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4-2 288
For release on delivery
2 : 00 P.M. (EST), Saturday, November 1, 1941

The construction from native materi als by native ~-PA workmen of a
publicly owned, 2_5- bed hospital in a small community in western North Carolina
was seen today by Francis H. Dryden , Deputy Conmissioner of the Work Projects
Administration , as symbolizing one of the most vital contributions WPA has
made to the Nation ' s welfare .
Speaking on the sa.11e program with Representative R. L . Do .1ghton, of
North Carolina , at the dedication of the Ashe County Memorial Hospital , at
Jefferson , Mr. Dryden declared that the new hospital 11 i s a part of a vast
health program for the people of the United States . 11

"Today we are realizing, more than ever , how much the health of its
citizens means to a nation , 11 he continued . 11 Vle havG always sensed the importance of guns , planes , and battleships to defense . We are only beginning
fully to realize how i m:)ortant is the heal th of the civilian population t hat
makes these armarnents , and how important is the health of the pr>.ople we call
up for service in our armed forces .
"Our ·workers would bG producing more today if the health of our
people were at a higher l evel . The high percentage of r ejections among draftees
would not be necessary if we had done a bctt<)r job years ago in promotin[; health
activities .
Vie of the WPA don ' t believe in crying ove r spilt r1ilk , howover . We
are doing now vrhat we can to improve health conditions , both for the prGsent
and future generations , For example , public health projects arc now in operation in 40 Statas . State - Yridc projects in .30 States are now employing about
12,000 pe rs ons to enlarge the services of public clinics , hospitals , and other
institutions . Free school lunches to needy children , 70 , 000 , 000 of which we r e
served during a typical 3- month period, will do n~uch to build the he9l th of
generations to come .

"This hospital furnishes just one more example of what can be done
·when intelligent local officials join vrith the WPA in giving useful work to
the needy unemployed . To all who have had a part in this undertaking,
congratulations !
"When I see a project of this sort it gives me a renerred confidence
in the futuro of our splendid country . A nation that can think of necessary
community improvemt:mts at tho same timci that it is putting evory effort in
arming for defense is a gr oat nation . The same spirit , planning , and
cooperation that made this hospital possiblo will carry us forv-.rard to new
triumphs in the days of crisis to come . 11
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