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U N IT E D S T A T E S D E P A R T M E N T O F L A B O R Frances Perkins, Secretary B U R E A U OF L A B O R ST A T IS T IC S Isador Lubin, Commissioner ( on leave ) A . F. Hinrichs, A cting Commissioner + Prison Labor in the U nited States 1940 + By R IC H A R D F. JONES, Jr. o f the D iv is io n o f C o n s t r u c t io n a n d P u b lic E m p lo y m e n t H E R M A N B* B Y E R , Chief B ulletin ?s[o. 698 U N IT E D S T A T E S G O V E R N M E N T P R IN T IN G OFFICE W A S H IN G T O N : 1941 For sale by the Superintendent o f Documents, Washington, D . C. Price 30 cents UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR F ran c es P e r k in s , Secretary ♦ B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S I L sa d o r A. F. H t j b in , in r ic h s Commissioner , D o n a ld H . D a v e n p o rt, C h ie f, E m p lo y m e n t and Occupational O u tlo o k Branch H e n r y J . F itzg e ra ld , C h ie f, Business M anagem ent Branch H u g h S. H a n n a , C h ie f, E d ito ria l and Research (o n le a v e ) Acting Commissioner Aryness J o y , C h ie f, Prices and C ost of L iv in g B ranch. N . A rn o ld Tolies, C h ie f, W o rk in g C o n ditions and In d u s tria l Relations Branch Sidney W . W ilco x, C h ie f Statistician C H IE F S O F D IV IS IO N S H e rm a n B . B y e r, C o n stru ctio n and Public E m p lo y m e n t J . M . C u tts , Wholesale Prices W . D u a n e E v a n s , P ro d u c tiv ity and Technological Developm ents Swen K ja e r , In dustrial Accidents Jo h n J . M a h a n e y , M achine T a b u la tion R o b e rt J . M y e rs , W age and H o u r Statistics Florence Peterson, In d u strial R e la tions ii Charles F . S h a rk e y, L a b o r L a w In form ation Boris S te rn , L a b o r In fo rm a tio n Serv ice Stella S te w a rt, R e ta il Prices Le w is E . T a lb e rt, E m p lo y m e n t S ta tistics E m m e tt H . W elch, Occupational O u t look F a ith M . W illiam s, C ost of L iv in g CONTENTS Page Preface_____________________________________________________________________ Summary-----------------------Scope and method of study________________________________________________ Systems of work___________________________________________________________ Trends in prison population, employment, and production________________ Employment status of prisoners___________________________________________ Productive employment in relation to sex of prisoners____________________ Scheduled weekly working hours___________________________________________ Type of industry___________________________________________________________ Type of production________________________________________________________ Comparison of production in prisons and private industry________________ Sale of prison-made goods_________________________________________________ Production under public works and ways system__________________________ Compensation to productively employed prisoners________________________ Kind, quantity, and value of production__________________________________ Appendix A.— General tables______________________________________________ Appendix B.— Index of items produced in State and Federal prisons_____ vn 1 2 3 6 10 12 16 19 21 24 27 29 32 37 53 281 L ist o f T a b le s T able T able T able T able T able T able T able T able T able T able 1.— Percent of prisoners productively employed in State and Federal prisons, 1885-1940, classified by systems of work__ 2.— Value of production in State and Federal prisons, 1923, 1932, 1940, by systems of work__________________________________ 3.— Prisoners under sentence and productively employed, and value^of production in State and Federal prisons, by State, 1923, 1932, and 1940______________________________________ 4.— Indexes of prisoners under sentence, prisoners productively employed, and value of production in State and Federal prisons, by State, 1932 and 1940__________________________ 5.— Employment status of prisoners in State and Federal prisons, by State, 1940_____________________________________________ 6.— Prisoners productively employed in individual State and Federal prisons, by sex, 1940_______________________________ 7.— Scheduled weekly working hours of prisoners productively employed in State and Federal prisons, 1932 and 1940_____ 8.— Percentage distribution of prisoners productively employed in State and Federal prisons, by State and scheduled hours per week, 1940_____________________________________________ 9.— Prisoners productively employed in State and Federal prisons in each State, classified by type of work, 1940_____________ 10.— Prisoners productively employed and value of production in State and Federal prisons, by type of production, 1932 and 1940________________________________________________________ hi 5 6 8 9 11 13 16 18 20 22 IV CONTENTS Page T able T able T able T able T able T able 1 1 .— Value of production in State and Federal prisons in 1940, and in p rivate industry in 1939________________________ 12 .— Value o f goods produced under State-account and piece-price systems in individual State prisons, sold inside a nd outside o f S tate, 1940_______________________________________ 13.— Prisoners productively employed and value o f production under the public works and w ays system in State and Federal prisons in each S tate, 19 40____________________ 14 .— K in d , q u a n tity , and value of production in State and Federal prisons, b y system o f w o rk , 1940______________________ A . —K in d , q u a n tity , a nd value o f production in in d ivid u a l State prisons, b y system o f w o rk, 1940______________________ B . — K in d , q u a n tity , and value o f production in in dividu a l Federal prisons, b y system of w o rk , 1940______________________ 24 27 30 40 62 262 LE TTE R OF T R A N S M IT T A L U n it ed S tates D epar tm en t of L a b o r , B u r e a u of L abor S ta tistic s , Washington, D . C., June 18, 1941 . The S e c retary of L a b o r : I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on prison labor in the United States in 1940, which was made as the result of a joint resolution by the Congress authorizing the Bureau to collect informa tion on the quantity, kind, value, and disposition of all goods produced in Federal and State prisons. It is a continuation of similar studies of prison labor made by the Bureau periodically since 1885, the last previous study having been made in 1932. A. F. H in r ic h s , Acting Commissioner. Hon. F ran ces P e r k in s , Secretary of Labor . PR E F A C E Pursuant to a request of the Congress, the Bureau of Labor Statis tics has recently completed a survey of prison labor in State and Federal prisons of the United States. Similar surveys have been made at intervals of 8 or 10 years since 1885. The primary purpose of this study was to determine the quantity and value of the several kinds o f articles produced or work done b y prisoners during the 1940 fiscal year, together with the system under which the goods were pro duced or disposed of, and the number o f prisoners so employed. The survey was directed and the report prepared by Richard F. Jones, Jr., under the general supervision of Herman B. Byer, chief of the Bureau’s Division of Construction and Public Employment. The Bureau wishes to express its appreciation to the various State and Federal officials, as well as their office personnel, for their whole hearted assistance and courteous reception of the Bureau’s agents. Acknowledgment for valuable suggestions is also extended to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Bureau of the Census, and the Division of Statistical Standards. V II B u lletin J^o. 698 o f the U n ite d States B u rea u o f Labor Statistics Prison Labor in the U nited States, 1940 Sum m ary The various systems under which State and Federal prisoners have been employed and the disposal of the goods produced in prisons have for many years received the active attention o f organized labor, prison authorities, manufacturers, legislators, and others familiar with prison problems. There has been strong opposition to the sale of prison-made goods on the open market in direct competition with the products of free labor. Those States which wished to restrict the inflow of prisonmade products were hampered in their efforts by the fact that, under the Constitution, control of the interstate transportation of goods rests in the hands of the Federal Government. In i929, however, Congress passed the Hawes-Cooper Act, which divested prison-made goods of their interstate character and thus enabled any State to prohibit within its borders the sale of goods made in the prisons of other States. This act became effective in 1934. In the years immediately following the enactment of the Hawes-Cooper Act, a large majority of the States restricted, by law, the sale and movement of prison products. The Ashurst-Sumners Act, which became effective in 1935, ma terially strengthened the Hawes-Cooper A ct and also supplemented State prison-labor legislation. It prohibited the transportation of prison products into any State in violation of the laws of that State. In 1940, the Congress went one step farther and enacted legislation, to be effective in October 1941, which, with certain exceptions, prohibits the transportation into any State of prison goods made in another. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has made surveys o f prison labor at 8- or 10-year intervals since 1885. A comparison of the 1940 survey with that for 1932 shows the changes which have occurred in the amount o f prison labor and the volume and character of production since the Hawes-Cooper and Ashurst-Sumners Acts became effective. The average number o f prisoners under sentence in State and Federal prisons increased from 158,947 in 1932 to 191,776 in 1940. During the same period, the average number of prisoners productively employed changed but slightly from 82,276 to 83,515. Thus, the proportion of all prisoners productively employed decreased from 52 1 2 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 percent in 1932 to 44 percent in 1940. Contractors employed less than 1 percent of those productively employed in 1940, as compared with 16 percent in 1932. Furthermore, in 1940 only 12 percent of the employed prisoners produced goods which were sold for State account on the open market, in contrast to 19 percent in 1932. Approximately 88 percent of the productively employed prisoners in 1940, as against 65 percent in 1932, were engaged in constructing or improving public property and in producing goods for use within the same institution or for sale to other State or Federal institutions or departments. The decrease in the proportion of productively employed prisoners was accompanied by a 25-percent drop in the value of prison produc tion— from approximately $75,369,000 in 1932 to $56,732,000 in 1940. The average annual value of product per employed prisoner declined from $916 in 1932 to $679 in 1940, or 26 percent. A m ajority of the prisoners without productive employment in 1940 (constituting 36 percent of all prisoners) were assigned to maintenance duties. Six percent of the total prison population attended school as a m ajor daily assignment, 8 percent were sick or otherwise unavailable for work, and 6 percent were available for work but had no duties provided. T o offset losses in revenues and to alleviate the grave problem of idleness among prisoners, various solutions have been tried. Among the m ost effective have been surveys of State-use markets, the creation of prison-industry boards, commissions, or corporations, and State legislation tending toward compulsory purchase of prison goods by State agencies. Federal institutions and State institutions of 27 States (12 of which employed salesmen) reported that in 1940 they made some attempt to promote the sale of prison-made goods. Typical of the methods reported are the circulation of catalogs and the coor dination of prison production with the needs of State purchasing officers. Scope and M ethod o f Study The 1940 survey* included 125 State and 25 Federal prisons; in addition, 3 county prisons and 1 city prison, which by arrangement with their respective States house State prisoners, were included with the State prisons. These totals included 2 State prisons (the reformatories for women in Arkansas and Rhode Island) and 1 Fed eral prison (the prison camp in the State of Washington) which had no productive activity in 1940, but excluded 6 Federal prisons which were not in operation during a m ajor portion of the fiscal year. The coverage was complete therefore, for all Federal and State prisons for adults which were in operation during the major part of the fiscal year.1 Although all figures in the survey covered a 12-month period end1 For a complete list of the prisons surveyed, see table 6. To simplify tabulation and analysis, the penal institutions of the District of Columbia have been considered as State institutions. SYSTEMS OF WORK 3 ing in 1940, the end o f the fiscal year occurred in different months in the various prisons. The 129 institutions housing State prisoners terminated the fiscal year on the following dates: 6 prisons, M ay 31 ; 87 prisons, June 30; 7 prisons, September 30; 10 prisons, Novem ber 30 ; and 19 prisons, December 31. All data for Federal prisons covered the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, except those for farm products which were reported for the year ending Novem ber 30, 1940. Agents o f the Bureau visited each of the 154 institutions covered and personally examined the records and interviewed the prison authorities. The figures on production were in most cases obtained from the books, invoices, or other records of the institutions and referred to the quantities produced during the year covered. Allowance was made for sales in excess of production, and inventory increases were estimated on the basis of average selling prices during the fiscal year. In some cases, where goods were transferred from the shops to the steward’s department within the same institution at net cost of materials, the Bureau’s agents in conference with prison officials substituted a market value based upon such factors as (a) the prison’s sale price for identical or similar articles, (b) the current wholesale price of the commodity on the local market, and (c) the current whole sale price in the nearest city for which data were available. The value of construction projects covered only that portion con structed dining the fiscal year. Valuations were usually based upon appraisals by highway commissions, engineers, State appraisers, or private appraisers employed by the State. The production data include some unavoidable duplications. For instance, wheat which is reported under farm production may be processed into cereal and bran and reported under grist-mill produc tion. Part of this latter product may be fed to livestock which in turn shows an inventory increase on the prison records. Sugarcane may be included under farm production and again, after being proc essed, as sirup and raw sugar. System s o f W ork Over the period since 1885, when the Bureau conducted its first sur vey of prison labor, prison-made goods have been produced under six systems of work. A description of the various systems follows. State-use system .— Under this system, an institution conducts a business of manufacture or other production, but the use or sale of the product is limited to the same institution or to some other State or Federal institution or department. Such other State institution or department may be under the control of the State proper or any of its minor subdivisions. This system also covers the sale of goods to an institution of another State. The principle of the State-use system is to 4 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED 'STATES, 1940 make the prison product available to public institutions but to avoid direct competition with free-labor products. P ublic works and w a ys system .— This system is, in effect, the same as the State-use system, the only difference being in the character of the work performed. The public works and ways system applies not to consumption goods, but to the construction and repair of prison and other public buildings, roads, parks, bridges and to such kindred work as flood control, reforestation, and land clearance. This work is all of a more or less permanent character as distinguished from purely maintenance and repair work. State-account system . — Under this system the prison operates a man ufacturing business or other productive enterprise and disposes of the product on the general market in competition with goods produced by free labor. If the business is one of manufacturing, the institution buys the raw material, sells the finished product, and assumes the business risks in the same way as a private manufacturer. However, the product may be disposed of in part under the State-use system and in part under the State-account system. T o illustrate, part o f the flour and bran milled in a prison from wheat it has raised m ay be consumed within the institution and the rest sold on the open market. Contract system . — Under this system an outside contractor contracts with the institution for the labor of prisoners at a stipulated amount per capita per day. The institution houses, feeds, and guards the prisoners, and the contractor furnishes the raw materials and generally his own foremen, machinery, and tools. Piece-jprice system . — This system differs from the contract system in only one respect: The contractor pays the institution on the basis of an agreed price per unit of product rather than per unit of labor. Lease system .— Under this system, which is no longer operative in State and Federal prisons, the prison enters into a contract with a lessee who agrees to receive, feed, clothe, house, and guard the prison ers, and to pay the State a stipulated amount per day per man. T w o distinct trends in prison labor are apparent from the Bureau’s surveys. First, the systems o f work which permitted the exploitation of the prison population for private gain have practically disappeared. Second, the proportion of prisoners productively employed has decreased consistently. In 1885, 74 percent of the prisoners productively employed were working primarily for the benefit of private contractors. Table 1 indicates the steady decrease in this percentage through the years. The lease system, the most condemned of all, had disappeared b y 1923. In 1940 no prisoners were foimd working under the contract system and iess than 1 percent were employed under the piece-price system. Inversely, the percentage of productively employed prisoners work ing under those systems wherein the State exerts all control and 5 SYSTEMS OF WORK receives all benefits has risen from 26 percent in 1885 to slightly less than 100 percent in 1940. M oreover, efforts to restrict open-market sales and direct competition with free labor have been reflected in a sharp decrease in the percentage of inmates working under the Stateaccount system. True, there was an upswing between 1905 and 1914 caused by the understandable and oftentimes necessary efforts of authorities to offset the losses in revenue resulting from the large decrease in the number o f prisoners employed under the three con tract systems. But, as restrictive State statutes began to appear in increasing numbers, it was generally recognized that the complete adoption o f the two types o f State-use systems should be the ultimate goal. As a result, in 1940 only 12 percent o f the productively employed prisoners were engaged in producing goods for sale to other than public institutions and agencies. The percentage o f the employed prisoners producing exclusively for public use rose from 26 percent in 1905 to 88 percent in 1940, having jumped 23 percent since 1932. Unfortunately, this commendable effort to supplant all other systems b y the State-use aud public works and ways systems has resulted in a very marked decrease in the number o f employed prisoners. Whereas in 1885, 75 percent of all prisoners incarcerated in State and Federal prisons were productively employed, in 1940 only 44 percent were so engaged. T a b l e 1 .— P ercen t o f P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in State and F ederal P riso n s , 1 8 8 5 -1 9 4 0 , C lassified b y S ystem s o f W ork Percent of prisoners productively employed systems oi worK. All systems____ - __________________________________ 1885 1895 1905 1914 1923 1932 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 18 8 21 8 36 9 22 11 31 6 26 4 36 19 26 7 12 0 42 23 19 11 5 0 59 29 12 61 52 State-use_........- _____ ___________ ___________ ______ 1 Public works and ways____________________________ 1 126 State-account _ ___________________________________ 8 Piece-price_________________________________________ 40 Contract_______________ *__________________________ 26 Lease______________________________________________ Percent of all prisoners under sentence engaged in productive labor..................................... ...................... 75 ( i 33 1 l 14 34 19 72 65 (3) 1940 (a) 0 0 44 1No separation made of State-account, State-use, and public works and ways system in this year. >Less than 1 percent. •Not reported. The ascendancy of the two types of State-use systems at the expense o f those under which goods flow to the open market is strikingly shown in table 2 also. The value of production under the former systems rose from approximately 38 percent to 84 percent of the total between 1923 and 1940, while the value of goods produced under the latter systems declined from a high of 62 percent to a low of 16 percent. Especially significant is the curtailment in the production volume, in the two types o f contract shops, to only half of 1 percent of the total value in 1940. 6 P R IS O N LABOR IN T H E . U N IT E © STATES, 1940 The value of State-use products was 61 percent higher in 1940 than in 1932. The rate o f increase was faster during this period than between 1923 and 1932. A drop of almost $8,500,000 in the value of road construction in 4 Southern States— Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Virginia— was primarily responsible for the noticeably large de crease in the value o f public works and ways construction between 1932 and 1940. T a b l e 2 .— V alu e o f P rodu ction in State and F ederal P riso n s , 1 9 2 3 , 19 32, and 1 9 4 0 , b y S ystem s o f W ork Value of commodities produced Percent of total value 1923 1932 1940 1923 1932 All systems................................................ $76,096,960 $75, 369, 471 $56,731,654 100.0 100.0 100.0 State-use.................................................... Public works and ways...... ..................... State-account.................. ................... ....... Piece-price............................................... — Contract........... ................................... ....... 13,753, 201 15,331, 545 16,421,878 12, 340,986 18, 249, 350 21,260,411 25,159,152 12,367,646 10, 522, 200 6,060,062 34,159, 572 13,448,838 8,823, 266 299,978 0 18.1 20.1 21.6 16.2 24.0 28.2 33.4 16.4 14.0 8.0 60.2 23.7 15.6 0.5 0 Systems of work 1940 Trends in P rison Population , E m ploym ent, and Production The prison population o f the State and Federal institutions surveyed increased 88 percent between 1923 and 1932 and 126 percent between 1923 and 1940, according to figures in tables 3 and 4. The correspond ing increases since 1923 in the estimated total population o f the United States were 12 percent by 1932 and 18 percent by 1940. The number of persons under sentence in these prisons had in 1940 reached a point where it approximated 1 in every 500 of the total population 16 years of age and over. Despite efforts to spread the work and to establish new outlets for prison products, the indexes o f prisoners productively employed and of value o f production do not reflect the increases in the number under sentence. In fact, although there was little change in the value of production between 1923 and 1932, the value of 1940 production was only 75 percent of that in 1923. A greater increase in the number of prisoners productively employed than in the total prison population indicates a more extensive use of available prisoners, but a greater increase in value o f output than in number employed denotes a more intensive use o f those employed. In State prisons o f only two States— New Jersey and Oregon— were there increases between 1932 and 1940 in both the percentage employed and the value o f product per employed prisoner. In all other States, either employment failed to keep pace with population or production failed to keep pace with employment. In every State there were increases in State prison populations between 1923 and 1932 which ranged from 5 percent in W yom ing to P O P U L A T IO N , E M P L O Y M E N T , A N D P R O D U C T IO N 7 193 percent in the District o f Columbia. In 1940 only 2 States— Rhode Island and W yom ing— had fewer State prisoners than in 1923, but 15 States had a smaller penal population than in 1932. State institutions in 6 States in 1932 and in 15 States in 1940 employed a smaller number o f prisoners than they did in 1923. There were 28 States which furnished productive work to fewer inmates in 1940 than in 1932. Between 1923 and 1932, 17 States, led by Idaho, showed a greater percentage increase in prisoners productively employed than in the total under sentence, while between 1923 and 1940 the indexes indicate that only 9 States accomplished this same result. Losses in the value of products suffered by State prisons in 22 States from 1923 to 1932 were largely offset by the gains made by those in the other States, resulting in a net loss for all State prisons of only 3 percent. The real depression in State prison production is vividly brought to light in the data for 1940: between 1923 and 1940 a loss in total com m odity values of over 33 percent was sustained. Production in 1940 was below the 1923 level in 28 States and failed to reach the 1932 volume in 35 States. However, 12 States produced at least 50 percent more in 1940 than in 1923; and for 7 of these— the District of Columbia, Idaho, Louisiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Texas— the gain was more than 100 percent. Reference to table 3 reveals that in the period 1923-1940 the State prisons in 13 States suffered production losses of over $1,000,000 each, which aggregated more than $31,000,000. Gains of over $1,000,000 each occurred in North Carolina, Louisiana, and Texas. The total inmate population of the Federal prisons covered in the 1940 survey was almost 3K times that of the Federal prisons covered in 1923, but the number of prisoners productively employed rose only 95 percent in the same period. However, the value of product per employed prisoner increased to such an extent that there was a gain in total value o f 219 percent between 1923 and 1940. The value of product per employed prisoner in 1940 was almost 80 percent higher in Federal than in State institutions. Data in table 3 show the great expansion in the number and locations o f Federal institutions since 1923. In that year there were included in the survey 3 prisons in 3 States, in 1932 there were 12 prisons located in 9 States, and in 1940 there were 25 prisons distributed among 20 States. In consequence o f this extensive building program, there have been numerous transfers o f prisoners and changes in pro duction facilities. Indexes b y States under these circumstances lack significance and have accordingly been excluded from table 4. 8 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITER STATES, 1940 T a b l e 3 . — P rison ers U nder Sentence and P rod u ctively E m p lo yed , and V a lu e o f P rod u c tion in State and F ederal P riso n s , b y State , 1 9 2 3 , 1 9 3 2 , and 1 9 4 0 State Average number of prisoners under sentence 1923 Total, State and Federal prisons----- 1932 1940 Average number of prisoners productively employed 1923 1932 Value of commodities produced 1923 1940 1932 1940 84,761 158,947 191,776 51,799 82,276 83,515 $76,096,960 $75,369,471 $56,731,654 State prisons All States.................... 79,350 145,421 173,284 48,336 77,267 76, 775 $73,668,879 $71,306,061 $48,995,818 Alabama....... ............. 2,988 383 Arizona_____________ Arkansas..................... 1,295 California......... .......... 3,841 Colorado____________ 1,003 916 Connecticut............. 4,837 591 1,425 7,675 1, 369 1, 378 6,940 812 2,161 8,843 1,690 1,198 2,553 56 1,053 2,541 795 528 3,763 225 867 4,394 354 738 5,002 206 1, 313 4,105 773 392 6,153,387 69, 573 300,623 1,463,332 922, 378 2,421,119 5, 525,751 262,116 232,409 2,651,567 137,187 698,804 2,595,089 120,404 427,649 1, 760,266 412,202 371,935 350 Delaware___________ 539 District of Columbia. 1,426 Florida_____________ Georgia_______ _____ 3,822 280 Idaho....................... . Illinois.................. ....... 4,450 527 1, 580 2,786 4,197 307 10,453 501 2,909 3,691 5,035 406 12, 776 245 220 1,028 3,698 42 2,531 312 676 1, 739 3,328 203 4,577 183 1,166 2,423 3,222 60 3,773 431,661 297,479 2,199,796 5,084,188 20,045 1,320,687 226,018 712,020 2,205,647 4,962, 727 198,613 2,030,032 68, 394 747, 500 869,964 1,373.678 40,824 1, 583,135 Indiana........................ Iowa.............. .............. Kansas........................ Kentucky................ — Louisiana_____ _____ Maine.......................... 2,946 1,851 1, 225 2,043 1, 596 338 6, 309 2,904 2, 731 3, 575 2,782 515 5,765 2,580 2,485 4,731 3,127 691 1,369 1,400 881 1,695 1,110 278 3,780 1,988 1,326 2,407 1,644 152 2,517 1,173 999 442 1,980 407 1, 702,369 2,051, 389 807,453 6,961,220 257,992 454,154 2,233,989 2,721,769 657,364 3,115,445 979,230 33,435 1,642,653 855, 355 488,943 441,802 1,335,900 141,865 Maryland__________ Massachusetts______ Michigan.................. . Minnesota__________ Mississippi.................. Missouri-.................. 1,495 1,964 3, 381 1,488 1, 572 2,828 2,586 3, 586 9,735 2,449 2,104 4,981 2,856 4,135 9,187 2,638 2,610 4,482 1,212 966 2,110 875 1,252 1,813 1,341 1,781 4,164 1, 321 1, 370 2,222 906 1,801 2,294 1,362 2,058 1,424 2, 771,143 1,161,921 3,637,829 2,664,253 779, 571 4,426,097 2,099,867 2,002,267 4,203, 736 2,989,332 393,663 3,103,964 1,034,613 1,830,223 1,879,327 3,299,415 639,066 1, 387, 709 Montana................___ Nebraska.................... Nevada_______ _____ New Hampshire____ New Jersey_________ New Mexico............... New Y o r k ................ 340 805 147 138 1,850 399 6, 512 615 1,212 255 179 3,349 560 11,485 523 1,140 260 267 3,633 657 16,906 119 627 30 503 193 2,395 100 107 830 74 140 1,421 263 4,321 120 512 17 205 1, 397 274 4, 315 71,874 677,947 22, 769 218, 000* 409, 363 37,175 1,789, 397 194,853 866,226 71,473 186, 577 1,210, 588 59,217 3,780, 581 78, 506 527,100 16, 549 127,287 1,224,044 85,242 2,712,861 1,102 North Carolina l 220 North Dakota............ Ohio ........................... 4,128 Oklahoma__________ 2,051 424 Oregon........ ................ Pennsylvania............. 4,336 9,748 2,877 308 417 8,941 . 9,669 4,087 4,117 851 1,033 6,314 7,054 935 122 1, 751 1,271 163 987 1,834 197 3,886 2,064 352 2,148 7,930 172 3,256 2,108 453 2,269 1,638,233 374,448 1, 323, 291 1,940, 751 129,402 1,148,163 805,211 436,967 2,290,190 979, 592 265, 301 2,492,075 3,265,842 354,496 1,626,360 1,234,364 524, 593 1,958,508 570 Rhode Island_______ 537 South Carolina.......... 309 South Dakota______ Tennessee__________ 1,691 Texas........................... 3,744 188 Utah............................ 657 1,142 524 2,941 5,550 312 416 1, 376 399 3,254 6,687 412 329 452 232 1, 359 2,749 39 421 459 405 2,063 4,462 37 127 505 138 1,871 4,138 135 1,458,471 381,302 267, 731 2,120,055 925,291 86,847 464,788 393,797 528,415 1,609,161 1,371, 572 16, 573 70,519 393,586 241,472 1,124,486 3,145,725 89,912 Vermont_______ ____ Virginia..................... Washington________ West Virginia_______ Wisconsin_________ Wyoming.................... 344 1,439 1,094 1,645 1,188 399 430 3, 719 1,976 2,642 2,554 420 364 4,404 2,269 2,712 3,063 394 243 857 302 1,281 782 264 266 2,944 566 1, 555 1,502 278 140 3,460 875 921 1,262 194 615,280 2,303,610 215,604 2,879, 329 2, 558, 562 1, 716, 325 291,816 3,828,290 368,684 2, 592, 545 1, 565,052 259, 565 114,271 2,180,105 320,051 1,195,138 919,813 117,077 All States J- _ ............. 5,411 13,526 18,492 3,463 5,009 $2,428,081 $4,063,410 $7,735,836 Federal prisons Alabama__________ Arizona _ California—. ________ Florida........................ Georgia....................... Idaho......... ............. . Kansas........................ 529 2,479 3,526 2,454 4,993 See footnotes at end of table. 208 151 826 259 3,112 145 4,092 199 2,066 1,626 1,270 1,440 6,740 12 92 223 142 1,399 88 1,614 194,064 1,992, 779 1,566,898 283,943 1,236, 758 22,850 219,189 170, 787 123. 716 2,036,977 68,061 2,404. 026 POPULATION, EMPLOYMENT, AND PRODUCTION 9 T a b l e 3 . — P rison ers U nder Sentence and P rod u ctively E m p lo yed , and V alu e o f P rod u c tion in State and F ederal P riso n s , b y State , 1 9 2 3 , 1932, and 1 9 4 0 — C o n tin u ed State Average number of prisoners under sentence 1923 1932 1940 Average number of prisoners productively employed 1923 1932 1940 Value of commodities produced 1923 1932 1940 Federal prisons—Continued Louisiana.............. . Michigan_________ Minnesota___ _____ Missouri............ ...... New Hampshire___ New York________ Ohio...... .............. Oklahoma................ Pennsylvania______ South Carolina 3___ Texas_____________ Virginia__________ Washington_______ West Virginia........... 301 1,625 147 478 1,020 943 442 397 586 333 794 100 283 1,407 134 666 1,132 1,570 507 832 1,052 706 40 127 458 285 161 14 170 84 61 2 53 520 $78,238 349, 595 537 636 165 245 356 327 29,137 $151,359 131,430 410, 351 66,939 $11,107 104,238 47,015 47,482 842 28,187 458,106 541,950 720,201 75,251 132,290 215,008 307,653 i Road camps not included in 1923 and 1932. 5Includes 3 prisons in 3 States in 1923; 12 prisons in 9 States in 1932; and 25 prisons in 20 States in 1940. sParris Island discontinued as naval prison in 1933. T a b l e 4 .— In d exes o f P rison ers U nder Sentence , P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p loyed , and V alu e o f P rod u ction in State and F ederal P riso n s , b y State , 1 9 3 2 and 1 9 4 0 1 [1 9 23 = 1 0 0 .0 ] State Average num Average num ber of prisoners ber of prisoners productively under sentence employed 1932 1932 1940 Total, State and Federal prisons...... ..................... .......... 187.5 226.3 158.8 161.2 99.0 74.6 State prisons....... .......... ............ .......................................... 183.3 218.4 159.9 158.8 96.8 66.5 Alabama....................... ................. - ................... .......... Arizona......... .......... ........... ....................... . . .......... . . . Arkansas-------- ----------------------------- ---------------------California...........- ......................................... .................. Colorado,............................. - ............ . . ...................... Connecticut.................................. ............................... 161.9 154.3 110.0 199.8 136.5 150.4 232.3 212.0 166.9 230.2 168.5 130.8 147.4 401.8 82.3 172.9 44.5 139.8 195.9 367.9 124.7 161.6 97.2 74.2 89.8 376.7 77.3 181.2 14.9 28.9 42.2 173.1 142.3 120.3 44.7 15.4 Delaware...... ............. .......... ..................................... District of Columbia....... ............................................ Florida.................... ..................... ................................ . Georgia.................................................................... ....... Idaho.-------- --------------------------------------------------------Illinois............................................. ............................... 150.6 293.1 195.4 109.8 109.6 234.9 143.1 539.7 258.8 131.7 145.0 287.1 127.3 307.3 169.2 90.0 483.3 180.8 74.7 530.0 235.7 87.1 142.9 149.1 52.4 239.4 100.3 97.6 990.8 153.7 15.8 251.3 39.5 27.0 203.7 119.9 Indiana........... ........................ ............. ........................ Iowa....... ................................................ .................... . Kansas..................................... ............. ........................ Kentucky--------------------- -------- -----------------------------Louisiana....... ............................... .................... .......... Maine........................... .................................................. 214.2 156.9 222.9 175.0 174.3 152.4 195.7 139.4 202.9 231.6 195.9 204.4 276.1 142.0 150.5 142.0 148.1 54.7 183.9 83.8 113.4 26.1 178.4 146.4 131.2 132.7 81.4 44.8 379.6 7.4 96.5 41.7 60.6 6.3 517.8 31.2 Maryland.......... ........................................................... Massachusetts-—______ _______________ _________ Michigan................................................................. ....... Minnesota...................................... .........................— Mississippi............................................ ......................... Missouri— .......................................................... .......... 173.0 182.6 287.9 164.6 133.8 176.1 191.0 210.5 271.7 177.3 166.0 158.5 110.6 184.4 197.3 150.9 109.4 122.6 74.8 186.4 108.7 155.7 164.4 78.5 75.8 172.3 115.6 112.2 50.5 70.1 37.3 157.5 51.7 123.8 82.0 31.4 Montana............................................................... ........ Nebraska....................................................................... Nevada....... ...................................... ........................... New Hampshire-- . ^. ........ ................................... — New Jersey...... .............................................................. New Mexico.................... .............................................. 180.9 150.6 173.5 129.7 181.0 140.4 153.8 141.6 176.9 193.5 196.4 164.7 89.9 132.4 246. 7 140.0 282.5 136.3 100.8 81.7 56.7 205.0 277.7 142.0 271.1 127.8 313.9 85.6 295.7 159.3 109.2 77.7 72.7 58.4 299.0 229.3 See footnotes a t end of table. 408102°—42------ 2 1932 Value of pro duction 1940 1940 10 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE S, 1940 T a b l e 4 . — In d exes o f P rison ers U nder Sentence , P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p loyed , and V alu e o f P roduction in State and F ederal P riso n s , b y State , 1 9 3 2 and 1 9 4 0 — Con. State Average num ber of prisoners under sentence Average num ber of prisoners productively employed Value of pro duction 1932 1940 1932 1940 1932 State prisons—Continued. N ew Y ork_________________ __________ ____ ______ North Carolina2________________ ___________ ____ North D akota...... ................... ............ _.............. ........ O h io ...____ _____________________________________ Oklahoma------------------- ----------------------------------------Oregon........................................................... ................. 176.4 261.1 189.5 216.6 200.7 200.7 259.6 884.6 140.0 234.2 199.3 243.6 180.4 196.1 161.5 221.9 162.4 216.0 180.2 848.1 141.0 186.0 165.9 277.9 211.3 49.2 116.7 173.1 50.5 205.0 151.6 199.4 94.7 122.9 63.6 405.4 Pennsylvania............................................ ................... Rhode Island...... ................... ...................................... South Carolina............... - ............................................ South D akota................................ ............... ................ Tennessee.......... - ..............- .......................................... Texas..................................................................... .......... 145.6 115.3 212.7 169.6 173.9 159.8 162.7 73.0 256.2 129.1 192.4 192.5 217.6 128.0 101.5 174.6 151.8 162.3 229.9 38.6 111.7 59.5 137.7 150.5 217.0 31.9 103.3 197.4 75.9 148.2 170.6 4.8 103.2 90.2 53.0 340.0 U tah............................................................. ................... Verm ont......................... .......... ............ ............. .......... Virginia........ ................... . ............................ ........... Washington..................... ................................... .......... West Virginia....... .............................................. ........ W isconsin.......... .............. ................... ....................... . W yom ing......... ........................................................... . 166.0 125.0 258.4 180.6 160.6 215.0 105.3 219.1 105.8 306.0 207.4 164.9 257.8 98.7 94.9 109.5 343.5 187.4 121.4 192.1 105.3 346.2 57.6 403.7 289.7 71.9 161.4 73.5 19.1 47.4 166.2 171.0 90.0 61.2 15.1 103.5 18.6 94.6 148.4 41.5 36.0 6.8 250.0 341.7 144.6 194.6 167.4 318.6 Federal prisons............................... ........... .................... . 1940 1 Computed from figures in table 3. 2 Road camps not included in 1923 and 1932. E m ploym ent Status o f Prisoners O f 173,284 State prisoners under sentence in 1940, 76,775, or 44 percent, were productively employed. This ratio ranged from 7 per cent in Nevada to 81 percent in North Carolina. In only 15 o f the States shown in table 5 were more than 50 percent o f the prisoners employed in this manner. O f these employed prisoners 10,056, or 13 percent, were engaged in producing goods to be sold for State account, this percentage being exceeded in only 20 o f the individual States. The piece-price system utilized the services o f but 308 prisoners in 2 States— Florida and South Carolina. In Federal prisons 36 percent o f the 18,492 inmates were assigned to productive work, all o f which was carried on under the State-use and public works and ways systems. Prison duties or maintenance work were assigned to 35 percent of all State prisoners in 1940, as compared with 47 percent o f those in Federal prisons. Various authorities estimate that in the average penal institution, not more than 25 percent of the inmates are actually needed for this type o f work. Some form o f supervised schooling was reported in the State prisons of 37 States and in the Federal institutions o f 8 States in 1940. Although 7 percent o f all State prisoners attended school, only about 1 percent o f the Federal prisoners did. These data include only those convicts to whom school was a major daily assignment. In addition, many prisoners in both State and Federal prisons subscribe to corre- 11 EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF PRISONERS spondence-school courses which may also be used by other inmates.2 The proportion of idle prisoners was twice as high in State as in Federal institutions in 1940, the percentages being 6 and 3, respec tively.3 On the other hand, 13 percent o f all Federal prisoners were sick or otherwise unavailable for work as contrasted with 8 percent of all State prisoners. T a b l e 5. — E m p loym en t Status o f P rison ers in State and F ederal P riso n s , b y S tate, 1 9 4 0 Average number of prisoners under sentence Productively employed under indi cated systems of work State Total Sick E n or A t gaged tend other in wise ing Public Total State- Piece- prison school un em State- works duties avail ac and price ployed use count able ways Total, State and Federal prisons.................................... 191,776 83,515 48,814 24,337 10,056 Idle 308 68,894 11,868 16,519 10,980 State prisons All States................................... 173,284 76, 775 44,345 22,066 10,056 6,940 812 2,161 8,843 1,690 1,198 601 2,909 3, 691 5,035. 406 12,776 Indiana________ _____ ______ 5,765 2,580 I o w a ________________ ____ 2,485 Kansas______________________ 4, 731 Kentucky_______________ ___ Louisiana________________ __ 3,127 691 M aine______________________ 2,856 M aryland___________________ 4,135 M assachusetts_____________ Michigan ________ _ _____ 9,187 2, 638 Minnesota ___ 2, 610 Mississippi__________________ 4,482 Missouri__ _________________ 523 M ontana __________________ 1,140 Nebraska___________________ N ev a d a 260 N e w H am pshire 267 3,633 N ew Jersey_________________ 657 N ew M exico________________ N ew York ___ __ __ . 16,906 9,748 North Carolina_____________ N orth D a k ota 308 9,669 Ohio _______________________ 4,087 Oklahoma _ ___ _ _ Oregon...................................... . 1.033 Alabama_____ ______________ Arizona_____________________ Arkansas _______ __ California___________________ Colorado____________________ C onnecticu t________________ Delaware___________________ District of C o lu m b ia __ __ Florida................ ....................... Georgia_____________________ Idaho______ _______________ Illinois _ 5,002 206 1, 313 4,105 773 392 183 1,166 2, 423 3,222 60 3,773 2, 517 1,173 999 442 1,980 407 906 1,801 2, 294 1, 362 2,058 1,424 120 512 17 205 1,397 274 4,315 7,930 172 3, 256 2,108 453 1,690 152 699 2,176 605 359 121 937 369 294 57 3,327 1,989 880 851 311 1, 478 271 630 1,801 2,100 427 730 783 120 441 17 201 1,326 175 3,676 695 71 3, 212 1,862 183 2,465 54 34 691 81 11 10 229 1,966 2,893 119 107 106 4 119 70 8 273 580 1,238 87 22 52 20 35 3 327 421 187 144 12 432 128 3 84 182 886 1,328 557 60 11 3 71 10 639 7,202 17 14 58 77 1 12 49 308 60,268 11,673 14,127 10,441 847 89 33 84 30 188 193 68 1,601 516 560 4, 277 696 644 259 1,461 541 1,428 120 6,701 2, 474 1,129 1,309 1, 324 1,019 221 658 1, 743 3, 574 910 358 1,838 274 361 101 57 1,498 223 6, 262 1,118 91 3,201 1,664 443 24 11 30 31 108 93 4 42 968 87 123 66 1,102 339 248 1, 795 254 98 82 125 8 182 2,581 979 149 333 66 277 342 70 49 59 282 634 381 21 821 614 143 106 102 128 43 200 308 949 104 194 410 47 30 15 5 274 12 2,354 700 11 1,998 166 27 4 89 120 5 163 513 73 12 5 1,761 20 753 35 575 8 712 112 119 282 148 1,394 34 235 110 2 According to information supplied b y the Federal Bureau of Prisons, during the fiscal year ending June 30.1940, there was in educational activities in Federal penal and correctional institutions an average regis tration of 6,700 prisoners and 7,937 enrollments. The enrollments were divided as follows: A cadem ic classes 2,268, vocational classes 883, special unit courses 1,487, correspondence courses 3,299. As shown on table 3, the average daily population of these institutions for the year 1940 was 18,492. Therefore, approximately 36 percent of Federal prisoners were registered in educational activities during the fiscal year ending June 30.1940. 3 Due to the practice of assigning more than 1 person to a job in both Federal and State prisons, the amount of idleness in prisons in the United States in 1940 was undoubtedly far greater than the 6 percent for State prisons and the 3 percent for Federal prisons found in the assignment sheets would indicate. See also discussion on p. 12. 12 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED 'STATES, 1940 T a b l e 5 . — E m p loym en t Status o f P rison ers in State and F ederal P riso n s , b y State, 1 9 4 0 — Continued Average number of prisoners under sentence Productively employed under indi cated systems of work Total Sick En or At other gaged tend in wise prison ing Total State- Public un works Stateem duties school avail ac Pieceand count price ployed use able ways 7,054 '416 1, 376 '399 3, 254 6'687 412 364 4,404 2,269 2,712 3,063 394 2,269 127 505 138 1,871 4,138 135 140 3,460 875 921 1,262 194 State Idle State prisons— Continued Pennsylvania______________ Rhode Island______ ________ South Carolina __________ South Dakota_________ ____ Tennessee_________________ Texas_____________________ Utah.....................................Vermont _________________ Virginia__________________ Washington________________ West Virginia_____________ Wisennsin W yom ing_____ __________ 1,935 127 200 41 1,266 2,‘ 658 74 112 1,009 715 212 886 94 334 40 595 215 57 2,393 158 709 20 9 65 57 10 1,265 4 28 58 2 240 356 91 2,206 214 472 98 920 2,036 123 79 726 951 475 1,179 135 1, 554 16 33 18 162 20 29 6 3 16 277 10 330 24 140 20 100 493 20 33 215 160 166 127 24 267 1,150 218 31 195 2,392 539 20 4 115 38 319 13 4 1 16 695 35 226 125 201 105 106 Federal prisons All States__________________ 18,492 6,740 Alabama ___ ____ ___ Arizona _________________ California_________________ Florida____________________ Georgia______ _____________ Idaho__ ___________________ 208 151 826 259 3,112 145 12 92 223 142 1,399 88 Kansas _________________ Louisiana _________ - _____ Michigan__________ 1______ Minnesota ________________ Missouri__________________ New Hampshire New York_________________ 4,092 397 586 333 794 100 283 1,614 14 170 84 61 2 53 1, 374 14 114 Ohio______________________ Oklahoma ________________ Pennsylvania______________ Texas_____________________ Virginia__________________ Washington_______________ West Virginia______________ 1,407 1,132 1, 570 507 832 1,052 706 520 537 636 165 245 356 327 323 209 465 87 90 151 214 4,469 2,271 8,626 146 17 1,181 11 12 92 77 125 218 77 172 54 472 79 1,189 42 240 56 84 43 1,906 221 260 210 494 63 129 197 328 171 78 155 205 113 697 458 751 249 389 473 318 18 2 53 1 4 40 120 7 4 14 1 5 201 2 508 37 156 38 217 3 49 24 5 1 15 32 52 172 106 166 47 117 210 57 18 27 3 45 76 13 4 i Including an average of 115 men assigned to general maintenance work at Maxwell Field. P r o d u c tiv e E m p lo y m e n t in R e la tio n to S e x o f P r is o n e r s Productive employment was less common for female than for male prisoners in State institutions in 1940. As shown by figures in table 6, only 26 percent of the females in State prisons were productively employed, whereas 45 percent of the male prisoners were so engaged. Of the 54 State institutions housing women, 23 provided no produc tive work. However, in 6 States—Alabama, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Vermont, and Wisconsin— the percentage of women employed exceeded the average ratio for men of 45 percent. The 83 V ir g in ia p e r c e n t — le d S ta te P e n ite n tia r y a ll S t a t e and in s titu tio n s in C o n v ic t th e r a tio R oad F o r c e — w ith of m en e m p lo y e d . I t w a s fo llo w e d c lo s e ly b y 6 o t h e r p r is o n s in e a c h o f w h ic h m o r e th a n th r e e -fo u r th s o f th e m a le p r is o n e r s w e re p r o d u c t iv e ly e n g a g e d . The in s titu t io n s fo r th e c r im in a lly in s a n e , o w in g t o t h e n a t u r a l lim it a t io n s p la c e d u p o n th e m , e m p lo y e d th e lo w e s t p e r c e n ta g e s o f in m a t e s . EMPLOYMENT IN RELATION TO SEX 13 In Federal prisons the ratio of females productively employed (37.1 percent) slightly exceeded that of males (36.4 percent). Only 2 Federal institutions reported woman prisoners, however. Of the individual prisons, the Federal Prison Camp at Mill Point, W. Va., furnished employment to the greatest percentage of inmates, while the U. S. Naval Prison at Portsmouth, N. H., employed only 2 men out of a total of 100. T a b l e 6. — P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in In divid u al State and F ederal P riso n s, b y S ex , 194 0 Average number of prisoners under sentence Males State and institution Productively employed Productively employed Total Total, State and Federal prisons. Females Per Num cent of ber total 184, 527 81, 534 44.2 Total 7,249 Per Num cent of ber total 1,981 27.3 State prisons All State institutions................... ........................ Alabama: State Prison System......... ................ . Arizona: State Prison____________ ___________ Arkansas: State Penitentiary........................................ Reformatory for W omen.._______________ California: State Prison at Folsom.................................. State Prison at San Quentin....................... State Institution for w om en .......... ............ Colorado: State Penitentiary....... ................................. State Reformatory..... .................................. Connecticut: State Prison and Farm for Woraen_______ State Prison........................... ...................... State Reformatory........................................ Delaware: Sussex County Prison........................ ......... New Castle County Workhouse__________ District of Columbia: D. C. Penal Institutions. Florida: State Prison____ ____ _____ ____ ____ Georgia: State Prison System............... ............ Idaho: State Penitentiary. ................................. Illinois: State Penitentiary......... ............................... State Penitentiary, Menard Branch........... State Penitentiary, Pontiac Branch............ State Reformatory for Women..................... State Farm.................................................... Indiana: State Reformatory........................................ State Prison. ................................................. Women's Prison....... ................................... State Farm................................ ................... Iowa: The Men's Reformatory............................ State Penitentiary...................... .................. Women’s Reformatory................................. Kansas: State Industrial Reformatory____ .............. State Penitentiary______________ _______ _ State Industrial Farm for Women............... Kentucky: State Reformatory....................................... State Penitentiary______________ ________ State Reformatory (Women)........... ........... Louisiana: State Penitentiary........................... Maine: State Prison......... ................ ..................... . State Reformatory for M e n ....................... State Reformatory for Women___________ 166, 650 75,022 45.0 6,634 1,753 26.4 6,575 806 4, 745 206 72.2 25.6 365 6 257 0 70.4 2,023 1,313 64.9 42 96 0 0 3,058 5, 594 1,204 2,835 39.4 50.7 191 66 34.6 1,446 224 637 136 40.5 CO. 7 20 0 0 717 274 222 104 31.0 38.0 207 66 31.9 114 359 2,744 3, 534 4,858 398 70 105 1,145 2, 361 3,222 60 61.4 29.2 41.7 66.8 66.3 15.1 5 23 165 157 177 0 8 21 62 0 34.8 12.7 39.5 0 8 0 0 5,847 3,018 2, 535 1,491 1,013 792 25.5 33.6 31.2 260 111 1,116 42.7 366 32.8 1,792 2, 650 801 935 44.7 35.3 1,192 760 131 21 63.8 16.0 1,119 1,390 452 675 40.4 48.6 71 46 64.8 625 1.785 170 817 27.2 45.8 75 12 16.0 3,089 1, 529 278 158 9.0 10.3 2.997 1.926 64.3 113 130 6 54 5.3 41.5 431 136 351 38 81.4 27.9 124 is 14.5 0 0 0 0 14 PRISON LABOR IN THE- UNITED STATES, 19 4 0 T a b l e 6 . — P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in In divid u al State and Federal P riso n s , b y S ex , 1 9 4 0 —Continued Average number of prisoners under sentence Males Females Productively employed Stato and institution Total Productively employed Per Total Num Per Num cent of of ber ber cent total total State prisons—Continued Maryland: House of Correction____________________ ___________ State Penitentiary________________________________ State Penal Farm__________________________________ Massachusetts: Reformatory for M en______________________________ State Prison. _ ___________ _______________________ State Farm________________________________________ Michigan: State Reformatory________________________________ State Prison of Southern Michigan _ _ _. ________ State House of Correction and Branch Prison________ Detroit House of Correction__ ______________________ Ionia State Hospital_______________________________ Minnesota: State Prison_______________________________________ State Reformatory __ _ _ ______________________ State Reformatory for W om en _____________________ Mississippi: State Penitentiary_________________________ Missouri:* State Penitentiary___________ _____________________ Intermediate Reformatory for Young Men _ ______ Montana: State Prison________________________________ Nebraska: State Penitentiary___ _____ _ ______ _______________ State Reformatory for M en. _ _ __ _ ____ _________ State Reformatory for W om en ___ ________ ______ _ Genoa State Farm_________________________________ Nevada: State Prison..... ................ ............ ...... ........... ........ New Hampshire: State Prison...... ..................................... New Jersey: State Prison................. . ...... _ _ ............... ...... State Prison Farm—Bordentown _ . . . _ ___ _ State Prison Farm—Leesburg_______________________ State Reformatory for Women____ __________________ State Reformatory—Rahway__ ___ ___________ _____ State Reformatory—Annandale.______ _____ _______ New Mexico: Penitentiary of New Mexico_______________ New York: Albion State Training School__ _ _ ____ _ ___ __ Attica Prison....... ......................................................... Auburn Prison______________________ _______ _____ Clinton Prison.................. ............................. ................. Dannemora State Hospital _ _ Elmira Reformatory____ ______ _ . . . . . Great Meadow Prison____ ________ __________ ______ Institution for Male Defective Delinquents ... Matteawan State Hospital... .......................................... Sing Sing Prison___ Wallkill Prison.............. Westfield State Farm (Reformatory for Women) ... ........ Westfield State Farm (Prison for Women).................... Woodbourne Institution for Defective Delinquents North Carolina: State Prison System............................... North Dakota: State Penitentiary _ Ohio: Reformatory for Women............................. ................... State Penitentiary......................................... . . . State Reformatory_________ London State Farm.!....................................................... Lima State Hospital................... ..................................... Oklahoma: State Penitentiary.............. ............................. ............... State Reformatory Oregon: State Penitentiary_____________________________ Pennsylvania: Eastern State Penitentiary New Eastern State Penitentiary Industrial Sehool "Western State Penitentiary New Western State Penitentiary State Industrial Home for Women...................... 1,262 1,156 353 278 346 282 22.0 29.9 79.9 992 460 46.4 819 858 1,097 556 349 327 67.9 40.7 29.8 1,328 5,427 765 429 883 401 1,385 137 226 53 30.2 25.5 17.9 52.7 6.0 1,341 1,226 994 342 74.1 27.9 2,489 2, Oil 80.8 3,923 483 518 1,252 172 120 31.9 35.6 23.2 708 235 270 135 .38.1 57.4 157 259 263 86 17 205 54.8 6.6 77.9 1,160 577 233 355 168 110 30.6 29.1 47.2 874 478 652 432 204 274 49.4 42.7 42.0 2,230 1,675 2,073 546 1,686 1,418 1,006 1,296 2,764 454 788 669 684 24 248 284 240 65 1,049 54 35.3 39.9 33.0 4.4 14.7 20.0 23.9 5.0 38.0 11.9 674 9,549 308 70 7,857 172 10.4 82.3 55.8 3,816 2,764 1,672 980 1,186 1,168 689 149 31.1 42.3 41.2 15.2 3,305 701 1,022 1,701 407 453 51.5 58.1 44.3 1,290 1,966 1,348 1,169 992 344 504 340 426 572 26.7 25.6 25.2 36.4 57.7 84 1 0 0 369 109 29.5 272 83 92 0 33.8 0 71 121 26 47 36.6 38.8 76 0 0 5 0 0 40 21 52.5 1 4 0 0 0 0 311 128 0 0 41.2 5 0 0 397 51 12.8 210 0 0 268 209 26 63 9.7 30.1 199 73 36.7 271 46 17 166 18 10.8 81 0 0 11 0 0 289 83 1 28.7 EMPLOYMENT IN RELATION TO SE X 15 T a b l e 6 . — P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in In divid u al State and F ederal P riso n s, b y S e x , 1 9 4 0 —Continued Average number of prisoners under sentence Males State and institution Females Productively employed Total Per Num cent of ber total Productively employed Total Per Num cent of ber total State prisons-—Continued Rhode Island: Reformatory for Women.......... ......................... ......... . State Prison........................................................... ......... Reformatory for Men............ .............................. ......... South Carolina:' State Penitentiary______ _______ ______ South Dakota: State Penitentiary........................ ...... ......... Tennessee: State Penitentiary........................................ .................. Brushy Mountain Penitentiary.......................... .......... Ft. Pillow State Farm............ I___........................... . Texas: State Prison System.................. . . Utah: State Prison__J...................................................... Vermont: State Prison and House of Correction for Men__.............. Women's Reformatory.......__.................. _ Virginia: State Industrial Farm for Women...... ................ . _ . State Penitentiary and Convict Road Force......... . __ State Farm_____1.......................................................... Washington: State Penitentiary........................... .................... .......... State Reformatory___________________ ____ ________ West Virginia: State Penitentiary........................................ ............... State Medium Security Prison............ ........................ Wisconsin: Central State Hospital for the Insane......... ................... State Prison for Women_________ ______ ________ State Prison____________ _________ _______ State Reformatory....... .......... .............................. ........ Milwaukee County House of Correction. ...................... Wyoming: State Penitentiary_________________________ ____ Industrial Institute______________________________ 270 124 1,281 399 100 27 505 138 37.0 21.8 39.4 34.6 1,842 866 437 6, 565 412 906 584 348 4,049 135 49.2 67.4 79.6 61.7 32.8 335 124 37.0 22 0 0 95 0 0 109 33 30.3 122 89 73.0 29 16 55.2 143 37 25.9 3, 810 451 3,178 245 83.4 54.3 1,577 663 549 326 34.8 49.2 29 0 0 2,484 151 816 105 32.9 69.5 77 0 0 96 47 49.0 2 0 0 315 45 14.3 1, 673 552 425 746 255 169 44.6 46.2 39.8 314 80 154 40 49.0 50.0 Federal prisons All Federal institutions_______________________________ Alabama: Federal Prison Camp________________________ Arizona: Federal Prison Camp ____ _____ ___ ______ California: Federal Correctional Institution....... ............................. U. S. Naval Prison_____ ______ ____________________ U. S. Penitentiary ______ ___________ _ . Florida: Federal Correctional Institution_________ ______ _ Georgia: U. S. Penitentiary.......... .............. ................. ........ Idaho: Federal Prison Camp__________ ____ ____________ Kansas: U. S. Penitentiary............................................................ U. S. Penitentiary Annex _ . . . ______ Louisiana: Federal Detention Headquarters_____________ Michigan: Federal Correctional Institution.. ____ . . . Minnesota: Federal Correctional Institution__________ __ Missouri: Medical Center for Federal Prisoners . . . New Hampshire: U. S. Naval Prison __ . _ New York: Federal Detention Headquarters . ________ Ohio: Federal Reformatory............ ...................................... Oklahoma: Federal Reformatory........................................... Pennsylvania: U. S. Penitentiary...................................... . Texas: Federal Correctional Institution ._ __ _ Virginia: Federal Reformatory.. ...................................... . Washington: Federal Prison Camp_____ _____________ ______ ____ _ U. S. Penitentiary__________ _____ _________________ West Virginia: Federal Prison Camp_____ _ ______________________ Federal Reformatory for Women_________ ____ ______ 17, 877 6, 512 36.4 208 151 12 92 5.8 60.9 422 60 284 259 3,112 145 75 14 120 142 1,399 88 17.8 23.3 42.3 54.8 45.0 60.7 2,966 1,126 397 586 333 794 100 283 1,407 1,132 1,570 507 832 1,463 151 14 170 84 61 2 53 520 537 636 165 245 49.3 13.4 3.5 29.0 25.2 7.7 2.0 18.7 37.0 47.4 40.5 32.5 29.4 96 956 0 356 0 37.2 151 113 74.8 615 228 37.1 60 14 23.3 555 214 38.6 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED 'STATES, 16 S c h e d u le d T h e term W “ w o r k in g h o u r s ,” e e k ly W o r k in g H 1940 o u r s a s u s e d in th is s u r v e y , m e a n s th e to ta l n u m b e r o f h o u r s p e r w e e k t h a t a p r is o n e r r e m a in s a t h is a s s ig n e d p o s t o f d u ty . h ou rs. I n m o s t c a s e s , h e a c t u a lly w o r k s t o s o m e p u r p o s e a ll o f t h e s e In s o m e in s ta n c e s , h o w e v e r , th e p r is o n e r m a y b e e n g a g e d a t h is d u tie s o n ly a p a r t o f t h e a s s ig n e d h o u r s . d a ir y m e n and p o u ltr y te n d e rs m a y have F o r e x a m p le , a lt h o u g h w id e ly se p a ra te d s ta r tin g a n d s t o p p in g t im e s , th e r e m a y b e in te r v a ls d u r in g th e d a y w h e n t h e y w ill b e c a u g h t u p w it h th e ir d u t ie s a n d w ill h a v e le is u r e t i m e . Som e t im e s , in a n e ffo r t to s p r e a d th e w o r k , th e n u m b e r o f p r iso n e r s a ssig n e d to a g iv e n s h o p w ill e x c e e d th e a m o u n t o f m a c h in e e q u ip m e n t a v a ila b le fo r th e ir u se. In su ch cases th e m en ta k e tu rn s at te n d in g th e m a c h in e r y . Hours worked by productively employed prisoners tended to be lower in 1940 than in 1932. In 1940, 60 percent of the employed prisoners in State and Federal institutions worked 44 hours or less per week; in 1932 this percentage was 55. Table 7 shows that in 1932 the greatest concentration of prisoners (44 percent) was in the range of hours from 44 to 48, inclusive, but in 1940 almost an equally large proportion worked from 36 to 44 hours, inclusive. In 1932, 22 per cent of the prisoners were assigned to work for 60 hours or more per week; in 1940 the proportion with these hours had dwindled to 5 percent. S in c e S ta te p riso n s h ou sed e m p lo y e d p riso n e rs in b o t h over 1932 and n in e -te n th s 1940, in h o u r s o f w o r k o b s e r v e d a b o v e f o r a ll p r is o n s . th e g r e a te s t c o n c e n tr a tio n o f p ris o n e rs in in t h e r a n g e f r o m a b ly la r g e g r o u p 36 (25 to 44 of a ll p r o d u c tiv e ly t h e y e s ta b lis h e d t h e tr e n d I n S t a t e in s titu tio n s 1940 (41 p e rc e n t) a p p ea red h o u r s , in c lu s iv e , a lt h o u g h a n o t h e r n o t ic e p e rc e n t) w ork ed 49 b u t le s s t h a n 54 h ou rs per w eek. During the period 1932-1940 there was a notable reduction in the working hours of Federal prisoners. Whereas in 1932, 67 percent of the productively employed worked 44 hours or more, in 1940, 97 percent worked less than 44 hours. T a b l e 7. — Scheduled W eek ly W ork in g H ou rs o j P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p loyed in State and F ederal P riso n s, 1 9 3 2 and 1 9 4 0 1932 Scheduled hours per week State and Federal prisons_____________ _____________ Under 24 hours______ _________________________ 24 and under 32 hours___________________________ 32 and under 36 hours___________________________ 36 and under 40 hours................................................. Average number produc tively em ployed 82,276 1,099 1,343 6,833 4,134 1940 Percent 100.0 1.4 1.6 8.3 6.0 Average number produc tively em ployed 83,515 173 6,854 6,642 8,899 Percent 100.0 .2 8.2 8.0 10.7 SCHEDULED W E E K L Y WORKING HOURS 17 T a b l e 7 . — Scheduled W eek ly W ork in g H ou rs o f P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in State and F ederal P riso n s , 1 9 3 2 and 1 94 0 —Continued 1932 Scheduled hours per week Average number produc tively em ployed 1940 Percent Average number produc tively em ployed Percent State and Federal prisons—Continued. 40 and under 44 hours_________ ____________ ____ 44 hours___________________ ______ _____________ 45 and under 48 hours-------------------------------------48 hours_____________________________________ 49 and under 54 hours___________________ _____ 54 hours____________________________ ____ ______ 55 and under 60 hours___________________________ COhours_____ _________________________________ Over 60 hours—- ........................................................ 6, 407 25,680 1,969 8,246 1,366 5,194 2,101 17,869 30 7.8 31.2 2.4 10.0 1.7 6.3 2.6 21.7 (') 17.663 9,427 1,094 2,087 19,031 508 6,773 4,245 119 21.1 11.3 1.3 2.5 22.8 .6 8.1 5.1 .1 State prisons............ ........................................................ Under 24 hours................................................ ........... 24 and under 32 hours................................................ 32 and under 36 hours—. ........................................... 36 and under 40 hours................................................. 40 and under 44 hours............................................. 44 hours.............................. ....................................... 45 and under 48 hours............ .............................. 48 hours..... ....................................................... ......... 49 and under 54 hours................................................ 54 hours....................... .................................. ............ 65 and under 60 hours......................... ...................... 60 hours............... ............ ............ ............... ............. Over 60 hours....................................................... ...... 77, 267 1,099 1,343 6,838 3,870 5,023 22,572 1,969 8,206 1,193 5,181 2,074 17,869 30 100.0 1.4 1.7 8.9 6.0 6.5 29.2 2.6 10.6 1.6 6.7 2.7 23.1 0) 76,775 173 6,151 5,488 7,829 14,081 9,427 863 2,037 19,031 508 6,773 4,245 119 100.0 .2 8.0 7.1 10.2 18.3 12.3 1.1 2.7 24.9 .7 8.8 5.5 .2 Federal prisons................................................................ 24 and under 32 hours___________________________ 32 and under 36 hours. _ _ ____ ______________ ___ 36 and under 40 hours................................................ 40 and under 44 hours............................................... 44 hours________ __________ ______________ ____ 45 and under 48 hours. ____ ___ _______ ___ _______ 48 hours_______ ___________ __________________ 49 and under 54 hours._ _ ____ ___ __________ ___ 54 hours________________ _______ ________ _______ 55 and under 60 hours__________________________ 60hours .............................. .................... .................. Over 60 h o u r s ..__ ___ . . . . ___ ___ __________ 5,009 100.0 264 1,384 3,108 5.3 27.6 62.0 6,740 703 1,154 1.070 3,582 100.0 10.4 17.1 15.9 53.2 40 173 13 27 231 3.4 3.5 .3 .8 .5 1 Less than a tenth of l percent. Examination of table 8 indicates that in 38 States the majority of the productively employed prisoners in State institutions worked 44 hours or less per week in 1940. In 10 other States more than 88 percent of the prisoners were assigned working hours in excess of 48. Most of the latter were employed on farms. It is apparent from the wide distribution of hours that in most cases there has been very little attempt to establish any uniformity of hours even within a State. In general, shop workers are assigned relatively short hours and road and farm workers receive the longer tours of duty. Reports showed variations in hours among the different shops of individual prisons and, in some States, among comparable shops in separate prisons. Data covering Federal prisons, on the other hand, reflect a policy of uniformity in hours. In most cases, all prisoners in a State worked identical hours in 1940. The small groups in Georgia and Pennsyl vania assigned to more than 44 hours were employed on farms. PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 18 T able 1940 8 .— P ercentage D istribu tion o f P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in State and F ederal P riso n s , b y State and Scheduled H ou rs p e r W ee k , 1 9 4 0 State State and Federal prisons_________ Percent of prisoners whose scheduled weekly working hours were— Aver age num ber of prison 24 32 36 40 45 49 55 ers and and and and and and and pro Un To un un un un 44 un der un 54 48 un 60 Over duc 60 tal der der der der der der tively 24 der 44 32 36 40 54 48 60 em ployed 83, 515 0.2 8.2 8.0 10.7 21.1 11.3 1.3 2.5 22.8 0.6 8.1 5.1 0.1 m o 2.7 24.9 0.7 8.8 5.5 0.2 100.0 State prisons All States________ Alabama. _ Arizona.. Arkansas__ _ California Colorado. __ Connecticut__ 76,775 5,002 '206 1,313 4,105 773 392 0.2 8.0 87.9 7.1 10.2 18.3 12.3 2.7 .8 3.9 47.8 29.8 1.6 80.8 41.6 24.2 183 2.4 Illinois___ __ .. Indiana________ Io w a .......... __ . Kansas__________ Kentucky____ Louisiana_______ 3, 773 28.2 64.5 0) 2, 517 .8 31.2 28.6 35.5 1,173 43.3 24.3 28.4 999 1.0 50.0 15.0 ____ 442| 35.7 1-----1,980 Maine_________ Maryland.............. Massachusetts____ Michigan_______ Minnesota. _ Mississippi_______ 407 906 1, 801 2, 294 1,362 2,058 Missouri____ __ Montana___ ___ Nebraska________ Nevada__________ New Hampshire. __ New Jersey_____ 1,424 120 512 17 205 1,397 New M e x ico .__ New York. __ North Carolina___ North Dakota___ Ohio_____________ Oklahoma______ 274 4,315 7,930 172 3, 256 2,108 Oregon........... ..... Pennsylvania____ Rhode Islan d__ South Carolina___ South Dakota__ Tennessee_______ Tfixas 453 2,269 127 505 138 1, 871 4,138 U ta h ... . Vermont_________ Virginia__ Washington_____ 135 140 3,460 875 921 1, 262 194 W yom ing i Less than a tenth of 1 percent. 13.1 .3 9.7 1.8 98.2 il.7 80.4 23.1 1.7 17.3 53.2 4.1 59.3 18.4 72.9 2.0 57.3 2.1 1.9 11.7 88.3 74.7 100.0 10.4 50.5 35.2 .3 3.2 38.1 56.8 .8 1.8 40.7 37.3 57.2 100.0 .3 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 88.3 1.6 .4 9. 2 6.1 39.8 .6 2.3 97.7 35.8 6.2 1.2 .3 .5 100.0 .9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.7 6.8 .6 21.2 20.7 7.2 .5 14.2 3.2 .4 99.7 .9 .9 .6 4.4 '100.0 . 2 100 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11.4 1.1 88.8 62.7 82.2 11.4 20.7 79.3 100 0 2 9 100 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.2 100.0 100.0 43.3 56.7 .2 34.0 12.0 20.5 3.4 29.9 74.8 18.9 20.0 32.9 100.0 12.2 68.9 100.0 38.2 100.0 2.0 87.9 12.1 64.2 55.3 16.8 100.0 1.9 8.8 4.8 3.0 32.4 .3 5.3 64.3 100.0 2.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.6 100.0 99.2 26.8 35.0 1,166 2, 423 3, 222 60 Wisconsin.. 94.2 5.4 17.6 7.1 11.5 Delaware District of Columbia____________ Florida_______ Georgia. _ Idaho_____ _ W est Virginia 1.1 .7 9. 2 100.0 100.0 1.6 47.1 .3 3.0 6.4 20.6 22.2 1.4 4. 7 100. 0 18.6 98.6 5.0 42.9 7.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 TYPE OF INDUSTRY T able 19 8 .— P ercentage D istribu tion o f P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in State and F ederal P riso n s , b y State and Scheduled H ou rs p e r W eek , 1 9 4 0 —Continued State Percent of prisoners whose scheduled weekly working hours were— Aver age num ber of prison 45 55 24 49 40 32 36 ers and and and and and and To pro Un and un un un un 44 un 48 un 54 un 60 Over 60 tal duc der der der der der der der tively 24 der 54 44 48 32 60 40 36 em ployed Federal prisons All States 6,740 10.4 17.1 15.9 53.2 Alabama Arizona _ __ California._____ Florida _ Georgia Idaho 12 92 223 142 1,399 88 100.0 Kansas__ ___ _ Louisiana Michigan Minnesota... Missouri New Hampshire. New Y o r k _____ 1,614 14 170 84 61 2 63 Ohio..... .................. Oklahoma_______ Pennsylvania_____ Texas____ _ _ __ Virginia.. Washington____ _ West Virginia ... 520 537 636 165 245 356 327 100.0 53.8 39.9 15.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11.9 13.8 86.2 100.0 63.0 100.0 10.1 100.0 100.0 63.2 36.8 34.6 12.2 53.2 T y p e o f 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 loo. 6 37.7 62.3 100.0 26.9 6.3 100.0 72.5 3.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 I n d u s tr y Of all inmates productively employed in State and Federal prisons in 1940, 40 percent were engaged in manufacturing industries, 29 percent in construction activities, 26 percent in farming and kindred land-use work, and 5 percent in mining and quarrying. Although employment in State prisons as a whole followed these ratios closely, there were wide variations among the individual States shown in table 9. The proportions of prisoners employed at manufacturing in 1940 ranged from 2 percent in North Carolina to 91 percent in Rhode Island. Seven Southern States, with extensive construction and farming programs each utilized less than 12 percent of its prisoners at manufacturing. Only 2 States, Rhode Island and Minnesota, assigned more than 80 percent of their prisoners to this type of work. North Carolina led all States in 1940 in both the number and per centage of convicts working on construction, practically all of which was road work. Nineteen States reported fewer than 25 men so engaged. Five Southern States— Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas— dominated the farming picture, each employing more 20 PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED 'STATES, 1940 than 1,000 inmates at this pursuit in 1940. Mining and quarrying, with few exceptions, were rather unimportant insofar as the number of prisoners employed was concerned. Only 3 States— Kansas, Ten nessee, and West Virginia— operated coal mines. In other States, such as California, where the man-year quarry production was valued at only $30 in 1940, prisoners were assigned to the quarry more as a disciplinary or safekeeping measure than as a matter of full-time employment. Federal prisons operated no mines or quarries, and did relatively little farming and land development in 1940. As a whole, these in stitutions assigned 52 percent of their employed prisoners to the manufacturing shops and 34 percent to construction work. Georgia and Kansas accounted for 64 percent of all Federal prisoners assigned to manufacturing. Federal prisons in 3 States failed to use prisoners on construction work, and in the remainder an average of 134 con victs per State was engaged in this type of activity. T a b l e 9 . — P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in State and F ederal P rison s in Each State, C lassified b y T y p e o f W ork , 1 9 4 0 Average number of prisoners productively employed State Total Total, State and Federal prisons. 83,515 Manufac turing 33,640 Farming Mining Construc and land de and quar tion velopment rying 24, 337 21,664 3,874 State prisons All States... 76, 775 30,117 22,066 20, 718 3,874 Alabama___ Arizona____ Arkansas__ California - .. Colorado___ Connecticut. 5,002 206 1,313 4,105 773 392 1,015 31 76 2,302 146 232 2,465 54 34 691 81 11 1,522 121 1,203 312 226 149 __________ __________ __________ 800 320 ....... ......... . Delaware__________ District of Columbia. Florida____________ Georgia____________ Idaho-......... .......... . Illinois------------------- 183 1,166 2,423 3,222 60 3,773 61 625 176 138 7 2,163 10 229 1,966 2,893 119 112 312 281 191 53 619 872 Indiana. _. Iowa____ Kansas___ Kentucky. LouisianaMaine___ 2,517 1,173 999 442 1,980 407 1,815 713 408 89 225 244 107 106 4 119 70 8 410 293 176 161 1,685 70 185 61 411 73 Maryland____ Massachusetts. Michigan____ Minnesota___ Mississippi___ Missouri_____ 906 1,801 2,294 1, 362 2,058 1,424 445 1,408 1,435 273 171 393 847 168 1,990 344 17 Montana______ Nebraska______ Nevada________ New Hampshire. New Jersey____ New Mexico...... 120 512 17 205 1,397 274 78 295 2 141 962 153 1,111 68 897 12 49 84 60 3 71 10 42 157 15 21 364 111 85 34 99 40 21 TYP E OF PRODU CTION T ab le 9. — P rison ers P rod u ctively E m p lo yed in State and F ederal P riso n s in Each State , C lassified b y T y p e o f W ork , 1 9 4 0 —Continued Average number of prisoners productively employed State Farming Mining Construc and land de and quar tion velopment rying Manufac turing Total State prisons—Continued New York________________ ____ _______ _ North Carolina______ ________________ _ North Dakota_________________________ Ohio__________________________________ Oklahoma._____ ______________________ Oregon__________ _____________ ______ 4,315 7,930 172 3, 256 2,108 453 3,287 153 112 2, 461 1, 332 199 639 7,202 17 14 58 77 330 575 43 781 593 121 Pennsylvania___ ______________ _____ _ Rhode Island___ _______ _______________ South Carolina. _____ ___________________ South Dakota_____ ____ _____________ _ Tennessee_____________________________ Texas______________________ _________ 2,269 127 505 138 1, 871 4,138 1,272 116 267 70 421 691 334 633 11 238 27 438 3, 232 Utah_________ ________________________ Vermont__ _________________ ___ _______ Virginia__________ ______ - ........................ W ashington__________________________ West Virginia------ ------- -----------------------Wisconsin....................... ............................ W yoming_________ _____ . . . __________ 135 140 3, 460 875 921 1, 262 194 45 68 669 525 39 815 114 40 595 215 57 2,393 158 709 20 9 33 72 340 192 114 355 71 59 125 56 30 1 417 58 59 72 Federal prison* All States . __________ _ _ _ . . . 6,740 Alabama______________________________ Arizona _____ ______________ _________. California_____________________________ Florida________________________________ Georgia_____ ____ _____________________ Idaho_________________________________ 12 92 223 142 1,399 TTa/nsqs Tionisiana ____________ __ 3. 523 2, 271 946 12 92 136 77 10 1, 014 125 218 17 167 1,614 1, 241 240 133 Michigan _________________________ . Minnesota . __ _ _ _ ____ ___ Missouri___ _ . _______________ ____ Maine . _ ... N ew York _ . . . 170 84 61 57 57 2 2 56 84 43 53 53 Ohio . . __ __________________________ Oklahoma - . . ._ . _____________ Pennsylvania. ________________________ Texas _ __________________________ . . 520 537 636 165 245 356 327 235 159 401 1 197 328 171 78 155 205 113 88 _ _ ______ __ _ Virginia Washington __________________________ West Virginia. _____ _ _ _ ___ ____ T y p e 88 14 11 14 2 25 172 77 18 50 64 86 88 126 42 o f P r o d u c tio n To show the number of prisoners employed in producing various types of commodities, the production unit used is in most cases synony mous with a prison shop. “ Type of production,” as used in table 10, indicates the various types of daily work assignments commonly used by prison authorities and therefore most suitable for obtaining accurate averages of men employed. The decline of over $18,000,000 in the total value of prison produc tion between 1932 and 1940 may be attributed mainly to the loss of contracts by State prisons. In. the production of clothing alone, the 22 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED iSTATES, 1940 loss in State prisons amounted to over $15,000,000; and in the output of furniture, to slightly less than $1,000,000. Despite a reduction of 31 percent in the value of goods produced in State prisons, it was found possible by spreading the work to employ practically the same number of prisoners in 1940 as in 1932. In the case of construction activities, value of production declined 52 percent between 1932 and 1940, but employment rose 26 percent. In the clothing shops, where the use of machines restricted the spread of work, there was a loss of 55 percent in the number employed, as compared with a decrease of 73 percent in the value of product. In 1940 construction took first place (for merly held by clothing) in the number of prisoners employed and also maintained its leadership in the dollar column. Second in volume of employment and dollar value in 1940 were farm products, relegating the manufacture of clothing to third place. T a b l e 10.— P risoners Productively E m p lo yed and V alue o f Production in State and Federal P riso n s , b y T y p e o f P roduction , 1 9 3 2 and 1 9 4 0 Type of production Average number of prisoners pro ductively em ployed Value of commodities produced 1932 1940 Total State and Federal prisons____________________ 82,276 83, 515 $75,369,471 $56, 731,654 All ty p e s_________________________________________ 77, 267 State prisons 76, 775 $71,306,061 $48,995,818 Agricultural implements and parts__________________ Bakery products, commercial ______________________ ___________________ Brooms, brushes, and mops Clay, cement, and stone products___________________ Clothing, other than knit. _________________________ Clothing, knit_____________________________________ Construction: Buildings _____________________________________ Land development _ ______________________ -Major repairs to buildings_______________________ Major repairs to roads_________________________ Roads _________________________________ _____ Miscellaneous____________________________ _____ Cordage__________________________________________ Farming: Cattle . ___ ________________________________ Dairy ____ __________________________________ Field crops and garden__________________________ Hogs ____ _ -- ____________________________ Poultry and poultry products___________________ Miscellaneous_________________________________ Furniture, m etal__________________________________ Furniture, wood___________________________________ Furniture, other than metal or wood_________________ Grain-mill products_______________________________ Laundry, commercial______________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs......................... Miscellaneous__________________________________ Mining _ ______________ _____________________ Paint -- _____________________________________ Printing and binding. ____________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing________________________ Repair and shop work ___________________________ Soap and other detergents__________________________ Sugar ____ _ _______________________________ Textiles . . _____________________________________ Textile products___________________________________ } Wood products____________________________________ Other manufactured products_______________________ Miscellaneous (labor only). . _______________________ Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing).............................. . 173 26 664 1,843 18,342 1688 298 19 358 1,208 7,719 927 572,666 35, 577 892, 757 687,787 20, 362, 921 » 681,861 777,571 32,043 184,189 402,069 5,030,988 716,127 5,372 1,000 513 504 9,205 878 1,802 2,123 954 418 12,377 5,444 750 1,316 6,685,341 469,616 611,160 182,274 15,286, 536 817, 741 4,368, 901 2,959,103 171, 795 333,371 4,112,184 3,668,305 373,045 3,634,779 17,331 282 3,586 162 4 203 1,250 1,093 1,057 958 3,302 315 61 132 4,748 if 506 1,166 101 298 1,572 17,380 664 375 429 738 2,966 457 119 249 2,008 1,155 729 63 1,121 3,145 (2) 262 148 5,384 } 965 591 1,912 CO 134 1932 5,814,362 191,144 2,410, 736 205,136 7,251 90,561 2,605,896 667,715 312,018 673.435 887.435 122, 663 135, 666 189,609 3, 706, 711 /\ 293,019 1,281, 562 56,004 * Does not include knit underwear, inseparably included in “ clothing, other than knit.! ’ Included under appropriate type of production 1940 413,646 2,159,606 5,878,604 1,100,850 339, 771 87,327 330, 520 1,205,095 402, 582 337,089 125,100 3,810,862 520,625 244,609 196,413 657,037 573,237 (2) 536,785 398,475 3,513,939 544,414 274,609 2,907, 277 (2) 41, 777 TYPE OF PRODUCTION T able 10.— P rison ers 23 P rod u ctively E m p lo yed and V alue o f Prod uction in State and Federal P r is o n s , b y T y p e o f Producton , 1 9 3 2 and 1 9 4 0 —C o n t in u e d Type of production Average number of prisoners pro ductively em ployed 1932 1940 Value of commodities produced 1932 1940 Federal prisons All types________________________________ ___ ____ __ 5,009 Bakery products, commercial........................ ................. Brooms, brushes, and mops__________ _ Clay, cement, and stone products............ ...................... Clothing_________________________ ________________ Construction: Buildings____ ______________ ________ __________ Land development________________ _____ _ _ _ Major repairs to buildings______________________ Major repairs to roads..... ....................... .... ......... ... Roads__________ ; _____________________________ Miscellaneous............................................................. Farming: Cattle_________________________________________ Dairy _ _ _ _ _ ____ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Field crops and garden ___________ ___________ _ H og s___ ___ _ _____________________________ _ Poultry and poultry products___________________ Furniture, m etal___________ ______________________ Furniture, wood............................................................... Furniture, other than metal or w ood ..______________ Laundry, commercial _ ___ ___________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs_________ ______ Miscellaneous_________________________________ Printing and binding_______________________________ Repair and shop work. ___________________________ Textiles _ _ _ _____________ _________________ Textile products__________ ____ ____________________ } Wood products __________________________________ Other manufactured products_______________________ Miscellaneous (labor only)__________________________ 10 155 134 1,039 735 192 233 4 2 60 f 980 -I l 30 19 138 6,740 $4,063,410 $7, 735,836 343 1,181 12,622 283,081 34,252 797,491 1,764,437 1,806 9 149 8 238 61 693, 583 41, 740 283, 599 5,000 1,140 81,423 1,434,173 7,660 78, 725 4,750 202,142 103,585 3 137 732 57 17 326 237 51 210 5 36 82 79 61 (2) 970 (f * 728 169 } 26 74 50 84 89 (2) 306,290 13,802 6,472 113,945 54,365 16,077 f 1, 201, 548 \ 13,230 54,306 49,444 973,280 5,621 155,384 135,355 118, 713 22,188 422,854 245,328 156,054 92,907 6,792 43,671 89,791 (2) 1,090,087 376,187 70,460 135,692 (2) 2 Included under appropriate type of production. Examination of the State-prison data discloses a concentration of both employment and value in a comparatively few types of products. Of the 39 types of production, 19, each with production valued at over $500,000 in 1940, employed 90 percent of the prisoners and accounted for 90 percent of the value of all commodities. The value of metal tags, highway markers, and signs rose well over $1,000,000 between 1932 and 1940, largely because in the latter year 40 States (an increase of 14 over 1932) manufactured automobile license tags. In 1940, 34 percent more prisoners were engaged in the production of textiles and textile products than in 1932, with an increase of only 9 percent in the volume of output. Between 1932 and 1940 the Federal prisons achieved an increase of 90 percent in total value of products, but of only 35 percent in the num ber of production workers. Although the rises in employment and output were distributed among most types of production shown in table 10, they are particularly noticeable in such classifications as brooms, brushes; and mops; clothing; building construction; and furni ture. This last is a comparatively new industry in Federal prisons. PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED 'STATES, 1940 2 4 C o m p a r is o n o f P r o d u c tio n in P r is o n s a n d P r iv a te I n d u s tr y As the so-called “ industries” in prison are in most cases not com parable with those in outside life, it was necessary in making the rough comparison shown in table 11 to allocate each individual prisonmanufactured article to the same classification as the particular in dustry in private business which is primarily engaged in making that article. The values for private industry are totals for plants engaged primarily in making the indicated products and do not include the value of such articles made as secondary products in other industries. The total value of prison production in the manufacturing industries in 1940 was $32,317,997, less than half (0.38) of 1 percent of the total value of private production in the specified industries during 1939. In 43 of a total of 97 industries shown in table 11, the prison output was more than one-tenth of 1 percent of that produced in private industry, but in only 8 did it exceed 1 percent. Chief among these were cordage and twine, brooms, and stamped and pressed metal products, for which prison production was equivalent to 6.4, 2.5, and 2.2 percent, respectively, of private production in those industries. The other classifications, each producing more than 1 percent were work shirts, brushes, canvas products, jute goods, and cane sugar (except that produced in refineries). In numerous industries, the prison production was negligible. T able vate 11.— Value o f P roduction in State and Federal P rison s in 1 9 4 0 , and in P r i In d u stry Industries in 1939, by Specified Industrial Classifications o f M anu fa cturing 1 Standard industrial classifications (major group, group, and industry) Total, all classification s-__ _____ ______ __________ ____ _______________ Food and kindred products: Meat products: Meat packing, wholesale ____________ ______________ _____. . . _ Sausages, prepared meats, and other meat products not made in meat packing establishments_________________________________________ Canning and preserving fruits, vegetables, and sea food: Canned and dried fruits and vegetables (including canned soups).. . . . Grain-mill products: Flour and other grain-mill products _______ ____________________ Prepared feeds (including mineral), for animals and fowls___ _______ Cereal preparations (breakfast foods, etc.)___ ____________________ Bakery products: Bread and other bakery products (except biscuit, crackers, and pretzels). Sugar: Cane sugar (except refineries)__________ ______ . . . _____________ . . . Miscellaneous food and kindred products: Ice, manufactured. _________ _______ _______ _____________________ Food preparations, not elsewhere classified _ . _ _ ________________ Tobacco manufactures: Tobacco (chewing and smoking) and snuff____ ________________________ Textile-mill products: Cotton manufactures: Cotton broad-woven goods_____________ _______________ _______ _ Cotton narrow f a b r i c s . . . . . _ . . . . _ ________________________ Cotton yarn_______ . . . ______________ ___________ ______ _______ See footnotes at end o f table. Value of production in State and Fed eral pris ons, 1940 Value of production in private industry, 1939 2 $32,317, 997 $8,380,160, 647 1, 620, 560 2,647,360,088 29,785 208,048,345 1,434, 756 587,343,024 230,776 94, 739 12,042 649,943,088 401,880, 238 119,393,055 32,043 1,211,395, 278 416,839 33, 526,898 7,304 164, 338 130,166, 312 172,459, 397 228,636 123,687,198 2,970,987 1,657 297,974 869,354,285 48, 500, 589 198,940,444 COMPARISON OF PRODUCTION 25 T a b l e 11.— V alue o f Production in State and Federal P rison s in 1 9 4 0 , and in Private In d u stry in 1 9 3 9 , b y Specified Industrial Classifications o f M anu fa cturing In d u s tries 1—Continued S ta n d a rd in d u s tria l classifications (m a jo r group, group, a n d in d u s try ) V alu e of p ro d u c tio n in S ta te and Fed eral p ris ons, 1940 Textile-mill products—Continued. Woolen and worsted manufactures: Woolen and worsted woven goods (including woven felts and hair cloth) _________________________________________________________ Woolen and worsted yam ________________________________________ Knit goods: Hosiery_________________________________________________________ Knitted cloths___________________________________________________ Knitted underwear_______________________________________________ Carpets, rugs, and other floor coverings: Wool carpets and rugs____________________________________________ Carpets, rugs, and mats made from paper fiber, grass, rags, and jute.._ Hats (except cloth and millinery): Hats, straw_______________ _____ ________________________________ Miscellaneous textile goods: Processed waste and recovered wool fibers__________________________ Jute goods (except felt)_______________________ ____ _______________ Cordage and twine_______________________________________________ Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics and similar materials: Men’s and boys’ tailored clothing: Men’s and boys’ suits, coats, and overcoats (except work clothing), made in inside factories_________________________________________ Men’s and boys’ furnishings, work and sport garments: Men’s and boy’s shirts (except work shirts), collars, nightwear, and underwear, made in inside factories______________________________ Men’s neckwear, made in inside factories______________________ ____ Men’s and boys’ hats and caps (except felt and straw)_______________ Work shirts_____________________________________________________ Work clothing (except work shirts), sport garments (except leather), and other apparel, not elsewhere classified________________________ Women’s and misses’ outer clothing: Women’s and misses’ blouses and waists, made in inside factories____ Women’s and misses’ dresses (except house dresses), made in inside factories_______________________________________________________ House dresses, uniforms, and aprons, made in inside factories________ Women’s accessories (except millinery): Women’s, children’s, and infants’ underwear and nightwear......... ...... Women’s miscellaneous accessories (fabric)—belts, etc.