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For Re l e ase to Horning Ne ws:9auo rs
Thursday , F eo rW1ry 15 , 1 940 .
The f o llowing address was delivered by Col o ne l F . c.
Harri ngton , Work Proj e cts Com~:1 is : ;i o n e r , b e fo~ e a gat he ri n-i:; of
state and munici pal officials at the }Iotel , Lansing ,
Ilichit:;an , Wedn esday e v en ing , F eb ruary- 1 4 , 1 940 :

I am g l ad t o be wit h you a nd to have th i s op:oort1L>1i ty o :f c.isc;.1ssii1g
But first I want to expr e ss a :::;ain the pri cle a i1c. t he ~cl 0asure

curre i1t -or ob l eras .

t ha t I f0lt rrh cm I att e ~1dod t h is mo rni nr; t h (~ de d ica tion of

t he

U '., \ t

nat or - con-

di tioning p l ant in La nsi~ g- - one o f t h,, fin e st build i nc s rre h a v e ~1c l p od to
cons truct in tho St a t e of Michigan , and one e, f the v e r2r f ine st of i t s t:rpe in
It is t h is :::i ncl of a. ch i ov m.r1011t L lc.'-t ncll illustr.J..t e s the

th e whol e c ountry .

pur pos e s o f our joint Fede r a l - l ocal coo,::>or::1.t i
c a ll ed it into exi st e nce .

0 :-1,

and t h e n oods

r✓£1 i cl1


It should cncour2,&:e us to mc-2.rn t I10 b e st u se o f our

opportnni ti cs in our furt he r j oint efforts .
I know tha t in t h i s p r esen t discussion you 11o ul d li ke to ho,v c 1;i.e ::;c t
dorrn t o b r ass tacks in re gard. t o certain Llatt ors that are of direct i n t e r e s t
t o you o..s s 1Jon s ors .

One of tho s e matt e r s is tllo r oq-:.iir o;:ant i n t ho cl-_rr c:n t

App ro p ri o.tio~1 Act that on p ::-oj octs app r o ved sub ~:c quon t t o J.':'•..rJ 1 ; 19 40 , t ho
St::1.te c..vero.c;o o f s p onso rs I contributions sho,11 be at l c;;,st 25 jSrc c at of t~10
toto..l cost .
On t h is p oint I have a number o f t>.in.:;s to s:::.y , and I do no t :::10,1
v1hetli or tn o;y u ill be any c omfo rt t o y Ju , but I t h hik they s~wula_ -D o of s ome

p r ac ti cc.l vo..luo .

The f ir s t t h i ng is that tho rr?A must o.b i do b;r t l1is l o:;2.l re-

quil·orn ont .
T~1e State Acl_mi nistrc·, t o r mus t enforce i t , and I must o,1f ')rc o i_t .
Nci t h c r of us ho..s the po -:ro r t o Tilako any c:cce11ti o ns fr om tl1is r oquir·cr:10nt .


it i s t ~:c:r c f o rc a. v1c~st c o f 011or@:}' and o f tim e f o r a.nzrbody t o ~3lc u s to 1:1ci~o such
excep t i m1s .

If ;you t h ink tho r 0quirene nt is t oo strL1co nt , you s ho ul c_

your c onp l a i:1t s and your n r gument s t o Coi1grc~ss , uh ich alor:io h n s t:1 0 110-.,c r to
cha.;.1,so tho r u le .
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If I nm asked by Cong ress for my op ini on on t he natt e r , I shall sny ,
as I ho.vo snid b ofo r o , thn t I am sympathe tic to t ho general a in of soc1:·.rL1g
l a r c;or s·,onsors I con tribution s e l areor S) onno r s r contri buti o1w no c-,n bot t e r
and raoro vrorthv1hile WP11. inprov omon t s for t ho l oc o.l comnmii ti cs •

ffi1cn t ho s:Jon-

s ors put up □o r e n onoy , it docs not ne.'.ln thCt.t t ho F odoral Gov ornnon t ~::mt::) up
loss--i t moo..n s t i.10.t noro money goo s into the pot , noro non oy for ;:1.,.,, , on
which , o t her thing s being equo.l , th o qudi t y of


WP.A p r o j ec t do:rio~1c.s .


