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Secretary of the Treasury Yellen, Attorney General Garland and Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban De…

Secretary of the Treasury Yellen, Attorney General Garland and
Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Fudge Sent Letter to Governors, Mayors and State Courts Urging
Use of Emergency Rental Assistance Over Eviction
August 27, 2021

WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, Attorney General of
the U.S. Department of Justice Merrick B. Garland, and Secretary of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development Marcia L. Fudge sent a letter to state and local government
leaders addressing the eviction moratorium.
The full text of the letter is available here

and below.

Governors, Mayors, County Executives, and Chief Justices/State Court Administrators:
We are writing to request your urgent help preventing unnecessary evictions during the
pandemic. Our bottom line is this: No one should be evicted before they have the chance to
apply for rental assistance, and no eviction should move forward until that application has
been processed.
Though over 172 million Americans are now fully vaccinated, and COVID-19 deaths are down
over 80 percent compared to January of this year, significant work remains to defeat the virus
and rebuild our economy. The spread of the Delta variant has led to a rise in cases, many
Americans are just getting back on their feet from the economic downturn, and millions
remain at risk of eviction. With lives on the line, it is imperative that we act-at all levels of
government-to keep people in their homes and prevent a surge in COVID-19, as well as the
long-term economic scarring and poor health consequences that come with eviction.
The Treasury Department remains laser-focused on partnering with state and local
governments to get Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) funds out the door and into the
hands of renters and landlords, including through recent guidance emphasizing the
flexibility grantees have to simplify application processes and accelerate the delivery of



Secretary of the Treasury Yellen, Attorney General Garland and Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban De…

The Department of Justice recently sent a letter to state court Chief Justices and court
administrators encouraging them to implement eviction diversion programs that delay or
stop eviction proceedings until renters and landlords have had the chance to apply for rental
assistance. The Attorney General and Associate Attorney General also met with over 35 Chief
Justices from around the country to listen to their concerns and discuss ways the federal
government can support implementation of these programs.
Similarly, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has required public housing
authorities and properties receiving federal project-based rental assistance to o er
protections that will provide tenants with a fair chance to receive emergency rent relief and
to take other steps to help prevent evictions. Our three Departments are working closely
together and with other agencies across the federal government to make rental assistance
available to households in need.
We also know we cannot address this challenge alone. State and local governments play a
crucial role as administrators of programs like ERA and as leaders of their own housing
agencies, judiciary systems, and other components of government that are essential to
keeping Americans in their homes. Today, we are urging you to exercise your own
authorities-as states, cities, and counties representing millions of Americans already have-to
take action to prevent unnecessary evictions, including:
Enacting state and local eviction moratoriums during the remainder of the public
health emergency. Six states and the District of Columbia already have eviction
moratoriums in place. As the President called for, we are encouraging all other state and
local governments to use their legal authorities to appropriately put in place or extend
their own eviction moratoriums.
Working with state and local courts to require landlords to apply for ERA before they
commence eviction proceedings. State and local governments or courts should ensure
that all tenants have the opportunity to apply for rental assistance before any
proceedings begin, and landlords seeking eviction should be required to apply for rental
assistance first-a policy already implemented in some states and localities.
Staying eviction proceedings while an ERA application is pending. By taking this step,
as some states and localities already have, courts can ensure that tenants have a fair
opportunity to apply for federal aid and that unnecessary evictions are avoided. While we
call on courts to stay eviction proceedings, state and local governments must also speed
the delivery of rental assistance to meet courts' deadlines.



Secretary of the Treasury Yellen, Attorney General Garland and Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban De…

Using ERA and American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to
support the right to counsel and eviction diversion strategies. Tenants are more likely
to avoid eviction and remain stably housed when they have access to legal
representation. Legal counsel can also aid in the successful completion of ERA
applications. We encourage state and local governments to use ERA and Fiscal Recovery
Funds to launch right to counsel programs and invest in court navigators and diversion
Helping tenants navigate the ERA application process. The Treasury Department has
issued recent guidance streamlining the ERA application process, for example, by making
clear that grantees can rely on self-attestation from tenants for certain eligibility
requirements. State and local governments can continue to build on these e orts by
removing unnecessary barriers to ERA funds.
The ERA program and the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds have provided state and
local governments tens of billions of dollars to support renters and landlords; it is critical
that renters be given the chance to receive that aid before being subject to eviction. Many
state and local governments are working hard to get rental assistance to those in need as
quickly as possible, and these policies will help ensure renters are not evicted before those
resources reach them.
We applaud the e orts of the state and local governments that have already taken these and
other actions to prevent unnecessary evictions, as we know many of you have. However, we
also know more must be done and that e ective and comprehensive policies to prevent
unnecessary evictions have never been more urgent. We stand ready to partner with and
support you in any way we can to protect renters and landlords and make programs like ERA
as e ective as possible.
Thank you for all you are doing and will continue to do to keep Americans in their homes. We
will continue to engage with you over the coming days and weeks as we take on this
challenge, and we welcome your input as we work together to prevent unnecessary evictions
and help households in need reach the other side of this pandemic safely.
Janet L. Yellen
U.S. Department of the Treasury



Secretary of the Treasury Yellen, Attorney General Garland and Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban De…

Merrick B. Garland
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
Marcia L. Fudge
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
