated average below allows that rule general ajudicial granted be and seek could groups Consumer Board any of stay 3pursuant than less of ratings CRA to .the process approval preliminary of as afinal pending actions issues major such on ruling court patterns the BHCA ).(b7R$1P1roposed 28 at eport guidelines as.Stay uch validity rating of the or provision activity an rated average above Abelow acquire not may applicant the freeze virtually could process application .entire . performance CRA imputed its improve thereby and bank seems result This at adverse challenge to opportunities increased have will similarly Banks of to odds intent bill the depository performance CRA improve with .or decisions interpretations agency ,agroup example For might banks of .An generally institutions and guidance provide could bank average above commitments arguing negotiated privately that a commence j action udicial that enable would company's subsidiaries bank other parent the to assistance ,impose system rating comparative of integrity the undermine unfair an . performance CRA their improve to them used alawfully as ,may negotiate to unwilling banks on burden be not nd successful ,sor action an approvals .Ibasis ratings CRA fuch regulatory for bank approving orders Board numerous of validity the question into call could 243 such mere .T interpretation an onhe based transactions company holding .45 -.44 Additional Commitments The 29. to Relating . activities combined in engaging from banks affiliated ,section (d)Thus 11 QSS and banking combined because case any in applicable be not will arguably additional imposes 5094 H.R. bank on requirements companies holding .with activities securities to respect .Soes allowed are activities (d)securities 11 define not ection aof "hsnd ,activities owever ecurities offering the to refer could (d) 11 section new Under ,aproposed subsidiary aqualified establish to applying company holding bank securities bill "(aQsf Io Title in defined SS )ithe commitments such make required bank by advice investment or services brokerage asecurities of affiliate . QSS provide to require may Board the as wworded (d)iholding 11 aSection such in bsay that company ank as services deposit and credit its diminishing from precluded be not would the that assurance reasonable and banking of combination proposed activities )w(isecurities any fithin as .long The sources other from available readily are services such structure company holding bank the following such of approval the the diminish not will application and credit of availability deposit lowfor -iservices moderate and ncome businesses within or small persons hoowever interpreted be could ,tprovision not may applicant each that mean rather particularly it by offered services such of availability the diminish of .The generally banks all by than effect the have could thus provision . areas equivalent or neighborhoods and lowto services of level current their maintaining into banks locking ).at ( eport R29 regardless -income moderate areas that factors legitimate of justify may of intent The effect and unclear are provision .this Section ( d)11 services diminished area aparticular .in ,it Moreover be could interpreted securities perceived between connection some upon based be to appears that ,but services deposit credit and activities of nature the connection readily not apparent .is and credit lowin facilities deposit new of opening the require to imoderate areas .- ncome prevent to be may section this of intent The banks account into take to required is Board The or comments public any . banks wholesale becoming from public banking retail the serve currently that satisfy will commitments what determining in commenters CRA from testimony dthat term "iThe by defined not siminish suggests but bill the any (d)in 11 section of requirements .the case given any commitment The may s CRA of demands various the on vary depending to applicant from .Teduces allowed be not will services in reduction ,s (d)r 11 bank ection hus ,resulting commenters differing to subjected being companies holding bank in marketplace and competitive according activities structure to flexibility performance required of levels .CRA . demands assume (d) SS 11 Section to ppears company ab that holding ank Q with activities acombinationTitles offer will securities and banking ."of 1 to hprohibit 5094 H.R. of 11 ,gand length great oSS aQowever (d)rank 11 abSection time each made be to commitments new equires additional .applies bank aQSS with company holding an acquire to This compound only can and excessive seems commitments for repeated requirement 244 i - ncome moderate and low- 4.7 .46 ato (d)ppears 11 Section that recognize applications all not which performance create and CRA of level required to as uncertainty the required one from performance of level the in variations greater potentially activities securities involve may applies .1t "tThe to refers language (if activities securities and banking of combination )".proposed any no If . next the to company holding bank whether ,it involved are activities securities unclear is entire the bank each of time the at commitments additional for requirement The as (d)is 11 section that suggests also acquisition operate to aintended "patterns activity of holding bank prevent to used be could that rovision .The inapplicable is apply to interpreted be could provision combination "p the roposed banking of a. ctivities closing from -icompanies moderate and lowin facilities areas banking ncome Make Must Companies Holding Bank New 30. or such in banks acquire to them force .areas commitments additional requires 5094 H.R. are that companies from not (d)strangely 11 Section the to relating commitments requires applies ac such time the at companies holding bank bompany .acquire ank to applicant the if even activities securities and banking of combination bank the terms its ,iBy companies such all to applies bill shell ncluding Section a ( pplies d)11 any to .engages activities securities no in must .Uuch companies (e),sholding 11 section new acproposed nder ompany which btank of control "acquire by ,acompany time the ny application such will C a rating take commit that actions achieve to bank the enable RA thus provision The within 2frating ,ibetter or years artwo has already bank 1othe of organized companies formations company holding bank to applies by ba.acquiring the for individuals of purpose sole ank oaintain srating "m2,tuch improve .or Such individual s may ).at (Report 29 comments CRA any account into take must Board The in testimony or engaging aQSS establishing of intention no have otherwise or securities in ,thereby commitments requiring varying widely for potential further creating ,yare company through activities for requirement the to subject et .commitments securities to relating activities . performance CRA of level required the to as uncertainty and commitments below with banks of acquisition the discourages requirement This applies (d)a 11 Section of acquisition the to blso c by ank ompany improving the companies of capable be would that CRA average by ratings sas a uch activities nonbanking in ,engaged Act BHC the under permissible .Sleasing company processing data acor may similarly uch ompany .Mhe performance CRA bank's ,t will that commitments for requirement oreover activities to securities in engaging of intention no ,yhave subject is et "tmhe improve 1oor of ab2rrating imposes bank on rated aintain urden existing on imposed not is that companies holding bank new (d). 11 section .Tew ancompanies for requirement commit to company holding bank he 3 Cacquired 1s of rating eems nRA the improve a with bank ewly CRA required of ratcheting upward the to contributes and excessive .in 5094 H.R. inherent performance 245 ,isank application abof not .'or company holding bank -49 48 procedures of (h)negates 11 Section intent expedited the -day 45 The ,31. Excessive is Period Comment Iof Title of 106 section established to Board the requiring by 5094 H.R. which for transaction of aspect ap roposed any on comments public accept period noted ,tAs -d 45 bill's comment public above he ay bank for not (h)does 11 Section public limit . requested is approval regulatory will adoubling in result the of notices and applications company holding ,competitors Thus down slow to ability the have will factors .comment CRA to . procedures current under approvals regulatory for required time minimum non irrelevant raising comments filing by transactions company holding bank later the on begins period comment public The $1B1HCA ).(h,R 31 at eport found -r CRA ultimately are cases of majority the in that issues elated be to Federal the in application notice of publication date the of ,contrary .nonsubstantive procedures expedited of intent the to newspaper of date the or bulletin weekly Board's .Reserve publication (h)indicates 11 section for caption the Although are comments that a7-10 for Allowing to submitted is application an time the from de.ay day operative (h)intended 11 section of ,tlanguage writing in submitted be to he establishes of ,tdate bulletin weekly the in publication its bill he . comments written require not does ,bank allowed are comments verbal If Board from precluded is an on acting a5ay -dnearly the which during period 5 . 32 Require Not Does Requirement Hearing The Evidence Specific of Presentation the ,act does cases of majority great the in .and days 30 after Board the may Needs Credit Unmet Showing byhe -dMoreover 60 the of most ,tconsuming schedule processing ay an (h)1provides 11 section new Proposed that be may hearing informal period or little leave will time no )p-d(545ay reality in comment 5ublic Judgment a,rthe inaises who commenter any of request at held Board's for by evaluation careful aCRA respond to applicant an or protest "rsubstantial issue local serving in performance applicant's the egarding the of end until filed not are typically Comments . staff Reserve Federal applicant's CRA required of adequacy or needs credit community the . period comment . commitments ).(Rateport 31 asubstantial constitutes ",What issue 5094 H.R. that indicating findings Congressional any on based not is .is defined not h a earing triggering -day 30 procedures current Board's the under provided period comment to matters scope or hearing of length the on limit time No commenters on CRA for opportunity insufficient affords views their present to the . bill by established is hearing at addressed be . notices and applications company holding bank Commenters a30 where cases In day facts or required any present to bill the by not ahearing requesting are comment upon period ,the inadequate is the extends routinely Board CRA its fulfilling not is applicant the that demonstrating evidence . request Unless . unmet going are needs credit community that or obligations 246 .responding comments such to will applicants company holding difficulty have no when ,even .Uapplication filed are comments CRA procedures current nder -51 -50 of results well as for basis the and rating CRA applicant's credit unfulfilled of evidence concrete present to required are commenters will auhearing serve not seful ,tneeds respond can he applicant an which to . public made be will examinations CRA bank subsidiary applicant's the applicant's the of approval delay to than unnecessarily other purpose imposes case every in findings written for requirement The undue an unnecessarily will and Board the on burden of processing delay .or notice application notices . applications and Written Findings for Requirement The 33. Civil Penalties Money for Requirement The . 34 and Cases All in Justified Be Not May is (h)3requires 11 section new Proposed make and prepare to Board the Harsh Unduly of (1)provides 11 section new Proposed imposition the for money civil required is Board the factor each "wpublic to respect ith a ritten finding "under account into take to or application any approving before 11 section to companies fail holding bank on penalties that rating imputed an maintain .allowing period notice any of disapproval for the expiration commitments .better 3or of CRA with comply to or comparative the view in harsh seems penalties such of threat The tactors is Board hat identify fthe "any not does 11 Section of ratings CRA abThe holding ank no be through downgrading to susceptible banks subsidiary its and company may written Board's the what to precisely notices aq raising ,thus uestion .to address required are findings csubsidiary level onsistent afailure maintain to banks its or company the of Board ,the Presumably to expected is by .address commenters public raised issues any commitments to applied of CRA because but performance increasing ever Board The might also be .with similar resources organizations banking the and commitments CRA applicant's of adequacy address to expected applicant's rating (aCRA by required s each review Board's the of results effect ratcheting upward The eventual the in methodology result to expected be can rating CRA of ).the Act Reinvestment Community of 810 section new proposed bank .number companies holding alarge downgrading of uank Moreover imputed nder holding ,abthe system rating may company Board the require interpreted be could bill The written prepare to only banks subsidiary its of average abone receive if rating imputed elow Celated non on ,c-rfindings commenters public by raised issues to RA ontrary reasons of outside arating Such for occur may o5.of arrating 4receives Title I. procedures intent expedited the in of even comments CRA no if written applies findings for requirement The economic circumstances regional involving ,such control company's the as he .CRA filed is sTissue raising acomment noubstantial or are by applicant's performance CRA Board the address to for requirement excessive ,especially the since seems cases such in findings written due weakness financial or distress ,c activity fraudulent to omputer ,or .malfunction disaster into taken are circumstances these of None imputed assigning in .consideration ratings 247 .under bill the ratings CRA of nature applications and on acting in account into take to specifically required -53 -.52 that ,it Moreover conceivable is may companies holding bank subject be 3. in contributions and Investments community projects development ,with (for fulfill obsolete become that commitments CRA to impossible or and lowfor categories separate -income moderate small and housing tofarticular unrelated reasons for fails community apexample ,iproject business projects . Participation government in private or and safety cause )or involvement bank would which of satisfaction the sponsored insurance loan g uarantee ,o r ,small housing subsidy for programs no provides 5094 H.R. applicant an which by procedure . problems soundness farms ,o. r businesses small such with compliance requires but commitments of relieved be may efforts of scope The housing market to lowin loans business small and -income moderate neighborhoods and .minority neighborhoods 5. to failure for penalties money civil incurring of risk the at commitments . comply mof amay required The provide data isleading picture community the (e)requires 11 Section commit to companies holding bank new "tmhe improve a1oor with bank acquired an of rating 2CRA aintain r of activities reinvestment because banks many the scope and nature local .Tank abrating on penalties money civil of imposition company holding he consideration agiven in needs credit into taken not are area .M ,n oreover o 2whose ftoor is reason 1whatever from drops rating bank's subsidiary those than other activities reinvestment community for provided is category . efforts reinvestment community Data Performance CRA of Collection The and Provides Burden Undue an Imposes . 35 bank of activities reinvestment Community . in factored not are subsidiaries nonbank their and companies holding Information Misleading burden the that indicates 5094 H.R. accompanying Report Committee The anew add to Act Reinvestment Community the amends 5094 H.R. section data such collecting of their and regulators with rest to intended is aformat of development the requiring 808 bank concerning data collecting for examiners . required be will Banks develop h ,t oowever programs expensive be .Such activities reinvestment community to required is data and evaluated .Contrary form accessible readily in data such maintaining for the to CRA bank's each with connection in .discussed examination ).(Report 37 at computer ,most Report their in data such maintain currently not do banks $100 of assets with Banks available make to required be will more or million . systems : following the to relating data a ,inank's Moreover reflect accurately to order b community 1. housing -income moderate and .Lowloans coded data ,taccording activities reinvestment required be must he use the to . loans farm small and business Small 2. the of location .and proceeds banks by maintained currently data Loan rather address borrower's reflects where of location the than . used are proceeds benefits community the reflect not may data Such of 248 ,such listed c non other and contributions charitable as -r redit elated . unreasonable -55 5- 4 foor ,tloans example class middle in live who proprietors business small proceeds loan the use but areas suburban inventory or equipment purchase to each factors assessment in regulations agency's supervisory the implementing evaluation ).T(Report 38 at he supporting facts discuss must the . Act ,including conclusions agency's to pursuant collected data performance the moderate and sncome for l a in located operation business -i inner mall ow- -income moderate lowemploying and area .city persons assigned is rating CRA bank's The 808. section written of basis the on loans Such of which ,tpublic evaluation portion nonconfidential made is . he borrower's other or residence aon by secured are frequently m the ortgage aof view allow factors assessment agency existing bThe for alanced reflect not or may data loan and assets personal use ultimate .the performance reinvestment community bank's .Fhe ,t example assessment or proceeds the of .location bank's consider agencies the permit "afactors various meet to bility be touch order ,sIn performance CRA measuring accurately in useful size and condition financial its on based needs credit community ,a legal nd must data voluminous of review involving process extensive an in recoded be bank each at files .loan ."economic factors local impediments ,a conditions other nd C.F.R. 12 banks regional size Medium review to need may tens that factors (k).Snhe "ot228.7 consider may ,iagencies the imilarly ther ,involving files loan thousands and at time of expenditure remendous ,rjupon a(bbear which to extent )ithe sank gency's udgment easonably be ,in resources order accurately data meaningful provide to able process rating CRA in data such to given the and entire . community its of needs credit the meet to helping Because weight the of C.F.R. 12 (1). 228.7 of ortance hre factors assessment agency ,aThe importance secondary given owever normal activities rating conduct to order in afavorable maintaining CRA requires .H.R. evaluations CRA in placed "ts5094 emphasis pecial o abe on forced conduct to be will banks regulatory ,m approvals ost requiring "serving record bank's moderate and lowof needs credit housing the .Moreover efforts recoding loan ,sextensive involve may effort an uch small .",a needs credit farm small persons income business nd been have that loans reviewing and past recent the in repaid are on longer no dnd statement the in required is emphasis ,asSuch facts iscussion upporting of indicative are nevertheless loans such since books bank's the . commitment reinvestment community 249 . activities reinvestment community their reflecting maintain to need will Banks on data . evaluations written of conclusions ,it purposes such for loans making of record can bank the that doubtful is demonstrate their fully CRA to order in loans current well as repaid .earn bill the under rating afavorable CRA . performance b a Unless f maintains ank avorable community significant Other health may thus activities reinvestment ,i discouraged be ncluding education Assessment Balanced Agency Existing 36. . community entire the benefit may that programs bond revenue industrial and anew adds bill The Act Reinvestment Community the to 809 section existing the on based be to banks of evaluations CRA written requiring the deemphasize thus requirements performance CRA bill's The account into take to system review CRA current the by provided flexibility 5-6 -•57 reinvestment of nature different the communities in needs to and performance of level the to as uncertainty cause may process a for required banking each allow its perform morganization ato in obligations CRA anner rating CRA favorable year to uncertainty .Tfrom his delay cause could operational its to suited .best structure implementation reinvestment community of confusion and programs the in examination process ratings which under addition ,in assigned are imposing to of Activities CRA Arriliates Nonbank consideration Appropriate Accorded Not Are . 37 additional administrative an regulatory the on agencies .burden annual An accountable holding bank holds 5094 H.R. While companies favorable for requirement excessive an seems review have will agencies the since normal bill ,the performance CRA weight give not does equal other or lending to discretion to guidelines rating the review appropriate .as companies holding bank of activities reinvestment community nonbank their and conducting mandatory Inhe reviews are ,tannual agencies to required requires bill the Whereas emphasis on placed be to aspecial . subsidiaries account into take community of views the boards review and ineeds -,shousing moderate and lowserving of record bank's ncome credit mall organizations banking of views The the accorded not are needs credit farm small nd hbusiness ,aolding company's . consideration preferential same directly are banks Since the by affected no needs such meeting of record given is even not and emphasis similar the in be would and guidelines provide to position best as advice effectiveness practical guidelines the of should ,their views to required be bank of activities reinvestment community that provides bill The .be considered tsponsored companies heir subsidiaries company ,anonbank holding nd themselves ratings The . certainty lack ,the bill the Under Federal development mcommunity "dcorporations consideration into taken be ay uring of ratings and assessments .CRA banks affiliated ratings CRA modify may Board Reserve applications with connection in and the under filed notices record on based Act BHC in developed bill The does require not given or considered be activities such that CRA bank with weight equal . proceeding application may so do failure The holding bank force to companies . activities . 39 Separate for Requirement The Consumer Examinations an imposes Excessive Administrative and Burden from Detracts reinvestment community their structure inefficiently and artificially . activities Soundness and Safety substantial imposes 5094 H.R. requirements new development for the and Guidelines Rating The 38. Certainty Lack implementation establish to bill the by required not are guidelines rating The any attaining for criteria definite rating afavorable CRA to subject are and .The agencies regulatory bank the by mandatory review annual bill and examination personnel agency The programs . banking federal each requires aseparate establish to agency consumer separate conducting for responsible division by examinations consumer in examiners consumer specializing all with compliance assessing 250 into .required consideration taken be to 59 5- 8 90-163 0 - 88 - 9 .and laws reinvestment community protection under Board Reserve Federal the by promulgated been have already regulations (Rhis ).T 41 at eport examiner limited of reallocation costly and enormous an involves requirement Reporting inair Truth the -L F Credit ,E Act Funds lectronic ending Opportunity Equal Transfer Availability ,aCredit Act Funds Expedited nd agency . effort of duplication funds and resources current With ,t supply short in resources examiner he required . Act ,only law current Under Reserve Federal the assigned is Board and safety banking on effect asubstantial have could reorganization adverse for authority rulemaking laws consumer certain appears bill the whereas to to soundness financial devoted currently resources diverting by such .Tassign agency each of divisions consumer the to responsibility he examinations . whether doubt casts bill to as regulations Board's the by superseded be could be ,the Moreover to required not are examiners consumer in trained factors of soundness and safety evaluating .T results consumer he banking other by issued regulations of recommendation the upon agencies safety with examinations conflict could thus soundness .and A to division consumer each for requirement The . divisions consumer their adevelop in result could regulations consumer recommend and potentially imposed be will burden difficult operating on examiners satisfy to banks consumer existing numerous of rewrite enormous agency each with regulations . mandates inconsistent under will regulations Board's that suggests bill the rewritten be to need divisions consumer agency of recommendations the reflect . agency each in divisions consumer the requires bill The initiate to enforce actions supervisory undertake to and proceedings enforcement Boards Review Community The 41. Are the duplicates unnecessarily requirement This .with laws consumer compliance of bank Reserve Federal each at establishment the requires bill The of divisions regulation and supervision functions banking federal the federal with boards abcommunity review to mandate road agency banking . agencies Moreover -related consumer separate of commencement the reinvestment community and protection consumer administering in performance division aneparate in result could as by actions and proceedings .The performance such in improvements recommend to and laws review community with program enforcement and supervision uncoordinated individual to respect with agencies the advise and quarterly meet to required are boards respect and actions ,resulting institutions agency conflicting potentially in credit .needs and concerns consumer to community . requirements compliance boards not review The are consideration any give to required divisions consumer requires also bill The recommend and develop to safety indeed banking soundness and am in constituted not are that anner .all implement laws consumer applicable to regulations proposed Such .with matters such in expertise them provides or experience any 251 regulatory inconsistent and duplicative adopting .Atinimum ,amrequirements Will Divisions Consumer Separate The 40. .-60 boards -member 16 The review community of comprised 4are 4members and institutions financial regulated of representatives each from is No representation organizations cnd consumer of ,a rights ommunity .civil interest economic other representing organizations for provided such groups asabor fexample ,oslbusiness local rmall or armers tudents board review community each of chairperson The by elected is . governments most ,assuring board each members of vote jority ma chairman the that financial .of institution beegulated not will likely ar epresentative instances specific identify to required not are boards review The of ,which needs credit unfulfilled in function useful most their be could unbalanced The review community the composition these of use discourage will boards efforts aforum as banks by entities constructive for unmet identify to develop and needs credit reinvestment community effective . programs boards review community The of function the duplicate unnecessarily Council Advisory Consumer ,wthe advise to quarterly meets hich Federal on Board Reserve issues .consumer Moreover existence ,the of separate 12 boards review community will likely differing of aconstant in result barrage to recommendations conflicting and ,Board agencies other the agency effective of development the in delay and uncertainty contributing and consumer administering for .programs laws reinvestment community 252 . needs such meeting in organizations banking assisting SUBTITLL FINANCIAL C-BASIC SERVICES ACCOUNT Background Summary and Analysis This of subtitle depository requires H.R.5094 institutions offer to basic public the government and accounts bank check services cashing to me ,l Chairman Mr. Bankers American the that note first noncustomers . et the to sympathetic is Association which problems real and perceived this are ,wthat However concerned e proposed the address to seeks .subtitle inhibit will inappropriate and unnecessary are solutions development the ,bFurther bank basic oth .the remedies superior perhaps and alternative of risks intolerable impose mandates service cashing check government and account included provisions of spite in industry banking the on costs unfair and intended bill the in risks those reduce costs consequential The .to and services mandated these of burdensome particularly are unprofitable /ofor and r 2 APPENDIX . areas income low in branches profitable marginally C SUBTITLE OF ANALYSIS wWith ,believe accounts bank basic to respect e banks many that offer ,aIn areas urban in banks large lready .especially accounts such ,the fixes bill account auaddition structured niformly too be may which respond to inflexible needs specific the basic seeking those of bank B A BANKING "GOVERNMENT ASIC ND CHECK CASHING 5094 H.R. accounts . Outline of Subtitle requires This subtitle institutions depository offer to public the financial bwo asic services accounts this .T to refers bill -t "o f he iers ,bovernment account asic gaccount abank and component cashing check service dtypes institutions ,component essence In must separate two offer . epository :1bcashing services of asic gaccount overnment nd check a2);bank .noncustomers service either elect may Customers for dapplications , epository bill the Under institutions accept must for bank basic the either government or account service cashing check all at Applications contain offices application .staffed tmust date ,the name he ,dnd address ate handwritten signature applicant the of ,abirth any information other Federal BReserve ("the Board appropriate eems In .)doard institution ,the addition depository applicants require afmay present to orm Bankers Association American identification pursuant of regulations Board .to 253 ,we service cashing check government Regarding the that concerned are under proposed solutions appropriate not are H.R.5094 problem the to may and banking on risks impose that requiring by industry good the assume we identity proper and faith presenting individuals of on drawn apparently checks intended measures some contains H.R.5094 Though entities . to government fraud potential to due losses against institutions depository protect tfacilitated provisions , hese bill the inadequate are .A hby degree igh of bill this under persists risk additional these of irrespective . We sections excellent many that note also must solutions alternative cashing check the to other and available now problem which emerging alternatives more are -etatutory cost m .convenient ore nd fficient s,aIsafer ingle mposing payments government to access of .method development such inhibit will applicant determines it if Adepository an register to refuse may institution misrepresentation intentional an contains information the that ."material terms understand to able are customers that so accounts the of limitations . offered accounts the of Requirement Account Bank Basic the of Analysis Account Service Basic .Transaction . Available Widely Already Are Accounts Banking Basic requirement bank basic the with comply :,tTo must account be he $1,000 than less with individuals to only ;aavailable deposit on service ssess an not Board the by set those of excess in not fees or charges ;require or checks of use the $25ermit than greater balance minimum ;popening ;permit transactions party third of purposes for instruments similar least at ;issue month per withdrawals a10 or statements monthly detailed either machines ).I(A TMs ;nnot passbook teller automated of use exclusive mandate payments ,account addition recurring regularly receive to elect may holders by laccounts A bank basic provide currently banks of .number arge An percent 52 that shows 1987 of quarter last the in conducted survey Association accounts basic offer nationwide banks of 1986 ,up in percent 44 from that reveals data survey the at look amAcloser of percentage higher uch (tIn banks $5large over )owith assets in .million accounts such 00 hose ffer voluntarily large banks as ,fact shows below table the of percent 70 over .is accounts transaction cost low provide This ,b point important an ecause cost low for demand where populations urban serve to tend banks larger these direct deposit . ,dasic bill the abUnder close may institutions if account bank epository "separate three on account overdraws individual the distinct and "wonth -moccasions six any finds institution depository the if or period ithin apnvolving be to "ithere activity fraudulent .of account the attern financial It services large that note to important also is greatest .the volume dollar 63 and accounts the percent 53 hold banks of domestic ,o70 words other In serving banks the of percent deposits . ver cost bank basic low providing already are customers urban of number largest Service Cashing Check Government . accounts . basic of availability the regarding raised been have concerns Particular Sheshunoff &by conducted . 988 citizens senior for accounts A1bank survey Co. senior to checking free provide banks of percent 78 that indicates 3pcitizens additional An to services checking discounted offer ercent The requires account service financial basic the of component second check government offer .to noncustomers for services cashing banks The bank basic that as same the is service this for process application .The account discovers it if application an reject may institution depository the on made been has misrepresentation material intentional an that must institution depository The 20 check government any cash application . . seniors 254 . application after days Offer to Planning or offering Banks /No Public the to Accounts Frills Basic The am on service the condition not may institution depository inimum another requirement balance minimum or .opening relationship account The 2.00 up charge may institution depository must and check each cash $to least at designate to permit may customer the where offices three cash and documents appropriate of presentment upon checks government Percentage Banks Responding M ( illions Size )Asset identifications . Than Less ,agovernment bill the Subtitle this of purposes For defined is check ;atas thereof agency or state : he by issued check any ny ,rU.S. of egardless depository location the ;astate institution of agency ny which in presented isny check unit ;athe government local state that of agency or 50 50-100 100-500 More or 1,000 500-1,000 No "Offers Frills % 51 *Account % 45 % 61 % 71 5% % 10 8 718 . thereof any ,adepository Generally cash must institution check government cause to cash "racpresented has it if easonable heck refuse may except "that believe is check the presented fraudulently being altered been has or been that has card identification .Ithe forged or altered n suspend ,the addition may Board requirement cashing check "athe for ny classification checks of depository "iInstitutions that determines it f are with fraud level -rexperiencing check to due loss of elated unacceptable an reasonable believe to cause is there if or checks of class such respect ascheme praud that in used being is checks of .fclass articular Plans Offer to Exist No "A Frills ccount 38 Source : % 14 A988 Survey Deposit Retail ,11987 Association Bankers merican banking limited offer that as defined are accounts Frills No Typically ,services . reduced or cost no at public general the to low are plans these for requirements balance ,aminimum nonexistent or nd written /or and transactions debt checks of number the frer completely are * minimum a to up free .or ,the Finally notices post to institutions depository requires bill indicating and account bank basic the that services cashing check government and features the explain clearly must notices These available .are .3- in innovation and imagination demonstrate accounts available the of Many tFirst in Bank National 'phe customers to ,.Fresponding example or references based .bank research market its on abThe developed Albuquerque account asic minimum any nor fee transaction or maintenance no assesses account resulting balance requirement maximum or .Customers additional an pay to choose may bill the to abWhile allows ank applicant an reject finds it if an ito misrepresentation material bill ,"tntentional he provisions any lacks reject abank enable to knowledge on based applicant that has past the in . The institution defrauded otherwise account an abused or mismanaged or fraud evidence prior of basis the on applicant an reject to inability funds recent the light in worrisome especially is mismanagement of be them know they before funds release to banks requiring law availability Ucollectible accounts multiple . ndeniable funds to access unfettered and optional .F$2or protection overdraft for month per additional .00 ,an dollar may tickets they theatre movie unlimited .buy price half for . crime organized to combination attractive an present the of features optional The response in were account bank's to which research market that concluded overdrawing of fear and account an affordability luxury of entertainment as such items concerns top were many for been has account part iThe individuals representatives ,bmarketed bank y .n ,department factories in management and employees to directly speaking stores companies ,pother popular very is account The articularly blue among .and an smay of denial for ,ittandard aUltimately translate to impossible be asSuch tandard statutory into account would language .inevitably too be the in r "u believe to cause easonable sed .The rigid too or avague standard inadequate is Act Availability Funds Expedited too test the because document to difficult legally satisfy and threatening genuinely .in instances workers .collar . Banks On Costs Impose Unfairly May Legislation The reasons the of discussion its In ,the provision this including for 5094 Committee H.R. to Report nearly that estimates cites of percent 20 maintain families relationship account bank no ,a1the However by study 983 about while that reports Board surveyed families of percent 21 checking no had as9p, The have did families those bout ercent .of account avings 12 about only that concludes study surveyed households the of percent held Federal permits bill the While permissible set to Board Reserve fees ,it services banking basic for not does at fees these set to Board the require alnhe will banks that assures evel bill .Iwhich costs their ,trecover fact establish should Board how on guidance no .offers fees minimal the institutions ,because Moreover different encounter will of levels different and demand account providing for ,afcosts accounts the by set ee hecking scaccount aneither avings .nor Bank Basic Uniform One Respond Not Will Account All Of Needs To The Individual Markets And Development Inhibit Will Responsive More Of each for appropriate be to likely not is .regulation bank does fee that extent To offering of costs cover not the other ,banks account on fees and rates loan higher charge to need will savings ,and services on rates interest lower pay offered those than products these and union credit our reasons competitors nonbank other .by s ,For ome customers bank to shift may providers service financial other not are who .Because bill this to subject providers other these accorded are special under ffederal (benefits law example ederal or credit for ,insurance unions insurance account SIPC federal firms securities for federal from exemption and insurance for statutes unreasonable ),iantitrust companies not is t include to offer to requirement any in them provide they if accounts basic transaction Accounts . 255 bank basic for features specific very mandates legislation proposed The saccounts a Such definition offer to initiatives inhibits bank basic . trict fall not may which accounts of parameters the within defined statutorily reflect ,binterested account fact in which those ofut preferences the banking accounts segment ,iF.basic example one in or ndividuals market the of ahigher accept to willing be may permitted fewer or balance minimum Otransactions exchange in month per prefer may . thers fees service lower for there if payments recurring of deposit direct balance maximum or minimum no is account services generally . . requirement difficult is It characteristics which determine to desirable most are or interested those to useful ab asic bCurrently , bank .in account ecause many should place market that believe We other and fees the determine characteristics of account b a bank .should Easic be ach to free some offer banks basic of type cselect , ustomers bank may account the characteristics the ascertain in its demand aparticular ,most market ssess ,aoperate costs own its nd accordingly account an Bto anks .design choose may best their suits .which needs Allowing bank basic define to market the will account assure to help greatest the that number are people of accommodated innovations . ot encouraged be should inhibited a,nThese by accounts many currently althese at as . oss do statutorily defined account bank .basic Legislation The Does Adequately Not Depository Institutions Protect Costs Absorbing Services Bank Basic of The Threaten Would Viability Unprofitable of Thousands Of ,Particularly Branches Incom Low In Those Fraud . Against Areas two The included safeguards limited very intended are which bill the in institutions depository protect to from mismanagement or fraud not do adequately shield potential the from banks fraud which losses open accessibility V irtually accounts these inevitably will attract .of anyone may additional costs The providing paccounts bank basic articularly ,of in agill with overnment most ,wconjunction service cashing check significantly branches those affect neighborhoods low in located income already which alBecause at .operate profitable marginally only are or oss the for demand insist on account .an .4 .5 demonstrates and fraud of ease the asingle even example An case ,sUbank bill aNthe enter may York and ew nder . tranger liability potential .Gbank privileges cashing check government for ,tregister must he enerally . The application after days 20 presented check government any cash stranger application ofounterfeit proof with branch the into walk then acmay and .$1has California of state the on drawn ostensibly check ,w,500 bank The hich ,mavust check of authenticity verify to ability limited the pay ery articulative and $1,500 person an has teller the unless immediately cash in hen .Wlater fraudulent is check the believe to basis precise proves be ,tto never likely will he 1uncollectible $bank the ,500 ;recover out paid deduct may bank which from relationship account no has person the undoubtedly individual the and .amount traceable not is small For ,eodest particular in represents minstitutions check ven assized ignificant check government and accounts bank basic be could services cashing ,the areas these in strong particularly force may services the of costs extra these of some close to banks .Furthermore branches may ,b to hesitate anks the to due neighborhoods income low in branches new open providing of burden effect providing ,tthese Thus of banking basic government and .he services financial make may bill the by mandated as services cashing check low in available less even neighborhoods income moderate and Mnc. &HA Allen Booz by conducted study ,I1988 that concluded amilton ay nation's of about branches the potentially are unprofitable .half The report for difficult more even is profitability achieving that indicates banks small economies the lack scale of large by enjoyed .which banks The also study rhas aeduction that expense -econcluded break in ven the levels had most . branches small viability economic the of impact significant loss . providing of costs additional The coupled accounts bank basic the with exacerbate clearly will services cashing check government of costs the condition financial precarious branches unprofitable .of strain also will It pressured already the marginally of profitable .budgets ones will result The closings branch more be openings fewer ,eand specially areas income low .in two cash 1The additional at $checks to,500 continue then could person bill While the limits s a of amount . ingle bank same the of branches more ,it check restrict not does amount aggregate or number the which checks of lare , The potentially enormous .Thus could individual . osses cash must bank proceed and banks several with registered have also or counterfeit cash to .duplicated branches those in checks U ,r scenario this for the ewards nder Government the of Analysis Cashing Check Requirenent Service potentially are criminal lucrative very .particular iOnrganized ,crime particularly the find would bill and profitable useful . Schemes Fraudulent To Exposure Bank Increase Would Legislation The Current And Losses Would Dramatically .Rise provisions includes bill The three to attempt which potential the limit these ,blegislation fraud marginally only are helpful Fut t he irst .measures abntentional allows reject ank discovers it if application "ito an cash to reluctant are Banks for checks government very noncustomers serious and legitimate .there reasons business that doubt Although little is States United the or Treasury government valid any entity properly pay will ahese uthentic checks ,tendorsed government equivalent the not are of gcash instance ,cFor checks counterfeit pay not will . hecks overnments individuals that discovers name their about lied have ,it address or does fraud check involved been past the in have who those screen to nothing or other related theft activity ,tEapplicant's becomes history ssentially . he 256 material misrepresentation .if While ab protect may this somehow it ank irrelevant . the than other someone by ,oendorsed .payee checks altered r means This that band reimburse not will government acthe for was which stolen ank heck ache or endorsed falsely heck altered was amount the which ,t.Gon enerally themselves protect may bank refusing strangers for checks cash to .by current the that argue may some While from losses reflecting statistics Treasury tuncollectible low ,checks hese not are statistics for reliable . hey bill of impact the gauging ,tFonly from losses represent irst and Treasury from losses show not do government local or .state checks important ain Second nd reflect ,tmore experienced losses environment anhey banks which ain nd matter that cashiers check ther ,mofor protect ay themselves refusing by cash to checks strangers .for noncustomers for checks basis sCashing elective which adon is eterrent .argue checks fraudulent cashing discourages To cash should banks all that noncustomers for checks government current because an at are losses "ascceptable ilevel be should vaccination polio the that arguing like discontinued because so of cases few reported disease the both are .In cases , that suggests "flreason ow igures cautionary of result the are measures jmeasures a.those not and taken ustification for dispensing with Without preventive current those which on choose may banks ,lmeasures rely to osses fraudulent government from will checks dramatically .increase .6 allows ,the Second provision checks cash refuse to banks which rforged have "they believe to cause ,aeasonable fraudulent otherwise or re protection minimal offers standard legal to difficult is itself ,.The meet definable .firm basis avrequiring of explanation exact and ery may feller Moreover lawed atcheck for difficult ,gbe detect to the iven duplication impeccable for available readily .technology example our In ,a disadvantage added an suffers teller because may aNew York be unfamiliar C with alifornia state .a check insulate to attempts which provision final The losses fraud from banks Board the allows obligation cash belonging check any asuspend to lassification wc "is checks of hich determines Board the unacceptable causing fraud of levels which or loss reasonable has Board the cause may believe to be f araud in .used scheme the in Congress to report must Board The it event .Ahis this tprovision ,invokes necessary lthough useful be will unlikely and unusual very in .only circumstances to useful be not would It immediate more the attack common and government of sources fraud .check Government Subsidize To Required Be Not Should Institutions Depository and accounts maintain to recipients encourages deposit Direct o . Services Cashing Check thereby .encourages savings to banks permits bill each $2The charge .00 .cash check government athorough on based not and arbitrary somewhat is price statutory This .Costs service providing in involved costs the of knowledge will vary and institution greatly to area geographical one from urban ,fanother example For in located banks populations large with areas . or ,the recipients check government on branches overcrowded of cost for institutions depository other than greater far be may days payment , recipients all for day same the on arrive usually payments government Because as resources banks the strain severely can days payment on overcrowding branch noting worth also is It Treasury although that using began only direct percent bmade 1975 in ,4deposit 1987 6y payments security social of were by direct deposit T. he adopting recipients security social of percentage high revidence a elatively in deposit direct persuasive presents period short that recipients security social direct find acceptable highly .deposit These effectively statistics claim the challenge security social that recipients disdain direct deposit . and convenient Other alternatives practical are checks paper to the in .T,apayments development of process electronic on rely programs hese And TMs access tcards ,great and sspecial t how he .far promise , hus example For apilot of results program distributes which Minnesota in assistance welfare electronically benefits so have the that positive been has pilot extended inconvenience as well its alienate and fee .The customers regular minimal adequately not will simply bill the by permitted of costs for compensate . hese service the Tproviding subsidize to compelled be will then institutions service is expense additional This .the competitors by borne not .one appears and that become it pwill program .a ermanent Would Cashing Check Government Of Costs The Absorbing Threaten Thousands ofarticularly Viability Branches PUnprofitable Those ,Of recipients ,the Briefly allows program Minnesota from benefits access to operator and ATMs teller uassisted , sing machines striped magnetic cards identification numbers ,apersonal means other nd of identification approximately the of participants surveyed . nly 4,o700 preferred ,with checks participants of percent 88 preferring electronic delivery ,aercent nd premaining expressing 8the preference .no pilot this show findings -ePreliminary cost be .to ffective Low Located .In Areas Income cost additional The government of services cashing check ,providing wmost , ill accounts bank basic side along particularly affect significantly are which branches those areas income low in located be can demand where which and high be to aexpected at operate already marginally loss only are or anticipated volume The and consequential demand of costs profitable . may to banks these of some ,bclose addition In hesitate may .force branches anks of burden the to due neighborhoods income low in branches new open . ather services these assisting ,rTproviding than hus low in living those as areas income ,mmay intends bill the these andating services financial r theft eduction distribution in e costs arlier to ;access benefits availability reduce instead financial services .the minimizing from security reduced ;aimproved nd .forgery traffic lobby EOther Deposit lectronic ,ADirect Access Emerging nd Offer Programs Reasonable Alternatives Mandated To Government Check . Cashing City York New In assistance ,public recipients stamp food and receive now benefits through magnetic ofliminating striped cards e ,use approximately the annual 200,000 of cases stolen benefits or lost . facilities branch of number the reducing possibly to addition In those tohe available income low in bill's ,tliving areas may provision do disservice further to recipients check perpetuating mgovernment aby ethod of .bill beneficiaries the serve best not does which payment T he promotes the distribution check paper thereby and payments of exploration the discourages less of efficient mnd expensive ore more ,adevelopment secure and alternatives ddeposit ,convenient example . irect payments aFor into safe is account expensive ,aerecipient's less fficient nd deliver to method examples afof just are programs These ew and innovations current the experiments attempt which distribute government payments easy an sto ,in afe e cost manner -.and some ffficient A of listing urther is initiatives state attached mandate Appendix Tthis bill's he depository that .to institutions for checks government cash drastically noncustomers incentive the reduces to advance these programs new instead perpetuates sand aystem is which costly payments : inconvenient and recipients .to access funds immediate have Recipients those .to have not do They check for wait the in arrive to then and mail it deposit o . personally and itself check the of theft from protected are Recipients tvaluable particularly ; his funds cashed is handicapped the to o needed funds .Recipients aged the and draw may as -8 257 States United The Department Agriculture of examining is proposals to distribution electronic the test food of benefits welfare .stamp Potential benefits of r'in programs eduction ainclude recipients :these v ulnerability oThe recipients to card ID an issuing for responsible is county OR BANKS WITH ARRANGEMENTS WORKING ESTABLISHED HAVE STATES FOLLOWING THE OTHERS /OR AND DELIVERY HANDLE .TO CHECKS GOVERNMENT OF CASHING to wish they which at adoEach selects recipient institution epository necessarily (uofot check their ,ncash selected be may locations three to p ) nd acsame with institution each supplies county the of opy : Pennsylvania oThe commercial largest the with contracted has welfare of department . card ID the of delivery direct for areas market Pittsburgh and Philadelphia the in banks ,oThe check cashing for recipient the charge not does institution electronic (nnd checks ot delivery funds food .)awelfare stamps receives and fee no county the .from ;aoBtank voluntary is .participation participate thrifts no point this There .o losses fraud for indemnification no is oWchecks wil by delivered are authorizations stamp food and elfare be to according ;tdirectly code zip volume he banks participating in banks participating among arranged is bank each by handled . area Minnesota apoThe designed Department Services Human Community County Ramsey ilot apoRIDhoto issued are to presented is which state the by ecipients receive their or check welfare /cash claim either to bank appropriate assistance public of delivery electronic program .for payments food stamps . and OArrefugee AFDC 1,000 about of sample andom recipients assistance participate to selected was project pilot the in . oTbanks checks welfare cashing in loss against indemnified are he IDs .procedures endorsements and proper follow they that regarding provided oparticipating magnetic with cards ID picture issued were recipients .strips entitled were they which to benefits the with encoded state .the services their for afoPee receive banks from articipating of selected at benefits their oparticipants all or some withdraw could oThe force driving development the behind program this of apparently was recipients of inability the than rather fraud reduce welfare cash to machines .operator /or and ATMs teller assisted checks . 