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Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury
Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings,
G7 and G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
April 21, 2022

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you for being here. This has been a very productive week and Iʼd like to thank the IMF
and World Bank – as well as my counterparts in Germany and Indonesia at the G7 and G20
respectively – for their leadership this week.
A significant amount of our focus this week has been on Russiaʼs reckless, devastating, and
illegal war against Ukraine, and our allies coming together on what more we can do to
support the Ukrainian government and people as they fight for their homeland.
This morning, I met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal. I shared with him our
continued, firm stance alongside Ukraine as they defend their lives and their country. I am
committed to working with our partners and allies to support Ukraineʼs economic needs in the
short and long term. In the meeting, I shared the United Statesʼ commitment to another $500
million of immediate funding to help Ukraine continue critical government operations, such as
salaries, pensions, and other social assistance programs, necessary to avoid a worsening of
the humanitarian situation in Ukraine. This builds on the $500 million that President Biden
committed to President Zelensky in March.
The needs of Ukraine are urgent, and we plan to deploy this direct aid to Ukraine as soon as
possible to be used on the most urgent needs. We know this is only the beginning of what
Ukraine will need to rebuild and Iʼm committed to working with Congress, and with our
international allies and partners to build on this support in the medium and long term.
The power of working together with our partners has been essential in supporting Ukraine –
and in confronting Russia. In fact, Russia's war brought about the kind of swi and multilateral
response not seen for decades. The coalition includes more than 30 countries from around
the globe who represent more than 50% of the global economy, issue the worldʼs most widely



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

used convertible currencies, and produce the worldʼs cutting-edge technologies. The
tremendous blow on the Russian economy resulting from of our sanctions is only possible
because of the breadth of our coalition.
This week, our partners and allies agreed to continue united e orts to maximize economic
pressure on Russia. Yesterday, we continued to tighten the vice of our economic pressure
campaign against Russia by targeting financial and operational support networks used in
attempts to evade U.S. sanctions. Treasury sanctioned a Russian bank at the heart of such
e orts as well as a network of cut outs, proxies, and facilitators used by the oligarch
Konstantin Malofeyev.
I want to mention, before taking your questions, the rising threat of food insecurity. I am
deeply concerned about this risk to emerging and developing countries, particularly those still
recovering from the pandemic. There is a very real risk that soaring global market prices of
food and fertilizer will result in more people going hungry, further exacerbate inflation, and
harm government fiscal and external positions. We are doing everything we can both
bilaterally and through the IFIs to address the food security risks. I convened a productive
meeting this week with counterparts where we discussed developing and putting into action
ways to address the growing crisis of 275 million people around the world facing acute food
insecurity, and over 800 million people facing chronic food insecurity. We will share more
action items resulting from that meeting in the coming weeks.
Lastly, we also discussed the global need to end the pandemic and prevent future ones.
Global health emergencies are no longer a once-in-a-generation threat, and we must act now
so that the tragic impacts of Covid do not reoccur. Our top priority is to end the COVID-19
pandemic, and we must press forward to overcome the hurdles to vaccinating at least 70
percent of the population in all countries. But we also need to learn the lessons of this
pandemic and advance plans to reform the global health security architecture. With increasing
pandemic threats, climate change, and conflict, experts agree COVID-19 will not be our last
major global health emergency.
And with that, I am happy to take your questions.

Q & A:
Q: Thank you Secretary. Do you believe that European allies should move faster and join the
US on imposing a full ban on Russian energy imports to maintain the financial pressure on
Russia and cut o what is an enduring the source of funding for the war? Or are you