Fodoro..l ~1olicy h n.s b oon to put up al l t he nonoy f or tho er.1:9loyr.10nt o f c er tifi ed
p roj ec t Y!o rkors , a ll t ho no ncw f o r ~~d,:1inistro.tivo ox17onsos , ['.,nd. , h-1 c,a_ditio:1 , o.n
~we r 2{:;e of $6 per no.n- nonth f or no.t cri ~ls .
sponso rs • co n tributions ,

For -t ho r es t , no h.:wo 6.0) 0210.00. on

Wh e ther t ho sponsors :;mt u p nuch o r little , t:10 F 0 d.oral

contribution is not affocted- -what is affect ed is the qy..o,li ty of tlw c oDplot od
projects t o nl1ich t:10 c on:-:mni ty tc.,kc. s ti tlo .
com.runi ti cs to put up as r.mch


It i s t o t~10 i nt a1·os t 0 f tl10

as th oy c0,11 for s po ns o rs I contri O"L'- t ions ; and

it is of c ourse ,':,lso t o tho i nt e r es t of us on t ho WPJ'i. , because l .'.cr 6 or ox) oncli tures
f o r nnt ori and equipnont WPA rrork so ouch noro effoct i vo , so nuc l1 :.1o re
useful .
On t h e ot he r ~and I shnll als o so.y , c.s I hav e said before , t :10.t since
the 17.PA t not only build c onnuni ty i r.rprovouo:.,_ t s , belt :mst a lso t 2.ko c of
t he un onl)loynent r eli e f l oo..d , a po licy of o.llo·:,i nr, n.0.r.:L1istrat ivo cti scroti on in
the siz e of s1Jo ns o rs I contributions i s so.b l e for t he b es t i nterest s of t he
.. p ro {'_To.r.1

A cor.u:.nmity r;i t h


lo.rg o uneni)l oyooat r eliof lo .:-,d no.:; no t :10..v o t :10

fin .: :w.1 cio.l r osourc Gs t o r.:.::i.ko h i g!1 s:0o ns ors i cont ri buti o ns for · n.11 tl'ao roq-..::.ircd
p roj ect s .

I n such o. si t uc,ticln it is bet t or for t ho JPA nnd t l10 loco.l c or.L,u":dty

t o g ot t or~o:bhor on :pr o,ioc ts roq_uirin[; s ;·_m.ll or out lo.~rs f o r :.:.::.;,t , t ~1c~::.1 ::.10 t
to Go t t oc otho r o.. t nll .

t h is r oq_uiroqcnt in t ho :10xt A:ppr o:,:iri a ti on Bill .

I do n o t knou .

depends po.rtly on t he r ep resentati ons r:1acLc t o Conc;r os s by


Tl10 o.:1s-r1o r

corXTL'.:1iti os .


also no doubt d epends on tho gcne rc.l cc ononic situation tl1i s s 2)ri nc; end s v.rx.wr ,
Spor!.sors I coi.1tributions h11v c ris en in rec ent yeo. rs , o,s t l1e e;c:10 r2.l oconou ic
si tUDti on of t l1e c ountry has inpr oved .

Tha t is fair , f or t ~10 Gonor o..l

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- 3 -

economic imp rover.'.e:1t ho.,s ,;1.eant an increase in local t~,,x r eceipt s , and
an increased local cc:1.:x,,ci ty to p ay for Vl?A improvements .

The clifficul ty has

alwo,ys been that some communities do not sl1are proportionately in general
economic · improver., 1,mt , 2nd certain stronded. o.r semi- strancled cominuni ties do
not shar e at all .

It is on behalf of such ties th3.t the TJPA has ex-

erc i sed its discretionary powers i n the past .
The p res ent le gal r equirement still pe rmits us to exercise such
discretion wit~c.L1 e2ch Stn,te , on condition tho,t "'.;he wh ole Sto,te averages up
to the 25 percont l ov c, l .

170 i ntend to do our best to mDke us e of this lati t"c~cle

t o ease the bur6.on in com,• ties t ~1nt :,,re l oss able to r:1.,iso mone:r for this
purpose .

:But rro s:12,ll n eed full coopor c~t ion within e:1,ch Sta to in order to

exorcise this J_o,t i h1-c~o offc cti vol y .

Y!o c:mnot c.cco-pt less tho,n 25 percent

from some loco.l s:-ionso::..·s unless the Sto;t e or otl1er locc.l spo"l.f'.ors



to put up cor1~os1)onclingly larger contributions .
Let nc c o..11 3rour at-:-.ention to tho recent risn in tho av cro.go
of sponso r s I contriht,ti ons i!l l:ichi,,;c:11 , before tho now r oq_uir,:~r:wnt wont into
effect .



little , vro find t }1n,t th o Michig.::,,n avo of

sponsors ' c ontri1:n.,tions for tho six months of 1931 nr-.s 22 . 2 porcont , which
was lower thnn t:'1e )10..tioncl n.voro.go of 26 . 3 pc:rcont for the same period .


the l ast thre e mont:1s of 1939 , honov or , tho Hicl1ig1:,n State o,vcro.go was 27 . 8
percent , nhich is slightl~, high or tho.n the nation:::tl nvcrn.go of 27 . 1 fo r tho
same period.

Thus Hic~1ignn has recently cnugh t u p with o,nd even oxccodod tho

nat i onal nvern.go fol' sponsor s 1 contri"buti ons , n.1:d rm.s so..fcly over t~o 25 percent
re qu i rement r;hon t :10


law wont into effect on Januo.r:; first .

