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Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Nusa Dua, Indonesia | U.S. Departmen…

Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury
Janet L. Yellen in Nusa Dua, Indonesia
July 14, 2022

Good a ernoon. Thank you for being here. This has been a very productive week already, and I
am looking forward to the meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors here
in Bali starting tomorrow.
First, Iʼd like to thank Finance Minister Sri Mulyani for her leadership and personal partnership
to advance critical work of the G20 during this challenging time for the global economy.
We recently saw the fruits of our e orts as the World Bank Board approved the creation of a
critical new fund to fill gaps in pandemic preparedness and prevention. This is something for
which both Minister Mulyani and I strongly advocated, along with many others. And Iʼm proud
that the United States will provide $450 million as an initial contribution to help launch this
important financing mechanism.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused devastating human and economic consequences, and itʼs
unlikely to be the last pandemic we face. Stronger health and finance collaboration will enable
us all to be better prepared to respond to future global health emergencies.
Throughout my first trip to the Indo-Pacific as Treasury Secretary, our work has been
motivated by two overarching objectives set forward by President Biden. In Japan earlier this
week, here in Indonesia, and next in Korea, we are first rea irming and strengthening some of
our closest relationships. Second, at all of the stops on this trip, weʼre advancing policies that
will strengthen and grow Americaʼs economy and middle class.
President Biden and I agree that we will be stronger in responding to the immense global
challenges we face today by acting together instead of going it alone, and that America plays
a critical role in leading and coordinating these e orts.
Our greatest challenge today comes from Russiaʼs illegal and unprovoked war against
Ukraine. We are seeing negative spillover e ects from that war in every corner of the world –
particularly with respect to higher energy prices and rising food insecurity.



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Nusa Dua, Indonesia | U.S. Departmen…

That was reflected in yesterdayʼs CPI data, which showed almost half of the increase coming
from higher energy prices. Inflation in the United States remains unacceptably high and itʼs
our Administrationʼs top economic priority to bring it down. We should also be mindful of the
spillover e ects of Putinʼs war — the e ect itʼs having in countries that were already facing
heightened vulnerabilities.
The United States remains unwavering in condemning Putinʼs war and the atrocities being
committed by his forces. The international community must be clear-eyed in holding Putin
accountable for the global economic and humanitarian consequences of his war.
Since the start of the war, Russian forces have continued committing unthinkable destruction
— especially across Ukraineʼs eastern region.
Russiaʼs actions are not the actions of a government that upholds international norms and
laws. Representatives of the Putin regime have no place at this forum.
We stand firmly with the people of Ukraine, and I look forward to welcoming the Ukrainian
Finance Minister to this G20 meeting tomorrow.
Throughout my trip to the region, and here in Indonesia, we will also continue our
conversations about what we can do together to help others around the world impacted by
Russiaʼs war. This includes addressing food insecurity, and the design and implementation of
a price cap on Russian oil.
A price cap on Russian oil is one of our most powerful tools to address the pain that
Americans, and families across the world, are feeling at the gas pump and the grocery store
right now. A limit on the price of Russian oil would deny Putin revenue his war machine needs
and would build on the historic sanctions we have already implemented that make it more
di icult for him to wage his war or grow his economy. It will also aid in maintaining the global
supply of oil, helping put downward pressure on prices for consumers in America and globally
at a time when energy prices are spiking.
Energy security is a key element of President Bidenʼs foreign policy agenda focused on
Americaʼs workers, businesses, and consumers. That agenda has been an area of focus on this
In Tokyo, I had the opportunity to meet with Japanese leaders to discuss the strength of our
bilateral economic relationship.



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Nusa Dua, Indonesia | U.S. Departmen…

By deepening our economic ties with allies like Japan, Korea, and many of the countries
represented here at the G20, we can make our economies and our supply chains stronger and
more resilient and avoid the sort of costly disruptions that have driven up inflation in America
and globally.
This is the type of partnership that strengthens the international system we have built, while
also protecting ourselves from some of the fragilities in global trade networks that we have
seen over the last few years.
This is particularly important in the Indo-Pacific when we consider the challenges posed by
non-market tactics pursued by countries like China.
We also know that global challenges stemming from Russiaʼs war in Ukraine have been
particularly acute for emerging markets. Itʼs troubling to see how the war is contributing to
higher energy costs, food insecurity and hunger for the most vulnerable globally.
We have already taken swi action to help mitigate food insecurity, including through our callto-action for International Financial Institutions to redouble their work, and through our
leading role with the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program — to which the United
States is donating an additional $155 million.
But more needs to be done to help the most vulnerable, and this is a key message I will be
emphasizing at these G20 meetings. Given the deteriorating global economic conditions
since Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine, a key objective of this trip is to push G20 creditors,
including China, to finalize debt restructuring for developing countries now facing debt
distress. The United States will also provide a grant of $70 million to the IMFʼs Poverty
Reduction and Growth Trust to further enable the IMF to make zero-interest loans to the
worldʼs poorest economies.
So, thereʼs important work to do here this week in Indonesia, but throughout we will remain
focused on delivering on our commitment to confronting the worldʼs challenges with our
And with that, I am happy to take your questions.

