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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the White House’s Tribal Nations Summit | U.S. Department …

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the White
House’s Tribal Nations Summit
November 16, 2021

As prepared for delivery:
Hello, everyone. This is Janet Yellen, and Iʼm very grateful that youʼve come today.
You know, only a few days a er I started this job, one of my first meetings was with a group of
small business owners. And at these gatherings, everyoneʼs story strikes a chord, but some
strike a chord louder and more poignantly than others. And I remember there was woman
named Shayai Lucero. She lived on tribal land in New Mexico where she ran a flower shop:
Earth and Sky Floral. The celebrations of life were how she made her living, and all of them –
weddings, proms, Motherʼs Day gatherings – had been cancelled because of the pandemic.
In retrospect, one of the reasons her story stuck with our team was that, as we surveyed our
Department in those early days, we realized we didnʼt have the adequate personnel or the
resources to help her. Treasuryʼs engagement with tribes has historically been limited to the
Internal Revenue Service. The Department has never had a full understanding of how our
policies a ect Tribal economies.
I donʼt know if this is very surprising to anyone. Stories of native marginalization are older
than the country, and you do not need a PhD in economics to know that our economy has
never worked well for Native Americans or people living in Indian country.
But this, I think, is why weʼre here; not just at this summit, but here, in Washington, to govern.
Our entire department – our entire administration – is dedicated to the task of changing
things; to ensuring that Native communities are counted; that youʼre heard; and that you are
represented in the halls of places like Treasury, and in the ways we design and implement
policy. Indeed, weʼve spent the past year building up our capacity to do this, recognizing that
it is more important now – in the year 2021 – than ever before.
It has been a hard year-and-a-half for the entire nation, but it has been a particularly hard time
for Native Americans. When our administration entered o ice, Tribal communities had some of
the highest COVID mortality rates in the country, and as the health emergency spilled over



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the White House’s Tribal Nations Summit | U.S. Department …

into the economy, the data showed that few su ered more than Native American workers and
business. In fact, just last week, Brookings released new research showing that Native
Americans, compared to any other demographic group, were more likely to have their work
hours cut or lose their health insurance during the pandemic.
When President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan last March, Treasury was tasked with
administering an enormous amount of relief dollars to ease this pain. That included more than
$21 billion in direct relief to Tribal governments and assistance to Tribal families via stimulus
payments and the Child Tax Credit. To date, more than 99.9% of our largest fund, the $20
billion Tribal set aside, is out the door. As these things go, that is quite fast.
There are a few reasons for the expediency, but one is that we built a dedicated tribal team
inside our O ice of Recovery Programs, sta ed with experts who had Tribal government and
enterprise experience. They were instrumental in doing what Treasury traditionally hadnʼt
done enough of – working tribal governments to help design these policies. There were more
than 10 consultation meetings and 50 information sessions over the past year, and those led
us to make better decisions on policy guidance. Now this funding is serving a range of crucial
purposes – supporting vaccination e orts, helping tribal businesses recover, providing
a ordable housing.
Weʼre going to keep doing everything we can to make sure your communities make it to the
other side of this crisis, but we also recognize that thatʼs not enough. A er all, long before a
single person was infected with COVID-19, Indian Country bore a disproportionate amount of
the hardship in America. We know that for you and your communities, a return to a prepandemic economy is neither desirable nor acceptable. We have to build back better, as the
President says.
Both the new infrastructure legislation and the Build Back Better bill will do enormous good
on this score. One example is the childcare situation, which is a national crisis but is especially
horrific for Native Americans. Half of Native American children donʼt attend preschool, and 1in-10 Native Americans report having to quit or turn down a job to take care of their kids.
Build Back Better would expand access to daycare centers and guarantee every child two
years of pre-K. Thatʼs going to improve the workforce in your communities now, as parents
return to work, but also years from now as the children who benefit from this care grow up.
We know attending high-quality pre-K confers all sorts of benefits later in life, including
higher-paying jobs.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the White House’s Tribal Nations Summit | U.S. Department …

You know, Iʼve spent almost my entire life thinking about economics and how it can help
people during hard times. My father was a doctor in Brooklyn. He was also a child of the
Depression. He had a very visceral reaction to economic hardship. When one of his patients
lost a job or couldnʼt pay, it hurt him – and heʼd tell us about it. Those remain some of the
clearest moments in my childhood.
Economics is sometimes considered a dry subject, but I have always tried to approach my
science the same way my dad approached his: as a means to help people. I have always tried
to see the humanity beneath the numbers. Iʼm not sure you can be a good economic
policymaker if you donʼt.
Thatʼs why I plan to visit Indian Country over the next year – to speak to more parents, more
workers, more flower-shop owners. But itʼs also why Iʼm so grateful to this community for its
partnership, both today, at this summit, and over the past year. You have helped our team
understand the wants, the needs, and the economic pain of Native Americans. In doing so,
youʼve not only made us better policymakers. Youʼve made us, I think, a better country.
Thank you.

