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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR S T A T IS T IC S ROYAL MEEKER, Commissioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES ) BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS f EMPLOYMENT AND No. 2 4 7 UNEMPLOYMENT PROCEEDINGS OF THE EMPLOYMENT MANAGERS’ CONFERENCE, ROCHESTER, N. Y ., M A Y 9, 10, AND 11, 1918 JANUARY, 1919 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT' PRINTING OFFICE 1919 CONTENTS. THURSDAY, M AY 9, 1918—MORNING SESSION. TRAINING LABOR EXECUTIVES. Pago. Opening remarks by the chairman, Ralph G. Wells, assistant chief employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del...................... 7 Remarks: Roland B. Woodward, secretary, Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Roches ter, N. Y .................................................................................................. 7, 8 Capt. Boyd Fisher, Ord. R. C., supervisor, Government courses, Wash ington, D. C............................................................................................. 8-10 W. H. Winans, employment manager, National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio...................................................................................... %................ 10 Training of factory health officers, by Dr. Kristine Mann, health supervisor, Industrial Service Section, Women’s Branch, Ordnance Department, Washington, D .C ........................................................................................... 11-15 Discussion: Dale G. Steely, general superintendent, W. F. Schrafft & Sons (Inc.), Boston, Mass..................................................................................... 15 Robert L. Wilson, assistant general superintendent, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.......................... 15,16 G. L. Sullivan, employment manager, Worthington Pump & Machinery Corporation, East Cambridge, Mass................................................. . 17 Mr. Lang, of the Crown Motor Co., Muskegon, Mich............................. 18 Government course for training employment managers, by Prof. Meyer Jacobstein, of the University of Rochester.............................................................. 19-24 Presentation of diplomas to graduates of War Emergency Course in Employment Management, University of Rochester..................................................... « ... 25-27 T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 9 , 1918— A F T E R N O O N SE SS IO N . LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. Absenteeism, by S. R. Rectanus, director of employment, The American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio................................................................ 28-35 Standardization of occupations and rates of pay, by Walter D. Steams, secre tary, occupation and rate committee, Westinghouse Electric &, Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa................................................................... ............ 36-42 Cof-t of living studies as a basis for making wage rates, by Royal Meeker, United Plates Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C......................... 43-50 I estructive labor recruiting, by William Blackman, director of labor, Shipping Board, Washington, D. C................................................................................ 51-54 L'estructive labor recruiting, by Charles T. Clayton, assistant director general, United States Employment Service, Washington, D. 0................................. 55-62 The ].resent labor situation, by Morris L. Cooke, of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration, Washington, D. 0 . . . ........................................................................ 63-65 3 4 CO NTENTS. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1918—EVENING SESSION. DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. General discussion: Page. Dr. Royal Meeker, United States Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Wash ington, D. C........................................................................ 66-71, 74, 79, 82, 83 Capt. Boyd Fisher, Ord. R. C., supervisor, Government courses, Wash ington, D. C.............................................................................................71, 72 Ethelbert Stewart, chief statistician, United States Bureau of Labor Sta tistics, Washington, D. C......................................................................... 72,73 Henry T. Noyes, treasurer, Art in Buttons (Inc.), Rochester, N. Y ............ 73 Mr. Elliott, of Boston, Mass........................................................................ 74T, 75 Peter J. Van Geyt, employment manager, Rochester, N. Y ...................... 75 F. W. Burrows, editor, National Industrial Conference Board, Boston, Mass......................................................................................................... 75, 76 H. E. Parker, employment manager, Fore River Plant, Bethlehem Ship building Corporation, Quincy, Mass........................................................ 76 Dudley R. Kennedy, industrial manager, American International Ship building Corporation, Hog Island, Philadelphia, Pa.............................. 76,77 Charles T. Clayton, assistant director general, United States Employment Service, Washington, D. C............................................. 77, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 88 78 Charles B. Barnes, director, Bureau of Employment, New York City........ Robert L. Wilson, assistant general superintendent, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa..............................................78, 79 Mark M. Jones, supervisor of personnel, Thos. A. Edison Industries, Grange, N. J............................................................................................ 80 W. H. Winans, employment manager, National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio.......... .*............................................................................................ 80,81 L. Palmer, of Buffalo, N. Y ........................................................................ 82 L. S. Tyler, vice president, Acme Wire Co., New Haven, Conn............... 83 P. W. Kinney, employment manager, Gleason Works, Rochester, N. Y ... 83,84 S. P. Hall, employment manager, Morgan Engineering Co., Alliance, Ohio......................................................................................................... 85 Jacob Lightner, director, employment bureau, Pennsylvania Department oi Labor and Industry, Harrisburg, Pa................................................... 85, 86 Alfred Thompson, employment manager, American Brake-Shoe & Foundry Co., Erie, Pa............................................................................................ 87, 88 F R I D A Y , M A Y 10, 1918—M O R N I N G SE SS IO N . DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. Management of foreign-born workmen, by Helen Baron, director, Mayor’s Americanization Committee of Cleveland, Ohio............................................ 89-95 Discussion: Dr. Winthrop Talbot, adviser in alien education, New York State Bureau of Industries and Immigration............................................. 97-99 Ralph G. Wells, assistant chief employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.................................... ................ 99 Capt. Boyd Fisher, Ord. R. C., supervisor, Government courses, Washington, D. C............................................................................. 100 Psychology of tlie Negro workingman, extemporaneous statement by Eugene Kinckle Jones, executive secretary, National League on Urban Conditions Among Negroes, New York City.................................................................. 101-105 Standards for woman employees, by Hugh Fullerton, service director, H. Black & Co., Cleveland, Ohio............................................................................... 106-111 CO N TEN TS. 5 FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1918—AFTERNOON SESSION. SELECTING WORKMEN. Page. Classification of personnel in the Army, by Mark M. Jones, supervisor of per sonnel, Thos. A. Edison Industries, Orange, N. J ..................................... 112 -118 Women in industry, by H. E. Miles, chairman Section on Industrial Training for the War Emergency, Council of National Defense, Washington, D. C- - 119-129 Job analysis, by H. G. Kobick, superintendent of employment, Common wealth Edison Co., Chicago, 111.................................................................. 130,131 Job analysis, by P. J. Nilsen, of Arthur Young & Co., Chicago, 111............... 132-134 The Rochester plan, by James T. Hutchings, of Rochester, N. Y ................. 135-137 Discussion: Mr. Hutchings...................................................................................... 138 W. H. Winans, employment manager, National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio..................................,........................................................... 138,139 Charles B. Barnes, director, Bureau of Employment, New York City........................................................................................ 139,140,141 A. A. Doucet, employment manager, Laclede-Christy Clay Products Co., St. Louis, Mo............................................................................. 140 Ralph G. Wells, assistant chief employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del................................................ 141 Herbert E. Herrod, president, Mahoning Valley Employers’ Associa tion, Youngstown, Ohio.................................................................... 141 Capt. Boyd Fisher, Ord. R. C., supervisor, Government courses, Washington, D. C................. ......................................................... 141,142 Dr. Winthrop Talbot, adviser in alien education, Bureau of Industries and Immigration........................................................................... 143,145 Meyer Bloomfield, head of Industrial Service Department, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Washington, D. C............................................ 144,145 F R I D A Y , M A Y 10, 1 9 1 8 -E V E N I N G S E S S IO N —B A N Q U E T . A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. Outline of a national labor policy, by Ordway Tead, of the Bureau of Industrial Research, Washington, D. C....................................................................... 148-155 Problems of industrial management, by Meyer Bloomfield, head of Industrial Service Department, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Washington, D. C___156-159 Labor program of the Department of Labor, by Hon. William B. Wilson, Secretary, United States Department of Labor, Washington, D. C............. 160-171 Educational aspect of the national labor policy, by Charles A. Prosser, of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, Washington, D. C...................... 172-177 S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 11, 1918—M O R N I N G S E S S IO N . SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. General discussion: Dr. Royal Meeker, United States Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C................................................................................. 179,186 Mr. Davis, of the Retail Dry Goods Stores’ Association of New York---- 178,179 L. S. Tyler, vice president, Acme Wire Co., New Haven, Conn............... 180 Capt. Boyd Fisher, Ord. R. C., supervisor, Government courses, Wash ington, D. C.................................................................................. 180,193,194 W. H. Winans, employment manager, National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio.................................................................... 182, 185,187,188,189,191, 193 Alexander Fleisher, superintendent, welfare division, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York City............................................................. 185,186 CO N TEN TS. € General discussion—Concluded. Page. A. A. Doucet, employment manager, Laclede-Chnsty Clay Products Co.. St. Louis, Mo........................................................................................ 189,190 193 Mr. Hewitt.................................................................................... . ........ Dr. E. B. Gowin, of the New Y ork University School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance, New York City.................................................................. 193 S. 11. Rectanus, director of employment, The American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio................................................................................. 193,194 Utilisation of men past the prime of life, by Victor T. J. Gannon, manager, Employers’ Association of Chicago, Chicago, 111......................................... 197-199 Industrial restoration of disabled men a conservation of power, by Charles H. Winslow, of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, Washington, D.C.. 200-202 S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 11, 1918—A F T E R N O O N S E S S IO N . SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE GROUP. General discussion: Ralph G. Wells, assistant chief employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del............................................................ 203 W. H. Winana, employment manager, National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio............................................................................................... 203,204,205 S. R. Rectanus, director of employment The American Rolling Mill Co., 205 Middletown, Ohio................................................................................... H. G. Kobick, superintendent of employment, Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 111...................................... ...................................................... 205 Roy W. Kelly, director, Bureau of Vocational Guidance, Harvard Uni versity, Cambridge, Mass.............................................................. 206, 207, 208 Wilson C. Maston, of the Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y ................. 208 Dr. Royal Meeker, United States Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Wash ington, D. C......................................................................................... 208, 209 A. A. Doucet, employment manager, Laclede-Christv Clay Products Co., St. Louis, Mo.........................................................*............................. 209,211 Ethelbert Stewart, chief statistician, United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C................................................................. 209,210 Capt. Boyd Fisher, Ord. R. C., supervisor, Government courses, Wash ington, D. C.................... ....................................................................... 210 C.M. Brading,superintendent of safety, Wisconsin Steel Co., Chicago, 111. 211, 212 Maintenance of existing labor standards during the War, by Mrs. Clara M. Tead, supervisor, Women’s Branch, Ordnance Department, Washington, D. C ... 214-219 Discussion: Mrs. Tead........................................................................ ......... 219, 220, 221 Capt. Boyd Fisher.............................................. ....................... 220, 221, 223 Mrs. Anne Hedges Talbot, of the New York State Education Depart ment, Albany, N. Y ................................................................... ...... 222 Robert L. Wilson, assistant general superintendent, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.......................... 222 Adolph F. Seubert, assistant superintendent, National Malleable Castings Co., Toledo, Ohio................................................................ 222 Appendix A.—Labor turnover schedules of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Sta tistics.......................................................................................................... 224-227 Appendix B.—Register of delegates at conference........................................ 228-249 B U L L E T IN U . S . B U R E A U NO. 247. O F O F T H E L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S . WASHINGTON. January, id 9 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE EMPLOYMENT MANAGERS’ CONFERENCE, ROCHESTER, N. Y., MAY 9, 10, AND 11, 1918. THURSDAY, MAY 9—MORNING SESSION. CHAIRMAN : RALPH G. WELLS, ASSISTANT CHIEF EMPLOYMENT MANAGER E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO., WILMINGTON, DEL. TRAINING LABOR EXECUTIVES. [The meeting was called to order at 10 o’clock a. m. by the chair man.] The C hairm an . Before we call the meeting to order I would sug gest that we get acquainted. One of the greatest values of a confer ence of this nature is the acquaintanceship of the fellow who has the same problems that you have. I am going to suggest that you make yourself known to the men on both sides of you and in front of you. Get so well acquainted that you remember each other not only during the entire convention but for the coming year’s time. Before introducing the secretary of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, I want to say that there will be considerable informality about this conference and about our program. We want to get down to work and get some real value out of this discussion and out of meeting with each other. Figuratively speaking, we are here 44with our coats off,” and are going to get down and 44dig in ” for the next few days, so we can accomplish something and each man will go back with more than he has carried from any other conference. I take pleasure is introducing as the first speaker on the program. Mr. Roland B. Woodward, secretary of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, whose hospitality we are enjoying. R oland B. W oodward, secretary Rochester (N. Y.) Chamber of Commerce. I told Capt. Fisher that I would do what I thought was unnecessary—tell you in the name of the chamber of commerce and of the city of Rochester that you were welcome here in Rochester. I hope your conference will not only be pleasant but exceedingly 7. 8 TR A IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. profitable. The country needs the most intelligent service on the part of men and women in your particular jobs. It needs not only expert knowledge but vision; and I am sure that your knowledge will be in creased and your vision enlarged by this exchange of ideas and this conference together here in Rochester. We hope that you will find your stay a pleasant one, and if there is any service which can be rendered by the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, you have but to command it.< The C h airm an . I am sure we all appreciate the hearty welcome that has been given us, and I am going to ask Capt. Boyd Fisher, who you all know is chairman of the program committee, to ex press to Mr. Woodward and the Rochester Chamber of Commerce our appreciation of their cordial hospitality; and also to explain to you the details of the program for the coming three days. It gives me great pleasure to introduce Capt. Fisher. Capt. B oyd F isher , Ord. R. C., Washington, D. C. There were both an announced reason and certain reserved reasons in my mind for persuading the national committee of the Employment Managers’ Association to change their meeting from Cleveland on May 30 to Rochester on May 9. The announced reason was the desire to have the convention celebrate and criticize the first employment manage ment course established at the University of Rochester as well as the first established under Government supervision. The reserved reasons included a knowledge of the ability of the chamber of com merce to house any convention and also the other excellent facilities of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, and the splendid organiza tion which Mr. Woodward has assembled and which is competent to handle all arrangements of the largest convention that the town will hold. I have in mind, too, the industrial spirit of Rochester, and the atmosphere of this town, which, to my way of thinking, has so far got along best with the labor problem under the stress and strain of war. Rochester is the “ top-notch” city in the handling of its labor problems to-day; and you can not be here three days without learning something of what it has accomplished. And so, on behalf of the convention, Mr. Woodward, w^e wish to thank the chamber of commerce for permitting us to meet here and to brin^ this fine body of people into contact with Rochester’s labor problem and its solution. In a sense this is a celebration. It is a celebration of what the University of Rochester has done for the Government in establish ing the first course for employment managers, at the request of the Government; and it is a celebration, on the other hand, of govern mental recognition of the professional status of the *employment manager. The year has brought changes in the status of the em REM ARKS. 9 ployment people, men and women. Many of our problems have been rendered acute this year. You may recall it was at our last convention at Philadelphia a year ago that we were thrilled, and at the same time somewhat shocked, by the announcement at our ban quet that the President of the United States had just read to the Congress a message calling the country to war. That was a call to our soldiers, and it was especially a call to our employment people. We have learned—we had learned before we entered the war—that this was an industrial war, a war of machines. We had long had the view that American industry was perhaps the most efficient in dustry in the world, not excepting Germany. We rather had that view, and we called upon it pretty strongly when we entered the war. Now, we submit, is the time to prove that we have that flexi bility, that ability to standardize, that ability to change and to adapt ourselves and yet to work close to limits, that ability to train workers in new lines of work, which will enable American industry speedily to win the war. It is not idle boasting—we are not talking to any body else, we are talking with our group, without any intention to boast—when we say that upon American employment managers rests the burden of a proper selection of the men who are to carry on American industry. Therefore the effort made at our first conven tion last year to get us together along new lines made us aware of the importance of the employment manager’s job, and presented to us the problems that we are here to-day to discuss. I am very happy that I was permitted by the Departments in Washington for which I am working, to serve as chairman of the program committee. I feared at first that it would seem a bit ir regular, but I have been privileged to express the point of view somewhat of the different Departments which I am serving, in mak ing up this program. I came near printing on the program this caution with regard to speakers, that you should remember that most of our speakers represent Government Departments and that they are at the call of their Departments and that we are likely to have more changes and disappointments with regard to speakers it this conference than usual. I don’t recall that we had any last year, but we are likely to have several at this convention. I finally decided not to print it upon the program because I did not want to put a premium upon changes; I did not want to encourage changes on the part of officials, changes which I feel sure may not come. There are some changes, however, which are unavoidable. Dean Schneider can not possibly come, nor can Prof. Walter Dill Scott, head of the committee on classification and personnel. However, we purposely made the program full in order that we should have plenty of good material even in case of disappointment. I hope you will accept changes in good temper and will believe that no name has been put 10 TR A IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. upon the program without the acceptance of the person named—it is not a tentative program so far as acceptances are concerned—and that any changes made are the result of the exigencies of the Admin istration in Washington. With regard to the “ round table discussion” this evening, and with regard to the program generally, I may say that so far as I know this convention is absolutely free from any “ cooked u p ’r scheme. There are no resolutions drafted. There is no political scheme afoot. No one has tried to express in advance the temper of this convention; no one is organizing it into any purpose; no one is aiming at any office from this association; I am sure of that. The C h airm an . Before announcing the first speaker, we will at tend to one or two technical details. As you know; at the last con ference there was formed a National Committee of Employment Managers’ Associations. That committee consisted of one repre sentative from each of the then authorized associations, and I am going to introduce the Cleveland representative of that committee, Mr. Winans, to make an announcement regarding the meeting of the national committee; and also to make an announcement to repre sentatives of other associations who are not yet members of the na tional committee. I take pleasure in introducing Mr. Winans, of Cleveland, Ohio. W . H. W in an s , employment manager, National Carbon Co., Cleve land, Ohio. The national committee would like to have an informal meeting at the close of the afternoon session. The representatives of the New York, Rochester, Chicago, Newark, Cleveland, Philadel phia, and Boston Associations have all been appointed. Any official representatives of these associations are requested to meet with the officers immediately at the close of the afternoon session at Mr. Booth’s office. Any representatives of other associations which have been formed since the last annual meeting—I understand that Buf falo and other cities have organized—who can attend that meeting for an informal discussion of business details that should come up at this time, we would like to have them present there also. The C h airm an . The subject of our afternoon’s discussion, “ Train ing labor executives,” includes within its scope the training of women for various work in the handling of female help. For the training in hygiene of women charged with the care of female help in fac tories, the Ordnance Department of the War Department has es tablished a course for health officers in factories. Dr. Kristine Mann, of the Woman’s Division of the Ordnance Department, will give us a detailed description of this course. TRAINING OF FACTORY HEALTH OFFICERS. BY DR. KRISTINE M A N N , HEALTH SUPERVISOR, INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION, WOMEN’ S BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, W ASHINGTON, D. C. I do not pretend to understand the problems of factory or employ^ ment management on their financial or technical sides. My ap proach is from the human side. But when I say this I do not mean that I am an “uplifter.” In my extensive contact with the industrial woman for a number of years, it has seemed to me that uplifting was really not what was needed. Nevertheless, I do believe that if industry utilizes woman power in such a way as to cause physical deterioration, it has harmed rather than benefited the community, no matter what may be its record for economic productivity. The most obvious measuring rod of the success with which industry is using women to maintain or increase output will be the women’s continued good physical condition. Yet, although my approach has been from the angle of the physical well-being of the woman, I do not believe there would be any diffi culty in showing precise money losses from ill health, and the only reason such losses have not been extensively tabulated in dollars and cents is because everybody admits them so freely. Absentee lists, bad timekeeping, and large turnover are all connected up with a factory’s health problem, while well-kept hospital records show how much the petty illnesses of employees actually decrease output. The trouble is that these losses are regarded as necessary. Many employers take the attitude that people (particularly women) simply are sick from time to time because that is the way they are made. Our standards of productivity are defined at present by low stand ards of good health. I f all industrial women maintained unbroken records of good health and felt continuously well, our day, I venture to say, could be shortened to seven hours and output kept up. There is then no use in emphasizing the cost of illness to a firm. We should rather stress the fact that 75 per cent of these illnesses, among women at least, might be eliminated if the conditions of life of the workers could be made more hygienic within and without the factory. Of course, I admit that I am speaking without carefully tabulated statistics. When I first took'charge of the hospital of an industrial 11 12 T R A IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. plant employing 2,000 men and women, I gathered figures to show these points. I found I could practically prove from figures that there was a great deal of illness, and that about 75 per cent of this illness was due to unhygienic conditions of. life. But I could never prove by facts (and I don’t believe it is sus ceptible of that kind of proof) that the money expended in improv ing hygienic conditions would, cent for cent, more than balance that lost by illness, and since a chain of evidence is as strong as its* weakest link, I could not hope to carry my point by figures. What is needed in this instance is not complete proof but common sense. How can it be expected that a young woman will work ef fectively and with unbroken time if she is undernourished; if she takes no interest in her own health, but lives on pickles and sweets; if she is kept at work for such long hours that she does not fully recuperate at night, but fatigue accumulates; if she sits or stands in the same position eight or nine hours a day and gets no exercise or play in the evening to counteract the effect of monotony of pos ture; and if she is admitted without physical examination and placed from the first in a job that is too heavy for her? In order to increase the productivity of a factory by decreasing illness, the living conditions of the workers must be hygienic. This involves: 1. Hygienic factory conditions: (a) Good ventilation, lighting, protection from the health hazards of fumes and poisons. (b) Hours of labor within the capacity of the worker. (c) Physical examination on entrance, not only to detect disease, but to estimate physical power and suitability to job. (cl) Good lunch rooms, adequate wTashrooms, etc. (e) Suitable uniforms for the women. (/) Skillful medical care in the case of illness. 2. Hygienic home conditions: (a) Wages sufficiently large to enable the worker to maintain wholesome living conditions—good food and clothing, enough recre ation, etc. (b) Adequate transit and housing accommodations. And on whom does the responsibility rest for maintaining these conditions? When examined closely, we see right away that the employer can not be made solely responsible. He can supply a lunch room; but the employee must choose his own menu. The em ployer can supply or help supply houses; but the employees’ wives must run them. He can supply caps; but the employees must re member to wear them. The employee must in the nature of things be responsible for the amount of sleep he gets, the food he eats, the FACTORY H E A L T H OFFICERS---- DR. K RISTIN E M A N N . 13 recreation and exercises he takes. Of course, he can not regulate his life if his hours of work are too long, and if his wages are utterly inadequate. Long hours are bad, not so much on account of what they do to a man as on account of what they prevent him from doing for himself. The problem of health is then one of cooperation of management and employee in the interests of greater productivity. The health problem could be scheduled and its responsibilities apportioned fairly easily, were it not for another difficulty. The medical profession does not know with sufficient surety just what constitutes a hygienic life for the average individual. How can an employer know about safeguarding his women em ployees in the interests of productivity unless he knows authorita tively that, say, an eight-hour day produces more than a nine-hour day, with less strain to the woman. What constitutes good housing facilities? Should a factory have a rest room necessarily? And if so, how large should it be and how many couches should it contain per 100 girls? When should rest periods come? Or would exercise periods be better? To all these questions the medical profession has given no definite answers. Considering the tremendous importance of the health of women in industry at the present time, and the physical readjustment these women must make before they are satisfactorily absorbed into the occupations of men—and considering that successful readjustment is practically dependent on their own intelligent cooperation, is it not most desirable that any factory employing women have from the very beginning a trained health officer (not necessarily a doctor) whose duties would be (1) to see that the hygienic conditions under which women must work and live are made as satisfactory as possible, and (2) to educate them to their personal responsibility in the mat ter of their health ? • The British Ministry of Munitions passed a law to the effect that “ lady superintendents”— as they called them—should be appointed in every factory employing women. This worked well in those fac tories which secured the right kind of a superintendent; but was resented by the employees in less fortunate factories. The lady superintendents were, for the most part, untrained and inexperienced, which accounted for their failure, in many instances, to fill the bill. England has more recently started courses for the training of her “ lady superintendents,” and what we need in this country right now is a school to train health officers, or woman supervisors. This type of executive is not only what war industries need, but what other industries will come to, the employment of a health officer who would know how to interest the industrial women in maintaining a high standard of health by wholesome ways of living—sensible clothing, 14 TR A IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. nourishing food, adequate exercise—and in general to establish an esprit de corps among the employees regarding health. What would the course of training for the health officers involve ? Primarily a knowledge of those things that pertain to the physical well-being of industrial women. The woman supervisor should be able to advise the manager with regard to rest rooms, canteen, the physical condition of individual girls—not as respects disease, but as to probable physical power and efficiency—and should be able by keeping closely in touch with the worker, to observe early signs of undue fatigue and to suggest ways of obviating strain and conserving power, as by the maintaining of good posture. She should be able to advise the girl as to diet, recre ation, exercise, thus supplementing the work of the doctor. She should be in close touch with the employment manager, advising him in the placing of girls in accordance with their physical capacity. On the other hand she must know something of factory problems from the employer’s side in order that close cooperation may be effected. The ideal course would perhaps be the first two years of the medical college—that part of the work that pertains to normal body functioning—supplemented by a course in labor problems and prac tical work in a factory. Such a course would turn out real “ in dustrial hygienists” capable of planning healthful conditions in factory and home. But we can not wait two years for the graduates of such courses. We need trained women supervisors now. We, in the Women’s Division of the Industrial Service Section of Ordnance, have, there fore, been planning an intensive course this summer at Mount Holyoke College. We do not mean to take inexperienced women or young college girls and train them completely. We mean to choose those whom we train from two groups of Avomen: 1. Those who have already had successful experience as indus trial supervisors or social workers, and supplement their practical experience by courses in physiology and hygiene—these courses cen tering about the question of health as it particularly affects the in dustrial woman, and 2. Graduates of physical education colleges of four or five years’ standing, whose training should be supplemented by a study of labor problems and by practical field work in factories. Our first course for health officers opens June 26 and will last eight weeks. The circulars will be out in a week or 10 days. We plan to certificate by August 25, 30 to 40 health officers trained to examine girls physically in order to estimate their capacity, to judge which girls could be put on heavy work, for instance, and having also knowledge of the effect of different types of diet, exercise, recre FACTORY H E A L T H OFFICERS— DR. K R IS T IN S M AN N '. 15 ation, and posture on the normal body, together with knowledge of the usual health hazards and ways of minimizing them. The health officer should go into the factory uniformed and she must be in good health herself. She will be fitted to advise the em ployees in their individual problems, to organize gymnasium and drill classes if needed, to know housing opportunities, and to utilize town facilities in other ways. On the other hand she will be fitted to advise the manager wherever problems arise in connection with the substitution of women for men in industry. She will be a trained or professionalized supervisor of women. The stimulating influence of a wholesome personality in a small community of girls can hardly be overestimated. Granted healthful conditions of work, the industrial woman, if her mind were once turned to the problem of increasing her own physical power, and her ambition aroused to be well, can do for herself more than can ever be done for her. We desire to place our health officers in plants by September 12. Our effort is to turn women from other vocations into industrial plants, that they may, through the assistance they can offer in im proving the conditions of women’s lives, increase our woman power, without injuring the woman, and so help in America’s present crisis. DISCUSSION. The C hairman . Gentlemen, I am going to ask you to ask ques tions. Now is the opportunity to bring out further points in regard to this plan. Mr. S t e e l y , general superintendent, W. F. Schrafft & Sons (Inc.), Boston, Mass. What is the best uniform for woman workers? Dr. M a n n . I think that question has not been decided and can not be at present, because it must be decided from experience and from the character of the work. It will have to be worked out in some factories first perhaps and tried out before it can be standardized and unified for all factories. Mr. S teely. I had in mind the overalls for women. Dr. M a n n . I feel that the chief requisite of the uniform is that it should be hygienic, that it should save the woman from the hazards that she would have been subjected to if she wore her regular cloth ing. Personally I see no objection to the overall uniform, if that is the thing which best answers for the particular job that she is filling. R o b er t L. W i l s o n , assistant general superintendent, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. I was very much interested in Dr. Mann’s paper. I would like to*say that we have about 2,000 women. We have endeavored to obtain a 16 TR A IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. health officer who would perform the functions outlined, and who had the technical training. We have had several, all of whom seemed to fill the requirements so far as technique was concerned; but we have not yet been able to find one of the right personality. Women are very temperamental, and we have not been able to get a woman who could handle them. That feature, it seems to me, should take a very prominent place in the course of instruction for the health officers. I don’t know how it can be done. However, I want to emphasize this particularly—the technical training is not the diffi cult point. We are also trying to determine the proper garb for factory workers. I tried personally to have the women decide that, and they had a great many ideas, but I believe myself that the question can not be settled in any definite way, because it depends upon the character of the work. A great deal of our work, upon which we have used women for years, is such that I don’t believe they need any special garb, and as the chance of accident is very slight, they can wear their ordinary clothes, but the present campaign to put women on machine tools and such work emphasizes and almost makes necessary some particular sort of garb. An overall of some sort is the thing for that sort of work, and the women seem to favor it. For some other kinds of work we have tried the “ cover-all” apron which does very well. A great many points like this have not been settled, but I would like to ask Dr. Mann one point and that is as to whether, for most sorts of work that women are engaged in in factories and manufacturing establishments, she would recommend as very desirable or necessary a rest period between starting and stopping time; that is, in the middle of the morning and in the mid dle of the afternoon? Dr. Mann. I would like to reply first to Mr. Wilson’s comment on the problem of personality. Every person whom we train in this school of ours is to be personally interviewed. We are going to make no arrangement by letter. The women that we train this sum mer are going to be women who have already made some kind of success in the handling of girls. I admit the personal element is basic, fundamental, to what we give them on the technical side. Then in regard to the rest period. The question of rest period is intimately bound up with the question of length of hours and time apportioned to luncheon, I fear. In general, I think that the 15minute rest period in the middle of the morning has been found successful where tried. And it seems to me that in most processes it is advisable and it has given effective results. But that is one of the questions which has to be definitely worked out by the medical profession. There are no experiments, it seems to me, complete DISCUSSION. 17 enough to prove it. I think the only way is to try it out and see how it works; have some one in the factory who can observe the results. G. L. S ullivan , employment manager, Worthington Pump & Ma chinery Corporation, East Cambridge, Mass. I would like to ask Dr, Mann with regard to the duties of health officers, particularly per taining to the hygienic conditions. I would also like to ask Dr. Mann with regard to the instructions in gymnastics. What period of the day is best to divide. Dr. M a n n . My idea of a health officer is that she will have to adapt herself to widely varying conditions. I f she is in a small factory, she can do more supervising than in a large factory. I f she is in a factory the home conditions of whose employees are un satisfactory, she would probably have to have under her a visiting nurse to visit the homes. The visiting would probably be done by some one else but under her supervision. That is, it would be a part of her responsibility, and she would have to approach it with the utmost tact, I grant. I am a great believer in the right kind of exercise for industrial women. That is because I have had a good deal of experience with it. After a woman has been standing all day doing a monotonous job she must have exercise if she is not going to deteriorate. Of course, the best time for exercise is in the morning. If, however, that can not be arranged without completely upsetting the factory organization, and she is not too fatigued, I believe that exercise in the evening is better than no exercise at all. I think if a girl can take her evening recreation partly through gymnasium classes or dancing classes it may benefit her considerably. If she benefits by that evening work, and if it is impracticable to arrange for such exercise in the daytime, I believe that evening classes should be or ganized. But I think the ideal time is in the morning. Setting-up exercises before work would be very desirable, I think, for the ma jority of women. D elegate. Does Dr. Mann have for her object in these recreation periods diversion or rest, entertainment or actual exercise of the body? I mean by that do women get as much recreation out of the dancing as they would out of physical instruction or physical movement ? Dr. M ann. That is another point on which I feel quite strongly. I think that we overestimate, perhaps, the necessity of actually lying down—rest. That is, with young people it seems to me that fre quently exercise is what they need. I f they were left free to play ball in the rest period or run and romp and dance, I think the ma77920°—19------2 18 t r a in in g labor e x e c u t iv e s . jority of them would be better off for it. I think that depends on the age of the women. But for young women I believe that the rest period is better freely spent in exercise. At least, the oppor tunity should be given for the girl to take her choice. [Answering of further questions was deferred until the session of the following morning, at which session the specific question of the introduction of women into war work was scheduled. [It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to con sider ways and means for publishing the proceedings of the con vention immediately. [Capt. Fisher suggested a change in the motion to the effect that the committee, when appointed, should include Mr. Ethelbert Stew art, of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in order that the Bureau might properly be represented in any decision made. [Mr. Stewart suggested that the Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Dr. Meeker, should be appointed in his place. [The chairman appointed as the committee, Mr. Winans, of Cleveland, Ohio, chairman; Mr. Booth, of Rochester, N. Y .; Mr. Lang, of Muskegon, Mich.; and Dr, Meeker, of Washington, D. C. [The committee made its report at the evening session.] The C hairman . I would like to make a speech at this point, but inasmuch as I would like to be on friendly terms with you for the next few days perhaps I had better refrain; but it seems to me that the subject on which Prof. Jacobstein is going to speak is of impor tance because it not only shows the need for the work which he has been doing, but marks a very important stage in the development of employment management. It shows that the Government and large corporations are realizing strongly the importance of this work and of having general light thrown upon it. I am now going to intro duce Prof. Meyer Jacobstein, of the University of Rochester, who has been conducting the first Government course on employment man agement. GOVERNMENT COURSE FOR TRAINING EMPLOYMENT MANAGERS. BY PEOF. MEYER JACOBSTEIN, OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. As I am to talk about a war-emergency course, I suppose I ought to give a war-emergency speech, and that is exactly what I am going to do. I shall use an outline, however, very little time having been given me for elaborate preparation. But I do hope that if I do not cover comprehensively the subjects which you may have in your own mind you will ask questions regarding them; I will answer them to the best of my ability. First, as to the origin of this course. From the outset every one in this country realized that the war must be won by labor, and that the problem had to be studied scientifically and sympathetically; and for that work all institutions had to be utilized. Now, one of the newest institutions in industry is the employment management institution, and it is a very promising one, for the discovery has been made that where it has been installed along scientific business lines it has never been abandoned. So that here was a new institution that the Government officially decided to study and extend and apply to industry as far as possible; and when people began to make demands for trained employment managers, officials at Washington realized the scarcity of good, experienced, trained employment or service men. The question then arose as to how to train and develop men so as to have a reserve corps of these trained and experienced men. Germany has been training her men for 50 years. We must do it in six weeks, and necessarily we can’t do in six weeks what Germany has done in 50 years. Therefore the Government hit upon the training school or the training course, an intensive course which could be given to men who had business-trained minds, but who were not espe cially versed on particular problems of service and management. And so, with the cooperation of the several Government agencies, the War, Labor, and Navy Departments, all cooperating and acting through the Storage Committee of the War Industries Board, of which Mr. James Ingiis is chairman, a course for training employ ment managers was established at the University of Rochester. A word regarding the training-school idea. I have heard business men say, 44What a foolish notion! The idea of trying to train a man in six weeks. It can’t be done.” We can’t make men over in six weeks, and it would be folly to attempt to develop men in six weeks; the scope of such a course must necessarily be limited. A six weeks’ id 20 TRA IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. course necessarily involves many limitations. And yet, even though I went into it with many misgivings and doubts, these doubts gradu ally were dispelled as the course went on; and I am surprised that so much can be accomplished in six weeks’ time. I can say that without egotism because the success of the course has been largely due to the lecturers and the character of the men in attendance and not 1he directors. The Government submitted to us a definite curriculum covering the following four divisions: 1. Employment department practice. 2. Labor economics. 3%Industrial organization. 4. Statistics. We were also instructed as to the method of presenting the sub ject, namely through lectures, visits to factories, assigned readings, classroom discussions, and personal work. With the permission of the Government Departments we cut down on the amount of theo retical subjects in the original curriculum. The character of in struction and methods of this training school are making the Ameri can college and university more practical educational institutions. Why was Rochester selected as the location for this first training school ? Not because it is the most wonderful city in the world, which Rochesterians readily admit, but largely because we have here in Rochester some well-organized plants which the owners gave over to us as laboratories for our students. We have used them as labora tories to good effect. We also have a college in Rochester which was visionary enough to see the value of such a training course. The University of Rochester offered its services to the extent of bearing the expense in the operation of this first course. Here at Rochester we have been able to combine the college and the factory, and so Rochester was selected as the starting point. As you know, a course is now being given at Harvard University. The Government agencies at Washington did not pick the students who entered this course. The Government merely offered the manufacturers of the United States a place where they could send a man to get training. The students were selected by the general man agers or the employers because they gave promise of being able to assimilate ideas in this short time and to achieve some success in their particular line. There was no compulsion. At first 20 men were allotted to us. But so many factories wanted to send men that we increased the number to 25. We are actually graduating 24, that number representing 8 from shipyards, 2 from arsenals, 1 from the Navy Department, 2 from the United States Employment Service, and 11 from private institutions. I shall not read the names of the firms represented, because as the students are E M P L O Y M E N T MANAGERS— PROF. M . JACO BSTEIN . 21 awarded their diplomas this morning you will learn their affilia tions. As Capt. Fisher reads the names of the men he will doubtless read the names of the firms they represent. These students are not students in the ordinary sense of the term. They are not boys; they are men. The average age of the students enrolled is 35. Two-thirds of the men are married. A ll are practi cal experienced men. Some of the men told me that in the first two weeks of the course they lost from 5 to 15 pounds. I won’t tell you how much I lost be cause I have not had the courage to weigh myself. But it is serious business for these men, because they are going back to prove their worth. Now as to the course itself. First, as to what we are teaching. What is the content of the course? I can’t tell you in six minutes all that it has taken six weeks to teach, but I would like to run over these subjects briefly. The practical nature of the course is indicated by the subjects cov ered and our method of instruction. A list of these subjects is printed and will be distributed at the close of this session. We have been bringing the factory into the classroom. We have had lecturers from the various factories in the city and from out of town who are prac tical men, experts in their lines, to talk upon themes very practical in themselves. For instance, we were to discuss the subject of women in industry, a vital problem; Miss Mary B. Gilson, of the Joseph & Feiss Co., came here on two occasions and presented this subject. Miss Gilson is a practical woman, and we had a fine practical discus sion on the problems incident to this subject. On the subject of safety organizations in industry we had three eminently practical men: Mr. Robertson o f the Eastman Kodak Co., preeminently an organizer along safety lines; Mr. C. W. Price of the National Safety Council, and Capt. R. R. Ray, formerly of Dodge Bros. These three men gave us the benefit of their years of experience in this work. On the sub ject of medical examinations we called in Dr. Cadmus, who has had three years of experience in medical examination in a finely organ ized department in Rochester. On the question of interviewing the prospective employee we had talks by Mr. Kinney of the Gleason Works of Rochester and by Mr. Armstrong of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., who have interviewed hundreds of thousands of men. So I say we have brought the factory into the classroom. In addition to this we have taken the classroom into the factory. Although we had only 35 days of instruction we put the men 4 full days in the factories. We placed them in the employment depart ments of factories, where they remained for 9 hours. They saw how these employment offices were operated in Rochester. 22 T RA IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. In addition to this we have had some intensive reading on the subjects discussed in the classroom. Our library consisted not of theoretical material written by theoretical men, but such literature as the proceedings of your last convention, and the conference pro ceedings at Boston, Indianapolis, and Philadelphia. Perhaps I had better give you an idea of our course by reading a portion of the schedule. We carried this program for two weeks but dropped down a little because it was too severe. W ar E mergency C ourse in E mployment M anagement, U n iv e r s it y of R ochester. DAILY SCHEDULES. Tuesday morning, April 16. 9.00 to 10.30— Lecture on Complaints and grievances, by Prof. Jacobstein. 10.30 to 11.00— Relaxation. 11.00 to 12.00— Reading on Complaints and grievances. Tuesday afternoon, April 16. 1.30 to 2.30— Reading on Complaints and grievances. 2.30 to 3.30— Lecture on A suggestion system, by Carl S. Hallauer of the East man Kodak Co. 3.40 to 5.30— Gymnasium exercise. 6.15 to 9.00— Biweekly meeting of Employment Managers and Service Group of Industrial Management Council of Rochester Chamber of Commerce. Wednesday morning, April 17. 9.00 to 9.45— Review of previous day’s work. 9.45 to 10.00— Relaxation. 10.00 to 12.00— Lecture on Women in industry, by Miss Mary B. Gilson, of the Joseph & Feiss Co. Wednesday afternoon, April 17. 1.30 to 3.00 to 4.00 to 5.00 to 7.30 to 3.00— Reading on Athletics and social activities. 4.00— Discussion on Athletics and social activities. 5.00— Student conferences and assigned readings. 6.00— Gymnasium exercise. 9.30— Assigned reading and notebook work. Thursday morning, April IS. 9.00 to 9.45— Review of previous day’s work. 9.45 to 10.00— Relaxation. 10.00 to 12.00— Lecture on Safety organization, by J. A. Robertson, general manager of camera works, Eastman Kodak Co. Each day we worked up the problems lectured upon or discussed. These men are practical men. They got together in little groups in E M P L O Y M E N T M ANAGERS— PRO F. M . JACO BSTEIN . 23 their hotels and if there was anything wrong with the practice or theory that wo have given them they are going to see it and discard it. So they are able to sift out the material for themselves* We know they are men of judgment and able to do this. I regard that as one of the practical methods o f instruction in this course, to stimu late the students so that when they go back to serve their respective firms they wTill discuss the problems with their colleagues. We would have given more attention to the theory of labor statis tics, labor organization, and industrial organization, but we have not had time to do it. And I-want to say also that we were able to make our instructions practical by virtue of the invaluable aid and coopera tion given us by the chamber o f commerce. We have an employment managers’ group, which is one of the subsidiary groups of what is known as the industrial management council o f the chamber. This group meets every two weeks and at its meetings hears problems dis cussed and presented by practical men from here and elsewhere. So with the aid of the chamber of commerce, the cooperation of the Rochester firms, and practical literature, we have, we think, given a practical course here. AIMS OF COURSE. What are the aims of the course? What are we trying to do? There lias been so much publicity given to this course I must dis illusion some of you who are. here and some who are not here. Some have the idea that we have taken the men out of collage and put them through a six weeks’ course and then sent them out to manage some large manufacturing establishment. We are not trying to do this. We are not trying to train or develop business managers, but employment or service men, men who will spend their lives handling the labor problem, who will bear the same relation to labor as the financial man bears to finance, as the sales manager bears to the sub ject of sales and as the production manager bears to production prob lems. This is what we have attempted to do. We have a few men who have come to us with little experience, and by literature and lec tures we have attempted to show those men the best practices. The experienced men w^e have tried to broaden. We have one man who has been in one industry, who has never been able to get away from his plant, and who has never read; we think we have broadened his vision. To both of these classes, experienced and inexperienced, we have tried to give the idea that the service manager has a bigger job than the business manager or the general manager has conceived o f prior to this time. We have attempted to impress upon the prospec tive service and employment man that he has a big job, and that opportunity awaits him in industry, and we have attempted to do this 24 TR A IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. Jby pointing out to him the various opportunities for service—service to labor, to capital, and to the community. Our idea has been to give the practices as well as the principles. I make a distinction in my teaching between theory and principles. We have talked principles in this course, though we have not taught abstract theories. We have given some o f the principles that underlie industrial management and factory and labor management, but the big thing that we have tried to “ get over 55 with our men is to give them all a bigger vision o f their job and the opportunity that lies before them. You might ask, What is the job of the'service man in industry? I can’t tell you, in so many words, what we told them, but I will say this first by way of negation: We have not taught our service men that they are going to “ bust” labor unions; and if there is any general manager who is going to put a man from our course into a job with the idea of eliminating trade-unions from industry he is mistaken. That is not our function. We are not propagandists for or against unions. I f any general manager, furthermore, thinks he can put service managers into industry as a substitute for fair play and justice, he is mistaken if he takes any of the men from this course. We have taught them that labor and capital have duties and responsi bilities and that the primary function and obligation of the service man is to study what these responsibilities and duties are and explain them to labor and capital and thus bring them together harmonious^. W e have taught our service men to regard the laborer, as he has not always been regarded, as a human being with instincts that are essen tially human, and with aspirations that are some times superhuman. I f our service men have carried away this idea with them we are confident that they will do justice to the ideals that we have pre sented. It is not for me to say if we have achieved these aims. But I ask you to get in touch with these men who are wearing the yellow ribbon. I ask you to take them aside and ask them confidentially what they have learned from this course. I want to tell you that I have seen some of the letters sent home to the managers; I have seen some of the replies. I f you want to know whether we have accomplished any thing practical, talk to their general managers. I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who have helped make this course a success, first to the lecturers who have helped make the course practical, then to Capt. Fisher, and to the employment mana gers of Rochester who have taken each week three or four men into their offices at a time when they were swamped with work, and finally * to the chamber of commerce. We hope that out of this emergency course will grow such interest among the big business interests of the country that we may continue this course in time of peace as well as in war. PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS TO GRADUATES OF WAR EMER GENCY COURSE IN EMPLOYMENT MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. [The presentation of diplomas to the students who had completed the employment managers’ course at the University of Eochester then took place, Capt. Fisher presiding. Capt. Fisher read two let ters, one from the Secretary of War and the other from Chairman Hurley, of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, congratulating Presi dent Eush Ehees, of the university, upon the successful completion o f the course, Capt. Fisher stating that the letters had been given to him only that morning and that he had been unable to present them per sonally to Dr. Ehees and asking Prof. Jacobstein to do so. The letters were as follows:] W ar D e p a r t m e n t , Dr. Hush Washington, D. G. R hees, President University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. My D e a r D r . R h e e s : The graduation of the first group of students in the war emergency course in employment management at the University of Roch ester is an occasion worthy of notice. It has a relation to our successful con duct of industry in war time which the national committee of employment managers’ associations has been wise to recognize. I hope that the conven tion will go further than to celebrate, as it is doing, the completion of the first training course for employment managers, and that it will give helpful criti cism and other assistance in enabling us to improve these courses as time goes on. The University of Rochester in giving the first of these courses under Gov ernment supervision has shown an insight and vision which is in itself some thing of its own reward. I can not help feeling, however, that the Government owes you and your trustees a very definite acknowledgment of thanks for giv ing these first courses without cost either to the Government or to the stu dents. I am informed also of the great amount of attention given by Mr. Henry T. Noyes to this matter, and the personal sacrifices made by Prof. Meyer Jacobstein in giving the course. I wish you continued and increasing success. Yours sincerely, N ewton D. B aker, Secretary of War. U n it e d D r. R u s h States S h ip p in g B oard, Washington, D. C. R iie e s , President University of Rochester, Rochester, N. 7. D e a r P r e s i d e n t R h e e s : The Emergency Fleet Corporation is proud of having' so large a representation in the first class graduating in the Govern ment’s war emergency course in employment management, given at the Uni versity of Rochester. I am glad that our shipyards, upon whose industrial M y 25 26 TRA IN IN G LABOR EXECUTIVES. conditions so much depends, have seen the value of establishing employment departments and giving their employment men the benefit of the best thought in this important field of industrial endeavor. The Emergency Fleet Corporation is especially grateful to the University of Rochester for establishing this first course and, at a time when it is meeting other burdens, that the university has undertaken to give the first two or three of these courses without cost to the Government 01* to the students. I hope that your courses continue to be successful, and I want to congratulate you, Prof. Jacobstein, and Mr. Noyes for the accomplishments to date. Sincerely yours, E dw abd N. H urley, Chairman. Capt. Fisher. The giving o f these diplomas in the presence of this convention may seem a superfluous ceremon}^. It does not in struct you directly in anything that you came to Rochester to hear, but it does instruct you in something that you had to come to Rochester to appreciate. It tells visually and in action more than man}^ a speech could tell in words. It is a visible sign that the profession of the employment manager has come to be recognized as a separate profession, somewhat similar to the mechanical engineers5 profession, or the physician in industrial practice, or, at least, a trained nurse or the college professor. We have catapulted these men into the employment profession. Hitherto a general manager or superintendent has grabbed a paymaster or assistant in the costaccounting office and said, “ Here, hire some more men; we need them.” But somehow or other within the last five years these men injected with so little ceremony into a place in industry and with so few instructions and with the slight help of the idealism o f the best in management have themselves visualized what their jobs mean. As I told you when the course was opened, the chief job of the em ployment manager to date has been the saving of the soul of the general manager. And these men, and those whom you will find sitting beside you th^re, are men who have lifted themselves .by. their own boot straps by virtue of the demand for their particular service in industry. The opportunity was there, gentlemen, and you have risen to it. The idealism that has grown to surround the profes sion of the employment manager demands that he be put through an apprenticeship starting with six weeks—I hope it will be six years. However, I am not going to put that period as any measure of what the gentlemen taking this course will achieve, because, as you have reason to demand of the profession, the gentlemen in this course have realized that we are at war, have realized that there is a need o f more trained men, and realized, furthermore, that tl^ere is need of their demonstrating an experiment in the training of the employment manager. And what they have done has been mag nificent. Many of these men, for years out of any student course, PRESENTATIO N OF DIPLOM AS TO GRADUATES. 27 have been -wrenched from a practical life full of activity and been seated at a school bench in a “ little red schoolhouse ” for 9 or 10 or 12 hours a day for 6 weeks; and all but the man who was com pelled to leave for pressing business reasons on the first day of the course have stayed through and become enthusiastic employment men. I feel it is worthy of this convention that we recognize the first men trained in employment management, slight though the training may be. [Capt. Fisher then made the presentation of diplomas to the gradu ates of the course, comprised of one representative of the following companies or departments:] Barrett Co., Philadelphia, Pa. National Malleable Castings Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Watervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, N. Y. United States Employment Service, Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. Johnson Shipyard Corporation, Mariners’ Harbor, S. I., N. Y. Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.,1 Wilmington, Del. Baltimore Dry Dock & Ship Building Co., Baltimore, Md. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Pusey & Jones Co., Wilmington, Del. Brooklyn Navy Yard, Hull Division, Brooklyn, N. Y, Maryland Shipbuilding Corporation, Sollers, Md. Merchants Shipbuilding Corporation. Philadelphia, Pa. Passaic Cotton Mills, New Bedford, Mass. Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del. Merchants Shipbuilding Corporation, Bristol, Pa. Henry Disston & Sons (Inc.), Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa. Mobile Shipbuilding Co., Mobile, Ala. General Electric Co., Schenectady. N. Y. Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. United States Employment Service, Department of Labor, Baltimore, Md. Central Employment Department, Rochester, N. Y. The C h airm a n . This has been a most delightful and impressive occasion and I am sure we are all gratified in witnessing the pre sentation of diplomas to the men who, we all realize, are going to do a great deal to bring about better conditions in the plants and industries to which they are going. [Session adjourned at 12.30 p. m.] 1 T w o rep resen ta tiv es. T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 9— A F T E R N O O N SESSION . C H A IR M A N : F. W . LOVE JOY, GENERAL MANAGER EA ST M AN KODAK CO., ROCHESTER, N . Y . LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. [The meeting was called to order at 2 o’clock p. m. at the Rochester Chamber of Commerce by the chairman.] The C h a ir m a n . It has fallen to my lot, and I consider it a great privilege and honor, to preside at this meeting, as I happen to be the chairman of the industrial management council of this chamber. The council has as one of its most important groups the employment and service group. This has existed for some years and is doing excellent work, and we feel sure that as the result of this very grati fying convention, and the very gratifying attendance at it the coun cil will do very much better work for the employers of Rochester in the future. The employers of Rochester congratulate themselves on the opportunity that you have given them to entertain you here at the chamber at this time. We understand that it was 3’our intention to go elsewhere, and we count it no credit to Rochester and to our selves that you are here ; the credit comes by way of Washington. It was the decision of the people in Washington to place at the Uni versity of Rochester the first national employment course instituted in this country, and we presume that is the reason why Rochester was selected at this time. Nevertheless, whatever the reason, we are very gratified that you should come here. One of the most perplexing problems of the employer, and one which he finds most difficult to meet in a treatment of his labor dif ficulties is that of absenteeism. We are privileged this afternoon to be addressed on that subject by Mr. S. R. Rectanus, director of employment, American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio. ABSENTEEISM. BY S. R. RECTANUS, DIRECTOR OF, EM PLOYM ENT, TH E AM ERICAN ROLLING M ILL CO., MIDDLETOWN, OHIO. Absenteeism is such a comprehensive word that it seems best to define it in a general way and indicate the special phase of it to which I will confine my remarks. Absenteeism is the antithesis of organization. I f you have less men than you really need to do the work assigned to you for the winning of this war, you suffer from it. I f your men are discharged, 28 ABSENTEEISM— S. R. RECTANUS. 29 or quit, you suffer from it. I f your men for any reason are absent from their posts of duty, you suffer from it. If you can tell that a man is present only by seeing him and not by the result of his labor, you suffer from it. When all men are absent you have no organization. When the men are all present, physically and mentally, every day, some plan ning, some directing, some executing, then organization is the word we use to describe the condition which results. Absenteeism in all its various forms is Germany’s chief ally on this continent. It is the “ Old Man of the Sea ” of every employment manager, the canker in the roots of our strength, the blight on the fruits of our labor. Let me assume, however, that you have a going concern, produc ing material needful for the speedy, successful conclusion of the war; that your plant is consequently well designed and properly manned, equipped and managed in a way to secure good working conditions; that you have a moderate turnover and a reasonable supply of men for replacement. Still you find that the charts of progress and output show disconcerting variations from those de shed. There is a spirit of uneasiness abroad, a restless tension in the air. This gang is behind—because Jim, the regular leader, is not at work. That crew is slow because there are two new fellows on it. You see a handy man at a lathe because the operator is missing. A foreman is in a stew because his instructor had to be sent to another shop for the day to fill a temporary vacancy. When you go to the time office and check over clock cards, you find from 5 to 15 per cent of them not punched that day. To-morrow approximately the same number of cards is not touched, but they belong to different men. Those are the men I want to consider, the men on the roll who work nearly every day, the men whose output is needed, who can work and should work, but who don’t work; not the few who won’t work, but -the many who. don’t work. Detailed statistics are frequently uninteresting, and I will not bore you with any now. Information which I have secured from a considerable number of necessary industries, quite widely distributed through the country, shows that every day about 10 per cent of the men who should be on duty are missing. When you* consider that it takes 10 workmen to back up every soldier, you see that‘this army of slackers approximately equals the army of men we are to put on the battle line. No accurate information as to the extent of the malady is avail able, nor do I think it is necessary at present. We all recognize its existence and are anxious to help eliminate it. SO LABOR RECRU ITIN G AND KINDRED PROBLEM S. In order to suggest a remedy, it is important to find the cause of the trouble. All of the many causes which have been stated may be grouped under a few heads. Hardly any of them are reasons, and most of them are mighty poor excuses. Accidents had been generally taken for granted until a few years ago. We all sympathize with the unfortunate individual when he is hurt, and with his family, if he has one, but if you think accidents are unavoidable I can only refer you to the National Safety Council and the splendid results they have been accomplishing. Illness, in various forms, either of the workman or his family, also excites our sympathy, but the doctors now are finding that it is better to keep a man well than to cure him. If typhoid can be mas tered and tuberculosis made to yield, why should we submit to any disease ? Cures have depreciated, and an ounce of prevention is now worth several pounds of cure. I f we are careful and moderate and properly advised we can avoid illness. I went to a doctor only this week and explained that I felt weary and draggy and tired. I thought my nerves were run down and needed a rest. After assisting him in a ritual designed to impress me with his wisdom, I was in formed that if I did not let my fishing tackle alone I probably never would get well; what I really needed was about 10 hours a day with a sledge in the forge shop, but he let me off with an hour before dinner in pretending that seed potatoes were Germans and playing at burying them.. From the published reports it seems that the Department of Labor is now so organized that it wTill soon remove one of the principal causes of absenteeism. The work of the Federal and of the coordi nated State free employment offices in controlling the distribution of idle men, finding work for them, and in placing men where the^ are most needed, together with all of the other functions which the De partment must perform to accomplish these results, is reducing the number of men who lay off with or without assent to take a look at another job. We realize what an enormous and difficult task this Department has before it. We know how scarce are the trained men needed actually to execute the work which has been planned. We are gratified as well as amazed at the progress which has been made, but we would respectfully suggest that as soon as the service can be enlarged to make the plan possible all advertising for men by pri vate enterprises be stopped, and this work be carried on altogether by the agencies of the Department of Labor. The chief cause is much simpler, and consequently can be more easily and rapidly eliminated than any of these. The principal ex cuse that men give for laying off is that they do not feel like working. There is no question that wages have generally increased more rapidly during the past year than the cost of living. Men now have to work ABSEN TEEISM — S. R. RECTAN U S. 31 only five days and a half and probably only five days a week to live as well as they did formerly on the earnings of six days. It is be coming popular not to work steadily. Popularity is the expression of a sentiment. Proper sentiment is just as easily created as im proper sentiment. The solution of the biggest portion of the prob lem is well within our grasp. Make it the fashion to work effectively every day. Who now is working for money; who for individual re ward? We have a cause to work for; a cause worthy of our finest, truest, sincerest effort and energy. None of us can do this thing alone, of course not. Who is selfish or stupid or thoughtless enough to want to do anything alone? All of us pulling together, knowing, understanding, realizing that we—all of us together—must win this war, we can accomplish our purpose. How can we do it? We have to create so powerful a sentiment, have to make it so popular to be present, that any one who does not fall in line will be crushed. Coercion? Oh, no. Education, adver tising, example, salesmanship—we have an idea to sell. We have to put that idea all the way over. To sell the idea of maximum, continuous service as an idea is diffi cult. Most men, particularly the doers, want and need something more tangible than that. They have to see what they are working for. The goal must always be clearly visible. Then they must know why they are working. A sound logical reason is essential. I f man be but boy grown to larger size he wants to know why. Manage ment, superintendents, foremen, mechanics, helpers, laborers, all the way down the line must know and realize that we are all needed in fighting a common enemy. They must appreciate that a huge man power is needed across the water, that lives are being sacrificed 24 hours a day. Here behind we must have speed, output, enormous production and everyone must help. The problem is to make each single individual realize that it is his personal responsibility to do his level best all the time. To that end he must be provided with steady work. As always, the brunt of the burden must fall on the planners. Of what avail is it to have a group of men keyed up to the fighting pitch? They are trying their best every day, observing the regulations of the Food Administration; saving money for investment in Government securi ties; aiding all administration policies to the best of their ability. For a time things move smoothly, production far exceeds their ex pectations, then without warning they are told that there is no work for them for a week, even for a day. How can anyone explain away fully the causes of the delay? How can anyone expect these men to retain their enthusiasm? Sometimes we say it is impossible to maintain the continuous flow of work on account of reasons beyond 32 LABOR RECRU ITIN G A X D KINDRED PROBLEM S. our control. Grant that it is impossible, still it must be done. The line must be held. A gang bonus, depending for its amount on the skill of the crew, is not only a splendid incentive toward steady attendance, but also a working example of the effectiveness of organization. Wherever the nature of the work will permit, small groups of men should be united to perform a definite task. They will soon know each other, accommodate themselves to each other, eliminate the slacker and be ready and anxious for competition with any other similar groups. So ready and anxious, indeed, that they must frequently be re strained to prevent them from doing injury to themselves through overexertion. Some of you are probably familiar with the process of manufac turing iron and steel sheets. You know that bars are heated in furnaces and then rolled back and forth through heavy iron rolls. In spite of the water-cooled floors and furnace walls, cool air currents and boshes of cool water, the heat in the summer grows unbearable. The men are handling red-hot material with tongs. Behind them are the furnaces, before them the rolls so hot they are almost red. To endure the heat at all the men must live very regular lives. Their rest periods must be long, their food carefully selected and prepared. Any excess results in heat prostration, dissimilar to that brought on by exposure to the sun’s rays in that ’it is usually accompanied by severe cramping. There are some plants who make no attempt to run steadily during the hot summer months. Some always close completely during July. But there is one plant that I know quite well which always runs to full capacity during the whole year. The men work in crews just as at the other plants. Each man has his carefully planned duties to perform, each is needed. All must work or all must stop. It is true that in the summer additional help is provided. There are a few more men than in the winter. Reserves are carried on light work which can always be abandoned tem porarily. But the important thing is that the mill runs. The men have decided that they can and will do the job, and they do it. The plant medical staff has to be on the alert, the foreman must be care ful, or some man will work beyond his strength. Sometimes the boys from the office have to strip off and help; occasionally the foreman or the superintendent takes a pair of tongs to tide over a rough spot, but the mill runs. When the work is of such a nature that the men can not be grouped for the performance of a certain task, an individual attendance bonus may be offered. The most prevalent practice where men are paid weekly or four times a month, is to offer each man who is present every day of the pay period an additional proportion of his wages, frequently 10 per cent, as a reward. As far as I am ABSEN TEEISM ---- S. R. RECTANUS. 