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Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Before the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate | U.S. Departme…

Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Before the
Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate
March 21, 2024

As Prepared for Delivery
Chairman Wyden, Ranking Member Crapo, and Members of the Committee: Thank you for the
Over the past three years, the Biden Administration has driven a historic economic recovery.
GDP growth is strong, inflation has come down significantly, and the labor market is
remarkably healthy. Real wages and household median wealth have increased since before the
pandemic. Families are putting their additional income and accumulated savings back into the
economy, and we see many signs of optimism, from a record 16 million small business filings
under this Administration to improved consumer sentiment over the past three months.
President Biden and I recognize that many American families still face challenges such as high
prices, so we are taking additional actions to bring down the costs of key household expenses
like energy and health care. Weʼre also focused on expanding our economyʼs capacity to
produce and create good jobs, while reducing the deficit. As we implement the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act, weʼre creating
economic opportunity for Americans regardless of where they live and whether they have
college degrees. And weʼve seen companies announce $650 billion in clean energy and
manufacturing investments since the start of the Administration.
The modernization of the IRS, made possible by the IRA and discretionary appropriations, is
enabling American taxpayers to receive the support they deserve, including by driving
significant improvements in customer service. Investments in the IRS are also enabling
enforcement actions against tax evasion by the wealthiest Americans that cost our country
over $150 billion a year—actions such as recovering $500 million in taxes owed by millionaires
to launching a new initiative to end abuse of corporate jet write-o s.
The Presidentʼs Budget proposes additional investments to lower costs for workers and
families and strengthen our economy while reducing the deficit. It proposes making health
care more a ordable for millions of Americans by making permanent the expansion of tax



Testimony of Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Before the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate | U.S. Departme…

credits for health insurance premiums enacted in the American Rescue Plan and extended in
the Inflation Reduction Act. And the Budget includes expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit,
Child Tax Credit, and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit—proposals which would contribute to
lowering child poverty and giving working families more breathing room in their household
We can make these investments while reducing the deficit by $3 trillion over a decade through
a combination of smart savings and tax proposals. President Biden and I continue to urge
Congress to act so that the United States plays its part in the global minimum tax deal, which
is currently being implemented in jurisdictions around the world to end the race to the
bottom in corporate taxation. We have also proposed implementing a Billionaire Minimum Tax
so that the top .01 percent pay their fair share; raising the tax on corporate stock buybacks to
encourage businesses to reinvest profits in their workers and grow their companies; and
closing estate and gi tax loopholes that allow wealthy Americans to pay less than they
would otherwise owe. We will also continue to oppose misguided proposals that will grow the
deficit by o ering large tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations.
As a whole, the Budget will enable us to continue to grow our economy and support workers
and families while upholding our commitment to fiscal responsibility and reducing the deficit.
I will now take your questions.
