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Secretary Janet L. Yellen to Attend G7 Finance Ministers Meeting in London, England | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Secretary Janet L. Yellen to Attend G7 Finance Ministers Meeting
in London, England
May 24, 2021

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced that Secretary Janet
L. Yellen will attend the G7 finance ministers meeting in London, England from June 4-5,
2021. While in London, Secretary Yellen will reinforce the U.S. commitment to policy
priorities to promote the global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic including supportive
fiscal policies, vaccine access, and distribution. She will also discuss with her G7 partners the
importance of improving public health to prevent future pandemics and building greener
and more resilient economies to meet the challenges of climate change. Ahead of this trip,
Secretary Yellen will also take part in a virtual meeting of G7 finance ministers and central
bank governors.
This will be the first overseas travel by Secretary Yellen, who is looking forward to continue
working in close cooperation with our allies and multilateral partners to address global
Additional details and information about possible media opportunities will be announced in
the coming days.
