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«am » / V i . jf * M AR CH 1966 PRICE TRENDS Bulletin N o . 1510 • CHARTS • TABLES UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Arthur M. Ross, Commissioner M A R C H 1966 PRICE TRENDS Bulletin No. 1510 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary B U REAU OF LABOR S T A T IS T I C S Arthur M. Ross, Commissioner For sale by th e S u p e rin te n d e n t of Docum ents, U .S . G o v e r n m e n t Printing Office, W a s h in g to n , D .C ., 2 0 4 0 2 , or from the Bureau's regional offices (See inside back cover). Price 35 cents Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P R E F A C E The charts and tables in this publication have been selected to supply a useful analytical tool for those concerned with evalu ating current price trends. Although based primarily upon the consumer and wholesale price indexes regularly published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a few other pertinent economic series have been included. Most of the charts begin with 1963, when the first evidences of the current industrial price uptrend appeared, but a few start with earlier periods in order to supply historical perspective. This year, the Bureau published for the first time seasonally adjusted indexes for selected consumer commodities, and some charts compare the trends of these seasonally-adjusted indexes with the matching unadjusted indexes. More detailed and comprehensive graphic presentations and tables can be found in Prices: A Chartbook. 1953-62 (Bulletin 1351) and the September 1963 Supplement (Bulletin 1351-1). This bulletin was prepared in the Branch of Price Economics of the Office of Prices and Living Conditions, Arnold E. Chase, Assistant Commissioner. mi C o n te n ts Page General price trends (Charts 1-7)...... ....... 1 Farm and food prices (Charts 8-14)....... ..... 8 Wholesale price index: Major groups, since 1955 (Charts 15-18).................... 14 Selected industrial prices, since 1963 (Charts 19-29)........... ......... 18 Consumer price index: Major groups, since 1959 (Chart 30)......... ............... 29 Consumer price index: Major sectors and selected nonfood commodities, since 1963 (Charts 31-36)........ •••••....... 30 Consumer services (Charts 37 and 38).... . ...... • 36 Appendix tables: 1. Key wholesale price indexes, 1960-66..... 39 2. Wholesale price indexes for significant industrial commodities, 1966............ 42 3. Key consumer price indexes, 1960-66....... 44 4. Consumer price indexes for selected commodities, seasonally adjusted and unadjusted monthly indexes, 1965-66.... 47 Indexes of daily spot market prices, 1965-66............................... 49 5. Chart 1. PRICES, PRODUCTION, AND CONSUMER EXPENDITURES INDEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 1961 S o u rc e s : INDEX (1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 1962 C o m m e r c e , Federal Reserve, BLS. 1963 1964 1965 1966 Chart 2. DAILY INDEX OF SPOT MARKET PRICES (Monthly Averages) INDEX (1957-59=100) 130 I 25 120 I I5 I 10 105 100 95 90 85 1963 1964 1965 1966 Chart 3. WHOLESALE AND CONSUMER PRICES BY MAJOR SECTORS INDEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 1961 INDEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 Latest Data: April 1966 Chart 4. YEAR-TO-YEAR CHANGES IN WHOLESALE PRICES ( P e r c e n t c h a n g e in a nnual a ver ages, and since 1 9 6 4 in q u a r t e r l y averages.) Percent Percent 6 4 2 0 -2 I2 12 FARM AND FOOD I0 6 6 4 10 ! 