____ __________ Children’s and infants’ outerwear: Children’s and infants’ dresses, made in inside factories_____________ Children’s and infants’ coats, made in inside factories_______________ Children’s and infants’ wear, not elsewhere classified, made in inside factories_______________________________________________________ Miscellaneous apparel: Gloves and mittens—cloth, cloth and leather combined______________ Handkerchiefs___________________________________________________ Robes, lounging garments, and dressing gowns_____________________ Raincoats and other waterproof garments (except oiled fabric)_______ Miscellaneous apparel, not elsewhere classified_________________ ___ Miscellaneous fabricated textile products: Curtains, draperies, and bedspreads_______________________________ Housefurnishings (except curtains, draperies, and bedspreads)_______ Textile bags, not made in textile mills_____________________________ Canvas products_________________________________________________ Miscellaneous fabricated textile products, not elsewhere classified____ Lumber and timber basic products: Logging: Logging camps and logging contractors____________________________ Sawmills and special-product sawmills: Sawmills (including sawmills combined with logging camps and saw mills combined with planing mills)______________________________ Planing and plywood mills: Planing mills_____________________________ ____ __________________ Furniture and finished lumber products: Household furniture: Wooden household furniture______________________________________ Reed and rattan furniture________________________________________ Upholstered furniture___________________________________________ _ Metal household furniture______ ____ ____________________________ Mattresses and bedsprings____ ___________ _____ __________________ Office furniture: Wooden office furniture.___________ __________________________ ___ Metal office furniture____________________________________________ Partitions, shelving, cabinet work, and office and store fixtures_________ | See footnotes at end o f table. 408 1 0 2°— 42-------3 V alue of p ro d u c tio n in p riv a te in d u s try , 1939 2 $842,852 $685, 311,713 193, 835 1,180 482, 947 415,835,858 68,662, 722 113,353,402 8,104 7,157 140,337, 725 9,0 49 ,5 27 3,017 1 ,549,107 15, 610 257, 263 3,634, 994 32, 973. 994 16,897, 414 56,685,817 1, 329, 835 536,612, 780 295, 311 2,009 44, 346 706, 637 196, 772,344 45,404,814 11, 605,495 35,672,002 1, 443,454 184, 222, 956 602 36,419,098 4, 578 55,355 441,324, 635 104,446, 282 26, 557 3,344 61, 792, 937 19,076,348 3,109 87 46, 742,013 24,970, 797 864 17,941, 909 91,456 8,367 17,010 71 176,066 30,160, 558 21,601,163 39,830,309 11,304,341 35, 759,421 22, 782 458,010 226, 715 403, 861 101,403 70,232,983 67, 521,325 121,702,151 24,408,030 31,640,283 918 6 9,620,906 141,810 6 92,811,600 42,173 320,613, 516 1,152, 997 \f 119,069 260,413 545,472 419,463,592 3 ,4 27 ,1 02 128, 723, 519 52,912,856 113,114,633 3 140,028 4 229, 575 211,867 16, 753, 590 31,580,035 70, 718, 293 26 PRISON LABOR IN THE. UNITED STATES, 1940 T a b l e 11 .— Value o f Production in State and Federal Prisons in 1940 , and in Private Industry in 1939 , by Specified Industrial Classifications o f M anufacturing Indus tries 1— Continued Standard industrial classifications (major group, group, and industry) Value of production in State and Fed eral pris ons, 1940 Value of production in private industry, 1939 2 Furniture and finished lumber products—Continued. Wooden containers: Vegetable and fruit baskets_______________________________________ $1,262 $12,263, 562 Rattan and willowware (except furniture)_____ ______ ______________ 21,857 3,917,695 Wooden boxes (except cigar boxes)________________________________ 7,310 87,353,766 Window and door screens, shades, and Venetian blinds: Window shades__________________________________________________ 360 27,070,810 Caskets, coffins, burial cases, and other mortician’s goods______________ 3,828 70,353,137 Miscellaneous wood products: Wood products, not elsewhere classified.._____ ____________________ 86,651 69,185,697 Paper and allied products: Paperboard containers and boxes: Corrugated and fiber boxes_______________________________________ 5,902 448,347,697 Printing, publishing, and allied industries: General commercial (job) printing_____________________________________ 746,828 515,435,609 Chemicals and allied products: Paints, varnishes, and colors__________________________________________ 196,413 434,938, 754 Drugs, medicines, toilet preparations, insecticides, and related products: Insecticides, fungicides, and related industrial and household chemicals. 56, 536 93,443, 777 Soap and glycerin____________________________________________________ 533,867 302, 634,474 Hardwood distillation, charcoal, and naval stores: Gum naval stores________________________________________ _____ _ 6,774 17,361, 933 Miscellaneous chemical products: Cleaning and polishing preparations_______________________________ 16,176 89. 766, 752 Chemical products, not elsewhere classified (writing ink)____________ 364 2, 951,259 Leather and leather products: , Leather—Tanned, curried, and finished: Leather, sole, belting, upper and lining—regular factories____________ 27, 775 329,728,052 Footwear (except rubber): Footwear (except house slippers and rubber footwear)_______________ } 2,443,409 734,673, 111 House slippers____________________________ _______ _____________ _ Miscellaneous leather goods: Saddlery, harness, and whips_____________________________________ 21,093 12,118,430 16,112 Miscellaneous leather goods, not elsewhere classified________________ 8,848,185 Stone, clay, and glass products: Structural clay products: 230, 835 Brick and hollow building tile_____ ______________________________ 78,153,227 11,360 1,824,881 Roofing tile_____________________________________________________ 2,128 Sewer pipe and kindred products______________________________ ___ 22, 745,881 Concrete, gypsum, and plaster products: 155, 808 130,393,396 Concrete products_______________________________________________ 190, 215 36,971,171 Lime_______________________________ ____ _______________________ Cut-stone and stone products: 275 75,811,785 Monuments and tombstones______ __________________ ____ ________ Iron and steel and their products: Iron and steel foundry products: 229,621 301,051,791 Gray-iron castings_______________________________________________ 372,616,014 41,132 Tin cans and other tinware, not elsewhere classified__ _______ __________ Cutlery, tools, and general hardware: 100 59,924,396 Cutlery and edge tools___________________________________________ Metal stamping, enameling, galvanizing, japanning, and lacquering: 178,395,076 Stamped arid pressed metal products (except automobile stampings).. 3,964, 039 Miscellaneous iron and steel products: Forgings, iron and steel, not made in plants connected with rolling 12,395 104,883,196 mills________________________ _____ ________________________ ___ Nonferrous metals and their products: Nonferrous metal products, not elsewhere classified: 55,639,398 10,429 Nonferrous metal foundries (except aluminum)----------- ------ ------------206,944,167 31,235 Aluminum products...----------------------- ----------------------------------------Machinery (except electrical): Agricultural machinery and tractors: 167,895, 292 765,629 Agricultural machinery (except tractors)........... ...... ......... ...... ........... . -Miscellaneous manufacturing industries: Surgical, medical, and dental instruments, equipment, and supplies: 1,241 79,398,442 Surgical supplies and equipment, not elsewhere classified-----------------Toys and sporting and athletic goods: 500 55,400,894 Games and toys (except dolls, and children’s vehicles)---------------------Brooms and brushes: 11,842,422 299,939 Brooms_________________________________________________________ 850,592 48,466,966 Brushes_________________________________________________________ Miscellaneous industries: 72,461 51,849,418 Miscellaneous fabricated products, not elsewhere classified---------------1 As prepared by the Technical Subcommittee on Industrial Classification, under the auspices of the Division of Statistical Standards. 2 Data are from Census of Manufactures, Preliminary reports for 1939. 2 Includes Venetian blinds. * Includes small amount of public-building furniture. 27 SALE OF PRISON-MADE GOODS Sale o f P rison -M a d e Goods Of the $9,122,840 worth of goods manufactured in State prisons in 1940 under systems other than the State-use and public works and ways, the figures in table 12 show that 75 percent were sold within the State where produced and 25 percent outside the State. The effect o f regulatory legislation may be seen by comparing these per centages with those for 1932 when 34 percent of such goods were sold within the State and 66 percent outside. The relatively large volume of goods sold outside the State in 1940 by the Alabama Prison System was all marketed in South America. Among the States with the greatest volume o f out-of-State sales in 1940 were Minnesota, which sold cordage and farm machinery valued at $812,328; Oregon, flax products valued at $114,747; and Missouri, shoes and rope which had a combined value of $140,126. Kansas, Michigan, and South D akota sold considerable quantities of cordage. Sales within the State accounted for 75 percent of all production under the State-account and 73 percent of that under the piece-price system in 1940. State prisons in only two States— Florida and South Carolina— produced on a piece-price basis, and only South Carolina sold such goods outside of the State. No goods were produced under the State-account system in the District of Columbia, Arizona, Ne vada, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and a number of States such as Idaho, New York, Tennessee, and West Virginia sold only excess farm products produced under these systems. Federal prisons in 1940, as in the past, produced only under the State-use and public works and ways systems.4 T able 12.— Value o f Goods Produced Under State-Account and P iece-P rice System s in Individual State P r is o n S o ld Inside and Outside o f State, 1940 Total, both systems State and institution Total All State prisons________ Alabama: State Prison System......... __ Arkansas: State Penitentiary............... California: State Prison at Folsom__________ State Prison at San Q u e n tin ..___ Colorado: State Penitentiary.._____________ State Reformatory_______________ Connecticut: State Prison____________ ________ State Reformatory......................... Delaware: Sussex County Prison..................... New Castle County Workhouse... Florida: State Prison............................. Georgia: State Prison_________ ______ Idaho: State Penitentiary____ _______ Sold within State Sold outside State State-account Total Sold within State Sold outside State i $9,122,840 2 $6,831,667 3$2,291,173 $8,822,862 $6,612,678 $2,210,184 837,175 182,324 31,728 182,324 571 456,398 805,447 837,175 182,324 31,728 182,324 571 456,398 571 456,398 571 456,398 18,848 6,639 18,848 6,639 18,848 6,639 18,848 6,639 1,693 13,147 1,693 13,147 1,693 13,147 1,693 13,147 7,230 6, 078 4 65,532 14,370 4,307 7,230 6,078 4 65,532 14,370 4,307 7,230 6,078 4,693 14,370 4,307 7,230 6,078 4,693 14,370 4,307 See footnotes at end of table. 4 Excess-farm products valued at $404 were sold on the open market by Federal prisons in 1940. 805,447 28 T able 12.— Value o f Goods Produced Under State-Account and P iece-P rice System s in Individual State P rison s, Sold In sid e and Outside o f State, 1940 — Continued Total, both systems State and institution Total Illinois: State Penitentiary, Menard $18,553 Branch____________ ______________ Indiana: 45,149 State Reformatory______________ 12, 501 State Prison____________________ 2,125 Women’s Prison________________ 113,322 State Farm ...-.................. .......... . Iowa: 10,027 The M en’s Reformatory____ ____ _ 146,922 State Penitentiary____ _____ ____ 1,548 Women’s Reformatory__________ Kansas: 3,669 State Industrial Reformatory____ 92,594 State Penitentiary______ ________ Kentucky: 3,041 State Reformatory______________ 2,005 State Penitentiary______________ 533,534 Louisiana: State Penitentiary........... . Maine: 24,350 State Prison................................... 3,016 State Reformatory for Men......... . 134 State Reformatory for Women___ 6,964 Maryland: State Penal Farm________ Massachusetts: 130 Reformatory for Men___________ 1,258 Reformatory for Women..... ......... 1,226 State Prison Colony........... ....... 207 State Farm........ ................. ......... Michigan: 375 State Reformatory______ _______ 292,336 State Prison of Southern Michigan. 35,687 Detroit House of Correction........... 2,046 Ionia State Hospital......... ............. Minnesota: State Prison____________________ 3,062,018 3,387 State Reformatory________ ______ 350,113 Mississippi: State Penitentiary........... Missouri: 635,152 State Penitentiary____________ _ Intermediate Reformatory for 582 Young Men__________________ 184 Montana: State Prison................... ...... Nebraska: 7,345 State Reformatory for Men______ 131 State Prison____________________ 1,380 State Reformatory for Women____ 6,837 Genoa State Farm____________ _ 2,540 New Hampshire: State Prison_______ New Mexico: Penitentiary of New 22,501 Mexico...... ......................................... New York: Institution for Male Defective 27 Delinquents_____ ____________ 257 Matteawan State Hospital............ 25 Wallkill Prison.......... .................... Woodbourne Institution for De 80 fective Delinquents___________ 32,107 North Carolina: State Prison System.. 277,618 North Dakota: State Penitentiary___ Ohio: 270 State Reformatory...................... . 2,106 Lima State Hospital...................... . Oklahoma: 98,125 State Penitentiary......................... . 22,122 State Reformatory......................... . 228,232 Oregon: State Penitentiary............... 38 Rhode Island: State Prison________ 8 255,470 South Carolina: State Penitentiary__ 123, 732 South Dakota: State Penitentiary___ 5,582 Tennessee: Fort Pillow State Farm__ 579,378 Texas: Prison System_______________ 2,031 Utah: State Prison................................ Vermont: State Prison and House of Correc 10,979 tion for M en________ _________ 6,200 Women’s Reformatory................. . See footnotes at end o f table. Sold within State State-account Sold outside State Total Sold within State $18,553 $18,553 $18,553 45,149 12,501 2,125 113,322 45,149 12,501 2,125 113,322 45,149 12.501 2,125 113,322 Sold outside State 10,027 76,422 1,545 $70,500 3 10,027 146,922 1,548 10,027 76,422 1,545 $70,500 3 3,669 24,954 67,640 3,669 92, 594 3, 669 24,954 67,640 3, 041 2,005 533,534 3,041 2, 005 533,534 3,041 2,005 533,534 24,350 3,016 134 6,964 24,350 3,016 134 6,964 24,350 3,016 134 6,964 130 1,258 1,226 207 130 1,258 1,226 207 130 1,258 1,226 207 375 121,319 35,687 2,046 2,249,690 3,387 350,113 495,026 292, 35, 2, 375 121,319 35,687 2,046 812,328 3,062, 3, 350, 2,249,690 3,387 350,113 812,328 495,026 140,126 171,017 140,126 635, 582 184 582 184 582 184 7,345 131 1,380 6,837 2, 540 ’, 345 131 ,380 i, 837 !, 540 7,345 131 1,380 6,837 2,540 22, 501 22.501 27 257 25 27 257 25 27 257 25 80 32,107 277,618 80 32,107 277,618 80 32,107 277,618 270 2,106 270 2,106 270 2,106 98,125 22,122 228,232 38 16,331 123, 732 5, 582 579,378 2,031 113,485 38 16,331 103, 720 5, 582 579,378 2,031 10,979 6,200 10,979 6,200 98,125 22,122 113,485 38 «174,481 103,720 5,582 579,378 2,031 10,979 6,200 171,017 114,747 1 80,989 20,012 98,125 22,122 114,747 29 PRODUCTION— PUBLIC WORKS AND WAYS SYSTEM T able 12.— Value o f Goods Produced Under State-Account and P iece-P rice System s in Individual State Prisons , Sold Inside and Outside o f State, 1940 — Continued Total, both systems State and institution Total Virginia: State Penitentiary and Con vict Road Force................................. Washington: State Penitentiary........................... State Reformatory______________ West Virginia: State Medium Security Prison................................................. Wisconsin: Central State Hospital for Insane.. State Prison for W omen............. State Prison______________ ______ State Reformatory............. .......... Milwaukee House of Correction__ Wyoming: State Penitentiary_______________ Industrial Institute_______ _____ _ Sold within State State-account Sold outside State Total Sold within State $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 40 1,712 40 1,712 40 1,712 40 1,712 652 652 652 652 863 1,584 219,356 8,095 68,345 863 1,584 218,856 8,095 62,348 863 1,584 219,356 8,095 68,345 863 1,584 218,856 8,095 62,348 30,262 7,351 28,395 7,351 30,262 7,351 28,395 7,351 $500 5,997 1,867 Sold outside State $500 5,997 1,867 1 Includes $299,978 produced on piece-price basis. 2 Includes $218,989 produced on piece-price basis. 2 Includes $80,989 produced on piece-price basis. ^ Includes $60,989 produced on piece-price basis. * Includes $239,139 produced on piece-price basis, e Includes $158,150 produced on piece-price basis. 7Includes $80,989 produced on piece-price basis. Production Under Public W orks and W a ys System The total value of construction under the public works and ways system in State and Federal institutions during 1940 was $13,448,838, according to figures in table 13. This work was responsible for the employment o f 24,337 prisoners. M ajor repairs to roads, valued at $4,116,934, employed the greatest number of prisoners, 12,385, while 3,929 inmates constructed new buildings valued at $4,393,276. State prisons in North Carolina led those in all other States in 1940 by employing 7,202 prisoners on public construction valued at $2,444,845; 93 percent of this amount represented m ajor repairs to roads. State prisons in Georgia, Virginia, and W est Virginia, chiefly through the construction o f new roads, each completed construction valued at over $1,000,000 and employed large forces of convicts. Whereas 13 States employed prisoners on new road construction in 1932, only 5 did in 1940. M aryland and Texas, with extensive build ing programs well under way at the beginning of the year, each re ported for 1940 new building construction appraised in excess of $380,000. Only 3 States failed to do any work of this type during the fiscal year. Alabama and Illinois used State prisoners extensively on alterations and improvements to buildings. Pennsylvania, with considerable sewer and steam-line construction, led all States in the value of miscellaneous construction. Federal prisons employed 2,271 prisoners at construction valued at $1,831,035 in 1940. The construction o f new buildings represented 30 PRISON LABOR IN THE, UNITED 'STATES, 1940 78 percent of the total valuation. Oklahoma, with new building con struction at the Federal Reform atory, exceeded all other States in number of prisoners employed and value of construction. T able 13.— Prisoners Productively Em ployed and Value o f Production Under Public W orks and W ays System in State and Federal Prisons in Each State, 1940 Average number of prisoners productively employed Construction State Land develop ment Total Total, State and Federal prisons---------- ------------- 24,337 963 Altera New, other tions and than build improve ings and ments roads New build ings 3,929 567 Roads, new Roads, major repairs 811 5,682 12,385 5,444 12.377 State prisons All States......................... - 22,066 Alabama.._______________ Arizona_________________ 2. 465 54 34 691 81 11 California Colorado Connecticut ... __________ Delaware District of Colum bia____ Florida. . ______________ Georgia Idaho _________________ Illinois_________________ 10 229 1,966 2,893 0) 954 9 296 2,123 418 750 36 31 34 92 81 11 86 4 19 154 1 200 11 21 30 119 41 66 Indiana_________________ Iowa _ _ _ Kansas_________________ Kentucky_______________ Louisiana_____________ Maine__________________ 107 106 4 119 70 8 87 68 2 119 20 Maryland_______________ Michigan_______________ Minnesota.______________ Missouri ______________ Nebraska_______________ New Hampshire__ ______ 273 12 49 84 60 3 191 12 49 42 38 3 New Jersey_____________ New Mexico____________ New York______________ North Carolina___ ______ North Dakota___________ Ohio_________ __________ 71 10 639 7,202 17 14 566 Oklahoma........ ................. Oregon________________ Pennsylvania___________ South Dakota___________ Tennessee_______________ T ex a s___________ _____ 58 77 334 40 595 215 25 U tah................................ Virginia________________ Washington_____________ West Virginia___________ Wisconsin______________ Wyoming_________ _____ 57 2,393 158 709 20 9 8 10 10 73 77 14 5 35 13 5 18 77 143 40 76 194 Requiring less than the full-time work of 1 prisoner for a year. 400 45 2,786 1,629 86 41 41 29 12 38 2 70 40 20 2 2 61 7,125 17 40 166 519 21 51 146 4 5 7 2,343 6 141 118 4 1, 666 551 576 13 PRODUCTION----PUBLIC WORKS AND WAYS SYSTEM 31 T a b le 13 .— Prisoners Productively Em ployed and Value o f Production Under Public W orks and W ays System in State and Federal Prisons in Each State, 1940 — Con. Average number of prisoners productively employed Construction State Total Land develop ment Altera New, other tions and than build improve ings and ments roads New build ings Hoads, major repairs Hoads, new Federal prisons All States........................... Alabama............................ Arizona_________________ California ......................... Florida........................ ...... Georgia_________________ Idaho__________________ 2,271 12 92 77 125 218 77 Kansas...................... ........ Michigan_______________ Minnesota______________ Missouri____ ___________ O h io................................. Oklahoma______ ________ 240 56 84 43 197 328 Pennsylvania.__________ Texas__________________ Virginia ______________ Washington_____________ West Virginia_______ - 171 78 155 205 113 9 1.806 149 61 238 4 12 22 34 125 175 10 12 29 58 5 218 36 72 12 197 328 171 78 155 133 38 43 8 77 22 12 20 42 10 3 2 11 10 14 75 6 Value Construction State Total Land develop ment New build ings Total, State and Federal prisons------------------------ $13,448, 838 $179, 455 $4, 393, 276 All States........................... $11, 617,803 $171,795 $2,959.103 24, 700 733, 060 Alabama ________ _____ 53,616 30,997 Arizona_______ _________ 17, 729 17, 729 Arkansas ______________ 41, 721 856,385 California_______ 117, 500 117, 500 Colorado_______________ 9,210 9, 210 Connecticut____________ 5,872 5,080 792 Delaware __________ 284, 550 248,750 District of Colum bia__ 22, 500 10. 500 Florida_________________ 633, 550 155.000 575 _________________ 1.136,Georgia 300 300 Idaho________ _____ _ 30, 690 142, 608 Illinois___ ______________ 104,600 140,900 Indiana_________________ 38,194 59,667 Iowa________________ . . . 1, 700 2, 700 Kansas __________ __ 125.000 125.000 Kentucky _____________ 35,260 Louisiana_______________ 7,722 7,722 Maine__________________ 594,037 381.537 Maryland______________ 20,140 20,140 Michigan_______________ 17, 339 M innesota__________ 17, 339 45, 745 Missouri________________ 13,760 72, 701 88, 715 Nebraska_______________ 2,930 2,930 New Hampshire_________ New Jersey........................ 27,875 16,875 30.000 30,000 New Mexico____________ New York______________ 179, 700 111. 132 68, 568 2,444.845 180,815 North Carolina. _ _______ 9.840 North Dakota__ ________ 6,500 6,500 Ohio___________________ 50,803 Oklahoma _____________ 35.803 175,980 175,980 Oregon ________________ 301.000 182,000 15,000 Pennsylvania___________ South Dakota _ __ 50.000 50,000 282,219 120,000 Tennessee.. _ __________ 384,414 Texas.................................. 1 397,118 Altera New, other tions and than build improve ings and ments roads Hoads, new Hoads, major repairs $412,096 $476, 630 $3,870,447 $4,116, 934 State prisons $333, 371 60,108 3,869 $373, 045 $3, 668, 305 $4,112,184 648, 252 18, 750 34,114 30,000 81,148 36,300 777, 550 3,000 950,723 570. 550 30,852 106, 500 106,000 35,800 30, 770 21,473 1,000 35, 200 31, 400 12, 742 585 3, 272 11,000 2, 264, 030 9,840 15,000 104,000 12, 704 162.219 32 PRISON LABOR IN THE- UNITED STATES, 1940 T able 13.— Prisoners Productively Em ployed and Value o f Production Under Public W orks and W ays System in State and Federal Prisons in Each State, 1940 — Con. Value Construction State Total Land develop ment Altera New, other tions and than build improve ings and roads ments ‘ New build ings Roads, new Roads, major repairs State prisons— Continued Utah ________ ______ Washington. ____________ West Virginia__________ Wisconsin _________ _ Wyoming......................... $33,830 1.345,076 82.350 1, 027,836 31,221 10, 500 $1,000 7.500 4,083 5.500 $30,000 172,223 1,350 3,925 27,138 $3,830 70,000 38,451 $855, 572 977,960 $316,281 11,000 $5,666 Federal prisons $7, 660 $1, 434,173 All States........................... $1,831,035 22,850 22,850 Alabama________________ 219,189 101,810 A rizona________________ 46,152 5,410 106,038 California_______________ Flnrida 120,205 120, 205 123,362 103, 362 Georgia. _ ___________ Tdaho 63, 111 116.832 115.437 Kansas________________ 2,250 40.450 Michigan_______________ 30,000 40,478 47,015 Minnesota______________ M issou ri.______________ 10,075 29,207 141,900 141.900 Ohio....... ........................... O klahom a 279, 509 279,509 170,786 170,786 Pennsylvania___________ 40,804 40,804 T e x a s__________________ 96, 580 96, 580 Virginia________________ 144,447 102,475 Washington. _____ 68. 750 _______ 11,7.50 West, Virginia.______ ... $78, 725 $103, 585 $202,142 14,050 54,123 40,426 63, 256 20,000 63.111 395 6,537 7,807 28,936 $4, 750 1,200 6,000 1,000 11.325 3,036 6.250 57. 000 3,750 Compensation to Productively E m ployed Prisoners The Bureau endeavored to obtain information concerning amounts paid to those prisoners who were productively employed. In 1940, State prisoners of 18 States received no compensation for productive work performed, while 30 States and the District of Columbia had some system o f financial reward for such prisoners. In most States these payments were purely nominal, ranging for the m ajority of prisoners from 1 to 25 cents per working day. A few States made a practice of distributing proportionately among the working inmates part of the profits of the shops. Several States allowed “ industrial good time,” 5 to prisoners employed at certain jobs but only one State allowed as much as 1 day off sentence for each day worked. Federal prisons, as a rule, had established more definite wage-payment policies than had the State prisons. STATE PRISONS The variety of bases of compensating State prisoners made it impracticable to tabulate the information obtained. However, the principal methods of compensating the productively employed prisoners in each State are summarized below. 6Time deducted from original sentence as one form of compensation for work performed. C O M P E N S A T IO N TO P R O D U C T IV E L Y EM PLOYED 33 A la b a m a . — Prisoners received no compensation except when, in emergencies, t h e y were called upon for night or Sunday work on the roads. For this overtime they received 15 cents per hour. C a lifo r n ia . — The State Highway Commission paid men working in the honor road camps $2.10 per day worked. Against this, the prisoners were charged a pro-rated share of the camp expenses. In the 6 camps the average net pay per working day ranged from 26.7 to 51.4 cents. No other inmates received compensation. C on n ecticu t. — A t the State Prison for M en, first-grade prisoners were paid 15 cents per day, but those in the second and third grades received no pay. W om en’s Prison inmates were paid 10 cents per day for the first 5 years and 15 cents per day thereafter. The W om en’s Reforma tory paid no wages. D ela w a re. — The basic rate of pay at the Newcastle County W orkhouse was 10 cents per day. A few prisoners in skilled positions were paid higher rates, with a maximum of 45 cents. W omen received 90 cents per month. D istric t o f C o lu m b ia . — Prisoners were paid according to the pay scale o f the jobs to which they were assigned. Jobs were classified, not the inmates. Job-pay classifications were as follows: Grade A, 15 cents per day; Grade B, 10 cents per day; Grade C, 5 cents per day; apprentice, no pay. A prisoner must serve at least 6 months before he is eligible for a paid job. Only felons employed in “ industries” 6 were eligible for “ industrial good time” which was granted for excep tional skill and good conduct. Such felons in Grade A and B jobs earned 2 days per month for the first year and 4 days per month thereafter. Those in Grade C jobs earned up to 1 day per month the first year and 3 days per month thereafter. I llin o is . — Workers in the shirt factory at the Reform atory for W om en and in some of the “ industries” at Joliet and Statesville were paid varying amounts depending upon the production of the shops. I o w a . — M ale prisoners received from 10 to 25 cents per day. Females were paid 5 cents per day after serving 6 months. K a n s a s . — M en were paid 4 cents per day, with the exception of coal miners, who were paid 75 cents for each ton over a set task. W omen received 5 cents per day. K e n t u c k y . — All workers earned 8 cents a day. M a r y l a n d . — A t the House of Correction, prisoners assigned to the road gangs received $3 per month plus 5 days a month “ industrial good tim e.” Those working in shops or on farms received $2 per month plus 5 days “ industrial good tim e.” A t the State Penal Farm, workers were allowed 5 days per month “ good time.” In the Peni6 “ Industries” represent those production shops which are generally included in a more or less formal organization supervised by the prison warden or “ superintendent of industries.” They usually represent the factory-' *ype of shop and do not include farms, maintenance shops, or construction work. 34 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED 'STATES, 19 40 tentiary all inmates employed by the “ industries” received a basic pay o f 15 cents per day; skilled workers, 20 to 25 cents; and a few experts, 40 cents. M a ssa c h u se tts. — W om en’s Reformatory inmates placed “ outside” as domestics customarily received $1.25 per day from the employer. A t the State Prison, 37}£ percent o f all profit from all the shops was distributed quarterly among the working inmates. The share of each inmate depended upon his relative efficiency rating. M ic h i g a n . — The Reform atory and the prisons at Jackson and M arquette paid workers from 5 to 35 cents per day depending upon skill and aptitude. The D etroit House of Correction paid both men and women a flat rate of 10 cents per day. M in n e s o t a . — A t the State Prison, prisoners working in the cordage shop, print shop, and farm were paid 15 cents a day for the first 6 months, 25 cents for the second 6 months, and 30 cents thereafter. An overtime bonus of 5 cents a day for time in excess of the daily work ing schedule was also paid. The farm-machinery plant and the foundry paid on a piece-rate basis, with a monthly maximum of $15. Workers at the M en ’s Reform atory received compensation ranging from 6 to 25 cents per day, with an average per prisoner of 13)£ cents. W om en’s Reform atory inmates were compensated at the rate o f 10 cents per day for the first 6 months and 15 cents per day thereafter. For exceptionally hard work, such as milking or field duties, they were paid 20 cents per day. M i s s o u r i . — Prisoners at the State Penitentiary were paid from 50 cents to $3 per month, depending upon type of work and inmates’ ability. Young men at the Reform atory received 5 cents per day. N e b r a sk a . — The Penitentiary paid bakery workers 5 cents a day and those employed in the manufacturing shops 20 cents per day. In mates working in the metal, creamery, and shoe industries at the Reform atory received 20 cents per day; no others were paid, but outside workers were allowed 5 days per month “ industrial good time.” The Reform atory for W om en paid inmates 5 cents per day after 6 months o f incarceration. N e w H a m p s h ir e . — All workers received 15 cents per working day. N e w J e r s e y . — Workers at all institutions with the exception of Ann an dale were paid 6 cents per day for the first 3 months, 8 cents per day for the second 3 months, and 10 cents per day thereafter. They also received “ industrial good time” at the rate of 1 day per full workweek. “ Lifers,” not being eligible for “ good time,” were paid a flat rate o f 25 cents per day. Annandale prisoners were credited with earnings at the same rates as prisoners in other institutions but the money was turned into a canteen and recreational fund for the benefit of all prisoners. Workers at Annandale were allowed “ good time” only for overtime work, at the rate of approximately one-half C O M P E N S A T IO N TO P R O D U C T IV E L Y EM PLOYED 35 day for each 4 hours’ overtime. A maximum of 2 days of “ good time” could be earned in any 1 week. N ew York .— A t Attica, prisoners in the “ industries” were paid wages ranging from 5 to 30 cents per day. In the textile shop alone, a piece-work plan was in use. Piece-work rates were so planned that although the average piece worker earned approximately the same amount as the average day worker in other industries, it was possible, through more efficient performance, for a piece worker in any job to earn up to the State law maximum of 30 cents per day. Compensa tion at Auburn Prison was similar to that at Attica except that there was no piece work and the average pay in any one shop might not exceed 20 cents per day. An average of 5 cents and a maximum of 10 cents was established for farm workers. A t Sing Sing, all inmates employed by “ Prison Industries” were paid on a piece-work basis in order to “ familiarize the worker with usual shop procedure.” The average pay per inmate employed in the industries was $61.75 for the fiscal year— approximately 22 cents a working day. In “ State shops” prisoners were paid from 5 to 15 cents per day for work on clothing, rock crushing, shoe repair, etc. Wallkill, Great Meadow, and Clinton Prisons had wage scales ranging from 2 to 30 cents per day, and the woman prisoners in the clothing shop at Westfield State Prison Farm received an average of 1 cent an hour. North Dakota .— Binder twine workers received 20 cents per day plus overtime of 5 cents per hour. All other productive workers were paid 18 cents per day. Ohio.— At the Reformatory for Women the basic daily wage was 6 cents, although wage rates of 13 to 33 cents were paid to some women holding jobs involving skill or responsibility. The State Penitentiary and the State Farm made no distinction, in compensation, between prisoners productively employed and those assigned to maintenance duties. All were paid on the following bases: single men, no depend ents, one-half cent per hour; single men, no dependents, but honor or skilled, 1 cent per hour; single men, no dependents, but skilled and clerical, 2 cents per hour; married men, with dependents, 5 cents per hour. These latter were credited with only one-half cent, and the other 4K cents was sent to the dependents. At the Men’s Reforma tory, single men and .married men without dependent children received 1 cent an hour, but were held to maximum earnings of $25 during incarceration. Inmates having 1, 2, or 3 or more dependent children were paid 3, 4, or 5 cents per hour, respectively. Oklahoma.— In the pants factory at the State Penitentiary, machine operators, pickers, oilers, and porters received $2 per month, while the more skilled occupations such as instructors, mechanics, cutters, pattern markers, etc., were paid from $3 to $5 for the same period. Pay for jobs in the twine plant ranged from $1 to $2.50 per month, de- 36 P R IS O N LABOR IN T H E . U N IT E D 'S T A T E S , 1940 pending upon the skill required. All workers in the cannery received $1.50 per month plus overtime of 5 cents for each hour over 8 in any day. All other productively employed inmates were allowed from $1 to $2 each month. At the Oklahoma Reformatory, each of the 3 departments of the shoe factory divided among the workers $32 for each 1,000 pairs of shoes produced. The boot shop divided 25 cents for each pair. In the tannery and saddle shop, unskilled inmates received $1 and skilled inmates, $1.25 or $1.50 per month. Oregon.— Compensation ranged from 25 to 60 cents per day for workers in the flax industry. No other inmates were paid. Pennsylvania .— All institutions paid industrial workers on the same basis. The daily wage rate varied from a minimum of 10 cents per day for apprentices to $1 per day for a few highly skilled workers. Some shops paid piece-work rates to insure quality and quantity production, but earnings at these rates fell within the daily wage scale. A bonus system was used to reward prisoners turning out exceptionally high quality products. South Carolina.— In the furniture factory there was no set task, but most men were paid on a piece-work basis. Typical are “ arm men,” who received 3 cents per arm; “ back men,” 3 cents per back; and “ trimmers,” 2 cents per chair. Earnings on these jobs averaged about $4.00 per month. Boxers, craters, and other laborers received a flat rate of $3 per month. In the garment factory, prisoners worked under a set-task system. Payments of 75 cents for the first task and 25 cents for each additional task resulted in average earnings of $3.50 to $4 per month for each prisoner. Prisoners in the auto-tag shop earned from 15 to 30 cents per day, depending upon their skills. Farm workers were not paid. South Dakota .— Productively employed prisoners earned from 15 to 25 cents per day. Tennessee .— At the State Penitentiary, men working on roads re ceived 5 cents per day and those in “ industries,” 7% cents per day. At Brushy Mountain, coal miners worked on a task basis and were paid 25 cents per ton over the task. Other workers earned $1 per month. All inmates at Fort Pillow received $1 per month. Texas .— No cash payments were made but inmates employed at numerous jobs were allowed “ industrial good time” ranging from 10 to 30 days for each month’s work. Utah.— Inmate foremen and prisoners holding the more responsible jobs were given three 25-cent books of stamps every 2 weeks. All other productive workers received two such books. These stamps could be used as postage or as a medium of exchange at the com missary. Vermont .— Prisoners employed in the printing and auto-tag shops were paid 15 cents each working day. K I N D , Q U A N T IT Y , A N D V A L U E OF P R O D U C T IO N 37 Virginia .— All employed prisoners received a basic wage of 10 cents a day. In addition, certain skilled workers were granted a bonus of 5 to 25 cents per day. Wisconsin .— Employed prisoners at the State Prison for Women received 3 cents a day for the first year of sentence and 1 cent a day thereafter. At the State Reformatory, men assigned to work outside the wall were granted 5 days per month “ industrial good time.” The State Prison paid workers after 1 month’s service in the twine plant from 9 to 18 cents per day, depending upon the skill required for the job. Laundry workers received 20 cents per day after 3 months’ service. Prisoners working outside the wall (farmers, etc.) earned “ industrial good time” of 5 days per month. All prisoners received in addition to any other earnings, the basic rate of 3 cents a day for the first year and 1 cent a day thereafter. FEDERAL PRISONS Federal Prison Industries, Inc., a Government corporation, oper ated shops in 12 of the Federal Prisons. All prisoners employed in these shops, with the exception of aliens without dependents in this country, received compensation. In some cases this was based upon an hourly rate ranging from 3K to 10 cents, and in others upon a group piece-work plan. During the fiscal year 1940, $278,091 in wages was shared by an average of 2,938 paid workers, resulting in an annual average of $94.65 per man. A prisoner was allowed to use 25 percent of his earnings. The balance was held in an account until the prisoner’s release or was sent to his dependents, if any. In eight of the prisons productively employed inmates were allowed 2 days per month “industrial good time” for the first year of employ ment and 4 days per month thereafter. At the discretion of the warden, an extra day of “good time” could be allowed after 1 year’s service, for “ exceptionally meritorious service” and after 4 year’s employment, to any worker with a good conduct record. Workers in the Federal prison camps received no monetary compensation but were allowed “industrial good time” of 3 days per month for the first year and 5 days per month thereafter. Prisoners returned from parole or conditional releases are not eligible for “good time.” K in d , Q uantity , and Value o f Production STATE PRISONS Examination of table 14 shows that 53,691,752 auto-license tags were produced. Their valuation of $3,043,950 was higher than that of any other article manufactured in 1940. Closely approaching this was almost 40,000,000 pounds of binder twine valued at $3,039,508. Com- 38 PRISON* L A B O R IN THE U N IT E © STATES, 1940 modities in the l-to-2 million dollar class were whole milk, cotton yard goods, shoes, canned fruit and vegetables, and cotton. In terms of dollar value, auto-license tags also constituted the most important single commodity produced under the State-use system. Miscellaneous farm products (principally truck crops), whole milk, canned fruit and vegetables, shoes, cotton yard goods, and dressed pork7 each were produced in quantities valued at more than $1,000,000 and with auto tags accounted for almost two-fifths of the value of all commodities produced under the State-use system. The following classes of goods, produced for State-use in the amount of $500,000 or more, are worthy of note: Work pants, work shirts, underwear (knit and other), field corn, potatoes, highway markers (metal and wood), miscellaneous printing and binding, soap, and wool yard goods. Outstanding among the State-account sales were almost 40,000,000 pounds of binder twine valued at over $3,000,000, 66,237 bales of raw cotton valued at over $1,000,000, cotton yard-goods amounting to $805,447, and agricultural implements and parts worth $746,990. These four major items accounted for 64 percent of all State-account sales. If the values of shoes, rope, cottonseed, wood chairs, lime stone, sugar, jute bags, flax tow and fiber, and the item labor only (clothing), each in excess of $100,000 were added to these others, the total would represent 88 percent of all such sales. No other, of a total of 128 classes of goods sold, equaled 1 percent. Under the public works and ways system, major repairs to roads employed more men and exceeded in dollar value all other types of construction. Only in the prisons of two States, Florida and South Carolina, was the piece-price system in use. Sales of four furniture items and three clothing items totaled 59 percent and 41 percent, respectively, of all production under this system. FEDERAL PRISONS The Federal institutions employ prisoners and produce goods and services only under the State-use and public works and ways systems. The only items sold on the open market are certain excess farm products. The volume of such sales in 1940 was $404, a negligible amount. The ratio of State-use to public works and ways production was 76 to 24. The combined market values of 328,697 pairs of shoes and 4,846,306 yards of duck and canvas, each in excess of $1,000,000, represented 35 percent of all goods produced. Brushes valued at $757,194 comprised an additional 13 percent. Thus, almost half (48 percent) of the market value of all goods produced is accounted for in the production of these three classes of commodities. Two classes 7 Including pork dressed on farm and in abattoirs. The latter is classified under “ other manufactured products.” K IN D , Q U A N T IT Y , AND V A LU E OF P R O D U C T IO N 39 (brooms and tents) had a production value in excess of $200,000 and seven others (suits, work shirts, milk, steel transfer cases, steel shelving, wood chairs, and mattresses) ranged from $113,000 to $154,000. Under the public works and ways system, approximately 80 percent of the prisoners and 78 percent of the value of completed works were concentrated in the construction of new buildings. Miscellaneous construction included such items as water, sewer and steam lines, and major repairs to sea walls. T a b l e 1 4 . — K i n d , Q uantity, and Value o f Production in State and Federal P riso n s , b y System o f W ork , 1 9 4 0 O Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Type of production and commodities produced Total Quantity 83,515 ________ Public works and ways State use Value Quantity $56,731,654 Value Quan tity $34,159, 572 Value State account Quantity Piece price Value Quan tity Value $13,448, 838 $8,823, 266 $299,978 $11,617,803 $8, 822,862 $299,978 State prisons 76, 775 Each___ ■j Each___ [ f 298 r 19 Dozen... 1 Dozen... > Each___ J \ l [ 358 < l M .... Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ i 1,208 , Each___ Each___ Each___ Squares. Dozen... Dozen... D ozenEach___ Dozen. Each___ $28, 255,175 9,910 584, 551 355 3, 384 159,055 80,882 93,351 6,805 3, 211 6 4,068 2,971 47 133 15,980 102,147 131, 250 236 0) 735 180 0) 30, 304 36, 246 768 0) 172, 217 4,826 21,884 1,652 9,071 2, 205 1,800 71,032 40,667 2,075 11,360 . 8,913 3,880 336,012 39, 812 13,980 4,400 165 27 22, 437 13, 762 45,682 16,452 4,437 166 94,990 273,919 33, 968 9,945 0) 357 0) 0) 0) 587,459 14,025 3, 398 160, 747 11,942 32,043 15,376 12,681 25,123 83,853 93,398 6,938 12,165 12,675 21,055 19,860 438,159 131, 250 236 0) } 735 180 0) 30,304 37,446 768 0) 212,029 18,806 21,884 1, 652 9,071 2, 205 1,800 71,180 40,667 2,108 11,360 9,307 4,400 165 57 22, 440 14, 329 45,682 16,452 4,437 334 95,001 276,430 33, 968 0) 0) (i) 0) 35 2 2, 908 14,025 14 1,692 11,942 32,043 0) 148 0) 1,200 33 394 0) 30 168 3 11 567 2, 511 1940 Agricultural implements and parts: Agricultural implements________ _____ Do-__ _____________ ______ _____ Agricultural implement parts___________ Do_______ ____________ _______ ____ R epairs__ _ . Bakery products, commercial________________ Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms_____ __________________ ___ . Brushes____ ___________________ _____ Mops__ . . . ________________________ Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick________ ________________________ Building tile__ ___________________ _____ Concrete blocks_____________________ __ Concrete cemetery vaults___ _______ . Concrete cribbing.. ____________________ Concrete curbstones______________ _. .. Concrete grave markers____________ _____ Concrete pipe_________ ________________ Concrete posts____________________ ____ Drain tile________ _________________ _ Roofing tile__ _____ ___________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Clothing, other than knit: Aprons... . _ . . . ______________________ Bathrobes_______________ _____________ Children’s play suits____________________ Coats, dress____ ________ ____ _________ Coats, work .. . _______ _____ __________ Dresses________________________________ $48,995,818 PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED 'STATES, Total, State and Federal prisons__ Unit Average number of pris oners em ployed Gloves and mittens. 408102-42- Hosiery....... ..................................... Underwear_____ ____ ____________ Miscellaneous____________________ Construction: Buildings________________________ Land development_______________ Major repairs to buildings_________ Major repairs to roads_____________ Roads___________________________ Miscellaneous_________ ______ ____ Cordage: Binder twine________________ ____ Rope____ ____ _____ ____ _________ Farming, cattle: Beef, dressed________ ____ ________ Cattle----------------------------------------Miscellaneous____________________ Farming, dairy: Beef, dressed______ ____ __________ Butter____________ ______________ Cattle___________________ ________ Cream__________________________ Milk, skimmed__________________ Milk, whole_____________________ Miscellaneous___________________ See footnotes at end of table. D ozen pairs. Dozen. D ozenDozen.-. Each___ D ozenEach___ D ozenDozen... Dozen... Pairs__ Pairs__ Each___ Dozen. „ Dozen... Each___ Each__ 7,719 D ozen pairs. D o ze n pairs. D ozen- 927 2,123 954 418 12,377 5,444 750. Pounds. Pounds. } Pounds. Head_‘_ . 1 Pounds. Pounds. H ea d... Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 25,144 44,952 25,144 44,952 14,600 17,308 0) 22, 710 28, 589 10,453 33, 703 70, 702 5,340 89,947 726.971 285.972 57, 530 55,086 5, 672 1,064 8,157 0) 8,367 43,154 2 154,608 246,809 184,631 73,655 104,945 840,562 38,402 587, 590 1,429,741 143, 542 493,253 111, 689 22,972 17,965 16, 655 40,874 14,600 17,308 0) 22, 292 28, 589 10,453 33,703 64, 755 5,340 78,744 625, 550 285,972 57, 515 17, 308 5,672 1,064 8,157 0) 8,367 43,154 22,897 243,247 184,631 73.655 104,945 795, 712 38,402 535,900 1,269, 548 143, 542 493,137 68,775 22,972 17,965 16.655 39,903 10,435 14,243 10,435 14, 243 166, 211 193,835 166,211 193,835 123,625 0) 492,426 15,623 123,625 0) 492,426 15,623 C1) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 889 7,206 5,058 37,644 2,740 101,421 10,283 160,193 8,463 41,407 15 68 116 123 37, 710 42, 791 0) C1) 2,959,103 171, 795 333, 371 4,112,184 3, 668,305 373,045 2 131, 711 3, 562 418 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 971 2,959,103 171, 795 333, 371 4,112,184 3, 668, 305 373,045 1, 316 f39,939,257 L5,039,433 3,039,508 595,271 39,348 8,840 2,982 1,894 39,899,909 5,030,593 3,036, 526 593,377 298 1, 551, 671 4,178 0) 187,755 217,326 8, 565 1,256,036 2,860 164,420 150, 201 6, 993 295, 635 1,318 0) 23,335 67,125 1, 572 86,275 135,130 143, 628 37,304 28, 233 1, 651,638 77,398 702,906 464, 572 2, 579 216,480 4, 213, 512 60,741,909 0) 84, 341 135,130 122,892 30,482 28, 233 1, 648,511 75, 661 22, 319 1,934 1, 572 725, 225 464, 572 3,374 272,415 4,213, 512 60,818,190 0) 795 55,935 20, 736 6,822 (*) 76,281 0) 1 3,127 ■1,737 KIN D, QUANTITY, AND VALUE OF PRODUCTION Handkerchiefs_____ ______________ Hats and caps___________________ Labor only________ ______________ Overalls_________________________ Overcoats_______________________ Pajamas and nightgowns......... ....... Pants, dress_____________________ Pants, work______ _______________ Shirts, dress____ _______ ____ _____ Shirts, work_____________________ Shoes, new_______________________ Shoes repaired_______________ ____ Suits____________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ______ Underwear, women’s and children’s. Uniforms_______________ ____ ____ Vests, men’s_____________________ Miscellaneous____________________ Clothing, knit: Gloves and mittens................... ........ T able 14.— K i n d , Q uantity , and Value o f Production in State and Federal P riso n s , b y System o f W ork , 1 9 4 0 — Continued bO Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Type of production and commodities produced Unit Total Quantity State use Value Quantity Value Public works and ways Quan tity Value State account Quantity Value State prisons— Continued Farming, field crops and garden: Barley___________________________ Beets, sugar or stock---------------------Corn, field_______________________ Cotton___________________________ Cottonseed---------------------------------Ensilage-------------------------------------Flaxseed------------------------------------Fodder----- —------------------------------Hay_____________________________ Labor only----------------------------------Molasses------------------ ------ -----------Oats_____________________________ Peanuts------- ------------------------------Potatoes_________________________ Straw------------------ ----------------------Sugarcane----------------------------------Tobacco_________________________ Wheat___________________________ Miscellaneous................................. Farming, hogs: Hogs________ ____ ______________ Do______ ____ - _____ ________ Pork, dressed____________________ Miscellaneous____________________ Farming, poultry and poultry products: Eggs--------------- --------------------------Poultry, dressed__________________ Poultry, liv e ..------ ----------------------Do___ ____ __________________ Miscellaneous................................. Bushels . Bushels. Bales__ Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Gallons. Bushels. 46,456 0) 1,076,291 69,098 10,404 56,399 24,163 16,564 47,040 0) 35,045 158,651 0) 752,486 4,501 80,424 42,000 123, 557 (0 $24,797 17,913 689,664 1,169,992 299, 647 404,073 57,324 55,131 489,669 1,377 13,935 67,895 16,402 661,443 23, 255 225,884 6,000 99,351 1,554,852 46,456 C1) 1,074,291 2,861 6,260 56.399 $24, 797 13,001 688,464 137,105 188,900 404,073 16,564 46,694 0) 35,045 158,651 0) 684,391 4,501 69,794 42,000 123,154 0) 55,131 485.141 1,350 13,935 67,895 11,396 578,402 23,255 195,173 6,000 98,847 1, 503,665 ( (1) 34,548 664 1I 7,130,234 l 0) 5,485 455,788 624,924 14,653 0) 30,781 6,949,114 0) 376 182,724 117,092 37,027 2,822 106 805,125 564,345 57,392 0) (l) 17,380 Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Pounds. Bushels. Head___ Pounds. Dozen... Pounds. H e a d ... 0) 2,000 66,237 4,144 $4,912 1,200 1,032,887 110,747 24,163 57,324 346 4,528 27 (>) 68,095 5,006 83,041 10,630 30, 711 403 504 51,187 3,648 402,876 614,746 14,653 0) 3, 767 181,120 1,837 52,912 10,178 180,665 109.142 34,952 2,773 106 11,908 45, 334 2,236 0) 2,059 7,950 2,075 49 0) 0) Piece price Quan tity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Average number of pris oners em ployed See footnotes at end of table. Each___ Each__ Each__ Each___ Each__ Each__ Pairs__ Each__ Each___ Each___ Each___ 4,616 15,340 67,371 0) 0) 1 (9 738 Each___ Each__ Each___ Each___ 9,309 2,692 603 450 1,524 3, 531 250 447 4,608 2, 271 6, 251 150 2,334 2,167 3, 230 (9 Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ 85 1,842 2,356 7 519 7,411 1,483 146 Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ E ach.... Each___ Each___ Each___ 137,289 8,170 8,766 3,854 356 262 73 1,381 Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ (9 2,966 (9 264 o, voo 17,433 (9 1,217 1,699 7,272 0) 91, 727 6,057 1,640 11,454 36,389 7,473 1,000 6,458 4,597 33,016 49, 379 1,600 27, 560 150 32,819 6,908 1,475 10,818 2,178 IQ, 543 16,427 284 3,425 87, 751 23, 200 1,335 7,228 394, 577 63,648 109, 982 114, 666 2, 359 6,118 2,232 2, 870 33, 609 1, 387 5,580 166,827 4,039 1,010 12,695 3, 589 127,536 (9 (9 (9 9,309 2,692 503 450 1,524 3,531 250 447 4,608 2,271 6,251 (9 (9 150 2,334 2,167 3,230 0) 85 239 2,273 7 519 17 1,266 146 0) 62,822 40 1,360 3,801 356 254 73 4,082 4,622 58,395 0) 0) 0) 534 10,718 8,976 91,727 6,057 1,640 11,454 36,389 7,473 1,000 6,458 4, 597 33,016 49,379 1,600 27,560 150 32,819 6,908 1,475 10,722 (9 96 2,178 2,056 16,189 284 3,425 244 20,050 1.335 7,228 256,150 780 28,284 113,763 2,359 5,923 2,232 264 3,088 10,288 24,668 1, 387 5,580 126,349 1,217 1,684 7,272 1,010 12,573 3,589 107,238 (9 (9 1,603 83 8,487 238 7,394 217 87,507 3,150 58,647 421 38 53 104,804 1, 263 176 903 8 195 683 1,484 8,941 7,145 40,478 4,039 0) (9 15 (9 122 20, 298 15, 820 7, 709 7, 368 $33,623 61, 605 81,522 698 1,386 QUANTITY, AND VALUE OF PRODUCTION Farming, miscellaneous: Farm hands hired out----Livestock, miscellaneous.. Miscellaneous___________ Furniture, metal: Beds___________________ Bedsprings_____________ Benches________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc... Cabinets, storage-----------Chairs.________________ Crib sides______________ Desks__________________ Document files__________ Filing cases_____________ Lockers________________ Repairs________________ Shelving_______________ Stools__________________ Tables_________________ Transfer cases___________ Waste baskets__________ Miscellaneous___________ Furniture, wooden: Bedroom suites_________ Beds___________________ Benches________________ Benches, manual training. Bookcases______________ Breakfast sets___________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc... Cabinets, storage________ Cabinets and tables_____ Chairs_________________ Chairs, upholstered_____ Davenports, sofas, etc___ Desks__________________ Fiber articles___________ Filing cases_____________ Living-room suites______ Ottomans______________ Repairs________________ Stands_________________ Stools__________________ Tables_________________ Tavern fixtures_________ Trays, letter____________ Venetian blinds_________ Waste baskets__________ Miscellaneous___________ T a b l e 14. — K in d , Quantity, and Value of Production in State and Federal Prisons , by System of Work , 1940 — Continued Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Type of production and commodities produced Unit Total Quantity Public works and ways State use Value Quantity Value Quan tity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value State prisons— Continued Furniture, other than metal or wood: Labor only_____________________________ Mattresses_____________________________ Pillows____________________ ____ _______ Repairs________________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Grain-mill products: Cornmeal______________________________ Feed__________________________________ Flax meal______________________________ Flour__________________________________ Grits__________________________________ Labor only_____________________________ Wheat cereal___________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Laundry, commercial_______________________ Metal products—Tags, highway markers,and signs: Auto license tags________________________ Brackets_______________________________ Highway markers_______________________ Repairs__________ ___________ ____ _____ $3, 592 360,988 20,852 12,822 4,328 14,346 2,882 160 31,768 351, 570 0) 202,360 0) 4,497,929 63,485 3.383 166,311 6.384 504 5,666 3,256 125,100 14,346 2,468 63,485 77, 586 28, 394 354,570 0) 202,360 0) 4, 253,643 146,066 6,384 504 5,666 3, 256 118,260 (53,691,752 14,890 270,150 (0 Each___ > 2,008 164,478 0) 21, 514, 534 Each. 0) 3,043,950 396 471,042 4,468 159,028 1,764 127, 352 2,862 53, 691, 752 14,890 269,809 0) 162, 548 0) 21, 514, 484 0) 3,043,950 396 470, 567 4,468 158, 634 1,401 127,348 2,241 26,470 4, 765 3,474 14,160 145, 784 « 54, 221 11,416 979 60,600 5,948 58, 653 0) 464 52,000 3, 614,054 (0 1,896 0) 62, 230 0) 26,470 4,765 3,474 14,160 145, 784 * 53, 559 11,416 979 60,576 5,948 0) 66§ Barrels Tons___ Tons . . . Barrels.. Pounds. 457 119 Pounds. Pounds. 249 Each___ Each___ Each.. Pieces . Each.... Each.... Pounds. Sets-Pieces. 1,155 58, 653 0) 464 52,000 3, 614,054 0) 1,896 0) 62, 244 0) 88,100 0) 63,814 20,977 0) (0 $3, 592 359, 225 20,838 9,829 4,147 199 10 0) 0) $1, 763 14 2,993 181 414 160 3,374 10,514 3, 383 20,245 244, 286 6,840 341 475 1,930 0) 50 0) 394 363 4 621 14 24 Value 1940 Do____ ____ _________ Tags, miscellaneous 3______ Miscellaneous...................... Metal products, miscellaneous: Aluminum ware.____ _____ Do................................. . Animal cages_________ ____ Beetle traps______________ Castings______ ______ _____ Do___________________ Chains, tire________ ______ Chains, miscellaneous_____ Galvanized ware. .............. D o .................................. 0) 64,013 20,987 0) 0) Each___ Each... Quan tity PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Average number of pris oners em ployed Do________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_______ Do_________________________ Duck and canvas______________ Gauze bandage________________ Miscellaneous jute products____ Rugs___ __________ ____________ Twine_________________________ Wool yard goods_______________ Yarn, cotton___________________ Yarn, wool____________________ Miscellaneous__________________ 1,780 156,471 266,874 0) 0) 152, 363 117, 447 9,591 1,535 36, 798 1,818 7, 442 23,963 16,974 94, 687 244,609 196,413 350 0) 1,780 156,471 266, 874 0) 0) 152,363 117, 349 9,591 277 36, 798 1,818 7,442 23,963 16,974 93,998 244,609 196,241 Each___ Each__ Each__ r 3i, 1 3 1 468 1,121 19,841, 10, 284,104 0) 9,584 56, 697 29,471 561, 285 31,131 19,841, 468 10, 284,104 0) 9,584 56, 697 29,471 560,536 Tons ... Tons__ Tons__ 193,190 16,863 372,036 0) 190, 215 96, 590 283, 422 3,010 10,837 16, 830 350, 275 0) 8,831, 414 21, 709 0) 527, 798 6, 654 2,333 148 /111, 754,379 107, 239 o) Pieces... C1) Pieces. .. Each__ Pieces. .. 729 63 Tons__ Gallons.. Pounds. Gallons _ Gallons. Pounds. Dozen _. Each__ Pounds Square yards. Yards... Square yards. Yards __ Square yards. Pounds. Square yards. Square yards. Pounds. Pounds. } 262 5,384 2,345 1,258 689 0) 98 172 13,650 96,528 261.047 3,010 182,353 33 21,761 176, 565 62 22, 375 8, 830,800 21, 709 0) 527, 755 6,654 2,333 614 43 77, 987 320,488 195, 781 622,825 49,983 19,604 558, 598 10,484,414 28,004 300,884 498, 584 46, 566 42, 538 250, 862 486 5,894,052 457, 263 111, 031 11, 275 49,962 235 917,545 592 46, 566 42, 538 250,862 486 5,894,052 865 111,031 11, 275 49,962 235 917,545 497,992 456, 398 15, 625,112 70,834 913, 658 14, 230 1, 834, 721 70,834 108, 211 14, 230 13,790, 391 805, 447 2, 350 0) 482 603 831 5, 417 2,350 0) 603 831 482 5,417 0) 799, 376 215 632, 237 0) 785,986 215 617,126 13,390 15, 111 1,601,086 124, 203 0) 297,974 99, 303 2,160 1, 601,086 124, 203 0) 297,974 99, 303 2,160 { 1 0) 749 0) KIND, QUANTITY, AND VALUE OF PRODUCTION Highway guard rails__________ Iron hollow ware_______________ Repairs______________ _____ ___ Steelware, stainless____________ Tin cans.............................. .......... Tinware_______________ ____ _ Do_________________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Mining, c o a l...____ ___ ____ ______ Paint..____ ____ ______ ___________ Printing and binding: Bookbinding and blank books. _ Envelopes_____________________ Letterheads____________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Quarrying and rock crushing: Lime and agricultural limestone. Stone, building________________ Stone, crushed_________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Soap and other detergents: Soap_____________ _____ _______ Soap, liquid..____ _____________ * Miscellaneous.................... ............ Sugar: Cane syrup____________________ Sugar__________________________ Textiles: Bags, jute*____________________ Blankets_______________________ Cloths, knit, mop and polish___ Cotton yard goods, heavy______ See footnotes at end of table. Oi T a b l e 14.—K i n d , Q uantity , and Value o f Production in State and Federal P riso n s , b y System o f W ork , 1940 —Continued 05 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Type of production and commodities produced Unit Total Quantity Public works and ways State use Value Quantity Value Quan tity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value State prisons— Continued Textile products: Auto-certificate holders----Bags, cloth--------------------Bags, tobacco____________ Covers, mattress............ . Door mats------------- --------Flags 6__________________ Hooked rugs____________ Labor only--------------------Mop heads______________ Pillowcases______________ Repairs_________________ Sheets..________________ Spreads_________________ Tents___________________ Ticks, m attress .........._-. Ticks, pillow— .................. Towels_________________ Miscellaneous..................... Wood products: Baskets_________________ Boxes___________________ Coffins and rough boxes__ Crutches________________ Handles, brush and broom. Hickory poles___________ Highway markers.......... Do________ ________ Lumber.............................. Millwork____ Shingles......... Stepladders-.. Turpentine--. Willows_____ Wood, fuel___ Miscellaneous Dozen.. Dozen.. 965 Dozen.. Each___ Each___ E ach Each___ Dozen. . Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each__ Each___ Each___ Board feet. Bundles . Each___ Pounds. C1) 10,774 115,946 3, 965 1, 512 53,920 $1,004 25, 781 6,199 5,201 2, 778 42,389 4,312 22, 514 0) 29,158 21,568 24 6,091 2,529 52,546 0) $1,004 25, 781 6,199 5,201 2, 778 43,592 3,020 196 17,198 48,833 224 213,414 21,446 300 11,862 600 101,606 41,160 0) 4, 312 22,507 0) 29, U 21, 568 24 6,091 2, 529 52, 539 0) 32 17,198 48,748 112 213, 374 21,446 300 11,862 600 101, 574 37,282 24,961 2,921 188 2,325 57, 508 140,000 34,000 0) 4,951, 596 19, 530 926 3,582 1,163 3, 369 700 54,560 9.242 101, 261 14, 707 2,921 165 100 57, 508 140,000 34,000 0) 4,477, 596 2,104 926 3,047 50 3, 369 700 54, 560 9,242 92, 729 0) 2,411 58 0) 52,000 42,173 5,314 270 6,774 3. 640 12,798 9, 307 0) 2, 411 58 42,115 5, 314 270 52,000 0) 0) 3,640 10, 587 6,909 0) 10,774 115,946 3, 965 1, 512 54,021 Dozen.. D ozenEach___ Each___ Each___ 591 101 $1, 203 3,020 164 7 85 112 40 0) 0) « 2 7 32 3,878 10, 254 17,426 23 2,225 535 1,113 474,666 8,532 0) 0) 58 0) 6, 774 0) 0) 2, 211 2,398 Quan tity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Average number of pris oners em ployed Other manufactured products: Beef, dressed________ _____ Boxes, paper___ ____ ______ Canned fruit and vegetables. Pounds. Each__ Cases. 1,912 134 165,029 6, 492 1, 258, 645 138,148 400 164,338 5,974 11,107 7, 658 144, 215 11, 508 9,982 G) G) G) 3, 584,401 G) G) G) G) 781,175 1,000 834 G) G) G) G) 1, 337, 236 165,029 200,910 ; 6,492 682, 678 1,172, 629 138,148 G) OQtC 400 1, 250,675 164, 338 5,874 51,612 11,107 G) 2,028,150 7, 658 8 613 7,764 97,171 1, 771 27,693 409,831 2,198 8, 599 27, 775 22,044 211, 432 500 3, 713 171,054 G) G) CO 3,542, 201 G) 97,171 1, 771 26, 645 404,074 1,974 G) G) 781,175 25,824 22,044 211, 432 834 (0 3, 713 164, 702 21, 315 15, 313 5,149 G) G) G) 21, 315 8, 754 5,149 G) 61,300 86,016 8,894 100 918,187 220 (0 144,215 10, 895 2,218 (0 42,200 (0 (0 (0 1,048 5,757 224 8,599 1,951 1,000 ... (0 500 ...... 6, 559 Federal prisons Total, all types. Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms________ ____ Brushes........ ................. DoJ.......................... Clothing: Aprons...................... . Bathrobes____________ Coats, dress___________ Coats, work................... Dresses_______________ Gloves and mittens____ See footnotes at end of table. $7, 735,836 6,740 Dozen.. Dozen _. Dozen.. Dozen. _ Each___ D ozenEach___ Dozen pairs. 1 $5,904, 397 343 46,030 163, 568 (0 216,086 755, 395 1,799 46,030 163, 568 G) 216,086 755,395 1,799 1,181 616 632 15,000 1,187 3,677 13, 709 3,402 11,381 97,972 13, 687 5,459 32, 261 616 632 15,000 1,187 3,677 13,709 3,402 11,381 97,972 13,687 5,459 32, 261 $1,831,035 $404 QUANTITY, AND VALUE OF PRODUCTION Cement_________________ ____ _________ Bags___ Coffee, roasted_________ ______ _________ Pounds. Dehydrated vegetables__________________ Pounds. Doormats_____________________________ Envelopes, auto tag............ ......................... Each__ Flax tow and fiber______________________ Pounds. Harness_______________________________ Sets___ Do________________________________ Insecticides, deodorants, and related chemi cal compounds_______________________ Labor only_____________________________ Meat products, miscellaneous___________ Pork, dressed__________________________ Pounds. Repairs________________________________ Saddlery_______________________________ Shoe leather____________________________ Snow fence_____________________________ Tobacco, smoking and chewing__________ Pounds. Toys__________________________________ Each___ Trucks, laundry (canvas)_______________ Each___ # Miscellaneous__________________________ Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Labor only_____________________________ Repairs (machine and automotive)_______ Seafood......... .............................................. 1, 337,236 200,910 743,978 (0 295 1,250,675 60,506 G) 2,028,150 918,187 228 G) T able 14.— K in d , Q uantity , and Value o f Production in State and Federal P riso n s , b y System o f W ork , 1940— Continued 00 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Type of production and commodities produced Unit Total Quantity Public works and ways State use Value Quantity Value Quan tity State account Quantity Value Piece price Value Federal prisons— Continued Dozen... Dozen... Each___' Dozen... Each__ Dozen... Dozen... Pairs__ Pairs___ Each__ Dozen. Dozen... Each.:.. Each__ 1 1Q1 1, lol 1,806 9 149 8 238 61 Pounds. Pounds. Head__ Pounds. } 9 f 6 l 137 1,996 0) 767 9,646 4,767 23,857 6,059 12,899 328,697 18,670 14,182 9,987 396 214 18,485 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) $4,209 654 12, 506 84,008 30,473 80,490 60,634 119,657 1,013,908 10,074 120,130 31,659 1,934 2,500 . 22,711 4,728 1,996 0) 767 9,646 4, 767 23,857 6,059 12,899 328,697 18,670 14,182 9,987 396 214 18,485 0) $4, 209 654 12,506 84, 008 30,473 80,490 60, 634 119,657 1,013,908 10,074 120,130 31,659 1,934 2,500 22,711 4,728 1,434,173 7,660 78, 725 4,750 202,142 103,585 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 43,053 0) 5,383 238 43, 053 0) 5, 383 238 64,971 345 5,605,873 0) 7,598 11,530 123,666 12, 590 64,971 261 5,605,873 0) 7, 598 11,177 123,666 12,533 $1,434,173 7,660 78, 725 4, 750 202,142 103, 585 Value 1940 Clothing—C ontinued. Hats and caps.................................... Labor only______________________ Overalls____________________ ____ Overcoats_______________________ Pajamas and nightgowns____ _____ Pants, dress______________________ Pants, work_____________________ Shirts, work_____________________ Shoes, new_______ _____ _____ ____ Shoes repaired----------------------------Suits____________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ______ Underwear, women’s and children’s. Uniforms________________________ Vests, men’s____________ ____ ____ Miscellaneous____________________ Construction: Buildings_______ ____ ______ _____ Land development______ ______ _ Major repairs to buildings.............. . Major repairs to roads____________ Roads____________ ______________ M iscellaneous................................... Farming, cattle: Beef, dressed..___________________ Miscellaneous.................. ................. Farming, dairy: Beef, dressed..... ............................... Cattle_______ ____ _______ ________ Milk, whole______ _______________ Miscellaneous________ ___________ Quan tity PRISON LABOR IN THE. UNITED STATE S, Average number of pris oners em ployed j 1. 81 _ . 0) $353 £i BushelsTons___ Gallons. Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Tons___ Bushels. Head__ Pounds. Dozen.. _ Pounds . Head__ Each__ Each___ Each__ Each__ Each___ Each__ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each__ Each__ Each__ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each__ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ 732 < ! 57 } 326 { 6, 146 142 1, 796 27, 799 2, 158 220 2, 347 7, 922 810 18, 718 155 6, 750 0) 2,468 566 880 14,077 11,940 404 17, 692 2,249 741 10,937 667 4, 768 67,966 6,146 142 1,796 27, 799 2,158 220 2,347 7,922 810 18,718 155 6,750 0) 2, 468 566 880 14, 077 11, 940 404 17, 692 2, 249 741 10, 937 667 4, 768 67, 966 3, 258 928, 848 C1) 33.455 79.456 5,802 3,258 928,848 0) 33, 455 79, 456 5, 802 61, 350 23, 862 3, 341 14,471 4,370 3,347 61, 350 23,862 3, 341 14, 471 4, 370 3, 347 4,189 1, 256 621 40,829 2,021 1,953 0) 585 7, 684 12, 325 0) 51,659 13, 201 11,177 113,064 5,208 13,674 135,159 7, 714 7,878 13,448 50, 672 4,189 1,256 621 40,829 2, 021 1,953 0) 585 7, 684 12, 325 0) 51, 659 13, 201 11, 177 113, 064 5, 208 13, 674 135, 159 7, 714 7, 878 13, 448 50, 672 22 252 41 71 794 23,190 676 398 466 0) 85 1,997 749 583 0) 340 3, 215 453 1,394 1,916 140, 721 20,400 10,918 4,464 68 899 17, 973 13,188 570 28,809 22 252 41 71 794 23,190 676 398 466 340 3, 215 453 1, 394 1, 916 140, 721 20, 400 10, 918 4, 464 68 899 17, 973 13, 188 570 28, 809 1,997 749 583 0) KIND, QUANTITY, AND VALUE OF PRODUCTION Farming, field crops and garden: Barley________________ _____ ____ Beets, sugar or stock_________ ____ Cane syrup__________ ______ _____ Corn, field_______________________ Ensilage____________ ______ ______ Fodder__________________________ H a y .._________ ____ ____________ Oats_____ ______ _________________ Peanuts.............................................. Potatoes___________ _______ ______ Straw___________________________ Wheat__________ ____ ___ ________ Miscellaneous.................................... Farming, hogs: Hogs____________________________ Pork, dressed____________________ Miscellaneous____________________ Farming, poultry and poultry products: Eggs------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed__________________ Poultry, live.................................. Furniture, metal: Beds_______________ ______ ______ Bookcases_______________________ Cabinets_________________________ Cases, transfer___________________ Chairs________ ___________ ______ Lockers_________________________ Shelving______ _______ __________ Tables__________________________ Trays, food______________________ Waste baskets_______________ ____ Miscellaneous.................................... Furniture, wood: Beds_____ „_____________________ Benches_________________________ Bookcases_______________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc___________ Cabinets_________________________ Chairs______________ ______ ______ Davenports, sofas, e t c ...__________ Desks___________________________ Fiber articles_____________________ Repairs__________________________ Stands__________________________ Stools___________________________ Tables___________________ _______ Trays, letter_____________________ Miscellaneous____________________ See footnotes at end of table. CO T a b l e 1 4 . —K in d , Q uantity, and C o n tin u e d Value o f Production in State and Federal P riso n s, b y System o f W ork , 1 94 0 — Oi O Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Type of production and commodities produced Unit Total Quantity Public works and ways State use Value Quantity Value Quan tity Federal prisons— Continued Furniture, other than metal or wood: f 47,482 Mattresses_____________________________ Each___ 1 44 Pillows________________________________ Each___ r 51 \ Repairs___________ _____ ____________ ... J l o) Laundry, commercial: Dry-cleaning------- --------------------------------- Pieces.._ 75,998 210 \f 2,911,566 Laundry, commercial___________________ Pounds.. } Metal products—Tags, highway markers, and signs: Auto license tags_______________________ Each__ 5 25,157 Metal products, miscellaneous: f 479,819 Castings_______________________________ Pounds. } 36 Miscellaneous__________________________ 1 0) Printing and binding, miscellaneous__________ 79 0) Textiles’ 37,079 Cotton yard goods, light________________ Square yards. 165,659 Do__________ Yards... ( 728 4,846,306 Yards... Duck and canvas.. 331,378 Tape____________ Yards... 212 Wool yard goods.. Square yards. Textile products: Dozen... 3,152 Bags, cloth_______________ Each__ 115 Flags____________________ Labor only_______________ 0) Each___ 16,744 Parachutes, meteorological.. Dozen... 931 Pillowcases______________ Dozen. _ ► 169 629 Sheets___________________ Each__ 36 Spreads__________________ Each__ 164,974 Tents___________________ Each__ 6, 511 Ticks, mattress___________ Dozen. _ 3,677 Towels__________________ Miscellaneous_______ ____ 0) $154,996 83 975 13,919 78, 988 47,482 44 (0 75,998 2,911, 566 $154,996 83 975 13,919 78,988 6,792 25,157 6,792 38, 510 5,161 89, 791 479,819 (0 0) 38, 510 5,161 89, 791 13,915 37,079 13,915 13,803 1,060,431 1,657 281 165,659 4,846,306 331,378 212 13,803 1,060,431 1,657 281 94,570 1,825 41 29,354 2,123 4,392 88 223,381 9, 767 8,140 2, 506 3,152 115 0) 16,744 931 629 36 164,974 6, 511 3,677 . 0) 94,570 1,825 41 29,354 2,123 4,392 88 223, 381 9, 767 8,140 2, 506 Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quan tity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES-, 19 40 Average number of pris oners em ployed Each___ Each__ Each__ 74 6,227 607, 844 642,166 0) 6,384 34,183 24, 943 4,950 6,227 607,844 642,166 0) 6,384 34,183 24,943 4,950 84 16,834 0) 17,952 0) 30,261 8,151 78,812 18,468 16, 834 0) 17,952 0) 30,261 8,151 78,812 18,468 Cases... Each__ 1 Enumeration impracticable. 2 Includes labor and trim in fabricating the following: 1,736 dozen coats and jackets; 7,459 dozen coveralls; 37 dozen pajamas; 24,936 dozen pants; 15,034 dozen play suits; 16,341 dozen shirts; and 185 dozen shorts with a total valuation of $130,226. 3 Includes 17,294,000 tax tokens valued at $31,519 and 2,276,144 dog and hunters tags valued at $39,704. 4 Includes 2,030 cast-iron road signs valued at $19,625. 8 Cloth woven and bags fabricated in textile mill. 8 Includes 40,000 danger flags valued at $2,468. 710-percent complete. KIND, QUANTITY, AND VALUE OF PRODUCTION Wood products: Boxes____________________ Brush blocks_____________ Brush handles____________ Wood, fuel________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruit and vegetables. Door mats________________ Trucks, laundry (canvas).__ Miscellaneous_____________ Or A ppendix A General Tables Table A shows the kind, quantity, and value of articles produced, together with the systems under which they were disposed of, in each of the State prisons during the year 1940. Table B presents similar data for Federal prisons. Most articles produced in any considerable quantity are shown separately and classified under type of production and subheading. Where production of certain articles has been relatively unimportant, they have been included under “miscellaneous.” 53 T able A.— K i n d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p r ison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , and institution Oi A LA B A M A Total____ STATE PRISON SYSTEM __ ________ ______ _ Unit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity 5,002 _________ $2,595,089 _______ __ $1,024,854 _________ 632 632 2,341 2,341 Brooms, brushes, and mops: Mops___ . . Each.... 2 Clothing, other than knit_______________ _ 91 Aprons____________________ __ _ Dozen __ _ __ _ . Dozen _ Coats, work__________ Dresses_____ _______________ _______ Each.. Hats and caps_________________ _______ Dozen. _ Overalls_______ ______ _______ __ __ Dozen _ Pants, work_______________ _______ . Dozen. _ Shirts, work__________________________ Dozen. _ Suits___ ______ __________ Each.. Underwear, women’s and children’s__ Dozen. _ Miscellaneous ______________ ______ Clothing, knit_______________ _____ ______ 28 Hosiery_______________ _ ________ Doz. pr. Underwear _ _ . ___________ ___ . . . Dozen . Construction: Buildings.. ______ _______ 36 Construction: Major repairs to buildings ... 86 Construction: Major repairs to roads______ 2,343 Farm: Cattle___ _ ____________________ Head__ 37 Farm: Dairy_____ __ __ _______ _______ 30 Butter.. Pounds. Milk, whole Pounds. .. . Farm: Field crops and garden____ _______ 1,435 Corn, field.. _______ ___ _ _ _ Bushels . Cotton. _ _________ Bales _ Cottonseed ..................... _ .. Tons Hay__ _________ . . . ___ . Tons Oats__ . __________ _ ____. . . Bushels. Potatoes __ __________ ____ _____ Bushels. Radishes. _ _ _____ . . . _ ______ . Crates.. Rice_______ ______ _____ _ _____ Pounds. Miscellaneous______ . . . . .. _____ Farm: Hogs__________ ____ ______________ Head__ 15 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system 553 1,383 2, 736 2,623 , 558 3,865 6,479 1, 719 2,374 0) 1,128 19, 915 2,006 3,462 8,035 39,423 31,099 11,174 9,401 1,131 553 1,383 2, 736 2,623 558 3,865 6,479 1, 719 2,374 0) 1,128 19, 915 2,006 3,462 8,035 39,423 31,099 11,174 9,401 1,131 8,793 2,024 0) 0) 8,793 2,024 9,496 9,715 (,)607 9,496 9, 715 24, 700 60,108 648,252 49,622 607 49,622 4,745 _616,990 1,424 28, 589 4, 745 616, 990 1,424 28, 589 102,000 1,441 550 1,050 28,000 14,750 13,166 216,000 0) 1,532 73,440 68, 522 17,600 15, 750 14, 000 14,411 15,109 8,640 137,013 23,133 102,000 1,441 550 1,050 28,000 73, 440 68, 522 17,600 15, 750 14,000 216,000 0) 1, 532 J 8, 640 134, 805 23,133 0) 0) 0) Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value $837,175 $733,060 —— = 24, 700 60,108 648, 252 14, 750 13,166 • 0) 14,411 15,109 2,208 ... PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Dozen. 8,760 (3) 1,927 (3) 8,760 (3) 1,927 (3) Each. Each. 1,112 1,045 4,448 784 1,112 1,045 4,448 784 Barrels. _ Pounds. 5,828 249,600 29,495 4,493 5,828 249,600 29,495 4,493 Each. Each. 783,557 9,502 58,164 12,754 783, 557 9,502 58,164 12, 754 Each.. Yards. 13,924 15,621,196 19,941 913,219 13,294 1,830,805 19,941 107,772 Dozen. Dozen. Each.. Dozen 2,114 2,188 311 3,481 0) 2, 537 9,190 2,426 6,911 14 2,114 2,188 311 3,481 0) 2, 537 9,190 2,426 6,911 14 350,949 50,192 372,891 52, 642 91,925 37, 289 350,949 5ft, 192 372,891 52,642 91,925 37, 289 Pounds. Cases... Pounds. 13, 790,391 A R IZ O N A STATE PRISON Total________________________________ Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms___ Clothing_____________________________ Aprons___________________________ Coats, work_______________________ Hats and caps_____________________ Pants, work______________________ Shirts, work______________________ Shoes repaired____________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ _______ Construction: Buildings_______________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Construction: Miscellaneous___________ Farm: Dairy_________________________ Beef, dressed_____ ■_______________ Cattle____________________________ Milk, whole.___ __________________ $120,404 Dozen.. Dozen . Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Pairs.. Dozen . Each.. Pounds . Head__ Pounds. $66, 788 80 480 80 480 6 6 3 173 118 6,420 65 3 0) 0) 30 91 4 1,863 846 1,404 159 30, 997 3,869 18, 750 6 6 3 173 118 6,420 65 30 91 4 1,863 846 1,404 159 58,859 6,474 1,930 9, 553 oq 530,747 $53,616 3 0) 0) 58,859 530,747 805,447 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Eggs---------------------------------------Farm: Miscellaneous__ ____________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood. Mattresses_____________________ Pillows________________________ Grain-mill products________________ Corn meal_____________________ Grits__________________________ Metal products____________________ Auto license tags_______________ Highway markers______________ Textiles___________________________ Blankets______________________ Cotton yard goods, light------------Textile products----------------------------Pillowcases____________________ Sheets_________________________ Ticks, mattress________________ Towels________________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Other manufactured products_______ Beef, dressed___________________ Canned fruits and vegetables____ Pork, dressed__________________ 30,997 3,869 18, 750 6,474 1,930 9, 553 See footnotes at end of table. Ox Ox T able A . —K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p r is o n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued o A R IZO N A —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value state prison—continued Farm: Field crops and garden _ _ Barley Ensilage - ___ ___ _ __ _ Hay Potatoes - __ ___ - _______ Wheat ....................... Miscellaneous__________________ . . . _ Farm: Hogs .. . ____ ______________ . Hogs _ - ______ ___ _ Pork, dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs Poultry, dressed Poultry, live.Furniture: Other than metal or wood _____ Mattresses.^ _ _ . _ . Grain-mill products: Flour Textile products.. _ ____ _ _ Pillowcases . . . _____ ____ .. Sheets ___ . . . ____ Towels ... . ____ ___ _ Other manufactured products .. . . . __ _ Canned fruits and vegetables______ ___ Ice.________ ____________ _______ __ _ 102 Bushels. Tons Tons Bushels . Bushels. Head Pounds. Dozen Pounds . Head _ Each Barrels.. Dozen Dozen Dozen Cases Tons 4 3 3 6 3 6 5,010 375 590 705 3,566 0) $1, 783 3,000 7,080 355 2,853 5,497 5,010 375 590 705 3,566 (0 $1,783 3,000 7,080 355 2,853 5,497 587 33,638 7,008 3,196 587 33,638 7,008 3,196 3, 724 3,900 207 745 951 518 3,724 3,900 207 518 420 1,222 950 5,390 420 1,222 950 5,390 4 52 145 15 424 347 4 52 145 15 424 347 1,600 520 2,302 1, 540 1,600 520 2, 302 1, 540 745 951 Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITE© STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value ARKANSAS 408102' STATE PENITENTIARY Total______________________________ _____ 1,313 $427,649 $227, 596 Clothing ____ _____________ ___ ____ 16" Coats, work... _ _ ____________ _ _ Dozen, 222 1,727 222 Pajamas and nightgowns____________ . Dozen 425 71 71 Pants, work______ ____________ ____ _ Dozen 230 230 1,796 Shoes, new.. _____________ ______ Pairs _ 2,009 4,520 2,009 Shoesrepaired___ _ _____________ ____ Pairs__ 882 893 893 Construction: Buildings_________ _ . . . . 17, 729 34 0) __________________ _ Farm: Cattle__ _ 11 20,954 2,619 Beef, dressed . _________ _____ . Pounds. 20, 954 204 __________ ______Miscellaneous. ____ _ Pounds 0) 0) Farm: Field crops and garden___________ 1,166 Corn, field. . . . . ______ _ _____ Bushels. 62,446 62,446 37,468 Cotton.__ ___ _________ _ _ __ _ 2,862 Bales 144,107 1,529 38,217 Cottonseed_______ _____ _______ Tons 2,417 Tons 36,148 2,417 Hay... __________ ____ _ _ _____ . Bushels. 28, 523 Potatoes _______________ 28, 523 14, 788 273 205 273 Wheat.. __ ______________ ____ Bushels. Miscellaneous._______ _____ _ __ ___ _ 36,181 C1) 0) Farm: Hogs ___ ____________ ___ _ ___ _ 26 Lard. ^ _ _______ ___ _ ___ ___ 2, 793 279 2, 793 Pounds . Pork, dressed. _ . . . _ _. _ _ . . . 39,923 5,989 39, 923 Pounds. Furniture: Other than metal or wood. 8 609 Each.. 609 3,350 Mattresses. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 539 539 _ __ Each Pillows. ___ _ _ _ __ 539 _ 13 Grain-mill products_________________ ____ Corn meal __ _ _ 1,473 8,860 1,473 Barrels Feed, stock ____________ ___ ______ 194 194 4,850 T ons.... Each__ 4 564, 388 564,388 Metal products: Auto license tags___ 42, 329 Textile products 4 224 224 Bags, cloth. __ ____ _______ _ . . . 1 ,8 8 4 Dozen _ 114 114 Dozen . 274 Pillowcases___ _ ___ _ ________ ____ 25 Sheets.-. _ _____ ___ ___ _ ._. 25 Dozen.. 107 Miscellaneous. __ __ _______ . . 41 0) 0 ) 1 0 ,2 7 0 1 0 ,2 7 0 Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases. 31 2 2 ,1 3 1 and vegetables. $182,324 $17, 729 = = = = = ____ :_____ 1,727 425 1,796 4, 520 882 (0 17, 729 37,468 36,148 14, 788 205 .36,181 279 5,989 3, 350 539 8,860 4, 850 42,329 1 ,8 8 4 274 1 07 41 2 2 ,1 3 1 2,862 1, 529 144,107 38, 217 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES 2,619 204 . See footnotes at end o f table. Or T able A..— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued Ox 00 C A L IF O R N IA Total________ Unit ALL INSTITUTIONS -1____ ________________ Clothing_______ _______________ _______ Aprons____ _______ _______ ___ ___ Coats, dress. __ __________________ _ Coats, w o r k ...___________ _ ______ Dresses..____ ___________ _________ Gloves and mittens____ _ __ __ .. _ . . . Hats and caps.. ________ _ . . . _____ Overalls__ . . . _ ._ _______ . . . . . . . . . Panamas and nightgowns.. ._ . . . ______ Pants, dress___ ______ ______ ______ Pants, work.. _____ _______________ Shirts, dress______________ . . . _______ Shirts, work. _________ . . . _________ Shoes, new ... _____ ________________ Shoes repaired___________ . . . ________ Suits_______ . . . . _______________ __ Underwear, men's and boys'. _________ Underwear, women’s and children’s... _ Uniforms______ _ ________ .. . . . .. Vests, men’s_____ . _______________ Miscellaneous _____ ________________ Construction: Buildings. _____ . Construction: Major repairs to roads _____ Construction: Roads . Construction: Miscellaneous______ Farm: Dairy______________________ Beef, dressed______ _________ Butter_______________________ Buttermilk____ ___________ _ Cattle _____ ___________ Cream________ ________ __ Hides. ______ _____ . . . Milk, skimmed______ _____ _ ________ 4,105 Dozen Each Dozen Each Doz. pr. Dozen Dozen . Dozen Each _ Dozen ._ Dozen.._ Dozen... Pairs___ Pairs___ Each.. . Dozen. _. Dozen... Each Each Each___ M iles.. . M iles... Pounds. Pounds. Pounds . Head Pounds. Pounds . Pounds. 572 92 45 400 154 31 ------------= Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value $1,760,266 ________ _ $446,912 170 154 536 820 58 579 1,033 13 61 736 40 1,968 13,599 7,717 2, 552 408 30 57 14 CO 2 4 11 (0 597 917 18,049 1, 514 42 1.784 5, 567 92 305 12,014 287 8.785 21,841 3,391 41, 545 873 273 177 42 638 41, 721 3,000 777, 550 34,114 170 154 536 820 58 579 1,033 13 61 736 40 1,968 13, 599 7, 717 2, 552 408 30 57 14 (0 597 917 18,049 1, 514 42 1.784 5, 567 92 305 12,014 ' 287 8.785 21,841 3,391 41, 545 873 273 177 42 638 17,564 12,666 6,372 128 15,985 637 403, 569 2,305 3,676 74 9.040 2,064 32 2,894 17, 564 12,666 6,372 128 15,985 2,305 3,676 74 9,040 2,064 403, 569 2,894 Quantity Value State account Quantity $856,385 2 4 11 0) Piece price Value $456,969 41, 721 3,000 777, 550 34,114 637 32 Quantity Value _ PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Milk, whole_____________ Miscellaneous___________ Farm: Field crops and garden. Barley_________________ See footnotes at end of table. 1,171, 539 0) 35, 536 1,008 1,171,539 0) 35, 536 1,008 Bushels. Tons___ Bushels. 2,750 71 1,202 0) 1,155 463 1,082 10, 280 2,750 71 1,202 0) 1,155 463 1,082 10,280 Head__ Pounds. 1,885 254,444 29,865 29,555 1,885 254,444 29,865 29, 555 Dozen. Pounds . Head__ 68,343 27,326 8,619 13,119 4, 533 6, 528 68,343 27, 326 8, 619 13.119 4,533 6, 528 Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. 40 98 3 27 6,029 31 292 29 0) 0) 1, 561 1,220 0) 590 1,069 43 805 23,727 593 10,603 1,197 1,622 1,147 3,115 16,633 4,004 40 98 3 27 6,029 31 292 29 (*) 0) 1, 561 1,220 (0 590 1,069 43 805 23, 727 593 10,603 1,197 1,622 1,147 3,115 16,633 4.004 Each. Each. Each. 150 188 150 188 Pieces. 12,199 0) 2,747 329 12,199 0) 2,747 329 Each. Each. 310.000 531.000 0) 721 1, 593 45,645 310.000 531.000 0) 721 1, 593 45.645 Tons. Tons. 610 27,492 6,785 17, 276 610 26,120 6, 785 16,837 Dozen. 498, 584 (0 0) 457, 263 215 831 592 865 215 831 14 466 14 357 77 1, 888 41 1,464 14 466 14 357 77 1, 888 41 1,464 Dozen. Each.. Dozen. Dozen. (0 0) APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Hogs________________________________ Pork, dressed________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed______________________ Poultry, live_________________________ Furniture: Wood________________________ Beds________________________________ Benches_____________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Cabinets_____________________________ Chairs_______________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_________________ Desks_______________________________ Filing cases__________________________ Repairs______________________________ Shelving_____________________________ Stools________________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Signs________________________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Tinware_____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes____________________________ Letterheads__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing______________ Stone, building_______________________ Stone, crushed________________________ Textiles_________________________________ Bags, jute4___________________________ Twine_______________________________ Miscellaneous jute products____________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Flags______ __________________________ Napkins_____________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Pounds. 1, 372 439 497, 992 456, 398 co T able A.— K in d , quantity, ane? value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued o o C A LIF O R N IA —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value all institutions—continued Textile products—Continued. Spreads ______ __________________ Tablecloths. _ . _ ___________________ Ticks, mattress Towels _ __ _ ______________ ____ Miscellaneous _ ______ ____________ Wood products._ ______________ . .. _ ________________ .. Boxes____ Millwork . . ____ _____ ____ Wood, fuel . ___ . ... . Miscellaneous _ . _________ _ Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables Dried fruits and vegetables_____ ______ Total STATE PRISON AT FOLSOM _______ ________________ Clothing Aprons . . . ._ _______ _________ Coats, dress. ________ ______________ Coats, work _________ Gloves and mittens............ ............... . Hats and caps ________________ Overalls . . . _________________________ Pants, dress__________________________ Pants, work______________ _____ _____ Shirts, dress. ___________ _______ . Shirts, work ______ ______________ Shoes, new _ ___________ Shoes repaired .................................... Suits .. ___________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ________ . Uniforms........................................ ........... Each Each Each Dozen 33 Each 110 Cases Pounds. 79 30 16 822 749 $794 34 24 3,288 1,068 695 60 64 196 3,000 201 0) 0) 0) 0) 13,445 8,894 D ozen.. Each . Dozen Doz. pr. Dozen. _ — Dozen Each___ — Dozen. D ozen.. Dozen Pairs Pairs___ — Each D ozen.. Each___ $794 34 24 3,288 1,068 695 60 64 196 3,000 201 13,445 20, 264 0) 0) 8 173, 777 386, 312 1,201 95 20,264 100 79 30 16 822 749 19 21 246 12 275 7 61 555 40 721 4,014 3,037 720 44 4 57 252 8,505 15 540 62 305 9,324 287 4, 325 7,603 1,519 18,000 132 80 19 21 246 12 275 7 61 555 40 721 4,014 3,037 720 44 4 57 252 8,505 15 540 62 305 9,324 287 4, 325 7,603 1,519 18,000 132 80 8,894 $211,964 $100 571 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITE© STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Each... M iles... 89 65 13 Pounds _ Pounds _ Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Bushels. __ __ __ Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs Poultry, dressed Poultry, live Furniture: Wood _ _ Benches Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc 3 Pounds. 