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Statement by U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the Financial Action Task Force Ministerial | U.S. Depart…

Statement by U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the
Financial Action Task Force Ministerial
April 22, 2022

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Ministers representing the membership of the Financial Action
Task Force (FATF) agreed on strategic priorities for the organization and to increase e orts to
fight corruption.
“We strongly encourage the FATF to pursue work on the misuse of citizenship by investment
schemes and on financial enablers used by corrupt actors, as well as additional operational
work on the tracing and seizure of corrupt proceeds,” said Secretary of the Treasury Janet L.
Yellen. “The United States welcomes the Ministersʼ recognition of the serious impact that
systemic corruption has on our economies and societies.”
Strengthening the FATF global network and sharpening its focus on increasing beneficial
ownership transparency, as the FATF Ministers agreed to do yesterday, are key U.S. priorities
in the fight against corruption. Ministers also agreed that the ongoing Russian invasion runs
counter to the FATF core principles and represents a gross violation of the commitment FATF
Ministers have made to implement and support the FATF standards.
Click here to read the full Declaration of the Ministers of the Financial Action Task Force for
April 2022.