8 6 4 pi IIJ 2 0 2 1 1 I- 0 -2 -2 —4 -4 12 3 4 12 3 4 i I I I i 1 I —6 1954 to 1955 1955 to 1 95 6 1956 to 1957 1957 to 1958 1 95 8 to 1959 1959 to I960 I960 to 1961 1 961 to 1962 1962 to 1963 1963 to 1964 1964 to 1965 I 1 96 5 to 1966 1 -6 C h a r t 5. YEAR-TO-YEAR CHANGES IN CONSUMER PRICES (Percent change in annual averages, and since 1 9 6 4 in quarterly a ve rage s) P er c en t -2 1954 to 1955 Percent 1955 to 1956 1956 to 1957 1957 to 1958 1958 to 1959 1959 to I9 6 0 I9 6 0 to 1961 1961 to 1962 1962 to 1963 1963 to 1964 1964 to 1965 1965 to 1966 -2 cn C h a rt 6. IN D U STR IA L C O M M O D IT Y PRICES: SPOT MARKET, WHOLESALE, AND C O N S U M E R INDEX (1957-59=100) Chart 7. MANUFACTURING PRICES, LABOR COSTS, AND PROFITS 1961 JJ In d e x (su m 3 J A nnual of of 1962 la b o r cost w age s and per uni t of s alaries ra te of pr o f it a f t e r a nd 1963 output; the ra tio s u p p le m e n t s ) to taxes as a p e r c e n t of of ind ex index of 1964 of com pensation m a n u f a c tu ri n g s t o c k h o l d e r s ’ equity. 1965 of emp lo y ee s production. in m a n u f a c t u r in g 1966 C hart 8. INDEX W HO LESALE AN D C O N S U M E R FOOD PRICES 1957-59=100) 130 125 120 I I5 I 10 105 10 0 95 90 85 1963 1964 1965 1966 C hart 9. FARM ERS’ COSTS: MACHINERY, FERTILIZERS, AND A N IM A L FEEDS Chart 10. FOOD PRICES INDEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) C h a rt 11. IN DEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 10 LIVESTOCK, AND W HO LESALE A N D RETAIL M E A T PRICES C h a rt 12. 1963 W H O LES A LE PRICES FOR MAJOR TYPES OF FOOD 1964 1965 1966 n Chart 13. INDEX (1957-59=100) 12 C O N S U M E R PRICES FOR MAJOR TYPES OF FOOD Chart 14. CONSUMER PRICES FOR MAJOR TYPES OF FOOD SEASONALLY ADJUSTED AND UNADJUSTED IN D EX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) INDEX (1957-59=100) I 20 I 20 FOOD AT H O M E I I5 I I5 Unadjusted r I I0 JJ I I0 Seasona lly ad ju s te d 105 I 05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I 00 1 1 IN DEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 125 I 20 I 15 I I0 I0 5 I 00 95 1965 1966 1965 1966 13 Latest Data: April 1966 C hart 15. WPI GROUPS: MACHINERY AND MOTOR VEHICLES, METALS, AN D FUELS AND POWER INDEX (1957-59=100) INDEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) I I5 I )0 105 100 95 90 85 80 19 55 1956 1 9 57 1958 1959 i960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 Chart 16. WPI GROUPS: TEXTILES AND APPAREL, HIDES AND LEATHER, AND RUBBER AND RUBBER PRODUCTS INDEX (1957-59=100) INDEX (1957-59=100) 120 I I5 II0 105 I 00 95 90 85 cn C h a rt 17. INDEX (1957-59=100) WPI GROUPS: PAPER AN D PRODUCTS, LU M B ER AND WOOD PRODUCTS, AND F U R N ITU R E AND HO U SEH O LD DURABLES INDEX (1957-59=100) I I5 I I0 I0 5 l 00 9 5 9 0 8 5 Chart 18. WPI GROUPS: CHEMICALS, NONMETALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTS, AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND BOTTLED BEVERAGES INDEX (1957-59 = 100) INDEX (1957-59 = 100) 115 no 105 100 95 90 85 Chart 19. WPI: INDEX (19 57-59= 100) 18 DURABLE RAW AND M ANUFACTURED GOODS Chart 20. WPI: 1963 1964 METALS AND METAL PRODUCTS 1965 1966 19 C h a rt 2 1 . INDEX (1957-59=100) 20 S T E E L, CARS, AN D A P P LIA N C E S Chart 22. WPI: 1963 M A C H IN E R Y AND EQUIPM ENT PRICES 1964 1965 1966 21 C h a rt 23 . WPI: INDEX (1957-59=100) 22 TEXTILES AND APPAREL Chart 24. WPI: INDEX HIDES, LEATHER, A N D FOOTWEAR 1 9 5 7 -5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 160 150 140 130 I 20 I I0 100 