5 Dozen Pounds. Head Pillowcases Sheets Tablecloths T ieks, m attress Towels Miscellaneous________________________ See footnotes at end of table. 418 3,676 74 3, 675 2,064 32 2,894 5,962 3,233 12, 666 6,372 48 15,985 418 3,676 74 3,675 2,064 403, 569 198, 015 2, 894 5,962 2,750 71 1,202 0) 1,155 463 1,082 5,272 2,750 71 1,202 0) 1,155 463 1,082 5,272 904 75,072 13, 683 8, 767 904 75,072 13, 683 8, 767 30,993 12,905 5,083 6,131 2,082 3,859 30,993 12,905 5,083 6,131 2,082 3,859 14 45 1 27 4 16 360 25 805 200 128 834 45 1 27 4 16 360 25 805 200 128 834 Each Each Each Each Each Cabinets Desks Tables __ Miscellaneous Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Each Siens Metal products: Miscellaneous Tinware Pieces... Miscellaneous Printing and binding _ . _ Envelopes Each Each Letterheads M iscellaneous Quarrying and rock crushing T ons Stone, building T on s Stone, crushed T extile products N apkins 3, 233 12, 666 6.372 48 15,985 637 403, 569 198,015 117 Bushels. __ 14 Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Each___ Dozen 1 5 6 639 0) 42 0) 150 188 150 188 li, 292 0) 1, 550 325 11, 292 0) 1, 550 325 120,000 220,000 0) 250 660 12,000 120, 000 220,000 250 660 12,000 610 19, 709 6,785 8,031 610 18,337 6,785 7,592 14 333 55 16 822 401 41 1,400 590 24 3,288 741 170 14 333 55 16 822 401 41 1,400 590 24 3,288 741 170 9 — 0) 2 0) 0) 0) 180, 850 31,114 637 32 ] 1,372 439 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Hav Wheat Miscellaneous Farm: Hogs 42 180,850 31,114 14 2 (0 T a b l e A . —K i n d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in S ta te p r is o n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — C o n tin u e d O) to C A L IF O R N IA —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value state prison at folsom —continued W ood products____________________ _ ____ Boxes. . . ______________________ ____ M illw o r k ...______ ________ ____________ W ood, fuel______________________________ M iscellaneou s.___ _ __________ _____ Other manufactured products _ _ Canned fruits and vegetables . . . Dried fruits and vegetables _ __________ 33 Each 110 Cases . . P oun ds. STATE PRISON AT SAN QUENTIN T otal_______________ _____________________ 13,445 8,894: $28 196 3,000 28 20,264 100 24 0) 0) 0) 13,445 — 20, 264 8,894 1, 362,613 2,835 $28 196 3,000 28 261, 794 $644,421 437 92 45 311 89 15 126 290 46 304 1,026 13 181 1,247 9, 585 4,680 1,832 364 53 0) 2 4 9 0) 391 9,544 27 1,244 5,505 92 2,690 4,460 14, 238 1, 872 23, 545 741 97 504 41, 721 3, 000 596, 700 3,000 126 290 46 304 1,026 13 181 1,247 9, 585 4,680 1,832 364 53 0) 391 9,544 27 1,244 5,505 92 2,690 4,460 14, 238 1,872 23,545 741 97 504 10, 532 72 1,207 4,900 10, 532 72 1,207 4,900 $100 456, 398 19 40 Clothing_______________________ ___________ Aprons________________ ________ _____ _ Dozen. ___ . . . Coats, work_____ _____ __ D ozen ... Gloves and mittens__________ ___ . . . D oz. pr Hats and caps_________________________ D ozen ... Overalls. . . . _ ______ ... Dozen Pajamas and n ig h tgow n s._____ __ Dozen Pants, w o rk .._ . . . ____ ________ ____ _ Dozen Shirts, work_____ ________ _____ ____ _ Dozen Shoes, new Pairs Shoes repaired___ ______________ . . . . Pairs Suits.. _____ _ __________ _____ . . . .. Each Underwear, men’s and boys’ . . . . . . _. Dozen . Uniforms . . . . Each Miscellaneous ____ ___ Construction: Buildings Each___ Construction: Major repairs to roads _. M ile s ... ______ ______ M ile s.. . Construction: Roads .. Construction: Miscellaneous. ________ ____ Farm: Dairy. _ _ ________________________ Beef, dressed Pounds . ___________________ ___ ................... Cattle Head___ 24 (0 0) 0) PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED' STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 2 4 9 0) 41, 721 3.000 596, 700 3.000 Pounds. 864, 356 114 14 H ead ... Pounds (9 26,184 1,008 4,289 0) 864, 356 0$ 4,289 0) 981 179,372 16,182 20, 788 981 179,372 16,182 20,788 34 080 11, 567 3,136 6,392 1,896 2,356 34,080 11, 567 3,136 6, 392 l ’ 896 2,356 40 53 2 29 6,029 31 288 590 709 18 1,197 23, 727 593 10,403 1, 622 1,147 3,115 16, 505 3,170 40 53 2 29 6,029 31 288 c5 590 709 18 1,197 23, 727 593 10, 403 l ’ 622 1,147 3,115 16, 505 3,170 1,197 4 (9 13 Pounds Head 26,184 1, 008 251 Each Each Each . Each _ Each (i) (i) Each Each 1, 561 1,204 29 (■5 Pieces 907 34 Each Each . Tons___ 161 1,223 Dozen 7 0) 190, 000 311,000 (!) 7,783 471 933 33,645 9,245 498, 584 457, 263 215 831 (l) (9 Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Dozen (2) (9 1,561 1,204 907 1,197 4 190,000 311,000 471 933 33, 645 9,245 0) 7,783 592 865 215 831 14 24 24 30 348 77 64 204 34 327 525 36 36 173 G) 0) 14 24 24 30 348 77 64 204 34 327 525 (9 36 36 173 (9 (9 Each (i) (!) 497, 992 456, 398 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Milk, whole__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Hogs-------------------------------------------------Pork, dressed_________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs-------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed______________________ Poultry, live_________________________ Furniture: W ood_________________________ Beds_________________________________ Benches______________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Cabinets, filing_______________________ Chairs_______________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_________________ Desks________________________________ Repairs______________________________ Shelving_____________________________ Stools________________ ____ __________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Metal products___________________________ Tinware_____________________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes____________________________ Letterheads__________________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Textiles__________________________________ Bags, jute4___________________________ Twine_______________________________ Miscellaneous jute products____________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Spreads______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous___________ _____________ Wood products___________________________ Boxes________________________________ Miscellaneous___________________ _____ See footnotes at end of table. CO T a b l e A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued O) C A L IF O R N IA —Continued AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value STATE INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN Total_______________________________________ 66 Clothing . . . _________ ._ Aprons _ ____ _ Coats, dress_____________________________ . Dresses_____ ____________ Underwear, women’s and children’s. Miscellaneous. .. . Farm: Dairy_______________________________ Beef, d r e s s e d ...____ _____________ . Cattle_______________________ ____ _____ M ilk, w h o le ___ . . . . . . Farm: Field crops and garden______________ , Miscellaneous__________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs________________________________ ___ Poultry, dressed_____ ____ _ Poultry, live. . _______ _______ Textile products: Flags__ 40 $11,341 25 133 820 30 149 665 1, 514 273 134 3,799 8 109,168 680 465 3, 390 Dozen Each. _. Each. ._ Dozen. 3 Pounds . Head _ Pounds. 0) $11, 341 25 133 820 30 149 665 1, 514 273 134 3,799 8 109,168 680 465 3, 390 (0 13 2 Dozen Pounds. H ead.. Each___ 8 719 0) 3, 270 2,854 400 466 596 555 313 1,888 719 0) 3, 270 2,854 400 466 596 555 313 1,888 COLORADO Total. ALL INSTITUTIONS Clothing, other than knit____ Aprons_________________ Coats, dress____________ Coats, work____________ Hats and caps__________ Overalls________________ Pajamas and nightgowns.. Pants, dress____________ $412, 202 773 Dozen. Each... Dozen. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Each... 35 129 39 4 152 92 6 130 399 624 38 316 949 54 1,108 $269, 215 129 39 4 152 92 6 130 399 624 38 316 949 54 1,108 $117, 500 $25, 487 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value See footnotes at end o f table. 18 81 15 43 90 31 7 MO 8 26 320 9 663 9 693 7,240 583 17 0) 5, 561 157 5, 391 3, 496 7,293 449 50 663 9 693 7,240 583 17 (9 5, 561 157 5, 391 3,496 7, 293 449 50 2,594 1,433 C1) 2 3,730 8,035 560 117, 500 2, 594 1,433 0) 3,730 8,035 560 18,090 52 2.533 3,900 18,090 52 2,533 3,900 15,882 7,638 18 1,092,000 0) 1, 930 2,291 900 20,633 350 15,882 7,638 18 1,092,000 0) 1, 930 2,291 900 20, 633 350 125 1, 250 18, 355 125 0) 1,250 16, 995 0) 2 117, 500 0) 1, 360 6, 737 148 59, 290 3,700 3, 943 1,868 1, 560 35, 023 6, 654 214 2,000 3, 782 939 422 148 154, 566 3,700 10, 680 95, 276 8,122 44,187 1,868 8, 214 81,22 9,164 214 0) 3,129 0) 2, 000 3,782 939 422 542 972 1,651 535 542 972 1, 651 535 793, 363 0) 4,135 6,000,000 79,336 1, 371 3,113 9, 755 793, 363 (0 4,135 6, 000, 000 79, 336 1, 371 3,113 9,755 2, 569 5,655 7,250 2,620 14,050 3, 625 2, 569 5, 655 7,250 2,620 14,050 3, 625 146, 318 4, 509 11, 401 1,074 146, 318 4,509 11, 401 1,074 0) 3,129 0) APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Pants, work _ . ______________ __ Dozen . __________ - ____ Dozen.. _ Shirts, dress Shirts, work ____________ -- -- Dozen . Shoes repaired _________________ Pairs__ Suits_________ ___________________ Each__ Uniforms _ _______________ ____ _____ Each__ Miscellaneous __ ____________________ Clothing, knit _ _________________ H osiery_____ _ ___ ___________ __ __ Doz. pr. _____ ______ Dozen. Underwear ____ Miscellaneous - _____ _______ _______ Construction: Buildings. ______ ________ Each__ Farm: Cattle. __________________________ Beef, d ressed...______________________ Pounds. Cattle_______________________________ Head Farm: Hairy_______________ Beef, dressed______ ___________ . . . .. Pounds. Butter_________________________ Pounds. Cattle_____________________________ Head Milk, whole___ _____ ______ ______ Pounds. Miscellaneous. ... _________________ Farm: Field crops and garden__________ . Hay_____________ __________________ Tons . ______ __________ ____ Miscellaneous Farm: Hogs Hogs.. __________________ Head Pork, dressed___ ____ . _ ______ _ Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products . _ Eggs______________________________ Dozen ________________ ... Poultry, dressed Pounds. Farm: Miscellaneous____________ _____ _ Lambs__________ _ Head Livestock______________ _____ ______ _. Wool__________________ Pounds. Miscellaneous _________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood _ . Mattresses___ _ . _____________ _ Each . __ ______ _______________ Pillows _____ Each Metal products_______________ ____ ____ _ Auto license t a g s_______ Each Repairs___ _____________ Signs______________________________ Each Tags, miscellaneous6 Each Quarrying and rock crushing.-.................. Sand and gravel. _________________ _ Tons . Stone, building_______________ ___ ._ Tons -_ Stone, crushed________ ______ _____ Tons . . . Soap and other detergents . _ ._ Soap. _ . _____ Pounds. Soap, liquid............................................... Gallons_ , O Ox T able A.— K in d , quantity , arid value o f articles produced in State p rison s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , ami institution —Continued o c* CO L O R A D O -C on tinued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value all institutions—continued 24 Hooked rugs_________________ ____ ___ Dozen _ __________________ ________ Dozen Sheets Towels _______________ ____________ Dozen Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products_____________ Canned fruits and vegetables____ _ _ __ Cases Tobacco, smoking and chewing ____ _ Miscellaneous _______________________ Total STATE PENITENTIARY - ___________ - _________ Clothing, other than knit_________________ Aprons ______________________ Dozen Coats, dress ______________________ Each Hats and caps ______ _______________ Dozen Overalls Dozen Pajamas and nightgowns Dozen Each Pants, dress _____ ___ Dozen Pants, work Dozen Shirts, dress ___ Shirts, work Dozen Shoes repaired - _____ _____ ____ Pairs . Each _ Suits _________________ ____ Uniforms _________________ _ __ Each___ Clothing, knit _ _________________ Hosiery ___ __ ___ ____ ___ Doz. pr Underwear Dozen M iscellaneous Each___ Construction: Buildings Farm: Dairy ___ Beef, dressed............................................. Pounds. 41 256 827 41 256 827 (9 $2,687 98 1,119 1,184 250 (9 $98 1,119 1,184 250 19, 264 (9 (9 28,867 5,000 5,009 19,264 (9 (9 28,867 5,000 5,009 (9 26 31 18 48 36 228, 701 347, 549 637 (9 108 39 81 79 6 130 496 9 610 6,000 583 17 334 624 146 829 54 1,108 4,361 157 4,891 3,000 7,293 449 108 39 81 79 6 130 496 9 610 6,000 583 17 334 624 146 829 54 1,108 4,361 157 4,891 3,000 7,293 449 2, 594 1,433 (9 1 3, 730 8,035 560 100,000 2, 594 1,433 (9 3, 730 8,035 560 il, 382 1,120 II, 382 1,120 $100,000 1 100,000 $2,687 18,848 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 19 40 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Milk, whole _________________ Pounds. Miscellaneous _ _________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______________ _________ __ _ Tons Hay __ _________Miscellaneous ______ Farm: Hogs _ _______ Pork, dressed _____ __ - Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products.__ __ _ E g g s____ * " ____ Dozen Poultry, dressed _______ __ _ Pounds. Farm: Miscellaneous Furniture: Other than metal or wood___ __ Mattresses __ Total STATE REFORMATORY ______ ____ ___ _____ See footnotes at end of table. 7 «35 8 26 295 Tons Tons Pounds. Gallons. Dozen Dozen Dozen. _. Cases Pounds. __ Clothing Aprons _ _ Coats, work . ___________ _ _ Hats and caps _______ _____ _ ._ _ Overalls Pants, work _____ __ ___ _ Shirts, work Shoes repaired Miscellaneous _ ___________ Construction: Buildings Farm: Cattle Beef, dressed Cattle________________________ ____ — 20 9 22 966,100 C1) 18,115 350 966,100 0) 18,115 350 125 1,250 6,941 125 0) 1, 250 5,581 120, 776 0) 1,360 7, 301 61,486 3, 358 59, 290 3,943 8,122 44,187 0) 1,868 8, 214 4,204 8,122 9,164 1,868 1,560 35,023 (>) 6,654 4,204 542 972 1,651 535 542 972 1,651 535 793,363 2, 519 4,135 6,000, 000 79, 336 1,371 3,113 9, 755 793, 363 2, 519 4,135 6,000, 000 79,336 1,371 3,113 9, 755 5,666 7, 250 7, 500 3,625 5,666 7,250 7. 500 3, 625 146,318 4,509 11,401 1,074 146,318 4, 509 11,401 1,074 2,687 38 819 834 16 214 661 38 819 834 0) 2,687 16 214 661 19, 264 10, 945 28,867 5,000 5,009 19, 264 10, 945 0) 28,867 5,000 5,009 0) 0) 26 0) 64, 653 136 4 Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen__ Pairs Each__ Pounds. Head__ 33 15 17, 500 40, 514 21 4 71 13 167 83 1,240 0) 2 65 38 170 120 1,200 500 496 50 17, 500 21 4 71 13 167 83 1,240 0) 65 38 170 120 1,200 500 496 50 18,090 52 2, 533 3,900 18,090 52 2, 533 3,900 2 6,639 ___ APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Metal products Auto license tags Repairs (signs) __ _ Signs Tags, miscellaneous6 _______ Quarrying and rock crushing _____ Stone, building _______ _ Stone, crushed ___________ Soan and other detergents Soap _____ _______ ______ _ Soap, liquid _ ________ _____ _ __ Textile products Hooked rugs. _________ __ __ _ Pillowcases Sheets Towels Other manufactured products ____ Canned fruits and vegetables Tobacco, chewing and smoking __ _ Miscellaneous 56 17, 500 O T able A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued O* 00 COLORADO—Continued AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value state reformatory—Continued Farm: Dairy______ ______ ______________ _ Beef, dressed________________________ _ Butter....... ........................ ........................ Cattle____________________________ Milk, whole. __________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs________ ________________ Hogs_________ _______ __________ _ Pork, dressed___________________ Farm: Miscellaneous________________ Lambs. . . . _________ _____ _ __ Wool____________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing_____ Sand and gravel____ _ _____ ______ Stone, building_______________ ___ _ Textile products_______________________ __ Pillowcases_________________ _______ _ Sheets__________________ ___ Towels_________ _____ _____ ______ _ Miscellaneous________________________ Pounds. Pounds. Head.... — Pounds. 7 34 Head.... Pounds. Head Pounds. Tons Tons Dozen Dozen Dozen 11 5 25 2 4,500 7,638 18 125,900 $810 2,291 900 2,518 11,414 0) 4,500 7,638 18 125,900 $810 2,291 900 2,518 11,414 0) 148 33,790 3, 700 3,379 214 3,129 2,000 939 2,569 655 2,620 6,550 2,569 655 2,620 6,550 25 42 166 60 300 350 250 25 42 166 60 300 350 250 0) 33, 790 0) 148 $3,700 214 3,129 2,000 939 3,379 C O N N E C T IC U T ALL INSTITUTIONS Total______________ _____________________ Clay, cement, and stone products: Concrete posts. Clothing_______ ____ ____________________ Coats, work__________________________ Dresses____________ ___ ______________ Overalls___ _________________________ 392 Each___ Dozen _. Each ... Dozen__ 10 70 $371, 935 $347,885 8,950 17,290 8,950 17,290 222 792 444 2,541 877 3, 525 222 792 444 2,541 877 3,525 $9, 210 $14,840 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Dozen, 382 665 1,231 0) 1 3,125 7,483 8, 456 2,813 9, 210 Pounds. Pounds. Head. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 22,352 4,438 63 4, 312 99, 798 1,339,104 0) Bushels . Tons___ Tons___ Bushels . 200 909 818 10,941 0) Dozen. „ Dozen.. . Each..-. (9 3,125 7,483 8,456 2,813 2,596 1, 334 2,729 1, 313 2,953 53, 018 713 21. 357 4,438 16 4,312 99, 798 1, 278, 947 0) 2, 432 1,334 2,400 1,313 2,953 50, 220 53 170 6,864 13, 796 9, 420 16, 706 200 909 818 10, 730 170 6,864 13, 796 9, 230 16, 706 382 665 1,231 (9 Pounds. 63, 763 6,606 63, 763 6,606 D ozenPounds . 56,684 54,404 0) 16, 708 12, 507 60 56,684 54,404 0) 16, 70S 12, 507 60 Each___ Each__ Each___ 16 555 8 345 960 195 668 5S2 4,039 2,740 300 300 Each. 0) 96 (9 0) (9 471 189,698 413 109, 552 0) 16, 642 1, 756 8.816 46, 024 189,698 413 109, 552 Dozen.... D ozenDozen.-. 70 270 1, 594 0) 209 1, 521 1,876 2,199 70 270 1,594 0) 209 1, 521 1,876 2,199 Each- 34,000 54, 560 9,242 34, 000 0) 54, 560 9,242 Each . Each.. Each.. (9 (9 16,642 1, 756 8,816 45,388 1 9,210 995 164 47 329 60,157 (‘5 2,798 660 211 190 16 255 8 345 660 195 668 582 4,039 2,269 (9 96 (9 (9 (9 636 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Pajamas and nightgowns,,. Pants, work__________________________ Shirts, work__________________________ Miscellaneous.,._____ ________________ Construction: Buildings____ ______________ Farm: Dairy_______________ _______ ______ Beef, dressed_________________________ Butter_______________ ____ ___________ Cattle_______________________________ Cream_______________________________ Milk, skimmed____________ __________ Milk, whole__________________________ ’ Miscellaneous________________ ____ ___ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field___________________________ Ensilage_____________________________ Hay-------------------------------------------------Potatoes_____________ ____ ___________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Pork, dressed____________________ i ___ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs-------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed______________________ Farm: Miscellaneous______________________ Furniture: Wood_________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs_______________________________ Filing cases__________________________ Repairs_____ ____ ____________________ Tables__________________________ ____ Tavern fixtures_______________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Highway markers__________ ____ ______ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Textile products_________________________ Pillowcases,-.____ ___________________ Sheets__________________ ____ ________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Wood products______________________ ___ Highway markers___________ ______ D o.___________ __________________ See footnotes at end o f table. O O ’ T a b l e A.— K i n d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , and institution — Continued o C O N N EC TIC U T—Continued ALL U n it Q u a n tity a n d v alu e of articles p ro d u c e d u n d e r each sy ste m P u b lic w o rk s an d w ay s S ta te use Q u a n tity V alue Q u a n tity V alue S ta te a cco u n t Q u a n tity Piece price Q u a n tity V alue in s t it u t io n s —c o n tin u e d O th e r m an u fa c tu re d p ro d u cts- ______ ______ C an n ed fru its a n d vegetables___________ D o _________________________________ M iscellaneous. __ _______ ______ _ . . . 36 C a s e s .. 4,143 0) 0) $7,041 4,083 5,624 4,143 0) 0) $7,041 4,083 4,319 0) $1,305 STATE PRISON AND FARM FOR WOMEN 66 C lo th in g . ______ _________ ____________ ____ D resses ____________________ ____ _____ M isc e lla n e o u s ____ __________ ______ _ F arm : D a iry ___ ________________ ________ B u tte r _____ ____________________________ C re a m __________________________________ M ilk , sk im m e d _________________________ M ilk , w h o le_____________ ______________ F arm : F ield crops a n d g ard en . ________ P o tato es . . ______ _ ______ M iscellaneous ___ _ _ . . . . . ____ F arm : P o u ltry a n d p o u ltry p ro d u c ts E g g s_______ _______ ___ . ... P o u ltry , dressed ____________ _______ T ex tile p ro d u c ts _____ ___ _____ ________ P illow cases............ .............. . . . __ ______ Sheets M iscellaneous O th e r m a n u fa c tu re d products: C an n e d fru its a n d vegetables. 9 E ach 10 P ounds. P ounds. Pounds. P ounds. 15 B u sh e ls. 3 D ozen . P ounds. D ozen D ozen 16 33,993 792 877 1,029 0) 792 877 1,029 4, 438 4,312 99, 798 125, 797 1, 334 1, 313 2,953 7,021 4, 4, 99, 125, 438 312 798 797 1, 334 1,313 2,953 7,021 1, 449 0) 1,648 4,571 1,449 (>) 1, 648 4, 571 11, 512 8, 668 3,157 2, 372 11,512 8, 668 3,157 2,372 70 209 1, 227 2,199 4, 083 70 (0 0) 209 1,227 2,199 4, 083 0) 221 13 33, 993 0) 0) 221 1940 T o ta l- _____________________________ ______ STATE PRISON T o ta l_____ ___ __ _ __ ___ C lay, cem en t, a n d sto n e products: C oncrete p o sts---------------------------------------------------------- 223, 268 222 E a c h ___ 10 8, 950 17,290 212, 365 8, 950 17, 290 V alue PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, In s titu tio n an d articles prod u ced A v er age num ber of T o tal p ris oners em ployed Q u a n tity V alue $9, 210 1,693 | Dozen . Dozen . Dozen .. Dozen... Dozen Each__ 45 Tons. Tons. . Bushels. Pounds. Dozen _ Pounds. See footnotes at end o f table. 3 16 (2) Dozen.._ Dozen _ 6 5 28 Each.. 23 Cases__ STATE REFORMATORY Total________ ____ __________ ______ _____ Farm: Dairy____________________ _______ Beef, dressed_____________ _______ ____ Cattle__________________________ _____ Milk, whole_______ ______ ____________ Miscellaneous___ ______ . . Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field___________________________ Ensilage. „ . . . _ ______ . . . Hay__ _____ . . . .. ___________________ Potatoes.. . . .. _ ________________ Miscellaneous____ _ _______________ Farm: Hogs__ . . . . . . . ._ _________ Pork, dressed____________________ ____ 11 14 Pounds Head__ Pounds.. 222 444 382 665 1,231 0) 1 2, 541 3, 525 3,125 7, 483 8,456 1,784 9, 210 222 444 382 665 1, 231 (0 2, 541 3, 525 3,125 7,483 8, 456 1, 784 14,464 47 836,952 C1) 1,446 329 31,433 59 14, 464 1, 446 836, 952 31,433 705 428 7,708 0) 5, 640 6, 776 6,166 8, 597 705 428 7,708 0) 5, 640 6, 776 6,166 8, 597 52, 285 5, 229 52, 285 5, 229 45,172 45, 736 0) (0 13, 551 10,135 60 1,796 45,172 45, 736 0) 0) 13, 551 10,135 60 1,796 49 1,594 294 1, 876 49 1,594 34,000 0) 54, 560 9,242 4,143 0) 7, 041 5, 624 104 Pounds Head__ Pounds^ 8~ 34 Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Pounds. 1 i 9, 210 47 329 0) 59 0) 1, 305 294 r1, 876 34,000 ....54, 560 9,242 0) 4,143 (0 114, 674 7,041 4,319 101, 527 _________ __________ _________ 7,888 16 376, 355 0) 1,150 2, 400 14, 564 654 6, 893 16 316,198 0) 986 2, 400 11, 766 53 200 204 390 1,784 (0 170 1,224 7,020 1,606 3,538 200 204 390 1,573 0) 170 1,224 7,020 1,416 3,538 11, 748 1, 377 il, 748 1, 377 13,147 __________ _________ 995 164 60,157 0) 2,798 601 211 190 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Coats, work___ _________ __ _______ Overalls.____ __________ ______ Pajamas and nightgowns_____ __ ___ Pants, work__ ~ _T_________ __ _. ._. Shirts, work ______ _ _. . . Miscellaneous Construction: Buildings__ Farm: Dairy______ ~____ Beef, dressed.._ Cattle __ ____ Milk, whole — _ _ __ Miscellaneous __ ___ Farm: Field crops and garden Ensilage__ .* ___ _ ___ ______ Hay-.r_-_ ________ Potatoes_______ _ __ _ Miscellaneous. ________ ___ _ ___ Farm: Hogs_______ . . . . ___ . ___ _ Pork, dressed___ . _ ___ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_____ Eggs____ _____ _________ _____ __ ___ __ Poultry, dressed. ___ Farm: Miscellaneous__ _ _____ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous____ . Textile products___ Sheets____ _ _ Towels. . Wood products___________________________ Highway markers _ _ _ _ . ________ Do ___ Other manufactured products. _______ Canned fruits and vegetables___ ____ Miscellaneous..-. ___________ . ____ T a b l e A . — K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued to C O N N E C T IC U T—Continued Unit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value state reformatory—continued Furniture: W ood__ __ _____ __ ______ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc__ ____ Chairs__________ _______ _____________ Filing cases__ __________ _________ . . . Repairs__________________ . _________ Tables___________ _ ________ _ _ ___ ‘Tavern fixtures and accessories. _______ Miscellaneous______ _ . . . ___ ____ _ . Metal products___ __ ________ _ __ Auto license tags_____ . __ _________ . Highway markers. . . . Tags, miscellaneous.. . Printing and binding: Miscellaneous____ . Each.. Each.. Each.. 17 0) Each _ Each.. Each...^ — Each.. 16 555 8 17 27 96 0) 0) 189,698 413 109,552 0) $345 960 195 668 582 4,039 2,740 16,642 1, 756 8,816 44,228 300 471 0) 0) $345 660 195 668 582 4,039 2,269 16, 642 1, 756 8,816 43, 592 0) 636 16 255 8 $300 0) 0) 189, 698 413 109, 552 0) 96 DELAWARE Total ALL INSTITUTIONS ________ _________________________ Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms "Clothing__________ ______________ Aprons_____ _____ _____ ______ Coats, work_________ ____ __________ . Children’s playsuits______________ _ . Dresses __ _ __________ ___________ _ Hats and caps_______ ____ _______ _ . Labor only_________________ _____ _ . Overalls___ ______ ______ ______ _ Pajamas and nightgowns..___ _ Pants, dress________ ____ _______ Pants, w o rk __________________ Shirts, dress_____________ ________ Shirts, work___ _ _____ ____ ____ Shoes repaired ____________ _____ ____ 183 Dozen... Dozen Dozen Dozen. Each___ Dozen... Dozen... Dozen Each _ Dozen Dozen Dozen . $68, 394 1 15 0) (9 $49, 214 27 73 27 73 1 5 5 223 6 4 180 26 212 19 23 355 568 936 1,169 90 1,372 981 1 5 5 223 6 4 180 26 212 19 23 355 568 936 1,169 90 1, 372 981 45 69 144 202 10 211 0) 0) 45 69 144 202 10 211 $5,872 $13, 308 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITER STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Uniforms__ 408102' Miscellaneous Construction: Buildings _ __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ 14 45 Each___ Pounds. 14 53 45 287 12 0) 1 2 792 Construction: Land 5,080 development 9 (0 5 11, 730 11, 730 1, 726 400 10 10 (9 7 Pounds Pounds. 91 Fodder Straw Wheat Miscellaneous Farm: Hogs TTngs _ _„ _ ___ - __ -- __ _ __ ______ P o r k , dressed Miscellaneous __ __ __ ____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products __ __ Eggs P o u ltr y , dressed Poultry, live - ___ ______ Farm: Miscellaneous _______ ______ Farm hands hired out __ ___ _ ____ Furniture: Wood __ ______ _____ Repairs __ _ ______ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses Pillows Textile products Bags, cloth Labor only. __ __ ________ ______ _. Pillowcases Sheets Towels M iscellaneous Wood products __ ___ _____ ___ Lumber _ __ ______________ _ _ Wood, fuel Miscellaneous Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables___________ See footnotes at end of table. Bushels Bushels. 5 "Freed Pounds. 2 Dozen Pounds Head Faeh Faeh 1 3,238 16 209,002 0) 356 128 5,404 751 3,238 16 209,002 0) 356 128 5,404 751 4,378 506 65 376 6,402 75 1,262 (9 2, 746 3,080 390 6, 500 3, 768 750 930 6, 541 2, 378 506 65 276 4, 652 75 1,262 (9 1,546 3,080 390 5.000 2,758 750 930 5,177 165 24,674 (9 1,650 2,886 144 165 24, 674 (9 1,650 2,886 144 3,212 900 225 803 162 225 3, 212 900 225 803 162 225 6 Cases... 100 1, 750 1, 500 1,010 (9 1, 364 495 (9 495 5, 247 (9 5,247 (9 90 (9 (9 2,156 246 420 420 613 189 420 420 26 30 80 128 350 0) 30 90 260 1,150 630 18 26 80 128 350 260 1,150 630 18 32,711 (9 (9 873 2,156 547 32. 711 873 C9 301 3,474 4, 524 3,474 (9 6 1,200 0) Dozen B d.ft 2,000 0) 4 Dozen Dozen Dozen 792 5,080 1, 726 400 2 28 2 0) 0) 613 189 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Bushels. 53 287 12 4, 524 00 T a b l e A.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p rison s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , and institution — Continued DE L A W ABE—Continued Unit SUSSEX COUNTY TEISON Total_____ ______________________________ Construction: Buildings . __ ___ Construction: Land development________ Farm: C a ttle___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ Cattle--- __________________________ Beef, dressed-.. - __ ________________ Farm: Field crops and garden___________ Corn, field-.- __________ _______ Fodder__ __ _ __ Hay __ ________ ___ _ __ ____ Potatoes____ ____________ _______ _ W heat._ __________ _ .__ .Miscellaneous.. ______ ______ _______ _ Farm: Hogs_______________ ______ ____ Hogs . Pork, dressed _ _ ______ Miscellaneous Farm: Poultry and poultry products.— _ _ Eggs _____ _ _ _ _ ______ Poultry, dressed___ _ _ _______ Poultry, live . . . _ _ . . . __________ . ................. Wood products: Wood, fuel 70 Each___ Head _ _ Pounds. Bushels. Tons Tons Bushels. Bushels Head Pounds. Dozen _ Pounds.. Head__ Brooms, brushes, Clothing Aprons . Coats, work D resses and mops: Brooms _ ______ ___ __ _ ________ __ Hats and caps__ ___________ — ___ Labor only ____________ _ _______ Overalls___ _ _________ ______ Pajamas and nightgowns_____ _______ Pants, dress__________________________ 50 2 2 4 Dozen Dozen.. Eaeh Dozen.. Dozen Dozen Each__ Quantity $24,038 Value 792 5,080 10 4,160 400 666 10 4,160 400 666 2,000 231 275 3,196 402 (9 1,200 1,155 4,125 1,844 302 3,417 231 175 1,446 402 (9 1,155 2,625 834 302 2, 053 34 8,084 340 1,227 144 34 8,084 340 1, 227 144 3, 212 900 225 803 162 225 2,156 3, 212 900 225 803 162 225 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 38, 278 (9 27 73 27 73 1 5 223 4 180 212 19 23 355 568 936 1 5 223 4 180 212 19 23 355 568 936 6 45 69 144 (9 6 45 69 144 Value State account Quantity $5, 872 2 44,356 1 15 Quantity $10,936 2 113 Dozen... Public works and ways State use Value $7,230 792 5,080 100 2,000 1,200 1,750 1, 500 1,010 (9 1,364 (9 2,156 6,078 Piece price Quantity Value 1940 NEWCASTLE COUNTY WORKHOUSE Total_____________________ .. ________ 1 9 2 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED! STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value DozenDozen.. DozenPairs ... Dozen.. Each... DozenPounds . Pounds. Head.... Pounds. Bushels. Tons___ Tons__ Tons___ Bushels . Tons___ Bush els . Head__ Pounds. 3 y 41 3 202 10 211 1,839 5 14 45 C1) 1,169 90 1,372 981 26 53 287 12 1,060 7, 570 1,060 356 128 5,404 751 3,238 16 209,002 (0 356 128 5,404 751 2,378 275 65 101 3,206 75 860 0) 1,546 1,925 390 2, 375 1,924 750 628 3,124 2,378 275 65 101 3,206 75 860 0) 1, 546 1,925 390 2, 375 1,924 750 628 3,124 131 16, 590 1,310 1,659 131 16, 590 1,310 1,659 202 10 211 1,839 5 14 45 0) 1,169 90 1,372 981 26 53 287 12 7, 570 3,238 16 209,002 (0 2 28 .... Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. 420 420 613 189 420 420 26 30 90 260 1,150 630 26 30 80 128 350 80 128 350 260 1,150 630 32,711 0) 3,474 873 547 4,524 32,711 0) 3,474 873 301 4, 524 4 0) 2 Bd. ft. Cases. __ 6 5,247 (0 Each. Each. Dozen. 495 0) (0 495 0) 5,247 <0 90 (0 246 613 189 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Pants, work________ __________________ Shirts, dress__________________________ Shirts, work__________________________ Shoes repaired________________________ Suits, play___________________________ Uniforms_____________________________ Underwear, women’s and children’s____ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Cattle____________________________ Beef, dressed_________________________ Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Beef, dressed_________________________ Cattle_______________________________ Milk, whole__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field___________________________ Ensilage_____________________________ Fodder_______________________________ Hay-------------------------------------------------Potatoes_____________________________ Straw________________________________ Wheat_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Hogs-------------------------------------------------Pork, dressed_________________________ Farm: Miscellaneous_____________________ Farm hands hired out_________________ Furniture: W ood_________________________ Repairs____________ ________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows_______________________________ ' Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Labor only___________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Wood products___________________________ Lumber______________________________ Miscellaneous____________ ___________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. See footnotes at end o f table. <r Oi T a b l e A . — K i n d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — C o n tin u e d o DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Unit D. C. PENAL INSTITUTIONS Dozen Dozen M Dozen _ Each. Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Dozen 21 181 76 Dozen Pairs Each Dozen Dozen Each Doz. pr Dozen 19 Public works and ways State use Quantity Value 753 623 4,175 5,132 753 623 4,175 5,132 6,672 80,061 6,672 80,061 265 65 394 847 222 82 310 181 1,021 0) 831 7,399 800 92 76 34 0) 1,376 748 4, 502 873 420 896 2,509 815 11,336 183 7,170 3, 557 7,080 •244 482 523 7 265 65 394 847 222 82 310 181 1,021 0) 831 7,399 800 92 76 34 0) •1, 376 748 4. 502 873 420 896 2,509 815 11,336 183 7,170 3,557 7,080 244 482 523 7 2, 523 1, 335 0) 2,729 6,744 3,082 2,523 2, 729 6,744 1, 335 3,082 0) 248, 750 200 0) Construction: Miscellaneous 35,800 29 0) 28 Quantity Value $284, 550 $462,950 $747,500 1,166 Brooms, brushes, and mops__ _____________ Brooms _ __ Brushes __ _ Clay, cement, and stone products__________ Brick _ _ Clothing, other than knit. ________________ Aprons - ___________________________ Coats, dress ._ ________ ___________ __ Coats, work Dresses _ _____ Hats and caps Overalls Pajamas and nightgowns ____ Pants, dress _ __ _ _____ _ Pants, work _ __ _ ______ ______ Repairs ___ ____ _____ ______ _ Shirts, work _ ____ _______________ Shoes repaired _ __ _______ S u i t s _____________ ________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ _______ Underwear, women’s and children’s Uniforms _ M iscellaneous Clothing, knit ____ ____ _ Hosiery _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Underwear _ __ Miscellaneous _ _ __ Construction: Buildings. _ __ _ _______ ___________ Farm: Dairy..................................................... Quantity and value of articles produced under each system 8 248, 750 35,800 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Beef, dressed__________ _ ________ ______ _ _ ___________ Cattle Cream ______ ___ _________ Milk, skimmed __________ _____ Pounds _ Head Pounds. pounds., pounds 239 35 10 10 84 32 2,132 2,005 2, 542 1,189 18,360 12,977 60 16,945 79, 264 544,028 2,132 2, 005 2, 542 1,189 18, 360 450 511 183 818 7,871 (0 378 2,555 3, 302 360 8,085 16,939 450 511 183 818 7,871 0) 378 2, 555 3, 302 360 8, 085 16, 939 895 200, 534 17,900 18,039 895 200, 534 17, 900 18,039 13,135 9, 565 2,511 2,789 1,627 1,883 13,135 9, 565 2, 511 2, 789 1,627 1,883 651 143 1,757,959 3, 741 75 52,738 651 143 1,757,959 3, 741 75 52, 738 374, 576 6,221 20, 770 14,804 Each 374, 576 6, 221 20, 770 14,804 1,837,639 88, 278 1,837, 639 88,278 7,388 _ 0) 1, 925 5,684 7, 388 0) 1,925 5,684 74 5 58 203 196 240 24 120 257 6 184 876 1,902 257 300 202 342 876 25,004 74 5 58 203 196 240 24 120 257 6 184 876 1, 902 257 300 202 342 876 25,004 142 29 __ 15 3 13 0) 0) 15,930 0) 0) 15,930 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Field crops and garden ______ ___ Bushels. Corn, field * _ _ ._ _ _ ___ _____ _ Tons.. Ensilage ______ - __________ B^ay _____ ______ ____ ___ _ Tons Bushels. Oats _ ____ _____ _____ ____ __ Potatoes ____ _ _ __ ___ _ Bushels. Miscellaneous__ __ _ _ __ _ _ Farm: Hogs ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ Hogs _ _ Head Pounds _ Pork, dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs " * * __ _ Dozen Poultry, dressed Pounds. Poultry, live _ __ Head Furniture: Other than metal or wood Each Mattresses Each Pillows ■_ Laundry: Commercial Pounds _ Metal products: Tags, highway markers and signs. Each Auto license tags Highway markers ___ Metal products: Miscellaneous _ Castings __ __ __ Pounds _ Printing and binding _ __ __ __ Bookbinding and blank books __ ____ Each Miscellaneous __ Textile products _ __ __ Dozen Bags, cloth Covers, mattress Each Curtains Pairs Pillowcases Dozen Sheets Dozen Tablecloths Each Tents Each ____ Dozen Towels _ Miscellaneous _ __ __ Wood products: Miscellaneous __ _____ Other manufactured products: Canned Cases__ fruits and vegetables. 12,977 60 16,945 79, 264 544,028 See footnotes at end of table. <1 T able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued 00 FLORIDA Unit STATE PRISON Total______________________ Clothing______________________________ Pants, work_______________________ Shirts, work_______________________ Shoes, new________________________ Construction: Buildings________________ Construction: Land development_______ Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Construction: Major repairs to roads____ Farm: Cattle__________________________ Beef, dressed______________________ Farm: Dairy__________________________ Milk, whole_______________________ Farm: Field crops and garden__________ Corn, field________________________ Cotton____________________________ Hay______________________________ Miscellaneous_____________________ Farm: Hogs___________________________ Pork, dressed______________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products____ Eggs--------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed___________________ Farm: Miscellaneous__________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood___ Mattresses________________________ Pillows___________________________ Metal products: Auto license tags_______ Soap and other detergents______________ Soap______________________________ Soap, liquid_______________________ Other manufactured products__________ Canned fruits and vegetables_______ Insecticides and disinfectants_______ Shoe leather, tanned_______________ 2,423 Dozen. _ Dozen. _ Pairs___ Each___ Pounds. Pounds. Bushels. Bales.._ Tons___ Pounds. D ozen.. Pounds. 82 11 296 30 1,629 6 36 150 7 4 78 Each___ Each___ Each___ Pounds. Gallons. Cases. __ Gallons. S q.ft.... 3 23 5 63 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Quantity $869,964 4,767 5,066 4, 759 3 0) (0 0) 35,121 25, 718 16,280 10, 500 22, 500 30,000 570, 550 Public works and ways State use Value Quantity $170,882 Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity $4,693 $633, 550 $60,839 4, 767 5,066 4, 759 16, 280 (9 (9 (9 62,000 7,750 62,000 7,750 87,090 4,169 87,090 4,169 11,300 8 15 0) 6,780 1,142 225 23,002 11,300 6, 780 15 225 23,002 128, 500 12,850 128, 500 12,850 20,006 9,150 (0 4,076 1, 647 19,891 20,006 9,150 4,076 1,647 18, 291 400 600 584,129 1,320 300 32,127 400 600 584,129 1,320 300 32,127 113,572 151 4,963 50 113, 572 151 4,963 50 3, 545 10,030 34, 373 5,318 1,692 10,943 3, 545 10, 030 22,466 5,318 1, 692 8, 992 (9 (9 3 10,500 22, 500 30, 000 570, 550 8 1,142 (9 1, 600 11,907 I, 951 Value 35,121 25, 718 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Tobacco, smoking and chewing________ I Pounds. I______ I Miscellaneous________________________ _________ ______ 92,793 I 0) 20,051 I 999 92,793 | (0 20,051 999 GEORGIA Total. STATE PRISON SYSTEM See footnotes at end of table. 3, 222 Each.. $1, 373, 678 66,433 (9 9, 654 5, 618 66,433 (9 9, 654 5,618 12 19 275 470 28 115 2,965 4, 229 155,000 30,852 950, 723 12 19 275 470 28 115 2,965 4, 229 1,680 2,800 797 16,800 88 (9 1,680 2,800 797 DozenDozen. DozenDozen. 21 86 2,786 2 Pounds. H ead... 7 (9 (9 (9 16,800 88 (0 (9 (9 (9 296, 915 7,431 296,915 7,431 Bales. __ Bushels. Pounds. 80 5,945 30,000 0) 5,157 5, 786 3, 000 22,385 5 5,945 30,000 (9 235 5,786 3, 000 19, 711 Pounds. 141,100 14,110 141,100 14,110 Dozen.. 3, 264 (9 781 744 3, 264 (9 781 744 151 3,079 1, 600 162 151 15 3,079 1, 600 162 Pounds. ~178 Each.. Each.. C9 (9 Each.. Each.. 106 85 207 43 106 85 207 43 Each.. Each.. 1,093,106 6, 299 67, 242 7,836 1,093,106 6, 299 67, 242 7,836 (9 (9 9, 591 28,431 (9 (9 9,591 28,431 $14, 370 $1,136, 575 $222, 733 155,000 30, 852 950, 723 75 (9 4, 922 2, 674 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Clay, cement, and stone products__________ Concrete blocks_______________________ Concrete pipe________________________ Clothing_________________________________ Aprons_______________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Pants, work__________________________ Shirts, work__________________________ Construction: Buildings__________________ Construction: Major repairs to roads_______ Construction: Roads______________________ Farm: Cattle_____________________________ Beef, dressed_________________________ Cattle_______________________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Milk, whole__________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Cotton_______________________________ Peanuts______________________________ Tobacco______________________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Pork, dressed_________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs-------------------------------------------------Miscellaneous_________________________ Furniture: Metal_________________________ Filing cabinets________________________ Repairs______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows_______________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Highway markers_____________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Highway guard rails___________________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ CO T able A.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , QO O ant? institution — Continued GEORGIA—Continued AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value state prison system—continued Textile products Bags, cloth Pillowcases Sheets Towels .. . Miscellaneous Wood products Creosoted posts . . _ ____ _ . . . __ _ ____ ____ ______ _ _. _______ . . . ____________ . _______ _____ ___ _ _ _ . _________Lumber _____ Turpentine . _____ ___ Other manufactured products ______ _ Canned fruits and vegetables _______ Dehydrated vegetables ________ ____ Dozen Dozen.. Dozen Dozen 3 15 116 208 178 $45 835 1,496 320 24 (0 573,819 0) 4,287 51,612 — 47 Bd. . _. ft _. _ 7 Cases Pounds. (0 15 116 208 178 $45 835 1, 496 320 24 461 5,738 6, 774 (9 573,819 461 5,738 10,065 5,874 4,287 51, 612 10, 065 5,874 (9 (9 $6, 774 IDAHO STATE PENITENTIARY $40,824 Total. Clothing____________________ Shoes, new______________ Shoes repaired___________ Construction: Buildings______ Farm: Dairy________________ Cattle__________________ Cream__________________ Milk, whole_____________ Miscellaneous___________ Farm: Field crops and garden.. Hay------------------------------Oats____________________ Miscellaneous___________ Farm: Hogs_________________ Pairs.. Pairs.. Each.. Head.... Pounds Pounds. Tons.... Bushels. Head__ (9 $36, 217 307 704 1, 224 377 55,100 606, 000 (9 1,920 8, 270 9,090 600 30, 300 606,000 (9 1,920 4, 550 9,090 600 250 2,940 (9 219 1, 500 1,764 6,165 1, 923 250 2,940 <9 176 1, 500 1, 764 6,165 1,336 307 704 1 1, 224 377 300 $300 $4, 307 300 3, 720 587 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 2 2 1 oOO00 !1 Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs---------------------------------------- -----Dozen. Poultry, dressed______________________ Pounds. Wood products____________ ______________ Lumber_____________________ .______ Wood, fuel___________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases___ and vegetables 0) 0) 1,303 2, 950 1, 207 11,801 4,826 2, 950 1,207 580 660 2,294 0) 0) 580 660 2,294 1, 303 ILLIN O IS ALL INSTITUTIONS Total______ _____ _______________ ____ See footnotes at end o f table. 3,773 $1,421,974 $1, 583,135 $142, 608 2 Dozen Dozen.. Each___ M ... Each 150 41 48 435 63 34 401 16,044 401 16,044 5,982 (0 5,928 1,740 2,608 2,608 2,381 5,982 (0 5,928 1,740 2,608 2, 608 2,381 118 6,169 342 673 3,059 1,580 652 (0 2,869 1,187 697 5,573 2,200 136 194 5, 627 28,900 4,349 393 7 0) 488 20,617 5,863 441 4, 729 785 1, 924 6,954 37,288 12,312 4, 778 18, 637 26,385 2,369 1,051 38, 304 7,978 52,414 884 16 678 118 6,169 342 673 3,059 1,580 652 0) 2.869 1,187 697 5, 573 2,200 136 194 5, 627 28,900 4,349 393 7 0) 488 20,617 5,863 441 4,729 785 1, 924 6, 954 37,288 12, 312 4, 778 18,637 26, 385 2,369 1,051 38,304 7, 978 52,414 884 16 678 23,103 9,139 8 20, 944 32, 909 30, 690 23,103 9,139 20, 944 32,909 0) 547 Dozen Each Dozen Each Dozen Dozen __ Dozen ._ Dozen Pairs Each___ Dozen Dozen Doz. pr. Dozen 435 63 34 145 Each Dozen Each... Dozen Each .. Dozen Dozen 150 41 48 139 4l 0) 8 i—1 $18, 553 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Brooms, brushes, and mops_________ ____ Brooms____________ 1. _______________ Brushes ______ _ ______ __________ _ Mops._ ______ ____ . . . ______________ Clay, cement, and stone products________ Brick__ _ . . . . . * _____________ .. Concrete blocks . . . _________ ___ _ Concrete pipe __________ _______ Concrete posts__ . . . __________ Miscellaneous . . . . ____________ Clothing, other than knit__________ __ Aprons __ . . . _ _ . . . ______ ____ Coats, d re s s.._____ . . . ______ ______ ___________ _______ _ Coats, work... Dresses_______ ______________ _____ Gloves and mittens_____ ___________ . Handkerchiefs_______________ __ . . . Hats and caps__ . . . ___ ___ ______ Labor only _. ______ ________ . . . Overalls____ _______________________ Overcoats. _ ._ .. ____________ Pajamas and nightgowns_____ . . . _. Pants, dress . . . ____________ . . . _. Pants, work_____________ . . . ___ _____ Rompers, boys’ _______________________ Shirts, dress__________________________ Shirts, work_________ _____ ___________ Shoes repaired__________________ ____ Suits... _____ __________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ___________ Underwear, women’s and children’s . .. _ Miscellaneous.. . . _________ ____ Clothing, knit______ __________________ Hosiery. __________ _____ ______ . . . Underwear . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Construction: Buildings.................... ............ 30, 690 00 T a b l e A . — Kind, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued to IL L IN O IS —C ontinued Public works and ways 25,644 5,073 800 13,858 2, 510 7,614 943 1,317 1,181 74, 756 48, 224 7, 457 70,885 1940 Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value State use Quantity Value Quantity Value ALL institutions—continued Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Beef, dressed _. Cattle - - ___ Miscellaneous, ____ ___________________ Farm: D a iry ___________________________ Beef, dressed _ _ ___ __ - . Cattle . ____ ________ ____ Milk, whole . Miscellaneous _____ ________ _ Farm’ Field crops and garden, ____ _ ___________ Corn, field _____ _____ Ensilage , Fodder _ _____________ Hay __ ______________ Oats ______________ _____ _ __ _____ ___ ,_ _ _ Potatoes . __________ ___ Sorghum Straw . _________ ___ , _ Wheat ________ ___ _ . Miscellaneous __________ __ _ ., Farm* Hogs ________ _ Hogs Lard _ ____ Pork, dressed __ ____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs , ______ Poultry, dressed Farm: Miscellaneous___ ___________ _ Furniture: Metal Beds , ______ ______ ___ Benches _____ ______ _ , Bnrea is, chiffoniers, etc Cabinets_____ ___________ ___________ Pounds, Head Pounds, Head Pounds, Bushels. Tons Tons Tons Bushels. Bushels. Gallons. Tons Bushels. Head Pounds, Pounds. Dozen Pounds, Each Each Each Each___' 66 $81,148 (9 Construction: Miscellaneous . 12 30, 770 (9 10 10, 242 63,118 63,118 99 4,455 99 750 (9 (9 62 110,937 110,937 16,118 275 275 13,690 2, 329,624 63,968 2, 329,624 15,072 (9 (9 466 25,644 54, 261 54, 261 1,062 5,073 1,062 200 800 200 1,509 13, 858 1, 509 9,905 2,510 9,905 9,989 9,989 7,614 1, 572 943 1, 572 241 24.1 1,317 2,006 1,181 2,006 74,756 (9 (9 63 4,532 4, 532 48, 224 94,959 7,457 94,959 1,081, 721 70,885 1,081,721 8 10,873 1, 759 10,873 1,880 14,091 14,091 910 10 (9 (9 200 964 964 16,114 1 10 1 7,394 295 295 150 3,123 150 (9 (9 $10,242 4,455 750 16,118 13,690 63,968 15, 072 1, 759 1,880 910 16,114 10 7,394 3.123 $81,148 30, 770 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 404 Each Each 5 90 Each Pounds. 183 Pieces _ Tons___ Tons.. Pounds. Gallons. Sq. y d... Sq. y d... Dozen... Dozen... Each___ Dozen .. Dozen... Dozen ._ Dozen.. Each.. . Each___ Each___ Dozen _ 872 60 40 163 1,189 215 303 344 (0 2, 800 3,900 2,020 4,040 83 1,189 215 303 344 (0 2,800 3,900 2,020 4,040 83 30 151 5, 663 233 420 356 0) 780 0) 288 2, 673 35, 936 3,849 15,436 2,359 1, 529 13,171 7,487 30 151 5, 663 233 420 356 0) 780 0) 288 2, 673 35,936 3,849 15,436 2,359 1,529 13,171 7,487 1,996 1,479 0) 14,743 3,428 375 1,996 1,479 0) 14,743 3, 428 375 7,508 9, 583 7,508 9, 583 6,058 0) 1,148 0) 0) 0) 770 10,409 1, 696 4, 979 19, 421 7,845 6, 058 (0 1,148 0) 0) (0 770 10,409 1, 696 4,979 19,421 7,845 33, 764 74, 327 20, 259 50, 887 2,843 74, 327 1,706 50,887 2, 295,487 1,150 151,602 518 2, 295,487 1,150 151,602 518 185, 687 111, 134 60, 246 90,153 185, 687 111, 134 60, 246 90,153 2, 095 90,163 67 3, 684 1, 355 771 620 115 924 660 6,680 0) 7, 304 5,797 528 4, 922 6, 557 1,816 4, 766 99 966 151 7,958 824 2,095 90,163 67 3,684 1,355 771 620 115 924 660 6,680 0) 7, 304* 5, 797 528 4,922 6, 557 1,816 4, 766 99 966 151 7, 958 824 30, 921 $18, 553 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Chairs_____________________ _________ Desks_______________________________ Filing cases. _________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: W ood__________ _____ ________ Benches_____________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs_______________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_________________ Desks_______________________________ Fiber articles_________________________ Repairs______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Signs________________________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Castings_____________________________ Do_______________________________ Galvanized ware______________________ Do_______________________________ Sheet-metal work_____________________ Tinware_____________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing______________ Lime and agricultural limestone________ Stone, crushed________________________ Soap and other detergents_________________ Soap_________________________________ Soap, liquid__________________________ Textiles__________________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_______________ Woolen yard goods____________________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Bags, tobacco_________________________ Flags________________________________ Flags, danger_________________________ Mopheads____________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Tablecloths___________________________ Ticks, mattress_______________________ Ticks, pillow_________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ See footnotes at end o f table. 00 CO 00 T a b l e A .— K ind , quantity , and value of articles produced in State prisons , 1 9 4 0 , by State, system , and institution— Continued IL L IN O IS —C ontinued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value ALL institutions—continued Wood products: Lum ber___ _________ Other manufactured products... _____ ____ Canned fruits and vegetables Disinfectants________ Gallons. Snow fence___ ________ ____________ Tobacco, smoking and chewing.. ______ Pounds. Miscellaneous__________ . ________ __ STATE PENITENTIARY ________________________ Total________ (9 (9 4,630 (9 364, 590 (0 1,491 M Each Each Dozen Each Dozen. Doz. pr. Dozen Dozen Dozen Each . Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs Each Dozen... 95 334 $76 40, 715 5,788 18, 668 54, 608 6,207 (9 (9 4,630 (9 364,590 (9 $76 40, 715 5, 778 18,668 54,608 6,207 857,346 971,424 401 1,353 180 (9 5,928 203 287 2,381 401 1,353 180 (9 5,928 203 287 2,381 81 5,446 328 3,059 986 459 2,370 762 677 5,573 2,051 136 51 1,686 1,200 3,706 77 372 19,171 5,418 4,729 710 1,738 34,299 8,954 4,708 18,637 24,939 2,369 536 17,604 600 47,913 240 81 5,446 328 3,059 986 459 2,370 762 677 5,573 2,051 136 51 1,686 1,200 3,706 77 372 19,171 5,418 4,729 710 1, 738 34,299 8,954 4,708 18,637 24,939 2,369 536 17, 604 600 47,913 240 $114,078 Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Clay, cement, and stone products__________ Brick____________ Concrete blocks_________ __ Concrete posts.............................. Miscellaneous________________________ Clothing_________ . ________________ Aprons________ ______ ___ ____ Coats, dress______________________ Coats, work_______________ _______ ___ Gloves and m it t e n s _________________ Handkerchiefs_____________ _____ Hats and caps_________________ Overalls ________________________ Overcoats_____ _ ________________ Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Pants, dress______________________ . _ Pants, work_______________________ _ Rompers, boys’ ___________________ _ Shirts, dj*ess______________________ Shirts, work_________________ _____ Shoes repaired__ ______ ____________ Suits______________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ - . .......... ...... (9 185 State account PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Each___ Construction: Buildings____ ____ _______ Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Construction: Miscellaneous________ T.. Farm: Dairy ........................................... Beef, dressed___________ ________ ____ Pounds. See footnotes at end of table. Pounds Bushels 47 Bushels Bushels Head 18 3 Pounds _ Each Eanh Eanh Each Eanh Eanh Eanh Eanh 18 5 Eanh Eanh 16 Pounds. Gallons. Sq. yd Sq. yd._ 267 68 40 23, 520 59,788 30,770 5 (9 (9 86,772 48 673,681 0) 13,859 1,680 15,629 9,547 86,772 48 673,681 (9 13,859 1,680 15,629 9,547 28,264 543 2,799 866 0) 14,415 7 507 1,881 520 33,134 28,264 543 2,799 866 (9 14,415 7,507 1,881 520 33,134 1,256 232,915 12,560 15, 697 1,256 232,915 12,560 15,697 4,002 4,548 666 646 4,002 4,548 666 646 964 456 16,114 1,208 964 456 16,114 1,208 30 151 5,663 233 417 356 (0 772 0) 288 2,673 35,936 3,849 15,396 2,359 1,529 13,102 6,954 30 151 5,663 233 417 356 0) 772 (9 288 2,673 35,936 3,849 15,396 2,359 1,529 13,102 6,954 1,996 1,479 0) 14, 743 3,428 375 1,996 1,479 0) 14,743 3,428 375 401 Eanh Tons Tons 5 0) 0) 0) (9 4,979 7,468 (!) (9 4,979 7,468 2,843 58,602 1,706 35,162 2,843 58,602 1,706 35,162 2,324,653 1,150 149, 615 518 2,324,653 1,150 149, 615 518 185,687 111, 134 60, 246 90,153 185, 687 111, 134 60, 246 90,153 23, 520 59,788 30,770 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES ________ ____ Milk, whole Miscellaneous _ __ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field _ _ _ Hay __ __ Potatoes Wheat _ __ Miscellaneous Farm: Hogs __ __ Hogs _ . Pork, dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products __ _ Eggs __ I * " ___ ______ Poultry _ . Furniture: Metal _________ Beds. _____ __ __________ Chairs .. _________ Furniture: Wood................................. Benches Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc Chairs Davnnpnrts, sofas, ntn Desks Fiber articles Repairs Tables Miscellaneous ....... ...... ........... Furniture: Other than metal or wood Mattresses Pillows Miscellaneous....... ................... ......... ... Metal products Galvanized ware________ ___ _________ Tinware___ . ______________________ Quarrying and rock crushing Lime and agricultural limestone Stone, crushed Soaps and other detergents .......... . Soap ______________ Soap, liquid Textiles Cotton yard goods, light Wool yard goods---- --------- ------------------- 21 21 12 20 T able A .— Kind, quantity, ant? value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued 00 05 IL L IN O IS —C ontinued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity State account Quantity Value Value STATE PENITENTIARY—Continued Textile products ______________________ Bags, cloth ________________ ______ Bags, tobacco _______________________ Flags, danger _______________________ Mop heads . ______ _________________ Mattress ticks_______________ ________ Pillowcases___ ______________________ Pillow ticks_______________ _________ Sheets ______ ______________________ Towels ____ Miscellaneous _______ _____________ Wood products: Lumber_________________ Other manufactured products______________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Disinfectants __ _____________ _ Miscellaneous ______________________ Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Dozen Each Dozen Dozen 90 (2) 25 Gallons. 2,093 90' 163 3'684 1,274 924 527 660 355 5,799 0) 0) $7,293 5,797 4,922 6,115 966 1,645 151 3,403 6,958 75 76 2,093 90,163 3,684 1,274 924 527 660 355 5,799 0) 0) $7, 293 5, 797 4,922 6,115 966 1,645 151 3,403 6,958 75 76 (i) 4,630 0) 10, 672 *5,788 6,207 0) 4,630 0) 10, 672 5,788 6,207 STATE PENITENTIARY, MENARD BRANCH 1,013 Brooms, brushes, and mops_______________ Brooms _____ _ _______________ _ Brushes _____ ______________ _____ Mops _ ______ ______________ Clay, cement, and stone products___ ______ Concrete blocks___________ _________ Concrete pipe ____________________ Concrete posts _ ______ ____________ Clothing, other than knit__________ _____ Labor only__ _____________________ ___ Shoes repaired _ _ ___________ Clothing, knit. ___________________ ________ Hosiery ____ Underwear _______ _ _______ ___ Construction: Major repairs to buildings----- 2 Dozen D ozenEach Each 50 Each 12 Pairs Doz. pr._ Dozen... 139 25 282, 765 $15,360 248,852 150 41 48 435 63 34 150 41 48 435 63 34 14,691 0) 5,802 1, 537 2,608 2,321 14, 691 (!) 5,802 1, 537 2,608 2, 321 (!) 24,066 3,981 6,017 (!) 24,066 3,981 6,017 23,103 9,139 0) 20, 944 32, 909 15, 360 23,103 9,139 20, 944 32, 909 » 0) 15, 360 $18, 553 Quantity Value 1940 Total ___________________________________ Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Clothing.. . . . ______________________ _ Aprons . ________ ____ _____________ Coats, dress ____________ ______ Coats, w o rk _____________________ ___ Handkerchiefs _ _____________________ Hats and c ap s_________________ _____ Overalls . _ _______________ _______ Overcoats . _. . _____________ _____ Pajamas and nightgowns_____ ______ Pants, work ______ _____ _____ __ Shirts, dress _____ _____ _____ _ _ . Shirts, work _ ________ _____ _____ Shoes repaired ____ ______ . . __ Suits . .. . .. Underwear, men’s and boys’ __________ See footnotes at end of table. Pounds. Head .. Pounds. Bushels. Tons. Tons. _ Bushels . Gallons. Head__ Pounds. Pounds. Dozen.. Pounds. Each Each ._ Tons Tons Pounds. Dozen... 16 61 35 2 817 5, 280 10, 521 4, 452 481,489 (') 817 5,280 10, 521 4,452 5, 967 312 493 4, 697 1,572 0) 2, 566 1,488 3,393 3, 661 943 5, 927 5,967 312 493 4, 697 1,572 0) 2, 566 1,488 3,393 3, 661 943 5,927 1,738 75,436 600, 245 19,118 6,090 37, 840 1.738 75, 436 600, 245 19,118 6,090 37,840 2,907 5, 531 455 713 2,907 5,531 455 713 3 8 40 69 533 377 3 8 0) 0) 40 69 533 377 12,052 (>) 3 1 605 2 (2) 60 Pounds. 0) 0) 30,921 15,725 22,158 81 18, 553 15,725 1,987 442 15,725 22,158 81 15,725 1,987 442 0) 254,365 958 54,608 0) 254, 365 958 54,608 792 Dozen Each Dozen _ Dozen Dozen. Dozen Each .. Dozen _ Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs _. Each. ._ Dozen... 149 12,052 180, 798 19 723 14 577 193 498 425 17 149 143 359 1,354 643 316 60 1.446 445 69 186 2,985 3, 358 50 1.446 515 1,506 677 4,501 644 174, 798 19 723 14 577 193 498 425 17 149 143 359 1, 354 643 316 60 1.446 445 69 186 2,985 3, 358 50 1.446 515 1,506 677 4, 501 644 30,921 6,000 18, 553 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Dairy________ _ _________________ Beef, dressed_________________ - _ . _ Cattle_____ _________ _______ ____ _ Milk, w h o le ...__________ _________ . _ Miscellaneous______ __________ . . . . Farm: Field crops and garden__________ . . . Corn, field-T_____.'l___________________ Ensilage ____ , ___ ___________________ Hay..r___________________________ . . . Potatoes__________________________ . . . Sorghum.. _______________________ . . . Miscellaneous..._______________ ______ Farm: Hogs_______________________ ______ H ogs.:.________________ ___________ . Lard_____________ . . . ________ . . . . . . Pork, dressed_____ _______ ____________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products___ Eggs____” ___ r ... .. _____ . . . Poultry, dressed _____ _________ _ Furniture:"Wood_________ ____________ . Desks____________ . . . ____ Tables .......... . _ _ ____ ____ M iscella n eou s.................... ....... Metal products: Tinware. ________________ Quarrying and rock crushing _ . _______ -Lime and agricultural limestone __ _. Stone, crushed _. _____ Soap and other detergents: Soap_________ _ Textile products: Mopheads . . . . __ _ _ Other manufactured products ............ ....... Canned fruits and vegetables.. _______ Tobacco, smoking and chewing_________ STATE PENITENTIARY, PONTIAC BRANCH Total______________ _____ _ __________ 00 T able A .— Kind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, fry State, system, and institution— Continued 00 IL L IN O IS —C ontinued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Quantity Value Value STATE PENITENTIARY, PONTIAC BRANCH—COn. Pounds. Head__ Pounds. Bushels. Tons _. Tons___ Bushels . Tons___ Head . Pounds. Each Each Each Each Each Each Each... 209 64 3 Each Each 166 Pieces .. 45 Dozen__ (9 7,740 61 698,725 (l) 822 2,440 22,708 23 7,740 61 698,725 (9 $822 2,440 22,708 23 4,782 200 3 1,426 32 <9 2,197 1,000 21 475 272 10,503 4,782 200 3 1,426 32 (9 2,197 1,000 21 475 272 10,503 955 167,622 9, 550 11,851 955 167,622 9,550 11,851 1 295 150 733 215 303 344 1 295 150 733 215 303 344 (9 10 7,394 3,123 1,592 3,900 2,020 4,040 83 (9 10 7,394 3,123 1,592 3,900 2,020 4,040 83 182 90 $6,000 (9 7,508 9,583 7,508 9,583 6,058 (>) 1,148 <9 770 10,409 1,696 19,421 6,058 (9 1,148 0) 770 10,409 1,696 19,421 i 6 i 6 $6,000 Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Construction: Major repairs to buildings___ Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Beef, dressed______________ ______ ____ Cattle_______________________ ______ Milk, whole___ .. __________________ Miscellaneous________ ____ ____ _____ _ Farm: Field crops and garden________ _____ Corn,field.. . . . ___________________ _ Ensilage________________________ _____ Hay_____ ____ _____________________ . Oats_________________________________ Straw________________________________ Miscellaneous________________ ________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Hogs____ ______________ ______ _____ Pork, dressed___________ _____ ___ ____ Furniture: Metal_______________________ _ Benches_______ ______ ___ __________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc__________ _ Cabinets________ . . . ._ _______ . . . _ Chairs_____________________ ________ D esks_________________________ ___ Filing cases_____________________ _ _ Tables____ ____ ____ ___ ______________ Miscellaneous____ _____________ _____ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Signs _____*_____________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous_____ ______ Castings _________ _____ ___ _ Do_______________________________ Galvanized ware__________________ ___ Sheet-metal work_____________________ Textile products__ _____ __________________ Bags, cloth................................................. State account PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 408102 Pillowcases. . ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sheets ___________ _________ Tablecloths. _ _ _ _ ___............... Each Towels _ _ _ _ _______________ Miscellaneous __________ ____ Snow fence____ ._ ~ ___ _ 0 141 1,252 85 993 71 0 141 1,252 85 993 71 0 0) 9, 791 18, 668 0 0 9, 791 18,668 226 244 99 870 64 _______ _ 226 244 99 870 STATE REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN 26,056 111 Total STATE FARM _ ___________ Clothing Labor only _ _______ _____ ___ _ ___________________ Shoes repaired Pairs Construction: Buildings____________ . . . . . . . Each___ See footnotes at end of table. 50 27 2 3 18 673 17 1 3 3,582 7 0 56 441 6 4 20 19,194 16 678 18 673 17 1 3 3,582 7 0 56 441 6 4 20 19,194 16 678 1,000 3 605 0 420 15 145 1,789 1,000 3 605 0 420 15 145 1,789 6,481 427 6,481 427 3,964 4,012 638 521 3,964 4,012 638 521 1 67 18 21 25 11 5 528 30 111 14 7 678 313 1 67 18 21 25 11 5 528 30 111 14 7 678 313 28 1 0 0 0 0 122, 092 336 2 _ 20 26,056 0 __ _ 2,280 3 2,973 684 , 7 ,170 1 114,922 0 2,280 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing _____ __ _ _______ _________ A prons___ ^ _______________________ Dozen Dresses _ ______ Handkerchiefs _______ Overalls __ .................... Pajamas and nightgowns _____ Dozen Shirts, work ^ ~ Underwear, women’s and children's.__ _ Dozen Miscellaneous _ _ _____ Farm: Field crops and garden ______ ___ ____ __________ Com, field Bushels _ __________ __________ Hay______ Tons Oats Bushels. Miscellan eon s Farm: Hogs _ __ _ Pork, dressed _ __ Pounds _ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_____ Eggs ._ _____ Dozen __ Poultry, dressed Pounds. Textile products Bags, cloth Dozen Each Flags ____ Dozen Pillowcases Dozen Sheets ___________ Each Tablecloths _ _ _ ________ Towels _ _____ ___ Dozen _ Miscellaneous Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 7,170 2,973 684 7,170 00 CO CD O T a b l e A .— K ind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued IL L IN O IS —C ontinued AverUnit State use Quantity Value STATE farm—continued Pounds. Head... Pounds. Head Pounds. Bushels . Tons Tons Tons.. _ Bushels BushelsTons-Bushels. Head Pounds. Pounds - 10 17 267 6 10 35 63,118 99 (9 $10,242 4,455 750 63,118 99 (9 $10,242 4,455 750 4,373 78 475,729 (9 620 4,290 15,110 1,050 4,373 78 475, 729 (9 620 4,290 15,110 1, 050 14, 248 550 200 467 7,874 2,493 209 1.140 cJ 6,046 2, 585 800 2, 922 1,890 2,072 1,045 661 23,403 14, 248 550 200 467 7, 874 2,493 209 1,140 (9 6,046 2,585 800 2,922 1,890 2,072 1,045 661 23,403 583 19, 523 74, 458 6, 996 1,367 5,070 910 18,981 583 19, 523 74,458 6,996 1.367 5,070 910 18,981 (9 (9 (9 (9 Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Farm: Cattle___ _______ ____ _____________ Beef, dressed________________________ Cattle______________ ____ _______ _____ Miscellaneous_______ _ _________ _ Farm: Dairy_______ __________ _______ _ Beef, dressed________ _________________ Cattle_______________________________ Milk, whole__________ __ _ _ ________ Miscellaneous____ . _______________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field____ _ _____________ _____ Ensilage______________________ _____ Fodder_______ ______ ________ _______ Hay_________________________________ Oats_________ _____ _ ___________ . Potatoes____ _______ ________________ _ Straw__________________________ _____ Wheat_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs_____ ________________ ____ H ogs_______ __ _____________________ Lard_________________________________ Pork, dressed _________ ___ ___ _____ Farm: Miscellaneous______________ ______ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Public faorks and ways PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value IN D IA N A Total. ALL INSTITUTIONS $1, 642, 653 $1, 328, 656 $173,097 $140,900 Dozen. Dozen. Each._ 1,891 652 4,849 13,082 6,071 1,857 1,809 646 4,849 12, 759 6,037 1,857 82 6 323 34 M___. Each. Each. 3,923 60,867 8,121 0) 253 37,446 0) 41, 583 2,576 6,360 14, 723 380 2,108 66 983 60,867 8,121 0) 253 36,246 0) 11,692 2,576 6,360 14, 575 380 2,075 42 2,940 29,891 350 4 1,623 635 3,145 4,287 1,010 0) 1,533 1,295 293 3, 448 1,267 409 1,549 16,253 3,580 2,896 738 12 0) 8 0) 1,467 24 5,234 8,913 2,766 5,195 3,113 1,497 12,445 5, 758 1,509 8,193 16,074 2,460 12,849 39,115 1,611 14,816 3,380 117 692 104, 600 36, 300 350 4 1,620 634 3,145 4,287 1,010 0) 1,531 1,295 293 3,448 1,256 409 1,548 16, 253 3,580 2,896 737 12 0) 1,467 24 5,223 8,900 2,766 5,195 3,113 12 12,435 5,758 1,509 8,193 15,826 2,460 12,843 39,115 1,611 14,816 3,375 117 523 23,478 21, 658 162 2,139,697 0) 2,690 7,577 6,806 36,438 10, 613 23, 478 21, 658 102 2,139, 697 0) Each. Each. DozenDozen— Each— D ozen E ach-.. Doz. pr. DozenDozen. EachDozen. EachDozen. Dozen. Dozen. Pairs-. Pairs. _ Each.. Dozen. Each__ Each___ Pounds. Pounds Head__ Pounds.. 1,200 0) 33 24 3 1 11 13 2 1,485 10 11 248 1 6 (,) 1 8 0) 2. 690 7, 577 5,171 36, 438 10, 613 148 0) 104, 600 36, 300 5 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Brooms, brushes, and m ops.................... Brooms__________________________ Brushes^ ______________ ____ ____ Mops_______ ____________________ Clay, cement, and stone products______ Brick___________ ____ _______ _____ Building tile_________________ ____ Concrete blocks___________________ Concrete pipe_____________________ Concrete posts____________________ Drain tile________________________ Miscellaneous_____________________ Clothing_____________________________ Aprons___________________________ Children’s playsuits_______________ Coats, dress_______________________ Coats, work_______________________ Dresses___________________________ Gloves and mittens________________ Hats and caps_____________________ Labor only_______________________ Overalls__________________________ Overcoats________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns___________ Pants, dress_______________________ Pants, work______________________ Shirts, dress______________________ Shirts, work______________________ Shoes, new________________________ Shoes repaired_____________________ Suits___________________ ____ _____ Underwear, men’s and boys’ _______ Uniforms_________________________ Miscellaneous_____________________ Construction: Buildings_______________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Farm: Dairy--------------- ------ -------------- Beef, dressed______________________ Butter------ ----------------------------------Cattle____________________________ Milk, whole______________________ Miscellaneous_________________ 169 0) 60 1, 635 See footnotes at end of table. CO T able A.— K in d , CO quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons , 1940, by State, system , and institution— Continued to IN D IA N A —C ontinued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value Quantity Value ALL institutions—continued $8. 261 2,625 6,000 15,112 1,320 12,178 1,125 7, 343 49,568 15,460 750 12,000 2,139 0) 18,621 225 9,17S 0) $8,261 2,625 6.000 15,112 1, 320 12,178 1,125 7, 343 49,483 2, 494 68, 587 33,010 3, 572 1, 728 68, 587 21, 433 3,572 766 11,577 26,784 16, 766 649 4, 618 3,472 416 26, 784 16,162 649 4, 618 3,415 416 604 57 136 1, 274 41 90 833 46 441 41 25 10 14 461 38 10 222 20 190 985 176 229 64 396 13,102 15,460 750 12,000 2,139 0) 18, 621 225 9,178 (') 0) _0) 340 41 162 107 6,114 149 85 0) 498 0) __ 3,315 195 391 567 1,537 11,982 830 1,487 476 4,491 31,159 $85 0) 0) 340 (0 16 152 93 5,653 111 75 0) 434 (*) 3, 315 195 169 547 1,347 10,997 654 1,258 476 4,095 18,057 ■■■■■■ - -rn, - <l> * 1940 Farm: Field crops and garden 308 Corn, field Bushels. Ensilage___ _ _ Tons Fodder............................... H a y __ ______ _ _ _ Tons Labor o n l y ,._____ _ __ _^ _ Potatoes______ . _ _ . _ Bushels . Straw________ ___ _ ____ _ Tons W h e a t ..____ Bushels. Miscellaneous________ ___ ____________ Farm: Hogs 24 Hogs.. _ . _ Head Pork, dressed _ __ Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products 12 _ __________ Dozen E g g s ..___ Poultry, dressed-. __ _____ ___ _ Pounds. Poultry, live Head__ .. Farm: Miscellaneous LivestockHead Miscellaneous Furniture: Metal 4 Beds _ _ _ _ __ Each Miscellaneous _ Furniture: Wood 230 B e d s _____ __ ___ __ --. Each ____________ Each. .. — Benches. Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc ____________ Each _ Chairs__ _ ______________ Each Each __ Davenports, sofas, etc_______________ Desks._____ . _____________________ Each ... Repairs. .. „ __ _ Tables____________ ____ _____ _________ Each___ _____ Miscellaneous....... ................................ .... PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Each.. Each.. 23 2,042 1.962 Barrels. 2 154 Each... Each.... Each.. Each.. Pieces. Pieces.. Pieces.. Pieces.. Pieces.. Gallons.. Each.. Each.. Each.. Tons.. Tons.. Tons.. Pounds. Gallons. Sq. yd. Each... Yards.. Sq. yd. Yards.. S q.yd. 116 29 115 37 "i58 3, 374 20.245 (0 10,490 1,949 9 359 15, 524 0) 0) 0) 84,309 504 8 640 12,150 0) 0) 64,124 504 8 2,680,116 3,291 0) 59, 644 7441, 945 0) 159, 229 4,905 18 121, 726 8, 571 1, 379 !, 680,116 3,291 0) 59, 644 441,945 0 159, 229 4,905 18 121, 726 8,208 758 14,178 0 5,299 2, 095 4,910 0 0 53,004 13, 221 3, 274 4,183 1, 535 2,119 3,013 271 87,846 13,966 0 5,285 350 4, 910 0 0 52,906 12, 744 3,089 4,159 277 2,119 3,013 271 87,674 5,936 2,405,172 0 3,864 14, 516 10 2.522 5,936 2,405,172 10,200 0 3,864 14, 516 10 2,409 0 45,956 63 44,183 47,166 106 52,057 5,945 46 26, 744 749,128 5,000 64, 236 2,129 18,020 1,244 486 47,470 3,916 24,981 23,752 3,737 235 6,208 439 16,370 10,200 185 1, 536 14 1,873 1,952 0 0) (■5 14 169 10 12,026 1,963 9 540 181 0) 0 640 0) 0 363 621 14 2, 345 477 185 24 1, 258 98 172 5,755 74 32, 792 40,011 17 17, 439 41,411 32 19,265 748.514 5,000 64,193 2,129 614 43 18,020 1,244 486 47,470 3,916 24,981 23,752 3,737 235 6,208 439 16,370 212 (0 113 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows_________________________ _____ Repairs______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Grain-mill products_______________________ Flour____________________ ______ _____ Labor only____________ _______________ Miscellaneous________________________ Laundry, commercial_____________________ Metal Products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags_____________ _____ — Highway markers_____________________ Repairs------------------------------------- ------Signs________________________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Miscellaneous___________________ _____ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Castings-------------------------------------------Do_______________________________ Galvanized ware______________________ Iron hollow ware____________ ____ _____ Tinware_______________________ ______ Do_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Paint____________________________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Bookbinding and blank books__________ Envelopes____________________________ Letterheads__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing______________ Lime and agricultural limestone________ Stone, building_______________________ Stone, crushed______________ ______ ___ Soap and other detergents.________________ Soap_________________________________ Soap, liquid._________________________ Textiles______________ __________________ Blanketing, wool______________________ Blankets________________ ____ ________ Cotton yard goods, heavy______________ Cotton yard goods, light_______________ Do______________________ _____ _ Wool yard goods_________________ ____ See foo tn o te s a t end o f table. CO CO SO T a b l e A.— K in d, quantity, a/ic? value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued IN D IA N A —C ontinued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value all institutions—continued Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Dozen Each Each Each B d.ft Pounds. Pounds. Cases 101 130 Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. STATE REFORMATORY Total______ ____________________________ Brooms, brushes, and mops__________ _ . . . Brooms______________________________ Brushes______________________________ M ops.. ............ ................ ......... .............. 155 503 40,668 818 437 647 144 1,980 C1) $1,264 84,114 4,178 1,160 4,605 107 2,940 5,347 503 40,665 818 437 647 144 1,980 (9 $1,264 s 4,106 4,178 1,160 4,605 107 2,940 3,604 i6,430 1,200 140,000 101,159 52,000 17,732 300 700 1,338 3,640 176 1,200 140,000 101,159 52,000 306 300 700 1.338 3, 640 90,099 26, 573 (9 0) (9 158,982 507,188 110, 700 (9 11,954 38,137 15,999 7.822 1,654 11,539 69,557 41, 604 843 90,099 26, 573 (9 (9 (9 158,982 464,988 110, 700 (9 11,954 38,137 15,999 7,822 1,654 11, 539 63,800 41,604 816 467,918 801 Dozen Dozen Each___ 36 1,858 652 4,849 12,981 6,071 1,857 420,369 1, 776 646 4,849 12, 658 6,037 1,857 3 $8 10, 254 17,426 42, 200 5,757 1,743 (9 27 (9 45,149 $2,400 82 6 323 34 Value 1940 Textile products ________________________ Bags, cloth_______ __________________ Flags. _____________________________ Mopheads___ _______________________ Pillowcases. _____________ _________ Sheets. ____________________________ Spreads... _____ ________ ___________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous_________ _ ___________ ___________________ _ Wood products. Baskets, willow_____ _________ ____ _ Boxes... .. . . . ____________________ . Hickory p oles________ ______ ________ . _______ _ __ ________ Lumber___ W illow ______________________________ Other manufactured products________ _____ Beef, dressed. . .. . _ ________ Canned fruits and vegetables _________ Do_______________________________ Deodorants and disinfectants__________ Labor only _____ _ _________________ Lard_____________________________ Pork, dressed_______________ _ ______ Tobacco, smoking and chewing_________ Miscellaneous.. ______________________ Quantity PRISON* LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Clay, cement, and stone products.________ Miscellaneous Clothing __ Coats, dress .. Hats and caps ____________________ ___________________ _ __ __________________ _____________________ _____ _ __ See footnotes at end o f table. Dozen Each ... Dozen _ Each Doz. pr. Dozen 149 Each Each Dozen Each___ 4 22 Pounds. Head Pounds.. 52 Bushels. Tons Bushels . Bushels. 5 Head Pounds 1 Head 2,522 0) 2, 522 0) 225 31 195 879 317 90 Coats, work 6,620 378. 654 798 3,957 3,593 352 1,449 7,832 1,153 2,060 437 10,936 708 1,149 179 7,377 1,163 1,611 3,580 2,185 10, 593 1,411 425 134 0) 2,400 879 306 6,607 654 3,957 1,449 7,822 2,060 10, 688 1,149 7,371 1,611 10, 593 1,406 53 13,734 97 924,275 0) 1,035 3,695 14,330 2,534 13,734 50 924,275 0) 1,035 2,615 14, 330 2, 534 8,700 439 0) 5,933 6,327 4.611 3.612 1,320 3,004 5,062 14,407 8,700 439 0) 5,933 6,327 0) 4,611 3, 612 1,320 3,004 5,062 14, 322 427 67,265 6.139 3,453 181 67, 265 1,810 3,453 136 1,274 41 90 833 195 93 379 798 3.593 352 1,155 437 719 179 1,164 3,580 2,185 426 (0 1 0) 0) (2) Each Each Each Each Each Each 71 _ __ ._ __ _. Each___ 195 0) 33 141 90 3,248 3 80 0) 0) 225 31 341 340 508 1, 349 6, 296 32 1,443 15 3, 558 4,275 3 1 2 10 11 248 1 6 5 81 1 1 2,400 0) 47 1,080 246 4,329 46 441 41 17 1 10 51 171 3 132 88 85 (9 (0 195 0) 16 140 80 3,197 3 70 (9 0) 11 13 APPEN DIX A ---- GENERAL TABLES Pants, work __ . _ Shirts, dress _ _ __ ___ Shirts, work _ _ _____ Shoes repaired _ ___ Suits _. ______ Underwear, men’s and boys’ . ______. . . Miscellaneous. . . . __________________ Construction: Buildings________________ Farm: Dairy . __ ________________ Beef, dressed . _ __________________ Cattle .. . _____ ____ ___ ____ __ Milk, whole... __ _____________ ____ Miscellaneous.. . . . _______________ Farm: Field crops and garden____ ______ Corn, field Hay _ _________________________ Labor only .. ________ Potatoes___ _ ___________________ Wheat ___________________________ Miscellaneous______________________ Farm: Hoes. ___________ __________ Hogs . . . . ___________ ____ ____ Pork, dressed___ ________ _ ____. . . Farm: Miscellaneous____________ ____ Livestock__ __ _______ _ Miscellaneous_______________ _______ Furniture: Metal. ____________ Miscellaneous ____________ Furniture: Wood. ___________ ______ _ Beds.. . ..... ........... ... . Benches _________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc ______ ____ Chairs _ __ . ________________ Davenports, sofas, e t c ___________ _ Desks . . . . ....... ........................ Repairs Tables . . _______ ______ Miscellaneous_______ _______________ 3 Each .. 312 169 505 1,217 6,208 32 1,214 15 3, 338 2,224 10 29 (9 229 220 2, 051 CO Ox CD T able A.— Kind, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, fey State, system, and institution— Continued oa INDIANA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value Piece price State account Quantity Quantity Value state reformatory—continued Furniture: Other than metal or wood Mattresses_ ___ ______ __________ ___ ___ ________ Pillows_____ Miscellaneous. _____ _____ __ . . . Grain-mill products_______________ __ Flour __ Metal products: Miscellaneous _ Castings __ Castings, miscellaneous............ Galvanized ware_______ _ Iron hollow ware_______________ ____ Tinware Tinware, miscellaneous___ Miscellaneous Paint __ _ __ _____ _ _ Printing and binding Envelopes Letterheads Miscellaneous ____ _ ___________ Quarrying and rock crushing Lime and agricultural limestone. __ Stone, building __________ __ Stone, crushed.. ______ ____ ___ __ Textiles Blanketing, wool _ Cotton yard goods, light__ __ Wool yard goods _ ________ _____ Textile products ___ Bags, cloth.__ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Flags ___ Mopheads___ _ _ _____ ____ . __________ Pillowcases___ Sheets __ __ ______ __ Towels Miscellaneous________________________ Each Each. Barrels Pieces 18 7 113 Pieces _ Pieces __ Pieces Gallons _ Each Each Tons Tons Tons Sq. yd Sq. yd Sq. yd Dozen. Each.. Dozen Dozen. Dozen. Dozen 29 75 60 109 30 1,880 885 0) $11,538 1,470 540 1,711 875 0) $10,002 1,456 359 9,583 51,039 9,583 51,039 14,178 (9 5,238 2,695 4,910 0) 0) 53,004 13,221 3,274 3,946 1,535 2,119 285 271 87,846 13,966 0) 5,224 350 4.910 j ; 52,906 12, 744 3,089 3,922 277 2,119 285 271 87,674 2,402,172 10,200 0) 14, 505 10 2,222 2,402,172 10,200 0) 14, 505 10 2,207 27,422 63 13,648 27,420 106 13,392 ii 46 9,476 9 74 9,188 18,020 47,470 24,981 23, 752 6,208 16,370 18,020 47,470 24, 981 23, 752 6,208 16, 370 494 40, 525 818 48 63 11 0) 1,186 83, 261 4,178 118 449 20 1.559 494 40, 522 818 48 63 11 1,186 8 3,253 4,178 118 449 20 1.528 0) 169 10 $1,536 14 181 212 14 2, 345 477 185 24 1,258 98 172 27,411 17 4,172 27, 411 32 4,204 3 8 0) 0) 15 0) 0) 31 Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Wood products: Lumber__________________ Bd. ft ... Other manufactured products_______________________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Cases.. . Labor only (canning)___ ________________________ Miscellaneous___________ __________ ____________ 75,000 750 75,000 750 9,979 0) 0) 10, 556 1,611 89 9,979 0) 0) 10, 556 1, 611 89 STATE PRISON Total________________________________ See footnotes at end o f table. 737,990 Each. 5,599 0) 0) 6,135 175 35 5, 599 0) 0) 6,135 175 11 Dozen. Each... Dozen Doz. pr Dozen Dozen Each.. Dozen Each.. Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs.. Each.. DozenEach.. 139 1, 530 115 62 628 10 858 90 3,448 534 207 65 16,253 711 32 12 (0 6 (0 530 4,917 1,019 944 1,653 199 3, 698 704 8,193 4,970 1,123 3,172 39,115 4, 223 1,297 117 299 73, 700 36, 300 139 1, 530 115 62 628 10 858 90 3,448 534 207 65 16,253 711 32 12 0) 530 4,917 1,019 944 1, 653 199 3,698 704 8,193 4, 970 1,123 3,172 39,115 4, 223 1,297 117 211 Pounds. Head__ Pounds. 9, 744 41 484,183 0) 1,655 1,585 13,865 402 9,744 28 484,183 0) 1,655 1,030 13,865 402 Bushels. Tons___ Bushels. Bushels. 6, 760 300 6, 546 2,851 0) 3, 650 4,500 3, 987 2, 281 20, 652 6, 760 300 6, 546 2,851 0) 3, 650 4,500 3,987 2, 281 20, 652 Head__ Pounds. 817 1,322 8, 761 119 297 1,322 1, 513 119 D ozenPounds . Head__ 2,849 8,439 649 599 1,488 416 2,849 8,439 649 599 1,488 416 Each___ 12, 501 $110,000 615,489 6 0) 73, 700 36, 300 0) 24 0) 88 13 555 520 7,248 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clay, cement, and stone products______ Concrete blocks___________________ Concrete pipe_____________________ Miscellaneous_____________________ Clothing_____________________________ Aprons___________________________ Coats, dress______________________ Coats, work______________________ Gloves and mittens_______________ Hats and caps____________________ Overalls___ ______________________ Overcoats________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns___________ Pants, dress______________________ Pants, work______________________ Shirts, dress______________________ Shirts, w ork...____________________ Shoes, new_______________________ Suits_____________________________ Underwear, men's and boys'_______ Uniforms_________________________ Miscellaneous... _________________ Construction: B uildings...____________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Farm: Dairy_________________________ Beef, dressed______________________ Cattle____________________________ Milk, whole______________________ Miscellaneous_____________________ Farm: Field crops and garden__________ Corn, field___ ____________________ Hay______________________________ Potatoes__________________________ Wheat____________________________ Miscellaneous_____________________ Farm: Hogs__________________________ Hogs_____________________________ Pork, dressed_____________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products___ E gg s...__________________________ Poultry, dressed___________________ Poultry, live_________________ ____ i co CO T a ble A .— K ind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued 00 INDIANA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Total Quantity Public works and ways State use Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Piece price State account Quantity Value state prison—continued Furniture: M e ta l...._____________________ Beds________________________________ Furniture: Wood________________________ Benches_____________________________ Chairs_______________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc-------------------------Desks_______________________________ Repairs___ __________________________ Tables ---------------------------------------------Miscellaneous____ ____________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs__________________________________ Auto license tags--------------------------------Highway markers___________ ____ _____ Repairs________________ ____ ____ ____ Signs..______________________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Miscellaneous------------------------------------Metal products: Miscellaneous------------ -----Galvanized ware--------------------------------Tinware_____________________________ Printing and binding-------------------------------Bookbinding and blank books__________ Envelopes____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Soap and other detergents------------------------Soap________________________________ Soap, liquid— -------- --------------------------Textiles_________________________________ Blankets_____________________________ Cotton yard goods, heavy______________ Cotton yard goods, light.______________ Each.. 340 $3,315 340 $3,315 Each.. Each.. Each.. Each.. 2 1,172 4 5 0) 19 (0 15 2,003 54 44 297 259 12,623 2 1,172 4 5 <0 19 (0 15 2,006 54 44 297 259 10,901 162 1,077 0 488 493 9 162 1,077 0 488 493 9 2,680,116 3,291 0) 59,644 7441,945 0) 159,229 4,905 18 121, 726 8,571 1,379 2,680,116 3,291 0 59, 644 441,945 0 159,229 4,905 18 121,726 8,208 758 61 237 2,728 61 0) 0 237 2,728 5,936 3,000 0) 3,864 11 300 5,936 3,000 0 3,864 11 202 749,128 5,000 64,236 2,129 748,514 5,000 64,193 2,129 1,244 486 3,916 3,737 235 439 1,244 486 3,916 3,737 235 439 EachEach.. Each.. Each.. Each.. 154 Each.. Each_. PiecesEach.. Each_. Pounds. Gallons. Each... Yards.. Yards. . 40 37 49 0) $1,722 0) 0 363 621 98 0 614 43 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of pris oners em- Textile products . - ______________ Dnzfvn Bags, cloth ___ ___ _ _ . ____ _______ - ___ _ _ _ - Each... Flags Pillowcases .. __ _____ _ _ _ ____ _ Each.. _ Each Each Spreads Other manufactured products Labor only (canning) Miscellaneous. 84 Pounds. ____ Total___________________ ______ _________ Clothing _ _______ . . . . Aprons ____ ______ .. Children’s play suits. . _____________ _ Coats, work___ _ ________________ _ . Dresses ... _____ ___________ __ _ . Hats and caps__________ _________ _ _ ____ _____ . . . . . Labor only __ _. Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Repairs___. . . ______________ .. .. Miscellaneous._ _ _______ _____________ Farm: Field crops and garden___________ . Miscellaneous-.. . ___________________ Laundry, commercial ____ _ ________ Textile products: Miscellaneous__________ . STATE FARM Total__________ _______ ________________ Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms______ Clay, cement, and stone products________ _ Brick________ __ ______ _____ _______ _____ _______ Building tile___ ____ Concrete pipe__________ _ ___________ Concrete posts________________________ Drain tile_____. . . ___________________ Clothing_________________________________ Coats, work____ ____________________ Gloves and mittens.. _____ . . . _____ Hats and caps________ ______________ _ Overalls _ _ .1. ___________ _____ Pajamas and nightgowns______ ______ Pants, work_______ ._ _ ______ ______ Shirts, dress________________ _____ _ . . . Shirts, work. _________________ _____ Underwear, men’s and boys’ . ................... See footnotes at end o f table. 9 143 286 338 144 1,914 (9 78 853 549 2,681 107 2,822 3, 594 9 143 286 338 144 1,914 (9 78 853 549 2,681 107 2,822 1,882 16,594 (9 (9 HO. 700 (9 27, 581 7,822 43 41,604 431 16, 594 (9 (9 110, 700 (9 27, 581 7,822 43 41,604 404 Dozen... Dozen... Each__ Each__ Dozen Dozen... 8 2 (9 Dozen... M _____ Each__ 760 1 209 Each___ Each___ Dozen... Dozen.._ Dozen... Dozen... Dozen... Dozen... Dozen... Dozen__ 5 16 4 3 2,347 7 (i) 26 0) 0) 0) (1) (9 58 24 3 2,112 8 1,485 167 12 259 632 640 180 (9 16 4 3 2,347 7 58 24 3 2,112 8 26 (9 (9 167 12 259 (9 632 (9 180 33 431,165 101 33 3,923 60,867 (0 253 37,446 41, 583 2, 576 14,548 380 2,108 983 60,867 (9 253 36,246 141 272 23 368 177 14 23 320 280 1,271 294 3 4,414 638 168 188 2,300 672 141 272 23 368 177 14 23 320 280 289,343 101 1L 692 2.576 _______ 14,400 380 2,075 1,271 294 3 4,414 638 168 188 2,300 672 1,712 27 2,125 3,455 5, 580 21 11 (9 (9 1,485 (9 640 $28, 500 113,322 2,940 (9 1,200 29,891 148 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES women ’ s prison 124 33 CO CO 100 T a b l e A .— Kind, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued INDIANA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value Quantity STATE farm—continued Each___ Construction: Buildings.. __ ____ ____ Farm: Dairy_____ _______ __________ Butter . . . __ ______ ____ ______ . .. Pounds. Cattle__ _ ________________________ Head. Pounds. Milk, whole________________________ M iscellaneou s_____________________ Farm: Field crops and garden___________ Ensilage___ . . . .. ___________ . . . Tons Fodder (corn)__________ _ __________ Tons Hay _ __ _ __ . . . Tons Potatoes. __ __________ _ _ _ Bushels Straw _ _ . . . _________ ____ Tons Miscellaneous. ________ ________ Farm: Hogs Head.... Farm: Poultry and poultry products______ Dozen Eggs Poultry, dressed . Furniture: Wood _ _ ______ ___ _ _ ___ Each Beds . _ _ _ ____ Each _ Benches _ . . . _______ Each . Bureaus, chiffoniers, e t c _____________ Each . Chairs . _________ ____ Davenports, sofas, etc ____ ____ ______ Each . Repairs ____ __________ ___ Each __ Tables ______________ ___ Miscellaneous __________________ Grain-mill products . . ______ ____ ___ Flour _________ . . . Barrels _____________ Labor only Miscellaneous _ __■______ ___ Quarrying and rock crushing________ ___ Lime and agricultural limestone Tons Stone, crushed _ ________ _______ _ Tons . . Textile products. ___________________ Pillowcases.................................. . ......... Dozen... 20 25 120 17 10 . 90 7 125 1 2 $28,500 ’ 2 21,658 24 731,239 (0 7,577 1,526 8,243 7,677 21,658 24 731,239 0) $7, 577 1, 526 8, 243 7,677 750 12,000 1,400 6,142 225 (0 1,250 2,625 6,000 7,000 5,187 1,125 13,877 18,110 750 12,000 1,400 6,142 225 0) 1, 250 2, 625 6,000 7,000 5,187 1,125 13, 877 18,110 4,019 Pounds. 1,984 23,935 7, 723 4,019 1,927 23,935 . . . 8,327. _ $28, 500 $57 8 9 4 410 38 51 17 58 897 170 35 176 9,329 13,085 504 8 3, 374 20, 245 5, 934 17, 268 5, 746 23, 604 12, 600 13,267 14,000 15,061 103 493 8 19 17 1,694 142 0) 138 (0 51 44 188 3,680 744 164 674 14,261 10 13 1,284 104 0) 103 0) 27 130 2,783 568 164 498 4,932 5,941 (0 0) 33,330 504 8 2, 567 0) 0) i8, 534 30, 535 19, 746 38,665 103 493 0) 604 Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 246 55 Dozen. Dozen. Each__ Each__ Each___ Bd.ft.__ Pounds. Pounds. 97 33 Pounds. Pounds. 0) 1,475 98 14 246 55 1,475 98 14 (0 10,430 1,200 140,000 26,159 52,000 17,732 300 700 588 3,640 176 1,200 140,000 26,159 52,000 306 300 700 588 3,640 90,099 (0 158,982 507,188 (0 11,954 15,999 11,539 69, 557 323 90,099 (0 158,982 464,988 (0 11,954 15,999 11,539 63,800 323 10, 254 17,426 42, 200 5, 757 IOWA ALL INSTITUTIONS ... Total____________ _______ _ 1,173 Brooms, brushes, and mops Brooms.. Brushes Clothing, other than k n it.................. ............. Aprons _ _ Belts, leather. _ _ Coats, dress _ _ . Coats, work Dresses _ . Gloves an d mittens_____________ ____ _ Handkerchiefs _____ . . . . . . _____ Hats and caps______ . . . __ ________ Labor o n ly ______ ______ _____ _ . . . Overalls. _____ ______ ________ _ Overcoats.___ . __ _ __________ _ Pajamas and nightgowns_______ _ . . . Pants, dress___ ____________ _ . . . . . Pants, work__ ____________ _____ Shirts, work. ___________ _ _____ Shoes, new . _________________________ Shoes repaired _ . . . ____ ______ _. S uits._________ . . . _ . ______ ._ Underwear, men’s and boys’ . . _ ... Underwear, women’s and children’s .. Uniforms. ____________ _ ______ Miscellaneous__________________ ______ 8 See footnotes at end o f table. Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Dozen Each Doz. pr. Dozen Dozen Dozen Each . Dozen _ Each___ Dozen Dozen Pairs ... Pairs___ Each ... Dozen Dozen Each... 183 $855,355 903 543 91 66 464 324 293 1,721 1,241 556 0) 1,130 439 34 517 264 1,100 16,505 ' 17,344 1,457 289 34 15 0) $637,191 3,078 2,633 899 543 3*073 2,633 422 237 2, 257 7,006 327 3,930 549 1,285 363 16, M l 3,447 240 1,900 4,426 10, 277 46,199 9,243 14,448 1,574 100 210 155 91 66 464 324 293 1, 721 1,241 556 0) 1,130 439 34 517 264 1,100 16, 505 17,344 1,457 289 34 15 0) 422 237 2,257 7,006 327 3,930 549 1, 285 363 16,347 3,447 240 1,900 4,426 10,277 46,199 9,243 14,448 1, 574 100 210 155 $158,497 $59, 667 4 5 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Sheets____________________ Towels____________________ Miscellaneous______________ Wood products________________ Baskets, willow____________ Boxes_____________________ Hickory poles______________ Lumber___________________ Willow____________________ Other manufactured products___ Beef, dressed______________ Canned fruits and vegetables. Lard______________________ Pork, dressed______________ Miscellaneous______________ h-1 O T a b l e A .— Kind , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons , 1940 , fey State, system , emd institution— Continued O to IOW A—Con tinued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Quantity Value all institutions—continued ___ Doz. pr. Dozen. Dozen Construction: Buildings__________________ Construction: Miscellaneous___________ ___ Farm: Cattle ______ _______ ______ _____ Beef, dressed__________________ _____ Pounds. Cattle -- ______________________ Do _________________________ Head. Miscellaneous______ _ _ _____ _______ Farm: Dairy ________ _____ _____ Beef, dressed _ ____ ___________ ___ Pounds. _______ __ - ___ _______ Pounds. Butter Cattle __________ -- -- ____ Cheese ________ ______ _______ Pounds. Milk, whole - - - ______________ Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden. ___________ Corn, field__ _________________________ Bushels . Ensilage __________________ _____ Tons Hay _______ _______________ ___ Tons Molasses ________________ ______ Gallons. Oats _______________ _______ Bushels. Potatoes _______________________ Bushels . Bye ____ ____________ ____ Bushels. Strawberries _____ ____ ______ ____ Bushels. Wheat _________________ Miscellaneous __ __ _ ___ Farm: Hogs Hogs _ _________________ Pork, dressed _____ __ _______ Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs ______________________ Dozen Poultry, dressed _________ _____ ___ _ Pounds . Poultry, live................................. - ........... Head. _ _ Hosiery _____ - _____ _____ 24 68 38 23 44 95 9 5 5,621 70 2,142 0) 0) $9,522 970 13,163 38,194 21,473 5,621 70 2,142 122,149 0) 17 0) 9,002 1,194 714 254 66,039 0) 4,703 597 56,110 (0 17 0) 56,010 15,522 0) 13,092 1,962,402 4,783 6,364 2, 755 2,499 41, 317 34,686 15,522 0) 13,092 1,959,244 3,013 6,364 1,100 2,499 41,254 21,324 1, 770 (0 1,655 18,532 1,552 1,048 748 5,140 6,429 200 0) 500 (9 9,424 6,921 7,196 299 1, 727 3,935 110 1,911 371 20,380 18,532 1,552 1,048 748 5,140 6,429 200 9,424 6,921 7,196 299 1,727 3,935 110 500 371 20,380 0) 464,593 2,995 23, 793 0) 464, 593 2,065 23, 793 13,807 8,667 373 2,007 1,165 442 13, 807 4,111 368 2,007 621 439 $9,522 970 13,163 0) (9 0) L$38,194 21,473 3,158 $4,299 597 714 254 63 0) 1,911 (9 930 4, 556 5, 544 3 Value PRISON LABOR IN 'THE. UNITED STATES, 1040 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value See footnotes at end o f table. 117 Head. Each___ Each__ Each. . Each___ Each Each ._ Each___ Each ... Each___ Each__ Each ... 153 3 46 Each___ Each ___ Each __ Each___ Tons . Tons ._ Tons Pounds. Gallons. Sq. yd Sq. yd. Sq. yd._ 53 61 27 112 45 Each___ Dozen Dozen Each Dozen Each Dozen Dozen (0 136 (0 87 (0 7 4,121 371 (0 3 4,082 150 1,603 7,411 238 12,819 66 683 181 (0 8,031 87,751 1,049 48,468 2,746 1,484 321 260 68 17 238 1,567 50 337 244 1,049 7,104 2, 540 169 248 217 432 124 432 124 (0 2,565 72 1,641 <0 2,565 72 1,641 1,770, 823 8,501 (0 14,810 75,260 9,438 76 629 1, 770,823 8,501 (0 14,810 75,260 9,438 76 629 13,622 919,396 150,000 (0 3,328 3,260 539 7,227 13,622 919,396 150,000 (') 3,328 3,260 539 7,227 7,570 1,424 12,813 5,387 946 8,990 557 1,408 11, 246 364 916 7,472 424,219 7,229 (0 36,234 1,120 49 424,219 7,229 (0 36, 234 1,120 49 407,088 1,518 21,565 (0 79,263 1,124 17,302 53 407,088 1, 518 21, 565 (0 79, 263 1,124 17.302 53 0) 41 556 647 425 946 3,505 2,030 541 0) 1,035 172 1,336 1,923 333 9,401 4,505 5,086 365 641 (0 25 556 646 1,035 147 1,336 1,921 945 3, 505 2,030 541 O) 9,395 4,505 5,086 365 506 0) CO 49 (0 4 39 221 1, 535 7,394 7,694 87, 507 11,252 16 683 12 41,364 206 1,484 73 43 CO V 7,013 16 1, 567 5,023 30 1, 518 16 25 1 425 1 2 333 6 0) i§5 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Miscellaneous ______________________ Farm, miscellaneous____ __________________ Farm hands hired out____ __________ Livestock__ _____________________ Furniture: Wood_________________________ Beds _ . _______ __________________ Breakfast se ts_____________ _________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs.___________l . . . _______________ Desks _ _ _ _ ______ __________ Ottomans __ ....................... ................ Tables_______ _ ___________ _____ Miscellaneous__________ ___________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood. _____ Mattresses_____________ _______ _____ Pillows______ ___________ ______ _____ Repairs___ ___________________________ Metal products___ _ ________________ . . . Auto license tags._______________ _____ Highway markers. .......... ................ ......... Signs...I_________ _______ _____ ______ Tags, miscellaneous____________ ______ Printing and binding. . ________________ Bookbinding and blank books____ _____ . _. . _____ _________ Envelopes __ Letterheads _ . _____________ .. . Miscellaneous _ . . . . _________ Quarrying and rock crushing . ___________ Lime and agricultural limestone________ Stone, building _ ________ ___________ Stone, crushed. _______ ____________ Soap and other detergents_____ _________ Soap. . ______ ______________________ Soap, liquid ._ ________ _____________ Miscellaneous soap products________. . . Textiles_________ ___________ ____ _____ Cotton yard goods, light. _ ______ _ . Duck and canvas _____________ _ Wool yard goods_________ _____ _______ Miscellaneous____________ ___ ___ _ Textile products________________ _ ____ Bags, cloth... _________ Flags. ___________________________ . Mopheads . . _ ______ _ __ _ Pillowcases__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rugs, rag__ ________ _ _ Sheets. ___ __ _____ ___ .... Spreads_____ Towels... _ . ... Washcloths__ Miscellaneous____________________ ____ ' T a b l e A . — Kind , quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940 , by State, system , an d institution— Continued O IOWA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value ALL institutions—continued 59 Cases Do Insecticides, deodorants, and related chemical compounds __ Miscellaneous - - - _____ Total THE MEN’S REFORMATORY ____________ Clothing . _ _____ _ Aprons _ _____ _________ Coats, dress __________ ___________ Coats, work Gloves and mittens Hats and caps Handkerchiefs _ _ _ Labor only _ __ _ _ Overalls - __________ Overcoats ____________ Pajamas and nightgowns Pants, dress _______ _______ _ Pants, work . ____________ Suits __________ ___ Underwear, men’s and boys’ U niform s M iscell an em 1s Construction: Buildings Construction: Miscellaneous _ _ Farm : D airy Beef, dressed Butter ______ __ ___ ___________ Cattle_______________________ ____ ___ $28,331 464 CO CO 26,680 309 Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Dozen Each Dozen . Dozen Pairs Each___ Dozen Each 9 38 25 Pounds_ Pounds. Head__ 0) (0 375,847 452 106 15,654 0) $28,331 464 26,680 309 339,461 59 464 231 1,002 270 70 0) 964 255 10 517 136 786 10,875 1,053 289 15 (0 (0 (0 312 2,257 4,969 3, 211 948 35 363 14,811 2,113 65 1,900 3, 247 7,896 5,873 11,317 1,574 "210 136 4,886 21,473 59 464 231 1,002 270 70 (0 964 255 10 517 136 786 10,875 1,053 289 15 (0 56,010 15, 522 (0 4,783 6,364 2, 755 34,686 15,522 (0 312 2, 257 4,969 3, 211 948 35 363 14,811 2,113 65 1,900 3, 247 7,896 5,873 11,317 1, 574 210 136 0) 0) 3,013 6,364 1,100 $10,027 $26,359 Quantity Value 1940 Shirts, w ork Shoes repaired 0) 15,654 Piece price PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 4,886 21,473 21,324 1,770 0) i, 655 408102 1° I to I Milk, whole____________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_______ Corn, field_____________________ Ensilage_______________________ Hay.___ ______________________ Molasses___ _____ ______________ Oats__________________________ Potatoes________________________ Miscellaneous___________________ Farm: Hogs__________________ T____ Pork, dressed___________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products.. Pounds Dozen.. 33 4 T2)" 850,318 19,076 850,318 19,076 12,239 681 354 748 4,420 3,884 (0 6,260 3,405 2,541 299 1,547 2,422 13,894 12,239 681 354 748 4,420 3,884 (0 6,260 3,405 2, 541 299 1,547 2,422 13,894 234,265 11,687 234, 265 11,687 3,487 490 3,487 490 (0 181 (0 ~ w Each.. Each.. ‘ "46 EachEach. EachEach.. Tons.. Tons.. Tons.. Pounds. Gallons. 61 27 1,770,823 8,501 (0 14,810 75,260 9,438 76 629 13,622 919,396 150,000 (0 3,328 3,260 539 6,727 13,622 919,396 150,000 (0 3,328 3,260 539 6, 727 7,570 1,424 12,813 5,387 946 8,990 557 1,408 11,246 364 916 7,472 424, 219 7,229 (0 36, 234 1,120 49 424, 219 7,229 (0 36, 234 1,120 49 100 65 464 1,035 375 484 1,119 41 61 15,654 (0 (0 100 65 464 1,035 375 484 1,119 41 28,331 15,654 28,331 26,680 (0 26,680 0) (0 31 (0 7,013 16 1,567 5,023 30 1, 518 TABLES Cases. 75,260 9,438 76 629 (0 Dozen.. DozenDozen.. 150 1,770,823 8,501 (0 14,810 A ----- G E N E R A L Total- Bushels. Tons.... T o n s... Gallons. Bushels. Bushels. A P P E N D IX Farm: Miscellaneous_____________________ Livestock____________________________ Metal products__________________________ Auto license tags______________________ Highway markers_____________________ Signs________________________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Bookbinding and blank books_________ Envelopes____________________ _______ Letterheads__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing______________ Lime and agricultural limestone________ Stone, building_______________________ Stone, crushed________________________ Soap and other detergents_________________ Soap_________________________________ Soap, liquid__________________________ Miscellaneous soap products___________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products_____________ Canned fruits and vegetables__________ Insecticides, deodorants, and related chemical compounds________________ Pounds Pounds STATE PENITENTIARY Brooms, brushes, and mops. Brooms_______________ Brushes........................... See footnotes at end o f table. 455,982 Dozen _ Dozen. 903 543 3,078 2.633 275, 752 899 543 3,073 2.633 33, 308 146,922 4 5 O Or A.— K in d , 106 T able quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued IOWA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value STATE PENITENTIARY—Continued *Clothing, other than knit_________ _____ Aprons. _ _ ________________________ Belts, leather ________________________ Coats, w o r k .________________________ Gloves and mittens___________________ Handkerchiefs ______________________ Hats and caps________________ ^___ . . . Overalls_____________________________ Overcoats________ . . _____________ Pajamas and nightgowns _________ _ Pants, work__________________________ Shirts, work. ________ _________ __ Shoes, new _________ _____________ Shoes repaired__________________ ____ Suits _ ___________________ ____ Miscellaneous_______________________ Clothing, knit___________________________ Hoisery . ________________________ Sweaters ________________________ Underwear ________________________ Construction: Buildings__ ________________ Farm: Cattle__ _ _______________________ Beef, dressed ___. . . _ Cattle . . ________________________ Do . ________________________ Miscellaneous ________ _____________ Farm: Dairy ____ __________________ Milk, whole - __________ Farm: Field crops and garden________ Corn, field _____ ________ ______________ Ensilage . . FTay Potatoes _ _ _____________________ Rye ______ ________________ Straw berries....................... .................... Dozen Dozen _ Dozen _ Doz. pr._ Dozen _ Dozen. Dozen. _ Each Dozen Dozen. Dozen _ Pairs Pairs Each Doz. pr_. Dozen _ Dozen Pounds. Head__ Pounds. Bushels . Tons. .. Tons Bushels . Bushels. 75 24 69 22 16 50 27 66 93 719 1,171 286 166 184 6 128 314 16,505 6,469 404 0) $96 237 2,037 719 514 337 1,536 1,334 66 1,179 2,381 46,199 3,370 3,131 12 27 66 93 719 1,171 286 166 184 6 128 314 16, 505 6,469 404 0) $96 237 2,037 719 514 337 1, 536 1,334 66 1,179 2,381 46,199 3,370 3,131 12 5,621 70 2,142 (0 9,522 970 13,163 33, 308 5,621 70 2,142 9,522 970 13,163 113, 554 15 0) 0) 8,436 538 1,194 236 57,444 4,137 901,882 18,036 901,822 18,036 4,566 499 651 2,545 200 (9 2,283 1,996 4,330 1, 513 110 1,911 4, 566 499 651 2,545 200 2,283 1,996 4, 330 1, 513 110 (9 0) 597 $33,308 56,110 15 0) 0) 0) $4,299 538 597 236 1,9li Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Bushels. Farm: Hogs women ’ s reformatory T otal __________________________________ See footnotes at end of table. (9 (9 212,390 4 117 153 3 5 112 23 (2) 371 4,768 2,065 (9 11,185 Pounds. 212,390 2,065 11,185 (9 8,263 7,595 368 (9 1,247 1,045 439 136 8,263 3,039 368 (9 1,247 501 439 87 (9 49 (9 4,121 (9 4,082 (9 39 68 17 238 1, 567 50 337 244 1,049 7,104 2,540 1,535 7,394 7,694 87,507 169 248 217 11,252 16 683 12 (9 41,364 206 1,484 73 43 432 124 2,565 72 1,641 500 425 333 1,603 7,411 238 12,819 66 683 181 (9 8,031 87,751 1,049 48,468 2,746 1,484 321 260 (9 432 124 2,565 72 1,641 500 (9 (9 (9 (9 407,088 1,518 21, 565 (9 79,263 1,124 17,302 53 407.088 1, 518 21, 565 (9 79, 263 1,124 17,302 53 556 95 425 76 3,505 1,511 541 (9 (9 1,336 207 333 663 4,505 3,657 365 195 309 556 95 1,336 207 76 3,505 1,511 541 (9 (9 663 4,505 3,657 365 195 309 46 Dozen Each _ Dozen Dozen.., 500 371 4,768 23,526 2 5 293 18 34 (9 14 327 109 100 7 21,978 5 293 18 34 (9 4,556 544 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Pork, dressed. Farm: Poultry and poultry products Dozen. Eggs Pounds. Poultry, dressed __ _____ Head. Poultry, live. ___ _____ Miscellaneous __ ______ Farm: Miscellaneous __ Farm hands hired out Furniture: Wood Each Beds Each Breakfast sets Each Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc Each Chairs Each _ Desks Each _ Ottomans Each _ Tables __ Miscellaneous Furniture: Other than metal or wood Each _ Mattresses___ ______ __ ___ Each ___ ______ Pillows. ___ Repairs______ ____ ______ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous Textiles _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______________ Cotton yard goods, light _ Sq. yd Duck and canvas Sq. yd Sq. y d . Wool yard goods_________________ __ Miscellaneous, _ ____________________ Textile products________________________ Mopheads Dozen Pillowcases___ ________ __________ Dozen. _ Each___ Rugs, rag_____ _____________________ Dozen . Sheets Each___ Spreads___________________ _________ Towels______________________________ Dozen _ W ashcloths__ Dozen. Miscellaneous Other manufactured products: Miscellaneous _ Clothing ___ ______ ______ Aprons __ ______ _______ __ Dresses Pajamas and nightgowns Underwear, women’s and children’s Miscellaneous,______________ _______ 500 4 1. 548 14 327 109 100 7 ■<! T able A . — K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued O 00 IOWA—Continued Quantity and value of articles produced under each system AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Quantity Value 3 1 (9 18 210,262 4, 205 207,104 4,142 1,727 380 43 720 0) 881 1,520 325 180 1, 718 1, 727 380 43 720 (9 881 1, 520 325 180 1, 718 57 17,938 930 921 17,938 921 2,057 1,072 5 270 120 3 2,057 1,072 270 120 3 190 41 452 805 55 0) • (9 172 1,341 8,254 310 405 464 25 451 804 55 (9 (9 2 (9 147 1, 339 8,248 310 270 464 $176 18 3,158 63 57 930 (9 5 3 3 190 16 1 1 25 2 6 135 1940 8 $566 ___ U N IT E D S T A T E S , 1 8,595 $566 176 Miscellaneous 18 THE 12 8,595 2 (9 IN 1 LABOR women’ s reformatory—continued ___ Farm: Cattle__ ___ _ Beef, dressed _____________ _ __ _ Pounds_ Head Cattle_____ _ _ _ _ ________ _____ _________ ____ _ Farm: Dairy___ _ _ _ _ ______ ______ ____ Milk, whole __ _ _______ _ Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden________ _ ___ Corn, field _ __ _ Bushels. ___ Ensilage _ _ Tons Hay ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tons Oats __ ____ ___ Bushels. Miscellaneous ____ ______ Farm: Hogs__ _ __________ _ ___ Hogs___ . . . _ _ Head Pork, dressed _______________ ___ _ __ Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products__ ___ E g g s____ ___ _ _ _ ___ __ _ Dozen. _ ____________Poultry, _ __ dressed _ _ Pounds. Poultry, live _ ___ _____________ _ __ Head Farm: Miscellaneous__ _________________ Livestock ________ ________ _ _ Head Textile products_______ _______ _ __ Flags _ ____________________ _ Each ______________ __ _ __ Dozen Pillowcases Sheets __ _ _____________ _ __ Dozen Dozen Towels ________ _ __________ Miscellaneous _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Value P R IS O N Institution and articles produced num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value KANSAS ALL INSTITUTIONS M. Dozen Dozen... Dozen Each__ Dozen _ 47 86 Dozen ._ Dozen . Each Dozen _ Dozen.. _ Dozen . Pairs ... 110 4 152 175 2,626 1,448 (9 605 2 326 523 53 472 393 110 4 152 175 2,626 1,448 (9 325 19 1,905 114 3,749 1, 769 723 7,465 12 1,068 5,620 256 1,872 929 3, 280 2, 356 2,790 138 (9 1,398, 500 325 19 1,905 114 3,749 1,769 723 7,465 12 1,068 5,620 256 1,872 929 3, 280 2,356 2,790 138 1,700 1,000 75,190 28,150 15, 000 315 25, 712 243, 339 2,217,656 (9 2, 517 3, 300 10,618 1,826 2, 518 37,472 1,766 28,150 15,000 175 25,712 243, 339 2,217,656 (9 2, 517 3, 300 5,266 1,826 2, 518 37,472 1,766 3,975 1, 200 863 (9 3,483 14,160 (9 2,044 4,800 6,908 30 1,145 8,257 11, 790 3,975 1,200 863 (9 3,483 14,160 (9 2,044 4,800 6,908 30 1,145 8,257 11, 790 2, 528 128, 046 25,499 12,814 1,660 128,046 14,828 12,814 937 186 2 2 110 58 107 Bushels . Tons . . . Tons . . Bushels. Bushels. 6 Head____ Pounds. 10,181 *(9 0) (9 605 2 326 523 53 472 393 (9 937 186 $2, 700 $96, 263 (9 (9 1, 700 1,000 1, 398, 500 75,190 140 5,352 868 10,671 TABLES Pounds. Pounds. Head Pounds . Pounds. Pounds. 1,018 A ----- G E N E R A L Pounds. 10,181 (0 Dozen. _ Each__ $389, 980 1,018 A P P E N D IX Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick_ Clothing___’ . ____ ... _____ . ... Aprons __ . _ Children’s playsuits_____________ . . . _ Coats, work. _ _ . . . ____________ Dresses . . . . . . . ________________ . Gloves and mittens_______. . . ____ . .. Hats and caps__ _________ ________ ... Labor only.. . _ ________________ . Overalls . . . . . _______ _ Pajamas and nightgowns_____ _____ Pants, dress. . . . ________ _______ Pants, work____ ____________ _____ _ . . . . . . _____ . . . Shirtsj dress__ Shirts, work__ _________ _____ Shoes, new.. . . ____________ _____ Shoes repaired.... . .. ___. . . .. . Underwear, men’s and boys’ ______ Uniforms ___ . _ .. __ __ Miscellaneous.. . _ ._ _. Construction: Buildings____ . . . Construction: Miscellaneous_______ . . . .. Cordage: Binder twine _____. . . ______ Farm: D airy ___ . _. ______ ._ ___ Beef, dressed. .. ______ _______ Butter______________________________ . . . . . . ______ Cattle.. . . . . ______ _. Cream______ .. . . . ________ _______ . . Milk, skimmed ______ __ _ ________ Milk, whole____ . _ ____________ . . . . . Miscellaneous . . . . . . ________ Farm: Field crops and garden . . . _____ Corn, field________________ __________ Ensilage ____ . _____________ Hay____ _______________ _________ _________________ Labor only______ _______ . . . ___________ _______ . . Oats . . ________ . . . _________________ __________ __ Potatoes ______ ___________ ________________ .. Miscellaneous________________________ ________ . . Farm: Hogs _____________________________________ . . . Hogs. . . . . _____ ________ . ________ ________ Pork, dressed_________________________ $488,943 999 Total See footnotes at end o f table. O CO able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued 110 T KANSAS—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value ALL institutions—continued Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ 5 E g g s________________ ________ ______ Dozen 1,808 Poultry, l i v e _______________________ Head 617 Turkeys, live__________________ ______ Head__ 676 Furniture: Wood______P_ ________________ 20 Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_____________ _ Each 99 Each __ Chairs________ ______ ____________ 1 Desks _________________________ ______ Each 1 _____________________________ Repairs <9 5 Tables_______________________________ Each___ _________ ______ •0) Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and 50 signs. 1,206,404 ________ . ____ Each Auto license tags Each Highway markers____ _______ _____ 11,656 411 Mining: C o a l_______ _______________ . Tons___ 68,079 Printing and binding: Miscellaneous............. 12 (9 18 Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth _______________ D ozen36 Dozen 15,450 Bags, tobacco ____________________ Dozen Pillowcases ____________ _________ 388 Repairs __________________________ . 0 394 Sheets __________________________ Dozen 1,461 Towels ____________________________ Dozen... — Miscellaneous________________________ 0 Wood products ________ _______ _________ Lumber - __ __ __ __ _ (9 _________ ___________ Miscellaneous Other manufactured products_____________ 58 Canned fruits and vegetables............. ...... Cases__ 13, 567 3 Harness ____________________________ S ets___ Do _____ ______________________ (9 Leather products, miscellaneous________ (9 Repairs (leather) _ . . _ _____ Pounds.and chewing 44,640 .............. Tobacco, . smoking ) 7 ) h h $286 375 1,415 1,808 617 8 1,937 2 10 1 11 (9 20 Miscellaneous. 944 (9 $286 375 19 11 1,206,404 11, 656 68,079 (9 40,000 5,016 136,158 2, 613 82 185 510 19 2,156 2,236 382 36 15,450 388 (9 394 1,461 (9 82 185 510 19 2,156 2,236 382 17,773 152 550 762 50 17,856 8 1,937 2 5 (9 20 933 (9 762 1,342 337 13,567 3 (9 17,773 152 550 (9 50 17,856 44,640 $1,396 99 1 10 11 40,000 5,016 136,158 2,613 1,342 337 668 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value STATE INDUSTRIAL REFORMATORY 170 Total. See footnotes at end of table. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels. 2 20 30 2 Head__ Pounds. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. (0 184 0) 0) 28, 510 15,000 48 25,712 243,339 846,687 0) 2, 517 3,300 1,096 1,826 2,518 13, 560 1,094 28,150 15,000 47 25,712 243,339 846,687 (>) 2, 517 3,300 1,081 1,826 2, 518 13,560 1,094 1,200 406 3,483 7,427 4,800 3,703 1,145 4,556 2,744 1,200 406 3,483 7,247 4,800 3,703 1,145 4, 556 2,744 263 114,041 1,578 11,404 263 114,041 1,578 11,404 99 1 1 1,937 2 10 11 20 944 0) 50 11 10 4 69 160 2 94 25 53 85 297 o 20 Each. 110,403 25 48 66 149 1,545 12 224 198 256 363 871 1,712 221 63 1,000 0) Dozen. Dozen. Each.. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Pairs.. Pounds. Pounds. Head__ Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 115,072 25 5 (9 1,206,404 11,656 0) 40,666 5,016 2,284 10 4 69 (9 160 2 94 25 53 85 297 <9 184 (9 0) 1 <9 <9 1,206,404 11,656 <9 25 48 66 149 1,545 12 224 198 256 363 871 1,712 221 63 3,669 $1,000 0) 1,000 10 11 11 40,000 5,016 2,284 (0 1 15 99 1 1,937 2 5 20 933 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing_________________________ Aprons_______________________ Coats, work___________________ Hats and caps_________________ Labor only____________________ Overalls______________________ Pajamas and nightgowns_______ Pants, dress___________________ Pants, work__________________ Shirts, dress___________________ Shirts, work__________________ Shoes, new____________________ Shoes repaired________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’___ Miscellaneous_________________ Construction: Miscellaneous_______ Farm: Dairy_____________________ Beef, dressed__________________ Butter________________________ Cattle________________________ Cream________________________ Milk, skimmed_______________ Milk, whole___________________ Miscellaneous_________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______ Ensilage______________________ Hay__________________________ Oats_____ ____________________ Potatoes______________________ Miscellaneous____________ _____ Farm: Hogs______________________ Hogs-------------------------------------Pork, dressed_________________ Furniture: Wood_________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc________ Chairs________________________ Desks________________________ Repairs_______________________ Tables________________________ Miscellaneous_________________ Metal products___________________ Auto license tags______________ Highway markers______________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous. T able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued to KANSAS—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value STATE INDUSTRIAL REFORMATORY— COn. Textile products__________________ Bags, cloth____________________ Pillowcases----------------------------Sheets________________________ Towels_______________________ Miscellaneous_________________ Other manufactured products---------Harness______________________ Do_______________________ Leather products, miscellaneous.. Repairs_______ __________ ____ Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. 2 124 117 304 l1) 194 492 486 9 (0 0) 104 152 762 20 Pieces.. Sets___ 2 124 117 304 0) $35 194 492 486 9 104 152 0) $762 0) STATE PENITENTIARY 817 Total. Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick. .Clothing------------------------------------------Aprons--------------------------------------Children’s play suits.............. .......... Coats, work------------------------- -----Gloves and mittens----------------------Hats and caps— ------------------------Labor only...r....... ...................... . Overalls-------------------------------------Pants, dress--------------------------------Pants, work...... ................. ........... . Shirts, work-------------------------------Shoes, new---------------------- --------— Shoes repaired____________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ----------Uniforms________________________ Construction: Buildings----------------------Cordage: Binder twine-----------------------Farm: Dairy-------------------------------------Cattle___________________________ Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Doz. pr_ Dozen. Dozen. . Each... Dozen.. DozenPairs.. . Pairs... Dozen.. E ach Pounds. 2 110 38 Head— . 372,822 10,181 1,018 10,181 100 4 148 2,626 1,379 0) 445 232 498 387 96 6,214 753 186 0) , 398, 500 300 19 1,857 3, 749 1,703 499 5,920 844 5.422 1,509 58 1,568 2,135 2, 790 1,700 75,190 100 4 148 2,626 1, 379 0) 445 232 498 387 96 6,214 753 186 300 19 1,857 3,749 1,703 499 5,920 844 5,422 1,509 58 1, 568 2,135 2, 790 267 9, 522 128 0) 4,185 92, 594 $1, 700 278, 528 1,018 1,700 1,500 75,190 5,337 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden Hay Labor only Potatoes Bushels. Tons___ _______________________ ______________________ ____ _____ ________ -- Bushels _______ _ Head Hogs __ __ Pork, dressed _ __ _. Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products _ _ __ Head__ Tons___ Dozen Dozen.... — Dozen Dozen Dozen 4 3 411 1 10 7 _ _ Cases 52 Pounds. 1,370,969 0) 23,912 672 1, 370,969 0) 23,912 672 3,975 457 0) 6,913 0) 2,044 3,205 30 3,701 9,046 3,975 457 0) 6,913 0) 2,044 3,205 30 3,701 9,046 2,265 14,005 23,921 1,410 1, 397 14,005 13, 250 1,410 868 10,671 38 676 68,079 0) 20 1,415 136,158 329 38 8 68,079 0) 20 19 136,158 329 668 1,396 34 15,450 264 277 1,157 0) 47 185 316 1,664 1, 750 248 34 15,450 264 277 1,157 0) 47 185 316 1,664 1, 750 248 0) 1,342 337 0) 0) 1,342 337 0) 13, 567 0) 0) 44,640 17,772 446 30 17,856 13, 567 0) 0) 44,640 17, 772 446 30 17,856 STATE INDUSTRIAL FARM FOR WOMEN Total_____________ ________________ ____ _ Clothing................................. ......... ......... Dresses_______________ ___________ Each . Labor only _______ __________ _____ Miscellaneous _ __________ . ___ Farm: Poultry and poultry products _____ . Eggs_______ __________ ________ Dozen Poultry, live ________ ______ _____ Head .. Textile products___ ____________ ____ _____ Repairs Miscellaneous________________________ 6 2 1,049 1,049 12 114 75 75 175 0) 0) 175 0) 0) 114 75 75 1, 770 617 266 375 1, 770 617 266 375 4 0) 0) 19 125 0) 0) APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Mining: Coal Printing and binding: Miscellaneous Textile products Bags, cloth Bags, tobacco Pillowcases Sheets Towels M iscellaneous Wood products Lumber M iscellaneous Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables Harness Repairs (leather) Tobacco, smoking and chewing 77 19 125 See footnotes at end o f table. CO T a b le A.— Kind,quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State,system,and institution— Continued KENTUCKY Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity ALL INSTITUTIONS $441,802 442 Dozen Each Dozen Each _ Dozen. Each. Dozen 5 53 Dozen Dozen.. Each Dozen Dozen Pairs _ Each Dozen. Dozen. Head__ 119 (2) 22 Pounds. Head _ Pounds. Bushels. Tons. . Bushels. Head Pounds. 135 4 $311,756 49 541 171 157 49 541 171 157 44 2,520 14 268 852 0) 37 20 1,342 1,025 1,133 6,440 374 472 9 0) 0) 6 201 9,945 184 180 2,874 75 445 104 2,684 19,927 8,503 1,932 1,870 1,465 10 152 125,000 163 44 2,520 14 268 852 (9 37 20 1, 342 1,025 1,133 6,440 374 472 9 (9 201 9,945 184 180 2,874 75 445 104 2,684 19, 927 8,503 1, 932 1, 870 1,465 10 152 1,125 3 230, 713 56 26 6,713 1,125 3 230, 713 56 26 6, 713 10, 292 287 13, 295 0) 6,690 3,847 11,816 27, 391 10, 292 261 12,141 (9 431 16,185 4,694 1, 273 222 16,185 $5,046 $125,000 (9 125,000 Value 6 163 6,690 3,487 10, 777 27.391 26 1,154 360 1,039 1, 554 1, 273 209 3,140 Quantity Value 1940 Brooms, brushes, and mops______________ Brooms___ ___ _ ______ ____ _____ _________________ ___ _________ Mops Clothing _______________________________ Aprons................... __i______ ______ ___ Coats, dress____________________ ___ . Coats, work_________________________ Dresses ___________________ _ __ . . . Hats and c a p s ..._________ _______ _ Labor only_______ ____________ ____ Overalls__ ______ _ _ _ __ _ _ Pajamas and nightgowns____ _ _______ Pants, dress____ __________________ _ Pants, work ______________ _________ Shirts, work___________________ _____ Shoes repaired_____________ _ _______ Suits_______________________ _________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ . _______ Underwear, women’s and children’s____ M iscella n eou s._ ___________________ Construction: Buildings_____ ______ ____ _ _ Farm: Cattle__________________________ _ Farm: Dairy__________________________ _ Beef, dressed__________________ __ _ _ Cattle_______________________ _______ Milk, whole_________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field__________ _________________ Hay _________________________ ____ Potatoes....... ................. .............. ............ Miscellaneous.. __________ ___________ Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Hogs ....... ....................................... Pork, dressed_________________ _______ Piece price PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber ol Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value (2) Barrels.. Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Tons___ C lothing A prons Coats, dress Coats, w ork H ats and naps T a bor on ly Overalls Pajam as and nightgow ns Pants, dress Pants, w ork Shirts, w ork Shoes repaired Underwear, m en ’s and h o y s ' M iseellaneous Farm: Cattle Farm: Dairy Milk, whole Dozen Dozen Eaeh Dozen Dozen Pairs Dozen Head.... F arm : F ield e rop sa n d garden Corn, field Hay Potatoes Dozen Each Dozen Dozen __ M iseellaneous Farm : H ogs Pounds. Bushels. Tons Bushels. Head__ ________________ Farm: Miscellaneous Metal products Auto license tags Each Highway markers ... Each Repairs (to signs) .. . . . _. Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Tons___ See footnotes at end o f table. 2 18 73 9 0 344 433 61 973 96 95 324 433 61 973 954, 208 16,389 0) 26,000 52, 481 131,112 2,355 5,980 954, 208 16, 389 0 26,000 52,481 131,112 2,355 5,980 9 454 713 1,507 0 62 1, Oil 6,354 1, 737 351 9 454 713 1, 507 0) 62 1,011 6,354 1, 737 351 278 _________ 33 36 2,520 12 433 0) 37 12 1, 342 561 692 6,440 251 0 6 (2) 20 211,173 128 10, 292 287 13, 295 0) 69 3 0 (2) 18 954, 208 16, 389 0 26, 000 73 344 0 96 95 324 287, 642 __________ 284, 601 _________ 170 9,945 144 1,872 23 445 61 2,684 14,332 5,187 1,932 1,146 152 163 36 2,520 12 433 0 37 12 1, 342 561 692 6,440 251 0 170 9,945 144 1, 872 23 445 61 2,684 14, 332 5,187 1,932 1,146 152 6,139 211,173 6,139 6,690 3,847 11,816 23,183 1,135 344 10, 292 261 12,141 0 6,690 3, 487 10, 777 23,183 52,481 131,112 2,355 5, 980 954, 208 16, 389 0 26,000 _________ 3,041 6 163 26 1,154 360 1,039 69 1,135 344 0 _______ __ -------------- - APPEN DIX A— GENERAL TABLES STATE REFORMATORY 2 52,481 131,112 2,355 5,980 F—* O i able A.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , o W institution— Continued 116 T KENTUCKY—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value STATE REFORMATORY—Continued Textile products __ _______ _____ __ ____ Bags, c lo th ____ __________________ __ Pillowcases. ______________________ .. Dozen Sheets________________________ ______ Dozen T ow els______________________________ Dozen Miscellaneous_______________ ______ Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Dozen 119 2 1 . Grain-mill products: Corn meal________ $125,000 25,765 Head Pounds. Faeh E ach .. Barrels.. . . 49 541 171 157 49 541 171 157 2 2 419 3 464 441 374 221 3 40 1,002 24 5, 595 3,316 1,870 319 125,000 2 2 419 3 464 441 374 221 3 40 1,002 24 5, 595 3,316 1,870 319 1,125 3 19,540 56 26 574 1,125 3 19,540 56 26 574 18 3 P o rk , dressed F u rn itu re : O th e r th a n m e ta l o r wood M attresses P illow s Dozen Each Pounds Head Pounds. . 152,770 $2,005 5 __ . 0) $62 467 3,125 606 44 2 2 0) 0) 0) 3,259 0) 3,259 362 16,185 3, 559 1,273 222 16,185 1,554 1,273 96 95 324 433 61 973 96 95 324 433 61 973 125,000 1940 . 9 251 347 504 ST AT E S, Hogs . $62 467 3,125 606 44 Value U N IT E D Miscellaneous _ F a rm : H ogs 0) 158 Brooms, brushes, and mops Brooms...... ................. Mops................................ _ __ _ _ . Clothing.......................... ....................... ...... Aprons........ ......... ......................... ......... Coats, work_______ ______ ____ ______ Hats and caps________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns Pants, work __ _ Shirts, work ___ _ . . . Suits . . . _ __ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ............. Construction: Buildings.... .............. ......... . F a rm : D a iry Beef, dressed C a ttle M ilk , w hole F a rm : F ield e ro p s a n d garden 9 251 347 504 Quantity THE STATE PENITENTIARY Total_______________ ______ __________ 3 Piece price PRISO N LABOR IN Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 140 2,005 Textile products...... ............................... Pillowcases___ __________________ Dozen... Sheets____________ _____________ Dozen... Towels.... ...... .........................__ --- Dozen. Miscellaneous,_................ ....... ......... 6 203 354 980 0) 544 3,126 1,088 301 203 354 980 0) 544 3,126 1,088 301 STATE REFORMATORY (WOMEN) 1,390 6 2 Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen 6 268 5 0) 4 9 949 0) (2) 28 180 19 52 10 12 23 0) 103 43 6 1,390 6 268 5 (0 9 28 180 19 52 10 949 0) 12 23 0) 103 43 6 LOUISIANA STATE PENITENTIARY Total__________ Brooms, brushes, and mops Brooms.. Mops____ Clothing........ . . . _ __ _ Aprons____ Coats, work . ............ ... Hats and caps Pajamas and nightgowns Pants, work Shirts, work Shoes, new Miscellaneous * Construction: Major repairs to buildings Farm: Cattle Farm: Dairy Butter Milk, whole___________________ _______ See footnotes at end of table. 1,980 Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs Head__ Pounds. Pounds. 382 2,140 1,146 749 382 2,140 1,146 749 138 538 57 286 967 187 3,022 (!) 138 538 57 286 967 187 3,022 (0 454 5, 537 35 1,031 9, 862 1, 345 6,044 25 113 454 5,537 35 1,031 9,862 1,345 6,044 25 35,260 6,759 113 6,759 1,612 414,494 413 19,279 1,612 414,494 413 19,279 14 70 6 5 $767,106 _________ $1,335,900 4 (0 (0 $35,260 35, 260 $533, 534 = = = = = = APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Total................... ______ __________ Clothing.... ................................ Aprons........... ..................... Dresses_______________ _. Pajamas and nightgowns ____ Repairs__ ____ _______ _ __ Underwear, women’s and children’s Farm: Field crops and garden_______ ___ Miscellaneous______ _________ _ Textile products_________ ___ . i _____ Sheets.................................. Towels................... ...... ......... Miscellaneous........ ........................ T a b l e A .— Kind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued oo LOUISIANA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system State use Quantity Value Public works and ways Quantity Value State account Quantity Value STATE PENITENTIARY—Continued Bushels. Tons Bushels. Bushels . Crates Tons___ Bushels. Head__ Each .. Barrels Tons___ Pounds. Each___ Gallons. Pounds. Dozen Dozen. Bd. ft ... Pounds. Cases. Pounds. Pounds. 1,665 9 6 12 28 80 2 36 43 68, 687 1,922 141,826 36,828 12, 379 74,154 55,000 0) 848 $41,212 23, 384 188, 516 46,035 14,111 203,939 27, 500 64,767 12,720 68,687 1,922 103,086 36,828 $41, 212 23, 384 128,857 46,035 63, 524 55,000 0) 848 173, 228 27, 500 50, 592 12, 720 4, 271 15, 736 4,271 15, 736 1,556 40 104,600 758,045 6,224 1,436 1,883 52,823 I, 556 40 104,600 758,045 6, 224 1,436 1, 883 52, 823 664, 379 10Y , 850, 239 41,987 311,493 fill 105, 781 365, 825 13,983 10, 609 284 395 0) 1,410,499 409 2,883 168 28,210 284 395 0) 1,410,499 409 2,883 168 28, 210 271,918 70,453 237,421 68, 652 27,192 101, 322 18,994 15,017 271, 918 9,168 237, 421 68, 652 27,192 15, 332 18, 994 15, 017 38,740 $59,659 12, 379 10, 630 14, 111 30,711 (0 14,175 558. 598 10,484,414 28,004 300, 884 61,285 85,990 Quantity Value 1940 Farm: Field crops and garden_________ Corn, field ___- ______ ____ _ Hay - _____________________ Potatoes, white ______ _____ ________ Potatoes, sweet____________________ Radishes - ___________________ - .. Sugarcane _____ _________________ . _. Tomatoes - . _________________ ___ Miscellaneous .. . ________________ Farm: Hogs ____ Furniture: Other than metal or w o o d _____ Mattresses • _______________ ___ Grain-mill products ___________________ Corn meal _ _____________________ Feed, stock.. ___________________ Grits . . _______ _______ Metal products: Auto license tags______ . _ ■Pliga/r ____ ____ _____ Cane syrup _ __ __ _______ PAT . . . ____ ... Textile products ___________________ Pillowcases ________ _ ____. _______ ______ _ Sheets Miscellaneous _______________ Wood products: Lumber _______________ Other manufactured products_____________ Beef, dressed ____________ Canned fruit and vegetables.__________ Pnrlr, dressed _ _ Tobacco, smoking and chewing_______ Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value MAINE ALL INSTITUTIONS Total____________________________________ $141,865 407 M _____ Dozen __ Each__ Each___ Dozen __ Dozen Each__ Each__ Dozen Dozen __ Each__ Dozen Dozen _ _ Each___ Pounds. Pounds. 4 62 8 18 45 Tons... Tons Bushels. Pounds. Dozen Pounds _ Each... Each___ Each__ Each__ Each___ 2 5 Each _ . Each___ $27,500 42 426 488 43 23 95 547 434 205 560 41 23 1 82 1,158 382 13 117 652 679 5,113 784 3,370 105 31 395 7, 722 5,780 608,480 0) 924 19,975 890 5,780 595,514 0) 924 19,709 890 12,966 266 150 143 2,793 0) 750 1,602 2,794 14,698 150 54 2,793 750 540 2,794 14,640 89 1,062 II, I§I 1,253 11,131 1,253 22,455 4,628 5,897 793 21, 570 4,628 5,667 793 885 230 30 128 83 657 24 405 377 639 1,242 308 300 1,933 5,400 1 59 20 173 327 3 0) 581 69 46 1,240 2,923 29 69 83 330 21 0) 385 204 639 661 239 254 693 2,477 363 42 3, 367 0) 136 42 374 0) 0) 0) 16 $7,722 1, 400 58 Each___ $106,643 100 0) 359 131 104 0) 100 42 426 488 43 23 95 547 434 205 560 41 23 0) V) 0) 207 101 104 82 1,158 382 13 117 652 679 5,113 784 3,370 105 31 298 1 7,722 97 0) 58 0) 0) 1,400 152 30 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick___ Clothing. _________________ ___________ Aprons_________ ________ _______ Coats, dress______ ___________________ Dresses_________ __________________ Handkerchiefs_____ _____ _ ___________ Hats and caps________________________ Overcoats ____________ ____________ Pants, dress_____ _____ _______________ Pants! w o rk _________________________ Shirts, w o rk _______ ______ _________ _ Suits/.____ . . . _ . . . ________ . Underwear, men’s and boys’ .. __ _____ Underwear! women’s and "children’s____ Miscellaneous . . . ______ _________ Construction: Buildings__________________ Farm: Dairy__ ____ . . . __________________ Beef, dressed. . . . _ _________________ Milk, whole____ _ _ ______ ____ Miscellaneous____ _______________ _ Farm: Field crops and garden ___ Ensilage. __ . . . _______ _____ ____ Hay___ _____ Potatoes___ _______________ ________ Miscellaneous____. . . ____ ._ ______ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Pork, dressed___ . _ ____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_____ . Eggs_________________________________ Poultry, dressed.. _. . _________ Furniture: Wood_____ _ __ _ _ _ _____ Beds____________ _________ _________ _ _____ Benches____ .__ _. ____ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc___ ______ ___ Chairs. _ ___ __ ______________ Desks_____ _________________________ Repairs _ _____ _______ ________ Tables___ _________________ _______ _ Miscellaneous ._ ___ ________ ______ Furniture: Other than metal or wood____ Mattresses. _______ ._ . . _________ Pillows___ ____ __________________ Repairs__________ __________________ 227 2,993 S ee f o o t n o t e s a t e n d o f t a b le . CD T able A.— Kind , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons , 1910, by State, system , and institution— Continued to O MAINE—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value Quantity PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Value all institutions—continued 40 Each___ Each.. Each___ Pieces... Each__ Tons___ Dozen _ _ Dozen __ Dozen Dozen . Each _. 3 3 85 3 13 42 481,898 1,181 6,325 $33,733 1,564 579 481,898 1,181 6,275 $33,733 1,564 575 955 517 268 955 517 165 758,000 0) 428 1,137 391 317 758,000 0) 320 1,137 391 237 6 2 51 13 10 7 250 21 356 6 2 51 13 10 7 250 21 222 0) 134 24 53 2,322 24 53 170 0) 2,152 10 1 1,149 20 61 5 8 0) (i) 0) 0) 0) V) 1,422 221 0) 0) Pieces Sets... . 1,149 2,017 10,956 229 34 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 50 $4 103 0) 108 1,412 220 80 1,997 10,895 224 26 1940 Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags___ _____________ ___ Highway markers____________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous_________ _ Galvanized ware_____ ________________ Miscellaneous_____ ________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes__ _______ _____ I______ ____ Miscellaneous___ . _ ____________ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Textile products_________________________ Bags, cloth ___________________ _____ Pillowcases____ ______________________ Sheets______ _____________________ ___ Towels __ ___________________________ ' Miscellaneous_____ __________________ Wood products ____________ ____________ ____________________ _____ Boxes M iscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products _____ _______ Canned fruits and vegetables_____ _____ Harness.____________________________ Do _______________________________ Repairs (harness)_____________________ Miscellaneous leather g o o d s___________ STATE PRISON Total _ __ . . . __ Clothing ______________ Dozen Aprons ____________ Coats, dress ___________ ____ Each Hats and caps.............. ............................ Dozen... 115, 665 351 51 8 415 23 22 1,140 117 , 8 415 23 83, 593 22 1,140 117 $7,722 24, 350 _ i § 00 £ to Overcoats____________________________ Pants, dress._________________________ Pants, work..____ ___________________ Shirts, work___ _____ _________________ Suits_________________ _______________ ' Miscellaneous________________________ Construction: Buildings__________________ Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Each___ 8 7 Pounds. See footnotes at end o f table. 23 379,602 0) 15,184 94 .... Pounds- 3 Dozen________ P oun ds.-------- 0) 798 14, 640 1, 347 3,850 269 14, 640 1, 347 3,850 269 30 128 83 657 24 405 377 639 1, 242 308 300 1, 933 6, 058 1 59 20 173 327 3 581 69 46 1,240 1,429 359 0) 131 104 40 0) Each. 85 (2) (2) 207 0) 101 104 0) 136 42 374 29 69 83 330 21 0) 152 (0 30 385 204 639 661 239 254 693 4,629 227 2,993 0) 33, 733 1, 564 ' 579 481,898 1,181 6, 275 33, 733 1, 564 575 955 517 268 955 517 165 0) 103 758,000 0) 0) 1,137 391 317 758,000 0) 0) 1,137 391 237 0) 80 1 1 39 8 1 185 36 1 1 39 8 1 185 36 24 53 24 53 0) Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. 97 0) 481,898 1,181 6, 325 Pieces. Each. 363 42 3, 367 7, 722 7,432 0) 0) 1 15,184 94 7,978 Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. 379, 602 (0 798 0) 16 0) 652 679 5,113 784 3,370 134 7,978 Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. 7,432 0) 95 547 434 205 560 0) 0) 0) 50 4 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ 1 Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs_____________________________ I Pork, dressed-------------------------------------® Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs----------------- ----------------------------Poultry, dressed______________________ Furniture: W ood_________________________ Beds_________________________________ Benches______________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs_______________________________ Desks________________________________ Repairs______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous______ ____ _____________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Highway markers_____________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Galvanized ware______________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed Textile products, other than clothing_______ Bags, cloth___________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Wood products___________________________ Boxes________________________________ 1 652 679 5,113 784 3, 370 231 7, 722 95 547 434 205 560 Each.. EachDozen. Dozen. Each.. to T able A .— K ind, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution—Continued fcO to MAINE—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value state prison—continued Other manufactured products________ _____ Canned fruits and vegetables _. ______ Do ____________________________ Repairs (harness)_____________ _______ Miscellaneous leather goods____________ Total 42 Pieces Sets. STATE REFORMATORY FOR MEN _ __ ___________ ____________ . .. 4 11 Pounds. Pounds. Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. 18 1 Pounds. Dozen... Pounds. 2 2 0 10 1 0) 0 22,174 38 M $1,149' 2,017' 10, 956 229 34 $1,149 20 61 5 8 1,230 220 0) 0) 19,158 100 1, 400 5,780 225,702 0 924 4,643 796 5,780 212,736 0 150 134 2,703 0 750 1, 512 2,703 4,966 2,450 $1,997 10,895 224 26 3,016 100 1,400 924 4,377 796 12, 966 266 150 45 2,703 (i) 750 450 2,703 4,908 89 1,062 392 2,450 392 7,308 3,281 1,900 524 6,423 3, 281 1,670 524 0 1,664 0 1,664 58 0) 885 230 STATE REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN Total ___________________ Clothing ____ ____ ____________ Aprons -- _____________ Coats, dress __________________ Dresses...................................................... 18 3,892 4,026 11 Dozen. Each.. Each___ 34 11 488 60 18 382 34 11 488 60 18 382 134 Value 1940 Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick___ _____ __________________ Farm: Dairy Beef, dressed________ ___ ___ _________ Milk, whole ______ _______________ Miscellaneous____________ ___ ___ ___ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Ensilage ________________________ Hay ___________________ ______ Potatoes _________ ______________ Miscellaneous _______________________ Farm: Hogs _________________________ _____________________ Pork, dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs __ ____________________ _ Poultry, dressed -_____________________ Furniture: Wood _______________________ Miscellaneous ________________ ______ (!) 1,240 '221 0) 0) Quantity PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners . em ployed Quantity Value 13 136 164 43 64 0) 13 136 164 3,176 148 3,176 148 9 90 90 91 2,300 9 90 90 91 2,300 Dozen. Dozen. Pounds. 43 64 0) (2) 4 Tons___ Bushels. Pounds. Dozen. 0) (2) (2) 3 <9 703 63 703 63 507 147 507 147 2 5 1 12 13 2 6 65 21 186 5 1 12 13 Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. C) 6 65 21 320 0) 0) 134 M A RYLAN D ALL INSTITUTIONS Total__ _________ _ See footnotes at end o f table. 906 _ . Brooms, brushes, and mops__ ________ Brooms_________________ ________ Brushes__________ _____ _ . . . ___ _ _ Clothing, other than knit_______________ Aprons____ _ __ . ________ ____ Children’s play suits__________ ______ Coats, work . . . . . __________ __ Gloves and mittens__ ___________ .. Hats and caps___ __ __ __________ Labor only.. ____________________ Overalls. ._ __________________ .. . Overcoats____ . . . . . . _______ Pajamas and nightgowns_________ _ Pants, dress _ ____ _____ _________ Pants, work_____________ __________ Repairs __________ _______________ Shirts, dress_____ _______________ .. __ __________ _____ Shirts, work __ _ . . . __________ _ Shoes, new___ Shoes repaired___ __________________ Suits. ___ ________ _________ .. Underwear, men’s and boys’___________ Miscellaneous............................................ $1, 034, 613 26 Dozen... Dozen.._ Dozen. _. Dozen.. _ Dozen. _. Doz. pr. Dozen... Dozen... Each ... Dozen... Each___ Dozen... Dozen... Dozen... Pairs___ Pairs___ Each___ Dozen... 115 $433, 612 48 766 354 2,754 48 766 354 2,754 56 14 437 1, 562 265 0) 575 145 13 37 546 0) 53 264 12,867 6,335 997 675 C1) 298 97 6,234 4,237 924 963 5,940 617 106 196 6,244 936 474 1, 807 28,466 2,912 7,886 1,115 728 56 14 437 1,562 265 0) 575 145 13 37 546 (9 53 264 12,867 6,335 997 675 0) 298 97 6,234 4,237 924 963 5,940 617 106 196 6,244 936 474 1,807 28, 466 2,912 7,886 1,115 728 $594, 037 $6,964 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Handkerchiefs_________________ Underwear, men's and boys'____ Miscellaneous_________________ Farm: Dairy______________________ Milk, whole___________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______ Hay__________________________ Potatoes______________________ Miscellaneous_________________ Farm: Hogs______________________ Pork, dressed__________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Eggs--------------------------------------Textile products.. Bags, cloth__ Pillowcases.... Sheets_______ Towels______ Miscellaneous. fcO CO T able A .— K in d , q u a n t i t y , and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued MARYLAND—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value 0) $381, 537 106,000 106, 500 State account Quantity Piece price Value all institutions—continued Clothing, knit____________________________ Hosiery______________________________ ...... Sweaters............... Underwear___________________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ _ Construction: Buildings______ ________ Construction: Major repairs to roads_______ Construction: Roads.................................. . Farm: Cattle_______________ _ __ Farm: Dairy.______ _____________________ Beef, dressed______ _____ _ ... Butter___________ ______ Cattle__________________ _ ___ Cream_______________________ ___ Ice cream______ Milk, whole__________________________ Miscellaneous_____________ _________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field______________ ___ ______ Hay____________ ____ _ Potatoes___________________________ Wheat.. _________________________ Miscellaneous______________ _____ Farm: Hogs______ ____________________ Hogs_________ ___________________ Pork, dressed______________ _______ _ Farm: Poultry and poultry products___ Eggs______________________________ Poultry, dressed___________________ Poultry, live______________ ___________ Farm: Miscellaneous_______________ _____ Furniture: Metal___________________ Beds_____ ______ _______________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc______________ Miscellaneous___________ ______ _______ Doz. pr_ Dozen Dozen... M iles.. . Miles. __ Head__ Pounds. Pounds. Head.. Pounds. Gallons. Pounds. Bushels. Tons Bushels. Bushels. Head... Pounds. Dozen.. Pounds. Head ._ Each Each 24 191 41 41 1 31 118 15 6 (2) 13 $2,434 1,297 1,654 237 2,899 165 326 0) 0) 21 29 34 $2,434 1,297 1,654 237 381, 537 106,000 106,500 3,248 2,899 165 326 0) 200 5, 577 58 20, 517 2,740 823, 039 0) 20 1, 562 2,624 3,078 1, 370 13, 574 2,664 200 5, 577 20 1, 562 20, 517 2,740 823, 039 0) 3, 078 1, 370 13, 574 2,664 5,575 343 17, 864 1, 640 0) 3, 345 4,080 15, 782 1, 279 16, 503 5, 575 343 17, 864 1,640 0) 3, 345 4,080 15, 782 1, 279 16, 503 95 105, 820 1, 383 9, 050 25 105,820 15,330 10,307 608 0) 3,022 1,978 1, 216 14 844 86 0). 5, 277 3,216 213 21 29 34 $3, 248 58 2,624 364 9,050 70 I, 019 15,162 10,307 608 2, 989 1,978 1, 216 168 33 844 86 5, 277 3, 216 213 0) 0) 14 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value ^ 16 70 118 1,281 30 7 119 0) 386 0) 152 927 1,820 4,469 626 480 2,941 1,828 4,813 3, 535 16 70 118 1,281 30 7 119 0) 386 0) 152 927 1,820 4,469 626 480 2,941 1,828 4,813 3, 535 1, 268 0) 0) 5,094 29 7,873 1,268 0) 0) 5,094 29 7, 873 Each__ Each__ Each__ 912,906 4,042 2,811 61, 580 1,534 227 912, 906 4,042 2,811 61. 580 1, 534 227 Each___ 52,000 0) 0) 14,160 7,898 3,893 52,000 0) 0) 14,160 7,898 3, 893 Each...' Each___ 1,393, 263 442,603 0) 3,741 1,370 40, 218 1, 393, 263 442, 603 0) 3, 741 1, 370 40, 218 541 4, 917 3, 300 18, 584 541 4,917 3,300 18, 584 Pounds. Gallons. 447, 717 747 25,630 379 447, 717 747 25,630 379 Dozen... Dozen... Dozen... Dozen... 5 68 68 202 56 136 322 121 384 5 68 68 202 56 136 322 121 384 Each___ Cases.. . Gallons. 165,157 20,642 2,166 -0) 0) 31, 510 4, 227 32, 301 1, 224 576 17 10, 703 Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Tons. Tons. 0) Pounds. 0) 165,157 20,627 2,166 0) 0) 31, 510 4, 227 32, 275 • 1,224 576 17 10, 703 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Furniture: W ood_____ ___________________ Beds________________________________ Benches_____________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs_______________________________ Chairs, upholstered___________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_________________ Desks.______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Laundry, commercial_____________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Signs________________________________ Tags, miscellaneous_____ ______ ______ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Beetle traps__________________________ Repairs (to beetle traps)_______________ Miscellaneous________________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes____________________________ Letterheads__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing______________ Lime and agricultural limestone________ Stone, building_______________________ Soap and Other detergents_________________ Soap_________________________________ Soap, liquid__________________________ Textile products______________ ___________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products______________ Boxes, paper________________________ _ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Deodorants and disinfectants___________ Floor wax_____ 1_____________________ Repairs, miscellaneous________________ Tobacco, smoking and chewing_________ 15 26 See footnotes at end of table. to Oi T able A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued fcO C* MARYLAND—Continued Unit HOUSE OF CORRECTION Total_________________________ _________- STATE PENITENTIARY Total_______ ______ __ _________________ Brooms, brushes, and m ops... .......... ...... ... Brooms.. ___. . . _________________ Dozen... Brushes______________________________ Dozen... 16 127 346 2,525. 549 21 29 1,290 963 3, 560 750 749 106,000 106,500 200 286,629 0 78 3 22 21 (2) 32 127 20 4,991 2,139 200 286.629 oi 20 4,991 2,139 5,945 0 5,055 6,897 5,945 (4 5, 055 6,897 31,330 0 1,973 7,873 31, 330 0) 1,973 7,873 447,717 747 25,630 379 447,717 747 25,630 379 4 202 36 121 4 202 36 121 6,358 2.166 oi 31,510 7,630 1,224 576 10,703 6,358 2.166 05 31,510 7,630 1,224 576 10, 703 0 246,745 48 766 354 2,754 Quantity $82, 559 1, 290 963 3,560 750 749 346 26 Value 346 2,525 549 0 41 41 24 Quantity $295,059 278 Public works and ways State use 246,745 48 766 354 2.754 Value $212,500 21 29 106,000 106, 500 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Clothing. _ _ _ ________________________ Coats, work______________ ________ Dozen. Labor only__________________________ Pants, work____________ . . . _ _____ Dozen Shoes,repaired_____ _ . . . . _______ Pairs Underwear, men’s and boys’ ___________ Dozen... Construction: Major repairs to roads_______ M iles. _. _____________ Miles Construction: Roads.. . Farm: D a ir y ...___________ _____________ Beef, dressed__________________ Pounds*. Milk, whole____ ____________ _____ Pounds. Miscellaneous________ ___________ Farm: Field crops and garden___. . . ______ ________ ___ __________ Potatoes Bushels. Miscellaneous________ ___ ___________ Farm: Hogs __________ .. _______ _ Pork, dressed_______ _____________ . Pounds. Laundry, commercial__ ___________________ Soap and other detergents_________________ Soap __________________ _____ Pounds. _________________________ Soap, liquGallons. id Textile products _______________________ •_ Sheets _________________________ Dozen _________ ________Towels _____ Dozen Other manufactured products ___________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Cases Deodorants and disinfectants__________ Gallons. Floor wax________ ____ . ______. . . Tobacco, smoking and chewing........... . Pounds. Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value See footnotes at end of table. DozenDozen,. Dozen.. Doz. pr. Dozen.. DozenEach... DozenE ach-. DozenDozen. Dozen. Pairs „ Pairs.. EachDozen. 56 14 310 1,562 265 575 145 13 37 (9 200 53 264 12,867 3,810 997 126 (9 Doz. pr. Dozen.. Dozen.. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. (9 53 264 12,867 3,810 997 126 (9 2,899 165 326 2,434 1,297 1,654 237 (9 844 5,277 3,216 213 (9 (9 86 16 70 118 1,281 30 7 119 t1) (9 386 152 927 1,820 4,469 626 480 2,941 1,828 4,813 3,535 1,268 5,094 29 Each. Each. Each. 912, 906 4,042 2,811 Each. 52,000 Each. 56 14 310 1, 562 265 575 145 13 37 200 2,899 165 326 (9 Each. Each. 298 97 4,944 4,237 924 5,940 617 106 196 2,684 936 474 1,807 28,466 2,162 7,886 366 728 (9 (9 (9 298 97 4,944 4,237 924 5,940 617 106 196 2,684 936 474 1,807 28,466 2,162 7,886 366 728 2,434 1,297 1,654 237 844 86 5,277 3,216 213 16 70 118 1,281 30 7 119 152 927 1,820 4,469 626 480 2,941 1,828 4,813 3, 535 (9 (9 386 1,268 5,094 29 61,580 1,534 227 912, 906 4,042 2,811 61, 580 1, 534 227 14,160 7, 898 3,893 52,000 14,160 7,898 3,893 (9 <9 (9 APPEN DIX A — GENERAL TABLES Clothing, other than knit________________ Aprons_____________________________ Children’s playsuits_________________ Coats, work________________________ Gloves and mittens__________________ Hats and caps______________________ Overalls____________________________ Overcoats__________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns_____________ Pants, dress________________________ Pants, work_________________________ Repairs_______ ____ ________________ Shirts, dress___ ____ ________________ Shirts, work_________________________ Shoes, new__________________________ Shoes repaired_______________________ Suits-.______________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ __________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Clothing, knit__________________________ Hosiery______________ _______________ Sweaters____________________________ Underwear_______ __________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Furniture: Metal_______________________ Beds_______________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc______________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Furniture: W ood_______________________ Beds_______________________________ Benches____________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc______________ Chairs______________________________ Chairs, upholstered__________________ Davenports, sofas, etc________________ Desks_______________________________ Repairs_____________________________ Tables______________________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood_____ Mattresses__________________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers and signs. Auto license tags_____________________ Signs_______________________________ Tags, miscellaneous__________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous___________ Beetle traps_________________________ Repairs (to beetle traps)______________ Miscellaneous_______________________ to 128 T a b l e A .— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p rison s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued MARYLAND—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value state penitentiary—continued Printing and binding ... ____ _ . __.. . . Envelopes. _ ___________ _____ _ .. Each Letterheads ............. - ____________ Miscellaneous_________________ ___ _ Textile - _______ ____________ Bags, cloth.._______________________ Dozen Pillowcases . ___________ ________ .. Dozen Sheets........ ........ . _ _______ ________ Dozen Miscellaneous ____ . __. . . Other manufactured products ____ _______ Boxes, paper __ _____ _____________ Each Repairs, miscellaneous__________ _____ 30 5 1 1,393,263 442,603 (9 $3,741 1,370 40,218 1,393,263 442,603 (9 $3,741 1,370 40,218 5 68 64 56 136 286 384 5 68 64 56 136 286 384 165,157 (9 4, 227 17 165,157 (9 4,227 17 (9 (9 state penal farm Total __________________________________ Head__ Pounds. Head. _ Pounds.. Gallons . Pounds. Bushels . Tons. __ Bushels . Bushels. 282 492,809 191 1 7 34 381, 537 3,248 5, 577 58 20, 517 2, 740 536,410 (9 1, 562 2,624 3,078 1,370 8, 583 525 5, 577 1, 562 20, 517 2, 740 536,410 (9 3,078 1,370 8,583 525 5,575 343 11,919 1,640 (9 QC 74,490 3,345 4,080 10, 727 1,279 9,606 5,575 343 11,919 1,640 (9 3,345 4,080 10, 727 1,279 9,606 1,383 7,077 25 74,490 364 7,077 40 12 Head. _ Pounds. (9 104,308 $6,964 $381,537 (9 381, 537 34 3, 248. 58 2,624 70 1,019 Quantity Value 1940 Construction: Buildings. _________________ Farm: Cattle___________ _________________ Farm: Dairy................ .............. ..................... Butter _______ ________________ _____ _ Cattle_________ __________ ___________ C ream ..... ............ ......... ..... ............. . Ice cream _________ _____ _____ __ Milk, whole............................ ............... Miscellaneous ___________ _________ Farm: Field crops and garden. __________ Corn, field.. ____ __________________ . Hay__ ________ ___________________ . Potatoes. ___________________ ___ _ Wheat________ ____ ______________ ___ Miscellaneous______ _____ ___________ Farm: Hogs. _ ________________________ Hogs_____ _______ __________________ Pork, dressed............................................ Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE S, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Farm: Poultry and poultry products—.......... Eggs............................... .............. ........... Poultry.................. ..................... .............. Farm: Miscellaneous................ ................... . Quarrying and rock crushing_______________ Lime and agricultural limestone. .......... _ Stone, building______________________ Other manufactured products.___________ Canned fruits and vegetables................... Dozen Tons___ Tons. Cases... 6 3,022 3,194 14 15,162 541 4,917 3,300 18, 584 541 4,917 3, 300 18,584 14,284 24,671 14,269 24,645 15,330 (2) 17 8 (9 0) 168 2,989 3,194 (9 33 14 (9 15 26 MASSACHUSETTS Brooms, brushes, and m ops............. .............. Brushes____1_______................................ Do...................... ...... ........... . Clay, cement, and stone products.................. Cemetery vaults....... ...................... ...... Concrete pipe_________________________ Concrete posts_______________________ Grave markers._________ _____________ Miscellaneous_____________ ___________ Clothing, other than k n i t . .................... ........ Aprons__________ ________ ___________ Bathrobes__ _____ ___________________ Coats, dress.............. ......... .................... Coats, work.............................................. Dresses......... .......................................... Hats and caps........ .............. ..................... Leather articles, miscellaneous............... Neckties___________________ _________ Overalls_________________ ____________ Overcoats___________ ____ ______ ____ Pajamas and nightgowns...___________ Pants, dress................................................ Pants, work..................................... ......... Shirts, work.... .......................... ................ Shoes, new.................................................. Shoes repaired................... ....................... Suits................................. ................. ........ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ______ ____ Underwear, women's and children’s____ Vests. ....................... ............................ Miscellaneous________________ ________ 1,801 Dozen Each___ 52 Dozen Dozen _ Each___ Dozen _ Each___ Dozen . Dozen _ Pairs___ Each___ Dozen Dozen _ Each___ $2,821 $1,827,402 1,567 35,110 751 1,567 0) 35,110 738 (9 13 236 1,652 17,897 18,172 1,800 4,483 236 1,652 17,897 18,172 1,800 4,304 (9 179 (9 <9 Each___ Each___ Dozen Dozen. _ Each___ Dozen Each___ Dozen _ $1,830, 223 41 13,328 180 372 (9 127 89 2,376 2,022 1,269 1,597 (9 92 981 4,569 1,033 2,240 1,266 1,425 153,153 (9 1,610 758 139 7,464 (9 1,119 2,926 15,372 58,592 937 716 1,676 275 15,314 37,989 12,171 8,695 43,756 17,104 265,462 850 16,861 2,338 1,058 15, 720 3,769 (9 13,328 180 0) 127 89 2,376 2,022 1,269 1,597 <9 92 981 4,569 1,033 2,240 1,266 1,425 153,153 (9 1,610 758 139 7,464 0) 1,119 2,926 15,372 58,592 937 716 1,676 275 15,314 37,989 12,171 8,695 43,756 17,104 265,462 850 16,8Q1 2,338 1,058 15, 720 3, 769 APPEN DIX A— GENERAL TABLES ALL INSTITUTIONS T o ta l............................................................ See footnotes at end of table. CO T a b l e A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued CO o MASSACHUSETTS—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity State account Quantity Value Piece price Value all institutions—continued 134 Doz. pr 59 Pounds. Pounds. Head Pounds. Tons Tons Bushels . Bushels. 284 18 Pounds. Dozen Pounds . Head. _ Each... Each.. Each___ 32 27 $12,073 28,360 287,795 7, 759 9,858 15,836 73,736 (9 $12,073 28,360 287, 795 7, 759 37,045 1,932 63 2,211,809 (9 3, 569 676 3,460 96,497 231 37,045 1,932 20 2, 211,809 3, 569 676 3,000 96,497 12,434 21,612 14,622 1,454 32, 714 1,475 1,656 23,059 1,616 (9 12, 434 21, 612 14,622 1,454 32, 714 172,994 15, 614 172, 994 15, 614 77,102 59, 609 7, 200 23, 572 12,425 1,718 77,102 59, 609 7,200 23, 572 12,425 1,718 586 22 948 586 22 948 29 1,267 6, 558 498 6, 719 624 189 634 29 1, 267 6, 558 498 6, 719 624 189 634 64 21 6,903 92 1,350 367 14,411 404 64 21 6,903 92 1,350 367 14,411 404 1,475 ^ 1,656 23,059 1,616 (9 (9 Each___ Each .. Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ 9,858 15,836 73,736 (9 123 43 (9 (9 $460 231 Value 1940 Gloves and mittens____________ ____ __ Hosiery______________________________ Underwear___________________________ M iscellaneous________________________ Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Beef, dressed_________________________ Butter _ ____- _____________________ Cattle ___________________________ Milk, whole__________________________ • Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden. ___________ Ensilage.... ............................................... ______________________________ Hay Potatoes. ____________________ _______ Wheat __________________________ . Miscellaneous__________________ ____ _ Farm: Hogs _________________________ Pork, dressed. _____________________ Farm* Poultry and poultry products_______ ______________________________ Eggs Poultry, dressed ____________________ Poultry, live. . .. . _ Furniture: Metal_________________________ Beds ____________________________ Cabinets ___________________________ Lockers _______________ ________ Shelving _________________________ Tables _________________________ Wastebaskets______ _____ ____________ Furniture: Wood . _____________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc ________ _______ __________ __________ Bookcases Chairs _________ ______ _________ Costumers.............. .................... ......... Quantity PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE S, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value i Castings_____ ____ _____ Galvanized ware................... Do___________________ Tinware____ _____ ________ Do___________________ Miscellaneous............. .......... Printing and binding__________ Envelopes________________ Letterheads_______________ Miscellaneous_____________ Soap and other detergents: Soap Textiles_______________ ______ Blanket?__________________ Cloths—mop, polish, etc___ Cotton yard goods, light___ Gauze bandage____________ Wool yard goods............. — Yarn, cotton______________ Yarn, wool________ ____ ___ Miscellaneous....... ........... ..... Textile products_____ ______ ___ Bags, canvas laundry______ Flags______ ______ ________ Pillowcases........................... Repairs.................................. Sheets............................. ....... Spreads.................................. Towels........ ......................... Miscellaneous....................... . Wood products...... ........... .......... Wood, fuel___________ ____ _ Miscellaneous_______ _____ See footnotes at end of table. 71 372 0) 479 629 (0 Pounds Pieces.. Pieces. Each. Each. Pounds. Each___ Pounds. Sq. yd_. Pounds . Sq. y d .. Pounds. Pounds. Dozen E achDozen. Dozen. EachDozen. (2) 1, 796 13, 291 1,578 4,546 3, 704 2, 391 71 372 (0 479 629 0) 1,796 13, 291 1,380 4, 546 3, 704 2, 391 1,880 777 9, 748 1,108 919,861 1,880 777 9, 748 1,108 9 19, 861 1,965,583 (0 135,000 165,085 37,639 520 1, 965, 583 0) 135,000 165,085 37,639 520 9,878 (0 1,720, 727 17,348 (0 207 (0 (0 6,019 3, 009 52, 594 18,165 969 158 109 8,414 9,878 0) 1, 720, 727 17, 348 (0 207 (0 0) 6, 019 3,009 52, 594 18,165 969 158 109 7,987 22,000 641, 500 0) 283,640 42 471 11, 374 725 ,666 641, 500 o: 263, 640 42 471 11, 374 725 18,977 42, 538 100,408 2, 350 34,423 24,108 198 (0 60.121 11, 275 26,026 603 38, 528 7,232 99 1,705 18,977 42, 538 100,408 2, 350 34, 423 24,108 198 (0 60,121 11, 275 26,026 603 38, 528 7,232 99 1,705 74 4,503 2,036 0) 2,346 12,492 4,667 (0 1,639 24, 404 5, 210 93 28,154 10, 931 13,334 3, 274 74 4,421 2,036 0) 2,346 12,492 4,667 (0 1,639 23, 234 5, 210 93 28,154 10,931 13, 334 3,186 (0 (0 55 30 22 (0 30 (0 198 (0 427 82 1 A P P E N D I X A -- G E N E R A L T A B L E S Davenports, sofas, e tc.............................. Each. Desks....................... ....................... ....... Each. Repairs__________ ______________ _____ Tables........ ............................................. Each. Venetian blinds......................... ............... Each. Miscellaneous_______ ____ ____________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses...................... .............. ........... . Each. Pillows______________________________ Each. Laundry, commercial_________ ____ ______ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______ ______ ___ _____ Each. Highway markers..................... ............... Tags, miscellaneous................................... Each. Metal products: Miscellaneous...................... Aluminum ware................. ..................... Pieces. 1,170 (0 88 (0 55 CO T able A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued CO to MASSACHUSETTS—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value ALL institutions—continued Other manufactured products. _________ Canned fruits and vegetables Do....... .............. r_____ ____________ Trunks, laundry (canvas). — 17 Each Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Each Head Pounds. Tons Tons Bushels. 460 40 10 29 3 Pounds. Each . Each Each___ Each .. Each___ 7,847 o 232 $15,276 6,565 1,449 7,847 <9 232 226,539 $15,276 6,565 1,449 1,202 31 1,639 92 517 253 390 143 164 432 0) 8,328 369 585 275 4,468 8,233 1,560 1,720 556 864 174 1,202 31 1,539 92 517 253 390 143 164 432 0) 8,328 369 585 275 4,468 8,233 1,560 1, 720 556 864 174 27 385,919 1,875 15,437 12 385,919 1,800 15, 437 491 204 4,840 0) 4, 246 3,060 2,904 3, 797 491 204 4,840 0) 4,246 3,060 2.904 3,797 36,793 4,047 36, 793 4,047 21 367 1,350 14,318 404 1,796 21 367 1.350 14,318 404 1, 796 116 64 6,900 92 71 $130 226,409 64 6,900 92 71 15 75 Value 1940 REFORMATORY FOR MEN T ota l.............................................................. . Clothing . . ... Cents, dress ..... _ ... Cents, work Hats and ca p s___________________ Neckties_________________________ Overcoats_________________________ _ Pants, work Pants, dress_______________________ _ Shirts, work____ ____________________ Underwear, men’sand boys’ __________ Vests, men’s__________________________ Miscellaneous_________________ ____ __ Farm: Dairy____________________________ Cattle._____ _________________________ Milk, whole_______ _____ _____________ Farm: Field crops and garden______ _______ Ensilage.................................................... Hay................ —_____ ______ _____ _____ Potatoes_____________________________ Miscellaneous__________________ ______ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Perk, dressed _ __ Furniture: Wood Bookcases___________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, ate Chairs______ _______________________ Costumers.. ___ ._ _ ____________ Davenports, sofas, etc............................... Cases__ Quantity P R I S O N L A B O R IN T H E U N I T E D STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Desks............... ......................................... Tables..........................................- ......... Miscellaneous..... ................................... . Textiles___________________________ ______ Blankets_____________________________ Cotton yard goods, light----------------------Wool yard goods -------------------------- — Yam, cotton....... .............. . . ........... ......... Yam, wool............. ................................... Miscellaneous_________ _______ ____ ___ Wood products: Wood, fuel________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. jsacn.. Each.. Each— Sq. yd. Sq. yd_ Pounds. Pounds. 260 <2) 2 18,977 61,415 34,070 24,108 198 0) 8 Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. EachDozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Doz. pr. Pounds _ Pounds _ 26 10 EachDozen. li' 36 Dozen. Each.. Dozen. 3 13, 291 4, 546 2,391 18,977 61,415 34,070 24,108 198 0 60,121 15,261 38,395 7,232 99 1,705 0 2, 710 1,119 2,926 2,423 937 131 12,171 15,384 1,782 1,058 1, 813 28,360 127 ►9 162 1,269 58 1,033 1,282 594 139 0 15,836 1,119 2,926 2.423 937 131 12,171 15,384 1,782 1,058 1,813 28,360 1,932 174,824 676 15,017 1,932 174,824 676 15,017 0) 1, 572 0 1, 572 26,882 23, 778 7,200 9,408 5,281 1,718 26,882 23, 778 7,200 9,408 5,281 1, 718 4,503 2,036 0) 2,346 12,492 4,667 24, 404 5,210 93 28,154 10,931 13,334 2,877 3,855 4,421 2,036 0 2,346 12,492 4,667 0) 0 23,234 5,210 93 28,154 10,931 13,334 2,789 3,855 V) 0) 55 0 1, 258 189,376 127 89 162 1,269 58 1,033 1,282 594 139 0) 15,836 3 Dozen... Pounds. Head__ 60,121 15,261 38,395 7,232 99 1,705 55 2,710 372 479 0) 190,634 109 20 13, 291 4, 546 2,391 82 0 AP P E N D I X A— G E N E R A L TABLES REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN Total................. .............................................. Clothing, other than knit................................ Aprons_________ ______ _____ __________ Bathrobes— ................. ........... ........... ...... Coats, work______ ___________________ Dresses........... ............................................ Hats and caps___________________ _____ Pajamas and nightgowns_______ _______ Shirts, work________________ ____ _____ Underwear, men’sand boys’ ___________ Underwear, women’sand children’s........ Miscellaneous____________________ ____ Clothing, knit: Hosiery____ ___ ____ _______ Farm: Dairy________ ______ ____ ____ _____ Butter____ _______ ____ _____ ____ _____ Milk, whole__________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs__________________________ _____ _ Poultry, dressed______________________ Poultry, live (baby chicks)_____________ Textile products__________________________ Flags........... ........... .................... .............. Pillowcases.......................................... ...... Repairs.......................................... ............ Sheets. ................................. ...................... Spreads.................................................... Towels______ _____ _________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 372 479 0) 1,170 88 See footnotes at end of table. CO CO T able A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued CO MASSACHUSETTS—Continued Unit STATE PRISON Total 556 Clothing, other than knit__________ _______ Coats, work___________________ 1--------Leather articles, miscellaneous_________ Overalls_____________________________ Overcoats--------------- -------------------------Pants, work__________________________ Shoes, new.------- -------------------------------Shoes repaired___ ____ ________________ Suits________________ ____________ — Vests, men's................ ........................ . Miscellaneous. __...................................... Clothing, knit__ _____ ___________________ Gloves and mittens-------------- ------ ------Underwear. ---------- ----------------------------Miscellaneous___ ____ ________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags________ _____________ Highway markers_____________________ Tags, miscellaneous----------------------------Metal products: Miscellaneous------------------Castings_____________________________ Printing and binding------------- -----------------Envelopes----------------------------------------Letterheads..... ......... ............................... Miscellaneous_______________ ________ Textiles-------------------- ------ ------ ---------------Cloths—mop, polish, etc_______________ Gauze bandage....................................— 235 Dozen. Each.. Dozen. Pairs. . Each. Each. Dozen.. 108 State use Quantity Value Public works and ways Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value $992,169 $992,169 1,694 0) 927 2,881 695 153,153 0) 335 7,032 0) 51,358 1,676 13, 376 24, 533 28,001 265,462 850 4, 255 14,856 572 1,694 0) 927 2,881 695 153,153 0) 335 7,032 0) 51,358 1,676 13, 376 24, 533 28, 001 265,462 850 4, 255 14,856 572 9, 858 73, 736 0) 12,073 287, 795 7,759 9, 858 73,736 0) 12,073 287, 795 7,759 1,965, 583 0) 135,000 165,085 37,639 520 1,965, 583 0) 135, 000 165,085 37,639 520 1,720, 727 52, 594 1, 720, 727 52, 594 22,000 641, 500 0) 42 471 11,374 22,666 641,500 0) 42 471 11, 374 42, 538 2,350 11, 275 603 42,538 2,350 11, 275 603 102 Each. Each. Pounds. Each. Each. 73 34 4 Pounds _ Pounds- 1940 Dozen. Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value ................. 1.................. STATE PRISON COLONY Total_____ _______________________ _______ Dozen Do 52 Pounds. 77 9 Pounds. 23 Tons Tons Bushels. 3 Pounds. Dozen dressed Pounds. _ Each Each Each 2 _ _ _ 27 Each___ Each___ Each___ 35,110 751 1,567 (>) 35,110 738 G) 13 236 236 (0 13,328 180 0) 1, 652 17,897 18,172 1, 800 4,483 G) 13, 328 180 G) 1, 652 17,897 18,172 1,800 4,304 G) 179 1,174 135 54 1,171 1,850 318 1,275 G) 7,044 4, 442 1,938 8,988 7,135 7, 522 12, 606 1, 210 1,174 135 54 1,171 1, 850 318 1,275 G) 7,044 4,442 1,938 8,988 7,135 7,522 12, 606 1, 210 5,495 G) 423, 752 G) 495 1,585 16,950 24 5,495 G) 423, 752 495 1, 200 16,950 G) 385 G) 24 619 191 2,623 G) 4,903 3, 371 2,361 3,513 619 191 2,623 G) 4,903 3,371 2,361 3, 513 15, 622 1,875 15,622 1,875 2,569 3,494 822 874 2,569 3,494 822 874 586 22 948 6,558 498 6,719 624 189 634 586 22 948 6,558 498 6,719 624 189 634 G) 198 G) 29 1,267 Each___ Each___ Each___ 1, 567 G) 7 14 629 93 1,578 3, 704 801 82 6,308 195 3 G) G) 29 1,267 3 G) 629 93 1, 380 3, 704 801 82 6, 308 195 APPEN DIX A ---- GENERAL TABLES See footnotes at end o f table. Each Dozen Dozen Each Each Dozen Each $1, 226 246, 416 41 Each Each Suits Miscellaneous Farm: Dairy Beef, dressed ____ __________________ Cattle Milk, whole Miscellaneous __ ___________ Farm: Field crops and garden Ensilage Hay Potatoes Miscellaneous__________ ____________ Farm: Hogs Pork, dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs Poultry, Furniture: Metal _ ____ _ _ Beds _ . _ ___ Cabinets, storage Lockers. _ _ Shelving.. __ Tables... ... . . . Wastebaskets. _ ____ _ _ _ _ Furniture: W ood......................................... Chairs............ .............................. Repairs_________ ___________________ Venetian blinds _ ________ _ ______ _ Furniture: Other than metal or wood Mattresses.______________________ Pillows...________ _______________ ____ 247, 642 349 00 Oi T able A.— Kind, quantity, amZ va/ae of articles produced in Stateprisons, 1940, fey State, system, an<Z institution— Continued CO 05 MASSACHUSETTS—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value state prison colony—continued Laundry, commercial_____________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous............. _____ Aluminum ware________ _____________ D o........ .............. ......... ...................... Galvanized ware______________________ D o......................... ....................... — Tinware..................................................... D o....................................................__ Miscellaneous.. _______________________ Textile products_____ ___________________ _ Bags, canvas laundry__________________ Miscellaneous_______ ________________ Wood products: Miscellaneous............. .......... Other manufactured products: Trucks, laun dry (canvas). Pieces... Pieces... Pieces—. 4 Dozen... Each___ STATE FARM Total.............................................................. Farm: Dairy___ ____ ________________ ____ Beef, dressed............... ........... ........... ........ Milk, whole...... ........................................ Miscellaneous___________ ____ _________ Farm: Field crops and garden........................ _______ _____ ______ _ Ensilage____ _ Hay_________ _____ __________________ Potatoes__ ____ ______________________ Wheat_________ ___________________ . Miscellaneous__________ ____ _________ Farm: Hogs..____ ______ _________________ Pork, dressed____________________ ____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products______ Eggs__________ ______________________ Poultry, dressed........................................ 23 64 (2) 3 $12,661 0) 6,019 3,009 18,165 969 158 109 8,414 9,878 (■) 17,348 0) 207 0) 0) 6,019 3,009 18,165 969 158 109 7,987 74 1,639 397 30 1,449 74 1,639 397 30 1,449 0) 0) 232 327 Pounds. Pounds. Tons___ Tons _. Bushels . Bushels. Pounds. Dozen Pounds. 30 229 12 i§ $12,661 0) 9,878 0) 17,348 0) 207 0) (l) 8 232 173, 239 0) 207 173,032 31,550 1,227.314 c5 3,074 49,093 207 31,550 1,227, 314 3,074 49,093 365 1,261 15,596 1,616 0) 3,285 15,181 9,357 1,454 23,832 365 1,261 15,596 1,616 0) 3,285 15,181 9,357 1,454 23,832 120,579 9,692 120,579 9,692 47,651 32,337 13, 342 6,270 47,651 32,337 13,342 6,270 $427 0) 207 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED (STATES, 1 9 4 0 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Each__ Each__ Pounds. Pounds. Sq. yd._ Sq. yd_. Cases.. . 3 11 2 9 12 1,079 695 425,000 263,640 3,440 913 7,200 725 1,079 695 425,000 263,640 3,440 913 7,200 725 38,993 353 7,847 10,765 133 15, 276 38,993 353 . 7,847 10,765 133 15, 276 MICHIGAN Total.. ALL INSTITUTIONS _____ _____________ _______ Brooms, brushes, and mops_____ ________ Brooms____________ 1_________________ Dozen. Brushes______________________________ Dozen. Clay, cement, and stone products__________ ________ Each.. . Concrete blocks ________ Miscellaneous._____ ___________________ Clothing, other than knit___________ ______ Dozen.. Aprons .. _________ __________ Coats, work__________________________ Dozen. _. Dresses........... _ ____________ _______ Each___ Gloves and mittens __ _ __ Doz. pr._ Handkerchiefs______ _ ___________ .. . Dozen. __ Dozen Hats and caps ____ ___ Labor only ____ _ . . _. Overalls _ . _ ___ _ __ Dozen _ Overcoats ___ _ _ ____ Each _. Pajamas and nightgowns____ _ ___ Dozen.. Pants, dress __ _ _______ _ ________ Each _ _ Pants, work ________ ________ Dozen.. Shirts, dress___ __________ __ _____ Dozen. Shirts, work__ _ _ ________ _ ______ Dozen.. Shoes, new.______ _________________ __ Pairs___ Shoes repaired. __________ __ . . . . Pairs___ Suits_________ _______________________ Each___ Underwear, men’s and boys’ _ ____ Dozen. __ Underwear, women’s and children’s .. Dozen. _ Each___ Uniforms _ ______ ____ Miscellaneous ___ . _ Clothing, knit . ____ _______ Doz. pr. Hosiery __ ____ _ ______ Underwear __ __ _____ ___ Dozen Construction: Buildings Each___ Cordage: Binder twine................ ......... ......... Pounds. See footnotes at end o f table. 2,294 11 5 335 14 ... 12 111 $1,879, 327 $1, 528, 743 389 755 2, 598 5,099 389 755 2, 598 5,099 6,017 (>) 360 20 6,017 (0 360 20 202 1,271 4,828 3,135 2,823 1,143 0) 1,263 4,558 1,912 451 2,170 662 2,538 15, 346 26,400 4,326 49 986 615 0) 878 21,026 3,002 4,402 2,226 2,580 450 8, 373 22,017 8, 619 1,511 28,785 5,562 19, 508 35,848 10, 725 37,947 276 2, 535 10,977 879 202 1,271 4,828 3,135 2,823 1,143 0) 1,263 4,558 1,912 451 2,170 662 2,538 15,346 26,400 4,326 49 986 615 (9 878 21,026 3,002 4,402 2,226 2,580 450 8,373 22,017 8,619 1,511 28,785 5,562 19, 508 35,848 10, 725 37,947 276 2, 535 10,977 879 6,900 2,627 2 4, 796,350 8,124 8, 270 20,140 292,577 6,900 2,627 8,124 8,270 3, 650 : 241 $20,140 2 20,140 $330,444 4, 792, 700 292, 336 A P P E N D I X A -- G E N E R A L T A B L E S 408102°-—42----- 10 Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows_____________ _____ ___________ Laundry, commercial___________ __________ Soap and other detergents: Soap___________ Textiles____________________ ____ ________ Cotton yard goods, light_______________ Wool yard goods______________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. T a b l e A.—K in d , quantity , va/we o/ articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , and institution- -Continued CO oo M IC H IG A N —Continued Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Head... Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels Tons... Tons... Bushels (2) 137 627 H e a d ... Pounds. D ozen.. Pounds. Head.... Each.. Each.. Each.. 24 180 Public works and ways State use Quantity Value 353 $43 353 $43 54,497 6,955 189 27,043 319,428 4,612, 322 0) 6, 294 1,739 13,178 5, 556 3,194 101, 923 1,690 54,497 6,955 148 ,27,043 319,428 4,612,322 0) 6,294 1,739 10, 728 5, 556 3,194 101, 923 1, 690 2,806 150 36, 625 3,146 34 2,719 11, 702 57,120 490 806 5,871 (0 1,464 1,500 12, 704 12,274 102 17,623 3,129 38,428 1, 770 7,657 3, 994 50, 583 2,806 150 36,625 3,146 34 2,719 11, 702 57,120 490 806 5,871 0) 1,464 1, 500 12, 704 12, 274 17,623 3,129 38,428 1,770 7, 657 3, 994 50,583 1, 318 384, 220 0) 11,363 32,946 91 1,318 384,220 0) 11,363 32, 946 91 49,594 15,116 5, 297 0) 9,635 2,558 3,705 3,500 49,594 15,116 5,238 0) 9,635 2,558 3,654 3, 500 1,823 500 158 18,067 12,500 134 1,823 500 158 18,067 12,500 134 Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value 41 $2,450 59 51 102 Quantity Value 1940 all institutions—continued Farm: Cattle--------------------------------Beef, dressed___________________ Farm: Dairy______________________ Beef, dressed___________________ Butter_________________________ Cattle-------------------------------------Cream_________________________ Milk, skimmed------------------------Milk, whole____________________ Miscellaneous---------------------------Farm: Field crops and garden_______ Barley____________________ ____ Clover seed____________________ Corn, field_____________________ Ensilage_______________________ Fodder_________________________ Hay___________________________ Oats__________________________ Potatoes---------------------------------Straw-------------------------------------Sugar beets____________________ Wheat________________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Hogs_______________________ Hogs__________________________ Pork, dressed------ ---------------------Miscellaneous---------------------------Farm: Poultry and poultry products.. Eggs------------ --------------------------Poultry, dressed------------------------Poultry, live-----------------------------Farm: Miscellaneous-----------------------Furniture: Metal----------------------------Beds---------------------------------------Cabinets_______________________ Waste baskets---------------------------Furniture: Wood_______ _______ ____ Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value See footnotes at end of table. Each.. EachEach.. EachEach.. 1 40 31,309 181 387 (9 Each.. Each_... Pounds 4,259 18 31 134 Each.. EachPieces. . Each... Each.. Each.. Pounds Gallons. Sq. yd... Sq. yd._. Sq. yd... Pounds. Dozen _ Each... E ach Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. 24 ~307’ (9 1 40 7,617 181 387 (9 1.229 05 2,896 55 756 42, 223 5,310 12,075 4,650 17,174 6,758 172,900 17,503 398 6,912 172,900 (9 17,503 398 6,912 4,610,316 40,172 241,282 82,237 4,610,316 40,172 241,282 82,237 11,741 464 3,234 3,474 11,741 464 3, 234 3,474 2,627,827 346, 551 2,307 691 17; 180 2,627,827 346,551 2,307 691 17,180 743,149 300 42,035 10 743,149 300 42,035 10 783, 503 19, 317 116, 235 377, 977 124,072 6,281 62, 971 77, 595 783, 503 19, 317 116,235 377,977 124,072 6,281 62,971 77, 595 4,328 50 2,681 100 1,176 1,439 153 411 11,202 7,934 3,071 4, 328 50 2,681 100 1,176 1,439 153 411 11,202 7,934 2,571 2,896 0) (9 (9 1,056 57 154 1,226 4,343 (9 Each.. 2, 325 Cases. 36,477 (9 (9 (9 Pounds. 55 756 65,915 5, 310 12,075 4,650 27,476 6,758 (9 66.648 1,163 2,335 68,212 3,134 122 3, 376 16.983 (9 (9 1,056 57 154 1,226 4,343 (9 100 50 2,335 36,477 68,212 3,134 122 (9 (9 (9 (9 66.648 3, 376 16. 983 23,692 23,692 3,030 10, 302 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Benches_____________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs_______________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc-------------------------Desks_______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Laundry, commercial_____________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Highway markers_____________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Aluminum ware______________________ Animal cages_________________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes____________________________ Letterheads__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Soap and other detergents_________________ Soap_________________________________ Soap, liquid__________________________ Textiles_________________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_______________ Duck and canvas_____________________ Wool yard goods______________________ Yarn, cotton_________________________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Flags________________________________ Do_______________________________ Mattress covers_______________________ Mopheads____________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Wood products___________________________ Crutches_____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products______________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Do_______________________________ Insecticides, deodorants, and related chemical compounds. Snow fence___________________________ Tobacco, smoking and chewing_________ (9 2,225 500 1,113 oo CO T a b l e A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued M IC H IG A N — Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value STATE REFORMATORY Total___ ________________________________ 401 Clothing____________________________ ____ Aprons____________ _______ ____ ______ Coats, work_____ _____________ ______ Dresses______ ____ ___________________ Gloves and mittens________ _____ _____ Handkerchiefs_________ _______ _____ Hats and caps________ _________ _____ Labor only_______________ ____ ______ Overalls._____ _______________ ____ ___ Overcoats____________________________ Pajamas and n ig h tg o w n s ._ ...J._____ Pants, work__________________________ Shirts, dress________________________ _ Shirts, work___ ______________________ Shoes repaired____ __________________ _ Suits______________ . . . . . . . _______ Underwear, men’s and boys’ __________ Underwear, women’s and children’s........ Miscellaneous_______________________ Construction: Buildings____ ____ _________ Farm: Dairy__ ______ ____________ _______ Cattle............. ................. .............. ........... Milk, whole.____________ ____ _________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Ensilage____ _________________________ Fodder.____ _________ _______________ Hay__________ _________ ______ _____ Oats____ ________ __ _____________ Potatoes____ ___________ ____ ____ ____ Straw _ ............... ............... ........ Miscellaneous______ ________________ Farm: Hogs______ ______________________ Hogs . _____ ___ ____________ Pork, dressed___ _____ _________ ____ .. 137 Dozen. __ Dozen. __ Each___ Doz. pr. Dozen... Dozen .. Dozen __ Each___ Dozen.. _ Dozen. _. Dozen. __ Dozen... Pairs___ E ach.... Dozen.._ Dozen... Each___ Head__ Pounds. Tons___ Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels . Tons.. _ Head _ Pounds. 