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Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal Do…

Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the
Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal
November 1, 2021

Minister Donohoe: Thank you very much. Good morning. I want to begin my comments by
warmly welcoming on behalf of the government. Secretary Yellen, on what is her first visit to
Ireland, since she was appointed as the US Treasury Secretary in January of this year. This
visits by Secretary Yellen provides an opportunity for us to continue our engagement
following our two meetings earlier this year, in June, at our g7 meetings in London, and in
July, when it was my great pleasure to invite Secretary Yellen to join the Euro group meeting
of finance ministers in Brussels.
This visit emphasizes the importance of Ireland to US relations, and the deep transatlantic
ties between both countries. I look for forward to further demonstrating the strength of this
relationship during the rest of our visits.
Secretary Yellen and I had just held a meeting, during which we discussed a range of matters,
including recent economic developments and economic recovery, international trade and
investment, and, of course, opportunities for transatlantic engagement and cooperation.
This discussion also provides us with an opportunity to take stock of recent global policy
developments, including the historic agreement reached on international taxation within the
OECD framework. Both of us recognized the importance of disagreement. Both of us agree
that it brings much needed stability and certainty to the International Tax framework. We
have a broad high level agreement on that the task ahead of us now is how we can ensure
that ongoing detailed discussions continue on how the agreement will be implemented to
deliver a system that supports innovation and economic activity. The work ahead will be
demanding and ambitious. But I outlined to Secretary Yellen, that Ireland is absolutely
committed to playing our part in implementing the agreement. Of course, we continue to
have the ambition that our country will be a good place within which to do business.
We are indeed at a pivotal moment as we continue with this process. As we seek to recover
from this pandemic, we took the opportunity to address shared challenges that a ect our



Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal Do…

societies and our economies. International cooperation and multilateral engagement is
central to the relationship between the United States of America and Ireland. We believe this
approach is the way in which we will realize the future which holds further potential and is
sustainable for our citizens.
We discussed, of course, broader EU-US and global growth prospects. I outlined the work
that is underway at Euro group with all of the aims and ambitions that we have across the
coming weeks and months to pursue policies that will help to ensure that an economic
rebound turns into a sustainable and fair recovery. We are well aware of the risks for our
recovery. We monitor where we are with new variants for COVID. We are well aware of the
supply bottlenecks and challenges that a ect us. Of course, we're all acutely aware of the
challenges that energy prices do pose and we are committed to our policy actions remaining
agile, and closely coordinators. However, as we navigate through the next phase of this
journey, we're going to build on what we have collectively delivered. We're building on a long
standing, a deeply resilient transatlantic partnership that has been a pillar of the global
economy. Secretary Yellen is a pillar of leadership in gliding the global economy to the
challenges that we now confront. Together, I believe we have further potential to show
leadership and addressing the challenges which we confront in moving forward in support of
this endeavor.
Later today. myself and Secretary Yellen will participate in a number of events with the
American Chamber of Commerce, and the Institute of International and European A airs,
and the Department of Finance in Dublin Castle. We will do this base on the basis of a
friendship that stretches across the Atlantic, Ireland, the United States of America and
Europe, looking to be a pivot to the kind of change and positive change that we want to see
happen in our world. Secretary Yellen, it's again a great privilege to have you here in Dublin in
Ireland, and the floor is yours.
Secretary Yellen: I am delighted to be here in Ireland, my first visit to the country as the
United States Treasury Secretary. This is a special visit for me, highlighting the strong bond
our two countries continue to share. A bond built on strong economic and cultural ties. A
bond the United States is committed to preserving.
I would like to thank Minister Donohoe for his warm welcome on my first stop in Dublin. We
had a constructive meeting, focused on our close economic relationship and how together –
through economic diplomacy – the United States and Ireland are helping to stabilize the
international tax system.



Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal Do…

The Biden-Harris Administration is grateful, and I am personally thankful, for the
stewardship of both the Taoiseach and Minister Donohoe during the OECD Inclusive
Framework negotiations.
Ireland has joined 135 other countries – representing nearly 95% of the global economy – in
agreeing to a new set of international tax rules, including a global minimum tax.
This is a historic, once-in-a-generation global agreement that will support e orts to promote
sustainable and inclusive economic growth in all our economies.
Later, we will have a chance to hear from the business community in Ireland, where U.S.
firms play a strong role.
American companies have flocked to Ireland thanks to a welcoming, e icient, and stable
business environment; its well-educated workforce; and thanks to Ireland’s position in the
EU. These factors will continue to make Ireland one of the most open and attractive places
in Europe in which to do business.
Stable and prudent economic management also makes Ireland attractive to the private
sector, both domestic and foreign. Throughout the pandemic, the Irish government has
e ectively guided the economy to reduce the negative impact of strict lockdown policies.
The success of these policies shows in strong economic growth this year.
Thank you again, Minister Donohoe, and thanks to the people of Ireland, for hosting me. I
look forward to a productive set of engagements during my trip and strengthening the
already strong bond between the United States and Ireland.
Reporter: Thank you both for doing this. Obviously, the Irish government has talked a lot
about how striking the at least clause before 15% was a big concession. So just a question to
Secretary Yellen, is that do you agree that that might be the ceiling for this? Or do you think
that there's room to increase that number over time? have you discussed that? you know,
whether that at least being stricken is like sort of acknowledgment that that's the upper limit
of where this goes?
Secretary Yellen: Yes, I think we have agreed that 15% is the global minimum tax. Now, of
course, individual countries may choose themselves to establish a higher tax, but I expect
many countries to adopt a 15% tax. I don't think that there's broad agreement on that. It
works for many countries, and I don't think that that's something that is going to be
reconsidered as a as a global minimum.



Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal Do…

Reporter: I wanted to ask you about the conference, the UN climate conference coming up.
Up until now, we haven't gotten to the 100 billion a year in spending that was promised. It
doesn't look like that's going to happen until 2023. Now, how much of a problem is that?
How do you feel that 20 billion, roughly GAAP? And then I just want to ask you, you gave an
interview to the Washington Post my colleague and spoke about the debt ceiling. Can you
say there on the domestic front what your perception, you know, what your view is on how
to get that debt ceiling? Problem solved? Does that have to be done on a bipartisan basis? Or
can the Democrats do it on their own? Thank you.
Secretary Yellen: Well, with respect to the Climate Commitment, I believe that the
commitment is a five-year average. But we're very close to it this year, I, I think we're only a
few billion dollars short this year, and actually working hard even now to try to close the gap.
But, we remain very strongly committed to the resources, both the public resources and the
mobilizing private capital, which is clearly necessary for developing countries in emerging
markets to make the investments that's necessary to meet our common climate change
obligations. This is a very high priority, where I'll be speaking to this in Glasgow, and we're
very committed to mobilizing the promised and needed capital.
With respect to the debt ceiling, there are a number of ways in which the debt ceiling can be
raised. What I've emphasized is that this is something that absolutely must be done. It's
about America, paying bills that have already been incurred by past Congresses and past
administrations. It's not about current policy. I strongly believe that it is a bipartisan
responsibility to do this. There is a way for Democrats to do it entirely on their own. I know
that will be one of the ways through reconciliation that the leadership will be considering.
But we're going to work closely with Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer to try to come up
with a way to do it by the December 3 deadline.
Reporter: I thank you very much. I have a question for Mr. Donohoe, who I'm wondering how
concerned you and your European counterparts are a er taking this plunge on the global tax
agreement about the U.S. Congress implementing pillar one? And what might happen if they
do not follow through on that. Thank you.
Minister Donohoe: So we have full confidence in the e orts that are underway that are led
by Secretary Yellen with regard to this initiative, it wouldn't be at all appropriate or helpful
for me to comment on what to detail of President Biden, Secretary Yellen and our
representatives are engaging with at the moment with the House of Representatives and
with the Senate. But very broadly, what the European Union and the finance ministers of the



Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal Do…

European Union have now agreed is that we want to see global change happen. In order for
us to reinforce the e orts that we're all making, we all know that we need to move together.
So this is why in the coming weeks and months, you will see the commission begin to
develop its proposal to do this. What we in turn would hope that will enable
Secretary Yellen is to be able to point to the progress that is happening elsewhere. And to
the fact that the friends and partners of the United States of America are playing our part in
implementing this change. So we've absolute confidence in the work that is underway now
with respect to this historic change in America. But this is a global change, in order, for
everybody to have confidence that it's going to happen. We all need to play our part, and in
Europe, we will be intensifying our work in this area in the next few weeks.
Reporter: And it has been reported that your interactions with Minister Donohue over the
past year or so were a series of pep talks or an attempt to cajole Ireland into supporting the
proposed a global minimum tax rate. Is that how you would characterize it cajoling and at
what point do you think? What was the critical thing that enabled the Irish government to
sign up to this package?
Secretary Yellen: Well, I really personally wouldn't use the word cajole, I think we've had
very productive meetings in which we have tried to understand the viewpoint of Ireland,
about these tax negotiations, and its needs in terms of being able to sign on to this. And
also, Minister Donohoe has been terrific in trying to understand the U.S. perspective. So, I
think we've had very productive exchanges views over the last number of months. And each
of us, we've, we've worked with one another, and with all the other countries involved in this
negotiation, to cra an agreement that every country feels at the end of the day, that we can
stand in front of our own people and say, this is a good agreement, it serves our national
interests, and it serves the global interests. I believe both of us, both of us feel that way. We
wanted to make sure that that was true for Ireland. And, you know, is of course, as I said,
Ireland is perhaps once upon the time, the low tax rate was important in attracting countries
to Ireland. But, our strong views strongly held view is that Ireland has tremendous
advantages as a country with an educated workforce and an excellent business
environment, and that that will continue to serve Ireland's economic interests.
Reporter: Secretary, are you conscious that the OECD deal notwithstanding, you know, the
global impact is likely to damage the public finances here and has caused a great deal of
anxiety about the FDI model and jobs? The fact that large countries including the U.S. have
really imposed that on small countries like Ireland, do you? Are you conscious that that has



Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal Do…

damaged relations? And is this trip I suppose, in terms of this trip, is that about mending
fences? And then for ministers? Who can you put a price at this point on what that process is
going to cost in terms of cash foregone in Ireland?
Secretary Yellen: Well, I guess my perspective isn't fit this agreement is damaged small
countries or emerging market countries. I think that globally, we have been over many
decades, countries throughout the world involved in a process that has hurt workers and
households in all of our countries, that is deprived all of us of revenue that we very much
need to invest in our infrastructure, invest in our people invest in R&D, the investments that
really promote growth, we have had a so called race to the bottom in terms of corporate
taxation, and no country has really won that race. We've all been forced to compete with one
another and lower tax rates. The only way to really in that, and to go to a system that
promotes all countries interests, it's not some countries against other countries is that all of
us need to hold hands and agree that we need to establish at least a minimum level of
global taxation so that corporations here in Ireland and the United States and around the
world are bearing their fair share of the tax burden. And it's not all falling on workers or
leading to a situation in which we're unable to invest in our economies and our people.
Minister Donohoe: To add what Secretary Yellen has said they're the subject that we were
dealing with was very di icult. The subject was di icult because there was a global mafia,
and a global mafia in which nearly 140 countries had a deep stake in and for many would
require change. And in particular, for Ireland, it would involve a very, very significant and
seminole change. But even though the subject matter was di icult, the tone of our
engagement on us was never di icult. The marshall was approached between Secretary
Yellen and myself in one of friendship, one of cooperation and how we could find
compromise. The fact that we mess on as many occasions as we did, and the fact that both
of us are here today today, making the case for this agreement speaks to the value of a
friendship that is resilient. that has approached a very challenging topic in one of
cooperation. So this is not about imposition. This is about the government making the
choice that it is in our long term economic interest, that we're in an agreement that stabilizes
global tax policy, and being predictability to a topic that has been uncertain and volatile in
recent years. And that, in that environment, I'm absolutely confident that our country will be
competitive, will keep will retain, will attract jobs, but we will do so from a strengthened
position of legitimacy inside a global architecture that is looking to respond back to issues
that citizens in Ireland and America and all over the world expect to see change.



Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal Do…

In relation to the issue of what will be the revenue loss for Ireland, we expect on the basis of
the detail that is available to us that our corporate tax revenue, will in three to four years
time in total, be 2 billion euro less than it otherwise would be without disagreement.
However, this is a revenue loss, that we have now been included in our budgetary
calculations since the end of 2019. So in each of the budgets that I have, given since that
point, I've indicated to our government, to our parliament, and to our people, that a moment
of change is coming and that we need to start planning for that moment of change. We did
them. It is one of the reasons why as we move into next year, we want to be in a position that
the only borrowing that we are engaging in is borrowing for capital investment for our future,
not for day-to-day spending. We look to improve beyond that then in 2023. So, this is an
agreement that while it does involve change, I believe is in the interests of Ireland to be part
of under this for that reason, that we entered the agreement.
Reporter: my question is about copper, again, for Secretary Yellen. In the past, you've
supported the idea of carbon pricing. Obviously, it's not very popular with voters, particularly
but cops an opportunity to make some very bold gestures. Is it time now to introduce carbon
pricing? in terms of an agreement, do you see some kind of agreement at COP? then just a
supplementary question very quickly, do you? Are you afraid the US economy might be
Secretary Yellen: Well, I'm on carbon pricing, I see carbon pricing as a very e icient way of
adopting a policy to deal with climate change. It has a lot to recommended in terms of
e iciency. But remember that in the Paris Accord countries determine their own national
contributions and are allowed to choose whatever policies they think best to achieve those
objectives. In the United States, President Biden has proposed a robust series of policies to
try to achieve our nationally determined contribution and some aspects of it may involve at
least implicit carbon pricing through trading arrangements that may emerge. So, there is the
possibility that some form of carbon pricing may be implicit in the arrangements for
example, for the electricity sector, but I think each country has to decide what its population
is able to support and to my mind, the most important thing is that countries are durably
determined in adopting the policies that will bring down carbon emissions and promote
active policies to combat climate change. Many European countries or neighboring Canada
have adopted carbon pricing policies. We are very supportive of those policies, and are
willing to work and are beginning to work very closely with countries in the European Union
with Canada with other countries to make sure that our system merges appropriately with
theirs. It's very easy to make sure that country's policies merge. Well, if every country adopts



Transcript of Joint Press Conference with Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Irish Finance Minister Paschal Do…

a carbon tax or a carbon fee. But well, it's a little bit more complicated. Again, I'd say what's
most important is the country's take meaningful and urgent action
I am sorry and then you asked.
I would not say that the US economy is really overheating. We're still 5 million jobs below
where we were pre pandemic, and labor force participation has declined. I believe the
reasons relate to the pandemic health concerns, childcare concerns, and the like. I believe
that is the pandemic comes under control that labor supply, which is currently constrained.
So a lot of firms are finding it di icult to hire, I believe that will change. We are experiencing
inflation that's higher than we've seen in a number of years. Again, I think this is pandemic
related. In part, there's been a huge redirection of spending away from surfaces that involve
direct contact, hotels, eating in restaurants, and toward goods and products. In the United
States, the demand for durable goods has surged by over 30% that's combined with
pandemic closures in parts of the world where we're reliant for supplies of semiconductors
and other products. It's led to a series of bottlenecks, boats lined up that ports and, you
know, shortages of semiconductors that have constrained vehicle production, and it has led
to price increases, but I believe as we get beyond the pandemic. These pressures will ease
and in that sense, I believe the inflation is transitory, and we don't have an economy that is in
the longer run since overheating.