90 80 70 1963 1964 1965 1966 Chart 25. INDEX (1 9 5 7 -59= 1 00) RUBBER AND RUBBER PRODUCTS INDEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 105 105 100 100 9 5 95 9 0 90 8 5 85 8 0 80 7 5 75 70 70 24 Chart 26. WPI: C HE M ICA LS AND PRODUCTS INDEX (1957-59=100) 1963 1964 1965 1966 Chart 27. WPI: W 0 0 D P U L P AND PAPER IN D EX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) IN D E X ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) I 2 0 i--------------------- ------------------------ 1120 WOODPULP AND PAPER I I 0 I I0 WPI: WPI: P ap er Paper boxes and sh ip pin g c o n ta in e rs I 00 100 90 90 80 80 I 30 120 I 10 100 90 26 C h a rt 28. WPI: LUMBER AND WOOD PRODUCTS IN D EX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 1963 IN D E X ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 100) 19 64 1965 1966 27 C hart 29. C O NSTR UCTIO N COSTS AND M ATERIAL PRICES IN D E X (1957-59=100) 130 CONSTRUCTIO N COSTS AINID MATERIAL PRICES I 20 Construction cost index \J I 10 WPI: C onstructio n m ateria ls i 100 \J 90 INDEX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) 130 120 I I0 100 90 28 D e p a r t m e n t : of C o m m erce 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 C hart 30. INDEX (1957-59=100) CPI: MAJOR GR OUPS INDEX (1957-59 = 100) I 20 I I0 I 00 90 IN D EX ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) IN D E X ( 1 9 5 7 - 5 9 = 1 0 0 ) I 30 I 20 I 10 I 00 90 29 C hart 31. 1963 30 CPI: ALL ITE M S AN D MAJOR SECTORS 1964 1965 1966 Chart 32. CPI: C O M M O D IT IE S -F O O D , OTHER NO NDURABLES, AND DURABLES 1 9 63 1964 1965 1966 31 C h a rt 33. CPI: N O N D U R A B LE C O M M O D IT IE S EXCEPT FOOD IN D E X 125 120 I I 5 I I0 105 I 00 95 1963 32 1964 1965 1966 C h art 34. CPI: APPAREL INDEX (1957-59=100) 33 C hart 35. CPI: 1963 34 SELECTED D U R A B L E C O M M O D IT IE S 1964 1965 1966 Chart 36. CONSUMER PRICES FOR SELECTED NONFOOD COMMODITIES, SEASONALLY ADJUSTED AND UNADJUSTED INDEX (1957-59=100) INDEX (19 57 -59=100) INDEX (1957 -59= 1 00) 1965 1966 35 Chart 37. CPI: MAJOR C O N S U M E R SE RVICE S 1963 36 1964 1965 1966 Chart 38. YEAR-TO-YEAR CHANGES IN CONSUMER SERVICE PRICES Percent Changes in Annual Averages and for 1966 in Q uarterly Averages Percent 60 Percent 61 62 63 64 65 66 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 37 Table 1. Key Wholesale Price Indexes, 1960-66 (1957-59=100) Processed foods Farm products Year or month Fresh fruits All Hogs and vege Eggs commod Alii/ Steers tables ities (01) (01-31-ID ©1-31-61) (Oil) (016) Alii/ (02) Meats (0221) Annual Averages 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 100.7 100.3 100.6 100.3 100.5 102.5 96.9 96.0 97.7 95.7 94.3 98.4 99.4 93.3 102.6 90.4 85.9 95.7 90.8 96.6 95.3 88.3 88.0 120.6 103.2 99.0 95.2 94.0 90.8 93.5 100.0 100.7 101.2 101.1 101.0 105.1 96.8 95.1 97.8 91.5 89.0 100,8 -6.9 +4.3 -1.6 +7.4 -1.4 -4.1 -3.8 -1.3 -3.4 +3.0 +0.7 +0.5 -0.1 -0.1 +4.1 -1.8 +2.8 -6.4 -2.7 +13.3 100.6 93.7 97.7 96.1 103.2 101.8 Percent Change in Annual Averages 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 -0.4 +0.3 -0.3 +0.2 +2.0 -0.9 +1.8 -2.0 -1.5 +4.3 -6.1 +10.0 -11.9 -5.0 +11.4 +6.4 -1.3 -7.3 -0.3 +37.0 Monthly Indexes 1965 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 101.0 101.2 101.3 101.7 102.1 102.8 102.9 102.9 103.0 103.1 103.5 104.1 93.0 94.5 95.4 97.6 98.4 100.3 100.0 99.1 99.5 99.4 100.3 103.0 88.9 89.8 89.3 92.6 97.2 97.7 98.6 101.0 98.6 98.2 97.7 99.1 90.9 94.8 96.7 99.1 112.4 133.2 136.0 139.4 126.7 130.5 135.3 152.4 98.5 102.5 107.8 117.7 118.5 109.0 103.9 85.5 96.1 95.6 94.2 92.2 78.9 76.7 86.9 91.2 79.0 82.0 84.7 100.0 105.9 105.1 114.0 118.2 102.2 102.1 101.8 102.3 103.3 106.1 106.6 106.7 106.7 106.9 107.6 109.4 89.7 89.9 90.1 91.7 97.6 106.6 107.5 107.1 105.8 105.5 105.8 112.1 1966 Jan. Feb. Mar. 104.6 105.4 105.4 104.5 107.4 106.8 99.1 103.3 106.1 157.8 158.2 134.9 97.5 98.0 101.3 99.8 116.3 118.5 110.3 111.8 111.5 113.6 116.0 112.8 II Includes groups not shewn separately. 