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Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen before
the Financial Services Committee, U.S. House
April 5, 2022

As Prepared for Delivery
Chairwoman Waters, Ranking Member McHenry, and Members of the Committee, thank
you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you today. I am here today in my capacity as
Chair of the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies (NAC)
to discuss Treasuryʼs oversight of the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and our role
in promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, global monetary and financial stability,
and development.
The last two years have clearly emphasized that these institutions are essential
complements to U.S. foreign policy. The IFIs have provided unprecedented financing in
response to COVID-19, and they will play vital roles in responding to food and energy shocks,
addressing a growing refugee crisis in Europe, and rebuilding an independent Ukraine.
U.S. leadership and involvement with the IFIs represents a key pillar of sustaining the
global order and international financial architecture. As a leading founder of these
institutions, the United States helped establish an international economic system that has
supported historic growth and prosperity during the second half of the twentieth century.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank Group, and the regional
development banks are critical to addressing the challenges we face today, including a
durable and inclusive recovery from COVID-19, reducing poverty, preparing for future
pandemics, mitigating and adapting to climate change, strengthening food security,
bolstering debt sustainability and transparency, fostering opportunities for private sector job
creation, countering corruption and promoting rule of law, and investing in quality
infrastructure. The IFIs also o�er our international partners assistance that supports private
sector-led, sustainable growth over the long-term and adheres to high standards, good
governance, and transparency. Stronger, more stable growth abroad means a stronger
economy here at home. As other economies prosper, demand for U.S. exports of goods and

service increase, creating jobs. Treasury is committed to working with Congress,
IFI management, and likeminded shareholders to enhance the IFIsʼ responsiveness to U.S.
Over the last two years, the IFIs have led the way in helping low-income and
developing countries fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the beginning of the crisis, the IMF
has approved nearly $175 billion in emergency lending, concessional financing, debt service
relief, and precautionary support to fund pandemic response and economic recovery e�orts.
The multilateral development banks (MDBs) approved nearly $130 billion over the same
period to address the health, economic, and social impacts of the pandemic. Of course, our
fight against COVID-19 is not over. Treasury has asked the World Bank to continue working
closely with COVAX and international partners to improve vaccine readiness and support
increased vaccine delivery in developing countries. As long as this pandemic is raging
anywhere in the world, the American people will still be vulnerable to new variants.
The importance of the IFIs is even more paramount given Russiaʼs brutal and
unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Russiaʼs actions, including the atrocities committed against
innocent Ukrainians in Bucha, are reprehensible, represent an unacceptable a�ront to the
rules-based global order, and will have enormous economic repercussions for the world.
Treasury is committed to holding Russia accountable for its actions so it cannot benefit from
the international financial system. President Biden has rallied over 30 countries, representing
well over half the worldʼs economy, to impose swi�, severe sanctions and export controls on
Russia. Treasury is also working collectively with our partners to block Russia from accessing
benefits from IFIs. Both the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) had ceased approving new financing for Russia since the unlawful
annexation of Crimea in 2014. Since the invasion, these institutions have announced further
measures to prevent Russiaʼs and Belarusʼ access to financial and non-financial assistance.
At the same time, the IFIs are stepping in to provide critical budget financing to help respond
to the economic costs of war. Since the start of the war, the IMF has provided $1.4 billion in
rapid financing for Ukraine. The World Bank has provided Ukraine $490 million in rapid
financing as part of a $3 billion package of support planned in the coming months. The EBRD
approved an initial €2 billion resilience package for Ukraine and neighboring countries
covering the areas of energy security, nuclear safety, municipal services, trade finance, and
support for small and medium sized enterprises and refugees. Rapid IMF and World Bank

assistance has allowed Ukraine fiscal space to pay salaries for civilians, soldiers, doctors, and
nurses, while also meeting its external debt obligations. These are admirable acts of
credibility by a government under siege. IFI support is helping keep businesses and banks
open in Ukraine and neighboring countries. IFIs are dedicating technical and surveillance
expertise to provide critical insights on the depths of the economic crisis caused by Russiaʼs
reckless actions. The IMF, World Bank, and EBRD will be critical partners in rebuilding
Ukraine, alongside bilateral donors, and they also will provide vital support to neighboring
countries welcoming refugees.
Globally, spillovers from the crisis are heightening economic vulnerabilities in many
countries that are already facing higher debt burdens and limited policy options as they
recover from COVID-19. The IFIs will play a critical role in addressing key spillovers from the
• Food security: Together, Russia and Ukraine account for nearly a third of the worldʼs
wheat exports. Russiaʼs invasion disrupted the flow of food for millions of people around
the world and caused prices to spike. The IFIs and food security funds, such as the
International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Global Agriculture and Food
Security Program, are already doing essential work to address both the short-term and
long-term e�ects on global food prices and supplies. The MDBs can provide fastdisbursing budget support, financing to support domestic food production, and social
safety nets. Likewise, the IMF has existing emergency and medium-term facilities to
provide financial support, including a concessional facility for the poorest countries. The
MDBsʼ private sector windows also play a role in providing trade finance to smooth
supply chain disruptions. Treasury will press MDBs to provide positive net flows to
vulnerable countries and expand ways within their mandates to address impacts to food
security, including long-term investments in agricultural productivity and agricultural
• Energy security: The invasion of Ukraine has also underscored the need for sustainable,
a�ordable, clean, and secure energy for economic growth and security for the United
States, as well as for governments that partner with the IFIs. We are witnessing the
vulnerability that comes from relying on one fuel source or one trade partner, which is
why it is imperative to diversify energy sources and suppliers. The MDBsʼ promotion of
energy e�iciency and capital investment in diverse energy sources—and away from
suppliers such as Russia— toward solar, wind, and other non-fossil fuel-based energy

sources strengthens energy security and reduces short-term fossil fuel price risks, all
while addressing the long-term threat of climate change. Public finance alone cannot
meet this challenge, so Treasury is encouraging the MDBs to undertake reforms and
adopt more ambitious targets for mobilizing private capital, particularly through their
private sector windows. The IMF is also helping its members design economic policies to
respond to energy shocks and transitions underway.
• Debt sustainability: Many low-income countries are facing growing debt burdens as the
pandemic continues into a third year. The IFIs supported the G20ʼs Debt Service
Suspension Initiative from 2020 to 2021, which helped eligible countries free up
resources to use toward pandemic relief. The IMF and World Bank are now supporting
the Common Framework for Debt Treatments, which seeks to help low-income countries
address their longer-term debt related vulnerabilities by providing technical analysis,
policy advice, and financing to support the debt restructuring process. In addition, the
IFIs are working to improve debt transparency for both debtor and creditor countries,
which is critical for reducing debt vulnerabilities.
The recent record replenishment of the World Bankʼs concessional window—the
International Development Association—will help deliver critical financing to the worldʼs
poorest and most vulnerable to address these impacts at a moment of urgent need.
Finally, the Biden Administration is seeking Congressional authorization to provide financing
to bolster two critical IMF lending facilities that will support vulnerable countries through
these exceptional global shocks. First, the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust, the IMFʼs
existing concessional facility, will provide emergency relief to the poorest countries. The
PRGT has been stretched by the exceptional amount of COVID-19 financing provided and
needs additional funding. Second, the new IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust will
provide targeted financing alongside IMF programs to support countriesʼ e�ort to strengthen
energy security and pandemic preparedness. I am happy to discuss these proposals in more
detail, and I hope I can count on support from Congress.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to working with you to continue to advance
U.S. international economic leadership abroad and create opportunities for Americans at
home. I am happy to take your questions.
