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l\iorthweste rn
Un iv ers ity
_n r i ry

.;G .. J ..... ::.,~ i :>

No. 4 - 1095



-- Works Progress Administration

For immediate release
March 5, 1936

Hopkins Ans we rs Senator Vandenberg

Works Progress Administrator, Harry L. Hopkins, making ans we r
to Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg's request for an investigation of charges that
the Indiana County (Pa.) Democratic Committee had sought to coerce Works Progr ess
employes to contribute to party funds, took occasion to da.y to disclaim responsibility f or acts of


dumb politicians", and t o reiterate that beneficiaries of

President Rooseve lt's relief program a r e under no obli gati on to contribute t o
po litical organizations.
11 !

am sure you know n he wrote t he Michigan Senator, n that I cannot

be held respons ibl e fo r the acts of dumb po liticians.

I am r espons ible for pro-

t ect ing our staff from any 'raiding' on the part of any political party or their
"This I have done and in this particular case our po licy was
carried out to the letter.

I am, 11 he concluded t his letter summarizing the r e sults of the

inquiry, which, among other things noted that the widely advertised letter of
the local comm ittee grossed bu t $1.25 in collections, nindebted to you for giving
me the opportunity of again making it clear to the employes of the Works Progress
Administrati on and the Emer gency Relief .Administration, that they are under no
obligation whatevetligt ?zet?ig-y tribute to any political parb'¥ig ffif i fl?oY!f son. 11



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With the letter, Mr . Hopkins sent the Michigan Senator copies
of orders and notices dating back to 1934 issued by Emergency Relief Administration and Wor!rn Progress Administration officials warning attaches and workers
alike that there must be no such solicitation as complained of by Mr. Vandenberg.
The latest of the series bore date of December 3, or twenty-four

hours before the letter Senator Vandenberg based his protest on, was issued.
The correspondence, statements and exhibits follow:

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~:\arc:1 5, 1 936

Honorable A.H. Vande nbe r g ,
Unite d States Senate,
Washingt on , D. C.
My dear Senator:
On February 28 t h you sent me a letter enclcsing ccpy
of an excerpt signed by Harry W. Fee, Chair!l'an, Countv Democr a ti c Committee of Indiana County, Pennsylvania, in whi ch you
s t ate , 11 it would appear a reas onao le deduc ti on t hat thi s pillage
is a gene r a l practice. 11 Th is assumpti on on your par t cbvi ous l y
v1as not based on any knowledge r,f t he facts; fo r in the case in
point our office not only advi sed our employees that they need
not contri bu t e, but our aQministrator who is r espons ibl e f or
t his County t old t he employees verbally and in writing that
t he ir failur e t o contribu te would i n no wise affect their jobs.
I am sure you know thet I cannot be he l d responsible f or the
ac t s of t he dumb pcliticians who take it upon themse lves to
write letters t o our empl oyees . I am r espon sible f::,r p r otecti ng
our s taff and the worke rs fr or'.1 any 11 rai ding11 on t he part of any
po liti cc1 l part y or t he ir r epresentat ives . This I have done , and
in thi s particul a r case 01.1r poli cv was carri ed out to t he lett er,
The po liti cian who asked for t r.e contrioutions we,s t ol d in wo rds
of one syllabl e tha,t our staff was no o'bligation t o contri but e and t hat the ir ,jol•s would be fully protected i n case
they did not ccntri bute, and no t one single per son on t his s t aff
was r emoved fr om off ice because rf his f ai lure t o con tribu t e ,
nor will he be.
Followi ng is the summary of the facts deve l cped in the
1. The lett er was sent over the p rotes t of Wcrks Progress Admir, istra t ion and Ste.t e Emergency Reli e f Acim i nis tra ti on

2 . Local Republican l ,::,ade rs offered substa.ntial sums
of money to re c i pients of such l et ter s with the deQlsred pur po se
of using t he same fer partisan po litic &l pur pose s;

As far back as Oct ober 6 , 1934, off i c ials of the

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March 5, 1936

Honorable A.H. Vandenberg
Page 2

State Emergency Relief Administration, following the policy of
this office, warned employees that while they were 11 as free as
any other citizen to contribute to any political party or candidate, the State Emergency Relief .Administration will not,
directly or indirectly, in any way be a part to the solicitation
of political contributions from employees; 11
4. This notice was reissued on October 28, 1935, by the
State Emergency Relief .Administrator in advance of the election
and nearly two months before the issuance of the letter on which
your complaint is based;
5. Again, on ~ecember 3, having in mind that such letters
as you quote might be issued, the State Emergency Relief Administrator issued an order as follows:
11 1