33 able to learn, this plan is securing only a partial success. The principal fallacy in the plan is that it involves no element of com petition. I f a laborer is earning $24 a week, his 10 per cent at tendance bonus amounts to $2.40. To miss a day’s work costs him $4 plus the $2.40. Now the incentive which will make him sacrifice $6.40 for a day of leisure does not seem to be much stronger than the incentive which makes him give up $4. Besides, many men see a splendid chance to beat the game if the pay periods are short. You know that most men take an almost childish delight in beating the game. Instead of laying off a single day every so often, he works steadily for a week and then lays off two days the next week to catch up. Just how he beats the game by losing money is beyond me, but many men seem to reason in that way. To lengthen the period for which the bonus is paid defeats the purpose, because the reward is so far off at the beginning of the period that it is a very vague some thing quite unattainable and consequently not worth working for. The simple keeping of complete and accurate records of the men who are absent or tardy will help materially if the men know that the records are being kept. Most men are proud of a good record. If the question of steady attendance is sufficiently important to record it is also important to the man that no absences are recorded. That record is his reputation, and most men are careful of their reputation. These records lend themselves to another use in helping combat the evil if they are published. The spirit of rivalry is keen and men, particularly in groups, are anxious and very quick to attempt to prove their superiority if they find that their excellence is recog nized, We are told that within the past month the number of rivets driven per day was trebled in one of our eastern shipyards by the simple expedient of posting in a conspicuous place the records of the previous day’s work accomplished by each gang. A trip to Washington or some such inexpensive, but appreciated, prize was of fered to the winning crew. Men do not work best for money alone. Do not misunderstand me. I am conscientiously opposed to any form of reward which does not compensate the worker for the re sults he accomplishes. I am heartily opposed to any attempt to exploit any group by substituting a tawdry prize for their just wages. But don’t overlook the fact that some of the world’s greatest ac complishments have had as a reward a simple bit of ribbon for the buttonhole, or an inexpensive medal. The results which can be obtained by properly induced competi tion between departments or squads are remarkable. In a plant em ploying 5,000 persons one department in which 500 men are en gaged started an attendance campaign. The men were grouped in sections, and each week a report was published showing the total 7 7 9 2 0 ° — 1 9 -------- 3 34 LABOR RECRU ITIN G AND KINDRED PROBLEM S. number of men in each section, the total number of man days which were possible, the total number actually worked, and the percentage of actual attendance. In addition, the money value of these un worked days was shown. All of the foremen responded, and the results were, I believe, worth the effort. In January the attendance was 90 per cent, and the money value to the men of the hours lost was $4,300. In March the attendance was 94 per cent, while the money value of the hours lost was only $2,400. Those figures cover, of course, only a brief period and it still remains to be seen whether permanent good will be accomplished. A New England concern employing approximately the same number of men,„ but making an entirely different product, has been using a somewhat similar plan. I am reliably informed that their attendance for the last five months of 1917 averaged 97 per cent of the possible. It is not fair to try to shift the burden of responsibility to the man. Remember that it is the job of the employment manager to sell this idea, and he can not expect to be successful if he tries to sell his product to an insolvent buyer, so that all the elements of proper employment enter into the problem—proper selection and proper placement of men from homes where conditions are good. A com petent medical staff that keeps the men well, a ventilated and clearly lighted plant with guarded machinery, and an effective safety sales man are presupposed. The man must be well paid, well instructed, and well trained. He must receive the promotion he is entitled to and be transferred, if wrongly placed, either at the first selection or when he has developed or when working conditions have changed. There are many angles from which a man can be approached. If he had the correct viewpoint he would not be absent willingly. Why not assume that the customer is right and sell him the correct view point? Follow up the absentee while he is absent and talk it over. I f you make this follow-up from the viewpoint of investigating the absence you will probably antagonize your client and minimize your success. Assume that the man would not willingly be absent. I f he has not arranged for a furlough beforehand, assume that he needs your help and go to him to offer it. Be careful, of course, not to oversell the idea. You can be too anxious to have the man on the job—like a business man I heard of who had great trouble in securing a messenger and who finally in desperation inserted the following advertisement in his local paper: Boy wanted. Young or old. Either sex. In a large organization the problem of securing complete enough information quickly enough to permit these visits is a serious one. ABSEN TEEISM — S. R. RECTAN U S. 35 Means have been and can be devised to permit you to know before noon of each day the names of the men who were absent during the preceding 24 hours, where they live, and whether the foreman knows why they are absent. The foreman is quite largely, almost entirely, the man upon whom the success of the undertaking depends. He knows the men, is with them daily. The foreman is the leader and sets the fashion. IT your plan of organization is so functional that you have several fore men for each gang, then eliminate your discipline foreman and sub stitute in his place a moral foreman, an “ esprit de corps” foreman. You can not possibly reach each workman personally, but you can reach each foreman or each general foreman. You know that it essential for every man to work every day. You believe in it, you practice it, you convince others that it must be done. We can make the idea of “every man on the job every day” a popular idea. I f you can interest a man sufficiently to get him on the prop erty, you can interest him enough to get him on the job. The C h a ir m a n . We are now to listen to a paper on another sub ject in which you are all tremendously interested. I know little has been done along the line of standardization and rates in Rochester. We are to hear about this from Walter D. Stearns of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. of Pittsburgh. STANDARDIZATION OF OCCUPATIONS AND RATES OF PAY. BY WALTER D. STEARNS, SECRETARY, OCCUPATION AND RATE COMMITTEE, WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC & MANUFACTURING CO., EAST PITTSBURGH, PA. It has been said time and again, but it should be repeated over and over: For the present our one job is to win the War. All energies should be used for this one purpose. Anything which does not in some way help win the War is out of place at this time. We have read, but we are just beginning to realize what this War means, not only in the supreme sacrifice of our boys who have gone and are going “ across,” but in the immense amount of war supplies that is needed. We are just commencing to appreciate that the mines, the farms and the factories of America must be as well or ganized as our military forces in order to supply them with the necessities for winning the War. Certain words have been used until we are all tired of them, but they embrace so much that is of vital importance that we must con tinue to use them. I refer to such words as organization, coopera tion, efficiency and one of the newer ones, though by no means new, standardization. Mr. Herbert T. Wade, in Industrial Management for April, makes a strong plea for more complete standardization either by the Na tional Government or by the general cooperation of all interested. I f this is not done manufacturers and consumers generally will be at the mercy of the large corporations who can establish and en force their own standards, developed only in regard to their own large establishments and special methods and needs. Mr. Wade not only suggests more national standardization but urges especially in ternational standardization. We have done much in this country along the lines of standardiza tion. It is not unusual to see complete factory buildings erected in from one to three months. A gang of 120 men can erect ten 5-room houses in a single day. We think nothing of being able to buy standard parts for our machinery. These things are possible be cause of standardization. We have standardized buildings, materials, machines, methods, and products. These are of vast importance in winning the war, but of vital importance behind all of these is the man power of America. Why not standardize men? At first thought this does not sound 36 STANDARDIZATION OF OCCUPATIONS— W . D. STEARNS. 37 pleasant and may seem unreasonable, but as one studies the problem he realizes both the need and possibility of standardizing the man power of the country. Our chief problem to-day is, after all, the efficient use of men. The Secretary of Labor, William B. Wilson, has said: “ The available man power of the Nation serving as the industrial aim in warfare is not employed to its fullest capacity, nor is it in all cases wisely di rected. The effective conduct of the War is suffering needlessly be cause of the decrease in efficiency due to labor unrest.” Perhaps it would be better to say not standardize men but stand ardize conditions having to do with the human element in manufac turing. Something has already been accomplished along this line through our State laws in regard to working hours, health protection, accident prevention, and workmen’s compensation. Working condi tions are more or less standard among the employees of the govern ment and on our large railroads, but little has been done until very recently toward making any attempt at standardizing occupations cr rates of pay. The real labor problem to-day is not so much a shortage of men as the difficulty in keeping men with any one concern long enough for them to become trained and to absorb the spirit of their employer and feel that they are part of the organization. It is only human and right for all of us to want to improve our own condition and we are always eager for the new, for the untried. There is the instinct in everyone to trade, to bargain. Much of the present abnormal labor turnover is doubtless due to these inborn tendencies which lead the workman to “ shop for jobs” ; and just at the present time the shopping is particularly good, for all concerns have much to offer both in opportunity and wages. Anything that may be done to reduce this constant shifting of the workman from plant to plant is of especial importance now. The workman doesn’t know how his conditions in one plant com pare with what they might be in another plant. In fact, the em ployer himself has no means of comparing his own conditions with those of other companies. It is very difficult for two industrial man agers, even if their product be similar, to talk intelligently regarding occupations or rates of pay, because they do not have a common nomenclature. Different words are often used for the same occupa tion and what one manufacturer might consider a first-class operator would be a third-class operator for another concern. Even if stand ard names were used for standard jobs and each job were classified according to the skill required for that job, there would still exist the inconsistencies between plants regarding rates of pay. Part of this difference in rates of pay will be due to differences in local con 38 LABOR RECRU ITIN G AND KINDRED PROBLEM S. ditions, but if there were a common language in which all could dis cuss these differences, many of them would be eliminated. The work of standardizing occupations and rates naturally divides into four parts: Determining standard occupations; dividing all employees into classes based upon their relative value to the industry; determining what class of man is needed for each occupation; and determining rates of pay for the various classes. 1. In determining standard occupations all occupations used should be listed. These should be subdivided into separate occupations only so far as the work is distinctly different and requires different opera tions and a worker of different qualifications. These occupations should be carefully defined and given standard names. 2. Dividing all employees into classes based upon their relative value to the industry is the most difficult and at the same time the most important part of the work, and as far as is known has never been attempted before. The scheme is to place all employees in classes, grouped not at all according to occupation but according to the value of the service that the employee renders. The measure of this service, among other things, may be based on the degree of mechanical skill, supervising ability, initiative and judgment, phys ical strength and endurance, or willingness to do disagreeable work. Five divisions have been adopted for this classification and, in a very general way, what these divisions are intended to comprehend may be obtained from the following descriptions and examples: Class A.—Leaders in charge of groups, experimental workers, and those on the highest-grade production work. Those possessing general knowledge of the manufacturing operations, methods, and materials used. Judgment, accuracy, and a high degree of skill and dependability are necessary. Examples of this class are engine lathe, planer, and boring-mill operators on very large work where great loss is incurred if mistakes are made, and instrument makers and toolmakers. Class B.—Accurate, dependable workers with considerable ability and experience but without the expert knowledge and experience required of those in Class A. Generally, operators on accurate or heavy work which is usually repeated. Examples of this class are engine lathe operators, work not especially accurate but laborious, work on smaller lathes where responsibility is great, as on commu tators and collectors after being assembled on shafts; planer op erators on medium sized work, much repetition; and vertical boringmill operators on large work, accurate, difficult work on small mills. Class C.—Workmen who have become proficient on lines of work which are usually repeated, such as engine lathe operators on repeti tion work and on roughing shafts, planer operators on rough work STANDARDIZATION OF OCCUPATIONS— W . D. STEARNS. 39 such as roughing stock for poles, and boring-mill operators on small repetition work. Class D.—Workmen who can be brought in a short time to be efficient producers on lines of work which are usually repeated, such as employees learning to operate engine lathes, planers, and boring mills, and learning winding. Class E.—Unskilled workmen with little, if any, previous train ing, men on work requiring a small degree of skill, accuracy, or knowledge, as unskilled workmen, like truckers, sweepers, material handlers, and machine helpers. This broad classification is based upon the employee’s relative value to the industry, regardless of his particular occupation. Each class may include a variety of occupations and many occupations may require employees from several classes. For example, we may have toolmakers, lathe hands, and boring-mill hands all in Class A. We may also have lathe hands in Classes B, C, and D. A man may be of value not only for reasons inherent in himself but for reasons inherent in the occupation. The work may be espe cially dirty, hot, cold, unhealthful, or dangerous, thus giving em ployees for this occupation a classification higher than they would have from any personal qualifications. 3. The class of man needed should be determined from the nature of the work to be performed. For example, suppose the occupation to be that of engine lathe operator and the operation be rough-turn ing shafts. A Class C man would do this work satisfactorily. Sup pose the occupation still be engine lathe operator, but the operation be taking the finishing out on shafts. It would take a Class B man to do this work satisfactorily. 4. The rates of pay for the highest class and for the lowest class are determined by the labor market in the special locality. Having determined these two limits it remains to distribute the rates among the various classes. So much for the general scheme. Now for the specific problem as found in the East Pittsburgh works of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. This company employs 20,000 operatives. Their product is a complete line of electrical apparatus. The plant is made up of 16 departments, each being practically a separate factory, with its own superintendent and foremen. All of these superintendents report to a general superintendent. Because of the nature of its work this company uses practically all of the occupations common to the metal trades and many others that are peculiar to the electrical industry. Many of the depart ments have operations that are very similar and often exactly alike. I f an employee in one department is paid more or less than an ern- 40 LABOR RECRU ITIN G AND KINDRED PROBLEM S. ployee who renders exactly the same service in another department, then there is much dissatisfaction and a decided tendency to shift from department to department. Labor turnover and all other statistical data, to be of greatest value, should be kept by occupation. In an attempt to overcome such difficulties an occupation and rate committee was appointed to study the situation and devise a method of classifying and standardizing occupations and rates of pay. The occupations in each department were tabulated. It was found that different names were often used for the same occupation. These were all given a common name and after they were all brought into one list, still there remained more than 400 distinct occupations. These were finally grouped and condensed into a list of about 200, which was adopted as standard. Numbers and standard names were assigned to these occupations and care is taken to use this standard wording on all forms and records dealing with occupations. I f the work had gone no further than this it still would have been worth while, if for no other reason than to have all statistical records on the same basis, and for all superintendents to be able to talk over their problems on a common ground. With a well-organized employment department something of this sort is practically indispensable. Such a department also demands something in the way of an occupation analysis card and this again necessitates standardizing the occupations. The next step was to determine the number of men in each occu pation in each department and the class in which the men in each occupation should be placed. For example, a boring mill in one department might require a Class C man while a boring mill in an other department might require a Class A man. Likewise one de partment might itself have several different kinds of engine lathe work which would require men from Classes B, C, and D. After all the occupations in the departments were placed in their proper classes the prevailing wage scale was applied to these classes—that is, the highest wages were allowed for Class A and the lowest wages for Class E employees. Suppose, for example, our highest wage on a daywork basis at the time the scheme had been incorporated had been 50 cents an hour, and our lowest had been 15 cents an hour, then Class A employees might have been rated from 40 to 50 cents and Class E employees from 15 to 20 cents. A “ key ” sheet was made up showing the range of rates of pay for each class. This range in rates allows for normal increases, due to increased efficiency, long service, etc. The minimum rate authorized for a class is, in general, the maximum hiring rate. The higher rates are to be used only for the most skilled in that class. The higher-class occupations, requiring skill, experience, or special ability, should be STANDARDIZATION OF OCCUPATIONS---- W . D. STEARNS. 41 filled by promotion or transfer from another department wherever possible. An occupation and rate book is made up for each superintendent. All occupations in the entire factory are given in this book in alpha betical order. The classes authorized for each occupation are given together with the various departments which are authorized to use that class of employee. The occupation analysis cards are made out in triplicate; one for the foreman, one for the employment department, and one for the occupation and rate committee. Each foreman has only the cards for the occupations in his subdepartments. These cards show what classes he is expected to use for the operations he has. I f the occupation is properly classified in the first place, in gen eral the classification should not be changed unless the nature of the work or operation is changed. I f the rate allowed is not high enough to retain the employee in this occupation, then one of two things should be done. Either the man should be promoted to an occupation which requires a higher-class man or else -there should be a flat raise in rates for all the classes. The chief advantage in using a “ key” sheet to show the rates paid for the various classes is that only the class letter is used on all records, so any changes in the wage scale simply means issuing a new “ key ” sheet with the corresponding new rates. It is the duty of the occupation and rate committee to establish new occupations and rates, approve changes in rates and investigate any unusual conditions that may be due to rates of pay. The two fundamentals of this plan are: (1) The determination of standard occupations and the choice of specific names and defini tions for these occupations; and (2) The classification of workers in accordance with their value to the industry, regardless of occupation. The two ideals of this plan are: (1) Uniform rate of pay for uni form service, thus preventing the discontent that might arise due to nonuniform wages; (2) Maintenance of wages for each occupation within a certain range, and when an employee reaches the limit of that range, the facilitation of his promotion to an occupation of higher value. This work has been growing at the Westinghouse plant for about two years and has proved so very satisfactory that it is being ex tended just as rapidly as possible to allied companies. It seems logical to liken the departments in our company to the various companies in a given district. I f all the companies in a dis trict were to standardize their occupations and rates in some general way, as has been outlined, they might be able to get together on com mon ground and do much toward reducing labor turnover. 42 LABOR RECRU ITIN G AND KINDRED PROBLEM S. The only way to make this effective would be for all companies in the district to be working on the same fundamental scheme and using the same standards. This could be accomplished through a small district committee. Such a committee should consist of a man of very broad experience and familiar with manufacturing opera tions, and a statistician, who should devote their whole time to the work. In addition there should doubtless be two or three representa tive men to act in an advisory capacity. This work might very profitably be taken up by the employers' associations or similar organizations. This would help to solve the problem for an individual district but the labor problem is no longer one of individual districts. The ultimate aim should be such a standardization for the whole country. Standardization of this general sort is surely coming for individ ual plants and for plants in a district; why should not these indi vidual standardizations and district standardizations all be made to conform to a national standardization of occupations and rates? Tn other words, wouldn’t the gains be sufficient and isn’t this work im portant enough, to be taken up by the United States Department of Labor? The C h a i r m a n . Every employer who has had to do—and no em ployer has not had to do—with the matter of wages in the past three years has felt the need of some yardstick by which he can measure the adequacy of the wages that he is paying. Very few if any com munities have a local yardstick by which this can be measured, but we have a national yardstick which is given us by the Department of Labor. We have with us to-day the head of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor who will tell us what the cost of living is and how it is determined; because those figures are the ones by which every employer should judge the adequacy of the wage he is paying. It is my great pleasure to introduce to you Dr. Royal Meeker, United States Commissioner of Labor Statistics. COST OF LIVING STUDIES AS A BASIS FOR MAKING WAGE RATES. BY ROYAL MEEKER, UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER OF LABOR STATISTICS, W A S H INGTON, D. C. I did not have time to write down my extemporaneous speech. I just have some notes here, which I won’t use. The trouble with a three-ring circus is that so much of interest always goes on in the two rings that you can’t watch. The advantage of a program ar ranged as this is—maybe you don’t think it is an advantage—is that you can listen to but one speaker at a time. The temptation to digress and to discuss the two subjects presented by the pre ceding speakers is very great. Especially would I like to dis cuss the question of standardization of occupational names and wages. But I am going to stick to the task that was assigned to me, and it is some task, believe me. I want to start out by saying that cost of living studies are fundamental. Most labor disputes center around the question of wages. A very large part of labor turn over centers around the question of wages also. The more accurate determination then of what has happened to the cost of living is absolutely fundamental. The statement has been made that there is no doubt that wages have increased within the past year more than the cost of living. That statement needs more verification. It needs a more solid foundation of facts. The working people are not fully satisfied with the statement that wages have advanced more rapidly than the cost of living. I may say that quite early in the game I recognized the fundamental character of the cost of living studies, and I have attempted to interest Congress in cost of living studies, thus far without marked success. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is at present carrying on cost of living studies at the re quest of the Labor Adjustment Board of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration of the United States Shipping Board. I want to repeat that cost of living studies are fundamental. A very large propor tion of our labor unrest, of the slowing up of output, is due to dis putes as to the questions of increase in cost of living, of the relative rapidity of increase in cost of living as against wage advancement. It is fundamental that we settle those questions as accurately as pos sible. I am as fully aware as anyone in this room of the great difficulties confronting anyone who attempts to investigate the cost of living. What is a living wage? Have we any basis to start 43 44 LABOR RECRU ITIN G AND KINDRED PROBLEM S. from? We can with a considerable degree of accuracy find out by what percentage the different items of family expenditure have in creased. But what do we know about the adequacy of the wage in 1913 or 1914, or any other particular year? What do we know about a living wage? But little has been done to standardize budget ex penditures. More has been done to standardize food expenditures than any other item of expenditure. Probably the studies made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics are the best information available on that subject; at least, we are willing to accept them as the best that has been done along that line. Now, it is interesting to compare some of the results that we have found in our cost of living studies, be ginning with the Philadelphia district. The families studied in that district numbered 512. They were workingmen’s families; in our studies we took only families that consisted of husband and wife and at least one child at home not earning money. There was usually more than one child. We tried to get recognized standard families, with the emphasis on “ standard.” We wanted to get at something that was get-at-able. We took 512 families, mostly the families of shipyard workers. We did not confine ourselves absolutely to ship yard workers, but I think that in the Philadelphia district, more than 90 per cent of the families actually were families of shipyard workers. The workers were both skilled and unskilled; what pro portion of skilled and unskilled I don’t know. Do any of you know what a skilled worker is ? If you do, I wish you would tell me. It has been proposed that in our classifications and descriptions of occupa tions we separate said occupations into highly skilled, skilled, and unskilled. I f you can tell me what a highly skilled worker is, what a skilled worker is, and what an unskilled worker is, I would be very much obliged. These 512 families taken together had an average expenditure in 1917 of $1,398.83. Increased cost of living in 1917 over 1914, which was taken as the basal year because that was the year that the Wage Adjustment Board wanted us to take, was 43.81 per cent on all items. It is rather interesting to note how the expenditure for food has gone up, relative to the total expenditure. I f the total income per family, $1,399, is taken as 100 the expenditure for food amounts to 43.31 per cent, which is high for food. I f you will compare this with budgets taken in normal times you will see it is considerably higher for food than in normal times. In the New York district, 608 families were chosen in the same way as in Philadelphia, most of them families of shipyard workers. The average expenditure of the families amounted to $1,348.64. The percentage of expenditure for food was 45.01 per cent. I am skipping through these because I know that you are anxious to hear the speakers that are to follow. COST OF LIVIN G STUDIES— ROYAL M EEK ER. 45 Now, skipping over a few hundred miles of intervening territory we land in Beaumont, Tex., and we find the white labor there, taken in the same way, shipyard workers mostly, had $1,284.27, average expenditure. Note how close the expenditure corresponds with that in the Philadelphia and New York districts; and note also how closely the items of expenditure correspond. Expenditure for food in Beau mont, Tex., made up 44.72 per cent of all expenditures. I think I neglected to state that the increase in 1917 over 1914 in the New York district for all expenditures was 44.68 per cent. The total in crease, 1917 over 1914, Beaumont, Tex., was 43.44 per cent. There were only nine colored families obtainable in Beaumont, Tex. Thereby hangs a tale, but I won’t tell it. The average expenditure of these colored families, all unskilled labor—no matter what they did they would be unskilled because they are colored—was $932.97. Expenditure for food made up 52.08 per cent of all expenditure for these colored families. The increase in 1917 over 1914 was 48.79 per cent. In Houston, Tex., which is very close to Beaumont and to Orange, Tex., we took 91 white families, with an average income of $1,255.88. Expenditure for food was 46.28 per cent. Increase, 1917 over 1914, was 44.89 per cent. No colored laborers in that district. In Orange, Tex., the average expenditure of 45 families taken was $1,188.47. Expenditure for food made up 49.96 per cent. Increase, 1917 over 1914, was 48.26 per cent. In Tampa, Fla., the 51 white families had an average outlay of $1,116.62. Expenditure for food was 44.67 per cent. Increase, 1917 over 1914, was 39.64 per cent. Twenty-eight colored families in the same district had an average ex penditure of $836.43. Food was 47.21 per cent of all expenses. The increase in cost of living was 38.67 per cent. That is for the colored families in the Tampa district. Now, I admit that the results obtained in cost of living studies depend substantially upon the accuracy of the method pursued; and the only way that we will ever get accurate data upon which to make wage adjustments in conformity with the increased cost of living is through just such cost of living studies. The men in the Philadel phia district submitted evidence to the Labor Adjustment Board in which they claimed that the cost of living had advanced 132 per cent. They listed prices of things to show the correctness of their claim. The trouble was that they did not weight the different items of expenditure according to their importance in the family budget so that ginger snaps and nutmegs counted as much as beans and bread. The items of consumption must be weighted according to their respec tive importance in the family budget if we are to measure accurately charges in cost of living. Our results show an increase of less than 44 per cent in the Philadelphia district in 1917 as against 1914; and 46 LABOR RECRU ITIN G AND KINDRED PROBLEM S. substantially the same result is shown in the New York district. And it is most astonishing, to me at least, the degree to which other com munities conform to what we found in Philadelphia and New York. The cost of living has increased with surprising uniformity through out the country. We have the food budget for a workingman’s family standardized fairly well. We know how many calories are needed to support life and activity and approximately the kinds of food from which the required calories may be obtained. You will no doubt be interested in standards in other lines of con sumption besides food. Almost nothing has been done to determine what kind and amount of clothing is essential in order to enable a family to live on the far-famed American standard of living. The only thing so far as I know that has been done, the only attempt that has been made to standardize clothing expenditures, has been by the New York State Factory Commission, and that was confined to the clothing of women. We in our Washington study, the results of which have been published in the Monthly Review of the Bureau, have checked up the results obtained by the New York State Fac tory Investigating Commission. We find that for food—I am revert ing to food—the adult man can not be fed for less than 80 cents per day; and that connotes a knowledge of food values and a scientific utilization of all the calories bound up in the kind of food products you buy in the market that very few housewives possess. I don’t see how it is possible for any family to be fed on a basis of expendi ture that provides less than 30 cents a day for every adult, and I will not stop to explain how we reduce all families to the adult male basis. We allow a certain percentage for a woman, 90 per cent, a smaller percentage for children under 16, and so on. Assuming fam ilies reduced to standard adult males, nothing has been done on cloth ing except as it applies to the clothing of women. The clothing of women was of especial importance because of the importance of the independent working woman in industry; not so numerous as men but of immensely greater importance than their numbers would indi cate because of the effect of industry upon women and the effect of women upon industry. We determined from our Washington study that the independent working woman could not clothe herself accord ing to the standards prevailing in Washington for less than $125 per annum. When we go further down the line, taking up housing, nothing has been done. What is the standard house for the standard American family? We speak of the American standard of living. What is the American standard of living? We do not know. We know something about the standard requisites for food in the Ameri can family reduced to a unit basis. We know much less about what is requisite to clothe an American family according to the much men COST OF LIVING STUDIES— BOYAL MEEKEB. 47 tioned American standard. When we come to housing, we know almost nothing as to the house that is adequate to enable an Ameri can family to live on this American standard. Should we have a room for every member of the family ? Do we have a bathroom ? Do we have more than one bathroom? Do we have stationary tubs? What do we have in our standard house? I do not know, and if I do not know, I know you don’t. What about fuel and lighting? Again we are up in the air. What about rest and recreation? We are just beginning to understand that rest and recreation are just as much an essential part of the standard of living as are food and clothes and a house. We are only just beginning to learn what Dr. Mann has known for a long while, but unfortunately there are not enough Dr. Manns to go around. Not every employer or establish ment is aware of the fact that rest and recreation are necessities. What about vacations? That is something different from rest and recreation. I, for one, don’t believe in confining vacations to those who don’t need them. I would like to see everybody have a vacation. And that means for the men and women who work with their hands, a vacation with pay. What is the minimum of vacation in order to enable a family to live according to American standards of living? We don’t know. What is the minimum of medical treatment and of medicines that is absolutely requisite to the American family? We don’t know. We get the items of expenditure, all these items of expenditure, in our budget studies but that does not give us what we want. I am convinced that very few, if any, laborers’ families can expend enough for doctors, dentists, and medicines to meet the require ments of a minimum standard of health, under present conditions. What we want to know is the norm, what is requisite for maintain ing a minimum standard of health and vigor. We do know that in these shipyard workers’ families there is too little expenditure for the services of a physician. There is too little devoted to the expendi ture for vacations, and for rest and recreation. We can see that from looking at the schedules. But what is the minimum we should exact of employers, or set up as a standard to be achieved? We don’t know. It is up to us to find out, and we ought to be on the job to find out. What is the minimum of insurance that should be carried by the American family? What kinds of insurance should be carried? I can tell you some of the kinds that should not be carried. I can tell you that industrial ifteurance is the most expensive luxury that any American family can indulge in, and it must be put off the map and cheaper and adequate insurance substituted that will give to the fam ily the assurance that it will not be driven below the poverty line by reason of the ill health, sickness, accident, or the death of the bread winner or winners of the family. How much reading matter is the minimum requirement of the American family ? We know how little 48 LABOR RECRU ITIN G AND KINDRED PROBLEM S. was the expenditure for newspapers and books, but we don’t know how much should be expended. And the miscellaneous items? We know very little about them. Those are some of the difficulties, some of the things we must do our best to find out about. Briefly I must tell you what we are doing. First of all we get budgets from these families. The agents visit the families, talk with the housewife, go over the income and expenditures of the fam ilies. Some of the families have kept itemized accounts of the re ceipts and income of the family. Some have preserved the pay enve lopes, so that all the agent has to do is to copy the amounts down. The income is obtained with fair accuracy in spite of the fact that there have been enormous increases in wages in many of the ship yards. The income account is obtained in that way. The expendi ture account is gone over carefully, item by item. The different food items are listed, so that the agent will not overlook any item and the housewife estimates as accurately as possible what her expenditures have been for the past year; the same is done with clothing, both for males and females; and the same is done for house, fuel and light, furniture, furnishings, and miscellaneous items. In that way we get the quantity and cost of the family budget for 1917. Then in order to find out what has happened to the cost of the family budget dur ing the four years covered by our study it is necessary to get itemized schedules from the different stores that deal in the different articles included in the family budget in each community surveyed. We are taking our monthly retail prices of foods as giving us the most ac curate information obtainable as to changes in the cost of food. Agents visit the representative stores dealing in clothing for males, and for females, and fill out schedules for clothing. They visit the stores dealing in house-furnishing goods to fill out the schedules on furniture and furnishings. They visit the dry goods stores in order to get the prices of drygoods through the period covered by the survey. They visit the various stores that keep coal, kerosene, and wood, and so on for all the articles of importance in the family bud get. They visit the real-estate office in order to get the rents in the localities studied. In that way we get the changes in prices of the different items of expenditure. Then we weight those different prices of the different groups of items by the percentage of expendi ture for each of these different .items. In that way we get, not a general average of prices, but a weighted average of prices which shows with very much greater accuracy what has happened to this thing which we call cost of living. Now, in this brief presentation that I have made, it may strike you that there is a large amount of estimate, and that a hundred per cent accuracy is unobtainable. We might as well acknowledge right now that the absolute does not exist; certainly not so far as cost of living COST OF LIVIN G STUDIES— ROYAL M EEK ER. 49 is concerned. But this is the only way that has been yet devised of getting anything at all accurate or usable in determining what per centage of advance should be made in wages in order to make the purchasing power of wages to-day what it was in 1914, let us say, before prices began to boom; and when we have got data that is usable, that will give us the knowledge to enable us to make those wage adjustments, we will have done the biggest thing we can do toward stabilizing labor. As for the importance of the other things— I have left out of my remarks reference to those valuable things which have been touched upon and will be touched upon by preceding and following speakers—but I repeat, the most important thing that can be done to-day is to determine with greater accuracy the advance in cost of living—not for the shipyards alone; we need to do it for every industry. We are just simply frittering around the edges. We have covered the shipbuilding centers of the Atlantic and Gulf coast. We are now on the Great Lakes and eventually we will have to go to the Pacific coast. If we don’t go something will bust loose there. We must get a more accurate idea as to this thing that has been mentioned, the relative increase in the cost of living as over against the increase in wages. It must be done. Then, incidentally, if you will quit stealing each other’s men, quit advertising in the newspapers, quit patronizing private employment agencies which are playing the devil with you, and rely on the public employment offices you will get laborers who will stick. Get behind the public employment offices, and if they don’t fill the bill, why. get behind them all the more until they do fill the bill. When I was in Cleve land I proposed this modest program, and I was completely swept off my feet by the way in which my proposal was received. It was pro posed there seriously that at once the Cleveland employers cease advertising for one month and get all of their help through the pub lic employment office. That rather scared me, because I was afraid of what might happen. Don’t expect miracles from the public employment service. Don’t ask too much of it. Get behind the pub lic employment office and support it, but don’t go to the public em ployment office at once and say, “ We want to get our help through you. This is our order. Fill it.” They can’t do it. The Cleveland office can not handle the work it now has. You must give it time to expand. You must enable the Federal and State Governments to put more funds at the disposal of their officers before you go to them with the demand: “ Here are our various orders for labor. These are the kinds we want. So many hundred of this, that, and the other. Five hundred Class A mechanics,” and so on. I f you will get behind this thing with the determination that you are going to wipe the private employment offices off the map, put the newspapers 77920°— 19------- 4 50 LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. back where they belong, so far as advertising is concerned, and quit stealing from each other you can make it go. Capt. F isher . I told you that nothing was “ cooked up” about this convention, especially with regard to organizing future meetings, and place for holding sessions, etc. I made an error in regard to the latter point. We are fairly committed to Cleveland for next year, as Cleveland was appointed for this convention and gave it up be cause they wanted to bring home to their own people the discussion of these problems. I hope there will be no milling or attempt to get the convention for next year by any other point. It belongs to Cleve land for next year. But the various local associations want to meet after this session to consider the next year’s organization. You know how loosely we are organized, half a dozen local associations elect a delegate to a national committee of Employment Managers’ Asso ciations, and that committee has had no other responsibility than arranging this convention, and has in large part dodged that. Some people may feel that we ought to have a national membership asso ciation. So far there is no opinion about it, nothing “ cooked up,” but several associations want to get together immediately after this meeting. The C hairm an . I take pleasure in introducing Mr. William Black man, formerly of the Department of Labor, now director of labor of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, who will address the convention upon the subject of destructive labor recruiting. DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. r.Y W ILLIAM BLACKM AN, DIRECTOR OF LABOR, EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION, UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD, W ASHINGTON, D. C. You will note by these two cards I hold in my hand that I am not going to make much of a speech. When I accepted Capt. Fisher’s invitation to come up here, I told him that we were pretty busy in Washington, particularly in our end of the job, and that I would simply make a little talk. It has been stated by Dr. Meeker that he is making a particular study on the cost of living for the Wage Adjustment Board, connected with the Emergency Fleet Cor poration. It might be interesting to you to know just how that board is constituted and what its functions are. About last August there was considerable grumbling among the employees of the ship yards, then a new industry in this country. All of the iron trades that were organized got together with the Navy Department, the War Department, and the Fleet Corporation and agreed that some tribunal should ascertain what the increased cost of living was upon which to base a percentage increase in pay. The federated trades, as I have stated, appointed one man through Mr. Gompers, ]resident of the American Federation of Labor; the Emergency Fleet Corporation named one man; and the President of the United States a third. Those three act as a board to listen to grievances, gather data in regard to the cost of living, compare the different wage scales, and in that way set a wage scale for the shipyard workers. Before they started out on this work there was a firm on the Pacific coast—and I don’t want to criticise that firm, for I live out in that country myself—raised the wage rate considerably over that pre vailing in the vicinity, and boasted in the newspapers that they were making money and could pay these high rates. Immediately the union said: I f this one firm can pay these rates of wages the other shipbuilders in the United States can pay the same rates. So, when the Wage Adjustment Board arrived on the Pacific coast it found itself “ up against ” that sort of thing. The wage board set a uniform wage for the entire Pacific coast for all the leading trades in the steel-ship yards, such as riveters, machinists, blacksmiths, and boiler makers, of $5.25 per day of eight hours. Then a little later a bonus of 10 per cent was added for six continuous days5work in each week. On February 1 that rate was made permanent, making the 51 52 LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. rate $5.77|, or $5.80. The board held hearings in the Delaware dis trict, in the New York district, and Great Lakes district, and the entire South, and endeavored to make rates that would fit into the various communities, taking into consideration the cost of living, and possibly the difference in the cost of living in different communities. But after it was all gone over there was only a slight difference in the wages scales for the Atlantic and the Gulf coasts, including the Delaware River. So we have one scale for the Atlantic coast and the Gulf coast and one for the Pacific coast. The subject given me is destructive labor recruiting. In the ship yards to-day there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 270,000 men at work, and when the yards are fully completed and running full force it will take 400,000 persons to carry out the program that is outlined. And to us employed in this work, giving our best efforts, humble as they may be, the building of ships is the all-important thing and I know it is to you, for I think every manufacturer here to day, or his representative, is in some way doing something to help. Now, what do we find with regard to the stealing of each other’s men? While the Wage Adjustment Board was sitting in Washing ton trying to make a $5 rate agreeable to the wood mechanic in Houston, and in Beaumont, Tex., and all through that country, some of my friends from Puget Sound were offering $7 and free trans portation to the “ beautiful climate of Puget Sound.” Now, you can imagine how a $5 rate would make the men in Texas feel. I am giving you this little explanation so that you may under stand why the Shipping Board was really compelled to make an ap parently high rate. Again out in the West the Manufacturers’ Association—composed of the owners of boiler shops, engine shops, and repair shops employing from 5,000 to 100,000 men—got together the4other day and gave the molders and boiler makers a minimum rate of $6.60 and a maximum rate of $7.25. Now, there will be no danger but what all those shops will be fully manned. But shipyards are going to suffer. So far they are not suffering out there because labor has been recruited through the Labor Department’s agency. So the high wages on the Pacific coast were largely due to this one firm that I spoke of in the beginning. There are other firms who have increased wages by stealing the men from one another. One division of the War Department, doing some special work, went down into Florida and offered $3.50 a day to the colored help, and succeeded in taking away two or three train loads and closing up one or two sawmills. The sawmill is a very essential industry to the Emergency Fleet Corporation, which is, to use a vulgar expression, “ pounding it over the back ” every day for DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING— WM. BLACKMAN. 53 lumber, attempting to get lumber for Atlantic coast firms without paying freight rates from the Pacific coast. Yet one department of the Government will go and deliberately do that. So I say that there is an abundance of proof that there should be one recruiting office and that this office should distribute the labor to the essential indus tries to-day in America. The Labor Department has the machinery. Mr. Clayton follows me, and will tell you all about it. They have that machinery, they have some money, and they can get more if you gentlemen will get behind and help them. And I want to say the first office was established in Seattle. The reports came in that all of the shipyards were using the office. They had plenty of men and the turnover had decreased very considerably since the men had all been coming through that central office. There are many things that the central office can do, my friends. Things have been said here to-day about the slacker. I shake hands with the man who said it. He told the truth. We have lots of them. There ought to be some way to make every man who works with his hand or his brain remember that we are in war, and the worst the world ever heard of, and that if he doesn’t do his part, no matter in what walk of life, and do it well, I am fearful of the result. A central office will catch the slacker. Pardon me for speaking personally. I have a boy 22 years old in the Aviation Corps. He writes his mother that his duty is flying over Paris at night, and he tells her: “ I see by the papers that Mr. Hurley, of the Shipping Board, has a good organization. I can not knock the block off the Kaiser. I can shoot bombs from the air; but it depends on labor at home to win this war.” I hope you will par don me for mentioning that from my boy, but it is the sentiment of all those boys in the trenches; and unless we wake up to the fact that they must receive the proper protection, I have doubts about the re sult. Labor must do its duty. It must give the employer at least six days’ work in ev^ry week, and I believe it will if the problem is put up to it in the proper way, and if you gentlemen will get behind this clearing house and make the clearing house meet the needs. Every firm and every shipyard in the community in which you live should stop its advertising, stop its own hiring of men, and put its own agents into this clearing house, and let it be one big clearing house. I am going to close with one or two words more. I have come to the conclusion that the thing to do, particularly as regards the ship building industry, which includes all manufacturers manufacturing essentials that go into these hulls, is to make a uniform wage rate, and make it high enough to meet the needs, as Dr. Meeker has stated in regard to the increased cost of living, and let it apply to those who are building the essentials. If they are hurt in any way by it let the Government pay the difference between the present wage rate and 54 LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. whatever the new may be. Then say to the employees of this coun try, “ For a like service you will get a like pay; and we desire you to work at least six days each week.” And say to the employer, 44I f you dare raise your minimum and maximum wage rates above the standard we will take your contract away from you and paste it on the billboard of the country, and show that all you are doing is to give a high rate of wages to finish your own contract regardless of all the other builders in the United States.” My friends we must look at this as a program covering the whole United States. So far as I am con cerned, so far as the rest of my colleagues in the Emergency Fleet Corporation are concerned, we can’t look at it in any other way. We have got our hearts set on a certain tonnage to meet the emergency, and in that way we believe we can get the tonnage. I am here to answer any question. I am more than pleased to have had the privilege of saying these few words, and I hope and pray that this may be a beginning in making this splendid meeting of men and women further realize that we are in a crisis, and that this is the plan to meet it, and meet it as Americans always meet any crisis—■ in the right way. Capt. F isher. It is a great pleasure to introduce Mr. Charles T. Clayton, assistant director general of the Federal Employment Service. DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. BY CHARLES T. C LAY TO N ,'A SSISTA N T DIRECTOR GENERAL, UNITED STATES EMPLOY MENT SERVICE, W ASHINGTON, D. C. The war has brought new and strange demands upon the pro ducers. It has made proper many things that in peace times men would have resisted. Upon a few things, which in ordinary times we did not heed, the war has thrown a blinding flood of new under standing and shown us that we can no longer tolerate them. One of the most interesting of these new revelations is our sudden appreciation of the age-old existence of anarchy in the labor market. It is well that we recognize the fact. Nothing so evil and so ex tended was ever remedied by accident. Action is called for—in formed action. Suppose we consider for a moment the problem as it is revealed by recent experience, and try by the test of examples to learn how, why, and how much this anarchy in the labor market affects our industrial power to wage war to-day. From our con clusions we may be able to infer the extent to which this anarchy will, if permitted to continue, be a handicap upon our industrial defense in the peace competition we must meet after we have cleaned out the Hohenzollern rats’ nest and freed the world from the Hun. A few weeks ago a skilled machinist came to his employer, a manufacturer of central New York, bearing a letter written by a Rochester manufacturer, offering the machinist a job in the Rochester plant, on war material. The letter, in glowing terms, told of the op portunities of Rochester. Skillfully, it referred to the patriotic value of the work being executed by the Rochester firm; and in con clusion it summoned the recipient to report to a named recruiting agent on a certain date, under pain of being reported a slacker and a traitor to our country. The machinist is a young married man, with a little home not paid for and a couple of toddling youngsters to cherish. He wanted to be loyal and his quandary was perplexing. So he consulted his boss, an old schoolfellow, who sent the letter to Washington, wrathfully demanding whether it was an order, in view of the fact that the man was already engaged full time upon equally important war work. Not long ago a large corporation near Philadelphia inserted large advertisements in Ohio newspapers offering certain classes of work men a little higher than the normal wage then prevalent in Ohio, and added, “ and double time for Sundays and holidays; plenty of over time all the time.” 55 56 LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. Hundreds of men left war manufacturing jobs in central and northern Ohio and paid their way to this plant. A very large num ber of them were of crafts not yet needed by the plant, although the advertisement had called for them. These men were turned away. They had thrown up jobs on war work. They had lost many days and wasted considerable sums upon travel and subsistence. Many of them were left destitute and hundreds drifted into near-by cities, broken in spirit and embittered against the Government and our country. For several weeks during the early spring the municipal authorities of these cities were compelled to feed and lodge large numbers of these broken men and there is reason to fear that many of them have become casual workers. Those who were actually hired found the promise of “ plenty of overtime ” was not kept, while the locally impossible housing conditions and living costs soon disgusted them and drove them out to seek more congenial, even if nominally less well-paid, employment. An enterprising labor agent of a Government plant in the South, desiring to build up his organization, hired a brass band and sent it in a motor truck to visit points frequented by Negro farm-hands on Saturday nights. Torch lights, promises of a month’s annual leave with pay and a little fervid oratory built up his needed force quite rapidly. It also shut down about 75 square miles of farms. A trainload of workers came from a western point to a new War Department construction job on the seaboard. The Employment Service brought them. The War Department paid the bills. The job is vitally important and must be rushed to the limit. Like many other jobs now being done by the Government the lives of many of our men and the time when our full strength can be employed in the War depend in part upon it. But bright and early next morning the agent of a firm which has a Government contract and a plant a few miles away came over, offered the men 3 cents an hour advance, and took the whole trainload away. A very enterprising labor agent in Tennessee showed his apprecia tion of the situation by sending, with a trainload of workmen dis patched to a Government contractor, a special agent, with instruc tions to deliver the men, take the contractor’s receipjt, and then bring them back to be shipped elsewhere for another commission. Hundreds of other instances occur—some scandalous, some trait orous, and others merely humorous, like the case of the zealous but absent-minded young labor agent at Norfolk, who not long ago suc ceeded, by raising their wTages, in hiring two men he met on the street, away from his own firm. Now let us analyze these examples of “ destructive” labor recruit ing. What effect do such conditions have upon our industrial power DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING— 0. T. CLAYTON. 57 to wage war ? And what effect may be expected upon our industrial powers after the war? We note instances of appeals to workers on patriotic grounds, with offers of comfort and ease, with lure of higher wages and of bonuses. All these appeals are to the workers to do a perfectly lawful thing— quit one job and take another. All these appeals are based upon perfectly lawful grounds. Patriotism is all right. One may pay more wages or give premiums or vacations if he wishes. So why is this wrong? Because no longer can the business man consider his own interests solely. The interest of all must be the concern of everyone. The domain of the individualist has lost another province; there can no longer be anarchy in the labor market because we are all working for one customer and that customer embodies our own rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. The wrong, then, is not a wrong per se but a wrong because of the results it brings. What are those results? First, a terrible and terribly increasing waste of human time. Men lose time between jobs and lose again learning the duties and the methods of the new job. Second, an enormous waste in spoiled material and great reduc tion in output. A concern in Connecticut, engaged in a most deli cate piece of ordnance manufacture, makes one part costing about $1,600 each; and the slightest error wastes the whole piece. New men usually spoil half a dozen before they learn. It costs that firm over $10,000 to hire a new man; yet another concern recently tempted one of their men away by higher pay to do much less important, al though war, work. Third, a huge waste of public funds; for at last all these wastes find their way into the accounts and are paid for by the Government. Fourth, a dreadful, disquieting labor unrest, a deep suspicion on the part of the workers of the honesty and good faith and essential loyalty of the einf)loying contractors. This is the worst of all. Labor waste is serious; but delay, while bad, may not necessarily ruin us. Material and money waste is an economic crime, but not all crimes incur capital punishment. But when the wage earners of this country, because of their employers’ blind insistence on an archy instead of order, upon their own way, waste or not, and with out any regard to the national interest, lose confidence in the good faith of the employers, our industrial power is not merely weakened, it is destroyed. So we have a very serious condition, not mere theories,'to discuss. And we need now, not recrimination, nor mere polite and meaning 58 LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. less resolutions, but real counsel, sound thinking, and decision upon a course of remedial action. This is, perhaps, the body of men best fitted of all Americans to understand the problem and to propose a sound solution. I intend to offer some suggestions for your consideration. It is my earnest hope that you will later give them very serious study and debate. There was a day when education was only for the rich; when the poor man’s son went untaught and even the Bible was chained to the* altar, a closed book because most men could not read. Society built the public school and to-day the key to opportunity is free to every American who wills to grasp and to use it aright. There was a time when only the powerful had highways; when transportation and communication were a prerogative and the com mon man was a bond-serf, bearing a brass collar and thralled to a fixed estate. The spirit of liberty cut the gyves and threw away the collar long ago and now our roads are public property. It is but lately that it cost as high as two dollars to bend a letter within the boundaries of the United States, when the carriage of mail was unorganized and we had anarchy instead of postal service. Now^ the postal rate is three cents, and one cent of that is contributed to safeguarding liberty. The difference is because society has substi tuted order for anarchy in the postal communication. In like manner society has organized markets for money—our great banking systems—and every kind of property has its well-de vised market, except the first property of all, a man’s right to sell, his labor. So in proposing a remedy for the present intolerable conditions in war employment, I#am also proposing a very funda mental and urgent reform—that society provide order instead of anarchy in the labor market. 1. This is a war matter, and war is not waged by individuals or by States of the Union. The Federal Government is the proper agency to organize the Nation’s labor market, just ^is it conducts the Nation’s postal service and its financing. 2. This is preparation for national unity and efficiency after the War. On every account it must be treated and handled broadly and considered in the interest of the whole country. (a) So first we suggest that all firms engaged in war contracts agree that, as fast as the United States Employment Service pre pares itself and advises them that it is ready to assume the responsi bility, they will cease individual labor recruiting and take all their labor through the Employment Service. (b) That common wage scales be agreed upon by competitive dis tricts. It is not well to have such districts too small. Areas com DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING---- C. T. CLAYTON. 59 parable to those within the employment districts, covering several States in each, are suggested. These wage scales should be agreed to by the employers, the workers, and the Government and be formu lated with regard to the changing cost of living. (c) There is not and will not be a shortage of man power. We have 42,000,000 wage earners, and the transfer to war industries now calls for about 10 per cent of that number. But there is a grave shortage of trained man power. Every factory should commence intensive training, first, of its leading men and foreman and then of the rank and file. Efficiency is a much-abused word, but it deserves application. EMPLOYMENT MANAGER’S FUNCTIONS. It will not be necessary to suggest to trained employment men that turning the job of recruiting labor over to the Government serv ice will broaden, rather than limit, the opportunities of the employ ment manager. The field for your great profession lies within the plant and among its personnel. Recent events have forced many employment men into the role of labor recruiters—wasted their time, which should be employed in de veloping, training, satisfying the personnel. The employment man ager is the modern substitute for the ancient personal contact be tween the employer and his individual workers. To force such a rnan---the embodiment of the sympathy, the regardful wisdom, the conscience, the human relations of industry—into a competitive game of piracy in which every industry walks the plank is perverting the whole aim of the profession. THE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. Much is to be done before the Government Employment Service will be efficient. It is now quite extensive and rapidly being spread. But it is in a state of flux and of construction. Since February, over 200 offices have been opened. The country has been apportioned into 13 employment districts and administrative superintendents ap pointed. In the 29 cities of over 200,000 •population, main offices are being moved to central points and branch offices opened; 111 such branches are outlined and 36 actually open. An expansion of force from less than 150 to about 1,000 in three months and of out put from 40,000 to 125,000 per month, can not be carried through without some blundering. Yet the Service is making good. Its personnel is afire with enthusiasm, and trying to keep step with the vision of service it sees. In another 60 days there will be some 350 offices; every city of 25,000 population and nearly 100 cities of less 60 LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. than that size will have each an office. The Public Service Reserve, a branch of the Employment Service, now has 14,000 volunteer agents covering nearly every village in the land and "coupled with the Service. Soon will begin the struggle to secure efficiency of operation. May I tell you something of the Service’s plans for promotion of efficiency? You may contrast them, if you will, against the private employment agency of anarchic experience. 1. Knowledge of the employer’s needs is first in importance. The employment office is not merely an assembling, it is a sifting agency. When a wage earner is sent from a Government office to an em ployer the introduction card should mean that he has been examined and has demonstrated competent knowledge of the occupation for which there is a vacancy. We project: (a) A dictionary of occupational titles. This is now in course of preparation. Each occupation is being analyzed in terms of duties, and copies will be furnished each patron. With this in hand, cer titude of the employer’s wants will be easily attained. (&) Specialization of examinations. Examiners in the offices are now required to confine themselves to a line of trades and regularly to visit plants to learn the duties of men in each occupation. You may help in this phase by inviting our local men to visit your plant and learn, first hand, both your labor needs and their own work. (c) Reporting of supply and demand of labor is being adjusted as experience indicates, the purpose being that local supplies shall first be canvassed and then successively each more distant locality until every employer is supplied and every workman busy. This, then, requires transportation of labor. Labor carried for the War or Navy Department, the Emergency Fleet Corporation, or the District of Columbia are transported upon Government transporta tion requisitions. Contractors doing war work must either place the money to defray this travel cost in the hands of the Service, or agree to see that it is refunded. Upon such an agreement being made, a fund for advancing transportation becomes available and the Service’s officers will secure and bring in the workers asked for. There is an enormous transfer of* labor shortly to be carried out. Anarchy exists in the labor market. That is only another way of say ing no means of labor exchange exists, for anarchy means absence of order. Individual efforts, praiseworthy enough from individual standpoints, are now criminally dangerous and must be merged into common effort because this is now a common problem. This is a rough outline of the present need: DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING— C. T. CLAYTON, 61 Number of workers. War construction_________ Army personnel, civilian__. Shipbuilding_____________ Housing__________________ Munitions_____ __________ Mines____________________ Railways, track and shops. Farm labor______________ 7 0 9 .1 8 4 185,000 2 7 8 ,1 2 5 30, 000 878, 800 165. 916 35,000 1, 646, 931 3, 928, 956 Such a demand, added to the Army and Navy displacement of nearly two millions, totals up 14 per cent of all wage earners and makes it evident that the Government must assume the responsibility and risk the occasional failure to secure full supplies of personnel for some war activities. The present turnover waste is probably 15 to 20 per cent of all productive output, maybe mpre. This must be cut, and soon. The transfer of this labor can be had only by exercise of the Government’s full powers. Manufacturers can not longer depend upon the lure of wage raising and other temporary expedients; and are playing themselves to a standstill. Industries not engaged in war production must now be called on to resign the necessary com plements for the general good. But only the Government may do this. Which industries must give up, what kind of labor must be given and in what proportions, must be ascertained; and mistake may bring on national disaster. Guessing or biased judgment would, with such vital interests concerned, be criminal. The simple and practical way is first to select the industries to be fostered and to aid them; and to discourage extension of industries evidently not necessary to war production. Through the organization of a priority committee, to which all necessary information may be available, using the powers of the War Industries Board and the Capital Issues Committee and execut ing its decrees through the machinery of the Employment Service, this problem is going to be attacked and will be solved. The only question is how soon it will commence, and how heartily the thou sands of manufacturers and millions of workers will cooperate in putting this essential program through. Every man who hears me knows the situation. No one doubts that present conditions are intolerable and are tieing made worse by the zeal of individual efforts. In this time of national peril may I not appeal to you to sink any pride of opinion, sense of individual gain or advantage and do what our boys in the trenches and on the sea are doing—unite behind the Stars and Stripes? 