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Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcom…

Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J.
Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcommittee on
Select Revenue Measures, U.S. House of Representatives
June 10, 2021

Chairman Thompson, Chairman Pascrell, Ranking Member Smith, Ranking Member Kelly, and
Members of the Subcommittees: Thank you for inviting me to discuss tax compliance and
the Administration’s tax compliance agenda. Improving tax compliance can help meet our
Nation’s most important tax policy goals: building a tax system that raises adequate revenue
in an equitable and e icient manner.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has endeavored to estimate the amount of noncompliance with the Federal tax system since at least the 1970s. The Taxpayer Compliance
Measurement Program (TCMP) was the foundation for these early e orts. In the early 2000s,
the IRS launched the National Research Program (NRP) to estimate non-compliance in a
more rigorous way. The NRP also instituted procedures to reduce the burden on taxpayers
whose tax returns were randomly selected to be part of the study. The main focus of the NRP
is compliance with the individual income tax and self-employment taxes, but additional
components examine compliance with other taxes.
The Research, Applied Analytics, and Statistics organization in the IRS regularly produces a
measure of tax non-compliance, called the “tax gap”. This term is defined as the amount of
true overall tax liability that is not paid voluntarily and on time. There are three main
subcategories of the tax gap (or non-compliance): filing compliance (whether a tax return
was filed on time); reporting compliance (whether the correct amount of tax liability was
reported on the tax return filed); and payment compliance (whether the taxpayer completely
paid the tax liability shown on the return). Each of these components of compliance (or noncompliance) is estimated for each of the major taxes imposed by the Federal government.
When summed up, they provide an estimate of the overall tax gap. For 2011-2013, the IRS
estimates the gross tax gap to average $441 billion per year. When enforcement collections
and other late payments are taken into account, the average annual net tax gap is estimated
to be about $381 billion for the 2011-2013 time period.



Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcom…

If we project the IRS annual tax gap estimate from 2011-2013, assuming that it grows with
the overall economy, the estimate of the gross tax gap would be about $580 billion for 2019.
Over the coming decade, the gross tax gap is projected to total approximately $7 trillion,
roughly 15 percent of all owed taxes. Tax non-compliance has serious consequences for the
majority of Americans who pay their taxes in full each year. A larger tax gap generates the
following results: higher tax rates elsewhere in the system, lower revenues to fund the
nation’s fiscal priorities, or higher budget deficits and larger amounts of federal debt.
Extensive and persistent non-compliance also undermines confidence in the fairness of our
tax system.
In part, the large and growing tax gap is the result of a sustained period of under-investment
in the IRS. The IRS budget has been reduced by about 20 percent in real terms over the last
decade. Since the IRS budget largely covers personnel, sta ing dropped and there was a
steep decline in audit rates. The IRS has had insu icient resources to meet enforcement and
administrative challenges and to deliver customer service to taxpayers.
The Administration’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget and the American Families Plan propose a
transformative investment in the resources and information available to the IRS. The plan
has several key components.
First, provide the IRS the resources it needs to address tax non-compliance and serve
taxpayers. A sustained, multi-year funding stream would provide nearly $80 billion in
additional resources to the IRS over the next decade. Treasury has worked with the IRS to
make sure that resources and sta ing will grow at a pace that can be smoothly absorbed.
The mandatory nature of the vast majority of this funding will provide the certainty required
to make investments in high-quality tax enforcement sta who have the skills, knowledge,
and training required to understand the complicated tax situations of corporations,
partnerships, and high-income individuals. Multi-year funding certainty also enables key
investments with large fixed costs, such as modernizing information technology, building a
strong human capital o ice, and assembling talented research teams.
Second, invest in better IRS technology systems to help identify non-compliance and
improve customer service. The IRS too o en relies on antiquated and siloed technology
systems. Modernization funding would allow the IRS to address technology challenges,
develop innovative machine learning techniques to better detect non-compliance, and
support e orts to meet threats to the security of the tax system, like the 1.4 billion
cyberattacks the IRS experiences annually. These technology improvements would also help



Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcom…

the IRS overcome taxpayer service challenges, allowing taxpayers to communicate with the
IRS in a clear, timely manner. Improved IT and taxpayer service will also help the IRS
e ectively and e iciently deliver tax benefits to eligible households.
Third, improve information reporting to give the IRS better information on opaque
sources of income. When the IRS can verify taxpayer filings with third-party information
reports, such as the W-2 forms submitted by employers to report wages, income reporting
compliance rates exceed 95 percent. Without third-party reporting, income reporting
compliance rates can fall below 50 percent. Strengthening third-party reporting is one of the
most e ective ways to improve tax compliance, and Congress has repeatedly extended
information reporting requirements as business practices changes and as technology
improves. These changes have been e ective. To ensure new reporting does not create
additional burden on individual taxpayers, the Administration’s proposal would call for
financial institutions to report known account information to the IRS and the taxpayer, in
particular providing information about total account outflows and inflows to financial
accounts. The IRS will use this new information to better target enforcement activities,
detecting obvious areas of gross non-compliance and decreasing the likelihood that fully
compliant taxpayers will be subject to audit. Under the enhanced information reporting,
voluntary compliance will rise, as taxpayers realize that the IRS has an additional lens into
previously underreported income streams. This new information reporting regime will be
comprehensive, and so the proposal envisions that it would cover payment services
providers as well as cryptocurrencies and cryptoasset exchange accounts.
Fourth, undertake complementary proposals to improve tax administration. The FY 2022
Budget includes several additional important measures related to tax administration. One
proposal calls for IRS to have the ability to regulate paid tax preparers. Taxpayers o en make
use of unregulated preparers who can lack the training and knowledge to provide accurate
tax assistance. Regulation of paid preparers can help improve the accuracy of tax returns
filed. In addition, the Budget calls for additional sanctions for so-called “ghost preparers”
who fail to identify themselves on the tax returns which they prepare.
Together, these proposals would provide many benefits: raising about $700 billion in
revenue over the course of a decade, creating a fairer tax system, building a more e icient tax
system, and improving taxpayer service.




Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcom…

Treasury’s O ice of Tax Analysis estimates that these compliance initiatives would raise
about $700 billion in additional tax revenue over the next decade. These estimated revenues
are largely raised in the latter years of the 10-year budget window as investments in sta ing
and technology will take time to build and become fully productive. As Figure 1 shows, the
estimated amount of revenue raised in the second decade from these compliance initiatives
is more than twice what is estimated to be raised in the first decade.
The proposal for additional IRS funding is estimated to raise about $240 billion of net
revenue over the ten-year budget window. These estimates are based on historic data from
the IRS on the return on investment (ROI) from its various enforcement activities. The total
gross revenue generated from the $80 billion increase in the IRS budget over the next 10
years is estimated to be around $320 billion for the same period, which implies an average
ROI of approximately 4-to-1.
In several respects, these estimates tend to be conservative. The revenue potential for
additional resources devoted to tax administration is based on ROI estimates from the IRS
for current enforcement-related activities. Potential benefits from overhauling and
integrating IT systems and improving taxpayer service are omitted from these calculations. In
addition, estimates for additional enforcement actions supported by increased IRS funding
cover only the additional tax payments generated and do not incorporate deterrent e ects,
which may be significant.
Figure 1: Estimated Revenue Raised from Compliance Initiatives, 2022–2040



Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcom…

The amount
of increased
estimated to
be raised by
the proposed
requires some

implementation. Once the proposal is enacted, we would expect an increase in voluntary
compliance as taxpayers realize that the IRS has a lens into previously unreported income.
The revenue and voluntary compliance increases are expected to phase-in over time, as
taxpayers and the IRS adjust to the new reporting regime. The proposed information
reporting regime is expected to become e ective for tax year 2023, as it will require time for
the IRS and for financial institutions to implement this reporting system in ways that
maximize e ectiveness. The proposed financial reporting system is estimated to raise about
$460 billion over the coming decade.