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

concerned that such a step would be too drastic in damaging European economies with
possible spillover e ects?
SEC. YELLEN: I am sorry – Did you say to ban?
Q: energy imports from Russia.
SEC. YELLEN: So, our objective from the outset has been to impose maximum pain on Russia
while attempting to mitigate damage to the United States to Europe and throughout the
global economy. In the case of oil and natural gas, clearly, Europe's situation is di erent than
that of the United States. So, we did ban Russian energy imports of all types, but we
imported, very little from Russia to start with that isnʼt true for Europe. For the medium term,
Europe clearly needs to reduce its dependence on Russia with respect to energy. But we need
to be careful when we think about a complete European ban on say oil imports. We want to
harm Russia that would clearly raise global oil prices would have a damaging impact on
Europe and other parts of the world. And counterintuitively it could actually have very little
negative impact on Russia because although Russia might export less, its price for its exports
would go up. So, I think it's important of course, proceeds from sales of oil and gas are an
important source of income for Russia. It would be very useful to try to devise a way to
reduce proceeds from those sales and that really is the proper objective I think of a ban. But if
we can think of a way to do that without harming the entire world from higher energy prices
that would be ideal and itʼs a matter that weʼre all trying to think of and we're all trying to
work through together.
Q: Thank you very much, Secretary Yellen. Can you describe some of the specific measures that
you and your counterparts have been talking about to ease food price inflation that's been
amplified on sanctions on Russia, and are you concerned that greater fragmentation of global
economy where countries concentrate trade amongst each other could lead to permanently
higher prices?
SEC. YELLEN: So, with respect to specific measures, we will have a little bit more for you with
specific detail in the coming weeks. There were technical discussions among experts, but
certainly taking every measure we can to bolster food supplies, which means we make sure
that planting continue a er all the price of fertilizer has gone up, making sure that yields are
preserved so small farmers can a ord fertilizer. So, taking all the steps we can to bolster the
supply of food while taking steps as well to make sure that the social safety nets are working
in countries with food insecurity because o en when there's a shortage of food and prices are
high you can see export controls or things that even when hypothetically there's enough



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

supply of food to supply the needs of a population it doesn't get to the poorest people. So,
measures on both the supply and demand are appropriate. We are thinking through concrete
steps that we can get back to you on.
SEC. YELLEN: I am sorry you asked a second questions?
Q: [Inaudible, but restates questions on permanent inflation]
SEC. YELLEN: We have developed supply chains that are extremely e icient and serve to lower
costs. But as we discovered during the pandemic, and more recently now with Russian
invasion of Ukraine. Our supply chains are not secure and are not resilient. I think thatʼs
something in terms of long-term risk to the U.S. and to other countries that is a threat that
needs to be addressed. And I think if countries go in a fully protectionist direction saying we
need to do everything ourselves at home that could be a lot more expensive in terms of costs
that producers face, which is why in the talk I gave last week at the Atlantic Council. I
mentioned this idea of networks or friend sharing or trust networks. Ideally, we would have a
large group of trusted partners so that we can maintain the e iciencies that come from the
global division of labor, but also feel more secure about the supplies we have in so there may
be some cost to bear and permanently with higher inflation, but just a somewhat higher local
costs, somewhat less e icient system, but one that is more resilient, but I think this approach
of friend-sharing is a way to manage that trade o .
Q: Thank you, Secretary Yellen. There have been a number of suggestions that the U.S. we use
some of the frozen central bank reserves from Russia to help support Ukraine as a result of
the war. Do you think the U.S. has the authority to do that or would it require some legislative
changes by Congress and with the Treasury support such legislation?
SEC. YELLEN: It's clear that building costs of Ukraine are going to be enormous. Certainly,
looking to Russia one way or another to help provide some of what's necessary for Ukraine is
something to build is something I think we ought to be pursuing. In the United States, I am
unclear whether or not it would be possible without legislation authorizing the use of those
assets. More generally, I would say that is very significant, and it is one that we would
carefully need to think through the consequences of before undertaking it. I wouldnʼt want to
do so lightly and itʼs something that I think our coalition and partners would need to feel
comfortable with and be supportive of. I think we would need to have those discussions and
think through those issues before I would want to say what our position would be on that.