258 York City :New oThe with contracted has City York New of Agency Resources Human New several and Hanover Manufacturers cashers check York welfare distribute to and funds stamps food recipients .to M-HboThe participating each provides city cashing check and ranch welfare of delivery electronic the for hardware with facility food and funds . entitlements stamp recipients oThe issues ID hoto strip ampcity with agnetic containing information and funds of amount /oon to stamps food r recipient the which . entitled is afoTee institutions participating pays .city transaction per he oThe reduce been have to appears program this behind force driving .fraud goal this ;rindicate achieved has it that eports : Ohio a)hincludes established oSCanton (w County and Akron as ummit hich assistance . checks public of cashing the for program pilot voluntary -10 -11 GOVERNMENT OF CASHING WITH DEALING LAWS ENACTED HAVE STATES FOLLOWING THE : CHECKS Connecticut has not is but passed ):(law force in yet ioAndustrial all ,ato banks loans and savings nd pplies Credit . members their for checks cash to required only are unions public state oEssued cash must -iinstitution checks assistance ach the provided by presented is check has that and payee State The the and Commissioner Banking i easonable ."rdentification Maintenance of Commissioner Income writing currently are regulations the rconstitutes .IDeasonable "regarding what 3 APPENDIX oThe cashing for payee the charge not may institution depository check af,bfrom .request checks such cashing for State the may ee ut D SUBTITLE OF ANALYSIS oThe checks on loss from institution depository the indemnify will State procedures identification follows institution the that provided cashed NOTICE AND ANALYSIS CLOSING BRANCH REQUIREMENTS established by . State the 5094 H.R. Massachusetts passed :(law 1983 )in oRequires offer to thrifts banks accounts savings and checking free residents over to under and 65 old years .18 259 oRtate equires to thrifts scash ,banks federal government local and ,social retirement security income supplemental and for checks .residents institution with registered is payee the provided must oEach thrift or bank branch resident for registration offer registration ;uhe pensioners on information the of pon ,tverification form an issue must af. .00 for card ID ee 5not $bank than greater Island Rhode institutions oTtate depository all requires he ,sstatute federal cash to $750 to up checks local and the if Island aRID either presents person hode Department Transportation card by apof or issued ID icture the . Affairs Elderly of Department The o refuse may institution is there if check the cash to reason validity the of .doubt ID voluntarily ODfor have institutions epository afee charge to not agreed government cashing for checks Association Bankers American -12 same time pperiod athat well as rojection activity deposit of the for THRIFT -NOTICE D SUBTITLE AND BANK 1988 OF ACT CLOSURE BRANCH future if branch the kept open .was Analysis Summary and Background institution depository The providing for responsible be adwould etailed depository other facilities of map community the in ainstitutions and description believes bank the that facility other any location and of plans institution depository another that or area the in establish to it 90 Drequires Section give banks and customers its to notice day the absubmit closing before Currency the of Comptroller detailed and ranch if information financial receives Comptroller comments -fthe non any rivolous about proposed closing .the establish to the .in area adetermination make then must Comptroller The will closing branch the if services depository reduce significantly . If area community that in that reached Comptroller ishe of ,tconclusion would Currency the to required be with consult ways find to the serve icommunity ,groups ncluding c.development aommunity establishing of exploration union credit section this of provisions The choosing are banks that imply close to profitable branches simply isecent which case study the ABA .Arnot conducted Booz byllen indicates Hamilton -A and many as that of percent 40 today operation in branches bank estimated an and profitable not are 50 sized moderate and small of (percent )a$2ones 05re .million money losing .this anything If keep to tended have banks that underscores ones unprofitable apply Ddoes Section not where instances places Comptroller the ain receivership in bank national Comptroller Deposit Federal the or Corporation Insurance company another authorizes bank the acquire to ,thus open . services the As changed has financial ,tindustry of types he of methods their and developed products . Increased changed have delivery have rates interest deposit of deregulation the and sophistication depositor shift to customers bank led low funds their of bearing -iout non rate nterest accounts rate market products investment into and cannot banks . hole offer reduced has shift the of wprofitability aThis as industry branches small many of and particular service financial other like Banks .in to ways find must .Iand profitable remain cproviders omplex a mposing intended procedure expensive closings branch bank inhibit to help not will in may and communities local from banks discourage fact . branches new opening branches . affecting the Analysis Subsequent Information Requirements period day thirty the During Comptroller time from receives ,ifon notice written comment n -f rivolous received is the m a from of ember ģ excessive an place could and scope .in banks on burden 260 ,the public must bank comprehensive submit financial information support in of closing the fails section The constitutes what define to f nrivolous "-a on increasing thus comment possibility the that provision this sweeping be will apcontribution make opportunity an has currently Congress to ositive the allowing by banking branch of profitability awider offer to banks variety their through services and products .of branches Not persuasive there is only customers that evidence benefit would lower through increased and costs convenience expanding ,bproducts ut of menu the could that through sold be offices encourage would more maintain banks branch systems serve to decisions closing Branch already community in crelations ,factor oncern profitability for Reinvestment Community and ramifications .TAct weigh o this with down process notice extended requirements paperwork and could preclude opening from banks branches marginal in and areas impact could costs the on of neighborhoods the market their .in area services banks provide consumers to D Subtitle of Overview require Dwould Subtitle to banks national day 90 written provide notice close intention its Currency of Comptroller the to .abranch branch the of Customers be also through notified agmust notice eneral posted nthat aotice and branch the at in inserted statement periodic one least is mailed the provide must notice The Currency's of Comptroller out address . comments that indicate and closing proposed the .on him to mailed be may the on beginning period day 30 Within provided is notice written date Comptroller the to fcomment receives he anrivolous -if on regarding institution ,the closing statement adproposed provide etailed (imust ncluding oIn .statistics closure branch for decision the support to )reasons f ,tinancial he finstitution aaddition provide must activities loan of analysis (including years three past the );ap losses and profits loan of rojection the if future for that at predicted ;activity open remained branch activities afinancial deposit of losses (ianalysis and ncluding )profits -2 SAVINGS IN T ERUTH SUBTITLE Analysis Summary and Background to Institutions depository requires Savings in Truth Eon Subtitle and accounts deposit on fees rates interest of disclosures uniform provide .for accounts deposit advertising requirements establishes supports assure to intent subtitle's the Association Bankers American The which enhances understandable information and simple of availability intelligent have we But comparisons shopping concerns among .serious accounts unions encompass to failure its over credit that ensure and funds will mutual disclosure rigorous to adhere requirements .also entities Both strong are this by covered fully dollars be should such as and consumer for competitors 4 APPENDIX . subtitle advertisements civil and media in disclosures comprehensive requiring By SUBTITLE OF ANALYSIS E significantly -compliance non advertising for ,aliability be may dvertising SAVINGS IN TRUTH important an eliminating thus reduced comparison consumer for resource shopping 5094 H.R. updating also legislation -acThe transaction of requires onstant the inhibit and errors compliance increase could which information specific ,iIdevelopment addition also . tn rates variable with products new of permits obviating afhus supersede to laws Savings in Truth ,tstate law ederal the . disclosures uniform of goal 261 comprehensive and clear with consumers providing to committed are We financial which on decisions educated make may they that so information needs their meet best ,iH.opportunities funds mutual of owever nclusion advertising realistic more and requirements union credit of strengthening .With bili effective an achieve to included be must requirements in this regarding ,wne mind recommendations our make to like Eowould Subtitle Truth streamline help to Savings in legislation the consumer improve and information . E Subtitle of Overview disclosure Eoand Subtitle Savings in Truth n requirements advertising .to funds mutual of coverage include not does ,c allows also It unions redit disclosure comprehensive the avoid advertising and permitting by obligations Association Union Credit National draft (wthe Board to required be will hich )tof provisions union credit the take into ohe "nature consideration unique limitations the and unions credit pay may they which under ... dividends teffective yields percentage annual of ,aDisclosures periods heir nd .annual provided be must interest simple of rates in aany If made is change ,consumers yield the reduce could that condition or term at notified be must change the before days 30 .least effect into goes Association Bankers American call also institutions depository for provisions disclosure The al,ebroadcast include to advertisements outdoor and media engthy lectronic disclosures of .list whether determine to 1933 assisting are they their in consumers ability advertising an from institutions depository prohibits subtitle The required abalance is there mor inimum "inoaccount cost fforree as transaction or any is there permitted transactions of number limited . fee service or inaccurate placing from banks precludes also It regular contracts .deposit misrepresenting or advertisements misleading investments and accounts among shop comparison Unions Credit calls National the for which 451 subsection with concerned very are We Administration Union )B(NCredit to CUA oard regulations prescribe credit for them unions enables but account into take of "tto nature unique he credit under unions limitations and dividends pay may they which member on investable of method balance the utilizes abank when instances In on the calculated yield disclose accounts ,icalculation must on t consumer the in principal of amount .full account accounts .... to which in year one Board Reserve Federal the provides subtitle The indicate much how but does not enacted is law regulations the after promulgate regulations .to have will the implement institutions depository time -compliance non advertising for liability civil is There well as disclosure c.non - ompliance not does law .Federal Savings in Truth on laws state supersede We e urg Analysis Funds Mutual EMedia , lectronic Broadcast Outdoor Advertising and Exceptions consumers for protections effective there that ensure To are who seeking is ,it funds invest to adopt institutions financial all that essential so advertising and disclosure for standards same the make may consumers that ,but institutions depository regulated the only not comparisons among pto (b)ermits 443 Subsection regulation by Board broadcast exempt ,the electronic media advertisements outdoor and disclosure three from requirements would any if disclosure such burdensome :."Tunnecessarily be hose of amount minimum required deposit initial account the open to order in advertised yield obtain than greater is it if balance minimum the yield that earn to nnual ;necessary interest simple of asrate nd tatement other or fees regular that could applicable if yield the reduce .conditions for ,any reality In requirement disclosure advertisements television and radio would burdensome be should Congress Therefore from them ,nexempt all just ot institutions . well as financial nondepository 262 legally are deposits savings and funds mutual that made be can Arguments amutual investment since products distinct ownership an in results fund daccount whereas acsrelationship in results avings eposit reditor relationship .funds Hrom f ,m consumer of viewpoint the and utual owever opportunity obtain to :they similar functionally are accounts savings an offer disclosure requirements ,o. f some the return .a dollars savings on electronic and Broadcast advertisements to ammedia run 3tend 0ere ,15 60 length in ,sseconds drafted currently As (b)w 443 .or ubsection ould advertisements those that anrequire include lengthy of umber disclosures . his frame time limited very this Twithin confuse only not would and viewers listeners would ,but detract also advertisement's the marketing .from value complete ,since Moreover account the of features disclosed eventually are before full makes consumer the ommitment requirements disclosure ,sacin uch ebroadcast lectronic ,for outdoor or media unnecessary are .advertisements The Exchange and Securities the by effect in put were which regulations 1, 988 July on and disclosures funds mutual to pertaining Commission comparison consumers assisting in forward step important an are advertising mutual ,tshopping However permit still important provide to funds hey disclosure information will this prospectus text the in believe We .of 'ability consumers hinder the as inasmuch accounts among shop comparison to looking .complexity them through from people inhibit prospectuses of , ehich EwTherefore Subtitle to amendment an urge funds mutual require would be to disclosures initial containing document aseparate provide distributed Tprospectus in consumers assist greatly would his with the .along disclosure set obligations with consistent be would and shopping comparison It as be could .the institutions depository for forth reproducing simple -Cost No or Free of Descriptions Misleading Prohibited Accounts Subsection that believe 443 misleading (c)dWe ealing descriptions with of should accounts costs no or free is .A deleted be lthough awthis clearly ell would ,it provision Intentioned effect unfortunate have the inhibiting of banking basic of development designed programs to and elderly the benefit information of chart which prospectus in be will the . further ErWe Subtitle Governors of Board the suggest equire the annually review to agencies appropriate other and System Reserve Federal of Act Securities the by prescribed those and subtitle this under regulations .2- . poor 3 increases regulations errors of chance the unnecessary creates and . expense confused in results consumers misinformed and .It amendment to We an suggest ,moreover noted be should It specifically indicate be will days 180 that enactment for provided of Board by regulations 180 additional an and of date the from days by implementation for provided be will regulations final the of promulgation to Board the for time sufficient afford will This banks . regulations draft review to banks for dstaff them ,and forms evelop train and accurate for Schedule Fees of . implementation (a)rthat 444 Subsection schedules ofequires class each for provided be by offered institution depository the .accounts which amendment suggest an We provide to discretion their at institutions depository permits schedule the class each for the in either schedules separate of form or comprehensive one document could wording current The the over confusion cause . format required Civil Liability that recommend strongly We amended be 450 Subsection exempt to -chandled non .advertising liability civil from ompliance often Ais dvertising increasing vendors outside by thus possibility the errors compliance of the carefully how of regardless placing before text reviews bank an ,tadvertisement drafted As Congress banks obligating be would provide to .he material such .for Calculation Amount Full on Principal of customers actual its just not remedies of universe wide the to but well .prospective as customers All unwelcome the have could this of effect .This completely advertising up drying role positive the negate would that advertisements assisting play do consumers comparison in shopping among (a)wrequires 447 Subsection amending propose We of amount the that hich interest an on accruing calculated be account bearing utilizing by full balance for computation Its is objective require to purposes .the abof when disclosure investable an using is method balance computation . ank method this used being is full with cdisclosure ,If onsumers the make may informed decision whether of H want they such obtain to account , owever .an this of wording the resulted has provision confusion in some leading to the that conclude of version House intended bill investable prohibit to T rather products require than .balance disclosure clear ,wherefore suggest e accounts . Truth 2the Regulation ,cIn Act Lending in ivil for provisions liability closely -compliance non disclosure proposed those resemble Truth the in subtitle . he ,tRSaving result could that problems potential the ealizing Act Lending in exempted advertising has however -cTruth non from its ompliance civil section exemption Wliability same the provide to legislators urge .e in "if full the than less on calculated is yield percentage annual the amount in principal of ,then account the institution depository shall required disclose to what percentage annual the yield ,if be would calculated on amount principal full of account in stated the for calculations period rate the at of rates or disclosed interest pursuant Law State Savings in Truth of objective The for provide to is legislation uniform disclosures which consumers enable will comparison effectively more shop .to increasing the With mergers acquisitions bank of number ,aand such chieving unattainable be will disclosure in consistency to allowed are laws state if Cproposed best is law federal supersede to equipped ,a. songress been has iΤοavings Truth on legislation -craft n activities states all cover state permit federal supersede to cause could law unnecessary consumers information the whether to as confusion received have ithey A Bank from s from received to comparable really Therefore B. Bank ,we would that urge be section this reflect to amended precedence ifederal Truth navings -Sin this Act .to Subtitle enable would This the Eto achieve disclosure full goal of investable balance the computation of method eliminating while confusion any may Board which attempting in encounter legislative translate to the mandate into regulations Disclosures Updating laws . require to appears legislation The current transaction specific information provided be customers .to difficult be could This achieve to terms in changes since at occur .rarely time same the increases It also potential being indequate made .errors Acompliance for delay of periods material updating provided be should eliminate .to problem this Regulations while 448 Subsection year one providing of date from the enactment the for subtitle Truth enact to Board regulations Savings in not does address frame time the implementation bank in Hwith complying aste new .for .4 263 subsection of 450 legislation this . sentence the that rewritten be follows :as -5 SUBTITLE H IOME REQUIREMENTS LOAN EQUITY Analysis Summary and Background the amend would legislation This establish to Act Lending in Truth additional disclosure advertising and requirements Home for products Equity some substantive make and in changes . them substantive the believe We provisions circumstances regarding which under terminate acreditor may unilaterally change or credit .terms realistic are ,provisions However which subtitle of this and disclosures excessive require confuse will requirements advertising burdensome it and consumer the make for difficult increasingly highly this offer to creditors and popular effective .product 5 APPENDIX disclosures laundry is There of creditor ablist and the which ooklet time each provide must takes individual an .Some form application those of disclosures should unnecessary they because are ,odeleted thers be handy for booklet the in placed eliminate to and areference from confusion SUBTITLE OF ANALYSIS F DISCLOSURE EQUITY HOME material of .flood obligated be will Creditors extremely include to information detailed in advertising their the but all in advertisements generic .most that believe We consumers confuse will this instances in particularly television as such or where spots radio advertisement very is virtually .Ithe brief will t chill 5094 H.R. .as well marketing consumers will consistent receive information home on products equity also will difficult it make for market which banks equity products ahome on regional basis comply to American Bankers The Association Congressional shares concern in protecting consumers loss the from important most their of possessions that believe We . homes their financing equity home products be must used carefully wisely and committed are we seeing to happens that without But revisions disclosure the advertising and provisions ,itot difficult be will creditors for continue to their offer current following he .Tproducts are recommendations our for legislation .the Overview Subtitle of P American Bankers Association Subtitle Fould extensive require w disclosures with or on equity home credit of line applications including each annual percentage rate )(Afixed PR connection inn imposed extensions with instance ,icredit or the of dvariable ,arate APRs escription how of computed will they and .be changed also subtitle a1The requires year 5 showing chart historical and APRs how periodic minimum payments option repayment each for affected been have would changes index by used compute to Ithe creditor's requires t .also rate disclosure his any estimates and party third of .imposed fees Explanations of amortization negative and payments balloon be also must applicable if provided the .to account creditor ,the addition In include must 264 Subtitle of oederal fprovide aFtFailure for disclosure equity home and advertising supersede law state jeopardizes laws to efforts ensure Analysis which ar$1shows with example rate interest ecent 0,000 repayment maximum consumer the if periods made only payments minimum . Disclosures be must information disclosure The time at consumer the to provided receipt from days three of end the before or form application an up picks he of through distributed been has that one or phone by application completed .At publications other or magazines distribution of time the provide ,the information disclosure also must abcreditor by published ooklet equity home on Board Reserve Federal the is that one or credit of lines amount maximum disclose to creditor the requiring provision The one annual (APR rate )mpercentage any in change there indicate to or year ay required ,tis First already is creditor . he deleted be should limit such no consumer ,so APR for cap lifetime disclose to regulation by the has available most the rates APR on critical adinformation making .in ecision examples with Coupled and chart the from ,tmaterial more is than adequate his dome making in assist ahto whether on suitable is product equity ecision . similar substantially his needs .for to creditor requires subtitle The disclosures required the segregate take must disclosures key some and information equity home other from would creditor The disclose to obligated be payment the for terms period the and advances repayments .when made be to are a how unclear is It from terms different had advances the if compliance approach would creditor .wording periods repayment the The such under whether indicate to fails acreditor circumstances separate provide to need disclosures of sets .would of array an is there if Furthermore advances for ,ioptions repayments and t . each for required be would disclosures of sets separate if unclear is on information for disclosures of set one use to creditors Permitting options enable would terms and p.Wburdensome aeotentially avoid to them requirement utilize institutions financial allow to granted be also right the suggest multiple have they if form one home for This .programs lines equity consolidation paperwork of would consumers enable compare to contrast and assisting ,while plans different institutions financial minimizing in others . precedence over ,Regulation Act Lending in Truth the of section advertising The 2w ould increase be to of number the "texpanded terms those .. which erms rigger additional include to creditor obligate of text the in explanations an the increase also would It material explanatory of amount advertisement a erm when included be to have twhich ."Tis riggered include would his and fees loan on p;rates estimates cost opening eriodic tinformation he charged behe can that rate percentage annual a;tlifetime if APR current information ;and mentioned is one discounted other Federal the by established Reserve Board regulation .through . costs compliance telephone that requires also legislation The from ,or applications those athird from or publications other and magazine that necessitate party disclosures made be end before from days three the of receipt application .is abWeank that indicate to subsection this amending suggest before if compliance in day three of end the placed has it period disclosures as confusion some create could wording current The . mail the in interest security creditor's the .jeopardizes cof a reditor precludes also It unilaterally from terms changing the of line the reducing or freezing including agreement credit specific in except asfignificant as such situations ;idecrease home of value the in available longer no used when ;dindex time of periods uring is consumer the creditor ;ihas default in the f to reason consumer believe meet cannot ;if requirements payment being from APR the preclude would action government government ;o. r account the in used if priority lien affects action receive have would consumer whether to three within information the by ,something days controlled be not could which is process if lender the . mail by handled being make obligation that indicate to wording the amending urge also We disclosures of result arises apas application hone written completed from aw. ritten in placed be applications phone that requiring By likelihood ,it form the reduce will extensive provide to having of disclosures come ahto whether inquires merely ,who offered is plan equity onsumer law enactment the of days 60 Within Federal Board Reserve ,the regulations prescribe .must Banks months five within these implement to are their of enactment . facilitate forms model publish to Board the for provision no is There provide should creditor the that proposal The asource on information of inasmuch deleted be should index informed being than other as the that cto acreditor add will ertain margin called percentage index stated the . compliance home state of preemption federal no is There and disclosure equity utilize will creditor rate the obtain to value ,little information other . laws advertising consumer the to helpful particularly .seems The with consumer provide creditor the that requirement astatement ind rate interest about ask to .,a deleted be should value ndex Experience disclosure ,when consumers that indicates comprehensive with provided ,want material receive to information recent most the aspects all on available .3 .2- 265 accelerating prohibits legislation The unilaterally from creditors an as such circumstances enumerated specifically in except balance outstanding misrepresentation material or fraud ;tconsumer meet to failure consumer's he which consumer the by act to failure action other any or terms repayment increasing thus products difficulty consumer comparison in shopping among disclosure Ovarious . ther credit of lines equity home coupled proposals with would Zadvertising Regulation current consumers that ensure requirements have information relevant all they concluding to prior need agreement loan .the inclusion ,what Hence for proposed being is provision advertisements the in . deleted be therefore should and confusing well as unnecessary of avTrate is APR the if be would exception and plan ariable . he disclosur initial the in described only ,ctherefore be then would reditorses suggesting to .amenable APR current the about ask consumers that ahistorical of creation requires also legislation The including table minimum and APRs of worth years 15 preceding the each for payments monthly .We changes index by affected be would they how and option repayment not do information that believe would 1977 to back dating meaningful particularly be Federal Preemption plans ahome for shopping consumers .Hto plan equity are a rates historical and product financial new relatively history lengthy as such a what indicator accurate an be not would payments and rates interest of ahome out taking expect can consumer of period current the in plan equity ttime afA covers which able time of period year greater have would . ive consumers for value educational on figures the because would it more be should bill The provide federal for supersede to law state any on advertising and Wcould . ithout products equity home ,sdisclosure it tates apthat create laws different or inconsistent but related of quilt atchwork the disadvantage ultimately disclosure make and consumer unduly compliance Mcomplicated financial . any institutions market equity home products ,and regionally compliance laws state individual with present would . fluctuations of indicators accurate . difficulties unnecessary Booklet Contents slso requiring ,SBesides disclosures of Fanumber calls izeable ubtitle abooklet provide to lender upon or Board Reserve Federal the by published developed been has that substantially is which .one similar the of Several disclosures initial information as such amortization negative on balloon and instances payments creditor the which ;in or terms change to right has tabout ;advisor unilaterally loan the terminate ahe consult to need ax equity deductibility ome ;tax showing table the nd ahloan of istory booklet of text the to moved be should amounts payment minimum and APRs requiring than provide to lender the application with or on them .rather eliminate will This which confusion the consumers when results inundated are Clauses and Forms Model Subtitle that recommend FaWe include lso Federal the for provisions publish to Board Reserve and forms model disclosures common for clauses facilitate compliance home the with subtitle equity .tC, he oncurrently use which to extent the indicate should provision forms these of be will deemed adequate compliance disclosure complex with experience .Past requirements indicates forms model that every while serving ,not needs bank's assist achieving accurate compliance .in Advertisements those expand greatly would subsection advertising The which terms "tobligation the in information additional provide to he rigger .Inanks ,badvertisement turn required be then alwould provide to aundry list Reserve Federal The of revisions Board 2iexplanations Regulation n stof aterms included 1981 implification advertising the rigger "sections concluded Board the because that revisions such only not would improve pconsumers " rovide also would but compliance information the with most relevant credit to shopping .' in disclosures additional trigger which terms the expand to proposal The advertisements effect ancould have egative of marketing the on equity home -4 266 they than more with initially know to want providing while ahandy them reference comparisons later .for FUNDS EXPEDITED G SUBTITLE AMENDMENTS AVAILABILITY Expedited ,the Generally the to amendments are Act Availability Funds the Wand of adoption urge particularly .extremely welcome necessary e all of application allow to amendment day next exceptions the .from schedule availability banks relieve will amendment The to having day the on money of amounts large unlimited release before deposit after he .amendment collectible be to funds the know they hoppose ,t,Wowever e 471 Section in payable to related drafts .through this to add Congress that recommend also We availability funds of list extend to one amendments which during period the be may account an new ."considered ew defines currently Act The an account opened one as within Wdays new considered be should accounts that believe strongly .30e 6 APPENDIX the least at for months six .first SUBTITLE OF ANALYSIS G Releasing deposited checks from funds a before accounts new into knows institution depository amatter is collectible be to them great of considered ,bconcern Historically have area an be to accounts new of .anks on restrictions access special imposed have accordingly and exposure great by held accounts in deposited items lacks bank the whom with persons any accounts .Tanks ,bexperience viewed have raditionally six than less held EXPEDITED AVAILABILITY FUNDS AMENDMENTS 5094 H.R. new as ."months include to accounts new of definition the modifying amendment An accounts would months six past the in opened depository reduce institutions liability 'unew exposure by posed accounts . nfair Certain of Treatment . 471 Section Credit Unions Originating Local As Institutions Depository acdeemed that provides amendment This is heck for nonlocal or local institution which on depending schedule availability funds the of purposes check one ,nissues ot it which to sent be must .the payment for We amendment this oppose strongly very encourage and pass to Congress an recent reverse to amendment which decision Court District the parallels contained .amendment 5094 H.R. in Funds Expedited the amend should Congress : follows as Act Availability Association Bankers American 267 because accounts New risks pose new know not does bank the account holders experience relationship no has bank The or . account new the with which on holders confidence base to their interest or ability in .accounts account an managing New because losses to susceptible more are check fraudulent of perpetrators accounts multiple on rely schemes by held on and bank the to known well or long not persons withdraw ability bank before funds uncollectible checks the are .knows these of Both formally exist now elements universally the of virtue by .and Act The banks if crucial more is change bank basic open to required are accounts Hof Subtitle in proposed as applicants all .virtually bill the end at Add originating definition the of depository -day Next Availability Deposits Certain for Section (b ).472 S7fection (1institution )602 Availability o Funds Expedited ,the Act limits amendment This availability day next the requirement U.S. for to osnhecks and teller as"c-uTreasury at deposited checks taffed facility at deposited be to items other and cash required Congress order in facilities teller staffed availability day next receive to because the ascertain to time extra need institutions depository that recognized it to facilities unstaffed other and ATMs at deposits the of contents .These books its update and checks Treasury to apply considerations same or w or local deemed are drafts and checks that assure would amendment This or check which to institution of location the on depending nonlocal order in presented be must .draft payment receive to The time to deposits of availability the links generally Act return and collection ,aneeded checks of longer llowing for holds nonlocal further travel must which checks .to local than Prior the os -u ."c n hecks Notice Exceptions of Section 472 (c). regulations ,the decision Court District Act the implementing that provided acisheck local be to deemed the on depending nonlocal or of location greater provides amendment This the in flexibility giving of manner exception an that depositor the to notice . The invoked been has Act customer the provided be to notice requires is exception an time each efficient ,iinvoked cases certain In more be would to costly less and .t afs institutions iwell ,depository customer the to useful more as Federal Reserve flexibility had Board tailor to requirement notice the . ingle invoked exception the notice ,uto example asFor amendment the nder describing overdrafters repeated to applicable schedules special the the for account exception that time in appropriate be may effect .is institution check the where ,H.R. presented be must for .5094 payment issuing ,provides however institution of location that check the acegardless whether heck ris ,determines nonlocal or local check the that institution that at payable not is travel physically must it and a to .For destination further umuch this nder ,aCexample scenario alifornia acust accepts which bank heck California another by ,missued institution though ,even local as treat travel must and by paid is check the Cbank aNhe .to onsequently ew ,tYork accepting is check the amuch undertaking funds release will it that risk greater ultimately which Section ) (d .472 uncollectible .are Section Civil 611 Liability four by delays amendment This implementation the months civil of sections liability Expedited the of Availability Funds applies it as Act to sections relating Act of disclosure requirements the to It .certain affect not does effective liability civil of date as to applies it the 268 processing ,ctechnology addition In heck on heavily depends MICR the in items of encoding electronically checks route to order and speedily dno bill the Under epository institutions , destinations .their will longer the rely to able be codes readable .machine checks on I nstead e , ach determine to beings human by reviewed be must item or local is it whether would exercise an Such significantly and inevitably down slow . nonlocal cto ,intent processing ontrary 'echeck Congress xpressed that Act the in Reserve Federal the imaginable all take modernize to steps accelerate and availability schedules . effective current The of 1September ,date 988 too simply was soon regulation of schedule given time the and publication review to needed regulations final implement changes the all requirements and comply has Federal The Reserve necessary efficient to very been in tgiven bhe regulations ,promulgating issue of nature the ut voluminous and complicated necessarily are .regulations final The only May published just were 1regulations ,l27 for time little 988 eaving the check system .payment ,retention Further the of retard will regulation current to efforts processing check improve perpetuating by system encouraging and the disbursing of practice remote areas in funds . This bank issuing the to .,asystem cost increased nd iThe delay promotes nefficiency bill's September by988 .1,1review the and deleted be should .provision adopted amendment above Section 472 ) .(a needed is Time thoroughly review to regulations new ,the evaluate to tdisclosure ,o policies determine proper produce develop notice and educate ,aWe forms to nd tellers train other and personnel .involved banks that concerned are institutions depository other and had not have sufficient time compliance absolute assure to aspects all in this of . or regulation he aTcomplicated fextension noncompliance "poffers ardon Exceptions Safeguard applicability expands amendment This exceptions the of to schedules checks to normally which available be must following the day deposit . epository institutions ,dproceeds Currently entire the make must available deposits certain the at withdrawal for business of start ,iday deposit that or check amount the of following rrespective .The uncollectible be to check the believes reasonably depository ware , hich purposes limited schedules the to exceptions for available also ,sto deposits check other hould order -day next apply in checks risks control fraud result may which inapplicability the to due of . Act the of provisions some to respect with consistent is amendment The Act of spirit the with liability as schedules availability the to regard with applies addition .still ,In ,tReserve period month four limited this during Federal full has Board he sections these of noncompliance address to .authority appropriate if these exceptions . -2 -3. HAMENDMENTS SUBTITLL ECOA TO seeks subtitle This eliminate exemptions partial regulations the to (ECOA Act Opportunity Credit Equal the implementing )w business to apply hich concerns the address to attempting is legislation proposed The credit . treatment that women and minorities by expressed favorable less receive they .complaint loans business for apply who applicants other than Their that is denial credit business a is n ,times factors creditworthiness on based t ot rrhe sex on of status marital ace .T,obut applicant the remedy proposed implementing regulations the of sections eliminate to is Credit Equal transactions certain from (ECOA Act Opportunity )w credit business exempt hich . requirements procedural The that believes Association Bankers American is legislation this problem credit business perceived of the solving than rather and unnecessary ,it minorities and women against discrimination business the inhibit will burdensome create also will It lending for paperwork costly and process . which the make will The in exemptions expensive more credit .banks recognize to serve drawn carefully and narrowly are regulations the increase not do They credit business the of encourage or .realities world the 11kelihood prejudice Ewrongful them affect not will .ofliminating any 7 APPENDIX H SUBTITLE OF ANALYSIS AMENDMENTS ACT OPPORTUNITY CREDIT EQUAL 5094 H.R. prejudice such perceptions .of 269 complaints specific the of Many applicants minority and women business all toegardless familiar are business small rcredit seeking owners of ,sex essential is credit Access race enterprise business small the ,bto ut .and .New difficult be can process credit the need businesses small of owners alThus receive and for apply to how on advice .practical oan American the been has Association Bankers and new educating in active business small worked We have with .,p owners business women closely articularly this in associations various contributed have and pursuit publication the to distribution of directed apand amphlet minorities toward . The women bloan aWe for applying on advice offers usiness .pamphlet the that believe access credit to solution stricter not education bis ut ,regulation Discrimination Against Ban Mandated Already ECOA The By Clearly . Credit Business To Applies some ,there Unfortunately are misunderstandings and misperceptions Opportunity Credit Equal scope the regarding of requirements and Act B.reat agRegulation does inaccuracies these of Perpetuation to disservice credit seeking business in minorities women result unfortunately could and useful proper from them discouraging in may .It rights their of pursuit be clarify to then existing regulations the . inhe ,tFirst contrary the to perceptions of spite credit against ban and clearly applies credit of kinds all to completely ,bdiscrimination oth .consumer business and The words this dictates Act the of mandate Association Bankers American . it confirm regulations the ,the Secondly extend not do and partial are regulations the in exemptions nearly .These believe bill the of proponents some far as not do exemptions to credit business permit ECOA of mandate the avoid ;tmerely recognize hey ,tthe helpful most is and .requirement consumer o reasons denial for Unusual automatically snd on explained easily are credit consumer ,aof form tandard coping than burdensome less is denial for reason the providing inquiries with .from made been has decision credit the after long come which consumers evaluating of processes the in differences innate consumer and business . credit bthe some of creditors relieves exemption first ,oThe all not fut notification requirements C. reditors of applicants business notify must action adverse or orally either required is explanation No writing in at this point ,c.Hreditors aw provide must the of statement owever ritten .compares applicant the of request upon denial for reasons This be to in provided be must action adverse of notice where situation credit consumer writing time that At ,t indicate either also must creditor he for reasons the applicant advise Thu or denial s the know to right its of reasons , applications credit business in ,ceven are reditors the provide to required transactions credit Business complex more are much involve and with true is than .negotiation credit consumer is evaluation credit Business requires aquantitative both that analysis qualitative and the understanding . usiness involved abbusiness for reasons The are decision credit to specific consumer ,unlike applicant and business each for reasons the where credit far are denial predictable standard more .and applicant ;the denial for reasons .written ask only need .The records application of retention the to pertains exemption second of ,creditors Generally records retain .must months 25 for applications inecords ,rHowever applications business of case the after discarded be may t90 ,applicant period that within unless days he . the otherwise requests As ,business indicate regulations at for retained be must still records credit exempted not are and months three least retention record the from completely ,because Furthermore often evaluations and applications credit business ,the appearances personal several demand the both have creditor and applicant a ures reasons the discuss to incentive and opportunity ,cdfor ecision nd lternatives ,minefficiencies counteroffers aw aking ritten of notice reasons unnecessary . . requirement May Exemptions The Of Elimination Credit Business Aid Than Rather Harm Applicants . that ,the Finally provide exemptions the to subject not are creditors information requesting against prohibition general status marital concerning of case the in . ecause credit hbusiness ,bNormally business most owever c,business secured credit permitted is areditor and personal by assets to regardless information the request this .of exemption N,the evertheless on decision credit the base to license creditors gives way no in exemption tresulting , he eliminated were exemptions the If damage could regulations improve than rather business application C .the process required ,ifreditors sformat adopt tandardized indicating ,mmanner odel accould in the oncise ,but denial for reasons much be well could notice the and informative less re ,JThe Partial Only By Credit Business For Exemptions ustified forth between the parties .and Business Practices Adequately ,A. nd Protect Applicants notice written The discourage also making acmay from reditor an than rather counteroffer it because denial outright and awkward more is rnot t.Fhe exemptions -,aThese far and broad eaching re hen urthermore adequately and justified are exemptions . applicants credit business protect and notice extensive after Board Reserve Federal the by adopted were They .Hearings reviews periodic to subject been have and comment no produced held evidence to that show harmed sexemptions person ingle Federal The .athe has Board Reserve review on concluded change no that exemptions the in is ,it necessary and discussion further for open subject the keep to continues terms new commit to difficult information additional without further and impossibility ,acontact discussion n personal the with .without applicant adverse ,the Finally notice action dmay aitself become iscouragement to pthe , articularly applicants business .Usmall nder eype regulations an is ,"atcounteroffer action which denial of dverse very present Uapplicant nder notice requires regulations to sent ,the .be may notice .this credit business of case the in orally presented be Without ,the exemptions written send creditor the that require would regulations reevaluation if necessary is .it innate protect and recognize to is exemptions the of purpose The distinctions processes the and business evaluating of .in credit consumer process notification the ,acRegarding notify must reditor its of applicant an rdecision ,of credit deny or grant to egardless business consumer whether is .credit ,abinvolved applicant consumer the Like credit usiness know to entitled is applicant .business denial for reasons the Hhe ,t owever request formally must applicant .credit provided be reasons the that This must creditor where credit consumer of case the with :1)compares either the that provided be areasons ,oexplain request upon 2)will rutomatically . reditors action adverse for reasons the cTypically ,provide automatically form astandard applicants credit consumer provide reason the indicates which this because denial for efficient most is with complying of way the •2 270 aplthough than helpful still free .less ersonal Adiscussion is applicant the the discuss tloan person in here incentive less much is ,h so do to aving received already anotice inevitably which denial suggests .of finality Effective negotiations need opp the back discussions spontaneous inity for information violation so this T do a is o c lear statue the .of time each notices denial c a makes it ounteroffer .,w oral or Because ritten negotiations credit business counteroffers numerous involve ,amay applicant n badgered beiscouraging then would constant by of daction dverse ,"anotices entrepreneur anopeful for hprospect ew ,pbusiness the when articularly practically cannot notice complete the present possible or picture alternatives . difficulties the on focus to tend subtitle this of proponents While and new by Cencountered ,should businesses small ongress ignore not impact the ,eThese bigger on legislation the .of businesses stablished businesses would . •3 special to subject still are they contracts these accept generally courts times .and at void held The contracts been have other to compared scrutiny aprenuptial that guarantee and predict cannot creditor will agreement with spouse's the acourt under upheld be itself protects therefore and test to view they what of course the during notices action adverse with deluged be ashese of negotiation be .U ,tloan the find would companies imple ndoubtedly repeated highly counteroffer oral or written each for notices action adverse inappropriate unnecessary .and signature . aburdensome create also would The for exercise unproductive and screditors for required paperwork additional The ingle ,tor alloan arge .o ,tno collateral he unsecured loan the if iEven is hat nvolves signature acreditor in lives applicant the 1f spouse's require still may income loan which on ,tfcommunity example or here ,whe state property spouses .repayment both by owned property considered be may based is The signature of integrity the to crucial is spouse's requiring practice ,che loan .Tany business or the of irrespective applies practice onsumer ,could company small resources inordinate .demand expense and second The am is records of retention concerning exemption inor Under the . world business of realities the to concession present of acmust 25 for application , redit regulations records retain reditors imonths ,tHowever credit business of case the hold only need creditor n . he after days 90 within requests so applicant the if period that for them acnotice that is provision this of result The . reditor action adverse of 90 least at for application credit business of records the retain must . The sex applicant's . men of made is demand same period longer this for records of retention Requiring general in creates .extension records compiling of burden new no ,tHhe period time the owever and ab be may business in involved heavily are which banks for cost urden cities in located loans space storage and scarce is .where expensive than extensive and voluminous more are records application credit Business credit .consumer applications could The space storage additional of cost be expensive for c,i.Afonger records these hold to required lso reditor alis return their requests applicant and ,tperiod months 25 the during he these duplicating of expense additional the has creditor . records voluminous 271 securing difficulty have they that complain also minorities and Women accommon is This applicants all to bomplaint a start to .loans usiness loans .