I do not

suggest tho.t this rise in tho State l'..Voro..go rr'.ls effoctod ,:i thout cHfficult;;" ,
no r t hat i t con be maintnincd ,;Ii thout effort .

But I might sny t:b.c.t some ci tills

holler a good doo.l louder thon is rmrrnnted by tho nctun.l fc.cts .

I could

ment i on n for1 s-~1ch ci tics in Michigan by nome , but I do not mmt to
anybody thi s evening.
Ono fo.ctor Yrhich tonds to conf"l° the issue of sponsors • contributions
n.riscs 1n tios ,;hich arc u~dor severe pressure from gr oups who nc:.11t
to e c onomize l'.ncl. bc,lo.11cc the budget--not ove r ::::ny r easonable period of ,
but r ign.t nor,.

Very shouy economics c2.n "bo mc1de on municipal books if tho
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- 4 '
i-e o ve r a 1-erge .,.._ snare
to t a.
·Federal governr.1en t co.n be ,.,ersuaded
of th e cos t s

of our joint ,-ror!~ :t:iroc;ra,;n.

This is a ver:r different situation from that of -

localities which act1.1 ally have little or no r esour c c3 to draw upon to provicle
work for the 5.r U..' eyed.
Our ::i::.·esent procedure , unde r tho law, requires us to more of
sponsors who can afforc1- to :pcy , whenever we as}:: l os~ of sponsors who cannot
I clo no t sa~r that we ask c:.ny sponsors to pay more than their

afford to pa~r.
just share_ .

I l'!.o not 1::non how a. :r just" can be o.efincd so as to satisfy

:But if

everybody .


Sta to means a.nytlling r.:1ore ·than a c olo1·c d space on a map ,

it means a sharing of rospo::isibilitics withir.. that area .

It me ans that tho

stronger comnruni tics of the State c.nd the Stat,J i tsolf h e lp tho weaker
communi ti cs .

:7o do ooo.r in mind. the grov..tcr dir oct- r c li cf load t hat some

communi ti cs hc.vo t o c:·.rr-y .

\lo do tako into o,coount as fo.r as pos s ible the

condition of your St ~to , municipal nncl c ounty c, s .

Wo do try to be fair .

But we must ,, .ct rrithi:1 the limitations- of the lnw , and. if you ,·:ish thos e limHo,-

tions changecl you ! porsue.dc Congres s to c~1Mge then .
Short of ._,;,1y p ossi blc chr.:.ngos by Congress in tho clire c tion of your
TTishcs , it scorns cloc.r to mo th::..t better pl::m? , not only in each locality ,
but with regard to th e- different nced.s o.nd resourc e s of all tho communi tios
in each State , rrilJ. rni::1imizo all tho C:.ifficul tics involved.
It is pc,rticul c,rly important :or ovory ty to have a lD..rgc
r eserve of approvccl 1T?A p roj e ct s of v:::.rious kinds to po:!'.'rrti t smooth oporr.i.tions ,
end to moot omorgoncios .
large .A."llcr icc.Il. comr,n mi ty :

The folJ.ouing situ.,':\.tion has n.ctually r.i.rison in one
the onl:r o.v::::.ilablo ros orvc projnct


a ,-romc,.n 1 s

sorring proj oct--e.n 2.cti vi ty that is .hnrclly a do.:ptod. to me et u_ri cmployment ne eds
among male l ,::,,boroi·s .

This is unusull.l , I


glad to sc.y , but res e rve projects

arc n ot always perfectly sui tcd t o actuc.l cond.i tions 2.s they <'.l.I"iso , nor crin
they bo very sui to,olc u;.,-1loss th e:y o.rc both numerous nnd varied in tYJJe •
Sudden unemployment emergencies are characteristic of modern industry ,
and Michigan is an outstanding exar.1ple of 12.rge and sudr,en fluctuations in
the relief load .

In Detroit, two winters ago , 30 , 000 men were fired over

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- 5 -

night from one notor l)lan t ; in t i,rn mon'c.hs c1:1e:npl i yme n t i n c r 8D,s e d by 100 , 000 .
T'.r..e 'liPA cannot clo its 11art in W38tir·g such Ds ,vi t h out p r e liminA.ry
:nlannint; of proj e c ts t:;' t he conu,-nmi ti es themne lv-es .
It will ,· be extremel y heJ.pful to r:orl-:: out ·cud.gets f or c ap ital
ir.1:r::,rovements cov r, r:i_· ·.c e. ~oe :ciod of seve ral .

Such bud;:;ots vrou ld shovr tho

bes t orde r in rrhi c:1 Y-:,rious kincis of p"t·.·olic i rnp r _ov umo:1t s s h oulC:1• be made , a!ld
where th e money rro·c1.ld come from .

a ny A.i:rwric an r,TLmici)_!8-li ty .