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

Q: Hi Secretary Yellen. Thanks. Yesterday you and a number of U.S. allies walked out of the G20
meeting when the Russian o icials started to speak. I just wonder how you see this forum
going forward. Do you expect this thing to continue to happen? How does the G20 accomplish
what it needs to on debt relief and climate changes things and things that it is charged with
working on if you sort of canʼt agree on communiques. I also wanted to get a little more
detail on your views on revamping the international financial architecture you discussed the
other day at the Atlantic Council.
SEC. YELLEN: Sure. So, you know, I think it's simply cannot be business as usual for Russia in
terms of its participation in our global forums whether it's G20 or other forums, where to
address common challenges. I think participation in those forums really requires commitment
on the part of countries to the fundamental norms and values underlying international
cooperation. And my decision to work with others to leave when the Russian finance minister
began to speak was intended to make clear Russia's behavior so violates, is so o ensive to
international norms, we're not willing to allow Russia to participate or to listen to what the
Russians have to say. Now, to remove a country from any participation requires a very high
level of agreement in any forums, including the G20, and there wasnʼt that level of agreement,
but I think we look for a way to make our disapproval known while still recognizing we have a
lot of work to accomplish.
A key piece of that work is meeting to discuss the impact of Russiaʼs horrible war of choice on
the global economy, to talk about food insecurity, rising energy prices and the like, and we are
continuing to get that work done in all the forums I'm participating in this week, while making
clear that we thoroughly disapprove of Russiaʼs involvement. So, President Biden has made
clear as we know, with which I agree, that Russia should be removed from participation in the
G20, but weʼll see where we go moving forward.
You also asked about my comments on redesigning Bretton Woods institutions. So, I think
a er World War Two, we set up the WTO where its predecessor began in the IMF, the World
Bank, and I think they're playing a very constructive role in managing the challenges of
integrating global economy in the entire post war period. So, we need those institutions, and
they continue to do very important work, but there are challenges they face in this day and
age that they weren't really designed to deal with. In the case of the IMF, just to give an
example, the IMF was intended to help individual countries facing shocks or internal macro
problems they add that face balance of payments crisis to enable individual countries to meet



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

their needs for external financing while undertaking structural reforms. It wasn't designed to
address a global challenge, like the pandemic that created growing problems for the largest
number of countries or especially low income countries participating in global economy, or the
challenges that entire global economy face a er the global financial crisis in 2008, or today
when we have a Russia-induced crisis that is causing – especially when coupled with a
pandemic -- most countries with already high debt are now facing really unmanageable debt,
many countries and not due to any failings of their own macroeconomic policies but due to
huge external shock., I can't tell you what the answer is, but to work the appropriate forums
are to look to the IMF to be the kind of global lender of last resort. And I think that's an
important function for them to play.
In the case of the World Bank, I think the original idea was a large number of countries don't
have access to capital in global markets and created an institution to provide project
financing. Well, the times have changed and now many of those countries do have access to
financial markets. And we face challenges that require investment on a scale that an
international institutional canʼt manage on its own-- like climate change. And the investments
needed for climate change will add on up to just trillions and trillions of dollars. We have pools
of private capital that are clearly ready, willing, and able, to make investments around the
world in emerging markets, in infrastructure, in energy, renewable energy to address climate
change. But maybe the conditions need to be right in the World Bank and other multilateral
development banks, need to figure out how to move that capital and make the investments
that are required and safer. So, I think that is a new function.
The other aspect of it is there are global public goods. And we've been discussing this in
connection with preparing for future pandemics. We need countries around the world to have
basic public health infrastructure that will let us rapidly respond to the next pandemic, and
many low-income countries don't have that in place. And that's not something that's just at
the benefit of individual country, itʼs to our benefit. Because as we know, when you have a
pandemic, if you don't address it throughout the entire world, no one around the world will be
safe from the development of new variants. So, we're creating, we hope to create at the G20,
to set up a Finance Ministers Task Force. We are discussing the creation of the special fund at
the World Bank called the Financial Intermediary Fund to which members might make
contributions to meet this need. But just the provision of global public goods in general – it
seems like a logical goal for the World Bank and multilateral development banks, but perhaps
requires some slightly altered mandate in governance of the multilateral development banks
to succeed.



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

So those are the kinds of things I was referring to.
Q: Good morning, Secretary Yellen. I'd also like to refer back to the speech that you gave last
week at the Atlantic Council, in which you said, “The world's attitude towards China, and its
willingness to embrace further economic integration may well be a ected by China's reaction
to our call for resolute action on Russia.” I'm wondering if China is judged to not be
contributing to this resolute action on Russia, can you be clearer or specific about what
exactly you're proposing the US and its allies would or should do with respect to China.
SEC. YELLEN: So, I don't mean to be making any specific proposal. I didn't have anything
specific in mind. But this is a time when those who are in favor of the core institutions in the
global system and core set of values are standing together to address threats to that
system. And China has been a part of it. And China has benefited from that system, and over
decades, wanted to participate in that system. And I simply think that not only the United
States, but many countries, want to see China show that it understands the threats the global
system faces because of Chinaʼs behavior. And to show their own adherence and appreciation
of the value of that system. And to be on the side of being helpful to all the countries that are
trying to protect the core functioning of our global system.
Going forward, we would be less trustful of China, if China fails to show that adherence to
core values. It could play out in a whole variety of ways. But you know, when you think about
trusted and secure trading networks, supply chain networks, it can play a role there and
probably in other ways as well.
Q: Thank you Secretary Yellen. The IMF chief has said that Ukraine needs five billion dollars a
month in order to sustain its economy and rebuild, and that number could go up -- where
exactly will this money be coming from? Secondly, yesterday, there was a new set of sanctions
that were imposed including on a cryptocurrency firm. And the Administration and Treasury
have said that cryptocurrency is not a major way of evading sanctions. Weʼre curious if this
new set of sanctions on the crypto firm indicates a rethinking of that.
SEC. YELLEN: Iʼm sorry, remind me the first thing that you asked – this is about crypto and
then where the money is coming from? Ok yes, where the money is coming from.
Well, we're having discussions this week in the G7 and in several international financial
institutions and in fact, we have a meeting this a ernoon that I'll be attending the heads of
the IMF and World Bank, the Ukrainian president will be speaking to the to the group. And we
will discuss financing needs and how to raise that money. But, as Iʼve mentioned, today weʼve



