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Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India | U.S. Department of t…

Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury
Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India
February 23, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Good a ernoon, everyone. Thanks for being here. Iʼm looking forward to a productive set of
meetings in Bengaluru over the next couple of days.
Iʼd first like to thank Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for her leadership of the G20 during
Indiaʼs presidency.
Tomorrow is the one-year mark of Russiaʼs illegal and unjustified full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
So today, Iʼd like to start by speaking on Russiaʼs war. Then, Iʼll turn to progress weʼve made
on the global economy, as well as our work on longer-term challenges.

When Vladimir Putin launched his brutal assault one year ago, some believed that Russia
would secure a quick and decisive victory over Kyiv. Putin himself thought that he would
achieve a victory “at minimal cost,” in the words of CIA director Bill Burns. One year later,
Putinʼs war has been a strategic failure for the Kremlin. Ukraine still stands. And NATO and our
global coalition stand united behind it.
Ukraine has mounted a heroic resistance. We have seen the bravery of the Ukrainian military
on the battlefield. We have seen the steady hand of Ukraineʼs economic and finance o icials.
They have fought to preserve Ukraineʼs economic and financial stability under extraordinary
circumstances. And of course, we have seen the strength of the Ukrainian people. They are
standing strong amid a terrible war.
The United States and our allies are proud to support the Ukrainian peopleʼs fight for
freedom. The United States has provided over $46 billion in security, economic, and
humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. Our military assistance includes key defensive weapons
that Ukraine has asked for – such as the Patriot missile defense system. And our economic



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India | U.S. Department of t…

assistance is making Ukraineʼs resistance possible by supporting the home front: funding
critical public services and helping keep the government running. In the coming months, we
expect to provide around $10 billion in additional economic support for Ukraine.
Since the early days of the war, we have partnered with a multilateral coalition of over 30
countries to impose severe economic costs on Russia for its brutal assault. Our twin goals are
to degrade Russiaʼs military-industrial complex and reduce the revenues that it can use to
fund its war. We are seeing the impacts of these actions. The Russian military is struggling to
replace over 9,000 pieces of heavy military equipment that it has lost since February 2022. It
has su ered production shut-downs at key defense-industrial facilities. Further, Russiaʼs
economy has become increasingly isolated. Estimates indicate that nearly a million Russians
may have le the country last year. This is putting downward pressure on its productive
capacity going forward.
As President Biden has said, we will stand with Ukraine in its fight – for as long as it takes. We
commend our allies for stepping up their direct assistance. And we believe itʼs critical that the
IMF move swi ly toward a fully financed program for Ukraine – as they have said they will do.
Continued, robust support for Ukraine will be a major topic of discussion during my time here
in India.

Over the next couple of days, I also look forward to working with my counterparts to advance
work on the global macroeconomy.
While there are significant headwinds, itʼs fair to say that the global economy is in a better
place today than many predicted just a few months ago. In the fall, many were worried about
a sharp economic slowdown across the world. The challenges we face are real, and the future
is always uncertain. But the outlook has improved since we gathered in the fall. In its most
recent estimates, the IMF forecasts global growth of 3.2 percent during 2023 – a notable
upgrade from its October report.
In the United States, our economy remains resilient. Year-on-year headline inflation has
moderated over the past few months – as supply chain pressures have eased and global
imbalances have subsided. At the same time, our labor market remains strong. In January, U.S.
unemployment hit a low not seen in over a half-century.



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India | U.S. Department of t…

The progress on our global macroeconomy is a result of our collective work. And it
underscores the importance of redoubling our e orts going forward.
Forums like the G20 are important venues for macroeconomic cooperation. During our
meetings last fall, there was a shared view among my counterparts that we must take
decisive action on the challenges that we face in our own countries. That includes combatting
high inflation where it exists. It was also important to us to be attentive to the spillovers of
macroeconomic tightening from major economies to the rest of the world. While thereʼs much
more work to do, we are beginning to see lower headline inflation around the globe. In
emerging markets, financial conditions remain relatively tight, but have begun to show signs
of easing. At the same time, we know that a number of vulnerable countries continue to face
acute distress. We are not out of the woods yet. So, I am looking forward to the opportunity
this week to continue our close communication with other major economies.
Our progress has also been made possible through our actions to mitigate spillovers from
Russiaʼs war on Ukraine. Vladimir Putinʼs immoral war has exacerbated the stress on our food
systems. Since last year, the United States has committed more than $13 billion in
humanitarian and food security assistance. We have also rallied international financial
institutions to implement a robust Action Plan to Address Food Insecurity. Further, we have
worked with countries to avoid export restrictions and enable food to flow more freely –
including through the Black Sea Grain Initiative. This life-saving initiative has improved supply
and lowered prices. It must be extended past March. More work will be done this year at the
G20 on these food security challenges. I believe this work cannot come soon enough.
Another focus has been global energy markets. In December, the United States and our
coalition implemented a cap on the price of Russian crude oil. And earlier this month, we
placed caps on the prices of Russian refined products like diesel and fuel oil. So far, we see
clear signs that our policy is working to reduce Russian revenues and stabilize global energy
markets. Even as global oil prices have remained relatively stable over the past few months,
Russian oil prices have fallen substantially. Last month, the Kremlinʼs oil revenue was nearly 60
percent lower than in the immediate a ermath of the invasion. We have continued to see
emerging markets negotiate steep discounts on Russian oil – which keeps oil on the global
market but sharply reduces the Kremlinʼs take.




Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India | U.S. Department of t…

Over the next two days, I also look forward to continuing the G20ʼs work to build a stronger
and more resilient global economy. This includes advancing work on debt, climate change, and
the evolution of the multilateral development banks.
First, we need to work together to ease the debt overhang that is holding back too many
countries. The IMF estimates that around 55 percent of low-income countries are close to or
in debt distress. I will continue to push for all bilateral o icial creditors, including China, to
participate in meaningful debt treatments for developing countries and emerging markets in
distress. Most urgent is the need to provide debt treatment to Zambia, and to commit to
specific and credible financing assurances for Sri Lanka. Later this week, I am also looking
forward to robust discussions about the Common Framework process to help countries like
Ghana. I will also be discussing international coordination on debt restructuring for middleincome countries.
Second, we must unlock more investments for the clean energy transition. The United States
is making a historic investment in our own transition through the Inflation Reduction Act. This
law will have positive spillovers for other countries. This includes reducing the costs of clean
energy technologies. During the upcoming meetings, I am eager to continue working with our
partners as co-chair of the Sustainable Finance Working Group. Our goal is to accelerate the
transition to a net-zero economy, particularly by boosting private capital flows.
Third, we look forward to accelerating our momentum for the evolution of the multilateral
development banks. Four months ago, I called for the evolution of the MDB system ahead of
the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings. The MDBs have made tremendous progress in
advancing poverty alleviation and inclusive development. But itʼs critical that they integrate
work on global challenges into their core mission to sustain progress on these priorities. We
are in the process of working with shareholders and management to evolve the World Bank.
Over the next couple of days, I will be discussing how the G20 can build on the momentum at
the World Bank for ambitious reforms. Iʼll also discuss how we can accelerate the evolution of
the regional development banks.
Of course, I want to thank David Malpass for his service as President of the World Bank and
his commitment to a smooth transition. Under his leadership, the Bank has measurably
improved the lives of people around the world.
Iʼm looking forward to productive meetings over the next two days. Thereʼs a lot to do. With
that, I will take your questions.



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India | U.S. Department of t…

Q: Thanks very much Secretary Yellen. Alan Rappeport with the New York Times. Treasury has
expressed concern about Chinaʼs deepening ties with Russia and also about it obstructing
debt restructuring e orts. What is your message to China on these issues? And do you believe
China is committed to stabilizing the economic relationship with the United States?
Secretary Yellen: So, let me say with respect to sanctions and aid to Russia, we have made
clear that providing material support to Russia or assistance with any type of systemic
sanctions evasion would be a very serious concern to us. And, we will certainly continue to
make clear to the Chinese government and to companies and banks in their jurisdiction about
what the rules are regarding our sanctions and the serious consequences they would face for
violating them. Beyond that, I really donʼt want to characterize U.S. intelligence with respect
to sanctions violations. But with respect to debt, I am hopeful that China will be constructive
and understand the need of countries, like Zambia, that I visited recently and saw how
significant a barrier to economic progress the debt overhang that Zambia faces. Itʼs
something thatʼs preventing economic reforms from us stimulating growth in a country that
has put significant reforms into place and is ready to see greater investment, private
investment take place. So, I think itʼs important for China to cooperate. Sri Lanka is also a
country of concern where China plays a significant role and needs to come to the table. The
conversations that Iʼve had with my Chinese counterparts have been constructive and Iʼm
hopeful that we will see progress in China in the coming months, but it is very important.
Q: Hi, thanks Secretary. Yesterday, the World Bank announced that it is starting to take
nominations today for the next President of the World Bank. One of the criteria they laid out
was they would like to see applications from women candidates, and I'm just wondering sort
of what your plans are for nominating? Do you expect to put someone forward today? Do you
think it's time for a woman to lead the World Bank? And please feel free to share a name with
Secretary Yellen: Well, thanks for that question, Dave. We appreciate the opening of
nominations by the World Bank Executive Board. And, we believe it's important that there be a
transparent merit based and swi nomination process for the next World Bank President. We
intend to put forward a candidate to lead the World Bank. Someone that we think meets the
strong qualifications that are necessary to lead the World Bank and will be committed to the
kind of reform process that we want the bank engaged in. Someone who shares a
commitment to the bank's long-standing work to fight extreme poverty and promote