12 31 55 2 $290,915 72 679 3,696 2,965 1,106 25 0) 1,145 400 1,840 1,312 662 2,449 3,900 900 49 309 0) 2 407 9,344 2.153 4.154 887 38 450 7,077 2,500 8,192 16,820 5,562 18,802 1,950 5,400 276 1,092 610 20,140 59 704,653 (0 450 34 168 4,565 16,441 190 0) 179 35,308 $270,400 72 679 3,696 2,965 1,106 25 1,145 400 1,840 1,312 662 2,449 3,900 900 49 309 0) 407 9,344 2.153 4.154 887 38 450 7,077 2,500 8,192 16,820 5, 562 18,802 1,950 5,400 276 1,092 610 2, 528 15,049 737 44 704,653 0) 2,153 15,049 737 1,350 102 958 1,110 8,218 570 3,308 450 34 168 4, 565 16,441 190 0) 1,350 102 958 1,110 8,218 570 3,308 788 2,823 179 35,308 788 2,823 0) Quantity , Value State account Quantity Value $375 $20,140 2 Piece price 20,140 15 375 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value O 1 Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ 122 Each___ 1 Each___ Pounds. Gallons. 5 24 8 Dozen.. Dozen... Dozen Dozen Dozen 3 (2) 12,997 5' 331 M86 2,080 990 1,027 12,997 5,331 1,586 2,080 990 1,027 1 40 7,617 ' 181 387 0) 1,229 0) 55 756 42,223 5,310 12,075 3,187 17,174 6, 758 1 40 7,617 181 387 0) 1,229 55 756 42, 223 5,310 12,075 3,187 17,174 6, 758 576 864 398 800 0) C1) (l) 576 864 398 800 0) 0) 743,149 '300 42,035 10 743,149 300 42,035 10 00 Dozen... Pounds. Head__ 2,567 126 33 3,871 2,078 646 2,335 122 4,178 15 12 426 1,346 0) (!) (0 2,567 126 33 3,871 2,078 646 2,335 122 15 12 426 1,346 0) p) 0) STATE PRISON OF SOUTHERN MICHIGAN Total_______________________________ ____ 1, 385 Brooms, brushes, and mops_______________ Brooms___________________ ___________ Brushes______________________________ Clothing, other than k n it.............................. Aprons______________________________ Coats, work__________________________ Gloves and mittens___________________ Handkerchiefs________________________ Hats and caps________________________ Overalls______________________________ Overcoats____________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Pants, dress.................. ............................ Pants, work__________________________ Shirts, work__________________________ 11 See footnotes at end of table. Dozen Dozen Dozen . Dozen .. Dozen _ Dozen. _ Dozen. Each___ Dozen... Each Dozen. Dozen... 136 1,073, 540 1, 365, 876 389 755 2,598 5,099 389 755 2,598 5,099 78 569 22 1, 717 890 101 4,158 35 451 757 26 337 11,484 93 1, 339 2,235 1,076 19, 517 271 1, 511 11,193 245 78 569 22 1, 717 890 101 4,158 35 451 757 26 337 11,484 93 1, 339 2,235 1,076 19,517 271 1, 511 11,193 245 292, 336 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed_______ _______________ Poultry, live_________________________ Furniture: W ood_________________________ Benches______________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs. _ .-----------------------------------------Davenports, sofas, etc_________________ Desks_______________________________ Bepairs______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Soap and other detergents_________________ Soap_____ ____ ______________________ Soap, liquid__________________________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Mopheads______________ ____ ________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets___ _____ ______________________ Towels__ ____ _______________________ Miscellaneous_________ ____ __________ W ood products: Miscellaneous____________ Other manufactured products: Insecticides, deodorants, and related chemical com pounds. A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued 14 2 T able MICHIGAN—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value 4,792,700 $292, 336 STATE PRISON OF SOUTHERN MICHIGAN— COn. Clothing, other than knit—Continued. Shoes, new_________________ ________ Pairs Shoes repaired........................................... Pairs___ Suits____________ ___________________ Each. Each___ Uniforms________ ___________________ Underwear, women’s and children’s____ Dozen... Miscellaneous.._______ _____________ Clothing, knit ................................................. Hosiery.____________ ______ _________ . Doz. pr. Underwear.. _______ _____ ___________ Dozen... Cordage: Binder twine__________________ . Pounds. Farm: Hairy_______________________ ____ Beef, dressed______ ______ ____________ Pounds. Cattle______________ ____ ______ ______ Head__ Milk, whole_______________ _____ _____ Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden................... . Barley____________ _____ ________ ____ Bushels. Cloverseed___________ ______ _____ ____ Bushels. Corn, field.. ....................... ..................... Bushels. Ensilage_____ ____ ___________________ Tons___ Hay__ _____ _____ _____________ ______ Tons___ Oats_________ ________ ____________ . Bushels. Potatoes....... ..................... .............. ........ Bushels. Straw________________________________ Tons___ Sugar beets_______ ____ ____ _____ _____ Tons___ Wheat ___________________ __________ Bushels. Miscellaneous_______ _______ _________ Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Hogs.. ___ ________________________ Head__ ______________________ Pork, dressed .. Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products_____ Eggs. _____ ____ __ _________ Dozen. _. Poultry, dressed______________________ Pounds. Poultry, live ________ _____________ Head__ Farm: Miscellaneous....................................... 12 111 55 365 11 19 35 7,632 21,300 3,426 615 660 0) $18,194 8,175 32, 547 10,977 1,387 269 7,632 21,300 3,426 615 660 0) $18,194 8,175 32,547 10,977 1, 387 269 6, 578 2, 627 4,796, 350 7,799 8,270 292, 577 6, 578 2,627 3, 650 7, 799 8, 270 241 25,000 25 2,670,416 2,750 2,500 56, 613 25,000 25 2, m 0 , 416 2, 750 2,500 66, 613 1,506 150 30,051 2,100 2,049 2,746 34,866 300 806 5,019 0) 723 1, 500 9, 212 8,000 12,838 877 27,400 1, 200 7, 657 3, 312 29, 200 1,506 150 30,051 2,100 2,049 2,746 34,866 300 . 806 5,019 0) 723 1, 500 9, 212 8,000 12,838 877 27,400 1, 200 7,657 3, 312 29, 200 668 216, 757 6, 680 17, 341 66$ 216,757 6, 680 17, 341 23, 317 4,138 2,656 0) 5,130 713 1,885 3,500 23, 317 4,138 2,656 5,130 713 1,885 3, 500 0) Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE©, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Furniture: Metal_________________________ 53 Beds _ . ___ Each _. Cabinets_______________ ____ _ .. . Each___ Wastebaskets________________ ______ Each___ Furniture: Other than metal or wood _ 17 Each . Mattresses. Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and 134 signs. Each___ Auto license tags __ __________ Each___ Highway markers _____________ Metal products: Miscellaneous.._................. 12 Aluminum ware......................... ......... Pieces „ Each. .. . ...........................Animal ...... ... cages Printing and binding_____ _____ _________ 41 Each__ Envelopes___ ______ _____ __________ Letterheads............... ................... ........... Each. Miscellaneous. _ _ _______ _______ Textiles________ _______ _________ . 307 Cotton yard goods, light ____________ Duck aDd canvas. _. _______________ . Sq. yd Wool yard goods _. _ __ __ _____ Sq. yd Yarn, cotton _ . __________ Pounds. Textile products___ _ _______________ . . . 33 Flags . ______ ___________________ Mattress covers ___________ . . . _____ Each .. Pillowcases ____________ ____ Dozen Dozen Sheets ____ . . . ___ ______ Towels _____ _______ . . . ______ Dozen... — Miscellaneous _ ______ _ ____________ Other manufactured products___________ ._ 33 Canned fruits and vegetables____ . . . . . . Cases Do_______ ____ _____________ . STATE HOUSE OF CORRECTION AND BRANCH PRISON Total____________________________________ Clay, cement, and stone products . ____ _ Concrete blocks___ ____ ______ ___ _ Miscellaneous.___________ _ Clothing: Shoes, new________________ Farm: Cattle. ___________________________ Beef, dressed________ _______ Farm: Dairy ___________ _ _ ___ _ Milk, whole________ _ _ _ Miscellaneous_____ ______________ Farm: Field crops and garden __ __ Miscellaneous______ ___ ______ _ _ ____ Farm: Hogs. Pork, dressed_____ _ _ _____ 1,823 500 158 18,067 12, 500 134 1,823 500 158 18,067 12, 500 134 2,320 16, 639 2,320 16, 639 4,610,316 40,172 241, 282 82, 237 4,610, 316 40,172 241, 282 82, 237 11,741 464 3,234 3,474 11,741 464 3,234 3,474 2,627,827 346,551 <9 2,307 691 11,171 2,627,827 346, 551 (9 2,307 691 11,171 783, 503 19, 317 116, 235 377, 977 124,072 6,281 62, 971 77, 595 783, 503 19, 317 116, 235 377, 977 124,072 6, 281 62, 971 77, 595 (9 1,056 90 714 2,652 (9 1,176 1, 439 250 6,798 5, 413 1, 263 (9 1,056 90 714 2,652 (9 1,176 1,439 250 6,798 5, 413 1, 263 24, 216 (9 47, 524 3,134 24, 216 (9 47, 524 3,134 63,928 137 Each __ Pairs___ Pounds. Pounds. 5 42 (2) 14 36 Pounds. 2 63,928 6,017 (9 7,714 360 20 17,654 353 43 353 43 11,827 230 525,623 (9 11,827 230 525,623 (9 (9 37,812 6,017 (9 7,714 360 20 17, 654 8,736 (9 8, 736 3.805 37.812 3.805 > ►d ► 3 O o w 5zJ H W > tr* H > W tr< H c/2 See fo o tn o te s a t end o f table. CO T a b le A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued I—L It MICHIGAN—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value STATE HOUSE OF CORRECTION AND BRANCH prison—continued Farm: Poultry and poultry products______ FggS Poultry, dressed Other mftrmfaetnred products _________ _______ '_____ Snow fence Tnhn.ccn, smolrinj and chewing 2 Dozen Pounds. Shirts, work ... _ Shoes repaired _ .... ... __ Underwear, women’s and children’s____ Clothing, knit: Hosiery___________________ Farmr Dairy Reef, dressed Dozen Dozen. Each___ Doz. pr. Dozen. _ Dozen. Dozen. _ Dozen. _ Dozen. _ Pairs Dozen _ Doz. pr. $680 214 3,764 1,322 $680 214 3,376 16,983 0) 64,648 3,376 16,983 120,387 Barley __ _ ____ ________ ________ Bushels. Corn, field_______________________ ____ Bushels. $35,687 84,700 20 2 21 ... M iscellaneons Farm: Field crops and garden 64,648 318 Pounds. Butter_______________________________ Pounds. Cattle Head Cream _ Pounds. Milk, skimmed _________________ - Pounds _ Milk, w h ole_______________________ _ Pounds. . 0) Pounds. DETROIT HOUSE OF CORRECTION Total......................................... .................. Clothing, other than knit__________________ Aprons Coats, worlr Dresses Gloves and mittens.. ________________ Hats and ceps .... ....... Overalls Pajamas pod nightgowns _ Pants, work 3,764 1,322 36 137 62 23 1,132 148 228 17 37 101 63 1,200 17 322 134 198 849 155 307 220 156 772 461 600 56 325 52 23 1,132 148 228 17 37 101 63 1,200 17 322 134 198 849 155 307 220 156 772 461 600 56 325 27,941 6,955 45 28,694 319,428 172,995 0) 3,353 1,739 3,705 4,304 3,194 5,190 241 27,941 6,955 40 28,694 319,428 172,995 0) 3,353 1,739 3,625 4, 304 3,194 5,190 241 1,300 5,000 741 2,500 1,300 5,000 741 2,500 5 80 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Wheat Bushels. Farm: Hogs Hngs 8 M isee]1fineons Furniture: Wood Chairs __ "Repairs Tables Total _ 58 Each Pounds _ Dozen Dozen Dozen Each___ Cases.. _ IONIA STATE HOSPITAL __ _ Farm: Dairv Beef, dressed Cattle _ __ ___ __ _____ ___ Cream__ _ Milk, whole Miscellaneous Farm: Field crops and garden __ _ __ Corn, field. _________ Ensilage___ _______ Hay Oats _ . Potatoes ___ Miscellaneous __ __ ____ _ __ _ ________ Farm: Hogs Hogs Pork, dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs - __- P ou ltry, dressed Poultry, 2 13 346 310 3, 760 3,395 852 (0 2,174 2,480 940 1,688 682 5,620 218 38,288 0) 1,365 4 211 91 218 38,288 0) 1,365 4,211 91 23,692 0) 3,030 172,900 0) 23,>592 1,463 10,302 6,912 5,209 0) 1,463 150 50 42 52 86 345 114 100 27 128 533 443 1,162 1,163 20,688 (0 2,325 12,261 53 16 Pounds. Head Pounds. Pounds. 34 Bushels . Tons Tons Bushels . Bushels. 1 Head Pounds. Dozen. __ Pounds _ live___________ _________ Head__ See footnotes at end of table. 31 5 21 2,174 2,480 940 1,688 682 5,620 2 172,900 0) 6,912 5,209 150 50 42 52 86 345 114 100 27 128 533 443 662 50 20,688 0) 100 12,261 38, 221 36,175 i, 556 60 8, 349 538,635 0) 191 4,445 1,252 13,244 482 1, 556 39 8, 349 538,635 (0 i9i 2,450 1,252 13,244 482 1, 574 250 192 631 2,418 0) 992 , 750 1,347 202 1,122 3, 719 1, 574 250 192 631 2,418 (0 992 750 1,347 202 1,122 3, 719 253 56,055 2, 530 4,766 253 56,055 2, 530 4, 766 9, 516 4,325 1,055 1,745 641 793 9,516 4,325 996 1,745 641 742 23, 692 23,692 3,030 10,302 0) 2, 225 500 1,113 __________ 2,046 21 1, 995 59 5l _________ _________ APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Flags Mopheads Pillowcases Sheets Towels M iseella,neons Wood products: Crutches Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Pounds. 346 , 310 1 3,760 3,395 852 0) Crc T able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued M IN N E S O T A Quantity and value of articles produced under each system AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value AIL INSTITUTIONS Total $3,299,415 1,362 246 2 122 15 30 35 9,945 0) (0 587,459 164,145 262 79 1,029 194 112 73 95 296 671 96 2,802 476 375 2,178 9,015 1,109 192 0) 427 3 258 3,631 2,433 213 71 186 654 3,083 5,485 1,016 6,915 5,603 3,706 3,139 5,164 10,999 1,163 294 772 17,339 23,020,050 2,631,031 1,945,092 367,456 18,155 79 0) 2,162 3,598 383 18,155 23 0) 2,162 904 82 235 26 235 26 (9 2 49 623 $216.671 0) C1) 79 1,029 194 112 73 95 0) 296 671 96 2,802 476 375 2,178 9,015 1,109 192 0) 427 2,908 1,706 71 258 3,631 2,433 213 71 186 654 3,083 5,485 1,016 6,915 5,603 3,706 3,139 5,164 10,999 1,163 294 772 $3,065,495 $17,339 9,910 c5 584, 551 162,439 191 23,020,050 2, 631,031 1,945,092 367,456 56 2,694 301 (9 s 3 Quantity Value 1940 Agricultural implements and parts_________ Implements__________________________ Each. Parts________________________________ Clay, cement, and stone products: Miscella neous. Clothing, other than knit................... ............ Aprons______________________________ Dozen.. Coats, dress.______ __________________ Each... Coats, w ork...____ __________________ Dozen.. Dresses______________________________ Each... Gloves and mittens___________________ Hats and caps________________________ Dozen.. Labor only___________________________ Overalls_____________________________ Dozen. Overcoats____________________________ Each._ Pajamas and nightgowns---------------------- Dozen. Pants, dress.-------------------------------------- Each.. Pants, w ork...------- ---------------------------- Dozen. Shirts, work_____________ ____________ Dozen. Shoes, new___________________________ Pairs.. Shoes repaired________________________ Pairs.. Suits________________________________ Each.. Underwear, men’s and boys’ . . ......... ....... Dozen. Miscellaneous_______________ ______ _ Clothing, knit: Hosiery________ ____ ______ Construction: Buildings------ --------------------- E a c h Cordage_________________ —-------------------Pounds . Binder twine_________________ ____ — Hope________________________________ Pounds. Farm: Cattle____ ____________ ____ _______ Beef, dressed_________________________ Pounds. Cattle_______________________________ Head— Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Dairy------------------------------------------Beef, dressed_________________________ Pounds. Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED iS-TATES, Institution and articles produced number of [Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity 17,339 0) Buttermilk _ Cream ___ _ _ _ ________________ Milk, skimmed ___________ Milk| whole _______ __ Farm: Field crops and garden _______ . Barley _ - ____ ____________ Com," field__ ___ ___ _________________ Fodder________ ___________ _________ Potatoes _. _ _ S p read s________________________________ See footnotes at end of table. 101 Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Tons Bushels 12 Head Pounds 9 Each Each 9,357 77 2, 245 3,611 14,953 35, 588 10, 255 14,966 481,480 997, 263 9,357 77 2,245 3,611 14,953 2,469 700 '745 106 710 13,867 9,357 1,790 85 498 0) 1, 205 10, 216 2,555 424 5, 585 5, 591 4,602 1,263 157 471 12,052 2,469 18, 700 745 106 710 13,867 9,357 1,790 85 498 0) 1,205 10, 216 2, 555 424 5,585 5, 591 4,602 1,263 157 471 12,052 182 234,646 (0 653 20,330 37 181 234,646 634 20,330 37 21,113 18,249 311 0) 3,529 3,153 156 96 21,113 18,249 311 3, 529 3,153 156 12 120 72 378 2,072 215 747 1,276 12 106 72 353 302 111 625 844 IS, Tons. ._ Dozen Pounds. Head__ 35,588 10,255 14,966 48l!480 997, 263 „ 1 20 0) Each ... Each__ 44 Each Each Each 34 0) 63 122,250 95,250 0) 29 146 206 20,613 38 221 24 4,203 23 Tons Tons 15 Dozen Dozen _ Dozen Dozen. _ Dozen . Each___ 28 133 C1) 19 45 20 293 413 48 38 338 50 523 2,553 52 0) 1 96 0) 0) 17 118 0) 63 122,250 95,250 0) 29 146 206 20,613 38 221 24 4,203 23 19 45 20 293 413 48 38 338 50 523 2, 553 52 0) 0) 0) 19 14 11 15 25 1,770 104 122 432 A P P E N D IX A — G ENER AL TABLES Straw ___ _ _ _______ Wheat _ __ ______ ___ Miscellaneous____ ___ _ ______ Farm: Hogs____ _ _____ _____________ Hogs. - ____ ___ ________ ___ Pork, dressed Miscellaneous Farm: Poultry and poultry products._____ Eggs __ __ _____ ____ Poultry, dressed_____ ______________ Poultry, live______________ __ _______ Farm: Miscellaneous _________________ Furniture: Wood_____ _______ __________ __ ____ __ Benches Chairs „ __ Repairs ______ ____ ____ ___ ______ Tables __ ____ _ __ _____________ Venetian blinds _________ ___________ _____________ Miscellaneous Printing and binding . ___________ Bookbinding and blank books__________ Envelopes ____________ Letterheads ____________ ____________ Miscellaneous Quarrying arid rock crushing Gravel ________ ___ Stone, building _________ _. Miscellaneous ____________ Textile products ____________ Bags, cloth _ ____________ Mopheads __________________ Napkins _______________ _____________ Pillowcases Sheets ____________ Pounds Pounds Pounds - T a b l e A.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , arw? institution — Continued oo M IN N ESO TA— Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value all institutions—continued T extile^products—C ontinued. Tablecloths ______ __ T ow els________ Miscellaneous _ _ __ Wood products: Millwork _ __ Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables Do Leather products, miscellaneous Tobacco, smoking and chewing Miscellaneous Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Repairs (to employees’ cars). Total Each Cases Pieces Pound STATE PRISON ____ . . 2 $206 2,588 598 2,930 64 1,590 0) 0) $206 2,588 598 2,872 3, 700 0) 494 2, 551 0) 0) 7,222 5, 521 685 223 548 311 3,700 0) 494 2, 551 0) 0) 7,222 5,521 685 223 493 311 3,145,280 994 246 20 9,945 0) 587,459 164,145 39 448 85 73 33 140 856 117 116 731 5,100 89 (9 52 1,037 698 71 39 892 1,693 961 818 1,133 1,275 448 18 0) $58 0) 55 3,062,018 83, 262 35 0) 2,908 1,706 39 448 85 73 33 140 856 117 116 731 5,100 89 0) 52 1,037 698 71 39 892 1,693 961 818 1,133 1,275 448 18 9,910 0) 584, 551 162,439 Value 1940 Agricultural implements and parts ____ Im p le m e n ts .................... .......... Each Parts ________ - _____ __________ Clothing _______ ___ _ _________ _______ A prons Dozen Each ________ _ __ Coats, dress Coats, work _ _ _ .................. Dozen. Gloves and mittens _ __ _ Doz. pr Hats and caps _ __ _ Dozen Overalls Dozen Pants, dress Each Pants, work Dozen Dozen Shirts, work Shoes, new Pairs Pairs . Shoes repaired Underwear, men’s and boys’ Dozen.. Miscellaneous..................................... ...... 13 22 64 1,590 0) 0) Quantity PRISiON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Head— 623 ” "16" 18 23,020,050 2,631,031 1,945,092 367,456 6,100 42 752 2,160 383 C1) 19, 803 10,255 14,966 481,480 104, 517 5,727 77 2,245 3, 611 1, 568 Bushels. Bushels. Tons__ Tons__ Bushels Bushels. Tons__ Bushels. 2,469 6,200 425 135 11,527 340 85 374 0) 1,205 3, 526 1,275 945 4,795 248 157 382 5,307 2,469 6, 200 425 135 11, 527 340 85 374 0) 1,205 3, 526 1,275 945 4, 795 248 157 382 5, 307 Head—. Pounds. 1 113,948 0) 19 9,444 37 113,948 (0 9,444 37 Dozen... Pounds. 5,892 5,602 0) 1,154 962 18, 563 5,892 5,602 0) 1,154 962 18, 563 7 168 275 998 7 168 275 998 0) 6 208 1,243 1,306 266 0) 6 208 1,243 1,306 266 0) 2,551 4,199 223 0) 2, 551 4,199 223 Pounds. STATE REFORMATORY See footnotes at end of table. 82 5,727 77 2,245 3,611 1, 568 Dozen.. DozenDozen.. Dozen- _________ Dozen. E ach Dozen. Dozen. 88 144, 959 262 0) 40 507 108 62 206 2,257 1,709 147 _________ 0) 124, 233 71 40 507 108 62 1,945,092 367,456 42 2,160 301 1 19 752 19,803 10,255 14,966 481,480 104, 517 Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Total___________________________ Clay, cement, and stone products. . Miscellaneous_______________ Clothing, other than knit________ Aprons______________________ Coats, dress_________________ Coats, work_________________ Hats and caps_______________ 6,100 0) 23,020,050 2, 631,031 0) $17,339 3,387 0) APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Cordage_________________________ Binder twine_________________ Rope_______________________ Farm: Cattle____________________ Beef, dressed___ _____________ Cattle______________________ Miscellaneous________________ Farm: Dairy____________________ Butter______________________ Buttermilk__________________ Cream______________________ Milk, skimmed_______________ Milk, whole_________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______ Barley______________________ Corn, field___________________ Ensilage_____________________ Hay________________________ Oats________________________ Rye________________________ Straw_______________________ Wheat______________________ Miscellaneous________________ Harm: Hogs_____________________ Hogs------------------------------------Pork, dressed_________________ Miscellaneous________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Eggs------------------------------------Poultry, dressed______________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous.. Textile products__________________ Bags, cloth___________________ Pillowcases___________________ Sheets_______________________ Towels______________________ Miscellaneous________________ Other manufactured products______ Canned fruits and vegetables____ Tobacco, smoking and chewing... _________ 191 206 2, 257 1,709 147 CO T able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued Oi o M IN N ESO TA— Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value state reformatory—continued Clothing, other than knit—Continued. Overalls______________ __ ___________ Dozen Overcoats-. _ _____ ___________ _______ Each Pajamas and nightgowns___ ________ Dozen Pants, dress___~__r__________________ Each Pants, work__ ______ _______________ Dozen Repairs.__ . _______ ________________ Dozen.. — Shirts, work ___________ ___________ Dozen Shoes,new._ . ____ . . . .. _ Pairs Shoes repaired. ______ _____________ Pairs . Suits______ _____ . . . . . . __________ Each Underwear, men’s and boys’ ________ . Dozen _ Miscellaneous__________ ______ _ __ _ Clothing, knit: Hosiery__________________ 2 Construction: Buildings__________________ Each__ 49 Farm: Cattle_____________ _____ ___ ____ _ 5 Beef, dressed________________________ . Pounds. Cattle_______________________ ________ Head Farm: Dairy__________________ ______ 10 Butter_______ ___________ __________ Pounds. Milk,whole ... ... . . . ______ _ Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden .. . 66 Corn, field__________________ ________ Bushels . Tons Ensilage ______________ _____ _. Hay. ___________________________ Tons O a t s ..____ ____________________ _ Bushels. Potatoes ______ _____________ _ Bushels. Rye____ _ _______ ______________ Bushels. Miscellaneous__________ ___ ________ Farm: Hogs ____ ___ _______________ 6 H o g s ..___________________________ Head ____ _____ _ _______ Pork, dressed Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products. ____ 4 Eggs_________________________________ Dozen Poultry_____________ ____ ___________ 1 156 671 96 1,946 359 0) 215 1,447 3,915 1,106 38 0) 427 3 $2,191 5,485 1,016 5,222 4,642 534 2,601 2,006 3,889 10,969 304 220 772 17,339 156 671 96 1,946 359 0) 215 1,447 3,915 1,106 38 0) 427 $2,191 5,485 1,016 5, 222 4,642 534 2,601 2, 006 3,889 10,969 304 220 772 12,055 37 1,410 1,438 12,055 23 1,410 904 15,785 762,841 3,630 11,443 15, 785 762,841 3, 630 11,443 11,000 320 540 2,340 9,357 1,450 0) 5,940 1,280 4,220 796 4,602 1,015 5,168 11,000 320 540 2,340 9,357 1,450 0) 5, 940 1,280 4, 220 796 4,602 1,015 5,168 181 115,850 634 10,225 181 115,850 634 10, 225 13, 519 0) 2,027 2,265 13, 519 0) 2, 027 2, 265 3 $17,339 14 $534 Piece price Quantity Value PRISiON LABOR IN THE UNITED^ STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Farm: Miscellaneous. __________ ____ Furniture: Wood_____________________ . Benches Chairs_____________________________ Repairs_____ ___________ _______ Tables___ _____________ ______ Venetian blinds__________ ________ _ Miscellaneous . _______ _________ _ Printing and binding ______ ______ Bags, cloth Mopheads _ _ Napkin^ Pillowcases Sheets. ________ ____ ________ ____ Spreads Tablecloths . ___ Towels___ ____ Miscellaneous Wood products: Millwork Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables Leather products, miscellaneous Miscellaneous __ _ Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Repairs. (to employees’ cars). 0) 96 0) 72 378 2,072 215 747 1,276 12 120 Each__ Each... Each__ Each Each Each 20 34 0) 6 Cases Pieces 2 17 118 0) 29 146 206 2,050 63 122,250 95, 250 0) 29 146 206 2,050 38 221 24 4,203 23 38 221 24 4,203 23 2 45 20 125 138 48 64 592 2 45 20 125 138 48 64 592 0) 0) 17 338 50 315 1,310 52 206 1,282 292 2, 930 0) 0) 17 338 50 315 1,310 52 206 1,282 292 2,872 3,700 494 0) 0) 7, 222 685 548 311 3, 700 494 0) 0) 7,222 685 493 311 0) Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Each Dozen 13 14 12 106 0) 63 122,250 95,250 0) Tons Tons Dozen 28 133 96 0) 72 353 302 111 625 844 0) 14 (0 25 1, 770 104 122 432 0) 58 0) 55 0) 11 15 STATE REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN Total 26 Clothing Coats, dress Coats, work Dresses Labor only _ _ _ _ _ _ Shirts, work Suits _____ _ __ Underwear, men’s and boys’ M iscel 1aneou s Farm: Dairy Beef, dressed Milk, whole________________ ________ 14 See footnotes at end o f table. Each Dozen Each 44 3 65 2 Pounds. Pounds. 74 1 112 0) Dozen Each Dozen 9,176 9,176 0) 235 129,905 337 26 213 120 287 30 411 56 26 1, 942 74 1 112 0) 44 3 65 0) 235 129,905 _________ APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Letterheads Miscellaneous _ _ ______________ Quarrying and rock crushing __ ______ Gravel __ ___________ ... __ __ _ Stone, building Miscellaneous 1 20 337 26 213 120 287 30 411 56 26 1,942 h-* T able A.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , and institution —Continued Or to MINNESOTA-Continued AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value STATE REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN—COn. Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field__ _____ ______ ____ _________ Fodder _________________________ _____ _____________________ Hay Wheat _________ ___________________ Miscellaneous _ ________________ __ Farm: Hogs _ ______ ________ ________ Pork, dressed _ Farm: Poultry and poultry products _____ __Eggs _ Poultry, dressed _ _. _____ Textile products__ 2 ________ ______ Bags, cloth __ _______ _____ ______ Miscellaneous-____ ____________ ____ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Pounds. Dozen... Pounds. Dozen... 4 1 1 1,500 106 35 124 0) $750 424 420 89 1,577 1,500 106 35 124 0) $750 424 420 89 1,577 4,848 661 4,848 661 1,702 665 348 82 1,702 665 348 82 10 15 40 1,322 10 15 40 1,322 1 3 0) 0) 0) <0 MISSISSIPPI STATE PENITENTIARY Total______ _________________________ Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick Clothing________________ ____ _______ Aprons______________ _________ ... Coats, work..------- -----------------------Hats and caps------------------- -----------Pants, work______________________ Shirts, work______________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ _______ Farm: Cattle________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_________ Butterbeans_____ _______ _________ Corn, field............ ............................. . 2,058 M ___ Dozen __ Dozen... Dozen__ Dozen__ Dozen. Dozen. . . Head. _ Bushels. Bushels. 3 36 21 1,933 $639, 066 $288,953 300 2,400 300 2,400 120 410 265 520 600 400 200 180 4.920 27 6,240 5,400 1.920 7,000 120 410 265 520 600 400 200 180 4,920 27 6, 240 5,400 1, 920 7,000 10, 803 102,980 11,883 102,980 10, 803 102,980 11, 883 102,980 $350,113 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 408102' Bales__ T ons.... Tons ... Gallons. Bushels. Bushels. 2 ,412 2,412 1,930 27,060 2,350 2,561 0) 1,850 66,948 19,300 10,824 2,350 7,092 15, 787 37,000 1,930 27,060 2,350 2, 561 0) 1,850 19, 300 10,824 2,350 7,092 15, 787 37,000 Each.. Each.. 500 500 2, 500 500 500 500 2,500 500 DozenDozen.. 300 167 900 300 300 167 900 300 123,320 371,180 12, 332 37,118 123,320 371,180 12, 332 37,118 Head. __ Pounds. Pounds. 66, 948 MISSOURI Total. ALL INSTITUTIONS Brooms, brushes, and mops____________ Brooms_______________ _____ ____ Mops___________________________ Clothing____________________________ Aprons_____________ _________ ___ Children’s playsuits................... ....... Coats, dress________ ________ ____ Coats, work.................................. ..... Hats and caps....................... ........ . Labor only 10_______ ______ _______ Overalls_________________________ Overcoats____________ ________ ___ Pajamas and nightgowns___________ Pants, work______________________ Shirts, work__ ____________ ____ Shoes, new_______________________ Shoes repaired____________________ Suits____________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’________ Construction: Buildings______________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings.. Construction: Miscellaneous___________ Cordage_____________________________ Binder twine_____________________ Do__________________ ________ Hope.__________ ___________ ____ See footnotes at end of table. 1,424 Dozen.. Each... DozenDozen.. Each... Dozen.. DozenPieces. . Dozen.. Each.... Dozen. . DozenDozen.. Pairs... Pairs... Each... Dozen- Pounds . Pounds. 4 636 $1,387, 709 3,125 4,068 2,643 133 30 3,027 636 203 788, 736 736 742 40 2,507 6,700 126,586 11,932 2,908 825 0) 0) 0) 216 168 9,221 3,237 1,134 130, 226 7, 791 4,591 180 25, 573 26,150 201,802 2,983 30,876 3, 713 13,760 31,400 585 2,437,342 (o 1,800,651 148,880 154 168,456 $635,734 $45, 745 $706, 230 3,125 4,068 2,643 133 30 168 216 !, 027 70 203 320 742 40 1,629 3,961 25,915 11,932 2,908 758 9,221 739 1,134 4, 239 4,591 180 18,615 15,873 48,205 2,983 30,876 3,595 (0 0) 0) 10, 448 8,840 701 1,894 566 2,498 788,736 416 130,226 3,552 878 2,739 100,671 6,958 10,277 153,597 67 118 2,426,894 0) 1,791,811 148,179 154 166,562 13,760 31,400 585 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Cotton____'____________________ Cottonseed_____________________ Hay___________________________ Molasses_______________________ Potatoes_______________________ Soy beans______________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Hogs________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood. Mattresses_____________________ Pillows________________________ Textile products____________________ Pillowcases_____________________ Towels_________________________ Other manufactured products........ ..... Beef, dressed____________________ Pork, dressed______________ ____ O i 00 T able A.—K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , fry State, system , arac? institution —Continued Or MISSOURI—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value Quantity Value ALL institutions—continued Farm: Cattle ___ _ ______ ____Beef, dressed _____ ___ ____ ____ _ - Pounds. Head. _____ ______ ____ Cattle Miscellaneous _______________ _ _ Farm: Dairy _ ___________ __ __________ Head _ Cattle _ _____ _____ _______ Milk, whole - ___ _ _______ __ Pounds Miscellaneous _______ __ .. Farm: Field crops and garden__ _______ Barley ___________________ - Bushels. Corn, field - ________ _______________ Bushels. Ensilage _ . ______________ ______ - Tons. F o d d e r.___ __ _______________ __ . Tons.--. Tons___ Hay __________ __ ____ Oats ______ ________________________ Bushels Potatoes___ __________ ___ ____ ___ Bushels . Pounds _ Tobacco___________ ___________ . Straw _ - ________________ Tons W heat______________________________ Bushels. Miscellaneous _____ _____ _ _ _ Farm: Hoes _________ _ __ . _ Hogs ____ _____ _____ _ - - Head __ ___ _____ ____ _ Pork, _ _ dressed __ Pounds _ Farm: Poultry and poultry products ___ __ Eggs ____________ - - Dozen Pounds _ Poultry, dressed ___________ _ _ _ Poultry, live - ____________ __ _ _ Head __ Furniture: Metal ______________ ___ Each- _ Cabinets _________________ Lockers______________________________ Each___ 8 26 274 16 20 6 373,578 30 (9 $59,921 400 2,516 373,578 30 (9 $59,921 400 2, 516 129 1,221,374 (9 1,630 26, 576 3,602 87 1,221,374 (9 1,315 26, 576 3,602 100 4,250 3,130 2,653 1,838 625 33,753 12,000 1,659 3,690 (9 60 2, 550 12,145 41,674 18,971 250 22,778 3,000 6,927 2,988 35,963 100 4, 250 3,130 2,653 1,838 625 33, 753 12,000 1,659 3,690 0) 60 2,550 12,145 41,674 18,971 250 22, 778 3,000 6,927 2,988 35,950 271 749,468 1,847 75,599 271 749,468 1,847 75, 599 11, 294 140,144 350 1,694 24,724 175 11, 294 140,144 350 1,694 24, 724 175 249 1,064 5,753 4,026 245 1,064 5,657 4,026 42 $315 13 (9 - 4 96 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 19 40 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 0) 355 417 625 370 1,640 676 70 1,285 1,193 0) 169 417 586 370 1,065 455 44 1,182 755 1,426 1,968 1,426 1,968 1,940,716 20,877 313 75,854 111, 765 25,112 97 3,034 1,940,716 20,877 96 75,854 111,765 25,112 24 3,034 P ie c e s . 1,780 0) 1,818 1,044 1,780 0) 1,818 1,044 To n s. To n s. 10.076 11,217 7, 557 9,655 10,251 8, 737 75 800 75 800 216 583 5 7 6 2,018 855 0) 216 583 74 13 52 2 2,423 743 133 5 7 6 2,018 855 0) 13 52 2 2,423 743 98 233,267 0) 0) 33,750 5,190 1, 550 181 38,227 233,267 0) (0 33, 750 5,190 1, 550 181 38,227 22 182 66 117 407 25 EachEach. Each. Each. Each. Each. 0) Each. Each. Each Each Each Each . . . . D ozen. Each— 682 0) D ozen. D ozen. Each -. Each -. D ozen. B d . ft. C a s e s ..- 8 182 61 117 349 20 0) 675 14 0) 186 5 39 58 5 575 221 26 103 438 7 0) 217 73 10,076 966 7, 557 918 0) 74 (0 35 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Furniture: Wood___ ___________________ Beds_________________________________ Benches_____________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Cabinets_____________________________ Chairs_______ _______________________ Desks________________ _____ _________ Repairs______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. | Auto license tags______________________ Highway markers_____________________ Signs________________________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Metal products, miscellaneous_____________ Stainless steelware____________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing______________ Lime and agricultural limestone________ Stone, crushed________________________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Covers, mattress______________________ Labor, only___________________________ Pillowcases________ : __________________ Sheets_______________________________ Spreads______________________________ Ticks, bed____________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Wood products___________________________ Lumber___________________ ____ ______ Wood, fuel___________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. STATE PENITENTIARY 1, 325, 584 T o t a l ___________________________________ B ro o m s , b ru sh e s , a n d m o p s. B r o o m s _________________________ M o p s ____________________________ C l o t h i n g ______________________________ A p r o n s __________________________ C h i l d r e n ’ s p l a y s u i t s _____ C o a t s , d r e s s ___________________ See footnotes at end of table. D ozen. Each - 3,125 4,068 2,643 133 D ozen. D ozen. Each - 88 30 3,027 216 168 9,221 653,187 88 216 3,027 9,221 635,152 $37,245 3,125 4,068 2,643 133 30 168 Or Oi T able A.—K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , araf institution —Continued Cn 05 MISSOURI—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value STATE PENITENTIARY—Continued Clothing—C ontinued. Coats, work________________ __________ Hats and caps______ _____ _____ _______ Labor only10_______________ ______ _ . Overalls _______ ___ ___________ ... . . Overcoats _ __ _ _ _______________ Pajamas and nightgowns________ _____ Pants, work____ _ _________________ Shirts, work___________________ _______ Shoes, new___________________________ Shoes repaired_______________ _____ ___ Suits_______ . ________ . _________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ __ Construction: Buildings_________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings _ Construction: Miscellaneous_____________ Cordage__- ___ - ______ _______________ Binder twine___ ______ ___________ - _____ __________________ Do. . Rope - - _________________________ Farm: Cattle____________________________ Beef, dressed..________________________ Cattle__ _ _________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Dairy ___ ___________________ Milk, whole - _____ ___________ . __________ .. Miscellaneous..__ Farm: Field crops and garden______ _____ _ Ensilage ______ ________________ __ Fodder Hay __ Potatoes Straw.. ______ _______________ . Tobacco ______________________ . . Wheat............................ .............. ............. Dozen Dozen. __ Pieces. Dozen Each.. . Dozen _ Dozen. _ Dozen. _ Pairs.. . Pairs -_. Each ... Dozen Pounds. 22 40 2 89 Pounds Pounds. Head .. Pounds. Tons _ Tons Tons Bushels . Tons Pounds. Bushels. 8 2 204 8 $3,237 1,134 130,226 7, 791 4, 591 180 25, 573 26,150 201,802 2,983 30,876 3, 713 5,260 31,400 585 2,437,342 (■) 1,800,651 148,880 154 168,456 10,448 701 8,840 1,894 373, 578 30 0) 59,921 400 2,516 373, 578 30 0) 59, 921 400 2,516 429,800 (0 10, 745 1,960 429,800 (0 10, 745 1, 960 2, 250 2,653 1,175 28, 253 1, 659 12,000 1,800 8,625 41,674 13,667 19,078 6,927 3,000 1,098 2, 250 2,653 1,175 28, 253 1,659 12,000 1,800 8, 625 41, 674 13,667 19,078 6,927 3,000 1,098 636 203 788,736 736 742 40 2, 507 6,700 126, 586 11,932 2,908 825 0) 70 203 $739 1,134 320 742 40 1,629 3,961 25, 915 11,932 2,908 758 4,239 4, 591 180 18,615 15, 873 48, 205 2,983 30,876 3, 595 8 566 $2,498 788,736 416 130,226 3, 552 878 2,739 100,671 6,958 10, 277 153, 597 67 118 2,426,894 0) 1, 791,811 148,179 154 166, 562 $5,260 31,400 585 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 19 40 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 31, 846 (9 31,846 (}) Head__ Pounds. 25 705, 228 125 69, 644 25 705,228 125 69,644 D ozenPounds . Head__ 826 137,620 350 124 24, 219 175 826 137,620 350 124 24,219 175 Each. Each. 249 1,064 5, 753 4,026 245 1,064 5, 657 4,026 4 96 Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. 11 181 8 395 20 599 8 181 6 337 15 592 104 2 58 5 7 (0 169 405 216 1,059 357 962 755 3 (0 273 405 231 1,634 578 1,065 1,071 15 575 221 103 316 Each. 1,426 1,968 1,426 1,968 Each. Each. Each. Each. 1,940,716 20,877 313 75,854 111, 765 25,112 97 3,034 1,940, 716 20,877 96 75,854 111, 765 25,112 24 3,034 217 73 Pieces. 1,780 ri 1,818 1,044 1,780 (>) 1,818 1,044 Tons. Tons. 10,076 9,212 7,557 7,650 8,246 6,732 10,076 966 7,557 918 75 800 216 583 74 13 52 2 2,423 743 133 75 800 216 583 5 7 6 2,018 855 13 52 2 2,423 743 98 Dozen. Each.. Dozen. Dozen. Each— Each__ Dozen. (9 5 7 6 2, 018 855 (9 Bd. ft. Cases.. . 233,267 (9 (9 33, 750 5,190 1,550 181 38, 227 (9 233,267 (9 (9 33, 750 (9 (9 74 (9 35 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Miscellaneous_______________________ Farm: Hogs.___ _______________________ Hogs---------------------------------------------Pork, dressed_______________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products______ Eggs---------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed____________________ Poultry, live________________________ Furniture: Metal_______________________ Cabinets, storage____________________ Lockers____________________________ Furniture: Wood_______________________ Beds______________________________ Benches___________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc______________ Chairs_____________________________ Desks_____________________________ Tables_____________________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses_________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags____________________ Highway markers___________________ Signs______________________________ Tags, miscellaneous__________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous___________ Stainless steelware___________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Quarrying and rock crushing_____________ Lime and agricultural limestone_______ Stone, crushed______________________ Textile products________________________ Bags, cloth_________________________ Covers, mattress____________________ Labor only_________________________ Pillowcases_________________________ Sheets_____________________________ Spreads____________________________ Ticks, bed_________________________ Towels____________________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Wood products_________________________ Lumber___________________________ Wood, fuel_________________________ Miscellaneous______________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 5,190 1, 550 181 38,227 See footnotes at end o f table. Oi T able A.—K in d , q u a n tity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and in stitu tion —Continued CR oo MISSOURI—Continued Unit INTERMEDIATE REFORMATORY FOR YOUNG MEN Total________________ _________ __ Construction: Buildings__________________ Farm: D a iry ______ __________ _____ _ Cattle_________ _______ ______ _ ____ Milk, whole - ________ ____________ Miscellaneous.. . . . _ . _______ . . . Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Barley________ ________ ___ ______ Corn, field____________________ _______ Ensilage.. . . . ___. . . ________ . . . . . . Hay______ _________ __________ . . . Oats__________________ _ . . . _______ Potatoes___________ . . . . ________ W heat.. ___________________ . . . Miscellaneous____ _____ ____ ___ . . . Farm: Hogs_______________________ ______ Hogs... _____ _____ _____________ Pork, dressed___ .. ______ ______ _ Farm: Poultry and poultry products____ . Eggs________________ _____________ . Poultry, dressed Furniture: Wood_____ .. ... _ ... _ Beds. .. ______________ ._ . __ . Benches _ _____ _________ _ Bureaus, chiffoniers, e t c . . . _________ . Cabinets. ___________ ________ _ Chairs________________ _____ _____ _ Desks______ . . . _____ .. __________ Repairs. _____ ________ ______ ____ Tables. . . . ____ ______ ______ . Miscellaneous.. .. . . . . . . . Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Head.. Pounds. Bushels. Bushels. Tons. Tons Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Head.. Pounds. Dozen Pounds. 172 $62,125 20 24 8,500 70 4 2 22 6) Tons___ . . . 30 Public works and ways State use Quantity Value 87 791,574 0) 1,315 15, 831 1,642 100 4,250 880 663 625 5,500 1.890 d 60 2,550 3, 520 5,304 250 3,700 1,890 4,117 100 4,250 880 663 625 5,500 1.890 d 60 2, 550 3, 520 5, 304 250 3, 700 1,890 4,104 246 44,240 1,722 5,955 246 44, 240 1, 722 5, 955 10,468 2,524 1,570 505 10,468 2,524 1, 570 505 11 1 58 117 12 5 82 12 394 370 6 98 70 220 122 2,005 I 55 117 12 5 12 370 370 6 98 44 220 83 0) 2,005 0) 83 2,005 2,005 Value State account Quantity Piece price Value $582 $8, 500 0) 1,630 15,831 1,642 0) Quantity $53,043 129 791, 574 (9 Each.. Each.. Each.. Each. _ Each. _ Each___ Each.. . Quantity and value of articles produced under each system 8,500 42 315 13 0) ll 82 3 24 0) 26 (9 122 Quantity Value PRISON* LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Average num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value MONTANA STATE PRISON 120 Clothing _ _ Aprons .............. __ _ Coats, dress _____ __ Coats, work ________ __ _ _ __ Hats and caps___ _____ Overalls _ __________ ____ . Pants, dress Shirts, work _ . .. ___ _ _ _ _ Shoes repaired, _ __ __ ___... Underwear, men’s and boys’ __ ___ _ _ Farm: D airy...____________ '_ _ ___ ___ __ ______ _ Beef, dressed _ __ Butter___ _ . _ ___ _________ Cattle___ _ _____ __________ ___ Cream._ _ ___ __ _ __ _ ____________ Milk, whole.__ __ _. __ ________ Farm: Field crops and garden ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Barley_______ _______________ ____ _ _ __ Hay___ _ _ _ _________ _ Oats___ ___ _ __ ___ __________ ____ - Potatoes_______ _ _ __________ . W heat... _ __ _________________ Miscellaneous. _ __ _ __________ Farm: Hogs. _ _ _ _________ Hogs________________________ _______ Pork, dressed___________________ ____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs_________________________________ Poultry, dressed____________________ _ Poultry, live________________________ Metal products: Auto license tags. _ _ _____ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Soap and other detergents: Soap____ ____ Textile products__________________________ Sheets_________ _________________ Towels._____ __ _____ __ _________ Wood products: Wood, fuel_______ _____ ___ 15 Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen... Each Dozen. _ Pairs. Dozen Pounds. Pounds. Head Pounds. Pounds. Bushels. Tons Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Head__ Pounds. 10 27 2 3 Dozen Pounds. Head__ Each__ ___ 23 35 2 Pounds. 2 Dozen... Dozen 1 $78, 506 12 20 59 56 331 52 315 1,150 34 29 120 706 84 4,680 208 2,764 690 168 12 20 59 56 331 52 315 1,150 34 29 120 706 84 4, 680 208 2,764 690 168 18,328 3,152 40 29,160 312, 300 1,998 946 1, 000 3, 650 7,807 18, 328 3,152 40 27,720 312, 300 1,998 946 1, 000 3,466 7,807 944 1,019 7,178 18, 324 727 0) 408 4,913 1, 952 5,131 436 2,690 944 1,019 7,178 18, 324 727 0) 408 4,913 1, 952 5,131 436 2,690 1 63,984 15 6, 398 1 63,984 15 6, 398 10,416 4,694 150 407,800 (0 62,400 2, 292 1,025 225 11,749 12,000 1,872 10,416 4,694 150 407,800 0) 62,400 2, 292 1,025 225 11, 749 12, 000 1,872 187 80 1,346 60 1,144 187 80 1, 346 60 1,144 0) $184 $78, 322 0) 1,440 184 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Total____________ _____________________ _ See footnotes at end of table. Or CD 160 T able A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prison s, 1940 , by State, system , and institution— Continued NEBRASKA Unit ALL INSTITUTIONS Dozen. Each.... D ozenEach__ Doz. pr. Dozen-Dozen-_ Dozen. . Each.... Dozen.. Each__ Dozen... D ozenPairs__ Pairs__ Each.... D ozenDozen. . 8 6 115 Doz. pr. Pounds. H eadPounds . Pounds. H eadPounds . Pounds. 26 Quantity Value !2,692 382 2, 721 1,433 382 2,721 1,433 15 350 444 1,999 954 302 783 326 56 589 278 2,794 9,481 4,302 864 196 31 0) 1,763 C1) 0) 0) 75 3,252 293 1,979 633 646 5, 549 2,651 412 1,612 2,013 13,199 15,600 2,119 6, 515 626 94 71 1, 724 72,701 12,742 3,272 15 350 444 1,999 954 302 783 326 56 589 278 2, 794 9,481 4,302 864 196 31 0) 1,763 75 3,252 293 1,979 633 646 5, 549 2,651 412 1,612 2,013 13,199 15,600 2,119 6,515 626 94 71 1, 724 19,187 274 2,418 11, 743 19,187 164 2,418 5,268 10,551 2,172 206 2,995 2, 515,840 971 572 4,160 384 56,722 10, 551 2,172 42 971 572 1,130 2, 515,840 56, 722 0) Quantity 0) Value State account Quantity $88,715 8 0) Value $15,693 72, 701 12, 742 3,272 Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Bakery products, commercial____________ Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms_____ Clothing, other than knit.____ ___________ Coats, dress________________________ Coats, work__________________ ____ Dresses____________________________ Gloves and mittens_________________ . Handkerchiefs---------------------------------Hats and caps---------------------------------Overalls____________________________ Overcoats__________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns_____________ Pants, dress________________________ Pants, work------------------------------------Shirts, work________________________ Shoes, new_________________________ Shoes repaired______________________ Suits_______________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ _________ Underwear, women’s and children’s . .. Miscellaneous---------------------------------Clothing, knit: Hosiery-------------------------Construction: Buildings-------------------------Construction: Major repairs to buildings.-. Construction: Miscellaneous_____________ Farm: Cattle___________________________ Beef, dressed________________________ Cattle---- ----------------------------------------Farm: Dairy___________________________ Beef, dressed________________________ Butter------ -------------------------------------Cattle___________________ ____ ______ Cream___ ____ __________ ____ ______ Milk, whole_________________________ Public works and ways State use $527,100 512 Total. Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON DAB OR IN THE UNITED STATUS, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Totalpris oners em ployed Quantity Value 110 6,475 164 2,995 3,030 384 See footnotes at end o f table. Bushels. Bushels _ Tons___ — Tons Bushels . Tons _. Bushels. 106 8 Pounds. 7 Pounds. Head 1 Head 1,925 1,861 5,877 1,583 242 84 707 15,342 97 3,721 1,670 209 404 38 1,266 0) 1,385 1,861 5,877 1,583 242 84 707 14,832 0) 85,697 16,965 5,766 (0 85,697 15,117 5,766 56,851 7,326 4,836 0) 8,896 1,342 1,785 2,686 49, 338 7, 326 3,782 (0 9 (0 Each _ Tons___ 2 6 32 Each... Each .. Each .. 00 11 Dozen.. Dozen... *9 84 Pounds. Cases__ 7,980 0) 134 3,721 1,676 209 404 38 1,266 0) Each __ Each __ Each __ Each . _ 8, 111 (0 510 0) 7,614 1,342 1,415 2,686 7, 513 1,282 1,054 370 2 75 575 5 500 551 841 670 989 206 246 46 260 21 551 841 670 989 206 246 (0 36 0) 312 3,163 663 7,694 0) 312 3,163 663 7,694 1,129,364 5,137 185,001 (0 58,176 5,631 4,695 71 1,129,364 5,137 185,001 0) 58,176 5,631 4,695 71 0) 0) 1,004 341 1,702 13,021 410 3,606 0) 0) 855 1,659 (0 0) 1,004 341 1,702 13,021 410 3,606. 23,224 6,939 14,204 32, 771 736 194, 579 (0 7,371 0) (0 23,224 6,939 14, 204 32, 771 736 276 (0 855 1,659 0) 0) 194,579 (0 7,371 8 276 540 1,848 7 36 37 0) 46 260 21 0) 131 0) APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Miscellaneous___________ _____________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Alfalfa seed___ ____ _ _______________ ________ _ ___ Corn, field______ Ensilage ____________ __ _______ H a y _____________ ___ _____ _ ____ Potatoes__________ _ __ _ ______ Straw____ ____________ _ ___ _ Wheat____ __________ ______ _______ Miscellaneous___ _ _ _ __ _________ Farm: Hogs__________ ___ _________ _ H ogs.:._____________ _ __ ______ _ Pork, dressed _ _ ____ _ ________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs_________ : ____ :_ * Poultry, dressed_______________ _______ Poultry iliv e .. ___ __ _ _____ Do__________________________ Farm: Miscellaneous... _______ _ Livestock_______ . . . _______ ____ Furniture: Wood________________________ Benches_______________________ ____ Chairs__________________ __________ Desks_______________________________ Repairs.... .............. . . . ___ _ Tables______________________ Miscellaneous______ _ _____ _ ___ _ Furniture: Other than metal or w o o d _____ Mattresses___________________________ _ __ Repairs_________ __ _____ Grain-mill products: Feed, stock __ _ ___ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags________________ ____ __ Highway markers............... ...... ... Tags, miscellaneous. I_____ ______ Metal products: Miscellaneous_____ ____ _ ______ ___________ Textile products__ Auto certificate holders________________ Bags, cloth____ ________ _____________ Pillowcases________________________ _ Sheets_____ __________________________ Miscellaneous. _______________________ Wood products: Mill work ____________ __ Other manufactured products __________ _ Beef, dressed____________ ________ ____ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Do__________ ____ ________________ Electricity____________ _______ _ ___ Insecticides, deodorants, and related chemical compounds. T able A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system , and institution — Continued i—1 O NEBRASKA-Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value ALL institutions—continued Other manufactured products—Continued. Labor only (canning)__ _______ _ ___ Meat products, miscellaneous............... . Pork, dressed _______________________ Pounds _ Repairs (harness) ___________________ Tobacco, smoking._____________ _______ Pounds. STATE PENITENTIARY Total____________ _ Bakery products, commercial___ __________ Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms_____ Clothing, other than knit______________ _ Coats, work________ ____________ _ _ _ ._ __ ___ Dresses......... ... Gloves and mittens___ _______________ Handkerchiefs_______ _______________ Hats and caps__ _____ ____________ __ Overalls______ __ .__ __________ __ _ Overcoats. __ _ . _ _ ______ ____ Pajamas and nightgowns______ Pants, dress___________________ ___ _ Pants, work__ __________________ _ Shirts, work__ _______ ___________ Shoes repaired.__ _ _ ________ __ Suits _ _ __ __________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ . _____ _ Miscellaneous ............... .............. Clothing, knit: Hosiery ________ __ Construction: Buildings Construction: Major repairs to buildings Dozen. __ Dozen . Each Doz. pr Dozen __ Dozen _ Dozen _ Each .. Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Pairs Each Dozen Doz. pr_. Pounds_ ________ _____________________ Cattle _ Head... Beef, dressed 8 6 76 13 38 20 2 9 $117 27,693 10,707 546 3,834 (9 (9 100,893 (9 14,025 $117 26,645 10,707 546 3,834 382 2,721 1,433 382 2,721 1,433 350 240 1,999 917 302 783 326 45 589 278 2,319 4, 202 864 196 (9 1,763 (9 (9 (9 3,252 117 1,979 611 646 5, 549 2,651 323 1,612 2,013 10, 563 2,119 6, 515 626 18 1,724 72,701 12,742 3,272 350 240 1,999 917 302 783 326 45 589 278 2,319 4, 202 864 196 (9 1,763 3, 252 117 1,979 611 646 5,549 2,651 323 1,612 2,013 10,563 2,119 6, 515 626 18 1,724 10,551 42 971 1.130 10, 551 42 (9 (9 135,146 223, 992 270 C onstruction: M iscellaneous Farm: Dairy (9 0) 100,893 0) 14,025 (9 $88,715 (9 (9 0) 971 1.130 72, 701 12, 742 3,272 $1,048 131 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value fcO Miscellaneous___________________ Farm: Field crops and garden Pounds. Bushels. 11,265 131 463,872 11, 265 248 466 7 38 396 248 466 7 38 396 (9 130 1,862 70 84 238 4,691 (9 130 1,862 70 84 238 4,691 23 45,317 267 2,437 23 45,317 267 2,437 11,743 5,976 1,880 1,112 234 11, 743 5,976 1,880 1,112 234 551 841 670 989 206 246 46 260 21 463,872 27 (9 Hay Bushels. Farm: Hogs Hogs Eggs Pounds. Pounds. 9 STATE REFORMATORY FOR MEN Total......................................................... Clothing: Shoes, new_________ . ____ _ _ Pairs__ Farm: Cattle __________ _ _____ _ _ _ Beef, dressed-..__________ __ ___ Pounds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ____ Cattle__ _ __ _ Head Farm: Dairy Milk, whole _ ______ _ Pounds _ Miscellaneous ________________________ (9 Each Desks Repairs Each Tables Miscellaneous Furniture: Other than metal or wood Mattresses Each Each Pillows Grain-mill products: Feed, stock Tons___ Textile products Auto certificate holders Bags, cloth Miscellaneous Wood products: Mi 11work Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables Electricity Insecticides, disinfectants, and related chemical compounds. Repairs (harness) Tobacco, smoking Pounds. See footnotes at end of table. 2 46 260 21 0) 2 6 2 9 39 36 (0 276 521 312 (!) (!) 36 276 521 312 3,163 663 7, 694 3,163 663 7, 694 1,004 341 238 3,606 (9 (9 (9 (9 1,004 341 238 3,606 (9 (9 (9 6,204 32, 771 736 (9 0) (9 6,204 32, 771 736 0) 546 3,834 (9 546 3,834 14,025 169,745 135 13 (9 (9 551 841 670 989 206 246 0) (9 14,025 36 8 (9 13l APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Furniture: Wood Benches ______ 2 (9 162,400 9,481 15,600 9,481 15,600 18, 377 269 2,312 11, 217 18, 377 162 2, 312 5,117 1,689,062 (i) 37, 568 7.980 1,689, 062 (i) 37,568 7.980 7, 345 107 6,100 05 CO T able A .— K in d , qu antity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued NEBRASKA— Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value STATE REFORMATORY FOR MEN—Continued Farm: Field crops and garden__ __________ Corn, field .._____ *1__________________ Ensilage___________________________ __ Hay__r_____________ ________________ Wheat____ ____ ___________ ________ -. Miscellaneous__________ ____ _________ Farm: Hogs________________ ______ _____ Hogs.. _ _______ Pork, dressed_______ -___________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products ___ Eggs___ __________ _____ __________ Poultry, live______________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license ta g s_______ _________ Highway markers___ _______ __ - Tags, miscellaneous.- __ - ____ Metal products: Miscellaneous_______ ___ Other manufactured products.. __________ Canned fruits and vegetables ___Labor only ( c a n n i n g ) _____________ 32 Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. 3 Head Pounds _ 2 Dozen _ _ 32 Each___ Each___ Each__ (\ Cases 1,086 780 24 697 0) $521 2,340 120 362 2,717 1,086 780 24 697 (9 $521 2,340 120 362 2,717 476 37,606 6,325 3,117 420 37,606 5,633 3,117 56 $692 27,583 0) 4,501 3,751 24, 343 3,948 3,751 3,240 553 0) 1,129,364 5,137 185,001 0) 58,176 5,631 4,695 71 1,129,364 5,137 185,001 0) 58,176 5,631 4,695 71 1,902 0) 2,624 117 1,902 O 2,624 117 STATE REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN Clothing __________________ _______ Coats, dress___________________ ______ ____________________ _____ Dresses Handkerchiefs___ ______ ______ ________ Pajamas and nightgowns______ ________ Shirts, work _____ ____ ______________ Underwear, women's and children's____ Miscellaneous------- --------------------- -------- -.-.32,671. 21 _____ _____________________ - ___ 3 15 204 37 11 475 31 Each___ Each___ Dozen __ Dozen _ _ Dozen _ _ Dozen _ _ 0) ___ 31,291. 75 176 15 204 37 11 475 31 22 89 2,636 94 53 0) 75 176 22 89 2,636 94 53 ____1,380 Value 1940 Total Quantity PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED (STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Total. Pounds. Head.... 810 5 106 526 810 2 106 151 Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 2,172 2,995 199,481 572 384 4,786 2,172 572 199,481 4,786 Bushels. Bushels. Tons__ Tons__ Bushels. 134 105 90 122 404 97 105 90 122 404 0) 1,925 69 315 987 242 465 0) 1,385 69 315 987 242 465 177 2, 774 2,744 212 177 2,774 2,744 212 2,641 1,350 313 230 2,103 1, 350 252 230 855 1,659 0) 0) 1,702 13,021 172 735 Head.... Pounds. Dozen.. Pounds. (2) 855 1,659 0) 0) Dozen _ Dozen _ GENOA STATE FARM Farm: Dairy______________________ Cattle_________________________ Milk, whole____________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_______ Corn, field_____________________ Ensilage_______________________ Hay___________________________ Wheat_________________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Hogs_______________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Eggs---------------------------------------Poultry, live___________________ Farm: Miscellaneous_______________ Livestock______________________ Other manufactured products_______ Beef, dressed___________________ Canned fruits and vegetables____ Meat products, miscellaneous___ Pork, dressed__________________ See footnotes at end o f table. 1, 702 . 13,021 172 735 100,692 3 375 2,995 384 37 540 538 81 93,855 6,837 Head.... Pounds. 164 163,425 3,030 3,103 163,425 3,103 Bushels. Tons__ Tons__ Bushels. 2,281 340 56 173 (0 0) 1,141 1,360 406 107 7,469 7,629 2,281 340 56 173 (0 (0 1,141 1,360 406 107 6.959 6,473 (0 (0 14,884 1,396 % 182 486 11,149 342 1, 534 116 3,735 1,054 648 370 2 75 DozenHead... HeadPounds. Cases. -. Pounds. 1 ~33~ 7 575 5 500 194,579 5,469 0) 100,893 23, 224 11, 580 27, 693 10,707 194, 579 5,469 (0 100,893 23,224 11, 580 26,645 10, 707 164 0) 3,030 510 1,156 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Farm: Cattle-------------- ------ --------------------Beef, dressed_________________________ Cattle_______________________________ Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Butter_______________________________ Cream___ . ___________________________ Milk, whole__________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden-------------------Alfalfa seed___________________________ Corn, field___________________________ Ensilage_____________________________ Hay_________________________________ Potatoes_____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Hogs------------------------------------------------Pork, dressed_________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs-------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed______________________ Textile products__________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 1,048 0 01 T able A .— K in d, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued O O* N E VA D A STATE PRISON Total_______________ ______ ______________ Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Beef, dressed_____ __________ ________ Butter____________ ____ _____ ______ Cattle_____ _______ ___________ ______ Cream_______________________________ Milk, whole_______________________ __ Farm: Field crops and garden...___________ Hay_____________ . . . . . . . . ________ Wheat... _______ _ ___________ ____ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs__ __________ ________ _______ Hogs_________________________________ Pork, dressed____ . . . . . . . ____. . . Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs_____: ___________________________ Poultry, dressed___________________ . . . Poultry, live_______________________ ._ Metal products: Auto license tags.................. Unit Pounds. Pounds. Head Pounds. Pounds. Tons Bushels. Head__ Pounds. Dozen .. Pounds. Head__ Each___ 17 3 5,112 3,472 28 1, 771 112,400 531 1,042 1,890 206 3,272 400 167 3,200 117 100 1 2 0) Public works and ways State use Quantity Value $16,549 10 1 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system •Quantity Value State account Quantity Value $16,549 5,112 3,472 28 1,771 112,400 531 1,042 1,890 206 3, 272 400 167 3,200 177 100 0) 75 5,110 750 511 75 5,110 750 511 4,616 664 445 106,643 692 116 222 3,900 4,616 664 445 106,643 692 116 222 3,900 NEW H A M P S H IR E Olay, cement, and stone products________ _ Concrete pipe _ ______________________ Concrete posts__________________ _ . . . Cribbing, concrete____ _____________ . Construction: Buildings__________________ Each___ Farm: Cattle____________________________ Head__ Farm: Dairy__________________________ _ Milk, whole............................................. Pounds. 205 $127,287 96 3 1 5 1 31 30,334 1,922 9,071 2,930 2,340 208, 581 8,243 0) (0 0) $121,817 0) (0 (0 208, 587 30, 334 1,922 9, 071 i 8,243 $2, 540 $2,930 2,930 31 2,340 Quantity Value 1940 STATE PRISON Total____ _______________________________ Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE S, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 13 Head__ Pounds. Each. Each. Each. ”2 1 (0 4,854 00 Farm: Field crops and garden. Miscellaneous___________ Farm: Hogs________________ Hogs----------------------------Pork, dressed___________ Metal products_____________ Auto license tags________ Printing and binding________ Envelopes______________ Letterheads_____________ Miscellaneous___________ Quarrying and rock crushing. _ Sand___________________ Stone, crushed__________ (0 4,854 20, 500 1,845 200 1,845 40 304, 748 22,963 304, 748 22,963 764,300 703,000 (0 2,322 2, 079 25, 308 764, 300 703, 000 (0 2, 322 2,079 25, 308 1,044 10,194 343 12, 533 1,044 10,194 343 12, 533 20" 40 Tons. Tons. Bakery products, commercial ________ Clay, cement, and stone products._______ Concrete blocks _ _______ ______ _ Concrete posts. ____________ ____ _ Miscellaneous. ____________ ________ C lothing______________ ______ _ __ . . . Aprons_________________________ _____ Belts_________________ ___________ Coats, work________________ ____ . . Dresses_____________ _______________ . Hats and caps _____ _ ... _____ _____ _ Labor only__________________ ________ Overalls_____ ______ . . . . . . . _ Overcoats______ _______ ______ _____ Pajamas and nightgowns _______ _____ . Pants, work ________ ____________ . Shirts, dress .. . _________________ . Shirts, work____ _______________ . . . Shoes, new_____ _________________ Shoes repaired_______ ____ _______ _____ Suits_________ . . . .. . ______ . . . Underwear, men’s and boys’ . ._ _____ Underwear, women’s and children’s____ •Miscellaneous.. ________ ____ . . . . Construction: Buildings__ . . . ._ ________ Construction: Miscellaneous_______________ See footnotes at end o f table. 1,397 Pounds. Each .. Each___ Dozen Dozen . Dozen . Each ... Dozen 10 10 395 Dozen Each___ Dozen ._ Dozen. Dozen Dozen . Pairs. Pairs___ Each___ Dozen .. Dozen... Each___ 10 61 $1,196,169 $1, 224, 044 791,674 28, 583 791,674 28,583 27,135 30 0) 3,020 50 82 27,13$ 30 0) 3,020 50 82 68 125 289 1,474 73 0) 568 3,329 366 2, 830 191 2,834 28,355 24, 507 5, 776 649 47 0) 1 0) 374 350 11, 208 1, 277 306 7,371 11,454 20, 875 3,289 45,156 871 20, 936 93, 257 19, 523 36, 658 2, 665 256 3,261 16, 875 11,000 68 125 289 1,474 73 0) 568 3,329 366 2, 830 191 2,834 28,355 24, 507 5, 776 649 47 0) 374 350 11, 208 1, 277 306 7,371 11,454 20,875 3,289 45,156 871 20,936 93, 257 19, 523 36, 658 2, 665 256 3,261 $27,875 1 0) 16, 875 11,000 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES N E W JERSEY ALL INSTITUTIONS Total___________ _____ _ . . . ________ _ 200 25 T able A.— K in d, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued O 00 NEW JERSEY— Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value all institutions—continued 11 Pounds . Head ___ Pounds . Head _ _ Pounds_ Pounds. .. 70 262 Tons Bushels . T o n s__ Tons Bushels _ Tons ._ Bushels. 16 Head Pounds. 5 Dozen Pounds. Head__ (2) 36 Each Each Each $1,305 2,164 1,540 0 $1,305 2,164 1,540 26,803 85 284 2,342,315 0) 3,313 6,450 53 80,997 7,298 26,803 85 284 2,342,315 0 3,313 6,450 53 80,997 7,298 240 8, 764 1,410 1,122 32,874 69 2,030 0 2,395 4,034 12,694 13,190 23,687 884 1,258 60,635 240 8, 764 1,410 1,122 32,874 69 2,030 0) 2,395 4, 034 12,694 13,190 23,687 884 1,258 60,635 1,170 173,837 20,934 17,626 1,346 1,170 173, 837 20,934 17,626 1,346 13,416 6,647 1,292 3,541 1,316 1,938 282 13,416 6,647 1,292 3, 541 1,316 1,938 282 735 7 339 6,047 735 7 339 6,047 8,799 54 0 0 0 0 8,799 54 0 0 88 170 1,528 0) 88 170 1,528 Value Quantity 1 Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Farm: Cattle__ _______________________ Beef, dressed___________________ _____ __ . Cattle_________________________ Miscellaneous__________ _____ ___ _____ Farm: Dairy_____________ __________ Beef, dressed___________ ____ ________ _ Cattle_______________ ___ ______ _____ Cream_____________________ _ _ _____ Milk, whole ________________ _ ___ Miscellaneous Farm: Field crops and garden Beets, mangel _ _. Corn, field.. ______ Ensilage______ _____ ______ _ Hay............................ Potatoes____________ _____ Straw.______ ________ ______ Wheat.. _ ________ ______ Miscellaneous_________ ____________ _____ Farm: Hogs________ ____ Hogs_____ __________ ______ Pork, dressed___ ________ . _ Miscellaneous . ______ Farm: Poultry and poultry products . __ Eggs Poultry, dressed_______________ _ Poultry, liv e ._ _________________ Farm: Miscellaneous___ ___________ Furniture: Metal__________________ Beds________ ______ ______________ Tables___ ____________________ Wastebaskets________ ________ Miscellaneous_________ _______________ Quantity State account PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 408102 Pounds. 76 15 68 Each. Each. Each. Sets-. 74 Pieces. Each_. Pieces. Gallons. Each. Each. Pounds. Sq.yd Sq. yd. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Each. Each. 3 106 15 59 12 7 Each. Cases . . . Pounds. 53 23 345 64 2,263 4 323 72 423 0) 453,295 3,905 1,497 13, 231 56 7, 268 2,371 7,795 2,358 13,599 345 64 2,263 4 323 72 423 0) 453, 295 3,905 1,497 13,231 56 7.268 2,371 7, 795 2, 358 13, 599 2,369,465 196,666 2,369,465 196, 666 1.790 2,030 1,896 (0 3, 573 (0 15,000 1,557 0) 7,366 6, 922 19, 625 11,416 979 5, 259 270 150 1,101 1,867 9, 779 1,790 2,030 1,896 0) 3, 573 0) 15, 000 1, 557 0) 7,366 6.922 19,625 11,416 979 5, 259 270 150 1,101 1,867 9, 779 5,362, 200 1,396, 000 0) 660, 689 19, 601 4,105 52, 258 50, 386 5, 362, 200 1, 396, 000 0) 660, 689 19, 601 4,105 52, 258 50,386 105,280 6,065 35,835 11. 524 105, 280 6,065 35, 835 11,524 797 24 29 1,131 (’) 2,257 86 257 5,917 108 797 24 29 1,131 0) 2,257 86 257 5,917 108 14,050 9 0) • 58 843 102 2,084 270 14,050 9 0) 58 843 102 2,084 270 74,208 21, 354 13, 763 37,101 169,875 0) 74, 208 21,354 13, 763 37,101 169,875 0) 0) p) 131 7,431 0) 0) 131 7, 431 1 1 169 See footnotes at end of table. Each. Each. Each. Each. EachEach. Each. APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Furniture: W ood_________________________ Benches______________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs______________________________ Chairs, upholstered__________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_________________ Desks________________________________ Tables___________ ___________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Laundry, commercial_____________________ K2 Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Castings_____________________________ *0 Castings (road signs)__________________ Chains, tire__________________________ Chains, miscellaneous_________________ Galvanized wire______________________ Repairs______________________________ Tin cans_____________________________ Tinware_____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Paint____________________________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes____________________________ Letterheads__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Soap and other detergents: Soap___________ Textiles__________________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_______________ Wool yard goods______________________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______ _____ __________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Wood products___________________________ Baskets (fruit)_______________________ Boxes________________________________ Millwork____________________________ Stepladders__________________________ Other manufactured products______________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Coffee, roasted________________________ Deodorants, disinfectants, and related chemical compounds. Miscellaneous________________________ Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Repairs (machine work). T able A .— K in d, q u a n tity o , and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued NEW JERSEY— Continued Total Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value STATE PRISON 355 $520,300 $520,300 21,577 616,478 21, 577 67 9,680 306 10,390 5,814 43,796 57,335 12,911 435 8 67 9,680 306 10,390 5,814 43,796 57,335 12,911 435 148 64 4 72 368 2,167 1,497 56 2,371 6,358 717 196, 666 9, 779 2,167 1,497 56 2,371 6,358 717 196,666 9,779 5,950 1,630 35,678 50,386 102 1,320 764 21,354 13, 763 236 73 504 750 2,744 16,381 1,662 (9 (9 2,369,465 7, 366 1,691,000 504,000 (9 660, 689 5, 950 1,630 35,678 50,386 9 198 102 1,320 764 169, 875 21,354 13, 763 (9 (9 Value Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 19 4 0 Bakery products, commercial Pounds _ 616,478 7 Clothing-- __ _____ _ ________________ 125 Aprons ___________________________ 8 Dozen _ Coats, w o r k _____________________ 236 Dozen.. Hats and caps . . Dozen _ 73 Overalls_______________________ _ Dozen... — 504 Overcoats __________________ Each. 750 Pants, work_____________________ 2,744 Dozen . Shoes, n e w ______ _______________ Pairs... 16,381 Suits _ ____________________ _ Each ._ 1,662 Miscellaneous____________________ (9 Furniture: W ood____________ _______ 33 Benches... _ ______ _______ 148 Each Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Each 64 Chairs, upholstered__ ____ ______ _ __ Each 4 Desks _ . ... Each 72 Tables Each 368 Miscellaneous.. __ _________________ 0) Metal products: Auto license tags Each___ 68 2,369,465 Paint Gallons. 7, 366 3 Printing and binding 66 Envelopes Each 1,691,000 Letterheads Each 504,000 Miscellaneous (9 Soap and other detergents: Soap _____ Pounds. 15 660,689 Wood products ________________ 6 Boxes Each 9 M illwork Pieces 198 Miscellaneous (9 Other manufactured products _ _ 9 Coffee, roasted Pounds. 169,875 Deodorants, disinfectants, and(9related chemical compounds. Quantity State account PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity 23 M iscellaneous (nonm anufacturing): Repairs (m achine w o r k ). 0) 7, 431 0) 7, 431 STATE PRISON FARM— BORDENTOWN Tnta.1 C la y , cem ent, and stone p r o d u c t s __ Con nrAta blocks OfmnrAtA pnsts CnnstrnVtinn! B uildings F arm : D a iry E ach. _ E a c h ___ Pairs E a c h ___ 10 21 77 B ushels . T on s Tons B u sh els. 94,673 27,135 30 17, 350 3,020 50 82 14, 279 16,875 27,135 30 ) 17,350 3,020 50 82 14, 279 9, 766 16 284 381,398 1,434 860 53 14,189 1,582 9, 766 16 284 381,398 ) 1,434 860 53 14,189 1, 582 240 2,901 632 240 2,901 632 19, 619 ) 2,395 1,786 5,690 2, 490 14,094 12,962 2,395 1, 786 5,690 2, 490 14,094 12,962 273 52,383 ) 5, 563 5,465 282 (0 1 (0 100 5 H ea d P ounds _ ____________ $16, 875 _____________ --- ________ ____________ — 0 0 0 0 100 19,619 (0 273 52,383 ) 0 1 16.875 5, 563 5,465 282 (2) E ach 339 170 339 170 3, 573 1,557 ) 5,259 3, 573 1,557 ) 5, 259 20 Pieces Pieces 0 110 P oun d s. 3 7 P ounds . H ead 17 1,101 1,867 0 0) 494,410 56 3, 227 814 10,174 ) 0 7,006 1,100 1, Oil 1,200 18,397 1,202 6,759 7,477 22, 386 1,101 1,867 126,159 126,159 175,196 7,422 31 P ou n d s. Farm: Field crops and garden_________ . . . Corn, f i e l d ..____________________ ____ Bushels . H a y _____________________ __________ Tons . . Bushels. Potatoes_____ _____________ Miscellaneous_______________________ - See footnotes at end of table. 25 H ead Pounds P ou n ds. STATE PRISON FARM— LEESBURG T o t a l___________ ___________________________________ B ak ery products, com m ercial_____________ _ F a rm : C a ttle ____________ _______________________ B eef, dressed_________________________________ C attle . _________________________________ M iscellaneous. ______________________________ F a rm : D a ir y ___________ ____________________ M ilk , w hole . . ....... ........................................... 111, 548 10 175,196 7, 422 31 0) 1,100 1, Oil 1,200 494, 410 18,397 3, 227 814 10,174 ) , 759 7,477 22, 386 0 _________ 7,006 1,202 6 h-1 = = = = = — APPEN DIX A ---- GENERAL TABLES OattlA Cream ____ _ _ _____ __ ___ _______ __ _ M ilk , w hole Miscellaneous Farm : F ield crops an d garden B eets, m angel _ _____ ___ ___ C orn, field _ Ensilage _ __________ ___ H ay Potatoes M i s c e ll a n e o u s ____ ___________ _____ F arm : H ogs H op's P ork , dressed ____ ___________ __ _ F arm : M iscellaneous ___________ Furniture: M e ta l __ __ _____ _______ W asteha-slrets M e ta l products ______ ____________ _ Calva/niy.ed ware _____________ _______________ __ T in w are M i seel la.n eons 168 T able A .— Kind, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued •<T to N EW JERSEY— Continued Public works and ways State use 3 24 230 31,050 0) 25,926 $3, 808 2,795 225 52,793 268 29 1, 277 120 322 2,956 871 19,906 2,665 256 2, 826 1, 377 23 205 1,153 340 Value 230 31,050 0) 25,926 $3,808 2, 795 225 52, 793 STATE REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN Total - _________________________________ 128 Clothing _________________________ ___ Aprons . ________________________ Coats, w o rk _________________________ Dresses ___________________________ Labor only. - ________________ ___ Overalls. - - - - - ___________ ___ Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Shirts, dress -. - _____________________ Shirts, work_______ ____ _________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ______ _ Underwear, women’s and children’s.. . Miscellaneous ___ __________ ___ _ Farm: Cattle -- ________________ . Beef, dressed __ ___________ _______ ___________ _ _ _ _ _ Cattle Miscellaneous ________ _ _ Farm: Dairy ______ ______________ _ Milk, whole _ _ _ Farm: Field crops and garden______ _____ Hay Potatoes Wheat Miscftllanenns Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Hogs____ ____________________________ 62 Dozen.. Dozen Each Dozen.. Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen. . Dozen Pounds . Head... Pounds Tons Bushels Bushels. Head__ — 4 — 7 33 3 70, 560 54 6 1, 474 0) 25 339 191 2,765 649 47 0) 268 29 1, 277 120 322 2,956 871 19,906 2,665 256 2,826 1, 377 23 205 1,153 340 0) 70, 560 0) 217, 262 8,082 217, 262 8, 082 36 962 80 733 577 48 6, 761 36 962 80 733 577 48 6,761 104 2. 250 104 2, 250 0) Piece price 54 6 1, 474 0) 25 339 191 2,765 649 47 0) Quantity state prison farm—leesburg—continued Hogs____________________ ______ ______ Head Pork, dressed.____ ___________________ Pounds. Miscellaneous___________________ _ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases.. . and vegetables. State account 1940 Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 0) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Pork, dressed_________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Eggs--------------------- ------ ---------Poultry, dressed........................... Poultry, live__________________ Laundry, commercial____ _____ ____ Pounds. 11,900 1, 220 11, 900 1,220 Dozen... Pounds. Head__ Pounds. 7, 745 4,175 804 453, 295 2,064 826 1,206 13, 599 7, 745 4,175 804 453,295 2,064 826 1,206 13, 599 STATE REFORMATORY—RAHWAY Total_______________________ _____ 270, 591 270, 591 Dozen. Dozen. Each.. Dozen. Pairs .. Each.. Head__ Pounds. Pounds. 16 39 2,579 28 11,974 4,114 275 742 15,061 427 35,922 23, 747 16 39 2,579 28 11, 974 4,114 275 742 15,061 427 35,922 23, 747 18 374, 941 3, 960 0) 1,170 13,947 597 1,580 18 374,941 3,960 0) 1,170 13,947 597 1, 580 <79 2,002 10, 442 79 2,002 10,442 Tons. 0) Each__ Pounds. 0) 372 29,465 0) 0) 4,828 2,972 306 1,121 372 29,465 0) « 4,828 2,972 306 1,121 735 7 6,047 88 1,528 735 7 0) 6,047 88 1, 528 Each. Each. 0) Each Each. Each Each 197 2,263 323 55 0) 1, 738 13, 231 7,268 1, 437 1,641 197 2,263 323 55 0) 1, 738 13,231 7, 268 1,437 1,641 Each__ Each__ Sets___ 1,790 2,030 1,896 (0 0) 6, 922 19,625 11,416 979 270 1,790 2,030 1,896 (0 0) 6,922 19,625 11,416 979 270 2,163,500 872,500 o5 9, 980 2,418 11, 573 2,163, 500 872, 500 0) 9,980 2,418 11, 573 Each. Each. APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Clothing____________________ Coats, work_____________ Overalls_________________ Overcoats________________ Pants, work-------------------Shoes, new_______________ Suits____________________ Farm: Dairy________________ Cattle___________________ Milk, whole_____________ Beef, dressed_____________ Miscellaneous-----------------Farm: Field crops and garden.. Hay------------------------------Miscellaneous____________ Farm: Hogs_________________ Hogs____________________ Pork, dressed____________ Do__________________ Miscellaneous____________ Furniture: Metal____________ Beds____________________ Tables__________________ Miscellaneous____________ Furniture: W ood____________ Benches_________________ Chairs___________________ Davenports, sofas, etc____ Tables__________________ Miscellaneous____________ Metal products: Miscellaneous. Castings._____ __________ Do__________ ____ _ Chains, tire______________ Chains, miscellaneous____ Repairs_________________ Printing and binding_________ Envelopes_______________ Letterheads______________ Miscellaneous____________ See footnotes at end of table. CO T able A.— Kind, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, i 940, by State, system, and institution— Continued NEW JERSEY—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value STATE REFORMATORY—RAHWAY—continued Textiles Cotton yard goods, light ____ Textile products ___ __ Bags, cloth _ _ . Wood products Stepladders Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables Miscellaneous _ __ __ _ . Sq. yd ________ yd. Wool yardSq. goods ________ __ _ __ _ Dozen Towels _ __ Each Cases 59 II 105,280 6,065 $35,835 11, 524 105,280 6,065 $35,835 11, 524 797 1,053 2, 257 Dozen 5,686 797 1,053 2.257 5,686 (2) 8 58 270 58 270 1,963 0) 3, 588 131 1,963 (!) 3, 588 131 STATE REFORMATORY—ANNANDALE Total__________________ ____ ________ _r 204 Clothing _________ _______ _____ ______ Aprons __ _ _ _ ___ __ Belts ____ _________ Coats, work _ _________ _____ Labor only __ _ _________ ___ _ _ Pajamas and nightgowns.. _______ __ Pants, work ... . _______________ ___ Shirts, work ______ ______________ __ Shoes repaired _ _ ______ ___ _ Construction: Miscellaneous__ ____ Farm: Dairy __ _ ___ ___ _ . Beef, dressed ____ __ __ Cattle _ _ Milk, whole . _ . . . Miscellaneous ’Farm* Field crops and garden Corn, field Ensilage Hay_________________________________ 48 Dozen Dozen Dozen 6 125 31 0) Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs Pounds _ Head Pounds. Bushels . Tons Tons___ 124,886 61 14 45 27 58 69 7,157 0) . 39 350 1,224 7,251 333 933 1,030 5, 244 11,000 $11,000 113,886 27 58 69 7,157 39 350 1.224 7, 251 333 933 1,030 5, 244 6 125 31 0) (9 13,077 51 874,304 (0 1,282 4,420 26,382 4,136 13,077 51 874,304 0) 1,282 4, 420 26,382 4,136 2,636 778 93 1,046 7,004 1,206 2,636 778 93 1,046 7,004 1,206 11,000 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1 9 4 0 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Straw Farm: Hogs ___ ___________ _____- - Farm: Poultry and poultry products___ _ Head... Pounds. Dozen. ____._ . ____ Each__ __ ___ _ __ Each Each . __ _ __ Pillowcases __ Sheets _ _ _ __ Towels__ . ________ Miscellaneous Wood products: Baskets (fruit) Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables ..... ........... 2 1 1 18 1 2,119 69 1,950 0) 1, 539 884 1,210 8,084 2,119 69 1,950 (0 1, 539 884 1,210 8,084 191 49,039 4,485 4,868 191 49,039 4,485 4,868 5, 671 0) 15,000 1,477 1, 222 150 5,671 0) 15,000 1,477 1, 222 150 1, 507,700 19, 500 0) 3,671 57 5,007 1, 507, 700 19, 500 0) 3,671 57 5,007 24 29 78 24 29 78 0) 14,050 86 257 231 108 843 0) 14,050 86 257 231 108 843 9,212 17,827 9,212 17,827 Dozen Dozen Dozen Each__ Cases 1 12 NEW MEXICO PENITENTIARY OF NEW MEXICO Total___________________________ ________ Clav, cement, and stone products Brick. _ __ _________________ _____ Building tile____ _______ _ _ _____ C l o t h i n g . . . . . . _ __ ______________ Aprons . _ . _ ______ ____ . Coats, work . . . _______________ Hats and caps .. ___. . . _____ _ . Overalls _ __ _________ __ . Pants, work. _ . . . _ Shirts, work Underwear, men’s and boys’ _______ Construction: Buildings __ . . . . . . __ Farm: Dairy. ___ _______________ Milk, whole . . . . _ ______________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____ . . . . . . Corn, field.. _ . . . Ensilage Miscellaneous________________________ 274 $85, 242 $32, 741 $22, 501 $30, 000 89 M _____ Each__ Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen _ Dozen Dozen Each___ Pounds. Bushels. Tons... 29 840 336,010 8, 521 13, 980 9 31 37 7 157 177 186 1 27 372 44 63 1,178 956 558 30, 000 9 31 37 7 157 177 186 27 372 44 63 1,178 956 558 76, 746 3, 570 76, 746 3, 570 1,200 18 720 360 543 1, 200 18 720 360 543 10 2 105 0) 840 336,010 0) i 8, 521 13,980 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Poultry Metal products: Tin cans Printing and binding Envelopes _ Letterheads _ Miscellaneous Bushels Tons .. Bushels. 30,000 See footnotes at end o f table. ■<1 Cn T a b l e A.— Kind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued 0> NEW M EXICO-Continued Aver- penitentiary of new Unit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Mexico—continued Farm: Hogs_______________________ Pork, dressed__________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Eggs---------------------------------------Furniture: Other than metal or wood. Mattresses_____________________ Metal products: Auto license tags___ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous. Pounds. Dozen. Each___ Each___ 3 1 30 2 3 2,712 $325 2,712 737 184 737 184 Q1 9 6,840 15, 251 1, 750 Q1 9 6, 840 15, 251 1, 750 305,024 (0 305,024 0) $325 NEW YORK Totai _ ALL INSTITUTIONS ________________________ $2, 712,861 4, 315 $2, 532, 772 $179, 700 $389 ======== 121 Dozen . Dozen. _ Each__ Dozen Dozen _ Each Dozen _ Each Doz. pr. Dozen. Dozen Dozen. _ Each___ Dozen _ Each___ Dozen. Dozen. 803 5, 950 5, 879 1,176 47,179 31, 580 343 5,950 5,879 1,176 47,179 31, 580 343 341 76 1,326 928 20,808 2,906 3,471 1, 349 538 4, 869 2,861 5,168 3,460 138 1.434 1, 511 6,162 26,125 12, 317 10,324 2.435 7,631 9,819 30,914 19, 679 18, 261 66, 666 1,821 341 76 1, 326 928 20,808 2,906 3,471 1,349 538 4,869 2,861 5,168 3,460 138 1.434 1,511 6,162 26,125 12,317 10, 324 2.435 7,631 9,819 30^914 19, 679 18, 261 66, 666 1, 821 19 40 Brooms, brushes, and mops ___ Brooms . . . . ________ ______ Brushes _______ ____ ___ Mops Clothing, other than knit__________ ____ _________ _______ _ .. Aprons Bathrobes _________ _ ______ Coats, dress _____________ ____ _ Coats, work ______________________ _______ _____ _ Dresses Gloves and m ittens_______ ____ Handkerchiefs _ _____ ______ __ _ _______ Hats and caps ___ .. Overalls Overcoats ________ Pajamas and nightgowns _ ____ Pants, dress _______ Pants, work _ _______ Shirts, dress.i-------------- -------------------- Value PRISON' LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system num ber of Total pris oners emValue ployed Quantity Shoes, new____ ______________ Shoes repaired. _____ _____ ___ Suits ____ __- ____________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ___________ Underwear\ women’s and "children’s____ Miscellaneous.-_____ __ _ _________ Clothing, knit- ______________________ __ Gloves and mittens__ ________________ Hoisery __ _______________________ Underwear___ __ _________________ Miscellaneous.________ ______ Dozen Pairs___ Pairs ... Each___ Dozen. . — Dozen.. Doz. pr . Doz. pr . Dozen . See footnotes at end o f table. 73 566 70 218 23 19 (2) 149 31, 219 168, 746 20,975 35,986 20,283 5,743 8,618 4.163 105, 227 33, 775 5, 353 3,789 1,387 0) 31, 219 168, 746 20,975 35,986 20,283 5,743 8,618 577 39,674 16,001 0) 1 « 2,170 41,873 60,141 419 68, 568 111, 132 577 39, 674 16,001 0) 2,170 41,873 60,141 419 53,445 198 4,378, 726 0) 6,688 7,817 113,835 2,154 53,445 153 4,378, 726 0) 6,688 7,635 113,835 1,947 3,574 150 1,789 1,692 519 1,684 1,800 28, 360 225 2,336 0) 2,573 84 1, 350 8,680 2,750 19,497 810 21, 500 1,800 2,081 54,014 3, 574 150 1,789 1,692 519 1,684 1,800 28,360 225 2,336 0) 2,573 84 1,350 8,680 2,750 19,497 810 21, 500 1,800 2,081 54,014 444 319, 206 0) 1,938 33,032 360 444 319, 206 0) 1,938 33,032 360 37, 044 24, 215 110 0) 0) 9, 722 4,885 58 106 11 37,044 24,215 110 0) (0 9, 722 4,885 58 106 11 2,790 2,692 489 515 1,141 250 2 4,608 3, 776 24,443 6,057 1, 537 12,166 1,973 1,000 32 4, 597 34,423 2,790 2,692 489 515 1,141 250 2 4,608 3,776 24,443 6,057 1, 537 12,166 1,973 1,000 32 4, 597 34,423 - 1 0) 68, 568 111, 132 45 0) 182 207 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Each___ Construction: Land development Farm: Dairy _ __ Beef, dressed Pounds. Head Cattle ____ Pounds. Milk, whole Miscellaneous Farm: Field crops and garden _ ___ Apples _ __r_ ~ . ___ Bushels. __ ________ Bushels. B arley ______ Corn, field________ ____ ________ Bushels . Ensilage______________________ _____ Tons F o d d e r .................... _ _______ ____ Tons___ Hay________________________________ Tons.. . Oats____________________ ____ _____ Bushels. Potatoes__ ___ _ __________________ Bushels . Straw______ _____________________ . Tons _. Wheat___ __________________ _____ Bushels . Miscellaneous.-. ___________________ _ _ Bushels. Farm: Hogs ______ _______ __ . . . __ _ Hogs____________ ___________ ______ Head__ Pork, dressed.. __ _________ Pounds. Miscellaneous..______ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_____ Eggs.. ----r_ Dozen. _ Poultry, dressed _. _______ _________ Pounds. Poultry, live. ___ . . . _________ ______ Head _ _ Miscellaneous___ ________________ . . . Farm: Miscellaneous_____ ____________ __ Each. . Furniture: M etal-., _____________________ Beds_________________________________ Bedsprings. . ____________________ . . . Each__ Benches.-. ___________ ____ __________ Each___ Cabinets________________ _______ ___ Each ... Chairs. _ _____________ __________ __ Each ... Crib sides____________________________ Each___ Desks_______ ______ ______________ Pairs___ Document files ._ _______ __________ Each ... Lockers___ _____ _____________________ Each___ 226 4,163 105, 227 33, 775 5, 353 3,789 1,387 0) T able A .— K ind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution—Continued ■<1 00 NEW Y O R K —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value all institutions—continued Furniture: Metal—Continued Shelving____________________ _________ (0 Tables _____________________________ 1,593 Transfer cases___________ 1,153 Each W astebaskets______________ 1,100 Miscellaneous________________ (0 Furniture: Wood. ____________ _____ 287 Benches- _ - ________ _____ ________ Each 419 Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc______________ Each 37 Chairs. ______ ___________ ___ . Each 4,809 Davenports, sofas, etc___________ _ 278 Each Desks____ ______ _____________ 414 Each 879 Stools______________ _ ________ __ _ Each Tables_______________________________ Each 1, 514 Each 7,272 ____ Wastebaskets. Miscellaneous ___ ______ _ 0) Furniture: Other than metal or wood____ 103 Each 7,249 Mattresses. _____ ___ . . . Pillows. _______ _ __ ___ Each 3, 592 Repairs _ __________________ (0 Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and 151 signs. Auto license tags________ ____ _ 5,807, 542 Each Brackets for signs__________________ _ Each 14,890 Highway markers________ ___ _ Each 9,028 Tags, dog . ______ _ _ Each 499,000 Tags, miscellaneous.______ ___ 16,126 Metal products: Miscellaneous .. 127 Aluminum ware Pieces 30,959 Do 0) Galvanized ware . . . Pieces 31,016 Miscellaneous _ _ (0 Printing and binding . __ _______ 81 Each Bookbinding and blhnk books. _ 4,122 Each___ 729, 600 Envelopes____________________________ $12,641 22,071 4,041 351 1,149 0) 1,593 1,153 1,100 0) $12,641 22,071 4,041 351 1,149 4,558 936 30,966 5,845 13,097 1,301 16,919 3,589 2,705 419 37 4,809 278 414 870 1, 514 7,272 0) 4,558 936 30,966 5,845 13,097 1,301 16,919 3,589 2,705 45,973 3,198 6,555 7,249 3,592 (0 45,973 3,198 6, 555 305,828 396 13, 565 3,200 6,612 5, 807, 542 14, 890 9, 028 499,000 16,126 305,828 396 13, 565 3,200 6,612 11,865 1,756 28,613 4, 334 30,959 0) 31,016 (0 ' 11,865 1,756 28.613 4, 334 438 1,074 4,122 729, 600 438 1,074 Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity Each.__ Miscellaneous. _ _ _____ ___ __ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Textiles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ Cotton yard goods, heavy. _ . . . . Cotton yard goods^ light ____ _____ Duck and canvas Covers, mattress Total. Sq. yd___ Sq. y d... Sq. yd Sq. yd Pounds. Pounds. Dozen. Each... Each__ — Each. _ See footnotes at end o f table. 120 Dozen. Dozen. Each. . Dozen. Each _ Each.. Bd. ft.. 44 24 Cases Barrels.. Pounds. Pounds. Each __ ALBION STATE TRAINING SCHOOL ________________ _______ Clothing __ ______ Aprons .................... ........ ......... Dresses___ _ ___________ _______ _ Hats and caps Pajamas and nightgowns Shoes, new Suits Underwear, men's and boys’ Underwear, women s and children’s Miscellaneous____ _____ ... 59 1,051 1,398,100 0) 10,333 3,929 24,988 5,818 1,398,100 0) 10,333 3,929 24,988 5,818 250,862 2,223,056 29,379 194,156 688,940 124,005 (0 49,962 287, 554 4,533 176,998 128, 532 99, 204 350 250,862 2,223,056 29,379 194,156 688,940 124.005 0) 49,962 287, 554 4,533 176,998 128, 532 99,204 350 296 580 1,512 2,976 0) 1,773 3,632 5,343 4,225 (0 363 760 2, 778 6,013 32 4, 677 25,863 5,815 10, 539 6,207 296 580 1,512 2,976 (0 1,773 3,632 5,343 4,225 (0 363 760 2, 778 6,013 32 4,677 25,863 5,815 10,539 6,207 481 57,508 11,473 0) 0) 955 3,369 344 1,457 1,097 481 57, 508 11,473 0) 0) 955 3,369 344 1,457 1,097 7,410 57 0) 347.150 24,422 2 (0 9,163 456 1,380 41,655 2,270 68 109 7,410 57 0) 347,150 24,422 2 (0 9,163 456 1,380 41,655 2,270 68 109 Dozen Each _ Dozen Dozen Pairs . Each . Dozen Dozen 21,159 21,159 51 22 39 1, 678 5 45 50 1 90 57 0) 99 1, 232 3 235 13 6 349 137 96 39 1, 678 5 45 50 1 90 57 0) APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Spreads _ _ ___ Towels __ ___ Miscellaneous. ___ Wood products Baskets . . . _ __ __ __ ____ _____ Handles, broom _ Lumber . __ _ _____ Mill work _ _ _ _ __ Miscellaneous ... ______ Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables Do Do______ ________ ________ Coffee, roasted Tobacco, smoking and chewing Trucks, laundry (canvas). Miscellaneous Tons___ 99 1, 232 3 235 13 6 349 137 96 •<1 CO T a b l e A . — K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940 , by State, system , and institution— C o n tin u e d 00 o NEW YORK—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value ALBION STATE TRAINING SCHOOL—continued Farm: Field crops and garden_______ Hay___________________________ Potatoes_______________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Hogs_______________________ Hogs---------------------------------------Pork, dressed__________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products.. Eggs---------------------------------------Poultry, dressed.... ........................ Textile products___________________ Bags, cloth_____________________ Pillowcases____________________ Sheets_________________________ Spreads________________________ Towels.._______________________ Miscellaneous__________________ 15 189 2,955 0) $2, 471 2,216 10, 546 33 99 1, 348 1,052 289 2, 935 1, 541 1,052 289 14 50 369 9 299 227 2 28 33 3 103 14 50 369 9 299 227 189 2,955 0) $2, 471 2, 216 10, 546 Head.... Pounds. 33 13,866 1, 348 Dozen... Pounds. 2,935 1, 541 2 28 33 3 103 Tons__ Bushels. Dozen.. DozenDozen.. E ach Dozen. . 0) 0) ATTICA PRISON Total. Clothing............................. Aprons----- ------------------Coats, work..... ......... ....... Gloves and mittens______ Hats and caps__________ Overalls________________ Overcoats______________ Pajamas and nightgowns.. Pants, work____________ Shirts, work____________ Shoes, new_____________ Shoes repaired......... ......... Suits______ ____ _______ M iscellaneous___________ 788 Dozen... Dozen.. . Doz. pr. Dozen... Dozen... Each___ Dozen... D ozenDozen... Pairs___ Pairs___ Each___ 401, 403 418,143 62 26 2 8 219 3 819 3 533 572 3, 503 9,177 481 0) 102 26 14 439 76 6,322 28 9, 530 4,132 7,266 4,600 3, 367 26 2 8 219 3 819 3 533 572 3, 503 9,177 481 0) 102 26 14 439 76 6,322 28 9, 530 4,132 7,266 4,600 3, 367 99 $16,740 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity Miscellaneous__________________ Furniture: Metal__________________ Cabinets_______________________ Chairs_________________________ Desks_________________________ Document files_________________ Lockers________________________ Shelving_______________________ Tables_________________________ Transfer cases__________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood. Repairs________________________ Metal products____________________ Galvanized ware_______________ Miscellaneous__________________ Printing and binding: MiscellaneousTextiles___________________________ Cotton yard goods, light________ Yarn, cotton___________________ Textile products__________ _____ ___ Bags, cloth____________________ Pillowcases____________________ Sheets_________________________ Spreads_______________________ Towels________________ ______ Miscellaneous__________________ Wood products____________________ Lumber_______________________ Miscellaneous________ __________ 16, 740 0) 0) Pounds. Head__ Pounds- 10,769 62 710,612 0) 1, 367 310 17,982 249 10, 769 62 710, 612 0) 1, 367 310 17,982 249 Tons___ Bushels. Tons___ Bushels. 