-uto start ,Iptational that noted be aNshould ccording seeking ,sources report Business Independent aFederation starting for capital of business afirm by used those from different substantially are firm the once to likely more are owners business new All established been .has operation institutional the for lenders sources than rather rely personal on more .Ohe capital ,tinitial established sources personal from shifts emphasis nce institutional surprising hardly is finding lenders banks rimarily .T,ptohis to lending that fact the of view risky anew ,uin be can business ntested as Lenders number the by evidenced failures business small of .each year .They loans such making when demanding and particular be must therefore ashould not are ,iThey .all assets personal their risking fter . nvestors be ,they Rather shareholders and depositors their to responsible institutions are regulations the with comply to order in .days . repaid be will which loans prudent making for Often Are Applicants Business Minority And Women of Complaints Or By Voiced Complaints The Echo Explainable In Applicants Business Small credit in rooted be to tend discrimination of complaints common Other insufficient undercapitalization on based ,adenial income of lack nd reasons all .These experience management ,pare avalid denying for rudent applicant ,loan investor another or the by investment additional requesting . are lending business small riskier of area the in particularly factors These not and applicants business small all to applied are that factors also just .women complaints same the voice applicants Other . minorities or General . The and minorities of concerns the address to seeks legislation proposed women credit business seeking less received have they that complain who treatment favorable application credit the in applicants other than .process hor complaints specific owever explainable ,aTheir often re common are small by voiced complaints applicants .business general in ,frequent instance creditors that is women by complaint aFor require grant will creditor before documents loan the on signature spouse's It conclude to fallacious is credit . this that se per demand sex idiscrimination aFirst ecured gsby tthe ,loan is .f uaranteed hat ,the collateral as used aproperty require to ECOA under entitled is creditor .,pIspouse's precaution this dictates lending ndeed rudent signature The allowed reason creditors signature asare require to pouse's these in may aspouse that is or ,einstances ownership joint ither dower state by csecuring ,hthese alaw laim ave property Under .to loan the ,o laws ne without of permission the property in interest convey not may spouse it that assure To power legal have will all claim to securing property . other loan ofhe event must ,tin default creditor spouse's the have Tsignature whether applies is applicant the w. his am .or oman an asurvey that out point to like also would We Small the by commissioned similar have owners business women that indicates Administration Business .Although credit getting in counterparts male their to experiences study the businesses established to limited ,awas earlier mentioned we new sll than rather sources personal on rely to likely more are generally businesses Once ,b established are anks the for lenders institutional .initial capital National the to credit ,a businesses small for ofccording source primary Business Independent of .Federation Study Owned Minority And Women Educate To Working Is Association The Businesses . are helping in interested to bankers that comment ,we Finally like would various groups with working been have businesses owned minority and women in pursuit the small growing fastest ,aiWthis fact of one n omen re . pEven aagreement that claim the removes srenuptial by claims any pouse .Although collateral the claim legal full guarantee to insufficient is -4 and sectors .business market important an represent .5 assisted have We Federal the Reserve pBoard drafting amphlet ain AGuide entitled to and Business Opportunity Credit Equal ."the Act explanation an offers pamphlet The with along regulations ECOA the of useful loan on abpamphlet for apply to how .advice Tusiness through available is he associations trade Association ,ivarious ncluding .our brochures and S ample committees Association through distributed been have applications widely and ,mIindividual additional committees Association various of banks . nembers closely working been have other pindustry ,with groups articularly the Owners Business Women of ),a(NAssociation National the AWBO nd Women Bank of Association business women educate to owners credit the on application process Aand ssociation committee have members .participated addressed audiences national NAWBO's at .conference concerned is Association The complaints the about minorities of women and difficulty the credit finding in anlaw for .about business Hew ,t he owever credit in discrimination against them protects fully and adequate is r ,marital sex on based applications .aace status nd that believe We solution eliminate to not is the exemptions partial thereby and antagonize further negotiations .credit ,the Rather is solution their of groups these inform to that so ECOA under rights is there if discrimination ,they recourse their know will them educate to and the about chances their increase to process .application approval credit of 272 273 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you very much, Mr. Rideout. STATEMENT OF DAVID J. SULLIVAN , PRESIDENT AND CEO, ME 274 and counterproductive. We maintain that these provisions of title IV , as currently drafted , are unworkable and impractical. 1 . 1 ness . The House committee has justified the stronger CRA require ments with the following argument: a concern that when banks get greater securities powers, they will concentrate more on securities activities and less on meeting consumer needs. LIFELINE BANKING SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AT THE STATE LEVEL The national council also believes that Lifeline banking issues are most appropriately and effectively addressed at the State level. In fact, several States, including Massachusetts, New York , Ohio, and my own State, have already enacted laws addressing govern ment check -cashing regulations. INTRODUCTION Chairman mMr. Committee the ,of Sullivan J. David is name embers y Ia President Mechanics the of Officer Executive Chief and m of Statement F.S.B. Bank Savings ,afCBFarmers ridgeport ederally onnecticut ,Jr. Sullivan J. David ,FDIC chartered -i $1 with .institution assets in billion .2 nsured Iam Chairman National of capacity Vice first the as today testifying my in the before . Institutions Savings of Council Affairs ,Housing Banking on Committee Urban and Council National The represents savings of excess in assets with nationwide associations loan savings and banks billion .$550 on PROVISIONS 5094 H.R. OF IV TITLE IN PROTECTION CONSUMER National Council The to wishes opportunity this take express its of several over ,tconcern 5094 H.R. IV Title provisions the he .Act 1988 of Institutions Depository ,we time same the At our offer Ospecific directed are concerns . ur institutions banking facing presently ,access benefits community with dealing provisions the toward financial to ,and .services closings branch of notice h,to Iwowever emphasize ish not does Council National the that ;we 5094 H.R. oppose do IV Title compromise ,but form present its in bill the of time given that believe solutions adopted can .be objection to principal our as Inasmuch relates IV Title its ,Iwould provisions reinvestment community challenging by begin to like the underlying IV assumption basic :tTitle bill House the of deregulation hat 10:00 a.m. 8,1988 Septemb er turn the on backs their depository to institutions encouraged has ,Dirksen 538 Room Building Office Senate 275 will both address alternative that developing aworkable suggestions for realities practical and Congress of concerns legitimate the -3 -2 -takingIn deposit conduct they which in .communities activities depository institutions the by leadership and responsibility Sharing community coalesced fhas ,tBridgeport example business he Cor onnecticut these which in neighborhoods of residents the and are organizations ,program results acommunity behind excellent produced has that development the BNF and NHS of success avery is functioning in factor important describe Iwthis amand take like to ould . oment program the at personnel bank by .The Bridgeport in agencies involvement agreater to led has level grassroots understanding the of part our in States United the city smallest ,isonnecticut CBridgeport -income moderate and lowthe in needs ,ahousing areas simultaneously has nd ahave (Ngencies Services Housing Neighborhood separate three ")which HS residents city's of part the on recognition and awareness an developed office of Side ,ofirst East the nresently .Phe established tbeen within cooperation and usage credit responsible for need the of leaving afcompleted unctioning ,hintact Bridgeport work its as . housing its improve to neighborhood operating ,Norganization are offices urrently -hHS self .Cneighborhood elp city End South and West in the of .Approximately percent 80 ,the Bridgeport of city the within that suggest respectfully We been depository the by supplied $189,000 has 1988 for budget operating in assist to responsibility their recognized have institutions depository was Bridgeport in program NHS first The institutions the .within city by -income moderate and lowin financing housing affordable providing areas financial and ,bthese involvement their personal .woth agencies ith serving first the as Ihad of privilege Edward late the .R. Kasparek institutions provided have depository The South .President NHS End the of BACKGROUND HISTORICAL gagencies deal reat a,wstrong accomplished have hich these to leadership city our within housing residential of rehabilitation the in . has ,the Traditionally legislation banking of objective primary been system .to sound and safe is banking the that ensure and safety The mNF addition Neighborhood (trecent a")iBFund he sore Bridgeport The reasons several for imposed been has requirement ,:msoundness notably ost ilowncome -people amoderate within ssisting ,and agencies the to ; failures bank prevent and deposits of loss from depositors protect to neighborhoods .BNF housing find to created was funding through part in major preventing and system banking the in confidence ensuring thereby Foundation Ford the by Electric General and response .In Corporation .Since supply money the in disruptions to unable are institutions banking three ,ta$5he Bridgeport of city the to grant challenge savings 0.000 generating without functions perform or loans make other and deposits 50,000 $banks matching the provide to joined Bridgeport in headquartered stability ,maintaining investments in confidence public banking the of subsidize 3loans m,000,000 below -rin ate arket $to provided and funding thought isaramount vehicle investment an as apsystem be to imperative and moderate and lowhousing ncome .-i ,atotal present At depository seven of .Balancing objective with deposits attract to ability the approximately total that loans these for funding providing are institutions has community into back funds the redirecting of responsibility 1The ,o00,000 f $which is BNF for budget operating current 6.$ ,000,000 important an been Nation's the of feature .likewise structure banking .$70,000 institutions depository the by provided is 276 Bank ,F.S.B. by founded Savings Farmers and Mechanics at predecessor my -5 -4 integrating by administered into requirements its regulatory existing the ,sand soundness safety ensure funds public's the Totate protect . soundness and safety on emphasis continued its with structure of examination the on primarily rely authorities banking federal and n ,.Iof fact quality credit the standpoint from institutions depository POSITION OF SUMMARY has been always institutions savings and banks of legislation federal establishing astoward system workable and vtructured with designed iew Governmental on Conmittee Senate the conducted sby .A examination of tudy Itnestify Chairman ,iMr. suggest to today you before first the :Affairs that concluded 1978 in trife linstance reinvestment community additional ,ono banking line hat . time this at necessary is legislation closing bank examination ,in and been ahas justification bank for principal the National ,the Moreover wfurther , ithout now legislation this enact to that believes Council study early subsequent and detection be ,continues sense real to the ,would research .Wor counterproductive and imprudent be that maintain e (and practices banking unsafe and unsound of )tprevention Congress he that IVre title of provisions ,athese drafted currently and unworkable s and banks nation's the of stability both that determined has .Ponsidered ',cimpractical Congress of abstract an against urthermore 1 . minent regulation ethe bank of goals them -are pre competition among might confidence public's the undermine which requirements enacting hastily impose to responsibility soundness and safety basic the beyond legislation the in system . depository avaffirmative with institutions oniew requirements lending through coordination viability communities urban of the increasing toward insurance f. ederal investment private ,aof grants nd imperative is ,tIt in legislation this analyze Congress hen hat this support We whether an such initiatives determine to banking prior contrast industry's record ,windicated our view e asave and goal policy Ihpublic decisions and desirable is discretionary routine on impact overwhelming good .of compliance faith one as and willing have and initiative take to Committee Banking Senate the urge We . wise (tRA 1977 Act Reinvestment Community "),eCThe of part as he nacted aview with legislation to this in presented issues the study Congress problem ac.Ofact whether determining availability redit ,einxists nly ,represents 1977 of Act Development Community and Housing 'the Congress . ies opportunit to date effort concerted most credit available with consumers provide athorough conducting and hearings holding by Congress will investigation in contained originally language the with Consistent adequately althat craft to able be will inaw needs public any address institutions tohe encourages savings and ,tbanks 1935 of Act Banking CRA cwith safe , onsistent serve they communities local of needs credit the meet successfully been has .Enforcement practices sound and CRA the of .Members do to fails 5094 H.R. IV Title that way National the of pleased be would Council participate to support and in an such Congress the that manner any in investigation our .requests assistance 277 enact to reluctance historical might that legislation banking unreasonably soundness ,we of wisdom question and safety system's the jeopardize banking of dominion the expanded Congress has recently Only -7 -6 submitted testimony The Seger R. Martha Governor Board Reserve Federal by existence law's the of years ,"The that explains early in chose Board Benefits Community presented when improvements future for commitments obtaining emphasize to that arecord .with weakness of areas specific had Council ,tof indicated As National he Institutions Savings questions for .need 5094 H.R. provisions CRA the of inclusion to intended Board The part integral an process CRA make to criteria assessment its use the of The attempting without making decision operational and management institution's e1977 urban increase to order in nacted of Act Reinvestment ,Community . required lending of amount and type the for standards set to practices well redlining prevent and ,hrevitalization been assimilated as Governor left the to best are decisions lending believes Board that opined Seger been ;it framework regulatory extant the into has ensuring in effective judgment informed ,tlender's situation market the account into he aking of needs the meet to continue institutions savings and banks that and serve .communities hold they deposits whose own ,alender's plans .business needs credit community's the nd Moreover , Moreover ,s a Board the she :stated that premises have ,states momentum gains banking interstate enforcing and drafting begun communities from smaller and neighborhoods certain prevent to legislation with these wmatter ap,as in vein ositive gorking eneral sopportunities tate ,being larger the -ofrom fut credit denied we that mandate law's with consistent was application the their of needs credit the institutions meet to these encourage CRA based are expanded an of proponents the by advanced arguments The . communities alarge that indicate which statistics on institutions financial of portion (tRA Act Reinvestment Community acceptable an ")Creceive rating he evidence the that indicates also testimony Board's Reserve Federal The .These regulators respective their from that argue further individuals the support to insufficient often was investigations during uncovered rapplications of esult avery as denied are other or merger few applicant's an that conclusion unsatisfactory so was record CRA to as believes present the that .The ratings CRA unsatisfactory Council National application . the denying justify sufficiently stated legislation's the executed has process examination both believed Board tthat , he theory In afair with benefited lender the community workable and of needs credit the meet to institutions financial encouraging purposes lending program . practices ,consistent communities their banking sound and safe .with ,we Moreover equally other or study authoritative recent no seen have 1he 23 March on ,tAlso Select Representatives of House U.S. 988 atrend indicate that evidence definitive other redlining of pattern or held Aging on ,"BComunittee :Pentitled Reform hearings anking rotecting discriminatory activity . -Income ."Low Consumers older and 1988 23 March ,tOn federal the from testimony received Committee his . results and activities enforcement CRA their on authorities regulatory submitted ,tbyhe time that At testimony Change Gseneral Fishbein J. ,CAlan Counsel Community for enter tated : that 278 )i(pather ,rdelinquent down turning simply than otentially nstitutions no have that .institutions communities these with connection historical -9 during lending normal of representative were period that .The patterns acrimonious an often was what transform to helped have HMDA and CRA quantity argues ,tauthor example alan siven ow ghat in lending of constructive amore into redlining over debate between dialogue arending been conceivably have may area -lgeographic over to in eaction needs reinvestment over institutions financial their and communities local has cooperation .This strategies and on emphasis recent more cothers aponcludes in area .Tthat lperiod ,thesis he ike revious reinvestment the to led impressive many of formation partnerships activities lending instances inmany geographic certain in areas was due not ,back decisions business legitimate alonly to also for demand of ut 1985 .A governments local csurvey lenders ,aamong groups ommunity nd found Institute Minnesota in Policy Public of Humphrey Hubert the by . credit ias ncome -much low for commitments loan in $3that billion .7 ,Imention Chairman Mr. lay not study this definitive its to claim directly are projects development community other and housing legitimate -eminence ,bpre other that suggest ut to interpretations since than that estimate We more then . HMDA and CRA to attributable ,especially further explored be must and exist patterns lending if billion $1 made been have commitments loan additional of .53 decision borrowers .Tpotential benefit to are alhe deny or grant oan considerations acprofit is application many involving one ,womplicated ith : continued testimony Fishbein's Mr. .other them of one only lbeing ike epository ,Dinstitutions corporations institution not is applications the believe they if expansion bank 279 ind shareholders to answer ,amust investors general ndependent creditors to of approval the challenge 'groups citizens standing gives CRA business do not would who institution that with by satisfied if the historical institution's that prudence .of activities lending Chave groups of advantage taken . ommunity obligations CRA its meeting CRA filing by acquisitions and mergers interstate of wave the important an are deposits Insured of ,bsource funds no they ut applications .While challenges these deny to unlikely are agencies thrift loans making for funds of source sole the longer even -- snd ,aoutright processing in delays force can challenge ubstantial virtue bable which y orientation mortgage their of ,winstitutions to ere settlement . dispute the of negotiated encourage thereby into back deposits channel served they communities of form the in argue scholars Some were practices lending discriminatory that never corporate ,IaAs executive fiduciary certain by bound also m . loans other and -jstandards business udgment corporate of principles that law are thus and legislation 1977 the justify to as widespread so certainly for accountable me hold would unwise deemed are that loans they because George ,by Benston J. argument aunnecessary Dr. dvanced .One today prospect reasonable no have .The repayment of provisions consumer -section cross inadequate an was there that maintains financial the of adversely 5094 H.R. many impact on other of areas responsibility corporate able abe that over studied pindustry time of to short too was eriod 4 acredit that .conclude existed problem availability argument The reasons period over activity lending survey to studies the confining by athat of whether made loans the determine to impossible been ,it year have would adequately without them .resolving National Council The believes more that needed is time potential the study these of impact to and proposals try w.Title compromise aorkable reach and rather enacting than outright IV -10 -11 to necessary thought safeguards certain at depositors that ensure of logic che with concerned also is Council National The including . powers securities new for tag price apparent an as provisions CRA these securities of because risk at not are facilities insured federally ,the Thus securities new activities are be to . undertaken activities capitalized aseparately through conducted holding the of subsidiary the and structure fundamental We with inconsistent only not is it that feel included been have firewalls Other and House the both by company jeopardizes potentially also ,but system banking the of regulation it that abank prevent ;Senate affiliate securities its to credit extending from soundness .House The justified has Committee and safety system's the following : argument stronger the with requirements CRA prohibit abto between officers or directors its and interlocking ank when that concern ;tonderwritten affiliate -usecurities bank that disclosure full require on more will ,they powers securities greater get banks concentrate activities .securities needs consumer meeting on less and prohibit ;asecurities deposits insured federally not are securities to nd that believe We bsecurities - acked mortgaged the in dealing from affiliate own its by backed securities enhanced that disagree and logic this for basis no is there .more laws reinvestment community stringent require powers unless a.-rated nassets by on ffiliated company government federal of protection the enjoy institutions Depository activities securities that mandate to inconsistent seems It be , bank of activities protected federally the from separately executed protection the is noted Most by deposits certain to given lending to bank the require but its change (presumably activities using .Also funds insurance federal either to access the is important advances credit obtain to ability the or window discount Reserve Federal Loan Home Federal the .from Banks ) ondition deposits insured acfederally to s .obtaining powers securities believe not do We authorization that the holding new for company powers For to banks enabling certification the additional fulfilling on contingent be .should CRA the under requirements ,the privileges these to access have banking required 1935 of Act Banking ,uhe institutions "tsecurities serve and convenience onlike ." community the of needs interpreted routinely been has requirement This that impact the are alarming Most have would quo pro quid this on of soundness safety the impact its on and perception public community's include ,ato deposit its well as needs credit has nd .Itnd system ,abanking banks for difficult more be would especially objected been never for apply that institutions savings or banks by to appears 'no Owners Home the in these .Although privileges language similar the declared have that held consistently ,courts 1933 of Act Loan hloan for provide to system ome awas establishing in purpose congressional institutions savings presence asoubstantial areas certain in ,twith needed much .attract investors from capital outside investor An seeking a afinancial if invest to encouraged be hardly would return profitable forced being were institution money amounts certain lend to of -risk high funds their invest may people which in institutions thrift provide to and .of homes their for financing their than other reason no for .borrowers location geographic This quid even quo pro Congress that considered is it when iconic more much devoted have Committees Banking Senate and House the of Members bills pending the to effort and time given .Particular been has attention it because banks powers securities grant to hesitated historically 280 ways many .in -13 -12 that might feared banks risky on or indiscriminately funds of dispose Services Financial to Access .W,they enacted was hy -Sventures Glass before 1920s asteagall the in did money certain to ask commit now attempting ,ibanks then Congress s that concerned also is Institutions Savings of Council National The investment ? of viability the to regard without areas -called so of inclusion legislation final any in services banking lifeline premature .Awould lthough Congress be by approved section he of effect curve bell alled -cconcerned so the about are We especially does not ,iprovides account services abtasic for financial understandably .The proposed drafted currently as required 5094 H.R by system rating the sufficiently available have been statistics presently the that appear the guidelines compare shall rating that stipulate provisions or extent the either of an assessment accurate provide to reviewed ,thus other each to institutions of -iperformance ever requiring ncreasing .conducted problem the of causes Iesults ,r fact studies several n receive . rating good or excellent an to activities reinvestment community n Community tudy ,asF. or instance Associatio the by of greatly vary deny failure hA arobtain require would rating to egulator igh merger ons institutio the of percent 12 only that found Organizatins Now Reform for mor ,eoreover ven ;currently powers asset new and activity acquisition .-achecks holders non for cashed surveyed they ,account comparison By jeopardized be would activities .authorized soundness considerations .reference and safety to Accounting ,wtudy percent 29 to closer was asholders General the by hile 810 ection S,For example 55 and banks all of percent (GAO ")rOffice 86 approximately that evealed Sequires IV ,Title apA of development -rthe ating ubtitle erformance Treasury -account non for checks States United cashed thrifts all of percent of ,tYet goal he rating system .stated agencies regulatory federal by dthis activities be community reinvestment the that require not oes holders . sound "consistent considered and safe with the of operation ." institution needs credit community that believes Council National The the soundness ,as considerations in stated and safety with balanced be must mention limited of is there Although 1977. Community Act Reinvestment soundness and ,tsafety section purposes findings the in issues his 1987 Act Banking Equality Competitive the of 1001 Section In to extent the asrequired conduct GAO on tudy "),C( EBA ongress such cashing difficulty have checks Treasury receive who individuals which survey of difficulty the .Although checks to requested originally was GAO hardly congressional addresses inadequately and law of effect the has ,it checks Treasury States United cashing in individuals to elected has . intent acother and officers Loan need executives banking indication lear and lending workable execute establish to order in intent congressional of . procedures in its that order state include study checks government local and athe (Wnd Congress that e .believe complete be assessment report's the study of results for waiting by served )would consumer better be .to known are findings study's the before legislation any pass than 281 estimated that Federation America of Consumer the by conducted study acashing ccount -percentage non for checks government institutions of contain no provisions legislation this of ,the Additionally operative -15 -14 ,the Further National these that believes Council are issues most this in ,camMoreover needed are changes other tinimum ertain . level state the at addressed effectively and appropriately , fact In . 5094 H.R. of section to ,the important Most fails bill a for provide whether "tman test determine eans entitled is individual aboasic open to NMassachusetts iConnecticut states ,several ncluding Oew aYork hio nd laws enacted already have government addressing cashing check . responsibilities account services the availability .Afinancial oflthough proposed Connecticut fThe or rexample ,law equires all that individuals inimited is account services transaction ,lbasic theory to institutions financial deposits taking cash state the within public written or $1he with ,t institution the at deposit on less as statute ,000 checks These presented be must recipient the by and . checks assistance . mandatory is identification proper or income annual individual's the consider fails .to worth net ,tinstitution Furthermore requires subtitle he for an account open to not is institution the with account An individuals those use to elect who government the only cashing check individual and obliged not is afrequired pay to ee the cashing when on .This services costs increased impose unfairly would by institutions .check no having accounts dormant maintain to requiring .them activity transaction ,as addition In federal when instances many in case the is that ,the legislation of explanation the In states Committee House annconsistencies adopts ,igovernment law develop ew state existing with associations loan and savings fees any imposing checking on .from accounts and overdrafts consistent apattern of : conditions two on accounts involving activity .fraudulent account the ,H However would 5094 m "f ab for financial allow .R. ees inimal asic (j)of 422 CSection Subtitle Federal authorizes likewise suspend Board Reserve to obligation the -income low benefit to intended is that account services individuals and question .The households immediate whether is arises which or federal law asstate in .prevails this as such ituation are institutions depository that determines it if checks government cash reasonable to cause is there or fraud of level unacceptable an experiencing would Council National The pre federal -esupport conflicts with deal to way simplest the as mption aof craud that believe scheme to used being is .fchecks lass Nowhere in Committee House does explanation or language statutory the either consumer state and federal .between laws deemed are overdrafts when indicate fraudulent apattern or consistent of determine Congress Should these that appropriately more are issues . exists activity at the tcertain ,addressed level federal hen that see must it precautions minimize to order in taken potential the types other or fraud for of ar abuse . losses of amount consider law proposed the does Nor ones smaller especially proving might in suffer institutions certain fraud .Such aconsistency when egregious especially seems quirement ' banks limits severely Code Commercial Uniform the that considering ddeposit airect use to be might measure preventive such One method holders account against recourse on collect to ability their and government from funds transferring of account recipient's the to .This risks the reduce awould overnment into come might check fgthat orger's .This possession or inconvenience of risk the minimize would procedure loss to the .payee instruments that collection through travel .the system 282 lifeline close to authority the given be will institutions depository York ,the example For New of State and banks savings prohibits law . -17 -16 ce to continues it while area ertain basis d a on money lose .W aily 90-163 О left be may communities some that concern Committee's House the with concur Institutions Thrift and Bank By Closings Branch of Notice . services banking available without hhat doubt We ,t drafters the owever held be abranch that intended 1935 Act Banking the in language of believes Institutions Savings of Council National The requiring that subjected high of risk the was and money lose to continued it while open - 88 - 10 public and regulatory elaborate undergo to institutions depository . needs community meet to as so vandalism and crime offices be could existing close to order in proceedings participation solution cAompromise .reached exists be must and certain have communities attempting that ensure to counterproductive in ffact institution may ,iAinancial n basic .convenient services banking CONCLUSION -income blow purchase or open to amdecline in ranch oderateof branch that closing burdens the if neighborhood that risk the or close be not to permitted -losing money may branch ,Icannot Chairman Mr. to commitment industry's our enough stress potential the outweigh benefit the viable will that legislation adopt to Congress with working acertain in investing of .benefits community the of soundness and safety jeopardizing unreasonably without consumer Savings that believes Institutions .The system banking of Council National on have would proposals Committee's House which impact the of because authorities regulatory to documentation and branch the of customers . institution the to burdensome and costly both be would that relevant all discuss and elicit to necessary is ,it system banking the example ,For studies aw,theories adopt to order in view of points nd orkable of anotice at in inserted be required is branch close to plan the .an branch that at account maintains who person of one are least that account statements periodic any to mailed consider the .Teo ,wcompromise end to important is it that maintain in is obligation This legislative in initiatives and reforms banking of impact purpose prior to Congress before pending presently proposals the with comparison nbe aotice that requirement to addition the of premises on posted of soundness and safety on have might IV Title impact the determine . branch lending mpatterns ,asAt of study erious cinimum redit banking system . cnd ,aavailability demand no because necessary is redlining redit ,salled Moreover c so -f non the by received be comments rivolous hould that recently done been have studies significant this justify would customer ,tregulatory notifications financial tohe response in agency required then is institution documentation submit iextensive ,to ncluding . legislation beuch would that sdifficult ,items verify of apto as rojection the expect be could that activity deposit Savings of Council National The Congress the commends Institutions for should future in branch the at remai it .open n documentation these find We burdensome be to requirements , ,adifficult costly extremely case some .in determine to nd Moreover ,e w see to fail the or merits in bholding afairness anking hostage concern in efforts its .this area MIcr. you assure ,t Chairman savings hat an equal an have institutions desire stronger not if untapped locate ,to sound -wafe opportunities banking and lending .W,scredit are eorthy 283 H.R. part this of provisions The to notification require would 5094 -19 -18 of (Statement M Seger R. Martha Ms. ,B the Governors oard ember hhat aq,tconcerned as IV Title passing pro owever uid receiving to quo Federal Reserve System ). consumer . extremely the to detrimental is powers securities would It institution :wbadditional hether aan create for consideration cost anking start other its with complete field securities the into enter to costs up :and Reform Banking on Hearings -Income Low Protecting Consumers older 3 Select the of Interests Consumer and Housing on . Subcom House the Before ocommitments ,risky communities certain into arnd losses expected and CRA order that aggravation avoid in powers securities the forego to Title presents .IV Cong .(1,2)on Sess 988 nd Aging 00th Comen (Statement J. Allen Mr. of Change Esq ,GFishbein Community Center the for eneral ).Counsel not has It institutions banking that demonstrated been . activities securities the from money of amounts significant make to stand ,C*Gaper Benston "(PJ. Act Reinvestment Community the on omments eorge that ,Iwould Therefore suggest the forego to decide may institutions many Bank on Conference Annual Bank's Reserve Federal Chicago the at presented banking .reasons practices ,for opportunity prudent to germane not are that C979 ).,1Structure hicago impede to wish not does Institutions Savings of Council National The ,we end that To the urge respectfully H.R. pass to Congress . progress Before *Hnearings Issues Cashing Check Government .oon Subcomm the 5 . Comun Senate the of Affairs Consumer groups will a well as from benefit ,but institutions savings consumer 1Cong Affairs .,(2S 00th ess ) 988 the exists there .Wvery hearings and research statistical that ,afeel te it ifndeed correct to needed measures the and ,iproblem .We exists urge initiative take to Committee Banking Senate the ask with consumer work to Congress and banking creating in representatives all benefit will that ,wlegislation the jeopardizing concerned ithout banking States United the of soundness and .safety system also may proposition this for ,"TAuthority Dennis at found Community behe 1977 Act 'C:DReinvestment the of Needs and onvenience efining Communi ty , )6 1978 S95 95 Journal Law (.Banking eptember . Comm Senate Before 1977 of Act Reinvestment conmmunity the on Hearings Sess H988 Banking on Affairs Urban ,2and ).(1Cong 00th nd ousing of ,(Statement Fogel L. Richard Mr. Programs ,Gof General Comptroller Assistant Government eneral United the cthis into investigation ,structured matter omplete appropriate with ,reasonable acleast of existence the about doubt availability redit Urban ,Housing Banking on and ) Office Accounting State .General 284 banks not that believe We only and without ,b 5094 Title present the IV . ut 285 The CHAIRMAN . Well, thank you very much, Mr. Sullivan . 286 Mr. KOLESAR. That's correct, Mr. Chairman . 287 The CHAIRMAN . Mr. Carruthers, you say on page 3 of your testi mony that the IBAA believes that the Government check -cashing provisions in title IV of the House bill need further improvement. SAME DAY AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS Would the IBAA support the provision if it provided for the direct deposit of government checks and if the customer could have the funds on a same-day availability for withdrawal? 288 an oil company. That list has been narrowed down to, I believe it is, six secondary identification forms which are satisfactory, and we expect that will begin a DISCLOSURE OF CRA RATINGS Mr. SULLIVAN . Well, speaking for our own institution , disclosure would not be a problem because I think we do an exceptionally fine job. 289 Mr. SULLIVAN . As a basic principle after the examination has been conducted and if disclosure - if the Congress said we had to do it, of course we would do it. I don't see that there would be any great benefit from it. Nor do I see that there is any great detri ment. a 290 ought to be a matter of public policy ? Do you feel comfortable with it in terms of it representing individual financial institutions or sectors ? COMMUNITY INVESTMENT Mr. RIDEOUT. Senator Riegle, I would be delighted to begin the responses by saying first of all that the American Bankers Associa tion and our member institutions very strongly support the intent and purposes and the premises of CRA as it was passed in 1977 . 291 of organizations that also suck deposits out of a community; specifi cally, insurance companies and mutual funds. 292 But there is enough data that has been collected and continues to surface and I know we can talk about the methodologies as to how the studies are done - but there certainly seems to be some amount of evidence that would indicate that black citizens seeking loans of various kinds have a tougher time, especially in urban areas, getting access to credit or mortgages than either white people do or if they were living in other suburban areas. LOANS TO BLACK CITIZENS Mr. RIDEOUT. I would be very happy to address that with particu lar reference to the city of Atlanta, GA, where our bank has a banking operation . 293 tors, say, or your minority depositors who were whatever percent of your total business and in fact proportional to your otherdeposi tors the loan ratios, whether for new mortgages or for home im provement loans, there was substantial variance between these, if you saw that cropping up in your numbers, would that cause you to look at that issue and say to yourself, you know , maybe there's a problem , maybe they're not finding us, we're not finding them , maybe there are some blockages in the system ? a 294 Now, you can see that there is reason for blacks to be concerned about this and for feeling that there is real discrimination in volved . 295 tell you that, from my part just looking back in time , I don't aim this at you, but, you know , we've invested an awful lot of money through the banking system in foreign countries-a ton of money that isn't being paid back . > 296 Senator RIEGLE . And I don't mean to aim just these comments at you. Please understand that. 297 I'm setting that up to pose a different kind of a concept for you . It seems to me one great strength you have as financial institutions is to be able to go in and make risk appraisals, to be able to assess the wisdom of an investment, the wisdom of a loan, whether it's to an individual, to a small company. We're talking about inner city or we're talking about minority borrowers or lending applicants, or what have you . a 298 could maybe do a job that goes way beyond what we presently are doing, or feel that we can do. 299 We lost $ 3 million on that $ 30 million; by the time the foreclo sures were taken care of, the defaults , that's what — and we passed that money along at 50 basis points. We didn't make a nickel on it. now . Mr. SULLIVAN . Well, thank you, sir. ( Laughter.] I wish Mr. Seidman was here to hear that. [ Laughter.] Mr. RIDEOUT . Senator , may I- 300 terms of good beneficial community reinvestment activity per dollar spent. 1 301 his vantage point, that the CRA loans had turned out to be gener ally pretty good loans. PROVISIONS AIMED AT STRENGTHENING THE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1988 U.S. SENATE , COMMITTEE ON BANKING , HOUSING , AND URBAN AFFAIRS, OPENING STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PROXMIRE The CHAIRMAN. The committee will come to order. ( 303) 304 checks, truth - in -savings, branch closings, and even Lifeline banking services. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR GARN Senator GARN . Thank you, Mr. Chairman . Thank you . 305 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you , Senator Garn . Senator D'Amato ? Senator D'AMATO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman . OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR ALFONSE D'AMATO Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Chairman , as you know I consider the Senate banking bill grievously flawed in its failure to properly bal ance between the interests of the banking industry and the safety and soundness of the banks themselves. However, I will not belabor that point; we have had that debate already. 306 local community. In this sense, CRA is a landmark piece of legisla tion, and we believe it's time to strengthen it. STRENGTHENING THE CRA The first reason was documented fairly well in the hearings which you held last March , your CRA oversight hearings. The wit nesses there made a very strong case that generally speaking there is a lot more that banks could do to serve local community credit needs. Some banks have done well, others have done very poorly. But generally, on average , there seems to be a feeling that more should be done . # 307 Now , quickly shifting to CRA as we see it and how we would like to reform it, I think it is useful to view CRA as having three com ponents. First, there are the assessment factors, which the agencies laid out in their regulations; and we think they did a good job . We think they followed the intent of Congress. a BANK REGULATORS ARE NOT ENFORCING THE LAW I come here today to implore you to pass title IV of the House banking bill. The Community Reinvestment Act, which was created by you , Senator Proxmire, is not working, not as you intended it to work. The regulators are not enforcing the law as it was written. The banks are not funneling moneys back into our communities as the law is supposed to mandate. 308 But banks have run up record profits in just 3 months of this year alone, they earned $ 10.5 billion . Now, how can anyone tell me and my people that some of that money could not be channeled back into our neighborhoods ? 309 intend and have been working with us. And for that, we are grate ful to them. STATEMENT OF ALLEN FISHBEIN, GENERAL COUNSEL, CENTER 310 that in the past 3 years they have received more CRA protests than they received in the first 7 years that the act was in exist ence. And CRA enforcement by the regulators is clearly inad equate, as the testimony before the oversight hearings last March clearly pointed out. 311 to the banking system than it once was, so it is important to extend the coverage of CRA to nonbanking activities which are per ceived as being more lucrative to the industry. I. INTRODUCTION OF TESTIMONY sBanking , enior weeks next In Senate the of members with down sit will Committee to House the from colleagues reconcile Mildred Brown of President ,A ssociation Reform Now Organizations for Community differences between 'of bodies two the important versions an .bank bill deregulation ,the House the in approval floor Assuming be will Senate Brown Jonathan ,B Director ankwatch amultipart accept to asked protection consumer and community believe we which title essential to an be integral and of part this legislation . Proxmire commend We Members other and Senator Fishbein J. Allen General Counsel ,Center for holding for Committee the of fully more to hearings these educate themselves consumer the protection .on title the appreciate We 312 on ,and hearings these at testify opportunity amplify to our on . remarks written these in Title the of endorsement strong HR of IV Title 5094 Institutions Depository concentrate we Although will written and oral our in testimony ,A Subtitles on and B o D Title f this 5094 HR of IV way no in alfirmly .signals subtitles other for support of ,Wack back e the Before provisions ,the instance for would which depository all require institutions to cost low offer accounts checking ,a cash nd U Affairs rban ,H Banking on &Committee ousing . We accounts have not do who people for check government also it that believe time high is enact Congress in Truth Saving . IV Title in contained those like provisions Equity Home and ,1 9 988 September 2 - 3 - market to sensitive more institutions financial leaves This relating to aspects title the of on focus will We ,and .forces industry the within concentration to leads of closings ,bank Act and notification Reinvestment Community concerns we organizations the of prominent are these because time the Committee's save to the nd ,a assist and represent low when So need to came communities income moderate and discussed of panel another by ably being are subtitles other ,fell most the services bank increased b under anks to pressure streamline and costs .cut operations their whose today .witnesses share we views eyes the In many of tocusing bankers ,f upscaling required large to service on his . II products developed Banks . individuals wealthy and businesses LEGISLATION FOR NEED trained markets these ,for specialties new in personnel their ,and efficiency their bought increase to equipment sophisticated communities dying are ond ,aInnercities growth slow lder . audiences target the to convenient offices opened housing and mortgages for credit Without credit .for of lack . disappear jobs and decay neighborhoods . people income moderate low of needs and convenience the phase bank of proceed another with to poised is Congress ,the 1980 Since housing income low to commitment federal . vanished revitalization has neighborhood and consequence One aworse do now banks that been has ling meeting of job ups of 313 development for rehabilitation economic and ,community ,allowing deregulation to companies holding bank of subsidiaries had have People . limits off previously business of type in themselves involve ,and resources for sector private the look to quite have certain this that will ,i stand we where From almost seems t for finance to credit thrifts and banks turned naturally access degrade further for services of quality the and to redevelopment . market of end lower the Cagencies aongress coincidentally Not 1980 lso ,tsince he enacts Congress unless strong countermeasures . services deregulating financial the been have courts and . industry title the believe We precisely is 5094 HR IV aof such have on lifted r ,been estrictions another or way One do to forbidden and required are institutions .how business countermeasure . that all not is It want would we ,and many the in involved been have which organizations to the develop helping 5 - billions in resulted have community which groups and banks between accommodate to way the along repeatedly compromised have Title industry .of complaints and concerns the creative through available made being credit in dollars of the to thanks But .neighborhoods income moderate and low in programs other Members and Germain St commitment Chairman of unwavering Committee aemerged with w,of from e Banking House the promoting and protecting to committed firmly are we Although dwhich lives the in potential a ifference make to title has operationally must become Cnot obligations , RA process this moderate and low income .of people the through groups community by won be can what to reduced ,the Proxmire Chairman of leadership the Under Community continuing a creates act This Act .Reinvestment 1977 in law became challenge .process basis ongoing an on enforced be must law The rating CRA ,The meaningful made be must system . regulators by depository insured federally all for obligation affirmative and help to institutions moderate and low of needs credit the meet incentive their improve to apowerful given be must banks and .and record CRA exemplary an maintain performance ,t objectives these accomplish would 5094 HR of IV aTitle reasons variety a For of .obeyed enforced strictly or private financial it when time that important especially is widely not has law this been in change the include reason These income moderate available low to and made be resources been have we which industry banking the in ,climate discussing , nd atneighborhoods at and concentrated increasingly when ime fulfill to likely least are conglomerates financial ambitious and federal by enforcement indifferent banking , agencies regulatory committee .as revealed this before hearing oversight March's last . voluntarily obligations CRA of spirit and letter the designed is A Subtitle regulatory the improve .to process legislation innovative this But opportunity an creates for involved the in to directly become organization community regulatory process . 314 . areas service their in people income protested applications have organization Many these that grounds the on institutions depository by filed meet to failed have institutions obligations statutory their dozens to led has This negotiations productive of CRA .under this accomplish to means four employs :It goal the i1) mporving ;2)providing ratings and evaluations CRA of quality public for 3instituting basis their and ratings CRA of disclosure ;)an system community rating ;improved 4)c ah nd reating igher reinvestment standards institutions .for powers expanded seeking 7 - 90-163 0 - 88 - 11 ital ions vand ais evaluat rating of ure disclos Public 1977 REINVESTMENT OF ACT COMMUNITY THE A . MENDMENTS II TO root A of cause CRA perform to agencies the by used procedures in weakness in de sion provi this inclu to you urge We .in reform CRA element been has CRA implementation inadequate . bill final the ratings .The ,t to road hus CRA assign and evaluations Banking disclosure that Committee House the with agree We improving CRA of quality the in lies necessarily reform understanding the "will ab to lead and banks both by etter CRA ,arating increasing system nd s examinations the trengthening .by disclosure public greater this To accountability agency CRA under expected is what of communities .",and may it that relationships between of productive development the promote contains s a to amendments of ,Series end 405 5094 HR ection banks and groups ty .communi Reinvestment Community the to designed are that 1977 of Act climate overall The -c bank of ommunity dramatically could relations eimprove , liminating the strengthen e .,aexamination process rating CRA nd valuation "m c ,a at might that protests time nd ontroversy isunderstandings 315 up available information the with be " .avoided front Disclosure Exam CRA A. directs A Subtitle of 405 Section the regulatory Federal transform will disclosure that agree further We process the institution's evaluation the awof ritten prepare to agencies applications ;community whereby generate groups bank on comments , piecemeal information up round longer no need groups community . evaluation exam each completing after performance CRA The judgment can but ar develop gradually instead beasoned of ank's of ,like information confidential exclude may names the m a on based performance CRA bank of picture complete more uch to given rating numerical the state should It . individuals formulated evaluations ,i activity carefully and facts the ncluding ,and rating this for basis and bank about facts the discuss examiners .trained specially by supplied CRA of each under performance bank's .the factor assessment bank's the emphasize to directed are Agencies serving of record Disclosure mitigat will income the and low of needs credit housing moderate ,plus people . farms and businesses small of needs credit the . inflation rating gainst pr current the of ice hearings oversight March's last As before the ,9 revealed committee this %o 99 to 7f currently examined banks receive high ratings .CRA the directs ,HR example For 5094 8 9 - the about provide information specifically to agencies of stories the ,the Combined success and average meeting in performance institution's credit of types certain failures they something bankers clamoring will have give been vastly describe to indefensible be would If different . needs terms in them of expected is what on information concrete : for ratings , patterns lending then identical assign nd . of CRA form developing by requirement this subvert could agency An information ,m conceal to sense ade nor not does It has never in filling simply and evaluations .institution's name an But institution's an .about exam CRA this would to obvious eploy , ongress everyone specially C abe regulators the but one no When that work hard the done have regulators whether knows ever the that mandated explicitly has which ,perform agencies and gtood a into does ,i exam CRA to invitation open an creates results the disclose serious of . exams CRA Given ,t"pohis .requirement elsewhere energies one's put unt develop inevitably which tensions the and officers bank between regulators the as ,iexaminers records bank is scrutinize t everyone where area an have to attractive getting on count can agood earn to ocommitment e "C ,b rating rRA ankers xcellent asnd earned they why learn to eager be will ,a rating pecific and evaluations CRA of Disclosure an giving "Aand easy . grade managed c how ab get to ompetitor . etter could ratings ,c clubby these away for excuses strip omfortable . law the evading ,it fact In reform CRA how imagine to hard is will s A institution one for evaluations of eries give requiring without succeed .could disclosure observers and insiders of ap rofile decline or progress in .with CRA compliance the is Sunshine -serving self these to antidote .only dark the in grow that vices CRA number a review close of exam inspiration provide could reports community bankers ,to groups .Evaluation Examination CRA Existing ,a Procedures Rating nd B. more can institutions which in ways about governments local and help .effectively communities their of needs credit the meet Assessment .CRA Factors , emulate to institutions other for country the around policies below fall that banks of portraits convey can likewise and regulations CRA existing The ,termed activities and loans of types certain identify CRA details the telegraph can reports The and programs successful of ,t factors assessment given be to are in particular attention hat . performance CRA evaluating enumerated These factors assessment 316 tied are privileges lucrative If ,or earning ato making 11 - 10 - assets between ,9e -d man banks national at with ay xaminer ,affirmative needs ascertainment credit of on focus their with income dand ,lmoderate ow niscrimination -marketing on 2.5 b $1 and ,a billion nd illion -d0ays man examiner the at farm business ,s loans hmall ousing neighborhoods . banks national smallest lcommunity economic ocal development ,activities loans institution financial the of condition ,and conditions and size CRA of conclusion At the exam . System Rating CRA assigns aCRA prepares examiner CRA senior and report exam isore that of reinvestment community acdefinition constitute institution .rating the to the follows accurately and focused properly in Congress of intent Reinvestment . 