39 T a b le 1. K ey W h o le s a le P r ic e In d e x e s , 1 9 6 0 - 6 6 - -C o n tin u e d (1957-59=100) Industrial Commodities Year or month Alii/ NonSteel ferrous mill products metals (10-2) Machinery Nonelec trical (special) Elec trical (11-7) Hides and leather (04) Refined petroleum products (05-7) Annual Averages 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 101.3 100.8 100.8 100.7 101.2 102.5 102.1 101.7 101.4 102.0 102.8 103.3 103.9 100.4 99.2 99.1 105.9 115.2 104.2 104.9 106.1 107.1 108.7 110.7 105.2 106.2 107.4 104.2 104.6 109.2 97.6 99.3 98.2 97.2 92.7 95.9 -1.3 -1.6 -1.0 -0.6 0 + 1.0 + 1.1 -3.0 +0.4 +4.4 +1.7 -1.1 -1.0 -4.6 +3.5 101.3 100.0 98.4 97.4 96.8 96.8 Percent Change in Annual Averages 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 -0.5 0 -0.1 +0.5 + 1.3 -0.4 -0.3 +0.6 +0.8 +0.5 -3.4 -1.2 -0.1 +6.9 +8.8 +0.7 + 1.1 +0.9 + 1.5 + 1.8 Monthly Indexes 1965 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 101.9 101.9 102.0 102.1 102.3 102.5 102.5 102.7 102.7 102.8 103.2 103.2 102.9 102.9 103.0 103.0 103.2 103.2 103.4 103.5 103.5 103.7 103.6 103.9 111.5 111.8 112.3 113.4 115.2 116.2 115.5 116.5 117.0 117.4 118.7 117.2 109.7 109.9 110.1 110.2 110.4 110.5 110.4 110.8 111.0 111.2 111.8 111.9 96.7 96.8 96.8 97.0 97.1 96.9 97.0 96.7 96.6 96.6 96.5 96.6 104.9 105.1 105.7 106.3 107.4 107.7 108.8 112.2 111.3 113.3 113.6 114.6 95.2 93.9 94.0 94.1 95.4 96.0 96.0 96.4 96.4 96.6 98.1 98.4 1966 J an. Feb. Mar. i.03.5 103.8 104.0 104.1 104.2 104.3 118.3 119.5 120.8 112.2 112.6 113.0 97.0 97.8 98.2 116.0 117.8 118.7 98.3 97.8 97.2 1/ Includes groups not shown separately. 40 T a b le 1. K ey W h o le s a le P r ic e In d e x e s , 1 9 6 0 -6 6 --C o n tin u e d (1957-59=100) Industrial Commodities Year or month Textile products and apparel (03) Chemicals and allied products (06) Pulp and paper (09) Lumber and wood products (08) Rubber Furniture Construc and tion and other products durables materials (07) (12) (special) Annual Averages I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 101.5 99.7 100.6 100.5 101.2 101.8 100.2 99.1 97.5 96.3 96.7 97.4 101.8 98.8 100.0 99.2 99.0 99.9 100.4 95.9 96.5 98.6 100.6 101.1 100.1 99.5 98.8 98.1 98.5 98.0 100.5 98.6 98.3 98.5 99.6 100.8 -3.8 -2.9 +0.5 -1.4 +0.4 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 +0.4 -0.5 -1.9 -0.3 +0.2 + 1.1 + 1.2 99.9 96.1 93.3 93.8 92.5 92.9 Percent Change in Annual Averages 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 -1.8 +0.9 -0.1 +0.7 +0.6 -1.1 -1.6 -1.2 +0.4 +0.7 -2.9 + 1.2 -0.8 -0.2 +0.9 -4.5 +0.6 +2.2 +2.0 +0.5 Monthly Indexes 1965 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.6 101.9 101.9 101.9 102.1 102.0 101.9 102.0 97.3 97.5 97.5 97.6 97.6 97.4 97.4 97.1 97.2 97.6 97.5 97.6 99.0 99.0 99.5 99.8 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.5 100.8 100.9 100.8 100.8 100.7 100.5 100.4 100.3 100.5 101.8 102.0 101.6 101.6 101.9 92.3 92.2 92.2 92.3 92.9 93.1 93.0 93.2 93.3 93.4 93.5 93.5 98.3 98.2 98.3 98.0 98.0 98.0 97.8 97.7 97.7 97.8 98.0 98.2 100.2 100.3 100.2 