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Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Virtual Legislative …

Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the U.S.
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Virtual Legislative Summit
March 30, 2021

(Remarks as given)
Thank you, Alice for the very kind introduction. And thank you all for having me.
I’ve been an economist for a long time, and one area where I’ve focused my attention is on
the disparity in economic outcomes – especially when it comes to race and ethnicity.
It’s probably because I began studying the subject during the Civil Rights Movement. I took
my first economics course around 1963. I was a freshman in college.
Since then, our country has endured at least five major economic crises. There was the oil
crisis and stagflation in the ‘70s, the double-dip recession of the early ‘80s, the burst of the
dot-com bubble, and, of course, the Great Recession beginning in ’08.
Each of these crises was very di erent, but they all shared at least one significant
characteristic: They all hit Latino-Americans disproportionately hard.
In fact, if you take the Hispanic unemployment rate over the past 50 years and superimpose
it on top of the national average, what you see are two lines that roughly move in tandem –
except the Hispanic unemployment rate is always above the national average. And when
there is a crisis, both rates spike, but the Hispanic rate spikes much higher.
Economic crises generally do this: They take pre-existing inequalities – and make them even
more unequal. To me, it’s one of the most pernicious e ects of a struggling economy, and it’s
something the President and I wanted to prevent from happening again.
A er all, the fi h crisis – the one I haven’t mentioned yet – is the current one; it’s the
If someone tried to design an economic crisis that would unduly target the Hispanic
community, they’d probably come up with something that looks a lot like COVID-19.
The five sectors [1] the pandemic was most likely to slow or shut down accounted for 50
percent of revenues for Latino-owned businesses. They accounted for 65 percent of all



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Virtual Legislative …

Latino employment.[2]
As this organization knows far better than I do, there was immense pain, and it cascaded
down into higher rates of joblessness; into more Hispanic families late on their mortgages
and their rent; into hunger: One-in-five Latino households still say they don’t have enough
food to eat.[3]
When I took o ice, I looked at economic data like these, and I worried that many of these
families would be haunted by the COVID economy long a er the health emergency was over.
We know that when the foundations of someone’s life collapse – when they lose a small
business or the ability to eat dinner every night – it can weigh them down permanently; their
ability to earn is forever lowered. It’s a phenomenon called “economic scarring,” and I
worried this would happen on a mass scale.
That’s why the President and I had been so insistent that we deliver more relief… and now
we are.
On March 11, the President signed the American Rescue Plan into law. It’s easily the most
ambitious relief package since the Great Depression, and it includes a slate of programs that
will help people make it to the other side of this pandemic. There’s funding to immunize
people, to help people with their rent and mortgages, and to send $1,400-dollar checks to
most families in the country.
There are a lot of very tired Treasury employees who’ve spent much of the last 19 days (and
nights) figuring out how to get this money out the door – and doing so in a way that
prioritizes the people who need it the most. We’ve been very focused on that – and not just
for programs in this rescue plan, but for all the pandemic relief programs that existed
The Paycheck Protection Program is probably the one you’re most familiar with. PPP was
supposed to be an early lifeline, but because of issues with the program’s design, the first
rounds o en didn’t reach the smallest businesses, which are disproportionately Hispanicowned.[4] We’re addressing that now and tweaking how we implement the program. It’s
allowing us to reach millions more microbusinesses and entrepreneurs especially in rural
and low-income areas.
With the passage of the rescue plan, we will thankfully avoid economic scarring on a mass
scale. At the end of the day, it will probably still be true that the pandemic economy followed



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Virtual Legislative …

the historic trend – and hit the Hispanic community harder than many other groups. But
when we look back at the data, I don’t believe the e ects will be as long-lasting as they
would’ve otherwise. I think people will be ready to bounce back.
In fact, I expect we’ll be back at full employment by next year, and if history is any guide,
Hispanic-owned businesses will drive a large portion of the recovery. From 2007 to 2012 –
years that roughly track the Great Recession and the immediate rebound – the number of
Latino-owned businesses grew by 3.3%. It doesn’t sound like much until you see that, during
the same period, Non-Latino owned businesses declined by 3.6%.[5] And a er 2012, the
number of new Latino-owned business grew at more than twice the national average.[6]
I want you to know: I am confident Hispanic entrepreneurs can lead us out of a crisis again. I
know Hispanic workers can power our recovery – potentially in an even bigger way than a
decade ago – so long as we remove some of the longstanding barriers that have been in your
When it comes to the Hispanic community, there is such a frustrating irony in the historic
data: On the one hand, this community outperforms in the creation of new businesses. On
the other, you have less access to capital to create and grow them in the first place. One
study looked at national banks and their loan approval rates for white- and Latino-owned
firms. The approval rate for Latino-owned companies was 60% lower – and that’s even when
controlling for how the business was performing.[7]
We know that Latinos – and especially Latinas – are overrepresented in the ranks of essential
workers, the people who have kept our country afloat this past year. But we also know that
support has not been returned in kind. Before the pandemic, Latinas accounted for 17
percent of the women in the labor force. Since the pandemic began, they’ve accounted for 27
percent of women who’ve le it. I believe a major cause is the burden of childcare.
We need to unwind this frustrating irony. We need to give you the support you need.
We have begun to do some of this. The American Rescue Plan, for example, includes funding
so essential workers can pay for childcare. And at Treasury, we’re gearing up to inject $12
billion dollars into Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository
Institutions. It’s more money than has flowed through these programs since their creation in
the ‘90s, and I think it will make a meaningful di erence in the ability Latino-owned firms to
access capital.



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Virtual Legislative …

But this is just a start, and I need your help. I think this speech probably demonstrated that
we have access to some very detailed economic data at Treasury, but there’s no replacement
for the deep, personal knowledge you have. You know what it feels like to open shop and
scale up in you communities. We need to understand that, too.
Good policymaking requires that we understand the humanity beneath the data, and I’m
hoping you can help us there. I’ve been holding virtual roundtables with all sorts of
business-related groups since taking o ice. It’s something my team and I are going to
continue to do. Please come. Tell us your challenges; tell us where we can do better; how
we can clarify guidance or provide technical assistance.
If work together, then I am confident that when someone looks back at the economic data
around the pandemic, they won’t simply conclude that Hispanic workers and businesses
were the victims of the 2020 economy. They’ll see that they were builders of a better one in
2021 and beyond.
Thank you.
