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~~or release to afternoon papers
Saturday, August 30, 1941.
The W.PA Writers' Program huving substantially completed its major
task of producing the 48 volumes of t he .Amorice.n Guide Series, will turn
during the present fiscal year to the tr eatment of individual aspects of
American life and culture, Mrs. Florence Kerr, As s istant Commissioner in
charge of community service activities, announced today.
In outlining the program to be followed during fiscal 1942, Mr s.
K0rr mentioned particularl~r the Life in America Series which will include a
volume on American eating habits, a popular history of the for est conservation
movement and six regional books on American arts and crafts; a Nation~l Dof ons o
Series which will cover many aspects of civilian defense [1,S well as guides to
many military and naval areas, and s everal special additions to the Anorican
Guide SGries.


11 The

immediate objective of the WP.A Writors 1 Progr am is to bring to
the wides t possible reading public socially V<',lid. , si gnificant and i nter es ting
facts about the United Stntes, its people and it s i ns titutions," Mrs. Kerr
stated. 11 At the same time the skills of uner.i.ployed writers, editors and research workers are preserved and retrained.
"The urgencies of t he present decade make mut ual und.ersta.ndi1;.g
between communities of the nation a prerequisite to national unity. The
ultimate goal of the Writers' Prograr. is to cont ribute to nat i onal unity
through presenting .Ar.lerica to Ai:1ericans . 11
At tho same tine Mr s. Kerr r evealed t hat a bid for hemispher ic good
will is being through the earl;y· -publica tion i n Spanish of a volur.1e to be
known as 11 The United States: A Pictorial Study of a Denocracy. 11 Sponsor ed by
the State Depa.rtn ent and to be distribu:tod by it i n Centra l an.d South Ar.lorica,
the volume is to be published in quarto size uncl will be a graphic presentation in pictures and text of the life and i ns tituti ons of t h is country. An
edition i n English nay be published l a ter, she said.
The Life in A_merica Series, however, will cons titute the principal
effort on a national scale of the Writers' Progr a::i durinc t he next year, Mrs.
Kerr pointed out. This undertaking is a loi;ical s1.1ccos sor to t he popul ar
Anerican Guide Series which has :presented-for the first tine, in nuny i ns t ances--a conprehensive account of the history, cul ture, econon;r, as well as
detailed touring infornation 1 on each of 46 states and two cities • .At l as t
reports approxiuately 300,000 copi es of these t~ides had be en sold t hr oubh regular r et a il channels.
Headi ng the list of publications i n the Life i n Aue rica Seri es will
be six regional volumes bearing the title, "Hands That :Built the Ha tion. 11
These will describe the native ~.rts and cra fts of the people of New Engl and ,
the Middle Atlantic and Great Lake s Statos , t ho Southeast, the Central States ,
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the Southwest an.d the northwest. Each volume will run to api'.lroximatel~r 40 , 000
words in length and ~~11 have some 60 illustrations in color selected from
plates made b~r the WPA Index of Americe,n Design.

.Amorica Eats" is the title t entatively selected for .::mother book in
tho Life in America Series. Each chapt er v!ill describe a comr:m.nity moe.l ty-picnJ
of some yhase of American life-a political barbecue, a church supper, a Rotary
luncheon, a clam ba.1<:e, breakfast in a largo city cafeteria, a famil~- rou...'1ion
dinn or, etc. Tho accounts will describe the people, what they wear, tho ritual n
connected ,-.ri th t he preparo..tion n.nd serving of the food and whatever other as pects mclrn it a distinctive occasion. Also, an effort wil l be made to c.iscovor tho source of such gnstronomic traditions as .the allirmco between tc:-.~-.:o d
beans c.nd Boston, the identifying of hot biscuits n.nd fried chicken wi tl1. t h o
South and why Wostern0rs arc supposed to prefer fried moats to ro.:1sts.
Lyle Saxon, well-kno-.,,m New Orleans author ond epicure, h~s been
especially designated as tho odi tor of t his volume. He is Director of tho WPA Writers• Prog,Tam.
Other projected volumes in tho Life in .America Series arc a history
of forest consorv n tion in tho United States; an account of the Westo:rn rnngoLmds in terms of the Indians, Spanicrds and. American frontier smen who peop led
it, r'nd a contcmrorc,ry and h istoricnl o.ccount of the .American Indian.
Two sots cf e;"<lcs and a series of State Hoo.1th Almanacs nro the
princij_)al publico..tions co!1tcmpl atcd in the National Defense Series. Ono group
of guides will to tho 11ili t nry and. naval service ncademics; tho other
to tho larger ro gull:'..l' .Amry ~nd Navy posts and reserva tions. The St a te Health
Almanacs designed to bring adequate health information into the homos of
Amcrico~s of a ll clas s es. Other publications for use in the civilian defense
program are :plaaned.
While all of the regular State Guides planned for in the }Jneric::m
Guide Series have now been published, severa l s pe cial additions to this series
are to be produced during t he year. These N'ill include the 11 Uni ted St a tes
Travel Atlas, 11 a one-volume resume of the outstanding points of interest covered
in the State Guides; several State Pictorial Guidos, which will furnish a q_uicko~and more g ~a:phic perspective of some of the states t han _t ho re gular . St at e Guidos,
and full-sized guide volumes on such ci tics as Santa Barbara, Miami, Boston,
Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, C:inc;i,,_nnati, Nashville and others . A similar volume on
the New England coastal watcr~·mys is also planned.

In addition to those major projects to be undertaken on a natignal
sco:po each State WPA Writcrs 1 Program will continue to produce books and pa'llphlcts on subjects of state and local interest, as they have in tho past .

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