100.3 100.7 100.7 100.8 101.2 101.2 101.2 101.3 101.4 1966 Jan. Feb. Mar. 101.9 102.0 102.1 97.6 97.6 97.6 101.2 101.3 101.8 102.8 103.7 105.6 93.7 94.1 94.3 98.3 98.4 98.4 101.9 102.4 103.0 41 Table 2. Wholesale Price Indexes for Significant Industrial Commodities, 1966 (1957-59=100) Commodity All industrial commodities Textile products and apparel Cotton products Wool products Manmade fiber products Apparel Hides, skins, and leather products Hides and skins Leather Footwear Fuels and power Refined petroleum products Chemicals and allied products Industrial chemicals: inorganic Industrial chemicals: organic Paint materials Drug materials Fertilizer materials Plastic materials Rubber and rubber products Crude rubber Synthetic rubber Tires Lumber and wood products Lumber Plywood Pulp, paper, and allied products Woodpulp Wastepaper Paper Paperboard Converted paper products Building paper and board 42 Mar. 104,0 102.1 101.8 106.0 90.8 104.7 118.7 147.8 123.3 115.3 99,9 97.2 97.6 105.3 88.6 89.8 94.4 104,7 88.4 94.3 91.2 98.0 90.4 105.6 107.4 97.7 101.8 98,0 108.7 105.4 97.0 101.6 92.7 Feb. 103.8 102.0 101.5 105.8 91.0 104.7 117.8 152.8 118.0 114.9 100.3 97.8 97.6 105.1 88.6 89.5 94.5 104.7 88.4 94.1 91.0 98.0 90.4 103.7 105.6 94.0 101.3 98.0 105.5 105.4 96.7 100.9 92.7 Jan. 103.5 101.9 101.0 105.9 91.3 104.6 116.0 140.0 116.6 114.4 100.5 98.3 97.6 105.1 88.5 89.5 94.4 103.8 88.4 93.7 90.0 98.0 90.4 102.8 104.3 93.9 101.2 98.0 105.8 105.2 96.7 100.8 92.7 Percent change to Mar. 1966 from: Dec, 1965 Mar. 1965 +0.8 +0.1 +0,6 +0.6 -1.2 +0,4 +3.6 + 11.7 +8,0 + 1.3 -0.7 -1.2 0 +0.2 -0.7 +0.9 -0.2 +0.9 0 +0.9 + 1,8 0 +0.1 +3.6 +3.9 +6.1 +0,9 -0.1 +3,9 +0.5 +0.5 + 1.2 0 +2.0 +0.6 +2,2 +2,8 -5.8 + 1.6 + 12.3 +60.5 + 16.7 +5.7 +2.0 +3,4 +0.1 +0,7 +0.2 -0.6 -0.2 +0,4 0 + 2.3 +0,7 0 +3.1 +4,9 +6,0 +6,0 +2.3 -0.1 + 13.0 + 1.5 +0.7 + 2.8 +0.5 T a b le 2, W h o le s a le P r i c e In d e x e s f o r S i g n i f i c a n t I n d u s t r i a l C o m m o d it ie s , 1 9 6 6 - - C o n t in u e d (1957-59=100) Commodity Mar. Feb. Jan, Percent change to Mar. 1966 from: Dec. 1965 Mar. 1965 Metal and metal products Iron and steel Steel mill products Foundry and forge shop products Nonferrous metals Wire and cable Heating equipment Fabricated structural metal products Fabricated nonstructural metal products All machinery and equipment Electrical machinery and equipment All nonelectrical machinery and equip. Metalworking machinery and equipment General purpose machinery and equip. Construction machinery and equipment Agricultural machinery and equipment Motor vehicles Furniture and other household durables Household furniture Household appliances TV, radio receivers, and phonograph Nonmetallie mineral products Concrete ingredients Structural clay products Tobacco products Nonalcoholic beverages Miscellaneous products Manufactured animal feeds 108.0 102.3 104.3 107,2 120.8 115.8 91.8 103.1 110.9 105.0 98.2 113.0 121.1 107.3 117.9 118.0 100.3 98.4 107.2 89.1 83.7 102.1 103.8 105.9 109.8 128.5 113.1 119.6 107,5 102.2 104.2 107.2 119.5 116.3 91.7 102.6 110.5 104.7 97.8 112.6 120.7 106.8 117.5 117.8 100.4 98.4 107.2 88.7 84.0 102.1 103.7 105.8 106.6 128.5 116.0 124.8 107.0 102.0 104.1 107.1 118.3 115.8 91.5 102.3 110.0 104.4 97.0 112.2 119.8 106.8 116.9 117.3 100.5 98.3 107.0 88.7 84,1 102,0 103.6 105.6 106.6 128.5 114.3 121.8 + 1.3 +0,6 +0,4 +0.5 +3.1 +0.5 +0.2 + 1.1 + 1.1 +0.8 + 1.7 +0,4 + 1.9 +0.8 + 1.2 +0.9 -0.2 +0.2 +0.5 +0.3 -0.9 +0.5 +0.4 +0.3 +3 •6 0 +0.5 +0.8 +3.1 + 1.0 + 1.3 + 1.5 +7.6 +6.7 +0.2 +2.8 + 1,6 +1.4 +1.4 +0.4 +4.8 +2.8 +3.0 +3.0 -0.5 +0.1 + 1.1 Durable Commodities Raw durables Durable manufactures 105.3 114.7 105.1 104.9 111.4 104.8 104.6 108.2 104.5 + 1.1 +8.8 +0.9 + 1.9 + 10.8 + 1.7 Nondurable Commodities Raw nondurables Nondurable manufactures 105.3 106.9 104.7 105.5 107.3 104.8 104.5 105.1 104.3 + 1.3 +2.8 +0.9 +5.5 +8.7 +4.3 - 1.0 -2.6 +0.2 +0.6 + 1.0 +3.5 +0.3 +3.3 +4.7 43 Table 3. Key Consumer Price Indexes, 1960-66 (1957-59=100) Food at Home Year or month Meats All items Food Fruits and veg. A 111/ Beef 2/ Pork Fresh Processing Food away from home Annual Averages I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 103.1 104.2 105.4 106.7 108.1 109.9 101.4 102.6 103.6 105.1 106.4 108.8 100.6 101.5 102.2 103.5 104.7 107.2 104.2 102.5 106.2 105.0 101.9 106.8 93.8 98.2 99.1 96.6 96.1 109.4 105.2 103.5 106.3 112.6 119.2 121.7 101.4 105.6 102.6 108.3 110.8 107.3 105.5 107.8 110.7 113.2 115.2 117.8 -1.6 +2.7 +5.9 +5.9 +2.1 +4.1 -2.8 +5.6 +2.3 -3.2 +2.2 +2.7 +2.3 + 1.8 +2.3 Percent Change in Annual Averages 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 + 1.1 + 1.2 + 1.2 + 1.3 +1.7 + 1.2 + 1.0 + 1.4 + 1.2 +2.3 +0.9 +0.7 + 1.3 + 1.2 +2.4 -1.6 +3.6 -1.1 -3.0 +4.8 +4.7 +0.9 -2.5 -0.5 + 13.8 Monthly Indexes 1965 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 108.9 108.9 109.0 109.3 109.6 110.1 110.2 110.0 110.2 110.4 110.6 111.0 106.6 106.6 106.9 107.3 107.9 110.1 110.9 110.1 109.7 109.7 109.7 110.6 104.8 104.8 105.0 105.5 106.2 108.8 109.7 108.6 108.0 107.8 107.8 108.9 103.1 102.4 102.6 102.6 103.9 109.6 110.9 110.1 109.8 109.1 108.3 108.9 96.2 97.0 97.4 97.5 98.6 108.9 117.2 119.9 119.9 118.8 118.3 122.8 115.7 118.2 122.2 126.4 133.5 141.6 138.6 121.2 110.2 109.7 111.2 112.2 108.6 107.5 106.9 106.7 106.2 105.8 106.1 106.4 106.7 107.4 108.8 110.0 116.1 116.3 116.5 116.8 116.9 117.2 117.6 118.2 118.8 119.2 119.6 119.9 1966 Jan. Feb. Mar. 111.0 111.6 112.0 111.4 113.1 113.9 109.8 111.8 112.6 109.4 111.4 113.9 130.9 133.2 131.7 112.5 121.5 122.8 110.3 110.6 110.8 120.4 120.8 121.2 If 2/ 44 Includes foods not shown separately. Includes veal. T a b le 3, Key C onsum er P r ic e In d e x e s , 1 9 6 0 - 6 6 - -C o n tin u e d (1957-59=100) Housing Year or month All Homeownership Transportation Apparel and upkeep Health and recrea tion All commod ities ex cept food Nondurabies less Durables food Annual Averages I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 103.1 103.9 104.8 106.0 107.2 108.5 103.7 104.4 105.6 107.0 109.1 111.4 103.8 105.0 107.2 107.8 109.3 111.1 102.2 103.0 103.6 104.8 105.7 106.8 105.4 107.3 109.4 111.4 113.6 115.6 100.9 100.8 101.8 102.1 103.0 102.6 102.6 103.2 103.8 104.8 105.7 107.2 +0.3 +0.8 +0.7 +0.9 +0.7 - 0 .1 +1.0 +0.3 +0.9 -0.4 +0.6 +0.6 + 1.0 +0.9 + 1.4 101.7 102.0 102.8 103.5 104.4 105.1 Percent Change in Annual Averages 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 +0.8 +0.9 +1.1 +1.1 + 1.2 +0.7 +1.1 +1.3 +2.0 +2.1 +1.2 +2.1 +0.6 + 1.4 + 1.6 +0.8 +0.6 + 1.2 +0.9 +1.0 + 1.8 +2.0 + 1.8 +2.0 + 1.8 Monthly Indexes 1965 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 108.1 108.2 108.2 108.2 108.2 108.2 108.3 108.2 108.6 109.0 109.2 109.4 110.6 110.9 110.8 110.8 110.8 111.0 111.2 111.4 111.6 112.1 112.5 112.9 111.1 110.6 110.6 111.0 111.4 111.2 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.2 111.5 111.6 105.6 105.8 106.0 106.3 106.8 106.9 106.1 106.4 107.2 107.8 108.1 108.1 114.5 114.7 114.9 115.4 115.6 115.7 115.3 115.6 115.8 106.2 116.4 116.6 104.9 104.7 104.8 105.0 105.2 105.1 104.7 