62 LABOE RECRUITING A Is D KINDRED PROBLEMS. Capt. F i s h e r . I observed in Detroit, when I was advising a num ber of managers of industry, some of the personal methods of the general managers, and I formulated this as one of the rules: The general manager speaks last. So a man who is really the official general manager of the United States Government is going to be our last speaker, this afternoon. Mr. Morris L. Cooke began as a scien tific management engineer, and became at a later time an adviser to colleges on the efficient conduct of the university training; then be came director of public works at Philadelphia, where he made a re markable record; and is now devoting his services to the Government. It is a pleasure to call upon Mr. Morris L. Cooke. THE PRESENT LABOR SITUATION. BY MORRIS L. COOKE, U. 8 . SHIPPING BOARD, EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION, W A S H INGTON, D. C. It seems a crime to prolong any program at this hour of the day. There are two or three things, however, that it may be worth while to pass over to you. With two months of day-to-day contact with Government problems in Washington I am led to believe that no amount of preparedness, as that word is ordinarily used, would ever have prepared us for meeting the great military problem that is be fore us. Obviously I don’t mean to say that if we had had more foresight we would not have larger sources for the supply of guns, clothing, perhaps have provided ourselves with some plant facilities that we have found necessary, such as storehouses. But given all those things that our advocates of preparedness had in mind, we would still be pretty much in the same position as we are to-day with regard to this problem. We are a nation of individualists, and it is, I suppose, largely on that account that every time a new problem comes up in Washington we have to spend weeks, and in some in stances months, in getting the desired cooperation on the part of those whose cooperation is necessary. I don’t mean the situation in Washington is different than in any other city of the country; but after you have the desire, you still have the problem itself to carry out, you still have the problem to work out; and perhaps that is what makes some of you in the provinces away from Washington feel at times that the Government at Washington moves rather slowly. Now, because employment management to me is a scheme of coop eration, it seems to me that this gathering here to-day, and the spirit that so obviously pervades it, is an omen of a better day. We have heard the cry for a national labor policy, both in Washington and outside of Washington. I go so far as to say that in the absence of a considerable number of industrial establishments having employ ment departments, such a national labor policy would be almost fu tile, because it seems to me that the employment department is about the only medium in American industry through which anything like an adequate national labor policy can be developed. For that reason I am going to suggest that the time is not far distant when j;he United States Chamber of Commerce, or some other agency, will list the larger industrial establishments in this country, and ask them the question, “ Have you an employment department? ” and social pres- 63 64 LABOR RECRUITING AND KINDRED PROBLEMS. sure will be brought to bear on those that have not these departments, because they will have become a social menace. Now, it is not enough in this situation for an employer to get freed from labor troubles; it seems to me his industrial house must be so ordered that he does not “ get by ” by accident, but that he “ gets by ” by design, by having planned for it, and applied the formula which the most general public opinion suggests is the one that should be used in order to prevent labor troubles. Now, there are two things that stand out to me as important in this situation—one, the responsibility of the management; the other, the responsibility of the men who toil with their hands. As for the management, the matter of publicity with regard to the pay roll is of prime importance. At a time when in so many branches of indus trial activity wages of the workers are made a matter altogether of public concern, such as in the railroad or in Government contract, where we have access to the wages paid, it does not seem to me that it is inopportune to suggest that we are pretty nearly at the point where every pay roll is more or less a matter of public concern. And as for preparing for it I personally urge every client of mine to carry quarterly, semiannual, and annual pay rolls and to attempt to get the workers in the habit of thinking in terms of income. Piece rates are futile. What you and I are interested in is what we earn in a given year; and the ups and downs of the work in an establishment should not be allowed to affect that. If you will do that, if you will get your employees to thinking in terms of income, then the fluctua tion in work will nofc have serious effect, certainly not upon labor troubles. It is the next step, because obviously if your actual incomes are all right, and your people are only allowed to work two-thirds of the time, from an economic or national standpoint the situation is pretty much the same. And as leading up to that attitude toward the pay roll you should make out periodically, certain not less fre quently than every three months, a list of those in your employ at the several rates of pay, and that should be submitted or should be inspected by somebody outside of your concern—the local chamber of commerce, or some Government agency in which you have confi dence. But you need it; the employer needs a check; his own judg ment is not sufficient upon this point. There should be a line drawn at a dangerously low rate of pay, and everybody who falls below that should be under constant surveillance, because people, whether one dozen or five, who are paid too low wages, are a demoralizing influ ence in any establishment. If, after this war is over, we have not learned the technique of paying high wages and getting returns for them, industrial America is doomed. It seems to me that the great responsibility on the part of the men is the fact that, man for man, the output of our shipyards and THE PRESENT LABOR SITUATION— M. L. COOKE. other factories working on munitions of war is still going clown. I believe the forces are started that are going to send that output up. The fact that the output is going down is, of course, obviously not the fault of the workmen. The management has broken down* We must admit it. The variable supply of essentials or materials dis appearing overnight in certain communities is a mark against those communities. The fact that towels for a ship are delivered before the keel is laid is the fault of the management. Now, I believe that organized labor is going to discover quickly (hat production is labor’s responsibility, and that in a democracy* no matter how desirable it may be to have schedule and planning and the control of output, the leadership, in the hands of the manage ment, the “ pep,” the force, the driving force that makes for pro duction, must be labor’s responsibility. Nine out of ten men who have discussed the subject with me claim that if we introduce piece rates or set tasks where we have none now that would answer the problem. There is an argument to be made for both. But it seems to me that, in this crisis, when time is so essential, publicity, the good old tried friend of democracy, is the only thing that is going to an swer the problem. We must in the first place after your job analysis* or whatever you choose to call it, have publicity with regard to the wTork that is to be done by any individual or group of individuals, and give the utmost publicity to the daily output of the individual; and allow shop pressure, social pressure, whatever you choose to call it, to bear in such a way that the slacker is driven out; that the man who wants to support his Government, as the great majority of our workers do, will realize what his stunt should be and will be aided by the management to do it. Now, we are fortunate in having at Washington in the War De partment, the Department of Labor, and the Navy Department or ganizations being developed that can cooperate with you; that can cooperate with anybody who cares to carry out any part of that program. It is 'going to be brought about through myriads of ex periments being carried on in shops located all over the land, in many cases one group working absolutely without knowledge that another group is at work. But if we are going to learn to support the large and ultimately victorious Army in Europe it is absolutely necessary for us to increase the output of our shops, and that can not be done except as management on its part uses more intelligence in planning; and on the other hand organized labor, labor of all kinds, gets together and makes this matter of increasing production its re sponsibility. [Session adjourned at 4 p. m.] 77920°—19------5 T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 9 — E V EN IN G SESSION. CHAIRMAN *. RALPH G. WELLS, ASSISTANT EMPLOYMENT MANAGER, E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO., W ILMINGTON, DEL. DISCUSSION: DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. [The meeting was called to order at 8.30 p. m. by the chairman.] [Mr. Winans, of Cleveland, representing the Committee on Printing ©f Proceedings, reported that owing to the lateness of the hour and the expense involved, the plan of getting out proceedings of the convention day by day had been abandoned. The committee re ported, however, that probably some arrangements could be made to get out the report of the proceedings within a week, financial ar rangements for such copies as were desired to be made by the indi viduals desiring them. The committee reported that the material would probably be available to the delegates in printed form be tween June 7 and 15, such printed report to be published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.] The C h a i r m a n . I f there is no further business we will proceed to a discussion of that phase of the employment question which is affecting all of us. A great many people are considerably aroused over the fact that there is a great deal of promiscuous recruiting being done in various parts of the country; that we are suffering from constant shifting of men from one section to another. I think that many of you feel that if the men would work the full six days, that if we could have every man working all of the time, instead of transferring from one position to another and losing anywhere from two or three days to ten days or two weeks, there would be much less danger of a scarcity of labor. Various questions have been asked on this sub ject, but I think that the best way to get at it will be to ask Dr. Meeker, of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, to give us the results of a recent investigation that he has made on the subject of turnover. Dr. M e e k e r . Here are the results that came in yesterday and the day before and the day before that. Here they are in rather an undigested condition. I can report, however, that to date we have received returns from 135. plants located in Cincinnati, 16 in Rochester, 31 in Chicago, 1 in Pittsburgh, 3 in Rhode Island, 9 in Baltimore, 2 in Dayton, Ohio, and 1 in Syracuse. This inquiry into labor turnover came about quite spontaneously. Capt. Fisher 66 DISCUSSION. 67 came into my office and said be wanted me to speak on cost of living. I said I was interested in labor turnover. “ All right,” he said, “ I appoint you chairman of the Committee on Labor Turn over, to report at the Rochester convention.” That was a week or so before the conference date. I said, “ All right, I will send out letters right away to all the employment managers’ associations.” I did so; these are the returns. It shows pretty quick work on your part. It shows that you are at least interested enough in this ex tremely important subject to keep some records. Let me repeat, “ Some records.” The more you study them the more you are in clined to emphasize the “ some.” This was not an investigation; this was just a tryout. The real investigation is yet to come. “ Cheer up, the worst is yet to come.” I have here a schedule1 I want to put into the melting pot. The bureau made a study of the turnover in 1915. I always feel of a contrite spirit when I mention this study. It was made in 1915, and nothing has yet been published. We got a lot of most valuable in formation, and believe me, the study w^as well worth making, even if we never publish a scrap of the facts we uncovered. We went out as missionaries in the great field of labor. I think nine out of ten employers that we approached at that time, even the better class of employers, the employers that were really awake to labor condi tions and the necessity of dealing with labor intelligently, did not know a thing about labor turnover, and had to have it explained to them before they knew what we were talking about. We went out as missionaries. I don’t mean to say all the awakening of interest in labor turnover which has occurred since 1915 was due to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Other things have happened besides what the Bureau of Labor Statistics has done; and labor shortage due to war conditions has put the employer right up against it, and he is obliged to take thought where in former years it was not necessary to take thought. You would have had your attention in evitably called to the importance of labor turnover even if wTe never had gone out and preached the gospel of keeping your records so that you might know what is happening to your labor force. But with all the labor shortage, through cutting off the supply, that unlimited supply that we have drawn upon in previous years, the foreign immigrant, in spite of all the shortage of labor, in spite of all the preaching of the gospel of keeping records of employment, our records of labor turnover are not satisfactory; we still are feel ing around as to what really is labor turnover. How shall we com pute the percentage of labor turnover? Shall we take into account only the leavings or shall we take into account only the hiring; or 1 F o r rev ised sch ed u le see A ppetulix A . 68 DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. make a general average of both ? Or what shall we do in computing labor turnover? I wish that I had enough copies of this schedule to distribute, so that you could look over it and criticize it and advise me what kind of schedule I should substitute for this in making a fresh study of labor turnover. I don’t know any better way of discussing this schedule than to refer to certain items that caused me a good deal of puzzlement, and ask you to advise me in regard to the inquiries on this schedule. The first one that I want to call your attention to is No. 7 on the schedule: “ Labor Turnover, year ending May 15, 1918.” I have determined to discard May 15 because all the employment managers I have conferred with say it is much better to have the year end with the month instead of in the middle of the month. I am willing to end where you tell me to. I don’t want to ask you to give me anything you haven’t got. I have frequently been required to accomplish the impossible, and been left free as to the method I might pursue in accomplishing the impossible. I am not going to do anything of that kind with you. I want to get what you have and everything you have, and get it in the most intelligible way. Now, gentlemen, the labor problem is the big problem before the country to-day. There is but one industry in this country to-day that has any claim to being called a legitimate industry. There is but one business, but one science, but one art, and that is the business, the science, and the art of licking Germany. As I had occasion to say in a letter to the President some months ago, the labor problem is the heart of the whole situation. In fact the war itself is but a tangled mess of extremely complicated labor problems. This new industry of fighting the Germans face to face in the trenches is merely a new industry we have undertaken—an extrahazardous industry, we will admit. From the front line trenches back to the least of the essential industries the most important problem for you and for our states men to solve is the labor problem. There is no dispute on that. Then why not handle our labor problem in an intelligent manner? Why not get at the labor turnover, this thing which is cutting down pro duction, which is injuring our industry and giving it cramps so that it ties it up in knots. Labor turnover is injuring the individual workman by subjecting him to perfectly needless accident hazards, and needless illnesses, largely because of shifting from place to place. The worker who has to work at unusual occupations and under unusual conditions to which he is not accustomed is thereby subjected to new hazards of accident and new hazards of illness. Why not agree to handle the problem in an intelligent manner? Why not keep your records of employment on the man-hour basis? This is the basis I am insisting DISCUSSION. 69 upon in accident reporting. You must compute your accident statis tics upon the basis of the man-hours worked by your establishment, because it makes a great difference whether a plant works 120 days or 365 days in the year, and whether eight hours or 12 hours consti tute the working day. In order to make our accident statistics com parable, industry by industry and plant by plant, we must get the man-hours worked in each plant. Otherwise, the exposure to ac cident will not be the same for all plants and our statistics won’t mean anything. For accident statistics it is absolutely essential to have the man-hours worked in your establishment. For employment statistics you need the same man-hour basis, but I shall feel that I have accomplished a great forward step if I can induce you to keep your employment records on the man-day basis. The man-day basis would be accurate enough for the present. W e must agree, however, on a standard and this is just the convention to decide what is the proper standard upon which to compute the percentage of labor turnover. I leave that to you to chew upon. I hope you will have a good chew. The next query that I want to call your attention to is “ Query No. 9,” which is entitled “ Length of continuous employment of persons on the pay roll.” That should be supplemented by a similar inquiry as to the length of service of those who leave, because we must have the length of life of the “ dead ones ” as well as the “ live ones,” so to speak. The schedule calls for those who have been in continuous employ ment 7 days and less. Is it worth while going to that degree of re finement? The men in the Chicago employment group seemed to think that this was a query well worth making. Most records sent in don’t go below one month. It seems to me you are losing the thing you want. You want to fix the floating casual labor, don’t you ? And you are doing your level best to increase the number and proportion of the casual laborers. You will go right on stimulating the growth of the casual labor until you get behind the public em ployment office; until you put the private agencies off the map; until you eliminate from the columns of the press these long and most attractive “ help wanted ” ads. I have often looked them over and wished I could lay down the burdens of my present job in order to undertake some of the seductive jobs you picture in the Sunday press. I would like to try it out sometime, anyhow. I am of the opinion that we should refine as low as “ seven days and under ” in order to determine the degree to which labor turnover is a casual labor problem. I want to make this study as useful to you as possible. W hy don’t you applaud? That is the place for “ applause.” Unless I can do something to help you I will go back to Washington and take up something else. Unless this study of 70 DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. labor turnover is going to be of assistance in cutting down labor turn over and solving your~problem, it is not worth doing. O f course similar queries should be answered in regard to those who lea ^e. W e want to know the length of service of the fellows who depart from the seductive jobs they have been induced to take through advertisements in the Sunday papers. The thing that interests me more than anything else in these queries is the causes of labor turnover. That query was not included in the original schedule, but it must be included in the schedule in order to make this study worth while. When I speak of causes of labor turn over I don’t mean 66drunkenness,” “ unsatisfactory,” “ good of the service,” “ trouble maker,” and the like. Anybody can answer the query in that way with his hands tied behind him, blindfolded. That does not tell anything at all. W hat I want to get at is some thing more fundamental than that; something concerning the policy of the establishment. N ow , if we get these returns, we will get them as the Bureau of Labor Statistics always gets everything— under seal of confidence. W e are not going to reveal the identity of firm “A ,” “ B ,” “ C.” W e want to publish the information with out revealing the identity of the firm in order to do your souls good. That is my sole object in life : To do you and do you good. I want to know if there is something the matter with your estab lishment that you can lay your finger on to account for a high labor turnover; or if you have a low labor turnover, how you have achieved it. It is more important to explain a low labor turnover than a high one— much more important in these days of accelerated turnover. A s a matter of fact, I think we get much more good out of holding up the deeds of the righteous for admiration and imitation than holding up the deeds of the unrighteous as a horrible example. I want to hold up the optimistic side of labor turnover as much as possible. I want you to explain, in answer to another question, just what you are doing about labor turnover, how you are dealing with it. I know some establishments that seem to be working under very ad verse conditions, where one would naturally expect to find a large labor turnover, which actually have a labor turnover of only 30 or 10 per cent, even in these times of high labor turnover. How do they do it? W hat are they doing to hold their labor turnover down to 40 per cent, when the average for those who keep some sort of record is certainly above 100 per cent? Some employers keep no records of hirings and leavings. There is a reason. Either the labor turnover is so great that they don’t want to be comforted by the cold tabulated statement of it, or it is so great that they have not clerical force enough to keep tabs on it. DISCUSSION. 71 Are you giving sufficient attention to the feeding of your em ployees, to their healthful recreation, to their housing, to the ade quacy of means for getting to and from the plant, to industrial hygiene, including safeguards from accidents? A ll these things I have enumerated. The core of the labor problem is industrial hygiene, which includes everything that makes for the safe conduct of industry or business. It is just as unhealthful to fall into a ladle full of molten metal as it is to breathe nitrous acid fumes or get toxic jaundice from handling trinitrotoluol. No sharp line of distinc tion can be drawn between safety and hygiene. I should say that the most hygienic thing you can do for your employees is to pay them a living wage, if you can determine what a living wage is. I want you to search your hearts and answer frankly what you are doing to cut labor turnover; what further policy can be inaugurated to reduce it still more. W e must reduce this waste in order to keep product turning out of our factories, so that we may bring the war to a successful issue. This brings you right up to the front door of the general manager. Is the general manager behind the employ ment department, or is he in front of it? Is he supporting you in your dealings with labor or is he obstructing you? W hat are the relations existing between the general manager and the employment manager ? I f you have no records I don’t want them \ if you have, I do want them in order to do you good. But as I see it, the most use ful thing that can be done in this new survey of labor turnover is to select the typical, representative establishments having the best showing as to labor turnover, all conditions taken into considera tion, and a few showing the largest labor turnover, and get at the true inwardness of the situation in both instances. That means send ing agents to camp down in your offices until they do get at the true inwardness of the labor policy of your particular firm— the explana tion of your extraordinarily high or low turnover. Does that meet with your approval ? Is that going to help you ? I have made my complete statement. I am not going to say an other word “ though the heavens fall.” Capt. F isher. Does Dr. Meeker want me to answer his questions with regard to admitting women to the courses on employment man agement, now? Dr. M eeker. Yes. Capt. F isher . The courses are open to women. The first course was strictly limited to pupils sent by manufacturers on war products. It happened the question did not come up, because no manufacturer certified a woman employment manager. A t Boston it came up in this w ay: The management committee, feeling that all of the uni versities cooperating had taught only men to date, gave the first six 72 DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. weeks only to men, because it was sufficiently a novelty to give a course at a ll; and they did not wish to combine with that the novelty of teaching women. Henceforth both in Boston and in Rochester the courses are open to women on the same conditions as to men, al though we don’t expect that many' women will have as much experi ence as men. A discussion is taking place in our committee as to a special course for women, say three months, in which we would give them some thing of an industrial background as well as intensive training on employment work, but that is an exceedingly delicate question, which showTs we are giving extra consideration to the problem of women in the courses. But be assured that women are as welcome as men if they have had the proper industrial background. I have wanted several promising plant women to enter this course at Rochester, but unfortunately they had a different kind of training than the men and were not certified by the employers. Several successful women directors at Washington agree with me that women must have shop contact before they can do as well as men. No discrimination is being practiced. E thelbert S tewart, chief statistician U. S. Bureau of Labor Sta tistics, Washington, D. C. In the description of the course which we had this forenoon the professor stated that the question of tradeunions, trade organizations, and statistics had been left out of the course as originally planned. Now, I would like to ask this question: Isn’t it true that most of the employment managers have that question of trade-unionism to deal with immediately and all the time, and that it is the most puz zling thing which you have to handle? I think the experience of every concern that has an employment manager or an employment office and favors the open shop or distinctly nonunion shop is that the friction from first to last is more or less upon the question of trade organization and trade-unions. In listening to the professor, when he said he had left out all courses on trade-unions, I felt very much as I did some six weeks ago. W e employed a girl clerk to help us temporarily in our statistical division. In an hour or so the man in charge of that division came in and asked me to transfer her to another division. I did so think ing perhaps the girl would show more aptitude somewhere else. Soon the head of that division came in and said: “ You will have to take so-and-so into the chief clerk’s office. I can’t use her.” I said to her, “ It seems you can’t do our work.” She said, “ No, I can’t.” I had a page of her work in front of me. I said, “ Is there anything that we have in our line of work that you can do? Apparently you don’t know how to multiply.” She said, “ No, I was sick the week they l 6ai*ne& the multiplication table.” DISCUSSION. 73 Now, if I mistake not, if your students were sick the week the trades-union situation and ppen-shop question were discussed they would not get very far on an employment job. And when you leave that subject out, aren’t you leaving out the only way that a fellow can get a milepost? Capt. F isher . I believe Mr. Noyes can explain Mr. Jacobstein’s statement. H ekey T. N oyes, treasurer, Art in Buttons (In c .), Rochester, N. Y . I am sorry that Prof. Jacobstein is not here to answer you himself, because I judge his remarks have been misconstrued. In explanation permit me to say this: Our courses to be given in connection with this work were outlined with a great deal of care. They were sub mitted to the university for guidance. A course on statistics might have properly taken two or three months of time. I am sure there was enough in the outline and enough importance attached to the points particularly to have justified that time. W e felt that this was a wTar emergency course and limited to six wTeeks. There was a course given in industrial development; a course on the cooperative efforts on the part of labor, going back to the guilds of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In giving the course we found it impossible to do all that we would like to do; and of necessity, this being a war emergency training course, we found it advisable to confine ourselves to the practical things so far as possible, and also to point out to the men what they might do at home. I am sure that the subject of sta tistics was handled in the classroom and the men that took the course allowed for that fact. W e tried to handle it from the war standpoint and the practical standpoint. W e emphasized the importance of statistics. I am sure that if there is one thing that the men have gained, it has been an idea of the importance of statistics in connec tion with labor turnover. W e did not go into the different theories of statistics to the degree we might have; but if there is one thing the men have gained it Jjas been to know where to look for informa tion. W e could not give it all to them. W e could not give them everything in six weeks’ time. W e have had the advantage of having a man in the library who has been able to give the men the methods of searching for information which they can use in the future. I think by looking up the subject of statistics in the future they can gain more than we could give them in the classroom. The same is true of the subject of labor organization and the his tory of the labor movement. W e discussed these questions through all the lectures we gave, endeavoring in doing this not to take too positive a side on one subject but to present the various sides, so these men might use their own good judgment. I am sorry Prof. Jacob stein gave the wrong impression to anyone, particularly considering the fact that it was a six weeks’ course. 74 DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. The C hairm an . I know that some of you will want to ask Dr. Meeker some questions. But Dr. Meeker has one or two additional points that he wishes to bring out. Dr. M eeker. I want to apologize for being obliged to go back on my word so soon. I forgot to make the main speech that I had to make to you. I want to say that as soon as we can get through with these returns of turnover that you have sent in and the other returns that will come in later, I will put them in shape and print them in the official proceedings of these meetings. D elegate. I would like to ask the doctor a question: Is he in favor of abolishing the private employment offices throughout the country ? Does he or the Government include in that category all the free em ployment offices conducted by the employers’ associations or other organized bodies of that kind ? Dr. Meeker. I would like to abolish all private emplo3Tment offices conducted for profit. A ll other private employment offices would necessarily have to be brought under very rigid governmental super vision. Otherwise you are not going to have a central agency to handle employment. Great Britain entered this war with a tremen dous advantage, or rather, we entered the war with a terrific handi cap. Great Britain had a national system of employment offices. Without that national system of employment offices it would have been wholly impossible for Great Britain to put her army across the British Channel in time to block the invasion of France. The only thing that enabled her to command the force of men necessary in order to move the guns, ammunition, and the other impedimenta belonging to an army and to load the ships, was this national system of employment offices. The Government appealed to the national employment offices; they drew the men from Leeds, from Sheffield, and from all points ©f the United Kingdom to the points where workmen were needed to load the guns, munitions, and foodstuffs required by the army. It is the only thing that saved the day and we have got to have as complete control of the labor market in this country if we are going to carry this war to a successful conclusion. Now, the employment offices that are conducted not for profit may well be left in the business so long as they are an integral part of the national employment office system, and only under those con ditions. M r. E l l i o t t , of Boston, Mass. As a matter o f efficiency in conduct ing these courses, I am interested in arriving at a definition for labor turnover. The Rochester course and the offices here may suggest a definition; the Emergency Fleet Corporation has suggested one; and nearly every magazine that deals with industrial management or DISCUSSION. 75 .similar matters contains a definition for labor turnover. I move that we appoint a committee of five to confer with Dr. Meeker and report on Saturday morning concerning a tentative definition for labor turnover. The C hairm an . W ith the consent of those present the chair will take it for granted that it is the pleasure of the house to do so. [The Chairman appointed Mr. Kelly as chairman of the commit tee, with power to appoint the other members of the committee.] Peter J. V an G eyt, employment manager5 Rochester, N. Y . I f it is not too presumptuous on my part, I would like to say one word more in regard to what we have had in the course. It was my good fortune to sit under Prof. Jacobstein for a year in a course* on the study of labor problems. In substance we got as much during this six weeks’ course on the history of the problem in England and this country as I got in this whole year. Not all the details, but the sum and substance of it. W hat Prof. Jacobstein meant this morning is that he did not give us all the things he would have liked to give, because the time was too short. I know that is true about statistics, because we did not get as much as he wanted to give us. But we got the information which will tell us where to go to get more informa tion. The same thing is true of industrial management. F . W . Burrows, editor, National Industrial Conference Board, Boston, Mass. One thing that Dr. Meeker said brought up an ex perience o f a little while ago when I was in England where I had been sent to study conditions just before the war, In Bradford and Leeds they were attempting to do what Dr. Meeker has described. There was a demand for 8,000 girls in those places and the govern mental employment agency had been asked to supply the need. They could not do it. They had been working on it a good many weeks. The reason was obvious: The girls would not go; would not move; although they were nearly starving and needed every spare shilling, they could not be induced to cross the border line between Lancashire and Yorkshire. But the war removed all that and they were able to accomplish their end. To be sure they had the machinery; they could not have accomplished the result without the machinery; but they had to have the spirit. One other point: The feeling that the English had one single cen tral organization was quite as important in reducing the problem to a scientific basis as any other. In fact, the problem becomes scien tific the instant it begins to center about one central agency, and the moment you have a central agency handling this thing, this labor problem, complicated as it is, difficult as it is, full of psychological elements as it is, becomes a scientific problem. The problem of human life and death became an actuarial problem the moment there 76 DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. were combined insurance societies working on one principle to make it an actuarial problem. The labor problem will be a complicated one, impossible to reduce to a scientific average to-day, except as it is reviewed from a single standpoint for a single purpose by a uniform method. I hope that this war and the spirit from it will get into everybody’s heart and urge him to do this in the right way and do it now. H. E. Parker, employment manager Fore River plant, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Quincy, Mass. I would like to say a few words, since I come from a plant that has used the employment de partment of the United States— both the national employment serv ice, and the State employment service— for the past year. I will give you a few figures to back up my statement. The Fore River Ship building Corporation, now the Bethlehem Co.’s Fore River plant, a year ago last April had in its employ over .4,000 men. The manage ment decided that it was policy to discard all other means of recruit ing labor and to use the United States and the State employment services entirely, which they did. They increased their force in one 3Tear to 14,500 employees in one plant. They built an entirely new plant, with an executive force in charge, and put 2,200 men in that. A ll this was done in one year’s time, with the aid of the Government employment service. The entire recruiting of the laborers was han dled through its officers. W e used our representatives in its offices; all advertising was directed from its offices, supervised from its offices, and all applicants for employment at this plant were directed by the advertisements to go to these offices. I merely wish to say this in appreciation, as representing a plant which is acquainted with the results that have been achieved by the United States Employment Service. The C h airm an . Is there anyone here who does not believe in a centralized system of employment offices? Would anyone like to defend the continuance of tlie private agency? I f you want discus sion, here is one question you can discuss. I would like to ask whether it is the sentiment of those present that we would all be glad to be able to have all of our wants and needs met through the United States Employment Service? Is there anyone who dissents from that? D udley R. Kennedy, industrial manager American International Shipbuilding Corporation, Hog Island, Philadelphia, Pa. I am coming up here on the platform to tackle the question that every body seems to be afraid of. I have had at least 12 people say that they were not going to sell themselves to organized labor. Now we are in war time. W e are here to talk “ brass tacks,” not theory, and I feel that I can bring this up, because we have at Hog Island put all our eggs in one basket with the Federal Service. DISCUSSION. Having justified my coming up here to bring this question before this audience, I think we should have an expression upon it and a definite assurance that in this crisis, whatever our private views, this conference goes on record that if it does use the Service, it does not use it as a medium of unionizing men or concerns who don’t want to be unionized. These things ought to be discussed here openly and frankly, without rancor and without prejudice; and if they are discussed here instead of being carried away and mumbled over at home, we will know where we stand, and know what we have to do; and now and here when we are together is the time to find out. Can we find out ? Doctor, do you know ? Dr. M eeker. I would like to ask if there is any attempt being made by the Service to unionize plants. Mr. K e n n e d y . Understand me. I am putting the question that a lot of people have put to me, and that they are afraid to ask them selves ; and the question ought to be answered. Mr. C layton . That question is a fair one. I will give you a straight answer. The policy of the Service respecting that ques tion is this: I f a closed shop employing only union labor calls upon the United States Employment Service for labor, it will send to that shop the kind of labor that shop is taking— union labor, and nothing else. W e have clients who have such contracts with the labor unions and we send them the kind of labor they have contracted for, and nobody else, because that is made by them a condition of employ ment. I see before me a good many men who represent open shops. They will testify that we send them without any discrimination at all and .without any record whatever as to union or nonunion mem bers the men they have asked to be supplied. That is our position and our policy; and that is all there is of it, so far as I can say. Mr. K ennedy . I brought the question up because I felt free to do it. As Mr. Clayton knows we have turned ourselves over to the tender mercies of his department. I believe that this department will do exactly as we say and I believe we are in a crisis where we have got to take a chance that they will do exactly as they say, in the spirit and not in the letter. I know how Mr. Clayton and Mr. Densmore feel, how the Secretary of Labor feels, because I have per sonally talked with them. But I wanted you to hear it, and I was afraid somebody would fail to ask the question. Don’t let us make this mistake. W e are in a crisis. W e are doing things we never would have dreamed of a year ago. W e are build ing in size and with speed we would have considered impossible a year ago. Don’t let the desire to reduce labor turnover retard the speed of Government work. 78 DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. Charles B. Barnes, director, Employment Bureau of New York City. I want to give you a little history. W e have had the State employment system in the State of New York for three years and in that time— wre now have about 11 offices— have filled over 100,000 positions, and I don’t believe we have ever had any trouble with labor in any way in all that time. W e operate under a law which says that in case an order for employees comes from a plant in which there is a strike we are to post a notice to that effect in any of our offices. W e are to give warning that we occupy a per fectly neutral position,, and we have carried that out. Three or four times we learned after we had started work for a plant that there was trouble there and had to stop. But following this policy we have obtained the confidence and respect of both interests— we are in close touch with unions, and the fact that we have filled all these jobs will show that the employers have had some confidence in us. I want to speak about something that I have heard mentioned here. There is in operation in Rochester to-day an employment office which is carried on under a system called the “ Rochester plan.” I understand that some mention was made of that plan in connec tion with the course carried on for six weeks. From the way it was mentioned it occurs to me that there might be thought to be some connection between the “ Rochester plan ” and this course, and I want to ask whether this body is in favor of the so-called “ Rochester plan” of having an employment office entirely financed and run by employers? The C h airm an . I s there any comment on Mr. Earnest question? I think perhaps it would be well to have some one here explain the “ Rochester plan ” to us. There are several questions regarding it here. I think then we can answer Mr. Barnes better. Mr. W ilson. I am a little bit afraid that there is room for misun derstanding as to what the question of opinion just made really means. I would like to ask Dr. Meeker and Mr. Clayton a question in regard to it. The concern with which I am connected has used very largely the State Emplojanent Bureau; in fact, practically all o f our recruiting is done through that office, but that does not in any sense mean that we do not have an employment department do our work at each place. W e employ very largely applicants who appear there o f their own volition. I would like to have it explained to us as to whether, when we say we are in favor o f a central employment bu reau, we mean to cease employing applicants at our own doors, for instance. I would like to have that explained. There is one other point I want to ask Dr. Meeker. W e all agree that what he is after is the right thing. I have within the last month written several letters suggesting the same thing exactly anc{ making DISCUSSION* recommendations to the various State and National authorities on it. Each reply I have had in regard to it states in one form or another that it is a very desirable thing, but they don’t know how to do it. That is, they do not know how to do away with the employment agencies. There seems to be no legal way of doing away with them. Possibly we must put them out of business by not using them. A p parently there is no other way. The Government does not seem to have a wTay. I took that up with Mr. H . M. Hay, Secretary Daniels’s Expert Aid, as he is called. He said that while it was a very desir able thing, it could not be done; and it could not be done by a procla mation because he wTas sure such a proclamation would not be made. I f Dr. Meeker has any suggestions how to do it I would like to hear them. Dr. M eeker. Use the other agencies. Mr. C layton . Suppose I answer the first question by telling some thing about what they are doing in England. The British employ ment agencies are to-day used exclusively by a considerable majority of the business concerns of England. They have a metal sign with white letters on a blue ground, which states: u Labor at this factory is hired only through the Labor Exchange.” It is optional with the manufacturer whether he uses that sign. It simply means that if he wishes to relieve himself of tramps, of men who go from agency to agency, and to send them all to the employment office, the employ ment exchange lets him have the sign and he tacks it on his wall. The applicants go down to the employment office and he gets them from there if he wants to. He does not have to do that. That is a question for him to determine. I think it is better if you do that way. The Deputy Minister of Munitions, a large employer of labor, told me when he was here this year that he had adopted that policy for his own business after much experience in other means, and he did not hire a single man, even at his gate, because he felt it better for his business to send them awray to the labor exchange and get them from there when he wanted them. But he wTas not required to do that and we would not require you to do that. I do think you would find it much better for your business even now, as rapidly as the offices can be equipped in your vicinities, to turn over to them all you can, as an incentive, and take only those that come to you of themselves. D elegate. D o you think that would apply for a concern a consid erable distance from an employment center ? Mr. C layton . Probably not. D elegate-. I have in mind a place in California where there are five or six copper smelters. Probably there would not be an em ployment office in that district. DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. 80 Mr. C layton . That is a local condition. I could not answer that. Conditions will vary. M ark M. J ones, supervisor of personnel, Thos. A . Edison Indus tries, Orange, N. J. It might be timely to ask Mr. Clayton as to how the men were appointed from the employment offices. Mr. C layton . The men in charge of our offices are called “ ex aminers in charge.” They don’t differ from the examiners in the offices under them, though they are selected for their greater expe rience and are promoted from the ranks to the charge of the office. Formerly all men in the employment offices were appointed through civil service. Those were transferred. A few we got from the Immi gration Service as civil-service men. It appeared then that we must have a large number of additional employees and we could not get them except by waiting for an examination. W e asked the President if he would not give us the permission, through waiving the Civil Service rules, to get additional men. He did so. Under that arrange ment we are not appointing men from the Civil Service. That does not mean they get into the service without examination, but the examination application which we make those men fill out before appointment is a pretty complete history of them and their expe rience, and when they get by that I feel fairly safe that they are competent men. I want life history and experience and references, and I look them up. That is the best we can do just now, when we are appointing men at the rate of 25 or 50 a day. Later on we will' get back onto the Civil Service examination. D elegate. I think it ought to be brought out that when Sir Stephenson Kent came to this country he was surprised at the indus trial conditions here as compared with the capitalized United K ing dom. The labor of Great Britain is 90 per cent organized; in the United States it is less than 20 per cent organized. There is con siderable doubt as to the fairness of the treatment which the free employment offices, operated by the manufacturers throughout the United States, would receive. I don’t see that it would be dis loyal to permit those offices to do their bit in furnishing employees to the firms connected with their associations. I understand that the Government would like to have control over these offices. The C h airm an . I think they merely want cooperation. D elegate. There is a distinction between “ cooperation ” and “ con trol.” Mr. W in an s . I think that some of us are going to go home not altogether satisfied upon this question of the United States Employ ment Service. Unless conditions are vastly different from what they are in Cleveland, 1 think you will find it necessary to weed out a DISCUSSION. 81 large number of the men sent from the offices. W e find many of the men sent out from there entirely unsuited for the positions they are intended to fill. I think Mr. Jones’s questions are entirely to the point. The difficulty with regard to the Cleveland office is this: The office is situated on the fourth floor of the Federal building; the room is such that a good many men would not venture into it at all. The office is not open at the hours that the average employment men are putting in. It is often closed in the afternoon and not open at 7 o’clock in the morning. Under those conditions we are not going to get men in that way. I think this is the time and the place to say this. W e put in a requistion to the Federal and State office for men, and 50 per cent of the men that came to us were unavailable because physi cally unfit or inexperienced. The men had not been selected; they had simply been sent out. I think Mr. Jones’s question and the sug gestion raised by Mr. Wilson are very much in point. Mr. C layton. I think that is a fair and reasonable stricture to make, and I am glad that the objection was raised, because this is “ in council,” and this is the place to raise the objection. I tried this afternoon to bring home to you one request, and this gives me a chance to repeat that request. W e are organizing offices so rapidly and appointing men so quickly that we are getting a lot of people who can’t give us the service.' Although the officeholders are better than in some other services, yet they are not what they ought to be. Although the salaries are not perhaps all that they should be, I will tell you that the men we have are fired with enthusiasm and learn ing their jobs very rapidly. That Cleveland office we have not taken up yet. Just now it is exactly as it was in the old days before we took the service over. W e want you to help us and we want you to help us help you, and here is the way we want you to help u s: W her ever there is an employment office, send for the man in charge of that office to come to your plant, invite him to come himself, and teach him and his men what you want. When you s a y , “ Send 10 machinists,” they can’t tell what you want. W e have machinery never known be fore this War. How can you expect these men to know the machines unless they see the machines? W e on our part are going to do all we can to make these men efficient, in order to take from you the respon sibility of hunting up labor. When that is done, we will have sifted the undesirable out and will bring to your gates for your examina tion those who seem to us probably satisfactory. W e can’t guaran tee that the men we send will be satisfactory. So we are going to leave the final determination of those *nen to you. W e are going to do the sifting and bring to you as nearly as we can the men you probably will want to have. 77920°— 19------ 6 82 DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. Mr. L. P almer , of Buffalo, N. Y . I have been much interested in the question this evening. I had been in contact with the Federal Depa rtment o f Labor and their division o f employment. I come here from a State that Gen. W ood says must furnish 40 per cent of the vital munitions that are going to win this W ar. W ithin the last week the governor of that State has authorized the department that I represent to enter into an agreement with the Federal Department of Labor on a cooperative employment basis. I don’t think there has been enough said about cooperation among the various States that already have employment agencies. W e have in a number of States some very effective organizations. I don’t know that our own is just what we would like. But, working with Mr. Clayton and Mr. Densmore, with the backing of the Secretary of Labor, and the governor of our State, we hope to be able to handle the employment problem of our State satisfactorily, not only to the employees but the employers. W e are a balanced organization. W e are a department of labor and a department of industry, and we maintain that we can not serve one without serving both. W e have confidence in the organization with which we joined hands at Washington. W e be lieve that you men who represent the employers and you who rep resent the employees will be well pleased when once this plan is put into active operation. W e will have to try it out. Some have asked what are we going to do with the men who are rejected. I don’t doubt that when you bring your laboring men in there in the way you are doing it now, you are rejecting as many, and perhaps more, than those who will come to you after being surveyed by the Federal employment agencies. I just want to bring out this point from a State that is trying to do her part to win this W ar. Dr. M eeker. Mr. Jones asked whether I wanted the Federal Gov ernment to take control of the employers’ employment bureaus or departments. I don’t want it. I think that the goal we will ulti mately reach# was very clearly stated by Mr. Clayton in answer to Mr. Wilson’s question. Eventually you employers will come to the Federal-State employment offices to get all of your help. A s I under stand the situation in England, it is a little bit different from that indicated by Mr. Clayton. A ll of the Government establishments and the controlled establishments get all of their labor force through the employment service. And it practically amounts to this— and 1 have talked with Kent and Curran, and half a dozen other people from Great Britain— that the only way that an employer can get employees is through the national employment office. He can get material only through the priority board, and employees from the national employment office. It absolutely freezes out the nonessential industries and puts the priority industry in position to get materials and men. That is the ultimate result aimed at. DISCUSSION. 83 O f course, now, neither the Federal nor State system can handle the employment situation, and we have to make use not only of the employers’ employment offices, but of the private employment offices. W e have to put up with the infernal nuisances. But eventually I think the problem will solve itself. W hy worry about it? Use your employment offices with discrimination and judgment. And if there is any complaint in Cleveland let the complainers bring the com plaint up to Mr. Clayton. Clayton’s business is to see that the service in Cleveland measures up to the standard. May I repeat my remark regarding the fright that I had in Cleveland? Mr. Fullerton boldly suggested that for one month the employers of Cleveland stop advertising and go straight to the employment office for help, and I cried for “ help ” at once because I was scared to death. I was afraid the employers of Cleveland would put an impossible strain upon the offices which would not only crack them, but smash them. And then the employers would say, 44That is the Government office,” and go back to stealing and the other things that all of you do. 1 want to get Clayton interested in dealing with the Cleveland situation, and I want to get him interested in every city, too, and improve the employment service until you are obliged to use the public offices because they give the best service available. D elegate. I f this convention went on record as indorsing a national employment organization as such, would that also involve a standardization of wages to be paid to employees coming from this organization ? The C hairm an . It was not the chairman’s intention to put the convention on record here. I simply put the question whether there were any who disagreed. I think the gentleman has brought up a point which we may well pass to, if you gentlemen are willing to remain. It seems to me we have a very vital problem here. L. S. T yler, vice president Acme W ire Co., New Haven, Conn. I would like to ask Mr. Clayton if it is the intention of the Federal bureau to give any information to the public as to the affiliation of the managers with the local board ? The charge is freely made that the bureaus are in the hands of the union. Representing a small concern, as I do, we are absolutely tied up to what the larger concerns do in connection with these Federal employment bureaus. I f they don’t use it, we can’t, simply because the labor is going to large munitions con cerns where the high wages are being paid. I f those concerns are not using the bureau and we are, we are going to get very few and undesirable workmen. P. W . K in n e y , employment manager, Gleason Works, Rochester, N. Y . W e feel that we have a very easy employment problem, chiefly due to our reputation with mechanics in the city of Rochester. DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. 84 They feel that they will get as much money as with any other firm, and. fair treatment. W e have been building up that reputation for a good many years. W e have more applicants at our door than we can take care of. W e have many men come to us who are recom mended by their friends. W e believe that they are the best appli cants ; they make the best help. Up to the present time we have had no necessity to call on sucl\ a bureau as the United States bureau. I f we did have such a necessity we would be glad to call on them. But, owing to this policy that we have had for a great many years, we feel that it would be an error to limit the employment of men at our doors, or to limit the employment of these men who come to us recommended by their friends. Mr. Clayton . There are two questions. I wondered what was in the back of somebody’s mind a while ago by a seemingly irrelevant question having a bearing upon appointment of employees in our service, whether they are appointed as labor-union men or not. There are some labor-union men in the service, some in the offices. D elegate. Are you going to let the employers know that ? Mr. Clayton . W e don’t think we should be required to give a bond or become indorsers of the affiliations of our people. W e want people in the Service to give service. W e don’t ask them whether they belong to a union or not. Some of them do; some of them, I presume, do not. I remember some who were sent to me by the Bethlehem Steel Co.’s employment manager. I wanted some men of a particular type, and he said he had some. I don’t know whether they are union men or not. W hat I want to know is whether they know their job. And they do. One came from the Brotherhood of Carpenters, a first-class man, doing good work; I don’t know any thing about his union affiliation. I wanted a man who knew car penters, and he does; he is a first-class judge of carpenters. Whether a man is a union man or not is not the business of the Employment Service. The only place where that does count is where a man has a closed shop and asks us to get union men. Then we have to ask the question. W e have one office at Seattle which supplies only closed shops. I think nearly all the men in that office are also members of some union out there. Those men are put in conjointly by the Shipping Board and the Employment Service. The Shipping Board pays one-half of their salary, and that office supplies all the shipyards around Seattle. That office carry out that rule, because the yards themselves won’t hire anybody but union men. D elegate. Mr. Clayton has opened an office in South Chicago, situated in the second story, reached by a winding stairway, and at the rear of a hallway. Nobody knows it is there. And the class of DISCUSSION. 85 men sent from that office has been very inferior; we have been able to accept less than 10 per cent. Mr. C la y to n . I did not even know it was there. The C hairm an . It is a pretty large job to build quickly such a large organization in 48 States. It would appear that the thing to do is for the employers in each locality, if their Government employment office is not satisfactory there, to report such fact to the employment department, in order to give an opportunity to straighten things out. S. P. H a l l, employment manager, Morgan Engineering Co., A lli ance, Ohio. I also have a complaint to make. I am very busy steal ing 2,000 mechanics from the rest of you. I follow the lead of any thing that develops in regard to getting mechanics. I started a cam paign in Ohio. I received three or four letters from a certain com pany. When I was told to cease, I did. I wrote to the Cleveland office and my letter came back dead. I wrote to nearly every city within 500 miles of Alliance, Ohio. I received just one answer, and it took me a day to answer the questions. They wanted me to go back to 1917. J acob L ightner , director employment bureau, Pennsylvania De partment of Labor and Industry, Harrisburg, Pa. I have been listening with a great deal of interest all day long as to the causes of labor turnover; how the study of statistics is going to overcome it, and so many questions of like nature that I am afraid that you are all going to get tired, as I am. The cause of labor turnover lies with em ployers. A steals from B. Do you know that there is a trust among the paid employment agencies— a paid agency in one city, and an other in another, and so on all over the State ? Do you know that you are buying the same class of fellows that are passed from hand to hand? You do? Now, how are we to overcome that? Mine was the first experience in organizing the employment office of the State of Pennsylvania. It was the first office organized up to that time. No man who could get a position free thought he was anything but a charity patient. That is what the workmen thought. I recognized this when I went out to talk to employers about supplying them with labor. They said, “ Mr. Lightner, it is all very well, but we don’t want just cripples and consumptives.” I don’t blame them or you for being skeptical; and I don’t think it is in the minds of the United States officials to deny you the right of having your own employment office to give to the men a second examination when the men of that service send a square peg down to your office to fill a round hole. It is up to you to make that peg round. You can’t make a man tell the truth. Many men have come into my office. W e have grown quite a little, and, with the cooperation of you employers, we are going to 86 DESTRUCTIVE LABOE BECRUITING. grow more. And you don’t need to have one bit of fear. A man comes into our office and tells me in answer to the question as to what kind of a mechanic he is, “ a first-class carpenter.” W e have no way to disprove his statement. W e can put that man through an ex amination. Suppose he is a good liar. He will say he fooled us. The time comes when he finds he has fooled himself. It takes time for all the people to “ get wise ” to that fact and play fair with us. And when they do come and start playing fair with us we are going to be in a position, with the aid of the National Government, to give you the kind of a man that your specifications call for. I f it is for a union man that is what 'you are going to get. I f yours is an open shop that is the kind of man you are going to get— what we can get and the best we can get. Now, as to how to prevent labor turnover. You are the only ones through whom labor turnover can be stopped. W h y are there so many calls to our offices ? W hy, they have run up into the millions in the whole United States. W hy is it that Jones over here is asking for 2,000 men? It is because Bill Brown stole more than that away from him, and the pace agent hoodwinked him. Now, quit stealing and patronize these offices; and I will venture to say that in one year from now not an employer of the State of Pennsylvania will be compelled to ask for as many as he is asking for to-day. Neither will the turnover be so high, and you will get better results, and your firm, instead of spending five or eight or ten thousand dollars a month to keep your plant supplied will be spending only five where it is to-day spending a hundred dollars. D e le g a te . W e have been attempting to do some business with the employment agency at Youngstown. W e asked them for boiler makers for a month. I f I had waited on the State employment agency we would not have gotten them for a month. A s far as the Pennsylvania State employment office is concerned I have had some experience. For your personal benefit I will tell you what I found. I went to Philadelphia for some bricklayers. I went to the employ ment agency in Philadelphia and told them what was required of these men. They immediately told me my wants would be supplied and requested me to call around at 2 o’clock. I went around at that time and found in the first place that there were ten times as many men as I wanted. Most of them were of the hack driver type, and never saw a brick during the year. They were dock hands, and their principal equipment to do this kind of work was a hatchet and a trowel. And you men know about how much a bricklayer can do with a hatchet and a trowel. A s to the hiring of labor through the United States Labor Depart ment, I would like to know if we are required to accept those men on DISCUSSION. 87 their introduction from the Department of Labor. The reason I raise the question is this: Our chief product in Youngstown is steel. It is something like the Heinz district, there are 57 varieties, and a man who has had experience in labor wTork, which is very expensive through there, or technical work, that fellow has no idea of what is required of a man in a steel plant. There are certain classes that fit into certain jobs. There are certain others that won’t do on other jobs. They are one hundred per cent efficient on some kind of jobs and no good on others. W e are making munitions, and if we are compelled to take these laborers upon the examination of these labor bureaus, you can see how far wTe are going to get with our W ar if we are not allowed to pick our men. Must we accept these men, or can we pass on them ? The C hairm an . I am going to suggest that you ask Mr. Clayton personally. M r. A lfred T hompson, employment manager, American BrakeShoe & Foundry Co., Erie, Pa. A question that interests me has not been mentioned at all to-night and that is this: I have 7,000 men to get and I am going to get them somewhere. I have petitioned the National bureau of labor to supply that want. They have not done it. I have petitioned the State employment department and they have not done i t ; and I am going to go out and get them anywhere and from any firm not making munitions that I can find. The city of Rochester wrote me a nice letter and said I was recruiting labor here, and asked me to withdraw my men. Gen. Pierce wrote me to stop, and I said, “ I am going to get these men if I possibly can.” I will not hire a single man working on war work if I can help it. Every man I put on the road has positive instructions to hire no men working on war work. And your Symington Co. wrote me here that I was hiring men. And I stopped. But if any one of you men will not get back of this job the Government has given us to-day he is not a man. My grammar may be “ bum ” but my heart is in the right place. I went to Washington in January and tendered my services. I have been a production manager for 30 years; have had charge of some of the best shops and put them into successful operation; and I am a successful manufacturer, if I do have to come here and say so myself. I am no novice. I have hired labor for 32 years; and I know how to get it, and I know how to take care of it, and I know how to fire it. I have a regular man’s job. I have charge of housing and welfare work, and everything that pertains to the care of men and of everything that makes things pleasant for them, that goes into mak ing a man’s life worth while. I am sincerely interested in every man and woman on our pay roll. 88 DESTRUCTIVE LABOR RECRUITING. Now, you are criticising me. I do not want to talk all night, but I want to tell you gentlemen that I am not a fit subject for criticism— not the way you are doing it. Up at Erie we know that we are in war. And we are going to a knock the block off ” the Kaiser, and we are only going to do that when every man gets back of this game in the proper American way. I sent my boy to France, and he is in the trenches working there; and I am going to work 24 hours a day to make it possible for him to do the job he went over there to do. I f any of you manufacturers in'the city of Rochester have got a man on your pay roll that is not working on war work send him to m e; 1 will use him ; I will give him better wages than you. I want you to believe that what I say is true— that we will not hire a man who is on war work. And we feel that we have the privilege of hiring everyone who is not on war work. Mr. Clayton . I f my friend from Erie were not so hot I would say he made me think of a fresh cool breeze. I like the spirit, even if he has got it wrong, and he is wrong. He has one thing: Every man in the United States ought to be on war work, if he is not already there. Let me say that the American Brake-Shoe & Foundry Co. does not need to feel that it can’t call on the Employment Service and get real employment service. The United States Employment Serv ice does not expect to send men to employers and require them to take them. W e send them to you and you hire them; and we want you to keep that up. I am going back to Washington and I will be there, or somewhere where I can be reached. When anything goes wrong with the Employment Service let me hear about it. W e will get busy. W e are in the business to organize the labor market for the United States of America, and w*e are going to do it. W e have got to have a real organization to take care of labor, and we are going to “ put that across.” But you must get behind this service, and that is what we want you to do. [Session adjourned at 10.30 p. m.] F R ID A Y , M A Y 10— M O R N IN G SESSION. C H A IB M A N : KABL DEAN HOWAED, DIRECTOR OF LA B O B , C H IC A G O , HAST, SCHAFFNEB * M ARX, ILL. D IL U T IO N AN D SP E C IA L T R A IN IN G . [The meeting was called to order at 9.30 a. m., Mr. Ralph G. W ells, temporary chairman.] Mr. W ells. I was going to suggest in regard to the continuance of the discussion last night that there are a number of other phases of that question which I think we should take up. I should think that instead of stating specific instances where firms have been doing destructive recruiting, or where firms have been securing the co operation wanted, we should confine our discussion this afternoon to the question of general policy. I think we can more rapidly arrive at a conclusion which will be constructive by making our discussion deal with the general question of how we should handle advertising, the regulation of rates, and other similar questions which have an important bearing upon this recruiting of labor during this present war. It gives me great pleasure to introduce as chairman of this session Earl Dean Howard, of Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Chicago. Mr. H oward. I have to apologize for being late in arriving in the city on account of my train being late. Therefore, I am quite as much in the dark as to what is going to happen this morning as anyone here. I am told, however, that the first speaker is Miss Helen Bacon, executive secretary of the mayor’s Americanization committee of Cleveland, whose topic will be “ The management of foreign-born workmen.” MANAGEMENT OF FOREIGN-BORN WORKMEN. BY HELEN BACON, E X E C U T IV E SE C R E T A R Y , M AYOR’ S A M E R I C A N IZ A T IO N C O M M IT T E E , OF C L E V E L A N D , O H IO . I had prepared what I thought would be the best sort of taJk to give you this morning, but after listening to the very excellent ad dresses yesterday, I decided to change it and fit it more closely into the rest of the program. I noticed yesterday that even though the program was for employment managers, there was no attention paid to the foreign workman as a special problem. I feel that the 89 90 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. things-that will apply to the American workman are not as effective with the foreign workman; that he needs special attention, now that so many of our American boys are leaving for the War. It is going to leave in our industry a shocking proportion of men who are for eign born. It is up to us to make these men just as American as we can. Some one said to me yesterday, “ Don’t you think that now that there is no immigration we can catch up during this period ? ” I wonder how, after 20 years of comparative neglect, of letting the for eign born go their own way, we can expect them all of a sudden to change their point of view, and to react in a minute’s time to the in terest given them. It is impossible. There has been no apparent need for them up to the present time to learn the English language; the}^ have had their own community. I wonder how many of you have made it a condition of employment that a man should learn to speak English. Now, we must convince them that we are sincere in our demand that they must understand and speak English if they are to become real Americans. The average foreigner does not know our America. W e have taken no pains to bring him into American social life, or even to acquaint him with ordinary American institutions. W e have left him to his kind and practically excluded him from our society. There is a fine Polish lawyer in Cleveland. Instead of calling him an American citizen of Polish birth we say “ A Polish lawyer ” ; and have set him apart from our American institutions. He is far superior, in his cul ture and ideas, to a good many Americans. I was interested in talk ing to a man who was a member of a league formed by the Commit tee on Public Information at Washington who has got many of these foreigners interested in America, and got them to take out their papers, and got them to consider America as a permanent place to live in. He said that foreigners have felt this attitude of aloofness on the part of Americans toward them so much that they have gone back into their settlement. As far as the mutual benefit societies, for instance, are concerned, instead of bringing the foreign born into the central organization they start a foreign branch; and the foreigner is kept with his own people from the time he leaves his country. I think we are to blame. It would seem, as a matter of fact, that the factory is the only im personal institution at the present time which has a natural contact with the foreigner in America. You often object to the foreign clergymen being all-powerful among his own people. But, with a few exceptions, these clergymen are the only people who have inter ested themselves in their people. W e have only ourselves to blame for the fact that we do not mean any more to the foreigner than we do. O f course, there are exceptions. There is the occasional man MANAGEM ENT OF FOREIGN-BOBN WORKM EN---- H ELEN BACON. 91 who, after he has finished his day’s work, will go out and find a night school, but he is all American in spirit and will get along without our interest. I wonder if any of you, in looking over the foreign people in your plant, have taken into consideration whether there are any divisions among them. Do you realize that the only people in the Central Powers who really have any voice at the present time are the Austrians, the Hungarians and the Germans ? A ll the rest are as antago nistic to the Government of Germany and Austria as we are. Those oppressed people in Europe have been fighting that Government for centuries. I f they understood our attitude, if they understood that they were making munitions in your plant to fight the power that they have been fighting all the centuries, what a response might be gotten from them. An experiment was tried at the Chillicothe, Ohio, camp for drafted men, where a third are foreigners, many unable to speak the English language. A t the time our country declared war on Austria-Hungary these men, men of the subject races of Aus tria-Hungary, were declared alien enemies. A t that time there were at that camp about 1,500 men who came from the different subject races of Austria-Hungary. O f that 1,500 there were 800 who had not taken out their papers. Men who knew the languages of these people told them the purposes and aims of this W ar. After the conference was over, 90 per cent of the 800 enlisted as volunteers in the Army, and most of the 10 per cent who did not have dependents and had not known that they could claim exemption on that score. I want to read a little selection from a letter. The letter was written in Slovenian by a man— just an ordinary laborer— who was drafted and sent down there. When the order was given that all of these men were to be relieved from service his brother sent him a suit of clothes to return to Cleveland in. This is a part of the letter which he wrote: I received the civil clothes sent me from Cleveland, and at the same time a thought occurred to me, which never left me— that I should feel ashamed to leave the Army and go back to civil life. I am a Slovene myself and my father and grandfather never had any opportunities to fight for liberty. Indeed they fought for hundreds o f years under the command o f the Hapsburgs to continue slavery and tyranny. Dear brother, the suit o f clothes you sent me I sold to-day to a man fo r $30 who thinks less than I do. I think that that is indicative of what we could get from our for eign-born people if we put ourselves out to get it. W e wanted to know, in our study of the Americanization prob lem in Cleveland, what other people were doing. O f course, many of the draft camps have foreign workmen in them who speak very little English. W e sent to these camps letters asking them what they were doing along this line. Nearly all were teaching English, but only in the most perfunctory way. They were teaching the com 92 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. mands of the officers. They should take up the explanation of the causes of our war, in foreign languages, if necessary. Absolutely everybody ought to know why we in America are at war. But you must remember that these people have not the sources of information we have, and that they do not know. A great many of these men did not know that conscription was something from which they could claim exemption. They assumed that it was the same as that'in Europe. In many cases we have had to recall men because they had left their families, which made a bigger burden on the State than if the men were at home and somebody else had to take their places in the Army. It is said to be true that the Italian failure was due to the fact that Italian soldiers had not been informed by their Government what they were fighting fo r ; and propaganda was given them by the Austrians through Italian papers. That destroyed their morale. In some cases— bringing the subject back again to your factory— the placing of certain nationalities together might make a big compli cation in a department. I f you have an Austrian as foreman over a gang of Slovenians, you are continuing the same feeling of antago nism which has existed for centuries. I f you put a Slovenian over an Austrian, I venture to say that developments would be just as bad. I don’t mean to say that you should know everything about all the different nationalities, but there are certain elemental things about each one that you should know if you want your shop to be a place of contentment for these people. Unless these things are taken into consideration, you are only considering our side of the problem and not theirs. That has been the trouble with most of the Americaniza tion work throughout the country. W e have said, “ They must do things exactly as we do.” But many of them have as good things to offer us as we have to offer them. Unless we show them that they can give equally with us, they are not going to be American. They are not going to take a real interest in our Government. Many of them are a little disillusioned. They have not gotten to know7 what America is. Hundreds of them now are preparing to leave. A lot of them have their transportation. Some of them are going to get back their holdings of land; some of them are going to find their relatives; some are going because they think if their country is freed it is going to be a,paradise. They don’t know the circumstances under which they will live. That is our responsibility. W e have got to show them that this place is superior to that country, if we need them. There is another element in the situation which you may not know. How many of you have men working for you as laborers who might be used in something much better if they understood our language? One of the inspectors in a Cleveland company had taken MANAGEM ENT OF FORETGN-BORN W ORKM EN— H ELEN BACON. 93 an interest in a certain laborer and found that this man could read Horace in the original, and was perfectly marvelous in his enthusiasm for the classics. I don’t mean to say that just because that man could read the classics and was a university graduate there was necessarily a place for him in that plant where he could use these advantages, but it seems to me that his knowledge of his people and his interpre tation of and to the men of his nation in that company would be very valuable. I don’t know anything of greater value to the men than an interpretation of what the industry was accomplishing. How many of you have possibilities like that ? There is another question— the question of advice. The foreigner has the same military and legal problems that you have, only inten sified. I f he gets into any legal difficulty he must usually depend upon a stranger, often upon a shyster. He is left entirely to their mercy, and develops a bitter feeling toward our country. There is one of the biggest fields for the employment department— to give these men accurate information on the draft and other war meas ures. Many of you have a company attorney who might do it. Others might be sent to a legal-aid bureau. There is some sort of place where each one can get a legal answer to his question. It is the doing of something definite for them, some definite thing for them outside of their factory life that wins these people. Rest assured that any information given will spread around your shop. You can’t expect these people with untrained minds— because most of them or a great many of them are illiterate— all of a sudden to acquire enough English to think in it, but you can teach them the conversation of your shop, the names of tools, and the names of the operations; you can teach them the conversation they will hear on the streets; how to get to certain places around the town. The gen eral superintendent of one of our large industries in Cleveland said the greatest trouble he had had was when he had a rush order from one of the departments. They had to rush men into that department from the others. The men did not know what to do when given in structions, because they did not understand English, and they were blamed for their poor work. Those are things which come up very often, but which can be done away with by the teaching of English. The men who will work all day long and go home and get dressed and find a night school do not have to be looked after. It is the men who do not have that ambition at the end o f the day—* and such men compose the vast majority of the people in your shop—* who must be looked after. You must make it possible for them to get a knowledge o f English. Organize a class in your factory and have them go in as they are. A lot o f the men are diffident about going to school and sitting in the same seats that their children sat in during the day. . There are all sorts of psychological reasons for 94 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TEATNING. their not going to night school. You can make it a possible thing by having the school in the daytime. Most of the places in Cleveland have it at the end of the day, anywhere from 3 to 6 o’clock, twice a week. An hour is about as long as the men can be kept interested. The question of incentive to make these people join the class is one that must be considered to get them interested, in the first place. There is one factory in Cleveland that makes it a condition of em ployment for the men who do not know English to learn enough to get along in the shop. A few^ of the factories supply the facilities, but the man stays over on his own time. There are a few plants which pay for the whole hour. But the most successful way seems to be a part-time arrangement; the factory pays for the first half hour and the man stays the other half on his own time. You can argue about the ethics of paying a man for learning English, but it is a practical measure you will have to consider, at least the work we have done indicates that you must provide some sort of an incentive until the man is convinced of its value. One of the things that is quite necessary is to have teachers who are trained for this work. The ordinary teacher who teaches children during the daytime will not do. She must have some sort of special training. These people she is going to instruct are not children and can not be reached with childish things; their minds are adult, but their language is simple, and the teacher must be able to hold their interest. There are some things that can supplement the teaching of Eng lish, and one of them is a good library, a plant library not run by a telephone operator, but taken care of by a person who under stands the situation, who is interested in the people and can give them advice on books that will help them— books in their own language. There is no other thing that will draw them closer than to feel that you are sharing their hopes and aspirations. These people have slaved for centuries, they have fought to maintain their own nationality. They come over here because it is the one place where they can do it. Eventually America will assimilate them, but meanwhile the quickest way you can get to them is to have some ap preciation for their struggle. It is marvelous what can be done if you speak their language. Their faces light up; there is a bond estab lished that you don’t get ordinarily. Another thing that will help them is to get them interested in being in places where English is naturally spoken. See if you can’t get them to go to an art museum. A lot of them know more about art than we do. They are perfectly able to enjoy the things they can find in such a place, if they can be made to realize that it is public, and that they can go to it. In this way they naturally are going to be come acquainted with the customs of Americans. You can’t expect M ANAGEM ENT OF FOREIGN-BORN WORKM EN---- HELEN BACON. 