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Treasury Sanctions South Sudanese First Vice President for Role in Serious Human Rights Abuse | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Treasury Sanctions South Sudanese First Vice President for Role
in Serious Human Rights Abuse
January 8, 2020

Washington – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's O ice of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) sanctioned the First Vice President of South Sudan, Taban Deng Gai (Deng) for his
involvement in serious human rights abuse, including the disappearance and deaths of
civilians. Deng has acted to divide and sow distrust within the Sudan People’s Liberation
Movement – In Opposition (SPLM-IO) and broader Nuer community, which has extended the
conflict in South Sudan and deteriorated the reconciliation and peace process. The
Government of South Sudan’s refusal to create political space for dissenting voices — from
opposition parties, ethnic groups, civil society, or media — has been a key factor in the country’s
inability to implement a peace agreement and ongoing acts of violence against civilians.
“Taban Deng Gai’s attempt to silence the opposition party is derailing the country’s ability to
implement a peace agreement,” said Deputy Secretary Justin G. Muzinich. “The United States
calls on all nations to exclude from the international financial system those who jeopardize
South Sudan’s future.”
This action is pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13818, which builds upon and implements the
Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act and targets perpetrators of serious human
rights abuse and corruption.
As First Vice President, Deng reportedly arranged and directed the disappearance and deaths of
human rights lawyer Samuel Dong Luak (Dong) and SPLM-IO member Aggrey Idry (Aggrey).
Deng directed these actions in order to solidify his position within President Kiir’s government
and to intimidate members of the SPLM-IO. The designation of Deng follows the December 10,
2019, designations of five South Sudanese individuals who were also involved in the
disappearance and reported deaths of Dong and Aggrey.
In September 2018, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and opposition leader Riek Machar
reached a revitalized peace agreement that called for the formation of a national unity
government on May 12, 2019. Government and opposition leaders extended that deadline
twice, most recently on November 7, 2019, but more than 50 days into the extended pre



Treasury Sanctions South Sudanese First Vice President for Role in Serious Human Rights Abuse | U.S. Department of the Treasury

transition period, there have been no concrete steps to create the security conditions conducive
to implementing a peace deal. Since the September 2018 agreement, which included a
permanent ceasefire, hundreds of civilians have been killed, raped, and abducted, including in
clashes in December 2019. More than 50,000 civilians have fled their homes as a result of the
violence, according to the UN. The U.S. Government will not hesitate to target those who have
perpetuated the conflict in South Sudan and will continue to apply pressure on the senior
leadership of South Sudan to take concrete measures to bring peace and stability to the

In January 2017, South Sudan’s First Vice President Deng Gai reportedly advised and influenced
another South Sudanese government o icial to execute Dong and Aggrey a er they were
kidnapped from Kenya. Deng ostensibly believed that by murdering Dong and Aggrey he would
weaken support for opposition leader Riek Machar and thus solidify his political position within
the SPLM-IO and keep his position as First Vice President. Further, Deng had reportedly
arranged the abduction of Dong and Aggrey in an e ort to intimidate SPLM-IO members and
o icials to abandon Riek Machar and return to Juba, South Sudan to support Deng. Deng had
regularly sent his own security o icials to monitor and plan the abduction of SPLM-IO members
located outside of South Sudan, and it was believed that Deng wanted to send a clear message
to all SPLM-IO members that they were not safe even outside of South Sudan and that they
must support Deng.
Deng is being designated for being responsible for, being complicit in, or having directly/
indirectly engaged in serious human rights abuse.
Information on the individual designated today.
