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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Venice International Conference on Climate | U.S. Depart…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the
Venice International Conference on Climate
July 11, 2021

Twenty Years a er Kyoto
As prepared for delivery

Thank you, Ignazio, for hosting us today, and how appropriate to be in Venice. Even if this
weren’t a conference about climate change, how could we not raise the issue here?
For all of us, 2020 was the year of the pandemic. But for Venice, 2019 was also the year of the
flood; the canal waters, as you know, rose higher than they had in half a century. And even
before that, many of the steps and statues of the old palazzos, visible when they were built
centuries ago, slipped beneath the waterline.
One news story, I thought, put it quite well: Venice is a beautiful ruler; a city that measures
our world’s rising sea levels – and, thus, the increasing impact of climate change.
Ignazio, you and I have been trying for a long time to measure the potential costs of climate
change – and advocate ways to avert them. I recall first working with you during the Kyoto
Conference in the late nineties when you were at the OECD. We formed a High Level
Sustainable Development Group to involve finance ministers in climate policy. I remember
preparing my first speech on climate change not long a er the conference. This was March of
1998. The U.S. Congress was holding hearings on the agreement, and the Clinton
Administration needed a White House o icial to testify. I raised my hand.
I told Congress to think of Kyoto as a form of insurance for our planet. Wouldn’t even a
significant investment in transitioning our economies away from carbon be worth it if it saved
priceless coastal cities like Venice? If it helped ensure that we kept the world livable? And, if
we addressed climate change intelligently, the benefits would far outweigh the costs.
In the end, we all know the outcome of that prior e ort.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Venice International Conference on Climate | U.S. Depart…

Fast forward to today, I am happy to report that the landscape has changed in the United
States. President Biden has committed to reduce U.S. emissions from 2005 levels by at least
50 percent by 2030, and we’re seeing a new consensus around a plan to achieve a significant
portion of that reduction.

It includes thousands of miles of new transmission lines for renewable energy, upgrades to
our power infrastructure, and greener transportation through accelerating domestic
manufacturing of zero-emissions vehicles. And with all of our domestic investments in
climate, President Biden has committed that a significant share of the benefits will go to
disadvantaged communities, who historically have borne too much of the brunt of our
country’s environmental pollution.
I also think that the international landscape has become more favorable to making change.
During Kyoto, we understood well the global challenge that climate change presented and
the significant costs to the world of inaction, but we did not have the benefit of a G20
Finance Track then. We had fewer channels to coordinate across a broad group of countries
on financial and economic challenges. By bringing together Finance Ministers, Central Bank
Governors, and the broader international community to discuss the economic aspects of
climate change, this Conference is an example of how far we have progressed in our
approach over the past twenty years.

I would like to spend the balance of my remarks speaking about how the United States
intends to work with our international partners and on our shared responsibility to
implement ambitious emissions reduction measures. Because no nation can reverse climate
change alone.
This work begins with setting bold policy goals. We must enhance the ambition of the
Nationally Determined Contributions that we submit to the UNFCCC and set targets for
achieving net-zero emissions, consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. As Finance
Ministers, we must help to develop credible domestic strategies, laws, and regulations to
meet these targets. The International Financial Institutions, including the International
Monetary Fund and the Multilateral Development Banks, can be important partners as we
seek to design robust economic and financial policies to achieve our climate goals.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Venice International Conference on Climate | U.S. Depart…

Developing countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change, with poverty, food
security, and health outcomes impacted by extreme weather shocks. In this context, the
United States has redoubled our e orts around the ambitious collective goal to mobilize
$100 billion per year from a wide variety of public and private sources to support developing
countries in undertaking adaptation and mitigation e orts.
This spring, we released America’s first-ever International Climate Finance Plan. As part of
this plan, the United States intends to double, by 2024, our annual public climate finance for
developing countries and to triple our public finance for climate adaptation. This would
mean about $5.7 billion per year in climate finance by 2024, including $1.5 billion for
adaptation. The multilateral climate funds play a key role in this plan. The Climate
Investment Funds scale up targeted investments in clean technology and other areas, while
the Green Climate Fund remains a centerpiece of providing impactful climate finance to the
world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries.
Multilateral Development Banks are one of the largest sources of climate finance for
developing countries: The MDBs to which the United States contributes reported over $36
billion in climate finance collectively in 2020. The MDBs are also positioned well to engage
the private sector in developing countries. They can target support toward the challenges in
the domestic market that make it di icult for the private sector to invest at scale by advising
on policies, mitigating investment risk, and providing finance.
We recognize the tremendous work the MDBs are doing in partnership with developing
countries. We see the MDBs continuing to evolve their role further beyond the critical
development finance they provide, including to help countries design green recovery
strategies in response to the COVID-19 crisis, develop green bond markets to raise capital,
and build robust enabling environments to incentivize private investment needed to meet
the climate challenge.
We expect that they will continue their e orts to increase climate finance targets, fully align
their lending with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and discourage new investments in fossil
fuel-based power generation except where other options are not possible.
But we believe the MDBs can go further. I plan to shortly convene the heads of the MDBs to
articulate our expectations that the MDBs align their portfolios with the Paris Agreement and
net-zero goals as urgently as possible. We also expect them to take steps to more e ectively
mobilize private capital so that developing countries can increasingly benefit from private
sector pledges to support climate-aligned and sustainable investments. As leading sources