95 them to acquire the habit of speaking English merely by attending a class in English twice a week if they never hear it spoken during the week. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Cooke made the remark that labor’s responsibility was production especially during the W ar, but that production was falling off. I firmly believe that if these people could be made to understand very definitely what this production means, you would get their cooperation. It would do away with a great deal of friction, a deal of misunderstanding that exists at the present time. It seems to me it is up to us to consider whether that is not necessary now, and whether we still want them to stay with us after the W ar. DISCUSSION. The Chairman. A s employment managers and directors of labor departments, I am sure we have all realized long since that what we need and what we want, what we must be looking out for at all times, is opportunity for contact with the workmen over whom we are placed, and the excellent paper of Miss Bacon has, I am sure, given us some ideas along that line. I might give a bit of our own expe rience in that direction, suggested by her statement. W e have found that the liberty loan offers a splendid opportunity. W e stumbled upon it. W e really did not realize it at the time. W e found our people lukewarm about the first liberty loan. W e wanted to get sub scriptions from our factory, but the response was not good at all. The people were indifferent. W e did not know exactly what the rea son was. W e knew that a great number of them were inclined toward socialistic ideas, and at that time the socialists’ idea was very much against war. But it was an interesting thing for us to study that, because, after all, that idea was something which interfered with con trol. There was not the proper understanding between the company and the people. The first thing we did was to try to discover some plan to get in subscriptions that might be more appealing than the ordinary plan offered. It is perhaps worth while to consider the question a moment, because we will have more liberty loans, and we have used our plan with success. It is an inexpensive scheme and we have already felt it has more than repaid us for any expense we have incurred. W e gave them not only a long term in which to pay for the bond— 50 weeks at a dollar a week for a $50 bond— but also the privilege of borrowing against their subscriptions to the extent they had paid. Ours being a seasonal industry, that was necessary for a good many of them. W e also offered them another advantage. That was, if any of the subscribers died before the bond was paid, we would turn over the bond fully paid to their representatives. It proved to be exceedingly popular, and I think it was one of the things which started the movement in the right direction. Then we hit upon this little device: W e made addresses to small groups of our employees upon the virtues of thrift and the advantage of saving and pointed out the significance that a subscription to the loan would have. The main thing was that every bit of the transaction, whether it was for the postponed payment or cancellation of subscription or anything of the sort, had to go through the employment manager. This gave a contact with the people, and we found that from that time on the 96 DISCUSSION. 97 interest was greater. In this last loan, in quite a number of shops, among several hundred people who were formerly against the war, there was a 100 per cent subscription. The contact which this plan has given us with these people and the chance to explain the war and what it means have been a great opportunity for us. And those things help in this American movement. The remarks that Miss Bacon made will be discussed very briefly by Dr. Winthrop Talbpt. Dr. W intiirop T albot, adviser in alien education, New York State Bureau of Industries and Immigration. Representing, as I do, the Bureau of Immigration of the State Industrial Commission, I wish to express the appreciation that must be felt not only by those who have to deal with the immigrant worker but by every citizen of New York State, of what has happened here in Rochester in the graduation of this class yesterday. Surely it means much to the citizens of this State and of all the States that those who have to deal with the em ployment of immigrants coming into this and other States shall be trained men. Allow me also to express my personal appreciation of what Miss Bacon has been saying. W e have in this country 60,000 manufacturing concerns, employ ing approximately 2 ,000,000 people of whom 1,600,000 are foreign born. Eight hundred thousand can not speak English, and 400,000 can not speak or write in their own language. I could take you to factories within 30 minutes’ walk from Broadway, which employ 1,000 people, of whom 800 can not speak English and 600 can not read or write. I know a girl, 22 years old, born in a town on Long Island, who has never been to school; she can not read or write in any language; she does not know one word of English; and she has never ridden on a trolley car. A typical case is an Italian man, for 18 years employed in a factory carrying cans. I f you ask him how many cans he is carrying he will tell you 4. He may be carrying 14 or 2 , but he always says 4. He wants to assure you that he knows how to count. He can speak no English. It is very difficult to get an idea over to him in Italian. Such men can not read danger signs. They are them selves a source of danger to others. It has cost the city of Bayonne many thousands of dollars, and has cost the refineries of Bayonne nearly three-quarters of a million of dollars because they neglected their illiterate aliens. It is vitally important to get hold of a means of sharing thought; this is fundamental to every one of the problems which you gentle men have to deal with. For the past 10 years it has been my business to establish service departments in many large organizations, and I know some of the difficulties you gentlemen are up against, because I have been up against them myself. 77920°— 19-------7 98 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. One of the main difficulties, I think you will agree, is the difficulty of getting an idea over to somebody else, whether it be your general manager or whether it be an alien workman. You have a better chance, perhaps, with the general manager than you have with the alien workman, but I can assure you that it is no small job in either case. I f you have not a common language, as is the case with alien workmen, you are in a dangerous condition. Out of the 13,000,000 aliens, who have come to this country from 1900 to 1914, we have over 3,000,000 who can not read or write; 75,000 in the State of Connecticut; 500,000 in the State of New Y ork; between 350,000 and 450,000 in Pennsylvania. I f you will send to the Superintendent of Documents a‘t Washington, D. C., for Bulletin No. 35, 1916, of the Bureau of Education, you will find the data with regard to adult illiteracy and the prevention of it. The first thing to do is to devise ways and means of getting the American language over to the illiterates. I f you will send for Bul letin 39 of the Bureau of Education, series of 1917, you will find listed some 400 good text books for teaching the American language to aliens. Now comes the question of getting down to actual methods. You will find that in the progressive establishments— and they are increas ing very rapidly— they are having the largest success in teaching the English language to non-English sj>eaking people, on the factory’s time. The evening school does not reach the adult. In New York City, in 1914, there were some 10,000 adults registered in evening schools. Less than 5 per cent were illiterate aliens. In other words, we were reaching at that time only one-third of 1 per cent of all the illiterates in New York through the evening schools. There are practical methods of reaching the illiterate such as can be carried out in A^our factories effectively. Non-English speaking illiterates can be taught to understand, speak, read, and write 500 American words and phrases in 10 weeks by 1 hour’s instruction, 5 days a week, on factory time, at a cost not exceeding 20 cents an hour per pupil. This is not a welfare proposition. It is plain dollars and cents. In this State we are paying nearly $40,000 a day for accidents which have occurred to illiterates. In New York State 377,000 persons applied for compensation for accidents in 1917. O f these 70 per cent required the services of an interpreter. Is it the illiteracy that causes accidents ? I can only say it seems reasonable to suppose that if a man can not read a danger sign he is in more danger than a person who can read a danger sign. It is a purely economical proposition, in my judgment. W e can not look at it in any other way. W e have worked this out for the last four years. W e DISCUSSION. 99 know what we are talking about. W e have worked out the methods, and if you gentlemen are interested in the details I shall be de lighted to meet with anyone at the close of this meeting to give you any details that lie in my power. In closing I want to say that it seems to me, as an American and as one deeply interested in that sharing of thought which is absolutely fundamental to democracy, that we must have a common speech. You can bring about unity in the Nation through teaching the Ameri can language to your workers. You can lend your assistance to unify the Nation. Is it not your patriotic duty to take an interest in getting hold of the means to do it? The C h airm an . The proposal of Dr. Talbot to meet with anyone who is particularly interested in the ideas which he has given raises a suggestion which may be of some value. I have not consulted with the officers of this convention, but I venture to say that they will agree with me, and I presume that most of the speakers will agree with me, when I say that those speakers who have presented some concrete ideas which are of interest to any particular group here might be glad to organize a little round-table discussion, of an in formal character, with the speaker who has first discussed the sub ject as chairman. A s you all know, conventions are valuable to those who attend quite as much, perhaps more, on account of the informal contacts they get with those in the same occupation and having the same prob lems and interests, as on account of the formal meetings; and, inas much as this convention is so large and well attended, it has a disad vantage in that the discussion during the meeting must necessarily be more formal. W e can compensate for that by having small groups informally organized, and those who are interested in a particular subject can apply to the speaker who has presented that subject, and I am sure the speakers will all be very glad to organize these dis cussions. Mr. W ells. I want to announce the committee that was appointed as the result of the motion last night; that is, the committee to study and report upon some methods of computing turnover: Chairman, Roy W. Kelly, o f H arvard University, Cambridge, Mass. E. II. Fish, o f the Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. Wilson C. Maston, o f the Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. W. R. Kitson, o f the Solvay Process Co., Detroit, Mich. Hugh Fullerton, of H. Black & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. S. R. Rectanus, o f the American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio. Roy S. Hubbell, o f the Bowman Hotel Corporation, New York City. Hon. Royal Meeker, United States Commissioner o f Labor Statistics. The C h airm an . In order not to break the continuity of the sub ject too abruptly we will interject here another talk along the lines 100 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. of the last two papers. This talk will have a special reference to the Negro in industry. I present Mr. Eugene Kinkle Jones, who is national secretary of the National League on Urban Conditions Among Negroes. Capt. F isher . I feel it is a little unfair to Mr. Jones to drag him from the train, after coming here on a sudden telegraphic call, to address a convention he had not heard of, following speakers he has not heard, and not knowing who are to follow him; and with your permission I will make an address to the speaker, instead of to the audience, for two minutes. This, Mr. Jones, is a convention of the employment managers of the country. They have to do with the management of labor in factories. The national committee of Employment Managers’ Asso ciation, representing delegates from a number of local groups, have called this convention, the second national conference on the prob lem of the employment manager in industry. W e have had discus sions so far upon destructive labor recruiting and similar topics. The question now is man power for the war. You, as secretary of the National League on Urban Conditions Among Negroes, know as well as we do that we have robbed the farms of the South of Negro labor and have introduced hundreds of thousands of southern Negroes into our factory organization for work hitherto unfamiliar to them. They are meeting conditions to which they were not ac customed, and are working under bosses not acquainted with their psychology. So when the delegates of these local groups met to gether in Philadelphia some time ago it was decided that we should have some one tell us something about the psychology of the southern Negro worker whom we have put into our factories in the North. Mr. Winans, of Cleveland, said that he had found that not precisely the same methods which he had been using in dealing with hired labor could be applied to the southern Negro not accustomed to factory work. Some of his foremen wished to use force, and he was reluctant to permit that; and yet he did not know how to get the maximum production and steady attendance in the factory and the proper spirit between the white and Negro workers without some such method. And he said if we could get some one at that conven tion who could tell us how to resort to Negro labor without resorting to driving methods it would be a great favor to all who have occasion to hire Negro labor. I made several attempts to get such a speaker. I attempted to get the supervisor of the Negro schools of Virginia, and Mr. Scott, Negro adviser of the W ar Department; I attempted to get Prof. Haines, the colored man who is advising the Labor De partment; and at the last moment Prof. Tyson, of Pittsburgh, tele graphed for you. I t is a great favor that you have done us in coming at such a call to make an extemporaneous statement. P SYC H O LO G Y OF THE NEGRO W O R K IN G M A N . B Y E U G E N E K I N C Iv L E J O N E S , E X E C U T IV E S E C R E TA R Y T H E N A T I O N A L L E A G U E ON U R B A N C O N D IT IO N S A M O N G NEGR OES, N E W Y O R K C IT Y . I consider this opportunity a privilege, inasmuch as the problem of getting the greatest man power to become most efficient at this particular time in the world’s emergency, and in our Nation’s emer gency, is one which is as close to the heart of the Negroes of America— for they are good, full-blooded Americans just as you are— as it is to you. Speaking of the migration of the Negro prompts me to say a w7orcl about the point brought out by Capt. Fisher relative to the farms in the South that have been robbed of Negro labor. You know that some economists say that labor is a commodity, and the supply and demand of labor is what determines its course. Now, Negro psychology is the same as white psychology. Give them better school facilities, so that their children can be better educated and trained, and help all you can to reduce the lynchings and burning and tor turing of Negroes that has been allowed to go on without proper judicial action for years, and you will find them respond as the white race responds. Some of these things I speak of have crept into some sections of the North or where southern influence has had its effect, but mostly they are in the South. In regard to holding these men after you get them. Let us assume that }Tou have obtained competent, efficient men for unskilled labor. How7 are you going to hold them? How are you going to make them more efficient ? 1 read an article in a newspaper the other day— the Evening Journal of New York— in which it was said that the com petition by employers of labor in the market for skilled labor can be greatly reduced if opportunities for advancement in each plant can be assured the men through the establishment of a school or train ing center in each large establishment, where unskilled men can be come skilled workers, rather than bidding for the skilled labor in an other plant, and thus raising wrages and increasing labor turnover for each plant. In the past the only way that colored men were assured advancement along their particular trade was to become efficient as skilled workmen. They then centered their minds upon certain plants scattered throughout the country where Negroes have been given special opportunities for becoming skilled, and then they left the plant where they had been employed and went where they could be employed as skilled workmen. Every employer who anticipates em ploying Negroes ought to make it a part of his program to give these 101 102 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. Negroes tlie opportunity to become skilled workmen if they are com petent. Let me explain some of the vices tliat Negroes are supposed to be addicted to. One statement is made that the Negro works until he makes enough to live for a while, and then quits until he is out of money. He works three days and quits for the other four days of the week. You know as well as I do that if }rou increase a man’s wants liis standards of living will rise; and if you take married men with families and see that they are provided with decent houses, which you can arrange, or if the community gives them an oppor tunity for decent housing, you will find that they will need more than they usually earn in three days to keep them. Select your men through an expert who knows human beings— not Negro psychology; because the psychology of the Negro is the same as the psychology of other human beings. I f a Negro has had no opportunity for educa tion or training; if he is illiterate, if he has been kept down, his psychology is the same as the psychology of some of the South Euro pean races. I f he has the same opportunity he will behave in ex actly the same way, unless we enlarge his opportunity. No psy chologist can tell you w7hat to do for him, because there is nothing that can be done for him unless he is given an opportunity and train ing and instruction. Every job that has been assigned the Negro in which he has been given an opportunity in this country has been filled properly and efficiently by him. I f some of you were asked the question whether you would trust yourself on a train operated by a Negro engineer you would hesitate to reply. Yet it is more difficult to drive a motor car than an engine, because an engine will stay on the track if you give it half a chance. And yet Negroes are not given a chance to become engineers but are employed very generally as chauffeurs. I was in Detroit the other day, and I tell you the first time I rode on a trolley car operated by a Negro motorman I hesitated myself, simply because I never saw a Negro motorman on a trolley car before. And when the conductor came to ask me for my fare I did not know whether to give it to him or not. I was afraid I would have to pay a second fare. I know that 75 years ago the discussion was not whether or not the Negro could acquire a col lege education or not; it was whether he could acquire any knowledge at all. And if you had asked some one in 1850 whether a Negro could become a college graduate the reply would have been 44No.” A lot of colored people in the South don’t believe Negroes have any capacity at all, simply because this thought has been drilled into them. I might tell a story that used to be told by Booker T. W ash ington. Four boys, English, German, French, and Negro were telling what they were going to be. The English boy said, 441 am going to be a statesman. My father was a brilliant man and I shall be a states PSYCHOLOGY OF THE NEGRO WORKINGM AN---- E. K. JONES. 103 man.” The German boy said, “ I am going to be a great soldier.” The French, boy said, “ I am going to be a scientist.” When the Negro boy was asked what he was going to be he said, “ I am going to be nuthin’.” “ W hy is that? ” “ W ell, my father he is nuthin’. He only works one or two days a week. And mother is always saying to him, 4You ain’t never going to be nutliin’,’ and that is what I am going to be.” So it is with the Negro in this country. I f you tell the Negro he is going to be unskilled and incompetent, that there is no opportunity to go higher, because he can’t be a skilled working man, he is going to believe that himself. W e often say the Negro is not dependable; that we can’t count on him ; that he will not stick to his job, and will come late; that he will leave early if he gets the chance, and will draw full pay. How can we say a person is not dependable when we have not put our trust in him? The Negro does not think he has the confidence of the white people; they don’t believe in him. The Negro, on the other hand, believes he is being robbed at every point. I am not say ing that this is the proper spirit for the Negro to have. The proper spirit is the spirit taught by our Father in Heaven. But, unfor tunately, human beings in large numbers do not have that kind of “ psychology,” and the Negroes feel as though they are being under paid, overworked, and that they are not being dealt with fairly. The Negro has a very sunny disposition. He is happy at his work; he sings at his work. Some of our white bosses do not like people to sing while they are working. They say they get less work done. I don’t believe it. I think Negroes are trying to get rid of some of their jovial spirit in an innocent way. I had an experience down at the Bush Terminal in Brooklyn, where we had a colored labor adviser appointed to try to reduce the labor turnover of the colored people working there. There were some cars to be loaded. They allowed 15 minutes to load a car, and they allowed four or five men for each car. The cars came up, were loaded, and passed on to be made up into trains. Before this man went there the foreman could discharge a colored man on the spot. A ll he had to do was to say, “ You are discharged.” And he had to leave. There were numerous such occasions, I assure you. But when this colored man came to take charge of the work, one of the first provisions was that no colored man should be discharged until he, the adviser, was consulted. A few days after he had come on the job a foreman came up to him and said, “ Six or seven of your men are around the corner there, laughing and playing craps, or something. I am going to discharge them, but I want you to know it.” Collins, the labor adviser, saw the existing state of affairs, and at first he said to himself, “ I had better say 4all right; I give up. You had better discharge them.’ ” But he took second 104 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. thought. “ Men,” he said to them, “ why do you throw me down like this? I am here to help you, and you are loafing and stealing away the time that you are paid for. You ought to be working, not fooling away this time.” The men started to laugh. He saw there was something that he did not understand. “ Here comes the car,” they said, “ we will show you.” They all grabbed their picks and shovels and filled a car in half the time allowed for the job, and then they started skylarking again for the seven or eight minutes they had left. A t once Collins saw the situation. Those men had not been given the proper supervision. The time was reduced one half, or the number of men reduced one half, and from that time on Collins had no more trouble in dealing with that kind of question. To sum up in a few words, let me say this. First, in handling Negro labor be sure that you select the proper type of men. Second, be sure that the men are given an opportunity for advancement. Let them feel they have a chance, and I am willing to trust the future to Providence. In the third place, let your attitude toward these men be as fair as that of the American Federation of Labor and other unions that are entreating Negroes to join them. Fourth, remember that Negroes are American citizens, who have contributed their part to the success of every war we have fought since the Revolutionary W ar, men who are contributing their all to-day and will continue to do so, and that they deserve a man’s chance in a country which is taking its part in the great conflict to establish democracy throughout the world. The C hairm an . I am sure we all realize the appropriateness of Capt. Fisher’s introduction to the last speaker, and we have all en joyed Mr. Jones’s excellent statement of his case. W e must all of us as employment managers be interested in any man or movement which will help us to elevate standards, and help men to become ad justed to the environment, and the movement which Mr. Jones repre sents is distinctly and peculiarly one of that kind. Capt. Fisher. I have just met with the delegates from the different emploj^ment managers’ associations, who formed the national com mittee of Employment Managers’ Association. W e told you yester day that nothing was “ cooked up.” But something is now “ cook ing,” and you may sample the mess this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Last year we decided against the formation of a National Employment Managers’ Association with individual membership, because the time did not seem ripe. The national committee will place before you this afternoon at 3 o’clock the question as to whether the time is now ripe. There were certain advantages in the continuance of a national association as at present— not organized, with the local groups man aging the affairs. Then there are advantages in an individual mem PSYCHOLOGY OF THE NEGRO WORKINGM AN---- E. K . JONES. 105 bership organization, which gets the man in a small town who can't belong to an association. I would not have 3 011 rush to conclusions until you have heard the arguments on both sides as to what should be done. But if the Employment Managers’ Association, or whatever we like to call ourselves, wishes to get behind the National Govern ment, the Department of Labor and the W ar Department in the con duct of labor problems, we need to formulate something definite; and we are not going to permit this large body of intelligent people who have primary contact with the labor problem to disperse without giving them some chance to express their point of view. Washington and the people who have the programs for labor in charge will listen to us if we put our point of view up to them properly. And if we can sift the various points of view of you men here and get & sound basis upon which our association may stand, we will get something across to Washington that will count. Let u.^ try to get our meeting this afternoon at 1.30 started promptly so that without cutting our speakers short we will get through our speaking session at 3 o’clock and then get to business. The C h airm an . W e have with us to-day a representative of the very successful and harmonious application of the idea of close con tact with employees, Mr. Hugh Fullerton, of H . Black & Co., of Cleveland, who has been engaged in this work for five years and who has approached the problem of employment management from that standpoint. STAN D ARD S FOR W O M A N EM PLOYEES. B Y H U G H F U L L E R T O N , SERVIC E DIRECTOR, H . B L A C K & CO., C L E V E L A N D , O H IO . W e may well begin any discussion of the subject assigned to me, “ Standards for woman employees,” by asking the question, “ W hat is the fuss about?” W hy are w^e worried? Aren't wTe talking of equality? Aren’t we talking of equal suffrage? Aren't women in increasing number entering industry on a plane equal with men? W hy is there any talk of different standards for women ? W hy is it necessary to have a different standard? Is it a return of the much over-worked age of chivalry, or is it because industry is changing? I am going to pat you and myself on the back for a moment. You and I are bringing to industry a new social conscience. W e are beginning to understand that industry has two fundamental jobs: The first is to make the product, whether it be reapers, tires, or clothing, or au tomobiles, with the best labor possible, as cheaply as possible, and give as good value for the merchandise as possible; but there is a secondary function of industry and industry is getting the vision. W e are incidentally making citizens. Women have a larger social value to the community than men; and I can be perfectly frank with this audience and say that a woman who is weakened by industry, a woman who is a potential or perhaps a prospective mother, is a larger social menace than a man so weakened. And so we are begin ning to see that we must throw around women in industry some un usual precaution, in order that the race and the community may be benefited. It is industry's contribution to the welfare of the Nation. I have attempted to divide the standards for women into four divi sions: Standards of employment, standards of work, standards of health and sanitation, and standard of wages. It sounds like a long list, but it will not take me long. First, let me discuss standards of employment. I want to stand sponsor for the statement, and I want to emphasize it, that the man having a large number of women in his plant needs the assistance of a woman interviewer. W e talked a little bit yesterday about getting the right personality, and that is a big point. In the em ployment department the woman who interviews the women there should be made to measure to this standard of personality: She should be a woman who could easily get married, but somehow hasn’t. She is the kind of woman who has the sympathy and the tact with a group of women who come to her and so impress those women with 106 STANDARDS FOR WOMAN" EMPLOYEES— H U G H FULLERTON. 107 her sincerity of purpose as to get from them the kind of information that is of value; and a man can not ask a woman questions that are necessary for an employment manager and a production foreman to know. Especially do these woman employees need some kind of a medical investigation. W e must be particularly anxious not to put women on jobs they can not do. W e put upon our nurse the respon sibility of seeing every woman who comes into our shop within the week, to see if there is any reason why she should not fill the position she is filling. That ought to be done certainly by a woman nurse. Another point I want to emphasize is our opinion, and I am giving the organization’s opinion, that no woman under 18 should enter industry. I think that is the public opinion as well, because prac tically all of the State lawTs throw certain limitations around the work of women under 18, and the public seems to express that senti ment through its laws. Until a woman passes through certain physi cal changes, entrance into industry is a dangerous experiment. One thing, a technical matter of employment that counts a lot with a woman, is introduction to the job. Do you men remember the first job you ever had ? A t 15 I went into a tool shop as a tool boy. I was employed by the timekeeper, who took me into the middle of the shop; then went out and left me to be introduced to my job, and the men looked me over as a curiosity— the new kid. I don’t know whether I am particularly affected by the unfriendliness of people, but we have found it valuable never to do that sort of thing, but to take that girl from the employment office, introduce her to the superintendent and foreman, and as you walk with her through the shop explain to her some of the unusual things happening in any shop, unusual noises, and just a bit of the type of work she is to do. Introduce her to the girl next to her. Then appoint as a sort of monitor some one in the section in which that girl is to work to take her out to th€ lunch room, show her the wash room, and the coat and hat rack; in short, to make that girl feel that she is a part of the or ganization from the minute she arrives. W e have felt that the suc cess or the failure and happiness which a person has in any job comes very largely from the first hour’s experience. I want to talk a little bit about the standards of work. Take the important question whether women should be supervised by foremen or forewomen. There are points for both. Our experience does not indicate that foremen are more efficient in that work. I don’t sup pose there is an employment manager here who has not had the most distressing experience of hearing some story about the relations between a foreman and a girl in liis section. Sometimes those stories are true; sometimes they are not. But it points out a tremendous danger in permitting foremen to supervise women. 108 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. The advantage that the foreman can take, if he be so minded, is great; and it seems to me that if it is possible to select from your women the type of woman that can successfully manage women, it is safety itself that a woman be put in charge of women. I f I were putting a group of women into a shop where men had been employed, I would not scatter the women throughout the shop among the men. 1 would decide in my own mind what operations of the shop and what parts of the work women could do, and then I would segregate and separate that operation, if possible, in a separate room, and I w^ould put the women there all together without the men. It seems to me that if you scatter women among men in a shop that you bring on them the displeasure of the men, who immediately believe that women are taking their places; and the women themselves are un comfortable. Put them in separate departments, and, if possible, in separate workrooms. Now, with regard to tlie question of hours for women. There are no standard hour laws. State laws are in chaos. Perhaps 48 hours is a sufficient work time. I am going to tell you of an experiment that I thought I would not tell about, until it was sufficiently tried, but I find my speech does not have enough point, so I am going to tell you what we are going to do in our shop. You folks are talking about the labor market, wondering where you are going to get additional help. There is one field of search that we have not yet touched, and that is the half-day woman, the woman who is either just married or who has very few home duties, who does not care to take all day to go to a shop and work, but can go to a mechanical job for a half day. W e are putting half-time women on machine operation where one woman takes up the work of another woman and follows it through. The first shift is from 7 until 12.15. A t 12 o’clock another shift comes on, and the new worker stands behind the chair of the old worker to get familiar with the immediate job, and then sits down at 12.15 and works until 5 o’clock. W e are going to get 10-liour runs on our machines with 5-hour help. W e must allow for the woman not being able to do extra heavy, work. A woman should not be required to lift more than 25 pounds. That is the thing you and I must watch in our shops. W e must watch also that only women of particular types have standing jobs. Whenever you find out what kind of work women can do, be sure to find out whether it is a sitting job. I f it is a standing job be sure that the women you* pick are carefully supervised by your woman nurse, to see that the standing strain on a woman is not more than she can bear. Certain jobs in our factory are standing jobs filled by women, but they are supervised by our nurse to see that no injury is done. I am talking a little bit about standards of health and sanitation. O f course, we need separate toilet and wash rooms; STANDARDS FOR W OM AN EMPLOYEES---- H U G H FULLERTON. 10£ we don't need to talk about that. W e need the kind of health service in a factory emplojdng women that will take care of minor ailments. I want to have you carry away some figures in your head. Fifty-six per cent, roughly one-half, of the folks in our factory are women. O f the people we treat in our clinic 76 per cent are women, showing that women need the care of a nurse more frequently than men. The nurse in our factory is not merely binding up the wounded and broken, because our industry has little hazard. She is in charge of our health education department, and she talks to every woman as a woman can talk to a woman. She is doing a tremendous work in health education. Women seem to suffer fatigue from the monoto nous operations more acutely than do men. In the early spring we started an established rest period in the morning. W e were not just sure how it would take; so we began it hy degrees. Between 9 and 9.30^ our women may leave their machines and go to the lunchroom. Lunch will be served; coffee, milk, and crackers. F ifty per cent of the factory employees take advantage of the opportunity; of these 80 per cent are women. It is going to result in our establishing a 15-minute rest period in the morning and afternoon. W e find that the girls who go to the lunch room come back to their job more effi cient for the remaining hours of the morning. The labor laws of England now in force as a result of the conditions there, show that women should not be exposed to excessive heat or cold; that the temperature must be an average, and must be maintained, if women are to be employed successfully without injury to their health. W e must raise the question of exposure in our shops. I am not going to expect much mercy when I talk about the style question; the women are wearing shoes that are not fitted for work. Some of them are made out of paper, and on a particularly rainy morning a girl will come with shoes not in repair and her feet will be wet. W e have a supply of dry shoes and stockings, and we are sure that in this way many colds are prevented, and it is good business. Although we are not doing this in a business spirit, it is good business to keep your help on the job. The lunch room is necessary especially for women, a place where they may sit in pleasant surroundings; and it should be in the building. W ith regard to the standard of wages I must consider that subject briefty. The cry to-day is “ equal wages for equal work.” I am not going to deny publicly that women are worth as much in industry as men; I am going to question some things, and hand them out to you to mull over. I f you establish a piece rate in your shop, make it the same for women as for men. But consider a minute the value of a woman on a straight week wage, taking the place of a man. There are some drawbacks to the same week wages for women. First, is the length of service. W e find that 48 per cent of the men in our 110 DILUTION AND SPECIAL TRAINING. shop have been with us five years and over. W e find that 24 per cent of the women, just half of the proportion among the men, have been there five years and over. A woman, particularly a young woman, takes the job as an interlude until she may be exposed to matrimony. That is, the accumulated value that that woman has to the employer is lessened because of the knowledge that the woman has necessarily a shorter life at work than a man. The average life of women in in dustry is less than five years. Ta*ke the social significance of it. Aver age up your women and men, and you will find that the men have a larger financial responsibility. Without arguing the point, the ma jority of the men are married and have financial responsibilities. O f course, we have widows, but that is the unusual case. Men need a larger financial return than do women in the majority of cases. I f a man be inclined to employ women under 18 or women at all, he is nec essarily restricted by law to shorter hours. In case of a peak load in any department it is easier to work tliat department overtime if men are employed in the department than if women alone are employed, and it does upset the arrangement of the factor}7, especially if over time is to be taken into consideration. As much as possible we must struggle along without working overtime; but it is sometimes neces sary for certain departments to work overtime, and if that can't be done by women, their value to the employer is somewhat lessened on that account. A curious thing, we find— I am interested to know if this experience is borne out elsewhere— that the absence record among women is double that among men. It is hard to tabulate figures on reasons for absence; but we find women stay home to keep house— for no other cause apparently; they simply do not want to come to work. W e do not find that so much among men. W e find that women are less adaptable than men. There are only a limited number of jobs we ought to put them on. Women get a sort of an affection for tlie chair in which they sit, or the girl next to them; and when you trans fer them from one department to another, they w^eep. But to a man all we have to say is, “ Bill, we are stuck. Can you help ns out ? ” But you must argue the whole case with a woman and tell her she is coming back tomorrow to sit next to Mary. I am telling these things to suggest to } to u , not to deny that women are worth as much as men, but to suggest to you that women may not be so valuable on a weekwage principle as men. As I mulled over this speech last night, I said I must work up to some flight of oratory as I finish. A man ought to do that in giving a speech. I want to say just this, as a mere man, as a man who for two years was a common laborer in the lumber mills of Colorado, and apprentice in a tool shop, janitor of a public museum, that as to standards of workrooms and standards of work what I have giveiv you applies, for the greater part, to men as well as to women. You know we heard a lot yesterday about the STANDARDS FOR W O M AN EMPLOYEES---- H U G H FULLERTON. I ll slacker, about the fellow that works one day, and then goes for an other j<*b; in Cleveland we call him the “ industrial tourist.” W e heard a 1dt about that fellow, but let me say to you that industry is responsible for the industrial slacker. I defy any of you successfully to find, as a principle of anthropology, that man is a migratory ani mal by nature. W e have fostered that spirit and that sort of thing, and you and I are going to judge the efficiency of our work by the reduction of the “ industrial tourists.” W e are expecting something from workmen we don’t give ourselves. How many of you men and women from the organizations represented here give a month's notice or a day’s notice to your employees when you fire them? Yet we stand and kick because a man leaves without giving notice and goes somewhere else, when we ourselves don’t give him any notice. W e ought never to fire a man without three days’ notice, and we ought to pay him the wages for the time of the notice. W e must emphasize that when we employ him. A girl called me up not long ago and said, “ I have been offered a job to which I want to go ; but you have been so decent over there, and you emphasized the fact that you would not fire me without three days’ notice. But I am afraid that if I don’t get to my new work on Monday I will lose that job.” She appreciated the good will of H . Black & Co. Quit your foolish advertising. Don’t care whether you are alone in the city or not. Quit it, because you are bidding against one another, and you are taking men from the east end of the town to the west, because of your adroitly worded advertisement. Put your emphasis on your employ ment standard. Don’t say to me or to anybody else that you have not been able to convince your general manager that standards in your shop are wise. That is your job, and when we say that it is difficult, it is true, but that hard-headed president or general manager can see the good business of keeping people and cutting down labor turnover. I wish somebody would say again and again, “ Keep the help you have got; you would have less turnover.” Establish certain stand ards of labor; standards that we are beginning to establish, standards for women that Ave should have; and standards for men. Sell that idea. That is your job and mine. Five years from now we will not be talking about the “ industrial tourist.” W e will begin to talk about human efficiency, in terms of incentive to good health, and in centive for clean living; and the “ industrial tourist ” and turnover of labor will be greatly reduced. The C h airm an . W e have been fortunate this morning in our pro gram. In fact, we have not time to finish it. Miss Obenauer, of the Industrial Service Section of the Signal Corps, and Mr. Carpenter, of the Recording and Computing Machine Co., of Dayton, Ohio, have been obliged to decline the invitation to come here. [Session adjourned at 12 noon.] F R ID A Y , M A Y 10— A F T E R N O O N SESSION . C H A IR M A N : CAPT. BOYD F ISH E R , ORD. R. C ., S U P E R V ISO R , GO VERNM ENT COURSES, W A S H I N G T O N , D. C. SE L E C T IN G W O R K M E N . [The session was called to order at 1.30 p. m. by the chairman.] The C hairm an . W e will come to order, please, gentlemen. Mr. Kelly has not appeared upon the scene yet, so I think we better get under way, and I will be glad to turn the meeting over to him on his arrival. W e will start the afternoon program by listening to Mr. Mark M. Jones, of the Thos. A . Edison Industries, on “ Classification of personnel in the Arm y.” CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONNEL IN THE ARMY. BY M ARK M. JONES, SU P E R V ISO R OF PERSON NEL, OR A N G E , N. THOM AS A. E D ISO N IN D U S T R IE S , J. In the absence of Dr. Scott, the gentleman who was to have ap peared before you in this connection, I want to tell you something about the largest single job in history in the selection and placing of men. The advance of national standardization has been very much ac celerated by the W ar. W ar standardization has been heard of a great deal. While as a Nation we have frowned upon great concen tration of capital and great concentration of power, it now seems clear that as any one thing increases so the methods for controlling it increase at the same time. The relations between functions in industry must be very carefully analyzed, standardized, and made available; that is, the concentrated results must be made available in some form that is recorded for the benefit of all individuals in the organization. There is a great deal of knowledge in the world; that is, there are a few new things. There is, however, a tremendous amount of information that has not yet been reduced to paper, especially information with regard to the selection of workers. I started out by referring to the magnitude of the job of the Com mittee on Classification of Personnel in the Army. That committee 112 CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONNEL IN ARMY— M . M . JONES. 113 was a civilian organization appointed last summer by the Secretary of W ar to consider the formulation and adoption of a plan for select ing officers for the Army. They developed a system the fundamentals of which were devised by Prof. Walter Dill Scott, who w^as made the director of the committee. The duties of the committee increased so rapidly that it ultimately expanded into a tremendous organization. Congress declared the policy of the Nation to be selective service; in other words, every man should be given an opportunity to use his own individual talents to the best advantage, not only in civil life but in the Army. As soon as the selective-service act became effective the problem of carrying into effect the policy of Congress faced the Administration, and this committee was designated by The Adjutant General to solve that problem for the Army. The committee consisted of 11 members; I believe a number of the members were professors in colleges and universities, and several were employment managers or personnel executives in large institutions. The committee faced not quite such a serious problem as w e have here because it did not have to go out and “ dig up ” the men from whom to select; fortunately that was not a consideration entering into the work. It was simply a mat ter of sifting those who came to the Army, sifting them by various methods until they finally were put into the right place. Selection after all is a matter of sifting, and you may use various instrumen talities for that purpose to assist you in fitting the right sort of a scheme to your own organization. Before the members of the committee could start sifting they had to have an inventory of qualifications of the men who came to them; they therefore used the idea of an application blank for mili tary purposes and developed a classification card for the Army. The classification card provides space for the man’s name; his occupa tion; just what the man did— for instance, a man might say that he was a machinist, but you would find upon further questioning that he had simply operated some little machine on a production opera tion and that he was no more a machinist than he was an administra tive specialist; how good he was at his job, i. e., expert, journeyman, or apprentice; the name of the firm; that of the department or branch; the address of the firm; the man’s vocational assignment with the A rm y; his military education; the record of trade tests; whether or not the man is married; his race, age, height, and weight; and a list of important occupations, those in which he has had some experience being marked with a single check, those in which he is an expert with a double check. The reverse side of the shows the man’s education, language spoken, military experi ence, place of birth, citizenship, the local board from which he came, his signature, and provides a space for records. A number is placed 77920°— 19-------8 114 SELECTING WORKMEN". opposite each occupation and across the top of the card. That num ber is also recorded. Tabs of different color are used to indicate different degrees of expertness— a green tab originally meant an expert and an orange tab a novice. A black tab covers the man who speaks French and German or who has had previous military experience, or has other important qualifications you would want to know if you were selecting men. Thus, by the use of these devices you can definitely link up the whole file with the qualifications of the man represented by the card. In other words, you look down the file and over 22 you find the tabs covering chauffeurs, and of course it is apparent to any of you that that expedites picking out a man. This may be an old story to some of you, but if your company is after men, these facts apply to your business and these are your problems, notwithstanding the difference in size between your com pany and the Army. Since it soon became apparent that this was a war of specialists, it became necessary not only to make this machinery effective but to make it reach the highest possible degree of efficiency. When the system was started it was used in connectiQn with the men who were drawn under the selective-service act, later it was extended to cover the National Guard and Regular Army, and now all the military forces of the Nation are covered— not only the enlisted men but the officers a]so. A t the time the system was started I represented the committee at Camp Upton, Long Island. W e conducted what I think was one of the largest employment offices ever known; we had 372 people in the employment office alone, and handled 3,000 men a day, assigning them to the right branch of the Army and getting them on the pay roll. Our problem was simply that of bringing the job and the man together, and the handicap was determining the value of the man. The man would state that he was an expert and you simply had to take his word for it. O f course, the weekly earnings that he received in his previous position gave you some index to his skill. There was not sufficient time to take that matter up or get in touch with the pre vious employers; but it was apparent that something further must be done, and we saw we had to have a national job analysis, so far as the Army was concerned. W e then had to formulate the standard trade specifications and occupational index of the Army. I find that it is an idea that will probably be carried out still further by the Depart ment of Labor as it was referred to by their representative in his remarks. The trade specifications are simply military specifications. They represent the ideas of those men in the Army who are responsible for results, as to just what qualifications their men should have. It is nothing more or less than a job analysis that covers a wide expanse CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONNEL IN ARM Y---- M . M . JONES. 115 of territory; it sets up a common language throughout the A rm y ; it puts the same name on the same job everywhere in the Arm y, and presents an opportunity for requisitioning men on a catalogue basis. The specifications have been drawn up to carry out that idea. W e have a book arranged so that the occupation is stated on the side and the symbol number appears over it, and the code number to the right. Each paragraph also has a number. The book shows the duties, qualifications, and substitute occupations, and is just as brief a de scription as is possible of the military needs in that connection. I do not think it is ideal or that the descriptions are all that they will ultimately be, but I think it represents an important step forward. This work has, I believe, been taken up by the Department of Labor and wTill be extended on an industrial basis. W hat the Army has done is not new; it has just been done in a different way and for a different purpose from anything done before. Some one asks, “ Can a copy of that book be obtained ? ” I do not think so, but the idea will be useful to you. So far as individual concerns are concerned, I think the value of this would rest in the outline of a method which they may work out in a similar way in their business. Not everything in it would interest the average em ployment man. A great many of you have a job analysis, and if you do not have it, you ought to. As soon as you have the job analysis you have the first working tool of the interviews; if you know what job you have to fill, then you can start out and find the man to fill it. The size of the requisition has some bearing. You are fortunate in not being in the position of the Army, because officers receive requisitions from 1 to 10,000 men. That requires pretty fine sifting, and you then appreciate the great value of a tab system. When you come to fitting the man to the job you run into a rather unknown quantity, because we have been depending upon the general experience of men who as interviewers concentrated their previous mechanical experience at that point in the interest of the organiza tion. You usually only cover four general needs: ( 1 ) The personal desire of the man, (2) his personality, (3) his trade knowledge, and (4) his skill. O f course, the importance of each will depend en tirely upon the job; they will have to be balanced to get the result you are seeking. To work that out on a uniform basis it is necessary to have a measuring instrument of some kind. The judgment of the interviewer has been the measuring instrument. In the Army it was found that experienced interviewers were not available, so it was found necessary to devise a system that could be used by men of ordi nary training. Naturally, you will not go in your own plant as far as the Army has had to go, but some of these measuring instruments may be applied in a particularly useful way during these times when 116 SELECTING W ORKM EN. experienced interviewers are not available. You can put a tool of this sort in the hands of a man of higher intelligence and, of course, get much better results than if you left him without any other tool than his own judgment. For military purposes a small handbook entitled “ Aids to Inter viewers ” was developed. It contains a set of questions covering 120 occupations of first importance to the Army. The questions are de signed to show in which of three general groups— apprentice, journeyman, and journeyman expert— a man should be placed. The questions are not yet perfect. They represent, however, a distinct advance over the methods used by interviewers prior to this time, and I think the presentation of the Army experience in this con nection will be helpful to you. The questions will be useful at the start particularly. When you put a new interviewer on the job he will have a reinforcement that will do much to improve the results, and after awhile he will not need to refer to the questions, because he will hire men only for a limited number of jobs. They are most useful, because you have to put new men on and you may have to have a substitute do the interviewing in the absence of the man in charge. The important consideration in formulating material of this sort is the manner of stating the question. It seems, for instance, that a man should not be asked the question, “ Can you operate both a hancl-screw machine and an automatic-screw machine ? ” Is it not far better to state the question thus: “ W hat kind of machines have you operated ? ” In other words, do not state a question that gives the candidate the answer. Personality depends upon the position and is something we might not attempt to measure from a trade standpoint. W e have proceeded further 011 the question of checking trade knowledge and at the present time are working on a system of combining oral questions and photographs as a step further than this. The idea is to have photographs of all the tools of the trade and on a separate sheet a number for each tool and a statement of what the tool is and how it is used. Foremen who have used this method claim to be able to check about 90 per cent as to the candi date’s ability when he appears for examination. The photograph method should, of course, be used in connection with the oral ques tions and the two will work in together excellently. I f I were in the average industry and thought something like this would be helpful I would get trade catalogues of a number of con cerns, cut out pictures of tools and machines, mount them on cards, and place them in the hands of the men in the employment office. They would thus have something that will often serve them in a most useful way. CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONNEL IN ARMY— M . M . JONES. 117 The problem of the interviewer is to measure the applicant’s fitness for the job, and the more nearly the tests in the employment office can be made to conform to requirements of the job the more success ful the examination will be. I show you a photograph of the tools of the sheet-metal wrorker. Here are the tools of a blacksmith. Here are the tools of a wire-rope splicer or lineman. Here we have the lathe, the various tools around it, numbered for identification by the man who says he is a machinist. W e have an automatic-screw machine with cutting tools fitting it. You can vary that and put a number of machines in one photograph. You may go a step further and have in your employment office a photograph of a man working on a machine, and if your job is located a great distance from the office you might find it helpful to take the job to the office instead of taking the applicant to the job; it will save time and you can get excellent results. Photographs can be supplemented still further by blue prints. You can have a wiring diagram in your employment office, or you can have a pipe layout; and you can carry the idea just as far as the needs of the situation may demand. When an interviewer gets through with the question of trade knowledge the sole remaining question is that of skill; that is, as to how expert the man is who knows all these things about a job, and whether he has been primed by some one and is there simply answer ing, parrot like, questions that he has already been informed on. The only way finally to check that is by measuring his skill, and, of course, in the average industry that is determined by the performance test the man is given on the first day or first w7eek or first month. In the Army we go just as far as possible definitely to determine the ability of a man so that he may not be sent out to do something he can not do. It is more important in the Army than in an industry to have this knowledge. The ultimate scheme for measuring skill in the Army seems to be to have, at various points where large military forces are concentrated, testing laboratories, equipped with the ma chinery and tools with which to give the tests that will determine the man’s skill. Just how far one should go naturally depends upon the predominating occupations in the territory from which that point draws its men. How these tests can be adapted to the average industry is a ques tion. Some of you have tools in your offices now, and the man has to demonstrate what that tool is and how to use it. It is very seldom we go further than that, but it is possible to carry it further any time when you are warranted in sifting fine. In these days it is a pretty hard job to find the men to sift at all. r The line of development of “ Aids to Interviewers ” will depend upon the class of positions to be filled. This work for the Army 118 SELECTING W O RKM EN. simply indicates that the problem in setting up machinery for selec tion is to make available to the interviewer the information you already have. As I see it, the idea of “Aids to Interviewers ” can be developed on a pretty broad basis. These “ aids ” will help in setting the standards for trade education in occupations that have been covered. I f you can use any of these ideas, I place them before you for whatever they are worth. The C hairm an . W e will be glad to hear from Mr. Miles of the Council of National Defense. W O M E N IN IN D U ST R Y. BY H . E . M IL E S , C H A I R M A N , S E C T IO N ON IN D U S T R IA L T R A IN I N G FOR T H E WAR E M E R G E N C Y , C O U N C IL OF N A T I O N A L D E F E N S E , W A S H I N G T O N , D. C .1 I am asked to speak on “Women in industry.” This is a very interesting subject at this time, but a year hence it will be almost commonplace. M y real interest is in intensified war production, in saving the lives of allies at the front, and advancing the day of victory by the more perfect use of our factories. This larger view and the study of foreign experience justifies the statement that fundamentally production in the machine trades is not a matter of sex, but only of skill and numbers. That we have thought in terms of sex betrays our passing ignorance. This does not mean that we are to hurry women into our factories. On the contrary, the cares of civilization have been divided between the sexes. Men, by common judgment, have been the fighters and the economic producers, and will continue so. But we must regard womankind with a new appreciation, with a thorough-going reali zation that women are able to do almost anything that men are now doing in our factories except where brute strength is required. Says Mr. Kellaway, Secretary to the British Ministry of Muni tions : No limit exists to-day to tlie capacity o f women in the engineering [i. e., mechanical] and chemical industries, and the adaptability o f the m anufac turers seems to be equally great. Says Mr. Ben H . Morgan, specialist in industrial training, of the British Ministry of Munitions: By the process o f dilution, we have been able to place in munition works $bout 950,000 women to do work from the heaviest laboring unskilled operation to the highest grade o f toolroom non repetition work. * * * After a few months’ workshop experience, women are to-day building the greater part o f one o f the best high-speed engines in the country, each woman setting her own tools and work, and able to machine any piece o f work that the tool she is on w ill take. * * * Turning and finishing test piece in various metals to a five thousandth; making tools and gauges of all kinds to fine lim its; all varieties o f bench fitting to drawings and marking-off work of every descrip tion. * * * Women are doing magnificent work both as regards accuracy and output. 1 Since this address was mad« the Government lias established at Washington, D. C., the Training and Dilution Service, with Mr. Chas. T. Clayton as director and Mr. Miles as chief of training. 119 120 SELECTING W O RKM EN. W hy are women doing these things in England, France, and Italy ? Not because naturally desirous, but because— Had tlie women o f Britain been unable or unwilling to step into the vacant places, the war, first lost in the workshop, would have been finally lost in the field. In her hour o f greatest need, Britain has called to her daughters. She has not called in vain. By their industry, their efforts, and their heroic sacrifices the women o f Britain [and France and Italy] have saved their country and have saved the world. There is ample assurance that these women will withdraw from the factories as happily as the soldiers will withdraw from the trenches with the coming victory. Many women will be almost as unwilling to continue their factory work— many of them are deli cately reared— as the men to continue in their present occupation of killing. Meantime, the factories of England and France are operated mostly by men past the draft age, by the physically unfit, and, in very great measure, by women. O f these three classes, if any excel in accomplishment, it is the women, not in the least because they are women, but because they are young, strong, open-minded, and desper ately in earnest. The wonder is that production is not less but far greater per operative than in peace times. Sex has no more to do with mechanics than eating has. This being so, are not those employment managers who do not know this and do not have this in mind in case of necessity, a possible hurt to their companies and to the cause of victory, because they are unprepared, upon occasion, to use exhaustless forces imme diately at hand ? Such manifest qualifications of these general statements as that of the greater muscular strength of men and the finer touch and sensitiveness of women’s hands, etc., I leave you to make. Let no one assume from the facts stated, however, that women may properly be rushed into our factories. Our situation as yet only remotely compares with England’s* England had to use women. W e must prove the need as we go along; and no man not now in essential war work may shirk a factory job on the ground that u some woman can do it.” Women are to supplement men, not to supplant them. The section on Industrial Training, of which the speaker is chair man, is composed of equal numbers of representatives of organized labor, of leading employers, and of experts in industrial training. It is the judgment of each of these groups and the pronouncement of the section that our first duty is to train every unemployed wage W O M EN IN INDUSTRY---- H . E. MILES. 121 earner for an essential trade and preferably for a job of correspond ing value to the one he leaves, and to give preference to the men now in the factories before bringing in either men or women from out side industry. Also, the representatives of labor and employers must go hand in hand in this work. Said a great member of an English labor com mission, “ You can not go faster than labor can see the way.” W e are all fighting as brothers in this war. Every employer owes it to the cause and to himself, not only to deal fairly with labor and not to use the present situation for temporary advantage, but to make his position so clear in this respect that none can misunder stand him. Few realize the strain that is coming upon industry in the next few' months. W e should seriously consider an army of 5,000,000 men as probable by 1910. After debate, Congress struck even that number out as a limit. After the additional millions have joined the colors, we must pro duce not less but very much more in our factories than now. Authorities who should know say there is a shortage now of 250,000 common laborers and as much more of skilled laborers. It is estimated that from 600,000 to 800,000 must be brought into our factories by January 1, and taught to perform skilled opera tions. This is an estimate only, but it is by authorities who can judge as well as any. You, as employment managers, have the task of getting them. You can not continue to gamble on faces at the employment gate; you can not continue to advertise promiscuously; to “ scout;” to spend from $20 to $50, as some of you do, for each new person of whatever ability, whom you get upon your pay rolls. The old order has passed away. W e must develop now methods as scientific and intensive as we have ever developed in other fields of production, and by these new methods we must make the skill that will make the product. W e must a£t upon the proven experience of nations that have been longer in the war and accept that experience at full value, with only such modifications as may become necessary. The foreign experience is a written book, England and France first “ mussed along ” as we have done. Then they resorted to their trade schools and found, as we will, that those schools had to be re equipped and the school instructors replaced almost entirely by factory foremen and factory mechanics with production experience and minds free from the burden of “ related instruction,” and all else not necessary to instant accomplishment. England is using 60 trade schools to decided advantage in this way, but they give her only 1,700 new workers per month, and most of those for the simpler operations. 122 SELECTING W O RKM EN. She has also five instructional factories that accommodate 800 per sons in courses of about six weeks. W e already have in the United States a few schools doing war work of the highest order and examples of what -dozens of schools should be that are now as dead to industrial service as if they were in China. Instances of these splendid schools are the Worcester Trade School, which will cooperate with a group of Worcester factories through the Summer; Pratt Institute, of Brooklyn, which is training for high factory service two or more shifts daily of men from the nonessential trades and others; the State Trade School, of Bridgeport, wThich is training men to be high-grade machinists on special operations; the Boardman Apprentice School, of New Haven, and the Cass Technical School, of Detroit. The director of the k-st-named school, Mr. Allen, says: W e have taken high-grade machinists in Detroit who have been in the shops for a couple o f years and were fam iliar with the use o f drawings, decimal equivalents, etc., and made tool-room machine operators doing work o f con siderable variety, each on a single type machine, almost immediately. In three or four months, by continuing to watch and instruct such a man, he has been able to run almost any machine and do on it almost any work laid out by the toolmaker. Great as is the service of the schools in England, and great as it will sometime be in the United States, it is necessarily slight as com pared with the total need. Remember that there were only 488,000 mechanics in the United States in 1910 according to the census of that year, and that many of these must be in France for maintenance and repair work; then re member that 600,000 more than we now have must be brought into the factories by about January 1 and made skilled. It was such a situation as this that caused the employers of France and England to see a new obligation resting upon themselves, collat eral with the contract obligation to deliver the product contracted for. The necessary skilled help was not in existence. The schools were inadequate. Each factory had to train the skilled operatives to make the product. Training rooms were established in many factories and the success exceeded expectations. Soon the British Government made the establishment of these training rooms a part of the contract obligation. The French Ministry of Munitions appointed a commission to investigate and recommend, and upon the findings of this commis sion required every factory in France employing 300 workers or more to establish a training room, preferably near the tool room, for its employees. W O M EN IN INDUSTRY---- H . E. MILES. 123 It w&s no excuse for a factory to say that it had plenty of skilled help. In that case, much of its help would be taken away to other factories that were in need. Smaller factories were excused from training, as they should be in this country, only in case they ar ranged with a public school for the training of their help. So many great factories in America are now putting in these training rooms as to make it no longer experimental. It is already a moral obligation upon every employer and we need not be surprised if it is soon required here as abroad. One hundred and fifty factories in this country will spend many millions in training their workers. These are only some of the first to begin. One is spending at the rate of $457,000 annually. Another includes in its annual budget $750,000 for training departments in two of its plants. Several will equal these*. Others will meet their requirements most moderately. This outlay seems large but it is virtually no expense at all, because the training rooms are production departments, as later explained. Contrast this expense incurred for a good return in production and the stoppage of labor turnover with that cf a factory which has spent $750,000 in the last six months in getting 15,000 new workers on its books, two-thirds of whom have since quit, leaving many ma chines still idle and not a few broken, and with no adequate repair force to put them in order. The instructors in these training rooms are simply skilled men taken from the operating force— not foremen, who can ill be spared. Often an operator can teach better than a foreman. The instructor must have the teacher’s instinct, he must be able to tell what he knows and be patient and sympathetic. He must be of excellent character and able to deal with women when they are to be trained. It has been surprisingly easy to find and develop instructors in our plants. W e have, found, working at machines, men from techni cal secondary schools and colleges and men who have been teachers. Any man selected should be watched carefully until proven fit. Pie should immediately visit successful training rooms and begin by using their experience. A training room may well be called a “ human tool room ” where the human instruments of production are made especially fit and happy at their tasks. Among the principal functions of a training room are these: 1. The “ upgrading ” of present workers. It is an industrial and social blunder to go outside habitually for new workers for superior places. In some of our factories the whole spirit has been strength ened, the output increased, and the wastage diminished by a policy of promoting wherever possible and using the training room as a means of advancement from any place to the next higher. 124 SELECTING W O RKM EN. W e need high-grade mechanics. machinists’ union in a great city: Says an able president of a I used to fasten engine cylinders to the floor and rig up apparatus overhead with which I rebored the cylinders, measuring them with ordinary calipers, and I did a good job. Men of this sort can be trained for high-grade tool room work in short order. So, men are being upgraded through training rooms by intensive, scientific instruction in production on the job they are to fill. The results are in happy contrast to the old way of simply pushing a man from one machine to another. To illustrate: A man hired as an all-round toolmaker was set to boring a 75-mm. cannon. He called to the job boss, “ Come and give me some pointers.” Said the boss, “ Weren’t you hired as an all-round toolmaker?” “’ Yes.” “ Then, d-------you, bore that or get out.” He got out, and later explained that he is an all-round tool maker, but had never seen a modern cannon and did not propose to spoil the first one. He could have been trained in a single day or less, without cost to continued high production. As it was, the compan}^ lost a good and conscientious worker, and also $50 spent in securing him. Five years ago one of our expert directors of training visiting the Krupp works in Essen was told that that company let no new man go directty into the shop. It tried him out in the training room and then placed him just right. 2. Men from nonessential industries, the new “ work or fight” men, and others are being trained with such dispatch and success as surprises the factories that have these “ vestibule ” schools. I have given you some instances. They can be multiplied indefinitely. A butcher was quickly trained to be a good bench hand and is now an instructor at the age of 55. A masseur from a Turkish bath quickly mastered a No. 3 Cincinnati horizontal milling machine. A carpen ter, aged 61, took a longer time, but acquired very general ability. A laundry shirt ironer after three days operated a screw machine and produced 25 per cent more than had been estimated by the makers of the machine. A t the end of a week, he took the machine to pieces to get acquainted with its entire mechanism. A plumber quickly became a milling-machine operator. Also, a wagon driver at the end of a week could read the blueprints of his work, and oper ate a milling machine. 7V o m e n . — As regards women, the training room is almost a nec essity. W e are treating women like children. W e are giving them tasks that boys could do, and “ fool-proof” jobs. But their intelligence is naturally as good as men’s and we must not forget that an un usually high class of women are offering their services, women corre W O M EN IN INDUSTRY— H . E. MILES. 125 sponding to the venturesome, courageous, far-seeing men who first volunteered. Mr. J. J. Pierson, dilution officer of the British Ministry of Muni tions, Lonclon district, says: You can train a woman for the tool room in three weeks. I f you can’t do it in three weeks, you can’t do it at all. You have simply gotten the wrong woman. Pick out a long-fingered, sensitive, intelligent woman, who is doing especially well on a simpler task and upgrade her in this way. Do not misunderstand him. He is a great production man and knows from extensive experience. He also knows that it takes many years to make an all-round toolmaker. In England, however, it is not permitted to use such a toolmaker except on work that only he can do. A ll the simpler processes in the tool room are segregated and given to newly trained operators, each operator is quickly taught to operate a single machine with precision and accurac}^. Thus quantity of production is secured equal to that of the all-round man because the latter is relieved of simple work that would take him as long a time as the new trainee. Some shops are disorganized with poor spirit and confusion. In some there is opposition and prejudice regarding women. Many women wTill not go directly into factories. Many tell us that they came because there was special provision for training. When tho time comes for women, begin with the ages 20 to 35, and preferably with women having relatives at the front or recommended by your best men. Insist upon a war spirit; require production from the first, averaging up with the factor}^ with 100 per cent accuracy, no wastage. Women, by the way, refuse to waste anything. Boys are . careless. Keep these three daily checks on the training room: (a ) Number of trainees passed into the shop daily. I f this were the only check, they would be sent in too rapidly and not sufficiently trained. (5) Cost of training per operative. I f this were the only check, good workers would be kept too long in the training room. ( c ) One hundred per cent Government inspection. No wastage. Follow up the trainees in the factory for two or three weeks to make sure that each feels at home and is doing as well as expected. O bjection s to the training room .