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

doubled our contribution, weʼve given a billion dollars that will be immediately available to
Ukraine. There have been other contributions. I think we stand united in recognizing we've got
to find ways to meet Ukraineʼs needs. And on our part, it will involve going back to Congress
with a supplemental request -- I'm not in a position to give any details. But I'm certainly
committed to working with Congress to ask for their help to meet Ukraineʼs needs. I think all
of us are. The G20 met with, we met with the finance minister, the Ukrainian finance minister.
I, just before this, was with Ukraineʼs prime minister and finance minister and we were inspired
by their courage and stand with them and will do everything we can to pull our resources to
support the needs that are identified.
On cryptocurrency -- So I don't think we have seen widespread evasion of sanctions yet. But
certainly, there are attempts in Russia to evade these sanctions. Crypto is one of the ways in
which -- along with others -- in which sanctions can occur. And we've said that also we havenʼt
seen broad evasion, and itʼs hard to imagine that occurring using crypto. We intend to make
sure that our sanctions stick. When we discover routes that are being used to evade them, we
intend to crack down on them, and thatʼs what weʼve done.
Q: Thank you, Secretary Yellen. The World Bank President was talking about humanitarian
catastrophe from this combination of food crisis and sovereign debt crisis. These countries
were told advice to increase borrowing during the pandemic. And now they face rising
interest rates, partly because of the actions of the US Federal Reserve on impossible
borrowing costs. Do you think the Federal Reserve should take into account the impact on
potential developing country crises when it sets interest rates? And more generally, is it time
for a widespread systemic series of debt relief with these types of low-income countries that
can't a ord their pandemic debts?
SEC. YELLEN: Let me say that, even before Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine, we were concerned
and we have been quite concerned and it's a regular matter weʼve discussed in G20, the IMF, in
other fora, that many lower income countries have unsustainable burdens. First, we had the
DSSI debt suspension and sustainability initiative. And then designed a process called the
Common Framework that was intended to manage debt restructuring for countries with
unsustainable debt. And weʼve been very disappointed – at least I will say I have been very
disappointed – by the failure of that framework to deliver relief for more countries. And Iʼve
explicitly called out China. China is a very significant lender to many of these lower income
countries, and China needs to participate, along with the Paris Club and private creditors. I've
called on China to, specifically, for example, participate right away for Zambia, which wishes to



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen as Part of 2022 IMF-World Bank Spring M…

undergo debt restructuring. And I'm hopeful that China will agree to play a more constructive
role, but there are quite a number of countries who want to be candidates for that. And of
course, humanitarian and global economic disaster due to do the war in Ukraine further
exacerbates this problem. But I think that's the way we need to go.
Q: Secretary Yellen, I wanted to ask about, in reference to your remarks last week at the
Atlantic Council, the countries still sitting on the fence that are not China -- I'm curious if your
message to them is the same in terms of, if you donʼt side with us you may be le out of the
supply-chain networks or the friend sharing system. What do you say to some of these other
countries? What do you have in mind those countries?
SEC. YELLEN: Well, there are a number of countries who have maintained neutrality or not
come out as opposed to Russia's actions. And to all of them, I think the message is the same - that what we're seeing here violates the basic norms of behavior thatʼs expected, thatʼs
embedded in the UN charter and expected of all countries that participate in the global
economy and our governance institutions. And we really urge them to take actions to
condemn Russiaʼs behavior. But beyond that, we certainly want to make sure that they do not
need evade sanctions or provide any active support to Russia.