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Venice International Conference on Climate | U.S. Depart…

of o icial finance, the MDBs need to maximize the catalytic impact of their support for
countries seeking to confront a changing climate, and to harness the economic
opportunities embedded in the transition to a low-carbon economy. I know that the MDBs
have the policy expertise, relationships, and financial tools to make a substantial
contribution toward our collective climate goals, and I look forward to working together to
ensure that these goals are met.

The investment needed to green the global economy is enormous and far exceeds the scale
of o icial finance. Private capital will need to fill most of that gap. This brings me to our
initiatives to enable the private sector to better account for climate change when making
financing decisions, which we will discuss in more depth this a ernoon.
There are some positive trends in this regard. Investor demand for climate-aligned
investments, including green bonds and sustainable assets, is rapidly increasing in certain
markets. I am also pleased to see momentum building in financial institutions around netzero commitments.
A threshold challenge though, as you know, is imperfect information—understanding the
risks and opportunities climate change presents. For example, the current financial reporting
system is not producing reliable disclosures. We also need consistency of reporting
frameworks over time, as well as comparability across firms and jurisdictions, providing the
useful information that investors need to make informed decisions.
Climate change also introduces new and increasing types of risk. The risks from more
frequent and severe natural disasters—so-called physical risks—have, and will continue to
become, more prominent. Then there are the risks that may accompany the technological,
market, and policy changes needed to address climate change—the so-called transition
risks. The emergence of
these risks challenges one of the financial sector’s most essential functions—ensuring that
risk is borne by investors and institutions well placed to manage it.
President Biden has recognized that this is a major problem that needs to be tackled now.
He recently signed an Executive Order on climate-related financial risk, outlining a whole-ofgovernment process to assess climate risk to the U.S. financial system and federal



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Venice International Conference on Climate | U.S. Depart…

As part of this process, the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), which I chair, will
assess the potential risk that climate change may pose to the financial stability of the United
States. The Executive Order also made clear this Administration’s policy to advance the
disclosure of climate-related financial risks, which we will also explore through FSOC. This
will complement the work of the SEC, which is currently reviewing existing guidance on
climate-related financial disclosures.
Treasury is also working closely with our domestic regulators as we engage in international
discussions to promote e ective and consistent approaches to disclosure. These e orts
build on existing work to improve climate-related financial risk disclosure, like the Financial
Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and other sustainability
reporting organizations.

In closing, I am pleased that Treasury is co-chairing the newly reestablished G20 Sustainable
Finance Working Group, which will deepen the G20’s engagement over the coming years on
many of the themes I raised today.
The Working Group has an ambitious agenda for this year. In addition to developing a
roadmap that will guide G20 priorities for scaling up sustainable finance, it will also focus on
three topics. First, it will consider how to improve existing international initiatives and
approaches to sustainability disclosure and reporting. Second, the Working Group will
explore the various tools and approaches used by jurisdictions and the private sector to
align finance with climate and sustainability goals and develop recommendations to
enhance how they work together. Lastly, the Working Group will help support MDB e orts to
align their financing with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
So, let me end where I began, with Kyoto in ‘97. We knew back then climate change was
happening and that it was an urgent crisis that demanded our attention and action. But it’s
been nearly a quarter-of-a century since, and we have not done nearly enough.
We can’t a ord another 25 years of inaction or low ambition.
As we transition to the post-pandemic world, climate change has to be a challenge our
global community addresses collaboratively.
I know I’m not alone in thinking this way. This is a group committed to combatting climate
change; we refuse to hand this problem o to the next generation.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Venice International Conference on Climate | U.S. Depart…

I look forward to continuing to work with all of you to make progress on this critical issue.
