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UA, 4-1360





PP..00-P. .A.M

--Works Progres3 Aiministrati on--

For P.elease for Afternoon newspapers

t7edne s day, "'lrov-en:ib-e:ii. (],.l t 1 •, 19'3 G

Former relief client.refunds value of government aid.

A check for $15.00 from a former relief client in repayment fc-r
fo od ~~plied to hi m in the winter of 1934 i3 revealed today in the
transmission of the check to Secretary of the Treasury Henry
Morgenthau, Jr., by Harry L. Hankins, V:?A A::lministrntor.
Compelled to accep t relief when a r e si clent of Los Angeles
County, Ca lif0rnia, in the f orm of grrceries and meat, the former
rel i ef client has since rehabilitated himself in Ala.ska. and it is
from that t errit ory he sent the fpllowing letter to Adminbtratc-r
"During the months of February and March, 1934 , I r eceived
Federal relief in the form of gro ce ri e s and meat to the AJ:->or oxi ma te
value of fiftee!l dollars t hrough the Los .lmP:;eles County WelfarPDepartment in :North Hollywood, Calif ornia, n.nd I am encl osing check
for- that amo'Jnt on t he First 1Jationa.l F.ank of .:!'airhanks, Ala ska.

Since I am in somewhat better circumstances :-it the present tiu:i?., !
think it is no more t hrm ri ght tha.t I shoulc'l. refund sai:i amount.
I was one of thos e (acc or di ng to Mr. Lando n) s~.1pport ed by the
Government in idleness. 11

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