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Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Opening Statement House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Fina…

Press Center

Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Opening Statement House Committee on
Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Financial Services May
21, 2009

Chairman Serrano, Ranking Member Emerson, members of the Subcommittee, I appreciate the opportunity to testify before you for my
first time as Treasury Secretary on the President's Fiscal Year 2010 Budget request for the Department of the Treasury.
We live in challenging times.
President Obama and his Administration are working to meet these challenges by getting Americans back to work and getting our
economy to grow again; by putting our fiscal house in order to sustain recovery once underway, and by making the long-neglected
investments in health care, energy and education necessary to enhance America's global competitiveness and produce a more balanced,
sustainable growth over the long-term.
Treasury's Key Priorities
To achieve this new growth, we must repair and reform our financial system so that it works for, not against, a recovery that serves all
To support growth and meet our fiscal goals, we must redesign and bolster enforcement of our tax code so that it is both fairer and more
To advance our interests globally, we must work with other nations to promote economic recovery and financial repair, and to ensure more
open markets for U.S. business.
And to protect the country, we must use all of the tools at our disposal to exclude terrorists, proliferators, and other illicit actors from the
international financial stage, and thereby secure our financial system and combat threats to our security.
The Fiscal Year 2010 Budget that you have before you will allow Treasury to pursue these core missions assigned to the Department by
the President and the Congress. The $13.4 billion request includes a $676 million, or 5.3 percent, increase over enacted 2009 levels.
Of this increase, $14 million would go to bolstering the staffs of our Domestic Finance and Tax Policy offices, which are at the epicenter of
Administration efforts to repair and reform the financial system and to re-design and improve our tax policies and tax code.
Some $137 million would be devoted to more than doubling our Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund to ensure that
the benefits of our financial repairs reach beyond our major banks and businesses to help economically distressed communities. These
communities were underserved by our financial system even before the current crisis, and have been deeply hurt by the job losses and
business failures that the crisis has spawned.
A total of $332 million would be devoted to new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) enforcement efforts, including $128.1 million to add nearly
800 new IRS employees to combat offshore tax evasion and improve compliance with U.S. international tax laws by businesses and highincome individuals. Another $130 million would go to bolster the security of IRS information technology, improve the efficiency of its
business systems and upgrade its fraud detection capabilities.
Although not directly under the jurisdiction of this Subcommittee, our Budget also includes funds to meet our international obligations in
order to help mount a global response to the crisis and revive mutually reinforcing growth around the world.
As we seek these additional funds to respond to our nation's troubles, we have cut back on some programs that are either ineffective or
that we believe can be safely delayed.



Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Opening Statement House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Fina…