It has come to my attention that some of our administrative employees have receiv ed letters from local political
committees soliciting a percentQge of their salaries as a
contribution to the local political campaign fund.
11 I wish to have it expressly understood by every employee
of the Emergency Relief .Administration that I do not sanction
solicitation on our premises of our employees for political
campaign purposes,
11 This does not prohibit the right of any person in our
employ who, as a private citizen, desires to make a vo;iuntary
contribution of money to any political party or campaign,
but their action in so doing is voluntary on their part and
has no bearing upon employment under the present Emergency
Relief .A.dmini~tration. 11

6. It is further shown that Mr. Fee and his associates
of the Indiana County Democratic Committee had been notified by both
the Works Progress Administration and relief directors that the employees and beneficiaries of the Works Progress Administration and the
State Emergency Relief Administration program could not ruid should not
be assessed for political purposes;

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C ') p y

March 5, 1931'3
Honorable A.H. Vandenberg
Page 3

7. Both by posted notices and verbally from the County
Relief Director, employees had repeatedly been advised that they need
pay no attention to such letters, that their positions would in no
way be jeopardized by failure to contribute, and that they were free
to make such contributions as they desired to any political party.
8. Voluntary statements have been obtained from err~loyees
of the Relief Office indicating that they thoroughly understood at the
time that no pressure would be brought to bear on them from their
9. The effectiveness of our efforts to protect relief
workers is shown by the fact that only one employee made any contribution, and that was in the amount of $1.25;
10. The implied threat in Mr. Fee 1 s letters was entirely
without foundation, since recipients of the letters who made no contribution were subsequently employed in similar positions in the Works
Progress Administration.
I am enclosing bulletins and letters illustrating the position
taken by the Works Progress A&~inistration and relief officials.
In conclusion, my dear Senator, let me say that I am indebted
to you for giving me the opportunity of again making it clear to
employees of the Works Progress Administration and the IDnergency
Relief Administration that they are under no obligation whatever to
pay tribute to any political party or person.
Very sincerely yours,


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United States Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations
February 28, 1936

Hon. Harry Hopkins,
Federal Emergency Relief Administrator,
Washington, D. C.
My dear Mr. Hopkins:
My attention is directed to a full-page reproduction in the
Butler (Pennsylvania) Eagle of a letter purporting to show Democratic solicitation of campaign funds from Relief Workers on
penalty of black-list in the event of refusal. The letter is
dated December 4, 1935, at 'Indiana, Pennsylv11.nia, on. the letterhead of the Indiana County Democr~tic Committee. It is signed
by Harry W. Fee, Chairman of the Indiana County Democratic Commi ttee. It is ad.dressed to Mary C. Shearer of the "Emergency
Relief .Area11 at the Community Center Building of Indiana,
It reads as fo:.lows:
I am very much s .1rprised that you have not responded
to our previous letter requesting ;your contribution
in the a;nount of $27.0C to Indiana County Democratic
Campaign Cornmi ttee, as I was sure that you appreciated your position to such an extent that you would
make this contrib1.1tion willingly and promr;tly. I
must, ho'!vever, now advise you that unless your
contribution in the above amount is received promptly,
it will be necessary to place your name on the list
of those who will not be given consider:l.ti?n for any
other appointment after the termination of the
Emergency Relief work, which, as you know, will terminate in the nec.:.r future. Please mruce your check
payable to A. Lucille Baun, Treasurer, ?..nd mail the
same to her nt 402 Indiana The::i.tre Building, Indiana,
Pennsylvania11 •


Inasmuch as the runount of contribution is filled in to whr>.t
otherwise is obviously a form letter, it would appear a reasonable
deduction that this pillage is a general prnctice.

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It occurs to me that j·ou will wish, in the name of politic-al
decency and in behalf of an un-partisan administration of relief
for human misBry, to investigate this matter; and, in any event,
to ma.lee it clear, s9 far as you can, to all relief workers and
relie f clients that they need not surrender to this sort of
sordid exploitation.
Cordially and faithfully,

(Signed) A.H. Vandenberg


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Febru ary 29 , 19 36

Hono raole A. H. Vand enoer g
Uni ted Stat es Sena te
Wash ingto n, D. C,
Dear Sena tor;
I have your l e tt er of Feor uary 28

and wish to assur e you that I am havin g an
inve stiga tion start ed imme diate ly r egard ing
the charg es you make.
Since rely yours ,

Adm inistr a tor


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December 3, 1935




It has corr.e to my attention that some of our administrative employees have received letters from local committees solici tint; a percenta5e of their salaries as a contribution to the lncal Cflmpaign fund.
I wish to have it expressly understood by every
employee cf the Emergency Relief Administration that I do
not sanction solicitation on our premises of our employees
for political campaign purposes.
This does not prohibit the right ~f any rerson
,in our employ who, as a private citizen, desires to make a
v:,luntary contribution of money to any politicel party nr
campaign, but their action in so doing is voluntary on their
part and has no bearing upon employment under the present
Emergency Relief Administration.
Robert L. Johnson
Relief Administrator.