— Some employers say their factories are so crowded they have no space for a training room. This is impossible. The machines take the same space in the training room that they would take in the factory. Some say they can not spare the machines from production, but they produce as much in training room as they average in the factory and soon greatly increase production throughout the factory except in rare instances where factories are still perfectly organized with the best prewar rate of production and accuracy. In one factory, eight weeks after 126 SELECTING W O RKM EN. the training room was started, 10,000 old operatives speeded up materially. Where the factory morale is low, the training room seems almost necessary for the development of a war spirit. It was probably with the latter condition in mind that Mr. Pierson said that an increase of 25 per cent in production could be depended upon. W e know of much greater increases, and we know of no increases in a few cases under exceptionally successful managements. C ost. — One factory is spending at the rate of $30,000 annually in its training room, but this is only $3 per trainee. A s its entire force of 10,000 workers speeded up in consequence and as each trainee is above the average shop worker in production, and as the new workers must be trained somehow, in any event, I leave you to figure the cost. In one factory about 3,000 persons are employed monthly, and half that number quit. In this factory less than 4 per cent of all who have entered through its four months old training room have since quit. Figure the cost. In another factory I would estimate the gross daily cost of train ing at from $50 to $100, and the reduction in wastage at nearer $5,000. Consider your own expense as employment managers, your inability to man your shops adequately, the old “ hire-and-fire ” estimate of $50 to $150 cost per man for “ breaking him in,” and against these ex penses put from $3 to $10 as a probable cost, net, per trainee. W a g e s .— Pay good wages in the training room. It makes little difference to you how much, for the period is short. O f course, you will pay women according to their production and service, the same as men. That is now everywhere agreed. W elfa re w ork .— This is now understood. Women especially must, be amply provided for. Woman is the more delicate instrument and, like the Kentucky thoroughbred, if I may make the comparison, she needs grooming; and good care pays. T he sex problem ,.— There is none if you are wise. From the first instant provide against it. Let “ Mind your business ” be the order to every operative. I like best a Philadelphia factory where many women of a splendid type are under the supervision of one chosen from themselves as assistant to the superintendent. This assistant knows what it is to work at a machine all day; she knows factory life. She is high minded, quiet, and well balanced. Under her direction no woman recognizes any man except the one in charge. The men like this. There are no implications and no complications, no glances, no smirking. Not even does a passing clerk or friend stop to gossip. H alf our troubles in this matter come from suspicion and curiosity. K ill these, set the highest standard, and the shop tone is better for: the presence of women. Trifle or neglect and you will get your due. W O M EN IN INDUSTRY---- H . E. MILES. 127 N ot a panacea.— The training room is not a miracle worker, neither is it needed for instruction on the simplest processes. A s heretofore, the ordinary drill press, the turning of a shell, and many fool-proof operations of great accuracy can be taught on the machine in a prop erly organized factory. Every factory, however, needs operatives for the finer processes, and the higher the process the more the need. For all but the simpler processes the training room is necessary in this crisis. Those who have these training rooms already see that, like their tool rooms, they have come to stay. I have shown you, as I have talked, many pictures in substantia tion of my statements. You have seen women rather quickly taught to do things that in peace times we thought that only a few men could do. You have seen how and why England is winning the W ar in her factories. W ill you win it in ours? You have seen men from the nonessential trades performing the highest sort of service in war production. W ill you help them per form such service in your own communities? Training must be made a community matter as it is in Worcester> Buffalo, and Detroit, and is coming to be elsewhere. Factories must do different^ in different communities, and each must plan with tho others in the common interest. Above everything labor men must be consulted, for they are making great concessions here as in England, and they must know, as trustees of a great interest, what is proposed and what is done. I am asked to answer the following questions: 1. What adjustments are made necessary by the introduction of women into employment? Answer, (a ) A woman assistant to the superintendent or “ shop mother,” with no power to give orders, but with full power to con sult, hear troubles, and advise, and mighty keen to detect and prevent sex influence. (b ) Bloomerette costumes (khaki) and low-heeled shoes; rest rooms; doctor or nurse, etc. The doctor will be called upon less than you expect if the welfare conditions are right, for a great many women thrive on factory work of the right sort. (c ) Good, hot, midday lunch at cost; 10 minutes’ rest mid morn ing and mid afternoon, and either an eight-hour day, or nine hours’ maximum, with Saturday afternoon off. W e are speaking now not of the basic day, but of the actual limitations in hours of physical exertion under any conditions. (d ) Seats with backs to use occasionally or usually. (e) Ages, preferably 20 to 35, serious minded, recommended by the best men employees, preferably “ with relatives at the front *’— Or war spirit. 128 SELECTING W O RKM EN. 2 . W hat steps should an employment manager take in getting the employer to use women in his plant? Answer, (a ) Before taking any steps, make certain that male w age earners can not reasonably be secured and that this is evident to the working people and others. Then get the literature of the Section on Industrial Training for the employer, including weekly bulletins on new developments. ( b ) Pry the employer’s mind loose from tradition and inertia— some job. Turn him from the inclination to cry for assistance and to the determination to help himself as far as he can— to try, even if not cocksure. ( c ) Get him, or a constructive, determined, production man from the factory, to visit two or three of the present best training rooms, particularly one in a shop very like his own. (cl) Make a joint and community matter of all this. Some shops should not use women at all, because the work is unusually dirty, or excessively heavy, etc.; others in the community can, and must in some cities, as the situation becomes acute, both for their own produc tion and as a relief to those who can not. 3. To what extent do the principles involved in training women apply to the training of unskilled men to do skilled work? Answer: Forget sex. Training is training, for man or woman— brains and hands in either case, and woman’s hands commonly the more subtle. 4. W on’t industry be flooded after the war by the great numbers trained for temporary war production? Answer: From a deep religious sense or otherwise I dislike con sidering conditions after the war. I am absolutely confident that the man or nation who submits to the highest known obligation will be protected somehow in his lesser interests. There is but one supreme obligation now— racial salvation through the winning of the war. Those who are able to win the war will be able at its conclusion to settle other matters. I would train women, so far as it is fair, on war specialties, like time fuses, light shells, rifles, and other things never to be made again, at least in our generation. To that extent, these new workers would then be taught only to make war materials, and the only utterly nonessential occupation in tlie world a short time hence will be the making of munitions. The English labor unions prefer that women rather than boys shall be brought into the factories, because boys will stay and women not. The wage-earning period of a working woman’s life averages years. Furthermore, there will be millions less of able-bodied men at the end of the W ar than at its beginning. There will be an untold W O M EN IN INDUSTRY---- H . E. MILES. 129 amount of reconstruction in the devastated countries and of re plenishment everywhere else, for all the people in all the warring countries are doing without many things, are wearing out old uten sils, clothes, etc. I f, therefore, some of the newly taught people stay in the factories we need not expect an oversupply of workers. W e have only to continue in the present spirit to get better wages, better working conditions, and a general betterment applied in all present endeavors in the field of industry. This is certain: For the first time woman is put where she belongs, in terms of her indivdual aptitude, not limited by the mere conven tions and traditions of sex. Nothing can be better for the race, and we need not trouble now over details of adjustment. In conclusion and to repeat, don’t train women or men from out side industry if there are wage-earning men idle who can be trained to do the work. One heretofore idle should never be allowed to crowd out a deserving worker, possibly one on whose income others than himself depend. 77920°— 19------ 9 JOB A N A L Y SIS. BY H. G. IvOBTCTT, SUPERINTENDENT OF EMPLOYMENT, COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO., CHICAGO, ILL. Yesterday Mr. Stearns, of the Westingliouse Electric & Manufac turing Co., of East Pittsburgh, spoke extensively on job analysis with respect especially to machinery and lathes. H e told us what the Pittsburgh company had done in the matter of organizing their shop help into classes A , B , C .3 etc. The company I am with in Chicago felt? the need, more particularly, of classifying its various occupa tions. W e felt that our work was more or less specialized, though we have a large number of trades and occupations that are in some ways very common. In the organization we have approximately 5,000 employees. Several years ago we started out to find out accu rately what every man was doing, so we sent a form, a written form, to every man in the organization. W e asked him to tell us just what he did and to what foreman or subforeman or head of department he reported. These various forms were all assembled and classified, and like occupations were then assembled. W e found we had about 450 different occupations. When we got these blanks together we found that there was a con siderable amount of correspondence. W e then took these various classifications and got them in shape. I have a number of them, and will read them to show what our people really do. You can see that the job of finishing of poles is that of an ordinary day laborer. W e have a number of employees doing this kind of work and felt they comprised a specific class. The duties of another class involved re sponsibility, some familiarity with special conditions, and some pre vious experience, but did not involve the exercise of systematic judg ment. I could go on and specify 50 or 60 cases like these. W e classi fied the positions in each department. They were given to the head of each department so that he would know what he had in his depart ment. W e then found that the job was only 50 per cent completed, and we are now “ hooking up ” the kind of man who is best fitted for that job. This is a big task, because there is great difficulty in ob taining definite information as to what occupation a man will fit. We are getting along fairly well and hope later to have the entire shop classified, so as to know what is what in each department. The system classifies every man in the organization in the specific depart ment, and as changes in the organization come along we have a form prepared. Then the employment department renews such record 130 JOB ANALYSTS— H . G. KOBICK. 131 and if we think it is proper we change our records and establish a new job in our shop. Almost always it is possible for us to go right to the man on the job. I say to him, “ I want you to tell me just what you do every day.” I ask him to keep this form with him for two or three days and tell him I will be back in a week or two and want that he should make a card record of what he is doing. Then I collect the records. That is our system. I have treated it from the point of view of its practical application in our company. The Chairman. The general subject of job analysis will also be discussed by Mr. P. J. Nilsen, of Arthur Young & Co., Chicago, 111. JO B A N A L Y S IS . B Y P. J . N IL S E N , OF A R T H U R YO U NG & CO., CH ICAGO , IL L . Whenever I think of job analysis I am reminded of the expression “ square pegs in round holes.” You are all familiar with this ex pression. One of the speakers last night used it and it is a favorite with writers on vocational guidance. Of course, the holes referred to are the different positions that go to make an organization. If the organization is represented by a chart, these holes might be rep resented by circles or rectangles of various dimensions depending upon the importance or the kind of position. The pegs, then, are the incumbents of these positions, or the persons all the way down the line from president to messenger boy, who fill, or try to fill, these holes. Now the number and kind of positions, or holes if you please, are authorized and provided by the management and are fixed unless changed by the management in a more or less formal and definite way. These holes exist whether they are filled or vacant. But the number and kind of pegs to go into these holes vary considerably and depend upon conditions not easily controlled. It is the func tion of the employment department to keep these holes filled with pegs that fit and that will stay “ put ” a reasonable length of time. But you say, “ What has this got to do with job analysis ” ? Simply this: I f the employment department is going to select pegs that fit and will stay put (perhaps by the use of the trade tests that Mr. Jones has told us about) it must know the dimensions and other char acteristics of the holes that are to be filled, that is the employment department must know the duties, the responsibilities, the compensation, and the posibilities for each of the positions in the organization be fore it can set up its specifications for the kind of persons that should be secured to fill them. In other words, job analysis is the first step in preparing specifications for hiring. There are several sources from which the information for job analysis may be secured and each source should be fully utilized, even though this may in cases mean some duplication of information. First and foremost there is the original plan or intention of the management that assigns certain responsibilities and duties to the position. Then there is the established procedure or schedule of operations (if the concern is far enough along to have established its procedure). This may often be found in the form of rules, 132 JOB AN ALYSIS— P. J . N ILS E N . 133 regulations, standards, and other routine guides. Finally there is the information that may be collected through actual examination into the work being performed by the incumbent of the position. In securing information from employees to be checked by their superiors and to be matched against the data independently secured by the management we have used what we call a duty sheet. These duty sheets, or questionnaires as they might be called, con tain a series of questions on the duties of the positions analyzed and are sent to the incumbent of each position. It will be found that the usefulness of the answers received will depend upon the thought and care taken in selecting the questions. I f the jobs analyzed occur in a machine shop, the questions should be so framed that they may be answered by “ Yes55 or “ No,” by entering a check mark or by insert ing a few figures or words. I f , on the other hand, a clerical position is being analyzed more latitude may be allowed, for clerks, as a rule, are more able to put their thoughts on paper than are mechanics. There are many benefits, both direct and indirect, which should result from a thorough-going job analysis. I will mention only a few which to my mind are the most important. 1. The employment department secures a systematic and accurate record of the duties, responsibilities, compensation, and possibilities for each position. 2. Lines of authority and duties, which before were perhaps vague and uncertain, are definitely established. 3. Wage and salary schedules are more completely standardized. 4. Blind-alley jobs are discovered and regular lines of promotion are established. 5. The preparation of the duty sheets forces the employees to think seriously about their jobs and this leads to intelligent interest on the part of the workers. Perhaps an illustration of the job analysis and the job specifications might be of interest. I have chosen for my illustration a job about which we all know a little rather than one about which a few of us might know a great deal. The job is that of meter tester with an electric company. These testers come into our houses to test the meters and no doubt you have watched them at work. A job analysis sheet for this position would be about as follows: J ob A n a l y s is . Official classification title: Departmental division: Duties of the position: Plan in line of authority: Position of the next higher grade in the established line of promotion: 134 SELECTING WORKMEN** Standard schedule of compensation: Starting rate. Next advance.Maximum rate. Tlie job specifications based on this analysis and used by the em ployment department would be something like this: J ob S p e c if ic a t io n s . Official title: Departmental division: Duties of the position: Place in line of authority: Position of the next higher grade in the established line o f promotion: Limited schedule o f compensation: A. Personal data: 1. Physical characteristics: Preferred age.________, Height________ , Weight________ , Nationality ______________ , Appearance________________ , Bearing_______________ , Hands_________ , Eyesight__________ _ 2. General character: Honesty, integrity, responsibility, etc., loyalty. 3. Mental characteristics: B. Training and experience: 1. Education (academic training). 2. Experience (practical training). C. Knowledge and skill: 1. Knowledge of electrical circuits. 2. Knowledge o f measuring instruments and meters. 3. Manual of skill and dexterity in using small tools and in repairing meters. In closing let me say a word about the use of these job specifica tions. They really form the basis for the examination to which we put the candidate. But we must admit that we are not very far advanced in this work of examining employees. In the civil service and other Government employment and in many public bodies the technique of mental examinations and practical tests have been brought to a high state of perfection. The civil service commission in Chicago has a motto containing words spoken by Fire Marshal Horden shortly before his death in the stockyards fire: “ We spend large sums of money selecting horses, why not spend some on selecting men ? ” The Chairman. I will now ask Mr. James T. Hutchings, of this city, to tell us about the Rochester plan. TH E ROCHESTER PLAN , B Y JA M E S T. H U T C H IN G S , OF ROCH ESTER, N . Y . I think many of you have heard or read about the Rochester plan in a great many places. It has been outlined in a number of maga zines. I gave a short account of it before the National Chamber of Commerce in Chicago. Since then I was asked to describe it in a general way before the shipbuilders in New York. There is nothing new in our so-called Rochester plan. All there is to it is a question of cooperation among the various manufacturers, having in mind at this time the winning of the war. The problem was put up to us last August by Maj. (now Col.) James, of the Ordnance Department. Guns were to be built and two shell plants were to be equipped in Rochester. Since August they have added a shell and a fuse plant to manufacture fuses for the two shell plants. He put it up to us to see that when these plants were occupied no time should be lost in supplying the tools and that the guns should be produced in the least possible time and the shells made as fast as possible. It was to carry out this idea that a number of the Rochester manufacturers associated themselves together to do what they could to carry out that program. They thought that if the workers were to be paid and the work was to be done and done systematically, it would require an organization and there would be expenses. To meet these ex penses it was decided to assess each manufacturer in proportion to the number of men in his working force, and since the greatest de mand would be for skilled labor, to make the assessment on the basis of the number of skilled workmen in the employ of each manu facturer. In connection with this proposition a central employment department was organized primarily to take care of the help in these war industries. As the buildings progressed tools were brought in.’ Up to about the first of March* we were able to obtain the employees required by the manufacturers without drawing from our other fac tories to any extent. The first move was to get from the various manufacturers of the association a list of the applications they had from men desiring positions, with the qualifications of the men. These applications were classified. The Various employment man agers were asked to send to the central bureau any men they did not need in their work. We also advertised in the surrounding cities and brought in a considerable number from the neighborhood. I under- 135 136 SELECTING W ORKM EN. stand tliere lias been considerable discussion about tliis. We felt that the taking of help from one city to another is a mistake. I think that the Government is trying to place the work with the men in stead of moving the men to the work. That is going to be true, except in the assembling of ships. They must be assembled at the water front. The problem is to use to the best advantage the available help in our committees. We can not expect to win this War—and that is the only thing we think about to-day, and that is why this meeting is as full as it is, 1 believe, because we are here to win this War—we can not expect to win this War, having everything we had before the War started. We can not expect to have every comfort, we can not expect to have every luxury. We can not expect to have every necessity or what we thought was a necessity prior to the starting of this War and our going into it. It can not be said that we were not lazy in this coun try prior to the War. What were we doing ? We were manufacturing and producing the things that we all wanted and could pay for. We were not equipped to send away a million and a half men. Now they are taking off 5,000,000 men. To do that and to plan for a million and a half or 5,000,000 men we must forego some of those things. It is going to be necessary for us to see to it that the men are well fed and clothed if we want to win as quickly as we can. I feel very strongly that we have got to bring that about, and if we do bring it about it is going to be by cooperation on the part of em ployers and employees in the placing of men where they are needed. I f that has been effected thus far, let us do every other thing that can possibly be done. Let us carry on business as usual and turn over to the Government everything that we can get that can make it possible to win this War. We have arrived at the point of greatest difficulty in handling our local situation. I want to say right now that a Rochester plan or a Syracuse plan or a Buffalo plan will not necessarily work in Harrisburg or Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. Up to July I had no cooperation with my employees. You can not adopt a plan in any one place by making it similar to that in any other place. You can adopt this plan of cooperation. We brought in from the outside about 5,000 people and put them into these industries. We now have between five and seven thousand, and they will have to be taken care of when the situation becomes nor mal again. A large part of these are not highly skilled men. They are skilled in a particular process, but not in any particular line. Our problem is very similar to the shipbuilders. They have been severely criticized for not having brought out more ships and we have spent a tremendous amount of money, but when you recognize that we are building 30 ships where we formerly built 1 and when TH E ROCHESTER PLAN---- JAMES T. H UTCH INGS. 187 you recognize that that means 29 to 1 in every skilled position. While there were plenty of hands there were only 1 to every 30 that were needed to do this work. This has been done through teaching and training men for these various skilled occupations. They have had to use this one man to teach 29 more. That is the problem we are up against now—-to take those men who are not organized to bring the War to a successful issue and show them how to do it. It is a question of cooperation, of getting the most work out of what help we have. I f we can only stay in the War 10 years, I think we can win the War by producing material. D IS C U S S IO N . Delegate. What steps are taken to control floating labor? Mr. H utchings. It is a very hard matter to control floating labor when advertisements are appearing for 400,000 men required by the shipbuilders, and in all these advertisements which we see in the newspapers every day young men who cover their families when they put on their hats are going to move whenever the spirit moves them. I do not know of any way, and haven’t heard of any, to hold them. That is the ultimate problem we have—to control the men in that situation. This question is a hard one and it always was a ques tion. Men like to see the country. We must catch a man as soon as he comes to our country and get him to work as soon as we can. I think our statistics show there are very few men that are not working, except when on the road. Delegate. How do you prevent competition between p l a n t s , pre vent men going from one plant to another? Mr. H utchings. That is a question of cooperation. Delegate. I would like to ask if the Rochester plan is merely the organization of the employers and employees, and if the forming of a central bureau was not a duplication of method, and why you did not choose the Federal or State bureau to work with? Mr. H utchings. We have used the very steps advocated by the Federal and States Employment Bureau, but we have gone some what farther than that. I do not know that the Federal bureau takes up the question of employers not entering into competition with the Government in getting these workers. We have used the State Employment Bureau in many instances to great advantage. D elegate. Y ou said there was an expense in forming a central bureau. W hy go to that expense? Mr. H utchings. Each of the factories has its own employment organization. They will not take an applicant until they have gone through their list, in many cases because they do not want to bother. We are in a situation to fill the jobs. Mr. W inans. The reporter advised us that copies of the proceed ings in mimeograph form will be available within the week with R. C. Bovit, Chamber of Commerce Building. If you will leave your orders with him, they will be mailed at $5 a copy. A summary of 138 DISCUSSION. 139 the proceedings will be printed in the Monthly Review of the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the June issue, probably between June 7 and June 15.1 A special bulletin of the Bureau of Labor Statistics containing the details will be issued during the summer. This is the best arrangement the committee has been able to make under tho circumstances. Mr. B aknes. I want to speak of the Rochester plan, because I feel how easily it could be applied in other cities. We were talking just now about machinery and about cooperation. The Rochester plan simply means the central organization of manufacturers and the recruitment of labor under one head to effect maximum output of war supplies. We all listened to the address last night and I believo wTe are all in favor of building up a central employment system. Whether you believe it or not it has got to come; we have got to have some sort of system through which we can work the country's labor supply as a whole. Therefore, if we are going to go into tho War and produce the best advantage by the help of employees, both men and women, then we must have a country-wide employment system. At the present time we have what I believe is considered to be a fairly successful system considering the amount of money allowed by our legislature—that is, considering what our product is. I f we have the Rochester plan, we have each city sitting by itself and saying we will keep our men in our city and take whatever we can from other places. You are talking about competition and how inadvisable it is and how wrong. You all realize that any say that within the city limits it is possible to steal. To my mind the Roches ter plan simply opens an opportunity to steal from another city. We are willing to turn over all our machinery for the benefit of this city and every other city in the State of New York. If they had used the same money and put it into the machinery of the State system, they would have had more effective work done. They say they have used us. That is true. They have. We have been willing and anxious to be used and would have been willing to have them place as many people as they have employed in their so-called central bureau and to give them full power, provided they knew the difference be tween a lathe hand and a farmer. That is what ought to be done. I am going to speak frankly. In maintaining this Rochester plan, they have rented a building right alongside of what we built up to save the farmer. We need farmers. I believe that although you represent factories you realize that unless we get seed into the ground now we will Hooverize next winter because nature requires it. For that reason I have, through the Food Commission, got the power to call for 30 men to appoint food specialists, people who might be used in farm 1See Monthly Review for June, pp. 1G8-177. 140 SELECTING W O RKM EN. work. I am also doing some work to help in the shipyards. I know how necessary it is that all the shipyards get the proper number of men. This season we consider it is better for men to go on the farm. What I do want to say is that if we are going to get results, we must have one piece of machinery. The best thing would be to have a sin gle system that will cover the whole country. The State systems are going to do that. In order to do that they are not to cover such little places as are considered in the Rochester plan. Delegate. For three and one-half years I was the labor commis sioner of the State of Ohio, conducting the public employment offices in that State. Besides that I had the supervision of about 143 pri vate employment offices in the State of Ohio. I am to-day connected with a motor company, of Cleveland, in welfare and employment work. As such, I have been in the employment offices in the city of Cleve land and picked the men to go to work. I am not the only one who has been looking for recruits. There are others from Cleveland doing likewise. We have in various locations as many as 200 men employed in the public employment office in Cleveland. The point I intend to make is this: You may establish as many employment*offices as you like, but that does not put the men to work. That is my experience. The public employment offices in England were held up last night to show how successful they were. In England they are 15 years ahead of us in America. It is only five minutes since a speaker said that the Legislature of New York had not seen the necessity of aiding the employment office of the State. So it is with the funds that have been allowed the National Employment Office, I believe. The arch enemy we are fighting to-day is Germany. Germany has prepared for the War and has skilled men and women between 18 and 55. If the work in a factory is not productive, they compel John Schmidt to go to a factory that is productive or go to jail. By conscripting everyone that will not work you will eliminate all these troubles. A. K. Doucet, employment manager, Laclede-Cliristy Clay Prod ucts Co., St. Louis, Mo. I want to talk about the Rochester plan. The advantage of the Rochester plan as now managed is this: When you get a man into your employ you do not classify him once, but five, six., seven, or eight times. When you want a man, or 10 or 20 men, you can go to the files and get them. I had occasion to try this out and found this to be so. As to the State employment bu reaus, they are as good in New York State as anywhere. From St. Louis in 10 months they shipped out 5,000 men. Here is an employ ment office that confines its work to getting men and keeping them in Rochester. I think if you men will'think over this plan, you will go home and think it is the best possible plan. Delegate. I would like to ask Mr. Barnes what plan he has to keep the men in one place? DISCUSSION. 141 Mr. B arnes. Tlie plan we have for stabilizing them is that we ask that no advertising be done in the particular city in which the office is located. We refuse to send out of town any workers of the kind for which we know there are orders in that city. That is the only method of stabilizing you can have. For instance, we kept Syracuse from having any orders until Syracuse lost over 8,000 men. That was only about four months ago. We let some of those men go out, but we advised with the plants whether or not we should send out certain men. As soon as trained men began to be assembled 111 Syracuse, we began to let the orders go, and our office is letting any orders go to any other cities. I am sa}dng that if you have any sort of a plan that you call the Rochester plan it is better to have one plan than tAvo. I only ask that you work it under one management. We are trying to get the best way of dealing with labor. No dis tinctions are drawn. Mr. W ells. The committee having the matter under consideration recommends that a national association of employment managers bo organized at this convention. You have heard the recommcndatiQn of the committee. The question is open for discussion. The com mittee would like to know whether you will authorize it to proceed and prepare a definite plan for the organization of such an associa tion and report at the meeting to-morrow morning. That question is now open for discussion. H erbert E. H errod, president Mahoning Valley Employers’ Association, Youngstown, Ohio. May the committee formulate a plan of admitting both employment managers and individual em ployment managers where no central association exists? It seems to me from experience that it is necessary in order to obtain the greatest good from an organization of this kind. I have watched with a great deal of interest the growth of sentiment and whether or not we can agree with all that has been done here; it is a method by which an expression of the sentiment from all over the country can be heard. I think the committee should design such a plan or a composite plan. The Ch airm an . The committee submitted this plan in order that it might be recognized. Capt. F isiier. There is no doubt about the need of a National asso ciation. We recognized such a need last year. As the development in employment work up to that time had mainly dealt with local troubles, it was considered advisable to make a start at a National association. I should like to see such an association formed for sev eral reasons. I should like to see the employment manager able to receive help from the employment office, in order that what action he 142 SE LEG TING W O RKM EN. takes may be authentic and authorized by employment managers. As other departments of the Government aro assigning men, I should like the employment managers’ association, if one exists, to assign a man to work with the committee when that committee brings in a plan before the convention. Then, if it is necessary to cooperate with the Federal Government, the association ought to be able to as sign some person representing our point of view to work in conjunc tion with the Federal bureau. "I think it is necessary that men who are on the job should have their opinion heard in the National Gov ernment, that an association be organized for that purpose. 1 should like to ask if the committee has formulated any plan of representation in this proposed organization. Is it going to be a mat ter of representation as we have it here? Is it going to be open to everybody who may happen to be an employment agent or a repre sentative of a State employment association such as we have in a number of States ? I think the committee must tell us something of what their plan is going to be, rather than ask us to organize an association without much consideration. The C h a ir m a n . I might say that the committee considered this plan and prefer to hear the discussion on the floor. It is proposed that we have a National association composed entirely of managers of firms. I think the committee agreed that it should be composed of individual employment managers and also of managers who might attend this convention. One plan was that there should be a National association composed of membership by firms. Another plan was that the present membership by local associations should be continued and that there should be added to that membership all firms who would contribute certain sums of mony. There was a slight difference of opinion as to whether after the association was formed the mem bership should be by firms or by local organizations. It is moved that we accept the report of the committee and pro ceed to election. D e le g a t e . Before we adopt this I would like to hear some one ask the right to direct any gigantic movement of this kind. I have not heard, and I do not think any delegate has or any of the mem bers have heard, anybody say who has the authentic right. I want it recommended by some one close to the Secretary of Labor. D e le g a t e . Has anyone more right than one of the managers them selves? I represent one of the managers of Pittsburgh. We are trying to start a movement, if it meets with the approval of the people here present. I f it does, we propose to get the managers representing the various associations of the country together and present a report to-morrow morning. Personally, I think it does meet with your approval. DISCUSSION. 143 The C h a ir m a n . It has been moved and seconded that we proceed to the formation of a national association of emplc^ment managers. The Chair will state that when that motion is carried definite in structions will be given to the committee or to some other com mittee to formulate a plan. [The ayes have it. Motion carried.] Dr. T a lb o t . In 1910 I had the pleasure of establishing a great many service departments. At that time we were interested in wel fare, and the service department I had was new. I wijl follow the history of that move since that time. Firm after firm has become convinced of the advantage of that service. In 1912 I published a list of 200 firms that had service departments. Since that time the number has been steadily growing and I venture to say that we now have in this country 20,000 firms that have service departments, and this is no small matter. It has been a matter of State education since 1910. This meeting augurs to me the widest and biggest move ment toward industrial democracy in this country and real de mocracy, American democracy, of any that has been organized. I would suggest that we make our membership just as democratic as possible, and, in view of the fact that the matter has been gone into in the utmost details in the experience of the National Safety Coun cil, I think it would be well for the committee to take into consid eration the organization of the National Safety Council, which Mr. Palmer will recall was started in a small way. At the second meet ing in Pittsburgh there was only a group of men around a table. If this organization is going to do a large amount of detailed work, there must be money to do it with. We have to have a large mem bership, and that the dues may not be so excessive as to keep out members that organization should have perhaps fifty or a hundred thousand. Therefore, I would recommend procuring sufficient funds, as the National Safety Council has done. D e l e g a t e . I make the motion that the national committee of employment managers be authorized to take into consideration the/ membership of local employment associations and of members of the State association. [Motion seconded by Mr. Gowin, of New York. Motion carried. ] The C h a ir m a n . I think there should be a discussion as to whether or not opportunity should be given for members in localities not having any association. It has been moved that the individual em ployment managers comprise the membership of the national asso ciation. [There was no second to the motion.] 144 SELECTING W O RKM EN. D elegate. The term “ firm ” has come up so frequently, that I want to ask if the managers are going to fall back on the firms for funds? The C hairman . It means that if the individual changes his posi tion or is promoted he is a member of the association, because it is making him more valuable for the work of the concern. I believe the majority of the concerns have no hesitation in taking the costs of the membership as part of the legitimate expenses. D elegate. D o you gentlemen who represent firms want to repre sent your firms Or by members individually? The C hairm an . I will take the liberty of saying that the national committee would like to meet immediately after the banquet. The suggestion has been made that the membership be made up of managers, and then that it would be a question of accepting indi viduals, whether members or not. M eyer B loomfield, head of Industrial Service Department, Emer gency Fleet Corporation, Washington, D. C. I want to say one or two words which may be of some use in the plan of the national associa tion. It is certainly very gratifying that a great many visitors here present are delegates who do not happen to be members of local organizations. There is not the slightest doubt that they are as wel come as the members of associations, because, as the meetings are con ducted, I suppose everybody stands on the same footing. I would like to point out how a national association may vastly promote the growth of local associations and strengthen the already existing association. I urge upon you gentlemen to consider very seriously one of two lines of policy because what you decide to-day or to-morrow will determine the fate of the local association. In my judgment the great value of a National Association is in its rep resenting the force and the strength of the existing and new labor associations. I f it becomes something else to the detriment, to the weakness, or to the obliteration of the labor associations within a 'year or two, we shall have the following situation: The National As sociation, so called, will be fighting for its existence as a National body with its own system of plants and its own internal affairs, and local associations will have to decide ultimately to abolish their identity or to be replaced by a new local body or plan some countermove to keep themselves alive. I think the ultimate determination will be the extermination of the local associations for this reason. We have a new situation with a new version of the labor problem which must be solved locally. The local association is 011 the job all the time. The National Association will have one annual meeting and jubilee and the directors leave here appointing a committee. Many of the members of the employment managers’ association will comc from a DISCUSSION. 145 widely scattered area. The largest contribution will come from the associations on the job. Also, as to those who have no opportunity to belong to associations, I would suggest that the committee that is planning this work make provision to include the membership of those who are too far away from existing societies. We want their brains and counsel. If there are gentlemen who will be in sympathy with it, we want them to join the association, to change this if they do not like it. It is their duty to join those associations. The Na tional Association should represent chiefly the combination member ship of those associations with the additional strength of individuals. I want to caution you against adopting any resolution that will weaken or undermine the strength of the existing societies, and I might say the National Safety Council offered its services to the Government a year ago, which services were accepted. I suggest that the committee will find it of value to get in conference with the chairman of the National Safety Council. Dr. T albot. I would like to call to the attention of Mr. Bloom field the experience of the American Medical Association, the exist ence of its own membership and its representing the growth of local associations[Session adjourned.] 77920°— 19------ 10 F R ID A Y , M A Y 10— E V EN IN G SESSION— B A N Q U E T . C H A IR M A N *. H EN R Y T. N OYES, TREASURER, ART IN BUTTONS ( I N C .) , ROCHESTER, N . Y . A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. The C h a ir m a n . This day is a day memorable to you who are inter ested in employment management. It is a day memorable in his tory from the standpoint of several nations which are now engaged in the greatest conflict of all times. On May 10 , years since Charles the First signed the act that created a perpetual Parliament for England; on May 10 , in the early history of our own country, Ethan Allen captured Fort Ticonderoga and struck one of the blows which laid the foundation for this democracy in which we live; on this day the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 came to an end by impos ing upon Erance an indemnity of one billion dollars and taking from that country—for a while—the Provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. This has been in many ways a remarkable convention. I feel that all of you who have been here have been impressed with the spirit, the earnestness of purpose, and the character of those who have taken part in these meetings. The attendance at the convention has impressed not one, but all of you, with the fact that we who are here realize these are war times and that we are in earnest in our desire to serve and do what we are told to do. This convention has significance from two standpoints; and I want to emphasize them to you. It is of significance not merely from the standpoint of war service but of the future. Out of this tremendous world upheaval in which we as a nation are now taking part, what is to come? I question whether any of us really grasps the significance and the import of the forces that are at work. One of the oldest and most experienced and ablest of the statesmen of Japan, who is viewing this world conflict from the other side of the globe, says that this con flict marks the death of European civilization. Is it true ? What is before us? This is sure. We are not going back to the time and conditions of the past. We are going to meet at best new orders and new conditions. It is wise indeed that we here firmly resolve to devote ourselves and our best energy to winning the war, to dedi cate ourselves in the presence of each other to that end and to pledge ourselves, ere this convention draws to an end, that we will stand united till the day of victory. 146 NATIONAL LABOR POLICY---- AN NO U NCEM EN T BY CHAIRM AN. 147 Nevertheless, in the particular actions that we may be called upon to perform in order to win this war it will be necessary that we be governed by policy that looks far into the future and that we con sider all the lessons, the struggles, the suffering, the successes, and the failures of the past. To guide us wisely now it is essential that we have the highest talents of statesmanship. We who are particu larly interested in the problems of labor are met to-night to con sider a national labor policy and to consider the various phases that weave themselves about that policy. Many of you lost a very warm friend in the death of Robert Val entine, one of the most noble of gentlemen and one of the highest of idealists. We are privileged to have with us his associate, a man who not only belongs to the firm of which Mr. Valentine was a mem ber, but who has rendered service in other lines as a professor on employment in Columbia University, and as one of the editors of the New Republic. I take great pleasure in introducing to you to night Prof. Ordway Teacl, who will outline to you some thoughts that he has on the subject of a national labor policy at the present time. O U T L IN E OF A N A T IO N A L LABOR P O L IC Y . B Y OBDWAY TEAD, BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. There has been in vogue in New York this winter the parlor game of “ Telling the Government how to run the war.” The chief qualification for playing that game at after-dinner parties has been a complete ignorance as to what the Government is doing in the war. With us who are administering the Government labor policy in par ticular factories, this is no after-dinner proposition. It seems to me that if we are going to discuss the elements of a prospective labor policy for the country we can do no better than familiarize our selves with the situation as it stands at the moment, because I think most of us who have been at Washington since we entered the War and who have been watching developments constantly feel somewhat reassured that a national labor policy of some clearness and definite ness and of some effectiveness has already been formulated; I would like to take a moment to trace the way in which and the success with which we have met the situation to date. It is astonishing to realize the extent to which the Federal Gov ernment has been able either directly or indirectly to come to work ing agreements with the trades-unions of our country. I wonder il you realize the extent to which that has already taken place. The cantonments were all built on a basis of a memorandum between Sec retary Baker and Mr. Gompers which called for the preservation of union standards at that work. The longshoremen who load the ships for Europe and the seamen who sail the ships are operating under collective agreements with the Government. The ships are all being built under an agreement between eight of the Interna tional unions and the Federal Government. All the leather work of the Government is being done under a collective agreement. The fuel for our industries and ships is being mined under similar agree ments. The major part of the railroad employees are organized and operating under collective agreements. Since the investigative work in the West done by the commission so notably headed by our chief guest of the evening, the President’s Mediation Commission, there have been set up agreements in Arizona, St. Paul in the North west, and in California. The victory of the workers that took place in the packing industry was accomplished through an investigation, the machinery for which was set in motion by Secretary Wilson’s 148 OUTLINE o r A NATIONAL LABOE POLICY---- OEDWAY TEAD. 149 commission, and now the great packing industry of the country is operating under virtually union standards. And finally we have had a bringing together of all the threads, a national embodiment of our whole policy, the creation of the socalled Taft-Walsh board, equally representative of the employers and the organized labor of the country. It is the task of the board to decide the merits of all disputes for the handling and adjustment of which there is no other provision made. How many workers these agreements represent it is hard to say, but it is wide of the mark to think that the Government in respect to the basic industries has not mapped out and is not operating under a policy upon which it intended to proceed. The several items upon which there has been a certain agreement running through these several documents and negotiations are worthy of note. In the first place, they all embody the principle that all griev ances—all matters upon which there is a difference of opinion be tween workers and the management—shall be considered by joint bodies representing both workers and management. Almost all of them have embodied the important principle that minimum wages should be paid in some correct relation to fluctuation in prices and the cost of living. Almost without exception—there are- some ex ceptions—the important industries are operating under a basic eighthour day. The right to organize has been recognized, and the other principles, drawn up under direction of the Taft-Walsh board, the details of which have been so recently in the papers, are already familiar to you. The significant fact about the Government labor policy, so far as I have outlined it, is that in these industries, with two or three com paratively insignificant exceptions, there have been no cessations of work since the undertaking of these joint arrangements. Instances will come to your mind at once, instances where there have been such cessations—Norfolk, Bethlehem, Bridgeport. In all of the cases which you will call to mind I think it will be found that they are cases in which the several policies that I have been noting are not and have not been enforced. There had not been in those cases a contract for joint negotiations. Unfortunately—and those who are close to affairs in Washington will agree with me—unfortunately within the War Department itself it has not seemed advisable as yet to set up complete joint representative machinery for the settlement of grievances, similar to that machinery which there has been formed in-respect to the longshoremen, the sailors, and the shipbuilders. So that these three instances—and others might be mentioned of work that is being done for the War Department—are cessations which have taken place because the Government labor policy has not yet become operative. 150 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. So important, however, has been this shipbuilding agreement which 1 have mentioned, that it is not amiss to understand what gains have already been made in the adjustments made under it. This has an interest quite outside simply shipbuilding circles. You realize, of course, that to-day there are over 240,000 workers in the shipyards, which are scattered geographically, so that working stand ards set in these yards have their effect in communities adjoining. After all, when we consider the labor standards and policy pursued in the shipyards, we are considering not simply shipyard work, but the standards which the Government has set, and which by virtue of its example, are having to be adopted in other industries in near-by localities. What has the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board done? It has now adjusted and given out awards respecting the conditions of labor in all the shipyard districts of the country, so that we can pass in review the policies which these awards represent. The most im portant and the most far-reaching of these policies is this: There are now in the shipyards of the country only two wage scales, one on the Pacific coast, and the other applying in the Atlantic, Gulf, and Great Lakes districts. An astonishing degree of uniformity of scales has.been set in force; and for reasons of reducing incentive for any movement of labor between shipyards. These wage stand ards have been set on the basis of the cost of living. Just now the rest of us—those of us who are interested not only in shipbuilding but in the War Department contracts, in the Quartermaster's Division, Ordnance Department, and Aircraft, and those who are interested in the Navy Yard—are interested to understand how all these Govern ment departments feel that they are going to hold the help that they have without that uniformity and equality of scale which the ship yards have established. We know that the rates set up in the ship yards are in many instances higher than rates already being paid in certain of the other contract shops. That is one of the matters upon which our policy has not yet come to a complete clarity. We have not completely sized up the situation. But the shipyards have the men and are offering inducements to them. The only question is the work incentive and some sort of uniform scale for the other de partments. Shipyard agreements have all said that a maximum of 60 hours a week with not more than 12 hours a day is a desirable stand ard of working hours, the idea being to keep efficiency as high as possible. Each one of the shipyard awards has specified a careful procedure under wdiich grievances are to be carried through commit tees, coming, if necessary, to the board itself. The awards have set minimum requirements of physical working conditions and sanitary equipment that must be provided. And finally they have done one important thing, they have said that in those yards where piece rates OUTLINE OF A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY— ORDWAY TEAD. 151 are in vogue there shall be no cutting of the piece rate during the War; and have required that a notice to that effect shall be posted in a convenient and accessible place in all yards. All this is a very remarkable achievement. It is a remarkable achievement to have accomplished a definition of the policy upon so many important questions. Whether we all agree that these are desirable policies is another question, but the fact remains they have been adopted and those standards are operating for some 250,000 men, which number will have increased to nearly 500,000 men by the end of the summer; so that this is not to be ignored. These labor standards are something that you and I have to reckon with whether we agree with them or not. In the carrying out of these awards there have been certain dis crepancies noted which it is not amiss to consider, because it seems to me that they point in the direction of the problems we have been considering at this convention, and they point to those features upon which there has not yet come complete clarity in our national policy. One of the burning questions brought up at the adjustment board’s hearings has been the question: Who is to determine and how is it to be determined who the skilled men are among those applying for employment? So far as craftsmen are concerned there have been two classifications made—that is, calling them first and second class mechanics. When a man applies to the yard, who is to determine whether he is first class, second class, or a helper, or a laborer? That is one of the questions which the board has not yet answered. Who is to decide—who is to make the effort of getting the union men and the men with whom the unions are in touch, who are admittedly skilled, from the nonessential industries in the Middle West into the war industries? Who is to see to getting these men into essential industries near the coast? The Department of Labor has told me officially that, in the past, refusals of employment have sometimes confronted such men when they have been brought to the coast. What is going to be done to effect the most proper and the most rapid transfer of skilled men to the right places in essential industries in the East? Another problem which will require the consideration not only of ourselves, but of union officials, and upon which the board will have to pass soon, I believe, is the question of the differentials in the rates of crafts. The Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board took the position that in cities where, for example, for various reasons, the building trades wTere strong and had high rates in comparison with the rates paid in the metal trade, it would preserve the exist ing differentials. It now develops that some of the less-favored unions are coming to the board and asking for increases that will make their rates the equivalent of the higher rates in their districts. 152 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. The situation where the machinists, the boiler makers, and the plumbers get different wage scales will, I believe, eventually call for definite action and agreements on a national scale between the employers, the Government, and the union officials as to differentials, that will preserve on a national scale the proper relation between the rates at the different trades. For example, boiler maker in rela tion to machinist, and toolmaker in relation to coppersmith. A further question that we in this convention have already con sidered, upon which it is going to be important for the board to make a decision is this: At what rate and on what conditions are the men in training going to be introduced into factories and yards ? It may be that we will partially train so many men that after the War we will have an extraordinary supply of semiskilled and skilled mechanics for whom there wTill be no place. What is to be our policy for those so trained after the War? How will we safeguard the opportunities for employment for skilled people both now and after the War? And a final problem that has not been met in the shipbuilding situation, and certainly, therefore, has not been met in less organized industries, is the securing of the active, positive, constructive in terest of the unions in shipbuilding efficiency as such. The fact is that we have not yet called a national conference largely representa tive of organized labor to draw out the utmost interest and skill, in order to pool that interest and skill and to learn the best possible working methods and tricks of each trade from the people in each yard who have them for use in every shipyard. We have not yet called in the national labor leaders in the shipyard unions and said, “ You have expressed your willingness to help in securing a supply of skilled men and have been showing what is the right way. How is production being hampered; are methods or ways affecting rout ing of work and various other questions of practice and policy being introduced that will get results? What help can you give in the criticism of production methods ? And then what help can you give us in assuring that your men are living up to the promises we have had with regard to a full day’s work, more apprentices, etc. ? ” Because, after all, we are not going to get interest, we are not going to get cooperation, we are not going to get maximum utilization of energy until we get some sense of responsibility in the minds of the people whom until now we have called in in a half-hearted way, called in and asked to help in the shipbuilding program without realizing how that help is to be best secured. The thing we need is not to go back on our policy; the thing we need is to go ahead with our policy. We have a national labor policy, a policy of joint representation, a policy of conference on these problems, and the only trouble with the policy is that we have OUTLINE OF A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY— ORDWAY TEAD. 153 not applied it enough. The basis of our policy, and the basis of a successful future policy, is the inviting into and the requiring of joint conference and joint consideration and joint decision of workers and management alike on our problems of selection, on our problems of training, on the problems which will come up for consideration after the War, the problems of getting our crippled men back into indus try, the problems of getting the maximum of efficiency out of our equipment and out of our workers. Upon all these questions the only way in which the maximum of interest is to come is by that joint participation in control. Now, I am confident, and am sorry, that some of you are probably feeling that this development will not be in the direction of wisdom; that it will be a policy of knuckling under, of simply accepting the inevitable. I assure you it is not that at all. The situation and the demand for a new policy are dictated not by any demand to knuckle under to anybody. Our policy is dictated by a far more fundamental demand, the universal demand of human nature to express itself with maximum effect and to the best advantage. To-day if we know any thing we know this, that human nature does not express itself with maximum effect and to the best advantage unless it concentrates its energies under conditions where it is asked to assume responsibility and where it has some guaranty that in so doing it is not endangering its whole position. It seems to me, therefore, that the basis of a successful national policy is to continue as we have been going, and to secure as rapidly as possible its extension into other fields. And so I say that our national labor policy is one that requires consideration by workers and management alike of the question of training, of the question of selection of workers, of the question of definitions of skill, of the question of uniformity of wage rates, one that brings them into com mon council and decides them on a common basis; because after all we have not only to consider the practical question of best mechanical methods but the equally practical question of the way in which human nature works best. But we are pursuing this policy also for another reason equally far-reaching, equally fundamental to consider at this hour. We are doing it because it is thus that we foster responsibility, arouse intel ligent interest, and create the sense of participation in control, Avhich is the very essence of democracy. I f we are fighting for de mocracy in Germany we are fighting for democracy in industry no less. We have had a strange notion all these years that democracy was confined in its expression to the ballot. That is not so. De mocracy, if it means anything, in its application not only to industry but to all human activity, means two things: A spiritual change and an institutional change. It means that we are going to treat people 154 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. as an end in themselves, something to be worked for, and something to develop as individuals, as personalities. And it means that our institutions in politics and industry must be adjusted and reorganized to make possible that participation of individuals in affairs, which constitutes real democratic government, which makes real develop ment of personality possible. The only way to go on and fight our War in a big way, in a way that meets the demands of the future, is to fight it on the basis of this representative control in industry. And, finally, the point to be remembered about our democratic government and our democratic future is this: Democratic govern ment and democratic control are not to be exerted by people who are dumped into the middle of industrial control all at once. Respon sibility is to be learned, acquired, and intelligently used only by people who have had the chance to exercise responsibility. People do not have that chance in industry until they secure it ; and they do not secure it until there is representation of the workers in the local and national government of industry. Our policy is in the right direction. Let us go on with it. Let us carry it through to the end, and we will win the War all along the line, from the outermost trench from the frontiers of freedom to the humblest workbench, on this basis of assuring the worker that he is going to be actually a partner in industry, not only a partner in it during the War, but in that era of democratic expansion which is inevitably coming after the War. The C h a ir m a n . This convention is of deep significance to the men who are here, in that it has tended to stimulate the recognition as a profession of the task and work of an employment manager. This convention marks the completion of the first course in employment management given in our university. Most of the people present are here in the capacity of employment or service managers. Their standing is being recognized more and more and the hope and aim and aspiration of those engaged in that work is that they may come in time to be considered as essential a part of industry as the me chanical engineer or the chemist, or the highly technical men who are called in to advise and assist in the direction of industry. These employment managers are to become the industrial counselors, the industrial engineers of industry. That fact, of course, means a great deal to all of you who are here in this convention. It is with particu lar pleasure that we have with us to-night a man who foresaw this, a man who has contributed much to the end we are now attaining. Tonight you have heard groups from various cities expressing them selves in one way and another. A great many of those organizations OUTLINE OF A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY— ORDWAY TEAD. 155 came into being in the last six or seven years as the result of the activities of the man I am about to introduce to you. From the industrial standpoint one fact has impressed me more since the War began than any other, and that was the recent launch ing of the steel vessel of 5,700 tons, the Tuchahoe, which was launched from a New Jersey shipyard 27 days after her keel was laid, that vessel which they promised to deliver in 15 days from the date of her launching. We have come to realize the necessity of ships and that we will have to bridge the Atlantic with a line of ships to win the War. We have been long in getting under wTay; but that fact brought home to us a knowledge and pride in the fact that we w^ere beginning to adjust our industrial condition to the accomplishment of this end. And in the bringing about of those conditions which have made pos sible such an achievement as the building of that ship, Mr. Meyer Bloomfield has had an important part. Mr. Bloomfield is the head of the industrial service section of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, and it is with great pride and pleasure that I introduce him to you to night. PROBLEM S BY MEYER BLOOMFIELD, O F IN D U S T R IA L M A N A G E M E N T . HEAD OF INDUSTRIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT, EMERGENCY FLEET, CORPORATION, W A S H IN G TO N , D. C. Tlie past 24 hours have been eventful in the history of employ ment management. A new profession has come into being. The inspiring graduation exercise of yesterday and the spirit of this con vention have sealed the fact. The American people especially owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Noyes, to the Rochester Chamber of Com merce, and to the University of Rochester, if for no other contribu tion than that of turning out nine men among the number to go back to the shipyards as employment managers. We shall soon have 18 men who have finished these courses at Rochester and at Harvard. They will have work enough to do. In 1916 there were something like 36 shipyards with less than 65,000 workers. Last October when we began to keep the shipyard records there were something like 100 shipyards with 100,000 employees. There are to-day 152 ship yards with 280,000 employees, and by next September we shall prob ably have 400,000 workers. Now, this is “ some ” problem in human management. The rapid inflow of so many men, with the effect of necessarily lower efficiency and necessarily large labor turnover, means—if we are to have the bridge of ships across the Atlantic, if we are to maintain that thin line from here to the western front, if we are to supply this vital need, a need which touches the very life of our war program— that we must have more employment managers who are trained. So Rochester has made a very significant contribution to the most neces sary part of America’s war program just now. It is well, while we take satisfaction in the birth of a new profes sion, to pause for a few moments for some rather sobering reflection. I f this be a new profession indeed, as we believe it is and must be, because men who work in the twentieth century will demand as a right that they shall be supervised and aided by trained minds and humane spirit, if we have a new profession it follows as a matter of course that this new profession will repeat the history of the ups and downs of the old professions. And what is that history ? It is one of gradually increasing standards of performance on the part of the practitioner. It is the history of divisions into schools of thought and practice; and finally it is a history of gradual subjection to 156 PROBLEMS OF INDUSTRIAL MANAGEM ENT— M . BLOOMFIELD. 157 public and social scrutiny, if not control. Now, that is what you must look forward to in your profession as employment managers. As much as any existing profession, and perhaps more than any profession, the handling of men is, in legal phraseology, “ affected •with” a public interest. The employment of men, the supervision of the industrial bargain, has become a matter for legislation, for social supervision. This convention, and all that it symbolizes, rep resents infinite advance over conditions 10 years ago, when there were no employment managers’ association, no employment managers’ convention, no modern handling of men, and no public pronounce ment, so far as I am aware, of the fact that selecting a man to do a piece of work called for high moral and mental qualities. Now, it is a long step in advance that men from important places of employment should gather to demonstrate the fact that we have here a serious business calling for straight thinking and high pur pose. If 10 years have done this what will you be thinking of, and what wTill others be thinking of in this field 10 years from now? For this reason I want to propound two or three questions. I won’t attempt to answer them; I don’t think I know how to answer them. I do know that these questions are going to confront you, and that you will have to take a position with respect to answers to them. This profession will not stand still during the years that you will be busy perfecting your technique, your apparatus, your relationship to the management and to the men. The fact that you stand in a unique mediating capacity, in the capacity of interpreter between management and men will pledge you to make the effort to find an answer to questions such as these. If you are a common denominator between management and men will it always be the case that the management alone shall pay your salary? I am not pretending that I know the answer, but I do know that if there is any life, any dynamic spark in this profession, some such question will arise in the upward development of your practice. If your service is of as great importance and value to the masses of workers as it is to the management, is it too fanciful an idea to sug gest that perhaps the workers themselves through some form or an other may choose to look upon you or some representative of your profession as one of their allies and associates quite as they have looked upon the lawyer or the physician or any other specialist whose \services are open to all who seek that service ? If employment is a semipublic or public function essentially, what is to be the public’s and the Government’s ultimate relation with the men who follow the principles and the technique of this very vital and industrial service? Now, these are just a few of the problems which will face the growing movement. They will call for insight, for vision, for a 158 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. freedom from prejudice and tradition quite as much as these quali ties have been called for in your establishment of a new profession. The capacity for your growth, and of the growth of this movement will be fostered by the response, the absence of resistance to funda mental tendencies, and by the ready and cheerful openness of mind . to face the utmost challenge of your position and of your philosophy at any moment. These are some of the problems. I had no thought of any solution. But they are to be thought of by men who are growing in a grow ing profession. With that growth of the spirit of progress kept alive, whatever the ultimate challenge, whatever the ultimate de mand, if you are true to the vision, you will make the contribution which this movement is making more and more to industrial peace, to industrial prosperity, and to industrial justice. It is my feeling that to-night, that for the past 10 years, we have laid only the corner stone of a great industrial structure, the final aspect of which the future alone will disclose. We need to pray only that the spirit of workmanship and the spirit of progress may guide us in laying the other stones and rearing the structure to come. The Chairman. I had hoped that to-night we could clearly see the tremendous significance to us, individually and as a nation, of the decisions that we are making at this time in connection with our labor and industrial policies. Not only do we have to make these decisions in order to win this War, but in the very making of them at this time we are determining our future and, perhaps, the future of all countries. We are going to face either the death of civilization or the creation of a new social order, and the acts of this moment are those that are going to determine that future. Are we to come through with a social and political reconstruction, or otherwise? Is it true that society is to be reconstructed as a result of our efforts through this War, and the necessary efforts that we have to make in order that industry may be devoted to winning the War? We were told early in the conflict that victory would rest with the nations that had the greatest industrial resources. That fact has not yet come home to us in America, as it will during the coming 12 months. The conditions of the past, when we might have an army in the field and yet carry on “ business as usual,” can not prevail in this War. The essential of this War is that nations $iall be organized to the last unit for the purpose of the War; that everyone, man and woman, shall be organized to devote 100 per cent of their efforts to the common purpose. This is not a War merely involving the use of troops. It is a question of guns, of munitions, of airplanes, and of ships; and, more than that, it is a War of the morale of the troops, scarcely less important than the morale of those who are assembled in industry. Last fall, following the disaster, the temporary disaster, PROBLEMS OP INDUSTRIAL MANAGEM ENT— M . BLOOMFIELD. 159 to the troops of Italy along the line of the Osonzo, what was the danger to Europe? Was it that we questioned the morale of the troops of France or of England or of the other countries of the allies? No. In spite of the insidious propaganda of the Hun there was no question as to the morale of those who were at home. The morale of the working people and of the nations at home is every •whit as vital as the morale of the troops in the field, and that is what we are concerned with, wliat we are facing, what we are compelled to determine. We can feel to-day that many of the steps necessary to the winning of the War have been undertaken. We have no question as to our supplies of munitions. They will be abundant. We feel now that the gun program is well under way, and it is no longer a question of worry. The shipbuilding program is a matter of almost certain accomplishment. The next news will be that the airplane program is in force beyond any question of doubt. But we are coming to one, the biggest question of all, to determine the labor machinery and policy necessary to carry on all these activities and to support life and existence at the same time. That is what we are facing. And to-day the Department of Labor and the ministers of labor are the men on whom we must place a great deal of responsi bility, and the men who will determine a great deal for us all. Look back in the history of the War for a moment. The significance of the Department of Labor to this country may be emphasized when we think of Lloyd George’s work in the Asquith ministry, because, in a sense, Lloyd George, through those days, was the minister of labor for England. We are very fortunate in having to-day with us the Secretary of Labor of these United States of America. He is with us at a time when our national policies regarding labor are whipping themselves into final shape; when we are bringing about the final union of all the resources of this country that will mean victory for the Allies beyond question of doubt; and he is here with us to-night to tell us of the program of the Department of Labor. I take great pleasure in introducing to you the Secretary of Labor, the Hon. William B. Wilson. LABOR PROGRAM BY H O N . W IL L IA M OF THE DEPARTM ENT OF LABOR. B. W IL S O N , SECRETARY, U N ITE D ST ATE S D EPA BTM E N T OF LABOR, W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. When the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Inde pendence a new principle of Government was proclaimed to the v orld. It said, “ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from the con sent of the governed.” Out of that declaration has grown the most perfect democracy that has ever existed on the face of the earth. It is not absolutely perfect, no one has ever claimed absolute perfection for it. It is a human institution and partakes of human imperfec tions. But for the first time in the history of the world a govern ment was instituted that gave to the great mass of the people the opportunity of working out their own destiny in their own way. That government has been threatened from abroad. The institutions built up under it have been menaced by an autocrat, and if I were to confine to a single sentence my conception of the greatest need of our country at the present time, I would say that our greatest need is the spirit of self-sacrifice for the common good—sacrifice of our pride, sacrifice of our prejudices, sacrifice of our physical comforts, sacrifice of our lives, if need be—in order that the institutions handed down to us from our fathers, through which we have been working out our destiny in our way, may be handed down to our children to enable them to work out their destiny in their way, unhampered by the mailed fist of the German autocrat or any other tyrant on earth. We have entered this War for the purpose of maintaining those in stitutions, and there can be no other issue than the winning of the War; and we must not allow ourselves to be carried away by our pre conceived notions or our prejudices into a position that Avill in any manner interfere with our winning the War. In all of the great conflicts that have occurred in the past the methods of conducting war have been such that it was frequently possible, in fact generally possible, for an invading army to main tain itself upon the country through which it was fighting, drawing only upon the energies of a comparatively small number of people at home for the purpose of supplying them with munition. That 160 LABOB PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF LABOR---- W . B. WILSON. 