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Testimony of Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson before the Caucu…

Testimony of Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and
Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson before the Caucus on
International Narcotics Control, U.S. Senate
July 12, 2022

As prepared for Delivery
Chairman Whitehouse, Chairman Grassley, and Distinguished Members of the Caucus, I want to
thank you for the invitation to speak today on behalf of the Treasury Department about this
critical national security issue. I am pleased to be here alongside my colleague from the
Department of Justice (DOJ), with whom we work closely on counter-narcotics priorities.
The Treasury Department has long recognized the threat from money laundering linked to
drug tra icking. We are key implementers of the President's National Drug Control Strategy
(NDCS), which identifies counter illicit finance as a critical pillar to degrade and disrupt
transnational criminal organizations (TCOs).
Treasury pursues a multi-pronged strategy against these threats that encompasses: (1)
understanding risks and mapping TCO financial networks; (2) imposing preventative measures
on financial institutions that include reporting suspicious activity, which directly generates
lead information for law enforcement; (3) public-private partnerships to facilitate robust
information-sharing; (4) the use of targeted financial sanctions to identify and cut o DTOs,
their members, and supporters from the international financial system; (5) closing
outstanding regulatory gaps; and (6) working with international partners.
Financial crimes impose a significant cost on ordinary Americans. Drug tra icking, and the
profits derived from it, are particularly pernicious threats. Drug overdose deaths are exacting
a terrible toll in the United States and American families, with an estimated 108,000 deaths in
2021 [updated #s to come], an increase of 15% over the previous year.1 Such numbers do not
only represent a public health crisis, but also a threat to U.S. national and economic security.
As documented in the 2022 National Money Laundering Risk Assessment, the movement and
laundering of drug proceeds in the United States continues to be dominated by traditional
methods and techniques, such as bulk cash smuggling (BCS) and trade-based money



Testimony of Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson before the Caucu…

laundering (TBML). Law enforcement is seeing an increase in TCOsʼ use of Chinese Money
Laundering Organizations (CMLOs) who o er services at lower fees than traditional money
brokers, exploit Chinese currency controls, and use communication technology e ectively.
TCOs are growing more comfortable with darknet markets and the use of digital assets to
launder funds, although the size and scope of this activity remains low in comparison to cashbased retail street sales.
To address these challenges, Treasury undertakes several high-impact actions. The
preventative measures we require of certain private sector entities, including due diligence,
record keeping, and reporting requirements, provide the basis for law enforcement
investigation of all manner of illegal activity, including drug tra icking.
This information also informs the use of our sanctions authorities, which are among our most
e ective tools for targeting the command, control, and financial facilitation infrastructure of
TCOs worldwide. The Presidentʼs December 2021 Executive Order (E.O. 14059), “Imposing
Sanctions on Persons Involved in the Global Illicit Drug Trade,” will support the Biden-Harris
administrationʼs priority to disrupt the operations of the drug cartels who direct the supply of
illicit drugs to U.S. markets.
The E.O. a ords the O ice of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) greater flexibility to sanction
foreign actors involved in narcotics tra icking that threaten U.S. national security. Our first
tranche of designations under this expanded authority in December 2021 targeted DTOs
based in Brazil, China, Colombia, and Mexico.
The highly valuable financial intelligence we collect also informs our e orts to close regulatory
gaps, in order to ensure the U.S. AML/CFT framework is fit for purpose in addressing an
evolving threat environment. As you are aware, Treasury is currently undertaking rulemaking
to implement key provisions of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) to deny illicit actors the
ability to hide behind anonymous front and shell companies. Another priority in this category
is addressing how drug tra ickers exploit the U.S. real estate market. The Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is pursuing a rulemaking process to address how criminal
actors exploit the U.S. real estate sector by bringing greater transparency to non-financed
Another important component of our counter-narcotics strategy is international engagement.
My first trip as Under Secretary was to Mexico, and this was an essential opportunity to build
strong relationships with key counterparts. While there, I met with public and private sector
partners to discuss ways to enhance our collaboration on counter-narcotics, human



Testimony of Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson before the Caucu…

smuggling, and anti-corruption. We will also continue to support ongoing Biden-Harris
administration e orts to engage China on counter- narcotics, including encouraging and
pressing Beijing to curtail the illicit diversion of Chinese-origin precursor chemicals to Mexican
drug cartels.
So long as major criminal organizations threaten the U.S. financial system, the Treasury
Department will maintain these significant lines of e ort. I want to close by thanking the
Caucus for its support. I look forward to taking your questions.
