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--Works Progr e £s Admini s tration--


For _Re lea se in Morning !Jewspa.J:ii- r s
Wednesclay, August J 8 , 193 7.

President to Do,~1·
u A • Pr o,J· e c t •
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A re plica of the thn tched lo g cab i n on Roanoke Island , off the Ho rth
Carol i na coast , in which Virginia Dare, . the first chil d of English par entage _-born
in the New Tiorld, saw the li ght on August 18 , 1587 , just 350 yea rs ago today, was
formally thrown open for Pre s ident Roosevelt I s ins pect ion a t th e opening of the
commemo~a tive cere moni es a nd page a nt this morning.
After much research a nd delving into historic.s.l records, the North
Carolina Historical Commissi on e sta bli shed t he original p l ans of the sto ck a ded
village built by Sir Wa lt e r Raleigh 's soldi e rs of fortune , a nd during th e p~s t
sever a l years the

W.P.A. has cc,rri e d out the r esto r a ti on o f the: entir e settl edent ,

known in history n s th e

11 Citi e

of Ra lci gh 11 , or

11 The

Lost Col o!ly. 11

In a dcUt ion to

the birthplace of Virginia Darf: , which b elonf'e d to h e r granrfa the r, Gove rnor
John White , t he re is a lo g church , a fort, n nd several cotta ges , ~11 with thatche d

The tract, wh ich is a t the northe rn tip of the i sl Rnd , is surr ounded by

a log stocka de.
Tho work of r es toring this sn rine h,".s b e e n ca.rri od out with historical
accura cy, including the us e of junipe r logs and wooden p ins.

The fi e ld s ha v e

been sown as tho colonists sowed th em , with s qu Gsh , pumpkin , ma iz e and tobC'.cco.
According to th e most r e linbl 0. r r. cord s , Governor White s e t s a il for
England a f ew dc,ys a ft e r h is grandaught c r wo..s b or n t o g e t r el i e f for his 120 settl ers, including 17 women and 10 children .

When he returne d t\7o years l a ter , th e re

was not a trace of MY one .
Tho restor a tion of the "Lost Col ony", b e gun by the
O\rer by the w.P.A. two years a go.

c.W.A., wns t o.ken

-Th0 cost h.:1s b ee n aboi....t $21,000 .

00 000 0 00000

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