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Treasury Targets Key al-Qa'ida in Iraq Operative

Press Center

Treasury Targets Key al-Qa'ida in Iraq Operative

WASHINGTON-- The U.S. Department of the Treasury today targeted the support network of al-Qa'ida in Iraq (AQI) by designating Syriabased Sa'ad Uwayyid 'Ubayd Mu'jil al Shammari (aka Abu Khalaf) under Executive Order 13224. E.O. 13224 targets terrorists and those
providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. AQI is a Terrorist Organization and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.
"We will continue to aggressively implement the international obligation to target al-Qa'ida-linked terrorists, like Abu Khalaf, who threaten
the safety of Coalition Forces and the stability of Iraq," said Stuart Levey, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
Abu Khalaf acts for or on behalf of AQI by serving as a senior leader of AQI's Syria-based facilitation network. As of early January 2009,
Abu Khalaf was in charge of the foreign fighter facilitation network formerly headed by Badran Turki Hishan Al-Mazidih (aka Abu
Ghadiyah). Treasury designated Abu Ghadiyah in February 2008 for running a Syria-based AQI facilitation network that controlled the
flow of money, weapons, terrorists and other resources through Syria to AQI. Previously, Abu Khalaf was reportedly second in charge of
the Islamic State of Iraq in Syria, a group formed by AQI that has claimed responsibility for mass kidnappings and a series of major
As of fall 2008, Abu Khalaf and an AQI member involved with foreign fighter facilitation transported terrorists from Syria to Iraq. In one
instance, Abu Khalaf directed an AQI facilitator to recruit young North Africans for AQI. The facilitator recruited a few suicide bombers,
who attempted to travel to Iraq. Abu Khalaf was also likely involved in facilitating the travel of a number of suicide operatives to the Levant
region from Gulf-based extremist networks. Separately, Abu Khalaf facilitated the transfer of equipment from Abu Ghadiyah to Iraq-based
AQI networks.
Under E.O. 13224, any assets in which this individual has an interest are frozen, and U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in any
transactions with him
Abu Khalaf
Saad Owaied Obaid
Sa'ad Al-Shammari
Abu Hammudi Al-Shammari
Date of Birth
July 3, 1972
Place of Birth
Tal Wardan, Ninevah, Iraq
Alt. Place of Birth
Tal Afar, Ninevah, Iraq
Tal Hamis, Syria
'Awinat Village, Rabi'ah District, Iraq
Tal Wardan, Iraq



Treasury Targets Key al-Qa'ida in Iraq Operative
