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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen following the Close of the G7 Finance Ministers Meetings | U.S. De…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen following
the Close of the G7 Finance Ministers Meetings
June 5, 2021

Remarks as prepared
Thank you for joining us today.
I would like to thank Chancellor Sunak and Her Majesty’s government for hosting.
This was our first in-person multilateral meeting —and I can definitively say a real life G7
meeting is much more enjoyable than the Zoom version. More importantly, our meetings
this weekend emphasize the power of global cooperation in addressing the most critical
issues we face.
Our most immediate task is ending the pandemic and its associated economic crisis.
Fiscal policy has an important role to play in responding to crises and supporting the
recovery. The IMF projects that the U.S. will be the first G7 economy to return to its prepandemic output level. That’s in part due to our rapid vaccine rollout, but also ambitious
fiscal support in policies like the American Rescue Plan.
G7 economies have the fiscal space to speed up their recoveries to not only reach pre-COVID
levels of GDP but also to support a return to pre-pandemic growth paths. This is why we
continue to urge a to shi in our thinking from “let’s not withdraw support too early” to
“what more can we do now.” Not just to end the pandemic, but to use fiscal policy to invest
in addressing generational issues like climate change and inequality.
As the G7 economies face brighter prospects, we cannot forget that developing countries
face limited access to vaccines and limited policy space to respond to the economic crisis.
Our collective fear is that the pandemic leads to a lingering divergence where advanced



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen following the Close of the G7 Finance Ministers Meetings | U.S. De…

economies rebound quickly, while developing countries lag and bear deep scars from the
crisis for years to come.
The G7 discussed how to try to prevent that divergence, first, by helping developing
countries vaccinate their populations. The surest way to do that is to keep supporting the
COVAX Facility, which purchases and distributes doses to poorer countries. The Government
of Japan hosted a successful pledging Summit for COVAX on June 2, and I thank the
countries who stepped-up their contributions to this important e ort. The U.S. remains
committed to the success of COVAX and will continue to disburse our $4 billion pledge, the
largest to the facility. The G7 also discussed how our existing tools, such as World Bank and
IMF financing, can better help fund a global immunization e ort and how we can enhance
our coordination to prevent and better respond to future pandemics.
We also discussed ways to provide greater economic support to developing countries
through the international financial institutions that would put developing countries on a
path to a strong and sustainable green recovery. The G7 reiterated our support for a new
allocation of IMF Special Drawing Rights to boost global reserves and provide additional
liquidity as IMF members confront the crisis. We strongly support the IMF providing clear,
tailored guidance to countries on how best to utilize their new SDRs, as well as proposals to
increase transparency in and accountability for how SDRs are used. The G7 also exchanged
ideas on how major economies might channel our SDRs to amplify support for low-income
countries, potentially by co-financing IMF programs to support green recoveries and improve
vaccine access.
G7 countries also redoubled our commitment to a transformative e ort to tackle climate
change. President Biden recently signed an Executive Order in April committing to double
U.S. climate finance by 2024, while tripling U.S. finance for adaptation—signaling a return to
U.S. leadership in addressing climate change. I am pleased the G7 could agree to ambitious
commitments to decarbonize our economies and mobilize finance for climate action,
including from public and private, domestic, and international sources. To facilitate the
mobilization of private climate finance, the G7 also agreed to take action to improve the
availability of consistent, comparable, and decision-useful climate-related financial
information to market participants. This commitment is in line with the President’s Executive
Order to enable private investment to play a complementary role in meeting our net-zero
emissions target while also creating well-paying jobs. We look forward to advancing this



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen following the Close of the G7 Finance Ministers Meetings | U.S. De…

work in the coming months with the broader G20, where Treasury is co-chairing the G20
Sustainable Finance Working Group.
Perhaps most notably this weekend, G7 economies came together to agree the postpandemic world must be fairer, especially with regard to international taxation. We need to
have stable tax systems that raise su icient revenue to invest in essential public goods and
respond to crises, and ensure that all citizens and corporations fairly share the burden of
financing government. For too long, there has been a global race-to-the-bottom in
corporate tax rates—where countries compete by lowering their tax rates instead of the wellbeing of their citizens and natural environments.
The G7 has taken significant steps this weekend to end the existing harmful dynamic, making
commitments today that provide tremendous momentum towards achieving a robust global
minimum tax at a rate of at least 15%. That global minimum tax would end the race-to-thebottom in corporate taxation, and ensure fairness for the middle class and working people in
the U.S. and around the world.
The global minimum tax would also help the global economy thrive, by leveling the playing
field for businesses and encouraging countries to compete on positive bases, such as
educating and training our work forces and investing in research and development and
infrastructure. And indeed the global minimum tax can help fund investments in those
critical priorities.
Finally, by collaborating with one another on the global minimum tax, governments protect
their national sovereignty to set tax policy, because the pressures that have forced the race
to the bottom on corporate tax rates are alleviated.
This e ort is far from over, and we look forward to engaging closely with the G20 and
members of the OECD Inclusive Framework process in the coming weeks to finalize an
agreement on the global minimum corporate tax as soon as possible.
At the same time, I look forward to taking the momentum we’ve achieved on a global reform
at this G7 and working closely with members of Congress on this important initiative.
I look forward to taking your questions.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen following the Close of the G7 Finance Ministers Meetings | U.S. De…
