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United States Announces Leading Pledge to the International Fund for Agricultural Development Replenishment | U.S.…

United States Announces Leading Pledge to the International
Fund for Agricultural Development Replenishment
December 15, 2023

WASHINGTON – Today, the United States announced a pledge of $162 million in support of
the Thirteenth Replenishment of Resources for the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD-13 Replenishment). This pledge makes the United States the leading
donor to the IFAD-13 Replenishment.
“IFAD reaches across the last mile to invest in rural people and local food systems to build

food security and sustainably transform rural livelihoods. IFAD-13 will help alleviate poverty
and strengthen resilience for millions of rural women, men, youth and vulnerable people.”
Alexia Latortue, Assistant Secretary for International Trade and Development, U.S.
Department of the Treasury
IFAD is an international financial institution and specialized U.N. agency, with a strong and
unique mission of alleviating poverty and enhancing long-term food security in rural areas of
emerging markets and developing countries. IFAD works to alleviate poverty, reduce food
insecurity, and promote rural transformation with a particular focus on smallholder farmers
and support for women, youth and marginalized communities. The United States is the
largest historical contributor to IFAD and is represented by the U.S. Department of the
Treasury in its governing bodies.
Over the past year, the United States participated as an active member of the IFAD-13
Replenishment Consultation. Together with fellow Member States, the United States secured
important commitments that will help IFAD deliver stronger impact in addressing and
reducing rural poverty. For 2025-2027, IFAD will continue allocating 100 percent of its core
resources to low-income and lower-middle income countries, and dedicating at least 30
percent of its core resources to countries experiencing fragile contexts. Recognizing the
critical relationship between climate and agriculture, IFAD will also increase its climate finance
target to 45 percent of its program of loans and grants to support climate adaptive
solutions. In addition, IFAD will scale up its engagement with the private sector to accelerate
investment in rural communities for long-term sustainable impact, resilience, and job-creation.



United States Announces Leading Pledge to the International Fund for Agricultural Development Replenishment | U.S.…

The United States values IFADʼs singular role in the global development finance architecture
as the only specialized global development institution exclusively focused on rural
transformation. Amidst the lingering e ects of a global food security crisis, the United States
looks forward to continuing to partner with IFAD to deliver greater development impact for
the rural poor.