161 condition of warfare has been entirety changed and to-day it is esti mated that it requires the mental and physical energy of from 6 to 10 people at home to maintain one soldier at the front. And because of the great necessity for mental and physical energy at home in the production of material a labor program has become an absolute necessity for the coordination of our activities in pro duction. The Government has been devoting its energies toward the building up of a labor program. There have been those who have been impatient because progress has not been made more rapidly than has yet been demonstrated. Those who take that position fail to realize that we have not been fighting under an autocracy; we have been fighting under a democracy. And you can not take the mind of the American employer or the mind of the American workingman and mold it as freely and easily as the artist molds his clay. They think for themselves, and to me it is one of the gratifying things, one of the things that has demonstrated that we have been making progress in the years gone by, that no single individual has been able to take the American mind and mold it to suit his own fancies. Our Americans think for themselves, and it has required negotiation, it has required the presentation of the needs of the country, it has required the presentation of facts in logical sequence, to convince the American employer and the American workingman, when previously they have felt their interests diverged. But in this great crisis, no matter what their individual interests may be, no matter what their individual influence may be, the in terest of the country at large is paramount to the individual opinion or the individual prejudice. When we entered the War the first thing that became necessary for us to do was to convince the American wageworkers of the great interest they had in the issues of the War. Subtly all over our country there had been conveyed the idea, there had been pro mulgated the thought that this was a capitalists’ war, entered into for the purpose of enabling the capitalists of our country to exploit the workers to a greater extent than they had ever been able to before. You heard that in this community, and in every commu nity in the United States it was persistently presented, thrust upon the minds of the workers. We organized in the Department of Labor a systematic campaign against that and some of the other propaganda that was being put forth by our enemy. We pointed out to the workers that if the purpose of the Government had been to advance the interests of capitalists of our country and enable them to gain greater profit, we never would have engaged in the War. Prior to our entrance into the conflict we were supplying vast amounts of material of every kind and character to the belligerents 77920°—19------ 11 162 A NATIONAL LABOE POLICY. of Europe. Our manufacturers were securing the highest possible price for materials they were supplying, and there was no disposi tion, and would have been no disposition on the part of the Govern ment or on the part of any considerable portion of our people, to interfere with the profits that were secured out of the needs of other Governments with which we were not at that time allied. But the moment we engaged in the conflict ourselves the situation changed. One of the first powers placed in the hands of the President of the United States after the declaration of war was the power to regulate prices of certain commodities, and that power is being extended. In every measure considered for the regulation of prices there was carefully excluded from them any reference to the establishment of a maximum rate for laborers. And that was not all. I f the purpose had been to enable capitalists to profiteer then there would have been no increases in the tax on profits, nor on incomes, upon those having great earnings, nor would there have been an excess-profit tax. The Department of Labor has been carrying that message to the workers from one end of the country to the other, and demonstrating to them that this is not a capitalists’ war, but that this is a war of the people of tlie United States for the preservation of their institutions against the aggressions of autocrats in Europe. Among the other subtle things represented through certain organi zations that were in close touch with the Bolshevik element in Iviissia was the idea that every man is entitled to the full social value that his labor produces; and if they had ended with that kind of a decla ration we might all very well have subscribed to it. I don't know ox anyone that I have come in contact with who takes exception to the declaration that every man is entitled to the full sociai value ox what his labor produces. We may differ as to how we are going to determine what the full social value is, but the opinion is almost universal that every man is entitled to the full social value of what his labor produces. But having laid that down as the basis of their statement, then they carried their reasoning further, and they said, “ The only way by which you can secure the full social value of your labor is to have the workers own all of the means of production and distribution collectively.” Now, that may be a solution of the prob lem. I don’t know. It would certainly be a great experiment at this time. But they go still further with their philosophy and say that the way to get the collective ownership of the means of pro duction and distribution is to destroy the profits accruing from the property, that property’s only value comes from the profits that are accruing from it; and if you destroy the profit, the value of the property is destroyed, and when that is destroyed then the work ers can take it over and operate it collectively for their own use and benefit. Then the next step in their reasoning is that the LABOR PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF LABOR---- W . B. WILSON. 163 way to destroy the profits is to reduce production. That if you reduce production the profits must of necessity be eliminated, and therefore you should reduce production by any process—by strikingon the job, as they say out in the western country—that is, reduc ing the amount of production as far as you possibly can reduce it and retain your job. It is what the English call “ stint ”—putting sand in the bearings, breaking machines, where possible, driving spikes into logs and into fruit trees, or any other process that will result in additional cost to the employer’ or a reduction in the amount of production. That is one of the philosophies that has been taught by the Industrial Workers of the World, particularly in our west ern country; and part of the labor program of the Department of Labor has been to combat that kind of a propaganda. And I may say to you that it is not a difficult thing to combat it when dealing with men of ordinary intelligence. Most of our people not only are able to read, but have read some; and all we have had to do in that connection has been to carry their memory back in history to the period before we began our modern industrial development, when everything was done by hand, when the amount of production per individual was less than anything that would occur from any system of sabotage they might introduce now; and in those days there were still profits for tlie employer. The property still was valuable, but the result was a lower standard of living for those wh« toiled. And if these people succeeded in carrying their philosophy into execution, if they succeeded in reducing the amount of produc tion, instead of eliminating the profits of the employer, they would be reducing the standard of living of the wage earners of our coun try. Consequently the wage earners are more interested in com bating a false’ philosophy of that kind than any other class of our people. This, then, was the first step that had to be taken. We had to bring our people to a correct attitude of mind toward industrial questions, to bring them to a realization of the fact that even in normal times, if we had no war, labor and capital have a mutual interest, not an identical interest—mark the distinction—labor and capital have a mutual interest, not an identical interest, in secur ing the largest possible production with a given amount of labor, having due regard for the health, the safety, and the opportunity for recreation and improvement of the workers themselves. If we pro duce nothing, there can be nothing to divide. I f we produce a large amount there is just that much more to divide. The interests of the employer and employee diverge oidy when it comes to the distribution of that which has been produced; and if they are wise, instead of resorting to strikes and lockouts and thereby limiting production j they will sit down around the council table and work 164 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. the problem out oil as nearly correct a mathematical basis as the circumstances surrounding the industry will permit. If that be true in normal times, then how much more true it is during a period of war. We are spending as a government billions of dollars annually for munitions. The other countries of the world are spending billions of dollars annually for munitions. And those billions of dollars represent expenditures for supplies for our Army and Navy. That means the labor of millions of men in the production of material that is to be destroyed without giving any physical return to mankind for it. What we hope to get out of it is the spiritual return of the maintenance and the betterment of our institutions. With that tremendous expenditure of material, with the tremendous expenditure of the energy necessary to produce that material, it means that but a small number of people can be utilized in the pro duction of those things that are necessary for our everyday life. If we can not have the maximum of production then on the part of those engaged in the production of those things, the time will come more speedily, and it wTill come ultimately in any event if we con tinue long in this War, when we will be compelled to reduce our stand ard of living. And again, the wage workers are interested in main taining the highest possible standard of efficiency during the period of the War. We have been meeting that problem, and I think those of you who are observers of the trend of events realize that we have been meeting with a great measure of success in wiping out the effects of that kind of a propaganda 011 the part of our enemy. Having provided the methods for meeting the propaganda of the enemy, it then became necessary for us to turn our attention toward the adjustment of labor disputes. There has never been a time since the close of the Civil War, at least since our great industrial development began, when we have been free from industrial disputes. We had them in one part of the country or another at all times. Some industries have gone on for almost a generation without hav ing labor disputes; then they had them. Others have had them-more frequently. But we have had our labor disputes with us at all times since the conclusion of the Civil War. Those labor disputes have created prejudices on the part of the employer and on the part of the worker. It was necessary that these prejudices be eliminated as far as possible, in order to reduce our labor disputes to a mini mum. The first step we took in that direction was to endeavor to create a labor adjustment board that would be representative of em ployers and of employees, and then have it written into all of the con tracts that the awards of the adjustment board wTould be binding upon the contractor and that the workmen who accepted the work from the contractor wrould be also bound by the agreement to accept the award of the adjustment board. LABOR PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF LABOR— W . B. WILSON. 165 The plan fell through because of some minor contentions in connec tion with it. Other adjustment boards had come into existence in the War Department, Navy Department, in the Shipping Board, and in the transportation s}Tstems of the country. But it became apparent to those handling the adjustment problems in the Department of Labor and in the other departments that there should be a centralized direction, that there should be a common policy emanating from a common center. The Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board would render a decision establishing certain rates, and certain conditions of employment for the shipbuilding industry. No sooner was that rate established and those conditions brought into existence than the workmen in other industries adjacent immediately set up claims for similar wages and similar conditions. What was true with regard to the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board was true in regard to the cantonment adjustment and other adjustment boards. As a result of this the President ultimately came to the conclusion that a general labor policy should be worked out and placed the working out of that policjr in the hands of the Department of Labor. That was last January. We have been working upon that policy since that time and out of the work that we have been doing has grown the establishment of what has come to be known as the Taft-Walsh Ad justment Board. That board was brought into existence by inviting the Industrial Conference Board, a board composed of 20,000 manu facturers and commercial associations, to name five representative manufacturers, and by inviting the American Fecleration of Labor to name five representatives of labor. Each of these groups of five named an additional member, the manufacturers naming Mr. Taft and the workers naming Mr. Frank P. Walsh. That group of men came together and worked out an adjustment plan, a method of labor adjustment that should be imposed only in the event of the work men and their employers being unable to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement. We named as the adjustment board the same board that worked out the plan and that board is now actively engaged in adjustment problems at Washington. We hope to be able to take another step toward perfecting the efficiency of the board, and that is to adopt the suggestion offered a year ago of having written into the contract a requirement that the employer shall abide by the award of the board, as shall also the workmen accepting employment, in every case of dispute where employer and employees are unable to come to a mutual understanding. But frequently even that will not work a complete solution of the problem, because we will still be con fronted with the question of one set of wages being paid in one place and another set of wages being paid in another adjacent to it, and the uneasiness and unrest that result from two separate wage rates for the same kind of labor existing in immediate contrast with each other. We 166 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. have been giving our attention to the question of establishing not only a minimum wage rate, which we have to a considerable extent done, but also a maximum wage rate. But that is not quite so easy a problem as it may seem on the surface, because, after all, wage rates can not be properly measured in dollars and cents. Wage rates can be properly measured only in what the dollars and cents will buy; in other words, the purchasing power; and our tendency has been in the direction of higher costs of living and with the higher costs of living there has been 011 the part of workmen a demand and a justiaable demand for higher wages to meet that higher cost of living. So we have been going around in a spiral upward and upward with out anyone securing any benefit. It does not help the workmen, it does not help the employer, and it does not help the farmer to have the prices moving continually upward; the cost of living going up, then the wage rate going up to meet the cost of living, then the cost of materials going up to the farmer because of the increased cost of wages; and the cost of living going up and the wages going up and the cost of materials going up to the farmer, and so 011 around in a spiral continually upward; and if we can establish a condition where there will be a limit to the increase in the cost of living and then, having done that, stabilize our wage rate, we will have accomplished a great deal toward eliminating the element of dissatisfaction in the minds of the wage earners in our country. Unrest is always produc tive of inefficiency; a dissatisfied workman is not so efficient a work man as a satisfied workman. One of the problems we have had to deal with for years and years has been the turnover of labor. Our people are still in the migratory stage, and we have a greater turnover of labor than any other coun try in the world that I have any knowledge of. It was nothing un usual before the War to find establishments having 200 and 300 per cent turnover per annum; and there have been a few instances, not many, since the War started where we have had for a month or six weeks at a time a turnover of a hundred per cent per week. Now, you can't have efficiency under circumstances of that kind, and yet few of our people realize that. We are horror-stricken in this period of war, when we need the full effectiveness of every man, when we hear of a strike occurring, and we immediately condemn the leaders of the trades-union movement for permitting a strike to occur during the period of the War. We are more than horror-stricken when, spontaneously, without any previous organiza tion, a strike occurs in any industry at this time when we need every particle of energy we possess. Yet the turnover of labor is the individualistic strike.* The individual, either union or nonunion, becomes dissatisfied with the conditions existing on the job—it may be the wages, it may be the housing, it may be shop conditions, it LABOR PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF LABOR---- W . B. WILSON. 167 may be the sanitary or hygienic surroundings or lack of them, or any one of a hundred other reasons—and his going off the job rep resents the individualistic strike. It means loss every time it occurs, and in the aggregate, with millions upon millions leaving their jobs during the period of the year, there is more, much more, loss to our country and our industrial production due to the individualistic strike, represented in turnover, than to all the trades-union and spontaneous strikes that occur during the year. And it is one of the problems that we are turning our attention to. May I say at this point that I want to congratulate those here who have graduated into the employment-management service? That is the one great reason why there is need for employment managers. We have been paying attention to the development of our chemistry; we have been paying attention to the development of our mechanical engineering; we have been paying attention to our method of plan ning, routing, and so on ; we have been paying attention to all of these elements of industry that deal with the inanimate, and we have abso lutely lost sight of that most important element of them all—the living, thinking, sentient human being, without whom there can be no industry and no machines. And the development of employment* management is for the purpose of making studies of man as the indi vidual and man in the mass; and those of you who have given even a slight consideration to the subject matter know that the two studies are quite different. Man as an individual and man in the mass are two entirely separate psychologies and need separate treatment. We have needed, by virtue of the great centralization of our war industries, to develop methods of mobilizing labor. We have estab lished machinery for that purpose for the movement of labor from those places where there is a surplus to those places where there is a shortage. To do that it has been necessary for us to overcome some of the prejudices that have existed against the Department from the time it was created. There were those who believed when the Depart ment of Labor was created, and who still believe, that it is a depart ment of organized labor. I have no hesitancy in saying to you, as the head of that Department, the only head that it has thus far had, that I have been and that I am now a trade-unionist. Just as every great manufacturer in the country believes in organization, so, too, have I in the line that I have had to follow believed in organization, and I have been a trade-unionist. But the Department of Labor has not been a department of organized labor, but a Department of Labor, as its name indicates. You who are employers of labor may have prejudices against union labor. You who are members of organized labor may have prejudices against the so-called “ open shop.” You who are nonunion men may have prejudices against these “ closed shops,” so called; but so far as the Department of Labor is concerned 168 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. It can liave no prejudices in the matter. The manufacturer who has prejudices against organized labor is a citizen of the United Status, and as a citizen of the United States the Department of Labor can deal with him. The trades-unionist who is prejudiced against the open shop is a citizen of the United States, and as a citizen of the United States the Department of Labor can deal with him; the nonunionist who has prejudices against the closed shop is a citizen of the United States, and as a citizen of the United States the Department of Labor can deal with him. In handling the labor dispute existing in the copper regions of the West we found that prejudice existing—■ the employers’ prejudice against dealing with the union and the union’s prejudice against the open shop. We did not take the em ployer by the nape of the neck and the trades-unionist by the nape of the neck and bump their heads together and say, “ Here, you must agree.” What we said was this, “ If you, Mr. Operator, feel that von can not deal with this representative of the union, have you any objection to dealing with the United States Government?” And they said, “ No.” And we said to the union representatives, “ Have you any objection to dealing with the United States Government? ” And they said, “ No.” Then we said to the manufacturer, or the operator, “ Will you make a contract with us, as representative of the United States Government, along certain lines?” And they said they would. And we said to the union men, “ Will you make a con tract with us, as representative of the Government, along certain lines ? ” And they said they would. They did not contract with each other, yet they contracted with the representatives of the United States Government. The strike was settled, and copper is now being produced. And the same policy was pursued with regard to the packing industry. They did not contract with each other, but each of them contracted with the United States Government. Now, in the same spirit, we have been approaching the subject of furnishing supplies of labor. It has been very natural that the pro ductive departments of the Government should be anxious to secure — an ample supply of labor, and, that being anxious, they should go into the common pool of labor and seek to secure all that they needed, irrespective of its effect upon others. They felt that the responsi bility of making good rested upon them, and, this responsibility resting upon them, that it was their duty to go into the common sup ply of labor and get all that they needed by any methods that were available to them. The great manufacturers in our country have been in exactly the same position. They have contracted with our Gov ernment to deliver certain material within a certain time, and upon them has rested the responsibility of delivering these goods; and they have felt that they must go into this common pool of labor and LABOR PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF LABOR---- W . B. WILSON. 169 get all that they needed for their supply. The result has been a competition that is deplorable. Let me illustrate. The War Depart ment's needs, the needs of other departments as well, required the bringing of bricklayers from some place in the United States where there was a surplus into the cities of Norfolk, Washington, and Baltimore. The Department of Labor having established offices and getting its report daily of the condition of the labor market, went into the market wherever there was a surplus of building laborers, and we brought a supply of bricklayers into those three cities. And then immediately following our bringing the labor from the Middle West into these cities there came into the cities I have mentioned agents of a corporation doing some building for the Government, recruiting bricklayers to go into the employ of a southern company and work for the Government down there. We have taken metal workers from the Middle West, where we found a surplus, out to the Pacific coast to engage in shipbuilding operations, only to have agents of corpora tions having contracts with the Government step in, take the very workmen we had brought from the Middle West, and bring them back as far east as Milwaukee to put them to work on Government work there. With that kind of competition there can be no proper labor program carried out, and we are rapidly remedying that kind of a situation. There is a sympathetic consideration of the problem going on among representatives of the War Department, the Navy Depart ment, the Shipping Board, and the Department of Labor. I don’t think it is going to be very long now before there will be written in the contract a provision that the contractor on the part of the Gov ernment shall not go out, independent of other agencies, advertising for labor or sending out his private agents to secure it ; but that when labor is secured for the private employer doing work for the Gov ernment or for the Government doing its own work, it shall be secured through one central agency having a sufficient number of efficient branches in all parts of the United States. With the going into war we have been taking, as I have said, large numbers of our workers and putting them into the trenches or into the camps. We have been mobilizing other large numbers into in dustrial activities in which they have not heretofore been engaged, and there has been a feeling all over the country that there is a neces sity here, or soon will be a necessity, for drawing upon the women of our country to assist in our industrial pursuits to a very much larger extent than they have done heretofore. That time may come; it is not yet here. One of the fallacies that we have had has 1been that whatever Great Britain has done successfully it is necessary for us to do. In other words, we purpose to do whatever England does. And it makes a decided difference, because we have a different 170 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. situation liere from the situation existing in England. There tliej^ have a much denser population. They have a much smaller country; they have very much different customs from our customs here. Some eight years ago I was over in England, and I was looking into some of the industrial establishments at that time; and I found women working out in the pitheads dumping coal out of the mine cars onto cleaning tables. I found women working at the cleaning tables them selves. I found women working in the brickyards, wheeling bricks away from the molds, and piling them in the kilns, and then, while the kilns were still hot after the bricks had been burned, removing them and wheeling them out into the yard. In the neighborhood of Sheffield, England, I saw women with forges and anvils in their kitchens, so that they might utilize their spare time in making chains. We have never had that kind of a condition in the United States, and if I have my way, unless it comes to an absolutely last emer gency, necessary for the defeat of the Kaiser, we never will have that condition in this country. And,yet it may be necessary to utilize the labor of our womenfolk, and if we are to utilize the labor of our womenfolk, then we should have an agency established that will give an intelligent study to the subject, so that we can make a proper selec tion of the kinds of industry that our women are going to engage in, because our women are the mothers of the future generation; our women have the burden of rearing the population upon which our future civilization depends; and we need an organization, composed principally of women, that will give intelligent study to the matter from a personal knowledge of the physical energy and the physical weakness of women to aid us in utilizing the labor of women to the greatest advantage and with the least detriment to their physical and mental development. There are a good many phases to the program wTe are working out, but I will not take time now to go into any further detailed descrip tion of the general program we are endeavoring to carry out in the United States. We are endeavoring to carry out a unified program that recognizes every legitimate element in the United States which is engaged in our industry—the employer and the employee, the employer who recognizes union labor, the employer who does not recognize union labor, the workman who is a union workman, and the workman who is not a union worker. We have about 85,000,000 of our people who are engaged in gainful occupations. Of that number there are approximately 13,000,000 who are engaged in oc cupations that lend themselves to trade-unionism. Of the 13,000,000 there are about 4,000,000 who are members of unions, and about 9,000,000 who are not members of unions. Of the 9,000,000 there are many, to my own personal knowledge, who believe in unions. We need the labor of all of these people; and we need every energy that LABOR PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF LABOR---- W . B. WILSON. 171 the Labor Department can put forth by which we can secure the highest standard of efficiency. The great spirit of cooperation will be put forth to the end that our Army will be supplied, with all that it needs and we will be able to spare more men to increase our fighting forces at the front. The Chairman. We have upon the program for to-night one other speaker who comes to us with a knowledge and a training that makes the message he has to give us of \ery great importance. The next address will deal with the educational aspect of our national labor policy. I take great pleasure in introducting to you Mr. C. A. Prosser, of the Federal Board for Vocational Education. E D U C A T IO N A L BY C H A RLE S A. ASPECT PROSSER, OF OF THE THE FEDERAL N A T IO N A L BOARD FOR LABOR V O CA TIO N A L P O L IC Y . ED U CA TION , W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. I have watched with great interest during the last few years the efforts made in organizing the Employment Managers’ Asso ciation. The association is rising now into the dignity of a pro fession, because of increasing numbers, because of the solidarity of action and the spirit of cooperation, because of the development of at least a beginning of the ethics of conduct in relation to each other, particularly where managers are associated in local communi ties, and because, as in the case of all other professions, you are now establishing training schools for the training of employment man agers and have begun out of these local associations to organize this Xational Employment Managers’ Association. Now, the employment manager, in my opinion, is, both from the standpoint of the operation of the plant and from the standpoint of the problem we are sure to have presented to us at the conclusion of this War, to be a figure of ever-increasing importance. The time will come, in my opinion, when no man will be hired in the shop without the action of the employment management, and when 110 man will be discharged from the shop without consultation with the employment management. I believe the two will go together, that the time will come when the man who has secured the worker will pass in review upon the trouble that may have led for the request for his discharge, when he will be allowed the opportunity to adjust that man to some other department of the shop, and when the writ of discharge will not be written until the last possible effort has been made to adjust that man to some employment within the shop at which he can work successfully and efficiently. Xow, I take it, Mr. Employment Manager, that any successful scheme of hiring, training, knowing, and firing men, has within it all of these factors: There must at the outset be an intelligent, suc cessful scheme of selecting the man. There must be arranged some proper method of adjusting the new workman efficiently and sympa thetically to the demands of the first job. There must be some sys tem established by which, after training, he may be given an op portunity to realize all there is in him for this and all the other jobs in the line in which he is capable. There will be the necessity of adopting any method by which the result of continued training and 17 2 EDUCATIONAL ASPECT OF L'ABOR POLICY— C. A. PROSSER. 173 earnest effort will be recognized in better wavs and by better posi tions than it has been in the past; and along with that a system of evaluating the man in terms of wage satisfactory to the work men themselves. And, beyond that, opening up wide before the man a vista of hope for the future; and a necessity for cooperation within the plant which will earn for the firm the loyalty of the men from the outset. Now, it may not be possible for the employment manager to be the chief figure in all of that work, but certainly he must be con nected in some way with every one of these steps. We can not con fine him to hiring the men and let him have nothing to do with all the other steps of conservation within the plant without cutting him off at the point where always he must rest under the burden and mistakes of errors that follow. If he tries to hire he finds the man prejudiced because of the reputation of the shop. If he hires the man, he should hire him with some sort of understanding of the career and processes of treatment which he will go through in the shop. So it seems to me that the employment manager is vital in every one of these steps. But the one I want to talk about is the step of training—training a man on the job. I want to call your attention to this situation very briefly. I don’t know how many men are in training in the United States, though there must be more than half a million being trained in the corporation schools and under special schemes established by manu facturers here and there throughout the country, under the special schemes set up by the Army for training its own warriors and by the Navy for its employees, by the shipyards for their employees, and by the Federal Board for the training of conscripted men in evening classes back home to take positions in mechanical and tech nical processes in the Army; and coupled with these, in the constantly increasing number of evening and part-time classes and day classes throughout this countiy. When the report of the Federal commission was written the statement was made that at that time there was less industrial and trade training being carried on in the United States than in the city of Munich alone in Germany. That can not be said to-day. Now, this is the point: We are doing those things to-day because we are pinched, because we are threatened, because we are facing an emergency. I have repeatedly said in public that I did not believe the American manufacturer would “ get down to brass tacks ” with regard to the problem of industry and trade edu cation so as to give it something else besides mere surface attention unless he was pinched in his plans and realized that the men he was securing were not adaptable to the new conditions; until he found our system of high specialization of labor to minute processes would put him in a position, at a time of great crisis, of not being able to 174 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY, do his work, because he did not have the men, and because in the years preceding he had killed the goose that laid the golden egg. It is enough to make one weep to know the kind of young men between the ages of 21 and 31 who have gone to War, not because of their physical manhood, their courage, or their willingness to die. but because of their lack of mechanical and technical knowledge of things that every boy in Germany had when he went to the front. This is a War of mechanism and we are not ready, partly, because of our failure to train our own people in the years past. And if we don't learn the lesson now, when will we learn it? Now, you employment managers are going to face just exactly that problem in the shop where you select men. What are you going to do about it? Establish your own schools. I know of a Federal fund that is available and I want to tell you one or two things about it. The National Government passed the Smith-Hayes Act a year ago. Under that act $500,000 was given for the establishment of schools for industrial and trade education by a special method of apportionment that became operative in the year beginning July 1 , 1917. By the method of apportionment provided in this law $500,000 becomes available for instruction in trades and industries, such sum of $500,000 to be increased at the rate of $250,000 each year until 1925, when a further increase of $500,000 becomes avail able for the two succeeding years, after which the annual appropri ation for such purpose shall be $3,000,000. That money is to be spent for the salaries of teachers of trades and industrial work to meet the necessities of the country; and every dollar of it must be matched by another dollar spent by the State or local community, or both of them together. So you see that the fund will amount to a total of $0,000,000 in 1921 and 1925. That fund is distributed among the States in the proportion of their urban population, mean ing by that those people who live in cities and towns of more than 2,000 inhabitants. The result is that the great industrial States have the money, and the agricultural and small States have not; that being compensated for by the larger amount which they have used for agricultural education, a similar amount being given for agri cultural education. Now, the law7 goes on to provide that one-third of the money— that is, $160,000—must be spent for part-time education, or not spent at all. Now. the trouble is that in this time of war the program of compulsory part-time education, which I believe is coming, because 1 believe that this Government, to save itself, will ultimately under take the conservation of every boy who works, until the age of 2 1 , rising from 16, 17, and 18, the only limit being what period is re quired to save him for himself and for the country. That can not be done at the present time, so we are back on the voluntary basis, EDUCATIONAL ASPECT OF LABOE POLICY---- C. A. PROSSER. 175 largely dependent upon the mercy, the intelligence, the foresight, and the vision of the employer as to whether or not he wants to make now the investment that will come back to him in deferred pay ments in the future, because of the training he is going to give to his young people at the present time. That money is not being spent b}r the State in any great amount, partly, I believe, because many em ployers, many employment managers, do not know of its existence. I want to call your attention to this thing for one reason because capital and labor, employers and tradcs-unicns, can and are getting together on at least four things. The first is compensation; the second is safety regulation: the third is part-time or evening-school in struction for men who are already employed in shops; and the fourth is the vocational rehabilitation of the disabled soldier, restoring him when he comes back from the War, so far as training will, to take up and follow regular industrial employment. You can get that sort of support in your community. Are you interested? Do you want some of that money spent in connection with your plant? Let me tell you some of the things }tou can do to get it: First, see the superintendent of schools in the community in which your plant is located and call his attention to the fact that the school system in the community and the educational fund owe just as much obligation to the young fellow who has gone out into in dustry as to the boy and girl who are still in school, and to men who have been injured in war service, and obtain the appropriation to match this Federal appropriation for carrying on this work. And, next, a schoolmaster can not do this job. The first thing we want to do is to bring into this work the practical man along this line and put him in charge of the “ part-time” education work. And the third thing is that the thing to be done shall be done by the men experienced in the trades and industries, not manual training teachers, but men who can apply the mathematics and drawing and the trades science to the requirements of that trade. Next, go to your employer and call his attention to the fact that we are going to have a labor shortage of the right kind of people; and tell him that if he wants new leaders with breadth of training and adaptability he must lay his foundations deep at the present time. I f he says it is difficult tell him “ Yes, but you can measure this diffi culty whereas you can’t measure the tremendous difficulty and losses that arise from your failure to have constantly at hand an adequate and capable labor supply for doing your work.” If he refers you to the foreman of the department, who says, “ We can’t do it, because it will make some machines idle, because it will cost for power,” tell him, “ You can’t figure that insensate thing you lose in poor leader ship and workmanship, and lack of hope and vision on the part of those young chaps in your plant.” There is not an employment man- 176 A NATIONAL LABOR POLICY. ager in this room who can not use that part-time educational fund 111 his factory. Now, if he wants it, let him go for it in the same way he goes for any other concession under the city government. And the other idea is that when the smoke of all this War is cleared away we will find this world turned almost upside down. I know this is the age of the common man; I know that, after all, the outstanding characteristic of modern democracy is the push upward of the com mon man from the bottom. He is going to be heard more in in dustry than ever before; and that brings us at once to the difficulty between the organized worker and his employer and the unorganized worker and his employer; and the employment manager will, I believe, be the center of that problem, and he may find himself com pelled to face the question whether he is a timesaver for his em ployer or a constructive agent in democracy, trying to save it by bringing these people together not upon the basis of the employers’ or employees’ interests but in the best interests of all. Victor Hugo has it when he says: a The workman would be a leader of fraternity and equality, and there would be green branches upon the threshold.” That means we all are hewers of wood and drawers of water in a pro fession of untold opportunities. I would hate to pass out into the be yond before that conflict is over without being able to see some of the problems that will arise, and some of the solutions and some of the" new dreams that are to be dreamed. When you men as managers think about these pioneer days and the early struggle to bring for ward the idea that there was such a position, and that it wTas alto gether worth while, you might whisper to yourself some of the words from Kipling’s poem on the The Palace, which runs about like this: When I was a King and a Mason, a Master proven and skilled, I cleared me ground for a Palace such as a King should build. 1 decreed and dug down to my levels. Presently, under the silt, I came on the wreck of a Palace such as a King had built. There was no worth in the fashion, there was no wit in the plan—Hither and thither, aimless, the ruined footings ran—• Masonry, brute, mishandled, but graven on every stone: “ After me cometh a Builder. Tell him, I, too, have known.” Swift to my use in my trenches, where my well-planned groundworks grew, I tumbled his quoins and his ashlars, and cut and reset them anew. Lime I milled of his. marbles; burned it, slaked it, and spread; Taking and leaving at pleasure the gift of the humble dead. Yet I despised not nor gloried; yet, as we wrenched them apart, I read in the razed foundations the heart of that builder’s heart. As he had risen and pleaded, so did I understand The form of the dream he had followed in the face of the thing he had planned. EDUCATIONAL ASPECT OF LABOR POLICY-— C. A. PROSSER. 177 When I was a King and a Mason—in tlie open noon of my pride, They sent me a Word from the Darkness—they whispered and called me aside. They said : “ The end is forbidden.” They said : “ Thy use is fulfilled. “ Thy Palace shall stand as that other’s—the spoil of a King who shall build.” I called my men from my trenches, my quarries, my wharves, and my shears. All I had wrought I abandoned to the faith of the faithless years. Only I cut 011 the timbers— only I carved on the stone: After me cometh a Builder. Tell him, I, too, have known! [Session adjourned.] 77920°—19------12 S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 11— M O R N IN G SESSION . C H A IR M A N : R A L P H G. W E L L S, A S S IS T A N T C H IE F E M P L O Y M E N T M A N A G E R , E. I . DU PO N T DE N EM O U R S & CO., W IL M IN G T O N , DEL. SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. [The meeting was called to order at the Powers Hotel at 10 a. 111. by the chairman.] [The chairman announced for Dr. Meeker that copies of the pro ceedings, when printed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, would be mailed to every one registered at the convention, and that the June M onthly R eview containing an account of the conference would also be sent. It was stated that the proceedings would include everything except unnecessary and irrelevant remarks, which would be omitted for the sake of condensation.] [The chairman then introduced Mr. Davis, of the New York Retail Dry Goods Stores’ Association.] Mr. D avis of the Retail Dry Goods Stores’ Association of New York. I have attended a great many other conventions of an entirely different description. It seems to me that in view of the fact, as I understand it, this organization is more or less in its infancy—if I am wrong, correct me—it would be a good thing if to the names that are added in here there was added the names of the concerns, they represent, the names of concerns that have thought it worth while to send their men to attend meetings of this kind. And I would like to suggest that it would be a very good plan for the commissioner, or whoever is responsible for this Bulletin, to provide in or on a separate sheet the list of the names of the delegates present at this convention, together with the names of the concerns they represent. Some of these we might like to get in touch with whose addresses we might have difficulty in finding. One other suggestion. I don't want to be misunderstood about this. The other day a showing of hands was requested of those men inter ested in mercantile lines. I believe there were two people, myself on the main floor, and some one in the balcony; we had a discussion later. I realize that the organization is in its infancy, and can not be ex pected to do everything at once, but would it not be a wise thiiig in considering the arrangements for another year to attempt to get some 178 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. 179 larger representation from branches other than purely factory, and so-called industrial lines ? You see what I am driving at. I do know that we have our own problem and I believe some provision could be made for such an organization as The Retail Dry Goods Stores’ Asso ciation of New York, the City National Bank of New York, the Guaranty Trust Co., and other institutions of a similar character. They all have their problem, and are doing splendid work. The C hairm an . I think those are two valuable suggestions. I don’t know whether Dr. Meeker would like to print that list of names, but I would make this suggestion: That with the permission of those present the chair will order that the new executive com mittee arrange to have printed and distributed a list of those who have registered at this convention. We will need it if this organi zation goes through. It would serve, as you all know, as an ex cellent inclosure to go with the letter. It might be put in the June M onthly R eview . Dr. Meeker, we would be very glad to have you publish that also, if it would not crowd the proceedings too much. Dr. M eeker. Six hundred names is a mere bagatelle; I wish there were more. One point I want to present to the conference. I want to be sure that there is no misunderstanding about this. I think that I am not stating any state secret when I say that this organiza tion, or whatever it is—this thing in process of becoming an organi zation, let me say—has always side-stepped when it came to a question of publishing the names of the firms represented. I never could quite understand that. I did not see what there wTas to be side-stepped, myself; but I want 3^011 to be perfectly sure that you want the list of firms and representatives published. I am very willing to make the attempt to publish it in the June M onthly R eview . But if you are going to send out this list, I don’t see that it will be of any particular value to do that, but in the published proceedings decidedly the list of delegates and the firms represented should be included as an essential part of the proceedings. [It was moved and seconded that the names of the delegates and the firms they represented be published in the proceedings. (See Appendix B.) In the discussion that followed the statement was made that in the Boston association a list 01 the delegates and the firms represented had been of great value in stimulating interest in the association, because the majority of firms, when they sent repre sentatives to conventions or a meeting of this character, wanted to be sure that they were going to meet other people who had the same problem.] [The motion wTas carried.] The C hairm an . The suggestion of the gentleman regarding a division at the next conference for commercial and mercantile 180 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. establishments is a very good one. The lack of such a division has been one of the weaknesses of some of our local associations. 1 have heard the criticism before from department store and bank men that they came to our meetings and all they heard was a discussion of problems relating to industry and production. I will pass the suggestion on to the new committee, and ask that in arranging for the convention next year a definite meeting early in the convention be arranged for those who are interested in problems of that sort. Mr. T yler. May I suggest that manufacturers, especially those em ploying large clerical forces, are in a way interested in the same problem ? Most of our discussions here concern the man in the shop. That is a part of the problem which the commercial man is trying to get information on. Would it be wise to broaden the scope of this convention and make it include salesmanship and commercial inter ests as well as industrial interests? The C h airm an . Can we take care of it by passing on to the com mittee the matter of providing for group meetings? Let us have a motion which will cover the entire field and insure that the program committee realize that next year we want to go not only into the problems of industry and mercantile establishments, but into those of any other institutions: The clerical force, the sales force, and perhaps the problems of contractor, which are quite different from the prob lems of industry. The turnover of contracting firms is much heavier, and they have a much different problem from those operating along industrial lines. [The motion suggested was made, seconded, and carried.] Capt. F isher. Maj. Mock, of the Surgeon General’s Office, who is to talk on rehabilitation of disabled soldiers, has a series of motion pictures which he is showing in connection with this topic, and ar rangements have been made for the exhibition of these pictures at the Strand Theater, opposite the chamber of commerce, beginning at 1 1 o’clock. [It was moved, seconded, and carried that the session adjourn at quarter to eleven. It was suggested by Capt. Fisher that the dele gates should reconvene at 12 o’clock and work on until 1.30 p. m.] The C hairm an . We will now have the report of the committee on organization, and then if there is essential discussion on it, it may be necessary to postpone the discussion in order to complete the organ ization before we adjourn. I think it will be necessary to get through with this, but we don’t want to railroad it through. I am going to read it through and then ask you to act upon it in the usual wa'y. The vote of the committee was that the national association should be informed along the following lines: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. O u t l in e of 181 O r g a n iz a t io n . I. N A M E . Tlie name of this organization shall be the National Association of Employ ment Managers. II. o b j e c t s . The objects of this association shall b e : 1. To promote and foster interest in and study of employment problems throughout the country. 2. To stimulate the growth of local employment managers’ associations in industrial and commercial centers. 3. To encourage the installation and development of functionalized employ ment departments in public and private establishments. 4. To act as a clearing house for better methods for handling problems of em ployment. 0. To work with governmental agencies to bring about closer cooperation concerning employment problems. A III. M E M B E R S H IP . Membership of this organization shall consist of the following classes: A. Group members.—Local employment managers’ associations approved by the executive committee and conforming to the constitution and by-laws, who shall appoint a member as their representative in this association. B. Sustaining members.—Employers who may designate an executive in charge of employment as their representative in this association and who are approved by the executive committee. C. A ssociate members. — Individuals interested in the object of this associa tion who are not connected with employers eligible for membership under Class B. IV. DUES. A. Group membership. —The yearly dues shall be fixed by the executive, com mittee of this association after consultation with group members. B. Sustaining membership.—Yearly dues shall be $100. C. Associate membership.—Yearly dues shall be $10. V. OFFICERS. 1. There shall be an executive committee elected at the annual convention made up of six members chosen from and by the group members and three chosen from and by the official representatives of the sustaining members, to serve for the period of one year or until their successors have qualified. 2. The executive committee shall choose a president, vice president, secre tary, and treasurer from among its own number. 3. The executive committee for the first year shall be chosen from and by the members of the organization committee submitting this report. The executive committee so elected shall complete the constitution and by-laws to conform wit^h.thls outline of organization. 4. The officers shall perform all duties usually pertaining to such offices. 182 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Mr. W in an s, chairman of the committee on organization. This provision [as to clues] was worded in this manner because it was felt that no one here had the authority to commit their local associa tion to higher or other dues than those which now exist, and it will be a matter which will be adjusted by the local committee in connec tion with local groups. The C h airm an . That, gentlemen, is in substance the decision of the committee. The suggestion is, you understand, that if this meets with your approval, that the present organization committee will proceed at once to the carrying out of the outlines of this con stitution, and the preparation of a constitution and by-laws which conform to this; and, of course, will provide means whereby that con stitution can be amended so that if there should be anything not satis factory it can be changed at the next convention. The Chair awaits discussion or a motion as to our action. [The question was asked whether a person who was an assistant of an employment manager would be eligible to associate member ship, since, according to the outline of organization, it would seem that such a person would not be so eligible.] The C hairm an . He would not be. It would be possible for him to be a member of the local association. The intention of this is to encourage and foster, as far as possible, the growth of local associa tions, because there is where the person gets contact with other em ployment managers. But that assistant would have a perfect right to attend conventions. [At this point in the discussion the convention adjourned to the Strand Theater, where Maj. Harry E. Mock, of the U. S. Surgeon General’s office, gave an illustrated address, and Charles H. Winslow, of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, spoke. To avoid dis turbing the continuit}^ of the discussion on the organization of the proposed National Association Mr. Winslow's speech is given at the end of the proceedings of this session (see pp. — ). Maj. Mock’s address is omitted, as it was not possible to obtain the manuscript. The meeting reconvened in the Powers Hotel at 12 o'clock.] The C hairm an . I s it the wish of the convention that we proceed with the discussion of the articles of organization as read this morn ing, or shall we have tlie report of the committee 011 turnover ? The articles of organization should be completed in time for the organi zation committee to report again this afternoon, and if it is agree able to the convention I would like to suggest that we ought to make some headway 011 the articles of organization. The organization com mittee that met last night consisted of the following members of REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. 1.83 the national committee, which is the only official organization existing: O RG A N IZA TIO N CO M M IT TE E . Dr. E. B. Gowin, of the New York University School of Commerce. Accounts, and Finance, New York City. Ralph G. Wells, of the E. I. Du Pont d« Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. Elmer F. Harris, o f the Mesta Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. E. H. Fish, o f the Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. H. G. Kobick, of the Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 111. AY. H. Winans, of the National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Raymond C. Booth, of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Rochester, N. Y. Mark M. Jones, of Thomas A. Edison (In c.), West Orange, N. J. G. P. Berner, of the National Aniline & Chemical Co. (In c.), Buffalo, N. Y. Carl J. Parker, of the Maryland Shipbuilding Corporation, Baltimore, Md. George B. Meniam, of Brown-Lipe-Chapin Co., Syracuse, N. Y. C. W. Storke, of the Employers’ Association, Auburn, N. Y. W. R. Kitson, of the Solvay Process Co,, Detroit, Mich, T. L. Weed, of the Stanley Works, New Britain, Conn. George H. Stone, of the Locomobile Co. of America, Bridgeport, Conn. S. R. Rectanus, of the American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio. W. A. Grieves, of the Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Jane C, Williams, o f the Plimpton Press, Norwood, Mass. Arthur F. Jones, of the Jersey City Chamber of Commerce, Jersey City, N. J. Capt. Boyd Fisher, Ordnance Reserve Corps, Washington, D. C. A. A. Doucet, of'the Laclede-Christy Clay Products Co., St. Louis, Mo. P. T. Johnson, Seattle, Wash. I might explain that this plan was necessarily a compromise in some ways. We had this proposition: None of the delegates here were authorized to commit their association to contribute a definite sum of money for membership. It was the feeling of that committee that this organization should now formulate a definite plan, and should have a constitution with which it could do constructive work—which means the providing of*a permanent staff to do the work. And. for that reason, it was felt that finances were necessary; but. in assigning the dues for the local associations, we left that open for the executive committee to decide upon as it says: “ The yearly dues shall be fixed by the executive committee of this asso ciation after consultation with group members,” because it seemed inadvisable to set any fixed method of doing that until the local as sociations could be consulted and their official sanction secured for some definite plan of assessment. With that explanation, I would like to throw the matter open for discussion. The statement was made, with regard to the provision for annual dues of $100 for “ sustaining membership,” “ that it was assumed that there were a number of firms which would be glad to contribute because of their interest in the work.” 184 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. The C h airm an . I f the points of this outline, with such other suggestions as may be offered, meet with the approval of the conven tion, it will be necessary to formulate a definite document to serve as a constitution and by-laws, which can be changed in any convention. I may say it is not the desire of the old committee to perpetuate itself in any way; but it was decided at the meeting last night that that was an existing organization through which we could easily work, and there are several members of the old committee who will not be members of the national committee this year. So that I don’t think there should be any fear that the national committee is trying to per petuate itself. [In the discussion on the outline of organization the question was asked with regard to section B of the article on membership, pro viding for individual membership, whether the persons designated in that provision are to be members of a local association or not; that is, it leaves it open in the outline of organization that any firm can come in as a sustaining member whether a member of a local association or not.] The C hairm an . It was felt that probably the local association would be a member. The matter was left open because we felt that there wyere a great many firms in local associations who were suffi ciently loyal to be willing to contribute $100. [It was suggested that a provision be made that firms may send any number of representatives to the annual convention, provided the privilege of voting be restricted to the official representative.] The C hairm an . I suggest that this convention recommend that there be a provision in the by-laws which will permit “ sustaining ” firms to send as many additional representatives to the convention as they wish, but who are not to vote on matters of business or on elec tion of officers. [The motion was made, seconded, and carried!] The C h airm an . That provision w7ill then be inserted. Is there further suggestion? D elegate. I f I understand the first clause correctly, it spoke of employment managers, but made no reference to representatives with experience in employment departments who might like to join the association. The C hairm an . Y ou mean under Group “ B ; ” a sustaining firm? D elegate. It was worded aan executive in charge of employment*” We thought that would meet the condition, because, if they don’t have an Employment Manager, there is probably some one there who is in REPOST OF COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. charge of-whatever employment managing they may be doing. not have it a representative ? 185 Why The C h airm an . Because it was felt we wanted the man directly in charge. The general manager would be an executive in charge; so would the vice-president of the company, or the president. We did not interpret this as meaning that it applied only to the fellow doing the actual hiring, but some executive under whose supervision employment 'work was being done. l3oes that explain? D elegate. Yes, sir. Mr. W in a x s . It would perhaps be better to pass on this by sec tions. [It was so moved and seconded. The motion was carried.] |The first section was moved for adoption. The motion was sec onded, and carried.] [Section II was moved for adoption. The motion was seconded.] D elegate. I would like to suggest three or four word changes in that. We are interested in more than employment problems. We are particularly interested in human management problems. The C hairm an . Shall we say, “ the study of problems of human management” ? Or, may we say, in “ the study of employment, per sonnel, and human relations problems ” ? D elegate. Let me suggest 64industrial relations.” The C hairm an . We thought “ industrial ” was too broad. [The motion was made, seconded, and carried that the first clause of the outline of organization be changed to read 44in the study of employment, personnel, and human relations problems.” ] - D elegate. In regard to No. 3, 44the installation and development of functionalized employment departments,” we might disagree upon the meaning of 44functionalized employment departments.” Does that include the fire brigade? Should we use the terminology as in the first clause? The C h airm an . Suppose wre say “ employment and service depart ments.” [It was so moved, seconded, and carried.] A lexander F leisher, superintendent Welfare Division, Metro politan Life Insurance Co., New York City. I hate to quibble this way, but on account of the organization of my company, Section III B automatically rules out some members of the company who might Otherwise be eligible to membership in this association. My company has a committee of a board of directors, which is in charge of all health and service problems, so the only person eligible would 186 SOCIAL problem s of the in d iv id u a l . be tlie chairman of that committee. So, I, myself, am not eligible for membership. D elegate. Who will be the person to determine what are “ better methods for handling problems of employment” ? I think we might improve the word “ better.” The C hairm an . The point is well taken. Is there any other word ? Dr. M eeker. What is the object of the association if it is not to “ better” management of labor problems? [It was moved and seconded that the word “ better ” be changed. On being put, the motion was lost.] The C h airm an . We will leave the word “ better” there. Let us have a vote on the entire “ object.” [It was moved, seconded, and carried that Section II, with the exception of the changes noted, be adopted.] [Clause “ A,” “ group members,” of Section III, was moved for adoption, seconded, and carried.] [Clause “ B ” of Section III as to “ sustaining members” was moved for adoption, seconded, and carried.] [Clause “ C ” of Section III as to “ associate members ” was moved for adoption, seconded, and carried.] [It was moved, seconded, and carried that a provision be added to Clause A, of the section on membership, that the local associa tions may send as many of their members to attend the conven tion as they may desire, but that there shall not be given any addi tional vote on business matters.] D elegate. I s there any provision made for the man having no local association available, and whose firm does not choose to become a member of the association as a firm? I f he wants to, can the individual be a member? The C hairm an . That matter was discussed. The feeling was that if we provided any means whereby the individual connected with a firm could come in on a different basis from that which his firm could come in on, there would be firms which would take advantage of that. It was also felt that the purpose of this convention was to encourage local associations, and that the dues of the local associations were so small that anyone could belong. I know that in NewTEngland and New York there are men who travel a hundred miles or more to attend meetings of these associations. And, furthermore, by not hav ing a provision for these individuals it would stimulate them to form a group in their own localit}7. D elegate. Take a plant we have in southeastern Kentucky. The C h airm an . What is your nearest local organization? REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. 187 D e l e g a t e . We are the o n ly firm there. Mr. W in a n s . May not this be suggested? So far as I know there is nothing to designate the size of a local association. I might say there is no intention to exclude anyone from the convention. D e l e g a t e . What about persons who do not wish to become asso ciated with a local association ? Some firms do not join any local asso ciation. The C h a ir m a n . Under the provisions, as read, any firm, whether or not a member of a local association, may become a sustaining member. Any firm, under the action w e have taken this morning, is allowed to select one official representative, but may send as many as it wishes; but such additional delegates can not vote. D e le g a t e . Suppose a man who is in charge of employment is not a member of this association. The C h a ir m a n . There is no provision whereby a man could be taken care of unless he himself might want to pay the $100. This is a point we ought to decide. There are a number of concerns who have not }Tet seen the light. D e le g a t e . I f you are following the policy of allowing men to come here and take part in the discussion, whether or not they are mem bers, that will cover the point whether their firms belong or not. The C h a ir m a n . There has never been any suggestion that anyone should be excluded from the convention. The sustaining member ship practically carries with it no other privilege than representation on the executive committee and the privilege of paving $100. D e le g a t e . There is no objection to a firm’s paying the $100 and appointing an individual, who would go in as an individual, even though that firm does not desire to take out an associate membership ? The C h a ir m a n . I don’t think so. Those things can usually be fixed. I know a number of local associations that have had to meet that. I would suggest that the executive committee, in drawing up the constitution, without changing the definite policy in any way, so word it that it will be understood that the privileges do not include the voting privilege. D e le g a t e . I want to make a remark about the membership. As I understand it, the associations are allowed to send one repre sentative. There is nothing said about the size of the association. I was wondering if it was necessary—I am not proposing it—to give any different weight as to the vote of a representative. One repre sentative-might represent 70,000 workmen, another one 500. Is there any difference in the weight of the vote of these delegates? The C h a ir m a n . That matter wTas discussed in committee and it was decided that what we wanted wTas the viewpoint of the localities, 188 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OP TH E INDIVIDUAL.' but that if we gave voting power according to the number of employees, certain large centers would dominate the situation, and that it was of greater value to have an expression representative of the entire country rather than of a few large industrial groups. D elegate. That is the point I want to bring out. The C h airm an . The section for consideration is now Section IV, dues; group membership. As explained before, we felt no one had sufficient definite authority to pledge a group to a larger sum; and it was better that the delegates have a chance to consult with their group, and that the matter be taken up with the executive committee. .[It was moved that Section IV, relating to dues, and the three clauses thereunder be amended by striking out the three clauses and substituting for each clause the provision that the dues of this organization shall be fixed by the executive committee of the asso ciation after a consultation with group members.] The C hairm an . Before that question is put, I would like to ask, do we go back to our firms and local associations with a clearer idea of what the job before us is? Now this outline of organization in dicates what we really have in mind, and if the thing is left to the executive committee it is up to them to spread the information, to get the report back on an intelligent basis. That would need some work; but starting out 011 this basis you will really get quicker results. Is there, further discussion ? D elegate. That raises the point of the whole thing. What is the machinery, what are the actual operations in fulfillment o f the purpose of this organization, and what are the dues going to for ward? Now, as to the purpose of the organization, you can conduct a clearing house that is actual or potential; and in your consider ation of all these purposes, you can have machinery or not. On the other hand, it seems to me that when you begin to talk about dues, you must define more accurately what it is all about, what the thing is to accomplish. Mr. W in an s . As we looked the situation over it appeared that a very capable man should be secured as executive secretary, who should be put on the job as early as possible, probably at Washing ton, to confer with Government officials, and work with the depart ments there, to give to us in our local groups a real, established 11a-, tional association. Next year we may be able to get it done by the annual convention. It was hoped by those who were talking over the matter last night that that may be possible during the next year. You will have to have a man, office help, traveling expense account,, printing, bills to be paid, and that .sort of thing. The committee figured roughly that $20,000, but probably not much less than that, REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. 189 would cover the expenses. The committee, so far as I know, does not even know whether such a man can be found. The whole thing must be worked out, if this convention decides to put an executive com mittee on the job with these purposes to work out. D elegate. What does that fellow do ? Mr. W inans. I confess I don’t know; but we will talk about it anyway. The. job he Avill have to do at the outset, of course, is to find out wThat the local associations want; what the employment men in localities without an association want; what should be done; talk to the people in Washington to find out what they want; try to help put over a national labor policy and work out a national association which will help to gain that result. That is all I can say; But it seems to me it will take money to do it; I don't know how it can be done without a man’s traveling expenses, and that means money. Mr. D oucet. I suggest that Wells tell us something about the duties of a managing secretary of an association. He is more famil iar with them than any of us. The C h airm an . I can only repeat the things said last night. As 1 understand it, the intention of this organization is to form a more compact group through which we can work for the various purposes. It is realized that in a convention of this sort where nothing lias been “ cooked up ” previously it is impossible to provide in the time allotted a complete and accurate constitution and by-laws. If this thing had been worked out by someone two or three weeks in ad vance, we might have come here with some plan that could be rail roaded through without much difficulty. But, we waited until the meeting yesterday to decide why such an association is wanted, and though we utilized the only time available, which was after adjourn ment last night, we realized that the only thing we could do was to provide the machinery with which the work could be started. In view of this situation we will have to trust a great deal to the work of the executive committee during the next year, chiefly, because we did not want to do anything without considering it. We wanted the executive committee to consult with local groups. Now, as to some of the duties that a secretary of such an organiza tion might perform: First and foremost, of course, he would have to plan his organization, and secure the cooperation of the local as sociations. He would have to get in touch with them and find out their views., and what they desire. Some of the things would be the establishing of a clearing house through which we could exchange ideas on employment problems more regularly. There would be con sultation with members on employment work, particularly with newer firms, not as an expert, but merely telling them where the}Tcould go to get information which is necessary, which will answer their ques 190 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. tions. I know that has been done in a number of associations. I f an older member who already had a department established were to raise the question as to how he could handle his absenteeism, the secretary would not attempt, of course, to tell him how he could handle the problem, but he could say, “ Why, Mr. Eectanus, down in Middletown, Ohio, has been studying that problem. Get in touch with him, and I think he can help you.” There will be a number of activities of that sort. At the present time the Government is also calling on the employment managers for assistance in developing the work at various plants that are being handled under the Government. I lmowTat present that the shipping trade would like to secure the services of men to assist in some of the shipyards. Now, it is barely possible that it is not necessary for them to take a man away from his 30b permanently, but perhaps it could be arranged that some, good man could be re leased for three months. There are some situations in the Ordnance Department and other places where I don't doubt that a secretary in touch with the situation throughout the country would be of great benefit to the different departments doing actual work. Those are some of the things suggested and talked over last night; and it was felt that if we were going to do anything, we ought to provide a good man and give him the necessary paraphernalia to do a good job. The idea was that this should be done not hastily, but through an executive committee, which would have an opportunity to consult with the local group, and would cut its budget according to the amount of money that it seemed possible to raise. Mr. D oucet. I would not like to be understood as being unfriendly to the question, but some sort of talk is necessary to “ sell ” the thing to our firms. So it is worth while to go light on the $100 proposition, because if you need a budget of $20,000, it would seem quite evident that 200 firms could be gotten to give $100, and you would have your $20,000. It would seem really quite necessary to get up a preparatory interest; it would seem to be a grave question whether you could get your financial backing. So that throws the thing back to the motion to leave the determination of the actual amount of the dues in the hands of the executive committee. The C h airm an . I don’t know that there is any further explanation needed on that point. That was the idea of the committee. D elegate. I don't know to whom the national association would be responsible. There might be firms who would give the $100, or various groups. To whom is the committee to be responsible in the end? The C h airm an . As provided in the outline, six members of the committee would be responsible to the local association; three only REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. 