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Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Repre…

Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Before the
Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives
June 8, 2022

As Prepared for Delivery
Chair Neal, Ranking Member Brady, thank you for inviting me to discuss the Administrationʼs
budget proposals. This budget prioritizes essential investments in education, medical care,
and a ordable housing, alongside tax reforms that enable deficit reduction and prioritize a
fairer tax system.
Over the past year and a half, we have experienced a robust recovery characterized by strong
economic growth, historically low unemployment, and high household savings rates. This
rapid, broad-based recovery has been buttressed by the Congressional response to the
challenges of the pandemic – beginning with the CARES Act at the beginning of the pandemic,
and continuing with the Consolidated Appropriations Act in late 2020, and the American
Rescue Plan legislated at the beginning of 2021. As President Biden said last week, we now
are entering a period of transition from one of historic recovery to one that can be marked by
stable and steady growth. Making this shi is a central piece of the presidentʼs plan to get
inflation under control without sacrificing the economic gains weʼve made.
We also managed to avert the far worse outcomes that were forecast at the beginning of the
pandemic in 2020. A er the onset of the pandemic, CBO forecast that unemployment would
exceed 9 percent in 2021; now, we are experiencing historically low unemployment. We are
also witnessing sharp reductions in the budget deficit, with CBO recently forecasting the
largest nominal reduction to the federal deficit in history. According to their projections, the
deficit as a share of the economy this year will be a lower level than CBO projected before the
American Rescue Plan passed.
Still, we currently face macroeconomic challenges, including unacceptable levels of inflation as
well as the headwinds associated with the disruptions caused by the pandemicʼs e ect on
supply chains, and the e ects of supply side disturbances to oil and food markets resulting
from Russiaʼs war in Ukraine. To dampen inflationary pressures without undermining the
strength of the labor market an appropriate budgetary stance is needed to complement



Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Repre…

monetary policy actions by the Federal Reserve. Moving forward, elements of the Presidentʼs
proposed legislation – including the clean energy initiatives and plans to reform the
prescription drug market – can help lower the costs paid by American consumers
Treasury has been actively working with Congress on many challenges. Most important is our
joint response to Russiaʼs illegal and unprovoked war against Ukraine. Treasury is committed
to doing what we can to ensure that Putinʼs brutal war continues to be met with fierce
resistance internationally. Alongside more than 30 other partners abroad accounting for more
than half the worldʼs economy, the US government has imposed unprecedented financial
pressure measures on Russia and its leadership. Today, the Kremlin has been cut o from the
global financial system, the Russian economy is experiencing severe contraction with most
analysts projecting a double-digit decline in Russian GDP in 2022, and they are experiencing
sharply elevated inflation.
We are grateful for the strong support of Congress in this endeavor, including its recent
provision of $40 billion in security, economic, and humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine.
Our joint resolve is essential to supporting the people of Ukraine against this brutal invasion
of their homeland.
Over the past year and half, we have successfully collaborated with Congress on the bipartisan
infrastructure bill, a bill designed to do the hard, generational work of building a more
dynamic, structurally sound economy by smartly investing in the future. This law will rebuild
Americaʼs roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every
American has access to high-speed internet, and invest in communities that have too o en
been le behind. However, our work isnʼt done. Building a fair and stable tax system that
promotes broadly shared growth is important to both adequately funding investments and to
reducing deficits and debt. I look forward to working with Congress to ensure that we
continue to make progress in this regard.
In the Administrationʼs FY23 budget, we suggest smart, fiscally responsible investments—
cutting deficits and keeping the economic burden of debt low. The Budgetʼs investments are
more than fully paid for through tax code reforms requiring corporations and the wealthiest
Americans to pay their fair share, closing loopholes, and improving tax administration.
Finally, it is no secret that I am keenly focused on moving forward on the global agreement on
international tax reform, including a global minimum tax that will level the playing field and
raise crucial revenues to benefit people around the world. Last fall, 137 countries representing nearly 95% of the worldʼs GDP - agreed on a deal that will stabilize our tax



Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Repre…

systems, provide resources to invest in security and respond to crises like COVID-19, and
ensure corporations fairly share the burden of financing government. I am hopeful that
Congress will also implement this global minimum tax as part of its legislative agenda.
Thank you, and I look forward to taking your questions.
