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Statement from U.S. Treasury Department on Sudan Bridge Financing | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Statement from U.S. Treasury Department on Sudan Bridge
March 26, 2021

The United States commends Sudan’s Civilian-Led Transitional Government (CLTG) for
moving forward with reforms that will help restore economic stability, advance the country’s
e orts to secure debt relief, and ultimately improve the economic prospects of its citizens. In
recognition of the progress Sudan has made, yesterday Treasury provided same-day bridge
financing of approximately $1.15 billion to help Sudan clear its arrears at the World Bank, at
no cost to U.S. taxpayers. This is an important step in normalizing Sudan’s relationship with
the international community and will catalyze e orts to advance debt relief under the
Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative, laying the groundwork for sustainable, long-term
economic growth for the benefit of the Sudanese people.
“Sudan’s Civilian-Led Transitional Government deserves credit for making challenging but
necessary reforms to restore its social contract with the Sudanese people,” said Treasury
Secretary Janet L. Yellen, “The United States is pleased to support these e orts today by
helping Sudan clear its arrears to the World Bank. It’s an action that will move Sudan one
step closer to securing much needed-debt relief and help the nation reintegrate into the
international financial community.”
The CLTG has implemented a robust economic reform program that underpins Sudan’s
transition to democratic rule. In cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and the
World Bank, Sudanese authorities have worked to strengthen governance, bolster central
bank independence, improve the business climate, accelerate social support to struggling
households, and put Sudan’s finances on a more sustainable footing. Treasury will continue
to work with international partners to support Sudan’s reform agenda and e orts to secure
debt relief in 2021.