1977 of Act Community the enacting The CRA exam contains report open an cais wonfidential ,section institution the to shown nd hich does 5094 HR ,which .section institution the to disclosed not is Then ope factors .these CRA assessment change existing way any in not n a is section CRA institution's the analyses that arrative current ,the Moreover the that states 5094 HR on Report Committee a as serve and place in remain to are factors assessment CRA . performance asample In the by provided reports exam CRA of , 1985 in Council Advisory CRA Exam three narratives these were four or pages -spaced .single length in institutions CRA at exams conduct agencies The section closed The report the of by interviewed contacts outside the lists examiner and CRA scheduled regularly their of part .as exams compliance consumer . institution to assigned rating CRA the contains Bankers CRA A s on extensive involves exam an with interviews ite CRA own their them showing of practice agency current the find institution's the of review and officials , documents Although interviews cases some in .and contacts outside with their not but bizarre evaluation rather be to rating .CRA Community organization consumer and view groups agency the and time over widely fluctuated has exams CRA of scope the agencies significantly varied between ,t currently exams CRA he occ by conducted considerable entail Board Reserve Federal and the . time examination evaluations CRA the public make to refusal most as ratings and . objectionable submitted the to Occ by ,data example For have adopted agencies The au niform CRA to system rating CRA 1988 March Committee's the for Committee Banking Senate CRA OCC the indicate hearings oversight exams 16.5 average over -d0ays man examiner with banks national $1at in billion examiners CRA guide assigning in . ratings current The uniform system :rating categories performance CRA five employs 317 Consumer its of Committee CRA the to Board Reserve Federal rating CRA new the of component .key system 12 - 13 - needs credit community ;types marketing and offered of following in :the areas key gor distribution extended eographic d iscrimination ;and other business small or loans farm support ;loans projects and entities development community for illegal credit community nd development .;apractices CRA A affirmative ;a programs loan special in marketing nd participation instructed is examiner rate institution to an the of each on . activities categories gperformance a5-five using rade with scale rating the Without it information such aCRA for impossible is evaluation aC conduct to examiner RA assign and that rating following ratings ;#3-l2-s:1 ess than trong atisfactory full legitimacy .has susatisfactory ubstantially inadequate .-:#5;4 nsatisfactory examiner The assigns then overall an CRA to rating the institution using same g rating rade scale .5-the consequence adverse Another inadequate of performance CRA that is collection data CRA occasional the examiner who does overall The c isomposite aCRA institution's the rating each on of cadata made onscientious effort performance collect to for performance categories examiner CRA ,afive the nd has particular have not does institution performance peer to data fprovide reference of .aexperienced Mrame CRA ore performance category arriving in at composite .the rating examiners indicated to Committee CRA of Consumer the Advisory 318 discretion broad assigning in more weight less or each to Council 1985 in they that comparisons make based extensive their on Weaknesses Current invaluation Examination E .CRA Rating and C. experiences conducting in CRA institutions many at exams ,but minformal emory c omparative ased ,-bthis methodology is very Procedures not and subjective experienced less to available examiners .CRA Performance CRA .Data weakness Amajor existing in the CRA In ded view of the exten time spent revie docum ents and wing examination process failure the is CRA examiners of obtain to interviewi ng offic ials durin g CRA systematic information the on key performance factors .CRA For exams -16.5 d-man ays in the case st of the large natio nal banks -CRA exami ners shoul d be able to colle ct syste matic infor n on the key CRA matio perfo rmance facto The rs under lying probl em is that the agencies have not speci fied the necesmatio sary n infor and instr CRA examiucted ners institutions subject the Home Mortgage Disclosure HAct MDA ),(to institution's an statement HMDA does provide systematic information dollar on location and amount institution's the of residential examiners CRA .Heneral mortgage loans owever g as not rule ado obtain systematic on iinformation a nstitution's CRA performance get .to it -5 1 14 - institution an to performance CRA on information general very . institutions of number substantial paucity the Given #3of ;perfunctory exam CRA its to prior are but ,m responses ost and limited of value evaluation CRA purposes .for Developing m a ore examiners iist ratings CRA that ,clear narrow the for opted have . definition technical auince be would questionnaire CRA comprehensive ,s approach seful performance asecond for approach ratings The CRA important their in information CRA relevant the of much have banks most would to time them give notice advance and systems computer Development .,icategory flawed more even CsommunityA CRA retrieve . it may a#2(sexaminer assign )r institution an to atisfactory ating commitment resource no made has that development community to serious ,Equally as Ratings System . current the rating CRA ,solanning programs or entities "p is institution the as long to undertake activity specific some ,in system and guidelines rating uniform the particular ." month six next the within ,do scale rating u a with examiners CRA provide not framework seful approach aliberal such Although rating appropriate been have might CRA of years few first the during ,iis certainly implementation t uniform The CRA inconsistent ,at structured poorly are guidelines rating time . enactment law's the after years eleven inappropriate . focused properly not and important performance tommunity A hird C ,CRA category important most The five the of categories performance CRA Marketing and Needs Credit ,ian weakened also s by overly rating . institution method permissive be to is ,an case this In guidelines rating uniform the T riddled ,iin credit of sype ambiguity .U with guidelines the nder examiner aC RA assign may a#2(sating given )r affirmative its though even atisfactory than satisfactory a#3(lfor )ress ating category performance this institution anne if offering not o "is types more or credit of listed in CRA statement ,"its foolish fall would .institution into credit and marketing related program or "n are ongoing ot ." ensive compreh apitfall most the only that ,the Yet also guidelines ,two Finally five the of categories performance CRA not do be a#3r that provide may ating institution's an if assigned 1 319 institutions rating for performance RA .'C commiting is institution an which to extent the address even CRA of loans -tshare ype m is arginal somewhat below average ".or ,this Obviously far definition expansive more include acould activities CRA to resources i.e. ,a ffirmatively its serving . needs credit community's local of these non g -One ermane 16 - 17 - rating that and fashion this in guidelines the interpreted have with compliance institution's the to relates categories consumer lending ,including laws credit .fair regulations inflation become widespread has . other The although which practices lending discriminatory to relates ,the Moreover CRA existing the of categories rating uay "m t in not v a constitute sense echnical nreasonable iolation regulations of fair .lending Without question agencies ,the ( ess scale ;ls satisfactory than trong atisfactory ;sre unsatisfactory )ainadequate inappropriate ubstantially bolster should to use CRA lending fair their and authority discriminatory lending determine fair where practices inappropriate purposes rating CRA for five the of three . with unsatisfactory of degrees varying representing categories rating .violations reasons technical for establish to difficult be may institution ,tnot However an that fact he has in engaged consumer u or violations credit c "discrimination redit nreasonable should performance consumer traditional for used approach the exams compliance examiners CRA encourage has scale rating the -- is ameasure as serve not it which to extent the of committing is institution an which to extent the assessing of job be would approach appropriate The two these without performance CRA institution's an rate to activities . CRA to resources committing 320 .CRA activities to resources seriously take than rather compliance procedural for look to violations discrimination or ,a categories performance where then nd inflation Rating the not is adverse consequence only of ,lower exist the rating initial .CRA weakness the inore evaluation CRA generally .and system ,Mrating w as Taken ,t agency guidelines rating he hole acan leave impression with examiner CRA the appropriate is it that to arbitrary as viewed are ratings CRA by legitimacy lacking and .Institutions organizations community well as bankers many institution has that san )r to ating a#2( atisfactory assign its ,h practices discriminatory avoided onored and Statement CRA some made marketing affirmative an establishing toward gestures participating and development aprogram inommunity .c program the that Given articulated have agencies not ap of olicy strong is ,it implementation examiners CRA most that surprising not they because frustrated become have consistent given been not CRA way the in them of expected is what to as signals . ack performance rom fan ,lMoreover perspective institution's the complicates rating and evaluations CRA to legitimacy of application process time protested A to more .takes rating (previously and evaluation CRA applicant's the when process little )carries exam CRA regular its during agency an by prepared 19 18 - .to activities CRA. resource managerial and financial committing institution's CRA adequate the of record amore and weight aThe on made be should ratings CRA that explicitly states bill while scratch from practically constructed be must performance resources serving comparable of institutions with basis comparative application pending the .is rating CRA adopt to directed are agencies The the as group .peer Rguidelines evision rating the .of premises these on based Procedures Rating and Evaluation CRA of Reform D. ambiguity should the of much eliminate lines these along system CRA on Information Systematic . Performance permeates that confusion and system current .the Section 405 of directs bill House the to agencies aCRA develop jointly 5 anew adopt to agencies the directs also bill House The examination format used be to examiners CRA by during exams : categories following the with scale rating CRA grade institution's data collect to an performance CRA This .on CRA .would noncompliance substantial or poor scale rating new This between and institution thrift banks .commercial institutions measuring institution's an afar provide for yardstick useful more institutions $For of assets with more 1 or million ,t00 CRA he examination format minimally would performance include on data following factors :the and low in loans housing income moderate current the than activities CRA to commitment resource of level . scale rating weakness the of view In agency in date to CRA agencies ,neither implementation the enough have Congress nor ;small areas equivalent or neighborhoods farm small and business banking the within patterns performance CRA on information ;support loans community for projects or entities development participation special affirmative ;ainnd programs loan marketing sRA of definition objective an set to industry "C atisfactory . performance activities . ,the Thus rating new the anchors wisely bill House #3rhe defining by scale a as ,"t performance CRA ating verage Rating System . the within prevalent level . industry banking House the of 405 Section would bill establish practical This underlying the with consistent entirely is approach comparative would C a rating that system RA give guidance useful more CRA to examiners effective aand as mserve ore encouragement .CRA tool rating methodology ,byating Moveover a#3r defining as . makes bill The clear underlying the that of goal rating CRA institution an which extent the measure to is process 321 3-2g1eood 4-l ;a effort #5 verage nd imited xcellent examination format different for vary would categories size of discourage "t tend will scale rating new the to "a verage , he 21 - 20 - make methodology will improved rating the and performance CRA on to all almost #3ratings assigning automatically from agencies escalation .the rating CRA of pattern current institutions decision .this examiner CRA the for easier CRA unrealistic new the that think to ,i Moreover is t the a#2(gRA establishes bill House The )C as rating ood prescribe that standards will performance out lay guidelines rating interstate via expansion in engaged institutions for standard bactivities .banking - anking non or such that means This reports the how seeing and exam only CRA individual reviewing by raise will institutions to have above performance CRA their the patterns fact to guideline rating the applied have agencies . industry banking the within prevailing currently level The 'performance institutions individual of the or bankers that Senate's the in dramatically shown was improvement such for need asense gain to able be will public CRA agency underlying the of . implementation CRA on hearings recent Committee's Banking ,as reason this For general more the for as well . standards guidelines examination publicly CRA disclose agencies to requiring the a of consist not will bill House the by envisioned .is essential reports that formula numeric and ratios of set C a enable examiner will RA . rating CRA institution's an compute mechanically to Rathe r , ageneral give should guidelines different the of description scale rating the in grades IV . HOLDING ACT COMPANY BANK THE TO AMENDMENTS ,wood e.g. g !"m genera in hat eans guidelines should The address also questions policy terms ,key . amends bill Committee Banking House the of 403 Section establishing c "new benefits ommunity Holding Bank by Act Company institution an rate to how as such one in specialized has that expansion bank by activities of types certain for requirements ,or activity .lending institutions group peer select to how . companies holding holding S&L 403 Section in those to similar requirements new the under Even rating system of assignment C a RA depend ultimately still will rating judgment of exercise the on performance CRA the by benefits community applies 404 Section . companies these conferees adopt to Senate the urge We addressed other reforms needed much ,along provisions the with information systematic more ,the However A. Subtitle in 322 bill provision House the in ,the accountability agency of goal new the that mind in bear to important is It rating CRA 23 22 expansi the that envisio CCRA ,Inongressned gon enactin ty communi the to related directly be would process approval RA Awas tgly .C, ccordin applican the of ance perform tment reinves approval and review tion applica g existin the onto grafted view the on premised are 404 and 403 Sections reforming that evaluation Act Reinvestment Community the rating and system as provide not will alone for incentive ufficient banking many institutions fulfill to statutory responsibility their help CRA existing the Uprocedures . nder agencies of each for and ,including communities their of needs credit the meet low federal an take must regulator ,the regulations appropriate amendments ,these Consequently neighborhoods income .moderate its in account into record reinvestment community institution's certain and CRA between linkage the improving at directed are expansion bank .activity Moreover t , he agency may evaluation of any expansion .proposed new contain also sections These basis an denying for record CRA applicant's use sole the as expansion into banks by the that ensure help to safeguards regulatory ,t short In he process approval was expansion .request other and field securities not does fields new to access reduce as serve to intended effort agency's an of component integral modest for services banking essential and consumers income 323 of needs credit the institutions meet help to "to such encourage . neighborhoods . chartered are they which in communities local the (12 . . " A. U.S.C. 2 901 ).Sec Procedures CRA Existing a equiring is CRA of estatement rbanking -s ,long law tanding institutions demonstrate to their that the serve facilities c onvenience needs "are and communities o the f they which in to .chartered business do act The that finds specifically well as services credit for need the means needs and convenience and services deposit as banking the directs it agencies regulatory supervisory their use to encourage authority help banks of needs credit the meet .local communities their , ed (FSimilarly Board Reserve )r require ederal egulations bank of records CRA consider to agency the subsidiary each subsidiary each well as company holding bank applicant an of target the of bank ,w such institution anhenever Holding 3of section under expand to seeks Bank .the Act Company savings for exist regulations Comparable 229.8 Sec C.F.R. .12 companies H ,t again are procedures holding loan ere hese .and to incentive an provide S&Lintended and bank encourage responsive their of needs credit the to companies holding be 25 - 24 - minimal these monitors even whether ever agency the that suggest risk areas lending (eentire consequences the or denial .g. ).delay expansion proposed their of have .commitments met been . Fed by failure The the utilize to agencies sister its and ,t Unfortunately original been has Congress of intent he improved reinvestment community encourage to process application agencies regulatory of reluctance continuing the by stymied tperformance a" oothless into CRA turning in succeeded has CRA t March the estimony ,at know you As . clout this utilize to ."Ta his tiger is p and leaders community by acknowledged oint expansions 50,000 than more the of that revealed hearings oversight CRA since agencies regulatory federal the by ,processed enacted was . alike bankers mere a .8w grounds CRA on denied ,the approach ineffectual Fed's the with contrast stark In Bureau Financial Michigan demonstrated recently tough how more been has agency No regulatory the using to adverse can standards CRA of .enforcement results meaningful produce In Bureau's ,terger July he Commissioner refused approve m ato only the is Fed The has which agency deny to .yet grounds CRA on application an 324 performance ameans as process approval bank improving for than . Board Reserve Federal the by ,oIapplication state's the of financial comerica largest nc. ne ,as fact In Governor until such time the as holding bank company institutions , oversight the at testimony her in conceded Seger ,the hearings Fed its improving for plan targeted adequate an develop to agreed reasons CRA for applications deny not will ,regardless the of . record institution's target the or applicant's an of weakness Detroit in reinvestment .performance ,the Interestingly decision based was FCommissioner's aederal on largely Reserve inadequacies indicating examination Board CRA bank's the in that maintains Fed The commitments obtaining improved for denial outright to preferable is applicant an from performance an of ation . . record ,in Yet which in cases few relatively the agency the commitments obtained ,t he rarely Fed required has institutions develop to substantive plans for improving their community reinvestment performance . there is Nor evidence to Mind lyou , ast year the s aFed had imilar opportunity to the use application process press to Comerica improve its CRA performance . ocumented A lthough d ell -aw challenge bank's the to deficient lending record was brought Detroit by community groups , 27 26 - chose Fed the absolutely do nothing .to 5094 HR in syents Requirem Benefit Communit B. was expansion The . commitments without approved any sed Section in contain ments Require Benefits ty Communi The .in CRA teeth put o t,are simple and ure p intended 404 403 tough Commissioner's banking the Michigan to response In ,late stand ac submitted Comerica month last lending omprehensive (and bank requires provision key The S&L)h companies olding ,i80 plan $2 lend to committed institution the which million n small housing for a ,bbusiness loans .commercial 1990 ynd aprerequisite as performance CRA average above an possess to for a100 represents commitment This %i lending bank's the in ncrease -banking non certain into expanding fields or with merging than ,w plan The more includes hich new 60 community . Detroit to other .acquiring lines state across institutions community the with consultation city's bnd ,a government usiness 1 provision hhe time same the At ,t owever an prevent not does institution performance awith RA words ,i"C other nverage an institution whose reflect practices industry ,prevailing permission receiving also from made has it providing expand to plan Comerica The any exceeds far commitments to performance CRA its improve years two .within commitments reinvestment community imposed ,or obtained conditions institution Fed the by any for i ,CRA ncluding with those poor institution an quickly could eligible become developing by Thus , done have could Fed the something is action Michigan's . exams which ,b itself consistently has it to .refused dout needs it k a ick HR the in .pants 5084 Comerica plan of type the Michigan to submitted banking agency charge inhe However to order system current the ,t will Fed .such bprovides aoot 325 application Comerica the on action Michigan's of state The demonstrates application the process review v athat be can ery activities CRA the in improvements encouraging for tool effective more need n a udge ,than holding bank the unless an possesses erxcellent "(1)ocompany rating good ."(2)C RA underserved about credit community .leaders needs institutions .of applicant , Specifically Board Reserve Federal the these not can approve expansions of types ,w initiatives reinvestment developed extensive after as community ,the addition In put requirements benefit additional establishing ,by CRA into teeth holding that with companies CRA isubstandard ( .e. "54orecords rRA ineligible )C rating a re 29 - 28 - in applies A Subtitle to The out set standard CRA higher non into acquisitions and expansions interstate in engage to :1)only companies holding bank by expansions three of types their bring they as until time such activities ,abanking least t bnon -cmergers anking ertain interstate acquisition ;2)and practices a(iprevailing .e. least industry up record CRA at to )8of Bank permitted 4(cthe Section under currently activities notice the serve would rto aSrating uch )."3Cequirement RA authorized activities bnon -,3)nAct ew Company ;aanking nd Holding the about requiring congress serious is industry that banking important Aby ,t represent hese . dmittedly legislation pending the local to obligations their "t fulfill o r apples otten and with banking industry activities the for new of types . Communities currently covered by category 1,a not ofctivities exception incentive mesh would system that new this believe we Although CRA . ,t process evaluation CRA revised with effectively new he unless that recognize to Committee the for essential is It through failure ,orequirements eligibility limit r mandate not do House the As 326 burve or formula mathematical any -s ."c ell haped , noted report Committee Banking provisions , these by covered are activities expansion important incentive continue to may little too have institutions banking that conceivable entirely is it . communities many to responsibilities lending their fulfill rise iwould institutions of percentage high rthe ato elatively industry CRA in improvement an 2r and ,u levels ating nder ,enacted 1977 was CRA When in back . performance branch , applications covering process approval regulatory the that mandated requirements community benefits ,tinhe HR Again provide would aexpansions institution depository other and system incentive CRA existing the make to intended are 5094 conven institutions financial to for incentive sufficiently valuable ,whereas is difference The can Fed the like agencies now . work tly exp in CRA ignore anticipated Congress . However responsibilities reinvestment community their fulfill , they whenever ion approvals deposit banking traditional the made have in conditions changing the ,the choose use to them requires system revised community (and bank of records reinvestment S&L)h for companies olding same At .the banks many to valuable less expansion service ,these time of importance the increased steadily have changes . expansions regulatory future involving of acquisitions the ,often expansions types new affiliates . anking -b non out in set requirements the Adopting - 3 -1 30 - is activit -non bin certain engage toankingies or banking incentive ameaningful restores 404 and 403 ,Section system of thrust original the with consistent perfectly which .is CRA d . justifie ,we adjustments important these Without commitment the that fear urban older to banks of slow and communities areas rural growth ,interstate First of growth the accelerating are expansions fregional . inancial -institutions mega national and Whatever . deteriorate will , consolidation increasing this with associated be may benefits local their from banks detach to threatens banking interstate recognized ,tthe fact In has already Senate ofhe principle . CRA by covered activity expansion of types the broadening As a ensure help to needed is standard tougher The . base community f886 of ,s.1result amendment ap contains similar loor rovision disinvestment accelerate also not does banking interstate that institutions to eligibility Limiting . communities certain in -banking non of types same the bringing 5094 HR to expansions . review CRA under record help would reinvestment community average above an with ,the However reform not does provision Senate . 5094 HR from .banking communities local existing their to responsibilities Senate the does bill require not Moreove r , 327 their traditional fulfilling are banks larger these that ensure difference ,an system CRA inadequate and current the important ,iore Moreover am to lead will banking concentrated nterstate ahigher meet to institutions community standard benefits like therefore is it and system financial ,a hold to ppropriate . bill House in contained one the greater wielding institutions power political and economic to . standards reinvestment higher Standards CRA Higher For Need The C. benefits requirements community The apply ahigher CRA holding ,the Similarly -b non existing which activities anking the for standard expansions types three of specified 5094 HR .in in engage to permitted are companies banking such mortgage ,as normal The requiring standard CRA agency the an to take . activity interstate of form another cases some in are standard reinvestment community stronger Consequently ,tis he institution's CRA account into record for apply would other all added inducement an provide should and well as here appropriate . expansions of types believe requiring We institutions possess to an average above record reinvestment community engage to order in interstate ' communities local their abandon to not institutions these for . needs 3 -3 32 - limited activities be should into securities ,entry Lastly -discrimination anti new two The view in needed are standards banking Mrecords ixing strong with institutions those .to CRA ,bervice banks -snew full oth aggressive proliferation the of increasingly of growth the in result will securities with n and -b "t banks ,w operation into the have come ank hat on ith institutions .-These mega fconcentrated inancial financial . markets affluent cream to seeking of purpose avowed and greater much exercising of capable are giants market power ,carefully known sometimes are they as avoid ",boutique banks appropriate entirely is It influences other consumers .over These aphysical establishing neighborhoods urban older in presence communities income modest more other and competing ,while for above have giants that financial these for ensure to Congress .and institutions older the with business other deposits While to permitted are they as records reinvestment community average ,it customers bank some to advantageous be may competition the into .expand fields new dramatically older on pressures the increases also broader much with banks D. curtail to areas cservice - ity inner services ,their Requirements Activity of Pattern requiring to addition In average records above ,CRA . markets lucrative less as view the new which provisions two include standards new benefits community ,it respects some in new While that emphasized be should resulting effects certain against guard to designed are adverse . areas and activities new into expansion bank from new two these -d anti of extension an are standards iscrimination insured and chartered federally for requirements CRA existing These new ensure to intended are standards do companies holding bank that required ,bap CRA Under are anks delineating am publish to . banks community their .lending area moderate and low against discriminate arbitrarily or unfairly not review examiners bank Federal these delineations determine to whether gerrymandered they been have abank charter or acquire to decisions making when areas ,income facility . ranch close b a open or 328 which bankers may moderate low exclude to and areas .income also companies holding Bank securities in engagement their that promise to required are have to appears ,community gerrymandered been may t regulator he include to bank the direct within areas neglected lending its lead not will activities services financial of reduction the to income moderate low to neighborhoods and .consumers delineated the If area . 35 - 34 - the to examiners h not ,p ermit owever The do regulations CRA . communities excluded the to institution's distribution an of s the on manner a imilar in comment which closings branch bank for clause escape occurred have may permit discrimination anti new The would requirement . facilities an contains also provision The . reasons soundness and safety for provisions These to help new impose the that ensure not will tests reinvestment community ,aagencies so approve to not Fed the authorize dond banks suburban on burdens inequitable or harsh unduly engaged be to appear that companies holding bank by applications primarily located institutions income moderate and low .in areas . gerrymandering of patterns clear in also to needed benefits is standard new The community E. Preliminary Approvals selling or branches closing from institutions banking discourage in provisions understood least the of one Perhaps and low banks off avoid to effort an in areas income moderate cashing check government and banking basic the fulfilling title benefits community bank the is permitting one holding .claim expansions certain of approval S the that ome new procedure these to addition In ,w essential is it that believe tests e substantially will regulatory approvals .delay not need This be implemented services deposit the that be requirements aw in ay preliminary ,tcase fact In process approval designed is the .he on impact adverse any minimizes that and location future the without institutions those permit to average records CRA above income low serve that facilities taking deposit of availability their acquisitions with forward go to . wholesale the curb to intended Although certain of avoidance dprovisions 5094 HR in ,tiscrimination areas -geographic anti he from institution an preclude not does any for approval gaining bill . the by covered activity expansion Fed the If determines institution the that engaged has clear a in of pattern ,itubmission gerrymandering as upon finding its reconsider may bank aplan of the by to company holding servicing its improve 329 preliminary receive to records CRA average with "companies Banking Committee's Title House the of IV out set requirements in holding ,an system proposed the Under bank rated average ,providing approval preliminary receive could company the to it steps take willing was over performance its improve a Sapproval . ix period year two preliminary -m after onths was institution which to extent review would Fed the granted . Fed made it commitments the implement to begun had 37 - 36 - subsidiaries its any of rating CRA lowest ,the company holding additional inserted provide to provision was six The -m onth ."the receives institution imputed determine will r ating track on was it not or whether about institution the to guidance -yprocedure two its meeting .in goals ear approval preliminary The accomplishes : objectives several system rating imputed The the of failure . While approvals delay significantly not should a olding for incentive an provides it to the improve company h civil in result could commitments its meet to institution subsidiaries ,i;stecond of its each performances lending minimal sanctions be of such tlikelihood he penalties ,would the hiding from behind with records CRA poor banks prevents ag meet to effort faith ood made had institution the assuming . banks subsidiary other of records . commitments original its the before come application comerica ,had example For system rating imputed The CRA existing parallels closely ,preliminary provisions benefits community new the under Fed been ,contingent granted have could acquisition the of approval the CRA of record require consider to Fed ,which procedures its ap resubmit and such lan develop to able was Comerica . expand to approval regulatory ,ratherIn permissive is procedure .existing mandatory than Financial month one within Bureau Michigan the to application ,under words order to bound not is Fed system existing the would anticipate We . taken was action regulatory initial the after ,even performance in improvements seek as if has bank ubsidiary records receive could CRA average with institutions that .in fashion s a imilar approval preliminary that the is difference The Fed ,the provision new the Under record substandard a .CRA at had bank subsidiary each unless approvals permit not could F. reinvestment . record average an least Rating Imputed anumber includes bill Committee Banking House The of for procedures contains section Benefits Community The company's abank determining holding CRA purposes the for rating approval the process .of overall the procedure this Under . subsidiaries banking its of each for ratings rating imputed the on variations bank multi some for system . companies holding with companies holding bank Intrastate more CRA the by receives be will determined ah rating company olding subsidiary five than an have may banks one rating imputed grade mank a For -b ulti cent per 20 lowest that above the in banks subsidiary of 330 abank of each seeks it whenever subsidiaries company's holding . ommunity plan cof reinvestment submission aupon satisfactory 39 38 variations imputed on above mentioned the to addition In help to ee Committ the by adopted was on variati This . state companies ,-frating bank holding multi amily certain for system penalized not were companies holding bank certain that ensure the from other categories banks of several exempts 5094 HR .in states certain laws branching restrictive to due : follows as are exemptions These newly system rating imputed . ,tphe -uSimilarly mark at amendment an adopted Committee ;b5anks banks established $2 under with assets in million million ;a assets ,in $50nd under banks agricultural all more with companies holding bank permits which banking five than states other in subsidiaries imputed an have to grade one rating containing and procedures emergency under acquired institutions graded lowest its above subsidiaries those providing osafety 45. r of ratings soundness and the %of 7.5 than more constitute not do of assets holding fthe aCrom with banks 4oExempting of 5rating rAMEL company adopted Committee Banking House the by system rating imputed was pacquiring a otential which in situations avoid to be may bank because a of distressed purchasing from deterred institution s a of outside banks owning create which loopholes tate could rating imputed for exclude to companies holding bank permit .bank subsidiaries large relatively purposes 331 sbank - tate multi for variations The companies holding ,some aYet exempting by that maintained have .weak record CRA from institution distressed system rating imputed the have would Rather than ,werovision loopholes such permitting ap favor cap would that these condition publicizing of effect unintended the institution size maximum the an be could that This .of exempted .Hhould institutions ,s this believe committee the owever concern ,certain prevents cap additional large from receiving banks ,criteria legislation the in addressed be to needs than other institution can rating CAMEL the an whether determining to used be favorable the from treatment imputed requirement rating ,while from exempted is rating the .imputed system companies -b multi that ensuring holding ank with bank small many placed be not would disadvantage serious any at .subsidiaries example ,For and worth net current institution's an concerning information Condition of statement the through available publicly is which G. certain institutions exempting for basis the as serve could Report Additional Exemptions Imputed From System Rating imputed the from system .rating 41 40 - The as for provide procedures public longer new lightly Procedures Review Applications H. cannot .Phe ,tcomment importantly more period erhaps Fed after until run to begin the of notice published has to intended are procedures review application revised The . expansion pending ensure help to intended is This community that about bankers and groups community by raised complaints address submit and develop to period day 45 full the receive groups . procedures existing of adequacy the their comments . same ,HAt often complaint the addresses 5094 time R committee ,anumber of this before March last testimony In tare , hat bankers from heard applications protested CRA Fed the how of complained organizations national and local was regardless institution's the of regulators by delayed unnecessarily extend requests to groups community by on acting in arbitrary the of merits relative or performance reinvestment community . period comment public existing the The written protest . notice on ,since inadequate often was period existing the that must notice after days 60 within acted be ,on published is 332 received close until Fed the from not were applications pending day . nd expired had period the to ,a cases some in 30 fter .Expansions public the to distributed and posted which in filed been have comments public substantial ,must on acted be expansion codifies A Subtitle existing the of much procedures current regulation .under However within additional an days .30 addresses also it major resolved are issued .CRA financial ,unlike time of periods specified .within procedures current complain the that groups Community expedited ,wreview fact In the believe e procedures too go public t0oay up 3current .-d inadequate is period comment ,imposing far au agencies regulatory the on burden nnecessary to the after well mailed frequently is application pending of Notice 30 the of .start period day words In other resolved issues CRA all having of assured are institutions how regarding bankers and groups community by voiced concerns issues CRA all resolve close days 45 within comment the of ',As c esult aritizens not are deadline aparticularly be may This difficult in meet to . period . comments informed make to opportunity adequate afforded Requests regulator the which in cases meeting public a held has on arbitrarily handled are extensions for . inconsistently and . expansion pending the allowing favor We discretion use to Fed review the extend to additional an period ,beyond days 30 90 3 4 42 - branches New been opening that have .be closed will they CRA by presented issues the determine it should period day .all areas prosperous in been almost .this review extended warrant protest neighborhoods poor in branches bank of disappearance The improving to essential are reforms these that believe We loans ,o btain makes apply to residents for difficult more it s desire incere compromise a and reflect They enforcement CRA safe -d eposit valuable their put in ,cash change and checks concerns of needs the against industry legitimate balance to of an bank ,"Tboxes notes Report Committee The lack he . earby neighborhoods consumers income modest .and citizens with mothers and senior on hard particularly is branch V. distances who other and children travel to difficult if find CLOSINGS BRANCH cost mention the ,n to ot transactions simple banking out carry businesses Stransportation the by hampered are often .ofmall neighborhoods income moderate and low in offices branch Bank 333 )133 (at the in facilities deposit of .lack neighborhood an the at shut slamming been have for rate alarming several past operations . their streamline and costs cut to try banks as years The likely less it make also may branches of elimination that is indication .Every accelerate and continue will trend this minorities loan their get will and people income low that to af way unctioning ,once approved application their make they for Bank Manhattan Chase s example ,m branches 49 hut ore onf 20 than branches it's ,i%the New metropolitan area York thi yea r . s offic e . familiar to expected be can branches in officers Loan better a have to and neighborhood the with assessing for basis Detroit the by published redlining on series The %more 48 that reported month last Press Free service full the of ss .creditworthine an applicant's atwo within than areas white city's -m black the of radius ile neighborhoods . contributes that stereotypes The in distant about live who people easier to form are redlining two a within lie Detroit in offices branch the of radius mile .quite neighborhoods different and branches study A bank commercial 50,000 of of half that year last concluded States United the throughout IV Title Dof Subtitle provide ald a palliative dest branch wholesale of problem serious the for in closing office were branches these i , ncreasing money losing that chance the neighborhoods and low income moderate . nationally requires It 44 - 45 - could who people life of quality the erodes resource this customers regulators notify to thrifts and banks chartered abranch close to intentions their of before days 90 least at Representative all s of groups . branch the by served been have leaders ,involved community trend this by affected and in organization or individual an If . down shut is branch the - tobjection closing proposed the ,to ashe registers ignificant ,rshould businesspeople small bankers and egulators brought be confront problem to Committee Banking Senate the by together shutting for reason the detail in explain must thrift or bank about certain information and provide facility the down . solutions generate begin to and on head the whether determine must The regulator . activities branch's services in asignificant of reduction result would closing branch provision notification closing branch the , meantime the In bill bank whatever in included be should modernization becomes with ahe area the ,tin would it if explore must regulator nd of possibility the institutions financial and leaders community provide will Notification the with communities opportunity law . consider by left be will which gap the fill to ways bank services .of sources other creating gbanks ,miven large a-b closing that fact the to ulti ranch thrift ab closing .from ranch prevent to or ank requires It ,them hardship exceptional an create will branch and the give branching overall their rethink to .opportunity strategy in most at a notice of months ,three cases special only nd i t easily obtainable some with regulators supply to banks requires ,the Further exception an that out spells subtitle information . which institutions for requirement notice the made be to is receivership in place ,obeing r of the are object emergency an acquisition . up take to committee this encourage We the independently income moderate and low in closings branch bank of problem neighborhoods . ais both branches bank of The disappearance decline of ac sommunity's and cause ymptom the and loss of formal our concludes This testimony .written . questions your answer to glad be would We 334 notice alert can customers by the to responses Negative branch . e D mpower Subtitle does case no in that stress We r a egulator 47 46 Affairs Consumer Division Integrated Fully and Sof A eparate A. AFFAIRS CONSUMER OF DIVISION A: EPARATE S REFORM AGENCY . VI the parallel would affairs consumer of divisions fFull - ledged a have hich w ,examination supervision and of divisions existing the of Comptroller direct would 5094 H.R. 411 Section Deposit Federal ),t(F RB Board Reserve CC Ohe Currency Board Bank Loan Home Federal the nd a ),( DIC FCorporation Insurance compliance consumer view and soundness safety on focus predominant of division ledged f -,aull eparate s Establishing .as peripheral than January later no divisions consumer separate o t establish )( HLBB F best the is agencies banking federal of each in affairs consumer consumer the in mission of sense s away with leadership foster totrong for responsible be agency would each at division consumer The ., 991 1 eveloping d xams ,)( ncluding e CRA icompliance consumer conducting consumer training and upervising s ,exams for procedures consumer to relating action supervisory u , ndertaking examiners proposed eveloping d ,community laws reinvestment and protection affairs consumer of division s a,eeparate stablishing However . area charge placed is division the unless reform osmetic cin awill only be .of and enforcement examinations consumer a,tbill of concept he House the 411 Section interpret we As affairs consumer for command of chain and structure separate 335 reinvestment community and protection consumer to regard in regulations and consumer the in recommendations policy making aprotection , nd laws banking federal of operations regional the to extend would . area reinvestment community Home Federal he 12 t ,Reserve Banks ,iLoan .e. the agencies by conducted be exams consumer that require also would 411 Section .Offices Regional Foffices 9,aOt6 DIC the nd District CC he Banks .CRA ompliance c )(in ncluding i consumer specialists are who examiners who affairs consumer of irector d a have should unit regional Each nd a DIC ,F RB OCC the direct would section his t ,In addition federal the at affairs consumer of division the to directly reports no institution each xam at e )(a CRA ncluding i onsumer c conduct to FHLBB charge in be would affairs consumer of director Alevel rof . egional ,in area consumer the responses upervisory s ,all examinations consumer .every years two once than less frequently activities related consumer other a , nd procedures complaint consumer credit equal the with compliance full achieving and implementation CRA banking to apply that laws protection consumer and opportunity .her unit regional or his by conducted institutions . .affairs consumer of division f - ledged full of Division FRB's The developing for responsibility has Affairs Community and Consumer for regulations consumer rafting ,d procedures examination consumer 49 48 .the complaints Each consumer of handling monitoring a , nd regulations complaint consumer nd a monitoring ,by board the consideration parallel structure an organizational has offices District O 6 CC the of also Affairs Community and Consumer of Division FRB's The . handling .office Washington of OCC's that to enforcement consumer the reviewing of function important performs ncluding iactivity exanination consumer over ontrol c,At FDIC the Federal the under ,w Banks Reserve ofhich activities gprocedures alodged within seneral ,iof examination the development exams ,consumer consumer for responsible directly are System Reserve .,aactions hiring examiner consumer nd supervisory Office a has s he Teparate FDIC .division supervision bank of Division The office this ut ,bto Chairman the directly reports that Affairs Consumer of activities compliance the consumer all audit annual an conducts .to examinations consumer regard in responsibility direct little has policies being are FRB that ensure to Banks Reserve Federal the . followed funded is that agency the outside office an to functions supervision not does Affairs and Community of Consumer FRB's Division ,the Yet of office the as known is This .Home Banks Loan Federal the by consumer and exams control over administrative direct exercise ).(, RPOS OSupervision nd a versight Policy Regulatory ORPOS Within .of activity enforcement consumer oversight no virtually is there other examiners all l , ike onsumer c System Reserve Federal ate f o -d out are activities exanination consumer for procedures Written .the Banks Reserve Federal by promoted nd a ,s upervised hired are .of activity examination consumer review little is there All and operate within consumer examiners the Bank Federal Reserve each Within than rand ,an regulation supervision of division urpose pfrom - ather all authority underlying the Notwithstanding .a division consumer separate by promoted nd ,a upervised sare hired system FHLBB the in examiners .Home Banks Loan the Federal set policy to Affairs Consumer Community and Division of FRB's the in Paths Career Separate with Examiners Consumer Specialized B. Banks Reserve Federal individual he ,tin area compliance consumer the are there and enforcement consumer in discretion important exercise . Compliance Consumer .among them in practices variations significant be to exams consumer require would bill House the of 411 Section are activities supervision and examination consumer , OCC the At full work and law consumer in specialize who examiners by conducted rimary focus p a has which Division Operations eneral g within lodged concerns . soundness and safety on separate a has OCC The consumer .aeneral Division Policy g within unit policy .time compliance consumer on ,be recruited would exaniners These safety from distinct ,aassnd examiners consumer promoted trained unit policy consumer The consumer ,examination d procedures developing for israfting responsible 336 .the bill House of 411 the In by Section required ,as examiners .and examiners soundness 51 50 with rewarded be will exams consumer in conducting performance who xaminers e "a purpose ll on rely to is approach alternative The is examiners consumer as positions for ,.Fecruitment rpromotion inally and safety ncluding i ,all areas examination cover to trained are in interests underlying with individuals attract to likely more drawback The is approach this with . compliance consumer and soundness than protection nd a consumer , ivil rights creinvestment community the in lies xaminers e "most purpose ll ainterest of principal the that emphasis inevitable its with positions examiner general for recruitment ow alas viewed is compliance consumer and area soundness safety .and exams soundness safety on .detail priority consumer federal only the was Lending in Truth when days In made have not t may ibanking ,agencies federal the by enforced law all to training compliance consumer limited only give generally ospecially t,new examiners e some detail then and examiners .in compliance consumer specialize to examiners of saet for sense the especially and laws consumer of panoply full the g , iven Today ,CRA implementation by raised issues development community challenging .periods limited for exams consumer perform examiner the of asfor compliance consumer inegment specialization a has hich w ,the training same receive examiners OCC All . alists speci 337 consumer are who examiners extent great any to use not does OCC The warrant required of expertise level sto aufficient is there same the follow a ion , nd examinat s soundnes and safety on emphasis heavy force . commonly consumer in specialization fcompliance - ledged Full and safety between fourth back rotate examiners OCC . path career , recruitment separate entails ascareer called path eparate "a purpose onll reliance general OCC's as same the ally essenti .as is This examiner c a, onsumer promotion nd training specialized FDIC the and OCC both 1979 In . exams consumer conduct to examiners structure incentive and expertise the develop to means best .enforcement program consumer igorous v a for necessary is approach FDIC's The . exams compliance and soundness ,career paths separate with examiners consumer specialized for opted examiners When .the 1980's in abandoned were policies these but are area soundness and safety the in lies function primary whose consumer use not oes d ,the FDIC and OCC ike l FHLBB The in knowledgable as not texams are ,tohey consumer perform detailed to less likely are and specialists consumer as compliance .vigor with problems consumer pursue of portion compliance consumer the and area compliance consumer the there specialization w , ith Also training examiner strong develop to agencies the for incentive more is .the area compliance consumer in programs in training minimal only receive examiners FHLBB .examinerst s speciali s ,a Further career eparate that outstanding chances the enhances compliance consumer in path .is truncated very generally exams FHLBB 53 52 .two years every once exams consumer conducts OCC at exams consumer conducting of goal olicy p aThe has currently FDIC Months Every Once at least Conducted Exams Consumer s24 -c.Onight ears .3once y every banks nonmember chartered state 6 of cycle exam consumer facto e d a implies hich w ,it supervises once least at institution each exam consumer ight -an s on conduct or a1operated with traditionally have agencies .T months 242he every consumer conducting of goal olicy p a, he has tFHLBB Similarly . years Federal some ithin ,w ut ;b ears y 3at every associations savings exams been have institutions problem lthough ,18 acycle examination month as is cycle examination consumer facto de the Districts Bank Loan Home consumer exams between interval the When . frequently more examined .long y 6 ears as deterrent its looses process examination he t ,too extended becomes on emphasis more place to begun has OCC years few last the Over alternative an as banks by reported data of analysis sto - ight off ight sarea ff -o,In compliance consumer the to difficult more much become problems compliance consumer and function . correct .examina s - ight tions on satisfactory with banks at exams consumer conducts currently FRB The an adequate not is it b , ut program compliance consumer strong he FRB t ,to period 1986 1981 the During ight srequire -,boff on instead ut review ight sdetected -by be cannot consumer 12 month the a had FRB 1981 to Prior satisfactory . ratings are examinations s -Onight .of practices and documents bank review credit equal with ce ning complian determi in crucial larly particu . cycle exam consumer scheduled regularly conducting stopped OCC the 1987 In .in assets illion b $1less than with banks national at exams ns violatio consumer of types Most .