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Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Govern…

Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the
Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government
Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives
May 27, 2021

Chairman Quigley, Ranking Member Womack, thank you for inviting me to join you today. I
look forward to your questions, but first, I want to briefly discuss the state of our economy
and the state of the Treasury Department. Because I believe one depends on the other.
Our economy is recovering from the pandemic, but we still have a long road ahead of us. For
this reason, I expect that economists will look back on this Congress’ decision to enact the
American Rescue Plan – and judge it very favorably. You had an option – to provide just a few
months of relief or continued support to see us through to the end of the crisis – and you
chose the latter.
Thanks to ARP and its predecessor legislation, I am confident that people will make it to the
other side of the pandemic. But as you know, in order for these dollars to e ectively reach
their intended targets, we have to stand up and manage new federal programs. Treasury has
been tasked with much of this work, and we are proud to do it.
The challenge is: While our portfolio has grown to match the urgency of this moment, our
annual budget has not grown in tandem, and the funding provided to administer new
programs is temporary. Not accounting for inflation, our annual budget is still at the same
enacted level as 2010, and critical policy o ices – like Domestic Finance, Economic Policy,
and Tax Policy – have seen their budgets cut by as much as 20 percent since 2016.
The mismatch is very stark when you take a moment to scan the new bodies of work we’ve
Treasury has built a $350 billion program to help state, local, and tribal governments
start operating normally again.
The National Security Loan Program has distributed more than $700 million to
contractors who are critical for our nation’s defense.
The CERTS program will provide $2 billion to bus and ferry companies.



Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Govern…

There are two separate multi-billion-dollar programs to help people pay their rent and
And of course, Treasury administers economic impact payments. The IRS entered the
pandemic as an agency that processes tax filings and returns once a year – and managed
to marshal its forces to disburse more than 460 million payments totaling approximately
$800 billion across three separate tranches.
Now, the IRS is preparing to make monthly payments of the expanded child tax credit to
families of more than 88% of American children.
Our team has done valiant work implementing these programs with the resources at our
disposal. But we cannot continue to be good stewards of this recovery – and tackle the new
bodies of work that Congress assigns to us in the years beyond – with a budget that was
designed for 2010.
Tomorrow, our administration will release its formal budget, and there are several critical
areas where funding is needed.
For instance, the Financial Crimes and Enforcement Network – FinCEN – is tasked with
building a massive database that collects and secures beneficial ownership information, but
Congress has not yet provided any funding to do it.
Then there are the Community Development Financial Institutions. Congress has
dramatically expanded funding for CDFIs with supplemental appropriations – and rightly so.
These institutions are very e ective at injecting capital into areas the financial sector hasn’t
traditionally served well. However, it is challenging for the CDFI Fund to distribute greater
resources and scale these programs without additional administrative funding.
The IRS is in need of additional resources, too. Over the next ten years, the American people
could see roughly $7 trillion dollars fall through the cracks of our tax system. Why? Because
many of the country’s wealthiest taxpayers do not pay their full tax bill, and the IRS is not
nearly sta ed up enough to ensure compliance. Today, the IRS has fewer auditors than at
any time since World War II.
Our proposal would give the IRS the funding it needs. For FY 2022, it includes $13.2 billion
from discretionary appropriations, plus $417 million for the first year of a program integrity
allocation adjustment as part of the multi-year American Families Plan.
The speed and strength of our recovery – and our economy, long-term – depend on a fully
funded Treasury. I look forward to working with you to make that happen.



Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Govern…