163 1 ,050 72 673 0) 1, 854 7,540 576 673 5,921 163 10, 050 72 673 0) 1,854 7,540 576 673 5, 921 Head__ Pounds. 138 30,649 0) 690 3, 371 60 138 30, 649 0) 690 3, 371 60 630 186 518 4 630 186 518 4 515 1,021 2 4,608 3, 776 0) 1,419 1,153 0) 12,166 1,787 32 4, 597 34, 423 12,641 6,633 4,041 726 Dozen. 0) 0) Each. Each. Each. Each. Each. Each.. Each. 14 515 1,021 2 4,608 3,776 0) 1,419 1,153 0) 1, 735 0) 110 Pieces. 12,166 1, 787 32 4, 597 34, 423 12, 641 6,633 4,041 726 0) 0) 173 983 2, 500 0) 0) 1,735 C1) 110 0) 0) 173 983 2,500 1,637,683 532,393 143,744 92,210 1, 637, 683 532, 393 143, 744 92, 210 Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Each-. Dozen. 149 216 271 17 423 111 652 J, 968 10 529 56 149 216 271 17 423 111 652 1,968 10 529 56 Bd. ft. 11,473 0) 344 105 Sq. yd._ Pounds. 0) 0) ii, 4 7 3 0 16, 740 ■ APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Construction: Miscellaneous_______ Farm: Dairy______________________ Beef, dressed__________________ Cattle (calves)_________________ Milk, whole___________________ Miscellaneous_________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______ Hay__________________________ Potatoes____ __________________ Straw_________________________ Wheat________________________ Miscellaneous_________________ Farm: Hogs______________________ Hogs--------------------------------------Pork, dressed__________________ Miscellaneous_________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. 344 105 See footnotes at end of table. 00 T a b l e A .— K ind, quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued 00 to NEW YOEK—Continued attica prison—continued Other manufactured products______ Canned fruits and vegetables___ Tobacco, smoking and chewing,. Trucks, laundry (canvas)______ Quantity Value 0) 9,600 2 $1,003 864 68 777, 645 18,945 2,795 777, 645 18,945 1 42 76 98 3 131 270 217 1,848 5,445 277 8 1,865 23 637 58 983 7,936 1,519 3, 878 2,708 2,465 1 42 76 98 3 131 270 217 1,848 5,445 277 1,865 23 637 58 983 7, 936 1, 519 3, 878 2, 708 2,465 Pounds. H eadPounds . 5,911 36 518, 735 (0 715 540 14,129 1,014 5,911 36 518.735 oJ 715 540 14,129 1,014 Bushels. Tons__ Tons__ 273 280 146 273 280 146 (>) 197 1,400 1,752 3, 395 0) 197 1,400 1, 752 3,395 H eadPounds . 133 30, 388 0) 399 3,413 172 133 30,388 0) 399 3,413 172 Dozen.. 10, 541 2, 395 10, 541 2,395 Pounds. Each.__. 0) >,600 2 Dozen- 2,795 Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Each... Dozen.. Dozen. Pairs. Pairs... Each... $1,003 864 Public works and ways State use Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 AUBURN PRISON Total-_ Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms.. Clothing__________________________ Aprons________________________ Coats, work__________________ r . Handkerchiefs_________________ Hats and caps--------------------------Overalls_______________________ Overcoats______________________ Pants, work-----------------------------Shirts, work—--------------------------Shoes, new_____________________ Shoes, repaired------------------------Suits__________________________ Farm: Dairy______________________ Beef, dressed----------- ------------— Cattle________________ ________ Milk, whole___________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_______ Corn, field----------- -------------------Ensilage_______________________ Hay______________ ____ _______ Miscellaneous-------------- --------Farm: Hogs______________ ____ ____ Hogs----------------------------------- — Pork, dressed.-------------------------Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Eggs---------------------------------------- Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity See footnotes at end of table. Pounds _ Each.. EachEach.. Pairs.. Each.. Each.. Each.. Each.. EachEach.. EachEach.. 71 138 5, 769 0) 1,170 102 5,769 (0 1,170 102 2,790 2,692 120 250 173 0) 24,443 6,057 186 1,000 15,431 4 2,790 2,692 120 250 173 0) 24,443 6,057 186 1,000 15,431 4 413 37 1, 258 134 408 1, 389 7,272 0) 4,556 936 11,496 1,485 12,899 15,432 3,589 1,032 413 37 1, 258 134 408 1,389 7, 272 0) 4, 556 936 11, 496 1,485 12,899 15,432 3, 589 1,032 184 120 1, 260 110 320 184 120 1,260 110 320 EachEach.. 0) EachEach.. Each.. Each.. 0) 5,807, 542 14,890 9,028 16,126 305,828 396 13, 565 6, 612 5,807, 542 14, 890 9,028 16,126 305,828 396 13, 565 6, 612 Sq. yd. Pounds 194,156 124, 005 176,998 99,204 194,156 124, 005 176,998 99, 204 Dozen... Dozen... DozenEach__ Pounds. 63 112 141 216 14,822 189 560 297 536 1,406 63 112 141 216 14,822 189 560 297 536 1,406 Dozen.. Dozen.. DozenDozen _. Each... Each... Dozen.. Dozen _. Each... Dozen- 345 1, 760 371 423 2,856 1,332 722 2,142 3,120 2,485 0) 195 437,323 5, 595 1, 321 2, 678 8, 227 16,548 5,994 9,530 15, 423 20,112 15,485 3,896 368,755 345 1,760 371 423 2, 856 1,332 722 2,142 3,120 2, 485 0) 5, 595 1,321 2,678 8,227 16, 548 5,994 9,530 15,423 20,112 15,485 3,896 $68, 568 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Poultry, dressed______________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Metal________________________ Beds________________________________ Bedsprings...________________________ Chairs_______________________________ Crib sides____________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous___________________ _____ Furniture: W ood________________________ Benches_____________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Chairs_______________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_________________ Desks_______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Wastebaskets________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows__________________________ ____ Repairs______________________________ Metal products__________________________ Auto license tags______________________ Brackets for signs_____________________ Highway markers_____________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Textiles_________________________________ Wool yard goods______________________ Yarn, wool___________________________ Textile products__________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Wood products: Baskets (willow)__________ Other manufactured products: Tobacco, smoking and chewing. CLINTON PRISON Total__.................... ................... ..................... Clothing_________________________________ Coats, work__________________________ Handkerchiefs________________________ Hats and caps________________________ Overalls______________________________ Overcoats____________________________ Pants, dress__________________________ Pants, work__________________________ Shirts, work__________________________ Suits_________________________________ Underwear, men’sand boys’ __________ Miscellaneous________________________ T a b l e A . — K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued 9? NEW YORK—Continued Cl i n t o n p r is o n — Unit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value continued Construction: Buildings ______ - _ Each___ 73 1 Farm: Dairy_____ __________________ 8 Beef, d r e s s e d . _______ ____ 1. --- . Pounds. 5,077 ........... . _ ___________ Milk, ._ whole 741,195 Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden_______ 15 Ensilage __ ________________________ 425 Tons Hay______ ____________________ ____ Tons _. 29 Miscellaneous____________________ 0) Farm: Hogs_________________________ 3 Pork dressed____________ _ __ Pounds. 52,317 Farm: Poultry and poultry products______ 1 Eggs___________________________ ____ Dozen 2,248 Poultry, ____ dressed _ _______________ 1,669 Pounds. Textiles_____________________________ ____ 453 Cotton yard goods, heavy______________ Sq. yd 576,888 250,862 Cotton yard goods, light____ _____ _____ S q.yd . Duck and canvas_____________________ Sq.yd _ 37,773 Yarn, cotton___________ ______________ Pounds. 156,547 Miscellaneous..... ............ ........... .............. 0) DANNEMORA STATE HOSPITAL T ota l--________ ____ ___________________ 24 Each___ Dozen. Dozen. _ Each___ Dozen... Pairs___ Dozen... Doz. pr. Tons___ 611 18,961 5,077 741,195 $611 18,961 2,125 174 1,637 425 29 0) 2,125 174 1,637 5,245 52,317 5, 245 569 312 2,248 1,669 569 312 143,145 49,962 4,533 36,322 350 576,888 250, 862 37, 773 156,547 0) 143,145 49,962 4,533 36,322 350 11,844 10 5 4 1 $68,568 372 64 13 257 72 487 137 0) 600 1,116 306 119 638 602 929 660 616 1,039 53 530 11,844 372 64 13 257 72 487 137 0) 600 1,116 306 119 638 602 929 660 616 1,039 53 530 $68,568 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Clothing, other than knit............................ Coate, dress__________________ ____ _ Hats and caps_______________________ Overalls_________________ _____ ______ Pants, dress_________ ______________ Shirts, work__________________________ Shoes, new___________ _______________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ..... .............. Miscellaneous_________________________ Clothing, knit: H o s i e r y .________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____ _____ Hay......................____________________ Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED ST AT E S, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity 4 0 8 1 0 2 °— 42- Potatoes_______ _______________ Miscellaneous__________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood. Mattresses...................................... Pillows.............. ............................ Textile products...................... ............ Pillowcases—................................... Sheets.......................................— Towels...................... ........... ......... Miscellaneous................................ Bushels . Each.. Each.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. ELMIRA REFORMATORY 171 192 85 125 279 Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. DozenEach.. . Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. DozenEach... Dozen.. Dozen.. Pairs... Pairs... Each... Doz. pr.. Pounds. H eadPounds. Bushels. Tons.... Bushels. Bushels. 44 Head__ Pounds. D ozenPounds. (2) 527 1 ,5 9 3 1 ,0 2 9 115 266 926 396 437 702 (0 171 192 85 125 279 (0 1 2 9 ,5 5 6 163 236 40 6 693 917 120 58 50 3 ,5 7 9 75 246 593 3 ,3 6 3 76 (0 1 ,3 0 8 6 ,6 4 3 10 4 4 4 ,8 6 1 0) 360 55 5 ,6 2 4 80 0) 140 3 7 .3 7 3 d 1 ,3 3 4 127 0) 1 ,0 7 3 514 287 75 3 ,4 9 0 660 966 845 360 1 1 ,6 2 9 1 ,3 0 9 1 ,7 7 1 1 ,2 2 9 1 ,3 4 6 532 518 1 ,6 3 5 799 235 11, 380 684 252 610 3 ,9 4 8 80 7 ,5 6 7 750 3 ,6 9 7 128 364 25 11 527 1 .5 9 3 1 ,0 2 9 115 266 926 396 437 1 2 9 ,5 5 6 163 236 40 6 693 917 120 58 50 3 ,5 7 9 75 246 593 3 ,3 6 3 76 (0 1 ,3 0 8 6 ,6 4 3 10 4 4 4 ,8 6 1 (0 360 55 5 ,6 2 4 86 0) 140 3 7 ,3 7 3 1 ,3 3 4 127 (0 1 ,0 7 3 514 287 75 3 ,4 9 0 660 966 845 360 11,629 1 ,3 0 9 1, 7 7 1 1, 229 1 ,3 4 6 532 518 1, 635 799 235 11,380 684 252 610 3 ,9 4 8 80 7, 567 750 3 ,6 9 7 128 364 25 11 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES 0) 702 248 Total. Brooms, brushes, and mops............ . Brooms---------- ---------------- --------Brushes------------------- --------------Clothing, other than knit................... Aprons..---------------------- ----------Coats, work________ ____ _______ Coats, dress.................................... Handkerchiefs..... .................. ....... Hats and caps__________________ Overalls______________ ______ _ Pajamas and nightgowns________ Pants, dress____________________ Pants, work____________________ Shirts, work______________ _____ Shoes, new_____________________ Shoes repaired____________ _____ Suits__________________ _______ Miscellaneous______ ______ _____ Clothing, knit: Hosiery________ ____ Farm: Dairy__________________ ____ Beef, dressed___________________ ‘ Cattle________________ ________ Milk, whole____________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_______ Corn, field_____________________ Hay------------------------------ ---------Potatoes_______________________ Wheat______________ _________ Miscellaneous................................. Farm: Hogs___________________ ____ Hogs---------------------------------------Pork, dressed__________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products.. Eggs---------------------------------------Poultry, dressed_____ __________ Farm: Miscellaneous............................ See footnotes at end o f table. 0) 00 Ol T a b le A.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , fry State, system , emd institution —Continued 00 oa NEW YORK—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Quantity Value ELMIRA REFORMATORY—continued Furniture: Metal ________ ___________ Tables______ ________ _________ . . . Miscellaneous ______ ________________ Furniture: Wood ________ ____ ______ . . . Benches____ _______________________ Chairs. ____ _______ _______________ Desks............ ....... ........................ ......... Tables______ _______________________ Miscellaneous ___________ .. . . . ___ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses__ ________ ____________ Pillows_____ ____________ __________ Metal p r o d u c t s __________ ____________ Galvanized ware_______ _______ _______ Miscellaneous ___________ .. _______ Printing and binding_____________________ Bookbinding and blank books ______ Envelopes ____ ________ ___ Letterheads. _ _____ _______ ____ Miscellaneous ________ ________ _____ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth________ ____ __________ ___ Labor only______________ ____ ________ Pillowcases______ _________________ .. Sheets__ ______ __________ ___________ Spreads _____________________ ____ ____ Towels______ _____ _______________ . . . Miscellaneous _______________________ Wood products: Miscellaneous____________ Other manufactured products______________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Coffee, roasted ____________________ _ Miscellaneous ......................... ................. 3 1 Each Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each Each __ Pieces __ Each Each _ Each___ Dozen... 15 17 35 13 2 270 198 96 480 769 880 6,537 796 488 392 498 (9 4,122 500 207,350 (9 438 1 550 9,030 7 25 32 499 1,644 154 4,275 724 (9 (2) 10 $7 110 6 106 6 12 (9 20 Dozen. _ Dozen. Each___ Dozen. __ Cases Pounds. (9 (9 (9 139 257 123 900 1,877 347,150 (9 8 2,257 41,655 109 1 $7 110 6 106 6 12 2 270 198 96 480 769 880 6,537 796 488 392 498 4,122 500 207,350 (9 438 1 550 9,030 7 139 257 123 900 25 32 499 1,644 154 4,275 724 1,877 347,150 2,257 41, 655 109 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 8 Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITE© STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value GREAT MEADOW PRISON Total____ ________ ____________________ 284 50 Dozen.. Dnzpn Dozen... Dozen,. _ Pairs... Pairs Each__ Head .. Pounds Tons___ Tons___ Pounds. Dozen Pounds. Each... Each... Each _ Each__ Each .. Tons___ Each__ Dozen. _. Dozen . Each... Dozen... 2 8 12 3 2 114 12 53 28 73,110 73,110 20 2 79 391 381 143 1,770 3,510 380 0) 1,038 85 72 417 2,300 8,575 861 3, 540 3, 510 2,660 47 623 20 2 79 391 381 143 1,770 3,510 380 0) 1,038 85 72 417 2,300 8,575 861 3,540 3, 510 2,660 47 623 8 340,282 1,000 9,496 8 340,282 1,000 9,496 100 247 500 2,110 2,128 100 247 (0 0) 500 2,110 2,128 11,176 1, 285 11,176 1,285 3,861 1,600 1,081 336 3,861 1,600 1,081 336 3,144 130 879 18 0) 16,106 3,900 1,301 108 709 3,144 130 879 18 (0 i6 ,106 3,900 1,301 108 709 256 3,583 2,048 3,318 256 3,583 2,048 3,318 1, 512 53 114 19 715 (0 2, 778 191 616 8 858 543 1, 512 53 114 19 715 (0 2, 778 191 616 8 858 543 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing, other than knit ______ Aprons _. ______ __________ Coats, work „ _ Hats and caps __ _ _________ Overcoats _ . _____ __ ________ Pants, work-.. -_ _ _ __ ________ ___ Shirts, work—, ____ _ _____ Shoes, new-. . ________________ .. Shoesrepaired Suits.- ______________ _________ _____ Miscellaneous ____ Clothing, knit: Hosiery___________________ Farm: Dairy____ ’ . _____ Cattle ” _ _____ ___________ Milk? whole _ _ _ ________ ______ Farm: Field crops and garden_______ _ _ __________ __ ______ Ensilage__ _ _____ _ Hay________ _____________ Miscellaneous __ __ Farm: Hogs . __ _ __________ Pork, dressed __ _______ Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs -. ____ Poultry, dressed - ___ _______ Furniture: Wood _______ ______ ___ ____________ ____ Chairs Davenports, sofas, etc________ _ ______ _____________ -_ --. . Stools. ______ Tables ______ _ _ -_ _______ ________ •Miscellaneous ____ _ Furniture: Other than metal or w ood._ _ .. Mattresses __ __ _________ _ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Textile products _ _ ________ ______ Doormats__________ _______________ Pillowcases__ ________ ____________ Sheets . ___ _____ - . ____ ___ ______ Spreads____ Towels _____ -_ _ ________ Miscellaneous____________________ ____ See fo o tn o te s a t end o f table. 00 T able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued 00 oo NEW YORK—Continued Unit INSTITUTION FOR MALE DEFECTIVE DELINQUENTS Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Each _ Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen Pairs Pairs Dozen Pounds. Head . Pounds. 70 4 Pounds. Dozen.. Pounds. 1 1 Value Quantity Value Quantity 657 343 101 1,176 657 343 60 461 65 15 48 197 138 110 1,511 2,012 156 0) 2,655 271 393 150 264 4,312 1,821 1,318 3,092 1,207 468 671 60 451 65 15 48 197 138 110 1,511 2,012 156 0) 2,655 271 393 150 264 4,312 1,821 1,318 3,092 1,207 468 671 2,836 6 369, 531 0) 344 900 9,035 27 2,836 6 369, 531 9,035 450 300 78 53 1,490 310 .0 ) 389 1,500 436 636 1,250 310 3,469 450 300 78 53 1,490 310 0) 389 1,500 436 636 1, 250 310 3,469 10,611 1,167 10, 611 1,167 2,064 952 514 190 2,064 952 514 190 Value $.27 $72, 924 101 1,176 Piece price 344 900 0) 27 Quantity Value 1940 24 Bushels. Tons___ Tons Tons Bushels. Bushels. Quantity State account U N I T E D STATES, Dozen. __ Each.. _ 11 Public works and ways State use $72,951 240 Brooms, brushes, and mops______________ Brooms ___________ 1___________ ___ _____________ _____________ Mops ____ Clothing __________________ _____ Coats, work __________________ Handkerchiefs______________________ Hats and caps______________________ Overalls ______________________ Overcoats ________________________ Pants, w ork _________________________ Shirts, dress_____ _____ _____________ Shirts, work __ _ _ Shoes, new _ _ _ __ _ Shoes repaired - - -_____ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ____ Miscellaneous ____________ _ . Farm’ Hairy Beef, dressed ___________________ ___ Hattie - _________ -- - __ Milk wbolft ____________________ Miscellaneous Farm* Field ornps and garden Corn, field ______________________ Ensilage - ______________________ Fodder Hay - Potatoes Wheat Miscella™™1*5 - Farm* Hogs __ _ ____ ___ Port dre^sftd Farm* Poultry and poultry products Eggs Poultry, dressed -------------------------------- Quantity and value of articles produced under each system P R I S O N L A B O R IN T H E Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value E ach ... Pieces. Pieces. Sq. yd.. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Each. Each. Cases... 273 2,457 273 2,457 (0 30.959 19,740 0) 1,942 1,756 11,965 7, 526 1,156 665 0) 30,959 19, 740 0) 1,942 1,756 11,865 7,526 1,156 665 80 96 352 179 460 1,054 80 96 352 179 460 1,054 265 57,508 0) 2,267 419 3, 369 1,457 2, 799 265 57, 508 0) 2,267 419 3,369 1,457 2,799 MATTEAWAN STATE HOSPITAL Total_____ __________________________ Clothing___________________ Aprons_________________ Coats, work_____________ Gloves and mittens______ Overcoats_______________ Pajamas and nightgowns.. Pants, work____________ Shirts, work____________ Shoes, new______________ Shoes repaired__________ Suits___________________ Miscellaneous___________ Farm: Dairy_______________ Beef, dressed____________ Cattle__________________ Milk, whole____________ Miscellaneous___________ Farm: Field crops and garden. Corn, field______________ Ensilage________________ Fodder_________________ Hay____________________ Potatoes________________ Straw__________________ Wheat_________________ Miscellaneous___________ Farm: Hogs________________ Pork, dressed___________ See footnotes at end of table. 93,204 93,461 Dozen.. Dozen.. Doz. pr Each... Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Pairs... Pairs.... Each.... 80 174 53 114 28 193 150 215 1,901 117 0) 191 3,882 158 627 184 2,649 991 338 1,331 644 364 80 174 53 114 28 193 150 215 1,901 117 0) 191 3,882 158 627 184 2,649 991 338 1, 331 644 364 Pounds. Head— . Pounds . 15,559 47 947, 683 (0 1,998 3, 738 24, 792 119 15,559 24 947,683 1,998 3,600 24, 792 Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Tons___ Bushels. 106 367 110 414 5,229 98 1,273 0) 80 1,835 440 4,140 3,559 784 1,018 10, 253 106 367 110 414 5,229 98 1,273 0) 80 1,835 440 4,140 3,559 784 1,018 10,253 Pounds. 98,292 1 98,292 9,955 9,955 I 257 23 0) 138 119 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Furniture: Other than metal or wood: Mat tresses. Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Aluminum ware______________________ D o___________________________ Galvanized ware______________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Textiles: Cotton yard goods, light--------------Textile products__________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets----------------------------------------------Towels_______________________________ Wood products___________________________ Baskets______________________________ Handles, broom______________________ Millwork____________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 00 CO CO o T a b l e A . — K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued NEW YORK—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value matteawan state hospital—continued Farm: Poultry and poultry products .. _ Eggs. .... .. _ _ Poultry, dressed Furniture: Other than metal or wood ______ Mattresses Pillows __ Textile products Pillowcases Sheets ... _ ... Towels __________ . _ Miscellaneous________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Dozen Pounds. Each Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Cases... SING SING PRISON Total_______________________ Brooms, brushes, and m ops... ______ Brooms__________________ ____ ______ Brushes_______________ Clothing, other than knit . . . __ Bathrobes ______________ __ _ Coats, work ___________ _________ Gloves and mittens Hats and caps__________________ _ _ Overcoats __ .. _______________ ___ Pajamas and nightgowns____________ Pants, work. ____ ___________ . . . Shirts, w ork ____________ ______ .. Shoes, new Shoes repaired Suits . Underwear, women’s and children’s Miscellaneous________________________ 3 10,266 9,597 $2,809 1,895 10,266 9,597 $2,809 1,895 660 350 5,610 525 660 350 5,610 525 240 392 812 433 3,766 2,060 623 1, 670 240 392 812 433 3, 766 2,060 623 1, 670 4 5 1 (9 1,298 1,049 Dozen Dozen Dozen D zen Doz. pr_ Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs Pairs Each Dozen 79 205 (9 1,298 469, 270 563,662 2,891 5,643 26, 504 31,066 2,891 5,643 26,504 31,066 76 212 2,837 250 450 118 924 339 93, 200 6,864 628 1,179 1,511 9,412 10,127 1,438 3,600 722 19,603 2,538 144, 942 5,148 5,024 5,197 71 76 212 2,837 250 450 118 924 339 93, 200 6,864 628 1,179 1,511 9,412 10,127 1,438 3,600 722 19, 603 2,538 144,942 5,148 5,024 5,197 71 (9 (9 $94,392 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity Doz. pr. Doz. pr. Dozen... 577 36,728 16,001 (9 (9 577 36,728 16,001 (9 2,170 38,576 60,141 419 Dozen... Pounds. 1,400 208 294 46 1,400 208 294 46 Each. Each. 489 1,100 (9 1,537 351 309 489 1,100 o5 1,537 351 309 4,936 2,050 27,032 1,652 4,500 4,936 2,050 cJ 499,000 3,200 499,000 3,200 10,678 0) 20, 522 1,697 10.678 (>J 20,522 1,697 729,100 1,190,750 1,073 3, 379 13,458 2,500 729,100 1,190,750 (9 6,750 1,073 3, 379 13,458 2,500 159 6,013 239 2,857 5,589 300 3,370 984 127 2,976 100 349 5,106 250 159 6,013 239 2,857 5,589 300 3,370 984 Each. Each. (9 Each. Each. Each. Tons. Dozen. Each.. Dozen. Dozen. Each.. Dozen. (9 6,750 127 2,976 100 349 5,106 250 C1) (9 WALLKILL PRISON Total______________ __________ Clothing_________ ____________ Aprons___________________ Coats, work_______________ Gloves and mittens________ Pajamas and nightgowns___ Pants, work_______________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ . Miscellaneous_____________ 2,170 38,576 60,141 419 94, 392 8 28,690 Dozen.. Dozen.. Doz. pr. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. 21 10 8 4 40 38 (9 125 250 25 25 473 91 311 * <9 94,392 27,032 1,652 4,500 28,665 21 10 8 4 40 38 (9 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing, knit____________________________ Gloves and mittens___________________ Hosiery______________________________ Underwear___________________________ Miscellaneous___________ _____________ Construction: Land development__________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs------------------------- - ----------------------Poultry, dressed______________________ Furniture: Metal_________________________ Benches______________________________ Wastebaskets_________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses_______ ___________________ Pillows______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Tags, dog____________________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Galvanized ware______________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes____________________________ Letterheads__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Flags________________________________ Pillowcases____ ______________________ Sheets_______________________________ Spreads______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Wood products: Miscellaneous_____________ $25 125 250 25 25 473 91 311 See footnotes at end of table. CO T a b l e A .— K in d , quantity, and value of articles produced in State prisons, 1940 , by State, system , and institution— Continued co to NEW YORK—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value w allkill prison—continued Farm: Dairy___________________ Beef, dressed_______________ Cattle______________________ Milk, whole________________ Miscellaneous______________ Farm: Field crops and garden___ Apples.------- ----------------------Corn, field_________________ Fodder_____________________ Hay----------------------------------Oats_____________________ Potatoes. ---------------------------Straw__________ *---------------Miscellaneous______________ Farm: Hogs----- ------ ----------------Pork, dressed_______________ Furniture: Wood------ ---------------Chairs_____________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_______ Tables....................... .............. Miscellaneous........................ Other manufactured products-----Canned fruits and vegetables. D o...................................... Pounds. H e a d ... Pounds. Bushels . Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels . Tons___ 6 18 3 Pounds. Each. Each. Each. 2,813 2 89,767 0) $394 300 2,366 25 2,813 2 89,767 $394 300 2,366 3,574 600 291 125 1,200 2,021 15 0) 2,573 432 1, 714 1,860 540 1,819 120 5,032 3,574 600 291 125 1,200 2,021 15 0) 2,573 432 1,714 1,860 540 1,819 120 5,032 16,242 1,624 16,242 1, 624 301 14 95 301 14 95 0) 3,094 460 1,283 484 0) 3,094 460 1,283 484 1,360 0) 1,890 1,380 1,360 0) 1,890 1,380 20 4 Cases. WESTFIELD STATE FARM (REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN) Total 26 Clothing______ _____ ______ Aprons. - -------------------Coats, dress............. ....... Dresses..................... — Hats and caps--------------Pajamas and nightgowns. 21 Dozen. _ Each___ Each___ Dozen. _ Dozen. _ 0) 4,341 88 186 2,053 6 67 412 1,066 1, 278 10 315 4,341 88 186 2,053 6 67 412 1,066 1,278 10 315 $25 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity Underwear, women’s and children’s___ Miscellaneous________________________ Textile products_________________________ Bags, cloth__________________________ Pillowcases__________________________ Sheets______________________________ Towels______________________________ Miscellaneous______ ____ ___ ____ ____ Dozen. 129 313 370 129 313 370 Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. 10 42 22 64 48 76 99 136 218 10 42 22 64 48 76 99 136 218 WESTFIELD STATE FARM (PRISON FOR WOMEN) Total___________________________________ 48,697 Dozen. Each... Dozen. Each... Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Each... Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Each... Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. 53 26 70 36 17,077 5 2,538 1 97 148 750 22 0) 125 490 480 9,807 8 17,750 11 1,164 176 3,022 96 1,159 26 70 36 17,077 5 2,538 1 97 148 750 22 0) 125 490 480 9,807 8 17,750 11 1,164 176 3,022 96 1,159 1 580 639 1,773 3 0) 6 760 1,661 11,968 5 1 580 639 1,773 3 0) 6 760 1,661 11,968 5 9 WOODBURNE INSTITUTION FOR DEFECTIVE DELINQUENTS Total___________________________________ Clothing________________________________ Coats, work__________________________ Handkerchiefs_______________________ Hats and caps________________________ Overalls_____________________________ Overcoats____________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Pants, work___ ______________________ Shirts, work_________________________ Shoes, new__________________________ Shoes repaired----------------------------------Suits________________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ___________ Miscellaneous____________________ ____ See footnotes at end of table. 48,697 9 32, 279 Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Each... Dozen.Dozen.. DozenPairs.. . Pairs... Each... Dozen- 39 267 67 23 60 8 124 75 2,050 1,500 125 133 0) 1,813 160 336 344 270 60 2,738 900 3, 519 1,125 1,000 208 400 32,199 39 267 67 23 60 8 124 75 2,050 1, 500 125 133 0) 80 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing________________________________ Aprons______________________________ Coats, dress_________________________ Coats, work_________________________ Dresses_____________________________ Hats and caps_______________________ Pajamas and nightgowns_____________ Pants, work_________________________ Shirts, work_________________________ Suits________________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ __________ Underwear, women’s and children’s____ Miscellaneous________________________ Textile products_________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Covers, mattress_____________________ Pillowcases__________________________ Sheets______________________________ Towels..____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ 1,813 160 336 344 270 60 2,738 900 3, 519 1,125 1,000 208 400 CD CO T a b le A.—K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , and institution —Continued CD NEW YORK—Continued AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value WOODBURNE INSTITUTION FOR DEFECTIVE delinquents—continued Farm: Dairy Beef, dressed _ _ _____ Cattle _________________________ Milk, whole __ ________ Miscellaneous ______________________ Farm: Field crops and garden Barley ___ ___ _____________ ____ Ensilage __ ______________________ Fodder ___ _________________ ____ Hay _ _________________________ Oats ___________ - _____________ Potatoes __________________________ Straw ___________ _____ _________ Miscellaneous.__________ _ ________ Farm: Hogs ____________ ___ __ ________ Pork, dressed. _______ .. _ _____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs_____________ ____ ______________ Poultry, dressed _____________________ Textile products____ _ _________________ Pillowcases. .. . __________________ Sheets _________ ___________________ Spreads_______ ____________________ Towels________ ______________________ Pounds. 6 Pounds. Bushels. T ons... Tons.. Tons.. Bushels. Bushels. Tons... 17 1 Pounds. 1 Dozen... Pounds. Dozen.. Dozen... Each___ Dozen. __ 10 3,837 0) 216,060 0) $460 794 5,694 36 3,837 (0 216,060 150 220 40 210 600 925 40 0) 84 1,320 160 3, 360 270 641 320 2,473 0) 84 1,320 160 3,360 270 641 320 2,473 18,292 1,927 18, 292 1,927 1,765 853 458 162 1,765 853 458 162 88 88 75 183 242 630 45 330 88 88 75 183 242 630 45 330 150 220 40 210’ 600 925 40 $460 750 5,694 (9 $44 (9 36 Quantity Value PRISiON LABOR IK THE UKITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value NORTH CAROLINA Total STATE PRISON SYSTEM _____ 28 Dozen.... Farm: Cattle Cattle Milk, skimmed Milk, whole Miscellaneous Farm: Field props and garden Corn, field Cotton Hay __ _ _ Oats __ ____ Peanuts _____ Potatoes ______ Sorghum Wheat ________ Miscellaneous _ ___________ Farm: Hogs Hogs Pork, dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs Poultry, dressed ___ Farm: Miscellaneous _ _ Furniture: Other than metal or wood___ Mattresses ______ Pillows _ __________ Grain- mill products Corn meal _ ____________________ Flour Stock feed __ __ _____ . Metal products ....... ......... ...... Auto license tags __________ _ Tags, miscellaneous............ - ..................... See footnotes at end of table. 9 Head Pounds. Pounds. Bushels _ Bales Tons Bushels. 551 Bushels. Gallons . Bushels. 8 Head Pounds. 1 Dozen Pounds. (2) Each Each Barrels Barrels Tons Each Each___ 5 10 21 352 774 14,444 3, 272 39, 625 45, 553 10,065 128 1,032 1, 204 593 3,334 5,106 2, 310 (i) 0) 352 774 14,444 3, 272 39, 625 45, 553 10,065 180,815 2, 264,030 128 1,032 1, 204 593 3, 334 5,106 2,310 10, 281 142 1, 284 8,069 10, 281 1,234 21 178,895 226,137 0) 1,123 2,079 7,889 682 21 178,895 226,137 1,123 2, 079 7,889 682 83,349 93 1,014 16, 746 0) 24,851 5,665 31,356 61,979 4,696 10,619 10,885 9,416 14,805 1,869 28,362 184,472 83,349 61, 979 1,014 16, 746 ' (i) 22,801 5, 665 30,953 10, 619 10,885 4,410 12, 755 1,869 27,858 183, 204 107 137,805 2,101 26, 902 107 137,805 2,101 26, 902 3,679 2,151 809 451 140 3, 679 2,151 809 451 140 0) 0) __________ 0 ). 0) 0) 0) 0) 2,200 2,928 9, 921 1,220 2,200 2,928 9, 921 1,220 2,889 15,022 984 9,838 76, 552 31, 300 2,889 15,022 570 9,838 76, 552 20,786 1,269,224 58,982 38,076 1,769 1,269, 224 58,982 38,076 1, 769 $32,107 $2,444,845 180,815 2, 264,030 142 8,069 93 4,696 2,050 5,006 2,050 403 504 1,268 414 10, 514 (0 (i) APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES 77 7,125 6 $788,890 $3, 265,842 7,930 Ct* T a b le A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued CO o NORTH CAROLINA—Continued st a t e p r is o n s y s t e m — Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value continued Printing and binding: Miscellaneous . . _ . Textile products____ _______________ ____ Pillowcases ________________________ Dozen Sheets _____ ____________ ______ Dozen Miscellaneous.. ________ ____ . .. Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases... and vegetables. Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Sea food 28 19 $47,879 0) 31 2,851 2, 721 0) 43,437 11 0) 4,277 15,014 50 87,285 5,149 '$47,879 0) 2,851 2,721 0) 43,437 4,277 15,014 50 87,285 5,149 . 0) NORTH DAKOTA STATE PENITENTIARY Clothing................. ................................. Aprons_______________ ______ _____ Coats, work______________________ Hats and caps------------------------------Overalls------------- ------ ------------------Pants, work------------ --------------------Shirts, work______________________ Shoes repaired____________________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Cordage: Binder twine...------- ------------Farm: Cattle_________________________ Beef, dressed______________________ Cattle--------- -------------------------------Farm: Dairy_________________________ Butter_________ _________ ________ Milk, whole--------- -----------------------Miscellaneous-------- ----------------------- $354,496 172 Total_____ ___________________ Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Pairs.. Pounds. Pounds. Head... Pounds. Pounds. 4 17 84 10 13 48 3 3 13 78 69 364 185 29 $67,038 48 3 3 13 78 69 364 185 29 3 98 726 414 364 3, 235,400 726 414 364 9,840 277,083 37,141 37 1,746 953 37,141 37 1,746 953 15,020 778,118 0) 3,755 14,630 417 15,020 778,118 0) 3,755 14,630 417 0) $277,618 $9,840 0) 9,840 3, 235,400 277,083 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Tons___ Bushels. Head__ Pounds. Dozen... Pounds. Each. Each. Each. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Each... Cases.. 16 2 2 18 2 1 3 615 2,650 0) 2,508 1,590 6,640 615 2,650 0) 2,508 1,590 6,640 68 66,595 566 1,383 68 66,595 566 1,383 5,246 7,616 1,193 991 5,246 7,616 1,193 991 182,474 3,381 7,660 17,363 3, 557 1,072 182,474 3,381 7,660 ‘ 17,363 3,557 1,072 15 60 52 186 54 180 586 538 22 2,226 3,784 15 60 52 186 54 180 586 538 22 1,691 3, 784 0) 114 1,522 0) 91 1,522 23 535 OHIO Total ALL INSTITUTIONS ___ _ _ _ ____ _____ 3,256 Brooms, brushes, and mops _____ ____ B room s_________ __ ____________ Brushes____ ________________________ Mops Clothing, other than knit ____________ . .. Aprons____ _________________ ______ Coats, dress. _ _ _________________ .. Coats, work _____________________ _ Dresses __ ___ _ _________ ___ _ Handkerchiefs. ___ _________ ____ Hats and c ap s_____ _______ ________ Labor only.. ____________ ___________ Overalls Overcoats __ ... Pajamas and nightgowns ___ Pants,dress. _____________ _____ Pants, work _______ Repairs_________________ ___________ Shirts, dress__________________________ 32 See footnotes at end of table. Dozen _ Dozen Each Dozen Each .. Dozen. _ Each ... Dozen . Dozen.. Dozen Each Dozen Each__ Dozen. _ Dozen _ 650 $1,626,360 $1,617,484 145 1, 207 4,416 741 2, 781 1,472 145 1,207 4,416 741 2,781 1,472 242 1,664 427 4,101 3,580 490 0) 3,902 1,427 969 5,538 813 0) 2, 559 1,213 8,422 17, 584 3,966 1,497 2,106 2,823 30,766 9,860 7,082 15,438 19,816 100 12, 606 242 1,664 427 4,101 3, 580 490 0) 3,902 1,427 969 5,538 813 0) 2, 559 1, 213 8,422 17,584 3,966 1,497 2,106 2,823 30,766 9,860 7,082 15,438 19,816 100 12,606 $6, 500 $2,376 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Field crops and garden-------------------Hay-------------------------------------------------Potatoes_____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Hogs------------------------------------------------Pork, dressed_________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs-------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed______________________ Metal products___________________________ Auto license tags______________________ Highway markers_____________________ Signs________________________________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Wood products: Coffins_________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. CO T a b le A . —K in d , qu antity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , and institution —Continued O 00 OHIO—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system State use Quantity Value Public works and ways Quantity Value Piece price State account Quantity Value all institutions—continued Clothing, other than knit—Continued. Shirts, work---------- --------------------Shoes, new_______________________ Shoes repaired___________________ Suits____________________________ Underwear, men's and boys’ ______ Underwear, women’s and children’s. Vests, men’s_____________________ Miscellaneous____________________ Clothing, knit_______________________ Hosiery_________________________ Tubing, glove-cuff_______________ Underwear______________________ Miscellaneous____________________ Construction: Buildings______________ Farm: Cattle. _____________________ Beef, dressed_____________________ Cattle___________________________ Farm: Dairy________________________ Beef, dressed_____________________ Butter__________________________ Cattle------------- --------------------------Milk, whole______________________ Miscellaneous____________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_________ Barley---------------------------------------Corn, field_______________________ Ensilage-------------------------------------Fodder.— ---------------------------------Hay_____________________________ Oats--------------- --------------------------Potatoes---------- --------------------------Straw___________________________ Wheat__________________________ Miscellaneous................................ . Dozen Pairs Pairs Each Dozen Dozen Each Doz. pr. Pounds . Dozen Each___ Pounds. Head Pounds. Pounds . Head Pounds. Bushels. Bushels. Tons Tons Tons Bushels. Bushels. Tons Bushels. 118 14 21 121 568 3,826 42,214 14,359 5,529 7 450 679 0) $22,915 86,936 7,130 44,942 16 2,190 893 3,157 3,826 42,214 14,359 5, 529 7 450 679 0) $22,915 86,936 7,130 44,942 16 2,190 893 3,142 15, 581 3,370 5,172 15, 581 3,370 5,172 0) 15,039 1,180 20,859 75 8 15,039 1,180 20,859 75 6, 500 134,041 44 16, 571 2,780 134,041 44 16,571 2,780 18, 538 33,489 484 6,787,680 0) 2,454 9,093 20, 235 148,154 560 18, 538 33,489 484 6,787,680 0) 2,454 9,093 20,235 148,154 290 3,062 36,519 3,491 566 3,237 14,889 27,699 660 24,940 0) 1,531 20,748 13,355 991 22,007 7,170 24,454 2,638 17,458 74,982 3,062 36,519 3,491 566 3,237 14,889 27,699 660 24,940 0) 1,531 20,748 13,355 991 22,007 7,170 24,454 2,638 17,458 74,982 W 8 0) $15 (9 270 $6,500 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity See footnotes at end of table. Head. Pounds. Dozen.. Pounds. Head... Head... EachEach.. EachEach.. EachEach.. Each.. 40 31 (2) 12,843 5,826 4,400 500 50,390 24, 562 7,909 5 12,843 5,826 4,400 500 574 12 4 150 5, 553 57 31 150 574 12 4 150 5, 553 57 31 150 7 393 57 284 1,689 818 7,228 26,280 1,085 16,906 4,389 7,337 1,387 588 4,130 20,407 7 393 57 284 1,689 818 7,228 26,280 1,085 16,906 4,389 7,337 1,387 588 4,130 20,407 (9 23 15 175 Pieces.. Pieces.. Pieces_. Pounds. Gallons. 50,390 24,562 7,909 5 7,846 49 524 184 Each.. Each_. Each.. Each- (9 26,315 36, 770 4,544 (9 Each.. Each.. Each_. Pounds. 2, 631 405,966 (9 26,315 36,770 4,544 355 Eaeh.. Each_. Each.. Each.. Each.. Each- 2,631 405,966 147 41 264 372 446 (l) 1,332 475 (9 7,846 49 524 184 (9 264 372 446 <9 202,360 5,839 250 62 5,666 202,360 5,839 250 62 5,666 4,400,835 639, Oil 177,926 3,195 4,400,835 639,011 177,926 3,195 6,075 2, 512 15,664 5,352 1,460 3,033 8,154 6,075 2, 512 15,664 5,352 1,460 3,033 8,154 4,248 11,685 29, 566 2,336,645 2,831,150 83,392 252 851 2,118,903 805 (9 (9 2,336,645 2,831,150 (9 2,118,903 805 (9 1,332 475 (9 (9 (9 (9 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Hogs--------------------------------------------Hogs-------------------------------------------------Pork, dressed_________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs_________________________________ Poultry, dressed______________________ Poultry, live__________________________ Farm: Miscellaneous: Livestock___________ Furniture: Metal_________________________ Beds_________________________________ Benches______________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Stools________________________________ Furniture: W ood_________________________ Benches, manual training--------------------Bookcases____________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Cabinets and tables___________________ Chairs_______________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_________________ Desks________________________________ Filing cases___________________________ Repairs______________________________ Stands_______________________________ Stools________________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows_______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Grain-mill products: Wheat cereal_________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous_____________ Aluminum ware______________________ Galvanized ware______________________ Tinware______________________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Printing and binding______________ _______ Envelopes____________________________ Letterheads______________ ____ ________ Miscellaneous_____________ ____ _______ Soap and other detergents_________________ Soap_________________________________ Soap, liquid__________________________ Miscellaneous__________________ ______ 4,248 11, 685 29, 566 83,392 252 851 cO CO a b le A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and in stitution —Continued 200 T OHIO—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value ALL institutions—continued Textiles_______________________ _____ _____ Cotton yard goods, lig h t.......... . _ ... Wool yard goods_______________ _____ Yarn, cotton___________________ . . . . Textile products _________ _______ . . . Bags, cloth___________ _____________ Mopheads _____________________ Pillowcases. ________________________ Sheets___________ _____________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous____ _____________ ___ Wood products. _________________________ Coffins and rough boxes____________ . . . Millwork ____________ ____ __________ Other manufactured products______________ Canned fruits and vegetables______ ____ D o_________ _____________________ Disinfectants and insecticides__________ Polish, furniture or metal______________ Steam____ ____ ______________ ________ Miscellaneous_________ _____ __________ Sq. yd.. Sq. yd Pounds. Dozen Dozen. _ Dozen.. — D ozen.. Dozen Each Barrels.. Cases... Gallons. Gallons. 627 41 32 93 521,930 96,844 353,754 $80,738 74,317 50,747 521,930 96,844 353, 754 $80,738 74,317 50,747 6 1.322 908 1,083 2.323 0) 66 3,966 2,262 6,958 3,851 968 6 1,322 962 1,082 2,316 G) 66 3,966 2,179 6,924 3,819 806 44 1,056 4,221 44 1,056 4,221 54 19,618 6,640 1,050 0) 0) 702 31,016 5,139 1,158 91,334 2,127 54 19,618 6,640 1.050 0 0) 702 31,016 5,139 1,158 91,334 347 0) 0) REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN Total_____ _____________ ______________ _ 46 Clothing___________ ________________ _____ Aprons__ _________ _________ ____ _ Dresses____ _________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns................ ......... Underwear, women’s and, children’s____ Farm: Dairy___________________________ Butter______________________ _ .. Farm: Field crops and garden____________ Miscellaneous______________ _____ ____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products.............. 30 Dozen.. Each ... Dozen.. Dozen.. Pounds. 6 95 3,743 174 441 716 3,578 1,399 2,122 95 3,743 174 441 716 3, 578 1, 399 2,122 10,603 2,916 10,603 2,916 0) 1,056 0) 1,056 6 3 13,446 13,446 0) $83 34 32 162 (0 1,780 6 1 7 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity 408102°— 42- E ggs................. ...................................... . D o ze n Poultry, dressed_______ ______________ _ Pounds. Poultry, live______ __________________ H e a d Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases... and vegetables. 3,734 2,108 184 56 907 516 138 98 3,734 2,108 184 56 907 516 138 98 -STATE PENITENTIARY Total. 620,468 1,186 620,468 Each__ 4,416 1,472 4,416 1,472 Dozen.. Each... Dozen.. Dozen.. Each... E ach Dozen.. 37 812 134 264 142 818 418 102 3,654 6,127 1,330 832 2,086 11,670 100 50 1,720 893 608 37 812 134 264 142 818 418 102 3,654 6,127 1,330 832 2,086 11,670 100 50 1,720 893 608 (0 22 3,439 679 Pairs.. Pairs.. Each.. Doz. pr. Pounds. D o ze n - 118 (0 15, 581 3,370 5,172 (9 12 150 Each.. Each.. 0) 22 3,439 679 0) 15,039 1,180 20,859 75 15,581 3,370 5,172 57 150 12 150 (9 15, 039 1,180 20,859 75 57 150 22 EachEach.. 20 0) (9 852 427 (9 EachEach.. Pieces.. Pieces.. Pieces.. Each.. Each.. 41 57 7,228 452 (9 (9 4,163 226 62 (9 7,228 452 852 427 4,163 226 62 4,400,835 639,011 177,926 3,195 4,400,835 639, Oil 177,926 3,195 6,075 2,512 15,664 5,352 1,460 3,033 4,954 6,075 2,512 15,664 5,352 1,460 3,033 4,954 3,586 11,329 18,856 2,126,970 2, 741,600 (9 2,126,970 2,741,600 (9 (9 (9 3, 586 11,329 18,856 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Brooms, brushes, and mops: Mops_________ Clothing, other than knit.____ ____________ Aprons_______________________________ Coats, dress__________ _____ ____ ______ Coats, work______ ____ _______________ Hats and caps-------- ---------------------------Overcoats_______ ____________ _______ Pants, dress__________________________ Pants, work.____ ________ ____________ Repairs._____________________________ Shoes, new___________________________ Shoes repaired____ ___________________ Vests, men’s__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Clothing, knit____ _______________________ Hosiery________ _____________________ Tubing, glove-cuff------------------------------Underwear___________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Metal_________________________ Benches_____________________________ Stools________________________________ Furniture: Wood_________________________ Cabinets and tables___________________ Repairs______________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood_______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous.----------------Aluminum ware------ --------- ----------------Galvanized ware______________________ Tinware---------------- --------------------------Miscellaneous___________________ ____ _ Printing and binding_____________________ Envelopes_________________ ____ _____ _ Letterheads_________________ ____ ____ Miscellaneous_______________ _________ See footnotes at end o f table. to o a b le A .— 202 T K in d , q u a n tity , and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued OHIO—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value STATE PENITENTIARY—Continued Textiles _ ___ _____ _______ Cotton yard goods, light___ ____ ______ Wool yard goods__________ ____ _ ____ Yarn, cotton________________ _ _ Textile products_________________ _ _ _ Bags, cloth______ _____________ _ M opheads_____________________ Pillowcases ______ ___ __ _ ____ __ _____________________ ____ Sheets __ ___ Towels Miscellaneous ._ _ . _ Wood products____ . . . ______ ___________ Coffins and rough boxes Millwork Other manufactured products: Steam Sq. yd Sq. yd . Pounds. Dozen . Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Each 32 521,930 96,844 353, 754 $80, 738 74,317 50,747 521,930 96,844 353, 754 $80, 738 74,317 50, 747 2 1,322 263 308 929 (9 29 3,966 505 1, 701 1,561 467 2 1,322 263 308 929 (9 29 3,966 505 1,701 1, 561 467 44 1,056 4,221 91,334 44 1,056 4,221 91,334 (9 (9 452,801 1,168 Dozen _ Each Dozen .. Dozen.. Dozen Each Dozen Each _ Dozen „ Dozen... Pairs___ Pairs___ Each___ (9 (9 343 56 429 293 145 (9 861 855 48 4,245 311 65 42,192 6,860 4,498 0) 139 3,287 11,457 436 2,823 6,733 5,760 374 12,402 6, 793 728 86,886 3,430 37,106 797 446,031 56 429 293 145 (9 861 855 48 4,245 311 65 42,192 6,860 4,498 (9 139 3, 287 11,457 436 2,823 6,733 5, 760 374 12,402 6, 793 728 86,886 3,430 37,106 797 $6,500 $270 1940 21 16 STATE REFORMATORY Total ___________________________________ Clothing_____ ____ __________ _____ ___ _ Aprons.......................... .......... Coats, dress........... ___ ............................ Coats, work..__________________ _____ Hats and caps__ _________________ _ Labor only.. _________________________ Overalls.. ....... ..................... Overcoats....... ...... ................. . Pajamas and nightgowns.. _____ Pants, dress____________________ Pants, Work____________ ___________ Shirts, work____________________ _____ Shoes, new___________________________ Shoes repaired________________________ Suits______ _________________________ Miscellaneous....... .'...................... ............. 627 PRISON LABOR IN THE! UNITED STATElS, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity i........ ........ Pounds. Pounds. Head__ Pounds. 14 4 39 221 Bushels . T o n s __ T o n s __ Bushels. Bushels . Tons___ Bushels. 21 ilead .. Pounds. Dozen... Pounds _ Head__ Each___ Each Each ... Each ... Each___ Each___ Each___ Each ... Each ... 17 45 333 Each___ Each ... Each___ E ach __ Each___ Dozen__ Dozen— Cases... 25 86 (2) 20 8 8 6,500 30,540 3,907 30, 540 3,907 8,171 120 1,803,277 (0 2,233 4,850 36,172 338 8,171 120 1,803,277 0) 2,233 4,850 36,172 68 7,446 807 1,078 9,001 16,095 532 8,731 0) 3, 723 3,186 6,666 4, 571 12,935 2,127 6,112 35,608 7,446 807 1,078 9,001 16,095 532 8,731 0) 3, 723 3,186 6,666 4, 571 12,935 2,127 6,112 35,608 968 131,780 0) 8,630 12, 794 4,544 968 131, 780 0) 8, 630 12, 794 4, 544 17,578 10,422 3,339 4,464 2,745 1,669 17,578 10,422 3, 339 4,464 2,745 1,669 574 4 5, 553 31 574 4 5, 553 31 7 393 57 184 7,846 49 524 (0 264 372 446 (0 0) 284 1,689 818 4,389 26,280 1,085 16,906 6,885 1,387 588 4,130 20,407 3, 200 7 393 57 184 7,846 49 524 0) 264 372 446 0) 0) 284 1,689 818 4,389 26,280 1,085 16,906 6,885 1, 387 588 4,130 20,407 3,200 209,675 89,550 0) 662 356 9, 010 209, 675 89, 550 0) 662 356 9,010 24 247 4,600 58 657 5,501 24 247 4,600 58 657 5, 501 6,500 0) 270 203 Each___ APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES C onstruction: Buildings............... ................. Farm: Cattle_______________ _______ ______ Beef, dressed___________ ______________ Farm: Dairy __________ ________________ ______ ___________________ Butter.I Cattle________________________________ Milk, whole_______ __________________ Miscellaneous_________ _____ _________ Farm: Field crops and garden...................... Corn, field__ _________________________ Ensilage____ ___________ _____________ Hay __________ ______ _____________ Oats....... ................................... ................ Potatoes___ _______ ______________ ____ Straw__ ____ _________________________ Wheat__________ ______________ ______ Miscellaneous________ ____ ___________ Farm: Hogs........... ................... ...................... H ogs_____________ ____ _____ ________ Pork, dressed____________________ ____ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs_____________ _______ ____________ Poultry, dressed____ _____ ____________ Poultry, live............................ ............... Furniture: Metal_______ _______ __________ Beds__________ ____________ _________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc ______________ Furniture: W ood____________ ___________ Benches, manual training______________ Bookcases_______________________ ____ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc__________ _____ Cases, filing__________________________ Chairs____ _____ _____________________ Davenports, sofas, etc _________ ______ Desks.____________ _________________ Repairs_____________ ____ ____ ____ ___ Stands_______________________________ Stools____________________ __________ Tables.___________ ______ ____________ Miscellaneous. _______________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous.. ________ Printing and binding..._______ _____ ______ Envelopes_________ ______ _____ _______ Letterheads_________ ____ ____________ Miscellaneous______ __________________ Textile products_____ ____ _______________ Pillowcases____________ ____________ T o w e ls..____________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. See footnotes at end of table. T able A .— K in d , fcO O quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued OHIO—Continued Unit LONDON STATE FARM Total.............. __ . . . Brooms, brushes, and mops.. Brooms. _ Brushes..... ......... ................. ......... ........... Clothing............................. ........................... Handkerchiefs________ ______ _________ Hats and caps____ _______ _____ ______ Overalls______________________ ______ _ Overcoats.......................... .......... ............. Pajamas and nightgowns............. Pants, work____________ _____ Shirts, dress .. ________________ Shirts, work___ _____ ____________ _ Shoes repaired_____________ ________ Suits....... . .............................................. Miscellaneous _. .......... ......... ................... Farm: Cattle__________ _________ _______ Beef, dressed............................................. Cattle____________ ___________ _______ Farm: Dairy______________________ ______ Butter. .................... .................. ........... Cattle............. ......... ................... Milk, whole........................................... Miscellaneous.......... ............................... Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Barley_________ . . . ............................... Corn, field_______ __________ ____ ___ Ensilage_________________________ ____ Fodder______________________________ Hay____ _____________ ____ ____ ______ Oats___________________________ _____ Potatoes___ ____ _____________ ________ Straw______________ ___________ ____ Wheat_________ ____ ______ ___________ Miscellaneous....... ..................................... Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Each. Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs Each Pounds . Head. _ 214 17 64 Pounds . Head Pounds. Bushels. Bushels . T ons... Tons___ Tons. __ Bushels Bushels . Tons___ Bushels. 257 Public works and ways State use Quantity $462,335 689 27 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Value $462,335 _ 145 1,207 741 2,781 145 1,207 741 2,781 3,580 81 3,001 430 736 60 2,559 3,761 3,346 1,031 (9 1,497 340 23,362 3,268 5,232 998 12,606 22,187 1,673 7,836 1,737 3,580 81 3,001 430 736 60 2,559 3,761 3,346 1,031 (9 1,497 340 23,362 3,268 5,232 998 12,606 22,187 1,673 7,836 1,737 103,501 44 12, 664 2,780 103,501 44 12,664 2,780 14,715 314 4,151,691 (9 3,944 13, 225 93,246 222 14,715 314 4,151,691 (9 3,944 13,225 93,246 222 3,062 28,823 2,084 566 1,929 2,438 8,244 128 13,280 (9 1, 531 16,900 7,994 991 12,797 1,219 8,183 511 9,296 30, 596 3,062 28,823 2,084 566 1,929 2,438 8,244 128 13,280 (9 1,531 16,900 7,994 991 12,797 1,219 8,183 511 9,296 30, 596 Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THU UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables ."Disinfectants and insecticides Cases __ ___ Polish, furniture or metal _ 16 5 (2) 15 3 41 8 22 Gallons. Gallons. 1, 013 196, 396 10,135 17, 287 1,013 196,396 10,135 17,287 16,807 4,152 1,548 4,382 890 1,174 16,807 4,152 1,548 4, 382 890 1,174 5 202,360 0) 500 5,666 1,200 5 202,360 0) 500 5,666 1,200 2,118,903 805 0) 83,392 252 851 2,118,903 805 0) 83,392 252 851 559 706 700 1,339 4,880 1,050 54 559 706 700 1, 339 4,880 1,050 54 13,574 6,640 1,050 22,629 5,139 1,158 (0 13,574 6,640 1,050 LIMA STATE HOSPITAL T o ta l__ _ ___ Clothing Aprons Coats, dress Dresses Overalls Pajamas and nightgowns Pants, dress Pants, work Shoes repaired ____ Underwear, men’s and boys’ Underwear, women’s and children’s Miscellaneous 256 ,481 388 671 77 950 355 307 16 68 15 54 423 358 40 11 475 24 714 7 9 256 1, 481 388 671 77 950 355 307 16 68 18,538 50 832,712 2,454 2,160 18,736 18,538 50 832,712 2,454 2,160 18, 736 Dozen Dozen Each Dozen Pairs Dozen Dozen Milk, w h ole___ ________ ____________ Pounds. Head Pounds- 12 75,204 54 423 358 40 11 475 24 714 7 9 Dozen .. _________ Farm: Dairy Beef, dressed Cattle Sea 12 Each Each . _ 0) 77,310 167 ______ 22,629 5,139 1,158 ' 0) $2,106 _________ — 0) ■■= APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Hogs ............ ............... .............. Hogs_.~ _ _ .......... .................... _*............ Head__ Pork, dressed ___________________ ____ Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs ~ ____ ' Dozen _ Poultry, dressed __ _ __ Pounds. H ead Poultry, live __ Farm: Miscellaneous_____ _____ __________ Head. _ Grain-mill products: Wheat cereal Pounds. Printing and binding: Miscellaneous— Soap and other detergents _ Soap ______ _ ____ Pounds. Soap, liquid __ Gallons. Miscellaneous __ Textile products _____ __ Pillowcases ______ ___ _ Dozen _ _____ _____ Dozen __ Sheets Towels ______ ________ Dozen... Miscellaneous. ............................. .... ...... 15 footnotes at end of table. 205 able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , cmcZ institution —Continued 206 T OHIO—Continued AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value lima state hospital—continued Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field___________________________ Ensilage_____________________________ Hay____ ______ ______________________ Oats____________ _____ _______________ Potatoes____ ____ ____________________ Wheat___________ _________ _________ Miscellaneous.......................... .............. . Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Hogs._ _______________ _________ __ Pork, dressed_________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_____ _ Eggs______________ ______ Poultry, dressed_____________ _____ Poultry, live_______________________ __ Furniture: Other than metal or wood. . . . Mattresses________ . _________ _ __ Pillows. ________ ____ _____________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Textile products_________ ____ ___________ Bags, cloth______________________ ____ Pillowcases__________ __________ . Sheets_______ _____ ___ ____ _________ Towels________ _____ ____ _________ Miscellaneous_______________ _________ Other manufactured products______________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ D o ..................................................... Miscellaneous...................................... 84 Bushels. Tons Tons . Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Head Pounds. Dozen Pounds . Head Each Each.. 3 6 3 1 12 250 600 230 3,450 3, 360 2,929 0) $125 2,175 2,544 1,380 3, 336 2,050 7,722 250 600 230 3,450 3, 360 2,929 0) $125 2,175 2,544 1,380 3, 336 2,050 7,722 650 77, 790 7,550 6,689 650 77, 790 7, 550 6,689 12,271 7,880 2,838 3,090 1,675 1,419 12, 271 7,880 2,838 3,090 1, 675 1, 419 480 48 1, 676 24 500 480 48 1, 676 24 500 4 122 4 69 447 37 360 377 583 447 37 277 343 551 285 54 1,388 0) 702 2,788 2,127 54 1,388 0) 702 2,788 0) Dozen . Dozen Dozen _ Dozen _ _ Barrels.. Cases__ 34 0) 0) 116 68 440 0) 347 6 1 7 0) $83 34 32 162 0) 1,780 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, 1 9 4 0 Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value OKLAHOMA Total. ALL INSTITUTIONS Suits_______________________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Clothing, knit: Hosiery_________________ Construction: Buildings________________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Cordage________________________________ Binder twine_______________________ Rope_______________________________ Farm: Cattle_______ _____ _____________ Beef, dressed________________________ Cattle______________________________ Farm:-Dairy___________________________ Milk, whole________________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Farm: Field crops and garden__________ Barley______________________________ Corn, field__________________________ Cotton______________________________ Hay________________________________ Oats________________ ____ __________ Wheat______________________________ Miscellaneous_______________________ Farm: Hogs_________ __________________ Hogs_______________________________ Pork, dressed_______________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products____ Eggs________________________________ Poultry, live________ _____ _________ Farm: Miscellaneous___________________ Livestock............................... .............. $1, 063, 314 $1, 234, 364 711 3,202 11,942 2,551 14, 268 313 187 342 21,984 17,407 29, 359 6,243 0) 920 0) 4,571 3,750 337 755 197,855 104,809 54, 777 2, 680 183 7,737 1, 360 3, 329 Dozen. . M _____ 711 3,202 11,942 2,551 14, 268 Dozen Dozen. Each.. Dozen Dozen Pairs.. Pairs. _ 313 187 342 21,984 17,407 30,109 6,243 0) 920 0) 4, 571 4 0) 3, 750 337 755 197, 855 104, 809 61, 373 2,680 183 7,737 1, 360 3,329 35, 803 15, 000 Pounds. Pounds. 379, 215 437, 688 26, 705 38, 271 Pounds. Head__ 6,858 586 823 21,879 6,858 34 823 977 Pounds. 952,874 0) 26, 226 137 952,874 0) 26,226 137 Bushels. Bushels. Bales__ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels. 2,664 2,972 36 474 3,329 2,343 0) 2,397 1,783 1, 543 6,701 2,164 1,815 16, 230 2, 664 2,972 2,397 1,783 474 3, 329 2,343 0) 6, 701 2,164 1,815 16, 230 Head__ Pounds. 1,354 31,866 19, 556 3,187 143 31,866 2,974 3,187 Dozen Head- 17,133 4,896 3,457 2,088 17,133 4,896 3,457 2,088 184 828 Each. Doz. pr. Each___ Head. 1 0) $120,247 $50, 803 4 0) 750 6,596 379, 215 437, 688 26,705 38,271 552 20,902 36 1,543 I, 211 16,582 184 828 35,803 15,000 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Agricultural implements and parts: Repairs. Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms______ Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick___ Clothing, other than knit_________________ Coats, work.________________________ Hats and caps..._____________________ Pants, dress_________________________ Pants, work_________________________ Shirts, work_________________________ Shoes, new__________________________ Shoes repaired_______________________ See footnotes at end of table. 8 T able A.— K in d , quantity , to O and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s9 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued GO OKLAHOMA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value all institutions—continued Furniture: Wood............. ................................. Bedroom suites_________________________ _____ ________ _ _ _____ Beds Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc________ ____ _____________________ Chairs _____ Living-room suites........... .....................__ Venetian blinds.... .......... - ______ _______ Miscellaneous_________ ______ ____ _____ Furniture: Other than metal or wood_______ Mattresses________ _____________________ Pillows . _____________________ _ Miscellaneous ____________________ __ Grain-mill products: Corn meal_____________ Metal products_____________ _______________ Auto license tags _____ _______________ Highway markers _ _ Signs 90 Each... Each Each Each.. Each _ Each 46 Each __ Each __ Barrels.. ____ Tags, miscellaneous _____ ________ Gallons. Printing and binding: Miscellaneous Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. _ Tons Soap and other detergents: Soap __ ____ Pounds. P aint Textile products: M iscellaneous W o o d products L u m b er M ill work 5 15 125 1 (2) 23 Bd. ft Other manufactured products. Canned fruits and vegetables _ Cases. _ ___________ ______Disinfectants Harness ___________________ Insecticides, disinfectants, and related Gallons chemical compounds. Leather, sole and saddle Pounds Leather, upper------------ --------------------------- Sq. ft.__ 1 27 Each___ Each 133 85 86 30 1,249 73 937 0) $2,178 560 188 4,088 2,232 8,244 8,315 85 86 30 1,249 73 937 0) $2,178 560 188 4,088 2,232 8,244 8,315 18,909 2,503 720 117, 231 5,006 2,221 1,872 18,909 2,503 0) 720 117,231 5,0062,221 1,872 1,257,550 17, 518 0) 0 1) 5,066 0) 9,718 29,299 0) 89,171 11,958 1,325 21,764 7,484 9,085 7,192 1,859 740 1,257,550 17,518 0) (“ ) 5,066 0) 9,718 29,299 0) 89,171 11,958 1,325 21,764 7,484 9,085 7,192 1,859 740 243,999 0) 5,965 15, 602 243,999 (>) 5,965 15,602 87,959 0) 0) 5,278 224,171 8,605 221 5,414 87,959 C) 224,171 8,605 5,278 5,414 43,796 26,191 11,742 5,090 43,796 26,191 11,742 5,090 0) $221 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE' UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity Saddlery_______________________ Tobacco, smoking and chewing. Pounds 0) 16,800 STATE PENITENTIARY T otal............................ ................. ....................... M... Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. D ozen P airs... Pairs... E ach ... Doz. p r. (9 711 3,202 296 187 21,742 17,154 13,585 6,243 920 0) 4,571 (9 1,068,055 954,930 11,942 2,551 14,268 711 3,202 11,942 2,551 14,268 296 187 21,742 17,154 13,585 6,243 920 0) 4,571 3, 552 337 195,678 102,924 36,238 2,680 7,737 1,360 3,329 3,552 337 195,678 102,924 36,238 2,680 7,737 1,360 3,329 15,000 0) Pounds. Pounds. Head.... 379, 215 437,688 411 26,705 38, 271 16,567 Pounds. 502,123 15,743 137 502,123 15,743 137 Bushels . Bushels. T on s.. Bushels. Bushels. 2,664 2,972 437 3,329 1,364 2,664 2,972 437 3, 329 1,364 2,397 1,783 6,555 2,164 1,228 12,200 1, 211 2.397 i;783 6,555 2,164 1,228 12,200 16, 582 D ozenHead... 14,569 3,614 2,913 1,446 14,569 3,614 2,913 1,446 Each.. Each_. Each.. Each_. Each.. Each_. 85 86 30 1,249 73 937 2,178 560 188 4,088 2,232 8,244 8,315 85 86 30 1,249 73 937 2,178 560 188 4,088 2,232 8,244 8,315 13,268 2,503 0) 77,744 5,006 2,221 13,268 2,503 77,744 5,006 2,221 Head___ Each_. Each.. (9 (9 0) (9 (9 (9 (9 6,720 98,125 $15,000 (9 8, 599 15,000 379, 215 437,688 411 26,705 38, 271 16,567 1, 211 16,582 209 See footnotes at end of table. D ozen... 16,800 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Agricultural implements and parts: Repairs. Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms_______ Clay, cement, and stone products: B rick .. . Clothing, other than knit___ _______ ______ Coats, work------------------ ----------------------Hats and caps................................ .............. Pants, w ork--------------------------------- -------Shirts, work— ------------------------------------Shoes, n e w ................................. ............... Shoes repaired........ .................. ......... Suits____________ _______ ____________ _ Miscellaneous__________________________ Clothing, knit: Hosiery____________________ Construction: M ajor repairs to buildings___ Cordage.----------- -----------------------------------------Binder twine_____________________ ____ R ope__________________________________ Farm: Cattle_____ ________ ____ __________ Farm: Dairy____________ ___________ ______ M ilk, whole__________________ ________ Miscellaneous___________ _____ ________ Farm: Field crops and garden........................ Barley______________________ ________ _ Corn, field___________ ___________ _____ H a y ...................... ....................... ................. Oats___ _____ _____ ___________________ W heat............................................................ Miscellaneous__________________________ Farm: Hogs_______________________ _______ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs----------------------------------------------------Poultry, liv e .______ _________ _________ Furniture: W ood ................... ....................... Bedroom suites___________ ____________ Beds____________________ __________ ___ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc....... ................... Chairs____________ _____ ______________ Living-room suites..................................... Venetian blinds________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or w ood ______ Mattresses____________________________ Pillows'._____________ ________________ Miscellaneous_____ ____ — 8,599 6,720 a b l e A.— K in d , 210 T quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued OKLAHOMA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State i Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value STATE PENITENTIARY—Continued Grain-mill products: Corn meal_______ ____ _ Metal products__________ ____ _____________ Auto license tags________________________ Highway markers_______ _______ _______ Signs_____________________ *____________ Tags, miscellaneous_____________________ Paint_______________________________________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous________ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed Soap and other detergents: Soap____________ Textile products: Miscellaneous____________ W ood products_____________________________ Lum ber________________________________ M ill w ork_______________________________ Other manufactured products_______________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ Disinfectants___________________________ Insecticides, disinfectants, and related chemical compounds. Tobacco, smoking and chewing_________ Barrels. Each.. Each.. 720 $ 1 ,8 7 2 720 $ 1 ,8 7 2 ., 2 5 7 ,5 5 0 17, 518 8 9 ,1 7 1 1 1 ,9 5 8 1 ,3 2 5 2 1 ,7 6 4 7 ,4 8 4 9 ,0 8 5 3 ,2 5 7 1 ,8 5 9 740 1 ,2 5 7 ,5 5 0 17, 518 8 9 ,1 7 1 1 1 ,9 5 8 1 ,3 2 5 2 1 ,7 6 4 7 ,4 8 4 9 ,0 8 5 3 ,2 5 7 1 ,8 5 9 7 40 5 ,9 6 5 1 5 ,6 0 2 2 4 3 ,9 9 9 0) (“) Gallons. 5 ,0 6 6 0) Tons___ Pounds. 3 ,6 2 0 2 9 ,2 9 9 (2) Bd. ft.. 0) 2 4 3 ,9 9 9 0) 0) (») 5 ,0 6 6 0) 3 ,6 2 0 2 9 ,2 9 9 0) 0) 5 ,9 6 5 1 5 ,6 0 2 Cases... 8 7 ,9 5 9 5 ,2 7 8 2 2 4 ,1 7 1 8 ,6 0 5 5 ,4 1 4 8 7 ,9 5 9 Gallons. 5 ,2 7 8 2 2 4 ,1 7 1 8 ,6 0 5 5 ,4 1 4 1 6 ,8 0 0 6 ,7 2 0 1 6 ,8 0 0 6 ,7 2 0 0) Pounds. 0) STATE REFORMATORY Total. 1 6 6 ,3 0 9 407 1 0 8 ,3 8 4 $22,122 $ 3 5 ,8 0 3 93 Dozen.. Each... Dozen.. Dozen. . Pairs.._ Each___ Pounds. Head... 17 342 '2 4 2 2 53 1 5 ,7 7 4 4 198 755 2 ,1 7 7 1 ,8 8 5 2 5 ,1 3 5 183 3 5 ,8 0 3 6 ,8 5 8 175 823 5 ,3 1 2 1,8 58 34 17 3 42 2 42 253 1 6 ,5 2 4 0) 0) 198 755 2 ,1 7 7 1 ,8 8 5 1 8 ,5 3 9 183 823 977 Quantity Value 1940 Clothing________________ Coats, work_________ Pants, dress_________ Pants, work_________ Shirts, work_________ Shoes, new__________ Shoes repaired______ Construction: Buildings. Earm: Cattle___________ Beef, dressed________ Cattle_______________ Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE' UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 750 6, 5 9 6 141 4 ,3 3 5 Pounds. 450,751 10,483 450,751 10,483 B ales... Tons___ Bushels. 36 37 979 37 979 0) 1,543 146 587 4,030 0) 146 587 4,030 H eadPounds. 143 31,866 2,974 3,187 143 31,866 2,974 3,187 D ozenHead— 2,564 1,282 544 642 2,564 1,282 544 642 Head.. Each... 11 184 828 5,641 39,487 5,641 39,487 6,098 3,935 6,098 3,935 0) 43,796 26,191 0) 221 11,742 5,090 8,599 43,796 26,191 11,742 5,090 36 1,543 184 828 "119 T ons... 62 Pounds. S q .f t ... 0) 221 0) 8,599 OREGON STATE PENITENTIARY Total. Bakery products, commercial . Clothing, other than knit____ Aprons__________________ Coats, work______________ Hats and ca p s ............ ....... Overalls_________________ Pants, work______________ Shirts, work_________ ____ Shoes, new_______________ Shoes repaired___________ Suits_____________________ Clothing, knit: Hosiery______ Construction: Buildings_____ Farm: Dairy_________________ Beef, dressed_____________ Cattle___________________ M ilk, whole_____________ Miscellaneous____________ See footnotes at end of table. $524,593 14,782 739 14,782 739 D ozenDozen.. D ozenDozen... Dozen.. Dozen.. Pairs__ Pairs.... E ach .... Doz. pr. E ach .... 64 36 91 256 52 297 2,378 2,718 524 261 3 175 214 153 2,007 330 1,479 5,620 1,359 5,240 391 175,980 64 36 91 256 52 297 2,378 2,718 524 261 175 214 153 2,007 330 1,479 5,620 1,359 5,240 391 Pounds. H eadPounds . 6,377 638 7,162 24,284 1,424 6,377 128 1,153,900 0) 638 6,873 24,284 1,424 1,153,900 0) # $175,980 $120,381 Pounds 3 $228,232 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Dairy: M ilk, whole___________ Farm: Field crops and garden________ Cotton___________________________ H a y_____________________________ W heat___________________________ Miscellaneous____________________ Farm: Hogs_________________________ Hogs--------------------------------------------Pork, dressed____________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products.. Eggs-------------------------------------------Poultry, live_____________________ Farm: Miscellaneous_________________ Livestock________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or w ood. Mattresses_______________________ Quarrying and rock crushing_________ Stone, crushed___________________ Other manufactured products________ Harness__________________________ Leather, sole and saddle__________ Leather, upper___________________ Saddlery.____ _________ ____ _____ 175,980 84 289 bO T able fcO h-l to A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued OREGON-Contlnued Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Aver- Unit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value STATE PENITENTIARY—continued * 84 Tons___ Bushels . Tons___ Tons Bushels. Tons___ Bushels. 6 Head Pounds _ 180 24,163 40 687 1,125 54 164 (9 $720 57,324 120 5,496 414 216 115 9,702 180 $720 40 687 1,125 54 164 0) 120 5,496 414 216 115 9,702 609 139,895 4,918 13,968 609 139,895 4,918 13,968 21,723 10,598 4,242 160 0) 4,547 2,169 1,600 3,383 1,000 21, 723 10, 598 4,242 4,547 2,169 1,600 (0 1,000 4,662 6,063 24,628 4,122 330 6,063 1,607 4,122 5 97 223 263 5 97 223 263 311 27 232 1,336 862 254 933 311 27 232 1,336 862 254 933 13,381 918,187 15,097 144,215 13,381 15,097 24,163 f $57,324 160 3,383 4,332 23,021 918,187 144,215 8 D ozen... Poun ds. Head___ Tons___ 2 4 56 Tons___ Tons 6 Dozen Dozen . Dozen __ Dozen. Cords. 12 30 0) 0) 106 Cases Pounds. Quantity Value 1940 Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Ensilage. _ . r ____ *1____________________ Flaxseed_____ _________________________ Fodder_________________________________ H ay_______________________________ O ats.______ _______________________ Straw. _ ______________________________ Wheat____________________ _______ . . . Miscellaneous______ ______ _________ . . . Farm: H ogs.._____ _________________________ Hogs___________ _______ ___________ ____ Pork, dressed____ ____________ _________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products________ Eggs___________________________________ Poultry, dressed_____________________ . . Poultry, live___ _____ _ __________ . . . Grain-mill products: Flax meal. . . ............... Printing and binding: M iscellaneous___ . . . Quarrying and rock crush in g_______________ Lime and agricultural limestone_________ Stone, crushed_______ __________ Textile products___________ Bags, cloth_______________ ___ Pillowcases____ _ ___ ___ Sheets........ . . ........................... Towels__________ ________ _______ Miscellaneous___ _ _____________ W ood products: W ood, fuel____________ Other manufactured products__________ Canned fruits and vegetables__________ _ Flax tow and fiber_________ ____________ Piece price PRISON LABOR IN TH U UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value PEN N SYLVANIA ALL INSTITUTIONS Total____ ____________ ______ ______________ 2,269 $1,958,508 $1,657, 508 $301,000 3 1 67 648 7,500 798 1,424 750 67 648 7,500 798 1,424 750 255 26 597 192 29 250 492 255 26 597 192 29 250 492 652 1,009 168 1,178 2,822 819 2,680 44,507 14,949 4,058 100 3 3 (9 1,121 413 13,153 126 118 150 1,410 1,402 7,900 10,200 1,842 3,805 49,094 8,738 26,615 112,448 13,463 38,515 500 12 96 3,104 652 1,009 168 1,178 2,822 819 2,680 44,507 14,949 4,058 100 3 3 0) 1,121 413 13,153 126 118 150 1,410 1,402 7,900 10,200 1,842 3,805 49,094 8,738 26,615 112,448 13,463 38, 515 500 12 96 3,104 20,372 5,732 18 (0 (9 25,560 26,869 182,000 15,000 104,000 20,372 5,732 25,560 26,869 77,826 231 (0 13,814 19,930 1,100 77,826 231 (9 13,814 19,930 1,100 62,771 74 2,281,587 8,198 2,605 79,856 62, 771 74 2,281, 587 8,198 2,605 79,856 340 (0 77 143 25 166 12 52 (0 18 0) 0) 182,000 15,000 104,000 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Brooms, brushes, and m ops_________________ Brooms_________ _______ ______________ Dozen.. Brushes-.. _______ ____________________ D ozen... Olay, cement, and stone products: Concrete Each___ blocks. Clothing, other than knit_____ _____ _______ A prons._____ _______________ _________ Dozen Coats, dress____ ______________________ Each Coatsj work___________________________ Dozen _ Dresses________ ____ _ ___________ Each Gloves and mittens_____________ ______ Doz. pr. Handkerchiefs______ ___________________ Dozen Hats and caps___________ _____________ Dozen _ Labor o n ly .!____ _________ __________ Overalls____ _ ____________________ Dozen „ Overcoats___ ______ ________ _______ Each___ Pajamas and n i g h t g o w n s . __ Dozen Pants, dress __ ........ ......... . Each Pants, work. _ ____ ____ _. Dozen Shirts, dress. ____ _ _ ...... ........ Dozen _ D ozen... Shirts, work_________ . _ _____ . . . Shoes, n e w ... _________________________ Pairs___ Shoes repaired _ ____ _ Pairs __ ______ _ Each Suits ___ __ _____ Underwear, men’s and boys’ Dozen Underwear, women’s and children’s___ D ozen... Each___ Uniforms___ ____ ____ _____ ______ _ Miscellaneous___________ _____ _____ Clothing, knit_________________ ______ __ H o s ie r y .__ _____ ______________ ____ Doz. pr. _______ ___________________Underwear. Dozen . Construction: Buildings _ _ _ _ Each___ Construction: Land d evelop m en t____ Construction: Miscellaneous _____ _ Farm: Cattle. . ___ _________ Beef, dressed ._ _____ ___________ Pounds _ C a ttle ___ _________________________ Head .. . M iscellaneous____ _____________________ Farm: Dairy _ ___ ____ Pounds. Beef, dressed ___ _ __________ Cattle _____________________ H ea d .... M ilk, w hole.......... ........... ........ ................... Pounds. See footnotes at end of table. 213 A.—K in d , 2 1 4 T able quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued PENNSYLVANIA—Continued ALL Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value institutions—continued Farm: Field crops and garden Corn, field______________________________ Ensilage __ ______________________ Fodder ________________________ _ _ Hay ___________________________ Oats _______________ ___________ _ Potatoes__ ___ _____ _______________ _ Rye ___________ ______________ Straw __________ _____________ _ _ Wheat ___________________________ M iscellaneous-_______ __________ _____ Farm: Hogs _ ________________________ _ _ _____________________________ Hogs Pork, dressed__ ________ ______ _______ Miscellaneous - _ _____________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products________ Eggs -- ______________________ Poultry, dressed_________________ ______ Poultry, live__________________________ Farm: Miscellaneous__________________ ____ Furniture: M etal__________ ______________ Lockers __________ ________________ _ Shelving ______________________________ Tables ____________________ - _______ Miscellaneous ___________ __ Furniture: W ood ___________ ________ Beds _________________________________ _______ ________ Bookcases Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_____________ _ Chairs __ _______________________ Davenports, sofas, etc____________ __ Desks _ ____ ______ _______ ___ Mirrors Tables-------------- ------------------------------------- 476 Bushels. Bushels _ Tons Tons Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Tons Bushels. 35 Head Pounds. 13 Dozen P ounds. Head 45 19 3,240 32,073 1,750 150 1,403 17,201 26,688 80 430 16,133 (0 $1,814 12,701 7,745 725 15,433 7,620 25,621 40 4,085 13,821 47,362 3,240 32,073 1,750 150 1,403 17,201 26,688 80 430 16,133 0) $1,814 12,701 7,745 725 15,433 7,620 25,621 40 4,085 13,821 47,362 1,416 327,864 (0 25,770 27,868 372 1,416 327,864 0) 25,770 27,868 372 20,261 18,247 3,632 0) 4,600 3,194 2,330 5,663 20,261 18, 247 3,632 (>5 4,600 3,194 2,330 5,663 82 369 6,232 430 886 82 0) 3G9 6, 232 430 886 Each. 0) E a ch ... 149 Each___ Each___ E ach.. . Each___ Each —. E ach.. _ Each. __ Each___ 40 (0 4 105 162 3, 917 76 256 202 1,523 59 1,369 4,431 17,421 1,404 9,381 1,380 27,156 40 0 ) 4 105 162 3,917 76 256 202 1,523 59 1,369 4,431 17, 421 1,404 9,381 1,380 27,156 Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THEI UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 20 101 1, 217 0) 1,257 4, 705,163 24, 772 - 60,879 »1 ,512,874 29 76 30 304 1,217 0) 1, 257 1,010 1, 782 39,861 282, 748 4, 705,163 24, 772 37,443 9, 259 60,879 36, 255 131,512,874 282, 748 37,443 9, 259 36, 255 1,010 1,782 39,861 55,688 334 4,636 0) 4,912 429 1,677 3,176 55,688 334 4,636 (0 4,912 429 1,677 3,176 676,000 1,344,000 0) 9,047 1, 576 2,072 35,475 13, 570 676.000 i, 344 ; 000 0) 9,047 1, 576 2,072 35,475 13,570 717,493 86,052 123,989 55,916 717,493 86,052 123,989 55,916 33 18,236 4,272 20,000 4,935 1,056 969 6,143 0) 181 1,168 9,635 2,400 36,898 1, 596 261 13,299 2,724 33 18,236 4,272 20,000 4,935 1,056 969 6,143 0) 181 1,168 9,635 2,400 36,898 1,596 261 13,299 2,724 220,000 7,700 62 220,000 7,700 62 73,536 101,329 744 46 1,356 1,012 35,605 733,650 0) 38 20 85 10 0) 35,605 733,650 0) (0 0) 0) (0 0) (>) (9 73,536 101,329 744 46 1,356 1,012 i APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Trays__________________________________ Each.. _ _____________ . M iscellaneous___ _ Grain-mill products: Feed, s t o c k __ ________ Tons___ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags_____________________ __ E ach... Highway markers______________________ Each___ S ig n s ..-_____ ____ _________________ __ Each— — Tags, miscellaneous______________ ____ _ Each___ Metal products: Miscellaneous.— __________ Castings _________ ____ _____________ Pounds _ Galvanized ware____________________ . . Pieces.. _ Pieces ________________ Tinware Miscellaneous______ ____________________ Printing and binding_______________ _____ _ Envelopes______ __ __________________ Each___ Each. ___________ ____ Letterheads___ Miscellaneous.-. __________ ________ _ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Tons___ Textiles___ ____ _____ _____ ________________ Cotton yard goods, light________ _____ _ Sq. y d _ W ool Sq. yard goods ___ ____________________ yd__ Textile products___________________________ Bags, cloth __ __ ____________________ Dozen Flags, danger _________________________ Each. Pillowcases_______________________ ______ D ozen... Each Rags, floor __ ____ ___ ___ ____ Sheets________ _______________________ Dozen. _ Ticks, mattress_________________________ Each___ Ticks, pillow____________________________ Each___ Towels __ _____________________________ Dozen. Miscellaneous_______________________ ___ W ood p r o d u c t s ..._____ _______________ ._ Lumber________________________________ Bd. ft— Miscellaneous______ ________ ________ __ Other manufactured products_______________ C a n n e d fruits and vegetables Cases Coffee, roasted__________________________ Pounds. Harness________ __________ _____ ______ Leather articles, miscellaneous _____ __ Repairs (harness). ____ ____________ Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Repairs (automobile). See footnotes at end of table. 215 able 216 T A.— K in d, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system , and institution— Continued PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Total Unit EASTERN STATE PENITENTIARY _ __________________________________ Quantity $285,091 344 Public works and ways State use Value Quantity $265,591 Value $19,500 183 D ozen. _ Each___ D ozen. _ Doz. pr_D ozen ... Each___ Each Dozen Dozen _ Pairs Pairs___ Each Each. 77 Doz. pr Dozen Each___ 10 10 47 Each . Each Sq. y d ... Dozen Each Each . . . D ozen. _ 14 3 42 26 299 10 160 431 328 1,728 6 44,419 5,661 1,974 3 (0 188 413 5,416 26 559 4,735 1,255 28, 789 292 112,118 4,383 18,180 96 2,080 42 26 299 10 160 431 328 1,728 6 44,419 5,651 1,974 3 (0 188 413 5,416 26 559 4,735 1,255 28,789 292 112,118 4,383 18,180 96 2,080 20,372 5,732 6 0) 25,560 26,869 9,500 10,000 20,372 5,732 25,560 26,869 676,666 1,344,000 (0 24,804 1, 576 2,072 22,129 6,158 676,000 1,344,000 0) 24,804 1, 576 2,072 22,129 6,158 12 880 780 745 18 1,332 211 1,136 12 880 780 745 18 1,332 211 1,136 6 0) 9,500 10,000 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Clothing, other than knit___...................... ....... Aprons....... ................. ................... ............... Coats, dress................ ................................... Coats, work.................. ................................. Gloves and mittens. ..................................... Hats and caps................................................ Overcoats_________________________ ____ Pants, dress______________ _____________ Pants, work_______________________ ____ Shirts, work. .............................................. Shoes, new_____ ____ _______ ___________ Shoes repaired________ _____ ___________ Suits___________________________________ Uniforms............ .......... ......................... ....... Miscellaneous.............. .......... .......... ............ Clothing, knit_________ ____ _____ _________ H oisery.................... ................... ................. Underwear................ ..................................... Construction: Buildings................. .................. Construction: Miscellaneous____ _____ _____ Printing and binding_______________________ Envelopes_________________________ ____ Letterheads_____________________________ Miscellaneous.______ _________ ______ Textiles: Cotton yard goods, ligh t............. . Textile products._______ ___________________ Bags, cloth_________________________ _ Ticks, mattress_ _.................................. Ticks, pillow.............................. ........ ........ Towels............................................................. Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE' UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value NEW EASTERN STATE PENITENTIARY Total______________________________________ 141,588 504 408102' 7,500 750 10 168,500 15.000 92.000 59,471 121 25 154 5 0) 0) 90 10 0) 0) 10, 526 9,595 59,471 0) 1,100 0) 2,015 9,000 460 390 2,710 1,128 3,564 2,015 9,000 460 390 2, 710 101 w 2,010 4,290 2,640 9, 307 101 0) 1,100 1,128 3,564 2,010 4,290 2,640 9,307 442 107,923 242 364 95 1,656 55 64 67 730 242 364 95 1,656 55 64 67 730 262,170 25,383 56, 717 20,660 262,170 25, 383 56, 717 20,660 0) 0) 168,500 15.000 92.000 10,526 9, 595 8,840 9,173 372 442 107,923 275, 500 750 8,840 9,173 372 INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Total. Brooms, brushes, and m ops... Brooms________ _________ Brushes............. ................. Clothing____________________ Aprons_________________ Hats and caps___________ Pants, dress_____________ Pants, w ork_____________ Shoes repaired___________ Construction: Buildings_____ Construction: MiscellaneousFarm: Dairy________________ Beef, dressed____________ Cattle___________________ M ilk, whole_____________ See footnotes at end of table. Dozen.. Dozen.. 67 648 798 1,424 67 648 798 1,424 Dozen.. Dozen.. E ach... D ozen Pairs. .. E ach... 125 1 450 296 2, 550 1,800 3.000 2,500 125 850 250 3,000 850 250 3,000 450 296 2,550 1,800 3,000 14,141 40 511,376 1,939 1,965 17,898 112 (0 Pounds. Head__ Pounds. 4,500 265,363 269,863 340 112 2.000 (0 14,141 40 511,376 1,939 1,965 17,898 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clay, cement, and stone products: Concrete E ach... blocks. Construction: Buildings____________________ E ach... Construction: Land development___________ Construction: Miscellaneous_______________ Farm: Cattle_______________________________ Beef, dressed_________________________ _ Pounds. Cattle______ ___________________________ H e a d ... Miscellaneous------------ ------------- -------------Farm: Field crops and garden______ ________ Barley_________________________________ Bushels. Corn, field_____________________________ Bushels. Ensilage___________ ____ _______________ Tons___ H ay_______________ ____ _______________ Tons___ W heat_________________________________ Bushels. Miscellaneous____ ______ _______________ Farm: Hogs_____________________ ____ _____ Hogs___________________________________ H e a d ... Pork, dressed___________________________ Pounds. Miscellaneous__________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs-------------------------------- ------------------Dozen. _ Poultry, dressed________________________ Pounds. Poultry, live__________________ ____ ____ H e a d ... Metal products: Tinware...... ................. .......... Pieces... Textiles______________________________ _____ Cotton yard goods, light________________ Sq. yd.. W ool yard goods........... ............................... Sq. yd.. 2,500 2,000 fcO able 218 T A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prison s , 1940, by State, system , azicZ institution — Continued PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value industrial school—continued Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Barley___ T______ _____________________ Corn, fie ld .._____ _______ ______________ Ensilage________________ ______________ Hay______________ ____________________ Oats_____________________________ ____ _ . Potatoes__________________________ R ye__________________ ______________ W heat______ — ____ ________________ Miscellaneous_____________________ _ Farm: Hogs__________________________ _____ Hogs.- ________ _________________ Pork, dressed. ______ _______ _ Poultry and poultry products_____ ____ ____ Eggs___________________________________ Poultry, dressed__________ ______ _ ___ Poultry, live________ ____ ______________ Furniture: M etal______ ____________________ Lockers_____ __________ ________________ Furniture: W ood ____________ __________ __ B ed s.. ______________ __________ . _ ___________ Bookcases____________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc Chairs ___ _____ _______ Davenports, sofas, e t c _______________ Desks. _____________________________ __ Mirrors_______________________ ____ Tables . ______________________ Trays _____ ___________ _ Miscellaneous ____ _______________ Metal products __ ___ ___ Castings____ ____ ______ ____ ___ Galvanized w a r e .... .......................... .......... Tinware ____ . ______ Miscellaneous__________________________ 43 Bushels. Bushels. Tons .. Tons Bushels. Bushels. Bushels . Bushels. 9 Head Pounds. 1,225 2,000 490 238 100 3,629 80 1,440 0) $686 792 2,135 2,618 44 3,484 40 1,403 9,793 1,225 2,000 490 238 100 3,629 80 1,440 0) $686 792 2,135 2,618 44 3,484 40 1,403 9,793 249 67,656 4,980 5, 751 249 67,656 4,980 5, 751 6,938 7,612 1,192 1,575 1,332 834 6,938 7,612 1,192 1,575 1,332 834 82 369 82 369 4 105 162 3,917 76 256 202 1,523 1,217 59 1,369 4,431 17,421 1,404 9,381 1,380 27,156 r, 010 1,782 4 105 162 3,917 76 256 202 1,523 1,217 0) 59 1,369 4,431 17,421 1,404 9,381 1,380 27,156 1,010 1,782 55,688 334 2,980 (0 4,912 429 947 494 55,688 334 2,980 0) 4,912 429 947 494 3 Dozen . Pounds. Head___ 1 Each . . . 149 Each___ Each. ._ Each Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each . . . Each___ 21 Pounds . Pieces._ Pieces .. 0) Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1 9 4 0 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Printing and binding: Miscellaneous. Textile products____________________ Pillowcases_____________________ Bags, floor_______________ ____ Sheets__________________________ Towels_________________________ W ood products: Miscellaneous______ Other manufactured products.. . ....... Canned fruits and vegetables....... Coffee, roasted__________________ 20 7 Dozen. Each.. Dozen. Dozen 20,000 600 1,468 (2) 19 0) 4,702 733,650 700 2.400 2.400 3, 325 62 6,970 101,329 (0 8,046 292 20,000 600 1,458 0) 4,702 733,650 6,970 101, 329 607,019 607,019 426 700 2.400 2.400 3,325 62 ~70 Dozen.. Dozen.. E ach... Doz. pr. Dozen.. 