For example, while the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) continues to be one of the most effective anti-poverty programs that the Federal
government administers, the Advanced EITC, a related program, which provides benefits in advance of filing a tax return, has been prone
to exceptionally high levels of error and low use by those eligible for it. Accordingly, our Budget proposes to end this latter program for
savings next fiscal year of $125 million.
Similarly, even as we seek to increase capital investment for the IRS, our Budget would reduce the Department-wide capital investment
account by 65 percent for a savings of $17 million.
Our Budget would reduce from 20 to 16 the number of positions for international economic attachés to keep us apprised of developments
around the world, saving $2 million next fiscal year. It would absorb a portion of our non-pay inflation through more efficient use of
contracting and other cutbacks, saving $18 million. It would take advantage of the growth of efficient electronic filing of tax returns to
reduce the IRS processing budget by $8 million next fiscal year.
Given that we have had control over the budget for fewer than five months, the reductions I have just described represent an attempt to do
more with less. As we begin work on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2011, Treasury has prepared itself for a more rigorous assessment of its
I have already issued guidance to Treasury senior staff that says, in part: "To afford any new investments, we will have to take new
approaches to solving old problems. I expect each bureau and policy office to identify opportunities for innovation that will transform how
Treasury fulfills its missions in order to both improve performance and reduce cost."
In addition, the President has announced his intention to nominate Dan Tangherlini to be our Assistant Secretary for Management.
Consistent with the President's mandate, I will look to Mr. Tangherlini to scour the Treasury budget for efficiencies and cost savings. He
comes to the job with an impressive track record of working on budget issues with District of Columbia Mayor Adrian Fenty, and I am
convinced that he will bring the same results-oriented approach to the federal government.
Repairing and Reforming the Financial System
The President assigned Treasury to repair and reform the financial system so that it supports recovery, doing so in a way that serves the
entire country. We have taken steps to address the problems of every major element of the system and to fill the system's gaps so that all
Americans benefit.
Most recently, federal banking supervisors announced results of the stress tests that we asked them to conduct on our 19 largest banking
institutions. The aim of these assessments conducted was to ensure that these institutions have sufficient capital buffers to absorb the
losses that they could suffer under worse-than-expected economic conditions and continue to make the loans necessary to sustain
Overall, the tests showed that the core of our banking system is in less dire shape than many had thought. However, 10 of the 19 banks
need to raise extra capital over the next six months. In cases where banks have trouble raising the necessary funds, Treasury is prepared
to step in with investments through our Capital Assistance Program.
In addition to efforts to stabilize the banking system, Treasury is at the forefront of Administration efforts to bolster both our housing
markets and our critically important securitization markets for both new and old asset-backed securities.
In housing, we have helped drive mortgage interest rates to historic lows, and are helping responsible homeowners to refinance into more
affordable mortgages or to modify their at-risk loans to avoid preventable foreclosures.
We have begun to boost new consumer and business lending by re-starting the markets for asset-backed securities that financed almost
half of all lending in this country before the crisis. There have been more securities of this type issued in the last three months than in the
preceding eight.
Additionally, Treasury is about to join with private investors in seeking to restart the markets for legacy mortgage loans and securities that
are now stuck on bank balance sheets, keeping these institutions from making new loans to families and businesses.
As we have taken these steps, we have understood that repair alone is not enough. We must also reform our financial system so that it is
less prone to crises of the dimensions we now face. We have made a good start on this effort.
We have announced a framework for new systemic risk regulations to ensure that no large and interconnected firm or market will take on
so much risk that their failure could destabilize the entire financial system. This framework would also give the government the authority to
resolve those institutions that do fail in ways that protect system stability. We have recommended new consumer and investor protections.
We will soon propose streamlining our out-of-date regulatory structure so that it matches the size, shape and speed of our modern
financial system.
Key elements of our financial repair efforts are being covered by the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Treasury has no
plans to request additional funding for direct management of the program, which was provided for under the Emergency Economic
Stabilization Act approved by the Congress last fall.



Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Opening Statement House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Fina…