-s examination ight on for substitute with banks for cycle exam consumer month 18 an with operated RA )(Act Cand ment ty Reinvest Communi ing evaluat laws nity opportu Instead , . performance fandom %o the 16 of consisting sample r a year each selects OCC the xam ,"eaand ompliance cconducts category size this in banks national This .of banks sample a each ,t exam consumer the includes which . VII BANK RESERVE FEDERAL EACH AT BOARD REVIEW COMMUNITY average an in results exams consumer scheduling to approach crapshoot ,the system sampling in banks all 6y for ofears exams between interval 15 or 10 as long for examined be not may banks some that means but . years the assets in more or illion $1with b banks national For to Bank Reserve Federal each direct would 5094 H.R. of 412 Section and consumer the review would that board community a establish Reserve Federal the of activities enforcement reinvestment community 338 ais of component important an banks by filed reports of analysis banks at frequently more and months 24 every once ratings compliance .with ratings unsatisfactory i 1986 ,n However that anks b 6 every of ut 1o only at exams consumer conducted FDIC the to FHLBB nd DIC ,a F RB OCC the require also would 411 Section 55 regional the c , nonsolidate effect iwould bill the of 412 Section establis than rbanking , ather h agencies four all across function review of unit regional each for board communit sreview aeparate y 54 it Depos l edera F ),( CC O curre the of oller omptr C ,)F RB ncy (Board )( HLBB F Board Bank Loan Home Feder nd al a ),( DIC F ration Corpo ance Insur . level nal regio priate appro the at within function review the Conducting . agency banking federal .of advantages , n aumber First has boards review regional consolidated of r ;4organizations consumer ofepresentatives representatives nd a civil ,consumer ommunity c the for efficient more much be will it organiza rights civil of rorganizations ;4 epresentatives community to board review egional tatives rsit aon who represen group rights to needs credit community local and problens consumer on advice provide will t ,four i econd S .regional basis imultaneous s a on regulators all .regulated institutions financial of epresentatives r nd 4a ; Each tions ould ),O w HLBB Fagencies DIC CC RB (four banking federal the of .each board review community to members the 4of appoint activities review conducting board rfor abeegional useful very four the of res procedu sce and practice complian consumer the compare to and community consumer the on focus would board review community The are they as agencies banking federal the of policies reinvestment . regulators regional board review community each directs bill House the of 412 Section :functions following the perform to DIC 9F nd ,a the Offices District CC he 6O t Banks Loan Home Federal concerning units regulatory regional the aconsumer (1) dvise the within needs credit community local and banking in problems examination ,the agencies banking federal the Within . Offices Regional unit regional this at primarily executed is function supervision and . level discretion considerable exercise units regional these Moreover ; region and practices examination their , ncluding i area enforcement handling complaint consumer nd a , upervisory actions s procedures .level the federal at set policies reinvestment community Home 12 Federal the and Banks Reserve of case In regional . level the at boards consumer the in performance 'regional units regulatory the r (2) eview nd ,a iscrimination -,nthey d on consumer implement which in manner the review community for rationale an additional is there Banks Loan practices ; concerning units regulatory regional the recommendations sto (3) ubmit jority institutions amFinancial elect a practices enforcement nd ,a handling omplaint c examination their Loan Home Federal and Bank Reserve each of directors the inherent an have units regional these consequently and Bank perspectives industry financial toward leans that bias institutional .against viewpoints neighborhood and consumer countervailing 339 The regional .these agencies of units regional the by implemented he t,the 12 Banks Reserve Federal of consist units regulatory ; procedures and es . repare zing activiti summari report annual an p (4)its of office the at quarterly meet would board review community A 57 56 .the Bank Reserve Federal ate appropri .to issues compliance consumer applied is it serve without would members Its expenses travel reimbursed be would b.for , ut pay review Aommunity c by officers other any and chairman own its select would board consumer the Although .at level regional the activity enforcement the by handpicked them having than ather r ,procedures democratic the at set generally are agencies these of procedures and policies required be would Bank Reserve Federal E . ach agencies regulatory and discretion ,is c onetheless n here tonsiderable level federal review community the enable to support administrative modest provide the of units regional different among enforcement in variation .its duties to perform board provide would board review community the of activities advisory The and examinations that fact the from stems This . agency same office regional the at managed generally are responses supervisory .,the level M federal at review tooreover subject lthough a level primary their at agencies regulatory the to information valuable particularly is input Local . unit regional the level-operating significant is particularly enforcement and examination in variation from vary needs credit ince s ,to implementation CRA in regard crucial hich w ,Loan Banks Home Federal the and Reserve among are organizations community ,local Obviously community . to 340 and System Reserve Federal the within entities autonomous partially are review community of The creation .with such knowledge key entities .Federal System Bank Loan Home the to encourage likely is members as representatives community with boards resources of scope the monitor would boards review The community the to information related CRA more provide to groups community and exams consumer to allocating are units regulatory regional the that .CRA l , ocal implementation Also of goal explicit a, n regulators nd supervisory a ,of handling omplaint c examination their the adequacy have to likely are groups community nd ,a rights civil consumer could board review ommunity ac ,For example .and procedures practices discrimination credit or practices banking unfair of knowledge timely .markets banking local in emerge they as problems (1)area are district its in units regional the whether review ,community Thus for test that adequately procedures examination employing system warning early an with units regional provide will boards review equiring 2)r ,(applicants loan mortgage of - creening pre s discriminatory nd a ,opportunity credit qual e consumer road of range b to in regard ,(3)in violations Lending Truth for reimbursement satisfactory . issues reinvestment community ,have filed complaints who consumers for relief appropriate obtaining organizations community local nd a , ivil rights c consumer Moreover , CRA conduct the in contacts outside of use sufficient m (4) aking and on staff and leaders their of participation the from benefit will . boards review community enhance appreciably will involvement This how and process regulatory financial the of understanding their . evaluations these oversight perform board review Aommunity ccan compliance consumer to direct access for need the without activities 59 58 review community tpractices ,inhe lending discriminatory engaging ank's b ain describe examiners which reports the reports examination epth d ore -athat in munit conduct regional the recommend could board and laws lending fair protection consumer specific of violations .testers employ or data application loan bank's the of analysis CRA the from separate are reports examination These . regulations of 405 Section under disclosed be would w , hich reports examination 'of units regional scope the review their commitment resource . 5094 H.R. omplaint c ,of examination adequacy the and enforcement to consumer on focus would boards review community s the of recommendation The practices examination their improve can units regional which in ways protect better to order in responses supervisory and procedures knowledge board's review ommunity abe c on based will recommendations and procedures practices examination concerning recommendations Some Other .application broad have will responses supervisory and tronger s a or examination intensive more for call may recommendations been have that problems specific to regard in only response supervisory .board's attention or ,Fonsumer example review c ato brought notify units regional the that recommend could board review community consumers to injurious practice banking articular a p that banks local subject be will nd "a practice banking nfair uto an as viewed is that concerned is board review c ' ommunity a If small serving adequately not are community l aocal in banks certain regional appropriate the that recommend i, t could needs credit business performance lending business small the on information more obtain unit .next CRA exams its during banks these of the to recommendations board's review community the discuss also would a where ituation s In be may bank articular p a that concerned is board review community able to account more agencies banking the make effort in tool particul In sar y .,rights concern communit nd a local ivil c consumer consumer of conduct the on information needed much providing by -agencies banking within level operational the at enforcement the enhance greatly will reports unit regional he t,ability i.e. .the agencies banking over oversight effective in engage to Congress of 341 the of review its and markets banking local in problens consumer of .consumer area enforcement the in ' erformance p units regional . sm critici ory supervis report annual The invaluab be an prove should reports annual hese le .units Tto regional ., nd These interests community local a minority consumer . .and procedures practices supervisory ,and handling bill of 405 Section the to agencies directs publicly confidential non the disclose examination CRA their of section document CRA T basic is agency's an contain to . his reports ,adiscussion factor assessment CRA each for conslusions the of II KENNEDY P. JOSEPH OF VIEWS ADDITIONAL ,athe conslusions these supporting facts assigned rating CRA nd statue for calls . he institution Tto the of language , report examination CRA section relevant the of disclosure a ome than rather s =r report the of summary other anitized implementation CRA with experience Recent . document evaluation clearly shown has Department Banking State York New the by that the provisions IV Title of Benefit Community The strengthen to intended are 1988 of Act Institutions Depository (CRA 1977 Act Reinvestment Community the of implementation )s o encourage am becomes it that tool effective to ore institutions .to needs credit community local serve affirmatively of summaries mere disclosure provide not does reports exam CRA insight CRA evaluation the into process .much determined has Committee The fundamental the that of cause implementation CRA weakness is procedures agency in .inadequate ,including reports examination bank Although CRA exam been the to available made ,h reports not traditionally ave Committee ,the disclosure public found reports exam CRA of lies ,the Accordingly reform to road of quality the improving in evaluations i ,CRA ncreasing accountability agency greater by strengthening afinally disclosure nd F rating CRA ,isystem .the the iflear essential be bankers and c apublic acquire to are agencies by used standards the of understading CRA in are companies holding bank ,t industries financial new enter to he that public know to deserves ag doing are they ood fulfilling job local own to responsibilities .their communities To this contains ,Series end bill the 405 ection as to amendments of Reinvestment Community the that 1977 of Act to designed are evaluations ratings is I how reviewing by only the .and t evaluated have agencies rated and facts the performance CRA in one that cases specific asense gain can the of underlying standards . he report ,t Second exam CRA product work basic the is examination CRA as and provides such measure ag ood the of agency of quality .exert exams CRA disclosure Public will much strengthen examination CRA e valuation process a,,the nd .rating These Secions provisions complement ,403 bill the of 404 and improve to agencies on pressure needed their fo quality the reinvestment community rigorous more set which for standards bank certain of approval savings company holding loan and holding banking interstate to relating applications company examinations CRA The of usefulness the recognized have agencies . application an until waiting than filed been has -banking non and .expansion activities 342 public recieving Ccomments arather of time the at RA exam -- WEAKNESS CRA EVALUATION IN AND RATING CRA A evaluation rating and credibility lacking system undermines implementation CRA n aCRA When umber .in ways of legitimacy lack t ,ratings he process rating be to ceases effective a ool as encourage t to improved performance .CRA Moreover c , ommunity organizations more are protest to likely applications they if confidence little have agencies the that are using examination the rating and process encourage to CRA processing . he Timprovement applications protested of can more require becuase time exams CRA the little carry and weight EXAMINATION CRA FORMAT adequate record an applicant's the on CRA performance be must contstructed practically from application while scratch the is Section 405 of directs bill agencies the jointly to institutions Banking pending eft are as dark the in is what to expected the in performance CRA of .way Institutions that have exemplary performance CRA do records proper receive not . he recognition agencies T of failure institituions identify to performance strong with CRA inhibits agencies both the and developing from Congress incentives new performance high for examination an develop be format examiners CRA by used to collect on data institution's an performance .CRA For institutions assets with 1 million $ 00 of more or ,t his examination would format minimally performance include data on following factors :the h ousing loans moderate and low in income neighborhoods equ.valent or areas business ;small farm small and s;and loans upport community for developmenty entities projects participation affirmative a special innd marketing programs ;loan institutions . PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF EVALUATIONS CRA RATINGS AND 1 activities . 2 ,it evaluation CRA would rigorous with experience agency limited weaknesses CRA in examination serious most the of One in or time this at agencies the require to unrealistic be agencies to of failure the been has process evaluation and . The performance CRA on data pertinent the analyze and collect future immediate that standards performance CRA objective set to continue be to stymied unless will process evaluation CRA uniform and f is that ormat information a in obtain can agencies correspond rating would CRA different the .to categories far The chosen course wiser is Committee the by agencies the require to obtain process evaluation and examination CRA the use to . understandable different the on information better resource CRA of levels regulatory number A that concern expressed have banks of housing in loans on emphasis much too placerd have agencies .In performance CRA assessing reflects the measure ,t his large institution each compare to and institutions among commitments with its peers . SCALE RATING on information much obtain not do examiners CRA that fact an portfolio loan business small institution's this cure .To analysis and collection the in imbalance data performance CRA of the directs bill of 405 Section assign to agencies of basis the on banks individual to ratings CRA numeric CRA in data loan business small included has Committee the e xcellent 1-performance ;#3-2g 5ood :following scale rade ;a effort non 4lnd imited substantial or average p #5oor .compliance T used currently scale rating CRA the by he million $1 of assets with institutions for format examination 00 nor A the to emphasized have well as banks of . umber more their for recognition full receive should they that Committee agencies bank commercial following the employs categories :rating satisfactory #3-l#2-s1 ess atisfactory trong ;than u nsatisfactory s.;#5-4- ubstantially inadequate administrative and development activities community of support Wneighborhood directed specifically have .support lending e for holding loan savings and bank give to agencies regulatory the of policies investment progressive the for credit full companies has 'r agencies The scale ating poorly performed aC as RA inas and tool encouragement ,h fact ap been of cause rincipal bank non .their subsidiaries .CRA rating escalation categories w 3r ating ith for reserved METHODOLOGY RATING performance unsatisfactory of degrees varying ,this is scale CRA ofure =s meau is process rating an which to extent the institution committing is financial managerial and resources to T his assessment .community activities reinvestment is very agencies /pass ),t"b he asis wholesale in engaged have rating different traditional the from compliance versus non c - ompliance agenies the by employed is that analysis determine to whether 343 suited better traditional the to measuring tsk compliance of with -compliance non versus protection consumer .precise laws BY scale p a adopting that erformance CRA placed essentially evaluations on basis pail f / ass would (o some r ,a assert 405 Section of specifies bill underlying the that goal escalation . institutions complying are specific consumer very with protection required scale rating The bill the of 405 Section by will appropriate amore provide to which by yardstick an meausre laws general this in Implicit resource to reference . commitment institutions that notion the is have considerable should flexibility how in community locla serve credit .they needs The underlying credit which needs primary the are CRA of focus moderate and understood well income housing loans ,low small business and farm small s , upport loans community local for and entities development technical ,a nd .programs assistance The articulated methodology rating bill the in that assure to seeks institutions flexibility have addressthese they how in and other more are that needs their to particular .credit communities locla bank ,aretail example For concentrate naturally would direct on institution's level resource of commitment community to revised The activities anchored is scale . areinvestment by rating middle (#3)tnhat is as defined order a "i verage to reinforce comparative nature rating the of process .Ву contrast agencies t ,'an he c urrent scale lacks anchor since is there agreement to as constitutes what slittle " atisfactory Committee's T he scale performance will the give .CRA regulators flexibility more institutions rating in stigmatizing without their M ost uperformance important ."as ,bnsatisfactory y defining #3Committee's ating ar verage ,"as the scale will discourage to tend agenies the automatically assigning #1from neighborhood the at level w a,lending holesale hile might bank underlying same the serve credit committing substantial by needs community development to resources entities . to #2ratings and institutions all almost the -curent pattern escalation rating of that weakened so implementation CRA .has a term The verage intended "i st mean to initially least ,t he Section 405 the of directs also bill agencies to rate an institution's performance CRA c on omparative a relative basis to performance CRA the institutions other of resources similar with . circumstances present Under comparative ,t his framework for assigning ratings CRA the is practical approach .only the Given 3 performance CRA that level currently is prevalent most the with industry W gradual ith industry improvement -w .banking ide CRA in performance r time ,over atings improve may in future .the However scale ,this intended is discourage to agencies from 4 .the past of escalation rating continuing to message lear ac send is legislation this of thrust The means Act Reinvestment The Community .the agencies regulatory affirmative an have institutions :financial says it what their member all of needs credit the meet to responsibility .local communities 344 5 345 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you , Mr. Fishbein . PROPOSAL BY FED Mr. FISHBEIN . First of all, Mr. Chairman, I think it is an impor tant step forward. It is important for the Fed to recognize the need for more access to information about the performance of local banks. 346 Ms. M. BROWN. But, you see, they are all across the board get ting above-average ratings, and they're not doing the job anyway. So, it's like you say, a misnomer. ESTABLISH A STANDARD Senator GRAHAM . To follow up on the question that Senator Proxmire was just asking, would it not be more feasible to establish 347 an absolute standard: “ This is what is expected in order to be in compliance with your CRA obligations," and then certify either on a pass-fail basis that you met that standard or that you did not ? 90-163 О - 88 - 12 - 348 being served . He made the observation that he felt that that third part of the partnership, the communities, had not been carrying their appropriate responsibilities, and cited the fact that frequently examination of the file of a bank by a regulator will be void in terms of comments by community members or groups as to how well that bank is serving the community. 349 STATEMENT OF SENATOR DONALD W. RIEGLE , JR . COMMUNITY AND CONSUMER BENEFITS IN HOUSE BANKING BILL SEPTEMBER 9 , 1988 10:00 a.m. Today , we hear from witnesses whose groups have worked tirelessly in an effort to make sure that our financial laws are fair to consumers and to communities and that local community economic development is encouraged We are currently conducting our own review of problems that have been brought to our attention in Detroit so I hesitate to consider that situation now . However , we have reviewed the Atlanta situation , and the statistical allegations are alarming . In Atlanta it is alleged that : * Banks return an estimated 9 cents of each dollar deposited by blacks in home loans to black neighborhoods ; they return 15 cents of each dollar deposited by whites in home loans to white neighborhoods . If true , this constitutes a serious disinvestment problem . * The largest banking institutions take home loan applications in offices predominantly in white neighborhoods . Several banks have recently closed offices in black areas , yet opened them in white neighborhoods . * Two lenders that volunteered rejection data showed they turned down black applications four times as often as white applicants . 350 The Committee heard concern yesterday from one thrift lender that making loans to minorities and low income groups can be risky Well , according to the Atlanta study , the bank with the lowest default rate on real estate loans of any bank its size in the country is a black - owned institution that lends almost exclusively to black neighborhoods . Our witnesses today have championed the need for basic banking services for all Americans . When it comes to community reinvestment , these groups have served as the front line in highlighting discrimination . That should be the task of our regulators . It is encouraging that a number of the regulators and bankers that the Committee heard from yesterday embrace the public merits of community reinvestment goals , and acknowledge that improvements can be made . Specifically , there is emerging agreement that CRA assessments be disclosed and that examinations be more vigorous , possibly by specialized supervisors . A renewed commitment to community reinvestment is important and , Mr. Chairman , Icommend you for your past and current leadership in that effort . 351 STATEMENT OF SENATOR JIM SASSER , SENATE BANKING COMMITTEE , SEPTEMBER 9 , 1988 MR . CHAIRMAN , I AM PLEASED THAT WE ARE CONTINUING OUR HEARINGS ON THE CONSUMER PROVISIONS OF THE HOUSE BANKING BILL . AS THE TESTIMONY TODAY WILL INDICATE , MANY OF THESE PROVISIONS ARE WORTHWHILE AND WILL BE OF GREAT BENEFIT TO CONSUMERS . MOST IMPORTANTLY , MANY OF THESE PROVISIONS CAN BE ENACTED WITHOUT AFFECTING THE SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS OF THE BANKS . I THINK IT'S STARTLING HOW MANY FAMILIES IN THIS COUNTRY DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO BANKING SERVICES . PEOPLE ARE PAYING UP TO 6 % OF THE FACE VALUE OF A GOVERNMENT CHECK TO CASH THAT GOVERNMENT CHECK AT A CHECK CASHING " EMPORIUM . " EVEN CUSTOMERS OF BANKS ARE OFTEN REQUIRED TO HAVE THE BALANCE ON DEPOSIT BEFORE THE BANK WILL CASH THE CHECK . .l . 352 OBVIOUSLY , THESE ARE PROHIBITIVE BURDENS FOR LOW INCOME AND RETIRED PEOPLE . AND THEY ARE UNNECESSARY . I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT REQUIRING BANKS TO OFFER BASIC BANKING SERVICES WILL AFFECT THEIR SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS . AND IT'S CLEAR THAT BANKS CAN BE BETTER IN THE AREA OF COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT . REDLINING IS STILL A FACTOR IN MANY OF OUR URBAN NEIGHBORHOODS . WHETHER WE NEED TO GO AS FAR AS THE HOUSE BILL DOES ON CRA IS ANOTHER QUESTION ; THERE WE COULD HAVE A SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS IMPACT . MR . CHAIRMAN , I THINK THAT MANY OF THESE PROVISIONS SHOULD BE ENACTED . INDEED , THEY WOULD ENHANCE THE PROXMIRE BILL , AND HELP MAKE IT MAJOR STEP FORWARD IN BANK SERVICE TO BUSINESSES , CONSUMERS AND COMMUNITIES . THANK YOU . 353 Senator RIEGLE. Let me also say again how much I appreciate your leadership in having these particular hearings today and also the testimony of the witnesses that are here and, more than that, their commitment to these issues and of their organizations to these issues . CONFLICTING REPORTS ON LOAN EXPERIENCES Yesterday we heard conflicting reports—I don't know whether you indicated whether you were here yesterday or had the chance 354 to see the testimony that was given yesterday. I assume you are generally familiar with it — but we had a Connecticut banker who said he lost money in that kind of a lending activity, and an Ohio banker at the same time who said his default rate was even lower on the CRA loans than the bank's overall portfolio . 355 But maybe we ought to be thinking about some kind of a new hybrid arrangementwhere the Federal Government actually gets involved on the margin with that increment of risk that may in fact be there in some situations so that we don't draw the line so far away from granting credits where there is a higher level of risk , that in fact we cause a downward spiral within an area. It seems to me that if an area can't refinance itself, keep itself vi brant, keep itself strong, that that is almost a certain recipe for going down the drain . 2 1 7, 988 October for again once you thank to like would Byour , ankhlatch Finally reinvestment community of behalf on years the over leadership strong Proxmire William Honorable .legislation banking in initiatives irman Cha Affairs Urban nd a ousing ,on H Banking Committee Senate U.S. 20510 D ,C Washington boun Brown wonathan Director Bankhiatch 19367 .Box P.0 Chairman : Mr. Dear D20036 , .C. Washington 5094 H.R. of IV Title on hearings Committee's Banking Senate the At the on information precise more requested ou 988 19on ,y September been have that applications company holding bank of time processing RA ).(C The Act Reinvestment Community the under to protest subject rovides average p ,by Board Reserve Federal the repared table enclosed Holding Bank the under filed applications for data time processing the in ategory "c applications he ll aT .and 1987 1986 in Act Company 4)(3table Section nd ank ba pplications both combines Applications Protested CRA for Time Processing applications protested CRA ).-(nanking b on applications protested cases CRA Total 1986 1987 37 22 d /() enied a pproved time processing Median time processing Average excluding time processing Average 72 days days 60 days 92 days 73 days 78 days 67 Reserve t Federal n ,).I 1987 11 2 2 (1 f12 265.2 C.F.R. . he Bank which of 7 ,3company applications holding bank 404 upon acted Board the for time processing average . he protests CRA involved T average an ompared to c ,was days 73 protest CRA subject applications These figures .404 applications all for days 75 of time processing that lobby bank by fostered impression erroneous the dispel should of processing the in delay unreasonable causing are CRA protests days 60 within resolved Cases 24 8 .bank applications company holding bill CRA the analyzes that memorandum ankhatch B aAlso is enclosed f oto A Subtitle alternative an as Board Reserve Federal the by drafted processed applications All 1986 1987 2470 2604 347 404 2123 2000 proposed Board's Reserve Federal The .H.R. 5094 of IV Title ,(Sof 1988 Amendments Act Reinvestment Community he Tept. legislation the of part important an is and widely circulated as h been 1988 ),13 Board's Reserve Federal The .on reform CRA debate legislative current -reform CRA public of element important an incorporates bill discussed ,a hand other n Os the .CRA evaluations agency of disclosure umber of n a raises bill the he t structure ,in memo Bankhlatch Total cases Action Board Action Delegated the in working organizations community of part the on concerns jor ma Cases All Time Processing Average . area reinvestment community Action Board Action d Delegate days 37 days 41 71 days days 75 days 31 days 34 356 in resulted not have protests CRA that clearly indicate data The generally those than longer significantly are that times processing regulatory substantive raise that ions process_applicat to required ank b ,Board's rules procedural Reserve Federal the Under . issues such a raise -ubstantive "issue that s applications company holding anking b qualification anagement m condition inancial f,as CRA ranking ,onon activities -b permissible ofcope s concentration ,Board itself Reserve Federal the by upon -acted be must performance Reserve ederal F a by authority delegated under approved than rather 2 B By Proposed Community (C Act )Reinvestment RA :Till Re Memorandum he identified been have that needs credit community local other as comments public or ascertainment bank's the through .credit needs pressing most ,ournmet underserved B : ankwatch From low in loans business small and housing market )Efforts (F to ,1988 S :30 Date eptember CRA bank of evaluating task the with , harged c examiners is information performance this that recognized ,have he t FRB .ap evaluation n ,Iroper fact conduct to order in needed following the submit to ank irects b a d RA ,prior exam C conducting (Fas Board Reserve Federal The )h Reinvestment Community proposed RB (CRA Act )A reform CRA major the to alternative an as mendments .centerpiece 5094 H.R. of IV Title in contained provisions the The banking agencies arequirement is proposal FRB's federal the that individual of performance CRA the evaluations written public make .The reform CRA one only addresses bill FRB's institutions banking dmong issue a evaluations of reform CRA three )(the isclosure evaluations ;r eform 5094 :d CRA of isclosure H.R. in embodied concepts approval for standards CRA system ;a rigorous more nd rating the of presents d a etailed memorandum This applications expansion bank .of : data programs other and r elated s credit -,... pecial marketing outreach methods of and human of investments ncluding ,... i participation development community local n resources ,ifinancial note Please programs or projects redevelopment and ),(itype applicable follar amount d by the investments the . bill FRB's issues by raised various analysis of . participation of date and .#1Disclosure Evaluations CRA of uaranteed ,in g insured government . articipation p mall business s ,for housing programs loan or subsidized ,and funding of date the provide Please ... farms small .amount outstanding nd ,a loan original nd tems I Act Questionnaire Reinvestment ommunity FRB C6.#2,5a Mortgage Home provided the by mortgage data loan from Aside the available not to generally performance is data Act ,C RA Disclosure of set af ull evaluations i CRA in ,T hus . nclusion public with b a alanced the public provide to needed is information performance on check areality as also serve to performance and CRA perspective income moderate and low of needs credit housing the serving record . mall asmall farm nd credit ,persons needs s business .the conclusions agency's that requiring of importance the recognized also have The agencies of record ank's b a to attention special pay evaluations CRA written neighborhoods income The moderate and low of needs credit the serving :CRA to examiners direct procedures examination agency joint addressing specifically use Agency for arrative n a... develop neighborhoods or )Housing (A income moderate and low in loans relating (B)Participation programs loan private or government in to the of needs credit meet help to efforts institution's .its community local in neighborhoods income moderate and low assistance ,p rovided (C)Ancluding i support technical dministrative Examination ommunity CFAct Reinvestment CC RS ,OFDIC HLBB .,at 29 Procedures )Ind (D c ,a involving support administrative nvestments ontributions the of short far fall bill FRB's provisions specific The .CRA In specifying evaluations proper for requirements content he ,t public made be will that evaluations written the of content )Cnd (E i ,a serve to provided support administrative nvestment redit 357 the about public informing of important goal accomplish To standards CRA underlying the and banks individual performance of evaluations subject are that agencies ,tapplied CRA he banking the by essential contain :(1)tto following the he should disclosure public analysis they as facts the of bn on ;(2)a performance CRA ank's for factor ;(3)tpertain conclusions agency's he assessment CRA each to ;ahe factor assessment each (4)t to assigned rating CRA overall nd presentation the Moreover for rationale and .bank rating bank's the to attention special give should conclusions and facts of for basis ... conclusions escription "d to of only refers bill FRB's 3 new entirely an create to is strategy FRB's the in prong first The of aspects procedural with entirely deals that factor CRA assessment factors ."of assessment the relevant discussion and ... conclusions , interpretation broad to subject vague and is language the While negative longstanding keeping its with in -that FRB the clear is it on bank information type any of disclosure public toward attitude essentially would be that CRA evaluations contemplates -performance b ank's athe on facts essential contain not would , nd conclusionary of mention no bill ,tointedly he P(1)makes .either performance CRA analysis of (2)a or n performance b CRA ank's facts essential the the .CRA does factor Nor assessment each to pertain they as facts the rationale the rating and bank's CRA of disclosure provide for bill the of d arating iscussion required is that be would T most he .for the factors .for assessment CRA relevant the conclusions agency's the recognize to because fails it flawed also is bill FRB's The examinations .CRA and evaluations between relationship critical .the factors assessment other above factor this elevate to then CRA and -factor assessment procedural ew ,an bill FRB's the Under existing two incorporates that umbrella an as serve would -(2) factor affirmative and needs credit of scertainment a (factors assessment factor assessment existing another r ), estructures marketing new assessment three adds nd ),a directors of board the ( nvolvement i using for rocedures p ,( rogram programs lending develop to factors T).,ahis umbrella training personnel nd findings ascertainment n “ibe attention sfactor "is given topecial assessment procedural .the assessment CRA conducting marketing affirmative and needs credit community of Ascertainment ,characteristics procedural have that factors assessment are legitimate enumerated already are ince s . owever ,ascertainment Hthey especially purpose ,tinhe only CRA regulations existing the factors assessment procedural umbrella ew anthem within incorporating by served rresults igorous aon of based the should be evaluation CRA serious Any CRA the of conclusions and findings fact examination .The made public that is evaluation written shape the should examiner the than weight more them give to is factor assessment the outside remain that factors assessment - riented o performance . umbrella unbrella new the within included factors assessment of Two operating internal b aank's involve factor assessment procedural to prograns lending developing for program bank's (1)t : he procedures for rocedures p (2)neighborhoods and income moderate low serve and development the into needs credit regarding findings incorporating factors .and assessment services proposed These products of delivery systems use to intention FRB's the of indication strong provide evaluation CRA cast to procedures and programs about argot management 358 exam of disclosure about paranoia dCRA s -by eep aFRB riven , eated CRA detach the to its bill in lengths great gone ,has reports process .the examination from CRA made public that be will evaluation exam as the same and one be not need evaluation CRA While exam C a of completion after the soon prepared be ireport should , tRA .of examiner CRA the conclusions findings and reflect for calls it that is bill FRB's the of feature objectionable Another made and prepared been has it after evaluation RA aC on comment public ais during comment public encourage to approach proper The . public its through does currently FRB the as -examination CRA bank's information useful incorporate then and rogram outside "p contacts he .T proposal FRB's is evaluation CRA into public the by provided CRA the of completion after participation public for c , alling backwards .-b mooring ased its performance from adrift .and evaluation examination Neighborhood B aof on Focus CRA'S ilution #2. ank's DReinvestment in contained factors CRA assessment the codify would bill FRB's The in them modify would so doing ut ,b regulations CRA the existing reinvestment ank's neighborhood b atheir on focus blunt to order neighborhood on focus CRA's diluting for strategy FRB's The . record would bill he irst , wo .-p F attack ronged tinvolves at reinvestment and factors assessment procedural various to priority higher assign a measure that factors assessment CRA of significance the downgrade ,-nvestments loans i ts i.e. performance CRA actual bank's bill he tecond S .,a support nd assistance administrative technical so performance CRA measure that factors assessment the revise would other and reinvestment neighborhood on focusing than rather that type of any virtually encompass would they needs credit underserved .community local the within extended credit proposed FRB's the with associated b fenefits ,ifew any are There t"procedures l nd a programs develop to rograms p " oinking on emphasis CRA evaluation of focus the diverting impact negative offset 6 5 .CRA factors bill FRB's The assessment ased -the b performance of focus key existing two of scope the by broadening this accomplish would ;farm loans small nd ,a s business ousing h :(1) mall factors assessment farm small and business mall ,s housing for programs l (1) oan "ato include factors assessment these expand would bill he .Tny loans ".type program loan of nd ny a community local the within made loans for recognition CRA clain to banks enable would expansion This auto or neighborhoods affluent in loans mortgage as such competing of number road b athere generally are which for types credit This clearly would approach .access problems credit no and suppliers neighborhood on CRA of focus appropriate and current the undercut .. factors emphasis proposed The ased assessment b -away performance from elaborate to develop banks encourage will management on systems .CRA examiners impress to t in order , here Yet procedures and programs b a of sophistication the between correlation noank's is demonstrated performance CRA its and procedures programs management systems if experienced obtained be may results best ,trecord fact In . he to discretion broad given and hired are officers lending neighborhood f ain of way the ith w little , ormal lending neighborhood engage agencies Istructure ,t event any . nhe management upper by imposed n -CRA of in s a the bureaucratizatio encourage , ense not should in priority high assigning by -image own their it reshaping . procedures and programs operating internal elaborate to evaluations . reinvestment f on CRA ocusing ideological ,From perspective Governor's the . allocation credit impermissible constitutes reinvestment neighborhood CRA in inherent that recognize is Governors not will the What performance b CRA ank's evaluation a of and assessment that concept the "should the u nderserved serving is bank to extent on focus community local needs its of pressing "c m ost ,ounmet rredit ,credit income moderate and low to e xtending rule ghousing aeneral As m of ingredient important ost a that established well is What the an of top at CRA to commitment is v astrong igorous performance with have do to little procedures programs and Elaborate . institution ,tcommitment Ironically banking he .of absence such or existence the CRA and inconsistent weak their demonstrated by themselves ,as agencies proposition .of evidence this p strong implementation , rovide procedural assessment umbrella emphasis an on ew ,the Finally FRB's confuses approach .T flaw methodological b asic he suffers factor a from meets entities development farms community ,a nd s mall businesses small . test this b CRA judging aform for basis should the ,wank's hich performance for focus w al is hich ogical procedural ,record weakness nd .when weak be to found is performance CRA recommendation supervisory b and programs examiner aIt scrutinize to Cank's for sense makes RA bank's about the been raised have questions when e procedures , specially more such review is obtained in information ,t;b he ut performance CRA 359 keeping modified in factors be could assessment CRA existing The banks can that explicitly CRA recognize to purposes of the with and support administrative providing by needs credit neighborhood serve well as ,a lending s neighborhood facilitates assistance that technical do ,i examiners .by se Mn CRA any and investments per loans making technical support and administrative importance of the ,recognize fact .though factor assessment explicit new A an not even is it assistance .CRA assessment factor priority a than remedial on emphasis proposed interpretation FRB's the of negative This own public FRB's the by substantiated is assessment factors procedural that it clear very made has regime FRB current The . statements CRA away evaluations redirecting of focus the weaken to wants by could :this read point address to factor assessment ,(m)ncluding assistance technical support i dministrative A towards procedural performance and CRA actual of measures from 8,the Sept. Banking on Committee Senate Testifying before . matters be also could factors assessment CRA existing t , he Moreover that concept general the explicit make to modified legitimately to confined not are needs credit o,urnmet pressing underserved .proper loans approach farm T small rhe ,obusiness mall s housing :FRB stated Johnson Manuel Governor 1988 institutions depository encourage to is CRA of the purpose are communities local that assure to efforts meaningful make meet to steps take and facilities credit available of aware :the factor assessment new following add to be would ondiscriminatory needs manner n a in credit local ... support to administrative iprovided ,a nd (n)Cnvestment redit g ood long b as a has ank that is saying Johnson Governor What practices ,t no is here discriminatory avoided has and program marketing that commi is it scope resources the of evaluate to need on focus CRA's characterize to choose may Governors the While i,credit allocation as needs impermissible redit c " tnderserved udoes meaning normal nredit "ito the allocation c resemblance any bear not certain emphasize to discretion broad banks CRA allows . word the of neighborhood the dilute to is strategy FRB's in prong second The ariety of v employ nd may banks a ,as others to opposed needs credit 8 7 be to tend will banks various by presented tinformation , he Moreover .to needs credit these removed far is This serve strategies different hallmarks the are that quotas other and requirements portfolio the from impossible idifficult extremely it tc,not making ,non omparable - fhus .of banks peer performance CRA the compare to by central administered schemes allocation credit traditional the of . banks .# 3CRA Statement RA C ato adopt annually ank b require would bill FRB's The nder U bill's the .-its activities elated r CRA described that statement would that file p amust maintain also ach bank e , ublic provisions s a,on statement the comments public any and CRA its include supervisory its by prepared CRA evaluation recent most the as well .CRA Protests 4 iscounting # D agency statements CRA prepare to banks require regulations existing The many in is proposal hus The ,t FRB's .public files maintain to and a than ,respects r regulations existing of odification aather c merely CRA found not have organizations c ,On whole the . ommunity reform new weight the discount to agencies authorize bill would FRB's The the whenever proceeding application an in filed protest C a RA given the on previously comment to failed has group community protesting would rule discounting his T .CRA statement or evaluation bank's CRA on information of sources useful very be to statements information general very only to contain tend They . performance investing not for organizations community of penalizing effect the have and examinations CRA for comments preparing in resources scarce their precise than r ,with gloss relations ublic p aather presented ,for analysis suitable is that performance CRA on information more address to statements CRA require would bill FRB's t , he However .under CRA regulations In existing the required than issues would bill FRB's the by envisioned statement CRA tparticular , he (2),1abts efforts ito ascertainment describe ank require its esults "o r he 3)t nd (,af arketing m services provide to efforts only are b ,CRA regulations existing the Under . anks efforts information this include to -required than rather "--ncouraged ein their statements CRA . with problem underlying remedy the to likely not is bill FRB's The on information provide useful failure to heir statements :t current CRA discuss b to a,key w directs hich provision T . ank performance CRA hey specificity .any some rUnless "othe ,l efforts its facks esults all in will required ,b isanks format of degree and itemization information presenting of present practice continue their likelihood that interpret .to confusion The difficult and general very is that . ack readily apparent specificity is l a of from result can 360 community to encourage is goal policy . the If evaluations evaluation and examination CRA the in participate to organizations to agencies the for is approach fair and honest only ,then process and substance have that evaluations CRA public make and prepare community hen ,t legitimacy have evaluations CRA When . legitimacy the in participate to incentive astrong have will organizations .and process evaluation CRA examination performance CRA on evidence elevant that means Discounting application in submitted and organizations community by collected .not full weight given or ignored be either will proceedings extensive file to resources sufficient lack groups Community to order in banks of number arge a l performance CRA the on comments performance CRA b athe constitute that facts most ofank's Since for difficult extremely be t i,the will domain public in not are record CRA in assertions of validity the test to organization community their use to banks of inclination understandable the Given . statements could presented information he ,t image their promote to statements CRA .CRA evaluation alanced b a of perspective the from misleading be quite the time future some at protest effectively to right their preserve real t , he Thus .submit applications will that banks of number limited chill to be would rule discounting proposed FRB's the of impact than ,rather proceedings application in participation group community .and G evaluations examinations CRA in participation encourage toroups their that concern of out application to protest inclined less be would the n ,iiscounting Moreover ".agency d to due wasted be would efforts groups c ,to evaluations CRA legitimacy greater ofommunity absence the at comments submitting to resources devote likely be not would removed is evaluation the ince ,and s evaluation examination CRA of time 9 encouragement for lever CRA effective only the from on action -- . applications ultimately does evaluations CRA of disclosure public ,if However legitimacy a -more have that ratings and evaluations CRA in result will groups community then -g wager aby means no ut ,bood possibility evaluation prior comments submit to incentive s,an atrong have of burden he .T filed been has application an until waiting than rather after greater much become will rating and evaluation aCRA influencing of inclination natural the ,and g public made completed it isiven to way .decisions effective only The public their defend to agencies CRA during performance on comment to groups community encourage the improve to agencies for is evaluations and examinations where point the to ratings and evaluations their of legitimacy the in stake ufficient s athey have that perceive groups community scarce of investment the warrant to evaluations of outcome this achieve to attempt .A evaluations on commenting inny resources information to submit not d nd (3)aecided ,future immediate the bank the catch to able be as so evaluation CRA poff aending in to FRB the for order ,in owever H .its application filled it when guard would ,it situations ower such to p iscounting "of d the use confine delve and organizations community of records the investigate to have .As approach unacceptable otally atapinto -ractical motives their ,would be arbitrary inevitably power discounting the of use matter .and protests future deterring legitimate undercutting only conducted are evaluations and examinations CRA w , here Finally many for case the currently is which -intervals 8y 6,7orear at would it that outdated so will evaluations CRA many banks national on comment to groups community for resources and time awaste be of commenting not for group c aof penalizing them The absurdity . ommunity .is obvious evaluation CRA y old 7 ear a on 361 not will comment to fail that groups on enalty p aimposing by goal chilling efinite ahave d will ut b ,its purpose legitimate accomplish .CRA implementation in participation public on effect the provide would protests CRA discount to , uthority a Moreover enthusiastic than less been has implementation CRA whose -agencies discourage to weapon arbitrary inevitably and pCRA aotent with have might discounting which in situation possible only The . protests had group ommunity c ain which ituation s be would legitimacy some CRA ank's b a on information extensive and cprepared (1) ompiled in application an file would bank the that l ,(2) earned performance 362 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COULD HAVE A POSITIVE EFFECT The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Fishbein , if the CRA ratings were disclosed publicly, some regulators worry that their examiners would face new pressures, banks would haggle about low ratings and high rat ings, and this would ignite public criticism. 363 Freddie Mac has not imposed any restrictions which I believe could adversely affect lenders in carrying out their CRA responsibilities. To the extent that borrow ers are told by lenders that their applications have been denied because of increased secondary market restrictions, I am concerned about this. It may be that Freddie Mac is more often an excuse than the real reason that a loan may not be made. a 364 As I said yesterday when this committee invited community groups, last March , to evaluate the performance of Federal bank ing agencies' enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act, these groups were tough graders. Each of the bank regulators were given failing grades. RATING SYSTEM Mr. BROWN. Senator Heinz, I think you are coming to what I feel is a latent, but ultimately very important, issue here; and that is, if it is possible to put in place a public rating system that is well founded and has enough information to make the ratings legiti mate 365 Senator HEINZ. By the way, I am assuming — and I didn't state this at the beginning — that such a rating system would be devel oped only after consultation with community groups. It isn't done that way now, but that is the way it ought to be done. I am assum ing it would be done right. ance . 