104.7 104.9 105.3 105.6 105.7 103.6 103.3 103.2 103.0 102.9 102.6 102.3 101.8 101.7 102.1 102.4 102.4 106.1 106.1 106.2 106.8 107.2 107.3 106.9 107.1 107.7 108.0 108.3 108.4 1966 Jan. Feb. Mar. 109.2 109.4 109.6 113.1 113.3 113.5 111.2 111.1 111.4 107.3 107.6 108.2 116.9 117.1 117.6 105.3 105.4 105.6 101.9 101.8 102.0 108.0 108.3 108.6 45 T a b le 3. K ey C onsum er P r ic e In d e x e s , 1 9 6 0 -6 6 --C o n tin u e d (1957-59=100) Services Year or month All— ^ Rent All less rent Household services less rent Medical care Trans porta tion Other 109.1 113.1 116.8 120.3 123.2 127.1 107.0 109.5 111.2 112.4 115.0 119.3 106.2 109.7 112.6 115.3 118.5 121.8 +3.7 +3.3 +3.0 +2.4 +3.2 +2.3 + 1.6 + 1.1 +2.3 +3.7 +3.3 +2.6 +2.4 +2.8 +2.8 Annual Averages 106.6 108.8 110.9 113.0 115.2 117.8 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 103.1 104.4 105.7 106.8 107.8 108.9 107.4 110.0 112.1 114.5 117.0 120.0 108.0 109.2 110.6 113.0 114.8 117.0 Percent Change in Annual Averages 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63. 1963-64 1964-65 +2.1 + 1.9 + 1.9 + 1.9 +2.3 + 1.3 + 1.2 + 1.0 +0.9 + 1.0 +2.4 + 1.9 +2.1 + 2.2 +2.6 + 1.1 + 1.3 + 2.2 + 1.6 + 1.9 Monthly Indexes 1965 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov, Dec. 116.6 116.9 117.0 117.3 117.5 117.6 117.8 117.9 118.5 118.7 119.0 119.3 108.4 108.5 108.7 108.8 108.8 108.8 108.9 109.0 109.1 109.2 109.3 109.5 118.8 118.9 119.1 119.3 119.5 119.7 120.0 120.0 120.7 121.0 121.3 121.6 116.0 116.2 116.2 116.3 116.5 116.8 116.9 116.6 117.6 117.9 118.1 118.4 125.0 125.5 125.9 126.2 126.5 127.0 127.5 127-.7 127.8 128.1 128.5 128.9 117.7 118.2 118.4 118.5 118.7 118.6 119.1 119.6 120.2 120.7 121.0 121.3 120.1 120.4 120.7 121.3 121.6 121.7 121.9 122.1 122.6 122.8 123.0 123.2 1966 Jan. Feb. Mar. 119.5 119.7 120.1 109.7 109.8 109.9 121.8 122.0 122.5 117.9 118.1 118.5 129.5 129.9 130.8 122.5 122.6 122.6 123.8 124.1 125.0 1/ 46 Includes groups not shown separately. T a b le 4. C o n s u m e r P r i c e In d e x e s f o r s e l e c t e d c o m m o d itie s s e a s o n a lly a d ju s te d an d u n a d ju s te d , 1 9 6 5 -6 6 (1957-59=100) Food at home Year and month Adj. Unadj. Meats, poultry* and fish Adj. Unadj• Dairy products Adj. Unadj. Fruits and vegetables Adj. Other foods at home Unadj. Adj. Unadj. 1965 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 105.0 104.8 105.3 105.9 106.7 108.9 108.3 108.2 107.7 107.8 108.2 109.2 104.8 104.8 105.0 105.5 106.2 108.8 109.7 108.6 108.0 107.8 107.8 108.9 99.2 99.5 100.3 101.1 102.1 108.0 109.0 108.3 107.5 107.6 108.1 110.3 99.2 99.5 99.6 99.8 100.3 106.4 109.2 109.8 109.8 108.9 108.5 110.1 104.9 104.9 104.9 105.0 105.0 105.1 104.8 105.1 105.1 104.9 105.2 105.4 105.6 105.2 105.0 104.5 104.2 104.0 104.3 105.0 105.3 105.5 105.8 106.1 115.0 114.4 115.3 115.5 117.4 119.8 116.5 113.8 112.6 113.3 114.4 114.1 112.4 113.3 115.3 117.6 121.4 125.9 124.3 114.6 108.5 108.5 109.9 111.0 100.8 100.7 101.0 102.0 102.0 102.1 102.0 102.1 101.6 101.7 102.1 103.3 101.6 100.9 100.3 101.1 100.8 100.5 101.2 101.9 103.0 103.5 102.9 103.8 1966 Jan. Feb. Mar. 110.0 111.8 112.9 109.8 111.8 112.6 112.9 115.7 117.7 112.9 115.7 116.9 105.9 106.7 108.0 106.6 107.0 108.1 113.9 117.7 117.4 111.3 116.5 117.4 102.1 103.3 104.4 102.9 103.5 103.7 Table 4. Consumer Price Indexes for selected commodities, seasonally adjusted and unadjusted, 1965-66--Continued (1957-59=100) Year and month Fuel oil and coal Housefurnishings Adj • Unadj. Adj. Unadj. 