Such buc:.6 ,:its no t onJ.y c ove ~' :')lans f-'.)r cr.i.~1i tal

im:p:coveme nts over a lo:r.g :::ieriod , bnt tr, o:, c:m sh-:n t no o:c,lor of :,1:ciori ty in
such work , anc'. t :::.o r ,_, J ,: ,,tion of tho :,_~ L,ns t o 8stimatcd t a.x v.:-,l t1.c,tion a n .i borro,:,inc ties .

I :need w ,t s.::,y how c r oe,tl:· or:.r;:i.1- loc :w. c oo7?c)ration w0u l d be

be before v e r y loc-i~, thr 01.:..ghout tho Uni t ccl States .
Ti1is t rL1i:-;s me to something else the.,t I think you ·, ,h;h
-- th e: fu tur ,) of tl1 2 TTPA.


to cli scuss

I h ave b oe n t oll ing ;you t"ho..t :,ou sh hnvo l ong-

term p l ans on your s i clo in our joint offort s ; ar.d. you. mi t:ht rIOll rep roa ch me
for th o l of an;'/ l ong- t erm p l nns on our ::,.ide .

You mi ;:;J:1t s;i.y

11 Eow



ov on knorr thr>.t t}: -::::c'o is go i ng to o c any ',':'PA i n 1 941? 11
I c1m not [;i v cm t o nal:in~ :pr c(li ction s but I thirJc I cr.,,n make a
JJrotty go od l'.,'L,.oss .:·,s to one thing .

Ar-- l ong as the re is lD,r go- s c nl e

unemployme nt i::1 t~1i~ c ountry , I r or,;ar cl it


L:·,irl;r c c rt o.i:'- t :10,t \'!e

shall have some ki nd. of ~Jrocro;ri of pu.blic ·:ro rk f ,)r th e u LC,mplo:,~oo.•
\7hcth 0 r it is lilrn l y to be a good rro c r arn or a po or pr o;_;r ciJ!! i s a q1.1cr. tio n
tho.t I will discus r, j:l;: 0, sently .
But firs t I ',mn t to spo.·_-.,___1{ .1,bo~.Lt

t:ie rir oli :nino..r t qu.ost ion of

how long vie me,:' cx:, 1oc'G our p r esent ll'.rge- sc.· ·,le une m:ol oy.mcnt si tu..'.J.tion
to continue .

That , of cour r:o , d oJ, on d.s on bus iness IJrOSJJ0 c ts .

It n.:1rr orrs

dmm t o a quosti o:,. of ·,1hc th cr i ncre2,,si11 6 b·:1si:;.1oss p rosp cri t ~- ,1hich we
::i,ll hop e for c ~,n , \7ithL1 t~o noxt yc[\,r or so , put th e bulk of ou:::- -pres en t
unemp loy ed t o u ork i n private i ndus try .

A.'1d the ansrrer to that que st i on

is that t here i s n o :::irosp ect of any suc:1 sudden mir a cle .

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- 6 -

Some 2,.1 Ao:9l e hop ed for such a miracle as a result of the Europ ean
It was fre c l:, r, r,.,dict e cl th2.t busine ,:s vrould increase

war .

2. 0

c;reatly as

to put a l l our une,J]"l o:re d to work and make it ,_mnecessary for u s to hc:we
any Fecleral rrorl.:: J, ro:;re.m of public em;,lo:r:rr.ent this year .

I dicl n o t believe

in th e se fantasticBll:· e xag~erated notio2s of the benefits that c ould
acc rue to us f r cn a E·<1.r o2e::m war, 2.nd early la::t fall I st3,ted my disbelief
very franklr over the radio .

I g2,ve the re2,s011s ,·,hy ,-re sh ould. expect

bus ine ss lo sses 2..s ·,·e ll as bus ine ss gaL1s from a uar i n Europe .

I g::cve a

sober estiri1ate of OlT ut1:iost :poss ihl e gains in emr:, l o;';ment fro!:! increased
vrar trade , and s h : meJ. tb.nt we v,ouh'. stil: n c:nce unemploymenJ..; on a le.rge
scale .

I said. that we could. n o t ho1Je to founi ,A;11erico.n :prosperity on the

miseries of '.Jc.r- to:cn Europe .
by subsequent eve n t " •

A.11.d all tl-w. t I sni d has been fully jus t ifi ed

The, ,·,ar in Europe has not solvc>d our ec onomic p rool c 111s

here in A::iericc.. , a::d it cannot sol vo th orn .
:problems by
0 \7D


Vie shall have t o sol vc our 01.rn

o·.rn c:i:'f orts right hBrc nt homc-- in producing goods for our

pe ople to use c1,ncl onj oy .
The c:..·eati o;.1 of a sol id and enc:.uring American pros pe ri -s;y wi lJ,

require p atient o.ncl c ou.rageo1:,s effort ov e r a long time .

