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Statement of Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin Before the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis | U.S…

Statement of Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin Before the U.S. House
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis
September 1, 2020

Chairman Clyburn, Ranking Member Scalise, and members of the Subcommittee, I am
pleased to join you today to discuss the Department of the Treasury’s response to the COVID19 pandemic. For the last five months, Treasury has been working hard to provide fast and
direct economic assistance to American workers and their families. We remain committed to
making sure that every American gets back to work as quickly as possible.
E ects of the CARES Act
The bipartisan CARES Act is the biggest economic relief package in American history.
Economic relief, totaling nearly $3 trillion, which is approximately 15% of GDP, is having a
tremendous impact on the economy, leading to increases in jobs, retail sales, business
activity and home sales. I also want to thank the Federal Reserve for its substantial work
executing 13 unique 13(3) lending facilities.
For the third month in a row, the jobs report exceeded forecasts, with a gain of 1.8 million
jobs in July. This brings our three-month total gain to more than 9 million jobs, meaning that
over 41 percent of jobs lost due to the pandemic have been recovered. The Job Openings
and Labor Turnover Survey suggest the job market has continued to strengthen, with the
ratio of unemployed persons to job openings in the economy dropping by nearly one-fourth
in June.
We also see signs of a strengthening economic recovery across industries. Retail sales
increased in July for the third consecutive month, signaling that consumer spending on
goods has recovered from the spring’s economic shutdowns. The ISM Manufacturing survey
indicated growth for the second consecutive month, and ISM’s similar survey for servicesector firms also reported a growth of new orders, both signifying increased business
activities. The housing market has nearly returned to pre-pandemic levels, fueled by strong
housing starts and existing home sales in July. Leisure and hospitality firms, among the
businesses hardest hit by the pandemic, hired 592,000 workers in July, indicating confidence
in the economic re-opening.



Statement of Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin Before the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis | U.S…

Phase Four / Executive Orders
While we continue to see signs of a strong economic recovery, we are sensitive to the fact
that there is more work to be done, and certain areas of the economy require additional
relief. When it became clear that previous negotiations were not moving forward, the
President took executive action to provide critical relief to Americans through lost wages
assistance and other important items.
We will continue to try to work with the Senate and the House on a bipartisan Phase IV relief
package. I believe a bipartisan agreement still should be reached and would provide
substantial funds for schools, testing, vaccines, PPP for small businesses, continued
enhanced unemployment benefits, child care, nutrition, agriculture, and the U.S. Postal
Service, along with liability protection for universities, schools, and businesses.
We have released a significant amount of information on our website and are
providing information on the government-wide reporting site We also
have provided regular updates to Congress, with this marking my fi h appearance before
Congress for a CARES Act hearing. Additionally, we are cooperating with various oversight
bodies, including three inspectors general, the new Congressional Oversight Commission,
and the Government Accountability O ice (GAO).
Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service have made data and information regarding the
millions of Economic Impact Payments available on their respective websites. The
Department has disclosed all payroll support payments to airlines and other businesses on
Treasury has also posted extensive documentation related to Coronavirus Relief Fund
payments to State, local, and tribal governments on its website. We also are pleased that the
Federal Reserve has posted loan information on its website regarding its lending facilities.
We appreciate the Subcommittee’s interest in these issues and have devoted significant
resources to responding to each of its inquiries. We remain committed to working with you
to accommodate Congress’s legislative needs and to further our whole-of-government
approach to defeating COVID-19.



Statement of Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin Before the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis | U.S…

I would like to thank the members of the Committee for working with us to provide vital
economic relief to the American people. I would be pleased to answer any questions you
may have.
