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N11. 4 -- 1441

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Wnrks Progress Adm inistra ti on

Fer Release to Newspape r~
Sunday, February 28 , 193?

First Re po rt on Technolog i cal Study Nears CompleHon.

The most comp rehensive study unrle rtaken in r ecent years r"f the effe c ts
of changing tri al technology on the v olume of empliwment and unemployment is
app roaching complet i on , Harry L. Hopkins , Works Prog ress Ad.rninistra t or, announced

The fir s t repo rt of tne fi nd i ngs of t his s t udy is expected to be r eleased

Nithin the next two months.
The s tudy , a nationn.l WPA research p r ojec t whi:::h has been in p r og r e s s
fourteen months, has su r veyed 650 manufacturing plants embracing mor e than a dozen
industries and t ouching nearl y ever~, State in the country, according to Corringt0n
Gill, Assis tant Administrator,
con struct i on and. tran spo rta ti on.

I t a lso inc ludes surveys of at;: ri cu.lture, mining ,
An u.nusu..<il fe ature of t he p r o,je c t is t hat its

investigators a.ctually went into many indus tri a l centers and ob tai!1ed fir s t-hand
case h is t ories of more than 22 , 000 wo r ke rs and former workers.
Mr. Hopkins I announcement was accompan:i.ed by a p r ogress r epo rt su.rnrnarizing
the first year's wor~ of the p roje ct, which is being direct ed by D~vid Weintraub,
It is entitled, "Reemployment Oppo rtunities and Rec ent Change s in Indu strial


Techniques. 11
Because t he study delves so compr ehens ively int o t he causes and
effe ct s nf the mechanization of industry, its findings are expected t o

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become a focal point in discussions of what the Government's plans must
be with relation to the unemploy~d.
"There is no question,


Mr. Hopkins said,


that changing industrial

methods have an imprrtant effect on bnth the volume cf production and
the volume of emplcyment.
dozens of angles.

This project is going int o the questi on from

It is measuring the amount of work a man does under

modern methods and comparing it with what he didin .previcus ye a rs.


is studying changes in kinds of machinery, raw materials, hours of
work, occupations and ages of workers and the relation between actual
output cf plants and their full production capacity.
11 This

problem is infinitely complex.

The project is attempting t o

present a tremendrus fund of informatinn which can be used as the bas is
for intelligent conclusi on s by Congress and by numerous Federal agencies
which are attempting t o solve va rious phases r,f this riddle.

Here is an example r:,f what I mean:

A manufacturer tells us that

nine mules and no me n were displaced when he substituted electric trucks
for mule teams for hauling materials around his plant.
have rnly begun.

We want to know whether this change

At that point we

method gave him

a particular advantage in his industry so that he could take business
away from his competitors, and thereby cau3e unemployment in either plants.
We alsn want to know what effect this change fr om animal to manufactured
power had on employment in the agricultural and electrical industries.
We need to know what happened to the former mule drivers, who_ in this case
were given other jobs around the .plant instead cf being fired.

We want

to know whether they earn mere or less money in their new jobs, and
whether they were among the first to be laid off during a slack period.

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"Not only Congress but many Government agencies, including the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Interior and Labor, the Social Security Board
and ourselves have great need of such informati on.
"Here are only a few of the questions which need answering:
age is a man useless to modern industry?

At what

What can be done about stranded popula-

tions in areas from which industry has moved away?

In what degree can changes in

occupation result in jobs for the jobless, where is this possible and to what

It is our hope that the findings of this project will be hel pful not

only to public agencies but to the managements of the industries surveyed and to
students of the country 1 s ec onomic problems."

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