It will taJrn

years b8fore we :n.a:e the economic adjustments that will be needed. to do
away with large- sc ~,le U!1employment .

The case can be ;Tut very si:iTpl y .

Our industrial pTodu.ction is now p r aetical1~• up to the 1929 l evel-- in fact
d.uring the month of :iJecember it surp assed th e 1929 l evel .

But we sti ll

have nine or ten nillion unemplo;yec'. , r,her ea s in 1929 ,ve hacl
of a.bout tw o million.

i"Thy ?


avera ge

J3o He have in the meantime improved

our machinery to s t .c~1 an exte.nt that it n o·.:.r takes fewer workers to proclt1ce the same r'Jno,.mt of good.s as in 1929 .

And we have increased our

l abo r supply by six D.nd a h8.lf mill i on uo r l;:ors ..

At tho same ti me ne

have built up olcr pro d..ucti v o plant to a point e,t nhich-- for the moment
at anr r ate -- i t does not offe r the same opportunit i es for inve stment
as in th e past .
Do es t~1is mean that we have r eached a dead encl. in our industrial
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deve l opmen t ?

· 1_ y ••,,,,.ot .
-- 1


· -1- we ar c
uc,ans 1;11.:1,,

noi7 phn.s,' of i :.1 cLu.str:tnl deveL)p1:1rmt .
u:.1enroloy c d to 1:ro:.:l:,
p rod·u.cod in 1 329 •



en t-c·ring
li.l)On n

In or dor to put 01-1.r millio:.1s of prod.uco fo.r more ;:-;ood.s of every k ind. t l1an ne

:lo . prod1.1Cod in 1929 , and ,.,e; ~Jro cluc e no·,, , goocls chiefly

for the r.1.1,rl:ot r o:c,ros ont od by tho h~c r:h,:; r 2.nd mi i r.i. l o income grm.1. ps .


t here r cnains th o VJ..s t uo,r kct of th o lo•:;- incor:10 gr ou ps , whicl1 L1du::itry
nnd bus i ness


cu:i. tivo.t o n.."l.d. cl.. ov·:clo::_-J more fully .

It i s in this clir oc-

m<'.1rkct , th~t .l\r,1c ric2.~1 prospcri ty mus·'.; ·b e 1ool-::cd for .

s o \'!il l 1•cf o,: ~ 01.1_ to tho r e c ent r c110:;.• t of Sc cretr', ry of Comr:iorco i:fr.~rry L .

Ho:pkins , my fo:;.·Lrnr c:1iof , who ~iots f cr t:1 in ; and. simple t c rris the no',7
busines s proGJ,ncts t :.:..-,,t a r c n o,, just o:poning


in t~1is co1..1.ntry .

I r; ill

me nt i on only one of t1~en- - tho.t nhich exist s in tho field. of ho1..:sing.


i s notorious t>2-t r:, vc,st pc'.rt of our :ropulation is nisorc,oly h ous ed, OJJJl
t hc,t r:i l lions of :10;1 hous es should b e built .

I t is obvious tho,t this

i"!ould give er:,::_:ilo:ruo:1t to v ory larc;o nui:1b c r s of ou r

1.m c □J) loyocl .

It is

:possible thc,t th...::,:o i1.ous0s vill bo built , c,nd thn t this cupJ..oyncnt '.-~ilJ b e
p r ovided. to l1.m(\:r ic<'."'.n :,01·kcrs .

But r,lrn n ?

Ar,:c ric.7.n inclustry and .AJ.10ric£', n

cc.pi t nl o.r c n ot r cc,dy to enter this field .

A:-,d so it is Cl.11 o.long th o

lino of p r oc!. uctioi1 of g oods for tho lo·,r- inco~,1c market .

liIOJ.1y ~,djust1;1ents

will have to be maclo- - 9 ricc ::i.djustraonts , \;'.::-,f;c ad.jus t mGnts , int e rest adj u s t mont s .

.'lo i:rilJ. 1rob,. . ,bl.~r to r.n:ic,ad L,oro of our incor:o on current co!lsur.rptio11,


This vi on


to tir:10 i s n o,7 s::10.rc·d. in tho uci,in by c onso rvo..tivo

financial ox-.,0ort s 2.11'.l b11.s inos 2. loacb:· s .
mi• r a c 1.J..os .

They h::w o Cc'.1.s c cl to C·X'Jo ct

The:·· d o not look for nny suddc1 burst of business p ro 0.po ri ty

t:10,t r.'ill ,-;ipc out u11cr.rployr.1ont this yeo,r or next .
l ong vim·: .

They ore t oldng the

A.:.c1 I think thnt no nlso must t2..1{:e tho long vi cH.