That management is being handled by our Office of Financial Stability (OFS), which is focused on ensuring that TARP funds serve the
public purpose of stabilizing the financial system; that they are fulfilling this purpose in ways that protect taxpayers; and that we can
provide a clear account to the Congress and the American people about the effectiveness of the funds' use.
In order to administer TARP and ensure compliance by TARP recipients, OFS has had to quickly assemble a substantial staff. OFS
staffing levels, which were at 88 when I arrived in office, rose to 147 by last Monday. They are expected to rise to 165 by the end of this
month and to 225 by next fiscal year. The office's budget for next fiscal year will total $262 million, a 6 percent decline from the current
fiscal year's $279 million. The change is largely due to a decline in estimated spending on contracts as part of the program's initial start-up.
While TARP is proving effective at improving the immediate stability of the financial system, the scope of the issues that this Administration
and this Department face extend beyond TARP to include striking the delicate balance between intervention and allowing market
participants latitude to operate; devising a new financial regulatory structure for the future; and working through the tough problems of
what form our government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, should take as we emerge from this difficult period.
All of these issues fall to Treasury's Office of Domestic Finance, which, working with OFS, is having to operate on new policy terrain,
tackling problems that the country has not faced in generations and for which we have few guideposts in our immediate past.
That is why the workload of the Domestic Finance office has already expanded greatly, and is all but certain to expand still further. And it is
why we are seeking to modestly increase its size and bolster its expertise in several critical areas.
Our Budget requests an additional $8.7 million for the office to add 26 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions to the staff. This represents a 26
percent increase from the office's current fiscal year staffing of 101.
The additional funds will be used to create two new Deputy Assistant Secretary positions, one for housing finance, small business and
consumer issues, and a second for capital markets. These two new officials will lead teams that will perform the economic and institutional
research necessary to ensure that we understand all of the policy options in each of these areas and choose the most effective ones for
solving our problems.
As we seek additional funds for Treasury, we must also seek them for the front-line institutions that will sustain our economic recovery and
ensure that its benefits are broadly shared.
Our Budget would more than double the resources of the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund to $243.6 million.
The fund's mandate is to help low-income, economically distressed communities that were poorly served by our financial system even in
economic good times, and – although they had nothing to do with causing current conditions –have been significantly hurt by the
economic and financial fallout of the crisis that we now face.
The $136.6 million, or 128 percent increase in funding, would allow this program to support financial institutions in making job-creating
investments and in providing access to capital in communities that are often considered too risky for mainstream financial institutions to
serve. By targeting lenders and borrowers in these communities, the Fund would help some of our most vulnerable populations weather
the crisis and benefit once recovery is underway.
The aim of the fund is to make sure that we provide distressed communities with more than simply government grants and aid. We must
also build the capacity of their local financial institutions to ensure that capital is flowing to homebuyers and businesses so that they can
finance their own economic futures. Since its inception in 1994, the fund has directed nearly $1 billion to distressed communities, and
allocated $19.5 billion in tax credits through its New Markets Tax Credit program.
Financial institutions funded through the CDFI program make loans to small businesses and micro-enterprises and take equity positions in
them. They provide mortgages to low-income homebuyers, and finance developers of low-income housing and community facilities, such
as charter schools, health clinics and child care centers.
One example can be seen right here in the Anacostia neighborhood of Washington, DC. City First Bank – a local CDFI – and Charter
Schools Development Corporation partnered to provide a $13.3 million New Markets Tax Credit for the Thurgood Marshall Academy, the
city's first charter school focused on law, serving 360 students in grades nine through twelve and achieving a 100 percent college
acceptance rate for its first three graduating classes.
Historically, the CDFI program has been heavily oversubscribed and has had to turn away qualified applicants. For example, in the current
fiscal year, the program for CDFI financial and technical assistance awards, and is now budgeted at $55 million. Moreover, it expects to
receive applications for more than $500 million in funding.
Redesigning the Tax System for Fairness and Efficiency
The President has asked Treasury to redesign and bolster enforcement of our tax code so that it supports growth, sets the stage for our
return to a sustainable fiscal path, and accomplishes these goals in a manner that is fair, efficient and supportive of our society's broadest



Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Opening Statement House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Fina…

To make good on the President's assignment, our Budget requests a modest increase in funding for Treasury's Office of Tax Policy and
more substantial increases to expand IRS enforcement activities and to improve its information technology.
Treasury has moved quickly to implement the more than 30 tax provisions of the President's economic recovery plan. Treasury also
played an integral role in designing the tax provisions of the President's Fiscal 2010 Budget, and it will play a similar role in implementing
The President has made clear that he will not seek any major revenue increases until 2011 when the recovery should be firmly in place.
He has, however, been equally clear that once recovery is underway, we must get our fiscal house in order or risk having government
borrowing crowd out productive private investment. Treasury and the White House will work with Congress to make the tax changes that
are necessary to reduce deficits and to do so in a manner that is fair to all Americans.
As part of our efforts to make sure that the tax system is working for recovery and is operating fairly, we have designed new policies to
curb the use of off-shore tax havens, close the international tax gap, remove tax incentives for companies to shift jobs overseas, and
replace these incentives with ones that encourage creation of jobs at home.
Our tax work on the recovery plan, the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget, and these international tax issues are just the beginning of an ambitious
agenda for this Administration.
On health care, the President has made clear that the road to fiscal discipline and to solvency for Medicare and Social Security run
through overall health care reform. Although much of the cost of the President's reform plan will be covered by savings from the system,
we will need to design programs to cover some of the costs in ways that are fair to all Americans and do not harm the economy. Treasury
is deeply involved in this effort and in the related work to expand coverage and improve our health care system in other important ways.
On retirement and economic security, Treasury and, in particular, the Office of Tax Policy, is taking the lead in developing and actively
working with Congress to flesh out the initiatives proposed in the President's budget to help enhance retirement security and savings for
the half of working Americans who have no retirement provisions beyond Social Security. These proposals would make it easier for people
to save for their own retirement, either through their workplaces or on their own, and would move us toward universal retirement savings
On climate change, Treasury is already working closely with Congress to design the auction mechanisms that will be needed to implement
the Administration's greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program.
Our Office of Tax Policy has been deeply involved in all of these issues from the outset of the Administration. Like our Office of Domestic
Finance, its workload already has substantially increased and is certain to grow as the health reform, retirement security and climate
change debates get underway in earnest.
At the moment, the Office of Tax Policy's career staff includes 30 lawyers and 44 economists as well as support staff for an overall staffing
level of 93. This is lower than its usual complement of over 100 professionals.
Our Fiscal Year 2010 Budget would increase the office budget by $4.9 million to add 15 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in order to
increase overall staffing to 108, and would therefore represent a return to historical norms. The additional staff is needed to perform
analysis and revenue estimates for new policy proposals, conduct research for, among other things, congressionally mandated studies,
and develop regulations and guidance for new legislation.
The vast majority of the new funds that we request in this Budget are for improving the enforcement efforts and the information technology
of the IRS.
As I have said, $332 million would go to new IRS enforcement efforts, including $128.1 million to improve international tax compliance.
The balance of these funds would be used to support three critical programs: 755 employees to increase examinations of tax returns for
businesses and high-income individuals; 300 employees to expand the IRS document matching program, which compares tax returns to
other forms such as W-2s and 1099s; and an additional 491 employees to improve collection operations and build two new IRS automated
collection center sites.
Turning to IT, our Budget requests a $90 million increase in funding to protect taxpayers' personal records from the increasing number and
sophistication of Internet-based attacks. With these funds, the agency will deploy state-of-the-art, automated tools to improve record
access management, risk assessment and system auditing. This effort would address concerns noted in the past by both the Government
Accountability Office and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
Our Budget also requests an additional $18 million for systems to help the IRS return review program detect noncompliance and
fraudulent refunds, and a $22 million increase to continue modernizing the agency's core taxpayer account database and modernized the
e-File web-based platform.
Reengaging with the World on Economic Issues



Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Opening Statement House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Fina…

The President assigned Treasury to ensure that this country reengages with the world, not just on issues of war and peace, but also on
those issues that are crucial to our common economic futures.
This is a global crisis. Recovery here depends on recovery abroad. We are working closely with other major economies to put in place the
fiscal stimulus and make the financial repairs necessary to ensure U.S. and global recovery. Our financial reform effort in the United States
must be matched by similarly strong efforts elsewhere in order to succeed.
We are seeking to mobilize the financial resources of the better-off nations to help the emerging and developing economies that have
been especially hard-hit by this crisis. We are doing this for more than simply humanitarian reasons; as recently as last fall, these
economies accounted for fully 42 percent of all U.S. exports.
Last month, the President and leaders of the other G-20 nations agreed on the need to make more than $1 trillion in financial resources
available to support global growth and trade.
Those funds include our commitment of up to $100 billion for an expanded New Arrangements to Borrow, a permanent back-up
mechanism that provides the International Monetary Fund with supplemental resources to help emerging markets and developing nations
weather the crisis.
As part of our effort to rekindle global growth for the sake of our own recovery, we are seeking to meet our past and present financial
commitments to the multilateral development banks that help emerging and developing countries.
Although the funds to do this are not directly within the purview of your Subcommittee, I mention them to illustrate how Treasury's entire
budget is tailored to let us fulfill the missions that the President has set out for us. Our budget request includes $2.5 billion for international
programs, most of which would serve to meet our past and present commitments to the multilateral development banks.
Before I end, let me say a word about the Department's staff. I have the honor of leading a team of smart and dedicated individuals who
are working to make our government more effective and our society fairer, who are following a long tradition of debating policies fearlessly
on their merits, doing what is right and not what is expedient, and drawing on the best ideas and expertise that are available. They are
performing an incalculable service to our country in these challenging times, and I am immensely grateful to them.
The Department of the Treasury is responsible for promoting the nation's economic prosperity and protecting its financial security. We
advance our interests around the world through the strength not only of our economy but of our ideas.
At some other time in our history, when the economy was growing of its own accord and markets seemed capable of regulating
themselves, these duties might have seemed comparatively routine. But these are not such times. This President and Treasury have
already begun the hard work of recovery and reform. Our Fiscal Year 2010 Budget will allow us to pursue these critical goals, and deliver
the balanced and sustainable growth that the American people seek and deserve.
