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Treasury Sanctions Iran’s Envoy in Yemen and University Facilitating Recruitment for Qods Force | U.S. Department of …

Treasury Sanctions Iran’s Envoy in Yemen and University
Facilitating Recruitment for Qods Force
December 8, 2020

Hasan Irlu has supported IRGC-QF e orts to equip and train the Houthis;
Al-Mustafa International University is a recruiting ground for the IRGC-QF
Washington – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s O ice of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) is designating Hasan Irlu, an o icial in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods
Force (IRGC-QF) and the Iranian regime’s envoy to the Houthi rebels in Yemen, for acting for
or on behalf of the IRGC-QF. Iranian support to the Houthis, spearheaded by the IRGC-QF,
continues to foment instability in Yemen, the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. OFAC is also
taking action against Iran’s Al-Mustafa International University for facilitating IRGC-QF
recruitment e orts and one individual, Yusuf Ali Muraj, who supported the terrorist group’s
operations. Al-Mustafa International University, which has branches around the world, is
used as a recruitment platform by the IRGC-QF for intelligence collection and operations,
including recruitment for the IRGC-QF-led foreign militias fighting on behalf of Bashar AlAssad’s regime in Syria.
“The appointment of an IRGC-QF o icial as an envoy to the Houthi rebels in Yemen
demonstrates the Iranian regime’s indi erence to resolving the conflict, which has led to the
widespread su ering of millions of Yemenis,” said Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin. “Additionally,
the IRGC-QF’s recruitment of foreign students for intelligence operations illustrates the
degree to which the group has infiltrated Iranian society in order to achieve its destructive
goals. These e orts, and the pervasive role the IRGC-QF plays in Iranian foreign policy,
contribute to the erosion of trust in Iran’s public and private institutions.”
Today’s actions are being taken pursuant to the counterterrorism authority Executive Order
(E.O.) 13224, as amended. The IRGC-QF was designated pursuant to E.O. 13224 in 2007 for
support to numerous terrorist groups. The IRGC, including its external arm, the IRGC-QF, was
designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on April 8, 2019.




Treasury Sanctions Iran’s Envoy in Yemen and University Facilitating Recruitment for Qods Force | U.S. Department of …

The Iranian regime recently sent Irlu to Sana’a as the Iranian regime’s envoy to the Houthi
rebels. In so doing, Iran is the only nation to o icially recognize, and appoint formal socalled representation to, the Houthis. For years, Irlu supported IRGC-QF e orts to provide
advanced weapons and training to the Houthis. He coordinated with other senior IRGC-QF
leaders to support the group’s operations throughout the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen. Irlu
maintained a relationship with former IRGC-QF Commander Qasem Soleimani. He has also
provided training to Hizballah members in Iran.
Irlu is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having acted or purported to
act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, the IRGC-QF.
Today’s action follows the October 22, 2020 designation of Iraj Masjedi, currently a longtime
senior IRGC-QF o icer who also serves as Iran’s ambassador to Iraq and who for years
oversaw the IRGC-QF’s Iraq policy.

Iran-based Al-Mustafa International University, which claims branches in over 50 countries,
enables IRGC-QF intelligence operations by allowing its student body, which includes large
numbers of foreign and American students, to serve as an international recruitment network.
The IRGC-QF uses Al-Mustafa University to develop student exchanges with foreign
universities for the purposes of indoctrinating and recruiting foreign sources. Al-Mustafa has
facilitated unwitting tourists from western countries to come to Iran, from whom IRGC-QF
members sought to collect intelligence.
Recruits from Al-Mustafa International University have been sent to Syria to fight on behalf of
IRGC-QF-led militias. The IRGC-QF established the Fatemiyoun Division, an Iranian-led Shia
militia composed of primarily ethnic Afghan residents in Iran, as well as the Zaynabiyoun
Brigade, a militia group composed of Pakistani Shia, as expeditionary forces to fight in Syria.
The IRGC-QF has used Al-Mustafa as cover for its recruitment of Afghans. The IRGC-QF has
used Al-Mustafa’s campus in Qom, Iran as a recruitment ground for Pakistani students to join
the Zaynabiyoun Brigades. Multiple students from the university have been killed fighting in
Syria. The Fatemiyoun Division and Zaynabiyoun Brigade are both designated under
counterterrorism and human rights authorities.



Treasury Sanctions Iran’s Envoy in Yemen and University Facilitating Recruitment for Qods Force | U.S. Department of …

Al-Mustafa International University is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended,
for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological
support for, or goods or services to or in support of, the IRGC-QF.
OFAC is also designating Iran-based Pakistani national Yousef Ali Muraj, who has been
involved in the IRGC-QF’s e orts to coordinate, plan and execute operations in the Middle
East and United States. Yousef Ali Muraj is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as
amended, for having acted, or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, the

All property and interests in property of these persons designated today subject to U.S.
jurisdiction are blocked, and U.S persons are generally prohibited from engaging in
transactions with them. Any entities that are owned, directly or indirectly, 50 percent or more
by such persons are also blocked. In addition, foreign financial institutions that knowingly
facilitate significant transactions for, or persons that provide material or certain other
support to, the persons designated today risk exposure to sanctions that could sever their
access to the U.S. financial system or block their property and interests in property under
U.S. jurisdiction.
View additional information on the individuals and entity designated today.
