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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Roxbury Community College in Boston, Massachusetts | U.S. …

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Roxbury
Community College in Boston, Massachusetts
January 10, 2024

As Prepared for Delivery
Good a ernoon. Thank you, President Jenkins-Scott, for the introduction. Iʼm very glad to be
here in Boston with Governor Healey and Mayor Wu to tour Roxbury Community College and
see its groundbreaking energy projects and student training programs.
I learned while touring that RCC has a “tri-level renewable solution.” It uses geothermal wells
to circulate fluid deep below the ground then push it back up to cool the facility in the summer
months. These wells sit below a parking lot with electric vehicle charging stations. And the
parking lot sits below a canopy of solar panels that generate energy for the campus.
Solutions put in place across the campus are estimated to create savings of up to $800,000
per year for RCC. Those are funds being freed up to better serve students. At the same time,
the solutions are shrinking RCCʼs carbon footprint by an estimated over 5 million pounds of
carbon dioxide annually. Iʼm here because this is a model for what we are seeing more and
more of around the country due to Biden Administration policies: solutions that cut costs—
for schools, businesses, and families—while advancing our nationʼs climate and energy
security goals.
In my remarks today, Iʼll talk about these policies and where theyʼre leading. But first, at the
start of this new year, let me step back to talk about how far weʼve come over the past twelve
Instead of the recession many predicted, during the first three quarters of 2023, annualized
growth of the U.S. economy averaged around 3 percent. Inflation is now near 3 percent and
the prices of many key goods have fallen, from televisions—down 28 percent from their peak,
to used cars and trucks—down 11 percent. Gasoline prices are down too—by around $1.90 per
gallon from June 2022.
The typical middle-class American household now has more wealth, higher earnings, and more
purchasing power than before the pandemic. Because wages have risen more than prices since



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Roxbury Community College in Boston, Massachusetts | U.S. …

2019, the median family can today buy the same basket of goods and services as in 2019, but
now with nearly $1,000 le over to save or spend. Household consumption has also been
strong as families put their extra income and accumulated pandemic-era savings back into the
This is due to the Biden Administrationʼs policies—beginning with the American Rescue Plan
and continuing with a historic trifecta of legislation: the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the
CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act.
But despite how far weʼve come, we know significant work remains to be done. For too many
families, prices for goods that matter—such as groceries, rents, and prescription drugs—are
high. At the Treasury Department and across the Administration, weʼre using all tools at our
disposal to bring these costs down so that families have more breathing room.
This starts with healthcare. The Biden Administration has already capped insulin costs for
Americans on Medicare at $35 per month, meaning an individual will save $500 per year on
average. Weʼre lowering the price of prescription drugs for seniors. Thatʼs estimated to create
savings of $400 per year.
Energy costs also pose significant challenges for American families, including families in New
England. Here in Massachusetts, itʼs estimated that households using natural gas, or over half
of Bay State households in 2021, will spend $900 this winter. Households using oil, one in four
households in 2021, will spend over $2,000. Using electricity instead of fuel oil to heat your
home here can save over $1,000 a year. Using electricity instead of propane can save you more
than $800. Thatʼs money parents can use for other daily expenses or put toward their kidsʼ
college education or their own retirement.
And reliance on gas and oil for heating isnʼt just expensive—itʼs energy insecure. When prices
spike due to geopolitical events, consumers are on the hook to pay unless government acts
quickly. We saw this in 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine. The Biden Administration
responded rapidly, releasing 180 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and
working with a coalition of partners to put in place a novel price cap on Russian oil. This kept
global energy markets well-supplied and costs lower than they could have been.
But Americans are still vulnerable to future volatility. The pain is o en most acute for lower
income and middle-class families, including those living paycheck to paycheck. For them,
energy—electricity, heating fuel, and gasoline—account for a significant share of their
monthly budgets. An oil price shock can mean choosing whether to put food on the table or