191 would be responsible to the sustaining firm. That seems to carry the control with the local body. D elegate. Would the gentleman suggest where we can get funds to start the association, if we don’t set some figure? The C h airm an . If 3^011 will permit me, I don’t think he is ques tioning the desirability of raising it; he is simply suggesting that the executive committee should take the matter into consideration. D elegate. H ow are you going to go ahead without some stand ard to go ahead on? We can’t go ahead without dues coming in from these people. How are you going to get them into the mem bership unless we set some sort of standard? The C hairm an . Suppose we were to suggest “ such sum, not to ex ceed $100, as the executive committee may decide upon,” changing the wording on group B to read, “ The 3?early dues shall be fixed by the executive committee of this association, after consultation with group members, at a sum not exceeding $100 a 37ear.” In regard to group C, can’t w7e leave those dues at $10 ? Then the situation is this: The yearly dues for the local association are to be decided by the executive committee after consultation with the local group. The yearly dues of the sustaining members are to be set b3^ the executive committee at not to exceed $100 a 37ear; 3Tearly dues for associate members will be $10 a 37ear. [The motion was made and carried.] The C hairm an . The next thing is the “ officers.” Section V, 1, “ There shall be an executive committee elected at the annual*con vention, piade up of six members chosen from and by the group members, and three chosen from and by the official representatives of the sustaining members, to serve for the period of one 3Tear, or until their successors have qualified.” [The clause was adopted.] The C hairm an . “ 2. The executive committee shall choose a presi dent, vice president, secretary and treasurer from among its own number.” A suggestion was made to change that a little, and we might as well have it right now. Mr. W inans. The suggestion is that this section be changed to read, “ The executive committee shall make nomination for a presi dent, vice president, secretary and treasurer, to be submitted, along with nominations which may be made from the floor, to the official delegates of the convention, to be elected for a term of one year or until their successors qualify” ; the effect being to take the actual election of officers out of the executive committee and put it 011 the lie 0 1 *. 192 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL* The C hairman . The question then is, By which method you want your officers elected. There are two plans. Under the first, the execu tive committee elect from their own number itself; under the second tlie executive committee bring in nominations which are voted upon together with other nominations made on the floor. Is there any dis cussion on those two points, or can we decide which one? Will it be satisfactory if I ask all in favor of 1 so to indicate, and then take a corresponding vote on 2 ? D elegate. Does the executive committee comprise officers? The C hairm an . Yes. D elegate. I don’t think it would be a democratic proposition to have the officers and the executive committee nominate themselves for a successive election. It would seem to me that the more democratic way would be to have the entire convention appoint a nominating committee, and have that committee submit the names of officers and executive committee to the convention, and have the election made by the convention rather than by the executive committee. The C h airm an . I might say that the members of the executive committee will be selected by representatives of different organiza tions from over the country; six will be chosen by the group mem bers, three by the individual members who will meet before the convention and select their three delegates. Those men should be chosen with much care, and they should be chosen with a feeling that these nine men will elect those from their number qualified to act as officers, and it would save a lot of unnecessary work. I f left for the next meeting of the executive committee, it saves a lot of work when they come to convention. D elegate. I think we may copy the successful method of corpora tions, that is, of course, to elect a board of directors, who, in turn, elect officers. This conduces to unity of responsibility and power. There will never be any question as to whether it is the directors or the officers who are responsible for the success or failure, and the directors will have real power and the officers real authority. D elegate. I still submit that the democratic way of electing officers is on a convention floor. I had the privilege during the year of at tending a good many national association conventions, and I can’t recall any convention the members of which are not given the privi lege of electing their officers from the floor of the convention. The gentleman who just spoke to us said that it was a fine thing to have the responsibility and the power given to the executive committee. I think the power, at least, might be given, and the privilege given to the general convention. REPORT OF CO M M ITTEE ON ORG ANIZATION. 193 M r . H e w i t t . I b e lie v e v e r y s t r o n g ly th a t th e e x e c u tiv e c o m m itte e s h o u ld b e th e o n e t o s e le ct th e officers. I w o u ld lik e to m a k e o n e a m e n d m e n t. T h is q u e s tio n o f th e s e c r e ta r y is a v e r y s e r io u s o n e , a n d I c a n see v e r y r e a d ily h o w o u t o f o u r s ix m e m b e r s a p p o in t e d b y o u r g r o u p m e n , o n a c c o u n t o f p re s s u r e in t h e ir o w n p la n ts , n o t o n e o f th e se s ix m a y b e a b le t o a ssu m e a g r e a t b i g jo b o f s e c r e ta r y , a n d I t h in k it o u g h t to b e m a d e p o s s ib le t o s e le ct a p e r s o n o u ts id e o f th is grou p . T h e C h a i r m a n . I a m g o in g t o ta k e th e lib e r t y , w it h th e c o n s e n t o f o u r m e m b e r s , o f a c c e p t in g th e a m e n d m e n t o n th a t p o in t . D r . E . B . G o w i n , o f th e N e w Y o r k U n iv e r s it y S c h o o l o f C o m m e r c e , A c c o u n t s , a n d F in a n c e , N e w Y o r k C it y . .T h is w o u ld b e th e e x e c u t iv e s e c r e ta r y , n o t th e s e c r e ta r y ? T h e C h a i r m a n . T h e e x e c u t iv e s e c re ta ry . T h is w o u ld b e th e c le r k o f th e c o r p o r a t io n ; I a c c e p t th a t c o r r e c t io n . B u t th e re w o u ld b e a n e x e c u t iv e s e c r e ta r y h ir e d in a d d it io n t o th e c o r p o r a t io n s e c re ta ry . M r . G o w in . I f th a t is th e ca se, I w it h d r a w . T h e e x e c u tiv e s e c r e t a r y is th e m a n I a m a ft e r . M r . W i n a n s . W o n ’t it c le a r th e s itu a tio n i f th is s e c o n d s e c tio n s im p ly b e c h a n g e d t o r e a d , “ T h e p r e s id e n t s h a ll a p p o in t a n o m in a t i n g c o m m itte e ” w it h o u t s a y in g w h o s h a ll c o n s titu te it, “ w h o s h a ll p r e s e n t n o m in a t io n s t o b e a c te d u p o n o n th e flo o r o f th e c o n v e n t io n .” I s n o t th a t a ll w e w a n t, a n d w o n ’t th a t a c c o m p lis h th e result ? M r . R e c t a n u s . T h e m a in d iffic u lty seem s t o b e th a t w h ic h a r o s e la st n ig h t in th e d is c u s s io n . E v e r y b o d y w a n ts t o a v o id th e p o s s i b ilit y o f a s e lf-p e r p e t u a t in g , g o v e r n in g b o d y . I f y o u h a v e th e p r e s id e n t a p p o in t h is o w n e x e c u t iv e c o m m itte e y o u h a v e a n o p p o r t u n it y f o r su ch a p o s s ib ilit y a r is i n g ; b u t, u n d e r th e p la n as p r o p o s e d h e re , th e e x e c u t iv e c o m m itte e w ill c h a n g e e v e r y y e a r , b e ca u se th e re are m o r e lo c a l b o d ie s th a n th e re a re r e p r e s e n ta tiv e s o n th e e x e c u tiv e c o m m it t e e ; a n d t h e y a re a ll g o in g t o h a v e a c r a c k a t it. C h a n g e y o u r e x e c u tiv e c o m m itte e e v e r y y e a r , a n d c o n s e q u e n tly y o u r officers e v e r y y e a r , a n d y o u w o n ’t h a v e a s e lf-p e r p e t u a t in g b o d y . T h e C h a i r m a n . To s i m p li f y m a tte r s, le t u s ta k e an e x p r e s s io n o f o p in io n . A r e y o u r e a d y f o r th e q u e s t io n ; f o r th e d e fin ite q u e s tio n ? P la n 1----- C a p t. F i s h e r . B e f o r e y o u m a k e a d iv is io n , m a y I p o in t t o th e d e fin itio n , t o th e d is t in c t io n , b e tw e e n th e t w o p la n s ? I f y o u m a k e a d is t in c t io n b e tw e e n th e w a y th a t th e officers f o r th is t e n ta tiv e first y e a r s h a ll b e c h o s e n , a n d th e p e r m a n e n t m e th o d o f e le c t in g officers, 77920°— 19-------13 194 SOCIAL PROBLEM S OF T H E IN D IVID U AL. I a m q u ite s u re y o u c a n r e a c h a b e tte r a g re e m e n t. W h a t a re y o u g o in g t o d o ? I s u g g e s t th a t y o u h a v e y o u r e le c t io n o f n o m in a t io n f r o m th e flo o r a n d n o m in a t io n s b y y o u r o r g a n iz in g c o m m itte e as M r . W in a n s s u g g e s te d , a n d t h a t y o u p r o v id e in y o u r p e r m a n e n t m e th o d s o m e su ch t h in g as y o u h a v e h e r e in y o u r w r it t e n in s tr u m e n t. D o n ’t y o u th in k th a t d is t in c t io n is w o r t h m a k in g ? T h e r e is s o m e fe a r in th o m in d s o f p e o p le th a t t h is o r g a n iz e d c o m m itte e w ill step in a n d d o t h in g s f o r th e c o n v e n t io n w h ic h a p r o p e r ly e le c te d b o a r d o f e x e c u tiv e s w o u ld n o t d o . D e l e g a t e . W h y n o t u se th is p la n o n ly f o r th e firs t y e a r ? T h e C h a i r m a n . I t w ill b e u n d e r s t o o d th a t i f it seem s d e s ira b le , w h a te v e r p la n is d e c id e d u p o n c a n b e c h a n g e d a t th e n e x t c o n v e n tio n . M r . R e c t a n u s . I m o v e th a t th e o r g a n iz a t io n c o m m itte e , im m e d ia t e ly a ft e r lu n c h , p r e s e n t n o m in a t io n s f o r th e first y e a r ’s e x e c u tiv e c o m m itte e , t o b e a d d e d t o b y n a m e s fr o m th e f l o o r ; t h a t an e x e c u t iv e c o m m itte e o f n in e b e e le c te d f o r th e first y e a r , w h ic h sh a ll c h o o s e its o w n officers. [T h e m o tio n a ft e r b e in g s e c o n d e d w a s a m e n d e d t o th e e ffe e t th a t n o m in a t io n s b e m a d e o n th e p la n o u t lin e d in cla u se 1 o f S e c t io n V , a n d w a s c a r r ie d .] D e l e g a t e . W e m u st h a v e a n o r g a n iz a t io n o f lo c a l m e m b e r s in o r d e r t o g e t th a t. T h e C h a i r m a n . I t h in k it is th e se n tim e n t o f th e c o n v e n t io n th a t th e o r g a n iz a t io n s h a ll m a k e t h a t s e le c tio n th is tim e . D e l e g a t e . T h e o r g a n iz a t io n s h a ll se le ct th e se m e n ? T h e C h a ir m a n . Y e s . D e l e g a t e . B u t w e m u s t g o b a c k t o th e p e r m a n e n t fo r m o f th e c o n s titu tio n . T h e r e a re n o s u s ta in in g m e m b e r s a t th is tim e . T h e r e a re g r o u p m e m b e rs b u t n o s u s ta in in g m e m b e rs. H o w c a n y o u s e le ct th e officers in th a t m a n n e r ? T h e C h a i r m a n . I w ill s a y f o r th e o r g a n iz a t io n c o m m itte e t h a t th e sen se o f th e c o n v e n t io n is t h a t th is o r g a n iz a t io n c o m m itte e s h o u ld fo r g e t t e c h n ic a litie s , a n d g iv e u s re su lts. I s th a t w h a t y o u w ant ? [ T h e q u e s tio n w a s ta k e n o n th e p e r m a n e n t p la n f o r th e in s t r u c t io n o f th e e x e c u t iv e c o m m itte e a n d d r a w in g u p th e c o n s t it u t io n .] [U p o n th e v o t e as t o th e m e th o d o f s e le c t in g officers P la n 1, th a t o f s e le c tio n b y th e e x e c u tiv e c o m m itte e , wTas a d o p t e d .] [ T h e q u e s tio n w a s th e n ta k e n o n th e t h ir d cla u se o f S e c t io n V . ] T h e C h a i r m a n . T h is h a s ju s t b e e n ta k e n c a re o f , a n d I s u g g e s t w e m o v e t o s tr ik e th a t o u t. BEPORT OF COM M ITTEE O X ORG AN IZATION . 195 [ I t w a s so m o v e d , s e c o n d e d , a n d c a r r ie d .] [T h e fo u r t h cla u s e o f S e c t io n Y , “ th e officers s h a ll p e r f o r m a ll d u tie s u s u a lly p e r t a in in g t o s u ch offices,” w a s th e n p la c e d b e f o r e th e c o n v e n t io n f o r a c t io n a n d w a s c a r r ie d .] T h e C h a i r m a n . B e f o r e w e a d jo u r n I w a n t t o a sk w h e th e r th e re al*e a n y fu r t h e r s u g g e s tio n s th a t y o u w a n t t o s u b m it t o th e o r g a n i z a t io n c o m m itte e ? I f so , c a n w e h a v e th e m in th e f o r m o f a m o tio n ? [ I t w a s s u g g e s te d th a t th e c o m m itte e p r o v id e a le tte r b a llo t f o r th e a s s o c ia tio n , f o r th e p u r p o s e o f s i m p li f y in g m a tte r s f o r th e c o n v e n t io n p r o p e r b y d e c id in g q u e s tio n s d u r in g th e y e a r .] [F u r t h e r s u g g e s t io n w a s m a d e th a t n o p r o v is io n b e m a d e as t o w h o m th e officers s h a ll e n g a g e .] T h e C h a i r m a n . T h e r e a re s e v e r a l t e c h n ic a l d e ta ils w h ic h s h o u ld b e p u t i n : T h e r ig h t t o c a ll m e e tin g s , a m e n d m e n t o f th e c o n s t it u t io n , a n d a n u m b e r o f th in g s w h ic h m u st b e p r o v id e d in e v e r y w o r k a b le f o r m o f o r g a n iz a t io n . [ T h e c o n s t it u t io n as fin a lly a d o p te d b y th e c o n v e n t io n w a s as f o l lo w s :] C o n s t it u t io n , I. N AM E. The name of tills organization shall be the National Association of Employ ment Managers. I I . OBJECTS. The objects of this association shall be: 1. To promote and foster interest in and study of employment and personnel problems throughout the country. 2. To stimulate the growth of local employment managers’ associations in in dustrial and commercial centers. 3. To encourage the installation and development of employment and service departments in public and private establishments. 4. To act as a clearing house for better methods for handling problems of employment. 5. To work with governmental agencies to bring about closer cooperation concerning employment problems. III. M E M B E R S H IP . Membership of this organization shall consist of the following classes: A. Group member s .— Local employment managers’ associations approved by the executive committee and conforming to the constitution and by-laws who shall appoint a member as their delegate in this association and may send as many representatives as they choose to the annual convention. B. Sustaining members .— Employers who may designate an executive in charge of employment as their delegate in this association, and who are ap proved by the executive committee, may send as many representatives to tho annual convention as they desire. 196 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF T H E IN D IVID U AL. C. Association members. — Individuals interested in tlie objects of this asso ciation who are not connected with employers eligible for membership under class B. IV. DUES. A. Group membership. — The yearly dues shall be fixed by the executive committee of this association after consultation with group members. B. Sustaining membership. — Yearly dues shall be fixed by the executive committee and shall not exceed $100 per annum. C. A ssociate membership. — Yearly dues shall be $10, v . OFFICERS. 1. There shall be an executive committee elected at the annual convention made up of six members chosen from and by the group members, and three chosen from and by the official delegates of the sustaining members, to serve for the period of one j^ear, or until their successors have qualified. Meetings of the executive committee may be called by the president and shall be called by him on the request of any three members of the committee. 2. The executive committee shall choose a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer from among its own number. 3. The officers shall perform all duties usually pertaining to such offices. V I. M EE TIN G S. There shall be an annual convention of the association at a place chosen by the majority vote of the voting members present at the annual convention and at a time to be determined by the executive committee. V II. M A IL BALLOT. The executive committee shall have authority to submit by mail ballot to the voting members of the association any questions requiring action of the members as a whole which may arise between annual conventions. V III. A M E N D M E N T S . Amendments to this constitution may be made by two-thirds vote of the voting members present at the annual convention. [T h e c h a ir m a n th e n in t r o d u c e d V i c t o r T . J . G a n n o n o f C h ic a g o , 111., w h o g a v e th e f o l l o w i n g a d d r e s s :] U T IL IZ A T IO N O F M EN P A S T T H E P R IM E O F L IF E . B Y VICTOR T . J . G A N N O N , SU PE RIN TEN D EN T, H A N D IC A PP E D D IV ISIO N , TJ. S. E M P LO Y MENT SERVICE, CH IC A G O .1 J u s t 20 m o n th s a g o th e r e w a s o r g a n iz e d in C h ic a g o a c o m m itte e o f b u s in e s s m e n t o fo r m u la t e s o m e m e th o d o f c a r in g f o r th e g r a y -h a ir e d m a n , w h o , b e ca u se tim e h a d fu r r o w e d h is c o u n te n a n ce , m a d e h is ste p le ss s p r in g y , o r d im m e d h is v is io n , w a s a t a d is a d v a n t a g e in s e c u r in g e m p lo y m e n t , s in c e th e t e n d e n c y o f th e e m p lo y e r w a s to e n g a g e o n ly y o u n g m e n , n o t r e c k o n in g th e u ltim a te cost. T h e w o r k o f s e c u r in g p o s it io n s f o r m e n p a s t 45 y e a r s o f a g e w a s d e le g a t e d t o th e E m p lo y e r s ’ A s s o c ia t io n o f C h ic a g o . T o te st th e n e e d o f su ch an e n d e a v o r , a n a d v e r tis e m e n t w a s p la c e d in a d a ily p a p e r , a s k in g th o s e w h o h a d fo u n d it d iffic u lt t o se cu re w o r k t o w r it e t o th e B u r e a u , s t a t in g th e ir a g e, q u a lific a tio n s , le n g t h o f tim e u n e m p lo y e d , a n d th e n u m b e r o f d e p e n d e n ts . T o th is a d v e r tis e m e n t 2,600 a n sw e r s w e r e r e ce iv e d . I b e g a n im m e d ia t e ly to ta k e ste p s to in te re s t th e e m p lo y e r in th e g r a y -h a ir e d m a n . W it h th e a id o f som e k in d ly p u b lic it y , p e r s o n a l ta lk s w it h la r g e e m p lo y e r s , a n d c ir c u la r le tte r s t o th e g r e a t m a jo r it y o f w a g e p a y e r s — th e s m a ll m e r c h a n t— I d e v e lo p e d a n a p p r e c ia t io n o f th e m a n b e y o n d th e p r im e o f life . T h e ta sk Avas n o sin e cu re . I t m e a n t 14, 16, a n d so m e tim e s 18 h o u r s ’ w o r k a d a y t o d o it. B u t in 20 m o n th s I h a v e p la c e d in g o o d p o s it io n s , a t m o r e th a n liv in g w a g e s , o v e r 18,000 m e n . T h e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s d e p e n d e n t o n th e se m e n w a s in e x ce ss o f 38,000. T h e a v e r a g e a g e o f a p p lic a n t s p la c e d w a s 57 y e a rs . T h e y o u n g e s t g r a y -h a ir e d m a n I p u t to w o r k lo o k e d t o be 60, t h o u g h h e w a s o n ly 42. T h e d e a n o f o u r p la c e m e n ts w a s 92 y e a rs o f a g e, b u t h e p o sse sse d a s p ir it o f a le rtn e s s, a m b itio n , a n d s e lf-r e s p e c t. M o r e th a n 90 p e r c e n t o f th e m e n w e sen t o u t w e r e p u t t o w o r k th e sa m e d a y . O v e r 97 p e r c e n t o f th e m e n p la c e d m a d e g o o d , o v e r $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 in sa la rie s h a s b ee n p a id to th e m , a n d th o u s a n d s o f e m p lo y e r s a c k n o w le d g e th e v a lu e t h e y h a v e r e c e iv e d f r o m o u r w o r k . I t d id n o t ta k e lo n g t o e x h a u st th e first lis t o f 2,600 u n e m p lo y e d ; sm a ll, d a ily “ H e lp w a n t e d ” a d v e r tis e m e n ts , a s k in g th a t m e n p a s t 45 a p p ly to o u r office f o r th e v a r io u s e m p lo y m e n ts o p e n , b r o u g h t to u s a to t a l o f o v e r 30 ,0 0 0 a p p lic a n ts . JA t t h e t im e t h i s a d d r e s s A s s o c i a t i o n o f C h ic a g o . w a s d e liv e r e d M r. Gannon w as m anager of th e E m p lo y e r s * 197 198 SOCIAL PROBLEM S OF T H E IN D IVID U AL. T h i r t y - f o u r m e n w h o m I p la c e d a t m o d e r a te s a la rie s a fe w m o n th s a g o fr e q u e n t ly c o m e b a c k t o h ir e so m e o f th e o t h e r b o y s . W e h a v e s t r iv e n t o e s ta b lis h a s o r t o f c o m m o n g r o u n d f o r th e e m p lo y e r a n d th e u n fo r t u n a t e s w h o w a n t o n ly a ch a n ce . W e h a v e n e v e r o ffe r e d a m a r r ie d m a n a jo b p a y in g less th a n $15 p e r w e e k , a n d w e a lw a y s e n d e a v o r t o se cu re th e h ig h e s t r a te f o r th e a p p lic a n t w it h w if e a n d c h ild r e n . N o m a n s h o u ld liv e m o r e th a n 4 0 m in u te s ’ t r a v e l f r o m h is w o r k . I t is ju s t as im p o r t a n t th a t a n a p p lic a n t b e p le a s e d w it h th e w o r k a n d s a tisfie d th a t h e c a n liv e o n th e s a la r y o ffe r e d , b e f o r e s e n d in g h im o u t, as it is t h a t th e e m p lo y e r b e sen t a m a n w h o is c a r e f u lly p r e s e le c te d a c c o r d in g t o th e jo b a n a ly s is fu r n is h e d us. N o t o n e c e n t w a s e v e r c h a r g e d t o e ith e r a p p lic a n t o r e m p lo y e r . T h e p e r c a p it a p la c e m e n t c o s t, c o v e r in g a ll e x p e n s e , w a s 89 cen ts. T h e fu n d s w e r e c o n t r ib u t e d b y c o r p o r a t io n s a n d p u b lic -s p ir it e d c it i z en s. T h e a p p lic a t io n b la n k s w e u se a re s im p le . T h e sa m e c a n n o t b e s a id o f b la n k s in c o m m o n u se b y n e a r ly a ll o f th e e m p lo y e r s w h o b o a s t o f m o d e r n m e th o d s . W h a t w e w a n t t o k n o w o f a n a p p lic a n t is h is n a m e , a d d r e ss, p h y s ic a l c o n d it io n , a g e , c o n ju g a l c o n d it io n , n u m b e r o f d e p e n d e n ts , th e n a m e s o f h is la s t th re e e m p lo y e r s , a n d th e e x a c t d u r a t io n o f s e r v ic e g iv e n t o ea ch . D u r a t io n o f fo r m e r s e r v ic e is o n e o f th e g r e a te s t fa c t o r s in s e c u r i n g a p r o p e r in s ig h t in t o a n in d iv id u a l’s a b ilitie s . I f a m a n h a s b e e n e m p lo y e d b y o n e c o n c e r n f o r 2 y e a rs , a n d a n o th e r f o r 1J y e a rs , a n d a t h ir d f o r o n e y e a r , o r t w o o r th re e y e a rs , I a r g u e th a t th e m a n h a d so m e q u a lific a tio n w d iich p le a s e d th o s e th r e e e m p lo y e r s , a n d r a r e ly h a s m y d ia g n o s is b e e n in e r r o r . R e fe r e n c e s a re p a sse. I h a v e k n o w n m a n y a n e m p lo y e r t o w r it e le tte r s “ T o w h o m it m a y c o n c e r n ,” s t r o n g ly c o m m e n d in g a fo r m e r e m p lo y e e , a n d y e t w h e n t a lk in g o v e r th e te le p h o n e t o a p r o s p e c t iv e e m p lo y e r g iv e th a t sa m e in d iv id u a l a n e n t ir e ly d iffe r e n t “ c h a r a c t e r .” S o m e o n e h a s s a id , “ H u m a n n a tu r e is th e sa m e th e w o r ld o v e r .” T h a t is n o t th e tru th . I h a v e m e t o v e r 3 0,0 0 0 p e o p le w it h h u m a n n a tu r e s w id e ly d iv e r g e n t , a n d a m m e e t in g th e m e v e r y d a y . S o m e p e o p le a re im p o s s ib le . I n th is c la s s ific a tio n th e v a s t ly g r e a t e r n u m b e r a re e m p lo y e r s . I f e m p lo y e r s w e r e o b lig e d t o d o th e t h in g s t h e y ask th e w a g e e a r n e rs t o d o th e r e w^ould b e less la b o r u n re st. I t h a s b e e n n o c h i ld ’s p la y t o e d u c a te th e e m p lo y e r a lo n g th e lin e s o f h is o w n in d iv id u a l lim it a t io n s . L e t su ch b e th e e m p lo y m e n t m a n a g e r s ’ w o r k t o -d a y , t o -m o r r o w , a n d f o r a ll tim e . T h e m in d o f th e e m p lo y e e is r e a d y t o b e t a u g h t th e e m p lo y e r ’s sid e , a n d th e ste p n e ce s s a r y t o d a y is th e fo s t e r in g o f th e e m p lo y e r ’s in te re s t in th e in d iv id u a l e m p lo y e e . T h e e m p lo y e r h a s n e v e r t o ld th e e m p lo y e e o f th e v a r io u s c o s ts w h ic h , c o m b in e d , ea t th e h e a r t o u t o f th e s e llin g p r ic e . W h a t M E N PAST T H E PRIM E OF LIF E — VICTOR T. J . G AN N O N . 199 does the employee know of overhead expense, raw-material figures, production costs, advertising budgets, sales outlay, and transporta tion tax? What does the employee know of the difficulties of com mercial financing? Nothing; yet he will be found to be as keen in an analysis o f such matters as the employer, and oftentimes more so. The employer, in filling his plant with young men, does not figure on migration, a glaring fault of the younger man. Nine out of ten employers do not take into serious account the cost of hiring and firing. G e n e r a lly s p e a k in g , w h e n a m a n h a s r e a c h e d 50 h e s h o u ld h a v e e s ta b lis h e d h im s e lf fin a n c ia lly a n d s o c ia lly . S o m e o f th e r e a s o n s w h y o u r r e g is tr a n ts h a v e r e a c h e d th e la te fo r t ie s w it h o u t a c o m p e t e n c y a re e x tr a v a g a n c e , th e c o m m o n a n d n e g le c t e d ills o f h u m a n k in d , m a r it a l tr o u b le s , in a b ilit y t o k e e p a b re a st o f th e tim e s , la c k o l : v o c a t io n a l g u id a n c e , a n d a t im id h e a r t. G r e a te s t o f a ll is th e la s t n a m e d . P a r e n t s u n w it t in g ly b r e a k a s o n ’s s p ir it , a n d h e c a r r ie s t h r o u g h l i f e a c u r s e h e c a n n o t ca st. T e a c h e r s o ft e n c h id e th e le a r n i n g m in d a n d th e s h a d o w g r o w s , c lo u d in g th e fu tu r e . E m p lo y e r s ’ g e n e r a l cu sse d n e ss a n d e r r o r o f ju d g m e n t o f m e n t a lity h a v e s tifle d e m p lo y e e s ’ a m b itio n , w h ic h , i f g iv e n sc o p e , w o u ld h a v e e n r ic h e d b o t h e m p lo y e r a n d e m p lo y e e . The war, damnable as it is, is surely a cleansing fire. It has mado junk o f old ideas, and has proved that the old men of Chicago have come back to stay back. INDUSTRIAL RESTORATION OF DISABLED MEN A CONSERVATION OF POWER. B Y C H A RLE S H . W IN S L O W , OF T H E FEDERAL BOARD FOR VO CA TIO N A L ED U CATION , W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. T lie F e d e r a l B o a r d f o r V o c a t io n a l E d u c a t io n h a s b e e n e n g a g e d in a c a r e fu l p r e lim in a r y s t u d y o f th e p r o b le m o f r e e d u c a tio n f o r o u r r e tu r n e d s o ld ie r s a n d s a ilo r s w h o h a v e in c u r r e d h a n d ic a p s b y r e a so n o f su ch s e r v ic e . T h e s e s tu d ie s h a v e b e e n p r in t e d as S e n a te D o c u m e n ts 166 a n d 167, a n d a re a v a ila b le f o r d is t r ib u t io n o n a p p lic a t io n t o m e m b e r s o f th e S e n a te . I n th ese s tu d ie s th e p r o b le m w7as d iv id e d in t o t w o p o r t io n s , th e first b e in g th a t w h ic h h a d t o d o w it h th e t r a in in g o f te a c h e rs f o r o c c u p a t io n a l t h e r a p y , a n d th e s e c o n d ta k e s u p th e e n tir e s u b je c t a n d d iscu sses r e h a b ilit a t io n v o c a t io n a lly as a n a t io n a l p r o b le m . T h e p o s it io n is ta k e n th a t, s in c e th e U n it e d S ta te s G o v e r n m e n t w it h d r e w f r o m in d u s t r y t w o o r th re e m illio n m e n , it w a s th e d u t y o f th e G o v e r n m e n t t o r e p la c e t h e m in in d u s t r y , w it h d u e r e g a r d f o r th e c a p a b ilit ie s o f th e in d iv id u a ls a n d t o n e u tr a liz e s u ch h a n d ic a p s as h a v e b ee n s u ffe r e d b y th ese m e n in th e ir p a t r io t ic se r v ic e . I t is n o t b y a n y m e a n s ta k e n t o b e a p h ila n t h r o p ic p r o p o s i t i o n ; it is e n t ir e ly g o v e r n m e n t a l a n d n a t io n a l in its s c o p e . E lim in a t in g a b s o lu te ly th e s e n tim e n ta l a n d h u m a n ita r ia n a s p e c t o f th e q u e s tio n , th e fa c t s a ll p o in t ir r e v o c a b ly to th is w o r k as a p a r t o f th e g r im b u sin e ss o f w a r , th e first c o n s t r u c t iv e ste p a ft e r so m u c h d e s tr u c tio n . I t is a s a lv a g in g o f p r e c io u s m a te r ia l o f w h ic h th e fo u n d a t io n s o f th is N a t io n a re a p a r t — its in c o m p a r a b le m a n h o o d . T h e r e a re a n u m b e r o f re a so n s w h y th ese d is a b le d m e n s h o u ld b e g iv e n su ch e d u c a t io n as w ill e n a b le th e m t o o v e r c o m e th e d is a b ilit y th e ir p a t r io t ic s e r v ic e in c u r r e d f o r th e m a n d a c h ie v e in d e p e n d e n c e a n d a c o m fo r t a b le liv in g , d e s p ite th e h a n d ic a p o f m a im e d m e m b e r s o r w r e c k e d c o n s titu tio n . V o c a t io n a l r e e d u c a t io n w ill r e e s ta b lis h th e d is a b le d s o ld ie r o r s a ilo r as a n in d e p e n d e n t, s e lf-r e s p e c t in g e c o n o m ic u n it. A n y o th e r p o l ic y in e v it a b ly w ill in d u c e e c o n o m ic d e p e n d e n c y w it h its in h e r e n t m o r a l a n d s o c ia l e v ils . F o r th e se m e n a n d f o r th e c o m m u n it y a ls o , m o r a l a n d s o c ia l, as wTe ll as e c o n o m ic , w e ll-b e in g is in a la r g e m e a su re at sta k e. I t is t o b e n o t e d in th is c o n n e c t io n th a t th e a g e o f th e A r m y — 21 t 0 3 1 — i s SUc h t h a t th e m e n a re y o u n g e n o u g h t o b e s u s c e p tib le o f t r a in in g , a n d t h a t th e b e n e fits o f su ch t r a in in g w ill a c c r u e d u r in g a p e r io d e q u iv a le n t t o th e n o r m a l e x p e c t a t io n o f l i f e f o r m e n in e a r ly m a n h o o d . R e c o g n iz in g th e v a lu e o f v o c a t io n a l t r a in in g , s o m e o f th e m e n w e r e t a k in g su ch t r a in in g w h e n d r a ft e d . 200 RESTORATION OF DISABLED M E N — CHARLES H . W IN S L O W . 201 E x p e r ie n c e h a s d e m o n s tr a te d th a t d is a b le d m e n w h ile u n d e r h o s p it a l tr e a tm e n t n a t u r a lly t e n d in m a n y in s ta n c e s t o f a l l in t o a sta te o f c h r o n ic d e p e n d e n c e , c h a r a c te r iz e d b y lo s s o f a m b itio n . T h e d iffi c u lt y o f l i f t i n g th e m o u t o f th is w e ll-r e c o g n iz e d p h a s e in c re a s e s r a p id ly d u r in g th e p e r io d im m e d ia t e ly f o l l o w i n g c o n v a le s c e n ce . I n it ia t io n o f v o c a t io n a l t r a in in g at th e e a r lie s t p o s s ib le m o m e n t a n d p e rs is te n t, s y s te m a tic d e v e lo p m e n t o f th is t r a in in g a ft e r c o n v a le s c e n c e w ill a v o id th is d a n g e r o f v o c a t io n a l d e g e n e r a tio n . O n c e th e m e n h a v e fa lle n in t o th is sta te o f c h r o n ic d e p e n d e n c e o r h a v e d r ift e d b a c k in t o in d u s t r y w it h o u t t r a in in g t h e y c a n n o t e a s ily b e in d u s t r ia lly r e c o v e r e d . W it h o u t th e p r o t e c t io n o f v o c a t io n a l r e e d u c a tio n , t o g e t h e r w it h s y s te m a tic r e e s ta b lis h m e n t in w a g e -e a r n in g e m p lo y m e n t, th e h a n d i c a p p e d m a n w ill d r i f t a b o u t in in d u s t r y , an u n s k ille d la b o r e r , a n d a s u b je c t f o r e x p lo it a t io n b y th e u n s c r u p u lo u s a n d th e r e c ip ie n t o f p it ta n c e w a g e s. T h e p o lic y o f v o c a t io n a l r e h a b ilit a t io n is o n e o f c o n s e r v a tio n . D is a b le d m e n s k ille d in s p e c ific tra d e s w ill b e , so f a r as p o s s ib le , r e e s ta b lis h e d in th o s e tr a d e s b y v o c a t io n a l r e e d u c a tio n . W it h o u t s u ch t r a in in g v a lu a b le a c q u ir e d tr a d e e x p e r ie n c e w ill in m a n y ca ses b e lo s t, a n d th e r a n k s o f s k ille d la b o r w il l b e t o th a t e x te n t d e p le te d . I n c id e n t a lly , th e d r i f t in g o f h a n d ic a p p e d m e n in a n y c o n s id e r a b le n u m b e r in t o u n s k ille d e m p lo y m e n ts w ill o c c a s io n d e m o r a liz a t io n a n d im p a ir w a g e s ta n d a rd s . I t s h o u ld b e b o r n e in m in d th a t th e d is a b le d m e n a re, in m a n y ca ses, s p e c ia lly tr a in e d a n d s k ille d . I f a llo w e d , t h r o u g h la c k o f su ch r e e d u c a t io n as th e y r e q u ir e , t o s in k in t o th e r a n k s o f th e u n s k ille d , t h e ir p la c e s in th e N a t io n ’s sch e m e o f e c o n o m ic p r o d u c t iv it y c a n n o t b e fille d . N o s u p p ly o f s k ille d m e n is n o w , o r w ill b e a ft e r th e W a r , a v a ila b le f r o m o th e r c o u n tr ie s , sin c e e v e r y c o u n t r y at w a r is e x p e r i e n c in g , a n d w il l c o n tin u e to e x p e r ie n c e in th e y e a r s f o l l o w i n g th e W a r , a g r e a t s c a r c it y o f s k ille d la b o r . V o c a t io n a l r e e d u c a t io n o f m e n d is a b le d f o r m ilit a r y s e r v ic e is, t h e r e fo r e , a m e a n s n o t o n ly o f c o n s e r v in g tr a d e s k ill b u t o f c o n s e r v in g it in a tim e o f n a t io n a l e m e r g e n c y a n d o f p r e v e n t in g in so m e d e g r e e th e s c a r c it y o f s k ille d la b o r th a t is c e r ta in t o d e v e lo p as th e W a r p r o g r e s s e s . T h e n a tio n w h ic h d o e s n o t c o n s e r v e th e v o c a t io n a l s k ill o f its tr a in e d w o r k e r s w ill, to th a t e x te n t, w e a k e n its r e c u p e r a t iv e a n d c o m p e t itiv e p o w e r a n d to th a t e x te n t w ill c o n s e q u e n tly f a i l to a c h ie v e th e im m e d ia te n a t io n a l r e h a b ilit a t io n o f its in d u s t r ia l, c o m m e r c ia l, a n d a g r ic u ltu r a l p o w e r . T h e r e tu r n to c iv il e m p lo y m e n t o f la r g e n u m b e rs o f m e n u n d e r th e a b n o r m a l c o n d it io n s o f th e p e r io d o f d e m o b iliz a t io n w ill o c c a s io n fa r -r e a c h in g e c o n o m ic d is tu r b a n c e a n d m a la d ju s tm e n t o f la b o r s u p p ly t o d e m a n d , u n le ss th a t r e tu r n is m a d e u n d e r s o m e c o m p r c - 202 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF T H E IN D IVID U AL. h e n s iv e sch e m e o f a d m in is t r a t io n . V o c a t io n a l r e e d u c a tio n w ill p r o v id e o n e m e a n s o f so d ir e c t in g th e r e tu r n o f m e n in t o c iv il e m p lo y m e n ts as to o c c a s io n th e le a st p o s s ib le d is tu r b a n c e , a n d w ill g o f a r t o a v o id im p a ir m e n t o f e s ta b lis h e d s ta n d a r d s o f liv in g . I n in d iv id u a l ca ses, u n d o u b t e d ly , n e w v o c a t io n a l c a p a c it ie s w ill b e d e v e lo p e d in h a n d ic a p p e d m e n b y s y s te m a tic v o c a t io n a l r e e d u c a tio n . I n m a n y ca ses th e s e le c tio n o f w a g e -e a r n in g e m p lo y m e n ts h a s b e e n o r ig in a lly a c c id e n t a l a n d w it h o u t d u e r e g a r d t o n a t u r a l a p titu d e . V o c a t io n a l r e h a b ilit a t io n b y t r a in in g f o r n e w e m p lo y m e n t s f o r w h ic h th e m e n h a v e n a tu r a l a p t it u d e m a y d e v e lo p e n t ir e ly n e w v o c a t io n a l c a p a c itie s , m a k in g th e m e n e v e n m o r e efficien t p r o d u c e r s th a n t h e y w e r e b e fo r e r e c e iv in g th e ir in ju r ie s . T h e in d u s t r ia l r e s t o r a t io n o f m e n h a s b e e n f o u n d a v e r y im p o r t a n t fe a tu r e o f t h e ir p h y s ic a l r e s to r a tio n . T h e first a im o f th e d o c t o r s is t o in s p ir e in th e m in d o f th e m a n a b e lie f in h is o w n a b ilit y t o liv e a n d b e u s e fu l. O n c e th e m a n h im s e lf is c o n v in c e d th a t i t is w it h in h is p o w e r to r e c o v e r a n d b e c o m e s e lf-s u p p o r t in g , h a l f th e b a ttle o f th e d o c t o r s is w o n . A m a n ly i n g in a h o s p it a l m in u s a le g a n d a n a r m , o r b lin d , te n d s t o w a r d t a k in g a h o p e le s s v ie w o f life . B e f o r e h e e n te r e d th e m ili t a r y s e r v ic e h e m a y h a v e b e e n e n g a g e d in a n o c c u p a t io n s u ch as th a t o f an ir o n m o ld e r , w h ic h o c c u p ie d a ll o f h is lim b s a n d sen ses. H o k n o w s th a t h e is in c a p a c it a t e d f o r th is w o r k ; c o m p le t e ly sh a k e n p h y s ic a lly , h is m in d a ffe c te d in g r e a te r o r less d e g r e e b y h is a w fu l e x p e r ie n c e o f b a ttle , h e sees lit t le a h e a d b u t m is e r y a n d d e a th . H e d o e s n o t fe e l a b le t o h e lp h im s e lf. F ir s t , th e d o c t o r o r th e te a c h e r seek s t o in s p ir e in th is m a n a h o p e o f fu t u r e life . T h is h o p e it s e lf is a w o n d e r fu l r e s to r a tiv e , s u p e r io r t o a n y s k ill o f th e p h y s ic ia n . W h e n fr o m th e d e p th s o f b la c k d e s p a ir th e m a n c lim b s m e n t a lly in t o th e lig h t a n d sees a fu t u r e o f u s e fu l n ess, o f in d e p e n d e n c e , a n d h is v a lu e as a c it iz e n e n h a n c e d , h a lf th e b a t t le f o r th a t m a n h a s b e e n w o n . T h e n h is m e n t a lity is g u id e d , a n d h is r e m a in in g c a p a b ilit ie s a re g iv e n th e first, k in d e r g a r t e n , ste p s in o c c u p a t io n s , t o in c u lc a te th e h a b it o f w o r k a n d c o n c e n t r a t io n a n d t o g e t h is m in d o ff h is tro u b le s . T h is , as h is c o n fid e n c e r e tu r n s , is g r a d u a t e d a n d h e p r o g r e s s e s t o w a r d th e p o in t w h e r e h e ta k e s u p th e r e a l w o r k o f th e r e a l o c c u p a t io n f o r w h ic h h e is t o b e r e e d u c a t e d a n d in w h ic h h e is d e te r m in e d t o “ m a k e g o o d ” as a fu t u r e a v o c a t io n , a n d w h ic h h e w ill u n d o u b t e d ly “ m a k e g o o d ” in a n d s lip b a c k in t o th e r a n k s , a n h o n o r e d c it iz e n w h o b e a r s e v id e n c e o f h is h ig h p a t r io t is m — a m a n w h o g a v e g la d ly f o r h is c o u n t r y , a n d w h o a sk s n o s p e c ia l c o n s id e r a t io n f o r it, b u t o n ly t h a t h e m a y c o m e b a c k in t o th e r a n k s o f th e “ S o ld ie r s o f R e c o n s t r u c t io n ” a n d h e lp o b lit e r a te th e sc a rs o f w a r . S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 11—A F T E R N O O N SE SSIO N . C H A IR M A N : I>R. E. B. G O W IN , OF T H E N E W Y O R K U N IV E R S IT Y SCHOOL OF COM M ERCE AC CO U N TS A N D F IN A N C E , N E W YORK C IT Y . SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE GROUP. [ T h e m e e t in g w a s c a lle d to o r d e r at 2.45 p . m . b y M r . W e lls , a c t in g as c h a ir m a n .] M r . W e l l s (a c t in g c h a ir m a n ). T h e first b u sin e ss is th e r e p o r t o f th e c o m m itte e . I t h in k th a t it m ig h t b e w e ll f o r som e o n e to m o v e th a t th e a r tic le s o f o r g a n iz a t io n as a d o p t e d s e c tio n b y s e c tio n b » a d o p te d as a w h o le . [ I t w a s so m o v e d , s e c o n d e d , a n d c a r r ie d .] M r . W e l l s (a c t in g c h a ir m a n ). T h e c o m m itte e h a s m e t a n d s u b m its th e f o l l o w i n g n a m e s f o r n o m in a t io n f o r m e m b e r s o f th e E x e c u t iv e C o m m it t e e : Ralph G. Wells, Wilmington, Del., W . H. Winans, Cleveland, Ohio, H . G. Kobick, Chicago, HI., Raymond C. Booth, Rochester, N. Y ., E. H. Fish, Worcester, Mass., Elmer F. Harris, Pittsburgh, Pa., Representing local associations; Mrs. Jane C. W illiam s, Norwood, Mass., S. R. Rectanus, Middletown, Ohio, Capt. Boyd Fisher, Washington, D. C., M em bers at large. G e n tle m e n , th a t is th e r e p o r t o f th e C o m m itte e o n N o m in a t io n s , a n d it is u p f o r y o u r a c tio n . H a s a n y o n e a n y c o m m e n t o r r e m a r k ? [ I t w a s m o v e d a n d s e c o n d e d th a t th e r e p o r t b e a d o p t e d .] [ T h e q u e s tio n w a s th e n o n th e m o tio n th a t th e r e p o r t o f th e O r g a n iz a t io n C o m m itte e b e a c c e p te d , a n d th a t th e m e n n o m in a te d b e e le c te d to s e rv e as m e m b e r s o f th e E x e c u t iv e C o m m itte e f o r th e c o m in g y e a r . M o t io n c a r r ie d .] M r . W i n a n s . I m o v e th a t th is c o n v e n t io n g o 011 r e c o r d as r e c o m m e n d in g t o th e lo c a l e m p lo y m e n t m a n a g e r s ’ a s s o cia tio n s th a t w o m e n e m p lo y m e n t m a n a g e r s b e in c lu d e d in t h e ir m e m b e r s h ip , o r be a d m itte d t o m e m b e r s h ip . [M o t io n s e c o n d e d .] 203 204 SOCIAL PROBLEM S OF T H E GROUP. D elegate. H ow about the assistant employment managers? M r . W i n a n s . T h o s e s u g g e s tio n s c a n b e in c o r p o r a t e d in a m o tio n t o b e a d m itte d u p o n th e sa m e b a sis a s m e n . T h e A cting Chairman. T h e a s s o c ia tio n s , as I u n d e r s ta n d , w o u ld b e v e r y g la d t o h a v e th e c o o p e r a t io n a n d th e m e m b e r s h ip o f th e w o m e n a c t u a lly e n g a g e d in e m p lo y m e n t w o r k ; b u t th e r e is a te n d e n c y a ll a lo n g th e lin e t o e m p lo y w o m e n f o r s e r v ic e w o r k . S u p p o s e w e p u t it t h a t w a y : “ W o m e n e n g a g e d in e m p lo y m e n t o r s e r v ic e w o r k .” [M o t io n c a r r ie d .] T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . I m ig h t s a y th e re a re t w o o r th re e o th e r r e s o lu tio n s b e in g p r e p a r e d w h ic h w ill b e p r e s e n te d b e f o r e th e c lo s e o f th e c o n fe r e n c e . I t h in k th e re a re o n e o r t w o c o u r t e s y r e s o lu tio n s t h a t w e s h o u ld a d o p t. I s th e re a n y o t h e r m a tte r o f b u sin e ss th a t y o u w is h t o b r in g u p b e fo r e w e p r o c e e d to th e r e p o r t o f th e c o m m it t e o n t u r n o v e r ? D e l e g a t e . I w o u ld lik e t o a sk w h e th e r it w o u ld b e w e ll t o lim it th e w o r d “ s e r v i c e ” t o “ in d u s t r i a l ” s e r v ic e ? I t h in k th e in te n tio n w a s n o t t o o p e n th e w a y t o w o m e n e n g a g e d in o u t s id e p h ila n t h r o p ic w o r k ; th e w o r d “ s e r v ic e ” a lo n e w o u ld m a k e it t o o b r o a d .” T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . I t h in k th a t is a g o o d s u g g e s tio n . S u p p o s e w e s a y “ s e r v in g as e x e c u tiv e s in e m p lo y m e n t a n d p e r s o n n e l d e p a r tm e n ts .” D e l e g a t e . T h e s e a re r e c o m m e n d a tio n s t o th e lo c a l a s s o c ia tio n s ? ! T h e A c t in g C h a ir m a n . Y e s . [T h e r e c o m m e n d a t io n w a s th e n c h a n g e d t o r e a d : “ W o m e n e x e c u tiv e s a c t u a lly e n g a g e d in e m p lo y m e n t a n d p e r s o n n e l w o r k .” ] [ A n a m e n d m e n t to t h is s u g g e s tio n w a s o ffe r e d , m a k in g th e o r ig in a l m o t io n b r o a d e r in its s c o p e a n d r e c o m m e n d in g t h a t th e “ lo c a l a sso c ia t io n s ta k e in w o m e n o n th e sa m e b a sis as m e n .” ] [ T h e a m e n d m e n t to th e o r ig in a l m o tio n w a s a c c e p t e d .] D e l e g a t e . T h e o r ig in a l r e s o lu tio n r e a d s “ lo c a l,” b u t n o t “ S ta te .” W o u l d th a t a lso a p p ly t o th e S ta te e m p lo y m e n t b u r e a u ? T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . T h e q u e s tio n o f th e p o l ic y o f th e lo c a l a s s o c ia tio n w it h r e g a r d t o th e m e n w o u ld h in g e o n th is n e w w o r d in g e n tir e ly . W o m e n w o u ld b e a d m itte d t o th e lo c a l a s s o c ia tio n s o n th e sa m e b a s is t h a t m e n are. D e l e g a t e . W o u l d th a t a p p ly t o “ S t a t e ” ? D o th e S ta te b u re a u s c o m e u n d e r th e h e a d o f lo c a l a s s o c ia tio n s ? I n R o c h e s t e r a n d A lb a n y t h e y h a v e S ta te e m p lo y m e n t b u re a u s w h ic h a re d o in g s im p ly lo c a l w ork . DISCUSSION'. 205 T lie A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . T h a t is a q u e s tio n f o r th e lo c a l R o c h e s te r a s s o c ia tio n t o d e c id e . I f th e y a c c e p t th e m e n fr o m th e S ta te b u re a u t h e y w o u ld th e n a c c e p t th e w o m e n fr o m th e S ta te b u re a u . A r e th e y g o in g t o a c c e p t th e m e n ? T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . T h a t is a q u e s tio n f o r th e d e c is io n o f th e lo c a l a s s o c ia tio n . D e l e g a t e . I t h in k th e S ta te a s s o c ia tio n s h o u ld b e r e c o g n iz e d b e f o r e th e lo c a l b u re a u . D e le g a te . T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . Y o u a p p r e c ia te , o f c o u r s e , th a t w e c a n ’t ta k e tim e t o g o in t o th e r u le s o f th e lo c a l a s s o c ia tio n b e y o n d r e c o m m e n d in g th is o n e p o in t . I f w e w o u ld ta k e u p th e q u e s tio n a n d s p e c ify , a n d a tte m p t t o c h a n g e th e r e g u la t io n s o f lo c a l a s s o c ia tio n s , w e w o u ld th e n g e t in t o a n e n d le ss d is c u s s io n , b e ca u se it is a p r o b le m t h a t h a s t o b e h a n d le d lo c a lly . W o u l d th a t c o m e u n d e r cla u se 1 ? . T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . T h is is w ith r e g a r d t o th e n a t io n a l a sso c ia t io n . W e a re n o t t a lk in g a b o u t n a t io n a l a s s o cia tio n s , w e a re t a lk i n g a b o u t lo c a l m a n a g e r s ’ e m p lo y m e n t a s s o c ia t io n s ; as f a r as th e S ta te is c o n c e r n e d , th e y c o m e in as m e m b e r s o f th e n a t io n a l a s s o cia t io n b y p a y m e n t o f $10. D e le g a te . [T h e a c tio n o f th e c o n v e n t io n w a s th e n o n th e o r ig in a l r e s o lu t io n o f M r . W in a n s w it h r e g a r d to th e a d m is s io n o f w o m e n as m e m b e r s o f lo c a l a s s o cia tio n s , as a m e n d e d .] [T h e r e s o lu t io n w a s c a r r ie d .] T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . A r e th e re a n y fu r t h e r in s t r u c t io n s ? M r . W i n a n s . W o u l d it n o t b e w e ll f o r y o u t o c a ll a m e e t in g o f th e e x e c u t iv e c o m m itte e in o r d e r th a t w e ca n d e c id e o n som e fu r t h e r s te p s ? T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . A s c h a ir m a n o f th is c o n v e n t io n , I w ill, th e n , c a ll a m e e tin g o f th e n e w ly e le c te d e x e c u t iv e c o m m itte e t o m e e t h e re im m e d ia t e ly f o l l o w i n g th e a d jo u r n m e n t o f th is c o n v e n t io n . M r . R e c t a n u s . T h e r e is o n e m o r e t h in g th a t is im p o r t a n t , a n d I w o u ld lik e t o p u t it to th e c o n v e n tio n n o w , i f I m a y . I m o v e th a t th e e x e c u t iv e c o m m itte e b e in s tr u c te d to e m p lo y a n e x e c u tiv e se cre t a r y a n d su ch s ta ff as m a y b e n e ce ssa ry . I t h in k th a t th e e x e c u tiv e c o m m itte e w o u ld lik e t o a sk sp e c ific in s tr u c tio n s fr o m th is c o n v e n tio n . T h e A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . M a y I m a k e a n a d d it io n t o th a t, “ not, t o e x ce e d su ch fu n d s as a re d e fin ite ly in s ig h t ” ? M r . K o b i c k . I f w e g e t th a t k in d o f a n e x e c u t iv e s e c r e ta r y th e re is n o t m u c h in v ie w f o r a g o o d m a n . 206 SOCIAL PROBLEM S OF T H E GROUP. [The motion was seconded, and, on being put, was carried.] [It was moved, seconded, and carried that all names and addresses o f a business connection be printed in the report.] The A c t i n g C h a i r m a n . Y o u all know of Dr. Gowin’s work in New Y'ork City, in connection with the executives’ club and in New York University. Dr. Gowin is scheduled to act as chairman and I am going to ask him to take charge now and introduce the committee that is studying turnover. Dr. E. B. G o w i n , of the New York University School of Com merce Accounts and Finance, New York City. We appointed a com mittee some little time ago to take up an old problem, that of turn over. The committee intimates that it is ready to report. I under stand Mr. Kelly, of Harvard University, is going to present the re port. Mr. Kelly, o f the vocation bureau of Harvard University. B o y W . K e l l y , director, Bureau of Vocational Guidance, Har vard University, Cambridge, Mass. I wish it understood at the out set that I do not purpose to answer detailed questions regarding this proposed standard method of computing turnover. After wrestling with 21 managers sent to me at Harvard to learn something about employment work, I found out that many of them knew more about that job than I did; and I am determined not to be stumped this afternoon with questions of a technical nature. I am going to leave to practical members of the committee the answering of such tech nical questions as you will probably ask. The committee has con sidered the various methods of computing labor turnover, and has likewise considered the methods which were in use by the nine men called into the committee. The committee took the liberty of inviting in more men, in order to have an adequate representation from man agers with regard to the problem of computing the percentage of turnover. Our committee thinks that the principal reason for any computation of turnover is that we may procure the reduction of that which is computed. In other words, it does not do much good to put down a figure which represents the amount of the.loss, unless we fur ther analyze the problem. Our committee has not gone so far as to say how you are going to analyze the reasons for turnover. I can say for myself, I think, that it is absolutely essential to have a separate report to deal with absenteeism. Our formula for computing turn over does not take into account absenteeism. It seems to me essential that some separate report be made oh that subject. An account should be given of the reasons for it, and in the same way some account ought to be taken of the reasons for turnover. I think that one other matter ought to be made clear to you and that is this, the report does not represent a “ high-brow ” effort; it represents the consensus of opinion of men who have been figuring on turnover for a good DISCUSSION. 207 many years. In some of the discussion the other day it was pretty clear that reports w^ere being received at Washington which indi cated that the absence of an}" standard was creating a considerable amount of confusion as to what actually constituted a reasonable amount o f turnover. There are still a great many firms who obtain the percentage of turnover by taking the number of people 011 the pay roll at the beginning of the year and the number at the end of the year and dividing by 2 in order to get a basis. That, of course, although common practice, is an absurd method. Having found what the denominator of our fraction should be, the next problem wTith which we are confronted is to determine what the numerator ought to be. I think it unnecessary for me to enter into detailed discussion of the reasons for arriving at the conclu sions w^e are giving you. I am going to read a paragraph which we have set at the head of this paper which will give you the exam pies which we set down to illustrate our methods. A good many people state that their turnover for a week is 1 per cent or less. It seemed to us that if we arrived at a standard method of computing turnover, and then let everybody state his turnover for a certain length of time in terms of a yearly percentage, there would not be confusion on that point. Compute for a week, and say the percentage for last week was “ so and so,” and this week it is better. I f we multiply that percentage by 52 we get the yearly rate, based 011 that week. I think it is quite significant that we should propose this standard method immediately after we have completed our arrangements for a national association of employment managers. The profession of teaching is an old profession, but only within the last four or five years have teachers been able to set up a yardstick by which we can say that boys and girls of 9 years of age in the schools of the city o f Rochester compare more or less favorably with the boys and girls in the ninth year o f age in Boston, Cleveland, and so on. We have developed tests such as the Curtis standard test, the Holmes reading test, the Thorndyke writing scale, which have come into common use within the last four or five years, and by which we are able to say with a reasonable degree of certainty that our children are up to the standard or not. It seems to me that in this standardized method of computing labor turnover you have a mere beginning. It is highly desirable for this association to set up standards of hygiene and health for work ers which will affect the health, effectiveness, and contentment of your workers, and the success of your own employment department. I am glad to be able to submit in behalf of this committee the be ginning in that kind of work. 208 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE GROUP. D e l e g a t e . I f that report is open to discussion, in the second para graph, I note hirings are equal to the total. We are considering exits. Mr. K e l l y . I refuse to discuss the technical aspects of this ques tion until the other members of the committee have been heard. I am sure there are managers of long experience on that committee who can discuss it better than I can. I f they refuse I will meet the emergency. It is up to the committee. W i l s o n C. M a s t o n , Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. The members of the committee decided that it is up to Dr. Meeker to answTer all questions. This gentleman wants a question answered. Dr. M e e k e r . I am not attending a school on employment manage ment, Mr. Chairman, but I am learning. I knew I did not know very much about turnover before I came here. I have learned that the gentlemen I have met here don’t know any more about it than I do. I came here with the idea—I*am not sure whether I have it now or not—that the object to be sought for in computing your per centage of labor turnover is to get at the net hirings. I suppose that if the committee had had more time it would have turned out a better piece of work. I think it would have started out by defining labor turnover. The thing I am principally interested it, as I have said, is to get all to agree to use as the denominator of your fraction the man-days worked by your establishment. I f you have not the man-days worked, then there is something the matter with your es tablishment, and there is a job for an employment manager and a full size, thoroughly vigorous adult employment manager in your establishment. We have all agreed that that is the proper denominator. Now, the question is brought u p : Have we got the right term for the numera tor of the fraction? I am not sure about that. Others can speak with much more experience; I will not say knowledge. I would like to hear from all who have divergent opinions upon this. I have been converted several times in several different ways; and I am a little bit uncertain. Now take this from me on the level: Don’t attempt to make this formula for computing your percentage of labor turnover a universal panacea, and don’t attempt to find the absolute. There ain’t no such animal, as the Irishman said after looking at the giraffe for 15 minutes. But I do hope that in this con ference we can formulate a definition of labor turnover that will be adopted by all. You can do it. There are here approximately 250 men, which means there will be about 250 definitions of labor turn over ready at hand now. Let us have just one of them. Let us agree upon that. Then we can agree upon the proper method of DISCUSSION. 209 computing the percentage labor turnover. There is the point, and a very good point, made by the gentleman who is waiting for me to sit down. What does it cost an establishment when an employee leaves, voluntarily or involuntarily? It costs money every time a man is separated from his job. I have been looking at it from the other side, the education of the man to fill the job. You shake your heads. I am well aware that every man in your establishments rep resents an investment. Thank Heaven the employers of the country are beginning to consider their employees almost as intelligently as they are considering their machines. When we treat our employees as well as we treat our mules, then we will be on the road to the millenium. Mr. D o u c e t . That did not answer my question. I figure that you may hire a thousand men and not lose one, and you have no turnover. According to this method of computing turnover, you have. Dr. M e e k e r . H o w do you make that out? You are absolutely wrong. You have no numerator to start with. Mr. Stewart of the bureau has a story about how to juggle statistics: first, get your statistics. Now if you want to juggle with your labor turnover, first get it. Labor turnover is something positive; it is not this formula; you can’t evolve labor turnover from this’ formula unless you have labor turnover. I f you have not lost any men you have not any labor turnover. Mr. S t e w a r t . I would like to say two or three words on this point. When we first started out on labor turnover we attempted to get the number of jobs in the factory. We were told we could not get it. Now you tell me you can get the aggregate of your force for us. Divide that by the number of days you run, and that is your one-man days, and that is your number of jobs. Now, then, the turnover is the number of men you must hire to fill your number of jobs. Your replacements in your plant are your turnover. As regards net hirings, say your concern had a thousand jobs—a thousand one-man day’s work to begin with, but the num ber of jobs was decreasing; in that case you would be hiring a great number of men as replacements, and yet because the number of jobs was going down so fast, your net hirings would be less than nothing. In other words, on a net hiring basis, on a decreasing force you do not show your turnover, and unless your turnover means replacement, it does not mean anything. Now, if you are on an increasing basis, if there are new jobs and new men, it will cost you as much to break in those new men to the new job as it does to break in new men to an old job. So that is not turnover; that is starting industry in the 77920°—19-----14 210 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE GROUP, sense of calling one job an industry, and I am not satisfied that you are going to get what you want on a basis of net turnover, with the shift o f jobs in the plant. But if you wTill keep this in mind: That your average one-man day is the number of jobs, and the number of men you must employ to fill those jobs is your turnover. Now, the Bureau of Labor Statistics wants to know the number of jobs and the number of men who have quit, and the number of men hired, and the bureau will do the rest. Capt. F i s h e r . I promised n lady I would present a point I don’t understand. Miss Huey says she feels dissatisfied with example 1 , in which, after you get your average number of men and the working force by counting up your employees each day, say 1,050 people, you proceed to take the number of employees at the end of the week as the basis o f getting your net hiring. She says the number of people on the pay roll at the end of the week (Saturday) is likely to be very much lower than on Friday, especially if you pay Friday night.f The number on your pay roll Saturday is less than Friday night; therefore, if you use that as your subtrahend in this formula for hiring you will get a smaller number of net hirings than you really have had. What you should use is the average of your weekly force. One thousand forty is the figure you could use there fairly, and therefore on that account your percentage of turnover would be higher. She feels that the number of employees on the pay roll Saturday night is misleading because that is not the typical work force; that you should use the average for the week and substract it from the average of your previous week as a basis for getting your net hirings. D e l e g a t e . What is straight net hirings? I know of cases where we have had people that filled the same job three or four times a week. Capt. F i s h e r . I disagree with that: I dont think that a man who is actually given work, and has made “ scrap” of a job at a ma chine and has left can really be counted in turnover. The object in finding turnover is to find the cost. D e l e g a t e . It is the loss of men that you are ‘interested in, and not the hiring of men. And it is loss of men and not the addition of men that we ought to figure as labor turnover. D e l e g a t e . I f you have lost your men you have your turnover. The discharge of employees at the actual completion o f a job does not constitute turnover, but “ lay off.” In other words, if you build a house you employ carpenters, and the various kinds of workmen necessary to build that house. You have no men quit you while you are actually doing the work, and while you need them; but you lejt DISCUSSION. the men go when your job is finished. turnover. 211 Then you have had no labor Mr. D o u c e t . In figuring labor turnover, it seems to me we ought to consider both hiring and leaving. The net number of hirings during any given week, the net number of leavings during any given week, could be computed. I think you can arrive at a percentage there. I f a man is once hired, if he works five minutes, he is an in vestment. He has gone through physical examination, gone through the employment department, he costs something. This plan does not give us, so far as I can see, a formula to use for the hiring and leaving and putting together the number of employees on the pay roll at the same time. C. M. B r a d i n g , superintendent o f safety, Wisconsin Steel Co., Chicago, 111. I would like to give the idea of the Wisconsin Steel Co. in figuring labor turnover. Our turnover is computed by taking the number of positions vacated as compared to the average force on the average pay roll. There is a vast difference between the aver age force worked and the average pay roll. It is the average number of men worked and not the average number of men on your pay roll that is the important point. There may be 200 absentees every day in a large industrial plant with three shifts of eight hours each. May I ask some of you who are figuring labor turnover in lines where there are several departments, and each department stands by itself, how you consider the transfer o f employees from one de partment to another, either by way of promotion or to put a man in a job he is better suited for. Do you take that into consideration in taking a plant turnover or do you use it as department turnover? We have 31 departments in our plant. When we transfer a man from one department to another we do not count that as turnover. It is not turnover for the plant but it is turnover for the department which releases that man. I f a man is released from one of our departments, what we call a “ department release,” goes into the labor department; where he is interviewed and sent back by some other foreman, it is counted against the department from which he came as labor turnover in that department. Most plants drop a man from a pay roll when he has been absent a certain length of time and they don’t know whether to bring him back or not. We try to keep our pay roll alive by not carrying a man for over two weeks, unless he has reported for work or is injured and can*t return. Suppose, for instance, in the plant that pays every two weeks and keeps the time in two-week periods; on the 15th o f the month the man has a full-time record. In the next period if he does not work full time he may be kept on the pay roll if he comes back within a certain period; 10 days is allowed to him to do that. 212 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OE THE GROUP. Then a couple of days later that man comes back, and in the mean time his job has been filled. But even with its being filled we still can use another man, so he is reinstated or rehired, goes right back in the same department, and has the same job or on a similar job under the same foreman. Now, if 3^011 take your figures for that, or for the period you set, you don’t know whether your man is coming back; and so you can’t say he has left. Next month he comes back, goes through the employ ment .office, is rehired, yet he is not a new man. How would you consider that as affecting turnover? I f you deduct the number of rehirings from the number leaving, in figuring the number that ac tually remain with the company, what length of time do you allow a man to be off without counting him dismissed? D e l e g a t e . Can’t we eliminate all refinements in the discussion of this proposition, and come to a decision as to whether or not the exits or the hirings are going to be the foundation? I move that it be tlie sense of the meeting that the “ exit” of employees is the founda tion o f labor turnover. |The motion was seconded. During the extended discussion that followed, a suggested amendment that “ exits ” be limited to “ the loss o f employees, except those discharged or laid off for permanent reduction of the number employed,” was rejected.] [The convention finally adopted the original motion that turnover figure be confined to “ exits ” without qualifying phrase.] The C h a i r m a n . We would be remiss if we were to leave without paying our respects to the host. I think that we are also greatly indebted to Capt. Fisher for the work he has done in arranging this program. Every person on the committee was very much absorbed in other work, and Boyd Fisher practically did all of the work on the securing of speakers. A ll we did was to meet with him one night and decide in a general way what the program should be and give him permission to get the speakers. I think you will agree that he did an excellent work. I don’t know how much you have enjoyed this conference, but I personally have enjoyed the convention very much, and I trust you have all had as good a time as I have had. There has been more inspiration, more good fellowship, and more solid work done in a friendly and whole-hearted manner than it has been my pleasure to experience in any other convention that I have at tended. And I think we are greatly indebted to the city of Rochester and to the chamber of commerce and to the University of Rochester for the cordiality with which they have received us, and for the excellence o f the arrangements that have been made. And, there fore, I know you will join with me in presenting this resolution which, with your permission, I will read into the records myself: DISCUSSION. 213 Resolved , That the Association of Employment Managers in convention as sembled extend to the United States Government its- whole-hearted support to the Government in the important work of stabilizing employment, bringing up the efficiency of workers, and making for a better understanding and more harmonious relations between employers and employees, and this association offers its cooperation to achieve those results; and, further, Resolved , That we extend to the Rochester Chamber of Commerce our cordial appreciation and hearty thanks for the helpful cooperation and generous hos pitality in making the arrangements for the second annual convention of this association; and that we express our sincere thanks to Mr. Raymond C. Booth, the secretary of the Employment Management Group of the Industrial Manage ment Council of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce for the support that he has given u s; and be it further Resolved , That this association extend to Capt. Boyd Fisher its sincere thanks for his efforts and his work in securing the speakers for this most inter esting convention. [The adoption of the resolutions was moved, seconded, and car ried.] The C h a ir m a n . We now pass to the last address to be delivered before the association, on maintenance of labor standards during the Avar, to be presented by a woman. I trust she will look at it from a woman’s point o f view. We commenced Avith an address concerning standards for women, and we end that Avay, which means Ave have the ladies with us first and last. The subject will be presented by Mrs. Ordway Tead. MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING LABOR STANDARDS DURING THE WAR. BY M R S. CLAR A M . TEAD, SUPERVISOR, W O M E N ’ S B R A N C H , ORDNANCE D E PA RTM E N T, W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. As Dr. has just said, the Government has called upon the essential industries of the country for vastly increased production; at the same time, the Government has enunciated the policy that labor standards must be vigorously maintained during the war. It is the particular effort of the Industrial Service Section of the Ord nance Department to interpret these two facts and their relation to each other in terms of actual practical results in the plants workingon ordnance contracts. I am going to limit myself to a brief discussion of the work of the women’s branch of the Industrial Service Section of the Ordnance Department in relation to the maintenance of labor stand ards for women. First, what is the women’s branch? second, what does it do, what it is function? third, what is our working plat form? fourth, what are some of the standards, and what do they in volve when applied? In order to define the women's branch I must define the relations of the Industrial Service Section to the office of the Chief of Ordnance. The office of the Chief of Ordnance has five divisions: Production, procurement, supply, inspection, and finance. The organization of the office of the Chief of Ordnance is divided into three bureaus, and one of them is the Control Bureau. The Industrial Service Section is one of the sections of the Control Bureau; and the women's branch is one of the branches in the Indus trial Service Section.1 What does the women's branch do; wliat is its function? The woman’s branch is charged with the responsibility of advising plants which employ women and which are working on ordnance contracts, about all sorts of problems relating to the employment of women. These plants may be grouped under three heads: Government arsenals, plants working on a cost-plus basis, and plants with straight bid contracts. The branch acts as advisor for ordnance plants em ploying women. We advise as to how production may be increased and maintained over a period of time by the establishment of the right sort o f working conditions. 1 Since this address was delivered the Industrial Service Section o f the Ordnance De partm ent has been made part o f the Production D ivision. 214 M AINTENANCE OF LABOE STANDARDS— MRS. CLARA M . TEAD. 215 I am going to emphasize four points in our working platform. Maximum production over a period of time can be attained and maintained only by providing the right sort of working conditions. British experience gives graphic illustrations of this. Second, maintenance of existing local standards in war crises and under war conditions is sometimes insufficient to insure the health and the productive capacity of the workers. In certain instances, addi tional safeguards must be created and adopted in order to meet a particular need. I will illustrate that later. Third, it is our belief that women should not be used to replace men on men’s wrork un less it is necessary. I f a shortage of male labor arises and we are advised that men can not be supplied for the work, then the situation must be carefully analyzed .and the wTork on which it is proposed to use women must be studied and analyzed into its various factors be fore the w^omen are put on the job. After we have the factors and the various elements involved in doing that job determined and de fined, then we must find out under what conditions women can best do that job. In other words, analyze the work, and then, on the basis oz the analysis establish your conditions. Let me state clearly that we believe that women should never be introduced on men’s wrork to lower rates or break strikes. The fourth point in our working platform is this, that the maintenance of standards reduces itself as a practical matter to handling the labor problem in a plant In the most effective way possible; and the wTay to do this, as you know, is by having a special department in the management which is charged with the responsibility of handling all the problems relating to the selection, training, and maintenance of the working force in each es tablishment. It is my belief that where Avomen are employed in any significant number, 011 shop work, a woman should be in this depart ment, which may be called the employment management department, or the service department. In this woman should be centered the responsibility of maintaining the right sort of standards for women, and the responsibility of seeing that each woman is placed at the work she can best do over a period of time. What are some of these standards and what do they involve when actually applied? These standards may be grouped under four heads: 1 . Wages. 2 . Hours. 3. Adjustments that may be necessary in conditions of work. 4. Health and sanitary provisions. Mr. Fullerton, in his discussion yesterday of standards for women in industry, brought up the question, in regard to wages, of whether a woman should have the same weekly wage as a man on the same kind of work. Mr. Fullerton was, of course, speaking of the gar- 216 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE GROUP. mcnt trade, primarily known as a woman’s trade, and I am not going to enter into a discussion of tlie rate of wages for women in trades in which they have always been employed. The thing I am interested in at the present moment is whether women are to be paid the same wages as men when doing men’s work, and put in definitely on work previously done by .men. The Government has been ex plicit on this point, stating in General Orders, No. 13, issued by the Chief of Ordnance last October and addressed to commanders of arsenals and manufacturers working on ordnance contract, the policy that when women are used to replace men they shall be paid the same wage for the same work. Equal pay for equal work is the slogan. The Quartermaster General issued a pamphlet, ad dressed to commandants and to manufacturing concerns with Quartermaster’s contracts, containing suggestions as to maintenance of labor standards. This also included the equal pay for equal work policy. The Taft-Walsh board has taken the same stand; and the packers’ agreement, which is now in operation, maintains this policy of equal pay for equal work. Now, in all of these instances the policy is not the most significant thing, although it is very significant. It is the application and working out- of that policy in the individual plant that is really the significant thing. And in order to apply this policy of equal pay for equal work— and I realize it is a very controversial question, because I never go into a plant where the question is not brought up—we must consider several things: First, when a woman is put in on a man’s work, does it necessitate the reorganization of the way that work is done; and if it does mean adaptation in method of work, how much do these adaptations cost in terms of the unit cost of production? In England they have hacl some very unfortunate experiences, because some of the manufac turers in trying to apply this policy made slight changes in the way the work was done, and therefore called it different work. They thereby complied literally with the word of the law, but broke the spirit o f it by paying the women lower rates, simply because a minor adjustment had been made. I fancy from my interviews with manufacturers on ordnance contracts, that the same thing will bs tried here. One reason that it may be tried is that we do not always stop to think what it means to have a policy of “ equal pay for equal work,” and w7hat it means to apply it. For example, if you pay 10 women working on inspection of small gun parts, which has always been done in a given plant by men, it may be necessary to have one or possibly two men laborers who will move boxes of in spected parts about the room, and the manufacturer will say: “ These women are not doing the same work as the men, because they do not lift the boxes; I have to employ one or two men to keep this M AINTENANCE OF LABOR STANDARDS---- MRS. CLARA M . TEAD. 217 group o f women busy. Therefore, they are not doing the same work as men; and, therefore, it is justifiable, even in the light of the na tional policy, to pay them a lower rate.” That leads to a very im portant point, which is this: When you take such a step as described in my illustration, you simply functionalize your process further. Now we know from industrial experience where scientific manage ment has been introduced that increased functionalizing of process does not necessarily mean a less output, a lower output, a higher unit cost o f production. But on the other hand, from studies that have been made, and from the experience of employers who have intro duced scientific management into their shops, functionalization means increased output per individual, and a lower unit cost of production. And it is on the basis of the daily or weekly output of the individual and the unit cost of production that the standard wage should be set. Now all this means in application that when you put women on men’s work, you should compare the output per individual for women with the output per individual for men. In many plants where women are being put 011 inspection work, special assembling, etc., the women are showing an output which exceeds that of the men, and in some instances where the women have been 011 such work for six months the increased output continues. We must study these things, and we must find out which kinds of work women can do most effec tively in comparison with men. Then comes the matter of hours. The policy stated in General Orders, No. 13, which is significant, and a resume of all the other poli cies concerning hours, is this: That existing standards must be rigidly maintained, and even where the law permits a woman to work 0 or 10 hours, every effort should be made to reduce the hours of women to 8. However, we are in a war emergency, when goods must be got out and individuals must necessarily make some conces sions, and must face varying conditions in order to meet the emer gency. As regards night work for women, we know from experi ments that night work for women means high unit cost of production, largely because of the increased supervision that is necessary, and because night work for women seems to lower hourly production. The time may come when it is necessary to use women on night work even though they do not produce the same as on day work. When that time comes each situation must be analyzed as a special situa tion. The fact of a bona fide emergency must first be established. When it is found that we must have women on night work, specific conditions must be established, providing for supervision, for proper feeding, and for proper transportation facilities, which are especially important for night workers. In regard to adjustments which may be necessary in the condi tions of work when women are introduced on men’s work, certain 218 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE GROUP. machinery which is supposed to be safe for men may not be safe for women. An occupation which may be safe for a man with closeclipped hair may have a real hazard for a woman with long hair which may be easily loosened. Machines may need to have extra guards. All these things must be considered by employers who are putting women on machine work. Then there is the matter not only of having the machine safe but of making the women as safe as pos sible while at wTork at the machine. That reduces itself to appro priate shop clothes. Crepe cle chine waists are not the proper kind o f garb for shop work. When a woman handles explosive powder it is dangerous to have her wear her street clothes at work. The way to get around that is to have a practical uniform, good looking enough so that the women will be glad to wear it, and wear it with enthusiasm, and at the same time adapted to the particular kind of work. The method o f adopting the uniform is important. We have had reports of cases where firms put the women into uniforms, and the next day many of the women left. That has happened in several instances. One method of adopting a uniform and getting it into use in the shop was used with success at a Government arsenal. A committee of girls w7as called, and the girls decided that they would draw up a design for a uniform, which they did, and had a sample made. The uniform which they first designed had ruffles around the ankles, but the girls felt they had participated in planning their own uni form. Then we had a designer and manufacturer of men's shop clothes come to the arsenal and give them practical suggestions, the safety engineer of the arsenal made practical suggestions from his knowledge of machine hazards, and the Women’s Branch helped them in every way it could. The result was a practical uniform which, I believe, is adapted to both machine and powder work. An arsenal is, in some respects, a cross section of the munitions in dustry, and if we can standardize this uniform, and if other plants that are working on ordnance can use it, we can get the uniform cheaper, which is an important factor. I have a picture here which may interest you. The furnishing of the proper kind of shop clothes to women, either on machinery or handling explosive powxlers, is an important matter. We will send this photograph to you if you write for it. Another point which should be noted with regard to uniforms is that, in order to get the maximum value out of a uni form, it must be laundered regularly. That is the only way you can establish a common standard o f cleanliness and that esprit de corps which is one o f the beneficial results of using uniforms for women in shops. I went to visit one of the largest shell-loading plants in this coun try. They are proposing to use women in the loading of amatol shells. They adopted a uniform with three pockets on the outside, M AINTENANCE OF LABOR STANDARDS---- MRS. CLARA M . TEAD. 219 which happened to be supplied by the same manufacturer who worked out our arsenal design, which shows you can’t always .de pend upon the manufacturer. For it is fatal for women on powder work to have open pockets on their suits; powder gets in the pockets. Some powder when dried will start to burn. I know of one case where a girl had been working with inflammable powders, in her or dinary street clothes. Some one rubbed against her going home in the street car and she burst into flames. Get a uniform adapted to the particular work on which women are being employed. In summarizing, the following points are to me the most im portant : First, the value of a national policy of maintaining standards de pends on the application of that policy in each shop. Second, the intelligent application of such a policy must be worked out in each plant by a department manager to administer labor problems. Third, where women are employed it is necessary to have a woman in that department. In conclusion, I want to say that although many women are now in war industries, the number is not significant in comparison with the vast number of women in war industries in England. The num ber is being daily increased, however. Women are being introduced, and are engaged on work which they have never done before, and which involves new responsibilities. And if women must go into industry in the great industrial army behind the lines, let us see to it that they have a chance to make their contribution in the most effective way. D e l e g a t e . There is one point that I know employers are inter ested in. They are interested in having some one who will take charge of all this work in the factory that is done by women. I have myself been fortunate in securing as assistant employment man ager a matronly woman with considerable experience. She has had rather exceptional success perhaps in handling the women in our factory. What I want, and what our manufacturers want, is some woman to come in and “ put across” these various standards- How can we get that woman? Mrs. T e a d . I am very much concerned as to where we are to get the women to do this work. I have referred that question to Capt. Fisher, who, as representative of the Ordnance Department, has charge of the employment courses, being given to train people to do this work in the Ordnance Department; and Capt. Fisher is formulating plans for the training of such women. Dr. Mann men tioned the courses for health officers, which is not the same thing 220 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE GROUP. but which will give us a small number of women to clo health work in plants. Capt. Fisher is at present working on this proposition. D e l e g a t e . Capt. Fisher the other day seemed to be a little luke warm about women in the co.urses. Could we have a special course? Capt. F i s h e r . I will say that that question is being debated and being strenuously opposed by the head of Mrs. Tead’s department. W e can not admit women to the courses unless they have the same qualifications as men. It is a big experiment to have a six weeks’ course, and to admit women without sufficient industrial background to 1<1lese courses would be further to trifle with what is already an experiment. It is out of the question to get any results out of a six weeks’ course if the standards of the course are lowered. Please don’t mistake my reticence for lukewarmness. I can not commit my superiors, and it would be to reveal too much disagree ment with them, perhaps, or a disagreement that does not exist, for me to say there was strong oposition before they had taken action. 