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India | U.S. Department of t…

prosperity and will also want to take addressing the global challenges like preparing for future
pandemics and addressing climate change. So, beyond that, we intend to quickly put forward
a well-qualified candidate and I don't have any updates for you on who that will be. Stay
Q: Viktoria Dendrinou from Bloomberg. You mentioned Ukraine and how support for Ukraine is
going to feature strongly in your discussions. I was just wondering if you could talk to us a bit
about more concrete deliverables that you expect to get from these discussions. Like in terms
of more financial aid, a joint communique, or maybe details on the size and timing of an IMF
program and maybe how optimistic you are about any and all of these things.
Secretary Yellen: Well, I believe the communique is still under discussion. Certainly, we would
like to see a strong condemnation of the impact the war has had on Ukraine and on the global
economic outlook. It's one of the most significant factors that is reducing growth in causing
very negative spillovers, especially for low-income countries. We very much want to see the
IMF negotiate an agreement to lend to Ukraine. The managing director has been clear that's a
goal that she has to negotiate a full program by the end of March. And it's something we will
emphasize in our discussions this week that we think is extremely important. Of course, in
meetings in which Russia participates in the G20, I've always expressed my own and the U.S.
point of view that Russia's behavior is not only a clear violation of international law in an
unprovoked really hostility. But, that it's one of the leading factors shaping the global
outlook, with respect to food with respect to energy, and harming the global look generally.
And that's certainly something that I will emphasize in our meetings here and I'm sure that
other countries will as well.
Q: Hey, I just want to ask given that Russia has withdrawn from the nuclear treaty as well now,
can we expect further sanctions from the U.S. against Russia? And also, given that the G20
Presidency and some other member countries are still neutral with regards to the Russian
invasion of Ukraine, could you maybe shed some light on how negotiations about taking a
stronger position as the G20 against the war that is going on?
Secretary Yellen: Well, with respect to the communique, I would say that that's still under
negotiation. But the G20 communique that was issued in Bali contained strong language on
this, and the Leader's communique contained equally strong language. So, if this has been
achievable in the context of G20 negotiations. You asked about sanctions, and we have
ongoing work on sanctions. Working with our partners, we are seeking to strengthen
sanctions and to make sure that we address violations of sanctions. And, clearly the Russians



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India | U.S. Department of t…

are looking for ways and routes to backfill. Weʼve deprived them of many channels through
which they can obtain the materials that are critical for their defense e orts. And they're
looking clearly to backfill to obtain that, and that's a particular focus that we have in mind.
Both with respect to enforcement and perhaps with respect to further sanctions.
Q: Good a ernoon, Western countries have already imposed tough sanctions on Russia. The
Russian economy is still in relatively good shape, partly because of Western e orts are being
undermined by China and India buying Russian oil and weapons. So, my question is, what more
can be done and what is your message here in India? Thank you.
Secretary Yellen: So, I think the way I see it our sanctions have had a very significant negative
e ect on Russia so far. While by some measures the Russian economy has held up better than
might initially have been expected, Russiaʼs now running a significant budget deficit. It's
finding it extremely di icult because of our sanctions in our export controls to obtain the
material that it needs to replenish its munitions. For example, repair over 9000 tanks that have
been destroyed because of the war. We see that it's led to an exodus of some of the most
qualified scientists and entrepreneurs in the Russian economy - an exodus of foreign
investment. Russia is running down its holdings in its sovereign wealth fund. So, the price cap
that we've put on a Russian oil is clearly substantially reducing Russia's revenues. Russia's
revenues are down in January almost 50% from where they were a year ago. So, Russia is
su ering in terms of its budget, and its ability to acquire what it needs. And, we will continue
to impose further sanctions. We're working with our allies to continue to degrade Russia's
ability to fight this unjust war.
Q: Good a ernoon, Secretary Yellen. China has been selling continuously it's U.S. Treasury
holdings. Now, the holdings stand at a 12-year low. China on its part is saying that it wants to
keep the lines of communication open with the Treasury to discuss economic issues. Is that
happening and what are the issues that you're open to discussing?
Secretary Yellen: So, in their joint meeting, President Biden and President Xi agreed strongly
that communication between our two countries is necessary and desirable. Just in terms of
our own relationship, but more broadly, for the sake of the entire globe. And that there are
many areas where we need to cooperate, to work together to address global challenges. I
have had a meeting with my Chinese counterpart that was constructive. One area where we
have traditionally communicated, and that remains important to communicate concerns of
the macroeconomic and financial situation in our own countries and in the global economy
more generally. And we've done that, and I believe we will resume it at an appropriate time for



Transcript of Press Conference from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Bengaluru, India | U.S. Department of t…

those discussions and continue that. In addition to that, on matters like food security, debt,
climate change these are role matters of global significance, where we do have the ability to
cooperate. We will resume I certainly expect that we will resume discussions with the name of
doing that. I don't have a specific timeframe in mind for doing that, but I believe it's important
to do so when I've certainly am open to having those conversations.