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Roxbury Community College in Boston, Massachusetts | U.S. …

stay warm, while shi ing to clean energy means families will be better shielded from global
events and more energy independent.
Weʼre working to address energy costs and volatility, including through the Inflation
Reduction Act. The IRA is the most important climate and energy law in U.S. history. Itʼs
driving changes in how America produces and consumes energy, including through tax
incentives. Some of these tax breaks support manufacturers—and theyʼre working, boosting
investment in factories across the U.S. that produce solar panels, batteries, and electric
vehicles. Other provisions support the deployment of clean power generation—resulting in a
record year for solar power plant additions in 2023. Since the start of the Administration,
companies have announced over $600 billion in manufacturing and clean energy investments.
And over the past year, Iʼve seen these investments firsthand, such as in November, when I
traveled to North Carolina to tour the countryʼs largest lithium hydroxide production facility
and see new cutting-edge lithium products that will power the domestic electric vehicle
supply chain. And because itʼs now cheaper to produce clean energy and manufacture clean
energy products here in the United States, production will increase and costs will drop over
time. This will make clean energy even more a ordable for American consumers, and for
consumers globally.
But the IRA is also about lowering costs for American families in the short-term, allowing
them to shrink and stabilize their energy bills right away, and itʼs this Iʼd like to talk about now.
The IRA provides taxpayers a tax credit of $150 to put toward energy audits of their homes.
These assessments can serve as roadmaps for determining where youʼll see the highest rate
of return on your energy-e iciency investments—whether thatʼs replacing windows or doors
or installing better insulation.
You can use other IRA credits to o set up to $1,200 for these improvements. New windows
and doors may not be high tech, but they can result in significant, immediate cost savings.
You can also discount by up to 30 percent the cost of putting solar panels on your roof or
batteries in your garage to store the energy those panels produce.
You can get up to $2,000 for installing a heat pump. That allows you to shi from oil or gasbased heat to electricity instead. You can also take advantage of rebates for water heaters,
home insulation, and many other energy-e icient home improvements at the time of sale and
covering 100 percent of relevant costs for low-income households. This is alongside a
generous state program for rebates here in Massachusetts.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Roxbury Community College in Boston, Massachusetts | U.S. …

The popularity of heat pumps is growing. Heat pump sales exceeded the sales of gas furnaces
in the United States in 2022 for the first time. Weʼre also seeing growing demand around the
world—including in Eastern Europe, where countries including Poland have sought to reduce
their reliance on Russian-supplied gas. As the IRAʼs incentives drive down costs of clean
energy technologies over time, theyʼll help our allies and trading partners continue making
progress toward meeting their climate, energy security, and a ordability goals, too.
Beyond energy, you can save up to $7,500 when purchasing an electric vehicle.
And for these credits, thereʼs no lifetime limit: for the home energy credits in particular, you
can claim the credit every year you make improvements for the next decade.
And Iʼll briefly mention thereʼs support not just for households, but for others, from incentives
for landlords and developers for energy-e iciency improvements to certain multifamily
buildings to funds for states and local governments to update building codes.
We know itʼs not enough merely to create credits, so weʼre also working to make accessing
them as easy as possible. For example, starting just last week, consumers can transfer their
clean vehicle credit to the dealer in exchange for a discount when they buy their car. This
means you donʼt have to wait to claim the credit on your tax return—you get an upfront
Thanks to IRA funding, access to credits will also be supported by the massive modernization
of the Internal Revenue Service, which is helping taxpayers get the support they need. This
filing season, which starts next week, increased support to taxpayers will include call lines
with wait times of five minutes or less and expanded in-person assistance at centers around
the country.
Iʼll end by addressing another exciting development I saw here at Roxbury Community College
today, one thatʼs also at the heart of President Bidenʼs economic agenda. Building our cleanenergy future requires a skilled workforce, and RCCʼs Center for Smart Building Technology
provides training so students can green the buildings of the future with technologies that are
environmentally sustainable and low cost. Similar programs are increasingly emerging at
community colleges across the country, and beyond community colleges, as I saw when I
visited the IBEW training center in Nevada last summer on the one-year anniversary of the
IRAʼs passage.
This focus on workforce development reflects President Bidenʼs commitment to building our
economy from the middle out and bottom up. You shouldnʼt need a four-year college degree



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Roxbury Community College in Boston, Massachusetts | U.S. …

to support your family. IRA-related investments are going to the communities that need them
most—communities that have historically been le behind—creating jobs for workers who
may not have college degrees. And through IRA provisions like the prevailing wage and
apprenticeship requirements and this Administrationʼs support to unions, weʼre fighting to
make sure these jobs are good ones.
Being here today is inspiring. The Inflation Reduction Act makes what happened at Roxbury
Community College—cost savings that also propel us toward a clean energy future—possible,
for Massachusetts residents and for middle-class Americans across the country. Weʼve already
driven a historic recovery, and now weʼre focused on easing financial pressures on American
families. The IRA provides us with a pathway to do just that, and I look forward to seeing the
transformation itʼll drive.