74 260 120 12 208 (0 Dozen. Each.. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Pairs.. Pairs.. Each.. Dozen. Dozen. 18 0) Each. 101 40 0) 4,705,163 24, 772 60,879 131,512,874 Each. Each. Each. Each. 7 7 194 Sq. y d . S q .y d -. 652 578 15 843 50 896 55 2,650 2,084 100 3 0) 0) (9 430, 519 60, 669 411 7,232 60 71 520 357 7,900 5,465 160 18,480 684 11, 081 165 1,988 20, 335 500 12 180 6,232 430 886 74 260 120 12 208 (9 652 578 15 843 50 896 55 2, 650 2,084 100 3 0) (9 40 (9 282, 748 37,443 9,259 36, 255 2, 682 3,800 4, 705,163 24, 772 60,879 13 1,512,874 61,114 35, 256 430, 519 60, 669 (9 (9 411 7,232 60 71 520 357 7,900 5, 465 160 18,480 684 11,081 165 1,988 20,335 500 12 180 6,232 430 886 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing__________________________________ _ Aprons____________________________ ____ Coats, work.................................................. Dresses........................................................ Gloves and mittens............................... ...... Hats and caps_________________ ________ Labor only_____________________________ Overalls________________________________ Overcoats______________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns_______________ Pants, work____________________________ Shirts, dress____________________________ Shirts, work____________________________ Shoes, new_____________________________ Shoes repaired__________________________ Suits___________________________________ Underwear, m en’s and boys’ ___________ Underwear, women’s and children’s____ Miscellaneous__________________________ Furniture: M etal____________________ ______ Shelving______________ ____ _____ ______ Tables_________________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags_______________________ Highway markers______________________ Signs--------------------- ------- -----------------------Tags, miscellaneous____________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous_____________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Textiles____________________________________ Cotton yard goods, light________________ W ool yard goods............... ........................... 8,046 292 Cases. _. Pounds. WESTERN STATE PENITENTIARY T otal______________ __________________ 0) 282, 748 37,443 9,259 36, 255 2,682 3,800 61,114 35, 256 See footnotes at end of table. 219 220 T able A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons , 1940 , by State, system , and institution — Continued PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value WESTERN STATE PENITENTIARY—Continued Textile products Bags, cloth— _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ Pillowcases. Sheets Towels Miscellaneous Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturihg): Repairs (automobile). 19 Dozen Dozen Dozen __ 10 7 3,936 4,420 3,918 0) 0) $83 8,820 34,383 8,811 2,204 1,012 7 3,936 4,420 3,918 (9 (9 $83 8,820 34, 383 8,811 2,204 1,012 NEW WESTERN STATE PENITENTIARY Total $1,500 322,142 10 G lo v e s a n d m it t e n s Hats and caps __ Labor only Pants, work Shoes, new Shoes repaired C o n s t r u c t i o n : Buildings ___________ _ Dozen Pairs Pairs Each___ ............... 18,355 130 7 12 5 7 12 1 33 3,648 21 35 1,045 25 165 4,092 3,288 10,335 18, 355 130 3,288 10,335 45, 295 1,473,877 5,662 51,586 45, 295 1,473,877 5,662 51,586 21,073 800 150 775 17,101 23,059 430 8, 345 3,600 725 8, 525 7, 576 22,137 4,085 21,073 800 150 775 17,101 23,059 430 8, 345 3,600 725 8, 525 7,576 22,137 4.085 (9 (9 1 7 Beef, dressed 'Cattle Farm: Dairy Beef, dressed Pounds. Head 25 Pounds . M ilk,Pounds. whole Farm: Field crops and garden ____ _ C o r n , f ie ld _ _ ____________ _____________ ____ _ O a ts P o ta to e s __ ________________ _ Straw.................. ........ .................................. 332 Bushels. Tons Tons Tons Bushels . Bushels. Tons___ 1,500 Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 1 33 3,648 1 21 35 1,045 25 165 4,092 1,500 Doz. pr Dozen. _ F a r m : C a t t le Ensilage Fodder H ay 323,642 572 Clothing State account PRISON LABOR IN THU UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Wheat - _ _ _ _ __ Bushels. ____ Miscellaneous Pork, dressed _ 16 Pounds. 11,983 0 9, 778 21,846 11,983 0 9,778 21,846 725 152,285 11,950 12,944 725 152,285 11,950 12,944 4,325 3,576 552 0 1,257 0) 9,047 982 626 396 5,663 39,861 1,500 13, 570 4,325 3,576 552 0) 1,257 0) 9,047 982 626 396 5,663 39,861 1,500 13,570 14 9 22 14 9 22 0) 220,000 80 26 27 10 7,700 0) 220,000 80 26 27 10 7,700 28,149 0) 0) 0 61,790 744 1, 356 46 28,149 0 0) 0) 61, 790 744 1,356 46 4 Eggs __ Poultry, dressed Poultry, live _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _______ _ __ ______________ Dozen Pounds. Head _ Tons___ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed ________ _________ _ ____ _____ ___ ___ _ Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables Harness Repairs (harness) _ _ _ .................................... Leather articles Dozen Dozen B d .ft.__ 20 56 Cases STATE INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR WOMEN Total ______________________________________ 83 C lo th in g _______ _______________________ Aprons _ _ _____________ ______________ Coats, work __ Dresses_______ _________________________ Handkerchiefs _ ___________ _ Pajamas and nightgowns_______________ Shirts, dress ______ ____________ Shirts, work_ _____ _____ _______ _ Miscellaneous _ ........... ................... ._ _ _ _ Farm: Dairy _ _____ ___ __ Beef, dressed __ _____ __ __ _ _ Cattle ___ _ _________ ____ M ilk, whole ______ _______ __ Farm: Field crops and garden...................... Miscellaneous __________ _______ Farm: Poultry and poultry products ___ _ Eggs__ ___________________________ _ __ Poultry, dressed Poultry, live______ ____ ________________ 34 See footnotes at end of table. Dozen Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen 14 Pounds. Head Pounds. 55,805 55,805 14 38 72 250 153 769 1,778 0 72 505 66 150 1, 682 8,054 15, 242 844 14 38 72 250 153 769 1, 778 0 72 505 66 150 1, 682 8,054 15,242 844 3,335 34 296,334 597 640 10,372 3,335 34 296,334 597 640 10,372 11 5 Dozen _ Pounds. Head___ 0 6,416 0 6,416 8,756 6,695 1,793 1,988 1,172 1,033 8,756 6,695 1,793 1,988 1,172 1,033 ' APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Pillowcases Towels _ M iscellaneous Tons___ 45 20 2 30 (2) 222 T able A . — K in d , qu antity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , by State, system , and institution —Continued P E N N S Y LV A N IA —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value Quantity Value STATE INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR WOMEN—COn. Textile products............................................ Flags, danger. ........................................... "Ranh Pillowcases...... .......................................... Dozen Sheets................ ............................. ........... Dozen Ticks, mattress.......................................... Each Ticks, pillow._____ __________________ Each Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases... and vegetables. 9 10 18,236 35 15 176 189 0) 2,754 $1,168 89 115 264 50 510 4,776 18,236 35 15 176 189 0) 2,754 $1,168 89 115 264 50 510 4,776 R H O D E IS L A N D ALL INSTITUTIONS Total......... ............................................... ........ Clay, cement, and stone products________ _ Concrete posts.____ _ ______________ _ Curbstones ________________________ . Miscellaneous_________________________ Clothing_________________________________ Cnats, work pajamas and nightgowns Pants, work Shirts, work Shoes repaired________________________ M isop.llanoons Farm: Dairy ___________________ ______ Cattle _________________________ . Milk, whole ____ ____ _____________ Farm: Field crops and garden____________ _ Ensilage _ _ _ _ ______ _______ _ Hay Potatoas _ . Miscellaneous..... ...................................... Each. _ Each . . . Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs___ 127 21 5 Pounds. Tons _ Tons Bushels. 4 327 735 (9 38 18 136 112 1,348 245 2,205 175 327 735 245 2,205 175 38 18 136 112 1,348 0) (9 856 108 1,892 404 674 1,609 (9 856 108 1,892 404 674 1,609 (9 42,581 1,088 1,585 (9 42,581 1,050 1,585 200 27 2,050 1,400 440 1,845 1,458 200 27 2,050 1,400 440 1,845 1,458 (9 $38 $70,481 $70, 519 8 (9 0) 38 _________ PRISON LABOR IN THE' UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value See footnotes at end of table. Each. Each. 2 Pounds. Each__ 1,376 13, 750 1,376 57 143 50 3,668 330 309 57 143 50 3,668 330 309 2 (9 Each. Each. 13,750 7 2 11 15 17 8 29 (9 67,600 183,710 (9 58 117 Each.. Dozen 27 14 (9 (9 <9 327 735 Each.. Each.. 21 260 490 1, 529 21, 315 14 (9 29 (9 67, 600 183, 710 (9 58 117 (9 (9 49,204 100 DozenDozen.. DozenDozen.. Pairs ... 354 765 2,028 14, 777 7,141 2 (9 <9 38 18 136 112 1,348 (9 245 2,205 175 856 108 1,892 404 674 1,609 354 765 2,028 14, 777 7,141 260 490 1, 529 21, 315 49,166 327 735 245 2,205 175 38 18 136 112 1, 348 856 108 1,892 404 674 1,609 (9 (9 Pounds. (9 42,581 1,088 1,585 (9 42,581 1,050 1,585 Tons__ Tons__ Bushels. 200 27 2,050 200 27 2,050 (9 1,400 440 1,845 1,458 (9 1,400 440 1,845 1,458 Pounds. 13, 750 1,376 13, 750 1,376 57 2 143 50 3,668 330 309 57 143 50 3,668 330 309 Each.. Each.. Each. (9 (9 14 2 (9 (9 14 38 <9 38 223 Clay, cement, and stone products. Concrete posts______________ Curbstones_________________ Miscellaneous______________ Clothing_______________________ Coats, work-----------------------Pajamas and nightgowns____ Pants, work________________ Shirts, work________________ Shoes repaired______________ Miscellaneous______________ Farm: Dairy___________ ________ Cattle_____________________ Milk, whole________________ Farm: Field crops and garden___ Ensilage___________________ Hay----------------------------------Potatoes___________________ Miscellaneous______________ Farm: Hogs____________________ Pork, dressed_______________ Furniture: Wood_______________ Chairs_____________________ Desks______________________ Repairs_____ Tables______ Miscellaneous. Pounds. APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Farm: Hogs..................................................... Pork, dressed________ ________________ Furniture: Wood......... .............. .......... ......... Chairs_______________________ _______ Desks_______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Miscellaneous. _______________________ Laundry, commercial_____________________ Metal products: Auto license tags__________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Textile products____________________ _____ Flags________________________________ Mopheads___________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Labor only. . STATE PRISON Total. a b le A.— K in d , 224 T quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued R H O D E IS L A N D -C o n tin u e d Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value state prison—continued Furniture: Other than metal or wood. Mattresses____________________ Miscellaneous___________ ____ Laundry, commercial______________ Metal products: Auto license tags___ Printing and binding: MiscellaneousTextile products___________________ Flags_________________________ Mopheads___ _____ ___________ Miscellaneous._______ _________ Each. Pounds _ Each___ Each.. Dozen. 2 11 15 17 8 REFORMATORY FOR MEN Total____________________________________ 27 Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Labor only. 27 29 (0 67,600 183,710 (0 $354 765 2,028 14,777 7,141 58 117 0) 260 490 1,529 0) 21, 315 29 0) 67,600 183,710 0) $354 765 2,028 14, 777 7,141 58 117 260 490 1,529 0) 21,315 21, 315 21, 315 0) SOU TH C A R O LIN A STATE PENITENTIARY Total.......................... .......... .......... ............... Clothing........ ............ ........................... . . . . Pants, work_______ _______________ Shirts,work______ . . . _______ _______ Underwear, men’sand boys’ _________ Farm: Cattle _. __ _ ___ Beef, dressed _ ________ _ ............... ......... Farm: Dairy Butter. _ ___ ___ Milk, whole _ . Farm: Field crops and garden____________ Com, field____________ _________ _____ $393,586 505 Dozen Dozen. Dozen. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 101 6 6 219 Bushels- $138,116 $239,139 $16, 331 291 3,397 37, 710 291 3,397 37, 710 2, 523 15,689 42, 791 90,000 5,400 90,000 5, 400 1,000 313,900 310 6,205 1,000 313,900 310 6,205 24. 795 M8. 522 24. 795 18. 522 2, 523 15,689 42, 791 [PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age numher of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Bales.... Tons__ Bushels. Pounds. Each.. Each.. Each.. Each.. Each.. Each.. 7 "139' 27 5,000 3,745 20,015 500 4,993 0 5,000 3, 745 20, 015 100,000 6,000 100,000 6,000 15,820 7, 709 7,368 698 33. 623 61, 605 81. 522 1,386 717,954 26,167 0 44, 860 27,335 724 500 4,993 0 * 717,954 26,167 0 44, 860 27, 335 724 i 1 1 SOUTH DAKOTA See footnotes at end of table. $67, 740 $241.472 Dozen. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen.. Pairs... 15 10 658 40 34 10 39 67 4,836 0 18 60 79 70 215 24 299 436 2,757 2 Each___ 15 10 658 40 34 10 39 67 4,836 0 1 18 60 79 70 215 24 299 436 2,757 2 50,000 Pounds Pounds. 973, 700 170,063 55,830 21,088 Pounds.. 272,696 0 0 24,075 17,891 345 33,171 0 5,039 1, 590 Pounds. 473,540 0 9,412 2, 097 473, 540 0) 9,412 2,063 Bushels. Tons__ Tons__ 10,000 810 300 0 9,600 3,915 0) 5,000 4,860 1,900 27 2,880 2,181 4, 582 10,000 810 300 5, 000 4, 860 1,900 9,600 3,865 0 2,880 2,126 4,379 Bushels. Bushels. $123. 732 $50,000 50,000 973, 700 170, 063 55,830 21,088 239, 525 0 0 19,036 16,301 345 0 34 0 27 0 55 203 225 STATE PENITENTIARY Total. ............................................. Clothing—. .................................... Aprons_____________________ Coats, work________________ Handkerchiefs______________ Hats and caps______________ Overalls____________________ Pajamas and nightgowns____ Pants, work________________ Shirts, work________________ Shoes repaired______________ Miscellaneous_______________ Construction: Buildings________ Cordage_______________________ Binder twine_______________ Rope______________________ Farm: Cattle__________________ Beef, dressed_______________ Cattle______________________ Miscellaneous______________ Farm: Dairy___________________ Milk, whole________________ Miscellaneous______________ Farm: Field crops and garden___ Corn, field_________________ Ensilage___________________ Hay_______________________ Labor only_________________ Oats_______________________ Potatoes___________________ Miscellaneous______________ 33,623 61,605 81,522 1,386 15,820 7, 709 7,368 698 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Cotton________________ Hay----------------------------Wheat_____ ____ _______ Miscellaneous__________ Farm: Hogs_______________ Pork, dressed__________ Furniture: Wood__________ Chairs_________________ Chairs, upholstered_____ Davenports, sofas, etc___ Ottomans and footstools.. Metal products..................... Auto license tags_______ Highway markers______ Repairs (to signs)_______ T able A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued to to O S O U TH D A K O T A -C o n tin u e d Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value STATE PENITENTIARY—Continued Farm: Hogs______ _____ ______ ___________ Hogs— ________ _____________________ Pork, dressed_______________________ _ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs._ ________ _____ ________________ Poultry, dressed ________ ___________ Metal products: Auto license tags_________ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushedTextile products ___ _ ______________ Pillowcases________________ __________ Sheets __________________ _____ Towels_________________ ________ Miscellaneous_____ _____________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 2 Pounds. Dozen Pounds. Each___ Tons___ Dozen Dozen Dozen, __ 3 12 1 6 5 0) 140,384 $4,273 8,412 0) 34,059 $584 2,739 0) 106,325 $3,689 5,673 7,209 7,848 485,183 309 1,013 1,144 18, 674 155 4,377 2,697 485,183 672 449 18,674 2,832 5,151 341 695 309 155 57 104 145 90 397 94 333 759 57 104 145 90 397 94 73 759 (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 260 TENNESSEE ALL INSTITUTIONS 1,871 Total Clothing, other than knit........ Aprons............. —......... ........ Coats, work_____ ____ ____ Dresses______ ____ ________ Hats and caps------------ -----Overalls_______ ____ ______ Pants, work_______________ Shirts, work.............. ........... Shoes, new________________ Suits_____________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ . Uniforms______________ — Dozen. Dozen. E achDozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Pairs— E achDozenEach.. $1,124,486 78 147 290 78 1,048 907 1,309 15,805 1,670 178 22 156 2,434 580 140 14,457 11,860 10,949 34,648 11,916 336 495 $836,685 78 147 290 78 1,048 907 1,309 15,805 1,670 178 22 156 2,434 580 140 14,457 11,860 10,949 34,648 11,916 336 495 $282, 219 $5, 582 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE' UNITED .STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 3,251 3, 251 4,152 3,090 _ __454 ._ 454 120,000 76 (0 619 162,219 Construction: Major repairs to roads 0) 30 3,758 32,414 32,414 11,608 11,608 2,902 75 1,875 75 904,615 904,615 26,365 2, 275 • 0) 0) 402 7,633 4,580 7,633 28,175 40, 292 40,292 433 22,669 433 203 5,582 1, 320 1,320 8, 520 4, 520 4, 520 46, 780 1,133 2,832 2,832 19,437 18,487 18,487 36,724 0) (0 6 521 7,544 521 83,187 8,319 83,187 6 20 20 121 4, 520 158 158 166 166 3,532 60 9,254 9,254 59,581 603 603 603 169 (0 0) 47 115 (0 0) 120,000 162,219 3, 758 2,902 1,875 26,365 2, 275 4, 580 28,175 22,669 8, 520 46, 780 1,133 19,437 36,724 7,544 8, 319 121 4, 520 3,532 59, 581 603 169 991,678 18,379 44,626 6,358 991,678 18, 379 44,626 6,358 (0 0) 72,838 23, 741 121,150 2,068 7,350 85,559 39, 552 90,000 0) (0 72,838 23, 741 121,150 2,068 7, 350 85,559 39, 552 90,000 486,003 1,818 0) 36,812 1,122 1,433 486,003 1,818 0) 36, 812 1,122 1,433 253, 656 20, 774 53.129 32,044 13,407 10,126 253, 656 20, 774 53,129 32,044 13,407 10,126 8 297 18 120 15 4,152 3,090 203 5,582 227 See footnotes at end of table. 9 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing, knit........ ......... ............................ . Hosiery __________ Doz. pr. Underwear __ Dozen... Construction: Buildings _______ ______ Farm: Dairy ’ * _________ Beef, dressed ________ Pounds. ______________ Pounds. Butter Head Cattle . __ _________ Milk, whole ________ _ Pounds. Miscellaneous ______ Farm: Field crops and garden _______ _ B arley___ T_____ .'l_______________ . . . Bushels. Corn, field_________ _________________ Bushels . Cotton_______________________________ Bales__ Cottonseed_________ _ _ _ _ __ Tons Ensilage_____________ ______________ _ Tons___ Hay______________________ ______ ____ Tons. .. Oats__________________ . ___________ Bushels. Potatoes_____ ___________ _____ _____ . Bushels. Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Hogs____________ ____ ___________ ____ Head. . Pork, dressed_________________________ Pounds. Furniture: Metal_________________________ Beds____________________ ___________ Each___ Filing cases_________ ____________ _ Each Tables___ __________________________ _ Each Furniture: Other than metal or w o o d .____ Mattresses__________________ _____ Each Pillows______ ______________________ Each Repairs_______________ _______ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______ _______________ Each___ Highway markers____________________ Each___ Metal products: Miscellaneous_____________ R epairs....... . _ ____________________ Miscellaneous. _______ _________________ Mining: Coal_____________ _____ __________ Tons___ _________ . _ ... ____ Gallons. Paint____ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Tons___ Soap and other detergents_________________ Soap_____________________ __________ Pounds . Soap, liqu id _____________________ . _. Gallons. Miscellaneous_________________________ Textiles__________ ____________ _____ ____ Sq. yd _____ _ __ Cotton yard goods, light Wool yard goods____________ __________ Sq. yd._ Yarn, cotton__________________ _______ Pounds. 228 T able A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prison s, 1940 , by State, system , anc? institution— Continued TENNESSEE—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value all institutions—continued Textile products____ _____________________ Bags, cloth_________ ________________ Bags! tobacco________ ______ _________ Pillowcases__________________ _______ Sheets ............... ......... . . ................... Towels ___ _. Miscellaneous____________ _____ Other manufactured products Canned fruits and vegetables _______ Insecticides, disinfectants, and related chemical compounds. Do_______________________________ Tobacco, smoking and chew ing_______ STATE PENITENTIARY - Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Dozen Cases Gallons. 2 56 Pounds. Pounds. ________ 939 Clothing, nther than knit Aprons - _ _______ Coats, w o rk ______ _______ ____ ______ Dresses _______ ______________________ Hats and caps_________________ _______ Overalls _________________________ Pants, work ________________________ Shirts, work __ _____________ ______ Shoes, new ________ __ __ . .. 95 Total - - Suits U nderw ear, m e n ’s and b o y s ’ Uniforms _ ______ __________ Dozen... Dozen... Each___ Dozen. _. Dozen. __ Dozen.. _ Dozen... Pairs___ E a ch __ Dozen. _ Each___ C loth in g, knit Hosiery _ _____ _ Doz. pr. Dozen... U nderw ear _ _____ C on stru ction : 1VTajop repairs t o roads F a rm : D a iry ___ Beef, dressed_________________________ Pounds. 9 228 16 67 10,333 137 127 428 (0 $380 217 271 683 835 18 67 10,333 137 127 428 0) $380 217 271 683 835 18 28,699 6,960 53,240 6,323 28,699 6,960 53, 240 6,323 34, 782 43,064 2,903 16,563 34, 782 43,064 2,903 16, 563 590, 754 661,890 78 147 290 78 1,048 907 1,309 15,805 1,670 178 22 156 2,434 580 140 14,457 11,860 10,949 34,648 11,916 336 495 78 147 290 78 1,048 907 1, 309 15,805 1,670 178 22 156 2,434 580 140 14,457 11,860 10,949 34, 648 11,916 336 495 3,251 454 4,152 3,090 71,136 3,251 454 4,152 3,090 3, 758 32,414 3,758 0) 32,414 $71,136 (0 71,136 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Pounds. Head__ Pounds. 11,608 75 573,259 0) 2,902 1,875 16, 664 2,275 11,608 75 573,259 (0 2,902 1,875 16, 664 2,275 Bushels. Bushels . Tons___ Tons___ Bushels . 7,633 20,000 1,020 990 2,832 0) 4, 580 16,000 6,120 10,480 1,133 26,076 7,633 20,000 1, 020 990 2,832 0) 4.580 16,000 6,120 10,480 1,133 26, 076 Head__ Pounds. 271 35,042 3, 794 3, 504 271 35,042 3,794 3, 504 Each. Each. Each. 20 158 166 121 4, 520 3, 532 20 158 166 121 4, 520 3, 532 Each. Each. 9,254 603 0) 59, 581 603 169 9,254 603 0) 59, 581 603 169 Each. Each. 991,678 18,379 44, 626 6, 358 991,678 18, 379 44, 626 6, 358 Gallons. Tons___ 0) 0) 23, 741 121,150 2,068 7, 350 39, 552 90,000 0) 0) 23,741 121,150 2,068 7, 350 39, 552 90,000 Pounds. Gallons. 486,003 1,818 0) 36,812 1,122 1,433 486,003 1,818 0) 36,812 1,122 1,433 Sq. y d .. Sq. yd._ Pounds. 253,656 20,774 53,129 32, 044 13,407 10,126 253,656 20, 774 53,129 32,044 13,407 10,126 67 10,333 137 127 428 0) 380 217 271 683 835 18 67 10,333 137 127 428 (0 380 217 271 683 835 18 Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. APPEN DIX A— GENERAL TABLES Butter__________________ ____________ Cattle_______________________________ Milk, whole__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Barley_______________________________ Corn, field___________________________ Ensilage_____________________________ Hay-------------------------------------------------Oats_________________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Hogs_________________________________ Pork, dressed_________________________ Furniture: Metal_________________________ Beds_________________________________ Cases, filing__________________________ Tables_______________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Pillows______________________________ Repairs______________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license taxs______________________ Highway markers_____________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Repairs______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Paint___________________________________ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, crushed. Soap and other detergents_________________ Soap_________________________________ Soap, liquid__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Textiles_________________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_____ _________ Wool yard goods______________________ Yarn, cotton_________________________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth__________________ _________ Bags, tobacco_________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ See footnotes at end o f table. 229 T able A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons , 1940 , fry State, system , and institution — Continued to CO o TENNESSEE— C ontinued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity STATE PENITENTIARY—continued Other manufactured products______________ Canned fruits and vegetables ___ _. __ Cases Insecticides, disinfectants, and related Gallons. chemical compounds. D o_____ ____________________ PoundsTobacco, smoking and chewing________ Pounds. BRUSHY MOUNTAIN PENITENTIARY Total__________ ______ ________ ________ Construction: Major repairs to roads______ _______________ Farm: Dairy___________ Milk, whole_______ __ _______ _______ Farm: Field crops and garden____________ Hay________ ____ __________________ Potatoes____ ________________________ Miscellaneous___________ ____ _______ Mining: Coal___________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. T otal 41 8,529 6,960 $14,763 6,323 8,529 6,960 $14, 763 6,323 34,782 43,064 2,903 16,563 34,782 43,064 2,903 16,563 215,258 584 191 Pounds. Tons Bushels. Tons___ Cases... 6 0) (9 73,356 2,201 73, 356 2,201 3,030 13,000 0) 72,838 9,582 30,300 13,950 8,390 85, 559 15,075 3,030 13,000 0) 72,838 9,582 30,300 13,950 8,390 85, 559 15,075 348 _________ 76 (9 100 (9 8 258,000 150 20,292 433 203 300 500 5,487 247,338 85 297 5 $59, 783 155,475 59,783 FORT PILLOW STATE FARM Construction: Buildings ______________ C on struction: M a jo r repairs to roads Farm: Dairy________ ________________ M ilk , w hole Farm : Field crops and garden Corn, field____ __ _________________ C otton . _ ......... .. C ottonseed........... . Ensilage_____________________________ Hay . Potatoes__ ______________ ____ ____ Miscellaneous________________________ Pounds. Bushels. Bales _ T ons__ Tons.. _ Tons. Bushels. (9 151,300 90,456 120, Q00 31,300 (9 (9 7,500 258,000 7,500 12,175 22,669 5,582 2,400 6.000 5,487 2,258 20, 292 433 12,175 22,669 300 500 5,487 (9 2,400 6,000 5,487 2, 258 59,783 __________ $5,582 120,000 31,300 203 5,582 _______ Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Hogs------------------------------------------------- Head-... Pork, dressed_________________________ Pounds. Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases... and vegetables.___________________ _ 250 48,145 10,558 3,750 4,815 23,402 250 48,145 10,558 3,750 4,815 23.402 TEXAS STATE PRISON SYSTEM M _____ Each.... Squares. Dozen... Dozen... Dozen.. Dozen... Dozen... Dozen... D6zen__. Pairs__ Each__ D ozenEach___ Head__ Pounds. Pounds. Bushels. Bales.... Tons__ Tons__ Tons__ Bushels. Pounds. Tons__ H ead.... Dozen.. Pounds. 113 194 21 15 97 3,045 0) 324 14,025 2,916 1,710 41,280 768 0) 28,461 2, 250 11,360 1,676 1,710 41,280 768 0) 28,461 2,250 11,360 1,676 118 474 386 1,061 324 57 2,696 2,492 40,445 2,615 3,054 0) 14 0) 839 447 6,608 463 2,828 3,227 402 21,426 18,376 87,163 12,871 10,166 54 384.414 12,704 29,869 118 474 386 1,061 324 57 2,696 2,492 40,445 2,615 3,054 0) 447 6,608 463 2,828 3,227 402 21,426 18,376 87,163 12,871 10,166 54 141,355 5,017,.085 42,407 233,345 141,355 5,017,085 42,407 233,345 295,703 13,277 5,710 25,060 3,007 30,471 811,476 6,270 0) 3,494 177,422 619,271 171,300 250,600 45,105 30,471 24,344 21,945 34,417 52,983 295,703 911 5,710 25,060 3,007 30,471 811,476 6,270 0) 3,494 177,422 42,290 171,300 250,600 45,105 30,471 24,344 21,945 34,417 52,983 39,989 9,997 2,450 39,989 11,000 9,997 2,450 11,000 839 29,8 0) 384,414 12, 704 12,366 576,981 231 See footnotes at end o f table. Dozen... 14,025 2,916 $579, 378 $397,118 $2,169, 229 W 324 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Agricultural implements and parts______ Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms____ Clay, cement, and stone products_______ Brick_____________________________ Building tile_______________________ Roofing tile________________________ Miscellaneous______________________ Clothing______________________________ Aprons____________________________ Coats, work________________________ Gloves and mittens_________________ Hats and caps______________________ Overalls_____ _____________________ Pajamas and nightgowns____________ Pants, work_______________________ Shirts, work_______________________ Shoes, new_________________________ Suits______________________________ Underwear, men's and boys'________ Miscellaneous______________________ Construction: Buildings________________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings.. Farm: Cattle__________________________ Farm: Dairy__________________________ Butter____________________________ Milk, whole_______________________ Farm: Field crops and garden___________ Corn, field_________________________ Cotton____________________________ Cottonseed________________________ Ensilage______ ____________________ Hay_______________________________ Potatoes___________________________ Rice______________________________ Sugarcane_________________________ Miscellaneous______________________ Farm: Hogs___________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products____ Eggs---------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed___________________ $3,145,725 4,138 Total. 232 T a b l e A.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , ty State, system , and institution — Continued • Unit Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity state prison system—Continued Farm: Miscellaneous Livestock .... ...... Furniture: Metal . . . .... .......... . Beds Miscellaneous Furniture: W ood_________________________ Miscellaneous Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses Pillows _ Grain-mill products_______________________ Corn meal_____________ ___ _________ Feed, stock __________ ______________ Miscellaneous.______ __________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags____________ _______ __ Tags, miscellaneous____________ _______ Metal products: Miscellaneous_________ _ Cans, t i n . . . ________________________ _ Machinery....................... ......... ............ Repairs.._______ ____________________ Tinware_____________________________ Miscellaneous______ ____ _____________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Soap and other detergents: Soap___________ Sugar___________________________ ________ Cane syrup______________ _________ Sugar__ _____ ________________________ Textiles_________________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_______________ Duck and canvas ________ __________ Miscellaneous_______ ______ __________ Textile products ______ ______ _____ _______ Bags, cloth. ________ _____ ____________ Covers, cushion______________________ Head__ 3 75 23 7 Each Each __ Barrels. Tons___ 5 9 48 Each... Each___ Each.. Pounds. Gallons. Pounds. Sq. yd ._ Sq. yd__ Dozen. Each___ 143 24 2 68 24 12 75 $600 $600 0) 0) 6,232 4,902 0) 3,799 0) 3,799 1,801 2,041 6,028 936 1,801 2,041 6,028 936 1, 556 98 0) 6,223 2,959 3,256 1,556 98 0) 6, 223 2,959 3,256 3,735,700 15,000 140,088 273 3,735,700 15,000 140,088 273 141,471 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 240,100 7,292 12,212 26, 562 6,007 13,502 14, 695 14, 577 141,471 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 240,100 7, 292 12,212 26, 562 6,007 13, 502 14, 695 14,577 90,000 257,000 36,000 8,995 90,000 257,000 36,000 8,995 14,386 20,620 0) 647 2,292 52 14,386 20, 620 0) 647 2,292 52 1, 353 3,312 5,334 498 1,353 3, 312 5, 334 498 8 6,232 4,902 * Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced TEXAS— C ontinued 408102 DozenDozen.. DozenDozen.. B d.ft. Pounds. Each__ Cases... 94 Each_. Pounds. Pounds _ Pounds. 231 995 1,271 2,013 0) 1,699 1,790 7,837 3,662 230 231 995 1,271 2,013 0) 1,699 1,790 7,837 3,662 230 1,134,527 0) 0) 26, 775 12,077 858 1,134,527 0) 0) 26, 775 12,077 858 306,371 35,753 58,295 295 2,028,150 0) 0) 266,118 0) 1, 339 1,994,828 37,685 2,265 78,001 400 7,658 6,850 2,397 25,283 2,154 214236,166 306, 371 35,753 58,295 295 2,028,150 0) 37,685 2,265 78,001 400 7,658 6,850 266,118 0) 1, 339 1, 994,828 25,283 2,154 214 236,166 $2,397 0) UTAH STATE PRISON Total .............................................................. 135 Dozen... Dozen... Pairs__ Each___ Head__ Head__ Pounds. Tons___ Tons___ Head__ Dozen _ Each___ Each___ Cases__ Each___ 10 51 6 1 4 170 112 1,440 5 0) 11 1,632 672 576 30,000 3,830 660 170 112 1,440 1,632 672 576 11 660 18 184,500 1,125 3,690 18 184,500 1,125 3,690 264 235 235 130 1,056 2,350 8,780 1,950 2,350 8,780 1,950 800 160 800 160 182,424 3,030 0) 23, 238 4,791 300 182,424 2,689 0) 23,238 4,316 300 1,965 1,000 4,602 500 1,965 4,602 25 2 1 28 2 5 $54,051 $89, 912 0) (0 130 $2,031 $33, 830 0) 5 . . . 30,000 3,830 264 1,056 341 475 1,666 1 500 _________ 233 Clothing_____________ ______ ______ _______ Pants, work__ _______ ________________ Shirts, work___ ______ _____ ______ ____ Shoes repaired _____________________ Construction: Buildings........................ ......... Construction: Miscellaneous__________ ____ Farm: Cattle_____ __________ ____________ Farm: Dairy............ ...................................... Cattle__ ______ ______________________ Milk, whole... ______ ____ ____________ Farm: Field crops and garden.......... .............. Beets, sugar__________________________ Hay............................................................ Miscellaneous. ______ ____ ____________ Farm: Hogs________________ _______ ______ Farm: Poultry and poultry products..... ........ Eggs___________ _____ _ _ ___________ Metal products _________ ____ ________ Auto license tags________________ _____ Highway markers. ._ ______ ____ _____ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Other manufactured products______ _______ Caimed fruits and vegetables___________ Toys------------------------------------------------See footnotes at end o f table. APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Mopheads______ ____ _______ Pillowcases_________________ Sheets_____________________ Towels_____________________ Miscellaneous______________ Wood products_________________ Lumber___________________ _ Millwork_________ ____ ____ Miscellaneous_______________ Other manufactured products____ Beef, dressed_______________ Boxes, paper_______________ Canned fruits and vegetables.. Cement____________________ Envelopes_________ _________ os Harness__________ _______ _ Hides____________________ Lard____________________ _ Leather articles, miscellaneous. Mutton_______ ____ ________ Pork, dressed___ ____ _______ 234 T a b l e A.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prison s, 1940 , by State, system , and institution — Continued VERMONT Unit ALL INSTITUTIONS Total________________________ _________ Clothing, other than knit_________________ Coats, work__________________________ Dozen Dresses____ __________________________ Each___ Hats and caps________________________ Dozen. __ Overalls______________________________ Dozen... Overcoats____________________________ Each... Pants, work__________________________ Dozen... Shirts, work___ ____________________ Dozen... Underwear, men’s and boys’ ___________ Dozen... Miscellaneous___________________ ___ Clothing, knit______ ____________________ Hosiery_______________________ ______ Doz. pr. ___________________________ UnderwearDozen. _ Farm: Cattle_____________________________ Beef, dressed_________________________ Pounds. Cattle_______________ __________ ____ Head__ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Dairy._____ ______________________ Butter_____ _____ ____________________ Pounds. Cream______________ ________________ Pounds. Milk, skimmed_______________________ Pounds . Milk, whole__________________________ Pounds. Farm: Fiqjd crops and garden______________ Corn, field_________________________ _ Bushels. Ensilage_____________________________ Tons___ Hay___ _____ ________________________ Tons___ ___ ____ ____________________ Bushels. Miscellaneous. ______ _______________ Farm: Hogs_______________ ____ ______ ___ Pork, dressed_____________ ___________ Pounds. See footnotes at end of table. 140 7 11 51 1 29 97 14 48 6 59 44 4 352 75 59 580 18 766 524 24 492 209 7 Public works and ways State use Quantity $114,271 lT 1 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Value Value Quantity $97,092 29 97 14 48 6 59 44 4 352 75 59 580 18 766 521 24 492 226 42 209 7 226 42 38,600 39 0) 4,246 3,946 9 38,600 28 4,246 3,460 7,868 1,925 302,325 549,550 2,363 770 1, 512 14,178 7,868 1,925 302,325 549,550 2,363 770 1,512 14,178 294 800 686 6,400 0) 221 294 4,000 800 7,272 555 4,817 Potatoes 6,367 5,707 0) 221 4,000 5,666 4, 792 5,707 35,55l 4, 111 4, i i i 0) Quantity State account 0) Value $17,179 11 486 9 131 33 1,606 25 0) 35,551 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE’ UNITED STATE'S, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Dozen. __ Pounds. Head__ Each— 2, 577 2,608 1,050 10,308 9,605 700 2,577 2,608 1,050 98 471 450 60 6,616 98 0 471 450 60 416 0) 16 6 Each___ Each... Each___ Each. Each.. 10,308 9,605 700 8 1 0) 13 7 Doz. pr. Dozen.._ 221,370 6,945 30 11,677 8,792 46 58.500 63.500 0 88 127 2,518 58, 500 63,500 0) 88 127 2,518 21 33 50 163 10 14, 580 5,757 21 33 0) 810,000 0) Pounds. Head__ Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 7 11 0 336,000 0 29 97 14 48 6 59 44 4 352 75 59 580 18 766 524 24 492 209 7 226 42 38,600 39 0 7,868 1,925 302, 325 549, 550 0 50 163 10 6,048 5, 757. 6,200 0 1,713 321 474,000 8, 532 96,676 107, 655 11 1 0 11,677 8,792 367 124 Dozen. _ Each __ Dozen. Dozen.. Each.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen... 6 221,370 6,945 1,743 Dozen Dozen... Bd.ft.-_ 6 29 97 14 48 6 59 44 4 10,979 352 75 59 580 18 766 524 24 492 (1) 209 7 226 42 4, 246 3,946 9 38,600 28 4,246 3,460 2,363 770 1, 512 14,178 7,868 1, 925 302, 325 549, 550 11 0 2,363 770 1, 512 14,178 486 9 235 See footnotes at end of table. 5 Each___ STATE PRISONAND HOUSE OFCORRECTIONFOR MEN Total........................... .................................. Clothing, other than knit __ Coats, work____ _____________ _ _ . Dresses________ _____________ ___ . _ Hats and caps___________ _ ___ Overalls_________________________ _ Overcoats______ _________________ __ Pants, work______ _____ ______ ______ Shirts, work __ __ _ __ _________ 1___ Underwear, men’s and boys’___________ Miscellaneous.. _ . . . . __________ ._ Clothing, knit. _ . . . ... ___ Hosiery______________ _____________ _ Underwear_____________ . . . _______ . Farm: Cattle__ _ _ _ . _______ ___ _ _ Beef, dressed___. . . _______ L____ . Cattle__________ _ _ .. . __________ Hides__________ _______ _________ Farm: Dairy._ _ Butter__________________ _____ _______ Cream_________ ____________ _____ Milk, skimmed________________ _______ Milk, whole_______ ____ ________ ______ 2 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Poultry and poultry products______ Eggs_________ !_ Poultry, dressed___ Poultry’ live_________________________ Furniture: Wood— Chairs________ Repairs_______ Tables_______________ _ _ _________ Laundry,commercial______ ... __ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags................................ . . . Highway markers ______ .. _ _____ Signs...". ___________________ _____ Printing and binding __ ... ______ Envelopes ___T____________ ___ _ ___ Letterheads________________________ __ Miscellaneous___________ _ ________ _ Textile products Pillowcases____________ __ _ Sheets______________ _ ______________ Miscellaneous________ ______ _______ Wood products: Lumber, rough. Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , fey State, system , and institution —Continued 236 T able V E R M O N T —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value STATE PEISON AND HOUSE OF CORRECTION FOR men—continued Farm: Field crops and garden.. ............... ...... Corn, field_____ _____ _________________ Ensilage_________________ _ Hay........................................ . _ _ . . . _______________________ ______ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs.______________ _________ .. . Pork, dressed___ Farm: Poultry and poultry products.______ E g g s____________________ . . . ______ Poultry, dressed_____________________ Poultry, live___________________ ______ Furniture: Wood........... ........... .............. ........ Chairs_______________________________ Repairs_____________________________ _ Tables____ __________________ ________ Metal products........................... ......... ........... Auto license tags_______ Highway markers.. _ ____ _ . Signs.___________ __________ Printing and binding________ _. ________ Envelopes____________________ . Letterheads_____________ _____________ Miscellaneous______________ ________ Textile products______ _____ _____________ Pillowcases..___________________ ______ Sheets_______________________________ Miscellaneous____ ______ Wood products: Lumber, rough. __ .. Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Bushels. Tons._ Tons__ Bushels. Pounds. Dozen Pounds. Head.— Each— 51 i 2 Each.. Each___ Dozen... Dozen... Bd. f t ... $221 294 4,000 800 7,272 555 Potatoes 6,367 4,817 5,707 0 $221 4,000 5,666 4,792 5,707 35,551 4,111 35,551 4, 111 10,308 9,605 700 2,577 2,608 1,050 10,308 9,605 700 2,577 2,608 1,050 98 471 450 60 98 6 6 471 .......... 450 60 221,370 6,945 1,743 11,677 8,792 367 221, 370 6,945 30 11,677 8,792 46 58, 500 63, 500 0) 88 127 2,518 58, 500 63, 500 0 88 127 2,518 21 33 0) 810,000 0 50 163 10 14,580 5,757 21 33 0 336,000 0 50 163 10 6,048 5,757 5 W Each___ Each . Each _ Each— 294 800 686 6,400 0 6 8 1 13 7 ® 131 33 $1, 606 25 1, 713 321 474,000 8, 532 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE! UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value WOMEN’ S reform atory Total___________________________ 16 Laundry, commercial____________ 16 I 6,616 6,616 0) 416 0) | 416 (9 6,200 6,200 V IR G IN IA ALL INSTITUTIONS Total____________________________________ See footnotes at end o f table. 3,460 Each___ M _____ Dozen Each. D ozen.. Doz. pr. Dozen Each Dozen _ Each .. Dozen _ Dozen Dozen Pairs__ Each Each Doz. pr. Dozen. _ 3 18 124 37 146 5 576 1,666 31 Pounds. Head. Pounds. $754, 029 1, 561 9,648 5,544 965 1, 561 9, 648 157 515 381 626 795 3.193 39 1.194 2,462 44 2,435 28,948 2,000 89 589 6,726 10,467 2,058 3,989 12,563 675 5, 663 41,346 2,088 19, 546 58,415 18,457 2,078 572 157 515 381 626 795 3.193 39 1.194 2,462 44 2,435 28,948 2,000 89 (0 589 6, 726 10,467 2,058 3,989 12, 563 675 5, 663 41, 346 2,088 19, 546 58,415 18,457 2,078 572 7,079 3,497 0) 8,087 13,140 172, 223 1,000 316, 281 855, 572 7,079 3,497 8,087 13,140 3,033 995,130 344 2,952 30,106 210 3,033 123 995,130 344 2,952 30,106 210 9,180 71 75 844 1, 212 15,028 4,000 6,590 3,389 450 11,864 1,200 18, 290 4,000 39,803 9,180 71 75 844 1, 212 15,028 4,000 6, 590 3,389 450 11,864 1,200 18, 290 4,000 39,803 (9 (9 (9 (9 1 09 293 Bushels. Bales__ Tons Tons Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. $2,180,105 5,544 965 (9 (9 J$l, 345,076 (9 <9 (9 (9 (9 (9 172, 223 1,000 316, 281 855, 572 $81,000 = = = = _________ APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Brooms, brushes, and mops: Mops . ___ Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick Clothing, other than knit____ ________ _ __. Aprons________________ ______ ________ Coats, dress..____ ___________________ Coats) work_________________________ Gloves and mittens___________________ Hats and caps____________ _______ .. Overcoats. .1_________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Pants, dress______ . ________ ________ Pants, work_____________ ______ ______ Shirts, dress _____ _________ Shirts, work. _________ ____________ Shoes, new__________ _______________ Suits_______________ ____________ .. Uniforms. _ __________ _______ _______ Miscellaneous.___________ _ ______ Clothing, knit.. _____. . . _______________ Hosiery______ _______ _______ _ Underwear_____________ _________ _. Construction: Buildings__________ . ... Construction: Land development.. ______ Construction: Major repairs to roads ______ Construction: Roads_________________ Farm: Dairy___________ _ __________ _ Beef, dressed_________________ _____ __ Cattle____ _______ _____ ______________ Milk, w h ole____ ____________________ Miscellaneous________ ________________ Farm: Field crops and garden.. _________ Corn, field_____________________ _____ _ Cotton_______________________________ Ensilage. ______________ ____ _________ Hay_________________________________ Peanuts________ ________________ . . . Potatoes_____________________________ Wheat_____________ _ __________ . . . Miscellaneous............................................. able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , e m d institution —Continued 238 T V IR G IN IA —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value all institutions—continued Head. _ Pounds. Dozen _ Pounds. Each Each___ Each .. Each___ Each___ Each __ Pieces __ Each __ Each Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each___ Each _ Each __ 5 11 39 102 $2,080 7,520 260 64,618 $2,080 7,520 21,401 3,500 5,336 560 21,401 3,500 5,336 560 65 68 190 132 571 145 507 1,014 813 1, 660 997 858 15,109 913 6,845 2,867 65 68 190 132 571 145 507 1,014 813 1, 660 997 858 15,109 913 6,845 2,867 378 148 2,811 2,556 160 75 20,498 11,832 337 576 4,976 14,815 378 148 2,811 2,556 160 75 20,498 11,832 337 576 4,976 14,815 2 48 6,138 720 41 276 545 47 Each Each___ Each___ Tons---- 260 64,618 13 55 58 (9 1,103,398 3,422 157,000 (9 (9 90,000 55,256 6,383 10,277 9,346 48,133 81,000 2 48 6,138 720 41 276 545 (9 1,103,398 3,422 157,000 (9 (9 55, 256 6,383 10, 277 9,346 48,133 Quantity Value 1940 Fafm: Hogs__....... ............ ............................. Hogs______________ ____ _____________ Pork, dressed______________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs______________ __________ Poultry, dressed ____________________ Furniture: Metal_________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc_______________ Cabinets.__________ _______ Card files______________ _________ Desks........................................... Filing cases......... ....................................... Lockers.................. ......................... _ . Shelving.............................................. _ _ Transfer cases............................................ Furniture: Wood_____ Benches__ ___ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc________ Cabinets________ Card files............ Chairs____ _____ Desks____ _____ Filing cases____________ ____ _________ Stools__________ ____ Tables....... .............. . Miscellaneous____ . Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags____ _ ____ Highway markers___ Tags, miscellaneous.. __ _ Metal products: Miscellaneous. Printing and binding: Miscellaneous Quarrying and rock crushing: Lime and agricultural limestone. Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE! UNITED (STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 90,000 $81,000 Each.. Sq. yd Sq. yd Pounds. Dozen. Each__ D ozenDozen.— Each___ Each___ Dozen... Cases... 13,051 534,095 39, 684 103,178 27, 232 60,923 26,114 23, 742 13,051 534,095 39,684 103,178 27,232 60,923 26,114 23,742 108 1,524 0) 1,253 1,567 900 900 1,016 18,516 26 2,413 15 2,381 10,345 1,163 188 1,270 27,762 108 1, 524 (0 1,253 1,567 900 900 1,016 18,516 26 2,413 15 2,381 10,345 1,163 188 1,270 27,762 STATE INDUSTRIAL FARM FOR WOMEN Farm: Dairy______________ ____ _ Milk, whole___________________ Farm: Field crops and garden— ....... Miscellaneous_________________ Farm: Hogs______________________ Pork, dressed_________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 12,789 12,789 Total. Pounds. 100,797 3,024 100,797 3,024 (0 3,893 0) 3,893 Pounds. 32,920 4,115 32,920 4,115 Dozen. Cases.. . 3,593 573 898 859 3,593 573 898 859 Each___ 5,544 1, 561 5,544 1,561 Dozen.. E ach Dozen.. Doz. pr. Dozen.. Each... Dozen.. Each... Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. Pairs. E ach- 157 515 381 626 795 3.193 39 1.194 2,462 44 2,435 28,948 2,000 589 6,726 10,467 2,058 3,989 12,563 675 5,663 41, 346 2,088 19,546 58,415 18,457 157 515 381 626 795 3.193 39 1.194 2,462 44 2,435 28,948 2,000 589 6,726 10,467 2,058 3,989 12,563 675 5, 663 41,346 2,088 19,546 58,415 18,457 STATE PENITENTIARY AND CONVICT ROAD FORCE Brooms, brushes, and mops: Mops. Clothing, other than knit________ Aprons______________________ Coats, dress_________________ Coats, work_________________ Gloves and m ittens......... ........ Hats and caps_______________ Overcoats__________________ _ Pajamas and nightgowns-------Pants, dress_________________ Pants, work......... ................. Shirts, dress__________ ____ _ Shirts, work_________________ Shoes, new__________________ Suits________________________ See footnotes at end o f table. 602, 610 2,028,686 Total____________ ________________ _____ _ $1,345,076 81,000 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Textiles______ ____ ______________________ Blankets_____________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_______________ Wool yard goods______________________ Yarn, cotton_________________________ Textile products_____________ ____ ________ Bags, cloth___________________________ Covers, mattress______________________ Flags________________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Ticks, bed________ ___________________ Ticks, pillow-------------------------------------Towels_______________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. OO CD T a b l e A.—K in d , qu an tity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , arad institution —Continued to O V IR G IN IA —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value STATE PENITENTIARY AND CONVICT ROAD force—continued Each___ Doz. pr Dozen Pounds . Pounds. Bushels. Bales T o n s __ T o n s __ Bushels . Bushels. Pounds. Dozen Pounds. Each___ Each.. Each___ Each Each .. Each .. Pieces... 89 37 146 5 576 1,666 3 92 1 1 39 (9 $2,078 572 89 (9 $2,078 572 8,087 13,140 7,079 3,497 0) 0) 0) 0) 8,087 13,140 172,223 1,000 316,281 855, 572 7,079 3,497 1,000 51, 600 (9 100 1,800 210 1,000 51, 600 05 100 1,800 210 1,180 71 75 75 1,212 5,528 0) 590 3,389 450 900 1,200 7,290 910 1,180 71 75 75 1, 212 5, 528 0) 590 3, 389 450 900 1,200 7,290 910 22, 288 2,229 22,288 2,229 285 3,500 57 560 285 3,500 57 560 65 190 571 68 132 145 507 813 997 15,109 1,660 858 913 6.845 65 190 571 68 132 145 507 813 997 15,109 1,660 858 913 6.845 0) 0) $172, 223 1,000 316, 281 855, 572 Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Clothing, other than knit—Continued. Uniforms______________ Miscellaneous___________ _____________ Clothing, knit.._______ __________________ Hosiery............ ......................................... Underwear............................... ................. Construction: Buildings__________________ Construction: Land development__________ Construction: Major repairs to roads_______ Construction: Roads________ _____________ Farm: Dairy........................ ........... ............... Beef, dressed________________ _____ ___ Milk, whole_________________ _______ Miscellaneous_________________ _______ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field___ ____ _____________ ______ Cotton___________ ______ _____________ Ensilage............ ..................................... Hay____________ ______ ______________ Peanuts_____ ____ ________________ Potatoes................. ......... .............. ........... Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs_____________ Pork, dressed____________________ ____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs_________ _______________________ Poultry, dressed______________________ Furniture: Metal_________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc........ .................. Card files.............. ...................... .............. Cabinets, filing________ _______________ Cabinets, storage.______ __________ Desks___________________________ Lockers.................................. ............... . Shelving_____________________________ State account PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Each__ Each Each Each Each __ Each __ Each___ Each .. . Each___ Each___ 102 47 Each Each Each Tons___ Each Sq. yd Sq. yd Pounds. Dozen Eanh Dozen Dozen Each Each Dozen Cases.. . 13 55 58 192 16 2 1,014 2,867 1,014 2,867 378 148 41 2 48 6,138 720 276 545 0) 2,811 2,556 337 160 75 20,498 11,832 576 4,976 14, 815 378 148 41 2 48 6,138 720 276 545 0) 2,811 2,556 337 160 75 20,498 11,832 576 4,976 14,815 1,103, 398 3,422 157,000 (0 0) 90,000 55, 256 6,383 10,277 9,346 48,133 81,000 1,103,398 3,422 157,000 0) 0) 55,256 6,383 10,277 9,346 48,133 13,051 534,095 39, 684 103,178 27,232 60,923 26,114 23, 742 13,051 534,095 39, 684 103,178 27,232 60,923 26,114 23, 742 108 1,524 (0 1,253 1, 567 900 900 1,016 667 26 2,413 15 2,381 10,345 1,163 188 1,270 1,000 108 1, 524 0) 1, 253 1, 567 900 900 1,016 667 26 2,413 15 2,381 10, 345 1,163 188 1,270 1,000 STATE FARM Total____________________________________ See footnotes at end of table. 18 20 191 138,630 138, 630 245 965 9,648 965 9,648 2,033 123 842, 733 244 2,952 25, 282 2,033 123 842, 733 244 2,952 25, 282 8,000 769 9,500 4,000 0) 6,000 10,964 11,000 4,000 35,000 8,666 769 9,500 4,000 0) 6,000 10,964 11,000 4,000 35,000 $81,000 241 Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick___ M Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Beef, dressed_________________________ Pounds. Cattle_______________________________ Head Milk, whole__________________________ Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field___________________________ Bushels. Hay_________________________________ Tons Potatoes_____________________________ Bushels. Wheat_______________________________ Bushels. Miscellaneous____________________ ____ 90,000 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Transfer cases________________________ Furniture: Wood_________________________ Benches_________________________ ____ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc___________ ____ Cabinets, filing_______ ____ ___________ Cabinets, storage_____________________ Card files___ ____ _______ _____________ Chairs_______________________________ Desks________ _____ _____ ____________ Stools__________ . . . ____ ______________ Tables__________ _______ _____________ Miscellaneous________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags_____________________ Highway markers____________________ Tags, miscellaneous___________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Quarrying and rock crushing: Lime and agricultural limestone. Textiles_________________________________ Blankets_____________________________ Cotton yard goods, light______________ Wool yard goods_____________________ Yarn, cotton_________________________ Textile products--------------------- ----------------Bags, cloth___________________________ Covers, mattress______________________ Flags________________________________ Pillowcases______________ _____ ______ Sheets_______________________________ Ticks, bed--------- -------------------------------Ticks, pillow_________________________ Towels______________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. a b l e A.—K in d , qu antity , and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , arcJ C o n tin u e d institution — 242 T V IR G IN IA -—Continued state fa r m Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value —continued EarmrHogs__________ _________ _________ Hogs________________________________ Pork, dressed____ ______ ____ Earm: Poultry and poultry products______ Eggs___________ ______ ____ _________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Head Pounds. 2 260 9,410 $2,080 1,176 260 9,410 $2,080 1,176 17,523 17,276 4,381 25,903 17,523 17,276 4,381 25,903 2 Dozen... Cases.. . 12 W A S H IN G T O N Total. ALL INSTITUTIONS 875 M. Dozen.. Each... Dozen.. Doz. pr. Dozen.. Dozen.. Each... Dozen.. Each... DozenDozen.. DozenPairs... Pairs. __ Each... Dozen. . 66 179 $320,051 $235,949 729 9,578 729 9,578 26 107 128 2,566 39 272 447 4 534 229 70 439 5,189 8,056 833 346 0) 134 573 2,221 3,561 46 3,226 2,905 29 1,870 2,739 844 4,336 19,453 3,631 9,163 942 59 26 107 128 2,566 39 272 447 4 534 229 70 439 5,189 8,056 833 346 0) 134 573 2,221 3,561 46 3,226 2,905 29 1,870 2,739 844 4,336 19,453 3,631 9,163 942 59 $82,350 $1,752 Quantity Value 1940 Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick. Clothing, other than knit_____________ Aprons___________________________ Coats, dress..__________________ _ Coats, work_______ ____ __________ Cloves and mittens____ ___________ Hats and caps.____ _______________ Overalls__________________________ Overcoats_____________ __________ _ Pajamas and nightgowns.................. Pants, dress______________________ Pants, work______________________ Shirts, dress______________________ Shirts, work______________________ Shoes, new_______________________ Shoes repaired____________________ Suits_____________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys'----------Miscellaneous..................................... Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value See footnotes at end of table. Doz. pr._ Each___ Pounds. Pounds. Head__ Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels . Head.... Pounds. D ozenPounds . Head__ Each. Each. Each. Each. 23 4 13 141 50 120 13 9 5 Each. Each. 5 15 Pounds _ 15,373 52,095 165 17,300 1,412,600 314,300 (9 911 185 4,131 6,263 <9 1 4 5,506 5, 506 1,350 11,000 70,000 4, 588 1,838 15,704 7,867 2,591 4,558 5,851 1,169 15,373 52,095 146 17,300 1,412,600 314,300 0) 1,838 15,704 7,068 2,591 4,558 5,851 997 4,555 1,295 1,322 3,758 12,046 911 185 4,131 6,263 4,555 1,295 1,322 3,758 12,046 1 (9 (9 (9 356 121,280 4,122 11, 263 301 121,280 3,341 11,263 19,775 3,696 741 3,595 502 445 19, 775 3,696 741 3,595 502 445 408 3 158 208 408 105 1,288 104 408 3 158 208 408 105 1,288 104 231 957 336 231 957 336 1,227,144 6,237 43,829 11,056 48 1,941 187 297 69 5,750 2,074 12 183 Pieces. Pieces. 4,588 1 (9 (9 (9 1,227,144 6,237 43,829 11,056 48 1,941 187 297 69 5,750 2,074 (9 (9 50, 790 78 124 394 Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. (9 233 1,147 796 96 (9 (9 (9 50,790 78 124 394 C9 1,350 11,000 70,000 19 799 172 (9 55 781 APPENDIX A---- GENERAL TABLES Clothing, knit: Hosiery------------- --------- -----Construction: B u i l d i n g s _______________ Construction: Major repairs to roads_______ Construction: Miscellaneous______________ Farm: Dairy.. . ___________ ---------------------Beef, dressed_________________________ Butter____ ______ ____________________ Cattle____ ____ ______________________ Cream_______________________________ Milk, skimmed_______ ____ ___________ Milk, whole__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Ensilage-------------------------------------------Hay_________________________________ Oats_________________________________ Potatoes_____________________________ Miscellaneous_______ _____ ___________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Hogs------------------------------------------------Pork, dressed_________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed______________________ Poultry, live_________________________ _ Furniture: Wood____________________ _____ Benches_____________________________ Desks_______________________________ Tables_______________________________ Miscellaneous___________________ _____ Furniture: Other than metal or wood_______ Mattresses___________________________ Repairs______________________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Highway markers_____________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Galvanized ware______________________ Tinware_____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Soap and other detergents: Soap___________ Textile products____ _____________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets.___ __________________________ Towels______________________________ Miscellaneous________________ ____ ___ 233 1,147 796 96 fcO (4^ 00 a b le 244 T A .— Kind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, fry State, system, arcd institution— Continued W ASH IN G TO N — Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value Quantity a l l in s t it u t i o n s — c o n t in u e d Wood products___________________________ Boxes_______________________________ Coffins and rough boxes_______________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 1,628 30 10,260 Each.. Each-. Cases. $407 300 14,965 1,628 30 10,260 $407 300 14,965 STATE PENITENTIARY Total- 549 Clothing, other than knit____ Coats, dress________ ______ Coats, work_______________ Gloves and mittens________ Overalls__________________ Overcoats....... .............__r___ Pants, dress_____ ______ ___ Pants, work________ ______ _ Shirts, work________ ______ _ Shoes, new________ _______ Shoes repaired......... ............. Suits_____________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ . Clothing, knit: Hosiery________ Construction: Miscellaneous___ Farm: Dairy__________________ Butter____________________ Cattle____________________ Cream____________________ Milk, skimmed____________ Milk, whole.......................... Miscellaneous_____________ Farm: Field crops and garden__ Miscellaneous______________ Farm: H ogs...________________ Hogs....................................... 148 Each._Dozen.. Dozen. Each-.Each-.Dozen.. Dozen.. Pairs..Pairs. Each--. Dozen.. Pounds. Head __ Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 23 54 16 50 Head- 10 101 62 2,409 267 447 362 11 258 4,060 6,670 459 246 4,588 0) 555 735 3,373 3,166 2,905 1,357 133 2,624 15,643 2,668 5,049 742 5,506 30,000 101 62 2,409 267 447 362 11 258 4,060 6, 670 459 246 4,588 555 735 3,373 3,166 2, 905 1,357 133 2,624 15,643 2,668 5,049 742 5,506 12,128 3,219 1,178 2,591 2,102 2,190 58 12,128 37 17,300 430,400 120,600 0) 3,219 1,138 2,591 2,102 2,190 58 17, 430, 120, 0) 0) 5,9 150 $30,000 148,917 178,957 0) 0) 5,960 150 $40 30,000 2 40 Value PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, 1 9 4 0 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Pork, dressed __ ___ __ Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs .............. Poultry, dressed __ FurnitureWood 69,099 6, 536 584 171 3, 257 1,485 584 171 408 3 158 408 105 1,288 104 408 3 158 408 105 1,288 104 231 387 957 336 231 387 957 336 1,227,144 6,237 43,829 11,056 1,227,144 6,237 43,829 11,056 48 1,941 48 1,941 50,790 187 297 69 5,000 2,074 50, 790 187 297 69 5,000 2,074 20 237 192 473 20 237 192 473 1,628 30 8,927 407 300 12,680 1,628 30 8,927 407 300 12,680 Total.._________ _____ ___________ ________ 326 Clay, cement, and stone products: Brick 66 729 M Clothing___________ _______ ____ ______ 31 Aprons . . . Dozen 26 Coats, dress.._ 6 Each Coats, work . Dozen 66 _ _ Gloves and mittens__ 157 Doz. pr Hats and caps_____ ________________ . Dozen .. 39 Overalls_______ _______ _____ _________ Dozen... 5 Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Dozen 4 Pants, dress________________________ . Each.. 172 Pants, work_________________ ________ Dozen 218 ______ Shirts, dress... Dozen __ _ ... 70 Shirts, work__ __ ____ _______ Dozen. 181 1,129 Shoes, new_________________ _________ Pairs__ ________________________ Shoes repaired Pairs__ 1,386 Suits______________ . . . _____________ Each___ 374 Underwear, men’s and boys’ . _ ____ Dozen 100 Miscellaneous________________________ 0) 141,094 9, 578 729 87,032 9, 578 D esks.___________ .. _____________ Tables _____ _____ _ __________ Pounds_ Each Each Furniture: Other than metal or wood Repairs _____ ____ _ _ __ __ _ Metal *products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags Highway markers Metal products: Miscellaneous Galvanized ware Tinware M iscellaneous Printing and binding: Miscellaneous Soap and other detergents: Soap Textile products___ _____ Sheets...... ................... Towels.. __________ ___ Wood products. Boxes.. _____ ____ ___ Coffins and rough boxes Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 5 12 Each 183 5 Pieces Pounds. Dozen. Dozen. . Each.. Each Cases... 0) 10 1 (2) 2 25 0) 0) 0) 0) (0 STATE REFORMATORY See fo o tn o te s a t end o f table. 134 18 1,486 188 46 60 29 513 2,606 844 1,712 3,810 963 4,114 200 59 26 6 66 157 39 5 4 172 218 70 181 1,129 1,386 374 100 0) 134 18 1,486 188 46 60 29 513 2,606 844 1,712 3,810 963 4,114 200 59 52,350 1,712 24 5 6, 536 3,257 1,485 5 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES 69,099 Pounds. able A.—K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , anrf institution —Continued 246 T W A S H IN G T O N — Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Value Dozen. __ Pounds. H e a d ... Cases... 4 5 4 5 0) 0) 15, 373 39,967 126 982,200 193,700 0) 1,838 12,485 6,689 2,456 3,661 1,111 15,373 39,967 109 982,200 193, 700 0) $1,838 12,485 5,930 2,456 3,661 939 911 185 4,131 6,263 0) 4,555 1,295 1,322 3,758 6,086 911 185 4,131 6,263 0) 4, 555 1,295 1,322 3,758 6,086 350 52,181 3,972 4,727 295 52,181 3,191 4, 727 16, 518 2,211 741 0) 3,011 331 445 750 16,518 2,211 741 0) 3,011 331 445 750 78 104 157 233 955 323 96 2,285 78 104 157 233 955 323 96 2,285 (0 1,333 0) 1,333 $1,350 11,000 40,000 17 $759 172 0) 55 781 1940 Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. 3 11,000 40,000 STATES, Head.— Pounds. 70 $1,350 U N IT E D Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels. 1 (0 0) THE Pounds. Pounds. Head. _ _ Pounds. Pounds. 4 13 87 34 IN Each___ Value LABOR STATE REFORMATORY— C o n tin u e d Construction: Buildings____________________ Construction: Major repairs to roads_______ Construction: Miscellaneous_______________ Farm: Dairy____________ . . . ____ __________ Beef, dressed-----------------------------------------Butter_________________________________ Cattle______________ ___________________ M ilk, skimmed_________________________ M ilk, whole____________________________ Miscellaneous___________________ ____ ... Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Ensilage_______________________________ Hay_______ _____________________________ Oats_______________________ ____ _______ Potatoes_______________________________ Miscellaneous---------------------------------------Farm: H ogs._______________________________ Hogs___________________________________ Pork, dressed__________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs-----------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed________________________ Poultry, live-----------------------------------------Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Textile products-----------------------------------------Pillowcases__________ ______ _____ _____ Sheets__________________________________ Towels_________________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Quantity P R IS O N Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity W ES T V IR G IN IA ALL INSTITUTIONS T o ta l 921 Dozen Faoh Shoes repaired _ __ ____________ Construction: Buildings __ _ ______ C o n s tru c tio n : B a n d d e v e lo p m e n t Construction: Roads _ _ __________ C o n s tm e tio n : M is ce lla n e o u s F a r m : C a ttle B e ef, dressed ...... C a ttle M is c e lla n e o u s F a rm : D a ir y B e ef, dressed C a ttle M i l k , w h o le F a r m : F ie ld crops a n d g a rd en B a r le y C o r n , fie ld Hay P ota to e s S tr a w W heat M is c e lla n e o u s F a r m : H ogs H ogs Pork, dressed Miscellaneous. __ __ _ _______ Farm: Poultry and poultry products Fggs Poultry, dressed _ ________ Miscellaneous_________________ _______ See footnotes at end of table. 5 35 551 118 3 Pounds. Head 7 Pounds. Head Pounds. Bushels. Bushels. $652 $ 1,027,836 $166,650 24 108 155 292 176 100 878 77 298 4,848 6 100 227 2,2 6 4 350 2 ,1 2 3 600 7 ,9 6 9 809 2 ,160 3 ,6 3 6 3 ,9 2 5 7, 500 977,960 38,451 24 108 155 292 176 100 878 77 298 4,8 4 8 61,826 114 (0 8 ,3 5 0 4 ,8 1 8 562 61,826 113 8 ,3 5 0 4,7 2 8 23,896 36 243,051 2 ,717 1,137 5,476 23,896 36 243,051 2 ,717 1,137 5, 476 2,722 5,001 150 22,917 250 1,800 1,113 2,570 1,200 15,788 1. 502 1,285 13, 272 2,722 5,001 150 22,917 250 1,800 1,113 2, 570 1 ,2 0 0 15,788 1, 502 1,285 13,272 1,686 9 ,367 23 207 86,930 7,363 717 715 545 158 302 7,363 717 715 545 158 302 1 20 21 7 1 36 689 143 254 14 95 1 20 21 7 1 36 689 143 254 14 95 (i) 0) 0) 100 227 2,2 6 4 350 2,1 2 3 600 7 ,9 6 9 809 2 ,1 6 0 3,6 3 6 0) 0) 0) 95 Tons Bushels. Tons Bushels. 0) 0) 5 Head Pounds. 207 86,930 4 Dozen Pounds. Head 0) 0) 1 ,686 9 ,3 6 7 23 6 3,9 2 5 7 ,5 0 0 977,960 38,451 1 0) 90 562 5 E ach E ach Each _ Each _ Each 0) 0) 2 4 7 P o u ltr y , liv e F u r n itu r e : M e t a l B enches C a b in e ts C h a irs D e sk s T a b le s Dozen. Dozen. Dozen Each Dozen Dozen Dozen Pairs Each _ $ 1,1 95 ,13 8 19 APPENDIX A----GENERAL TABLES C lo th in g A prnns C o a ts , dross C o a ts , w o rlr H a t s a n d ra p s O v e ra lls P a n ts , dress Pants^ w n r k S h irts , dress S h irts , w o r k able A .— Kind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, andf 248 T institution— Continued W EST V IR G IN IA —Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value ALL institutions—continued Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Mining: Coal _ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous __ _ Quarrying and rock crushing___ __________ Lime and agricultural limestone_______ Stone, building______________ _________ Textile products__________________________ Pillowcases____ ______________ ___ Sheets Towels.. _____ _________________ Miscellaneous___ _________ ________ Wood products: Lumber. ________________ Other manufactured products_____________ Canned fruits and vegetables__________ Do .... _ _ __ Quantity * Tons___ Tons Tons Dozen Dozen Dozen. Bd. f t ... Barrels Cases STATE PENITENTIARY Total..................................... ................... ........ Clothing........ .................................. .............. Aprons.......... ................. ...................... Coats, dress....................................... ........ Coats, work................................. ............ Hats and caps_____________ ______ ____ Overalls_____________ _______ _________ Pants, dress.____ ___ ______ __________ Pants, work.................. ................ ............. Shirts, dress__________________________ Shirts, work............................................... Shoes repaired______ _____ ____________ Construction: Roads ____ ______ __________ Construction: Miscellaneous Farm: Dairy__ ________ ______ ______ Beef, dressed ....................... ................... Cattle_____ ________________________ Milk, whole__________________________ State account 2 21 3 38 2 3 5 (0 11,446 (0 $493 22,892 3,000 0) 11,446 0) $493 22,892 3,000 621 2,314 918 31,246 621 2,314 918 31,246 42 75 500 300 85,000 100 405 1,005 270 2,550 42 75 500 300 85,000 100 405 1,005 270 2, 550 113 8,876 565 10,518 113 8, 876 565 10,518 Dozen Each _. Dozen __ Dozen _ Dozen . Each .. Dozen . Dozen .. Dozen... Pairs___ Pounds. Head .. Pounds. 19 651 118 5 $1,016,411 116,147 1,132, 558 816 24 108 155 292 176 100 878 77 298 4,848 0) 0) 100 227 2,264 350 2,123 600 7,969 809 2,160 3,636 977,960 38,451 24 108 155 292 176 100 878 77 298 4,848 23,896 10 192, 769 2,717 200 4,472 23,896 10 192, 769 100 227 2,264 350 2,123 600 7,969 809 2,160 3, 636 0) 0) 2,717 200 4,472 977,960 38,451 Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THU UNITED STATES, 1 9 4 0 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value ,S0I80fr 0) 7,059 0) 7,059 H eadPounds 42 80.376 420 8,842 42 80, 376 420 8,842 Dozen.. 6,549 0) 422 52 6, 549 (0 422 52 1 20 21 7 1 36 689 143 254 14 95 493 22,892 3, 000 31,246 1 20 21 7 1 36 689 143 254 14 95 493 22,892 3,000 31,246 Each.. Each.. Each.. Each.. Each.. - Tons.. Tons.. 0) 0) 11,446 0) 2,314 Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen.. 42 75 500 100 405 1,005 270 8,876 113 10, 518 565 (0 Cases.. Barrels 0) 0) 11,446 0) 2,314 42 75 500 100 405 1,005 270 8,876 113 10, 518 565 0) STATE MEDIUM SECURITY PRISON Total. Construction: Buildings_________ Construction: Land development. Farm: Cattle___________________ Beef, dressed______ _____ ____ Cattle______________________ Miscellaneous_______________ Farm: Dairy____ ____ __________ Cattle______________________ Milk, whole_________________ Farm: Field crops and garden...... Barley______________________ Com, field__________________ Hay------------------- ----------------Potatoes____________________ Straw_______________________ Wheat______________________ Miscellaneous_______________ ==== = 50,503 6 0) 3,925 7,500 61,826 114 0) 8, 350 4,818 562 61, 826 113 Head.—. Pounds. 26 50,282 937 1,004 26 50, 282 937 1,004 Bushels. Bushels. Tons__ Bushels. Tons__ Bushels . 2,722 5,001 150 22,917 250 1,800 0) 1,113 2,570 1,200 15, 788 1, 502 1,285 6,213 2, 722 5,001 150 22,917 250 1,800 (9 1,113 2, 570 1,200 15, 788 1, 502 1,285 6,213 Pounds. Head.... 11,425 6 0) 3, 925 7,500 $652 ... = 8,350 4,728 1 (9 90 562 — =--------- 249 See footnotes at end of table. 62, 580 105 Each... APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Miscellaneous-----------------------------------Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Hogs------------------------------------------------Pork, dressed. ______________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs------------------------------------------------Poultry, live__________ . ____ _____ ____ Furniture: Metal_____ ____ ______________ Benches_____________________________ Cabinets_____________________________ Chairs________________ _____ _____ Desks________ ___ ____ ______________ Tables_______________ _______________ Miscellaneous________________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous____________ Mining: Coal____________________________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Quarrying and rock crushing: Stone, build ing. Textile products__________________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels ______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products_____________ Canned fruits and vegetables__________ Do______________________ _______ 250 T able A .— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons , 1940 , by State, system , and institution— Continued W EST V IR G IN IA — Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value state medium secubity prison—continued Farm: Hogs________________________________ Hogs------ -----------------------------------------------Pork, dressed___________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs------------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed________________________ Poultry, l i v e . - . : -----------------------------------Quarrying and rock crushing: Lime and agricultural limestone. W ood products: Lum ber____________ ____ H e a d ... Pounds. 165 6,554 0) $1, 266 525 23 165 6, 554 0) $1,266 525 23 D ozen.. Pounds. H ea d ... T o n s .... 814 717 500 621 123 158 250 918 814 717 500 621 123 158 250 918 B d. ft ... 85,000 2,550 85,000 2,550 W ISCO NSIN ALLINSTITUTIONS Total. Clay, cement, and stone products: Miscel laneous. Clothing, other than k n it_____ ______ Aprons_________________________________ D ozen.. Coats, dress.-------- --------------------------------- E a ch .... Coats, w ork .----------------------------------------- D o z e n D resses.. . ............. ....................................... E ach .. . D oz. pr. Gloves and mittens_____ ____ _________ Hats and caps------------ ------- -------------------- Dozen __ Labor only_____________________________ Overalls--------------- ---------------------------------- Dozen. Overcoats______________________________ E a c h Pajamas and nightgowns-------- ---------------- Dozen. Pants, dress____________________________ E a c h Pants, w o r k .............. ......................... ........ Dozen. Shirts, work..... ............................................ Dozen. 1,262 (2) 0) $919,813 $590,349 162 162 (9 128 44 767 187 575 111 158 0) 220 282 1 1,209 219 234 148 2,559 1, 882 716 94 263 48 1, 723 1,777 7 3,091 2,264 1,615 44 767 187 575 111 158 0) 220 282 1 1,209 219 234 148 2,559 1,882 716 94 263 48 1, 723 1,777 7 3,091 2, 264 1,615 $31, 221 $298, 243 Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THU UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Pairs___ Pairs___ Each Dozen.... — Dozen.... Doz. pr_ Each___ Pounds. 4 7 13 170 11 Pounds Head 65 Pounds. Pounds. Head Pounds. Pounds. 172 Bushels. Bushels . Tons Tons Bushels. Pounds. Bushels. 18 Head P oun ds. 7,338 7,773 0 1,148 189 31 0 166 1 0) 3,698,700 15,213 2,128 438 6,674 984 484 223 1,837 27,138 4,083 217,997 7,338 7, 773 0 1,133 189 31 0 166 15,213 2,128 438 6,558 984 484 223 1,837 25, 250 2,040 32,805 45 0 3,532 4,996 105 32,805 3,532 255 60,010 26 295,614 3,052,140 0) 37 16, 323 1,703 3,407 62,889 6,862 255 60,010 1 295,614 3,052,140 0 37 16,323 125 3,407 62,889 6,862 4,006 0) 2,255 1,593 1,595 3,040 22,444 18,943 0 2,861 2,949 817 5,586 15, 769 973 2, 244 11, 742 45,942 4,006 0 2, 255 1,593 1, 595 3,040 22, 444 18,943 0) 2, 861 2,949 817 5,586 15,769 973 2,244 11, 742 45,942 19 188,207 270 16, 261 18 172,702 14,665 13,320 0) 3,081 3, 238 30, 792 1,180 91 1,088 233 0 139 0 2,557 1,414 8,288 2, 929 1,218 2,293 956 7 Dozen Poun ds. Each Each___ Each Each Each . 82 103 15 116 3,673, 450 215,957 45 4,996 101 25 1,578 264 15,699 1 15, 505 6 562 14,665 13,320 d 3,081 3,238 30,441 0 351 1,180 91 1,088 233 0 139 0 2,557 1,414 8,288 2,929 1,218 2,293 956 1 0 4 0 27,138 4,083 0 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Shoes, new...... ...................... ................. ....... Shoes repaired_______________ _________ D o __________________________________ Suits______________ Underwear, men’ s and hoys’ ____________ Underwea r* wom en’ s and children’ s_____ Miscellaneous___________________________ Clothing, knit: Hosiery_____________________ Construction: B u ild in g s... ______________ Construction: Land developm ent______ . . . Cordage: Binder twine____________________ Barm: Cattle______________________________ Beef, dressed________________ _____ ____ Cattle_______________ ________________ Miscellaneous______________ ___________ Farm: D a i r y _________________________ ____ _ Beef, dressed________ ________ _ Butter__________________________ ____ Cattle_________________________________ M ilk, skim m ed__ __________ ____ _____ M ilk, w h o le ___ ______________ ____ ___ Miscellaneous_______ ________ ____ _ Farm: Field crops and garden______________ B a r l e y . ___________ _________________ ______ ___ _ Beets, su g a r___________ Corn, field...... .............................................. Ensilage_____ _______ ____________ _ H a y ._______ ________________ ___ __ Oats___ _____________ _____ _________ . Peas, shelled___ _______________________ Potatoes______ ______ __ Miscellaneous___________________________ Farm: Hogs_________________________________ H o g s ... ___________ ________________ Pork, dressed__ _______ _ _ ________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products________ Eggs____ ____ _____ ______ ____________ Poultry, dressed _____________________ Farm: M iscellaneous____________ ________ Furniture: M etal___________________________ Chairs_____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _ D e s k s ._____ ________________ ______ Filing cases__ __ _ __________________ . Lockers and cabinets________________ Shelving_______ _ _________________ Tables____ ______ ______________________ Miscellaneous_________________ _________ See footnotes at end of table. to Or 252 T able A.— K ind, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system, and institution— Continued W IS C O N S IN — Continued I Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Quantity Value all institutions—continued 122 0) $422 37, 885 1,361 681 1,134 28,481 2, 543 (0 (0 3,592 14,833 935,527 18,404 14 351, 243 117, 260 12,089 7, 544 1,483 935,527 18,404 14 351, 243 <>) 117,260 12,089 7, 544 1, 483 75 3,417 5,539 4,364 51, 752 8 84, 289 75 3, 417 5, 539 4,205 51, 752 77 22,974 427 51 Each. Each. Each. Each. 0) 3,795 Each. 26 34 55 Each. Each. Each. 15 0) Pieces. 8 Pieces. 84,289 Gallons. 0) 8 0) 28, 270 73 390 6 50 0) 27 (0 $408 1,045 98 673 356 276 1, 939 4 22, 584 421 $14 36,840 1,263 0) 0) 778 28,205 604 0) 159 0) ii2 ‘ 1 3,768 8 3, 592 14, 833 0) 0) 28,270 13 Each. Each. 1, 918 594 12,517 1, 356, 315 331, 250 0) 1,409 (0 (i) 20,620 50 1,245 1,409 3 42 93 14 180 270 3 42 93 1,356,315 331, 250 72 Tons. 0) 19 Dozen Dozen. Dozen. 0) 112 1940 Furniture: W ood___________________________ B ench es-...................... ................... ........ . Chairs_____ _____ ______________________ Chairs, upholstered......................... ............ Desks__________ _____ __________ _____ _ Repairs___________________ _____ _______ Tables_____ __________________ _____ ___ Miscellaneous_______________ _________ Furniture: Other than metal or w ood _______ Labor only_____________________________ Laundry, commercial_______________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags_______________________ Signs______________________ ____________ Tags, miscellaneous. ...................... ......... . Miscellaneous__________________________ Metal products: M iscellaneous..................... . Galvanized ware.................................... ...... Laundry equipm ent_________ ______ ___ Tinware___________ ______ _____________ Miscellaneous..................................... .......... Paint...................... ............................................... Printing and binding___________________ ___ Envelopes....... .......... ........... ............. .......... Letterheads_________ _____ _______ _____ Miscellaneous................................................ Quarrying and rock crushing.. .................. Stone, building_________________ _______ D o______________________ ________ _ Stone, crushed...... ................. ...................... Textile products_____ ____ ___________ >-------Bags, cloth_____________________________ Mopheads__________________ ___________ Pillowcases__________________ __________ Repairs.................................. ........................ Value PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 1, 918 594 12, 517 20,620 50 1,245 -180 270 Sheets_____________________________ Towels__________________ _________ Miscellaneous. _............ ........................ Wood products______________________ _ Firewood_____________ _____________ Shingles______________ __________ _ Other manufactured products............... ....... Canned fruits and vegetables__________ Do_______ ____________________ Do____________________________ Trucks, laundry (canvas)__________ ... Miscellaneous_______________________ Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Repairs (auto paint and wax jobs). Dozen.. Dozen.. Cords... Bundles 108 760 17 0) 1,200 2 ,4 1 1 757 1 ,3 4 2 301 3 ,3 0 0 5 ,3 1 4 1 08 7 60 0) 1,200 2 ,4 1 1 757 1 ,3 4 2 267 0) 34 3 ,3 0 0 5 ,3 1 4 40 Cases.. Gallons 3 ,3 8 7 3 4 ,4 6 5 Each.. 61 0) 600 0) 0) 3 ,3 6 6 5 ,4 4 0 2 ,9 5 9 2 ,1 9 6 722 , 559 6 3 ,3 8 7 3 4 ,4 6 5 0) 600 0) 3 ,3 6 6 5 .4 4 0 2 ,9 5 9 2 ,1 9 6 722 6, 5 5 9 - 0) Clothing___________________________________ Aprons_________ _______________________ Coats, work....... ............................ ............. Labor o n l y ..................... ................. ............ Overalls___________ ______ _____________ Pants, work_________ ____ _____ _______ Shirts, work____________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden..____ ________ Miscellaneous____________ ______ _______ Farm: H ogs.________________ ________ _____ Pork, dressed___________________________ Furniture: W o o d .____ _____________________ Benches___________ ________ ___________ Chairs__________________________________ Desks___ _____ ___________ ________ ____ Repairs________________________ ____ ___ Tables____________________ ______ ______ Miscellaneous__________ ____ ___________ Textile products. ___________________________ Sheets____________________ ____ ________ Towels_________________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Total. Dozen.. Dozen.. 4 Dozen.. Dozen.. Dozen24 3 Pounds. 2 1 0) 2 15 10 (0 2 ,4 8 0 2 1 0) 2 15 10 0) 2 ,4 8 0 1 2 ,6 7 2 1, 5 59 1 2 ,6 7 2 1 ,5 5 9 4 103 14 213 25 1 56 64 374 22 26 31 19 212 82 863 6 ,5 6 8 7 , 431 45 22 26 31 19 212 82 9 EachEach.. Each.. 1 (i) Each. 3 0) Dozen.. Dozen.. 27 35 2 (l) 0) 4 103 8 168 38 122 1, 8 43 (0 0) 0) 0) 27 35 1 68 38 88 0) 1 ,8 4 3 1 25 14 213 8 1 56 64 374 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES CENTRAL STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE Total______________ ________ __________ 34 STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN Clothing_______ Aprons_____ Coats, dress. . Dresses____ See footnotes at end of table. 1 5, 2 7 3 47 Dozen.. Each... Each. _ 15 5 1 575 21 4 716 1 3 ,6 8 9 5 1 5 75 t 1, 5 84 21 4 716 to Oi CO able A .— K in d , 254 T quantity , and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State , system , aric? institution — Continued WISCONSIN— Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Quantity Value state prison for w oman —continued 4 1 31 $63 7 484 53 255 7,640 26 295,614 35, 749 D ozen... Dozen. __ D ozen ... 4 Pounds. Pounds . Head___ — Pounds. Pounds. 4 1 31 $63 7 484 53 37 2,104 1,703 3,407 665 255 7,640 1 295,614 35, 749 37 2,104 125 3,407 665 532 817 236 95 266 235 716 760 1,660 532 817 236 95 266 235 716 760 1,660 19 3, 276 270 273 18 3,276 264 273 2,263 636 462 140 2,263 636 462 140 9 12 33 30 101 51 114 931 9 12 33 30 101 51 114 931 0) 0) 25 $1,578 1 6 13 Bushels. Bushels. Tons . . . T on s___ 1 H ea d ... Pounds. Dozen ... Pounds. D ozen ... D ozen ... Dozen (2) 0) (0 3 11 0) 0) C1) 0) 1940 Clothing—Continued. Overalls..- __________ ______ _______ _ Pajamas and nightgowns_______________ Underwear, women's and children's_____ Miscellaneous__________________________ Farm: D a iry ... ____________________________ Beef, dressed___________________________ Butter_________ ____ __________________ Cattle________________ _____ _____ _____ M ilk, skimmed___________ ____ ________ M ilk, whole___: ___ ____ _____ _______ Farm: Field crops and garden.......................... Barley . . . . ________________________ Corn, field______________________________ Ensilage___________ ___________________ H ay____________ _________ ____ ______ Miscellaneous__________ _______________ Farm: Hogs_______ _______________________ Hogs___________________________________ ____ ____ ___ Pork, dressed__________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products________ _____ Eggs .. Poultry, dressed________________________ Textile products.......... .......... ................. ............ Pillowcases_______ ____________________ Sheets_________________________________ Towels________ _________ _______ Miscellaneous_____________________ ____ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. STATE PRISON T otal. _____ __________________ ________ 746 Clothing, other than k n it ..................... .......... . Aprons._____ ______ _________ __________ D ozen ... 66 670, 702 7 18 420,125 7 18 Value PRISON LABOR IN THE! UNITED ST AT E S, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value $31,221 219,356 4 Doz. pr. Each___ Pounds. 7 33 170 2 Pounds. Head . 766 185 109 158 174 279 1,209 153 190 7,338 7,773 733 137 0) 2,555 1,839 92 263 1,176 1,765 3,091 1,544 1,292 15,213 2,128 3,958 528 170 766 185 109 158 174 279 1,209 153 190 7,338 7,773 733 137 0) 2,555 1,839 92 263 1,176 1,765 3,091 1,544 1,292 15, 213 2,128 3, 958 528 170 166 1 166 1,837 3,698,700 1,837 27,138 4,083 217,997 25, 250 2,040 15,350 28 1,459 2,936 15,350 1,459 1,115,582 0) 15, 913 6,862 1,115,582 « 15,913 6,862 675 9,919 7,305 6,449 27,646 675 9,919 0) 7, 305 6,449 27,646 96,186 8,154 96,186 8,154 5,276 8,499 0) 897 899 30,792 5, 276 8,499 (0 897 899 30,441 1,180 91 1,088 233 0) 139 0) 2,557 1,414 8,288 2,929 3,218 2,293 956 1,180 91 1,088 233 0) 139 (0 2, 557 1,414 8, 288 2,929 1,218 2,293 956 0) 1 0) 27,138 4, 033 "3, 673,450 215,957 28 2,936 33 Pounds. 64 Tons Bushels. 12 Pounds. 0) 2 Dozen Pounds. 82 103 Each___ Each Each Each „ Each 26 34 55 Each___ E ach... E ach... 0) 0) 3, 592 14,833 0) 0) 3, 592 14,833 933,527 38,404 14 351,243 117, 260 12.089 7,544 1.483 933, 527 18,404 14 351, 243 (i) 117, 2^0 12,089 7,544 1. 483 (i) 0) 351 255 See footnotes at end of table. Each. _ Dozen . Doz. pr. Dozen _ Dozen.. Each.. Each . D ozen.... — Dozen. Pairs.. Pairs Each j Dozen APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Coats, dress________________ ______ _ .................... ........ __ Coats^ work Gloves and mittens________ _________ Hats and caps___________________ _ Overalls___1__________ ________ __ Overcoats______________________ _____ Pants, d r e s s . ____ ______ ______ Pants, work______________ _ ____ Shirts, w ork___ _______ Shoes, new___ Shoes repaired S u its ___ ____ Underwear, m en’s and boys’ Miscellaneous. Clothing, knit_________ . . . . . Hosiery______ . . . . . . _ _ ... Construction: Buildings___ Construction: Land development ______ Cordage: Binder twine .................. Farm f Cattle.......... ............ ........................... Beef, dressed__________________ ______ Cattle_______ __________ _____ ______ Farm: Dairy_____________________ ______ M ilk, w h o le ........ Miscellaneous____________________ . . . Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ H a y________________ ____ . ______ Potatoes_______ ______ _______ _____ _ Miscellaneous___________ F a r m : H o g s _________________ ________ Pork, dressed____________ ________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products ___ Eggs____ ____________ _ Poultrv, dressed. _______ _ __ Farm: Miscellaneous................................... F u r n i t u r e : M etal___________________________ Chairs___ _______ __________ _____ _ Desks. __ _______ ______ ______ ___ Filing ca ses... ______________________ Lockers and cabinets________________ Shelving_____________ ____ __________ _ Tables_______ ___________ . _ __ Miscellaneous________________ . . . _ Furniture: Other than wood or metal_______ Labor o n l y ________ _ . . . ____ _ . _ . . Laundry, commercial____ _____ ____________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and s ig n s. Auto license tags_____ ______ _ _______ _____ ___ Signs ._ .. Tags, miscellaneous . . . . .. ______ Miscellaneous__________________________ and value o f articles produced in State p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , aru? institution —Continued 256 T able A.—K in d , quantity , W ISCO NSIN—Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Piece price Quantity Value state prison —continued Metal products: Miscellaneous______________ Galvanized ware........................... ________ Laundry equipment_____ ___ __________ Tinw are.. .1 ___ ____ __________ _____ Miscellaneous.............................. ................. Paint_______________________ _____ _________ Printing and binding. _________________ . . . Envelopes. _________________ _____ _ .. Letterheads____________________________ Miscellaneous ______ ________ _____ _ Quarrying and rock c r u sh in g ______ ____ _ „ Stone, crushed...... .......... ............ ......... ...... Textile products________ ____ _____ ________ Bags, cloth____ ____ __________ ________ _ M op heads__________ _______ ________ _ Pillowcases__________________ ____ _____ Repairs_______ ____ ____________________ Sheets........................ ........ ............ ................ Towels_______________________ _________ Miscellaneous .................... .......................... W ood products _________________ _____ _ F irew ood ..______________________ ____ Shingles . . . . ____ ^ . . . Other manufactured p rod u cts______________ Canned fruits and vegetables___________ . Trucks, laundry (canvas)_______ ____ Miscellaneous....... ........................................ 3 Pieces... P ieces... Gallons. 8 13 E ach___ E ach___ 4 3 D ozen ... D ozen... D ozen... 8 0) 81,289 0) 28,270 $75 3,417 5,539 2,772 51,752 8 (0 84,289 0) 28,270 $75 3,417 5,539 2,772 51, 752 1, 356,315 331,250 0) 1,918 594 12,517 1, 356, 315 331. 250 0) 1,918 594 12,517 0) 1,245 (0 1,245 3 42 17 — 0) Dozen. . D ozen.. _ 17 Cords. _. Bundles 29 434 0) 14 180 40 112 224 874 2 3 42 17 14 180 40 29 434 224 874 2 0) 1,200 2,411 3, 300 5,314 1,200 2,411 3, 300 5,314 5,745 600 5,440 2,196 722 5,745 600 0) 5,440 2,196 722 ___ C ases.. . Each _ 0) 255 ___ _____ ______ _____ _______ Clothing ________________________________ . Aprons ____________________________ . Gloves and mittens_____________________ Overalls . . _____________________ _ _ Overcoats.................................. .................... 0) $112 25 STATE REFORMATORY Total * 82,918 91,013 28 D ozen ... D oz .p r.. D ozen.. Each___ 22 2 34 3 78 2 438 12 22 2 34 3 78 2 438 12 8,095 Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED iSTATES, 1040 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Dozen. Dozen. Each.. 47 25 415 484 186 2,716 13,805 47 25 400 484 186 2,600 0) 1,692 81 13,805 (0 1,692 30,176 1,280,857 7,904 15,172 30,176 1,280,857 7,904 15,172 Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. 3,474 0) 957 474 6,366 0) 2,595 2,949 2,870 4,637 3,818 8,396 3,474 p) 957 474 6,366 0) 2,595 2,949 2,870 4,637 3,818 8,396 Pounds. 76,073 6,275 60, 568 5, 713 D ozen... Pounds. 2,140 1,763 365 344 2,140 1,763 365 344 0) 0) 622 159 Pounds. Pounds. . Pounds. Bushels. Tons. 4 1,409 w 20,620 50 1,409 0) 20,620 50 67 16 146 67 16 146 0) ^ 966 200 106 291 63 1,329 200 106 291 63 1,329 0) 6, 559 Dozen.. . Dozen___ Dozen___ Cases.. . x 0) 966 15 0) 116 77 15, 505 562 (!) 0) 622 159 0) 6, 559 MILWAUKEE COUNTY HOUSE OF CORRECTION 135,394 Total. Clay, cement, and stone products: Miscella neous. Clothing___________________________________ Aprons_________________________________ Coats, w ork______ ______ ________ ____ _ Overalls_________________________ ____ _ Pants, work____________________________ Repairs________________________________ Shirts, w ork____________________________ Shoes repaired__________________________ Underwear, m en’s and boys’ ____________ See footnotes at end of table. 