106.5 106.7 106.5 105.4 104.6 103.4 103.2 103.5 104.3 106.9 107.2 108.6 105.3 105.4 105.3 105.5 106.0 106.1 105.2 105.8 106.0 105.9 106.3 106.5 104.7 104.9 105.0 105.3 105.9 106.0 105.0 105.3 106.2 106.9 107.2 107.2 98.3 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.0 97.7 97.6 97.5 97.6 97.5 97.8 98.0 98.1 98.4 98.5 98.3 98.2 97.6 97.3 97.5 97.6 97.6 97.8 108.9 109.0 108.9 106.8 107.0 107.4 106.2 106.5 107.1 97.9 97.9 97.8 97.6 97.8 98.0 Adj. Unadj. 1965 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 104.2 104.3 104.5 104.7 106.1 105.5 105.4 105.6 105.7 107.1 106.6 107.3 1966 Jan. Feb. Mar. 106.6 106.5 106.9 Apparel commodities New cars Adj. Used cars Unadj. Adj. Unadj. 100.7 100.6 100.6 100.7 100.6 98.0 98.4 98.4 98.4 96.8 96.9 97.6 101.5 101.0 100.8 100.7 100.2 97.4 97.2 97.1 96.5 97.7 98.7 98.7 125.6 125.2 124.1 121.5 121.2 121.2 121.3 119.0 117.5 118.0 117.4 118.4 123.7 121.7 121.7 120.6 121.1 122.7 123.0 120.3 118.9 119.4 118.7 118.2 96.6 96.8 96.9 97.4 97.2 97.1 116.5 117.3 117.6 114.8 114.0 115.4 Table 5. Indexes of Daily Spot Market Prices (Monthly averages of daily indexes) (1957-59=100) Year and month All commod Foodstuffs— ^ ities Raw indus trials— ^ Livestock Metals and 3 / products— 7 Textiles and fibers Fats and , oils— ^ ☆ U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1966 O - 220-182 1965 January February March April May June July August September October November December 102.3 102.4 103.0 105.3 105.2 104.2 103.3 104.7 105.4 105.6 106.1 108.9 91.5 91.5 89.8 90.6 90.3 90.1 89.0 91.2 93.2 93.4 93.9 97.9 110.6 110.7 113.2 116.7 116.9 115.3 114.6 115.2 114.8 115.0 115.5 117.1 92.3 94.7 97.7 102.4 103.5 105.4 106.3 107.4 104.5 106.2 106.2 111.0 129.5 128.2 132.3 137.3 137.9 135.7 134.1 135.9 135.9 135.3 136.7 137.6 105.4 105.2 105.7 107.4 108.2 108.8 109.3 110.0 112.5 112.9 112.8 114.0 101.8 105.2 106.4 108.6 101.7 99.8 100.2 98.5 101.4 103.1 102.4 103.7 1966 January February March 112.0 113.8 113.6 100.7 101.9 100.7 120.5 122.9 123.5 117.6 120.7 118.2 143.2 147.3 146.9 113.7 113.0 113.9 107.6 109.5 108.5 1/ 2/ scrap, 3/ 4/ V£> Includes butter, cocoa beans, corn, cottonseed oil, hogs, lard, steers, sugar, and wheat. Includes burlap, copper scrap, cotton, hides, lead scrap, printcloth, rosin, rubber, steel tallow, tin, wool tops, and zinc. Includes hides, hogs, lard, steers, and tallow. Includes butter, cottonseed oil, lard, and tallow. REGIONAL O FFICES AND DIRECTORS NEW ENGLAND REGION MIDDLE ATLANTIC REGION W endell Herbert D. M acd onald, D irector 18 Oliver Street Bienstock, Director 341 Ninth Avenue Boston, Mass. 02110 New York, N. Y. 10001 Connecticut New Hampshire Delaware New York Maine Rhode Island Maryland Pennsylvania M assachusetts Vermont New Jersey D istrict of Columbia EAST CENTRAL REGION J o h n W. L e h m a n , Director NORTH CENTRAL REGION Adolph 0. Berger, Director 1365 Ontario Street Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Kentucky Ohio Michigan West Virginia 219 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, 111. 60604 SOUTHERN REGION WESTERN REGION Brunswick A. Bagdon, Director 1371 Peachtre e Street, NE. Atlanta, Ga. 30309 North Carolina Alabama Oklahoma Arkansas South Carolina Florida Tennessee Georgia Louisiana Texas Virginia M ississippi Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Minnesota Max D. Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Wisconsin K o s s o ri s, Di re c to r 450 Golden Gate Avenue San F ran cisco, C alif. 94102 Alaska Nevada Arizona New Mexico California Oregon Utah Colorado Hawaii Washington Wyoming Idaho Montana