1 think it is quite possible we shall have a special course for women. That is our next problem to deal with. I hope you will not con sider us lukewarm about the matter. We are in favor of increasing the number of women used as employment managers as far as pos sible, but we do not wish to endanger the value of these special courses by any hasty action. To accuse us of lukewarmness in the matter is to accuse us of something which is decidedly not our feel ing. We are anxious to train women for jobs as well as men. There is a need of increasing the numbers of women employment managers, and we are going to stimulate the demand for them; but so far we have not had any application from any woman with sufficient in dustrial background who was desired by a manager in a war-contract plant, no woman equipped with sufficient industrial experience for our first two courses. And our first problem as teachers, so to speak, is to see to the qualifications of our entrants. D e l e g a t e . I want to tell Capt. Fisher that he has brought out an important point. A large number of employers want to put this across and they would like to have the women. Would it be worth while to push this point with regard to a course for women ? Mrs. T e a d . I have been very much interested in this part of the discussion. I have been asked by a great number of college women how they could get the experience that would fit them for this work. With rare exceptions, the woman who has had from four to five years’ experience can not handle this kind of a job. She is not the type of woman wanted. There would have to be some arrangement to get the woman who has the right background, even though she has not the shop experience. At present we are facing the problem of un trained women being placed in positions of great responsibility. For DISCUSSION. 221 instance, in one plant there is a woman who has been a librarian and who has had a few weeks’ experience in a social settlement. With that as the extent of her experience, she is determining conditions of work for hundreds o f woman workers employed on hazardous w ork! In another plant the woman in charge of the women’s work has always been the private secretary to the head of the company. Until recently she had never been through the shops, because in that plant, although half of the force is made up of women, it was thought not to be the proper thing for a woman in the office to go through the shop, “ for fear of being insulted.” That girl, an able woman in her line, is now determining the conditions of the work under which we must get production of an absolutely essential product in ordnance! D e l e g a t e . I have got to the point where I don’t care how they are trained or who trains them, as long as we get women with some knowledge of women’s work ir a factory. It is not simply a matter of trying to forecast the need. Capt. F i s h e r . I am quite sure that we should not lower the standards of our courses now established. They will be maintainedat as high a standard as we are able to maintain a six weeks’ course. And if we find that women will be admitted into industry in such capacities in order to meet the immediate need, we may have a three months’ course. That will give us three months of training. Only for such an important field we take large risks with that, and, so far, we are meeting a certain amount of resistance from the head of Mrs. Tead’s department. I don’t know what will satisfy the demand being made. I know one thing that will satisfy the demand: To throw dow^n the bars in this six weeks’ course; and that we can not do. 1 think perhaps we shall be able to devise a separate course, and I shall propose such a course to our committee. I am for it, myself; but I am ready to be guided by the point of view of the wise men at the head of the committee. Dr. E. M. Hopkins, president of Dart mouth College; Mr. Tully; Mr. Clayton, of the Department of Labor; and Mr. Howe, of the Navy Department, are some of the members; and I don’t want to commit them before they have made a decision; but they have discussed the matter informally and are ready to take a formal decision on a course for women—a three months’ course—which will give them an industrial background at the same time. I think perhaps that will meet your emergency need. D e l e g a t e . I would like to ask Mrs. Tead regarding equal pay for equal work, when the question of overtime comes in. I f a woman can produce as much as a man, say, in operating machine tools, sup pose it is necessary to work her longer than the regular day, it may not be desirable to ask her to work overtime. Is it not a fact that a man might produce more because of his ability to work overtime? Is not that something in favor of a man’s receiving higher pay? 222 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE GROUP. Mrs. T e a d . That question brings up the matter of the relative flex ibility o f women as a working group as compared with that of men, and I don’t think I want to go on record, as a Government official, as to just what allowance should be made for that less flexibility as regards overtime. Mrs. A n n e H e d g e s T a l b o t , of the New York State Education De partment, Albany, N. Y. I would like to express a woman’s point of view with regard to the kind o f work that women may do in this war emergency. Would it not be possible for employment managers to take those who have not the good fortune to be in industrial work, but for whose assistance they* may have need, into some of these courses? Don’t give them the certificate if they have not the neces sary entrance requirements. Let them go out without the certificate. Some English colleges give certificates for attendance. They don’t give diplomas, but they give the training. Let these women who take the courses prove they are equal to the work. The C h a i r m a n . Now, we have an interesting question facing the employment manager himself. W ill anyone tell us his point o f view regarding the entrance of women into this line of work and the method of teaching her the job? Mr. W i l s o n . That is the way we do it. Take the right kind of persons, intellectually, physically, and morally, and train them; put them in the shop. But it is a little difficult to keep them in the shop long enough to learn. It seems to me that these Government agencies might do something to recruit young women; possibly ask the manu facturer to take a few into their shops; possibly let them spend a little time working in the shop. I would be glad to take a few of these, and I think very many manufacturers would be glad to do so. I f we did not use them, we would not lose anything by it. Mr. A d o l p h F. S e u b e r t , assistant superintendent, National Malle able Castings Co., Toledo, Ohio. We encourage our girls in the office to go through the shops and note the operations in the shop. We don’t discourage i t ; we encourage i t ; and take the stenographers and cost accountants through in groups of from three to five. And I don’t believe any manager would make a mistake if he were to pick out a few girls and take them through to view the various operations. I believe that by so doing he could find the girl he wanted for his assistant. Then he could recommend that girl to Capt. Fisher. [At this point Dr. Gowin resigned the chair to Mr. Wells, and the discussion closed.] Mr. W e l l s . I think the time has come when it is necessary for us to stop. I am going to ask whether there is anything that occurs that wTe should do before we close i DISCUSSION. Capt. F is h e r . 223 The members of our executive committee are— Elmer F. Harris, Mesia Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Jane C. Williams, Plimpton Press, Norwood, Mass. S. R. Rectanus, American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio. Capt. Boyd Fisher, Ordnance R. C., Washington, D. C. Iii order that we may get prompt action on the matters which you have discussed here concerning organization, etc.,. this executive com mittee has elected as officers for the ensuing year the follow ing: President.—Ralph G. Wells, of the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. Vice president.— E. H. Fish, of the Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. Secretary .—Raymond C. Booth, of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Rochester, N. Y. Treasurer.—W. H. Winans, of the National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. That committee will at some early time select an executive secre tary. Mr. W e l l s . I think we must stop. [Convention adjourned.] A P P E N D IX A .— L A B O R T U R N O V E R S C H E D U L E S O F T H E U N IT E D S T A T E S B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S . In tlie investigation of labor turnover in the United States the two schedules j presented in the following pages are being used: B. L. S. 160 and B. L. S. 161. ! Schedule B. L. S. 160 is being used in the more extensive study of a large num--; ber of establishments whose records are such that they are able to furnish only j a limited amount of information, while schedule B. L. S. 161 is to be used for an j intensive study of a limited number of establishments that keep their records in j more detailed form. The establishments selected for the intensive study may have either an especially favorable condition of labor turnover and may be able ! to present methods and plans for reducing the turnover, or, on the other hand, I they may be establishments that show a very high percentage of turnover and | may have no well-defined plans of handling the situation. The two schedules i follow: B. L.—S. 160 ------------------------------------------------------------Agent. IT. S. D EPA RTM E N T OF LABOR, BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, W A S H IN G T O N . LABOR TURNOVER. 1. Locality______________________________ 2. State----------------------------------- 3. Firm__________________________________________________________________ 4. Industry or business------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Character of goods produced____________________________________________ 6. Name and title of person furnishing information__________________________ 7. Average number working during the first week of the period covered_______ 8. Labor turnover, year ending pay period nearest June 1, 1918: Number hired during year. M. F. Average number of one-man days worked during year. M. 224 F. Separations. Discharged. M. F. Laid off. M. F. Entered mili tary service. M. F. Quit. M. Total. F. M. F. 225 APPENDIX A. 9. Average number o f male and female employees on force report for one w e e k : Average number for week ending nearest June 1, 1917. Male. Female. Average number for week ending nearest June 1,1918 Male. Total. Female. Total. 10. Who has the power to hire?______ To discharge?_________________ 31. May discharges be appealed from?. If so, to whom?_____________________________________________________ 12. Length of continuous employment of employees on the pay roll during the year ending June 1, 1918: Employees on the pay roll June 1,1918. Period of employment. Male. Female. Total. Employees separated from service during year ending June 1,1918. Male. Female. Total. One week or less............... ............................. Over 1 week to 2 weeks.................................. Over 2 weeks to 1 month............................... Over 1 month to 3 months........................... Over 3 months to 6 months........................... Over 6 months to 1 vear................................ Over 1 year to 2 years.................................... Over 2 years to 3 years................................... Over 3 years to 5 years.................................. Over 5 years..................................................... -------------- 1 Total........................................................ 13. In what occupations is the labor turnover greatest?. Give reasons in each case_____________________________________ 14. In what occupations is the labor turnover least?__________________ Give reasons in each case_____________________________________ 15. How do you define “ absenteeism ” ?___________________________ ___ 16. How do you define 44laid off ” ?__________________________________ 17. What distinction do you make between “ laid off ” and “ dicharged ” ?. 77920°— 19------ 15 226 LABOR TURNOVER SCHEDULES. B. L. S. 161. ------------------------------------------------------Agent. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, W A S H IN G T O N . LABOR TURNOVER. 1. Locality___________________________________________ 2. State___.-------------------------3. Firm____________________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Industry or business-----------------------------------------------------------------------Character of goods produced-------------------------------------------------------------Name and title of person furnishing information--------------------------------Average number working during the first week of the period covered___ Who has the power to h ire?----------------------1------------------------------------- ' To discharge? ____________________________________________________ 9. May discharges be appealed fr o m ? --------------------------------------------------If so, to whom?____________________________________________________ 10. Labor turnover, year ending pay period nearest June 1, 1918: Occupation. Number hired dur ing year. M. f Average number of oneman days worked Discharged. during year. M. . P. M. F. Separations. Entered military service. Laid off. M. F. M. F. Quit. Total. F. M. M. V. 11. Length of continuous employment of employees on the pay roll nearest June 1, 1918, by sex and occupation: Period of employment. Oc cupa tion. One week or less. Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over six two one two one three one three year years week weeks month months months years to two to one to three to six to one to two to three to five years. years. years. weeks. month. months. months. year. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Over five years. Total. M. M. F. F. 12. Length of continuous employment of employees separated from service during year ending June 1, 1918, by sex and occupation: Period of employment. Oc cupa tion. One week or less. Over one week to two weeks. Over Over Over Over Over Over Over two six one three one two three weeks month months months year years years to one to three to six to one to two to three to five month. months. months. year. years. years. years. M. M. M. F. F. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Over five years. M. F. Total. M. F. 227 APPENDIX A. 13. Proportion of male and female employees on weekly force report for one week: 1 2 3 Average number for week ending nearest June Occupation. Average number for week ending nearest June 1, 1917. ' Male. Male. Female. Total. 4 1,1918. Female. T o ta l. Percentage of in crease or decrease. M ale. Female. 14. In what occupations is the labor turnover greatest?____________________ Give reasons in each case____________________________________________ 15. In what occupations is the labor turnover least?_______________________ Give reasons in each case____________________________________________ 16. How do you define “ absenteeism” ?__________________________________ 17. How do you define “ laid of ” ?________________________________________ 18. What distinction do you make between “ laid o ff” and “ discharged” ? A P P E N D IX B.— REGISTER OF DELE G A TE S A T CONFERENCE. A. Abert, C. F., Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Park, Rochester, N. Y. Adams, A. L,, employment manager, U. S. Envelope Co., Worcester Mass. Adams, C. W ., employment and service manager, Bridgeford Machine Tool Works, Brighton, N. Y. Agge, Franklin, manager of works, Republic Metalware Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Agnew, H. D., employment manager, Western Electric Co., Hawthorne Sta tion, Chicago, 111. Ahara, E. H ., manager, Dodge Manufacturing Co., Mishawaka, Ind. Albro, Mrs. W . L., Independence Inspection Bureau, 137 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Albro, W m . Lu, engineer, Independence Inspection Bureau, 137 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Alden, R. H., employment manager, Denby Motor Truck Co., Detroit, Mich. Aldrich, H. J., employment manager, Spencer Kellogg & Sons (In c.), Buffalo, N. Y. Alford, L. P„ editor, Industrial Management Magazine , 6 East Thirty-ninth Street, New York City. Allan, A. Maude, assistant employment manager, Hickey Freeman Co., 1155 Clinton Avenue North, Rochester, N. Y. Allen, Chas. T., manager employment department, Roessler Hasslacher Chemical Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. Allen, C. W ., Quartermaster Corps representative, 1028 Sixteenth Street N W ., Washington, D. C. Allen, FrankUn S., Barron G. Collier ( Inc.), New York City. Allen, Herbert W ., the Allen Studios, 156 East Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. Allen, L. B., employment assistant, Solvay Process Co., Detroit, Mich. Allen, Luther E., assistant works manager, Goodman Manufacturing Co., 4834 South Halstead Street, Chicago, 111. Almy, C. E., employment manager, Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. Armstrong, E. E., employment manager, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Roches ter. N. Y. Arnold, D. D., labor supervisor, Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Beloit, W is. Arnold, B. H., General Electric Co., Erie, Pa. Artzberger, A. L., shop manager, H. K. Porter Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Asbrand, H. W ., employment manager, Eastman Kodak Co., Camera Works, Rochester, N. Y. Ash, W illiam C„ principal, Philadelphia Trades School, 828 Wynnewood Road, W est Philadelphia, Pa. Axtell, E. EL, secretary and manager, Masonic Employment Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. B. Bacon, Helen, director, mayor’s Americanization Committee o f Cleveland, 226 City Hall, Cleveland, Ohio. Baer, A. K., general manager, Strouse Baer Co., Baltimore, Md. 228 APPENDIX B. 229 Baker, W . E., employment manager, Dayton Engineering Laboratories, Dayton, Ohio. Barker, Jas. P., president, Mechanics Institute, Rochester, N. Y. Barnes, Charles B., director, Bureau of Employment, New York City. Barrows, W illard P., manager, Emerson Co., 2015 Land Title Building, Phildelphia, Pa. Bartlett, B., employment manager, Glenn L. Martin Co., 16720 S t Clair Ave nue, Cleveland, Ohio. Batsford, A. H., employment manager, Utica Steam & Mohawk Valley Cotton Mills, Utica, N. Y. Battis, Joseph T. W ., employment manager, Standard Woven Fabric Co., Walpole, Mass. Baynum, P. H., manager of employment, Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co., 7000 Central Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Beard, C. R., employment manager, Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 111. Belcher, Geo. M., employment manager, W . H. McElwain Co., Manchester, N. H. Bellows, W . S., general manager, Walden-Worcester (In c.), Worcester, Mass. Bemis, Wm . C., employment manager, Wright W ire Co., Worcester, Mass. Beres, A. P., employment supervisor, American Brass Co., 446 Military Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Berner, G. P., labor supervisor, National Aniline & Chemical Co. (In c.), Buffalo, N. Y. Bertram, J., superintendent, Rochester Spectacle Manufacturing Co., 242 Andrews Street, Rochester, N. Y. Berwick, Clara W ., Berwick & Smith, Norwood, Mass. Birchall, Geo. W ., employment manager, Willys-Overland Co., Toledo, Ohio. Bitner, L. S., employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Hopewell Works, City Point, Ya. Bixby, A. S., manager, National Malleable Castings Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Black, Corwin, manager real estate, American Express Co., 65 Broadw ay New York City. Blackman, W illiam , director of labor, Shipping Board, Washington, D. C. Blighton, B. C., employment manager, American Car & Foundry Co., Depew, N. Y. Bloomfield, Meyer, head of industrial-service department, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Washington, D. C. Bockstedt, E. B., employment superintendent, Washburn-Crosby Co., Michigan and Ganson Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. Boger, Dr. C. F., employment and medical director, Continental Motors Cor poration, Detroit, Mich. Booth, Raymond C., secretary employment managers' group, Rochester Cham ber of Commerce, Rochester, N. Y. Boughter, F. J., employment manager, Electric Auto Lite Co., Toledo, Ohio. Boulton, G. C., factory employment manager, Larkin Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Boulware, A. M., manager civic and industrial department, Cincinnati Cham ber of Commerce, Cincinnati, Ohio. Boyd, Joseph B. D., employment manager, Carborundum Co., Niagara Palls, N. Y. Brading, C. M., superintendent of safety, Wisconsin Steel Co., Chicago, 111. Brady, E. L., employment and welfare manager, Ferro Machine & Foundry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Brasher, Philip, employment manager, Braden Copper Co., Chile Exploration Co., 120 Broadway, New York City. 230 REGISTER OF DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Breed, Howard, factory manager, Crane & Breed Manufacturing Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio. Breeze, A. B., vice president, Cincinnati Ball Crank Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brooks, Chas. S., assistant, industrial department, Emergency Fleet Corpora t o r Washington, D. C. Brown, F. H., sales manager, Davis Machine Tool Co., 305 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. Brown, F. W ., employment manager, Lincoln Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Brown, H. W ., employment manager, National India Rubber Co., Bristol, R. I. Brundage, Edward, employment manager, Columbia Graphophone Co., Bridge port, Conn. Bryant, P. F., employment manager, Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. Burnett, A. V., employment manager, Butterworth-Judson Corporation, New ark, N. J. Burnham, R. F., employment supervisor, Hercules Powder Co., Kenvil, N. X Burrows, F. W ., editor, National Industrial Conference Board, 15 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Burton, E. R., engineer, industrial-relations staff, Independence Inspection Bureau, 137 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bush, S. L., assistant treasurer, Chemical Paper Manufacturing Co., Holyoke, Mass. C. Cameron, W . H., general manager, National Safety Council, 208 South La Salle -Street, Chicago, 111. Campbell, J. Clyde, employment manager, Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Capels, E. H., employment department, Halcomb Steel Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Carman, E. S., secretary and chief engineer, Cleveland Osborn Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Carpenter, A. V. W ., employment manager, Linderman Machine Co., Muske gon, Mich. Carr, William L., supervisor of labor, W right W ire Co., Worcester, Mass. Carson, Chas. M., industrial manager, Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Carson, W . R., assistant chief engineer, Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Cartii, E. Lu, assistant superintendent, The American Brass Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Case, E. B., employment manager, New Departure Manufacturing Co., Bris tol, Conn. Causeman, Jos. J., employment manager, C. Kenyon Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cetti, Carl, head of service department, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation (L td .), Elizabeth, N. J. Chadsey, Mildred, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Chance, Albert, superintendent of factory, S. S. White Dental Manufactur ing Co., Philadelphia, P*» Chandler, H. R., auditor, Washington Steel & Ordnance Co., Washington, D. C. Chapman, E. D., employment manager, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 731 Ply mouth Place, Chicago, 111. Chesney, J. A., employment manager, General Electric Co., Pittsfield, Mass. Chiesa, M. Joseph, Department of Labor, Hotel Gordon, Sixteenth Street N W ., Washington, D. C. Clark, J. P., Rochester Button Co., Rochester, N. Y . APPENDIX B. 231 Clark, Montague A., employment supervisor, B. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Arlington, N. J. Clarke, Chas. K., superintendent of employment, Smith & Wesson, Spring field, Mass. Clayton, C. A., manager employment bureau, Alan Wood Iron & Steel Co., Conshohocken, Pa. Clayton, Charles T., assistant director general of employment, United States Employment Service, Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. Clearwater, Geo. W ., superintendent labor and safety, Halcomb Steel Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Clemens, W . T., superintendent, State Employment Bureau, Syracuse, N. Y. Coburn, John R., employment manager, Corona Typewriter Co., Groton, N. Y. Cochrane, C. J., supervisor of labor, American Car & Foundry Co* Detroit, Mich. Coleman, Paul, recording secretary, Employment Managers' Association, Pittsburgh, Pa. Coleman, Robert F., employment manager, Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co* Buffalo, N. Y. Collins, Chas. W „ General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Colnon, R. T., welfare director, The Standard Parts Co., Perfection Spring Division, Cleveland, Ohio. Cone, Reine J., nurse, Taylor Instrument Cos., Rochester, N. Y. Conley, William, employment department, International Arms & Fuze Co* P. O. Box 1846, New York City. Consler, R. E., employment manager, Art in Buttons (In c.), Rochester, N. Y. Conway, T. E., employment manager, Ingersoll-Rand Co., Phillipsburg, N. J. Cooke, Morris L., Emergency Fleet Corporation, 1319 F Street N W „ W ash ington, D. C. Cooke, R. O., treasurer, Jos. Bancroft & Sons Co., Wilmington, Del. Cooper, W alter G., secretary, Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Atlanta, Ga. Corning, H. L., superintendent, Solvay Process Co., Detroit, Mich. Cornist, C., employment supervisor, Pratt & Letch worth Co., 189 Tona wanda Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Costello, H. F., employment manager, Halcomb Steel Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Courtright, Mrs. Jocelyn, employment department, Nordyke & Marmon Co* Indianapolis, Ind. Cousins, Thos., superintendent, Passaic Cotton Mills, Passaic, N. J. Croal, Madge, employment manager, Bastian Bros. Co., 69 Mount Hope Ave nue, Rochester, N. Y. Cross, Maurice F., welfare superintendent, Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Crossley, J. H., superintendent, Pass & Seymour (In c.), Solvay, N. Y. Crouch, F. M., cashier, Eastman Kodak Co., 348 State Street, Rochester, N. Y. Crowell, Edith H ., woman’s welfare department, T. A. Gillespie Co., Mor gan, N. J. Cullen, C. P., safety manager, Gould Coupler Co.*, Depew, N. Y. Culver, Chester M., general manager, Employers* Association of Detroit, De troit, Mich. Currie, Y. R., head of safety-efficiency work, The Texas Co., Houston, Tex. Curtell, L., office manager, American Can Co., Boston, Mass. Curtis, G. H * employment manager, Semet-Solvay Co., Syracuse, N. X . 232 REGISTER OF DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. D. Dahlgren, C. J., chief clerk, National Malleable Castings Co., 2610 W est Twenty-fifth Place, Chicago, 111. Darrow, M. S., manager, The Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Madison, 111. Davidson Jas. L., secretary and treasurer, Alabama Coal Operators’ Associa tion, Birmingham, Ala. Davidson, Margaret, secretary to director, Women’s Educational and Indus trial Union, 264 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Davis, Albert S., superintendent of employment, National Cloak and Suit Co., 207 W est Twenty-fourth Street, New York City. Davis, Franklin L., assistant general shop superintendent, Northwest Steel Co., Portland, Oreg. Davis, Ruth M., employment and welfare agent, Aluminum Castings Co., 1095 Niagara Street, Buffalo, N. Y, Davoran, M. F., employment manager, Crane & Breed Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Day, Carl, assistant industrial supervisor, Spanish River Pulp & Paper Mills (L td .), Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Day, Paul W ., welfare manager, Pennsylvania Seaboard Steel Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa. Dean, Harriet M., assistant superintendent, State Employment Bureau, 387 East Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. T>e Mocher, R. C., employment manager, National Brass Manufacturing Co., 193 Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y. Dickenscher, A. A., employment manager, Buffalo Foundry & Machine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dickson, Robert J., industrial manager, Spanish River Pulp & Paper Milis (L td .), Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Dillon, Anthony F., employment manager, Barrett Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Doerr, Josef, employment manager, Leeds & Northrup Co., 4901 Stenton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Donning, W . H., employment manager, Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Dooley, R. C., manager labor department, The Standard Parts Co., Hickox Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Doolittle, Capt. F. H ., employment officer, Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Mass. Doran, H. F., employment manager, Saco-Lowell Shops, Lowell, Mass. Doucet, A. A., employment manager, Laclede-Christy Clay Products Co., St. Louis, Mo. Dow, George C., superintendent, Sikes Chair Co., 500 Clinton Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Downey, Maurice, superintendent, Whitcomb Blaisdell Machine Tool Co., 134 Gold Street, Worcester, Mass. Downing, George, employment manager, W . M. Lowney Co., Boston, Mass. Dryden, E. A., employment manager, Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Duffy, George A., efficiency engineer, Stein-Bloch Co., Rochester, N. Y. Dunn, W ., superintendent welfare and labor, Republic Rubber Co., Youngs town, Ohio. ] Hitcher, George S., employment manager, H. H. Franklin Manufacturing Co., Syracuse, N. Y . APPENDIX B. 233 E. Edholm, 0 . Lu, executive secretary, National Americanization Commission, 25 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City. Edwards, R. W ., employment manager, The American T o d W orks Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio. Egge, K arl F., employment manager, L. Bamberger & Co., Newark, N. J. Ellerd, H. G., law department, Armour & Co., Union Stockyards, Chicago, 111. Elliott, W alter employment manager, American Tube & Stamping Steel Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Ellithorpe, John W ., assistant employment manager, Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co., 1695 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Embler, H. W ., superintendent, Coe Stapley Manufacturing CoM Bridgeport, Conn. Emmet, Boris, special agent United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, W ash ington, D. C. Erickson, John E., employment supervisor, Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. Esch, C. W ., employment manager, Continental Can Co., 4606 Grand Avenue, Chicago, 111. Evans, F. C., employment manager, American Ship Building Co., Lorain Plant, Lorain, Ohio. F. Farnham, Dwight T., industrial engineer, Third National Bank Building, St. Louis, Mo. Farra, Howard L., A. B. Kirschbaum & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Farrell, J. El, chief of employment bureau, Republic Iron & Steel Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Fennell, D. D., manager, Belmont Packing & Rubber Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Fischer, F. W ., general superintendent, Liquid Carbonic Co., Chicago, 111. Fish, E. H ., employment manager, Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. Fisher, Capt. Boyd, Ord. R. C., supervisor Government courses, 606 Council of National Defense, Washington, D. C. Fisher, F. W ., employment and safety manager, Rochester Railway & Light Co., Rochester, N. Y. Fitch, John A., industrial editor, Survey Magazine, 112 East Nineteenth Street, New York City. Fitterer, J. W .t chief clerk, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Parlin, N. J. FitzGerald, Edward, employment manager, Bastian Bros. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Fleisher, Alexander, supervisor welfare division, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 1 Madison Avenue, New York City. Fleming, R. Bruce, supervisor employment and welfare, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. Ford, Dr. C. E., director of medicine, General Chemical Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City. Forster, H. W ., general manager, Independence Inspection Bureau, 137 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Fosdich, F., president, Fitchburg Steam Engine Co., Fitchburg, Mass. Fosdick, A. H., assistant superintendent of labor, Bethlehem Steel Co., Beth lehem, Pa. Foster, R. T ., employment manager, Springfield Aircraft Corporation, Spring field, Mass. Fouhy, C. E., employment manager, Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Corporation, Buffalo, N. Y, 234 REGISTER OF DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Fowler, R. L., plant manager, Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. Fox, W . R., proprietor, Fox Machine Co., Jackson, Mich. Frankel, Emil, special agent, United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C. Freiburger, Adam, general superintendent, Lackawanna Bridge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Fry, Albert, assistant employment manager, New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J. Fullerton, Hugh, service director, H. Black & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Fulton, Paul L., employment manager, Standard Underground Cable Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. G. Gaeger, E. P., manager, service department, International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. Gallagher, Rachel S., women’s employment, State Employment Office, City Hall, Room No. 108, Cleveland, Ohio. Ganno.p, Victor, manager, Employers* Association of Chicago, 139 North Clark Street, Chicago, 111. Gara, T. J., employment manager, International Harvester Co. of New Jersey, McCormick Twine Mill, Chicago, 111. Gaylord, Gladys, service secretary, Clinton W ire Cloth Co., Clinton, Mass. Geek, A. A., superintendent, Colburn Machine Tool Co., Franklin, Pa. Gibbs, Raymond B., secretary, Lockport Board of Commerce, Lockport, N. Y. Gilchrist, L. J., industrial manager, Morgan & Wright, Detroit, Mich. Gill, J. S., secretary, manufacturers' bureau, Lockport Board of Commerce, Lockport, N. Y. Gillie, Robert B., employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co„ Haskell, N. J. Gilliland, W . D., supervisor, welfare and employment, Selby Shoe Co., Ports mouth, Ohio. Gleim, F., employment and welfare manager, Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De troit, Mich. Goldstein, Isadore, secretary, war emergency courses, University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y.Goodman, W illiam , assistant to vice president, Worthington Pump & Machine Corporation, 115 Broadway, New York City. Gorbett, F. J., employment manager, Chandler Motor Car Co., East One hun dred and thirty-first Street, New York City. Gould, Ernest, industrial engineer, Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Youngs town, Ohio. Gould, Morris, employment manager, Electric Cable Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Gowln, E. B., New York University School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance, Washington Square East, New York City. Graef, Max, employment manager, International Harvester Co. of New Jersey, 1734 Fullerton Avenue, Chicago, 111. Graeff, Paul D., purchasing agent, Coatesville Boiler Works, Coatesville, Pa. Grant, David J., employment manager, Campbell, Wyant & Cannon Foundry Co., Muskegon, Mich. Green, C. L., director, employment department, Consolidation Coal Co., 212 W atson Building, Fairmount, W . Va. Greene, T. O., employment manager, Graton & Knight Manufacturing Co., Worcester, Mass. APPENDIX B. 235 Gressle, E. W ., employment and welfare superintendent, Warner & Swasey, 5801 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Grieves, W . A., assistant secretary, The Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. Griffith, P. Jeannette, director, research department, Duffy Powers Co., Rochester, N. T. Groves, J. T., The Texas Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City. Grzella, Paul M., employment manager, Cutter Desk Co., 14 Churchill Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Gunn, Miss M. L., secretary, Rochester Machine Industries, 601 Wilder Building; Rochester, N. Y. Gurley, Franklin C., production engineer, National Aniline & Chemical Co. (In c.), Marcus Hook, Pa. H. Hackett, Allen F., employment manager, Rochester Button Co., 800 State Street, Rochester, N. Y. H all, Robert, treasurer, American District Steam Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y. Hall, S. P., employment manager, Morgan Engineering Co., Alliance, Ohio. Hallin, L. C. E., employment manager, State free employment office, 8 Kneeland Street, Boston, Mass. <. Halliwell, T. D., jr., superintendent, Barrett Co., Thirty-sixth and Gray Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Halpin, W ., employment manager, Eastman Kodak Co., Premo Works, Rochester, N. Y. Hanley, Miss E. R., supervisor juvenile department, State employment bu reau, 219 Franklin Street, Rochester, N. Y. Hanlon, John C., employment manager, International Harvester Co. of New Jersey, Osborne Twine Mill, Auburn, N. Y. Hanrahan, D., manager social service, Wilson & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Harris, Elmer F., superintendent of labor and safety, Mesta Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Haugh, A. T., employment manager, King Sewing Machine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Hayden, A. P., employment manager, National Carbon Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Haylett, H. H., director employment and welfare, Benjamin Electric Manu facturing Co., Chicago, 111. Hazleton, R. T „ works manager, Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hebble, C. R., executive secretary, Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Heimsoth, L. F., employment manager, Felt & Tarrant Manufacturing Co., 1717 North Paulina Street, Chicago, 111. Hellenschmidt, Miss R., employment manager, Michaels-Stern & Co., 317 Child Street, Rochester, N. Y. Helton, W . R., manager employment department, elevated railroads, Chi cago, 111. Hemphill, James, employment agent, Carnegie Steel Co., Duquesne, Pa. Henderson, W . L., production department, American International Ship building Corporation, Hog Island, Pa. Hennessy, M. M., employment manager, Corn Products Refining Co., Argo, 111. Herrod, Herbert E., president, Mahoning Valley Employers’ Association, 716 Stambaugh Building, Youngstown, Ohio. 236 REGISTER OF DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Herzberg, G., supervisor of labor, General Electric Co., Harrison, N. J. Hess, H. L., general manager, Hess Steel Corporation, Baltimore, Md. Hickman, R. W ., jr., employment secretary, Y. M. C. A., Philadelphia, Pa. Hicks, Robert J., assistant superintendent, State public employment bureau, 120 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. Hicks, T. K ., manager, Manufacturers* Employment Bureau, Rockford, 111. Hill, Walter C., vice president, Retail Credit Co., Healey Building, Atlanta, Ga. Hine, Charlotte, manager of welfare, Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Hirth. Miss E. P., chief, information department, Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations, 19 W est Forty-fourth Street, New York City. Hoadley, Horace G., treasurer, Waterbury Tool Co., Waterbury, Conn. Hodges, T. V., safety engineer, Semet-Solvay Co., Syi*acuse, N. Y. Hoffmenter, Roy L., employment chief, Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. Hogan, B. J., superintendent of safety and employment, Brier H ill Sted Co* Youngstown, Ohio. Hogg, Leon C., employment manager, American La France Fire Engine Co., Elmira, N. Y. Holdcraft, Charles A., employment manager, Welsbach Co., Gloucester, N. J. Holland, Joseph A., supervisor of employment, American Sugar Refining Co* 90 W est Street, New York City. Hood, M. E., employment manager, Chester Ship Cambridge Co., Chester, Pa. Hoskins, Jean, Clinton W ire Cloth Co., Clinton, Mass. House, Norman R., employment agent, Semet-Solvay Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Houze, J. O., employment manager, National Malleable Castings Co., Indian apolis, Ind. Howard, Earl D * director of labor, Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Chicago, 111. Howes, G. W ., general superintendent, Philo D. Beckwith Est. (In c.), Dowagiac, Mich. Hubbell, N. D., industrial engineer, National Carbon Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Hubbell, Roy S., manager, Bowman Hotel Corporation, 405 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Huey, Katherine, supervisor of instruction, Central District Telephone Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hughes, E. J., manager sales training department, B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. Hulverson, G. R., employment manager, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. Hummell, W . H., superintendent. Grant Motor Car Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio. Hurter, C. E., division superintendent, Dennison Manufacturing Co., Framing ham, Mass. Husband, A. A., superintendent women’s department, State Employment Bureau, 387 East Main Street, Rochester. N. Y. Hyndman, George B., employment bureau, Newburgh Chamber o f Commerce, Newburgh, N. Y. I. Immel, R. W ., safety inspector, Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co., Baltimore, Md. Ingersoll. George B * assistant general manager, Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Beloit, Wis. APPENDIX B. 237 J. Jackson, A. C., works manager, Miller Lock Co., 4523 Tacony Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Jackson, Florence, director appointment bureau, Women’s Educational and Industrial Union, 264 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Jackson, Newton, assistant district production manager, Emergency Fleet Corporation, 826 Weightman Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Jansen* H. H., secretary and treasurer, Tri-City Manufacturers* Association, Moline, 111. Jefferis, S. E., employment manager, Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Johnson, A. E ., United Press Association, World Building, New York City. Johnson, C. G., employment manager, Quaker City Rubber Co., Wissinoming, Philadelphia, Pa. Johnson, W . F., employment manager, Taylor Instrument Cos., Rochester, N. Y. Johnston, Paul I., cost engineer, Barrett Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City. Jones, AMwyth C., employment manager, Halcomb Steel Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Jones, Arthur F., employment and welfare manager, Jersey City Chamber of Commerce, Jersey City, N. J. * Jones, A. H.. superintendent, American Wood Working Machinery Co., 591 Lyell Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Jones, Eugene Kinckle, executive secretary, National League on Urban Con ditions among Negroes,.2303 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Jones, Ernest W . J., employment supervisor, Crosby Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Jones, F. W ., superintendent, International Harvester Co. of New Jersey, Auburn, N. Y. Jones, Mark M., supervisor of personnel, Thomas A. Edison Industries, Orange, N. J. Jones, W . B., manager, Rochester Spectacle Manufacturing Co., 242 Andrews Street, Rochester, N. Y. Jones, W illiam H ., superintendent, Crosby Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Judson, L. R., employment manager, Timken Detroit Axle Co., Detroit, Mich. Junkin, J. L., safety director, La Belle Iron Works, Steubenville, Ohio. K. Kauffman, T. J., treasurer, Square D. Co., 1400 Rivard Street, Detroit, Mich. Kaulbach, George C., employment department, Watervliet Arsenal, W est Troy, N. Y. Keith, d a r e M., employment manager, Advance Rumely Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Keith, James P., office manager, George E. Keith Co., Campello, Mass. Keith, Roger, assistant treasurer, Brockton Webbing Co., Brockton, Mass. Keller, L. M., assistant employment manager. Rochester Railway & Light Co., Rochester, N. Y. Kelley, W illiam D., general superintendent of meters, Consolidated Gas Co., of New York, 130 East Fifteenth Street, New York City. Kelly, Roy W ., director. Bureau of Vocational Guidance, Harvard University, 87 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. Kelly, S. T „ supervisor service department, Union Carbide Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y . 238 REGISTER OF DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Kendall, Harry B., superintendent. M. W . Kellogg Co., Jersey City, N. J. Kennedy, A. T., employment manager, Forbensen Axle Co., 1115 Bast One hundred and. fifty-second Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Kennedy, Dudley R., industrial manager, American International Ship building Corporation, Hog Island, Philadelphia, Pa. Kersburg, H. E. V., employment mauager, R. H. Macy & Co., New York City. Kershaw, S. H., assistant supervisor engineer, Independence Inspection Bu reau, 137 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Kershner, I. U., special clerk, Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 351 Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. Kibby, W . J., head of department of personnel development, C. E. Knoeppel & Co., 101 Park Avenue, New York City. Kilborn, Geo. W ., employment manager, Wilson &Co., Union Stockyards, Chicago, 111. Kimball, Edw. A., secretary, Georgia Manufacturers* Association, 604 Cham ber of Commerce Building, Atlanta, Ga. Kimber, W . M. C., manager, Leeds & Northrup, 4901 Stenton Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa. King, Edith Shatto, manager, National Social Workers* League, 130 Eiist Twenty-second Street, New York City. Kinney, P. W ., employment manager, Gleason Works, 1000 University Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Kirk, W illiam F., special agent, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washing ton, D. C. Kitson, W . R., superintendent of labor and safety, Solvay Process Co., De troit, Mich. Kline, A. L ., employment manager, International Harvester Co. of New Jersey, McCormick Works, Chicago, 111. Kobick, IL G., superintendent of employment, Commonwealth Edison Co., 72 W est Adams Street, Chicago,. 111. Koch, Edw. H., superintendent, Republic Metalware Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Koenig, H. J., employment manager, Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. Kolb, Chas. J., employment manager, Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Kraemer, E. H., employment manager, Dayton Metal Products Co.. Dayton, Ohio. Kreglow, W . M., employment manager, New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton, Pa. Kutz, Frank E „ assistant to manager, Ingersoll-Rand Co., Phillipsburg, N. J. L. Lackey, Robert A., vice president, Payson Manufacturing Co., 2920 W est Jack son Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Lamberton, H. H., superintendent of personnel, Champlain Silk Mills, White hall, N. Y. Lane, Nathan, jr., auditor, C. Kenyon Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lange, F. W ., employment manager, Grant Motor Car Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio. Lavery, Teresa, industrial nurse, Rochester Spectacle Manufacturing Co., 242 Andrews Street, Rochester, N. Y. Lawrence, Chas. M., manager, Thomas G. Plant Co., Boston, Mass. . Leavenworth, H. T., general manager, Bridgeport Testing Laboratories, Bridgeport, Conn. Leavenworth, John H ., department head, Wallace & Sons Manufacturing Co., Wallingford, Conn. APPENDIX B. 239 Lewis, C. J., employment manager, Barcalo Manufacturing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Lewis, L. R., employ., Taylor Instrument Cos., Rochester, N. Y. Lewis, R., employment manager, Pfaudler Co., Lincoln Park, Rochester, N. Y. Lewis, Rachel, employment manager, Lewis Manufacturing Co., Walpole, Mass. Libbey, L. W ., employment selector, W illiam Filene’s Sons Co., Boston, Mass. Libby, H. I., Saeo-Lowell Shops, Biddeford, Me. Lightner, Jacob, director, employment bureau, Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa. Lingemann, E. F., supervisor of labor, Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Little, Jas., employment manager, Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Wilmerding, Pa. Lorent, Theo., assistant superintendent, M. H. Birge & Sons Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Lott, M. R., manager personnel department, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lovejoy, P. W ., general manager, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Lunt, H. S., employment manager, Gallaudet Aircraft Corporation, East Greenwich, R. I. Luther, W . L., manager service department, The Cleveland Metal Products Co., 7609 Platte Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Lyle, J. D., employment manager, National Malleable Castings Co., Cleveland, Ohio. M. McCarthy, Elizabeth, labor department, Dunn & McCarthy, Auburn, N. Y. McCauless, C., employment manager, Potomac Shipbuilding Co., Quantico, Va. McCure, Charles E., assistant manager, Standard Underground Cable Co^ Perth Amboy, N. J. McHugh, Edw. P., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. McKenny, J. H., assistant superintendent, Premo Works, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. McLaughlin, A. L., employment manager, Jones & Laughlin Steel Co*, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mc^Laughlin, C. R., employment and welfare manager, Dayton-Wright Airplane Co., Dayton, Ohio. McNamara, Mrs. W illiam E., field secretary, National Civic Federation, 20 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. McParland, J. T., general superintendent, Ross Gear & Tool Co., Lafayette, Ind. MacArthur, Mrs. L. B., welfare department, Armour & Co., Chicago, UL MacArthur, W . S., office manager, Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. MacBain, J. T., assistant superintendent, Union Carbide Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Macerod, B. C., superintendent’s private secretary, International Harvester Co. of New Jersey, McCormick Works, Chicago, 111. Mackay, F. T., employment manager, Timken Boiler Bearing Co., Canton, Ohio. MacLennan, J. F., assistant to president, Yermont Farm Machine Co., Bellows Falls, Yt. Madsen, H. T., director of employment, Westinghouse Electric & Manufac turing Co., Essington Works, Essington, Pa. Maguire, James H ., assistant superintendent, Saco-Lowell Shops, Lowell, Mass. 240 REGISTER OP DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Magunder, H ., secretary, Johnson Shipyard Corporation, Main Harbor, New York City. Mahoney, Miss Florence M., manager, State Employment Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. Mallett, H. K., employment manager, Crane Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Malpas, C. O., supervisor of labor, Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Mann, Dr. Kristine, supervisor, Industrial Service Section, Women’s Branch, Ordnance Department, Continental Hotel, Washington, D. C. Marsh, D. C., employment manager, Gas Defense Plant, Long Island City. Marsh. Prank M., superintendent of employment, Walworth Manufacturing Co., Boston, Mass. Marsh, R. J., department supervisor, Wallace & Sons Manufacturing Co., Wallingford, Conn. Martin, G. P., employment manager, E. B. Badger & Sons Co., 73 Pitts Street, Boston, Mass. Mason, Charles O., employment manager, Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. Mason, H., manager of employment and instruction, Pennsylvnia and New Jersey Shipbuilding Cos., Gloucester, N. J. Mason, Samuel R., secretary, Manufacturers’ & Wholesale Merchants* Board, Cleveland, Ohio. Mason, W illiam B., employment manager, National Aniline & Chemical Co. (In c.), Marcus Hook, Pa. Meader, John R., manager labor and service department, Brighton Mills, Passaic, N. J. Meech, S. D., employment manager, Yawman & Erbe Manufacturing Co., Rochester, N. Y . Meeker, Royal, Commissioner United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. CL Melaas, Esther, employment manager, National Knitting Co., 905 Clinton Street, Milwaukee, W is. Merriam, George B., manager of labor, Brown-Lipe-Chapin Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Messerschmitt, George, superintendent, Rochester Folding Box Co., Roches ter, N. Y. Metcalf, H. C., professor of economics, Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass. Miley, Charles T., superintendent of labor, Carpenter Steel Co., Reading, Pa. Miller, Paul A., employment manager, Worthington Pump & Machine Corpo ration, Hazleton, Pa. Mook, M. B., service manager, Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co., 3180 East Sixtyfirst Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Moon, C. W ., employment manager, R. K. Le Blond Machine Tool Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio. Moon, W . EL, employment and welfare manager, Signal Corps, United States Army, Dayton, Ohio. Moore, Horace E., assistant superintendent, S. L. Allen & Co., Fifth Street and Glenwood Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, John C., employment department, Henry Disston & Sons (In c.), Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa. Morgan, H . J., assistant to labor manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Morris, Le Roy, chief draftsman, American La France Fire Engine Co., Elmira, N. Y. Morris, Miss Mary L., service manager, Connecticut Mills Co., Danielson, Conn. APPENDIX B. 241 Morrison, Stuart, assistant employment manager, Emergency Fleet Corpora tion, Washington, D. C. Muhlhauser, A., employment manager, Baltimore Dry Dock & Ship Building Co., Baltimore, Md. ** Muhlhall, W alter F., assistant to vice president, Tacony Ordnance Corpora tion, Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa. Mull, I. E., assistant employment manager, Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit. Mich. Mullen, E. A., employment supervisor, A. P. Smith Manufacturing Co., East Orange, N. J. Munro, D. Elmer, assistant superintendent, Auburn, N. Y . N, Nagell, W . H ., supervisor of labor, International Harvester Co. o f New Jersey, Auburn, N. Y. Names, J. K ., branch manager, Underwood Typewriter Co., New York City. Naylor, A. H ., Atlas Crucible Steel Co., Dunkirk, N. Y. Naylor, J. R., director of employment, Heppenstall Forge & Knife Co., Pitts burgh, Pa. Neal, George F.., employment manager, Todd Protectograph Co., Rochester, N. Y. Neale, Margaretta, superintendent Woman’s Division, United States Depart ment of Labor, 22 East Twenty-second Street, New York City. Needles, I. G., sales employment manager, B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. Neese, F. G., employment superintendent, Pusey & Jones Co., Wilmington, Del. Nelson, N. C., employment superintendent, Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. Newcomb, Charles L., manager, Dean Works, Worthington Pump & Ma chinery Corporation, Holyoke, Mass. Newcomb, F. W ., 120 Fuller Street, Brookline, Mass. Newman, R. H., employment manager, Liberty Ordnance Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Nicholls, J. H., better service department, Halcomb Steel Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Nickerson, T. K., American Writing Paper Co., Holyoke, Mass. Nilsen, P. J., Arthur Young & Co., 1315 Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. Nock, Arthur B., employment manager, Electric Controller & Manufacturing Co., 2698 East Seventy-ninth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Noftzger, F. C., employment manager, Poliak Steel Co., Chicago, 111. Noyes, Henry T., treasurer, Art in Buttons (In c.), Rochester, N. Y. 0. O’Blenese, H . M., Carnegie Steel Co., 1027 Carnegie Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. O’Brien, John J., assistant shop superintendent, United States Navy Depart ment, Navy Yards, New York City. O’Brien, R. A., assistant employment manager, Bridgeford Machine Tool Works, Rochester, N. Y. Odencrantz, Louis C., superintendent, New York State Public Employment Bureau, 312 Jay Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Oesterling, T. J., assistant works manager, Herman Pneumatic Machine Co., Zelienople, Pa. O’Neill, J. T ., Eastman Kodak Co., Hawk Eye Works, Rochester, N. Y . 77920°— IS-------16 242 REGISTER OF DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Orr, J. K ., ex-president, Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Atlanta, Ga. Osborne, Louis A., manager library sales, International Text Book Co., Scranton, Pa. Oswald, Jacob, works manager, Fels & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Otte, O. W ., jr., employment manager, The Domestic Engineering Co., Dayton, Ohio. Owens, W m . J„ assistant superintendent, McIntosh & Seymore Corporation, Auburn, N .Y. P. Paine, W m . J., employment manager, International Arms & Fuze Co., Bloom field, N. J. Palmer, Lew R c o m m issio n e r of labor and industry, Harrisburg, Pa. Palmer, V. M., engineer of industrial economy, Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Park, Rochester, N. Y. Park, L. L., superintendent of welfare, American Locomotive Co., Schenec tady, N. Y. Parker, C. J., employment manager, Maryland Shipbuilding Corporation, Baltimore, Md. Parker, H. E., employment manager, Fore River Plant, Bethlehem Ship building Corporation, Quincy, Mass. Parkinson, Royal, employment manager, American Optical Co., Southbridge, Mass. Patterson, J., welfare director, Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Perkins, A. W ., employment manager, Revere Rubber Co., Providence, R. I. Pettibone, W . B., factory manager, W illard Storage Battery Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Phelps, R. employment manager, Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Pickrel, P. C., employment manager, Symington-Anderson Co., 1044 Univer s ity Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Pipping, Henry H., employment manager, Slatersville Finishing Co., Slatersville, R. I. Place, W . B., employment manager, David Lupton’s Sons Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Platt, Robert E., employment manager, Scovill Manufacturing Co., Waterbury, Conn. Play don, James, jr., assistant employment manager, Worthington Pump & Machinery Corporation, Holyoke, Mass. Plumer, E. G., employment manager, Emerson Brantingham Co., Rockford, 111. Poole, W . W ., secretary, Rice-Lorin Co., Muskegon, Mich. Powers, D. W ., service supervisor, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Carneys Point, N. J. Pratt, E. S., employment manager, The Celluloid Co., Newark, N. J. Price, Miss E. V., employment and service manager, Narrow Fabric Corpora tion, Reading, Pa. Price, John Ti, employment superintendent, Worthington Pump & Machine Corporation, Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Primmer, E. F., employment manager, National Cash Register Oo., Dayton, Ohio. Puffer, H. E., employment manager, Larkin Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Purdy, W m . B., employment manager, The Atlantic Refining Co., Philadel phia, Pa. APPENDIX B. 243 Purse!!, L. P., assistant employment manager, Merchant Ship Building Cor poration, Philadelphia, Pa. Pyle, Edwin L, employment manager, Heppenstall Forge Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Q. Quaife, T. R., production manager, Bastian Bros. Co., Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Quinby, Dr. R. S., service manager, Hood Rubber Co., Watertown, Mass. E. Radcliff, W m . J., employment manager, Tacony Ordnance Corporation, Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa. Ramage, E. C., employment agent, Carnegie Steel Co., E. T. Works, Braddock, Pa. Rapp, Perry, superintendent Rosenberg Bros.’ Co., Rochester, N. Y. Ray, Louis A., superintendent of employment, Carnegie Steel Co., New Castle, Pa. Ray, Capt. R. R., district supervising officer, Industrial Service Section, 82 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. Rectanus, S. R., director of employment, The American Rolling Mill Co., Mid dletown, Ohio. Reed, Edith, welfare department, Notaseme Hosiery Co., Oxford and Masher Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Rensenhouse, R. A., employment manager, Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Three Rivers, Mich. Reulbach, Edward M., assistant employment manager, Submarine Boat Cor poration, Port Newark, N. J. Rice, Edward E., supervisor, North American Insurance Co., 31 Liberty Street, New York City. Rice, W . E., employment manager, White Motor Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Richards, F. C., employment manager, Lackawanna Bridge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Riddell, W . A., superintendent Trades and Labor Branch, Department of Public Works, Ontario Government, 15 Queen Park, Toronto, Ontario. Rieder, N. M., Ordnance Department, industrial service section, Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. Riemenschneider, R. R., personnel department, Canton Sheet Steel Co., Can ton, Ohio. Rietschlin, O. R., service manager, Aberthaw Construction Co., 27 School Street, Boston, Mass. Rissberger, A. C., manager Central Employment Department, 1044 University Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Ritter, May F., employment manager, E. Sutro & Son, Thompson and Clear field Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Rivers, Nelson F., employment manager, Kelly Springfield Tire Co., 711 North land Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Roberts, Mrs. A ., visiting nurse, Taylor Instrument Cos., Rochester, N. Y. Robinson, A. L., consulting engineer, The Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 1900 r^and Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Robinson, Burr A., manager industrial relations department, United States Rubber Co., New Haven, Conn* 244 REGISTER OF DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Robinson, H. L., manager employment department, Crompton & Knowles Loom Works, Worcester, Mass. Robinson, Hugh M., employment manager, Bullard Machine Tool Co., Bridge port, Conn. Rogers, Ethel, superintendent vocational department, State Employment Bu reau, 387 East Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. Rogers, Mrs. L. Tarbell, woman farm-labor specialist, State Food Commission, Binghamton, N. Y. Rolle, Sidney, cashier, United States Metals Refining Co., Chrome, N. J. Ross, Arthur W ., manager labor and service, Westinghouse Lamp Co., Bloom field, N. J. Ross, Raymond J., assistant employment manager, Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Ilion, N. Y. Rossiter, Leo B., employment manager, North East Electric Co., 348 Whitney Street, Rochester, N. Y. Rothenberg, J. A., employment manager, The Standard Parts Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Rudd, J. H ., employment manager, Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Ilion, N. Y. Ryerson, Carl, division superintendent, Willys-Overland Co., Toledo, Ohio. S. Salter, W . G., supervisor of labor, International Harvester Co. of New Jersey, 1734 Fullerton Avenue, Chicago, 111. Sanders, Edward W ., assistant purchasing agent, Passaic Cotton Mills, New Bedford, Mass. Sandmann, H., superintendent Spencer Lens Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Saposs, D. J., New York State Industrial Commission, Capitol, Albany, N. Y. Saul, Harvey, superintendent labor and welfare, Taylor Wharton Iron & Steel Co., Easton, Pa. Sawyer, W . S., employment manager, The W illys Morrow Co., Elmira, N. Y. Schaap, Michael, director of personnel. L. Bamberger & Co., Newark, N. J. Schaffner, Joseph H., Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Chicago, 111. Scheele, Charles A., assistant treasurer, Buffalo W ire Works Co., 498 Terrace Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Schell, Erwin H ., assistant professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Schiele, Carl George, general foreman, Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., Oak ley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schneider, A. J., employment manager, The Cincinnati Planer Co., Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schoenbeck, Gertrude, employment section, H. Black & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Schwartz, H . A., National Malleable Castings Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Schwarz, E. N., employment manager, Buffalo Forge Co., 490 Broadway, B uf falo, N. Y. Schwebemeyer, R. G., employment manager, H yatt Roller Bearing Co., New ark, N. J. Schwenzer, Frank G., manufacturing superintendent, Ericcson Manufactur ing Co., 1100 Military Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Schwind, E. S., employment manager, Tidewater Oil Co., Bayonne, N. J. Sciutto, Frank, assistant employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Haskell, N. J. APPENDIX B. 245 Scott, J. A., employment and welfare manager, Cleveland Osborn Manufac turing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Scott, Tom J., superintendent, Alvey-Fergnson Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scrimgeour, B .f general manager, Gas Engine & Power Co., Morris Heights, New York City. Scripture, La Yinnia, sales department, Taylor Instrument Co., Rochester, N. Y. Seams, Jesse, business manager, American Smelting & Refining Co., Perth Imboy, N. J. Searle, W . A., employment manager, Niles-Bement-Pond Co., Plainfield, N. J. Searles, Rose L., service supervisor, Eastern Manufacturing Co., Bangor, Me. Seaton, S. B., superintendent, International Tag Co., 652 W est Lake Street, Chicago, 111. Seller, J. T „ manager industrial relations, Greenfield Tap & Die Corporation, Greenfield, Mass. Semor, Thomas K., employment manager, The Steel Products Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Seubert, Adolph F., assistant superintendent, National Malleable Castings Co., Toledo, Ohio. Shaw, G. E., employment manager, Dennison Manufacturing Co., Framing ham, Mass. Shearer, James, special work, Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich. Shedd, C. A., superintendent, Walden-Worcester (In c.), Worcester, Mass. Shepard, Jesse C., employment manager, Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist Co., Montour Falls, N. Y. Sheuring, Phoebe, forewoman, Hickey Freeman Co., 1155 Clinton Avenue North, Rochester, N. Y. Shimp, F. A., assistant employment supervisor, Hercules Powder Co., W il mington, Del. Sigsbee, R. A., employment manager, Emerson Co., BO Church Street, New York City. Simkins, J. W ., superintendent of employment, Merchant Ship Building Cor poration, Bristol, Pa. Simmons, Helen A., labor department, Dunn & McCarthy, 41 Washington Street, Auburn, N. Y. Simonds, A. T., president, Simonds Manufacturing Co., Fitchburg, Mass. Smith, George F., employment bureau, Henry Disston & Sons (In c.), Phila delphia, Pa. Smith, H. B., employment manager, United States Cartridge Co., Lowell, Mass. Smith, John M., assistant superintendent, H. Black & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Snyder, C., general superintendent, Hinkley Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Soults, T., superintendent, Sill Stove Works, 524 Oak Street, Rochester, N. Y. Sparrow, F. S., employment manager, Hood Rubber Co., Watertown, Mass. Sparrow, John, employment manager, Cleveland Welding & Manufacturing Co., W est One hundred and seventeenth Street and Berea Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Squire, Samuel H ., president, Milwaukee Electric Crane & Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, W is. Stafford, J. P., welfare manager, Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. Stamm, F. H ., assistant to general superintendent, Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 111. 246 REGISTER OE DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Stamm, W . R., manager welfare department, Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 111. Stanley, Geo. J., district manager, Aluminum Co. of America, Pittsburgh, Pa. Stearns, W alter D., Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., East Pitts burgh, Pa. Steely, Dale G., general superintendent, W . F. Schrafft & Sons (In c.), 160 Washington Street North, Boston, Mass. Stephenson, H ., industrial engineer, Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Park, Roch ester, N. Y. Stewart, Ethelbert, chief statistician, United States Bureau of Labor Statis tics, Washington, D. C. Stewart, H. L., employment manager, The Columbia Axle Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Stewart, W . J., assistant to superintendent, By-Products Coke Corporation, South Chicago, 111. Stigbert, A. O., assistant superintendent, Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Co., 1050 University Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Stone, Geo. H., employment manager, Locomobile Co. of America, Bridge port, Conn. Storke, C. W ., secretary, Employers* Association, Auburn, N. Y. S to well, E. A., general employment manager, Manning, Maxwell & Moore (In c.), 119 W est Fortieth Street, New York City. Sullivan, G. L., employment manager, Worthington Pump & Machinery Cor poration, Blake & Knowles Works, East Cambridge, Mass. Sutton, F. Cherrie, assistant superintendent, State Employment Bureau, 120 W est Jefferson Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Swallow, W . C„ employment manager, Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., Man chester, N. H. Switzer, E. T., general superintendent, Aberfoyle Manufacturing Co., Ches ter, Pa. T. Talbot, Mrs. Anne Hedges, New York State Department of Education, Albany, N. Y. Talbot, Winthrop M. D., adviser in alien education, Bureau of Industries and Immigration. Taylor, H. C., superintendent, New York State Bureau of Employment, 122 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. Taylor, J. E., employment manager, Mobile Shipbuilding Co., Mobile, Ala. Taylor, T. V., assistant superintendent, Buckeye Steel Castings Co., Colum bus, Ohio. Taylor W . J., employment manager, American Can Co., New York City. Tead, Mrs. Clara M., supervisor, Ordnance Department, Wom en’s Branch, Seventh and D Streets, Washington, D. C. Tead, Ordway, Bureau of Industrial Research, Washington, D. C. Teele, W . R., publicity engineer, General Electric Co., Seventh and W illow Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas, L. I., managing editor, F actory Magazine, A. W . Shaw Co., 5 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. Thompson, Alfred, employment manager, American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co., Erie, Pa. Thompson, L. W ., employment manager, Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Thompson, Ralph E., Gillette Safety Razor Co., Boston, Mass. APPENDIX B. 247 Thomsen, May, assistant employment manager, Joseph & Feiss Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Tolsted, Elmer B., supervising Engineer, Independence Inspection Bureau, 137 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Torrey, Arthur M., secretary, Employers* Association of North Jersey, 45 Academy Street, Newark, N. J. Townsend, S. Paul, secretary, Boston Employment Managers’ Association, 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Trevaskiss, E. F., employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Parlin, N. J. Trimble, H . A., assistant superintendent, Bowen Product Corporations, 7 Canal Street, Auburn, N. Y. Truesdell, Marion, Independence Inspection Bureau, 137 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Tuck, Nicholas, superintendent, Rosenberg Bros. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Tulloch, Donald, secretary, Worcester Branch, National Metal Trades Asso ciation, Worcester, Mass. Tulloch, Donald, jr., secretary, National Metal Trades Association, Boston, Mass. Turner, G. B., employment manager, Hartford Rubber Works, Hartford, Conn. Tuttle, Harvey N., employment manager, Poliak Steel Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tyler, L. S., vice president, Acme W ire Co., New Haven, Conn. Tyson, Francis, professor of economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. V. Vail, R. W ., employment manager, American Ship Building Co., Buffalo, Dry Dock Co., 301 Ganson Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Vander Pyl, John C., employment manager, American Hard Rubber Co., Col lege Point, N. Y. Van Geyt, Peter J., employment manager, 110 Augustine Street, Rochester, N. Y. Van Riper, T. C., superintendent, Morris & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Van Sickem, E. G., assistant superintendent, Jacob Dold Packing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Van Valkenburgh, R. M., assistant general employment manager American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Varnum, Earl F., employment manager, Commonwealth Steel Co., Granite City, 111. Ye ry, Edward M., manager, Lockwood, Greene & Co., Boston, Mass. Yickeys, W . H., employment manager, Bartlett, Hayward & Co., Baltimore, Md. W. Wade, John F., works manager, Bristol Brass Co., Bristol, Conn. Wagner, R. J., employment manager, Kilbourne & Jacobs Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. Walker, Clara G., assistant supervisor, State Employment-Vocational Depart ment, 387 East Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. Walter, H . H., assistant general superintendent, International Nickel Co., Bayonne, N. J. Walton, E. C., jr., assistant superintendent, Ault & Wiborg Co., 432 New Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 248 REGISTER OF DELEGATES AT CONFERENCE. Warner, Ruth, employment manager, International Magazine Co., 119 W est Fortieth Street, New York City. W ay, Edward A., employment manager, Aberfoyle Manufacturing Co., Chester, Pa. Wayne, B. P., employment manager, General Railway Signal Co., Lincoln Park, Rochester, N. Y. Weakly, F. E., employment manager, Montgomery W ard & Co., Chicago, 111. Weed, T. L., employment manager, Stanley Works, New Britain, Conn. W eitz, A. P., superintendent, National Brass Manufacturing Co* 193 Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y. Wells, Ralph G., assistant chief employment manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. Wells, W . S., assistant employment manager, Newburgh Shipyards (In c.), Newburgh, N. Y. Wemple, J. H ., industrial service department, General Electric Co., Schenec tady, N. Y. West, Chas. H ., employment manager, W est Bros., Syracuse, N. Y. Westerman, Miss S. A., office manager, Farm Journal , 230 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Westphal, Elmer, employment manager, Ericcson Manufacturing Co., 1100 Military Road, Buffalo, N. Y. White, H. H ., employment manager, Harrison Radiator Corporation, Lockport, N. Y. White, L. M., assistant manager, Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. W ilcox, John M., employment manager, American Ship Building Co., Cleve land, Ohio. W ill, Philip, vice president, Sill Stove Works, 524 Oak Street, Rochester, N. Y. W ille, Henry, employment supervisor, American Locomotive Co., Dunkirk, N. Y. W illey, C. E., vice president, Jas. Clark, jr., Electric Co., Louisville, Ky. Williams, Mrs. Jane C., personnel manager, Plimpton Press, Norwood, Mass. W illiam s, Whiting, director of personnel, Hydraulic Press Steel Co., Cleve land, Ohio. Williamson, D. V., production manager, Detroit Gear & Machine Co., 127 Franklin Street, Detroit, Mich. Willingham, W . B., secretary and treasurer, Willingham T ift Co., Atlanta, Ga. W illis, L. J., employment manager, Rochester Stamping Co., 12 Saratoga Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Wilson, G. K., employment manager, Devie & Co., Moline, 111. Wilson, H . R., superintendent of employment, American Smelting & Refining Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. Wilson, Ralph B., chairman of faculty, Boston University, 525 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Wilson, Robert L., assistant general superintendent, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. Winans, W . H ., employment manager, National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Windsor, B. G., superintendent of labor, Continental Can Co., Twenty-second and Halsted Streets, Chicago, 111. Windsor, M. V., employment manager, Yogt Manufacturing & Coach Lace Co., 408 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. APPENDIX B. 249 Winslow, H. C., employment manager, New England Structural Co., 110 State Street, Boston, Mass. Witte, F. W ., employment director, Emerson Co., 30 Church Street, New York City. Woerner, Otto, superintendent, Edwin J. Schoettle Co., 533 North Eleventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. W olf, Dale, director employment and service, Miller Lock Co., 4523 Tacony Street, Philadelphia, Pa. W olf, W . R., assistant manager, Central Employment Department, 1044 Uni versity Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Wood, R. T., employment manager, Standard Tool Co., 6900 Central Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Woodelton, Geo. O., employment manager, Thomas-Morse Aircraft Corpora tion, Ithaca, N. Y. Woolford, Cator, president, Retail Credit Co., Atlanta, Ga. Worthey, C. F., employment manager, Gray & Davis (In c.), Boston, Mass. Wright G. S., employment manager, Vacuum Oil Co., 926 Exchange Street, Rochester, N. Y. Wright, H. A., sales manager, The Hindey Machine Co., Torrington, Conn. Wynn, Elmer E., labor manager, D. Goff & Sons, Pawtucket, R. I. Y. Yeager, H. M., assistant superintendent, Fedders Manufacturing Co. (In c.), 57 Tonawanda Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Young, A. H., director, American Museum of Safety, 18 W est Twenty-fourth Street, New York City. Young, H. G., employment manager, Cole Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. z. Zabel, Wm., engineer of production, Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. Zeller, Wm. J., employment manager, Duestor Gear Co. (In c.), Syracuse, N. Y. Zimmer, V. A., superintendent, Newr York State Public Employment Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. 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