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Statement of the G7 Finance Ministers on Debt Transparency and Sustainability | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Statement of the G7 Finance Ministers on Debt Transparency and
June 3, 2020

WASHINGTON – We con nue to work together to advance the interna onal economic response to
the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on the poorest and most vulnerable countries. COVID-19 has
exacerbated exis ng debt vulnerabili es in many low-income countries, highligh ng the importance
of debt sustainability and transparency to long-term financing for development. We welcome
efforts of the interna onal financial ins tu ons (IFIs) to amplify their support for the most
vulnerable countries.
In this context, we are commi ed to implemen ng the Debt Service Suspension Ini a ve (DSSI)
agreed by the G20 and the Paris Club, by suspending official bilateral debt payments for the poorest
countries to year-end 2020 and possibly longer, providing those countries fiscal space to fund social,
health, and other measures to respond to the pandemic. In line with the G20 and Paris Club DSSI
agreements, we will implement the DSSI across our export credit agencies and other public lending
agencies, and call on all official creditors to do so, too. Given the importance of private financing
for sustainable development, we welcome leadership by the Ins tute of Interna onal Finance (IIF)
in coordina ng private sector par cipa on, and look forward to follow-up. We look forward to
mul lateral development banks providing further details on how they will support DSSI beneficiary
We welcome the focus on debt transparency in the DSSI, as essen al to debt sustainability and
economic growth. We strongly support the commitment by DSSI beneficiary countries to
strengthen debt repor ng, which facilitates be er-informed investment decisions, enhances public
accountability, and supports long-term sustainable development. We welcome that the
Interna onal Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group will monitor creditor par cipa on,
public debt disclosure, and use of addi onal fiscal space, and we look forward to public repor ng of
these results.



Statement of the G7 Finance Ministers on Debt Transparency and Sustainability | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Beyond the DSSI, the IFIs have an important role to play in helping borrowing countries improve
prac ces to promote debt transparency and sustainability, as outlined in the framework of the IMF
and World Bank’s mul pronged approach for addressing emerging debt vulnerabili es. We call on
the IFIs, borrowers, and creditors to work together on strengthening public repor ng of debt data
used in debt sustainability analyses, including a breakout by external creditor and more thorough
coverage of con ngent liabili es, state-owned enterprise debt, and collateralized financing. The IFIs
can encourage and support borrowing countries’ efforts to enhance public debt disclosure, limit
non-concessional borrowing when necessary, and reduce debt vulnerabili es.
We also look to the IFIs to step up efforts to provide technical assistance to reduce public debt
vulnerabili es, strengthen debt management capacity, and enhance debt repor ng prac ces. In
this regard, we welcome renewed support for the World Bank and IMF’s Debt Management Facility
III and the IMF’s Data for Decisions Fund.
Creditors also bear responsibility for their lending decisions and must rise to the occasion. We
strongly endorse the G20 Opera onal Guidelines for Sustainable Financing (the Guidelines) and call
on all creditors to take lending decisions consistent with the borrower’s debt sustainability. Official
creditors should implement these guidelines, drawing on best prac ces provided by the IMF and
the World Bank. We urge creditors to disclose fully the terms of public debt in line with the
Guidelines, while refraining from collateralized transac ons that use assets or revenues unrelated
to projects. Creditors should also limit the use of confiden ality clauses, including for state-owned
enterprises. We welcome the IIF’s Voluntary Principles for Debt Transparency and urge quick
progress on crea ng a repository to host data on private sector loans to low-income countries.
We remain commi ed to assis ng low-income countries in their responses to the COVID-19
pandemic. We will con nue to work with the G20, Paris Club partners, the IMF, the World Bank,
and other creditors to secure debt sustainability and transparency, including promo ng mely
creditor coordina on and fair burden sharing.
