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Statement for the United States by Andy Baukol Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for International Affairs U.S…

Statement for the United States by Andy Baukol Performing the
Duties of Under Secretary for International Affairs U.S.
Department of the Treasury
May 12, 2022

31th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
May 12, 2022
On behalf of the United States, I would like to thank the people and government of Morocco
for their warm hospitality in hosting these meetings. We are pleased that we are once again
able to come together in person, while also o ering our deepest sympathies to all those
whose lives and livelihoods have been and continue to be a ected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The United States stands resolutely with the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people.
We condemn, in the strongest terms, Russiaʼs illegal, unprovoked war against Ukraine. We
demand that Russia immediately ceases its use of force against Ukraine. Russiaʼs war against
Ukraine has massive humanitarian consequences, and detrimental repercussions for the
global economy through direct and indirect channels.
Russiaʼs actions are also in clear violation of the EBRDʼs mission—a commitment to open
markets, entrepreneurship, multiparty democracy, and pluralism. Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine
is a direct a ront to the principles that underpin the very creation of the EBRD in 1991 and
seeks to dismantle the progress the institution has painstakingly fostered. The EBRDʼs
response has been immediate and strong. The United States joined the overwhelming
majority of EBRD Governors in voting to suspend Russiaʼs and Belarusʼs access to EBRD
resources. The ideals of the EBRDʼs founders have been rea irmed – the future belongs to
open, market economies. We strongly support EBRD Managementʼs decision to close its
o ices in Moscow and Minsk.
There is no escaping that Ukraineʼs economic needs are massive and urgent. Our resolve to
come together and support Ukraine must be just as strong as our unprecedented and united
international response against Russia. The EBRD is uniquely positioned—with its large



Statement for the United States by Andy Baukol Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for International Affairs U.S…

presence on the ground, intimate knowledge of the country, and strong connections to the
private sector—to support economic continuity and vital infrastructure in Ukraine.
The United States strongly supports the EBRDʼs Resilience and Livelihoods Framework for
Ukraine and a ected countries. We applaud countries that have opened up their homes and
hearts to welcome the over seven million Ukrainian refugees. The EBRD also has a role in
supporting them as they shoulder new responsibilities. We appreciate Managementʼs flexible
approach and ability to take risk on the Bankʼs own balance sheet. We welcome the decision
to adjust the ratio of risk coverage between the Bank and donors. We urge Management to
coordinate closely with key development partners given the immensity of Ukraineʼs needs
including on plans for reconstruction.
The Biden-Harris Administration has requested $8.5 billion from our Congress to provide
further economic assistance to Ukraine, including $7.5 billion in direct budget support and
$500 million to support EBRD interventions to counteract economic vulnerabilities caused by
the war, including on the ground in Ukraine now and for reconstruction. This request is a
strong signal of our support to Ukraine and other countries a ected by Russiaʼs war on
Ukraine, and of our confidence that the EBRD has a vital role in helping Ukraineʼs energy and
food security and bolstering the private sector.
Russiaʼs war against Ukraine has also imperiled the global recovery from the pandemic and
aggravated inflation, with vulnerable populations across the world feeling the e ects of
steeply rising commodity, energy, and food prices. The EBRD must address the impact of
Putinʼs war of choice on all countries of operations, including rising food insecurity. We urge
the EBRD to work with other international financial institutions on an e ective and
coordinated action plan to tackle food insecurity.
We live in a world of multiple shocks and crises. So, we ask EBRD to do even more, on
numerous fronts, building on the strong 2021 financial and operational results that have
allowed the Bank to tackle the new challenges in 2022 head on. We look forward to the
implementation of the new five-year Strategies for the Promotion of Gender Equality and
Equality of Opportunity and the Digital Approach that is relevant across all the sectors in
which the EBRD works.
We appreciate the EBRDʼs continued leadership on climate, and in particular welcome the
commitment made to double total private capital mobilization by 2025, with at least half of
that going to climate finance. Now is the time to redouble e orts on our climate goals,
particularly in the face of fossil fuel price spikes. The EBRD must remain committed to helping



Statement for the United States by Andy Baukol Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for International Affairs U.S…

countries accelerate the achievement of energy security through renewable energy
investments. As a leader in this area, it is critical for EBRD to continue establishing an
e ective process for achieving alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement, particularly in
private sector operations and working through financial intermediaries.
Continued investments in infrastructure are critical to the economic recovery from COVID. We
appreciate President Renaud-Bassoʼs recent participation in a roundtable on scaling
infrastructure investment that Secretary Yellen hosted. We look forward to the EBRD joining
other MDBs to support and amplify the high-quality infrastructure initiative launched by the
United States and the G7. The EBRD has a strong role in advancing infrastructure
investments in countries of operation in the areas of climate, health, digital technology, and
gender equity. Such investments will connect people with opportunities and contribute to
economic growth, greater social inclusion, and climate resilience. We call on the EBRD to
implement new ways to mobilize private finance and to accelerate the use of innovative
financing tools that leverage and crowd in significant amounts of private capital while also
working to improve countriesʼ investment enabling environment.
Building on its track record of bringing its distinct value proposition to new markets, we
recognize the significant value EBRD can bring to sub-Saharan Africa—including trade finance
and lending to smaller businesses, quality infrastructure, green transitions, and policy work to
improve business-enabling environments. We see this as clearly consistent with the Bankʼs
transition mandate. We fully support Governors reviewing a proposal on an Article 1
amendment at the EBRDʼs 2023 annual meetings.
Ultimately, the EBRDʼs success will be clear when countries have made su icient progress on
their transition journey to rely on capital markets and on their own resources to continue their
path, independent of investments from the Bank. We recognize that progress is not always
linear and strongly supported the revisions to the post-graduation operational approach.
We thank EBRD sta and Management for their commitment and professionalism during
another trying year. We hope colleagues previously working in Ukraine will be able to return
home soon. The United States remains committed as a strong partner with the EBRD as it
extends private sector-led economic opportunities and democratic values across its countries
of operation during this time of continued challenges. Quite simply, the EBRD was made for
this moment.



Statement for the United States by Andy Baukol Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for International Affairs U.S…