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Q Q.

Strand Theatre Building
Greensburg, Pennsylvania
December 16, 1935

Mr. Harry W. Fee, Chairman
Indiana County Democratic Committee
rndiana, Pennsylvania
Dear Mr. Fee:
I have before me several 1~tters which you sent to our employees in Indiana and Armstrong Counties, requesting contributions to the Indiana County Democratic Campaign Committee. I am
still further surprised that these letters contain a threat that
if payment is not made, no further consideration for appointments
will be made to that individual.
I must ask you to refrain from sending letters of this nature
to employees of my organization. What you do individually with
any member of our personnel is strictly your own business and
the business of that individual, but to trade upon the position
which that individual holds with the WPA is out of all rea.son and
I will not tolerate it, I am as strong a Democrat as you are, and
it is my earnest desire to serve our party by functioning efficiently and honestly. Cooercive measures such as you are employing will
do our party and its President more harm than good.
I am sorry that this matter has occurred.

Very truly yours

R. G. Allen, Dist, #13 Director
Works Progress Administration

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Strand Theatre Building
Greensburg~. Pennsylvania
December 16 , 1935

Mr. Paul A. Frresman, Ass 1 t. Director
Works Progress Administration
Indiana County
C~mmunity Center Building
Indiana, Pennsylvania
Dear Mr. Foresman:
It has recently come to my attention that letters are
being received bv some of our 'iiFA Administrative Personnel, demanding contributions to the Indiana County
Democratic Campaign Cammi t tee.
~lease post this letter in your office as my auth~rity
t o disregard any such letters. Such matters as these
have no place within our nrganization. Any individual
voluntarily wishing to support his or her own party
may naturally do so but coercion will not be tolerated.
Please refer to me all such letters that have been received
ry your personnel.
Very truly yours

R. G. Allen, Dist. #13 Director
Wcrks Frogress Administration


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March 3, 193 6

The followin g f a cts are set forth for the informati on and at the request
of Thomas E. Stakem, Speciel Agent cf the Division of Inveotiga ti on of
the Wo rks Progress Administrati on .
On J u ly 20, 1935, I was appointed Wo r ks Progress Administration Direct or
of Distrtct #13 in Pennsvlvania. This district emb odies the three counties Jf Indicina, Armstrong and Westmoreland. Shortlv after receiving my
appointment, I was visited. by Mr. Harrv Fee, Democratic Chairman of
Indiana County. Mr. Fee had several appointments which he wished me to
make. Because of the lack of qualifications in his cand idates, I r ef us ed
t o approve them. Mr. Fee t ook some offense at my attitude and complained
of my attit·c1de to my superiors, who in turn sustained my decisions. In
my r elationship with him, Mr. Fee has b ::::en quite arbitrary and has no t
demonstra.ted the good judgmen t which one might expect of a man in his
On or about December 10, 1935, I received a report from one of cur employees, who is a native of I nc ia na Borough, Indiana County, that Mr. Fee
had sent manc1atcry lett8rs to our employees for contributions to the
Indiana County Democratic Campait,"!1 Fund. Wot only did these letters make
fixe d demarids which were exorbi tar.t, but they t h reatened the employee
with black-listinp; in case he did not meet their demands. These letters
clearly stated the.t the emp lo ~rees woul d. not re ceive furthe r conside rati on
f or publi c positi ons unles s the demands were met.
I immediately dispatched a man to In d iana County to gather up these
letters anct f,.irther:nore, I sent in::.tructions to Mr. rau l Foresman, who
was in char ge of our Indiana office, to post my notice on the bulletin
board t all I:1diana Co'.lnty emp loyees of the Works Progress Admini stra.tion should disregard Fee's letter entirely. A copy of this letter
is attached herewith. Concurrently, I addres:3ed a letter t'.'l Harry Fee
criticizing him f or h is action and forbidding him from taking f u rt he r
steps of a similar nature with the Wo r ks Progress Admir.istration employees,
This lett e r was mailed on December 1 6 and a ccpy is attached herewith. To
my best knowledge, our employees w,2re not coerced i nto making contributions .other then voluntary cnes which were their own personal affairs.
In closin;::; I wo11ld like to sa7 that pol itics of this nature have been
f orbidden in the administration of my district affairs. Uone of our
employees have been t hreatened or coerced into ma.king contributions to
any political ' or 6 anization. In order to have this fact clearly understood, during our staff meetings, I have stressed the fact that such
politics as thic; w13re not to ce in,iected into our organization and our
department heads have carrieo out tl.Les e instructions scrupulously. To
clarify t his matter furt he r, we assembled our employees this afternoon