If thor c ic

g oi ng t o be lo,rf::; O sc:::.le unomploy,;10 nt for yc[trs to coi:,c , th.e n I think vro c ::,,n
l ook f ornard to o, lo:1c period of Fedc ro.1- locnl coopo ro,tion i:1 i c ,1ork .

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- 8 -

There also exists in this country, along with unero1)loyment, a
The water-treat-

vast need for public works and improvements of mariy kinds .

ment plant which ,.,.e hav e helped you t i.:> construct here in Lansing is not the
last one needed in the country .

Hund.reds more like it are needed.

of sewage- disposal plants are r equir ed .


I could go throug h a long list and

In spite of all the school houses that our unem1)lo z1ed

say the same thing .

workers have built , · we are still v e ry far fro m having caught u p '." litb. our
needs in t1'E.t field .

There is still need for a great deal of work to 1)e

done in the imp rov ement of farm- t::i - rnarke t roads .

And when v• e co me to urgent-

ly ne e ded r·ork in the conservation of our natural r esourc e s, me find a vast
and long-term program W3.iting for us .

This year , for tho first time ,

Cong r ,:, ss has authorized us to operate p roj e cts

11 sponso r

0d by co nservation

districts • • • duly organized under State law for soil erosion control and
cons e rvation •. ...


In sev e ral s ta tes tho WPA has begun to c oop era t e r,i th

the newl y establisr..ed soil conservation distrir,ts in doing the work noc c ss ary to save tho to psoil on our farms .

Mos t of tho states aro now organizing:

such r:;oil conservation distr icts and th e unemployed. can be sot to doing th::.s

worl-: .

An adequate progr am will take from tvrnnty to thirty years to complCJte .
Thor ,:, is no lack of useful pu-bl ic work fo r our unemp lo;,.red to do .

And so long as we have fa.rg o- scal e unemplo ;vme nt, I feel confirlont thc. t


will mole?. us o of this labo r in imr) roving and in building America .

I do not think t'.1at ,rrc should evor kcf,p our un 8mp lo;/ od in idleness on a d ole .
proq1oct .

I do not p ro pose to waste words in conside ri ng that

It is not our A.'Tl erican way of dealing "l'ri th the un emp loyr,1 ,mt

probl cr.i- -or in dealing with human beings, eithe r .

We hav e too much r e spect ,

both for nork and for human beings , to keep thorn apart like that .

I have no dou'bt in m:r

0 1 ·•n

mind that wo shall continue to r..avo a

public wo rk program in this country in 1941.

Whether it 'will b e as good

a :progr am as that r·hich 1'.'e now have dep ends on what kind of pro g ram our
com:Junities want .

In the next e ight months I thin.k TTe r·ill h oar a f:'. OOd

d o::.l ::i.bout tho p r oposr, l to "return ralicf to tho Stn. tos

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9 -

posal actually means is to pay over Federal relief funds to the states , to
be expended there under State and. local control--upon their own local
work programs or on direct relief , or both , as they may see fit .
This , in my or,inion , would be a seri'.Jus backward step .

'!Tfe have

been through all that, and we have left it far behind in our p r esent WPA
, ro gram .

I know that the WPA can be imp roved, but it would be no i m-

provement to hand it back to th o states and localiti es , with no adequate
means of exercising Federal control over Federal funds .

I can se2 why

s.:ime local p oliticians would favor such a scheme, but I hope w0 all
r eali z e t l1a t this is not the waj· to k8ep politics out of r e li ef .
You will be told that it would be more economical to return
vTOrls::- r olicf to th8 states .

Accor ,ling to some figures that I so on ,

it would save t~··o - third.s of our ~ir ,, sent TffPA costs .
would those savings come out of?

WPA is as follons :

And ~o I ask , v:hat

Our c11rrent man-month oY.pcnsc 6n the

$54. 25 goes for ,.,-m.gcs to project workers ; $5 . 75 goes

for materials; and $2 . 00 for administrative expense .

Our administrative

exp e nse is so small that you cannot make any savings th,Jrc .

All the re

is loft to cut ,.,oul d be the cos ts of ma tcrials , and tho wage s paid to
th e vrorkcrs .

A cheap ,.,-rork p rogram would bo unablu to construct



tr oatment p lant like thi s one you dedicated here today in Lansing.
Bric:rn ana. mortar cost mon sy , and :lf yo ,.1 arc r eally going to savD money
you will have to go back to l caf-rn.king projects , and more thc.n that
you ITill have to pay your woriec: rs starvation 17,'.3.g:.;s .

I.:1 short, you

can make s izablo savings only by tn.king it ou t of th :, hides of the
work:ers .
That ,':ill be th e argument--cconomy .
that kind of economy .

:But I do not believe rro r:ant

I do not thin~c tha t is our American i dea. qf cconoirq .

Is it economy to do.without tho t hings r•e need , nnd ko r,1p in :. i~l cnc,sc the
people 1::ho ,.·ant to work?