366 I think the agencies' reluctance to accept this idea of full disclo sure of the CRA examination report is not based on any legitimate public policy. Obviously, in regard to safety and soundness exami nation reports, there are policy reasons for not disclosing them, the possibility of triggering a run on the bank . Even for consumer compliance reports, which may cite violations of consumer credit laws where there is potential legal liability on the part of the bank , there is an arguable case to be made for not disclosing exam re ports. 367 Mr. FISHBEIN . The point that needs to be stressed is the interre lationship between reforming the CRA evaluation system and the rating criteria and the disclosure of evaluations. STATEMENT OF JUDITH N. BROWN , MEMBER, BOARD OF DIREC people many Since access need basic accounts bank nto orills ,-f believes AARP should Congress institutions financial require to individuals m aprovide to access with inimal banking of level reluctance Given institutions of voluntarily to the meet most needs banking of basic alarge for number ,C Americans ongress financial require government cash to institutions .must checks provision cashing check government The is 5094 H.R. in contained ,fsolution provision this Under .ainancial r easonable cashing make must institutions government check services . services H.R. 5094's Under basic dbanking ,provision epository institutions required be would checking offer accounts to basic its in available .I account banking nstitutions would be individuals more no with deposit $1 than ,000 on and .Fees snd federal cash to required ,a in checks government local tate routine service for charges not could atransactions exceed ,aBoard amount minimal Reserve Federal the by .determined s would opening or Minimum balance $2requirements to limited be 5 withdrawals ,waccount less or 10 .allowed month per Tith his the require not would exclusively to individual automated use would I to allowed be .amounts less $1nstitutions of or ,500 $2cnd to up assess ,a checks government cashing for would harge issued within checks government local cash to required be only . state own their other or machines ,teller services nonteller a not would nd other .require relationships account be would institution The m either provide to required onthly p a or statement assbook government 5094's H.R. ar is provision cashing check easonable compromise maintaining while concerns industry addresses that hopes .A protections consumer needed Banking Senate the ARP detailing account .activity provision important this support will .Committee availability ready assure will language above the of Passage banking ,norills basic of -f low many for accounts moderate and to extends provision cashing check government 5094's H.R. While s federal oany government local ,A very is check rtate ARP government of availability the limit to attempts about concerned of categories defined narrowly very to privileges cashing check income people will Committee Banking Senate the hopes .AARP H.R. .support 5094 in included provision banking basic the This the in included is provision troubling . checks government Government Check Cashing AARP have institutions financial many that concerned also is Ifractices adopted ,y here bank don't you here cash ou "p .can't government to extend even policies These ,with checks some cash to refusing institutions checks government federal rand (ietirement p Security ,Social ension ncluding disability )seacher benefits checks government tate (i ,t pension ncluding retirement ),a assistance local nd .public checks government ),state from benefits retirement teacher and pension these .All provision cashing check government the under coverage place s deserve apeople at checks government their cash to afe . cost reasonable bank without People obviously are accounts the having greatest .difficulty cashed checks government getting However ,even accounts bank with people cashing trouble having are government institutions financial Many their require . checks account own sufficient abalance maintain holders of amount the cover to check the cashed Tfho i c ,w r a is hus ustomer etired .being a$5schoolteacher gets ,s check retirement teacher monthly 00 ome AARP To Opposition Mandating Direct Deposit strongly represents 5094 H.R. Since ,A language compromise ARP .any provisions consumer its weaken to efforts further opposes require direct the ,AARP Specifically to attempts opposes check government or banking basic the under funds of deposit deposit aopposes .as provisions cashing AARP direct mandating : reasons following the for problems these to solution ruire will institutions balance $500 a have to her deposit on t)Cat just of all need who people income DW inary .T expenses living hey 370 proposal agovernment of draft working recent most cashing check would ,w side Senate on check government the limit hich -state home and Security Social federal to requirement cashing .public checks assistance We exclude to reason valid no see irailroad ncluding government v (,r disability eterans etirement direct .Many deposit use to reluctant are persons older Treasury the by efforts aggressive of spite In encourage to institutions financial and Department Security Social , fnly deposit odirect %47 * Thus ,beneficiaries ver .o deposit direct use currently use not do beneficiaries Security Social million 20 direct deposit ; 2 3 AARP Introduction APersons )a ARP ppreciates Retired of Association American (The included consumer provisions comment the on to opportunity this Depository ,t 5094 H.R. IV Title in of Act Institutions he We Committee Banking Senate the that pleased are is . 1988 . hearings through provisions important these highlighting enhanced -5094's provisions consumer H.R. supports AARP ,branch enforcement Act Reinvestment Community closing account ,basic notifications bank government and availability privileges cashing on focus Hur ,o today comments owever .check STATEMENT OF cashing check government and banking basic 5094's H.R. provisions . RETIRED OF ASSOCIATION AMERICAN PERSONS make to Committee Banking Senate of members the urges AARP certain cashing check government and banking basic strong that like provisions ,a 5094 H.R. contained those in included re legislation services financial this passes that .any Congress access assure to essential is provisions these of Passage asafe and services banking affordable government cash to place ON BANKING BASIC low many for checks persons elderly and .income AND OF PROVISIONS H.R. 5094 Accounts Banking Basic 1988 OF ACT MODERNIZATION FINANCIAL THE 369 H.R. of language current The necessary minimum represents 5094 .basic protections cashing check government and banking Any would 5094 H.R. language present the of diminution further provisions .seriously these of effectiveness the imperil CASHING CHECK GOVERNMENT ,cump jToday to having themselves "find hoops through onsumers services .banking needed badly get to just Access necessary THE BEFORE ,sometimes difficult oftentimes is services banking to next F they services for charge now institutions . inancial impossible ,HOUSING BANKING ON COMMITTEE AFFAIRS URBAN AND increased other on fees ,and free for offer to used have ICharges ,M "Deposits Fees onthly Aservices TM . nitial M F Balances Cancelled of Return ",For Checks ees inimum Inquiry Bsverdraft O ",aFees Charges other as well alance . accounts many on prevalent are conditions and terms SENATE STATES UNITED ,19 988 September ,consumers situation this with Faced for budget to having are high kreep costs account ,oincreased balances bank up give income and moderate .For altogether accounts low many contact information further :For ,the households accounts banking maintaining of costs increased .Others budgets strained in resulted have to difficult it find accumulate meet to trying while balances minimum sufficient William Kent Brunette Representative Legislative utilities .,a h nd ousing expenses food like necessary Retired of Association American Persons Suite S K 1909 ,N 600 .W. treet with ,c fees increased or new The account onerous more oupled ,have conditions and terms the beyond services banking placed ,D.C. Washington 20049 (202 )7 28-4734 elderly ,a income moderate and low some of .reach people nd Thu s , .anFor accounts bank have not do simply people of umber those , ersonal account an without ;p difficult becomes bills aying Persons Retired of Association American President Crooks D. Louise Street K (2,DWN1909 )820049 02 .C. ashington 72-4700 .W. . jeopardized is safety Director Executive Deets B. Horace people many Since to access f nneed -basic rills o accounts ,bank Congress believes AARP financial require should to institutions with individuals provide level am to access inimal banking of reluctance Given institutions of voluntarily to most the meet needs banking basic l a for arge C ,number Americans of ongress to institutions financial require .must checks government cash is 5094 H.R. in contained provision cashing check government The ,fr provision this Under solution . inancial a easonable . services 5094's H.R. Under banking provision d ,basic epository institutions would required be checking offer to accounts individuals no $1with than ,000 .more deposit on and Fees a exceed not could transactions routine for charges service check government make must institutions services cashing basic in available its account .banking Institutions be would snd federal cash to required ,a in checks government local tate $1or of .amounts less I,500 to allowed be would nstitutions a$2cwould to up ,assess checks government cashing for aharge nd within issued checks government local cash to required be only Board ,as amount minimal Reserve Federal by the .determined requirements opening or $2Minimum to limited be would balance 5 withdrawals ,waccount less or 10 ith .allowed month per This own .their state exclusively to individual the require not would automated use rH.R. a easonable is provision cashing check government 5094's nonteller other or machines teller ,a services would nd not account .institution relationships other require The be would maintaining while concerns industry addresses that compromise statement massbook either provide to required onthly ap or .AARP protections consumer needed Banking Senate the hopes detailing account activity . . provision important this support will Committee government 5094's H.R. While to extends provision cashing check is srtate federal oany ,A check government local ARP very to attempts about concerned government of availability the limit narrowly very to privileges cashing check of categories defined provision troubling This the in included is . checks government ag of draft working recent most cashing check overnment proposal ready assure will language above the of Passage availability banking ,norills basic of -f for accounts moderate and low many income hopes A will Committee Banking Senate the people . ARP . 5094 H.R. in included provision banking basic the support Government Check Cashing government ,w side Senate on the limit would hich check -state home and Security Social federal to requirement cashing W exclude to reason valid no see e .public checks assistance railroad v disability government ,r (i ncluding etirement eterans teacher benefits retirement from ),state and pension 370 institutions financial many that concerned also is AARP have Ifou adopted ,y bank don't you "p here cash .can't ractices government to extend even policies These ,with checks some cash to refusing institutions checks government federal (iension p Security Social ,r disability and etirement ncluding )state benefits (i checks government ,t pension eacher ncluding checks retirement ),a assistance public government nd .local check .coverage provision cashing these All government the under place s deserve people a at checks government their cash to afe reasonable cost . bank without People obviously are accounts the having greatest .difficulty cashed checks government getting ,even However cashing trouble having are accounts bank with people government institutions financial Many checks their require account own . To Opposition AARP Deposit Direct Mandating H.R. Since ,A language compromise represents strongly 5094 ARP provisions .opposes consumer its weaken to efforts further any attempts direct the require to ,AARP Specifically Opposes government or banking basic the under funds of deposit check deposit aAARP as direct mandating opposes provisions cashing : reasons following the for problems these to solution b a alance maintain holders the cover to sufficient of amount T i c ,w r a fho hus ustomer etired .is cashed being check the monthly g00 schoolteacher $5 a ets ,s check retirement teacher ome to her require will institutions a$500 have deposit on balance at check retirement teacher her cash just .to bank own all of ,m Tragically people income low are these need who any available their ordinary meet to funds expenses living .They access forego to afford cannot .simply money their who Those use .reluctant deposit direct to are persons older Many Treasury the by efforts aggressive of spite In encourage to institutions financial and Department , fnly deposit odirect 47 Security %Social .T,ohus deposit direct use currently beneficiaries ver use not do beneficiaries Security Social million 20 financial at cashed checks government their get cannot their cashing to relegated are institutions expensive at checks liquor or services cashing .check stores direct deposit ; 2 3 obligations any concede to refuses steadfastly ,and consumers the low among lowest is deposit direct of Acceptance A Department Treasury to . ccording population income . services for requirements any opposes Disability Security Social %o, fnly 28 statistics fnly %;are 14 o deposited directly payments directly are benefits Income Security Supplemental F that indicate figures Board Reserve . ederal deposited f families %o 10 only accounts bank with whose annual 0,000 nd $1 than less are incomes ;a deposit direct use services banking essential access assure to you urges AARP basic the supporting by state your in consumers income low provisions cashing check government and banking presently . 5094 H.R. in contained . participate to opportunity this for you Thank in difficulty tremendous experiencing are Consumers .resolving problems deposit direct Social Some access forego had have beneficiaries Security to while 4-6m for funds Security Social their onths -directed mis their retrieve to ;attempting deposits monito o ,t states Many with compliance program ,expressly deter and requirements the prohibit fraud . checks assistance public for deposit direct of use under month each cash infusion tremendous of result the As potential for manks a ,b system deposit direct the have andated withdrawn before are they funds investing by profits huge reaping $1.from over With am billion in paid 'a8onth customers ccounts (Ohe Security Social f,t)b industry "potential loat ASDI enefits Security benefits could alone Social of deposit direct the from windfall T would his 6 between be 1 to y a $.million 3 32 ear were payments federal recurring all if greater much be obviously 371 adirect to .subjected requirement deposit direct members utilize to encourages its actively AARP While believe with rests decision this ,we services deposit strongly direct mandated deposit ,rather consumers individual having than services .A for t ,v ARP herefore iews precondition n a ecessary as unacceptable at as deposit direct to recourse sole otally government and account banking basic the to solution check problems . cashing Conclusion AARP all to obligation an have institutions financial believes .groups consumers income his i moderate and low ,Tncluding community is of pronouncements considering true particularly federal charters ,a discounted to inccess contained benefits consideration congressional nd f funds deposit ,a insurance ederal -r far most the of financial restructuring services eaching .in history recent legislation services debate restructuring financial current the In the competition while vigorously fighting been has industry banking ,I.areas activities ronically permissible expand of to trying provide ,the services banking basic to failed has industry 4 5 372 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you very much, Ms. Brown . STATEMENT OF PEGGY MILLER, LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTA TIVE, CONSUMER FEDERATION OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, DC port it . So we are coming before you because basically the bill that is on the House side is very well -drafted legislation . The check cashing provisions dealt with a number of the concerns that were brought up . 373 refuse any fraudulent check . These sorts of things were all provid edto address the banks' concerns regarding fraud. A long list. LIFELINE BANKING The banking industry claims that Lifeline banking is being pro vided by 52 percent of the banks. The problem with this statistic is simply that they are not includingminimum balance, maintenance fees, and opening requirements. When you include all those things, many of those accounts they call basic bank accounts can be higher in cost, according to GAO even , than the current standard account. 374 tee was to move this , that the Senator could leave his long tenure pointing to a final, very excellent bill. Iamembers to today here Committee ,M Chairman Mr. the of address which 5094 H.R. of IV Title in provisions those speak by differently substantially addressed or issues not CFA America of Federation Consumer previous the Since 886. ,s.1Senate Bill Banking Deregulation provisions in Act Reinvestment Community summarized the panel financial account service mainly the about ,Iwill IV Title speak provisions basic and cashing check government with deal that ,and issues Iwbanking the on position overall our state ill . IV Title entire Msembers Chairman ,aMr. Consumer the know well you (CsFA America )iFederation comprised organization an over of . Americans million 50 over represent that organizations 240 have issues service CFA's akFinancial been of portion ey .This years many for agenda legislative our because so been has the over concern deep express to continued have members of lack ,as credit and services banking to access for need the as well newly on information products ,complex developed .better Testimony of ,fees began deregulation Since have services banking for ,ahigh risen interstate well as products margin profit nd 'investment banks captured have ,expansion capital and interest accounts cost low of reduction in resulting ,s and ervices . credit community or individual Before the so more needed banks ,and 1970's late the during accounts 375 to led that arguments the with quarrel not do We :that deregulation for decision -r non other egulated businesses chrough off drawing were "t crop the of fund mutual ream Committee Banking .Whave compete flexibility this in intercede to tried not e them enable banks of powers the expand to efforts Committee's se fast financial paced this in compete deregulation return in thing one for asked have We of the :balance world banking . active Bo o t financially less that alance ,ensure consumers participate ,can consumers income lower system banking the in ,available affordable through accounts savings and checking small etransportation housing for loans ducation .,aand nd on H.R. OF IV TITLE 5094 ,toBoalance clear of disclosure proper the for allow information consumers ,s all that reasonable make least at o can decisions educated purchase the cregarding , omplex new of . products Bo o ,t to ability the with communities our provide alance reasonable through thrive access necessary capital the to for housing and businesses small .develop neighborhoods their provides 5094 H.R. of IV Title balance necessary .Ithis t excellent the to provisions similar includes by performed work .N.C. Street 16th 1424 604 .W 3)20036 •(2,DW..Suite 87-6121 02 ashington related needs contractual and disclosure on Committee this to equity home and savings further ,but loans goes .it into enacted T ,If law itle ensure would IV lower that income over debate some been has There statistics of validity the .The accounts bank basic of availability the on Bankers American ABA Association c that )(526 ontends percentage ah -banks of igh ,636 release press recent one other to according .They accounts basic offer already -statements ,t herefore . service particular for addressed been has need that project have would persons low to access checking cost they so accounts and easily more aaffordably ,could bills their pay nd check to arthis for services cashing fee easonable accomplish would It abasic establish banks that requiring by services financial offers which account banking lifeline cashing check .and services communities assists It strengthening by both ensure to CRA that available made is credit necessary for business small development and projects housing communities giving by plan to time Iwould so are statistics ABA's the why clarify to like GAO's the or CFA's from different ,b which of statistics oth to closer is accounts bank basic of availability the that contend alternatives bank when to are .branches closed be %onational 15-20 .an level GOVERNMENT BANKING BASIC FOR NEED CASHINGA CHECK ,when that is problem The information the compiled ABA ENFORCEMENT CRA IMPROVED AND ,t accounts basic largely was account he concerning Deposit .When undefined Retail 1987 the reviews one Services which ABA the phe ,tReport by from source ublished the taken was :yinformation itself clarifies situation %,6 es 3.2 aut offer banks of free bsolutely ,"b checking accounts those balances opening minimum have often $1still least at of ,h 00 ave marked Committee this Since March .1 s up in ,a886 dditional information been has before presented the and House in Senate testimony documented which the need increased access cost low for services cashing check to .account credit for and $3ave least at of fees maintenance ,h balance minimum -4 $2nd of requirements ,a average on for fees additional have can 00 use ATM ,a transfers .T services bank other nd ccount hese Accounting General oTummary he Office s )(G AO report on tof ashat revealed cashing :check fact tartling -f one almost ifth country this in families the bank have not .do all at accounts abasic turn can fees and requirements additional account bank than costly more is that account an into checking ar egular only ,the study this to Prior were available statistics Federal that showing statistics Reserve did the %o 10 about families f not CFA .to research ,according account and GAO bank accounts .have study oTwere Jersey New he consumers that documented being the %more 500 up charged than their cash to amount regulated cashing check at on two every of out one ,outlets checks food and liquor at prices exploitive ,and stores being were long travel forced to just ac cash .distances heck annual OCeleased fifth FA's national survey fee bank this ,r that suarters June in year howed q o ,t -again hree nce the of country this in banks continuing were cash refuse to abasic offer to or government for checks eight of account showed than $3.T less survey also he again rose fees basic ,that increase 56ee a than more totalling %f five over accounts NOW on standard a20ncrease and years %i on five over accounts checking . years Information O credit of lack the on Detroit and Atlanta in cities those in banks of unwillingness the to related was communities certain ,oinvest r community local the in documented .This general information need critical continuing the reinvestment community improved strengthened for and laws enforcement of . laws these in %olow 20 about banks the f truly offer country this basic cost ,a accounts bank -f cannot families American all of one nd ifth 376 basic ,t Therefore for need she there is accounts ince only Union oAtonsumer's ,aC time same the that revealed study California %o 40 in people income low f (u0,000 $2 annual nder have )do income not accounts bank often are they and as charged face 6%of as much the cashing for value checks government and at for 10 orders money %cashing .purchasing outlets check accounts afford .currently Wen -i Truth on did they work for Committee the commend ,but Loans Equity Home and Savings needs address provisions such product and information for higher average safety income consumers . lower needs m ,The consumers income any no have whom of aat ,savings home their own to hope ever or all account re provisions these by met not .T different are problems heir hey to able be need and c cash heck bills their pay am in anner reasonably safe is that .and priced before Istated As ,a llowing powers new banks of top on the occurred has that already which deregulation -awthat in increase to fees caused directly accounts makes ay services with balanced be needs -people many to unaffordable with those Bato .for income less alance necessary is produce jnd fair ,aw all for system in provisions the ust orkable 5094 . balance that strike to attempt an are H.R. of IV Title this that realize We not was Committee the of many to privy was .1 s after until year this out came that facts 886 up marked reassess :you that now But ,w facts those of aware are to you ask e ,in include support to move and situation the final any which 5094 H.R. of IV Title in provisions ,the bill deregulation . listed just s reason the for unacceptable s in886 addressed not were .1 ch to approa tion limita type check severe and t al deposi direct tely absolu is propos his T .conce bank the of rns fraud s addres historic ,lSince it make us et be to portends bill this banks 'needs provide to the both address and historic truly 'need banks to the and consumers income higher its for products . consumers income lower its for products cost low provide provision am requires .E ver andate ,the Regrettably latter since 1984 and 1983 in dramatically rising be to shown were fees ,banks levels payment interest of deregulation to due been have avoluntary use freedom for asking the correct to approach .This people income lower for costs rising of problems voluntary fees worked not has ,aapproach rise to continue low many nd . system banking the in longer no are people income ,the Initially the in appeared that legislation compromise 'Committee sides both addressed purposes markup for used Print .Your act time It to needed is support and help banks ,'c osts m $2t of fee cover aximum ao setting by concerns . situation grievous this address check $3 ,(nto one boy000 fraud including of size the limiting veterans %d 100 on isability are there since lower go to wanted $2nd of checks receive )awho month each more or excluding by 700 issued .,l checks oftate out -s ocally SUMMARY LANGUAGE FINAL TO LED THAT DECISIONS THE OF BANKING_AND LIFELINE ON PROVISIONS IV TITLE 5024'S HR IN H.R. ,check 5094 government in cashing on language final The final the additional .Imany protections bank ,cnontains IV Title demanded banks markup Committee Banking House the of hours account an under handled be service cashing check the that a.They with them provide would contended this that relationship : CASHING CHECK GOVERNMENT 377 through went bill House The government on stages many check original .The legislation banking lifeline and cashing committee ,but provisions cashing check government free contained print had consistent or clear not were that provisions banking lifeline that their demands other ,a which with long relationship customer fraud .of likelihood the reduce ,w met ould subsequently were industry which banking the of demands legislative other These improved for needs the .with requirements Committee ,ton time that At Select House he held Aging check g banking basic on ,ahearings cashing nd overnment those community .F reinvestment rom support the with and hearings ,new Committee Banking the on Members many of was legislation addressed which drafted ac in issues these .C ompromise ,manner FA consumer aAARP ACORN other many as snd ,well organizations final the in were :included language 20 initial ,ato chose they iotfnhe require authority upon -day calendar ;hold account the opening ac500 o $1 of limit ;size heck assisted drafting the in stages . activity branches three to olimitation cashing check the of ; choice customer's the of G I) overnment Cashing :Check ,the cashing check government of terms In industry's banking fnd cost were concerns main ,ac limit size problems raud heck olocally out identifying -s .C checks issued ftate onsumers aclear retaining included concerns r ,a fee easonable voiding or limitations type check as such practices discriminatory requirements i.d. related financially ,providing public for availability service's the of ,anotice procedural avoiding nd onerous so as perceived be would that complexities they -i ncome impact seriously low by service the of use suspend the oauthorization to Board Reserve Federal of scheme that to related af when raudulent check of cashing type check type occurs ; conduct a Federal to Board Reserve a o the of uthorization costs higher were such whether and fraud the of study than Congress to findings such report and established fee the enactment date the of months 18 ;within the ac cash if refuse to bank o heck any for bility with tampered way any in fraudulent appear i.d. or ;check audience represented being . staff ,twas time that At Committee Banking Senate he proposal check floating legislative acashing explored which ,and notification the liability civil for .need clauses authorization ao conduct to Board Reserve Federal the of desirability deposit direct of and feasibility the study ,the Initially drafted language compromise Committee the for markup in used Print language these reflecting ,included concerns ,and checks Entitlement Government U.S. all the report to . act this enactment the of days 90 within findings be and levels low these reflect should fee the that stipulating were provisions these that believe not do we Though fee had am received already aximum banks the since -necessary costs ,ar size check easonable cashing above far level Reserve Federal the by set markup .D Board uring ,the banking provisions additional two for pushed industry ,s the that tating three if closed be could accounts service transaction basic occurred or months six within poverdrafts a attern was there if involving activity fraudulent of .T account the hese provisions amendments No other during included .were markup af limit o out of exclusion the -s ,l do we -checks nd ocal tate cashing check the preclude they that think not being from service ,effective people income lower of audience target the reaching in . tact in legislation the of portion that support we therefore and government the with in section this fold to except cashing check section . the check such burden regarding concerns other were There low in located currently banks on place might activities cashing .These markup during up brought were which areas income concerns counter was there since evidence enough have to deemed not were currently banks that showing evidence cashing check offer SUBTITLE_C_F_HR_5094'S.TITLE OF SUMMARY TO ACCESS -IV : SERVICES EINANCIAL of 5094 H.R. ,tlanguage Specifically section this in he institutions depository all requires an offer ,to account ew problems little had have areas income low in services adjusting this of offering to with associated activity heavy the bank .C service ,al First has which California in arge alifornia ,offers Union First with merged recently just cashing check b a asic called be to is which account services financial .T his e , ither services two offer would account which of both or one the by chosen be registering consumer .could account for branches 135 its of all in services which ,m in any located are rsurvey .Tecent areas income alow in CFA told hey have they that heavy ,m checks security social for service this of use ilitary Reserve Federal The authorized is Board the prescribe to .These requirements registration account shall checks AFDC ,a types other as well the that s nd registration :t include offices bank all at occur can hat ,not 378 checks days on heavy is service the using people of flow ,but received are the with cope to able been have they that ,and offices administration purely including application the that asfimple be ,ishould requiring procedure it deems Board the address ,d of ate pame necessary s i.d. an and hoto ignature reasonable other and birth requirements information .T customer he could ache provided be would ,w registration this /sof he opy hich ache cashing when use .T branches chosen three of one any at heck including from prohibited be would requirements i.d. any stipulations that discriminatory are income low ,for persons including i.d. income to related employment .or . problems cashing check this Since all by offered be now will service will this law becomes it if banks more far activity out ,spread not should traffic that single any in heavy too be .so bank tohe ,sFurthermore costs exceeds far fee be should people these service a for paying customers as on .looked L ) ifeline Banking :II point to like would CFA the on markup at that out House ,it side this of intent the that clarified was portion other any simple as registration the keep to was language legislation banking lifeline on concerns industry Banking ! ;t costs their reflects fee the that ensure to were mainly hat low truly are who those to restricted be audience accounts that in deposit on allowed amount total the restricting by income the $1000 to institution depository restricting by and ;and ten to be requirements i.d. the that .withdrawals thorough requirements discriminatory eliminate to were concerns Consumer , use orequirements sole ATM r ,age income to related i.d. as such .account bank the at opening which select would customer registration of time the At ,either use to chose they services transaction basic the ,or services cashing check government the .or both who )C A select ustomers service cashing check the would only .T check could bank he 2fee the than more no pay $cashed per a20ay up place to choose -d hold purposes for account the on identication the verifying placed .Iof were hold f ,tno he cash able be would customer a$1 to up that check 500 day same maintenance any and ;to requirements total the that ensure was account the to related fees service ,l at defined being low ow $2.50 around ,i maintenance for monthly the ncluding and statement bnd withdrawals ten including ,atransactions inquiries alance than $5s more no of fees that ;chould deposits felt onsumers .Consumer checks bounced and overdrafts for exist also concerns included minimal and opening the on restraints for need the $2he than more no to requirements ,tbalance public for need 5 their cash to which at branches three choose would customer The , nd future in cof achecks send would bank opy the . branches these of each to form registration 90-163 О this change to endeavor Committee Senate the that ask We ret o,check to cashing the l fee s atoike reflect section customer cashing ,tfor purposes heck presenting When ache ,popy form hoto of ac present to have would registration the out carry to Reserve Federal the to direction greater far provide soperating acosts precise the of study time actual anmall ,and card .identification number account their submit they that acosts ,to actual determine order innd account - 88 - 13 CFA is here i.d. photo the that out point to like would Federal the by presribed that as .Wbe Board conducted Reserve e vehicle motor state all that found and research some departments providing sow offer of ervice anyone p to i.d. hoto al for for .This cost mechanism possible one is required the providing .to Congress the form report in analysis this .scarce are accounts such of costs actual the cs on Statisti ng processi heck con 'have banks cs we statisti only he ,tIn fact cited ABA that ones the are acosts cashing for cents 37 of i.d. photo ould .Iw check av point to like thorough ofery analysis e dg Institut in Marketin performe -Food the by costs cashing y the for 1984 supermar include ket did which -virtuall industry cash ,any Finally to have not would institutions depository acustomer such by presented check any reasonable have they if been has or fraudulent is check the that believe to cause .Wsupport with ,tampered fraud restraining to approach this e check offer already that to talked have we banks many because vir were problems fraud their that out pointed services cashing check to tellers their trained they when eliminated tually signa closely check the examine and tures .T detect to ability human his ,and exists fraud supports language judgement such .this capacity for check per cents 42 be to their revealed and costs all cashing purposes . a ut of costs the reflect not does This ,b account bank asic Board Reserve Federal the when account into taken be could it setting fee .explores as provisions ,aCFA IV title entire the nd these supports of impacts the balance to bill deregulation any in needed .increasing products banking of complexity and fees registering B)Ac selects who account the for ustomer have would service transaction basic be fees low the pay to transaction basic for Board Reserve Federal the by set would that s ab provides ervice .Tasic service cover his .(T000 service this use $1 -w ten the and restriction his ithdrawal on r a of enough be felt were limit estriction to account the . he users income lower but any eliminate )T minimum and opening than more no be could balance 25o .Nminimal $discriminatory ,such allowed be would service that using for requirements as employment or income to related requirements i.d. ,sole of use requirements ,o. r ATM age ,if clarified be to needs section this in language fee The additional ,w minimal term the defining language ith possible report .T explicitly more amount House he to on go did language set fee that clarify take must Board Reserve Federal the by consideration into net did processing but costs just clarify not . consideration into taken be could costs other what functional the as method cost such some that is concern Our be might Board Reserve Federal the by used method analysis cost accounts these of cost determine to used fee the ,and would purpose reflect not .S entire the reality ince accounts these of alow establish to cost ,basic limited very is that account established the is which fee .O critical absolutely intent ur f a for allow ee inherently was that not to as low so .Wee banks the cost have to asking been had e afimmediately of that $2and ,s set ince representative be.50 to seemed fee in is that banks many of fees the than higher fact low offer currently . accounts cost portions Title of including new the support for your urge We . bill deregulation final any in IV 379 than ind account less ncluding m ,no withdrawals aten onthly .statement transactions all of record passbook or those Only deposit at000 $1with than more no of on otal could bank the in 380 The CHAIRMAN . Thank you, Ms. Miller. FRAUD LOSSES The CHAIRMAN . Let me ask you then, are fraud losses a legiti mate cost that should be recovered in the fees charged for check cashing ? - 381 explicit pricing no longer can banks make huge profits from low interest savings and no-interest checking accounts. 382 The other point is that check -cashing outlets themselves, the only statistics I was able to find were in a couple of press articles back in 1985, that they basically were showing a lower check bounce rate than banks. 383 When you move into the national level there have been some enormous problems that have been associated with direct deposit, as AARP has experienced . 96 1TITLE IV -C ONSUMER N PROTECTIO H.R4 509 . 100TH CONGRESS 2 ,P[Rart 100-822 I)No. eport 3 S01. EC SHORT TITLE .44 competitiveness strengthen To and safety the protect soundness of This subtitle may be cited the "Cas 5ommunity Benefits 6Amendments 1988 ".of FINDINGS 4.AND S02. 7 EC PURPOSES (a)FINDINGS.— Congress The hereby finds follow the 8 HOUSE THE IN REPRESENTATIV OF ES i9: ng JULY 1 , 988 26 10 Ulaw nder fexisting ,(1) ederally insured banks 11 thrift institutions chave aontinuing and affirma introduced GERMAIN ST following the ;Mr. referred wbill was hich to 4,1988 AUGUST amendment an with Reported to referred and Energy on Committee the Com obligation tive meet help to credit the of needs their communities local consistent with safe the sound and institutions depository of .operations 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RH 5094 HR 384 12 13 98 97 public the (B)systematically to disclose encourage needed are incentives Sto (3) tronger 1 1 of needs credit the meet help s to institution depository 2 been which have data performance and standards 2 perform the evaluating in agencies such by used 3 es the and safe with consistent communiti local their 3 such meeting in s institution depository of ance 4 s .of depository institution operations sound 4 ;and needs credit 5 5 6 6 regula the in participation public (3)encourage 7 deposito of the performance evaluating for process tory 7 . communities local 8 local their of needs credit the meeting in institutions ry 8 the enhances significantly participation (5)Public 9 regula institutions depository Federal the of capability to institutions depository encourage to agencies tory 10 11 . communities 9 COMPANY .403. SEC 10 HOLDING BANK THE TO AMENDMENTS ACT 11 . 1956 OF (1212 1956 of Act Company Holding Bank U.S.C. The .of local communities their needs credit the meet help 12 sts ,eamended 1841 .)i13 (aseq 10 section after inserting by of 202 section by added 14 this )t: he Act new following section 14 385 to subtitle this of purpose .—I(b)Pt URPOSES the is 13 "S1.EC .115 COMMUNITY :BENEFITS REQUIREMENTS 15 "(a)MINIMUM RATING REINVESTMENT COMMUNITY 16 16 APPROVALS. CERTAIN FOR REQUIRED 17 17 18 18 GENERAL N the requirements .—U"(1)Inless of approve (2)ahe ,tparagraph met not shall Board re 19 19 20 20 21 21 commu local their of needs credit the meeting in 22 and safe the with consistent nities oper sound 23 adepository ;ations institutions ofnd 24 RH 5094 HR which applications (for following the of any approval adisapprove )Board's required is nd shall any 22 company's notice intention in engage to of any 23 (for activities which the or transactions following Board's approval is required ):not 24 RH 5094 HR 99 100 Any 3(a)“A section under application 1 3 holding bank "(i)any company to ac 3 4 ther a(oanother than bank of control quire 4 1 2 by imputed an has community reinvestme rating nt of 2 5 6 7 described bank iclause ii ir ),o(in 5 subsection bank (f)4Aoivfr holding 6 ;or company osr 2 (abetter determined accordance in sub with (f);and section 7 de ank abbank othan ny ()"iither 8 8 (f)5A subsection of clause any in scribed 9 9 10 oof (bank another control acquire tother 10 11 described abthan (ii ank clause ),in 11 12 subsection o(f)4Aiivfri any 12 bank holdi ngny compa . 13 14 15 bany ain,otorank by notice engage company 15 16 to intention company's such of company holding 16 17 may )athe (obe activity to , rsny in engage case 17 18 shares the acquire company any of in engaged 18 )described activity any in sec of paragraph 19 4(c). tion 20 “(2) MINIMUM COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT 21 .—The REQUIREMENTS RATING this of requirements 22 if met are paragraph N(1)B,TIONS .— his otwithstanding tparagraph section shall apply not with respect any notice to bpara ainank by holding company described (2A f company's )ograph such intention to (a)in subsection described activity any engage title (b)of25.22 $2or Code the of 12 Feder Regulations (aals effect in of date on en the Depository the actment Institutions of Act ). 1988 W “(B) RITTEN FINDINGS WITHIN DAYS 60 23 24 described subparagraph para )o(BiAinfr 25 E ) XCEPTION “(A FOR CERTAIN APPLICA 20 22 23 AVERAGE ABOVE WITH COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT RATINGS . 386 aholdi "(B)Aank applic bby ny ngation 19 S "(3) PECIAL RULES FOR BANKS AND BHCS 13 14 21 t(1),graph applying he bank holding company 24 HEARING NO IF HELD .-IIS n case the ap an of 25 plication notice or described subparagraph in -4HR RH 5094 RH 5094 .HR 102 101 holding (1)BoAi frank abparagraph y 1 2 ap (2)Aor paragraph in described company an 3 (1Aiiy paragraph in described a)bplication the of later on beginning period -day 90 1 in described dates subparagraphs (B)oAafnd 2 subsection (h)1. 3 described bank paragraph (2)in i B, f 4 P "(6) RELIMINARY APPROVAL WITH 4 5 REVIEW CERTAIN 5PERIOD IN OTHER CASES. );o(h1subsection r 6 ,)w"(iiith received comments to respect 7 6 RELIMINARY NAPPROVAL .-"(1)Potwithstand 7 subsection Board t(a),ing he may preliminarily ap 8 determines Board the substantial no that 8 9 ()2Ahas subsection in to referred issue 9 , raised been 10 10 11 shall Board athe finding wissue ritten which 11 12 ()3bmeets subsection of requirement the efore 12 60ay of end beginning -dthe period on 13 14 Bof and (N)1.subsection AHfearing .-IIF HELD ahIS EARING is con 17 14 15 W FINDINGS "(C) RITTEN DAYS 90 WITHIN 16 13 387 the of later described dates subparagraphs (A)in 15 subsection if such in described application an prove commitments such into enters Board the as may 16 17 ,taking require any account into comments public (N),to subsection under received testimony or take 18 connection (h)2in subsection under ducted with 18 19 subpara in described notice or application an 19 20 Ai frank (1)Bograph abparagraph y 20 21 21 application an of case the in aboank ,tby receive 22 in (2)Aoholding paragraph r described company paragraph ini described application )(1Aian 22 reinvestment community imputed the de rating 23 described ain ank paragraph (2)B,tbbyhe 23 24 issue shall Board finding awritten meets which 24 25 (n)3before subsection of requirement end the 25 RH 5084 HR actions will that enable bank the holding compa ,including ny resulting the holding bank company in scribed bsubsection (a)2A efore of end the 2-year of date the on beginning period RH 5094 HR 103 104 1 2 3 RULE "(2)SnPECIAL OF CASE .-IIN NOTICES 1 notice or application an subsection in (a)described of case (a)anthe subsection in described 1B otice which submitted bby ais ank holding company de 2 shall be effective after the of end 30 period -day be 3 ginning at of end the -in 180 described day period 4 subsection (3)of paragraph this Board the unless ap (1)Aothis paragraph in scribed f ,the subsection 4 5 nrelimi may otwithstanding psubsection (a)1,Board 5 6 the or activity of commencement approve narily 6 7 such sub is notice respect which to acquisition (with 8 )if mitted company holding bank meets require the this .ments subsection (1)Bof paragraph of 9 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 388 14 15 such fapplication aproves in notice or inal ap written proval issued before the such of end -day period .30 14 15 OT )"(B a 16 subsection in described notice 16 sub (2)oa1Bpfursuant paragraph to this 17 Board shall review policies the programs and 19 20 notifying or applying the by adopted holding bank 20 21 in described commitments the implement to company 17 section , 18 18 19 .othis subsection (1)B f paragraph 22 21 22 23 E “(4) XPIRATION PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ;OF 23 24 preliminary .-No APPROVAL FINAL the by approval 24 25 1 fr paragraph under (2)oBoard of subsection this RH BOB HR RH 5004 HR 106 105 respect "(A)afinal with order appli such to 1 2 ACQUI CERTAIN FOR ALLOWED A “(7) PPROVAL 1 LESS OF RATING WITH BANKS G INVOLVIN SITIONS 2 subject nd )(a3. asubsection ding NTHAN — otwithstan f )requiremen 6the o(3of s hrough tparagraph ts to all ily he ,tapprove subsection this may Board preliminar 3 4 5 6 7 this section 15 purposes of notice for or cation aAct ; nd 3 such respect with approval fto "B)ainal (b)of 16 section purposes for notice or application 5 fn (1)oapplication paragraph ,aunder subsection this 6 t3this section (d)which Act aoof under 7 .of Act this IF APPLICANT REQUIRED DISAPPROVAL "(c)BOARD PATTERNS ACTIVITY. OF 8EXHIBITS CERTAIN not does apply ) y b 8 9 9 .-T"(1)Ihe GENERAL approve not shall Board N 10 10 shall nd (1)aain subsection described application an 11 11 if subsection such in described notice any disapprove 12 12 r ,othe company holding bank notifying or applying 13 such of subsidiary institution insured or bank any 14 pahas established bank applying the ,orat company 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 AS CERTAIN .-A PURPOSES pre FOR APPROVAL FINAL 21 ) under paragraph (1by approval Board the liminary 22 (2)of notice or application any of subsection this 23 shall be treated as 24 tern of — 21 22 23 24 25 RH 5094 HR RH SOBA HR 389 13 14 108 107 company commitments such into enters 1unless applicant the 1 deposit any of closing the that efacili , xcept areas public ,t2asaking require may Board the any account into 2 by occasioned was determines Board the which ty sound and safety the to relating considerations (h),t3coomments subsection under received testimony or pro 3 4vide of combination proposed the that assurance reasonable taken not shall institution aness dbe ofepository 4 wthe bank (i5bfithin activities securities )and any anking . paragraph this of purposes for account into 5 ap such of approval the following 6holding structure company 6 7plication de and credit of availability the diminish not will 7 -i8posit moderate and lowfor services small or persons ncome 8 neighbor -i9businesses moderate and lowwithin or ncome 9 hoods 10 equivalent areas .or 10 )A"l11 AP TO RELATING REQUIREMENTS eDDITIONAL 11 OR BankS Nor ARE WHICH COMPANIES BY PLICATIONS 12 12 under application an approve not may Board The BHCs.— 13 3(a)bcompany section 14 ,aany which applica of time the ty 14 ,isank tion ab15 not holding bank or to company approve .-The ACTIVITIES CURITIES 15 not shall Board aholding "(1) ank by bapplication company ny 16 16 aqtoualified ;establish subsidiary securities 17 18 19 20 20 subsection (h),to actions take under received timony 21 21 to bank the enable will that rein acommunity achieve o; r bank any 22 bunder a3(a)section application ny “3 yank 22 23 ac to subsidiary ecurities scompany aholding with 23 ,additional bank an quire 24 RH 5084 HR 2 better of end the before 2or rating vestment approval of date the beginning on period year application ;such or 24 RH 5004 HR 390 13 110 109 2 ommuni cwith ank t ty areinves “(2)abcquire into y enters compan the urating r oment 2 1nless of 3 aking ments tmay ,as require Board the commit such 1 community favorable least the with rating reinvestment 1 2 if of ratings reinvestment community “(A)the 3 in insured or bank all of percent 80 than less not 4 5 6 5 to bank the enable maintai or improve bank's n such 6 equal are s company such of subsidiarie stitution reinves dtment impute such than greater or to nd a;rating 7 ity communtment .reinves rating 7 4 ny re testimo or commen public any account into ts ion will that actions take o (n),tceived subsect under NITY NT fIMPUTESTME )“OCOMMU ED REINV 8 of rating nt reinvestme community )t“(B he 9 subsidiary institution insured or bank largest the 10 otherwise .—E"(1)Ixcept GENERAL as N provided 10 11 subsection this community ,tin imputed he reinvest 11 12 rating ment any for holding company (fbank pur or 8 R .9ATING )is section this of poses reinvestment community the 13 com favorable least the with company such of sidiary 15 reinvestment .munity rating 16 S "(2) PECIAL THE IN RULE OF CASE A C OMPA 17 RULE "(3)SPECIAL CASE THE IN C A OF OMPA 12 13 SUB OR 5 WITH NY INSTITUTION DEPOSITORY MORE 14 1SnTATE THAN MORE IN .-SIDIARIES Ithe of case 15 5or controls which company holding bank any more 16 institution subsidiaries insured or bank 1 than more in ,timputed State community he for rating reinvestment 17 holding bank company purposes (fsuch or this of sec 18 5OR WITH NY DEPOSITORY MORE SUB INSTITUTION 18 19 Sany 1bank IN SIDIARIES .—InTATE of case the 19 )shall be 1gtion higher rade community the than rein 20 institution sub insured or bank the of rating vestment in bank or 5or controls more which company holding 20 21 institution subsidiaries 1sured in imputed ,tShe tate 21 22 such for rating reinvestment community holding bank 22 23 gssection rade 1)of be this purposes or company (fhall 23 institution insured or bank ,and assets total the all of 24 community the than higher of rating reinvestment insure or bank institution subsidiary such of company 24 institution insured and banks other of subsidiaries 25 RH 5094 HR favorable least the with company such of sidiary com such of assets total the if rating reinvestment munity company holding bank such reinvest community whose 25 RH 5094 HR 391 or sub institution insured bank the to assigned rating 14 such than greater or to equal is company of reinvestment .imputed rating 111 112 are ratings ment such as same the insured or bank in stitution subsidiary not exceed id, no aggregate ,the 1 2 dAct uring ythe 2-,onear period beginning 1 date the such acquisition made .is 2 consolidated percent 7.5 the of assets total bank such 3 3 hold comp any . ing 4 4 E "(4)OF XCLUSION CERTAIN DEPOSITO RY IN 5 5 STITUTION S . 6 6 ) ubject N SGENERAL .-I"(A subpara to graph community ),t(B he reinvestment ratings of 7 8 7 8 10 following depository the institutions not shall be taken into account purposes for determining of the 11 imputed community reinvestment rating for any 9 bank holding under paragraph 1):(company 12 9 10 11 12 13 13 392 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 bank ransfer tagent ,ent ,rust company 17 not )d"(1oes 1 credit extend the to 19 ;and agent clearing or 18 18 19 20 . public 20 or "(iiiny )A bank institution insured 21 22 acquired was which by bank holding such 23 section acquisition under an in company 21 22 23 Federal (f)of 13 the Deposit Insurance Act 24 24 section o408 (m)or f National the Housing 25 vestment orating 1sr determined 2(aof under 25 RH 5094 HR RH 5094 HR 113 114 Reinvestment Act Community the of 810 section 1 2 ). 1977 of rating vestment bank any for company holding 1 under paragraph (1): 2 3 AC "(C)TRANSITION CERTAIN FOR RULE 3 4 insti depository any I.— n of case the QUISITIONS 4 5 described tution (iviifr clause )oin subpara 5 6 .bank hold (A)which graph any by acquired was 6 7 nd abefore 985 ,31 1December after company ing 7 8 Insti Depository enactment of date the 8 .of less $ 0,000,000 5or bank "(iiny )A with of assets .$2or5,000,000 less DEFINED "(B)A BANK GRICULTURAL .-For gricul atof '(A), he term subparagraph purposes 9 he ,tcommunity 1988 of Act tutions reinvestment 9 mhas ' eans bank tural which bank any percent 25 10 be not shall institution depository such of ratings 10 agricultural in assets loan its of more or loans 11 the determining of purposes for account into taken 11 12 such for rating community reinvestment imputed 12 (1) paragraph under company holding bank 13 13 of date the on beginning yduring period 2-ear 14 holding bank if Act such of enactment the 15 16 in subpara psubmits described alan company 16 17 ay be period dthe -graph 90 of end (B)before 17 18 .of Act such enactment the date on ginning 18 19 AGRICULTURAL "(5)EXCLUSION CERTAIN OF 19 MORE NOT OF 20 20 21 AND BANKS ASSETS WITH .