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- 2 ....

and told them d.efini tely that if they were approa.ched in the matter
of assessment for any political fund, that they were to disregard
the demand entirely during working hours or while in the "N. P. A.
office. I informed our employees that tho activities before 8:30 in
the morning and after 5:00 in tho afternoon, were their own affairs,
as long as those activiti ::; s wer0 not subversive to the best interests
of the W. L A. organization. I explained this statement further by
stating that any political contributions which they might make were
purely their own affairs and should be as voluntary as though they
were employed b7 a private agency, and I further stated that I did
not care to know anything about these political contributions or the
individual's political affiliations.
Respectfully submitted,

/s/ R. G. Alle_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
R. G. Allen, District #13 Director
Works P!'ogress Administration

/ s / THOS, E. STAKE~;! , Witness
Thomas E. Stakem, Special Agent
of the Division of Investigation
Harrisburg, PennsylvaniB.

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.Area 11, Indiana, Pa.
November 13, 1935.



Several employees of .Area No. 11 in Ind.iana County
have voluntarily .brought to my attention letters received
by them from the Indiana County Democratic Campaign Committee
soli citing a percentage of their salaries a'i a contribution
to the Democratic Campaign Fund in Indiana County.
I wish to have it expressly understood by every '-mployee
of the Emergency Relief Administration in Indiana County that
I do not sanction solicitation of our employees for political
campaign purpo s es.
This does not prohibit the right of any person in our
employ who as a private citizen desires to make a voluntary contribution of money to any politica~ party or campaign, but their
action in so doing is voluntary on their part and has no bearing
upon employment under the present Emergency Relief Administration.
The matter of the letters recently received from the
nemocratic Campaign Committee in Indiana County has been r eferred
to the State Relief Administrator at Harrisburg. Pending further
instructions from Mr. Johnson's office it has been r e quested that
we take no action on these solicitations.
ravid Hall Blair
Executive Director

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October 28, 1935


Please refer to Bulletin No. 38 issued October 6, 1934
the policy of the State Emergency Relief Administration
in regard to political elections and campaign contributions.
This policy is still in effect.

0 1.1tlining

Your particular attention is called to the following
portion of Bulletin No. 38:
11 No

employee shall take part in the solicitation of
funds to further the candidacy of any person or µi,rty.
While employees are as free as any other citizen to
contribute to any political party or candidate, the State
Relief .A.d.m:i:nist:::.ation will not directly or indirectly in
any way be a part to the solicitation of political contributions from employees of State and Local Relief Administrations or from relief recipients.
llThe State Relief Administration has no interest in
the manner in which employees vote. Employees will, of
course, vote as they deem best. They sr,all refrain from
any discussion with relief recipients which may 'ce inferred as direct or indirect pressure on that recipient to
vote for any candidate or party. 11

Robert L. Johnson
Relief Administrator

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Are,a No. 11 -- Indiana, Pennsylvania
October 29, 1935

Mr. Vernon S. Pitner, Manager,
Indiana Democratic Campaign Headquarters,
Indiana, Pennsylvania
My dear Mr. Pitner:
Regarding your inquiry of October 23rd concerning the proposed solicitation of funds to be contributed
by the employees of the Indiana offices of the State Emergency
Relief Administration my attention has been called to tho following order issued by the State Administrator, which I quote
for your information:
"No employee of the State Emergency
Relief Arl:nini strat ion shall take part
in the solicitation of funds to further
the candidacy of any person or party.
While employees are as free as any
other citizens to contribute to any
political party or candidate, the
Relief Administration will not directly or indirectly in any way be ·a part
to t he solicitation of political contributions from employees of State and
local Relief Administrati ons or relief
recipients. n
I am advised by Mr. Johnson's office that this
~rder remains in effect concerning the present political campaign and that we will receive orders within the next few days
requiring that we reemphasi z.e this ">rder to the attention of
every employee.
This applies to any a'1.d all political parties,
Sincerelv yours,
David Hall Blair
Executive Director

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