Tho city of Lans ing has got o.long v. ithout n

water-treatment plant for a little over a hundred yer:.r s .

Somo poople 1 s idea

of economy vrould be for you to d.o vii thout that Pater-tr eatment plant for

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- 10 another hundred years .

But I understand that, it has recently been costin 6

you about $200 , 000 a year , in one way and another , to do without that p lant .
Evidently ~.rou have had enough of that kind of economy.
Here in Lansing you have a modern l aboratory for the Michigan
S t a te .Health Department , built by WPA workers .
economical for you to go without it?

Would it have been more

In this laboratory , with the aid of

fu,_vids sup11lied by the national Foundation for Infantile Paralysis , trained
scientists are making progress in their fight to isolate the germ vrhich
causes infantile paralysis .

It was to this WPA-built laboratory ttat the

National I'oundation turned last SUil'.l!"T'.e r , wr..en Michigan , a long with other
States , suffer ed a n epidemic of infantile paralysis .
Should Ann Arbor , in the name of e conomy , have done w~thout its
WPA- built stadium at the University of Michigan?

Shou ld Grand Rapids have

done without its 16-million gallon concret e reservoir?

Should St . Charles

have done without the fae1.lities which for the first time given it a
pure water supp ly?

Should :Bay City have done without its neY.r sewer system?

Should Gr ayling have done 111i thout its winter s ports par:-::?

Should Hichisan

have done without its many new and. imp roved roads and. stre c3 ts , schools D,nd
hospi to,ls , water- mo.ins and. sewers , airports and parks , that you have set your
unemp l oyed to v,ork upo n in the last five yenrs 7
In sho r t , would. it be more economical to hav e the kind of c heo.,p
wor;k :program which could not do an;,r solid and impo rtant v:ork?

That is a

quostion which you \'Till have your share in decid i ng if it comos up this yoar ,
as I thiPJc it will ,
As long as Y.'e have unemployed workers , n.nd as long as

1,0 TTork

that needs to be dono in our communiti es , I think we will find tliat true
economy rrill be served


putting the work and the workers together .

There is another feature of our i"Jresont work p ro gram Fhich should
not be overlooked in any consideration of its usefulness .

The '.'rages that

are paid to PPA workers are quickly spent for th o. necessities of life .
florr back quickly to the factories and the farms of the nation.


I have some

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- 11 -

figures which show approximately hor; WPA ,,_.orkers mvo spent their v:agos in
Mic:1ign.n .

I think :,rou ni11 be ir1terested in th orn .

Our toto.l rrPA pay-

ments in this St.'.l. te from th o bcgimting of our program in 1935 throug~ lfo vember , 1939 , have amounted to 270 million dollars .

The National Resources

Committee bas worked. out the percenta,; es of exp enditure for various i terns in
the rtage- grou:p to which WPA workers chiefly belong-- that is to sa:; , the $500
to $750 a year inc ome group .

~pplying these percentat;es to WPA incomes in

Mic11igan , we get the f0J.lowing estimated figures .
'!';FA workers in Michigan d.uring this p eriod have s p ent 113 million
dollars fen· food .
s p ei1 t
s r, ent

They have paid M million dollars for r e nt .

?7 million dollars for the costs of household. op eration.

T1:1 ey have
They have

million dollars for clothing ._ ·r hey have spent 14 million dollars

for s tr ee tcar fare ani other forms of transporta ti on .

They hav e paid 11

mi l::.. fon dollars to Michi gan doctors and hos p itals for medical care .


another 27 million dollars has b oen spent on other miscellan eous i t oms in tho
sho·9 s of Michigan towns and cities .
:;: do not think I n r:.:ed emphasiz e the imp ortance of those '\7PA c1.1st om,:;rs and V:PA wag es in the commerc e of your State.

You can imo.g inc for your-

self t:10 conseq'..l.cncns , if those r egular exp,:mdi tur os we re abru:9tly wi thdra·,vn
from tho channels of trade in. Michi.fa!1 .
Fermi t m•J to say just a word on tho sabject of politics in
con::iection with tho WPA .

The Pres ide nt has rep eatedly stat e d that :poli-

tics and the r.PA should be comp l e tJly divorced .

This idea. has b oon

impl om')ntod by Congress l:Jy definit u provisions in th e law under which
we operate and more recently by tho passag e of th e Hatch Act .


laws are s p ecifically designed to protect WPA worke rs from politica l
thr eats or promises in connection with their jobs.

'.i'hey ar c L 1tended

to fffevcnt any form of political coercion of WPA workers by anybo i y in
or out of the WPA .
lv:y duty in respect to th e se Congressional laws is cl ear .


Co:rm1; issioner of the Work Projects Adm : nistration I shall not tol e rate

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- 12 -

any violation of them .
The WPA p ro gram c oncerns itself dir ec tly with more than
t vro and a q_uarter million workers .