-F"(C)Aor DEFINED LOAN GRICULTURAL gricul aof 't(A), he term subparagraph purposes tural m 'loan eans to pro the finance "(i)any made loan livestock or products agricultural of duction United the States ;in )a“(iiny or farmland by secured loan ;and United States the in machinery farm 21 2THAN $ 5,000,000. 22 )IN "(A rein community The GENERAL.- 22 23 depository insti following the of ratings vestment 23 24 not shall tutions into taken be pur for account 24 25 rein community imputed the determining of poses 25 RH 5094 HR such by served area market the in located tomers bank . 393 14 15 made loans estate real institution such by cus to RH 5094 HR 115 116 ).—bank "(1 NAcompany ny holding , OTICE company other ,oan bank r submits which application 12 3 described notice subsection in tor (e)oa1 or the 3 4 Board shall publish notice of submission the ap plication tor ,concern notice ogether n informatio with 5 6 proposed the publication ,ing baction manner iny 6 7 regulations prescribed the by in as Board 7 1 . 2 5 ments application the on notice during apor eriod of 1 less than not days 45 beginning later the -on of 4 5,1985 June on .effect 8 tion notice .or 8 9 "(2) 10 shall BULLETINS TREQUIRED .- he Board 9 Han Board T.–"(2) heEARING may hold infor 10 relating hearing mal to application any or de notice scribed osubsection the )a(e1aintr request any of 11 )prepare aw“(A the listing bulletin eekly 11 12 companies bholding ,bank anks aother nd compa 12 which nies submitted have applications notices or 13 atin ; nd prepared was 15 application such ton respect or ,iwith which notice the 14 the of sBoard a,rjudgment ubstantial aises with issue 15 16 to respect 16 17 upon person any .to request 17 OMMENTS "(h)C REQUIRED 18 TO BE ACCEPTED AND CONSIDER 19 ;WRITTEN .ED FINDINGS 20 18 19 20 21 22 23 company such proposes acquire ,to 24 serving inr community credit ;olocal needs 25 RH 5094 OHR RH 5094 .HR 394 described subsection the 1s(a)inince bulle last 14 submitted who person comments paragraph (1)under 13 118 117 made any commitment of adequacy "(B)the 1 (b)1B, subsection to pursuant applicant the by 2 (e).d,or 3 1 )or approval such of reason company holding bank any 2 with the notice acquisition or activity any commences Board d the by disapprove not was which to respect 3 4 4 5 5 (a)— subsection to pursuant "(A)such bank company holding an receives 4or of rating reinvestment community 5;imputed 6 6 7 7 8 8 holding "(B)such bank violates company the commitment any of terms made company such by 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 ,under .notice section this 15 15 UBLIC "(i)PCOMMITMENTS AVAILABILITY OF ny .—A16 6 rnd subsection (e);a1,dounder "(2)before of begin -mend 18 the period onth such date on ning the received company community described rating 1Aor paragraph in ()reinvestment committed violation the described paragraph (1)B,in such (6)1B subsection under to or proposed commitment 17 agreed 17 )received “(A community imputed an rein (e)bholding or 18 any bank ,oryank other company 18 3r of rating vestment ;obetter sub described notice or application an with connection in 19 r a1obe section (e)20 spublic the to available . hall ONTINUING "G)CENFORCEMENT 7 .-121 22 RH BOB4 HR company 16 RH 5094 HR 395 9 9 OT 119 120 TREINVESTMENT "(1)Che .— RATING OMMUNITY 1 1 GENERAL.)IN "(A Unless .the require (B)ahe subparagraph of ,ments met re tCorpora 2 cith 'mterm rating ,wreinvestment ommunity eans 2 3 assigned such to abhe ,tregard rating numerical ank 3 4 810 Rein Community the of section to pursuant bank 4 5 (f)3of subsection or 1977 of Act vestment sec this 5 y (e)1Abany holding loan and savings 6 in another of control acquire to company 7 insured (other institution sured an than in 6 . tion 7 NEIGHBOR "(2)LNCOME -I MODERATE AND ow- 8 .The -iHOOD moderate and lowterm neighbor ncome hood ' eans m 9 8 in described 1 1fr subclause )o(1stitution 9 (6)Bior paragraph and savings any 11 PERSONS "(3)LNCOME -I MODERATE AND OW.- 12 lowterm -iThe moderate 'hand persons the as ncome 12 13 0f )o(ain 2102 section term such to given meaning 13 of Act Development Community and Housing the 14 loan holding company ; ". 1974. U.S.C. 2 (118 Act Housing National the of 408 Section s )iamended 1730a 19 following thereof end the at adding by savings (6)Bior paragraph of any and loan holding company ;or 18 19 20 :20 subsection new BENEFITS REQUIREMENTS ."(u)COMMUNITY 21 23 1o1r subclause in described )(1institution 16 17 COMPANIES HOLDING "(1) (other institution insured an than 15 RELATING LOAN AND SAVINGS .4TO SEC 16 AMENDMENTS 04. 17 11 396 14 22 subsection under application "(i)any 10 10 15 tion shall not ve appro MINIMUM COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT APPROVALS. FOR CERTAIN REQUIRED RATING 21 22 23 24 RH 5094 HR RH 5094 .HR 121 122 1 M "(B) INIMUM COMMUNITY REINVEST 1 2 REQUIREMENTS RATING require .—TMENT he 2 tution described isubparagraph ),(Bini if subparagraph this of ments are if met 3 received "(I)no are comments 3 4 under oparagraph (8)A; r 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 Reinvestment nity Act 1977 ).of 15 S "(C) TC. PECIAL RULES ETHRIFTS ,FOR 16 17 AVERAGE ABOVE WITH COMMUNITY REINVEST 18 MENT RATINGS. 15 AHfear IF DAYS EARING haHELD .—1IS 16 conducted is ing paragraph under (8)Bin connection application an with described in 17 IS HEARING NO IF DAYS .-In HELD the 20 21 (i) clause in described application an of case 21 iiifavings ssubparagraph a(A)boor y holding loan and described company sub in 23 subparagraph (in application B)ior an de scribed subparagraph )b(Aiiniy an in sured institution described subparagraph in 22 Corporation ),t(Biawshall ihe issue ritten 23 24 (B)ior paragraph described application an 24 25 insti (Aii y subparagraph )bin insured an 25 RH 5004 .HR savings and holding loan company described 19 20 22 iclause subparagraph )oa(Abiifry 18 W "(i) RITTEN FINDINGS WITHIN 60 19 W )"(iiRITTEN FINDINGS WITHIN 90 14 finding which meets requirement the para of bgraph (8)Cthe of end -defore 90 ay RH 5094 HR 397 determined section under the Commu of 810 14 124 123 1 de dates the of later on beginning period 2 ifnd aparagraph clauses in )o(iscribed (8)A. 3 WITH REVIEW "(2)PRELIMINARY APPROVAL 4 CASES. OTHER CERTAIN IN PERIOD 6 NAPPROVAL .-"(A)Potwith RELIMINARY 7 pre (1),the paragraph standing may Corporation 8 in described application approve an liminarily if subsection such 11 4 reinvestment rating community imputed the 5 the (1)Bibdescribed paragraph inefore 6 beginning the on 2-year of end period 7 such approval preliminary the of date ap plication . 8 EVIEW -d.–A"(B)Rtay 180 the of end 10 pre Corporation date the on beginning period 11 in described application an approved liminarily 12 psubparagraph (to 1)Aofursuant paragraph 13 the review Corporation tshall he paragraph ,this 14 deter s 3(aty of rating reinvestment 14 15 paragraph with accordance in mined 15 to applicant by the programs adopted and policies subpara in described commitments the implement (Aiif .)ograph paragraph this 16 ;o(6) r ,t)a"(Ihe institution insured In 17 PRELIMINARY "(C)EXPIRATION OF AP ;FINAL —NPROVAL .APPROVAL ap preliminary o 18 c a om has institution insured applicant 18 19 3;aofnd rating reinvestment munity 19 subparagraph under Corporation the by proval 20 an described application (A)of of paragraph this 21 effec be shall of subsection this paragraph (1)in 20 21 commitments Corporation as the re may 22 public com any account ,taking quire into 23 paragraph under received testimony or ments 24 -day 30 of end the after tive beginning period 22 sub in described period -day 180 of end the at 23 Corporation (B)unless paragraph the approves 24 that com the enable will (8),to actions take 25 RH 5094 HR 398 13 loan savings uch shold ,and company communi imputed an has company ing 12 17 receive o ,tan institution insured by plication 9 10 16 ap an of case the in company holding loan 2 3 5 9 savings resulting the iand , ncluding pany 1 RH 5094 HR 126 125 approval written inal afin application such 1 re the all tosubject (1)and paragraph standing he (E),Bof hrough tquirements subparagraphs 2 ay -dperiod 30 such of end the before .issued 2 C "(D) ONDITION APPROVAL FINAL ON .— 3 —Notwith 3. THAN LESS OF RATING WITH TION 1 3 4 Corporation The approve not may application an 4 nder u,may approve preliminarily Corporation 5 afinal in approval written subparagraph under 5 under subsec (A),an subparagraph application 6 paragraph (C)of this Corporation the unless de 6 7 ,ptoursuant termines subpara under review the 7 8 (B),that graph and policies the adopted programs commitments implement to applicant the by 9 10 described isubparagraph this )o(Ainif para 11 sin aubstantial have graph resulting of likelihood commitments such of fulfillment .the ooes 1tnot (e)3dtion subsection which y apply )b 8 9 10 institution ;or 11 )a"(iiny com holding loan and savings 13 13 of in any acquisition control the for pany 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 A "(F) PPROVAL ALLOWED CERTAIN FOR 24 25 INVOLVING ACQUISITIONS RH BOW HR cinstitution asured with ommunity reinvest 399 12 12 than less of rating ment and savings or institution insured acquiring the if commitments enters into company holding loan described subparagraph this )(iAin oif para . graph P APPROVAL "(G) RELIMINARY TREATED AS FINAL APPROVAL FOR CERTAIN PUR papproval .—A reliminary POSES Corpora the by subparagraph under paragraph (A)otion this f of order be afany as treated inal shall application 24 INSTITU INSURED RH 5094 HR 128 127 of purposes for application such to respect with 1 section .this (k)of subsection 2 3 4 5 adepository of soundness and safety institu 1 not shall tion into account taken be for pur 2 REQUIRED "(3)CORPORATION DISAPPROVAL IF 3 ACTIV OF CERTAIN PATTERNS EXHIBITS APPLICANT 4 .this subparagraph of poses 5 ITY. 6 TCorporation shall )Ihe “(A .— GENERAL N 7 paragraph in described application approve an not 8 holding loan and applicant savings (1)Aif the 8 9 of subsidiary institution insured any or company institution insured applicant the or company such 9 10 has pestablished of -aattern 11 6 7 10 11 12 12 14 14 and moderate lowexclude to tends that 15 15 equivalent ;or areas or neighborhoods income not shall .—The ACTIVITIES SECURITIES Corporation approve 16 loan and sapplication a“(A by ny ) avings 17 ac securities any in engage to company holding 16 17 tivity shares the (oacquire .r en company any of 18 18 r );ogaged activity securities any in 19 19 20 20 21 21 moderate and lowexclude to tends that , areas equivalent or neighborhoods income 22 22 23 23 facility deposit any of closing the that except determines occa was Corporation the which 24 the to relating considerations by sioned 25 or institution insured an not is which company , company holding loan and savings 24 commit such into enters company applicant the unless 25 ,taking require may Corporation the as ments ac into RH 5094 HR RH 5004 HR 400 "(4)ADDITIONAL TO RELATING REQUIREMENT 13 13 130 129 1 under received testimony or comments public any count 1 2 the that assurance reasonable provide (8),to paragraph 2 3 institution activities insured of combination proposed 3 4 securities activities fithin )(ithe any wand savings 4 5 approval the following structure company holding loan 5 6 not will application such of the diminish availability 6 7 moderate lowfor services deposit and credit 7 8 ncome iand -within moderate lowor persons income 8 areas equivalent or .neighborhoods 9 the of date on beginning 2-year period 9 10 10 HOLDING OR THRIFTS NOT ARE WHICH COMPANIES 11 12 13 COMPANIES —T. he Corporation approve not may an application subsection (1)Bbeunder y compa any 14 not isavings which ny institution insured aan sor 14 .-E"(A)Ixcept GENERAL otherwise as N 15 application of time the at company holding loan and 15 ,the paragraph this in provided communi imputed 16 loan and savings any for rating reinvestment ty this subsection purposes of company (f) or holding 11 12 to 17 institution aan with "(A) cquire insured 18 than favorable less rating reinvestment community 18 19 2uinto enters firm the nless such as commitments 19 20 ,taking require may Corporation the account into 20 21 under testimony received comments or public any 21 will the enable take that actions (8),to paragraph 22 22 9.RATING 17 reinvestment community the is assigned rating to insured institution the subsidiary such of compa reinvest community favorable least the with ny ment rating . 23 institution insured cachieve ommunity ato rein 23 24 2or rating vestment of end the before better 24 clause .-S"(i)Iubject GENERAL to N 25 ),t(iihe reinvestment community of ratings RH 5084 HR INSTITUTIONS.— RH 5094 HR 401 16 13 131 132 not shall institutions depository following the 1 taken be account into purposes for deter of 2 reinvestment community imputed the mining 3 com holding loan and savings any for rating 4 (A):pany under subparagraph 5 beginning 2-yonear the during period 1 date the operations such commence . 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 acquired is clause commences operations ,or 9 9 savings such company holding loan and sub 10 10 apthat mits determines Corporation the lan 11 11 such enable to expected be reasonably would . made is such in described institution insured an date insured institution receive c atoommunity "(11ny )A with institution insured 13 1determined ofsr rating 2(aoreinvestment 14 aCrAMEL composite 4oless of rating 14 Institu Financial Uniform the under 15 810 section under Community the of Rein ). 1977 of Act vestment 15 16 Rating oequivalent (tions System r an 16 17 ca),orating under system romparable 17 18 , institution insured weakened similarly 18 19 such by acquired is which and savings 19 wclause (i)ofhich acquired was sav any by 20 Decem after company holding loan and ings 21 1985 31 ,aber en of date the before nd 2 ,during company holding loan the 20 such date the on beginning period year 21 made . is acquisition 22 23 which commences operations de ,novo 24 RH 5094 HR 402 12 13 12 CERTAIN "(tiiRANSITION )T FOR RULE of .—In case the ACQUISITIONS subclause in described institution )(11o1r 22 Act Institutions Depository the of actment 23 reinvestment ,the 1988 community of ratings 24 such institution insured taken be not shall 25 the determining of purposes for account into -5 RH 5004 HR 133 134 reinvestment community imputed for rating 1 2 such savings and loan holding company 2 TUTION DEFINED purposes F.— or clause of 3 under subparagraph uring ydthe 2-(A) ear 3 a(i),tgricultural term insured he 'institution 1 A )"(iiGRICULTURAL INSURED INSTI 4 of date the on beginning period enactment 4 25 has which means institution insured any 5 of such if Act savings and holding loan 5 agricul in assets loan its of more or percent 6 clause described in submits aplan company 6 real or tural made loans estate such by of end the -d)b(iiefore 90 ay be period 7 institution customers to the in located market 7 the date on ginning such of enactment 8 . institution such by served area 8 9 . Act E "(C) XCLUSION OF CERTAIN AGRICUL 10 11 TURAL THRIFTS AND ASSETS WITH OF 11 12 MORE 2THAN $NOT 5,000,000 .— 13 14 investment ratings following the of insured 14 institutions shall taken be not account into 15 com imputed the determining of purposes for munity reinvestment for rating savings any 17 holding loan and company subpara under 18 .—Fhe (i),tFINED clause of purposes term or mloan 'agricultural eans (A): graph 20 403 GENERAL N community .—T"(i)Ihe re 16 secured farm by )a"(IIny loan 15 16 United the in machinery farm or land ;and States 17 18 category )a"(111 other ny loans of 19 determines Corporation the which have 20 21 21 22 less . 22 "(IIny )A with institution insured 23 $25,000,000 of .assets less or 24 AGRICULTURAL LOAN DE 12 13 19 )"(iii 9 10 23 24 25 RH BOB HR RH 5094 HR 135 136 in public the to action such of notice provide 1 reg by prescribe shall Corporation the as manner 2 ulation . 3 shall ration 4 5 6 listing eekly wpa"(i) repare bulletin 6 7 loan and savings holding ,n companies ithe 7 8 sured institutions nd ,companies aother 8 9 have which submitted applications described 9 last bul r (5)sAo1inince the paragraph 10 10 nd ;aletin prepared was 11 12 13 insti insured any or company holding REQUIRED "(8)C OMMENTS ACCEPTED BE TO 14 subsidiary tution such holding of com OPPORTUNITY ) COMMENT "(A FOR described in application any approving Before 17 shall Corporation r 1Aohe (5),tparagraph 18 )i"(1n1 case the application an of 17 insti ,the company another by insured tution which such firm propose s ac to 18 19 during application the on comments public accept 19 apoferiod the on beginning days 45 than less not 20 later of - tion o; r 16 20 21 institu insured applicant the or pany 15 FINDINGS. ,WRITTEN CONSIDERED AND , quire ;or needs credit community local serving in 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 made the by applica (5).,o42Aiir 25 RH 5094 HR RH 5094 HR paragraph to pursuant 404 14 15 tperformanc "(i)of e -he )s"(iihall without bulletin such mail any to charge upon person .request 16 to respect 11 12 13 such application .of 2 3 BCorpo REQUIRED ) ULLETINS ."(B —T he 4 5 (7)Bwnotice paragraph the contains hich 1 138 137 BFINDINGS .—"(C)Wapprov efore RITTEN 1 (1)A paragraph in described application any ing prepare awshall ritten Corporation (5),the or 2 3 sholding )"(iiuch savings and loan commit any of terms the violates company 1 2 by made ment company such para under 3 aograph (5);4,i2Airnd 4 4 Corporation the factor each to respect with finding 5 considering in account into take to required is 5 6 determination any making in ,or application such 6 beginning date the on received company such 7 sub in described rating reinvestment community 8 de violation the (i)oA r committed paragraph usuch sub this nder application ,with to respect 7 8 . section 9 10 agreed under to commitment or proposed .—Any MENTS 10 11 and savings 2Aiiry (5)b,4oparagraph any 11 12 connection in other company or holding loan 12 13 () 1Aan paragraph in described application with “(9) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY OF available be shall public the .to 14 rre "(i) eceived imputed community an 3r of rating investment ;obetter 13 14 )C"(10ONTINUING .—1 ENFORCEMENT 1 15 scribed in subparagraph ),(Aisiuch company has not 405 COMMIT 9 onth period mend -"(B)before 18 the of 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 section “(A) REINVESTMENT .—The 'cRATING term reinvestment ommunity insured regard an to minstitu ,wrating eans ' ith 25 RH 5094 HR COMMUNITY RH 6004 HR 139 140 tion numerical t, he rating assigned such to in sured institution pursuant section to 810 of the 1 2 1general circulation community the which in institu such 2tion located .is Communit Reinvestme ynt 1977 of Act subsec or 3 C.-ANoticE "(6) 3ny ONTENTS OF notice required 4public uinform nder subsection (right sto a) hall the its of o.this e)(3tion f section 4 )"(B 6 TNEIGHBORHOOD .- owhe 'lterm moderate and 5submit to Federal the depository institutions regulatory comments 6regard awith any gency writing in interview by or 7 income neighborho eans odd nma' eighborhoo de scribed section o17 the B2(c)inf Housing Act clowneeds 8redit of its ientire ,community ncluding and mod 5 Low AND 8 9 MODERATE I - NCOME .of 1937 ie.-9rate ncome neighborhoods 10 "(C)- NCOME L OWAND MODERATE I PER 11 TSONS term lowand imoderate -. he ncome per 8ons hsec 'term as the meaning given such to in 12 insured the 7to depository institution's record meeting of the > W EEKLY EBULLETIN ach regional -."(c) 10 unit each of Federal 11 depository institutions regulatory agency shall 12 tion o2102 )(aand f0 Housing the Communit y 13 406 Developme 1974. nt of ".Act 14 4SEC .15 05. AMENDMEN THE TO COMMUNIT REINVEST YTS MENT 16 OF ACT .1977 16 GENERAL N .—(a)I17 Community TAct he Reinvestment 1977 of U.S.C. (118 2901 et .)is2 seq amended adding by at and pwith ac“(2) romptly mail opy bulletin such .of 17 out charge to any person upon request . 18 19 end thereof the following new sections : ". 08. 8PERFORMA S .19 EC DATA COLLECTIO NNCE S.820 " 07. EC NOTICE OF EXAMINATION 20 N OTICE REQUIRED.“(a) 21 examination an When of begins institution depository insured an 22 section under regu depository institutions (1),the 804 23 Federal appropriate n examination the an(oof otice publish shall agency latory 24 same the 25 such day nexamination )inewspaper abegins of RH 5094 .HR RH 5094 HR 141 142 needs 1the credit local their icommunities ,of ncluding low moderate nd neighborhoods .-i2ancome “(5)The of scope housing market to efforts and business small loans lowin moderate -iand ncome 2 FORMAT "(6)Vhe ARIATION collect .-TIN for format 3 3 (a)4iperformance subsection under established data mng ay 4 minority neighborhoods .and SDATA "(d) IMPLIFIED COLLECTION FOR CERTAIN 5 differen for categori size institut of vary may and tions es institut 6betweenions and bank .thrift D 5 EPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS.— 6 IN DEPOS "(c)REQUIR LARGE FOR DATA ITORY ED 7 .—I8Sinstitut deposit insured of case the nTITUTI ory ions ONS of ,tassets more or $19whe ith 00,000, format establi 000 shed data pursua 10 subsect (a)sto perform ,collect for hall nt ion ance amfactors at ,t11 followi :assessm he inimum ng ent 12 neighborhoods equivalent areas .or 13 development community local to redevelopment or 16 low ,with entities or projects for subcategories separate 17 14 DEFINED purposes .—FTIONS or paragraph ,t(1)of he 15 depository agricultural institution m'term any eans 16 depository institution has which percent 25 more or of 17 agricultural in assets loan its estate real or loans 18 small -income moderate and housing business 18 19 itemization further and entities or projects nonprofit by 19 pstatus -rofit for .and 20 21 22 22 23 institution such by made customers to located the in by served market .area institution such Apur "(3)—F.DEFINED GRICULTURAL LOAN or 20 21 (2),the paragraph of 'aposes term loan gricultural means "(A)any loan finance to made produc the 23 livestock or products agricultural of tion the in 24 United States ; 25 RH BOB HR 407 "(3)Financial contributions and in investments 15 A “(2) GRICULTURAL DEPOSITORY INSTITU 13 "(2)Small business .and loans farm small 14 RH 5094 HR 143 144 secured "(B)any loan farm or farmland by 1 ;and States United the in machinery 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 cult purp oses . ural 6 and "(B)discuss facts the con such supporting contained in ,including clusions information the collection data the established pursuant format to . 808 section 6 "S09. .87 EVALUATIONS WRITTEN EC 9 "(2) MPHASIS E ON 7 R "(a) EQUIRED. 8 ; Act this implement to agencies regulatory tions 1 SPECIFICTYPES OF 8 discussion statement The ,sCREDIT.— facts upporting U"(1)INpon .— GENERAL each of conclusion the 9 on emphasis special place shall conclusions and in the depository insured an of examination under institution 10 of record institution's depository sured the serving 11 appropriate ,the 804 section depository Federal institu 11 -income .moderate per and lowof needs credit housing 12 shall agency regulatory tions evalua awritten prepare 12 10 institution's the of tion meeting record credit 13 neighborhoods -income .erate written Each evaluation required paragraph (1)under 17 an have shall and section onfidential .acpublic section 18 SECTION "(b) UBLIC P REPORT .OF 19 Fpublic INDINGS "(1) he TCONCLUSIONS .—AND 20 shall evaluation written the of section 21 agency's regulatory institutions for conclusions 23 section astatement and 810 by required rating merical 16 for basis the .describing rating 17 “(4)SUBMISSION INSTITU DEPOSITORY TO 18 19 corresponding data .—The TION the and section open 20 808 be shall section by format required performance 22 available made and institution the to submitted public . REPORT. "(c)CONFIDENTIAL OF SECTION 23 24 identified each factor assessment regula the in 24 25 institu depository Federal the by prescribed tions 25 RH 5004 HR T .- he RATING nu institution's the contain also shall section public 21 appropriate "(A)state the depository Federal 22 NUMERICAL 15 P "(2) UBLIC CONFIDENTIAL AND SECTIONS. 16 "(3)ASSIGNED 14 408 low,including community entire its of needs mod and 14 15 credit ,abusiness needs farm small nd small sons . needs credit 13 INDIVIDUALS .-TOF "(1)Phe NAMED RIVACY written con shall evaluation the of section confidential RH 6094 HR 146 145 underlying METHODO ATING LOGY RT.—"(2) he in the of customer any identify that references all tain ,of institution the officer or employee any stitution 1 2 informa provided has that organization or person any 3 ederal aor to confidence in tion Fin depository State 4 stitutions regulatory agency . 5 6 7 4 commit is institution depository insured an which to community to l resources manageria and financial ting 5 shall guidelines Tactivities rating nt . he reinvestme 3 6 section .-The CLOSURE confidential contain also shall 7 10 10 11 subject disclosure to ly institution the .or public 11 12 N "(3) ONDISCLOSURE DEPOSITORY TO INSTITU 12 section .—The TION confidential disclosed be not shall 14 15 institution tonless public uthe ,or appropriate Federal depository institutions regulatory agency deter 16 disclosure such that mines in be would public the inter 17 . est 9 where credit needs more extreme are be to held resource commitments of levels equivalent insti as tutions communities in stronger economies .with 13 P "(3) UBLIC NOTICE OPPORTUNITY AND TO 14 COMMENT developing B.— efore and publishing the guidelines paragraph under appropriate ),t(1 he Feder 15 depository institutions al regulatory shall agencies 16 17 8.18 PERFORMANCE "S10. EC RATING SYSTEM 18 G "(a) UIDELINES REQUIRED TO DEVELOPED. BE 19 20 GENERAL."(1)IN depository Federal The insti 21 tutions regulatory agencies jointly shall develop and 22 guidelines rating publish nassigning afor umerical 23 an to rating depository insured institution's perform meeting in ance needs credit the communi entire its of i.-and low, ncluding ty moderate neighborhoods ncome 24 25 RH 5094 HR 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 RH 5004 HR 409 13 expect 8 judgment ,ido which nederal the Fappropriate .of pository regulatory agency ,not ainstitutions re proper 9 extent the measure to be shall process rating the of goal 2 O "(2) THER TOPICS NOT SUITABLE FOR DIS statements such other or inflammatory any 8 1 148 147 "(B)spublic issues the on comment olicit relevant are which to development the of nating 1 2 ;and guidelines 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 institutions regulatory shall agencies review ,annually 9 10 appropriate when revise guidelines ,tand rating he es 10 tablished under paragraph ).(1 CONSUMER AND 15 12 .-Any GROUPS COMMUNITY 13 of views 14 16 review Atboards community "()estab he 16 Depository the of 412 section to pursuant lished 17 18 Reserve Federal the by 1988 of Act Institutions a ; nd banks community "(B)interested consumer and "(6)NUMERICAL .— RATING 22 "(1)AssIGNMENT the on Based .-REQUIRED 23 established subsection under appro (a),tguidelines he 24 20 21 . groups 22 18 19 20 21 assessment institution an of completion the upon this . title of 804 section to pursuant 15 17 19 numerical .-T"(2)The ASSIGNMENT OF IME (1)shall paragraph under required rating assigned be 11 REVIEW "(5)Views COMMUNITY OF BOARDS (4)shall paragraph under review the account into take 14 income neighborhoods . 410 13 ,including community entire its of moderate and low- 3 4 12 needs credit the meeting in performance of record tion's 2 5 11 institu nrating an to aumerical assign shall agency 1 23 24 regulatory institutions depository Federal priate 25 RH 5004 HR RH 8094 .HR 150 applica ,o)o(a1 fr1 Act Company Holding Bank the 1an National the f )o1(Auin 408 section described tHous 2ion 149 develop record the on ased b,)m"(Bin ay ed for rating such m, odify tion ing proceed applica the 1 90-163 О 2 agency regulatory institution depository ederal s FAct i,a3ng . tion applica such on acting of purpose the 3 consi into take m 4 ay deration .SCALE P "(c) ERFORMANCE 4 - 88 - 14 5 .-AELATIVE REQUIRED ny "(1)RRANKINGS 6 under this assigned rating reinvestment community depository insti insured any to respect with subsection 7 community rein institution's tution such reflect shall 8 relative basis cvestment aomparative performance on 9 10 other of performances community reinvestment the to 11 resources . similar with institutions depository insured 5 7 8 9 de insured any to respect with assigned rating merical of basis the on determined be shall institution pository 14 :5-gthe scale rating performance rade following 15 corporation 13 411 13 “(2)the of activities development community any 11 12 12 14 15 16 16 .—g“(B)2ood 17 a—)3"(C. verage 18 ."(D)4-limited effort 19 17 -income moderate and lowof needs credit the meet 18 and moderate lowbusinesses small or persons neighborhoods income areas equivalent .or 19 noncompliance .or substantial "(E)5-poor 20 "S12. .820 CONGRESS TO REPORT ANNUAL EC 1o“Bhe efore f21 teach ,March year calendar appropriate .OF NONBANK SUBSIDIARIES ACTIVITIES EC "S11. 821 institutions depository Federal 22 shall agencies regulatory perform r ompiling ,oassessing the rating on cdata ,"In22 or Act this under institution depository insured an of ance 23 areport submit ,F23 Banking on Committee the to and inance dapplication aan for of the consideration purposes 24e Com and Representatives House the of Affairs Urban 24 section in described notice or n a,25 application facility posit RH 5004 HR aUrban the of Affairs Hnd Banking on mittee ,25 ousing RH 5094 .HR 152 151 nt reinvestme community next the until institution insured 1or enactment date such after conducted is e.of 2xamination end the BREPORTS .—(d) efore AGENCY Pof 3ERIODIC during collected data of ccontaining a1 ompilation enate Sthe 811 through 807 sections under year calendar preceding t2he ."3f Act othis enactment the date on beginning period onth mtof 6-4he Fed appropriat ach thereafter onths e mand Act t,e6each 5his submit shall s regulatory institution depository eaagency 6ral application any of case the In RULE.(b)T4RANSITION the 11 section 1)o(a rf subsection in described notice 5oof 403 section added (aofsank 1956 Company Holding Bof 6by ualified establish application an than ther ),o7taqto title his sec described application any nd asubsidiary ,8sinecurities information following containing Congress the r:to 7eport 8 added sf (athe Act Housing National o1)A(u408 tby 9ion -the of earlier until section such of purposes for account 14 .date such since conducted been 13 been which extensions of number Thave (3) he most the of date ssubsection (c) ince under granted 14 15 412 .reinvest community recent most ),ttitle this of 404 section 10he rein community recent most the under assigned rating ment 11 conducted institution depository any n of examinatio vestment 12 into taken be shall Act this of enactment the date before 13 15 .this subsection under report recent 16 ;or enactment of date 16 17 17 18 19 institu depository all after apply not shall subsection This 20 enactment the of date after examined been have tions 21 .22 Act this NTS. AMENDME NG CONFORMI AND T (e) ECHNICAL 23 2901 U.S.C. 2 1of (24 1977 Act Reinvestme ynt Communit The RH 5004 HR RH B004 HR 154 153 ent amendm the before effect in asubsec )(.by seq ts e1made 1 determine institution depository sured to extent the 2 institution such which all with compliance in is appli iamend t)(a2sion ed 4 y supervisor fout "b(1) inancial striking y and Act such in appears term place eagency ” ach 5 regula institution “lieu dthereof inepository s inserting 3 ., ncluding nt laws reinvestme community ition 4 on TEXAMINER .—(2) he ONSUMER C"cterm 5 zes speciali er who examin an means ' er examin sumer 6 ;" agency tory 6 protec consumer to relating regulations and laws cable 3 and laws applica nce all with ng complia assessible in ong iprotecti er ,toncludin consum ions relating regulat 7 7 8 8 .laws tment reinves ity commun 9 9 .—TDEPOSITORY INSTITUTION NSURED (3)Ihe 10 10 and 11 12 1) 11 and Act in appears term such place etions ” ach 12 institu depository ithereof “lieu innsured inserting 13 Federal the osection 3(h)in defined afs bank sured (aany institution insured )asnd Act Insurance Deposit Housing National )o401 the (ainf section defined 14 :"tions Reforms ASubtitle B-gency 15 ). Act 15 EXAMINATIONS. (c) ONSUMER C 16 .4CONSUMER DIVISIONS 11. SEC 16 17 Reserve Federal the of Governors Board t,18he Currency nd the aCorporation ,Deposit Insurance Federal t,19he System 18 fre less no ssubsection (a)tohall pursuant tablished 19 on eparate sconduct ears a2once yevery than quently within establish each shall Board Bank Loan Home Federal 20 20 as known be to division sagencies a21eparate respective their division onsumer c".22 the section this of purposes .—F(6)Dor EFINITIONS 23 24 examina sumer tion 25 19 es division consumer E.—(1)Fach REQUENCY of Comptroller he .—T(a)E17 REQUIRED STABLISHMENT 21 institution depository insured each of examination site di such which of agency the jurisdiction within 22 such which to extent the determine pvision aart is laws applicable all with compliance in is institution 23 on cterm "T.—EXAMINATION ONSUMER C (1) he 24 in an of n examinatio means 25 nclud ,to iprotection consumer relating regulations and .ing laws reinvestment community RH 5094 .HR RH 5094 HR 413 13 14 institu financial rstriking "out y b(3) egulated in any institution depository nsured iterm " means 156 155 C (2) ONDUCTED CONSUMER BY EXAMINERS. 1 conducted examinations be shall ,consumer general In 2 cby a on of supervision the under examiners consumer 3 division sumer 4 supervisory (4)undertake and action en initiate proceedings forcement all to respect with applicable 1 2 regulations and laws relating consumer protection ,to 3 laws reinvestment community ;including 4 5 E (3) XAMINATION REQUEST UPON UNDER CER 5 6 CIRCUMSTANCES bank .-ITAIN any f holding compa 6 7 holding loan and savings or ny con which company 7 8 that determines institution depository insured an trols 9 acexamination institution depository such of onsumer examination scheduled next the of advance in under 10 8 m (6)to recommendations agency itsake concern 9 procedures and policies ing respect with applica all to expedite (1)may paragraph to appropriate be appli an 11 12 or cation by notice holding company under the 12 408 section or 1956 of Act Company Holding Bank 13 laws ble regulations and relating consumer to protec reinvestment ,including tion ;acommunity laws nd 10 11 13 414 14 National Housing Act holding ,tthe he company may 14 15 to appropriate division consumer the writing in request 15 DIVISION.— (1)CONSUMER establishment The of 16 cdepository examination aonsumer conduct the of in 16 agencies the of each in divisions consumer separate 17 . stitution subsection by established responsibilities the 19 con (c),each shall division sumer 20 18 I.—(2) ach NTERIM REPORT EREQUIRED agency 20 listed subsection sin hall rsubmit a)(a eport the on of establishment implement to taken steps con the 21 ;(1)develop examinations consumer for procedures 21 scareer upervise ,a(2)train develop nd for paths 22 ; examiners consumer division sumer such in Committee to agency the on FHouse ,and Banking inance Urban the Affairs of 23 consumer complaints (3)respond ;to RH 3004 HR 1,1991 .January 19 22 24 subsection inhall completed (a)slisted be later no than 17 .-IdAnDDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES ()addition to 18 23 DATES .(e)EFFECTIVE HRepresentatives , ous Banking on Committee the and 24 RH 5094 .HR 157 158 a30nd ing June before Senate the of Affairs ,Urban 1 . 1988 2 S 43 REVIEW .COMMUNITY BOARDS 12. EC .—O(2)AfPPOINTMENT in described members the 1 2 subparagraph each paragraph respect (1)wof ith to 3 subsec under established board review community each Re .—E(a) ach REQUIRED Federal STABLISHMENT 4 ac5sboard establish shall bank .review erve ommunity M (6) EMBERSHIP. 6 of (a)shall subsection under established board consist 8 members selected follows as :16 9 institutions depository agency (aregulatory in defined s 7 11 .-AIxcept GENERAL N E()as provided in (B),mofembers subparagraph review community boards shall appointed beears yterms 2for .of 11 consumer of representatives are who organiza 12 min (B)4embers appointed manner the pro 14 .tions 14 15 (2)famong paragraph in vided individuals rom 15 representatives are who organiza community of 16 tions . 17 mthe (C)4embers appointed in manner pro 18 19 20 18 (2)from paragraph in vided individuals among 19 organiza rights civil of representatives are who 20 appointed (D)4members manner the in pro 22 . tions 22 415 13 16 21 (3)TERMS. 8 10 12 17 (1)of 803 section of Act Reinvestment Community the ). 1977 9 10 13 (a),1mshall tion Federal each by appointed be ember 5 6 .—E(1)INach GENERAL review community 7 4 21 23 (2)famong paragraph in vided individuals rom 23 24 financial regulated of representatives are who in 24 scribed such agencies .by stitutions . 25 RH 5084 HR RH 5094 HR 160 159 shall the on vacancy Aboard ACANCY .-(4)Vny 1 be original which manner the in filled appoint 2 . made was ment 3 1 regu and laws applicable all of enforcement for dures 2 com ,including protection consumer to relating lations ; laws reinvestment munity 3 Cchairperson HAIRPERSON each T.—(c) he of commu 4 4 5nofity vote majority by elected be shall board review the 5 each of ;E(d)COMPENSATION Members XPENSES.- 7 .6members board such of 6 7 8board member each but compensation without serve shall 8 institutions 9shall depository Federal the by reimbursed be 9 member expenses for such appointed that agency regulatory 10 10 at member such of attendance with connection in incurred 11 the board .12 of meetings board's the on report annual an pac (4) repare 11 include wshall , hich tivities 12 13 concerns of (A)its the to regard in findings 14 community consumers local and service financial . board such established which bank 15 credit needs ; 15 .—T(1)Dofhe duties review community each UTIES 16 board 17 follows— as are review 'its agencies the of (B)summarize 16 aperformance ; nd 17 18 depository (1)advise Federal the reg institutions 18 19 finan of concerns the to respect with agencies ulatory 19 com local of needs credit and consumers service cial 20 20 the recommendations to (C)summarize its . agencies Federal ach .-E(9) DMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ARe shall bank serve 21 the within ;munities region board's 21 416 shall .—E(e)M13 board review community ach EETINGS Reserve Federal offices the at qbasis uarterly aof on meet 14 22 performance deposi Federal the of (2)review 22 the enable support administrative (1) rovide pto 23 board's agencies the within regulatory institutions tory 23 per to district bank's such for board review community 24 prac and standards examination to regard in region 24 25 proce disposition ,atices complaints consumer of nd RH 5094 HR nd ;aform duties board's the RH 1084 HR 162 161 annual review community the pboard's (2) ublish 1 . report FFECTIVE (h).—community EDATE 3ach review 1 (2)Megulations INIMUM R.-REQUIREMENTS 2 1)of paragraph (this Board under the by prescribed ttheinimum contain ,amafollowing shall subsection 3 4bbe shall established the and members first appointed nooard requirements : 4 5lJune 989 ,. ater 30 1than 5 ccess eal C-ASubtitl to Financi 6 7 7 SHORT S21. EC .48 TITLE 8 “F9inancial the as cited be may subtitle Services This ". Act Access 10 9 10 FINANCIAL 422. SEC 11 BASIC ACCOUNT .SERVICES 11 12 (a)2-TIER FINANCIAL BASIC ACCOUNTS SERVICE 12 depository .—Einstitution REQUIRED 13 ach abasic offer shall 13 417 , which account services financial 14 14 15 16 6 15 customer 16 transaction services a ;(A)basic nd 17 17 (B)gcashing ;acheck services overnment nd 18 section (2)meets this of requirements .the 19 A (b) CCOUNT REGISTRATION. 20 Federal the Reserve System prescribe shall regusuch . 22 to necessary be may as lations customer the establish 23 abasic open to required program registration financial 24 under account (a).services subsection 25 RH 5094 HR 19 20 .—T(1)Ihe GENERAL Governors of Board N 21 18 21 22 23 24 25 RH 5094 HR 164 163 1 wto (1) hich available is such for purpose only in IMISREPRESENTATIO .—f N depository the institution 2 odividuals ( rredit members the n ccase a,ito union )of determines that intentional an material misreprese nta tion has been made the in informatio provided n open to 3 R (3) EJECTIONAL FOR INTENTION MATERIAL 1 2 3 4 b,taasic financial services account depository he insti 5 5 6 tution may reject registration .such 6 7 7 ICASHING (4) NITIAL WAITING PERIOD FOR GOVERNMENT depository .—The CHECKS institution 8 8 awaiting impose may exceed to not of period 20 days after the registration completed is before cashing any 9 9 10 connection in check government such .with account 11 who have 1$ ,000 less or deposit on such al depository institution ; 4 institution 14 meets requirement the section this of respect with 11 12 418 RBASIC (c) EQUIREMENTS ALL FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES NACCOUNTS .—13epository o offered dby aaccount 12 10 13 14 15 basic to 15 financial service accounts account such if 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 bSERVICES financial A.—22asic services account offered aby depository institution 23 requirements the meets this of section itisan if services transaction basic providing to respect with 24 22 23 24 account 25 RH 5094 HR 6 RH 5004 HR 166 165 dall monthly (A)aetailed statement listing 1 transactions for involved month ;othe r 2 3 enters tution transactions all such for ;account 4 the (7)which require not does exclu to individual 5 nonteller other or machines teller automated use sively 6 services for such purpose ; 7 wto (1) rhich available individuals mem o(is 1 2 ,iredit n ccase union )fabers or purpose the of 3 $1or,500 of amounts in checks government cashing presenting individual if less is check indi the 4 the whom to vidual issued been has ;check 5 wa(2) hich does have mnot inimum opening or 6 minimum balance ;requirement 7 in ,a(8)wtith which to respect of election the 8 does (3)which require not account other relation 8 9 dividual depository ,tregularly he institution allow may 10 by made be individual the to payments recurring 11 deposit direct for institution depository the to payor with ships depository such ;institution 9 10 11 account the into individual such of ;a nd 12 12 (9)which indi the to notice after closed be may 13 13 419 vidual reason by of occurrence the - 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 . individual such of account the 19 19 A PROVIDING (e) CCOUNTS GOVERNMENT CHECK 20 21 offered 22 dof aby epository institution the requirements meets 22 section this 23 respect with providing to government cash check services ing is it24 if account an , RH 5004 .HR 20 CASHING bSERVICES A21asic .-services financial account (B)an card identification de form the in scribed subsection section )o(62Cinfnd ;athis 23 24 . number RH 5094 .HR 168 167 Accounts (f)Irequest on NFORMATION of .—U1pon such provide shall institution ,ad2epository individual ny 1ing financial basic the with connection in services .2accounts institution depository such by offered 6)P3REVENTION LOSSES. FRAUD OF summary aw3iritten with ndividual account the describing meets re the depository which institution 4offered such by cash check government to relating section this of ments Gpurposes OVERNMENT .—F(g) or DEFINED CHECK of 6 6 Board the services regulation bing y ,may order or ,t7his "gsection ”mterm check check any he overnment eans 7 issued 8which was by— of classification for requirement such any suspend determines Board the if checks that 8 United aStates ,(1)the agency oState any rny 9 United the States ;oof r dare institutions (A) epository experiencing 9 elated -rof check to due losses level an unacceptable 10 ;or checks of class such to respect with fraud 11 11 12 12 13 13 local of govern ment . 16 . fraud 15 .-A(h)SPECIAL UNIONS CREDIT FOR RULE ny 16 of ,cthe business union credit i17 course ordinary which nashes 17 an in check government any cash shall members for checks 18 18 member if charge without $1,500 of amount 19 any for less or whom is to individual presenting check the member 20 19 20 for reason the containing and regulation or order 21 been has check the .21 issued 22 used being is checks of class such ascheme in to CERTAIN IN DEPOSITORY (i)SPECIAL FOR RULE 22 which institution dthe aI.—23nepository of case STITUTIONS 23 uch ,sdepository customers for checks cash not does 24 institu determination making in considered evidence the to issue order an prescribe or . regulation E .(k) XCEPTION 24 cash check government provide to required be not shall tion 25 RH 5004 HR 420 14 14 15 the ire requ 5 of qsubsection 5(a). uirements 10 (1)Iith N WGENERAL .— respect 4 RH SODA .HR 170 169 regula with IGENERAL accordance .—(1)InN 1 shall section his ,tthe prescribe Board which tions 2 3 pre check government any to respect with apply not 3 4 de the if institution adsented toepository cashing for 4 1 2 believe to cause reasonable has institution pository 5 6 that depository by incurred costs the connec in institutions revenues exceed to services such providing with tion in income earned collected other or service fees the from providing with services such .connection .—B(2)Refore REQUIRED of end the EPORT beginning 6-month end at re period the of 5 6 7 ashall (1),the paragraph in to ferred submit Board 8 con and findings containing Congress the to report 9 9 clusions of respect Board with required study the to 10 10 11 11 (A)such is check fraudulently being present 7 been has ed or ;oaltered forged r 8 12 12 13 13 recommenda ,together paragraph under such with the as action administrative and legislative for tions Board determines to appropriat e .be DIRECT (m)STUDY ON REPORT AND PRO DEPOSIT 421 14 GRAM 14 GOVERNMENT ENTITLEMENT U.S. PRO FOR GRAMS. 15 15 mind rof a. easonable person 16 GOVERNMENT WITH CONNECTION 18 CASHING. CHECK 19 con .—T(1)She REQUIRED shall Board TUDY 16 (1)STUDY IN FRAUD OF INCIDENCE ON REPORT AND 17 17 feasibility astudy duct desirability and the of re 18 Govern States United of deposit direct the quiring 19 Fed in issued are which checks ment with connection 20 programs eral paid be to dentitlement ae directly 21 direct for payee the by designated institution pository 22 payee's the into deposit implications and account of requirement such any . 23 24 25 RH 5094 HR RH 5084 HR 171 172 Act this Board ,tof he rsubmit ashall eport the to Banking oninance Urban ,FCommittee and of Affairs 1 2 prescribed 1tions Board the by section under en be shall 425 under 2forced 3 Representatives of House containing findings the 3 4 conclusions and of Board respect with the to study 4 rec (1),together paragraph under required such with 5 action administrative and legislative for ommendations 6 Board the as determines be appropriate .to 7 S23. .18 NOTICES OF POSTING EC oticE .-(a)Ndepository REQUIRED E9ach institution post shall 10 cappropriate anotice the in area ofonspicuous 11 each location deposits where accepted are that informs ac and holders count 12 account potential basic that finan ;to banks national respect 6 7 (B)by the respect with Board member to 8 banks ofther Federal the oReserve (System than national abanks ); nd 9 10 11 12 14 422 13 and ices 14 government cashing check services available are pur 15 ONTENTS (6)COF Notice ny .—notice Arequired 16 under 17 subsection hall (a)sclearly explain material the fea tures and limitations basic of financial services accounts ,n i18 cluding 19 t basic transaction services and governmen check cashing 20 services ,8can customers that reasonably be0 expect 16 17 18 19 20 to ed 21 understand the of terms account offered . 21 ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT .124. SEC 22 22 A.—(a) ompliance DMINISTRATIVE CENFORCEMENT 23 (A)bCurrency the of Comptroller y with 5 services cial 13 accounts which provide transaction basic seru subtitle . this to suant 15 Federal 8o(1)section the f Deposit Insurance Act 23 ations ; nd this under imposed requirements the with 24 subtitle and regula RH 5094 HR RH 5094 HR 173 174 Nation ,b(3)the Act Union Credit Federal the y 1 Administration Union Credit al with Board to respect 2 REGULATIONS EC .11S25. prescribe shall Board The regulations such as 2 the out carry appropriate be to determine may agency 3 pro .any union credit insured 3 subtitle 4v.this of isions (6)ADDITIONAL POWERS. ENFORCEMENT 4 (1)VIOLATION AS TREATED SUBTITLE THIS OF 5 S26. .15 DEFINITIONS EC subtitle this of purposes For 6 .-For ACT8 OTHER OF VIOLATION ex the of purposes 6 7 institutions regula Federal depository any by ercise 7 A PPROPRIATE FEDERAL DEPOSITORY (1)INSTI 8 .—The AGENCY REGULATORY "aTUTIONS term ppro agency's any such of agency tory powers 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 aregulation of tion such by prescribed agency 15 (2)E UNDER AUTHORITY OTHER NFORCEMENT 17 16 . Act such under 16 17 18 institu dopository Federal .—In ACT8 any to addition 18 19 provision any under powers agency's regulatory tions 19 20 (a),each subsection in to referred law of agency such 20 21 compliance enforcing purposes of exercise ,fmay or 21 22 ,any subtitle imposed this under requirement any with 22 23 conferred authority other any by agency such on 23 24 law . 24 25 26 RH BOW HR ming " eans agency 423 13 bank regulatory institutions depository Federal priate 1) RH 5004 OHR 175 176 1 National (E)the Union Administra Credit 2 insured federally to respect with Board tion de snational ,1 uch bank or banking association District 2or provide shall bank written notice proposed such of Comptroller 3action to Currency the of than less not 90 (ivf clause in described institutions )opository 3 180 4days than more not and is action such before days to such (b)1Aof 19 .section Act 4 5 OARD .-(2) he BTB oard m ”"term eans the 6 Governors Board Federal the of Reserve .System 7 institution pository ) 8 de insured federally any means 8 association banking tional District or pro which bank 9 , bank or association such of branch any close to poses TATE .-T(4)She State the meaning 'hterm as 11 othe De Federal f 3(a)given section in such to term 12 . Act Insurance posit 13 or association banking national such District bank 10 shall provide 11 12 13 424 EFFECTIVE 427. SEC .14 DATE 14 subtitle This shall at effect take of end the 90 ay -d15 15 . Act this enactment of date the on beginning period 16 16 otice -N17 D Subtitle Branch of Closures 17 Thrift and Bank By Institutions 18 18 SHORT 431. SEC .19 TITLE 19 otice "Nof the as cited be may subtitle and Bank This 20 ”. 1988 of Act Closure Branch Thrift 21 20 : manner ing 21 REQUIREMENTS NOTICE 432. SEC 22 BANKS NATIONAL .FOR (a)NOTICE CURRENCY THE OF COMPTROLLER TO 23 the .-In REQUIRED 24 national any of case associa banking tion 25 District or which bank proposes close toany RH 5094 HR Nany REQUIRED the .-I(1) nOTICE of case na 7 (b)1AoAct 19 section of Reserve Federal .the f 10 N (6) OTICE CUSTOMERS .TO D INSTITUTION.— d "(3) EPOSITORY term The e 1tihrough clauses in described institution )(vpository 9 o.5ccur 6 P (A) OSTED BRANCH PREMISES -A.ON 22 23 abranch close to plan the of notice general and 24 such date the planned is action shall posted be in 25 aconspicuous such of premises the on place RH 5094 HR 178 177 (3)afinancial analysis sui at activity deposit of 1 written which on date the than later not branch 1 3period during -ybranch of date the on ending ear .notice Cur the of Comptroller to isprovided 2 (a). subsection to pursuant rency 3 number ,tthe accounts of (iotal notice such ncluding 3 losses on and adeposits profits ,ofnd amounts dollar (B)NSTATEMENT OTICE IN 4 inserted in such be shall plan .—Notice COUNT of 5 1of least at account of statements periodic any 6 mailed are which 7 future if branch the were remain open ;to 7 ac an who maintains person (i)to any 8 ;and branch such at count 9 ), rojection activity apsuch deposit the of nd activity the in branch such at expected be could that 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 425 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CURRE NCY. RH 5094 OHR H1004 RH 179 180 DON (1) ETERMINATION AVAILABILITY OF 1 .(2)the Feder or Currency the of Comptroller 1 2 Curren .-Whenever SERVICES of Comptroller the 2 3 respect (a)with subsection under notice any receives cy 3 section in defined is acquire term (acompany such tos 4 tComptroller de shall abhe close plan any ,to ranch 4 (18Eofon 13 Deposit Federal cInsurance )the Act result will branch such of closing the whether termine 5 6 7 which area the in institutions depository of services 7 Athe (2) SSISTANCE COMMUNITY TO 1f .-Comp 9 10 Currency determines the of troller that aclosing 10 11 sreduction will abranch result ignificant the in 11 12 the in institutions depository services of availability 12 13 such which in area is branch Comptroller ,the located 14 community with consult shall leaders affected the in . located is branch such 15 Federal (4)of 13 section under the Insurance Deposit closing ifthe Act of branch necessary issuch to facili tate such acquisition . 8 D(1) EFINITIONS. (f)of 5155 section the .Revised Statutes 13 D EPOSITORY INSTITUTION .-F(2) or of purposes 14 ,the section dthis hterm institution "the epository as vtihrough term such to given (i)meaning clauses in 15 Reserve (b)1Aof 19 section of Federal .the Act 16 CONFORMING (g)TECHNICAL AND AMENDMENT. 17 Revised the of 5155 Section U.S.C. (118 Statutes )is2 36 adding by amended 19 end the at following thereof sub new : section 20 oRANCH branch "(i)B .—N CLOSING of ational an21 be may association banking .22 clos such of notice unless closed of Comptroller to provided been has ing 23 and Currency the 232 section with accordance in branch such of customers to 24 Thrift and Bank the 25 of Act Closure ".Branch 1988. RH 5094 HR RH 5094 .HR 426 reduction asignificant of availability in the 9 in bank such of trol tconnection aransaction with 5 6 8 Insurance Corporation Deposit al authorizing another 182 181 .1S33. INSTITUTIONS THRIFT FOR REQUIREMENTS NOTICE EC Owners Home 'LThe of U.S.C. (1Act 1933 2oan 1461 2 amended .)3est iseq redesignating by section 11 as 12 4and inserting by after section the 10 following section :new con place aonspicuous premises the such of 1 than later not branch which on date the written 2 provided is notice pursuant Board the sub to 3 section (a). 4 S " 1. EC ASSOCIATION BRANCH CLOSINGS ..15 N "(B) otice IN 5 Ncase "(a)the TO BOARD REQUIRED .-Iofn6OTICE association 7any which proposes close to any branch such of 6 ssociation association ,t8aof he shall provide written notice proposed 9such action the to Board less not than days 90 and 8 AC OF STATEMENT Nbe .— otice COUNT such of inserted shall plan in least any 1oat f periodic statements account of 7 which are mailed "(i)to an maintains who person any 9 not 10 than more 180 days before such action occur to .is 10 such atnd account ;a branch N "(6)TO 11 OTICE S CUSTOMER .— 11 12 427 aor “(2) ny statistical other informatio in n sup 23 port such reasons ;of 24 RH 500 HR RH 5094 HR 184 183 1 deposit at activity “(3)afinancial of analysis 1 2 the 3-ysuch during on ending period branch ear 2 3 (including notice such ,date accounts of number the 3 4 5 a 6 notice Whenever .SERVICES any receives Board the respect (a)with subsection aunder close plan any to atotal losses and nd ,profits deposits of amounts dollar 4 determine ,the shall Board association an of branch depos the activity of ap),on rojection nd deposit such 5 of closing the aswhether in result will branch .such ig branch the in expected such at be could that itactivity 6 de services of availability the in reduction nificant 7 branch which such area in the institutions pository ; open remain to were branch the if future 7 "(1)DETERMINATION AVAILABILITY ON OF located is 8 8 9 the If .