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Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
March 24, 2020

WASHINGTON – Consistent with the direction from G7 Leaders, we are taking action and
enhancing coordination on our dynamic domestic and international policy e orts to respond to
the global health, economic, and financial impacts associated with the spread of the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Collectively, G7 nations have already enacted a wideranging set of health, economic, and financial stability measures. We will do whatever is
necessary to restore confidence and economic growth and to protect jobs, businesses, and the
resilience of the financial system. We also pledge to promote global trade and investment to
underpin prosperity.
Our nations are working together to fight the COVID-19 outbreak and mitigate its impact, treat
those a ected, and prevent further transmission. G7 finance ministries are helping advance this
e ort by providing the funding needed to respond to the situation. In particular, we recognize
the urgent need to increase support for the rapid development, manufacture, and distribution
of diagnostics, therapeutics, and a vaccine for COVID-19. We are providing bilateral and
multilateral assistance to strengthen foreign governments’ prevention e orts and their health
and emergency response systems.
The G7 is committed to deliver the fiscal e ort necessary to help our economies rapidly recover
and resume the path towards stronger and more sustainable economic growth. Alongside our
nations’ e orts to expand health services, G7 finance ministries are undertaking, and
recommend all countries undertake, liquidity support and fiscal expansion to mitigate the
negative economic impacts associated with the spread of COVID-19.
We have each quickly introduced substantial and complementary packages of measures to help
companies remain in business and keep people in jobs through this period of economic
disruption. We are cooperating closely to share experiences and strategies so that we may
e ectively target our e orts to support our citizens and businesses. We are instituting new
policies such as providing assistance for employment, telework, and vulnerable populations,
and expanding access to childcare and unemployment benefits. We are also providing liquidity
enhancements, guarantees, subsidized loans, tax deferrals, and loan repayment deferrals and,



Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors | U.S. Department of the Treasury

where appropriate, grants for a ected companies, especially small and medium-sized
G7 central banks are taking exceptional action, consistent with their mandates, to put in place a
comprehensive package of monetary policy measures to support economic and financial
stability. We are taking actions to improve liquidity and overall market functioning of the
financial system, including through swap lines among our central banks and with those of other
nations. We pledge to maintain expansionary policies for as long as needed and stand ready to
take further action, using the full range of instruments consistent with our mandates. G7 central
banks and finance ministries will maintain close contact, regularly sharing information on
economic and financial developments, to inform the response to COVID-19.
The global financial system today is in a better position to withstand shocks, maintain market
functioning, and sustain the supply of financing to support the real economy because of reforms
since the global financial crisis. We will stay vigilant and take necessary steps to ensure that the
financial system can continue to support the economy, including by working with other relevant
regulators and supervisors to release available capital and liquidity bu ers, making use of the
flexibility within existing international standards, and working with the private sector to address
operational challenges. We encourage financial institutions to use this flexibility to address the
financial needs of consumers and firms harmed by COVID-19.
We recognize that disruptions to global supply chains caused by COVID-19 could further
exacerbate the economic and health fallout. We support our trade ministries’ e orts to address
the disruptions to international trade, logistics, and market uncertainty resulting from the
pandemic. We call on oil-producing countries to support international e orts to promote global
economic stability.
We support e orts by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to address
their members’ economic and health needs. We will work with international financial
institutions to implement swi ly an ambitious, coherent, and consistent response to the human
cost and economic challenges posed by COVID-19. This includes by providing flexible and
timely policy advice, technical assistance, and emergency financing, including through the IMF’s
overall lending capacity of around $1 trillion. We encourage them to address any gaps in their
toolkits building upon existing instruments and expertise. As a near-term measure, we stand
ready to contribute further resources to multilateral e orts aimed at helping the most
vulnerable and least developed countries.



Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Consistent with the direction from the G7 Leaders, finance ministries will coordinate on a
weekly basis on the implementation of these measures and take further timely and e ective

