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Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University …

Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better
Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University of
Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV) Center for Business and Economic
Research Outlook Conference
November 9, 2021

WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen delivered remarks at the
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV) Center for Business and Economic Research Outlook
Conference. In her speech, Secretary Yellen highlighted the Infrastructure Investment and
Jobs Act - the once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure that will grow
our economy sustainability and equitably.
In her prepared remarks, Secretary Yellen said:
“On Friday night, Congress rendered a final and favorable vote on President Biden’s
infrastructure bill, which will soon be signed into law. This kind of infrastructure bill –
something on the scale of the project to build the Interstate Highway System – has been the
ambition of lawmakers for a long, long time. Now it’s finally happened. […] Built Back Better
is the biggest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower built the Interstate
Highway System.
There’s a somewhat famous historical anecdote about a 28-year-old Lieutenant Colonel
Dwight Eisenhower and how he participated in one of the first cross-country roadtrips. This
was 1919. An army convoy le Washington, DC on July 7. It reached San Francisco 62 days
later, in mid-September, during which time various vehicles broke down along dirt roads,
collapsed wooden bridges, and had to be towed by horses. It impressed upon the young
Eisenhower that a modern economy could never be built with the current infrastructure and
made him see, as he later wrote in his autobiography, “the wisdom of broader ribbons [of
road] across the land.
Well, we have lived our own version of Eisenhower’s cross-country trip during the past 20
months. The pandemic has shown us that our current infrastructure is not fit for a modern



Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University …

One of the more memorable articles I read during the pandemic was about students from
Orrum, North Carolina, who would regularly drive to a McDonald’s parking lot. They’d go
there to do their classwork because they were some of the millions of Americans who can’t
access high-speed broadband at home – and McDonald’s was the nearest place with WiFi.
Remote work and study aren’t going away a er the pandemic. The internet is now a crucial
public utility, essential for success in American life, and an economy where fast-food chains
are the best providers of that utility is not a healthy economy. High-speed internet has to be
a public good, and that’s what Build Back Better makes it. The law funds a nationwide
project to connect every home to broadband. […] And all of those are included in the bill
that passed on Friday. America’s businesses will find it much easier to connect with markets

Full Remarks as Prepared for Delivery
Hello everyone. This is Janet Yellen, and I want to thank UNLV for the chance to share a few
thoughts today. I also want to thank the economics faculty, students, and other members of
the UNLV community for sending along some very smart questions. I’m going to try to
answer a few in my remarks today.
But first I have to say: Your timing for this outlook conference is quite good. The past two
weeks have been momentous for fiscal policymaking, easily the most consequential weeks
in recent memory.
On Friday night, Congress rendered a final and favorable vote on President Biden’s
infrastructure bill, which will soon be signed into law. This kind of infrastructure bill –
something on the scale of the project to build the Interstate Highway System – has been the
ambition of lawmakers for a long, long time. Now it’s finally happened.
Then, there’s a second piece of legislation, following close behind the infrastructure bill, the
so-called “reconciliation bill.” This is the one that includes investments in childcare, in
education, in sustainability. The House is on track to pass it later this month before The
Senate takes it up.
Of course, anything can happen. No legislation is final until the ink of the President’s
signature is drying on the paper. But I am optimistic, and I think it is worth beginning to place
this pair of laws into its proper historical context.
“History” really is the right word. I’ve been involved in economic policymaking for nearly fi y
years, and I’ve seen many people compare many legislative proposals to The New Deal and



Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University …

The Great Society. But nothing has come as close as these two pieces of legislation, which
we collectively refer to as President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda.
Build Back Better is on par with past groundbreaking legislation for how significantly it will
grow the economy; for how directly it will impact the everyday lives of working Americans,
lowering costs and cutting taxes for them; and for the number of ways that it does these
In fact, if you were to parse through and unpack both pieces of legislation, you’d find at least
five history-making measures in their own right; the kind that only happen once every few
decades, and in some cases, once every century.
That’s what I want to talk about today. I can’t cover every aspect of the twin bills in our
limited time together, but I do want to spend a few minutes going through each of those five
historic measures and what they mean for our medium- and long-term economic outlook (as
well as talking about how these measures are fully paid for).
First, let’s talk about what happened on Friday night. Built Back Better is the biggest
investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower built the Interstate Highway System.
There’s a somewhat famous historical anecdote about a 28-year-old Lieutenant Colonel
Dwight Eisenhower and how he participated in one of the first cross-country roadtrips. This
was 1919. An army convoy le Washington, DC on July 7. It reached San Francisco 62 days
later, in mid-September, during which time various vehicles broke down along dirt roads,
collapsed wooden bridges, and had to be towed by horses. It impressed upon the young
Eisenhower that a modern economy could never be built with the current infrastructure and
made him see, as he later wrote in his autobiography, “the wisdom of broader ribbons [of
road] across the land.”
Well, we have lived our own version of Eisenhower’s cross-country trip during the past 20
months. The pandemic has shown us that our current infrastructure is not fit for a modern
One of the more memorable articles I read during the pandemic was about students from
Orrum, North Carolina, who would regularly drive to a McDonald’s parking lot. They’d go
there to do their classwork because they were some of the millions of Americans who can’t
access high-speed broadband at home – and McDonald’s was the nearest place with WiFi.
Remote work and study aren’t going away a er the pandemic. The internet is now a crucial
public utility, essential for success in American life, and an economy where fast-food chains



Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University …

are the best providers of that utility is not a healthy economy. High-speed internet has to be
a public good, and that’s what Build Back Better makes it. The law funds a nationwide
project to connect every home to broadband.
There is ongoing debate over what qualifies as infrastructure. I won’t wade into that here,
except to say that broadband unequivocally qualifies, as do investments in transit and
supply chains – ports, and airports. And all of those are included in the bill that passed on
Friday. America’s businesses will find it much easier to connect with markets abroad.
Build Back Better is also the most significant improvement in sixty years in how we care for
people in this country. Especially children.
Today, roughly half of Americans live in child care deserts,” areas where there’s only one
daycare spot for every three kids. The child centers that do exist are o en in disrepair,
operating on razor-thin margins, with workers whose wages keep them at the edge of
This is not only a profound moral failure, it is also a profound economic failure. A lack of
a ordable childcare has contributed to the decline in prime-age labor force participation,
especially among mothers. One study found that from 2018 to 2019, 2 million parents of
young children had to quit a job, not take a job, or greatly change their job because of
problems with childcare.
For these reasons, Build Back Better finally treats the work of caring for families as what it is:
not some social issue, separate and apart from building a strong economy, but as the
foundation of a strong economy. It not only ensures older Americans have access to good
home care, it invests deeply in young families.
The bill ensures access to high-quality childcare, in part by incentivizing workplaces to
build daycare centers, and puts a cap on how much families pay for it. Right now, the
average family has to spend about 13 percent of their income on childcare, more than
they spend on food. Build Back Better would cap the cost at 7 percent.
It also guarantees universal pre-K for every child. Thirteen years of schooling – Kthrough-12 – has been the norm for 90 years. Now, we’re giving families the ability to sign
their 3 and 4-year-olds up for two more years.
Another way it improves care – albeit indirectly – is by extending the expanded Child Tax
Credit, which provides 39 million households up to $3,600 in tax cuts per child. The bill



Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University …

also permanently makes the Child Tax Credit fully refundable, meaning that the neediest
families will continue to receive the full Child Tax Credit over the long-run.
The third way Build Back Better makes history is climate. These bills are our country’s
largest-ever investment in reducing carbon emissions. The reconciliation bill alone contains
more than half-a-trillion dollars to green our economy, while the infrastructure bill includes
funding for major projects, like dotting the American landscape with 500,000 electric vehicle
charging stations. We think it will accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in the same way
that the building of gas stations enabled cross-country travel.
That is not to say Build Back Better will solve climate change, full stop, or that’s it’s final
word on how this administration will fight climate change. It’s isn’t. But as far as first steps
go, these are giant leaps. Altogether, Build Back Better will prevent an enormous amount of
carbon from being pumped into the air – more carbon, we project, than the Amazon
Rainforest sucks out of the atmosphere each year.[1] Our goal is to halve US emissions by
2030, and these investments, we think, will get us a significant part of the way there.
The fourth history-making measure is how we pay for the previous three: Build Back Better is
one of the most significant tax reforms of the past half-century. It makes our tax system
much fairer, in large part through a focus on compliance.
America e ectively has two tax systems – one for the wealthy and one for everyone else. The
vast majority of Americans already pay what they owe because they get a W-2. The employer
sends the IRS the same form it sends employees. Taxes are deducted from paychecks, and
employees pay what they owe.
But for the wealthiest Americans, who aren’t wage or salary workers and earn income via
opaque ways – like proprietorships – the tax system is essentially the honor system. The
government doesn’t have the equivalent of a W-2 to verify that they’re paying their full bill.
This is a large part of the reason that fi een percent of taxes owed to the federal government
are not collected.
We had expected that over the next decade $7 trillion dollars would fall through the cracks
of our tax system in this way but Build Back Better includes $80 billion so the IRS can go
a er wealthy tax evaders.
In the batch of questions I received ahead of this event, I saw that Professor Malamud asked
about wealth tax proposals, particularly those advanced by Berkeley’ professors Emmanuel
Saez and Gabriel Zucman. While those specific proposals did not make it into the bill, the bill



Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University …

does make the tax code substantially more progressive. Our compliance e orts to ensure
wealthy people pay what they owe will raise an estimated $400 billion – and that’s probably
a conservative projection. Another $400 billion will come from closing loopholes utilized by
wealthy taxpayers; and another $200 billion through a surtax on the country’s highest
earners, people making more than $10 million a year.
All told, we expect the revenue raising and savings provisions in the plan to generate more
than $2 trillion, and they do that without raising taxes on those making less than $400,000 a
year at all. In many cases, people will see a tax cut.
An important piece of that $2 trillion will come from what I consider to be the fi h and final
historic aspect of Build Back Better: It includes the most significant international economic
agreements so far this century.
More than 130 countries, representing nearly 95% of global GDP, have now agreed to change
how multinational corporations are taxed, in part by imposing a minimum tax on their
foreign earnings. Build Back Better would ensure that agreement is reflected in US law.
Our international tax system is long overdue for an update. It was designed for the global
economy as it existed in the 1920s and since then, tax competition among nations has
created a beggar-thy-neighbor approach to government policy, where working and middleclass people around the world lose.
It works like this: In an attempt to lure production and business to our shores, countries,
including the United States, lower corporate rates. But that tactic has a fundamental flaw:
When America lowers its rates for the purpose of attracting business, other nations see it.
They can lower their rates in response to undercut us – and they have. In this way, we
become trapped in a global race to the bottom to see who can lower their corporate rates
further and faster.
The US has not won this race. Not only do lower corporate rates ultimately fail to attract
business, they erode our tax base, leaving us less revenue to invest in the core ingredients of
economic growth: infrastructure, childcare, R&D.
The new tax deal pulls the United States out of this race to the bottom and enters us into a
new and more productive form of competition. With a global minimum tax of at least 15
percent, there’s no incentive le for nations to try to undercut each other. Instead, nations
will be forced to compete on the real metrics of strong economy: Who has the most skilled
workers? The strongest infrastructure? The most cutting-edge-R&D.



Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University …

Peter Grema, a senior studying economics, had sent me a question about this deal: “Will a
global minimum tax help address some of the wealth disparities at home?”
Peter, the answer is a definite “yes” because these new competitions are ones we can win,
and the revenue we generate from this tax will be re-invested in all the programs I described
today to help working families.
So, those are the five ways Build Back Better makes economic history. The bills contain:
1. the biggest investment in modernizing American infrastructure since Eisenhower and the
2. a revolution in how we how we care for children;
3. the country’s largest ever investment in fighting climate change;
4. one of the two or three most consequential tax reforms of the past 50 years;
5. a historic overhaul of the international tax system
Any one of these measures would reorient our medium- to long-term economic outlook in
much more positive direction, but together they do something far more transformative.
One of the questions I received was from Professor Emir Malikov, who wrote, “Following the
Great Recession, accelerated productivity growth was short-lived and faded away. Are you
optimistic,” he asked, “[that this recovery will be] di erent and that we will be able to sustain
higher rates of productivity growth at least in the medium term?”
A few weeks ago, I would not have been as certain, but to answer the question, I am
optimistic now. I do believe that the passage of these pieces of legislation will lead not only
to higher rates of productivity but to positive changes across a wide array of metrics: They
will increase the size of our labor force and expand the productive capacity of our economy.
These investments, we expect, will lead to a GDP increase over the long-term without
increasing the national debt or deficit by a dollar. In fact, the o sets in these bills mean they
actually reduce annual deficits on net over time.
But more important than what Build Back Better will do to macroeconomic measures is
what these new laws will do to the economy as people experience it every day. About this
time forty years ago, I had just started returning to work a er my husband and I had our son,
and I think about couples that are in a similar position right now – and what these bills
might mean for them. They’ll be able to find great childcare and spend far less of their
budget on it. In a few years, their kids can enter a good, free pre-school, which we know
confers all sorts of benefits to kids later in life. Kids who attend pre-K tend to do better in



Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Touts Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill at the University …

later grades; they’re more likely to graduate high-school and college and find higher-paying
jobs once they do. And those kids will live in a world where climate change is not as urgent
of crisis as it is today because we made the investment to keep Earth a livable, thriving place
More than anything else, government o icials tend to invoke future generations – our
children and grandchildren – as their reasons for doing things. And I don’t think it’s
controversial to say that, today, many young people greet those sentiments with an eyeroll.
There’s a broad feeling that past generations, having climbed the ladder, pulled it up behind
That is the feeling, at least, and I don’t think it’s entirely unwarranted. But I do hope that
these twin laws, in time, render it somewhat diminished.
I hope the students of UNLV and young people across this country come to see Build Back
Better for what it is – an attempt to pass forward an economy and a country with strong
foundations; and that it made that generational hando with some measure of success.
Thank you for having me.
