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Treasury Targets North Korea's Missile Proliferation Network

Press Center

Treasury Targets North Korea's Missile Proliferation Network

The U.S. Department of the Treasury today targeted North Korea's missile proliferation network by designating Hong Kong Electronics
under Executive Order 13382. E.O. 13382 freezes the assets of designated proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and their
supporters and prohibits U.S. persons from engaging in any transactions with them, thereby isolating them from the U.S. financial and
commercial systems. Hong Kong Electronics, located in Kish Island, Iran, has been designated for providing support to North Korea's
Tanchon Commercial Bank (Tanchon) and Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation (KOMID).
Tanchon and KOMID have also been designated by the United States under E.O. 13382 and the UN Security Council under Resolution
1718. The Department of State also today targeted North Korea's nuclear proliferation network by designating Namchongang Trading
Corporation (NCG), a North Korean nuclear-related company in Pyongyang, under E.O. 13382.
"North Korea uses front companies like Hong Kong Electronics and a range of other deceptive practices to obscure the true nature of its
financial dealings, making it nearly impossible for responsible banks and governments to distinguish legitimate from illegitimate North
Korean transactions," said Stuart Levey, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. "Today's action is a part of our overall
effort to prevent North Korea from misusing the international financial system to advance its nuclear and missile programs and to sell
dangerous technology around the world."
Since 2007, Hong Kong Electronics has transferred millions of dollars of proliferation- related funds on behalf of Tanchon and KOMID.
Hong Kong Electronics has also facilitated the movement of money from Iran to North Korea on behalf of KOMID. Tanchon, a commercial
bank based in Pyongyang, North Korea, is the financial arm for KOMID - North Korea's premier arms dealer and main exporter of goods
and equipment related to ballistic missiles and conventional weapons.
Tanchon plays a key role in financing the sales of ballistic missiles for KOMID. Tanchon has also been involved in financing ballistic missile
sales from KOMID to Iran's Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG), which is the Iranian organization responsible for developing liquidfueled missiles. SHIG has been designated under E.O. 13382 and sanctioned by the United Nations under UN Security Council
Resolution (UNSCR) 1737. Since 2005, Tanchon has maintained an active relationship with various branches of Iran's Bank Sepah, an
entity designated under E.O. 13382 and sanctioned by the United Nations under UNSCR 1747, for providing financial services to Iran's
missile program. The U.S. has reason to believe that the Tanchon-Bank Sepah relationship has been used for North Korea-Iran
proliferation-related transactions.
For additional information on the Department of State's designation of Namchongang Trading Corporation, please visit




Treasury Targets North Korea's Missile Proliferation Network