Q & A:
Q: Hi, Secretary Yellen, thanks for doing this. I wanted to ask on inflation, you say it's long
been the Biden Administration's top economic policy priority. I'm curious how combating
inflation compares to the desire to avoid a recession. Recently, Chair Powell said that bringing



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Nusa Dua, Indonesia | U.S. Departmen…

down inflation is more important than or is worth risking a recession, and so I'm curious if
that's your view as well, or just how you compare those two goals?
Sec. Yellen: Well, inflation is unacceptably high, and that's something that's evident from
Wednesday's report. And I believe it's appropriate that it's our top — it should be the top
priority to bring inflation down. The labor market is currently very strong. We have witnessed
an historic recovery in employment — weʼve now regained all of the private sector jobs that
were lost. The labor market is tight, and the labor market is in good shape.
We're first and foremost supportive of the Fedʼs e orts — what they see, deemed to be
necessary to get inflation under control. And beyond that, we're taking our own steps that we
believe will be supportive in the short term to get inflation down, particularly what we're
doing on energy prices, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Also, the work that we're doing to
institute a price cap on Russian oil to avoid potential future spikes in oil prices.
We're very supportive of deficit reduction and very much hope that Congress will pass a
reconciliation bill that would help lower some of the important costs faced by consumers,
particularly prescription drugs.
Q: Thank you, Madam Secretary. I know you addressed the impact of war on emerging
markets. Could you talk about your expectation for how emerging markets and developing
economies will be a ected by the interest rate hikes that are coming? And just quickly was
hoping you could also respond to Senator Manchin saying yesterday that the inflation report
makes him — gives him some pause about passing another economic package. Thank you.
Sec. Yellen: Well, starting with Senator Manchinʼs comments. The package thatʼs under
consideration, I believe, involves deficit reduction, and I think thatʼs an important way in which
the Administration and Congress can complement the monetary policy measures that are
being put in place by the Fed. On top of that, if the package does, for example, contain a
package that would lower prescription drug prices, that would be very important to American
households in bringing down the cost of one of the most expensive items in their budget. So, I
would draw the conclusion that passing a package along these lines would be [a] very positive
way of addressing inflation.
You asked about the impact of Russia's actions on the global economy. Oh, sorry.
Q: [Inaudible.]
Sec. Yellen: Oh, sorry, the Fedʼs interest rate increases. So, there are a number of di erent
things that are a ecting emerging market economies at the moment. I would say most



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Nusa Dua, Indonesia | U.S. Departmen…

importantly, the outlook for growth and inflation in those countries has deteriorated and you
can see that in the IMF projections, for example. Mainly because of Russia's war on Ukraine
that have led to higher food and energy prices, which are particularly damaging for countries
that already were su ering, o en from food insecurity.
The Fed rate hikes, interest rates in the United States, have increased more rapidly than those
in the rest of the world thatʼs had the impact of strengthening the dollar and leading to some
depreciation in the currencies of emerging market and developing economies, and that can
have mixed e ects. On the one hand, it can strengthen their ability to export, which is good
for their growth. On the other hand, to the extent that countries have dollar-denominated
debt, it can make those debt problems, which already are very severe, more di icult.
But countries are in di erent positions. A number of emerging market countries are important
commodity exporters, and they've seen benefits from higher commodity prices. So, the Fed
policy is just one of a number of factors a ecting the outlook.
Q: Good a ernoon. Thank you, Secretary Yellen. Chris Condon from Bloomberg News. As you
have just said, you're working on this trip to build support for a mechanism that would cap the
price of Russian oil exports. I have two questions related to that. First of all, can that plan
work if China and India are not on board? And second, can you — are you and other would-be
participants not worried that Moscow might retaliate, perhaps by shutting o gas supplies to
Europe or Japan or elsewhere? Thank you.
Sec. Yellen: So, I'm hopeful that China and India will see that observing a price cap would
serve their own interests in lowering the price that they pay for Russian oil, they're important
importers. But even so, even if they don't observe the price cap, I think it's certain that many
countries that import Russian oil will be a ected by the insurance and financial services ban
that the EU, and presumably the UK and U.S., will put into e ect.
And without the price cap or price exception to that ban, we would likely see very much higher
global prices because that ban would result in, we could debate the exact magnitude, but a
significant amount of a shut-in of Russian oil. And global prices, regardless of what China and
India pay, global prices would rise to the extent that Russian oil would be shut-in even if
Russia is able to maintain some exports to China and India.
And I think you should see the price exception or price cap as mitigating the impact that the
insurance and financial services ban would otherwise have. It will give Russia a way to
continue exporting oil at a price I expect would be, remain quite profitable for them relative to