162 0) Dozen___ Dozen___ D ozen... *. Dozen___ Dozen. Dozen. 8 1 6 4 0) 0) 9 52 9 17 27 24 17 55 438 456 67,049 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Pants, work._____ __________ _____ _____ Shirts, work_____________________ _____ Suits_____________________________ ____ Farm: Cattle____ __________________________ Beef, dressed___________________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Farm: Dairy_______________________________ Butter_________________________________ Milk, whole____________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Barley________________________________ Beets, sugar___________________________ Ensilage_______________________________ Hay-----------------------------------------------------Potatoes_______________________________ Miscellaneous_________________________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Pork, dressed__________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products______ Eggs-----------------------------------------------------Poultry, dressed________________________ Furniture: Wood__________________________ Repairs________________________________ Metal products: Miscellaneous________. ___ Quarrying and rock crushing______________ Stone, building_________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Textile products__________ ______ __________ Pillowcases____________________________ Sheets__________________________________ Towels_________________________________ Miscellaneous__________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing): Repairs (auto paint and wax jobs). 68, 345 162 0) 8 1 6 4 0) 9 (i) 52 9 17 27 24 17 55 438 456 to Oi able A.— K in d , 258 T quantity, and value o f articles produced in State p rison s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution —Continued W ISCO N SIN — Continued Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Aver- Unit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value MILWAUKEE COUNTY HOUSE OFCORRECTION— continued Farm: Cattle___ ____________________ Beef, dressed_____________________ _____ Cattle__________________________________ M iscellaneous___________________ ____ Farm: D a iry ... _____ ___ _______________ B utter.. . _ . . . . . . ______________ ... M ilk, whole___________ ________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Corn,, field__ _ . . _____________ . . . Ensilage_______________ ________________ H a y_______ _ ._ _______ ____ _____ Oats__________________ _ _____________ Peas, shelled... ____________________ Potatoes______ _ _ _ ____ ______ _____ Miscellaneous.. . ____ ___________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_____ ._ Eggs___________________________________ Poultry, dressed________ ______________ Furniture: W ood ___________ ______________ Benches__________________ ____ ________ Chairs_______ _______ ______ ____ ______ Chairs, upholstered______ _____ _______ Desks.. ________________________________ Repairs___ ___________ _______________ Tables____________ ____ ________________ Miscellaneous. _ ____________ ________ Metal products: Miscellaneous_____________ Textile products____________ _________ t- ____ Sheets____ _ ___________ ____ ______ ___ Towels____ . . . . ___ ________________ Other manufactured p ro d u c ts ____________ Canned fruits and vegetables................. D o ................................................... ........ 3 Pounds. Head___ 12 Pounds. P ounds. Bushels. T on s___ T ons. . Bushels . Poun ds. Bushels. 4 3,650 $381 22,194 619,952 6,315 31,139 22,194 619,952 6,315 31,139 1,438 400 251 3,040 22, 444 2,658 (9 582 2,000 3,067 973 2,244 1,475 5,760 1,438 400 251 3,040 22,444 2,658 0) 582 2,000 3,067 973 2,244 1,475 5, 760 4,986 10,072 1,357 1,855 4,986 10,072 1,357 1,855 73 22,871 427 50 0) 3,770 408 37,672 1,361 673 356 28,417 2,169 1,433 73 390 6 50 408 1,045 98 673 356 276 1,939 1,433 4 (2) (9 (9 24 112 i58 88 2,421 2,037 185 C9 27 (9 (9 24 112 158 88 2,421 2,037 185 3 Cases__ . 17 (9 $2,060 24 22,481 421 36,627 1,263 3, 743 28,141 230 105 Each___ D ozen. Dozen _ _ $381 2,060 24 23 Dozen _ P oun ds. E ach___ Each___ E ach___ E a c h ... 3,650 17 (0 <9 (9 (9 PRISON LABOR IN THE' UNITED STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value W Y O M IN G ALL INSTITUTIONS T otal- ___________________ _______________ $37,613 $10,500 $68,964 9 55 15 46 12 98 600 5 4 2 55 15 46 12 98 600 0) 0) 0) 660 180 1,048 288 1,349 450 690 5,500 5,000 54,684 41 6,563 1,035 54,684 40 6,563 985 28,400 397,200 338,300 2,756 318 6,583 1,700 397,200 338, 300 222 318 6,583 8,900 964 125 600 300 9,250 0) 4,342 3,856 750 4,100 96 5, 550 3,753 8,900 4,342 125 600 300 9,250 0) 750 4,100 96 5, 550 3, 553 278 56,737 1,770 5,674 278 56, 737 1, 770 5, 674 6,800 7,216 2,317 1,859 1,377 1,812 6,290 7,216 1,867 1,686 1,377 1,557 437 68 2,072 0) 4,156 7 570 4,943 110 68 1,129 7 660 180 1,048 288 1,349 450 0) 0) 5,500 5,000 690 (0 1 50 26, 700 2,534 964 3,856 10 42 3 200 (0 5 510 173 450 255 9 2 622 6,142 622 6,142 482 29,443 5,417 24,885 16,053 9,774 12 0) 1,267 58 787 2,753 12 58 1, 267 2,753 327 3,027 2,072 (0 570 4,943 482 13,390 5,417 15, 111 95 2 6 0) 787 259 $117,077 194 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing- ________________________ _______ Overalls _ __ __ ___ ___ Pajamas and nightgowns _______ ____ Pants, work ___ ______ ____________ Shirts, dress______ _____ ____ ___________ Dozen , Shirts, w ork__ _______ _____ __________ Shoes repaired __ __ ____ M iscellaneous___ __ ______________ Construction: Land development __ Construction: M ajor repairs to buildings _. Farm: Cattle___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T_ __ Beef, dressed. _ _____ __ _ Pounds . ______ _________ _ ____ _______ Cattle Head. _ Farm: Dairy______ _______ ____ _______ _______ _________ Cream______ __ Pounds. M ilk, skimmed _ _. _ _____________ Pounds . Milk^ whole ____ __ . __________ ___ Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden Barley____________ _ _______________ . Bushels _ ___ T o n s __ Beets, sugar........................................ . Ensilage___________________ ____ __ Tons ._ H a y_________________________________ __ Tons Oats____________________________________ Bushels . Potatoes__ Bushels. Miscellaneous Farm: Hogs. _ _ __ Hogs __ Head Pork,Pounds. dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs _ _ _ Dozen Poultry, dressed-Pounds . Poultry, liv e. _ ...................... ................ Head Farm: Miscellaneous._ __ ........... . Lambs _ ___ ________ __ __________ _ Head Lambs, dressed_______ __ Pounds . W ool ________ _________ _____________ Pounds. M iscellaneous____ ____ ________ Furniture: Other than metal or w ood ......... Mattresses____ _______ ________________ Each Textiles __ __ Rugs ________ ___________ _____________ Sq. yd W ool yard goods........ .................. ................ Sq. y d . Textile products Bags, cloth Dozen Miscellaneous Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases.. . and vegetables. See fo o tn o te s a t end o f table. able 260 T A .— K in d, quantity, and value o f articles produced in State prisons, 1940, by State, system , and institution— Continued W Y O M IN G —Continued Unit STATE PENITENTIARY Total_________________________ _______________ Clothing. . _ .......... ........... ...................... ............... .. Overalls.______ ____________ ______________ Pants, work______ _______ _____________ . _ Shirts, work______________________ _ ___ _ Shoes repaired_____ _________ _________ ____ Miscellaneous_____________ ______________ Construction: Land development__________ . Farm: Cattle___________ _____ ________ ______ . Beef, dressed..________________ _____ ........................................................... . . . Farm: Dairy______________________ _____ ______ Cream__________ ______________________ ____ M ilk , skimmed........................ ................. ....... M ilk, whole _____________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden________________ Barley_____________ _________________ _. . . Beets, sugar_______________________________ H ay .................... ......... ........... ........... ........... Potatoes________________________ ______ ____ Miscellaneous_______________________ . . Farm: Hogs _______________________ _. _ Hogs ___________ -_ ............................ __ Farm: Poultry and poultry products________ Eggs __ __ ________ Poultry Farm: Miscellaneous ................ ....... ........... .. Lambs . ____ . ________________ Lamb dressed Furniture: Other than metal or wood_______ Mattresses . .. ______________ Textiles . _________ Rugs----------------------------- ----------------------------- Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Quantity $79, 524 154 Public works and ways State use Value Quantity $43,762 Value State account Quantity $5,500 Piece price Value Quantity Value $30,262 7 Dozen Dozen . . Dozen— Pairs _. 55 42 76 600 5 1 Pounds _ Cattle. . Head— 55 42 76 600 0) 0) 660 1,000 821 450 690 5,500 49,116 27 5,894 440 49,116 27 5,894 440 28,400 397,200 30,700 2,756 318 432 1,700 397,200 30,700 222 318 432 3,500 964 250 6,667 (0 1,750 3,856 2,000 4,000 2,582 3,500 1,750 250 6,667 (9 2,000 4,000 2,582 202 41,926 1,420 4,193 202 41,926 1,420 4,193 2,383 0) 358 1,125 2,383 (9 358 1,125 270 68 2,041 7 19 68 174 7 622 6,142 622 6,142 482 5,417 660 1,000 821 450 (9 5,500 690 V) 5 Pounds_ Pounds P’ounds 26, 700 2,534 964 3,856 251 1,867 29 Bushels. — Tons— Tons . . Bushels. 1 Head Pork, dressed___ Pounds 3 Dozen 4 Head ~ Pounds 2 Each __ • 95 Sq. y d — 482 5,417 PRISON* LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE'S, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value Woolen yard goods-. _ __________________ Textile products_________________________ Miscellaneous................................................ Sq. vd ._ 24,885 16,053 13,390 9, 774 787 0) INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE Total_________ ____________________ ____ _ 15, 111 37,553 40 787 0) 25, 202 7,351 5,000 2 D ozen... Dozen... D ozen... D ozen... 4 1 Pounds Head___ 5 Pounds. 15 4 12 22 180 48 288 528 5,000 15 4 12 22 180 48 288 528 5,568 14 669 595 5,568 13 669 545 307,600 6,151 307,600 6,151 5,400 125 350 300 2,583 0) 2,592 750 2,100 96 1,550 1,171 5,400 125 350 300 2,583 0) 2,592 750 2,100 96 1, 550 971 76 14,811 350 1,481 76 14,811 350 1,481 4,417 4,494 1,717 1,501 777 1,287 3,907 4,494 1,267 1,328 777 1,032 167 2,072 (i) 12 1,267 2,115 570 4,943 58 2,753 91 955 12 1,267 58 2, 753 0) 0) 5,000 1 50 13 Bushels . T o n s ... T o n s ... Bushels . Bushels. 2 Head___ Pounds. 200 0) 2 Dozen Pounds . Head 510 173 450 255 76 2,072 (0 1,160 570 4,943 5 H ead... Pounds. D ozen... Cases__ (2) 6 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing___________________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns_________ _____ _ Pants, work.__-~._r_____________________ Shirts, dress_______________ ___________ Shirts, w ork .._____ _____________________ Construction: M ajor repairs to buildings____ Farm: Cattle_______________________________ Beef, dressed_____________ _______ ______ Cattle__________________________________ Farm: Dairy____________ __________ Milk, whole_____________ _____________ Farm: Field crops and garden____________ Barley________ ___ __________ ____ _____ Ensilage..................................................... __ H ay....... ............................. ........... ............... Oats____ _______ ___________ ___________ Potatoes___________ ________ _____ Miscellaneous____ ____ ______ ______ ___ Farm: Hogs......... ............................... __ Hogs_______________ _________ _______ Pork, dressed..................... Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs. ___ Poultry, dressed _____ Poultry, live _ _ Farm: Miscellaneous — ______ ______ Lambs ___ __ _____ W ool. . _ ______ __ Miscellaneous _ __ _____ Textile products: Bags, cloth Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 29,443 2 8 Representing 425,000 pounds for $7,200 and an unknown quantity valued at $12,661. * Enumeration impracticable. Includes labor and trim in fabricating the following: 1,736 dozen coats and jackets; 2 Requiring less than the full-time work of 1 prisoner for a year. 7,459 dozen overalls; 37 dozen pajamas; 24,936 dozen pants; 15,034 dozen play suits; 16,341 3 2 prisoners employed on experimental silk farm. No production to date. dozen shirts; and 85 dozen shorts. 4 Cloth woven and bags fabricated in textile mill. 11 11,294,000 State tax tokens. 6 Including an average of 20 men working 6 months in orchard. (N o yield, due to frost). 12 In addition, these men accomplished land clearance of unknown value. 6 Tax tokens. 13 Includes 1,503,674 dog and hunters’ tags valued at $34,579. 7 Does not include an unknown quantity valued at $363. 7 4 Includes 273,470 dog tags valued at $1,925. 8 Incmdes 40,000 danger flags valued at $2,468. to able 262 T B.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in Federal prisons , 1940, fry* State, system , a n d institution A LA B A M A Unit FEDERAL PRISONCAMP _ ____ ____ ___________________ 12 Construction: Buildings____________________ 12 T o ta l.. Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity $22,850 0) Value State account Quantity Piece price Value $22,850 22,850 22,850 0) A R IZO N A FEDERAL PRISON CAMP Total $219,189 92 ___________________________ Construction: Buildings_________________ _ Each___ Construction: Roads_______________ _____ _ M ile s ... Construction: Miscellaneous________________ 22 58 12 14 2 (9 $219,189 14 2 101,810 63, 256 54,123 (9 101,810 63, 256 54,123 C A L IF O R N IA ALL INSTITUTIONS 223 Total. Clothing-----------------------------Aprons------------ -------------Coats, dress____________ Coats, work_____________ Dresses_________________ Hats and caps---------------Labor only_____________ Overalls________________ Overcoats_______________ Pajamas and nightgowns. Pants, dress____________ Pants, work____________ Shirts, work____________ Shoes repaired__________ Suits___________________ 5 631 13 227 20 Dozen. ............. Each__________ Dozen_________ Each__________ D ozen_________ Dozen. E ach.. Dozen. E ach.. Dozen. Dozen. Pairs.. E ach.. $64,697 $170,787 (9 51 •40 4 688 56 10 3,135 206 27 3,963 503 371 41 651 1,061 467 25 2,555 660 85 1,170 1,669 5 631 13 227 (9 20 51 40 4 688 56 10 3,135 206 27 3,963 503 371 41 651 1,061 467 25 2,555 660 85 1,170 1,669 $106,038 $52 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 19 40 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity 225 21 33 513 Dozen. Dozen. E achEach— (i) 0) (i) (!) 0) Head___ Pounds. Pounds. 31 3,668 227,350 0) 229 853 10,072 384 45 450 874 Tons. 0) Dozen. Head.. Each. Pounds. 362 11 0) 583 (i) 499,084 Dozen. Dozen. 38 168 0) T o ta l.---------------------------------------------------- See footnotes at end of table. 225 21 33 513 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 14 3,668 227,350 0) 177 853 10,072 384 45 450 874 362 11 91 19 0) 583 0) 499,084 47 570 450 26,503 38 168 244 479 300 8,151 0) 91 19 47 570 450 , 26,503 244 479 300 8,151 535 29 479 647 95 (!) (i) 46,152 5,410 14,050 40,426 17 G) FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION Clothing_________________________ ____ _ Dresses_____________________________ Pajamas and nightgowns___________ Underwear, m en’s and boys’ ________ Underwear wom en’s and cnildren’s.. Miscellaneous______________________ Construction: Buildings________________ Construction: Land development_______ Construction: Major repairs to buildings. Construction: Miscellaneous____________ Textile products____ ___________________ Sheets______________________________ Towels___________________ _________ Miscellaneous_____ __________ ______ 535 29 479 647 95 46,152 5,410 14,050 40,426 2,068 105,606 E a ch Dozen. Dozen. Dozen. 227 4 225 21 0) (i) (i) 0) 0) Dozen. Dozen. 38 168 0) 371 25 535 29 85 45,652 5,410 12,050 40,426 244 479 300 227 4 225 21 0) 103, 538 371 25 535 29 85 0) 0) (1) 0) 38 168 0) 52 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Underwear, m en’s and boys’ __________ Underwear, wom en’s and children’s__ Uniforms--------------------- ------- --------------Vests________________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Construction: Buildings______________ Construction: Land development_________ Construction: M ajor repairs to buildings.. Construction: Miscellaneous_____________ Farm: Dairy_____________________________ Cattle________________________________ Cream_______________________________ M ilk, whole__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden____________ H a y_________________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products_____ Eggs--------------------------------------------------Poultry, live_________________________ Furniture: W o o d ________________________ Repairs______________________________ Trays, desk__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Laundry, commercial____________________ Textile products____ ____________________ Sheets_______________________________ Towels_______________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Other manufactured products: Mats, door. 45,652 5,410 12,050 40,426 244 479 300 K) a> 00 264 T a b l e B.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in Federal prisons , 1940 , fey State, system , emo? institution — Continued C A LIF O R N IA — Continued Unit U. S. NAVAL PRISON Total_____________________________ ______ 14 Clothing_____ _________________________ Labor only __ . _ _ _ _ _ __ Shoes repaired. __ ........................... P airs__ Construction: Buildings _______ _______ Each__ Construction: Major repairs to buildings ___ Farm: D airy________________ _______ .. . Cattle_______________________________ Head__ Cream_______ _______ _____ ______ ___ Pounds . Pounds. Milk, whole.. ....... Miscellaneous. _ __ ____ Farm: Field crops and garden______ __ Hay_____ _____ ___: _ _ ___ T o n s __ Miscellaneous . . . Farm: Poultry and poultry products Eggs_____ _ Dozen . Poultry, live. ......... Head ... IT. S. PENITENTIARY Total________ ___ 610 1 (9 31 3,668 227,350 0) 5 45 ___ _ (9_ (2) 362 11 120 Dozen Each Dozen Dozen... Dozen Each Each Dozen Dozen.. Pairs Each Each Each__ Quantity 348 157 500 2,000 229 853 10,072 384 450 874 5 631 13 20 (9 610 (9 51 40 688 56 10 2,525 206 33 513 348 157 14 3,668 227,350 (9 177 853 10,072 384 45 450 874 362 11 91 19 (9 Value Quantity 1 Piece price Value Quantity $52 $2,500 0) 91 19 27 3,963 503 41 303 1,061 467 2,555 660 85 1,013 1,669 479 647 Quantity $13,425 500 2,000 17 52 49, 204 49, 204 39 Value State account 5 631 13 20 (9 51 40 688 56 10 2, 525 206 33 513 27 3,963 503 41 303 1,061 467 2, 555 660 85 1,013 i 1,669 I I 479 647 _________ ! ________ 1____________________ i__________ Value 1940 Clothing.__ __________ __ ____ Aprons. _ Coats, dress_____ Coats, work.. _ Hats and caps__ _ Labor only. __ Overalls... __ Overcoats Pants, dress . Pants, work .. Shirts, work Shoes repaired Suits Uniforms Vests, men’s__________________________ (0 Public works and ways State use $15,977 2 1 1 5 Quantity and value of articles produced under each system PRISON LABOR IN THE1 UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity 408102°-18- Miscellaneous_____ ____ ______........... Furniture: W ood._____________________ Repairs_________________ ________ Trays, desk________________ ____ _ Miscellaneous______________________ Laundry, commercial__________________ Other manufactured products: Mats, door 5 Each. Pounds. ________ 62 14 (0 10 0) 0) 47 570 450 26, 503 8,151 (0 583 0) 499,084 (0 10 I 583 0) 499,084 (0 47 570 450 26,503 8,151 FLORIDA FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION Construction: Buildings.. _______________ Farm: Field crops and garden.............. ......... Cane sirup___________________________ Corn, field_________________________ Hay___ __ ______________________ Potatoes__ ____________ ____ _______ Miscellaneous______________________ Farm: H ogs____________ ______ _______ Pork, dressed. _____________ _____ Farm: Poultry and poultry products.. .. . Eggs_________________________________ Poultry, dressed__________ ______ _____ 142 Each___ Gallons. Bushels. Tons .. Bushels. Pounds. Dozen . Pounds. 125 14 2 1 $123,716 _________ 120,205 $3,511 880 230 122 375 1,328 1,796 387 16 541 (0 880 230 122 375 1,328 5,238 444 5,238 444 194 484 46 86 194 484 46 86 9 1,796 387 16 i 541 0) $120,205 9 120,205 GEORGIA U. S. PENITENTIARY Total_________________________________ Clothing______________________________ Aprons________________ ________ ___ Bathrobes______________ _________ Coats, dress___________________ ____ Coats, work_________________ ______ Hats and caps_________________ ____ Overalls__________________ ______ _ Overcoats___________________ ______ Pants, dress_______________________ Pants, work_______________________ Suits______________________________ Vests, men’s_____________ ____ _____ Miscellaneous______________________ Constniction: Buildings________________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,399 Dozen Dozen _ Each... Dozen Dozen _ Dozen Each... Each .. Dozen Each.. Each__ Each__ 116 . 175 43 105 632 5,259 931 305 268 3,805 9,324 3,364 6,977 10,778 0) 9 0) 565 11,381 34,168 6,499 725 5,959 30,115 30,097 34, 256 47,767 11,906 901 103,362 20,000 $123,362 $1,913,615 $2,036,977 105 632 5, 259 931 305 268 3,805 9,324 3,364 6,977 10,778 0) 565 11,381 34,168 6,499 725 5,959 30,115 30,097 34,256 47,767 11,906 901 9 0) _________ APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Total_________________________________ 103,362 20,000 .t o O Or 266 T able B.— K in d, quantity, and value o f articles produced in Federal prisons, 1940, fry State, system , and institution — Continued G EO R G IA — Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value u. s. penitentiary—continued Pounds. Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Pounds. Pounds. Each. Yards. Yards. Yards. Dozen. _ Dozen. _ Each___ Each___ Each___ 22 138 7 48 14 679 130 27 928,865 0) $19,449 2,109 928,865 (0 $19,449 2,109 2, 534 473 283 0) 1,203 2,253 1,349 8,846 2,534 473 283 0) 1,203 2, 253 1,349 8,846 1, 981 123,900 198 10,494 1,981 123,900 198 10,494 47,482 0) 154,996 15,744 47,482 0) 154,996 15, 744 165, 659 4,846, 306 331,378 13,803 1,060, 431 1,657 165,659 4,846,306 331,378 13,803 1,060,431 1,657 3,051 316 164,974 6,511 17,952 94,036 748 223,381 9,767 78,812 3,051 316 164,974 6, 511 17,952 94,036 748 223,381 9, 767 78,812 Value Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Farm: Dairy..H__________________________ Milk, whole__________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Corn, field___________________________ Ensilage_____________________________ Hay_________________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs_____________________________ Lard________________________________ Pork, dressed_________________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Mattresses___________________________ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous_______ Textiles_________________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_______________ Duck and canvas_____________________ Tape________________________________ Textile products__________________________ Bags, cloth__ _____ __________________ Pillowcases___________________________ Tents________________________________ Ticks________________________________ Other manufactured products: Trucks, laun dry (canvas). Quantity State account PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value ID A H O T otal.. FEDERAL PRISON CAMP _____ _ _______ Construction* Roads Wood products: Wood, fuel $68,061 88 M iles... Cords... 77 11 7 1,100 63,111 4,950 $63, 111 $4,950 7 1,100 63,111 4,950 KANSAS ALL INSTITUTIONS See footnotes at end of table. 237 Dozen. . Dozen.. Each... DozenDozen.. '706 Dozen.. E achEach.,. DozenPairs.. . Each... Dozen.. E ach Each___ PoundsHead— Pounds. 218 22 24 102 Bushels. Tons__ Tons__ Tons__ Tons__ Bushels. Bushels. $116,832 $2, 288,094 $2,404,926 1,614 1, 799 755, 395 (0 163, 568 1,799 755, 395 (0 163, 568 59 5,277 5 211 0) 120 3, 563 9,445 1 328, 595 4,538 1,535 4,470 0) 13 0) 148 36,726 23 369 3 1, 355 35,109 33,599 10 1,013,874 51, 529 2,486 6, 513 690 115,437 1,395 59 5, 277 5 211 0) 120 3, 563 9,445 1 328, 595 4, 538 1, 535 4,470 0) 24,993 141 1,143, 511 0) 2,881 1,990 23,901 9,144 24, 993 141 1,143, 511 (0 2,881 1,990 23, 901 9,144 7,600 304 26 676 142 8,484 473 0) 3, 624 1, 278 64 4,229 566 4,823 333 12,977 7,600 304 26 676 142 8,484 473 0) 3,624 1, 278 64 4,229 566 4,823 333 12,977 36, 1,013, 51, 2, 13 0) 115,437 1, 395 267 Brooms, brushes, and mops____________ Brushes3__________________________ Do____________________________ Clothing______________________________ Aprons____________________________ Coats, dress___________________ ____ Coats, work_______________________ Hats and caps_____________________ Labor only________________________ Overalls___________________________ Overcoats_________________________ Pants, dress_______________________ Pants, work_______________________ Shoes, new________________________ Suits______________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ________ Vests, men’s_______________________ Miscellaneous______________________ Construction: Buildings________________ Construction: Major repairs to buildings.. Farm: Dairy__________________________ Beef, dressed_______________________ Cattle_____________________________ Milk, whole_______________________ Miscellaneous______________________ Farm: Field crops and garden__________ Corn, field___________ _____________ Ensilage___________________________ Fodder____________________________ Hay_____________________ ______ _ Mangels___________________________ Potatoes___________________________ Wheat____________________________ Miscellaneous______________________ APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Total. T a b l e B.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in Federal prisons, 1940, by State, system , and institution — Continued to KANSAS-—Continued oo Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value all institutions—continued 4 3 75 748 194, 211 $5,622 16,450 748 194,211 $5,622 16,450 12,541 471 2,872 60 12,541 471 2,872 60 22 252 41 71 794 298 327 398 464 340 3,215 453 1,394 1,916 3,189 8,185 10,918 4,464 21 899 13,188 28,359 22 252 41 71 794 298 327 398 464 340 3,215 453 1,394 1,916 3,189 8,185 10,918 4,464 21 899 13,188 28, 359 0) (2) 89 56 9 85 749 0) 44 0) 0) 107 41 787 1,924 791 642 6,227 607,844 6,384 34,183 11 63 C1) 85 749 0) 83 37,757 67, 705 410 317 303 V) 0) 44 83 37,757 67, 705 11 410 317 303 107 41 787 1,924 791 642 6,227 607,844 6,384 34,183 0) 0) 0) . 0) Value Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 Farm: Hogs______________ ______________ Hogs_______ _______________________ Head ._ Pounds _____ _________________ Pork, dressed Farm: Poultry and poultry products_______ Eggs_______ ________________ ____ Dozen ____________ _ Poultry, . _____ dressed Pounds Furniture: Wood_________________________ Beds__________ ______ ______ _________ Each Benches _____ _______________ _____ Each Bookcases... _____ _____ ___ _ Each Bureaus, chiffoniers, e t c ............. .......... Each Cabinets____ _______ _____ ______ Each _____ __ _____ _____ Each Chairs______ Davenports, sofas, etc. _ _______ _____ Each Desks___ _____ ____________________ Each Fiber articles, miscellaneous____________ Each Repairs............... . _ . _______________ Stands_______________________________ Each .. Tables_______ ____ ___________________ Each .. Miscellaneous______ ________________ Furniture: Other than metal or wood______ Pillows__ ____ ________ --, _____ Each___ Laundry and dry cleaning, commercial___ _ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous______ Textile products_____________________ ____ Bags, cloth___________________________ Dozen __ Labor only________________ _________ Pillowcases_____ ______ ____ _________ Dozen... Sheets................ ......... .............................. Dozen. _. Towels__________ ____ ________________ Dozen.._ Miscellaneous._________ ______________ Wood products___________ _____ ____ _____ Boxes _ _______________________ Each . .......................... ................... Brush blocks Each___ Quantity State account PRISON LABOR IN T H E UNITED STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total prisoners em ployed Quantity Value Brush handles____________ ____ Other manufactured products: I c e ... Each.. Tons.. U. S. PENITENTIARY Total____________________________ 642,166 1,225 24,943 5,764 755,395 163,568 755,395 59 5,277 5 211 0) 120 3,563 9,445 1 328,595 4, 538 1, 535 4,470 0) 13 148 36, 726 23 369 3 1,355 35,109 33,599 10 1,013,874 51, 529 2,486 6, 513 690 115,437 59 5,277 5 211 0) 120 3,563 9,445 1 328,595 4,538 1,535 4,470 C1) 148 36,726 23 369 3 1,355 35,109 33,599 10 1,013.874 51, 529 2,486 6,513 690 24,993 141 1,143,511 0) 2,881 1,990 23,901 9,144 24,993 141 1,143, 511 C1) 2,881 1,990 23,901 9,144 7,600 304 26 676 142 8,484 473 0) 3,624 1,278 64 4, 229 566 4,823 333 12,977 7,600 304 26 676 142 8,484 473 <0 3,624 1,278 64 4,229 566 4,823 333 12,977 H eadPounds . 748 194,211 5,622 16,450 748 194,211 5,622 16,450 Dozen _. Pounds 12,541 471 2,872 60 12,541 471 2,872 60 22 252 41 71 794 298 327 340 3,215 453 1,394 1,916 3,189 8,185 22 252 41 71 794 298 327 340 3,215 453 1,394 1,916 3,189 8,185 Dozen. Each... Dozen. Dozen. Dozen . Each... Each... Dozen _ Pairs... Each... Dozen. E ach Each.. 218 24 Pounds Head... Pounds. Bushels. Tons---Tons___ Tons___ Tons___ Bushels . Bushels. Each.. Each.. Each.. Each.. EachEach.. Each.. 102 115,437 2,242, 774 2,358, 211 163, 568 203 706 13 115,437 269 See footnotes at end of table. 1,463 Dozen __ 24,943 5,764 A P P E N D IX A— GE N E R AL T A B L ES Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brushes. Clothing...______ ________________ Aprons_______ ____ __________ Coats, dress___________________ Coats, work___________________ Hats and caps___ _____________ Labor only____________________ Overalls_______________________ Overcoats_____________________ Pants, dress----------------------------Pants, work_____________ ____ _ Shoes, new____________________ Suits__________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ____ Vests, men’s___________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Construction: Buildings____________ Parm: Dairy______________________ Beef, dressed___________________ Cattle_____ ____ _______________ Milk, whole___________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______ Corn, field_____________________ Ensilage----------------------------------Fodder________________________ Hay___________________________ Mangels_______________________ Potatoes_______________________ Wheat________________________ Miscellaneous__________________ Farm Hogs_______________________ Hogs--------------------------------------Pork, dressed---------------------------Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Eggs---------------------------------------Poultry, dressed_______________ Furniture: W ood---------------------------Beds___________ _____ _________ Benches_______________________ Bookcases_____________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc------------Cabinets______________ ____ ____ Chairs_________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc___________ 642,166 1, 225 T a b l e B.— K ind , quantity, and value o f articles produced in Federal prisons , 2940, by State, system ,, and institution — Continued to KANSAS— Continued o Quantity and value of articles produced under each system AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value State account Quantity u. s. penitentiary—continued Desks ______ _____ _________ Fiber articles Repairs _ __________ __________ Stands___________________ _______ Tables ______________________________ Miscellaneous_____ ________ _____ Furniture: Other than metal or w o o d ___ Pillows _____ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous___ _ Textile products _____ ___________ _____ Bags, cloth ____________ _ ____ Labor only____________ _______ ___. Pillowcases_____ ____ _________________ Sheets___________ ____ ______________ Towels____ _____ ______ ____ ______ Miscellaneous_______ ______ _________ Wood products___________________ ______ Boxes. ___________________ ____ ______ Brush blocks............................ .... ........... Brush handles................. .............. ........ Total TJ. S. PENITENTIARY ANNEX . ____ __________ _______ Each Each 398 464 0) Each ... Each__ Each Dozen (2) 56 9 Each... Each___ Each___ 44 0) 11 63 83 67,705 (0 107 41 787 1,924 791 642 6, 227 607,844 642,166 6,384 34,183 24,943 0) 0) 85 749 83 67, 705 11 410 317 303 107 41 787 1,924 791 642 6, 227 607,844 642,166 6. 384 34,183 24, 943 0) 0) * 45,320 0) 0) 1,225 $1,395 1,799 37, 757 5,764 (0 1,395 Quantity Value 1940 8 1,799 1,395 37,757 5,764 $10,918 4,464 21 899 13,188 28, 359 44 46,715 151 34 Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brushes 3_____ 22 Construction: Major repairs to buildings___ Laundry and dry cleaning, commercial_____ 89 0) _________ 1,225 Other manufactured Ice Tons___ products: 6 (0 410 317 303 (9 Dozen Dozen Dozen. _ 85 749 0) 398 464 $10,918 4,464 21 899 13,188 28,359 Value Piece price PRISON LABOR IN THE' UNITED .STATES, Institution and articles produced num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value LOUISIANA FEDERAL DETENTION HEADQUARTERS Total- . _ . .....................___ 14 Other manufactured products: Mats, door___ Sq. yd-_ 14 $11,107 $11,107 2,421 11,107 2, 421 11,107 MICHIGAN FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION Clothing: Shoes repaired.................. ...... ........ Construction: Buildings _______________ _ Construction: Land development________ _ Construction: Major repairs to roads______ Construction: Roads._____________________ Construction: Miscellaneous____ ________ Farm: Field crops and garden. __________ Corn, field________ ______ ____________ Hay______________________________ Potatoes,/_____________ ________ ____ Miscellaneous.-_ ____________ ______ _ Farm: H ogs________ ________________ Hogs.. . . . ___________________ ____ Pork, dressed_________________________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products____ . Eggs_________________________________ Poultry, dressed_______________ ______ Poultry, live_________________________ Furniture: Metal____________ ______ ____ Beds_________________________________ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 170 Pairs___ Each___ Bushels . Tons. . Bushels. Head__ Pounds Dozen... Pounds . Head__ Each___ Cases... 2 36 5 2 3 10 45 7 5 53 2 $104, 238 $40, 450 $63, 788 1,572 2,096 6 0) 0) 0) 0) 1,572 30,000 2, 250 1,000 1,200 6,000 2, 096 679 22 1,536 0) 323 188 866 2,838 679 22 1,536 0) 323 188 866 2, 838 262 48,850 3,202 4,138 262 48,850 3,202 4,138 6,867 1,891 557 1, 573 267 574 6,867 1,891 557 1,573 267 574 4,940 815 46,966 1,281 4,940 815 46,966 1,281 6 0) 0) 0) 0) 30,000 2, 250 1,000 1,200 6,000 MINNESOTA FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION Total............ ................. ................................. 84 Construction: Buildings____ _ __________ Each__ Construction: Major repairs to buildings___ 72 12 See footnotes at end o f table. $47, 015 7 0) 40,478 6, 537 $47,015 7 0) 40,478 6, 537 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Total__________________ _____ ___________ 272 T a b l e B.— K ind , quantity, and value o f articles produced in Federal prisons , 1940 , State, system , and institution — Continued MISSOURI Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value MEDICAL CENTER FOR FEDERAL PRISONERS 61 Construction: Buildings ..... .................... Construction: Major repairs to buildings.. . Construction: Roads____________________ Farm: Cattle ______ __________________ Beef, dressed__________________ _______ Pounds ______ ____ ____ __Miscellaneous i ____ Farm: Field crops and garden_____________ Barley.. __________________________ . Bushels . Hay___ ___ _____________ ____________ Tons___ Oats___ ____ ____________ ____________ Bushels. Bushels . Potatoes __ ............................... .... Wheat.. .................... ............................. Bushels. Miscellaneous..................................... .... Farm: H ogs..................................... ......... Head__ Hogs............................... ...................... Lard................................. .......................... Pounds Pork, dressed_____________________ i __ Pounds Farm: Poultry and poultry products______ Pounds Poultry, dressed................. .................... 12 20 11 1 14 2 1 $47,482 0) 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 26, 531 0) 3, 235 238 26, 531 0) 3, 235 238 3,445 128 1,331 930 1,257 0) 1,436 1,008 384 553 892 2,795 3,445 128 1, 331 930 1,257 0) 1,436 1,008 384 553 892 2, 795 271 7,111 55,300 1,937 711 4,683 271 7,111 55,300 1,937 711 4,683 2,200 403 2,200 403 U. S. NAVAL PRISON Printing and binding: blank books. Bookbinding and 1i $842 2 2 0) 842 $842 0) 10,075 7,807 11, 325 Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 NEW HAMPSHIRE Tntftl $29,207 $18,275 10, 075 7,807 11,325 State account P R I S O N L A B O R IN T H E U N I T E D STATES, Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value 842 NEW YO RK FEDERAL DETENTION HEADQUARTERS Total____________________________________ Laundry, commercial_____________________ $28,187 53 Pounds. 53 1,241,164 $28,187 1,241,164 28,187 1 28,187 O H IO Clothing___________________ ___________ _ Aprons ____________ _____ _____ _ _ Coats, work.._ __ _ ________________ Gloves and mittens_____ __ _ _ _ _ Shoes, new ... ____________________ . ____ _______ __ Shoes repaired__ Construction: Buildings___________ _ Farm: Dairy___ _ _ __ ____ _ _ ___ Beef, dressed. ____ ___ ____ C attle.____ _ __ ______ ____ Milk, whole___ _ _ _ Miscellaneous.. __ _ _ . Farm: Field crops and garden___ Corn, field... __ _ _ ___ _ _ Ensilage______ _ . _ ____ __ _ Fodder______ __ _____ _______ _ Hay Potatoes____________ _ ___ _ ___ Straw Wheat___________________________ Miscellaneous________________ __ Farm: Hogs . _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Hogs. _ _ ___________ Pork, dressed.. _ _ _ ___ Miscellaneous pork products Farm: Poultry and poultry products___ Eggs. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Poultry, dressed_____ ______ _ _ Poultry, live. _________ _ _ _ Furniture: W ood__________ ___ _ Chairs__ ____________ _ Davenports, sofas, etc. _ . . . . Stools____________ ___ ______ 38~ Dozen Dozen Doz. pr. Pairs . Pairs Pounds. Head. _. — Pounds. Bushels. Tons Tons Tons Bushels. Tons Bushels Head Pounds Dozen Pounds. Head__ Each Each Each___ 197 15 58 11 4 ""157 $315,899 $458,106 520 3 171 13,709 50 2,757 0) 18 5. 977 32,261 20 1,379 141,900 3 171 13,709 50 2,757 18 5,977 32, 261 20 1,379 13,964 63 686,275 0) 3,601 1,841 14,412 51 13, 964 19 686, 275 1,601 1,585 14,412 9,397 413 118 239 292 83 1,460 0) 4,473 1,734 189 2,000 155 364 1,025 8,164 9,397 413 118 239 292 83 1,460 (0 4,473 1,734 189 2,000 155 364 1,025 8,164 646 105,323 0) 6,641 8,921 4,613 646 105,323 0) 6,641 8,921 4,613 18,503 10,342 1,855 4,237 1,828 1,597 22,982 349 1, 997 137,532 12, 215 17, 973 18,503 10,342 1,855 22,982 349 1,997 4,237 ~ 1,828 1, 597 137, 532 12, 215 17, 973 $141,900 $307 i 0) 141.900 44 0) 256 51 A P P E N D I X A— G E N E R A L TABLES FEDERAL REFORMATORY Total____________________________________ See footnotes at end of table. CO T able B.— K in d , quantity, and value o f articles produced in Federal prison s, 1940 , by State, system , and institution— Continued fcO -<r O H IO — Continued Unit Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity FEDERAL REFORMATORY—continued Metal products: Castings______ _ _ _ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous Other manufactured products _ _ __ Canned fruits and vegetables. .. Miscellaneous State account Quantity Value • PoundsCases _ 32 3 5 479,819 0) $38,510 1,500 479,819 0) $38, 510 1,500 1,942 0) 3,378 1,597 1,942 (0 3,378 1,597 OKLAHOM A FEDERAL REFORMATORY Total_______ _____ . _ $541,950 537 Dozen... Dozen„Pounds - 106 (2) 328 2 13 Pounds. 31 Bushels . Tons Tons Bushels . Bushels. 4 Pounds. Sq. yd Sq. yd Dozen... 49 4 $262,441 46,030 50 0) 216,086 240 279, 509 46,030 50 216,086 240 16,522 2,148 16,522 2,148 499,372 9, 538 499,372 9, 538 829 162 313 3,862 2,079 0) 317 763 1,434 1,093 1,478 1,061 829 162 313 3,862 2,079 0) 317 763 1, 434 1,093 1,478 1,061 115,311 8,729 115, 311 8, 729 37,079 212 2,444 13,915 281 5, 358 37,079 212 2,444 13,915 281 5,358 $279, 509 0) 279, 509 Quantity Value 1940 Brooms, brushes, and mops: Brooms __ _ Clothing: Hats and c a p s . _ . . . . . ___ . _ _______ Construction: Buildings__ _ Farm: Cattle____________________________ Beef, dressed._______ ________ Farm: Dairy_____________ ____ _________ Milk, whole Farm: Field crops and garden______ ____ Barley___ ____ _ Ensilage.... ................ _ Hay______________ _____ ___ _______ Oats__________ ____ __________ Wheat___ _________ __________ Miscellaneous____ __ _______ ___ _ Farm: Hogs .......................... . __ Pprk, dressed__ _ _ __ ___ _ Textiles___ __ ___________ _________ _ Cotton yard goods, light________ . _________ _ Wool yard goods Textile products: Towels Value Piece price PRISON LABOR IN TH E UNITED STATES', Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em Value ployed Quantity P E N N S Y L V A N IA U. S. PENITENTIARY Total_______________________ __________ $720, 201 636 Dozen _ Each _ _ Dozen... Each _._ Dozen Each___ Each___ Dozen.._ Pairs___ Each___ Each ... Each___ Each___ Pounds. Head Pounds. 116 171 20 42 Bushels . Tons Tons Bushels. Bushels. Head Pounds. 2 273 Each _ _ Each Each___ Each___ Each ___ Each ___ Each __. Each l^ach__ 28 3,606 2 10 248 2,238 4,400 2,423 4,800 2,461 181 2,724 0 23 192 22,196 20 150 2,892 18,317 14, 239 23,471 3,600 19,165 2,021 3,645 1,765 170,786 28 3,606 2 10 248 2,238 4,400 2,423 4,800 2,461 181 2,724 0 192 22,196 20 150 2,892 18, 317 14,239 23,471 3,600 19,165 2,021 3,645 1,765 6,819 11 775,110 804 1,224 16, 278 6,819 11 775,110 804 1,224 16, 278 516 324 156 4,472 1,481 0 246 1,335 1,370 2,523 1,040 5,027 516 324 156 4,472 1,481 0 246 1, 335 1,370 2, 523 1,040 5,027 340 98,686 0 ’ 4,080 8,359 280 340 98,686 0 4,080 8,359 280 13,448 13,805 13, 201 11,177 113,064 5,208 13,674 135,159 7, 714 7,878 41,560 12,325 498 1, 256 621 40,829 2,021 1,953 0 585 7.684 ri 13,448 13,805 13, 201 11,177 113,064 5,208 13,674 135,159 7,714 7,878 41,560 12,325 498 1,256 621 40,829 2,021 1,953 0 585 7,684 0 $170, 786 $549,415 23 170, 786 APPENDIX A— G E N E R A L TABLES Clothing_________________________________ Aprons__________________________ _ Coats, dress___________________ ___ . _ Coats^ work______ ____ ______ _ _ . _ Dresses_____________________ _ ____ Overalls__ _____________ _‘_____ _ __ Overcoats_______ ______ _______ _____ Pants, dress ___ _____________ _______ Pantsj work__ _ ________________ _ Shoes repaired________________________ S uits...!_____ _______ ______________ Uniforms____________________________ Vests, men’s___________ ____ ________ . Miscellaneous ______ _____ ____ ____ _ _ Construction: Buildings.___________ _____ _ Farm: Dairy_____ . . . ______________ . Beef, dressed.______________________ Cattle_____ __ __ ______________ . Milk, whole ___ _ _ _____________ Farm: Field crops and garden._ . . . _____ Corn, field__________________ ______ Ensilage__________________ .__ _ ._ Hay________________________ ______ Potatoes___________ ____ __ ________ Wheat_______________ ___ ___________ Miscellaneous____ _______ _________ Farm: Hogs______________________________ Hogs. __ __ ___________ __ .......... Pork, dressed.._ _________ _________ Miscellaneous. __ ______ _ _________ Furniture: Metal________________ _ ___ Baskets, waste_____________ _____ _ Beds______ _____________ _____ . . . Bookcases___________________ __ ___ Cabinets__________________________ Cases, transfer____ _ ___________ . Chairs__ ___________________________ Lockers___ _________________________ _ Shelving__________________ ___ ___ ___ Tables _ _ ___________ _ ______ Trays, food __ _ _________________ Miscellaneous_________ _______________ See footnotes at end of table. fcO Oi 276 T a b l e B.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in F ederal p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , anc? institution — Continued P E N N S Y L V A N IA —Continued Unit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value u. s. penitentiary—continued Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Auto license tags______________________ Each___ Metal products' Miscellaneous_____________ Textile products_______________ ____ _____ Bags, cloth ______________ ____ Dozen... Miscellaneous___________ _________ . . . Other manufactured products: Canned fruits Cases... and vegetables. 5 4 25,157 0) $6,792 5,161 25,157 0) $6,792 5,161 3 83 0) 4,785 400 47 6,888 83 0) 4,785 400 47 6,888 (2) TE X A S FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION Total.. . . 165 78 82 Tons .. . Tons .. Bushels. Head__ Pounds. •Dozen.. Pounds Cases... 3 1 1 $75,251 $34,447 40,804 0) $40,804 0) 317 257 747 317 257 747 0) 3,798 3,855 432 4, 779 0) 3,798 3,855 432 4, 779 211 63,489 4,908 6,349 211 63,489 4,908 6,349 5,807 5,207 2,788 1, 742 1,302 7,282 5,807 5,207 2,788 1, 742 1,302 7,282 40,804 Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value 1940 __________________________ Construction: Buildings__________________ Farm: Field crops and garden______________ Ensilage ______ _____ ______________ _______ ____________________ Hay Potatoes ____________________________ Miscellaneous________________________ Farm: Hogs........ ............................................. Hogs___ ____________ ____ _______ ___ Pork, dressed_______________________ . Farm: Poultry and poultry products............_ Eggs. _______________________________ _____ _____ Poultry dressed . Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. State account P R I S O N L A B O R IN T H E U N I T E D STATES, Institution and articles produced Quantity and value of articles produced under each system Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value V IR G IN IA FEDERAL REFORMATORY Total____________________________________ 245 Pounds. Head.. _ Pounds. Bushels . Bushels. Tons___ Tons___ Tons___ Bushels. Bushels . Bushels. Bushels . Tons. — 155 15 67 6 Head. Pounds. Cases.. . 2 $132, 290 0) $35, 710 96,580 $96,580 96,580 0) 9,176 39 426,455 0) 1,162 1,170 8,263 49 9,176 39 426,455 0) 1,162 1,170 8,263 49 1,872 6,686 165 76 212 2,729 810 1,716 618 72 0) 715 3,978 779 151 1,687 772 741 1,210 250 303 3,033 1,872 6,686 165 76 212 2, 729 810 1,716 618 72 0) 715 3,978 779 151 1,687 772 741 1, 210 250 303 3,033 365 50,843 2,403 2, 555 5,155 3,737 365 50,843 2,403 2,555 5,155 3,737 W A S H IN G T O N U. S. PENITENTIARY Total________________________ Clothing_____________________ Aprons___________ ______ _ Coats, work_______ _______ Hats and caps____________ Overalls__________________ Pajamas and nightgowns___ Pants, work_______________ Shirts, work_______________ Shoes, repaired____________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ Miscellaneous_____________ Construction: Buildings_______ See footnotes a t end of table. $215,008 356 11 t Dozen.. i DozenDozen.. L__ . Dozen.. Dozen.. .......... Dozen- — Dozen.. Pairs.. DozenEach—. 133 66 31 189 26 8 215 171 5,882 543 0) 14 452 346 530 429 145 2, 237 1,741 2,353 2,865 297 102,475 $70, 561 66 31 189 26 8 215 171 5,882 543 0) $144,447 452 346 530 429 145 2, 237 1,741 2, 353 2,865 297 14 APPENDIX A— G E N E R A L TABLES Construction: Buildings................................ Farm: Cattle__________________ _________ Beef, dressed_______________ _____ ____ Cattle_________ _____ ______ _____ _____ Milk, whole________________ ___ ____ Miscellaneous________ _______ _______ Farm: Field crops and garden. __________ Barley_______________________________ Corn, field__________ _______________ Ensilage. ___________________ _____ _ Fodder____ _________________________ Hay. ______________________ ___ _____ Oats________ _______________ _________ Peanuts_________________ __________ Potatoes................................................... Rye______________ _____________ Straw....................................................... Miscellaneous_____ ______ ___ ______ _ Farm: Hogs _ . ________________________ Hogs._______________________________ Pork, d re s se d ...________ ________ . .. Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 102,475 fcO B.— K in d , 278- T able qu antity, and value o f articles produced in F ederal p riso n s, 1 9 4 0 , b y State, system , and institution — Continued W A SH IN G TO N —C ontinued Quantity and v&lue of articles produced under each system AverUnit Public works and ways State use Quantity Value Quantity Value u. s. penitentiary—continued Construction: Major repairs to buildings Construction: Major repairs to roads__ Construction: Roads, new . _ _________ . M iles... Construction: Miscellaneous._ __ _______ . Farm: Dairy__________________ _____ _ Beef, dressed.._____________________ Pounds. Cattle___ Head Milk, whole_________ _____________ Pounds. Farm: Field crops and garden _ Miscellaneous. Farm: Hogs___ Hogs_____ Head Pork, dressed Pounds. Farm: Poultry and poultry products___ Eggs_____________ ____________ Dozen . Poultry, dressed___ _____ Pounds. Poultry, live. Head Furniture: Other than metal or wood Repairs____ Printing and binding: Miscellaneous ;Textile products...................... Bags, cloth____ Dozen... Pillowcases__ Dozen Sheets. .......... Dozen Towels._ . . . Dozen Miscellaneous. __ Other manufactured products____ Canned fruits and vegetables Cases D o.......... 42 6 14 10 10 110 4 2 1 $28,936 3,750 6,250 3,036 10,019 21 560,800 1,150 3,592 11,795 0) 0) 0) 13,127 0) 5 0) 10,019 21 560,800 $1,150 3,592 11,795 13,127 0) 274 67,697 3,356 5,734 274 67,697 3,356 5,734 17,076 3,267 918 3,910 424 1,157 17,076 3,267 918 3,910 424 1,157 3 4 2 0) 0) 975 4,000 8 975 4,000 8 7 152 239 461 0) 7 152 239 461 0) 27 457 1,895 911 161 27 457 1,895 911 161 3,184 (>) 6,045 450 3,184 (>) 6,045 450 1 $28,936 3,750 6,250 3,036 State account Quantity Value Piece price Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE'S, 1940 Institution and articles produced num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value W EST V IR G IN IA ALL INSTITUTIONS Total_____ ____________ ______________ Dozen Each Dozen. _. Each ... Dozen... Dozen Dozen __ D ozen- — Pairs.— Dozen __ Dozen... Each___ Miles.. . Head__ Pounds. Head__ Pounds. 141 38 75 13 24 5 6 20 Each .. Each .. Dozen _. Dozen Each Dozen 5 FEDERAL PRISON CAMP Total________________ ________________ Construction: Buildings________ ______ Construction: R o a d s •___________________ $307,653 327. 350 227 34 3,440 1,221 54 4,755 12,718 52 7,684 375 0) 5 (0 2,000 919 319 4, 938 2,304 810 30,303 117,831 14 25, 773 1,905 980 11, 750 57,000 39 358,135 1,484 9,958 19 358,135 1,439 9,958 141 9,203 2,867 1,154 460 (V 9,203 2,867 1,154 460 115 16,744 53 35 36 301 (9 (9 1,825 29, 354 131 329 88 601 1, 356 1,200 115 16,744 53 35 36 301 (9 (9 1,825 29,354 131 329 88 601 1, 356 1,200 (9 113 Each___ 38 75 $238,858 350 227 34 3,440 1,221 KA 4,755 12,718 52 7,684 375 (9 2,000 919 319 4,938 2,304 810 30, 303 117,831 14 25, 773 1,905 980 5 (9 (9 11, 750 57,000 20 45 68, 750 68, 750 5 $45 $68, 750 APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES Clothing___ ___________________________ Aprons________________________ _ Coats, dress_____________ _________ Coats, work___________________ ______ Dresses___ _______ _____ __ ___ _ ___ Hats and caps-_______ - ____ ______ _ __ Overalls. . 1___________ __ __________ Pajamas and nightgowns______________ Shirts, work___________ _ ______ Shoes, new___________________________ Underwear, men’s and boys'_____ _ Underwear, women’s and children’s _ _ . Miscellaneous_____________ _______ _ . Construction: Buildings______________ ____ Construction: Roads______________________ ____ Farm: Dairy___ _______ Cattle.._ _______ ________________ _ Milk, whole________________________ . Farm: Field crops and garden____ _____ Miscellaneous.. . . . _____ ___________ Farm: Hogs__________________________ . Laundry, commercial._________ _ __ ___ Textile products______ ______________ _ Flags______________________________ Parachutes, meteorological__________ Pillowcases____ ____________ _____ Sheets____ _____ . . . _________ . . . . Spreads_____________________ ______ Towels_______ __ _______________ Miscellaneous.. . _ _ _ _ _ _ Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. 5 11, 750 57, 000 0) 11, 750 57, 000 FEDERAL REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN Total____________________________________ See footnotes at end of table. 214 238, 903 238,858 45 to <1 CO 280 T able B.— K in d , quantity , and value o f articles produced in F ederal p riso n s , 1 9 4 0 , fry State, system , and institution —Continued W EST V IR G IN IA — C on tin ued FEDERAL REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN— continued Clothing _ ________ ____ ____________________ Aprons ______________________ Coats, dress.. Coats, work.. ____________________ . Dresses . . ______________________ Hats and caps _______________________ Overalls . ______________________ Pajamas and nightgowns ___ ____ _ _. Shirts, work ______ _______ ____ Shoes, new (slippers)_________________ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ___________ Underwear, women’s and children’s____ Miscellaneous .. ____________ ____ Farm: Dairy . ______________________ Cattle . _____________________ Milk, whole Farm* Field crops and garden M iseellaneons _____________________ Farm: Hogs . Laundry, commercial Textile products Flags Parachutes, meteorological__________ Pillowcases _______ __ Sheets _ __ ___ ___ __ Spreads _ _________ ___ ___ Towels Miscellaneous Other manufactured products: Canned fruits and vegetables. Unit Dozen _. Each___ Dozen. _. Each___ Dozen... Dozen... Dozen Dozen __ Pairs___ — Dozen _. Dozen__ Head .. Pounds. Head__ Pounds. Each Each Dozen .. Dozen _ Each . . Dozen 141 13 5 1 Enumeration impracticable. 2 Requiring less than the full-time work of 1 prisoner for a year. 310-percent complete. Public works and ways State use Quantity Value 350 227 34 3,440 1,221 54 4,755 12, 718 52 7,684 375 0) $2,000 919 319 4,938 2,304 810 30,303 117,831 14 25, 773 1,905 980 350 227 34 3,440 1,221 54 4, 755 12, 718 52 7,684 375 0) $2,000 919 319 4, 938 2, 304 810 30,303 117,831 14 25, 773 1,905 980 39 358,135 1,484 9,958 19 358,135 1,439 9, 958 24 5 6 20 Quantity and value of articles produced undpr each system 0) 141 9,203 115 16, 774 53 35 36 301 8 2,867 1,154 460 1,825 29,354 131 329 88 601 1,356 1,200 141 9, 203 2,867 1,154 460 115 16, 774 53 35 36 301 0) 0) 1,825 29,354 131 329 88 601 1, 356 1,200 0) Quantity Value State account Quantity 20 Piece price Value $45 Quantity Value PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED -STATES, 1940 Institution and articles produced Aver age num ber of Total pris oners em ployed Quantity Value A ppen dix B In dex o f Item s Produced in State and Federal P risons An index of the products of State and Federal prisons, showing both the “ type of production” and the subheading under which arti cles have been classified in the tables, is shown in the following table: In d ex o f P rod u cts o f State and F ederal in stitu tion s Included under— Article produced, service, or operation Subheading A dditions (to buildings)___ Alterations and installations- Agricultural implements___ Agricultural implements_____ Agricultural-implement parts Agricultural-implement parts _ Alterations and installations. Alterations and installations. _ Type of production Construction: Major repairs to build ings. Agricultural implements. Do. Construction: Major repairs to build ings. Metal products, miscellaneous. Do. Clothing, other than knit. Metal products, miscellaneous. Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing). Textile products. Aluminum castings________ Aluminum ware___________ Aprons___________________ Auto chains_______________ Auto-license tags__________ Castings______________ _____ Aluminum ware____________ Aprons_____________________ Miscellaneous metal products Auto-license tags____________ Autos, repaired and painted Awnings__________________ Repairs____________________ Miscellaneous textile products. B acon (produced in abat toir). Bacon (produced on farm). . _ Bags, cloth________________ Bags, jute or burlap_______ Bags, leather--------------------- Miscellaneous................................. . Other manufactured products. Miscellaneous farm.......... .......... ...... Bags, cloth_______________________ ___do___________________________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Bakery products, commercial______ Farm: Hogs. Textile products. Do. Other manufactured products. Bakery products, commer cial. Bandages_________________ Barley____________________ Baskets, fruit or vegetable.._ Baskets, other than fruit or vegetable. Bathrobes_________________ Beds, metal_______________ Beds, wood_______________ Bedsprings________________ Beef, dressed (from abbatoir). Beef, dressed (from beef cattle). Beef, dressed (from dairy cattle). Beetle traps_______________ Beets, sugar or stock_______ Belts, cloth_______________ Benches, other than work__ Benches, work (metal)_____ Benches, work (wood)_____ Binder twine______________ Binders, farm_____________ Binders, loose-leaf_________ Blanketing, wool__________ Blankets__________________ Blocks, cinder or concrete. Bloomers_________________ Blouses, boys’_____________ Blouses, middy___ ____ ___ Bookbinding______________ Bookcases, metal__________ Bookcases, wood__________ Bookends, metal__________ Books, blank__________ ___ Books, rebound___________ Boundary markers________ 408102°—42- Bakery products, commercial. Miscellaneous textile products_____ Textile products. Miscellaneous farm_______________ Farm: Field crops and garden. Baskets__________________________ Wood products. ___ do------------------ ------------ ----------Miscellaneous clothing____________ Beds________________________ ____ ___ do___________________________ Miscellaneous furniture___________ Beef, dressed_____________________ ___ do........ ..................... ................. Clothing, other than knit. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Other manufactured products. Farm: Cattle. ___ do................................................ . Farm: Dairy. Miscellaneous metal products______ Miscellaneous farm_______________ Miscellaneous clothing____________ Benches__________________________ Miscellaneous furniture___________ ___ do___________________________ Binder twine_____________________ Agricultural implements__________ Miscellaneous printing and binding. Wool yard goods__________________ Blankets_________________________ Concrete blocks___________________ Underwear, women’s and children’s. Shirts, dress______________________ Miscellaneous clothing____________ Bookbinding and blank books_____ Miscellaneous furniture___________ ___ do_____________________ ____ _ Miscellaneous metal products______ Bookbinding and blank books_____ ___ do___________________________ Concrete posts................................ 19 Metal products, miscellaneous. Farm: Field crops and garden. Clothing, other than knit. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Cordage, including binder twine. » Agricultural implements and parts. Printing and binding. Textiles. Do. Clay, cement, and stone products. Clothing other than knit. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Printing and binding. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Metal products, miscellaneous, printing and binding. Do. Clay, cement, and stone products. 281 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE'S, 282 19 40 In d ex o f P rod u cts o f State and F ederal In stitu tio n s — Continued Included under— Article produced, service, or operation Subheading Boxes, paper----Boxes, sheet-iron. Boxes, wood-----Bran__________ Brass castings.. . Bread_________ Breakfast foods.. Breakfast sets.— Brick__________ Broom corn-----Brooms________ Brushes________ Buckets, tin____ Buckwheat_____ Buffets_________ Buildings---------Bureaus, metal.. Bureaus, w o o d .. Butter_________ Buttermilk.......... Cabinets metal___________ Cabinets, wood-----------------Calves (from beef cattle)----Calves (from dairy cattle) - Canned fruits and vegeta bles. Canning, labor only---------Cans, galvanized---------------Cans, refuse---------------------Cans, tin_________________ Canvas----------------------------Caps_____________________ Cards and tags printed-----Cartons------------- ----------Cases,.exhibition (metal)----Cases, exhibition (wood)----Cases, filing (metal)-----------Cases, filing (wood)________ Caskets or rough boxes------Cast-iron articles, not else where classified. Castings, other than iron---Cattle, beef-----------------------Cattle, dairy---------------------C em ent-..............................Cereals---- -----------------------Chairs, caned-------------------Chairs, metal--------------------Chairs repaired, metal-------Chairs repaired, wood--------Chairs, upholstered-----------Chairs, wood--------------------Chaise longues------------------Chambray------------------------Cheese____________________ Chests of drawers, metal----Chests of drawers, wood-----Chiffoniers, metal-------------Chiffoniers, wood - ......... ...... Chops (feed)---------------------Cleaning compound-----------Cloth, cleaning and polish ing. Clothes, baby, miscella neous. Clothing, cleaned andpressed. Clothing, miscellaneous-----C lothing, m iscellaneous labor. Clothing repaired--------------Clothing and textile prod ucts repaired and pressed. Cloths, miscellaneous............ Type of production Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Miscellaneous metal products_____ Boxes___________________________ Grain-mill products______________ Castings_______________________ Bakery products, commercial______ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Miscellaneous furniture___________ Brick and building tile__________ Miscellaneous farm_____ ____ _____ Brooms________________________ Brushes__________________________ Tinware______________ __________ Miscellaneous farm_______________ Miscellaneous furniture___________ Buildings________________________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc---------------___ do_________________ ____ _____ Miscellaneous dairy______________ . . . - d o ______________ 1.............. - Furniture, wood. Clay, cement, and stone products. Farm: Field crops and garden. Brooms, brushes, and mops. Do. Metal products, miscellaneous. Farm: Field crops and garden. Furniture, wood. Construction, buildings. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Farm: Dairy. Do. Miscellaneous furniture___________ ____do____________________________ Cattle___________________________ ____do___________________________• Canned fruits and vegetables---------- Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Farm: Cattle. Farm: Dairy. Other manufactured products. Labor only_______________________ Galvanized ware__________________ ____do___________________________ Tinware_________________________ Duck and canvas......... ........... ......... Hats and caps______________ i ____ Miscellaneous printing and binding. Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Miscellaneous furniture___________ ___ do___________________________ ___ do___________________________ ____do___________________________ Miscellaneous lumber and timber products. Castings-------------------------------------- Do. Metal products, miscellaneous. Do. Do. Textiles. Clothing, other than knit. Printing and binding. Other manufactured products. ____do___________________________ Cattle___________________________ ____do___________________________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. ____do____________________________ Repairs__________________________ Chairs___________________________ Repairs--------------------------------------____do___________________________ Chairs, upholstered----------------------Chairs___________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc------------------Cotton yard goods, light---------------Miscellaneous dairy---------------------Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc----------------___ do___________________________ ___ do____________________________ ____do___________________________ Grain-mill products_______________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Cotton yard goods, light---------------- Do. Farm: Cattle. Farm: Dairy. Other manufactured products. Miscellaneous clothing------ ------ ----- Other manufactured products. Metal products, miscellaneous. Wood products. Grain-mill products. Metal products, miscellaneous. Bakery products, commercial. Grain-mill products. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Wood products. Metal products, miscellaneous. Grain-mill products. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Do. Furniture, wood. Do. Do. Do. Textiles. Farm: Dairy. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Grain-mill products. Soap and other detergents. Textiles. Clothing, other than knit. Labor only______________ _____ _ Miscellaneous clothing-----------------Labor only......................................... Do. ____do_____________________ ______ ____do____________________ _______ Do. Miscellaneous textile products......... Do. Textile products. 283 APPENDIX B---- INDEX OF ITEMS In d ex o f P roducts o f State and F ederal In stitu tion s —Continued Article produced, service, or operation Included under— Subheading Clover seed_____________ _ C o a l_____________________ Coats, children’s___________ Coats, dress. . ____________ Coats, women’s ______. . . Coats, work__ _______ Coffee, roasted____________ Coffins or rough boxes. - ___ Type of production Miscellaneous farm _ __ ____ Coal............................................. Coats, dress_____ _______________ __ __do____________ Overcoats_______________ ___ .. Coats, work . Coffee, roasted______ ________ Miscellaneous lumber and timber products. Collar and cuff sets, cloth___ Miscellaneous clothing____________ Collars_______ . _ ____do _. . . . _ Concrete articles, miscella- Miscellaneous clay, cement, and neous. stone products. Construction, not elsewhere New, other than buildings and roads. classified. Cordage, other than binder Rope_______________ _____ ______ _ twine. Corn, field_________ ___ Corn, field.. . _______ _____ . Corn meal_______ ________ Grain-mill products..... ........... ......... Costumers, metal Miscellaneous furniture __ __ Costumers^ wood_____. . . . ____do_____________ ______ _____ Cots, metal__________ ____ Beds_____________________ _______ Cotton.. ................. Cotton . . . . .................. .......... . Cottonseed______ _______________ Cottonseed______________ Grain-mill products_______________ Cottonseed m eal______ . Cotton yard goods, heavy_________ Cotton yard goods, heavy... Cotton yard goods, light .. _ Cotton yard goods, light__________ Cotton yard goods^ heavy. ____ . Cottonade.. " . . Millwork____ . ___' ............ Counters, wood____ Overalls_________ _______________ Coveralls._______________ Covers, furniture________ Miscellaneous textile products_____ .. ..d o ______ _____A .................... Covers, mattress ____do_________________ ____ _____ Covers, miscellaneous .. . .. .do___________________ ____ ___ Covers, table______ ____ Cream. ______ Miscellaneous dairy____ _________ Cultivators______ . ___ Agricultural implements_____ . . . . Roads .. . . . _____________________ Culverts_____ Miscellaneous furniture ................... Cupboards, wood Tinware___ _ ___________ _ . . Cups, tin Curtains. ___ ____ _ Miscellaneous textile products_____ Pillows___ ________ .. _________ Cushions .. .. Cuspidors________________ Miscellaneous metal products.......... Farm: Field crops and garden. Grain-mill products. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Farm: Field crops and garden. Do. Grain-mill products. Textiles. Do. Do. Wood products. Clothing, other than knit. Textile products. Do. Do. Do. Farm: Dairy. Agricultural implements and parts. Construction: Roads. Furniture, wood. Metal products, miscellaneous. Textile products. Furniture, other than metal or wood. Metal products, miscellaneous. D airy products, miscellane- Miscellaneous dairy_______ _______ Farm: Dairy. Davenports__ Dehydrated fruit or vege tables. Denim__ ____ Deodorants________ ______ Farm: Field crops and garden. Mining. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Do. Do. Other manufactured products. Wood products. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Clay, cement, and stone products. Construction: Miscellaneous. Cordage. Davenports, sofas, etc .. . ______ Furniture, wood. Canned fruits and vegetables........... Other manufactured products. Cotton yard goods, light__________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Miscellaneous furniture. _________ Desk and chair combina tions, wood. Desks_____ . ____ _____ ______ Desks, metal .. . . ... . _________ . Desks, wood Disinfectants-_____________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Miscellaneous textile products____ Diapers___________ ____ Drawers, other than knit___ Underwear, men’s and boys’ ____ _ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc.. ______ _ Dressers, metal_____ ___ ___d o ___________________________ Dressers, wood Dresses, except house or in Dresses....................................... ........ mate. ____do_____ . . . ______ __________ Dresses, house or inmate Dresses, infants’ or childrens ’ _ Miscellaneous clothing............. ...... Duck Duck and canvas____________ ___ : Textiles. Other manufactured products. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Other manufactured products. Textile products. Clothing, other than knit. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Do. Textiles. Eggs . __ Electricity_________ _ . Enamel. Ensilage _. . Envelopes......................... Miscellaneous farm_____ _____ ___ Miscellaneous manufactured products. Paint.. ______ _ ______ _______ Miscellaneous fa rm ._____________ Envelopes-___ . . ___________ Farm: Poultry and poultry products. Other manufactured products. Paint. Farm: Field crops and garden. Printing and binding. Farm hands hired out__ _ Farm products, miscellaneous. Feed, mill________ Feed, poultry. Feed, stock Fence, snow_________ __ . Fiber articles______________ Farm hands hired out. .. . _ ... Miscellaneous farm_________ ____ Grain-mill products___ . _ _. .. . do ___ ______ ____ - . do . . Miscellaneous manufactured products Fiber articles______ _____________ Farm: Miscellaneous. Under appropriate type of farm. Grain-mill products. Do. Do. Other manufactured products. Furniture, wood. 284 (PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES, 1940 In d ex o f P rodu cts o f State and F ederal In stitu tion s —Continued Included under— Article produced, service, or operation Subheading Type of production Filing cases, metal____ ____ Miscellaneous furniture Filing cases^ wood______ _ ____do_____________ Fish "fresh ___________ _ _ Sea food__ ________ __ __ _ Flags_____________________ Flags.......................... ................... Flagstone______________ _ Stone4 building ... Flax fiber____ __________ Flax products. _ Flaxseed__ __________ ____do__________ Flax tow______________ __ ____do_____ Flour______ ____ ____ _ Grain-mill products Flux (limestone)__________ Stone, crushed Fodder___________ _____ Miscellaneous farm___ _ ___ Folders, index cards, etc____ Miscellaneous printing and binding.. Foot stools.. _ ___________ Miscellaneous furniture Foundry articles, miscella- Miscellaneous metal products______ neous. Fresh fruit___ ____________ Miscellaneous farm. Furniture, miscellaneous Miscellaneous furniture................. ... (metal). Furniture, miscellaneous ____ do____________________ _______ (wood). Furniture repairs (metal)___ Repairs__________________________ Furniture repairs (wood)___ ____do________________ ____ ______ Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Miscellaneous (nonmanufacturing). Textile products. Quarrying and rock crushing. Other manufactured products. Farm: Field crops and garden. Other manufactured products. Grain-mill products. Quarrying and rock crushing. Farm: Field crops and garden. Printing and binding. Furniture, wood. Metal products, miscellaneous. G alvanized ware__________ Gleaning cylinders for hay loaders. ____ _____ Gloves_____ Gowns, dressing.. ______ _ Gowns, hospital_______ . Grading.. T__ _______ ____ Grates___ _____ _ _ ___ Gravel____________________ Galvanized ware Agricultural-implement parts______ Metal products, miscellaneous. Agricultural implements and parts. Gloves and mittens Miscellaneous clothing __ Pajamas and nightgowns__________ Land development Castings _ Miscellaneous clay, cement, and stone products. Grain-mill products_________ ____ Clothing, other than knit. Do. Do. Construction: Land development. Metal products, miscellaneous. Quarrying and rock crushing. Grits_______ _____________ H am pers, wicker. . . . _ Hams, bologna, etc. (produced in abattoir). Hams, bologna, etc. (produced on farm). Handkerchiefs._____ _ Handles—brush, broom and mop. Harness. _ ________________ Harness repairs_________ Hats, straw______________ Hay___ _____________ __ Hay loaders ____________ Hickory cloth_____________ Hides, cured or raw_______ Highway markers_________ Highway signs____________ Hogs .. _ _ ............ ........... Horses Hosiery___________________ Ice............ ............................. Ink_________ _________ _ Iron hollow ware__________ Ironware, sheet_____ _____ _ Insecticides_______________ Jackets, lumber___________ Jackets, welding___________ Jackets, women’s bed______ Jumpers _______________ Farm: Field crops and garden. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Grain-mill products. Baskets_____ _______ _ . . . Wood products. Miscellaneous. _ ____ ____ ____ _ Other manufactured products. Miscellaneous farm .............. ............ Farm: Hogs. Handkerchiefs.. _ . Miscellaneous lumber and timber products. Harness._____ _____ __ ____ Repairs__________ Hats and caps___________________ Hay Agricultural implements Cotton yard goods, light__________ Miscellaneous farm......................... Clothing, other than knit. Wood products. Other manufactured products. Do. Clothing, other than knit. Farm: Field crops and garden. Agricultural implements and parts. Textiles. Under appropriate type of produc tion. Highway markers_________________ Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Do. . __do___________________ ____ ___ Hogs___________ ________________ Farm: Hogs. Miscellaneous livestock Farm: Miscellaneous. Clothing, knit. Hosiery_____ _ __ ___ ___ Miscellanous manufactured products.. Other manufactured products. Do. do_______________________ . . . Iron hollow ware __ __ _ Metal products, miscellaneous. Do. Miscellaneous metal products. ___ Miscellaneous manufactured products. Other manufactured products. Coats, work______________________ ____do ... _ _ _____________ __ Miscellaneous clothing___________ Coats, work ________________ _ Clothing, other than knit. Do. Do. Do. K h a k i cloth_____________ Kimonos . _____________ Knickers, boys____________ Knives ________ -__ ______ Cotton vard goods, light Textiles. Miscellaneous clothing _______ _ Clothing, other than knit. Do. Pants ____ . .. ___________ Miscellaneous metal products ___ Metal products, miscellaneous. Labor only_______________ M is c e lla n e o u s la b o r o n ly Lambs _. . ________ Land improvement________ Under appropriate type of produc tion. Miscellaneous livestock _______ Farm: Miscellaneous. Land development___ __________ Construction: Land development. 285 APPENDIX B----INDEX OF ITEMS In d ex o f P roducts o f State and F ederal In stitu tion s — Continued Article produced, service, or operation Lard (produced in abbatoir) _ Lard (produced on farm)___ Laundry, commercial______ Layettes, infants__________ Leather articles, miscellane ous. Leather, finished or tanned.. Leggings, other___________ Letterheads_______________ Lime, agricultural_________ Lime, ground_____________ Lockers, metal___ _________ Lockers, wood.____________ Lumber............................. .. Included under— Subheading Miscellaneous____________________ Miscellaneous farm_______________ Laundry, commercial_____________ Miscellaneous clothing____________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. ___ do________________________ Miscellaneous clothing____________ Letterheads_____________________ Lime and agricultural limestone___ ___ do___________________________ Miscellaneous furniture___________ ___ do___________________________ Lumber_________________________ Type of production Other manufactured products. Farm: Hogs. Laundry, commercial. Clothing, other than knit. Other manufactured products. Do. Clothing, other than knit. Printing and binding. Quarrying and rock crushing. Do Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Wood products. M ackinaw s_____________ Overcoats______________ __________ Mail pouches or sacks_____ Bags, cloth_______________________ Mangels__________________ Miscellaneous farm_______________ Manhole covers and rings__ Castings_________________________ Manure__________________ Miscellaneous farm_______________ Masks, operating__________ Miscellaneous textile products_____ Mats, fiber________________ ___ do___________________________ Mats, rubber (old tires)____ Miscellaneous manufactured prod- Clothing, other than knit. Textile products. Farm: Field crops and garden. Metal products, miscellaneous. Under appropriate type of farm. Textile products. Do. Other manufactured products. Mats, textile (including rag) _ Mattresses________________ Mattresses renovated______ Metal articles, miscellaneous. Milk, skimmed____________ Milk, whole_______________ Millwork_________________ Mirrors___________________ Miscellaneous manufactured articles. Mittens__________________ Molasses (produced on farm). Molasses (produced in sugar mill). Monuments. _____________ Textile products. Furniture, other than metal or wood Do. Metal products, miscellaneous. Farm: Dairy. Do. Wood products. Furniture, wood. Other manufactured products. Miscellaneous textile products__ Mattresses______________________ Repairs_________________________ Miscellaneous metal products____ Miscellaneous dairy_____________ Milk, whole____________________ Millwork_______________________ Miscellaneous furniture_________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Gloves and mittens______________ Miscellaneous farm_____________ ___do________________________ Clothing, other than knit. Farm: Miscellaneous. Sugar. Clay, cement, and stone products. Miscellaneous clay, cement, and stone products. Mopheads________________ Mops___________________________ Mops_____________________ ___ d o __________________________ Mowers__________________ Agricultural implements__________ Muslin_____ ______ _______ Cotton yard goods, light__________ Textile products. Brooms, brushes, and mops. Agricultural implements and parts. Textiles. N apkins_______________ Neckties__________________ Nightgowns and nightshirts. Nightgowns, infants_______ Nursery stock________ ^___ Miscellaneous textile products. Miscellaneous clothing_______ Pajamas and nightgowns____ Miscellaneous clothing_______ Miscellaneous farm_____ ____ Textile products. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Do. Farm: Miscellaneous. O ats___________ Ottomans________ Overalls__________ Overalls, children’s. Overcoating______ Overcoats________ ___ do_______________ Miscellaneous furniture. Overalls_____________ Children’s playsuits___ Wool yard goods______ Overcoats____________ Farm: Field crops and garden. Furniture, wood. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Textiles. Clothing, other than knit. Pads, bed protector. Pads, cot__________ Pads, silence______ Pails, tin__________ Paint_____________ Pamphlets________ Pajamas__________ Pans, tin_________ Pants, dress_______ Pants, work_______ Peanuts__________ Pedestals_________ Petticoats________ Pigs______________ Pillowcases_______ Pillows___________ Pillows, renovated.. Pipe, concrete_____ Ply goods................ Miscellaneous textile products_____ Mattresses_______________________ Miscellaneous textile products_____ Tinware_________________________ Paint____________________________ Miscellaneous printing and binding. Pajamas and nightgowns__________ Tinware_________________________ Pants____________________________ ----- do____________________________ Miscellaneous farm_______________ Miscellaneous furniture___________ Underwear, women’s and children’s_ Hogs------------------------: -----------------Pillowcases_______________________ Pillows__ ______ _________________ Repairs__________________________ Concrete pipe____________________ Rope........ ......................................... . Textile products. Furniture other than metal or wood. Textile products. Metal products, miscellaneous. Paint. Printing and binding. Clothing, other than knit. Metal products, miscellaneous. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Farm: Field crops and garden. Furniture, wood. Clothing, other than knit. Farm: Hogs. Textile products. Furniture, other than metal or wood. Do. Clay, cement, and stone products. Cordage. 286 PRISON LABOR IN THEl UNITED STATES, 1 9 4 0 Index o f Products o f State and Federal Institutions— Continued Included under— Article produced, service, or operation Subheading Polish, floor or furniture___ Miscellaneous manufactured pro ducts. Polish, metal______________ ___ do___________________________ Pork, dressed (produced in Pork, dressed_____________ _______ abbatoir). Pork, dressed (produced on ____do................ ......... ........... ........... farm). Posts, concrete------ ------------ Concrete posts___________________ Posts, wood------------- --------- Miscellaneous lumber and timber products. Potatoes, sweet____________ Potatoes_________________________ Potatoes, white____________ ----- do________________1---------------Poultry, dressed___________ Miscellaneous farm.......................... Type of production Other manufactured products. Farm: Hogs. Clay, cement, and stone products. Wood products. Poultry, live_________ Powder, scouring_____ Printing, miscellaneous. Farm: Field crops and garden. Do. Farm: Poultry and poultry pro ducts. ___ do.......... ...................... ................ Do. Soap_____________________________ Soap and other detergents. Miscellaneous printing and binding. Printing and binding. Racks, iron............... Rags________________ Rain capes---------------Rakes, delivery______ Rakes, dump________ Reforestation________ Repair and shop work. Miscellaneous metal products . Miscellaneous textile products. Miscellaneous clothing______ Agricultural implements_____ ___ do____________________ _ Land development.................. Repairs..................................... Rice______ ____ — Roads, new________ Roads, repaired-----Rompers, children’s Rope_____________ Rugs, wool________ R ye------------- : ------- Miscellaneous farm.___ _____ Roads______________________ Roads repaired______________ Miscellaneous clothing_______ Rope_______________________ Miscellaneous textile products. Miscellaneous farm........ ......... Salvaged products. Repairs. Sand---------- ---------------------- Miscellaneous clay, cement, and Sanitaries-------------------------Sausage (produced in ab batoir). Sausage (produced on farm). Scarfs, dresser and table____ Scotched tow (flax)________ Scrapers, street broom_____ Settees-----------------------------Shades, window.__________ Sheep____________________ Sheet metal articles, miscel laneous. Sheeting__________________ Sheets____________________ Sheets, drop, duck_________ Sheets, rubber_____________ Shelves, metal_____________ Shelves, w ood_____________ Shelving, metal:___________ Shelving, wood____________ Shipping cases_____________ Shirting---------- ----------------Shirts, dress_______________ Shirts, work______________ Shoes, new_______________ Shoes repaired____________ Signs, metal....................... . Signs, repaired----------------Slaughtering (in abbatoir)... Slaughtering (on farm)-------Slippers___________________ Slips______________________ Smocks___________________ Soap—bar, chips, and powder. Soap, liquid_______________ Sofas-------------------------------Softeners, water................. Metal products, miscellaneous. Textile products.. Clothing, other than knit. Agricultural implements and parts. Do. Construction: Land development. Under appropriate type of pro duction. Farm: Field crops and garden. Construction: Roads. Construction: Major repairs to roads. Clothing, other than knit. Cordage. Textile products.. Farm: Field crops and gardens. Under appropriate type of pro duction. Quarrying and rock crushing. stone products. Miscellaneous textile products_____ Textile products. Miscellaneous______ ____________ Other manufactured products.. M iscellaneous f arm______ _______ Miscellaneous textile products_____ Flax products___ ______________ Miscellaneous metal products_____ Davenports, sofas, etc____________ Miscellaneous textile products____ Miscellaneous livestock__________ Miscellaneous metal products_____ Farm: Hogs. Textile products. Other manufactured products. Metal products, miscellaneous. Furniture, wood. Textile products. Farm: Miscellaneous. Metal products, miscellaneous. Cotton yard goods, light_________ Sheets_________________________ Miscellaneous textile products_____ ___ do_________________________ Miscellaneous metal products_____ Miscellaneous furniture__________ Miscellaneous metal products_____ Miscellaneous furniture__________ Boxes_________________________ Cotton yard goods, light_________ Shirts, dress____________________ Shirts, work____________________ Shoes, new_____________________ Shoes repaired__________________ Miscellaneous metal products_____ Textiles. Textile products. Do. Do. • Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Wood products. Textiles. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Do. Do. Metal products: Tags, highway markers, and signs. Do. Other manufactured products. Farm: Miscellaneous. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Do. Soap and other detergents. Do. Funiture, wood. Other manufactured products. Repairs__________________________ Miscellaneous____________________ Miscellaneous farm_______________ Shoes, new_______________________ Underwear, women’s and children’s. Aprons__________________________ Soap____________________________ ___ do___________________________ Davenports, sofas, etc_____________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. APPENDIX A— GENERAL TABLES 287 Index o f Products o f State and Federal Institutions— Continued Article produced, service, or operation Sorghum cane______________ Sprays, insect---------------------Spreads, bed_______________ Stains______________________ Stands, metal---------------------Stands, wood_______________ Steam______________ _______ Stepladders, wood_________ Stoker bars_________________ Stone, building (dressed)___ Stone, building (unfinished). Stone, crushed______________ Stone, cut and dressed______ Stone, dimension___________ Stone products, not else where classified. Stools, m etal..____ _________ Stools, wood_______________ Stoves, iron------------------------Straight jackets_____________ Straw______________________ Sugar________________ _____ Sugarcane___ _____ ________ Suiting, wool............. .............. Suits_______ _____ _________ Suits, play_________________ Sweaters__________ ____ ___ Sweeping compound........... Syrup (produced on farm )... Syrup (produced in sugar mill). Tablecloths....... Tables, metal____ Tables, wood____ Tags, auto-license. Included under— Subheading Miscellaneous farm______________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Spreads________________________ Paint__________________________ Miscellaneous furniture__________ ___ do_________________________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Miscellaneous lumber and timber products. Castings_______________________ Stone, building__________________ ___ do_________________________ Stone, crushed__________________ Stone, building__________________ ___ do_________________________ Miscellaneous clay, cement, and stone products. Miscellaneous furniture__________ ----- do--------------------------------------Miscellaneous metal products_____ Miscellaneous textile products____ Miscellaneous farm______________ Sugar_______ __________________ Sugarcane______________________ Wool yard goods________________ Suits__________________________ Children’s playsuits_____________ Miscellaneous clothing___________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Miscellaneous farm__ __________ ___ do...... ....... .............................. Farm: Field crops and garden. Other manufactured products. Miscellaneous textile products. Tables_____________________ ___ do______________________ Auto-license tags..................__ Textile products. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Metal products: Tags, markers, and signs. Do. Farm: Miscellaneous. Textiles. Textile products. Do. Textiles. Textile products. Tags, miscellaneous________ Tags, miscellaneous_________ Tallow___________________ Miscellaneous farm ..:_______ Tape, cotton______________ Miscellaneous textiles_______ Tarpaulins_______________ Miscellaneous textile products. Tents........... .............. ........... ___ do______________________ Terry cloth_______________ Cotton yard goods, light_____ Textile articles, miscellane- Miscellaneous textile products. Cotton yard goods, light__________ Miscellaneous textile products_____ Brick and building tile__________ Miscellaneous clay, cement, and stone products. Tile roofing______________ - .do___________ _______________ Tinware______________ Tinware_______________ ____ _____ Tobacco (field crop)_______ Miscellaneous farm_______________ Tobacco, chewing......... ...... Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Tobacco, smoking_________ ----- do__________________________ Toweling_________________ Cotton yard goods, light....... ........ Towels_________________ . Towels__________________________ Toys____ ________________ Toys____________________________ Trees___________________ Miscellaneous farm______________ Trucks, post-office or laun Miscellaneous manufactured prod dry (canvas). ucts. Trucks, tongue__________ Agricultural implements_________ . -_.do__________________________ Trucks, transport_______ Tubing, knitted wrist_____ Miscellaneous clothing___________ Tubing, pillow____ _______ Cotton yard goods, light. . ________ Tubs, metal_____________ Galvanized ware________________ Turpentine............. ........... Miscellaneous lumber and timber products. Twine_____ ____ _________ Rope____________________________ Ticking__________________ Ticks, bed or pillow_______ Tile, building___________ Tile, drain or sewer______ Type of production Textile products. Paint. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Other manufactured products. Wood products. Metal products, miscellaneous. Quarrying and rock crushing. Do. Do. Do. Do. Clay, cement, and stone products. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Metal products, miscellaneous. Textile products. Farm: Field crops and garden. Sugar. Farm: Field crops and garden. Textiles. Clothing, other than knit. Do. Clothing, knit. Other manufactured products. Farm: Miscellaneous. Sugar. Textiles. Textile products. Clay, cement, and stone products. Do. Metal products, miscellaneous. Farm: Field crops and garden. Other manufactured products. Do. Textiles. Textile products. Other manufactured products. Farm: Miscellaneous. Other manufactured products. Agricultural implements and parts. Do. Clothing, knit. Textiles. Metal products, miscellaneous. Wood products. Cordage. U nderw ear, knit_________ Underwear______________ ______ Clothing, knit. Underwear, men’s and boys’ _ Underwear, men’s and boys’ _______ Clothing, other than knit. Underwear, women’s and Underwear, women’s and children’s. Do. children’s. highway 288 PRISON LABOR IN THE UNITED STATE®, 1940 Index o f Products o f State and Federal Institutions— Continued Article produced, service, or operation Uniforms__________ _____ _ Uniforms, prison__________ Unionalls_________________ Included under— Subheading Uniforms__ __ _______ _______ Uniforms, prison - __ ..... ......... . _ Overalls__ _____________________ Type of production Clothing, other than knit. Do. Do. Vanities, metal__ _________ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc.................. - ____do__________ _ ___ ____ ______ Vanities, wood____ _ Varnish ................. _ Paint_________________ ____ _____ Veal, dressed (from abbatoir) Beef, dressed__________ ________ Veal, dressed (from beef cattie). Veal, dressed (from dairy ____do__________________________ cattle). Miscellaneous furniture.__ _______ Venetian blinds__________ Vests, men’s ____________ Miscellaneous clothing____________ Vests, women’s____________ Underwear.______________________ Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Paint. Other manufactured products. Farm: Cattle. W agons, farm...................... Agricultural implements.. ______ Wagon repairs_____________ Repairs________________________ Shirts, dress.-. _ ___________ Waists, boys’ _______ Bureaus, chiffoniers, etc______ . Wardrobes, _________metal Wardrobes, wood__________ _ . . - d o _________________________ Baskets __ .. . _____ ____ _ _ Wastebaskets, metal . - do ________ __ _ Wastebaskets, w o o d ____ Miscellaneous textiles . . . . . . Waste, cotton _______ ___ Wax, floor________________ Miscellaneous manufactured prod ucts. Wheat .. ___ __________ _____ Wheat Willow, peeled (for baskets) „ Miscellaneous lumber and timber products. .. do ___________ ___________ Wood, fuel _ _ Wood products miscellane ____do---------- ------------- ------------- -ous. Wool ___________________ Miscellaneousfarm_____ ____ . . . Wool yard goods ________ Wool yard goods-------------------------Wrappers, women’s________ Miscellaneous clothing. __________ Agricultural implements and parts. Do. Clothing, other than knit. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Furniture, metal. Furniture, wood. Textiles. Other manufactured products. Y arn, cotton_______ ___ _ Yarn, cotton_____________________ Yarn, wool _ _ _____ Yarn, wool______ _ ____________ Textiles. Do. O Farm: Dairy. Furniture, wood. Clothing, other than knit. Clothing, knit. Farm: Field crops and garden. Wood products. Do. Do. Farm: Miscellaneous. Textiles. Clothing, other than knit.