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Treasury Releases Report on the American Families Plan’s Tax Compliance Agenda | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Treasury Releases Report on the American Families Plan’s Tax
Compliance Agenda
May 20, 2021

Report Details Investment in the IRS to Improve Tax Compliance
WASHINGTON: Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury released a report on a set of tax
compliance measures to increase fairness in the tax system and foster a tax system where
Americans pay the taxes they owe. These measures are part of President Biden’s recent
proposals in the American Families Plan, with the goal of advancing comprehensive and
necessary investments in American children and families.
This report describes the President’s tax compliance initiatives that seek to close the “tax
gap”—the di erence between taxes owed to the government and actually paid. According to
Treasury analysis, the tax gap totaled nearly $600 billion in 2019 and will rise to about $7
trillion over the course of the next decade if le unaddressed—roughly equal to 15% of taxes
owed. These unpaid taxes come at a cost to American households and compliant taxpayers
as policymakers choose rising deficits, lower spending on necessary priorities, or further tax
increases to compensate for the lost revenue.
The magnitude of the tax gap means that compliance initiatives have the potential to raise
substantial revenue, but these reforms also improve tax progressivity and economic
e iciency. While roughly 99% of taxes due on wages are paid to the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS), compliance on less visible sources of income is estimated to be just 45%.
To raise revenue, improve e iciency, and build a more equitable tax system, investments in
tax compliance are of first order importance. The compliance proposals in the American
Families Plan provide the IRS with the resources and information it needs to overhaul and
enhance tax administration. These policy changes are integral to addressing evasion, but
they also prioritize improving taxpayer service and the experience of Americans as they
navigate the tax system. Taxpayers would benefit from e ective communication with the IRS,
access to the tax credits to which they are entitled, and competent assistance as they file
their taxes.



Treasury Releases Report on the American Families Plan’s Tax Compliance Agenda | U.S. Department of the Treasury

The President’s compliance agenda has several transformational elements:
1. Provide the IRS the resources it needs to address sophisticated tax evasion. The first step
in the President’s tax administration e orts is a sustained, multi-year commitment to
rebuilding the IRS, including nearly $80 billion in additional resources over the next
decade. The IRS would grow manageably (no more than around 10% annually) but also
have certain funding in place to make investments with large fixed costs—like
modernizing information technology, improving data analytic approaches, and hiring and
training agents dedicated to complex enforcement activities. This would make up the
ground that the IRS has lost over the last decade. During this time, the IRS budget fell by
about 20%, leading to a sustained decline in its workforce particularly among specialized
auditors who conduct examinations of high-income and global high net worth
individuals and complex structures, like partnerships, multi-tier pass-through entities,
and multinational corporations.
2. Provide the IRS with more complete information. When the IRS can verify taxpayer filings
with third-party information reports, such as the W-2 forms submitted by employers to
report wages, compliance rates exceed 95%. Without third-party reporting, compliance
rates fall below 50% and thus lead to an inequitable asymmetry in tax collections
depending on the form in which income is accrued. The Government Accountability
O ice (GAO) and IRS agree that strengthening third-party reporting is one of the most
e ective ways to improve tax compliance. The President’s proposal leverages the
information that financial institutions already know about the accounts that they house.
Financial institutions would add information about total account outflows and inflows
to existing reporting on bank accounts. Importantly, there are no added requirements for
taxpayers. The IRS will be able to deploy this new information to better target
enforcement activities, increasing scrutiny of wealthy evaders and decreasing the
likelihood that fully compliant taxpayers will be subject to costly audits. As a result,
voluntary compliance will rise through deterrence as would-be tax evaders realize that
the IRS has an additional lens into previously unreported income streams.
3. Overhaul outdated technology to help the IRS identify tax evasion and serve customers.
The IRS still relies on Individual and Business File Systems that date back to the 1960s—
the oldest in the federal government. The result is decades upon decades of tax
administration built upon a system that is written in a programming language that is no
longer taught, and where new functions are added in a patchwork rather than integrated
manner. Modernization funding would allow the IRS to address technology challenges



Treasury Releases Report on the American Families Plan’s Tax Compliance Agenda | U.S. Department of the Treasury

and develop innovative machine learning that can be deployed to better identify suspect
tax filings, for example, by comparing returns to similarly situated taxpayers and
historical filings in a way that the current IRS ecosystem does not allow. These resources
would also support e orts to meet threats to the security of the tax system, like the 1.4
billion cyberattacks the IRS experiences annually. With a revitalized IRS, taxpayers would
also be able to communicate with and receive guidance from the IRS in a clear, timely
manner when questions arise. Further, modernized IT would help improve taxpayer
service and ensure that the IRS is able to e ectively and e iciently deliver tax credits to
eligible families and workers, including recent expansions to the Child Tax Credit, the
Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit proposed in the
American Families Plan.
4. Regulating paid tax preparers and increasing penalties for those who commit or abet
evasion. Taxpayers o en make use of unregulated preparers who lack the training to
provide accurate tax assistance. These preparers submit more returns than all other
preparers combined, and taxpayers rely on their guidance, in part because of challenges
in reaching the IRS in a timely manner when questions arise. In addition to the regulation
of paid preparers and service improvements that would simplify tax filing, the President’s
proposal includes additional sanctions for so-called “ghost preparers” who fail to
identify themselves on the tax returns which they prepare.
Experts at the Treasury O ice of Tax Analysis estimate that these initiatives would raise $700
billion in additional tax revenue over the next decade. This revenue is backloaded in the 10year budget window as several of these new investments—such as hiring revenue agents
capable of complex global high net-worth examinations and building the technological
infrastructure to support a new information reporting regime—take years to reach their full
potential. The revenue raised in the second decade amounts to $1.6 trillion.
These estimates are conservative because the revenue potential of additional resources for
tax administration is based on return on investment (ROI) estimates from the IRS that only
exist for adjustments detected through current enforcement-related activities. Benefits of
other foundational shi s in tax administration that would result from this proposal—for
example, overhauling and integrating IT systems and restoring trust in the IRS through
timely support for taxpayers—are also unaccounted for. Moreover, although revenue
estimates for increased information reporting include the e ects of this regime on voluntary
compliance, estimates for increased enforcement actions do not account for deterrent
e ects, which are generally considered qualitatively significant.



Treasury Releases Report on the American Families Plan’s Tax Compliance Agenda | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Read the full report here

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