As noted above, the tax gap has three distinct elements: taxpayers who fail to file returns
(about 9 percent of the gross tax gap); those who underreport income or overclaim
deductions or credits on tax returns (about 80 percent of the gross tax gap); and those who



Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcom…

underpay taxes despite reporting obligations in a timely manner (about 11 percent of the
gross tax gap).
Underreporting is the biggest component of the tax gap generally grows with actual
economic income. In part, non-compliance rises with income because higher-income
taxpayers have access to more sophisticated forms of noncompliance, and this sophisticated
activity is harder for the IRS to detect. Even more important, higher-income taxpayers are
more likely to have sources of income that are less visible to the IRS.
For typical wage and salary income, where employers provide a Form W-2 to both employees
and the IRS (as well as automatically withhold income taxes), income reporting compliance
is very high, with only an estimated 1 percent misreporting rate. But, when there is less third
party reporting, compliance falls. For opaque income sources like proprietorship income and
rental income, income misreporting is estimated to be over 50 percent.
The Administration’s financial reporting initiatives will provide the IRS with new information
related to opaque income sources. This information will help the IRS direct audit resources
toward those taxpayers whose financial situations are mismatched with their reported
income. The information reporting proposal would also improve voluntary compliance as
taxpayers come to understand that the IRS has additional information about their true
financial situation.
The goal is to improve the fairness of the tax system by treating all types of income, whether
business income or wage income, more similarly. The requested enforcement resources
largely would be directed at the complex tax returns of high-income individuals and the
businesses they control, both of which have seen sharply reduced audit rates in recent years.
In particular, under the FY 2022 Budget proposal, audit rates for taxpayers below $400,000 in
true income would not increase relative to recent years.
One important stream of research has begun to identify disparities in tax enforcement
activities. Historically, this inquiry has been complicated by the absence of data on taxpayers’
race or ethnicity. The Biden Administration recently launched an Equitable Data Working
Group that seeks to address these data limitations across federal datasets. At the same time,
the Treasury Department is currently undertaking research to study the relationship between
the tax code and racial inequities. This multi-year project will require close engagement
between federal agencies and those in the research and advocacy communities. The Biden
Administration’s commitment to racial equity was a key factor a ecting how these policies
are implemented.



Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcom…

Collecting more tax revenue by closing the tax gap improves the e iciency of the tax system
in several ways. First, a broader tax base can raise more revenue than a narrow one, holding
tax rates constant. When noncompliant taxpayers shirk their tax obligations, that raises the
relative tax burden on compliant taxpayers. Second, when some types of income can more
easily escape taxation than others, the allocation of resources in the economy is ine iciently
distorted toward some sectors and away from others. In e ect, these distortions make the
tax-evading sectors too large and the tax-compliant sectors too small relative to a more
neutral treatment. Third, tax non-compliance also distorts competition between taxpayers
in any given industry. For example, consider one business that pays their taxes honestly, but
competes against another business that evades most of their tax burden by underreporting
income. The dishonest business will have an unfair advantage relative to the honest
business. And similar distortions will occur as taxpayers over-invest in non-compliance
techniques including complex organizational forms that have little relation to e icient
business operations, reducing the resources available for more economically productive

The Administration’s tax compliance proposals are complementary, and they will work
together to create a more e icient and equitable tax administration. When the IRS is
adequately funded, it will be able to better process all the information it receives. With
improved information reporting, the IRS will be able to better utilize its enforcement
resources. Similar complementarities exist between well-trained enforcement personnel and
modern information processing systems.
The Administration’s proposals will also improve most taxpayers’ experiences. Adequate
sta ing and technology are essential for taxpayers to communicate e ectively and e iciently
with the IRS, getting questions answered in a timely fashion, easing access to appropriate tax
benefits and tax refunds, and generally facilitating a smoother filing process. Taxpayers also
will be able to interact with the IRS to ensure that their accounts are kept up-to-date. And
improved systems will make it less likely that compliant taxpayers get swept up in
burdensome audit processes.
Since most of the newly-requested funding will be allocated in a multi-year manner, that will
assure the IRS that it will have the resources required to invest in long-deferred technology



Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcom…

modernization. The IRS will also be able to invest in building sta ing capacity. Once these
proposals are enacted, regular reporting on milestones and performance metrics will be
essential in order to evaluate progress in closing the tax gap.
We all believe that taxpayers should pay the amount of tax that they legally owe under the
laws enacted by Congress. Today, there is a large gap between that belief and the tax
compliance reality we observe. The compliance proposals contained in the Administration’s
FY 2022 Budget can take important steps toward narrowing that gap. We look forward to
working with Congress to address this long-standing problem.