-ACOMMUNITY "(2)Board TO SSISTANCE 9 10 10 result awill in of closing the that bdetermines ranch 11 services of availability the in reduction significant 11 12 12 such which in area the institutions depository leaders with consult ,the located is branch shall Board 13 served area the of map dby “(5)aetailed 15 de of branches other all location the showing branch other in depository nd ,a14 area affected the in such with . 15 appropri be to determine may Board the as stitutions branch such replacing of feasibility ,to16 ate the explore the and area such within located institutions pository 16 ncluding estab the ibanking ,with facilities adequate 17 ommunityt accredit of lishment .developmen union 18 proposed the from branch such each of distance 17 ato ; nd closed be 18 CY XCEPTION "(e)EACQUISI EMERGEN OF CASE IN 19 alim ,“(6)description of location the nd ny 19 20 21 association plans facility the which -service full or ited .—This TION 20 the to respect with apply not shall section clos association has the which or area such in establish to abranch of ing -21 of order to pursuant association an depository to plans institution another believe reason 22 22 establish such .in area 23 BOARD. "(d)Action OF REQUIRED 24 RH 5004 HR RH 5084 HR 428 branch remain to ;were open 13 14 185 186 as (f)8Eacquire 13 section in isdefined term such 1 FINDINGS 1S42. EC PURPOSE .AND 2 )control Act Insurance Deposit Federal the such of Congress T.—(a)Fhe hereby finds eco that 2INDINGS 3 connection in association under atransaction with sec 3nompetition omic cwould ,stability enhanced be between de 4 National (m)of 408 tion Housing the if Act closing institutions 4pository would aimproved ,be nd of ability the 5 necessary branch of is facilitate to acquisi such cdeposit make 5onsumer to decisions informed regarding ac would strengthened 6cin ounts be unifo was there if the .tion 6 "(f)DEFINITIONS.— 7 terms 7disclosure of conditions and interest on which paid is assessed 8and are fees such with connection .in accounts 8 Pre purpose .-I() t9URPOSE the is subtitle this of to 9 uniform and clear the quire 10 of disclosure such as associations to respect section under has term 10 nation (f)of 5155 to respect with Statutes Revised the 11 11 . associations banking al 12 12 D EPOSITORY INSTITUTION Fpurposes .—"(2) or dterm ,tthe section this 'of he hepository institution as 15 such to given itmeaning clauses )(vin term ihrough 14 429 13 14 counts , consumers that so 15 mmake eaningful comparison acan be (6)1Aof 19 section ."of Act Reserve Federal the 16 institutions depository of claims competing the tween 16 with deposit accounts to regard .17 EFFECTIVE 434. SEC DATE .17 This subtitle this by made amendments the and 18 take shall 19 at effect of -dend 90 the ay beginning period on .443. SEC 18 DISCLOSURE TERMS AND RATES INTEREST OF AC OF 19 COUNTS . enactment the date 20 this .of Act N xcept .-E(a)Iin GENERAL as provided subsection 20 Subtitle -TEruth Savings in 21 (6)esolicitation ,21 advertisement ainiti rnnouncement oach to relating institution depository by ated 22 any or demand 4TITLE SHORT SEC 41. .22 may subtitle This the as cited Savings “Tbe in ruth 23 -bwhic interest 23 account any includes reference aearing to amounts on payable interest of rate specific 24 deposited such in ". Act 24 r pecific ,oyield account as25 to amounts on earnings of rate or RH 5094 HR RH 6004 HR 187 188 s1 ohall ,tdeposited information following state the 1 c:and a,i2eapplicable lear nxtent manner conspicuous 3 4 5 4 ). rate annual such which during he (2)Tpercent period 6 .in effect is yield age 7 8 re (3)All time and balance account minimum 9 ad to the earn order in met be must which quirements 10 (annd yield ,ivertised for accounts of case the which 11 stated 1yannual than more is percentage ,eield ach minimum account the and yield requirement balance 12 OR No (c)MISLEADING FREE OF DESCRIPTIONS 13 have and imity prominence ).equal 14 .—Non PROHIBITED ACCOUNTS COST 14 ,a advertisement ,or nouncement 15 institu depository any by made solicitation 15 account an describe to refer may tion -caf16 no or asost ree 16 if account 17 17 balance minimum the than er earn to necessary ad 18 vertised yield . 19 19 rates (5)The annual interest simple .of 20 21 .for withdrawal early quired 24 21 sinterest (7)A an that re istatement penalty 23 maintained be must balance (A)aminimum ;or period such during account the in 22 raximum omnot ;exceed number aperiod may im is fee transaction or service regular (2)any 24 25 RH 8084 HR perio any d— 20 statement (6)A condi other or fees regular that could tions reduce yield .the 22 23 (1)in for charges service or fees avoid to order 18 . posed RH 5094 .HR 430 with associated each yield such be shall prox close in 13 189 190 1 M (d) ISLEADING INACCURATE ADVERTISEMENTS ,OR 1 amount such which calculated will ),abe the nd condi ,P2Etc. .—N make shall institution depository ROHIBITED o 2 which under tions such any will .amount assessed be a3rnnouncement ,oadvertisement to relating solicitation ny 3 4adeposit misleading or inaccurate is that account 4 .5misrepresents contracts deposit its 5 SCHEDULE S44. 46 EC .ACCOUNT 6 .—E(a)Idepository GENERAL shall institution N 7ach 7 I NFORMATION ON RATES INTEREST sched .-T(c) he 8 required under subsection respect (a)w9ule ith account any to shall 10 include following information :the regulations shall Board the which and section this of ments 11 11 .Tnhich prescribe i12 specify shall wBoard ,regulations fees he restrictions apaccount nd ,ct13 enalties onditions erms charges 431 aschedule in included be must 14 subsec this under required institution sched such in include not need depository .A tion 15 . regulation such in specified not information any ule 16 .—T(6)I17 CHARGES AND FEES ON he NFORMATION required schedule 18 subsection respect (a)wunder ith any to contain shall account 19 information following :the 20 RH 5004 OHR RH 5094 HR 191 192 such any in described information for computing 1 1interest adjustments ,arate restrictions renewal ccount nd .2policies accounts time for ."),if applicable paragraph 2 3 .-S(e)S3chedules FORMAT AND under required TYLE 4 written (a)s4hall be ubsection language plain and clear in allow af5ormat in presented be designed nd to consumers 5 .6readily offered accounts of terms the understand 6 .47S45. AC CERTAIN FOR REQUIREMENTS DISCLOSURE EC 7 8 . COUNTS 8 9 ,i9n require shall Board The the which regulations 10 ,such prescribe shall Board 10 re disclosure the in modification 11 this under quirements 11 annual to relating subtitle percentage this of purposes the out carry to necessary be may as yield 12 12 subtitle 13 in case -the of ac an to credited been not but accrued has which from will account the awithdrawal of time at count 14 to credited or institution depository the by paid be not 15 l .such withdrawa of reason by the account 16 determination which to respect (1)accounts with 14 rate an on based is yield percentage annual of 15 aperiod for guaranteed is that interest of than 1less 16 17 17 year ; (2)variable accounts ;rate 18 guar p(3)accounts ,dwhich law to not oursuant 19 aspayment nd ;of rate tated antee 20 21 446. SEC .22 SCHEDULES OF DISTRIBUTION determine may Board the 23 consumers allow necessary be to N chedule .-As(a)Irequired GENERAL section under 23 ,of accounts compare and understand to 24 including frequency RH 5004 OHR be shall account appropriate an for 444 24 RH 5094 HR 432 13 194 193 mailing scheduled regularly any in (1)included 1 1 change (1)any in made is condition or term any . re schedule the in disclosed be to required is which than more not occurs which account that of holders to 2 2 3 3 regula initial the of date effective after days 90 4 ,the subtitle this under Board by prescribed tions efore ,bunless provided has institution depository the 5 section under respect (a)wquired 444 ith ac any to nd t a;coun 5 isclosure ,adwhich date effective such re the meets 6 ;of 444 section quirements 7 available (2)made any to person request ;upon 8 and 9 (3)provided an before customer potential any to 10 1INDIVIDUAL THAN MORE LISHED 11 A BY OR srendered .is ervice opened aaccount or 11 .—Iby GROUP 12 is account an iestablished 1fndi than more (6)DISTRIBUTION DE INITIAL CERTAIN OF CASE IN 12 described tion 14 section this in respect with such to account 14 distribution if section this of requirements the meets 15 individuals of to made established who 116 or account the the of representative individual 17 such behalf whose on person . established was account 18 PAYMENT 447. SEC 19 INTEREST .OF AMOUNT (a)CALCULATED FULL ON PRINCI OF 20 .—Tear PAL 21 of amount he bon -accruing interest an calculated be shall institution depository any at account ing 22 institution such by 23 on principal of amount full the in 24 NOTICE DISTRIBUTION OF OF (c) calculation stated the for account 24 rates or rate at period of CERTAIN pursuant disclosed interest .25 subtitle this to CHANGES 1 .-251 RH 5004 HR RH 5094 HR 433 a,distribu for or vidual an individual p13 than other erson ny 1 .- 1 POSITS 13 196 195 IN (6)No COMPOUNDING OF METHOD PARTICULAR 1 snot construed be .-S2Thall (a)REQUIRED ubsection EREST 2 3 adepository require strued institution any use to 4 Board the by prescribed clause or form model such S48. .15 REGULATIONS EC .—NaIot GENERAL than later n 1y()after date the ear depository .A subsection this under be shall institution 6 provi disclosure the with compliance in be to deemed 7 (a)a8with 449 section in to referred agency each public nd 8 regula ,s9notice comment for opportunity and prescribe hall 9 . subtitle this of provisions and purpose the out carry to tions 10 10 prescribed so regulations The 11 classifica such contain may 11 institution depository the if subtitle this of sions and or clause form model such any (B)uses itby changes 12 13 judgment inre as 14 Board the necessary ,aof to proper or 14 circumven ,to subtitle this of prevent purposes the out carry 15 15 fa ,or subtitle this requirements the of evasion or tion 16 to 16 434 accounts of class any exceptions and adjustments such for 13 . subtitle this of requirements the with compliance cilitate 17 17 disclosure .the 18 CLAUSES. (6)M18ODEL AND FORMS publish (1)IN shall Board The GENERAL.— fa to disclosures common for clauses and forms model 20 5 t7ofter subtitle this of enactment ,athe Board consultation he f differentiations tions ,ao12 provisions other provide may rnd 19 con be may subtitle this in Nothing .-COMPLIANCE method particular any of or use the requiring prohibiting 3as crediting .or interest compounding 4ooff 6 (2)USE IN DEEMED CLAUSES AND FORMS OF 1 OPPORTUNITY (3)PUBLIC AND NOTICE FOR 19 20 shall clauses and forms Model disclosure COMMENT.- 21 subtitle this with compliance .Icilitate such devising n 21 the in notice given duly after Board by adopted be 22 ,the forms depository by use the consider shall Board 22 an and Register Federal public for opportunity com 23 automated similar or processing data of institutions 23 machines . 24 nited ,Usection 5ment title of 553 with accordance in . Code States 24 RH 5094 7HR --RH 5094 HR 198 197 ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT EC .41S49. institutions depository odescribed (ivf clause )in sec 1 90-163 0 - 88 - 15 CGENERAL —.(a)Iompliance requirements with the 2N shall subtitle 3imposed this under under enforced be Act Reserve (b)1Ao. f 19 tion Federal the 2 A ENFORCEMENT (6) DDITIONAL POWERS. 3 4 VTREATED OF (1) IOLATION SUBTITLE THIS AS 4 ,in Act case -the of 5 VIOLATION OTHER purposes .-FOF ACTS or ex the of 5 6 (a)of subsection in to agency referred any by ercise 6 Currency ; 7 such agency's powers 7 8 8 (other ),bSystem banks national than the y 9 ;and Board 10 9 .that Act under imposed quirement 10 11 E AUTHORITY (2) NFORCEMENT OTHER UNDER 11 ACTS .-addition n Ito the powers of any agency re 12 12 such ach ,especifically subsection in to14 referred Federal the ofy Reserve System )bbanks Directors Board Federal of Deposit the Insur 15 ; Corporation ance 16 enforcing compli ,for exercise may agency of purposes 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Act (b)1Ao;afnd 19 Reserve Federal the 24 Union (3)the Credit Nation ,bFederal Act the y 25 Union Administration Credit al Board case the in of 26 RH 8004 HR RH 5094 HR 435 nder (a)any subsection in to uferred law of provision 13 Reserve Federal the member (other Act than 13 199 200 EC CIVIL LIABILITY 4.1S50. the action ogether ,with tras easonable aattorney's 1 fee Cotherwise ivil LIABILITY -E.(a) 2xcept as provided this 3inny depository ,asection institution which fails to determined by the court .2 (6)CACTION AWARDS n3LASS .-Ithe determining with 4comply requirement any imposed subtitle this under or mount aaward 4of any in class he ,court action tshall regulation prescribed 5any this under with subtitle to respect 5c,aother mong relevant factors ,onsider is 6any person such liable amount an in the to equal 6 7sum -of 8 .was intentional 12 FIDE ERRORS .(c)BONA 13 15 be not may liable held any in brought action under 16 vsection aiolation for this of subtitle deposi ifthe institution tory pdemonstrates aby reponderance of the evidence that violation the was intentional not and re bsulted ona error nfide otwithstanding ,afrom the 17 18 19 maintenance procedures of reasonably adapled avoid to 20 . error such any 21 22 XAMPLES Efide .-(2) xamples abof ona error 23 include cclerical alculation ,and omputer malfunction aprogramming printing nd eerrors , xcept that error an 24 judgment legal of drespect awith to epository institu 25 RH 5004 HR 436 G.-A(1) epository ENERAL dRULE institution 14 RH 3004 HR 202 201 ona absubtitle fide not is this under obligation tion's 1 2 ; comply to failure such respect with section this 1 and 2 . error this under action ny .—A(d) 3URISDICTION Jsection 3 to failure such of notice written (C)any ,odistrict in court States United any brought 4mray be 4 institution the depository by received is comply ithin ,wof year one jurisdiction ny 5acourt other competent .of involved violation the occurrence date 6after 5 6 of provision .-N(e)R7oELIANCE RULINGS BOARD ON 7 his 8tsection act to apply shall liability any imposing 8 ,9dorone rule any with conformity faith good in omitted 9 otwith nBoard ,by the thereof interpretation r o10 regulation 10 that to ensure count 11 escinded ,o12 ris amended interpretation r egulation rule such 12 for liable be not will holder account (A)the 13 dis actually amount the of excess in any for invalid be to other authority or judicial by 13 determined closed to respect with ; charge or fee any reason any .14 (1)NOTIFICATION AND OF 15 if account 19 b(1) efore 20 ADJUSTMENT FOR 15 condition any under imposed charge or fee under liable be not shall institution .-A16epository dERRORS 16 with comply to failure any for 449 or section this 17 17 with any to respect imposed subtitle this under requirement 18 18 will account such in amounts (C)interest on 19 under apercentage ,the yield annual atnd accrue nd ;anot disclosed actually will nd credit adisclosed (,the ctually conditions 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 daccrued afor at already interest beif provided under different and yield percentage annual ferent account any in interest an holds person than 25 25 RH 5094 HR RH 5004 HR 437 ,has occurred omission or act such after that fact the standing 11 203 204 (1)tand minimum marimum amounts of lihe ability under subsection (a)2Aftoor any failure 1 2 with comply requirements the this of subtitle shall 3 CThis (3) OORDINATION SECTION WITH 119.subsection shall limit not otherwise or affect en the forcement power under section 449 agency any of ne 1 2 3 with respect to account such ; nd aapply 4 subsection inf to (a)oferred .such section 4 5 4.5 CREDIT S51. EC UNIONS No (a)I.-Nprescribed GENERAL regulation 6 by the 6 account shall distributed be among persons .such 7 7Bwith under this subtitle shall apply directly respect tooard (W)CONTINUING FAILURE DISCLOSE TO .- 8 8ain depository institution described (section clause )oivfny 9 C (1) ERTAIN NG CONTINUI FAILURES TREATED 10 1 xcept IOLATION EVin .—AS provided as paragraph EGULATIONS R (6)BY PRESCRIBED 10 THE NCUA. 11 continuing (2),the failure depository any of institution 11 Within days 90 the of effective date any regulation pre 12 disclose particular any required term disclosed to be under subtitle with prespect athis to articular account scribed 12 the by Board under this subtitle , he tCredit National Union Administration Board shall prescribe aegulation r13 substantially 14 similar to regulation the prescribed by 13 shall streated abeingle as violation for purposes de of amount the termining such liability any of institu 16 subsection under failure f(a)tion or to disclose .such 438 14 15 (6)1A91the oReserve Federal . f9 Act Board 15 taking into account the unique nature of credit unions 16 and the limitations under which they may pay dividends on (2)She UBSEQUENT FAILURE DISCLOSE T.-TO 17 member 17 .accounts any of failure continuing dis to institution depository 18 . 52. SEC 418 EFFECT STATE ON LAW 19 close This subtitle does not annul lter ,aaffect r othe laws of19 20 20 any 21 22 23 24 SEC DEFINITIONS 53. .424 25 subtitle this of purposes the For 25 RH 8004 HR RH 5084 HR 206 205 (3)inthe paragraphs described terms under deposit INSTITUTION "d.—T(1)Dhe term eEPOSITORY 1 1 ear xpressed a,eyas 4 fver (c)oand 444 section 2 "hterm institution pository such given meaning the as 1 3 itifhrough clauses vin 19 section ()1Aothe 3 Tthe OARD “B.—(2) he "term oard m eans 5 Federal Reserve . Act 4 pre be shall which ethod macalculated by percentage in Board the by scribed regulations . 4 5 Board Governors Federal the System Reserve .of 6 Subtitle F- ome H Equity Loan 6 TITLE S61. 47 EC .SHORT 7 8 unincor 1or to offered account an or individuals more 9 dporated ae by individuals of association nonbusiness ".9Consumer 1988 of Act Protection institution pository which into deposits acustomer 10 demand including ime n ,tfunds accounts e 11 .462. SEC 10 DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS ADVERTISING AND FOR 11 . LOANS EQUITY HOME ISCLOSURE DREQUIREMENTS hapter f12 o(a)2.—Cthe withdrawal of order gotiable accounts draft ,and share 12 (1U.S.C. Act Lending in Truth 13 .)is5 seq et 1631 amended . accounts 14 » : section new following the 127 section after inserting by 14 .-T(4)Iincludes he NTEREST "iterm nterest dividends paid to respect with accounts draft share 15 which accounts are within meaning the para of 16 17 (3). graph CON "S27A D115 END OPEN FOR EC ISCLOSURE .REQUIREMENTS 16 . CON THE BY SECURED PLANS CREDIT SUMER 17 18 M ULTIPLE ACCOUNT RATE m "T.-(5) he term ul 19 account rate account ”mtiple any has 2othat reans DWELLING PRINCIPAL .SUMER'S Aof DISCLOSURES case .-I"(a) nPPLICATION the any 18 any open 19 for provides which plan credit consumer end exten 20 interest simple of rates annual more effect take which credit of sion 20 secured is which consumer's the by principal 21 time the at known are which and periods succeeding in ,the dwelling 21 in disclosures following the make shall creditor . disclosure of 22 accordance with (6):22 subsection 23 PERCENTAGE (6)A NNUAL .-The YIELD term 23 24 "sahall yield percentage total the to equal be nnual 24 "(1)FIXED Each RATE.PERCENTAGE ANNUAL ex with connection in imposed rate percentage annual that amount interest of received be would a$100 on 25 HR RR 8004 439 13 Equity "Home the as cited be may subtitle This Loan 8 RH 5004 HR 207 208 astatement and plan the under credit of tensions that 1 . interest than other costs include not does rate such 2 .-I2VnARIABLE RATE PERCENTAGE "()the 3 in provides of rates variable for aplan case which 4 plan the under extended credit on terest 5 snot )a"liitatement such that does rate 1 include costs other than interest ; 2 sthat “(D)atatement consumer the should 3 about ask current the index value interest and 4 5 ; rate 6 6 sof "(E)atatement marimum the amount 7 7 which by the annual percentage rate may change inter than other costs include not does rate such 8 9 1-ytatement any asin or period such no that ear 8 limit ;erists 9 ; est 10 "(B)adescription which in manner the of 10 sthe "(F)atatement of marimum annual 11 be will rate the percentage annual in changes any 11 percentage may that rate imposed be any at time imade , ncluding 12 under plan ;the 12 terest rate carryov er ; 14 14 such )t"(iihe any of ;timing changes 15 15 16 16 17 17 information )as"(ivource of any about 18 such ;index 19 18 19 "(C)if an annual percentage initial is rate 20 indez an on based not is which offered 21 440 13 13 20 maximum t"C) he annual percentage 21 which rate imposed be may under each re 22 22 23 23 24 24 ; plan the of option payment 25 RH 5004 HR RH 5094 HR 210 209 balance g outstandin 1,a$on0,000 under 1 account an connection opening with )in neys 1 under the . plan 2 each maximum such when option 2 and ;annual effect in is rate percentage 3 AVAILABILITY S.—AOF "(B) TATEMENT 3 4 that statement ask may consumer creditor the im be may rate interest annual maximum 5 by agood for estimate faith fees of creditor the 7 informa "(I)astatement rate interest that 7 8 be tion provided will periodic each with or on 8 4 5 a; nd posed 6 9 10 FEES "(3)OTHER THE BY IMPOSED CREDI 11 cred .--An TOR the by imposed fees any of itemization availability the with connection in itor credit of use or 12 11 13 ,atransaction nd ifees closing (costs ncluding 14 pcommonly ),aoints when time nd 'the as described 15 15 such fees payable are . P DURING "(A) ERIOD WHICH TERMS SUCH AVAILABLE conspicuous c.-AARE and lear state 17 ment time "(1)of the application which by an 18 THIRD BY POSED .PARTIES 19 An .-A AMOUNT GGREGATE ,"()estimate 19 20 creditor's the on based experience such with plans 20 21 as single stated and or aramount easonable 21 22 additional fees amount of aggregate ,of range the 22 as (such parties third by imposed be may that agovernmental appraisers nd ,attor authorities 5094 HR RH SUBJECT .ARE 16 E "(4) STIMATES WHICH FEES OF BE MAY IM 17 "(6)CONDITIONS WHICH TO DISCLOSED TERMS 441 annual ,ifees plan such under ncluding application 24 under "(A)any credit of extension plan the secured is consumer's the by dwelling ;and 12 13 23 .-Astatement ING that 10 14 18 "(5)STATEMENT RISK LOSS DWELL OF 9 . statement 16 imposed be may that parties third .by 6 submitted be must the obtain to dis terms closed o; r applicable terms ,t)i"( ifhat the are subject to change . R "(B) IGHT OF REFUSAL IF 23 that .—Astatement CHANGE TERMS 24 RH 5094 HR CERTAIN 211 212 1 "(i)the enter to not elect may consumer 1 2 under account an open to agreement into 2 3 athan (other changes term any if plan the which under tions may creditor the any take described action subparagraph (A).in R "(8) EPAYMENT OPTIONS MINIMUM AND PERI 3 ariable avfeature by contemplated change of 4 .-The PAYMENTS ODIC the under options repayment 4 efore )bany plan ;the final is agreement such 5 )i( fi election an makes consumer the 7 8 enti (i),the clause in described is consumer 8 9 arefund to tled connection in paid fees all of 5 and 6 ,including plan 6 7 9 with application .the 10 10 11 .-A"(C)RETENTION INFORMATION OF 11 12 other or make should consumer the that statement 12 information under disclosed acopy retain wise of 13 14 WITH "(7)R CREDITOR OF TOights RESPECT 15 sEXTENSIONS tatement Athat .-CREDIT OF 16 )uhe ,t"(A conditions certain creditor nder 17 13 442 this subparagraph . 14 15 16 ;a (A) nd 17 18 plan and the under account any terminate may 18 19 repayment immediate require outstanding any of 19 payment will monthly periodic or minimum any 20 of extension ,prohibit balance additional any 20 be each under idetermined , ncluding option such ap ,or account to limit credit the reduce 21 account ;and the to plicable 22 of amount the "(C)ahow explanation n 21 of such any determination the in differences 22 in described periods the to regard with amount a(A).iclauses subparagraph oifnd 23 23 24 24 MINIMUM "(9)EXAMPLE OF AND PAYMENTS 25 PERIOD ,b.-Aased example n REPAYMENT MAXIMUM RH 5094 HR RH 5094 HR 214 213 1 rate interest and balance outstandin 1the a$0,000 g on 1 2 under index on based not rthan a( ate ther othe 2 3 such under wnrhich oplan ,iis recently was )effect 3 4 minimum ,showing plan the periodic or monthly pay 5 repay ,and ment to take would it time entire the ;in amortization negative result may ments out the increases namortization “(B) egative 4 $10,000 only paid consumer if peri minimum the 6 of extensions additional no obtained and payments odic 7 8 limitation "(A)any plan in the on pay minimum the in increase any of amount . credit ;and account the of balance principal standing 5 n)"(C eg 6 amortization reduces the con consumer's in equity sumer's .the dwelling 7 LRE )“(12IMITATIONS MINIMUM AND AMOUNT 8 9 S CONCERNING )"(10TATEMENT BALLOON PAY 9 10 repayment .-Ifnder uMENTS any plan the of ,option 10 N "(A) UMBER DOLLAR AND LIMI AMOUNT 11 periodic minimum than more not of payment the 11 .—Any TATIONS plan the in contained limitation 12 over option such under required payments of length the 12 and credit extensions of number the on 13 may which credit of amount during obtained be repayment the period— 13 balance o; r 15 16 18 19 16 asofncluding be may case the ,ias fact such tatement 18 that statement explicit an repayment the such of end at 19 21 aminimum establishes which requirement amount for 20 credit of extension subsequent )a"(iiny 21 . time that at 22 )N"(1f1EGATIVE applicable ,I.—AMORTIZATION 24 that satatement RH 5004 HR the under account an or plan ;to 22 23 OTHER REQUIREMENTS AMOUNT TRANSACTION .-Any 17 bdefined aperiod (f)payment 147 section in alloon s 20 . period time defined other or month any M "(B) INIMUM BALANCE AND "(B)would repay outstanding the than less balance end the by such period ,of 17 14 15 443 14 EXTENSIONS ON QUIREMENTS CREDIT. OF 23 24 RH 5094 HR 215 216 S )"(13TATEMENT REGARDIN CONSULTA G TION 1 TAX sADVISOR tatement A.-OF that consumer the 2 should adviser taconsult ax regarding deductibili the ty 3 interest of charges and under plan .the 4 2 3 c .o onsumer F "(2) orm. 4 4ISCLOSUR D)"(1REQUIREM E ENTS ESTAB 5 end the of ay 3-don period beginning date the creditor receives aompleted capplication from 1 BOARD BY term .-ALISHED other ny Board the which 6 I"(A) xcept N Ein .-GENERAL provided as 5 disclosures (1)B,the paragraph under required 6 ibeon ,trequires .regulations disclosed 7 subsection a)s( hall provided be on with or any application establish to account under open an 7 “b)TIME FORM AND OF DISCLOSURES. 8 8 T “(1).-IME DISCLOSU OF RE 9 consumer end plan credit which provides for any extension credit of secured is which by con the 9 10 IThe “(A) N GENERAL.disclosures re 10 quired subsection wunder (a) ith respect to any 11 consumer end open credit which plan provides for 12 13 14 extension any which credit of secured is the by consumer's principal dwelling and pamphlet the 15 required subsection under provided (e)shall be to sumer's principal dwelling . S "(B)OF EGREGATION REQUIRED DISCLO 13 INFORMATION OTHER FROM SURES .-The disclo subsection under required con (a)ssures be hall spicuously segregated other all dfrom ,terms ata 14 15 16 distributes creditor time the at consumer any 16 additional or information provided connection in 17 application an establish to account such under 17 application ,ewith ither grouping by disclo the plan such consumer .to 18 separately sures application the on form by or 18 19 providing sdisclosures athe eparate ,on iform n accordance regulations with Board the .of 19 20 20 21 P "(C) RECEDENCE CERTAIN OF INFORMA 21 22 TION disclosures —T. he required paragraphs by 22 23 444 11 12 aall subsection fnd sprecede a7o(5),6 hall 23 24 required other the disclosures .of 24 25 RH BODA .HR RH BOB HR 218 217 "(D)SPECIAL TO RELATING PROVISION 1 2 VARIABLE 1 INFORMATION. INTEREST RATE 3 under required disclosures the not or Whether 4 re (a)aprovided subsection application the on 5 in described rate information variable ,the form (a)2mbeay subsection from separately provided 6 4 6 .to disclosed be required information other the 7 8 9 10 11 sumer . 11 12 13 12 .-I"(e)PnAMPHLET to addition re disclosures the 14 credit plan consumer end any under account an open subsection under quired 13 to (a)with respect application an . plan described 15 subsection such creditor ,tin he or person other pro consumer end open any under account an to plication 15 disclosures such viding 16 consumer the to shall provide (a)which subsection in described plan credit a16 to provided is the creditor other than person any by consumer 17 17 18 19 with subsec )the "(A under required disclosures 20 respect ,iaccordance plan such to (a)wnith tion 21 (b);and subsection with 22 subsection under required pamphlet "(B)the 23 o(e); r 24 RH 5094 HR RH 5004 HR 445 ap .—I"(c)3nD APPLICATIONS PARTY an of case the 14 219 220 iUthe amended (a)1s.S.C. 1637 adding by thereof end at ias , nnformation form such manner and Board the may f:paragraph 2ollowing new r2: equire 3 3 L ) OAN "(1 FEES AND OPENING COST ESTI 4 .-Any MATES fee loan is which of amount the deter pto aercentage as mined the of applicable limit credit 5 (a);and 127A 8 account under plan the estimate an and of ag 7 amount gregate fees other of opening for account ,the creditor's on based experience with plan the and 8 Board "(B)the determines described not is 9 6 10 srange stated ingle ramount as easonable .aor 9 10 11 12 13 16 14 SECURED PLANS CONSUMER'S THE BY PRINCI 15 DWELLING .PAL . rate centage H "(3) IGHEST ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE. annual highest The percentage which rate be .may im . plan the under posed 16 Nro GENERAL Iadvertisement to , f17 aid p“(a)I.-any 17 rhe ,assist mote 18 odindirectly or tofirectly extension con 18 sumer 19 credit an through end open consumer plan under 20 extensions which of credit secured are by consumer's the 19 scribed 20 ontains scsubsection a)(ain tatement any that inter principal dwelling states ,or negatively ny a21 offfirmatively expense est 21 incurred respect with to is plan the be may or tax deductible tbe advertisement ,22 he shall misleading not with re the 22 specific terms of plan ncluding ,any iperiodic pay ment amount required under , uch plan such s23 advertisement spect 23 such deductibility .to 24 shall also clearly and conspicuously set forth the following "(c)C24 ERTAIN PROHIBITED TERMS advertise .—N o ment described 25ith subsection respect w(a)in to home any RH 5084 HR RX 5094 HR 446 15 ADVERTISING "S47. .114 EC END CONSUMER OPEN OF CREDIT 221 222 may 1equity account loan such to 'refer money free oas use r shall 1mfhe ent disclose applicable that t,ialso fact plan the determined 2other terms Board the regulation by mis be to ncludes bi.a2alloon payment l3eading Bof PAYMENT 3ALLOON FDEFINED .—"(f) or purposes RATE "(d)D4ISCOAL INITI .UNTED his and section 127A he bterm ',t4alloon payment 5 .-I"(1)IfN GENERAL de advertisement any 6 inncludes isubsection (a)scribed annual initial an 7 index or the by determined not is that rate percentage 8 make to used formula adjustments interest later ,rate 9 advertisement the also shall with state equal promi 10 percentage annual current the nence rate would that 11 applied been have or index the using such if formula initial rate not had offered .been 12 ,w5mith eans open any to respect consumer end plan credit uby which 6nder extensions credit of secured are the consum dwelling 7er's ,aprincipal option repayment ny which under 8 14 14 15 15 16 16 P DURING "(3) ERIOD WHICH INITIAL IS RATE 447 13 17 credit such which to pursuant and extended is ;ment 12 13 T (d) ECHNICAL CONFORMING AND AMENDMENTS. 17 Section (b)o18f5 122 Lending in Truth U.S.C. 1the Act 18 amended b section 1632 i19 striking aout (b)1”"sby 128 nd inserting 20 in " ections thereof as127A (b)3lieu nd 128 (b)1”.21 HOME 463. SEC 22 PROTECTIONS .EQUITY Lending 2oU.S.C. Chapter in Truth the (1f523 Act et 1631 amended .)i24 seq s by the at adding thereof end : section new following 25 RH 5094 HR RH 5094 HR 224 223 EQUITY .1"S37. HOME EC PLANS REQUIREMENT.“(a)I2ndex extensions of case the In 1 consumer's principal dwelling pcontain amay rovision 2 permits to acwhich reditor unilaterally change any open 3of an under credit consumer end are which plan under disclosed be to required (a)oterm 127A section r 3 v4subject ariable crate ato by secured are and onsumer's cin ,except term other aany hange terms insignificant such the as address of creditor billing purposes .for 4 ,t5pindex dwelling which to interest of rate other or he rincipal 5 6cinhanges be shall related are rate percentage annual the C "(2) ERTAIN CHANGES NOT PRECLUDED. 6 7based index an on which interest of rate or avail publicly is Notwithstanding provisions the subsection of (1),a 7 of 8able control under not is .and creditor the 8 ACCELERATION "(b)GROUNDS FOR OUTSTAND OF 9 . reditor BALANCE ING not unilaterally -Ac10 may terminate 10 11 extensions which 12 are credit of csecured aonsumer's by prin 12 13 14 448 dwelling cipal 13 require and immediate the repayment any of balance outstanding 14 ,except time such at -in of case the reduce the or applicable limit credit account an to 15 19 ,or ance action "(3)any other by act to failure or con the 20 adversely which sumer creditor's affects security the for 21 securi account such in creditor the of right any or 22 23 9 plan credit consumer end open an under account any 11 15 creditor . ty "(c)CHANGE TERMS. IN 24 period any during plan under the which in 17 consumer's the of value dwelling principal which 18 significantly is balance outstanding any secures 19 the of value appraisal original than less dwell 20 . ing 21 additional "(C)Prohibit of extensions credit 22 reduce or applicable limit credit the account to 23 creditor has the which in period any during unable be will consumer the that believe to reason 24 open .—N"(1)Iend GENERAL No credit consumer 25 16 repayment the with comply to requirements of 25 secured are credit of extensions which under plan aby 26 RH 80B4 HR RH 5094 HR shall mont disclose ialso fhe ,tupplucuble four policore the thut use or money free 4s loan such to refer may account iequity iba> ncludes payments alloon ther determined 2omista terms to regulation Board the by be purposes .-F"1of03or DEMAND PAYMENT BALLOON l3eading section #the his ,and 1974 balloon term payment "(d)DISCOUNTED .RATE INITIAL 4 5 I"(1) fN .GENERAL de advertisement any open ,w3mith any to respect eans plan credit consumer and 6 aincludes subsection in scribed ()an annual initial 6uwhich consum the by secured are credit of extensions nder 7 or inder the by determined not is that rate percentage 8 formula used make to interest later rate adjustments , 9 the advertisement shall also state with equal promi 10 would that rate percentage annual current the nence 11 the using applied been have index such if formula or which ,a7er's dwelling principal under option repayment ny 8 had rate initial not . offered been 12 447 13 14 15 16 DURING "(3)PERIOD INITIAL WHICH IS RATE 17 ent ny .-Ato18 EFFECT IN advertisem paragraph which pplies (1)aalso shall state time of period the during 19 the which initial annual percentage rate in20 to referred will paragraph such be . 21 effect in ALLOON ent f22 .-I"C)B PAYMENT any advertisem de 461 SXC 22 XQU'ITY PROTECTIONS HOME scribed 23 subsection in ontains (a)athe csregarding tatement 9othe Chapter in Truth 5 1f23 tot ('Lending ,the plan the under payment monthly minimum 24 advertise s .)iadding seq et 1631 24 by amended at ther end the of following 25 ." section new RH 5004 .HR KN XO MX 223 1PLANS ."S37. EC EQUITY HOME consumer's principal duelling pcontain amay rovision which cpermits areditor change to unilaterally any 1 REQUIREMENT.— “Q)I2NDEX case the In extensions of under 3of consumer end open an credit which plan are vaby 4sariable to ubject are and rate csecured onsumer's 2 3 disclosed ber to required (term 1974 section a)ounder 4 ,ercept term other insignificant acany in hange terms 5 such address as the creditor for billing purposes .of ,t5phe dwelling which to interest of rate other or index rincipal shall 6changes related are rate percentage annual the in be 6 interest 7based of rate or index an .on avail publicly is which Notwithstanding provisions the subsection a(1),of 7 the of 8acreditor control under not is and . ble creditor may 8 ING cBALANCE reditor may A.—10 unilaterally not terminate 9 10 plan credit consumer end open an under account any 11 11 extensions which 12 of are credit csecured aonsumer's .by prin 12 dwelling cipal 13 require and immediate the repayment any of outstanding 14 at balance esuch , xcept case the in -time of 15 13 8 ᎭᎭ G.OF “(6) 9ROUNDS ACCELERATION FOR OUTSTAND 14 15 16 17 18 19 action “(3)any other by act to failure or con the 20 adversely which sumer the creditor's affects security for 21 in account creditor the of right any or securi such 22 23 . ty 20 21 22 28 C "(c) HANGE TERMS. IN 24 24 GENERAL "(1)IN consumer end open No .-— credit under plan extensions which credit secured are aof by 25 26 26 RH 5004 HR AN M04 IR 225 226 maccount aaterial to due change in consum the 1 entered cinto aonsumer by an account open to under 1 financial circumstances .er's 2 consumer end open an which under plan credit exten sions credit of secured are by consumer's the principal 2 3 3 tdwelling consumer ,ist he shall given the albe of cate 4 4 period any during consumer the which in is 5 6 default respect with material any to obligation of 6 Pof "(E) rohibit extensions additional credit 8 consumer under the .agreement 7 8 period which in any during 9 11 11 12 ;or agreement 13 449 account the in for provided rate centage 13 C "(4) ONSUMER BENEFIT .- 10 12 14 agreement the under purposes for paragraph D).(2of 7 reduce or credit the applicable limit account to 9 10 obligations contract gories of are which the by deemed creditor to material be obligations of consumer the 5 14 15 )a“(iiny effect in is action government 15 16 adversely which affects priority the of 16 17 creditor's security interest account the in to 17 18 that extent the creditor's of value se condition orhich term 18 described section w127A (a)in dis is 19 interest cured property the in than less is 20 limit credit amount the of percent 120 cclosed a19onsumer to connection in with application an to account an 20 under consumer end open credit plan described 21 such ther vosection a(in than ariable feature the of . account the to applicable 21 change "(F)Any that benefit will con the 22 23 carif ) esult plan 22 hanges account the before opened ,is snd change such ofhe consumer t,23 not elects enter to plan the into agreement creditor ,t24 he shall all refund by paid fees con the . sumer "(3) pon ATERIAL UMthe .—OBLIGATIONS re 24 consumer the of quest at and an agreement time is 25 sumer 25 connection in such application .with RH 5094 HR RH 5094 .HR 228 227 “(e)ADDITIONAL RE TO RELATING REQUIREMENTS 1 .2FUNDS FEES NONREFUNDABLE OF IMPOSITION AND GENERAL — ."(1)INNo nonrefundable fee may 3 byreditor imposed any acbe or person other con in 4 3 4 5 6 credit consumer end open any under account an lish 6 7 extensions are credit of for provides which plan 8 aconsumer's by secured before dwelling principal the 9 3-dperiod of end such date the on beginning ay 10 section under required consumer disclosure the receives 11 (a)athe 127A section under required pamphlet nd extended generally are loans ;and 2 estab aconsumer by application any with nection to 5 the ing conditions and terms under such which 1 CLERICAL S65. EC AMENDMENTS .47 TC2otable -(a) he 2. sections of for chapter fHAPTER 8 Lending 9the in Truth amended is Act 10 application (e)with 127A such to .respect 12 requirements "1274. Disclosure consumer end open for secured plans credit 13 following the 136 new : item 13 15 Home equity plans ."137. 16 HAPTER (b)C3. —Tof table sections for chapter 3ofhe 14 the 15 Truth in Lending Act amended is by inserting after 17 18 item 16 relating to section 146 following the new item : 19 of "147. Advertising consumer end open secured plans credit the by CONSUMER EDUCATION .464. SEC 20 ABILITY 466. SEC 17 COMPARE .TO PLANS Governors of Board The the Reserve Federal System 21 BREQUIRED .—the TUDY 6-m(a)Sefore of end onth 18 p22 con to distribution amphlet afor prepare and develop shall date the on beginning period 19 subtitle this enactment ,of contains which sumers 23 24 25 consumer (1)ageneral end open of description Governors of Board 20 Reserve Federal the shall System dwell principal consumer's the by secured plans credit conduct determine sa21tudy to whether of use the same annual ,sdescribe term 22 as rate percentage touch cost the to 5094 HR RH 8-RH 5094 HR 450 (2)by section to relating item the after inserting 12 14 290 229 of 1the extensions for consumer con forms all under credit ing 5-mwhich of end the after into entered is 1onth 2sumer re with consumers mislead unduly may plans credit regulations which date the on beginning period 2 exten such forms various of 3spect comparability the to .4sions credit of (a)b3ecome subsection under ;aprescribed final nd 4 conclusion the of .—A(6)R5tEPORT REQUIRED Governors of (a),tBoard subsection 6she under required tudy shall 7oto Federal the System f arReserve submit eport in conclusions and containing findings Board's the 8Congress study 9crecom such with ifonnection ,sand applicable uch the as action administrative or legislation for mendations 10 determine may Board 11 be iappropriate appro ,to fncluding ,nnnual priate a12 replace to "term rate percentage ew or G-Expedited Subtitle Funds 451 c".percentage nominal 13orresponding rate . subsection such under 11 12 13 EFFECTIVE 467. SEC 14 AND .REGULATIONS DATE .471. SEC 14 LOCAL AS UNIONS CREDIT CERTAIN OF TREATMENT EGULATIONS ay efore -d.—B(a)R15 60 the of end 15 , subtitle this enactment of date the on beginning period 16 16 . INSTITUTIONS DEPOSITORY ORIGINATING .aIection GENERAL N -S()607 of Expedited the of Board the 17 Governors Reserve Federal System shall (1s2 Act Availability Funds )i17 4006 U.S.C. by amended prescribe 18 regulations such necessary may as be out carry to adding :18 subsection new following thereof end the at .by subtitle this made amendments the of purposes 19 "O19 AS UNIONS CREDIT CERTAIN OF TREATMENT f FFECTIVE he .-T(6)Eamendments DATE this by made 20 23 ORIGINATING LOCAL 20 INSTITUTIONS.— DEPOSITORY dwith connection a,iGENERAL .-I“(1)IfneN ,aprescribed subtitle 21 the regulations pursuant tond subsec 21 ith hall (a)wapply tion ,22 amendments such to srespect to 22 depository ceceiving of arposit at account an in heck 23 depository with institution ,the institution originating institution which check adrespect is epository such to 24 25 RH 5004 OHR is RH 5094 .HR 232 231 to all 1depository compared as fraud check due institutions osection (iin )clause dvfescribed "A 1 institutions .depository 2other aFederal ;the Act Reserve (b)1Aofnd 19 2 SUBJECTS IN BE TO REQUIRED (c)A3DDITIONAL the "(B)located in processing check same 3 subsection required under REPORT.— report The 4CLUDED IN 4 5(a)shall include also 6 6 Board the taken actions all on rby (1)aeport 7 7 Funds Expedited (b)osection the 609 tof pursuant 8 8 9 9 ; Act Availability 10 11 12 452 13 14 services ; 15 which extent the of description cto (3)aomplete 16 requirement with compliance in is Board the con Reserve to Act 11A Federal the of in tained section 17 ; fees assess 18 19 20 21 Federal Reserve banks had has other on entities which 22 compete banks with providing such services ;in 23 and 24 which to (5)alist institutions depository the of 25 banks Reserve Federal the service any provide referred RH 5094 HR RH 1094 HR 294 233 provided which entities the ain 2)( nd paragraph to before institution depository to service s such any 1 2 to service such provided banks Reserve Federal the 3 (1)U.S. 1 TREASURY 2 amended i2)(Aa4002 U.S.C. 1s2 3 end tynd the ab(A)of "aout striking 4 . institutions such 4 ,t.—F(d)Dpurposes section this of he EFINITIONS 5or 5 region ",depository ”c6tinsti processing heck erms adepository eceiving nd ",o7trution institution riginating 6 meanings such to "h8dgiven institutions the epository ave 9tinerms Availability Funds Expedited the of 602 section 7 8 9 10 . Act 10 THE AVAILABIL FUNDS EXPEDITED .472. SEC 11 TO AMENDMENTS 12 (12 Act Availability Funds Expedited the of 604 tion 14 amended )is 4003 U.S.C. 15 ";under subsection 17 19 11 4002 (a)2EiU.S.C. 1s2 Act Availability Funds read amended :to follows as 16 17 striking (c)1,b2iny subsection out 18 Expedited .-Sfection aINSTITUTION 603 ()2Eothe 15 b1ifter “(a)2,"subsection inserting ny 16 (2)CHECKS DEPOSITORY SAME THE ON DRAWN 13 14 (2),”;lieu in inserting "aand thereof a2F, 18 19 20 and db3ifter "(a)2,”asubsection inserting ny 21 22 CERTAIN DEPOS (6)NEXT FOR AVAILABILITY DAY 23 21 depository institution receiving the of branch 22 ".subsections same the in located are branches such both if 23 ." region processing check same the or State 24 ITS. 24 RH 5094 .HR RH 8004 HR 453 EXCEPTIONS .-S (a) ec SAFEGUARD 604 ECTION 13 11 12 . ACT ITY 20 (t); clause 236 235 (c)S NOTICE .—S604 EXCEPTIONS OF ection ECTION 1 -Access H Subtitle Credit to 1 1f204 (f)2Co26the Act Availability Funds Expedited f2Ci3Us.S.C. "(d)”a4003 out striking by amended nd thereof "(b),d”.lieu in 4inserting S81. .12 CREDIT EQUAL THE TO AMENDMENT EC OPPORTUNITY 3 . ACT (a)osection Subsection f 703 Credit Equal the of Op 4 611 (d)Section LIABILITY.— Civil first The sen 5 Availability (f)o6toffence 611 section Funds Expedited the :5portunity follows as read to amended is Act 6 (f)i17As2ct 4010 U.S.C. other or inserting by amended participating 8e,intities payments the in system ncluding 9States checks which on States of subdivisions political and dinstitutions ".10 epository ,”after drawn are 2) (e)DELAY LIABILITY CIVIL OF APPLICABILITY IN 11 .—Section VIOLATIONS CERTAIN TO PROVISIONS 12 of 613 454 (1132 Act Availability Funds Expedited the 4001 U.S.C. )is note 14 at adding by amended following the thereof end :15 subsection new PROVI "(c)DELAYED CERTAIN OF APPLICABILITY 16 held .-Adepository SIONS 17 be not may institution liable section a18fr subsection (b)ounder to failure for 611 under (f) 604 sections imposed requirement any with comply 19 during and 20 605 beginning period the September ,1on 988 ,1988. 31 December on ending and ".21 RH 5094 HR RH 5094 HR 237 pursuant "3A1n granted (2)exemption paragraph to 2shall extended shall and years five than longer no for be as3onubsequent makes Board ,iif determination the nly ,4mhat paragraph by described anner tsuch exemption r.5emains appropriate entities "(4)T6he require shall Board business making 7or sub this of requirements the to subject loans commercial 8section all relating data other or records such maintain to 9such with compliance evidence to necessary be may as loans enforce or subsection this 10 author the to pursuant action any .In Act this of ity 11 be data or records such shall event no of aperiod for maintained Board .T12 year one than less he 5,Uofnited States 5title chapter by prescribed manner the 14 . Code 15 he “(5)Tprovide Board shall in16 regulations promulgat been has who applicant an that subsection to pursuant ed 17 this usiness aor denied 18 bcommercial loan the to subject require ritten awnotice provided be shall subsection this ments 19 of ritten awstatement receive to right applicant's such 20 the of ."denial loan such of the for reasons 21 RH 5094 HR 455 to regulations promulgate shall 13 in paragraph this implement 456 Consumers blisher of Consumer Reports The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman Senate Banking Committee Washington , DC 20510 Dear Chairman Proxmire : For the record , I request that you include this letter into the hearing record . We look forward to working with you and your staff on all these important issues during the coming weeks . Yours truly , Muell Michelle Meier Counsel for Government Affairs Washington Office Suite 520, 2001 S Street , Northwest · Washington , D.C. 20009 : ( 202) 462-6262 457 Credit Union National Association, Inc. 5710 Mineral Point Road, Box 431 , Madison , WI 53701-0431, 608-231-4000 负 Ralph S. Swoboda President 608 /231-4010 September 19 , 1988 The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman Committee on Banking, Housing and Dear Mr. Chairman : As President of the Credit Union National Association ( CUNA ) , the trade association that represents virtually all of the nation's state- and federally chartered credit unions and ther 58 million members , I am pleased to comment on the consumer protection provisions in Title IV of H.R. 5094 , the Depository Institutions Act of 1988. I request that these comments be included in the Committee's hearing record of September 8 , 1988 . The credit union movement ( CUNA ) has long supported legislative efforts to improve the manner in which financial services are provided to American consumers and to curb abuses which arise from time to time in the financial community . We continue to do so . In recent years , however , we have come to realize that unless most of these legislative measures are specifically modified, they will inexorably work to erode the unique Therefore , CUNA has worked to oppose standardized across the board proposals unless changes are developed which simultaneously meet the goals of the authors of the legislation and permit nature of credit unions . credit unions the flexibility of operating in their traditional fashion . We are most pleased that the Senate and House Banking Committees have worked with CUNA In accomplishing these goals . Credit unions were created as an alternative to the traditional banking system to provide affordable financial services to working Americans . Consumers who were excluded from the commercial banking system because of limited financial resources banded together to form these democratically controlled financial cooperatives . That financial alternative , the credit union movement , has grown into a $ 190 billion network providing consumer credit for more than 58 million Americans . Not only has the movement become immensely successful, but it has done so while retaining the original credit union principles. In other words , the credit union structure has not been changed . Credit unions are still non - profit 458 cooperatives, with no capital.stock, which are mutually owned , directed by volunteers, democratically controlled and motivated by service to members rather than profits for shareholders. Some consumer protection laws have recognized the credit union difference . Mr. Chairman , as you know , the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act , which you sponsored to " establish a system of regulatory Incentives to encourage banks and savings institutions to more effectively meet the credit needs of the localities they are chartered to serve , " does not include credit unions . The consumer protection provisions in Subtitle A of Title IV in the House Banking Committee bill contain more rigorous criteria for evaluating the performance of depository Institutions in meeting community needs , and once again credit unions are not included . Community reinvestment requirements are not meaningful for credit unions because as Likewise , Section 411 of the House Committee bill provides for the establishment of consumer divisions within financial institution regulatory agencies to determine the extent to which financial institutions are in compliance with laws and regulations relating to consumer protection , including community reinvestment laws . Section 411 does not require a consumer division to be established within the National Credit Union Administration . CUNA appreciates these acknowledgements of credit unions ' performance In meeting consumer needs . Other provisions in Title IV which do effect credit unions also address their unique structure . For instance : Basic Financial Services Account/Government Check Cashing: Section 422 of H.R. 5094 would require financial institutions to offer a two - tier basic banking account to provide low - cost transaction and government check cashing services for low- and moderate - income families . Approximately two - thirds of all credit unions do not offer transaction ( share draft ) accounts . Practically all of those that do offer these accounts are voluntarily providing the services required by H.R. 5094 . " Lifeline banking " was a credit union practice long before the term was A similar situation exists for credit union check cashing practices . More than 65% of all credit unions have no cash operations . However , the vast majority of those that do keep cash on the premises even invented . voluntarily cash government checks free of charge for members . H.R. 5094 responds to the uniqueness of credit union operations and effectively preserves the right of elected credit union officials to determine the products and services available to members . As reported , the provisions of Title IV would require only depository institutions that currently offer transaction accounts to maintain a basic transaction service and only those credit unions which , in the ordinary course of business , cash checks , to do so free of charge for members . CUNA supports and appreciates these modifications . 459 Truth in Savings : Section 441 of H.R. 5094 contains virtually the same truth - in - savings requirements as those in Title VI of the " Financial Modernization Act of S. 1886 . Both bills contain provisions that would permit the National Credit Union Administration ( NCUA ) to promulgate regulations for The language in both bills would give the NCUA the credit unions . 1988 , " necessary flexibility to accommodate the unique structure of credit union accounts . CUNA supports the truth - in - savings provisions for credit unions in both the House and Senate bills . Home Equity Disclosure : With respect to the Home Equity Loan Consumer Protection provisions as contained in the House bill , we would strongly request that the credit union accommodations incorporated in the Senate -passed version prevail . Specifically we refer to Title VII of s . 1886 Sec . ( d) ( 2 ) ( B ) Special Rule For Credit Unions . This provision would permit credit unions so desiring to use their individual cost of funds as the index required by - the legislation so long as such cost of funds does not exceed the prime rate as published by the Federal Reserve . Such cost of funds must be published and distributed by those credit unions to their members on a quarterly basis . There are many reasons for using cost of funds, such as less volatility and generally lower rates for the consumer , but our prime contention flows from a recognition of a basic credit union difference . Member owned credit unions are simply not led to a practice of charging unnecessarily high rates to their members nor deliberately misleading them as to the nature of the rate . We have not received reports of credit union abuse with respect to these home equity loans and we feel