I do no t sa;r that isolated instances

of coe~cion or attempted co e rcion will not occur .
po litics in the WPA will be rna d.e.

Many charg ~s of

Some of thes8 charges will be ,Jadi:, by

cand idates who cannot think of anything e l se to s2,y , or v,ho want to avoid.
talking about rea l issue s .

I thinl: you ,.,ill be able to r ecogniz e that

kind of l oose t a lk for what it is worth.

But some of th ese ch.<>.rgos May

be true--c.nd if you thiTLk:: t l1ey ar e tru e , I urge you to brin 6 them to
my attention or to the attention of the Department of Justice , so e 1at
th o e::,--uilty parti es may b,3 punished according to law .

In any cesei you

will r ealiz e thn t cha rg e s of politics in the UPA must be specific , to
mean anything whr-i.tevcr , and that vague denunciations of ou.:· polit ica l
iniqtcity may me r c l~r mean thnt a candidate fe e ls li k o t3.lkinr, through his h;:,..t .
I do not think it am iss at thi s gathe ring to quot e from a lotter

whi ch our Louisiana State AdJllinistrator sent to e.• VT.PA i:-1orkc r .
you know , a hot ·primary is now takin 6 plac n, dovm thciro .
11 13 ,.;f

I q_uot o:

oro t ho first Demo cratic :pri r,12,r y election last month I

a dvi sed :rou o f c e rt a i n r e:gulat io ns pe rtaining to poJ.i.t i cr.i.l a c tivity .
I wis~1 t o r em ind you nm,• tho.t thcs !., .:- ogulo.t i ons st ill i n forc e .
They must be ob e yed .
of f ice .
dat e s .

The VT.FA is not su •iporting any cand.idat es for :),ny

You ar e not u nd ijr ob li gati on to vote f o r or a gai n st n ny candi If you q_uo li fied vou can vot e as you p l eas o .

t h reaten to l";avo yo u firod for any political r eason .
you a bettor WPA job in return for ynu r su-nport .
for mo n ey for any po litical c c:-.rr: 1, aign .

No one can

No o ne can p'romis e

N0 one can ask ;r~m

This is n.gni ns t th e l a.i:1 •

supe rvise tho v:ork of ot hers ri.nd if rou arc


If you

teacher in the C:.dult

educo..t i on program or a r e cr eation wo rk er you must no t bo po li tical l :.r
active on or off t~e j ob .

You must ne t us e your in~lu0nco t o g ot vo t es

f o r a ny co..nd ida tc :::i or othcnvise help :,ny candidate for nny off ic e .


you arc a VTPA se curity norker without supervisor:r duties ~,rou must no t

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4- 2094
- 13 - .

talk polit:l.cs on the j ob or on the project site .

You are employed b y

the united States Government and your j ob does not depend u pon the ou tcome of any election in Louisiana .

Yo'.l do not owe job to p olitics-r

you will not las e it because of your vat e .


In closing , I want to say that the WPA p rogram is get t ing better
all th e time, in spite of all kinds of dif f iculti es .
been in exist ence less than five years .

Our orgari.iz atio n has

It takes much longer tha n that f or

an organizati on of the size and com:plexit? of the WFA to settl e down to
work at maximum efficiency.
this .

Any ind·,1.stria li st or eng inee r will corro borate

Amo ng our s pe cial diffic .1lties , I will only mentio:1 the fact t ho, t ue

hav e never had enough sup,ffv i sors and othe r management peop l e- - that v,e
do not and cannot pay adequat el ~r thos e vrn hav e--and th2.t ,•.· e n ecessarily
lose out bos t one s all the tim e as they r e turn to p rivate jobs .

Similar ly

we oncourago- -na~.r , ,.,e orde r--our p roj ,3ct worke rs to acc ori t wo r L i n
.J_)rivat o industr y t he moment it is availabl e .
ove r of l aco r .

Thus we have a co nstont t urn-

Under these circumstances I think our accom:rlishmonts

rcm:11~ko.oly good .

D.r 0

But wo can do ba tt e r , y,i th your fu ll co op •. ;ration .

Should the ;TPA p ro g ral'l still bo in opu r a tion f ive year s fro~,
now I think you v: ill have a go o cl d eal less to c omnlain of , ancl fo1yc r
calls n1Jon your pa ticnce in yo 1.1r v1ork ,,,i th us .

I boric a nd b oli ov o t hat

in tura will be aolc to say th e sn.m e thing aoo 11t ::ou as our ,norking

partners .

It is a gr ant e nt e r p ri se on wh ich wo ar c ongag~d t oge t her .

We hav-c already acsomp li shed great things in our joint ..,.,ork .
nuch to b0 proud of , an d I think

Y7 r:,

* "'

We ho.v o

c/in fac e th e futur e with confidonco


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