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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at White House Virtual Roundtable with Business and Labor Leade…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at White
House Virtual Roundtable with Business and Labor Leaders
August 4, 2022

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you, Brian.
Iʼm really excited to be here today to talk with leaders from both business and labor about
how important it is for Congress to pass the Inflation Reduction Act.
Actually, I convened businesses leaders myself yesterday to discuss this important legislation.
It will address the cost of prescription drugs and health care for millions of Americans, and
lower energy costs and bolster our energy security so we donʼt have to rely on autocrats like
This would be the biggest investment in fighting climate change in our countryʼs history. And
this isnʼt just going to protect us from global energy shocks like weʼve seen from Russiaʼs
illegal invasion, itʼs also going to create good-paying jobs across our country to power that
I also think itʼs important to talk about the revenue streams that make these investments
possible and that means adequately funding the IRS so they can enforce our existing tax laws.
The vast majority of businesses and workers are playing by the rules, but some arenʼt, and
estimates show that the “tax gap” from the top one percent of earners alone is as much as
$160 billion each year.
Making sure we have the resources to ensure the wealthiest among us canʼt avoid paying the
taxes they owe thatʼs about restoring basic fairness and ending a two-tiered system. Itʼs
about making sure we can invest in addressing those key household expenses and making our
economy stronger.
I think it's important to underscore that this legislation is fiscally responsible. It will actually
reduce the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars over time.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at White House Virtual Roundtable with Business and Labor Leade…

And by reducing deficits, weʼll be complementing the work the Federal Reserve and the
Administration is doing to combat inflation, even as we address these cost pressures like
health care, prescription drugs, and energy.
So thatʼs why we hope Congress will pass this bill as soon as possible, and itʼs why you saw
five of my predecessors at the Treasury Department – Secretaries who served under
Democrats and under Republicans – call for the same this week.
Thank you Mr. President.