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Nusa Dua, Indonesia | U.S. Departmen…

shutting it in. And it will help consumers throughout the world, including in China and India,
avoid a spike in global oil prices. It will hold oil prices down.
And Iʼm sorry, did you ask — did you have another piece of that question that?
Q: [Inaudible.]
Sec. Yellen: Youʼre good. Okay.
Q: Thank you so much. You mentioned the pressure on China and other countries to get
involved on the global debt front and to do more to restructure debt. Just this week, or in
these last few days, we've seen quite dramatic developments in Sri Lanka, which is not a lowincome country. China until now has been very reluctant to extend any debt restructuring
e orts to countries that are not the lowest-income countries. Can you say what your
response is to that, what China's role is in terms of dealing with Sri Lanka's massive
Sec. Yellen: So, I don't have anything specific on Sri Lanka, but China is, of course, a very
important creditor of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is clearly unable to repay that debt. And it's my hope
that China will be willing to work with Sri Lanka to restructure the debt — it would likely be
both in China and Sri Lanka's interest.
But more broadly, we're really looking to China to step up their role in debt restructurings that
are eligible for treatment under the Common Framework. We've not seen much progress and
part of what I expect to do over the next several days is urge our partners in the G20 to put
pressure on China to be more cooperative in restructuring these unsustainable debts.
Q: Secretary Yellen, thank you. Back to the issue of price caps on Russian oil. I'm curious, how
much consensus is there in the G20 around this idea, one? And more specifically, on the price
level. You know, people have talked about the idea of $40 a barrel, right? Enough to keep
incentivizing — or Russia to keep producing, but not enough to, for them to price gouge and
continue funding the war in Ukraine. How much, in your mind, what do you think an
appropriate number would be to achieve both ends?
Sec. Yellen: So, we haven't decided on what an appropriate level is. There's been no decision
on that. But in principle, we would want a number that clearly gives Russia incentive to
continue to produce, that would make production profitable for Russia.
It's very expensive, both in terms of immediate loss of revenue, for Russia to stop selling oil to
the global economy, and it would have an adverse impact on Russiaʼs longer-term capacity if it



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Nusa Dua, Indonesia | U.S. Departmen…

shuts down wells, to be able to restart them. So, I think we want to make it clear that
Russia will continue to have an incentive to produce.
And I think if you look at this from Russia's point of view, it's important to remember that the
alternative to a price cap or exception is simply that the European — EU and probably U.S. ban
on providing insurance and other financial services goes into e ect, if there is no exception to
that ban. So, we're proposing an exception that would allow Russia to export as long as the
price doesn't exceed a to-be-determined level. Otherwise, Russia faces a situation where it
will be completely cut o from those critical services, and that's likely to shut-in a substantial
amount of Russian oil.
So, you know, I think from Russia's point of view, a price cap or price exception to a policy that
would otherwise be yet harsher on Russia is something that they should be willing to go along
Q: Thank you, Madam Secretary. I just wondered, what is your message to the Russian Finance
Minister at this meeting? And I just also wondered, is there any prospect of a walkout, such as
you partook in in Aprilʼs meeting in Washington?
Sec. Yellen: Well, you know, I think I've made clear that it cannot be business as usual with
respect to Russia's participation at these meetings. And I can tell you that I certainly expect
to express in the strongest possible terms my views on Russia's invasion, the war against
Ukraine, and I certainly intend to talk about its impact on Ukraine and on the entire global
economy and to condemn it. So, thatʼs certainly — and I expect that many of my colleagues
will do the same.
